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Succeed- ing in this, I found myself so interested in the valuable discoveries I had made that I continued the work until I had established the several lines which are here recorded, from early Colonial days to the Revolution — five generations — culminating in my grandparents. Carrying the record on down was an afterthought, and a work of slow growth, but I met with hearty response and encouragement. If the work is faulty in construction, it may be depended upon as reliable. All that is written has been well authenticated. It is not for the public, but for the family, that they may know from whom they come and to bring the Uving members into better acquaintance, a closer Relationship and for the benefit of future genera- tions. If I have not encountered any millionaires or geniuses of world-wide renown, neither have I met with a single criminal, drunkard, insane, feeble-minded or deformed person, either among the " Ancestors " or the " Descendants." A moral and religious tone is promi- nent all along the way. The Ancestors all came from England between 1620 and 1640, and not until the seventh generation was there a single intermarriage with foreign blood nor a double name. We may truly call ours a thoroughly American family. The sources from which information has been drawn are : The Hyde, Huntington and Dana Genealogies, " Savage's Genealogical Dictionary," Miss Calkins' " His- tory of Norwich, Conn.," Charles Miner's " History of Wyoming," Stiles' " Ancient Windsor," " History of Lebanon," general histories and cyclopedias, colonial and town records, family Bibles, tombstones, old letters, and from members of the four different branches of the family still living. I wish, in conclusion, to thank all who have given me help and encouragement, and especially to acknowledge my obligation to my cousin, William Herschel Hyde, Sr., who so generously supplied the means for the publica- tion of this book. HARRIETTE HYDE WELLS. April I, 1904. INTRODUCTION. The following extracts are from Miss Calkins' " His- tory of Norwich, Conn. : " " In 1659 a company of thirty-five men formed an asso- ciation and purchased a tract of land nine miles square in the southeast corner of Connecticut of Uncas, Chief of the Mohegans, upon the moderate terms of seventy pounds, as Uncas was under great obligations to Thomas Leffingwell, one of the company, who went to his relief with provisions when besieged by the Narragansetts. They settled there in 1660, and called the town ' Norwich.' " The ' town plot ' originally consisted of one long, irregular street, winding around the hills, and following the course of the Yantic, and was sheltered for the greater part of the way on either side by abrupt and rocky, but well wooded hills. A broad street or highway was opened through this valley, on either side of which the ' house lots ' were ranged. " The house lots comprised each a block of several acres, and were in general river lands, favorable for mowing, pasture and tillage, the first proprietors being, with scarcely a single exception, agriculturists and farmers. " Near the center of the town plot an open square was left for public buildings and military parades and drills. This was known as ' The Green.' Here stood the first meeting-house, of which the Rev. James Fitch was the minister. " There was a peculiarity in the foundation of Nor- wich that distinguishes it from most other settlements in this part of the country. It did not begin in a random, fragmentary way, receiving accessories from this quarter and that, till it gradually grew into a compact form and stable condition, but came upon the ground a town and a church. " The inhabitants were not a body of adventurers, but a hardy race of Puritans, who sat down with a determina- tion to make the wilderness smile around them, to build up the institutions of religion and education, and to leave their children members of a secure and cultivated community. " They were a fearless and resolute people, most of them being men of tried fortitude and experience, upright and devout, industrious and enterprising. Though assembled from many different places, they were bound together by a common faith, a common interest and a common danger. They were an associated body, both in their civil and religious capacity, and only a few weeks were necessary to give them the form and stability of a well-ordered society. " In the early days of the township the inhabitants labored hard, but every man was ready to help his neigh- bor Trespasses were rare, a grand decorum of manner prevailed, sympathy, kindly counsel and friendly assist- ance softened the rigors of the wilderness, and the hearts of all were strengthened with the constant cheer of gospel promises. " All the enactments and proceedings of these fathers of the town, all we can gather concerning them from record or tradition, exhibits a well-organized community, a people bold, earnest, thoughtful, with the ring of true metal in all their transactions." Of these thirty-five " original proprietors " of Norwich, the following are among the Ancestors of Moses Hyde or Sarah Dana: Francis Griswold. Simon and Christopher Huntington, brothers. Hugh Calkins and his son, John. Thomas Leffingwell. Thomas Tracy. William Hyde and his son, Samuel. Other lines are: Rockwell, Clark, Marvin, Winslow, Royce and Lee. It is unfortunate that so little is told about the wives of many of these early settlers ; sometimes only the Chris- tian name is given, and there is no clue by which to trace them farther. H. H. W. ANCESTRAL LINES OF SARAH DANA. GRISWOLD LINE. 1 EDWARD and Matthezv Griswold were b. at Kenil- worth, in Warwickshire, England. Accord- ing to a deposition in the State records of Hartford, Edward was b. in 1607. They emi- grated to this country about 1640. Edward brought with him a wife, Margaret, and four children. He settled at Windsor and was Representative from that place 1658- 61. In 1664 he removed to Killingsworth as one of the leaders in the settlement of that place and was its first Representative, and, no doubt, gave name to the place, Killings- worth, answering to the popular pronuncia- tion of his native place in England. In 1678, when the County Court took the conditions of the schools into consideration, he represented Killingsworth in a committee of six " to see what could be done towards establishing a Latin school at New Haven.*' His son, Francis, brother, Matthew, and himself were Representatives in one court. He d. in 1691. Nothing can be learned of his wife, except that her name was Margaret. (i) Edward. 2 FRANCIS, b. in England, 1632. It does not appear who he married. Not even the Christian name of his wife is mentioned, but she had four children b. at Saybrook. In 1660 he removed to Norwich and there were b. five other children. Francis' home lot consisted of seven acres, and extended from the street to the river. There was but little fluctuation in the higher public offices of that period. A candi- date once chosen and found to be competent and faithful, was generally continued in office. The election of deputies was semi-annual, but for the first eleven years the choice, with only two exceptions, was restricted to four per- sons, Francis Griswold, Thomas Leffingwell, Thomas Tracy and Hugh Calkins. \y In 1662 Thomas Tracy, Thomas Adgate and Francis Griswold were chosen, with the " Townsman," to try all cases to the value of 40s. These formed a " Court of Commis- sion." Francis Griswold must also have been active in military affairs, for he was styled "Lieut." He d. Oct., 1671, from an acute disease, leaving seven children, between the ages of a few days and eighteen years. Thomas Adgate and John Post acted as guardians of the minor children. 3 John, b. 1634, d. 1642. 4 Sarah, b. 1636, m. Samuel Phelps. 5 George, b. 1638. (These four in England.) 6 Anne, b. at Windsor, 1642. 7 Manj, bap. Oct., 1644, m. Timothy Phelps. 8 Deborah, b. June 28, 1646, m. Samuel Bucll. 9 Joseph, b. March 12, 1648. 10 Sanmel, bap. Nov. 18, 1649, d. 1673. 11 John, b. Aug., 1652. These children were the progenitors of many distinguished people, who are to be found in all parts of the United States. lO (2) Francis. 12 Sarah, b. March 28, 1653, m. Robert Chapman, of Saybrook, June 27, 1671. 13 Joseph, b. June 4, 1655, d. in infancy. 14 Mary, b. Aug. 26, 1656, m. (i) Jonathan Tracij, (2) Elcaner Jewett. 15 Hannah, b. Dec. 11, 1658, m. IVilUam Clark. 16 Deborah, b. iMay, 1661, m. Jonathan Crane, of Kill- ingsworth, a very wealthy and influential man. 17 Lydxa, b. 1663, d. in infancy. 18 SAMUEL, b. Sept., 1665, m. Susannah, dau. of the first Christopher Huntington, Dec. 10, 1685. Miss Calkins says: ''Samuel Griswold became a married man at the age of twenty, following his sisters in the flowing stream of youthful connections. Young people in those days, scarcely waiting to reach maturity, chose their partners and marched on with rapid and joyous steps to the temple of Hymen." The wedding of Samuel and Susannah took place on her 17th birthday. He d. Dec. 9, 1740. His gravestone bears the following epitaph : " Here lies interred ye Remains of Capt Sam- uel Griswold the first Captain of the 2nd Company of train bands in Norwich. He was born in Norwich Septr 1665 and died on ye 9th day of Dccembr 1740 in the 76th year of his age." II 19 Margaret, b. Oct., 1668, m. Thomas Buckingham Dec. 16, 1691. 20 Lydia, b. Oct., 1671. " Twenty-three Griswolds had, in 1834, been graduated at Yale, and seven at other New England Colleges." (18) Samuel. 21 Francis, b. Sept. 9, 1691. 22 Samuel, b. Feb. 8, 1693. 23 LYDIA, b. May 28, 1696, m. Caleb Huntington, her second cousin, a grandson of Simon, the Deacon, Jan. 28, 1720. 24 Hannah, b. April 13, 1699, 25 Sarah, h. Jan. 19, 1701. 26 /o/m, b. Dec. 16, 1703. 27 Joseph, b. Oct. 17, 1706. 28 Daniel, b. April 25, 1709, d. 1724. HUNTINGTON LINES. Simon. 29 Simou Huntington was b. in Norwich, England, and ni. there Margaret Barct, daii. of Christopher Baret, Mayor of Norwich 1634 and 1648. He d. while on the voyage to this country in 1633 of smallpox and was buried at sea. His removal to this country is ascribed to the persecutions which Non-conformists were subjected to during the high-handed adminis- tration of Laud and the ist Charles. (All of our Ancestors came over during that period.) The family of Sim.on consisted of his wife, four sons and one daughter, William, Thomas, Christopher, Simon and Ann. The first record of this family is found in the church records of Roxbury, Mass., and in the handwriting of John Eliot himself, the pastor of that ancient church. It is a " Record of such as adjoined themselves unto the fel- lowship of the church of Christ at Roxbury, as also such children as were born to them under the covenant of this church who are most properly the seed of the church." Of Margaret Baret, it is recorded: "Mar- garet Huntington, w'idow, came in 1633. II cr husband died of smallpox by the way. She brought children with her." It is a pity the number is not given, but subsequent events establish them beyond dis- 13 piite as above. She subsequently married Thomas Stoughton, of Dorchester, Mass., and moved to Windsor. (29) Simon. 30 William appears in Salisbury, Mass., as early as 1640. He m. Joanna, dau. of John Bayley. He was a religious man and a man of enterprise. He is recorded as drawing lands " by lot " and he received several grants of land. He d. about 1 68 1. 31 Thomas resided at Windsor, Conn., where he pur- chased land in 1656. He m. first a dau. of William Swain, of Wethersfield, and second, Hannah, dau. of Jasper Crane. The fathers of both of these wives were leading men, both in civil and religious affairs. On account of dissensions with regard to the union of the New Haven and Connecticut Colonies, he, with a number of others, removed to the banks of the Passaic and there laid the foundation of the city of New- ark, N. J., where Thomas became a prominent man, fiUing several offices of trust faithfully and successfully. 32 CHRISTOPHER accompanied his mother to Wind- sor, Conn., where he must have passed his youth. He m. Oct. 7, 1652, Ruth, dau. of William Rockwell, "a prominent and highly- respected member of the community/' He removed in the spring of 1654 to Say- brook. In the spring of 1660 he joined the colony who had organized themselves into a church, under the Rev. James Fitch, and 14 removed to the valley of the Yantic, and, with his brother, Simon, aided in laying the foundation of the new town of Norwich. " He had now reached the prime of his manhood and proved himself one of the most efficient and useful of those hardy pioneers. His name occurs often in the earlier records of this enterprising town and always in honor- able relations." His home lot was one of the prominent localities in the settlement. In 1668 the " General Court " granted him " 100 acres of land, not more than 20 acres of it to be meadows." In 1678 he was appointed town clerk. In 1685 he was one of the twelve patentees of the new town of Nor- wich. In 1686 his name appears as one of the committee " to make provision for maintain- ing the Rev. Minister." He d. in 1691, as appears from the probate of his will. " He sleeps, doubtless, not far from the banks of the pleasant Yantic, in the meadow, where rest, unmarked, the mortal remains of so many of the pioneers and early settlers of Norwich." 33 Simon, " the Deacon," like his brother, Christopher, spent his youth with his mother in Windsor. He was b. at Norwich, England, and was, therefore, about four years old when the family came to this country. He seems to have possessed the spirit and shared the fortunes of his brother, Christo- pher. They appear together in Saybrook, where, in Oct., 1653, he m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Chirk, of Windsor, and later of Saybrook. 15 In 1660 he joined the colonists who settled Norwich and " thenceforward stands among the first of that important settlement, both in church and State." He was the first deacon chosen in Norwich. His home lot occupied a prominent posi- tion on the public square a short distance from his brother, Christopher's, and a portion of it was, in 1863, still in the possession of his descendants of the same name. The records show him to have been a large landholder, and in worldly matters an enter- prising and successful man. He was first " Townsman," then the high- est mayoralty known, and in 1674, with Thomas Lefhngwell, represented Norwich in the General Court. He was again a member in 1685. In 1686 the town granted him and his sons thirty acres of pasture " westward of goodman Sherman." Again, in 1690 and 1696, he was the Townsman. In 1694 he was appointed a com- mittee to treat with Jabez Fitch, with respect to his helping and succeeding his father in the work of the ministry. In the same year he was also appointed to search out and report on the deficiencies of the records. In 1696 he was one of a committee " to seat the meeting-house," (People were " seated " according to their rank and posi- tion, the highest and most important nearest the minister and in the square pews.) In 1700 he was appointed on a commission to deed anew lands upon whose titles disputes had arisen or were likely to arise. i6 On Jan. 4, 1692, he deeded to his son, Joseph, " My whole right, title and interest in and unto one thousand acre interest; on one allotment in the new plantation above Norwich, that was willed by Joshua, son of Uncas, being in the South West quarter of said plantation." Other deeds are recorded, proving him to have been a large landholder. Deacon Huntington d. at Norwich June 28, 1706. His wife d. 1721, aged 88 years. There seems to have been no public bury- ing ground in Norwich until 171 5. People buried their dead on their own private grounds. But at last the town secured an acre and a half from Samuel Huntington for " a common burial place." The first persons known to have been interred here were Deacon Simon Huntington and his grandson, of the same name, who was killed by the bite of a rattlesnake. Headstones of rough granite have their inscriptions still legible (1863), ^^i^, with one other, are the oldest gravestones in the town. Deacon Simon's is as follows : DEACON SI MOW HUKT i:ngton DY ED JVISE ye 28, 1706 ^ 77. 17 Deacon Simon left an estate appraised at £275. The inventory of his books may be worth quoting as a specimen of what was doubtless a fair library for a layman in 1706: " A great Bible, los. Another great bible, 8s. Rogers his seven treatises, 5s. A practi- cal Catecise, , is. 6d. William Dyer, is. Mr. Moody's Book, 8d. Thomas Hooker's Doubting Christian, gd. New England Psalm Book, is. Mr. Adams' Sarmon. The bound book of Mr. Fitch and John Rogers, 2s. The same unbound, 8d. The Day of Doom, lod." 34 Ann. Of this only daughter of Simon and Mar- garet Huntington no further record has been found. She probably died young. (32) Christopher. 35 Christopher, b. 1656, d. in infancy. 36 Ruth, b. 1656, d. in infancy. 37 Ruth, b. April, 1658, m. Samiicll Pratt, of Norwich, i68i. 38 Christopher, b. at Norwich, 1660, being "the first born of males in the town." He became a man of note. 39 Thomas, b. March 18, 1664, m. Elizabeth Backus. 40 John. b. March 15, 1666, m. Abigail Lathrop. 41 SUSANNAH, b. at Norwich, Dec, 1668, m. Dec. 10, 1685, Capt. Samuel Griszvold, son of Lieut. Francis Griszvold. She d. at Norwich, March 6, 1727. 42 Lydia, b. Aug., 1672. 43 Ann, b. Oct., 1675, m. Oct., 1689, Jonathan Bingham. i8 (33) Simon the Deacon. 44 Sarah, b. at Saybrook, Aug., 1654, m. Dr. Solomon Tracy, son of Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 45 Mary, b. at Saybrook, Aug., 1657, m. Mr. Forbes. 46 Simon, b. at Saybrook, Feb., 1659, m. Lydia Gagcr Oct. 8, 1683. Simon inherited his father's piety and gifts and succeeded him in the dea- conship, and was also much engaged in the civil affairs of the town with marked ability. 47 Joseph, b. at Norwich, Sept., 1661, m. Rebecca, dau. of Deacon Thomas Adgate, and went the same year with its founders to Windham, where he became prominent in religious and secular affairs. He d. there in 1749. 48 Elicabefh, h. 1664. d. in infancy. 49 SAMUEL, b. at Norwich, March i, 1665, m. Oct. 29, 1686, Mary Clark, of Wethersfield. In 1700 he sold his home lot and moved to Lebanon. He was a large landholder, both in Norwich and Lebanon, and was active in all public affairs, and for his services as military man- ager he was entered on the records as " Lieu- tenant," " a title in those days won only by a true martial bearing, and intended as a most honorable distinction." In 1687, Feb. 13, the town of Norwich granted him a parcel of land at Trading Cove Brook, by his father's, " to be laid out by measure 30 or 40 rods wide, the length of his father's land." He d. at Lebanon, May 10, 1717. 50 Elicabeth, b. Oct. 6, 1669, m. April 9, 1690, Joseph Backus. 51 Natlianiel, b. 1672, d. young. 19 52 Daniel, b, March 13, 1675, m. (i) Abigail Bingham, (2) Rachel Wolcott, d. Sept. 13, 1741. 53 James, b. May 18, 1680, m. Priscilla Miller. He was one of that trio of Hiintingtons of whom Miss Calkins says : " In the early part of the 1 8th century there were perhaps no more distinguished men in the town." (49) Samuel. 54 Elizabeth, b. at Norwich, April 24, 1688, m. Moses Clark, of Lebanon. Their son, James Clark, was a captain in the Revolution and fought at Bunker Hill. 55 Samuel, b. Aug. 28, 1691, m. Hannah Metcalf, d. 1787, aged 96. 56 CALEB, b. at Norwich, Feb., 1693, m. Jan, 28, 1720, Lydia Grisivold, his second cousin, granddau. Christopher Huntington ist. 57 Mary, b. Oct. i, 1696, d. 1712. 58 Rebecca, b. 1698, m. Joseph Clark. 59 Sarah, b. Oct. 22, 1701. 60 John, b. at Lebanon, May 17, 1706, m. Mehitable Metcalf. 61 Simon, b. Aug. 15, 1708, m. Sarah Huntington, 1735, d. Aug. 22, 1753. (56) Caleb 62 Caleb, b. June 9, 1721, m. Feb. 6, 1747, Zerviah Case. 63 Lydia, b. Dec. 3, 1722. 64 Elisha, b. April 25, 1724. 65 Elijah, b. April 25, 1724. Elisha, m. Elizabeth Denison, 1749. Elijah, m. Abigail Dana, d. 1816. 20 66 Abner, b. March 6, 1726, m. Mary Whitman, of Nor- wich, d. at New Haven, 1816. 67 /fl"/t-^, b. April 25, 1728, m. Hannah Marsh. " He was several summers the ' town shep- herd,' and was so consciencious that he refused to take care of the sheep on Sunday, and a boy was employed by the town to attend to that duty." He d. at Orange, Vt. 68 SUSANNAH, b. June 23, 1730, m. Anderson Dana, June 5, 1757. Although this woman rendered such heroic service at the massacre of Wyom- ing as to cause her name to appear in the front rank of the brave women of that period, no record can be found of when or where she died. 69 Ecckici b. Aug. 2, 1732. 70 Daniel, b. Feb. 3, 1737. These children were second cousins to Samuel Huntington, signer of " The Declara- tion of Independence." Very many other distinguished men have descended from Christopher and Simon Huntington. DANA LINE. The Danas are supposed to be of Italian origin. They are traced from Italy to France, among the Huguenots with whose religious views they were in sympathy. They did not remain long in France, but pushed on to England, from whence one Richard soon came to America. We learn of only one besides Richard in England. Wil- liam, who seems without doubt to have been Richard's father, and that Richard was his only son. Rufus W. Griswold says, in his " Poets and Poetry of America," that " William Dana, Esquire, was sherifTf of Middlesex during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Their only descendant at that time living, Richard Dana, came to America about the middle of the seventeenth century, and settled at Cambridge, then called Newtown, near Boston." Another authority says he settled at what is now the town of Brighton, Mass., in 1640. The only Danas in England now are the few descendants of Rev. Edmund Dana, who wenl from this country about the time of the Revolution, probably because of his Tory proclivities. There are still Danas in Italy, as ascertained by Charles A. Dana, editor New York Sun. He says they possess the same characteristics 22 of the family in this country, being of a Hterary and scientific turn of mind. One whom he met is a professor of some emi- nence in one of the ItaHan colleges. 71 RICHARD, the progenitor of the many celebrated men of that name in America, came, probably, in 1640, to Massachusetts. He m. Ann Bill- iard, of whose history nothing further can be ascertained. They had twelve children. He d. from a fall in his barn, April 2, 1690. Thirteen of his descendants had been gradu- ated at Harvard, and thirteen at other New England colleges in 1839. (71) Richard. 72 John, b. Dec. 15, 1649, ^- ^^ infancy. /T, Hannah, b. March 8, 1651, m. Samuel Oldham. 74 Sainitci b. Aug. 13, 1653, d. next month. 75 JACOB, b. Dec. 2, 1654, at Cambridge, m. Patience , d. 1699. No date of marriage or full name of wife can be found. 76 Joseph, b. March 21, 1656, m. Mary Gobcll. J7 Ahiah, b. March 21, d. young. 78 Benjamin, b. Feb. 20, 1660, m. Mary Buckmaster, May 24, 1688. Among the descendants of Benjamin were Rev. Joseph Dana, minister of Ipswitch for sixty years, and who followed nine hundred of his parishioners to their graves. Judge Judah Dana, U. S. Senator from Maine, and his son, John Winchester Dana, Gov. of Maine, 1847-50. Capt. James Dana, who was wounded at Bunker Hill, and others active in the Revolution. 23 79 ElicabcfJi, b. Feb. 20, 1662, m. Daniel Woodward. 80 Daniel, b. March 20, 1663, at Cambridge, m. Naomi Crosivcll. In the line of Daniel we find one Richard, who was one of the " Sons of Liberty." He was an eminent jurist, and it was before him that Andrew Oliver made oath that he would take no measures to enforce the Stamp Act, and by affixing his name to the oath Richard rendered himself liable to the penalty of treason. Richard's son, Francis Dana, was our first minister to Russia, and he rendered many other valuable services to his country. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of William Ellery, signer of the Declaration of Independence. One of their daughters m. the celebrated painter, Wash- ington Allston. Their son, Richard Henry Dana, was the founder of the North American Review, and a writer of note. His son, Richard H. Dana, Jr., was the author of " Two Years before the Mast." His son, the third Richard H., a well known Boston lawyer, m. a dau. of Longfellow. 81 Deliverance, b. May 8, 1667. 82 Sarah, h. Jan. i, 1669, d. Jan. 11, 1670. 83 Sarah, 2d, b. Jan. i, 1671, m. Samuel Hyde, l^^ (75) Jacob. 84 lacoh, b. Oct. 12, 1679, d. young. 85 Elizabeth, b. 1682, m. John Reed. 86 Hannah, b. Oct. 25, 1685, m. Jonathan Hyde. 87 Experience, b. Nov. i, 1687. 24 88 Samuel, b. Sept. 7, 1694, m. (i) Abigail Gay, (2) Susannah Starr, (3) Mary Summer. 89 Abigail, no dates found. 90 JACOB, b. 1698, m. Abigail , about 1722. Like his father name of wife not known. They Hved at Pomfret, Conn. They after- wards moved to Ashford, Conn., where he d. This Jacob Dana was one of a committee to propound to a clergyman, suspected of heresy, the tremendous question, " Sir, don't you think a cliild brings sin enough into the world to condemn it forever?" To which the suspected clergyman replied frankly, " I do not," whence followed his immediate deposition. (90) Jacob. 91 Experience, b. April 20, 1723, d. Nov. 30, 1781. 92 Mary, b. May 29, 1725. 93 Abigail, h. April 16, 1727. 94 Jacob, b. 1729. 95 Zerz'iaJi, b. 1731, d. same year. 96 Zerviah, 2d. b. March 19. 1733, m. Samuel Green. 97 ANDERSON, b. Oct. 26, 1735, m. Susannah Hunt- ington, June 5, 1757, was killed at the battle of Wyoming, July 3, 1778. 98 Experience, b. Oct. 6, 1737, m. Jonathan Hyde. 99 J^ebecca. b. 1739. 100 .Sarah, 1). 1741, m. Saiiiuel Ilydc. lui Priscilla, b. 1743. 102 Eleanor, b. 1745. The following thrilling story of Anderson Dana and his family is taken from Charles Miner's " History of Wyoming," published in 25 1 845- He spent several years collecting material, and much of his information was obtained from those who participated in or witnessed the events he recorded. The story of this Dana family was told him by Anderson Dana, Jr., who was thirteen at the time these events occurred, and in his seventies when he related them to Mr. Miner. There can be no doubt that this is the correct account. Grandchildren of Sarah are still living (1904), who will remember her telling the same story. "Anderson Dana was a lawyer of handsome attainments." He had a pleasant home and fine prospects in Ashford, Conn. But in 1772, he determined to join the colony that had formed a settlement at Wilkesbarre, West- moreland town (now in Penn., but then it be- longed to Conn, tho' so far away). This Wyoming Valley stretched along the banks of the beautiful Susquehannah. " With her eighth child in her arms, not yet two months old, and a little boy of only three summers holding on, as they journeyed on horseback, the mother rode the whole dis- tance, some three hundred miles into the wilderness, the last fifty miles having only marked trees for a guide." Immediately on his arrival at Wilkesbarre, Mr. Dana took a prominent lead in matters of education and religion. " It is a pleasure to trace in the old records, the noble impress of his Puritan zeal on both subjects." His oldest son Daniel was soon returned to Connecticut to prepare for Yale. 26 There for six years the Dana family pros- pered. The young schoohnaster, Stephen W'hiton, became a favorite visitor in the home, " because to a fine person he united pleasing manners, pure morals, and he was a scholar." He wooed and won the oldest daughter, Eunice. Mr. Dana was much engaged in public affairs, and was elected to represent West- moreland in the Connecticut Assembly at the trying period of the Revolution. Returning from Hartford near the end of June, 1778, and realizing the danger that was threatening the valley, although exempt from military duty, he mounted his horse and rode from place to place warning and arousing the men to come to the rescue. Troops that had been called for and started to aid the small force already there under Zebulon Butler, did not reach the valley in time, and on that fatal day, July 3. 1778, Anderson Dana went onto the field, fought valiantly, but fell, together with his young son-in-law, Stephen Whiton, whose marriage had occurred a few short months before. "A band of British troops and tories, led by Col. John Butler, cousin of Zebulon, with seven hundred savage auxiliaries, attacked and uutterly destroyed the settlement. Most of the men were slain, their houses burned and their property destroyed or carried away, and fortunate were the women and children who escaped to the wilderness and succeeded in eluding the vile grasp of the savages." Among these were Susannah Dana and her 2J children. They went first to old " Forty Fort," where many others gathered, but finally decided to seek greater safety in the forest, as there was no force to protect them if the fort were attacked. Mrs. Dana started her children on with other fugitives, then returned to her house, and " with wonderful fore- thought, knowing that her husband had in his possession valuable papers of others, as well as his own, gathered those papers into a pillow case, and with such provisions and clothing as she could take, with the aid of an old family horse, she made her way as fast as possible, and soon overtook her children. But not until they had reached Bullock's, on the mountain, ten miles away, did they learn the fate that had befallen the two husbands. There other flying fugitives brought them the horrible story, and alone, with unfaltering steps they were compelled to continue their perilous journey, amid the howling of wolves, and suffering almost unbearable discomforts, often hungry and without shelter at night, and in storms and worst of all the constant dread of being overtaken by the Indians." But for an occasional little hamlet where they in- variably received cheer and comfort, some of them must have succumbed to the weariness of that long journey. But they finally reached their old home in Ashford, a tramp of three hundred miles. We are not told how long a time it took them. The incidents by the way, many of which are live traditions in the families of those children, would fill a volume and be of thrilling interest. 28 " Few incidents in the lives of illustrious women exceed this in all the elements of true greatness." The pillow case of papers proved im- mensely helpful in the readjustment of affairs, when the settlers ventured to return to their devastated fields. A few months after their arrival at Ashford, Mrs. Whiton gave l)irth to a daughter, who in time m. Capt. Hezekiah Parsons, who was for many years " one of the most estimable citizens of Wilkesbarre." The family, as a whole, never returned to Wyoming, and no further record can be ob- tained of this most heroic mother. (97) Anderson. 103 Eunice, b. May 10, 1758, m. Stephen IVJiiton, 1778. He was killed at the battle of Wyoming a few months later. She m. (2) JosiaJi Gillett, and had six children. 104 Daniel, h. Sept. 16, 1760, m. Dolly Kibhc. He com- ])letcd his studies at Yale, as designed by his father, graduating in 1782. He was a man of learning and fine intelligence, reticent, reserved, imparting his fund of knowledge only to his most intimate friends. He lived many years in Vermont and New York, going rather late in life to Ohio, where he died, in 1841, aged 80, " having lived a life of useful- ness and leaving a memory without a stain or reproach." Charles A. Dana, Assistant Secretary of War under Lincoln, but best known as Editor 29 of the New York Sun, was a grandson of Daniel. Another grandson, Junius Dana, and family still live at Warren, Ohio, where they conduct a fine musical institute. 105 Susannah, b. Jan. 16, 1762, m. Jahc:: Fitch, had four children. 106 SARAH, b. Sept. 30, 1763, m. Moses Hyde Dec. 6, 1787, d. at Alexander, N. Y., 1856, aged 93. Sarah was given charge of what money they had and some specially valuable articles, which she carried in a little casket about ten inches long, which she never let out of her reach all the miles of that long journey, and she always kept possession of the casket until she visited her children in Mich, in 1836-9. when she gave it to her son, Milton, to pass it on down. It is now in the possession of one of his daughters. 107 Anderson, b. Aug. 11, 1765, m. Sarah Stevens. Anderson took care of himself as best he could, improving all of his opportunities for education until he was twenty-one, when he returned to Wyoming to recover his share of his father's estate, eventually buying out his younger brothers. Their land was so cen- trally located that a canal and a railroad both passed through it, and a main avenue ran on one side of it, so that much was sold in build- ing lots and for manufacturing enterprises, bringing wealth and prosperity to the family, to which the subsequent development of coal added not a little. Anderson lived to a ripe old age, and had several children, and many of his descendants are still residents of that vicinity. He was 30 active in causing the erection of a monument in memory of those who fell at the Battle of Wyoming. io8 A^ael, b. March 17, 1767, m. Rebecca Carey; had eight children. The oldest, Amasa, lived at Ithaca, N. Y., was a lawyer of prominence and member of Congress. 109 Sylvester, b. July 4, 1767, m. Anne Kimball. Imbued with his father's zeal for religion and a love of learning, he sold his patrimonial right and obtained a liberal education, gradu- ating at Yale, in 1797, in the class with Lyman Beecher and Horatio Seymour. He settled at Concord, N. H., and became a noted Presbyterian Divine. He d. in 1848, in his 80th year. His two sons, Charles H. and Sylvester, both graduated at Andover. Charles became an Episcopal minister and was rector of the church at Alexandria when the Civil War broke out. The church was turned into a hospital, and Charles ultimately drifted to the South, married and died there. Sylvester was a lawyer and judge, was living at Concord, N. H., in 1900. One dau. m. Rev. Dr. Bar- rows, the other d. unmarried. no Eleacer, b. Aug. 12, 1772, m. Polly Stevens, had eight children. Probably no other name in the United States is attached to so many celebrated men as that of Dana. They are to be found con- spicuous for activity and ability in every department of State, church, literature, sci- ence, art, law, and in every generation since the first Richard. They get to the front in SARAH DANA'S LITTLE CASKET. 31 everything they undertake, and there seems to be no great undertaking in which they do not appear. There are also many descendants of Rich- ard, men and women, of other names who have greatly distinguished themselves. As travelers, the Danas have for many years held a prominent place. " They have gone out into all the world intelligently and brought much of valuable information home to the people. What intelligent traveler has not met a Dana somewhere in his travels away from home and native land?" ANCESTRAL LINES OF MOSES HYDE. BUSHNELL LINE. 1 1 1 Richard Bushncll m. Mary Marvin, dau. of Matthew Marvin, at Hartford, Oct. ii, 1648, This is the first record we find of him. His name also appears in 1656 among the owners of home lots in Norwalk, but he is not after- wards found in the list of early settlers, and it is supposed that he became a resident of Saybrook, and d. about the year 1658. His relict appears, in 1660, at Norwich, as the wife of Thomas Adgate. Her Bushnell children were brought with her to the new settlement, and their births are found regis- tered with those of her Adgate children. 't>' (ill) Richard. 112 Joseph, b. May, 1651, m. Mary LefTingivell, Nov. 28, 1673. They had eleven children. He lived to his 96th year and his wife to her 92d. 113 Richard, b. Sept., 1652, m. Elizabeth Adgate, dau. of his stepfather by his first wife. He had two sons, Caleb and Benajah, and two daus., Anne and Elizabeth, who m. the brothers, William and John Hyde, sons of Samuel, the proprietor. kichard Bushnell was one of the most active and noted men in Norwich. He per- formed successively, if not contempora- 33 neously, the duties of townsman, constable, schoolmaster, poet, deacon, sergeant, lieuten- ant and captain, town agent, town deputy, court clerk and justice of the peace. He saw actual service in scouting against the Indians and was useful in exercising the train bands. As a clerk Mr. Bushnell exhibited an improvement upon the old forms of writing and spelling, and as a justice he decided numerous cases of debt and trespass, both for Norwich and the neighboring towns. He left quite an estate. He bequeaths to one son certain heirlooms, viz., his " double- barreled gun, silver-hilted sword and belts, ivory-headed cane and silver whistle." His epitaph is unique, and closes as follows : " As you are, So was we. But as we are You shall be." 114 Mary, b. Jan., 1654, m. Thomas Leffingzvcll, Jr., Sept., 1672, brother to her brother Joseph's wife. She lived to be over 90. LEFFINGAVELL LINE. 1 1 5 Thomas Leffingivell was a native of Croxhall, Eng- land. The exact date of his immigration has not been ascertained. In his testimony before the Court of Commissioners at Stonington, in 1705, he says he was acquainted with Uncas in the year 1637, and was knowing to the assistance rendered by the sachem to the Eng- lish then and ever after during his life. Thomas Leffingwell relieved the sachem of the Mohegans with provisions when he was besieged by the Narragansetts in his fort on Shattuck Point, and which probably led to the subsequent grant by Uncas and his associates of nine miles square, in 1659, ^^r the original township of Norwich. According to his age, as given in deposi- tions, he must have been born about 1622; therefore, at the time of the Pequot War was not more than fifteen or sixteen years of age. It appears that he came from Yorkshire at fourteen and returned to England at twenty- one, and m. there Mary White. When he returned to America he brought a younger brother, Stephen, aged fifteen, leaving several other brothers in tlie old country. The earliest notice of his name connects him with Saybrook. From the Colonial Rec- ords we learn that in March, 1650, a petition 35 was presented " from the inhabitants of Say- brook by Matthew Griswold and Thomas Leffingwell." The births of his children are recorded at Saybrook, Following Mr. Leffingwell to his new home in Norwich, 1660, we find him active and influential in the new town. He was one of the first two deputies of the town to the Gen- eral Court, in Oct., 1662, an officer of the first train band, and during Philip's War he was lieutenant under Captain Denison in his " famous band of marauders that swept so many time through Narragansett and scoured the country to the sources of the Quinne- bang." He lived to old age, but the record of his death does not give his years, and no memorial stone marks his grave. He d. about 17 10. His wife, Mary, d. Feb. 6, 171 1. (115) Thomas. 116 Rachel, b. March 17, 1648. 117 THOMAS, b. Aug. 27, 1649, ^- Mary Biishnell, Sept., 1672, d. March 5, 1723. Thomas seems to have been a man of good ability and successful in business. The inven- tory of his estate, in 1724, shows that he was richly furnished with the household comforts and conveniences of that period, also with articles of luxury and elegance. " He had furniture and linen in abundance, wooden ware and utensils of iron, tin, pewter and silver." " Wearing apparel valued at £27, 36 wig 20S., walking staff with silver head 20s,, rapier with silver hilt and belt, £6, French gun £3, silver watch £5, 3 tankards, 2 dram cups, one with two handles, copper pennies and surabians (a small gold coin), £6, i8s. /d." "Total valuation of estate, £9793 9s. iid." " It is doubtful whether at that time any other estate in the town equaled this in value." Thomas and Mary lived together fifty-one years. They had three sons and five daugh- ters, the latter all married to Bushnells and Tracys. Mrs. Mary Leffingwell survived her hus- band, as the following epitaph shows: IN MEMORY of an aged nursing Mother of GOD'S New- english Israel, viz. Mrs. Mary Leffingwell, wife to Ensign Thomas Lef- fingwell, Gent" who died Sept. ye 2d A. D. 1745. Aged 91 years. 118 Jonathan, b. Dec. 6, 1650. 119 Joseph, b. Dec. 24, 1652. 120 Mary, b. Dec. 16, 1654, m. Joseph Biishiiell. 121 Nathaniel, h. Dec. 11, 1656. 122 Samuel, b. 1658, m. Anna Dickinson. (117) Thomas. 123 Thomas, b. 1674, m. Lydia, dau. of Solomon Tracy. 124 John, known as " Capt. John," m. (i) Sarah Abell, 37 (2) Mary Hart. The first wife is commemo- rated in the following most curious epitaph: Here lyes ye body of that Worthy, Virtuous and most injeneous and jenteel Woman, Mrs. Sara Leffingwell, who Dyed May ye 9th, 1730, aged 39 years. 125 Benajah, m. Joanna Christopher. 126 ELIZABETH, m, John Tracy, and had several chil- dren. TRACT LINE. 127 Thomas Tracy came from Tewksbury, in Gloucester- shire, England, to America in April, 1636. His name was enrolled at Salem, Feb. 3, 1637, "Thomas Tracy, ship carpenter, received an inhabitant upon certificate of divers Watermen, and is to have five acres of land." He left the Bay for the new colony of Connecticut about 1640, and settled at Wethersfield, where he m. the widow of Edward Mann, 1641. A few years later he removed to Saybrook, from whence to Nor- wich, with six sons and one daughter, 1660. Mr. Tracy was evidently a man of ability and activity, skilful in the management of various kinds of business, upright and dis- creet. The confidence placed in him by his associates is manifested in the great number of appointments he received. His name is on the roll of the Legislature, from Norwich, at twenty-seven sessions. The elections were semi-annual. In Oct., 1666, he was chosen ensign of the first train band organized in Norwich, and in Aug., 1673, lieutenant of the New London County Dragoons, enlisted to fight the Dutch and Indians. In 1C78 he was appointed jus- tice of the peace. 39 No record is found of the death of his wife, but he m. twice afterwards, Martha, widow of John Bradford, in 1676, and Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Foote, also a widow. Lieut. Thomas Tracy d. Nov. 7, 1685. His estate was appraised at £560. He had about 5,000 acres of land. Late researches into the history of the Tracy family furnish evidence that Thomas Tracy was of honorable descent, and that his immediate ancestors for three generations had been distinguished for fidelity to the Reformed religion. The line running back from Thomas gives Nathaniel, of Tewksbury; Richard, of Stanvvay, and Sir William the Ninth, of Toddington. (127) Thomas. 128 JOHN, b. not earlier than 1642, nor later than 1644, m. Mary Winslozv, June 10, 1670, dau. of Josiah Winsloiv, who was brother to Gov. Edward Winslozv, of Plymouth. John Tracy so soon took his place among the inhabitants at Norwich that he acquired the rank, influence and all the privileges of a first proprietor. He d. Aug. 16, 1702, Mary, his wife, d. July 30, 1721. His inventory specifies the home- stead valued at £130, and seventeen other parcels of land, comprising between 3,000 and 4,000 acres. " He had land at Yantic, Bradford's Brook, Beaver Brook, Lebanon, Little Lebanon, Wawecas Hill, Potapaug, Wamengatuck, 129 130 40 Tadmuck Hill and Mashamagwatuck, in the Nipmuck Country." The land at Wameng- watuck was part of a large tract purchased of Owaneco, Sachem of Mohegans. Tliomas, b. 1646, not known who he married. Jonathan, b. 1648, m. Mary, dau. of Francis Griswold. These two brothers settled upon wild land, unclaimed, on the east side of the Shetucket, then belonging to Norwich. Both had large families. ni Miriam, b. 1650, m. TJwmas Waterman, Nov 1668. 132 Solomon, b. 1651, m. (i) Sarah, dau of Deacon Simon Huntington, Nov. 23, 1676, (2) Sarah, dau. of Thomas Bliss and widow of Thomas Shuman. He was a physician, the second in Norwich. , s rr 7 133 Daniel, b. 1652, m. (i) Abigail Adgate, {2) Hannah, widow of Thomas Bingham. He inhabited the paternal homestead in the town plot. He was killed by a fall from the frame work of a bridge over the Shetucket, 1728. 134 Samuel, b. Jan. 11, 1653, unm. (128) John. 135 Josiah, b. 1671, d. in infancy. 136 JOHN, b. 1673, m. Elizabeth LeMngzvell (126). 137 IVinslozu, m. and had a family. 138 Elizabeth, m. Nathaniel Backus. _ . There were six John Tracys in the line of primogeniture, and all natives of Norwich, except the first. Their wives in regular suc- cession were Mary Winslow, Elizabeth Lef- fmgwell, Margaret Hyde, Margaret Hunting- ton, Esther Tride and Susannah Hyde. The 41 sixth John Tracy was for six years Lieutenant- Governor of New York. He d. in 1864, leav- ing no son to continue the hne. Many distinguished men have descended from the three sons of the first John Tracy — United States Senators, Members of Con- gress, eminent physicians, lawyers, divines. Uriah Tracy was United States Senator from Litchfield, Conn., from 1796 until his death. He was the first person interred in the Con- gressional Cemetery. (136) John. 139 RUTH, b. at Norwich, Sept. 13, 171 1, m. Elijah Hyde, Nov. 13, 1730. There were also seeral other children. CALKINS LINE (Also spelled CAULKINS.) 140 Hugh Calkins was one of a body of emigrants called "The Welsh Company," that came to New England in 1640 from Cheapside, in Mon- mouthshire, on the border of Wales, with their minister, the Rev. Mr. Blinman. The larger portion of this company settled first at Marshfield, Mass., but some removed to Gloucester, upon the rough promontory of Cape Ann. From there, after eight years of experiment, most of them removed to New London, no doubt hoping to find more arable and productive land, and also allured by affectionate attachment to Mr. Blinman, whom Mr. Winthrop had invited to his plantation. Hugh Calkins was, in 1650, deputy from Gloucester to the General Court of Massa- chusetts and chosen again in 1651, but removing early that year to New London, the vacancy was filled by another election. While living at New London he was chosen twelve times deputy to the Connecticut Assembly (the election being semi-annual), and was one of the " townsmen," or select- men, from 1652-60, when he removed to Nor- wich, one of the " original proprietors." From Norwich he was deputy to ten ses- sions of the Legislature, between March, 1663, and Oct., 1671, and was one of the first 43 deacons of the Norwich church. At each of the three towns in which he was an early settler and proprietor he was largely engaged in public affairs, being usually appointed one of committee for consultation, for fortifying, for drafting soldiers, settling controversies and difficulties and particularly for surveying lands and determining boundaries. These offices imply a considerable range of informa- tion, as well as activity and executive ability, yet his early advantages for education had been very limited. He was b. in 1600. Of his wife it is only known that her name was Ann. They had six children, four of whom were probably b. before they came to America. No record of his death was found. (140) Hugh. 141 Sarah, b. in England, m. William Hough, of Gloucester, Oct. 28, 1645. 142 Mary, m. Hugh Roberts, Nov. 8, 1649. 143 Rebecca, d. at Gloucester, March 14, 1657. 144 JOHN, b. about 1634, the fourth and apparently youngest child who came with the parents to America. He was certainly the oldest son, and was old enough to be summoned to work with other settlers on a mill dam at New Lon- don in 1652. He m. at New London Sarah, dau. of Robert Royce. He was one of the selectmen at Norwich in 1671, and on the jury of the County Court as late as 169 1. He d. Jan. 8, 1702. His widow d. May i, 171 1, aged 77. 44 145 Daz'id, who remained at New London. 146 Deborah, b. at Gloucester, March 18, 1643. She m. Jonathan Roycc, one of the first band of Norwich proprietors. (144) John. 147 Hugh, b. at New London, June, 1659, m. (i) Sarah, dau. of Thomas S human and stepdau. of Solomon Tracy, (2) Lois, dau. of Josiah Stand- ish, of Preston, and granddau. of Miles St an dish. He amassed considerable wealth. "The inventory of his estate mentions the articles of honey, beeswax, butter, cider and metheg- lin, a favorite beverage of the old inhabitants, which shows the variety of the produce of the day." 148 John, b. July, 1661, at Norwich, m. Abigail Burchard, 1690. He was the first constable of Lebanon, where he had removed, 1698, and corporal of the first militia. His youngest son, James, is on the list of Yale graduates as " Mr. Jacobus Calking." 149 Samuel settled at Lebanon. 150 Sarah, m. Thomas Baldwin. Their descendants have greatly distinguished themselves in many walks of life. 151 Mary, m. Samuel Gilford. 152 ELIZABETH, m. Samuel Hyde, at Norwich, Dec. 16, 1690. 45 LINES IN WHICH THE NAME WAS LOST IN Other Lines in the Second Generation. Rockwell. William Rockwell was a *' highly respected and prominent member of the community " at Windsor. His dan., Ruth, m. Christopher Huntington (32). Clark. Joseph Clark was a man of note and ability at Windsor and later at Saybrook. His dau., Sarah, m. Simon Huntington (33), Simon's son, Samuel (49), m. Mary Clark, of Wethers- field. The name of Clark is conspicuous in several towns and in positions of trust and responsibility, but statistics were not clear enough to enable me to be positive as to which line we belong. The fact that two of of them m. into the Huntington family war- rants us in the conclusion that they were Ancestors of whom we have a right to be proud. Marvin. Matthew Marvin was one of the early set- tlers of Hartford, where he is found before 1648, where his dau,, Mary, m. Richard Bushnell (m). WINSLOW. Josiah Winslow was a brother of Governer Edward Winslow, of Plymouth, who came in the Mayflower. He is found at Plymouth at the trying time of King Philip's War, and it was under his leadership that that bloody war was brought to a close. The Indians had strongly entrenched them- selves on a rise of ground in the midst of a swamp, surrounded it by a palisade, from whence they could make raids upon the scattered settlements and so kept the whole border in constant terror. But finally the colonists determined to strike a decisive blow. They succeeded in raising a thousand men and appointed Josiah Winslow " Commander- in-Chief." On the i8th of Dec. the troops formed a junction and after a long march and a night spent in the woods approached the stronghold of the Indians. The battle was furious and bloody, but after a fierce struggle for two' hours the colonists burst into the fort. No quarter was given, as they felt that the fate of the colonies depended upon the annihilation of this band. The fort was fired and hundreds of men, women and children perished, provisions were consumed, wigwams destroyed, but few escaped. " This was the most desperate battle recorded in the early annals of the country." It was at fearful cost 47 to the whites, as well as the Indians, but the power of the Indians was broken, and Philip's War was ended. Josiah Winslow's dau., Mary, m. John Tracy (128). ROYCE. We find Robert Royce first at New London, where nothing is said of his wife, but he had five sons and at least two daus. His oldest son, Jonathan, was one of the " original proprietors " of Norwich, and m. Deborah, dau. of Hugh Calkins, and his dau., Sarah, m. Deborah's brother, John Calkins (144). We afterwards find Robert Royce at Wall- ingford, where he d. 1676, leaving a small gratuity to each of the churches of New Lon- don, Norwich and Wallingford as a memorial of his " great affection and good-will " for the ministry and churches with which he and his family had been connected. Lee. Thomas Lee emigrated from England with his family, but d. on the passage. His wife, whose maiden name was Phoebe Brown, with her three children, Thomas, Sarah and Jane, completed the voyage and are afterwards found at Saybrook, where the widow m. Greenfield Larrabee. The youngest dau., Jane, m. Samuel Hyde (155). HYDE LINE. First Generation. 153 William Hyde came to this county from England about 1633, with the Rev. Thomas Hooker, first minister of Hartford. He first settled at Newton, Mass., but soon moved to Hartford, where he is found before 1640, a resident and proprietor. His name appears on a monu- ment lately erected to the " Founders of Hartford." He removed to Saybrook about 1648, and finally went to Norwich 1660, where his name and that of his son Samuel appear among the ** 35 original proprietors," and they appear together and active in affairs concerning the welfare of the town. They formed but one family at first, and their allotments of land were contiguous. The name of his wife does not appear, but he had two children. He outlived his son by many years, and d. Jan. 6, 1681 or 2. His age is not known, but he was styled " Old Goodman Hyde," in 1697, ^ title of affection quite com- mon in those days. William Hyde was contemporary with, and there has always been a live tradition in the family that he was nearly allied to, Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, whose dau. Anne Hyde m. James 2d of England, and became the mother of Mary of Orange and Anne of Denmark, both queens of England. 49 Second Generation. (153) William 154 Hester, b. in England, m. at Saybrook John Post, son of Stephen Post, March, 1652. They had two sons and seven datis. John Post was also one of the '' 35 " and his home was across the street from his wife's father's. He was an active, influential man in the town. Hester Post, d. Nov. 13, 1703. John Post, d. Nov. 2y, 1 7 10, aged 84. Many distin- guished people are among their descendants. 155 SAjMUEL, b. 1636, probably at Hartford, m. Jane Lee, June, 1659, of Saybrook, " In Aug., 1660, was b. to Samuel and Jane Hyde, a dau. Elizabeth, the first white child b. at Norwich." (Christopher Huntington was the first male child.) " The home where this first child of Norwich opened her eyes to the world, stood on a declivity sloping to the town street, with higher land in the background, bristling with massive rocks and heavily shadowed with chestnut and oak." This homestead remained in the Hyde family for five generations, the last occupant of the name being Elisha Hyde, E^q., mayor of the city. Samuel Hyde, d. in 1677. His widow after- ward m. John Burchard. She lived to be 90. 50 Third Generation. (155) Samuel. 156 Elizabeth, b. Aug., 1660, m. Richard Lord of Saybrook. 157 Phoebe, b. June, 1663, m. Matthczv Griswold of Lyme, grandson of the first Matthew, brother of Edward. The first Gov. Matthew Griswold was their grandson. Maj.-Gen. Pope and many other distinguished men were among their descendants. 158 SAMUEL, Jr., b. May, 166', m. Elisabeth Calkins (152), Dec. 16, 1690. He lived first at West Farms, now Franklin, but removed to Wind- ham and afterwards to Lebanon. At the first town meeting held at Windham, June n, 1692, Samuel was chosen as one of the town officers. He d. Nov. 6, 1742. 159 John, b. Dec. 1667, m. Experience Abell. They had a large family, most of whom lived to be very old. President Grover Cleveland is a lineal descendant of John Hyde, and also of Hester Hyde and John Post. 160 Willianu b. Jan., 1670, m. Ann dau. of Richard Biish- nclL He inherited the homestead of his grandfather in the town plot. He lived to be nearly 90. and d. Aug. 8. 1759. He had ten children, nine of whom left descendants. His oldest son, William, was the first Hyde to receive a college education. He graduated at Yale, 1721. 161 Sarah, b. Feb., 1675. 162 Thomas, b. July, 1672. 163 Jabez, b. May, 1677, the year his father died. 51 The five sons of Samuel, St., had forty children, of whom twenty-five were sons and reared families. This accounts for the rapidity with which the name spread through the county. In 1779, there were upwards of twenty families of Hydes, num- bering over one hundred and fifty mem- bers, in the town plot and western part of Norwich, and notwithstanding the re- movals to other parts of the country, the census in 1791 records thirteen families of the name in Franklin and eight others in Norwich. The Hydes have been pioneers in every generation. As soon as civilization overtook them, some would " move on," until they were distributed from Maine to California, and from Florida to Puget Sound. No doubt some have made their way to Alaska, not that they avoid civilization, for wherever they settle there is soon seen a church and a school. The pioneer spirit is as much an inheritance as a love of travel. It is the spirit of progress working out in different ways. 52 Fourth Generation. (158) Samuel, Jr. 164 Samuel, b. at Windham, Sept. 10, 1691, m. Priscilla Bradford, Jan. 14, 1725, great granddaughter of Gov. WilHam Bradford, who came m the Mayflower. She was also, on her mother's side, granddaughter of Maj. John Mason, who was a leader of the Pequot war, which gamed him a high standing among the military com- manders of the time. ." He became renowned as an Indian fighter and stood forth a buckler of defense to the exposed colonists, and a terror to the wild people of the wilderness." They settled at Lebanon, where he d. Feb. 14, 1776. She d. May 14, 1778- They had nine children. 165 Daniel, h. at Windham. Aug. 16, 1694, m. Abigail IV attics, settled at West Farms, where he was a distinguished and active member of the church and community. He d. Dec. 26, 1770. They had eleven children. 166 SaraJi, b. Dec. 20, 1696, m. Ehenczer Brown, Feb. 25, 1714, a grandson of Maj. John Mason. She lived to be one hundred years and two months old. 167 Caleb, b. April 19, 1699, m. Mary Blackman, Sept. 17, 1724. He d. March, 1765. 168 Ebcnezer, b. 1701, m. (1) Dorothy Throop, Feb. 25, 1729, (2) Elizabeth Graves. He d. Aug. 21, 1742. 169 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1703, m. Jan. 16, 1723, Rev. Timothy Collins. He graduated at Yale 1718; sludicci nu'dicinc and surgery as well as tlu-t)logy. lie was ordained as the first niin- 53 ister of Litchfield, Conn., June 19, 1723, and by the terms of the town grant became en- titled to a large tract of land which subse- quently gave wealth to him and his children. In 1752, he withdrew from that position, and in 1755 he went as surgeon with the troops sent to the relief and protection of Crown Point. He returned to Litchfield and was appointed justice of the peace and devoted the rest of his life to that office, and to the practice of medicine. His wife, Elizabeth Hyde, was a woman of marked and varied ability. She was quite a famous nurse and survived her husband many years. The date of her death is not known, but she was living in Jan., 1780, the " cold winter," when she was sent for and drawn on a hand sled four miles to Goshen to attend upon a lady who needed her services. Timothy and Elizabeth Collins had nine children. Two m. Hydes and one a Hun- tington. One went a missionary among the Indians and never returned. Three grand- daughters, sisters, Rhoda, Elizabeth and Lois Collins, m. three brothers, Evelyn, James and Robert Pierrepont, sons of Rev. James Pierre- pont. Rev. John Pierrepont, the poet, was a son of James and Elizabeth. Another grandson. Rev. Ashbel Baldwin, a graduate of Yale, then an officer in the Revo- lution, and an Episcopal clergyman, was one of the first two to be ordained in the Episcopal form in the United States. The other was Rev. Philo Shelton, a brother of Ashbel, was 54 an officer in Col. Zebulon Butler's regiment at the massacre of Wyoming, and was one of the few who escaped. Many other distinguished people are proud descendants of Timothy Collins and Elizabeth Hyde. _ . x 170 ELIJAH, b. at Lebanon 1705, m. Ruth Tracy (139), dau. of John Tracy (136) and Elizabeth Leffingwell (126) of Norwich. They settled at West Farms where they resided until 1742, when they moved to Lebanon. She d. Oct. 15 1773 He m. (2) Mercy Coleman, 1774- 171 Ann b. 1708, m. (1) Simon Gray, (2) Capt. Adoinjah Fitch great grandson of Maj. John Mason. 172 Lydia, b. 1710, m. Jonathan Metcalf. They had thirteen children. She d. 1793. This closes the record of the ancestry of Moses Hyde and Sarah Dana, and brings us to the period of the Revolution. No doubt there were many individuals along the way who had their tempers, peculiarities, idiosyncrasies, but after diligent search through records and histories, read- ing very many biographies and personal sketches, fol- lowing them into their home as well as public and official life, l\ave failed to find one single instance of any kind of meanness. They seem all and always to have been active, useful, thoughtful, helpful men and women. All were imbued with a deeply religious spirit and endeavored to live up to that spirit at all times. In all cases where no other occupation is mentioned, they were farmers, legitimately, but were, especially in the early days, obliged to do much mechanical work, and so they helped themselves and each other. In the earlier times they owned large tracts of land but 55 built their houses in groups for the better protection against the Indians, and also for the convenience of church and school and social privileges, for, if somewhat austere in their religious ideas, they were a social people and had their festivals, chief of which were Thanksgiving and Training Days. SleighrideS and other gatherings were not uncommon. In the middle period, between the strict Puritan times and the Revolution, dancing was a common diversion of young people. Balls and midnight revels were inter- dicted, but neighborly dances, either with or without a fiddler, often a part of the company singing for the others to dance were frequent. At a great wedding dance, which took place at New London, we read that : " 92 gentlemen and ladies attended and danced 92 jigs, 52 contra dances, 45 minuets and 17 hornpipes and retired at 45 minutes past midnight." They began in the morning. At this period there were many half-way houses between Norwich and other towns, which were often the terminus of sleighing parties. One kept by a Hyde seems to have been especially popular. " What pleasure is greatest my fancy decides, A party select and a sleighride to Hydes." Although punctilious in their manners and customs, no little attention was paid to the fashions, as they received new ideas from time to time. They grew wealthy and lived well, even elegantly as time went on, approaching the verge of extravagance just previous to the Revolution. But they were none the less ready to do and die for their country, as we shall see in the next generation. GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF THE DESCEND- ANTS OF MOSES HYDE AND SARAH DANA. Fifth Generation. (170) Elijah. 173 Andrew, b. Sept. 10, 1732, at Norwich, m. Hannah Thomas, Aug. 21, I755- They settled at Nor- wich, but about 1760 moved to Mass. They had two sons and four daus. 174 Ehjah, b. Jan. 17, 1735, m- Mary Clark of Leban9n, Feb. 24, 1757. He was a confidential friend of the first Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, of Conn. He com- manded a regiment of light horse during the Revolution, and was on duty with the northern army at the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga. At the close of the war he returned to his home at Lebanon, where he d. Dec. 31, 1810. His wife d. April 30, 1831. They had twelve children, including two pairs of twins. 175 Eliphalet, b. May 4, 1737- d. Nov. 4, I743- 176 Caleb, b. July 29. 1739, at Norwich, m. Elizabeth Sackett, 1761, dau. of Capt. John Sackett, a physician of Oblong, N. Y., and niece of Admiral Richard Sackett. They settled at Lenox, Mass., in 1769. He was a captain and saw much active service hi the Revolution. He was subsequently sheriff '^ of the county of Berkshire, Mass. He after- wards moved to Lisle, N. Y., at what is called 57 " The Hyde Settlement," and became a lead- ing man in that part of the State. He was Maj.-Gen. of Militia and was elected Senator from the western district of New York ;n 1803, and in 1804 was chosen by the Assembly as one of the '* Council of Appoint- ment." They had fifteen children ; one pair of twins. He d. Dec. 25, 1820. She d. June 6, 1806. 177 Zina, b. at Lebanon, April 2, 1741, m. (i) Sarah Goodwin, 1769, (2) Lois Bosworth, 1785. He d. Jan. 13, 1796. He had six children by first wife and three by second, but only three lived to grow up and marry. (There is a tradition in the family that Zina also served in the Revolution, was taken prisoner and escaped by a very ingenious strategy, but I was unable to entirely verify it.) 178 Eliphalet, 2d, b. May 9, 1744, m. (i) Norma Flint of Farmington, May 20, 1766, (2) Abigail Washburn. He also was an oi^cer in the Revolution. He subsequently settled at Whitingham, Vermont. He was the first town clerk of that town. In 1780 they moved to Pittstown, N. Y. He d. March, 1825. Fie had eight children, one pair of twins. 179 Ruth, b. May 5, 1746, m. April 17, 1768, Capt. Andrew Huntington, a descendant of Simon the Deacon. He also was active in the Revo- lution. They lived at Lebanon, where he d. July 15, 181 1. She d. 1825. They had eleven children. 58 i8o Moses, b. at Lebanon, Sept. ii, 17 S^^ »^- ^arah Dana (106), Dec. 6, 1787. They settled at Lebanon, but eventually moved to Middle- burg, N. Y., where he purchased a large tract of land. After having erected buildings and made extensive improvements, a prior claim to the land all through that district was put in — an old land grant that had been over- looked. The claimant offered to sell the land over again, but at such exorbitant prices that most of the settlers preferred to abandon the situation. Among them was Mr. Hyde, who took his family to Livonia, in western New York in 181 2, where he d. in 1828. His wife survived him many years and d. in 1856, aged 93. Moses Hyde did not enter into field ser- vice like so many of his brothers, but he is recorded as being " active in opposition to British aggression " at Lenox in 1774. 181 Ebenezer, b. Nov. 26, 1753, at Lebanon, m. Lucy Huntington, cousin of Capt. Andrew, his sister's husband, Nov. 17, 1776. They settled at Lebanon, but like his brothers he eventu- ally went into active service in the Revolu- tion, was taken prisoner and died on the " Jersey " prison ship, the horrors of which are beyond description. He left a young wife and two very young daus., Elizabeth and Eunice. His wife survived him more than fifty years, but never married again. She d. ]\Iay, 1833. 59 Sixth Generation. (i8o) Moses. 182 Lewis, b. at Lebanon, Conn., Sept. 14, 1790, m. Lucy Hatch of New Lisbon, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1816. She was b. Feb. 6, 1797. They settled at Livonia, N. Y., on a farm, where they re- sided until 1832, when they moved to Oak- land county, Mich., where he d. July 16, 1838. She d. May 31, i860. Lewis Hyde received a good education, supplementing the usual school work with special studies with a lawyer. He taught school several years in addition to the manage- ment of his farm. He served in the war of 1812, and his widow drew a pension for his services. His wife also was a teacher before her marriage. In May, 1832, he moved to Michigan with his family, wife and six children. They trav- eled with household furniture and provisions to Rochester, twenty-five miles, in wagons, then by Erie canal to Buffalo and through Lake Erie and Detroit river on the " Superior," the second passenger steamer built to ply on that lake to Detroit, then in wagons again to Auburn, Oakland county, twenty-five miles, where his younger brother had located three years before. The journey occupied five days. They remained a year at Auburn, then Mr. Hyde took up eighty acres of land from the government in Southfield, same county, and built a comfortable log house and moved his family there. The next year a log school 6o house was built, and Mr. Hyde was the first teacher, his six children attending. He was a Presbyterian and brought up his family religiously. 183 Melissa, b. at Lebanon, Feb. i, 1794, m. William Sprague, at Middleburg, N. Y., April i, 1810, moved to Livonia, N. Y., in 181 1, and to Cov- ington, 1830, then to Alexander, 1848, where she d. July 30, 1867, from a fall down stairs. She was a true Christian and a woman of energy, good common sense and of sterHng integrity, and bravely met the hardships of pioneer Hfe. To Mrs. Sprague fell the care of her parents. The father d. of a painful, lingering illness and the mother lived to be 93, becoming very childish and a great care for several years, all of which was met with the utmost patience and tenderness. 184 Milton, b. at Middleburg, N. Y., May 21, 1797, m. Harriette Albina Edson of Aurelius, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1 82 1. She was b. at Randolph, Ver- mont, April 13, 1797, dau. of Col. Josiah Edson, a soldier of the Revolution. They took up their residence at Geneseo, N. Y., but soon removed to Livonia, and in Aug., 1829. they emigrated to Michigan, with a family of six children, the eldest barely seven years old, the youngest twin girls of eight months. They settled on a farm in Oakland county, near the little village of Auburn (now Amy), twenty-five miles from Detroit. They made the journey in the same manner as that already described of his brother three years later. 6i Both Mr. and Mrs. Hyde received the best education to be obtained in the schools of their time. Mr. Hyde soon became a leader in village affairs and was, as long as he lived there, jus- tice of the peace, the highest office in the town, there being no village incorporation, and he was always known as " Squire Hyde." He was also director of all educational and most of the religious matters of the village. He and his wife were Presbyterians, with some- what of the old Puritan spirit. Mrs. Hyde bore her part in this new world life with great ability and unfailing patience and cheerfulness. She learned to card the wool, spin the yarn, color and weave it into pretty stripes and plaids for her children's clothes, and to cut and make them up. Also she could make clothes for her husband and boys. She was a fearless woman, going about nights after her own little ones were in bed, looking after the sick poor, though there were wolves and sometimes other wild animals in the woods. She was a woman of splendid physique, perfect health, strong character and varied ability. As the boys grew up and chose other busi- ness than that of farming, Mr. Hyde sold his farm and in Jan., 1849, nioved to Grand Rapids, Mich., where there were better oppor- tunities and good schools. In 1850, Mr. Hyde's health began to fail and he became a confirmed invalid. In 1863, the children hav- ing all married but one, the house was given 62 up and they went to live with a married dau. at Grosse He, near Detroit, where Mr. Hyde d. June 9, 1866. Mrs. Hyde d. also at Grosse He, Aug. 30, 1879, from the effects of a fall, aged 8' She retained full possession of all her senses and faculties to the hour of her death, giving words of cheer and comfort to her daughters as long as she could speak to them. 185 Fanny, b. July 23, i799, at Middleburg, m. Warren Kneeland in 1823. He was b. m Steuben county, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1798- They moved to SouthVield, Mich., April, 1835, and to Howell, Mich in 1840, where he bought a large farm. He d.' June 24, 1848. She d. Nov. 16, 1876. Mrs. Kneeland was a most amiable, gentle, lovable woman. She was afflicted, soon after the death of her husband, by some affection of her eyes, which resulted, mostly from the effects of unskillful treatment, in total blind- ness, while she was still comparatively a young woman. She bore her affliction with the ut- most patience and resignation, occupying her- self in such ways as she could, and accepting gratefully the devoted attention and care of her children. She always lived at the old home farm, with her oldest son, visiting her other children as suited her pleasure and convenience. Her gentle presence was a blessing and a benediction wherever she was. While these four children of Moses Hyde never accumulated much wealth, they led ac- tive, useful lives and left an influence for good in the respective communities where they lived. They all had large families and reared 63 them in the spirit of love to God and charity to their fellow men. Their chief object, next to their spiritual welfare, was the education of their children. Schools in those early days and this new country, were not much in ad- vance of those of their colonial ancestors, but both Lewis and Milton did all in their power to improve them and to give their children the best they could. Husbands and wives were all readers, and their children inherited the love of books which had come down to them through many generations. None of their children acquired a college education, though some of them greatly de- sired it. All that was left to the grand- children, many of whom have enjoyed the privilege. If the pioneer life of these four children of Moses Hyde, more especially the three who moved to Michigan, were written out in full, it would show about as much hardship and endurance, as much need of contrivance and ingenuity, indeed a life not much different from that of the " Thirty-five original pro- prietors " of Norwich, except that the Indians in Michigan were not savage. 64 Seventh Generation. (182) Lewis. 186 Harrison Dana, b. June 19, 1818, near Livonia, N. Y., m. Mary Royce of Farmnigton, Mich., December 25, 1848. He was a successful farmer in Southfield. In 1892, he gave up the care of his farm and moved to Greenville, Mich., where he d. after a lingering illness, May 17, 1897. She d. April 25, same year. 187 William Herschel, b. Sept. 19, 1820, at Lake Conesus, near Livonia, N. Y., m. Abigail Otis, Southfield, Mich., Dec, 1849. They went to CaHfornia, Jan., 1851, where she d. in 1854. They were more than two months on their journey, going by steamer from New York ' to the Isthmus of Panama, which they crossed in boats and on mule back, thence to San Francisco by steamer. He m. (2) at Petaluma, California, Eliza- beth Jane Waldron Ham, May 3, 1858. She was b. at Rochester, N. H., Aug. 8. 1828. She was a woman of more than ordinary char- acter and ability, with rare judgment, and with a most gracious manner. She made her home a center of hospitality, benevolence and Chris- tian influence. She d. at San Francisco, April 29, 1 891. He afterward m. Jane Osgood who lived only a short time. Mr. Hyde reached California in the height of the gold excitement, but did not go to the mines until some years later. He engaged in business in which he was very successful. He bought land and put up buildings which WILLIAM HERSCHEL HYDE, SR. ^5 brought a high rental and increased in value, securing to him a more than competency. He was a member of the noted " Vigilance Committee " and stood guard at the execu- tion of Casey and Corey in 1855. (See " New American Cyclopedia," on California.) Later in life his old love of a farm prompted him to purchase a ranch of a square mile in Sonoma Valley, where he spends most of his time, although retaining, besides other property in San Francisco, the old homestead, built in 1858, where his six children were born and married. The stability of the Hyde home- stead is noteworthy in that city of many changes. • ' He was one of seven men to organize the Third Congregational Church, with which he was officially identified while in the city, and in which he still retains membership. He has always been noted for his integrity, efficiency, ingenuity and judgment, is a genial, kindly, most lovable jnan, the idol of his children and grandchildren. Although in his eighty-fourth year he actively manages his large farm, and is an energetic, progressive influence in the com- munity. 188 Charlotte, b. July 26, 1822, at Livonia, m. Jonathan Tuthill Stephens, at Southfield, Mich., Oct. 15, 1839. He was b. on Long Island, Aug. 6, 1810, and d. at Southfield, Jan. 20, i860. After Mr. Stephens' death, Mrs. Stephens sold the farm in Southfield and invested in Detroit city property, moving there for the better education of her six children. The 66 growth of the city and consequent increase of property values proved the wisdom of her movement. She continued to show good busi- ness abihty, managing her affairs wisely and to the benefit of all. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, under the celebrated Dr. Duffield, for many years, and afterwards of West- minster Church, built later, and quite near her home. She was always deeply interested and helpful in foreign missions and was a member of that society for over thirty years. She was a woman of remarkable force of character, keen perceptive faculties, positive convictions, and the most rigid and exacting uprightness in all her ways. Hospitality was also a marked characteristic. For several year she was an invalid and unable to keep up her old activities of body, but her mind never wavered, and she retained all of her faculties to her last breath. Death overtook her while she was speaking with perfect intelligence to one of her daughters, Jan. 25, T903. 189 Cordelia, b. Oct. 10, 1825, at Livonia, m. A. D. Sul- livan, at Southfield, Nov. 4, 1852, a widower, with four little children. They continued to reside on his farm at Southfield, until 1862, when they moved to Detroit, and subse- quently to Virginia, on a farm near Staunton, where he d. Jan. 7, 1895. Mr. Sullivan was a surveyor by profession, and in the government employ surveyed a large portion of the upper peninsula of Mich- igan. He was a man of superior intelligence and had traveled widely. 67 After his death Mrs. SulHvan continued to reside in the Virginia home as long as she lived. An unmarried stepdaughter lived with her. The other stepdaughter m. Isaac Marston, a prominent lawyer and judge of the Supreme Court of Michigan. They lived at Detroit. 190 Mariette, b. July 2^, 1828, d. unm. April 14, 1889. She taught school several years and was an active worker in the Presbyterian Church. Her life was quiet and unobtrusive, but made useful to many people. Her death was very sudden and unexpected, from an apparently violent headache. Her home was at Detroit. 191 Joseph Warren, b. Jan. 25, 1830, m. Harriet E. Fiero, at Southfield, May 22, i860. They lived on the old home farm of his father sev- eral years, then moved to a farm near Lansing, Mich., and finally went west in 1882, and located at Chamberlain, Dacotah. He d. at the home of his son at Manchester, Iowa, Jan. 17, 1896, having lost his wife, who d. in 1889, and several children. He possessed a literary turn of mind, and took great interest in politics ; was a strong advocate of the " single tax " system, and wrote a good deal upon that and various other subjects. 192 AvoHne, b. Nov. 18, 1835, at Southfield, m. Horace Hayes of Homer, Mich., May i, 1862. She I taught school some years before her marriage and was always active in church work. She d. May 2^, 1873. 68 (183) Melissa (Sprague). 193 Harry, b. Feb. 6, 181 1, m. Janet Scott, Dec. 23, 1840, d. Dec. 18, 1886, at Covington, N. Y. He was a man of sterling character, having the confidence of his fellow men, filling many public offices with honor and ability. By his thrift and good management he accumulated a competent fortune. 194 Cynthia, b. Feb. 10, 181 3, m. Henry Watkins, April 25 1832. She was a true Christian, devoted to her family, and always ready to help in any good work. Mr. Watkins was deacon and elder and superintendent of the Sunday School of the Presbyterian Church, and was highly re- spected by all. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins spent the early years of their married life on a farm at Covington, N. Y., then moved to Wyoming, where he d. Oct. 26, 1876. She then returned to her son at Covington, where she d. Oct. 17, 1881. 195 Eunice, b. May 24, 181 5. She never married, but devoted herself to her parents as long as they lived, then still remained in the old home at Alexander, N. Y. For several years she lived by herself in the great roomy old farmhouse, with first a boy and finally only a faithful dog for protection. She was a bright, intelligent woman, with clear and positive ideas and interested in all that went on around her. She retained pos- session of all her senses and faculties to a ripe old age. She d. March 13, 1900, aged nearly 85. 69 196 Lester, b. Sept. 7, 1819, obtained degree of M. D. from Hobart Medical College, Geneva, N. Y., m. Martha Lyon, Oct. 25, 1843. He first practiced his profession at Homer, Mich., but subsequently settled at Naples, N, Y., where he became the leading physician and was markedly successful in his large practice, and where he d. June 19, 1863, in the very prime of life, beloved and mourned by the whole community. His wife d. in 1886. 197 Drayton, b. Dec. 30, 1821, m. Cordelia Loomis, Nov. 15, 1854. He was a successful farmer, having a large part of the old home farm at Alexander, on which he built a fine modern house. He filled various public offices of the town most satisfactorily. He had a decided taste for music and a good voice, leading the church choir for many years. In 1886, he had a bad fall, from which he never recovered, but bore his suffering and almost helplessness with unfailing patience, his faithful wife being unto him a " ministering angel." After the marriage of his only son he and his wife turned their home over to the son and went to live with Eunice, who was getting quite too old to be left alone. There, in the old home, he d. May 10, 1899. After Eunice's death, Mrs. Sprague went to live with her son, where she d. Sept. 23, 1901. 198 George, b. June 25, 1827, obtained degree of M. D. from Medical College at Cincinnati. He enlisted as surgeon in the Civil War for three years in the Fifth Ohio Cavalry, his first ser- vice being at the battle of Pittsburg Landing. 70 He was in active service the full three years, some of the time as head surgeon of his regi- ment. In 1865 he settled at Alexander, but d. of diphtheria same year, Nov. 26. He was noted for his kindness and tender- ness in the war, serving alike friend and foe, his one desire being to relieve suffermg. (184) Milton Hyde. 199 Joseph Edson, b. June 16, 1822, at Livonia, N. Y., m. Margaret Millicent Hunt, dau. of Thomas Hunt, and niece of Judge James B. Hunt, M. C, at Pontiac, Mich., April 12, 1848. They resided at Detroit until bronchial trouble made it necessary for him to give up his business (mercantile), 1854, and go, as he was advised, to Lake Superior, where he d. at Eagle River, April 24, i860. He was never of a rugged constitution, a quiet, studious boy, much preferring a book to the out-of-door sports of his brothers. An education was his great desire, and his father did the best he could for him, but it was mainly through his love of good reading that he came to be a man of unusually fine intellect- ual attainments. His kind and friendly man- ner and strong moral character won for him the respect and confidence of all and the love of many. From his obituary we read : " He possessed a mind clear, comprehensive and richly stored with an amount of knowledge rarely acquired by business men. His con- versational powers were unexceptional, and, listening to him, one could not fail to be drawn I I 71 towards him by the tender chords of a lasting friendship. In his Hfe he has left us an example well worthy of imitation, and his numerous friends will ever love and revere his memory." His beautiful young widow devoted the next ten years to the education of her only daughter. After her marriage Mrs. Hyde was for years much sought as friend and com- panion in travel abroad, through Europe, up the Nile, to the West Indies and through the south and far west of our own country. She has always been a great reader, and now, at "j'j, she is still as beautiful and interesting as ever and as great a favorite. No second mar- riage ever occurred to her as possible. Her home has always been with her daughter, at Port Huron, Mich. 200 Susan Adeline, b. Sept. 6, 1823, m. Orlando Briton Clark, of Green Oak, Mich., May 20, 1847. In 1 85 1 Mr. Clark took up a large tract of land near Marengo, Iowa, built a comfort- able house and settled there, but some pul- monary trouble threatening, he decided to seeka warmer climate. In 1859 he rented his farm, fitted out two emigrant wagons and took his family, wife and two young sons, and twenty head of cattle, and, accompanied and assisted by his hired man and wife, started for California, following, but not joining, such emigrant trains as suited their convenience for safety from Indians and wild animals. They were eighteen weeks making the jour- ney to Sacramento, near which place they set- tled. Mrs. Clark kept a diary of this journey, which is most interesting. 72 In 1862 Mr. Clark decided to return to Iowa, and they came back by a military stage route that was in use during the Civil War. Their ten months old baby girl was taken sick and died in her arms when a few miles from Salt Lake City. She kept the fact to herself, even from her husband, until they reached the city, where decent burial could be secured. They did not stay long in their Iowa home, but sold the farm and moved to Missouri and settled in a valley of the Ozark mountains, and had just gotten fairly started when a great freshet devastated all his fields, covering them with debris. His buildings and stock were on high ground, so escaped. Discouraged, he sold out at great sacrifice and went to Kansas, where he was not satisfied, and in 1879 they again crossed the plains in an emigrant wagon and settled near Union, Oregon. While in Missouri their oldest son left them and they never saw him again, although they heard from him once in a while. While cutting timber with his only remain- ing son April 26, 1883, Mr. Clark was killed by a branch of a falling tree. Mrs. Clark and her son remained in the same place until she d. Jan. 2, 1893, of acute pneumonia. A detailed account of this woman's life would make a most romantic, thrilling story. Through all her long tedious journeys and the trials she encountered she was cheerful and helpful, perfectly contented, if her hus- band were only well and satisfied. This Bohemian life was disastrous to the boys 73 though, depriving them of the privileges of school, church, social and almost of home life, all of which told heavily on their future. After they first went to Iowa Mrs. Clark never visited her friends in Michigan but once, in 1864, but constant communication kept her in touch with all that transpired " at home," and she wrote fully of her life. 201 George Randolph, b. July 24, 1825, m. Jane Elizabeth Nelson at Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 28, 1848. He studied medicine and practiced some very successfully. He loved art and music, and had much talent in both. He was gentle and affectionate, but restless, unstable, changing from one place and occupation to another, a most lovable, but unreliable man. He served with the Michigan Mechanics and Engineers in the Civil War. He went as private, but was soon sent to help in the hospital department. After the close of the war, in the spring of 1866, he decided to seek a location in the west. Went first to his sister in Iowa, then to Missouri, and finally, in the spring of 1867, he started for Montana and disappeared. In 1898 letters, and in 1900 a visit, from Milton Clark reported that George drifted around, with varying fortunes, until he finally became foreman of a large cattle ranch at Brownsville, Texas, opposite Mata- mora, Mexico, and that during a " round up " by some Mexican cattle thieves, from whom he was trying to rescue his cattle, he was killed, in the fall of 1884. His wife d. Oct., 1869. 74 202 William Augustus, b. Feb. 25, 1827, m. (i) Free- love Leonora Hyde, April 15, 1854, (2) Kate Nyhart, Jan. 12, 1884, at Grand Rapids, Mich. He was a skilled machinist. His inventive faculty was remarkable, but he gave his ideas away, thus enriching others instead of him- self. On Aug. 22, 1893, he was making a pattern of a large gear wheel and had it in the lathe when the timber split, one-half strik- ing him in the breast, killing him almost instantly. He was a cheerful, happy-tempered man, thinking no evil of himself and suspecting none in others, a great favorite in social circles and everywhere else. As a citizen he was always interested in the w^elfare of his adopted home. He joined the fire company and soon came to be chief of that department. He served several terms as alderman. " In later years he was an active spirit in labor organizations, not an agitator, nor an advocate of stern measures, but directed his thoughts and his efforts to the permanent advancement and welfare of the toilers as a class. He was cool and conservative, con- siderate of the rights and opinions of others, and, as an adviser in the council chamber, his word had weight and his opinions were worthy of consideration. " He was a man of profound convictions, strong and resolute purpose, endless patience and indomitable perseverance." (From obituaries.) He was a fme musician, playing several 75 wind and string instruments, and his fine bass voice was generally heard in the choir of his church. He loved to read good books, and his fund of knowledge was wide, and his conversa- tional powers much like those of his oldest brother. He was a ready impromptu speaker, was never at a loss for something to say, and had a most happy way of combining the in- structive and amusing. He was a man of fine physique and splendid health, and but for this accident might have been spared to his family many years. 203 Mary Sophia, b. Dec. 14, 1828, at Livonia, N. Y. 204 Sarah Maria, b. Dec. 14, 1828, at Livonia, N. Y. Mary m. George W. Yale, a lineal descend- ant of a brother of Elihu Yale, at Grand Rapids, Feb. 12, 1852. They settled on a farm four miles from Grand Rapids, where he made a great success with small fruits and early vegetables. They continued to reside there until no children were left at home, when they moved to the city, where Mr. Yale owned several houses, and where he d. after a long and painful ill- ness, Nov. 9, 1890. His wife still survives him, dividing her time between her grand- sons and her younger sisters, a blessing wherever she is, gentle, unselfish, thoughtful, helpful. Sarah m. William Ives, of Detroit, April 12, 1853. He was b. at Shef^eld, Mass., April 10, 1817. He was a surveyor and worked many years under government con- tracts. It was his compass that first indicated I 76 the presence of iron ore in the Lake Superior country, as recorded in the " Geological Sur- vey of Michigan." In the spring of 185 1 he was sent to Oregon to run the base hue of that State, and Williamette meridian, from the base line north to Puget Sound. He also filled other important contracts and gathered a fund of most valuable and interesting information. In the fall of 1852 he returned to Michigan, married and settled upon a beau- tiful farm on Grosse He in Detroit river, where he d. May 4, 1874, after a short illness. Mrs. Ives d. very suddenly April 26, 1864, leaving four little girls, the youngest only six weeks old. Their short married life was an ideal one. They were perfectly harmonious in temper and disposition, hospitable, generous, unselfish, thoughtful. Their lovely home and ample means enabled them to live just as they liked, and they made everybody around them happy. It was to this home that the parents had been induced to come the fall before Mrs. Ives' death. These twins so closely resembled each other in face, form, voice and manner that it fre- quently puzzled their nearest friends and afforded themselves much amusement. They always dressed exactly alike. They were devotedly attached to each other, never separated if it could be avoided. 205 Lydia Albina, b. April 24, 1831, at Auburn, Mich., d. Aug. 17, 1832, from the effects of a fall down stairs. 77 206 Lydia Elizabeth, b. Sept. i, 1833. She was with Sarah at the time of her death, and, with her j mother, continued to take care of the home [, and the children and her feeble father. On Aug. 23, 1866, she m. Mr. Ives at the home at Grosse He, She was fond of the study of the Bible, and learned for herself many of the spiritual inter- pretations that are now being brought out by advanced scholars. The allegorical and symbolical features of the Bible were full of fascination for her. She arranged some remarkable Bible les- sons, and taught adult classes with great suc- cess and was very happy in that work. Mrs. Ives eventually sold the farm, her younger daughters retaining a summer cot- tage, and moved to Detroit. She d. at the Grosse He cottage, after a year's illness, July 18, 1896. 207 Harriette Isabella, b. April 15, 1836, at Auburn, Mich., m. Frederick Ludlow Wells, of Port Huron, Mich., Sept. 20, 1859. After several years in good schools in Auburn and Grand Rapids, Harriette went to her oldest brother's, at Detroit, and finished her studies at " The Detroit Female Semin- ary," also giving much attention to vocal and piano music. In 1854 she returned to Grand Rapids and taught school and music and sang in church. She continued to teach until her marriage, and has always kept up her interest in musical matters. She has always been active in church work, especially in choir and Sunday school, also in " Hospital and Home," 78 of which she was secretary twenty-one years. Her charities are known only to herself. She loves best to help people to help themselves. (As our sister declines to say anything more about herself, we have decided to put in a few words. — Mary and Julia.) Harriette, or " Hattie " as she is always called, was a studious little girl, quick and bright, fond of mathematics and puzzles and games that made her dig and hunt and find out things for herself, and she would let no one help her. She still loves to search into the apparently hidden things of life, which has made her a valuable member of study clubs, etc. In disposition she was a good deal like her brother, William, bright, cheery, hvely, a great favorite in school and among her mates and in society, always had a good time and did much to add to the pleasure of others, was always ready to play and sing, her ear and memory being such that she never needed notes. She had her mother's varied capabili- ties, would do anything with needle and shears, and to begin a thing was to finish it, and that quickly and well. In society Mr. and Mrs. Wells have been prominent. Their beautiful home, with its ample grounds, has been the scene of many a brilliant function, and their hospitality is of the large warm-hearted kind. But Harriette is best known in her family, where, from her childhood, she has been thoughtful, helpful, unselfish, her feet and hands at the service of the whole family. " Hattie " could always find things. She 79 never dallied, did not have to be told twice, was most faithful and persevering, tactful] quick to think, to understand and to do! These qualities grew with her growth. Energy, promptness, reliability, quick help- fulness have been and are still marked char- acteristics. These, with the qualities of heart, generosity, hospitality, unfailing sympathy,' which means more than words, patience, tenderness, have made her life one of good deeds, most of which are known only by those most nearly concerned. Although having no children of her own, she has always been like a second mother to the children of her brothers and sisters, who all feel, as one small niece expressed it, " So sorry for anyone who has no Aunt Hattie." Mr. Wells was the only son of John Wells, of Connecticut, and Jane Vanderburgh, of New York. He is a lineal descendant of Gov. ernor Thomas Wells, of Connecticut. His great grandfather Vanderburgh was an officer in the Revolution. He was b. at Stamford, N. Y., March 24, 1833. His parents emigrated to Michigan in 1838, being eleven days in making the jour- ney to Port Huron, then only a little hamlet, with more Indians than white people. Only the nearness of old Fort Gratiot, where there was always a little group of cultured people, redeemed it from utter loneliness. Frederick's education was obtained largely from private tutors, generally the chaplain at the fort. As he arrived at man's estate, he took an active part in the improvement and 8o advancement of the then thriving Httle city, and for many years was rarely free from official duty. He was mayor of the city when " drafts " were ordered during the Civil War, and much excitement prevailed. He repre- sented his district in the Legislature, 1871-77, one term in the house and two in the Senate ; was Eminent Commander Knights Templar, has been, since 1886, Senior Warden in his church (Episcopal), and was largely instru- mental in building a fine stone edifice for that denomination. He still keeps up his interest and wields much influence in public affairs, is on several boards of directors in manufac- turing enterprises, " Hospital and Home," " Canal Commission," etc. He engaged in the lumber business with his father and also acquired vessel interests on the lakes. These, with his real estate affairs and his public duties, have made him a very busy man. He is a man whose advice and opinion are much sought. Perfect uprightness, justice, reliability and caution are marked charac- teristics. In politics he has always been an active Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Wells brought up and edu- cated two daughters of her brother George, and a cousin of Mr. Wells, May Randolph Hill of New Haven, Conn. She m. Giles Francis Cole, Sept. I, 1898. Mr. and Mrs. Wells have traveled a good deal in their own country, many times east by various routes, through all the great lakes and through Canada, and spent most of one win- 8i ter in California, visiting most of the promi- nent places in both the south and the north. Mr. Wells is a member of " The Old Club," at St. Clair Flats, and they spend some time there every summer, but most of the time they are " at home " to their friends during the months that are so pleasant by the lake. 208 Charles Milton, b, Dec. 21, 1838, d. Sept. 3, 1855, at Grand Rapids. He was a fine scholar, and possessed great musical talent. The violin was his favorite instrument. He also com- posed some very sweet airs. At fifteen he had finished the course in the pubhc schools, and obtained a position of trust in a book and music store, where he was very happy. He was kind and genial, generous and thoughtful, a lovely son and brother, and a great favorite among his friends. He had grown very rapidly, and when attacked with typhoid fever had little power of resistance, and so passed away. 209 Julia Josephine, the youngest of this family of eleven, was b. June 28, 1841, at Auburn, m. Edward Legrant Keith of Grosse He, Dec. 3, 1864. She was a gentle, timid little girl, the pet and darling of the whole family. She was edu- cated in the best schools in Grand Rapids, including several art branches, for which she f developed decided talent. Mr. Keith was b. at Grosse He., March 10, 1827, the son of Capt. WiUiam Keith of Paisley, Scotland, and Jane Dick of Alexan- dria, Va. (Capt. Keith sailed the first revenue cutter on the great lakes and took part in 82 " Perry's Victory.") Edward came into pos- session of the fine old home farm, and there they passed very happily the few short years of their married life. He was an affectionate, kindly man, perfectly devoted to his wife and children. He d. after a short illness, Aug. 22, 1 87 1. She continued on in the old home caring for her children and helpful to other relatives, and there she still lives, making sun- shine for all who come within her influence. One strong characteristic of this large family, which no outside influence could ever disturb, was the perfect unity and harmony among them. They were never quarrelsome, never'^selfish with each other, never became in the least alienated from each other, always ready and glad to lend a helping hand when needed. (185) Fanny (Kneeland). 210 Sarah, b. at Livonia, N. Y., May 6, 1826, m. (i) W. P. Glover of Howell, Mich., March 16, 1845. They had one child, Edson, who d. in infancy. (2) Justus J. Bennett, Nov. 21, 1853, of Hamburg, Mich. They lived at Perry, Mich., where he d. Nov. 11, 1888. He was a widower with several children, to whom she was a lovely mother. After his death she divided her time between his children and her own, happy with all and wanted by all. She d. at Perry, very suddenly, Feb. 14, 1900. 211 Dewitt Clinton, b. Feb. 11, 1828, m. Augusta Walker of Hamburg. Aug. 20, 1864. d. at his home at Howell. Mich., from a fall, July 23, 1876. His wife d. Sept. 23, 1889. 83 212 Amasa Dana, b. May 19, 1830. He never married. The lives of these two brothers are so inter- woven that the story of one is the story of the other. After their father's death, when they were scarcely more than boys, with the mother and four younger children to be cared for, and a farm considerably in debt, they took up the work before them and faithfully carried it, paying every debt, improving the farm, build- ing anew, adding more acres, until their place became one of the finest in the country. They always lived together, and were widely known as men of high character, reliable and honorable. Dana d. at the farm home, after a long ill- ness, May 28, 1900. 213 Minerva, b. July 22, 1833, m. Dr. Leland Walker, father of her brother Clinton's wife, Sept., 1862. As the oldest sister married early, and the mother's eyesight failed, Minerva became the housekeeper, and so continued until her marriage. Minerva has a strong, positive character, with much energy and ability. After her husband's death, she fought the battle of life for herself and her two boys with true heroism, and now they are doing all they can to make her declining years easy and pleasant. 214 Harriet, b. at Southfield, March 12, 1836, m, James Hearst, May 4, 1865. He was many years her senior, and d. Feb. 23, 1897. They had no children. Harriet devoted herself especially to her gentle, patient mother. She continued in school, however, and graduated at the 84 "Ladies Seminary," at Howell. She is an active, capable, energetic woman, full of good works, helpful to many. 21 s Lewis Benson, b. April 12, 1838, m. Mary Mous- hunt Sept. 6, i860, d. 1898. His family are all Adventists, and hold strictly to their doc- trines, rendering most devoted service. 216 Clara, b. at Howell, July 24, 1841, "^^ Miner J. Hoslev of Osceola, Mich., Jan. 9, 1866. They settled on a farm at Oak Grove, near Howell, where he also had a dry goods store. They are enterprising, progressive, active in their church, fond of reading and keep well up with the times. 8s Eighth Generation. (i86) Harrison Dana (Hyde). 217 Ann Elizabeth, b. Aug. 26, 185 1, unm., lives at Detroit. 218 Amy Volena, b. July 9, 1853, unm., lives at Owasso. 219 Francis Lewis, b. at Southfield, Aug. 6, 1856, m. Marion S. Allen, Feb. 15, 1882. Francis went to Detroit, when a boy, and entered upon a mercantile life. He showed great industry and business ability, and has been very successful, becoming a member and director of one of the largest wholesale houses in Detroit. 220 Frederick William, b. Oct. 2;^, 1859, m. Emily Bolton, Nov. 18, 1885. They live on a farm in Southfield. 221 David Lester, b. Aug. 24, 1863, m. Alice Irene Chap- man, at Southfield, April 7, 1886. He con- ducts a grocery business at Greenville, where they reside. 222 Lincoln Wells, b. June 11, 1867, m. Charlotte Scho- field of Travers City, Sept. 8, 1896. He is a traveling man, with headquarters at Pittsburg, Pa. (187) William Herschel (Hyde). 223 Abbie Laura, b. July 16, 1859, m. Charles Francis Lewis, Nov. 25, 1884. He was b. at San Fran- cisco, Aug. 5, 1854, was educated in City College and Cal. Military Academy. He is an accountant, is punctual, industrious, accu- rate, is quiet, very fond of his home, over which his wife presides with exceptional ability. 86 T K AnHI 2 1861. m. Charles Herbert -' "-'' ^,]nX^9^- He was b. at Boston, Mass./july 19, 1848. ^ook degrees of A. B. and A M. at Dartmouth College, 1871. is now head of department of English history in Polytechnic High School, San Francisco., is especially interested in educational and church affairs He is genial, thoughtful, enthusiastic, .-tTfine executive ability, a born instructor. He has one daughter by a former marriage Elizabeth E. Ham. Lucy has decided artistic talent, has done some fine wood carvmg, paint- ing and other work. They are an ideally ^ liams Roberts of Philadelphia, Feb. 17, 887. He was b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, July ^o, 1856, went to San Francisco, 1880, and established a printing office. He is a genial, cheerful n.an, kind and friendly, is especially interested in Christian work for young men. Elizabeth is a student, has a quick comprehension and fine memory, is punctual and methodical social, fond of flowers, has special ability m narrative and in teaching children. ..6 William Herschel, Jr., b. May i, 1865 m Ed.e Claire Hope, July 30, IW- He is a hne musician, spent one year in Berlin studying the organ, after much study at home. H s wife has an exceptionally fine voice, well cul- tivated Very soon after their marriage they left for Berlin, where they expect to devote two years to music in their respective hnes^ Thev are both active church workers and especially valuable in all musical matters, and are genial, generous and social. I 87 227 Henry Chester, b. Nov. 23, 1868, m. Genevieve Young, Nov. 22, 1897. He took degree of Bachelor of Philosophy, at the University of California, 1894; was also Capt. of University Cadets. He is a contractor for roofing build- ings, and an alfalfa grower, takes special in- terest in mechanics, is industrious, willing, helpful, a rapid worker, and thoughtful of those under him. His wife was a successful teacher. ' 228 Walter Spalding, b. Nov. 12, 1872, m. George Stewart, Feb. 22, 1899. He took the elec- trical engineering course in Stanford Univer- sity, graduating in 1895', and is occupied with that work. He takes special interest in music and books, is reticent, sensitive, sympathetic, determined, manly. His wife possesses de- cided artistic ability, is proficient with pencil and brush and in music. These six children were all born at San Francisco, and there received all the advan- tages of good schools and colleges, and there they have always lived. They are drawn to- gether by many congenial ties, are devotedly attached to each other, and the family re- unions are made as numerous as possible, especially at " The Ranche," where the father passes most of his time, happy and busy with his great vineyards and orchards and fields, and directing his numerous Chinamen. They have all visited the east ; some of them several times, taking different routes and traveling about a good deal on both coasts. Two have traveled abroad and others are planning to go in the near future. When 88 eastern relatives visit them, they are sure to meet with a warm-hearted welcome, and the most charming hospitality. (i88) Charlotte (Stephens). 229 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 22, 1840, d. April 18, 1865, at Detroit. 230 Harriet, b. Jan. 4, 1842, m. John Leslie Duncan, at Detroit, Aug. 12, 1863. He was b. at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., April 9, 1833, d. at Detroit, Aug. 2, 1868, of consumption. He was en- gaged in the fur trade, and during his last months his wife attended to his duties as well as to him, displaying fine business ability and remarkable endurance. She was educated at Detroit, where she also taught several years. She is patient and gentle, but has the courage of her convictions and strength to stand by them. Left a widow at twenty-six, she devoted her life to her children, her home and her church, and to the administration of her affairs until her children were beyond need of her care, and her mother's failing health called for much attention. For several years she shared this care with her younger sister until the mother's death, then the old home, that was open so many vears and to so many friends, was broken' up. The two sisters will generally keep together, and are spending this winter at St. Petersburg, Florida. Harriet spent some months with relatives in California and Washington State, and has traveled a good deal through the south. 89 231 Caroline, b. Dec. 2, 1844, finished her school educa- tion at the Normal School at Ypsilanti, Mich. She taught in the public schools of Detroit several years until her health became im- paired, and, although far from strong, she is very much interested and active, in her own way, in church work, and her life is a very helpful one to her family and friends. She has never married, but devoted herself to her mother, from whom she was never long separated. They enjoyed traveling, visited relatives in Virginia, California and Washing- ton and other places. 232 Lucy, b. Nov. 19* 1846, m. Jerome B. Stevens, July 23, 1879, d. July 9, 1889. She also attended the Normal School and taught in the public schools of Detroit several years. She was a fair, beautiful woman, amiable and lovable. She was greatly interested in church work, and held prominent positions in several societies. 233 Jnlia, b. Nov. i, 1849, d. Sept. 25, 1867, of con- sumption, like her oldest sister, on the very threshold of a promising life. 234 Halsey Lewis, b. July 5, 1854, m. Amanda Louise Angstman, Oct. 2, 1879. She d. Dec. 22, 1893. April 2^, 1896, he m. her sister Emma Angstman. He always clung to his love of farm life, was educated at the Michigan Agricultural College, then took his patrimony and returned to Southfield and purchased the old farm of his grandfather Stephen. After the death of his wife he rented his farm and traveled awhile south and west, thinking to make a change, 90 but eventually returned, and after his second marriage settled again near the old home. He is a man highly respected, and of much influ- ence in his community. Like his sisters, he is an active and valuable member of the Pres- byterian Church. These children were all b. at Southfield, Mich. (189) Cordelia (Sullivan). 235 Adelaide, b. at Southfield, Oct. 18, 1856, m. Walter Finley, at her home in Virginia, Nov. 3, 1881. He is a farmer, and they live near Staunton, Va. (191) JcsEPH Warren (Hyde). 236 Mary, b. April 24, 1861, m. James Madden, 1891, d. July 20, 1895. She was a teacher, and at one time connected with one of the Indian schools, west. 237 Lucy E., b. April 15, 1862, m. George Bairey, 1886, d. Aug 23, 1892. He d. Jan. 18, 1894. Their only child was b. and d. in 1890. 238 John L., b. March 8, and d. Aug. 18, 1864. 239 Newton Herschel. March 18, 1866, m. Mary S. Johnson, July i, 1887, at Chamberlain. She was b. in Dodge county, Minn., Mar. 20, 1868. Newton is a successful photographer at Manchester, Iowa, where he owns a pleasant home and lives a happy, useful life. 240 Julia ]\Iaud, b. July 16, 1874. She lives with her brother. All of this family are members of the Congregational Church. 91 (192) AvoLiNE (Hayes). 241 Florence, b. July 21, 1864, at Homer, Mich., m. William Andrews, April 10, 1884. He is a grocer and they live at Homer. Florence has a generous, unselfish nature, and makes her home very attractive to family and friends. 242 Irving, b. March 27, 1867, m. Maud Hoffstader, June II, 1889. Their home is at Hillsdale, Mich., where he has an interest in and is manager of a fine crockery store. They are very genial and held in high esteem by all who know them. 243 Gertrude, b. Nov. 13, 1869, m. Justin Andrus, March 13, 1889. They Hve at Hillsdale, where he is associated in business with her brother Irving. They are also zealous church workers, and harmonious and happy in their home life. (193) Harry (Sprague). 244 Albert, b. Jan. 21, 1843, rn- Clymene Payne, Jan. 21, 1874. He supplemented his school work by a course at Eastman's Business College, and found it very helpful in farming, at which he has been very successful. 245 Edwin, b. July 18, 1847, d. unm. May 2, 1901. (194) Cynthia (Watkins). 246 Nathan, b. Sept. 23, 1836, m. Martha Gilmore, Dec. I, 1858, d. May 21, 1892. He was a most kind and generous man, thoughtful and helpful. Mary, b. Feb. 10, 1851, d. Aug. 26, 1869. The light of the home went out when this loving young daughter died. 92 (196) Lester (Sprague). 247 William Lyon, b. at Naples, N. Y., July 2.y, 1849, ^n- Alice Everitt of Danville, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1893. He obtained degree of A. B., at Cornell Uni- versity, June, 1873, and of A. M., at Hobart College, June, 1890. He was principal of the Naples Union School, 1874-9, and instructor of Greek and Latin in State Normal School at Buffalo, N. Y., 1889-96. Then he went to Brooklyn, and has ever since been principal of one of the large public schools there. He has a strong well-balanced character, a good representative of a long line of worthy ancestors. 248 Laura Eunice, b. July 27, i860. Her college course was interrupted by the long illness of her mother, to whom she devoted herself. She subsequently resumed her course and obtained degree of Ph. B., at the University of Mich- igan, June, 1 89 1. She also teaches in Brook- lyn, and her home is with her brother. She has traveled abroad, and loses no opportunity to improve her knowledge of the world in which she lives. (197) Drayton (Sprague). 249 Carl Drayton, b. Nov. i, 1858, at Alexander, N. Y., m. Carrie Jane Lewis, Feb. 24, 1886. He inherited his father's farm and still lives there. (199) Joseph Edson (Hyde). 250 Mary, b. Jan. 14, 1850, at Detroit, m. Hartson Gil- lett Barnum, at Port Huron, Mich., April 20, 1870. She finished her school course at the 93 " Detroit Female Seminary," 1867, has always loved to read and to study, has a remarkable memory, is a good linguist. They have trav- eled much at home and abroad, and with close observation and fine intelligence. She is active and most efficient in charity, church (Episcopal), study clubs and society, and is withal a devoted wife, mother, daughter and home maker. Mr. Barnum is a banker, stockholder and director of several manufacturing enterprises, and active and valuable in all city affairs, care- ful, conservative, cautious, yet progressive. He has a fine voice which is rarely missed from his church choir, year after year. Mr. Barnum belongs to a line of that name, one of whom has fought in every regular war in which this country has been engaged. Their beautiful home is one of most charming and generous hospitality. (200) Susan Adeline (Clark). 251 Milton Claudius, b. June i, 1848, is unm. He has been a great wanderer up and down through the west, and will always wander. 252 WilHam Lochlan, b. Feb. 25, 1850, unm. Still lives near Union, Oregon. 253 Edson, b. 1852, d. in infancy. 254 Emma Louise, b. at Sacramento, Cal., 1861, d. on the plains near Salt Lake City, 1862. They also adopted a little girl, Minerva, who died from a fall from a cherry tree, 1876. 94 (20i) George Randolph (Hyde). 255 Edson Adalbert, b. Dec, 1847, d- in infancy. 2e;6 James Nelson, b. 1850, d. 1852. _ 257 Alice, b. Nov., 1852, at Grand Rapids, m. Lewis Howard of Saline, Mich., April, 1872. He is a successful market gardener, near Ypsilanti. 2c;8 Harriet Lillian, b. July 25, 1854, unm. 2SQ Carolyn, b. July 18, 1865, m. Emory Hyde of Burr Oak, Mich., Dec. 8, 1894. Harriet was twelve, and Carolyn three years old, when they were taken by their Aunt Harriette Wells. Harriet became proficient in art, and with it maintains herself. Carolyn was fond of music and is very proficient with piano and several string instruments. She graduated at the " Home and Day School," at Detroit, June, 1884. She lives at Burr Oak ; has no children. (202) William Augustus (Hyde). 260 Frederika, b. July 7, 1857, d. Sept. 7, 1858. 261 Elizabeth Julia, b. Aug. 16, 1859, m. Loomis A. Miller, a promising lawyer of Grand Rapids, Nov. 7, 1875, when only sixteen, without her father's knowledge. He was much older than she, and the marriage proved a most unhappy one, from which she retreated, leaving her two little girls with their father until she could fit herself for their support. She had had fine instruction in music, piano and organ, and would have liked that line of work, but think- ing the art of shorthand would be more sure and permanent, decided to enter that field. In the spring of 1888, she passed a civil service examination and was appointed the next Sep- 95 tember to a position as stenographer in the Bureau of Pensions, Department of the In- terior, at Washington, D. C, where her work has been of an interesting, varied and respon- sible kind, and where she still is. She has also given attention to music and other studies, including the Spanish language, in which she is able to carry on her work. She has made good her intention to pro- vide her daughters with good practical educa- tions, letting them choose for themselves that they might not find themselves helpless if left alone in the world. 262 Joseph Edson, b. June 10, 1862, at Grand Rapids, m. Mary Trupp, Aug. 12, 1885. He is a mech- anic, a good reliable man. 263 William Fletcher, b. Sept. 15, 1865, a fine draftsman, excels at pattern making. (203) Mary Sophia (Yale). 264 Sarah Selina, b. Nov. 24, 1852, d. Nov. 18, 1879. A gentle, lovely girl. 265 Charles Sanford, b. May 19, 1855, m. Marietta Neahr, Nov. 3, 1879. He went through the public school and Commercial College at Grand Rapids, and took up the business of manufacturing chemist, but was soon over- taken with quick consumption, and d. Nov. 9, 1885, leaving a beautiful young wife and three little boys. He was devoted to his family and his life was full of promise. 266 William, b. May 18, 1858, d. Jan. 14, 1859. 267 Fred Dana, b. Dec. 4, 1861, m. Elizabeth Parsons, Sept. 19, 1885, at Grand Rapids. He studied law, and after a few years decided to go west, 96 and is at present a lawyer and real estate dealer at Bellingham, Washington. They are active workers in the Methodist Church and the cause of temperance. 268 Edson Welcome, b. April 12, 1868, d. Aug. 17, 1878. A dear little shadow of his mother, always happy with her. (204) Sarah Maria (Ives). 269 Mary Emma, b. Jan. 26, 1854. She graduated at the " Female Seminary," at Monroe, Mich., June, 1872, and soon after took up the study of medicine, receiving her degree of M. D., at the " Detroit Homeopathic Medical College," June, 1876. In 1879, she located at Port Huron, where she rapidly buih up a large practice. She possessed a wonderfully tender and sympathetic heart, and an almost mag- netic power over the sick, especially nervous people and children. Here she met and m. John G. Cobb, Oct. 12, 1880. She d. after a short illness, Oct. 20, 1886. 270 Harriette Lavina, b. Oct. 26, 1856, m. Charles Pierce Gilchrist of Port Huron, June 22, 1881. She also graduated at the Monroe " Female Seminary," 1875. She obtained degree of A. B., at the " University of Michigan," June, 1875,'and of LL. B., March, 1877, and entered upon the practice of law at Port Huron, but subsequently went to Vermillion, Ohio, and later moved his family to Cleveland, where he is engaged in the vessel business. Charles is a Republican. They are both active members of the Episcopal Church. 97 271 Florence Lois, b. July 30, 1861. She graduated at the " Home and Day School," at Detroit, June, 1880. She has given many years to Bible research, and takes great pleasure in philanthropic work among boys. She is hospitable and has a wide circle of friends, is a lover of nature, and has traveled extensively in this country, to Alaska and through Canada, east and south. 272 Sarah Noble, b. March 10, 1864. After finishing her school course at Detroit, she decided to give special attention to art. She studied with the best masters at Detroit and New York, then spent three years abroad, mostly in Paris, part of the time at the famous " Julian " school, going one summer with a sketching class and teacher to Brittany, and another spring through Italy. She is proficient in French and has quite a knowledge of Italian. After her return she eventually established herself in a charming studio in New York, where she enjoys her work very much. She is very fond of music, and is also quite successful with her pen. She has composed and illustrated a book of poems for children called " Songs of the Shining Way," which has proven very successful ; has also given to the public short stories and poems. Her pen and art name is " Noble Ives." 273 Julia Margaret, b. Oct. 19, 1867. 274 Zayde Louise, b. June 10, 1872. These two sisters still retain a home on the old farm in Grosse He. Zayde graduated as a trained nurse at Grace Hospital, Detroit, July, 1900. 98 (209) Julia Josephine (Keith). 27^ Jessie Dana, b. Feb. 5. 1865, at Grosse He, m Frank Dodge Whitall, Oct. 26, 1887, son of Col. John Whitall, of the regular army, and Catherine Rucker, whose grandfather was a brother of General Macomb. He is a nephew of Maj.-Gen. Henry Rucker and Col. William Rucker, and a brother of Col. Samuel Whitall, all of the regular army. Mrs. Phil Sheridan is his cousin. Jessie is wonderfully like her mother m character and disposition, talents and tastes, fond of flowers and of all nature. They still live together in the beautiful old home on Grosse He. Zealous in church work and always ready and glad to help in any good cause. Jessie was once the unconscious cause of quite a pathetic incident. She was three months old when the " War Veterans " began to return to their homes at the close of the Civil War. Mrs. Keith, who lives on the west side of Grosse He, was spending the day with her sister Mrs. Ives on the east side, where the main channel of Detroit river comes in quite close. As the mother and little ones were sitting on the veranda, the older children came running with shouts that the Cleveland boat was coming full of soldiers, and they rushed on into the house to get " something to wave." Handkerchiefs were too small. All went out to the bank, and as the boat came near all waved. Mrs. Ives had Jessie in her arms, and having nothing else to wave, tossed the baby, whose long, white clothes and little 99 flying arms caught the eyes of the soldiers, and such a shouting as went up from those hundreds of men was good to hear. The boat whistle blew and the band struck into " Home, Sweet Home," then three cheers went up " for the baby," the first most of them had seen in many a long day. It chanced that an Edson, cousin of Mrs. Keith's, was one of the soldiers, and he told her afterwards there was scarcely a dry eye on that great boat, when they saw that little baby. It seemed the first glimpse of home. The incident found its way into the Detroit papers, and was afterwards made the subject of a poem. 276 Charles Angus, b. Jan. 23, 1867, m. Annie A. Palmer of Leadville, Col., Sept. 2, 1890. Charles went west in 1888, to a good position in the then famous " Iron Silver Mine." In 1892, he went in the interest of another company to Cripple Creek. He remained in this employ for sev- eral years, gradually accumulating interests on his own account until 1896, when he went into business for himself. His faculty ot winning friends and the full confidence of all classes made him particularly successful in dealing with men. He still continued to reach out, investing in mines which were open- ing up in that part of the country. August 29, 1899, he was coming up from a mine which he had been inspecting. When near the top the bucket became detached and he fell 140 feet, killing him almost instantly. It was a terrible blow to his family, and a great loss to the whole community. LrJC lOO 277 Edward Walter, b. Dec. 27, 1870. He followed his ^^ brother west, as soon as Charles could secure a good position for him, and still hkes the west. Is at Leadville, Col. Both these brothers were of fine physique and well qualified in every way to withstand the rough life which surrounded them. (210) Sarah (Bennett). 278 Theresa, b. April 23, 1855, unm. 27Q Dan J., b. March 8, 1857, m. Ina Defrase, at Byron, Mich Feb. 22, 1882. He is a farmer, and they have lately moved to Gavon, Lincoln county Washington, and bought a ranch, and are full of bright anticipations. 280 Dana H., b. Jan. 27, 1861, m. Jessie Miles, Sept. 12, 1893 An accomplished teacher and musician. Dana is a fun-loving, happy-tempered man, a prime favorite with all the children. He is in the furniture business at Grand Rapids. 281 Jessie, b. Sept. 16, 1864, m. A. W Bridger, a very • successful farmer at Perry, Mich., where they 282 HarriftlV'^Feb. 14, 1868, m. Thomas S. Wilson, Oct 4 1889. They live on a farm one mile from Grand Rapids, where they are pros- perous and happy. (211) Dewitt Clinton (Kneeland). 283 Maud, b. Aug. 3- 1866, m. Charles E Cough, Feb 24, 1894. She inherited the old home farm of 'the Kneelands, and still hves there. lOI (213) Minerva (Walker). 284 Bernard L., b. Nov. 11, 1862, at Howell, m. Rose Harrison, Feb., 1892. 285 Lee, b. Dec. 10, 1866, m. Lou Johnson, Nov. i, 1890. (215) Lewis Benson (Kneeland). 286 Warren George, b. March 13, 1867, m. Mary E. Benton of Belding, Mich., Oct. 5, 1892. He IS an Adventist minister and a missionary in foreign fields. 287 Benjamin Franklin, b. Aug. 18, 1874. 288 Allen Jay, b. May 26, 1877, d. April 9, 1896. He, too, was full of missionary zeal, a bright, promising man. (216) Clara (Hosley). 289 Lulu, b. Jan. 17, 1869, m. Frank Dickerson, Nov. 19, 1890, at Oak Grove, where he has a posi- tion with the Ann Arbor R. R. 290 Guy, b. March 11, 1875, m. Alice B. Browning, Sept. 21, 1898. 291 Eda Belle, b. Dec. 20, 1885. All of these husbands and wives of the Kneeland branch of the family, are educated, intelligent and cultured, many of them accom- plished, and all are possessed of good sterling qualities of character. They are readers and progressive and efificient in their respective communities. If they haven't traveled as much as they would have liked, they know how to be happy at home, and that is much in this restless age. I02 Ninth Generation. (219) Francis Lewis (Hyde). 292 Mabel Irene, b. Sept. 11, 1883, m. Frederick Sea- grave of San Francisco, Dec. 25, 1902, at Detroit. 293 Edna Marion, b. ^lay 9, 1887. (220) Frederick William (Hyde). 294 Orrel L., b. April 23, 1887, at Detroit. 295 Raymond Harrison, b. Aug. 20, 1891. (221) David Lester (Hyde). 296 Claude Metcalf, b. Feb. 12, 1891, at Elgin, 111. (222) Lincoln Wells (Hyde). 297 Dana Royce, b. Sept. 19, iQOO- (223) Abbie Laura (Lewis). 208 Ruth Elizabeth, b. Nov. 13, 1889, at Boca Cal. 299 Charles Hyde, b. Oct. 7, 1894, at San Francisco. (225) Elizabeth Kimball (Roberts). .00 Hazel Elizabeth, b. April 10, 1888, at San Francisco. 301 Howard Hyde, b. March 3, 1893, ^t San Francisco. (228) Walter Spalding (Hyde). 302 Kathryn Van Dyke, b. May 9, iQOO, at San Fran- cisco. (230) Harriet (Duncan). .03 Grace Elizabeth, b. May 10, 1864, at Detroit, m. Charles Curry of Staunton, Va., Aug. 12, 1886 He was b. in 1859, in Augusta county, 103 Va., on the same plantation on which his great grandfather, Dr. Robert Curry, and succeeding generations had Hved. He is one of the most prominent criminal lawyers in Virginia, and a writer of note on law and criminal subjects. An address of his before the " Virginia State Bar Association," on " Criminals and their Treatment," delivered in 1901, should be in the hands of every person who has anything to do with the care and treatment of criminals. Grace graduated at the Detroit " Home and Day School," and has always kept on studying. She has a fine clear mind, and notwithstanding her many domestic duties keeps up with the times. She is also active in church and philanthropy, and in the D. A. R. Chapter, of which she is regent, and in other organiza- tions, a devoted wife and mother, and their home dispenses real southern hospitality. 304 John Leslie, b. April 7, 1868, at Detroit, m. Ange- line Christman Ballon, Aug. 15, 1900, dau. of Rev. Joseph Ballon of Stanford, Ky. She was graduated from Stanford Seminary, then received a fine musical education at Boston, and was for some years musical director in young ladies seminaries at Clifton Forge and Franklin, Va. She is a fine conversationalist, quick and responsive, and of a most lovely character and disposition. As John grew very tall, and seemed inclined to pulmonary troubles, his mother took him from the school in Detroit, and placed him in the " Roller Military Academy," at Fort De- fiance, Va., which prepared him for the Uni- 104 versity of Virginia, where he studied two years, finishing with a course in the law department of "Washington and Lee," at Lexington, Va., many of the lectures being delivered by the celebrated J. Randolph Tucker. He entered upon the practice of law at Clifton Forge, but he Hked the north, and subsequently returned to Michigan, and a little later accepted a fine position with " Dun & Co " at Toledo, Ohio, where he has use for his knowledge of law. He is a man who holds the respect and confidence of all and the love of many. (232) Lucy (Stevens). .DC Frank Chester, b. July 3, 1880, at Detroit. 306 Clarence Edgar, b. July 16, 1882, at Detroit. 307 Ray Beardslee, b. May 16, 1886, at Detroit. (234) Halsey Lewis (Stephens). 308 Ruth Louise, b. Jan. 25, 1898. (239) Newton H. (Hyde). 309 Laura Emma, b. Nov. i, 1888, at Earlville, Iowa 310 Aida Elizabeth, b. Sept. 13, 1900, at Manchester, Iowa. (241) Florence (Andrews). ,11 Elbert, b. Jan. 28, 1888, at Homer, Mich. 3)2 La Verne Hayes, b. Feb. 16, 1897, at Homer, Mich. (242) Irving (Hayes). 313 Gladys, b. June 3, 1893. 105 (243) Gertrude (Andrus). 314 Ruth, b. July 3, 1890. (244) Albert (Sprague). 315 Charles, b. Sept. 28, 1878, m. Hattie Aureha Sparks, Nov. 30, 1898. (246) Nathan (Watkins). 316 Henry Gilmore, b. Dec. 26, 1863, m. Edith Lewis, Feb. 6, 1888. 317 George Edward, b. April 16, 1865, m. Eleanor Urie, Oct. 3, 1894. (247) William Lyon (Sprague). 318 Martha Amanda, b. Sept. 29, 1896, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 319 Katherine Everitt, b. May 13, 1898, d. in infancy. (249) Carl Drayton (Sprague). 320 Clarence Leon, b. Nov. 9, 1889. (250) Mary (Barnum). 321 Thomas Edson, b. May 17, 1872, at Port Huron, m. Mary B. Harrington, at Chicago, June i, 1898. He entered the University of Michigan at sixteen, took degree of B. S., in electrical engineering, 1892; then a year's expert course in the "Thompson-Houston Works," at Lynn, Mass. ; went first to Chicago, but subsequently to Milwaukee, where he is now chief engineer at the " Cutler Hammer Co.," high grade electrical appliances. He possesses good in- ventive ability, which has been of consider- io6 able benefit to him already. He has a strong, well-balanced character, is a faithful, active churchman, a lovely man in his home, where his bright, happy-tempered wife does her part equally as well. 321 Margaret, b. Jan. i, 1877, d. May ^2 1887. A beau- tiful, loving, winsome little girl, the idol of all the family. (257) Alice (Howard). V2 Bessie Margaret, b. Aug. 17, 1874, at Grosse He 323 Grace Carolyn, b. Oct., 1884, at Ypsilanti, Mich. (261) Elizabeth Julia (Miller). 324 Evelyn Leonora, b. Sept. 15, 1876, at Grand Rapids. After graduating from the High School, she took a six months' course in journalism at Detroit; then decided to study stenography, entered a business college and graduated, and soon secured a very good position in Grand Rapids. ^ . , • .2S Fannie Elmina, b. April 16, 1879. After finishing her school course Fannie took up some special studies, among them, illustrating and design- ing, for which she displayed considerable tafent, but like her sister, being ambitious to succeed in the business field she took up tele- graphy, and perfected herself in that branch of work, and soon found a good situation. These sisters had often expressed a desire to go west sometime, and in the spring of 1902, they decided to venture, and went to Oregon, and eventually secured good posi- tions at Portland. It was not long, however. loy before the spirit of enterprise took Evelyn to Washington State, where she has taken up a homestead in which Fannie is also interested, but still remains at Portland. They are bright, intelligent, capable girls, and well deserve to succeed, which there is no doubt they will. (262) Joseph Edson (Hyde). 326 Leonora May, b. June 15, 1886. 327 Lillian Adela, b. Jan. 5, 1889. 328 Fannie Lane, b. Nov. i, 1891. 329 William Edson, b. Feb. 7, 1893, all at Grand Rapids. (265) Charles Sanford (Yale). 330 Harold Edson, b. Aug. 21, 1880, m. Myrtle Butler, June, 1899. 331 Ralph, b. Sept. 9, 1881, d. Oct. 24, same year. 332 Frederick Neahr, b. Oct. i, 1882, m. Louise Brown, at Los Angeles, Cal.. June 3, 1903. 333 Charles Milton, b. April 12, 1884, at Grand Rapids. (267) Fred Dana (Yale). 334 Fred Wallace, b. Oct. 31, 1886, d. June 3, 1887. (269) Mary Emma (Cobb). 335 Ethel Ives, b. July 24, 1881. (270) Harriette Lavinia (Gilchrist). 336 Bessie Ruth, b. June 5, 1882, at Grosse He, Mich. 337 Helen, b. Nov. 5, 1884, at Vermillion, Ohio. 338 William Ives, b. Feb. i, 1888, at Vermillion, Ohio. 339 Sarah Margaret, b. April 29, 1890, at Vermillion, Ohio. io8 340 Frederick Wells, b. March 17, 1893, at Detroit. 341 Donald Charles, b. June n, 1897, at Vermillion, Ohio. A group of very bright children who are having the best education to be obtained in Cleveland, and all are eager to learn. Bessie is in an art school making a special study of designing. Helen is a pupil in the " Women's College of the Western Reserve University." Ives is nearly ready to enter the " School of Applied Science." The younger ones are equally promising. (275) Jessie Dana (Whitall). 342 Laurence W^aldemar, b. July 6, 189 1, at Grosse He. 343 Margaret Keith, b. June 24, 1893, at Grosse He. (276) Charles Angus (Keith). 344 Hazel Louise, b. June 11, 1891, at Leadville, Col., d. at Cripple Creek, Col., June i, 1897. A most lovely child. 345 Erma Josephine, b. Oct. 7, 1893, at Cripple Creek. 346 Charles Angus, b. Sept. 29, 1895, at Cripple Creek. 347 Jean Palmer, b. Sept. 24, 1899- at Cripple Creek, less than a month after her father's death. (279) Dan J. (Bennett). 348 Carl, b. March 28, 1884. 349 Maud, b. Aug. i, 1886. 350 Wayne, b. May 15, 1889. 351 Amy, b. March 13, 1891. All at Perry, Mich. (280) Dana H. (Bennett). 352 Loraine, b. Feb. 14, 1898. 353 Louise, b. March 12, 1899, both at Pinckney, Mich. 109 (281) Jessie (Bridger). 354 Roe, b. Feb. 15, 1891. 355 Bessie, b. May i, 1893. Both at Perry, Mich. (282) Harriet (Wilson). 356 Kent, b. Aug. 13, 1891. 357 Hazel, b. July 16, 1893, d. Aug. 18, 1898. A very sweet, happy-tempered little girl. 358 Frederick, b. May i, 1898. 359 George Vernon, b. Aug. 11, 1899. All at Grand Rapids. All of these groups of children are having the best of school advantages, and the best of home training. (289) Lulu (Dickerson). 360 Florence Mae, b. May 4, 1895. no Tenth Generation. (316) Henry Gilmore (Watkins). 361 Freda, b. Feb. 6, 1888. (303) Grace Elizabeth (Curry). 362 Duncan, b. July 14, 1887, at Staunton, Va. 363 Grace Beatrice, b. Jan. 21, 1889, d. July 26, 1899. 364 Robert Granville, b. April 9, 1890. 365 John Leslie, b. Feb. 11, 1892. 366 Eleanor May, b. Dec. 31, 1893. 367 Margaret Henry, b. Sept. 26, 1897, d. July 6, 1898. 368 Constance Dana, b. Sept. 26, 1897. 369 Charlotte Hyde, b. Oct. 12, 1899, d. July 22, 1900. 370 Grace Elizabeth, b. Sept. 16, 1901, d. Aug. 2, 1902. Duncan graduated at the Staunton High School before he was fifteen. Being too young to enter the University of Virginia, he went one year to William and Mary College ; is now in the University of Virginia. Gran- ville shows decided talent for sculpture and music. Leslie will evidently be a lawyer. The little girls are equally bright and promising. (304) John Leslie (Duncan). 371 John Leslie, b. June 22, 1901, at Toledo. (321) Thomas Edson (Barnum). 372 Charles Norman, b. June 12, 1901, at Milwaukee. 373 Margaret Millicent, b. Jan. 2, 1903, at Milwaukee. INDEX. Abell, 36, 50. Adgate, 9, 18, 32, 40. Allen, 85. Andrews, 91, 104. Andrus, 91, 105. Angstman, 89. Bachus, 17, 18, 40. Bairy, 90. ^ Baldwin, 44, 53. Bay ley, 13. Ballou, 103. Baret, 12, Barnum, 92, 105, no. Barrows, 30. Barton, loi. Beecher, 30. Bennett, 100, 108. Bingham, 17, 19, 40. Blacknnan, 52. Blinman, 42. Bliss, 40. Bolton, 85. Bosworth, 57. Bradford, 39, 52. Bridger, 100, 109. Brown, 47, 52, 107. Browning, loi. Buckingham, 11. Buckmaster, 22. Buell, 9. Bullard, 22. Burchard, 44, 49. Bushnell,32,33,35,36,45,5o. Butler, 26, 54, 107. Calkins, 9, 42, 44, 47, 50. Carey, 30. Case, 19. Chapman, 10, 85. Christopher, 37. Clark, 10, 14, 18, 19, 45, 56, 7h 72, 71, 93- Cleveland, 50. Cobb, 96, 107. Cole, 80. Coleman, 54. Collins, 52, 53, 54. Crane, 10, 13. Croswell, 23. Curry, 1 02, 103, no. Dana, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 54, 58. [Ill] 112 Defrase, lOO. Denison, 19, 35- Dick, 81. Dickerson, loi, 109. Dickinson, 36. Duffield, 66. Duncan, 88, 102, no. Edson, 60. Eliot, 12. Everitt, 92. Fiero, ^T. Finley, 90. Fitch, 13, 29, 54- Flint, 57. Foote, 39. Forbes, 18. Gager, 18. Gay, 24. Gifford, 44. Gilchrist, 96, 107. Gillett, 28. Gilmore, 91. Glover, 82. Gobell, 22. Goodwin, 57. Gough, 100. Graves, 52. Gray, 54. Green, 24. Griswold, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 21, 22, 35,40, 50. Ham, 64, 86. Harrington, 105. Harrison, loi. Hart, 37. Hatch, 59. Hayes, 67, 91, 104. Hearst, 83. Hill, 80. Hoffstader, 91. Hope, 86. Hosley, 84, lOi. Hough, 43. Howard, 94, 106. Hunt, 70. Huntington, 10, ii, 12, 16, 19, 20, 24, 40, 45, 52, 57, 58. Hyde, 23, 24, 29, 32,40,41, 44, 47, 48,49, 51, 52, 54.55. 58, 59, 60, 61,62 63,64,70, 71, 72, 85, 90, 92, 94, 102, 104, 107. Ives, 75, 76, ^^, 96, 97, 98. Johnson, 90, loi. Keith, 81, 98, 99, 108. Kibbe, 28. Kimball, 30, 86. Kneeland, 62, 82, 100. Larrabee, 47. 19, Lathrop, 17. I Lee, 47. Leffingwell, 9, 15, 32, 35, ?,^, 37, 40, 54- Lewis, 85, 92, 105. Loomis, 69. Lord, 50. Lyon, 69. Macomb, 98. Madden, 90. Mann, 38. Marsh, 20. Marston, 6y. Marvin, 32, 45. Mason, 52, 54. Miller, 19, 94, 106. Metcalf, 19, 54. Miles, 100. Moushunt, 84. Neahr, 95. Nelson, 73. Nyhart, 74, Oldham, 22. Oliver, 23. Osgood, 64. Otis, 64. Palmer, 99, Parsons, 95. Payne, 91. Phelps, 9, Pierrepont, 53. Post, 9, 49. 113 33, 34, Pratt, 17. Pride, 40. Reed, 23. Roberts, 43, 86, 102. Rockwell, 13, 45, Royce, 43, 44, 47, 64. Rucker, 98, Sackett, 56, Schofield, 85. Scott, 68. Seagrave, 102. Seymour, 30. Shuman, 40, 44. Sparks, 105. Sprague, 60, 62,, 69, 92, 105. Standish, 44. Starr, 24. Stephens, 65, 88, 89, 104. Stevens, 29, 30, 89, 104. Stewart, 87. Stoughton, 13. Sullivan, 66, 90. Sumner, 24. Swain, 13. Thomas, 56. Throop, 52. Tracy, 9, 10,18,36,37,38,39, 40, 41, 44, 47. Trupp, 95. Urie, 105. 114 Walker, 82, 83, loi. Waterman, 40. Watkins, 68, 105, no. Washburn, 57. Wattles, 52. Wells, ^^, 78, 79» 80, 81. Whitall, 98, 108. White, 34. Whitman, 20. Whiton, 26, 28. Wilson, 100, 109. Winslow, 39, 40, 46, 47. Wolcott, 19. Woodward, 23. Yale, 75, 95, 107. Young, 87. >^ t. '^ ^^fh; 4 O. .-.<^- .-pvJ; -d ^ ^^c$ '"^^ :<^' .^^ v-^^^.* '^'' %- \' 'o , » * A ^ 's^^tiU/- u . 1 - ^v 'T:t*' ,0^ '^O :,\ -;», .0^ ,-^" -^o. A' C *-^/!?7^ ' O c ■>H '- * " '-kil-i- "ov^ :\,/ :f^'^.^ ^\/ ^|v^' »^l^v \/ /^\ %,^^ '^ O .1 !>■ • ^ OK :%. ► ^°'-*. <^„ *: ^ «? DOBBS BROS. ■.■■RARV BINDINQ .•^<^^ ^°-*^ ..f. :#^' APR 8U^^^ ^ »^ ■ , ST. AUGUSTINE -'^ '^,>\ ° W^v] A^"^ '"-i.