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CHAPTER I— Introduction page Illinois ofifers good example of westward movement 307 Periods of settlement 307 The third period 307 Class of pioneers 309 The forces operating to change the characteristics of the pioneer class in northern Illinois 309 Influence of the prairies 310 Comparison of northern and southern parts of the state with re- gard to class of settlers 310 Effect of physical characteristics on settlement 311 Internal improvements due to lack of markets 311 Prairies not conquered by 1850 312 Object of this investigation 312 CHAPTER II— Illinois Before 1830 1 . Early days in Illinois 313 Early organization of Illinois 313 Few settlers in Illinois before 1800 313 Soldiers of George Rogers Clark 315 French settlements 315 2 . The American settlements before 1809 316 Illinois in 1800 316 Illinois from 1800 to 1809 316 3. Illinois territory from 1809 to 1818. 317 Slow settlement before 1815 317 Unfavorable reports concerning the new country 317 The Ohio river the great highway of travel 318 Settlers from the South 318 Settlements in eastern Illinois 318 Settlements in southern Illinois 319 Settlements in western Illinois 319 Kaskaskia district the most populous 319 Edwardsville 319 Kickapoos held central Illinois 320 Isolated settlements 320 [3] 290 CONTEXTS CHAPTER II— Illinois Before 1830— continued. pagh 4 . Illinois from 1818 to 1830 320 Population in 1818 320 Nativities of the earlj' settlers 320 The frontier line in 1818 321 Location of the settlements 321 A turning point in development of state (1824.) 321 Settlements before 1830 322 Albion 322 Shawneetovpn 322 Towns were frontier villages 323 Expansion 323 5. Sangamon Country . 323 Pioneers use the small prairies, 324 Still remain close to timber 324 Development after 1824 is rapid 325 Towns in the Sangamon country 325 6. The Military Tract 326 Earliest settlements 326 Settlements along the Illinois river 326 Settlements along the Mississippi 327 Character of the population 327 7. The Lead Region 327 8. Chicago 328 9. General sttitement 323 Location of settlements 328 The prairies 329 CHAPTER III — The Causes for the Settlement of Illinois 1 . Tendency of x\n.ericans to migrate 330 General mo\ ement by classes 330 2 . General causes for migration 330 a. The restless spirit 331 People dissatisfied for various reasons 331 Land values 331 Effect of public lands on people in Bast 331 Clay's report of 1834 332 Reports from the West , . 332 b . The internal improvements 332 Traffic by steam 333 c . Financial depression 333 Speculation 333 Federation of labor 334 Strikes 334 Most notable consequence was emigration to West.. .335 [4] CONTENTS 291 CHAPTER III— Causes for the Settlement of Illinois— con. page 3. Local causes 335 a. New England 335 New Englander's desire to roam 335 Not a good agricultural region 335 Small farms 336 Sheep industry proves profitable 336 Value of industry increased by demand 336 Effect upon the supply of land 337 Decline in this industry after 1837 337 Dairying industry 337 Decrease in agricultural products 338 Farmers move to Maine and New Hampshire 338 Manufactures 338 Foreign laborers in the factories 339 b. Middle states 339 Complaints of hard times 339 Wages did not increase with cost of living 340 Conditions equally unfavorable for farmers 340 Decrease in agricultural population 341 Reason assigned for decrease 341 Effect of Erie canal on competition 341 Decreased cost of transportation 342 Canal operated against welfare of a portion of farming class of New York 342 Concentration of pi'operty 342 Anti-Rent riots 342 "Genesee Tariff" 343 Colony fever 343 Conditions in Pennsylvania similar to those in New York , 343 Land not fertile 344 Circulars from the West 344 c. Southern states 344 Migration into Gulf states 344 Difficult to determine amount to the North 345 General depression prevalent in old states of South 345 Production of staples not always advantageous. . . 345 Effect of Ihe tariff 346 Conditions in Southwest very bad 346 Influence of slavery 347 [5] 292 CONTENTS CHAPTER III— Causes for the Settlement of Illinois— con. 3. Local causes— continued page d. Northwest Territory 347 Monetary affairs in Ohio 347 Internal improvements in Indiana 348 Varied fertility of soils 348 Comparative values in Ohio 349 Like conditions in Indiana 350 Effect upon the farmers 350 Circulars and their effect 350 "Generation" law 350 4, Causes for settlement of Illinois primarily economic 351 CHAPTER IV— The Way to the West 1. General routes to the West 352 Great Lakes and the Ohio river 352 Southern road 353 Lines converging from New England 353 New York lines 353 Buffalo the great port of the lower lakes 354 The lines leading from the Middle Atlantic states 354 Prom the neighborhood of Baltimore 355 The Old National Road 355 Prom the southern states 356 Prom Kentucky and Tennessee 356 The line of the Mississippi 356 Prom the older states of the Northwest Territory 357 Objective points 357 St. Louis 357 Galena 358 Galena as a supply point 358 Chicago 358 Illinois roads centering at Chicago 359 2. Travel on the Great Lakes 359 Cost of transportation 360 Preight rates 360 Amount of goods shipped 361 Speed of travel 361 Boats used 361 3. Travel on the rivers 362 Early river traffic 362 Keel-boats 3G3 Rafts 363 fG] CONTENTS 293 CHAPTER [V— The Way to the West— continued 3. Travel on the rivers— continued page The early steamboats 364 Peculiar construction 364 Inconveniences of travel in early days 364 Amount of travel 365 Deck passengers 366 Comforts enjoyed by cabin passengers 366 Unfavorable accounts 36g Rules governing conduct of passengers 367 Gambling 367 Cost of travel 367 Prices gradually lowered 368 Prices after 1840 368 Cost of transporting goods 368 Volume of travel 369 4. Travel along wagon roads 369 Many came west in wagons 370 Comments of newspapers 370 Conveyances used 371 The Pennsylvania wagons 371 The New York wagons 371 Goods of the immigrants 371 The slock 371 Howells' description of a trip 372 General method of making trip 372 Progress slow 373 Impossible to estimate cost of travel overland 373 Taverns 373 Only general statements can properly be made con- cerning the methods by which the settlers came to Illinois 374 CHAPTER V— The Illinois and the Fox River Valleys 1. The middle Illinois river counties 375 Mason county 375 Havana 377 Location of population 377 Tazewell county 377 Tremont 377 Delavan 378 The common house in Delavan 373 [7] 294 CONTENTS CHAPTER V— The Illinois and the Fox River Valleys— con. 3. The upper Illinois river counties — continued Tazewell county — continued page A temperance colony 378 The Mackinaw colony 378 Other settlements in Tazewell county 379 Location of settlements 379 Woodford county 379 Settlements were small 380 Mixed population 380 Marshall county 380 Paper towns 381 Character of the population 381 Putnam county 381 2. Characterization of settlements of middle Illinois river coun- ties 382 Nativities of settlers 382 Reason for the equal division of classes 382 Character of woodland pioneer 383 Character of prairie pioneer 383 Increase of population during the period 383 3. The upper Illinois river counties 383 Early settlements 383 La Salle county 383 Rockwell colony 38i Grundy county 385 Will county 386 Small settlements 386 Lockport 386 General advancement of this section during period of 1832 to 1837 387 Effect of panic of 1837 387 Not noticeable at first 387 Effect upon various towns 387 Increased prosperity after 1842 388 Peru, the most important town 388 La Salle a type of western towns 389 Joliet 389 Nativities of settlers 389 Influence of lines of communication 390 Location of settlements 390 Chicago's influence on growth of settlement 391 [8] CONTENTS ^95 CHAPTER V— The Illinois and the Pox River Valleys— con. page 4. The Fox river valley 391 Early settlements 391 Years following 1832 prosperous 392 Kane county 392 Aurora 392 St, Charles 392 Lake county 392 McHenry county 393 Period 1837 to 1843 one of slow growth 393 From 18i3 to 1850 growth steady 393 Elgin becomes a manufacturing town 393 Waukegan 394 Nativities of settlers 394 5. General statement concerning development 394 Influence of transportation lines 395 The towns all on lines of communication 395 CHAPTER VI— The Military Tract 1. Early settlement in the Military Tract 397 Few soldiers took advantage of their grants 397 Squatters 397 Peoria 393 Calhoun county 39g Pike county 399 Schuyler county 399 Fulton county 399 General location of settlers in the Illinois river counties. . 399 Adams county 400 Hancock county 400 Location of settlement in the Mississippi river counties... 400 Interior counties 401 Military Tract in 1830 402 2. Calhoun and Pike counties after 1830 402 3. Illinois river counties from 1830 to 1840 402 Brown county 402 Mt. Sterling 403 Schuyler county 403 Fulton county 403 Peoria county 404 [9] 296 CONTENTS CHAPTER VI— The Mii.itary Tract— continued page 4. Mississippi river counties. (1830 — 1840) 405 Adams county 405 Development of Quincy 405 Other settlements in Adams county 405 Hancock county 406 Henderson county 406 Mercer county 406 5. Inland counties of the Tract 407 Early settlements 407 Warren county 407 Knox county and Galesburg 407 Henry county 403 Andover settlement 409 Wethersfield colony 409 New York colony 409 Geneseo colony 410 Bureau county 410 Princeton 411 Rapid growth after 1836 411 Providence colony 411 6. Summary for decade 1831—1840 412 7. The Illinois river counties from 1841—1850 413 8. The Mississippi river counties from 1841—1850 414 Adams county and Quincy 414 Hancock county 415 Mormons 415 Icarians 415 Henderson and Mercer counties 416 9. The inland counties from 1841—1850 416 McDonough, Warren and Stark counties 417 Henry county 417 Bureau county 417 10. Summary for the Military Tract 418 Increase for the period from 1831 to 1850 418 Prairies not settled by 1850 418 Cities in the Tract 418 QuMncy an example of the effect of favorable location 418 Second class of towns 419 Third class of towns 419 Colonies 419 Nativities of the settlers 419 [10] CONTENTS 297 CHAPTER VII-The Rock River Valley page 1 . The country 421 Exceptional growth during the years 1831 to 1850 421 The settlements before 1830 421 Rock Island 421 Dixon 423 All early settlements were on the Rock river 423 2. From the Black Hawk War to 1837 424 Troops in war see value of country 424 Settlements along the Rock river 424 Settlements away from the river 425 Town of Sterling 425 Northern settlements of the valley 425 Boone county 425 Winnebago County and Rockford 426 Polish grant 426 Stephenson county 426 Period shows pioneer preferences for settlement 427 Little development in the towns 428 3. Prom 1837 to 1843 428 Ogle county 428 Grand Detour 429 De Kalb county 429 Rockford 429 Hard times in Winnebago county 430 Growth slow 430 Stephenson county 430 Preeport 431 The "prairie pirates" 431 Scai-city of markets retarded settlement 432 Trouble over claims 432 4. From 1843 to 1850 432 Period of rapid growth 432 Reasons for the growth 433 Increase is in the country, not in towns 433 Ogle, DeKalb and Boone show little increase 434 The other northern counties show large increase 434 Rockford 435 Farmers prosperous 436 Stephenson county 436 Immigrants from Pennsylvania 436 Foreigners in the county 436 Preeport 437 Scattered settlements 437 nil 298 CONTENTS CHAPTER VII— The Rock River Valley— continued page 5 . Summary for the Rock river valley 437 Two periods of development 437 Rapid increase of the northern counties 438 Nativities of settlers 439 Education and religion 439 CHAPTER VIII— Eastern Illinois 1 . Wabash river counties 440 Few settlers on the prairies 440 Edgar and Vermilion counties 442 Danville 442 Decade 1831 to 1840 442 Decade 1841 to 1850 443 Settlement moves towards the interior of the state 443 Danville in 1850 443 Other settlements 444 2. Settlements before 1830 444 McLean county settled rapidly 445 Important towns in 1830 445 Change comes in pioneer life 446 3. Sovithern counties of eastern Illinois after 1830 446 Jasper county 446 Colonic des Freres 447 Settlements after 1845 447 Cumberland county 448 Work on National Road helps increase settlement 448 County fills up slowly 448 Effingham county 449 Teutopolis 449 Shelby and Moultrie counties 450 Coles county 450 4 . Central counties of eastern Illinois 451 Champaign county 451 Urbana the county town 451 Settlement of Champaign county slow 451 De Witt county 452 Piatt county 452 Macon county 452 McLean county 453 Important settlements in McLean county 454 Ohio colony in McLean county 454 Rhode Island colony 454 [12] CONTENTS 299 CHAPTER VIII-Eastern Illinois— contir.ued 4. Central counties of eastern Illinois— cor tinued McLean county — continued page Hudson colony 454 Bloomington 455 Bloomington in 18iO 455 5. Northern counties of eastern Illinois 456 Kankakee county 456 Livingston county 456 Pontiac 456 Location of settlement in the county 457 Slow growth 457 Iroquois county 457 Colonies in Iroquois county 458 Paper towns 458 6 . Summary for Eastern Illinois 458 Small urban population 459 Reason for few towns 459 Influence of timber on location of settlement 459 Nativities of the pioneers 460 CHAPTER IX -The Lead Region 1. Early explorations 461 2. Lead Region before 1830 461 Under government control 461 First permanent settlements 462 Growth begins in 1822 462 Arrival of Meeker colony 463 Establishment of new mining camps 463 Lord Selkirk's colony 464 Rapid growth begins 1826—1827 464 Winnebago War 4g5 Organization of Jo Daviess county 465 Desire to organize a new territory 465 Galena in 1830 466 3. Lead Region after 1830 467 Black Hawk War 457 Expansion after Indian treaty 467 Galena gradually loses characteristics of a frontier town . . 467 Galena in 1810 453 Importance of the city as a trade center 468 Government administration of mineral lands 469 Minor settlements 47O [13] 300 CONTENTS CHAPTER IX— The Lead REGioN-continued page i. Carroll county 471 Savanna 471 Mt. Carroll 471 5. Settlement of the Lead Region exceptional 472 Frontier characteristics of Galena 472 Los3 of frontier characteristics 473 Influence of water communication on character of settle- ment 473 Influence of the mines on the character of settlement. . . . 473 CHAPTER X-Chicago 1. Chicago before 1832 475 Major Long's prophecy for Chicago 475 Chicago in 1826 476 Chicago in 1830 476 2. Chicago in 1832 476 Rapid growth begins in 1833 478 Increase in 1834 478 Influence of speculation in 1835 . 478 Speculation of 1835 and 1836 478 Chicago in 1835 and 1836 479 Chicago obtains a charter in 1837 480 3. The financial revulsion of 1837. 481 Effect upon the city 481 4. Chicago from 1840 to 1843 481 Character of population 481 City rapidly built up 482 Chicago a shipping point 482 Origin of the export trade 483 The residence district 483 City improvements 484 Chicago in 1843 484 5. Chicago from 18i3 to 1850 484 Heterogeneous population 484 Chicago a manufacturing city 485 Commerce 485 Pew city improvements 486 Unfavorable comments on Chicago 486 Attempts to remedy defects 487 Schools 487 Churches 487 Other developments— police, light 487 Communication with interior 487 [14] CONTENTS 301 CHAPTER X—CHiCA(io— continued page 6. Suburban communities ISS 7. Chicago's development not typical of western growth 488 Influence of location on growth 488 Influence of location on character of population 489 Chicago the result of physiographic conditions 490 CHAPTER XI— Foreign Elements in the Population of Illinois 1. General statement concerning emigration 491 Locations preferred by foreigners 491 Tendency to group together 492 2. Germans in Illinois 493 Religious unrest a cause for emigration 493 Political grievances another cause 494 Economic causes 494 Crop failures 494 Transportation companies 495 Early settlements 495 Teutopolis 495 Settlements along Illinois river 496 Settlements in northern Illinois 496 In the Rock River Valley 497 Germans desirable settlers 497 Reasons for some Germans settling in cities 498 Politics of the Germans 498 3. Irish 499 Causes for emigration 499 Tendency to locate in cities 499 Alon^ the line of Illinois-Michigan canal 500 Some became farmers 500 Characteristics of Irish settlers 501 4. English 501 Causes for emigration 501 General depression 501 Exorbitant taxes 502 Political troubles 502 London Roman Catholic Migration Society 502 Early English settlements in Illinois 503 Later settlements 503 English as settlers 503 5. Scotch 504 Economic distress the caus'- for emigration 504 Scotch as American citizens 504 [15] 302 CONTENTS CHAPTER XI — Foreign Elements in the Population of Ill- inois — continued page 6. Scandinavians 504 7. French 505 Early French in Illinois 505 Settlements after 1830 505 8. Swiss 506 9. Portuguese 506 10. Poles, Welsh, Bavarians, Jews 506 11. Line of the Great Lakes responsible for much of foreign ele- ment in Illinois 507 Influence of climatic conditions, cheap lands and hatred of slavery 507 CHAPTER XII— The Mormons in Illinois 1. Social settlements in Illinois 508 The Mormons before coming to Illinois 508 In Missouri 508 2. Mormons in Illinois 509 Locate in Hancock county 509 Rapid growth of Nauvoo 509 Political contest for Mormon vote 510 Charter for Nauvoo 510 Nauvoo a government within a government 511 Nauvoo legion 511 Power abused 511 Charter a source of weakness as well as strength 512 3. Mormons from 1812-1346 512 Industries in Nauvoo 512 Mormon population in 1842 513 Settlement in 1842 513 Missionary plans 514 Results of missionary work 514 Newspaper reports of colonies 514 Growth during early forties 514 Foreigners composed most of settlement 515 City grows in wealth and beauty 515 Travelers' accounts of Nauvoo 516 Country farm houses not so good 517 Nauvoo in 1845 .517 [16] CONTEXTS yOy CIIAPTP3R XII— Thb Mormons in Illinois— continiiecl page 4. Expulsion of Mormons 517 Hostility to the sect 517 Accusations a,?tvinst the Mormons 518 Bennett*s expose 518 Charges increase 518 Peculiar doctrines 519 Questionable characters as'jemble in Nauvoo 519 Thieves and counterfeiters there 519 Jealousy within the church a cause for its downfall 520 Arrest of Smith 520 Governor Ford interferes 521 Murder of Joseph Smith 521 Panic in Nauvoo and Carthage 521 Brigham Young the head of the church 521 The election of 1844 521 Threats against Mormons 521 Repeal of charter 522 Mormons deierutiue to leHVi-> the state 522 Treaty with Moriaoas 522 Many Mormons leave 523 Some wish to remain 523 Mormons are expehed 523 Xauvoo abandoned 524 Expulsion a good thing f.ir hiinois 524 Mormon settlement a phase of v.'estern expansion 524 Even the treedom of the frontier could not tolerate Mor- monism 525 Nauvoo as a western city 525 CHAPTER XIII — Communistic skitlements in Illinois 1. Fourier's settlements 526 His doctrine 526 The Phalanr 5^g Introduced into the United ^Staves 527 Bureau county Phalanx 527 Integral Phalanx 527 Not established on Fourier's idea 527 2. The Bishop Hill Colony 528 Religious difficulties iu Sv/eden 528 Eric Jansen 5vg Swedes resolve to emigrate 528 Trip from New Vork to Illinois 529 2 [17] 304 CONTENTS CHAPTER XIII— Communistic Settlements in Illinois -con. 2. The Bishop Hill Colony— continued page Accounts of their appearance 529 Swedes in Illinois 529 Erect church 530 Method of living 530 Were farmers 530 Colony prosperous in 1850 531 Dissension 531 3. Cabet's settlement 531 Doctrine of Cabet 532 Supported in Europe 532 Cabet decides to move to America 532 The Texas venture fails 533 Move to Illinois 533 The Constitution 533 Everyday life of the community 534 Not molested by the people of Illinois 534 Breakdown of the colony 534 4. Smaller experiments 535 General plan of these colonies 535 Are a phase of western expansion 535 The Phalanx and Icaria as examples of the westward move- ment 536 Icaria an example of democratic government and pure communism 536 Phase of communism in the Bishop Hill colony 537 No new social organization attempted 537 CHAPTER XIV— The Prairie Farmer 1. Pioneers before 1830 538 Influence of physiography 538 Hunter pioneers driven back from northern Illinois 538 Effect of steam navigation on the Great Lakes 539 Order of migration of classes reversed 539 2. Illinois prairies in 1830 639 Pioneers shun the prairies 540 Occupy small clearings made in timber 540 Scarcity of timber on prairies 540 Little water 540 Later settlers forced onto the prairies 541 Prairies improve upon acquaintance i. . . 541 Timberland still most highly prized 541 [18] CONTENTS 305 CHAPTER XIV— The Prairie Farmer— continued 2. Illinois prairies in 1830— continued. page Reports concerning climate 541 Much sickness in the new country 542 High lands most heathf ul 543 3. The home of the prairie man 543 Furniture 543 Prairie houses 543 Cost of lumber 544 4. The farm 544 Ploughing 544 Difficulty of the worii 544 Fences 545 Wire fence solves the problem 546 Trouble with gophers and prairie chickens 546 5. Products of the farms 547 Transportation problem 547 Illinois-Michigan canal 548 Other improvements 549 Immense plans for Illinois 549 Effect on the state 549 Livestock 549 Sheep 550 6. Improved machinery 550 Effect upon products 550 Saw mills added to machinery 551 7. The pioneer 551 Woodland pioneers 552' The true southern woodsman 552^ No classes in northern Illinois 552 People in the north well-to-do 552 The disreputable element 553 Unfavorable comment 553 Good traits of pioneers 553 Hospitality 554 Effect of the country on the settlers 554 Daily life of pioneer 555 Amusements 555 Opposition to gambling 555 Education 55g Southern settlers and education 557 Northern settlers and education 557 Churches 557 Work of the early settlers 553 [19] ■^'^^ ^CONTENTS CHAPTER XV— CoNci.L-sio.N page 1 . Comparative views of Illinois 559 Frontier line in 1830 559 Frontier line in 1840 559 Frontier line in 1850 559 Population maps give only general idea of location of set- tlement 562 2. Period from 1830 to 1832 562 Effect of Black Hawk War 562 3. Period from 1833 to 1837 562 Effect of steam navigation on the lakes 563 Desire to emigrate to West 563 Speculation and its influence upon the West 564 The years 1835 and 1836 56i Paper towns 564 Successfiil ventures 565 Substantial growth 566 Lack of money a drawback to settlement 566 Characteristics of northern Illinois settlement firmly fixed during this period 567 Effect of steam on northern Illinois 567 4 . The period ov depression, 1837 to 1843 56S Immigration to the West 56S Unfavorable conditions in Illinois 5G9 Effect of specie circular 569 Finances in 1812 569 Disputes over land claims 570 Struggle against repudiation 570 5. The period of recovery, 1843 to 1850 571 Finances in 1816 571 Recovery not rapid in all parts of the state 571 Effect of the Douglas land bill on the eastern counties. . . 571 Need of transportation facilities in the northern counties 572 Effect of transportation lines on settlement 572 Importance of lines oi' communication 573 Nativities of the settlers of Illinois 573 Lines of communication and their influence on sectionalism .573 Period from 1830 to 1850 one of beginnings; the railroad necessary to solve the prairio problem 574 [20] THE SETTLEMENT OE ILLINOIS EROM 183U TO 1850 CHAPTER I Introduction The stcite of llliiidiN ollVrs m unique opportunity for the study of tlie westward movement and of the influences deter- mining the character and h)cation of settlement. Owing to its size, its favorable location, the routes by which it can be reached, its varied physiographic divisions, its abundance of internal watenvays, its numerous stretches of woodland, its extensive prairies and the time taken for the frontier line to cross the staite 'we may well expect to find within its limits a varied popu- lation. The settlement of the state may be divided into four clearly defined periods, viz: (1) the period of the French occupation; (2) from the coming of the Americans to the opening of steam na.vigation on the Great Lakes; (3) from the opening of steam navigation on the Great Lakes to the opening of the railroads across the prairies; (4) after the opening of the railroads. This investigation deals with the third period of settlement (approximately fi'om 1831 to 1850) which itself is conveniently divided into foiii- periods somewhat less clearly defined than the general divisions already noted. First of thes(^ minor divisions' is the period extending to the Black Hawk War; this serves as an introduetorj' period for the greater development .soon to follow. Second is the period of speculation and rapid set- tlement which (^xlends to the collapse of tlic internal improve- ment syste?n in the .state. It is difficult to fix a date for the [211 308 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN 4 The Praibies and Woodlands of Illinois North and east of the heavy line Is prairie country, less than 20 per cent, wood- land. South and west of the heavy line is woodland, over 20 per cent. (Goode. The Oeofjraphy of Illinois, 7.) [22] ' POOLEY SETTLKMENT OE ILLINOIS, 1830-50 309 close of this period since the effects of the fall of financial credit were not felt as quickly in some parts of the state as in others. The date falls between 1837 and 1840. The third period extends to 1845 and is one of depression. The last period, which follows 1845, is marked by a revival of confidence in the financial condition of the state and a gradual increase in the stream of immigration. In this period is felt the in- fiueneo of the proposed railroads. In a general way it is characterized by solid and substantial growth in wealth and population. Previous to 1830 the natural order of progression had been observed in the movement of settlement to the West. The hunter-pioneers of Kentucky and Tennessee had firmly es- tablished themselves in the southern woodlands of Illinois and had begTin to send out new pioneers who traveled up the great internal water'way of the state, the Illinois river, or passed over into the Military Tract and followed the wooded banks of the i\Iississippi northward to the lead mines. These pioneers had become a permanent part of the state's population but as yet had not ventured away from the Avoodlands. They Avere content to cultivate their little clearings in the timber until succeeded by the small farmer, who, in turn, was sue^ieeded by a third class, the more substantial farmer in search of a permanent location. The prairies were still unkno\ATi and the social organization of the South was waiting for some means by which the difficulties accompanying the subjugation of the prairies could be overcome. The new forc^> came too late to aid the earliest class of settlers, for events operated in such a way as to act as a check upon the expansion of the hunter-pioneer. In 1832 the Black Hawk War broke out, driving the out-posts of settlement backward into the stronger southern communities and before a recovery of lost ground could be effected a more powerful check was administered to the expansion of settlement from the southern part of the state. It was a new force in the westward move- ment and by means of it the natural order of succession of classes was overturned and the class of substantial farmers was first upon the prairies of northern Illinois. The opening of [23] 310 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN steam navigation upon the lakes, therefore, introduced a new class of pioneers into the westward movement. They were not in possession of a fund of experience gleaned from pioneer ajieestors who for generations had battled with the hardships and problems of the frontier. They were simple farmers who were placed npoii land already partly cleared by nature for oc- cupation ; but the clearing had been done on such a grand scale that the abimdance of riches caused trouble in' the attempt to nicike use of them. With the.se prairie settlers the discussion is chiefly concerned and 1830 is taken as the starting point. The influence of lines of transportation coupled with the in- fluence exerted by the prairies of northern and eastern Illinois has operated to change the character of the western pioneei-s. As the route of the Ohio and the southern wagon roads gave character to the settlements in the South, so the northern route was to give character to the settlement of the northern counties and, owing to the increased rapidity of communication and the increased volume of immigration, the effect, if anything, was to be more marked. A dovetailing process had gone on in the central part of the state where the men from the Middle States and New England elbowed their way in between the timber tracts of the South, while the southern man chopped his Avay northward, through the timber along the rivers, until he had reached Woodford, ]\Iar- shall and Putnam counties. Here the eharacteristics are not so marked. A comparison of those of the northern and southern ends of the state will, however, bring out clearly the distinction. Instead of a gradual settlement by successive classes in the North, as there had been in the South ivvhere the hunter and back- woodsman with his rifle and hunting knife slowly moved on- ward before the increasing tide of civilization, combatting the savages and wild beasts, we see another development. The pioneer was rapidly transported from his native state to the West by the aid of steam and his conquest of the new countiy was effected with like rapidity. Instead of the rifle and hunting knife he brought his oxen and his farming implements. Nor was this all ; the merchant, the artisan, the school master [24] I'ooi-KY — si:rrLK.Mi:xT of illixois, 1830-50 311 ami till' pi-cju'luM" ('(11110 jilso. Tlic rmindiitioiis of civilization wove laid rapidly and ci'catioii rather than ^M'Dwth s(>eiiis to have beon the order of things. The .savajios haviii;^' left, the pioneer had a. free hand and th(^ spread of settlement went on \\nth cori'espdmlinu- eelei-ity. ('hurches and sehool houses sprang; up, together with comfortable dwellings, for the log-cabin age did not last long on the prairies. Physical characteristics, too. have had an enormous effect upon the location of population. Along the streams lay the timber and to the timlier went the early settlers both from north and south, for they knew little of the prairies. In the valleys of the larger rivers the lowlands were at fii'st not oc- cupied owing to floods and general unhealthf ulness ; in the districts near the head watei-s of the rivers, the valleys were not so low ; neither did the rivers tend to overflow for such ex- tended periods. Consequently we see the settlements closer to the streams, although still seeking, when possible, the elevated portions of land near at hand. It is also true that on the more level expanses of the state, away from the large rivers, the tim- ber was first occupied. When the next influx of settlers came an additional layer of settlement was formed around the timber lands and removed from them by the space of a mile or so. For years one of the greatest problems of the settlers was to find markets. The navigable streams were the highways of communication and hei*e and there along them were towns of considerable prosperity, owing to the fact that the surround- ing agricultural regions poured in yearly crops of produce to be shipped down the streams to more advantageous markets. Moreover, it was to these towns that the farmers 'were obliged to come to obtain their supplies from the eastern cities and by means of the traffic to and fro, the to\\ms gained in prosperity. Few, indeed, and small were the inland towns for the reason that they aft'orded no markets. To the lack of markets, then, can be traced the internal improvement excitement which struck the state in 1836. Cost of transportation from Galena around by way of the ]^lississippi and the Ohio to the East was exces- sively high and it was too far to cart such a hea^y product as lead across the state to a lake port. The southern fanners like- [251 312 BLLLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN wise were obliged to cart to a river port; those of central Ill- inois looked to Chicago for a market, often going one hundred or one hundred and fifty miles with farm produce at the cost of much time. Internal improvements were meeting with suc- cess in other parts of the land, so it was natural that they should be attempted in Illinois where markets were in great demand. The succeeding periods show like development and it is highly probable that little by little the prairies would have been assimilated, but it would have been a slow process, owing to the difficulties of transportaition and of finding markets. When 1850 came, the northern part of the state presented a peculiar bird's eye vie'w — strips of comparatively closely settled country stretched away in every direct:on, indicating the timber tracts, while between them was the unoccupied prairie. Here lay the work for the railroads and these, by practically annihilating distances, created markets by bringing the producer and the coDsmner together, gave the settler something to cling to Avhen he swung clear of the timber; in short, gave him the key to the prairie. Exceptions are, of course, to be found to the general laws controlling the settlement of the prairies, but they are not fre- quent enough to overthrow these laws which seem to be the basis of the occupation of northern and eastern Illinois. The object of this discussion is to show the progress of set- tlement on the Illinois prairies, paying special attention to the influence of physiographic conditions, to lines of communication and to the change which took place so abruptly in the character of the pioneer class of the West, and to show the differences ex- isting between the pioneer of the woodlands and the pioneer of the prairielands. Causes for the settlement are to be noted, as well as such settlements as appear to be exceptional in char- acter and illustrative of some peculiar phase of the westward expansion. [26] rOOLKV SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 313 CHAPTER II Illinois Before 1830 For many years subsequent to the Revolution, Illinois at- tracted but little attention. The legislature of Virginia, how- ever, in 1778 organized a county to which it gave the name now borne by the state and appointed for this newly organized county a magistrate called a Lieutenant Governor. It came under the control of the confederation when ceded in 1784 by Virginia. Although for years Kentuclvy and Tennessee had afforded homes for pioneers who had found their way over the moun- tains to the western world, Illinois and the Northwest seemed to offer few inducements. After visiting the territory north- west of the Ohio, preparatory to its organization into the North- west Territory, ]\Ionroe wrote to Jefferson in a tone Vv'hieh showed thart; he had as yet no comprehension of the future greatness of this seemingly desolate country. "A great part of the territory 13," he said, "miserably poor especially that near Lakes Mich- igan and Erie, and that upon the Mississippi and the Illinois consists of extensive plains which have not had from appear- ances, and will not have, a single bush on them for ages. The districts, therefore, within which these fall will never contain' a sufficient number of inhabitants to entitlf^ th'^n to i^if^niber- ship in the confederacy."^ For a time it seemed that Monroe had spoken truthfully for, as yet, the railroads, the steamboats and the farming implements which were to be of service in the settlement of the great prairies Avere unkno'wn. Changes, however, soon began to take Monroe. Writinr/H, 1, 117. HiLLKTlX OK THE UKIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN Ga\trig y-cT-/ \. \. ^ntcaqo VP/) \v/\ S---'- W.^ V'i ^r X'oVv-'^'^-'"^^ CchoK bleatine Illinois in 1830 Shsdrc! portion shows location of scfllfinont : six or more per sro\vn, Wiftcrn Ga'cttccr mi'l h\:!i;,-::nff' (liii'lc (ISIT). .:(>. ••• Royaold , Illinois-. 10. [29] 316 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN farmer.-* In mechanic arts no progi-ess had been made; the old wooden plo'ws used in the early days still served the needs of this unprogressive people. The dress and homes of this quiet people were equally simple. Coarse blue cotton clothes, deer skin moccasins for their feet, blue handkerchiefs for their heads were worn by both sexes. In cold weather the skins of animals replaced the cotton clothing. Log houses, a single story high, with pimcheon floors and thatched roofs were their abodes. The furniture was designed for usefulness rather than ornament."' Around the village was a large tract known as the eoimnon field. jMost of this was allowed to remain in open pasturage but parts were cultivated by those who chose to enclose them. Occupancy gave a title to land but all reverted to the com- miuiity when occupation ceased. So the Americans found them, a people of simple habits, un- ambitious and submissive, unoppressed by taxes or political grievances, recognizing a single church and under the leader- ship of the village priest who was their guide, friend and philosopher. By 1781 the earliest American settlements had been made in the American Bottom. In 1800 there were three hundred and fifty families settled here, most of the men having been soldiers of George Rogers Clark during his campaigns against Vin- cennes and Kaskaskia. Two colonies of Virginians had come in 1786 and 1793 settling at New Design and in the surrounding country forming the nucleus of the American settlements." Other settlers came from the various eastern states.'^ In all the population of the state numbered 2,000 in 1800.^ During the first decade of the new century population in- creased rapidly,'' but the greater part was stiU in the American Mlall, Shrlchrs (1S.'{5). 1, 148. ■'' Mmjmine of Western History, lO, 562. * Settlements were made at Horse I'rairio. Whiteside Station and Bello- fontaine In Monroe county and at Turkey Hill in St. Clair county. 'There were settlers from Virginia. Kentucky, Maryland, Tennessee, New York, New Jersey, Tennsylvania and New Emgland. ' Reynolds, Illinois, 19. •The census of 1810 states population as 12.2S4 ; Reynolds, Illinois, 19. gives population as 2,000 in 1800. [30] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 18,30-50 317 Bottom although the frontier line was gradually moving towards the interior of the state.^** Across the territory in the Saline district a center of settlement had begun to form. In 1803 the salt springs had been purchased from the Indians and leased by the government to Captain Bell, a Kentuekian.^^ Shawnee- town, the center of the district, soon began to give evidence of becoming a town of some importance especially as a commer- cial center. It Avas on the Ohio river, the great highway for traffic and travel to the West and even at this early date "great fleets of keel-boats concentrated at this point engaged in salt and other traffic."^- Indian treaties during the decade opened up millions of acres of Illinois land for settlement but in spite of this fact the settlements still clung to the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.^^ / From the formation of Illinois territory in 1809 until the close of the War of 1812, the settlements were engaged in a struggle for existence. Many were abandoned during the war, on account of Indian troubles. In the years immediately fol- lowing 1810 the Chippewas. Kickapoos and Potto'w atomies committed so many murders and thefts that Gov. Edwards raised a military force to suppress the disturbers. One expedi- tion destroyed a French village at Peoria which had been the headquarters of a band of savages who ravaged the country. Reports of the unhealthfulness of the new country, of Indian outrages, of earthquakes, and the insecurity of land titles all operated to retard the flow of settlers from the eastern states. Owing to the fact that Illinois had, at different times, been under French. British, Virginian and Federal rule, land titles were often conflicting. A commission appointed in 1804 labored for ten years to adjust these titles previous to the opening of the land sale at Ka&kaskia in 181-t. The pre-errrption act of 1813 did mrrch to secure the pioneers in their possessions.^* '■' RidKC Fiirm, Goschen. Wood River, Silver Creek, and Sboal Creek were the new settlements. " Moses, IlHnois, 1, 26.'5. '2 Reynolds, ininois, 63. "The treaties of Ft. Wayne (1803^ : Vlncennes (1803) : St. Louis (180-1) and the second treaty of Vincennes (1804) opened 28,000,000 acres of Illinois land to settlement. "Davidson and Stuvi'-, IlUnnis, 201. :3i] ol8 BILLKTIX OF THE VXIVKKSITY OF WISCONSIN With the passasie of tliis act aud with the cessation of Indian raids after the ck)se of the War of 1812 a new epoch in the settlement of the state began. The settlers acquired confidence, land rose in demand and in value.^^ New Englanders and foreigners came in greater numbers than ever before. The close of the European wars had ruined the lucrative commerce of New England and thrown many out of employment, some of w^hom found their way to Illinois. The great highway of travel was the Ohio river. A writer of the time says "there is scarce a day except when the river is impeded with ice but what there is a greater or less number of boats to be seen floating down its gentle current to some place of destination. No less than five hundred families stopped at Cincinnati at one time, many of them having come a great dis- tance. "^° From Kentucky and Tennessee groups of pioneers still came seeking the extreme frontier. Others came from the South Atlantic states. Ootton culture had, through the invention of the gin and through the prevail- ing high prices, become exceedingly profitable. The plantations were increasing in size and numbers and the introduction of the indu.stry into the uplands tended to crowd out the small farmer since his more wealthy neighbor could offer prices for land which practically compelled him to sell. Some who moved went to the Gulf States; others wi.shing to avoid the competition of slave labor turned to the northwest, and it became a familiar sight to peopl(> along the roads of western travel to see the old southern v\'agons covered with white sheeting and loaded with an enormous cjuantity of beds, buckets, old-fashioned chaire and such household furniture as was usually ouiied by our log-cabin ancestors, slowly rattling along their way to the West. On the eastern side of the territory the district of the Em- barras was still the northern limit of settlement although there were a few settlers as far north as Edgar county. Crawford coimty with Palestine as a center of settlement had 2.100 set- tlers at the time of the admission of the state.'' Russelville "'Brown. Wrstrrn irti-dlvi'v ami Eiiiii/rdutK' Dlrcriitvii (1817l. '"Hardin.','. Tour thirniijh the We-^tnn Cuuninj. 5. " Kistnrii of Vrairford iinti Clark coni}t!fs, lOS. [C2] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 319 in the county next to the south was the center of population. Directly to the west of Wabash county was the English settle- ment of Albion in Edwards county. This settlement, begun by Birkbeck and Flower, was one of the most important one&' in Illinois.^® Gallatin county 'with Shawneetown as its chief settle- ment was the most populous coimty on the eastern side of the territory, having in 1818 about 3,200 settlers.^^ Thirty or forty of these families resided in Shawneetown. A bank and a land ofi&ce helped to make this village a decidedly important one. America with a population of several hundred was the chief southern tovvn,-*^ Cairo had a "local habitation and a name" having as yet not fulfilled the expectations of its founders. On the western side of the territory the pioneers grouped their settlements into three divisions, those settlements around the Big Lluddy river, those along the Kaskaskia and those north of this last named district extending as far as Peoria. Of these the settlements along the Big Muddy were the weakest for the people moved very slowly towards the center of the state. The old Kaskaskia district was still the most populous one in the territorJ^-^ Settlements had been made along the Kas- kaskia and its tributaries for a considerable distance towards the interior. Kaskaskia, the seat of the territorial government, had a large floating population but the increase of permanent settlers was not large. There were in the toiwn in 1815 be- tween seven and ten hundred people.-- Belleville, Cahokia. and Prairie du Long were the other important settlements of this part of the state. -^ In the interior there were few settlers.-* In the district above Kaskaskia, Edwardsville, the county town of ]\Iadison county, had sixty or seventy houses, a court- house, a jail, a bank, a land office and a newspaper.-^ Alton 1* Davi^^son and Stuvo, Illinois, MO. "Dana, Sketches of Western Country (1819), 15.3. ^History of Alexander, Union and Pulaski counties. 449. "Estimated at 11,842 (Dana, Sketches of the We.<. ^HiKtnry r.f Fatieftc Count!/, 1-. "Faux, Memorable Days in America, 269i; Smith, C. W., A Contribution toward a biopraphy of Morris Birkbeck and the EngUfh Settlement in Edwwrds County, Illinois In Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, (1905), Fordham, B. P., Personal Narrative. (Ogg, F. A. Editor). *" Stuart, Three Years in North America. 2. 2.".". [36] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 323 1826." It was still, at the close of the decade 1821 to 1830, the chief town of the eastern side of the state and the landing- place of a great portion of tlie innnigrants coming by way of the Ohio."*^ Cairo made no headway and in 1826 vv-as still a village with only a tavern and a store,"*^ The villages of southern Illinois at this period were but frontier settlements containing from one to two hundred in- habitants and many not more than twenty or thirty.** The rivers were the connecting links between the settlements and the chief lines of communication with the outside world. Roads, too, were opened up between the chief centers of settlement. From Vincennes, Shawneetown, Golconda and America roads went across the state to St. Louis and Kaskaskia. Throughout the timbered tracts the settlers were scattered, fonning ribbons of settlement from the tv.-o great rivers on the south and west of the state; but few indeed ventured further. Even as late as 1830 the Indians came back to hunt within the limits of settlement and fear of them retarded the advancement of the frontier. Although southern Illinois was as yet not thickly settled, it had begim to throw out lines of pioneers towards the north. The eastern portion of the state close to the rivers was well taken up, as was the western part, but between the two lay the unoccupied portion. Rather than risk the attempt to settle and cultivate the prairies, the new settlers preferred to go farther towards the frontier. It was a simple and natural force whicli impelled them. The fathers and grandfathers of these men from Kentucky and Tennessee had battled with nature in the woodlands of the Southwest; the pioneers them- selves had grown to manhood surroimded by the woodlands, they were, in the settlement of Illinois, merely putting into operation the results of the experiences of two or three generations of pioneers. To them the prairies offered insurmountable ob- stacles with which ihcy_feit_JtJu;^^s_useless_to cope. When the *' Bixicrv of Gnllathi. Saline. TlarivUon, Franl-lin and WtlUamsnn Coiintlrs, 9."5. *' Edward-. HMory of Illinois. .359. *• The Americans as They Are, 78. ♦• Patterson, Emhj Society in Southern Illinois, 109, in Frryus Ilistoricat Series, 2, 14. [37] 324 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCOXSIX tiniberland of southern Illinois was all claimed, the stream of men from the old settlements slowly urged their oxen north- ward through the settled portions to the new country which at that time was rapidly gaining in fame. Here in this Sangamon country the himter-pioneer found an ideal land and here we find the re-enactment of the scenes of the first settlement of the ex- treme southern portion of the state. The fertile land of central Illinois, south of the Sangamon river, was well watered and also well timbered. A few settlers had found their way here before the Kickapoo title had been ex- tinguished by the Treaty of Edwardsville in 1819, but it was not until the decade 1821 to 1830 that the true settlement took place. It was vnth a certain degree of confidence that the settlers took possession of the new land, for they were comparatively close to the strong settlements north of the Kaskaskia river and this in touch with the rest of the state. Here a sort of experimentation began. Between the tracts of timber land were inviting stretches of prairie upon which, owing to the proximity to the timber, the sod 'was not so tough nor the grass so long as it was on the large prairies. The tran- sition from Avoodsman to prairie cultivator on a small scale was here made easy. The cabin, as before, was built at the edge of the timber, if water was convenient, and a portion of the prairie was fenced. The friendly timber gave shelter from the excessive heat of summer as well as from the cold prairie winds of winter; and moreover it furnished a refuge for stock in summer when the open prairie was infested by myriads of horse-flies. The open prairie saved the pioneer an enormous amount of labor generally necessaiy to make his clearing and he soon found that crops grew as well or even better here than on cleared land. Success was then assured in the subjugation of the prairies, providing they were very small ones, where every man could, figuratively speaking, keep his back to the timber and his attention on the prairie. It must not, h(>wever, be understood that the settles went im- mediately to such places where they were able to take advantage of Ipoth prairie and woodland, for settlement clung closely to the woods of the Illinois river and its tributaries for several years. [38] rOOLEY SETTLEMr:NT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 325 Two hundred families were in the Sangamon country prior to 1820 and of these, sixty were grouped on Macoupin, Apple, and Otter creeks, within thirty miles of the Illinois river.'*^ Cass, ]\Iorgan and Scott counties, lying immediately between the Sangamon and Illinois rivers, had only twenty families in 1820.^'^ Farther east along the Sangamon were a few scattered families and others had ventured across the river to IMacon county by 1827. The question of slavery in Illinois having been settled in 1824, immigration set in with renewed vigor, reaching its greatest development in 1827 and in 1828.-*^ The set- tlers: came in groups of five or ten families although it Avas no uncommon sight to see one hundred wagons in a single company going to the Sangamon country.'*® Steam navigation had begun on the Illinois river in 1828 and by connecting the frontier 'v\ith the older settlements strengthened the former to such a degree that from these younger settlements a new migra- tion soon began to take place. The extension took place rapidly and by 1830 the timber lands of the Sangamon were densely enough populated to Avarrant the erection of six new counties.*^ The population of this Sangamon country in 1830 was 42,385.^*' Of these twenty-eight were slaves.^^ Spring-field, at first called Calhoun, was established in 1819." Although it was perhaps the most important town in this part of the state in 1830 and had between six and eight hundred settlers', it was still characterized as "a straggling village."^* Jacksonville in ]\Iorgan coimty was about the same size, and the other settlements were of less importance.^^ " Dana, SJcrtches of the Western Country, 144. *' History of CofiS County, 18. *^ History of Macon County, 34. " Perrin, History of Jefferson County, 124. " Greene, Morgan, Macoupin, Montgomery, Macon and Shelby. ^Eleventh Census, (1890) 1.5. « 2\iies' Register, 43, 35. »* Barber and Howe, History of the Westein States, 1072. "3 Stuart. Three Years in North Avierica, 2, 216-224. ^ Carrollton, in Greene County, was begun in 1818 (History of Greene County, 328) ; Hillsboro, in Montgomery County, settled in 1817 or 1818 (History of Bond and Montgomery Counties, 215) ; Decatur, In Macon County, was settled In the early twentie , (History of Maeon County, 31) ; Shelbyville, in Shelby Countv, was settled in 1825 (History of Shelby and Moultrie Counties, 42). [39] 336 BULLETIX OF THE UXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN The ]\Iilitary Tract which comprised all the territory between the Illinois and Mississippi rivere as far north as Rock Island county, had been allotted by the Federal government to the vet- erans of the war of 1812.^^ Few of the orig-inal grantees deemed the land of sufficient value to repay the labor of settling and cultivating and consequently but a small propor-tion took advan- tage of the opportunity afforded for obtaining farms. Those who lived close to the region, however, were awake to the value of the land, and many settled upon it as "squatters" without any valid title save that of occupation. To make improvements under the existing circumstances was a venture which led to doubtful returns. Often, indeed, when the pioneer had suc- ceeded in making his clearing, building his cabin and perhaps breaking a little plot of prairie land, the holder of the original patent would appear upon the scene and oust him. So frequent was this procedure that it soon became a profitable business for a certain class of men to obtain these squatters' claims by means of forged patents and it gave rise to much trouble. The process of settlement in this part of the state was iden- tical with that of the portions already studied. The two great rivers served as connecting lines with the older settlements of the South and along the tributaries we find the first settlers establishing themselves. Peoria, the oldest town in this part of the state had been deserted in the closing years of the eight- eenth century. In 1813 Ft. Clark had been built and in 1819 the first permanent settlers came to Peoria.^" In 1825 the county was organized and had at the time a population of 1.236^'' which included all the settlers of the northern part of the state. The counties at the southern end of the Tract (Calhoun and Pike) are broken and hilly near the rivere. Gilead in Calhoun county and Atlas in Pike county both situated in the timber within convenient distance from the river but away from the un- healthful bottoms were the only villages in 1830. Along the creeks of Schuyler and Brown counties, Kentuckians, Virgin- "Hi9tory of Fulton county, 101. ''^History of Peoria county, 27.3-274. " Ballance, Peoria, 45. [40] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 327 ians, Pennsylvanians, Carolinians and Tennesseeans settled be- side men frojn IndifUici, Ohio, Missouri and Illinois. Lewi&ton and Canton in Fulton county completed the list of settlements of importance on the eastern side of the Tract. Adams county was the most populous district on the Mis- sissippi river north of the mouth of the Illinois and Quincy was the largest settlement.'^^ Venus in Hancock county was the only other settlement of note in 1830. Few^ settlers had gone to the interior.^'* In all there were about 13,000 people in the IMilitary Tract in 1830"*' and by far the greater percentage were close to the great rivers forming the boundaries of the district. In character the population w^as the same as that of the Sangamon country, for the settlements' along the Illinois river were only outgrowths of the older Sangamon settlements. The Kentuckians and Tennesseeans appeared frequently as in south- em Illinois taking possession of the timberlands and leading a half-hunter, half-farmer life. New Englanders and men from the ]\Iiddle States, however, were much more numerous than in other parts of the state. At the lead mines in the extreme northwestern part of Ill- inois an exceptional settlement had already begun to form. Lead had been found years before in the hilly region near tbe Mississippi and after 1818 a steady stream of adventurers flowed here. Southerners came in great numbers owing to the convenient line of connnunication. By 1830 there were over 2,000 settlers at the Illinois mines and many more at the Wis- consin and Iowa mines."^ The primary object of this settlement was not to find suitable farming lands well-supplied with timber and water. It was to =* In 1825 there were forty votes cast at a county election (History of Adams count!!, 262) ; in 1830 the population was 2,186. (Eleventh Census [1890] 14) ; the population of Quincy \vas estimated at two hundred in 1830 ^Asbury, Quincii, 41). ■" Warren, Mercer, MGnclerson. Knox and Bureau counties had a combined popu- lation of less than six hundred and fifty. (Eleventh Census [1890] 14.) <" Ibid. « Ibid. [41] 328 BULLETIX OF TIIK UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN take advantage of the mineral deposits. Timber and water were found in abundance, and also an excellent line of trans- portation but these things were of secondary importance and had the mines been found on the open prairie it is highly prob- able that the settlement would have sprung up as rapidly as it did under the existing conditions. Chicago as yet showed no signs of its coming greatness. Lake navigation by steam had not yet begun, nor had the settlers of Illinois approached near enough to Lake Michigan to look to Chicago for a market or a supply depot. The population of the little village did not number more than one hundred.*'- The population of the entire state in 1830 numbered 157,500 people.*'^ The population map for 1830 shows a nicely rounded line of settlement which leads an unquestioning observer to be- lieve that the advance of the frontier took place 'with mathemati- cal precision. Closer study will reveal a different state of aft'airs. Along the Ohio river and its numerous tributaries on the eastern side of the state was a comparatively densely settled area. Between the projecting ribbons of settlement which lined the streams were the prairies as yet hardly occupied. The same is true of the western side of the state along the Mississippi. The Illinois river furnished the road to central and northern Illinois.''* The pioneer of the Illinois frontier was still of the hunter type. He was primarily a woodsman who had come to the new country ^A-ith his rifle, axe and hunting knife prepared to at- tack the problem of the frontier in the same way his ancestors had attacked it in Kentucky and Tennessee generations before. He changed little before 1830, for his cautious contact with the small prairies of the South gave him little real capital with which to attack the broader expanses of the North. Practically shut off from the prairie, he followed the woodlands until the outbreak of the Black Hawk War in 1832, which date marks «= Chicago Tribune, April 12, 1875. '^ Eleventh Census, (1890) 14. ** The census maps use the county as the unit, and therefore exliibit as settled many areas really vacant. 142] rOOLEV SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 329 the beginning of a sudden and sharp transition in pioneer characteristics. Before 1832 the settlement of the state was only a continuation of pioneer days in the older states. Now a new problem confronted the tide of pioneers who were crossing the continent. On the wide treeless expanses of eastern and northern Illinois were to be solved the problems which gave rise to a new class of frontiersmen — the .prairie pioneers. [43] BULLETIX OF THE UXIVEESITY OF WISCOXSIX CHAPTER III Causes for the Settlement of Illinois The Americans as a people are prone to migrate. From the earliest date at which the settlements scattered along the shores of the Atlantic ocean were able to push their limits one mile up the rivers towards the back country the gradual movement to the AYest has appropriated the land step by step until the entire expanse from coast to coast has been brought under the direct control of the race. The census of 1850 shows that of 17,737,000 free inhabitants in the United States at that date over 4,100,000 or twenty three per cent, had migrated from the states of their birth.^ A general law concerning the order of classes seems to have been followed in this movement of settlement to the West, es- pecially before transportation by steam lent its enormous in- fluence towards the development of the great AVest. First came the hunter-pioneer ; next, the small farmer who drove the hunter farther toward the frontier and who himself gave way in time to the third class of settlers, the larger farmers whose aim was to im.prove the land, erect homes and become the permanent oc- cupants of the country. The causes leading to this movement towards the West are of two classes; general causes affecting the entire nation, and special causes affecting localities at various times and in vary- ing degrees. The general causes may be grouped under three heads: the restless spirit pervading all classes, the systems of internal improvements developed during the period, and the financial causes. ^ Ahsttact of the Seventh Census. (1850) 15. [44] rOOLEY SETTLEilKNT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 331 The restless spirit which ever aimed towards expansion and economic betterment is the great one among the general causes ; its growth was the result of a combination of local causes and of general causes which operated constantly throughout the period. Dissatisfaction with existing conditions was prevalent among all classes. I\Ioreover, it was believed that these con- ditions could be improved in the new coimtry where land was cheap and fertile and could be acquired and turned into fruit- ful farms with a reasonalile effort upon the part of the settler. There were in every community, citizens who had lost their credit and of necessity needed new homes. In the woodlands these people became solitary pioneers who felt most at ease when "twenty miles from law and calomel" and who breathed easiest when the nearest neighbors were ten miles away. The farm laborers -who, dissatisfied with the existing scale of wages in the older communities and understanding the science of agriculture well enough to manage and work farms of their own, moved to the frontier, took up government lands and laid the foundations of new settlements beyond the limits of civil- ization. These became the small farmers who moved along in the wake of the hunter-pioneers. To a considerable degree the farmers in the West were in- fluenced by comparative land values. The available lands in the East were mostly cultivated and brought high prices. The small farmer had not the means with which to buy out his neighbor should the latter desire to sell. In the West vast stretches of land were offered for sale by the government at low prices and consequently there vras a desire among the eastern farmers to take advantage of the opportunity offered and by disposing of their small but high priced farms to those able and willing to buy, they could take up larger and more fertile farms in the western country-. In earlier years the histon^ of public lands is that of large companies. Later, by successive changes in the administration of such lands the prices and quantities were placed within the reach of the smaller purchaser. Wlien in 1820 the price was reduced to a dollar and a quarter per acre and land was sold in lots as small as eighty acres, the incentive for the migration [45] 332 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN westward was increased. The effect is seen when we notice the Foote resolution introduced into the House in December, 1829, asking that an inquiry be made concerning the advisability of the rapid sale of the public lands. The significance of this lies in the fact that the rapid sale of public lands at low prices was draining the East of its laboring class and acting as a detriment to the industrial enterprises which the eastern men were at that time attempting to foster. Again in 1834 when the question of ceding the public lands to the states in which they were situated was reported upon by Henry Clay, the committee stated that it was not of the opin- ion that the cession should take place, or the price of land be reduced, giving among other reasons that such a procedure would operate as a bounty to increase emigration from the older states, lessening the value of the eastern lands and drain- ing them of currency and population.^ To intensify the feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction already existing, another influence was brought to bear on those who remained at home, by the people who had dared the pri- vations of the frontier. Letters from successful pioneers painted, in bright colors', the wonderful opportunities of the West; com- panies, formed with the idea of taking up land and speculating in it, sent hundreds of thousands of circulars to the East, worded in such a way that their readers felt that the time for the rapid accimiulation of wealth was at hand, and thousands hastened to take advantage of the golden opportunities. Newspapers, in some regions, aided in the work, pointing out the advantages to be derived by farmers, and especially laboring men with a small amount of capital, should they but move to the West.^ JMoreover, the effect of western competition in agricultural pro- ducts was pointed out and it was shown that before the lapse of any great period of time the rapidly growing West would undereell the East in its own market. Rivalry among the great eastern cities for western trade gave a cause for migration. The internal improvement systems developed by the efforts of the various states in the attempt to -H'ndte Documents, 323, 23 Congress, I Sess., 24. ^Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, Mar. 24, 1846. [46] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 333 benefit their cities afforded, Avhen completed, an easy access to the 'West. The dissatisfied settlers, who hitherto had needed only- some sucTi stimulant to start him to the new coimtry now took advantage of the opportunity presented by a comparatively easy journey westward. Others who were making a comfortable living on their farms decided to remain at home but the new lines of communication influenced these people in another way. The AVest Hvas growing and its farms produced ever increasing amounts of grain. Home markets could not consume the supply, so the products were turned eastward through these lines of communication and brought into competition with the produce of the eastern farm. Prices fell and the man ^vho had remained at home could no longer make his comfortable living and was compelled either to lower his standard of comfort or to move to the "West where it could be maintained. If a system of roads produced a noticeable effect upon the volume of migration westward, the introduction of steam navi- gation had a still more marked influence. The inconveniences of travel were diminished and the cost of transportation de- creased by the steamboats of the Ohio river and the Great Lakes' which soon became the means of travel of an ever- in creasing number of immigrants. The importance of steam navigation in aiding in the development of the West may be best illustrated by a quotation. "Of all the elements of prosperity of the West — of all the causes of its rapid increase in population, its growth in wealth, resources and the improvement of its immense com- merce and gigantic energies, the most efficient has been the navi- gation by steam."* Third in the list of general causes was the financial depres- sion which swept over the country in the closing years of the decade ] 831-1840.^ The panic can be attributed to no one thing. Prominent among the causes was over-speculation. Suddenly the people of the Ea.st saw that there were fortimes to be made in western lands and no sooner was the discovery * Memorial of ihc People of Cindnnati (1844), 28. 6 Sep. Hourne, The Distribution of the Surplus ; Dewey, Finaneial Ilistoni. Ch. X ; Schiirz, Henry Clay, 2., Ch. XIX ; Scott, Repudiation of State Debts; Shep- hard, MartM Van Burcn, Ch. VIII. [47] 334 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN made than the price of town lots, either real or imaginary, yrent "up to enormous prices. "Wherever the surveyor took the magic chain and compass — no matter how remote from population — there it became certain that a mighty city would, at no distant day, arise."" Walls of buildings in the various cities were covered with maps of towns that were still miles in the woods or feet under water. Hundreds of acres of land which were valued at prices ranging from one hundred to one thousand dollars have not yet reached the value at which they were sold and resold during these months of frenzied speculation. Farmers, traders and capitalists were, however, not the only classes to become involved in the general upheaval during the closing years of the thirties. As a result of the increase of speculation there Avas a movement among the laboring class, and a general demand for an increase of wages, to correspond with the increase in prices. To attain this end, combined ef- forts on the part of laboring men were necessary and a tend- ency towards the federation of labor became distinctly marked. Trade unions were formed, and before 1840, ship carpenters, joiners, house carpenters, painters, roofers, brick-layers, tailore hatters, harness-makers, shoe-makers, masons, factory operatives, and others had organized unions.'^ The upward movement of prices was such that the average cost of a workman's living was twenty-one per cent, greater in July, 1835 than it was in April, 1834 and sixty-four per cent, greater in October, 1836 than in 1834.^ Higher wages and the "ten-hour" day were the demands. Immediate concessions were the only remedy and when these were not obtainable, strikes followed. From 1834 to 1837 the cities of Philadelphia, Boston, Hartford, Trenton, Washington, Natchez, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Louisville all experienced labor troubles culminating in strikes, showing the wide-spread influence of the movement.^ The days of the greatest monetary inflation saw the wages of the laborers increased to a considerable extent, and quietude ruled for a time. The revulsion came in 1837. Employers at ' Balestler. Annals of Chicago, 25, ia Fergus Hi.^torical Seric "> Yale Reiiew, 1, 87. 8 Ibid., 1. 04. » Ibid., 1. 98. [48] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 335 first reduced the uiiniber of hours each laborer should work and upon finding this of no avail, reduced the wages of the laborers. With the fall in labor prices there came no corresponding fall in prices of commodities. The army of the unemployed grew rapidly and in September of 1837 the New York Era says "We can state on the best authority that in the eastern states nine- tentlis of the factories have been stopped and the same propor- tion of men, women and cliildren thrown out of employment."^** Resulting from this change in the condition of the laborers, meeting's of a more or less riotous nature occurred in various cities, but the most notable consequence Avas the unusual im- migration to the West.^^ for these people, lacking the means for support in their native cities, took up the heritage of the poor man. cheap lands in a new country. To the causes which operated throughout the entire land, local causes must be added if we are to understand the reasons for the increase and decrease in the volume of the westward move- ment. In New England there was a never ceasing desire "to see how things went in other parts;" a desire to find a land which offered better advantages for accumulating wealth than were found at home and as a consequence we find Yankees everyvrhere. They moved up the river valleys of their native states into the newer regions of northern' New England; next, they settled western New York and later moved westward into jMichigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and lovra. They found their way to the southern states and even to the West Indies.^- The surface of New England, much broken by hills and rocky ledges, while it does not afford the best facilities for agricul- ture on a large scale, offers opportunities for small farming. The common grains — rye, corn, and buclrwheat, together with potatoes and garden vegetables, were produced along the hill- sides and in the valleys ^dth considerable succe&s.^^. Wheat growing was never a source of wealth to the New England 1" Th^ 'New York Era, Sept. 5. 1837. " Yale Review, 1, 09. "A'h'e*' Rcgmer, 59. 224. ^Hunt's Merchants' Maga::hie, 5. 201. [49j 336 BULLETIN OF THE TXIVERSITY OF "WISCONSIN farmer^"* and of the other products little more than home sup- plies were produced. The farms were small, generally from fifty to two hundred acres, divided into fields disproportionately small; sometimes fifteen or twenty fields making a single farm.^^ The imple- ments of husbandry were simple and did not afford the best results. By 1830 all the available lowlands were taken up and the hillsides were being used, especially in Vermont. The ris- ing generation of young men finding how difficult it was to support themselves on one hundred acres or less, turned their eyes to the West. If wheat could not be cultivated w'ith advantage, and if the narrow valleys did not afford support for a numerous agricul- tural class, there was an industry which would flourish., but unfortunately it, too, tended pratically to diminish the amount of cultivated land. The wool industry had received a great impetus when the Merino sheep was introduced. "The provi- dential acquisition of this inestimable animal" says a New England paper "is in every point of view worthy the attention of all classes of citizens, especially farmers. The golden fleece of the Merino sheep presents to every prudent and thrifty farmer a mine of M^ealth from which he may draw to his in- dustry, economy and the extent of his means. '-'^^ The value of the industry to the investor had been further enhanced by the protective tariffs of 1824 and 1828, the greatly increased foreign demand and the competition among the avooI dealers at home. The average price of wool in Vermont for the decade 1831-1840 was fifty-two cents a pound. ^'^ After 1839 a gradual decline took place.^^ Farmers interested in varied agriculture had been imusually unsuccessful, especially with their wheat crops from 1824 to 1837^" and many looking for better fields of industry turned to sheep raising. In western " TJie New Enylanda; 52, 338. ^'^ Atlantic Monthly, 2«{. .S33. ^'^ Boston Patriot, Oct. 3, 1810. ^' House Misc. Document, lO.j, 52 Cong:., 2 Sess., 310. I'rices sometimes rose to ninety cents per pound (files' Register, 40, 292). ^»miej$' Register, 73, 331. '"Goodhue, Hintory of Hhovcham (Vt. >, ij9. [50] POOLE Y SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 337 ]\Iassacliusetts, in the Berkshire Hills, and in hill toA\Tis of the Connecticut valley wool growing was one of the most lucrative pursuits.-'' Factories continued to spring up to increase the demand for wool.-^ Sheep fanning, to be conducted with the greatest profit, re- quires more extended tracts of land than do the other agri- cultural pursuits, so the demand for desirable land in New England grew rapidly as did the prices paid for it. "Wealthy men found paying investments by buying the land of the small farmer, even at advanced prices. Sales were practically com- pelled for the poor man was offered prices he could not afford to refuse. The crisis of 1837 and a crop failure in the same year brought economic distress to New England and helped to swell the num- bers migrating. A decline in the price of wool followed and although the tariff act of 1842 acted for a time as a stimulus to the manufacture of wool, it did not remain in operation long enough to make clear what its permanent effect would have been.-- Here, it appears, began the decline from which the sheep farming industry did not recover.-^ About this time the farmers became interested in dairy farm- ing and w^hen the railroads of the forties increased the value of dairy products by opening up the markets in the cities many '"Home Misc. Doc. 105, 52 Cong., 2 Sess., 239; Niles' Register, 49, 68. 2» In 1832 the value of woollens In Mass. amounted to $6,500,000; in 1837 they were valued at $10,400,000. Tliere were nearly two hundred mills in operation manufacturing over 11,300,000 yards of cloth yearly. (Eighth Census (1860), xxxii.) =" Taussig, Tariff History, 144, of. Eighth Census (1860), xxxil. ^ House Misc. Doc. 105, 52 Cong., 2 Sess., 343, gives the following statistics concerning sheep and wool : Wool (lbs. produced) Sheep (number) 1840 1S50 1840 1850 1,465,551 1,260,517 3,699,235 941,906 183,830 SS9,ir,0 1,364,034 1,108,476 3,400,717 585,].'?e 129,692 477,4.54 649,264 017,390 l,f.81,S19 378,266 90,146 403,463 451,5!7 ,«4,7.t6 New Hampshire Vermont 1,014,123 ^lassachusetts 138,651 44,296 174,181 Connecticut Total 8,440,90!) 7,055,509 3,820,307 2,2S7,5«3 [51] 338 BULLETIK- OF THE UNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN" gave up wool-growing for dairying. The effect upon the sup- ply of land was the same as before. It appears that these causes combined to decrease the agri- cultural population of New England, if relative amounts of products may be taken as a basis for comparison.-* The pro- ductions of wool, wheat, oats and rye had decreased in vary- ing degrees in most of the states.-" The cultivation of corn had increased. The number of cattle had increased in Maine and Ehode Island but in all other states had decreased as had the number of horees, sheep and hogs. The decrease of the agricultural class can be accounted for in two ways; these farmers either moved to the cities or to the West. During the decade 1831-1840 when the sheep indus- try had reached its height and the rapidly developing cattle industry was claiming the New England lands, many of the small farmers preferred to go into the less populous states of Maine and New Hampshire. In these states land was not costly and upon the whole was good for cattle and sheep fanning in spite of the severe winters experienced there. By 1840, how- ever, there were no longer extensive new areas in New England and again a change came in the direction of the tide of emi- gration. The industrial life of the New England people was altered at this time and for a while at least this seems to have stayed the flow from this section. With the decline of agriculture there came an increased activity along manufacturing lines. Dur- ing the decade of 1841-1850 manufactures almost doubled in value, giving employment to an increased number of hands. By 1850 over 298,000 people were employed and $158,000,000 were invested in the factories of New England. IMassachusetts alone had in 1850 manufacturing industries valued at $83,360,000 which almost equaled the amount invested by all the New Eng- land states at the opening of the decade.-® =' A caanse of methods in the censuses of 1840 and 1850 will not allow con- clusions to be drawn from a comparison of figures denoting inhabitants engaged in agricnltiirp. " Rhod» Island showed an increase in the amount of oats; Vermont, of wheat. ''Compendium of the Seventh Census (1850), 179; Compendium of the Sixth Census (184U), 111-127. [52] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 339 It is reasonable to believe that the class turned from agri- culture would attempt to gain a livelihood by taking advantage of the opportunities manufacturing offered. At this point, however, a new influence acted to turn the New Englander westward. Foreign immigrants were landing on our shores in constantly increasing numbers and many of these people remained to seek employment in the eastern cities.-'^ These for- eigners furnished a large percentage of the laboring class of the factories and by beating down wages compelled their Ameri- can competitore to withdraw. The New Englanders, moreover, did not care to be associated with the foreign workmen and hence social as well as economic influences operated to hurry great nimibers of these New England people westward over the Great Lakes again to become farmers on the prairies of the Middle West. In the Middle Atlantic states conditions also favored emi- gration. "Hard times" was the complaint of farmers, manu- facturers and laborers in New York and Pennsylvania. Num- erous memorials to Congress came from New Yorkers in 1834 asking that body to make some attempt to alleviate the distress prevalent throughout the state. From Albany came the com- plain of a lost market and a great cut in the wages of the labor- ing men f^ from Rochester came the news that the flouring mills had closed on account of the instability of money ;-^ from Otsego county a memorial was presented saying that the merchants could not collect their accounts; that mechanics could find no employment; that real estate was on the decline and loans could no longer be obtained ; that manufacturing interests could not continue to operate to any advantage and that commercial con- fidence was fast being lost and general stag-nation of business threatened.^" From Ontario county, an agricultural district, came the report that produce had fallen in value from twenty- five to thirty-three per cent.^^ Like conditions prevailed in =■ McLaughlin in Popular Science Montlihj, July, 1004 ; The yatioii, May 27, 18fi9. ^Senate Debates, 23 Cong., 1 Sess., 1179. ^' Ibid., 23 Cong.. 1 Sess., 1722. «• Ibid., 23 Cong., 1 Sess., 1780. =' Ibid., 23 Cong., 1 Sess., 147.5. 53] S40 BULLETIN OF THE UKIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN Pennsylvania. From Lancaster,^- JMurray,"^ Montg'omery,^* York,^^ Mifflin,^" Union,-''' and other counties came memorials to Conorress during the year 1834. Among the laboring classes uneasiness was evident but in the period of speculation and of inflated wages and values during the years immediately preceding 1837, the wage earners seemed content. A¥hen wages began to decline, however, and the prices of living did not decrease in a like proportion, labor troubles followed in the larger cities. An example of this is the 'flour riot' in New York in 1837.^^ Rents remained high as did prices of commodities. Labor was in over-supply and the crowd seek- ing employment in the cities seemed constantly to increase. A paper of the time commenting upon this increase attributed it to the fact that the facilities for securing good educations were so liberal and so generally accepted throughout the state — New York — and that whenever the younger sons of the farmers were qualified to engage in commercial pursuits they almost in- variably hastened to the cities in search of employment, there- by diminishing the agricultural class and increasing the labor- ing class to the detriment of both.^*^ Laborers' wages decreased and by 1840 the decrease ranged from twenty-five to thirty- three per cent.^** and conditions seemed not likely to improve. Newspapers discussed the situation and some did not hesitate to advise every class of laborers to embrace the first opportun- ity offered for emigrating to the West.*^ Conditions seemed equally unfavorable for the farming class and a decrease of the agricultural population took place in many of the New York counties. In Dutchess county from 1830 to 1835 there was a decrease in the population which would have been more marked had not the towns of Poughkeepsie and 32/6i(7., 23 Con., 1 Sess., 825. ^^Iim., 23 Cong., 1 Sess., 1187. ^ IMd., 23 Cong., 1 Sess., 1803. ^'^ House Debates., 23 Cong., 1 Sess., 4188. '«/;»V7., 23 Cong., 1 Sess., 40.39. '''Ibid., 23 Cong., 1 Sess., 3642. >' Panics in the United States, 20. *^ Wisconsin Enquirer, June 25, 1842 (from the Albany Daily Advertiser). *" Hazard, United States Commercial and Statistical Register, May 6, 1840. « The New Yorker, April 22, 1837 ; July 21, 1838. [54] roOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 341 Fishkill each added considerable numbers to their population through the development of manufactures. The decrease was attributed to "emigration to the West"^^ In Columbia county the hard times of 1837 and 1838 were felt and the effects were noticeable in the unusual number of business and dwelling houses offered for sale." Likewise in Chautauqua, Chenango, Genesee, Ontario, Schenectady and Otsego counties either a de- crease was noticeable during the years following 1837 or the in- creases were very small and these due not to agricultural but to urban development.** In the case of Chautauqua county, especially, there had been, since 1835, a steady decline.*-^ This decrease was not a local thing as the Commercial Ad- vertiser*^ shows, for in 1840 in more than two hundred towns of the state there were fewer farmers than in 1835, due to the fact, the writer of the article shows, that it cost more labor than formerly to produce agricultural products, "Unless a more systematic form of husbandry be adopted" says th<3 writer, "the farms of this state will not exceed in price the worn-out lands of Maryland and Virginia." Legislative aid was neces- sary but was slow in coining. Competition by western produce became yearh' a more potent factor in driving dov\ii prices'; concentration of property and rapid increase of mortgaged lands each lent its aid to increase the existing dissatisfaction with the economic situation and consequently to aid the move- ment westward. To competition, a considerable part of the westward emigra- tion may be attributed and for the cause of this rapid increase of competition we must look to the Erie canal. Wliile the canal was a work as general in its character as any under- taking of the kind could well be, it exercised a negative influence upon the welfare of farmers living beyond a distance of twenty- five or thirty miles from it, and was the means of retarding the « T^Ues' Rcgisicr, 49. 226. ^^Histnry of Columbia County (N. Y.) 1. 329. ** Buffalo Commcrckil Adiycrtiser, Aug. 19, 184.^: Oct. 10, 1845. "From 1830 to IS:?.", tho increase had been 10,200; from IS."?.-, to 1840 it was but 2,700 and from 1840 to 1845 there was a decrease (History of Columbia County (N. Y.), 1, 345; Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, Oct. 10, 1845. « Aug. 12, 1845. [55] 343 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN advancemeut of agricultural interests in the northern and southern counties of the state'* In fact it held out induce- ments to the fanners in these counties to emigrate.*^ Prior to the opening of the canal wheat and other grains were grown in large quantities in the fertile valleys of New York and foimd profitable markets; but the high prices paid in eastern markets rapidly drew western grain eastward when facilities for transportation were obtainable. In 1835 when the cost of sending wheat from Illinois to New York City averaged from twenty-five to thirty cents a busheP^ the Illinois farmer found it profitable and nearly 100,000 bushels besides a consid- erable amount of flour passed through the canal from the West during the year.^*' Ten years later it cost the Illinois farmer but five cents a bushel to send his wheat to Buffalo.^^ The effect is seen in the 1,355,000 bushels of wheat, which, with. 717,500 barrels of flour and 3,000,000 poimds of wool, passed through the canal from the West during that year." The competition was too severe for the New York farmers and numbers were compelled either to change their industries to the more profitable ones of grazing and dairying or to move to the cheap lands of the West, where they, too, could take ad- vantage of the fertile soil and cheap transportation. The Erie canal had been completed at the expense of the tax-payers of New York. Now each successive tax le^y which was used to keep the canal in repair served only to make the taxpayer's property decrease in value owing to competition it helped to create. The result of the canal policy seems evident — it oper- ated against the welfare of the fanners who did not live in di- rect contact with the canal and forced them in many cases to leave the state in search of more advantageous locations. The concentration of property also did its w^ork toAvards in- creasing dissatisfaction and thereby increasing the number of " Winden, Influence of the Erie Canal (MSS. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1900). *^ American Railroad Journal and General Advertiser (1845), 58. *» Northtcestern Gazette and Galena (III.) Adverti-icr, Aug. 22, 1835. '•^ nelioir'H Revieii^Z, 102. ^^ Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, Aug. 19, 1845. ^- DcBoii'.i Ileriew, 2, 102. [56] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 o43 emigrants. On account of this concentration of property the Anti-Rent troubles broke out among the settlers living along the Hudson and Schoharie rivers in eastern New York. Al- though the movement was at first of little consequence it in- creased in violence, culminating in an outbreak of a serious nature which was only subdued by concessions by the land- holders.^^ A like disturbance over the "Genesee Tariff" took place in the Holland Purchase in western New York in 1835. The Holland Land Company had contracted its unsold lands and lands upon which there were outstanding claims and unexpired contracts, to two speculators. The new controllers demanded higher rents as well as the interest vrhich had accumulated upon certain leases. A general uprising of the farmers took place and some lawless proceedings were carried on. These incidents are evidences of a wide-spread discontent in the agricultural class of the state and when coupled with the glowing reports of opportunities offered in the West they throw light upon the agricultural emigration thither. The fever for the establishment of colonies in the West grew constantly during the thirties and forties and beyond a doubt some people who under other conditions would have remained at home were carried away by enthusiasm for such undertak- ings.^* From Pennsylvania there came a steady stream of iimni- grants seeking better homes. In the cities conditions similar to those described in New York prevailed for the number of un- emploj-ed laborers increased and wages decreased after 1837. Manufacturers were not as successful as they wished to be. Some blamed the insufficient protection afforded by the tariff,*^' but undoubtedly the general financial unsteadiness was the cause. '^^ Delate wre * For map see Geological Survey of Ohio (CoUimbiis, 1S84,) 5, 755. ^^ Ticelfth Census (1900) Ayricitlturc, pt. 1, plate 4. »^ Seventh Census (1850), 862-868. [63] 350 BLLLETIX OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCOINTSIK Like conditions prevailed in Indiana. The unglaciated part of the state lacked fertility and the soil soon wore out. Statistics for 1850 collected from eight counties inside the glacial moraine and a like number outside of it show that glaciated land was valued at twelve dollars and sixty cents per acre, while land not glaciated was worth but six dollars and sixty cents per acre — little more than half as much. The farms in the central part of the state produced on an average fourteen bushels of cereals per acre; in' the southern part, the average production was less than eleven bushels per acre. In units of other produce, the difference between the areas was as great; three and three- fourths units being the average production per acre for the glaciated portion and two and two-tenths units the average outside the moraine.^^ At first glance the differences may not seem marked enough to have had any great effect but to the farmer who spent his time working earnestly it was disappointing to find that he could raise but half as much produce per acre as his neighbor who worked no harder than he and who cultivated no more groimd. In these relative land values it seems that a cause for emigration can be foiuid.** The flood of circulars which came from Illinois in the closing years of the forties may have influenced some to move to that state. At home, inducements were offered to some farmers to move since capitalists found it a paying investment to buy up the worn-out farms of southeastern Ohio and by means of fer- tilizers to restore the strength of the land.^^ Many took ad- vantage of the opportunity to sell and moved away. A general law which seems to have always been fundamental in the westward movement was doubtless in operation. Ohio and Indiana had been settled with rapidity and had no\v been in the Union for a generation or more; the boys of the younger ^ Fleventh Cenfvs (IS.'OK 700-707. •" In the selpctlon of oxnmples care has Ix^en takpn that New England settle- ments should not be opposed to the southern settlements thus opposins thrift and shiftlessnesg In as^ricultural methods. Contrast Von Hoist. Conntitntional Eiatwy, 3, 570; Calhoun Papers In American Hist. Ass'n Reports (1898), 2, 100. »^ Sevcvih Annual Report of the Ohio State Board of Aariculture (1852'>, 408. [64] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 351 generation were growing to manhood and knowing by experi- ence the possibilities of the West and the ease with which the western land could be procured, and knowing the returns ob- tained by ordinary ejffort 'were anxious to become land owners. The families of these pioneers were large as a rule, so a divi- sion of the paternal inheritance could not be thought of by the sons and they went out to take up lands for themselves. Travel- ing by wagon they soon came to the prairies of Illinois and finding the land here exceedingly fertile they were content to settle wherever an opportunity, which generally meant timber, presented itself. An examination of the nativities of the settlers of the eastern Illinois counties will show a great percentage of Ohio men and Indiana men, wiiich leads one to believe that this immigration was a natural agricultural one produced by no special causes save the general desire to obtain better eco- nomic conditions. From the foregoing causes it seems reasonable to believe that the influences bringing about the western expansion in this period, were primarily economic. The movement may be characterized as an attempt upon the part of the American farmer and laborer to 'widen his industrial field and to uplift his standard of living by taking advantage of the opportunities offered in the new "West, [65] 352 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN CHAPTER IV The Way to the AVest Broadly speaking the movement of the pioneers across the continent has always been along the lines of least resistance, following in a general way the lines of latitude. Illinois is a remarkable illustration of the latter tendency. In length the state is about four hundred miles and the parallels of latitude •which mark its northern and southern extremities include all those states from northern ]\Iassaehusetts to southern Virginia. In the southern counties of the state a great part of the settlers are descendants of the pioneers who came from the southern and southwestern states; in the northern and eastern counties the settlers, exclusive of foreigners, are principally descended from New Englanders or people from the Middle States. In the early pioneer days there were four established lines of travel to the West, following trails made by nature. Farthest to the north lay the line of the IMohawk valley, after- w^ards to be the path of the Erie canal. Next, to the south, was a line of communication which followed the course of the upper Potomac and passed through southern Pennsylvania, western Maryland and northern Virginia. Still farther south lay the roads up the valleys of Virginia opening through the mountain gaps into Tennessee and Kentucky, and lastly there were the trails leading around the southern extremity of the Appa- lachian system and spreading over the Gulf States. To trace out any general line of travel is difficult but it ap- pears that there was a tendency for the northern immigrants to move towards the Ohio river or the Great Lakes and follow these lines westward. This tendency is especially noticeable when upon the completion of the Erie Canal the line of water [6C] I'OOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 353 comniunication extended unbroken from New York city through the Great Lakes. Farther to the south it is a still more difficult matter to de- termine the location of any general route of travel westward. The southerner packed up his household goods, faced the West and traveled by the most convenient road. An illustration of this characteristic is given in the answer made by a North Carolina man who, traveling westward with all his earthly possessions, was asked where he was going. "No where in pertick'lar" he answered. "Me and my wife thought we'd hunt a place to settle. "We've no money, nor no plunder — notliin' but just ourselves and this nag — we thought we'd try our luck in a new country,"^ The vague desire for a change of location is shown here as well as one class of people moving from the South in the early decades of the century. In order to understand the lines of travel, it is necessary to note the convergence of the several minor lines with the great trunk lines and also to note the divergence. From Montreal and Quebec, which were the landing places of many Europeans bound for the Northwest, the St. Lawrence river offered a con- venient road.- The New Englanders, after the opening of the Erie canal, in 1825, if they lived near the Hudson river valley, were inclined to travel the nearest road to Albany and proceed by water. There was a decided tendency among those living within a convenient distance from Boston to go to that city and thence to Philadelphia^ or Baltimore* and westward by stage, canal and railway to a point upon the Ohio river, gener- ally Pittsburg or Wheeling. The peopl^ of northern and western New York and such other parts of the state as were close to the Erie canal generally followed it to the Great Lakes and thence westward.^ StiU othei-s found it more convenient to go by the southern wagon road leading from Kingston on the Hudson through Ithaca and ' Chicajo ^VccK•U/ Ain'rirait, .Iiiue 20, IS.".". * Boston Weekly Messenger, October 14, 1819. ' Stories of the Pioneer Mothers of JUiitois {MSS. In UL State Historical Library*- * Illinois Monthly Magazine, 2, .52. ^ Stor:('s of the Pioneer Mothers of Illinois {2ISS. in 111. State Hist. Library). [67] 354 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCOXSIX Bath to the Alleg-ham- river*' or to Erie (Pa.) and thence south to Beaver on the Ohio where they embarked upon rafts or steamboats. Buffalo was the great port for embarking for the West, and so continued after the opening of the steamer lines on the lakes. During the year 1834 some 80,000 people were coimted leaving Buffalo.^ Eleven years later the number had grown to almost 98,000.^ Thousands of the travelers were destined to the ports of Detroit, Mlwaukee and Chicago; the remainder were for intermediate ports, for they did not believe the trip through the entire length of the lakes to be the most advantageous. It was a common occurrence for immigrants to leave the water at Buffalo, or at Erie and then turn south to the Ohio river.' Others went to Cleveland and reached the Ohio by way of the Cuyahoga and Scioto rivers.^'* The greater number of settlers bound for the states around the upper Lakes went to one of the three great ports and found their way to their homes by various methods. Some bound for central Illinois left the Lakes at Detroit, came over land to the Kankakee river and floated down it to the Illinois." Those migrating from the Middle States turned towards the great highways leading from Baltimore and Philadelphia over the mountains to Pittsburg or Wheeling. From Philadelphia the Columbia railway or the Schuylkill river and Union canal connected with the Pennsylvania canal along the Susquehanna and Juniata rivers. This route was followed to Hollidaysburg where the Portage railway commenced. The railway acted as a connecting link between the waterways of eastern and western Pennsylvania. Writers and travelers comment upon it as one of the wonderful achievements of the age. Jones in his Ill- inois and the West (1838) says "the Portage Railroad over the AUeghanies is a wonderful work. . . . The road consists •Lloyd-Jones, Routes to Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin MS. Thesis (1902). ' Nilcs' Register, 58, 234. • All>acli, Annals of the ^Vest, 958. » Illinois Monthly Magazine, 2, 53. 'o Stephen A. Douglas came to Illinois by this road in the early thirties. {Proceedings of the III. Ass'n of the Sons of Vermont (1877) 11). "Duis, Good Old Times in McLean County (111.), 229. [68] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 355 of five inclined planes on each side of the moimtains with their levels. The planes are from three-fourths of a mile to a mile and a quarter in length and the levels from one to sixteen miles. The short levels are furnished 'with horse power and the longer ones with locomotives."^- From 183-1 it seems to have been the custom to load the canal boats from the eastern side on cars furnished for the purpose, transport them over the mountains and deposit them in the canal upon the opposite side;^^ from this point (Johnstown) the communication by water was un- interrapted to the Ohio. Some immigrants came by way of Lancaster, Columbia, Chambersburg and Somerset to Pittsburg on the Ohio or to Brownsville on the Old National Road. Baltimore's connection with the We&t was by way of the National Road from Cumberland on the Potomac. The Chesa- peake and Ohio canal leading to Pittsburg and the Baltimore and Ohio raih^oad to Wheeling although primarily planned to give Baltimore close connection w^ith the western country had been slow in construction. By 1850 the canal was completed only to Cumberland on the Potomac^* and the railroad had reached this place but eight years before. The latter, however, was of some importance at least in the conveyance of goods to the West, almost 782,000 tons of freight having passed west- ward previous to 1851.^^ From the surrounding country along all the wagon roads, came load after load of household goods bound for the various Ohio river towns.^*' Hundreds preferred the National Road to the Ohio, blocking it up with their caravans. Niles' Register" says "the National Road has the whole season been blocked up with movers' wagons and from the representations, people enough have changed homes from the east to the west in 1839 to add another state to the national constellation had they all lo- cated in a single territory." '= Jones, Illinois and the West, 16. " Galena Gazette, Dec. 13, 1S34 (Extract from the BolUdayshurg {Pa.) Aurora) ; Luchsinger, :Sew Glarus, in ^Yis. Hist. Colls., 12, 354. " Ward, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, in Johns Hopkins University Studice, 17, 534. " Reizenstein, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, in Johns Hopkins Universiti/ Studies, 15, 359. " Tr7iec7i«.(7 Gazette, Sept. 1, 1832. " yUes' Register, 52, 224. [69] 35 G BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN- From the South Atlantic states much the same general course was followed. The roads up the Virginia valleys converged at the Cumberland Gap, although some movers preferred to travel towards the Potomac river striking the Old National Road there. Still others followed along the road leading through Cliar- lottesville (Va.), Staunton, Lewisburg and CharlestowTi to Guyandotte on the Ohio.^^ From the Carolinas they followed the Yadkin through Wilkesville, thence northward through Ward's Gap (Va.) across the valley to the Great Kanahwa; or turning southwest from Wilkesville some went through the State Gap (N. C.) and found their way to one of the Ohio river towns by way of the Cumberland Gap. The roads of South Carolina followed the rivers, and converging at the Saluda Gap in the Blue Ridge, passed through Asheville (N. C), through the Smoky mountains and the Cumberland Gap to Kentucky.^** As a general rule where there was any tendency to follow a beaten line of travel it was towards some point on the Ohio between Cincinnati and Louisville. If the whole trip was to be by wagon the pioneers generally continued northward across the Ohio to Vincennes (Ind.), Terre Haute (Ind.) or Shawnee- tOMTl (111.) 2° The great road from southern Kentuclcj^, central Tennessee and the Carolinas lay through Christian and Caldwell coun- ties in Kentucky crossing the Ohio at Ford's Ferry and pro- ceeding along the road through Equality, ]\It. Vernon and Carlyle. On this road could be seen every conceivable sort of conveyance from a handsome family carriage to the humblest sort of an ox-cart.^^ One more regular route of travel must be noticed. This is the ]\Iississippi river. New Orleans 'was the great port of the South and here a considerable number of foreigners landed each year. Few of these, it seems, cared to stay in the South for the up-stream boats each year brought hundreds of Ger- mans, Irish and other foreigners seeking homes in the interior.^' "Peck. Gazetteer of Illinois (1837), 323. ^^Reminiscences of Led Coffin, 76. ^Hisiory of Coles Coiiiiiy (III.), 400. '^'^ Personal Recollections of John M. Palmer, 11. ^Emigrants' and Travelers' Ouidc through the Valley o/ the Mississippi, 341 Madison City Express, April 25, 1844. [70] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 357 The roads taken by the movers from the older states of the Northwest Territory cannot be distinctly marked. The pio- neers from Ohio living near the great river or its branches took advantage of this convenient road.-^ Others living along the line of the Old National Road were equally certain to take ad- vantage of it. The people of Indiana, being close to Illinois, were less likely to follow any one of these routes and it is dif- ficult to find information regarding these settlers, other than that they generally came in wagons or perhaps, when not in possession of manj' household goods, on foot. As there were points for congregation of immigrants, so were there points for dispersion. Shawneetown, Vincennes and Terre Haute on the eastern border of the state have already been mentioned. Detroit, to the nortljeast, has also been shown to be a place from which the pioneers spread over the country, some of them reaching northern and central Illinois. On the south, beyond the bounds of the state lay another, Louisville, from which several roads by land and vrater presented them- selves according to the destination of the traveler. St. Louis was the important point for travelers coming by way of the Mississippi. From this city nearly eveiy point in Illinois could be reached in a reasonably short time since steam- boats departed almost daily for all Illinois towns lying along the Mississippi,-* and others plied up and down the Illinois river.-^ By 1850 this latter line was increased in importance by the opening of the Illinois-Michigan canal which connected St. Louis and Chicago by a waterway. In 1831 stage lines also led from St. Louis to various settlements throughout Illinois. Three times a week the stage left St. Louis for Vincennes, In- diana, passing through Belleville, Lebanon, Carlyle, Maysville and Laurenceville ; once a week a stage went to Yandalia by way of EdHvardsville and Greenville and once a week to Galena by way of Edwardsville, Springfield and Peoria.-^ ^History o' McLean Count)) (III.), 467. ^* lUinoia Monthly Magazine, 2, 54; Buffalo Commercial Advertiacr, May 27, 1846. "In IS-iG there were thirty-five steamboats on the Illinois River. (Ilistory of Menard and Ma.ion Countirs. 501. ^ ^'' Illinois Monthly Magazine. 2. 54. [711 358 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEESITY OF WISCOjSTSIN In the extreme northwest corner of the state in the lead re- gion lay Galena, the objective point of all immigrants to that region in the early days.-^ It was most easily reached by way of the Mississippi, and in 1822 the "Virginia" on her way to Fort Snelling stopped at Galena, being the first steamboat to enter the port.-^ By 1846 steamers plied daily between St. Louis and this port.-^ As the lead mining industry grew, the importance of Galena as a distributing port for the Northwest grew also. In 1832, ten years after the coming of the first steamboat, one hundred steamboats and seventy keel-boats landed there.^° During the time of the earlier daj's in the northwestern part of the state before the railroads began to operate, the merchants of the section carted their goods overland from Galena, which was the most convenient point for receiving supplies from the east and south. Here, too, was the market of the farmers, or at least the shipping point for markets down the river. So intimate was Galena's connection with the South by means of the great river, that for years its people were decidedly southern in their sympathies as was indicated by the sentiments expressed in their newspapers. The objective point for immigrants to Illinois after 1834 was Chicago, if the journey was made by way of the Great Lakes. Frequently, indeed, we find mention of the number of immi- grants landing at this point and of the rapidly increasing number of vessels employed in transporting these people. In 1833 four vessels came to Chicago harbor," this number in- creased to one hundred and eighty during the next year^^ and to over four hundred and fifty in 1836.^^ "Almost all vessels from the lower lakes are full of passengers and our streets are thronged with wagons loaded with household furniture and the implements necessary for farming. Foot-passengers, too, with " strong, History of TVisconsin Territory, 118. =" Oalena and its Lcadmincs, in Harper's Magazine, 32, 693. '^Buffalo Commercial Advertiser^ May 27, 184G. ^History of Jo Daviess County, 257. =' Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, 18, 166. 2- Niles' Register, 47, 55. ^Hunt's Merchant Magazine, IS, 166. [72] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 359 well-filled sacks on their shoulders come in large numbers."^* This was the comment of a Chicago newspaper in 1835. In 1836 the same paper states that the town "is rapidly filling up with strangers. "^^ After the financial depression which lasted from 1837 to 1842, Chicago again began to feel the westward movement, the Chicago Express noting that "the tide of immi- gration is gradually setting in again to Illinois. "^^ At a comparatively early date lines of communication were established from Chicago to various points in eastern, central and northern Illinois. The chief road to the settlements along- the Vermilion and AVabash rivers was the 'Hubbard Trace.' or the 'State Road' leading from Chicago to Danville.^^ In 1836 a line of wagons, operating between Chicago and the Kankakee river was established. From this point connections were made with the Illinois river steamboats by means of fiat boats. Primarily this transportation line was for the benefit of St. Louis and Alton merchants who were desirous of receiving their goods by way of the lakes. ^^ Immigrants, however, took advantage of the conveniences offered. Three years later the Frink and Bing- ham stage line from Chicago to Galena was in operation adver- tising that the entire journey of one hundred and sixty miles would be covered by their coaches in two days and that pas- sengers would be carried for twelve and one-half dollars per head.2» It has been indicated that, previous to the beginning of steam navigation on the Great Lakes, the amount of travel along tliis highway was limited. After its beginning the number of pas- sengers desiring transportation increased with astonishing rap- idity. With the increased demand by immigrants grew the number of steamers. In 1833 eleven steamboats carried about 43,000 movers from Buffalo to the West.'*'' In the next year the number of boats had gro^^^l to eighteen"*^ but it was not suffi- ^ Chicago Weekly Chronicle, Nov. 21, 1835. ^Ihid., June 18, 1836. ^Chicago Express. June 27, 1843. 3' Beckwlth, History of Vei million County, 651. ^^ Xorthtcestern Gazette and Qalena Advertiser, Jan. 16, 1836. 39/btff., Aug. 27, 1839. *" MacGregor, Commercial Statistics of America, 675. " Ibid. [73] 360 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIISr cient to satisfy' the demaud, for sailing vessels of all descrip- tions were used. During the summer season of 1835, it was estimated that 1200 people daily left the port of Buffalo bound for the far West.*- The year 1839 saw the establishment of a reg- ular line of steamers from Buffalo to Detroit and Chicago." There were eight boats in this transportation line and they made trips from Buffalo to Detroit everj'' sixteen days. Between Detroit and Chicago was a line of light boats and by 1847 the traffic on the lakes had grown to such an extent that sixty steamboats and three hundred and forty vessels of other des- criptions were necessary to handle the traffic.** The cost of transportation along this route of travel varied considerably as competition became brisk. From Albany to Buffalo at the beginning of the period the fare was fifteen dol- lars and sixty-two cents*^ by packet. Three years later it had dropped to fourteen and one-half dollars*''' and when railroads got into running order transportation between these points cost eleven dollars by land, and one and one-half cents per mile by the canal, meals to be paid for by the travelers.*^ From Buf- falo to Chicago by steamboat cost twenty dollars in 1840;*^ fifteen dollars in 1842,*'' twelve dollars in 1847 ;'° and but ten dollars in 1850;'^^ steerage passage could be obtained for about half the above prices. Prices on propellers and schoonei-s ranged from four to eight dollars as steerage or cabin passage was taken.^- Freight rates varied as did the prices of passenger traffic and charges were made, sometimes by weight and sometimes by barrel bulk." In 1836 the average cost per hundred weight from New York to Chicago was one and one-half dollars.^* In *- Chicayo Weekly America)), July 25, 1S."5. *' Niles' Register. 44, 125. ** De Bow'8 Revieic, 2, 1(12. *'^ Illinois Monthly Magazine, 2. 52. *'^ Eniigrant,r and Travelers' Guide to the Missi:isii)pi Valley, 3G3. *' XoiTis and Gardiner, Illinois Annual Register (1847), 24. " Evanston Historical Society, Proceedings (1902), 3. *' Chicago Democrat, April 13, 1842. ■"^ Norris and Gardiner, Illinois Annual Register (1847). 24. " Evanston Historical Society, Proceedings (1902), 3. " >?orris and Garainer, Illinois Annual Register (1847), 24. ''^Albany Cultivator (1841), 8, 53. " Chicago Weekly American, July 9, 1836. [74] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 361 the early forties rates from Buffalo to Chicago were quoted at fifty cents per hundred weight on heavy stuff and eighty- seven and one-half cents on light stuff.'^^ It is evident from these classifications of rates that room rather than weight was what the shipper paid for. The amount of goods each mover brought depended upon his financial condition and his inclination to pay freight. Some loaded their horses, wagons and all upon the decks of the boats; others came with only what they could carry on their shoulders. Advice as to wliat the immigrant should take with him to the West varied greatly. One authority told the travelers that they "should not pay freight on horses and cattle or upon hogs."^** Another advised it, saying that the immigrants need fear no difficulty in bringing stock with them as several of the masters of boats seemed "to take great interest in the shipment of choice stock to the West."^^ It seems probable, however, that what stock was brought to Illinois by the settlers generally came with those traveling overland. Speed of travel increased as did the volimie. In 1836, seven- teen and one-half days were consumed in making the trip from New York to Chicago ;^'^ by 1840 the distance from Chicago to Buffalo had been covered in two days and two nights.^^ Three and one-half days for the same trip was the best time made be- fore 1850. «° The steamers seem to have been regarded as almost perfect as is shown by the enthusiastic description of a lake steamer given by a Chicago new^spaper man in 1841. "It is difficult," he says, "to conceive of their superiors whether we regard swift- ness or beauty of model. They float upon the w^ater like swans; they move through it like its omti finny inhabitants. Travelers from the South and East are in raptures watli them and they may well be so. ' '^^ The large boats sometimes carried nine hun- dred passengers with their luggage at one trip. Many of these " Chicapo Democrat, April 13, 1S42. "" Marshall. Formers' > Villa £res. Illinois and Fox River Valleys (1850) Section west of the prairie line is more than 20 per c"nt. woodland. Year indi- cates date of county organization. [90] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 377 Havana, datiiiir from 1832, seems to have been the most im- portant settlement of early days. Its growth must have been very slow, since six years elapsed before the building: of the first house.^ After 1834 groups of Canadians* and Germans' settled here, who, by 1850 formed a large part of the settlement which was still the most important one in the county. In other parts settlements grew no faster until after 1840." The character of the settlements sho^ws the influence of loca- tion. An examination of nativities brings out the fact that the greater number of the early settlers came from Kentuclcj', Tennessee and Virginia, although New England and the Middle Atlantic States had numerous representatives. There were also settlers who came from Indiana and from the older counties of Illinois. Of the foreigners present, Germans were in the majority. The timbered parts of the county were taken up first by the Kentuckians and Tennesseeans and w^hen, during the period of speculation just previous to the financial panic of 1837, the New Englanders' and the settlers from the Middle States came, they were compelled to take up the unoccupied ter- ritory which generally meant the small prairies. More rapid gro'wth took place during the forties and in 1850 there were 5,900 settlers in the county.'^ Tazewell county which was organized in 1827,® had 4,700 settlers by 1830,^ most of them being pioneers of the type most frequently found in the hardwood districts of the middle West. "While immigrants came in steadily during these years, it was after 1830 that the most rapid increase came. In 1836 Tremont in the central part of the county was es- tablished by a New England colony. Jones in his Illinois and the West (1838) gives a decidedly favorable description of the town, saying that it was beautifully laid off with wide streets and a public square around which were arranged the business '■'J hid., 520. * Ihir}., 411. ^Ibid., 509. " Bath, Mmsou City. AIIcq's Grove. Crane Creek aud other places each claimed a few settlers. ''Seventh Censins (18."0). 702. ' Historical Encyclnpe/lia of Illinois, 3."5. 'Seventh Census (1850), 702. [911 378 BULLETIN OF THE TNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN houses. The frame houses which composed most of the dwel- lings of the town were painted white, giving the village a very neat appearance. Three-fourths of the population were N^w Englandere, which probably accounts for the orderly appear- ance of the village.^" A colony of importance was established in 1837 at Delavan in the southern part of the county, being the result of the ef- forts of a company of enterprising Rhode Island farmers. Like other companies of the time it was a stock company with a capital of $44,000. An agent sent to Illinois purchased 23,000 acres of land for the company and, to the great surprise of all, located the tract upon the open prairie, at that time an unheard of proceeding. Not a bush or a tree was in sight but nevertheless the proprietors seemed well satisfied with the choice and families immediately began to come in. For a time they were lodged in the common home 'which was the first building erected in the town of Delavan. The erection of such houses seems to have been a rule among the companies sending colonies to the "West and probably the idea was to guard against discouragement of the new settlers and alleviate the hardships attendant upon the opening up of a new country. When the settlers were desirous of making homes for them- selves at the earliest possible date such an arrangement certainly must have been advantageous, but should any be inclined to live at the company's expense this convenience must have been abused. No time limit appears to have been placed upon the stay in the common home but probably such a safe-guard was provided. One point of the contract signed by the members of the com- pany deserves mention as something out of the ordinary. No ardent spirits were ever to be brought into the to'wn and sold or used as drink.^^ This clause also appears in the laws of the Rockwell colony in La Salle county.^- Still another colony was founded in Tazewell at this time, at Mackinaw on the south side of the Mackinaw stream. As '" .Tones. Illinois and the "West, 72. " The Keiv Yorker, Aug. 31, 18.39. "Ibid., Aug. 20, 183C. [92] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 379 in the case of the Dehivan eolonj-, a eoininon house was first erected and in 1838 was occupied by several families who were Avaiting for the completion of their homes. ^^ Washington, in the northern part of the county and Pekin on the Illinois river were the other important villages in 18-40, the latter being a typical western town, with flouring mills, saw mills and pork packing industry. To some extent it was the point of contact between the back country and the outer world, gaining by advantage of location such commerce as the demands of the settlers increased. Other settlements brought up the number of inhabitants to 7,200 in 1840.^* During tlie early years of the succeeding decade the increase in population was slow, owing to financial depression, but after 1845 the number of settlers coming to the county gradually in- creased. The number of southern immigrants decreased and that of northerners increased but the growth of population was not rapid, probably on account of the opening to settlement of the northern and eastern counties of the state. The gain in population had been about 4,000 since 1840 and the county now had a population of over 12,000,^^ with three to^ms, Pekin, Tremont and AVashington of some importance. Judging from the small number of towns and from the fact that but one, Pekin, had over a thousand inhabitants it seems safe to conclude that the population Avas an agricultural one. Small streams with timbered banks traversed the county, of- fering an ideal country for the agricultural pioneers who, by 1850, had placed imder cultivation almost 73,000 acres of the land. There still remained uncultivated some 92,000 acres, nearly all of which was back from the rivers, away from the timber.^'' Settlers began to come to Woodford county in 1819 and by 1830 some forty-five arrivals, chiefly from Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and Indiana had been received. In 1832, owing to the Indian troubles, Woodford did not increase rapidly, since the county was on the extreme frontier and not well protected " Western Pioneer^ May 18, 1838. ^'Seventh Census (1850), 702. "Seventh Census (1850), 702. "Teyton, Statistical View of Illinois. 13. [93] 380 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN against Indian raids. Up to 1850 Metamora was the most im- portant settlement. In 1835 a company of settlers from Han- over, New Hampshire, had settled here giving the name Hanover to their village. They were as welcome to the Kentuckians then living in the county "as a band of Hottentots." In 1843 the village became the county seat and the name was changed to Metamora. In this year the first store was built.^^ The settlements in the county during the period from 1831 to 1850 were numerous but small, composed of little groups of settlers who built their cabins on the edge of the timber and enclosed enough prairie land for cultivation. The eastern part or the prairie district of the county was not settled for several years after 1850 and then only by the aid of the railroads,^* and it is safe to say that of the 36,000 acres of land under cultivation in 1850^'-^ the greater portion was in the w^estem part of the county near the river. In character of its settlers, Woodford county was typical of the counties of the Middle Illinois Valley. Almost before the Kentuckians and Tennesseeans were comfortably settled upon their little farms on the borders of the timber lands Virginians, Carolinians, New Yorkers, Pennsylvanians and others were crowding in also. Men of all classes, nationalities and stations met here. There were men who had been with Napoleon at Austerlitz; who had followed him on his ill-fated Russian ex- pedition ; exiled Poles ; Bavarians ; men who had sat in the legislatures of conservative New England ; abolitionists from the same section and slaves from the south. Half the states of the Union were represented here and many foreign countries.^" Since 1829 settlers had occupied Mai-shall county. Lacon, on the Illinois river served as the shipping point for the farmers and bade fair to become one of the most important of the towns along the Illinois river. The site Avas purchased by a company of Ohio men in 1831 and the to'wn of Columbia laid out. Dur- ing the next few years quite a number of settlers came from " History of Woodford Count)!, 2:58 ff. ^* History of Woodford Count)). 4()(). '" I'eyton, StatiHtieal View of IlUnoifi, 13. ^0 History of Woodford County, 2ii7-2.'?5. [94] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 381 Ohio, and the village grew until 1837.-^ In the western part of the county, Henry was the most important settlement. Its growth is illustrative of that of many of the settlements of Illinois during this period. Founded in the early forties when the state was in its financial difficulties, gro'vvth was slow imtil after 1845 when better times came; by 1853 the population uiunbered over one thousand. -- Among the settlements proposed in the period before the panic, few grew into realities. Lyons, Dorchester, Auburn, Centerville, Troy City and Chambersburg were all laid out during the period of speculation, but these ventures like many others of the time failed to fulfill expectations, and farms took the places of the proposed cities. For a time the town of "Web- ster was a thriving settlement but it was later abandoned owing to the unhealthfulness of the location. Although Kentuckians and Tennesseans were first in the groves of Llarshall county,-^ Ohio and New York had a num- ber of representatives, while the name Yankee Street denoted the presence of New Englanders. In 1850 nearly 5,200 set- tlers-* were in the county and since but 36,000 acres of land were cultivated-^ it seems reasonable to assume that little of the prairie was taken up excepting along its edges. Putnam county which was organized in 1825 had in 1830 about 700 inhabitants.-" In 1850 there ^were but 3,900." Hen- nepin, the county seat and only settlement receiving recogni- tion in the Federal census of 1850, dates from 1829. In 1831 the town lots of Hennepin were advertised in the Springfield, Galena and Terre Haute papers but growth was slow, for eleven families composed the population in 1833,-^ and in 1850 there were but four hundred and thirty settlers here.-^ Granville, Florid and Mt. Palatine were the chief villages but important " Ford, History of Putnam and Marshall Counties, 106. ^Ihid., 113. "/bi(/., 142. '* Seventh Census (18.50), 702. " Peyton, Statistical Vietc of Illinois, 13. '« Ford, History of Putnam and Marshall Counties, 29. -'Seventh Census (1850), 702. ^ Ford, History of Putnam and Marshall Counties, 87. ^0 Seventh Census (1850), 714. [95] 382 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN only in showing the tendency of the early settlers to locate near lines of comniimication. In the last ease the tendency is especially noticeable for the village attained what little import- ance it enjoyed from its location on the Peoria-Ottawa state road. Northern pioneers were the most numerous in this county and of the New Englanders present Massachusetts furnished the greatest number.^*' In closing the discussion of this part of the state it may be said that these counties along with those across the river, show themselves to be border counties, the meeting place of the hunter-pioneer and the farmer types of settlers'. Following the results of experience gathered by generations of pioneers, the Kentuckians and Tennesseeans climg to the timber land and consequently advanced a considerable distance up the Illinois river toward the northern part of the state. Close on their heels through the lower counties, were the New Englanders and New Yorkers, and in the upper counties of the region, when the settlements were not well established and were com- paratively wide-spread, we see the northeni element taking the lead in numbers. An examination of county histories will sho'w that in Llason and Tazewell counties, the great majority of pioneers Avere southern men, in Woodford the percentage was not so great, in IMarshall, still less, and in Putnam, the northern coimty, the southern pioneer was an exception. The reason seems evident since the locality was quite distant from the influence of those southern communities below the Sangamon river. Moreover, as the Kentuckian moved farther and farther northward the Yankees became more and more numerous much to his disapproval. Settlers from New Eng- land and Ne!\v York had begun to swarm in during the tliirties and taking up the unoccupied timber land, the frontier-loving southerner could no longer find country wild enough and far enough removed from the limits of civilization to make an ideal frontier. Here was the beginning of the conflict between the hunter- pioneer of the South and the agricultural pioneer of the North, The hunter needed the woodlands for a field from which to ^ Illinois in 1SS7, 100. POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 383 gain his livelihood; he needed the game which lived within its limits and he needed little land for agriculture. His progress northward so far had been carried on with comparative speed owing to the fact that he met little opposition from any other type of frontiersman. In the southern counties, being first upon the scene, he took up the timber land at his leisure, cleared his plot of ground and lived a life 'which satisfied him. The New Englander and the man from the Middle States, arriving somewhat later, took what was left and occasionally it was the prairie land, as seen in the instance of the Tremont settle- ment in Tazewell county. So far the himter was firmly es- tablished in his native region, the woodland, and was slowly undergoing the transition from hunter to farmer. The stream of settlers coming to the northern counties was different in character. There was no desire among these pio- neers to use the timber lands for hunting purposes but rather for an aid in conquering the prairies. Faster and faster these farmere poured into Illinois by the lake route. They filled up the timber quickly and soon began to experiment with the prairies. Weight of numbers and unity of purpose combined to check the advance of the southern man, who, upon finding the groves claimed, was compelled to look elsewhere for his kind of country. The population of the counties in this district amounted to 31,500 in 1850, the greater part having come in the decade 1841-1850 after the end of the financial depression. ^^ Havana, Pekin, Lacon and Hennepin were the chief to\Mis, each one situated on the Illinois river and deriving its importance from its location on the common line of conununication with the older settlements of the south. Of the 500,000 acres of land in this district 220,000 were under cultivation.^- Few settlers had come to the counties of the upper Illinois valley before the Black Hawk War, La Salle county, which was organized in 1831 being the only one with many settlers. Beginnings of settlement were made at Ottawa in 1823 but the Indian outbreak of 1832 put a stop to its growth. The Yankee "Seren/fe Crnsm (18.50), 701, 702. " Peyton, Statistical View of Illinois, 13. 7 , [97] 384 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN settlement at Hickory Grove was the largest one in Will county and this with Ottawa, was the only one in this part of Illinois, strong enough to exist through the Indian War. Some experiments in establishing colonies were tried here but met with little success. The Rockwell colony, based upon the principle of exclusion of intoxicating liquors, was an in- teresting but unsuccessful New England experiment.^^ In 1830 a colony of young men from Northampton, Massachusetts, de- siring to obtain a suitable site for a settlement, sent commis- sioners to the state to make a selection of lands. Influenced by the fertility of the soil, by the reported existence of immense coal beds and by the proposed canal and railroad communica- tions, the committee fixed upon La Salle as the most advanta- geous location. Several settlers came during the year, a cabin was erected upon the site of La Salle towai, but owing to the inclement weather the greater number of the new settlers moved away.^* The Black Hawk War effectually put a stop to settlement in these counties for the space of a year, driving the greater part of the settlers back upon the stronger settlements in the south and practically checking the spread of the hunter-pioneer class long enough to allow the swarms of New Englanders and New Yorkers to gain possession of the northern part of the state and successfully exclude the southern men. From the end of this war until the financial crash of 1837 there was a decidedly rapid growth of population along the Illinois river. The Illinois and Michigan canal from Chicago to the Illinois river, was to connect with the latter somewhere in La Salle county. Settlers flocked in hoping to obtain lands on or near the proposed line. When the laud sales were made in 1835, however, the speculators present took the lion's share, leaving but a small portion for the actual settlers. During the following year came the greatest immigration of the period. Ground was broken for the canal, July 4, 1836, and the begin- • < The yeir Yorker, Aug. 20, 18.'!G. ^ Past and Present of LaHaUc Cotintu, 1S7 ; History of Laf^uUe Counti/. 296. 98 POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLII^OIS, 1830-50 385 ning: of active operations no doubt tended to increase greatly the crowd of new comers. ^^ Ottawa was still the chief town of La Salle county, having a population of seven or eight hundred, most of whom were "Yankees — a shrewd, selfish, enterprising, cow-milking set of nien."^^ A fe\v stores, frame houses and Kentucky log cabins composed the settlement.^^ Peru, a few miles farther down the river, had sprung into existence shortly after the Black Hawk War, The growth which took place soon after it was laid out in 1834 was due to the fact that work on the canal and rail- roads began soon after.^^ The aiTival, at this time, of the first band of Scandinavians was an event of some importance in the settlement of this part of Illinois. From Ne\v York they followed the easiest and most natural route to the state along the line of the Great Lakes. The arrival of these foreigners gave a forecast of the influence which the northern line of transportation was to have upon the character of the settlements in these counties, for soon there was to be a great throng of foreigners poured through the Chicago gateway upon the prairies. In Grundy county, a fringe of settlers established themselves along the canal, but the spread of settlement was seriously in- terfered with by the operations of land speculators who pro- ceeded to buy up the lands back from the squatters' claims bordering the canal. Advanced prices forced the later settlers to look elsewhere for homes and as a consequence the develop- ment of the county was not rapid. Its chief settlement, Kan- kakee City, was the outgrowth of the speculation of the times and is a good example of the mushroom type of cities. In its best days the population numbered seventy-five; lots were sold in New York and Chicago for thousands of dollars, but the city fell with the crash of 1837, and today the site of the once promising Kankakee City is a farm.^'^ '^ Past and Present of LaSalle County, 104. »« Tlue Chicaoo Weekly American, Feb. 4, 18.37. "The Xeio Yorker, June 10, 1837. ^ Past and Present of LaSalle County, 306. "History of Grundy County, 319. [99] 386 BULLETIN OF THE UlN'IVEESITY OF WISCONSIN For two or three years following the eventful 1832, few set- tlers came to Will county, but the land sale at Chicago in June, 1835, brought many immigrants. Farmers, speculators and city promoters, jostled each other in their attempts to acquire the more desirable portions. Those wishing land for homes vrere, owing to a lack of ready money, not so fortunate in ob- taining large quantities of ground as was the class of specula- tors which took up section after section, and platted town after town, some of which were never to know an existence. Pal- myra, Williamsburg, MiddletowTi, Vienna, Carlyle, West Lock- port, New Kochester, Buffalo and Lurenbergh were all laid out but were soon abandoned. ^"^ All efforts at towTi-making were, however, not futile, and where tav^^ls were not attempted, the little clusters of farm houses clinging to the timber showed a steady advance in the numbers of settlers and by 1836 the population was great enough to warrant the formation of a new county.*'^ New Englanders and New Yorkers, traveling westward over the lakes either to Chicago or Detroit and from there by land, found their way to Will county, founding Plainfield, Lockport, Joliet and other places. A group of Ohioans, more venturesome than their neighbors, or from necessity, at this time dared the prairie and took up their abode in the eastern part of the county at Monee.*^ Lockport for a time seemed to offer the greatest possibilities for growth. Anticipating its importance, settlers congregated here, believing that its situation on the Illinois-Michigan canal assured its success as a city. Gradually it grew in importance and when the canal was opened in 1848 it became a shipping point for the farmers of the surrounding country who were eager to dispose of their surplus products in the most advan- tageous markets.'*^ Joliet, which in 1835 was but a small vil- lage, increased in size during the succeeding years and was, in 1837, the largest town in the county.** *" Woodruflf, Joliet and ^yiU County Fort)/ Years Ago, 33. *' Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois, 589. ** History of Will County, 567. « History of Will County, 432. ** Illinois in i837, 123. gives the populatioa as six hundred but the estimate must be talsen with caution, as the boolj is not entirely reliable. [100] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 387 The period 1832-1837 while one of beginnings was also one of rapid growth. Fear of the Indians had at last been removed, new lands had been opened up and work on the canal begun. Steam navigation on the lakes was rapidly attaining great di- mensions, Avhich, with the influences previously mentioned and the almost "universal desire for speculation in lands and prop- erty, tended to make this period one of exceedingly great im- portance in the settlement of this part of the state. Besides the villages of Peru, Ottawa, Plainfield, Loekport and Joliet, numbers of smaller ones had been made and hundreds of solid New Englanders and New Yorkers had already established themselves in the most desirable portions of the counties. The bursting of the bubble of speculation in 1837 put a stop to settlement for a time, however, and those parts of the state dependent upon the advance of work on the canal for their own increasing importance, felt a severe shock when, owing to financial embarrassment, work on the system of internal im- provements was, for the time, abandoned. Farm products de- clined greatly in value but even in the face of this many of those employed on the canal turned their efforts to farming when operations on the canal ceased. During the early years of the financial crisis the effect was not so noticeable as it was in later years. The Rockwell Land Company of Norwich, Connecticut, which had for several years been interested in La Salle county lands sent one hundred colo- nists to the county in 1837-38. The settlement gave promises for the future but sickness among the settlers soon caused its de- population. At one time it contained some two hundred in- habitants.*^ From the time La Salle was laid out in 1837 until work on the canal and railroad ceased in 1841 there was a period of ac- tivity and rapid growth, but decline began in 1840.'**' Immigra- tion practically ceased and in 1843 La Salle had only about one hundred inhabitants.*'^ Ottawa, the only town not showing the effects of the cessation of work on the canal, grew apace and "Pas* and present of LaSallc Countif, 296. *'Il>id., 297. "Ibid., 301. [101] 388 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN from 1837 to 18-40 doubled its population, becoming the most important city in that portion of the state. One thousand in- habitants, exclusive of canal laborers, composed its population. Kew Yorkers and New Englanders were present in the greatest numbers with a smaller representation from Pennsj^lvania, Ohio, Kentucky and other western states. In Joliet especially it is said that the people suffered actual hardships during this period of financial trouble. The same is true of Lockport which, as has been said, seemed to give promise of becoming a prosperous towoi. Wlieatland, settled by a number of Vermonters who made the journey overland from their native state, was the only new settlement of note es- tablished during the period. By 1842 the financial aspect of the state began to brighten and immigration to increase. By 1846 repudiation was no longer thought of, confidence had increased to such a degree that immigrants to the West gladly settled in Illinois instead of turning to the north or going still farther to the west. From this point the future of the state was assured and when work was again resumed on the canal and the railroad, the surround- ing country began a most rapid development. The following period, 1843 to 1850, was one of gradual re- vival. Little by little the tide of immigration increased and with the increase came the necessity of conquering the prob- lems of the prairie. Step by step the pioneers advanced into the open until the smaller spaces between the lines of timber were entirely taken up. By 1850 about eighty per cent, of the land of La Salle county was under cultivation; forty-five per cent, in Ginmdy county and a somewhat smaller portion in Will county owing to its more extensive prairies.*® Most important of the settlements along the upper Illmois was Peru which, owing to its advantageous position on the line of water communication with the Great Lakes by means of the Illinois river and the canal, and its communication assured with the northern and central portions of the state by railway, had *" Seventh Census (1850), 728. [102] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 389 become a town of 3.000 people who were at the close of our period taking steps to procure a city government.'*'* La Salle, in a way, illustrated the type of western towns of the time. Its two hundred inhabitants were, according to ac- counts, of none too good a class. One traveler says that upon inquiry at one or two of the stores he "ascertained that there were Christians in the place. "^° The two Ottawas which had a combined population of over 3,200 people^^ were described by the same author as making "a beautiful and flourishing village . . . laid out and built with considerable taste and beauty. "^^ It probably derived its neatness from the New England population which was in the majority here. Streator and IMendota, today to^\'ns of considerable size, were as yet not thought of, needing the railroads to call them into exis- tence. Will county in 1850 had 16.700 inhabitants and Joliet, the county town, had a population of 2,659.^^ In its growth of bus- iness and development of industries, we see the influence of the shi'ewd New Englander and New Yorker. I\Iills and quarries were in successful operation, fifty stores supplied the wants of the tow^nspeople and of the farmers of the surrounding country, while the moral, religious and intellectual welfare of the com- munity lacked nothmg in the v/ay of churches, schools and newspapers. Nor-wegians, "Pennsylvania Dutch" and thrifty German farmers novr came in numbers and added their stolid industry to the shrewd, sharp methods of the New Englander, each in his respective way adding to his own welfare and to the wealth of the countiy. The foreign population, however, did not be- come of much importance imtil after 1845. An examination of the nativities of the pioneers who came to this part of Illinois before 1850 shows the influence of location upon the character of the settlements. Closely connected by *" Past and Present of LaSalle County, 309. " Curtiss. Western Portraiture, 312. '^^ Seventh Census (1850), 710. ** Curtiss, Western Portraiture, 68. '^Serenth Census (18.50), 710. [ 103 390 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN the Illinois river, with the settlements of the southern and cen- tral parts of the state it is natural to expect the presence of southern settlers in these counties. But they appear here only in very' small numbers, being entirely outnumbered by the New Eng- landere and New Yorkers who came by way of the Great Lakes. The pioneers of Grundy county came principally from south- em Ohio with a number from the southern and eastern states.^* Most of the families had been pioneers in older settlements in the states from which they came, and, having been trained on the frontier, regarded it as the most attractive home. During the last years of the forties Norwegians began to come in chiefly from La Salle county. They were soon joined by others. In Will and LaSalle counties the scarcity of settlers from the south- ern states is plainly noticeable."^ The statistics given show more plainh' than before the in- fluence of lines of communication. The New Englanders and New Yorkers were farther removed from this part of Illinois than were the Kentuckians and Tennesseeans or their neigh- bors of southern Illinois. Steam navigation, however, tended towards the annihilation of distance and the Great Lakes offering the highway to the fertile Illinois lands played by far the most important part in fixing the characteristics of this northern settlement. It must be noticed also where these pioneers settled. The wide bottom lands of the larger Illinois rivers, which, from un- healthfukiess and liability to spring overflows, had kept the set- " History of Grundy County, 148. =^ Three hundred biographies ox Will County pioneers were exnniined with the followinK results : one hundred and sixty came from the Middle Atlantic- states, and of the e one hundred and thirty-six were New Yorkers ; forty came from New England ; seventy-five from foreign lands, one-third of the foreigners being Germans ; sixteen were from the western states ; six from the southern states and but three from Kontucliy and Tennessee (HMtory of Will County, 659-900). Eight hundred biographies of early settlers of LaSalle county were examined. Three hundred and sixteen came from New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey ; New York sent two hundred and twenty ; two hundred and eight came from New England; one hundred from Ohio; one hundred from foreign lands; thirty from the South Atlantic and Gulf states and but eighteen from Kentucky and Tennessee (Baldwin, IJintory of LaSalle Cdunty, 122.5-483). Combining the statistics noted it is found that over forty-three per cent, of these pioneers came from the middle Atlantic states : twenty-two per cent, from the New England states ; a little more than three per cent, from the southern ftates and but two per cent, from Kentucky and Tennessee. [104] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 391 tlei*s back from their immediate vicinities in the south, were un- known in the north. The rivers were smaller, swifter and, while they overflowed their banks in some instances, the overflows did not remain for any length of time, consequently there was not the possibility of unhealthful locations near by. The towns as well as the earliest farms of this section of the state, were close to the rivers, a thing not tnie along the south- ern rivers save in exceptional eases. Chicago's influence upon the growth of settlement is marked. As an agricultural country is one of the necessities for a city's growth, so is a nuirket one of the requisites for the de- velopment of an agricultural district. In Chicago these north- eastern counties found both a market and a supply depot, and before the coming of the railroads made transportation easy from all parts of the state it must be noticed that the develop- ment was greatest in those counties near Chicago or near the proposed Illinois-iMichigan canal line. Numerous smaller towns sprang up, Peru, Ottawa, La Salle, Aurora and Joliet, all upon the rivers, thus showing the instinctive desire the pio- neers had for communication with the outside world. These places hardly reached the city stage before 1850, for their abil- ity to dispose of agricultural supplies and to act as supply de- pots was limited owing directly to imperfect communication. The railroads came later and solved the problem. In the Fox river valley, Kendall and Du Page counties were the only ones which had settlements before the Black Hawk War. Naper's settlement in Du Page county was the only im- portant one and numbered one hundred and eighty souls in 1832.^^ McHenry and Lake counties were not opened to set- tlers at this date. By a treaty in 1833 the Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottowatomies ceded the last of their lands in Illinois and Avhile these lands were not opened to settlers until 1836, a few pioneers had taken up claims in this part of the state before that date.^^ With the close of the Black Hawk War the pioneers ventured =^* Richmond and Vallette, History of Du Page County, 6. ^''Eighteenth Annual Report of the American Bureau of Ethnology (1896-97), 2, 750. [105] 392 BULLETI^^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCOXSIX farther north along the river and all through the years 1834, 1835 and 1836 the miinigrants poured into the state, animated by hopes of sudden v.ealth. All the timber land in Du Page county was claimed by 1835 but for several years, in spite of the rapid immigration, few houses could be found away from the timber. Xaperville, advantageously situated on the road from Ottawa to Chicago, was the most important town for a time and its two taverns did a rushing business during the period when land speculators thronged the neighborhood and later when the farmers carted their surplus products to Chi- cago. By 1834 the line of settlements had reached Kane county and cabins dotted the banks of the Fox river for miles, collecting here and there into little villages where advantages Avere of- fered. St. Charles, Elgin and Aurora sprang up along the Fox in the course of a few years. Aurora was located because the river at this point seemed to offer some advantages of water power and by 1836 the settle- ment had all the requirements of a thriving frontier village. Even the panic of 1837 had no noticeable effect upon its steady development, for unlike many of the early Illinois towns, Au- rora was built upon a solid basis rather than upon imaginary prospects. Elgin was also located upon the Fox river in 1835, the location being selected on account of water power.^^ St. Charles, a small settlement on the Fox between Aurora and Elgin, lays claim to notice in this period through the class of its settlers. In 1834 a colony of Virginians with over two hundred head of live stock emigrated to this place. It seems an exceptional case, for seldom indeed were southerners found in this part of the state. During the same year another colony, this time from New Brunswick, was added to the commimity.^^ In spite of the fact that settlers were forbidden by the Fed- eral government to reside in the recently ceded Indian lands of Lake and McHenry counties until 1836, several claims were made in Lake county on the Aux Plaines river in 1834."*^ Little ^History of the City of Elgin, 3; in lUinois Local Histories, 2, Wisconsia Historical Society Library. '''Post and Present o, Kane County, 329, 331. <» History of Lake County. 220. [106] I'OOLEV SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 393 settlement was made, however, until 1836, for the summer of 1835 was exceedingly cold and many who came with the inten- tion of settling here w-ere induced to move farther towards the interior."^ By 1837 there were probably three hundred people within the county limits.*'^ The same conditions prevailed in McHenry county and the population before 1836 consisted of a few squatters. Besides the New Engianders who seem to have predominated there were some Virginians and foreigners.®^ The period 1837-43 was one of slow growth. Kendall and Du Page counties were organized but neither had many set- tlers. McHenry and Lake counties grew slowly in population and especially in the size of their towns. Since these counties were agricultural districts and had no markets in the immed- iate vicinity there was no tendency towards concentration of population. During the remainder of the period until 1850 the develop- ment is hard to trace, save in Kane county, where, owing to water facilities, concentration took place to a greater extent than in the other counties. The advancement which had been made in population was accompanied by a like advancement in the standard of living among the pioneers, for the farms at the close of the period had the appearance of being well cultivated and the log houses of the preceding decade had, in most cases, given way to neater frame ones, prettily painted and well fur- nished.*'* The timber lands slowlj^ disappeared and were sup- planted by the orchards of the thrifty New Englander or Ger- man. Schools were to be found in every village. Elgin and Waukegan were towns of considerable importance and each owed its growth to a different cause. Elgin was primarily a manufacturing to"\\Ti, ranking well up as such among the towns of the state in 1850. In addition to this fact it could be called a railroad to^^^a also, for it was in 1850 the terminus of the firet railroad of northern Illinois, which was " Kingston, Early Western Days, 338, in Wis. Hist. Colls., 7. " History of McHenry County, 1G6. " Ibid., pas.Him. ** Prairie Farmer, 7. 298. [107] 394 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN in time to develop into a part of the Chicago and Northwestern system. Waukegan, with a population of 3,000 in 1850,*'^ had shown a surprising growth. The back country was an agricultural one and since settlement was going on rapidly, lumber and mer- chandise were necessities. Waukegan had a good port and be- ing closer to the settlers of these counties, than was Chicago, it naturally became the landing place for the lumber used in the back country and to this rapidly increasing trade the growth of "Waukegan may be attributed."'^ The development of the rail- roads later acted as a detriment to the city when they diverted the trade of this rapidly growing district towards Chicago.^'' Aside from Waukegan there was no town of any importance in either Lake or McIIenry county. From all portions of the nation the settlers came. After the Southerners who trailed the army pursuing Black Hawk north- ward, there came a swarm of Yankees from Boston, from the Con- necticut valley, from the Berkshire Hills, from New Hampshire, from Vermont and from Rhode Island. These were joined by New Yorkers from the Genesee Valley, from Otsego, Syracuse, Utioa, Plattsburg, Oneida, Orange, Tompkins, Washington and Che- mung counties, and to these were added Scotch, Irish, "Penn- sylvania Dutch," Welsh, French, Scandinavians, Germans and even negroes.^^ The men from the northern states predominated and everywhere the fine appearance of the farms and dwellings denoted the thrift, comfort and wealth of the careful New York and New England farmers. Viewing the field as a whole, noticeable results appear. In 1830 there were some 6,000 people in the counties treated in this chapter. By 1840 there were almost 46,000 and in 1850 the '^Seventh Census (1850), 710. <" In 1845 one hundred and ninety boats landed at Waukegan ; in 1850 the numb0 the lumber trade amounted to 1,500,000 feet. (Haines, History vf Lake Count}/, 10.3-108.) <" The importance of the trade may be judged from the development in popula- tion, the Increase in the two counties for the decade 1841-50 being almost 24,000. Seventh Census (1850). 702. •=* A summary based upon an examination of the biographies given in the county histories. [ 108 ] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 395 number had reached 132,000. Settlement took place most rap- idly in the northern counties during the decade 1811-1850, these counties gaining more than twice as many settlers during the decade as did the five counties in the INIiddle Illinois valley.«» The influence of lines of transportation is plainly seen in the characteristics of the northern settlements. Slowly the hunter- pioneer of the south had worked his way through the timber lands of the Illinois Valley until the Black Hawk War had stopped his progress. When quiet again reigned along the frontier line the pioneer returned to his work of conquest but too late, for before he could regain lost ground the development of steam navigation upon the lakes had opened the way for the New York and New England farmers and they were busy in the woodlands coveted by the Kentuckians and Tennessecans. In the struggle between the two classes of pioneers for the posses- sion of northern Illinois, numbers and speed of communication had w^eight and the methods employed by the pioneer of the earlier years gave way before the influence of steam, and the hunter-pioneer was forced to leave this section of the country and seek a home elsewhere. His work, however, had been ac- complished, for these hardy hunters had, by following the line of the Illinois river, cut the great prairie almost in two and had given the agricultural pioneer a basis upon which he could work when he grappled with the problems of the prairies. While the agricultural population was much in excess of the urban population there were in 1850 several towns of consider- able importance in the valley. Peru and Ottawa each had 3,000 settlers, Joliet and Waukegan had 2,500 each, Elgin and St. Charles more than 2,000 each, while Naperville and Pekin had somewhere between 1,600 and 1,700 each. Several others had less. In each case favorable locations upon the Illiiiois river or upon roads leading to Chicago explain the gro\\'th of the cities; some were located on account of the presence of water- power, others to become a point of contact between an agricul- tural back country and the markets so much needed. *> From 1841 to 1850 the five counties of the middle Illinois Valley gained 20,300 settlers ; the three counties of the upper Illinois gained 18,000 and the five Fox river counties gained 47,700. {Seventh Census (1850), 701-702.) [109] 396 BULLETIN OF THE UN^IVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN (g) Cities over 2,500. (§) Cities over 1,000. • Name Towns below 1,000. • Villages. The Military Tract (1850) Curved line shows the limits of the prairie : less than 20 per cent, woodlands Year indicates date of county organization. [ 110 POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 39T CHAPTER VI The Military Tract The Military Tract includes most of that portion of the state lying between the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, south of Rock Island county. This territory, which had been set aside by the Federal government for the veterans of the War of 1812, con- tains thirteen entire comities and parts of three others, in all more than 5,000,000 acres, not far from the area of the state of ]\Iassachusetts.^ Many grants were made but few were actually settled upon by the grantees. Fearing the toils of pioneer life or lacking a definite knowledge of the value of the lands ceded, many sold their grants, (one hundred and sixty acres each) for nomi- nal sums, considering themselves fortunate w^hen able to con- vert what seemed visionary wealth into actual wealth, even though it was no more than a cow or a horse. - However, the people who resided in Illinois at the time were well aware of the value of the land and proceeded to "squat" upon it, since they were unable to get any valid title to it, not knowing the actual owners. Cultivation by the squatters fol- lowed and often trouble came also. Land sharks, ever on the lookout for bargains, watched the increasing value of the farms, hunted up the original owners, bought their claims and returned to Illinois to oust the occupants and profit by their improvements. Forged titles resulted and with these came al- most endless chains of entanglements and litigation. ^ See Van Zandt, A full description . . . of the Military Lands beticeen the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers (Washington, 1818). '^History of Fulton County, 191 ; J. Flint, Letters from America, 187 (Thwaites Ed.), says, shares sold even so low as half a dollar per acre. [Ill] •398 BULLETIN" OF THE UNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN By 1831 eleven counties had been organized^ and the popu- lation of the entire Tract numbered over 12,000 people, five- sixths of whom were living in the southern part in the counties of Calhoun, Pike, Adams, Schuyler and Fulton.^ The first successful settlement in the ]\Iilitary Tract and the only one before 1820 was at Peoria. During the French regime Peoria had acted as a connecting link between the French on the lakes and those on the Mississippi but, having caused the Americans no little worry during the "War of 1812 it was de- stroyed. At that date the village was a small one.^ Ft. Clark was erected here in 1813*^ and in 1819 the permanent American occupation began, the earliest settlers coming from southern Illinois.'^ There were several other settlements in the county by 1830 but of no great importance.^ Calhoun county at the extreme southern end of the Tract, was never, during the entire period, thickly settled." The lum- l)ering industry in which most of the settlers were interested tended to make the population an unstable one. Here we see an example of settlement which is an exception to the general rule. Primarily the population was one aiming to exploit the lumbering resources of the district but there was also a farmer class. On the Illinois prairie which extends along the foot of the bluffs of the Illinois river was the fanning district of the county. The land was fertile and the 'bottom' was high enough above the river to escape flooding which in many locali- ties compelled the early settlers to leave the cultivation of the most fertile parts of the state until later and to take possession of the higher wooded portions first, being careful to remain as near as possible to the r-ivers in order to profit by transporta- tion facilities which they offered. ' The counties organized were Calhoun, Pilse, Adams, Hancock, Mercer, Schuy- ler, Fulton, Peoria, McDonoush, Warren and Knox. * Seventh Census (1850), 701-702. ''There were sixteen men in the village. (Balance, History of Peoria, 18.) "Life of Gurdon S. Hubbard, 28. ' Ballance, History of Peoria, 45. " Settlements were made at Chillicothe, Logan, Medina, Trlvoli and there was ialso a colony of Ohioans la Halleck township. (History of Peoria County, 577, 591, 604, GOO, 618.) » In 1830 there were over 1,000 settlers In the county and In 1850 the popula- tion was a little over 3,000. (Seventh Census (1850), 701.) [112] POOLEY SETTLEMEXT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 399 Pike county, Avhicli received its first settlers in 1820 had a population of 2,400 in 1830.^'' The county extends the entire distance between the Illinois and Mississippi rivers in the vicin- ity of which the land is broken and covered to quite an extent with timber. Between the great river systems are rolling prairies traversed by creeks whose banlvs are lined with timber making the district one admirably fitted for meetiiig the desires of the pioneers. The county consequently filled up rapidly after its first settlement in 1820 and in 1850 had a population of 18,800 people." Schuyler county which until 1839 included Brown county, was in 1830 the most thickly settled county of the IMilitary Tract, having nearly 3,000 settlers.^- The pioneers even at this early day were gathered from many parts of the country. The first settler was a New Engiander who was soon follov/ed by a colony from Kentuclcj'. Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, the Carolinas. Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri and Illinois each contributed settlers early.^^ '■\;Iiq settlements were small and were generally placed back at some distance from the river. Nearly twenty townships had received settlers before 1830.^* Fulton county was organized in 1823^^" having been cut off from Pike county. Lewiston and Canton' were the chief settle- ments in 1830, the former becoming the county town. While the large river forming the eastern boundry of these coimties was the highway for communication with the rest of the country, the first settlers did not congregate here. A few grouped themselves near the river to take advantage of what little commerce there was', but as a rule the settlers, being inter- ested in agriculture, preferred to leave the river bottoms of the large streams and take the timber land along the smaller ones, for the small prairies adjoining relieved the pioneers of ^"Seventh Census (1850), 70.''. " Ibid., 702. "Ibid., 702. ^^ History of Schuyler and Brown Counties. 58, S. ^* History of Schuyler and Brown Counties, 267-373. " The county was supposed to have had three hundred and fifty voters at the time of organization but at an election held that year only thirty-five votes were cast (History of Fulton County. 214). 8 [113 400 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN the labor of making clearings. j\Ioreover, the high ground back from the rivers seemed more healthful, for in the bottoms fever and ague were enemies greatly feared.^° Of those counties bordering on the Mississippi river Adams and Hancock were the most thickly settled. The first settlers came to Adams county in 1820, and in 1825, when the county was organized, forty votes were cast at the first election. Owing to the scarcity of money and to the fact that the lands were not yet on the market inunigration to this county was slow. Quincy, the largest settlement and the seat of county govern- ment, was first settled in 1822 and by 1830 had two hundred in- habitants.^^ Various other sumller settlements brought the total population of the county up to about 2,200.^* The names' Adams and Quincy both given in honor of John Quincy Adams, seem to imply the presence of New^ Englanders in the county at the time of organization but the nativities of the early pioneers show a majority of people from other sections of the countrj'^ and especially from Kentucky. Hancock county also on the Mississippi river had but five hundred inhabitants,^^ Venus, later to be known as Nauvoo, be- ing the chief touTi.-'' A settlement which had been made at Oquawka landing on the Mississippi river in 1828 was the only one in Henderson county in 1830.-^ In Mercer county, New Boston and Keithsburg were the places first settled. Here some Pennsylvanians established themselves in 1827 and earned a livelihood by cutting wood for J\rississippi river steamboats. For five years they remained but at the first Indian alann they left for central Illinois and Mercer county was again without inhabitants.-- "What has been said eonceniing the location of the settlements in the counties along the Illinois river will apply equally well '• By consultina: a map of Illinois it will be noted that t'lie early spttlements of Canton, Lewiston, Rnshville, Rip'.ey, Cnopprstown. Mt. Sterling. Vprsailles and others are all placed hack a few miles from the Illinois river. '■ Hisioni , 701, 702. [ 115 ] 402 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN" lies in 1828 although the first settlement had been made in 1820.=» Such were the settlements of the IMilitary Tract in 1830. By far the greater part of the population was in the southern part of the Tract close to the more thickly settled districts of cen- tral Illinois. There were no towns of any consequence save Quincy, and the prairie district of the north was practically ■untouched. The pioneers were chiefly southerners. From 1831 to 1850 Calhoim county did not increase rapidly in population since it did not offer the advantages for agriculture that were to be found in other parts of the state. When the lumber industry began to wane the stream of settlers decreased accordingly. Four small villages formed the urban population in 1850.^° Pike county added over 16,000 settlers during the twenty years and since there were but three villages in the county in 1850, it is natural to believe that the population was almost en- tirely rural.^^ The pioneers had for a time remained as close as possible to the timber but by 1850 there were settlements on the small prairies.^^ " Corncrackers and Hoosiers with a right smart sprinkling of Yankees" made up the population but al- most every state in the union was represented here. A ]Mor- mon town had been founded and had declined before 1850.^^ The Illinois river coimties',^* Schuyler, Fulton and Peoria, had in 1830 an aggregate population of 5,000 and ten years later their population amounted to over 26,000.^^ Before Brown county was cut off from Schuyler in 1839, La Grange and Mt. " It was not a permanent settlement, being made by a French fur trader named Bourbonnais. He was in the employ of the American Fur Company {History of Bureau County, 79-83). 3»Gilead, Hardin, Illinois and Point were the settlements. Each had between five and eight hundred settlers. (Seventh Census (1850), 704.) " Pittsfleld, I'erry and Griggsfleld, each with less than seven hundred inhabi- tants, were the villages. (Seventh Census (18.50), 714.) "Almost half the county was under cultivation (Peyton, Statistical view of Illinois, 13). '3 History of Pike County, 239. =* For convenience of treatment the counties of the tract will now be divided Into three sections. The Illinois river counties being Schuyler, Fulton and Peoria ; the Mississippi river counties being Adams, Hancock, Henderson and Mercer; the counties of McDonough, Warren, Knox, Stark, Henry and Bureau being classed as the inland counties. ^Seventh Census (1850), 701, 702. [116] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 403 Sterling had become towns of some importance. Several east- ern parties were engaged in business at the former place, which, owing to its situation upon the Illinois river, became a port of some consequence in the river traffic. All the goods shipped to the county came up the river and La Grange was the landing place as well as the shipping point for the back country to^^^ls, especially Mt. Sterling and Versailles.^o Mt. Sterling, which was to be the county toAvn of Brown county when organized, enjoyed but slow growth before 1834 when a revival of energy took place, the village growing to one of fifty houses by 1837." The same revival of energy which was the result of the speculative spirit which swept over the countrj^ during the decade also gave Brown coimty its first ex- perience with "paper toT\Tis," Washington being laid out in 1836.38 No further development was made, however. Rushville, Fredericksville, Huntsville and Birmingham w^ere the principal towns of Schuyler county in 1850. Rushville enjoyed a steady growth from the time of its establishment in 1829. A wool carding factory and other industries, begim in 1831,3'' drew laborers and mechanics to the village which by 1832 had four hundred inhabitants clustered about five little stores.^o Cholera during the year of 1834 swept away many of the settlei-s but the little village continued to grow until in 1837 it was a town of 1,200 inhabitants having five churches, twelve stores and four hundred houses.^^ jMost of the houses were frame ones, the lumber probably being brought from Calhoim county where the industry was carried on rather ex- tensively. Fredericksville on the Illinois river was of some im- portance as a shipping point. The other named towns were still young and small, having been laid out in 1836." Fulton county from 1830 to 1840 gained 12,300 inhabitants, most of them going to the rural distriets.^^ Canton was a "'^ History of Schuyler and Brown covnties, 322. ^' niiuois in 1SS7, 105. ^History of Schuyler and Brown counties, 271. ^^nid., 234. *° Illinois Monthly Magazine, 2, 260. « Illinois in 1837, 128. ' *^ History of Schuyler and Brown counties, 363-373. *^ Seventh Census (1850), 701. [117] 404 BULLETIIS" OF THE UlSTIVEESITY OF WISCONSIISr village of four hundred people in' 1835,** when it was completely destroyed by a storm.*^ It had recovered some of its import- ance by 1837 when with Lewiston and Farminton it was named as one of the largest settlements in the county.*'' Wash- ington, Fairview, Middleton, Liverpool, Ellisville and Berna- dotte, all small towns consisting of a few cabins and a store, make up the list of Fulton county settlements. Vermont, a similar village seems to imply by its name a New England set- tlement which, however, was not true. Kentuckians made the settlement but the name was given by the solitary New Eng- lander residing there, he having purchased with a jug of whiskey the right to name the settlement.*' Peoria county had in 1840 over 6,000 settlers*^ and the to^\^^ of Peoria was the chief center of population. The town had a favorable location being placed on a high bluff at the foot of Peoria lake. In 1832 it was a small village of fifteen or twenty log cabins but being the strongest one in this part of the frontier it was the place of refuge for the pioneers who fled from the northern districts at the opening of the Black Hawk War.*^ Communication by steamboats on the Illinois river and by stages overland kept Peoria in touch with the neighboring settlements. In 1834 the population was estimated at between three and four hundred^" and a year later at over eight hun- dred.^^ In this last year the first Germans^- came to settle here and in 1836 New Englanders first appeared in the town.''^ By 1837 it was a thriving toAvn.^* Rome, Chillicothe, Brimfield, Northampton, Allentown, Kickapoo, Hudson and Caledonia were settlements of lesser note.^^ " History of Fulton county, 527. " Chicago Weekly American, July 4, 1S35. *" Illinois in 7837, 78-118. " History of Fulton county, 899. *>< Seventh Census (1850), 702. *^ History of Peoria county, 451. "o Chicoyo Weekly Democrat, June 4, 1834. »' St. Louis Commercial Bulletin, Dec. 18, 1835. "2 History of Peoria county. 4S0. " Western Messenger, April, 183G. ^Illinois in m?7, 12fi, says that rporia had twenty-five stores, two hotels, six churches and over 1,600 inhabitants. " History of Peoria county, 572-577. [118] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 405 Of the Llississippi river counties, Adams county gained over 12,000 inhabitants during the decade.'^" Quincy with its ad- vantageous location grew with equal rapidity. For several yeavs the lack of good building material and the high price of lumber were difficulties to be overcome but the village doubled its population from 1830 to 1832 and at the time of its incor- poration in 1831 its population was estimated at six hundred. ^^ During the next few years while the state enjoyed great prosperity, Quincy continued to develop and the tide of immi- gration increased steadily until in 1838 the village had a popu- lation of 1,500 or more,^^ making it the largest settlement in the Military Tract. ^" Its importance as a shipping point for agricultural products was now recognized, three hundred steam- boats arriving or leaving during the year of 1837, while the trade in pork, flour and wheat amounted to $112,500 for that year.*'" Sawmills were kept busy supplying lumber for new buildings and with the increased demand for laborers the float- ing population grew. The population was derived from all countries but Yankees and Kentuckians were in the majority and about equally divided.*"'^ In 1840 Quincy obtained a city charter.*^'- Outside of Quincy there were no settlements of much im- portance. Payson, which was laid out in 1835, was surrounded by a rich agricultural district and for a time gave promise of becoming an important settlement but the development so well begun soon ceased, probably owing to the rivalry with Quincy.^' The remaining settlements were small being only agricultural villages giving little promise of immediate development. ^''Seventh Census (1S50), 701. " Asbury, Quincy, 44. "« Estimates varied: 1,500 (lUinoi.s in 1837, 127); 1.653 (Uedmond, Quincy, 15) ; 3,000 (R'lcldngbam. Easiern nnd 'Wcaiern niules, :5. 1C12). "In 1835 Quincy had a population of seven hundred people. (Redmond. Quincy, 14.) There were ten stores, a printing office and over one hundred houses in the village. (Asbury, Quincy, 47.) In 1837 there were twecty-Hve stores, a land office, three taverns, two t^aw mi'.Is and two churches. (Illinois in 1S37, 127.) ^ Redmond, Quincy, 15. " Asbv.ry, Quincy, 47. ^History of Adams county, 454. •»/bt(f., 551. [119] 406 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF "WISCONSIN" Althong-li Hancock increased steadily in nimiber of settlers it is difficult to speak accurately concerning their location since there v:ere no towns of size in the county. Warsaw on the bank of the Mississippi was laid out in 1834 but did not gro"W to any size for a number of years.®* Venus, also well located on the great river, "was slow in growth. The name was early changed to Connnerce which was in turn to be forgotten when, under the regime of Joseph Smith, Nauvoo rose upon the site of Venus. Before the coming of the Mormons it had a few hundred inhabitants and such facilities for business as were generally foimd in pioneer towns.®^ Carthage and Fountain Green, both later to be connected with the history of the Mor- mon occupation, were the chief interior settlements, Pulaski, Chili and La Harpe may also be mentioned.*"' Henderson county, as j^et unorganized, had some small settle- ments. Oquawka, laid out in 1836, was probably of the great- est importance, being for yeare, until the building of the rail- roads, the shipping point for the produce of Knox, Henderson and Mercer counties,®^ Shokokon, also a river town, was the center of a rich agricultural district and would probably have increased in importance had it possessed the advantage of a good landing. The river, however, was too shallow here for' the boats and instead of becoming a shipping point it developed the lumber industry. Eafts came down from Wisconsin and were sawed here. Its population never exceeded three hun- dred persons.^^ Mercer county, although organized in 1825 grew very slowly for ten years, there being not more than two hundred and fifty settlers within its limits in 1835.®'' In 1840 there were almost 10,000 people here.'^° Keithsburg and New Boston were the river towns but neither Avas of importance and of the numer- '^ Histnry of Uanrnck countii. 038. «5 Overland Monthly, 16, N. S. 620. '^'^ History of Hancock county, passim. •" History of Henderson and Mercer counties, 887. «« Hid., 888. «>Ihid., 48. ""> Seventh Census (1850), 702. [120] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 407 ous inland settlements Sugar Grove, settled b}'- Tennesseeans, seems to have been the most thriving commnnity."^ The inland eonnties of the Tract, McDonough, "Warren, Knox, Stark, Henry and Bnreaii were all organized in the decade 1831-lS-lO and had in 1830 a combined population of a few more than six hundred inhabitants." After the close of the Black Hawk War the report Avas spread about that this portion of the state was exceedingly fertile and would make an excellent place for settlement. Accordingly, immigrants began to find their way up the rivers and over the prairies from Ohio, In- diana and various other places. During the first few years immediately following the war but little of note happened in McDonough county and but few families moved in. The population, however, increased to over 2,800 before the close of 1835."^ Macomb, the seat of justice, Edmonson's Prairie and Middletown were struggling settle- ments in 1835. From 1837 to 1845 there were hard times in ]\IcDonough county owing to the financial depression through- out the state. IMoney was almost unknown and all business transactions were carried on by means of barter, notes often being made payable in a cow, a hoi^e or half a dozen hogs."* In spite of the handicap, settlement increased and, at the close of the decade 1831-1840, numbered over 5,000 inhabitants.^^ After 1832 scattered settlements were located at various points in Warren county and everywhere the pioneers peti- tioned the county commissioners court for roads to connect the widely scattered hamlets with market places. ]Monmouth, the chief town, had but eighty inhabitants in 1835 but grew more rapidly during the closing years of the decade."*' The popula- tion of the entire county in 1840 was a little over 6,700 people."''' In 1831 half a dozen weak settlements comprised all of Knox ■1 Snear Grove had sixty settlers in 1835. The other settlements were in Ohio Grove. Abington, Suez, Greene, Tre-emption, Richland Grove. Rivoli and Eliza townships. {History of Henderson and Mercer counties, 272-742.) '^Seventh Census (18r)0), 701, 702. " Clarke, History of McDonough county, 76. "Clarke, History of McDonouoh county, 60. '^Scrcnth Census (18.50), 701. ''* Pait and Present of Warren county, 142. '^Seventh Census (1850), 702. [ 1-21 ] 408 BULLETIN OF THE UIvIVEESITY OF WISCOXSIN" county's population but at the close of the decade there were 7,000 settlers within the limits of the county,'^ In 1835 Knox- ville with a population of two hundred people was the chief town.'^'^ A year later Galesburg, which was destined to be the most important city of the county, was founded. In 1834 Ecv. George W. Gale of Oneida county. New York, matured a plan for planting a colony in the West which should be a center of moral and intellectual influence. Later he issued a circular setting forth his plan and soliciting subscribers. A committee for exploration was sent out and upon its recommendation the present site of Galesburg was purchased in 1835. Early in the next year a colony of forty persons^" left New York and came by canal boat up the Illinois river to a convenient landing place, traveling from there overland. Log City was the name first given to the settlement and by 1837 its populaton was estimated at two hundred and thirty.®^ In ten townships settlements had been located before 1840 but it seems nearly impossible to deter- mine their size.*- Henry county Avhich had but 1,260 settlers in 1840^^ was occupied firet by colonies thereby being an exception to the gen- eral rule governing the settlement of the state. "When specu- lation in Illinois lands got fairly under way in 1835, Heniy county became the scene of an exceptionally large number of this experimental class of settlements. Persons authorized to purchase large tracts of land visited the county during that year and much to the detriment of the individual settlers, if not to the benefit of the companies represented, made purchases. As a result, Andover, Wethersfield, Geneseo, ]\Iorristown, La Grange, and later the Bishop Hill colonies were established.^* The first three had religious aims and all aimed at the dis- semination of education save possibly the Bishop Hill colony which seems to have been strictly religious. ''^IMd., 702. ■' History of Knox count}/, 62S. ^Stories of the Pioneer Mothers of Illinois. (Letter of Mary Allen West. MS8. In Illinois Historical Society Library.) " Bascom, Settlement of Galcshnrg, 25. '-History of Knox County, 479-507. ^Seventh Census (1850). 701. ^History of Henry County, 117. [122] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 409 First of these experiments was the Andover settlement, situ- ated a few miles southwest of the center of the county. A com- mittee acting for a New York association located a tract of land here in 1835, began the fii-st settlement upon it and platted a <;ity. Success did not crown their efforts to any marked degree for the land was held by the proprietors at too high a price and immigrants passed it by.^"' Returning from the planting of the Andover colony, Mr. Pills- bury, one of the committee, immediately attempted to interest Dr. Tenney, an influential minister of Wethersfield, Connecti- cut, in a similar undertaking. An association of sixty men with a capital stock of $25,000 was formed, land was purchased in Henry county and a settlement begun.^'' Few of the pur- chasers came west and consequently the gro'wth of the settle- ment was slow. During the winter of 183-^35 notices were published in several of the New York papers calling a meeting of all people interested in western colonization. The result was the formation of a New York colony and the appointment of the usual committee for exploration and purchase. The committee purchased 20,000 acres of land in Henry county. Each member of the colony bound himself to erect upon his claim buildings to the value of two hundred dollars and should this provision not be carried out the land should revert to the company on the grounds of a broken contract. Moreover it was provided that the settlers who fulfilled their contracts should be allowed to take the claims of the delinquent ones by paying three dollars an acre, or double the original price of the claim. Seeing the possibility of making a good bargain at least four-fifths of the colonists failed to ful- fi.ll the building contract and by so doing doubled their money. Many, however, were honest in their intentions but were pre- vented from carrying them out because of the panic of 1837 which came before the two years had expired. The most de- sirable lots were put up at auction and some six or seven tliou- ^^ Hislori/ of ncnrji Count'i, 524. '* The shares in the company sold for two hundred and fifty dollars each and entitled the purchaser to one hundred and eighty acres of land, twenty of which were to be timber land (History of Henry County, 137-140). [123] 410 BULLETIN OF THE UIJ^IVEESITY OF WISCONSIN sand dollars resulted to the association with which fund a pub- lic lodging house was built for the accommodation of colonists until they were able to erect their oa\ti abodes. A few colonists came in 1836, five in all and by 1837 there were but ten families on the whole prairie.^^ One more experiment therefore could,. for the time, be called a failure. As a result of a religious revival of unusual excitement in New York the Geneseo colony was established in Henry county in 1836. The idea was conceived in 1831 and after proper ex- ploration a colony was formed. A village was to be laid out in lots and the lots were to be sold only to such men as were of good character. The proceeds were to go towards building a high school. In September, 1836, forty persons in wagons started across Canada, southern Michigan and noi'thern Indiana to Illinois. The journey took nine weelvs and when the little colony reached its future home the members could not have been very favorably impressed Avith the outlook. Their nearest neighbor on the west was at Rock Island, twenty-five miles away; on the south the Andover and Wetherefield colonies were just establishing them- selves; on the east the Northampton colony was struggling to gain a foothold at Princeton and on the north a ie^w straggling' families lived along the Rock river. However, the colony erected its canvas roofed church, opened its school and proceeded to malve the best of the situation.^® Henry county had but few settlers in 1840 and the settlement does not seem to have been a natural one. Speculation was rag- ing in the eastern states and the hope of sudden riches tempted many to invest in western lands. Settlements would increase the value of the holdings so it is natural to believe that land owners would also be promoters of colonizing schemes and to this it seems were due the colonies of Henry county. Bureau county was settled slowly before the Black Hawk War. Being a frontier county its inhabitants were exposed to Indian attacks and few of the pioneers, daring as they might be, cared to risk their lives on the extreme frontier when it offered *' History of Henry County, 135. ^Thirtieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Geneseo, 3-9. [m] POOLE Y SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 411 no advantages superior to those of the more protected parts. By 1831 only sixteen families resided within the limits of Bureau county. A year later there were forty cabins in the county, thirty of which were grouped on Bureau creek in the south- eastern part. The largest settlement was that at Princeton which was composed of nine families.*'^ Princeton was settled in 1831 by a eolony from Northampton, IMassachusetts. It was the first of a series of attempts at colo- nization, such as have been spoken of in Henry count}'. The Hampshire colony, as it was called, assembled at Albany, New York, in May, 1831, and began its journey westward by way of the Great Lakes to the St. Jo river in Michigan, whence the lit- tle caravan proceeded on foot to the Kankakee river and floated down it on a craft composed of two canoes lashed together. One lone settler occupied the site of Princeton when the colony ar- rived. The members established themselves here and called the place Greenfield and although a settlement of a very small size, it became in later years the nucleus' of a considerable New Eng- land population.^*' A dozen other small settlements were begun in the earl}' years of the decade, Bureau and Selby being the most important ones and these having but four families each.®^ In 1836 the influx began, for the wave which had started some years before from the eastern states as a result of the specula- tion craze was just reaching the western prairies of Illinois. The land had come into the market in 1835 and nearly all the good timber land was taken up at once. In 1836 the popula- tion of the county doubled, but even then there were few people here.^- In the entire county there was but one meeting-house, two or three log school houses, two sui-veyed roads and not a bridge.®^ Lamoille in the northeastern part of the county was laid out in 1836. A store and a postoffice were added the next year and a year later, a hotel.** Another colony of New Englanders was established about ten *» Taxpayers and Voters of Bureau Count}/, 90-91. »» Matson, Reminiscences of Bureau County, 2G1. •' Taxpayers and Voters of Bureau County, 102. "^Ibid., 102. *' Matson, Reminiscences of Bureau County, 397. " Taxpayers and Voters of Bureau County, 135. [125] 412 BULLETIN OF THE TXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIlsr miles southwest of Princeton in 1836. The colony had been organized at Providence, Rhode Island and having taken the usual steps for exploration, had purchased 17,000 acres. In 1837, forty persons came to the proposed site of Providence village. For some time they resided in the colony house but soon -were able to erect dwellings for themselves. Like all other colonies sent out during this period of experimentation and speculation, the greatest success did not attend the venture, but the colony added wealth and numbers to the slowly growing county which in 1840 had but 3,000 inhabitants.''^ The decade 1831-1840 was one of rapid development in the Military Tract and the bulk of the population was still in the counties along the rivers.^*^ The process' of settlement was the same as had taken place in the decade previous. The new settlements along the tributaries of the large streams multiplied but the growth of the older settlements was not rapid, since the tendency displayed by the pioneers was ever to move towards the interior, taking up such land as was near the timber, and to shim the older settlements. This last characteristic was a natural one for the timber lands in the older settled regions had long been occupied and prices had advanced beyond what the pioneer could afford to pay. He was compelled, therefore, to move on to the prairie or toward the frontier and at this date he preferred the latter alternative as the great number of new settlements in the interior shows. In some cases the hitherto unoccupied bottom lands were taken up as the settlements of Rome, Chillicothe, Fredericks- ville, Oquawka and others show. Along the numerous wooded tributaries of Spoon river and Crooked creek which penetrated the iVIilitary Tract, settlements were frequent and upon these settlements as bases the later pioneers were to build when they ^^ Seventh Census (1850), 701. i« In ISnO the population o*" Pikp nnd Oalhorm counties was 1.''..460, a numeri- cal gain of 9,983 and a per cent, gain of 286 ; the population of the Mi sissippl river counties was 20.774. a numerical gain of 24.079 and a per cent, gain of 89.3 : the population of the Illinois river counties was .30.4.^0, a numerical gain of 2.',094 and a per cent, gain of 468; the northern counties had a population of 25.007. a numerical gain of 24,.384 and a per cent, gain of almost 4,000. Seventh Census (1850), 701-702. [126] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 413 began to experiment more seriously with the problem of the prairies. The colonial attempts at settlement were a new departure and while as a <2:eneral rule the colonies were not successful they seem to indicate that aside from the desire to make money the people felt that by systematic organization and numbers the prairies could be subdued. They were attempts to establish settlements which would be self-sufficing for a time at least. The decade 1841-1850 was also one of considerable advance- ment. During the early years of the decade financial troubles hindered the growth of settlement for the time; the state was in distress, being overloaded with debt and thinking seriously of repudiation but still attempting to stave off disaster as long as possible by heavy taxation. The farmers could get little for their produce and even these small prices were not paid in cash. IMoney was so scarce that it was next to impossible to get enough to buy government lands, however low the price might be. In some places the settlers borrowed money at fifty per cent, in order to get a clear title to their lands.^^ "When the state gradually emerged from its difficult position, times became better, money looser, taxes lower, confidence greater and settle- ment began again to extend. The growth of the Illinois river counties seems to have been slow during the first half of the decade but was more rapid after 1845. Peoria was the most important city along the Ill- inois river, having enjoyed a rapid increase in numbers^® and being a substantially built city well supplied with churches and schools.^^ It wore a marked New England aspect.^*"' ]\It. Sterling in Browai coimty with five hundred and fifty inhabitants. Rushville in Schuyler county with twenty-six hundred. Canton and Lewiston in Fulton county with over fifteen hundred inhabitants each, were the chief villages of the Illinois river counties. Fulton county had a population grouped "'History of Henderson ami Mrrcer Counties. G2o. ^» Estimates of Peoria's population are as foUows : In 1844, 1.619; in 1847, 4,079; in 1849, 5,061, (Ballance, Peoria, 204) ; in 1850, 5,890, (Drown, Histori- cal View of Peoria. 148.) ^^ Prairie Farmer, 7, 30. »»«Ciirtiss, Western Portraiture, 317. [127] 414 BULLETIX OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN" in several comparatively large settlements, for nine in the county were credited with more than one thousand inhabitants in 1850."! The whole district had in 1850 a population aggregat- ing aknost 59,000 being nearly double the population of 1840.^"2 There were 281,000 acres of land under cultivation in 1850 which shows the development of the farming portions of these oounties.^"^ Adams county was still the most populous district along the JMississippi river as well as in the entire Military Tract. Quincy grew apace in numbers and commercial importance and in 1850 had a population of nearly 7,000, being second of Illinois cities in size.^''* The influence of its favorable location is even more marked after 1810 than before. A great deal of business was transacted here aimually. In 1841, $330,000 worth of merchan- dise was disposed of in the city and 420,000 bushels of grain exported."^ The manufacture of flour which had begun some year's before was now a rapidly increasing industry for the out- put which numbered 21,500 barrels in 1843 had reached 68,000 barrels per annum in 1846. Pork packing was also a paying industry now and during the fiscal year 1847-48 about 20,000 hogs were packed by the dealers in the city.^°*^ Business in- creased and in spite of a temporary lull in 1849 caused by a. visitation of Asiatic cholera and the Califomia gold fever which, between them, carried away four hundred settlers,^*^^ Quincy yearly became of more importance. It was a city of substantial residences and numerous public buildings and business houses which with its green parks and shaded walks gave an eastern air to the thriving city.^"^ The export trade of the city amounted to $500,000 per year by 1850 and a line of steamboats which ^"^ Seventh Census (1850), 703-715. ^<'- Ibid., 701. 103 Peyton. Statistical View of Illinois, 13. ^0* Seventh Census (1850), 703. ">^ Redmond, Qiiincy, 15. '« Asbury, Quincy, 113-116. "" Ihid., 81. '0' There were twenty-six variety stores, two hardware stores, two book stores, -five drug stores, ten ware-houses, six mills, four lumber yards, three machine shops, two foundries, three printing offices, two hotels, thirteen churches, five tprlvate and two public schools. (Redmond, Quincy, 15; Asbury, Quincy, 82; JPrairie Farmer, 7, 383.) [128 POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 415 made daily trips to St. Louis brought back such goods as were needed by the settlers of the district.^'"' The entire population of the county was 26,500 in 1850, fifteen settlements having more than eight hundred inhabitants each.^^° Almost 150,000 acres of land under cultivation showed the activity of the farmer class and the healthful in- fluence of a good market.^" In Hancock county the Mormons were the center of attrac- tion until 1846, and while swelling the population of the county until the date of their expulsion, their influence was a decidedly negative one. At the time of their arrival Hancock county had a population of about 7,000 but" now all immigration, save that of the ]\Iormons ceased and emigration began until not more than 4,000 American settlers were left in the county in 1845."- Aside from Nauvoo, the only settlements of note were "Warsaw and Macedonia, and neither had a population of five hundred people."^ Coming from Missouri in 1839 the Mormon band settled at Commerce, changed the name to Nauvoo and occupied almost all the county together w^ith portions of the neighboring coun- ties. A charter was granted by the state legislature and the city of Nauvoo grew rapidly as the IMormon power increased until it was estimated that there were in Nauvoo and the ad- joining country, about 30,000 of the sect. Next to St. Louis, it was the most important city of the Upper Mississippi."* The charter was repealed in 1845 and decline set in. Expulsion followed in 1846 and Illinois was rid of a class of people which had caused only a passing prosperity. Following the Mormon exodus came the Icarians. These Icarians were Frenchmen who, in an attempt to put to a prac- tical test the communistic doctrine of M. Cabet of Dijon, had come to America, intending to settle in Texas. The plan proved unsuccessful and a part of the colony under the leadei*ship of i"" Prairie Farmer, 7, 38.3. ^0 Seventh Census (1850), 703. jii Peyton. Stntixtienl View of Illinoix, 1.". "'JV^iZete' Register, 69, 109. See chap, xii., post. ^^^ History of Hancock County, 6."8. "* Smith and Smith, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, 3. 1. 9 [ 129 ] 416 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Cabet himself landed at Nauvoo in March, 1846.^^^ Eight hundred acres of land were rented and some of the abandoned Mormon houses were bought. The industry of these people and their peaceful, orderly habits caused them to be esteemed by their American neighbors and consequently the settlement prospered for several years. When the members left Illinois some years later it was not by request. After the jMormons left the state, settlers again flocked in and at the close of the decade there were over 14,600^^*^ people in Hancock county and 80,000^^^ acres of land were under culti- vation. Henderson and Mercer counties ivere occupied chiefly by farmers who had established themselves in the timber along the small streams. Oquawka, with less than six hundred in- habitants, was the center of population in Henderson county and maintained some importance as a shipping point for the county until the railroads were built. Keithsburg, Millers- burg and New Boston were the largest settlements in Mercer county and not one of these had three hundred inhabitants. ^^^ During the decade the counties had nearly doubled in popu- lation having in 1850 over 51,000 inhabitants."^ There were under cultivation 300,000 acres making it the greatest farming district of the Military Tract.^-^ The prairie counties of this division of the state did not in- crease in population as rapidly during the decade 1841-1850, as did the other portions lying along the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. The gain in numbers amounted to over 20,000 or almost 5,000 less than during the preceding decade.^-^ Financial dis- tress in the state, no doubt, had its efl'ect but probably the greatest influence working was the character of the district. Primarily a prairie region, the amount of woodland was limited. The rapid influx of immigration during the earlier years had filled up much of the desirable timber land leaving "5 Reynolds, Illinois^ 372. See chap, xiil., post. "<^Serciith Census (1850), 702. *" Peyton, Stathtical View of Illinois, 13. ^^» Seventh Census (1830), 702-713. "• Ihid., 702. "" I'eyton, Statistical View of Illinois, 13. ^^' Seventh Census (1850), 701-702. [130] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 417 only the prairie for the later arrivals. Facilities for trans- portation were limited and so much trouble was experienced in obtaining lumber for fences and houses, that rather than re- main and face such difficulties the later comers moved on. jMcDonough, Warren and Stark counties where little unoc- cupied timber was left and where communication was poorly- developed gained little in numbers during the decade.^^^ Toulon in Stark county. jMonmouth in Warren county and Macomb in ]\IcDonough coimty each has less than eight hundred inhabi- tants. Knoxville and Galesburg in Knox county were of the same size.^^^ During this period Henry county was the scene of another colonizing venture. This time it was by foreigners. Dissatis- faction with the state religion of SAveden caused quite a number to contemplate emigration and accordingly preparations were made and a messenger was sent to America to find a suitable location. Henry county was selected and in 1846 about five hundred emigrants arrived there.^-'* By 1850 the number had doubled^-^ and Bishop Hill, as the settlement was called, was the most important one in the county. At this time the infant settlements of Andover, Geneseo, Wethersfield and La Grange were still struggling for life and Kewanee and Galva, towns ox importance in Henry county today, had as yet not sprimg ijito existence, being products of the railroads. Bureau coimty had increased at the close of the period about 5,800 but the increase was confined to the region of the rivers and old settlements. Princeton, Lamoille, Dover and Clarion' were the settlements best known, the largest being Princeton ■with a population of less than eight hundred.^-" One division of Fourier's Phalanx made an unsuccessful attempt at estab- lishing a settlement.^-" The entire population of these interior counties in 1850 shows an increase of eighty per cent, over 1840 '"The gain for the three counties was less than 5.000 {Secciith Census (18.jO), 701, 702). '■3 Ibid.. 710-716. i**Blgelow, Bishop Hill Colony, 101-108, in Transactions of 111, State Hist. Society, 1902. See chap, xiil., post. '" M.lckelson, liinhop IJiil Caluny, :\C>, in Johns Hopkins UnivnsUu Studies, 10. '-" Sernith CrnKus (IS.'Ol, 7'!.3. i« Hinds, American Communities, 224. See chap, xill., post. [131] 418 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN which is a smaller increase than either of the other sections and probably is due to the greater amount of prairie land here. From 1831 to 1840 the entire Military Tract gained 83,500 in population ; during the decade 1841-1850 the gain was but 80,- 600, in all a gain of over 165,000 for the twenty years.^^® The decline noticed in the last decade probably can be attributed to increased competition from other parts of the state. The Rock river valley, the Fox river valley and the upper Illinois river val- ley were during the years 1841-1850 receiving great numbers of settlers and, having excellent timber land in larger quantities than remained unoccupied in the Military Tract, tended to at- tract the new comers. The rule concerning the late settlement of the prairies and the early settlement of the woodlands holds in this portion of the state as well as the others. The Illinois and Mississippi river coun- ties, having numerous small streams and tracts of woodland, settled rapidly but where the prairies were extensive the settle- ment was slow. The local historians repeatedly mention this fact and state that not until 1850, or even later, did the pio- neers venture out into the open to any extent. The railroads were a necessity and imtil they solved the problems of the prai- ries, the pioneers were almost helpless in the face of the dif- ficulties presented. The largest settlements of the Military Tract, Peoria and Quincy, can be said to have advanced to the dignity of cities by 1850. Peoria iwas the most important port on the Illinois river as was Quincy on the Mississippi and with the develop- ment of the agricultural districts upon which they drew, as well as the development of steam traffic on the rivers whereby the southern markets were reached, these cities advanced rapidly in wealth, population and importance. In the case of Quincy the effect of a favorable location is par- ticularly noticeable. Its easy communication with markets in the South, its good landing place for steamers, its healthful site upon a bluff above the river and its rich tributary agricultural district aided in the rapid development already noted. More- over the development of the flouring industry as weU as that of ^^ Seventh Census (1850), 701-702. [132] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 410 pork paeking also aided in the city's prosperity and in order to save transportation expenses on manufactured goods, factories of various descriptions sprang up to add to the growth of the community. In fact the groAv-th of Quincy is an illustration of the effect of favorable environment and of the interaction of agricultural and manufacturing districts. Next in order of size were those cities which, while not situ- ated directly upon the large rivers, were in close contact with them, being located from five to fifteen miles away, thus be- ing free from the fevers which often swept the river bottoms, and still not far enough away to offer any serious difficulties in transportation. Pittsfield, Mt. Sterling, Rushville, Lewis- ton, and Canton C'ty compose this class. In size they ranged from 1,500 to 2,500 inhabitants. The third class of towns comprised those of the interior counties — generally the county seats — which, removed from water communication with the outside w^orld Avere handicapped to such an extent as to hinder growth. When the railroads penetrated these counties their prosperity was to increase, but not before. I\Iaeomb, jMonmouth, Galesburg, Toulon, Prince- ton and other towns ranging from five hundred to one thousand inhabitants are examples of this class. Settlements by colonizing companies began to be of import- ance during the decade 1831-1840 when the whole country be- came entangled in land speculation. The Military Tract and especially Henry county, came in for its share of such ven- tures. No great success resulted, generally due to the lack of active settlers and the overabundance of those wishing to settle the county by theory rather than by practical attempts. In the southern poi'tions of the Llilitary Tract the settlers to a great extent were men from the southern states, because these counties were settled earliest when this class of pioneers was in the majority. As has been mentioned before, the counties' close to the Sangamon country where many Kentuckians and Tenn- esseeans resided, naturally received a large part of their set- tlers from across the Illinois river. Along the Illinois river the Kentuckians were numerous save in the cities, but as the line of settlement moved farther and farther up the river the [133] 420 BULLETIISr OF THE UNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN" percentage of Kentuckians in the population decreased and that of the northern pioneers increased.^-^ In the other portions of the Military Tract like conditions prevailed and as the north is approached the percentage of southerners decreases.^^° Statistics seem to show that in the IMilitaiy Tract before 1850, the southern stream had begun to lose force and when it met the stream of northern settlers in a contention for the timber lands it gave way to the more energetic northern people who took up the land. Having the faculty for adapting him- self to his environments whatever they might be, the northern pioneer seemed destined to succeed in the conquest of the prairies. Far sighted, too, and believing in the feasibility of railroads, having seen them succeed in the East, he was more ready than his southern neighbor to venture away from the tim- ber land and into the prairie. 129 An examination of the biographies of four hundred pioneers in Schuyler and Brown counties before 1850 shows that one hundred and forty came from the states of the Northwest Territory : one hundred and six from Kentucliy and Tennessee, ninety of these beina; from Kentucky ; sixty-six from the Middle Atlantic states ; forty from the southern states, sixteen from New England and thirty from foreign lands. {History of Stchnyler and Brown counties, .S77-394.) The biographies of 1,324 pioneers of I'eoria at the same date show that four hundred and thirteen had come from the Middle Atlantic states; one hundred and sixty-five from New England: one hundred and six from the Southi: one hundred and fifty from the northwestern states ; fify-three from Kentucky and Tennessee and four hundred and thirty-five fi'om foreign lands, (Ballnnce. Peoria, 201.) Also see further illustration in Chapter V on the Illinois and Fox river valleys. '"' One hundred and forty-three pioneers of Quincy before ISoO came from the following regions. Eighteen per cent, were New Englanders, twenty-eight per cent, were from the Middle Atlantic states, twelve per cent, from the South Atlantic states, fifteen per cent, from the Northwest, twelve per cent, from Kentucky and Tennessee and eleven per cent, from foreign lands. (Asbur.v. Quincy, 103-106.) In New Boston and Kelthsburg in Mercer county forty-six per cent, of the pioneers whose nativities are recorded by the local historian came from the Northwest ; twenty-eight per cent, from the ^liddJe Atlantic states ; eight per cent, from the South ; five per cent, from New England ; three per cent, from Kentucky and Tennessee and ten per cent, were foreigners. (History of Mercer and Henderson Counties, 92.) Monmouth, an inland town, shows practically the same results, for seventy per cent, of the biographies ex- amined show tlie sul)jects to have conic from northern states, twenty-one per cent, from southern states and nine per cent, from foreign lands. (Past and Present of Warren County, 203.) [134] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 421 CHAPTER VII The Bock River Valley As an agricultural district the country around the Rock river- can scarcely be surpassed. The surface is rolling prairie land dotted with groves and springs while along the streams are denser woodlands'. The open country is exceedingly fertile and especially well adapted to the cultivation of grain. The climate is delightful and while it is one which, like other por- tions of our northern country, is subject to occasional marked changes in temperature, these changes have never been severe enough to cause more than slight inconveniences for the time. It is scarcely to be wondered at that when once the pioneer settlers became acquainted with this region they flocked to it with almost incredible rapidity. In 1834 not a single county had been fonned, but before 1840 eight counties had been or- ganized and had a combined population of nearly 21,500. Dur- ing the decade following, the increase was even more striking, for by 1850 the population had trebled itself, numbering at that date 66.200.^ This rapid growth seems wonderful in view of the fact that it took place in a region practically isolated so far as facilities for communication were concerned, and also at a time when financial troubles oppressed the state as well as the rest of the country. Slight settlement had taken place in the valley previous to 1830, In 1804 by the treaty of St. Louis the federal govern- ment acquired Rock Island in the IMississippi river from the Sac and Fox Indians.- Shortly after Ft. Armstrong was built ^Seventh Census (1850), 701-702. " Flagler, History of the Rock Island Arsenal, 2. [135] 423 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN Chief towns. Villages. Rock Riveb Vaixey (1850) West of the prairie line 20 per cent, of the country is woodland. East of the line- all timber is along the rivers. The years indicate date of county organization. [136] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 423" and Avlien the garrison came in 1816, Col. Davenport and his family accompanied them, being for a number of years the only whites in the vicinity, save the garrison. In 1826 the begin- nings of the town of Farnhamsburg, the predecessor of Rock. Island, was made. Col. Davenport and Kussell Farnham, part- ners in the Indian trade, erecting a house on the mainland.* For years the house was to act as post-office, hotel and court house. Two yeai*s later a few families came to live on the island but being impressed with the fertility of the mainland and owing to its protected condition they ventured upon it.^ The little settlement grew so rapidly that when the Black Hawk War broke out four years later, it furnished fifty-eight men for the service.^ Some sixty miles up the river was another small settlement. On the present site of Dixon where the trail connecting Peoria and the lead region crossed the Rock river, a half-breed named Ogee, attracted by the yearly tide of immigration flowing to and from the lead mines, had established a ferry in 1826.^ By 1829 some, tired of the ceaseless traveling to and from the mines, and impressed with the fertile land around them, had settled at the ferry. A post-office for the accommodation of the travelers had been established here and the settlers from as far up the river as Rockford came here for their mail.^ At the last named place stood a solitary pioneer cabin.^ Along the Galena trace in the neighborhood of Dixon were scattered other small settlements. These were the settlements in the Rock river valley at the outbreak of the Black Hawk War. They were few in number and small in size but they portrayed pioneer tendencies by their location. The pioneer wished elbow room and disliked the ham- pering effects of civilization but still he was reluctant to give up all connection with his fellow men. As a consequence his ^History of Rock Teland County, 118-142. * Stevens, Black Hawk "War, 79. '■History of Rock Island County, 122. * History of Dixon and Lee County, 14. ''History of Lee County, 38. * History of Dixon and Lee County, 4. [137] 424 BULLETIISr OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN" settlements were established on the waterways in the new coun- try, or, better still, where the much traveled wagon road crossed the waterway, as at Dixon. The pioneer liked company but not too much of it and by establishing- himself in such places as have been named he was able to fulfill his desires. Where- ever the wagon roads offered good connections with the neighbor- ing settlements, there were to be found the settlers' cabins. This is especially noticeable along the Peoria-Galena trace through the valley. In view of the facts cited, it seems proper to date the real set- tlement of this portion of Illinois from the Black Hawk War. Moreover, the last strip of Indian territory in the valley was ceded to the government by the Winnebago Indians in Septem- ber, 1832.^ Tiie year 1831 had not been one of agricultural success and this, followed by the Indian troubles of 1832, reduced the settlers of the northern countiy to dire straits. So far everything seems to have operated against the pioneers and the country was not yet Imown to any extent. The maneuvers of the troops in the Rock river valley while in pursuit of Black Hawk gave the men some opportunity to be- come acquainted with its advantages. It is evident that some of the soldiers from the eastern states were wide awake to the pos- sibilities of this region, for shortly after their return home the vanguard of the New England and Middle states pioneers be- gan to arrive in Illinois. One of the great causes for this im- migration,^'^ we are informed was the stories told by the soldiers concerning the beauty of the country and the fertility of the soil. During the next three years (to 1835) the pioneers, slowly gaining confidence owing to the settlement of the Indian troubles, again came to the Rock river valley, and, during the year immediately preceding the revulsion of 1837, settlers foUoAved vnth. increasing frequency. The Rock Island settlement under the shelter of Ft. Armstrong grew rapidly, developing into the Annual Report of the American Bureau of Etlinolooy 1S9G-1S97, S. 737 ^'> Evanston Historical Society PuWcations, (1902), 3. [138] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 425 town of Stephenson, which was the county seat of the newly organized Rock Island county." In the immediate neighbor- hood, Fulton, at the narrows of the Mississippi was founded.^- ■Clinging to the wooded banks of the Eock river, were Prophets- town, Sterling, Dixon, Oregon and Rockford, each at the time a very small settlement and having no importance save that of being a pioneer village. Away from the river, however, in the groves bordering the smaller tributaries were settlements equal in importance, at that time, to the better known ones ; but, later outstripped in gro^^'th because of increasing advantages of their neighbors, they are today deemed insignificant. Still in this studj' of settlement such places as Squaw Grove, Paw Paw Grove and Buffalo Grove have significance for the names call attention to the fact that in the early days of the conquest of the prairies the pioneers first sought the timber as a base of operations be- fore venturing out into the open. Sterling, one of the largest to^Aiis in the lower Rock river val- ley was organized in this decade and derived its name from a peculiar incident. Chatham and Harrisburg, rival pioneer towns situated opposite each other on the Rock river, struggled through three years for leadership in the newly organized county of Wliiteside, each desiring the honor of being the county town. Each attempt upon the part of either contestant to gain prece- dence failed until finally the right to the county seat was de- Ibid., 131. ^Tilinois in 1837, 1001: History of Stephenson County, 257. '^Seventh Census (1850), 702. [144] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 431 wegians Ccinie from Nuinniedal and Tlielemark in 1839 and set- tled at Rock Ivun. There were one hundred and fifty in the colony.^^ In 18-12 a colony of English peasants from Devon- shire and Sussex settled in Ridott township/" Freeport developed as rapidly as did the rest of the county. A few houses were erected in 1837, but owing to the high price of lumber they were small ones.^^ All supplies were carted overland from Galena, a distance of more than fifty miles, and as a consequence prices were high and Freeport felt keenly the lack of transportation facilities. However, the town soon began to bear evidence of possibilities in the future and when in 1810 its population numbered almost five hundred it began to ape the manners of a city.^* It appears to have been a frontier town of none too good a type. "Saloons were maintamed and gambling indulged in without limit. John Barleycorn reigned in those days more generally in proportion to the number of inhabitants than he does now, while the Tiger of Pharaoh was a beast that roamed about freely. "^^ Before passing from the discussion of this period it is neces- sary to mention an impediment to immigration to this country, which exercised more weight in the locality than financial troubles or the want of transportation facilities. The settlers, as we have noticed, were of all nations and from all portions of the United States, so it is not to be wondered at that there was infesting the Rock river country, a liberal share of counter- feitere, thieves and murderers. To a greater or less extent this class is always found on the outskirts of civilization and the Rock river valley was particularly unfortunate in being the rendezvous of such a band. These "Prairie Pirates" as they were called numbered about three hundred men who made it a business to buy moveable property and pay for it in counter- feit money, to steal horses and rob the cabins of the pioneers.^*^ The law seemed powerless against these desperadoes, for often ^'Tselson, Scandinacians in the United States, 1, 132. ^■History of Stephenson County, 2GS. '3 Johnston, Sketches of Stephenson County, 91, 92. ^Ihid., 93. "History of Stephenson County, 2G4. «» The yew Yorker, May 30, 1840. 10 [ 115 ] 432 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN members of the band were filling local offices and shielded their companions. Lynch law alone restored order to the troubled district when two of the "Pirates" were hanged.^" Qver one hun- dred men sat upon the jury which convicted them and later pro- ceedings were brought against these jurymen. They were in- dicted for murder, tried but acquitted. The decisive action of the pioneers effectually stopped the raids and settlers were more secure thereafter in their lives and the possession of their prop- erty. Other conditions unfavorable to the rapid settling of the country also prevailed in this period. i\Iarkets were scarce. The Rock river man was compelled to cart his produce to Ga- lena or Savanna, on the Mississippi river, or to Chicago if he had a great quantity to sell. The expense of transportation taken in connection with the value of his time left little or no reward for the farmer who journeyed to market. To Galena was a trip of a week or more; to Chicago, anywhere from four- teen to twenty days, and after arriving, his wheat was worth but forty or fifty cents a bushel.^^ Moreover, the pioneer had trouble over his claims. Specu- lators, always on the lookout for improved farms, not held by good titles, were prone to snap up all such pieces until the Claims Associations were formed and by might secured to every settler his claim against "land-sharks" or "claim-jumpers." After the land sales of 1842 and 1843 these associations, no longer needed in this part of Illinois, gradually fell to pieces. In spite of these drawbacks there was a Rock river emigra- tion fever prevalent in many parts of the country, and settlers poured in and scattered themselves along the timbered portions until in 1840 the population of the valley had reached 21,500.^* After 1843 the country filled up with amazing rapidity and in 1850 had in it over 66,000 settlers."*' No longer did the small colonies attract the attention of local historians and our infor- mation concerning the development of this part of Illinois must " Histoni of Ofile Count!/, 356. ^History of Rock Island County, 225. ^0 Seventh Census (1850), 701, 702. *oih:d., 701, 702. [146] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 433 be derived from such tliiugs as are deemed of importance by those writers. From the growth of the cities also we are able indirectly to form some conclusion concerning the growth of the agricultural class', for wherever a prosperous agricultural com- munity was formed, a town of some importance was close by, since the latter must look to the former for support. This great increase may be attributed to several causes. The Rock river country was known as a place of extraordinary facilities for agriculture. Those coming during the period previous to 1843 had sent extremely favorable reports to the East and naturally others followed the lead of the pioneers. The financial revulsion was over and money became more plenti- ful. Those people who had property in the East and wished to move west could now find purchasers and were set at liberty. During this period Illinois began to regain her good name, lost with the brealdug down of her internal improvement scheme, and her half notion of repudiation of her debts. Heavy taxes, too, had kept many away, but with the re-establishment of her finances upon a firm and honorable basis it seems that immi- gration began anew. Finally the railroad through from Chicago to Galena was, before the close of the decade, an assured fact. Many flocked to the neighborhood of its line seeing its value as a market maker. From 1843 to 1850 is a period of rapid growth, but chiefly in the agricultural districts. For example, the river towns of Whiteside county show very little growth, while those settlements farther inland show a rapid increase. The reason is evident. This portion of the county had been settled at the earliest date and all the available land had been taken up, consequently the new comers moved further np the small streams toward the in- terior. In Lee county the number of small settlements increased in numbers and in size w'hile Dixon had nearly eight himdred inhabitants by 1851.*^ Property valuation had increased as had the amount of agricultural products.^- *' History of Lee Count'j, 105. *=T£eal estate was valued at i?!!! j.OOO ; personal property at $168,000, and 4.30.000 Imshels of small grain were produced each year (Scrrnth Censtia (1850>, 730-2). There were also twelve corporations producing .$G0,000 worth of articles each year {History of Lee County, 74). [147] 434 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN In the counties of Ogle, DeKalb and Boone there was little gro-\Yth in population. Lack of ready money and of markets as well as disputes over land claims operated against the growth of settlement. Moreover when the news of the discovery of gold in California reached Illinois a number of the farmers left, preferring to try their fortune in the far West rather than to struggle against the difficulties at home.'*^ The population of these counties was chiefly of the agricultural class although Sycamore, DeKalb and Belvidere were settlements of some im- portance, the last having a population of about one thousand.** After 1845 the increase is more marked. An examination of the sources of population in the counties treated so far shows a decided predominance of immigrants from the northern states and a very few from the southern states.*^ In the other northern counties of the valley the increase of settlement was more rapid. Winnebago county was in 1850, as in 1840, the most populous county of the district, having nearly 12,000 inhabitants.*** Remembering the imfavorable conditions prevailing in the county during the early forties, this increase of settlement Avhieh must necessarily have come during the last five or six years of the decade, is remarkable. As the railroad across the northern part of the state was to pass through the most thriving toAvn in the county, a market and an outlet for produce was thereby assured. The outlaw gang had been driven from the country, the financial difficulties were re- moved and settlements having sprung up all over the county, it was no longer a frontier. In these things, we are able to see the causes of the thriving condition of the new country scarcely two decades old. In character the settlers did not differ from those in the other " Boies, History of DeKalb County, 404. ** Seventh Census (1850), 703. *' An examination of the biographies of two hundred and seventy-seven early settlers of Whiteside county shows that two hundred and seven came from New England and the Middle Atlantic states and but nine from the southern states {UMtory of Whiteside County, 77). Of three liundred and twenty-nine In Lee county, two hundred and nineteen were northern men ; many were foreigners and a few southerners (History of Lee County, 177). *^ Seventh Census (1850), 702. [148] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 435 counties of the valley. New Yorkers and New Englanders greatly outnumbered the settlers from other places, if Roekford and Rockton may be taken as examples.''^ Foreigner's were also present.*® Roekford was the metropolis of the northern prairies and en- joyed the most rapid and steady growth of any of the towns along the Rock river.*'* From a few scattered houses in 1838 it had grown to a town of 1,500 houses in 1850.^** Business was thriving and numerous stores were supported by the people of the surrounding country because this was the only supply depot between Chicago and Galena. The appearance of the town was not prepossessing. State street, the business street, was "a crooked line of low wooden shops and stores, "^^ al- though there were some respectable brick stores in the town.'- A low wooden bridge separated rather than united the towns which were even yet rival encampments instead of parts' of the same town. The inhabitants of one town very seldom ventured across to the opposite side of the river save on business and the adventurers generally came home as quickly as possible. The rivalry did not cease imtil the railroad came and put its depot on the west side, which in the minds of the townsmen balanced the prestige enjoyed by the east side in the possession of the post-office. Travelers seem to have been favorably impressed with Rock- ford at this date. A correspondent for a New York paper praises its location and says, "A better place for investments in *■ The early homos of eight hundred and seventy-one of Rockfovd's settlers are known. Four hundred and seventy came from New York, two hundred and thirty-seven from New England and one hundred and sixty-two from other places in Illinois. (Church, History of Roekford, 281.) One hundred and two of the early settlers of Rockton are known. Fifty- eight were New Englanders ; twenty-three from the Middle states ; eighteen, foreigners and the rest from various places. (Carr. Histonj o' Rockton, \(\.) *^ A colony of Scotch were at Willow Creek (Ilhstory of \\"inn('hago County, 454). "Population of Roekford is given as follows; in 1S39, 235 (Churcli. His- tory of Roekford, 148) ; in 1841, 800 (Chicago Weekly AmcHcan, Jan. 22, 1841) ; in 1845, 1278 (Church, History of Roekford, 281) ; in 1850, 2093 {Seventh Cen- sus (1850), 717). '■"New York Weekly Tribune, Aug. 30, 1848. "Goodwin, Commemorative Discourse (Roekford, Aug. 14, 1870). »= Church, History of Roekford, 233. [149] 436 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF W'lSCOlSrSIN' milling, manufacturing, etc., I did not see in the western states. "^^ Still another speaks of it as, "one of the most beau- tiful and prosperous villages on Rock Eiver" doing a large, active business and containiag "many fine buildings and mills. "=* The farmere of the adjoining county were rapidly acquiring wealth and on the whole were abundantly satisfied with their circimistances. Thej^ possessed live stock valued at almost $270,000 in 1850, and during the preceding year had produced 786,000 bushels of small grain,^^ a remarkable development when one stops to think that fifteen years before there were no farms under cultivation in Winnebago county. Stephenson county more than kept pace with Winnebago dur- ing the decade, receiving about 1,700 more settlers than did the latter county and reaching a total population of 11,666.^*^ In spite of the statements made by the local historians concerning the slo^\•ness of settlement during the decade 1841-1850, it is a fact that this county increased more rapidly than did any other county of the valley. Immigrants from the Middle States and particularly from Pennsylvania formed the greatest part of the early pioneers of Stephenson county. The Pennsylvanians were Germans who proved themselves to be a substantial, industrious and thrifty class of settlers. A typical "Pennsylvania Dutch" colony came in 1843 and is described by one of the Pennsylvania papers in the following manner." "On Wednesday May 31, a company of about sixty emigrants passed through this place on their way ... to Stephenson countj^ Illinois. They had four- teen wagons, each drawn by an elegant span of horses. They were all from one neighborhood, had plenty of cash and appeared in fine spirits." The foreign population of the county constantly increased '^^New York Weekly Tribune, Aug. 20, 1848. " Curtiss, Vestern PortraUure, 283. '"Seventh Census (1850), 730, 732. " Ibid., 702. ^'Clarion (Pa.), Ilefiister (Extract copied from this paper by The Korthwestern Gazette and Galena Advertiser, July 7, 18-1.^.>. [150] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 437 and congregated in and around Freeport. This place had in 1850 a population of 1,436,^'® one fourth of which were foreign- ers, mostly Germans-^** As Rockford was the center of the agricultural district of "Winnebago county, so was Freeport of Stephenson county. It was situated on the Galena-Chicago state road along which the proposed railroad was to be built. Its growth was as yet re- tarded by the fact that supplies were carried from Galena to stock its stores, but the energy and hopefulness of the settlers helped to build it up and give it a prominence in the district which was to be increased when steam traffic was finally a reality. Scattered along the line of the proposed railroad were small settlements patiently awaiting the time when they, too, by the aid of steam, would become markets for agricultural produce and derive benefit from the products of the country. To the north and south of the railroad line, wherever a patch of timber gave shelter from the heat of summer and the cold winds of winter, there could be found a settler's cabin and be- fore the end of the period every available bit of timber had been claimed. The farmers owned $326,000 worth of live stock, and produced 759,000 bushels of small grain in 1850.*'° The prairies were, hoAvever, still unsubdued if we maj'' judge from the amount of unimproved land at this date, there being 123,300 acres not yet under cultivation and only 76,300 cultivated.^^ Low prices alone worked to destroy the prosperity of the farmer and when not long afterwards a remedy was applied the ad- vance made by the district was a rapid one. For a time the effect of the gold excitement was noticeable, for between one and two himdred settlers left Stephenson county for the West.®- In the discussion of the settlement of the Eock river valley there are really but two periods; the first extending to about 1843 when the revival from financial troubles took place; the second extending to the coming of the railroads. The first is one of beginnings in which settlement was retarded by both in- '^^ Seveuih Census (18.'>()K 713. " Johnston, liJ;etche.<> of Stf'phcnxon Ccuniy. 7i'. *« Seventh Census (1850). 730, 732. ^ .Johnston, SIcetclics of Stephenson Countp, 71. ^ ±li story of Stephenson County, 2S3. [151] ■iSS BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN ternal and external influences. Speculators had caused a period of 'boom' which collapsed with the weakening of the fijiancial system. Troubles over land claims, lack of markets, the pres- ence of the "Prairie Pirates" and poor communication with the outside world all tended to make this earlier period one of un- certainty among the settlers. The later period is the one in which the true growth began. Finances were again comparatively sound, the people were be- coming acquainted with their prairie environments and most of all the coming of the railroad was to give them markets. Fully appreciating the advantages of the country, and fully realizing that in order to take advantage of the opening opportunities they would necessarily have to be on the scene at an early date, settlers flocked there in thousands, coming to the northern counties in the greatest nmubers.^^ Likewise in the northern counties were located the chief towns, Freeport, Eockford and Belvidere. In the southern part of the valley Dixon and Rock Island alone had reached the dimensions of towns. A glance at the census figures will show the northern counties to be developing more rapidly than their southern neighbors. The explanation of this lies in the influence which lines of com- munication have upon the growth and character of new settle- ments. Stage roads lead from Chicago Avestward across the state in various ways to the Mississippi river towns. Chief of these was Galena. The road leading to Galena passed to the northward from Chicago through Belvidere, Eockford and Free- port, Emigrants arriving in Chicago from the East by way of the lakes and bound for the Eock river valley seemed inclined to select this road to their destination. As an example, Belvi- dere, according to the local historian, owed its develop- ment to the fact that it was situated on this road. Moreover, the railroad was surveyed through these counties and the farmers' knew that the value of their produce, to a "WhltrsJde and Lee counties had a combined population of 17,500 In 1850, a gain of 10,400 In the decade ; DeKalh and Boone had about 15,000, having gained 11,700 while Winnebago and Stephenson had .'^3,500 inhabitants which was a gain of almost 23, GOO for the decade (Seventh Census (1850), 701-2). [152] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 430 great extent, depended upon the expense incurred in getting it to market, so they got as close as possible to the new line of transportation. New Englauders and New Yorkers were by far the most numerous elements in the population, ''Pennsylvania Dutch," Germans, Norwegians, and English, Irish and Canadians were generally grouped in settlements by themselves, but they formed a considerable part of the population of some districts, especially in Freepoit and the northern portions of Stephenson county. As a result of this influence of New England and the northern states, schools and churches rapidly sprang into existence, for it was evident that wherever half a dozen families were- grouped there must be a school and there must be divine services if these people were to be contented with their lot in the western country. If we could follow their development farther it would be seen that but few years indeed elapsed between the log church and school house and those of more pleasing and imposing appearance. However, it must be said that the true development of the Rock river valley was just beginning; vast stretches of prairie land still were lying unoccupied and the work of the railroads was yet to be done. The foundations had been laid during the period previous to 1850 but the social and industrial develop- ment of the region was to be the task of those who were to come later, and who by the aid of transpor-tation facilities and im- proved farm machinery were to leave the woodlands for the open prairies. [153] 440 BULLETIJV OF THE ITNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN CHAPTER VIII Eastern Illinois Eastern Illinois is truly the prairie district of the state; and in this district settlement developed slowly, but five counties having been organized previous to 1830.^ The period from 1830 to 1850 was one of beginnings in this part of Illinois. From the first appearance of American settlers until the railway had developed into a probability, the settlements were sparse, for here, too, the prejudice of the pioneers against the prairies dis- played itself. Few indeed were the settlers who ventured away from the sheltering timber along the rivers and in nearly every case the early settlements are to be found on the edge of the timber lands. Exceptions, of coui"se, there were but they were few. Along the most-traveled roads leading from the Wabash river settlements to those along the Illinois river or to Chicago, an occasional pioneer more venturesome than the rest built his little cabin, but even in such cases he was careful to select some spot where timber was close. Local historians of eastern Illinois are agreed on the point that the scarcity of settlement in that district prior to 1850 was due entirely to the inaccessibleness of the country. I\Ir. Beck- with in his History of Vermilion County says there was no settle- ment on the prairie until 1849 when a rush of immigration came in, in anticipation of the passage of Douglas's Illinois ^ The counties discussed uiulei- tlit- liead "Eastfrn Illinois" are Jasper. EfTing- ham, Cumberland, Coles, Shelby, Moultrie, Douglas, Edgar, Vermilion, Champaign, Piatt, Macon, Logan, DeWitt, McLean, Livingston, Ford, Iroquois and Kanka- kee. Of tliese Vermiiion, Edgar, Shelby, Macon, aud McLean were organized before 1831. r ir>4 ] rOOLEY SETTLE.MEXT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 441 ® To'.vns of over 1.000 inhabitants. • Towns of less tlian 1,000. Eastern Illinois (1850) North and east of the curved line is the prairie : less than 20 per cent, woodland. Year indicates date of county organization. [155] 442 BULLETIN OF THE TXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN Centi'al Railroad bill, the discussion of which in Congress had attracted much attention to the prairie lands of the state. - The combined population of the five counties organized at the opening of the period (1830) was less than 14,500 and two- thirds of this number were within the limits of Vermilion and Edgar counties on the Wabash river.^ Before the organization of the state Edgar county had received settlers and during the closing jTars of the decade 1821-1830 immigrants had poured into this portion of the state in increased numbers, distributing themselves along the rivers. Generally speaking, these early pioneers were from Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and the Caro- linas. Directly to the north lay Vermilion county. Here the population was grouped in the timber lands along the Vermilion river and its tributaries in the southeastern part of the county. Danville, the chief town, situated on the Vermilion river which, at that time, was navigable for steamboats during a great part of the year, had a population of three hundred and fifty and was the most important settlement in this part of the state.* Coal mining which later was to become the great in- dustry around the settlement had begun, but only on a small scale for the settlers did not comprehend the value of the coal fields and instead of claiming great portions were content to dig only what they needed for immediate use.^ While the early years of the decade 1831-1840 Avere prosper- ous years for central Illinois the spread of population was not rapid in either of the Wabash river counties although they both increased considerably in numbers of settlers.*' A filling-in process was going on here instead of an extension of the frontier line and the timbered banks of the numerous branches of the Wabash which crossed this part of the state were being taken up. Timber seemed plentiful and as yet there was no necessity for 2 Bfckwith, Jlistriry of VcnniVion Countu, SOI. sVermiHon and Edgar counties had 5,800 and 4,100 settlers respectively;, Shelby county had .3.000 ; Macon county 1,100; and McLean county had less than one hundred families. Seventh Census (1850), 701, 702. * Danville had six stores, four saw miKs, two .grist mills, a post-office, a court- house and a land office. Illinois Monthly Mdfjazinc, 2, 4.5G. = Beckwitb, History of VermiUon County, 847. 1 Some 7,500 settlers were added to the population of the two counties during^ the decade. SeventTi Census (1850), 701, 702. [ 15G ] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 443 the pioneer to move out into the prairies. Condensation, how- ever, was aided by another influence, for early in the thirties' the Indian troubles in the north frightened many of the settlere of the upper Illinois river counties back to the stronger settlements in the south. Here and there in the small groves of northern Vermilion county and along the Hubbard trace leading to Chi- cago were small settlements which were broken up at the first alarm, the settlers moving to safer places and it was some time before they dared to return to their former abodes. From 1841 to 1850 nc'w forces were at work, tending to at- tract settlement to other parts of the state rather than to the "Wabash river counties. Little timber land was left on the eastern side of the state and the ordinary immigrant could not afford to pay fancy prices to be allowed to remain in the older settled regions. The prairies alone were left in Vermilion and Edgar counties and since practically nothing was kno^^^i con- cerning pioneer life on these enormous tracts of unsheltered country the pioneer feared to settle on them, thus being prac- tically compelled to pass on by the eastern line of settlement and head for the timber line of the Illinois and Sangamon rivers or northward to the Iroquois and Kankakee. Favorable reports, too, came from the interior of the state concerning fertile land, fine timber and good water. Later in the decade the Douglas Illinois Central Railroad bill drew much attention to that portion of the state west from Vermilion and Edgar and when the rush of settlers came dur- ing the closing years of the decade this influence also operated to the detriment of these counties for the railroad was too far to the west to come in contact in any way with the Wabash river settlements. Besides, across the prairie in the neighborhood of the San- gamon liver, settlements occurred often enough to remove the more evident frontier characteristics, but not so often as to leave no desirable land for newcomers. In short, central Illinois along the western skirts of the great prairie offered more ad- vantages to the pioneer at a less expense than did the older ^Yabash settlements and naturally he went there. Danville was in 1850, the most important town in this part of [157] 444 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIJST the state but it was not a city. In other parts of the state Quincy, Galena and Chicago had grown to be cities at this date because of developed resources and because of favorable loca- tions, but Danville not being a market of consequence, or the key to a great transportation line, was dependent upon an un- developed resource — coal. "When mining was begun on a large scale, Danville became a population center of sufficient import- ance to be called a city. The other settlements of importance in these counties were Paris, Georgetown, Grand View% Embarras and Butler's Point.' Paris was the chief town of Edgar county and Georgetown in Vermilion county, being the seat of a seminary which for quite a time was an educational center of importance, was a settle- ment of considerable size in 1850.^ The population of the two eoimties amounted to over 22,100 souls.^ As the pioneers approached the heart of the great prairie, the headwaters of those streams flowing into the Wabash, Ohio and ^Mississippi rivers were reached. These tributaries being small, unnavigable streams, offered little communication with the rest of the state and it was with slow and somewhat uncer- tain steps that the settlers ventured from southern Illinois, or the Sangamon country, to take possession of the timber lands in the prairie. The scanty settlements in this part of the state in 1830 show how slowly the acquisition of teiTitory was going on. Effingham county had but fifty families in 1830,^'^ all collected in five communities in the timber near the Embarras river; St. Marie and Newton settlements near the same stream were the settlements of greatest note in Jasper county. The scanty pop- ulation of Cumberland county must be attributed to the wet, swampy character of the soil, which made it poorly adapted for farming land. A settlement of Kentuckians and Tennesseeans on Bear Creek was the most important one in the county in: 1830." Coles county had sixty voters in 1831." Moultrie and "> ffrventh Census (1850), 7 Seventh Census (1850), 701. [ 163 ] 450 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN not a single church and not until 1852 was a house of worship erected. When the first church was built, it was a simple log structure and was made to serve as both school-house and church and was free to all denominations.*^ The beginnings of settlement were made in Shelby county before 1830 and at that date the county had already been or- ganized and had nearly 3,000 settlers. The early date of set- tlement may be explained by the fact that the county is well watered and well timbered since it is drained by many tribu- taries of the Kaskaskia river. The increase in the number of settlers during the twenty years amounted to 4,800. Moultrie county, however, had been cut off from Shelby county in 1843 which serves in part to account for the small increase in the number of settlers. Moultrie county's population in 1850 was a few more than 3,200.*- By far the greater number of the pioneers of these two counties came from states west of the Alleghanies, which seems to indicate that in this part of Illinois the absence of lines of com- munication with the far eastern states served to limit the classes of settlers to those who came from neighboring states.*^ At the first election held after the organization of Coles county in 1831, sixty votes were cast.** At the end of the de- cade the population numbered 9,000, Mattoon and Charleston being the chief towns.*^ Unfavorable conditions existed in the county but the number of settlers increased in spite of the lack of markets and the existing poor prices.*^ In 1850 there were eight townships claiming between seven and fourteen hundred settlers each. Charleston was a village of importance, having *' Perrin, History of Effinuham County, 17C. ** For populiation of Sliclby and Moultrie counties see Seventh Census (1850), 701-702. *^ Tlie biographies of four hundred and fifty pioneers of Shelby and Moultrie counties have been examined with the following results. Ninety-five settlers came from Ohio, ei'ghty-seveu from Kentucliy, seventy from Tennessee, sixty- six from other parts of Illinois, forty from the southern states, thirty-six from Indiana and a few were foreigners and from the eastern states. History of Shelby and Moultrie Counties, 319-333. " History of ColCtS Cminty, 244. "Seventh Census (1850), 705. " Corn sold for eight cents a bushel and wheat for twenty-five cents. A eow and a calf brought eight dollars and good horses were bought for forty dol- lars. History of Coles County, 460. ri64i POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 451 eight himdrecl and fifty inhabitants." School houses had been erected at various places in the county and Charleston had a church and a newspaper office.*^ The settlei-s came chiefly from Kentucky with some representatives from Virginia, Tennessee, the Carolinas and the states of the Middle West.*" Champaigu county owing to its location in the heart of the great prairie district, did not fill up rapidly, for timber was scarce. Permanent settlements were few before the Black Hawk War but after danger from the Indians had passed settlements sprang up in the timber. Urbana, Mahomet, Newcomb, St. Joseph, Condit and Sidney all had settlers by 1840°° when the population of the coimty amounted to about 1,500 people.^^ Urbana, the county town, was the most important settlement and boasted of having a store in 1834. The goods sold here had been purchased in Philadelphia, carted over the mountains to Pittsburg and shipped down the Ohio to Evansville, Indiana, from which place they were brought to Urbana by wagons. Owing to the heavy cost of transportation, it is not surprising to learn that calico and the coarsest kind of brown muslin brought prices varying from thirty-five to fifty cents a yard. Other articles sold at corTcspondingly high prices.^^ Among the settlers of Urbana were numbered a physician, a preacher, a lawyer and still more important personages for frontier set- tlements, a blacksmith and a wagon maker.^^ In the next decade the population of the county increased to about 2,700 souls with Urbana and Homer as the chief towns, neither of which had more than two hundred settlers." Cham- paign, now by far the most important city of the county, had not a single settler, being entirely the product of the railroad which crossed the county in the next decade. While Champaign was not a frontier county in 1850, and while it was a large county with exceedingly fertile land, the "Seventh Census (1S50), 705. *^ History of Coles County, 318-322. " Ibid., 500. "o Lothrop, Champaign County Directory, 373-428. ^^ Seventh Census (1850), 701. "s^Lothrop, Champaign County Directory, 124. M Ibid., 439. ^ j ^Seventh Census (1850), 701-705. [165] 452 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCOX'SIN population was much smaller than that of many other counties located in the northern or western parts of the state. The slow settlement can be attributed to two things; the lack of lines of communication with the populous eastern states, and the rscarcity of timber land. The pioneers had not by 1850 learned the solution of the problems of the prairie and those who came to eastern Illinois sought places where timber was more plenti- ful than here. The earliest settlers had come to De "Witt county before 1830 but the organization of the county did not take place until 1839, o\ving to the small number of inhabitants. The Salt Creek settlement, now known as Farmer City, had but four families in 1832 and the nearest neighbors were ten miles away. In 1839 the number of families had groA^Ti to nineteen.^^ De Witt and Clinton villages had their first houses erected in 1835 and 1836.^'' By 1840 the former had a store, a mill, a hotel, a post- office and a church which made it a tOAvn of much importance in the county.^'' In 1840 the population of the county was about 3,250 and in 1850 it w^as 5,000; Clinton and 'Waynes\'ille with from three to four hundred inhabitants each, being the principal settlements.^® The nativities of the pioneers of De "Witt county show that the early settlers came chiefly from the states of the Middle West, the representatives of the eastern states being few.^® The settlement of Piatt county began in 1830 when some settlers came from Ohio. The county government was organ- ized in 1840 with Monticello, a village of one hundred inhabi- tants, as the county town."" Settlement increased but slowly in the county and in 1850 the population was but 1,600.*^^ Macon county which at the opening of this period had 1,100 ^^ History of De Witt County, 214-215. ^Ibid., 151. " ma., 287. ^Seventh Census aS50), 706. " Of two hundred and sixty settlers who came to De Witt county before 1850, ninety-five came from Oliio. thirty-eight from Kentucliy, thirty from other parts of Illinois, twenty-two from New York, twenty from Indiana, eighteen from Tennessee and seven from New England. History of De Witt County, 339. «" Norris and Gardiner, Illinois Annual Register (1847), 105. "■Seventh Census (1850), 702. [166] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 453 inhabitants, had in 1840, over 3,000 and in 1850 about 4,000.«2 Decatur was the chief town but enjoyed a rather unsteady growth. It was begun in 1825 and was still a hamlet in 1836. In spite of the fact that from 1836 to 1842 the state of Illinois went through her darkest days, Decatur experienced her best ones until after 1850. During this period the growth of the village was comparatively rapid, owing to a belief among the people that a railroad was soon to be built through the town. In 1842 its population had reached five hundred, and here the decline set in because of the vanishing hope concerning the proposed railroad.''^ Through the rest of our period the town was at a standstill and to some extent this seems true of the county as a whole, for the gain of one thousand inhabitants in a period of ten years does not seem a great deal for a county which was situated in a rich agricultural district and no longer on the frontier. From its proximity to the Sangamon country and owing to its early settlement, it seems j)robable that a great part of the population was from the southern states, having followed up the Sangamon river.^* ]\IcLean county, fortunate in having a liberal supply of timber besides fertile prairie land, was an ideal country for new settlers. As a result of these advantages the county which had but ninety-three families at the time of its organization in 1830, had, by the end of the decade, over 6,500 settlers, and by 1850 had reached the 10,000 mark.*'^ To the natural advantages favoring IMcLean county there was one drawback which was of a serious nature, and that was the lack of a handy market. Chicago was the market for stock, and those farmers who had produce to sell were of necessity forced to carry it to Chicago — everj-thing which could walk, sheep, hogs, horses, cattle, turkeys and geese, was driven. Occasionally other places served as 62 Ibid., 702. 0^ History of Macon County, 116. «* Informatioii here is inadequate. The nativities of fifty-av3 Ia^T?"s and judges have been recorded by a local historian. Twenty-four came irom the South Atlantic States, seventeen from Kentucky and Tennessee, flve from the Middle Atlantic States, two from New England, two from western states, and two were foreigners. History of Macon County, 31. *^ Seventh Census (1850), 70:2. [167] 45i BULLETIN OF THE U]N^IVEKSITY OF WISCOXSIN" markets but it seems to have been a general rule to trade at Chicago. Although McLean county was considered as a frontier county as late as 1840, yet it had some settlements of importance before this date. Big Grove had one hundred and fifty families, Dry- Grove had fifty, Cheney's Grove had twenty-four and Bloom- ington had four hundred and fifty inhabitants.®^ Besides these, there were two or three settlements made by colonies formed in the East, In 1830 a company in Butler county, Ohio, sent an agent to Illinois to select and buy land preparatory to the establishment of a settlement. The instructions were carried out and in the fall of the year the colony, comprising five families in all, set- tled in Dale township.*^^ Five yeare later another enterprise of the same sort was be- gun, but on a much larger scale. This time the promoters were Ehode Island men and their plan was to open up the western lands and settle enterprising farmers, merchanics and tradesmen upon them, A charter was obtained from the state and a company forined with a capital stock of $12,500, Each subscriber was to receive three hundred and twenty acres of land and four lots in the village of Mount Hope. In 1837 fifteen families left Rhode Island and Massachusetts and settled upon their Illinois claims. A few houses were erected but owing to the panic of 1837 the plan never succeeded well and practically fell through. Eight thousand acres of land were, however, taken up and entered by the company.*'^ A similar fate overtook the Hudson colony in the same year. The Illinois Land Association, as it was called, was organized at Jacksonville in February, 1836. In the name of one of the promotei's, nearly all the township of Hudson was entered. The plan was to get subscribers for the company at two hun- dred and thirty-five dollars per share. Each share entitled the holder of the certificate to one hundred and sixty acres of land "■ Ilistoin of McLean County^ 330. ^-^ Ibid., 012. ^History of McLean County, 579; Duis, Good Old Times in McLean County, r36. [168] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 455 besides twenty acres of timber for fencing, building and fuel, and also four town lots in the village of Hudson which was to be built upon the company's land. Since the greater part of the timber land of the county had already been settled upon, the agreement concerning the allotment of timber to each sub- scriber could not be fulfilled and some dissatisfaction arose therefrom, causing a number to withdraw. Twenty of the stockholders became settlers in 1837 but the financial trouble of that year put an end to the scheme. The settlers and pro- moters were from Hudson, New York.''^ Bloomington, it was believed in the early days, would never be a town of any importance since stone, timber, coal, water power and navigable waters, which were thought to be neces- sities for a successful settlement, were not to be found in any quantities near its site. Its growth, however, was a steady one, save only in the period of depression following 1837. From a village of eighty inhabitants in 1831^'' it increased to one hun- dred and eighty in 1834 and four hundred and fifty by 1836."^ The population had increased to six hundred in 1840 in spite of the unfavorable conditions existing at the time.^- During the next three years, however, the little town suffered. Lands and town lots became almost worthless; improved land could be bought for a dollar and a quarter an acre.'^^ By 1843 every merchant had been forced into bankruptcy, money w'as scarce, farm produce was well-nigh worthless, emigration began' among those who could get away and immigration had practically ceased. Much property was forfeited because of the inability of the owners to pay taxes.^^ From this date times improved and the village again began to grow. The small, irregular, sparsely settled town developed from one of 600 in 1840 to one of 1.600 in 1850, while the precinct outside of the town had an additional 1.000 settlers. Several other settle- ments in the county had more than seven hundred settlers.''' «» History of McLean County, 603. '0 Ihid., 316. " Duis, Qood Old Times in McLean County, 45. •2 History of McLean County, 335. 'Ubid., 336. "* McLean County Historical Society Publications, 1, 409. -^Seventh Census (1850), 712. [169] 456 BULLETIX OF THE ITNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN Most of the early pioneers came from vrestern states; Ohio and Kentuekj' sending the greatest numbers."'^ Of the northern counties of eastern Illinois, Livingston and Iroquois counties were organized before 1850. In Kankakee countv, then a part of Will county, was a settlement of interest. It was a Canadian community, established by Noel Yasseur, and for a time it flourished. Later, Americans came and filled up the surrounding county, but Bourbonnais as late as 1879 still preserved to a great extent the customs and appearances of a genuine Canadian village. In its best days possibly 6,000 or 7,000 people lived there in their quiet cottages, grouped about the church, college, and convent.''^ The censiis of 1850 credits the village with a population over 1,700.^^ Wliile Livingston county was still a part of jMcLean coimty, settlements were started in it and by 1832 the Rook Creek, Belle Prairie and Indian Grove settlements each had a few pioneers. At Pontiac and Amity, and in Oswego and Forrest townships, a few settlers grouped themselves during the next few years.'^* Pontiac, one of the two important settlements, was located by New Yorkers who erected their cabins at this place in 1833. Four years later the town was surveyed, platted and lots sold at five dollars each. In 1850 a whole block in the same town could be bought for ten dollars and if it was an unusually de- sirable one perhaps twenty dollars would be required to pro- cure it. In 1835 a few families from Ohio, Yermont and New York joined those already in Pontiac and three years later the first substantial addition was made in the shape of a colony of seventeen persons from New York.^° A decade later the village presented the same appearance, having experienced no growth whatever. Half a dozen cabins, " Of two hundred and sixty pioneers wlio came to McLean county before 1850, sixty-one came from Kentucliy, sixty from Ohio, thirty from Virginia, four- teen from Pennsylvania, thirteen each from New Yorlj and Tennessee and tea from North Carolina. Only thirteen were New Englanders, eighty-eight from the other Atlantic states, while one hundred and fifty were from the states west of the mountains. Duis, Good Old Times in McLean Coutiiy, 12j-S05. " American Catholic Quarterly Revieic, 4, 598. ■!» Seventh Census. (1850), 716. " History of Liciwjston County, 295-405. ^Ibid., aoO-301. [170] POOLEV SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 457 SO hidden away in the bushes as to be almost invisible, and a court house composed the town of Pontiae. So insignificant was this coimty to^\Ti at this date that, it is said, travelers some- times inquired of its residents the distance to Pontiae. Its population in 1849 was seventy-eight souls.®^ To the township of Amity must be accorded the honor of being the most important center of population in Livingston county prior to 1850. Settled first in 1833, its population num- bered two hundred in 1843 and about two hundred and fifty in 1850.^- Many of the settlers had come from Ohio and were decidedly above the class of pioneers generally found on the fr-ontier.^^ Besides these two settlements, but little else existed until along into the fifties, for the true development of the county dates from 1854, when the Chicago and Alton built its line.^* The •opening of the Illinois and IMichigan canal in 1848 served to bring some settlers from northern Ohio and Indiana and southern Michigan, but the number was not large.^^ Settle- ment had not left the line of the Vermilion river by 1850 and even where so closely grouped this ribbon of settlement over the county did not exceed five miles in width. Beyond these limits occasional settlements were found but the largest ones bad but four or five families eaeh.^^ Development in all lines seems to have been slow. In 1847 not a store existed in Livingston county, the nearest approach to such an institution being a peddler who made monthly trips from Ottawa, supplying from his wagon the needs of every family in the county. The mediums of exchange acceptable were feathers, ginseng and deer skins.^^ The population in 1850 was 1,550.®^ the least of any county in Illinois. The history of settlement in Iroquois county is a repetition of that of the other prairie counties. Scattered settlements are "/6f(Z., 300-301. ^Ibid., 406-411; Seventh Census (1850), 711. ^^ History of Livingston County, 411. ^* Historical Encyciopedia of Illinois, 341. ^ Hi'ifory of Livingston County. 5.34. 8« Ibid., 422. «Uhid.. 245. *^ Seventh Census (1850), 702. [171 458 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEESITY OF "WISCONSIN found along several of the wooded streams. The Kickapoo and the Pottowatomie Indians remained in the county until the years 1836 and 1837 and while they were friendly undoubtedly their presence served to retard settlement, for the Indian scare of 1832 was still fresh in the minds of the frontiersmen.^^ Several colonies of some note came during the years 1834 and 1835. First to come was a Pennsylvanian colony numbering thirty-two people, all of whom were owners of considerable property. They settled at Milford, and two years later were joined by a party of Virginians.^" In 1835 a colony of Nor- wegians came, but in selecting a spot for settlement this colony was imfortunate and hit upon a place which was unhealthful. Sickness broke out among them and, discouraged by the outlook, the entire colony, nimibering thirty people, left Beaver Creek in 1837 and went to Wisconsin. ""^ One example of a "paper town," we find in Iroquois county in 1835 during the period of the craze for speculation which swept over the country during the thirties. A company, known as the Plato company, bought some land, laid out a to^vn and advertised it in New York and Boston as "the head of naviga- tion on the Iroquois" and "one of the handsomest locations for a city in the world." Some lots were sold for higher prices than Chicago lots commanded but the undertaking proved a failure."- Various small settlements were made during the decade but the settlers clung closely to the timber and remained there until the Illinois Central Railroad crossed the county."^ The pio- neers came chiefly from Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky but repre- sentatives from Pennsylvania, Virginia, Canada and Europe were also present. The population in 1850 had reached 4,100.°* In 1830 the population of the counties of eastern Illinois amounted to 14,000 souls; in 1850 it numbered over 87,500, ^^ Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois, 299. "" History of Iroquois County, 138. " Ihid., 339. '■^ Ihid., 3SS. "3 Settlements were located at Onarga, Ash Grove, Belmont, Upper Spring Creek, Lower Spring Creek and in Middlefort, Del Rey, Concord, Iroquois and Stock!and townships. Ibid., 209-480; pt. II, 7-12. <>* Seventh Census (1850), 702. [172] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 459 wliich seeiDS small when the immense tract of land over which it was scattered is thought of. Little of the population was urban for in all this region there were but four settlements claiming more than one thousand inhabitants, and but nine more having over seven hundred and fifty.®'' The reason for the lack of towns seems' a simple one; cities spring up either wdiere natural resources are to be exploited or where business Avill naturally concentrate. Industry in eastern Illinois was wholly argicultural and the products were stock and grain. The great requirement was a market, and inland towns such as Bloomington could not furnish it, because there were no lines of transportation, whereby the accumulated produce could be transferred to another larger market for dis- tribution. Consequently a city could not exist in this agricul- tural region save only with an outlet. When the railroads were built from Chicago south and southwest, tapping this agricul- tural region, prosperity' was assured and a market placed close at hand for the farmer. The produce buyers of the inland towns no longer feared an accumulation of goods either agri- cultural or mercantile. The farmer, able to dispose of his pro- duce, was inclined to buy more merchandise and the dealer realized his profits. Business increased with the increase of markets for farm produce, which was the work of the railroads. The influence of timber upon the location of settlement is noticeable in this part of the state.®*' Even in 1850 the pioneer felt safest w^hen reinforced by a friendly strip of timber, and at this date the process of taking up the woodlands was still under way. In the southern and central counties these timber tracts had been wholly taken up and around each patch of timber was a circle of cabins whose occupants cultivated that part of the prairie lying close by. Where the well-traveled roads, such as the Hubbard trace or the National Road, crossed the prairie, there were always found a string of settlers' cabins. The filling up process which was to go on in the spaces inter- »' Bloomington and Newton were the largest towns. •o Note the location of the county towns of eastern Illinois. Effingham, Dan- ville, Charleston, Shelbyville, Sullivan, Decatur, Monticello. Urbana, Clinton, Bloomington, I'ontiac, Watseka and Kankakee, were situated in the timber lEiIong the streams. [173 4G0 BULLETI]^ OF THE r^TIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN vening between the timber settlements had thns begun but as yet could not be carried on with any rapidity since transporta- tion was no easier than before. On the northern frontier the timber had not all been claimed and here the development of settlement was not so far advanced as farther south. Besides in the northeastern counties of eastern Illinois the swampy lands practically prohibited settlement and it was not until these swamps were drained that the counties were settled Avith any degree of density. An examination of the nativities of the early pioneers dis- closes a different state of affairs than existed in southern Ill- inois or in northern Illinois. It differs from southern Illinois in the fact that a considerable number of settlers came from the states north of the Ohio, but west of the mountains. In com- paring the population with that of the northern counties it is foimd that the percentage of settlers from New England or the ]\Iiddle Atlantic states is much smaller in eastern Illinois than in the northern section of the state. Here there were no great trunk lines of transportation to influence settlement and since many of the pioneers came from the neighboring states, it seems reasonable to believe that the settlement of this part of Illinois was the result of a natural movement of the agricul- tural classes such as has taken place within recent decades from those states east of the Mississippi river to Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota and the Dakotas. The impelling force was not one which caused whole communities to move, but a force which came from the belief that conditions for the accumulation of wealth were better "farther west. "®^ *' Tlie biographies of 1,138 early settlers in this part of the state have been examined with the following results ; two hundred and eighty came from Ohio, two hundred and ten from K-^ntucky, one hundred and six from Tennessee, eighty from Indiana, eighty from other parts of Illinois, one hundred and sixty from the southern states, eighty from the Middle Atlantic states and br.t a few from New England. Six hundred and seventy-seven came from the four western states, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, and four hundred and sixty-one from other places. [174] POOLE Y SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 461 CHAPTER IX The Le.u) Region Long before the rest of northern Illinois received any settlers the lead district had been explored. Hennepin's map of 1687 locates a mine in the neighborhood of the present site of Galena and it is said that the French traders at Peoria purchased lead from the Indians as early as 1690.^ A map of Louisiana pub- lished in 1703 shoAvs plainly the location of Dubuque's mines west of the JMississippi and also the Galena mines.- Forty years later a score of miners eked a scanty existence here by means of surface mining.^ In 1769 Martin Duralde received a conces- sion of land on Le Seuer's River of Mines for the purpose of mining* and after a lapse of nearly twenty years Julien Du- buque appeared in the region and began mining on both sides of the ^Mississippi, working 'diggings' as far east as Apple River.^ It soon became known to the Americans that valuable lead mines existed in this region and accordingly negotiations were entered into with the Indians for the purchase of a tract of land fifteen miles square, to be located somewhere on the right bank of the Mississippi. In 1804 the treaty was signed® and Congress passed a law^ providing for leasing the tract for terms not to exceed five years. No leases were made, however, until 1822.^ Now the miners began to come one by one, to share in iThwaltes, Notes on Early LcMmining, in Wis. Hist. CoUections, 13, 272. »/bi(/., 276. * Hid., 278. ^ Ibid., 280. ' Davidson and StuvS, Illinois, 346. ' Washhurne, Lead Region and Lead Trade of the Upper Mississippi, in Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, IS, 288. [175] 462 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN the industrj^ which, the Indians carried on to the best of their ability.^ In 1816 the fir-st boat load of lead — seventy tons — was sent doA^-n the river.° Col. Davenport, of Rock Island, an agent for the American Fur Company, established a trading post at Portage near the mouth of Fever river.^° Even now the United States government had not convinced itself of the exact location of the mines, for in the treaty con- cluded with the Indians, August 24, 1816 at St. Louis, when all lands lying north of a line drawn due west from the southern extremity of Lake INIiehigan to the Mississippi Hiver were con- ceded to the Indians, a reservation of five leagues square on the same river was made by the treaty. This reservation was to be designated at some later time by the President and it seems evident that the sole object of this reservation was to obtain -control of the lead mines whenever their location could be defi- nitely determined.^^ The exact date of the first permanent settlement by whites in this region is not known. Boutilier,^^ Shull and Muir were probably here before 1820 and tradition has it that a man named January had for some years previous conducted a trading post •at the mines.^^ In 1819 an expedition consisting of six or eight boats carrving possibly one hundred men left St. Louis under the command of Col. R. M. Johnson bound for Fever river. After a slow trip of twenty days it reached Galena and the business of making a treaty Avith the Indians was accomplished after a parley of nine daj's. This negotiation concluded, "the mines Avere then for the first time opened for civilized enter- prise."" For three years little or no addition was made to the settle- ment. Estimates of the size of the settlement vary^° probably * Thwaltcs, Xotcs on Earlii Lcadmining. in Wis. Hist. Collections, 1». 285. ^Personal Recollections of Col. John Shaw, in Wis. Illst. Collections, 2. 228. ^° history of Jo Daviess County, 233. " Thwnites, Xotes on Early Leadmining, in Wis. Ilist. Collections, l.^i, 286. '- Davidson and Stuvf", Illinois, 340. ^"History of Jo Daviess County, 231. ^* P.oiiner, Life and Adventures of Beckwourth, 20. "Tenny, Early Times in Wisconsin, in Wis. Hist. Collections, 1, 95, says there -were but two cabins at tlie mines; the author of The History of Jo Daviess •County (228), gives the number of cabins as ten or twelve. [ 17G ] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 4G3 owing to the instability of the mining population; but with the arrival of Col. Johnson 'with his band of slaves^** the rapid growth of population in the region begins. The first steam- boat came up the Fever river in this year and the shipment of lead in considerable ({uantities began. With the increase of this product, the increase of population advanced.^'' During the years 1821, 1822 and 1823 an aggregate of 335,000 pounds was shipped from here; by 1827 it had increased to over 5,000,000 pounds and by 1829 to 13,344,150 pounds.^^ which appears to have been the high water mark of export. In 1824 two events of considerable importance happened; the establishment of a store in the village^^ and the arrival of the first colony of settlers. Up to this time the settlers were entirely dependent upon the supplies which they brought with them or upon those brought by the boats w^hich occasionally came to the mines. The building of a store shifted a responsi- bility which, in all pioneer communities, was one of great weight and especially so in the case of the miners whose nearest neigh- bors at this time were at Peoria on the Illinois river. The colony hailed from Cincinnati and consisted of forty-three people under the leadership of Dr. Meeker.-*' The voyage from Cincinnati had consumed sixty days but this was considered good time for a keel-boat. Upon their arrival they found a settlement of about one hundred miners.-^ Immigration now flowed in rapidly and the fifteen mile boundary prescribed by the treaty of 1816 was overstepped. Here and there in the surrounding country", at ShuUsburg, East Fork and New Diggings, were grouped little mining camps,-- and when the season opened in 1826 nearly two hundred men were digging in the vicinity of Galena.-^ The number in- *' Johnson brought between one hundred and one hundred and flfty slaves with him. [Hisiory of Jo Daviess County, 243.) " Chicago Evening Post, Sept. 5, 1806. '■' Illiiioix (itiii her Resources, In Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, 5, 434. " Galena and its Leadmines, In Harper's Magazine, 32, G92. ^History of Jo Daviess County, 2SSi: Meeker, Early History of th^ Lead Re- gion of Wisconsin, In Wis. Hist. Collections, 6, 276. ^^ History of Jo Daviess County, 242. •^ Davidson and Stuvi', Illinois, 346. ^ House Executive Documents, 19 Congress, 1 Sess., 2, 7. 13 [ 177 ] 46-i BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN creased to over four liimdred in June-* and by the coming fall five hundred and fifty were there.-^ In the whole region it was estimated that nearly sixteen hundred men were at work by this time.-^ Fever River post office, of Crawford county, Ill- inois was established in 1826-^ and the mail came from Vandalia once every two weel^.-® Fever River voting precinct, contain- ing all the voters in the mining region as far north as Michigan, was also established in the same year,-'* and at the first election two hundred and two votes were cast.^" The tax collector for this settlement resided at Peoria and for a time could do no more towards the completion of his task than to record the names of the tax payers for the minens openly defied him and refused to pay taxes.^^ Although Kellog's trail and Bolle's trail were the great lines of communication with the interior of the state, the most in- teresting accession to the population of the mining district came from the north. In the year 1821 Lord Selkirk's Swiss colony had come to America and settled in the far-away valley of the Red River of the North. For a period of five years they ex- perienced many hardships, and becoming dissatisfied with their lot, a part left for the South, settling in St. Louis, still another part came to Galena in the autumn of 1826 and being financially well-to-do these new arrivals proved welcome additions to the settlement.^* The fame of the lead mines spread abroad and the year 1827 saw a noticeable increase in the numbers of immigrants. House after house was built and in place of the twenty cabins reported by the mayor of Galena in 1826,^^ with their five hundred and fifty inhabitants, there were now more than one hundred houses and stores,^* and between 6,000, and 7,000 people residing in 2< Ibid. ^ Hiktory of Jo Daviess County, 265. '« Davidson and Stuvf', Illinois, .346. ^History of Jo Daviess County, 246. 2* Davidson and Stuv(5, Illinois, 346. 2» History of Jo Daviess County, 247. ^"History of Ogle County, 249. s» Ibid. 3^ Chetlain, Recollections of Seventy Years, 6. 33 yUrs' Reoister, «3, 388. 3* History of Jo Daviess County, 253. [178] POOLEY SETTLEME^'T OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 465 the district/''' The population at this date was also becoming more stable. Americans, Irish and French predominated, al- though in 1827^*^ there came the first representative of a nation- ality which was soon to form an important element in the min- ing coimtry. The new-comer was a Cornishman and, having emigrated from the lead mining region of England, naturally sought out that portion of the United States w^here he could to the best advantage pursue his vocation. From 1830 to 1850 the Cornish population in this region increased rapidly, ^^ Through the unwise action of some of the miners the Winne- bago war^® broke out in 1827 and although the consequences were not serious much inconvenience was experienced by those miners living at some distance from Galena. All operations ceased at the first alarm and the miners hurried to the settle- ment where they were compelled to remain for some time ex- periencing actual hardships owing to inclement weather, scar- city of provisions and the limited accommodations for housing the additional population. The trouble with the Indians once over the miners again scattered over the country. In the same year Jo Daviess county was organized and the town of Galena surveyed and divided into lots. No title was given to those occupying the lots and moreover it w^as provided that upon thirty days notice lots were to be vacated by the settlers no matter how much improvement had been made upon them.^* Titles were, however, given in 1838. Although organized as a county of Illinois the people were not enthusiastic about be- coming a part of the state, preferring rather to be part of a new state. In 1828, accordingly, a petition signed by the resi- dents of this region was sent to Congress, praying that the territory north of the line of 1787 be organized into a new territory, the seat of government being at Galena.**" Nothing •** Ford, Illinois, 67. ^'^ History of Jo Dnrirss Couniij, 2.53. ^' Copeland, Cornish in Sotithwestern Wisconsin, in Wis. Hist. Collections, 14, .30.-.. ^ Mcl.auglilin, Leiris Cass, 124; Edwards, Illinois, 218. 39 Davidson and Stiiv4, Illinois, 340. «> The line connected the southern point of Lake Michigan with a point on the Mississippi River directly to the west. The Galena settlement was north of the line. At the admission of the state, the boundary was made 42° 30' (Sanford, State Soiercionty in ^Yisconsin, in Am. Hist. Assn. Reports (1891)^ 177-193). For the petition see House Document 35, 20 Cong., 2 Sess. 2. [179] 466 BULLETIX OF THE tJXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN fwas done in the matter till in the forties when another attempt was made by the northern comities to separate from the rest of the state. At this time the boundary question was settled at the present line. Year by year the population of the lead region grew and with it grew the importance of Galena, its market place and its base of supplies. In 1830 the to-mi had some nine hundred inhabitants/^ "a most singular and mysterious medley of people from all quarters of the earth" seeking wealth. Illinois settlers predominated, although there were probably representa- tives from every state in the union.*^ Of the foreign popula- tion, the Irish seem to have been most in evidence.^^ In 1832 one writer estimates the population of the village at six hundred and sixty-nine people, there being some two hundred dwelling houses, warehouses and shops.'** Another places the number at between 1,000 and 1,500,*^ while the Galena correspondent for the Baltimore American stated that "the town contained a population of 5,000 to 7,000 inhabitants."*^ Of these estimates probably the firet is the most reliable as it is the most conserv- ative and is given by a resident of the tovra. Allowing for the rapid increase of the summer the second estimate may prob- ably be correct also, but the third one. published by Niles' Reg- ister is much too high and possibly refers to the entire district, the population of which had already been estimated at 10,000 souls.*^ "It was a lively little town giving promise of great things in the future. ' '*^ A considerable number of stores had been established, groceries abounded, a dozen lawyers and four or five physicians were located there. The Methodists, Presbyter- ians and Roman Catholics represented the religious sects, each having established congregations.**^ The story of the settlement of the lead region has practically i-'Niles' Register, 03, 388. « Reynolds, Illinois, 168. « Ibid. ** Miners' Journal (Galena, Ills.), May 9, 1832. "Tliwaites, Narrative of Morgan L. Martin, in Wis. Hist. Collections, 11, 398. ♦« A'lles' Register, 34, 344. «' Miners' Journal, May 9, 1832. " ^^waltes. Narrative of Morgan L. Martin, in Wis. Hist. Collections, 11, 398. "Atwater's, Writings, 238. [180] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 467 been told in the development of Galena. The succeeding years are but repetitions of the earlier ones with this exception — the field widened and soon the surrounding region for miles was dotted with small mining camps and trading posts. '^'^ The occu- pation was, however, interrupted, for the Black Hawk War broke out in 1832 and again the miners hurried to Galena asking protection from the Indians. The battle of the Bad Axe, in August, 1832, broke forever the power of the Sac and Fox Indians and when by the treaty closing the war the remnants of the once powerful tribes were removed beyond the Missis- sippi, the miners 'were at last allowed to cany on their work in safety.^^ With the close of the war, growth again began and the "wonderful mixture of humanity"" gathered new ingredients, for men of all nations and stations covered the "whole earth, north, east and south of Galena . . . prospecting, digging and looking for lead ore."^^ At Berreman, Vinegar Hill, Hanover, Council Hill, Elizabeth, Rush, Apple River and Scales ]\Iound, settlements formed varying in size but generally small, consisting of from three to a dozen miners eacli.^* Of these Elizabeth, on the Apple River, was most important and had in 1832 a population of forty-five. Before 1840 the village was laid out and there were a school, a grist mill and a saiwmill in operation.^^ Slowly indeed Galena lost the characteristics of a frontier town since the industry from which it drew its life tended to keep the population unstable and operated against the advance- ment of varied industries. However, in the closing years of the decade from 1831 to 1840 it was described as a toA^ii of 1,800 inhabitants and as having all the appearance of an old city, but deficient in cleanliness and comfort.^^ In addition to the churches already established an Episcopal parish was organized w>Thwaites, Story of the Black Haick War, in Wis. Hist. CoUcctions, 13, 22S " Stevens, Black Haick VTar, 221-225. " Murray, Travels in North America, 3, 129. " Reynolds, Illinois, 169. ^* History of Jo Daviess County, 555-608. ^^ History of Jo Daviess County, 586. »« Xiles' Register, 63, 388. [181] 468 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN and a chapel erected in 1838." A temperance society had been organized;^® newspapers had from time to time been published, but owing to difficulties had died out until the establishment of The Northivestern Gazette and Oalena Advertiser in Novem- ber, 1834^'' which has continued to the present time; a Library Association had been formed supporting a library of over eight hundred volumes f^ there was a fire department,''^ and a branch of the State Bank of Illinois.'^- Balls''^ and theatres*'* furnished amusement for the people, although accommodations for such gatherings were limited. Such was the 'Leadmine City' when it W'as incorporated by Act of the State Legislature in Febru- ary, 1839.*'^ By 1840 the population had increased to 3,000 and there were in the city five hundred and fifty buildings, the rateable property beuig estimated at from $1,600,000 to $1,700,000.«« The bustle of business caused many an observer to prophesy a brilliant future for the town for it was then the distributing point for northwestern Illinois, as well as for southwestern Wisconsin. To its inhabitants and to those of the surrounding country it seemed destined to become "the largest and most flourishing city of the West, north of St. Louis. ' '•''' Its location was peculiar; crowded together at the base of the bluffs, to a visitor it presented a singular appearance. Its compactness coupled with the instability of its population caused the elec- tion officials occasional embarrassment for, as Niles' Register stated, "the inhabitants shift about so from place to place and so many of them dwell in the holes and clefts of the roclvS that it is difficult to say where they belong.'"'^ From a commercial standpoint Galena as the center of the '^•'History of Jo Daviess County, 504. ^ Millers' Journal, May 9, 1832. ^0 History of Jo Daviess County, 433. «'>Ibid., 476. ''Ihid., 458. <"Ibid., 475. <«/birf., 254. « A Winter in the West, a, 50. «= Galenu and its Leadmines, in HarperXs Magazine, 33, 693. ''^Senate Document, 349, 26 Congress, 1 Sess., O. "^ Madison Express, Feb. 1, 1840. ^Niles' Register, 05, 171. [182] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 469 mining region gained in importance during the decade. In spite of adverse tariff legislation and the unsatisfactory govern- mental administration of the mining lands, the industry in- creased, until 1847, when owing to the closing down of furnaces on account of the tariff,*'^ the shipments of lead steadily de- creased.'*^ The exportation of wheat began'^ and although nothing is stated concerning other farm produce it is not improb- able that since this city was the most convenient trading post of the region, the agricultural class looked to it as a market for their products. The amount of exports was greater than that of any town on the Mississippi above St. Louis, amounting to about $2,500,000 in 1846."- Steamboats in great numbers plied from this port down the Mississippi; in 1840 there were three hundred arrivals and departures ;'^^ in 1846 there was a still greater number."^ Thirty thousand families were depend- ent upon Galena for their supplies of merchandise.'^^ The pop- ulation of the city itself Avas reported to be 5,500."° In 1846 a radical change was made by the government in the administration of its mineral lands, which operated for the good of those occupying claims upon such lands. After the acqui- sition of this portion of the country by the treaty of 1804, Con- gress had passed a lav/ reserving several of the lead mines from sale and authorizing the President to lease such mines. At that time the superintendence of the mines was one of the duties of the treasury department, but in 1821 was transferred to the war department which made the first leases in 1822. This sys- tem which was practically beyond the control of law, and sub- ject only to the will of the secretary of war was productive of evils. Special agents, attorneys and others were finally entrusted with the duties of granting leases and collecting the rents. Favoritism and possibly worse things resulted. In 1835 «» Madison Express, Sept. S, 1S4G ; Weekly Northwestern Gazette, Aug. 18, 1846. ■0 Western Journal and Chilian, March. 1S52, 303. ■1 mies' Register, (JO, 304. "Hall. The ^^^ast (1848), 102. " Kiles' Register, «<), .''.8S. "Hall. The TVesf (1848) 1(»J. " Oalena Jeffersonian, Oct. 31, 1845. w Ibid. [183] 470 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN the system was for the time abandoned but was again revived in 1841 and the efforts made by occupants to obtain possession of their claims failed, owing to the exaggerated idea prevalent among the government officials at Washington concerning the mineral wealth of the region. In his report of 1845, Judge Shields, who was commissioner of the General Land Office, ex- posed the defects of the system and urged the sale of the min- eral lands. As a result the Senate took hold of the question and in July, 1846, a law was passed directing the President to sell such mineral lands as were reserved in Illinois, "Wisconsin and Iowa. Accordingly they Avere sold the next year and the squatters who had heretofore held but little right to their land now came into full possession of it.'^^ Throughout the country few settlements had been made which were of any importance, save only those which were mining camps. Apple River, which in 1832 had a few stragglers, had in 1845 some two hundred men all of whom were engaged in mining."® Council Hill, a few miles to the east from Galena, had at the close of the decade three hundred settlers, most of whom Avere English. '^^ Some agricultur'al settlers had congre- gated on the Old Sucker trail near the present village of Scales Mound®" and Warren, Nora and Dunlieth (now East Dubuque) had each a few scattered settlers dra^Mi from New York, Ten- nessee, Ohio and from foreign countries.®^ These settlements, however, amounted to nothing until the Illinois Central road pushed its way across the state during the succeeding decade. Millville, laid off in 1846, contained a dry goods store, a black- smith shop and a tavern; this made it for several years the most important village between Freeport and Galena.®- At the close of the period 18,600 people lived in Jo Daviess county,®^ and since there were at this time 60,000 acres of land under culti- "^ Washburne, Lead Region and Lead Trade of the Upper Mississippi, in Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, 18, 288. "A-eto York Weekly Trihune, April 12, 1845. " Guide to Illinois Central Rail Road Lands, (1861), 56. "> Histor)/ of Jo Daviess County, 555. "^Ibid., 542-558. ^Ilid., 578. "/6u2., 216. [184] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 471 vation, we may believe that the agricultural as well as the min- eral resources of the region were being developed.^* Carroll county joins Jo Daviess county on the south and, in a way, its settlement is connected with the expansion of the lead region. Ten years after the whites settled on Fever River the first settlers came to Carroll county. Three families estab- lished themselves on the present site of Savanna in 1828.*^ Set- tlement developed slowly before the Black Hawk War, but after the war settlers came a little more regularly. By 1837, per- haps, Savanna, which was yet the only town of any importance between Rock Island and Galena, began to enjoy a period of comfortable prosperity. It became the shipping point for hun- dreds of pioneers of the middle and upper Rock river country, since it was easier to reach than Galena. From as far up the Rock river as Rockford and Freeport the pioneers came with their farm products and returned with merchandise and liunber.^^ In 1839 Savanna was chosen as the county seat. The fact that two hundred and twelve votes were cast at the election^^ shows that the growth during the period of the preceding ten years had not been excessively rapid. Through four years Savanna enjoyed the distinction of being the county seat of Carroll ; at the end of this time another town more centrally located took that position. In 1837 a Virginian had located where Mt. Carroll now stands and laid out a town called Richmond. Offering liberal inducements to settlers he secured a ie^x, but the financial troubles of 1837 killed the en- terprise.^^ Before the close of the year, however, a mill com- pany located its buildings at Richmond. Being the scene of improvements it naturally attracted settlei-s, who, increasing in number, made vigorous efforts to bring their town to a place where it would be a rival of Savanna. Savanna had failed to comply with the provisions of the county organizing act, so when Mt. Carroll made an attempt to become the seat of county 8* Peyton, Statistical Vicic of Illinois, 13. ^History of Carroll County, 222. »*Ihid., 359. "Ibid., 229. »8/Wd., 254. [185] 472 BULLETIX OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN government, it was siiccessful.^^ Steadily the settlements grew and smaller ones sprang up at places of vantage. In the course of a few years Elkhorn Grove, Wysox, Lanark and Salem set- tlements were added. The towns were small, however, and in 1850 the combined population in the county did not number 5,000 people.^^ The settlement of the lead region cannot be taken as tj-pical of the westward expansion. Exceptional conditions to a re- markable extent influenced the settlement, and transporta- tion facilities combined with a concentrated resource brought out frontier characteristics. The life of the settlement in the . earlier days depended entirely upon the success of mining ventures and during this period, Galena, the centre of population, may be said to have had all the characteristics of a frontier mining town. On every frontier, it is true, we find a mixture of peoples but in the lead region this mixture is found in' a peculiarly marked degree. Foreigners from all portions of the world and Americans from every state of the Union were here thrown together indiscriminately. For the few bonds of sjaupathy which would naturally exist in such a community, the miners got along well together. Some were, perhaps, inclined to vote before they were legally entitled to the privilege; others openly opposed the tax collector. Some were men of question- able character and nearly all were adventurers, but in spite of these characteristics it is a noticeable thing that little "claim jumping" was indulged in, few infringements made upon law and above all there seemed to exiist among this people a thorough trust and goodwill for every one. The only laws at first gov- erning this portion of the state were contained on a single sheet of foolscap paper, signed by the superintendents of the mines and posted up in the most public places. They dealt with the settlement of disputes over mining claims; but as for ordinary business transactions such as credits, the people were to settle these among themselves, entirely on the law of honor.^^ In spite of this lax code of laws, seldom indeed did a miner fail *^Ibid., 243. *° 8evcnth Census (1S50), 704. "^History of Jo Daviess County, 348. risn] POOLEY SETTLEIMEXT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 473 to meet his obliccations and debts were freely contracted and honestly paid; unr-nly characters were speedily and perhaps often roughly expelled from the town. On the whole the com- mnnity seems to have been a law-abiding one, even if the law adhered to was the simple law of the frontier. As late as the thirties, we are told, thei'e was little or no use for a jail, for dur- ing- a period of three years but one criminal had occupied it and he but for a week.^- The change of Galena from a frontier settlement to a city came when the development of the agricultural resources re- sulted in a yearly surplus which demanded a market, as did the products of the mines. Physiographic influences now be- came of greater moment. The concentrated mineral resource was in itself cause enough for the establishment of the city. To this was added the influence of the suiTounding agricultural country which w^as developed by those who failed to find wealth in the mines. Lack of railroad communication made water communication all the more important, and Galena, situated conveniently upon the great water route to the southern markets became the collecting point for agricultural products for the markets of the South, as well as the distributing point for sup- plies brought up the river. With the increase of the settled area of the back country the importance of the city increased, and so it continued until the Illinois Central railroad pene- trated the sphere of influence of Galena and drained the trade of the farming district towards the great lake port of Chicago. Another characteristic in the lead district needs mention — the population. It has been noted that foreigners formed a con- siderable part of the population, but there was also a southern element present in large numbers and southern sentiment was for years strong in the community. To the mines may be traced the cause for the foreign population, but to the line of communication we must attribute the presence of the south- em people. The INIississippi river w'as the thread of con- nection between this region and the outside world. To the east and the southeast especially before 1837 there was nothing save the prairie. Peoria far to the south (one hundred M Miner's .Journal May 9, 1832. [187] 47-i BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN and seventy miles) was the only neighbor during the early days, consequently there existed little or no tie between Galena and the rest of Illinois. Before the prairies of the north were settled, a decidedly southern aspect had been assumed by the- city and it was to remain so for many years. This characteris- tic, it seems, goes to show the influence which transportation routes have upon newly settled countries. Wherever a compara- tively good line of communication leads through a locality in which a tendency to emigrate exists, it is natural for those emi- grating to follow this line of travel. An examination of the nativities of settlers residing along the line in the newer country will reveal the fact that a considerable number of these settlers are from the older country bordering the same route of travel. The settlement, development and prosperity of the lead region, therefore are due to a series of causes in which mineral wealth, transportation facilities and agricultural development each plays a part. [188] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 475 CHAPTER X Chicago For a number of years after the war of 1812 Chicago grew slowly. In 1818 there were, outside of the garrison enclosure, but two log huts in the settlement and the nearest post office was at Ft. Wayne, Indiana, from which the mail was brought once a month.^ In 1820 when Schoolcraft visited Chicago he found "a small village of ten or twelve houses accommodating sixty people — half-breeds, Canadian-French fur-traders and Virgin- ians. ' '- Three years later Major Long visited Chicago and passed de- cidedly unfavorable comments upon it. "The village presents no cheering prospect as, notwithstanding its antiquity, it con- sists of but a few huts, inhabited by a miserable race of men scarcely equal to the Indians from whom they are descended. Their houses are low, filthy and disgusting, displajnng not the least trace of comfoi-t. . . . It is not impossible" he added, ' ' that at some distant period when the banlcs of the Illinois shall have been covered with a dense population and when the low prairies which extend between that river and Ft. Wayne shaU have acquired a population proportionate to the produce they can yield, that Chicago may become one of the points in the direct line of communication between the northern lakes and the ]\rississippi but even the intercourse which will be carried on through this communication will, we think, at all time be a limited one; the dangers attending the navigation of the lake and the scarcity of harbors along the shores must ever prove a 1 Mason, Early Chicago and Illinois, 12 ; Life of Gurdon S. Hubbard, 38. = Wentworth, Reminiscences of Early Chicago, 3 In Fergus Historical Series I., No. 7. [189] 476 BULLETIN OF THE TNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN serious obstacle to the commercial importance of Chicago."* Later development has shown beyond any doubt that the posi- tion of Chicago together with the scarcity of good ports along the lake has been of enormous advantage to the city. By 1826 the taxable property in the Chicago settlement was valued at $8,000, the American Fur Company owning by far the greater part. Thirteen other property holders resided here and the voting population numbered thirty-five.* In 1829 the town was platted by the canal commissioners on land donated by Congress to aid the state in the construction of the Illinois- Michigan canal. The land sale took place in the fall of 1829 and competition among the land speculators forced the prices of lots up to a fancy figure for a frontier village.' In 1830 the population was estimated at anywhere from twenty-five'^ to one hundred people,'^ although from time to time an influx of immigrants bound for the interior increased the population several fold for a short period.® Still, Chicago hadnopost office but the village was now of sufficient importance to receive a call from the mail-carrier once a week instead of once a month, as formerly. Prospective work on the canal attracted population and during the year immigrants began to swarm in. A brisk trade sprang up with the Indians who remained in the reg^ion, increasing the profits of the few traders located there, but otherwise injuring the prospects for the growth of white settlement. In 1831 Cook county was organized.^ Previously it had been a precinct of Crawford county and had caused the tax collector of the county no end of trouble, for each year he was compelled to make the trip to Chicago to collect a few dol- lars which would not pay the expenses of the trip. "When 1832 opened there were half a dozen white families in Chicago and some Indians," five log buildings composing the ^ Mies' Register, 57, 3.5. *Wentworth, Reminiscences of Earhj Chicago, 15 in Fergus Historical Series 1, No. 7. '^ Kingston, Early Western Days in Wis. Hist. Collections, 7, 333. ^ Land We Lore, 5, 470. ' Chicago Trihtiiic, Apr. 12, 187.5. « Four linndred immigrants wintered here in 1831-32. (Moses and Kirlsland, Chicago, 1, 87.) » Sliealian and Upton, The Great Conflagration, 26. ^"Chicago Weekly American, Aug. 15, 1S."?5. [190] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 -177 settlement.^ ^ As to the quality of the population at least one writer had decided views and expressed them. "Next in rank to the officers and commissioners may be noticed certain shop- keepers and merchants resident here ; looking either to the in- flux of new settlers establishing themselves in the neighborhood or those passing yet farther to the westward for custom and profit; not to forget the chance of extraordinary occasions like the present. Add to these a doctor or two, two or three law- yers, a land agent and five or six hotel-keepers. These may be considered as stationary and proprietors of the half a hundred clapboard houses around you . . . Then for the birds of passage exclusive of the Pottawatomies — of whom more anon — and migrants and land speculators as numerous as the sand, you will find horse dealers and horse stealers — rogues of every description, white, black, brown and red — half breeds, quarter breeds and men of no breed at all; dealers in pigs, poultry and potatoes — men pursuing Indian claims, some for tracts of land. . . . others, for pigs which the wolves had eaten ; credi- tors of the tribes or of particular Indians who know that they have no chance of getting their money if they do not get it from the government agents — sharpers of every degree, pedlars, grog sellers ; Indian agents and Indian traders of every descrip- tion and contractors to supply the Pottawatomies with food. The little village was in an uproar from morning to night and from night to morning; for during the hours of darkness when the housed portion of the population of Chicago strove to obtain repose in the crowded plank edifices of the village, the Indians howled, sang, wept, yelled and whooped in their various encampments; with all this the whites to me, seemed to be more pagan than the red men."^- This view shows the con- stant changing and shifting of population which renders it almost impossible to make an intelligent estimate of the size of the village.^^ It also brings to light the frontier character- istics which the village was not long to retain. ^^ Early Days on the Lakes {Walker Mss., in Buffalo Historical Society Publi- cations), (1902), 5. ^- Latrobe, Rambler in North America, 3. 152. " Chicdoo Weekly Amrrican, Aiic. IT), 183.") estimates the population at two hundred; Andreas, Chicago (1, 159) says three hundred and fifty; in (1, 177)i his estimate for 1833 is two hundred and fifty. [191] 478 BULLETIN OF THE TNIVEESITT OF WISCONSIN Beginning with the year 1833 Chicago enjoyed a wonderfully Tapid growth until 1837. In May, 1833, the settlers organized the ^'illage of Chicago and by the end of the year there were one hundred and sixty frame houses^* in the settlement, which showed a distinct advance over the few log huts of but two years before. Commerce now began to spring up and in 1833 four vessels, aggregating seven hundred tons biu'den, arrived.^^ Congress, to foster the new trade, made appropriations for the improvement of the harbor which at this date was an exceed- ingly poor one.^® A newspaper was established, The Chicago Weekly Democrat, which was obliged to suspend publication from time to time, owing to lack of paper.^'^ The immigration of 1833 became a flood in 1834. During a part of the month of April the arrivals numbered one hundred a day, and it was estimated that in j\Iay some eight hundred more arrived. Building grew apace and by the end of June seventy-five new buildings had been added. The price of land had begim to advance and desirable locations upon business streets commanded a rental of three dollars per front foot.^* The population was now established at 1,800.^® If immigration to Chicago was remarkable in 1834 it was enormous in 1835. In addition to the actual immigrants who came yearly in ever-increasing numbers, the land sale which was advertised to take place early in the year brought a crowd of strangers and capitalists ready to avail themselves of the rapid rise in land values which seemed sure to take place in and around Chicago and along the line of the canal. Speculation reached its height in 1835 and 1836 and in the West, Chicago was its center. One transaction may be noted in the way of illustration. Early in the spring of 1835 a Mr. Hubbard bought eighty acres east of the river paying for it $5,000. A few months after his purchase he had occasion to go east and upon visiting New York, much to his surprise, he " Flinn and Wilkie, Chicago Police, 44. >' A"t7e»' Register, 51, 274. ^'^ American Railroad Journal and General Advertiser (1847), 729. " Gale, Reminiscences of Chicago, 47. , »« Chicago Weekly Democrat, June 18, 1834. '^» Andreas, Chicago, 1, 159. [192] POOLFA' SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 479 found quite a speculation in Chiea.oo property raging- there. Grasping the opportunity for a good bargain he hired an en- graver, had a plat of his eighty acres prepared and sold half of his land for $80,000. Upon returning to Chicago and spread- ing the ne'ws, city property went up enormously in price; "every man Avho owned a garden patch stood on his head, imagined himself a millionaire, put up the corner lots to fabulous figures and what is strange, never could ask enough."-" The price of land rose an hundred and frequently a thousand fold."^ Saga- cious men, looking far into the future, now seemed to perceive that cities and villages covering but small plots of ground were destined to grow without limit, and accordingly plunged wildly into speculation in lands, fearing all the time that it was al- ready too late to reap the greatest benefits from investments. Over 572,000 acres of land were sold by the Chicago Land Of- fice during the years 1835 and 1836.-- To aid the spirit of speculation Avhich now raged in the West, business was done almost entirely upon a credit basis and it so continued until loss of confidence precipitated a financial crash. The incessant coming and going of people made the population of Chicago an unknown quantity during these years of specula- tion and, as one authority says it was "so mercurial in its evolu- tion that it was almost impossible to keep your finger on a man long enough to count him. ' '-^ So rapidly did newcomers throng into the town that the taverns could not begin to hold the crowds; and men, women and children thronged the wharves and streets. Storehouses were thrown open for their shelter and when this device could no longer supply the demand for lodging places tents were set up in the streets.-* The business blocks of the to'vvn had grown considerably-' and the demand of lumber for new buildings was beyond the power of transportation facilities to supply, while the lack of 20 Ihid. " Balestier, Annah of Cliicaf/o, 25. Fenjtis Hist. Series, T, 1. "Prairie Farmer, S. 231. "Gale, Reminiscences of Chicago, 103. " Chicapo Weekly American, June 13, 183.-.. " Chicago Weekly American, Aug. 15, 1835, gives the following list of busines9 houses in tlie town : Fifty stores ; eight taverns ; twenty-five mechanic's shops ; two printing offices ; one steam mill ; one hrewery. 13 [193] 480 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN meclianics to construct new buildings was for the time being a drawback to the growth of the town.-" The streets were in no better condition than formerly. Lake street had been turn- piked but the irregular manner in which the boards had been laid and the lack of proper slant in the gutters tended to collect and stagnate the water drained from the streets, making them places favorable to the breeding of fevers.^^ Such conditions caused some people to hesitate to settle here and rather than risk their health among such surroundings they went into the interior. The year 1836 was but a repetition of 1835 so far as develop- ment was concerned. Excavation began on the Illinois and Michigan eanaP^ which was a signal for a new crowd of settlers and speculators to flock into the city. For the year-" four hundred and fifty-six arrivals of boats are recorded. Besides bringing immigrants in great numbere, large amounts of mer- chandise were brought to supply the trade which had now de- veloped with the back country. A person reading the county histories of central and northern Illinois is struck by the fact that a great proportion of the agricultural class of all these por- tions of the state looked to Chicago for the market for their produce and for the supply depot for such merchandise as they needed. Rapidly indeed did this trade increase as the country filled up and the demand was so great in both coimtry and in the city itself that there was a shortage in 1836 since the dealers had not calculated on such a tremendous increase in trade.^° Stores became in great demand, ordinary places of business bringing from $1,000 to $1,500 a year rent.^^ Population in- creased, but not with such rapidity as in preceding years, due probably to the fact that the commencement of work on the canal drew away many from the town, for a time at least. In March, 1837, Chicago was given a city government and in the following May, William B. Ogden was elected mayor, at =" Chicayo Weekly Democrat, Dec. 4, 1835. "Ibid., July 25, 18S5. =* Colbert and Chamberlain, Chicago, 46. 29 Niles' Register, 51, 274. ^ Chicago Weekly American, July 9, 1836. »' IMd. [194] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 481 which election seven hundred votes were cast.^- Chicago was now a aity indeed, in size as well as in government. By the census of July of 1837 it was found that 4,179 people^' resided within the city limits, which extended over ten square miles. There were nearly five hundred buildings and the taxable valua- tion of property, placed at one-fourth the true value, amounted to $236,842. The city taxes for the year were $5,900.^* The fact that the male population in the city, over twenty-one years of age, out-numbered the female population over two to one^® gives evidence of the pioneer character of the city even at such a late date. So far everything had been prosperous in this rapidly grow- ing Avestern town and indications pointed to a still more pros- perous future; but the financial revulsion which swept over the country upon the heels of the craze for speculation proved a sad blow to Chicago. ImmigTation to the city stopped, or at least was checked to a great degree ; business stagnated and city property became almost worthless, for no one wished to buy and every one wished to sell. Some men, accounted the most prosperous of Chicago's population in later years, owed their wealth to their inability to dispose of their property during these dark years of the city's history. The city gradually sank lower and lower in public favor and in commercial importance until it seemed "to sleep the sleep of death."-*' Slowly it revived from its lethargy and from 1842 again began to show signs of returning activity. The population in 1838 was numerically less than in 1837 but a slight gain was enjoyed in 1839, as in 1840, from which date the yearly gains were more substantial.^'' The greater ^^ Illinois Blue Book, (1900), 147, gives seven hundred and nine votes. "'Andreas, Chicnrio, 1. 159. ^ Colbert and Chamberlain, Chicago, 49. ■'^Andreas, Chicojjo, 1. 177. ■"' Oiicarjo Times, Apr. .30, 1840. "Andreas, Chicago, 1, 159, and Balestier, AnnaJe of Chicago, 35 In Fergus Hist. Series, 1, give stat'.stics for the population of Chicago as follows : 1836 (A) 4000. (B) .•?,820 1837 (A) 4170, (B) 4179 1838 (A) 4000. (B) 4000 1839 (A) 4L'00, (B» 4200 1840 (A) 4470, (B) 4479 1841 (A) , (B) .5752 1842 (A) , (B) G248 [195] 482 BULLETIN OF THE FNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN" portion of the inhabitants were actively engaged in trade, but there were also a number of "retired families, anny officers and persons living on incomes derived from land and funds. "^^ A majority of the people were from the eastern states and thiis class of settlers held control of the city government. In 1841 Mayor Sherman and the twelve aldermen in the city council were all from the East.^" Probably foreigners were next in number, there being 2,256, or almost thirty per cent, of the total population, of foreign birth or parentage in 1843. The population of the city at that date was 7,580.'*'' Of the foreign element one-third were Irish and the greater part of the re- mainder, German and Scandinavian. Business houses had increased in importance as well as num- bers ;''^ new buildings were rapidly going up, and the number in the city had already nearly reached 1,400.*- The valuation of city property was a matter of conjecture and estimates varied widely.*^ Chicago had now become a shipping point of consequence. Previous to 1839 the city and the back country had been sup- plied with flour and other provisions from the East but in that year a vessel laden with seven hundred barrels of flour entered the port and was compelled to leave again without being able to dispose of her cargo.** The small consignment of wheat, ^ Buckingham, Eastern and Western States, 3, 265. '' Blanchard, The Northifcyst and Chicano, 1. 671. ** Norris and Gardner, Illinois Annual Register (1847), 76. " Maagregor, Commercial Statistics, 338. In 1840 there were four commercial houses with a capital of .$35,000; ninety-seven retail stores, capital $400,000; eleven lumber yards, capital $40,000 ; four newspapers and three printing offices ; two flour mills ; one distillery and one furnace. *= Colliert and Chamberlain, Chicago, 56; two hundred and fifty-six stores of which thirty-seven were bricli and eight luindred and eighty-four dwelling houses of which eight hundred and forty-two were frame. *^ Blanchard, The Northwest and Chicago, 3, 17. 1843 .?1,441,314 rarker, Orowth of Illinois and Chicago, 19. 1841 .$1,067,445 1842 $1.5:^0,213 1843 $1,570,490 Western Journal and Civilian, 13, 5. 1840 $1,864,205 1841 .$1.SSS.160 1842 $2. .■•.2.-. 240 1843 $2,250,705 «* A ties' Register, 74, 265. [196] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 483 (seventy-eight bushels) which was shipped from Chicago in 1838, was followed by 3,700 bushels in 1839. Rapidly this trade increased and during the early forties, great quantities of grain poured into the city from the surrounding country. In 1845, 1,000,000 bushels were exported and this amount was doubled in 1847.-'= Probably the origin of this export trade in wheat can be traced to the failure of navigation on the Ohio and Upper Mississippi. Supplies could not be obtained at St. Louis in quantities large enough to supply all northern Illinois. Neither could they be obtained at Galena, the other supply point of the Upper Mississippi. As a consequence the farmers turned their faces towards Chicago in search of their winter supplies. Team after team wended its way to Chicago, carting loads of wheat, the great staple of the farmers. Having no money with which to buy supplies the farmers exchanged their produce for such ones as they needed and, since wheat 'was the most valuable agricultural product it became the me- dium of exchange for the farmer. Once trading at Chicago they found that, owing to better facilities for transportation, goods were not as high in price as in the towns along the river. By 1841 nearly all the farmers in Illinois, Indiana and AViscon- sin within a radius of two hundred and fifty miles carted their wheat to Chicago.'"^ Before 1850 other articles of fann prod- uce were shipped in considerable quantities. Lake commerce made rapid strides even during this unfavorable period and the export list which amounted to but $1,100 in 1836 had grown to over $680,000 in 1843. The amount of imports which was $325,200 in 1836 had increased to $971,850 in 1843 although in 1840 and 1841 it was considerably lower than in 1839.*^ North of the Chicago River lay the residence district connected with the business portion by bridges and ferrys. Here pleas- ant residences surrounded by piazzas and gardens lined both sides of the streets. During the period of depression the citi- zens, despairing of ever seeing Chicago a great city, determined *^Ei(/hth Census, (ISGO), Af/riculturc, slii. *" Alhanu Aryus, Oct. 11, 1841. *~ De Bow's Review, 5, 374. [197] 484 BULLETIX OF THE UXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN to make it at least a pleasant one, and from the gardens Avhicli, one by one, sprang into existence came the name "Garden City."''^ Rows of trees separated the sidewalks from the streets and added much to the appearance. As yet the streets Avere not paved and many of them still had the green turf of prairie grass in the center.^^ In wet weather and in the early spring and fall they were often rendered impassable. It was even necessary for the men to attend social events in long boots and the ladies to take advantage of drays as a means of conveyance for as yet carriages were scarce in this western eity.^'^ A system of waterworks was established in 1839 when a com- pany was chartered to supply the city with water. A reservoir was erected on the lake shore and a pimip installed. A twenty- five horse power engine drew the water from the lake into the reservoir and distributed it through the city by means of a pipe line composed of logs with a three to five inch bore.^^ Where the pipe line did not reach, water carts supplied the residents. This system was not replaced until 1851. Such was Chicago in 1843. In spite of the disadvantages experienced during the years immediately preceding, the city had made rapid advance. Churches, hotels, school houses, libraries and a medical college had been established;^^ its com- merce had materially increased as had trade with the interior; its population had increased in numbers and was no longer marked with such instability as had formerly characterized it and moreover speculation of the wilder kind had been effectually dampened. Ever>i;hing seemed favorable for greater prosperity and more rapid growth. During the period 1843-50 Chicago enjoyed a steady de- velopment. Its population which numbered 7,580 in 1843 had increased to over 28,000 by 1850," and in the large percentage of foreigners present partook to an extent of the characteristics ^'Colbert and Chamberlain, Chicago, 52. ^» Moses and Kirkland, Chicago, 1. 105. ^ P.uoklngham, Eavicrn and Western States, 3. 202. " Sheahan and Upton, The Great Conflagration, 29. »2Balestier, Annals of Chicago. .S2 In Fergus Hist. Scries, 1; Xorris and Ga-d- ner, IlUnois Annual Register (1847), 18-19. ^^ Andreas. Chicago, l. 159. [198] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 485 of a seaboard city.^* Speaking of this the Chicago corraspon- dent of the New York Tribune says "of all the heterogeneous compounds that ever agreed to live neighbors, I think the like cannot be found this side of New York. It is only now and then a man, taken as they come, who can talk English without a *rurr-r-r' to his tongue. Yet we get along very jieaceably, each man having enough to do to attend to his own business without taking upon him the weight of other men's affairs."" Business increased rapidly as did manufacturing industries and commerce, property valuation rising proportionately.^" The manufacturing establishments numbered one hundred and seventy-seven and employed 14,000 men,^'^ of these concerns the McCormick Reaper Works probablj^ l)eeame of greatest import- ance. City property was valued at from seven to eight millions of dollars.^* By means of commerce more than by other means was Chicago now able to lay claims to importance. In 1836 the harbor of Chicago received four hundred and fifty-six vessels, bringing goods valued at something over $325,000; exports for the year amounted to but $1,100. The following decade wrought a wondrous change. In 1846 the vessels arriving at Chicago and leaving numbered 2,790'''^ and carried merchandise valued at $4,938,000.*^° The products of the richest agricultural portion of Illinois poured into the city bound for the East ; wheat, flour, corn, oats and meat being the leading products. In 1836 not a bushel of wheat was exported. In 1840 there were only 10,000 bushels, but in 1848 the amount exported was 2,160,000 '^^ Prairie Farmer, 9, 2:.'0. '^Xew York Weckli/ Tribune, Sept. 8, 1845. ^Bunt's Merchant's Magazine, (IS, 171) gives the following list of busi- ness houses ; twenty-eight commission houses ; eleven clothing houses ; seven drug stores ; eight cli-y goods stores ; sixty-four wholesale and retail dry gro- cery stores ; sixty-three retail grocery stores ; four hat and cap stores ; twenty- three hotels : ten newspapers ; twelve or fifteen insurance agencies ; fifteen lumber dealers besides others. This was in 1845. ^'' Industrial Chicago, 3, 585. " Parlser. Growth of Illinois and Chicago, (19,) estimates the property at $7,222,999; Blanchard, Ttvc Northwest and Chicago. (2. 17) places it at the same figure. Western Journal and Civilian (12. 5) gives It as $8,101,000. ^* Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, IS, 171. ™ De Bow's Review, 5, 374. [199] 486 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN bushels, some of which went directly to Europe."^ In the beef and lumber trade Chicago was equally as important, becoming, by 1850, the foremost market in the country in the amoimt of meat and lumber handled.^- Chicago had grown with such wonderful rapidity both in population and commercial importance that in the struggle for wealth little attention had been paid to city improvements such as lighting the streets, paving them, providing proper supplies of water or proper sanitary arrangements. Criticisms un- favorable in the extreme are abundant. For example one writer says concerning drainage "the tiat of the town is so level that it cannot be drained. The rain soaks in and dries up. It is a dry spell now but tbe deep gutters at the sides of the streets have yet abundant pools of green stagnant water. In a wet spell the depth of the mud depends entirely upon the specific gravity of the object fathoming it. There are no pavements for there is not a stone as large as a bullet lin the Avhole country. The sidewalks are laid with plank and the cross wallvs with timbers. In the absence of mud there is a dust as fine as flour and some twelve inches or more in depth which is set in motion by every breeze and by the vehicles which plough through it. The water from the wells is a filtration through this mud. The inhabitants say they use lake water brought in by a hydrant but the article I have seen is very different from what we used on board the boat. It is decidedly dirty in its appearance and its taste also, a very essence of fever and ague. . . . Upon the whole, Chicago is about the last place a stranger would fancy as a place of residence. ' '"^ Another says, ' ' it was a rickety city of frame shanties . . . inhabited by a pushing, hustling, lively people, shut off as one looks at it now, from half the privileges and enjoyments that make life endurable."®* M First cargo of wheat bound for England left Chicago in 1847. {American Agriculturist, C, 22G.) o^Curtlss, Western Portraiture, 51; Hunt's Mcrcliants' Manazinc, (IS. 169> States that 7,.').")0,000 feet of planks were handled in 1843, and 10O.3G8,O00 fwi in iSuO; Cnrtiss, Western Portraiture, (45) gives the amount for 1850 as 175,- 000,000 feet. fi Prairie Farmer, 7, 2G0. (Extract from the Utica (N. Y.) Gazette, 1847.) " Van Dora, View of Chicago in 1S.',8, in Magazine of Western History, 10, 42. [300] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 487 Its position among the cities of the country once established, Chicago citizens began to look to local improvements. The old frame buildings thrown together in the shortest possible time rapidly gave way to more substantial brick edifices, in keeping with the times. Previous to 1844 the city had practically been at a loss to provide school houses for the children, being de- pendent principally upon renting such rooms as could be fitted up for the purpose. When, a few years later, one alderman had persisted in obtaining an appropriation and building a school-house, the people indignantly called it "Miltimore's Folly" on account of the supposedly enormous expenditures of money for an object the wisdom of which was questioned. The mayor ridiculed the extravagance of the venture for it would accommodate more children, he said, than would ever be in Chi- cago. ]\Ioreover, he suggested that it be turned into an asylum for the insane.^^ A change came about, however, and a traveler through the city in 1850 says ''the greatest ornament of Chicago is its Primary Schools, — its eommon or free school edifices are the best buildings for that purpose I have even seen in any city.""^ Churches, too, shared in the increased prosperity. From cramped quarters occupied in the earlier years of the decade, these churches had come to occupy more elegant and spacious ones. Gothic architecture and stained glass windows had sup- planted deserted warehouses and small frame buildings as places of worship,**^ and in 1850 the property of the twenty-nine churches in Chicago was valued at $273,000.*^^ In 1850 the Chicago Gas Light and Coke Company was or- ganized and secured a contract to furnish gas light to the city for ten years.^'' The police force was also enlarged, one man being assigned to each of the nine wards.'*' Conununication with the interior was improved. In the early spring the low prairies around Chicago were well-nigh impassable for teams and this condition operated to the detri- "^ Binckley, Chicayo of ihc Thinkct\ in LaJcesidc, 10, 201. '" Curtiss. Western Portraiture, 59. "Ibid., 306. '^Compendium, of the Seventh Census (1850), 140. «» ColbtTt and Chaml>erl.ain, Chicayo, GO. '0 Flinn and Wllkie, Chicago PoUcCj 58. [201] 488 BULLETIN" OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN" ment of the city people as well as the farmers in the interior. To overcome this difficulty substantial "plank roads" were constructed in every direction at a cost of from $1,000 to $1,500 per mile and kept in repair by the tolls collected. Although this was but one and one-half cents per mile the roads paid dividends ranging from fifteen to forty per cent, annually.'^^ To add to the facility of communication with the back country, the Illinois and Llichigan canal was opened for traffic in 1848, as was part of the Galena and Chicago Union railroad a year later. For a time it seemed as if these additional lines of trans- portation operated to the detriment of Chicago, especially in the retail trade for it tended to draw the retail dealers nearer to their customers. This loss, however, was rapidly supplanted by a gain in the wholesale trade,'^- for around the city grew up many smaller settlements which looked to Chicago as their supply depot. Of the thousands of acres of land sold at the Chicago Land Office during the decade 1841 to 1850 much was close to the city and little fell into the hands of speculators. This latter fact aided in the settlement of the vicinity. Of the small touTis in the immediate neighborhood of the city, Jefferson was settled in 1830,^^ Qak Park in 1833,'"' Norwood Park in 1834," Blue Island in 1835,'^ Evanston in 1836,"^' Lake View in 1844'8 and Hyde Park in 1848.'" By 1845 there were in Cook county fwenty-two settlements besides Chicago, and twelve of these claimed five hundred or more inhabitants each.^° The popula- tion of the entire county was 43,385 in 1850.^^ The development of Chicago must be called wonderful rather than typical of the westward movement. During the early years of its existence, while it passed through the 'log cabin' "' Ciutiss, Western Portraiture, 52. '■^Ihid., 52. "■' Andreas, Cook County, 744. '♦ Ihid., 782. "/bir7., 477. '" Ibid., G20. ■'■'Ibid., 417. "/bid., 708. '"'Ibid., 007. ^Ibid., 841. *^ Seventh Census, (1850), 701. [202] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 489 stage of development the growth may be safely called typical of the growth of the AVest. Slowly the settlers came at first and in the accounts of travelers can be found the incidents which prove the frontier characteristics of the village. The years of booming and speculation came during the period 1833-37; steam navigation upon the lakes made the village a port of importance; the land fever gave aid to an unnatural growth but Chicago still remained a village for the lack of substantial support. The financial revulsion of 1837 cheeked the growth of the town as well as the state but with the return of confidence in the early forties Chicago again came to life, this time to en- joy a steady gro^\i;h in numbers and in prosperity and to take advantage of its location. At this date it appears that no longer can Chicago be taken as a type of w'estern frontier towns but from this time on one must look to physiographic conditions for an explanation of its wonderful growth. As yet railroads had not penetrated the great agricultural fields of the "West, but there was nevertheless a demand for markets for produce and these markets were in the East. During the decade 1841 to 1850 the prairies of Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin w^ere filling up rapidly and ever increas- ing fields of wheat, oats and corn ripened with each autumn. The increased number of settlers meant an increased demand for lumber and supplies of all kinds and Chicago, situated at the terminus of the great highway of communication with the East naturally attracted farmers by thousands, who came to exchange their farm products for the products of the East. Chicago's growth was now substantial and normal because of its' situation at the gateway of commerce. The great West, with its ever increasing wealth of agricultural products, was its store- house; the East was its market and the city, being the favored point of collection and distribution, the connecting link between East and West, was destined to grow in wealth and power with the increasing demands of producer and consumer. Still greater possibilities were to open up when during the fifties the railroads were to radiate from the city to various points of the rich farming lands around the lakes, greatly increasing the area of influence of the rapidly growing metropolis. Primar- [203] 490 BULLETIX OF THE riv'IVERSITY OF WISCONSIN' ily a commercial city, for a time, to commerce must be attrib- uted the development, but soon manufactures grew up to add to Avealth and industry and in this departure may be seen still another cause for gro-ui;h. Another point must next claim attention — the character of the population. Here also is seen the influence of transpor- tation routes. The line of the Great Lakes was the connecting link between the West and the seaports of the Northwest and along this great highway came many foreigners, who, desirous of making their homes in the interior, took the easiest road thither and came to the best known port. The result is seen in the fact that one-third of Chicago's population was of for- eign descent. Moreover, New Yorkers and New Englanders abounded in the city and vicinity, probably for the same reason. In a word, it appears that Chicago is the result of physio- graphic influences, its favorable location allowing it to profit by the influences of the interaction of the agricultural West and the manufacturing East. Its location at the terminus of the great line of communication with the East, thus becoming both a distributing and a collecting point for an exceedingly wealthy back country gave it the permanent foundation upon which to build its industrial life,®^ ^-Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, (9, .31) prints an article in 1843, discussing- the claims to future greatness of the cities of the section. The writer offers evi- dence to show that it will lie on the Great Lakes rather than on the Ohio river, but "he decides in favor of the location at the mouth of the Maumee, rather thaa Chicago. The article is of interest as showing the difficulty of contemporaneous estimate of the condition which produced Chicago's ascendency. [204] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 491 CHAPTER XI Foreign Element in the Population of Illinois Immigration first assumed large proportions during the ■decade 1831-1840 and increased progressively during the next twenty years, being relatively greater in proportion to the native population than at any other period.^ Just what per- centage of the immigrants to the United States found their way to the Mississippi valley is difficult to determine as the es- timates of the writers vary considerably and census statistics are not available before 1850.^ In 1850 Illinois had a population of 851,500 and of this num- ber 110,600 'were foreigners.^ Owing to the fact that Illinois was still a new state with an abundance of fertile land yet unclaimed in 1830, when European emigration began to become of some consequence, and that the state was situated at the ter- minus' of the northern route of travel over the Great Lakes, it is natural to expect that it would have a considerable and varied foreign population and this is the case. In selecting places for settlement there were decided prefer- ences displayed by the various nationalities. The Germans, naturally, inclining towards agriculture were most frequently found in the agricultural districts ; the Irish seem to have stayed in the cities or to have seiwed as laborers along the lines of communication although an example of agricultural pursuits ' MfLanublin, The Immifimnt. Past and Present, in The Poi)Ular Soiettce Monthly, July, 1904, 225. 2 One writer says thata seventy-five of every hunclred continental immigrants to tlie United States went west, Init only twenty-five of every hundred Irish and English went west. (Walker, Mississippi TaUcn. 347.) Another says that onej- third the total immigration located in the West. (Edinhunjh Review, 100. 242.) ^Seventh Census (1850), 36. [205] 492 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN adopted by Irishmen is to be had in the country along the lilies of the Illinois and Michigan canal. When the work on the canal stopped in the early forties the Irish laborers turned their attention to agriculture, some of them following it permanently. The English, Scotch, French and Swedes also inclined to- wards agricultural pursuits. Generally speaking the foreign- ers tended to settle together in localities apart from the other settlers and to maintain their national language and customs as long as possible. This tendency is displayed even today in both the country and the large cities. As time went on, how- ever, the intermixture of Americans and foreigners became fre- quent, and as the country became more and more densely set- tled it was impossible for the various nationalities to avoid con- tact and in many counties the varied composition of population suggests an indiscriminate thro'vving together of representatives of a dozen nationalities. The lead region aifords an excellent example. One traveler speaking of the district and its inhabitants says: "The miners are the most wonderful mixture of humanity that ever I beheld; they are from all parts of the world but chiefly from Ireland, Derbyshire, Cornwall and Germany."* Still another says concerning the same district, "I visited Galena in 1829 and found a most singular and mysterious medley of people located in that place. People from all quartei's of the earth had flocked there on account of the celebrity of the lead mines. "^ In 1843 about thirty per cent, of Chicago's popu- lation were foreigners" and by 1850 fully one-third were of for- eign birth.'' One-third of the votes in Peoria in the election of 1849 were cast by foreigners.^ Almost twenty-five per cent., of the population of Freeport in 1850 were foreigners.^ "In all ♦Murray, Travels in North America (1854), 2, 129. =* Reynolds, Illinois, 168. "Norris and Gardiner, Illinois Annual Register (1847), 76; population of Chicago, 7,580 ; of tliese 2,256 were foreign. Tlie Germans and Irisli togetlaer numbered about 1,600. They were nearly equally divided. ' Prairie Farmer, 9, 220. 'Eallance. Peoria, 201. The total vote was 1,.324. Foreigners cast four hun- dred and thirty-five of these. Germans and Irish were most numerous. » Johnston, Sketches of Stephenson County, 94. Population of Freeport 1,436 — foreigners, 352. [206] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 493 the large cities and toAvns of Illinois, Europeans, mostly Ger- mans and Irish, have located to a considerable niunber within the last fifteen or twenty years and in some localities the nnm- ber far exceeds the native Americans,"^'' says Keynolds in his history of Illinois and the statement does not appear to be overdrawn. These conditions appear true also for the parts of the state outside the cities. Take for example Kane county. The local historian says, "There is probably no county in Illinois that has accumulated its population from such varied sources as has Kane coimty. From first to last there have been no l»^ss than ten distinct and separate nationalities which have furni:ilied not individuals only but colonies, \vlao have made their settlements in the borders of the staunch old county. "^^ These examples do not, however, seem to be exceptional cases. Germans were the most numerous of the foreigners in Ill- inois in 1850, composing over one-third of the foreign popu- lation of the state.^- Economic, political, and religious influ- ences were at work in the fatherland causing a tide of migra- tion from all parts of the country to America." Once in Amer- ica the cheap land of the fertile ^Mississippi Valley was an in- ducement sufficient to bring the Germans westward and the line of transportation over the lakes directed the course of the stream to the Chicago gateway of the Illinois prairies. Religious unrest was one cause for German emigration. A reorganization of the Lutheran church had taken place in the later thirties and the ruling Hohenzollerns had ordered all sub- jects to conform to the new belief. Penalties were threatened for those who refused. Imprisonment, confiscation of property 10 Reynolds. Illinois, 184. " Past and Present of Kane County, 222. ^-ticvciith Census, (1S50), xxxvi. "Emigrants came from Luxemburg (Mrs. I^vl. Gvoorophical Origin of the German Immigration to Wisconsin, in Wis. Hist. Collections, 14. 377) ; Fomer- ania, [Ibid.. 14, 349) ; Prussia, {Madison Enquirer, Oct. 26. 1839) ; Hesse, {Wts- konsan Enquirer, July 28, 1842) ; Bavaria. iSchriften des Vercins fur Social Pontile, 52, 90) ; Baden and Wartenburg, (Rahr, German Immigration to the United States, 18!,0-1S30, 15, (MS. Thesis, University of Wisconsin. 19U3) : Baltic Countries, (Mrs. Levi, German Immigration, in Wis. Hist. Collections, 14, 349) ; Rhine districts (Littel's Living Age, 11, 201) ; and from the region of the Black Forest (files' Register, TU, 392). [207] 494 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN and allied persecutions were practised to such an extent that many left their native land." Political grievances, too, were of importance all through this period. The unsuccessful attempts to obtain more liberal con- stitutions, coming immediately after the July Revolution of 1830 in France, had not left the minds of the people in peace, and many had emigrated. Gradually the movement gathered strength for a new out-break against the bonds of absolutism. The attempt was made for a more liberal government in 1848, but it failed. The result is seen in the emigration of the ' ' Forty- eighters. ' ' Greatest of all the influences, however, were those of an eco- nomic nature, and to these is due the increase of German emi- ^ants in the decade 1841-1850. The small hand industries which for years had been a means by which the poorer Germans were enabled to make livings were now being beaten do\\Ti by competition arising from the introduction of machinery.^^ The evils of over-production and of over-population were at work. Subdivision of the land had gone on to a great extent and so small were the little plots of ground held by each peasant that it was wdth difficulty that the poor people eked out a bare ex- i,si;enee. In normal years, at the best only a few potatoes, a little corn, oats, clover and hay could be raised by the peasants, and even well-to-do farmers subsisted on milk, potatoes and corn bread.^^ When crops failed these poor peasants were destitute. Dur- ing the early years of the decade crops were good but beginning with the extremely severe winter of 1844 and 1845 a change came. In that winter many of the vineyards were destroyed^'' and in the following spring floods in the valleys of the Rhine, Moselle, Main, Neckar, Danube, Elbe and Vistula rivers materi- ally interfered with agriculture.^-^ IMoreover the potato ci'op failed, causing a correspondingly large increase in the price of bread stuffs and making it exceedingly difficult for the peasants " iladison Enquirer, Oct. 26, 1839. " See references in note 13 above. "Ruhr, German Immujration, 14 (MS. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1903). >' Kites' Register, US, 145. "Ralir, Ocrman Immigration, 15 (MS. Thesis, University of Wisconsin 1903). [208] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 495 to gain a livelihood. The severity of the famine increased in 1846^'' and the cold winter following added misery to the lot of the peasants. In many places the wealthy class was com- pelled to provide for the poor, to keep them from starving.-" Dnring these years the agents of transportation companies were busy among the people. Thej' were well dressed and well supplied with money and told wondrous stories of wealth to be easily acquired in America, of political freedom, light taxes and easy government. Resulting from these influences were such ventures as the Geissner Gesellschaft which had a plan to organize a German community in America as a state of the Union while retaining its German characteristics.-^ Besides the organized colonies which emigrated to America, thousands of Germans came singly or in groups of two or three families and by 1850 there M-ere in Illinois over 38,000.-^ Before 1830 there seem to have been few communities of Germans in the state but in the following years a rapid increase took place. The earliest settlements were probably at Dutch Hollow in St. Clair county and at Vandalia in Fayette county." During the years 1831, 1832 and 1833 frequent additions were made to the settlement in St. Clair county. The village of Darmstadt marks the location of a colony of 'well-to-do agri- culturists and tradesmen which sprang up in 1832. The so- called 'immigration of 1833' brought a number of highly-edu- cated Germans to this portion of the state giving the name Lateiner settlement to the community. In 1837, the German settlers formed forty per cent, of the population of the towTi- ship.-* In Effingham county on the southern edge of the prairie dis- trict was another center of German settlement. A stock com- pany was formed by some Cincinnati Germans and a site for a town was selected touching on the National Road in the " Niles' Register, 72, 31)2. ^ The Htirhing, 190. <» X lies' Register, 40, 406. *" Ihid.. 400. ^Dublin Review, 1, 281-313; 15, 14S-1G8 ; 317-3G3. ^^ American Review, G. 461, $15-$25 per acre. ^^ FortnightUj Review, 8, 40. ''^American Rcvicir, 6. 637. ^ Blackwood^, 64, 477; BritSah Quarterly Revieic, 6, 524; Condon, Irish Race in America, 302; Madison Express, April 13, 1847. (Extract from London Her- ald. A letter written hy a Mr. Shaw then in Ireland) ; Niics' Register, 33, 5 ; 38, 431 ; 40, 455 ; 41, 379, 448 ; Western Journal and Civilian, 6, 247. "Young, Report on Immigration (\'>^~'2\, 14, reports over 500,000 Irish land- ing in America during the years, 1847, 1848, 1849 and 1S50. [213] 600 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN suits for they were too poor to acquire land and, moreover, the unpleasant experiences of their native home made Irishmen skeptical concerning the possibilities of returns from this in- dustry. In 1850 there were almost 28,000 Irish in Illinois.^" There were scattered settlements in the state before 1830, but the in- flux came when work was begun on the Illinois and Michigan canal, and for some time the greater portion of the Irish settle- ment of the state lay close to the canal. The work invited large bodies of laborers and naturally the Irish made their way in considerable numbers from the seaboard cities to this district where good wages and steady work seemed assured.^'^ They were scattered all along the line, two hundred or more being at Peru^® and La Salle^° in La Salle county, some in Grundy county''*' and some in "Will county."^ In Chicago the largest number were gathered, there being almost eight hundred Irish in the city in 1843.*'- Nine per cent, of the voters of Peoria in 1849 were Irish.^^ The course of events, however, operated in Illinois to change a number of Irish from laborers to farmers. The work on the canal progressed slowly for ten years. All sorts of expedients were resorted to by the state authorities to sustain the work. "When money was no longer available the laborers were paid off in canal scrip which in consequence of the growing financial embarrassments of the state sank a great deal in value and at times was scarcelj^ convertible at all. Much of this scrip was converted into land, however, and when work on the canal was for the time abandoned in the early forties many of the Irish laborers took up sections of land in the neighboring counties, or in other portions of the state ; when they could be obtained town lots were taken. As a consequence the farming population of that part of the state immediately bordering the Illinois river ^'Seventh Census (1850), xxxvi. " Onahan, Irish Settlements in Illinois, in Catholic World, 3.'{, 357. ■^Buckingham, Eastern and Western States, 3, 222. M Baldwin, History of La Salle County, 225-483. '^History of Orundy county, 143. <" History of Will county, G59-906. *^ Norris and Gardiner, Illinois Annual Rec/istcr (1847), 70. ^ Ballance, History of Peoria, 201. [214] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 501 from Peoria northward aud along the Illinois-Michigan canal is composed largely of Irish. Some Irish farmers are also found as far north as McHemy county.'''' In Monroe county an Irish settlement began in 1844 and be- fore the elapse of a decade more than three hundred families had congregated in this portion of the state.*"^ At Dixon in Lee county,'^"' at Quincy in Adams county'"' and at Galena in the lead region''^ were communities of Irish but they were not large. As a class the Irish settlers were not so desirable as were the Germans. Their poverty, their faith and their early education made their immediate assimilation into the population of the state impossible."^ Their mission in the early days seems to have been the construction of the internal improvements of the state. By their native adaptability to new surroundings the Irish seemed best fitted for city life and many settled in the cities, especially in Chicago. In speaking of the Irish settler a writer of the time says: "His weakness lies in success . . . for with ten dollars in his pocket he is abashed by nothing in Heaven, earth or Chicago."^" From England also there came many immigrants and for reasons similar to those causing the Irish immigration. Agri- cultural and industrial depression, enormous tithes, hea\y taxes, poor wages and poor cultivation of the soil made the lot of the peasant class a hard one. Periods of rash speculation were followed by commercial crises which added their influence to that already operating to injure the peasant class and to in- crease dissatisfaction. During the early thirties a general depression existed. ''Landlords with mortgages or rent charges were ruined, tenants farming on borrowed capital became parish paupers, bankrupt- cies, seizures, executions and imprisonments for debt were prev- " Onahan. Irish Settlements in Illinois, in Catholic World, 33. 159-160. ^ Reynolds, Illinois, 183. '^History of Lee County, 117-lSu. '" Asbury, Quincy, 103-106. <» Reynolds, Illinois, 108; Murray, Travels in North America (18.j4), 2. 129. «» Metropolitan, 4, 721. '^ Putnam's Magazine, 4, 028. [315] 502 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN alent; rents fell into arrears, tithes and poor rates remained unpaid; labor bills were reduced and improvements discon- tinued. '^'^ Wages were exceedingly low,"- artisans and farm hands sharing alike in the poor returns to labor. Tithes were exorbitant"^ and the taxes were equally heavyJ* The results of these conditions soon showed themselves in riots of a serious nature partly aimed at the wealthy classes and the clergy and partly to break up the new industrial devel- opment which had come with the introduction of machineryJ^ For a time reform legislation allayed the trouble but riots and disturbances broke out anew during the closing years of the decade 1831 to 1841, and continued till 1844. With each renewed agitation the number of emigrants in- creased. Farmers, wishing better returns for their labor, ar- tisans and professional men began to leave the country.'*' Clergy- men urged their parishioners to emigrate to America where wages Avere good.'^^ The London Roman Catholic Emigration Society hastened to complete preparations whereby various parties, each with its clergyman at its head might find new homes in America.''^ New agitations by the trade unions and the Chartists broke out to swell the numbers already crossing the ocean. In fact ''there probably never was a nation to which emigration on a great scale was more urgently suggested than to England in the middle of the nineteenth century."^'' Al- though her wealth was increasing rapidly, so too Avas her popula- tion and the field for employment was constantly being confined to narrower limits, profits were diminashed, rates of interest reduced and the ranks of the uneasy class were being constantly " Trail!, Social England, G, 211. "- Farm laborers received nine shillings per week, in liaying time a trifle more. {yUcs' Rcfjistcr, Hi), -154) ; annnal wages amounted to from twenty to twenty- one pounds for farm laborers, (Ibid., 41, 321) ; artisans' wages were from fifty to sixty cents per week. (Ibid., 43, 124.) "In England 6,000,()<)() parishionere paid £ 8,89G,000 tithes while 108,000,000 In other parts of the world paid but £8,832,000. (Nilcs' Register, 40, IGO.) ~* Family Magazine, 6, 416. "Traill, Social England, «, 211. Niles' Register, 39, 454-456. '«Niles' Register, 03, 400; North British Revieic, 18, 262. " Placards posted throughout the country said that laboring men in America received from three to four dollars per day. (The New Yorkei; June 17, 1837.) " j/fldisow Express, June 1, 1843. ""North British Review, 18, 259. [216] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 503 augnu'iited. Diirinu' the years 1845-1847 emigration to the United States doubled, which shows the dissatisfaction with conditions existing in the kingdom.®" Of this imniigration a portion came west and in 1850 there were 18,600 English settlers in Illinois.*^ Settlements were made early at Albion,®- Carlyle^^ and Prairie du Long.®* Shortly after the opening of the lead mines the Comish began to settle there and grew rapidly in nnmbers.®^ At Nauvoo dur- ing the days of Joseph Smith a great number of English con- gregated. Missionaries sent to England by the Prophet never returned without a band of converts. In 1840 the fir-st band came®*^ and by 1844 it was estimated that of 16,000 saints then in and around Nauvoo, 10,000 were English.®^ Other settle- ments of less note were scattered over the state.®® As a class the English did not make good prairie pioneers for they knew little of agriculture as it was carried on in the great western country, and of all immigrants they experienced the most difficulty in settling down and yielding themselves to the conditions of a new country. Their minds were hampered with prejudices in favor of the ciTstoms and habits of the mother country, which, combined with the lack of those qualities which make good pioneers, kept the English from being classed with the successful settlers of the new country.®^ '^ Yuiicg, Report on J nun if/ration (1S72), 12. '^^ Seventh Census (1850), xxxvi. s- Flower, English Settlements in Edtrards Co. lU., 147. "Ibid., lOr;. «* Davidson and Stuv6, IlHnois, 349. " Copeland. The Cornish in S'lutliircstern Wisconsin, in Wis. Hist. Collections, 14, 305. «« Smith and Smitli, Latter Day Saints, 2, 450. 8' Lewis. Impressions of America, 265. See also Beadle, Life in Utah, 50; Cincinnati Chronicle, Amj. 26, 1840; Kennedy, Early Days of llormonism, 219; Neic York Weekly Herald, April 9, 1842 ; Niles' Reyistcr, 69, 144 ; 60, 304 ;: 63, 400 ; 04, 96. ^Settlements were made at: Roekton, Winnebago county (Carr. Roekton, 16) : P.utler's Point, Vermilion county (Beckwith, Vermilion Co., 640) ; Dixon, Lee county (History of Lee County, 177-185) ; La Salle, La Salle county (Bald- win, La Salle County, 225-483) ; I'eoria (Ballance, History of Peoria, 201) ; Ridott township, Stephenson county (History of Stephenson County, 268) ; Will county {History of Will County, 659-906) ; McHenry counts' (History of McHenry ( nunty. 637). *» Latroljp, The RamUcr in North America, 3, 163. [317] 504: BULLETHS-^ OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN Economic causes operated in Scotland after 1830 to cause emigration. The gro^rtli of the wool industry compelled many of the peasant class to leave the country during the decade 1831- 1840."° The famine of 1847 rendered many others destitute and aided in increasing emigration."^ In 1834 they began to come to Illinois and formed little settlements throughout that part of the state north of Peoria."- By 1850 there were 4,660 Scotch in Illinois."^ A&' citizens in the new country they were well thought of on aceoimt of their frugality, sobriety and industry. As agriculturists thej' ranked high, it being estimated that seven of every twelve famili^ succeeded."* Scandinavian immigration to the United States was slight in- deed before 1830 but by 1850 there were settled in Illinois some 3,500 people of this nationality."^ The first Norwegians settling in Illinois came from New York in 1834."^ They settled at La Salle and Ottawa and at other points in the Fox river val- ley."" The most interesting Scandinavian settlement in the state was the Bishop Hill Colony in Henry county. Owing to religious difficulties at home five hundred left for America in 1846 and settled in the above named county. By 1848 the set- tlement numbered 1,200 souls and continued to flourish for some years after 1850."^ Various other settlements were scattered about the state at this date."" »« Niles' Register, 40, 93. *' Littel's Living Aye, 13. 97. »- Settlements were made at : Argyle, Winnebago county (History of ^Vinne- Myo County, 454) ; Dundee, Kane county (History of Kane County, 230) ; Will county (History of ^yi^ County, 242, 659-90G) ; La Salle county (Baldwin, La Salic County, 225-483) ; Peoria (Ballance, Peoria, 201). 0^ Seventh Census (1S50), xsxvi. "^Collins, Emigrants' Guide, 77. ^'^ Seventh Census (1850), xxxvi. 8" Baldwin, La Salle County, 164. "' nis.toricnl Magarinc, -. 202. »' Mikkelson, Bishop Hill Colony, in Jolins Hopkins University Studies, 10; Bigelow, Bishop Hill Colony, in Transactions of the Illinois Historical Society, (1902) ; Niles' Register, 7a, 2G0 ; Bremer, Homes of the New M'orld, 2, 67. '"Beaver Creek, Iroquois county (Anderson, Norwegian Immigration. 200, and Nelson, Scanilinavians in the United States, 1. 129) ; Rock Uun, Stephenson county, (Ibid., 1, 132 ; History of Stephenson County, 255) ; Nettle Creek, Grundy county (History of Grundy County, 287) ; Mercer county (Reynolds. Illi- nois, 183) ; Lee county (History of Lee County, 767)f: Princeton, Bureau county, (Taxpayers and Voters of Bureau County, 133) ; Andover, Henry county (Nel- son, Scandinavians in the United States, 1, 217) ; Moline, Rock Island counts (Lbid., 1, 217) ; Galesburg, Knox county (Ibid., 1, 217). [218] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 505 French, Swiss, Portuguese, Poles, Welsh, Spanish, Belgians, Dutch, Italians, Austrians, Danes, Greeks, Mexicans, West In- dians, Hawaiians, South Americans and even Chinese were rep- resented in Illinois in ISoO.^"*' Of these nationalities the French were the most numerous. When the Americans first came to Illinois the French settlements along the American Bottom and at Peoria were practically the only ones in the territory. The Americans with their new ways and ideas of government and law caused such wonder and even distrust among this simple people that many moved away. Those remaining assumed by degrees the American manners and language, but became of less importance politically and socially as the American settlera increased in nimiber. Few indeed were the French immigrants before 1830 and at no time during our period did the annual im- migration to the United States number 10,000 save in the years 1846 and 1847.^°^ During the early days in the northern part of the state lone French-Canadian cabins were often found along the rivers, inhabited by traders in the employ of the American Fur Company. The first French colony of any importance to be established in Illinois after 1830 was at Metamora, Woodford county, in 1831."- In 1837 another was established by the Piquet brothers at Saint Marie, Jasper county. The colony numbered twenty- five persons and o\^Tied 12,000 acres of land."^ An interesting colony of French was located in Hancock county where three hundred followers of Cabet lived in the old INIormon town of Nauvoo. Coming to Illinois in 1849 they remained there for several years seemingly enjoying prosperity but internal troubles finally broke up the settlement."* In Kankakee county there was a cluster of French-Canadian settlements, chief among which was Bourbonnais, which had a population of 1,719 in 1850."^ Here the old Canadian customs were maintained for ^o^Serenlh Census (1S50), xxxvi. "" Vonns. Rcpfttt on Immigration (1ST2^, 12-lG. ^o"- nistory of Woodford County, 268, 368. i"3//i.v/o)i/ of Ctnnhirhtnd. Ja.-fir and Richland Counties, 484. '»» i:e.vno!ds, Ulinois. liTl.' ; Open Court. Aiijr.ist liS. 1800; Iliads. American Communities ; Shaw. Icarin ; Flillquit, Socialism in the United Sitates. ^'xi Seventh Census (1850), xxxvl ; Campbell, Bourhonnais In Trantsactiona of the Illinois State Historical Society, (1906). [819] 506 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN years. The other settlements in the state were of lesser im- portance.^"^ Swiss settlements in the state were few. A general business stagnation in 1844 cansed a considerable number of Swiss to leave their native land.^°^ In 1815 a Swiss colony from Neuf- chatel had established itself at Dutch Hill in St. Clair county.^°^ A portion of Lord Selkirk's Bed Eiver colony settled at Galena in 1826.^*''^ In Madison county near Highland another colony was begun in 1831. It grew slowly until 1844 when over one hundred colonists were added making it the most important center of Swiss settlement in the state.^^° Two Portuguese colonies, one near Springfield and one near Jacksonville were interesting additions to the population of Illinois in 1849. Exiled from the island of Madiera in 1847 owing to religious differences with the Catholic rulers, they landed on the island of Trinidad, from which a number came to the United States subsequently settling in Illinois. It is diffi- cult to state the number of people composing the colonies ac- curately.^" Of other nationalities but few representatives were in the state. A Polish settlement was planned early in the thirties and a grant of land obtained on the Rock river, but the colony never materialized. There 'were, however, a fe-w Poles in the state.^^^ In Kane county a considerable Welsh population grew up after "'■Settlements were made at: Teoria (Ballance, Peoria. 201); Dixon, Lee county {Historu of Lee County, 117-18.5) ; Rockton, Winnebaso county (Carr, Rockton, 16) ; Will county {History of Will County, C50-90G) ; Iroquois county (P.pckwith. Iroquois County, 336). "' Luchsinger, New Glarus, in Wis. Hist. CoJUctionSj 12, 340. '»' History of St. Clair County, 62. "" Chetlain, Recollections of Seventy Years, 6. "0 Steinach, Scluceizer Kolonien, 248, Newbauer, Miss., The Stviss Settlements ill Madison county, Illinois in Transactions of the Illinois State Historical So- ciety, (1006). >" Number placed at forty-two (Seventh Census (1850), xxxvi,) History of Sangamon County, 578, says, "On the 19th of October, 1849, nearly three hundred left New York for their new homes in Illinois'* : Reynolds, Illinois, 183, "I presume tlie whole would amount to five or six hundred sauls" : Dcutsch-.\m The New York Herald, June 17, 1843. *^ The New York Weekly Herald, Jan. 15, 1842 — copied from The Nauvoo Tlincs and Seasons. " Davidson and StuvC, History of Illinois, 498 ; New York Weekly Tribune, July 15. 1848. estimates 15,00(3 — 17,000; Madison City Express. July 27, 1843, copies from the Burlington Iowa Gazette and estimates 15,000 to 17,000. " Gregg, The Proplwt of Palmyra, 162. 99, n 514 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN The plans of Joseph Smith were far-reaching and he deter- mined that the sinners of other lands should be called to re- pentance. Elders were appointed to go to England/" Scotland, Ireland and Nova Scotia, besides others who were to spread the new doctrine in the eastern states, Wisconsin Territory and Galena.^^ Handsome young 'women were chosen also to aid in the missionary work.*® The work prospered, especially in England, from which place many came to swell the congregation at Nauvoo. On June 6, 1840, a colon}'- of forty emigrants sailed from England, under the leadership of Elder Moore.'*" Three months later the Liver- pool Chronicle mentions the sailing of a packet from that port having on board two hundred steerage passengers belonging ^'to a sect called Latter Day Saints and boimd for Quincy in the state of INIichigan, on the borders of the Mississippi, where a settlement has been provided for them by one of their sect, •who has purchased a large tract of land in Michigan. "^° Occasionally newspapers recorded the movement of these col- onies to Nauvoo. The Cincinnuti Chronicle, evidently mean- ing the first colony mentioned, speaks of thirty Mormons ar- riving in that city by keel-boat.°^ They had split into two par- ties at Pittsburg and the route of the second party does not seem to have been known by the writer. He, however, states that another party of the same sect, (probably the larger party which left in September) is on the way from England des- tined for Nauvoo. In all there were two hundred and forty who eame in 1840." The years 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844 and 1845 saw additional converts from foreign lands come to dwell under the direct guidance of the Prophet.^^ The immigrants generally came in <« Beadle, Lf/e m Utah, 59. " A' ilea' Register, «4, 336. *8 Jhid., 63, 400. «» Smith and Smith, The Latter Day Saints, 2, 450 ; Kennedy, Early Days of Mormonism, 219, states the colony was under the leadership of Brigham Young. ^Niles' Register, 5», 144. " Cincinnati Chronicle, Aug. 26, 1840. " Kennedy, Early Days of Mormonism, 219. "Smith and Smith, The Latter Day Saints (3, 1) give the following figures: 1841 (769) ; 1842 (1991) ; 1843 (769) ; 1844 (501) ; Kennedy, Early Days of Mormonism (219), gives: 1840 (240) ; 1841 (1135) ; 1842 (1014) ; 1843 (769) ; oo statistics for 1844 and 1845. [228] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 515 large colonies numbering sometimes two,^'* three" or even five himdrecP*' souls. They landed at various ports from Quebec^'^ to New Orleans'^ and eame to Nauvoo either by way of the Ohio or Mississippi river. The unanimous opinion of people coming in contact with these emigrants on their way to the West was that they were respectable looking^** farmers or mechanics and by no means from the lowest classes in England,"^ people "who would make good settlers if they were free from the infatua- tion of Mormonism.'"'^ This constant stream of immigration, it will be seen, did much towards aiding the rapid gro-\\i;h of Nauvoo and the pe- culiarity worthy of most attention seems to be that by far the greatest number of foreign converts were English. One writer- who visited Nauvoo during 1844 says that ''of the 16,000 fol- lowers assembled at Nauvoo, 10,000 are said to be from Eng- land.'"^- The other foreigners were from Germany and Scot- land. With increase of numbers, an increase of prosperity came and with increased prosperity, more effort was made towards beau- tifying the city. In the construction of houses taste was shown and often evidences of wealth.''^ The work on the temple progressed steadily, additional manufactures were added to the number already in operation, evincing industry and economie success.*'* NcAv farms were enclosed, the land was put under cultivation and a general air of success pervaded the whole neighborhood.^^ Nauvoo impressed visitors in various ways. One visitor in speaking of the city says, ''Such a collection of miserable ^Xeic York Wceklij Herald, Apr. 9, 1842. " Museum of Foreign Literature, 45, 9. ^"X^iles' Register, «4, 96. "/feid., 60, 304. ■» Xew York "Weekly Herald, Apr. 9, 1842 ; Madison City Express, Apr. 25,. 1844. (From St. Louis Era.) W-Veuj York Weekly Herald, Apr. 9, 1842; Cincinnati Chronicle, Aug. 26, 1840. "• Museum of Foreign Literature. 45, 9. '^^ Madison City Express, Apr. 23, 1844. (From The St. Louis Era.) " Lewis, Impressions of America and the American Churches, 265. '^Madison City Express, July 27, 1843. ** Smucker, History of the Mormons, 159. ^Ibid. .]] [229] 516 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN houses and hovels I could not have believed existed in one place. "«« Other writers who have visited the place speak more highly of it and some with marked enthusiasm. Among these a cer- tain Mr. Newhall. who visited Nauvoo in the autumn of 1843, published his impressions in a New England newspaper, giving a description which is both vivid and interesting. He says, "Instead of seeing a few miserable log cabins and mud hovels which I had expected to find, I was surprised to see one of the most romantic places that I had visited in the West. The buildings, though many of them were small, and of wood, yet bore marks of neatness which I have not seen equalled in this country. The far-spread plain at the bottom of the hill was dotted over with the habitations of men, with such majestic profusion that I was almost willing to believe myself mistaken, and instead of being in Nauvoo of Illinois among Mormons, that I was in Italj^ at the city of Leghorn which the location of Nauvoo resembles very much. I gazed for sometime with fond admiration on the plain below. Here and there rose a tall majestic brick house, speaking loudly of genius and the untir- ing labor of the inhabitants. I passed on into the more active parts of the city looking into every street and lane to obser-ve all that was passing. I found all the people engaged in some useful and healthy employment. The place was alive with business — much more than any place I have visited since the hard times commenced. I sought in vain for anji;hing that bore marks of immorality but was both astonished and highly pleased at my ill success. I could see no loungers around the streets nor any drunkards about the taverns. I did not meet with those distorted features of ruffianism or with the illbred and impudent. I heard not an oath in the place. I saw not a gloomy countenance, all were cheerful, polite and in- dustrious.""'^ From this description we may conclude that there was something to commend in Nauvoo and its inhabitants, for the writer had visited many places in his trip through the '»> Overland Monthly, 16, N. S. G17. •' Smucker, History of the Mormons, 152. (Extract from the Salem (Ma^s.) Advertiser.) [230] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 517 "West and had had abundant opportunities offered for compar- isons. The newly built dwellings of the rural districts around Nau- voo did not present the same uniform prosperity. This can be explained by the fact that these farms were just being opened up and the habitations erected upon them were in keeping with the general character of pioneer dwellings. Such was Xauvoo, the city of the Latter Day Saints, when the storm broke over them. The city itself was the largest one in Illinois, having in 1845 some 15,000''® inhabitants. Next to St. Louis, it was the most important central point and supply de- pot of the western territory.''^ Some families had left by 1844, already anticipating a visitation similar to the one exper- ienced in Missouri, but others had been added in greater num- bers to take their places''' until by the end of 1844, 30,000 Mor- mons resided in Nauvoo and its vicinity.'^ In order to understand the expulsion of the Mormons, it is necessary to return to the early history of the settlement. Scarcely had the IMormons settled in Hancock county when trouble arose. Several inhabitants of Shelby county became converts, whereupon a mob attacked them. The Mormons in retaliation secured warrants from Judge Breese calling for the arrest of fifteen of the leaders, but the militia, when called upon to assist in serving the warrants, flatly refused.'- Little bj^ little the opposition grew, quietly at first, but turned by later events into an open and bitter hostility. The extraordinary privileges granted by the charter'^ to Nauvoo were instrumental at first in exciting the envy and distrust of the citizens of the surrounding country. An independent mili- tary force devoted to the Prophet and the right claimed by him to disregard warrants for the arrest of any person in Nau- voo, if issued from other places, seemed more than the people could bear. Moreover, .the political party which had not re- «^ Beadle, Life in Utah, 134. «» Chicago Tribune, Mar. 6, 188G. '0 Nauvoo Times and Seasons, 5, 743. " Smith and Smith, Latter Day Saints, 3, 1. ^Xiles' Register, 5(5, 336. " Amberley, The Latter Day Saints, ia Fortnightly Review, 12. 527. [231] 518 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN' ceived the Mormon vote was exasperated and combining forces with others, incensed by different causes, they conspired against the power of the Saints. On December 9, 1842, a motion was made in the legislature of Illinois to repeal the charter.^^ Joseph Smith's brother, at that time a member, spoke earnestly against the proceeding, appealing to the Locofoco party to sustain his city. As a result no vote was taken and the Xauvoo charter was safe for the time. Reports also spread through the state that some Mormons at the instigation of Smith, had made an attempt upon the life of ex-governor Boggs of Missouri.'^' Some foundation was given to the reports when Governor Reynolds issued requisition papers for the arrest of Smith as a fugitive from justice. After some delay, caused by the ]\Iormon authorities at Nauvoo, Smith gave himself up for trial, and after being heard, was released, owing to insufficient evidence being produced agaginst him.''^ Still another episode helped to inflame the Illinoisans. Jolm C. Bennett, at one time the right hand man of Smith and com- mander of the Nauvoo Legion, quarreled 'with his chief and left the city in great wrath.'^^ Having been for several years in high circles in Nauvoo, he worked great harm to the Saints by publishing an expose'^ of Mormonism, severe and scathing in its nature, and substantiating in every respect reports of corrupt- ness and immorality existing within the city. Eagerly grasp- ing at anything which would give them a right to work ven- geance upon the citizens of Nauvoo, many good and patriotic men began to believe that Nauvoo was a second Sodom and a foul spot which should be blotted out."^" As time Went on the hatred increased and difficulties multi- plied. One of the many charges made against these people was that they were prone to appropriate the property of their Gentile neighbors. ^° This was strenuously denied by the Mor- "2V'i7cs' Register, «3, 304. ■<*IUd., 63, 389. ■"Ihid., «3, 389. " Kennedy, Early Days of Mormonism, 222. '» The work is entitled, Ilistory of the Saints : or an Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism, (Boston, 1842.) ■» Kennedy, Early Days of Mormonism, 222. *» Gregg, The Prophet of Palmyra, ISO. [232] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 511^ mons. Extremely poor when they arrived in Illinois, owing to the fact that they had been dragged about from place to place and robbed of their goods either by unbelievens or by the^ elders of the church in attempts to accumulate property for tiieir own personal benefit, the j\Ionnons had gained in wealth so rapidly that their honesty was questioned. The doctrines of the church did not support theft but they did teach that, sooner or later, the goods of the Gentiles were to fall into the hands of the Saints.*^ Since they were the true children of the Lord to whom belonged the earth and its rich- ness, it was only just and proper that the IMormons should ap- propriate such portions as were deemed necessary.*- Such were the allegations of their critics. Out of fairness to that part of the Mormon population of Nauvoo which believed in the church and tried to live moral lives it must be said that probably a large number of the thefts committed were the work of a class of horse-thieves, house- breakers and villains who gathered in Nauvoo that they might cloak their deeds in mj^stery.*^ This class cared nothing for re- ligion and were baptised that they might find refuge in the city, for refuge 'was given to all claiming a part in the church. "When stolen property was traced to Nauvoo, which Avas often the case, neither the owner nor even officers of the law were able to recover it. Pursuers were set at defiance within the Mormon stronghold, often robbed of their horses and driven out of the city with insults.** Because of this protection it was not long until thefts were committed in broad daylight before the eyes of the farmers themselves who were powerless to^ prevent depredations. Moreover, it was charged that Nauvoo harbored a nest of counterfeiters who operated in the surrounding county. *° Specie alone would be taken at the government land offices in payment for lands. These men would on occasions load their bogus " Ibid. ^Letter of Henrietta C. Jones in Stories of the Pioneer Mothers of Illinois. (MSS. in 111. Hist. Library.) "Gunnison, The Histoiij of the Mormons, IIG. '*Nilc8' Register, «9, 110. ^ New York Weekly Tribune, Jan. 5, 1S46. [233] 520 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN coin into a wagon, cover it with light articles of merchandise to give the outfit the appearance of a peddler's wagon, and proceed into land districts where specie was in demand. There they would trade off their coin for paper money. Tales of the *' spiritual- wife " doctrine were also afloat in the country, which supported by the expose of Bennett added fuel to the fire. Even this list of grievances shows but in part the reason for the downfall of the Church of Mormon in Illinois. Jealousy, rivalrj^ and dissension within the church itself at last opened the road, by means of which the final expulsion took place. A new church with "William Law as President was established during the spring of 1844.^° Not satisfied Avith this move Law, with the faction, decided to establish a newspaper in the strong- hold of Mormonism with the avowed puipose of making an at- tack upon the leaders of the church. Accordingly on June 7 of the same year, the Nauvoo Expositor appeared, bearing the motto, "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. ''^' It boldly attacked Smith and his associates for im- morality. The first issue was the last, for on the tenth of the month the city council declared the Expositor a nuisance and the city marshal at the head of the police force destroyed the press, while the editors fled from the city making appeals to the laws of the state for redress.^^ The action of the Mormon authorities was construed as an attack upon free speech, liberty of the press and the right of private property,'^^ and writs for the arrest of Joseph Smith and others were secured at Carthage, the county seat of Hancock county. ''° Officers were sent to make the arrests but after they were effected the constable of Nauvoo produced a writ of habeas corpus sworn out before the municipal court of the city and compelled the release of the prisoners.^^ Feeling against the Mormons ran high and many of them foreseeing serious trouble »* Gregg, The Prophet of Palmyra, 237. "Kennedy, Early Bays of Mormonism, 234. MAmberley, The Latter Day Saints in Fortnightly Review, 12, 527; Nilea* Register, GO, 278. " Kennedy, Early Days of Mormonism, 234. ooNiies' Register, 06, 278. " Kennedy, Early Days of Mormonism, 239. [234] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLIXOIS, 1830-50 521 left the city. Joseph Smith phieed the city under martial law, while armed bands of Gentiles formed throughout the country enrolled under the sheriff's orders, ready to march upon Nau- voo.^- Here Governor Ford interfered. Coming to Carthage he sent a message to the prophet demanding an explanation of the trouble. Smith went in person to Carthage to make his defence and was bound over, together with the members of the Nauvoo city council, to appear at the following term of court. Almost immediately after the hearing, the prophet with three followers was arrested upon the charge of treason and thrown into jail.°^ Rumors were afloat that an attempt would be made to rescue the prisoners, and, to frustrate this plan, an entrance was forced into the jail by a party of militia-men and both tlie Smiths were murdered. °* The Alormons in Nauvoo feared a general attack upon their city, while a panic spread through Carthage. In two hours the town was deserted. ]\Ien, women and children, all fearing Mormon vengeance fled on foot, on horseback and in wagons. ^'^ The shock was too great for the Mormons and they made no attempt to take vengeance.''® Nine men were indicted, charged with the murder of the Smiths but were acquitted after trial.®^ The Mormon power, although it had received a severe blow, was not broken. Brigham Young took up the reins of govern- ment and Nauvoo gave promise of prosperity but another setback was experienced almost immediately. The August election had resulted in the success of the Mormon ticket in Hancock county and officials obnoxious to the Gentiles were elected.^^ The pre- vious September had seen a body of resolutions passed by the citizens of the county stating that they would refuse to obey officers elected by the Mormons.'*" This was followed in June, 1844, by another act, passed by the citizens of Warsaw, being ''Klles' Register, 0«, 27S. " Kennedy, Er.rJy Days of Mormonistn, 240-24' ^* Niles' Register, CO, 311. " Greg^, The Prophet of Palmyra, 280. o^Niles' Reguster. GO, 329. »' Gregg, The Prophet of Palmyra, 298. »9/&iV/., 320. »» Niles' Register, 05, 70. [235] 522 BULLETIN OF THE "CXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN miicli more threatening in character. The resolutions called for the expulsion of the Monuons from the township and advised the neighboring townships to adopt the same plan. Moreover, they favored driving all Mormons into Nauvoo and demanding from them their leaders. A refusal would be taken as a signal for a war of extermination and, the resolutions continue "we shall hold ourselves at all times at readiness to co-operate with our fellow-citizens in this state, Missouri and Iowa to extermi- nate, utterly exterminate, the wicked and abominable Mormon leaders. "^00 The state legislature took up the matter in December, 1844, and before the end of January, 1845, a bill to repeal all the Mormon charters had passed both houses and the fate of Nau- voo was sealed.^"^ Although at this time it was the largest and most prosperous town in the state it began to decline in spite of all etforts made by the Mormons to sustain it.^°- For the remainder of the year 1845 the Saints remained at Nauvoo and the vicinity but not unmolested. Over two hun- dred houses belonging to Mormons were burned at Morle3i;own, Bear Creek, and Green Plains.^°^ Deputies were sent to Young in September telling him that the ^lormons 'were to be expelled from the state, to which notification he replied that he had al- ready determined to leave Nauvoo.^*** A formal treaty was made to the effect that the Mormons- should leave in the spring of 1846, provided they were protected from attacks in the meantime and allowed to dispose of their property in peace.^"^ Representatives from Brown, Pike, Adams, Schuyler, Knox, Henderson and other counties, men of high standing who earnestly desired the welfare of the state, met in Carthage early in October and passed resolutions stating that in their belief the removal of the Mormons was the only solution to the existing difficulty and recommending to the peo- "x>y«7es' Register, «0, 278. "" Gregg, The Prophet of Palmyra, 321. >»2 Smith and Smith, Latter Day Saints, 3, 122. losGreg^', The Prophet of Palmyra, .';28 ; Beadle, Life in Utah, 137. >** Amberley, The Latter Day Saints, In Furtniyhtly Review, 12, 534. >«» Ihid. [236] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 523 pie of the surroiindinj? counties that the proposition of the Mor- mons to move in the spring be accepted.^'*" All during the winter of 1845-46 prodigious preparations were made in Nauvoo for removal in the early spring. All the houses and even the Temple were turned into workshops and be- fore the river was clear of ice in the spring 12,000 wagons were ready for use.^°^ AVhile the river was yet frozen and the cold ^vas intense, the first band, numbering one thousand, left Nauvoo for the West/"® but the great body of the Saints remained in the city imtil they had performed a sacred duty — ^the completion of the Temple. Although they knew they could never use it, yet it was finished with elaborate care and consecrated early in May.^o^ By the middle of the month 16,000"'' had left, leaving only about one thousand who had not yet been able to dispose of their property."^ Some wished to remain, saying they had left the church and »could no longer be obnoxious, others had not the means to get away. The Gentiles, however, were not 'willing to agree to this, Tjelieving that peace could not be restored as long as a vestige ■of Mormonism was left. The prevailing sentiment was that "'Every Saint, mongrel or whole-blood" and every thing that looked like a Saint, talked or acted like a Saint, should be com- pelled to leave.^^- The more often the IMormons expressed a desire to remain in Illinois the more determined were the citizens that they should not. Things approached a crisis and it soon appeared that those Mormons who remained, now probably six hundred in number, seemed resolved to defend their city to the last.^^^ The Gentiles T^egan to gather their forces and 1,200 under the leadei-ship of Eev. Brockman laid regular seige to Nauvoo in September, 1846."® After a pitched battle, which resulted in the death of *** Gregg, The Prophet of PaUnyra, 335. "'Beadle, Life in Utah, 142. ><" Gregg, The Prophet of Palr,iyi-a, 343. >»» Amberley, The Latter Day Saints, in Fortnightly Revlcic, 12. 534. »>» Smith and Smith, Latter Day Saints, 3, 1G4. »■» Beadle, Life in Utah, 142. "- Madison Express, Feb. 12, 184G. '^'^^Kiles' Register, 7, 272. "' Amberley, The Latter Day Saints, In Fortnightly Rei-lcw, IS, 534. [23T] 52-i BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN" several on each side,"^ the Mormons surrendered and agreed to leave the state at onee.^^^ Naiivoo was now abandoned save for the lone jMormon agent who remained in charge of the property,"^ wistfully looking for purchasers or tenants, and waiting for any possible answer to the following advertisement : "Temple for Sale. The undersigned Trustees of the Latter Day Saints propose to sell the Temple on very low terms, if an early application is made. The Temple is admirably designed for Literary or Re- ligious purposes. Address the undersigned Trustees. Almon W. Babbitt, Joseph L. Heywood, Jolm S. Fullmer. Nauvoo, May 15, 1846."^^^ To Illinois, the expulsion of this sect seems to have been a blessing, for peace and quiet had for years been almost unknown in that portion of the state lying around the Mormon strong- hold. Of the four religious or communistic settlements in Ill- inois this one alone was not welcome, and alone of all was not allowed to work out its o'vvn destiny unmolested. One reason may be assigned. The people of the state firmly believed the Mormons nothing more than a band of imposters and rascals. While the ]\Iormon settlement in Illinois is an exceptional case in the settlement of the state it can be considered as a phase of the westward expansion. It is an example of a body of religious enthusiasts attempting to find a place on the frontier where they could put into operation their social and religious views. Originating in western New York which Avas a hot-bed for religious excitement, the followers moved to Ohio, then to JVIis- souri, then to Illinois and finally to the far West. Smith was bom in Windsor county, Vermont, and moved to New York in 1815. The people among whom he found himself were ex- "omiea' Register, 71, 64. "' Wai-smo Signal, Oct. 13, 1846. "'HlHqult, History of Socialism in the United States, 129. •'"JVauioo yew Citizen, Feb. 24, 1847. [238] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 525 treinely religious and superstitions. Prophecies and miracles were believed in and the Bible accepted literally making the state a natural field for wild religious speculation. With in- creased converts came the vision of a community devoting itself entirely to the teachings of the Book of Mormon. The frontier was the natural place for such a community to work out its destiny and a home was sought, first in Ohio, then in Missouri and then in Illinois. However free the life and thought of the West might be it could not be brought to agree with or even, at last, to allow the exercise of views which seemed to be pernicious and destructive to religious and social order. The expulsion of the Mormons from IMissoui-i and from Illinois shows another pioneer char- acteristic yet in the early stages of development. It was one of the first signs of "border ruffianism" which was developed so rapidly in the Kansas struggle of the next decade. In this early stage the characteristic displayed was the beginning of the intolerant spirit towards a disliked institution. The expulsion was arbitrary; it was done simply because of antagonism and while iMormon ideals, beliefs and customs can in no way be sup- ported, the action of tlie citizens of the states is open to con- demnation. In some ways the city of the Mormons followed the general tendency and laws of development of western towns. Situated on a convenient transportation line and having a good back country to draw upon, it was boimd to grow should external conditions not hinder. The development cannot, however, be attributed to natural causes at work in the western country; but it must be attributed to an immigration growing under fanatical religious pressure and here again Nauvoo is the ex- ception in westward expansion. Aside from the desire of a body of people to 'work out a social, communistic and religious experiment near the frontier line, the Mormon colony is not t\'pical in the western movement. [239] v$26 BULLETIN OF THE TTNIVEESITY OF WISCOlSrSIN CHAPTER XIII Communistic Settlements in Illinois Before the Mormons were driven from Illinois, another inter- esting community Avas established within the bounds of the state. The newcomers were followers of the French socialist, Pourier, and were putting to a practical test the theory ad- vanced by this man. The workings and life of the two settle- ments founded in Illinois seem to have attracted but little at- tention and abnost nothing is known of the communities save that one of them numbering over one hundred members existed for a year and a half in Sangamon county. Of the earlier ex- periment in Bureau county nothing is known. Fourier, the father of the theory, founded his philosophy of human relations to God, the v/orld and fellowmen upon the basis of harmony. God created the universe on an harmonious plan, hence harmony was the kejTiote of all things. Within each person certain instincts and passions predominate and where- ever these passions and instincts were properly developed for the good of society, there the ideal state was to be found. For the proper development of the Phalanx, the basic unit of the system, three square miles of land were necessary upon which was to be built the Palace or common house. Every- thing was held in common and division of labor was highly developed. Farmers, capitalists, scientists and artists all had their spheres of employment. To each laborer a fixed sum was paid according to the amount of work he did and according to his ability. All profits went to a common fimd. All children received equal instruction and from earliest childhood were trained for the Phalanx according to their inclination.^ ' Ilillquit, Ilhtory of Socialism in the United States, 85. [340] POOLKY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 527 Practical tests of these dreams were made and, through the efforts of Albert Brisbane, Fourierism was introduced into the United States.- Societies were formed in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, ]\Iichigan and Illinois. As a rule they were shortlived affairs and the ones in Illinois were no exception to the rule. Bureau county was the scene of the first experiment in Ill- inois. No definite information is obtainable concerning the number of members, the amount of land held by the society or the length of life of the commimity. It had its beginning in 1843 and was apparently a venture which met with no suc- cess.^ Two years later the Integral Phalanx began its life in San- gamon county, a few miles from Springfield. The settlement had one hundred and twenty members and owned over five hundred acres of land. Five or six buildings were erected upon the land besides the large central building which was a two-story structure, three hundred and sixty feet long and twenty-four feet wide.* In actual life this community, while intending ultimately to follow out Fourier's idea in its details, does not seem to have conformed to the established rules during the early days of its existence. A correspondent to the New York Tribune wrote that "until the members were prepared to organize they in- tended to operate on a system of hired labor and pay each in- dividual a full compensation for all assistance rendered in labor or other services and charge each a fair price for 'what he re- ceived from the common store house of the Phalanx. What remained to each individual was then credited to him as stock and drew ten per cent, compound interest. "° A further evi- dence that the community was never thoroughly organized as a Phalanx operating upon a communistic basis is found in the same article, for the correspondent says; ''It is better that the different families should remain separate for five years than *Ibid., 87. ' Uinds, American Communities, 224. * A'eu? York Weekly Tribune, Nov. lu, 1845. 5 Ibid. 16 [241] 528 BULLETIN OF THE "UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN to bring them together under circumstances worse than civil- ization." The venture lasted but seventeen months.^ Prob- ably only the more enthusiastic members moved away to similar settlements in other places, the others remaining to take advan- tage of the excellent farming country. Next in order of time came the Swedish colony at Bishop Hill in Henry county. It was both religious and communistic in character. In Sweden no one was allowed to worship excepting accord- ing to forms of the established Lutheran church. In 1825 a split came in the church. A new sect composed of peasants and a few of the clergy, and known as the Devotionalists arose in the province of Helsingland.'^ For seventeen years these De- votionalists, under the guidance of their liighly respected leader Jonas Olson, assembled unmolested to read their Bibles, still enjoying their privileges as full members of the Established Church.^ The work of the Devotionalists was commendable for it tended towards furthering industry and sobriety among the peasant class whose morals had been very low. Erie Jansen, who was also the head of a dissenting sect now (1842) appeared upon the scene, speaking with great effect to various assemblages of Devotionalists. The Jansonists had been cast out of the Established Church in 1834 and from that time had been subjected to persecutions by the orthodox party.* Jansen had been imprisoned but escaped through Norway to Denmark and thence to New Tork.^** A large number of Swedes having now become dissatisfied with the state of religious affairs in their native land resolved to emigrate. The Jansonists included many among their num- ber who were miners and poor peasants unable to bear the ex- pense of a voyage to America. To remedy this, the idea of making the colony communistic was conceived and carried out.^^ A messenger sent in 1845 to seek a place suitable for a colony, 'Hinds, Americuii Conuniimtirs, i:24. ' Mikfcelsen, The Bishop HUl Colony, In Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, 10, 15. » Ibid. oiUd., 24. " Nelson, Scandinavians in the United States, 2, 2-3. " Mikklesen, The Bishop Hill Colony, in Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, 10, 27. [242] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 529 upon arriving in New York, was directed to Victoria, Kjiox county, Illinois. A satisfactoiy location having been found and the news conveyed to Sweden, preparations for departure were completed. In the early summer of 1846 between four and five hundred emigrants^- set sail from Sweden, landing at New York where they were met by Eric Jansen, who acted as their conductor to Illinois. The scant means of the party were almost exhausted upon landing and as they were still far from their destination a serious problem confronted them. It is said that some of the men traveled the whole distance from New York on foot while the women and children were sent by way of the Erie canal and the Great Lakes to Chicago. From Chicago to Henry county (the destination having been changed from Knox county owing to the reported unhealthful climate of that place) all excepting the weakly, women and children journeyed on foot, a distance of more than one hundred miles.^^ The Harbinger in speaking of the party as it left Chicago in September, 1846, says that on the faces of these immigrants there were expressions of patient, intelligent endurance. "They were not bowed down with weakness and care like the French and Italian emigrants, nor stem and stolid like the newly arrived Germans, nor wild and vehement like many of the Irish — they walked erect and firm, looking always hopeful and contented though very serious," and the greatest gentleness and good will prevailed among them.^* When they arrived in Hen'ry county they purchased land and named their new home Bishop Hill in honor of the birth place of Jansen. ^^ It could not be said that their lives were happy during the first winter in Illinois. They lived in several log houses, two tents and a dozen "dug-outs."^*' Their fare was no better than their lodgings — pork with bread baked from the commeal ground bv their mill furnished their food. "When the stream which " Xelson, Scandinavians in the United States, 2, 2-3 ; Bigelow, The Bishop Hill Colony in the 111. Hist. Society Transactions (1902), 101-108. "Hinds, American Communities, 303. " The Harbinger, 3, 257. " Hinds, Amet'ican Communities, 303. *" Nelson, Scandinavians in the United States, 2, 3. ; [243] 530 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN" turned the mill wheel could not be used, the work was done by two or three men. Scanty fare and poorly ventilated apart- ments soon brought on disease and the new settlers were either shaking with ague or burning with fever. Cholera appeared and a score died, while many fled to escape this scourge.^' During 1847 four hundred more arrived and by the close of the following year there were 1,200 in the settlement.^^ Cholera broke out again in 1849 and checked immigration.^® Like the Puritans the first thoughts of the Swedish settlers were for a church and a school. A large tent-° (some say a log structure) -"^ was erected for divine services. In summer the meetings were held in the open air. A mud cave at first answered the purpose of a school house.-^ During the first year at Bishop Hill the colonists divided their waking hours between labor and worship save the time when they gathered around the common tables. "At five in the winter and four in the smumer the bell summoned them to their morning devotions which sometimes lasted two hours. "^^ Sometimes at noon and after the evening meal services were again held. A school of theology was instituted and young men after studying the English language a few months, were sent forth to convert the United States and the world.^* Their success was moderate, the Yankees being especially hard to convert since they were "too busy inventing bad clocks and peddling cheap tinware to listen to what the niissionaries had to say."2» Farming was carried on extensively and was well done.^' Thousands of acres of land were cultivated and hundreds of cattle and horses went to make up the wealth of the settlement.^^ " ninds, American Communities, 305. " BlgeJow, Tiie Bishop Hill Colony In the 111. Hist. Society Transactions U902), 101-108; yil€8' Register, 70, 260; gives the population as 1.100. " Blgelow, The Bishop Hill Colony in the 111. Hist. Society Transoiction* ('1902), 101-108. * Hinds, American Communities, 305. ° Nelson, Scandinavians in the United States, 2, 3. " Hinds, American Communities, 305. » IMd., 30G. "Nelson, Scandinavians, in the United States, 2. 4. »Mikklesen, The Bishop Hill Colony in Johns Hopkins Uwiv. Studies, 10, 31. " Nelson, Scandinavians in the United States, 2, 4. " Hinds, American Cornmunitiea, 310. [244] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 531 ]\Ien, women, boys and girls alike worked in the fields.-* Flax and broom corn were produced, and as many of the colonists had been expert weavers in their native land they pursued the in- (histiy in their new homes.-" Sawmills were erected and fur- nished an abundance of lumber.^'' The manufacture of kiln- dried bricks became one of the industries.^^ By 1850, when the greatest prosperity of the colony began, nearly every province of Sweden was represented at Bishop Hill, which was, at that time, by far the most populous and im- portant settlement in Henry county.^- Between $10,000 and $15,000 in gold had been put into circulation by these Swedes in purchasing land and the necessaries of life, which, since trade in the section of the state was being carried on almost entirely by barter, was a matter of no little importance to the people.'^^ Dissension finally arose within the colony and culminated in the murder of Jansen in 1850.^* As has been stated the Bishop Hill settlement was communistic in character and the wealth of the colony which was held in common was controlled by seven trustees who held office subject to the approval of the male members of the colony.^^ The common dining hall, where the whole community numbering more than a thousand were fed, was a feature distinctly communistic.^*' The trustees were provided for by a charter granted to the colony by the legisla- ture of Illinois in 1853. Two years later financial entangle- ments due to unsuccessful speculation by the trustees caused the dissolution of the colony,^^ and here ended perhaps the most successful experiment among the communistic settlements of Illinois. In the closing years of the decade 18-11-1850 another social experiment was begun on the site of the Monnon city, Nauvoo. ^ Ihid., 307. "Nelson, Scandinniians in the United Slates, -, 4. ^"Ihid., 4. ^ Hinds, American Communities, SIO. ^ Mikklesen, The Bishop Hill Colony In Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, 10. 30. 33 Ibid. « Bremer, The Homes of the New World, 2, 67-70. "Hinds, American Communities, 311. morbid., 310. "Nelson, Scandinavians in the United States, 2, G. [245] 532 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN The founder was M. Etienne Cabet, a Frenchman, whose child- hood had been passed during: the stormy days of the French Revohition and whose youth had witnessed the struggle of France in her vain endeavor to satisfy the ambition of Napo- leon, It is scarcely to be wondered at that this man who was one of some ability as a statesman and a writer should have conceived a plan by means of which he thought to correct the corrupt organization of society. The abolition of self-interest and selfishness must, he believed, be effected; common o^vner- ship of property must be established; freedom of religion must be tolerated; women must be given the same social rights as men and equality be made the basis of society.^^ These communistic doctrines met with much support among the common people of France but not with the higher classes. Not only were the French interested but other nationalities and in foreign countries the better classes of artisans seemed to be the ones most in favor of Cabet 's teachings.^® By the Social- istic paper La Populaire, Cabet 's ideas were disseminated among the artisans of Germany, Spain, Italy and Switzerland — every^vhere that the French language could be read. By 1848 some 400,000 people adhered to the Icarian doctrine.*" Owing to the fact that it was not generally accepted in France, Cabet decided to move to America and establish his settlement there. Thousands who wished to go had not the means, so sixty-nine were chosen as a vanguard, from among those who could afford to make the voyage, and in February, 1848, they left Havre bound for New Orleans.*^ Fifteen hundred were soon to follow, but upon the establishment of the Second Repub- lic in 1848 it seemed as if better days were coming in France, and the greater part of those intending to leave for America changed their plans and remained at home. Later in the year four hundred came.*- The destination of the colony was Texas" but it was not long before the dream of a commimity farm of ^ Reynolds, Illinois, 374. »» Robinson, A Social Experiment in The Open Court, Aug, 28, 1890. " IMd. " Ibid. « IMd. ** Hinds, American Communities, 328. [246] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 533 a million acres in that state faded away under a series of hard- ships too severe for the people to stand. On January 1, 1849, Cabet landed in New Orleans.** The colony now consisted of four hundred and eighty souls with an average capital of thirty-five dollars per individual.*^ The Texas venture was a failure. Some were discouraged and gave np;*^' others remained firm, determined to carry out their original plan of a colony based upon a proper social structure. Exploring parties were sent out to seek a more favorable location and Nauvoo was selected.*" Brigham Young when he had organized the migration to Salt Lake had left the Mormon property at Nauvoo in the hands of an agent who re- mained waiting for a purchaser. This was an excellent op- portunity for the Icarians, since the land was well cultivated and there were good houses all of which could be obtained at a nominal figure. Eight hundred acres of land were rented and a mill, distillery and several houses were purchased.*® Here, dispirited and homesick as they were, the Icarians attempted to carry out their ideas of a reorganized social life, as well as circumstances would allow. A constitution was drawn up setting forth the fundamentals of governmental and social structure. The idea was to replace the old world by a new one; to supplant the rule of Satan by the rule of God ; moral death by regeneration ; ignorance by edu- cation; domination and servitude by enfranchisement and lib- erty; aristocracy by democracy; and monarchy by republican- ism. Furthemiore, they desired to replace excessive opulence of a few by the well-being of all; to substitute a religion of reason which would induce men to love each other, for religions mixed with superstition, intolerance and fanaticism; to adopt a social organization in which the word "society" would no longer be mockery and falsehood; to replace individual prop- erty, the source of all abuse, by social property; to purify the institutions of marriage and family by educating women as " Robinson, A Social Experiment in The Open Court, Aug. 28, 1890. « Ibid. ** Reynolds, Ilrinois, ;^72. "Robinson, A Social Experiment In The Open Court, Aug. 28, 1890; Miller, Mrs. J. G., The Icarian Community of Nauvoo, Illinois In Traneactiona of tbe Illinois State Historical Society, (1906). ** Ilillquit, Uistoiy of SociaUam in the United States, 129. [247] 534 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN well as men and allowing them imrestrieted choice in the selec- tion of husbands, and finally to base all upon liberty, equality and fraternity.*^ Unity, solidarity, equality and respect of law 'were to be per- fected by having all live as one family, assuming mutual re- sponsibility, suppressing servitude and submitting to the rale of the majority. The exercise of natural liberty should extend tc the right of defense from attack, social liberty should not be exercised beyond the law while political liberty consisted in as- sisting to make laws. The fundamental guiding principle was to be found in the maxim "Love thy neighbor as thyself."^'' All male members over twenty-one years of age were allowed to take an active part in the government. All branches of so- ciety were under the supervision of committees and education was given special attention, for in the younger generation Cabet hoped to see the realization of his ideals of social and govern- mental structure, and the children 'were educated accordingly by the community, living together as a single family. The everyday life of the community was simple but inter- esting. Each member worked according to his strength, labor- ing ten hours a day. On Sunday lectures were given on moral and religious subjects; dancing and the enjoyment of nature were indulged in during the day while theaters and concerts were held in the evening. The business of the community was discussed on Saturday evening.'^^ The industry of the members, their peaceful and orderly habits caused them to be esteemed by their American neighbors. They Avere a sociable and intellectual people living a better life than could have been lived under a system of individualism and they formed a pleasant contrast to the people avIio had occupied the site of their colony only a few years before. Financial troubles, however, at last caused dissension and numbered the Icarian community among the failures of social- istic experiments. The colony divided, part going with Cabet to St. Louis and the remainder to lowa.^^ *' Charter and ByLaics of the Icarian Community, 7-8. ''Olhid., 9-16. " Reynolds, JUinois, 376. ""Robinson, A Social Experiment in Tlic Open Court, Sept. 11, 1890. [248] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 535 There were a uuinber of smaller colonies in the state based upon plans of a more or less eonnuunistic nature. In the Ill- inois river valley^" were the Tremont, Delavan and Mackinaw colonies in Tazewell county and the Rockwell colony in La Salle county; in the ^Military Tract'* there were the Andover, Weth- ersfield and Geneseo colonies in Henry county, the Hampshire and Providence colonies in Bureau county and Gale's colony in Knox county; in Eastern Illinois'^ there were the Rhode Island and Hudson colonies in McLean county, the German colony at Teutopolis, Effingham county, the French Colonie des Frercs in Jasper county and Noel Vasseur's Canadian colony at Bourbonnais, Kankakee county. It was generally the plan of the organizers of these colonies to form stock companies, purchase land and allot tracts of it to the members of the companies in proportion to the amount of stock held.^*' Some of the colonies were chartered by the state. ^^ Often a common house was erected by the company for the accommodation of the settlers until homes could be pro- vided for the families. ^^ These colonies may be taken as a phase of the westward move- ment which seems to have appealed particularly to New Eng- landers and Ncav York. There had been, since earliest times, a desire among New Englanders to live in compact settlements. From political and religious instincts the earliest settlers in New England clung closely together. This tendency was strengthened by Indian wars and physiographic influences. It appears that, although many New Englanders came west alone trusting to individual efforts to establish homes in the new country, there was also a distinct movement to settle in "See Ch. IV. for details of settlement and growth. " Ch. v. "tTi. VIU. =»Tbe Delavan company had a capital of $44,000 and held 23.000 acres of land {ch., IV.) ; the Wethersfleld colony had a capital of $25,000 and held 20,- 000 acres of land (c/t., V) ; the Rhode Island colony had a capital of $12,500 (eft., V7/7) : the I'rovidence colony held 17,000 acres (ch., V) : the German colony at Teutopolis held 10,000 acres (ch., VIII) ; and the French colony In Ja^er county had 12,()did not fall in such quantities as in New England but the cold !\vas more intense and the winds which swept the prairies were harder to bear in these exposed districts. Domestic animals sometimes fell victims to the hard prairie winters^" and occa- sionally some imfortunate person froze to death.^^ It appears, •however, that such wintere were exceptional and when one hap- pened to be colder than usual it was recorded. The winter of 1830-31 was one long remembered in Illinois. Snow fell al- most continuously from November until Januarj^, measuring in some places twelve feet in depth.^- It was taken by many of the old pioneers as a convenient event from which to reckon time, showing that such severity of the climate was not by any means a common thing. All through the period during which emigration came in large numbers to Illinois, a constant discussion was kept up as to whether or not the climate was favorable to the health of the settlers. So important was the question and so much effect did the discussion have upon travelers, newspaper men and writers t)f emigrant guide books, that in many places comments are made upon the general condition of health in the newly settled dis- tricts. An examination of the statements made by both sides reveal the fact that there was a considerable amount of sickness in the new settlements and the older ones which were located along the river valleys. One account says that in 1840 "at Oregon City more than seven-eights of the inhabitants were sick at one time ; at Daysville and at Watertown in a population of ninety or one hundred inhabitants not more than six or eight escaped; and on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers hundreds were sick and many more died in proportion to the number of inhabi- tants than on Rock River. "^^ This is later modified by another writer who, while he admits that in the early days on Rock River there was much sickness, says that, "Since that time the mortal- ity of northern Illinois has ranged on a per cent, that would contrast favorably with what are generally deemed the most "> Illinois Monthly Magazine, 2, 100. " A Winter in the West, 1, 202. " History of Oreene County, 286. »» The New Yorker, May 30, 1840. [256] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 543 salubrious sections of the Union — the New England States."^* It was generally conceded that those people who settled on the higher portions of the prairies escaped the fevers and the ague which infested the regions around the rivers and in the low prairies. Exposure to hardships, lack of a comfortable habita- tion, imwise selections of places for the building of houses, the change of food^' and overwork^" caused as much sickness as did unhealthful locations. In spite of adverse tales from the prairie land and in spite of the distance from the eastern states and the inconveniences and slowness of travel a continuous stream of set- tlers spread over the prairies and began to build homes and to till the land. As was the case in southern Illinois, the first habitations of the settlers were log cabins built close to the edge of the timber for protection from the wind and that fuel and timber for outbuildings and fences might be easily obtained. Generally these cabins had but a single room, but occasionally two or even three. Boards, shingles and puncheons were all made by the settlers and, while rough, they answered the purpose very well. Windows were few, most of the light coming in through the door and chimney. In early days lack of furniture and agricultural implements was the rule, not the exception. One man came to begin life in the new country with no other equipment than "a rifle gun and fifty cents Avortli of powder and lead, a little scant bedding and a skillet and piggin." Another had but a "straw tick, a broken skillet, a bucket, a rifle-gun, a butcher knife and a steel- yards."^^ The prairie man needed more goods and since he generally came by way of the lakes he could bring such furni- ture and implements of agriculture as he needed. Although log cabins were the first abodes of the prairie men they were not satisfactory, neither did they last long, for as the pioneers moved farther and farther from the timber the labor of hauling logs grew greater, and other expedients seemed neces- sary. Houses of a very comfortable kind could be built of clay " Xeic York ^y(•rkll/ Tribune. Sept. 15, 1845. "//?inoi« Monthly Magazine, 2, 51. ^*Alhan!/ Cultivator, S, 53. ^^ History of Johnson County (Ind.), 330. 17 [257] 544 BULLETIN OF THE TNIVEKSITY OF "WISCONSITT and roofed Avith lumber at no very great expense, provided the place was not too far removed from Chicago/* In 1841 ordinary lumber which cost from eight to thirteen dollar's a thousand in Chicago sold for fifty-five dollars a thousand in ^McDonough county in the Military Tract.^^ Transportation was the great expense and had to be over- come, for the Yankee was not satisfied with mud cabins. He had not lived in such dwellings in New England and therefore he made strenuous efforts to increase his comforts. Liunber, transported by way of the Great Lakes and hauled overland from Chicago was too expensive, but lumber was necessary and as a consequence saw mills were among the first improvements in the new country. With the advent of this industry the change from log or mud cabins to more comfortable frame houses was by no means slow. Small, at first, the houses of the settlers gTew as necessity required and wealth permitted. After preparing a habitation, be it a mud cabin or a lumber shanty, the next thing which the settler had to do was to pre- pare some land upon which to raise a crop and here, too, was a problem as difficult to solve as the erection of a dwelling. True, there were no trees to clear away but there was a sod to break which was so tough that it would yield to the plow but slowly. Should the settler hire some one to do the breaking for him the expense would be greater than the cost of the land itself.^" If he did it himself the process was slow and laborious. Operations were begun during the last days of April and finished by the first of July,-^ for the sod when turned over must have time to rot or it would remain heavy and unproductive for two or three years. At the first plowing it was customary to drop corn in every second or third furrow, from which twenty or thirty bushels to the acre were often gathered. -- Ox teams to the number of three, four, five or even six yokes were used, hitched to a pair of cart wheels and these to a plow ^^ American Agriculturist, (184.3), 15. " Chicac/o Weekly American, Sept. 21, 1841. ™ Marshall, Farmers' and Emigrants' Hniulhnolc, 403. T^and cost one and one- quarter dollars per acre; breaking cost one and one-hall dollars per acre. ^ The Cultivator and Farmer (Albany), 1, 80. ^American Agriculturist (1843), 8, 15. [258] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 545 with a beam fourteen feet long and a share which weighed any- where from sixty to one hundred and twenty-five pounds." The furrow cut measured from sixteen-* to thirty-" inches in width, and from two to six in depth.-** Deep plowing was not as satisfactory as the more shallow plowing, for in the latter case the roots of the grass would rot more quickly.^^ In some eases, in order to hasten decomposition of the matted tangle of roots, the land was cross-ploughed, but generally this was not deemed necessary. Estimates as to the amount of land which one of these large "breaking teams" could plow in a day varies from one acre-^ to two and one-fourth acres.-® When a team of horses was used and a smaller plow, an acre was considered an average day's work.^" Betvv-cen eighty and one hundred acres could be plowed in a season.^^ Generally, two or three seasons were necessary" to decompose the sod thoroughly and render the soil light and loose enough to be turned readily by ordinary plows. When the prairie man had broken his land, generally about twenty-five acres, the first year, and had planted his crop of corn, another problem presented itself. Fences were necessary to protect the growing fields from the devastations of live stock. When the farmer had access to timber the problem did not pre- sent a difficult aspect, for a rail fence could be made with a reasonable amount of labor, but when he was on the open prairie, some twenty miles from tim^ber, another solution had to be found. Some firmly believed that any money spent on fencing the prairies was money thrown away;^- but others persisted in experimenting. Sod, picket, hedge, board and lastly wire were tried. ^^ All Idnds were expensive,^* however, with the exception ^American Agriculturist (1843), 1, 15. »« Ihid., 1, 15. "^ Madison Express, Dec. 1, 1841. ^Albany Cultivator, 8, 80, or Cultivator and Farmer, 1, 80. " IMd. '^ American Agriculturist (1843), 1, 15. ^ Prairie Farmer, (1847), 7, 140. '^ Albany Cultivator, (1840), 7, 80. ^^ Prairie Farmer, (1847), 7, 140. ^American Agriculturist (1843), 1, 370. "Prairie Farmer, 6, pasbim. *» Rail fence cost over one hundred and forty dollars a mile ; wire fence, one hundred and fifty-six and one-hall dollars a mile ; board fence, one hundred and eighty-two dollars a mile. Prairie Farmer, 8, 302. [259] 54G BULLETIX OF THE UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN" of the hedge fence, and this was objectionable, owing to the amount of grass and weeds growing up around it, and furnish- ing food for the prairie fires.'^ Prof. J. B. Turner of Illinois College experimented for some time with various shrubs, hoping to find some one which would solve the problem of fence for the prairie. After several fail- ures he found the osage orange would answer the purpose very well.^^ Ditching, embanking and surmounting the embank- ment by a three rail fence was also found to be satisfactory, and was used to some extent,^'^ but it, like other fences tried, showed a woeful lack of ability to keep the farmer's hogs out of his corn. Only w^hen wire was at last manufactured in large quantities at a comparatively low price was the fence problem on the prairie solved. Up to that time the prairie farmer was accus- tomed to fence larger tracts of ground for cultivation and omit partition fences, leaving all his fields in one. It was advised that this method should be followed among neighbors, allowing them the protection of large enclosing fences and relieving each •of the expense of division fences.^* Often, instead of fencing the cultivated portions of the farm, the order was reversed and the stock was enclosed in pastures, leaving the fields open.^^ Gophers and prairie chickens added materially to the troubles of the prairie farmers, for they dug and scratched out newly planted grain.^" Sometimes the ravages of these offenders necessitated the planting of a field as often as three times in a season, and then the farmers would sometimes get only half a crop. Men, boys, dogs and all available combatants were en- listed against the pests and regularly organized gopher hunts were sometimes indulged in.*^ A more dangerous antagonist was foimd in the prairie wolf. This animal had a great capacity for stealing young pigs, robbing hen-houses and committing other depredations. To clear the country of them, hunts were also " Marshall, Farmers' and Emigrants' Handhook, 97. ■"WiUard, Early Education in Illinois, 115. *' Marshall, Farmers' and Emigrants' Handhook, 97. ^ Ante r loan Agriculturist, (1843), 1, 15. " Reynolds, Sketches, 102. *>The yew Yorker, May 22, 1S41. *' JVcekly Chicago Democrat, May 26, 1848. [260] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 547 orfranized'- and the days upon which they took place were holidays. AYheat and corn were the staple products of the prairie, but oats, potatoes, turnips and buckwheat Avere also cultivated Avith success. Fruit, however, did not bring good returns to the farmer. Prices were far from encouraging/^ the fact being probably due to the lack of a market. Since supplies could be obtained at very reasonable rates at the lake ports, and since prices paid for farm produce were higher in the lake cities,** Chicago was the natural center for Illinois produce. Although Chicago was a great deal over a hundred miles from the central Illinois counties, the farmers came in numbers from this part of the state, as well as from the north to sell their grain at this- place and to take their supplies from it. The market was so- far, that sometimes the farmers could go but once a year; some- times they went more than once. In some eases a number of neighbors would club together, load one or two wagons, hitcb two or three yoke of oxen to each wagon and so haul their prod- uce.*° It w^as not an imcommon sight in the autumn after- the harvests were gathered to see in one day two hundred wagons, all loaded wnth farm produce,*^ rattling their w^ay along the old State Road from Galena to Chicago. In the early forties high rates for transportation along the- Erie canal did much to keep western f ar-mers from shipping their produce to New York; but a considerable amount, however, found its way thither.^^ While this operated against the west- em farmer and tended to depress his market, another influence from the East tended to make the lake route the natural high- way for western produce to the East. England in the forties levied a discriminating tariff upon foreign wheat, flour, beef, pork and lard. Canadian flour was admitted into English ^^ History of Coles County, 464. *^ History of Coles County, 460; Lothrop, Champaign County Directory, 125* Prlcfs were as follows: Wheat twenty-five to thirty-seven and one-half cents per bushel, In the best years sixty cents ; oats eight to nineteen cents ; cora ten to twenty-five cents ; hogs twenty-five cents to one and one-half dollars per hundred weight ; a cow and a calf eight dollars and a good horse forty dollars^ ** lladi/inn (TVis.) Enquirer, Aug. 11, 1841. " Anderson, First Chcpter of Norwegian Immigration, 228. *^ Past and Present of Kane County, 460. *' Albany Cultivator, (1842), 150. [261] 548 BULLETIK" OF THE "UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN ports at one dollar less per barrel than flour from other coun- tries. Similar favors were shown in other produce. It did not take the Yankee or New Yorker of northern Illinois long to see that he could ship his wheat to Canada, have it made into flour there and take advantage of the discriminating duty in that manner.*^ This tended to center the wheat industry at Chicago and the growth of this industry is noticeable during these years. In spite of low prices, however, agriculture flourished and offered better returns to the western fanner than to the eastern man. Less labor by one-half was needed, less capital was in- vested; the average yield per acre was more in the West than in the East and the cost of lake transportation was low enough to allow the western man to compete successfully in the eastern market.^^ The great problem before the farmer was how to reach one of these lake ports to dispose of his produce as well as to receive lumber and other necessaries. The outgrowth of these desires was the internal improvement sj^stem of the thirties. The Illinois-lMichigan canal was of primary importance in the Illinois internal improvement system. Joliet was perhaps the first to notice the possibility of connecting the Illinois river and Lake Michigan by a canal.^^ Governor Bond at the first meeting of the Illinois legislature in 1818 brought up the sub- ject of the canal; his successor, Governor Coles, devoted some space to it in his message of 1822. A board of commissioners was appointed in 1828 and two years later an act to incorporate the canal with a capital of $1,000,000 was passed; but failure to have the stock subscribed caused the plan to fall through for the time. In 1827, Congress granted to the state of Illinois every alternate section in a belt of country extending six miles on either side of the canal, and in 1829 a canal board was or- ganized.^^ In 1835 the first loan was made and work began in 1836, continuing until March, 1843, during which time the *^ Executive Documents, 190, 28 Cong., 1 Sess. *» New York Weekly Tribune, Sept. 15, 1845. ""> ITiUburt, AntiquitiOB of Chicago, 147. »' De Bow'8 lievi€ic, 17, 2G6. [262] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 549 state expended $4,679,49-1 on tlie project.*^^ In September, 1845, the work was resumed and by 1848 was completed."^^ Other improvements besides the canal were planned ; $100,000 was to be expended for the improvement of the Great Wabash, a like sum on the Illinois and also on the Rock river; the Kas- kaskia and Little Wabash were to get $50,000 each for improve- ments; the Great Western mail route from Vincennes to St. Louis. $250,000; the Central railroad from Cairo to Galena; the Southern Crossroad from Alton to Mt. Carmel; the North- ern Crossroad from Quincy to the Indiana state line, and other minor roads were to be built.^* The immensity of the system can best be grasped by noticing statistics. A census taken in 1835 records the population of the state as 271,700;^=^ in 1900 it was 4,821,550.^« The debt authorized for these improvements in the first instance was $10,230,000, but the estimate was found to be too low by half and the state was committed to a liability of $20,000,000 or at the same ratio today the debt would amount to some $350,000,- 000, a debt which the state would not care to assume. So intent were the people in providing markets, in furnishing suitable transportation facilities and thereby opening up the resources of their state, that they did not count the cost, seeing only results. The immediate results were not what had been anticipated and with the breaking of the bubble of speculation and the collapse of the system as planned in Illinois', the finances of the state were almost ruined, simply because it had not the strength to solve the transportation problem.^' The livestock industry^ developed rapidly on the prairies. Abundant pastures were within the reach of all, and the farmer naturally developed the grazing industry. As early as 1818, some Illinois farmers had made it a business to raise cattle for the Baltimore and Philadelphia markets,^^ and the industry had '* Moses, Illinois, 1» 465. » Davidson and Stuv(5, Illinois, 485-6. " Davidson and StuvC-, Illinois, 436. '^Ihid., 438. 'i^ Twelfth Census, (1900), Population, 1. 16. "■ Scott, Repudiation of State Debts, 100-217. M Warden, Statistical, Political and Historical Account of the United States, 3, «2. [263] 550 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN groAvii steadily. Before 1850 thousands of cattle were raised on the prairies of Illinois, a\lissoiiri and loWa each year and sold to drovers who took them to Ohio to fatten for the eastern markets.^" In spite of the fact that sheep could not be kept upon the prairies without considerable attention, especially during the winter months, the industry rapidly gained favor among the fanners. Heavy losses were at first experienced, due chiefly to mismanagement, for the animals usually purchased in western New York or Philadelphia were driven the entire distance dur- ing the hot summer mouths or the colder ones of autumn to a new home where scarcely any provision had been made for their shelter.*^" As a consequence many died. Gaining knowledge by experience, the various branches of industry were soon put upon an excellent paying basis. Some found stock raising profitable, others adapted themselves to the cultivation of grain which at first was harvested and threshed by hand ; but before 1850 these primitive methods had given way to more improved ones. Drills were used in planting the seed ; mowing machines Were used in cutting the hay and reapers for the grain ; threshing machines, too, were used before the period was over.*'^ The effect of machinery upon the amount of produce was marked. In 1850 Illinois was fifth among the states in the amount of wheat produced ; in 1860 it was first with an annual product of more than 23,800,000 bushels.^- In 1840 Illinois was seventh in the production of Indian corn ; in 1850 it was third with an annual output of nearly 57,650,000 bushels and ten years later it led all the states, producing over 115,000,000 bushels or nearly one-seventh of the entire amount produced.*'^ Like increases appeared in other productions.** ^^ The Prairie Farmer, 9, 305. '^American Agriculturist, 4, 247. " Curtiss, ^yl\'itcrn Porirailure, 291. «^ Eifjhth' Census, (1860), Agriculture, 29, " 1 hid., 4«, 47, ^Runt's Merchants' Magazine, 5, 436, gives statistics for 1840; Abstract of the Seventh Census, (IS.jO), 89-00, gives statistics for 1850: [264] rOOLEY SETTLEMEXT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 551 "With the increased ability for handling large crops and with the possibility of increased land communication the farms tended to increase in size. Practically, the prairie man had done all he could in the way of subduing these vast stretches of land. The railroads were now necessary to solve the remaining prob- lems. Each successive wave of settlement helped to add cells to the comb already forming on the edge of the prairies ; but the process of assimilation was slow save w'here a line of transpor- tation added its influence. Pioneer saw mills worked away steadily causing a transition from the log-cabin age to that of lumber houses, but the change was slow at first. Previous to the opening of the Illinois-Mich- igan canal, lumber sold at sixty dollars a thousand in Ottawa; but the first load through the canal cut the price in two and successive loads reduced it still more. Freight rates the other way were high; at first the price for transporting wheat from Ottawa to Chicago was twelve and one-half cents per bushel. Later it dropped to eight and then to four cents per bushel,"^ a price which the farmers 'were glad to pay to have their produce taken across the swampy country around Chicago. This was in only one locality, however, and the other parts of the state were sadly in need of transportation facilities to assist in their development. The life of the pioneer has characteristics which are the same no matter what his location may be. "While new difficulties 'were encountered by the prairie pioneer, and he himself, gen- erally speaking, was different from the pioneer of southern Illinois, there were characteristics which these two types of set- tlers held in common. The first settlers of the southern part of the state were often 1840 1850 Horses and mul-es 200 , 741 278 , 226 Cattle 612.000 912,000' Hogs 1,446,000 1,910,000 Sheep 487.000 894,000 Bushels of wheat .3,263,500 9,414,000 Bushels of oats 5,082,000 10,087,241 Bushels of corn 22,524,000 57,647,000 Lbs. of tobacco 475,250 841,394 "> Illustrated History of La Salle County, 1, 212. [265] 552 BULLETI^^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN of the wandering type and were constantly seeking new homes. These pioneers were followed by a second class of settlers who generally had some property and were able to pay cash for at least part of their lands, and to make additional improvements. Lastly, came the man of property whose idea was to cultivate the land in the best possible manner and become a permanent resident.®*^ The pioneers of the first class were poor, indeed, enjoying few of the comforts of life and too often were so lazy as to make no effort whatever to better their condition. They lived in rags and idleness, providing for their families by hunting and oc- casionally cultivating a small patch of corn and vegetables but doing no other work, leading, on the whole, a most shiftless life and seeking no advancement. Morality, too, was of a low standard especially among these people and the poorer European iimnigrants who settled in the South.*^'^ The second and third classes were much advanced beyond the first. These people aimed to advance their material condi- tion and worked constantly to accomplish their object. Immigration to Northern Illinois after the opening of steam navigation on the Great Lakes reached such a volume that it seems impossible to make any such classification as has been made for Southern Illinois. There was no gradual procession of types but an influx of the agricultural type. So rapidly was the land filled up that a residence of three months in Chicago, for example, gave one the right to be recognized as an old settler.®^ Travelers through this part of the state give conflicting ac- counts regarding the inhabitants and their homes. The general sentiment seemed to be that the settlers were of a class superior to the early pioneers of the southern counties. In many places "neat white houses, tasteful piazzas, neat enclosures and newly planted shrubberies" gave evidence of New Englanders or peo- ple from the Middle Atlantic states.^' The people, as a rule, were contented with their homes and evinced no desire to emi- 8" Wyse, America, Its Realities and Resources, 2, 349-352. " Christian Exatnitier, 87, 272. <» A Wi/tter in the West, 1, 200. •9 Ibid., 2, 62. [266] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 553 grate,'" save a few who tiesired to iio to the Oref,'ou territoiy. Occasionally surprise is manifested at the character and intel- lirronce of settlei-s.'^ The frontier, however, seems always to have been also the home of a disreputable class of people, and northern Illinois was no exception to the rule. The more quiet citizens were constantly terrified by gangs of horse thieves, robbers, mur- derers and counterfeiters. For years southern Illinois had been infested by such individuals and as the frontier moved norMi- ward across the state, these bands of desperadoes followed it."- The islands of the Mississippi and the groves along its banks were homes for such bands." The heterogeneous character of settlement in the northwestern part of the state is described by a New York paper of the time. It says; "The settlers here are all descriptions of people; for- eigners, Canadians, Hoosiers, Buckeyes, Marylandei's. Virgin- ians, Kentuckians, Yankees, etc., with a large share of cut- throats, blacklegs, murderers, counterfeiters, robbere, thieves and all manner of scamps that infest a newly-settled country; and what is still worse . . . when any such rascals are caught, which is seldom, there is no such thing as putting the law in force or convicting them in anyway before they will be smuggled out of the reach of justice and get clear."'* Wliile the illus- stration may be exaggerated somewhat and intended to check the floAv of population it also serves' to show^ that among the law- abiding settlers there w-ere also many who were a decided detri- ment to the country. Such conditions did not exist everywhere. The frontier, it is said. l)rino's out the worst as well as the best of men's char- acters and incidents may be cited to prove this. During the early mining days at Galena, men from the South and West congregated to work the mines, and these men as a class pos- '" Scott, Journal of a Missionary Tour (1843), 107. "' The Xcic Yorker, Aug. 19, 1837. ^ Barber, History of all the Western States and Territories, 248. "3 The names of the Driskel brothers, Daggett, Bowman, and others for years were connected in the minds of the settlers with every outrage committed in the northwestern counties. Gahna Gazette and Northu-cstern Advertiser, July 0, 1841. " The iVCic Yorker, May 30, 1840. [267] 554 BULLETI^r OF THE UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN sessed and practiced many of the noblest traits of manhood. "As an illustration of their innate integrity of character it is perhaps only necessary to state that locks and keys were un- Iniown in the country and all places of abode were always left unfastened and open to the reception of all, who received a cordial welcome and a free invitation to partake of every hos- pitality the 'dug-out' or shanty afforded. Debts were con- tracted without reserve at the first interview with a new comer and he seldom ever failed to meet his promise of payment."" Most noticeable of characteristics common alike to the pio- neers of the prairie and the woodland was that of boundless hospitality. The new settler was received kindly and given substantial aid by those who had been in the country longer ; his^ cabin was quickly built and often in addition to assistance thus received it was not improbable that the friendly neighbors- would furnish the new settler with some live stock if he had none.''*' One would give poultry; another, a hog; a third, a calf and so on until there would be quite a drove of stock upon the clearing. No matter hov\^ poor the new settler might be, if he did not show a prospensity to dispute over trifles or to com- plain of the disadvantages of the new country, and criticise the manners and habits of the people, and cite the superiority of things in the place from whence he came, he would be received with blunt frankness and unaffected hospitality. His reception was just as much of the opposite character should he presume to cast reflections upon conditions existing in his new home. To the wayfarer, likewise, the western man extended his simple but hearty hospitality. Every stranger was made wel- come to all the primitive home afforded. There was always a place at the table and always room for another lodger, no mat- ter how many already occupied places in the home. This hos- pitality was extended in a manner peculiar to the frontiersman. He gave it in a simple, unassuming way and wished no remarks even if complimentary, and above all things he wished no cita- tion of unpleasant things encountered before, or any mention of entertainment received elsewhere which was not so good. Such •= rarkinson, Pioneer Life in Wisconsin, In the Wis. Hist. Collections, 2, 3321 "Holmes, Account of the United States, 133. [268] POOLE Y SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS^ 1830-50 555 remarks were considered as reflections upon the people of the country and from them it was inferred that like remarks would be made ag:ain and perhaps in connection with the entertainment "then enjoyed. The country and the surroundings of the pioneer seemed to change him in a few years. Even the quiet, conservative men from the East became rough, independent and simple in habits, <;areless of dress, frank in speech, friendly and generous to all whom they could trust. Seldom, if ever, did the prairie man fail to make a favorable impression upon those he chanced to meet. "Wlien he had reached a period of comparative prosperity nothing was too good for him. He lived in the midst of plenty. His cattle, horses and acres he numbered by the hundreds; his fields of grain and corn were wide in extent and he enjoyed his prosperity continuously which seemed only to improve his good- will, for nowhere could be found men who would obey the calls of friendship or answer the claims of benevolence with more cheerful promptness or with greater sacrifices to personal con- Tenience.'^'' The daily life of the pioneer was a varied one. Besides cul- tivating his fann, repairing his buildings and agricultural im- plements he found time to hunt, to assist his neighbors and sometimes to make attempts to educate himself.'* Besides the ■smaller affairs these pioneers provided for local government, for churches, for schools, for higher education and for the rail- ways and telegraph systems. Naturally enjoying society, primitive as it might be, these •early settlers met often at races, shooting-matches, house-rais- ings, log-rollings, weddings, funerals, elections and on court ■days.'^" Political and religious questions were freely and some- times violently discussed, at all such meetings and often with "' HaM, Sketches, 2, 70. "Mr. Conant records that on one daj' he "read the Latin Grammni-"' ; on another he "made a coffln for Mrs. Dougherty and he!p?.d to bury her" ; ou ■another he "planted corn and prepared for the wedding'" ; on another he "married Betsy Kelsey" ; on others he " made a table and borrowed six busheks of pota- toes", "read a sermon" ; "made a wagon" and on one day being unwell he "studied •algebra" and "wrote a temperance address". Life of A. H. Conant. 4.3. " Western Monthly Magazine, 1, 52. Haines, Social Life and Scenes in the Early Settlement of Central Illinois In Tranisactions of the Illinois State Histori- -cal Society, (19Uo.) [269] 556 bulletin; of the univeesity of Wisconsin keenness and ability. News of the outside world was passed from neighbor to neighbor, for newspapers were scarce in the early days. Books were few. Horse-racing, jumping, wrestling, hunting and dancing were the amusements enjoyed. Card playing was not tolerated by respectable people and a fiddle was, to the church people, only the devil painted red.**^ Active measures were taken by the legislature of Illinois to stop gambling. A law was passed in the early thirties by which a fine of twenty-five dollars was to be levied on any person bringing into the state or selling a pack of playing cards or a set of billard balls "or any other device or anything invented or made for the purpose of being used in games of hazard. ' ' A like fine was to be imposed upon a purchaser of the condemned articles, or anyone indulging in games of dice, billards or cards "for money or property" and a fine of one hundred dollars upon ' ' any tavern keeper or owner of a grocery or tipling shop ' ' who should allow any form of gambling in his place of busi- ness.®^ The pioneer had a standard of morality of his own and thought nothing of the free use of intoxicants. At every gathering the whiskey jug seemed indispensable, occasioning at times disturbances wliich, from a present day view-point, could never be overlooked. Education^- did not thrive well among the early settlers of southern Illinois. The poverty of the settlers, the hardships of frontier life, the long Indian wars, the slight returns which the lands yielded for school purposes were all so many hindrances. Save a few settlers who came from New England in the early days, the mass of pioneers was composed of people from Ken- tucky and Tennessee with others from Virginia and Pennsyl- vania. In these states the common school system had not been "» Chicafjo Intcr-Occan, Dec. 14, 1904. «^ Extract from statute. (Sangamon Journal, May 7, 1836.) ^ For a discussion of education In the Northwest and especially Illinois, see: McMaster, History of tlw People of the United States, 5, 370 ; S. WlMard, Brief History of Early Education in Illinois in Report of Sup't of Public Instruc- tion of Illinois (1884) ; W. L. nilsbury, Early Education in Illinois, in ibid., (1886) ; Rev. A. D. Mayo, Education in the 2Jorthwest during the first half Cen- tury of the Republic, noO-lSiO in Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1895- 96 (House Documents, 54 Cong., 1 Sess., No. 5.) ; Rev. A. D. Mayo, The Develop- ment of the Common School in the Western States 18S0-1865 in Report of th« Commissioner of Education, 1898-99, 1, 357-450. [270] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 557 developed and naturally little attention was paid to the develop- ment of such a system in early Illinois. Bj' an act of 1825, voters in any county might create districts, establish schools for -white children betAveen the age of five and twenty and maintain them by a tax of one-half mill on each dollar of taxable property. The law was not compulsory and unless a majority of the voters favored a school, none would exist. The people vigorously resisted the law and the legis- lature in 1829 repealed as much of it as provided for state aid and declared that no man should be taxed for the maintenance of schools unless he first gave his consent in writing. Education was not wholly neglected, however. Here and there in the pioneer communities, teachers such as they were gathered the children of the neighborhood together in some kitchen or abandoned log cabin and gave them instruction for scanty pay. By 1840 Baptists, Methodists, Congregationalists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Catholics all had seminaries of higher education located in the state. With the influx of New Englanders and New Yorkers to northern Illinois, changes for the better took place. These pioneers believed thoroughly in the value of schools and wher- ever two or three families settled together, there it was certain a school was soon to be started. The Ladies' Association for the Education of Girls; the Illinois Institute of Education and the State Association of Educators with other similar organi- zations fought to bring about the system of common schools which was finally organized in 1854. The effect of the agita- tion is seen in the results of the decade 1841 to 1850. In 1850 there were 2.640 public schools in Illinois and 132.000 pupils in attendance — the number of schools having doubled in the ten years and the attendance increased four-fold. In a general way the development of churches was the same. While meetings were held -with regularity among the pioneers of southern Illinois it was not until the advent of the northern stream of immigrants that we find churches erected for every community of any size. The circuit riders were to remain for years until the pioneer communities were wealthy enough to maintain a pastor in each one. [271] 558 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN It appears that previous to 1850 the agricultural pioneer had only made beginnings. His knowledge of the prairies was lim- ited; he could see the problems confronting him and did his best to cope with them using such means as he had. The prob- lems of transportation and markets were the serious obstacles to be overcome, Rivers formed one solution to these problems but where they failed it was necessaiy to construct roads. An examination of the location of the most important roads of the decade 1841-1850 shows well the needs of the farmer. From eastern, central, western and northern Illinois, roads centered at Chicago. Here was the supply depot of the prairies; here was the great shipping point, for lake transportation was cheaper than that on the rivers. Chicago was the connecting link between the land and the lake transportation as is shown in later days when so many of the great railway systems which tap the agricultural districts of the "West center at Chicago. The great unoccupied stretches of land between the timbered tracts ^\-ere to be left for the settlers of the next decade to claim. Wlien an increased use of improved farm machinery allowed the settlers to handle larger tracts of land with success and when the railroads penetrated the prairies and placed markets within the reach of the farmers, then the almost insurmountable ob- stacles presented by the great tracts of treeless land were over- •come. [2721 POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 559 CHAPTER XV Conclusion — A Resume The population map of 1830 shows that in no part of Illinois were there more than eighteen inhabitants to the square mile and that about two-thirds of the state was either entirely unoc- cupied or had less than seven inhabitants to the square mile. The most thickly settled parts of the state were along the Wa- bash, Ohio and Mississippi rivers. In the interior considerable settlement had been made along the Illinois and Sangamon rivers.^ By 1840 it appears that further encroachment had been made upon the great prairies, for all of the state, with the exception of a small part on the eastern side was credited with at least two inhabitants to the square mile. At this date the Military Tract is shown as settled and the outskirts of settlement along the Illinois river extended to Chicago instead of Peoria as desig- nated a decade before. Population was densest on the west- ern side of the state in a belt extending from Quincy to Jack- sonville and thence south into Madison and St. Clair counties. The least number of settlers was on the northern and eastern prairies.- In 1850 those parts of the state bordering the "Wabash, Ohio and Mississippi rivers were all credited with not less than eighteen inhabitants to the square mile. The strip of territory along the Illinois river was equally well settled as were those counties in the extreme north. The prairies of eastern Illinois and of the Military Tract are » Twelfth Census, (1900), Statistical Atlas, plate 6. ^Ibid., plate 7. 18 [273] 560 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN 17 I I I I III Six or more per square mile In 1840. I j Six or more per square mile : added during decade 1841-50. c J Less than six per square mile in 1850. DlSTBrBXTXIOX OF POPULATION BT COUNTIES [274] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 561 Eighteen or more per square mile. DlSTRIBUTIOX OF POPTJIATION BY COUNTIES (1850) [275] 562 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCOXSIN" clearly marked by the sparseness of settlement. No part of the state had more than forty-five settlers to the square mile.^ These maps give a general idea of the location of population, but in detail they are not accurate. Settlements in 1830 were entirely within the timbered tracts; by 1840 the frontier had moved farther to the north, but still the settlers clung to the timber. Not until after 1850 was the settlement of the open prairies to be really accomplished. During the years 1831 and 1832 the beginnings of settlement were made in northern and eastern Illinois. At the first alarm of the Black Hawk War the settlers, save in a few instances where communities seemed strong enough to maintain themselves against an Indian attack, fled back to the more thickly populated portions of the state and for the time the spread of settlement ceased along the northern Illinois frontier. These settlements had been planted by pioneers of the hunter type and when the flight southward came it appears that the hunter-pioneers lost their opportunity for settling the woodlands along the rivers of northern Illinois. Several causes operated to make this retreat before the In- dians a permanent one. The trip through the northern portion of the state in pursuit of the fleeing Indian chief disclosed for the fir'st time its wonderful resources as an agricultural district. Here we see the greatest effect of the war of 1832 ajid one over- powering the temporary compression of settlement during that year. From 1833 until 1837 or 1838 Illinois had a wonderful growth. The last of the Indian land titles within the limits of the state were extinguished, and the Indians themselves were either in- duced or compelled to vacate their claims in Illinois and to cross the Mississippi, thus removing the last cause for Indian scares and reassuring the immigrants from the East that their families and homes would be safe on the Illinois frontier. Land sales were constantly taking place at the various of&ces of the state and the immense internal improvement system already planned and soon to be begun, lead the people not only of Illinois but ' Ihid., plate 8. [276] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 563 of the eastern states, to believe that here were to be presented numerous opportunities for rapid acquisition of wealth. So far in the history of the westward movement the difficul- ties of travel had been many and severe. The trips made across the western country in wagons were tiresome indeed and the easier journeys down the Ohio had been attended with difficul- ties and dangers not to be overlooked, while a journey to the "West by way of the Great Lakes was not to be thought of, since a vessel in the upper lakes was as yet a curiosity. The year 183-1 saw the solution of this problem of transportation, at least to a great degree, for the advent of the steamer upon the lakes gave to the immigrant the means of comparatively safe and easy passage to the West and moreover, allowed him to carry more household goods, farming implements and domestic animals with which to begin life in the new country. There has always been among Americans a disposition to immigrate to the West in order to benefit themselves in the at- tempt to acquire wealth. During the thirties this desire was greatly increased in the East. The national debt had been paid and had been divided among the various states; trade had reached a high development and there was a feeling among the people that money was abundant, that every one was well-to-do and that investments, in land especially, could not help but result in the rapid accumulation of wealth. The farmers of New England, especially the generation of young men who could see no future for themselves in their native states, began to look to the great West for a livelihood. The development of the wool industry tended also to consolidate the small farms into large ones, and those farmer-s seeing an opportunity to dispose of their small holdings at good prices did so with the intention of moving to a new country. In the middle states frequent re- ports came, telling of the wonderful opportunities in the west- ern country. Pamphlets advertising Illinois lands flooded the states from Ohio to the sea-board. Since the subdivision of farms had. in the ^Middle Atlantic states, reached such a degree that the small patches of ground would no longer comfortably support families, and since renters began to see that in the space of a few years they could own farms in the West by the [277] 564 BULLETHS" OF THE UNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN investment of no more capital than they paid from year to year for rent, many were more than willing to trj^ the experiment of western life. All things seemed favorable for a period of speculative mania ; money seemed plentiful, western lands offered excellent oppor- tunities for the rapid accimiulation of wealth, a generation of young men was ready to begin life for itself and lastly, the problem of transportation had, to a great extent, been solved. The result was a natural one; the period of speculation mater- ialized and there came to the western country an unequalled flood of inmiigration. Gradually the stream increased in size and by 1835 the specu- lation in Illinois lands was fairly under way. The stages, steamboats, hotels, taverns and places of general resort were thronged with land sellers and land buyers and in advance of the thickest of the throng like an army of locusts seeking to devour the broad acres of the National domain,* was the crowd of land speculators. Five million dollars worth of lands v.'as entered during 1836.^ Even business men of sober, careful judgment, farmers and mechanics formerly wary and conservative, added their stimulus to the ever-increas- ing scramble for land and invested to the utmost limit which their credit would allow. Individuals who had reached their limit of credit, joined themselves together into companies and with the aid of the banks continued their financial gym- nastics. It is estimated that during the years 1835, 1836 and 1837 more than five hundred new towns were laid out in Illinois," each company believing that its town was, in the near future, to become a metropolis, the center of a thriving, populous, wealthy community. During the year 1836 in Will county alone, nine towns'' were laid out, and Will county was no ex- ception to the general rule prevailing in the state. The lots in these "paper towns" were advertised in eastern cities and many * Salisbury, The Speculative Craze of 'S6. in Buffalo Hist. Soc. PuWcationa, (1906), 4, 324. " Davidson and Stuv6, Illinois, 4.34. 'History of McLean County, 487. ^ Woodruff, Joliet and Will County, 33. [278] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 565 which today are sites of some fanner's field brought fancy prices. It is not to be understood that, during all this period of wild speculation, Illinois received no benefit or did not increase in permanent population, or that no towns of tliis period were to become permanent ones. Some companies organized by New Englanders and New Yorkers were sound enough financially to withstand the shock of 1837 and to establish in Illinois, towns which were destined to weather the financial storm which swept over the state during the years immediately following. In Mc- Lean coimty the Hudson^ and Mt. Hope" colonies; in TazeweU county the Tremont^" and Delavan" colonies; in Henry county the Andover,^- Wethersfield^^ and Geneseo^* colonies; in Bureau county the Providence^^ colony and in Knox county the Gales- burg^^ colony are all examples of the successful town building ventures of the time. These colonies seem to have been carefully planned and well financed. The land upon which they were located was, as a general rule, purchased before any move was made from the East by the settlers. It is true that the success attendant upon these various enterprises was at first not marked but they were able to maintain a footing during adverse circumstances and to take advantage of the more favorable conditions which followed during the later forties. The lack of success experienced by the Rockwell colony^'' in La Salle must be attributed rather to the drawback of an un- healthful location than to financial distress. The Morristown colony ^^ established in 1836 cannot be classified as a successful colony because of the few settlers who came. An unwise pro- » History of McLean County, G03. » Ibid., 597. "• Chicago Weekly Atnei'ican, Feb. 20, 1836. " The Netc Yorker, Aug. .31, 1839. ^Etstonj of Henry County, 524. "Ibid., 137. ^* Thirtieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Oeneseo, 5. " Matson, Remini.scencr.9 of Bureau County, 331. ^'Stories of the rionccr Mothers of Illinois. (Letter of Mai-y Allen West, Ms. In Illinois Hist. Library). "Baldwin, History of La Salle County. 375. " History of Heniit County, 135. [279] 566 BULLETIX OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN vision concerning the holding of land and the forfeiture of it in case of default upon the part of the settlers to make improve- ments within a limited time, operated to the detriment of set- tlement. The provision placed a premium on the non-accept- ance of land, for by so doing the defaulter was able to double the money he had invested. Illinois, however, does not owe her wonderful growth in pop- ulation during this period, to the establishment of colonies. The substantial growth took place through the efforts of individ- uals to establish homes for themselves and to acquire prop- erty in the new country. Along the border of the Great Prairie in Eastern Illinois the numerous pioneers from Ohio and Ken- tucky settled. Fearing as yet to venture out into the open, they took up the lands near the sheltering timber and thus formed a net-work of settlement far out into the prairie without encountering any of its real difficulties. Along the great river system of the Illinois, the Kentucky and Tennessee hunter, fol- lowing the experience of generations of pioneers accustomed to combat the difficulties of the forest rather than the prairie, pushed their way northward to meet the stream of New Eng- landers and New Yorkers following the line of the proposed canal. Across in the Military Tract the same operation was going on along the Mississippi river and its numerous branches. The lead region, of course, owes its development to other than agricultural causes or desires to subdue a new country. The Rock river valley was rapidly filling up, especially in the upper portion 'where water and good timber tracts were freely inter- spersed with the prairie lands. Here the southwestern and southern pioneer was seldom seen and New Englanders, New Yorkers and Pennsylvanians formed the greater part of the population. Lack of money among the new settlers, trouble over land claims and the difficulty of getting lumber and supplies from the lines of water transportation, coupled with a lack of markets for farm produce "w^ere the only drawbacks to the development of the state at this time. Serious as these may seem, the de- velopment of Illinois during this period of "boom" was a rapid one and the ground work of settlement laid in the northern [280] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLI>fOIS, 1830-50 507 part of the state during these years of prosperity was strong enough to tide the young commmiities over the trying year's to folloNv when it looked as if the state was surely to encounter financial shipwreck. In this period just described (1833 to 1837) the character of the settlement of northern Illinois was fixed once for all — the prairie man who was primarily a pioneer of the agricultural class, or the third type in the succession as followed heretofore, had now jumped into first place to the exclusion of the hunter and the small farmer. Events had operated for this and the result was inevitable. "While the pioneers who had occupied the Illinois river woodlands were still safely residing in the south- ern settlements w^aiting for the last echoes of the Black Hawk War to die away on the frontier, events were shaping themselves for a new immigration of a different type. Restlessness had ever been a failing of Americans and it was increased after 1830 by a combination of influences. In the previously enumerated causes^® may be found the reasons for the new flow of immi- gration to Illinois, and in the application of steam to lake traffic may be found the influence directing this stream of immigra- tion, which gave eastern rather than southern characteristics to northern Illinois. Illinois land was as fertile as any in the "West and land was what the immigrant wanted ; Chicago was the terminus of the lake route, a natural gateway to the prairies and as a consequence when the great rage for speculation broke out in the thirties and a wild rash was made to the West, Illi- nois received a liberal share of the new settlers. The hunter-pioneers who were again returning to the wood- lands of the upper Illinois were few in numbers; the agricul- tural pioneers from New England and New York were poured into Illinois in swarms by the ever-increasing number of lake steamei-s. As the mania for speculation increased, the army of immigrants increased also, until all the available timber of this portion of the state was taken up. The hunter was primar- ily a frontiersman ; the new immigrant was primarily a farmer. The former wished to keep the new country as a hunting ground, a sort of frontier; the latter wished at the earliest possible per- " Ch., II. [281] 568 BULLETIX OF THE UXIVEKSITY OF WISCON^SI]vr iod of time to convert the new country into an agricultural one. The hunter's woodlands were taken up; he knew nothing of the prairie and in all probability did not care to cultivate it. There was nothing left for him then but to move farther to the West in quest of the frontier. In this contest for the northern part of Illinois, volume and rapidity of transportation had been on the side of the agricultural man and numbers and steam had won, over inferior numbers and slower communi- cation. The result was inevitable as soon as the transportation problem had been solved, and to this element, primarily, it seems, must the northern complexion of this part of Illinois population be attributed. The period of depression extends over the years from 1837 to 1843. Beginning in the eastern states the panic and its with- ering results swept quickly over the entire country. Specula- tion in western lands, in railways, in canals, in corner lots and river fronts tied up much money which was needed to conduct the business of the country. Overtrading, by means of which the country was drained of its specie;-'' the rapid multiplication of 'wild-cat' banks-^ and subsequent suspension of specie pay- ments, together with Jackson's specie circular, precipitated the panic of 1837." Distress prevailed in the East, especially among the laborers and mechanics and in the rural districts the farmers soon began to feel the effects of the situation. Those who could get away from the cities did so and facing the West, looked to it to sup- ply homes and a new start in life. Farmers were, however, not able to sell their lands, for there were none who could buy. Consequently it appears that the majority of the immigrants to the West at this particular period, could not have belonged to the agricultural class in their native states. It was expected that a great influx of settlers would follow on the heels of this panic and it was so stated by some of the western papers.^* Observations made in the East show similar expectations, and they, for a time at least, proved correct. A Boston paper of =" Banker's Mayazine, 12, 390. =1 Walker, Money, 319. "* Wilson, Division and Reunion, 94. "^ Cliicago Weekly American, May 13, 1837. [283] I'OOLKY SKTTLKMKXT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 500 April 14, 1837, says "The emip:ration to the great west is rapidly increasing from ditt'erent parts of the country. The present stagnation in business — and the disastrous eifects upon our mechanics and laborer's — will tend to send many of them from our large towns and cities, where their services have been in constant demand for some years."-* The course of events in Illinois operated against the rapid settlement of the state during this period. Had not its own finances come into such a deplorable condition, Illinois could have profited by the movement to the West. Local conditions coupled with the general unsettled situation of the country served to intensify the depression in the state and the six years following 1837 were perhaps the darkest ones in its history. Thousands of acres of land had been purchased by the set- tlers and payments were regularly falling due. The effect of the Specie Circular was to draw off coin. Money became very scarce and the farmers, in order to obtain specie with which to make payments on their lands, were compelled to pay rates of interest which were excessively high. Twenty-five per cent, was exacted on five year loans and sometimes as high as seventy- five per cent, paid for one year loans.-'^ To make matters worse counterfeit bank notes and much bogus coin got into circula- tion.-^ The agricultural class suffered severely, too, on ac- count of lack of markets. Few or no cash sales could be made for farm produce and when such sales could be effected, prices were - exceedingly low. Barter was the means of carrjnng on trade and notes were sometimes drawn, payable in a cow or a horse or other farm products.-^ The state by 1842, was in debt $14,000,000 for money wasted on internal improvements;-^ the domestic treasury was in ar- rears over .$300,000 for ordinary governmental expenses; the state banks were beginning to grow shaky and then to collapse. After July, 1841, no attempt was made to pay even the interest ^* Chicago Weekly American, May G, 1837 (Bosioyi Mercantile Journal. April 14, 1837). M The New Yorker, Jan. 12, 1839. »> The Netc Yorker. .Iiine 5, 1841. '^ Clarke. History of McDonough Count;!. GO. ** Blanchard, The Northtceat and Chicago, l. G63. [283] oTO BULLETIX OF THE U^^IVEESITY OF WISCONSIN on the public debt; taxation was high and the people v/ere un- able to pay even moderate rates. Illinois was in ill repute. There was no trade; real estate Avas almost unsalable; business was stagnated ; everybody wanted to sell his property and move aAvay but there were only a few either abroad or within the state who cared to buy. As it is summed up by Mr Blanch- ard, the increase or decrease of Illinois' population for the per- iod was small for ''the impossibility of selling (property) kept us from losing population and the fear of disgrace and high taxes prevented us from growing materially."-^ Almost endless disputes over land claims arose during this period to increase the turmoil in the state. Squatters had set- tled upon government lands and made improvements and upon the sale of these lands at the land offices, disputes over posses- sion arose, for often those who had purchased a title to certain lands found, upon their arrival upon their purchases, that they were already occupied and portions placed under cultivation by settlers who seemed not at all disposed to yield their rights to the disputed tracts. Affairs began to assume a better aspect towards the end of 1842 and the people began to take courage and commenced to work their way out of the depression. Governor Ford, then the chief executive of the state, opposed with might and main the movement towards repudiation of the state's debt. Neither did he wish immediate payment of this debt, if it was to in- crease the burden of taxation. The sentiment of the legis- lature of 1842 and 1843 was also against any great increase of taxes, but finally a direct tax of one and one-half mills was levied for the purpose of paying the interest on the debt.^" The most noteworthy move of this legislature was the passage of a set of resolutions in Avhich it was stated that as representatives- of the state of Illinois the members of the legislature recog- nized the legal and moral obligation of discharging every debt contracted by authorized agents of the state. Furthermore^ the resolution contained a direct disavowal of repudiation, and as direct a statement that the revenues and resources of the ^Jhid., 1, G59. w/Wrf., 1, 6G2. [284] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 571 state would be appropriated to pay its debts as soon as such appropriations eoiild be made without impoverishing and op- pressing the people.'^ The wise financial administration of Governor Ford and the expression by the legislature against repudiation did much to- wards renewing confidence in the state of Illinois, and, attracted by the brilliant opportunities presented, immigrants again be- gan to come in. The seasons of 1843 and 1844 were seasons of poor crops which operated against the state's prosperity and tended to delay the revival for a short time. By 1846 there were $9,000 in the state's treasury instead of a deficit; the auditor's warrants sold at par, or nearly so in- stead of at a fifty per cent, reduction as in 1842; silver and gold coins were replacing the bank notes of a few years before and $3,000,000 of the state debt had been paid and the pay- ment of $5,000,000 more provided for immediately upon the com- pletion of the Illinois-Michigan canal, ^- It appeared that Ill- inois had at last started upon the road to a sound financial sys- tem and the increase of population by immigration during the succeeding years shows to what extent this feeling of confidence in the future of the state, was shared by such people of the eastern states as were seeking homes in the West. The recovery was. however, not an immediate one in all dis- tricts. In the western portion of the state, in Mercer and Hen- derson counties, as late as 1848, it was with great difficulty that the farmers were able to procure enough money to pay for their lands.^^ In Ogle county, too, money was scarce for several years. Gradually the stream of new settlers increased, the timber lands were all taken up and the more venturesome settlers pushed short distances out into the prairies. During the closing years of the decade, however, when Doug- lass' Bill asking for a grant of land for the Illinois Central railroad, was being discussed in Congress, attention was at- tracted to the prairie region of the state and upon the passage of the bill when the railroad became an assured fact, settlers " yUes' Register, 63, 325. =>- Blanchard, Xorthiccut and Chicago, 1, 664. ^History of Mercer and Henderson Counties, 623. [285] 572 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF "WISCONSIN began to take up the prairie land which had for more than twenty years been open for occupation, but had not been bought. The construction of the road effectually opened up the country, giving the pioneers something to connect them with the rest of the world. In the nor-thern portion of the state conditions were some- what similar. Lack of communication and of ready markets retarded settlement. Chicago and Galena in opposite comers of the state "were the only markets of considerable importance and carting supplies to and from these points was slow work. The northern railroad line was begun late in the forties and with it came an increase of population, but in 1850 there was still a great amount of unsettled country.^* Some emigration took place from various quarters of the state in 1849 and 1850, owing to the discovery of gold in Califomia,^^ but it was hardly enough to be of much consequence. Lines of transportation and communication influenced the character of the settlement of the various districts of the state. On the outskirts of the Great Prairie of eastern Illinois, in the timbered portions, were found the pioneers of the south- western states, who had come by the southern wagon roads to this district. Later the men from Ohio and Indiana filled up the remaining spaces. They, too, to a great extent, came by various wagon roads and finding good land in this region were content to settle upon it. In the middle Illinois river counties the same thing is noticeable as in the southern portion of the Military Tract. Contact with the central Illinois counties, which were populated to a great extent by Kentuckians, in- fluenced the population of these districts. Going farther to the north we find in the upper Illinois river counties and the val- leys of the Fox and Rock rivers, the New Yorkers and New Englanders. They had come by the easiest road, over the Great Lakes, and had settled in the northern countias before the south- ern stream had reached the northern timber tracts. Across the '■^ Lothrop, Directory of Champaign County, 122 ; Beckwith, History of Iro- quois County, 337; Beckwith, History of Vermilion County, 801. " History of McLean County, 232 ; Boies, History of DeEalb County, 404 ; His- tory of Sangamon County, 536. [286] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 573 state in the lead region a community with southern sympathies was planted. The ]\Iississippi river was the highway of com- merce and travel for this part of the state and the southern cities were the outlets of its commerce. As a consequence southern influences were brought to bear directly on the inhab- itants of the distnct. Many of the settlers were southerners by birth and this fact combined with the close connection with the South by way of the river tended to give the entire region a marked southern tone. The importance of communication is shown by the fact that the chief cities, Quincy, Peoria, Rushville, Peru, Ottawa, Joliet, Elgin. St. Charles, Rockford and Galena"*' were on or near the rivers. Chicago and Waukegan were on Lake Michigan. Many of the small inland villages, through the influence of the railroads, grew to be of importance after 1850. The census states that 736,931 native born Americans re- sided in Illinois in 1850. Of these 343,618 were natives of the state itself and 393,313 had come from other localities. Over 36,500 were New Englanders; 112.000 were from the Middle States; nearly 52,600 were from the South Atlantic States; 2,400 from Kentuclry and Tennessee; 98,400 from the states of the Northwest Territory, and 9,469 were from across the Miss- issippi. New York sent 67,180 immigrants ; Ohio 64,219 ; Ken- tucky, 49,588 ; Pennsylvania, 37,979 ; Tennessee, 32,303 ; Indiana, 30.953 and Virginia, 24,697. The other states each sent less than 20,000. Not one New England state is found in the above list, the greatest number coming from any of those states came from Vermont, which sent 11,381. The representation from California was the least of all — ^tliree.^^ In closing the discussion it may be stated that the great per- vading power which influenced the settlement of northern Ill- inois and built up this portion of the state with astonishing rapidity and which gave the northern character to its popula- tion was the development of steam navigation upon the lakes. It is true that the spirit of immigration pervaded the entire nation and that this factor augmented by general influences " Each town had 2,000 or more Inhabitants. ^''Seventh CensuSj (1850), xxxvl. [287] 574 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCOXSIX sweeping over the East and by local conditions in its various regions served as levers to start the movement westward with tremendous force; but it remained for the transportation lines of the Great Lakes to shape the course of the movement and to turn the stream into Illinois through its gateway at Chicago. In this respect the settlement of northern Illinois is typical of the development of the North Middle States in that the influence of the lines of transportation tended to reproduce in the New West hundreds of communities in sympathy with their parent states across the Alleghanies. The strong bonds of lines of transportation connecting the East and the West, tended to wipe out sectional feelings between these parts of the nation and the lack of lines connecting the North and South serves to in- crease this feeling between the North and the South. Sectional- ism in the United States, with the increase of these transporta- tion lines now changed rapidly from longitudinal to latitudinal. Strictly speaking, the period from 1830 to 1850 is one of varied characteristics, but taken in the light of the solution of the problem of the prairies, it is one of beginnings only. The pioneer as yet did not understand the wide, treeless areas around him ; he lacked confidence in his ability to cope with the difficul- ties they offered and he lacked the power to overcome these obstacles single-handed. Steam was again to be the key to the situation and during the following decade when the railroads spanned the state south and west from Chicago the line of com- munication with the East was completed. The market was brought closer to the consumer and to the producer, the prob- lem of obtaining lumber and merchandise at reasonable prices was solved and most important of all, when the prairie farmer was finally able to see railroad trains cross the state day after day, he felt that no longer was he shut off from the rest of man- kind when at last he swung clear of the timber and built his cabin on the open prairie. [288] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 575 Bibliography Owing to the nature of the subject matter in this monograph the material used is widely scattered. There are no works deal- ing exclusively with the settlement of the state and one is, therefore, compelled to search the state, county and city histories for the desired information. Information concerning the social and economic conditions influencing the movement of population towards the West must be sought in the local histories and newspapers of the eastern states. Some of the government reports contain considerable valuable material on these points. Estimates of the cost of transportation are accessible in the numerous emigrants' guides and gazetteers of the period ; routes of travel are also designated but much information can be obtained on this point by con- sulting the biographies of the early pioneers. The newspapers tell much of the volume of immigration. For the struggles of the pioneers with the prairies, local his- tories, autobiographies and reminiscences of the early pioneers are valuable, as are periodicals such as the Prairie Farmer which contains much information concerning the cultivation of the prairies. In the writings of the many travelers who passed through the West in the years preceding 1850, information can be had concerning pioneer society. However, it is well to use these accounts with caution since many of the writers were not friendly. J. B. McMaster's History of the People of the United States, 5, chap, xlviii shows the feeling entertained by English travelers towards the people and institutions of the United States. In the proceedings, publications and collections of learned societies are often found articles of interest treating of pioneer days. 19 [ 289 ] 676 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN I. General Authorities (1) Illinois: Illinais in 1837 (1837) ; Illinois Blue Booh (1900); Historical Encyclopaedia of Illinois (1900); Breese, S., Early History of Illinois (1884); Brown, H., History of Illinois (1844) ; Brown, AV. H., An Historical Sketch of the Early Move* ment in Illinois for the Legalization of Slavery, in Fergus Historical Series, 4 ; Carpenter, W. H., and Artlinr, T. S., History of Illinois (1857) ; Davidson, A., and Stuve, B., A Complete History of Illi- nais from 1673 to 1873 (1874) ; Edwards, N. TV., History of Illinois and Life and Times of Ninian Edwards (1870) ; Ford, T., History of Illinois (1854) ; Flower, G., History of the English Settlement in Ed- ivards County, Illinois (Chicago 1882) ; Gerhard, F., Illi^iois As It Is (1857) ; Goode, J. P., The Geography of Illinois. Maps; Harris, N. D., History of Negro Servitude in Illinois 1719 to 1864 (1904) ; James, E. J., Territorial Records of Illinois, in Illinois State Historical Society Publications (1901) ; MeCormick, H., A Topical Guide to the Study of the History of Illinois. (Normal 111. 1906) ; Moses, J., History of Illinois (2 vols. 1889-1892) ; Parker, J. M., The growth of the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago (1872) ; Patterson, R. W., Early Society in Southern Illinois in Fergus Historical Series, 2 ; Reynolds, J., Illinois: My Own Times (1854, 1855 also 1879) ; [ 290 ] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 577 Shaw, A., Local Government in Illinois in Johns Hop- kins TJniversiUj Studies, 1. (2) Generaij Works: Panics and Cmnmeixial Revulsions in the United States (1857) ; Blanchard, R., The Northwest and Chicago (2 vols, Chi- cago, 1898-1900) ; Bourne, E. G., Distribution of the Surplu^s (1885) ; Dewey, D. R., Financial History of the United States (1903) ; Gould, E, W., Fifty Years on the Mississippi (1889) ; Haymond, W. S., Indiana (1879) ; Hulburt, A. B., Historic Higlnvays of America (16 vols. 1902-1905) 9, Waterways of Expansion; McCuUoch, H,, Men and Measures of Half a Century (1888) ; McMaster, J. B., A History of the People of the United States 5, 6. (7 vols. 1883-1900) ; Seott, W. A., Repudiation of State Debts (1893) ; Stevens, F. E., The Black Haivk War (1903) ; Strong, M. N., History of the Territory of Wisconsin from 1836-184S (1885); Taussig, F. W., Tariff History of the United States (re- vised edition 1898) ; Von Hoist, H., The Constitutional and Political History of the United States, 2,3. (8 vols. 1876-1892) ; Walker, C. B., The Mississippi Valley (1880); Wilson, W., Division and Reunion, 1829-1889 (1901). II. Public Documents, State Reports, Etc. ^ ' '-■ , . i Reports of the Superintendent of the Federal Census, especially for 1830, 1840 and 1850; Abstract of the Seventh Census (1850) ; Compendium of the Seventh Census (1850) ; Eighth Census (1860) Agriculture; [291] 578 BULLETIN OF THE UXIVEESITY OF "WISCONSIN Twelfth Census (1900) Statistical Atlas; Congressional Debates (1825-37) ; The Congressional Globe (1833-1873) ; Senate Documents (1817-1849) ; ScTiate Miscellaneous Documents (1847-) ; Executive Documents (1830-1847) ; Ho^ise Executive Documents (1S47-) ; House Miscellaneous Documents (1847-) ; House Reports of Committees (1819-) ; Reports of the Commissioner of Education; Eighteenth Annual Report of the American Bureau of Ethnol- ogy (1896-97) ; Seventh Report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture (1852) ; Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio, 5; Economic Geology (1884) ; Report of the Illinois and Michigan Canal Commissioners (1884) ; Pillsbury, W. L., Early Education in Illinois in Sixteenth Bien- nial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Illinois (1886) ; Willard, S., Brief History of Early Education in Illinois in the Fifteenth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction in the State of Illinois (1884) ; Memorial of the Citizens of Cincinnati to the Congress of the United States Relative to the Navigation of the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers (1844) ; Constitution of the South Carolina Institute, for the Promotion of Art, Mechanical Ingenuity and Industry (1849). III. Publications of Historical Societies Publications of the Illinois State Historical Society (1899- 1905). Annual Proceedings of the Illinois Association of Sons of Ver- mont (10 vols. 1877-1776) ; Evanston Historical Society Publications (1902) ; Early Campmeetings in the McLean County (III.) Historical Society Transactions, 2, (1903) ; [292] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 579 Armstrong-, P. A., Historical Oration delivered before the Old Settlers Association of Grundy County, Illinois, Jidy Jf., 1876 at Morris, Illinois (1876) ; Boss, H. E., Early Newspapers in Illinois in Franklin So- ciety Puhlications, 2, (1870) ; Cheyney, E. P., The Anti-Rent Agination in the State of New York 1839-1816 in the University of Pennsylvania Publi- cations (1887) ; Goodwin, H. M., A Commemorative Discourse delivered in the First Congregational Church, Bockford, August IJf., 1870 (1870) ; Gratiot, H., A Pioneer of Wisconsin in Wis. Hist. Society Col- lections, 10; Haines, J., Social Life and Scenes in the Early Settlement of Centred Illinois in Transaction of the Illinois Stcto l:A;tQ.-- ical Society (1905) ; Kingston, J. T., Early Western Days in Wis. Hist. Society Col- lections, 7 ; Kofoid, Carrie P., Puritan Influence in the Formative Years of Illinois History in Transactions of the Illinois State His- torical Society (1905) ; Murray, D., The Anti-Bent Episode in the State of New York in J.m. Hist. Association Beports, 1, (1896) ; Parkinson, D. ]\I., Pioneer Life in Wisconsin in Wis. Hist. So- ciety Collections, 2 ; Reizenstein, M., The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad in John Hop- kins University Studies, 15; Eodolf, T., Pioneering in the Wisconsin Lead Begion in Wis. Hist. Society Collections, 15; Salisbury, G. H., The Specidative Craze of '36 in the Buffalo Historical Society Puhlications, 4, (1896) ; Sanford, A. H., State Sovereignty in Wisconsin in the Am. Hist. Association Beports (1891) ; Tenney, H. A., Early Times in Wiscoiisin in Wis. Hist. Society Collections, 1 ; Thwaites, R. G., Story of the Black Hawk War, in ihid., 12; Notes on Early Lcadmining in the Fever {or Galen-a) Biver Begion. in ibid., 13; [293] 680 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Tipton, T. F., Sj^orts and Pastimes of the Pioneers in McLean County Historical Society Transactions, 1, (1899) ; "Walker, Capt. A., Early Days on the Lakes in the Buffalo His- torical Society Publications, 5, (1902) ; Ward, G. W., The Early Development of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Project in the Johns Hopkins University Stud- ies, 17; Winden, J., Influence of the Erie Canal (MSS. Thesis, Univer- sity of Wisconsin 1900). IV. Reminiscences, Biographies, Papers, Etc. Calhoun Papers in American Hist. Association Beports, 2, (1899) ; Stories of the Pioneer Mothers of Illinois (MSS. in the Illinois Historical Library) ; Cofifin, Levi, Reminiscences (1880) ; Palmer, John M., Personal Recollections (1901) ; Collyer, R., The Life of A. H. Conant (1868) ; Bonner, T. D., Life and Adventures of Beckivourth (1858) ; Chetlain, A. L., Recollections of Seventy Years (1899) ; Ford, W. C, [Ed] Papers of James Monroe (1904) ; Hamilton, H. E., [Ed] Incidents and Events in the Life of Gur- don Saltonstall Huhhard (1888) ; Ho'wells, W. C, Recollections of Life in Ohio from 1813 to ISiO (1895) ; McLaughlin, A. C, Lewis Cass (Boston, 1900) ; Reid, H., Biographical Sketcli of Enoch Long, an Illinois Pio- neer (1884) ; Rombauer, R. E., Life of the Hon. Gustavus Koerner in Trans- actions of the Illinois State Historical Society (1904) ; Schurz, C, Henry Clay (2 vols., Boston, 1900) ; Shaw, Col. J., Personal Narrative in Wis. Hist. Society Collec- tions, 2 ; Shephard, E. M., Martin Van Buren (Boston, 1900) ; Thwaites, R. G., Narrative of Morgan L. Martin in Wis. Hist. Society Collections, 2 ; [294] POOLEY SKTTLEMEXT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 581 Tillson, C. H., Reminiscences of Early Life in Illinois, 1819 to 1827 (1870); Willard, S., Personal Reminiscences of Life in Illinois, 1830^ 1850 in Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society (1906.) V. Travels, Gazetteers and Emigrants' Guides Those worlvs which have been most useful in the preparations of this monograph are the following: Abdy, E. S., Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States of North America 1833-1834 (London 1835) ; Albach, J. R., Annals of the West (Cincinnati 1846, St. Louis 1850, Pittsburg 1857) ; The Americans as They Are (London 1828) ; A New Yorker. A Winter in the West (2 vols. New York 1835) ; Atwater, C, W7'itings (Columbus, 0., 1833) ; Barber, J. W., and Howe, H., All the Western States and Ter- ritories (Cincinnati 1867) ; Barclay, Capt, An Agricultural Tour in the United States and Upper Canada (Edinburgh and London 1842) ; Beck, L. C, A Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri (Albany 1823) ; Blois, J. T., Gazetteer of the State of Michigan . . . and a Directory for Emigrants (Detroit and New York 1840) ; Bremer, Fredrika, The Homes of the New World; Impressions of America (2 vols, translated by Mary Howett, New York, 1853); Brown. R. S., Western Gazetteer (1817) ; Buckingham, J. S., The Eastern and Western States of Amer- ica (3 vols. London 1842) ; Chevalier, I\I., Society, Manners and Politics in the United States (Boston 1839) ; Collins, S. H., The Emigrants' Guide to and Description of the United States of America (London 1830) ; Conkej^ "W., A Journey from 3Iassachusetts to Illinois in 1830 in Transactions of the lUinais State Historical Society (1906) ; [ 295 J 5S2 BULLETIN OF THE UiXIVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN Curtiss, D. S., Western Portraiture and Emigrants' Guide (New- York, 1852) ; Dana, E., Geographical Sketches on the Western Country (Cin- cinnati 1819) ; Davis, W. W., A Trip From Pennsylvania to Illinois in 1851 in Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society (1904) ; De Bow, J. D., The Industrial Resources of the United States (3 vols. New York 1854) ; Faux, W., McmoraUe Days in America (London 1823) ; Farnham, Eliza W., Life in Prairie Land (New York 1846) ; Ferrall, S. A., A Ramble of 6000 Miles Through the United States of America (London 1832) ; Ferguson, W., Ameiica by River and Rail (London 1856) ; Flint, T., History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley (2 vols., edition 1832) ; Letters from America (Thwaites Edition) ; Fordham, E. P., Personal Narrative (edited by F. A. Oc;^) ; Godley, J, R., Letters from America (2 vols. London 1844) ; Guide to the Illinois Central Railroad Lands (Chicago 1861) ; Grand, F. J., The Americans in Their Moral, Social and Polit- ical Relations (2 vols. London 1837) ; Hall, J., Letters from the West (Cincinnati 1828) ; Legends of the West (Cincinnati 1833) ; Statistics of the West (Cincinnati 1836) ; Notes on the Western States (Cincinnati 1838) ; Hall, E. H., The Northern Counties, Gazetteers and Directory for 1855-1856 ; A Perfect and Complete Guide to Northern Illinois (Chicago 1855) ; Harding, B., Tours Through tlte Western Countrij, 1818- 1819 (New London 1819) ; Hawes, G. W., Illinois State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1858-1859 (Chicago 1859); Jones, A. D., Illinois and the West (Boston and Phila. 1838) ; Latrobe, C. J., The Rambler in North America (2 vols. New York 1835); Lewis Rev. G., Impressions of America (Edinburgh 1845) ; Lloyd-Jones, C, Immigration Routes to Wisconsin (MSS. Thesis University of Wisconsin 1902) ; [296] roOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 583 MacGregor, J., Commercial Statistics of America (London) ; Mai-shall, J. T., Fanner's and Emigrant's Handbook (New York 1845) ; Martineaii, Harriett, Society in America, 1834-1836 (3 vols. London 1837) ; Meeker, N. C, Life in the West (New York 1868) ; Mitchell, S. A., Sketches of Illinois (Pliila. 1838) ; Murray, C. A., Travels in North A^nerica (2 vols. London 1854) ; Norris and Gardiner, Illinois Annual Register and Western . Business Directory for 1847 (Chicago 1847) ; Patten, E., A Glimpse at the United States and the Northern States of America (London 1853) ; Peck, J. M., Guide for Emigrants (1831) ; Peck, Rev. G., Traveler's Directory for Illinois in the Metho- dist Quarterly Review, July, 1843; Peyton, J. L., A Statistical View of the State of Elinois (Chi- cago 1855) ; Rantoul, R., Letter to Robert Schuyler . . . on the Value of the Public Lands of Illinois (Boston 1851) ; Regan, J., The Emigrant's Guide to the Western States of America (Edinburgh 1852) ; RejTiolds, J., Sketches of the Country on the Northern Raute from Belleville, Illinois to the City of New York (Belle- ville 1854); Salsbacher, Dr. J., Jlcine Reise nach der Vereinigten Staaten (Vienna 1845) ; Scott, Rev. J. L., A Journal of a Missionary Tour (Providence, 1843) ; Shultz, C, Travels on an Inland Voyag^e (2 vols. New York 1810) ; Smith, J. C, The Western Tourist and Emigrants' Guide (New- York 1839); Stuart, J., Three Years in North America (2 vols. New York 1833) ; Steele, Mrs., A Summer Journey in the West (New York 1841) ; Tanner, H. S., View of the Valley of the Mississippi (1834) Thomason, Rev. D. R., Hints to Emigrants (London 1849) Thwaites, R. G. [Ed.], Early Western Travels (1748-1846) [297] 584 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WlSCOIfSIX Van Zandt, N. B., A Full Description . . . of the Military Lands between the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers (Wash- ington, 1818) ; Vieiv of the Valley of the Mississippi or the Emigrants' and Travellers' Guide to the West (Phila. 1834) ; "Warden, D. B., Statistical, Political and Historical Account of the United States of North America (3 vols. Edinburgh, 1819) ; "Whittlesey, C, Recollections of a Tour through Wisco7isin in 1832 in Wis. Hist. Socidij Collections, 1 ; Wyse, F., America; Its Realities and Resources (3 vols. London, 1846). "VI. Periodicals Considerable information has been gathered from periodicals both American and European, but the material is scattered. The articles in the European magazines deal chiefly with eco- nomic and social conditions and are noted in that part of the bibliography dealing with immigration and foreigners in Ill- inois. Many newspapers of value for material on Illinois are found in the files in the Chicago Historical Society and those in the Merchants Library at St. Louis. For the files in the State Historical Library of "Wisconsin, see the Annotated Cdtalogue of Newspaper Files (1899) ; The following publications were used constantly: DeBoiv's Commercial Review of the South and West (1846- 1860). Hazard, S., [Ed.] United States Commercial and Statistical Register (1839—). Hunt's Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review (1839- 1870). Niles' Weekly Register (1811-1849). Illinois Monthly Magazine (1831-1832). The Prairie Farmer (1840 — ). The Western Monthly Magazine (1833-1837). Others which have been used to a less degree are: [ 298 ] POOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 585 Hazard, S., [Ed.] Ecgistcr of Pennsylvania (1828-1836). Homaus. J. S., [Ed.] Tlie Banker's Magazine and State Fi- nancial Register, 12. Latid We Love, 5. Magazine of Western History (1884-1891). Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science and Art, 4. The A^nerican Railroad Journal and General Advertiser (1845- 1861). The Atlantic Monthly, 26. The Christian Examiner, 51, 82. The Family Magazine, 6. The Nation, 8. The National Cale^idar (1830). The New Englander, 52. Yale Review, 1. Scattered material has been found in the following Illinois newspapers : Chicago American (1835-1842). Chicago Democrat (1833-1861). Chicago Express (1843). Chicago Evening Post (for Sept. 5, 1896). Chicago Inter Ocean (for Dec. 14, 1904). Chicago Journal (1844-1853). Chicago Times (for April 30, 1846). Chicago Tribune (1847). Gem of the Prairies (1847-1851). Illinois Advocate and State Register (1833-1835). Minei*'s Journal (1826). Miner's Free Press (1840). Nauvoo Neighbor (1843-1845). Nauvoo New- Citizen (for Feb. 24, 1847). Nauvoo Times and Seasons (for Sept. 15, 1841). Northwestern Gazette and Galena Advertiser (1834 ). Peoria Register and Northwestern Gazetteer (1837-1839). Rock ford Forum (1847). Rock River Gazette (for Oct. 14, 1842). Sangamo Journal (1836-1838). [299] 586 BULLETlJSr OF THE U^^IVEKSITY OF WISCONSIN Semi-Weekly Galena Jeffersonian (1845-1855). The Western Pioneer and Baptist Standard Bearer (1830- 1835). Warsaw Signal (for Oct. 13, 1846). Western Citizen (1842-53). Western Herald (1846-1847). Newspapers published outside of Illinois: Albany Argus (1813-1856). Alha7iy Cultivator (1834). American Agricidturist (1842), Boston Patriot (1809-1831). Boston Weekly Messenger (1811). Buffalo Commercial Advertiser (1844-47). Cincinnati Chromcle (1836-1850). Cincinnati Gazette (1815 ). Delaware (N. Y.) Courier (for Jan. 29, Feb. 6, 1864). Delaware (N. Y.) Gazette (for Sept., 1841). Genesee Farmer (1831-1840). Greeiie County (0.) Torchlight (1838). Louisville Weekly Messenger (1836-1838). Madison Express (1839-1848). New York Era (for Sept. 5, 1837). New York Weekly Herald (1841). New York World (1860). The New Yorker (1836-1841). The Ohio Statesman (1837). Wheeling Gazette (for Sept. 1, 1832). Wisconsin Enquirer (1838-1842). Wiskonsan Enquirer (1842). VII. Local Histories Much of the material upon the specific settlements of the state has been obtained from county histories. When there are two or more of the same county, both are noted. They differ in re- liability and must be used with caution. When the histories of two or more counties are in one volume, they are grouped in the summary under one title. The following works have been consulted in addition to county histories of other states; [300] rOOLKY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 587 Adams County, (1879). Alexander, Union and Pidaski Counties, (1883). Bond and Mmiigomcry Counties, (1882). Boone County, (1877). Bureau County, Voters and Tax payers, (1877). Bradsby. Henry C, History of Bureau County, (1885). IMatson, Xehemiah, Reminiscences of Bureau County, (1872). Carroll County, (1878). Cass County, (1882). Champaign County. (1878). Lotlirop, J. S., Champaign County Directory, (1871). Coles County, (1879). Andreas, A. T., Cook County, (1884). Crawford and Clark Counties. (1883). Cumberland, Jasper and Richland Counties, (1884). Boies, Henrys L., De Kail) County, (1868). De Kalh County, Voters and Tax payers, (1876). De Witt County, (1882). Blanehard. Rnfns. Du Page County, (1882). Richmond, C. W. and Vallette, H. F., Du Page County, (1857). Edgar Coamty, (1879). Effingham County, (1883). Fayette County. (1878). Fultmi County, (1879). Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin and Williamson Counties, (1887). Greene County, (1879). Grundy County, (1882). Gregg. Tliomas, Hancock County, (1880). Henry County, Tax Payers and Voters, (1877). Beckwith, Hiram W., Iroquois County, (1880). Jefferson County, (1883). Jo Daviess Comity, (1878). Kane County. (1878). Hiel^s, E. "W., Kendall County, (1877). Knox County, (1878). Haines, Elijah W., Lake County, (1852). [ 301 ] 588 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVEESITY OF WISCONSIN- Lake County, (1877). La Salle County, (1886). La Salle County, Past and Present, (1877). Baldwin, Elmer., La Salle County, (1877). Lee County, (1881). Livingston County, (1878). Macon Comity, (1880). Madison County, (1882). Marion and Clinton Counties, (1881). Mc Donough County, (1878 and 1885). Mc Henry Comity, (1886). Mc Lean County, (1879). Duis, Dr. E., Good old Times in Mc Lean County, (1874). Menard and Mason Counties, (1879). Mercer County, (1882). Ogle Comity, (1878). Ogle County, Sketches, (1859). Peoria County, (1880). Pike County, (1880). Ford, Henry A., Putnam and Marshall Counties (1860). Rock Island County, (1877). Henderson, John G., Early History of the Sa/ngamon Country, (1873). Schuyler and Brown Counties, (1882). Shelby and Moultrie Counties, (1881). St. Clair County, (1881). Stephenson County, (1880). Johnston, W. J., Sketches of Stephenson County, (1854). Beckwith, Hiram "W., Vermilion County, (1879). Coffeen, Henry A., Vermilion County, (1871). Warren County, (1877). Whiteside County, (1877). Will County, (1878). Winnebago County, (1877). Woodford County, (1878). [302] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 589 VIII. Biographical Records In connection with the county histories enumerated, the fol- lowing Biographical Records were of value in determining the nativities of the early settlers: Bureau, Marshall and Putnam Counties, (Clarke, Chicago, 1896). De Kalb County, (Clarke, 1898). De Witt County, (Clarke, 1901). Hancock, McDonough and Henderson Counties, (1894). Jo Daviess and Carroll Counties, (Chapman Bros., Chicago,^ 1889). Kane County, (Beers, Leggett & Co., Chicago, 1888). Kankakee County, (1893). Kendall County, (George Fisher & Co., Chicago, 1876). Livingston and Woodford Counties, (1900). McLean County, (Clarke, 1899). Ogle County, (Clarke, 1899). Rock Island County, (1885). Whiteside County, (Chapman Bros., 1885) ; also one by Clarke, 1900. Winnebago and Boone Counties, (Chicago Biographical Pub- lishing Co., 1892). Woodford County, (Chapman Bros., 1889). IX. Histories of Chicago A great deal has been written upon Chicago and its wonder- ful gro\vth. Of the mass of material, the following works were found most useful : Andreas, A. T.. History of Chicago, (3 Vols. 1885). Balestier, Joseph N., Annals of Chicago in Fergus Histo-rical Series, 1. Binckley, J. M., The Chicago of the Thinker, in the Lakeside, Oct., 1873. Bross, "W., History of Chicago, (1876). Colbert, E. and Chamberlin, E., Chicago and the Great Con- flagration, (1872). [303] 590 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Cleaver. C, A History of Chicago from 1833 to 1892, (1892). Flinn, J. J., and Wilkie, J. E., A History of the Chicago Police, (1887). Gale, E. 0., Reminiscences of Early Chicago and Vioinity, (1902). Hayes, A. A., Jr., Metropolis of the Praines, in Harper's Maga- zine, Oct., 1880. Hulbert, H. H., Chicago Antiquities, (1881). Kirkland, J., Story of Chicago, (2 vols. 1892-1894). Mason, E. G., Early Chicago and Illinois, (1890). Moses, J. and Kirkland, J., History of Chicago, (2 vol. 1895). Sheahan, J. W., and Upton, G. P., The Great Conflagration, (1872). Van Dorn, L., A View of Chicago in 1848 in Magazine of West- ern History, May, 1889. "Wentwortli, J., Reminiscences of Early Chicago, in Fergus Historical Series, 1. By Gone Days and Early Chicago, (A collection of newspaper articles on the early history of Chicago. Chicago Histori- cal Society Library). General Directory and Business Advertiser of the City of Chi- cago, (1844). Historical and Commercial Statistics of Chicago in Western Journal and Civilian, April, 1854. Industrial Chicago, (6 vols., 1894). Statistical and Historical View of Chicago, (1869). Other local histories are: Asbury, H., Reminiscences of Qimicy, (1882). Ballance, C, The History of Peoria, (1870). Bascom, Rev. F.. An Historical Discourse: Confimemorative of the Settlement of Galeshurg, (Galesburg, 1866). Carr, E. I., The History of RocUon, 1820 to 1893, (1898). Church, C. A., History of Rochford, (1900). Davidson, J. N., Some Distinctive Characteristics of the History of our Lead Region in Forty Sixth Annual Proceedings of State Historical Society of Wisconsin, (1899). Drown, S. D., Record and Historical View of Peoria, (1850). Eads, A. B., Illustrated History of Rockford, (1884). [304] rOOLEY SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 591 Flagler, D. "\V., Ilistorij of the Koch Island Arsenal, (1877). Meeker, M., Early History of the Lead Region of Wisconsin in Wis. Hist. Soc. Collections, 6. Redmond, P. H., History of Quincy, (1869). Roy, J. E., Memorial Address and Proceedings at the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Geneseo, (Chicago, 1867). Sellon, C. J., History of Galeshurg, (1857). Washbume, E. B., The Lead Region and Lead Trade of the Upper Mississippi in Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, March 1848. Woodruff, G. H., Forty Years Ago — A Contribution to the Early History of JoUet and Will County, (1874), History of Dixon and Lee County, (1870). History of the City of Elgin, {Chicago Republican, March 16,. 1867). Galena and Its Lead Mines in Harper's Magazine, May, 1866.. X. Foreigners in Illinois Information concerning the conditions in Europe which lead to emigi'ation can be found in the periodicals of the time. The location of this population in Illinois is easiest found in the local histories and in the secondary works on foreigners in the United States. The following works have been useful in gathering material: Deutsch-Amerikanische GeschichshUitter (Chicago 1900 — ). Schriften des Vereins fiir Social Politik, 52. European Etnigration to the United States in Edinburgh Re- view, July, 1854. Foreign Immigration, Its Natural and Extraordinary Causes in American Whig Revieiv, Nov., Dec, 1847; April ,1848; Immigj-ation into the United States in DeBow's Review, ISIarch, 1848. Manufacturing Emigration in Litt ells' Living Age, Jan., 1847. The Famine Lands in ibid., April, 1847. The Revolutions of Europe, 1830-1840 in the North American Review, July, 1848. German Emigration in Littell's Living Age, Oct., 1846. 20 [ 305 ] 592 BULLETIX OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN German Emigration to America in the North American Review, July, 1820. Our Poor Law Administration in the British Quarterly Review, April, 1868. Present Conditions of Great Bntian in the Edinburgh Review, April, 1851. The Modern Exodus in its Effects on the British Isles in the North British Review, Nov., 1852. Ireland and Its Famine in the British Quarterly Revieiv, May, 1847. Ireland in 1834 in the Dublin University Magazine, Jan., 1835. The Irish in America in the Metropolitan Jan., 1857. The American Review, 6. Blackwood's Magazine. 64. The Dublin Revieiv, 1, 15. The Fortnightly Revieiv, 8. The Harbinger, 2. Anderson, R. B., The First Chapter on Norwegian Immigration, 1821-1840 (Madison, 1895). Bagenal, P. H., The American Irish and their Influence on Irish Politics (London 1882). Becker, M. J., The Germans of 1849 in America (1887). Bruncken, E., How Germans become Americans in Wis. Hist. Society Proceedings (1898). Burritt, E., Ireland; in Littell's Living Age, April, 1847. Campbell, C. B., Bourbonnais; or the Early French Settlement in Kankakee County in Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society (1906). Chickering, J., Immigration into the United States, (1848). Condon, E. 0., The Irish Race in America (1887). Copeland, L. A., The Cwnish in Southwestern Wisconsin in Wis. Hist. Society Collections, 14. Engels, F., The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 (Translated by Florence K. Wischnewetzky, New York, 1887). Flom, G. T., The Scandinavian Factor in the American Popu- lation in Iowa Journal of History and Politics, 3. Hale, E. E., Letters on Irish Emigration (1852). [306] POOLET SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 593 Kapp, F., Immigration and the Commissioners of Emigration of the State of New York (1870). Kopfli, S., and Eggen, J., Die Schweizer-Kolonie Highland in Illinois in Deiitch-Amerikanische Geschichtsbldtter, April- July, 1905. Korner, G., Das Deutsche Element in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika 1818-1848 (Cincinnati, 1880). Lalor, J, J., The Germans in the West, in the Atlantic Monthly Oct., 1873. Levi, Mrs. K. E., Geographical Origin of German Immigration to Wisconsin, in Wis. Hist. Society Collections, 14. Luchsinger, J., The Planting of the Swiss Colony at New Glarus, Wisconsin in Wis. Hist. Society Collections, 12. Maguire, J. F., The Irish in America (1868). McLaughlin, A., The Immigrant, Past and Present, in the Pop- ular Science Monthly, July, 1904. Nelson, 0. N., History of Scandinavia and Succcssfxd Scandi- navians in the United States (2 vols. 1893). Newbauer, Ella F., The Siviss Settlements in Madison County, Illinois in Transactions of the Illinois State Historical So- ciety (1906). Onahan. "W. G., Irish Settlements in Illinois in the Catholic World, May, 1881. Rahr, L. F., German Immigration to the United States i840- 1850 (MSS. Thesis, University of Wisconsin 1903). Shea, J. G., The Canadian Element in the United States, in the American Catholic Quarterly Review, Oct. 1879. Smith, C. W., A Contribution towards a Bibliography of Morris Birkbeck and the English Settlement in Edwards County, Illinois in Transactions of the Illinois Historical Society (1905). Steinach, A., Schweizer Eolonien (N. Y. 1889). Traill, H. D., [Ed.] Social England, 6. (6 vols. 1897.) Turner, F. J., German Immigration into the United States in the Chicago Becord-Herald, Sept, 4, 1901. Young, E., Special Report on Immigration (1872). Young, E,, Labor in Europe and America (1875). [307] 594 BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN XI. 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A., The Bishop Hill Colony in the Johm Hop- kins University Studies, 10. Miller, Mrs. J. G., The Icarian Community of Nauvoo, Tllinois in Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society (1906). Noyes, J. H., History of American Socialism (1870). Robinson, Madame E. Fleury, A Social Experiment in The Open Court, Aug. 28, Sept. 11, 1890. Shaw, A., Icaria, (1884). Smith, President Joseph, and Smith, Apostle H. C, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Sadnts, (4 vols. Lamoni, la., 1902). [308] rooLEV — sirrTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS, 1830-50 5r>5 'Smucker, S. M., The Religious, Social and Political Ilistonj of the Mormons (1858). ■Stenhouse, T. B. II., The Rocky Mountain Saints (1873). Charter and By-Laws of the Icarian Community, (1857). The Detriments of Civilizaiion and Benefits of Association, as taught by Cliarlcs Fourier . . . (1844). ..A Handbook of Reference to the History, Chronology, Religion and Country of the Latter Day Saints . . . (1884). '[ 309 ] THE SETTLEMENT OF ILLINOIS FROM 1830 TO 1850 BY WILLIAM VIPOND POOLEY A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OP DOCTOR OP PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN 1905 (REPSINTBD from the bulletin of the university of WISCONSIN HISTORY SERIES, VOL. I, PP. 287-595.) MADISON, WISCONSIN 1908 '^^t-t-^' vOO^ oS -n^. vOO. ^■^' V^ «-'''■'"/• .^^^' "^^v. .S" % .^^.o-. O oo^ \^^^. ^■^- ^ %^ « ^' X^^ . ^ " * '^b. " '" .O*^' ^ " "' * - ''^'^ ^'/"-^^ ''\/ .'\;;% '^°o o°^^"r*/% :^^ "■'■>, ''J- V .^^^•"^-^ <,f '^- vV 00^ ,"c. ^^" x> .^-'^, > ^-^■ . . . .6-^ -/•