.Y6 U49 wiii;^iii^j4Mwi«tw««. Copy 2 n'^-# Page two Glacier Point. Yosemite Valley. The Half Dome in background n; of f • APK .'8 1920 im An Appreciation of Yosetnite NationalPark By HARRIET MONROE, Editor of "Poetry, a Magazine of Verse" Written Especially for the United States Railroad Administration WICE — and each time through an entire July — I have tramped with the CaUfornia Sierra Club through the grandest areas of the Yosemite National Park. I have camped in the Valley, in Tuolumne Meadows, and in the lost Hetch-Hetchy — sleeping to the sound of rushing waters with mountains towering around me. I have crossed Vogelsang Pass when the mountain hemlocks were just slipping off their wet mantles of snow; I have descended the formidable Tuolumne Canyon past the third fall; and under Mount Dana I have looked down over the red rocks of Bloody Canyon to Lake Mono, lying incredibly blue among the pink and lilac craters of dead volcanoes. My memories of this prismatically shattered earth are sharp in details of beauty, but all of them rise against white granite and falling waters. Never anywhere else can there be mountains so silver-white — El Capitan shouldering the sky, Cloud's Rest and the two great Domes giving back the sun, and Ritter, Lyell and Dana, fierce and jagged, guarding their inscrutable heights. And through the crevices of this gleaming granite run everywhere crystal streams — streams mad with joy that foam as they fly, and shout as they take enormous leaps over stark precipices. All kinds of falling waters — the delicate cascades of Illilouette; the wind-blown tulle of Bridal Veil; Nevada, lacy, white-fingered, taking her 600-foot leap like a step in a dance; Vernal, broad-shouldered, strong-bodied, massive, as he jumps like an athlete; and, most. wonder- ful of all, Yosemite, that Upper Yosemite Fall whose leap is 1 ,500 feet — a tall white living figure against the formidable cliff, a figure moving and breathing, tossing the spray from his eyes, shining tall and straight there like a young Greek god. Everywhere waters falling over and under and into white granite, falling in ribbons and rivers and cataracts, ringing golden bells, booming great guns, spraying the little flowers and the giant sequoias as they pass. Everywhere splendor — a world gorgeous, exultant, full of color and motion, existing for itself, for its own joy, and taking man on suffer- ance, as it were, if he will accept its terms and be free of soul. ^^^<'2o<^ M ( c L, t Ol^ DulutI S.'^D a! o T A i ^ i||«lNOCAVE.eARK o .<, w.t.riji"; INE'Ro. I Cedar Raj.i.lj . (/CUnloQ ^ C'-J-.»„J " E e R A S K..A .\ D«_M<,i_„„^_i,.„„^<'„j^^^^ " Fort Uadjson 7 ^^Oalesbjrg iijrjT _;^ '-"•J-fOoJ - " " & K A J*OUNTa, JLifof'SJIhT; 1 Grand I,|a„d OMAM, '~nf'wrg^'i,;i_..^iL-dad . "'chlfO '''«''"'» J earth.,. ^.^J^^ ANYj'oN PARftMP^^ • ■"! o—;: V -l"" "Sprlogfiel? , Y ^ oSulpliju_ F Ihot spring^ ' PARK ' Tex, Fort Worm MOtOKAU^ r^ 'JMHAWAII PAH ^ Bonol4^ ^^i? /T" Ch"'^ )hau pacific C tA h THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS The National Parks at a glance United States Railroad Administration Director General of Railroads For particulars as to fares, train schedules, etc., apply to any Railroad Ticket Agent, or to any of the following Consolidated Ticket Offices: West Beaumont, Tex., Orleans and Pearl Sts. Bremerton, Wash 224 Front St. Butte, Mont 2 N Main St. Chicago, 111 175 W. Jackson Blvd. Colorado Springs, Colo. 1 19 E. Pike's Peak Ave. Dallas, Tex 112-114 Field St. Denver, Colo 601 17th St. Des Moines, Iowa 403 Walnut St. Duluth, Minn 334 W. Superior St. El Paso, Tex. . . . Mills and Oregon Sts. Ft. Worth, Tex 702 Houston St. Fresno, Cal .J and Fresno Sts. Galveston, Tex.. 21st and Market Sts. Helena. Mont 58 S. Main St. Houston, Tex 904 Texas Ave. Kansas City, Mo. Ry. Ex. Bldg.. 7th and Walnut Sts. Annapolis, Md 54 Maryland Ave. Atlantic City, N.J... 1301 Pacific Ave. Baltimore, Md . . . B. & O. R. R. Bldg. Boston. Mass 67 Franklin St. Brooklyn, N. Y 336 Fulton St. Buffalo, N. Y., Main and Division Sts. Cincinnati. Ohio. 6th and Main Sts. Cleveland, Ohio.. 1004 Prospect Ave. Columbus. Ohio 70 East Gay St. Dayton, Ohio 19 S. Ludlow St. Asheville, N.C .. . Atlanta, Ga. Augusta, Ga Birmingham, Ala Charleston, S. C Charlotte, N. C Chattanooga, Tenn Columbia, S. C . Jacksonville, Fla For detailed National Park.s Chicago. POOLE BROS CHICAGO 14 S. Polk Square 74 Peachtree St. 81 I Broad St. 2010 1st Ave. Charleston Hotel 22 S. Tryon St. 817 Market St. Arcade Building 58 W. Bay St. information rega and Monuments Lincoln, Neb 104 N. 13th St. Little Rock. Ark 202 W. 2d St. Long Beach, Cal. . . L.A.&S.L. Station Los Angeles, Cal 2 I 5 S. Broadway Milwaukee, Wis 99 Wisconsin St. Minneapolis, Minn. ,202 Sixth St. South Oakland, Cal. . . 13th St. and Broadway Ocean Park. Cal 160 Pier Ave. Oklahoma City, Okla. 131 W. Grand Ave. Omaha, Neb 1416 Dodge St. Peoria, 111 Jefferson and Liberty Sts. Phoenix. Ariz. Adams St. and Central Ave. Portland, Ore., 3d and Washington Sts. Pueblo, Colo 401-3 N. Union Ave. St. Joseph, Mo 505 Francis St. St. Louis, Mo. 318-328 N. Broadway East Detroit. Mich.. 13 W. LaFayette Ave. Evansville. Ind.. . L. & N. R. R. Bldg. Grand Rapids. Mich 125 Pearl St. Indianapolis. Ind., 1 12-14 English Block Newark, N.J., Clinton and Beaver Sts. New York. N. Y 64 Broadway New York. N. Y 57 Chambers St. New York. N. Y 31W. 32dSt. New York. N. Y I 14 W. 42d St. South Knoxville. Tenn 600 Gay St. Lexington. Ky Union Station Louisville. Ky 4th and Market Sts. Lynchburg, Va 722 Main St. Memphis. Tenn 60 N. Main St. Mobile. Ala 51 S. Royal St. Montgomery. Ala Exchange Hotel Nashville. Tenn.. Independent Life Bldg, St. Paul. Minn. . ,4th and Jackson Sts. Sacramento, Cal 801 K St. Salt Lake City, Utah Main and S. Temple Sts. San Antonio, Texas 315-17 N. St. Mary's St. San Diego, Cal 300 Broadway San Francisco, Cal. Lick Bldg.. Post St. and Lick Place San Jose. Cal.. 1st and San Fernando Sts. Seattle. Wash 714-16 2d Ave. Shreveport, La., Milam and Market Sts. Sioux City, Iowa 510 4th St. Spokane, Wash. Davenport Hotel, 815 Sprague Ave. Tacoma, Wash. . 1117-19 Pacific Ave. Waco, Texas. . 6th and Franklin Sts. Whittier, Cal L. A. & S. L. Station Winnipeg. Man 226 Portage Ave. Philadelphia. Pa .... 1539 Chestnut St. Pittsburgh. Pa Arcade Building Reading. Pa 16 N. Fifth St. Rochester. N. Y 20 State St. Syracuse. N. Y University Block Toledo, Ohio 320 Madison Ave. Washington, D. C ... 1229 F St. N. W. Williamsport, Pa . . .4th and Pine Sts. Wilmington. Del 905 Market St. Paducah. Ky 430 Broadway Pensacola, Fla San Carlos Hotel Raleigh. N.C 305 LaFayette St. Richmond. Va 830 E. Main St. Savannah, Ga 37 Bull St. Sheffield. Ala Sheffield Hotel Tampa. Fla Hillsboro Hotel Vicksburg. Miss. 1319 Washington St. New Orleans. La . . . St. Charles Hotel ' Winston-Salem. N. C. .236 N. Main St. rding National Parks and. Monuments address Bureau of Service, Travel Bureau Western Lines, 646 Transportation Bldg., Season 19 19 P a ^ e thirty-one LIBRfiRY OF CONGRESS ■i 017 169 735 9 ^