•^^^; Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5 PS 1065 ORTHODOX HASH, WITH CHANGE OF DIET, , BY WARREN SUMNER BARLOW. AUTHOR OF . ''THE VOICES," " IF THEN AND WHEN," "PROGRESS OF MANHATTAN ISLE," AND OTHFR POExMS. / NEW YORK: ASA K BUTTS. 1881. »Ji >J« Testimonials. From the many ertncat notices and reviews of " TUB VOICES,* we hai < only room for a few brief extracts. Judge Bakeb 01 New York, in his elaborate review of " THE 'Y^ 10^^ VOICES," saye : " Oonsidered in the light of a controversial or didactic ' ^ * -. poem, it Ib without an equal in contemporaneous literature— the birth of ---0 ^ f J '^ an audacious mind, and is destined to excite greater and more wide en- . jj^ I J circling waves of sectarian agitation than any anti-credal work ever pub- '^ liahed." Prof. S. B. Brittak, in his able review of the work, says : *' In the Voice of Nature the author gives us a clearer insight into his own views of the material world, of human nature and God. He has a rational phi- losophy of the relations of mind and matter, and his theology is at once natural and charitable. He recognizes one God everywhere, present alike In the physical world and in His moral universe. The God he adores, and his strong faith in the goodness that rules the world, are clearly r^ realed and forcibly expressed in the following paraphrastic and poetical rendering of a beautiful passage in the Sermon on the Mount : Will He who hears the ravens when they cry, Mock and deride thee when no hope is nigh ? Will He who clothes the lilies of the fieid, That neither toil, nor spin, nor raiment yield ; Who feeds the fowls that never reap nor sow- Extends His watchful care where'er they go ; Will He who clothes the grass which is to-day, While all its beauty quickly fades away, Forget His image — His immortal child ! Is he alone derided and defiled ? Or left to tread the downward thoroughfarr,, With Satan to bewilder and ensnare, And urge him on to death and dark despair ? • O, ye of little faith ! ' let reason sway: Are not your souls more precious far than they t "WiiaJAM H. BuRL^iiGH, a well-known author and poet, in one of his contributions to the Chicago Evening Post, thus speaks of the author and "THE VOICES :" "That he is a bold, earnest man, with very pro nounced opinions, that he has a combative and incliive way of stating those opinions, and that, below all seeming antagonism to the letter of old creeds, he accepts the spirit of the new dispensation, his book furnishes abundant evidence. His veise is generally characterized by vigor, and al times glides wnh a true rhythmetic flow, and rings with a genuine poetic harmony." Copyright by WARREN SUMNER BARLOW. ORTHODOX HASH, WITH CHANGE OF DIET. In Eden's fair garden Where aU was delight, The hope of aU ages Butfl ashed in the night. For lo, in a flickering Moment of time, AH earthly effulgence Was darkened by crime. Here man and his maker Together were foiled, And earth's floral bosom Forever despoiled. ORTHODOX HASH. Here, Adam, from Eden, With curses must flee ; Though Jehovah no iess Was defeated than he I Jehovah defeated On earth's fickle shore. The God whom the angels Delight to adore ? Whose attributes dwell In the fullness of space, Where worlds upon worlds Feel His loving embrace ? All rolling in splendor His purpose to fill. Upheld and propelled, By the force of His will? ORTHODOX HASH. Where systems keep time By His inhnite power. Where ages are only Eternity's hour? Bi-eak gently the sorro\y ■ Among the bright spheres, For planets and suns Will be flooded with tears:— While the hope of eternity Trembles and falls, By the subtle deyice Of a serpent that cra\yls ! Yet God in His anguish. Repentant and sore, • Awoke to the contest His throne to restore : — ORTHODOX HASH. Invades the dark earth With His terrible ire, And opens the flood-gates Of water and fire. But Satan still victor, Moves on with delight From Eden's achievement To Calvary's height : Where silently ambushed With Judas to aid, Success was foreshadowed When God was betrayed ! Toll the bells lightly, Soft muffle their breath ; God of the universe Slumbers in death ! ORTHODOX HASH. Dark was the morning- When Nature in gloom, Bereft of her maker, Chose earth for His tomb ; But earth in a frenzy, And writhing in groans. Now broke in convulsions Her old rocky bones ! The dead from their graves Were aroused with affright, Cut short the long slumbers Of death's dreary night. This story seems strange, However we view it ; But stranger, if true, That so few ever knew it ! ORTHODOX HASH. But one thing is certain, No church can deny That the triumphs of Satan, Caused Jesus to die. That His death is the door To salvation for all ; Hence the murder of God, Atones for the fall. Thus Satan to glory With blood pays our fare, Revoking the mandate Of endless despair! Oh ! what a delusion The reason to bind ; Nay, what a religion To poison the inmd ! ORTHODOX HASH. Its strang-e combinations Of dogmas and creeds. From Adam to Moody, In substance thus reads. HASH. FIRST COURSE. Adam's fall Condemns us all ; Original sin Doth here begin ; Where Satan's plan To capture man At once prevailed, While God's so tailed. With passion's burst lo ORTHODOX HASH. He grieved and curst Still curses all For Adam's fall. Beset by fears Mid rolling years, While hope was vain Success to gain, With dire disaster Rolling faster, He sent His son. Three Gods in one, To save the race From hell's embrace. But Satan's powers In these dread hours, Are not dismayed For want of aid ; If once alone He took the throne, With legions now^ ORTHODOX HASH. ii That ne'er will bow, Naught can withstand His brave command ! Thus with small loss Success to gain, Upon the cross The Gods were slain ! To make defeat A grand retreat, That God thus slain Was not in vain, The creeds all say This ope's the way, The only way, Whereby the race Can hope for grace ; That faith in this, Brings endless bliss, — Will change at once 12 ORTHODOX HASH. An arrant dunce, From hell's delight To angel bright ! But moral truth From early youth, With kindly deeds For other's needs, All count as dross Without the cross. Conceived in sin, No good within. All bruised and sore At every pore, All heirs of hell, Where devils dwell, None can do good In any mood ; None good receive, None have reprieve ORTHODOX HASH. 13 Unless, like fools, Or pliant tools, We follow creeds. To suit their needs, And reason spurn At every turn ; All doubts dispel For fear of hell, And blindly plod Our way to God ! Yet God from eternity (i) Settled His plan, x\nd numbered the saved And the lost, to a man. No virtue, nor vice, (i) At whatever cost, Can increase the redeemed, Or add ^/^^ to the lost !. I. Westminster confession of faith. Presbyterian. Both old and new school. ?U ORTHODOX HASH. HASH. SECOND COURSE. If appetite Needs more delight, Or spice to flavor, With more savor ; Here's "Atonement for sin," With all Heaven thrown in ; Or " Total depravity," (Oh ! what a gravity.) And " Fore-ordination," With vile " Reprobation " And endless damnation, With dry bones to jump, At the sound of the trump; While Peter and Paul, And Moses, and all, Though Time's swelling waves. ORTHODOX HASH. Still burden their graves; Are waiting somewhere On the shores of despair, With pitiless moans, To wear their old bones ! But the trumpet at last. With one mighty blast. Will summon the race From its last resting place, By bursting the wombs Of earth's laden tombs. That millions may swell The legions of hell ! While few we are told, From the Orthodox Fold, Will parade with their bones Round the heavenly thrones ! God's Infinite love, From the fountain above, ORTHODOX HASH. Destruction hath hurled On an innocent world ; Consigned to perdition, With mandate forhjrn, Nine-tenths of His children, Before one zvas boi-n ! Where groans evermore, Resound from the shore, Where the " Heathen Chinee, Will wail for his tea ! HASH. THIRD COURSE. But fear no harm, Faith will disarm The darkest foes That can oppose. Though smeared like soot ORTHODOX HASH. 17 From crown to foot, By every crime That darkens time ; With Faith once kill, You're white as wool; Even when Death Devours your breath. And with cold grin Reviles your sm. You've naught to fear, For heaven is near ; If b}^ faith you devour, In the last trying hour. But a morsel of trash From the strange balderdash Of Orthodox Hash ! j8 orthodox hash. A WORD FROM THE COOK. A word to you, my Christian friend : If this admixture should offend, Or seems repugnant to your taste, Do not condemn with too much haste. This bill of fare is still the pride Of those who at your feasts preside. Whose morbid appetite still feeds Their palsied life, on dying creeds. This stale, cold dish of ancient date, Was once the joy of all who ate ; And, if perchance, it doth provoke, Thus gently warmed and made to smoke I pray you censure not the cook, When his receipt is from your book ! ORTHODOX HASH. 19 CHANGE OF DIET, FIRST COURSE. Cultivate 3'our noble manhood, Freed from ever}^ clan ; "Working out your own salvation," Like an honest man. Live the light that in you shineth. Thus to self be true ; Ever treat your reason kindly, And its path pursue. Have respect for all conditions, Be not over wise ; All should be each other's pupils, And together rise. Love should season all surroundings, Make our homes most dear ; Warm the hearts of friends and neisfh bors, With its timelv cheer. ORTHODOX HASH. No proscription for opinion, Should our steps attend ; New discovered truth too often Dies without a friend. Let us all divide our freedom, Giving each his share ; Man who makes, alone can answer This unanswered prayer. All are children of one Father, In a common band ; If one stumbles in life's journey, Give the helping hand. Kindly deeds by love begotten, In a generous way ; Warm the heart by warming others. Bringing double pay. He who wrongs a fellow mortal, Wrongs himself the worst ; Self condemned, while scorned by others, He is doubly curst. ORTHODOX HASH. Ever let the brute creation Our compassion share ; Dumb, defenseless, patient creatures Need our tender care. Cultivate within your being, Charity for all ; Something good in all beholding, Sadly though they fall. The divine in each immortal Will yet bud and bloom, In a climate more congenial. Where there yet is room. Thus, when earthly cares are ended, And the shades draw near ; Hope still lives, and is extended To a brighter sphere. ORTHODOX HASH. CHANGE OF DIET. SECOND COURSE. God, our ever loving Father, Countless worlds His name rehearse Whose pulsations beat forever. Through the boundless universe. Moses' God so frail and fickle, With His son of recent birth ; Were the vain and vague conceptions Of the age that gave them birth. May we rise with adoration. To the changeless powers that ride; Ne'er revere the age of darkness, Nor the bigots of their school. ORTHODOX HASH. 23 Let US live the living precepts, That bespeak of laws divine ; Deeply in our souls engraven, As among the stars that shine. Law is man's devoted teacher, Patient, truthful, ever wise ; Whose rebukes and just approvals, Are the rounds on which we rise. Law is Love's devout companion. Moulding all with rigid hand ; Architect of all the ages, First and last, in stern command. Let us heed its kind injuctions ; — Walk with Nature hand in hand ; 'Till we rise through life immortal, To a better, fairer land. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 973 219 8 4 THE VOICES BY WAEEEN SUMNER BAELOW. Ninth Edition, loith about one-fo^irth additional matter. A NEW STIPPLED STEEL-PLATE ENGEAVING OF THE AUTHOE, FROM A RECENT PHOTOGRAPH. The author has revised and enlarged *' The Voice of Prayer," and added the whole to this Edition without increasing the price. His criticism on the ' ' Parable of the Prodigal Son," of vicarious atonement, &c., in this part of the work, is of especial interest. The Voice of Nature represents God in the light of Reason and Philosophy — in His unchangeable and glori- ous attributes. The Voice of a Pebble delineates the individuality of Matter and Mind, fraternal Charity and Love. Tiie Voice of ^uper