•PR 3736 :^.T64 R7 1 1887 ^Copy 1 I'l! ROCK* y OF AGES* / / ^ ♦f ^0CK 4- 0F * ^6E3 * BY Augustus Montague Toplady II,I,USTRATED BY PHOTO-GRAVURES AFTER ORIGINAI, DESIGNS BY FREDERICK W. FREER "I will put thee in a clift of the rock.'** NEW YORK CopyHght, 1887, by FREDERICK A. STOKES Successor to White, Stokes, & Allen 1887 , OF CO/vg _ ^ JUL 29 18^ 44 iRocft of Uqcb, cleft for me/' £• REDERI CK A . StOI ^^799 J' c iKocF? ot Uqcs, clett tor me, Xet me bibc m^selt in tbee ; 3Let tbe water anD tbe bloob, IFrom tb^ riven siDe wbicb fiovv'D, JSe ot 6tn tbe double cure, Cleanse me trom its guilt ant> power. ^^ iRot the labors of m? banba Can fulfil tb? law'6 &emanb6/' iFlot tbe labors of m^ bant)s xi Can tumi tb^ law's C)emant)s; €oult) m^ 3eal no respite ftnow €oul^ m^ tears forever flow BU tor sin coulb not atone, » Ubou must save, anD tbou alone. ^'Ibelpleea, look to tbee for grace; \> Coi^gRisirr 1887 B-y ^^'REPBEicg: J^.g /syf^y' Irlotbtng in mp ban^ IF bring ; Simply to tb^ cross IT cling ; iaaF?et>, come to tbee tor Dress ; Delpless, look to tbee tor grace ; ffoul, f to tbe fountain ti^ ; Masb me, Saviour, or IT Me» **XIXIlben m? e^elibs close in ^eatb." Coip-sBiGHr, 1887 B-r i^EDEsicas: JV. Stokes . tv XKHbile ir ^raw tbts flcetlna breatb, Mben m^ ei5elit)s close in beatb, TPdlben H soar tbrougb tracts unknown, See tbee on tb^ judgment tbrone, 1Rock ot Hgcs, cleft tor me, %ct me biC)e myself In tbee* Bugu6tuf Montague ^opla^^, tbe autbor of tbis beautiful b^mn, was born in Surrey, BnglanD, in 1740 ♦ ♦ tbe was grat)uateD from ^rinit^ College, Dublin, anD was afterward vicar of :Broa& IbenburSt Devonsbirc . ♦ Ibe was an able writer anD proDuceD man^ b^mns wbicb bave become popular . . 1be Diet) in 1778. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 152 423 9