RUSSIAN-JAPANESE CONVENTION CONCERNING FISHERIES. Signed July 15 (28), 1907. (Translation.) His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russians and His Majesty the Emperor of Japan have, for the purpose of concluding a fisheries convention in accord- ance with the provisions of Article XI of the treaty of peace concluded at Portsmouth on August 23 (September 5), 1U05, (being the 5th day of the 9th month of the 38th year of Meidji) appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russians: Alexander Iswolsky, Master of His Court and Minister for Foreign Affairs, and His Privy Councilor Constantine Goubastoff, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs; and His Majesty the Emperor of Japan : Itchiro Motono, Doctor of Laws, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russians; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in due and good order, have concluded the following articles: Article I. The Imperial Government of Russia grants to Japanese subjects, in accord- ance with the provisions of the present convention, the right to fish, catch, and prepare all kinds of fish and aquatic products, except fur seals and sea otters, along the Russian coasts of the seas of Japan, Okhotsk, and Behring, with the exception of the rivers and inlets. The inlets which constitute the objects of the above exception are enumerated in article 1 of the protocol hereto annexed. Article II. Japanese subjects are authorized to engage in fishing and in the preparation of fish and aquatic products in the fishing tracts specially designated for this purpose, situated both at sea and on the coasts, and which shall be leased at public auction without any discrimination between Japanese and Russian subjects, either for a long term or for a short term. Japanese subjects shall enjoy in this respect the same rights as Russian subjects who have acquired fishing tracts in the regions specfied in Article I of the present convention. The dates and places appointed for these auctions, as well as the necessary details relative to the leases of the various fishing tracts, shall be officialy notified to the Japanese consul at Vladivostok at least two months before the auctions. The fishing for whale and codfish, as well as for all kinds of fish and aquatic ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS '•p'^EIVe'^ APR 8-^1921 DOCUMtNTi. ^ \ olON r