CJ 45 C 3 ' COLLECTION OF AND OF % U/ar /T\edals & Deeo rations, AND THE COlibECTIOH OF COINS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, Of MR. E. J. M. CHALONER. CATALOGUED BY S. H. & H. CHAPMAN. Jlfnl 29IK mi 30H1, 1395. OATALOO-UB OF THE COLLECTION OF (sureek, Roman, and Jj^nglish (Joins, AND OF WAR MEDALS ^ DECORATIONS, THE PROPERTY OF A FORMER OFFICER IN THE ARMY, AND THE Collection of Coins UNITED STATES AND CANADA, OF MR. E. J. M. CHALONER, OF ENOLAND. ?/? .>T- CATALOGUED BY / S. H. Sz H. CHAPMAN, 1348 Pine Street. and to be sold at auction by DAVIS & HARVEY, 1212 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, APRIL 29TH AND 30TH, 1895, X(X COMMENCING AT THREE O'CLOCK P.M. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON Copyright, 1895, S. H. & H. CHA.PMAN. s PREFACE. This highly valuable sale of coins is comprised of two in- teresting English collections. The first portion consisting of Greek, Roman and English coins, the property of a gentleman formerly an officer in the army, who does not desire his name to transpire, and described in the lots from Nos. 1 to 630, contains many unusually fine and rare pieces, particularly the beautiful Syracuse medallion, ISTo. 15 ; the Arsinoe octadrachm, No. 69 ; the extremely rare Stater of Diodotus, No. 65 ; several x7 ery fine Roman aurei ; the complete series of four pieces of -Vnglo-Gallic gold of Edward III. and the Black Prince, Nos. 143 to 7 ; the excessively rare groat of 1494, No. 163, never before offered in this country; a rare shilling of Henry VIIL, No. 168 ; half-sovereign of Edward III., No. 172 ; the splendid series of coins of Elizabeth, in gold and silver ; the James I. fine sovereign ; the extremely rare siege pieces of Pontefract of Charles II. ; the Oliver Cromwell set of silver ; the rare crown of William IV., and the extremely rare portrait testoon of Mary, Queen of Scots, which is another piece that has never before appeared in an American auction sale, and the splendid series of war medals and decorations, perhaps the largest that has ever been offered in this country. In this series the rare medal for the War of 1812 and for Northwest Canada, 1885, described in the Canadian series may also be included. The second portion is the collection of Mr. E. J. M. Chal- oner, beginning with lot 630 and is comprised of coins of the United States and Canada, among which are many rare pieces of great interest, particularly the N. E. shilling; the set of silver coins of Lord Baltimore; the Hosa Americana series containing the excessively rare two-pence of 1724, only one other known, and the very fine quarter dollar of 1796, and finally a fine collection of Canadian coins and medals, the chief point of merit in which is the perhaps finest series in IV PREFACE. existence of the Canadian Bank Tokens of 1838 to 1839, to which we have given special stndy and have described them at full length with great exactness, so that with the aid of the plate which gives all the dies, collectors will be able to discern the varieties, and will find the catalogue to be in the future a valuable reference for this series, as neither of the works on the subject, Le Roux or Breton, have given it the critical study or description, or illustration with a photographic plate, which it demands. The splendid series of Jewish shekels and half shekels of Simon Maccabeus, E*os. 55 to 62, and the coins of Vespasia- nus referring to Judea, ^N"os. 89 to 93, are also the property of Mr. Chaloner, but we have placed them in their proper order in the series of Greek and Roman coins of the first portion. These collections have been placed in our hands for abso- lute sale without any reserve, except in the few lots upon which the limits are printed in the catalogue. We refused to accept the sale with limits, and the owners then only placed limits on the few lots mentioned, for the sale of which they were fearful in this, to them, untried market, and on these 10 per cent, commission is to be paid; and our patrons will therefore see that the sale is thoroughly bona fide, and this penalty will be incurred upon all lots bought in. Many of the pieces of highest rarity are not limited. On account of some limits being placed, we feel it due to the owners to declare that the collections do not belong to us, nor have we placed nor do we own a single piece in the sale. In our opinion the limits are all reasonable and the coins worth more — in fact the owners put them below cost en- deavoring to allow a margin that would insure sale. The average rarity and value of the coins in the sale is unusually high. Catalogues, with ^.ye autotype plates, price fl, will be issued, and priced copies of the catalogues without plates will be supplied after the sale for 50 cents. We guarantee all the coins and medals genuine and original unless otherwise de- scribed. S. H. & H. CHAPMAJST, Numismatists. CATALOGUE, ANCIENT GREEK COINS. ITALY. 1 Roma. Latium. Ms Grave, B.C. 385. S. Head of Jupiter 1. R. S. Prow. Semis. Very good. 2 Central Italy. Open hand. • • • . R. Two barley corns, be- tween which ' * ' . Quadrans. Very good. Mus. Kir. I., Plate VI. B. M. Cat. III., 12. 3 Some. Dog 1., * * • . R. Wheel, ' * ' • Quadrans. Fine. Rare. Mus. Kir., I., Plate VIII. B. M., Cat. VI., 11. 4 Neapolis. Campania. B.C. 340 to 268. Head of Dia-Hebe 1. R. NEonoAiTAN. Man-headed bull to r. crowned by Nike. Didrachm. Fine. See H. H. N., p. 33. 5 Neapolis. Same. H. r. behind dove, quiver, before wreath. R. Head off. Fine. 6 Metapontum. Lucania. b.c. 500. meta. Wheat ear. R. Ear incused. Didrachm. Good. 7 Velia. b.c 300. Head of Pallas 1. R. yeahtq(n). Lion r. Didrachm. Fine. 8 Sybaris. b.c 510. ym(=zy). Bull 1. R. Bull incused. Di- drachm. Fine. 9 Crotona. Bruttium. b.c 480-420. Tripod ; crane. R. Tri- pod incused. Didrachm. Fine. SICILY. 10 Agrigentum. b.c 480-415. akpak-antos. Eagle 1. R. Crab. Tetradrachm. Very good. Head. H., p. 105. 11 Gela. b.c 480. Quadriga r. (c)eaas. R. Forepart of man- headed bull swimming r. Tetradrachm. Very fine. 12 Leontini. b.c 466-422. Head of Apollo r. R. le-o-n-ti-non. Lion's head surrounded by four barley-corns. Tet. Fine. 13 Messana. b.c 420-396. Quadriga 1. R. ME2-S-AN-I0N. Hare, bee r. Tetradrachm. Good. 14 Selinus. b.c 600 to 466. Parsley leaf, ■ * . R. Punch-mark. Didrachm. Fine. 1 2 ANCIENT GREEK COINS, 15 Syracuse, b.c. 410 to 345. Head of Persephone to 1. sur- rounded by four dolphins. (2YPAK02K2N). R. Quadriga to left. Nike, flying to r. above the horses, crowns the charioteer ; in exergue the suit of prize armor — cuirass, greaves, spear, shield and helmet. Dekadrachm. In brilliant, unworn preservation, but with more clefts in edge from the impression than usual, and the charioteer is nearly off the planchet. The head is from the most beautiful die by Evainetos, and it is a grand example of the finest work of Art in die-engraving the world has ever produced. Limit $125. See plate. 16 Syracuse, b.c 287. sypakosign. Head of Persephone 1. R. Biga head. H. N., p. 160. Copper. Fine. 17 Syracuse, b.c 275 to 216. Philistis. Her head filleted and veiled 1. R. basiai22A(s) *iaistiao(2). Quadriga walking r. Tetradrachm. Fine. GrlxEECE. 18 Thasos. Thrace, b.c 200. Head of Dionysos r. R. hpak- aeoye 2GTHP02 OASifiN. Herakles standing 1. Tet. F. 19 Same. Barbaric work. Inscription indicated by dots. Cu- rious. Very fine. 20 Lysimachos. b.c 306-281. Head of Alexander r. filleted and with horn of Ammon. R. BA2iAEft2 aysimaxoy. Pallas seated 1. Tetradrachm. Fine. 21 Same. Piece broken from edge and cleaned. Good. 22 Lete. Macedonia, b.c 500. Satyr holds nymph by wrist. R. Square incused, divided diagonally. Did. Very fine. 23 Philip II. b.c 358 to 336. Head of Zeus r. R. iaetaipot. Pallas seated to 1. Te- tradrachm. Very good ; hair tooled. 43 Ephesus. Ionia, b.c 200. Cist, in ivy-wreath. R. e$e. Two serpents. Bee. Tetradrachm. Fine. 4 ANCIENT GREEK COINS. 44 Apamea. Same types, aiia. Fine. 45 Chios, b.c. 500. Griffin seated 1. R. Incuse square. Di- drachm. Very good. 46 Lycia. Augustus, at. Head r. R. Lyres (2). Den. Fair. Rare. 47 Rhodes. Caria. b.c. 400. Head of Helios facing, of early style. R. Rose. Didrachm. Good. Been in jewellery. 48 Side. Pamphylia. b.c. 200. Head of Pallas r. R. Nike fly- ing 1. kaetx. Tetradrachm. Fine. 49 Mazaeus. Cilicia. Baal-tare seated. R. Lion walking 1. Te- tradrachm. Fine. 50 Antiochos III. Syria, b.c. 222-187. Head 1. filleted. R. basiaeqs antioxot. Apollo seated 1. Tetradr. Fine. 51 Demetrios II. Bust r. R. ahmhtpiot basiaegs. Eagle 1.; typ, IE, AY2, chp. Tyre, Year 186 = b.c. 126. Tetra- drachm. Very good. See B.M. Cat. p. 76, 7. 52 Antioch. Trajan. Head r. on eagle. R. Antioch seated r. the River Orontes swimming at her feet. Tetrad. Fine. 53 Tyre. Phoenicia. Head of Herakles r. laur. R. typot iepas km asyaoy. Eagle 1. with r. foot on prow ; n = 13 = b.c. 113. Tetradrachm. Very fine. H. p. 675. 54 Tyre. Same. Fine, bk = 22 = b.c. 104. 55 Simon Maccabeus. Judaea. 'XDBTr) ^PT- " Half Shekel." Cup; above, K="Year l» = B .c. 141. R. (nMlp dSb>W, " Jerusalem the Holy." Triple Lily. Half Shekel. Good. Very rare. M. 2. Limit, $20. Plate II. 56 Simon SlOB^D^. "Shekel Israel." Cup; above cup, 3B> = " Year 2." R. nETfpH D>Sfc?YT. Triple lily. Shekel. Very fine. Rare. M. 3. Limit, $20. 57 Simon. *?p&n W, " Half Shekel." Cup ; above cup, 2& = a Year 2." R. Same as above. Half Shekel. Very fine. Rare. M. H. Limit, $20. 58 Simon. Same as 56, but above cup, %& = " Year 3." Shekel. Very fine. Rare. M. 5. Limit, $25. Plate II. 59 Simon. Same as, but above cup, y& — '' Year 3." Half Shekel. Very fine. t Rare. M. 6. Limit, $25. 60 Simon. |W j"lS&!D. " The Redemption of Zion." Cup. R. WW AMP, "Fourth Year." Bundle of branches be- tween two ethrogs. Copper. Fine. Rare. M., p. 73, 3. 61 Nero. l. e. kaicapoc. Palm. R. nep-wNO-c in wreath. Cop- per, l.e. = 5th Year = a.d. 58. 62 Simon Barcochab. Second Revolt, a.d. 132-5. flVfoW. Simon. PLATE II COPYRIGHT 1895, ;Y S. H. AND H. CHAPMAN. ANCIENT GREEK COINS. 5 Bunch of grapes. R. D/1&YV DMR/- Three-stringed lyre. Silver drachm struck over a Roman denarius, two letters, ed only show on margin. Extremely fine. Very rare. Variety of M. 9 and 10. Limited, $20. Plate II. 63 Darius I. Persia. B.C. 521 to 486. King crowned, kneeling, holds bow in 1. and arrow in r. hand. R. Oblong punch- mark. Daric. Fine. Plate I. 64 Darius I. Same types in silver — the siglos. Fair. 65 Diodotus. Bactria and India, b.c 250. Portrait head r. filleted R. BA2IAES22 aioaotot. Zeus hurling thunder-bolt 1. Stater. Extremely fine. Extremely rare. Plate I. 66 Menander. Bust to 1. R. Pallas 1. Dr. Very fine. EGYPT. 67 Ptolemaios I. b.c. 316. Head of Alexander in elephant head skin. R. aaeeanapoy. Pallas standing, hurls javelin 1. ; in field eagle, mark of Ptolemaios, by whom it was struck whilst Governor in Egypt for the infant son of Alexander. Tetradr. Very good, but large piece broken out of edge at back of head, yet not involving types of reverse. Rare. 68 Ptolemaios II. Head of Ptolemaios 1. r. R. Eagle az = 36 b.c = 250. Tetradrachm. Fair. 69 Arsinoe. Wife of Ptolemaios II., Philadelphos, b.c 285 to 247. Her head r. with horn of Ammon, diademed and veiled ; behind head K. R. apsinohs 4»iaaaea. 50. Head r. R. Horse r. Silver. Size 6. Fine. Kare. 115 Burgred. Mercia. 852-874. bvrgred rex. Bust r. R. mon-eta eanred. Penny. Very fine. R. 8-10. 116 Eanred. Northumbria. 808-40. eanred rex. R. heardvlf. Silver styca. Fine. 117 Ethelred. 840-8. Similar. Money er monne. Styca, base. Very fine. 118 Redulf. 844. redvlf rex. R. eanred. Styca. Fine. Very rare. 119 Canute. 883-900. c-n-v-t-i at ends of cross. R. cvn- net-ti. Penny. Very fine. H. 588 variety. 120 Vigmund. York, Archbishop of. Styca. Good. SOLE MONAECHS. 121 Ethelwulf. 837-856. aedelvvlf rex. Bust r. R. torht-vlf mo- on cross and n-e-t-a in angles. Penny. Fine. Rare. R. 14-2. 122 Ethelred I. 866-871. aedelrd rex. Bust r. R. mon- wine-eta in 3 lines. Penny. Fine. Very rare. R. 15-4. 123 Eadmund. 941-6. aedmvnd rex. Cross. R. dorvlf m. Penny. Very fine. Rare. R. 18-9. 124 Eadred. 946-55. eadred rex. Cross, R. vvlfga-res mot. Penny. Fine. Rare. R. 19-5. 125 Ethelred II. 978-1016. .edelred rex anglorvm. Bust r. R. jedered mto lvndo. Hand of Providence bet. a-w. Penny. R. 23-13. Fine. Scarce. 126 Ethelred. Bust 1. R. manna mo theod. Cross. Penny. Fine. 127 Ethelred. Same. R. leofstan mo lvn. Cross. Fine. 128 Ethelred. a.d. 125. Bust 1. R. Same moneyer as preceding ; c-n-v-t in angles of cross. R. 22-4. Very good. 129 Canute. 1016-35. cnvt rex. Bust with sceptre 1. R goodric on lvnd. Penny. R. 22-4. Extremely fine. 2 10 COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 130 Harold I. 1035-40. harold rex. Bust in armor 1. R. leofric on lvnd. Penny. R. 24-4. Fine. Rare. 131 Edward the Confessor. 1042-66. eadpard r angorv. King seated. R. Cross, bird in each angle. Penny. Fine. R. 24-13. 132 Harold II. 1066. (har)old rex ang. Bust 1. crowned. R. pax. Penny. Fine. Rare. R. 26-3. AFTER THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 133 William I. 1066-87. pillemv rex. Bust facing. R. Cross, in angles p-a-x-s. Penny. Very fine. 134 William Rufus. Bust facing. Ins. not struck. R. 10 rev. 8. Rare. 135 Stephen. 1135-54. (s)tefen r(ex>). Bust with sceptre r. Penny. This coin is always badly struck, and this speci- men is better than usual. H. 270. 136 Henry II. 1154-89. Bust facing, only few outlines showing ; ins. off. R. Cross, in angles cross; few letters of ins. As fine as usually met with. Penny. Rare. H. 285. 137 Edward I. (?). Bust facing, instead of ins. circle of dots. R. 3-armed cross. " Black " money. Brass. Fine. EDWARD III. 1327-1377. 138 Noble, edward dei gra. rex, angl & franc d. hvB. King in ship r. R. Cross, floriated, in angles lion crowned, all in tressure of 8 arches ; ins. complete. 4th issue. Ex- tremely fine. Perfectly struck. Plate. 139 Half noble. Similar. 4th issue. Fine. 140 Quarter Noble. Shield. R. Cross. 4th issue, after Treaty of Bretigny. Fine. 141 Edward III. Bust facing. Groat. London. Very good. 142 Edward III. Same. Half groat. Fine. 143 Anglo-Gallic Guiennois. ed (dei) gra rex ag pr(in)c. do. aqvit(anie). King armed walking r. Gothic arch in background ; between king's legs, r. for Rochelle. R. Cross, floriated. Very fine. Rare. R. Sup. PL XIL, 11. Gold. Plate. 144 Anglo-Gallic. Edward the Black Prince. Pavilion. ed:po: dns : reg : angl pr(inc) aq(vit). Prince standing in a Gothic pavilion. R. e in centre of cross floriated, etc. Fine. Very rare. Gold. R. Sup. 13, 5. A. L, 7. Plate. 145 Same. Leop^Ld. Leopard to 1. R. Cross floriated. Very COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 11 fine and evenly struck. Rare. Gold. R. 4. A. I., 8. Plate. 146 Same. Chaise. Prince seated on Gothic chair. R. Cross, varied from above, b. at end of ins. for Bordeaux. Very fine. Very rare. R. Sup. 13-1. H. 11-2. Plate. 147 Same. Hardit. Half length portrait facing. R. Cross, acorn and oak leaves at ends of cross, b. = Bordeaux. Very fine. Very rare. R. 13-2. A. 11-16. Plate. Mar- sham sale, London, 1888, fine. £12.10. EICHARD II. 1399-1399. 148 Noble. King in ship without flag. R. Cross floriated. Fine. Rare. R. 2-4. 149 Groat. Bust facing. R. Cross ; London. V. g. V. rare. R. 4-1. HENRY V. 1413-1422. 150 Noble. King in ship r. ; mullet under sword-arm. R. Cross, quartre-foil in 2d quarter of rev. Fine. Rare. 151 Quarter noble. Shield, mullet to r. R. Cross. Rare variety. Fine. 152 Groat. Bust facing, mullet on 1. hand. London. F. Scarce. 153 Agnel. Anglo-Gallic, agn . dei . qvi . tolis . peca . vmndi . mise . nob. Lamb 1. with banner, Iirl rex in field. R. xpc : vincit . xpc regnat . xpc imperat. Cross. Been bent and cracked, otherwise very fine. Very rare. Hoff- man, XXIX.-2. HENRY VI. 1422-1461. 154 Noble. King facing in ship without flag. R. Cross. Trefoil coinage. Very fine. 155 Noble. Different, rare work. Fine. 156 Quarter noble. Shield. R. Cross. Been bent. Fine. 157 Anglo-Gallic. Salute. Shields of France and England, above annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin. R. Cross, lion, fleur-de-lis. Very fine. Hoff., 30-3. 158 Angelot. Shields, above Gabriel. R. similar. Fine. Hoff. , 4. Rare. 159 Groat. Bust facing. R. Cross. London, etc. Fine. EDWARD IV. 1461-1483. 160 King in ship r. with flag e. R. Rose radiant in tressure of eight arches, in each lion crowned or floral crown with fleur-de-lis alternately. Very fine. 161 Angel. Archangel Michael slaying dragon. R. Ship r. V. f. 12 COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 162 Groat. Bust facing. R. Cross. London. Very good. 163 Perkin Warbeck. Tournay Groat. Shield crowned between lily and rose crowned, in tressure of five arches, domlne SALVVM FACI REGEM ; m.m. lion. R. MANEL J TECKEL |f phares H 1494. Lion 1., lily, crown, rose in tressure of four arches voided at junctures. The tops of letters are off edge, but very fine and of great rarity. The earliest English coin with date. Limit $75. H. Ang.-Gal. III.-l. Plate. Marsham sale, London, 1888. Fine. £18.5. RICHARD III. 1483-5. 164 Groat. Bust facing. R. Cross. London. Good. Rare. HENRY VII. 1485-1509. 165 Angel. Michael slaying dragon. R. Ship. Fine. 166 Angel. Same. Cracked, otherwise fine. m.m. Pheon. 167 Groat, 2d coinage, m.m. greyhound's head, rare. Good. HENRY VIII. 1509-1547. 168 Shilling. 4th coinage. Bust facing crowned. R. Rose crowned. M.m. pellet in annulet. Fine portrait, which is usually so badly struck as to be worthless. Inscription not up and cracked. Very rare. Plate. 169 Groat. First issue with his father's portrait to r. F. Scarce. 170 Groat. Second. Bust r. crowned. Fine. 171 Groat. Base coinage. Bust f face. R. London, etc. Fair. EDWARD VI. 1546-1553. 172 Half sovereign. Bust of youthful king r. in armor, scvtvm . FIDEI . PROTEGET . EVM . Y. R. EDWARD . VI . D . AGL . FRA . z . hib . rex. Shield crowned, e-r. ; m.m. y. Fine. Short cut in field behind head. Rare. R. VII.-8. Plate. 174 Crown. King crowned on horse r., both in armor, beneath, 1551. edward . vi : d : g : agl : franc : z : hiB : rex. y. R. posvi : devm : adivtore : mev : y. Cross, voided, on shield. Crown. Fine. The first English crown. 175 Crown. Same. 1552. e in Edward is doubled, having been placed both ways, backwards and correctly. Rare date and variety. Very good. 176 Half crown. Same. m.m. tun. Very rare and fine for this date. 177 Shilling. Bust facing. R. same. Fine. 178 Sixpence. Same. m.m. y = South wark mint. Good. COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 13 MARY. 1553-8. 179 Groat. Bust 1. (good portrait). Been bent. Fine. 180 Philip and Mary. Shilling. Busts face to face. English title only. Fine. Scarce. 181 Same. Groat. Bust of Mary 1. Fine portrait. Fine. 182 Same. Penny. Rose. Ft. Shield. V. fine for piece. Rare. ELIZABETH. 1558-1 602 . GOLD. 183 " Fine " sovereign. Elizabeth . d : g : ang . fra . et . hie . re- gina. Queen, crowned, seated facing on throne with check- ered back, her feet on a portcullis ; m.m. scallop. R. adno FACTV . EST . ISTVDET . EST . MIRABINOCVLIS . NRS. Shield in centre of full-blown rose ; m.m. scallop. V. fine. Plate. 184 " Pound " half sovereign. Bust 1. crowned, hair loose and flowing over shoulders. R. scvtem . fidei . proteget . eam. Shield crowned between e-r. m.m. tun. Very fine. Fine work and magnificent portrait. Rare. 185 Same. Not as good work and first half of the obverse in- scription double-struck, otherwise very fine. m.m. wool- pack. R. X-5. 186 Milled half sovereign. Bust 1. crowned, hair loose. R. Same. m.m. fleur-de-lis. Edge milled. An extremely rare variety of this rare coin. Very fine. R. X-7, but with milled edge unknown to him. Limit, $35. 187 Hammered half crown. Bust 1. R. Same; m.m. tin. No m.m. on obv. Unpublished obv. Very fine. Very rare. 188 Angel. St. Michael slays dragon. R. Ship. Very fine. 189 Quarter angel. Same. M.m. cinquefoil. Very fine. Rare. SILVER. 190 Crown. Same inscription as 183. Bust 1. crowned, hair in cap, ruffed, and gown with the monstrous, hideous sleeves as the present fashion, holds sceptre in r. and globe in 1. hand; m.m. 1 ( = 1601). R. posvi devm : adivtorem : mevm : 1. Shield on cross, voided. Very fine. Rare. 191 Half crown. Same. Extremely fine. Rare and very rare in this state. R. XIV.-6. 192 Shilling. Same. Bust 1. Fine, well-spread piece. 193 Groat. Same. R. XII.-6. Very fine. Rare thus. 194 Threepence. Same. 1578. Very good. 195 Half groat and penny. Good. 2 pieces. 196 Milled shilling. Same inscription. Bust 1. crowned. R. 14 COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Same type as crown, m.m. Star. Fine. X lightly scratched behind head. Rare. R. XIII-7. 197 Milled sixpence. Same. Rose behind head. R. same, 1564 ; flat ends to cross. Fine but bent. R. XIII-8. 198 Milled sixpence. Small bust. 1567. Scratches in obv. field. Fine. R. 9. 199 Same. 1568. Suffered, been bent, dented and clipped. 200 Milled groat. Same as, but not dated. Been bent across face, otherwise fine. Very rare. R. 3. 201 Milled threepence. Same. 1562. V. fine. V. rare. R. 6. 202 Irish farthing. Harp crowned 1601. R. Shield. V. good. JAMES I. 1603-1605. 203 Fine Sovereign, iacobvs. d : g : mag : brit : fran : et: hiber : rex. Rose. King seated on throne ; portcullis below. R. same as Elizabeth, m.m. Rose. Fine. Rare. 204 Sovereign. Half-length portrait to r. R. faciam. eos. in. gentivm vnam. Shield bet. i-r. Cracked through at arm. Fine. CHAKLES I. 1625-1649. 205 Sovereign, carolvs d : g : ma: br : fr : et. hi. rex. bell. Bust crowned 1. xx. R. florent concordia regna. bell. Shield, crowned between c-r. Fine. 206 Same. m.m. plumes. Finer work. Fine. 207 Crown. King on horse walking 1., both in armor. R. christo avspice regno. Shield, above c-r. m.m. harp. Tower crown. Very fine. Fine work. Rare. H. 474. 208 Crown. Similar, m.m. Rose. H. 478. Very good. Rare. CHAKLES II. Siege Necessity Money. 209 Ormond. Crown, half crown, sixpence and threepence. Crown, beneath which cr. R. V, above small s. ; II VI, sd; VI, d; III, d, respectively. All fine. Struck from silver plate brought in on proclamation of July 8, 1643, by the Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. R„ 27-8, 9, 11, 13. Mai., pi. 47, 58. Rare. 4 pieces. 210 Ormond. Same sixpence cut in rare octagonal shape. Fine. 211 Pontefract. Shilling. Castle, at 1. obs ; above, divided by central tower p-c, at r. hand holding sword protrudes from 1. tower, beneath 1648 ; all in circle of dots. R. dvm. spiro. spero C.R crowned. Octagonal. Fine. Rare. R. 29, 10. COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 15 212 Same. Different dies and cut diamond shape. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 213 Same, carolvs : se(c v)ndvs 1648. Castle ; to 1. obs ; above divided by central tower p-c; to r. cannon pro- trudes from left tower. R. same. Rare. Fine. R. 29, 12. 2J4 Same, post: mortem: patris: pro: filto. Same. R. carol : ii : d : g mag : d : f : et : h : rex. Crown beneath it hang : de-vs dedit-1648. Very fine. Well spread. Very rare. R. 13. Plate. THE COMMONWEALTH. 1642-1660. The Coins bear dates 1649 to 1660. 215 Sovereign, the commonwealth of England. Shield of St. George in wreath. R. god with us 1649. Shields of St. George and Ireland, above xx. Gd. Pierced through m.m. 216 Crown. Same. R. v 1656 over 4, m.m. sun. Very fine and evenly struck but a star scratched in each of upper quar- ters of shield on obv. 217 Half crown. Same. R. ii. vi. Rare date. Good. 218 Shilling, 6, 2, 1 and \ penny. Fine. Desirable set. 5 pes. OLIVER CROMWELL. 219 Crown. Oliver . d . g . r . ang , sco . hib &c pro. Bust 1. laur. and draped. R. pax . qv^ritvr . bello 16-58. Shield crowned. Edge lettered. Die cracked across bust as all more or less. Very fine. Very rare. Henfrey N. C. PL III., 6. 220 Half crown. Same. Henfrey 7. Some solder on edge where it has been attached to a ring but does not show on obv. or rev. and black tarnish in insc. — otherwise very fine. Very rare. 221 Shilling. Same. Edge reeded. Very fine. Proof surface. H. 8. Very rare. The above coins were designed by the celebrated en- graver Thomas Simon, who drew the portrait from life ; and they mark the introduction of the most improved manner of modern coinage. CHARLES II. After the Restoration, 1660-1685. 222 Crown, carolvs . n . dei . gra. Bust r. laur. and draped ; rose beneath. R. mag . br . fra . et . hib . rex . 16-62. Shields, four, England two, Scotland and Ireland arranged crosswise ; in centre, cross of St. George in radiant circle ; 16 COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. c c addorsed in space of each angle. Edge lettered. First year of the new improved type by Roettier. Fine. 223 Same. 1673. No rose under bust. Smaller diameter. Fine. 224 Maunday set by Simon. Bust 1. 4, 3, 2, 1 f. Very fine. Rare. 4 pieces. 225 4, 3, 2, 1. By Roettier. Bust r. Good. 5 pieces. 226 Harrington, Richmond, and Royal farthings. Ex. f. 3 pieces. 227 Same very fine and fair. Edward I. plack (2) Eliz. farthing. Fair. 6 pieces. 228 Charles II. to Victoria. Fine series of halfpence, including the rare Irish pieces of Charles I., James II., William, Mary. These unusually fine ; the others uncir. 23 pieces. 229 Charles II. to Victoria. Fine series of farthings, including rare. Anne very fine, tin I p. of James II. dump of George I. — others uncir. 20 pieces. JAMES II. 1685-8. 230 Crown, iacobvs . n . dei . gratia. Bust 1. laur. and draped. R. Same. 1688. Without initials in angles. Very fine. 231 i i (2) one Irish and William and Mary p. Tin. Fair. 4 pes, 232 Tin money. Crown, I cr. sh. and 6 p. Fine. 4 pieces. 233 Same. Small size. Fair. 4 pieces. WILLIAM AND MARY. 1688-1695. William alone 1695-1702. 234 Crown, gvlielmvs . et . maria . dei . gratia. Busts accolated r. laur. R. Similar, ww in angles. 1690. Very fine. 235 Crown, gvlielmvs . in . dei . gra. Bust r. laur. R. 1696 ; angles vacant. Very fine. ANNE. 1702-1714. 236 Crown, anna dei gratia. Bust 1. R. Similar, 1708. Fine. GEORGE I. 1714-1727. 237 Crown. Bust r. R. Similar, long ins. Roses and plumes in angles. 1720. Very fine. Rare. GEORGE II. 1727-1760. 238 georgivs . ii . dei gratia. Bust 1. laur. in armor. R. Simi- lar, 1743. Very fine. 239 Crown. Different bust 1. R. Same. 1747. V. fine. Scarce. 240 " Pretender Halfpence." voce popvli. R. hibernia . 1760. Diff. Very fine. 4 pieces. COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 17 GEORGE III. 1760-1820. 241 Crown, georgius hi. d : g ; britanniarum rex f : d : 1818. Head r. laur. by Pistrucci. R. honi soit que mal y pense. St. George on horse slays dragon. Proof. 242 Dollar. Bust r. R. bank of England, 1804. five shillings. dollar. Britannia seated 1. Proof. 243 Dollar. Same obv. R. bank of Ireland token, 1804, six shillings. Hibernia seated 1. Very fine. 244 Dollar. Spain. Charles VII. Head of George III. in oval punch-mark stamped on neck. Very fine. 245 Two, one penny. Broad rim. 1797. Uncir. Light olive. 2 pes. 246 Two pence. Very fine. Olive color. 247 George III., 1807, George IV., William IV., Victoria, pennies. Uncirculated. Bright red. 5 pieces. 248 Isle of Man. Head r. 1786. R. Trinacria. 1, I p. Uncir- culated. Rare. 2 pieces. 249 Pattern halfpenny by Droz. Study of nude model. R. Brit- annia, draped, and finished accessories. 1791. Bronze proof. GEORGE IV. 1804-1830. 250 Crown. Same inscription. R. St. George. 1821. Uncirculated. 251 Halves and thirds of farthings; also, William IV., Victoria, including rare half of William IV. Very fine to uncircu- lated. 8 pieces. 252 George IV. Irish penny, 1823. Very fine. WILLIAM IV. 1830-7. 253 Crown, gulielmus iiii. d: g: britanniar : rex f : d : Head r. R. Shield of arms in ermine mantle, crowned, anno 1831. Edge plain. Proof. Very rare. A beautiful coin. Limit, $55. At our sale of Lindsey collection, March, 1894, one fetched $67. VICTORIA. 1837. 254 Crown, victoria dei gratia. 1845. Head 1. R. britannia- rum regina fid def. Shield, crowned, between olive branches. Uncirculated. Scarce. 255 Crown. Gothic style. Beautiful bust 1. crowned. R. Shields, four, angles richly ornamented, etc. Proof. Field ob- verse lightly hair-marked. Rare. 256 Crown. Same. Face rubbed, hair-marked. Proof. Rare. 257 Model coins. Crowns, 2 ; pennies, 3 ; halfpennies, etc. Un- circulated. 11 pieces. 3 18 FOREIGN COINS. SCOTLAND. 258 James III. 1460-1488. Rider. King in armor on horse galloping r. R. Shield on cross. Burns, 599. Fine. Rare. 259 Mary. 1542-1567. Testoon. maria . dei . gra. scotorvm regina. Bust 1. ; beneath in tablet 1561. R. salvvm fac popvlvm tvvm domine. Shield crowned between m-m crowned. Extremely fine and very rare. The first time this interesting coin with portrait has been offered in the United States. Different dies from Burns 896, 7, 8. Limit, $50, but worth more. Plate II. 260 Mary and Henry Darnley. 1565-7. maria & henric . dei . gra . r . & . r . scotorv. Shield crowned between thistles. R. exvrgat devs dissipentvr inimici . fi. Palm-tree crowned, on which ribbon bears dat gloria vires. Di- vided by trunk, 15 — 65 ; surstamped thistle. Ryal. Fine. Rare. Burns, 904. 261 James VI. 1567-1603. ia.(cobvs struck over me si) dei gra- tia scotorvm. Shield crowned, between i-r crowned. R. Sword, 15 — 65 ; hand ; xxx, etc. ; surstamped thistle. Ryal, erroneously called sword dollar. Fine. Burns, 921. 262 James VI. Thistle noble. Same inscription. Shield on ship 1., forward flag bears I, stern 6 ; thistle rises from water at side. R. Ornamented tressure, etc. Fine. Rare. Burns, 951. 263 Charles I. Shilling. Bust 1. crowned. R. Shield with Scotch arms in first and fourth quarters. By Briot. Uncirculated. B. 1007. FOREIGN COINS. 264 Louis XII. France. Bust r. R. perdam babillonis nomen shield. Restrike (gold) of the famous, rare louis do'r struck at Naples in 1502. Hoffman. PL 47, 76. 265 Leyden. Square Siege Piece. haec*libertis*ergo*. Lion walking 1. bears cap on pole. R. godt*behodde*leyden, etc. Keys. Size 24. Mai. as Sup'l. PI. 51, 2 in paper — he does not know it in silver. Rare. Fine. 266 Campen. Square Siege Piece. In punches, extremvm obsi- dvvm, 42, walled city, st, campen, 1578. R. blank. Larger than Mai. 22, 1. Size 28. Very fine. 267 German Religious Double Thaler. Baptism of Christ in the river Jordan by St. John. R. Text; 1616. Very fine. 39. 268 Netherlands. Dort. religione.ivsticia . restitvtis . above FOREIGN COINS. 19 4 Jehovah.' Lion rampant bears sword and arrows 1. R. Shield of P. Maurice. Very fine. Rare. 269 John George II. Saxony. Full-length portrait of Duke in electoral robes and armor, standing beside table, on which helmet. R. Circle of shields ; in centre, coat of arms, 16-63. Double thaler. Fine. Been attached to ring. Rare. 270 Same, honi soit que mal y pense on garter, Victory facing holds trumpets, before her shields, and below Time pros- trate. R. Long historical inscription to his memory. 1680. Thaler. Very fine. Rare. 271 Augustus. Brunswick and Lunenburg. Duke on horse gallop- ing r. R. alles mit bedacht. 1664. Arms. 1£ thaler. Very fine. Rare. 272 Christian Louis. Hanover. No ins. Horse galloping 1. over mines. R. sincere et constantia anno 1664. Circle of shields. C, L, crowned. II thaler. Very fine. Rare. 273 Same. 2 thalers. Very fine. Rare. 274 Ernest Augustus. Same. R. sola bona qu^e honesta, anno 1688. Circle of shields. A E crowned. II. V. f. R. 275 Leopold. Germany. Bust r. laur. in robes, the peculiarity of the hideous mouth shown most markedly. R. 1678, shield, etc. 2 thalers. V. fine. Been gilt and attached. 276 Same. Thaler. 1693. Ring attached. Very fine. 277 Ferdinand. Austria. Half-length r. R. Shield. Thaler. Fine. 278 Philip IV. Spain. 1633. Bust r. R. Arms. 2 Thaler for Brabant. Very fine. Rare. 279 Genoa, i.t.c-et.rege.eos. 1692. Virgin and infant; two angels. R. dvx, etc., genve. Cross. Ducatoon. Fine. Rare. 36. 280 Charles III. (VI. of Germany). Sicily. Head r. R. Phoe- nix. 2J scudi. Fine. 281 George II. Hanover. Bust 1. R. Shield, 1730. Extremely fine. Gulden. 282 Belgium. 1612. Soldier holds shield. Lion. Thaler. Good. 283 Same. Good. 2 pieces. 284 Philip IV. Charles III. Spain. Pistareens. Extremely fine and fine. 2 pieces. 285 John. Portugal 960,400Reis. Globe. R. Shield. V.fine. 2 pes. 286 Frederick William. Prussia. Head r. R. Arms. 2 thalers. Very fine. 287 William I. Head r. R. Eagle, 1862. Thaler. Uncir. 288 John. Saxony. Head 1. R. Arms. Uncir. 20 FOREIGN COINS. 289 Louis, Max. Bavaria, Frankfurt, Fred. Baden. Gulden. Peter V. Portugal. 500 Reis. Peter II. Brazil. Uncir. 7 pieces. 290 William IV. (England) VI. Hanover. Kleinen thaler. Scarce. Zeelandia 6 st. 1790. William II. Base silver. Uncir. 3 pes. 291 William III. Netherlands. 1, h, I gulden. 1865. Proof. 3 pes. 292 Ferdinand VII. Spain. In punches in wreath 3 ps, fer, vii, 1809. R. Shield crowned. Necessity dollar struck at Barcelona. Very fine. 293 Francis Joseph I. Austria. Bust r. R. Eagle, 1879. 4 ducat (gold). Proof. 294 Russia. Eagle. R. 3 Rubles, etc. Platinum. V. g. Rare. 295 Jersey. Victoria, 1841. -j^-, ^, -^ shilling. Uncirculated set. 3 pieces. 296 Jersey, 1870. ^ ^ ¥ , 2 J 5 , Guernsey, Jamaica, Borneo. Un- circulated. 13 pieces. 296a Portugal. Spanish dollar of Charles IV., countermarked with punches similar to regular coinage. 960. Reis. Mounted as brooch. 297 Ionian Islands. 30 oboli, 1834, silver. Uncirculated. Lion 1. 1819. R. Britannia. 1, $, { p. C. proof. 4 pieces. 298 Cyprus. Victoria. 1, J, i piastre. Uncirculated. 3 pieces. 299 Rupee. Arabic inscription, also j. h. s. Another different. Fine. 2 pieces. 299a Rupee. Head of Victoria 1. Native work. Very fine. Rare. 300 English east india company. Arms supported on either side by lions. R. Inscription. Muhr. Extremely fine. 301 Same. Lion bearing crown 1. R. Similar. ^ muhr. Fine. Very rare. 302 Same, i muhr. Fine. Rare. 303 Same. Lion above shield. R. Similar, i muhr. Vy. scarce. 304 Same as muhr. R, Scales. 1219. 2, 1, J pice. Gilt pf. 3 pes. 305 E. I. C. Bale mark, 1791. R. Scales. Bombay. Double pice, 15, 10, 5 cash. Bronze proofs. Set. Rare. 4 pes. 306 E. I. C. Same. Thick copper. 2, i pice. Fair. 8 pieces. 307 E. I. C. Madras. Arms. R. Mark, 1794, 48th of rupee. Bronze proof. 308 Same. Leaden pice. George I. Crown, g-r., bomb. R. auspicio regis et senatus angli^. Very fine. Rare. 309 Ceylon. George III. R. Elephant. 2, 1, J stiver. F. 3 pes. 310 Madras. Pagoda. Star. R. Vishnu. Gold. N. O., vol. III., 79. Very fine. FOREIGN COINS. 21 311 Tipu, Sultan of Mysore. Copper. Various sizes. Vy. f. 16 pes. 312 Portuguese India. Shield crowned. 2 p. Goa., 1760, pice. Good. 2 pieces. 313 Hindu, Bactrian, Persian, Roger of Sicily. Copper. F. 12 pes. 314 Siam. Gold bullet money. Three sizes. The two large ones have gold rings attached and weigh 236, 121, and the smallest 27 grains. Very rare. 3 pieces. 315 Siam. Silver bullet money. Set of six sizes from smallest up. 6 pieces. 316 China. Centre of Spanish dollar countermarked with Chinese. AFEICA. 317 Gold Coast. George III. Head r. 1, \ Ackey trade piece. Proof. 2 pieces. 318 Same, g r crowned. R. Arms. 1796. \ Ackey, takoe. Very fine. 2 pieces. 319 Sierra Leone. Lion. R. Clasped hands. 1791. Dollar, dime. Fine. 2 pieces. 320 Liberia. 2 cent Liberty. 1847. Proof. 1862. V. f. 2 pes. 320a Native silver bangle money. Heavy silver band for wrist. Weight 3 oz. 2 dwt. 320b Another similar. Weight 2 \ oz. 320c Silver ring with signet bearing double triangle with orna- ments. Perhaps Abyssinian. 321 West Indies. George IV. 1822. I, ir, \, T V dollar. Silver. Proof, except last. Rare. 322 Spanish dollar. Doubly countermarked, a wheel pattern on top has nearly obliterated the under one, though a few letters, e*rna legible. Rare. 323 Guadeloup, 3 in punch mark for 3 bits (cut \ dol.). \ dol. part of head of George III. Rare. 2 pieces. 324 Tortola. 2 halves, \ stamped tortola, last also s-s. 3 pes. 325 Colonial shilling. Plain disc. Stamped 1 s, plumes. Another similar, 1 s, crown. R. J. 14. Fine. Rare. 2 pieces. 326 Isles du Vent. Louis XV. Head r. 1731. 12 sols. V. f. 327 Essequibo and Demerary. George III. 1809. Bust r. R. 3 crowned. 3 stivers. Weakly struck. 328 Same. 2 stivers. 1816. \, William IV., J, \. Fine. 4 pes. 329 Same. George III. i; William IV. \, \ ; George III. i cop- per. Uncirculated. 4 pieces. 330 British Colonial coins and tokens. Fine. 21 pieces. 331 Foreign copper. Congo, Russia, Siam, etc. Unusual. Un- circulated. 64 pieces. 22 WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. 332 Similar. Turkey, Russia, etc. Uncirculated. 78 pieces. 333 Similar. Indo-China, Persia, etc. Uncirculated. 80 pieces. 334 Similar. Siberia, Christina, Papal, etc. Fine and uncircu- lated. 33 pieces. WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. ENGLISH. Peninsular Campaign. The Army Military Service Medal, victoria regina 1848. Head 1. crowned. R. to the British army, 1793-1814. Queen standing r. places wreath on head of Wellington kneel- ing before her. Silver, size 221. Name of recipient punched or engraved on edge, as given below. Swivel bar attached by clamp. Bar with name of battle at- tached above, through which passes the ribbon, which all have, and are in very fine condition, unless otherwise mentioned. Plate IV. 335 One bar, corunna. Edge james western, wagon train. V.g. 336 Four bars, vimiera, corunna, vittoria, orthes. Edge j cope corporal 6th foot. Rare. 337 Eleven bars, talavera, busaco, fuentes d'onor, badajoz, SALAMANCA, VITTORIA, PYRENEES, NIVELLE, NIVE, ORTHES, toulouse. john Dickinson, 40th foot. Fine. Very rare. 337a Six bars, talavera, badajoz, salamanca, vittoria, st. Se- bastian, nive. Edge j. marlowe 4th foot. Very rare. 338 Four bars, badajoz, nive, orthes, toulouse. Edge wm. booth lieu't 1st bat., 95th rifle. Rare. 338a Three bars, salamanca, vittoria, st. Sebastian. Edge c steel 3rd foot guards. Proof. Rare. 339 One bar, st. Sebastian. Edge j. r. Rogers. Very good. 340 One bar, maida. Edge john ravenhill corpl. 35th foot. 341 No bar. Edge heinrich plumholf. 2nd lieut. bn k. g.l. INDIA. Obverse same without date. R. to the army of india, 1799- 1826. Victory seated 1. 342 One bar, ava. Name on edge effaced. 343 Three bars, capture of deig, laswarree, battle of delhi. Edge r. davy 76th foot. Very rare. Only 31 men had the medal. 344 Three bars, gawilghur, argaum, assye. Edge t. lucas 14th foot. Very rare. 345 One bar, bhurtpoor. Ex. fine. Edge not inscribed. WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. 23 346 EAST INDIA CO. CEYLON. FOR SERVICES ON THE ISLAND OF CEY- LON a.d. 1795-6. R. Indian inscription. Silver, with loop. No ribbon. Proof. Rare. 33. 347 Same. Seringapatam. British lion, standing on Indian tiger, holds him down, whilst the latter is in the act of disemboweling the former, and, though doubtless not the intention of the artist, the tiger has the better position in the fight ; above Union Jack pennant bears Arabic in- scription : "The lion of God is the conqueror." In exg. iv may. mdccxcix. R. Troops storming the citadel. In exg., in Persian, " The Fort of Seringapatam, the gift of God." Silver. Proof. Encased in glazed silver-rimmed case with loop. Given to captains in silver. V. rare. PL IV. 348 Shah Shoojah's medal for ghuznee. Citadel. R. 23rd july 1839. Mural crown in wreath, h. j. campbell 13 () pat. i. Good. Nicked. Rare. AFGHAN AND SCINDE WARS. victoria vindex. Head as first. R. candahar, ghuznee, cabul, 1842; above; crown; in wreath. 349 wm. Williamson 41st regt. Steel clasp. Good. Rare. 350 Same. R. cabul 1842. Silver clasp not original. Edge d. dunn 9th regt 818. Fine. Rare. 351 Officers' undress medals, same as two preceding lots but size 11. Prussian cross of the Red Eagle. Crimea. Minia- tures. 4 pieces. 352 Bronze Star. Silver centre, inscribed maharajpoor 29th decr. 1843. Rare. 32. 353 Same. Silver centre of above. Worn. 354 Bronze Star. Silver centre, inscribed punniar, 29th decr. 1843. Rare. THE SUTLEJ CAMPAIGN, 1845-6. Obv. as 342. R. army of the sutlej, in exg. moodkee 1845. Victory standing left. 355 Three bars, sobraon, aliwal, ferozeshuhur. Edge in- scription erased. 356 One bar. sobraon. In exg. ferozeshuhur 1845. With silver clasp pin. Edge pte. james w t oolley. 29th regt. Fine. 357 One bar. sobraon. In exg. aliwal 1846. Edge erased. 358 Same. Very good. 24 WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. PUNJAB WAK, 1849. Obv. as 342. R. to the army of the Punjab, mdcccxlix. Indians laying down arms before British troops. 359 Edge henry e. stagg, 10th foot. 360 Medals for two above campaigns to same man. m. t. smith engineer. Sutlej with bars aliwal, ferozeshuhur. Punjab. Bars goojerat, mooltan. Extremely fine. Rare. 2 pieces. INDIAN MUTINY WAK, 1857-8. Obv. as 342. R. india, in exg. 1857-1858. Britannia and lion 1. 361 Two bars, lucknow. defence of lucknow. Edge erased. 362 One bar. lucknow. Edge r. brown 1st bn. 20th regt. F. 363 One bar. central india. Fine. r. hall dr. 83d regt. 364 Miniature with 5 bars. INDIA GENEEAL SEKVICE. Same. R. Victory crowns seated warrior. 365 One bar. looshai. Edge sepoy runjet singh 44th ben- gal ni. 366 One bar. bhootan. Edge 464 j. cremins h. m's 80th regt. Extremely fine. 367 No bar. Edge 515 j. rooksberry h. m's. 55th regt. 368 Same. With a collection of all the bars issued to this medal — 20. This does not imply that they are issued to the one man. 2144 Pte. J. Hughes l-3rd foot. 369 Temperance Medal, total abstinence medal india. Palm tree, beneath which two women. R. " watch and be sober," etc. 1862. 370 Same. Diamond-shaped. india. Lion on star. R. " WATCH AND BE SOBER." Sword. CHINA. Obv. as 342. R. armis exposcere pacem. In exg. china 1842. Arms piled. 371 Edge r. brown 49th regt. Fine. 372 Two bars, canton 1857. taku forts 1860. Edge george WELSH. H. M. S. HYACINTH. 373 Two Bars, canton 1857. fatshan 1857. Edge blank. Face nicked. 374 One bar. taku forts 1860. Edge blank. 375 One bar. fatshan 1858. Ex. fine. 376 Miniature with above three bars. PLATE III. 467 COPYRIGHT 1895. BY S. H. AND H. CHAPMAN. WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. 25 AFRICA. Obv. same. R. South Africa in exg. 1853. Lion in sick atti- tude under mimosa bush. Very good. Nicked. 377 One bar. 1877-8-9. In exg. Zulu shield and spears. Edge 1391. pte. j. thomas 2-24th foot. Fine. 378 One bar. 1879. pte. j. mctaggart 2-3rd foot. 379 Abyssinia. Bust of Queen 1. in circle with star points be- tween which a-b-y-s-s-i-n-i-a. R. engraved not struck as originally 124 trumpeter j. brewster, 21st bde. r. a. in wreath. Swivel loose. CRIMEA. Obv. as 342. In exg. 1854. R. Crimea. Warrior standing. 380 Four bars. alma, balaklava, inkerman, sebastopol. Edge thos. allen 17th lanciers 807. Swivel pin pulled out but can easily be repaired. Plate IV. 381 Four bars. Same. pte. michl. seabrooke 17th lanciers. Fine but nicked. 382 Three bars, alma, inkerman, sebastopol. Edge j. franklin 23rd regt. and Turkish medal. Pile of arms in exg. Crimea 1855. R. Sultan's signature in wreath. Name on edge erroneously engraved, " frankham." 2 pieces. 383 Same, with Turkish and Long Service Medal. The Crimea much worn and battered. Edge sergt. a. barber, 4th bn. 30th foot. All to same man. 3 pieces. 384 Three bars. Same. m. gilligan 4th dragoon grd. 385 Two bars, alma, sebastopol. Edge, rich'd brown 20th regt. Nicked. 386 Two bars, inkerman, sebastopol. Edge 2410 b. blake, 44th regt. 387 One bar. sebastopol, 2750 a. darling 71st hd. lt. infy. No ribbon. 388 No bar. Edge blank. Ex. fine. 389 Two bars, alma, sebastopol. Edge, priv. chas. stockwell 7th dragn. grds. Turkish, Crimea, and Austrian bronze Cross for 1866. Memorandum signed by descendant. 3 pes. 390 Three bars, alma, inkerman, sebastopol. Edge, Qr. mr. i. h. Anderson, 49th regt. 1856. Turkish, China as above and Long Service. All to same man. 4 pieces. 391 One bar. sebastopol thos. wm. sammons. 13th p. a. lt. inf'y. Turkish, India, as above and long service. Very good. Extra fine. All to same man. 4 pieces. 4 26 WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. 392 Four bars, alma, balaklava, inkerman, sebastopol. Turk- ish and South Africa. Edge pte j. sheen. 1st bt. rifle bde. Fine. All to same man. 3 pieces. 393 Anglo-Turkish medal. Very good. 394 Turko-Sardinian. Turkish, and Sardinian flags in centre. Proof. SECOND AFGHAN WAR victoria regina et imperatrix. Bust 1. veiled and crowned. R. Afghanistan, in exg. 1878-9-80. Elephant and soldiers marching left. 395 Five bars, peiwar kotal, charasia, kabul, ahmed khel, candahar. Edge 1164 pte. c stewart 78th foot. Rare. 396 Four bars, peiwar kotal, charasia, kabul, kandahar. Edge. guno. w. catt. 5-1 1th bde. r. a. 397 Five bars. Collection of, to show all bars issued, attached to medals. Edge blank. ASHANTEE WAR. victoria regina. Head 1. Diademed and veiled. R. Com- bat in woods. 398 One bar. coomassie. Edge. t. Reynolds. EGYPT. Same Obv. R. egypt, 1882. Sphinx 1. 399 One bar. tel-el-kebir. Fine but nicked, pte. j cotterill. 1 manch : R. 400 No bar. Good. No ribbon. 401 One bar. suakin. 1885. No date in exg. Edge. pte. m. gil- hooley. 2d Durh : L. I. 402 One bar. the nile 1844-5. Edge. pte. j. smith m. s. Corps. No ribbon. 403 Two bars, el-teb, suakin 1885. Edge. s. l. fetter gunner r. m. A. Khedive's bronze star. Silver medal of Marine Society for reward of merit. In open leather case. First nicked and worn. 3 pieces. 404 Collection of 13 bars attached to above medal, to show all the battles for which this medal was issued. 405 Khedive's bronze star, egypt 1882. Sphinx, in background pyramids. R. Monogram crowned. Bar with crescent and star. Perfect. 406 Another. Very fine. 407 Another. Very fine. Another, worn. 2 pieces. WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. 27 LONG SEEVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT. 408 Shield on stacked arms. R. Ins. Edge r. mcallister surgeon 30th regiment foot. Extremely fine. Surgeon's rare. 409 Same. r. brown 1st batn. 20th regt. NAVY. Same as 335. R. Britannia seated on sea-horse. 410 One bar. Algiers. Edge. wm. barwood. 411 One bar. syria. Edge erased. 412 One bar. egypt. Edge. wm. groves. 413 One bar. Trafalgar. Edge, james haskew. Fine. 414 One bar. 4 novr 1805. Capture of four French line-of-bat- tle ships by Sir Richard Strachey off Cape Finisterre. Edge john tomson. Very rare. Fine. Some scratches. 415 One bar. st. domingo 1806. Edge. thos. gabriel. 416 One bar. basque roads 1809. geo. edmonds. 417 Three bars. Martinique, basque roads 1809 Algiers. Edge thos. maple. Rare. 418 One bar. Martinique. Edge josh, taylor. 419 One bar. guadaloupe. Edge wm. headland. 420 One bar. Martinique. Edge Wm. Parsons, 421 Three bars. jaVa, navarino, syria. Edge. jno. simpson. 422 Alexander Davison's medal, presented by him to the par- ticipants VICTORY OF THE NILE AUGUST 1, 1798. View of battle. R. rear-admiral lord nelson of the nile. Hope standing supports medallion portrait of Nelson. Edge. tribute, etc. Bronze proof. 423 Same. Pierced, and much worn. 424 Good conduct on training ship Exmouth presented to wm. h. tregillas. Obv. Hope standing on sea-shore. Silver. Proof. 425 Victoria Volunteer's Medal. V. R. crowned gilt in silver wreath, open work suspended by ring and ribbon to silver bar. 426 Royal Dublin Fusileers. Bomb. R. Arms with swivel. W.M. proof. 28. 427 shipwrecked mariners society. Tin medal. 20. 428 Scottish prize badge. St. Andrew's Cross in silver on which gilt wreath. Green ribbon. 428a Red cross. Enameled on white diamond shaped badge. 429 royal humane society. Child, nude, blowing torch. R. Ins., engraved in centre of wreath, " domino denny," etc. 1804. Ex. fine. Rare. Silver, 33. 28 WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. 430 Volunteer Shooting Medal, in defense. Two soldiers. R. Wreath. Bronze. 25. 431 Indian Medal. Reverse of (?) Apparently a restrike in copper of the coat of arms from the reverse of the Indian medal of geo. hi le roux 836, but more probably a rude copy of. Obv. blank. Unique. 30. 432 Allegorical Design the import of which we cannot fathom, said to be a temperance medal. Shield, to left woman holds child in arms, whilst two others cling to her skirts; to right Hope encourages Religion; above All Seeing Eye; beneath Amazons make treaty with Britannia, amicitia amor Veritas. On base isaac simmons. In repousse. R. blank. Silver. 36. 433 Unknown star brooch set with paste. In centre painting of stag under glass encircled by gold band. Silver. 52. ORDER OF THE BATH. 434 Military Gold Cross. White enameled gold cross. Between each arm a lion. In centre 3 crowns surrounded by band of crimson enamel, tria. juncta. in. uno. surrounded by wreath in green enamel and gold. Below ich dien. R. same. Gold ring and gold pin for suspension. V. rare. PI. 435 Civil Badge, tria. juncta. in. uno. In open work in centre 3 crowns, etc. Silver gilt. Oval. 32 x 37. FRANCE. 436 Legion of Honor. Chevalier's Star. White enameled silver star with wreath in green enamel. In centre, Head, re- publique francaise 1870. R. Crossed flags. Fine. Cen- tre disks loose. Wrong ribbon. 437 Same, napoleon i. Miniature. 438 order of st. esprit. Silver white enameled star. Gold cen- tre, fidelite devouement. Head louis xviii. R. Dates 1814-5. Suspended from silver crown. J 9. 439 Same. Head smaller, 440 Same. Silver badge of fleur-de-lis. 441 Napoleon I. Head right, campagnes de 1792 a 1815, etc. Given to the veterans on the return of his body to Paris. Bronze surmounted by crown with ribbon. 20. 442 Same. Miniature. Military button of French flotilla of in- vasion, 1804. Copper. 9. 2 pieces. 443 napoleon hi. campagne d' italie. 1859. Names of battles. Silver. Proof; Ribbon. 19. WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. 29 444 Same. Very fine. With ribbon. 445 Similar. R. expedition du mexique 1862-3. Ex. fine. 446 Similar, expedition de chine 1860. Names of battles with ribbon. Proof. 447 Civil badge of merit. Star. Silver. Rare. 25. 448 Ambulance Corps. Red enameled cross on white enameled cross. R. 1870, 1871. aux blesses des armees de terre et de mer. 449 Military badge for valor. White and blue enameled gilt star suspended from mural gilt crown. In centre sans PEUR ET SANS REPROCHE. 450 Belgian medal. Silver. Given to English volunteers on their visit of 1870. 13. PEUSSIA. 451 Waterloo. jf-jf in wreath on cross, on round medal. R. F. W. crowned. Same. 1814 in centre. Similar. R. 1848-1849 friedrich wilhelm iv. G. m. Fine. 18. Similar. 1815 in centre. Ins. on oval. Iron. 4 pieces. 452 Military valor. Cross in German silver. R. In centre rex et patria 1831. 453 1840. R. Eagle. Bronze cross. Rare. 454 Danish War. 1864. W. and F. I. above two crowns. Gun metal. 455 French War. yfyy in wreath on cross. Rev. W. crowned. Gun metal. Proof. 456 Another. Plated. Proof. HESSE. 457 Knight's cross (gold) of the Family Order of the Golden Lion. White and brown enameled cross. In centre gold lion, virtute et fidelitate. Rev. W. K. crowmed. 458 Franco-German War. E-E crowned. R. ■j-fj-f. Bronze. Gilt. Proof. HANOVER 459 Civil star, gold, of the Royal Guelphic Order. A lion between each arm. White horse 1. R. Monogram crowned. mdcccxv. Attached to 4i inches gold chain. Very beau- tiful decoration. 21. Plate IV. BAVARIA. 460 Gold star of the Order of Maximillian Joseph. White enameled cross suspended from gold crown, virtute pro patria. R. Monogram. 20. 30 WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. DENMARK. 461 Order of the Dannebrog. Silver cross suspended from crown. 5th, their lowest class. With ribbon. 462 Eckernforde. 5 april 1849. Ship being sunk by another. R. Ins. Bronze. Rare. Fine. 20. 463 Holland. Long Service and Good Conduct. Naval. Br. 23. 464 Same. Army. Copper. 14. 465 Holland, achin. Head, wm. hi. 1873-4. Gilt. 14. 466 Austria, franz Joseph i. H. right. R. tirol 1866 in wreath. Silver. Pierced. Fine. 20. RUSSIA. 467 Gold cross of the Order of St. Stanislaus of Poland. Crim- son enameled cross ; between each arm a double eagle. In centre S. S. R. gold. In centre S. S. A most beauti- ful decoration. Very rare. 26. Plate IV. 468 Crimean War. N A above two crowns. R. Ins. 18. 469 Turkish War. Stacked arms. R. 1888, etc. Suspended from wreath. Nickel. 21. ITALY. 470 Parma. St. Constantine, Knight's Cross of the Order of. Red enameled cross crossed by letter X, and bears a-i-hS, a-Q, p. R. same. Suspended from crown. Silver gilt. Ribbon. Rare. 25. 471 St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, Gold Cross of the Order of. White enameled cross with green enamel between arms. Silver gilt. Ribbon. 23. 472 Vic. Emanuelle. Head 1. R. Italy standing. * guerre per l'indipendenza e l'unita d'italia. Silver. 20. 473 Same. Proof. Restrike.(?) 474 Similar. R. liberazione di sicilia 1860. Copper proof. 475 Sardinia, al valore militare. Shield crowned. R. wreath, blank. Silver. Ribbon. 22. 476 Papal States. Order of Holy Sepulchre. Red enameled gilt cross suspended from crown. Ribbon. Rare. 21. 477 Order of St. John of Jerusalem. White enameled gold cross with fleur-de-lis in gold between arms. Suspended from gold crown. An exquisite decoration. Plate IV. 478 Order of St. Silvester. White enameled cross. In centre, bust of the saint. R. gregorius xvi. restituit. mdcccxli. Silver gilt with ribbon. 24. 479 Order of Pius IX. Blue enameled star with gilt rays, vir- WAR MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. 31 TUTE ET MERITO — PIUS IX. R. ANNO MDCCCXLVII. Silver gilt. 27. 480 Papal Brigade. Medal to Irish Volunteers. Cross in centre with ribbon. 24. SPAIN. 481 Order of Maria Isabella Louisa. Silver gilt cross suspended from crown. Monogram in centre. Poor decoration. 482 St. Sebastian. Pewter medal awarded to British legion in Spain under Sir De Lacy Evans. 23. 483 Carlist Iron Cross, war of 1877. 27. Medal. 1877-8. Br. 2 pes. PORTUGAL. 484 Order of Christ. Knight's gold cross outlined in white enamel ; between each arm, oval shield in blue enamel. The arms connected by gold laurel wreath ; in centre, white cross on red cross pattee, on white enamel. R. same. Suspended from crown. Rare. This Order is the richest in the world. Plate IV. PEKSIA. 485 Order of Lion and Sun. Silver star. In centre, in enamel, Lion and Sun. Suspended by loop and ribbon. 37. 486 Talismanic Calendar Pendant. Gold disk, struck. Obv. Cal- endar surrounded by ins. R. long inscription. The whole set and encircled with pearls (47) strung on wires, each set in silver ornament. Size of gold disk 33. Out- side all 40. These talismans are very rare, even without the setting. Plate IV. TUNIS. 487 Order of the Nichan. Enameled silver star, two arms mis- sing, on silver ground. In centre monogram suspended by loop and ribbon. Rare. 25. VENEZUELA. 488 Star of the order of. Silver. Large. 50. CHILL 489 Silver Star, campana a Bolivia i el peru. Helmeted female head. R. de 14 de febrero de 1879 a 7 de junia de 1880. Suspended by ring from ribbon on which two silver bars. MIRAFLORES, CHORILLOS. Rare. 490 Silver five pointed voided Star, republica de chili on blue enameled band. In centre, gilt star. R. campana de lima 1881. Suspended by ring and ribbon. 32 FOREIGN MEDALS. 491 Oceania. (?) Silver star on silver jeweled ground ; centre of star in green, outlined in white enamel ; on centre, on red band ka. hoku. o. osiania. In centre gold ornament on white ground rising from green sea. Suspended from red enameled silver crown. 492 Turkey, st. jean 'd 'arce. Citadel. R. Monogram. Cop- per gilt. 493 Uncertain. Bronze gilt eight pointed star. In centre n on green enamel. R. f, same. 494 German mark. Apple on blue enameled ground. R. 1806 etc. UNITED STATES. 495 Grand Army Veteran Star. Bronze. Fine. MEDALS COMMEMORATING EVENTS OF WAR. In very fine condition unless otherwise described. 496 Clive. victory at plassy. clive commander, mdcclviii. Victory on elephant 1. R. Indian presents gift to warrior. Bronze. Rare. Proof. 25. 497 Vernon. The Admiral standing 1. R. Ships before Porto Bello 1739. Similar Admiral r. Brass. V. f. 25. 2 pes. 498 Vernon. Various types ; half length portrait, etc. Brass. Poor to fine. 27 pieces. 499 Cumberland. Duke on horse 1. R. Battle ; culloden 1746. 500 Cumberland. Argyle, satirical ; Frederic of Prussia. Brass. Poor to fine. 11 pieces. 501 Nelson. Bust 1. R. st. Vincent, etc. 1797. Silver. Very fine. V2L 502 Geo. II. Treaty of Vienna, 1731. Head 1. R. Neptune in chariot drawn by sea-horses hurls trident at the winds. 503 Geo. III. Young bust in armor 1. R. Battle ; exg. calone- sus. capta mdcclxi. Brass. Very fine. 25. 504 Martin, Col. Bustr. R. Arabic ins. Copper. Ex. fine. 22. 505 Bridport, Lord. Admiral at defeat of French off Port L'Orient, 1795. Bustr. R. Victory Br. Fair. Battered. 31. 506 Wellington. Head 1. R. Magnificent Greek helmet. Splendid medal by Pistruci. 507 Hardinge. Head 1. R. Warrior receiving laurel branch from Minerva. On his successful termination to Punjab Campaign, 1846. 36. 508 Sepoy Mutiny. Victory standing ; behind her captive Sepoy. FOREIGN MEDALS. 33 R. TO THE BRAVE DEFENDERS OF OUR INDIAN EMPIRE, DURING the sepoy mutinies a.d. 1857. V. r. Proof. In case. 40. 509 Duplicate without case. 510 Nelson. Bust 1. in uniform. R. View of column in Trafal- gar Square, 1844. W.m. Pierced. Proof. 39. 511 Admiral Duncan. Bust facing. Vice Com. Nelson. Bust 1. W.m. Fine. 24. 2 pieces. 512 Irish Constabulary. Reward of merit. W.m. 24. 513 Lafayette. Bust in uniform r. Ins. on taking command of National Guards, 1830. In case. 32. 514 Lafayette. Half length 1. R. On command of National Guard, 1789-91. Br. 22. 515 Louis Antoine d' Orleans, l. ant. generaltssime des armees francaises. Head 1. Laur. R. General on horse. 1823. 516 Alexander I. R. Fame flying 1. On peace, 1814. Br. Proof. 27. 517 Nicholas I. Russia. Different reverses, referring each to capture of fortress. War of 1829 against the Turks. By Loos. Br. Proofs. 24. 7 pieces. NAPOLEON I. 518 Head facing crowned with lotus. R. l'egypte conquise. mdccxcviii. Emperor in chariot drawn by camels. 26. 519 Head r. on tablet, on which view of battle. Marengo. 1796. R. Blank. Lead proof. Glazed and in case. 40. The following medals bear obverse Napoleon emp. et roi. Head by Andrieu or Droz. In cases. 26. 521 R. passe le st. Bernard mdccc. Victory on cannon drawn over mountain by horses. 522 R. Treaty broken by England, 1803. Mastiff tears scroll. 523 R. Hanover occupied. Victory on horse r. 524 R. Column, campagne de mdcccv. 525 R. Allocution a l'Armee. Emperor addresses troops on bridge. 526 R. Crown of Italy, mdcccv. 527 R. simplon. Old Man of Mountain seated. 1807. 528 R. Busts of Vitikand and Frederic. Obverse Napoleon, Charlemagne, accolated r. 1806. 529 R. souveraintes donnees mdcccvi. Throne ; table covered with crowns. 530 R. confederation du rhin mdcccvi. Warriors swear oath. 531 34 FOREIGN MEDALS. 532 R. bataille de friedland. Warrior sheathing sword. No case. 533 R. Eagle ; 1807. 534 R. BATAILLES DES AVRIL MDCCCIX. Obv. TRATE DE PRESBURG rompu. Temple of Janus. Door broken down. 535 R. batailles de wagram. Hercules vanquishes foe. 536 R. issling. Troops on bridge. 537 R. prise de wilna. Emperor receives sword and shield from warriors. No case. 538 R. lutzen 1813. Warriors galloping away from battle. Obv. rubbed. 539 R. Mountain ; Ins. refers to 1,200,000 men raised 1813. 540 R. wurtchen, 1813. Stacked arms. Obv. rubbed. 541 R. bellerophon, 1805. Ship 1. Obv. Bust in uniform r. by Mudie. 542 retour de l'empereur mars, mdcccxv. 543 Emperor before two soldiers. R. Eagle flying. 544 R. BATAILLE DE SOMO SIERRA l' INQUISITION DE TRUITE mdcccviii. Emperor in biga overrides man. No case. 545 Louis XVIII. On the French campaign in Spain, 1823. Head r. R. French warrior drives away Rebellion. To 1. Spain. 32. 546 Same. R. Return of King and Army to Paris. 32. 547 Revolution 1830. Tomb. R. ins. No case. 23. 548 Same. Tomb, at either side France and Liberty. Case. 32. 549 Same. H. of Liberty 1. R. Tablet and scales. Case. 25. 550 Same. Peace standing. R. 1830, etc. Case. 23. ENGLISH MEDALS. 551 Geo. II. Bust 1. R. King crowned by female ; volentes per populos, in exg. coron. xi Octob. mdccxxvii. Rather a remarkable inscription "By the will of the people.' < Silver. Fine. 22. 552 Geo. III. georgius hi. de. gr. mag. britan. fran. et. hib. rex. Bust in armor r., draped. R. diffuso lumine nitet. Sun radiant. In style of the Indian medals and marked Indian Chief Medal by the collector, but we do not know by what authority. Rare. Copper. V. fine. 46. 553 Geo. III. On obsequies 1820. Br. 28. 554 Geo. III. Preservation from assassination. Angel protects his portrait from arrows. Br. 24. 555 Cranmer and Latimer by Dassier. Br. 18. 2 pieces. FOREIGN MEDALS. 35 556 Princess Charlotte on her death, 1817. Bust facing. R. Britannia disconsolate. Bust 1. R. Ins. Br. 31. 2 pes. 557 Boydell. Shakespeare on rock between two muses. R. Ins. Silver. Fine. 30£. 558 Wykeham. Head 1. by Yeo. Silver. Fine. 25. 559 Fox, C. I. Bust r. by Webb. R. Victory on globe. Br. 34. 560 West, Benj. Head 1. R. Names of subscribers. 561 Celebrated Persons. Medals by Kirk. Copper. Very fine. 16. 12 pieces. 562 George IV. Exquisite coronation medal by Pistrucci. Br. In case. 22. 563 Victoria. Head 1. R. Queen being received by Mayor. 1837. W.m. Proof. In case. 39. 564 Victoria. Head 1. crowned ; around on band names of all the members of the Government. R. members of the house of commons. 1849 ; below list of names. Br. In case. Rare. 60. 565 Victoria and Albert. Heads accolated 1. ; beneath two dol- phins. R. Britannia seated, bestows wreath on Industry kneeling, behind whom stand the four Continents personi- fied. Award medal of Exhibition of 1851, given to Har- ris and son (on edge). One of the most beautiful of modern medallions. By W. Wyon. Proof. 48. 566 Princess of Wales. Alexandra. Head 1. R. London re- ceives the royal couple. 1863. 48. 567 Duke and Duchess of Albany. Heads accolated r. R. Coats of arms. 27th april 1882. Silver marriage medal, by Wyon. Proof. In case. 40. 568 Prince and Princess of Battenberg. Heads accolated 1. R. Coats of arms. 23d July, 1885. Silver medal on marriage. By Wyon. Proof. 40. 569 Crystal Palace, opened mdcccliv. Palace. R. Minerva throws open the doors. Br. Proof. Slightly scratched. In case. 40. 570 Banks, Thomas, R. A. Bust 1. by Wyon. R. Statue, nude, of native of India. In exg. art union of London 1858. Br. Proof. In case. 571 Scott, Sir Walter. Scott. Head r. R. Graceful figure of Fame leaning on pedestal. Struck shells joined, edge let- tered. ByStothard. 39. 572 Charles II. Anne Jetons. Brass. Very fine. 4 pieces. 573 Tickets and cards. Brass. 9 pieces. 36 FOREIGN MEDALS. 574 Satirical medals on the Pope and the Devil. Brass. 2 pieces. 575 Weights. For coins. Various. From William III. Very fine. Brass. 24 pieces. 576 Silver-plated box, containing 6 silver foreign and English counters, engraved after Passe. 577 Charles I. Engraved medalet set in silver ring. 578 Masonic Mark. Compass and square set with paste jewels, suspended from chased bar, buckle and pin, with ribbon. Silver. In case. 579 Masonic oval badge, engraved with 3 figures. R, Scrolls, etc., 1., with loop. Silver. 30 580 Plaque. Cupid 1. Brass. Oval. 24 by 30. 581 Plaque. Judgment of Paris. Electrotype from gem. 24 by 28. 582 Canning, George. Head 1. R. Ins. 1827. Br. In case. 32. 583 Geographical Medal. Map of a hemisphere on either side. W.m. In case. 47. 584 Victoria and Albert. Exhibition, 1851. George IV. funeral. Various. W.m. Proof. 10 pieces. 585 George III. George IV. W.m. Proof. 4 pieces. 586 Atwood. R. Four heads : Broughan, Brussels, 1832 ; O'Con- nell ; Junk ; George IV. ; George III. R. Ascension ; Shakespeare; Christ; Mary. Various. Mostly proof. W.m. 24 pieces. FRENCH MEDALS. Bronze unless otherwise described. 587 Francis I. Bust 1. in armor. R. vnvs non svfficit. Celes- tial and terrestrial globes ; crown ; mdxv. Br. Proof. Re- strike. 33. 588 Henry II. Bust r. in armor. R. Quadriga driven 1. by Vic- tory ; seated in chariot France and Abundance, nude, 1552. Br. Proof. Restrike. 38. 589 Henry IV. Bust r. in armor, by Droz. R. legion d'houneur. Star. Br. 24. 590 Monneron's medal. Soldiers swearing allegiance, 1790. 25. 591 Same. Hercules striving to break sticks. Br. Proof. 592 Nap. I. and Josephine. Busts accolated r. R. Eagle. On their coronation. 22. 593 Nap. I. and M. Louise. Heads accolated r. R. Couple be- fore altar. Case. 26. 594 Napoleon I. bapteme du roi de rome. Emp. holds infant over font. R. Crowns of all the cities of the Empire. Br. 43. FOREIGN MEDALS. 37 595 Nap. I. and Marie Louise. Heads accolated r. R. Bust of infant 1. 26. 59G« Same on marriage. L. P., Lafayette. Silver. 9. 4 pes. 597 Louis XVIII. Head r. R. France welcomes ship. Case. 24. 598 Same. R. King and Queen in biga 1. 24. 599 Same. R. Hope standing between torch and altar. On his brother's marriage 1815. In case. 24. 600 Same. Head r. R. Statue of Henry IV. 32. 601 Louis Philippe. Head 1. R. Wreath. 26. 602 Same. Head 1. laureated. R. Ins. on est. Normal School. Medallion by Bovy. 43. 603 Napoleon III. Head r. R. Coat of arms in centre of circle of shields, paris 1855 ; tablet blank. Silver award medal of the first class of the Universal Exposition. Proof. In case. Very rare. 604 Duplicate. Very rare. 605 Same in br. Medal of the second class. Proof. 38. 606 Duplicate. Very rare. Never had these medals before. 607 Rousseau, J. J. Bust 1. R. contrat social, etc. 22. FOREIGN BKONZE MEDALS. 608 Alexander I. Russia. R. Beautiful female winged figure seated writes Sejour a Paris in exg. mdcccxiv. On his visit to Paris. By Andrieu. Br. In case. 24 h 609 Nicholas I. Russia. Bust r. by Pingret. R. Ins. 1826. 31. 610 Gustavus III. Sweden. Bust r. in armor by Kiichler. R. Tomb. In case. 35. 611 Chas. VI. Germany. Bust r. R. King in quadriga of lions 1. 31. 612 Fred. Wm. III. Prussia. Bust 1. Exquisite medal by Denon on visit to Mint. Case. 25. 613 Francis I. Austria. Head 1. R. Ins on similar visit. Case. 25. 614 Camoens, Luiz de. Bust facing. R. Ins. 26. 615 Calvin. Bust 1. R. Ins. Series num. 26. 616 Melancthon. Bust r. R. 1547 plus ultra. Two columns standing in sea. Diamond-shaped cast silver medal, origi- nality uncertain. Very rare. 16. 617 Reformers and others. Busts by Dassier. 18. 10 pieces. 618 Flemish Jetons of the 16th Century. Fine. 5 pieces. 619 Schiller. I Bust facing r. R. Bell. Beautiful medal by Allen and Moore on his death. Proof. 32. 620 Eytelwein, J. A. R. Woman seated with square, water- wheel, etc. Case. 26. 38 COINS OP THE BRITISH COLONIES IN NORTH AMERICA. 621 Papal. Gregory XVI. Bust 1. R. Priests bearing ark. Br. Very fine. Pierced. 24. 622 Sixtus V. Bust r. R. Bridge. 1589. Br. Very fine. Pierced. 28. 623 Julius III., Adrian VI., Paul V., Pius IV., Pius V., Paul II, Clement VII., Gregory XIII., Clement X., Innocent XI.. XII., Clement VIII., XII. Various. Br. Some originals, two false. Poor to very fine. 14 pieces. 624 Pius VII. Bust r. R. Notre Dame. On coronation of Napoleon I. In case. 26. 625 Odeskalchi. Bust r. R. Samson and Lion. Artistic. 22. 626 Early German. Religious brass cross. 26. 627 German Memorial Iron Cross. R. In centre on gold disk, Ins. 1810. 18. 628 Astrological. Man-headed monster 1. R. Double-faced man standing ; in field, signs. Curious. Cast and chased. 39. 629 Otho. Plaque. Head 1. in border. 43. COINS OF THE BRITISH COLONIES IN NORTH AMERICA. COLONY OF MASSACHUSETTS. In New England. SILVEE COINAGE. 630 (1652) Shilling. N E in punch-mark on a plain silver planchet. R. XII in punch-mark. Fine. Very rare. Size 16. See Plate. The first coin of America. OAK TEEE SERIES. Device. Oak tree, masathusets in. Rev. new England. an. dom. ; 1652, XII in centre. 631 Shilling. C. 9 — H. Plate L, 11. Very good. Rare. 632 Shilling. C. 6 ft — E. 1 R 4 . Very good. Pierced. 633 Sixpence. ma(sa)thusets. Without the word in on obv., but on rev. C 6 . R 3 . Fine. Very rare. 634 Threepence. masa(thusets i)n. Tree only faintly visible. Rev. fine. C 1 . R 5 . Plate I., 15. Very rare. 635 Twopence. Rev. 1662. Fine. Rare. 636 Threepence. Not evenly struck, but very fine. PINE TEEE SEEIES. Similar to the Oak Tree coins, but instead of an oak a pine tree. 637 Shilling. Tree with wide open trunk. C 1 B. Rev. D. Bushnell Cat, Plate L, 161. Fine. 638 Shilling. C 12 . Rev. R. Uncirculated. Even impression; COINS OF THE BRITISH COLONIES IN NORTH AMERICA. 39 top of one letter, d, on Rev. on edge. B. Cat., 168. Plate. 639 Shilling. Same. As Cleneay specimen, Plate II., 264. Uncir. 640 Shilling. Same, ma faint yet a large planchet. 641 Shilling. Same. Tops of m-in off. Very fine. 642 Shilling. Small size/ C 22 . Fine. 643 Shilling. C 16 . Rev. L., R 4 . Very rare. Fine. 644 Shilling. C 18 . Rev. R. Combination unknown to C. V. g. 645 Shilling. Same, asath off. Good. Rare. 646 Shilling. C 21 . Fine. 647 Shilling. Same. Clipped. Fair. 648 Sixpence. C 1 . sathu off. As usual for die was too large. Fine. Rare. 649 Threepence. C 2* rev. B. Very good. Pierced. Rare. COLONY OF MARYLAND. The coins of Lord Baltimore, issued 1659. 650 Shilling. Bust of Lord Baltimore to left ; cjectlivs : dns terr^e-marle : & ct.+. Rev. Shield, crowned, x-n at sides ; crescite : et : multiplicamini. Fine for the piece. Excessively rare. Plate. 651 Sixpence. Same, v-i at sides of shield. Very good. Very rare, Plate. 652 Sixpence. Very fine, but a cut J of an inch long driven through field above head. Plate. 653 Groat. Same, i-v at sides of shield. Crack in planchet behind, head. Very good. Excessively rare. Plate. THE ROSA AMERICANA SERIES. Head of George I. R. georgius. d : g : mag : bri : fra : et : hib : rex. On the pennies and half pennies georgius dei : gratia . rex. Rev. Full blown rose, rosa Americana UTILE DULCT. 654 Penny. 1722. Fine. 655 Penny. Same. Poor. 656 Half penny. Good. 1723. Rev. Rose crowned ; utile dulci on label. 657 Twopence. Uncirculated. Magnificent, even impression. 658 Twopence. Extremely fine. 669 Twopence. Very fine. 660 Twopence. Fine. The above four pieces are all from dif- ferent dies. 661 Twopence. Good. 40 COINS OF THE STATES. 662 Penny. Very fine. 663 Penny. Very fine. Olive color, but rev. some spots of white corrosion. 664 Penny. Fine. 665 Pennies. Poor. 2 pieces. 666 Twopence. 1724. Different portrait with more profuse locks as on Wood's pattern English half pence. Rev. same. 1724. Some slight corrosion over surface otherwise very fine. Excessively rare, only one other specimen known — the first — discovered by Henry Chapman, Jr., 1889. Limit $50, but worth more than double that sum. Plate. VIRGINIA AND CAKOLINA PLANTATIONS. 667 James II. 1685-88. iacobus . ii . d. g. mag. bri. fran. et . hib. rex. Statue of king on horse r. Rev. hispan. val. 24. part. real. Four shields. 668 Duplicate. Very fine. Uncirculated. Another corroded. 2 pes. MARK NEWBY'S, PITT TOKEN, ETC. 669 1681. Mark Newby's half penny. King Charles I. playing on harp. Rev. St. Patrick. Use authorized in New Jersey. Very good. Rare. 670 Farthing. Same. Very good. 2 pieces. 671 Pitt token. Bust I. the restorer of commerce 1776 no stamps. Rev. Ship. America, etc. Very fine. Light olive color. 672 Pitt token. Same. Fine. 673 Pitt token. Another. Fine. Been cleaned. 674 Fictitious half-pennies, god save the king. Head of George III. r. Rev. be as you seem to be. Clasped hands. 1796. Extremely fine. Rare. Another like a sovereign. Good. 2 pieces. 675 Similar, st. Patrick apos. 432. Bust. r. Rev. Ireland. 1806. Very fine. 676 Same. claudius romanus. Rev. pax placid 1775. Another, head 1. Rev. Harp, 1820. Brass. Fine. 2 pieces. COINS OF THE STATES. MASSACHUSETTS. 677 Cent. 1787. Indian standing. R. Eagle. Very fine. 678 Cent. 1788. Fine. 679 Cent. Same. Different die. V. fine. Dents on edge. PLATE IV. v COPYRIGHT 1895 COINS OF THE STATES. 41 680 Cent. Same. Good. 681 Half cent. 1787. Same. Fine. 682 Half cent. 1788. Same. Fine. 683 Connecticut. Bust 1. inde * * et lib *, 1787. auctori : plebis. R. indep (et) liber, 1787. Hope seated. Very good. 2 pieces. 684 New York. Talbot, Allum & Lee. Liberty standing 1794. R. Ship. One cent. Fine. Been cleaned. 685 Same. 1795. R. Without " One cent." Ex. f. Olive color. 686 New Jersey. 1787. Cent. Fine. 687 New Jersey. 1787.- Cent. Fine. Slightly mis-struck. 688 New Jersey. 1787. Cent. Virginia, half penny. Good. 2 pes. 689 Maryland, Annapolis, one shill(in)g 1783. In centre two doves pulling a worm. (The long variety). R. i. chal(mers), annapolis. Clasped hands in wreath. Fine. 690 Same. Very fine, even impression, but plugged. 691 Kentucky cent, so called. 15 stars. V. fine. Dent on rev. 692 Same. Fine. Uneven steel color. WASHINGTON COINS AND MEDALS. 693 1783. Cent. Bust in uniform 1. R. united states Liberty seated 1. Fine. 694 1783. Cent. Bust draped 1. Fine. Scratch on rev. 695 1783. Cent. Same. Re-strike. Uncirculated. 696 Cent. Washington. Bust in Uniform 1. R. One cent Simi- lar. Fine. 697 Cent. 1795. george Washington. Bust r. R. liberty and security 1795. Eagle on shield. 698 Medal, george Washington. Bust 1. as on '91 cent. R. liberty and security. Eagle on shield. Edge asylum, etc. Uncirculated. Partly bright red. 699 Medal. Eccleston's, 1805. general Washington. Bust in armor r. R. Indian standing ; long ins. Br. V. f. 47. EARLIEST COINS OF THE UNITED STATES. 700 Dollar, continental currency, 1776. Sun dial in centre ; MIND YOUR BUSINESS, around FUGIO, E G FECIT. R. AMERICAN congress, we are one, encircled by 13 links bearing name of state. Pewter. Very good. Rare. 701 1783. Cent, libertas justitiua 1783. U. S. in centre of wreath. R. nova constellatio. Eye in centre of rays. Fine. 702 1785 Cent. Same. U. S. in script. Fine. 6 42 COINS OF THE UNITED STATES. COINS OF THE UNITED STATES. GOLD. 703 Eagle. 1803. Fine. 704 Half eagle. 1802 over 1801. Fine. 705 Half eagle. 1803 over 1802. Fine. 706 Half eagle. 1807. Bust to 1. Very fine. Slight dinge on cheek. 707 Half eagle. 1810. Very fine. 708 Half eagle. 1813. Uncirculated. 709 Half eagle. 1847. Extremely fine. Die cracked from top to bottom. 710 Half eagle. 1855. Charlotte mint. Fine. 711 Three dollars. 1855. San Francisco mint. Fine. 712 Three dollars. 1860. San Francisco mint. 713 Three dollars. 1870. V. g. Some solder on edge. Rare. 714 Quarter eagle. 1843. Large date. Very fine. 715 Dollar. 1856. Very fine. 716 Dollar. 1858. Fine. Some solder on edge. 717 Dollar. 1889. Uncirculated. 718 California quarter dollar. 1872. Proof. 719 Same, eureka. Liberty seated. Rev. cal. gold charm 1884. 720 Same. Octagonal. Proof as above. 721 Same. Quarter dollar size. 722 Same. Octagonal. SILVEE DOLLARS. 723 1795 Head. Fine. 724 1795 Bust. Good. 725 1796 Very good. 726 1797 Very good. 6 stars facing. 727 1798 Wide date. Good. 728 1799 Fine. 729 1799 Delicate stars. Very fine. 730 1800 Fine. Broad milling. 731 1801 Fine. 732 1802 Fine. 733 1842 Very fine. 734 1845 Proof. Hair-marked and obverse surface dull but figure uncirculated. Very rare in proof condition. 735 1848 Fine. 736 1873 Uncirculated. Proof surface, weak. COINS OF THE UNITED STATES. 43 737 1873 Pattern trade dollar. Liberty seated on globe. W. m. Proof. 738 1878 Trade dollar. San Francisco. Uncirculated. 739 1883 Trade dollar. Proof. HALF DOLLAES. 740 1795 Good. 741 1803 Large date. Fine. 742 1805 Very good. 743 1806 Without stem to branch. Very fine. 744 1806 Very fine. 745 1807 Uncirculated. Minute nick on neck. 746 1807 Bust 1. Very good. 747 1808 over 1807. Uncirculated. 748 1809 Uncirculated. 749 1810 Very fine. 750 1811 Very fine. Ob v. black tarnish. 751 1812 Very fine. 752 1813 Very fine. Weak. 753 1818 Uncirculated. Sharp. Mint lustre. 754 1818 over 1817. Extremely fine. Sharp. 755 1818 over 1817. Very fine. Sharp. 756 1820 over 1819. Extremely fine. Mint lustre. 757 1822 Uncirculated. Sharp. 758 1823 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 759 1825 Extremely fine. Weak. 760 1826 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 761 1827 Extremely fine. Mint lustre. 762 1835 Uncirculated. W T eak. Mint lustre. 763 lo37 Uncirculated. 764 1843 Very fine. 765 1848 Orleans. Extremely fine. 766 1853 With arrows and rays. Uncirculated. 767 1855 Orleans mint. Uncirculated. 768 1861 Extremely fine. 769 1863 Proof. Hair-marked. QUAETEE DOLLAES. 770 1796 Very fine. Very rare. Limit $20. PL IV. 771 1831 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 772 1863 Proof. 773 1882 Proof. 44 COINS OP THE UNITED STATES. DIMES. 774 1805 Very good. 775 1820 Close date. Fine. Cut in field and on rev. 776 1833 Very fine. 777 1834 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 778 1834 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 779 1838 With stars. Uncirculated. Die cracked. 780 1838 Very fine. Rev. Die cracked. 781 1838 Very fine. Duplicate. 782 1838 Extremely fine. Black tarnish. 783 1882 Proof. Hair-marked. HALF DIMES. 784 1794 Good. Plugged above date, involving 9. 785 1795 Very good. 786 1795 Fine, but file-marks in planchet on hair. 787 1797 Uncirculated ; but deep cleft in planchet from edge nearly to face. 788 1800 Good. Big hole above head. 789 1829 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 790 1832 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 791 1834 Uncirculated. Mint lustre, and proof surface. 792 1834 Very fine. 3 pieces. 793 1835 Uncirculated. Black tarnish. 794 1836 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 795 1837 Extremely fine, and fine. 2 pieces. 796 1838 With stars. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 797 1853, 6, 7, 1830, 1. Fine. 5 pieces. 798 1858 Extremely fine. Mint lustre. 799 1863 Proof. 800 1870 Uncirculated. 801 Three cents silver 1852 (2) good. 1853. Fine. 3 pieces. 802 Assay Ingot of San Francisco Mint giving its component parts of gold and silver to the value of $6.41. CENTS. 803 1794 Very good but for dents in obv. Olive color. Hays, 19. 804 1794 Very good. Hays, 39. 805 1795 Thin planchet. R. one cent high in wreath. Fine. Olive. 806 1795 R. one cent in centre of wreath. Fine. Olive color. 807 1796 Liberty cap. Good. 808 1797 Good. COINS OF THE UNITED STATES. 45 809 1798 Small date with broad milling. Extremely fine. Olive color with few dark spots. Rare. 810 1798 Small without broad milling. Very good. 2 pes. 811 1800 Very good. Olive color. Scarce. 812 1801 Fine. Olive color. Scarce. 813 1802 Very good. 814 1805 Good. 815 1806 Very good. 816 1813 Very good. 817 1816 Perfect and broken dies. V. f. Olive color. 2 pes. 818 1817 Uncirculated. Misstruck to one side. Sharp. 819 1819 Small date. Uncirculated. Bright red. Sharp. 820 1826 Uncirculated. Sharp. Lustrous olive color. 821 1826 Fine. Olive color. 822 1828 Large date. Very fine. Light brown color. 823 1835 Extremely fine. Weak impression. Steel color. 824 1837 Beaded hairstring. Uncirculated, Olive color. 825 1840 Large date. Very fine. Olive color. 826 1852 Uncirculated. Olive color. 827 1853 Uncirculated. Bright red. 828 1853 Uncirculated. Bright red. 2 pieces. 829 1798 to 1850. Fair to very fine. Valuable lot. 93 pieces. 830 Half Cents. 1794. Large head. Good. Olive color. 831 Half Cent. 1795. Fair. 832 Half Cent. 1804 (2), 1809. Good. 3 pieces. 833 Half Cent. 1809. Fine. 834 Half Cent. 1828. 13 stars. Uncirculated. Olive color. STORE CARDS. 835 New York Theatre. View of building. R. may commerce flourish. Cornucopia ; in background ships. Penny token by Jacobs. Uncirculated. Bright red. Rare. 836 Hathaway, Providence, R. I. 1833. Hart, Phila. ; Mer- chant's Exchange ; American Inst. ; New York ; Anderson, N. Y. Fine. 5 pieces. 837 Hard Times or Jackson tokens. 5 pieces. 838 California Token. Eagle. R. 1849. Flag, ship. Brass. 46 COINS AND MEDALS OP CANADA. COINS AND MEDALS OF CANADA. 839 Louis XIV. Bust r. Rev. gloriam. regni. tvi. dicent. 1670* Shield crowned. 5 sols. Pierced. Scratches across obv. Good. Very rare. 840 Louis XIV. Bust r. Rev. Busts of his four sons. Indian Chief Medal. Br. Proof. 26 L. 300 E. R 5 . 841 Louis XV. ludovicus xv orbis imperator, 1758. Head r. Wesel, Oswego, Port Mahon. In exg. Expug. ste. da- vidis arce et solo arquata. Forts, four. Silver. 19 h Fine, but covered with minute nicks. Plate L. 308 A. R 8 . Limit, $20. 842 Louis XV. 1738. Marque. Fine. 3 var. B. 508. 3 pieces. 843 George II. Bust in armor 1. Names and dates of battles. Niagara, Quebec, etc. Lion and unicorn uphold shield, bearing fleur-de-lis reversed. Br. Very fine. L. 861 R 5 . 844 Rev. of above. Rev. Britannia in chariot drawn by lion accompanied by Justice and Liberty. Rev. of L. 862. Br. Very fine. 845 George II. Head 1. Rev. Canada subdued, mdcclx. s.p.a.c Canada seated disconsolate beneath pine tree, behind which beaver. Edge lettered. Silver. Extremely fine. L. 850. R 5 . 846 Boscawen. Half length r. Rev. louisburg jul. 16. 1758. Battle. Brass. 15. Good. L. 854. R 6 . 847 War of 1812. upper can ad a preserved on band. Bird's- eye view of Niagara River. Upon r. side British lion guards the entrance at Lake Ontario. To 1. American eagle flying to attack him. To r. Beaver. Rev. presented by a grate- ful country ; in laurel wreath, for merit 1815. Unique. From the Oliver collection. L. 866 a. Perfect condition. Limit, $125. Plate IV. 848 Nova Scotia, temperance society token of membership. Fine. Pierced. L. 475. R 6 . W. m. Silver-plated. 849 Halifax, Catholic T. A. B. medal. W. m. Pierced. Fine. L, 478. R 5 , 849a Hudson Bay Co. Arms. Rev. hb. em Ihb. Brass. Very fine. L. 486, R. 8 , 850 Montreal sous. Different varieties. Rare. 5 pieces. BANK OF MONTREAL. 851 The extraordinary collection of the tokens issued by this bank during the years 1837, 8, 9, described below, are the result of thirty years' special study and research, and as COINS AND MEDALS OF CANADA. 47 the collector does not wish them separated, they will be sold in one lot, upon which he has placed a limit of $500 ; and this is a reasonable price, for there are varieties in the set previously unknown or unpublished. It is the most extensive collection of these excessively rare coins of 1B38 -39 ever offered, and, judging by its containing pieces not described or mentioned by Le Roux or Breton, and as far as we are aware, is the most complete set in existence. We have carefully compared the coins, rearranged them from Mr. Chaloner's arrangement, and recatalogued them, and will guarantee the varieties to be as described. All the dies are represented on Plate V. 1837. No. 1. Penny, province of Canada, bank of Montreal. Front view of the Bank. R. bank token, one penny, 1837. Arms of tha City of Montreal, bearing on the enclosing garter concopJa salus ; on ribbon passed through the garter city bank, incused. Uncirculated. Light olive color, with traces of bright red. Le Roux 514 a . R 6 . 1838. No. .1 Penny, bank of Montreal, beneath 1838. Perspective view of Bank. R. bank token, one penny. Arms of city, as above ; on ribbon bank of Montreal. Extremely fine. Olive color. Three vertical scratches in field over bank. Le Roux 513. B. 523. Size 21. Die in second state as described below. Beaver's tail nearly touches left top of m, leaf of floriated ornament points to a in bank. R 4 . No. 2. Penny. Same obverse die. R. Similar. Beaver's tail wider, and points to left foot of m, whilst the leaf points between a and n. Very fine. R 8 . No. 3. Half Penny. Same types. R. half penny. Obverse die may be infallibty identified by minute dot in field above and touching roof- line near centre; it is just perceptible to the naked eye. (It is not one of the four small nicks in field which this specimen will show in the plate.) To right of building, fence has 3 bars to the left of tree, and 5 bars to the right; to the left of building, fence has 4 bars to right of tree, a fifth merged in the trunk of tree; to left of tree 8 bars. Rev. Beaver's tail covers top of left stem of m ; n in 48 COINS AND MEDALS OF CANADA. token clear of oak leaf; Rose in Arms faces vertically to left. Size slightly over 18. R 8 . Very fine. Olive color. B. 524. No. 3b. Same. Dies in second state, have been turned down, edges rounded, producing a concave field from edge to letters and the size reduced to 17 h Extremely fine. Olive color, partly bright red. Few dents on edge. R 6 . No. 4. Half Penny. Same types. To right of building fence has 4 bars to right of tree and 3 to left. To left of building fence has 5 bars to right of tree and 6 to left. Period after salus. Rev. Beaver's tail touches m but does not cover it. Rose in Arms faces upwards slightly to left ; n in token rests on oak-leaf. Size 18. Very fine. Purple color. R 8 . No. 4b. Same. Second state of dies as No. 3b. Size 17i. Uncir- culated. Beautiful olive color. We place this specimen on the plates instead of preceding to show the second state of dies compared with No. 3. R 6 . 1839. No. 1. Penny. Same types as 1838. Rev. bank of Montreal incused. Beaver slants slightly upwards. Le Roux 513. R 7 . B 525. Uncirculated. Olive color. Period after salus. Size 2H. No. 2. Penny. Same obv. Rev. On ribbon banque du peuple. Period after salus. Beaver horizontal. Le Roux 507. R 8 . B 525. Uncircu- lated. Olive color, but at each side of field bright spot where possibly wax has been stuck. No. 3. Half penny. Same types. To r. of building fence to r. of tree has 4 bars ; to 1. 4 bars ; to 1. of building fence to r. of tree has 6 bars : to 1. 9 bars ; projecting eave of building is opposite b in bank. Rev. Type of No. 1. half penny. No period after salus. End of beaver's tail rests on inner edge of ribbon. Very fine. Le Roux 514. R 6 . No. 3b. Same dies. Rev. Die broken over tok and shows why the dies above mentioned were turned down to remove such a defect. Uncirculated. Brown color. No. 4. Half penny. Same types. Obv. Same die. Rev. Beaver's tail inside of and does not touch ribbon. F. No. 5. Half penny. To r. of building fence very low, has 4 bars to r. of tree and 3 to 1. To 1. of building fence has 5 bars to r. of tree and 9 bars to 1. Eaves point between b and a, and a and l. PLATE V. LOT 85 By S, H. and H. CHAPMAN. COINS AND MEDALS OF CANADA. 49 Rev. Same die. Very fine. Olive color. This gives 2 obv. and 2 rev. dies, No, 4 being a combina- tion of obv. of No. 3 and rev. of No. 5. 1842. No. 1. Penny. Same type as 1837. Rev. on ribbon bank of Montreal, incused. Period after salus. 1842. The obv. dies of these two pieces are alike in the spacing of the letters and position of the trees, but in the latter the window sashes are more marked and differently spaced, and the door has lines to indicate the pannelling. Uncir- culated. Olive color. Le Roux 515. R 4 . B 526. Duplicate of 1837 penny. Collar had evidently burst allowing piece to spread to size 22 i and causing it to be weakly struck. Uncirculated. The lot 15 pieces. Limit, $500. Note. — The degrees of rarity given are either Mr. Le Eoux's or Mr. Chal- oner's, and we do not hold ourselves responsible for them as, in our opinion, they are only guesses, but if collectors who possess examples who obtain this catalogue will identify them and inform us of those they own we will tabulate the replies and publish the results in a subsequent catalogue. 852 Half penny 1838. Duplicate of No. 3 b. Ex. fine. Olive color. Limit, $40. 853 Half penny 1838. Duplicate of No. 4 b. Very fine. Olive color. Limit, $20. 854 Half penny 1838. Duplicate of No. 3 b. Pierced through o in Montreal. Obv. covered with scratches; otherwise fine. 855 Montreal, maysenholder and bohle, gold smiths. In cen- tre, established 1849. Watch. Rev. CORNER ST. VINCENT and notre dame. In centre Montreal. Rose. Beaver. Token. V. fine. V. rare. L 575. R\ Limit, $20. Plate. 856 Molson. 1837. Barrel. Rev. Still. Silver. Token. Un- circulated. V. rare. L 576. R 10 . Limit, $20. 857 Molson. Same in copper. Fine. R 4 . 858 Toronto. Leslie & Sons. Justice. Rev. Plow, token. 2d currency, V. fine. L. 698. R 6 . B. 717. Limit, $15. 859 Canadian (?) Blank planchet. m c l dcxix. R 5. 860 Montreal. Caleche. Rev. de repentiguy on lachesnaye. a l'isle de Montreal. Fine. N. 593. R 6 . 861 Same. Obv. personne. Rev. as above. V. g. L. 596. R 7 . 862 WEIR & LARMINIE BANKERS AND SPECIE BROKERS, MONTREAL C E. Rev. United States Postage 10c. stamp. V. fine. Limit, $15. 7 50 COINS AND MEDALS OF CANADA. 863 St. John, New Brunswick. McDermott. Coat of Arms. Rev. f. m c dermott importer, etc. B. 914. R 6 . F. Limit, $25. 864 prince edwards island half penny 1840. Sheaf. Rev. commerce & trade. Plow. Scratch through J of ins. on abv. Fine. L. 916. R 6 . Limit, $20. 865 Newfoundland. Rutherford Bros. L. 319, 320, 1, 2. B. 952, 3. Very fine. 6 pieces. 866 L. 411 to 418 (11), 420 to 429 (24), 430 to 439 (10), 440 (2), 443, 445, 450. Fine. 49 pieces. 867 L. 623, 700, 702, 690 to 699 (26), 766 to 769 (9), 770 to 779 (28), 786 (4). Fine. 70 pieces. 868 L. 919 (5), 1322, 1473. B. 937 to 9 (3). L. 807. B. 808 (2). L. 970, 982, 979 (5), 966. B. 797, 964. Undescribed 4. Fine. 24 pieces. 869 L. 319, 321, 2, 509, 517, 518, 519, 521, 523, 530, 532, 540, 556. 560, 563, 693, 766, 783, 793, 975, 529, 523, 530. B. 526, 7, 623, 919, 997, 1002. Fine. 131 pieces. 870 Ships, Colonies and Commerce. Ship. Rev. ships, colo- nies and commerce. L. 783 = B. 995, L. 783 a = B. 996, L. 793 = B. 997, 8 varieties, including 13 additional varie- ties. B. 999, 3 varieties, and 1 additional variety, of which there are the only two known specimens, with memoranda, signed by Mr. Breton. B. 1000. Unique. With note signed by Mr. Breton stating that it is the only specimen known, and estimates it as worth $40. Fine. Unique set of 32 varieties. Limit, $75. 871 Nova Scotia and other Canadian and Colonial Tokens, in- cluding Gagnon & Cie. Quebec. Rare. Fine. 30 pes. 872 Wellington Tokens (3). One, Rev. cossack penny token. 3 pieces. 873 Montreal, western congregational church. Montreal, organized 1874. Rev. Corner-stone laid June 10, 1876. In centre, names, etc. Silver. Proof 28. L. 440. R 3 . 874 Montreal. Exhibition 1880. Dominion of Canada. Vic- tory flying 1. blows trumpet. Rev. Shield crowned. In- scribed in field of obv. Corriveau & Co. Montreal, 1880. Goods on edge. Gold. Proof in case. Extremely rare. Wt. 857 gr. L. 460. R>. Limit, $40. 26. 875 Same. Silver. Uninscribed. The Victory is exquisitely engraved. 876 Toronto Exhibition, 1879. Heads of Marquis of Lome and Princess Louise in wreath of maple leaves. Rev. indus- trial exhibition association of Toronto. Coat of Arms. COINS AND MEDALS OF CANADA. 51 with four panels portraying the Industries. Gold. 28. Inscribed on edge. Wt. 842 gr. Extremely rare. L. 1486. Limit, $75. 877 Quebec Exhibition, agricultural and industrial exhibi- tion, province of Quebec. Shield crowned between maple branches. Rev. exposition agricole et industrielle province de Quebec. Within wreath of maple, Awarded to Corriveau Silk Mills. Edge inscribed. Gold. Proof. Size 32. Extremely rare. In case. L. 1470. Wt. 1320 gr. Limit, $75. The above gold medals are practically unique in the metal, and the limits placed upon them are only a trifle above bullion value. 878 Canada. War Medal, as 395. Rev. northwest 1885 Canada in maple branch. Edge, francice durand no. 42. bat- tleford rifles. With ribbon. Very fine. L. 1591. R 7 . Rare, being a local militia company. 879 Buttons. Various Canadian Militia Buttons. Been used as coins. All very rare. One specimen Quebec Militia, 1775. Gr. crowned. Unique (?). Poor. Limit, $40. 6 pieces. 880 British Columbia. Wreck of S. S. Beaver, Lion Gate, Van- couver, V. C. Scene of wreck. In exg. Built 1835. Rev. This medal is out of the S. S. Beaver, the pioneer steamer on the Pacific, etc. Copper proof. 27. The striker of this medal, a blacksmith in Victoria, states that the die broke after he had struck off about thirty specimens. V. rare. 881 Bupliottfay Newfoundland. Victoria Head 1. Rev. $2. 1870. Gold. Same 1882. Both very fine. 2 pieces. 882 New Brunswick. 10 and 5 cents 1862. Proof. 2 pieces. 883 Canada. Victoria. 20 (2), 10, 5 (2). Uncir. 5 pieces. SCALE. I & 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 DEGEEES OF PEESEEVATIOK Uncirculated. — Coin in perfect condition as it left the dies. Extremely fine. — Only the faintest touch of wear on highest points or few hair- marks in field. Very fine. —Fine. Very good. Good. Fair. Poor. EEFEEENCES. Ainslie. — Anglo-French Coins. 4to. London. 1830. B.— Breton, P. N. Coins of Canada. Montreal, 1894. B. M. Cat. — British Museum Catalogue of Greek coins, Italy, by E. S. Poole ; Syria, Sileucid Kings, by Percy Gardner ; The Ptolemies, by E. S. Poole. 8vo. London. 1873. Burns. — Edward Burns. Coinage of Scotland. 3 vols. 4to. Edinburgh. 1887. B. or Bush. Cat. — Catalogue of the Bushnell collection, by S. H. and H. Chap- man. 4to. Philadelphia. 1882. C. —Cohen, H. Monnaies Frapp£es sons L'Empire Eomaine. 2d edition. 8 vols. Paris. 1880. C. — (In American colonial and state coins). Crosby, S.S. Early Coins of America. 1 vol. 4to. Boston. 1875. H. in English Coins. — Hawkins, Edward. Silver Coins of England. 2d edition, by Kenyon. 8vo. London. 1876. Hks. — Hawkins. Anglo-Gallic coins. H. — Head, B. V. Historum Numorum. Manual of Greek Numismatics. 8vo. 1000 pp. Oxford. 1887. Hoffman, H. — Monnaies Eoyales de France. 4to. Paris. 1878. Henfrey, N. M. — Henfrey, Henry W. Numismata Cromwelliana. 4to. Lon- don. 1875. L. — Le Eoux, Joseph. Canadian Coin Cabinet. 8vo. Montreal. 1888. M. — Madden, J. W. Jewish Coinage in the series of the Numismata Orientalia. 1 vol. 4to. A second edition of his Jewish coinage. Also printed with independent title. 1881-82. Mai. — Mailliet, Prosper. Monnaies Obsidionales etde Necessity. 2 vols. 1, 8vo. 1 atlas of plates. Brussels. 1868. Mus. Kir. — Museo Kircheriano, L'Aes Grave del, par Guiseppe Marchio et Pietro Tessieri. 4to. Plates. Eoma. 1839. N. O. — Numismata Orientalia Southern India, by Walter Elliot. Vol. III., Part II. E. — Euding, Eogers. Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its De- pendencies. 3 vols. 4to. 3d and last ed. London. 1840. NOf.-a«tf