F ILLUSTRATED RICHMOND SOUVENIR, GUIDE and OFFICIAL MAP Price Cents ^JBk Class ___J1 Book. %rigfitN°_ COPYRrGHT DEPOSm ILLUSTRATED RICHMOND SOUVENIR, GUIDE and OFFICIAL MAP CONTAINING Elaborate List of Richmond Views Guide to Points of Interest, Hotels, Clubs, Theatres, etc., Comprehensive Historical Sketch. PUBLISHED BY CLYDE W. SAUNDERS and C. W. BOWERS FOB THE RICHMOND NEWS COMPANY. ■ \ lwu UuDies ncLui.-,i SEP J? » yua CLASSP OL **c< » ' COFT a. 1 Copyright 1908 by CLYDE W. SAUNDERS and C. W. BOWEES Richmond, Va. RICHMOND, VA. EACH of her seven hills is a jewel to sparkle throughout the earth, each of her valleys a setting to command universal admiration. Her suburbs are the finest plush that ever surrounded and beauti- fied a beautiful ornament and she justly occupies a distinctive and enviable position in the jewelry box of nature. The most attractive and interesting place in Richmond is Rich- mond. This the traveler will find true after visiting the Capital of the Old Dominion and feast- ing on the banquet of beautiful and historic places of interest and en- joying the home-like air which pervades this ancient but youthful city. To pick out for the reader the most popular tiling about Richmond is to undertake a hopeless task, for she abounds in things pleasant and inter- esting to a degree enjoyed by no other city in this count ry. A- the first half of her name implies, Richmond is wealthy, and her wealth consists not only in financial assets but in a mint of superior advantages as a manufacturing and commercial center and a beautiful home city. Within the last few years this metropolis of the State has made extraordinary advances along :ill lines. Within the last forty-three years she has accomplished a marvelous metamorphosis, which trans- WII.I.I AM BYRD, Founder of Richmond. forms her from a crushed, devastated and demoralized rendezvous of re- fugees and fanatics to one of the foremost municipalities of the United States. The next decade will record still greater achievements, for Rich- mond is enjoying a rapid, steady and logical growth and improvement, the natural development of her superb resources. In the midst of this great progressive era, the many historical features of the Capital stand out in attractive contrast and add to the general interest. The following pages will he found to contain illustrations of all the principal points of interest in Richmond and it is the hope of the pub- lishers that the book will prove both interesting and instructive to every reader. Never before has such a complete list of views of the Capital of the Old Dominion been published in this style. Incidently, for the reader's reference, the following brief data are added: Richmond is situated about 94 miles from the Atlantic ocean; 557 miles from Boston; 345 from New York; 741 from Jacksonville, Fla.; 3,175 from San Francisco. In 1609 Richmond was settled, within two years after the founding of the first English settlement — Jamestown. Its population now is a little over 112,000, not counting that of it suburbs, which firings the total up to about 130,000. POWHATAN'S GRAVE IGiat nf 3Uluatrattmts. William Byrd, Founder of Richmond. Powhatan's Grave. View nt' Richmond from Manchester side. View from Rocketts. Broad street. .Main Street. Birds-eye View showing' City Hall and Capitol ( in mnds. The New Capitol. City Hall. Speaker's Chair, House of Burgesses. Houdon's Statue of Washington. Old Stove, House of Burgesses. 1 Eenry ( 'lav Statue. Old Bell Tower. < rovernor's Mansion. Washington's Headquarters. State Library. Post Office. White House of the Confederacy. St. John's Church, (Exterior.) St. John's* Church, (Interior.) St. 1'aul's Church. Monumental Church. Residence of Chief-Justice Marshall. Lee < lamp Soldiers' Home. Richmond < lollege. Davis Monument. Lee Monument. Stuart Monument. Monument Avenue. Confederate Monument (Hollywood Cemetery.) Entrance to Hollywood. Howitzer Monument. General Lee's Residence. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. Second Baptist Church. Second Presbyterian Church. Park Place M. E. Church. Beth Ahabah Synagogue. New Centra] Y. M. C. A. New Railroad Branch Y. M. C. A. Jefferson Hotel. Hotel Richmond. American National Bank Building. University College of Medicine. Virginia Hospital. Southern Stock Yards. Soldiers and Sailors Monument. Westmoreland Club. Commonwealth Club. Main SI reet Station. Triple Railroad ( Jrogsing Mhambra Hotel, lui x. 8th Street. Commercial hotel, 912 Hast Main and 911 Bank Street. Davis Hotel. The, 1525 to L529 H. .Main Street. Dickinson C. T. & Co., 821-825 E. Broad St red. Fold's Hotel, Broad and 11th Streets. aci ■. Raphael, (Stag) 1 ll E. Broad Street. Gilbert's Hotel. 801-803 E. Franklin Street. Guerrant, The, 3rd and Main .Streets. Hotel Lawrence, L114-1116 E. -Main Street. Hotel Richmond, Grace and 9th Streets. Hotel Rueger, 9th and Bank Streets. Hotel Wolverton, 919 E. Broad Street. Jefferson, The, Main to Franklin, corner Jefferson Street. Lexington. The, 1119 E. Main Street. Murphy's Hotel, (Inc.) Broad and 8th; Annex, Grace and 8th Streets. Park Hotel, Broad and 9th Street. Spottswood House, 1300 Ross Street. ©ljratrrs an& Plarrs of Amusrmrut Academy of Music, 103-105 N. Sth Street. Bijou Theatre. 810-814 E. Broad Street. Broad Street Baseball Park, Broad near Lombardy Street. Casino, Beverly and Cedar Streets. Colonial Theatre, Broad and Sth Streets. Dixie Theatre, 18 W. Bioad Street. Gaiety, 221 E. Broad Street. Gem Theatre, Broad opposite Foushee Street. Horse Show rm:l Skating Rink, Beverly and Elm Streets. Edlewood Park, Beverly near Cedar Street. Majestic Theatre. 23 W. Bioad Street. Theato, 500 E. Broad Street. Parks Capitol Square, Bank to Capitol, 9th to Governor Street. Chimborazo Park, East end Bread Street. Gamble's Hill Park, South end 3rd Stieet. Howitzer Place, bounded by Harrison. Grace and Park Avenue. Jefferson Park, 19th to 22nd, Clay to Marshall Streets. Lakeside — Henrico County, Take car at First and Broad Streets. North. Lee Park, hounded by Ivy, Park Avenue and Meadow Street. Lombardy Terrace, bounded by Lombardy, Park Avenue and Hanover Street. Magnolia Park (colored), Kinney, head of Boyd Street. Marshal] Park. Ma u and 29th Streets. Monroe Park, bounded by Main, Franklin, Belvidere and Laurel Streets. Reservoir Park. Ashland and Reservoir Streets. Riverside Park, Foot of Pine Street. MutkttB. First Market. Main and Seventeenth Streets. Second Market, Sixth and Marshall Streets. SJattlrttrliUi around fttrlntuma ijnhi tn reach tlirm Seven Pines — Electric cars from Richmond. Pair Oaks — Electric cars from Richmond. Cold Harbor — Electric cars from Richmond. White Oak Swamp — Electric cars from Richmond. Ulen's Farm — Electric cars from Richmond. Glemiale— Electric cars from Richmond. .Malvern Hill — Electric cars from Richmond. Savage Station — Electric cars from Richmond. Game's Mills — Electric cars from Richmond. Darin town — Electric cars from Richmond. Deep Bottom — Electric cars from Richmond. New Bridge — Electric cars from Richmond. McClelland's Bridge. Port Brady. Fort Sawyer. Fort Pardons. Fort Spofford St. Mary's Church. Chester Station— R. F. & P. R. R. Bethesda Church — Mechanicsville Turnpike. Ellerson's Mills — Mechanicsville Turnpike. Old ChurcL -Mechanicsville Turnpike. Haw's ShOxj — Mechanicsville Turnpike. Brook Shop — Brook Road; Lakeside cars. Yellow Tavern— Brook Road; Lakeside cars. Hanover Courthouse — C. & 0. R'y. South Anna Bridge — R. F. & P. R. R. Ashland— R. P. & P. R. R. or Richmond & Chesapeake Bay Electric Road. Fort Harrison — James River. Drewiy's Bluff — James River. Dutch Gap — James River. Fort Walthall— James River. . ■w> A*H ■'- .- ■ I * f )' :"il CITY HALL Broad, I Japitol, Tenth and Eleventh streets S3 o /? o OLD BELL TOWER (Capitol Square) HENRY CLAY STATUE (Capitol Square GOVERNOR'S MANSION (Capitol Square) W VSHINGTON'S HEADQUARTERS Main, near Nineteenth STATE LIBRARY— Capitol Sqi m.i RESIDENCE OF CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN MARSHALL, 9th and Marshall (Now Department of Public Instruction) LEE CAMP SOLDIERS' HOME, Grove Avenue and Boulevard POST OFFICE, Main between 10th and nth WHITE HOUSE OF THE CONFEDERACY (Now Confederate Museum, 12th and Clay) ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, Broad, between 24th and 25th— Famed by Patrick Henry IXTEKMK ST. JOHN'S CHURCH 1 \-i . ftr MONUMENT TO CONFEDERATE DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY ENTRANCE TO HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY HOWITZER MONUMENT Harrison St. and Park and Grove Avenues GEN. HUBERT E. LEES RESIDENCE (Now Virginia Historical Society) o « & H SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Filth. Street near Main PARK PLACE M. E. CHURCH Franklin corner Pine UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, Clay near Eleventh VIRGINIA HOSPITAL, Clay corner Eleventh u4 fy — tH Z a> C '■a jf IS) ■iini (7-™ f/Si W (Fnl K (jt tin, l™l,n T"g-» 21 f'fs/ ck» R» ks raj ra c4 rai raj jSr.i f ~_j| S^-i pa/ raj gt3 ra raj ra, 1 raj rai ra hi Irrc^p-^y^it inj raj cfa rai ra? ra; ra rai 'I In' IrnS-g ^ mm A.\js\ 112 t_l C± 'lis! li2 l±2 SV I --V 1 E3f* - L- jSHMMHMMHHKlil." ' ^ ;f v^ fri/ ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra M ! If — js§ H «, « rt rt m « « « fe ' *®^ n (mi. (Tiii (nil raj ra ra ra ra n irp -&p W em ra es raj raj ra fist « ™ i : ip3^ t, M 4 « h . » _ |U y ^ ra gat ra ra ra ra pi in» S Ml . 1 §z £ $ 111 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Main and 10th Streets WESTMORELAND CLUB, Grace and Sixth Streets COMMI >N WEALTH CLU B, Franklin and Monroe Streets *tt ar* ' • vi i if) i c 3 -2 y '3 o o "8 o t» ° cc £ o • - 3 9 S r-i T. ^ 3 5 >> O >, co « 3< > S o o o > a eJ 3, _, !>. > 5 x . — CD *~ ci O +j t 3 -^ ci & 3 "3 -£ =-. oj o a — i< oa cc co o -^ -a * 2 i bi O 5 CD q CD — co cd a a i, o ra a 5 S S o he OB ■a £P .a a a > * s ej o ^3 u s/5 rfl >> U9 © a 93 cj U S3 » a 3= A 3 CD -+J do O c3 a WHITE OAK COAL CO. TRADE MARK. RICHMOND. V/IRGINIA I'll' iDUCERS OF - ff WHITE OAK" !=.£= COAL Also Kanawha Splint and Gas Coal. Owning and Operating over 60,000 Acres, 33 Mines and 500 Coke Ovens in the Heart of the New River Field. Daily Capacity 25.000 tons of Coal and 1,000 tons of Coke. White <>ak Coal (Jo.'s Plant, Twelfth and Byrd streets The largest coal terminal in the South for supplying the city of Richmond. General Offices : Macdonald, West Virginia. Branches al Richmond, Washington, Cincinnati, Chicago, Detroit, Boston and Newport News. Richmond Office, 903 E. Main Street. Phones 2682 and 4216. a Q ■jj 3 tf a ~, ■< ■o s a o d « M *s -a <» S a X S5 « u d 3 . at- £ o 3*5 e*i CO o r* £ S 3 a > y "» $ Z oj a <; Z^ do r -i * a ^ cj eS < £3 * S a