»H ' i^ ^' . . % . . . - .0 »3, <^^ c^-'^ ^S^ :.♦ y" %'T^-/ v-^--\/ "o^v^'^o ^ 7*t»T^e' ^ ^-.,^* 0" . *-.,<^ cm COOK'S AMERICAN TOUEIST TICKETS OVER 1,000 ROUTES, AT — REDUCED RATES. ^ FOR SALB AT •» 261 BROADWAY, (COR. WAEREN ST.) 4 COOK S AMERICAN TOURS. COOK'S TOUES TO VIEGmiA, Embracing Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chesapeake Bay, James River, York River, Natural Bridge, Virginia Springs and Watering Places, Washington City, &c. TOTJRS BY THE CHESAPEAKE BAY. Route 600.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND and return, via Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay (sailing at 4 p.m.), to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, connecting with steamer on James River, to Citj Point, Richmond, thence hy rail to Gordonsville, Culpepper, Alexandria, Wash- ington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or rice term. First class $23.95 Route 601.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND and return, via rail to Phila- delphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, West Point, Fair Oaks, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer on Potomac River to AVashington City, rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $20.15 Route 602.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND and return, via Philadelphia, W^ilmington, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, West Point, thence rail to Tunstalls, Fair Oaks, Richmond, Gordonsville, Orange, Culpepper, Manassas, Fairfax, Washington City, Baltimore, Phila- delphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $20.60 Route 603.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG (Yellow Sulphur Springs) and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay, to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, BigLick, Alleghany, Big Tunnel, Christiansbueg, returning to Lynchburg, Charlotteville, Gordonsville, Manassas, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $33.05 Route 604.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG (Yellow Sulphltj Spklngs) and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay, to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, connecting with steamer on James River, to City Point, Richmond, rail to Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natural- Bridge), Alleghan}^ Big Tunnel, Christiansburg, and back to Lynchburg and Richmond, thence to Gordonsville, Culpepper, Manassas, Alexandria, Washing- ton City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class . $36.65 Route 605.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG (Yellow Sulphur Springs) and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, down Chesapeake Ba}^ to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bon- sacks (for Natural Bridge), Alleghany, Big Tunnel, Christiansburg, returning to Burkeville, Richmond, Orange, Gordonsville, Manassas, Alexandria, Wash- ington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $36.80 Route 606.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG (Yellow Sulphur Springs) and return, via same route as above to Richmond, thence to West Point, and steamer up Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $33.30 COOK S AMERICAN TOURS. 5 Route 607.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, tla rail to Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Bonsacks, stage to Natural Bridge, Lexington, Rockbridge Baths, Goshen, rail to Staunton, Harrisonburg, Strasburg, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadel- phia and New York, or vice versa. First class $34.90 Route 608.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, ma rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, changing to James River steamer to City Point, Richmond, rail to Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, stage to Natural Bridge, Lexington, Rock- bridge Baths, Goshen, rail to Staunton, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Alexand- ria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $37.05 Route 609.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, steamer down the Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, stage to Natural Bridge, Lexington, Rockbridge Baths, Goshen, rail to Staunton, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Culpepper, Manassas, Alexandria, Wasliington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $37.20 Route 610.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, via rail to Philadelphia, AVilmington, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, changing to steamer on James River to City Point, Richmond, rail to Burkeville, "Lynchburg, Bonsacks, stage to Natural Bridge, Lexington, Rockbridge Baths, Goshen, rail to Staunton, Harrison- burg, Strasburg, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $34. 75 Route 611.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, NATURAL BRIDGE, WEYER'S CAVE and return, via Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, then steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, West Point, rail to Rich- mond, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, stage to Natural Bridge, Lexington, Rockbridge Baths, Goshen, rail to Staunton, Mount Sydney, stage to Weyer's Cave, and back to Mount Sydney, rail to Harrisonburg, Strasburg, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Point of Rocks, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $33.90 Route 612.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG (Yellow Sulphur Springs) and return, via Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington City, Manassas Gordonsville, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Liberty, Bonsacks, Big Lick, Alleghany, Big Tunnel, Christiansburg, returning via Lynchburg, Richmond, West Point, steamer on York River and Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, and thence rail to Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class • $29.55 Route 613.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, via Phil- adelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore, Washington City, Point of Rocks Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Strasburg, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Goshen, stage to Rockbridge Baths, Lexington, Natural Bridge, Bonsacks, rail to Lynch- burg, Burkeville, Richmond, Fair Oaks, West Point, steamer on York River and Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, thence rail back to New York, or vice versa. First class $31.40 Route 614.— NEW YORK TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, York River, thence rail to Richmond, Gordonsville, Staunton, Goshen, White Sul- 6 COOK S AMERICAN TOURS. PHUR Springs, and back to Staunton, INIount Sydney, Harrisonburg, Strasburg, Front Royal, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and lack to New York, or vice versa. First class $30.85 Route 615.— NEW YORK TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Stras- bui;g, Harrisonburg, Mount Sydney, Staunton, Goshen, White Sulphur Springs, and back to Charlotteville, Gordonsville, Richmond, Fair Oaks, West Point, steamer up Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Phila- delphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $38.70 Route 616.-NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, steam- er down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, changing to steamer on James River to City Point, Richmond, and rail to Orange, Gordonsville, Char- lotteville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, re- turning to Gordonsville, Alexandria, AVasliington City, Baltimore, Philadel- phia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $34.35 Route 61 7. —NEW YORK TO Ni^TURAL BRIDGE, WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, steam- er down Chesapeake Baj^ to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, stage to Natural Bridge, Lexington, Rockbridge, Bath, Goshen, rail to White Sulphur Springs, returning to New York same as above, or vice versa. First class $41.10 Route 619.— NEW YORK TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, fii rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, changing to steamer on James River for City Point, Rich- mond, rail to Orange, Gordonsville, Charlotteville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, returning to Staunton, Harrison- burg, Strasburg, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $32.05 TOURS BY SEA TO FORTRESS MuNROE, Route 620.— NEW YORK TO RICHxMOND and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. steamers, sailing from Pier 37 N. R. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 p. m. (meals and staterooms included), to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail to Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Balti- more, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice verm. First class ...... $22.00 Route 621.— NEW YORK TO RICHiMOND and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail to Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer on Potomac to Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class . . . . . . $21.55 Route 622,— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail to Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsack's, Caristiansburg, returning to Lynchburg, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New. Y'ork, or vice versa. First class ...... $30.95 Route 623.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, cook's AMERICAN TOURS. Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsack's, Christiansburg, Lynchburg, Gordons ville, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $31.10 Route 624.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsack's, Christiansburg, Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Quantico, steamer on Potomac to Washington, rail to Baltimore,, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $34.85 Route 635.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, Christiansburg, Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $34.85 Route 626.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, Christiansburg, Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, and Old Dominion Steamer (leaving every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday) direct to New York, or vice versa. First class $32.60 Route 627.— NEW YORK TO AYHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, ^ia Old Dominion Steamspip Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail to Gordonville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Staunton, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington, Bal- timore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $33.20 Route 628.— NEW YORK TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail to Gordonsville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Staunton, Strasburg, Front Royal, Washington City, BaltinLore, Phila- delphia, and New York, or vice versa First class ...... $32.55 Route 629.— NEW YORK TO AVHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail to Gordonsville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Staunton, Strasburg, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $30.95 ALL RAIL TOURS. Route 630.— NEW YORK TO WASHINGTON, STRASBURG, and re- turn, via rail to Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Manasses, Strasburg, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Point of Rocks, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York, or vice versa. First class $17.50 Route 631.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG (Yellow Sulphur Springs) and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Gordonsville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natural Bridge), Alleg- hany, Big Tunnel, Christiansburg, returning to Lynchburg, Burkeville, Rich- mond, Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer on Potomac River to Washington , rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class . $32.60 Route 632.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer down Potomac to 8 cook's AMERICAN TOURS. C^uantico, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Burkeville, Lynchburg, "Bonsacks, Big Tunnel, Christiansburg, to Lynchburg, Gordonsville, Alexan- dria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or Tries versa. First class $32.60 Route C33.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG (Yellow Sulphur Springs) and return, na Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, West Point, thence rail to Fair Oaks, Richmond, Burke- ville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, Big Lick, Alleghany, Big Tunnel, Christiansburg, returning to Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordonsville, Orange, Culpep- per, Manassas, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $33.30 Route 634.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG (Yellow Sulphur Springs) and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Mannasses, Gordonsville, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, Big Lick, Alleghany, Big Tunnel, Christiansburg, returning to New York the same way. First class $29.30 Route 635.— NEW YORK TO CHRISTIANSBURG (Yellow Sulphur Springs) and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, AVashington City, Alexandria, Manasses, Gordonsville, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Liberty, Bonsacks, Big Lick, Alleghany, Big Tunnel, Christiansburg, via Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordonsville, Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, or vice versa.. First class $33.00 Route 636.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE, Virginia, and return, na Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Gordonsville, Staunton, Goshen, thence by stage to Rockbridge Baths, Lexington, Natural Bridge, returning same way. First class $33.30 Route 637.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, riu rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer down the Potomac to Quantico, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, stage to Natural Bridge, Lexington, Goshen, and rail to Staun- ton, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $36.75 Route 638.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, via Phil- adelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Manassas, Gordonsville, Staunton, Goshen, stage to Rockbridge Baths, Lexington, Natural Bridge, Bonsacks, rail to Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Washington, Baltimore, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $33.45 Route 639.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, same as above to Lynchburg, thence to Burkeville, Richmond, Fair Oaks, West Point, and steamer on York River and Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Balti- more, thence to New York, or vice versa. First class $33.70 Route 640.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, n« Phil- adelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Manassas, Culpepper, Gordonsville, Richmond, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, thence stage to Natural Bridge, Lexington, Rockbridge Baths, Goshen, and rail to Staunton, Gordonsville, Washington, Baltimore, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $37.20 Route 641.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, via Phil- adelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Winches- ter, Strasburg, Staunton, Goshen, and stage to Rockbridge Baths, Lexington, N^atural Bridge, and back the same way. First class $28.25 COOK'S AMERICAN TOURS. ^ Route 643.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, 'ixm Pliil- adelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Winches - ter, Strasharg, Harisonburg, Staunton, Goshen, stage to Rockbridge Baths, Lexington, Natural Bridge, and back to Goshen, thence rail to Gordonsville,. Manassas, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York^ or vice versa. First class $31.00 Route 643.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, vm Phil- adelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Winches- ter, Strasburg, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Goshen, stage to Lexington, Natural Bridge, Bonsacks, rail to Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordonsville^ Culpepper, Manassas, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back t J New York, or vice versa. First class $34.95 Route 644.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, via Vh'il- adelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Strasburir^ Staunton, Goshen, stage to Lexington, Natural Bridge, Bonsacks, rail ta Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer on Poto- mac to Washington City, rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice verm. First class . . $34.45 Roue 645.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, via Phil^ adelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Gordonsville, Charlottes- ville, Staunton, Goshen, stage to Rockbridge Baths, Lexington. Natural^. Bridge, Bonsacks, rail to Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer on Potomac to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and. New York. First class $36.75 Route 646.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, da Phil- adelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington, Point of Rocks, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Strasburg, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Goshen, stage to Rock- bridge Baths, Lexington, Natural Bridge, Bonsacks, rail to Lynchburg,. Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Culpepper, Manasses, Alexandria, Washington,, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $31.15 Route 647.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, via Phil- adelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Manasses Junction, Front Royal, Strasburg, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Goshen, stage to Rockbridge Baths, Lexington, Natural Bridge, and back to Goshen, thence rail to Charlottes- ville, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $33.05 Route 648.— NEW YORK TO NATURAL BRIDGE and return, via. Phil- adelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Alexandria, Manassas, Front Royal, Stras- burg, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Goshen, stage to Rockbridge Baths, Lexington,. Natural Bridge, and back to Goshen, thence rail to Staunton, Strasburg,, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to New York,, . or vice versa. First class $30.35 Route 649.— NEW YORK TO WEYER'S CAVE and return, via Philadel- phia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington, Point of Rocks, Haiper's Ferry, Winchester, Han-isonburg, Mount Sydney, stage to Weyer's Cave, thence rail to Staunton, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Manasses, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $23.60 Route 650.— NEW YORK TO WEYER'S CAYE and return, via Philadel- 1*0 cook's AMERICAN TOURS. phia, Baltimore, Washington, Alexandria, Manassas Junction, Strasburg, Har- risonburg, Mount Sydney, stage to Cave, and back to Mount Sydney, thence rail to Staunton, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Culpepper, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to Nevr York, or vice versa. First class $35.25 Route 651.— NEW YORK TO WEYER'S CAVE, NATURAL BRIDGE, RICHMOND and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Point of Rocks, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Strasburg, Harrisonburg, Mount Sydney, stage to Weyer's Cave, and back to Mount Sydney, rail to Staunton, Goshen, stage to Rockbridge Baths, Lexington, Natural Bridge, Bonsacks, rail to Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordonsville, Culpepper, Manasses, Alex- andria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice ^ersa. First class $37.40 Route 652.— NEW YORK TO BERKELEY SPRINGS (Va.) and return, f)ia Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Point of Rocks, Sir John's Run, stage to Berkeley Springs, returning same way. First class $17.70 Route 653.— NEW YORK TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Manasses, Gordons- ville, Staunton, Goshen, Covington, White Sulphur Springs, and back the same way. Fii-st class $29.50 Route 654.— NEW YORK TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, tiia Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Point of Rocks, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Strasburg, Harrisonburg, Mount Sydney, Staunton, Goshen, White Sulphur Springs, returning to Charlotteville, Gordonsville, Culpepper, Man- assas, Alexandria Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $27.20 Route 655.— NEW YORK TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Strasburg, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, returning to Goshen, Staunton, Charlotteville, Gordonsville, Richmond, Freder- icksburg, Quantico, steamer on Potomac to Washington City, rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $31.75 Route 656.— NEW YORK TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS and return, via Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington, Point of Rocks, Har- per's Ferry, Winchester, Staunton, Goshen, Covington, White Sulphur Springs, and back the same way. First class $24.95 Route 657.— NEW YORK TO OAKLAND and return, via Philadelphia^ Baltimore, Washington City, Point of Rocks, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Oakland, and return the same way. First class $20.05 Route 6.58.— NEW YORK TO DEER PARK and return, via Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington, Point of Rocks, Harper's Ferry, Cumber- land, Deer Park, and back the same way. First class $19.80 TOURS jTO WEST VIRGINIA.. Route 659.— NEW YORK TO WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO RIVER, and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Point of Rocks, Harper's Ferry, Grafton, Parkersburg, Hamden, Portsmouth, steamer on Ohio River, to Huntington, thence rail to Kanawha Falls, White Sulphur Springs, Coving- cook's AMERICAN TOURS. 1 I ton, Goshen, Staunton, Chaiiotteville, Gordonsville, Manassas Junction, Alex- andria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or rice versa. First slass $34.15 Route 660.— NEW YORK TO WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO RIVER, and return, ria Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Point of Rocks, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Goshen, White Sulphur Springs, Kanawha, Huntington, steamer on Ohio River to Portsmouth, rail to Hamden, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Sir John's Run, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or vice versa. First class $33.65 Route 661.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO RIVER, and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, West Point, thence rail to Fair Oaks, Richmond, Gordonsville, Charlotteville, Staunton, Goshen, White Sulphur Springs, Kana- wha, Huntington, down Ohio River to Portsmouth, thence rail to Hamden, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Point of Rocks, Washing- ton City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or vice versa. First class $34.80 Route 662.— NEW YORK TO WEST VIRGINIA, RICHMOND, and re- turn, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Cumber- land, Grafton, Parkersburg, Hamden, Portsmouth, steamer on Ohio River to Huntington, rail to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, Staunton, Char- otteville, Richmond, Gordonsville, Culpepper, Manassas, Alexandria, Washing- ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or vice versa. First class $38.30 Route 663.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, WEST VIRGINIA, and re- turn, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, changing to steamer on James River to City Pointy Richmond, rail to Orange, Charlotteville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Kanawha, Huntington; steamer down the Ohio River to Portsmouth, rail to Hamden, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumber- land, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $38.25 Route 664.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, WEST VIRGINIA, and re- turn, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer on Poto- mac, to Quantico, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Orange, Gordonsville, Charlotteville, Staunton, Strasburg, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Point of Rocks, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $24.65 Route 665.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, WEST VIRGINIA, and re- turn, vria rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer down Poto- mac to Quantico, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Gordonsville, Charlottes- ville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Kanawha, Huntington, steamer on Ohio River to Portsmouth, Hamden, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadel- phia and New York, or vice versa. First class $37.85 Route 666.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, WEST VIRGINIA, and re- turn, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail to Gordonville, Charlottesville, Staunton, Harrisonburg, Strasburg, Front Royal, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice ver-^a. First class ...... $25.63 Route 667.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, WEST VIRGINIA and re- turn, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Ricioiond, 1^ cook's AMERICAN TOURS. rail to Gordons ville, Charlottesville, Staunton, Strasburg, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $24.00 KouTE 668.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, WEST VIRGINIA and re- turn, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail to Gordonsville, Charlottesville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Huntington, steamer on Ohio River to Portsmouth, rail to Hamden, Parkersburg, Cumberland, Harper's Yqtvj, Washington, Bal- timore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $41.55 TOURS TO THE SOUTH, BY RAIL FROM NEW YORK. Route 669.— NEW YORK TO ATLANTA and return, via rail to Phila- del[)hia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer on Potomac to Quantico, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Burkeville, Greensboro, Charlotte, Spartansburg, Orconville, Atlanta, Kingston, Dalton, Cleveland, Knoxville, Bristol, Wythe- villo, Christiansburg, Bonsacks, Lynchburgh, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Alex- andria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice vei'sa. First class $57.70 Route 670.— NEW YORK TO ATLANTA and return, via Philadelphia, BaUlmore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, West Point, thence rail to Burkeville, Danville, Greensboro, Charlotte, Spartansburg, Green- ville, Atlanta, Kingston, Resaca, Dalton, Cleveland, Knoxville, Bristol, Glade Springs, Wytheville, Christiansburg, Bonsacks (for Natural Bridge), Lynchburg, Gordonsville, Culpepper, Mannassas, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Phil.idelphia, New York, or vice versa. First class . $56.65 Route 6U.— NEW YORK TO ATLANTA and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Alexandria, Manassas, Culpepper, Gordonsville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natural Bridge), Christiansburg (Greenbrier White Sul- phur Springs), Wytheville, Glade Springs, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, Da'ton, Kingston, Resaca, Atlanta, Greenville, Spartansburg, Charlotte, Gr:wusboro, Danville, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Wash- ington. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or vice versa. First class $58.15 Route 67;i.— NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON, CHARLESTON, and re- turn, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fort- ress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Weldon, Goldsboro, Wilmington, Florence, CiiAiiLESTON, Augusta, Columbia, Charlotte, Greensboro, Richmond, Gordons- ville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $58.75 Route 673. -NEW YORK TO CHARLESTON and return, via rail to Philtidelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Gordons- ville, Richmond, Greensboro, Charlotte, Augusta, Charleston, Columbia, Wil- mington, Goldsboro, Weldon, Norfolk, steamer up Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $60.30 liouTE 674.— NEW YORK TO CHARLESTON, ATLANTA, and return, ■cut rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe Norfolk, rail to Weldon, Goldsboro, Wilmington, Florence, Charles- ton, Augusta, Charlotte, Ati-anta, Kingston, Dalton, Cleveland, Knoxville, Bristol, Glade Springs, Wytheville, Christiansburg, Bonsacks (for Natural cook's AMERICAN TOURS. 13 Bridge), Lynchburg, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $73.85 Route 675.— NEW YORK TO CHARLESTON and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down the Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Weidon, Goldsboro, Wilmington, Florence, Charleston, Au- gusta, Charlotte, Greensboro, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer ■on Potomac to Washington City, rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $56.30 Route 676.— NEW YORK TO ATLANTA, CHARLESTON, and return, r)ia rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer on Potomac to Quantico, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Burkeville, Greensboro, Charlotte, Greenville, Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Charleston, Florence, Wilming- ton, Weidon, Norfolk, steamer on Chesapeake Bay to Baltimore, rail to Phila- -delphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $73.20 Route 677.— NEW YORK TO ATLANTA, CHARLESTON, and return, vi'i rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Manasses, Oordonsville, Orange, Richmond, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Boasacks (for Natu- ral Bridge), Christiansburg, Wytheville, Bristol, KnoxviUe, Cleveland, Dalton, Kingston, Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Charleston, Florence, Wilmington, Goldsboro, Weidon, Norfolk, steamer on Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $77.60 Route 678. -NEW YORK TO ATLANTA, CHARLESTON, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down the Chesapeake Bay to Nor- folk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natural Bridge,) Christiansburg, Wj^theville, Bristol, KnoxviUe, Cleveland, Kingston, Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Charleston, Florence, Wilmington, Goldsboro, Weidon, Norfolk, steamer on Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $73.65 TOURS TO THE SOUTH BY SEA FROM NEW YORK. Route 679:— NEW YORK TO ATLANTA and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, Burkeville, Greensboro, Charlotte, Spartansburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Kingston, Dalton, Cleveland, KnoxviUe, Bristol, Wytheville, Christiansburg, Bonsack's, Lynchburg, Char- lottesville, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $56.10 Route 680.— NEW YORK TO ATLANTA and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail to Danville, Greens- boro, Charlotte, Spartansburg, Greenville, Atlanta, returning same way to Richmond, thence Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadel- phia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $54.85 Route 681.— NEW YORK TO ATLANTA and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, Danville, Greensboro, Charlotte, Greenville, Atlanta, returning same way to Richmond, thence_ to <^uantico. and steamer up the Potomac to Washington, rail to Baltimore, Phila- delphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $54.37 Route 682.— NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON, CHARLESTON and re* cook's AMERICAN TOURS. return, vici Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Weldon, Goldsboro, Wilmington, Florence, Charleston, Augusta, Columbia, Charlotte, Greensboro, Richmond, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or ince versa. First class $.54.80 Route 683.— NEW YORK TO CHARLESTON and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Welden, Goldsboro, Wil mington, Florence, Charleston, Augusta, Charlotte, Greensboro, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer on Potomac to Washington City, rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice xersa. First class $54.35 Route 684.— NEW YORK TO CHARLESTON and return, tin Old Dominion Stoamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Weldon, Goldsboro, Wil- mington, Florence, Charleston, Augusta, Charlotte, Greensboro, Richmond, Gordonsville, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, ovriecverm. First class . $55.80 TOURS TO THE SOUTH WEST. Route 685.— NEW YORK TO CHATTANOOGA and return, mi Phila- delphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress West Point, rail to Richmond, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, Wytheville, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, Chattanooga, and back same way to Lynch- burg, Gordonsville, Manassas, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Phil- adelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $53.00 Route 686.— NEW YORK TO CHATTANOOGA and return, lifi Phila- delphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Culpepper, Gordonsville, Charlotteville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, Christiansburg, Wytheville. Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and back to Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or vice versa- First class . . $56.50 Route 687.— NEW YORK TO CHATTANOOGA and return, lia rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natural Bridge), Christiansburg, Wytheville, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, Chatta- nooga, and return to L)nQchburg, Charlotteville, Gordonsville, Alexandria^ Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $56.55 Route 688.— NEW YORK TO CHATTANOOGA and return, viri same route as above, to Chattanooga, returning to Burkeville, Richmond, Gordons- ville, Alexandria, AYashington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York„ or vice versa. First class $61.85 TlouTE 389.— NEW YORK TO CHATTANOOGA and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer down Potomac to Quanti- co, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, Christiansburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, Chattanooga, and back same way to Lynchburg, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class ... $52.25 Route 690.— NEW YORK TO MEMPHIS and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Gordonsville, Charlotteville, Lynch- burg, Bonsacks, Christiansburg, Wytheville, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, cook's AMERICAN TOURS. 15 Chattanooga, Stevenson, Decatur, Corinth, Grand Junction, I^Iemphis, and back same way to Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, "West Point, steamer on Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First c>ass^ $00.00 Routs 691.— NEW YORK TO MEMPHIS and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Gordonsville, Richmond, Greensboro, Charlotte, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga (for Lookout Mountain), Stevenson, Decatur, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, and back same way to Chattan- ooga, Cleveland, Knoxville, Wytheville, Christiansburg, Bonsacks, Lynch- burg, Charlotteville, Culpepper, Manassas, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vke versa. First class $00.00 Route 693.— NEW YORK TO MEMPHIS and return, via rail to Phila- delphia, Baltimore, steamer down the Chesapeake Bay to Fortiess Monroe Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natural Bridge), Christiansburg, Wytheville, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, Chatta- nooga (for Lookout Mountain), Stevenson, Decatur, Corinth, Grand Junction, and back same way to Lynchburg, Charlotteville, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $00.00 Route 693.— NEW YORK TO MEMPHIS and return, via same route as above, to Memphis, returning to Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordons- ville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $00.00 Route 694.— NEW YORK TO CHARLESTON, MEMPHIS, and return, Ha rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Weldon, Goldsboro, Wilmington, Florence, Charles- ton, Augusta, Charlotte, Atlanta, Kingston, Dalton, Chattanooga (for Lookout Mountain), Decatur, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, returning same way to Chattanooga, Cleveland, Knoxville, Bristol, Wytheville, Christiansburg, Bon- sacks (for Natural Bridge), Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or ^ice versa. First class $00.00 Route 69j.— NEW YORK TO MEMPHIS, ATLANTA, CHARLESTON, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Gordonsville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natural Bridge), Christiansburg, Wytheville, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, Chattanooga (for Lookout Moun- tain), Stevenson, Decatur, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, returning to Chattanooga, Dalton, Kingston, Atlanta, Charlotte, Columbia, Augusta, Charleston, Florence, Wilmington, Goldsboro, Weldon, Norfolk, steamer on Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, and rail to Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $00.00 Route 693.— NEW YORK TO MEMPHIS and return, w-i rail to Philadel- phia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer down Potomac to Quantico, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natural Bridge), Christiansburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, Chattanooga (for Look- out Mountain), Stevenson, Decatur, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, return- ing same way to Lynchburg, thence Charlotteville, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimare, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $00.00 Rwfe 697.— new YORK TO SELMA and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steaniir dovn Ca33ap3ake B.iy to Fortress M3aroe, Norfolk, rail to 16 cook's AMERICAN TOURS. Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natural Bridge), Christians- burg, AVytheville, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, Dalton, Rome, Calera, Selma, Rome, Dalton, Knoxville, Bristol, Wytheville, Christiansburg, Lynchburg, Gor- donsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or mce mrm. First class . . . $73.45 Route 698.— NEW YORK TO SELMA and return, ma same route as above to Selma, returning to Rome, Dalton, Knoxsville, Bristol, Christiansburg,. Bonsacks, Lynchburg, Burkeville, Richmond, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Wash- ington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class $76.00 Route 699.— NEW YORK TO SELMA and return, x)ia rail to Philadel- phia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer on Potomac to Quantico, rail to Richmond, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, Christiansburg, Bristol, Knox- ville, Cleveland, Dalton, Rome, Calera, Selma, returning the same way to Lynchburg, thence Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Phila- delphia, and New York, or vice verm. First class $71.80 Route 700.— NEW YORK TO SELMA and return, via rail to Philadelphia^ Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Petersburg, Burkeville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks, Christiansburg, Bristol, Knox^ ville, Cleveland, Dalton, Rome, Calera, Selma, back same way to Burkeville,, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer on Potomac to Washington City, rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $75.55 Route 701.— NEW YORK TO SELMA and return, via Philadelphia, Balti- more, Washington, Alexandria, Gordonsville, Lynchburg, Bonsacks (for Natu- ral Bridge), Christiansburg (Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs), Wytheville, Bristol, Knoxville, Cleveland, Dalton, Rome, Calera, Selma, Rome, Dalton,. Resaca, Kingston, Atlanta, Greenville, Spartansburg, Charlotte, Greensboro,. Danville, Burkeville, Richmond, West Point, and steamer up Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, thence rail to Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class , . . $70.25 Route 703.— NEW YORK TO SELMA and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, steamer on Potomac to Quantico, rail to Richmond, Danville, Greensboro, Charlotte, Greenville, Atlanta, West Point, Montgomery, Selma, Calera, Rome, Dalton, Knoxville, Bristol, Christiansburg, Bonsacks^ Lynchburg, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadel- phia and New York, or vice verm. First class ...... $71.65 Route 703.— NEW YORK TO MONTGOMERY and return, via Philadel- phia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Gordonsville, Lynchburg, Bon- sacks, Christiansburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Dalton, Rome, Calera, Selma, Mont- gomery, West Point, Atlanta, Greenville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Burkeville, Richmond, West Point, and steamer to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia, New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $68.60 TOUES TO NEW ORLEANS, COMBINING THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Route 704.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, via rail to Phila- delphia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer to Quantico, rail to Richmond, Greensboro, Charlotte, Atlanta, West Point, Montgomery, Mobile, New Or. cook's A14ERICA2? TOUB8. It i-w- . LEANS, Steamer on Mississippi River to Vicksburg, Memphis, Cairo, St. Louis, rail to Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Cumberland, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, (meals and staterooms on Mississippi River included), or vice versa. First class ...... $95.85 Route 705.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, wi rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Gordonsville, Richmond, Greens- boro, Atlanta, West Point, Montgomery, Mobile. New Orleans, steamer on Mississippi River (meals and staterooms incluaed) to Vicksburg, Memphis, Cairo, St. Louis, rail to Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Albany, and down the Hudson by rail or boat to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $95.85 Route 706.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, via rail to Phil adelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Gordonsville, Lynchburg, Bristol, Knox ville, Dalton, Atlanta, West Point, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, steam er on Mississippi (meals and staterooms included) to Vicksburg, Memphis, Cairo St. Louis, rail to Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Cumberland, Baltimore, Philadelphia New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $93.95 Route 707.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, viv same route- as above to St. Louis, thence by rail to Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Albany, and down the Hudson (by rail or boat) to New York, or vice versa. First class -.---- $97.00 Route 708.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, via rail to Phil- adelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, West Point, rail to Richmond, Greensboro, Charlotte, Atlanta, West Point, Mont- gomery, Mobile, New Orleans, steamer on Mississippi River (meals and state- rooms included) to Vicksburg, Memphis, Cairo, St. Louis, rail to Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or vice versa. First class - - - - - - $90.20 Route 709.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, via same route as above to St. Louis, thence rail to Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Albany, and down the Hudson (by rail or boat) to "New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $9430 Route 710.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, via rail to Phil- adelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Nor- folk, Petersburg, LjTichburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Dalton, Atlanta, West Point, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, steamer up Mississippi River (meals and staterooms included) to Vicksburg^ Memphis, Cairo, St. Louis, rail to Cincin- nati, Parkersburg, Cumberland, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $97.70 Route 711.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, via same route as above to St. Louis, thence rail to Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Albany, and down the Hudson (by rail or boat) to New York, or vice versa. First class - - - - - - $100.00 Route 712.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, via PhUadel- phia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, rail to Weldon, Wilmington, Florence, Charleston, Augusta, Columbia, Char- lotte, Atlanta, West Point, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, and steamer on Mississippi River (meals and staterooms included) to Vicksburg, Memphis, Cairo, St. Louis, rail to Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or vice versa. First class $109.40 Route 713.— NEW YORK TO NEW ORLEANS and return, via same route as above to St. Louis, rail to Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Albany, and down the Hudson (by rail or boat) to New York, or vibe versa. First class ... . . $111.50 18 COOK S AMERICAN TOURS. ^«u « ,0^ TOUES TO THE WEST, hits MiAql'it^ ^ VIA PHILADEIPHIA. Route 714.— NEW YORK TO CINCINNATI and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Parkersburg, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, thence by steamer up the Ohio River to Huntington, rail to Kan- awha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, Staunton, Gordonsville, Manassas, Alexandria, Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class . ' . . $36.70 Route 715.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, CINCINNATI, and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, West Point, rail to Richmond, Gordonsville, Charlotteville, Staunt':'n, White Sulphur Sprmgs, Huntington, and steamer down Ohio River to Cincinnati, re- turning by rail to Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. * First class , . $37.35 Route 716.— NEW YORK TO CINCINNATI and return, via Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburg, Steubenville, Newark, Columbus, Xenia, Cin- cinnati, and back by rail to Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class . . . . ' . . . . $33.55 Route 717.— NEW YORK TO CINCINNATI and return, via Philadelphia- Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburg, Steubenville, Newark, Columbus, Xenia, Cin- cinnati, and back by steamer on Ohio River to Huntington, Kanawha, Alleg- hany Mountains, White Sulphur Springs, Staunton, Charlotteville, Gordons- ville, Culpepper, Manassas, Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class $36.15 Route 718.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, CINCINNATI, and retum- mi rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, changing to steamer on James River to City Point, Richmond, rail to Orange, Gordonsville, Staimton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sul- phur Springs, Kanawha, Huntington, steamer down Ohio River to Cincinnatti, rail to Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $40.70 Route 719.— NEW YORK TO CINCINNATI, RICHMOND, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburg, Steubenville, Colum- bus, Cincinnati, returning by steamer on Ohio River to Huntington, rail through West Virginia to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen (for Natu- ral Bridge), Staunton, Charlotteville, Gordonsville, Richjmond, steamer down James River to Norfolk, changing to steamer on Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. Spi:_C First class $40. 15 Route 720.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, CINCINNATI, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, steamer on Potomac to Quan- tico, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Gordonsville, Charlotteville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Kanawha, Huntington, steamer down Ohio River to Cincinnati, rail to Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $40.40 Route 721.— NEW YORK TO CINCINNATI, RICHMOND, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburg, Columbus, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio to Huntington, through West Virginia to Kanawha, White COOK*B AMERICAN TOURS. 19 Sulphur Springs, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), Staunton, CharlotteViMb, 0or- donsville, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer on Potomac to Wash- ington City, rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class . $39.85 Route 722.— NEW YORK TO CINCINNATI and return, via Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburg, Steubenville, Newark, Columbus, Xenia, Cin- cinnati, and back by steamer on Ohio River, to Huntington, rail to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen (for Natural Bridga), Staunton, Harrisonburg. AVinchester, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, ana New York. First class $35.65 Route 723.— NEW YORK TO CINCINNATI and return, same as above to Staunton, then to Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Richmond, Westpoint, steamer up Chesapeake Bay, to Baltimore, rail to AVashington, and back to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class $40.00 Route 724.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, CINCINNATI and return, via Old Dominion Steamship Co. to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Richmond, rail Gordonsville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), AVhite Sulphur Springs, Huntington, steamer down the Ohio to Cincinnati, rail to Parkersburg, Cum berland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelohia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $44.10 Route 725.— NEW YORK TO CINCINNATI, RICHMOND and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Harrrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburg, Columbus, Cincinna- ti, steamer up the Ohio to Huntington, rail to White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, Staunton, Gordonsville, Richmond, and Old Dominion Steamer direct to New York. ^ First 'class . . . , $42.90 Route 726.— NEW YORK TO LOUISVILLE and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Culpepper, Gordonsville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Huntington, steamer on Ohio River, to Cincinnati, and rail by Ohio and Mississippi Railway, to North Vernon, Jeffersonville, Louisville, and back by Short Line to Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice v-ersa. First class • • • $41.60 Route 727.— NEW YORK TO LOUISVILLE and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Grafton, Parkers- burg, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Covington, Louisville, and back by Jefferson- ville, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio River to Huntington, rail to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Covington, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), Staunton, Harrison- burg, Strasburg, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Washington, Baltimore, Philadel- phia, and New York, or vice versa. •'*•* First class $41.10 Route 728.— NEW YORK TO LOUISVILLE and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, West Point, rail to Richmond, Gordonsville, Charlottesville, Staunton, Goshen, Covington, White Sulphur Springs, Kanawha, Huntington, steamer on Ohio River to Cincinnati, rail to North "Vernon, Jeffersonville, Louisville, and back to Covington, Cin- cinnati, Chillicothe, Parkersburg Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. oi First class $42.25 llti Route 729.— NEW YORK TO LOUISVILLE and return, vin Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Steubenville, Newark, Columbus, Xenia, Cincinnati, North Vernon, Jeffersonville, Louisville, and back to Covington, ChilhcoOie, 20 cook's AMERICAN T0UE8. Parkereburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Balti- more, Philadelphia, and New York. First class $38.45 RoTTTE 730.— NEW YORK TO LOUISVILLE and return, same as above to Cincinnati, thence rail to Covington, Louisville, and back to Jefferson ville, North Vernon, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio River to Huntington, rail to Kan- awha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, Staunton, Charlottesville, Gordonsvillc, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class » . $41.05 Route 731.— NEW YORK TO LOUISVILLE and return, tda same as above to Louisville and back to Jeffersonville, North Vernon, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio River, to Huntington^^ rail to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, Staunton, Harrisonburg, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Balti- more, Philadelphia, and New York. First class . . . ... $40.60 Route 732.— NEW YORK TO LOUISVILLE and return, ma same as above to Cincinnati, thence North Vernon, Jeffersonville, Louisville, returning to Covington, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio River to Huntington, rail to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), Staunton, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Richmond, West Point, steamer on Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class ^ . - . . $41.70 Route 783.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, LOUISVILLE, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, steamer on Potomac, to Quantico, rail to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Gordonsville, Charlottesville, Staunton, White Sulphur Springs, Kanawha, Huntington, steamer down the Ohio, to Cincinnati, rail to Covington, Louisville, Jeffersonville, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $45.30 Route 734.— NEW YORK TO LOUISVILLE, RICHJVIOND, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Steuben ville, Columbus, Cin- cinnati, Covington, Louisvllle, Jeffersonville, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio, to Huntington, rail through West Virginia, to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, Gordonsville, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Quantico, steamer on Poto- mac, to Washington City, rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class $44.75 Route 735.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, LOUISVILLE, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, changing to James River steamer to City Point, Richmond, rail to Orange, Gordonsville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Kanawha, Huntington, steamer on Ohio River to Cincinnati, rail to Covington, Louisville, Jeffersonville, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Parkers- burg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class . . ... . . . . . . $45.60 Route 736.— NEW YORK TO LOUISVILLE, RICHMOND, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburgh, Steubenville, New- ark, Columbia, Cincinnati, Mount Vernon, Jeffersonville, Louisvn.LE, Coving- ton, Cincinnati, steamer up the Ohio River to Huntington, rail through West Virginia to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), Staimton, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Richmond, steamer down James River to Norfolk, changing to Chesapeake Bay steamer to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia and New York. First class . . $45.05 Route 787.— NEW YORK TO ST. LOUIS and return, ma Philadelphia cook's AMERICAN TOURS. 31 Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Graf- ton, Parkersburg, Cincinnati, Vmcennes, St. Louis, ana back to Louisville, Covington, Cincmnati, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Washington, Balti- more, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class . $50.60 Route 738.— NEW YORK TO ST. LOUIS and return, same as above to St. Louis, thence back to Cincinnati, up the Ohio river by steamer to Hunting- ton, rail to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Covington, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), Staunton, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Manassas, Alexandria, Wash- ington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice verm. First class . . , $53.30 Route 739.— NEW YORK TO ST. LOUIS and return, same as above to St. Louis, thence back to Jeffersonville, Louisville, North Vernon, Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Balti- more, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $51.10 Route 740.— NEW YORK TO ST. LOUIS and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Grafton, Parkersburg, Cincinnati, Covington, Louisville, Jeffersonville, St. Louis, returning to Vin- cennes, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio River, to Huntington, rail to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, Goshen, Staunton, Harrisonburg, Stras- burg, Winchester, ifarper's Ferry, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, or vice versa. First class $55.75 Route 741.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, ST. LOUIS, and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Ft. Monroe, West Point, rail to Richmond, Gordonsville, Charlottesville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Springs, Kanawha, Huntington, steamer on Ohio River to Cincinnati, rail to St. Louis, and back to Cincmnati, thence Parkersburg, Grafton, Washington City, Baltimore and Philadelphia or vice versa. First class $51.95 Route 742.— NEW YORK TO ST. LOUIS and return, via Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburgh, Steubenville, Newark, Columbus, Cincinnati, Covington, Louisville, Jeffersonville, St. Louis, and back to Vincennes, Cin- cmnati, Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Washington City, Baltimore, Phila- delphia and New York. First class $50.05 Route 743.— NEW YORK TO ST. LOUIS and return, same as above to Cincinnati, thence North Vernon, Jeffersonville, Louisville, St. Louis, return- ing direct to Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio River to Huntington, thence through West Virginia to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, Staunton, Char- lottesville, Gordonsville, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadel- phia and New York. First class $53.15 Route 744.— NEW YORK TO ST. LOUIS and return, same as above to Cincinnati, thence to Vincennes, St. Louis, returning to Cincinnati, and up the Ohio River to Huntington, by rail through West Virdma to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, Staunton, Harrisonburg, Strasburg, Wmciirs- ter. Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New Y^rk. First class $57 35 Route 745.— NEW YORK TO RICHMOND, ST. LOUIS, and return, -pwz rail to Philadelphia, Baltimore, steamer down Chesapeake Bay to Ft. Monroe, Nor- folk, changing to steamer on James River to City Point and Richmond, rail to Gordonsville, Staunton, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), White Sulphur Sprmgs, Kanawha, Huntington, steamer down Ohio River to Cincinnati, rail to Coving- on, Louisville, Jeffersonville, Vincennes, St. Louis, returnmg to Cincinnati, 188 i cook's AMEBICAN T0DB8. Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumbeilana, Harper's Ferry Wafchinctoa City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Kew York, or lice i€e versa. First class ♦ . . . . ... $53.70 Route 802— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI, and return via Erie Railway to Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, ana same as above to New York, or vice versa. First class $53.70 Route 803.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI, and return, via Hudson River to Albany (rail or boat), rail to Syracuse, Roches- ter, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, through Canada to Hamilton, London, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jefferson- ville, Louisville, Covington, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio River to Huntington, rail through West Virginia to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, Staunton, Charlotteville, Gordonsville, Manassas, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $56.30 Route 804.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI, and return, via Eric Railway to Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and same as above back to New York, or vice versa. First class $56.30 Route 805.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat), to Albany, rail to Syracuse, Ro- chester, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, through Canada to Hamilton, Lon- don, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jcffer- sonville, Louisville, Covington, Cincinnati, steamer up Ohio River to Hunt- ington, rail through West Virginia to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), Staunton, up the Valley of Virginia to Harrison- burg, Strasburg, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. ^ First class $55.80 Route 806.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI, and return, via Erie Railway, to Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and same as above, back to New York, or vice versa. First class $55.80 Route 807.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI, RICH3I0ND, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat), to Albany, rail to Syracuse, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, through Canada, to Hamihon, London, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Parkersbm-g, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Strasburg, Staunton, Gordonsville, Richmond, West Point, steamer on Chesapeake Bay to Fortress 3Ionroe, Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia, and back to New York, or vice versa. First class $61.65 Route 808.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, RICHMOND, and return, via Erie Railway, to Elmira, Niagara Falls, and same as above, back to New York, or vice versa. First class • . . . $6L65 Route 809.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, RICHMOND, and return, via Erie Railway, to Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, London, Detroit, Chicago, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jeffersonville, Louisville, Jeffersonsville, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio River, to Huntington, rail through West Virginia, to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, stage to Lexington, Natural Bridge, Bonsacks, Lynchburg, Burkeville, Rich- mond, Gordonsville, Culpepper, Alexandria, Washington City, Baltimore, VhW- adelphia, or ?>«^ice versa. First class $58. 10 RaurE814.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, RICHMOND, and return, via Erie Railway, to Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and samo as above, back to New York, or vice vers^i. First class $58. 10 Route 815.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, RICHMOND, and return, ci$ Hudson River to Albany (rail or boat), Syracus3, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Himllton, London, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jeffersonville, Louisville, Covington, Cin- cinnati, steamer on Ohio River, to Huntington, rail through West Virginia, to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), Staunton, Charlottesville, Richmond, steamir down .Jam!3s River, to Norfolk, changing into steamar of the B ly Line, up Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class ......... $60.30 Routs 816.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, RICHMOND, and return, via Erie Railway, to Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and same as above, back to New York, or vice versa. First class $60.30 Route 817.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, WEST VIRGINIA, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat), to Albany, rail to Syracuse, Rochester, Niagara Falls, S'jspansion Bridge, Hamilton, London, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicaoo, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jeffersonville, Louisville, Covington, Cin- cinnati, steamer up the Ohio River, to Huntington, rail through West Virginia, to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen, stage to Lexington, Natural Bridge, Bonsacks, rail to Lynchburg, Petersburg, Norfolk, and steamer up Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Philadelphia, and New York,jor vice versa. , . . First class • . . . , '^T; ^fltC'T 7r3'<- $72.90 28 cook's AMERICAN TOUBS. Route 818.— NEW YORK, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, WEST VIRGINIA, and return, via Erie Railway, to Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridere, and same as above, back to New York, or -Dice versa. i'irst class $72.90 Tours to Chicago, St. Louis, etc., omitting Niagara Falls. Route 819.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, and return, ma Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburg^ Fort Wayne, Chicago, Bl^oom- ington, Springfield, St. Louis, "Vincennes, Jeffersonville, Louisville, Covington, Cincinnati, Chillieothe, Parkersburg, Grafton Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class $51.05 Route 820.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat), to Albany, rail to Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Port Colborne, Stratford, Sarnia, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Bloomington, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jeffersonville, Louisville, Covington, Cin- cinnati, Chillieothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $56.80 Route 821.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, and return, via Erie Railway, to Elmira, Buffalo, and same as above, back to New York, or vice versa. First class $55.80 Route 822.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, RICHMOND, and return, via Philadelphia,. Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Bloomington, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jeffersonville, Louis- ville, Covington, Cincinnati, steamer on Ohio River, to Huntington, rail through West Virginia, to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), Staunton, Charlottesville, Richmond, steamer down James River, to Norfolk, changing to steamer on Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Baltimore, rail to Baltimore, and Philadelphia, and New York. First class $57.65 Route 823.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, RICHMOND, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat), to Albany, rail to Syracuse, Buffalo (or by Erie Railway to Buffalo), Port Colborne, Stratford, Sarnia, Detroit, Kala- mazoo, Chicago, Bloomington, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jefferson- ville, Louisville, Covington, Cincinnati, and same as above, back to New York, or vice versa. First class $62.40 Route 824.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, RICHMOND, and return, via Philadelphia, Harrisburgh, Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Bloomington, Springfield, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jeffersonville, Louisville, Covington, Cincinnati, steamer up the Ohio River, to Huntington, rail through West Virginia, to Kanawha, White Sulphur Springs, Goshen (for Natural Bridge), Staunton, Charlottesville, Gordonsville, Richmond, Fair Oaks, West Point, steamer on York River and Chesapeake Bay to Fortress Monroe, Balti- more, rail to Philadelphia, and New York. First class $54.30 Route 825.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, RICHMOND, and return, via same Route as above, to Richmond, thence "by rail to Fredericks- burg, Quantico, steamer on Potomac, to Washington City, rail to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class $57.35 Route 826.— NEW YORK JO CHICAGO and return, via Philadelphia, cook's AMERICAN TOURS. 29 Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Roches- ter, Albany, and down Hudson (by rail oi boat) to New York. First class ...... $40.00 Route 827.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO and return, via Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Elmira, and Erie Railway to New York. First class ...... $40.00 Route 828.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO and return, via Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Detroit, Port Colborne, Buffalo, and thence to New York, by either the Erie or New York Central Railways. First class ...... $42.15 Route 829.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO and return, via Pittsburg, Fort WajTie, Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Kingston, steamer across Lake Ontario to Cape Vincent, rail to Rome, Albany, and by rail or boat down the Hudson to New York. First class ...... $46.75 Tours to the West, Omaha, Denver, Colorado Springs, Rocky Mountains, &c. Route 850.— NEW YORK TO KANSAS CITY and return, via Hudson River to Albany (rail or boat), Syracuse, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, London, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Bloomington, Mexico, Kansas City, and back to Mexico, St. Louis, Vincennes, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Cimiberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa^ First class $63.95 Route 851.— NEW YORK TO KANSAS CITY and return, via Erie Rail- way to Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and same as above back to New York, or vice versa. First class $63.95 Route 852.— NEW YORK TO KANSAS CITY and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to Syracuse, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Sus- pension Bridge, Hamilton, London, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Bloomington, Mexico, Kansas City, returning same way to Niagara Falls, thence by Erie Railway to Buffalo, Attica, Hornellsville, Elmira, and New York, or vice verm. First class $65.35 Route a53.— NEW YORK TO KANSAS CITY and return, via Philadel- phia, Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Bloomington, Mexico, Kansas City, St. Louis, Vincennes, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class - . . $61.30 Route 854.— NEW YORK TO KANSAS CITY and return, via same route as above to Kansas City, returning to Mexico, Chicago, Detroit, London, Niag- ara Falls, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and down Hudson (by rail or boat) to New York, or by Erie Railway from Niagara Palls to New York. First class $62.60 Route 855.— NEW YORK TO KANSAS CITY and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to Syracuse, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Sus- pension Bridge, Hamilton, London, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Blooming- ton, Mexico, Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Springfield, Bloomington, Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Attica, Elmira, New York, or vice versa. .-.-,■. First class . $67.05 30 COOK S AMERICAN TOURS. Route 856.— NEW YORK TO OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to 'Syracuse, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Hamilton, London, Detroit, Chicago, Omaha, St. Josephs, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Vincennes, Cincin- nati, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Washington City, Baltimore, Phila- delphia, and New York, or vke versa. First class $74.80 Route 857.— NEW YORK TO OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, and return, via Elmira and Erie Railway to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and same as above back to New York, or vice term. First class . . - $74.80 Route 858.— NEW YORK TO OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, and return, via Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Omaha, St. Jo- sephs, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Vincennes, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Grafton, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class ... - $72.15 Route 859.— NEW YORK TO KANSAS CITY and return, via same route as above to Omaha, thence to St Josephs, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Mexico, Bloomington, Chicago, Detroit, through Canada to Nia^ra Falls, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and down Hudson (rail or boat) to New York, or by Erie Railway from Niagara Falls, via Buffalo and Elmira to New York. First class $73.40 Route 860.— NEW YORK TO DENVER and return, via rail to Phila- delphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Parkers- burg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City, over the great Buffalo Plains to Den- ver, and return the same way. First class $117.70 '^ Route 861.— NEW YORK TO DENVER and return, via rail to Philadel- phia, Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Columbus, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City, over the great Buffalo Plains to Denver, returning to Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class $117.15 Route 862.— NEW' YORK TO DENVER and return, via Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Bloomington, 3Iexico, Kansas City, Lawrence, Topeka, and across the great Buffalo Country, by the Kansas Pacific Kailway to Denver, returning same way to Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Vincennes, Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Cumberland, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class . .• . . . . . . $116.30 " Route 863.— NEW YORK TO DENVER and return, same as above to Den- ver, returning to Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Springfield, Bloomington, Chicago, Kalamazoo, Detroit, through Canada to Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and down the Hudson (by rail "or boat) to New York (or from Niagara Falls by Erie Railway) to Buffalo, Elmira, and New York, First class $119.40 Route 864.— NEW YORK TO DENVER and return, via rail to Philadel- phia, Baltimore, Washington City, Cumberland, Parkersburg, Cincinnati, Covington, Louisville, Jeffersonviile, Vincennes, St. Louis, Mexico, Kansas City, Lawrence, Topeka, and across the Buffalo Country by the Kansas Pacific Railway to Denver, returning same route to Kansas City, thence to Mexico, Bloomington, Chicago, Kalamazoo, Detroit, through Canada to Niag- ara Falls, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and down the Hudson (by rail or boat) to New York, or vk^^ zj^sa^ • . ^ r. ^ - n _ -.r First class . -^ .*-«"A i"^«J*i;ti ..n^-^^^ii^i^ ^ ^130^35 COOK'S AMERICAN TOUBS. 3^ KouTE 865.— NEW YORK TO DENVER and return, via Erie Railway to Elmira, Attica, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bndge, Hamilton, London, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Bloomington, Mexico, Kansas City, Lawrence, Topeka, and across the great Buffalo Plains by the Kansas Pacific Railway to Denver, returning same way to Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Vincennes^ Jeffersonville, Louisville, Covington, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Parkersburg, Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $120.85 Route 866.— NEW YORK TO DENVER and return, via Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Bloomington, Mexico, Kansas City, Lawrence, Topeka, and over the great Buffalo Plains to Denver by thte Kansas Pacific Railway, returning same route to Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Vincennes, Jeffersonville, Louisville, Covington, Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Parkers- burg, Grafton, Cumberland, Washington City, Baltimore, Washington City, Philadelphia, and New York. j First class $118.20 -^pt Route 867.— NEW YORK TO OMAHA, DENVER, and return, via Hud- son River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to Syracuse, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Hamilton, London, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Omaha, St. Josephs, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Topeka, and over the Buffalo Plains to Denver, returning to Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Vin- cennes, Jeffersonville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Cumberland, Wash- ington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class . . $131.70 Route 868.— NEW YORK TO DENVER, OMAHA, and return, via Phila- delphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Parkers- burg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Jeffersonville, Vincennes, St, Louis, Mexico, Kan- sas City, Lawrence, Topeka, across the Buffalo Plains to Denver, returning same way to Kansas City, Leavenworth, St. Josephs, Omaha, Cedar Rapids, Chicago, Kalamazoo, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Elmira, New York,; or vice versa. .,y First class ......... $131.70 "<- Route 869.— NEW YORK TO DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to Rochester, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago, Bloomington, Mexico, Kan- sas City, Topeka, across the great Buffalo Plains to Denver and Coloraix) Springs, returning same way to Mexico, thence rail to St, Louis, Vincennes, Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class ^28.95 Route 870.— NEW YORK TO DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, ROCKY MOUNTAINS, and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Parkersburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Colorado Springs, and back to New York the same way. First class $127.70 Route 871.— NEW YORK TO DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, ROCKY MOUNTAINS, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago, Bloomington, Kansas City, Denver, ;Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and back to-t-Kansas City, St. Louis, Vin- cennes, Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Cumberland,|Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia,'and New York, or vice versa. First class ... $133.95 Route 872.— NEW YORK TO DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, ROCKY MOUNTAINS, and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, 32 cook's AMERICAN TOUBS. Washington City, Cumberland, Parkersburg, Cincinnati, St. Ix)ui3, *Dentek, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and back same way to New York. First class $132.70 Tours to California, Salt Lake, The Yosemite Valley, The Geysers, &c. Route 873.— NEW YORK TO SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to S)rracuse, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Detroit, Chicago, Omaha, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, returning to Omaha, St. Josephs, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Vincennes, Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Cumber- land, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, or vice versa. First class $276.30 Route 874.— NEW YORK TO SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO, and re- turn, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Cumberland, Parkersburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Mexico, Kansas City, St. Josephs, Omaha, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, returning to Omaha, Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, and by Erie Railway to Elmira and New York, or vice First class $377.85 Route 875.— NEW YORK TO DENVER, SALT LAKE, SAN FRAN- CISCO, and return, via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Cumber- land, Parkersburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Mexico, Kansas City, Denver, Chey- enne, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, and back to Cheyenne, Omaha, Chicago, Kalamazoo, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and down Hudson (by rail or boat) to New York, or from Niagara Falls by Erie Railway to Buffalo, Elmira, and New York. First class $291.85 ..-. Route 876.— NEW YORK TO SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO, DEN'- VER, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to Syracuse, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Detroit, Chicago, Omaha, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, returning to Cheyenne, Denver, Kansas City, Mexico, Bloomington, Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, and Erie Rail- way to New York, or vice versa. First class $291.55 Route 877.— NEW YORK TO DENVER, SALT LAKE, SAN FRAN- CISCO, and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Columbus, Cincinnati, Vincennes, St. Louis, Mexico, Kansas City, Denver, Cheyenne, Ogden, Salt Lake CiTY,>1§acramento, San Francisco, returning to Omaha, Chicago, Kala- mazoo, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and down the Hudson (by rail or boat) to New York, or from Niagara Falls by Erie Railway- to Elmira and New York. First class $291.30 Route 878.— NEW YORK TO SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO, and re- turn, ua Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Alexandria, Gordonsville, Staunton, White Sulphur Springs, Huntington, steamer down the Ohio River to Cincinnati, rail to Covington, Louisville, Jeffersonville, Vincennes, St. Louis, Mexico, Kansas City, across the Buffalo Plains to Denver, Cheyenne, Ogden, Salt Lake, Sacramento, San Francisco, returning to Omaha, Chicago, De- troit, Niagara Falls, Syracuse, Albanv, and down Hudson to New York by rail or boat, or from Niagara Falls to Buffalo and Elmira, by Erie Railway to New York. First class $291.85 Route 879.— NEW YORK TO DENVER, SALT LAKE, SAN FRAN- cook's AMERICAN TOURS. -33 CISCO, and return, via Philadelphia, Hamsburg, Pitteburg, Fort Wayne, Chi- cago, Bloomington, Mexico, Kansas City, Denyer, Cheyenne, Ogden, Salt Lake, Sacramento, San Francisco, Omaha, Chicago, Detroit, Niagara Falls, New York, either by the Erie Railway or the New \ ork Central to Albany, and down the Hudson by rail or boat. First class $290.45 Route 880.— NEW YORK TO DENVER, SALT LAKE, SAN FRAJ^- CLSCO, and return, same as above to San Francisco, and back to Omaha, St. Joeeplis, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Mexico, St. Louis, Yincennes, Cincinnati, Parkersburg, Cumberland, Waehmgton City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. First class $288.80 Route 881.— NEW YORK TO SAN FRANCISCO, SALT LAKE, MON- TREAL, and return, via N. Y. C. or Erie Railway to Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago, Omaha, Offden, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, and back to Omaha, Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Lake Ontario, 1000 Islands, Rapids of St. Lawrence,. Montreal, Lake Champlain, Saratoga, Albany, and down Hudson (by rail or boat) to New York. -: OT A)U){ Firstclass .... i:.;.....J/. • $294.45 Route 882.— NEW YORK TO SAN FRANCISCO, MONTREAL, and re- turn, viia Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, or by Erie Railway to Niagara Falls, Detroit, ChicaCxO, Madison, St. Paul Duluth steamer to Ontonagon, Copper Harbor, Marquette, Sault St. Marie, Detroit' Cleveland, Buffalo, and by Erie or New York Central Railroad back to New 1 orh, or vice versa. First class ^7975 otSS^?^??'"?^^ ^^^^^ ^^ CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, LAKE SUPEKIOK and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, Niagara Falls (or by Erie Railway direct), Detroit, Chicago, Madison, St. Paul, Du- luth, steamer of Collingwood Line to Thunder Bay, Sault St. Mane, through the Georgian Bay to Collingwood, rail to Toronto, Niagara Falls, and by :Erie or New York Central Railroad to New York, or vice versa. First class ' ^79.75 ot5?S^^??~^^^ ^^^^ TO CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, LAKE SUPERIOR and return, via rail Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, Chicago, St. Paul Duluth, and steamer to Ontonagon, Copper Harbor, Marquette, Sault St. Mane, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, and by Erie or New York Central Railroad back to New York /---— .... First class - - -'.^ ,«.; f^ .,^*-j,.- - - $76.90 OT^JSJ.?^??-^^^ ™^^ TO CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, LAKE Sul ERIOR and return, via rail to Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, Chi- cago, Madison, St. Paul, Duluth, and steamer to Silver Island, Thunder Bay Sault St. Marie, through Georgian Bay to Collingwood, rail to Toronto, Niagara J alls, and thence to New York by either Erie or New York Central Railroad First class - - - - |76.90 Route 930.— NEW YORK TO ST. LOUIS, MISSISSIPPI RIVER, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, LAKE SUPERIOR, and return, via Philadelphia, Balti- more, Washington City, Parkersburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, steamer up the Mississippi River (meals and state-rooms included) to Keokuk, Davenport, St. Paul, rail to Duluth, steamer to Thunder Bay, Silver Island, Sault St. Marie, Uirough Georgian Bay to Collingwood, rail to Toronto, Niagara Falls, and by Ene or New York Central R.R. back to New York, or vi^e versa. Fh-st class - $83.75 Route 931.— NEW YORK TO ST. LOUIS, MISSISSIPPI RIVER, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, LAKE SUPERIOR, and return, via same route as above to St. Paul and Duluth, thence hy steamer to Ontonagon, Copper Harbor, Marquette, Sault St. Marie, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, thence by Erie or New York Central R.R. to New York, or vice versa. First class - ..... $83.75 Route 932.— NEW YORK TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, MISSISSIPPI RIVER, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, LAKE SUPERIOR, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany. Buffalo (or Erie Railway direct), steamer to Detroit, Straits of Mackanac, Milwaukie. Chicago, rail to St. Louis, steamer up the Mississippi to Keokuk, Davenport, St. Paul, Duluth, steamer to Thunder Bay, Sault St. Marie, through Georgian Bay, to Collingwood, rail to Toronto, Niagara Falls, thence by Erie or New York Central back to New 1 ork, or ?>^cvrence and Oulf of St. Lawrence to Pictou, rail to Halifax, Moncton, St. J«^hn, steamer to Portland, rail to Boston, Fall River, Newport, and Sound stcauier to New Y^ork. First class $57.35 Route 1064.— NEW YORK TO NIAGARA, QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA and return, vui Erie or New York Central R. R. (or boat to Albany), Niagara, Toronto, steamer on Lake Ontario to 1000 Islands, Montreal, Quebec, steamer on River and Gulf of St. Lawrence to Shediac, Point Du Chene, rail to Halifax, steamer to Portland, rail or boat to Boston, rail to Fall River, Newport, and Sound steamer to New York. First class $53.05 cook's AMERICAN TOUR3. 53 Tours to Boston, Montreal, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Mount Desert, Lake Champlain, Lake George, Saratoga, Hudson River, Newport, "WTiite Mountains, &c., &c. Route 1065.— NEW YORK TO MOUNT DESERT and return, via Fall River steamer to Newport, Fall River, rail to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, boat to South West Harbor (Mt. Desert), and return the same way. First class $18.70 Route 1066.— NEW YORK TO MOUNT DESERT and return, vin Fall River Line to Newport and Boston, rail or boat to Portland, steamer to Bar Harbor (Mt. Desert), and return the same way. First class $20.90 Route 1067.— NEW YORK TO MOUNT DESERT and return, via Fall River Line to Newport and Boston, rail or boat to Portland, steamer to South West Harbor (Mt. Desert), returning same way to Portland, rail or boat to Boston, rail to Worcester, Springfield, Albany, and by boat down the Hudson to New York, or vice versa. First class - $22.05 Route 1068.— NEW YORK TO MT. DESERT and return, vUi Fall River line to Newport and Boston, rail or boat to Portland, steamer to Bar Harbor (Mt. Desert), returning same way to Portland, rail or boat to Boston, rail to Worcester, Springfield, Albany, and steamer down the Hudson to New York, or vice versa. First class $24.25 Route 1069.— NEW YORK TO FREDERICKTON, ST. JOHN and return, ma Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, Frederickton, steamer down the St. John River to St. John, steamer to Port- land, rail to Boston, Fall River Line to New York, or vice versa. First class $27.90 Route 1070.— NEW YORK TO ST. JOHN, FREDERICKTON and return, viu Fall River Line to Boston, steamer to Portland, St. John, steamer on St. John River to Frederickton, rail to Bangor, Portland, Boston, and Fall River Line back to New York, or vice versa. First class $27.25 Route 1071.— NEW YORK TO MT. KINEO (Moosehead Lake) and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail to Portland, Bangor, Guilford, stage to Green ville, boat on Moosehead Lake to Mt. Kineo, and return the same way. First class $36.60 Route 1072.— NEW YORK TO MT. KINEO (Moosehead Lake) and retern, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Dexter, stage to Greenville, and boat on Lake to Mt. Kineo, returning same way. First class $28.10 Route 1073.— NEW YORK TO MT. KINEO and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, boat to Bangor, rail to Dexter, stage to Greenville, and boat to Mt. Kineo, returnino- same way. First class . ..... $29.50 Route 1074.— NEW YORK TO ST. JOHN aud return, via Fall River line to Newport and Boston, rail or boat to Portland, boat to St. John, rail to Bangor, down the Kenebec River to Portland, rail to Boston, and Fall River line to New York, or vice versa. First class . ... . . $24.80 54 cook's AMERICAN T0LR8. Route 1075.— NEW YORK TO ST. JOHN and return, via Fall River line to Newport and Boston, rail or boat to Portland, boat to St. John, rail to Ban- gor, Portland, Boston, and Fall River line to New York, or vice term. First class ...... |2o.00 Route 1076.— NEW YORK TO ST. JOHN and return, tia Fall River line to Boston, steamer to St. John, and return to New York same way. First class . . . . . . $19.80 Route 1077.— NEW YORK TO ST, JOHN and return, via Fall River line to Boston, rail to Portland, and boat to St. John, returning same way. First class . . . . . . $21.10 Route 1078. -NEW Y^ORK TO ST. JOHN and return, 'eia FaU River I'ne to Newport and Boston, rail to Portland, Bangor, St. John, returning same way. First class ...... $30.70 Route 1079.— NEW YORK TO HALIFAX and return, ma Fall River line to Newport and Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, steamer across Bay of Pundj^ to Annapolis, rail to Halifax, and return same way to New York. First class ...... $40.70 Route 1080.— NEW YORK TO HALIFAX and return, tm Fall River line to Newport and Boston, rail or boat to Portland, lail to Bangor, St. John, Moncton, Truro, Halifax, and return same way to New York. First class ...... $43.30 Route 1081.— NEW Y'ORK TO HALIFAX and return, ua Fall River line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, Moncton, Truro, Halifax, Annapolis, steamer across Bay of Fundy to St. John, rail to Bangor, steamer to Poitland, rail to Boston, Fall River, Newport, and steamer to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $40.90 Route 1082.— NEAV Y'ORK TO HALIFAX and return, mi Fall River line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, steamer to Halifax, rail to Annapolis, steamer to St. John, Portland, rail to Boston, and back by Fall River line to New York, or vke versa. First class ...... $27.10 Route 1088.— NEW Y^ORK TO HALIFAX and return, ria Fall River line to Newport and Boston, rail to Portland, steamer to Halifax, and back same way to New York. First class ...... $23.10 Route 1084.— NEW Y^ORK TO NOVA SCOTIA, QUEBEC, and return, via Fall River line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, Point du Chene, steamer on Gulf and River St. Lawrence to Quebec, rail to Portland, rail or boat to Boston, rail to Fall River, Newport, and steamer to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $45.90 Route 1085.— NEW YORK TO ST. JOHN, NOVA SCOTIA, QUEBEC, and return, via Fall River line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, steamer to Bangor, rail to St. John, Point du Chene, steamer on Gulf and River St. Law- rence to Quebec, rail to Portland, steamer or rail to Boston, Fall River line to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $44.80 Route 108G.— NEW YORK TO ST. JOHN, NOVA SCOTIA, QUEBEC, and return, via Fall River line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, steamer to St. John, rail to Point du Chene, steamer on Gulf and River St. Lawrence to Quebec, rail to Poitland, rail or boat to Boston, and Fall River line to New York, or v'ee versa. First class . . . . . . $41.10 I cook's AMERICAN TOURS. 55 Route 1087 —NEW YORK TO ST. JOHN, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, <^UEBEC, and return, via Fall River line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, steamer across Bay of Fundy to Annapolis, rail to Halifax, Truro, Pictou, steamer on Gulf and River St. Lawrence to Quebec, rail to Portland, rail or boat to Boston, and Fall River line to New York, or 'i)ice versa. First class $52.50 Route 1088.— NEW YORK TO ST. JOHN, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, QUEBEC, and return, via Fall Line to Boston, boat or rail to Portland, steam- er to Bangor, rail to St. John, steamer to Annapolis, rail to Halifax, Pictou, steamer to Quebec, rail to Portland, rail or boat to Boston, and Fall River line to New York, or vice versa. First class .... $51.35 Route 1089.- NEW YORK TO HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, QUEBEC, and return, via Fall River line to Boston, rail to Portland, boat to Halifax, rail to Pictou, boat to Quebec, rail to Portland, rail or boat to Boston, and Fall River line to New York, or vice versa. First class .... . $43.60 Route 1090.— NEW YORK TO MONTREAL, QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat), to Albany, Saratoga, White Hall, boat on Lake Champlain to Rouse's Point, rail to Montreal, Quebec, and steamer on River and Gulf of St. Lawrence to Point du Chene, rail to St. John, Bangor, Portland, rail or boat to Boston, Fall River line to New York, or ^ice versa. First class ...... $47.20 Route 1091.— NEW YORK TO MONTREAL, QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to Saratoga, Glen Falls, Stage to Caldwell, steamer on Lake George, stage to Fort Ticonderoga, steamer to Rouse's Point, rail to Montreal, Quebec, steamer on River and Gulf of St. Lawrence to Point du Chene, rail to St. John, Bangor, Portland, rail or boat to Boston, and Fall River line to New York, or vice versa. First class . . . . . . $19.60 Route 1092.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA and return, via Hudson River to Albany, Saratoga, Lake Champlain, Rouses Point, Montreal, Quebec, steamer on River and Gulf of St. Lawrence to Point du Chene, rail to St. John, steamer to Portland, rail to Boston, and Fall River Line to New York, oi' vice "lyersa. First class ...... $41.60 Route 1093.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA and return, via Hudson River to Albany, rail to Saratoga, steamer on Lake Champlain to Rouses Point, rail to Montreal, Quebec, steamer on River and Gulf of St. Lawrence to Point du Chene, Pictou, rail to Halifax, Annapolis, steamer on Bay of Fundy to St. John, rail to Bangor, Portland, rail or boat to Boston, and Fall River Line to New York, or vice versa. First class . . ... $43.90 Route 1094.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to Saratoga, steamer on Lake Cham- plain, Rouse's Point, rail to Montreal, Quebec, steamer to Point du Chene, Pic- tou, rail to Halifax, Annapolis, steamer to St. John, Portland, rail to Boston and Fall River, steamer to New York, or vice versa. First cla.ss $46.60 Route 1095.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA and return, via same route as above to Halifax, from thence by steamer to Portland and rail to Boston, and Fall River Line to New York, or ince vers^i. First class $42.50 56 cook's AMERICAN TOURS. Tours to Prince Edward's Island. RotiTE 1096.— NEW YORK TO CHARLOTTESTOWN and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, Monc- ton, Shediac, and steamer to Charlottestown, returning same way. First class ...... $42. 70 Route 1097.— NEW YORK TO CHARLOTTESTOWN and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, boat to St. John, rail to Shediac, steamer to Charlottestown, returning same way. First class ...... |33.10 ' Route 1098.— NEW YORK TO CHARLOTTESTOWN and return, ma Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, Shediac, and boat to Charlottestown, returning to Shediac, rail to St. John, and steamer to Portland, rail or boat to Boston, Fall River Line to New York, or mce versa. First class ...... $37,90 Route 1099.— NEW YORK TO CHARLOTTESTOWN and return, xia Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, steamer on Bay of Fundy to Annapolis, rail to Halifax, Pictou, steamer to Char- lottestown, and return the same w^ay. First class ...... $51.10 Route 1100.— NEW YORK TO CHARLOTTE STOAVN and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, Monc- ton, Halifax, Pictou, steamer to Charlottestown, returning by steamer to Shediac, rail to St. John, steamer to Portland, rail to Boston, and Fall River Line to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $43.40 Route 1101.— NEW YORK TO CHARLOTTESTOWN and return, tvaFall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, steamer to Halifax, rail to Pictou, boat to Charlottestown, boat to Shediac, rail to St. John, Bangor, Portland, Boston, and Fall River Line to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $38,10 Route 1102.— NEW YORK TO CHARLOTTESTOWN and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, steamer on Bay of Fundy to Annapolis, rail to Halifax, Pictou, steamer to Charlottestown, steamer to Shediac, rail to St. John, Bangor, Portland, Bos- ton, and back to New York. First class ...... $46.90 Route 1103.— NEW YORK TO CHARLOTTESTOWN and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, boat or rail to Portland, steamer to St. John, Annapolis, rail to Halifax, Pictou, steamer to Charlottestown, steamer to Shediac, rail to Monctou, St. John, Bangor, Portland, Boston, and Fall River Line, back to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $42.10 Route 1104.— NEW YORK TO HAWKESBURY and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, rail to Bangor, St. John, boat to Annapolis, rail to Halifax, Pictou, boat to Hawkesbury, returning by boat to Pictou, rail to Truro, Moncton, St. John, boat to Portland, rail to Boston, and Fall River Line to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $47.70 Route 1105.— NEW YORK TO HAWKESBURY and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail or boat to Portland, steamer direct to Halifax, rail to Pic- tou, boat to Hawkesbury, returning by boat to Pictou, rail to Halifax, Annapolis, boat to St. John, rail to Bangor, Portland, Boston and Fall River Line to New York, or vice versa. First class .... $44.60 I COOK S AMERICAN TOURS. 57 TOURS TO QUEBEC, BOSTON, WHITE MOUNTAINS, &c. Route 1106.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC and return, via steamer to New London, rail to White River Junction, Newport (Lake Memphrenagog), Siier- brooke, Quebec, and back by the same route. First class ...... $25.40 Route 1107.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC and return, via rail to New Ha- ven, Springfield, Newport, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Sherbrooke, Littleton, stage to Profile House, Crawford House, Bethlehem, rail to Wells' River, Springfield, New York. First class ...... $37.70 Route 1108.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC and return, via rail to New Ha- ven, Springfield, Newport, Sherbrooke, Quebec, returning same way. First class ...... $26.70 Route 1109.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC and return, via rail to New Ha- ven, Springfield, Newport, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Wells' River, Littleton, stage to Profile House, Crawford House, North Conway, Centre Harbor, Lake Win- nipiseogee, steamer to Weir's, rail to Concord. Nashua, Boston, and Fall River Line to New York. First class ...... $41.50 Route 1110.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC and return, same as above to Quebec, thence rail to Gorham, stage to Glen House, Conway, and Centre Harbor, steamer to Alton Bay, rail to Boston, and Fall River Line to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $37.20 Route 1111.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC and return, via rail to New Ha- ven, Springfield, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Gorham, stage to Glen House, North Conway, rail to Portland, Boston, and Fall River Line to New Yord, or vice versa. First class ...... $35.50 Route 1112.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC and return, same as above to Quebec, thence steamer to Montreal, rail to St. John's, White River Junction, Concord, Nashua, Boston, and Fall River Line to New York, or vic^ versa. First class ...... $31.80 Route 1113.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC and return, via rail to New Ha- ven, Springfield, Newport (Lake Mephremagog), Sherbrooke, Quebec, steamer to Montreal, rail to Rouse's Point, steamer to Fort Ticonderoga, stage and boat on Lake George to Caldwell, stage to Glen's Falls, rail to Saratoga, Albany, and steamer down the Hudson to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $28.70 Route 1114.— NEW YORK TO QUEBEC and return, via rail to New Ha- ven, Springfield, Wells' River, Littleton, stage to Profile House, Crawford House, Bethleliem, rail to Wells' River, Newport (Lake Memphremagog), Sher- brooke, Quebec, steamer to IMontreal, rail to Rouse's Point, steamer to White- hall, rail to Saratoga, Troy, and New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $39.30 Route 1115.— NEW YORK TO LAKE CHAMPLAIN, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, BOSTON and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat) to Albany, rail to Troy, Saratoga steamer on Lake Champlain to Rouse's Point, rail to Montreal, steamer on St. Lawrence to Quebec, and back to Montreal, rail to St. John, Newport, White River Junction, Concord, Nashua, Boston, Fall River or New- port, and Sound steamer to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $32.60 Route 1116.— NEW YORK TO LAKE GEORGE, QUEBEC, MON- TREAL, BOSTON, and return, via Hudson River (rail or boat), to Albany, 58 cook's AMERICAN TOURS. Saratoga, Glen Falls, stage to Lake George, steamer on Lake, and stage to Fort Ticonderago, steamer on Lake Champlain to Rouse's Point, rail to Montreal, steamer to Quebec and back to Montreal, rail to Newport, White River Junc- tion, Concord, Nashua, Boston, and Fall River steamers to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $35. GO TOURS TO THE WHITE MOUNTAINS, GOING AND RETURNING VIA BOSTON. Route 1117.— NEW YORK TO NORTH CONWAY and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail to Wolfboro, North Conway, and back the same way. First class ...... $19.80 Route 1118.— NEW YORK TO NORTH CONWAY and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail to Portland, North Conway and back the same way. First class . . . . . . $18.10 Route 1119.— NEW YORK TO NORTH CONWAY and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail to Portland, North Conway, and back by rail to Wolfboro, Boston, Fall River Line to New York. First class ...... $18.95 Route 1120.— NEW YORK TO CRAWFORD HOUSE and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail to Portland, North Conway, Bemis' stage to Crawford House, Fabyan House, Base of Mountain, stage to Summit, and return same way to North Conway, thence rail to Wolfboro, Boston, Fall River Line to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $33.55 Route 1121.— NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail to Concord, Plymouth, Wells' River, Fabyan House, stage to Crawford House, Bemis', rail to North Conway, Portland, Bos- ton, and Fall River Line to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $24.30 Route 1122.— NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS and return, via Fail River Line to Boston, rail to Lowell, Nashua, Concord, Plymouth, Wells' River, Littleton, Fabyan House, stage to Crawford House, Bemis', North Con- way, Wolfboro, Boston, and Fall River Line back to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $24.80 Route 1128.— NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS and return, same as above to Littleton, stage to Profile House, Bethlehem, rail to Fabyan House, stage to Crawford House, Bemis', rail to North Conway, Portland, Boston, and Fall River Line back to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $28.55 Route 1124.— NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail to Lowell, Nashua, Concord, Plymouth, Wells' River, Littleton, Fabyan House, stage to Base of Mt. Washington, rail to Sum- mit, return same way to Fabyan House, stage to Crawford House, Bemis', rail to North Conway, Portland, Boston, and Fall River Line to New York, or vice cersa. First class ...... $35.55 Route 1125.— NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS and return, via Fall River Line to Boston, rail to Lowell, Nashua, Concord, Plymouth, Wells' River, Fabyan House, stage to Base of Mountain, rail to Summit, stage to Glen House, North Conway, rail to Wolfboro, Boston and Fall River Line back to New York, or vice versa. First class ...... $33.30 cook's AMERICAN TOURS. 59 Route 1126. -NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS and return, via same as above to North Conway, thence rail to Portland, Boston, aud Fall River Line back to New York, or vice verso. , Badger State, Japan, Oneida, leave Buffalo every evening, except Sundays and Mondays, at 7 p. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays steamers leave foot of Washington St. Wednesdays and Fridays steamers leave foot of Evans street. No boats Fri- day, July :3d, 17th, 31st, August 14th and 28th, and September 11th. Steamers between Sandus>y, Putin Bay and Detroit. MEALS AND BERTHS INCLUDED. Steamer Jay Cooke leaves Detroit at 8:40 a. m, " Put in Bay at 1 : 00 p. M. ' • Kelley 's Island at 2 : 00 p. m. arrive Sandusky 3 : 00 p. m. leave Sandusky 6 : 30 p. m. " Put in Bay 8:00 p. M. arrive Detroit 12 : 30 a. m. St. Louis and New Orleans and Merchants' Southern Packet Line, INCLUDING MEALS AND STATEROOM. BETWEEN NEW ORLEANS AND ST. LOUIS. One of the following first class steamboats Great Republic, Tom Jasper, Pauline Carroll,. John Kyle, City of Quincy, Susie Silver, City of Alton, James Howard, Bichmond, Bismarck, John A. Scudder, CommonweaUh, Glencoe, Henry Ames, leave St. Louis and New Orleans daily. Keokuk Northern Line Packet Co. One of the following Steamers Leave St. Louis, daily, at 12 noon. " St. Paul, " " 6p. M. Andy Johnson, Alex. Mitchell, Bed Wing, Rob Roy, Clinton, Belle of La Crosse, Minneapolis, Nmthwe^tern, J. H. Johnson, Lake Superior, Dubuque, Minnesota. CJ O O li ' S!$ f Kursions, louits, and mwml Iraueling Jpn0cm<|nte COOK, SON & JENKINS, 261 Broadway, N. Y. THOMAS COOK & SON, Fleet Street, London. PIONEERS, INAUriURATORS and PROMOTERS of the principal Systems of Tours estab- liehed in '" -itain and Ireland and the Continent of Europe, have opened a Branch House in America, and are now giving increased attention to ordinary traveling arrangements, |iH a view is niMhi ii |iiY» |faglliiM8 M ^'^mmml During the past thirty-three years, over four million travelers have visited near and distant points, under their management, safely and pleasantly. Their arrangements are now so extensive, that they cover portions of the four quarters of the Globe. At their offices can be found the Railway and Steamship Tickets used by the travelers for a journey through parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. These Tickets allow one or more individuals to travel at any t me, by any train, steamer or diligence by the route specified. They are first or second-class, and allow breaks of journey at all places of interest to the tourist or pleasure seeker. The great advantages derived from their sys- tem are the prevention of loss from exchange or money, through the differences of currencies in a Em-opean or Oriental tour, the prevention of imposition, overcharges, &c., &c., and the fact that most of the tickets are at reductions varying from ten to forty-five per cent, from the ordi- nary fares, while all the tickets issued by them give the holder privileges which the ordinary tickets do nc t. Those contemplating a tour to Europe should apply personally or by letter to Messrs. Cook, Son «fc Jenkins, giving an outline of the tour they wish to take ; in reply to which a quotation will be given, showing the total expense, including, if desired, hotel accommodations. BRANCH OFFICES BOSTON— 104 Washinjrton Street. WASHINGTON— 701 Fifteenth Street, cor. G, opp. Treasury Department. ^^EW HATEN— 74 Church Street. NEW ORLEANS- 29 Carondelet Street. LIVERPOOL— 19 Cases Street, oppo- 8it« Central Station. EDINBURGH— 9 Princes Street. GLASGOW— 165 Buchanan Street. DUBLIN— Royal Insurance Building, 45 Dame Street. MANCHESTER— 43 Piccadilly. All communications to be addressed to LEICESTER-<>3 Granby Street. BIRMINGHAM— 16 Stephenson Place, New Street. PARIS— 15 Place du Havre. COLOGNE— 40 Dornhof. BRUSSELS-22 Galerie du Boi. GENEVA— 90 Rue de Rhone. YENICE-Grand Hotel Victoria. ROME— 504 The Corso. CAIBO—Cook's fayiiioii. BETROUT— Alexander Howard. JAFFA— Twelve Tribes Hotel. COOK, SON & JENKINS, 261 Broadway, New York. ,'r\ o ' .^'% ♦ o -^0 * ^*^' ^^ '-^o^ ,^o. !Pv% \ ^Ov- • . o - .0 ^•/ *^/^"^\y %^^-^o'> \'^-^\,^^ f :MM^^ \.<^ -atev \..^^^ yM(iic^ %.A^ :i ^^ ^^ •• • • • • ♦ • 4 W % *..** . • ■'^-o^ :^'- %v*' : A: -^^^o^' '-'"'-^-- k/ .'^^^ \.^* ■^^- %/ :M^'. %.** .-a WERT n -^ • '^ C.'* • BOOKBINDING H 4 *■ n/^ V * 'V -4.* -^^ • . • • • • *jr?>^