PS / / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Slielf..L..\/.V.2^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. OUR DOROTHY ^ VERSES BY M. A. W. \^ NEW YORK "^''n »it' FREDERICK WARNE & CO. 3 COOPER UNION :) n. CorVRIGHT, 1893, BY FREDERICK WARNE & CO. Press of J. J. Little & Co. Astor Place, New York TO MY GOD-CHILD DOROTHY THESE VERSES ARE LOVINGLY DEDICATED M. A. W. The theme of tiiis story is founded upon the circumstances whicii led a lonely little stranger to a happy home. The illustrations are from photographs by Frank P. Jewett, of Orange, N.J. OUR DOROTHY. Orie day iri early Spririg, riot lorig ago, Fell frorri t]\e far blile s^ies to eartli below, R je"Wel of Cl^rist's, a pure brigl^t pearl. Not as NoKorqis of old, did it fall, Wlqere blossorqs covered tY\e eartY\ as a pall, Tl]is baby vJee — tl^is dear little girl, Iri a l|ospital \^ard, v^itl) lA^alls cold ar\d wlqite, Tl^e soiil of tY\e Motlier l)ad taKeri its fligtit To joiri tl^e Fatl:\er's, gone before, Ttie baby eyes rqeet but tlr^e cUrioUs glaqce Of eyes tY\at looK only v^\tY\ silfferarice, Tl^at \\;orider arid pity, but r]ot]qirig rqore. No lovirig arrr^s to clasp iri close erqbrace. No firigers, forid, to stroKe tlie upturned face; No soft Kiss to still tl-^e plaintive irioar). R loriely stranger iri a stranger larid; Tossed frorq tlrie sea of Life Upori tl^e strand, Horr\eless and friendless and all alone T iRECT HER JUST TO 'CASTLEWOOD. " Dear God ir] HeaVen, ^ill yoil be so Kind " fls to looK aroiirid and see if yoiI can't fir^d " R little baby — 'specially jiist for n\e. " I'll taKe thie Very best of care of l]er. " If jiist tl^e sanqe to yoii, I'd nqiicl^ prefer " R girl, witl^ eyes as bro^vT) as tl)ey can be. " My sister Debbie died, and I loved l^er so ; "TI|ey piit I|er in tl)e ground wl^ere daisies gro\^i, ' I'll see l]er sorqe day, if I'rn good. "Now please to send anotl^er cliild do\Vri Ijere " Th(e first day tl|at it is M)aYn\ aqd clear; "Direct Irier just to ' CastlevJood.' " Dear little Gladys I Tl^e letter is dorie, After rqariy deep siglr^s and one inky tr(iirr|b; CrooKedly stands tt^e stanqp at one side, Day after day passes — no baby arrives. To v\;ait very patiently, ti\e little one strives, For tY\e gift tY\at God is to send, " Do you 'spose God 'ill get it rigl]t straigl)t away, " Ri\d ser[d rr^e tl^e baby ^^itlioUt ariy delay?" SY\e asKs of eacY\ orie iri tl^eir turri. fl.ll tt|e l:\oiIseliold, of course, is rqUcl] an\Used flrid Witt) l^er longings becorr\e suffused, (Cl]ildrer(T a lessor] you rr\ay learri.) One nqornirig, Papa in Iriis paper reads fl rnessage tt\at seenqs to rneet just tlr^e needs Of t^is ]T\Uct\ indulged srqall girl. Wlqat is tt|ere tl^at l^e Would not do for Iqer Is a deep problerq for pliilosopiqer ; 'Round l^er tt|Urnb, Y\e seenqs to twirl I YOU'D BETTER WRITE AND HAVE HER SENT.' "See, Gladys! there's a baby, ready jilst for yoii, " R little girl, one year old, and bro^n eyes, too I " Yoil'd better ^rite ar]d l^ave l^er sent." Perliaps tl\e Brooklyn postnqari better Kno'ws (Tl^an " God in Heaven ") to M^l^ere tl]is letter goes ; For a reply carne, of qilicK consent. In Motl)er's post-bag conqes an ans\^^er, sure. ' If ttie little girl our baby would secure, ' Do conqe soon across tl)e bridge to Us. ' Rr]d if you give l]er tender, loving care, ' Rr]d \Vitr\ l^er all your rnany blessings sl|are, ' Ti]e act will be rnost generous." 'GLADYS HERSELF, AS PROUD AS SHE CAN BE. " Across tl^e bridge " ty]ey qiiicKly go to see T\]e niysterioils babe, ar\d all agree 'Tvv)as sent for tlienq arid tY\en\ alone, Gladys' Motl^er's lieart is large enoilgli for all Her cliildren blessed, and tl:iis poor Waif so srqall, Slie taKes tl|e cliild, inaKes it lier own. Her baby troubles qUicKly fade aWay, DarKest nig^l^ beconqes tlie briglitest day. Tlie siin of fortune gaily on lier srniles, Brotliers and Sisters trover 'round to pet ; Tlie little one l^er past will soon forget, Hnd all Will love l^er for l^er l^arrqless wiles. Gladys' baby I Everyone must corne and see ; Gladys l^erself, as proud as sl\e can be, Rr\d tt]e Wee one coos a Welcorqe sWeet. All rnust adrnire tl^e curling h^^ir, tt^e funny nose, Tl\e brigl^t brown eyes, rqoutli like unto tl|e rose, And tl\e "dearest, darling little feetl" BUT PLEASE, MA'AM, NEED I BE SO CLEAN' Th|e little Marrirqa's airs are cute to see I RT\d baby strives so very patiently To do jiist YJY\at is good aqd rigtit. "No, no, n\y dear," says t]:|is riurse so large; " You rT\Ust rT|irid nqe, ^Vtiile you are iq nqy ct|arge, " Or I cari't trust you frorq rriy sigl^t. " You Know you belong 'specially to rc\e. " I w/rote to God for you at first, you see." Ttie baby laUgl:)s aloud at tl^is — Hnd says (in Dutct] ) "You're ttje dearest one I've seen ; But please, rna'arn, need I be so clean?" Rr\d all ends in a l^Ug and Kiss. RqaiT\, at " ^iq^ tea " see tl^enq sit and play: "Bobby" decKed out ir] "SiJriday best" array, fill quaff tlr^e far-farn_ed cup tY\at cl:|eers. Crasl)! " YoiJ do r(Ot TT\ir]d, or ever] seenq to, NaUgl^ty one ! Dori't cry ; you did not rqeari to. I will not spanK yoil— dry your tears I" * c- ^v. THAT 'GOD WILL WATCH THEM HERE AND EVERYWHERE.'" TY\er[ " awfiil beddie tiinqe " conqes quickly oq ; Tl^e t\^)ilig]:]t closes dowri Upoq tl^eir fur] ; Birds arid babies go to soft, warrq qest ; Tlr\e ctiildist) lips togetl^er lisp tl^eir prayer Triat " God Will ^^'atcl] tlrierq riere aqd everywriere, Jlrid let qot ariytriirig ttieir sleep rriolest." 'OUR DOROTHY —THAT IS NOW HER NAME. Heaven surely sent tl^is baby to our care. Wtioso offends tl^ese little ones, beware I" Said Clirist, ^1)0 fronq above on Cbristinas canqe Tlie lA^liite-^inged letter broUglit lier down to us, 'Tlie gift of God," gift so rniraculousi 'Our Dorotliy "— tliat is now) lier narqe. M.