What is Said About THE NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL Experiment Station. Opinionsofthe Press ANDTHE People.! Published by Order of the Board of AaTiculture. ^-> RALEIGH: P. M. Hale and Edwards, Bkoughton & ( O., State Printers and Binders. 1S to hope for a brighter future for North Carolina. Upon the whole we find the report very good reading — far above the average of such reports — and containing much which would benefit an}' man in the State. We bid Dr. Ledoux and the Slate Board of Agriculture God speed in their noble work. We append what Dr. L. .says of fertilizers in North Carolina before and since the es- tablishment of the Control Station : " In 1876, BEFORE the law PKuVIDINCt for FERTILIZE]; CONTROL WAS PASSED, THERE WERE lOS BRANDS OF FERTI- LIZERS SOLD IN North Carolina. Some of them were MISERABLE STUFF, OTHERS DOWNRIGHT SWINDLES. OnE especially, with a LARGE SALE, WAS FOUND TO CONTAI.V HO PER CENT. OF SAND, .\ND OTHERS SO POOR THAT THEV WERE CONDEMNED IN GEORGIA. WERE RE-SHIPPED AND SOLD IN North Carolina. At present there are but 42 BRANDS which ARE LEGALLY ON SAf-E IN NoRTH CaROLINA; AND IT GIVES ME PLEASURE TO STATE THAT AMONG THEM ARE THE VERY BEST BRANDS FOUND IN THE UxiTED StATES, .AND NO State has now a more complete protection for ITS farmers, and no State better protects dealers in fertilizers from having to compete with fraudulent manufacturers than our own. Three things are cer- tain and admit of proof: 1st, That fertilizers are cheaper in North Carolina to-day than they were before the tax was imposed. 2d, That they are bet- ter ON AN average. 3d, That they are as cheap in North Carolina as in Virginia, Georgia, or South 38 Carolina, due allowance being made for increase or decrease of freight, owing to distance. (Col. J. D. Cameron.) The Experiment Station at Chapel Hill. This is the first established in the South, the second in the United States ; and it is pleasant to hear that it is grow- ing steadily in the favor of farmers. Prof. Ledoux receives hundreds of letters for information, not only in relation to the analysis of soils, in relation to the value of seeds, the utility of new plants, but also in relation to other mat- ters of interest to the farmer, all of which he answers promptly, as he should do, in view of the important relation in which the Station stands to agriculture. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Experiment Station. THE advantag:es it offeks to FARMERS AND OTHERS, 1. Free an;il\se^. of all Chemicals used in Composting, provided the sender secures the samples according to printed insti'uctions lurnished by tlio Sta- tion, and prepays the express charges. 2. Free anal\ses -cciired, and the express charges -sos of Marls wIkmi desired liy rarnu'rs. Ci. l-'ri-c aiiul\-c-; cii Mineral Waters wiirn st-iil witli llic (itTmissMm <>l tlie State (icologist. and tlie exj.rcss cliai'ges ai'e prepaid. 7. Free identilii'ation and qualitative aii(dys■ of all Seeds of grains, grasses, flowers or vegetables, with a report as to their luirit.N-, and identitica- tionofany \v( I'd or other foreign seeds present. Seed samples are lir>t scut by mail. !t. Free identification of useful or injurious (Jrasses. 1(1. Free identification of Insects injurious lo ^'(■-(■tation, and reports upon the best means of destn.x ing tliem. 11. Correspondence will be promptly attended to upon all subjects directly or indirectly related to Agrij_ulture. 12. Printed reports will be mailed free of charge upon request ui)on the fol- lowing subjects : Directions for composting ; formulas for different soils and crops ; analyses of chemicals and fertilizers legally on sale in North Carolina; directions for utilizing bones; lb)- making vinegai-; (or growing sugar-beet ; upon drinking watei-s; the value of pine straw; I lie history, use and value of the cow-pea; the coni]iosition of marls, and soils; the evtraction of sassafras oil ; the history and use of artiheial manures, &e., A-c. The Experiment Station lutving been fulls- e(|uip|M-d by oi-derof the P.o-ird of Agi'iculture, for the prosecution of the \aiious bi-;uiehes of worli above mentioncnl, our farmers are urgently re'iuesied to avail tbenisi-lves. of these advantages. A.ddress all letters to The N. C. A^riciiltiiral Emeriiiieut Station, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. l!!!:'^°^'=°^°''Ess 003 065 572 2