Giass__LXx:iai_^ Book__ A^ \^\\ I A DIRECTORY OF THE ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI Published by the UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI April, 191 1 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI A DIRECTORY OF THE ALUMNI 3 ?1 Containing the Names of all the Graduates of the University of Missouri (except the School Mines, at Rolla) in an Alphabetical Register, Together with their Present Addresses and Occupations WILLIAM GODFREY BEK Alumni Recorder Published bv the UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI April, 191 1 a^^'' ^ -i\^ \^\^ ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY. A. B., Bachelor of Arts. B. ,S. (or S. B.), Bachelor of Science. B. L. (or Li. B.), Bachelor of Letters. Ph. B., Bachelor of Philosophy. A. D. B., Bachelor of Domestic Arts. A. M., Master of Arts. M. S., Master of Science. M. L., Master of Letters. Ph. M., Master of Philosophy. A. D. M., Master of Domestic Arts. B. P., Bachelor of Pedagogics. Pe. P., Principal of Pedagogy. N. G., Normal Graduate. B. D., Bachelor of Didactics. B. S. in Ed., Bachelor of Science in Education. LL. B., Bachelor of Laws. LL. M., Master of Laws. M. D., Doctor of Medicine. B. A. S., Bachelor of Agricultural Science. B. Agr., Bachelor of Agriculture. M. Agr., Master of Agriculture. B. S. in Agr. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. B. S. in C. E., Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. B. S. in B. E., Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. B. S. in M. E., Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. B. S. in Ch. E., Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. C. E., Civil Engineer. T. E., Topographical Engineer. E. E., Electrical Engineer. :\I. E., Mechanical Engineer. Sur., Surveyor. B. S. in H. E., Bachelor of Science in Home Economics. B. S. in Jr., Bachelor of Science in Journalism. Ph. D., Doctor of Philosophy. LL. D., Doctor of Laws. D. D., Doctor of Divinity. P., Permanent Address. T., Temporary Address. Starred, deceased. N. B.: The following degrees are no longer conferred: B. L., Ph. B., A. D. B., M. L., Ph. M., A. D. M., B. P., Pe. P., X. G., B. D., LL. M., B. Agi'., M. Agr., T. E., Sur., D. D., B. S., S. B„ :\I. S. M. D. 3 ALTJMNI DIRECTORY. Abernathy, Robert Turner, A. B., '04, LL. B., '06. P. Webb City, Mo., 824 W. Third St. T. 200 U. D. Little Rock, Ark. Lawyer. Acton, George William, LL. B., '82. P. Whitesborough, Texas. Adams, Arthur Nottingham, LL. B., '97. P. 1039 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Adams, Charles Frederick, B'. S. in Agr., '97. P. Fayetteville, Ark., care Univ. of Ark. Dean and Director of College of Agr., U. of Arkansas, Profes- sor of Entomology. Adams, Dorman Eldred, LL. B., '95. P. Hamilton, Mo. Lawyer. Adams, Elmer Bragg, LL. D., '98. P. 25 Westmorland Place, St. Louis, Mo. U. S. Circuit Judge. Adams, Frank Hicks, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. Lamar, Mo. T. 411 Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Colo. Civil Engineer. Adams, George Paul, B. L., '98. P. King City, Mo. Secy, and Treas. King City Hdw. Co. Adams, Jane, A B., Pe. P., '91, B. P., '93, A. M., '95. P. Shelbina, Mo. T. 2943 Askew Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Teaching. Adams, Mattie Belle (Mrs. W. T. Bovie), A. B., '09. P. 401 E. Washington St., Kirksville, Mo. T. 65 Hammond St., Cambridge, Mass. Adams, Newton T., A. B., Pe. B., '92. P. Jerome, Idaho. Farmer. Adams, Vinnie (Mrs. H. J. Gerling), B. L., B. P., '94, Pe. P., '92. P. 3834 Juniata St., St. Louis, Mo. Adams, Wilkie Myrtle, A. B., '06, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 101 Lincoln Ave., Somerset, Ky. Music Teacher. b UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. *Adams, William B., M. D., '46. Ahrens, Anna Helen, A. B'., '00. P. 523 N. 12th St., Ft. Smith, Ark. Teacher. Aker, Grover Cleveland, A. B., '10. P. 1508 Broadway, Columbia, .Mo. T. 110 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. Methodist Minister. Albright, Clifton C, M. D., '05. P. 508 Main St., Anaconda, Mont. Physician. Alderman, Wesley Edward, A. B., '09. P. Care D. R. Hughes, Macon, Mo. T. Bairdstown, Cal. Teacher. Aldrich, Ida Dickson (Mrs. D. G. :Minter), S. B., N. G., '76, A. M., '80. P. Shelbina, Mo. *Aldridge, John T., A. B., '67. Alexander, Carter, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06, A. M., '08. P. Columbia, Mo. Sec. to President of U. of Missouri, Asst. Prof, of Educational Administration. Alexander, Emmet Gerald, A. B., '99. Alexander, George Forrest, LL. B., '05. P. Gallatin, Mo. Lawyer. ♦Alexander, James Marion, M. D., '86. ♦Alexander, John M., M. D., '47. Alexander, John Sherman, B. S. in C. E., '85. P. Clayton or University City, Mo. ♦Alexander, Paul, A. B'., L. B., '83. Alexander, Preston Carter, A. B., '09. P. Gallatin, Mo. T. 500 College Ave., Columbia, ISIo. Student in Law. Alexander, Raymond H., A. B., '09. P. Tempe, Ariz. Real Estate and Insurance. Alexander, Wallace P., A. B., '05. P. 1106 E. Normal Ave., Kirksville, :Mo. Chemist. Alford, Mrs. Christine Dick (Christine Dick), B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 773 Belt Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. Mercur, Utah. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. Alford, Clarence Elmer, A. B., '06, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Columbia, Mo. Farming. Alford, Leland Barton, A. B., '08. P. Vandalia, Mo. T. Palmer, Mass., care Manson State Hospital. Pathologist to Hospital. Alford, Thomas P., Sur., '82, T. E., '83. *Alkire, David Solomon, LL. B., '81. Alkire, Henry T., LL. B., '81. P. Oregon, Mo. Lawyer. Allder, Etta Mildred, A. B., '06, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Cane Hill, Mo. T. Billings, Mont. Teacher. Allee, Gail Darwin, B. S., '96. P. Lamar, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Allen, Archibald Murray, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. 900 Conley Ave., Columbia, Mo. Asst. Dairy Husbandry. *Allen, Charles Beverly, A. B., '50. Allen, Charles Boyd, A. B., '09. *Allen, C. H., M. D., '50. Allen, Charles Kyes, LL. B., '90. P. Care, Waddell & Harrington, Kansas City, Mo. T. 283 Oregon St., Portland, Ore. Civil Engineer. Allen, DeWitt Clinton, LL. D., '98. P. Liberty, Mo. Lawyer. Allen, Edith Frances, B. S. in Ed., A. B., '09. P. 4509 Magnolia Ave., Chicago, 111. T. Hartsville, S. C, Coker College. Teacher. Allen, Edward Thorpe, B. L., B. P., '94, M. L., '96. P. 900 Conley Ave., Columbia, Mo. With Houghton, Mifflin Co. Allen, Elmer Jackson, A. B., '04, A. M., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Dadeville, Mo. T. Ill S. 22nd St., Enid, Okla. Teacher. Allen, Francis Withers, M. D., '98. 8 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Allen, Frank Wisdom, Jr., B'. S. in Agr., '10. P. Columbia, Mo., R. F. D. No. 10. T. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Instructor in Horticulture. Allen, Grace Lillian, A. B., '06, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Dadeville, Mo. T. 1219 Quintard Ave., Anniston, Ala. Teacher. *Allen, James M., LL. B., '92. ■^AUen, John P., M. D., '47. Allen, Leonard A., B. S. in Agr., '10. P. Dadeville, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo. Asst. to Dean of College of Agr. *Allen, Nelson Washington, A. B., '72, A. M., '74 (Hon.) ♦Allen, William Henry, A. B., '46, A. M., '49. AUinger, Henry Wesley, A. B., '03. P. Bushton, Kans. *Allison, C. H., A. B., '51, A. M., '54. Allison, George Wilkerson, LL. B., '77. P. 422 S. Maple St., McPhei-son, Kans. Lawyer. Allison, Thomas Edward, LL. B., '87. P. New London, Mo. Lawyer. Almstedt, Hermann Benjamin, B. P., B. L., '95. P. Columbia, Mo. Professor of German, U. of Missouri. Alt, Charles Franklin, B. S. in M. E., '06. P. CarroUton, :\lo. T. 417 East St., Warren, Pa. Mechanical Engineer for Paterson Publishing Co. Ambrister, Clarence Alexander, LL. B., '10. P. Muskogee, Okla. Lawyer. Ames, Lewis Darwin, B. L., '99. P. 208 Thilly Ave., Columbia, Mo. Asst. Professor of Mathematics, U. of Missouri. Amick, William Kennedy, LL. B., '89. Court House,, St. Joseph, Mo. Circuit Judge. ALUMNi DIRECTORY. 9 Ammerman, Gertrude (Mrs. W. F. Wilson), A. B., '9S. P. 117 W. 13th St., Oklahoma City, Okli. Ammerman, Joseph William. A. B., '04, A. M., '05. P. 1012 N. Oklahoma Ave., Oklahoma City, Okli. Teller, American National Bank. Ammerman, Mary Elizabeth, (Mrs. A. W. Lyon), Pe. P., '84. P. Springfield, Mo., 726 St. Louis St. Anamosa, George Willis, LL. B., '04. P. 206 S. Ohio St., Sedalia, Mo. Lawyer. Anderson, Alexander Lake, LL. B'., '02. P. 243 Fourth St., Montgomery, W. Va. Lawyer. Anderson, Axel Isadore, A. B.. '04. P. 213 Summit St., Kansas City, Mo. Or 39th and Bell St., Kansas City, Mo. Physician. Anderson, Benjamin McAlester, Jr., A. B., '06. P. State Normal School, Springfield, Mo. T. 1109 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. (Until June 1, 1911). Student. Anderson, David Wylie, A. B., '06. * P. Arnett, Okla. Lawyer. Anderson, Edward Campbell, Sur., '84. Anderson, Harvey Winfred, A. B., '07. P. 124 E. 28th St., New York, N. Y. T. Care, Baron Nicoloy, Moika 30, St. Petersburg, Russia. Student Sec. of Y. M. C. A. Anderson, John Lewis, A. B., B. S. '00. P. Vandalia, Mo. T. Jennings, La. Supt. of Schools. Anderson, John Malcolm, LL. B., '06. P. Carlinville, 111. Lawyer. *Anderson, Joseph G., N. G., '69, A. B., '73, A. M., '77. Anderson, Lilbourne Morris, LL. B., '02. P. 2091/2 Center St., Hannibal, Mo. Lawyer. Anderson, Oscar Elwood, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 4231 Grant St., Omaha, Neb. Teacher. 10 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Anderson, Mrs. Roscoe R. (Frances W. Nacy), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 5218 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Anderson, Thomas Lilbourn, LL. B., '88. P. 316 Broadway, Hannibal, Mo. Lawyer. Andrews, Hardage Lane, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Boonville, Mo. T. 209 Seward PI., Schenectady, N. Y. Electrical Engineer. Angell, Etta Mary (Mrs. W. T. Small), A. D. B., Pe. B., '83, A. D M., '86. P. B'owie, Texas. *Angel, John M., M. D., '49. Ankeney, John Sites, Jr., A. B., '06. P. 906 Conley Ave., Columbia, Mo. Asst. Prof, of Theory and Practice of Art. Ankeney, Mrs. J. S. (Lucy Wyatt Gentry), A. D. B., Pe. B., '85. P. 906 Conley Ave., Columbia, Mo. Anthony, Francis Richard, A. B., B. P., '93. P. Maryville, Mo. Physician — Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Anthony, Hettie Margaret, A. B'., '01. P. 204 North Ave., Maryville, Mo. Antonowsky, Benjamin S., M. D. '05. P. 423 Miller Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Physician. *Arent, John N., M. D., '48. *Armour, S. G., M. D., '48. *Armstrong, Clinton, M. D., '47. Armstrong, Frank Charles, T. E., C. E., '82. P. National Bank Bldg., Boulder, Colo. Mining Engineer. Armstrong, Francis Kincannon, LL. B., '75. P. 501 Grand Ave., Bozeman, Mont. Lawyer. Armstrong, John Wesley, LL. B., '02. P. Carlsbad, N. M. Lawyer. Arnold, Charles, A. B., '07, B. S. in Jr., "09. P. 519 Pendleton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Newspaper Man. Arnold, Jesse H., A. B., '61. P. 207 Coulter Bldg. or 1111 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Brokerage and Loan. ALUMNI DIEECTOEY. 11 ♦Arnold, John L., M. D., '46. Arnold, Louise, A. B., '06. T. 214 Prince George St., Annapolis, Md. Arnold, Mercer, B. L., '00, LL. B., '02. P. 224-5-6 Miners' Bank Btiilding., Joplin, Mo Lawyer. *Arnold, Thomas Allen, S. B., '67, M. S., '71. Arnold, Thomas F., B. A. S., '88. P. Lewiston, Mo. T. 5149 Minerva Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Veterinary Inspector. Arnold, Zachary Taylor, A. B., '68, A. M., '84. P. Amity, Mo. Physician. Arthur, John, A. B., '47, A. M., '50. P. Port Lavaca, Texas. Retired Minister. Arthur, Walter, A. B\, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Reeds, Mo. T. Mass. Inst, of Technology, Boston, Mass. Chemist. Care, Technology Union. Asendorf, George William H., L. B., P. B., '93. P. 1500 S. Garrison Ave., Carthage, Mo. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Ashley, William Washington, M. D., '75. P. Roseburg, Ore., Box 772. Physician and Surgeon. Askren, Oscar O., LL. B., '00. P. Ramona Bldg., Roswell, N. M. Lawyer. Atchison, Ben Allen, LL. B., *00. P. Gower, Mo. Atchison, Mrs. (Ida May Clendenin), B. S., '86, M. S., '89. P. Laddonia, Mo., R. F. D. No. 2. Housekeeper and Farmer. Atchison, John Calhoun, Jr., B. S. in E. E., '09. ^ P. Gower, Mo. T. 1168 People's Gas Bldg., Chicago, 111. ♦Atkinson, J. F., M. D., '51. *Atwood, Le Gran, M. D., '51. Austene, Charles Willett, M. D., '01. P. Centralia, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. 1- UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Austin, Frederick Henry, LL. B., '80. P. 1116 Columbia Rd., Washington, D. C. Law Clerk, U. S. P. O. Dept. *Avers, Alex Meredith, A. B., '55. Avery, Clara Martin (Mrs. D. E. Killam), A. B , '07. P. Troy, Mo. Avery, Omar H., LL. B.,.'77. P. Troy, Mo. Lawyer. *Avery, Oscar W., M. D., '76. Avery, Samuel Demetrius, A. B., '09. P. Troy, Mo. T. Rush Med. College, Chicago, 111. Student in Medicine. Axline, Aaron Guy, LL. B., '10. P. 628 W. Cherry St., Nevada, Mo. T. Henryetta, Okla. Lawyer. .Axtell. Oliver Neal, C. E., '91. P. 2916 Olive St., Kansas City, Mo. Chief Engineer, K. C. & S. W. R. R. Aycock, Robert Vaughn, B. S. in M. E., '10. P. Lebanon, Mo. T. Carpenter and Shafer Mfg. Co., Joplin, Mo. Mechanical Engineer. Ayers, Howard, LL. D., '99. P. Winding Way and Valley Rd., Avandale, Cincinnati, Ohio. B'abb, Henry Belton, B. S., '76, Pe. B., '77, LL. B., '81. P. 409 Equitable Bldg., Denver, Colo. Lawyer. *Babb, James Franklin, S. B., N. G., '75, LL. B., '77. Babb, Jeremiah Glenn, A. B'., '77, LL. B., '81, A. M., '90. P. 812 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo. Secretary of the University of Missouri. Babb, Minerva (Mrs. Walter Rautenstrauch) , A. B., '03. P. 42 Morris St., Yonkers, N. Y. Babb, William Jasper, B. S., '73, B. P., N. G., '74, LL. B., '76. P. 1432 Fairmount Ave., Wichita, Kan. Publisher and Editor — Kansas Commoner. Badger, Baker Woodruff, A. B., '67, A. M., '70. P. 1414, 12th St., Riverside, Cal. Orange Growing, President of Orange Co. Baender, Mrs. F. G. (Elba Seymour), A. B., '06. P. Drexel, Mo. T. Fife, Ore. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 13 Baer, Monte, LL. B., '07. P. 5030 Maple Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Sec. and Treas. Baer Bros. Dry Goods Novelty Co. Bagby, Harry Edward, B. S. in E. E., '06. P. Vinita, Olila. Banker. Bagby, Oliver, M. D., '81. P. Vinita, Okla. Banking. Bagby, Robert M., LL. B., '82. P. Fayette, Mo. Lawyer. Bahn, Rudolph, LL. B., '89. P. 34 N. Fountain St., Cape Girardeau. Mo. Hardware Merchant. Bailey, Andrew A., A. B., '82. P. 119 E. Brooks, Brookfield, Mo. Lawyer. Bailey, Walter Elijah, A. B., '07, LL. B., '09. P. Carthage, Mo., Box 165. Lawyer. Bailey, William Bell, LL. B., '74. Bain, Homer Judson, LL. B., '01. P. 416^ Water St., Trenton, Mo. Lawyer. Bain, Patterson, Jr., B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 5727 Von Versen Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Civil Engineer with City Bridge Div. Bain, Susan, A. B., '10. P. 5727 Von Versen Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Bainum, Inez, A. B., '10. P. Maryville, Mo. T. Skidmore, Mo. Teaching. Bainum, Will Harvey, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. Maryville, Mo. T. 1977 E. 116th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Asst. Engineer N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Baird, Arch Milton, LL. B., '08. P. Carterville, Mo. Lawyer. Baird, James Claud, A. B., '03. P. Morgan Park, 111. Teacher. 14 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. B'aker, Bettie May, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 307 Waugh St., Columbia, Mo. Student. Baker, Beulah Norvell, A. B., '03. T. 3436 Pestalozzi St., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. *]^aker, Charles Herndon, LL. B., '87. Baker, Charles Mitchell, M. D., '94. P. Santa Fe, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Baker, Earl Edgar, M. D., '03. P. Carthage, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Baker, James R., S. B., '71. Baker, John Thomas, LL. B., '98. P. Mexico, Mo. Lawyer. *Baker, J. M., M. D., '50. *Baker, John William, S. B., '69. Baker, Sylvester Clay, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. Montgomery City, Mo. T. 3869 Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Asst. Engr. United Railways Co., Track Dept. *Baldwin, Carrie E. (Mrs. Eugene J. Rodhouse), Pe. P., '92. Baldwin, Robert Lee, B. S. in E. E., '06, E. E., '08. P. 823 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. T. Oakley, Kansas. Supervising Engineer. Balthis, Frank Spencer, B. S. in C. E., '96. P. S. E. Cor. Franklin and Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. :Mgr. Plant Dept., Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Banks. Jennie Moore (Mrs. Neal Marshall), A. B., '81, A. M., '85 P. 1919 Main St., Unionville, Mo. Banks, John Samuel, LL. B., '95. *Banks, John William, A. B'., '55. *Banks, Laura Alice (Mrs. Lipscomb), L. B., '79. Bannister, W. D., A. B., '02. P. Billings, Mont. Ranching — Real Estate. Banta, William Sherman, LL. B., '90. P. 1407 Windsor St., Columbia, I\Io. Lawyer. Barbee, Frederick Hurdman, B. S. in Ed., '09, P. Joplin, Mo. Principal of High School. ALUMNI DIEECTOEY. 15 Barber, Mrs. Lee (Inez L. Riggs), B. L., '94, M. L., '95. P. Limon, Colo. Barclay, Shepard, LL. D., '97. P. 214 N. 6th. St., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Barkley, Benetta Maude (Mrs. E. D. Lee), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. New London, Mo. T. Mexico, Mo. Barkley, Grace, A. B., '07. P. Henrietta, Mo. T. Meridian Womans College, Meridian, Miss. Teaching. Barlow, Gilbert, A. B'., '00. P. Bethany, Mo. Lawyer. Barnard, Luther Lee, A. B., '07. P. Pierce City, Mo. T. U. of Chicago Faculty Exchange, Chicago, III. Lecturer and Student. Barnes, Albert Fenton, B. S. in C. E., '04. *Barnes, Augustus Fred, M. D., '48. Barnes, Charles Merlin, B. L., '98. P. Marston, Mo. General Merchant. Barnes, Clarence Abel, LL. B., '99. P. Mexico, Mo. Lawyer. Barnes, Maude (Mrs. Franklin Miller), A. B., '04. P. 5048 Raymond Ave., St Louis, Mo. T. Whitwell Hospital, Tucson, Ariz. B'arnes, Robert M., B. A. S., '98. P. Memphis, Mo. Banker. Barnes, Mrs. Selby (Mary Mansfield), L. B., Pe. B., '92. *Barnes, Thomas L., M. D., '51. Barnett, Bruce, B. L., '96. P. 209 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Barnett, Carrie, B. S. in Ed., '08, A. B., '10. P. 811 N. 8th. St., Columbia, Mo. Teacher. *Barnett, George Harlen, LL. B., '97. Barnett, James Sanford, ]\L D., '96. P. Hitchcock, Okla. Physician. 16 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Barnett, Mary Jessie, A. B., '95, A. M., '97. P. 307 College Ave., Columbia. IMo. T. Centralia, Mo. Teacher. Barnett, Mary Jessie, A. B'., '03. P. 614 N. 8th St., Columbia, Mo. T. Shelbina, Mo. Teaching. Barns. James Harrison, B. S. in E. E.. '06. P. 3905 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Power Dept, United Ry. Co. Barns, Mrs. J. H. (Cora Matilda Newliirk), A. B.. B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 3905 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Barnwell, James O'Neill, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 371 S. Wilson Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Teacher. Barnwell, Mrs. J. O'N. (Caroline Frances Gruner), A. B., '07. P. 371 S. Wilson Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Financial Sec, Los Angeles Asso. Charities. Barr, Guy Carleton, LL. B., '93. P. 709 S. 9th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. *Barr, William, A. B., '56. Barrett, Arthur, B. S. in C. E., '03. P. Box 1027, Memphis, Tenn. Jr. Engineer, U. S. Dept. at Large, Located on Mississippi Rivei *Barrett, Edward Y., M. D., '51. *Barrett, Joseph Addison, M. D., '49. Barrow, Robert Wilson, A. B., '88. P. Macon, Mo. Lawyer. Barry, N. C, LL. B'., '04. P. Afton, Okla. Lawyer. Barth, Irvin Victor, A. B., '97, A. M., LL. B.. '99. P. 1718-20 Third National Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Barth, Mrs. L V. (Gussie Kahn), A. B., B. S. m Ed., '06. p! 4319 Lindell .Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Barth, Louis Levy, A. B., '03. P. Mexico, Mo. Merchant. Barton, Abraham Pool, B. S., N. G. '73, :\I. S., '85. P. 3332 Troost Av., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer & Publisher. ALUMNI DIEECTORY. 17 Karton, Frank L., B. S. in Ed., '09, A. M., '10, P. 415 Penn. Av., Joplin, Mo. Teaching. Barton, Josepti, LL. B., '86. P. 522 Central Nat'l Bank BIdg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Barton, William Edward, LL. B'., '94. P. Houston, Mo. Lawyer. Bartow, Russell V., A. B., '10. P. Brunswick, I\Io. Bascom, Walker, B. S., '81, LL. B., '82. P. C'dessa, Mo. Lawyer. Bashore, Harry W., B'. S. in C. E., '06. P. Mitchell, Neb. Asst. Engineer U. S. Rec. Service. Baskerville, Lucien Bertram, LL. B., '04. P. 2836 Archer Av., Chicago, 111. With Acme Steel Goods Co. Baskett, James Newton, Ph. B'., '72, A. M., '93. Mexico, Mo. Literature & Scientific Study. ♦Basket, Thomas P., S. B'., '66. Bass, Eli Everette, B. L., '83. P. 706 Broadway, Greenville, Miss. Supt. of City Schools. Bass, Hugh Glenn, LL. B'., '01. P. Greenville, Miss. Lawyer. Bass, Maggie E. (Mrs. James Chamberlin), L. B., '83. P. 5132 Kenmore Av., Chicago, 111. Bass, Sigmund Martin, A. B., '10. P. 4396 Forest Park Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Student. *Basse, Louis, M. D., '51. Bassett, Arthur, A. B., '00. P. Edificio Olivares, Room 37-38, Mexico City, Mexico. Lawyer. *Bassett, John J., A. B., '60. Bassett, William H., A. B., '60. Kinloch Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Bates, Anna (Mrs C. F. Hersman), A. B., Pe. B., '87, A. M., '90. 2 18 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Bates, James Parker, S. B., C. E., '78, S. M., '81. P. Oregon City, Oregon. Bates, Leslie E., A. B., '04, IX. B., '07. P. 1214 Joplin St., Webb City, Mo. Lawyer. Bates, Mrs. L. E. (Bessie Cauthorn), A. B,, '04. P. 1214 Joplin St., Webb City, Mo. Bates, Sardis William, LL. B., '07. P. Unity Bldg., Webb City, Mo. Lawyer. Bauer, Milton John, LL. B., '99. P. Room 6, Old Corby Bldg., St. Josepli, Mo. Lawyer. *Bauerlein, Frank, A. B., '82. Baugher, Albert Howard, A. B., '08. P. 6233 Ingleside Ave., Chicago, 111. Physician. Baumgartner, Lulu (Mrs. J. S. Chandler), Pe. P., '8?. P. Courtland Lawn Farm, Columbia, ]\lo. Farmer. Bayless, Daniel O., A. K., '09. P. 805 Walnut St., Columbia, Mo. Abstract Work. Bayley, Alphonso Vincil, A. B., '10. P. 415 S. 5th St., Columbia, Mo. Salesman. *Baylis, William H., D. D., '48. Bayliss, Paul, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Clarence, Mo. T. Albert Lea, Minn. Asst. to City Engineer. Beach, Alva W., LL. B., '92. P. Augusta, Mont. General Merchandising. *Beach, Emory Vivian, A. B., LL. B'., '93. Beacock, William L., LL. B., '77. Beale, Mrs. John T. (Kate Sterne), Pe. P., '88. P. Versailles, Mo. Beam, Jacob Clubb, B. S. in E. E., '08. F. 1011 Monroe St., Kansas City, Mo. T. Velardena, Dgo, Mexico, c-o A. S. S. Co. Electrical Engineer. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 19 Beamer, Maude, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Medoc, Mo., R. F. D. No. 1. T. Keytesville, Mo. Teacher. Bear, Alfred S., Pe. P. '92. Beasley,' George Hamilton, Pe. P., '87, B. S., B. P., '94. P. 108 S. 10th St., Columbia, Mo. T. Trenton, Mo. Teaching. Beatty, John William, A. B., '77, Pe. P., '78, T. E., '79. P. Wanette, Okla. Civil Engineer. Beatty, William, LL. B., '02. P. 3247 E. Main St., Wanette, Okla. Lawyer. Beaumont, Amanda Lee, B. S. in Ed., '05. P. 1201 N. 26th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Teacher. *Beazley, Robert Hiter, LL. B., '81. Beck, Edward Everett, LL. B., '88. P. Hammond, Ind. Lawyer. Becker, Amanda Fredericka, B. S., '01, A. M., "02. P. 5870 Cabanne Av., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. Becker, Coulton Meldron, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. 5870 Cabanne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Becker, Ira M., LL. B., '88. Beckers, Casper Henry Louis, LL. B., '94. P. 407 N. 8th St., or 3880 Juniata St., St. Louis, Mo. Wholesale Hardwood Lumber Co. Beckett, Earl Francis, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. 821 S. 3rd St., Boonville, Mo. T. 229 W. 34th St., New York, N. Y. Electrical Engineer. Beckett, Harry Baxter, LL. B., '07. P. 316-17 Lumberman's Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Lawyer. Bedford, Frances Elizabeth, A. B'., '01, A. M., 04. P. Billings, Mo. T. 5612 Ellis Av., Chicago, 111. Student — U. of Chicago. Bedford, Stephen Vincent, M. D., '03. P. 230 W. High St., Jefferson City, Mo. Physician. 20 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. ♦Bedford, William Archie, LL. B., '86. Bedinger, Henry Garrett, A. B'., '05. P. Louisville Trust Co. Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Lawyer. Beekman, Royce Allen, B. S. in E. E., 10. P. 1933 Burd Av., St. Louis, Mo. T. Schenectady, N. Y., 837 Union St. Student Engineer. B'eeman, Henry Vincent, LL. B., '06. Beery, Byron Buckingham, Sur., '85, C. E., '87, LL. B., '89. P. 600 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kans. Lumber Dealer. Beery, Sidney Johnson, LL. B'., '94. P, 1403 Edward St., St. Josepli, Mo. Lawyer. Bek, William Godfrey, A. B., '03, A. M., '05. P. 207 S. Garth St., Westmount, Columbia, Mo. Instructor — German, U. of INIo. Belden, Eugene H., LL. B., '90. P. 1208 Old Nat. Bank Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Lawyer. Bell, Alexis Donahue, LL. B., '82. P. Lucas Av., St. Louis, Mo. Life Insurance Agent. B'ell, Charles Thomas, A. B., '99. P. JMaryville, Mo. Physician. Bell, Elizabeth Lucile, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Monroe City, Mo. T. 7393 Flora Av., Maplewood, Mo. Teacher. Bell, Elexious Thompson, B. S., '01, M. D., '03. P. c-o Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. Asst. Prof, of Anatomy, U. of Minnesota. Bell, Fleetwood, LL. B., '97. P. Orange, Cal. Lawyer. *Bell, Goodman, B. S. in C. E., '09. Bell, Louis Albert, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 2814 Neosho St., St. Louis, Mo. T. 212a W. 7th St., Sedalia, Mo. Teacher. Bell, Lewis Benton, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. l\Ionroe City, Mo. Farming. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 21 Bell, Robert Cook, LL. B., 'OS. P. 916 Corby-Forsee Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Bell, Thomas Fletcher, A. B., '57. P. Shreveport, Louisiana. Bell, Virginia Cordelia, B. S., '01. P. Monroe City, Mo. T. 3706 Lake Av., Chicago, 111. Teacher. Bender, Charles Raymond, A. B., '08. P. 5 Hillcrest PI., Kirkwood, Mo. Bookkeeper. Benford, Warder McKim, Sur., '88. Benson, Wallace McDowell, LL. B., '02. Benson, William Randolph, Jr., B. S. in C. E., '07. P. Madison, Mo. Bente, Charles Witherspoon, LL. B., '98. P. Windsor, Mo., R. F. D., No. 21. Teacher. *Bentley, William, A. B., '48. Benton, Carolyn Belle, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08, A. M., '09. P. Higginsville, Mo. T. 802 Virginia Av., Columbia, Mo. Asst. Prin. Teachers College H. S. Berg, Hazel Hodge, A. B., B. S. in H. E., '10. P. 143 Chestnut St., Bloomington, 111. ■ T. Christian College, Columbia, Mo. Teacher. ♦Berkley, Edward F., D. D., '64 (Hon.). Bernard, Luther Lee, A. B., '07. P. Pierce City, Mo. T. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Inst, in Sociology. Bernet, Frederick Huttig, A. B'., '09. P. 5557 Cates Ave., St. Louis, Mo. With Milling Co. Bernstorff, Frank Adolf, A. B., '02. P. 2241 Sherman Av., Evanston, 111. Inst, in German, Northwestern Univ. Berry, Dick Prigmore, LL. B., '96. P. Charleston, Mo. Salesman — Burroughs Adding Machine Co. *Berry, James A., A. M., '58. 22 UNIVERSITY OF MlSSOUiU. Betz, Martha, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. 430 Bellefoiitaine Av., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher. Bewick, Stephenson Pope, B'. S. in C. E., '10. P. 2508 E. 14th St., care. Park Commissioner, Kansas City, Mo. Engineer with Park Board. Bickley, Howard Lee, LL. B., '95. P. Raton, N. M., Apache St. Lawyer. Bigger, B'yrne E., A. B., '05. P. 307 Hannihal Trust Bldg., Hannll)al, Mo. Lawyer. Biggs, George R., LL. B., '91. Biggs, Marion Richard, LL. B., '89. P. Pineville, Oregon. Lawyer and Stock Raising, tilger, Harry Edmund, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. Curwensvllle, Penn. T. c-o State Highway Comm., Springfield, 111. Asst. Bridge Engineer 111. 'Highway Comm. Billups, Wm. Edw^ard, LL. B., '88. P. First Av., Phoenix, Ariz. Law and Incorporating New Companies. Birch, Frank Hewitt, A. B., '04. P. 2 Park Square, Boston, Mass. Journalist — Baseball Magazine. *Bird, George F., T. E., C. E., '79. Birdseye, Henry Fred, LL. B., '02. P. Nevada, Mo., Walnut & Main Sts. Real Estate, Abstracts & Insurance. *Birney, Milton C, LL. B., '83. Bishop, James Lewellan, LL. B., '8G. P. P. O. Box 117, Selma, Ala. Lawyer. Bishop, Stephens Smith, LL. B., '86. Bishop, William Thomas, M. D., '01. P. Hughesville, Mo. Physician. Bissett, Clyde Aigner, LL. B., '99. P. 3127 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Black, Arthur Geiger, A. B., '02. P. 307-8 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. ALUMNI DIRECTOllY. 23 *Blaclv, James, A. B., '81, A. M., '84. Blackburn, Churchill J., M. D., '83. P. Blackburn, Mo. Editor — "Blackburn Record." Blackburn, Marshall Paxton, LL. B., '83. P. Blackburn, Mo. Farmer. Blackman, George Horton, B'. S. in M. E., '07. P. 5843 Bartmer Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Machinery Salesman. Blackmar, Rebecca Louise, A. B., '08, B. S. in Ed., 'OD. P. New Franklin, Mo. *Blackwell, Laura Craig, A. B., '98. Blackwell, Paul Alexander, B. S. in C. E., '00. P. 1001 Henry St., Roanoke, Va. Asst. Chief Engineer Va. Bridge & Iron Co. Blackwell, William Arthur, LL. B., '93. P. Pattonville, Mo. Farming. Blain, William W., LL. B., '05. P. 4th & Ohio Sts., Sedalia, Mo. Lawyer. Blair, Francis P., LL. B., '80. Blair, Irene Elise, A. B., '02. P. 404 W. Bl-oadway, Sedalia, Mo. Blair, Jessie Alice, B. L., '98. P. 321 E. 2nd St., Sedalia, Mo. Blair, Leander Garnett, LL. B., '95 P. Bowling Green, JIo. Lawyer, Pros. Atty. Pike Co. Blake, Frank, LL. B., '92. P. 312 Washington St., Jefferson City, Mo. Insurance Supt. of Missouri. Blake, Mrs. J. M. (M. Gay Hancock), L. B., '90, Pe. B, '91. P. Keytesville, Mo. *Bland, William W., M. D., '48. Blanks, Don Hewitt, B. S. in C. E., '06. P. Columbia, Mo. T. Barrelville, Md., care J. B. Carter Co. Field Engr., Const. Work. Blanton, David A., LL. B., '98. P. Washington Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. RTanufacturer. 24 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Blazer, Eugene Nelson, A. B'., '10. P. 1322 Buchanan Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. T. Box 199, IMalvern, Iowa. Banking. Blevans, James Rusk, LL. B., '00. P. Care M., K. & T. R. R. Co., Oklahoma City, Okia. Asst. Claim Agent, M., K. & T. R. R. Bleish, Abe Stephen, LL. B., '10. P. McFall, Mo. *Bliss, Philemon, LL. D., '76. Blodgett, Frances Mabel (Mrs. S. E. Stout), A. B., '04. P. 302 N. Missouri Ave., Liberty, Mo. T. Princeton, N. J. Blodgett, Ralph Eugene, A. B., '05. P. 3620 Russell Ave. or 1204 New Bank of Commerce Bldg., St. Louis, ]\Io. Lawyer. Blue, Christopher Columbus, LL. B., '08. P. Florida, Mo. Blythe, Mary Eva, A. H., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 615 N. Washington Ave., Mexico, Mo. Teacher. Board, Virgil Lee, E. E., '10. T. 1101 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo. With Denver Gas and Elec. Co. Boardman, Emma Marie Wilhelmina, A. B'., '02. P. Harrisonville, Mo. T. Bolivar, Mo. Prin. of High School. Bodenheimer, Sophie, A. B., '04. P. 416 Magnolia Ave., San Antonio, Texas. Bodine, Robert Nail, A. B., '59. P. Paris, Mo. Lawyer. Boeger, Ernest Augustus, S. B., Pe. B., C. E., '84, B. Agr., '82, Ph. M., '85. P. 3106 P. St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Asst. Dept. Nautical Instruments, Naval Obs. Boehm, Gustavus Henriettus, A. B., '08. P. Springfield, Mo., 309 Woodruff Bldg. Lawyer. Boehmer, Frank August, LL. B'., '79. Bogard, Margaret E. (Mrs. C. P. Pike) B. L., '99. P. Boise, Idaho. ALUMNI DIKECTORY. 25 Boggess, IMontrose Mortimer, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. Excelsior Springs, Mo. T. 209 Seward PI., Schenectady, N. Y. Engineer for Gen. Elec. Co. Bohllng, Walter Henry, A. B., '10. P. 1510 Kentucky St., Sedalia', Mo. T. Jefferson City, Mo. Supt. Capitol Bldg. Bohnenkamp, William Louis, LL. B., '97, LL. M., '98. P. 301 Merchants-Laclede Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Bohon, Elmer Clinton, B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Tonkawa, Okla. Director Manual Training, Okla. U. Prep. School. Boisseau, Marvin Edward, A. B., '09. P. Warrensburg, Mo. T. 716 Maryland PI., Columbia, Mo. Law Student. Boles, Warren McQ., LL. B., '10. P. Versailles, Mo. T. 902 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Lawyer. Boley, Boss, LL. B., '07. P. 109 S. Webb St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Lawyer. Bollinger, Mrs. Edw. E. (Helen Mar Krabiel), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07, A. M., '08. P. Slidell, La. Bolte, August H., LL. F., '75. P. 3456 Hartford St., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Boman, John Sidney, A. B., '02. P. Y^'ale Station, New Haven, Conn. T. 1113 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Teaching. Bond, Bessie B^rown (Mrs. W. F. Lauffert), A. B., '03. P. Tyler, Texas, R. F. D. No. 6. Bond, Ray Thomas, LL. B., '07. P. 223 Miners Bank Bldg., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. Bond, Reford, LL. B., '97. P. Chickasha, Okla. Lawyer. 26 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Bond, Thomas, A. B., '02. P. Merchants-Laclede Bldg. or 3744 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Bond, Samuel, LL. B., '93. Perryville, Mo. Lawyer. Boner, Chas. John, B. S. in Che. E., '10. P. R. F. D. No. 1, Edwardsville, Kan. T. 406 North St., Hannibal, Mo. Chemist — E. I. DuPont, duNers Powder Co. Bonfils, Charles Alden, T. E., '91. P. Care of K. C. Post, Kansas City, Mo. Newspaper Man. Bonnett, Clarence Elmore, B. S. in Ed., '08, A. B., '09. P. Gallatin, Mo. T. 5701 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. Asst. in Political Economy, U. of Chicago. Bonnot, Edmond, A. B., '03, A. M., '06. P. 3013a Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Prof. Chemistry, St. L. U. Dental Dept. and Physician. Booher, Lloyd W., LL. B., '98. P. Savannah, Mo. Lawyer. B'oone, Daniel Monroe, A. B., '10. P. Lonoke, Ark. T. 113 W. 2nd St., Little Rock, Ark. Boone, Wilmot DeSaussurs, A. B., '10. P. Care of A. R. Walker, 5964 Cote Brillante, St. Louis, Mo. T. Muskogee Hospital, Muskogee, Okla. Interne in Hospital. Booth, Acena May, A. B., '08. P. 114 Hitt, Columbia, Mo. B'ooth, Henry Spurgeon, LL. B., '84. P. Centralia, Mo. Lawyer. Booth, James, LL. B., '87. P. Pacific, Mo. Lawyer. Booth, Jesse James, B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Shelbina, Mo. Booth, John Newton, LL. B., '98. P. 1016-20 Third Natl. Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. ALUMNI DIEECTORY. 27 Booth, Nathaniel Ogden, B. in Agr., '96. P. Care of Okla. A. & M. College, Stillwater, Okla. Prof, of Horticulture and Botany in Exp. Sta. Boothe, George Frederick, LL. B., '97. P. 702 S. Summit St., Sedalia, Mo. Lawyer. *Booton, Richard Crittenden, A. B., '5". Borgstadt, Harry, A. B., '04. P. Vigan, Ilocos Sur., P. L Div. Supt. of Schools. Bosserman, David Wenrick, M. D., '86. Bostian, William Bernard, LL. B., '08. P. 1127 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., Care of Scarritt & Jones. Lawyer. Bothwell, Lawrence, LL. B., '05. P. 407-8 German American Bank Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. ♦Bottom, Claude Bernard, LL. B., '04. Bottom, John Thomas, Pe. P., '79, LL. B., '81. P. 500 Foster Bldg., Denver, Colo. Lawyer. ♦Bottom. William, M. D., '48. Bott, William Antoni, B. S. in C. B., '09. P. 3601 Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo. T. K. C. K. Water Works, Quindaro, Kan. Res. Engineer on W. W. Construction. Botts, Miss Benson, A.' B., '05. P. Woodlawn PI., Mexico, Mo. Teacher. Botts, Hosea Thompson, LL. B., '93. P. Tillamook, Oregon. Lawyer. *Botts, Lena Chattan, B'. L., '98. Botts, W. W., B. L., '85, LL. B., M. L., '90. P. Mexico, Mo. Lawyer, Probate Judge. Boucher, Andrew Sherman, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Dexter, Mo. Supt. of Schools. Boulton, John Wofford, Pe. P., '86. P. Holden, Mo. Minister. 28 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Boulton, Payne Augustine, L. B., Pe. B., '85, A. M., 98. P. Caldwell, Idaho. Prof, of Romance Languages, College of Idaho. B'oulton, Robert Perrine, L. B., '77, A. M., '80. P. Litchfield, 111. Fraternal Ins. Work. Boulton, Walter Emmet, S. B., '83, M. S., LL. B., '88. P. Caldwell, Idaho. Rancher and Breeder of A. J. C. C. Jerseys. Bourne, Anna B. S. (Mrs. Anna B. Searcy), M. D., '00. P. Marceline, Mo. Boverie, William Clement, LL. B., '95. P. Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Lawyer. Bovie, William T., A. M., '10. P. 401 E. Washington St., Kirksville, Mo. T. 65 Hammond St., Cambridge, Mass. Graduate Student, Harvard. Bovie, Mrs. Wm. T. (Mattie Adams), A. B., '09. P. 401 E. Washington St., Kirksville, Mo. T. 65 Hammond St., Cambridge, Mass. Bowden, Ella, Pe. P., '89. Bowles, John Davis, B. S. in E. E., '09, E. E., '10. P. Westphalia, Mo. T. 4268 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. Electrical Engineering. Bowman, Henrietta Marr, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 2548 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo. Student. *Bowman, John B._, LL. D., '73. Bowman, John Charles, LL. B., '84. P. Carrollton, 111. Lawyer. Bowman, Lafayette Lee, LL. B., '06. P. H-H. Bldg., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Lawyer. Bowman, Ralph Boyd, B. S. in E. E., '07. P. 804 Hillcrest Ave., Columbia, Mo. T. 3907 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Sales Engineer. *Bowser, William Arthur, LL. B., '80. ALUMNI DIKECTORY. 29 Boyd, Clarence Eugene, A. M., '01. P. 179 Alabama Ave., Spartanburg, S. C. T. Care of Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee, Florida. Prof, of Classics. Boyd, Laura Alice, A. M., '07. P. 505 Valley St., Red Oak, Iowa. Teacher. Boyd, Willie J., LL. B., '08. P. 601 Corby-Forsee Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Boyer, John Sidney, L. B., '95. P, 510 N. 24th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Boyer, Monta Jean (Miss), Pe. P., '92. P. 1648 Washington Ave., Denver, Colo. Teacher. BVace, Penn, LL. B., '94. P. Paris, Mo. Lawyer and Abstracter. Brack, Elbert Otto, B. S. in E. F., '05. P. 1200 Chester St., Little Rock, Ark. Automobiles. Brack, Gottlieb Sterling, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. 1200 Chester St., Little Rock, Ark. T. 67 E. Oak St., Chicago, 111. Asst. Electrical Engineer Sanitary List, of Chicago. ♦Bradford, Fulton Hume, A. B'., '55. Bradley, Harry Everett, B. S. in Agr., '05. P. 6215 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. 653 Sixth St., Bernardino, Cal. Carpenter and Builder. *Bradley, John Benjamin, A. B., '54, A. M., '58. Bradley, John Henderson, LL. B., 02. P. Kennett, Mo. Lawyer. Bradsher, Earl Lockridge, A. B., '03. P. aifton Hill, Mo. T. 1001 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. Inst, of English, U. of 111. Brainerd, Epaphroditus, Pe. P., '88. P. Memphis, Mo. Veterinary Surgeon. 30 UNIVEKSITY OF MISSOURI. Brainerd, Zach., M. D., '85. P. La Belle, Mo. Physician. Brandenburger, Jacobina, B. S., '99. P. 914 W. Jackson St., Chillicothe, Mo. Teacher. Brandenburger, I.eo., B. S. in E. E., '03. P. Care of Telluride Power Co., Provo, Utah. Supt. of Sales — Telluride Power Co. Brandon, Edgar Ewing, A. M., '97. P. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Prof, of Romance Languages and Vice-Pres. Miami Univ. Brandt, Albert, U., B. S. in E. E., '99. P. 272% 62nd. St., Oakland, Cal. Asst. Supt. Oakland Gas and Light and Heat Co. Brandt, Philip Martin, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. 2721/2 62nd St., Oakland, Cal. T. Muskogee, Okla. Branham, Madeline (Mrs. Chas. Collins), A. B., '05, B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 4845a Page Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Branham, Robert Todd, B'. S. in M. E., '08. P. 339-40 Frisco Bldg., or Vrooman Apt., St. Louis, .Mo. T. 1604 S. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mech. Inst. R. I. Frisco R. R. Brasfield, Elizabeth, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Unionville, Mo. T. Shelbina, Mo. Teacher. Brashear, Minnie M., A..B., '08. P. 1318 E. Normal Ave., Kirksville, Uo. Teaching. B'rashear, Roma, A. B., '07. P. 1318 E. Normal Ave., Kirksville, Mo. T. 1216 N. 11th St., Boise, Idaho. Teacher. Braun, Frederick Augustus, A. B., '02. P. Hickman Mills, Mo. T. Iowa City, Iowa; Univ. of Iowa. Inst, in German, Univ. of Iowa. Bray, Willis Joseph, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09, A. M,, '10. P. Frederickstown, Mo. T. Kirksville, Mo. Instructor in Chemistry, Kirksville Normal. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 31 Bi'eece, Thomas Elza, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Windsor, Mo. T. Pelvin, China, care Huofu Hu. Teacher. Breit, Peter Christian, LL. B., '94. P. Savannah, Mo. Lawyer. Bresnehen, Thomas M., B. S., '82. P. Brookfield, Mo. Lawj'er. Bresnehen, Vivian Honora, A. B., '10. P. 817 Lincoln St., Brool^field, Mo. T. Alpha Phi House, Columbia, Mo. Bretz, William Shull, B. Agr., '93. P. Gower, Mo., R. F. D. No. 2. Farmer. Brewer, Miss Lake, A. B., '03, M. D., '08. P. Ridgeway, Mo. Physician. Brewster, Augustus William, LL. B., '87. Bridgeman, Richard Beldon, LL. B., '98. P. Oregon, ]\Io. Lawyer. Bridger, Irwin Lincoln, A. B., '09. P. Maryville, Mo. Farming. Bridges, Helen Frances, B. S. in Ed., '06, A. B., '07. P. 3536 Genesee St., Kansas City, Mo. Teaching. Briegleb, Charles Ferdinand, Pe. P., M. D., '95. P. St. Clair, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Briell, Theodore Eugene, B. S. in M. E., '07. P. 1923 Burd Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Salesman. Brierly, James Scott, LL. B., '87, P. Harrisonville, Mo. Lawyer. Briggs, Clark Arthur, B. S. in E. E., '07, A. M., '10. P. 730 Wall St., Joplin, Mo. T. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, 1438 Meridian PL, N. W. Lab. Asst., U. S. Bureau of Standards. Briggs, David Jackson, LL. B., '82. 32 UNIVEKSITY OF MISSOUKI. Briggs, Leon Elston, C. E., '10. P. 730 Wall St., Joplin, Mo. T. 1113 E. 22nd St., Kansas City, Mo. Civil Engineer. B'riggs, Sarah Pearle (Mrs. Dr. Dullard), A. B., '08. P. 8015 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. Brightman, Samuel Charles, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Lancaster, Mo. T. 621 E. McCarty St., Jefferson City, Mo. Prin. of High School. Brinkley, Milo Hamilton, B. S. in C. E., '03, C. E., '06. P. 220 W. 57th St., New York City, care Am. Soc. of Civil Engi-s. Civil Engineer. *Briscoe, Edward Andrew, B. S. in E. E., '03, E. E., '09, Briscoe, Philip Elias, L. B., '98. P. 4100 Flad Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturer — Sec. and Treas. Independent Paper Cutter Co. Bristow, Harry G., A. B., '09. P. Princeton, Mo. T. 602 S. 9th St., Columbia, Mo. Gov. Chemist — U. S. Dept. of Agr. B'ritt, Leila, S. B., Pe. B., '91 P. Harrisonville, Mo. Britt, Richard H., C. E., '88. P. Harrisonville, I\Io. T. Rockland, Maine. Mining Engineer. Britt, AVilliam M., Pe. P., 78. *Brittingham, L. S., M. D., '47. Broadhead, Garland Carr, IM. S., '73 (Hon.) P. S. 5th St., Columbia, Mo. Geologist. Broadhead, Garland Carr., Jr., A. B., '94, B. S. in C. E., '01. Columbia, Mo. Civil Engineer. Broadhead, Harry Howard, LL. B., '02. P. 9th and Broadway, Columbia, Mo. Merchant. Bronson, Harl H., A. B'., '92, Pe. B., '92. P. Wallowa, Oregon. Supt. of Schools. *Brookie, John, M. D., '51. ALUMNI DIEECTOKY. 33 Brooking, Jos. Hugh, B. S. in C. E., '07. P.- La B'elle, Mo. T. Care Engr. Dept. Frisco R. R., Springfield, Mo. Asst. Engineer Frisco R. R. Brookings, Robert Somers, LL. D., '02. P. 5125 Lindell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. President of Wasliington Univ. Corporation. Brooks, Charles, A. M., '05, Ph. D., '08. P. Durham, N. H. Prof, of Botany, New Hampshire College. Brooks, Clyde, A. B., '05. P. Dept. of Physiology, Univ. of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Pa. Teacher. *Brooks, James H., D. D., '64. *Brooks, Robert J., A. B., '59. *Brooks, Thomas, M. D., '59. Brossard, Cornelia Pierette, A. B., '01. P. 240 W. Main St., Kirkwood, Mo. Teacher. Broughton, Allen Tisdell, LL. B., '99. P. Richmond, Mo. Recorder of Deeds. Brous. Betram Calcey, A. B., '04, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 917 N. 13th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Teacher. ■^Brown, B. B., M. D., '49. *Brown, B. Gratz, LL. D., '72. Brown, Buford Otis, A. B., '08. P. Care Polytechnic College, Ft. Worth, Texas. Sec. & Treas. Polytechnic College. B"rown, Carl Wright, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Vandalia, Mo. T. Alliance, Neb., Box 1391. Asst. Engineer C. B. & Q. R. R. Brown, Elbert Calvin, B. S. in C E., '09. P. Clifton Hill, Mo. Civil Engineer gone to Philippine Islands in Government Work. BVown, Frank Mullins, B. S., Pe. B., '78, M. S., 81. P. 901 Jackson Ave., Jefferson City, Mo. Lawyer. Brown, Geo. Lincoln, Pe. P., '88, B. S., P. B., '92, M. S., '93. P. Brookings, S. Dak. Prof. Math, S. Dak. State College. Dean of Faculty. 34 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUKI. Brown, Guy. B. S. in C. E., '10. P. 4119 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. Maintenance Dept., M. P. R. R. Brown, Hamlin L., B. S. in Agr., '09. P. Lake Springs, Mo. T. 424 E. Gilbert St., Muncie, Ind. Traveling Rep. for White River Creamery. Brown, Harlan Leroy, A. B., '04. Brown, John Griest, LL. B., '02. P. 545 N. Rodney St., Helena, Mont. Lawyer, Asst. Div. Counsel, N. P. R. R. Brown, John S., LL. B., '91. P. 145 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Brown, Lillard Edward, LL. B., '94. P. Cross Timbers, Mo. Brown, Marland Emory, B. S. in M. E., '07, M. E., '09. P. 433 S. Clay Ave., Kirkwood, Mo. Fire Insurance Engineer — Chas. L. Crane Agency. Brown, Mary Efale, A. B., B. S. in H. E., '10. P. 2704 Campbell St., Kansas City, Mo. T. Falls City, Nebr., Box 502. Teaching Dom. Science. *Brown, M. Franklin, M. D., '49. Brown, Nathaniel S., LL. B., '01. P. Lincoln Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Brown, Robert Alexander, LL. B., '89. P. 212 N. 6th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Brown, William Harrison, A. B., '83, A. M., '87. P. 831 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. B'rown, William Salem, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Troy, Mo. Supt. of Schools. *Browne, Joseph Andrew, A. B., '53. Brownfield, George Berry, LL. B., '09. P. Boonville, Mo. Browning, Charles Clifton, M. D., '83. P. 129 S. Primrose Ave., Monrovia, Cal. Bruce, George W., LL. B., '92. P. 7th & Palmer, Delta, Colo. Lawyer. ALUMNI DIRECTOKY. 35 Brundige, Daniel Lee, B. S. in M. E., '06, B. S. in E. E., '07. P. Adrian, Mo. T. Care Telluride Power Co., Provo, Utah. Engineer. Brundige, John Alvin, B. S. in M. E., '02, M. E., B. S. in E. B., '03. P. Adrian, Mo, T. Care Hydro-EIec. Power Comm., Continental Life Bldg., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Asst. Engineer. Brunjes, Ernest August, A. B., '05. P. Warsaw, Mo. Brunner, Ethan Edward, M. D., '04. P. Carrollton, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. B"ruton, Arthur, LL. B., '02. P. Centralia, Mo. Lawyer. Bruton, Philip, A. B., '80. P. Eucalyptus Ave., "Woodland, Cal. Lawyer. Bryan, John Robert, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. Norborne, Mo. T. Ganado, Texas. B"i-yan, Richard Franklyn, B. L., '95. Bryan, William Alexander, LL. B., '97, LL. M., '98. Bryan, William B., A. B., Pe. B., '83. Bryson, George Washington, Pe. P., '90. Bucholz, William, LL. B., '96. P. 3668 Madison Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Buck, Mrs. J. V. (Edith Grace) A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. Buckman, John Edwin, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. Rock Port, Mo. T. 7233 Sangamon St., Chicago, 111. Operating Dept., Commonwealth Edison Co. Buckley, Calvin Virgil, LL. B., '78. P. 410 Main St., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. Buckmaster, Caleb Lockwood, B. S., N. G., '75, M. S., '79. P. Pilot Grove, Mo. (From May to Sept.) T. Seneca, Mo. (From Sept. to May). Supt. of Schools. *Buckner, Samuel, M. D. '46 *Buckner, William Aylett, A. B., '56, A. M., '59. 36 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Buckner, William Fitzhugh, Jr., A. B'., '10. P. Centralia, Mo. Merchant. Buckner, William Wordsworth, Pe. P., '87. Budke, Conrad, Jr., B. S. in E. E., '09. P. University City, Mo. Automobile Business. Budke, Louis Henry, B. S. in E. E., '08. P. University City, Mo. T. 1127 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Solicitor of Advertising. *Buffington, S. A., B. L., B. S., B. P., '93. Buggs, Clark Arthur, B. S. in E. E., '07. P. 730 Wall St., Joplin, Mo. Cashier, Joplin Water Works Co. Bulgin, Richard Gould, LL. B., '00. P. Poteau, Okla. Lawyer. B'ullard, H. Hayes, A. B., '08, A. M., '09. P. Care Dept. of Anatomy, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. Instructor in Anatomy. BuUard, Mrs. H. Hayes (Pearle S. B'riggs), A. B., '08. P. 8015 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. Bullivant, Francis James, B. S. in E. E., '07, E. E., '09. P. 937 Beach Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Electrical Engineer, Wagner Electric Mfg. Co. Bumbarger, Hattie Sue, Pe. P., '85. *Buntin, William C, B. S., '66. Burch, Otis Mason, LL. B., '10. P. Hopkins, Mo. T. Gregory, S. Dak. Lawyer. Burch, WalteV, LL. B., '02. P. Mexico, Mo. Lawyer. *B'urchard, Matthew H., M. D., '46. Burdick, Lawrence Wylie, A. B., '05. P. Albion, Wis. T. 303 N. College Ave., Aledo, 111. Prof, of Mod. Lan. William & Vashti College. *Burge, Royal Joseph, LL. B., '76. Burger, Rudolph Eugene, B. S. in E. E., '07. P. Texarkana, Texas, 12th & Wood St. T. Fremont Gas and Elec. Co., Fremont, Nebr. Engineer. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 37 Burgess, Charles Elmer, A. B., MO. P. Cohasset, Minn. Minister. Burgess, Cornelius M., S. B., '71. Burgess, William Henry, LL. B., '06. P. Care J. I. Case Threshing Mach. Co., St. Louis, Mo, General Collection for J. I. C. Co. Burk, Bessie Bell, Pe. P., '91. Burk, Milton Clarence, A. B'., '02, LL. B., '06. P. Hudson, Wyo. *Burke, Eugene Marshall, LL. B., '00. Burke, James Semore, LL. B., '91. P. 1818 Walker Ave., Houston, Texas. Civil Engineer. Burkhart, Louis Henry, Pe. P., '90. P. 305 Laurel St., Warren, Pa. Burkhart, Louis Hiawatha, B. S. in M. E., '97. P. 305 Laurel St., Warren, Pa. Engineer. Burkhead, Mrs. L. B. (Annie Dillard Hinde), B. L., '96. P. Calle Roma 1610, Mexico, Mo. Burnam, Edmund Hall, A. B., '49, A. M., '53. P. Richmond, Ky. Minister. *Burnam, Thompson, A. B., '46, A. M., '49. Burnes, Alonzo Daniel, LL. B., '85. P. Platte City, Mo. Circuit Judge. ■►Burnes, Calvin Fletcher, A. B., '50, A. M., '53. Burney, Robert Hickman, B. S., '95. P. Culver, Kans. Physician. Burnham, William Henry, A. B., '62, A. M., '65. P. Fulton, Mo. Minister. Burns, Leonard Lloyd, LL. B., '07. Burns, Rose. A. B., '05. P. 832 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago, 111. T. 516 S. 2d St., Bvansville, Ind. Teacher. *Burns, William M., M. D., '49. Burris, Frank Edward, A. B., "10. P. Bethany, Mo. Teacher. B'urris, Milton, LL. B., '75. 38 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Burroughs, Anna Laura, Pe. P., '82. P. R. F. D. No. 3, Columbia, Mo. Farmer. Burroughs, George Winfleld, S. B., '76. Burroughs, Mrs. George (Leora Graves) Pe. P., '88. Burrus, William Bledsoe, A. B., LL. B., '02. P. 406 Dickson Bldg., Norfolk, Va. Gen. Agt., Provident Life & Trust Co. Busch, Ella Adeline, A. B., '02, A. M., '04. P. Washington, Mo. T. 1617 Beverly Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher of German — Erasmus Hall. Buscher, Benjamin, T. E., '88, Sur., '86. P. Lahaddie, Mo. Busey, Robert James, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. Care Empire Dist. Elec. Co., Joplin, Mo. Engineer. Bush, Aubrey Charles, L. B., '98. P. Care Equitable Ins. Co., Hannibal, Mo. Gen. Agt., Equitable Life Ins. Co. Bush, Benjamin Franklin, M. D., '83. Bush, Ernest Forrest, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Wellston, Mo. T. 5503 Vernon, Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher, Supt. Public Schools. Butcher, Laura E., Pe. P., '92. Butler, Charles Thompson, A. M., LL. B., '08. P. Wiess Bldg., Beaumont, Texas. Lawyer. Butler, Franklin, LL. B., '04. P. Box 1546, Spokane, Wash. Right of Way Agent — North Coast Ry. Co. Butler, Granville, Sur. '82. Butler, Mrs. Genevieve (Genevieve Strain), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Portland, Ore., Gen'l Delivery. Butler, Mrs. H. R. (Orienne Myrtle Harris), Pe. P., '92. P. Ada, O'hio. Butler, John Thomas, M. D., '77. P. 129 N. 2d St., Brookhaven, Miss. Physician and Surgeon. *Butler, Noah B., M. D., '51. Butler. William M., Pe. P., '83. Butman, Winthrop Warren, M. D., '97. P 320-21 Jackson Blk., Denver, Colo. Physician — Specialty, Tuberculosis. ALUMNI DIRECTOEY. 39 Byers, Chas. Clinton, A. B., '10. P. 3937 Harrison Ave., Kansas City, Mo. T. 606 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Student. Byers, Charles Emanuel, A. M., '96. Byrne, Annie Margery (Mrs. Anna M. Reed), Pe. P., '89. P. Albany, Mo. T. Dallas, Texas. Cable, John Gore, LL. B., '02. P. 304% Broadway, Hannibal, Mo. Lawyer. *Caldwell, Columbus Pinckney, LL. B., '86. Caldwell, Joseph Wilson, LL. B., '84. P. Marble Hill, Mo. Lawyer. Caldwell, Lou Belle (Mrs. C. L. Parkhurst), A. B., '02. P. Hustonia, Mo. Caldwell, Marcus White, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. Paris, Mo. Couniy Highway Engr. & Surveyor. Caldwell, Minnie Wilford, A. B'., B. S. in Ed., '09 P. 507 Rogers St., Columbia, Mo. Teaching. Caldwell, Robert Breckenridge, A. B., '03, LL. B., '07. P. 831 Scarritt Bldg, Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Caldwell, Robert L., S. B., Pe. B., '92. Calkins, Ripley R., A. M., '70 (Hon.). Callison, Sue, N. G., '72. *Callow, Lee, LL. B., '99. * Calloway, Lewis H., M. D., '46. Calvin, George Browne, LL. B., '09. P. 523 Gladstone Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Secy. Waggener Paint and Glass Co. Cameron, Elisha Franklin, Jr., LL. B., '01. P. 407 Main St., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. Campbell, Albert James, M. D., '04. P. 510 S. Ohio St., Sedalia, Mo. Physician. Campbell, Arthur L., Sur. '87. Campbell, Edw. E., LL. B., '96. P. 612 B. 16th St., Alton, 111. Editor— "Alton Times" and Attorney. 40 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI.^ Campbell, Farris, A. D'., '08. P. 1710 E. 8th St., Kansas City, Mo. Teller— Natl. Bank of the Republic. *Campbell, .Tames Franklin, A. B., '49. ♦Campbell, John Joseph, LL. B., '83. Campbell, Landon Wayne, LL. B., '78. P. 115 E. College St., Oberlin, Ohio. Lawyer and Merchant, Campbell, Laura Belle, A. B., '99. P. 305 S. 6th St., Columbia, Mo Teacher. Campbell, Mary Ellen, A. B., B. S. in Ed., "07. P. 1013 Angelique St., St. Joseph, Mo. Teacher. Campbell. Phillip L., B. L., '99. P. Market & Garden Sts., Goliad, Texas. Banker. *Campbell, Richard S., D. D., '76. Campbell, Thomas Benton, A. B., '51, A. M., '54. P. R. F. D. No. 2, Lexington, Mo. Campbell, William Sherman, LL. B., '96. P. 300 Merchants' Laclede Bldg., St. Louis, Mc. Lawyer. Cannell, Edward B., B. S., '98. P. Lubbock, Texas. Civil Engineer. Cannell, Grace, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Hatton, Mo. T. Marshall, Mo. Teacher. Cannon, Clarence Andrew, LL. B., '08. P. Troy, ]\Io. Lawyer. Caples, Henry Green, M. D., '78. Capp, Frank William, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 202 Michigan Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. T. 705 Maryland PI., Columbia, Mo. Instructor in Engineering School, U. of Missouri. Cardy, Mrs. K. J. (Pearl Moulton), A. B., '04. P. Humbolt, Neb. Cargill, Raymond Luther, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. 2514 Jackson St., St. Joseph, Mo. Deputy High Way Engineer. Carlisle, Ellena B. (Mrs. Robert Hodge., L. B., Pe. B., 'S3. P. 1008a E. Broadway, Columbia, Mo. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 41 Carlon, William James, LL. B., '96. P. Brookfield, Mo. Lawyer. Carmack, James Abner, A. B., '04, A. M., '09. P, R. F. D. No. 1, Cora, Mo. Teacher. Carney, Jefferson Davis, L. B., Pe. B., '87, LL. B., 88. P. 119 W. Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Abstractor and Judge of Probate Court. Cams, Theophilus L., LL. B., '86. P. 907 N. L. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Carpenter, Roy Williams, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. Maysville, Mo., R. F. D., No. 7. Farming. Carr, Benjamin Franklin, M. D., '80. P. Polo, Mo, Physician. Carr, Charles Frederick, B'. S. in Ed., '07, A. B., A. M., '08. P. Clark, Mo. T. Okmulgee, Okla. Prin. of High School. *Carr, Francis, M. D., '50. Carr, James, B. S. in E. E., '08. Carr, Gloria Washington, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Care of Chippewa Bank, St. Louis, Mo. Teaching. Carrington, Will John, A. B., '04. P. 900 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Physician. Carroll, Carey May, LL. B., '96. P. 1500 N. Liberty St., Independence, Mo. Lawyer. Carroll, Stephen Samuel, A. B., '98. P. Ignacio, Colo. Civil Engineer, U. S. Irrigation S. Carssow, Eugene Julius, LL. B., '88. Carter, Asa Leroy, LL. B., '05. Carter, Delton Lovell, A. B., '10. P. R. F. D. No. 1, Nevada, Mo. T. 509 S. 6th St., Columbia, Mo. Student. 42 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Carter, Ewell Martin, B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Auxvasse, Mo. T. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Teacher. Carter, Jesse Lee, B. S. in Ed., '10. Columbia, Mo. ♦Carter, Robert C, A. B., '60, A. M., '68. ♦Carter, Samuel M., M. D., '46. Carter, Woodward Lee, A. B., '10. P. Marshall, Mo. T. 15 W. Pearson St., Chicago, 111. Attending Northwestern U. Dental School. Caruthers, Robert Looney, LL. B., '02. Haskell, Okla. Lawyer. *Case, Don Carlos, M. D., '49. *Case, Theodore, M. D., '51. Cashion, Gilbert Lawrence, LL. B., '98. P. Perryville, Mo, *Cason, George Isaac, M. D., '77. Cassity, George Henry, M. D., '03. P. 43 American Bank Bldg., Shreveport, La. Physician. Castlio, Lola Leland, A. B., '10. P. Howell, Mo. T. 806 Hillcrest Ave., Columbia, Mo. Student. Castlio, Mitchell, B. S., '76. P. Howell, Mo. T. 806 Hillcrest Ave., Columbia, Mo. Physician. Catron, Edward M., LL. B., '98. P. Ponca, Okla. Lawyer. *Catron, George Monroe, A. B., '58, A. M., '61. Catron, Thomas Benton, A. B., '60, A. M., '68. P. 210 Grant Ave., Santa Fe, N. M. Lawyer. Catron, Thomas Kent, LL. B., '05. P. 407 C. C. Ave., Columbia, Mo. Real Estate. Catron, William Van Allen, A. B., '90. P. Lexington, Mo. ♦Cattle, William Wallace, M. D., '48. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 43 Cauthorn, Bessie (Mrs. L. E. Bates), A. B., '04. P. 1214 Joplin St., Webb City, Mo. Cauthorn, Edward Beauford, B. S. in C. E., '94. P. 401 Price Ave., Columbia, Mo. Prin. Columbia H. S. Cauthorn, Franklin, M. D., '78. Cauthorn, Louise Leah, B. S., '01. P. Columbia, Mo. Cauthorn, William Broaddus, T. E., C. E., '91. P. 401 Price Ave., Columbia, Mo. T. 1012-16 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Civil Engineer. *Cauthorn, William S., A. M., '72 (Hon.). Cavanaugh, Daniel Joseph, B'. S. in C. E., '08. P. 612 N. 6th St., St. Charles, Mo. T. Care of Midland Bridge Co., Kansas City, Mo. Contracting Engineer. *Cave, Franklin, A. B., '49. Cave, Marcellus, A. B., '54. P. 1395 12th St., Oakland, Cal. Commercial Agent. Cave, Willard P., LL. B., '83. P. Moberly, Mo. Lawyer. Chamberlain, Arthur Wallace, Ph. B., '75, Ph. M., '78. Chamberlain, George Roberts, LL. B., '07. P. Odessa, Mo. T. Mo. Pac. R. R. Bldg., Sedalia, Mo. Adjuster for M. P. R. R. Chamberlain, Mrs. James (Maggie E. Bass), L. B., '83. P. 5132 Kenmore Ave., Chicago, 111. Chamberlin, John Monroe, LL. B., '10. P. Bolivar, Mo. Lawyer. Chandler, Mrs. J. S. (Lulu Baumgartner), Pe. P., '87. P. Courtland Lawn Farm, Columbia, Mo. Farmer. Chandler, William Henry, B. S. in Agr., '05, M. S. in Agr., '06. P. 213 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. Exp. Sta. Work and Teacher U. of Mo. Chaney, Walter Lee, LL. B., '02. P. Warrensburg, Mo. Lawyer, Prosecuting-Attorney, Johnson Co. Chapman, Albert, LL. B'., '81. P. 222 W. 19th St., Cheyenne, Wyo. Loans and Real Estate. 44 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Chapman, Abel Hugh, M. S. in Agr., '07. P. Lawton, Okla. Agriculturist — State School of Agr. Chapman, Campbell, LL. B., '90. P. 323 Keith & Perry Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Loans and Real Estate. Chapman, Earl Warden, Pe. P., '84. P. B'oquet Hotel, Omaha, Neb. Tariff Clerk, U. P. R. R. Chapman, George Wolcott, LL. B., '84. P. Brookfield, Mo. T. Sherman Coffee House, Chicago, 111. Traveling Salesman. Chapman, Verni Jay, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. Pierce City, Mo. T. Room No. 6, Grand Central Depot, Kansas City, Mo. Asst. Engineer, K. C. S. R. R. Chasnoff, Jacob, A. B., '03, A. M., '04. P. 1806 3d Nat. Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Chastain, Charles William, M. D., '80. P. Plattsburg, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Chastain, DeWitt Clare, LL. B., '05. P. Butler, Mo. Lawyer. *Chauvenet, William, LL. D., '70. *Chenaworth, J. W., M. D., '51. Cheney, George Nelson, A. B., '87, A. M., '90. P. 103 Stolp Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Lawyer — Librarian Court of Appeals. Cheverton, James Arthur, B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Rich Hill, Mo. T. 545 Jackson Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Draughtsman-Milwaukee Elec. Ry. Co. Child, Mary Ella (Mrs. W. H. Skinner), B. S., Pe. B'., '79, M. S., S4 P. 1602 Poplar St., Lincoln, Neb. Childers, Lucius Franklin, B. S. in Agr., '06, M. S. in Agr., '09. P. Moscow, Idaho. Prof. Agronomy, Idaho Exp. Station. Chiles, Eber Earle, A. B., '10. T. Fredericktown, Mo. Prin. High School. *Chiles, Philip B., M. D.. '49. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 45 Chinn, James Henry, Jr., LL. B., '06. P. Platte City, INIo. Lawyer. Chinn, James P., LL. B., '89. P. Higginsville, Mo. Lawyer — State Senator. Chittenden, Edward Wilson, A. B'., '09, A. I\L, '10. P. 135 S. Sycamore Ave., Centralia, 111. T. 120 Maroon Heights, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Student. C'ho, Toda, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Kumura, Shimotsuga-Gun, Tochiji-Ken, Japan. *Chowning, John L., S. B., Pe. B., C. E., '83. Christensen, John Benjamin, LL. B., '95. P. Commonwealth Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. * Christie, Cassius Westwood, A. B., '81. P. Lewistown, Mo. Bank Cashier. Chubbuck, Levi, B. Agr., '82, M. Agr., '85. 203 Majestic Bldg., Denver, Colo. Dept. of Agr. U. S., Office of Farm Management. Church, W. Lenoir, A. B., '67, A. M., '70. P. Cincinnati, Ohio. Author. Claiborne, James Robert, Jr., LL. B., '06. P. 1218 Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Clarahan, Mamie Margaret, B. S. in Ed., '09, A. ]\L, "10. P. 811 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Clark, Bennett H., M. D., '80. P. Ashland, Neb. Physician and Surgeon. Clark, B'oyle Gordon, LL. B., '06. P. Exchange Nat. Bank Bldg., Columbia, INIo. Lawyer. Clark, Charles Francis, LL. B., '01. P. Mexico, Mo. Real Estate. Clark, Chester Harlan, M. D., '04. P. 4617 Cook St., Lake View Sta. Duluth, Minn. Physician and Surgeon for R. R. Clark, E. W., A. M., '70 (Hon.). 46 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Clark, Henry Whitley, L. B., '87. P. Lebanon, Mo. Merchant. Clark, Lewis Vaughn, LL. B., '86. P. Setauket, Suffolk Co., Long Island, N. Y. Retired Banker. Clark, Manvel Thomas, M. D., '99. P. Temple, O-kla. Physician. Clark, William Henry, LL. B., '88. Muskogee, Okla., Turner BIdg., Room 5. Lawyer and Farm Loans. *Clark, William Pickett, A. M., '48. Clarkson, John Scott, A. B., '46, A. M., '49. P. Columbia, Mo. *Clarkson, Julius L., M. D., '50. • *Clarkson, William Payne, A. B., '45, A. M., '48. Clary, Joseph Morrow, LL. B., '85. P. Quincy, 111. Teacher. Clausen, Erwin Werner, LL. B., '10. P. 310 Parallel St., Atchison, Kan. Lawyer. Clawson, George William, B. H., '77, LL. B., '79. Clay, Elizabeth Hope, A. B., '09. P. Pleasant Hill, Mo. T. 2300 Independence Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. English Teacher. *Clayton, Charles Fenton, M. D., '48. *Cleary, Frederick Charles, A. B., '99, LL. B., '02. Cleaveland, Alton Bruce, LL. B'., '09. P. Breckenridge, Mo. Lawyer. Clegg, Phillip, B. S. in M. E., '04. P. 165 Broadway, New York, care of Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co. Salesman, W. E. & M. Co. Cleland, Joseph Waldo, A. B'., '09. P. Buffalo, Mo. Sales-Mgr. *Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain) LL. D., '02. Clements, Hayden B., B. S. in E. E., '06. P. 610 Fatherland St., Nashville, Tenn. Treasurer, Hermitage Security Co. ALUMNI DIKECTOKY. 47 Clements, William Thomas, LL. B., '96. P. Platte City, Mo. Lawyer. Clendenin, Ida May (Mrs. Atchison), B. S., '86, M. S., '89. P. R. F. D. 2, Laddonia, Mo. Clendenin, William Wallace, S. B., '86, S. M., '89. P. 53 W. 104th St., New York, N. Y. Teaching. Clevenger, Joseph Raymond, A. B., '05, LL. B., '07. P. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Lawyer. Clifford, Chas. Alford, LL. B., '10. P. College Mound, Mo. T. 418 W. 4th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Lawyer. Clifford, George Edward, LL. B., '07. Clift, Jay Gould, LL. B., '08. P. Waurika, Okla. Lawyer. Clifton, Charles Minton, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. 3537 Olive St., Kansas City, Mo. Salesman. Cline, Lewis Edgar, B. S. in Agr., '05, M. S., '07. P. R. F. D. No. 7, Columbia, Mo. Dairyman and Farmer Clint, Morgan Leland, M. D., '08. P. Meadville, Mo. Physician. Cloud, Riley Hansom, LL. B., '00. P. Cherokee, Okla. Lawyer. Cochel, Charlotte Clavin, A. B., '05. P. 815 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Cochel, Mary Alice, B. S. in Ed., B. S. in Agr., '06, M. S. in Agr., '07. P. 815 College Ave., Columbia, Mo T. 5127 Fairmount Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Teaching. *Cochel, Robert Calvin, B. S. in C. E., '03. Cochel, Wilber Andrew, A. B., '97, B. S. in Agr., '05. P. State College, Penn. Prof. Animal Husbandry, State College. Cochran, Turner Cleveland, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. R. F. D. No. 5, Lockwood, Mo. Farmer and Stockraiser. 48 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Cockefair, Edgar Augustus, B. S. in Agr., '07, M. S., '09. P. 449 N. Frederick St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Teacher — State Normal. Cockefair, William Raymond, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. Warrensburg, Mo. Farm Manager. ♦Cockerill, Henry Clay, A. B., '51, A. M., '54. Coe, Denzil Worrell, B. S. in C. E., '05, C. E., '07 P. Bend, Oregon, care of Natl. Bank. T. 107 Cook Ave., Elmhurst, L. I., N. Y. Asst. Engineer, P. T. & T. R. R. Co. Coe, Montelle Galbreath, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. Bend, Ore. Bank Cashier. Coffey, George McDowell, A. B., '09. P. Chouteau, Mont. Coffman, George Williamson, L. B., Pe. B., '84. P. 6707 Michigan Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Physician. Cogwell, John W., A. B'., '65. Coil, James Noah, LL. B., '95. P. Nevada, 'Mo. Lawyer — State Representative. Cole, Charles Arthur, B. S. in Agr., '06, M. S. in Agr., '07. P. Lewiston, Idaho. Horticulturist. *Cole, David V., M. D., '49. Cole, Frances Cleveland, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 600 High St., Columbia, Mo. T. 2720 9th St., Meridian, Miss. Teacher in High School. Cole, Granville Malcolm, A. B., '02. P. Joplin, Mo. T. 1306 Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Real Estate Broker. Cole, John Bryant. LL. B., '81. . P. 514 Pearl St., Joplin St. Lawyer. Cole, James Preston, A. B'., '10. P. Quaker, Mo. T. 541 Lexington Ave., New Y^ork, N. Y. Student. Cole, Norman John, A. B., LL. B., '05. P. Richfield, Idaho. In Business. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 49 Cole, Mrs. N. J. (Emma McCallon), B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Richfield, Idaho. Cole, Pleasant Theodore, B'. S. in Agr., '10. P. Quaker, Mo. T. Va. Truck Exp. Sta., Norfolk, Va. Asst. Horticulture. Cole, Redmond Selecman, A. B., '05, A. M., '06. P. Pawnee, Okla. Lawyer — County Atty. Cole, Mrs. R. S. (Mary T. Cross ), B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Pawnee, Okla. *Cole, William Marvin, M. D., '03. Cole, Winfred Bryan, A. B., '06. P. Quaker, Mo. T. Yung-chun, China, via Feechow. Missionary. Coleman, Lindley Gilmore, B. S. in E. E., '06. P. 60 Wall St., New York, N. Y., care of H. L. Doherty & Co. T. Meridian, Miss. Secretary-Treasurer M. L. & Ry. Co. Coleman, Nannie Stern (Mrs. C. H. Stumberg), A. B., Pe. P., '90. A. M., '92. P. 609 Lafayette St., Baton Rouge, La. Coleman, Robert Lafayette, Jr., LL. B., '00. P. 6th St., Lake Charles, La. Real Estate and Insurance. *Coleman, William Preston, LL. B., '90. Collette, Elmon Laurence, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Campbell & Kearney Sts., Springfield, Mo. T. Monett, Mo., Box 71. Civil Engineer. Colley, Elijah Augustus, M. D., '04. P. 10th and Olive Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Collier, Henry Allison, LL. B., '05. P. Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Collier, Luther Todd, A. B., '46, A. M., '49. P. 2621 Askew Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 407 Junction Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Collins, Charles, A. B., '03. P. 4845a Page Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher — French in High School. 4 50 UNIVERSITY OF MI8S0UKI. Collins, Mrs. Charles (Madeline Branhara), A. B., '05, B. S. in Ed. '06. P. 4845a Page Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Collins, James Johnson, B. S., '77. P. 743 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. T. 912 Steger Bldg., Chicago, 111. C'fficer of German-American Consv^ of Music. Collins, Mortimer Bartlett, LL. B., '08. P. Brookfield, Mo. Lawyer. Colman, Norman Jay, LL. D., '05. P. 5499 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Editor — "Colman's Rural World." Colvin, George Henry, A. B., B. S. in Ed., 'OS P. Mendon, Mo. T. Box 1, Miles City, Mont. Teacher. Colwell, Elmira Edna, A. B., '10. P. 1217 Clara Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. Comby, Julius Hugh., A. B., '09. P. lantha. Mo. T. Bethany, Mo. Teacher of Science. Comer, Arthur Oliver, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. T. Edgerton Presby Academy, Edgerton, Mo. Comer, Edward Smith, A. B., '05. P. Mound City, Mo. T. Vandalia, Mo. Prin. High School. Comfort, Kirk Grant, LL. B'., '88. • P. Westville, Okla. Banking. i Compton, Maud Fisher, A. B., '08. P. E. Kansas St., Independence, Mo. Compton Ross, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Dexter, Mo. T. Sanger, Texas. Supt. of Schools. Comstock, Clark Wesley, A. B., '07. P. Mound City, Mo. Minister. *Conant, A. J., A. M., '71 (Hon.). *Conkey, Zebina, M. D., '48 (Hon.). ALUMNI DIRECTOEY. 51 Conley, Dudley Steele, B'. L., '99. P. 342 W. 56tli St., New York, N. Y. Physician. Conley, Milton Robards, A. B., L. B., Pe. B., '92, A. M., '93, LL. B., '98, LL. M., 99. P. 1514 N. 8th St. Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Conley, Sanford Francis, A. B., '90. P. 602 Sanford St., Columbia, Mo. Real Estate, Loans & Insurance. Conley, William Thompson, B'. S., '94. P. 594 Conley Ave., Columbia, Mo. Banker. Connaway, Dennis Harper, B. A. S., '84. P. Dodge City, Kansas. Farming & Stockraislng. *Connaway, James Marshall, N. G., '69. Connaway, John Waldo, M. D., '91. P. 603 S. 5th St., Columbia, Mo. Professor — Comparative Medicine, Exp. Sta. Connaway, Mrs. J. W. (Eleanor Ficklin), A. D. B., '85; Pe. B., '88. P. 603 S. 5th St., Columbia, Mo. Connaway, Philip Kearnoy, M. D., '88. P. Deming, N. M. *Connell, George W., M. D., '51. Conner, Charles M., B". Agr., '91. P. Manila, P. I., care of Bureau of Agriculture. Act. Director Bureau of Agr. for P. I. Connon, Mrs. John M. (Sallie Watson), A. B., '02. P. 41 Moody Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. Connor, Charles W., Sur., '82. Conover, Charles Clinton, B. Agr., '96. P. 2636 Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Internist. Conrad, George Elihu, Pe. P., '77, A. B., Pe. B., '82, LL. B., '83. P. Marble Hill, Mo. Lawyer. Conrad, Henry S., LL. B., '00, P. 1026 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawer. Conrad, Nicholas Bayard, LL. B., '94. P. Montrose, Mo. Lawyer. 52 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Conran, James F., L. B., '97, LL. B., '00. P. 308 Merchants-Laclede Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Constance, Edward Cartwright, B. S. in C. E., '04, C. B., '10. P. U. S. Engr. Office, Custom House, St. Louis, Mo. Civil Engineer — U. S. Engineer Office. Conway, Andrew May, A. M., '64, M. D., '74. P. 400 Ann St., Columbia, Mo. Physician. Conway, Mary Ellen (Mrs. W. T. Nardin), A. B., '04. P. Blackstone Ave., St. Louis, Mo. *Conway, Thomas Frederick, A. B., '61, A. M., '64. Cook, Archie Adelia, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Warrensburg, Mo. T. Carrollton, Mo. Teaching Manual Training. Cook, Jennie, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Centralia, Mo. T. Baker, Nevada. Teacher. Cook, Richard Franklin, M. D., '93. P. Carrollton, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Cook, Robert Milton, B'. S., '82. P. 2818 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. Vice-Pres. Inter-State Nat. Bank. Cook, Mrs. Robt. M. (Lida Reed), B. S., '82. P. 2818 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. Cook, William Hutchison, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 1639 B. 22d Ave., Denver, Colo. Educ. Director of Y. M. C. A. Coon, Bonnie Lee, A. B'., '10. P. Trenton, Mo. Coons, James Henry, A. B., '90. P. 34 N. Center St., Phoenix, Ariz. Mgr. Mutual Life Ins. Co. *Coons, William Edgar, A. B., '85, A. M., '88. Coontz, Laura (Mrs. Wm. Franken), A. B., '04. P. Carrollton, Mo. Cooper, Mrs. J. W. (Dollie Holloway), Pe. B'., '91. P. 603 E. Wyandotte Ave., McAlester, Okla. Cooper, Isaac Benjamin, B. S. in C. E., '01. P. Amorillo, Texas. Engineer. Cooper, John M., C. E., '83. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 53 *Cope, Walter Smalley, B. S. in E. E., '01. Coppedge, Adam Van Buren, LL. B., '99. P. Grove, Okla. Lawyer. Corbett, Samuel Jefferson, LL. B., '99. P. Caruthersville, Mo. Lawyer. *Cordell, Edward Humphreys, A. B., '55. Corder, Charlotte Frances, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '04, A. M., '05. P. Corder, Mo. T. Santa Monica, Cal. Teacher. Corder, Leslie Walker, LL. B., '90. P. Waverly, Mo. Farmer. Cordonier, Alford Edward, M. D., '05. P. Troy, Kan. Physician and Surgeon. Corl, Wiley Franklin, B. S. in E. E., '08. P. 818 W. 6th St., Joplin, Mo. T. 181 La Salle St., Chicago, 111., care of The Arnold Co. Electrical Engineer. *Corlew, J. L., M. D., '91. Corley, Thomas Emmett, LL. B., '00. P. Indian Creek, Mo. Corner, Myron Alfred, S. B., Pe. B., '89. Corothers, William Jackson, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Farming. Corrigan, George Washington, B. S. in C. E., '00. P. 319 Elsworth Ave., San Mateo, Cal. Corum, Cruth Drue, LL. B., '93. P. 520 Bank of Commerce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Corwin, Viola Mae, A. B., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. T. Maryville, Mo. Cosby, Byron, A. B., '04, B. S. in Ed., '06, A. M., '10. P. 1303 E. Scott St., Kirksville, Mo. Inst, of Math. Normal. Cosgrove, Daniel Watson, A. B., '05. P. Boonville, Mo. Lawyer. 54 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Cosgrove, James Warder, B". L., '98. P. Muskogee, Okla. 318-319 Equity Building. Lawyer. *Costilio, Joseph N., M. D., '49. Cottey, William Ernest, LL. B., '99. P. Edina, Mo. Teacher. Cottingham, Robert Curtis, M. D., '83. P. San Francisco, Cal., 3319 Jackson St. Physician. *Cottrill, Bermit Clyde, LL. B., '05. Couey. Eugene Warrington, LL. B'., '89. Coursault, Mrs. J. G. (Edith Snyder), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 719 Missouri Ave., Columbia, Mo. Courtney, Mrs. M. F. (Etta Hancock), B. L., Pe. P., '90, Pe. B., '92. P. Chickasha, Okla., care of Farmers State Bank. Covert, Charles Elmer, LL. B., '97. P. Houston, Mo. Lawyer. Covert, Mrs. Charles (Virginia Sutherland, B. L., '96. P. Houston, Mo. Covington, Ruth Olive, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Dexter, Mo. T. 1116 Central Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. Teacher in High School. Covington, Sibyl Violet, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Dexter, Mo. T. Metropolis, 111. Supervisor of Music and Drawing. Cowden, Albert Sidney, LL. B., '88. P. 3091/2 College St., Springfield, Mo. Lawyer. Cowgill, Eugene Park, M. D., '04. P. Moody, Mo, Physician. Cowgill, John Wood, A. M., '65. P. Hickman, Ky. Pharmacist. Cowherd, Benjamin Earl, LL. B., '09. P. Jefferson Bldg., Moberly, Mo. Lawyer. Cowherd, Fletcher, LL. B., '79. P. 10th and Walnut Sts., Kansas City, ]\Io. Real Estate and Loan Broker. ALUMNI DIEECTORY. 55 *Cow'nerd, Walker, A. B., T. E., C. E., '79. Cowherd, William Strother, A. B., '81, LL. B., '82. P. 615 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Cox, Benjamin Franklin, LL. B., '87. Cox, Elza Allison, B. S. in C. E., '98. P. Carbonale, 111. City Engineer. Cox, Henry Jefferson, A. B., Pe. B., B. A. S., '84. P. Kenton, Tenn. Teaching. Cox, Norman Alphus, LL. B., '10. P. 102 N. Moffet St., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. Cox, Walter Caldwell, Pe. P., '89. *Cox, W. P., M. D., '51. Craig, Gladys Louise, A. B., '10. P. Knob Noster, Mo. Teacher. Craig, James Herman, A. B., '06. P. Smithville, Mo. Advertising — L. Roy Curtiss Adv. Co., 1012 Baltimore, K. C, Mo. Ci-aig, Mrs. J. W. (Bessie Powell), A. B., '00, Pe. P., '92. P. Vinita, Okla. Craig, Mary Mahala, A. B., '10. P. Knob Noster, Mo. T. Carlton College, Bonham, Texas. Teaching. Craig, Sadie Lucile, A. B., '10. P. 1309 Keiser Ave., Columbia, Mo. Craig, Thomas Jefferson, B. S. in M. E., '03. P. 934 18th Ave., Seattle, Washington. Special Hazard Surveyor, Board of Fire Underwriters. Craighead, Edwin Boone, LL. D., '98. P. 1306 Octavia St., New Orleans, La. Pres. of Tulane University. Crain, Henry Walter, A. B., '10. P. Wilcox, Saskatchewan, Canada. Rancher. * Cramer, Floyd Bruce, LL. B., '98. *Crane, John, M. D., '47 (Hon.). * Craven, Braxton, LL. D., '74. 56 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Cravens, Richard Price, LL. B., '78. P. Salina, Kan. Fire Ins. Real Estate and Loans. ♦Cravens, Jerre C, A. B., '60, A. M., '68, A. M., '71. Cravens, Wm. B., LL. B'., '93. P. 303 N. 15th St., Ft. Smith, Ark. Lawj^er. Crawford, Wm. Calvin, LL. B., '98. P. Dickinson. N. Dak. Judge — 10th Judicial Dist. Craycroft, Clark, S. B., N. G., '71. P. 522 Main St., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. Creason, Goodwin, LL. B., '00. P. 3630 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Crecelius, Samuel Forder, C. E., '92. P. 2439 Ransdall Ave., Louisville, Ky. Civil Engineer. * Crews, Paul N., LL. B'., '91. Crichton, Leslie Nathaniel, B. S. in E. E., 06. P. Care of Telluride Power Co., Provo, Utah. Electrical Engineer. Cripps, David Andrew, LL. B., '02. P. Independence, Kan. Lawyer and Stockman. Crisp, John Doughi,ss, LL. B., '82. Crittenden, Henry Houston, A. B., '81. P. 211 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Loans and Real Estate. *Crittenden, T. T., LL. D., '82. Crockett, James Anderson, M. D., '03. P. Stanberry, Mo. Physician. *Crogsdale, Davis L., M. D., '51. Crook, James E., LL. B., '99. P. Box 181, Osceola, Mo. Lawyer — Prosecuting- Attorney. Crooks, Charles Walter, LL. B., '95. P. Mt. Vernon, Mo. Judge of Probate Court. Cross, James Thomas, Pe. P., '81. P. Moberly, Mo. Lumber Dealer. ALUMNI DIRECTOKY. 57 Crosby, Mrs. H. L. (Olive Williams), B. S. in Ed., '09. P, Care of Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia, Penn. Cross, Mary Thompson (Mrs. R. S. Cole), B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Pawnee, Okla. Cross, William Thomas, A. B., '08, A. M., '09. P. Columbia, Mo. Dept. of Sociology, U. of Mo. Crossan, Charline E., A. B., '10. P. Bethany, Mo. *Crouch, Clarence Clinton, A. B., '04. Crouch, Menta Leslie, A. B., '07, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. 607 S. 5th St., Columbia, Mo. T. Box 144, St. Cloud, Minn. Phys. Dir. of Public Schools. Crouch, Mrs. M. L. (Lulu Grace Oliver), B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. T. Box 144, St. Cloud, Minn. *Crow, Albion T., M. D., '48 (Hon.). Crow, Clara, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Cincinnati, Iowa. T. Savannah, Mo. Teacher in High Schaal. Crow, George W., N. G., '69. Crowder, Albert Baxter, A. B., '09. P. 6143 Gambleton PI., St. Louis, Mo. Automatic Sprinkling. Crowder, Enoch Herbert, LL. B., '86. P. War Dept., Washington, D. C. Brigadier-General and Judge Advocate General of U. S. Army. Crowe, Philander Goodan, LL. B., '07. P. 218 Gale St., Chillicothe, Mo. Lawj^er. Crumbaugh, James Edmond, Ph. B., '79, Ph. M., '83, LL. B., '81. P. Columbia, Mo. Publisher U. of Missouri. Crumbaugh, Lucy Cornelia, B. S. in Ed., '06 as of '95. P. 208 S. 8th St., Columbia, Mo. Prin. B'enton School. Crutsinger, Geo. Mahan, A. M., '10. P. Victoria, Texas. Teacher. Culbertson, Jerry, LL. B., '96. P. 1219 Commerce Building, Kansas City, Mo. Financial Broker. 58 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Cullen, Patrick Henry, LL. B., '88. P. 5437 Von Versen Ave., or 315 Commercial Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer, Gumming, Alexander S., LL. B., '95. P. Bethany, Mo. Lawyer. Cunningham, Ethel Belle, A. B., B'. S. in Ed. ,'10. P. Plattsburg, Mo. Teaching. ♦Cunningham, Joseph, LL. B., '00. Cunningham, Newton Corwin, LL. B., '02. P. Palmyra, Mo. *Cunningham, Richard P., M. D., '49. Curran, Charles M., LL. B., '84. Curran, Robert Wynne, B. S. in E. E. '10. P. Breckenridg'e, Mo. T. Care Denver Gas & Elec. Co., or 1101 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo. Currey, John Waggoner, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Wagoner, Okla. Civil Engineer. Currie, Malcolm, LL. B., '05. P. Sac. City, Iowa. Lawyer. Curry, Charles Forrest, C E., '10. P. 3001 E. 7th St., Kansas City, Mo. T. K. A. House, Columbia, Mo. Asst. at Engineer Exp. Station. Curtis, Arthur Melvin, LL. B., '08. P. Hartville, Mo. Lawyer — Pros. Atty. * Curtis, Ira Blackman, M. D., '49. Curtwright, Charles Hardin, A. B., '81. P. Columbia, Mo. Breeder of Fine Stock. Curtright, Henry Theodoric, A. B'., '78. P. 5100 Raymond Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mgr. Oliver Chilled Plow Works. D'Aubin, Gertrude Lucinda C, A. B., '09. P. Lamar, Mo. T. Apartado 123 Bis, Mexico, D. F. Dabbs, Hugh Albin, LL. B., '89. P. Keystone Bldg., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 59 Daily, Herly Smith, LL. B., '10. P. Acacia House, Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Daily, Wallace Edgar, A. B., '09. P. Ray, Ariz. Dakan, Carl Spencer, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Stanberry, Rio. T. 164 Garfield St., Seattle, Wash. Teacher. Dale, F. Hiner, LL. B., 'OG. P. Guymon, Okla. • Lawyer. Daley, Lyle IMiner, A. B., '06. P. 2606 Union Blvd., St. Louis, Mo Physician. *Dameron, Lewis Taylor, A. B., '46. Dance, George Nelse, LL. B., '06. P. W. Paden St., Blackwell, Okla. Lawyer. Dandy, Walter Edward, A. B., '07. P. Sedalia, Mo. T. 1020 Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins, Asst. in Surgery. Daniel, Henry Clay, A. B., '65, A. M., '68. P. 2515 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Daniels, Francis Potter, A. M., '97, Ph. D., '05. P. 503 Wabash Ave., Crawfordsville, Ind. Prof. Romance Languages, Wabash College. Daniels, Ralph E., B. S. in E. E., '10. P. 1152a B'ayard Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Sales Engineer. Daniels, Samuel, Pe. P., '81, B. S., Pe. B., '83. P. Versailles, Mo. Lawyer and Editor. Darby, Robert Ezra, Pe. P., '88. P. 1139 N. Jefferson St.. Springfield, Mo. Dentist. Dashiell, Laura H. (Mrs. Wm. H. Jesse), A. B., '02. P. Moraskon, Va. *Daugherty, George Frederick, A. B'., '49. *Daugherty, William Marion, M. D., '75. Davenport, Sara Jeannette, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. 610 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. 60 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Davidson, Ernest Evans, LL. B., '01. P. 1015, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Davidson, William Andrew, B. S. in C. E., 'OY. P. Oregon, Mo. T. Care Mo. Pac. R. R., Sedalia, Mo. Asst. Engineer. Davidson, William Clarence, B'. S. in C. E., '07, C. E., '09. P. Worth, Mo. T. 909 Elm St., Columbia, Mo. Civil Engineer. Davis, B'arton Denny, LL. B., '08. P. 826 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Davis, Charles Burton, A. B., '02, LL. B'., '05. P. 6717 Arsenal St., or Four Courts, St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Davis, Clara, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 722 Missouri Ave., Columbia, Mo. T. 136 Wildwood Ave., Excelsior Springs, Mo. Teacher. *Davis, Cyrus A., M. D., '51, (Hon.). Davis, Fannie C, Pe. P., '81. P. 3651 Humphrey St., St. Louis, Mo. Insurance and Real Estate. Davis, Forest E., B. Agr., '91. P. 430 S. Spring St., Nevada, Mo. Farmer. Davis, Frank Asbury, LL. B., '99. P. 1523 Jule St., St. Joseph, Mo. Cattleman. Davis, George Ferdinand, Ph. B., '72, A. B., '75. Davis, George Thomas, B. S., Pe. P., '96. P. R. F. D. 2, Bronaugh, Mo. Stockman and Farmer. Davis, Henry Bascom, T. E., C. E., '79. P. Deer Lodge, Mont. T. Pomona, Cal. Civil Engineer and Ranchman. Davis, Homer Jason, A. B., '03. P. 9 E. Jackson Road, Webster Groves, Mo. Clerk— St. L. & San F. R. R. Co. Davis, Horace Raymond, A. B., '10. P. 722 Missouri Ave., Columbia, Mo. Scholar in English, U. of Mo. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 61 Davis, Jacob S., LL. B., '87. P. Cassville, Mo. Lawyer. *Davis, James Addison, LL. B., '00. Davis, James Morgan, M. D., '51. P. Windle, Tenn. Physician and Surgeon. Davis, James Rollins, LL. B., '81. =incoln Gas & Light Co., Lincoln, Neb. Gen. Engineer. Kennish, John, L. B., Pe. B., '84. P. 3532 Tracey Ave., Kansas City, Mo. T. Jefferson City, Mo. Judge Supreme Court of Mo. Kenton, Mr. Gussie Vlron, B. S. in Jr., '10. P. Lee's Summit, Mo. T. 3646 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Reporter — St. Louis Star. Kenton, Joseph Wheeler, B. L., '04. P. 821 E. Vilas Ave., Guthrie, Okla. Lawyer. *Kerl, Simon, A. B., '53, A. M., '57. *Kern, Absalom, M. D., '49. Kern, Robert Russ, A. B., '05. P. 819 15th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Teacher — Geo. Washington University. *Kerr, James S., M. D., '50. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 133 Kerr, Luther Yager, B. S. in C. E., '04. P. U. S. Engineers, Memphis, Tenn. Asst. in Charge of Levees, 1st and 2(1 Dists., !\Iississippi River Commission. Kerr, Nelson, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Shelbina, Mo. Supt. of Schools. Kessler, Daniel William, B. S. in C. E., '08. Kesler, Mrs. John L. (Kate Hayes), A. B., Pe. B., '80, A. M., '85. P. Waco, Texas. T. Baylor Univ., Waco, Texas. Supt. of Girls' Halls, Baylor University. Ketter, E. P., B. S. in C. E., '08. P. Mexico, Mo. City Engineer. ■^Key, William Casey, LL. B., '97. Keyser, Cassius Jackson, S. B., '92. P. Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. Head of Math. Dept., Columbia University. Keyte, I. Allen, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Hannibal, Mo. Teacher. Kidd, James Franklin, B. S. in E. E., '06. P. Wainwright Bldg., Gen. Elec. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Salesman. Kidwell, Minna A. (Mrs. O. L. Hotchkiss), A. M., '96. P. 4a Humboldt 44, Mexico, Mexico. Kieffer, Victor Bancroft, A. B., '02. P. 155 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Physician. Kiel, Hermann Gottlieb, Pe. P., '90, B. L., '93. P. 234 14th St., N. E., Washington, D. C, Clerk in War Dept. Kierman, Robert Emmett, A. B., A. M., M. D., '53-'56. P. Huntsville, Mo. Physician. Kilburn, Francis Herbert, B. S. in M. E., '04. P. 3891 E. 17th St., Kansas City, Mo. T. Woodward, Okla. Supt. Woodward Water Works. Killam, David Edwin, LL. B., '08. P. Troy, Mo. Lawyer. 134 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Killam, Mrs. D. E. (Clara Martin Avery), A. B., '07. P. Troy, Mo. Killam, Oliver Winfield, LL. B., '98. P. Grove, Okla. Investments. Killam, Susan Elizabeth, B. S. in Ed., '07, A. B., '08. P. Elsberry, Mo. T. Stephens College, Columbia, Mo. Teacher of English, Stephens College. Kilmer, Harry Edmund, A. B., '05, A. M., LL. B.. 'OS. P. Centerview, Mo. Farmer. Kimmell, Karl, LL. B., '97. P. 1105-6 Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Kimpel, Ben Drew, LL. B., '06. P. 506-8 Merchants' Bank Bldg., Fort Smith, Ark. Lawyer. Kincannon, Fred, LL. B., '06. P. Granby, Mo. Kinder, Francis Millington, LL. B., '10. P. Poplar Bluff, Mo. Lawyer. Kinder, Linus Sanford, LL. B., '8S. P. Plainview, Texas, i District Judge, 64th Judicial District. *King, Edward Livingston, A. B., '58. *King, F. P., M. D., '51. King, George Franklin, B. S. in Agr., '07. P. Lafayette, Ind. Live Stock Asst., State Bd. of Agr., Purdue Univ. King, Joseph Francis, LL. B., '82. P. Newkirk, Okla. Lawyer. King, Melville St. Clair, LL. B., '96. P. 155 W. 65th St., New York, N. Y. Public Accountant. King, Robert Charles, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. Bethlehem, Pa. Prin. Bethlehem Tsp. High School *King, Thomas Benton, A. B., '58 A. M., '66. *King, Walter A., A. B., '49, A. M., '57. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 135 Kingsbury, Laura Mabel, E. 3. in Ed., '08. P. Corning, Cal. T. Gridley, Cal. Teacher in High School. Kingsbury, Robert Leonard, A. B., '08. P. 522 Franklin Ave., Moberly, Mo. Bookkeeper and Yardman, J. T. Cross Lumber Co. Kinkead, Robert Benton, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. 235 W. 3d Ave., Columbus, Ohio. T. Bloomingdale, Ind. Teacher. Kirchner, Elida Caroline, A. M., '02. P. 1127 N. Grand, St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. Kirk, George Washington, A. B., '09, A. M., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. T. Box 173, Sikeston, Mo. Teacher. Kirk, Hazel, A. B., '09. P. 302 Miller St., Warrensburg, Mo. Kirk, Louis L., LL. B., '77. P. Wellsville, Mo. Gardener and Fruit Raiser. Kirk. Robert Lawrence, LL. B., '98. P. Salem, Ore. Prin. of High School. Kirkland, James Hampton, LL. D., '10. T. Nashville, Tenn. Chancellor of Venderbilt Univ. *Kirkpatrick, Robert, M. D., '46. Kirtley, Julia, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 3828 Harrison Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Kiskaddon, Andrew Henry, A. B., LL. B., '10. P. Trust Bldg. of St. Louis Co., Clayton, Mo. Lawyer. Kitchens, Mrs. T. M. (May Hunt Lonsdale), Pe. P., '86. P. Westwood Ave., Columbia, Mo. Kite, Edward Everett, LL. B., '07. P. St. Francis, Kan. Lawyer. Kitt, Paul Duane, LL. B., '98. P. Chillicothe, Mo. Lawyer. 136 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Kizer, Raymond Alvan, B. S. in E. E., '06. P. 1400 Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Draftsman, Met. St. Ry. Co., 1500 Grand Ave. Kleeman, Eleanor, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. R. F. D. No. 6, Independence, Mo. T. Cameron, Mo. Teacher in High School. Kleinschmidt, Fred, B. S. in E. E., '10. P. 101 S. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. T. 209 Seward Bldg., Schenectady, N. Y. Electrician, Gen. Elec. Co. Kleinschmidt, Henry S., B. S. in C. E., '03. P. 40 W. North Temple St., Salt Lake aty, Utah. Civil Engineer. Kleinschmidt, Rudolph A., B. L., LL. B., '00. P. 628 W. 16th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Gen. Atty, for Okla.— Frisco R. R. Klepper, Frank B., B. L., '98. P. Cameron, Mo. Lawyer. Kline, Bessie Mabel, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09, A. M., '10. P. Savannah, Mo. T. Cooperstown, N. D. Teacher. Kline, Mary, B. L., '99. P. Ontario, Cal. T. Apostolic Faith Mission, Portland, Ore. Missionary. Knabe, Albert, B. S. in M. E., '03. P. 3035 Cass Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Dept. Supt. Laclede G. L. Co. *Knapp, Augustus K., M. D., '46 (Hon.). *Knapp, Charles A., M. D., '46. Knepper, Florence Burr, B. S. in Ed., '10, A. B., '10 P. 2016 Garrison Ave., Carthage, Mo. T. 235 Avery PI., Webster Groves, Mo. Supervisor of Drawing. Knepper, Ida May, Pe. P., '88. P. Skidmore, Mo. Teaching. Knepper, Myrtle, B. L., '98, A. M., '00. P. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Asst. Prof. Math — Normal. ALUMNI DIRECTOEY. 137 Knipmeyer, Arthur Bernhardt, LL. B., '02. P. 289 N. McNeill St., Memphis, Tenn. Lawyer — 218 Memphis Trust Bldg. Knoop, Amos Albert, LL. B., '99. P. Versailles, Mo. Lawyer. *Knowles, Freeman, M. D., '49. Knudson, Lewis, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. College of Agr., Ithaca, N. Y. Inst, in Plant Physiology, Cornell Univ. Koch, Clara May Barbara, A. B., '03, B. S. in Ed., '06. P. LaGrange, Mo. T. 312 W. Dougherty St., Webb City, Mo. Teaching in High School. Koch, Oscar Henry, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Boise, Idaho. T. Cambridge, Idaho. Civil Engineer. Kochtitzky, David Wade, A. B., '08. P. 239 N. Pacific, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Civil Engineer — Real Estate. Koken, Ellen A., A. B., '08. P. 4203 Shenandoah Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Krabiel, Helen Marr (Mrs. Edw. E. Ballinger), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07, A. M., *08. P. Slidell, La. Krafft, Walter Mitchell, B. Agr., '03. P. 4083 Juanita St., St. Louis, Mo. Kraemer, Herman, A. B., '96. P. Selma, Cal. Prin. of High School. Kramer, John, LL. B., '00. P. 3218 Morell, Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Krausnick, Walter, Jr., B. S. in E. E., '09. P. 4117 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. 24 Wendell Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. Elec. Testing Work, Gen. Elec. Co. *Krekel, Arnold, LL. D., '82. *Kreuts, Louis Bertram, B. S. in C. E., '05. Kroesch, Samuel, A. B., '01. P. Walla Walla, Wash. Head of German Dept. — Whitman College. 138 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Krog, Fred Henry, B. S. in E. E., '07. P. Washington, Mo. T. 3 Riverview Terrace, New York, N. Y. Writer. Kruse, Carl, LL. M., '00. P. 303-6 Commerce Bldg., Enid, Okla. Lawyer. Kruse, Samuel Andrew, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Webster Groves, Mo., R. F. D. No. 6. T. A. & M. College of Texas, College Sta., Texas. Inst, in Modern Languages. Krusekopf, Henry Herman, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. Chamois, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo. Soil Survey. Kugel, Lee, LL. B., '95. P. New York City, N. Y. Theatrical Agent. Kuhl, Philip, B. S. in M. E., '07. P. O'Bear, Ark. *Kumpf, Frederick William, S. B., '78. Kunkel, Louis Otto, B. S. in Ed., '09, A. B., '10. P. R. P. D. No. 5, Mexico, Mo. T. Hort. Bldg., Columbia, Mo. Teaching. Kunz, Frank Oliver, A. B., '05, M. D., '08. P. Moberly, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Kurtz, Daniel Webster Boone, A. B., '66, A. I\I., '69. P. Columbia, Mo. Breeder — Prop. Forest Heights Stock Farm. Kurtz, Daniel Webster Boone, Jr., M. D., '95. P. 708 Missouri Ave., Columbia, Mo. Student in Law. Kurtz, John Albert, A. B., '07, LL. B., '08. P. 926 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Kuss, August Henry, Pe. P., '88. Lapsap, Alfred Harry, B. S. in C. E., '07. ■ P. U. S. Engr. Office, Vicksburg, Miss. U. S. Inspector. Lack, Charles Frederick, B. S. in C. E., '05. P. 1001 Selma St., M & O. Ry., Mobile, Ala. Engineer, ALUMNI DIKECTOKY, 139 *Lackland, William Henry, A. B., '54, A. M., 59. *Lacy, Archibald J., M. D., '51. Ladd, Jacob L., B. S., '71, M. S., '74. Lallerty, Abraham Walter, LL. B., '99. P. 914-17 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore. T. After March 4, 1911, Washington, D. C. Lawyer — Congressman. Lafferty, Patrick Albert, LL. B., '00. P. Portland, Ore. Clerk in Post Office. Lafollette, Walter Tazewell, LL. B., '96. P. Siloam Springs, Ark. Bank Cashier. *LaForce, Warren Robinson, M. D., '79. LaForce, William Mosby, A. B., Pe. B., "SO, A. M., '83. Laidlaw, John, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Supt. of City Schools. Laird, Norman Ketron, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. 6155 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Operating Dept., Sanitary Dlst. of Chicago. *Lamme, Achilles, M. D., '49. *LaMotte, John Harry, S. B., Pe. B., '92. *Lampkin, Emilius Paulus, A. B., '58, A. M., '61. Landers, Effie May, A. B., '08. P. West Plains, Mo. T. Marion, Ala. Inst, in Modern Languages. Landess, William Mac, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. R. V. D. No. 5, Fayetteville, Tenn. T. Athens, Ga. In Charge of Hog Cholera Serum Laboratory. Landon, James Eroica, LL. B., '04. P. Box 678, San Antonio, Texas. T. Box 174, Care Old Mexico Corporation, Tampico, Mexico. Colonization of Old Mexico. Langenberg, Emma, A. B., '07. P. 3879 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. T. Matz St. 21, Berlin, Germany. Lang, Frederick Philip, LL. B., '08. P. Kahoka, Mo. Asst. Bank Cashsier Langsdale, Clif, A. B., '04. 140 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUKI. P. 922 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Langston, Mrs. J. H. (Alice Milroy Paine), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 1151 Cook, Denver, Colo. Lanham, William Bradford, B. S. in Agr., '07. P. Clarkston, Wash. Horticulturist for Lewiston-Clarkston Imp. Co. LaRue, Harry Anderson, B. S. in C. E., '07, C. E., '09. P. 303 N. 5th, Keokuk, Iowa. Civil Engineer. Lash, Anna Katherine, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 4108 Warwick Bldg., Kansas City, :\Io. Teacher in High School. Latham, Josephine B. (Mrs. J. W. Swayne), A. B., '80, A. M., '84. P. 930 Lincoln PI., Boulder, Colo. Writer. Lathrop, Gardiner, A. B., '67, A. M., '70, LL. D., '07. P. 1011 Railway Exc. Bldg., Chicago, Til. Gen. Solicitor for A. T. & S. F. R. R. Latimer, Charles Ward, LL. B., '94. P. Independence, Mo. Deputy County Surveyor. Latshaw, Joseph Bruce, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. Caruthersville, Mo. Farmer. Lauffert, Mrs. W. F. (Bessie Brown Bond), A. B., '03. P. R. F. D. No. 6, Tyler, Texas. Laughlin, Napoleon Bonapart, Ph. B., 75. • P. Santa Fe, N. M. Lawyer. Lavelock, George Washington, LL. B., '82. P. Richmond, Mo. Lawyer. Lavelock, Thomas Newton, LL. B., '78. P. Richmond, I\Io. Lawyer. *Lawthorn, George Washington, M. D., '83. Lawless, John T., Pe. P., '78. Lawrence, Alonzo Warner, B. S. in C. E., '95. P. Muskogee, Okla. Civil and Mechanical Engineer. ALUMNI DIKECTORY. 141 i^awrence, James Cuthbert, A. B., B. S. in Ch. E., '10. P. Ill ]\Ioffett Ave., Joplin, Mo. T. Care Forest Service, U. S. Agr. Dept., INIadisoii. Wis. Chemist. Lawrence, Mrs. J. (Mary S. Logan), B. S. in Ed., '10. P. lllINIoffett Ave., Joplin, Mo. T. Care Forest Service, U. S. Agr. Dept.. Madison, Wis. *Lawrence, William M., M. D., '47. *Lawson, Leonidas Moreau, A. B., '53, A. 1\I., '66. Lawson, John Davidson, LL. D., '92. P. Columbia, Mo. Dean of the School of Law, U. of Mo. Lay, James H., LL. B., '96. P. Edwards Bldg., Jefferson City, Mo Lawyer. Layton, Sutton Reid, LL. B., '92. P. 4639 E. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. *Leach, Lewis, M. D., '48. Leaphart, Charles William, A. B., '05, A. I\L, '06. P. Brookfield, Mo. T. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass. Student. Leaphart, Sada Frances, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Brookfield, Mo. Lear, Kossuth Martin, B. Ag., '73, M. Ag., '76. Leavenworth, George, A. B., '02. P. Greenville, Miss. Lumber Interests. Le Compte, Jewette Emellne, A. B., '07. P. Cassville, Mo. T. Carterville, Mo. Teacher in High School. Lee, Edgar Desmond, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08, A. M., '09. P. Mexico, Mo. T. New London, Mo. Teacher. Lee, Mrs. E. D. (Bennetta Maude Barkley), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Mexico, Mo. T. New London, Mo. Lee, Frank Edwin, LL. B., '07. P. Prague, Okla. Lawyer. 142 . UNIVEKSITY OF MISSOURI. Lee, Jlus Miller, LL. B.. '99. P. 931 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Lee, Ray Elmer, LL. B., '07. P. 206 E. 29tli St., Cheyenne, Wyo. Lawyer. Lee, Raymond Eliot, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. War Dept., Washington, D. C. T. Ft. Monroe, Va. Second-Lieut., U. S. A. *Leeds, Timothy, M. D., '51. Lefevre, Ada, A. B., '10. P. 703 Maryland PI., Columbia, Mo. Leffler, Shepherd, A. B., '04. P. Maryville, Mo. T. Care Y. M. C. A., Lansing, Mich. Inst, in Mich. Agr. College. *Leftwick, William M., D. D., '66. Leggett, John C, A. B., '83. P. Cuba, N. Y. Lawyer — Bank Pres. Leighton, Edith May, B. S. in Ed., '09, B. S. in H. E., '09. P. 5251a McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. 515 W. 11th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Domestic Art in High School. Leintz, Wm. A., A. B., '68, A. M. '71. P. 439 W. Ave., 51, Los Angeles, Cal. Lemon, Walter Thomas, M. D., '76. P. Fulton, Mo. Physician. Lenoir, Walter T., A. B., '49, A. M., '52. P. 2626 May St., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Retired Physician. Leonard, Charles E., A. B., '60, A. M., '64. P. Boonville, Mo. Banker and Agriculturist. Leonard, John Wesley, A. B., Pe. B., '79, A. M., '80. *Lester, T. B., M. D., '50. Letcher, Jerrold Ranson, B. S., '73, LL. B., '75, M. S., '76. P. Salt Lake City, Utah. Journalist, Lawyer, Clerk of U. S. Courts. Levy, Eva, Pe. P., '89. P. 5200 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. Teacher, Farren School, Wabash Ave. and 51st St. ALUMNI DIKECTORY. 143 Lewelling, Walter Williams, B. Agr., '98. P. High Hill, Mo. Dairying Farming. Lewis, Henry Barnes, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. Carrollton, Mo. T. Elec. Light Co., Kansas City, Mo. Power Contractor. Lewis, Lucius Robert, Sur., '85. Lewis, Mildred Burette (Mrs. R. R. Russel), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '05, A. M., '07. P. Bridgeport, Wash. Lewis, Malcolm Duane, M. D., '75. P. Columbia, Mo. Physician. Lewis, P. Loyd, B. S. in E. E., '99. P. 2740 Beacon Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Asst. Sup. Prudential Ins. Co. ♦Lewis, Russell B., M. D., '49. Lewright, Estelle Virginia, A. B., '85, A. M., '90. Lhamon, Burgess Frank, LL. B., '05. P. Care of Rev. W. J. Lhamon, 1116 22d St., Des Moines, Iowa. T. Argus Hotel, San Francisco, Cal. Traveling Saleman. Lhamon, Ruskin, A. B., '07. P. 1116 22d St., Des Moines, Iowa. T. Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Cal. Inst, in Anatomy. Lieb, Cassius M., A. B., '02. P. Mountain Home, Ark. Planter and Merchant. Liebenstein, Oscar Henry, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. Clarksville, Mo. T. 4231 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. Electrical Engineer. Liepsner, Adriana May, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06, A. M., '07. P. ^4138 Locust St., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher in High School. Liepsner, Frank Wright, B. S. in Che. E., '05. P. Bureau of Chemistry, Washington, D. C. Chemist in U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 144 UNIVERSITY OF MI8S0URI. Liggett, Eva Isabel (Mrs. Ben Crowley), Pe. P., '89. P. Kansas City, Mo. Liggett, Mrs. Gertrude Frisselle, A. B., '04, B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 3712 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher in High School. *Lightcap, John, M. D., '48. Lillard, Alonzo C, M. D., '98. P. 1817 Kennett PL, St. Louis, I\Io. Physician. Lillard, Lafayette, B. S. in Agr.,' '08. P. 1817 Kennett PI., St. Louis, Mo. Traveling Salesman. Lincoln, Harold Thomas, LL. B., '09. P. 1902 Douglas Ave., Springfield, Mo. Lawyer. Lindsey, Helen (Mrs. Norman Freudenberger), B. S., '01. P. 619 Dollison St., Springfield, Mo. Lindquist, Oscar Franklin, B. S. in C. E., '07. Linney, William Birts, LL. B., '86. P. Pryor, Okla. Lawyer. *Lipscomb, Holland Abell, M. D., '96. *Lipscomb, Mrs. M. L. (Laura Alice Banks), L. B., '79. Littell, William R., LL. B., '91. P. Tarkio, Mo. Lawyer. Littick, Charles Oscar, LL. B., '90. Littlefield, Edwin C, LL. B., '90. P. Knob Noster, Mo. Lawyer. Livingston, Frank Craig Haskell, LL. B., '07. P. Rolla, Mo. Lawyer. Livingston, Harold Todd, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. Mt. Grove, Mo. T. 4130 S. 10th St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Civil Engineer — C. R. St. P. Ry. Livingston, John Alexander, LL. B., '97. P. Cameron, Mo. Lawyer. Locke, Robert Hodge, A. B., '04. P. De Soto, Mo. T. 7th and Poplar St., St. Louis, Mo., Care, of Mo. Pac. R. R. Chemical Engineer. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 145 Locker, William Henry, LL. B., '92. P. 1029 E. 2d St., Diiluth, Minn. Lawyer and Real Estate. Lockwood, Hartley Marshall, LL. B., '01. P. Donnell Court, St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Lockwood, Charles Clyde, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. R. F. D. No. 8, Columbia, Mo. Farmer. Lockwood, Frank Leroy, B. S. in C. E., '06. P. R. F. D. No. 8, Columbia, Mo. T. Nyssa, Ore. Civil Engineer and Real Estate. Lockwood, Marquis H., E. E., '93, M. S., '00. P. 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Mech. Expert and Inventor. Lockwood, William D., M. D., '93. P. Arleta, Ore. Physician and Surgeon. Loeb, Clarence, A. B., '96, A. M., '97. P. 208 Humboldt Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Physician. Loeb, Hanau Wolf, A. B., Pe. B., '82, A. M., '86. P. 537 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Physician. Loeb, Isidor, B. S., '87, M. S., '93, LL. B., '93. P. Maryland PI., Columbia, Mo. Dean of the Faculty, Prof, of Political Science and Public Law, U. of Mo. Loeb, Leo, A. B., '06. P. Rich Hill, Mo. T. 105 8th St., Care of R. P. I., Troy, N. Y. Asst. in Mech. Engr., Renn. Poly. Inst. Loeb, Virgil, A. B., '03. P. 208 Humboldt Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Physician. *Logan, Hugh Burch, M. D., '48. Logan, IMary Shepherd (Mrs. James Lawrence), B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Ill Moffett Ave., Joplin, Mo. T. Care of Forest Service, U. S. Agr. Dept., Madison, Wis. Logan, Walter Cyrus, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. 420 N. 6th St., Hannibal, Mo. Shoe Manufacturer. 10 146 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Lombar, Frank Daleon, LL. B., '07. P. 5086 Page Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. T. State Natl. Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Long, Clarence Columbus, A. B., '07. P. 1328 E. 72d St., Chicago, III. Minister. Long, Conner Melbourne, A. B., B. S. in Agr., '05, !M. S. in Agr., '06. P. R. F. D. No. 10, Columbia, Mo. T. Saverton, Mo. Magr. Swastika Dairy Co. Long, Laura Virginia, Pe. P., '88. P. 205 W. 4th St., Long Beach, Cal. Teaching. Long, Merrill Ewatt, B. S. in E. E., '08. P. Care of Gen. Elec. Co., 510 Dwight Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Salesman. Longan, Edward Everett, L. B., Pe. B., '86, L. M., '89. P. 605 Central Natl. Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. ♦Lonsdale, Elston Holmes, S. B., Pe. B., '89. Lonsdale, Frank Stewart, Ph. B., Pe. B., '81, Ph. M., '84. P. 510 S. 5th St., Columbia, Mo. Real Estate and Insurance. Lonsdale, May Hunt (Mrs. T. M. Kitchens), Pe. P., '86. P. Westwood Ave., Columbia, Mo. Lonsdale, Kate Victoria, Pe. B., B. L., '82, P. Westwood Ave., Co- lumbia, Mo. Lotter, Henry Howell, B. S. in C. E., '97, C. E., '00. P. 801 Franklin St., Vancouver, Wash. City Engineer. Loucks, Samuel G., B. S. in M. E., '04. P. Mound City, Mo. T. Pinole, Cal. Supt. Const. Work for Dupont Powder Works. Lougeay, William H., M. D., '82. P. 309 Bank Bid., Denver Colo. Physician. ♦Love, James, A. B., '53. Love, William Homer, LL. B., '02. P. Miami, Okla. Lawyer. ALCMNI DIRECTORY. 147 Love, William Winn, A. B., '87, A. M., '90. P. Christ Church Rectory, Waukegan, 111. Clergyman. Lovelace, William Greene, A. B., '80. P. 1040 10th St., Boulder, Colo. Lawyer. Lowe, Collier Alden, A. B., '03. P. 2716 Monterey, St. Joseph, Mo. Minister. Lowery, Lowell Leotus, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Louisville, Ky. U. S. Corps of Enginers. Lowrey, Lawson Gentry, A. B., '09, A. M., '10. P. Excelsior Springs, Mo. T. Salt Lake City, Utah. Inst, in Anatomy, Utah University. Lowry, Ethelyn Margaret, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Columbus, Kan. Teaching in High School. Lowry, John Abel, M. D., '79. *Lowry, Thomas Jefferson, S. B., N. G., '70, M. S., '73, C. E., '78 (Hon.). Loy, Thomas T., LL. B., '80. P. 2154 W. 24th St., Los Angeles, Cal. T. Arrowhead, Hot Springs, Cal. Retired. ♦Lubbock, Clinton Henry, :m. D., '80. Lucas, David Wesley, A. B., '10. P. Goodwater, ]\Io. T. I.ioay, Bohol Province, P. I. Supervisor of Sphools. Lucas, William D., M. D., '79. P. Mendon, Mo. Physician. Lucas, William Caldwell, A. B., '00, LL. B., '01. P. .312 Keith & Perry Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. *Luce, Homer Johnson, A. B., '52. Lucky, Marion C'ortez, Pe. P., '81. P. Saragos, Texas. Farmer. Lucitt, Gardiner Joseph, A. B., '06. Lushbaugb, Eiith Evert, B. S. in C. E., '03. 148 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. P. 715 E. State St., Jacksonville, 111. Chief Engineer — Illinois Steel Bridge Co. Lusk, Ewing Lafetra, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. 209 W. 6th St., Roswell, N. M. Resident Engineer — A. R. & El. R. R. Lutman, Benjamin Franklin, A. B., '06. P. 83 Brooks Ave., Burlington, Ve. Prof. Plant Pathology, U. of Vermont. Lycan, Donald Hardman, A. B., 10. P. Edina, Mo. Banker. Lyda, Robert Gideon, LL. B., '09. P. 410 Drumheller Bldg., Walla Walla, Wash. Lawyer. Lyford, Harry Olin, LL. B., '82. Lyman, Forest Shepard, B. S. in E. E., '00, E. E., '03. P. 730 Aubert Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Supt. Maintenance Kinloch Tel. Co. Lynch, Cecil Shannon, B. S. in E. E., '08. P. Robertsville, Mo. T. Maryland PI., Columbia, :\Io. Inst. In Shopwork, U. of Mo. Lynch, Dora A. (Mrs. L. B. Stevinson), Pe. P., '92. P. Columbia, Mo. Lynch, Samuel Adams, L. B., Pe. B., '92. P. Cedar Falls, Iowa. Prof, and Acting Head of English, State Teachers College. Lynch, William Henry, A. B., '68, A. M., '72. P. Ozark, Mo. Prin. of Schools. *Lynde, Robert Ralston, M. D., '49. Lyon, Andrew Reason, Pe. P., '80. P. 501 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Lyon, Albert William, LL. B., '85. P. 407 Baker Blk., Springfield, Mo. Lawyer. Lyon, Mrs. A. W. (INIary Elizabeth Ammerman), Pe. P., '84. P. 726 St. Louis St., Springfield, Mo. Lyon, Andrew W., Pe. P., '81. Lyon, Harris Merton, A. B., '05. P. Care of Hampton's Magazine, New York, N. Y. Writer. ALUMNI DIRECTOKY. 149 Lyons, IMartin, LL. B., '98. P. 611 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, :Mo. Lawyer. McAdam, Clarence Eugene. B. S. in E. E., '09. P. Manila, P. I. T. Tiiguegayao, Cagayan, P. I. Lieutenant Philippine Constabulary. McAdow, Albert T., Pe. P., '91. McAlester, Andrew Walker, A. B., '74, M. D., '66, LL. D., '97. P. Columbia, Mo. Physician — Retired Dean of Medical Department, U. of Mo. McAlester, Andrew Walker, Jr., B. L., '97, A. B., '03, M. D., '05. P. 215 W. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. T. 702 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Occulist. (Chair of Pathology, Kansas University.) McAlester, Mrs. Berry (Virginia Dyas), A. B., '02, A. M., '07. P. Columbia, Mo. McAllister, Chas. Wade, LL. B., '07. P. Hale, Mo. Lawyer. *McBaine, James Benjamin, L. B., '84. IMcBaine, James Patterson, LL. B., '02. P. Exchange Natl. Bank Bldg., Columbia, Mo. Asst. Prof. School of Law, U. of Mo. IMcBaine, Richard Hiram, A. B., '03. P. Columbia, Mo., Care of J. P. McBaine. T. Humboldt Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Physician. *McBain, Turner Jr., S. B., '73. *]\IcBrayer, James, A. B., '59. McCague, William Henry, LL. B., '84. P. Medicine Lodge, Kan. Atty. at Law. McCaleb, Rebecca Isabella, A. B., '03. P. Tarkio, Mo. T. Sitka, Alaska. Teacher. McCall, Edwin Law, LL. B., '88. P. Fulton, Mo, Lawyer. McCallon, Emma (Mrs. Norman J. Cole), B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Richfield, Idaho. 150 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. McCandless, William Robert, LL. B., '96. I^awyer. McCanse, Cecil C, B. S., in Agr., '09. McCarroll, Benjamin Franklin, A. B., '07. P. Pocatello, Idaho. Auditor, Idaho Consolidated Power Co. McCarty, Amy Rowena, A. B., '04. P. 908 Lyon, Hannibal, Mo. T. Plattsburg, Mo. Teaching. McCaslin, Frank J., LL. B., '02. P. Mexico, Mo. Claim Agent— C. & A. R. R. Co. McCaslin, Strausie (Mrs. Hutcheson), A. B., '02. Kashing, China, via Shanghai. Care of Southern Presbyterian Mission. McChesney, Arthur Clay, B. L., '77, LL. B., '78. P. 516 Nevada Ave., Trinidad, Colo. Lawyer. McChesney, Mrs. Arthur (Fannie Prevines Field), Ph. B., '79. P. Trinidad, Colo. McChesney, James Roger, A. B., '06. P. Selling, Okla. Cashier, Bank of Selling. McChesney, Thomas Sharp, LL. B., '07. P. Nevada Ave., Trinidad, Cole, P. O. Box 402. Atty. at Law. McClane, Jean Edward, M. D., '97. *McClane, Norman Otto, M. D., '93. McClement, Isabelle, Pe. P.,' '92. McClure, Clarence Henry, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Warrensburg, Mo. Teacher of History in Normal. McClure, John Wesley Jr., LL. B., '09. P. Sedalia, Mo. T. Hughesville, Mo. Lawyer. McClure, Myrtle Olive (Mrs. H. O. Williams), A. B., '09. P. 3229 Monument Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. McCollough, Albert W., A. B., '09. P. Tarkio, IMo. T. 5729 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 151 McCollough, Perry, LL. B., '01. P. Polo. Mo. T. 340 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Investment Banker. McCollum, Claude Cecil, A. B., '09. P. Seligman, Mo. T. Cebu, P. I, Sup. of Schools. McComas, Arthur Rochford, Sur., '88, Pe. P., '88. McConnell, Rufus Ward, LL. B., '04. P. Farwell, Texas County Judge of Parmer County. McC'ool, Morris Mickey, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. Cameron, Mo. T. 804 E. Seneca St., Ithaca, N. Y. Asst. in Plant Physiology, Cornell University. McCord, Charles Harvey, A. M., '06. P. 37 W. Peachtree Place, Atlanta, Ga. Hardware. McCormick, Maude, A. B., '06. P. Richmond, Mo. McCoy, Susan Gertrude, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Carthage, Mo. T. Greenfield, Mo. Teacher of German and Latin. McCulloch, Albert J. M., B. L., B. P., '94, M. L., '95. P. 207 College Ave., Winfield, Kan. Prof, of History and Pol. Science, Santa Western College. McCulloch, Mrs. A. J. (Isabella A. Winslow), A. B., '03. P. 207 College Ave., Winfield, Kan. McCulloch, Robert Lee, LL. B., '91. Hamilton, Mont. Lawyer. *McCurdy, George Vest, LL. B., '93. McCutchan, Ella Bevans, B. L., '96. Canton, Mo. Supt., Canton Public Schools. McCutchan, Igantius, A. B., '96. P. Windsor, Mo. Editor of "The Windsor Review." McCutchan, Joseph E., A. B., '96. P. Pawnee, Okla. Editor, Courier-Despatch. McDaniel, John Samuel, B. S. in Agr., '06. 152 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. *McDaniel, Robert William, A. B., '47, A. M., 'oO. McDearmon, Mary, A. B., '08. P. 722 Clara Ave., "The Rappanhannock," St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. McDermott, Joseph Lewis, B. Agr., '98. McDonald. Evans Perry. LL. B., '78. P. 3823 Garfield, Kansas City, Mo. ♦McDewell, John B., M. D., '48. ^IcElree, Mrs. INIargaret Hackleman, B. S., in Ed., '10. P. Livingston, INIont. T. 203 College, Columbia, Mo. Student. McElvain, Jason Neeley, LL. B., '96. P. 414 Broadway, Seattle, Wash. Teaching. McEuen, Wilson Henry, LL. B., '00. P. Sheridan, Wyo. Care of Forest Lbr. Co., Bex 776. Lumber Dealer. McFarland, Byron, A. B., '99. P. Monroe City, Mo., R. F. D., No. 5. Farming. McFarland, Daniel, A. B., '05. Okmulgee, Okla. Editor, Okmulgee Daily Herald. McFarland, Roy, A. B., '99. Monroe City, Mo. Grain and Milling Business. McGaugh, Elmer Thomas, B. L., '97, A. M., '98, M. D., '99. P. Richmond, Mo. Physician. McGaughy, John F., LL. B., '81. McGhee, Alma Myrtle, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Grandin, Mo. Teacher. McGhee, Frank P., LL. B., '81. McGhee, Lillian S. (Mrs. Torbitt), Pe. P., '91. McGill, Barnet B., B. S. in Agr., '10. P. Lebanon, Mo. T. Cosby, Mo. Farmer. McGill, Caroline, A. B., '04, A. :\L, '05, Ph. D., '08. P. Murray Hosp. Butte Mont. Physician. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 151^ McGlothlin, Mary Edith, A. B., '05, B. S. in Ed., •Qo. P. 211 E. Jefferson Ave., Kirkwood, Mo. T. Stephens College, Columbia, Mo. Instructor in Science — Stephens College. McGrOwan, Laiu-a Taylor, A. B., '04. P. 1965 E. 81st St., Cleveland, Ohio. Teacher of Math, in Cleveland Technical High Fchccl. *McGregro, Joe, LL. B., '85. McGruder, Mark Austin, LL. B., '01. P. 1408 W. 4th St., Sedalia, Mo. Atty. at Law and Law Writer. *McGuire, Jonathan M., A. B., '55, A. M., '58. McGuire, Morris S., M. D., '95. P. Arrow Rock, Mo. Physician. Mclntire, Rolla, A. B., '01. P. Mexico, Mo. Lawyer and Printer and Publishing Business. Mclntyre, Joseph Shelby, L. B., '97, LL. B., '99. P. 815 Central Natl. Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Attorney. *McJilton, Lafayette, A. B., '54, A. M., '59. McKay, Elmer Alexander, A. B., '07. P. Knox City, Mo. Farmer. McKean, Lewis Burton, C. E., '91. P. Blairtown, Mo. McKee, Clarence A., A. B., '09. P. Buckeye, Ariz. Business. McKee, Herbert Nelson, A. B., '07, P. 826 Themis St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Minister. ^McKelway, St. Clair, LL. D., '04. P. 21 Monroe Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Editor of the Eagle. McKenzie, Andrew Jackson, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. Webb City, Mo. City Engineer. McKim, Joseph Morton, A. B., '55, A. M., '74. P. Pamona, Cal. McKinley, Gertrude (Mrs. Dr. McBride), Pe. P., '92. P. Springfield, Mo. 154 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. McKinley, John C, LL. B., '86. P. Unionville, Mo. Lawyer. McKinney, Winfield Scott, T. E., 79. McKnight, J. C. L., LL. B., '08. P. Forsythe, Mo. Care of W. R. Adams. Lawyer. McLane, Ora J., LL. B., '90. P. Carthage, Mo. Sec'y Carthage Gas Co., Natural Gas and Investments. McLean, Charles Thomas, M. D., '79. McLeary, Henry Sanford, B. L., '91. P. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Farmer. McMahan, William Taton, B. L., '98. P. Marshfield, Mo. Funeral Director and Embalmer. McMeekin, William Graves, B. S. in C. E., '97. P. 3024 W. 71st St., Seattle, Wash. McMillan, Thomas J. M., LL. B., '85. P. Anchor, Texas. Merchant and Planter. McMillen, Albert Thomas, LL. B., '08. P. Columbia, Mo., Box 179. Painter. McMillen, Edwin Carroll, LL. B., '08. P. Columbia, Mo. Box 179. Shoe Inspector. McMillen, Robert Nelson Jr., LL. B., '00, A. B., '04. • P. Kellogg Bldg., McAlester, Okla. Lawyer, With F. H. Kellogg. McMinn, Walter James, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. Prove, Utah, Care of Telluride Power Co. With Telluride Power Co. McMurray, J. Wilson, A. M., '72 (Hon.). McMurtry, M. S., M. D., '04. P. Clovis, Cal. Physician and Surgeon. McNatt, Homer Elkanah, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. Aurora, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo., Lowry Hall. Asst. in Dairy Husbandry, U. of Mo. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 155 McNatt, John L., LL. B., '00. P. Aurora, Mo. Practising Law. McNeely, John D., LL. B., '97. P. Donnell Court, St. Joseph, ]\lo. Lawyer. McNeely, Thomas Eugene, A. B., '88, A. M., '91. P. Jackson, Mo. T. Cave City, Arlc. Supt. of Schools, Teacher. *McNut, Elisha George Baxter, M. D., '48. McNutt, Frances, Pe. P., '89. P. 2737 Woodland, Kansas City, Mo. Teaching in Kansas City Public School. McPherson, James Edward, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Columbia, Mo. Student in Agricultural College. McQuitty, William Fielding, M. D., '79. P. Correctionville, Iowa. Physician. McReynolds, Allen, A. B., '01. P. 1405 South Maple, Carthage, Mo. Lawyer — McReynolds, and Halliburton. McVey, Charles Lloyd, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. East Broadway, Sedalia, Mo. T. Lambethville, Ark. Civil Engineer— U. S. R. S. McVey, Gratan Gregory, LL. B., '08. P. Tecumseh, Okla. Lawyer. McVey, Karl Absalom, B. S. in E. E., '08, E. E., '10. P. 7th and N. Y. Ave., Sedalia, Mo. T. Rollins & Westover Const. Engineers, Kansas City, Mo. City Engineers Office. MacBride, John Leslie Fennell, LL. B., '98. MacCabe, Richard Stephen, M. D., '06. P. 210 Mercantile Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Physician and Surgeon. Macfarlane, Charles Roy, M. A., LL. B., '05. P. 215 Conroy Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. Lawyer. Mack, William, LL. B., '87. P. 60 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Lawyer and Eidtor. 156 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUEI. Macklin,, Ouida Leila, A. B., '10. P. 5701 Julian Ave., St. Louis, :\ro. T. Washington High School, Wellston, .Mo. Teacher. Maclay, Edward Gleim, B. S. in C. E., '02. P. 507 Prince Theatre Bldg., Houston, Texas. Chief Engineer, American Construction Co. MacMillan, Grace Eugenie, A. M., '02. Macey, Mrs. Mary B. (Mary Bassett Potter), B. L., '99. P. 620 E. Cacha la Pondee, Colorado Springs, Colo. Madden, Ira Gilbert, LL. B., '98. P. R. R. No. 1, Lineville, Iowa. Farmer and Stockman. Maddox, Edward Morton, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. 624 American Trust Bldg., Chicago, 111. Engr. with A. L. Drum & Co. Maddox, George Finley, B. S. in E. E., '08. P. Care of Illinois Drainage Co., Chicago, 111. Maddox, Joseph Shelby, A. B., '00. P. Co-op, Columbia, Mo. Maddox, Mrs. J. S. (Delia Rogers), A. B., "04. P. Columbia, Mo. Magee, James Dwight, LL. B., '09. P. 503 N. Third St., Louisiana, Mo. Lawyer. Magruder, Don Gilmer, A. B., '07. P. Lowry Hall, Columbia, Mo. Special Agt., Bureau of Plant Industry. Magi-uder, Frank Cecil, B. S. in C. E., '03.^ P. Belle Fourche, S. Dak. Asst. Engineer, U. S. R. S. Maguire, Emily, A. B., '07. P. 7245 Moller Ave., Maplewood, Mo. Teacher. Mahan, Daniel Dulany, A. B., '07. P. Natl. Bank Bldg., Hannibal, Mo. Lawyer. Mahan, Kate, Pe. P., '79. Mairs, Thomas Isaiah, B. Agr., '96, B. S., '00, M. S., '00. P. State College, Pa. Teacher. Mairs, Mrs. T. I. (Lottie M. Riley), B. L., '98. P. State College, Pa. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 157 Maitland, Alex Jr., C. E., '89. P. 4104 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. President, K. C. Bridge Co. Major, John William McGarvey, A. B., '99, A. M., '06. P. 1265 Hamilton St., St. Louis, Mo. Teaching — Principal of School. Malone, James W., C. E., '84. Mallery, Merle Jasper, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. Festus, Mo. T. 814 Cole St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Westinghouse Electric & 'SIfg. Co. Malott, James Isaac, B. S. in Ed., '07, A. B., '09. P. Boliver, Mo. Teacher. Malsbury, Omer Evert, B. S. in C. E., '05. P. 219 Jackson Ave., Joplin, Mo. T. Ancon, C. Z. Eng. Constr. New Panama R. R. Mann, Arnold, LL. B., '91. Mann, Chester DeWitt, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 4102 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. Draughtsman, K. C. Bridge Co. Mann, Ned Chester, E. E., '10. P. 4028a Moffltt Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Manning, A. V., LL. B., '92. P. Pineville, Mo. Banker. Manning, Everett, A. B., '08. P. Pineville, Mo. Vice-Pres., Bank. ♦Manning, N., M. D., '51. *Manon, W. Bliss, M. D., '49 (Hon.). Manring, Edward D., A. B., '83, Pe. B., '83. *Manring, John Franklin, LL. B., '97, B. L., '96. Mansfield, Alfred H., LL. B., '95. P. 843 Frisco Bldg., or 5612 Maple Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Chief Claim Agent, Frisco System. Mansfield, Mary (Mrs. Selby Barnes), L. B., Pe. B., '92. Mansur, Henry Allen, LL. B., '09. P. 4333 Delmar Ave. or 300 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. Bond Salesman. 158 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Marbut, Curtis Fletcher, B. S., '89. P. 816 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo. T. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bureau of Soils, Washington, D. C. Geologist and Teacher. *Marbut, Thomas Benton, B. S. in C. E., '98. March, Joseph Boyce, LL. B., '96. P. Rich Hill, Mo. T. Gorgona, Canal Zone, Panama. District Judge. March, Samuel Franklin, M. D., '09. P. Carrollton, 111. Practicing Medicine. Marlow, George Hodges, S. B., '74, B. D. or N. G., '74. Marlowe, Thomas Nelson, LL. B., '02. P. Cor. University and Higgins Ave., Missoula, Mont. Practicing Law. Marquis, Eva Malvena, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 3408 Smart, Kansas City, Mo. T. Bowling Green, Mo. Teacher — Pike College. Marr, Chester Arthur, LL. B., '07. P. Box 254, Guthrie, Okla. Lawyer. Marsh, Charles S., LL. B., '01. P. 5886 Bartmer, St. Louis, Mo. Sec'y Bankers Trust Co. Marsh, Harold, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. Tyler, Texas. T. Alpine, Texas. Civil Engineering. Marsh, Harry Stephenson, :m. D., '08. P. Tipton, I\Io. Physician Marshall, Archie Maupin, M. D., '98. P. 7th and Steele Ave., Chandler, Okla. Practice of IMedicine. Marshall, Delia Ester, A. B., '08, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 924 Park, Kansas City, Mo. T. 113 N. 9th St., Hannibal, Mo. Teacher in High School. *Marshall, E. B., M. D., '50. Marshall, Mrs. Neal B. (Jennie Moore Banks), A. B., 81, A. M., 'S5. P.rnionville, Mo. ALUMNI DIRECTOKY. 159 Marshall, Urban S., B. S, in C. E., '00. P. Roseville, Cal. City Engineer. Marshall, William Boyd, Ph. B., '78. *Martin, Alexander, LL. D., '90. *Martin, Clarence A., LL. D., '01. Martin, Charles Knox, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. Doniphan, Mo. Dairying — Farmer. Martin, Charles W., B. S. in C. E., '05, C. E., '09. P. City Hall, or 4137 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, ]\Io. Asst. Eng. Sewer Dept. Martin, Henry Giles, B. S. in E. E., '08. P. 744 Walter St., Bail's Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. Engineer. ■^Martin, John F., A. B., '62. Martin, Lawrence Augustine, Pe. P., '88. P. 1008 Elm St., Chillicothe, Mo. Lawyer. Martin, Leonidas Warren Tandy, A. B., '04. P. Hennessey, Oka. Teaching. Mason, Elliott J., B. S. in M. E., '96. P. Pittsburg, Pa., 52 Water St. Engineer. Mason, Frances, A. B., '07. P. Mexico, Mo. Teacher in High School. Mason, Ralph Hedges, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. Mexico, Mo. T. Rio Piedras, Porto Rico. In charge of Animal Husbandryy and Dairying — University of Porto Rico. Mason, William Hubbard, M. D., '86. Massie, Alice Ethel (Mrs. R. S. Withers), A. B., '03. P. R. F. D. No. 3, Liberty, Mo. Masters, Stanley Madison, A. B., '02. P. Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Pres. Masters Lbr. Co. Mastin, Thomas Allen Jones. LL. B., '90. P. 27th and Olive Sts., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. *Matson, James C, M. D., '49. Mathews, Percy W., LL. D., '85. 160 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUKI. Maughmer, Carl, B. S. in C. E., '99. P. 1227 L. St., Sacramento, Cal. Asst. Civil Engineer, with State Dept. of Engineering. *Maughs, George Madison Brown,M. D., =48, LL. D., '87. *Maughs, Mordecai M., M. D., '49 (Hon.). Maupin, Edgar Staples, B. S. in C. E., '05. P. U. S. Engineer Office, 1200 Grove St., Vicksburg, Miss. T. Champagnolle, Ark. Supt. in charge of L. & D. No. 8, Omacheta River. Maupin, Irvin, Pe. P., '77. Maupin, Joseph Hickman, LL. B., '78. P. Canon City, Colo. Lawyer. Maupin, John Archibald, LL. B., '08. P. 1171/^ W. Grand Ave., Oklahoma City, Okla. Lawyer. Maupin, James Lawrence, A. B., '87. P. Patterson Block, Fresno, Cal. Surgeon and Doctor. Maupin, Margaret (Mrs. F. N. Peters), Pe. P., '89. P. 5423 Cleveland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Maupin, Robert Washington, LL. B., '08. P. 117% W. Grand Ave., Oklahoma City, Okla. Lawyer. Maurer, Anna Barbara, Pe. P., '90. Maurer, Lucy C, Pe. P., '90. P. Care U. S. Mint, Denver, Colo. Adjuster in U. S. Mint. *Maus, Samuel G, S., '46. Maxwell, Allen Arthur, A. B., '05. P. 1027 9th St., Denver, Colo. T. Winona, Minn. Teacher of Chemistry in High School. May, David William, B. Agr., '94, M. Agr., '96. P. Mayaguez, Porto Rico. Special Agent in charge of Porto Rico Experiment Station. May, Robert Akenan, LL. B., '95. P. Louisiana, Mo. Lawyer. Mayer, Emil, LL. B., '94. P. 1645 Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. ALUMNI DIRECTOKY. 161 Mayfield, Irwin Washington, LL. B., '92. P. Lebanon, Mo. Lawyer. Mayfield, Leander Condius, LL. B., '92. P. Lebanon, Mo. Lawyer. Maynard, John L., LL. B., '02. Okmulgee, Gkla., 910 Muskogee Ave. Attorney at Law. Meade, James Fourt, LL. B., '06. P. Natl. Bank of Commerce, St. Louis, Mo. Asst. Cashier Natl. Bank of Commerce. *Meador, Alexander McHenry, LL. B., '96. Meador, Joseph Frank, LL. B., '01. • P. Greenville, Mo. Prosecuting Attorney. *Means, John, M. D., '51. Means, William Foster, L. B., Pe. B., '85, LL. B., '87. P. 308 N. 12th St., Hiawatha, Kansas. Lawyer. Megee, Otto Kent, A. B., '07. P. Moberly, Mo. T. 4224 Delmar Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Student. Meigs, Wellington Harlan, LL. B., '95. P. Conrad Bank Bldg., Great Falls, Mont. Lawyer. Melcher, Mary, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Jericho Springs, Mo. T. Hotchkiss, Colo. Teaching. *Meng, Sam T., M. D., '47. *Meredith, Henry Clarkson, A. B., '47, A. M., '50. Meriw.ether, Roy Bondurant, LL. B., '06. P. Monroe City, Mo. Lawyer. Merrill, William Tell, A. B., '01. Merritt, John James, Pe. B., S B., '83. Mety, Charles P., LL. B., '99. P. 209 Mercantile Bldg., Denver, Colo. Lawyer. Merzger, Violette Eugenia, A. B., '04'. P. 602 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Meyer, Don C, LL. B., '01. P. 602 American Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 11 162 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Meyer, Edgar Robert, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. Mound City, Mo. T. 1923 Morrow St., Waco, Texas. Construction Engineer. Meyer, Mrs. Edgar R. (Miriam Hayhurst), A. B., '09. P. Mound City, Mo. Meyer, Henry Rupert John, C. E., '10. P. Warrenton, :\lo. T. Care U. S. R. S., Hinsdale, Mont. Meyer, Myrtle Louise, A. B., '09. P. Kahoka, Mo. T. Troy, Mo Teactiing. Meyer. Robert S., LL. B., '88. *Meyrowitz, Alexander, LL.. D., '79. Michaud, Mathilde Agnes, A. B., '09. P. 4030 Reber PL, St. Louis, Mo. Michelson, Lionel Ansel, LL. B., '97. P. 846 Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Lawyer. Middelton, Edna Mae, A. B., '09. P. Unlonville, Mo. T.. Maitland, Mo. Teacher in High School. Mikel, Henry Franklin, M. D., '00. P. 718 Broadway, Columbia. Mo. Physician. Miles, George Washington, S. B., '84, S. M., '92. Millar, Ernest George Blythe, B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Leonora, Western Australia, care Roy Miller. Miller, Arthur Gustavus. B. S. in E. E., 10. P. 937 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. Miller, Charles Henry, A. B., '10. P. Platte City, Mo. Miller, Camelia, Maude (Mrs. John O. Jones), A. B., '99. P. 2707 Sacramento St., St. Joseph, Mo. Miller, Edwin Burch, A. B., '06, A. M., '07. P. Boonville, Mo. T. Washington, D. C, Bureau of Census, Depart, of Manufac- ture. Special Agent, Bureau of Census. Miller, Mrs. E. L. (Faith Pearse), B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Nor borne. Mo. T. 149 Hemenway St., Boston, Mass. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 163 Miller, Edwis Lee, A. B., '08. P. Norborne, Mo. T. 149 Hemenway St., Boston, Mass. Student of Medicine. Miller, Franklin, A. B., '01. P. 5048 Raymond Ave., or 1830 Pierce Bldg.,.St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Miller, Mrs. Franklin (Maude Barnes), A. B., '04. P. 5048 Raymond Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. Whitwell Hospital, Tuscon, Arizona. ♦Miller, Franklin Julius, LL. B., '02. Miller, Mrs. Fred B. (Laura Lucile Gray), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '05. P. 512 Lyons St., Columbia, Ho. T. Wellston, Mo., R. R. No. 29. Teacher. Miller, Frederick Jacob, N. G., S. B., '75. Miller, George Edward, B. S, in E. E., '95. P. 1004 New England Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Mgr. Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co. *Miller, George Washington, A. B., '53, A. M., '56. ■Miller, James Oliver, LL. B., '83. P. Belleville, 111. Attorner at Law. Miller, James William, LL. B., '95. Miller, John Brent, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. Shelbyville, Mo. Hardware Business. Miller, John S., M. D., '79. P. Suite 634, J. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Physician and Surgeon. :\liller, Joe Wright, LL. B., '08. P. Appleton City, Mo. Banking. Miller, Margaret Emma, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Rush Hill, Mo. T. Vandalia, Mo. Teacher. Miller, Mary E., Pe. P., '92. P. Shelbina, Mo. T. 113 Pine St., Stillwater, Minn. Teacher. Miller, Pryor C, Pe. B., L. B., '83. 164 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Miller, Oliver John, LL. B., '10. P. 2359 S. 13th St., St. Louis, Mo. T. 902 Missouri Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Miller, Roy Emile, B. S. in Jr., '10. P. Moberly, Mo., 501 S. Williams St. T. Fresno Daily Republican, Fresno, Cal. Miller, William Alvan, B. S. in C. E., '97. P. 508 S. 5th St., Columbia, :\Io. Asst. Prof, of Railway Engineering, U. of Mo. Miller, William Deronda, LL. B., '95. P. Graceland, Sharp, Co., Ark. Mining. Miller, William Frederick, A. B., '03. P. Morrill, Neb. T. Bedford, Iowa. Miller, William Henry, LL. B., '79. P. 6 S. Fountain, Cape Girardeau, l\Io. Lawyer and Banker. Miller, William Henry, M. D., '85. P. Rollins and Lincoln Sts., Macon, IMo. Practicing IMedicine. Milligan, Maurice Morton, LL. B., 'OS. P. Richmond, Mo. Lawyer. ♦Million, John P., M. D. '51. '. Miner, Elbert Spencer, LL. B., '07. P. Ridgeway, Mo. Lumber and Mining and Banking. Minter, Mrs. Ida A. (Ida A. Aldrich), B. L., '76. P. Shelbina, Mo. *Minton, Charles, LL. B., '92. *Mitchell, Charles Parker, S. B., C. E., T. E., '81. Mitchell, Homer Rawlins, LL. B., '95. P. 319-20 Kiam Bldg., Houston, Texas. General Agent, Insurance. Mitchell, Orestes, LL. B., '00. P. 2714 Seneca St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Mitchell, Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D., '08. P. 601 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. Inst, in Pathology and Bacteriology — Anaeithetist to Hospital. ♦Mitchell, Stephen Arnold, B. S., C. E., "83. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 165 Moeser, Frederick, LL. B., '83. P. 2916 Bond Ave., East St. Louis, 111. Prin. of Schools. Monlux, Marshall H., B. S. in M. E., '06. Monroe, AValter Scott, A. B., '05, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 713 Missouri Ave., Columbia, Mo. Asst. in U. of Mo. Montgomery, Charles Francis, M. D., '05. P. 108 E. Albuquerque St., Roswell, N. M. Physician. -^ Montgomery, Charles H., LL. B., '73. P. 704 Locust St., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. Montgomery, Helen Belle (]\rrs. W. N. Harlan), A. B., '02, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Farmington, Mo. Montgomery, Maude Ellis, A. B., '02, A. M., '03, B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Farmingtn, Mo. Pres. of Elmwood Academy. Montgomery, Thomas Franklin, A. B., '07. P. Bolckow, Mo. Farmer. Montgomery, Theodore Leonard, Ph. B., Pe. B., '79. P. Kahoka, Mo., Hiller Bldg. Atty. at Law. *Montgomery, Thomas T., ]\L D., '49. Moody, Levi, Jr., A. B., '06. P. 6130 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. Carpenter and Millwright with N. W. Grain Co. Moore, Anna IMay, A. B., '09. P. Paris, Mo. T. Martin College, Pulaski, Tenn. Teaching History. Moore, Carl Manford, A. M., '00. , P. Surigao, Mindanao, P. I. Division Supt. of Schools. Moore, Franklin Lawrence, B. S. in C. E., '98. P. 1227 Main St., Carthage, Mo. Secy, and Mgr. Foundry. ' " Moore, George Herbert, LL. B., '01, LL. M., '02. P. 401 Commonwealth Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. *MGore, George Prewitt, LL. B., '01. 166 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Moore, Harris Lancaster, A. B., Pe. B., '92. P. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Lawyer. Moore, Henry Stephen, A. B., '99. P. 828 North St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Teaching in State Normal. Moore, Henry Thomas, A. B., '03, A. M., '04. P. Chillicothe, Mo. T. Haverford School, Haverford, Pa. Teacher. Moore, Ida May (Mrs. G. D. Edwards), B. L., '99. P. 1110 Paquin St., Columbia, I\Io. T. 19 Gervinus Str., Ill bei Frl. Dietz CharloUenburg, Ger- many. *Moore, Jerome, S. B., '73. Moore, Jerome Earle, A. B., '09. P. 4521 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, :\Io. Salesman. Moore, John Robert, A. B., '10. P. 811 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo. Asst., U. of Mo. *Moore, John Hendley, A. B., "46. Moore, Joseph Lee, Sur., '88. *Moore, Lawrence, A. B., '54, A. M., '58. Moore, Mary Eugenia, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Chillicothe, Mo. T. Howard Payne College, Fayette, ^lo. Moore, Mary Ruth (Mrs. John Wilson Norton), B. S. in Ed., '81. ' P. 3608 Campbell, Kansas City, :\Io. Moore, Millard F., M. D., '77. Moore, Nancy Belle, Pe. P., '86. Moore, Otho Clay, LL. B., '97. P. 701 Peyton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Lawyer. Moore, Olive Harris, A. B., '02. P. Chillicothe, Mo. T. 13, Rue Nicolas Charlet, Paris, France. Parker Traveling Fellow, Harvard Univ. Moore, Thornton Easley, M. D., '03. P. 2011/2 Elm St., Trenton, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Moore, Thomas Richard, LL. B., '09. P. 3041/2 College St., Springfield, Mo. ALUMNI DIKECTORY. 167 Moore, Washington K., B. L., '96. P. Canton, Mo. T. LaGrange, Mo. Supt. of School. Moore, William D., A. B., '01. P. 4236 Russell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Attorney. Moore, William Maurice, IM. D., '80. P. Paris, Texas. Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Moreell, Anna, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 6009 Suburban Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. Washington, La. Teacher — Latin. Moreell, Caroline, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 6009 Suburban Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Student St. Louis School of Social Economy. Moreell, Samuel, Jr., B. S. in C. B., '08. P. 6009 Suburban Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. Chesterfield Apts., Louisville, Ky. Asst. in Bridge Dept., L. & N. Ry. Morehead, French Hugh, B. S. in M. E., '04. P. 50 Church St., New York City. Salesman Kewanee Water Supply Co. Morehead, George Lawrence, B. S. in M. E., '02. . P. Paris, Mo. T. 7032 Stewart Ave.. Care Link Belt Co., Chicago, 111. Eng. of Works, Link Belt Co. Morehead, Lucy Olive (Mrs. Louis E. Schaeffer), A. B., '02. P. 1450 9th St., Greeley, Colo. Morehead, William Clyde, B. S. in E. E., '08. P. Care Waco Gasi Co., Waco, Texas. *Morey, James Grover, A. M.„ '48 (Hon.). Morgan, Henry Winfred, LL. B., '00. P. Anadarko, Okla. Lawyer. Morlan, Ernest Earle, A. B., '02. P. Garden City, ]\Io. T. 307 C:hristian College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Instructor in Chemistry, U. of Mo. Morris, Christopher Columbus, M. D., '84. P. Garrison and Franklin Ave., Baptist Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri. Surgery. 168 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Morris, David Esdres, LL. B., '00. P. Lancaster, Mo. Lawyer. ]\Iorris, John Wesley, T. E., '84. P. Quitman, Mo. Editor and Publisher. Morris, Robert, Pe. P., '86. Morris, Richard Err, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Higginsville, Mo. Supt. of Schools. Morrison, Albert George, LL. B., '90. P. 604 Wheat Bldg., Ft. Worth, Texas. Claim Agent, Frisco Texas Lines. ♦Morrison, Nathan Jackson, LL. D., '84. Morrison, Oliver Monroe, B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Eagleville, Mo. Stock Raising. Morrow, Samuel Roy, B. S. in C. E., '09. ' P. 843 Howard Ave., Carthage, :\Io. T. 704 Postal Tel. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Civil Engineer with U. S. Engineers. Morse, Henry Simmons, B. S. in M. E., '99, M. E., '05. T. 834 S. Arch Ave., Alliance, Ohio. P. Warrenton, Mo. Manager of Reeves Bros. Co., Alliance, Ohio. Morthland, Vernon, LL. B., '07. P. North Yakima, Wash. Lawyer — Davis and ]\Iorthland. ■^Morton, Charles Henry, M. D., '48. *Mosby, William S., S. B., Pe. B., '83. ♦Mosher, Alanson, M. D., '50. Mosley, Charles Louis, L. B., '82, Pe. B., '89. Mosman, Burroughs Norton, LL. B., '99. P. No. 11 W. 38th St., Kansas City, Mo. Atty. at Law. *Moss, James Hugh, A. B., '44. Moss, Juliette, B. S. in Ed., '09, A. B., '10. P. Box 314, Columbia, Mo. Student, U. of Mo. Moss, Melvin, B. S. in Agr., '09. R. R. No. 2, Denison, Texas. In service of U. , S. Government as Farm Manager. ALUMNI DIRECTOEY. 169 Moss, Oliver Perry, B. S. in E. E., '08. P. 4521 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. With Rock Island R. R. Moss, Robert Faulkner, B. S. in C. E., '04. P. Box 314, Columbia, Mo. T. Yokohama, Japan, care American Trading Company. Civil Engineer. Moss, Woodson M. D., '74, LL. D., '01. P. 707 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. Physician and Teacher. Mossman, Hugh, LL. B., '08. P. Vinton, Iowa. Lawyer. Motter, Francis Marion, B. L., '00. P. 4116 West End Ave., Chicago, 111. Jobber. Moulton, Charles Robert, M. S. in Agr., '09. P. Glen Ellyn, 111. T. Care of Dairy Bldg., Columbia, Mo. Asst. Chemist — Exp. Station. IMoulton, Ella Lee, A. B., '04, A. M., '09. P. King City, Mo. T. 117 E. 7th St., Sedalia, Mo. History Instructor in High School. Moulton, Pearl (Mrs. K. J. Cardy), A. B., '04. P. Humboldt, Neb. Mountjoy, Mrs. J. L., (Grace Lillian Scholz), M. D., '06. P. 1215 Walnut, Columbia, Mo. Meyer, Linneus Edward, LL. B., '92. Moyle, Budd Spurgeon, A. M., '09. P. Lenox, Iowa. T. Onslow, la. Teacher. Mueller, Irvin Chas., B. S. in C. E., '08. P. 1632 S. 21st St., Kansas City, Kan. Draughtsman, K. C. Structural Steel Co. *Muldrew, Milton H., M. D., '47. :Mullinax, Ira David, A. B., '03. P. Princeton, Mo. T. Oklahoma City, Okla. Editor "Times." Mullins, Mrs. Ben H. (Norma E. Roth), A. B., '08. P. Linneus, Mo. 170 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Munday, Bert, B. S., '97, M. S., '98, M. D., '99. P. 367 West 23d, New York City. Physician. Munday, Emma, A. B., '04. P. College, Canton, Mo. *Munns, Horace G., LL. B., '90. Muns, George Elias, M. D., '80. P. Montgomery City, Mo. Physician and Surgeon and Postmaster. Murphy, Anna I\Iay (Mrs. Wilson), Pe. P., '82. P. Rolla, Mo. T. R. F. D. No. 27, Kingsville, Mo. *Murphy, George Washington, Pe. P., '85, Pe. B., A. B., '87, A. M., '90. Murphy, Maurice Patrick, LL. B., '06. P. Topeka, Kan. Claim Adjuster, A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co. Murphy, William G., B. S., '61. Murrell, Charles Ernest, LL. B., '99. P. Kirksville, Mo. Lawyer. Murrell, Fred Emmett, LL. B., '05. P. Moberly, Mo. Atty. at Law. *Murrell, William Plane, Pe. P., '87, Sur., '87. Murrili, Daisy May, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Cabool, Mo. T. 3230 Summit St., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher. Murry, Harvey Dennie, LL. B., '97, LL. M., '98. P. Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. *Murry, Jerre Herbert, LL. B., '93, LL. M., '95. Murry, John Franklin, LL. B., '87. P. Columbia, Mo. Probate Judge. *Murry, Nettie Lee, B. S. in Ed., '07. Muth, Frank Amenda, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Richland, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo. Asst. Instructor in Engineering. Myer, Jessie Shire, A. B., Pe. P., '93. P. 3894 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Physician. ALUMNI DIKECTORY. 171 Myer, Max Washington, A. B., '97. P. 3894 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Surgeon. Myers, Robert Lee, A. B., B. S., in Ed., '05. P. Dadeville, Mo. T. Mineola, Texas. Principal of High School. Myers, Thomas Albert, B. S. in M. E., '08. P. 337 N. Washington St., Nevada, Mo. Electrician. Myers, William Thomas, LL. B., '09. P. 3021/^ Broadway, Hannibal, :\Io. La.wyer. Nacy, Frances Winifred (Mrs. Roscoe F. Anderson), \. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 5218 Page Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Nagel, Georgia Olive, Pe. P., '89. Nagel, Mary Louise, A. M., '08. P. 216 Main St., Independence, Mo. Nakajima, Yasakuni, LL. B., '90. Nally, Harvey, M. D., '76. P. Cainsville, ftlo. Physician and Surgeon. *Nance, Hiram, M. D., '47. *Nance, William H., M. D., '49. Napton, John Reid, LL. B., '04. P. Care K. C. Star, Kansas City, Mo. Napton, Percy, LL. B., '00. P. Butte, Mont. Lawyer. *Napton, Thomas L., A. B., '61, A. M., '73 (Hon.). Napton, William Barclay, LL. B., '58, LL. D., '82. P. Marshall, jNIo. Lawyer. Nardin, Frances Louise, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 815 Central Natl. Bank Bldg., St. Lcuis, Mo., Care Wm. T. Nardin. T. Westport High School, 3916 Manheim Rd., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher. Nardin, George Frederic, A. B., '04. P. Savannah, Mo. Supt. of Schools. 172 UNIVEKSITY OF MISSOURI. Nardin, William Thompson, A. B., '03, A. M., '04, LL. B., '07. .P. 815 Central Natl. Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Attorney at Law. Nardin, Mrs. W. T. (Mary E. Conway), A. B., '04. P. 5701 Julian Ave., St. Louis, Mo. *Nash, Charles E., M. D., '49. Nash, Franklin Marion, B. S. in E. E., '06. P. Shoshone, Colo., Care Central Cold. Power Co. Supt. Shoshne Plant C. C. P. Co. Nattrass, Jennie Cleland, Pe. P., '80. Neal, James Preston, LL. B., '91. P. 5863 Minerva Ave., St. Lonis, Mo. Railway Mail Service. Neale, Benjamin Mayberry, LL. B., '02. P. Greenfield, Mo. Lawyer. Nebel, John Vincent, LL. B., '98. P. Montgomery City, Mo. Prosecuting Attorney. Nelson, Earl Fontaine, A. B., '04, LL. B., '05. P. Milan, Mo. Attorney at Law. Nelson, Eugene William, LL. B., '00. P. 307 Hannibal Trust Bldg., Hannibal, Mo. Pros. Afcty. for Marion Co. Nelson, Harry Rowland, B. S. in Agr., '09. ~ P. 811 N. 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. Editor, Weekly Star Farmer. Nelscn, James Everett, M. D., '05. P. 14 W. Pine St., Lodi, Cal. Physician and Surgeon. Nelson, Lewis Cass, A. B., '67, A. M., '70 P. 923 Security Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Retired Banker. Nesbitt, Ethel Amanda, B. S. in Ed., :08. P. 221 S. 7th St., Muskogee, Okla. Teacher. Nesbitt, Florence M., A. B., '02. P. 2527 Felix St., St. Joseph, Mo. T. 524 W. 124th St., New York City, N. Y. Student in Columbia University. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 173 Nesbitt, Nelle B., B. S. in Ed., '09, A. B., '10. P. 103 S. 16th St., St. Joseph, Mo. T. 604 S. 9th St., Columbia, Mo. Teacher in Home Economics and Student. Nesbitt, Pleasant Pomeroy, B. S., '01. P. Box 94, Muskogee, Okla. Physician and Surgeon. Neuenhahn, Otto Francis, LL. B., '88. P. 112 Clark St., Chicago, 111. Atty. at Law. Neville, Colon Will Jackson, B. S. in C. E., '99. P. 1020 Maison Blache Bldg., New Orleans, La. Civil Engineer. Neville, James Tilford, LL. B., '85. P. 1055 E. Elm St., Springfield, Mo. Judge 23d Circuit Court. Neville, Percy Lee, LL. B., '05. P. Marshall, Mo. Lawyer. Newcomer, Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs. J. E. Wildish), A. B., '08. P. 316 Market St., Warrensburg, Mo. T. 726 St, Louis St., Springfield, Mo. Newcomer, Ralph Samuel, LL. B., '10. P. 216 N. 8th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Newell, Anna Gray, A. B., '02. P. 826 Clinton St., Carthage, Mo. T. Rye Seminary, Rye, N. Y. Teacher of Latin. Newell, Elizabeth Colquitt, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Milledgeville, Ga. T. 509 S. 4th St., Columbia, Mo. Student. *Newell, Horace, M. D., '50. Newell, Mary Heartwell, B. S. in Ed., '09, A. B.„ '10. P. Milledgeville, Ga. T. 35 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., Care Chicago School of Civics. Newkirk, Cora Matilda ( Mrs. James H. Barns), A. B., '06, B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 1923 Burd Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 174 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Newkirk, Samuel Drake, LL. B., '07. P. 4329 Holly St., Kansas City, Mo. Attorney, 708 American Bank Bldg. Newman, John Henry, A. B., '06, LL. B., '07. P. 417 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Newman, Thomas Jefferson, B. L., '97. P. 218 Natl. Ger. Am. Bank Bldg., St. Paul, :\Iinn. Lawyer. Newton, Cleveland Alexander, LL. B., '02. P. 700 Security Bldg., Nagel and Kirby, St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Nicholas, James Lincoln, LL. B., '90. P. London, Tenn. Attorney at Law. *Nichols, Adam, M. D., '50 (Hon.). Nichols, Arlee Isbell, M. D., '04. P. Ashland, IMo. Physician. Nichols, Clark, LL. B., '06. P. 407 W. First St., or 223 Miners Bank Bldg., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. Nichols, George Henry, Pe. P., '80. Nichols, Lulu Edith (Mrs. J. W. Wills), A. M., '02. P. 1101 East Fourth St., Sedalia, Mo. Nichols, Oakley JMathias, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 918 W. 2d St., Chillicothe, Mo. T. 610 W. Monroe St., Mexico, Mo. ■ With Fruin Banbrick Construction Co. Nichols, Robert Fields, A. M., '01. P. Ashland, Mo. T. Clinton, I\Io. Prin. Washington High School. Nicholson, Lloyd Carlton, B. S. in E. E., '02. P. Riclilands, N. C. T. 421 Fidelity Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Electrical Engineer. Nicklin, Walton Elbert, LL. B., '88. P. Pryor Creek, Okla. Atty. at Law. Nirol, David Allen, A. B., '07. P. 321 N. Jefferson Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Civil Engineer for Consolidated Coal Co. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 175 Niebreugge, William Frederick, A. B., '04. P. R. F. D. No. 6, Box 11, Independence, Mo. Niedermeyer, Frederick William, LL. B., "94. P. 1101 University Ave., Columbia, Mo. Real Estate. Nifong, Walter Ritchie, Sur., '88. P. 716 Insurance Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. . Refrigerating Engineer. Nixon, James Pathric, Jr., A. B., '08. P. Salmon, Idaho. Lawyer. Noe, Minnie Lee, A. B., '10. P. Centralia, Mo. T. Roundup, Mont. Teacher. Noffsinger, William Wallace, Ph. B., '79. P. Kansas City, Mo. Nolen, Eugenia Frances, A. B., '01. P. Paris, Mo. T. 218 Selma Ave., Webster' Groves, Mo. Teacher in Webster Groves High School. Norris, Wilford Alexander, M. D., '83. P. 305 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. North, Edward Scarritt, LL. B., '05. P. 1127 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Northcutt, Ina Klasking, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 303 St. Joseph St., Columbia, Mo. T. Breckenridge, Mo. Teacher, History and Math, in High Scchool. Northcutt, Arthur Harrison, LL. B., '05. *Norton, Elijah H., LL. D., '82. Norton, John Henry, B. Agr., B. S., '97, M. S., '07. P. Citrus Experiment Station, Riverside, Cal. Chemist, in Charge of Citrus Exp. Station. Norton, Mrs. John Wilson (Mary Ruth Moore), B. S. '81. P. 3608 Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Norton, Louise Ruth, A. B., '10. P. 3608 Campbell St., Kansas City, Mo. Norwood, Frank Henderson, M. D., '98. *Norwood, Joseph G., LL. D., '73. 176 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Nowell, Elizabeth, A. B., '09, B. S. in H. E., '10. P. 700 W. Broadway, Columbia, Mo. T. 1112 Main St., Jonesboro, Ark. Teacher of Home Economics. Nowell, Frances Ruby, A. B., '03. P. Corner Garth and Broadway, Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Nowierski, Bronislaw Jozef, M. D., '84. Nowlin, David, Sur., '86. P. Montgomery City, Mo. Nugent, James Edward, LL. B., '05. P. 902 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Nulf, Jacob Hamilton, LL. B., '08. P. 806 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Nutt, Cyrus, LL. D., '73. O'Bannon, Walter Allen, B. S. in C. E., '08. P: La Monte, Mo. , T. 610 Majestic Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Contractor. O'Briant, Lewis Irvin, LL. B., '01. P. Lancaster, Mo. Abstracter and Lawyer. O'Connor, Michael Harry, LL. B., '96. P. 561 Sheidley Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Attorney at Law. O'Connor, Thomas Edward, A. B., '03. P. 4546 Eighth Ave., N. E., Seattle Wash. Teacher of History, Lincoln High School. O'Hage, Justus, M. D., '80. P. St. Paul, Minn. O'Mahony, Clarence, LL. B., '92. P. Columbia, Mo. *0'Mahony, Daniel, A. B., 82. O'Neal, Emmett Cleveland, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. Paris, Mo. Farming. O'Rear, M. A., B. S. in Ed., '06, A. B., '07. P. Boonville, Mo. Supt. of Schools. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 177 O'Shaiighnessy, John Patrick, LL. B., '95. P. Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Okubo, Takeshi, A. B., '03. P. Tomidaiira Machi, Tokushima Shi, Tokushima Ken, Japan. Asst. Mgr., Freight Dept., Mitsui Bussan, Kasiha, Kobe, Japan. Oldham, Charles Woodson, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Thayer, Mo. Supt. of Schools. *01dham, W. A., A. M., '90 (Hon.). Oliver, Allen Laws, A. B., '08, LL. B., '09. P. 740 North St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Lawyer. Oliver, Albert Ray, B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Provo, Utah, Care Telluride Power Co. T. 217 West Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Graduate Student at Cornell U. Oliver, Lucile Elizabeth, A. B.*, '10. P. Breckenridge, IMo. Teacher. Oliver, Lulu Grace (Mrs. Menta L. Crouch), B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. T. St. Cloud, Minn. Oliver, Robert Burett, LL. B., '77. 402-5 H. H. Bldg., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Oliver, Robert Burett, Jr., A. B., '01, LL. B., '04. P. 402-5 H.-H. Bldg., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Lawyer. Oliver, Tbomas Jefferson, A. B., '73, S. M., '92. P. Falls City, Neb. Supt. of Schools. Orear, Lenoir Wilkes, B. S. in E. E., '01. P. Columbia, Mo. T. McGill, Nevada. Electrical Engineer. Organ, Minnie Katherine, B. L., '97, A. M., '99. P. Salem, Mo. T. Chicago, 111., Chicago University. Student. *Orr, Robert Jamison, S. B., '76. Orr, Thomas Grover, A. B., '07. P. Bosworth, Mo. T. Kansas City General Hospital, K. C. ^lo. Physician. 12 178 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Orr, Warren Henry, A. B., '09. P. 814 A. Ave., Lawton, Okla. T. 821 Rollins St., Columbia, Mo. Law Student. Osborn, Frank Putnam, M. D., '06. P. Oakwood, Okla. Practicing Medicine. Osborn, Shelby Edmund, LL. B., '01. P. Stockton, Mo. Lawyer. Ostergard, Martin Jackson, LL. B., '97. P. 425 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Atty. at Law. Otis, Merill Edward, A. B., '06, LL. B., '10, A .M., '10. P. Hopkins, Mo. Lawyer. C-tis, Rachel Tamer Dora, A. B., '08. ' P. Hopkins, Mo. T. McTyeive School, 4 Thibet Road, Shanghai, China. Teacher. Otto, Leonard Henry, B. L., '82. P. 158 E. Court St., Ottumwa, Iowa. Pastor First Christian Church. ♦Overall, John H., A. B., '65, A. M., '68. Owen, Frederick Benjamin, A. B., '03. P. 717 N. Robinson St., or Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Owen, Jesse Mordecai, LL. B., ,'98. P. Union Mo. Atty. at Law. Owen, Laura Frances, B. S. in Ed., 'OS. P. Waterproof, Louisiana. Teacher. Owen, Theodore Clarence, LL. B., '97. P. Warsaw, Mo. Prosecuting Attorney. Owen, Walter Edwin, S. B., '81. P. Clinton, Mo. Atty. at Law. *Owen, Sherwood H., M. D., '49. ♦Packard, B. F. H., M. D., '50 ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 179 Packard, Eva Lorena, A. B., '03. P. Cameron, Mo. T. 136 Market St., Warrensburg, Mo. Supervisor — Training High School — Normal. Packer, Helen Adaline, N. G., '72. Paine, Alice Milroy (Mrs. J. H. Langston), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 1151 Cook, Denver, Colo. *Palmer, Bartley Dennis, A. B., '57, A. M., '60. Palmer, Charles Paschal, LL. B., '02. P. Sturgeon, Mo. Farming and Stock-raising. Palmer, Joseph Roberts, LL. B., '02. P. Elsberry, Mo. Attorney. Palmer, Leroy Sheldon, B. S. in Ch. E., '09. P. Y. M. C. A., Columbia, Mo. Dairy Chemist, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Palmer, Robert Conrad, B. S. in Ch. E., '09, Ch. E., '10. P. Madison, Wis. Chemical Engineer, Forest Product Laboratory. *Palmer, William, LL. B., '83. Paquin, Felix, Sur., '88. P. Galveston, Texas. Chemist and Bacteriologist. Park, Guy Brasfleld, LL. B., '96. P. Platte City, ]Mo. Lawyer. Parker, Edith, B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 717 Missouri Ave., Columbia, Mo. T. 354 Nakazato, Takinogava, Tokyo, Japan. Missionary to Tokyo, Japan. *Parker, James Henry, A. B., '47, A. M., '50. Parker, Warren A., LL. B., '91. Parker, Mrs. W. T., (Ida Gerig), A. B., B. P., '94, A. M., '95. P. 2609 Madison St., Spokane, Wash. Parkhurst, Albert Earley, B. Agr., '02. P. Gregory, S. D. Billiard Hall and Bowling Alley. Parkhurst, Charles Leonard, B. S. '99, M. D., '01. P. Houstonia, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Parkhurst, Mrs. C. L. (Lou Belle Caldwell), A. B., '02. P. Houstonia, Mo. 180 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Parks, James Allen, LL. B., '06. P. 210 S. Main St., Clinton, Mo. Lawyer. Parman, John, LL. B., '02. Parmer, Charles Chandler, M. D., '98. P. Hartsburg, Mo. Practice of Medicine. *Parmer, Charles Nathaniel, A. B., '51, A. M., '54. Parmer, John Elven, M. D., '94. P. IMokane, Mo. Practice of IMedicine and Druggist. Parmerlee, William, LL. B., '87. P. 304 Pioneer Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Attorney at Law. Patterson, Elizabeth Cordelia, A. B., '08. P. Mexico, Mo. T. 36a Kaiser Strasse, Berlin, Germany. Patterson, Edwin Wilhite, A. B., '09. P. 3010 Bellefontaine Ave., Kansas City, Mo. T. 403 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Law Student, U. of Mo. Patton, Lowell Russell, A. B., LL. B., '08. P. 319 City Natl. Bank Bldg., Galveston, Texas. Lawyer. Patzwald, Otto Reinhold, A. B., '03, A. M., '05. P. Santa Barbara Inn, Santa Barbara, Cal. Teacher of Modern Languages in High School. Paxton, Charles Flagg, LL. B., '98. . P. 234 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Traveling Salesman. Paxton, Joseph Francis, Pe. P., '88, A. B., '91, A. M., '93. P. Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Prof, of Greek and CI. Arch, in Univ. of Okla. Paxton, Mary Gentry, B. S. in Jr., '10. P. 614 Delaware St., Independence, Mo. T. Care of K. C. Post, Kansas City, Mo. Reporter for Kansas City, Post. Payne, Anna Calvin (Mrs. Russell Gwinn), Pe. P., '89. P. 507 S. 3d St., ]\Iissoula, Mont. Payne, Dennis Cullen, LL. B., '08. P. Ft. Stockton, Texas. Lawyer. Payne, Mrs. D. P. (Anna Maud Reed), Pe. P., '89. P. 2715 Jackson St., St. Joseph, Mo. A,LUMNI DIRECTORY. 181 *Payne, G., M. D., '49 (Hon.). Payne, George Calvin, A. B., '10. P. Box 1517 Muskogee, Okla. T. 129 Lexington Ave., New York City. Student. Payne, Harry Clouset, M. D., '03. P. Paris, Mo. Physician. Payne, Joseph T., S. B., C. E., T. E., '81, M. S., '84. P. Muskogee, Okla. T. Kirksville, Mo. Civil Engineer. Payne, Joseph W., B. H., '77. Payne, Lowell R., LL. B., '08. *Payne, Mary Caroline, B. L., '96. *Payne, Oliver B., M. D., '49. Payne, Samuel Albert, LL. B., '85. *Payne, William Ellridge, B. S., '76. Pearcy, Claude Otis, LL. B., '06. P. 624 Wainwright Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Attorney. Pearcy, Elmer Egerton, LL. B., '04. P. 234 City Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Attorney at Law — Secretary — Asst. City Counsellor. Pearse, Faith (Mrs. E. L. Miller), B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Norborne, Mo. T. 149 Hemenway St., Boston, Mass. Pearson, Arthur Eugene, LL. B., '10. P. Room 826, American Natl. Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Lawyer. Peck, Henry Gordon, A. B., '06. P. 311 Dayton St., Muskogee, Okla. Clerk with Southern Surety Co. Peebles, John Wallace, LL. B., '77. P. Box 582, Marion, 111. Lawyer. Peeler, William Barney, B. S., '95. P. Elsberry, Mo. Merchant. Peery, Edwin Howe, LL. B., '81. P. Mt. Tabor, 626-7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Oregon. Attorney at Law. ♦Peirson, Benjamin H., M. D., '46. 182 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. *Pembert.on, J. K., A. M., '74 (Hon.). Pemberton, Morton Hord, B. S., '95, LT^. B., '97. P. Columbia, Mo. Farmer. Pemberton, Walker S., B. S. in Ed., '06, A. M., '09. P. Mendon, Mo. T. Wheaton, 111. Teacher. Pendleton, Edmund, LL. B., '75. Pendleton, Henry Harris, Sur., '84'. Penn, Stewart Lee, LL. B., '95. T. Troy, Mo. Lawyer. Penney, Walter Dunn, LL. B., '80. Penney, William Willis, Sur., '83. P. City of Old Mexico. Pennington, James M., Pe. P., '82. Penter, Eli, N. G., '69, S. B., '70, A. M., '80. P. Ashland, Mo. Lawyer. Penter, Eli Everette, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. 10 Allen Place, Columbia, ]\Io. Peper, Elmer Carl, B. S. in E. E., '00. P. 5926 Westminster Place, St. Louis, Mo. Engineer. Perkins, Madison Love, B. L., '98. P. Ada, Okla. Vice-Pres. and Head of Dept. of Education, East Central State Normal. Perry, John Edmund, A. B., '06. Perry, Thomas Benton, B. S., '98, A. M., '03, B. S. in C. E., '03. P. R. P. D. No. 3, Carthage, Mo. T. 1307 Liggett Bldg., or 4280 Shenandoah Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Civil Engineer. Peters, Fredus Nelson, Pe. P., '85, Pe. B., A. B., '87, A. M., '90. P. 5423 Cleveland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher and Author. Peters, Mrs. F. N. (Margaret Maupin), Pe. P., '89. P. 5423 Cleveland, Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Peters, John Patrick, LL. B., '02. P. Linn, Mo. Atty. at Law. Pros. Atty. Osage Co. Peters, Una Verda, Pe. P., '89. ALUMNI DIRECTOKY. 183 Peterson, Mrs. Richard (Janie Pollard), B. L., '96. P. Toyah, Texas. Pettengill, Miunie (Mrs. W. R. Dodson), B. L., '93, B, P., '93, Pe. P., '89. P. 611 Lafayette St., Baton Rouge, La. Pharis, Thomas A., LL. B., '81. P. Clinton, Mo. Coal Operator. *Pharr, C. W., M. D., '51. Phelan, James Benedict, B. S. in C. E., '07. . P. 717 S. William St., Moberly, Mo. T. Box 201, Mt. Union, Pa. Asst. Yard Master, P. R. R. Co. Phelps, Mabel, B. L., '00. P. 354 W. Ave., 53, Los Angeles, Cal. Phelps, Victor Edward, LL. B., '07. P. Care West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn. Legal Editor. Phetzing, Uriah G., LL. B., '80. P. Lexington, Mo. Lawyer. Philbrook, Lee Elmo, B. S. in C. E., '04. P. 1106 Rookery, Chicago, 111. Civil Engineer. Philippi, Harry Claire, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 1114 High St., Billingham, Wash. Teacher, State Normal. Phillips, John F., LL. D., '90. P. 1310 Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, ]\To. Judge, U. S. District Court. Phillips, Clifford French, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Hermann, Mo. T. Hiram Phillips, St. Louis-, Mo. Engineer. Phillips, Ernest Churchill, M. E., '10. P. Garey, Ind. With Indiana Steel Co. Phillips, Edward David, Ph. B., '77, Ph. M., '87. P. 3021 Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher and Principal, Manual Training High School. Phillips, Everett Eugene, LL. B., '98. P. 2824 E. 6th St., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. 184 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Phillips, Hiram, T. E., '80, C. E., '91. P. 1000 Third Nat. Bank, St. Louis, Mo. Consulting Engineer. Phillips, Harry Ashton, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Warrensburg, Mo. Teaching in State Normal. *Phillips, James, M. D., '47. Phillips, Joseph Leslie, T. E., '80, C. E., '90. P. 2159 W. 25th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Mining Engineer and Mine Manager. Phillips, Murray Jr., A. B., '98. P. New Madrid, Mo. Attorney. Phillips, Richard Harvey, T. E., '85, C. E., '90. P. 503 Security Bdg., St. Louis, Mo. Consulting Civil Engineer. Phipps, Sue Helen, A. B., '05. P. 1300 San Jacinto St., Austin, Texas. . Teacher of Spanish, Austin High School. Pickell, Ralph Miller, LL. B., '99. P. Kirksville, Mo. City Mail Carrier. Pickell, Mrs. R. M. (Daisy Gordon), B. S., '99. P. 624 E. Washington St., KirKSvile, Mo. Pickett, Nettie Violet, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 1301 College Ave., Trenton, Mo. Teacher. Pickrell, Claude Deldine, A. B., '08. P. 4475 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Interne, City Hospital. Pickrell, Frances Gertrude, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 4475 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Student — Washington University. Piepmeier, Bion Harman, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. State Highway Commission, Springfield, 111. Asst. Engineer, I. H. C. Pier, Jercme Warner, LL. B., '07. P. 806 W. 11th St., Erie, Pa. Insurance. Pierce, Harry Llewellyn, A. B., '05. P. 312-3 Exc. Bank Bldg., Columbia, Mo. Architect. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 185 Pierce, Lonnie John, B. S. in E. B., '02. P. Room 1610 Farmers Bank Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Chief Engineer for American Window Glass Co. Pierce, Ralph Harold, LL. B., '08. P. Pryor, Okla. Lawyer. •Pierce, Sallie Cheapwood (Mrs. W. H. Guitar), Pe. P., '89. P. 515 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. *Pierce, Winslow Smith, M. D., '48. Pigg, William Francis, Pe. P., '85. Pigott, William Trigg, LL. B., '80. P. 721 Hauser St., Helena, Mont. Counselor at Law. Pike, Mrs. C. F. (Margaret E. Bogard), B. L., '99. P. 1319 N. 16th St., Boise, Idaho. Pilcher, James Delano, LL. B., '88. P. Alamosa, Colo. Lawyer. *Pim, Lewis Tousard, M. D., '47. Pinion, John Ralph, M. D., '09. P. Care Philippines Constabulary, Philippine Islands. T. Surigao, Surigao, P. I. Medical Inspector, P. C. Pinkley, Roy Henry, B. S. in E. E., '99, E. E., '03. P. 623 Frederick Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Chief Draftsman, T. M. E. R. & L. Co. Pinkley, Mrs. R. H. (Mabel Helen Duncan), A. B., '07. P. 623 Frederick Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Pittman, Hubert Ney, LL. B., '91. P. Berryville, Ark. Lawyer. *Pitman, Hail W., M. D., '50. Pitts, Lewis Elmer, A. B., '89. P. 112 Dearbourn St., Chicago, 111. Pitts, Mrs. Winston (Zannie May Denny), S. B., '85, Pe. B., '85. P. Roanoke, ]\Io. Plank, Lewis, LL. B., '07. P. 1014 Woodruff Bldg., Springfield, Mo. Private Secy, to J. P. Nixon, Presiding Judge. *Platt, Samuel Leonard, M. D., '48. Plowman, John Lawrence, LL. B., '98. P. Hannibal, Mo. Lawyer. 186 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUKI. Plummer, John Edmond, LL. B., '09. P. Breckeniidge, Mo. T. Meyers Falls, Wash. Plunkett, Frank Willis, B. S. in Ed., 'OG, A. B., '07. P. Houston, Texas. Teacher of English in High School. Poague, Henry F., LL. B., '92. P. Clinton, Mo. Lawyer. Poland, Joseph R., LL. B., '94. P. Prairie City, Oregon. Lawyer. Pollard, Enos C, S. B., '83, C. E., '83. Pollard, Janie Elenora (Mrs. Richard Peterson), B. L., '96. P. Toyah, Texas. Porter, David W., LL. B., '83. P. Mound City, Mo. Lawyer. Porter, Edward Winslow, LL. B., '09. P. Lathrop, Mo. Will go to Kansas City, Mo. soon. *Porter, Theodore D., M. D., '47. Portner, Louis Jackson, A. B., '10. P. 4356 Page Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Advertising Solicitor. Porzelius, Albert Frederick, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 2201 Jule St. ,St. Joseph, Mo. T. Box 126, Pryor, Okla. Resident Engineer. Post, Ida Orissa, Pe. P., '89. Poston, Felix O., LL. B., '02. P. Central Natl. Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Insurance. Potter, Caryl Ashby, A. B., '08. P. 1308 N. 11th St. St. Joseph, Mo. T. Care John Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. Student. Potter, James Arthur, A. B., '02, LL. B., '05. . P. W. College St., Aurora, Mo. Lawyer. Potter, James Louis, LL. B., '97. P. 614 N. Compton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Doctor. Potter, James Morris, Pe. P., '77. ALUMNI DIEECTOEY. 187 Potter, Mary Bassett, (Mrs. Mary B. Macy), B. L., '99. P. 621 Cache la Pondee, Colorado Springs, Colo. Potter. Maud, A. B., '05. P. 4262 Flad Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Potter, Peter, B. S., '01, A. M., M. D., '03. P. 412-413 Henessy Bldg., Butte, Mont. Physician — Eye, Ear, IS'ose and Throat. Potter, William Irl, A. B., '10. P. Weston, Mo. Traveling Representative. Potts, Jerome Dillard, M. D., '78. P. 5018 Raymond Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Physician and Surgeon and Proctologist in Bai'nes Medical College. Potts, Robert Andrew, Jr., B. 3. in C. E., '09. P. St. Joseph, Mo. Powell, Andrew Thompson Tilden, A. B., '09. P. Rolla, Mo. Supt. of Schools. Powell, Bessie (Mrs. J. W. Craig), A. B., '00, Pe. P., '92. P. Vinita, Okla. Powell, Ernest Bell, LL. B., '98. P. Hughesville, Mo. Attorney at Law. Powell, John Benjamin, B. S. in Jr., '10. P. Maywood, Mo. T. Courier Post, Hannibal, Mo. Reporter. Powell, Mrs. Lulu May, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Rolla, Mo. Powell, Maurice Vernon, C. E., '10. P. Houston, Texas. T. Manaas Brazil, Laiza, 304, Care Eng. Dept. Powell, Park, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. U. of S. Carolina, Columbia, S. C. Prof, of Romance Languages. Powers, Candace, A. B., '06. P. Paris, Mo. Powers, Joseph H., B. S. in C .E., '01. P. 940 N. Edward, Decatur, 111. Asst. Bridge Engineer, Decatur Bridge Co 188 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Prather, Henry Lee, A. B., '10. P. Odessa, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo. Law Student. Prather, John W., A. B., '69. Pratt, George Cooley, A. B., '91. P. 189 La Salle St., Chicago. 111. Sales Agent. Pratt, William Silvanus, A. B., '64, A. M., '67. P. Columbia, Mo. Insurance. Prehn, Katherine Eleanor, A. B., '10, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. 11 Marshall PI., Webster Groves, Mo. T. 205 College, Ave., Columbia, Mo. Student— U. of Mo. Prentis, Miss Hally IMorrison, A. B., '05. P. 8415 13th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher, Manual Training High School of Brooklyn. Prentis, Henning Webb, Jr., A. B., '03. P. Care Armstrong Cork Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Asst to Mgr. — Insulation Dept. Prentis, Joseph Elliott, A. B., '08. P. 8415 13th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Salesman. Prentis, Morton McNutt, A. B., 'OG. P. Norfolk, Va., Natl. Bank of Commere. Banking. Preston, James Scarlett, B. S., '65, M. S., '70. P. Armstrong, Mo. Physician. Prettyman, Charles Edward, Jr., LL. B., '99. P. Neosho, Mo. Lawyer and Banker. *Prewitt, Robert T., A. B., '65, A. M., '68. Prewitt, Robert C, L. B., '85. P. Durango, Colo. Life Insurance Agent. Price, James Newton, B. S. in Agr., '05. P. R. F. D. No. 6, Box 86, Trenton, Mo. Dairy Farming. Price, John Emmett, A. B., '08, LL. B., '08. P. 517 Theatre Bldg., Houston, Texas. Lawyer. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 189 Price, Joseph Paul, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. R. R. No. 2, Hartville, Ohio. T. Columbia, Mo. Asst. City Engineer. Price, Lakenan Moss, A. B., '06, LL. B., '09. P. Everett, Washington. Lawyer. Price, Lacy Pittman (Mrs. Albert S. Taylor), A. B., '10. P. 165 Washington St., Coalinga, Cal. Price, Perry Riley, LL. B., '02. P. Bronson Bldg., El Paso, Texas. Lawyer. Price, Robert Beverly, M. S., '73 (Hon.). P. Price Ave., Columbia, Mo. President, Boone Co. Natl. Bank, Treas. U. of Mo. Price, Robert Beverly, Jr., LL. B., '04. P. University Ave., Columbia, Mo. Banker. *Price, Sterling, Jr., A. B., '51, A. M., '54. Price, Stuart Robinson, LL. B., '96. P. Hotel Astor House, Shanghai, China. Commercial Business. Price, William Edmund, B. S. in G E., '07. P. Harrisonville, Mo. T. 701 Majestic Bldg,, Oklahoma City, Okla. Engineer for Layton, Smith & Howk, Archt's. Prigmore, Robert Warren, LL. B., '88. P. 1205 American Bank Bldg., Seattle Wash. Lawyer. Prigmore, Russell Young, LL. B., '88. P. 1306 Main St., Ft. Worth, Texas. Attorney at Law. Primm, Clarence J., A. M., '07. P. 5702 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. Law Student. Primm, Roy Lee, A. B., '10. P. Hannibal, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo. Student, U. of Mo. *Prim.m, Thomas J., M. D., '50. Pringle, Edward Graves, A. B., '97. P. 512 Grand St., New York City. Attorney at Law. *Proctor, Alexander, LL. D., '90. 190 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Proctor, Marion Bailey, LL. B., '88. P. Monroe City, Mo. Banker. *Provines, John Garnett, A. B., '53, A. M., '56. *Provines, Robert Ramsey, A. B., '49, A. M., '53. *Provines, William Gravin, A. B., '58, A. M., '61. Prowell, Charles Edgar, LL. B., '96. *Pruntz, Robert C, M. D., '47. Pryor, Joseph William, M. D., '76. P. 261 N. Broadway, Lexington, Ky. Physician, Prof. Anatomy and Physiology, State College. Puckett, Oscar R., LL. B., '91. P. Pineville, Mo. Atty at Law. Piilliam, Susie (Mrs. Pryor Templeton Scott), A. B., '05. P. Grand Junction, Colo. Pumphrey, John William, LL. B., '95. P. 4 N. Front St., Memphis, Tenn. Spinner and Mfg. Purdy, John, S. B., Pe. B., '81. Purdy, Mo. Farming and Stock Raising. *Purington, George Dana, M. D., '91. *Purkett, Caleb S., M-. D., '46. Pyles, Marshall Ashby, LL. B., '09. P. Pryor, Okla. Lawyer. . Quaife, IMilo Milton, A. M., '05. P. Lewis Institute, Chicago, 111. Teaching. "Quarles, Lafayette, A. B., 82. Quayle, Kate (Mrs. J. A, Setliffe), Pe. P., '81. 807 Montague Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. Quayle, IMaud Cannell, A. B., '06. P. 2311 Durant Ave., Berkely, Cal. Instructor. Querbach, Earl, B. S. in C. E., '06, C. E., '08. P. 937 Beach Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. 510 Blackburn Ave., Sewickley, Pa. With American Bridge Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Quickenstedt, Fred, LL. B., '84, P. Hillsboro, Texas. Bookkeeper. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 191 Quigley, William Henry, A. B., '00. P. 3501 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Journalist with St. Louis Star. Quinn, Abram Turner, Dr., M. D., '94. P. 6934 Bradley Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Quinn, Effle Roberta, A. B., '09. P. 16 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Asst. Abstractor. *Quisenberry, John W., LL. B., '77. Rabourn, Sarah Brewer Frances, A. B., '02, A. M., '04. P. Centralia, Mo. T. 303 N. 7th St., Hannibal, Mo. Teacher — Head of Math. Dept. High School. Rabourn, Susie McDowell Weldon, A. B., '02, A. M., '05. P. Centralia, Mo. T. 551 25th St., Ogden, Utah. Head of Latin Dept., High School. *Rackliff, Edward, M. D., '46. Ragan, Sylvester, M. D., '84. P. New London, Mo. Ragan, Wilson LaFayette, M. D., '74. P. Richland, Mo. Physician. Raiffeisen, Otto John, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. 1003 W. Third St., Sedalia, Mo. T. 1118 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. Civil Engineer. Railey, Thomas Tarlton, A. B., '07. P. Harrisonville, Mo. T. 5662 Cabanne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer and Playwright. . . Rainey, William Echols, LL. B., '89. P. Marshall, Mo. Lawyer. Ramer, Ralph John, LL. B., '95. P. 1608 Franklin St., Tampa, Fla. Automobile Business. *Ramsey, James, M. D., '49, Ramsey, Thomas Orrin, A. B., '02. P. Phillipsburg, Kan. Teacher — County Supt. 192 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Ramsay, Nelle, A. B., '09. P. Omaha, Neb., Care Dr. F. P. Ramsay, The Sterling. T. Chassell, Mich. Teacher. *Rand, Thomas, A. B., '49 (Hon.). Randall, Clarence Edwin, LL. B., '07. P. Summersville, Mo. Cashier Summersville State Bank. Randall, Merle, A. M., '07, A. M., '09. P. 205 S. 6th St., Poplar Bluff, Mo. T. Research Lab., Phys Chem. Mass. Inst. Tech., Boston, Mass. Chemist. ♦Randolph, M. Montague, M. D., '50. Randolph, William Fitzhugh, LL. M., '93. P. 1001 Mo. Pac. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Traveling Accountant. Rankin, Agnes Stewart (Mrs. B. T. Galloway), Pe. P., '86, P. 798 Highland Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. Ranney, Robert G., LL. B., '73. P. 501 N. Main, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Lawyer — Judge of Court of Common Pleas. Rathburn, James Allen, Pe. P., '77, B. H., "77. Raut, Irwin, A. B., '98. P. Central Y. M. C. A., St. Louis, Mo. Educational Director, Y. M. C. A. ±vautenstrauch, Walter, B. S. in M. E., '02. P. New York City, N. Y., Columbia, University. Prof, of M. E., Consulting Engineer. Rautenstrauch, Mrs. Walter (Minerva Babb), A. B., '03. P. 42 Morris St., Yonkers, N. Y. Ravitch, Max, A. B., '09. P. 287 Third Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. T. 541 W. 123d St., New York City. Student, Columbia University. Ray, Frank Oliver, T. E., '92. P. 209 Mercantile Bldg., Denver, Colo. Consulting Civil Engineer. Ray, Fred Percival, LL. B., '93. P. 428 E. 40th St., Chicago, 111. With Armour and Co. *Ray, Prosser K., A. B., '69, A. M., '72. *Ray, Robert D., LL. D., '82. ALUMNI DIEECTORY. 193 Rayl, John Edward, M. D., '04. . P. CVocker, Mo. Physician and Sui'geon. Rea, John Breckenridge, B. S., 77, LL. B., '79. P. Mankato, Kan. Law and Real Estate. Read, Ezra, LL. D., '76. Read, John William, B. S. in Agr., '07, M. S. in Agr., '08. P. 704 Fay St., Columbia, Mo. T. Care 111. College, Jacksonville, 111. Teacher. Read, John Wood, Jr., A. B., '09. P. O. Box 667, Greeley, Colo. Business. *Read, Mary Price, A. M., '75 (Hon.). Reagan,. Cody Sylvester, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Macon Mo. T. 7th and Chestnut, Care Mo. Pac. R. R , St. Louis, Mo. Civil Engineer. Reagan, Charles William, M. D., '84. P, Macon, Mo. Physician. Ream, Lawrence Larkin, LL. B., '08. P. Green Ridge, Mo. Merchant. Ream, Ross Jack, LL. B., '10. P. 626 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. *Redman, Elias C, M. D., '49. Reed, Anna M. (Mrs. D. P. Payne), Pe. P., '89. P. 306 S. 15th, St. Joseph, Mo. Reed, Mrs. Anna M. (Anna M. Byrne), Pe. P., '89. P. Albany, Mo. T. Dallas, Texas. Reed, Horace, M. D., '01. P. Oklahoma City, Okla. Surgeon. Reed, Howard Sprague, Ph. D., '07. P. Va. Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. Prof, of IMycology and Bacteriology. 13 194 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Reed, Letha Cornelia, B. S. in Ed., A. B., '10. P. 718 Missouri Ave., Columbia, Mo. T. Lebanon, Mo. Teacher. Reed, Ollie Ezekiel, B. S. in Agr., '08, M. S. in Agr., '10. P. Manhattan, Kan. Head of Dairy Dept., K. Agr., Col. Reed, Lida (Mrs. Robert M. Cook), B. S., '82. P. 2818 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. *Reed, Thomas Black, A. B., '47, A. M., '50. Reed, Thomas C, LL. B., '85. P. Eldorado, 111. Lawyer. Reed, Robert L., M. D., '97, A. B., '02. P. Keokuk, 111. Prin. Keokuk High School. Reeves, James Albertson, Jr., B. S. in E. E., '07. P. 1428 Elm St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Electrical Engineer with Westinghouse Co. Reid, James D., LL. B., '05. P. 51st and Swope Parkway, Kansas City, Mo. Student U. M. C. *Reid, James Henry, A. B., '52, A. M., '55. Reid, Sir Hugh Gilzean, K. B., E. S. I., etc., LL. D., '04. P. Tenterden Hall, London, England, N. W. Newspaper Proprietor and Editor. Reid, Robert Lee, Pe. P., '87, M. D., '97, A. B., '92. P. 814 N. 9th St., Keokuk, Iowa. Principal High School. *Relph, John B., M. D., '50. Remley, Edgar Augustus, Jr., A. B., '08. P. Columbia, Mo. Asst. Postmaster. Remley, Winifred Mary, A. B., '09, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. 217 Waugh, Columbia, Mo. Teacher, Columbia High School. Renz, Elenora, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Weston, Platte Co., Mo. Teaching. Resor, Elsie Annie, B. S. in Ed., A. B., '10. P. Kahoka, Mo. Teaching. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 195 Reuter, Edward Byron, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Nevada, Mo. T. Box 74, Columbia, Mo. Student, Fellow-Sociology. Reynolds, Joseph Johnston, LL. B., '89. P. Agency, Mo. R. F. D., No. 2. Farmer. '''Reynolds, Hugh, M. D., '46. Reynolds, Sterling P., C. E., '83. P. Caruthersville, Mo. Farmer, Real Estate, Eng. (C. E.). ♦Reynolds, Washington, M. D., '48. Reynolds, William H., M. D., '98. P. Lupus, Mo. Farming. Rhett, Albert Haskell, B. S. in E. E., '98. P. 65 Beaver St., New York City. Engineer N. Y. Westchester and Boston Ry. Co. *Rhorer, Jacob W., M. D., '46. Rice, DeWitt Talmage, B. S. in M. E., '03, M. E., '05. P. Kearney, Mo. T. Senter, Mich., Houghton Co. Asst. Resident Engineer, E. I. Du Pont Powder Co. Rice, Flavins Josephus, LL. B., '01. P. Kalispell, Mont., R. F. D. No. 4. Farming. Rice, John Jay, LL. D., '90. P. Westminster College, Fulton, Mo. Prof. Hist, and Pol. Science, Westminster College. Rice, Leslie Duerson, LL. B., '99. P. Neosho, Mo. Atty. at Law. *Rice, Samuel Snell, A. B., '48. *Rich, Kendall E., M. D., '50. Richards, Dean Willard, B. S. in E. E., '05. P. Sampsel, Okla. Resident Mgr. Cattle Ranch. Richardson, John Eaton, B. S. in E. B., '06. P. 104 Westport Ave., Kansas City, Mo. T. Gen. Del., Tacoma, Washington. Asst. Engineer of Ry. Commission of Washington. ♦Richardson, Silas, M. D., '49. 196 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Richey, Frederick Davis, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. 1106 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. State Dairy and Food Inspector, *RiddilI, Samuel, M. D., '50. Riddle, Charles Franklin, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Edina, Mo. Teacher — Supt. of School. Riddle, Roderick Edwin, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. 728 N. Liberty St., Independence, Mo. T. 1503 Metropolitan Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Detailing for K. C. Structural Steel Co. Ridgeway, Geo. Allen, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. R. F. D. No. 2, Columbia, Mo. T. 7th and Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo., care Mo. Pac. R. R. Civil Engineer. Ridgeway, George Walter, A. B., '04. P. Kirksville, Mo. Editor — Daily Express. Ridgway, Joseph Thomas, A. B., N. G., '74, A. M., '80. P. 803 E. 47th St., Kansas City, Mo. Principal Public Schools. Rieger, James Edward, LL. B., '97. P. Kirksville, Mo. Lawyer. Rieger, John T., LL. B., '88. P. 901 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. Purchasing Agent, Rochester Brewery, 20th and Washington. Riesbol, Edward, B. S. in C. E., '04. P. Greer Hotel, South Omaha, Neb. Draftsman for City of South O-maha. Riffe, Archie M., Sur., '87. Riggs, Brutus, B. S., '74, A. B., '75, A. M., '78. P. Cameron, Mo, Teacher. , Riggs, Inez L. (Mrs. Lee Barber), B. L., '94, M. L., 'it5. P. Linon, Colo. Riggs, Jeptha, A. B., '03, A. M., '04. P. 432 N. Pacific St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Teacher. Riggs, John Max, M. D., '06. P. Buhl, Minn. Physician. ALUMNI DIRECTOKY. 197 Riggs, Norman Colman, B. S., '95, M. S., '95. P. 623 Kirtlaud, Pittsburg, Pa. Teacher. Riggs, Mrs. N. C. (Sliaefer, Jean Augusta), B. S., '94. P. 623 Kirtland, Pittsburg, Pa. *RiIey, Charles V., Ph. D., '73 (Hon.). Riley, Chilion, LL. B., '78. P. Duncan, Okla. Lawyer. Riley, Elijah B., LL. B., '94. Riley, Floyd Burke, A. B., '04. P. 2310 Ogden Ave., Chicago, 111. Phys. and Surgeon, Fellow in Path. — Rush, M. C. Riley, Lottie M. (Mrs. T. I. Mairs), B. L., '98. P. 220 Allen St., State College, Pa. *Ring, John Wirt, M. D., '51. Ringer, Charles Rufus, B. S. in E. E., '03. P. Edina, Mo. Banker. *Ringo, Samuel Augustus, A. B., '53. Rinkle, Lorin George, M. S. in Agr., '10. P. Dimondale, Mich. T. Columbia, Mo. Inst, in Dairying, U. of Mo. Ripley, Julia Fisk (Mrs. W. J. Workman), A. B., '74, N. G., '74. P. 1057 Race St., Denver, Colo. Rippey, John D., A. B., LL. B., '99. P. 906 Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer— Specialty, Patent Law. *Risk, John Colian, A. B., '55, A. M., '58. Ristine, Carl Lindner, LL. B., '10. P. Joplin, Mo. T. Lexington, ]\To. Lawyer. Rittenhouse, Frank Austin, LL. B., '08. P. Chandler, Okla. Lawyer. *Rixey, Samuel, M. D., '48. *Roache, Howard H., A. B., '58. *Robards. Arch S., S. B., '68. Robb, Edward, LL. B., '79. P. Perryville, Mo. Lawyer. 198 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. *Robb, William, LL. B., '85. Roberts, Ansley Hope, B. S. in Ed., '10. R. F. D. No. 1, Hallsville, Mo. ♦Roberts, Fayette Brown, M. D., '81. Roberts, Frank Matthews, LL. B., '95. P. 1035 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Attorney. Roberts, Guy Alexander, B. S. in Agr., '00. P. Maiden Lane, West Raleigh, N. Carolina. Professor Comparative Medicine, N. C. A. & M. College. Roberts, James William, LL. B., '10. P. Savannah, Mo. Lawyer. Roberts, Lee Price, Sur., '86. P. Memphis, Mo. Editor and Publisher. Roberts, Robert Edwin, LL. B., '97. Lawyer. Roberts, Robert Warren, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Mooresville, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo., 909 Elm St. Asst. and Graduate Student. Roberts, William Jasper, LL. B., '78. P. Daisy, Mo. Lawyer. Roberts, William Porter, L. B., Pe. B., '85. P. 744 Pine St., Long Beach, California. Robertson, C. F., LL. D., '83. Robertson, Frederick Phillip, LL. B., '99. Lawyer, Robertson, Gay Aufricht, B. S. in M. E., '02. P. Care Merchants' Ice and Cold Storage Co., Louisville, Ky. Chief Engineer M. I. & C. S. Co. Robertson, George Gordon, A. B., '99. P. R. F. D. No. 2, Montrose, Colo. Farming. Robinson, Clark, LL. B., '99. P. Columbia, Mo. Recorder of Deeds, Boone Co. Robinson, Charles Bennett, LL. B., '87. P. Louisville, Mo. Farmer and Stock Raiser. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 199 Robinson, Charles Clark, B. S. in E. E., '04. P. 1210 17th St., Denver, Colo. Asst. Supt. of Central Colo. Power Co. Robinson, Charles Edward, A. B., '07, A. M., '07. P. 1919 Sergeant Ave., Joplin, Mo. T. 69 Kozenjifori, Sendai, Japan. Christian Missionary. Robinson, Ernest Franklin, B. S. in C. E., '03, C. E., '07. P. 710 Armory Bldg., New York City. Civil Engineer. Robinson, Edward Nelson, LL. B., '98. P. Hyde Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Pres. Arcadia Orchards Co. Robinson, Elizabeth W., A. B., '07, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. R. F, D. No. 5, Columbia, Mo. Robinson, Eugene Webster, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. Breckenridge, Mo. T. Box 181, Webb City, Mo. Asst. City Engineer. Robinson, Harry E., A. B., LL. B., '02. P. 616 Kittredge Bldg., Denver, Colo. Lawyer. Robinson, Henry Cleveland, LL. B., '96. P. Layton, Mo. *Robinson, John DeWilton, A. B., '53, A. M., '61, LL. -B., '77. Robinson, Joseph Finis, B. S., N. G., '70 A. M., '80. P. 210 S. Ash St., Nevada, Mo. Retired Physician. Robinson, Omar Edward, LL. B., '92. P. 1208 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Robinson, Owen Harvey, LL. B., '87. P. Silex, Mo. Merchant, Farmer, Stockman. Robinson, Ophelia Lyda, A. B., '10. P. Hallsville, Mo. Teaching. Robinson, Ralph Waldo, E. E., '99. P. Kahoka, Mo. T. Care Shawenegan Water Power Co., Shawenegan Falls, Prov. Quebec, Canada. Division Engineer on Transmission Line Construction. 200 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Robinson, Roy D., A. B., '02, LL. B., '02. P. 509 American Bank Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Atty. at Law. Robinson, Robert Gamble, LL. B., '82. Robinson, Rodney Potter, A. B., '10. P. Perry, Okla. T. Columbia, Mo. Student — Latin Dept. Robinson, Robert Roy, M. D., '01. P. Hallsvxille, Mo. Physician and Druggist. Robinson, Thomas Wright, A. B., LL. B., '04. Lawyer. Robinson, Walter L., N. G., '73. Robison, Bert L., LL. B., '02. P. Unionville, Mo. • Lawyer. Robnett, Mittie Virginia, A. B., '08. P. 1406 Bass Ave., Columbia, Mo. Rochford, Julia, Pe. P., '88. P. Natchitoches, La. Teaching. Rochford, Louise, Pe. P., '88. P. Columbia, Mo. T. Brunswick, Mo. Teaching. Rockwood, Charles Ainsworth, A. B., '10. P. Nevada, Mo. , T. AV. M. A., Lexington, Mo. Teacher. Rockwood, Joseph Erasmus, LL. B., '01. P. Kalispell, Mont. Lawyer. Rodekohr, Edward John, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. Corder, Mo. Farming. Rodes, Charles Bradford, A. B., '03, A. M., '05. P. Care Murray Hospital, Butte, Mont. Practicing Medicine. Rodes, Joseph H., LL. B., '81. P. 4548 Forest Park Blvd., or 212 N. Main St., St. Louis, Mo. Atty. at Law and Pros. Worrell Mfg. Co. Rodes, Thula, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 1615 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Teaching Latin in High School. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 201 Rodgers, Delia (Mrs. J. S. Maddox), A. B., '04. . Columbia, Mo. Rodgers, Robert Dunlap, LL. B., '92. P. Mexico, Mo. Lawyer. *Rodhouse, Mrs. Eujene J. (Carrie E. Baldwin), Pe. P., '92. Rodhouse, Thomas Jacob, B. S. in C. B., '97. P. 819 Virginia, Columbia, Mo. Asst. Prof, of Hydraulic Engineering, U. of Mo. Roehrig, Emil, LL. B., '07. P. Warrenton, Mo. Lawyer. Roehry, Emil Anton, E. E., '10. P. Ironton, Mo. T. 2960 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Rogers, Charles D., Pe. P., '78, P. Mexico, Mo. T. Greenville, Mo. Dealer in Real Estate. ♦Rogers, Dryden, M. D., '48. ♦Rogers, George B., M. D., '49 (Hon.). Rogers, Egbert Irvin, B. S. in E. E., '97. Care Chief Engineer, I. C. R. R. Co., Chicago, 111. Asst. Engineer on 111. Central Railway. Rogers, James Foote, A. B., '09. P. 1002 Ohio St., Sedalia, Mo. T. 300 Waugh St., Columbia, Mo. Law Student. *Rogers, John, M. D., '48 (Hon.). ♦Rogers, Joseph Kirtley, A. B., '53, A. M., '56, LL. D., '82. Rogers, Lalla Rookh, B. L., '97, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Kingston, Mo. T. Lamoni, Iowa.. Teaching Psychology and Education, Graceland College. , Rogers, Rachel Lucy, A. M., '05. P. 315 E. Center St., Springfield, Mo. T. Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Student. Rogers, Stephen Garwood, B. S., B. Agr., '73, M. S., '76, N. G., '73. P. Kingston, Mo. Lawyer. Rogers, Warren A., LL. B., '08. 506 German-American Bank Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. 202 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Rollins, Curtis Burnam, A. B., '74, LL. B., '76, A. 'M., '81. P. 510 Rollins St., Columbia, Mo. Real Estate and Loan Broker. *Rollins, Frank Blair, A. B., '78, A. M., '81. Rollins, George Bingham, Ph. B., '72. P. Columbia, Mo. Rollins, Jarrot Laban, M. D., '83. P. Colfax, California. Rollins, James Sidney, LL. B., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. Rollins, William Benjamin, B. S. in M. E., '03, M. E., '05. P. 535 Beals Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Consulting Engineer. *Roman, James A., M. D., '50. Romberg, Edward Robert, B. S. in C. E., '06. Civil Engineer. Romjue, Milton Andrew, LL. B., '04. P. Macon, Mo. Judge Probate Court, Atty. at Law. *Rookwood, Thomas Samuel, LL. B., '76. Rooney, Robert Emmett, LL. B., '97. P. 1013-4 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Rose, U. H., LL. D., '88. P. Box 395, Little Rock, Ark. Lawyer (Retired). Rosebush, Earl Alfonso, B. S. in E. E., '06. P. lola, Kansas. With United Iron Works. *Ross, Alexander, M. D., '46. Ross, Albert Edgar, LL. B., '79. P. Chandler, Okla. Farm Loans. Ross, Asa L., Pe, P., '78. P. Versailles, Mo. Pres. Bank of Versailles. Ross, Charles Griffith, A. B., '05. P. 600 Conley Ave., Columbia, Mo. Asst. Prof of Journalism, U. of Mo. Ross, Floyd Elmer, B. S. in C. E., '09, P. Willard, Mo. T. Bagnio, Benguent, P. I. Ross, John Wilson, Pe. P., '88. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 203 Ross, Robert Henry, LL. B., '94'. P. Creighton, Mo. Lawyer. *Rossiter, Charles H., M. D., '50. Roth, Frederick Isidore, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 508 N. 11th St., St. Joseph, Mo. T. 2161/^ S. 7th St., Portland, Ore. Engineer. Roth, Henry, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. 2217 Pearle St., Joplin, Mo. Foreman Meter Dept, Empire Elec. Co. Roth, Norma Elizabeth (Mrs. Ben. H. Mullins), A. B., '08. P. Linneus, Mo. *Rothwell, Gideon Franklin, A. B., '57, A. M., '60. Rothwell, James R., LL. B., '05. P. 200 N. Maguire, Warrensburg, Mo. Lawyer. *Rothwell, Thomas Peyton, A. B., '57, A. M., '60. *Rothwell, Will A., B. S., '85. ♦Rothwell, William Renfro, A. B., '54, A. M., '57. Rothwell, Wade Hampton, LL. B., '02. P. 101 Broadway, Columbia, Mo. Lawyer — City Attorney. ♦Rothwell, William R., D. D., '74. Rouse, James Marion, Pe. P., '85. Rowden, Robert L., LL. B., '85. P. 324 Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Rowland, Eva A., A. B., '10. P. Bevier, Mo. Rowland, William A., A. B., '10. P. Bevier, Mo. Lumberman. *Royse, Frank, S. B., '74. Rozelle, Frank Finley, A. B., '76. P. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas aty. Mo. ' Lawyer. Ruark, Horace C, LL. B., '92. P. Neosho, Mo. Lawyer. *Ruark, Robert Ozias, Pe. P., '88. Rubey, Thomas Lewis, A. B., '85, A. M., '89. P. Lebanon, Mo. Banking. 204 DNIVEKSITY OF MISSOURI. Rubin, Monroe Frederick, A. B., '09. P. Murfreesboro, Tenn. T. Texas City, Texas. Civil Engineering. Rucker, Amanda Bay, Pe. P., '89. P. Huntsville, Mo. T. Densmore Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. Teacher in Whittier School, K. C, Mo. Rucker, John M., A. B., '59. P. Eufaula, O-kla. Retired from business. Rudasill, Mary Lucy (Mrs. E. N. Sears), A. B., '05. P. 673 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Rudy, Jules Luther, LL. B., '92. P. Bowie, Texas. Lawyer. Ruffner, Charles Shumway, B. S. in E. E., '00. P. 220 E. 20th Ave., Denver, Colo. Supt. of Operation, Central Colorado Power Co. *Runyan, Bently H., A. B., '69, LL. B., '73. Runyan, Elgin Leslie, A. B., '75, A. M., '78, LL. B., '77. Rusk, Earl Wilson, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. Martin City, Mo. Live Stock Farmer. Rusk, Henry Perly, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. Ill, Expr. Sta., Urbana, 111. First Asst. in Animal Husbandry, U. of 111. Russell, Antone Edward, A. B., '99, LL. B., '00. P. 33 Exchange Bank Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Attorney at Law. Russell, jMrs. Richard R. (Mildred Burette Lewis), A. B., B. S. in Ed,. '05, A. M., '07. Bridgeport, Wash. *Russell, Frederick, A. B., '47, A. M., '50. *Russell, John Abram, LL. B., '78. Russell, Joseph J., LL. B., '80. P. Charleston, Mo. Attorney. Russell, Joseph Luke, Pe. P., '88, L. B., ' Pe. B., '91. P. 1490 Addison Rd., N. E. Cleveland, Ohio. Circulation Manager of Cleveland Leader. Russell, Minnie Louise (Mrs. F. P. Thomas), Pe. P., '79. P. - 4487 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Prin. of Lenox Hall. ALUMNI DIKECTOEY. 205 Rust, Fleet Singleton, B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Hardin, Mo. T. Telluride House, Ithaca, N. Y. Student, Cornell Univ. Rust, Wollard, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Hardin, Mo. Farming. Rutherford, Henry Holcomb, B. L., '96, M. D., '98. P. Fort Totten, N. Y. Rutherford, Harry Kugler, B. S. in E. E., '08. P. Slater, Mo. Electrical Engineer. Rutledge, Robert Shelby, LL. B., '85. P. New Madrid, Mo. Lawyer. Ryland, Leonard Gamble, LL. B., '98. Sachs, Alex F., B. S. in C. E., '10. P. 7 E. 38th St., Kansas City, Mo. Civil Engineer, With IT. S. Enginers. *Saddler, J. J., M. D., '51. Sale, Irwin, A. B., '10. P. 2610 Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Student. Salem, George Joseph, B. S. in Agr. '05. P. Mehalla Kobra, Egypt. T. 20 Abdeen Square, Cairo, Egypt. Agr. Exp. near Native Tribunals. Salmon, John McClure, B. S. in C. E., '02. P. 4638 First St., Louisville, Ky. Asst. Bridge Engineer, L. & N. R. R. Salmon, Merritt Kimbrough, A. B., '99. P. Mercantile Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. Asst. Sec. of Mercantile Trust Co. Sams, William Meade, L. B., Pe. B., '92. Sanborn, Edith Ellen, A. B., '09. P. R. F. D. No. 2, Covina, Cal. T. Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal. Student. Sanders, John J., T. E., '84, C. E., '90. P. Memphis, Mo. Farming. Sanderson, Sarah J., Pe. P., '92. *Sands, James R., M. D., '51. ♦Sandusky, John Wesley, A. B., '58, A. M., '73. 206 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Santiago, Jose Manuel, M. D., '05. P. San Jose St., Vega Alta, P. R. Health Officer. Sappe, Peyre Ferry, A. B., '09. P. 1302 Main St., Galena, Kan. T. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass. Student. Saunders, Charles Winston, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 740 Hope St., Shreveport, La. Teacher in High School. Saunders, James Key, LL. B., '09. P. Slaughter Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Lawyer. Sawyers, William Gaston, LL. B., '04. P. Maryville, Mo. Lawyer. Saylor, Oliver Evans, LL. B., '02. P. 141 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. ♦Scarritt, Nathan, A. M., '47. Scates, Silas Erwin, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Marion Park, Meridian, ]\Tiss. Teacher. Schaefer, Oscar Charles, B. S. in Ch. E., '09. P. Washington, Mo. T. Y. M. C. A., Chester, Penn. Research Chemist. Schaeffer, Mrs. Louis E. (Lucy Olive Moorehead), A. B., '02. P. 1450 9th St., Greeley, Colo. Schafer, Frederick Charles, A. B., LL. B., '02. P. 112 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Schaper, Jesse Hermann, LL. B., '92. P. Washington, Mo. Lawyer, Probate Judge. *Schlie, Henry John, B. S. in Agr., '05. Schlierholz, Flora (Mrs. J. W. Heyd), A. B., '03. P. 1112 S. Florence Ave., Kirksville, Mo. Schmauder, Walter George, B. S. in E. B., '09. P. Burlington Junction Mo. T. Care of Citizens Ry. Co., Waco, Texas. Chief Engineer. Schmidt, Amelia Virginia, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Ferguson, Mo. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 207 Schmidt, Emily R., Pe. P., '91. Schmidt, Oscar Henry, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. 3402 Renick St., St. Joseph, Mo. Engineer — Contracting. Schmidt, Theodore John, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Care of Standard Bridge Co., Red Oak, Iowa. Draftsman. Schmitt, Clara, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Lowry City, Mo. T. 5605 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. Fellow — U. of Chicago. Schnapp, Michael Herbert, B. S. in E. E., '07. P. Care of Gen. Elec. Co., San Francisco, Cal. Elec. Engineer. *Schoenich, Henry, M. D., '48. Schoeneich, Henry Jaromir, LL. B., '75. P. 329 N. 6th St., St. Charles, Mo. Lawyer. Schofield, Madison Connell, LL. B., '99. P. Hannibal, Mo. Lawyer. Schofield, Robert Francis, LL. B., '88. P. Hannibal, Mo. Asst. Cashier Bank. Schofield, Thomas C, LL. B., '85. P. Hannibal, Mo. Lawyer. Scholz, Grace Lillian (Mrs. J. L. Mountjoy, M. D., '06. P. 1215 Walnut, Columbia, Mo. Schonfield, Mabelle, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 6034 Westminster PI., St. Louis, Mo. T. 1203 Main, Brookfield, Mo. Teacher — Latin and German. Schooley, Floyd Emmet, LL. B., '95. P. Sioux City, Iowa, 1916 Clinton Ave. Traveling Salesman. Schooling, Lacy Parks, A. B., '05. P. Gelichen, Alberta, Canada. Minister. Schrenk, Louis John, B. S. in M. E., '06. P. 866 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. T. 40 Atwater St., Detroit, Mich. Asst. Gen. Supt. Public Lighting Com. 208 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Schrenk, Otto, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. Brunswick, Mo. T. R. D. No. 30, Beloit. Wis. Farmer. Schuermeyer, William Frederick, LL. B., '04. P. Muskogee, Okla. Lawyer. Schulte, William Fred, LL. B., '10. P. Washington, Mo. T. Ada, Okla. Lawyer. Schulz, Charles, B. S. in C. E., '04, C. E., '08. P. Muskogee, Okla. Asst. City Engineer — Charge Water Works and Sewers. *Schurtz, Carl, LL. D., '74. Schwabe, Geo. Blaine, LL. B., '10. P. 508 Williams St., Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Schwabe, Henry Otto, A. B., '09. P. 508 Williams St., Columbia, Mo. T. 25 Schlegelstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Student. Schwabe, James Web, LL. B., '96. P. Columbia, Mo. Real Estate. Schwabe, Laura Jo., A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 12 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Schwarze, Carl Alois, B. S. in Agr. '09. P. 92 Stagg St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Student. Schweitzer, Paul, LL. D., '97. P. Columbia, Mo. Scott, Angelo, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 1511 Anthony St., Columbia, Mo. T. 7th and Chestnut Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Asst. on Eng. Corps — Mo. Pac. R. R. Scott, DR, A. B., B. S. in Jr., '10. P. 1511 Anthony St., Columbia, Mo. Student. Scott, Elmer Cy, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. Southerland, Ore. Scott, Haywood Bennett, LL. B., '00. P. 105 Miners Bank Bldg., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 209 Scott, John Grafton, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 1511 Anthony, Columbia, Mo. T. Richards, Mo. Teacher. Scott, John William, A. ., '96, A. M., '97. P. 4014 Baltimore, Kansas City, Mo. Teacher in High School. Scott, Lewis Pelotte, B. S. in C. B., '10. P. Carlisle, Ky. T. 509 Main St., Cincinnati, O-hio. Concrete Inspector. Scott, Leonidas Winfield, A. B., '65, A. M., '68. P. 504 Arrow St., IMarshall, Mo. Lawyer. Scott, M. Pauline, A. B., '96, A. M., '98. P. Massena Hotel, Bakersfield, Cal. Teacher. Scott, Pryor Templeton, A. B., '04. P. 624 N. 4th St., Grand Junction, Colo. Farming. Scott, Mrs. P. T. (Susie Pulliam), A. B., '05. P. 624 N. 4th St., Grand Junction, Colo. Scrivener, Douglas Scott, M. D., '98. P. Rocheport Rd., Columbia, Mo. Physician. Scrutchfield, Irene. B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Excello, Mo. T. Carterville, I\Io. Teacher. Scudder, William Russell, A. B., '02. P. Kearney, Mo. Scurlock, Lillian Mary (Sister M. Perpetua), A. B., '06. P. Cabanne and Bolt Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher in Visitation Convent. Sea, Hiram LeRoi, B. S. in C. E., '05. P. 715 N. Main St., Independence, Mo. T. 598 W. 177th St., New York, N. Y. Civil Engineer — Interborough Rapid Transit Co. Searcy, Anna Beauregard (Mrs. Anna B. Browne), M. DL, '00. P. Marceline, Mo. *Searcy, George Newton, A. B., '56, A. M., '59. *Searcy, James Jasper, A. ., 55, A. M., '58. 14 210 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Searcy, Laura Anita, A. B., '04. P. Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Searcy, Lemuel Thomas, LL. B., '97. P. 503 W. Broadway, Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Seares, Lauren Vane, B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Box 176, Long Beach, Cal. T. Care of Central Colo. Power Co., Dillon, Colo., or 363 So. Emerson St. Denver, Colo. Elec. Work. Sears, Alonzo James, B. Agr., '97. P. Barnette, Mo. T. Boonville, Mo. Supt. Mo. Training School Farm. Sears, Charles Thatcher, LL. B., '02. P. Ames, Iowa. Merchant. Sears, Edward Nelson, A. B., '05, LL. B., '06. P. 673 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash, Lawyer. Sears, Mrs. E. N. (]\Iary L. Rudasill), A. B., ^05. P. Chesterfield, Seattle, Wash. Sears,Elenor Phidelia, B. S., '97. Sebastian, Clinton Banks, LL. B., '76. P. 1311 Paris Rd., Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Sebree, Sam B., A. B., '07. P. 3304 Flora Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Secord, Lynn Newman, A. B., '07. P. 1806 3d Nat. Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Seddon, James Alexander, T. E., C. B., '82. P. 28 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Hydraulic Engr. Seddon, William Little, T. E., '81, C. E., '84. P. Seaboard Air Line Ry., Portsmouth, Va. Chief Engineer — Seaboard Air Line Ry. Sedwick, Harry Frazer, A. B., '08. P. Mt. Vernon, Mo. T. Culebra, C. Z., Panama. District Quartermaster. ; ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 211 See, Russell Alva, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. New Florence, Mo. Traveling Agt. for Engineering Lab. Dept., U. of Mo. See, Samuel C, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Shelbina, Mo. T. Westport High School, Kansas City, Mo. Teacher in High School. See, Thomas Jefferson Jackson, A. B., S. B., L. M., '89. P. Naval Observatory, Mare Is., Vallejo, Cal. Prof, of Math., U. S. Navy. See, Walter George, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Shelbina, Mo. T. Harlowton, Mont. Supt. of Schools. See, W. James, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Shelbina, Mo. T. Stoddard School, St. Louis, Mo. Prin. Stoddard School. *Seeley, Marcellus, M. D., '49. Seevers, Ruth, M. D., '06. P. Osceola, Mo. Physician. Seevers, Richard Henry, A. B., '10. P. Pawnee, Okla. T. 825 25th St., S. Omaha, Neb. Stenographer. Seibel, Charles William, B. S. in E. E., '07. P. 2831 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. In charge Meter and Service Dept. San. Dist. of Chicago. *Seidel, William Florian, T. E., .'88, C. E., '89. Seitz, William Kerlin, B. S. in C. E., '06. P. 818 Corly-Forsee Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. Engineer. *Selby, Arthur P., S. B., '65, M. S., '70. Seley, Genevieve Mary, B. S. in Ed., A. B., '09. P. Columbia, Mo. Selsor, Mark Allen, S. B., Pe. P., '92, M. S., '00. P. Greenwich, Conn. T. Care Current Lit. Mag., 140 W. 29th St., New York, N. Y. Publisher. Setzler, Edward Allen, A. B., '05. P. 1319 Comerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. 212 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Seltzer, Hymen Aaron, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. 5133 Fairmount Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Engineering Dept., Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Co., St. Louis. Semmes, Raphael Eustace, Jr., A. B., '07. P. 1519 Caroline St., Baltimore, Md. Student — Johns Hopkins. Seneker, Jas. Seehorn, A. B., '10. P. Mendon, Mo. T. Wesley Hall, Nashville, Tenn. Minister. Setlifte, Mrs. J. A. (Kate Quayle), Pe. P., '81. P. 807 Montague Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. Settle, Henry Fi-ank, A. B., '10. P. Platte City, Mo. Dep. Circuit Clerk. Sewall, Helen Alberta, A. B., '04, A. M., '05. P. 806 Mercantile Lib. Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Traveling Sec. Y. W. C. A. for Ohio & W. Va. Seward, Gertie Calhoun, N. G., '72. Seward, William Henry, A. B., '99, A. M., '00. P. Oak Ridge, Mo. T. 1651 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. C. B. for C. B. & Q. Track Elevation. *Sexton, Millard Payne, M. D., '80. Seymour, Elba (Mrs. F. G. Baender), A. B., '06. P. Drexel, Mo. P. Fife, Ore. Shackleford, Edwin D., LL. B., '81. Shackelford, Horace Harvey, A. B., '10. P. Cape Girardeau, Mo. T. Hannibal, Mo. Teacher. *Shackleford, Walter S., LL. B., '81. Shackelford, Robert LL. B., '78. P. Clayton, Mo. Probate Judge. Shaefer, Harry Irvin Lewis, M. D., '98. P. 41 Pine Ave., Long Beach, Cal. Pharmacist. Shaefer, Jean Augusta (Mrs. N. C. Riggs), B. P., B. S.. '94. P. 623 Kirtland St., Pittsburg, Penn. Shaefer, William Rothwell, M. D., '97. P. 804a Broadway, Columbia, IMo. Physician. ALUMNI DIEECTORY. 213 Shaner, James Calvin, LL. B., '96. P. 4563 Page Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. *Shankland, William Lane, A. B., '51, A. M., '54. ♦Shannon, James M., M. D., '47, LL. B., '56. Shannon, Richard Dudley, A. M., '71 (Hon.), A. B., A. M., '74. P. Sedalia, Mo. Literary Pursuits. Shapley, Harlow, A. B., '10. P. 509 S. Sixth St., Columbia, Mo. Student. Sharp, John Fletcher, LL. B., '89. Sharps, Mary Nathalie, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. 1021 Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo. T. Eunice, La. Teacher. Shaw, Russell Aubrey, LL. B., '02. P. 1608 Main St., St. Joseph, Mo. Traveling Salesman. Sheets, Merit May, LL. B., '86. P. Williamsville, Mo. Lawyer. Sheetz, James Lucas, LL. B., '80. Shelby, Lewis Bliss, LL. B., '06. Shellenberger, Walter Jeremiah, A. B., '04. P. R. F. D. No. 4 Grand Junction, Colo. Fruit Ranch. Shelton, Clara Lillian (Mrs. Harper Stephens), A. B., '06. P. 906 S. 9th St., 'Temple, Texas. Shelton, Mitchell Cross, A. B., '89. P. 623 Main St., Joplin, Mo. Physician. Shepard, Austin Hamilton, Pe. P., '79. P. 403 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Farmer and Dairyman. Shepard, Charlene, A. B., '08. P. Warrensburg, Mo. Shepard, Clyde Sheldon, A. B., '07. P. Caruthersville, Mo. T. 62 Walker Auditorium, Los Angeles, Cal. Monologlst — Lecturer. 214 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Shepard, Edward Lewis, B. S. in C. E., '01. P. 2018 Byers Ave., Joplin, Mo. T. Calle Rincon, 74 Montevideo, Uruguay, S. A. Engineer, Pan American Ry. Shepard, Frank Otis, Pe. P., '77. P. Arrow Rock, Mo. Farmer. Shepard, Norton Hamilton, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. 403 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. Gen. Mgr. White Eagle Dairy Co. Shepard, Susie, A. B., '09. P. Ill W. Gay St., Warrensburg, Mo. Shepherd, Edward Lee, LL. B., '98. P. 521 W. 4th St., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. Shepherd, George Shields, B. S. in M. E., '04. P. 'Care of Eagle Mills, Hannibal, Mo. T. 246 W. 14th St., New York, N. Y. Electrician. Shepherd, Harry Edward, LL. B., '09. P. Seneca, Mo. , Lawyer. Sheppard, Jesse C, LL. B., '80. P. Doniphan, Mo. Lawyer — Judge 33d Judicial Circuit. Sherman, Henry Edwin, B. S., '77. P. 322 Cajon St., Redlands, Cal. Orange Growei*. *Sherman, James Silas, S. B., '76, M. D., '78. Sherwin, Melvin Ernest, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. West Raleigh, N. C. Teacher. •^Sherwood, George A., M. D., '51. Sherwood, Thomas A., LL. D., '82. P. 630 Elm St., Long Beach, Cal. Lawyer. Sherwood, William Eli, LL. B., '76. P. 701 N. 12th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Shidy, Leland P., N. G., '72. P. 1617 Marion St., Washington, D. C. Chief of Tidal Div., Coast and Geol. Survey. ♦Shields, James Rector, A. B., '53, A. M., '56. ♦Shields, Joseph R., A. B., '53. ALUMNI DIRECTOKY. 215 *Shields, William Conway, A. B., '48, A. M., '51. Shinkle, Samuel W., T. E., '91. P. City Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Second Asst. Engineering Sewer Dept. Shipley, Mary Edith, A. B., '00, B. S., '01. P. 4915 Pine St., Norwood, Ohio. Shipley, Sylvester Carl, B. S., '00. P. 113 State St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Asst. Prof. Mech. Engineering, Minn. Univ. Shirkey, Howard M., B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Norborne, Mo. T. Rochester, Wash. Civil Engineer. Shively, Elva Byron, A. B., '09. P. Armstrong, Mo. Minister. Shoemaker, Floyd Calvin, A. B., '09. P. 204 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. Teacher and Librarian. Shoemaker, Rose Mae, B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Darlington, Mo. T. Mt. "Vernon, Mo. Teacher. Shortridge, Alfred Lewis, LL. B., '95. P. 901 S. Prospect, Sedalia, Mo. Lawyer. *Shriner, Theodore, M. D., '48. Shull, Aytchmonde Perrin, LL. B., '91. P. 518 Francis, St. .Joseph, Mo. Law, Abstracts and Real Estate Loans. Shull, Renata May, Pe. P., '92. P. Clinton, Wash. Teacher. Shull, Samuel S., LL. B., '85. P. 502 S. 15th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Shultz, Orrillis Edward, LL. B., '98. P. City Hall, St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. *Shulze, Fred William, LL. B., '04. *Shumard, Oliver Garfield, A. B., '02. Shutts, Daniel, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 1205 S. Kentucky St., Sedalia, Mo. Teacher. 216 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Sidebottom, Earl E., LL. B.. '98. P. 1C16 Jefferson St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Escrow Clerk— Title Ins. & Trust Co. Siegfried, Alexander Agustus, LL. B., '05. P. 522 Fernwell Blk., Spokane, Wash. Lawyer. Sievers, John Frederick, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Care of Rev. John Sievers, Marion, Kan. T. Conant 43, Cambridge, Mass. Student. Sigler, iMelverne Wade, A. B., '08. P. Bethany, Mo. Traveling Salesman. Silsby, James Wilkes, LL. B., '74. P. 307 1/2 College St., Springfield, Mo. Lawyer. Silver, Morris Daniels, M. D., '01. P. 805 Gass Office Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Physician and Surgeon. Silverman, Eugene, LL. B., '05. P. 213 German-American Bank Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Silverman, Louis Lazarus, Ph. D., '10. P. 85 Porter St., E. Boston, Mass. T. Forest House, Ithaca, N. Y. Inst, in Mathematics — Cornell University. Silvey, William Riall, Pe. P., '81. Simcoe, Benjamin Franklin, Pe. P., '85. P. San Diego, Cal. T. 2109 E. St., Bakersfield, Cal. Supt. Manual Training in City School. Simcoe, Samuel W., B. S., Pe. B., '79. P. Fulton, Mo. Farmer and Stockman. Simeral, Fred Ernest, M. D., '09. P. Brooklyn, Iowa. Physician. Simison, Charles Wade, M. D., '07. P. N. 6th St., Hawley, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Simmons, Emma Gertrude, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Ripon College, Ripon, Wis. Assoc. Prof. French, Ripon College. Simmons, John Milton, LL. B., '99. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 217 Simmons, Thomas Tilden, LL. B., '06. P. 1006 Rogers St., Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Simon, Bernard Daniel, C. E., '10. P. 4332 Evans Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Engineer — Wm. P. Carmichael Co. Simonson, Elizabeth, Pe. P., '88. Simpson, Mrs. B. N. (Carrie C. Gamble), L. B., '82. P. 109 W. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Simpson, Mrs. C. L. (Mary Gamble), L. B., '83. P. 4225 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. T. 3424 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Simpson, George, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. O-ak Hill, Mo. T. Madison, Wis. Asst. Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Wisconsin. Simpson, George Howard, LL. B., '09. P. 1106 Broadway, Wahoo, Neb. Lawyer. Simpson, Wm. Lester, LL. B., '07. P. Care of University Missourian, Columbia, Mo. Newspaperman. Simrall, Denny Coulton, LL. B., '02. P. 1117 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Sinclair, Elizabeth, B. L., '99. P. Care of Carnegie Public Lib., El Reno, Okla. Librarian. Sinclair, Margaret, Pe. P., '91. P. 605 Hitt, Columbia, Mo. Teacher in Univ. Prep. School. *Sindusky, John W., A. B., '58. Singleton, Martha Reed, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Shelbyville, Mo. T. Bethany, Mo. Teacher. ♦Singleton, Middleton Clare, A. B., '47, A. M., '50. Singleton, Susan Estelle, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Shelbyville, Mo. T. New Franklin, Mo. Teacher. Sinnett, Harold Blanchard, LL. B., '97. P. 618 W. Broadway, Sedalia, Mo. Railway Postal Clerk. 218 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Sisk, Robert Edgar, Pe. P., '87. Slsson, Stanley, B. S. in Ed., '05, A. B., '06. P. 712 Maryland PL, Columbia, Mo. Mgr. U. D. Club. *Sitton, Charles Kinchen, Ph. B., Pe. B., '80. Six, Billie Pearl, A. B., '05. P. Kirksville, Mo. T. Thoreay, N. M. Clerk, Dept. of Int., U. S. Service. Skaggs, William Leslie, B. L., '00. Skelly, James William, B. S. in C. B., '96, C. E., '99. P. U. S. Engr. Office, Custom House, St. Louis, Mo. Asst. Engineer. Skidmore, Mark, A. B., '05, B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 975 Concord St., Springfield, Mo. T. 1124 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. Fellow in Rom. Lang., Columbia, University. Skinker, Cornelius H., LL. B., '85. P. Bolivar, Mo. Judge— 18th Circuit. Skinner, Mrs. W. H. (Mary Ella Child), B. S., B. P., '79. P. 1602 Poplar, Lincoln, Neb. *Slack, Henry, A. B., '50, A. M., '53. Slaughter, Orlando V., Pe. P., '78. P. Hickman Mills, Mo. Sloan, Robert T., A. B., '83, A. M., '87. P. 712 Sharp Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Physician. Sloop, Charles Jacob, A. B., '03, LL. B., '09. P. Independence, Kan. Lawyer. *Small, Nelson R., M. D., '51. Small, Mrs. W. T. (Etta Mary Angell), A. D. B., Pe. B., '83, A. D. M. '86. P. Bowie, Texas. Smiley, Harry Herr, M. D., '01. P. Cotton Belt Hosp., Texarkana, Ark. / House Surgeon. Smith, Alfred Hannah, A. B., '02. P. Moberly, Mo. Expert Accountant. Smith, Andrew J., LL. B., '81. ALUMNI DIRECTOEY. 219 Smitli, Bathurst, C. E., '83. P. 611 K. C. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Civil Engineer. Smith, Charles William, Pe. P., '87. Smith, Clifford Bradley, B. S. in Agr., '08. Laramie, Wyo. Ranchman. Smith, Clyn, Pe. P., '92, B. S., '99. P. St. Mary's Infirmary, St. Louis, Mo. Physician. Smith, D. Walker, LL. B., '01. P. El Dorado Springs, Mo. Lawyer. Smith, Earl Brenton, B. S. in M. E., '03, M. E., '05. P. Drexel Inst., Philadelphia, Penn. Asst. Prof. Exp. Engr. Smith, Edwin Dwight, B. S. in E. E., '01. P. 9th and Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Chief Engineer, Board of Education. Smith, Elizabeth, A. D. B., Pe. B., '88. Smith, Edward Everett, Pe. P., '85. P. Record Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Published — Daily Record. Smith, Ernest Ellsworth, C. E. '84, B. S., Pe. B., '85. P. 523 Locust St., Kansas City, Mo. Publisher — The Daily Record. Smith, Eulah Maud, A. B., '10. P. 730 W. Third St., Webb City, Mo. Teaching. Smith, Frances, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09, A. M., '10. P. 319 S. Main St., Maryville, Mo. T. 1111 W. 10th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Teaching. Smith, Francis Marion, LL. B., '80. Smith, George William, Pe. P., '87. Smith, Horace A., LL. B., '81. Smith, Hugh Allison, B. L., '97, A. M., '98. P. 15 Prospect Ave., Madison, Wis. Prof, of Rom. Lang., U. of Wisconsin. Smith, Homer Kephart, B.'S. in E. E., '06. P. Maitland, Mo. T. Corozal, C. Z., Panama. Electrical Supt., Pacific Div., Panama Canal. 220 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Smith, Harry William Jr., LL. B., '99. P. Elizabeth, N. J. Lawyer. Smith, Ina V., A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 720 S. Carolina St., Louisiana, Mo. Teacher in High School. Smith, Irvin Z., A. M., '66 (Hon.). Smith, James Allen, A. b'., '86, LL. B., '87, A. ^L, '92. P. Univ. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. Prof, of Pol. Sci., Dean, Grad. School. Smith, John Bertram, B. P., B. S., '94, M. S., '95. P. 2926 N. Olive St., Kansas City, Mo. Clerk. Smith, Joel Harvey, LL. B., '95. P. Box 342, Selma, Cal. Lawyer. Smith, J. Herbert, A. B., '09. P. Lowry Hall, Columbia, Mo. Student. Smith, James LeRoy, LL. B., '94. P. 518 Keith and Perry Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Smith, Judson Waller, LL. B., '88. Smith, Lewis Ruffner, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. 3840 Campbell St., Kansas City, Mo. T. Wellington, Wash. C. E., Insp. Great Northern R. R. Smith, Mary Madeline, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Glenwood, Mo. T. Webster Groves, ]\Io. Teacher in High School. Smith, Pickney Freeman, A. B., '09. P. R. F. D. 40, Brownington, Mo. T. 1210 Springfield Ave., Urbana, 111. Student. Smith, Perd O., B. S. in E. E., '08. P. Ft. Wayne Elec. AVorks, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Salesman. Smith, Richard Alford, LL. B., '10. P. 363 S. Emerson St., Denver, Colo.' Smith, Robert DuVal, A. B., '10. P. Woodson Sanitarium, St. Joseph, Mo. T. 512 S. 5th St., Columbia, Mo. Student. ALUMNI DIEECTOKY. 221 Smith, Mrs. G. I. (Sue Stone), A. B., '02. P. R. F. D. 1, Weston, Mo. Smith, Tom K., A. B., '04. P. Care of W. R. Compton Co., Merchants-Laclede Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Sec. W. R. Compton Co. *Smith, Thomas T., A. B., '62, A. M., '65. Smith, Virgil, LL. B., '09. P. R.F. D. 7, Carrollton, IMo. Lawyer. Smith, William Ernest, B. S. in C. B., '03. P. 801 W. 3d St., Webb City, Mo. City Engineer. *Smith, William Edge, M. D., '47. *Smith, William Noland Berkly, Sur., '88. Smith, William Robert, M. D., '77. P. Ashland, Mo. Physician. Smith, Wm. Saul, A. B., '10. P. 2218 Battery St., Little Rock, Ark. Chemist — Ark. Cotton Oil Co. Smith, Willis V., M. D., '74. P. 508 Altman Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Smith, Zimri Carter, LL. B., '95. P. Piedmont, Mo. lawyer. Smoke, Mrs. S. A. (Susie Harris Trimble), Pe. P., '88. P. 202 S. 9th St., Columbia, Mo. Smoot, Banner Porter, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. R. F. D. 2, Thompson, ]\Io. Farming. Smoot, Hudson Valentine, LL. B., '01. P. Memphis, Mo. Lawyer. Smoot, Willie Isadore (Mrs. J. G. Grossenbacher), A. B., '05, A. M., '06. P. 191 S. West St., Geneva, N. Y. Smothers, La Page, B. S. in M. E., '04. P. 829 Concannon St., l\Ioberly, Mo. Insp. of Tests for Wabash R. R. Sneed, Carl Miller, M. D., '01, A. B., '10. P. 105 W. High St., Jefferson City, Mo Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. 222 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Snell, Charles Parson, LL. B., '96. P. R. F. D., No. 8, Campbell, Cal. T. 610-11 Metropolis Bank Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. Snider, Guy Edward, A. M., '02. P. 511 W. 112th St., New York, N. Y. Inst. History, College of the City of New Y'ork. Snider, John Aaron, LL. B., '85. P. Jackson, Mo. Lawyer and Banker. Snoddy, James Samuel, B. L., '83. P. Missoula, Mont. Teacher of English, U. of Montana. Snow, John Howard, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. 1727 Wagoner PI., St. Louis, Mo. Traveling Salesman. Snyder, Edith (Mrs. J. H. Coursault), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 719 Missouri Ave., Columbia, I\To. Snyder, Joseph Conway, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 444 Grant St., Redlands, Cal. T. Wenworth Military Academy, Lexington, Mo. Teacher. Snyder, Thornton R., LL. B., '01. P. 902 Mercantile Library Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Somers, Lewis Jack, LL. B., '10. P. 317 W. Mufflin St., Madison, Wis. Student, U. of Wisconsin. Spaht, Albert William, B. S. in E. E., '06. P. 311 Victory Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. With General Electric Co. Spalding, Julia, B. S. in Ed., '10. 11 York Ave., Towanda, Pa. Spalding, Marion Elizabeth, A. B., '09. P. 901 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo. Spalding, Walter James, B. S. in C. E., '04, C. E., '10. P. Balboa, C. Z., Panama. Engineer Draftsman. Spangler, Kathryn E., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 122 N. 2d St., Clinton, Mo. Teacher. Sparks, Claudia Furber, Pe. P., '88. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 223 Sparks, Theodore C, LL. B., '96. P. 4008 Wyoming St., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. *Sparks, Wesley H., M. D., '51. Sparrow, William Samuel, LL. B., '93. P. 909 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. *Spaulding, Francis, M. D., '47. *Spence, Alex Persinger, A. B., '56. *Spencer, Thomas F., LL. B., '74. Sperry, Guy Leslie, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Lockwood, Mo. T. Care of U. S. R. S., St. Ignatius, Mont. Engineer. Spicer, Inez, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 509 S. 6th St., Columbia, Mo. Student Asst. in Library. Spillman, Wm. Jasper, B. S., '86, M. S., '90. P. Care of Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C. In charge of Office of Farm Management Inv. Bu. PI. Ind. U. S. D. A. Sophrer, Frank Otto, Pe. P., '88. P. Columbia, Mo. Student. Spragg, Earl Gordon, LL. B., '08. P. Ridgeway, Mo. Lawyer. *Spragins, Fox, LL. B., '83. Sprecher, William H., LL. B., '91. P. Arcadia, Kan. Lawyer. Spriggs, John J., LL. B., '06. P. Lincoln and 3rd Sts., Lander, Wyo. Lawyer — State Representative. Stafford, DeNean, LL. B., '04. P. Seneca, Mo. • Bank Cashier. Stagner, Bert Allen, B. S. in Ed., '09, A. B., '10. P. Hale, Mo. T. Maryville, Mo. Teacher. Stahl, William Fred, M. D., '03. 224 UNIVERSITY CF MISSOURI. Staikoff, George Roshlevsky, B. S. in E. E. '97. P. Phillippopole, Bulgaria. Director, Oriental Dept. International Harvester Co. Staley, Lorin Andrews, S. B., '73. P. 420 Grand Ave., Grand Junction, Colo. Stampfli, George .Joseph, LL. B., '96. P. 333 Madison St., Jefferson City, Mo. Life Insurance. *Staple, Thomas Edward, M. D., '48. Starin, Genevieve Alida (Mrs. Butler), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Gen. Del., Portland, Ore. *Starke, Edwin Alexander, A. B., '55, A. M., '59. Starke, Lewis P., Pe. P., '80. P. Boonville, Mo. Mo. Training School. Starr, Chester G., B. S. in Agr., '06. P. Centralia, Mo. Farmer. Starrett, George Simpson, LL. B., '09. P. St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Stava, William, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 945 N. Campbell St., Springfield, ]\Io. T. Care of M. C. Byers, Frisco Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Civil Engineer. Stean, Saidee, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 301 Hitt, Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Steed, Arthur, B. S. in M. E., '10. P. 515 N. 4th St., St. Charles, Mo. T. • 511 Jeannette St., AVilkinsburg, Penn. App. Westinghouse Mch. Co. Steele, Ava D., A. M., '00. P. Marshall, Mo. T. 905 Busey St., Urbana, 111. Teaching English, U. of Illinois Academy. Steele, Asa George, B. S., '01. P. Care Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass. Student. Steele, Charles Fuller, LL. B., '00. P. 5348a Ridge Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Tariff Clerk, Frisco System. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 225 Steele, C. L., A. B., '03. P. 1004 Van Antwerp Bldg., Mobile, Ala. Lawyer. Steele, Mary Isabel, B. S., '00, A. M., '01. P. 407 Matthews St., Columbia, Mo. T. Miss St. Ind. Inst. & College, Columbus, Miss. Teacher. Steele, Oliver Lee, A. B., '03, LL. B., '06. P. 909 Van Antwerp Bldg., Mobile, Ala. Lawyer. Steele, Stella Elizabeth, B. S. in Ed., '09, A. B., '10. P. 407 Matthews St., Columbia, Mo. Student. Steers, William A., Pe. P., '78. *Steinhauer, Henry Fenton, M. D., '48. Steinkamp, William Dietrich, LL. B., '99. P. 848 E. Prairie Ave., _ St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Steltemeier, Fred Casper, LL. B., '97. P. 2846a Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer — Carleton Bldg. Stephens. Alonzo Vest, LL. D., '97. P. 58.36 Cabanne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Stephens, Edwin Sydney, A. B., '03. P. Columbia, Mo. Publisher. Stephens, Edwin William, A. B., '67, A. M., '70, LL. D., '05. P. Columbia, Mo. Publisher. Stephens, Mrs. Harder (Clara Lillian Shelton), A. B., '06. P. 906 S. 9th St., Temple, Texas. Stephens, Henson McClellan, LL. B., '87. P. Peyton Blk., Spokane, Wash. Lawyer. Stephens, James L., LL. B., '87. P. Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Stephenson, Samuel Charles, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. Elmira, Mo. Farmer. Sterne, Kate (Mrs. J. T. Beale), Pe. P., '86. P. Versailles, Mo. ♦Sterne, Frank, S. B., Pe. B., '81, C. E., T. E., '82, S. M., '84. 15 226 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Stevens, Richard Henry, A. B., '76. P. 525 Hanly Rd., Clayton, Mo. Lawyer. Stevinson, i\Irs. K B. (Dora A. Lynch), Pe. P., '92. P. Columbia, Mo. Stewart, Burns, B. S. in E. E., '03. P. 48 N. 2d St., Memphis, Tenn. Elec. Engineer with Merchants Power Co. Stewart, Charles Gran, A. M., '08. P. McCool Junction, Neb. T. Iowa City, Iowa. Asst. Prof. Rom. Lang., U. of Iowa. Stewart, Douglas, Jr., LL. B., '07. P. Chillicothe, Mo., Corner Washington and Jackson Sts. Lawyer. Stewart, Faye Louise, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Chillicothe, Mo. T. 507 Taylor Ave., Ft. Worth, Texas. Teacher. Stewart, George Earle, A. B., '05. P. 5 W. 38th St., New York, N. Y. Electrical Business. Stewart, Harvey Kling, LL. B., '08. P. 523 Noyes St., Louisiana, Mo. T. 119 S. Fontanero St., Colorado Springs, Colo. *Stewart, John C, M. D., '49. Stewart, Walter W., A. B., '09. F, Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Columbia, Mo. Inst. U. of Mo. Stickerod, Lydia Adeline (Mrs. Woodson), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Dr. Woodson's Sanitarium, St. Joseph, Mo. *Stierberger, Charles Rudolph, M. D., '83. Stigall, Louis Virgil, LL. B., '10. P. Stewartsville, Mo. Lawyer. Still, Mrs. Geo. A. (Ethel Ardella Dockery), A. B., '01. P. 502 S. Osteopathy Ave., Kirksville, Mo. Stine, Dan Gish, A. B., '07 P. Quincy, 111. Physician. Stirling, J. Bowman, LL. B., '91. P. 600 N. State St., Jackson, Miss. Pres. 1st Natl. Bank. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 227 St. John, Roy R., LL. B., '96. P. Mana, Ark. Editor and Publisher. Stokes, James Stephen, B. S., Pe. B., '87, M. S., '90. P. 1220 E. Normal Ave., Kirksville, Mo. Prof, of Physics and Physiography — Normal. Stone, Mrs. G. I. (Bessie Isaacs), A. B., '10. P. Telluride, Colo. Stone, Clarence Robert, A. B., '10, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 420 N. 24th St., St. Joseph, Mo. T. 3936 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo.' Teacher. Stone, Ira Thomas Gabbert, A. B., '03. P. 1003 Conley Ave., Columbia, Mo. Cashier — Central Bank Stone, Kimbrough, B. L., '95. P. 1211 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Stone, Sue (Mrs. G. L Smith), A. B., '02. Weston, Mo. Stone. Sue Gertrude, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 404 S. Franklin St., Kirksville, Mo. Teacher. Stone, Wilbert Benjamin, LL. B., '08. P. Moberly, Mo. Lawyer. Stone, William Joel, LL. D., '93. P. Jefferson City, Mo. T. 205 Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D. C. U. S. Senator, Lawyer. Stone, Walter Wilson, A. B., '59. P. 607 Main St., Greenville, Miss. Planter. Stonebraker, Barnard Haynes, A. B., '10. P. 952 E. Walnut St., Springfield, Mo. Traveling Salesman. Stoner, Carolyn, A. B., '03, P. 2931 E. 28th St., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher in Westport High School. Stoner, Edith, A. B., '04. P. 2931 E. 28th St., Kansas City, Mo. T. 743 Buchon St., San Luis Obispo, Cal. Teacher of Mathematics. 228 UNIVEKSITY OF MISSOURI. Storm, Fred Erwin, A. B., '03, LL. B., '04. P. Okmulgee, Okla. Lawyer. Storm, John Charles, Pe. P., '89. Stout, Mrs. S. E. (Frances Mabel Blodgett), A. B., '04. P. 302 N. Missouri Ave., Liberty, Mo. *Stowe, Julius Henry, Sur., '84, C. E., '85. Stowers, James Evans, A. B., '10. P. ]Millersburg, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo. Student. Streeter, Fred Clare, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. 708 IMissouri Ave., Columbia, Mo. Asst. at Exp. Sta. *Strock, David, M. D., '75. Strong, Charles Munro, B. L., '97, A. M., '00. P. Univ. Sta., Seattle, Wash. Teacher of Spanish, Univ of Washington. Strop, Charles Franklin, LL. B., '86. P. 213 Ger-Am. Bank Bldg,. St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. *Strother, Charles S., M. D., '47. Strother, Samuel Belmere, LL. B., '93. P. 1015 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer — Public Adms. of Jackson Co. Stubblefield, James Scott, Pe. P., '86. P. 4322 Charlotte St., Kansas City, Mo. Minister. Stubblleneld, John Loxley, S. B., B. Agr., C. E., T. E., '81. P. 4322 Charlotte, Kansas City, Mo. Supt. of Sewers. Stuckey, George Ernest, Jr., A. B., '08. P. Newport, Ark. Abstract of Titles. Stumberg, Charles Henry, A. B., L. B., '89, A. M., '92. P. 623 Lafayette St., Baton Rouge, La. Prof, of Mod. Lang., U. of La. Stumberg, Mrs. C. H. (Nannie Coleman), A. B., Pe. B., '90, A. M. '91. P. 623 Lafayette, Baton Rouge, La. Stump, Margaret Low (Mrs. Paul Super), A. B., '03, A. M., '04 P. Hyde St., Honolulu, Hawaii. ALUMNI DIRECTOEY. 229 Stump, Vivian French, A. B., '05. P. 203 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. T. 129 Abercan St., Savannah, Ga. Y. W. C. A. Secretary. Sturgeon, Thomas Hume, Sur., Pe. P., '87. P. Ardmore, Okla. Asst. Bank Cashier. Sturges, Georgia, A. B., '09. P. 424 S. Grand, Sedalia, Mo. Sturgis, Stewart Barton, LL. B., '01. P. Leeton, Mo. Lawyer. Sturtevant, Carleton Wm., C. E., '84, Sur., '83. P. Appleton City, Mo. T. Baldwinsville, N. Y. Supt. with Jas. Stewart & Co. Sturtevant, Mabel Eugenia, LL. B., '08. P. Brookfield, Mo., Box 94. ♦Sturtevant, Julian M., D. D., '48. Suddath, William Edward, LL. B., '05, A. B., '07. P. 215% Holden St., Warrensburg, Mo. Lawyer. Sullins, Robert Alonzo, S. B., C. E., Pe. B., '84. *Sullivan, Daniel, LL. B., '75. *Sullivan, James A., A. B., '60. Summers, James Stephen, A. B., '08, LL. B., '10. P. Care Rozzelle, Vineyard & Thacher, 927 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Summers, Joseph S. A. M., '01, i\L D., '08. P. 128 E. High St., Jefferson City, Mo. Physician. Summers, Nettie (IMrs. Bingham Johnston), Pe. B., '79. Columbia, Mo. P. French Village, 111., 21 Forest PI., Lansdowne, 111. *Summerville, Robert Oscar, LL. B., '04. Sumner, Clarence Wesley, A. B., '09. P. Noblesville, Ind. T. Columbia, Mo. Library, U. of Mo. Super, Paul, A. B., '03. P. Y. M. C. A., Honolulu, Hawaii. Gen. Sec. of Y. M. C. A. 230 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Super, Mrs. Paul (Margaret K Stump), A. B., '03, A. M., '04. P. Hyde St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Surface, Chas. Randall, B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Gallatin, Mo. T. Care Sprague Elec. Co., Bloomfield, N. J. Electrical Engineer. Sutherland, Virginia ,Mrs. Chas. Covert), B. L.,' '9G. P. Houston, Mo. Sutton, Benjamin M., M. D., '82. Sutton, Noah Ellsworth, Pe. P., '89. Sulton, Robert Lee, Pe. P., '87. P. Troy, Mo. Lawyer. Swainson, Anna Elizabeth, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Nevada, Mo. T. 201 Marshall Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Asst. Supt. of Ind. Art. in Public Schools. *Swallow, George C, LL. D., '73. Swarner, Wm. H., LL. B., '93. P. R. F. D. No. 1, New Franklin, Mo. Farmer and Lawyer. Swarts, Guy Taylor, B. S. in M. E., '09. P. Davenport, Okla. T. 214 Mifflin St., Johnstown, Pa. Engineer. Swarts, Frederick Peter, B. S. in C. E., '04. P. 203 N. Joplin St., Joplin, Mo. Asst. Engineer Fiisco, M. of W. Swayne, Mrs. Jas. W. (Josephine Latham), A. B., '80, A. M., '84. P. 930 Lincoln, Boulder, Colo. Writer. Swearingen, Ethel Barton (Mrs. F. F. Thompson), A. B., '97. P. Nevada, Mo. T. Marshall, Mo. Swearingen, Orsen Hansford, LL. B., '97. P. 506 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer — State Rep. Sweet, Arthur T., A. B., '04. P. Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C. * Scientific Asst., U. S. Dept. of Agr. Swift, Charles Albert, L. B., B. S. in C. E., '90. P. 315 River Ave., Avalon, Penn. Draftsman with Am. Bridge Co. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 231 Swindle, John, S. B., Pe. B., '81. P. Purdy, Mo. T. Fairvlew, Mo. Farming and Teaching. Swinford, Samuel Thomas, N. G., '72. Swink, Robert A., LL. B., '97. P. 2621 Roseland Terrace, Maplewood, Mo. Banking and Real Estate. Switzler, Fred Roscoe, LL. B., '08. P. 412-15 Theater Bldg., Houston, Texas. Lawyer. Switzler, Lewis Milton, LL. B., '73. P. 1401 Pratt St., Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Switler, Royal Hill, A. B., '98, A. M., '99. P. 5642 Kingsbury Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Mgr. St. L. Ref. & C. S. Co. Switler, Warren, LL. B., '77. P. 23 Nebr. Natl. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Lawyer. ♦Switzler, William Franklin, LL. D., '04. Switzler, William F., A. B., '00. P. Hermitage, 4458. Wg-shington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Credit Mgr. M. A. Natl. Bank. Sydnor, Walter, LL. B., '76. P. 816 Mutual Bldg., Richmond, Va. Lawyer. Szymoniak, Boleslaus, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. 1283 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. T. Municipal Farm, Leeds, Mo. Agriculturalist. *Tacket, William J., M. D., '47. Taggert, Mrs. Anna Ware (Anna Ware), B. S., '72, A. M., '79. P. 2746 Cypress St., Kansas City, Mo. Talbert, Rollin Edward, A. B., '09. P. Cassville, Mo. T. Box 167, Columbia, Mo. Student. Talbot, Charles Hardin, LL. B., '10. P. 701-2 Continental Blk., Denver, Colo. *Talbot, Demetirus Wm., LL. B., '92. Talbot, Ethelbert, LL. D., '87. P. South Bethlehem, Penn. Bishop of Episcopal Church. 232 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. ♦Tally, Edmund Peace, M. D., '77. Talpey, Charlotte Abigail, A. B., '08. P. 77th and Cherry Sts., Kansas City, I\lo. T. Snyder, Okla. Tapley, Joseph, Ph. B., '79, LL. B., '81. P. Bowling Green, Mo. Lawyer. Tate, Ernest, A. B., '01. P. Cowgill, Mo. Cashier of Bank. Tatum, Robert Edward Lee, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. Box 404, Vicksburg, Miss. U. S. Jr. Engineer. Taylor, Mrs. Albert S. (Lacy Pittman Price), A. B., '10. P. Coalings, Cal. Taylor, Charles Henry, B. S. in Agr., '08. P. Nemaha, Neb. Stock and Fruit Farming. Taylor, DeWitt Clinton, LL. B., '81. P. Manchester, Mo. Lawyer. *Taylor, Earl Miller, LL. B., '96. Taylor, Eben Lavert, LL. B., '07. *Taylor, Edward Gibson, LL. B., '79. Taylor, Frank Henry, Pe. P., '77. Taylor, James Arlington, LL. B., '07. P. 909 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Taylor, James Henry, S. B., Pe. B., '82. Taylor, Jean Elsie, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Mt. Moriah, Mo. T. Unionville, Mo. Teacher in High School. Taylor, Jesse Hayden, LL. ., '97. Taylor, John Martin, S. B., C. E., T. E., '82. P. 1112 Bannock St., Boise, Idaho. Physician. *Taylor, John S., M. D., '49. Taylor, Lucy Jane, Pe. P., '82. Taylor, Mrs. Nathan L. R. (Miller Gordon), Pe. P., ^92. P. 408 Monroe St., Jefferson City, Mo. Taylor, Noland, Pe. P., '80. Taylor, Robert H., LL. B., '81. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 233 Taylor, Susan Shelby, B. S. In Ed., '08. P. Kirkwood, Mo. Teacher. Taylor, Thomas Jackson, A. M., '96. P. 410 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Taylor, William Albert, Pe. P., '80. P. R. F. D. No. 1, Versailles, Mo. Farmer and Real Estate. *Taylor, William Price, LL. B., '85. Taylor, Wilson Allen, LL. B., '96. P. 2811 Locust St., or Four Courts, St. Louis, Mo. Judge — Criminal Court. Taylor, Zachary, Sur., '83. *Teagarden, Thomas Hyatt, A. B., '56. Tebbs, Laura Gilbert, Pe. P., '07. Temple, Fred Wilston, LL. B., '07. P. Post Office Bldg., Idabel, Okla. Lawyer. Tennyson, Luther Wesley, A. B., '05, LL. B., '06. P. Box 694, Boise, Idaho. Terrell, Gussie May, A. B., '05. P. 314 Daugherty, Macon, Mo. Terrill, Anderson Wood, B. S. in C. E., '06, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. 1111 University Ave., Columbia, Mo. Farmer. *Terrill„ James W., A. M., '72 (Hon.). Terry, Charles Wyllis, Sur., '87. Theilmann, Emil, Pe. P., '86, S. B., Pe. B., '88, S. M., '91. P. 213 Deardorff Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Theilmann, Louis, S. B., '85, M. S., '90. P. Bonne Terre, Mo. Supt. of Schools. Theilmann, Robert H., S. B., '83, S. M., '92. P. Somerton, Ariz. Farmer and Stockraiser. Thieman, Daniel Benjamin, B. S. in Agr., '06. P. Aullville, Mo. Farming. Thieman, Lewis William, B. S. in Agr., '04. P. R. F. D. No. 1, Aullville, Mo. Farming. Thom, Charles, Ph. D., '99. P. Storrs, Conn. Botanist (Mycologist) Cheese Investigation, U. S. Dept. of Agr. 234 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. ♦Thomas, Andrew J., A. B., '60, A. M., '77, LL. D., '90. Thomas, Andrew Jacob, Ph. B., '79. P. Liggett Bldg., Mississippi River Commission, St. Louis, Mo. Thomas, Enoch Lee, LL. B., '06. Thomas, Mrs. F. P. (Minnie Louise Russell), Pe. P., '79. P. 4487 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Prin. of Lenox Hall. ♦Thomas, James Bennett, A. B., '47, A. M., '50. Thomas, James McPherson, LL. B., '85. P. 260 S. 13th East, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lawyer. Thomas, Thomas Clinton, T. B., '80, C. E., '84. P. Vicksburg, Miss. U. S. Asst. Engr. in charge of construction of locks and dams, Ouachita R. ♦Thomas, William George, A. B., '55, A. M., '59. ♦Thomas, William Gray, A. M., '58. ♦Thomas, William Pendleton, A. B., '44, A. M., '47. Thomas, William Washington, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 722 Cherry St., Springfield, Mo. Head of Pedagogy Dept., Normal. ♦Thompson, Benjamin Lee, LL. B., '95. ♦Thompson, Burrell, M. D., '48. Thompson, Burton, LL. B., '92. P. 1 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Real Estate Broker. ♦Thompson, Clifton Rodes, LL. B., '83. Thompson, Mrs. Ethel S. (Ethel Barton Swearingen), A. B., B. P., '97. P. Marshall, Mo. T. 217 N. Lynn St., Nevada, Mo. Thompson, Frank F., B. L., "96. P. Care First National Bank, Nevada, Mo. T. 675 S. Jefferson Ave., Marshall, Mo. Supt. of Schools. Thompson, Guy Atwood, LL. B., '98. P. 1810 Natl. Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Thompson, Harry, LL. B., '00. P. R. F. D. No. 1, El Reno, Okla. Farmer. Thompson,, James Lloyd, B. S. in ,C. E., '05. P. Moscow, Idaho, R. F. D. No. 2. Ranching. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 235 ♦Thompson, James M., M. D., '50. Thompson, John Given, A. M., '94. ♦Thompson, Lysander Aurelius, LL. B., '74. ♦Thompson, Seymour Dwight, LL. B., '82. Thompson, Thomas Waddy, LL. B., '95. P. Greenville, Texas. Lawyer. ♦Thompson, William Jackson, A. B., '57, A. M., '60. Thompson, William Speer, A. B., '09. P. Princeton, Mo. ♦Thomson, Robert Gordon, A. B., '87, A. M., '91. Thornton, Frank, Jr., B. S. in E. E., '08. P. 713 South Ave., Wilkinsburg, Penn. Elec. Engineer — With Westinghouse. Thornton, Joseph Elias, M. D., '93. P. 301 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. Physician. Thurman, Anderson Wear, LL. B., '94, Pe. P., '91. P. 408 Main St., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. Thurman, Berry Green, LL. B., '73. P. Lamar, Mo. Judge— 26th Dist. Thurman, Harold Clark, A. B., '03, LL. B., '04'. P. 302-04 Iowa Bldg., Muskogee, Okla. Lawyer. Thurston, Mollis Hendrix, B. L., '00, A. M., '06. P. Columbia, Mo. Farmer. Thurston, Walter Alonzo, LL. B., '98. P. Care War Dept., Washington, D. C. T. A. & N. aub, 107 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. Retired Army Officer — Stocks. *Tidd, Abraham Lincoln, LL. B., '94. Tidd, Miss Charley Coombs, A. B., B. S. in H. E., '10. P. 202 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Tiedeman, John Ernest, LL. B., '98. P. 3578a Hampshire St., St. Louis, Mo. T. Assoc. Press, Chicago, 111. Assoc. Preiss Editor. Tilley, Robert Bruce, M. D., '99. P. Columbia, Mo. Druggist. 236 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUKI. Tillman, Benjamio William, B. S. in Agr., '07. P. Office of Exp. Stations, Washington, D. C. Civil Service. Timbeilake, Estill Marvin, LL. B., '93, LL. M., '94. *Timmeiman, R. P., M. D., '51. Timmonds, Harry Whitney, B. L., '97. P. Lamar, Mo. Lavi^yer. *Timmons, Winfield Scott, B. S. '75, LL. B., '78. Timmons, Winnie A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 403 Matthews, Columbia, Mo. T. Mound City, Mo. Teacher. *Tincher, Cortes, A. B., '56, A. M., '59. Tincher, James William, LL. B., '85. P. Fulton, Mo. Lavi^yer — Prosecuting Attorney. *Tipton, Jacob, M. D., '48. Tipton, Joseph Clark, A. B., '90, LL. B., '92. P. Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic. Agent Galena Signal Light Oil Co., 26 Broadvv^ay, New York City. Tipton, William Reuben, M. D., '76. P. 1100 7th St., East Las Vegas, N. M. Physician. Toalson, Oscar Benton, LL. B., '92. P. Bartlesville, Okla. Lumber Dealer. *Todd, Robert Barr, A. B., '43, A. M., '48, LL. D., '81. *Todd, Robert Levi, A. B., '43, A. M., '48. *Todd William Warfield, A. B., '45. *Todd, William Warfield, M. D., '49. Tom, William Joseph, Pe. P., '86. Tomlm, Morell, LL. B., '90. P. Oakland, 111. T. Danvers, III. Electrical Construction. Tomlinson, Erwin Mortimer, B. S. in E. E., '04. P. 403-6 Nassau Block, Denver, Colo. T. Salida, Colo. Consulting and Const. Engineer. *Tompkins, William Eugene, LL. B., '97. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 237 Tompson, Warren Vaughn, LL. B., '10. P. Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Torbit, Columbus Clay, A. B., '65, A. M., '68. P. Huntsdale, Mo. Farmer. Tracy, Frederick H., LL. B., '08. P. Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. Lawyer. Trentham, William Henry Benton, N. G., '72. Treadway, Ollie Herbert, M. D., '93. P. Clarksville, Mo. Trealease, William, LL. D., '03. P. Mo. Bot. Garden, St. Louis, Mo. Director — Mo. Bot. Garden and Shaw Bot School. Trevathan, Joseph Luny, LL. B., '99. P. 515 S. Evans, El Reno, Okla. Lawyer — 253 Lambe Building. Trewitt, Fred Lee, A. B., '06. Trimble, Susie Harris (Mrs. S. A. Smoke), Pe. P., '88. P. 202 S. 9th St., Columbia, Mo. Triplett, Charles Lane, LL. B., '02. Trotter, Florence, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 3315 Woodland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Trowbridge, Harold James, A. B., '09. P. 505 Garfield Ave., Detroit, Mich. Retail Lumber. *Truitt, Samuel Watson, M. D., '95. Truitt, William Henry, LL. B., '87. P. Pomona, Cal. Promoter. *Tucker, William Henry, A. B., '55, A. M., '59. Tuggle, Floyd Smith, A. B., '06. P. Gallatin, Mo. Farmer and Rep. from Daviess Co. *Tull, Littleton, M. D., '48. Turk, John Crawford, L. B., Pe. B., '85. P. Mt. Vernon, Mo. Tupes, Ernest E., B. S. in C. E., '09, A. B., '09. P. Raymore, Mo. T. 1326 E. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. Engineer with Kansas City Terminal. *Turley, Jesse R., M. D., '51. 238 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Turner, Archie Wm., LL. B., '90. P. Lone Wolf, Okla. Banker. Turner, Charles William, Pe. P., '90, B. L., '97. Turner, John William, M. D., '99. P. 418 Mansion, Louisiana, Mo. Physician and Surgeon. Turner, Kirk Baxter, LL. B., '96. P. Eufaula, Okla. Lawyer. Turner, Martin Ernest, LL. B., '98. P. E. 12th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Lawyer. Turner, Orville Hume, B. S. in E. E., '99. P. 4226 Shaw Ave., St. Louis, Mo. With Union Electric Light and Power Co., Comm. Engr. Dept. Turner, Orville Hickman Browning, S. B., "88, T. E., '89, C. E., '90. M. S., '91. P. 400 S. 6th St., Raton, N. M. Chief Engineer— St. R. M. & Pac. R. R. *Turner, Squire, A. B., '55, A. M., '59. Turner, William Edwin, LL. B., '75, B. S., '95, B. L., '96, A. M. '97. P. Mexico, Mo. Teacher. Turner, William H., A. B., '68, A. M., '71. P. Kimberly, Idaho. Turner, William Henry, B. S. in C. E., '98, M. D., '01. P. Kimberly, Idaho. Cashier of Bank. *Turney, J. J. R., M. D., '50. Turpin, Mabel Lee, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. 919 N Washington, Nevada, Mo. Teacher in High School. Turrell, Charles Alfred, A. M., '01. P. Tucson, Ariz. Prof of Mod. Lang., U. of Arizona. Tuttle, Floyd Wilkins, A. B., '02, M. D., '09. P. Columbia, Mo. T. Morrisville, Mo. Physician. Tuttle, Daniel Sylvester, LL. D., '10. P. 74 Vandeventer PI., St. Louis, Mo. Bishop of Prot. Episcopal Church, Diocese of Missouri. ALUMNI DIEECTOEY. 239 Tuthill, James Edward, A. M., '03. P. 253 S. Line St., Lexington, Ky. Asst. Prof, of History — U. of Kentucky. Tyler, Miss Earle Graves, B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Defiance, Mo. T. Washington, Mo. Teacher in High School. Tyler, Eleanor Murdock, A. M., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 5585 Bartmer, St. Louis, Mo. T. 349 Henderson Ave, Cape Girardeau, Mo. *Tyler, Jared Dudley, M. D., '46. *Tyler, Truman M., M. D., '46. *Tyndall, Willoughby Cordell, S. B., '81, M. S., '84'. Tyrell, Frank G., D. D., '98. P. Los Angeles, Cal Underhill, Dillen, B. S. in M. B., '00. P. Port Hope, Canada. Engineer — In charge of Construction, Ideal Sanitary Co. Underwood, Franklin Mason, A. B., '02. P. Fanning School, St. Louis, Mo. Prin. Rose Fanning School. Underwood, George Arthur, A. B., "05, A. M., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 3632 Gillham Road. Kansas City, Mo. T. Conant Hall, 43, Cambridge, Mass. Student. *Upton, L. Willis, M. D., '50. Urban, Fred Wagner, A. B., '02. P. Warrensburg, Mo., 418 N. Maguire St Teaching Math — Normal. Utlej', Lee, B. L., '99, LL. B., '00. P. 692 Valencia St., Los .Angeles, Cal. Lawyer. Utterback, Leslie Lamar, LL. B., '07. P. Stoutsville, IMo. T. Care Merchants' Laclede Nat. Bank, St. Louis, Mo. Bank Clerk. Utz, AVilliam Henry, LL. B., '89. P. 1222 N. 10th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Vaeth, Joseph Anthony, A. B., '03. P. Ste. Genevieve, Mo. T. 915 College Hill PI., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Prof. Mod. Lang. — Normal. 240 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Vanatta, Elmer Elsworth, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. Student. Vanatta, Earl Steere, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. 703 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. T. Portageville, Mo. State Soil Survey. Vance, Bernice Wilson, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07, A. M., '10. P. Marshall, Mo. T. 241 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. Teaching. Vanderveer, William Tenant, A. B., '03. P. Drewsey, Oregon. Ranchman. Vandever, James Louis, B. S. in C. E., '06. P. Wells, Nev. Engineer. Vandiver, John M., Pe. P., '78. Van Fossen, Daniel Edison, A. M., '09. P. Humphreys, Mo. T. Falfurnias, Texas. Farming. Van Hook, Anna Mitchell, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Ferguson, Mo. Teacher. Van Hook, Lawrence Newell, Jr., B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Ferguson, Mo. Tel. Equipmentman with Am. Tel. and Teg. Co. Van Pool, Samuel Newton, LL. B., '89. P. Lamar, ]\Io. Lawyer. Van Trum, Samuel Heffley, B. A. S., '90. P. Gervais, Ore. Horticulturist. Van Wagenen, James Hubert, B. S. in C. E., '08. P. Box 1133, Corning, la. T. Care Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Asst. Engineer. Varner, Calla, A. B., '04. P. Nampa, Idaho. T. Union Star, Mo. •►Varnon, Charles Thomas, M. D., "76. ALUMNI DIEECTOKY. 241 Vaughan, Benjamin Warren, M. D., '01. P. Urbana, Mo. Physician. Vaughn, Earnest Van Court, B. L., '00, A. M., '04. P. 509 S. 4th St., Columbia, Mo. Inst, in History — U. of Mo. Veach, Clto, A. B., '04. P. Atlanta, Ga. Asst. State Geologist. *Vernon, L. M., D. D., '69. Victor, Given, B. S. in E. E., '07. P. Moberly, Mo. Erecting Engineer. Viles. Charles Walter, A. B., '02. P. Bolivar, Mo. Bank Cashier. Vincent, Louis Lester, B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Care Telluride Power Co., Prove. Utah. T. 217 West Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Grad. Engr. *Vincil, John D., D. D., '73. Violette, Dan Proctor, LL. B., '02. P. Florida, Mo. Lawyer. *Von Gremp, Christian C, LL. B., '91. Vosholl, William Henry, E. E., '10. P. Linn, Mo. T. 231 Marguerite Ave., Wilmerding, Pa. Apprentice — W. E. & M. Co. Votaw, Lorenzo Dow, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Eureka, Mo. T. Norborne, Mo. Teacher. Waddell, John Alexander Low, LL. B., '04. P. 1012 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Consulting Engineer. Waddell, Leonard, LL. B., '09. P. 2708 Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer, 337 N. Z. Life Bldg. Wade, Andrew Fuller, LL. B., '90. P. Union League Club., Los Angeles, C'al. Supt. County Farm. 16 242 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Wade, Fernando Hardinger, :M. D., '93. P. R. F. D. No. 5, Columbia, Mo. Physician. Wade, John Franklin, Pe. P., '91, B. P., '94, B. L., '94. P. 603 Shukert BJdg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Wade, John William, Pe. B. Ph. B., '79, C. E., '85. P. 735 Breckenridge, Helena, Mont. State Engineer of Montana. Wadell, Elsie Winship, A. B., '06, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Caldwell, Ark. T. 511 Hitt, Columbia, Mo. *Wagner, David, LL. D., '82. Wagner, George Ernest, LL. B., 'GO. P. Cordell, Okla. Lawyer. *Wagner, Joseph Peter, LL. B., '02. Wagner, Louis, Ph. B., '81, Ph. M., '85. P. 440 S. Pearl St., Denver, Colo. Lawyer. Wait, Charles E., Ph. D., '88. Walborn, Ira Guy, A. B., '04, B. S. in E. E., '06. P. Orwigsburg, Pa. T. Pottsville, Pa., Care Eastern P. R. R. Co. Asst. to Elec. Supt. E. P. Rys. Co. Waldecker, Conrad, LL. B., '89. P. 311 Monroe St., Jefferson City, Mo. Lawyer. Walker Addison A., A. B., '59, A. :\[., '64. P. 1805 Main St., Lexington, Mo. Walker, Alma Etta, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Macon, Mo. Teacher. *Walker, Anthony W., A. B., '59, A. M., '64. Walker, Ben Shore, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. 612 Turner Ave., Columbia, Mo. T.,Poor Fork, Ky. Asst. Engineer— L. & N. R. R. Walker, Charles Joseph, A. B., '04. P. Am. Natl. Bank Bldg., Everett, Wash. Lawyer. Walker, Clinton Davis, Pe. P., '81. ALUMNI DIKECTORY. 243 Walker, George Johnson, A. B., '02, B. S. in C. E., '01. P. 52 Water St., Pittsburg, Pa. Engineer — Heyle & Pattterson. Walker, Gerard R., B. H., '77. * Walker, James B., A. M., '54 (Hon.). ■^Walker, James Henry, A. B., '51, A. M., '54. Walker, John Hutchison, T. E., C. E., '82. Walker, Mamie Clare, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 803 Elm St., Columbia, Mo. T. 2720 9th St., Meridian, Miss. Teaching. Walker, Mary Shore, A. B., '03, A. M., '04. P. 612 Turner Ave., Columbia, Mo. Inst, in Math., U. of Mo. , Walker, Robert, LL.. B., '86. P. Hermann, ]Mo. Lawyer. Walker, Robert Franklin, B. S., '73, M. S., '77. P. Rialto Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer — Lecturer St. L. U. Law School. Walker, Thomas Anderson, L. B., LL. B., '88. P. Lexington, Mo. Probate Judge. Walker, Thomas Lee, A. B., '10. P. 612 Turner Ave., Columbia, ]\Io. Student. Walkup, Frank Harvey, LL. B., '98. P. 403 S. 10th St., Muskogee, Okla. Clerk for U. S. Indian Agent. Wall, Edward Everett, C. E., '84. P. 4062 Flora Blvd., or 312 City Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Asst. Water Commissioner. Wallace, Edward P., B. S. in E. E., '10. P. Pierce City, Mo. T. 1102 E. 8th St., Kansas City, Mo. Engineer — Mo. & Kan. Tel. Co. Wallace, Jacob H., M. E., '07. P. 1313 7th St., Boulder, Colo. Designing Mechanical Engineer. *Wallace, James Samuel, LL. B., '99. Wallace, Samuel Mason, LL. B., '99. P. Camp Point, 111. Lawyer. Wallace, William Walker, LL. B., '99. 244 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Wallbrunn, INIaurice, A. B., '02. P. 1537 W. Congress St., Chicago, 111. Lawyer — Real Estate. ♦Walmsley, Alexis, A. B., '56. Walmsley, John Fletcher, A. B., '99. P. Curityba, Estados do Parana, Brazil, Caisa do Correio No. 108. Lumber Manufacturer. Walter, James Theodore, LL. B., '02. P. Mill Creek, Okla. Lawyer. Walther, Lottie Cora, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. 4013 N. Broadway, St. Louis, I\Io. T. 927 S. Main St., Boonville, I\Io. Teacher. Walton, Stonewall J., LL. B., '02, LL. M., '03. 608 Rialto Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Waples, John Graves, S. B., '69. P. Front and Jones Sts., Ft. Worth. Texas. Vice-Pres. Waples-Platter Grocer Co. Waples, Paul, S. B., '70. P. Front and Jones Sts., Ft. Worth, Texas. Pres. Waples-Platter Grocer Co. Ward, James Gordon, A. B., '05, A. M., '06. P. Mangum, Okla. Prin. of High School. Ward, Robert Emmett, LL. B., '95. P. Liberty, Mo. Lawyer. Ward, William, Jr., LL. B., '07. P. 708 W. Jefferson St., St. Charles, Mo. Lawyer. Warden, Hubert Pascal, LL. B., '91. P. Mexico, Mo. Farming and Dairy. Warden, Lucius Aubrey, LL. B., '07. P. Trenton, Mo. Lawyer and Abstractor. Ware, Eva, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Linneus, Mo. T. Holden, Mo. Teacher. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 245 Ware, Grace May, A. B., '10. P. Shanghai, China. T. 717 Missouri Ave., Columbia, Mo. Student. ' Ware, Sarah Anna (Mrs. Taggart), B. S., '72, A. M. '79. P. 2746 Cypress St., Kansas City, Mo. Writer of Short Stories. Warner, William, LL. D., '06. P. Kansas City, Mo. Ex. U. S. Senator from Missouri. Warren, Doctor Franklin, Jr., LL. B., '10. P. Trenton, Mo. T. Columbia, Mo. Student. *Warren, Mrs. J. A. (Fannie L. Whittle), A. B., '84. *Warriner, William C, M. D., '46. Wash, John Samuel, LL. B., '89. P. R. F. D. No. 6, Fresno, Cal. T. R. F. D. No. 1, Sanger, Cal. School Teacher. Washburn, Robert Mann, M. S. in Agr., '09. P. Burlington, Vt. Prof, of Dairy Husb., U. of Vermbnt. Waterhouse, Sylvester, LL. D., '83. Waters, Henry Jackson, B. S. A., '86. P. Manhattan, Kansas. Pres. Kansas State Agr. College. Waters, Robert Powers, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. 515 N. 4th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Timekeeper, J. H. Dick Const. Co. *Watkins, Charles Allen, A. B., '74. Watson, Edgar David, A. B., '86, A. M., '89. P. 1133 Brook St., Louisville, Ky. Minister. Watson, Edwin Moss, A. B., '90, LL. B., '96. P. Watson Place, Columbia, Mo. Journalist. Watson, Malcolm Clyde, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Muskogee, Okla. Teacher. Watson, Murray Drake, LL. B., '07. P. New London, Mo. Lawyer. 246 UNIVEKSITY OF MISSOURI. Watson, Sallie (.Mrs. J. M. Connon) A. B., '02. P. 41 Moody Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. ♦Watts, Shannon T., M. D., '47. Waugh, Adele .Margaret, B. S. in Ed., A. B., '10. P. 2227 Missouri Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. Norborne, Mo. Teaching. Waugh, Irene Agnes, B. S. in Ed., A. B., '10. P. 2227 Missouri Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. Hardin, Mo. Teaching. Waye, William, Jr., LL. B., '07. P. 708 W. Jefferson St., St. Charles, Mo. Lawyer. Wayman, Harry Selvin, B. S. in Agr., '06. P. Oak Grove, Mo. Farmer. Wayman, Warrick Allen, A. B., '05. P. 902 Chestnut St., Kansas City, Mo. With Townley Metal & Hardware Co. Weakley, Floyd L., Pe. P., '91. P. Care De La Verne Cachine Co., 304 R. A. Long Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Sales Mgr. *Wear, Jessie C, M. D., '47. Weatherly, Everett Pine, A. B., '97, B. S. in C. E., '99. P. Hannibal, Mo. T. Metropolis, 111. Engineer of Construction, C. B. & Q. R. R. Weatherly, James Edward, B. S.. '97. P. Hannibal, Mo. Stock Farmer. Weaver, Luther Abraham, B. S. in Agr., 10. P. Agricultural Bldg.,., Columbia, Mo. Asst, in Animal Husbandry, U. of Mo. Weaver, William Homa Hoyt, Pe. P., '88. Weedin, Kirby Calhoun ,C. E. '89. P. Care J. G. White & Co., 43 Exchange PI., New York, N. Y. T. 117 E. 6th St., Davenport, Iowa. Const. Supt. Weeks, Eula Adeline, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08, A. M., '09. P. Butler, Mo. T. Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Teacher of Math. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 2-47 Weese, William Joshua, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Sheridan, Mo. T. 1625 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Student — Johns Hopkins. *Weight, George Washington, A. B., '56, A. M., '59. Weinbach, Mendel Penco, A. B., '05, B. S. in E. E., A. M., '07. P. Columbia, Mo. Inst, of Electrical Engineering, U. of :Mo. Weiss, Albert Paul, A. B., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Welborn, Arthur Tarrance, LL. B., '05. P. Bloomfield, Mo. Lawyer. Welborn, Edward Livingston, S, B., '75. Welch, Austin Hubbard, B. S. in M. E., '04, M. E., '07. P. 903 Va. Ave., Columbia, Mo. Inst, in Drawing, U. of Mo. Welch, Howard, A. B., '03, B. S. in Agr., '06. P. Bozeman, Mont. Veterinary Surgeon. Welch, John Gunn, A. B., '03, A. M., '04. P. Columbia, Mo. . Teacher — Welch Mil. Academy. *Welch, Napoleon Bonaparte, LL. B., '87. Wells, Franc Harris, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Rock Port, Mo. T. Family, Mont. Draftsman— U. S. R. S. *Wells, Francis Norton, M. D., '48. Wells, Homer Theodore, B. S. in C. E., '08. Wells, Ross Clark, B. S. in C. E., '06. P. Vandalia Railroad Co., St. Louis, Mo. Wells, William Ernest, LL. B., '06. P. Prague, Okla. Lawyer. Welty, Lois, A. B., '05, A. M., '06. P. Oregon, Mo. Teacher in High School. *West, William, M. D., '46. *Westbrook, Edwin M., M. D , '47. 248 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Westerhouse, Ernest Jackson, LL. B., '96. P. Concordia, Mo. T. Bureau of Public Works, Manila, P. I. District Engineer. ♦Western, Elgin Underwood, LL. B., '87. Westlake, Dixie Rush (Mrs. Bayard F. Floyd), A. B., '06, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Gainesville, Fla Westlake, Nancy Pearl, B. L. '96. P. 413 Price Ave., Columbia, Mo. T. W. K. Freudenberger, McGill, Nev. Teacher. Westlake, Ruby Moss (Mrs. W. K. Freudenberger), Pe. B., '89, B. L., B. P., '93, M. S., '95. P. McGill, Nev. Westover, Henry Christopher, B. S. in C. E., '04. P. 534 Beals Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Civil Engineer. Westover, Rowland Bruce, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 1401 Felix St., St. Joseph, Mo. C. E., in City Engineer Office. Wetherill, Dwight Nelson, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. 115 N. Garrison Ave., Carthage, Mo. T. Care Wiley Power Co., Wiley, Colo. Civil Engineer. Wettack, Elmer Eugene, A. B., B. P., '95. P. 603 Spruce St., Coffeyville, Kan. Cashier 1st National Bank. Wettack, John Allen, A. B., B. P., '94. P. Nowata, Okla. Banker. Wetzel, Lewis Albert, A. B., '09. Lawyer. P. Greenfield, ^lo. Whaley, George Clifton. B. S. in E. E., '05. T. Herculaneum, Mo. Draftsman. Wharton, Jacob Franklin, LL. B., '87. P. 1319 Broadway, Parsons, Kansas. Salesman for International Harvester Co. Wharton, James Roy, B. S. in M. E., '05, M. E., '06. P. 1415 Hinkson Ave., Columbia, Mo. Teacher — Mech. Engineering, U. of Mo. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 249 Wharton, Mary, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 802 Range Line, Columbia, Mo. T. Vandalia, IMo. Teacher. *Wharton, William Nelson, LL. B., '87. Whealdon, Albert D., A. B., '02. P. 1316 Hughitt Ave., Superior, Wis. Teaching Chemistry — Normal. Wheeler, Alfred Bennett, LL. B., '84. P. 513 Lyon St., Columbia, Mo. Lawyer. Wheeler, Mrs. A. B. (Ella Houchens), N. G., '76. P. 513 Lyon St., Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Wheeler, Donald John White, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. Box 436, Medford, Mass. T. 8 Washington Sq., Worcester, Mass. Draftsman with Boston & Albany R. R. Wheeler, Edwin Bennett, B. S., '99. P. Potsdam, N. Y. Prof, of Physics — Clarkson School of Technology. Wheeler, Sydney Johnson, LL. B., '97. P. Kingston, Okla. Lawyer. Wheeler, Thomas Basil, LL. B., '76. Whipkey, Mrs. A. J. (Stella Dunaway), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Merricourt, N. D. Whipple, Leon Rutledge, A. B., '06. P. 4233 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. Magazine writing. White, Crawford Elder, LL. B., '99. P. Box 697, Seattle, Wash. Lawyer — 431 Pioneer Bldg. White, David Earle, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Norborne, ]Mo. Farmer. *White, Edwin Clay, A. B., '56, A. M., '59, A. M., '85, LL. D., '99. White, Ernest Cleveland, M. D., '00. P. 11 Rue d'Astorg, Paris, France. Doctor — Osteopathy. White, Edward J., LL. B., '91. P. Aurora, Mo. Lawyer. 250 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. ♦White, Elisha T., A. B., '56. White, George Cleveland, B. S. in Agr., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. Asst. in Dairy Husb. White, George Gordon, Pe. P., '87. White, Hazel, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Norborne, Mo. White, Henry H., LL. D., '70. White, Ivan Forrest, B. S. in C. E., '06. P. Harrisonville, Rio. T. 720 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Draftsman for Mo. & Kan. Tel. Co. White, James Paul, LL. B., '94, A. B., '97. P, New Franklin, Mo. Broker. White, John Quincy, LL. B., '78. P. Ukiah, Cal. Superior Judge. White, Joseph Tatum, Pe. P., '85. White, Robert Ernest, A. B., '03, B. S. in Ed., '06, A. M., '10 P. Harrisonville, Mo. T. 13 Allen Place, Columbia, Mo. Teaching — University High School. White, Walter Evert, B. S. in Agr.„ '10. P. R. F. D. No. 2, Bentonville, Ark. Orchardist. White, Mrs. Walter E., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. R. F. D. No. 2, Bentonville, Ark. ■Whitecotton, James Henry, LL. B., '86. P. Paris, Mo. T. Moberly, Mo. Lawyer. Whitecotton, William Edward, Pe. P., '87. P. Paris, Mo. Lawyer. *Whitelock, Michael Pennington, M. D., '48. Whitlow, Joseph Andrew, B. S. in E. E., '08, E. E., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. Asst. Supt., Heat & Light Sta., U. of Mo. Whitmore, George Rowe, LL. B., '07. P. 727 E. Big Bend Rd., Peoria, 111. Legal and Claim Dept., I. T. S. ♦Whittle, Fannie Lenoir (Mrs. J. A Warren), A. D. B., '84. ALUMNI DIRECTOKY. 251 Wiberg, Herbert George, B. S. in Ch. E., '09. P. 206 W. 146 St., New York City, or Bayview Heights, Aque- duct (Long Island), N. Y. Chemist — Western Electric Co. Wickless, Edward C, LL. B., '94. P. Powersville, Mo. Lawyer. Wiginton, Edgar Boyd, Pe. P., '86. Wight, James Winter, LL. B., '94. P. Moherly, Mo. Pros. Atty. *Wilcox, Francis, A. B., '55. Wilcox, Frank Leslie, B. S. in C. E., '02, C. E., '06. P. Victoria Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Civil Engineer. Wilcox, Harry Eugene, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Hannibal, Mo. T. Box 1391, Alliance, Neb. Concrete Insp.— C. B. & Q. R. R. *Wilcox, James Meredith, A. B., '48. Wilcox, Sam, LL. B., '07. P. 2618 Renick St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer — 212-14 Corby-Forsee Bldg. *Wllcox, William Payne, M. D., '82. Wilder, Beulah, A. B., '09. P. Laddonia, Mo. T. 3212 Dodier St., St. Louis, Mo. Studying Music at Strassbergers. Wildish, James Elmer, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Warrensburg, Mo. T. 726 St. Louis St., Springfield, Mo. Teacher. Wildish, Mrs. J. E. (Harriet Elizabeth Newcomer), A. B., '08. P. 316 Market St., Warrensburg, Mo. T. 726 St. Louis St., Springfield, Mo. Wiley, Frank Leslie, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '05. P. Ridgeway, Mo. T. Care of Office of Supt. of Instruction, St. Louis, Mo. Sec. to Supt. of Inst. Wilhite, Cordelia Mitchell, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 1217 Broadway, Columbia, Mo. Wilkerson, George Rappeen, B. L., '97, LL. B., '99. P. R. F. D. No. 1, Hughesville, Mo. Farmer. 252 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Wilkerson, Thomas Jefferson, Sur., '88, C. E., '90. P. Care of Bureau of Const., City Hall, Pittsburg, Pa. Asst. Engineer, Bureau of Const., Bridge Designer. Wilkes, Edumund Jr., B. S. in C. E., '09. P. 408 Price Ave., Columbia, Mo. P. 1326 E. Ninth St., Kansas City, I\Io. Civil Enigneer with K. C. Terminal Ry. Wilkes, Edmund, A. B., '80. P. 408 Price Ave., Columbia, Mo. Minister. *Wilkes, Lanceford Bramblet, A. B., '52, A. M., '55. *Wilkes, Lewis Bryan, LL. B., '79. *Wilkes, Peter Singleton, A. B., '52, A. M., '55. Wilkinson, Frank Courtney, A. B., '10. P. 3403 Campbell St., Kansas City, Mo. T. 615 Yale Sta., New Haven, Conn. Student. Wilkinson, John Walter, L. B., S. B., B. P., '93. P. Guthrie, Okla. T. San Diego, Cal. Supervisor of Agr. — City Schools. Wilkinson, Robert Edgar, LL. B., '97. P. Boswick and Seminary Sts., Upper Alton, 111. Teacher — Western Mil. Acad. Wilkinson, William Albert, B. S. in Ed., '10. P. 404 Matthews St., Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Wilkinson, William Fuqua, LL. B., '96. P. 2921 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer — 905 Commerce Bldg. Wilkson, Charles Pinckney, LL. B., '98. P. Farmington, I\Io. Circuit Clerk. Willhite, Amma Zilla, LL. B., '99. P. Grant City, Mo. Lawyer. Willhite, Benjamin Franklin, A. B., '02. P. Culver :\Iil. Acad., Culver, Ind. Teacher. Willhite, Ethel Blanche, LL. B., '99. P. Grant City, Mo. Willhite, Joseph Vance, LL. B., '98. P. Grant City, Mo. Lawyer. ALUMNI DIKECTOKY. 253 Willi, Otto Barnett, B. S. in M. E., '06. Williams, Albert Jeff way, LL. B., '97. Williams, Bettie, A. B., '06. P. Chicago, 111., 6033 Kunbark Ave. Williams, Benjamin Robinson, Jr., B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Silex, Mo. Bookkeeper in Bank. Williams, Clyde, A. B., LL. B., '01. P. Hillsboro, Mo. Lawyer. Williams, Curtis, LL. B., '04. P. 415 S. 15th St., Mt. Vernon, 111. Lawyer — ^Clty Atty. Williams, Charles Hamilton, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Marble Hill, Mo. T. U. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Asst. Prof, of Education. Williams, Charles Hardin, B. S. in M. E., '04. P. 2121 Eugene Ave., Homestead, Pa. Chief Draftsman — Carnegie Steel Co. Williams, Clayton Maurice, LL. B., '07. P. 403-5 Commerce Bldg., Everett, Wash. Lawyer. Williams, Charles P., Ph. D., '73. Williams, Charles Page, B. S., T. E., Pe. P., '90. P. Care of TJ. S. Rec. Service, Malta, Mont. Engineer— TJ. S. R. S. Williams, David Edgar, B. P., B. L., '95, Pe. P., '92. P. Pacific, Mo. Physician. Williams, Edward Elias. LL. B., '09. P. Maryville, Mo. Banker. Williams, Frank Benton, A. B., '10. P. 811 S. Main St., Carthage, Mo. Loans and Insurance. Williams, Frank Blair, C. E., '90, M. S., '93. P. 2 Isabella St., Worcester, Mass. Prof. Math. Clark College. Williams, Francis Emmitt, LL. B., '05. P. 622 Bank of Commerce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Auditor and Asst. Sec. Bankers Trust Co. ♦Williams, George Washington, M. D., '48. 254 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Williams, Horace Beckley, A. B., '98. P. 281 Ross Ave., Dallas, Texas. Lawyer. Williams, Mrs. Harry O. (Myrtle O. McClure), A. B., '09. P. 3229 Monument Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Williams, Harold Spencer, A. B., '06, LL. B., '08. P. 716 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Williams, John Everett, LL. B., '09. P. Virden, 111. Williams, Jesse Raymond, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Van Buren, Ark. Supt. of Schools. *Williams, John Freeman, A. B., '48, A. M., '52, LL. D., '82. Williams, John Freeman Jr., A. B., '82. Williams, Joseph Green, LL. B., '93. P. 603-7 Navarre Bldg., or 523 N. Spring Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. *Williams, Joseph Welling, A. B., Pe. B., '84. Williams, Maude, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. Cameron, Mo. T. 136 Market St., Warrensburg, Mo. Prof, of German and French — Normal. Williams, Olive (Mrs. H. L. Crosby), B. S. in Ed., '09. Care of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Williams, Oliver Dugan, LL. B., '10. P. Clay City, 111. Attorney at Law. Williams, Thomas Albert, B. S. in C. E., '02. P. 608 San Juan St., La Junta, Colo. Civil Engineer. *Williams, William Detmar, LL. B., '97. Williams, William Guy, B. S. in C. E., 'OS. Williams, Walter Scott. C. E., '85. P. 818 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo. Asst. Prof. Top. Engineering. Williams, William Warren, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. 904 Penn Ave., Joplin, Mo. Civil Engineer and Contractor. Williamson, Bert Alfred, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. 1156 W. 48th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Elec. Engineer. Williamson, John Robert, LL. B., '04. Williamson, William Ferguson, Pe. P., '79, S. B., Pe. B., '80. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 255 Williamson, William Silas, S. B., C. E., T. E., 82. P. Lawrence, Kansas. Willier, Albert Francis, M. D., '04. P. 1437 Summitt Ave., Springfield, Mo. Physician. Willis, John Samuel, LL. B., '92. P. .310 Hitt, Columbia, Rio. Teaching. Willoughby, Claude Leake, B. Agr., '01. P. Sandersville, Ga. Supt. Fern Crest Dairy. Wills, Mrs. W. J. (Lulu E. Nichols), A. M., '02. P. 1101 E. 4th St., Sedalia, Mo. Willis, Thaddeus Loomis, LL. B., '87. P. Lamar, Mo. Lawyer and Abstractor. Willson, Charles Albert, M. S. in Agr., '10. P. Knoxville, Tenn. Inst, in Tenn. Agr. College. *Willy, Walter, M. D., '51. *Wilmans, Frederick A., M. D., '51. *Wilmot, W. S., M. D., '47. Wilson, Ada, B. S. in C. E., '07. P. Box 164, Olathe, Kan. Wilson, Mrs. Anna May (Anna May Murphy), Pe. P., '82. P. RoUa, Mo. T. R. F. D. 27, Kingsville, Mo. *Wilson, Benjamin Franklin, M. D., '82. Wilson, Benjamin Steele, LL. B., '88. Wilson, Charles Clarence, LL. B., '05. P. Nyssa, Ore. Lawyer — City Atty. Wilson, Dockery, A. B., '08. P. Bethany, Mo. Lawyer. Wilson, David McConaughy, A. B., '75, A. M., '78. P. Milan, Mo. Lawyer. Wilson, Garland, A. B., '05. P. Bethany, Mo. Lawyer. Wilson, Guy N., M. D., '94. P. Columbia, Mo. Retired. 256 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Wilson, Golden Pinkney, B. S. in E. E., '07. Wilson, James, LL. D., '03. P. Washington, D. C. Secretary of Agriculture. *Wilson, John, A. B., '44, A. M., '48. Wilson, John, A. B., '09. P. Bloomfield, Mo. T. 3107 Washington Ave., St. T.ouis, Mo. Student. Wilson, John Benjamin, LL. B., '06. P. Frederick, Okla. Lawyer. AVilson, John Henry, A. B., '76, A. M., '79. *Wllson, John William Draper, LL. B., '95. Wilson, Lafayette Green, LL. B., '86. P. Plainview, Texas. Retired. Wilson, Mark Houser, A. B., '10. P. Kirkwood, Mo. Wilson, Ralph Waldo, A. B., '09. P. Gashland, Mo. T. Ft. Monroe, Va. Soldier — U. S. Army. *Wilson, Robert Pinkney, LL. B., '80. Wilson, Thomas Cramner, S. B., N. G., '74. P. Columbia, Mo. Sec. State Dept. of Agriculture. Wilson, William Bates, LL. B., '78. P. Lexington, Mo. Wilson, William Frank, A. B., '98, A. M., LL. B., '00. P. 806-10 State Natl. Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City. Okla. Lawyer. Wilson, Mrs. W. F. (Gertrude Ammerman), A. B., '98. P. 117 W. 13th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Winans, Lawrence Lewis, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Mexico, Mo. T. Fruitville, Mo., via Brandsville, Mo. Civil Engineer. *Winchester, Luther, B. S. in Agr., '03. Winfield, James, LL. B., '81. Winkler, Louis Harry, B. S. in M. E., '07, M. E., '09. P. 110 N. Garrison St., Carthage, Mo. T. Box 465 Johnstown, Penn. Engineer of Tests, Cambria Steel Co. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 257 Winn, Albert Clark, M. D., '82. Winn, Beatrix, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '06. P. 2629 Lafayette St., St. Joseph, Mo. Teacher in High School. Winn, Lulu May, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. 2629 Lafayette St., St. Joseph, Mo. T. Elmwood Seminary, Farmington, Mo. Teacher. Winscott, Ocie Lee, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '10. P. Columbia, Mo. T. Maiden, Mo. Teacher. Winslow, Isabella A., A. B., '03 (Mrs. A. J. McCulloch). P. 207 College St., Winfied, Kansas. Winslow, Mary Olive, A. B., '05. P. 2905 Charlotte St., Kansas City, Mo. Winslow, Margaret White, A. B., '05. P. 2905 Charlotte St., Kansas City, Mo. * Winston, Charles R., M. D., '51 (Hon.). *Winston, George B., M. D., '46. Winter, Ira D., A. B., '09. P. Box 772, Huron, S. D. Bookkeeper, City Natl. Bank. Winter, John Peter, LL. B., '97. P. 410 Riley St., Pendleton, Ore. Lawyer. ♦Withers, Elisha Theobald, A. B., '56, A. :\I., '59. Withers, Jennie Haynes, A. B., '08. P. 415 National Ave., Ft. Scott, Kansas. Withers, Mrs. R. G. (Gretta Hayes), A. B., '83. P. Box 326, Goldfleld, Nev. Withers, Mrs. R. S. (Alice Ethel Massie), A. B., '03. P. R. F. D. No. 3, Liberty, IMo. Wobus, Hugo John, B. S. in E. E., '08, E. E., '10. P. Swiss, Mo. T. 1206 Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Sales Dept. — Elec. Storage Battery Co. Wclfers, Fred Robert, A. B., '10. P. Pickering, Mo. Banking. Wolff, Lucy Henrietta (Mrs. M. E. Fawks), B. S. in Ed., '08, A. B^ '09. P. 212 Hitt St., Columbia Mo. 17 258 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Wolfrom, Anna, A. B., '07. P. Estes Park, Colo. T. Central High School, Kansas City, Mo. Teacher in High School. Wonsetler, Mae, A. B., '10. P. Cowgill, Mo. Wood, Benjamin Artie, A. B., '05. P. 5652 Cates Ave., or 620 Rialto Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Wood, Charles Wayne, B. S. in C. E., '02. P. Labaddie, Mo. *Wood, Edward F., M. D., '51. Wood, Henry Parker, LL. B., '85. P. Selmer, Tenn. Lawyer. Wood, John Hepler, Pe. P., '90, L. B., '95. P. Shelbina, Mo. Minister and Banker. Wood, James Madison, A. B., B. S. in Ed., '07. P. Fredericktown, Mo. T. 453 W. 124th St., New York, N. Y. Student. Wood, Orval Anthony, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. 3905 E. 19th St., Kansas City, Mo. Head of Math. Dept. in High School. Wood, Stuart Munroe, LL. B., '97. *Wood, Walter Fountain, A. B., '96. -Woodhull, Mrs. W. S. (Thekla Kahn), A. B., '02, A. M., '06. P. 437 N. Center St., Pocatella, Idaho. Woodman, Francis Ward, M. S. in Agr., '09. P. Derry, N. H. T. 30 S. Water St., Sharon, Penn. Chemist — Carnegie Steel Co. Woodress, James Leslie, B. S. in E. E., '04. P. Century El. Co., 19th and Olive, St. Louis, Mo. Sales Engr. — Century El. Co. Woodruff, William Francis, A. B., '07, LL. B., '09. P. City Hall, Kansas City, Mo. Asst. City Counselor. Woods, Herbert Spencer, A. B., '04, A. M., '05. P. Payette, Idaho. T. Medford, Ore. Timekeeper — P. & E. Ry. ALUMNI DIKECTORY. 259 Woods, Frank Tipton, LL. B., '97. P. 11 Wyoming Ave., Billings, Mont. Sheep Business. Woods, James Lee, A. B., '09. P. Princeton, ]\Io. T. Bon Ami, La. King-Ryder Lumber Co. Woods, Melicent Irene, A. B., '02. P. Clarinda, Iowa. T. Allison School, Santa Fe, N. M. Mission Teacher. Woods, Richard Henry, LL. B., '97. P. Versailles, Mo. Woods, William S., A. B., '61, A. M., '64. P. Care of Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo. Banker. Woodside, Gratia Evely, LL. B., '00. Woodson, Mrs. Lydia S. (Lydia A. Stlckerod), A. B., B. S. in Ed., '08. P. Dr. Woodson's Sanitorium, St. Joseph, INIo. *Woodson, Richard Goodridge, A. B., '54. Woodson, Thomas Dupuy, A. B., '05. P. Army Med. School, Washington, D. C. First Lieut., Medical Corps, U. S. Army. Woodson, Thomas Poindexter, LL. B., '02. P. Elsberry, Mo. T. 814 W. Pike St., Crawfordsville, Ind. I\Iinister. Woodson, Warren Rice, B. L., '99. P. Miles City, Mont. Stockman. Woodward, George Francis, LL. B., '01. P. Care of Brown Shoe Co., St. Louis, Mo. Traveling Salesman. Woodward, Tom Elwyn, B. S. in Agr., '07. P. Columbia, Mo. Student. Woodward, Winona, B. S. in H. E., '10. P. R. F. D. No. 3, Columbia, Mo. Student. *Woodz, Sparrel, M. D., '48. Wooldridge, Lula Belle, A. B., '04. P. Boonville, Mo. 260 UNIVEKSITY OF MISSOURI. Work, David Wayne, B. S. in C. E., '09. P. Lamar, Mo. Civil Engineer. Workman, Mrs. W. J. (Julia F. Ripley), A. B., X. G., '74. P. 1057 Race St., Denver, Colo. Wornall, Rowan Buchanan, A. B., '03. P. Grandview, Mo. Farmer and Stockman. Worth, Craig, M. D., '06. T. Des Moines, low^a. Physician. ♦Worth, E., M. D., '50. Wren, George Washington, Pe. P., '77, LL. B., '78. *Wren, John Vincent, M. D., "49 (Hon.) Wright, Anna Elizabeth (Mrs. O. R. Gullion), A. B., 05. P. Norborne, Mo. T. 324 E. 14th St., Eugene, Ore. Wright, Edward Franklin, B. S. in Ed., '07. P. River Falls, Wis. Teacher of Manual Training— Normal. Wright, Firmin Bradley, L. B., B. S., Pe. B., '86. P. Chicago, 111. Wright, George William, LL. B., '82. P. 732 Walnut St., Albany, Ore. Lawyer. *Wright, George W., A. B., '56. *Wright, Henry C, M." D., '49 (Hon.). *Wright, James H., A. B., '61. Wright, James Kelly, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. 817 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo. Teacher. Wright, Kirby Smith, A. B., '07, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. Lamar, Mo. Teaching in High School. Wright, Turner Richardson Haben, B. S. in Agr., '09. P. Manhattan, Kan. Animal Husb. Dept., State Agr. College. Wright, William Walton, LL. B., '09. P. 3825 Wabash Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer — 522 Scarritt Bldg. *Wronker, Charlotte. A. B., '04, B. S. in Ed., '06. Wulfert, Margaret Anne, B. L., '99. P. Bureau of Plant Ind., Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C. Stenographer. ALUMNI DIEECTOKY. 261 Wulff, Hans Jacob, LL. B., '05. P. 402-6 Liggett Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Wylie, Andrew, LL. D., '84. *"Wyman, Edward, LL. D., '73. Wyncoop, Helen Lucile,- A. B., A. M., '10, B. S. in Ed., '09. P. 4029 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. T. 1004 Locust St., Columbia, Mo. Asst. at U. of Mo. *Xaupie, Louis A., M. D., '51. Yakey, John Brandon, LL. B., '84. P. Port Orchard, Wash. Judge of Supreme Court. Yancey, Virginia Florence (Mrs. R. S. Hamilton), A. B., '07. P. Lind, Wash. ♦Yantis, James Aull, LL. B., '75. Yantiss, Van Court, S. M., '86 (Hon.). P. Joplin, Mo. Mining — Lead and Zinc. Yates, Clinton Talbot, B. S. in E. E., '09. P. 1288 Delaware Ave., St. Louis, Mo. United Rys. Co. Yates, Virgil, LL. B., '09. P. Gallatin, Mo. T. Care of Reed, Atwood, Yates & Mastin, Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Yeater, Charles Emmet, A. B., '80, A. M., '85. P. 420 S. Grand Ave., Sedalia, Mo. Lawyer. Youmans, Frank Alijah, L. B., '84, M. L., '91. P. 403 May Ave., Ft. Smith, Ark. Lawyer. Youmans, George Faust, S. B., '89. P. 401 S. 18th St., Ft. Smith, Ark. Lawyer. Young, Arthur Byron, B. A. S., '88. Young, Mrs. C. A. (Eliza Gentry), N. G., '71. P. 1741 Jefferson St., Kansas City, Mo. *Young, Charles* Everett, B. S. in E. E., .'96. Young, Daisy, A. B., '07, A. M., '09. P. Columbia, Mo. Student. 262 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Young, Fred, LL. B., '96. P. 2714 James St., Little Rock, Ark. Claim Agt. for Mo. Pac. *Young, John David, LL. B., '84. Young, John Finnis, B. H., '77. *Young, Milton, A. B., '47, A. M., '50. Young, Pete Heming, LL. B., '10. P. Savannah, Mo. Lawyer. Young, Randall B., LL. B., '06. P. Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, :\Io. Young, William Henry, LL. B., '89. Younker, Blanche (Mrs. A. P. Greensfelder), A. B., '03. P. 3855 W. Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Yowell, Brookey Ann, Pe. P., '89. P. 415 7th St., Portland> Ore. Proofreader. Zatlin, Louis Edward, B. S. in M. E., '09. P. 3119 Franklin Ave., St. Louis Mo. T. 6201 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111. Mechanical Engineer, with Wis. Steel Co. Ziegel, William Henry, A. M., '04. P. 502 St. Stanford -St., Kirksville, Mo. Asst. in Math. — Normal. Ziegenbein, Clarence Earle, B. S. in C. E., '10. P. Cameron, Mo. T. 9218 Edmunds Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Bridge Engineer. Zillman, Christian Charles Herman, B. S., B. P., '93. P. 4446 N. 43d St., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. *Zimmerman, Henry Morton, LL. B., '99. Zorn, Edward, B. S. in C. E., '03. P. 1262 Flood Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Chief Draftsman— N. W. Pac. R. R. Zumbrunnen, Albert Clay, A. M., '09. P. Inza Sta., St. Joseph, Mo. Minister. , Zumbrunnen, Emile M., A. B., '04. P. Rocky Ford, Colo. Machinist for Am. Beet Sugar Co. Zwick, Galius Lawton, B. L., '97, LL. B., '99. P. 515 N. 4th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. O '^A