D 638 .U5 P2 1914a Copy 1 Metal Edge, inc. 2007 RA.T. \ 63d Congress, [ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ( Document / U Session. j I No. 1137. RELIEF OF AMERICAN CITIZENS ABROAD. ^ MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, BECOMMENDING P^SAGE BY CONGRESS OF ACT MAKING APPROPRIATION EOR \ RELIEF OF AMERICAN CITIZENS, ETC. August 4, 1914. — Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. To the Senate and House of Representatives : After further consideration of the existing condition in Europe in so far as it is affecting citizens of the United States who are there without means, financial or otherwise, to return to their homes in this country, it seems incumbent upon the Government to take steps at once to provide adequate means by the chartering of vessels or otherwise of bringing Americans out of the disturbed region and conveying them to their homes in the United States. Moreover, in view of the difficulty of obtaining money upon letters of credit, with which most Americans abroad are supplied, it will be necessary to send agents abroad with funds which can be advanced on such evi- dences of credit, or used for the assistance of destitute citizens of the United States. In these circumstances I recommend the immediate passage by the Congress of an act appropriating $2,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be placed at the disposal of the President, for the relief, protection, and transportation of American citizens and for personal services, rent, and other expenses which may be incurred in the District of Columbia, or elsewhere, connected with, or growing out of, the existing disturbance in Europe. WooDRow Wilson. The White House, August Ji.^ 1911^.. o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS • II II III I II nil II I I II III I nil nil V 020 953 140 9 0- 0'' ^■», Metal Edge Jnc. 2007 RA.T. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 020 953 140 9