Prayers of the Household. FOR MORNING OR EVENING. PREPARED BT HERVERT B. LANGDON, A MEMBER OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, In Hartford, Conn. " JUN t O) 886 HARTFORD, CONN.: Press of The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company. 1886. ,U3 The Library OF Cong hess WASHINGTON Copyright, 1886, By HERVERT B. LANGDON. PREFACE As words best fitted to express our thoughts are riot always at immediate command in time of prayer, and as our thoughts are too apt to be vague, forms prepare in advance and at leisure are sometimes useful, to allay our diffidence and avoid prolixity. And the range of such forms may be sufficient to embrace proper subjects of prayer which otherwise would pass unnoticed. But while much of the matter composing this volume is, in a sense, original, nothing substantially new is presented or deemed desirable, the needs we feel and the praises we attempt not differing materially from those which former genera- tions have already voiced forth. And many familiar arti- cles and collects will be found, in whole or in part, in these pages, the language of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer having been largely employed. The words and paragraphs in brackets may at any time be omitted. Where the sign of the Cross appears the Lord's Prayer should sometimes be substituted for all that follows; or any extempore petition may there be inserted; or a short pause may be made for silent prayer by all present. INDEX I. Glory be to God on high. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel. Our Father who art in heaven. II. In the Lord will we trust. Almighty and most merciful Father. God who knowest us. O Lord, the high and mighty Ruler. O God, the Creator and Preserver. III. Almighty God, before whom angels bow. O God, our King, without whom nothing. We thank thee, O heavenly Father. — For all who are dear to us. O God of all pity and consolation. IY. O heavenly Father, who art more ready. We give thee thanks, generous Lord. — Disposer and Patron of all nations, — Christian — polar — equatorial — Israel — Mahometan — heathen. Y. Lord, our Heavenly Father. Lead us, we pray thee, by thy kindly hand. Make us ever mindful of Jesus. We pray for those who love us — Any who may be slipping — weak — ignorant — victims of strong drink — heedless crowds. YI. O God, the Creator of all things. To thy throne of grace. And when thou dost call us hence. INDEX. VII. O Thou that hearest prayer. Our temporal interests also. O God, who hast power over hearts, — unskilled laborers — soldiers — mariners — legislators — planters — merchants — students. Bless, Lord, we beseech thee. VIII. To thee, O Jesus Christ, our Saviour. By thee is man made just with God. O Shepherd of Israel. O holy Saviour. And when this mortal. IX. O gracious and holy Lord. As thou didst in times past inspire. O heavenly Dove — holy Comforter. Let Immanuel rule. X. God be merciful unto us and bless us. Litany : — Lord thou hast been our dwelling-place. XL The Lord reigneth. — Unto thee be our vows and fealty. O gracious Father, from whom all mercies — lowly calling — roam the seas — delve in mines — leaders of men. O Thou who hast given us the banner of the cross. XII. Again we come. O God, thou art great. — We cannot escape thy presence. To whom then, omniscient Father. XIII. O Lord, our God, whose mercy. O Sovereign of our hearts — benevolent labors — discover remedies — plead the cause — carry the gospel — weak endeavor. — To bring great fruits. INDEX. XIV. Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? — Thanks for unnumbered gifts. [For Morning and Evening.] — Send thy messenger to prepare — behold new heavens. XV. Thy throne, O God, is forever. Litany : — We pray thee, Lord. O God, our refuge and strength. — Grace to make our supplications. XVI. O Lord, our heavenly Father. O Thou who clothest the lilies. — For our friends. — For others who are beyond our knowledge. — Thine only begotten Son to take our nature. XVII. Almighty and everlasting God, in whom. And since it has pleased thee. — Well knowest the infirmities. — Guidance in worldly affairs. — For those who are dear. — Listen to the prayers of little children. XVIII. We thank thee, our heavenly Father — look for righteous- ness to come. To this end we pray — work together for good. For strangers tothy salvation — appetite for strong drink — magnify themselves — fondly suppose — enemies. O God of all patience and loving-kindness. XIX. O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name. Almighty God — who desirest not the death of any. [For Morning and Evening.] — Receive the prayers of thy people. — Send down upon thy ministers. Let the meek inherit the earth. INDEX. XX. To the throne of the heavenly grace. — O Son of God — condescending to redeem. Yet, O our Saviour, we crave. Oh for the joy of the blessed company. XXI. Who is like unto thee, O Lord God? — Look with compassion. — Placed in our hands the holy book. — Thou wilt provide. Litany: — O Spirit of holiness. XXII. O Lord, our heavenly Father — thou makest to grow - givest rain. O gracious benefactor, on thee alone. — We confess our natural estate. — For all who are dear to us. — For those who are estranged from thee. XXIII. Hear us when we call. — Who knowest that we are of the dust. — Abhorrest evil — reward for the just. — Thanks for the means of grace. O Thou who didst once taste death. XXI Y. O God — caused all holy scriptures. Litany: — Gather us not with sinners. XXY. O Lord, open thou our lips. — Our transgressions we confess. O Thou to whose eye the future is open. While in this world let us not be of it. XXYI. How shall we present ourselves. — We believe that thou art. And so we would rejoice. — For those who are afraid — or astray. [For Morning and Evening.] INDEX. XXVII. O God, our refuge and strength. — Great Captain of our salvation. — Help every man in his place — philosophers — hunt- ers — those giving instruction — called to preserve peace — in crowded marts. — Prepare us for a future life of joy. XXVIII. Have mercy upon us, O Lord. We have sinned — yet thou hast not been wroth. — For favor to our native country. O Thou who didst leave the glory. We trust thee, O Lord, that while. XXIX. O Thou who art the high and lofty one. Most holy God, who art of purer eyes. — Our intercessions — all nations — thy Church — in civil authority — neighbors — in trouble. XXX. Hearken unto the voice of our cry. Pardon, O Lord, all those. — Remember in mercy this family. — This city in which we dwell. — In every land may thy kingdom advance — heathen. XXXI. God, who ruiest on high. — We likewise pray for those about us. Show us thy way, Lord. — Cherish infants — keep them through childhood — when selecting pursuits — burden of the day — when age comes on. And when the trumpet. XXXII. O Lord, our heavenly Father. For all the favors of the past. And when the new heavens. O Lamb of God. XXXIII. Lord, show thy mercy upon us. O Son of God, who bringest. — Merc}^ upon those who know not. O Spirit of truth — good Shepherd shall appear. INDEX. XXXIY. How blessed, O Lord, is the estate. How vast are thy works. — Shining multitudes not being enough. [For Morning and Evening.] — All who are dear to us. XXXY. Salvation belongeth unto the Lord. — Thanks for all thy favor. — Children shall be taught of the Lord. — Called to any office in thy Church. XXXVI. O Lord, our heavenly Father. On thee alone, O Fountain of grace. Litany : — O Thou who art the great Physician. XXXVII. The Lord is a king forever. — Deign to direct our doings. Grant that by our penitence. Almighty God, who hast built thy Church. XXXVIII. O Lord God of our fathers. Having been instructed. We pray thee to subdue within us. Litany : — O Thou who hast overcome. XXXIX. Give ear, O Lord, to the voice. — We confess that we have sinned. Enable us somewhat to realize. While therefore we have opportunity. Like blessings — for our friends. XL. O Lord our God, in thee. O Father of love, whose eye. O Son of God, our Redeemer. O Blessed and Eternal Spirit. — Thy condescension in revealing thyself. — Let us cherish this word of life. I. Glory be to God on high. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel. Our Father who art in heaven. /"^ LORY be to God on high, and on earth peace, good ^-^ will to men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we wor- ship thee; — we give thanks to thee, Lord, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. Lord the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ; Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of the Father, grant us thy peace. For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord: thou only, Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath vis- ited and redeemed his people; and hath raised up a mighty salvation for us, in the house of his servant David: as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets which have been since the world began; that we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us. For the Lord is gracious, — his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endureth from generation to generation. Thou Lord, hast made us glad through thy works, and we will rejoice in giving praise for the operations of thy hands. Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come ; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil; For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever: Amen. II. In the Lord will we trust. Almighty and most merciful Father. O God who knowest us. O Lord, the high and mighty Ruler. O God, the Creator and Preserver. T~N the Lord will we trust, for he is gracious; slow to ■— anger and of great mercy. If thou wert strict to mark iniquity, Lord, who should stand? Almighty and most merciful Father, we have erred and strayed from thy ways, like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have left undone the things we ought to have done, and we have done the things we ought not to have done, and there is no health in us. But thou, Lord, have mercy upon us. Spare thou those who confess their faults. Restore thou those who are penitent, according to thy prom- ises declared unto mankind in thy blessed Son. And grant, heavenly Father, for his sake, that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous and sober life, to the glory of thy holy name. God, who knowest us to be set in the midst of such perplexities and dangers, that by reason of the frailty of our nature we cannot always fulfill what we essay to do, vouchsafe us such strength from heaven as may support us in difficulties and carry us through temptations, and make us conquerors at last. Lord, the high and mighty Ruler of the uni- verse, who dost from thy throne control all the powers upon earth, we beseech thee with thy favor to behold and bless thy servant, the President of the United States, and all others in authority; and so replenish them with thy Holy Spirit that they may incline to thy will and walk in thy way. Endue them plenteously with heavenly gifts; grant them grace to execute justice and uphold the right; and after this life to attain everlasting joy and felicity. God, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, we humbly beseech thee for all sorts and conditions of men, — that thou wouldst be pleased to make thy ways known unto them — thy saving health to all nations. More especially we pray for all who profess and call themselves Christians, — that they may be led in the way of truth, and hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life. Finally we commend unto thy fatherly goodness all those in any way afflicted or distressed, in mind, body, or estate, — that it may please thee to comfort and relieve them according to their several necessities, giving them patience under their sufferings and a happy issue out of all their afflictions. + These things we ask in the name of one who was despised and afflicted, — who lay down in the grave and rose again for us, — the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour: Amen. III. Almighty God, before whom angels bow. O God, our King, without whom nothing. We thank thee, O heavenly Father. — For all who are dear to us. O God of all pity and consolation. A LMIGHTY God, before whom angels bow and arch- -^"*~ angels veil their faces, who of thy good will didst create us thy children, and by wondrous mercy in Christ didst redeem us from sin and death, we worship and adore thy glorious majesty, both as our duty and delight; humbly beseeching thee to listen to our praises and our prayers, for the sake of thy only Son, our Mediator. God, our King, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, we lament before thee our weakness and guilt, — our transgressions in the past, and our frailty at present; and pray thee graciously to forgive and strengthen us, and lead us henceforth in all holy obedience, for thy mercy's sake. We thank thee, heavenly Father, for thy blessed word, for our liberty in reading it, for the privilege of drawing near to thee in prayer, and for the opportunity of laboring in thy cause in the world. We thank thee more especially that thou hast been pleased to call us to a filial knowledge of thyself, and hast caused us to lift up our hearts to thine in love and loyalty. Oh that we may be bound closer unto thee, day by day. Let none of us fail of thy grace, or turn back from our allegiance. Thine let us be, now and evermore. And hear us, Lord, for all who are dear to us; our kindred, companions, and friends. Be thou their God and Saviour. Defend them from every ill. Make them to know thy favor in this life, and to be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting. God of all pity and consolation, we pray thee to seek out those who are in danger and need, whether of soul or body. Extend to them thine arm of strength, and speak the word of peace. Show them that thou art he whom they should seek, — that thou art a very present help in time of trouble. Be near to the sick, the poor, the aged, and the little ones; mercifully regard the tempted, the doubting, the desperate, [the friendless, the bereaved;] and minister to them as thou only canst do. Let thy good Spirit move all men, everywhere, to repent. Let righteousness pervade all lands; and let thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven: all which we ask in the name of thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ: Amen. IV. O heavenly Father, who art more ready. We give thee thanks, generous Lord. — Disposer and Patron of all nations, — Christian — polar — equatorial — Israel — Mahometan — heathen. r\ HEAVENLY FATHER, who art more ready to give ^-^ good gifts to them that ask of thee than earthly parents are to please their children, we bow before thee in our frailties and our needs, and humbly beg thy blessing at this time. We especially crave forgiveness of our misdeeds, — not only those of whicli our consciences accuse us, but also those which in our blindness we have not seen, or in our heedlessness have forgotten. Blot them from thy book, we pray thee, for Jesus' sake, and remember them jio more against us. And since thou seest that we have no power to conduct ourselves aright without thine aid, be pleased unweariedly to guard us, that we fall not by the hand of the destroyer nor suffer by our own conceit. We give thee thanks, generous Lord, for the many temporal benefits thou dost bestow. We praise thee for the measure of health and strength vouchsafed us, for the re- wards of our labors, for the fruits of the garden and field, the friendliness of our companions and acquaintances, and the comforts of home. Let our gratitude move us to benevo- lence toward those less favored, that thus we may be thy messengers of good. + Thou who art the Creator of mankind, and the Disposer and Patron of all the races and nations thereof, whatever climes or countries they inhabit, be pleased, we implore thee, to dispense thy gifts according to the varying wants of all. Instruct those who have had their birth in the midst of the knowledge and affluence of Christian lands to seek with diligence the one thing needful, without which all other possessions are vain. There be some dispersed in polar regions, whose constant habitation is in ice and snow 7 , where verdure, flowers, and fruit are things unknown. Leave them not, gracious Father, in cold neglect, but prepare them for another and a better country, where they may eat of the tree of life. Let the ardent peoples of equatorial realms be zealous for the Lord and for the triumph of his cause. As for the land which once flowed with milk and honey, — from whose shepherd -plains the sweet psalmist of Israel sang his lays, — whose hills and vales were threaded by the footsteps of the blessed Jesus, — let it be restored in pris- tine richness to thy people, chosen of old, and let them be gathered from all the nations whither thou hast driven them, when they shall acknowledge the true Messiah, the Son of David, of whom Moses and the prophets did write. Let the barbarisms that burden Mahometan countries, and the gross superstitions w r hich cloud the consciences and degrade the lives of the heathen, speedily give place to the glories of the gospel of truth and peace. And to thy most merciful and most worthy name, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be worship and thanksgiving, world without end: Amen. V. O Lord, our Heavenly Father. Lead us, we pray thee, by thy kindly hand. Make us ever mindful of Jesus. We pray for those who love us — Any who may be slipping — weak — ignorant — victims of strong drink — heedless crowds. /~\ LORD, our heavenly Father, we desire to thank thee ^-^ for thy love and favor hitherto; — for thy care [dur- ing the past night] this day, — and for the hope we have that thou wilt not forget us in the future. Lead us, we pray thee, by thy kindly hand; sus- tain our strength by day and defend our rest at night ; make the path of duty plain before us, and help us to pur- sue it joyfully. In time of perplexity teach us to look upward. When temptations lure us to the right hand or to the left, let us not turn aside to meet them. Let us be of a quiet spirit, so that the petty vexa- tions of life shall not ruffle us. Though trials swarm about us, as bees, let us not be fretted by them. If sickness and disappointment be our lot, let us not be overwhelmed thereby. Make us ever mindful of Jesus, our pattern and example; who carried our griefs and bore our sicknesses; who, when he was reviled, reviled not again, when he was smitten, threatened not, when he was mocked and perse- cuted, held his peace. But, Lord, if it please thee, grant us freedom from such severities. We would be so docile to thy teaching, and pliant to thy will, as not to need the chastisement of suffering. We believe thou dost not willingly afflict nor grieve the children of men. [Yet if there be no path, but a thorny one, to the pleasant place thou hast prepared for us, we pray that we may bravely and patiently endure the temporary and seem- ing ill, in hope of more abundant good by-and-by. Let us not mar our inheritance by cowardice and failure now.] We pray for those who love us, — that thou wilt love them, and do for them as we cannot. We pray, too, for those who injure us. Let us forgive them as we hope to be forgiven. We pray for any of thy children who may be slipping from the straight and narrow way, — that thou wouldst hasten to reclaim and pardon them. We pray for those who feel weak and insignificant, having no heart for the duties or rewards to which thou callest them. Give them some conception of the importance of this life aud the grandeur of the next, that they may be up and doing. We pray for those of ignorant and silly minds, who are willing to be led astray, trusting to their own puny strength to return to virtue when they shall choose. We pray for the many victims of strong drink, and for the families they are dragging to ruin. We pray for the heedless crowds who care not for thee, — who neglect thy house, forget thy sabbaths, profane thy holy name, and do despite unto thy grace. Let thy al- mighty power go forth to stop the tide that courses down to death. Blow loud alarms to men who are deaf to gentle- ness. Where love is weak let the terrors of the Lord have force, and save their souls before it be too late; that by all means righteousness may be victorious, and the kingdom of heaven everywhere prevail. Be pleased, gracious Father, to hear these our humble prayers for Jesus Christ's sake: Amen. VI. God, the Creator of all things. To thy throne of grace. And when thou dost call us hence. f^\ GOD, the Creator of all things, animate and inanimate, ^^ and the Father of those who with true hearts call upon thee, we come into thy presence with thanksgiving and praise, desiring that thy holy will may be fulfilled in us. To thy throne of grace we bring our burdens and pray for strength to bear them. We bring our joys, pray- ing that we may so improve them that thou shalt add thereto yet more. To thy feet we bring our powers and talents, and pray thee to accept our service, and endow us for the same, according to thy goodness and our need. Absolve us from our sins; Make us watchful against temptation; Incite us in our duty; Inspire us in prayer. Encourage us in time of disappointment; Subdue our pride in time of triumph. Restrain within us the surges of anger; Teach us how to speak, and how to keep silence. Dispose our minds to concord between ourselves and charity toward those around us. Make us messengers to any whom thou wouldst com- fort or edify. In labors of love let us not be wanting; and wherever our influence is felt let it be for good. And when thou dost call us hence, we pray thee bring us to the city of the blest; where the streets are of gold, where flows the pure river of the water of life, where the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations, and where are pleasures for evermore. 6 These things we humbly ask, not for our merits or worthiness, but only for the sake of him who hath opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers, thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ: Amen. VII. O Thou that hearest prayer. Our temporal interests also. O God, who hast power over hearts, — unskilled laborers — soldiers — mariners — legislators — planters — merchants — students. Bless, Lord, we beseech thee. f~\ THOU that hearest prayer, unto thee we gladly come. ^-^ For thou takest pleasure in them that fear thee: thou acceptest those that hope in thy mercy. Lord, the God of all mercy, who dost pardon the sins of the penitent and comfort the contrite when they pray, help us honestly to acknowledge our transgressions and turn away from them with steadfast purpose of heart, that we may obtain of thee perfect remission and forgive- ness, through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Our temporal interests also we commit to thy gener- ous care. If it be thy holy will, preserve our persons from accident and sickness, and our possessions from loss. As thou hast maintained us in the past, we trust thee for the future. Let us evermore have cause to rejoice in thy good- ness. * God, who hast power over the hearts of men as the potter hath over his clay — to mold and fashion it accord- ing to his will, be pleased to adapt thy dealings to the station of every man, and so temper the influences bearing upon him, that as his days increase he may be transformed, more and more, into the image of the divine. [As for the ignorant and wretched, whose negligent and unskilled labor earns but poor returns, — these being often lost by improvidence or squandered in vice, — wilt thou dispose them to seek instruction that they may rise ; and heavenly wisdom, that what they lack in this life they may obtain in the next. Give to soldiers in the service of their country, true patriotism, and a willing obedience to the discipline of their ranks. Teach them also a moral courage and a spiritual warfare against the enemies of their souls. Give to mariners, who risk their fortunes on the tem- pestuous deep, a reverence for thy name and a love for thy word, that when the last storm is over and there is no more sea, they may be found alive and safe. Bestow high talents and nobility of soul on those who are chosen to legislate for their brethren, and cause that they who enact the laws of men consider well the laws of God. Let those who plant the earth and water it, look to thee for the increase. The merchants, who buy and sell and get gain, — let them not seek their portion in the petty boards of this world, but rather in the good things which thou hast prepared above. Be pleased especially to favor those who are in pursuit of knowledge, — all students of thy word and providence, or of the mysteries of thy creation, and let not their search be in vain.] Bless, Lord, we beseech thee, the rich and the poor, — the aged and the young. Let thy grace be upon all parents and their children, all pastors and their people, all governors and they that are under them. By thy wis- dom let princes rule, and kings decree justice. Hasten the glad time when Christ shall reign supreme in all lands, and in the hearts of all people ; that all thy creatures may glorify thee, world without end : Amen. 2* VIII. To thee, O Jesus Christ, our Saviour. By thee is man made just with God. O Shepherd of Israel. O holy Saviour. And when this mortal. rpo THEE, Jesus Christ, our Saviour, we kneel in adora- J - tion. To thee we lift our hearts in love, and our voices in praise. We hail thee as the Lord's Anointed, the Prince of Peace, the Son of the Most High God, and the express Image of his Person. [By thee is man made just with God. Thou didst put away thy glories and humble thyself to be born of a virgin. Thou tookest upon thyself our nature, and wast tempted and tried in all points as we are. yet without sin. By works of righteousness thou didst fulfill the law for us. By thy bloody sacrifice upon the cross thou didst suffer death in our stead, and obtain remission of sins for the penitent. By thy glorious resurrection thou didst open a way out of the grave for all who are joined to thee by faith. In such goodly company we would abide, sharing celestial favors upon earth, and assured of victory at last.] Shepherd of Israel, that leadest thy people as a flock, lead us, we pray thee, in the ways of wisdom, all whose ways are pleasantness and whose paths are peace. Feed us with the bread of heaven, that our souls may live; and give us to drink of the living water, that our spirits may be evermore refreshed. Let thy word which is spirit and life, dwell in our minds, and let thy voice be music in our ears. Call us each by name; command us where thou wilt; warn us lest we stumble; restrain us lest we wander away. Let us not be deceived by the craft nor crushed by the power of the great adversary, who goeth about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Wean us from the world, sanctify us from the flesh, and defend us 8 from the devil, — that none of these may have dominion over us, but that we may be wholly thine own. + holy Saviour, invisible, yet ever near, sleeping not, nor disdaining us, —fickle and unworthy though we be, — how can we thank thee for thy constant goodness ? What words can tell the gratitude we owe ? Yet how fee- ble our devotion ! How often we forget ! Alas, that we should ever grieve thee by denial or neglect, or dishonor thee in word or deed. Quicken us, good Lord. Let us see how much thou art to us, and render thee the best return of which our poor mortality is capable. And when this mortal shall put on immortality, and this body of clay be changed to a spiritual body, — when our souls shall be made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light, then shall we see, eye to eye; then shalt thou see thy work of grace complete, — thou shalt see of the travail of thy soul, and shalt be satisfied. And to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be glory and majesty forever: Amen. IX. O gracious and holy Lord. As thou didst in times past inspire. O heavenly Dove — holy Comforter. Let Immanuel rule. /^\ GRACIOUS and holy Lord, who art, and wast, and ^-^ ever shalt be, humbly and adoringly we address to thee our prayer. blessed Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, and one with them, we invoke thy regenerating and sanctifying influence to correct the sinful tendencies of our nature, to cleanse and renew our dis- ordered hearts, and prepare us, day by day, for a heavenly inheritance. Make us to be born of water and the Spirit, that we may enter into the kingdom of God. As thou didst, in times past, inspire chosen men to write the holy scriptures, that the world might know what to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man, we pray that now thou wouldst divinely illuminate our minds, that we may understand the doctrine therein taught, and live thereby. As of old thou didst move upon the nations, that they might hope for and expect a Saviour to be revealed from above, so do thou now move upon us, that we may truly apprehend the Saviour which has been revealed. heavenly Dove, who didst descend upon the head of Jesus in baptism, and didst empower him against the tempter, and raise him from the dead, grant unto us (being joined to him by faith,) like baptism, like victory, and like resurrection. holy Comforter, abide with us, according to the promise of our risen Lord to his followers, and guide us into all truth. Reprove the world, according to his word, of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. Gently open a way for thyself into the hearts of men; imbue them with 9 thy love, persuade them to repent, and enable them to believe; make known to them the joy of salvation. + Let Immanuel rale in every land, and the isles of the sea obey his voice. And wherever the morning light shines or the winds of evening blow, there let the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; there let the Breath that comes from Heaven inspire the life that Heaven approves. And to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory, forever and ever : Amen. X. God be merciful unto us and bless us. Litany : — Lord thou hast been our dwelling-place. /~1 OD be merciful unto us and bless us, and show us the ^-^ light of his countenance. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. let the nations rejoice and be glad, for thou, Lord, shalt judge righteously, and all the ends of the world shall obey thy voice. Let the people praise thee, God; yea. let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth bring forth her increase, and God, even our own God, shall give us his blessing. + Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Thou art good to all; thy tender mercies are over all thy works. Remember not our offences, nor the offences of our fore- fathers, neither take thou vengeance of our sins. Spare us, good Lord, and be not angry against us. From all evil and mischief, from lightning and tempest, from plague, pestilence, and famine, good Lord, deliver us. From fright and violence, from fire and flood, from poison, wreck, and robbery, good Lord, deliver us. From loss of mind, from false accusation, from dishonor, crime, and prison, good Lord, deliver us. We beseech thee to hear us, Lord, that it may please thee to preserve us in health and strength, and to give for our use the kindly fruits of the earth, that we may enjoy them, and be thankful : That it may please thee to defend and provide for the fatherless children, and widows, and all who are desolate, or oppressed : 10 That it may please thee to rescue those who are in grievous peril, to comfort and help the crippled and infirm, to show thy pity upon all prisoners and captives, and to close in peace the eyes of those whom thou hast appointed unto death: That it may please thee to give us true repentance, — to forgive all our sins, negligences, and ignorances, and to endue us with the grace of thy Holy Spirit to amend our lives according to thy word. Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us. Lamb of G-od, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us thy peace. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with us all, evermore: Amen. XI. The Lord reigneth. — Unto to thee be our vows and fealty. O gracious Father, from whom all mercies — lowly calling — roam the seas — delve in mines — leaders of men. Thou who hast given us the banner of the cross. npHE Lord reigneth: let the earth rejoice: let the multi- -*- tude of the isles be glad thereof. Let the heavens declare thy righteousness and all the people witness it. God, our King, we adore thee as the Creator of life, the Giver of law and the Judge of righteousness. Unto thee be our vows and fealty, and unto us be thy grace that we may duly keep the same. We will have no other gods before thee; nor make to ourselves any graven image, to bow unto, or worship. Neither let us place our supreme affections on any created being or thing, but only on thyself. God forbid that we should take thy holy name in vain, or in any way blaspheme thy majesty. So-doing be most abhorrent to us. Holy be thy sabbaths among the days, — holy and unde- filed in our meditations, our privileges and pursuits. And be it our endeavor to love our fellow creatures as ourselves, — to honor them as children of the heavenly Father, — to hold them sacred and inviolate in their per- sons and their rights. To bear false witness be far from us, or to covet or take away what lawfully is theirs. Lord, have mercy upon us, and write all these thy laws in our hearts, we beseech thee. + gracious Father, from whom all healing mercies proceed, we bow in humility before thee, and beg for others, as for ourselves, all needful pardon, reconciliation, strength, 11 and enlightenment, through the merits and intercession of Jesus Christ our Saviour. As he, thy Son, when upon earth, labored with his hands in a lowly calling, be thou pleased to remember for good the sons of men engaged in like occupations. Remember those who by their busy and skillful handiwork, prepare the many useful things, both small and great, which our wants require or our pleasure seeks. Let not temptation overcome them, and let their industry and service be not as unto men, but unto thee. Let those who roam the mighty seas, battling with the winds and waves thereof, put their trust in thee, who alone canst preserve them in safety and bring them finally to a haven of rest. As for those who delve in the darkness of mines, secluded from the cheerful sun and the songs of birds, — living apart from their brethren, — let them not be hidden from the light of thy countenance, nor forgotten when thou makest up thy jewels. Guide especially all whom thou hast endowed with rank, wealth, or intellect, as leaders of men. Let not their aims, their wisdom, or their influence be for this world alone, but for that which is to come. Thou who hast given us the banner of the cross, and thyself dost lead the hosts that glory in it, encourage us to endure hardness as good soldiers, and zealously obey thy commands. And of thy divine power enable us, by the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith, to quench the fiery darts of the wicked, to wax valiant in fight, and turn to flight the armies of the aliens: that so in due time we may enjoy triumphal crowns on high. And to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be endless praise : Amen. XII. Again we come. O God, thou art great. — We cannot escape thy presence. To whom then, omniscient Father. A GAIN we come into thy presence, Lord, as it is our -£-*- duty and privilege to do, to worship thee for thy eternal divinity and true excellence, — to adore thee as the highest and noblest of beings, — the author and source of all that is most worthy and enduring. God, thou art great, yet willing to listen to us who are so small; thou art without fault or blemish, yet considerate toward us who constantly err and fail. In this we recognize thy goodness and find encouragement for our obedience. We rejoice that thy banner over us is love; — that while thou art just thou canst be merciful. Therefore we will dwell before thee without fear. We know, Lord, that we cannot escape thy- presence if we would. For our ways are open to thy view, both when we rest in quiet, and when we rise up; and whether we tarry at home or walk abroad. If we ascend into the heavens, thou art there. If we lie down in caverns and deeps, behold thou art there. Though we fly on the wings of the morning to the uttermost parts of the sea, even there thy hand doth lead us and thy power uphold us. If we say, surely the darkness shall cover us, — even the night shineth as day. The darkness and the light are both alike to thee. Thou searchest also the mind and the heart. There is not a word we speak nor a purpose we devise but thou knowest it altogether. To whom then, omniscient Father, but unto thee, can we look for aid in detecting what there is amiss in our- selves, and averting the evils which beset our way? Dis- 12 lodge the affections within us that respond to the subtile offers of the tempter. And since thy blessed Son was mani- fested that he might destroy the works of the devil, and make us sons of God and heirs of everlasting life, grant, w r e beseech thee, that having this hope in him, we may purify ourselves even as he is pure; that when he shall appear again, with power and great glory, we may be made like unto him, in his eternal and glorious kingdom: — where, with thee, Father Almighty, and thee, Holy Ghost, he liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end : Amen. XIII. O Lord, our God, whose mercy. O Sovereign of our hearts — benevolent labors — discover remedies — plead the cause — carry the gospel — weak endeavor. — To bring great fruits. /^\ LORD, our God, whose mercy is on them that fear ^-^ thee and remember thy commandments, we beseech thee keep us continually in thy true religion and the faith of Jesus Christ our Redeemer, that we, who have no other hope, may persevere unto the end and be saved thereby. And while we tread the pathway of this early life we crave thy constant pardon for our sins, and thy kindly watch and care that we pursue our course with fewer faults and more fidelity. Let thy blessed word be a lamp to our feet, and thy free Spirit uphold and guide us evermore. Be pleased also to sustain our mortal bodies in health and security, with such comforts, abilities, and possessions as may minister to our highest welfare, and make us grate- ful and happy in thy generosity. + Sovereign of our hearts, who takest pleasure in all good works, we implore thee to assign us some share in the benevolent labors thou art forwarding in the world; that we, with all who are likewise privileged, may do with our might what our hands find to do, for the interests of our fel- low creatures and the glory of thy name. And whatever tasks any undertake, either of necessity or choice, let them find a blessing in them. In contributing to charities, in visiting prisoners, in attend- ing the sick or infirm, in caring for infants — night and day, in teaching the rude and unthankful; — in these or other services, upon whomsoever laid, let thy presence be with thy servants, shedding light and cheer. 13 Open the eyes of those who study the human frame to know its pains and dangers, and assist their search, in earth and air and sea, that they may discover remedies therefor. Enlarge the understanding of those who give counsel in matters of law, and plead the cause of the innocent. Encourage those who sacrifice what they hold dear to carry the gospel to the needy, whether in their own or a for- eign land, and let them not fail of their reward. And wherever and whenever any human soul, clouded in darkness, yearns for the light, or accustomed to err, seeks the way of truth, or attempts even one righteous or gener- ous deed, slight not, Saviour of men, his weak endeavor, but let thy holy and faithful Spirit minister his aid: for smoking flax thou wilt not quench, nor break the bruised reed. Thou by whom the worlds were made, and whose loving-kindness is equal to thy power, let it delight thee in the future, as in the past, to bring great fruits from little causes: — from an humble seed a mighty tree, — from a gen- tle word the conversion of a life, — from things despised and feeble a flood-tide of the nations unto God, and from the voice of one crying in the wilderness the knowledge of pardon and peace unto all people. And as thy salvation speeds from pole to pole and from shore to shore, so let the heaven of heavens resound with the song of thy gladness; — and let men and angels say, Amen. 3* XIV. Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? — Thanks for unnumbered gifts. [For Morning and Evening.] — Send thy messenger to prepare — behold new heavens. T~ ORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle, — who shall -*-^ ascend into thy holy hill? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart: — he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness. We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, — some make to themselves gods of silver and gold, but we will remember the name of Jehovah. The heavens are thine, — the sun and the stars which thou hast ordained. The earth also is thine, — the cattle upon a thousand hills, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. But we, thy children, are thy peculiar care, and we would come to praise thee. Accept, Lord, our thanks for thy unnumbered gifts: — for our being, our reason, and all endowments and faculties of mind; for our health, friends, food, and rai- ment, and all other possessions and enjoyments. We praise thy ever watchful providence which has been over us in the past, and which has guarded us [during the hours of the night.] this day. We bless thee for thy patience with us, notwithstanding our many provocations, and for all the directions and comforts of thy Holy Spirit. Above all, we adore thy mercy in sending thy only Son to redeem us from sin and death, and in giving us the knowledge and sense of our duty towards thee. Oh give us grace to show our thankfulness in a constant loyalty and sincere obedi- ence. Oh give us true repentance and a living faith, to make our calling and election sure. [For Morning.] W r e beseech thee to continue thy favor to us while engaged in the cares and privileges of this 14 day. Make us wise in what we choose, — calm when our desires fail of accomplishment, and humble if we attain success. [For Evening.] We beseech thee to continue thy gracious protection to us this night. Let us go to our rest with trustful minds. Put far from us all alarms and dis- tresses, that we may enjoy refreshing sleep. And enable us always to live in such a state that we may not be afraid when summoned to lie down in the grave; knowing that Jesus our Saviour has lain there and risen again, and hoping to come in due time into his eternal rest on high. Lord Jesus, who at thy first coming didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way before thee, grant that the embassadors of thy holy gospel in these days may like- wise make ready thy way, by turning the hearts of the dis- obedient to the wisdom of the just, by carrying the glad tidings to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and by commending thy love to those who know it not, so that at thy final coming to judge the world the mul- titudes shall gather at thy right hand; and unto thee all knees shall bow, and every tongue shall own thy sway as Master. Lord, and King. Then shall death be swallowed up in victory. Then shall we behold the new heavens and the new earth, prepared for them that are written in the Lamb's book of life. There let our humble names be found, and appoint us to dwell, thenceforth, through riches of grace, in mansions of celes- tial joy. And to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be praise evermore: Amen. XV. Thy throne, O God, is forever. Litany : — We pray thee, O Lord. O God, our refuge and strength. — Grace to make our supplications. T MHY throne, God, is for ever and ever. Thou hast the -^- sceptre of righteousness; thine are the words of eternal life. All thy works praise thee, Lord; thy saints shall bless thee. Thou wilt fulfill the desire of them that fear thee; thou wilt hear their cry and save them. Save us, Lord, though we be unworthy. Surely thou wilt hearken to our prayer, for our trust is in thee. We pray thee, Lord, to grant us the favors of thy countenance and the comforts of thy grace in time of need. We pray thee to open our eyes to our duty, and help us to pursue it patiently and find pleasure therein. We pray thee to defend us from dangers and adversi- ties, and be pleased to keep us and all things belonging to us under thy fatherly care and protection. We pray thee, good Lord, to show them that are in error the light of thy truth, that they may return to the right way. We pray thee for those who encounter the perils of the deep, or of the wilderness, or who are overthrown in the market-place. We pray thee for those who suffer at the hands of treacherous friends, or triumphant enemies, and for all who are in necessity and tribulation. God, our refuge and strength, grant unto us present, we beseech thee, and unto all who are admitted into the fellowship of thy holy religion, that we may avoid those things that are contrary to our profession, and follow such as are agreeable to the same. 15 Teach us to be merciful, that we may obtain mercy. Let us hunger and thirst after righteousness, that we may be filled therewith. Make us pure in heart, that we may see God. Let all our doings make for peace, that we may be called the children of God. And since thy word declares that all our works are nothing without charity, we pray that thou wilt pour into our hearts that most excellent gift, the very bond of peace and greatest of the virtues, that our light may so shine be- fore men that they may glorify our Father which is in heaven. + Almighty God, who givest us grace to make our supplications unto thee, and dost promise that when two or three are gathered together in thy name thou wilt grant their requests, fulfill now, we beseech thee, our desires and petitions, as may be most expedient for us, granting us in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting; through Jesus Christ our Saviour, Amen. XVI. O Lord, our heavenly Father. O Thou who clothest the lilies. — For our friends. — For others who are beyond our knowledge. — Thine only begotten Son to take our nature. /^\ LORD, our heavenly Father, we would draw near to ^-^ worship thee and seek thy benediction. In the midst of many mercies, yet sensible of our faults and shortcom- ings, we crave thy special care to set us right. Out of our needs, Lord, we cry to thee for help, and pray thee to instruct our minds and warm our hearts unto edification and sanctification. If there be within us any plant of truth and virtue, let us guard and cherish it, and rejoice therein. Help us to uproot, as noxious weeds, any habits or desires of evil, and to put them far from us. Reveal to us each what sin most besets us, and where our defenses most need strengthening; and let thy Spirit work with our spirits, and ours with thine, that we may be stablished in the faith, steadfast in prayer, and constant in good works. thou who clothest the lilies of the field, and feedest the ravens when they cry, we look to thee for what we need in temporal affairs. We pray for daily food, and for the orderly functions by which it may be made available to us. We pray for the health of the various members and organs of our bodies; for these, though parts of ourselves, are but little subject to our control. How fearfully and wonderfully are we made ! For the sight of the eye, for the hearing of the ear, and for the beating of the heart, we are dependent, moment by mo- ment, upon thee. Yet since thou lovest us we would not have it otherwise. But still we plead, if it can be thy will, that we may be preserved in comfort, peace, and pleasure; 16 that our days may be bright, our nights secure, and our interests prosperous. And hear us, good Lord, for our friends and all whom we hold dear. May thy rich blessing rest upon them, for Jesus' sake. 4- "We supplicate thee also for others whose hopes and dangers may be like our own; and others still who are beyond our knowledge. Of thy divine compassion give bread to the destitute, give the wanderer a home, and hear our prayers for those who never pray. If it be possible, console the bereaved; if it be possible, reform the drunkard; and when thy saving mercies so visit the children of men let their hearts be moved to lasting gratitude. God, heavenly King, who hast given us thy only-begotten Son to take our nature upon him and be born of a virgin, grant that we, being regenerate, and made thy children by adoption and grace, may walk before thee in filial obedience, imitating the worthy example of our elder Brother and doing always those things that are right in thy sight; until at last, by his atonement and thy good pleasure, we become joint heirs with him of estates on high. And to the Almighty Father, the Eternal Son, and the Blessed Spirit, be equal and endless praises: Amen, XVII. Almighty and everlasting God, in whom. And since it has pleased thee. — Well knowest the infirmities. — Guidance in worldly affairs. — For those who are dear. — Listen to the prayers of little children. A LMIGHTY and everlasting God, in whom we live -*— **- and move and have our being, we render thee our humble praises for thy preservation of us from the begin- ning of our lives until the present time. Thou hast brought us in safety through dangers and vicissitudes. When sick thou hast restored us; when sleeping thou hast watched over us. When our path was clouded thou hast made it clear and plain; when we have wandered thou hast kindly brought us home. Day by day thou givest us bread; night by night we find shelter and rest. And since it has pleased thee, heavenly Father, to bestow upon us [this new day, ] another day, we would here renewedly dedicate both our souls and bodies to thee and thy service, in a willing and cheerful obedience, in which resolution do thou confirm and strengthen us, that as we grow in age we may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. But, God, who well knowest the infirmities of our nature, we beseech thee to give us the constant influ- ence of thy Holy Spirit that we may be purged from sin and built up in righteousness. Help us to prepare for that great day in which our lives shall be reviewed, and enable us so to live that we may render up our final account with joy. Moreover we implore thy grace and guidance in our worldly affairs, Keep us temperate in our meats and drinks, and diligent in our several callings. If it please 17 thee, grant us success in our undertakings, and a due reward for our labor. Grant us comfort within and peace without. Ward off pains and disappointments, and let us be satisfied in health and prosperity. We pray too for those who are dear to us. Thou knowest them all, — all their virtues, their failings, and their needs. Thou knowest the places of their homes, and the longings of their hearts; and we are persuaded that they are as dear to thee as to us. Do for them according to thy loving-kindness, and let them all reach heaven by-and- by. + Be pleased, Lord, to listen to the prayers of lit- tle children. Bless those who are striving to serve thee, even though ignorantly. Strengthen any who are fighting in thy cause against odds too great for them. Encourage all the soldiers of the cross, wherever stationed; and let thy kingdom everywhere prevail. And to thy most worthy name be all the glory, world without end : Amen. XVIII. We thank thee — look for righteousness to come. To this end we pray — work together for good. — For strangers to thy salvation — appetite for strong drink — magnify themselves — fondly suppose — enemies. O God of all patience and loving-kindness. \ 1TE thank thee, our heavenly Father, that thou hast * ^ been pleased to spare us until this time, and dost permit us now to read thy word and kneel before thee in circumstances of so much mercy. As each day adds to the number of thy gifts, we would that our gratitude should daily increase, and become a more and more controlling power in our lives. And we would rejoice in thee, not alone for thy gifts nor for thy kindly providence, but for the revelation of thy love thou dost make in our hearts, and for the fellowship and aid of thy good Spirit. As by the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ we beg forgiveness of sins that are past, so by the operation of the Holy Ghost we look for righteousness to come; that the thoughts of our minds and the disposition of our hearts may be conformed to thine, and our souls may be restored, in their little meas- ure, to the image and likeness of the Almighty Father. To this end we pray that all our aims and experi- ences may directly or indirectly conduce, what variety or contrast soever appears in them. Whether we eat or drink, or seek the reasonable gratification of any material sense, — whether we toil for daily bread, or profit, or any personal advantage, [in our fatigues and recreations, in failure and success, in sickness and health,] let it please thee so to abide with us that all things shall work together for good And, Lord, let not thine ear be weary while we plead for those who are strangers to the joy of thy salvation. We pray for those who, through folly, cultivate an appe- tite for strong drink, or through weakness give way to it, or indulge in any dissipation. 18 We pray for those who magnify themselves, thinking scornfully of duty, and chafing under the restraints of home and of law. We pray for any who fondly suppose their poverty, or the sadness of their lot, or their honesty with men, — that any or all of these will make amends for their few failings and entitle them to future happiness. We pray for thine enemies who strive to refute thy holy gospel, — who malign thy saints, and raise impious hands against thyself. * God of all patience and loving-kindness, whose mercies are everlasting and whose compassions fail not, let it please thee to bear with the waywardness and depravity of the fallen children of men, and cease not thy efforts for them. As thou hast within thyself a sweet and infinite peace that no insults can disturb, be not grieved at the hardness of their hearts nor the baseness of their ingrati- tude, neither leave them to their own devices, for when thy presence is taken away, no hope remains. Let thy persua- sions., though long refused, finally prevail; let thine un- wearied goodness outlast and overcome the most deter- mined despite. As, in the fullness of time, the Redeemer's mission, being opposed by man, was consummated by means of his very wrath against it, do thou, Spirit of holiness, rectify his perverse understanding and convince his contrary will, to the full acceptance of the same; and thus complete a merci- ful conquest, the glory of which the universe shall scarcely contain, and the ages of ages cannot diminish. And Jto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and majesty forever: Amen. XIX. O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name. Almighty God, — who desirest not the death of any. [For Morning and Evening.] — Receive the prayers of thy people. — Send down upon thy ministers. Let the meek inherit the earth. /^\ LORD, oar Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the ^-^ earth. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a mighty deep; thy tender mercies have been ever of old. Oh send out thy light and thy truth, and let them lead us to thy holy hill. Oh how great is thy goodness which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee — which thou hast wrought out for them that put their trust in thee. Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who desirest not the death of any, but rather that all should turn to thee and live, let us come in humility and true repentance that we may obtain the absolution and remission of our sins. We beseech thee grant us pardon, and thy Holy Spirit, that those things may please thee which we do at this present, and that the rest of our days may be pure and holy, so that at last we may come to thy eternal joy. [For Morning.] Lord, our heavenly Father, who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day, be pleased to defend us in the same with thy mighty power, and grant that we fall into no sin neither suffer any mis- chief, but that all our doings may be healthful to ourselves and righteous in thy sight, for the love of thy only Son, our Saviour. [For Evening.] Lord, our heavenly Father, by whose protecting might we have been preserved this day, of thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night, for the love of thy only Son, our Saviour. 19 Lord, we beseech thee to receive the prayers of thy people who call upon thee, and grant that we may clearly perceive what things we ought to do, and also may have the will and the power faithfully to fulfil the same. + Most gracious God, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, be pleased to send down upon thy ministers, ordained to preach thy holy gospel, the continual dew of thy blessing. Instruct their minds, that they may instruct the people of their charge. Let them be sound in the faith and exemplary in life, — men in whom thy Spirit evermore shall dwell. Sustain them with a meed of temporal good, until, by patient continuance in well doing, they attain at last unto glory, honor, and immortality, through Christ the Lord of all. Let the meek inherit the earth, and delight them- selves in the abundance of peace. Let brethren dwell together in unity, and war and aggres- sion be done away. Let all the ends of the earth turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations worship before thee. And to thy holy name be praise and thanksgiving forever: Amen. 4* XX. To the throne of the heavenly grace. — O Son of God — condescending to redeem. Yet, our Saviour, we crave. Oh for the joy of the blessed company. nno the throne of the heavenly grace we come, seeking -*- the face and favor of the King. In thy presence, gracious Lord, we kneel, and pray for thy smile and bene- diction, that our hearts may rejoice in thee anew. We glorify thy divine compassion, Son of God, in condescending to redeem and save a race of sinners. Thanks and praise to thee, Son of Man, for thy meri- torious atonement between heaven and earth. Thou bringest good tidings to the meek, and givest the gospel to the poor. Thou comest to bind up the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and set at liberty them that are bruised. Thou sufTerest little children to come unto thee, and for- biddest none to bring their sorrows and perplexities. Thou hast a sympathizing ear for the burdened and languishing. Thou openest thy mouth in blessing, and extendest thy hand to heal. Thou makest the lame to walk, and the blind to see, — the dumb to speak, and the deaf to hear. The sick thou makest whole. [ Thou givest thy back to the smiters, and by thy stripes we are healed. By thy prayers and righteous strife thou dost lead us in the true and living way. By thy blood and agony, — by thy cross and passion, — and by thy resurrection and ascension, thou dost open the kingdom of heaven to all believers.] Yet, our Saviour, we crave thy constant aid, lest 20 notwithstanding the benefits we have received in the past, evil fortune and disease again fasten upon us, and we fall away. Thou knowest how frail we are, and with what temptations we are compassed. Restrain us effectually from sin. Encourage and strengthen us in righteousness. Give us such lively gratitude as may make us ashamed to offend thee. Oh let our daily walk and conversation be such, that when thou shalt appear, to judge the living and the dead, we may find approval in thy sight, and be called to thy right hand. Oh for the joy of the blessed company who shall hear thee say, " Well done." Oh for the welcome of the golden city, when the gates shall be lifted high, and the King of Glory shall enter in, with all the redeemed. Oh for the peace and holiness of that celestial strong- hold, where there shall be no death, nor sorrow, nor pain, and where God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes: Amen, and Amen. XXI. Who is like unto thee, O Lord God? — Look with compassion. — Placed in our hands the holy book. — Thou wilt provide. Litany : — O Spirit of holiness. "TTTHO is like unto thee, Lord God, that dwellest on * * high? Thy glory is above the heavens; thou art ruler over all, blessed forever. Yet thou humblest thyself to behold the things upon earth. Thou liftest the poor out of the dust, and art nigh unto them that call upon thee in truth. We therefore pray thee, heavenly Father, to look with compassion upon our infirmities, and turn from us all those evils which we have deserved, for the sake of thy dear Son, our Redeemer. And grant that we may put unwaver- ing trust in thy mercy, and evermore serve thee in pureness of living, and worship thee in spirit and in truth. We thank thee, Lord, that thou hast placed in our hands the holy book containing thy promises to men. We thank thee for the written word, betokened by thy bow in the clouds, that thou wilt not again curse the ground for man's sake; — that while the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. We believe thy promise, and look to thee for the recurring order of the seasons; for storms and cold in their time, and also for the pleasant growths of the earth; for the blade, the ear, and the full corn; — for the bud, the flower, and the fruit in abundance, that we may eat and live, and rejoice in thy goodness. [And we would not grudge the sparrow, the ox, nor the lion their portion, for thou givest them their meat, and thou hast made all things as it pleased thee. And since thou feedest even them, and dost clothe the grass of the field, and 21 array the lilies which continue but for a day, we have the more confidence that thou wilt provide for us.] We look to thee for raiment, and pray that what thou dost furnish we may wear as thy gift; not for pride or osten- tation, neither in shame, nor coveting what thou dost with- hold ; but let us w T alk gratefully and humbly with thee. + Spirit of holiness, we beseech thee to move upon the hearts of all people, that they may turn from sin and from the love of it, and bring forth fruits meet for repent- ance. Let the strong do no violence, and the cunning no deceit. Let not brother provoke brother to wrath. Let children obey their parents in the Lord. Let every man speak truth with his neighbor. Let him that stole restore that he hath taken, and steal no more. Let idols be cast down, and false gods no more be worshiped. Let the greeds of men be rooted out, — their passions curbed, — their ambitions sanctified. Let the sabbath be kept holy, and every household be made a fit tabernacle for thy gracious presence. And to thy most hallowed name be all the praise: Amen. XXII. O Lord, our heavenly Father — thou makest to grow — givest rain. O gracious benefactor, on thee alone. — We confess our natural estate. — For all who are dear to us. — For those who are estranged from thee. /~\ LORD, our heavenly Father, we come to render thanks ^-^ for thy protection hitherto, and pray for thy continued care. Thy bountiful hand supplies our needs by day, and guards from evils at night. Out of the ground thou makest to grow that which is good for food, and by thy providence it is gathered and brought to us. We take thereof and. eat, and our lives are sustained. Thou givest rain to moisten the earth, to fill the springs that we may drink, and to re- plenish the streams that we may w r ash and be clean. At thy behest the morning [brightly] dawns, awaking us anew to the activities of day, and when the night comes on, the gentle stars are tokens to us of thy loving eyes that never sleep. [And when the sun breaks forth with scorching heat, or when the rain descends as a flood, or the wind in- creases mightily upon us, we know that they are thine, obedient to thy control. Yea, though the rocks be rent and the earth be shaken, — though the fire consume and the sea destroy, yet in thee will we confide, for there is none that hath the mastery over them, like thee, and none like thee in kind intent toward us.] gracious Benefactor, on thee alone do we rely for our life and welfare; — for health and comfort, for raiment and shelter, and for all the senses and faculties we enjoy. What thou hast kindly given, kindly spare. [To thee we owe our sight, our hearing, speech, and whatever skill or craft our hands have learned. We pray that these may not be impaired, and that none of our members or 22 attainments maybe lost; or if, in thy wisdom, any part must suffer, that thou would st add a recompense unto the rest.] And may our experience of thy care in temporal things be a lesson to us of thy concern for our souls. We confess our natural estate of sin and misery, but humbly claim a promised share in thy great salvation. Oh that the sincerity of our gratitude might be acceptable unto thee. Oh that we might so hunger and thirst after righteousness that we shall be rilled. Oh that we might obey thee in all things, and so be worthy to appear in thy presence. Thus we pray for all who are dear to us. Let them partake of thy love, and love thee in return, that they too may dwell in the heavenly city. + We pray for those who are estranged from thee, and all who are in darkness or desolation from whatever cause. Hast thou not a blessing for them: and may not the light of thy countenance gladden their hearts also? Let all be saved, and all unite in the heavenly song to thy supernal glory, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end: Amen. XXIII. Hear us when we call. — Who knowest that we are of the dust. — Abhorrest evil, — reward for the just. — Thanks for the means of grace. O Thou who didst once taste death. TTEAR us when we call, God of our righteousness; -* — L have mercy upon us, and listen to our prayer. heavenly Father, who knowest that we are of the dust, and who pitiest our feeble frame, pardon, we be- seech thee, the follies and errors of which we have been guilty, giving us repentance and newness of life, and help in time of need, for Jesus' sake. Lord most high, who abhorrest every evil way but hast a reward for those that choose the path of the just, help us to choose that goodly path, and to walk as children of the light, in honesty, temperance, and meekness, during the course of our earthly pilgrimage, that at last we may reach the city of light where thy glory dwells. We render heartfelt thanks for thy holy word by which we have an infallible rule of doctrine and duty. We render thanks for the blessed sacraments by which we are baptized into the name of the eternal God, and made par- takers of the divine life mysteriously ministered to us. We render thanks for access unto thee by prayer, and for all the means of grace. Possessing these thy gifts to our souls, being disposed to contentment with the measure of temporal blessing thy providence bestows, and enjoying the healthful influence of thy Holy Spirit, let our progress be sure and constant to- ward that perfection which thou hast set before us, and which it is our highest privilege to attain. In the sacred delight of this heavenly progress and in the strength of Him who is mighty to save, enable us to resist temptation, to meet with fortitude the pains, rebuffs 23 and bereavements of this earthly existence, and even to face with composure the last enemy. Thou who didst once taste death for every man, — who didst enter the grave and return from it, and who only knowest the secrets thereof, we humbly beseech thee, of thy infinite loving- kindness and tender mercy, to comfort and sustain those who are called to die. "When their days of life are numbered, — when their powers and possessions fall away, — when mortal friends can render no more aid,— when tongue and hands refuse to act, and heart and flesh fail, then let thy presence supply their every need. Reveal thyself as the all-sufficient Saviour. Help thou their unbe- lief. Pardon their sins, even to the last. Soothe thou the bitterness of dissolution; and when the body of earth re- turns to earth as it was, let the spirit return in peace to God who gave it. And from the multitude of them that are redeemed out of every kindred and tribe and nation, and from angels and all the heavenly host, be praise and thanksgiving unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever: Amen. XXIV. O God — caused all holy scriptures. Litany: — Gather us not with sinners. f\ GOD, heavenly King, who hast caused all holy scrip- ^-^ tures to be written for our learning, grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of eternal life, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Gather us not with sinners, and let us not have part with them that do wickedly, for we seek thy face, Lord, and our hearts incline to thy testimonies. From all blindness of heart, from pride, vain-glory, and hypocrisy, from envy, hatred, and all uncharitableness, good Lord, deliver us. From all inordinate and sinful affections, and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh and the devil, good Lord, deliver us. In all the time of our tribulation, in all the time of our prosperity, — in the hour of death, and in the day of judg- ment, good Lord, deliver us. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord, that it may please thee to give us hearts to love and fear thy name, and diligently to live after thy commandments: That it may please thee to illuminate all pastors, dea- cons, and other teachers of thy word with a true knowledge and understanding thereof ; that both by their speech and conduct they may worthily set it forth : That it may please thee to bless the households of thy charge; — that those whom thou hast joined in the holy bond of matrimony may be one in heart, as in name; — that parents may rule in wisdom, and children obey in love; — that masters be not unkind, nor servants undutiful: That it may please thee to enable those who are in the heat and rivalry of business [or political] affairs to deal 24 justly, to speak truly, and so to use things temporal as not to lose the things eternal: That it may please thee to bring into the way of truth all such as have erred, and are deceived: That it may please thee to have mercy upon all men: That it may please thee to strengthen such as do stand, — to comfort and help the weak-hearted, and to raise up those who fall, and finally to beat down Satan under our feet. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end: Amen. XXV. O Lord, open thou our lips. — Our transgressions we confess. O Thou to whose eye the future is open. While in this world let us not be of it. /^\ LORD, open thou our lips and they shall speak forth ^-< thy praise. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be always acceptable in thy sight, Lord, our strength and our redeemer. That it has been otherwise with us in the past we hum- bly acknowledge. Our failures and transgressions we con- fess with shame, and beg thee, Father of mercies, for Jesus' sake, to give us true repentance, and pardon full and free. And grant us grace to pray in faith for all things needful, as well for the body as the soul, that we may be preserved in health and safety, with daily food, and such raiment and other gifts as it shall please thy goodness to bestow. + Thou, to whose eye the future is open, and with the course of whose purpose all things agree, we pray thee, of thy providence, to prepare us for what thou hast prepared for us. Fill us with courage and wisdom for what thou wouldst have us accomplish; endue us with patience and strength for what thou wouldst have us undergo; so that both by doing and enduring we may come to a better knowl- edge of thy blessed will, and our minds — uplifted and puri- fied — may be conformed to thine, — our image moulded to thine image, — until our likeness shall be complete, and we be made meet to dwell in thy presence above, and to feel at home in the midst of heavenly glories. While therefore we are in this lower world let us not be of it; — neither merged in the drift of its fortunes nor sharing in the temper of its endeavors. 25 Though entangled in its temptations, let us find a way of escape, following in the footsteps of Jesus. Encumbered with its cares, let us receive from thee a divine and inward peace, that they vex us not. Excited by its hopes and promises, may we remember that its triumphs are transient, and that its riches take to themselves wings and fly away. In contrast to the greed and madness of those who have no hope beyond this present life, teach us even to cast our bread upon the waters, and to give the soft answer that turneth away wrath. By words fitly spoken, by the helping hand, by meek- ness, patience and temperance, let us walk as children of the heavenly Father, reflecting abroad somewhat of the sweet light shed upon us from on high, that others may learn of us, and become obedient unto thee. These things, Lord, and whatever else thou shalt see necessary or profitable for us. or for those we love, or for any of thy creatures, or for the honor of thy great name, we humbly beg through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ our Saviour: Amen. 5* XXVI. How shall we present ourselves. — We believe that thou art. And so we would rejoice. — For those who are afraid — or astray. [For Morning and Evening.] T TOW shall we present ourselves before thee, Lord, -■ — *- and how shall we make known our requests ? How shall we, who are of the dust, find favor in thy sight, and obtain the things we desire ? In the light of thy holiness we see ourselves corrupt. Before the splendor of thy majesty we realize that we are gross and unworthy, and wonder that we are bidden to thy presence. Yet we believe that thou dost call us, and listen for our coming. We believe that thou art, and that thou dost reward those who diligently seek thee. We believe that thou canst not be weakened or injured by contact with, sinners like us, but that we may be purged of our iniquity and refined of our dross by the living effulgence of thy righteousness. We believe that thy purposes for us are of life and health and blessing : [and that the toils and sorrows we endure are the wisely chosen means thou dost employ, to rid us of the evil that is within us, and open our hearts and minds for the reception of thy saving grace.] And so we would rejoice in all thy kindly deal- ings; — thy constant sustenance, thy watchful care, and the pleasant gifts and experiences thou dost often grant: [and, not less, the bitter cup or the chastening rod, for with- out these the rest, might be in vain.] We would rejoice especially that thou dost bid us often to commune with thee ; — to look up, as it were, into thy face, to see thy smile, and hear thy voice in counsel, or in rebuke, or in approval ; to express our gratitude, confess our faults, and offer our petitions: [sometimes to draw near without words, confiding to the bosom of thy faithful love 26 the secret hopes or fears or aspirations which we cannot speak.] We come as we are, Lord ? and pray thee to make us what we ought to be. + We pray, Lord, for those who are afraid to draw near to thee, or whose aims and purposes in life lead them astray. How many are absorbed in short-sighted selfish- ness, — pandering to their own greeds, and shutting their eyes to duty and the future. How many pursue with eager- ness the erratic conceits of their own hearts, giving no thought to the wisdom that is from above. How many hasten together for wanton sport, undue excitement, or mercenary spoils, regardless of the higher interests they may lose, or the injury they may do to others. [And are there not some, alas, even in the ranks of the orderly and upright, who yield at times to the cunning devices of the deceiver of souls and follow him to do evil ? Forgive them, of thy mercy; and forgive us for doing the same.] Alas that any of thy children should be ignorant of thee, — should misunderstand thy goodness, or escape from^thy salvation. Hasten the glad time when all shall know thee, love thee, and be blest. [For Morning.] Thy benediction, Lord, rest upon us, as we now turn to other duties, and as we pass to and fro, this day. [For Evening.] We beg thy kind protection, Lord, this night. Keep us in safety, — give us rest, and peace, and refreshment. And when this present life is ended, and thou dost take us from the world, we pray thee bring us to a home in heaven ; for Jesus' sake: Amen. XXVII. O God, our refuge and strength. — Great Captain of our salvation. — Help every man in his place — philosophers — hunters — those giving instruction — called to preserve peace — in crowded marts. — Prepare us for a future life of joy. f~\ GOD, our Refuge and Strength, by whose care we ^-^ have been preserved, and to whose presence we gladly return, be pleased to accept our gratitude and listen to our homage ; granting us according to thy love and wisdom and our real need, whether according to our choice or not. For it may be that what we most need we feel the least — par- don for our sins; and perhaps the ease and pleasure we desire would unfit us for the destiny thou hast in store for us. For Jesus' sake deliver us from our errors, and bend our wills to harmony with thine. Thou who art the great Captain of our salvation, and dost clothe thy willing followers in the armor of light, enable us to stand firm in our allegiance, — to fight the good fight of faith, — to defend thy little ones, — to rescue them that are ready to perish; and, by thy all-prevailing might, to vanquish the powers of darkness and prepare the way for thy righteous and beneficient reign. God, heavenly King, who appointest unto every man his lot, and to whom he must give account at last, we pray thee to help every man in his place and give him grace according to his need. Let it be the wisdom of philosophers, scientists, and explorers, to publish, not the greatness of their discoveries, but the greatness of thy works which thou hast made known unto them. Keep all hunters, shepherds, herdsmen, and fishermen; and, whatever their adventures or possessions, let them 27 know that all creatures of the field and of the sea are thine, and that without thee no enterprise can succeed. We pray thee for those w^ho devote their time and talents in giving instruction, or judicious entertainment; — also for that larger and more needy class, who, for profit or for greed, busy themselves without conscience, to amuse, excite, or corrupt their fellows. Give zeal and discretion to those who are called to pre- serve peace and order among the people, and arrest offenders. Let them stand for righteousness here, and abide in righteousness hereafter. As for those in over-crowded marts who seek in vain for honest work to do, or whose labor fails of fitting recom- pense, that they may obtain daily bread, — do thou lead them to better opportunities, and let them not lack for the bread of heaven. + Thou by whose hand we were formed, during whose good pleasure we live, and at whose call we must die, we humbly beg that while this day of probation continues thou wilt graciously prepare us for a future life of joy. So win our affections that the true home of our hearts shall be in thy presence. So guide our course that the mysterious gate by which we leave this present world, shall prove, when opened, the very gate of paradise, and shall give us abundant entrance to the freedom, rest, and safety of that happy land. All for the love and atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Redeemer: A MEN. XXVIII. Have mercy upon us, O Lord. We have sinned — yet Thou hast not been wroth. — For favor to our native country. O Thou who didst leave the glory. We trust thee, O Lord, that while. TT AYE mercy upon us, Lord, for we are weak. Lord, hide not thy face, but regard with pity our low estate, and grant us a token of peace. Unto thee, God, according to thy solemn mandate, our knees do bow and our tongues confess. Alas, we have trespassed and lived foolishly. [We have sinned against light in doing that which our own eyes saw to be evil; we have sinned against law in transgressing the commandments of thy word; and we have sinned against grace in refusing so often and so long to hear the still small voice of thy Spirit, in warning, reproof, or calling to repentance and good works.] Yet, Lord, thou hast not been wroth with us, nor re- warded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is thy mercy toward them that fear thee. As far as the east is from the west, so far thou removest our transgressions from us. And we look not only for pardon through the Saviour's blood, but also for edification in righteousness. Oh that our hearts might sincerely incline to thy counsels. Oh that we might constantly follow the path of the just, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. We thank thee, heavenly Father, for the favor thou hast shown to this our native country. We rejoice in its broad domain, its fertile lands and abundant waters; in its material growth and prosperity, and in the intelligence and vigor of its people. We thank thee more especially for the religious faith of many of its founders and statesmen, — for the freedom of its institutions, and for the rank it holds 28 in the earth as an enlightened Christian nation. We pray that the piety which has penetrated so far may pervade the whole; — that all the inhabitants may be converted unto thee, and wickedness and misrule be done away. + Thou who didst leave the glory thou hadst with the Father before the world was, and come down to redeem to thyself a Church which should live to thy praise and share thy heavenly inheritance, we pray thee to minister thy especial blessing to every member of the same. Sustain any who are in poverty; comfort those in affliction. Restore the erring; confirm the faithful. Let all their words and conduct be harmonized by thy precious love. We trust thee. Lord, that while our lives are spared, thy grace will be sufficient for us and thy gifts adjusted to our need. And when the toils and triumphs of this world are ended, when its cravings and its hatreds are over-past, its pretense and glitter faded away, then let us find a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Bring us, as members of the vast and white robed company of the redeemed, to the good things, which, of thy abundant mercy, thou hast prepared above. For great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, forever and ever: Amen. XXIX. O Thou who art the high and lofty one. Most holy God, who art of purer eyes. — Our intercessions — all nations — thy Church — in civil authority — neighbors — in trouble f~\ THOU who art the high and lofty one that inhabitest ^-^ eternity, yet who dwellest with the contrite and lowly in heart, be near unto us, we implore thee. Thou that resistest the proud but givest grace unto the humble, listen to our prayer. Let the King hear us when we call. Most holy God, who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, but who hast promised to receive us if we forsake our sins, we come before thee with a sense of great unworthiness, acknowledging our manifold transgressions. We beg that thou wouldst work in us a hearty contrition, and rid us from sin and the love of it, that we may be a household to thy praise. And lest, through our own inclinations, or the tempta- tions which encompass us, we be drawn again into the toils of the enemy, vouchsafe us, we beseech thee, the direction and assistance of thy Holy Spirit. Reform whatever is amiss in the temper and disposition of our souls, that no unclean thoughts, unlawful designs, or inordinate desires may fester there. Purge our hearts from envy, hatred, and malice. Make us to abide in peace and charity, with a, conscience void of offense toward thee and toward men, that so we may be found pure and blameless at the coming of our Lord. + And accept, gracious Father, our intercessions for those about us, and for them who dwell afar off. Let the light of the gospel shine upon all nations, and may as many as receive it live as becomes it. Be favorable unto thy Church, and grant that every 29 member thereof, in his vocation or ministry, may serve thee faithfully. Bless all in the civil authority, and so order their hearts and strengthen their hands that they shall pursue just methods, maintain the laws faithfully, and punish evil-doers, — ruling as they that shall give an account unto thee. Send down thy blessings, temporal and spiritual, upon our relations, friends, and neighbors. Reward all those who have done us good, and pardon those who have done or wished us evil, if such there be, and give them repentance and better minds. Be merciful to any who are in trouble, and do thou, the God of pity, administer to them according to their several necessities: All which we ask for the sake of him who went about doing good ; — thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ : Amen. XXX. Hearken unto the voice of our cry. Pardon, O Lord, all those. — Remember in mercy this family. — This city in which we dwell. — In every land may thy kingdom advance — heathen. T f'EARKEN unto the voice of our cry, God, our King, -* — L for unto thfce do we lift up our prayer. Lead us, Lord, in the way of thy righteousness; make it straight be- fore our eyes. Thou, Lord, art a shield for us; thou only makest us to dwell in safety. Therefore do we lie down in peace and sleep. We rest, and rise again, for thou thinkest upon us. Thou deliverest from the pestilence that walketh in darkness and from the arrow that flieth by day. Blessed are all they that put their trust in thee. Pardon, Lord, all those, of whatever name or degree, who, acknowledging their fallen and corrupt estate, and looking for salvation to none but thyself, do penitently and heartily turn unto thy way, and take upon themselves to serve thee and keep thy commandments. And likewise, of thy clemency, absolve us, who are here present, from all our offences, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Mediator. We beg, heavenly Father, that thou wilt remem- ber in mercy this family and household, and every member thereof. Let a generous and Christian regard bind us cord- ially together. Aid us, both in the fulfillment of our secular duties and in seeking the means of grace. Enlighten us as we study thy word; dispose us to keep thy sabbaths. Make us faithful over the few things committed to us here, that we may enjoy many things of thee hereafter. W^e pray thee also to look down graciously upon [this city] this village — this place — in which we dwell. Let 30 not folly and transgression increase therein. Provide a liveli- hood for the destitute and give diligence instead of idleness. Be pleased to heal the sick, and to lift up those who are trodden down. Prosper thy ministers and all good souls in their benevolent works, and may temperance, truth, and justice be in favor with all the people. Yea, and in every land may thy kingdom advance. Add to thy Church daily of such as shall be saved. Let not those choose amiss who are halting between two opin- ions. Let not thy mercy abandon even the Jews, nor infi- dels, nor those who are righteous in their own eyes, refusing a saviour. Oh for thy grace upon the benighted heathen. Alas that multitudes of the children of men are still beyond the reach of the light and truth which have been revealed from above. Let thy good Spirit cease not to brood upon them, — moving them to pursue such course of life as by nature they know to be the more worthy, and so inclining their minds that they shall give a ready welcome, in thy appointed time, to the missionaries of the cross, and thus find heaven at last. We ask and offer all in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. XXXI God, who rulest on high. — We likewise pray for those about us. Show us thy way, Lord. — Cherish infants — keep them through childhood — when selecting pursuits — burden of the day — when age comes on. And when the trumpet. /^\ GOD, who rulest on high and doest thy pleasure upon ^-^ earth, we thank thee that our lives are still spared and that no great calamity or loss has befallen us. We render thanks for the temporal benefits we receive at thy hands, and for the sabbath of sacred rest, the light of thy holy word, and all the appointed means whereby thou dost minister grace to the soul. We beg, Benefactor, that thy munificence may not make us insensible to our ill-desert, or fill us with pride, as though by our own might or worthiness we had obtained these things. But grant us a lowly, penitent, and obedient heart, and forgiveness of sins, through the merits of our blessed Redeemer. As for ourselves, we likewise pray for those about us with whom thou hast cast our lot, and for all we love, wherever they abide and wherever they journey. Be thou the joy of their homes, the guide of their fortunes, and their portion forever. + Show us thy way, Lord; teach us thy paths. Remember, Lord, thy tender mercy, and lead us in thy truth. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and remember his commandments to do them. The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children. Thou who hast brought us into the world and dost lead us through it, — Thou the Father of our souls and 31 the Arbiter of our destiny, we beseech thee to cherish with tender care the frail and helpless infants, who, without their volition or consent, are ushered into the midst of the hazards of this present existence. Make them to inherit the better portion of their parents' nature, and by thy divine ministra- tions predispose their minds to choose the right way. Keep them through the temptations of childhood, and bring them early into thy visible Church. Thy skillful guardianship attend thy children during the progress of their education, and when selecting life-long pur- suits; also in the time of forming friendships and plighting vows. [As for those entering nuptial bonds, let them ver- ily become partners in heart and life; — let them walk to- gether and be agreed.] Be thou the stay of those who bear the heat and burden of the day, — the perplexities of duty, — the pangs of sorrow and loss, or the anxieties of success. And when age comes on, enable them to look back with satisfaction upon labors conscientiously performed, — on difficulties overcome, — a warfare accomplished, — Christ's kingdom advanced : and may they be ready at thy call to lie down in that sweet and blessed sleep, whose waking is to perfect health, new powers, and everlasting joy. [And when the trumpet of the archangel shall sound, and time shall be no more, — when the heavens that now are shall roll together as a scroll, - — when the graves shall open, and the sea give up the dead that are therein, — then, our Refuge and Deliverer, we beseech thee gather us with those to whom it shall be said, " Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."] And to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, unto eternal days: Am ex. 6* XXXII. O Lord, our heavenly Father. For all the favors of the past. And when the new heavens. O Lamb of God. /"^v LORD, our heavenly Father, we pray that while we ^^ kneel before thee as a duty we may find it a privi- lege: — that while we humble ourselves in thy presence thou wilt lift us up and cause us to rejoice. We acknowledge our weakness of heart and unworthiness of life, but do most fully believe that thy resources — both of worth and power — are inexhaustible, and that thy compassions fail not. It is thy prerogative, God, to heal, to bless, and to forgive. So minister unto us, we implore thee, for the sake of thy dear Son, our Redeemer. For all the favors of the past, — for deliverance from dangers unseen, for willing answers when we have called for aid, and for gifts and graces showered upon us, unasked, we render heartfelt thanks. And in the days to come, as we enjoy thy benefits, let us not be recipients merely, but teach us to dispense to the needs of others, either in things spiritual or physical, that we may prove the wisdom of the Lord Jesus when he said, " It is more blessed to give than to receive ; " and that, on a final reckoning, we may hear him say, " Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye did it unto me." + And when the new heavens and the new earth shall appear, grant, merciful King, that we may have part with those who are called to thy right hand. Oh that we may do thy commandments, that our names may be written in the Lamb's book of life, and that we may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in, through the gates, to the celestial city. 32 How happy is the place where there is no more curse, where there shall be no night, and where there shall in no wise enter in anything that defileth or maketh a lie. But they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it, — even them that are redeemed out of every tribe and kindred and people. Oh for the sight of the glorious company of the apos- tles, the goodly fellowship of the prophets, and the noble army of martyrs, — of whom the world was not worthy. There safely abide the innocent children who never knew sin, — sanctified youth in perennial bloom, — all true-hearted men and women in their prime, — and they of venerable years in righteousness: also they who came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world, we, who confess thee before men, humbly plead thy promise that thou wilt confess us before thy Father and all the holy angels. Present us without blemish, we beseech thee, before the presence of his glory, with exceeding joy. And let thy peace, which passeth understanding, keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, evermore. And may the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst us and remain with us, always: Amen. XXXIII. O Lord, show thy mercy upon us. O Son of God, who bringest. — Mercy upon those who know not. O Spirit of truth — good Shepherd shall appear. f\ LORD, show thy mercy upon us and grant us thy sal- ^-^ vation. God, make clean our hearts within us, and take not away thy Holy Spirit. God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels and all just works proceed, give unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments, and that, being delivered from all that would ensnare us, we may serve thee, day by day, with- out break or hindrance, to the honor of thy holy name. Son of God, who bringest good tidings to the meek, — who despisest not the sighing of a burdened heart nor the desire of such as are needy, be favorable unto our prayers which we offer before thee, and graciously hear us, — [that the evils we deplore may by thy good providence be brought to naught,] that the afflictions we suffer may by thy good Spirit be sanctified to our ultimate goody and that we, thy servants, being hurt by nothing, may ever more give thee our thanks and adoration. Lord, in thee alone have we comfort and safety. [ Lord, arise, help us, for thy name's sake. With pity behold the sorrows of our hearts. Man of sorrows, comfort us in our grief.] Lord, let thy mercy be upon us, as our trust is in thee. + Thou that makest the sun to shine upon the evil and the good, and sendest rain upon the just and the unjust, — thou that rewardest them that do well, and redeem est them that are enslaved under sin, have mercy, we beseech thee, 33 upon those who know not thy ways; who live in selfishness, greed, and vice, — hating and being hated, — without hope and without God in the world. Thou that savest unto the uttermost, save even them, and let them not die under a curse. Let not Satan triumph, nor the precious blood of the atonement be shed in vain. Spirit of truth and grace, who art ever present with the Church, we beseech thee to speed thy holy work in every member of the same. Save them from ignorance, error, pride, and worldliness; and vouchsafe so to direct and govern them that the comforting gospel of Christ may be truly set forth, truly received, and truly followed, in all places; until at length the good Shepherd shall gloriously appear, and the whole of his dispersed sheep, being gathered into one fold, shall become partakers of the joys which he has prepared for all them that love him and wait in patience for his coming. With them, gentle Shepherd, let us be found ; and bring us and all dear to us into thy heavenly rest, to go no more out forever; which we humbly beg for thine own name's sake: Amen. XXXIV. How blessed, O Lord, is the estate. How vast are thy works. — Shining multitudes not being enough. [For Morning and Evening.] — All who are dear to us. TTOW blessed, Lord, is the estate of those who can enter thy presence without fear. How blessed are they whom thy holiness does not appall nor thy greatness terrify. To those who realize thy favor how sweet it is to give thee thanks, to pray, and praise thy name. Oh that our hearts might be so attuned that these, our duties, might be our delight. Oh that we might throw off our vain anxie- ties, and rise from the groveling and unworthy things of the world to find refreshment and riches in thee. For thou, Lord, art a fountain of life and joy, — a peren- nial source of abundant good. How vast are thy works, God, — how noble thy designs: the bright and pleasant sun, the stars — a glittering and countless array, this earth — a paradise at its creation, and heaven, that sacred and blest abode, of beauty, splen- dor, and happiness ! These all, receiving of thy glory, glo- rify thee in return. More wondrous still, the hosts of angels, rank on rank, radiant in loveliness, tireless in flight, in song almost divine ! How eagerly they do thy will: how perfect is their service ! And yet, Lord, these shining multitudes not being enough for thy love, thou didst purpose to bring even us, the children of men, to dwell among them, to learn their liturgy and share their honors. And when we were in guilt and misery thou didst not rest till thou hadst made a way of escape, — till thou hadst redeemed us to thyself by the blood of thine only Son, and given us his holy gospel to cleanse and lift us up. Oh precious gift! Oh grace most wonderful! Oh the height and depth and breadth of thy 34 love, which as a boundless sea envelops us on every side ! Let us repose in it, and yield ourselves to thy good pleasure. + [For Morning.] We trust thee, heavenly Father, to keep us in safety to-day. Lead us in the paths of right- eousness, for thy name's sake. Of thy bounty prepare our table before us, and let our cup of rejoicing be full. [For Evening.] We trust thee, heavenly Father, to keep us in safety this night. Thine arm be around us as we sleep. Thine eye be upon us when we w T ake and go forth on our appointed way. For food and raiment, for shelter and home, for comfort and success, our hope is only in thee. And all who are dear to us we commit to thy gen- erous care. Let their lives and their health be precious in thy sight; — give them thy continual blessing, both in body and soul. Let thy salvation have free course, encompassing the world. Let all the souls of thy creation become the children of thy grace, and unite, in earth and heaven, in psalms of glad thanksgiving. Dominion to the King of kings. Wisdom and might to the Lord of lords. Praise and worship to the Lord God omnipotent, who liveth and reigneth forever. Alleluia: Amen. XXXV. Salvation belongeth unto the Lord. — Thanks for all thy favor. — Children shall be taught of the Lord. — Called to any office in thy Church. O ALVATION belongeth unto the Lord; — thy blessing is ^ upon thy people. Let all those that trust in thee rejoice; — with favor shall thou compass them, as with a shield. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all those who with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto thee, have mercy upon us, pardon and deliver us from all our sins, confirm and strengthen us in all goodness, and finally bring us to everlasting life. God, Father of all mercies, we give thee most humble thanks for all thy favor and loving kindness to us, and to those dear to us. We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the good things of this life, but above all for thy inestimable love in our redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace and for the hope of glory. And, we beseech thee, give us that due sense of all thy mercies that our hearts may be unfeignedly grateful, and that we may show forth thy praise not only with our lips but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to thy service, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness, all our days. thou who art a faithful Creator, and hast prom- ised thy obedient people that all their children shall be taught of the Lord, we pray thee to verify and enlarge thy gracious word toward the young of the present time. Pro- vide for them a skillful and affectionate nurture: let them learn to refuse the evil and choose the good, and especially to hold thee, Father, in filial and worshipful regard, both now and ever. 35 Oh that the follies of the fro ward might die with them, and none be found to follow in their steps. Oh that the growing generation might set its face heaven- ward, bearing the banner of the cross. Lord of life and glory, give thy grace, we be- seech thee, to all those who are called to any post or office in thy holy Church, and so replenish them with wisdom of mind and lead them in innocency of life, that their labors may redound to the conversion of sinners, to the benefit of believers, and to the glory of thy great name. Let Satan be put in chains, and thy redeemed go free; — and we will join with angels and archangels, cheru- bim and seraphim, and all the heavenly host, in singing praise to thine adorable majesty, for evermore: Amen. XXXVI. O Lord, our heavenly Father. On thee alone, O Fountain of grace. Litany : — O Thou who art the great Physician. f~\ LORD our heavenly Father, we come before thee at ^-^ thy bidding and humbly bow ourselves at thy feet, desiring to obey thy voice in coming, and to receive thy blessing while we wait in thy presence. Though unworthy of thy care we feel that thou carest for us. Though our praises are inadequate to thy dignity and grandeur, we be- lieve that thou dost willingly receive them. Let us therefore find favor in thy sight, and be made meet to abide in the company of thy saints. On thee alone, Fountain of grace, do we depend, both to prompt our holy desires and to satisfy the same; to make us aware of the needs of our souls, and of thy fullness to minister thereto. Since thou hast redeemed us from sin, be pleased to free us from it in very deed. Since thou hast made it possible that we should attain unto righteousness, encourage us to choose and diligently to strive for that good part which shall never be taken away. [ We pray thee to comfort us in time of disappointment or grief. We pray thee to lift us up in time of dejection, or the failure of our hopes. If any are in anxiety or fear regarding things spiritual and unseen, we pray thee to stand by such, as a friend. If any are in pain or distress for other cause, whether in body or mind, let them tell it all to thee, and find relief and peace.] O Thou who art the great Physician, and whose power extends to all the ills to which mortal men are sub- ject, we implore thy compassion upon those who are in affliction. 36 If it please thee, restore the sick to health. If it please thee, devise some means of consolation for those who have suffered irreparable loss. If it please thee, bring forth the captive out of the dun- geon, and let the oppressed go free. If it please thee, make the lame to walk, open the eyes of the blind, unstop the deaf ears, and cause the dumb to sing. • Whosoever is possessed by evil spirits or dominated by evil passions; — whosoever is deceived, lunatic, inebriate, or otherwise bent on ruin; — them do thou deliver, for thou 'only art able to do this. Let those who are ravaged by war, pestilence, or fam- ine, make their cry unto thee and be saved. Let all nations seek thy face and share thy benefactions. And before the great white throne the incense of deepest gratitude shall rise evermore: Amen. XXXVII. The Lord is a king forever. — Deign to direct our doings. Grant that by our penitence. Almighty God, who hast built thy Church. rpHE LORD is a king forever; the Lord giveth grace and -*- glory; no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. How excellent is thy loving kindness, God: therefore do the children of men hope in thee. They shall be satis- fied with the abundance of thy house, and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures. Oh continue unto us thy goodness, day by day, for we hearken unto thy testimonies. We pray, Lord, that thou wilt deign to direct our doings with favor, and further us with thy continual help, that all our works may begin, continue, and end in thy grace. Give us wisdom in the business of our hands, that our careful enterprise may come to glad prosperity. Let us not lack for food and raiment, nor for a home. Make us zealous in every good word and work, and .benevolent tow- ard all men, according to our abilities and opportunities. Grant us patience under any afflictions or disappointments thou shalt see fit to lay upon us, and minds disposed to meekness and contentment. Make us upright in our deal- ings, reverent to due authority, and compassionate toward the weak, — finding favor with all with whom we have to do. Grant that by our penitence for sins committed, and the atonement of the Lord Jesus, we may escape the wrath to come, which thou hast reserved for them that choose Satan and his works. 37 Almighty God, who hast built thy Church on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ him- ' self being the chief corner stone, grant that, by the opera- tion of the Holy Ghost, all Christians may be so joined together in unity of spirit and in the bond of peace that they may be an holy temple, acceptable to thee. And espec- ially to us present give the abundance of thy grace, that with one heart we may desire the prosperity of thy cause, and with one mouth may profess the faith once delivered to the saints. Defend us from the crafts and assaults of the great adversary; let not the foot of subtlety come nigh to rob us, nor the hand of the ungodly to cast us down. And grant that the course of the world may be so ordered by thy governance that we may joyfully serve thee in all free- dom and quietness, abiding in the way of truth and peace; that so, at last, we may be established in the new Jerusalem. And wherever, upon the face of the earth, the children of men are scattered, there let thy compassion find them, and thy right hand save them: which we ask for the sake of thine only Son, our Advocate and Mediator: Amen. 7* XXXVIII. O Lord God of our fathers. Having been instructed. We pray thee to subdue within us. Litany: — O Thou who hast overcome. f~\ LORD GOD of our fathers, who dost promise mercy ^-^ unto them that love thee and keep thy command- ments, — Thou whose blessing maketh rich, and whose ser- vice is perfect freedom, grant us audience, we beseech, thee, at this time, and graciously accept our homage. Having been instructed from our youth in thy holy word, and having read it for ourselves, we are purposed in our hearts to hold it fast. Having been brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord we would continue and increase therein. We thank thee for the pious care thou didst provide for us, and the godly examples manifested in our sight. These let us emulate, to the honor of those who came before us, and for the help of- them that are to follow. Oh that we may be a righteous seed, — a generation that seeks thy face; whose good deeds give light in the world, and whose course tends upward, unto heaven. Yet, our Father, although we are so highly favored, we mourn that our estate is still so low. How poorly the record of our achievements compares with the abundance of our privileges. How manifold our faults and short-comings, — how weak our virtues are. We pray thee to subdue within us the passions of evil, — all greed and pride and anger, idolatry of self, and all deceitf ulness. G-od forgive us for indulgence of them, and forbid that they should prevail against us or lead us astray. We pray thee to nourish and strengthen our souls in whatsoever things are honest, lovely, and of good report, for our Redeemer's sake. Let the chief aim and desire of our lives be nothing less than to love the Lord oar God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind 38 and with all our strength, and to love our fellow men as ourselves — doing unto others as we would that they should do unto us — that thus we may fulfill all righteousness. + Thou who hast overcome the power of sin and death, and hast redeemed the world unto thyself, — Thou whose right it is to reign, why wait we longer for thine ap- pearing? Wilt thou not now descend, and hold forth the scepter of thy sway before all men's eyes ? Let not the nations learn war any more. Let not kings and potentates oppress the weak. Let the evil-minded forsake his mischief, and the miser unlock his hoard. Turn the crafty man to honest labor, and the beggar to usefulness. Teach the lion to dwell with the lamb, the leopard to lie down with the kid, the cow and the bear to feed quietly together, and a little child to lead them. Let them not hurt nor destroy in all thy holy mountain, but every creature yield obedience to the heavenly law of love. And to God, only wise, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be praise forever: Amen. XXXIX. Give ear, O Lord, to the voice, — We confess that we have sinned. Enable us somewhat to realize. While therefore we have opportunity. Like blessings — for our friends. f~^\ IVE ear, Lord, to the voice of our supplication, and ^-^ deign to regard our humble cry. God, who can become pure and holy like unto thee? Or who can equal thee in grace and favor to those of ill- desert? God, who knowest all things, and from whom no secrets are hid, we confess that we have sinned in thought, word, and deed. [We have sinned against thee, our Creator and King, by neglecting the worship and allegiance which are thy due, and holding ourselves in estrangement. We have sinned against our fellow creatures by greater or less injustice and unkindness to them; — by hindering them in that which is good, or helping them in evil. And we have sinned against our own selves by indifference to our highest welfare, and by willfully pursuing perilous and forbidden paths.] Yet, Lord, rebuke us not in thy wrath, neither chasten us in sore displeasure. Let thy goodness lead us to repentance, and thy wise instruction persuade us, more and more, to set our affections on heavenly things. Enable us somewhat to realize how much better those possessions are that endure eternally, than these, which perish with the using. How much richer is he that lays up treasures above, where moth and rust do not corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal, than he who risks all in the chances of this earthly life. How much nobler the aim, for our zeal and patience, to reach even an humble station, in the armies or the choirs or 39 courts of thine upper kingdom, than to win the transient applause of men. While therefore we have opportunity to choose our present course and thereby secure our future happiness, bestow upon us, loving Father, we beseech thee, the abund- ance of thy grace, that we may so link our mortal frailty to thine omnipotence, and so join our hopes to thine immut- able decrees, that we shall survive all changes, outride all failures, and resist all griefs, — and overcome the world with the victory that belongs only to thy saints. Like blessings, Lord, we humbly beg for our friends and kindred, and all for whom we should pray. By repentance and faith let them obtain that godliness which is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. And unto Him that loved us and gave himself a ransom for us, and now reigneth on high, and to the Almighty Father and the Blessed Spirit be endless praise: Amen. XL. O Lord our God, in thee. O Father of love, whose eye. O Son of God, our Redeemer. O Blessed and Eternal Spirit. — Thy condescension in revealing thyself. — Let us cherish this word of life. /^\ LORD our God, in thee we do put our trust. We ^-^ will be glad and exult in thee; for thou hast not for- saken them that seek thee, — thou forgettest not the cry of the humble. The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, — a refuge in time of trouble. Surely thou wilt not neglect the needy, nor suffer the expectation of the poor to perish. Let all those that love thy* name be joyful in thee, — let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them. Father of love, whose eye is upon thy children for good, and whose right arm is their strength and shield, we extol thy holy name, we look for success and happiness only in thy favor, and beg, as the sum of all our prayers, that thou wilt deign to acknowledge and account us thine own. Son of God, our Redeemer, Saviour, Mediator, Prophet, Priest, and King, — our hope, our health, our treasure, and our crown, we hail thy gracious presence with us, and offer our devotion. Rule thou over us and make us ever loyal to thy sway: intercede for us with the Almighty Father: and when thou comest in thy glory, with all the holy angels, and sittest upon thy throne of judgment, we plead for thy mercy's sake, that thou wilt place us among the company at thy right hand. Blessed and Eternal Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, — who together with them art worshipped and glorified, visit us, we pray thee, with thy sanctifying power. Enlighten our minds more and more with the light 40 of the holy gospel; graft in our hearts a love of the truth; increase in us pure religion: nourish us with all goodness, and keep us in the same while time shall last, — till faith shall change to sight and prayer be turned to praise. + God, the Sovereign of the universe, at whose behest the heavens were made and all the host of them, and of whose loving-kindness the earth is full, we adore thy condescension in revealing thyself to depraved and grovel- ing man. We rejoice that when the parents of our race had fallen into an estate of sin and misery thou didst not .leave them, and all mankind, to perish without hope, but didst enter into a covenant of salvation, tokens of which have been manifold. We rejoice that this covenant has come down to us, both in sacraments which we may actively observe, and in thy inspired word which we may freely read. Let us cherish this word of life as precious seed. May our hearts be as good ground wherein it shall presently grow. Let not the fowls of the air devour it. nor the evil one snatch it away. Cause it to take deep root, lest in time of tribulation or persecution it wither and die. Let not thorns spring up and choke it, nor cumbering cares and pleasures make it unfruitful. Let it not return unto thee void, but accom- plish that whereto thou hast sent it, — bringing forth abundantly to thy glory. The Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make his face to shine upon us, and give us peace, both now and evermore : A MEN.