3D 131 ■ W5 I Dopy 1 I "BEING." A CHART Demonstrating the Metaphysical Relation of attributes. — BY Lkander Edmund Whipple New York : For Sale by the Author. Copyright 1888, by H. F. WHIPPLE. *r [THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON SEC. 1 DfV r f REAL. BEING. 4 B I APPARENT. «( D V God. Spirit. Cre; Man. Soul. Cre; Person. Sense. Dre Body. Matter. Ima Ithb libbabtH 1 Or COSGKBuO ([wASMIMOTOIlfl * God, Spirit. 1 real * Mind ' ."!■■' ■ Reality, Substance. Subsistence, Principle. I nelligencc. ■ Wisdom. Good. Truth. Love. I. i I'e- Light. Father. INDIVIDUAL (Individuality. I ONE. (The Whole.) ALL t Irder, Perfect Infinite Eternal. Divine. Immortal. i.i i Entitj E It) i iiu nj i i Health i leaven B M:in. Soul 1 '■ U ire Idea. Effect, Expression. Reflection. Existence. Manifestation. K lov/lcdgc. Understanding. Perception. Conception. ' Faith. Breath. Ray. Son BEING, ! 1 r.-i ...n ww< i irca 1. Sell Mutmctioit, Pretence. ■ Inversion, Appearance. Pi Bonification. C mceit. Misunderstanding. Perversion. Misconception, . Pride. Belief. Rtfrutiuii. Prodigal. PERSON. ( Personality. ) Imperfect, Finiti . 1 1 insitory. Human. Mortal I . ii. in ,1. Mutability i livi i in Nonentil) Di i Hell. " Body. Mtutr. llil.r [dol, Result. Decei n. Shadow. Illusion. Phenomenon. N i-will. Foolishness. ' Evil. Errur. Fear. Death. Darkness. . Husks. • IBRARY OF CONGRESS