L I Glass. Book_ A 4 7 ivi I isr xj T :h] s I'lO u. Ptimitcs of the f««itju'n Ci0muuG!ii0«. FIRST SESSION, Held in the city of Washington, June 12-15, 1861. Wednesday, June 12, 1861 — Morning. Pi-esent— Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., Prof. A. D. Baebe, Prof. AY. Gibbs, Dr. W. H. Van Bui-eD,Dr. R. C. AVoocl, U. S. A., Dr. S. G. Howe, Col. G. W. CuUiun, U. S. A. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Bellows. Prof. Bacbe was appointed Cbairnian. On motion, tbe Rev. Dr. Bellows was unanimously elected President of tbe Commission. On motion, Dr. Elisba Harris was unanimously elected a member of tbe Commission. On motion, Dr. C. R. Agnew was unanimously elected a member of tbe Commission. On motion, tbe Commission adjourned for an bour, for tbe purpose of informal discussion. Upon re-organization, tbe President gave a detailed account o e objects of tbe Commission and of its bistory, and tbt - umstan(;es ac- companying its conlirmation by tbe Secretar tf War. Tbe President tben read tbe autliorization of tbe Secretary of War establisbing tbe Commission, and defining its objects. On motion, tbis Avas read a second time. Tbe President tben read, section by section, a scbeme of a proposed organization for tbe Commission, wbicb be bad previously drawn up for tbe consideration of tbe Commis- sion. Various alterations were suggested in this paper by members; and, on motion, the paper was adopted as tiio basis of oi-ganization, and hiid over until the next meeting for furtlier consideration. Adjourned until 8^ p. m. Wednesday, June 12, 1861 — Evening, The Commission met at 8| p. m. On motion, it was resolved that the scheme of organiza- tion presented at the morning meeting, and revised at that meeting, be hnallv adopted, and presented to the ISccretarj of War for his signature. It was ordered, that tlie scheme of organization, as revised and corrected, be printed for convenience of reference. It was resolved, that the hours of meeting be from 12 m. to 3 p. m., and from 8| to 10 J p. m. Resolved., That the President nominate at the next meet- ing the committees named in the plan of organization. A letter was read from a dentist, ofFerino; his services to the army, and asking support. The letter was placed on file. After much general discussion, the Commission adjourned to Thursdav noon. Thursday, June 13, 1861. The Commission met and proceeded in a body to the ofSce of the Secretary of War, when the Secretar_y re- ceived the Commission, and affixed his signature to the proposed plan of organization. The Commission then pro- ceeded to the President of the United States, who also ap- proved the scheme of organization in writing. The Com- mission adjourned. Thursday, June 13, 18G1 — Evening. The Commission -met at 9 p. ra. The President read a report recommending the formation and 'arrangement of the committees provided for in the plan of organization. The snggestions of the report were considered one hy one, and the committees named were then, on motion, formallj- ap- pointed. On motion, Mr. George T. Strong was nnanimonsly elected a member of the Commission. On motion, ^Mr. Strong was nnanimonslv elected Treas- urer of the Commission. On motion, it was resolved that Mr. Strong be placed upon Committee C. A letter was read from Prof. Henrv, recommending Dr. iS'ewberrv as a member of the Commission. On motion, a committee, consisting of the President, Prof Bache, and Dr. Van Buren, was a]t})ointed to report upon the sul)ject of the office of Secretary-, and all matters pertaining to it. It was ordered, on motion, that the documents, numl)ers 2 and 3, be printed for the use of the Commission. Adjourned to meet at 11 a. m., Friday. Friday, June 14, 1861 — Morning. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. On motion. Dr. J. S. Xe wherry, of Cleveland, Ohio, was unanimously elected a mend)er of the Commission. On motion, the (paestion of a])p()!nting Associate and Cor- responding Meml)ers of the Commission was referred to sub-Committee B, to i-eport. at the meeting in 'New York. On motion, Prof. Bache was unanimously elected Vice- President of the Commission, The Committee on appointment of Secretaries reported in favor of appointing a Corresponding and Recording Sec- retary, to reside in Washington, until a Resident Secretary shall be appointed, and that the question of the selection of a Resident- Secretary 1)0 left to the New York members. On moti''^';f'^'/r. Elisha Harris, of jSTew York, was unani- mousl}' ted Corresponding and Recording Secretary of the Con, .''sion, and directed to reside in Washington city until relieved by a Resident Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary Avas directed to applj^ to the Government for a room and the necessary conveniences, and to have the room duly marked, " Sanitary Commission," and the place of it duly advertised. Also, that he attend to the printing of the Documents ordered by the Commission ; to the procuring and printing of proper stationery, marked, " Sanitary Commission, Washington." It was also directed that he be the receiver of all stores, &c., that shall be com- mitted to the care of the Commission by benevolent persons or associations, and that public notice be given that all such associations and persons may forward to the care of the Commission such voluntary supplies. A sno-o-estion in relation to Miss Dix and nurses was laid upon the table. On motion, the subject of the appointment and designa- tion of a Resident Secretary for Washington was referred to the President in council with the Committee on Inquiry, and that Messrs. E. E. Hale, and F. L. Olmsted be considered as candidates. On motion, it was resolved that when the Commission ad- journed this evening, it adjourn to meet in the city of Xew York on Thursday next, at the house of the President, at 12 o'clock. The subject of advising the establishment of General Alil- itary Hospitals for convalescents at certain central points, adapted to accommodate the various departments of the army, was fully discussed, aud was liually referred to Drs. Van Buren and Agnew. for such investigations as may enable them to report upon the subject, or give judicious counsel upon the same at the next meeting. The Corresponding Secretary was directed to invite Mr. Jas. M. Sanderson to visit the Commission at their session this evening, for the purpose of receiving coniijiunications from him, and advising with him, on the s ' t of Regi- mental Cuisine. Meeting adjourned to convene again at 8^ p. Fridw, June 14, ]861 — Kvknin*^. The Commission met at 8| p. ni. Present— All the members of the Board and Jas. M. Sanderson, Esq. The discussion of the President's Report was resumed, and Mjijor Shiras was invited to give a detailed statement of the condition and management of the U. S. Army Commissariat Department, the daily routine of action, camp life in the Regular Army, and the experience and practices of Volunteer Troops, in regard to discipline, administration of the Regimental Subsistence Department, the peculiarities and difficulties experienced by volunteer companies of troops, together with such sugge'stioiis as he was pleased to make for their improvement'^ and for the guidance of the Commission's labors. Major Shiras entered into these questions very fully, and expressed his conviction that improvement in the preparation, care, and partaking of food would be a grand desideratum in the Volunteer Regi- ments. He stated that probably there never had been gath- ered in any country such excellent material for an army, but that it needed measures for improved militai-y discipline and better Sanitary regulations. He expressed his confidence m the ability of such a Commission as this to accomplish grand results towards such improvements. In compliance with an invitation, Mr. Sanderson then presented to the Coraniission his views on the suhjeet of the Eegimental Cuisine of the Volunteers, and his plans for its improvement. He also read the communication he had prepared to present to the Secretary of War on this subject After discussing- the questions thus raised, the Commis- sion adjourned to meet in the city of :N'ew York at noon June 20, 1861. SECOND SESSION. The Commission met, p,,,.,.,,,,, u, adjom-nmcnC. at th. res,, onee of the P,vsi..e.,t, i,. tl.e eit, of Xew Yo.-lc, J„n -f, ibbi, at noon. ,/;:r.7"*-R"-- "■ W. Bellows, Prof. ir. T). B„.|,e Prof IV. G.bhs. P... C. R. ,V,„,„„-, (4. T. St,.o„,g, a„.I D,.. E. H,;,- An infonn.ai statement was n,a,le l,v tiie l'tesi,U.„t rela m? to the results of his inquiries on the snhjeet of h loetn,,, of a Res.dent .Seerctarv. On .statements nnu e hv F L. 0^n.ste.I, the President of Central Park reeon.mend aPe Id ; i" *■"■ *'>^l""■P"so of serving the Co„,mission as a Resident .Se.-retary for this body in Wasliing-fon an 1 'r'o;"\*'';' ^'""""•-""' «S'-<1 *'- .?" into a,', eleetion; and JI, Ohnsted was elected Resident Secretary i he President then presented a Document 'addressed to the c,t,zens of the United States. The Docn„,ent ,a, rl nsed, was appvoyed, and ordered to be published 'by the Wnrcrand Secretary. The Correspond'in, Secretary w^ dnute.1 to use ,,roper efforts to secure the publication of se.!^'to"tr'n' "'V^'?™^^ -"'■ •'*""'•'''■-" ™-^ invited to pre- sent to the Commission a further statement of his pl,,ns and to suggest modes for iu.proyiug regimental cooki.l ' That gentleman came before the Commission, "and pre sented the model of cooking range, and gave a statement of his opmion as to its utility lement ot 10 Dr. Agnew suggested that Mr. Saiuiersou be iniinediatelv conmiissioiied by tliis Body, to go from Regiment to liegi- meiit and from place to i)Ia('e, as a "Missionary Cook," to improve the euisine of the Volunteer Regiments. On motion of Mr. IStrong, it was BcsoJi-ed, That ]Mr. Sanderson be invited to undertake sueli an expeHment in some regimental camp near the city of New York, or at Washington. On motion, the Commission adjourned to meet at the res- idence of its President, Friday, at noon. Friday, Noon, June 21. Tiie ( 'Ommission met pursuant to adjournment. Present — Rev. T)r. P)ellows, Prof. Bache, Drs. Van Buren, Agnew, Gibhs, Newberry, Harris, Mr. Olmsted, and ]\Ir. Strf)ng. TIu> Agent of , of New York, pre- sented specimens of Extract of Coffee: referred to Commit- tee C, to report on Saturday. Tlie Soldiers' portable l)ed was exlii1)ited and tested: re- port pronused. Mr. Sanderson was commissioned to make his initiatory ex[)eriments. The President laid before the Commission the subject of funds, and the requisite means for securing a sufficient amount for the necessary expenses of the Commission; and, as one means to the end, he proposed that a communieation .should be addressed to the several Life Insuranee Compa- nies in the United States, inviting tlieir aid in efforts to sustain the treasury of the Commission. The Corresponding Secretary was requested to see the Presidents of such Companies as could be found in this city, and lay the subject before them. The President read a form of an announcement of the ap- pointment of Associate Members of the Commission, to be 11 addressed to tlie;:i individnally; which was, by vote, ap- proved. The Special Committee on General Hospitals presented a report, recommendino- the establishment of two General Hospitals, capable, each, of accommodating 1,000 oi' more patients. The report was accepted. The Secretaries were instrncted to present the report to the Secretary of War, through the Medical IJureau. Dr. Van Bnren, Dr. Agnew, and Dr. Gibbs were ap- pointed a Committee to consider the subject of issuing a manual of plain directions for the preservation of health, for the common soldier. On motion, it was ordered, that Whereas instances of great suifering from the exposure of troops arriving at Washington have come to the knowledge of the Sanitary Commission, Besolvcd, That the Commission recommend to the War Department to immediately provide temporary accommoda- tions, near the Railroad Station at Washington, for the use of troops arriving and departing. The President urged the sending of some of the ("Commis- sion to inspect the camps near Washington, and at Fortress jMonroe; also an agent to Fort Pickens. The President also announced his readiness to inmiedi- ately visit Cairo and the camps at the AVest, in association with Dr. iS^ewberry. On motion of Dr. Gibbs, the President and Dr. ISTewberry were appointed a committee to visit and inspect the camps in Ohio and Illinois. On motion of Mr. Strong, Dr. Bache, Dr. Wood, and the two Secretaries were appointed to visit and inspect Fortress Monroe, and all camps, hospitals, and forts at Annapolis, and Washington, and in Eastern Virginia. On motion of Mr. Strong, the members of the Commis- sion resident at JSTew York were requested to visit the camps near ^ew York. Dr. i^ewberry was appointed by the President to Com- mittee E and Committee C. 12 Tlie President then read a letter I'roni TTon. J. A. Arnold, M. C, connnunicating a sugg-estion that a rnenil,)er should 1)0 added to the Commission from the Valley of the Missis- sipj*!. It w;!s determined that the President should I'fply, informing ]\Ir. Arnold of the appointment of Dr. Xewherry, whirh it was presumed he had not been informed of when the letter was written. FltlDAY, 8 p. M. The Commission met pursuant to tidjournment. Pre-sent — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Prof Baehe, Drs. A'an Buren, Agnew, i^ewberry, Gil)l)s, Plarris, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Olm- sted. On motion, it was Besolvcd, That the Secretaries of the Sanitary Commission be'instructed to inquire of the Secretary of the Treasury whether some system cannot be adopted by which the sol- diers can secure their pay, at their o})^ion, in gold and sil- ver, or by allotment, to be transmitted to their families; and that they use all diligence in showing the moral bearing of such a measure on the health of the ti-oops, and the comfort and self-respect of their houseliolds. A communication was received from Abram S. Hewett, in reply to inquiries from the President, respecting the loca- tion and' occupation of the United States Marine Hospital. The letter was referred to the Resident Secretary, and the following resolution was passed: Besolred, That the existence of many commodious ]\larine Hospitals, now very little in use, offers a natural and ready resource for the (government in any lack of Military Hos- pital room, and that the conx'crsion of those spare beds to military uses is suggested to the immediate consideration of the United States authorities. The question of recommending to the Government the supplying of butter rations was brought up by various mem- 13 bcrs of the Coiimiissioii, and, ai'tvr discussioii, tlio Ibllowiiig resolution was j>asso(l: Besolri'tl, That tlie Resident Secretary suggest to the Gov- ernment the desirahleuess and pra.etieahility of furnishing butter as a ration, in ]>hiee of its equivalent value in other articles, at all plaees ^\•here regular and rajnd eonnaunieation by water or rail exists, and that the detail of a plan to this end l)e drawn up to aeconipauy the suggestion. On luotion of Air. Strong, the subject of advising the prep- aration of suitable l)arracks in or near the city of AYashing- ton was taken u]», and a free discussion of the utility of such barracks was liad, l)ut no resolution of action was taken in reference to the subject. After agreeing U|)on plans for visiting various departments of the army by different members of the Commission, the following action was had upon tlie question of time and place of next meeting: * licso/rcd, That when this Commission adjourns it be to meet in the city of AYashington, at the rooms of the Com- mission, on AVednesday, July 10, 18G1, at 11 a. m. Adjourned until Saturday at noon. Saturday AIorning, June 22. The Commission met at noon, pursuant to adjournment, at tlie former place of meeting. Present — Rev. 11. AV. Bellows, l*rof. Bache, Air. Strong, Prof. Gibbs, Dr. dewberry, Air. Glmsted, Prof. A"an Buren, and Dr. Harris. After preliminary suggestions upon various subjects. Air. Robert H. AlcCurdy appeared l)efore the Commission, and stated his views upon the subject of supplying means for carrying forward the labors and arrangements of the Com- mission. He expressed his conviction that the Life Insurance Companies would cheerfully res[)ond to an appeal for funds for the uses of the Commission. 14 T!ie manufacturers of Major J)chM\eUVs .amp stove pre- sented a model of that stove and its furniture for the exam- ination of the Commissioners. It was not M\y approved, though the compactness and portahleness of the apparatus were regarded favoral)!j. The suhjeet of finance was again called up, and, on motion, the followmg preand)k> and resolution was adopted- ^ ^Vhereas the professional and scientific character of the feanitarj CV>mmission makes it dependent on the existence ot financial committees in various parts of the countrv to be composed of business men for the collection of funds' Jiesohed, That the following gentlemen, and such others as they m^ dioose to associate with them-viz: Benjamin H. Fie d, R B. Minturn, A. T. Stewart, Moses Tavlor, R. H. McC urdy, Robert Goodhue, John C. Green, A. A. Low A\. F. CV,ry, Cyrus W. Field, Jonathan Sturges, Peter C()oper, Rohert L. Stuart, wlio are herebv declared Associ- ate Members of this Commission-be invited to act as a Central Financial Committee, to collect and receive from local committees, and otlier sources, funds for the benefit of the bamtnvy Commission, and to audit its accounts; and tl^t Messrs Gibl)s, Van Buren, Agnew, Strong, and the ofhcers of the Commission, be a special committee to wait on these gentlemen, with explanation of the plans and r.ur- poses of the Commission, and with the dutv of urgino- upon them the acceptance of the office herebv assio-ned them It IS understood that the Treasure; wilf make monthly reports to the Committee of all monies received and paid out by him. ^ Gn motion, it was Besolmi, That Mr. Sanderson is hereby requested to applv- to the Governor of the State of Xew York for funds th-i't may be necessary to enable him to proceed to the seat of war, h,r the purpose of instituting improvement in reo-i- mental cooking. ^ The President presented the form of an appeal to promi- nent philanthropic citizens for aid in pro^•iding funds for the purposes of the Commission; whicli was adopted, and or- dered to be signed by the Commissioners. On motion, the Corresponding Secretary was directed to communicate with Rev. Geo. Post, Chaphiin of tlie 15th regiment K'ew York A^ohniteers, and request him to enter into full correspondence and co-oyicration with the Commis- sion. On motion, the subject of the cot-bed and stretcher was laid upon the table. On motion, JResolrcd, That the question of coffee be continued under investigation. The matter of camp stoves came up for consideration, and it was resolved, on motion, that the subject l)e refeiTcd to (^ommittee C. On motion, it was liesolmJ,' Tlv^t Dr. Karris, Dr. Van Buren, Prof. Gibl)^, and Dr. Agnew be a committee to prepare and issue a cir- cular letter to the commanding and medical officers of regi- ments u[»on the subject of camp police, and that Dr. Karris be requested to procure for the letter such authorization as may be expedient from the Medical Bureau of the War De- partment. Dr. Gibbs made inquiries respecting the prevalence of scurvy among our soldiers; and, after referring to some startling statistics in reference to the malady in our army, as published in the American llcdical T'diws, tlie following res- olution was introduced and passed: Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to inquire into the state of the law respecting anti-scorbutic rations, and whether any law now^ existing to their prejudice is enforced in the commissariat of the army. Dr. Newberry sul)mitted suggestions upon the following- subjects, viz: The propriety of asking that the shoulder capes used by the recent organizations, known as the AVide-awakes, should be given to the volunteer soldiers, for their better protection in storrav weather. 10 2d. That horse power is more econoiiiical tljaii unakleil human strens^th, and steam power far more economical than horse power; and may not horse and steam power be re- sorted to more Largely. 3d. Ought not lighter clotliing be fnniished the soldiers for Slimmer use? ^ These questions were all referred to Committee C. After arranging for the division of labors during the en- sumg interval of meetings, the Commission adjourned, to meet, as last evening ordered, in the citv of Washington, Julv 10. THIRD SESSION. Washington, July 10, 18G1. Commission met at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present — the President, Prof. Bache, Dr. Van Ruren, Dr. Ag'ncw, Prof. Gibbs, tlio Treasurer, the Corresponding and Resident Secretaries. The Treasurer's Report was read, showing a balance in hand of $1,428.82. The Report was accepted. Tlie Treasurer announced a donation of $1,000 from the New Engdand Life Insurance Com])any of Boston. The tiianks of the Commission were ordered to be presented to the officers of that Company. The Resident Secretary reported verbally as to his i»roceed- ino's with reference to the butter ration, and to the subject of allotments of soldiers' pay ; also with reference to the recep- tion of soldiers arriving at Washington. It was Jiesolved, Tliat a Committee be appointed to call upon the Paymaster General, and ascertain from him if, under existing laws, it is practicable for soldiers generally to remit a portion of their pay, in tlie form of checks, to their families at a dis- tance ; and, if this is not possible, what are the objections understood to exist in the mind of the Paymaster General to the enactment of sucli a provision ; and if it shall appear to the Committee that such an arrangement is unprovided for in a proper manner, and that no sufiQcient objections exist to its being made, that the Committee be requested to lay before the 3 18 Commission the draft of a memorial to Congress on tiie sub- ject. It was determined tlmt tlio Committee should l)e tlie Com- mittee of tlie Wlfole, and it was agreed that at 1^ o'cloek, p. m., this day. the Commission will call in a body on the Pay- master General with the subject in liand. The Resident Secretary presented a Report on the Army near Washington. Ordered, That this report be printed, or so much of it, and witii such additions, as may bo judged best by the Secretary. The President presented a Report on tlic condition of the Western troops. It was requested that the same be published, with the same conditions as the Resident Secretary's. The Report of the Sub-Committee on Instructions and Advice to Agents of the Commission was presented by Mr. Strong, and, after careful discussion and revision, it was unanimously adopt- ed, and 500 copies were ordered to be printed for the use of the Commission. July 10. 8 P. M. The Commission met, pursuant to adjournment, at 8 o'clock, p. m. Present— Rev. Dr. Bellows, Major Shiras, Dr. R. C. Wood, Prof. Gibbs. Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris, Mr. Olm- sted, and Mr. Strong. The President read a communication from Prof. Jackson, of .Union College, on tlie subject of the Subsistence and Hygienic wants of the Army, etc. This communication contained no new suggestions, but entirely confirmatory of the operations of the Agents and Members of the Commission. In the discussion which ensued. Major Shiras explained the difficulties necessarily experienced in provisioning the vast army now gathered in the loyal States. It was conceded by Major Shiras and the President, that the exigencies of the volunteer forces render it highly desirable that the Commission be clothed with sufficient authority to secure 19 tlie faiflifnl adininislratioii or execution of the proper rule.s for the sauitai'}' protection of the soldiers. In respect of the con- dilion of lioaltli and disease, it was i2,'enerally conceded tliat tlie volunteers can and should be immediately pjaced upon the best liyii'ieuic basis. The ti'reat importance of improvement in the cookino; of the daily rations was next considered, and the following- action was taken in reference to the subject: Resolved, That this Commission take immediate measures to })r()cure the introduction of a suitable clause into the Army Bill to provide for tlie establishment or employment of a competent cook in every company in the Volunteer Regiments. On motion, theReportof Mr. Sanderson, on Regimental Cook- ing, was presented. 'Y\\q report was accepted, and laid upon the table. The Commission accepted Mr. Sanderson's invitation to take a luncli on desiccated vegetables, on Friday, at half-past 2 O'clock, p. m., opposite Wormley's. Commission adjourned, to meet on Thursday, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Thursday. Commission met, pursuant to adjournment, at their Rooms, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present — Dr. Bellows, Prof. Baclie, Gibbs, Van Buren, Drs. Agnew anxl Harris, and ]\Iessrs. Strong and Olmsted. The minutes of the meeting of yesterday were read and ap- proved ; after winch the President; stated, that in the advanced state of the Army Bill and the legislation tliceofi, the Com- mission would need devote its attention to-day to the questions that particularly interest the Commission in regard to that bill- The President also re])orted the result of his interview with the Senate Chairman of the Army Bill, and other gentlemen. It was proposed that the following topics be taken up and discussed seriafim : 1st, Allotments, (Payments) ; 2d, Rations and Cooking : 20 3d, Fmiikiuo- for Sanitary Documents ; 4lli, Increased Reooo-- nit.onof Conunission; 5th, InspecLino- Force : GlIi, Intcmpcr- ance. First. Allottnients. After discussion it was , Remlved, In viou^ of the mischief done to the j.hvsical health of the soldiers of tlie AMlInnteer Reo-iments l.v "hnprovident expenditure of their pay, and of the wants of those dependent on them, who are in danger of becoming a public burthen and creating avast pauper element in our cities and elsewliere • the danger of war becoming unpopular in consequence, and the prospect of sysfcmatic private speculalion in the soldiers' pay- That the Commission earnestly recommend the i)assaoe Jf a law for the issue of treasury notes for tlie pav of Yohmteers m sums oi hve dollars and upwards, and tiiat each soldier and non-commissioned officer receive his pay in whole or in part in such treasury notes, at his option. And in case Cono-ross sliould consider the nbovescheme impracticable, then that the Commis- sion earnestly and most respectfully commend the subject of the mode of paying the soldiers, to the consideration of Cono-res. antl pray that it will enact such measures as nuvv seem belt for the ivniedy of the evils and dangers ahove indicated. On morion, the Commission- agreed to view Farnsworth's Army Tent at 2 J p. m., Friday. The President and Prof. Bacho were ai)pointcd a committee to wait on the Secretary of the Treasury immediately, an.l left the room for that purpose. ^ Daring tlieir absence Dr. Agnew occupied the chair, and Mr Sanderson being present, was directed to visit certain Regiments this day,^to give advice as to cooking. The President and Prof. Bache returned, havino- failed to see the. Secretary of the Treasury, and the President^ resumed the chair. A message was received Iron, the Medical Director, throuo-j, Dr. Suckley, whereupon Dr. Little was invited to appear befoi-e the Commission, and stated' that nurses could not be obtained for the hospitals from the ranks of the volunteers, as required hj law, and requesting advice and assistance from the Commis- sion in respect to this difficulty. 21 Tlio Commission requested Dr. Suekley to arraiiire an inter- view witli the ^ledical Director for Friday, at 11 o'clock, a. m. 'J'lio Commission tlien proceeded to discuss tlie sul)ject of rations and cooks. Dr. Van Buren made a full statement of the orizanizafion and experience of military bodies in respect of cooking'. The following resolution was adopted : Besolvexh That this Commission recommend to tlie Wai- Department the introduction of pepper. On motion of Dr. Van Buren, the following resolution was adopted: Iiesolved, That the Commission respectfully, but earnestly, recommend to Congress, as an important means of preserving the health of the Volunteer Regiments, and averting the danger of disease with whicii all newly organized troops are threatened, to make provision, by law, for the enlistment or selection in each company of a cook, in addition to the detail from the ranks, at j)resent jirovidcd for; that said cook receive the pay of a musician, and one ration per day, and be a non-combatant. A communication from Dr. Geo. F. Suckley, U. S. A., was read, and a copy of the same ordered on iile. It was stated by Dr. Agnew that the Chairman of the xVrmy Bill in the Senate had already received a copy of this communi- cation. The I'ecommendations contained in tliis communication were made the basis for the discussion of questions connected with the modification of subsistence regulations. Adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock, p. m. The Commission met at 8 o'clock, p. ni., and considered the natures and sources of various evils prevalent among the volun- teers in camp. In reference to the prevalence and evils of inebriety, it was Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission respectfully, but most earnestly, recommend to Congress to pass, at once, more stringent regulations against the sale of liquors within the limits of the camjjs and within a specified distance of the same. In order to preserve memoranda and to aftbrd aid, it was Besolved, That the Secretary be requested to open a com- plaint book, in which shall be entered all violationsof the arnn^ regulations, and all other abuses reported by the agents of the 22 Coinini>!sioii, or l)y otlior responsible niillioritios, and that sucli coiHjdaluts bo reported IVoiu time to Lime in \vriLiiii2,' to the Cencral-in-Cliier. On motion, a committee of four, consisting of the President, Dr. Wood, j\Ir. Sti-ong, and Prof. Baclie, was appointed to wait upon the Military Committee of the Senate at 9 o'clock, a. m., Friday, to confer witli them, and present them the views of this Commission. Report of Committee of Inquiry was ])i'esented and read by its chairman, Prof, (libbs. Report of Committee C was ])re- sented, by its chairman. Prof. Van Buren. The report was accepted and its suggestions adopted. On motion, it was liesolved, That the Commission i-espcctfully suggest to Gen- eral Mansfield the propriety of an order directing tlie Command- ers of forces encamped near the city of Washington, not to grant leave of absence from camp to more than one-eighth part of tlieir command on the same day, and to give no leave under *whic!i men shall be absent from their camps after the hour of 10 o'clock, ]). m., or of such general order as in his judgment may seem best adapted to cure the abuses and irregularities that arise from the too liberal granting of leave of absence. Also, that lie issue an order forbidding the sale of intoxicating drink in tiie city of Washington, except by hotels to their boardei's, before the hour of one o'clock, p. m. Dr. Tomes, Mr. Dunning, and Dr. Buel, were approved and appointed as Sanitary Inspectors, to hold office during the pleasure of the Commission. The names and proffers of service as Sanitary Agents for this Commission in the several Depart- ments of the Army, were received. Di'. Suckley was requested to enter upon the duties of Sani- tary Commission in the Department of General McDowell's command, for a time Adjourned, to meet at 10 o'clock, a. m., Friday, 23 Friday MoRNrxG. The Commission mot nt 10 o'clock, a. m. Pi-cseiit— Rev. Dr. Bellows, Prof. Baclie, Mr. Olmsted, Prof. Gihbs, Mr. Strong-, and Drs. Van Buren, xVgnew, and Harris. The Committee to confer with the Secretary of the Treasury reported that they had made no progress. Several members made suggestions respecting the preparation of a bill, to be presented to Congress, to define the duties and |)o\vers of the Commission. The Catalogue of Associate Members was revised, and a few names were added. A vote of thanks was olTered to tlie New York Life Insurance Company for their generous appreciation of the Commission. In accordance with an invitation, Dr. McLaren, the Medical Director for the Department of Washington, took a seat with the Commission, and freely expressed liis views, and presented facts upon the questions affecting- the sick, liospitals, hospital funds, etc. Prof. Van Buren, from Committee C, reported. Prof. Gibbs, from the Comnuttee of Inquiry, reported for that Committee. On motion, t'.ie Commission resolved to furnish (at the dis- cretion of the Resident Secretary) copies of Triidcr's Hand- Book to such military surgeons as the Agents may find spe- cially in need of sucli a manual. The publishers at Cincinnati were requested by telegraph to inform the Secretary at what price per copy the manual may be furnished. Friday, 8 o'Clock, P. M. The Commission met at the Rooms. Present — The President, Vice President, Dr. Van Buren, 24 Mr. Strong, Prof, (libhs, Dr. Wood. Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Auiiew, and Dr. Harris. The Resident Secretary submitted a number of communica- tions and propositions from various inventors and others, oflfer- ing- improvements and aid for tlie benefit of the army. A com- munication on improved army tents (Fnrnswortli's) was referred to Committee C. Another communication, on Eldridge'.s tent, from Dr. Clymer, was referred to the same Committee. The communication relating to army shirts, was referred to Com- mittee C. The same Committee was directed to inquire respecting ap- paratus for converting salt water into fresh water. The Treasurer reported $500 from James Lenox, Esq. ; and fi-om other sources to-day $190. B<'S()lvc(l, That co|)ies of tlie Reports of the Sanitary Inspec- tors ajipointed by the Commission be communicated to the Gov- ernors of the several States to wliicli the regiments respectively belong. • It is understood that the Secretary of the Commission may exercise his discretion as to tlie communication of answers believed to be confidential, or specially all'ecting the character and position of individuals. The subject of encouraging and facilitating the accumulation and proper disbursements of the military hospital funds — On motion, it was Besolved, That Dr. Yan Buren confer with the Chief of the Commissariat, and communicate to that Department the view of this Commission on the subject of the following communi- cation : Sanitary Commission, July 12, 1861. To THE Commissary General : Sir : It having come to the knowledge of the Sanitary Com- mission, from reliable sources, that the surgeons of the volun- teers are unable to get the rations of the sick commuted by the commissaries, and are therefore unable to procure proper food for them, the Sanitary Commission respectfully request of the Commissary Department to take such action as will secure proper attention to regulations by the conitnissarics and their rights to the sick. Respectfully, FRED. LAW. OLMSTED, Resident Secretary. On motion, it was Ordei-ed, That the suggestions of the Surgeon General re- specting the employment of nurses, as stated in a letter from tlie jNIedical Bureau to the Secretary, be carried out by this Commission, and that Miss Dix be informed of the purpose and wish of the Commission on this subject. On motion, the Commission resolved to proceed at 8.^ o'clock a. m., Saturday, in a body to the rooms of tlio Military Com- mittee at the Capitol. On motion, adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock a. m., Saturday. Saturday. The Commission met at 10 o'clock a. m. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Prof. Baclie, Mr. Olmsted, Prof. Gibbs, Drs. Agnew, Harris, and Van Buren, and Mr. Strong. The Committee on conference with Congress reported the re- sults of their interview with the Senate Military Committee, and the Commission unanimously decided not to make any personal or unusual efforts for procuring or influencing legis- lating affecting the Commission. Committee C reported favorably upon knit specimens of army flannel shirts, as the result of their attention -to questions and specimens submitted by the Quartermaster General. A letter was received from the New England Life Insurance Company, containing a suggestion which was complied with, (viz : the appointment of Dr. J, H. Douglas a» an associate member.) Dr. Van Buren, as a special committee, reported the results of his conference with the officers of the Commissariat, the 4 26 Adjutant General, and General Mansfield, respecting the com- mutation of hospital rations. He found that an order was ahout being issued by the Adjutant General requiring the Subsistence Department to commute in money for the daily rations of the sick in all General Hospitals. The following action was taken upon the question of varying and commuting rations : 1st. Whereas, the company fund relied upon by the Regulars for varying their ration is generally unavailable under the circumstances of the Volunteers, therefore, it is recommended that a larger and more varied supply of vegetable food, either fresh or dessicated, be steadily secured to the Volunteers by a new regulation in tlieir favor of tlie army ration. Passed. 2d. Recommended, that one-eiglith of a pound of butter be added to the daily ration, between the 1st of October and the 1st of May, and whenever else it is found practicable. Dr. Van Buren applied to General Mansfield for advire on the question of extending such commutation to the sick in regimental hospitals. That ofiicer thought that it best not to grant this privilege to regimental surgeons for the sick under their care in camp. The officers conferred with rcjilied to Dr. Van Buren that they would hold the subject under consideration. Dr. Van Buren also ascertained that an order was about being issued to send on paroled soldiers from New York to Wash- ington, to serve as attendants on the sick in the General Hospitals. After discussing and adjusting minor items of business the Commission adjourned sine die to meet at the call of the Sec- retary or the President. The President, resident Secretary, Mr. Strong, nnd Drs. Var, Buren and Agnew proceeded via Baltimore to Fortress Monroe and Newport News. The following resolutions were passed at the close of the session : Resolved, Tliat the intelligence just received from New York that the New York Life Insurance Company has made a liberal donation to promote the Objects, and defray the expenses of the Sanitarv Commission, is regarded witli much gratitude, and 27 tlie Commission hereby express to that Company tlieir hearty thanks for the generous and timely aid thus rendered by the officers of that Company. 2d. That the Central Finance Committee, in the city of New York, for the Sanitary Commission, be authorized to audit all bills and accounts of the Treasurer of this Com- mission. 3d. That the Sanitary Commission hereby confirm the appoint- ment of ,Messrs. Samuel J. Ruggles, Christopher R. Robert, Robert B, Minturn, George Opdyke, Jonathan Sturges, Morris Ketchum, William A. Booth, David Hadley, I. P. Girard Foster, and Charles E. Strong as the " Central Finance Com- mittee of the United States Sanitary Commission." They shall meet every Wednesday in the city of New York at one o'clock, p. m., at which meetings the Treasurer of the Com- mission shall report in writing all its expenditures, appoint- ments, and engagements. Three members attending any reg- ular meeting shall constitute a quorum. FODRTH SESSION. Sanitary Commission met at their rooms, in Wasliington, July 27/ Present— Rev. Dr. Bellows, Prof. Baclic, Maj. Sliiras, Col. Culluin, Dr. Van Biu'eu, Mr. Olmstccl, Dr. Aii'new, and Dr. Harris. The minutes of the last session were read, and generally re- approved; and certain points were suggested as being import- ant for further consideration. • Prof. Bache reported that a provision had been introduced into the 1)ill, in accordance witli a recommendation of the Com- mission, directing the Secretary of War to introduce into the Army a system similar to the allotment system in the Navy, or its equivalent, by which the families of volunteers may receive such portion of the soldier's pay as he may request. Besolved, That Committee C be requested to procure a reg- ulation to meet this case, as early as practicable, from the Secretary of War, Prof. Bache reported that, in conjunclion with the Secretary, he liad, as requested by the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, introduced certain specifications from the letter of appointments of the Commission by the Secretary of War into the drnft of the bill relating to the Sanitary Com- mission, and struck out tiie section relating to the tVanking privilege. The bill had tlien been copied, and sent to the Chairman of Committee on Military Affairs. Hon. Mr. Wilson stated that opposition was being made to the bill by members of Congress, c^'c, but he di<] not state specilically what objec- tion had been made by Congress. 29 Tlie President reasserted his convictions of the inexpediency of any iiimsnal efforts on the part of this Commission to pro- cure the enactment of laws in tlieir own favor. Tlie President then laid before the Commission his views of the pai'amount importance of the questions most directly con- iiectcd.with the causes of the demoralization of the volunteer forces, and the history of the late calamity. He opened a dis- cussion upon the question of certain radical defects in the or- ganization and discipline of the forces. Th'e direct and im- portant bearing" of military discipline and system in the forces. Among the statements made, Col. Cullum made a suggestion that General Scott's recent efforts to have introduced into the Army bill a strong provision, designed to insure more eflScient discipline, miglit be regarded as sufficient for these purposes, if regarded by Congress. Action was taken upon the duty of this Commission in regard to the condition and difficulties of the General Hospital at Fortress i\ronroe; and an address to the Secretary of War upon that subject was agreed upon. The Commission adjourned to meet on Monday, at 10 a. in. Monday, July 29. The Commission met at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present — The President, Resident and Corresponding Sec- retaries, Profs. Van Buren and Gibbs, Mr. Strong, and Dr. Agncvv. Minutes were read and approved. The President presented the draft of a communication which he proposed be forwarded to the military authorities and to the daily newspapers. One of the resolutions having been slightly amended, this communication was approved. Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission, in their endeavors to promote temperance, cleanliness, and comfort among the troops, have become convinced that the first sanitary law in 30 camp and amono: the soldiers is military discipline; and that, unless this is rigorously asserted and enforced, it is useless to attempt and impossible to effect, by any secondary means, the great end they propose, which is, the health and happiness of the Army. Resolved, That looking only to the health and comfout of the troops, it is our pi-ofound conviction that any special relaxation of military discipline in favor of volunteer troops, based either upon their sup[)0*sed unwillingness or inability to endure it, or upon the alleged expectation of the public, is a fallacious policy, and fraught with peril to tlie lives of the men and the success of the national cause ; and that speaking in the name of the families, and the communities from which the volunteers came, and in the names of humanity and religion, we implore that the most thorough system of military discipline be carried out with the officers and men of the voiunteer force, as the first and essential condition of their health, comfort, and morality. Besolved, That the health and comfort and efficiency of the men, is mainly dependent on the uninterrupted presence, the personal watchfulness, and the rigid authority of the regimental and company officers, and that all the great defects, whether in the commissariat or in the police of canifis, are radically due to the absence of officers from tlieir posts, and to the laxity of the discipline to which they are themselves accustomed, a laxity which would never be tolerated among regulars, and which, while tolerated among our soldiers, will make our force a crowd of armed men rather than an army. Resolved, That it is the public conviction of this Commission, that the soldiers themselves, in their painful experience of the want of leaders and protectors, would heartily welcome a rigid discipline exerted over themselves and their officers ; that the public would hail with joy, the inauguration of a decisive, prompt and rigid rule, extending alike to officers and men, and that any despondency or doubt connected with our military and national prospects, or with the health and security of our troops, would disappear with the first indications of rigid order, enforced with impartial authority throughout the whole army. Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission assure Major Gen- 31 eral McClellan in advance, of all the moral support and !^yni])u- tli3' of their numerous constituenis, and beg him to believe that the humane, the intelligent, the religious, the patriotic, will up- hold his hands in every endeavor to communicate a spirit of subordination, fidelity, and obedience to tlie troops, even by resort, if found necessary, to the utmost rigor of military law, believing tliat the health, comfort, and efficiency of the army, are all united in their dependence on a strict, uniform, and all pervading military discipline.* Dr. Gibbs moved that copies of Dr. Bellows's resolutions be sent to the President of the United States, to the members of the Cabinet, to Senators and Representatives of the United States, to the Commander-in-Chief, to the various Brigadier Generals, and to the Editors of the principal newspapers in the loyal States, and that the resolutions be also printed as a docu- ment of the Sanitary Commission. It was decided that the resolutions be issued in the usual official form of certified copies. On motion, it was Ordered, That the President and Corresponding Secretary report to the Commission a ])roper place for adjusting difficulties which have arisen under the commission assigned to Miss Dix, in connection with the Military Hospitals, by the Secretary of War. It was Resolved, That the following articles be procured for immedi- ate use in the General Hospital : 100 small tables for writing in bed, 100 iron wire cradles for protecting wounded limbs, 2 water-l)eds, BO back-gammon boards, 30 boxes dominoes, 30 checker boards, 5 pounds Delphinum, 2 dozen ounce-bottles of per-sulphate of iron, — reams of writing paper (note) marked with stamp of the Commission. Resolved, That all articles of clothing, or otherwise, issued by the Commission, be hereafter ordered by the Commission when in session, and by order of the Resident Secretary, when the Commission is not in session; and that in every instance receipts be taken therefor from the Medical Officers supplied, and that 32 all such articles be distinctly marked with tlie stamp of the Sanitary Commission. Resolved, That a barber be employed by the Commission for the service of the volunteers in hospitals. Resolved, Tliat a committee be appointed to inquire into the feasibility of having some substitute for a grave-stone placed at the burial plaee of each volunteer dying in General Hospital, to bear his name, rank, and date of death. Drs. Harris and Van Buren were appointed such committee. Resolved; That the Purveyor General be respectfully requested to direct that a ticket bearing the name, rank, regiment, com- pany, and disease of each patient in General Hospitals, together witli date of his admission, be placed at the head of his bed, or some conspicuous place in its vicintity, as early as practical)le. Resolved, Tiiat it be referred to the Committee on Hospitals, to consider and report whether it be expedient to establish a Military Hospital in Wasliington, or elsewhere, under the di- rection of the Commission; and, if they believe it expedient, to report further what should be the site and capacity of such hospital, and what would be the expense of its erection and maintenance, and to report plans, maps and estimates for such Hospital Building. Drs. Van Buren and Agnew were appointed sucli committee. It was, also, Resolved,, That it be referred to a coranlittee to inquire and report what action, if any, can be taken by the Sanitary Cora- mission to imju'ove the condition of the General Hospitals at Georgetown, Alexandria, and elsewhere. Resolved., That the President be requested to draw up the form of a memorial addressed to the President of the United States, and the Secretary of War, embodying the views expressed in the resolution passed this morning in regard to the discipline of the Volunteer Army, and that the Central Executive Com- mittee at New York be requested to ask for the signatures of persons to whom tlie Government must chiefly look for pecuni- ary supplies. The following action was also lia^l respeetintr the meetings of the Commission, Resolved, That during the session of the Commission, no person be admitted to the room of the Commission, except its members and einplo^yees, Avithont a vote of the Commission. JNfr. Olmsted, Prof. Gibbs, and Mr. Strong, were re-appointed a committee to confer with Mr. Ruggles in reference to his employment as a forwarding agent, to arrange a suitable system for the forwarding and arranging of supplies. Mr. Sanderson appeared before the Commission, and gave a statement of his experience in eft'orts to improve the regimental cuisine. He expressed himself discouraged in those efforts. Adjourned to 10 o'clock, a. m. Tuesday, July 30. The Commission met at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present — Tiie President, Resident and Corresponding Secre- taries, Mr, Strong. Prof. Gibbs, Prof. Van Bui-en, and Dr. Agnew. The President suggested that the Commission should decide in what manner the Commissioners should share the duties and responsibilities of labors at their headquarters. The President then presented the draft of a memorial and address to , as directed by resolution yesterday. It was amended, adopted, and 250 copies ordered to be ])rinted. On motion of Mr. Strong, (upon the official representation of Dr. J. H. Douglas, an agent of the Commission,) it was Resolved, That a despatch be forthwith sent to the officers of the St. Andrew's Society of New York, asking immediate at- tention in regard to the destitution of the 79th New York Volunteers in regard to blankets. Prof. Bache stated that two measures in which the Commis- sion had taken a lively interest had received the attention of 5 34 the Senate yesterday; one reported by Mr. Fessenden, from the Finance Committee, as an amendment to the national loan bill, authorizing Treasury notes of the denomination of ii\>e dollars; and the other rc])ortcd by Judge IJai-ris, from tlie Judiciary Committee, prohibiting the selling, giving, or adiiNnisteriiig of spirituous liquors to soldiers in the District of Columbia. On motion, it was Besolved, That the Sanitary Commission adjourn on Friday next, at noon, to meet again, in Washington, on the fourth Tuesday in August. Passed. Besolved, That Mr. Olmsted shall communicate meanwile, to any member of the Commission whose presence he may find indispensable, the desirableness of his repairing to .Washing- ton, and that the Commissioners will hold themselves in readi- ness to obey the call. Passed. Besolved, That Dr. Newberry be requested to give himself up to the superintendence of our labor of inspections in the West, visiting the difierent sections, conferring with and order- ing our local inspectors, and reporting weekly to Washington the results of general observations and reflections upon the best methods of promoting the objects of the Commission in that quarter. Dr. Gibbs offered the following resolutions: 1. Besolved, That a committee of three be appointed to draw up and present to the Sanitary Commission, during its present session, a report on the best methods of improving the morale of the disorganized and demoralized volunteers and militia forces. (Messrs. Gibbs, Strong, and Van Buren were appointed such committee.) 2. Besolved, That the same committee be requested to report upon the best means of promoting cheerfulness, and healthy mental and physical recreations, among the volunteer and mil- itary forces. 3. Besolved, That the Recording Secretary be requested to collect and arrange all the resolutions passed by the Sanitary Commission at its different meetings, and print the same as a document of the Commission, and that in future all such reso- 35 Intions sliall be collected and printed at the close of each ses- • siou. 4. Rcsnh-rd^ Tlint the Sanitary Commission cordiall}- ap- prove of the substitute for yeast prei)ared by the Rumford Chemical Works, under tlie patent of Prof. Horsford, and rec- ommend the use of this material in the preparation of bread for tlic volunteer and militia foi'ces. On motion, Dr. Harris's report on the sanitary condition of the forces at Foi'tress Monroe was accepted, and laid upon the table for further consideration. Resolved, Tliat it is expedient to add to the Commission an additional member from New England, and tliat the Right Rev. Thomas M. Clark, D. D., Bisliop of Rhode Island, be appointed such Commissioner; also, tliat it' is expedient to add to the Connnission one member from Pennsylvania, and that Horace Binney, Jr., Esq., be so appointed. On motion, Mr. Sanderson's I'cport upon his labors in the 15th and 27th regiments, and upon the subject of camp cook- ing, was presented. After reading the report, it was Resolved, That the report be accepted and given to the press for publication ; also, that Mr. Sanderson be requested to report to this Commission specific suggestions for the proper prei)aration of soldiers' rations. The committee on measures for elevating the morale of the troops reported that, as a preliminary step for the improve- ment of the disorganized regiments, tliey would offer the fol- lowing: Tiie committee appointed under the resolution of Dr. Gibbs, to re{)ort on the best method of elevating the morale of the volunteer forces, respectfully recommend, as a preliminary regprt, that Dr. Bellows and Prof. Bache be a committee to address the President of the United States, personally or by letter, and represent to him the propriety of visiting the regi- ments which were disorganized and demoralized in the late retreat from Manassas Pass, and of addressing in person a few words of sympathy and encouragement to the soldiers and non- commissioned officers. The suggestion was adopted. Adjourned to 8 o'clock, p. m. 36 Tuesday Evejsung, July 80. Cotiuuissioii met at 8 o'clock, p. m. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Col. Culliim, Dr. Van Buren, Pi'of. Gibbs, Mr. Strong, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Olmsted, and Dr. Harris. The revision of the memorial was suggested. The Resident Secretary reported that he desired to assign Dr. Buell to the camps of Missouri, Dr. Agnew to Cairo, 111., Dr. Douglas to General Banks's column in Nortliern Virginia, and Mr. Dunning to Fortress Monroe and Eastern Virginia, and Dr. Tomes and Mr. Knapp to' the Department of the Potonmc. On motion, it was Ordered, That 100 copies of each document as published, be strictly preserved in the archives of tiie Commission, for the further supply of members and public libraries at a future time. • On motion, it was Ordered, That at least 2,500 copies of each document designed for general circulation, be printed at the first edition. Col. Cullum was requested to favor the Commission with suggestions for promoting the cheerfulness and elevating the morale of the Volunteer Soldiers. Col. Cullum narrated various incidents and observations in his own experience, show- ing the imi)ortance of employing the time of soldiers and engag- ing their attention in rational improvement. After taking counsel upon various subjects, the Commission adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock, a. m., Wednesday. Wednesday, July 31. Commission met at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Mr. Strong, Prof. Gibbs, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Agnew, and Dr. Harris. The minutes of yester- days' meeting were read and approved. 37 On motion, it was Ordered, That the Hospital Committee be requested to wait upon the Surgeon General and urge him to use his influence with the War Department to have Special Order No. 185, made general in its api)lication. (Ccpy of Special Order No. 1S5.) War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C, Jidij 12. 1861. 3. Tlie hospital funds accruing to the General Hospitals in the Department of Washington, will be administered iiere- after by the Surgeons in charge of said Hospitals. At the end of each month, the Chief Commissary of Subsistence will turn over to the Surgeons in cliarge of the respective Hospitals, the amount due on account of undrawn rations. (Here enters a paragraph allowing lady nurses the commuted value of two (2) rations daily.) By order: [Signed.] L. TROM.AS,»AdJutant General The committee to report upon the relations of this Commis- sion to Miss Dix, and tlie welfare of the sick, reported that they find Miss Dix ready to acquiesce in the position to which she seems to be assigned by the Medical Bureau, and tliat she ex- presses the entire willingness to be counseled by the Sanitary Commission. The committee recommend tiiat no action be taken by the Commission affecting the questions submitted to them. This report was accepted and adopted. In reference to the election of a member of this Commission from Pennsylvania, it was ordered that tlie following gentle- men be considered as candidates, and that they be consulted in the following order: Horace Binney, Jr., John Welsh, Wm. M. Meredith, Geo. H. Stewart, and Dr. Alfred Stille. Tt was Hesolccd, That a committee of three be appointed to prepare a list of graduates of West Point, who have resigned from the Army, and who are perfectly available for military command, and tl'.at the committee be instructed to prepare such list with- 38 out aimino: nt tlie minute accuracy whicli mialit interfere witli prompt action, and that tliey l)e authorized to fiirni^^li their results ill such form as may seem to them approi)i'iate, correct- ing- the list, if practicable, by a circular to be addressed to the f^radiiates. The President, Prof. Bache, and Col. Cullum, were appointed such committee. Thursday, August 1. The Commission met at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present— Rov. Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Dr. Van Buren, Mr. Strong, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris, Mr. Olmsted, and Prof. Gibbs. The minutes were read and approved. A communication was received from a physician in Wasliington, relating to Hospitals. The communication was committed to the Hospital Committee, An informal report was read by the Hospital Committee, givinj^ the first results of their observations, in their visits to- the several Military Hospitals in Washington and its vicinity. A fuller report was promised by the committee. Mr. Sti-ong offered the following resolution, wliich was passed: Resolved, That the report and rcconunendations of the Hos- ])ital Committee be accepted and adopted, and that the same be referred back to the committee for revision and amplification, and that the committee cause the same, when complete, to bo printed and circulated as a document of the Commission, and that copies thereof be sent to the Secretary of War, and to the Medical and Quartermaster's Departments. Dr. Van Biiron stated that in his visits to the Military Hos- pitals, he had learned that tliere exists a great defect in ))rovis- ions for washing clothing, &c. Dr. Abadie of Columbian College Hospital asked for an appropriation (of $25 a month to begin witii) for wasliing tlie clothes of volunteers entering his hospital. The United States i-equires a matron to wash hospital bedding, only; he will inake them wash the hospital clothing, but the soldiers' clothes must 39 go unwashed, unless tlie Hanitary Commission supplies tiie money. Dr. SniitJi asks for ^10 a month and a i-ation Ton- I he same purpose. To meet this want the following- resolulion was passed. Resolved, That |25 a month for two months from the present date, be aj)propriated for the washing of the clothing of volun- teers entering the General Hos|)itals at Columbian College, Washington, in charge of Dr. Abadie, U. S. A., to give receipt for the same; also, that $20 a month for the same period, be appropriated to the Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, the Sur- geon in charge, Dr. Smith, U. S. A., giving receipt for the same, and both of these gentlemen undertaking to superintend the disbursement of the money. A communication was received from Dr. Howe, a member, which was accom[>anied with a report on the condition of camps and hospitals in the vicinity of Boston. The report was accepted, and the thank-^ of the Commission returned to Dr. Howe for his attention to the labors upon which he has so fully reported. The following resolution was adopted: Jtesolved^ That the Sanitaiy Commission earnestly recom- mend the establishment of Receiving Stations at New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Baltimore, and at various points at the West, so that troops, after their arrival in those cities, may, in case of necessity, be ])rovided with lodging, and with well prepared and nutritious food, also, with facilities for washing, and for the calls of nature. Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission recommend the appointment of a board of five officers above the rank of Major, to consider the reports of the Connnission, and decide upon such modification of existing Army Regulations as may seem to them advisable. (Laid over until evening.) It was Ordered, That the Resident Secretary have power to appoint a Transportation Agent. The President offered the following resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved, That the Resident Secretary be instructed to organ- 40 ize, under the special cliartje of one of the Inspectors, a system in eac'ii of liic Hospitals of this Militnry District, and, as f;ir as possible, in all others, by whicli tlie wounded soldiers shall be enabled to conmiunicate by letter with their friends, and to re- ceive, also, such comfort from readinj^, and being read to, as their condition anil the rules of the hospital allow. Resolved, That it be recommended that in each hospital, the Stewart, Ward-master, or intelligent convalescents, be made the agents and instruments of this Commission in accomplish- ing this work; that to one of them be specially committed a store of stationery, marked with the stamp of the Commission, and either franked, or furnished with postage stami)s, if the use of the congressional privilege is not preferred by the soldier. That this agent be required to make a daily record of every letter written, and of every hour of reading done, and make a weekly report of the same to .the Inspector. 3d. Resolved, That the Bible, and such religious books as the soldiers may ask for, or such as represent their denomina- tional relations, be readily recommended, and read, wdien ac- ceptable, to the sick, but not to the exclusion of works of entertainment — newspapers, &c. 4th. Resolved, That the Barber be under the superintendence of the same Inspector, and make weekly reports to him. 5th. Resolved, That the leading newspapers and periodicals be earnestly requested to furnish as many copies of each issue as their benevolence and ability may prompt, directed in bun- dles to our address, for the use of the sick in the hospitals. It was Resolved, that the Resident Secretary be authorized and advised to cause to be published an abstract of those sec- tions of the Army- Regulations which relate especially to the sanitary interest of the soldiers. (Resolution adopted by the Sanitary Commission at the evening session, August 1.) Resolved, That the report of the Committee on West Point graduates be referred back to the Committee with authority to 41 make sncli additions and changes as may be approved by them, to liave their report, tiius finally prepared, printed ; and to circulate the list of names of graduates probably available for the military service. Thursday Evening. The Commission met at 8 o'clock p. m. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Mr. Olmsted, Mr. Strong, Prof. Bache, Prof. Gibbs, Dr. Howe, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Wood, and Dr. Harris. An abstract of the resolutions adopted by the Commission, during its first three sessions, was presented and read. It was ordered that the resolutions of the present session be appended to that abstract, to constitute with that one document. The Commission then Resolved, That, it be referred to Prof. Bache and Mr. Olm- sted to see that the resolution heretofore adopted in regard to the erection of a building for the reception of troops on their arrival at Washington, be fully carried out, and to confer with Mnjor General McClellan and the Secretary of War in re- gard tliereto. . The Committee on measures for supplying the Volunteer forces with competent officers reported in writing. .The report was accepted, and referred back to the Committee to revise as their judgment may determine, and that they are hereby authorized to publish the same as a document of this Commission. Resolved, That the Commission has reason to believe that personal visits from the Governors of States, and other eminent men, with words of sympathy, encouragement, and well-de- served praise, are of most essential service, and that the Com- mission suggests that the regimental bands should be instructed to give occasional concerts to the soldiers ; that dress parade shall be held in Pennsylvania avenue, to be attended by mem- bers of the Cabinet and high officials ; and that when it is 42 convenient tlie position of the troops shall be shifted to distant points; and that, so far as practicable and consistent with offi- cial propriety, the officers of the General Government sliall continue to show a daily personal interest in the welfare of tlie troops. Resolved, That the thanks of the Commission are due to Dr. Harris for his devotion to the interests of the Commission, and for the zeal and fidelity witli which lie has discharged his duties ; and that the office of Corresponding and Recording Secretary is hereby \inited to the duties of the Resident Secre- tary. The President offered the following resolutions, which were passed : 1st. Resolved, That the members of the Sanitary Commis- sion, resident at Washington, be a Committee to call at an early day upon Major General McClellan and assure him of their desire to co-operate with him in every possible manner in securing the good dfscipline, health, and efficiency of the troops ; also to explain to him the ends and methods of the Commission, and ask a favorable consideration, his frank counsel, and his powerful assistance in the objects of the Com- mission. 2d. Resolved, That the same Committee be instructed to obtain from the General, if possible, the direction of the Receiv- ing Depot for the troops, subject to understood conditions of receiving it. Resolved, That Resolution 15 be, and hereby is rescinded, and that it be ordered that when important defects or mismanage- ment affecting the sanitary condition of any regiment, shall be reported by the Inspectors, the facts shall be communicated to the Governors of the States, from which the officers shall have received their appointment, unless the information shall appear to have been furnished to the Commission confidentially. Resolved, That Dr. Harris is hereby requested to visit the Military Depots at Albany, Elmira, and Harrisburg, for the purpose of sanitary inspection and improvement of tlieir condi- tion, and the troops assembled at those places, and to report upon the same at the next meeting of the Commission. 48 Resolved, Tliai tiic Coiniuissiou recoj^nizes no official relation with any person except the officers of tlie Government, and its own associates and employees. Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission Iiave observed with great satisfaction, during their official visits to the General Hospitals, the intelligent devotion of the Medical Officers of the Army to their respective duties, and tlie commendable suc- cess with which they have commenced the organization of Mili- tary Hospitals, under extraordinary difficulties. Passed and ordered to be sent to the Medical Bureau. The Commission adjourned to meet at Washington on the fourth Tuesday in August. Tiie following resolution was adopted previous to adjourn- ment: Resolved,, That, the report from the Committee on the preser- vation of Records of Deaths and Interments, be accepted and recommitted to the chairman of the committee, with directions to procure the adoption of a plan for such registration. Wednesday, August 7, 1861. A meeting of tlie members of the Advisory Committee present in Washington, was to be held by agreement at the Office, August 7, at 8 p. m., notice was duly given to each. At the hour named the following members were present — Prof. Baclie and Mr. Olmsted. It was agreed that a letter of Dr. Howe, on the economic management of military forces, sliould be printed as a document of the Commission, especially as to the Receiving Depot. At 9 o'clock the committee adjourned. 44 Wednesday, August 14, 1861. A meeting of tlie members of the Advisory Committee was called for 8 o'clock, p. m. Between that time and 9 o'clock, the following members assembled: Prof, Bache, Col. Cullum, Dr. Wood, and Mr. Olmsted. No formal business was transac- ted. FIFTH SESSION. The fifth session of the Sanitary Commission was held at their room in the Treasury building, Washington, on Thursday, Sep- tember 5, 1861, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present— Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., President, Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer, Frederick L, Olmsted, Secretary Rt. Rev. Thos. M. Clark, Prof. A. D, Bache, Prof. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. J. S. Newberry, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Harris, Dr. Agnew. The minutes of the last meeting of the Commission were read and approved. The minutes of two meetings of the Advisory Committee held since August 1st, were also read. Resolved, That it be referred to a special committee consist- ing of the President, Bishop Clarke, and Mr. Olmsted, to make arrangements for the systematic visitation by the Commission, of the camps in and about Washington. Resolved, That the meetings of the Commission during its present session be held daily at 10 o'clock, a. ra., and at half- past seven, p. ra., unless otherwise specially ordered. The Treasurer presented his report, dated September 3d, which was read and referred to an Auditing Committee, to con- sist of Prof. Bache and the Secretary. Resolved, That the same committee, with the Treasurer, be instructed to prepare a financial scheme for the curreitt year, commencing on the 12th June last. The Secretary's report was read. Resolved, That the report be accepted and referred to a com- mittee, consisting of the President, Bishop Clark, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Van Buren, and Dr. Gibbs. 46 Resolved, That tlie relations of the Womans' Central Relief Association to tiie Commission, be referred to the Committee on the Secretary's report. Resolved, That Dr. Tripler, U. S. A., Medical Director of the Department of tlie Potomac, be notified b}' the Secretary of the time and place of the meetings of the Commission, and invited to attend them. The report of Rev. F. N. Knapp, Inspector, was read, and referred to the Committee on the Secretary's report. The report of Dr. J. Foster Jenkins on the General Hos- pitals in Washington and its vicinity, was read, and, on motion, referred to the same committee. The meeting was then adjourned until half-past seven, p. m. .Treasury Building, September 5, 1861, 7|, p. m. Present— Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer, Frederick L. Olmsted, Secretary, Rt. Rev. T. M. Clark, Prof. A. D. Bache, Prof. Wolcott Gibbs. Lt. Col. Cul- lum, U. S. A., Dr. R. C. Wood, U. S. A., Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Tripler, U. S. A., Medical Director of the Department of the Potomac, was present by invitation. Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission earnestly urges upon the Secretary of War the immediate erection in this vicinity of temporary hospital buildings, suflicient to accommodate fifteen thousand beds, and that Drs. Van Buren and Agnew, be a com- mittee to wait upon the Secretary and explain to him the grounds of this suggestion. Resolved, That General McClellan be requested to co-operate in obtaining this order from the War Department, and that the Medical Director of the Army of the Potomac be invited to accompany the committee for this Commission in their applica- tion to the Secretary of War. Adjourned to Friday, the 6th inst., at 10 a. m. 47 Treasury BuildinCx, Friday, September 6, 1861. Piirsiiaiit to adjoui-ninent, the Commission met at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Strouo-, Esq., Treasurer, Frederick L. Olmsted, Secretary, Rt. Rev. Tlios. M. Clark, Prof. Baclie, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Van Biiren, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris. Tiie minutes of tlie meetings of the 5t]i Sept. were read and appi-oved. Dr. Van Buren, on behalf of the Committee on Hospitals, presented their printed report, dated July 31, 1861, which was, on motion, accepted and ajiproved, and it was on motion, ordered that copies be officially sent to the proper authorities. The committee on the Secretary's Report repoi-ted, verbally, a recommendation that the report made yesterday by Rev. F. N. Knapp, be printed as a document of the Commission, and that copies be farnislied to the daily papers; whicii recommendation was, on motion, adopted. Dr. Harris, on behalf of the committee appointed to devise means for preserving records of the death and place of inter- ment of soldiers, reported in writing. Dr. Newberry presented a verbal report of the result of his visitation and inspection of Western camps. The Secretary presented returns from Dr. Wm. P. Buel, of of the sanitary condition of seven regiments, visited and inspected by him at Rolla, Missouri. On motion, it was Resolved, That Dr, Newberry be requested to reduce to writing, at his convenience, his verbal report on the condition of Western camps, with such other facts as the accompanying documents may disclose, and that the same be printed by the Commission. Mr. Olmsted reported that he had addressed a communication to the Governors of all the loyal States, calling their attention to the importance of more rigorous inspection of the physical 48 condition of persons offering to enlist, together with answers received from the executive departments of certain of those States. Mr. Agnew also reported a communication from Dr. Aigner, at Cairo, in regard to the qualifications of western surgeons, and as to the means employed by tlie Western States to ascertain the qualifications of persons applying for medical positions in the army. On motion, it was Resolved, That the subject of the inspection of Volunteers, be referred to a committee of three. Mr. Strong, Dr. Agnew, and Dr. Gibbs were appointed such committee. Resolved, That Mr. Strong, Bishop Clark, Prof. Baclic, and Dr. Newberry, be appointed a committee to nominate additional Associate Members, and to revise the list of Associate Members as ]»rinted. Resolved, That this committee be requested to define the rela- tions of the Associate Members to the Commission, and to propose some scheme for making them practically useful in promoting the ends of the Commission. On motion, the meeting was adjoured to the evening of the same day, at half-past seven o'clock, p. m. Treasury Building, Friday, "Sept. 6, 1861. Pursuant to adjournment, the Commission met at 7. SO p. m. Present — Rev, Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer, Fred. Law Olmsted, Secretary, Bishop Clark, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Newberry, Prof. Bache, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Wood, U. S. A., Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Harris, Col. Cullum. On motion, it was Resolved, That a committee be appointed to wait on the Pay- master General and ascertain whetlier advantage has been taken of the late act of Congress in regard to allotment of soldiers' pay. 40 Tho Prcsidont, willi Pi'of. Baclie, Mr. Oliiistod. and Mr. Sfroiio-. were appointed such coinmittee. Mr. Olmsted presented rctnrns from lil'ty-sovcn re<>inients, from wliicli it appears that ten of their medical officers have been appointed witiiont passing any examination, and it further stated that this fact Imd been reported to the Medical Director of tliis De[)artment. Prof. Bache offered the followinu' preamble and I'esolntion, which were adopted : Whereas, tlie sanilnry condition of the Volunteer forces depends mninly on the discipline imposed amonu' them and on the confidence they i-epose in tlieir officers: Resolved, Tlmt it be referred to a connnittee to inquire and report wiietlier it is expedient to recommend to tlie War Depart- ment to constitute, under the law. a system of extended and thorouo-Ji (waminations to test the qualifications and capacity of volunteer officers, with a view to the selection of those who are found best qualified for the service. Resoh'ed, That the same committee be instructed to report a plan for creating a National Reserve force to the Prussian Landwehi', which could be recommended to the Governors of States, and a,dopted by towns and neighborhoods throughout tlie loyal States. On motion, tlie appointment of this committee was left to the Chair, to be announced at the next meeiing of the Commis- sion. On motion, tlie meeting was adjourned to Saturday, Sept. 7, at 10 a. m. Treasury Buildinc;, Saturday, September 7, 1861. Pursuant to adjournment, tliB Commission met at 10 a. m. Present-r-Rev. PI, W. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer, Frederick L. Olmsted, Secretary, Bishop Clark, Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry, Prof. Bache, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Agiiew, and Dr. Van Bnren. 7 50 The minutes of the meeting- of the 6tii inst. were read and approYed. ^fr. Olmsted reported a copy of an ordoi- issncd liy ^^Fodical Director of the Army of the Potomac, dated Sept. G, appointing a board of examination of tlie capacity and qualilication of medical officers of the Volunteer regiments. Dr. Gibbs oflered the following resolution: Resolved, That in view of the great amount of poverty and distress which must be anticipated in our cities during the ensu- ing winter, and which even now is beginning to be severely felt in particular places, the Sanitary Commission earnestly recom mends to the different charitable associations to take immediate steps to meet the exigencies which aroun]ia])pily cerlain to arise, believing that the wisest foresight, the most intelligent compre- hension of the peculiar circumstances and difficulties of our present position, the most active ami energetic charity, and the most judicious liberality, must specially be imi)eratively de- nmnded; the Commission especially urges attention to the neces- ,sity of joint action on the part of the different charitable ass^^ci- ations in the same city or district, and to the importan-co of unilorm, comprehensive, and well sustained efforts to aid the families of the volunteers and all whom the war has deprived of the means of subsistence, and finally, to the danger of receiv- ing and organizing pauperism by injudiciously bestowed and unreflecting charity. On motion, it was Resolved, That this resolution be refered to a committee to be appointed, of which the President shall be chairman. The Chairman appointed Dr. Harris, Bishop Clarke, and the Secretary, as the other members of the committee. Dr. Harris presented a report on disinfectants for camps and hospitals, and otTered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That Prof. Gibbs, as Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry, be requested to report to the Commission at each stated session, the results of such inquiries and observations as be may make respecting improved processes of disinfection or 51 clounsiiii;' by inetliods adapted to the wants of camps, lio.s[iitals, and transports. Dv. xVi>'no\v, on behalf of the Committee a])pointed to visit the Medical Piirveyoi' and ascertain what supplies of hospital and medical stores had been provided to meet the contingency of a gi'cat sudden demand growing out of an engagement on a large scale, reported that they had called on the Medical Pur- veyor, that there was a deficiency of such supjdies, and no pros- pects of an immediate increase of them. Resolved. That this report be printed forthwith, and that copies be sent to the President of the United States, the Secre- tary of War, the Medical Director of the Army of the Potomac, Lt. Gen'l Scott, Gen'l McClellan, and the Surgeon General, Dr. Agnew ro[)ortcd a dis[)atch received I'rom New York, t-how- iiig that fifteen New York regiments had left the State without medical examination. Resolved, 'J'hat Dr. Agnew be I'cquested to communicate this fact to Dr. Tripler, U. S. A. 'On motion of Dr. Agnew, ' Resolved, That the U. S. Sanitary Commission respectfully represent to Dr. Tripler, the Medical Director, the urgent necessity of supplying quinine as a prophylactic in such camps as are situated in malarious regions or give evidence of incipient malarious diseases. Resolved, That tlic medical members of tlie Commission, with Dr. Van Biircn as cirairman, be requested to prepare a digest of the existing knowledge concerning the use of quinine as a prophylactic. On motion of Mr. Olmsted, Resolved, That his report as Secretary, made on the 5th inst., Le recommitted to him. The President announced the appointment of Prof. Bache. Col. Cidhim, Dr. Newberry, Prof. Gil)l)s, Dr. Agnew, and Mr. Olmsted, as the committee on Prof. Bache's resolution adopted last evening; and committee on pauperism arising from the war, the President, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Plarris, Mr. Strong, Bishop Clark, and Mr. Olmsted. )Resolved, 'J'hat the Treasurer and Secretary be requested to 52 report to tlie Conunission a scheme for keeping- tlie linaiicial accounts of the Commission. Adjourned for half :in ]iour. The Commission resumed its session at half past two. Present as before, and inlbrmaJly discussed a scheme of operations and apj)ointments. Resolved, That ('ommittoe on Treasurer's uccount be dis- charaed. Adjourned to Monday, l)th inst., at 12 ni. Treasury Building, Monday, September 9, 18GI. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Stron^^, Treasurer, Fred. Law Olmsted, Secretary, Rt. Rev. Thos. M. €lark. Lt. Col. Cullum, Prof. Bache, Dr. C. R. Agnew, Dr. W. H. Van Buren, Dr. E. Harris, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs. The minutes of the meeting of Saturday, 7th inst.. wei-e read, amended, and approved. Resolved, Tliat tlie President be requested to address a letter to Mnjor. General McClellan, usking an interview on business of the (commission. Mr, Olmsted reported a communication from the executive department of Mass., in regard to medical inspection. The President read a communication from Robt. Colly er, Camp Inspector, in regard to the alarming condition of the 2d Regiment Michigan Volunteers, arising from absence of officers, insufficient clothing, &c. Resolved, That the facts be forthwith communicated by the President to Gen. McClellan, and that Mr. Collyer be requested to report to the Commission sijecially, from time to time, as to the condition of that regiment. Dr. Chamberlain, Surgeon of the lOth Mass. Regt., reported certain facts in regard to the prevalence of malarial disease in that regiment at Bright wood, and as to the use of prophy- lactics. 53 Re^oh-a" in the camp of tliat re^imont. liesolved, Tliat Mr. Knapp's rcjiort lie accei)ted and j)laced on file. A communication to ^Mr. Knapp from Wihler T)\vi,<>-lit, Mnjor of 2(1 ^rassaehusetts Volunteers, stationed in Maryland, as to defects in commissariat, was read. Besolved, That Dr. Jenkins and Dr. Douo:las, be requested to enter in their respective duties. Resolved, Tliat a copy of Mnjor Dwio-ht's letter, properly endorsed, be sent to General McCiellan's headquarters. Dr. Bellows presented the rei)ort of the committee lo whoin tlic suliject of the relations of the Commission witii the Womans' Central Relief Association of New York was referred, which report was accepted and a(loi)ted. Resolved,, That the Womans' Central Relief Association of New York, is hereby, at its own generous instance, constituted an auxiliary l)ranch of the Sanitary Commission, retaining", however, full power to conduct its own affairs in all respects, independently of the Commission, neither the Commission nor the Association being in any way responsible for any pecuniary liabilities or obligations, except such as are contracted for by itself or its authorized agents. Resolved, That the Assistant Secretary communicate in writing semi-weekly, with (he Womans' Central Relief Association, keep- ing it regularly informed of the wants of the Army, and the expectations of the Commission from that source of supply. In regard to the report of Dr. Jenkins, as to the condition of the General Hospitals in this vicinity, the same committee reported that it affords evidence of the full and conscientious discharge of his duty by Dr. Jenkins, and of the great benefit which has followed the measures adopted and recommended 1)}' the Commission in behalf of the sick. On the recommendation of the committee, it was Resolved, That Dr. Jenkins's report be published in one of the leading medical journals of the country. Resolved, That all stores in the basement of the Treasury building be forthwith removed to the storehouse. of the Com- r>6 mission, and that dry ijoods of no desc^-iption 1x3 sforod there for the future. Resolved, That whereas the Commission isconvineed that the seeds of neglect and disease arc extensively sown in the r(^cruit- ing stations of the Army in all cities and towns throughout' the (;ounti-y; and whereas, the o])portunities of enforcing correct sanitary habits, and communicating judicious suggestions, can be readily and nbnndantly afforded at these stations, therefore the (/ommission earnestly solicits the co-operation of all its associate members in the neig*hl)orhood of recruiting posts and stations, in enforcing sanitary regulations on officers and men. Resolved. That the Secretary be instructed to appoint local insjiectors at the several recruiting stations, to serve without compensation, and to inquire into the wants and sanitary con- dition of i-ecruits, and to report I'rom time to time to the Com- mission. Resolved, That the Rev, Francis Williams be. and he liereby is, ajjpointed such Sanitary Inspector at the recruiting station at Brattleboro, Vermont. Resolved, That the thanks of the Commission are dne,- and liereby tendered to Dr. Edwin M. Snow, of Providence, R. I., one of its associate members, for his generous and efficient exertions in aid of its objects; and that a copy of this re>^olutiou be communicated to him by the Secretary. Resolved, That the present session of the Commission termi- nate to-morrow night, Wednesday lltli inst. The Committee on Allotments of Soldiers' Pay, reported that they had had a, conference with the Paymaster General, and that in his judgment an army allotment system, like that existing in the Navy, was impracticable. The meeting then adjourned to this evening, at 8 p. m. Treasury Building, Tuesday, September 10, 8 p. m. The Coiiimii^siou met pursuant to adjournment, at the above hour. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T, Strong, Esq., Treasurer, Fred. Law Olmsted, Esq., Secretary, Rt. Rev. T. M. Clark, Col. Cullum, Dr. Wood, Dr. Ag-now, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Gibbs. Dr. Tripler was also present. The consideration of the Secretary's report was resumed. Prof. Bache, one of the committee to wliom the report was last evening referred, not being present, no action was taken on the subject, but after full discussion it was Resolved, To make the report the special business for to-mor- row at 8 p. m. The meeting was then adjourned to the 11th inst., at 10 a. m. Treasury Buildin(;. Wednesday, September 11, 1861. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment, at 10 a. m. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Strong, Esq. Treasurer, Fred. Law Olmsted, Esq., Secretary, Rt. Rev. T. M. Clark, Prof. Bache, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry. Dr. Newberry presented ids report on the sanitary condition of Western troops. Resolved, That Dr. Newberry be requested to furnish a copy of the report to the Secretary, and that the same be printed and distributed as a document of the Commission. Resolved, That Mr. Olmsted's report be confidentially printed forthwith, for tlie use of the members of tiie Commission. Dr. Harris presented a repoi't on the subject of Military Hos- pitals. Resolved, tmanimously. That the report of Dr. Harris be referred to the Committee on Inquiry. 58 The following preamble and resolution were offered: Whereas, it appears that Dr. , of Baltimore, Maryland, an associate member of the Commission, has publicly, committed himself in hostility to the further prosecution of efforts to maintain our national unity: Therefore, Resolved, 'I'hat the appointment of Dr. as such associate member, be, and the same hereby is, rescinded and revoked, and that his name be dropped from the list of associate members of the Commission. And the same was unanimously adopted. Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be communicated by the Secretary to the Surgeon General, to General Dix. and to Prof. J. H. Alexander, of Baltimore, an associate member of the Commission. On motion, the meeting adjourned to 8 p. in. Treasury Building, Sept. 11, 1861, Wednesday, 8 p.- m. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment, at the above hour. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer, Fred. Law Olmsted, Esq., Secretary, Rt. Rev. T. M. Clark, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. Wood, U. S. A., Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris, Dr. Agnew, Col. CuUum, U. S. A., Maj. Shiras, U. S. A., Prof. Bache, Dr. Van Buren. Dr. Triplcr, U. S. A., was also present. A communication was read by Dr. A^an Buren from Dr. Suck- ley, on duty at the Sanitary Hospital at Alexandria, asking the Commission to provide a male nurse for that hospital, and also, that quinine bitters be supplied for his convalescent patients. Resolved, That this application be referred to the Secretary, with power. Mr. Olmsted offered the following resolutions: Resolved^ That the Committee of Inquiry be requested to 59 prepare a report to the Cominissioii on the moral and sanitary influences resulting- in the demoralization observed among the troops of the Department in the latter part of July, and that the report of the Secretary be referred to that committee. Resolved., That the Committee on Inquiry be requested, also, to report how far the causes contributing to the demoralization of tiie troops still exist; and how far, and in what way, they may be modiHed or removed. Resolved, That Prof. Bache be added lo the committee. Resolved., That the resolution that the present session of the Commission terminate this evening be rescinded. The meeting was then adjourned to the next day at 10 o'clock, a. m. Treasury Building, Thursday, Sept. 12. 1861. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment, at 10 a. m. Present — ^Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer, Fred. Law Olmsted, Esq., Secretary, Rt. Rev. T. M. Clark, Prof. A. D. Bache, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris, Dr. Van Buren. Dr. Agnew, Dr. Gibbs. Dr. Douglas presented his report on the Annapolis hospital. Ordered, That the report be accepted and placed on file. Resolved, That an abstract of the report of Dr. Douglas on the military hospital at Annapolis, be presented fo the Medical 'Bureau, and that the Sanitary Commission earnestly recommend the removal of the Surgeon having charge of that institution, and the appointment of a competent officer in his place. The President laid before the Commission a communication from C. H. Laub, U. S. Medical Purveyor, stating that the supply of bandages was exhausted, or would be so, before those ordered from New York could be received, and asking for a supply from the Commission. The Secretary reported that bandages had been sent by him to the Medical Purveyor. 'I'he Commission considered and adopted a communication to the War Department. The meeting was then adjourned to 1 p. m. 60 Treasury Building. Thursday, Sept. 12, 1861. The Commission met piirsnant to iidjounimeut at 8 o'clock, p. m. Present — Rev. H, W. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Stronp'. Esq., Treasurer, Fred. Law Olmsted, Esq., Secretary, Major Shiras, U. S. A., Prof. A. D. Baclie, Dr. Wood, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris. Pi'of. Bache, from the examination of newly appointed officers from civil life, and on the organization of a reserve force, made a report in part. Resolved, That the report of a committee on examination of officers, is adopted as the report of this Commission, and that a copy be presented to Major General Georg-e B. McClellan, U. S. A., commanding the Army of the Potomac, asking that the plan be put into execution, if approved by him under the law, as early as practicable. Resolved, That the report be accepted and the resolution adopted. Resolved., That the portion of the i-eport which relates to the organization of reserves, be referred to the Committee on Inquiry, with Prof. Bache as Chaii-man, and with the addition of Col. Cullum and Major Shiras. Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission urge the adoption on the part of the several State Legislatures of a uniform system of medical examination for military service. And that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Governors of the several loyal States. Mr. Olmsted offered the i'ollowing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. Resolved, That the Sanitai-y Commission considers that the source of danger to health, from which most is now to be appre- hended, and wiiich it seems practicable to remove or greatly and rapidly abate, is the want of ventilation in tents; and that the Connnission most respectfully request of tlie Quarter- master General that some method be adopted which shall be 61 applicable, and which shall at once be applied to the tents in use, to secure their ventilation, and that such method should not require the introduction of fresh air at the bottoms of the tents. Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission respectfully sug-g-est that it would be of advantage to the health of the troops if Government supplied and required of each man that he should retain and use suitable appliances for cleaning clothing, leather, plates, and buttons, together witii a hair brush and tooth brusli, and towel, all adapted to be carried compactly in the knapsack. Besolved, That the Sanitary Commission observe witii regret that a deticieiicy srill exists with many regiments of Volunteers, in blnidvcts, shirts, socks, shoes, and head gear, and asks that strenuous efforts be made to anticipate, invite, and facilitate, as well as to meet requisitions for these articles, also, that stren- uous efforts be made to prevent or to punish the sale or barter of their clothing by volunteers. An application for the purchase of wooden legs for maimed soldiers was received and laid on the table. Dr. Harris offered the following resolution, which was adopted: ReHolvt'd, That the Sanitary Commission has learned with satisfaction that the plan proposed by them for the preservation of full and accui-ate records of deceased soldiers, and the proper desiu'iiation of their graves, has been adopted and ordered by the War Depai-tment, Be'^olrrd, Tlutt the Secretary and Assistant Seci-etary of tliis Commission are hercliy directed to use all proper influences to insure the faithful observance of the regulations that have been thus oi'dered. On motion of Dr. Gibbs, Jifsolved, That all reports adopted by the Commission, or ac- cepted and referred to committees, are the property of tlie Commission, and cannot be withdi-awn without a special vote. On motion of Mr. Olmsted, it was Resolved, That tiie Sanilary Commission having, from the privilege accorded to it by the War Department, peculiar ad- vantages for observing tlu; condition of the troops, congratulates 62 the Governniei)t and the country upon the inii)rovement which it finds taking place in tlie Army, and in everything relating to the Arm}'. This improvement includes not only the more immediate conditions of health, but the provisioning and sup- plying of the Army, its discipline and morale. It is now a general rule that the men of the Army of tlie Poto- mac are well fed, and in fine health and spirits; the officers are giving diligent attention to their duty, and are gaining the con- fidence of their men. To this general rule there are not many exceptions, and the number is lessening. The Commission tes- tifies to this from recent personal observation of the Army of the Potomac, of its members, but it has received general satis- factory reports from its agents in the Western Armies. The Commission also wis les to acknowledge the remliness, heartiness, and courtesy witli which its suggestions have been received by the Secretary of War, by the Generals commanding eacli Department, and by all the officers of the volunteer forces. The Commission desires further to express itsgrat/ful a!)[)re- ciation of the liberality and promptness of the public response to its call for inaterial and pecuniary aid in its efforts to add to the appliances avaihible for the care and comforting of the sick and wounded. On motion, Beaolved, That the Treasurer be autliorized to pay Theodore Millespaugh the sum of $19, C. J. Brown $32, and Edward Curtis $48.90 for services rendered as surgical dressers, at re- quest of the Medical Department, after the battle of July 21. Dr. Harris presented a report on tlie condition of the camps in the neighborhood of tlie cities of New York and Philadel- phia. Remlved, That this report be accepted and placed on file. Resolved, That the report of Mr. Knapp on the condition of the Soldiers' Home, l)e printed as a document of the Commis- sion, with such additions as he may be able to make up to tlie date of publication. The Committee on Associate Members made the following: rei)ort : The Committee on Associate Members respectfully report the 63 following named gentlemen as desirable Associate Members of the Commission, viz : Jnbn Bell, M. D., Philadelphia. Joseph I*'. Collins, New York. John Neal, M. D., Philadelphia. Laurens P. Hickok, D. D., Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. F. P. Handy, Cleveland, Ohio. Joseph Perkins, Cleveland, Ohio. A. Stone Jr., Cleveland, Ohio. AUeyn Maynard, M. D., Cleveland, Ohio. J. W. Andrews. Columbus, Ohio. S. M. Smith, M. D., Columbus, Ohio. Joseph SulUvant, Columbus, Ohio. E. S. Lane. M. D., Sandusky, Ohio. Wm. Pierson, Sandusky, Ohio. Hon. Geo. Hoadley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hon. Thos. Ewing, Lancaster, Ohio. President Andrews, Marietta, Ohio. Hon. Wm. A. Buckingham, Norwich, Conn. John McCall, M. D., Utica, N. Y. Austin Flint, M. D., New York. Rev. Francis W. AVilliams, Brattleboro'. Vt. They also recommend that it be referred to the President and Dr. Newberry as a committee, with power during the recess of the Commission to appoint such additional Associate Mem- bers from the Western States, or elsewhere, as they may deem expedient, and that the names of such new associates be re- ported to the Secretary as soon as practicable, with instructions to print and distribute a new and complete list. - Also, that it be referred to the same committee, with power to address communications to individual Associate Members in the several loyal States, urging them to take steps to arrange auxiliary associations in aid of the purposes of the Commission. All which is respectfully submitted. (Signed) GEO. T. STRONG. J. S. NEWBERRY. A. D. BACHE. Sept. 10, 1861. " THOMAS M. CLARK. 64 On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted. The Special Auditing Committee appointed on the 5th inst. reported that the present mode of keeping tlie accounts of the Commission appeared to be satisfactory. Resolved, Tiiat the next session commence on the third Tues- day of October next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in the city of Wash- ington. Adjourned. SIXTH SESSION. The Saiiitarv Ooniinission oyxMied its sixth session at Wasli- ington, in their new (luarters, the Adams house, No. 24:4 F street, on Tuesday, Oct. 15, ISOl, at 10 o'clock, a. \n. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasure!-, Fred. Law Olmsted, Esq.,- Secretary, Di*. Harris, Dr. Van IJuren, Dr. S. G. Howe, Dr. Gibl)S, and Dr. Agnew. Resolved^ That the President be requested, forthwith, to ad- dress a communication to the President of the United States, the Secretary of War, Major General McClellan, the Surgeon Genei'al, and the Quartermaster General, notifying them of the commencement of the session, and earnestly asking for an early int(M-vie\v with tliem. severally, for conference on the sanitary interests of the Army, and on tlie business l)efore the Commis- sion. Mr. Olmsted i-eported the result of correspondence and con- ference, since the last meeting of the Commission, with Major General McClellan and tlie Secretary of War, on the subject of an ambulance corps, of liospital extension, and other unfinished business of the last session, including a report from Dr. Tripler, Medical Director U. S. A., on the urgent necessity for increased hospital accommodation. Eesolved, That the report of the Committee on Hospital Ex- tension be [)rinted as a document of the Commission, under the direction of that committee, with such additional matter as the committee may deem expedient BesoJved, That Dr. Tri})ler and Gen, Van Vliet be invited to attend the meeting of the Commission this evening at 8 p. ni. 9 66 On iiiotioii. Resolved, That David A. Wells, Esq., of Troy, N. Y., and Hon. Henry B. Rogers, of Brooklinc, Mass., be elected Associ- ate Members of the Commission, and be invited to attend the meeting- and advise with the Commission. Resolved, That the Commission adopt and approve the appeal for supplies, &c., to the " Loyal Women of America," issued by the Secretary during the recess. The report of the Womens' Central Relief Association in New York, was presented, and on motion, it was Resolved, That it be printed as a document of the Commis- sion (No. 32) under the direction of the President. Resolved, That the " Soldiers' Aid Society" of Cleveland, Ohio, is liereby constituted a corresponding branch of the San- itary Commission, and that the Secretary notify that society of the action of the Commission, witii an expression of the sense entertained by the Commission of the importance and value of its services. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to endeavor to organize a like association in the city of Philadelphia, and to see to the affairs of the Sanitary Commission in the State of Pennsylvania. Mr. Horace Binney, Jr., the President, Bishop Clark, and Mr. Strong, were appointed such committee. The President submitted a letter addressed by him to Jas. E. Yeatman, Esq., of St. Louis, making certain propositions on the subject of the sanitary organization there, which was on motion, approved. The Treasurer presented his report from the date of his appointnient ; and, on motion, it was Resolved, That it be accepted, and that it be referred to Drs. Van Burm and Gibbs to examine and audit. An application from Dj-. J. A. Thompson for appointment as Inspector, was rea., General Van Vliet, Quartermaster of the Army of the 68 Potomac, and Dr. Tripler, Medical Director Army of the Poto- mac, were present, and the hospital designs were submitted and discussed. BesoJverJ, That it be referred to a committee of to proceed at once to inquire into a suitable site tor a model hospital in the vicinity of Washington. Drs. Newberry, Van Buren, Ag-new, and Gibbs were appointed such committee. On motion of Bishop Clark, it was Resolved, That Mr. Russell M. Larned, of Providence, R. 1. be appointed an Associate Member and Agent of the Commis- sion for the State of Rhode Island, with authority to receive and forward such articles as may be contributed for the use of the Commission. On motion of Dr. Agnew, it was Resolved, That F. J. Bumstead, M. D., of New York, be elected an Associate Meml^er of the Commission. Adjourned to 8 p. m. The Commission met on Wednesday evening, Oct. 16, at 8 p. ra. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer, F. L. Olmsted, Esq., Secretary, Rt. Rev. T. M. Clark, Dr. R. C. Wood, U. S. A., Dr. Harris, Dr. S. G. Howe, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Agnew. Dr. Tripler was also present. Dr. Van Buren, on behalf of the committee appointed this morning to inquire into the most suitable site for a temporary hospital, reported progress as follows: That they had examined the public ground known as " Judici- ary Square," that it was, on the whole, suitable for that purpose, though not absolutely free from objections; that the committee had visited other points outside the city, wlyich were open to objections for various reasons, and especially Vi account of tlie badness of the roads leading to them during the fall and winter 69 montlis. and that in view of the importance of immediate action, tlie committee recommend that the Connnission report to Gen'l McCiellan that the northern luilf of Judiciary Square is a suit- able site for a temporary hospital. Hesolved, That the report be accepted and adopted, and that Dr. Van Buren be requested to address a communication on behalf of the Commission, to Gen'l Van Vliet, embodying the substance of the report and its recommendation. Dr. Newberry made a verbal report of the result of his ex- amination of the sanitary condition of the Army of the West, at Sj:. Louis and elsewhere. Dr. Tripler reported certain action on the part of the tnili- tary authorities, making it proljable that Government will adopt the ])lan for temporary hospitals submitted by the Commission, and direct the immediate erection of hospitals according to that plan, sufficient to accommodate 5,000 patients, and that more than one site will, in that case, be required. A special report from was read as to the sanitary condition of camps and hospitals in Washington and on the Potomac. Resolved, That Dr. Jenkins's report be accepted and approved, and that the Secretary furnish to the press such portions of it as in his discretion will be of service to the Army. Adjourned till to-morrow at 5 p. m. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment, at 5 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 17. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Geo. T. Strong. Esq., Treasurer, Fred. Law Olmsted, Esq., Secretary, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Wood. U. S. A.. Dr. Agnew. Dr. tlowe. Dr. Newbeny, Dr. Harris, Dr. Van Buren. Dr. Howe and Dr. Harris made a verbal report as to the state of the hospitals at Georgetown, visited to-day. Befiolved, That the Quartermaster General be earnestly recom- n)ended to provide all the old buildings now used as hospitals 70 iu Washinsjrton, Georgetown, Alexandria, and elsewhere, with ample additional means of e-. Thursday, March 6, 1862 — Evening. Tlie Commission met, pursuant to adjournment, at 8 o'clock p. m. Present — Dr. S. G. Howe, Fred. Law Olmsted, Hon. Mark Skinner, Dr. C.R. Agnew, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. Elisha Har- ris, G. T, Strong, Rt. Rev. Thos. M. Clark. In the absence of the President and Vice President, Dr. Howe took the chair. The Secretary read the report of Dr. Edward A. Crane, on the condition of the divisions of General Fitz John Porter and General Smith, forming part of the Army of the Potomac. The minutes of this morning's session were read and ap- proved. The Secretary read the report of Dr. Robert Ware on the condition of the forces at Newport News, Fortress Monroe, Annapolis, and Poolesville. Rev. Dr. Bellows took the chair. The report of Dr. C. D. Griswold, late Inspector of Camps and Hospitals in Western Virginia, was read. Also, a special report from Dr. Griswold on the condition of General Landers's division. The report of Dr. W. M. Chamberlain on the divisions of Generals McDowell, Blenker, Keys and Casey, and certain de- tached regiments and corps, was read. 94 Fkiday, March 7, 1862. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment, at 10 a. m. Present— Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D. D., Rt. Rev. Thomas M. Clark, Fred. Law Olmsted, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. J. S. Newberry, Dr. S. G. Howe, Dr. Elisha Harris, Geo. T. Strong, Hon. Mark Skinner. The minutes of the last evening's session were read and ap- proved. Dr. Newberry, on the part of the Committee on the proceed- ings of the Cincinnati delegation after the engagement at Fort Donelson, reported progress. Resolved^ That the subject be referred back to the commit- tee. A communication from Dr. Antisell, on the present organiza- tion of the Medical Staff was read. A motion was made for the appointment of a committee to make an appeal to the clergy of the loyal States for collections in their respective ciiurches for the aid and relief of the Vol- unteer army through the Sanitary Commission; which was, on motion, laid on the table for future consideration. A motion was made that tiie whole subject of finance be re- ferred to the Executive Committee, with power; which was laid on the table for future consideration. On motion, adjourned to the evening, at 8 p. m. Friday, March 7, 1862 — Evening. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment, at 8 p. ra. Present — Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D. D.; Mr. Parker, Chi- cago; Mr. Blatchford, Chicago; Mr. Schoenberger, Cincinnati; Mr. Baldwin, Cincinnati; Mr. Lars Anderson, Cincinnati; Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. J. S. Newberry, Geo. T. Strong, Dr. Elisha Harris, Hon. Mark Skinner, Rt. Rev. Thos. M. Clark, Dr. S. G. Howe, Fred. Law Olmsted, Dr. C. R.Agnew. 95 The minutes of tlie morning- session were read and approved. Dr. Gibbs, from tlie Committee to inquire into the condition of nnfmished Hospitals on Judiciary Square and the Stone farm, reported verbally that the hospitals are about two-thirds tin- ished — that the Judiciary Square being more advanced than the cue on Ston€ farm. The Committee further reported, that the hospitals al^3 well constructed, but that there are some devia- tions from the original design furnished by the Sanitary Com- mission, which the committee cannot approve; that the con- struction is about to be suspended, on account of an insuflicient supply of lumber, according to the statement of the Superin- tendent, and that it would require about a month to finish the buildings. The report was, on motion, accepted. Resolved, That the Hospital Committee be instructed to call on the Quartermaster General, and call his attention to certain departures from the design furnished by the Commission, and also to urge the immediate completion of the buildings. The Committee appointed to wait on the Secretary of War, reported by their chairman, Dr. Bellows, the result of an inter- yiew with the Secretary this afternoon. Resolved, That 100 copies of the order of Dr. Finley, Surgeon General, of the 15th of June last, and of the order of the Sec- retary of War of this date, confirming the same, be printed, and that the Secretary of the Commission procure the same to be <}ertified as copies, by the proper officer of the War Depart- ment. Dr. Newberry presented a report on the proceedings of the Cincinnati Branch of the Commission after the late battle of Fort Donelson. Resolved, unanimously, That the report be accepted and im- mediately printed under the direction of Dr. Newberry, and circulated as widely as possiple.. Resolved, That letters be addressed to each Branch of the Sanitary Commission, requesting them to raise funds for the central treasury, and that each undertake to provide not less than the following sums per month for the six months next, succeeding the 1st day of April next (unless the Volunteer 96 Army should be sooner disbanded,) viz: the Boston associates, 11,000, to be collected in Massachusetts, Vermont, Now Hamp- shire, and Maine. Providence, $200, Rhode Island ; New Haven, $300, Connecticut; New York, $2,000, New York and New Jersey; Philadelphia, $500, Pennsylvania and New Jersey; Western Associates, |700, Western States. Resolved, That the subject of linance be referred to the Exec- utive Committee with power. Adjourned to Saturdav, 8th inst. at 10.30 a. m. Saturday, March 8, 1802. The Commission met at half-past ten a. m., pursuant to ad- journment. Present — Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D. D., Dr. Van Buren, .Prcd. Law Olmsted, Dr. S. G. Howe, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. C. R. Agnew, Dr. Elisha Harris, Geo. T, Strong, and Dr. Newberry. The Pi'csident laid before the Commission a letter to H. Osborn, President Illinois Central Railroad (^om|)any, convey- ing to him the thanks of the Commission for services and facil- ities liberally furnished it by him; which was, on motion, approved. A bill of Messrs. Wood Bros., of $125.00 for a water cart furnished in August last, was referred to the Executive Com- mittee with power. The minutes of last evening's session were read and approved. Dr. Howe, from Committee on the Treasurer's report, re{)orted that the Treasurer's report was correctly cast, and properly vouched^ and that the balance to the credit of the Commission is therein correctly stated; which report was, on motion, ap- proved. On motion of Dr. Howe, Resolved, That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars be reserved by the Treasurer, and set apart as a publication fund. 97 The vSccrctary laid before the Commission a letter from Dr. Franklin B. Hough, in regard to statistics of wounds. Resolved, That in the judgment of the Commission, the value of the records in the Surgeon General's Office is not sufficient to justify tlic Commission in assuming the expense of ])ublisli- ing an index tliereto. A communication was read from Mr. Elliot in regard to an interview witli the Surgeon General. Resolved, That Mr. Elliot be furnished with a copy of the order of ttie Secretary of War and Surgeon General. Adjourned to tliis evening at 8 p. m. [There was no formal session on tlie evening of March Stli, as was intended, so that the eighth meeting of the Commission virtually closed at the termination of the morning session of March 8, 18G2.] 13 NINTH SESSION. Tuesday, September 16, 1862. Tlic Sanitary Commission opened its ninth session at No. 244 F street, Washington, on the 16tli September, 1862, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present— Rev. H. W. Bellows, President; Rt. Rev. Thos. M. Clark, W, H. Van Buren, M. D., C. R. Agnew, M. D., Wol- cott Gibbs, M. D., G. T. Strong, Brig. Gen. G. W. Cullum, U. _S. A., Horace Binney, Jr. Hon. John J. Clark Hare, Associate Member from Philadel- phia, attended the meeting. liesolved, That any stores of the Commission, taken charge of by the Philadelphia Agency when the hospital transi)oi'Ls of the Commission were turned over to the Government, bo luild and used by the Pliiladeli)hia Agcn(;y at its discretion. licHolvcd, That the subject of hospital inspection be taken up. Dr. Jenkins read his report to the General Secretary; which was, on motion, ai)provod, and referred to Mi*. Olmsted. IiPfiolncd, That a committee, consisting of Dr. A^an Bin-en and Dv. Agnew, with Dr. Jenkins, be appointed to j)repare a scheme of i-egulations for obtaining a daily record of the in- mates of all hospitals in Washington, Alexandria, and George- town. The Treasurer presented his report, dated 10th September, inst., showing a balance in favor of the Commission on that date of $25,733.17, and an aggregate of contributions received since the organization of the Commission of $158,591.80. 99 On motion of Dr. Van Burcn, it was Resolved, That tlio i-eport be accepted and referred to Mr. Biiiney and Prof. Gibbs. On motion of Dr. Agncw, it was Resolved, Tliat the Secretary be directed to address a note to tlie various Branches and Offices of the Sanitary Commission, requesting; tliat a full statement of all the receipts and disburse- ments of money and hospital supplies, up to the Ist instant, be sent to the Washington Office at the earliest moment, with the view of obtaining- a correct i-ecord of the aggregate amount of money and stores passing through the hands of the Commission. Adjourned to this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. September 16, 1862 — Evening. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. Present— llev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., President; Frederick Law Olmsted, Secretary; Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Rt. Rev. Thos. M. Clark, Gen. G. W. Cullum, U. S. A., Dr. W. H. Van Bu- ren, Dr. C. R. Agnew, G. T. Strong. Dr. Hammond, Surgeon General U. S. A., and Dr. Vollum, Medical Inspector U. S. A., and Hon. J. J. C. Hare, attended the meeting. The report of Dr. Chamberlain, on the sanitary history of the advance of the Army of the Potomac to Centreville, March, 1862, was read. The reports of Dr. Hughes and Dr. Crane on the same march were read. The report of Dr. Edward A. Crane, on sanitary and surgical observations in military hospitals after the battle of Winches- ter, 23d March, was read. Resolved, That the Commission wait on General Halleck at 7 p. m., to-morrow. Adjourned to 10 a. m,, to-morrow, the 17th instant. lOo Wednesday, September 17, 1862. The Commission met at 10 o'clock, a. m., pursuant to adjourn- ment. Present — Dr. Bellows, Mr. Olmsted, Bisliop Clark, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Gibbs, Mr. Binney, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris, Hon. Mark Skinner, and Mr. Strong. Tlie President read a letter to be addressed to Major General Halleck; which was amended and approved. Dr. Van Buren rej)ortcd verbally on behalf of the committee on a General Hospital Directory for Washington and its vicin- ity. On motion. Resolved, That the subject be referred to the Executive Com- mittee, with i)Ower. Bishop Clark presented a written report on the condition of the United States Hospital at Portsmouth Grove, P. I., show- ing large payments by the Rhode Island Agency of the Com- mission for the purchase of beds, clothing, and other articles which Government provides under existing regulations. Resolved, That the report be accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from Mr. Collins, Superin- tendent of the New York Agency of the Commission, stating that a schooner-load of fresh vegetaV)les was on its way to New York from Branford, Connecticut, and asking instructions as to its disposition. Resolved, That Mr. Collins be instructed to store the veget- ables, and send them to New Orleans with Dr. Blake by the first Government transport, and tliat he be at liberty to send thera to any other point on the Southern coast, if an earlier o])portu- nity offers. Resolved, That Bisho[) Clark be requested to send to the Ex- ecutive Committee copies of all bills for supplies for the Ports- mouth Grove Hospital which Government is bound to furnish, with certificate of the surgeon in charge tliat such supplies were necessary. Resolved, 'IMiat Bishop Clark be empowered to raise and dis- 101 blirsc money and hospital stores for the benefit of Portsmouth Grove Hospital, and that lie be directed to report monthly to tlie central office of the Commission the extent and character of his labors. Resolved, Tliat Rev. W. H. Hadley be requested to act as collecting agent for the Commission in the States of Vermont and New Hampshire. Resolved, That the tlianks of the Commission arc due, and are hereby tendered, to Rev. W. H. Hadley and Rev. Horatio Stebbins, of Portland, Maine, for their active, untiring, and most successful exertions on behalf of the Commission in the State of Maine. The report of Dr. Chamberlain on the sanitary condition of the Army of the Potomac, from the breaking up of its winter quarters to the 20th July last, was read. A committee on behalf of the New York State Agency of Relief attended the meeting for conference in regard to concert- ed action. Adjourned to this evening, at a quarter before 7-. Evening. The Commission met at 8 p. m., after an interview, by ap- pointment, with Major General Halleck. Present — Rev. Henry W. Bellows, Horace Binney, Jr., Hon. Mark Skinner, Dr. J. S. Newl)crry, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. W. H. Van Bnren, Dr. C. R. Agnew, Dr. Samuel G. Howe, Dr. Eli- sha Harris, Fred. Law Olmsted, and Geo. T. Strong. Dr. Hammond, Surgeon General U. S. A., and Hon. George Hoadley, President of the Cincinnati Associates of the Com- mission, were present. The reading of Dr. Chamberlain's report was resumed. Dr. Douglas read his report of inspection of the military hos- pitnls of Fortress Monroe and its vicinity. Resolved, That Dr. Agnew and Dr. Hai-ris have leave of 102 absence, to proceed to the front of the army under General McClellan, in charge of the suppl}^ wagons sent on l)y the Com- mission to-niglit. Besolved, That it be referred to Dr. Gib))s to make an exami- nation of the tea and coffee issued by the Commissary De])art- ment. Mr. Olmsted submitted telegraphic instructions to Wm. Piatt, Jr., Superintendent of Philadclpliia Agency, in regard to sup- plies; which were approved. Resolved, 'i'liat the Secretary be instructed to take out poli- cies of insurance on the proi)erty in the storcliouses of the Com- mission. Adjourned to to-m()rrov\% 18th inst., at 10 a. m. Thursday, September 18, 1SG2 — Morning. The Conmiission met at 10 a. m., pursuant to adjournment. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Gibbs, Mr. Binney, Judge Skinner, Bishop Clark, Dr. Newberry, Mr. Olm- sted, Dr. Howe, and Mr. Strong. The Surgeon General and Hon. Geo. Hoadley were present. On the report and recommendation of the Executive Com- mittee, Besolved, That it be referred to the President and Secretary to appoint a suitable person to organize a system of hospital visitation and daily registry, and of periodical bulletins of the number, names, &c., of patients in the hospitals of Washington and vicinity. The Secretary reported, that since the commencement of active operations in Maryland and previous to yesterday, five wagons and one railroad car, loaded with supplies, had been sent by the Commission to and beyond Frederick; that six Sur- geons and inspectors of the Commission, with a car-load of sup- plies, were sent on yesterday afternoon; that three wagons left Washington for the front of the army on the Upper Potomac at 103 12 o'clock last iiiglit, with a party ol" eight, in charge of Drs. Agnew and Harris; that a train of army wagons are now load, ing with snpplies, to bo despatched immediately for the battle- field, also by the way of Frederick; that Dr. Crane had been previously stationed at Chambersburg or Hagerstown, with large discretionary powers, to act for the Commission; and that dispatches had been sent to Philadelphia, ordering the purchase of large supplies at that point; that tlicse, with stores forward- ed from the North, should be forwarded to Hagerstown, in charge of Special Agents. Resolved, That stores be sent on from New York and Boston to Philadelphia, and that Philadelphia be the principal depot of the Commission for the present. A report was presented from Mr. Caleb Cope, Treasurer of the Philadelphia Associates, showing a balance now in the treasury of fourteen thousand seven hundred and sixteen dol- lars and fifty-two cents, and an aggregate of receipts by him, as such Treasurer, amounting to thirty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty-four dollars and thirty-eight cents. Dr. Gibbs moved that a committee of three be appointed to examine into and report upon the condition of the hospitals of Judiciary Square and the Stone Farm, and report to the Com- mission during its present session. The Chair appointed Dr. Van Buren, Bishop Clark, and Dr. Gibbs such committee. On motion of Dr. Howe, Resolved, That a committee of be appointed, to consider the expediency of organizing a system of regular examination of the hospitals, and to report to this Commission. The President, Dr. Van Buren, and Mr. Olmsted, were ap- pointed such committee. Resolved, That the counnittee be expected to report to-mor- row. Resolved, That Dr. Newberry be added to the committee. A despatch was received from Dr. Agnew, calling for addi- tional medical supplies and anaesthetic stimulants. Ordered, That additional wagons be hired, if they cannot be obtained from the Quartermaster, and sent on forthwith with 104 the supplies called for, and that one hundred and fifty dollars be sent to Dr. Steiner at Frederick. Adjourned to this evening. Evening. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. Present— Rt. Eev. Thos. M. Clark, Dr. Gibbs, Mr. Binney, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Howe, Mr. Strong. In the absence of the President, Bishop Clark took the chair. The details of the proposed hospital directory system were taken up. Tlie President appeared and took the chair. Resolved., That the Secretary commence the formation of a Hospital Record, commencing it with the hospitals of Washing- ton and its vicinity, and extending it further, as may be found practicable. Dr. Howe presented a report of receipts and expenditures of the Boston Agency of the Sanitary Commission since March 1, 18G2, showing a balance to its credit of four thousand four hundred and forty-four dollars. On motion, the report was accepted, and referred to the Treasurer to audit. Dr. Van Buren presented a report in writing, by Dr. , of New York, on the Judiciary Square hospital, specifying cer- tain serious defects in police, food, &c., and great discontent among the patients. Resolved, That the report be accepted, and a copy be laid before the Surgeon General, with a note, stating that its author is a hospital surgeon of eminence in New York. Resolved, Tliat Dr. be requested to visit and report on the condition of the Stone Farm Hospital, and that the commit- see heretofore appointed for that purpose be discharged. A communication was received from the representatives of the Consolidated Association of the Soldiers' State Relief 105 » Agency; and, after discussion, the further consideration there- of was postponed. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to wait on General Halleck to-morrow, to obtain an answer to the propo- sitions made to him on Wednesday evening last; and that, in case of a favorable answer, the Commission will wait on the President thereafter. Dr. Bellows, Judge Skinner, and Bishop Clark were appoint- ed such committee. Dr. Bellows, on behalf of the Committee on Hospital Inspec- tion, reported progress; -and submitted a plan for the employ- ment of civil surgeons of eminence, for periods of not less than a fortnight nor more than a month, at a rate of compensation not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars per month, and the form of a circular letter, inviting surgeons to enter the service of the Commission as hospital inspectors on these terms. Resolved, That the general recommendations of the report be approved, and the expenditure involved in its execution authorized, under the direction of the Executive Committee. Adjourned till 10 a. m. to-morrow. Friday, September 19, 1862 — Morning. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Howe, Judge Skinner, Mr. Binney, Bishop Clark, and Mr. Strong. The committee appointed to confer with Major General Hal- leck reported the result of an interview with him. The Treasurer reported that he had audited and examined Dr. Howe's report of the Boston Agency of the Commission, the accounts connected with it, and the vouchers therefor, and found the balance to be correct, and all items of expenditure properly vouched. On motion, the report was accepted and adopted. 14 106 . Mr. Olmsted presented a report on the general operations of the Commission since the last meeting, showing 1,008 inspec- tions of regiments up to the present time. Mr. Knapp presented a report on operations on the Penin- sula connected with the transport service. Information was received from General Tyler, through Hon. Mark Skinner, that the enemy is retreating across the Potomac, and that General McClellan is in active pursuit. The Commission adjourned for five minutes, and the reading of Mr. Knapp's report was thereupon resumed. Resolved, unanimously^ That the thanks of the Commission be communicated by the Secretary to Colonel Ingalls, U. S. A., Captain Sawtelle, U. S. A., for their humane and active co- operation with the agents of this Commission in their labors on the Peninsula. Dr. Douglas read a report on the effect of the campaign of the Peninsula on the sanitary condition of the Army of the Po- tomac, and submitted a table showing results of inspection of 137 regiments. Adjourned to this evening at seven o'clock. Evening. The Commission met at 7 p. m., pursuant to adjournment. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Judge Skinner, Mr. Olmsted, Mr. Binney, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Newberry, Mr. Strong. Mr. Olmsted presented a report by Mr. Elliott, the Actuary of the Commission, on the Tabulation of Camp Inspection Re- turns. Also, a report from Dr. Page, on the distribution of fresh vegetables and other like supplies, by the Commission, at Har- rison's Landing. Mr. Wm. E. Hagan, of Troy, was unanimously elected an Associate Member of the Commission. The subject of a medal, to be awarded by the Commission for 107 special services, and of raising a special fund for that purpose, was referred to the Executive Committee, with power. Dr. Bellows, from the committee appointed to inquire into the subject of relief to disabled soldiers, reported progress ; tha.t the committee had collected evidence on the subject, and had appointed Stephen Perkins, Esq., of Boston, a special agent to investigate institutions for that purpose in Europe ; and re- ported also a letter of instructions to Mr. Perkins. Besolved, That the letter of instructions be printed for tlie private use of Members of the Commission, with leave to dis- tribute the same as they may think judicious. That the subject be referred back to the committee; that Prof. Bache be added to the committee; and that the committee be instructed to con- sider the question of an application to Congress on the subject. On motion of Dr. Gibbs, it was unanimously Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission owes it to itself and to the benevolent and patriotic community of which it is the organ, to give expression to its api)reciation of the self-sacri- ficing, devoted, and heroic exertions of Dr. J. M. Grymes in the care of sick and wounded soldiers, in the transports and in the Soldier's Home, and in all the offices of humanity which have devolved upon him during his connection with the Com- mission. Besolved, That the Sanitary Commission tenders to Dr. Grymes its warmest thanks, its most sincere acknowledgment of his eminent services, and the assurance of its earnest wishes for the restoration of his health and the continuance of his noble and useful labors. Mr. Binney, on behalf of the committee appointed to examine and audit the Treasurer's Report, presented a report in wri- ting, that they had examined the same and the vouchers for the several payments, and that the balance to the credit of the Commission is twenty-five thousand four hundred and ninety- five dollars and twenty cents. Dr. Newberry presented a report of the operations of the Western Branch of the Commission, in the Valley of the Mis- sissippi, since March last. Resolved, That the next meeting of the Commission be held 108 at Washington, on the 18th day of November next, at 10 o'clock a. m., unless sooner called by the Executive Committee. Adjourned to to-morrow, at 9 a. m. Saturday, September 20, 1862 — Morning. The Commission met, pursuant to adjournment, at 9 a. m. Present — Rev, Dr, Bellows, Dr. Newberry, Mr. Binney, Judge Skinner, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Gibbs, and Mr. Strong. The report of Dr. Stephen Smith, on the condition of the Stone Farm (or Mount Pleasant) Hospital — Resolved, That the Secretary lay the report, or a statement of its substance, before the Surgeon General. Resolved, That it be referred to the Executive Committee to prepare an address to the President, in the name of the Com- mission, on the urgent necessity of a more stern and rigorous discipline in reference to the sanitary interests of the army and other reforms in the administration of the army. The Commission then adjourned. TENTH SESSION. Tuesday, November 18, 1862 — Morning. The Sanitary Coraraission opened its tenth session at No, 244 F street, Washington, on Tuesday, November 18, 1862, at 10 a. m. Present — Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., President; Prof. Alex. D. Bache, F. L. Olmsted, Dr. W. H. Van Buren, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. S. G. Howe, Dr. Newberry, Horace Binuey, Jr., Geo. T. Strong. Mr. C. J. Stille, Associate Member from Philadelphia, was also present. The Treasurer presented his report, dated the 10th instant, showing a balance to his credit at that date of one hundred and seventy-four thousand one hundred and ninety-six dollars and fifty-eight cents; that the whole amount received from all sources since his appointment is four hundred and eleven thousand six hundred and sixty-two dollars and five cents. Ordered, That the report be referred to Mr. Binney and Dr. S. G. Howe, to examine and audit. Ordered^ That the Treasurer place five thousand dollars to the credit of the Washington Office. A letter from Stephen H. Perkins, Esq., in regard to pro- vision made by the Governments of Europe for invalid soldiers, was read. The President read the report of the Executive Committee intended for the session of September 16 last. Resolved, That the report be accepted, and referred back to « 110 the Executive Committee, witli power to print the same as a document of the Commission. A letter from the Quartermaster General, in regard to repairs and alterations in the United States Military Hospital at Ports- mouth Grove, R. I., was read. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to memorialize Con* gress, at an early period in its next session, on the subject of an Ambulance Corps, and of independent transportation for the Medical Department ; and tliat the same committee ])repare resolutions on these subjects for immediate publication. The Chair appointed Dr. Van Buren, Mr. Binney, and Mr. Olmsted. Resolved, That the committee be instructed, before publishing any resolutions, to confer with General Halleck and the Quar- termaster General on the two subjects referred to them. The Secretary presented a report on the operations of the Commission on the Peninsula, especially in connection with the Hospital Transport Service. Adjourned to this (Tuesday) evening, at 8 p. m. Tuesday, November 18, 1862 — Evening. The Commission met at 8 p. ra. Present— Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., Prof. A. D. Bache, Fred. Law Olmsted, Horace Binney, Jr., Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. S. G. Howe, Dr. Wra. H. Van Buren, Dr. J. S. Newberry, and Geo. T. Strong. Also, the Surgeon General, General E. D. Keyes, Mr. Chas. J. Stille, and Mr. J. Huntington Wolcott, Associates. The report of George A. Blake, M. D., Inspector of the ope- rations of the Commission at Ship Island, New Orleans, &c., was read; and. on motion, accepted and referred to the Secretary. Tiie report of Mr. John Bowne, Superintendent of the Hos- pital Directory, was read, sliowing that the system is now com- plete, and that 19,084 names of patients are now registered. Ill Besolved, That it be referred to a comoiittee consisting of Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, with the assistance of Mr. David A. Wells, to inquire into and report on the quality of the desiccated vege- tables furnished to Government by the New York Desiccating Company, and to obtain such general information on the subject as may be of value to the Commission. Dr. Van Buren, on behalf of the Medical Committee, presented the report of Dr. Henry G. Clark, as Superintendent of Special Hospital Inspection, Resolved, That the report be accepted and printed as a doc- ument of the Commission, under direction of the Medical Com- mittee. Resolved, That the President be instructed to inform Dr. Clark of the sense entertained by the Commission of the ability and efficiency with whicli his duties as Superintendent of Special Inspection are performed. Resolved, That it be referred to a committee to confer with Gen. Meigs on the wants of the Military Hospital at Portsmouth Grove, R. I. Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Howe, Mr. Binney, and Mr. Olmsted were appointed such committee. Adjourned to to-morrow morning, at 10 a. m. Wednesday, November 19, 1862 — Morning. The Commission met at 10 a. m. Present — Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D. D., President, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Horace Binney, jr.. Dr. J. S. Newberry, Dr. S. G. Howe, Fred. Law Olmsted, Dr. C. R. Agnew, Prof. Alex. Dallas Bache, Dr. W. H. Van Buren, and George T. Strong. Also, Mr. J. Huntington Wolcott and Mr. C. J. Stille, Associates. The President presented the report of the Executive Com- mittee of its proceedings since the last meeting of the Com- mission; which was, on motion, accepted. 112 The President laid before the Commission a letter from Stephen H. Perkins, Esq., on the pension system of France, and on the organization of the Hotel des Invalides. The report of Dr. Jenkins on the operations of the Com- mission in the Eastern Department, during the last two months, was read. Mr. Binney presented a report by the Supply Committee of the Philadelphia Associates to their Executive Committee, laid before the Commission by its order, on the quantity of supplies forwarded to the Washington depot, by the Phila- delphia Branch, and on the quantity now in the depot at Philadelphia. Ordered^ That the report be placed on file. The following written reports of Special Inspections con- nected with the subjects embraced in Dr. Jenkins's report, were laid before the Commission : Sept. 22, 1862. Dr. G. L. Andrew— On condition of Hos- pitals at Georgetown, D. C. Sept. 26. Dr. T, B. Smith — On inspection of Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md.; 1st report. Sept. 27. Dr. J. W. Page — On condition of the camp of convalescents, recruits, stragglers, and paroled prisoners, near Fort Ellsworth, Va. Sept. 29. Dr. C. W. Brink — Inspection of Stone, Carver^ Mt. Pleasant, and Columbian College Hospitals. Sept. 29. Dr. T. B. Smith — Inspection of Casparis, Emory, Capitol, and Ebenezer Hospitals. Sept. 30. Dr. T. B. Smith — Inspection of Harewood, Finley, and Eckington Hospitals. Sept. 30. Dr. C. W. Brink — Inspection of Patent Office, Judiciary Square, Douglas, and Trinity Hospitals. Oct. 1. Dr. T. B. Smith — Inspection of Armory Square, Ryland, Grace Church, Cranch, and Baptist Church Hospitals. Oct. 1. Dr. C. W. Brink — Inspection of Union Chapel, Epiphany, and Ascension Hospitals. Oct. 6, Dr. T. B. Smith — Inspection of Parole Camp at Annapolis, Md.; 2d report. 113 Oct. 8. Dr. J. W. Page — On a Commission Depot at Alexandria, Va. Oct. 17. Dr. T. B. Smith — On inspection of Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va. Oct. 18. Dr. J. W. Page — On condition of Camp Parole and the General Hospital at Annapolis, Md, Oct. 31. Dr. I. N. Kerlin — On regimental and company- funds. Nov. 17. Statements as to the transportation of 'the 82d Regiment Illinois Volunteers from Chicago to Wasliington, made by Col. Hecker to Dr. I. N. Kerlin. Nov. 17. Dr. E. A. Crane — On observation of military movements in Pennsylvania, September 10-21. Nov. 18. Dr. George L. Andrew — On condition of Con- valescent Camp near Annapolis, Md. Mr. Olmsted read the report of Prof. Caldwell on Hospital Inspection and Supply, especially in relation to the prevention or detection of frauds by hospital stewards and nurses. Also, report of Mr. H. G. Spalding on points connected with the hospital supply system. General J. H. Bates and Mr. S. J. Broadwell, Associates from Cincinnati, attended the meeting. A communication from Dr. J. N. Kerlin in reference to the transportation of the 82d Illinois Regiment, Col. Hecker, was read, and, on motion, referred to the Committee appointed to call on the Quartermaster General. Mr. Olmsted presented a report on the relief operations of the Commission in Maryland an^ Virginia, from the battle of Cedar Mountain to the close of the campaign in Maryland. On motion, referred to the Secretary, with instructions to publish as a document of the Commission. Mr. Olmsted laid before the Commission vouchers for all supplies issued to the hospitals on the field of Antietam. Dr. Jenkins presented a report of Inspection of Pennsyl- vania Militia Regiments at Harrisburgh and elsewhere, by Dr. E. A. Crane, Inspector. Mr. Olmsted presented a report, by Mr. E. B. Elliott, 15 114 Actuary, on the sickness rates of the Army at the end of Sep- tember last. A letter from Dr. H. G. Clark, Chief Inspector, &c., was read. Adjourned to 8 p. m. Wednesday, November 19, 1862 — Evening. The Commission met at 8 p. m. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Howe, Mr. Binney, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Newberry, Mr. Strong. Also, the Surgeon General, Mr. Stille, Mr. Wolcott, Gen. Bates, and Mr. Broadwell, Associates. The President reported a donation to the Commission by Mr. »Wm. M. Noyes, of San Francisco, of 109 mats (48 lbs. each) of arrow root, and that a sample had been submitted to Dr. Torrcy, of Columbia College, New York, wlio reports that it is a good article. Resolved, That the Secretary return to Mr. Noyes the sincere thanks of the Commission for his timely and most liberal dona- tion. A report by Dr. I. N. Kerlin was read, on inspection of the 14tli Massachusetts Regiment, with special reference to the for- mation of company funds and a regiuiental hospital fund. Resolved, That Dr. Kerlin be requested to prepare for pub- lication, under the supervision of the Secretary, a paper on the formation of company and other " funds," (embodying the sub- stance of his report,) for the practical instruction of officers and men as to the advantage of such funds and the steps required to raise them. Dr. Jenkins read reports on inspection and relief of camps of convalescents and paroled men at Alexandria and Annapolis. Also, a report by Dr. Steiner on Hospitals at Sharpsburg, Hagerstown, Frederick, and elsewhere in Western Maryland. 115 Dr. Douglas made a verbal report on the condition of the Smoketown Hospital. Dr. Gibbs read a report on the quality of tea and coffee issued by the Commissary Department and the Medical Pur- veyor, stating the samples examined were generally free from adulteration. Resolved, That a copy of Dr. Gibbs's report, and of the letter from Dr. Torrey accompanying it, be sent to Major Shiras. Dr. Douglas read a report on the operations for inspection and relief of the Army of the Potomac since October 16th. Ordered, That the report be accepted and referred to the General Secretary. Adjourned to to-morrow, at 10 a. m. Thursday, November 20, 1862 — Morning. The Commission met at 10 o'clock, a. ra. Present — Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D. D., President; Dr. Wol- cott Gibbs, Dr. J. S. Newberry, Dr. S. G. Howe, Fred. Law Olmsted, Dr. C. R. Agnew, Prof. Alex. Dallas Bache, Dr. W. H. Van Buren, George T. Strong, Treasurer, and Horace Bin- ney, Jr. Also, the Surgeon General, General Bates, Mr. S. J. Broad- well, Mr. Charles J. Stille, and Mr. J. Huntington Wolcott, Associates. Mr. Leeds, Consulting Engineer for Heating and Ventilation of the Commission, read a report on the ventilation of hospitals; and it was thereupon Resolved, That the report of Mr. Leeds be referred to Com- mittee C for careful examination, with power to publish the report, or such parts of it as they may see fit. Dr. Van Buren, Chairman of the Special Committee appoint- ed to memorialize Congress on the subjects of an Ambulance Corps and an independent transportation for the Medical De- partment, and to confer previously with General Halleck and 116 the Quartermaster General on the two subjects referred to, made a verbal report of the interviews which they had held with the two generals named, and asked leave to be discharged from the further consideration of the subjects, and also from the further discharge of the duties assigned to them. On motion, the request of the committee was granted, and the committee discharged. Resolved, That in the judgment of the Commission the resto- ration of the regimental bands is desirable, not only as furnish- ing the only present substitute for an ambulance corps, but also from their beneficial influence on the morale, of the army. Dr. Newberry read his General Report of the operations of the Commission in the West since his report in September last, and extracts from reports made to him by Inspectors during that period. Resolved,, That Dr. Newberry be requested to publish his Report and the papers accompanying the same, or such portions thereof as may be in his judgment expedient. General Bates, Associate from Cincinnati, made a verbal statement and explanation as to tlie history of the Cincinnati Branch, and its views of its relations to the Commission. Further statements on the same subject were made by Mr. Broad well. Adjourned to 6 o'clock this evening. Thursday, November 20, 18G2 — Evening. The Commission mot at 6 p. m., pursuant to adjournment. Present — Dr. Bellows, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Binney Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Howe, Mr. Strong. Also, Mr. J. Huntington Wolcott, Mr. Broadwell, and Gen. Bates, Associates. The following resolution was offered : Resolved, That fifty thousand dollars be deposited in the sul treasury of the Commission at the West, for the purposes O/ the Commission. 117 After debate Resolved^ That the consideration of this resolution be made the special order for to-morrow at 10 a. m. Mr. Binney, from tlie committee appointed to examine and audit the Treasurer's Report, reported in writing that the com- mittee had examined the same and found it correct, and that there was a balance in the hands of the Treasurer on the 7th November of one hundred and seventy-three thousand nine hun- dred and sixty-three dollars and forty-nine cents. Besolved, That the minutes of the morning session of Novem. ber 19th be corrected, by omitting the Schedule of Supplies furnished by the Branch organizations. Adjourned to to-morrow, at 10 a. m. Friday, November 12; 1862 — Morning. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Prof. Baclie, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Howe, Mr. Binney, Dr. Harris, Mr. Strong. Also, Dr. H. G. Clark, Mr. Wolcott, Mr. Stille, and Mr. Horace Howard Furness, Associates. The discussion of the resolution presented yesterday was re- sumed. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to confer with Messrs. Bates and Broadwell on the subject of the claims put forward by the Branch Organization at Cincinnati. Dr. Newberry was appointed such committee, and reported that the Cincinnati Associates would submit a proposition in writing. Mr. Horace Howard Furness made a verbal report of work done by him in promoting the formation of supply organizations in aid of the Commission, at New Haven, Northampton, Spring- field, Worcester, and other points in New England. Mr. Olmsted read a paper on the executive organization of the Commission. 118 A written communication was received from Messrs. Bates and Broadwell, enclosing printed copies of a report, dated 12th November 1862, to the Cincinnati Branch of the Sanitary Com- mission, and stating that the report and resolutions appended thereto embodied the proposition made by them. Mr. Binney offered the following resolutions, viz : 1. Resolved, That the funds of the Sanitary Commission were confided to it in trust for the benefit of the whole army, East and West, and especially to enable the Commission to fulfill its great and primary duties of " inquiry and advice in respect to the sanitary interests of the United States forces." 2. Resolved, That the field of inquiry and advice is a purely national field, and one of which the cost is immense, and, like the field, of daily increasing extent and dimensions. 3. Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission cannot, without a breach of trust, place any portion of its funds at the uncontrolled discretion of any organization not directly responsible to the Commission and subject to its direction. Which were unanimously adopted. Resolved, unanimously. That the general views embodied in Mr. Olmsted's paper on Executive Organization, be adopted as the views and policy of the Commission. At the request of the Secretary, Resolved, That the Treasurer be instructed to meet Mr. Olm- sted's draft for fifty tliousand dollars, to be deposited at the West for the general purposes of the Commission. On motion, it was unanimously, Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission believe that the Cin- cinnati Branch have misapprehended the duties and responsi- bilities of this Commission, and trust that if these were fully pxesented to them, the action proposed in their report of No- vember 12th would be reconsidered. Resolved, therefore, That a committee be appointed to reply to the report presented to us by the Cincinnati delegation, in answer to our request to them for a clear statement of their wishes. That our Committee be instructed to seek a conference with 119 the Cincinnati Branch, for the purpose of presenting our reply in person. Resolved, That the General Secretary, as Executive Agent, be directed to prepare for that committee a statement of the organization and rules deemed by us necessary to carry out the duties assigned to the Commission, and of the reasons of their necessity. Resolved^ That Horace Binney, jr., Esq., of Philadelphia, and Judge Skinner, of Chicago, constitute the committee of reply and conference, witli power to add to their number. On motion, adjourned to 7 p. m. Friday, November 21, 1862 — Evening. The Commission met at 7 o'clock, p. m. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Binney, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Harris, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Newberry, and Mr. Strong. Also, the Surgeon General, Mr. Horace Howard Furness, and Dr. H. G. Clark, Associates. A report was received from Mr. Elliott respecting the occur- rence of Hernia in the army and its causes. Also, a paper on camp cooking, &c., by Dr. George C. Shaef- fer. Resolved, That tlie salary of the General Secretary be in- creased to five thousand dollars per annum, in consideration of his devoting his whole time to the service of the Commission, and that such increase take effect from the 1st day of October last. Resolved, That all propositions for the increase of salaries of employees of the Commission be referred, through the General Secretary to the Executive Committee, during the intervals between the sessions of the Board. Resolved, That the General Secretary be requested to report to the Board at eacli meeting an inventory of all property in possession of the Commission. 120 A communication was received from the Surgeon General in regard to the " Christian Commission." Mr. Knapp, Special Relief Agent, read liis report on the Sol- dier's Home. Resolved, That the report be accepted, and printed as a docu- ment of the Commission, and that Document No. 39 be reprinted with it. Resolved, That the Commission suggest to the Philadelphia Branch to take in charge and give its particular attention to the inspection of the camps of drafted men in Pennsylvania. Mr. Binney, by request of the Philadelphia Branch, reported a list of amounts expended at Philadelphia in the purchase of material and supplies by the Philadelphia Agency from Septem- ber 1 to November 11, 1862, amounting in the whole to eight- een thousand two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and twenty- nine cents. Resolved, That the action of the Philadelphia Branch be approved, under the circumstances. Dr. Newberry nominated as Associate Members Messrs. W. B. Belknap, Arthur Peter, Rev. D. P. Henderson, R. E. Men- esee, of Louisville, Ky., and Major Malcolm McDowell, U. S. A., who were unanimously elected. Resolved, That Dr. Newberry be instructed to communicate with Dr. Robert Murray, U. S. A., Medical Director of the De- partment of the Cumberland, the high sense entertained by the Commission of the fidelity, humanity, and efficiency with which Dr. Murray lias discharged his duties as such Director. Resolved, That Dr. Steiner's report on the Campaign in Mary- land be referred to the Executive Committee, witli authority to publish, in whole or in part. Resolved, That when the Commission adjourn, it adjourn to meet again on the call of the President. Mr. Olmsted presented reports by Mr. Elliot, on statistics of Absence in the Army of the Potomac; on the Average Duration of Treatment in Regimental Hospitals and Quarters; on the Statistical Classification of the Diseases of the Army. The Commission then adjourned. ELEVENTH SESSION. Monday, December 15, 1862 — Morning. The Sanitary Gommission met at the Office of the New York Agency, No. 823 Broadway, pursuant to the call of the Execu- tive Committee, at 3 p. m. Present — Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D. D., President; Prof. Bache, Fred. Law Olmsted, Dr. W. Gibbs, Dr. C. R. Agnew, Dr. J. S. Newberry, Horace Binney, Jr., Dr. W. H. Van Buren, and Geo. T. Strong. The President, on behalf of the Executive Committee, report- ed its minutes since the last meeting of the Commission. The President stated that this meeting had been specially called in consequence of the attitude assumed by the Cincinnati 'Branch, in reference to funds received from California, and re- ported correspondence by telegraph and mail with San Fran- cisco and Cincinnati on the subject. The Treasurer presented his report, dated December 15, show- ing a cash balance on hand, at that date, of two hundred and thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-four dollars and seventy-four cents, and that the whole amount of donations received since his appointment is five hundred and sixty thou- sand four hundred and twenty-five dollars and seventy cents; which report was, on motion, accepted, and referred to Mr. Binney and Dr. Gibbs to examine and audit. On motion, the members of the " Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Fund Association," of San Francisco, were severally elected Associate Members of the Commission. Adjourned to 8 o'clock this evening. 16 122 Monday, December 15, 1862 — Evening. The Commission met at 8 p. m., pursuant to adjournment. Present— Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., Prof. A. D. Baclie, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Horace Binney, Jr., Dr. W. H. Van Buren, Dr. J. S. Newberry, Fred. Law Olmsted, Dr. C. R. Agnew, and Geo. T. Strong. Also, Hon. J. J. Clark Hare, Associate Member from Phila- delphia. Hon. James W. Beekman, Mr. Brown, and Rev. Mr. Board- man, a committee representing the " Christian Commission," attended, and offered certain suggestions as to the advantage of co-operation between the two organizations. Resolved, That inasmuch as it appears that the Sanitary Com- mission and the Christian Commission are agreed as to general principles, it be referred to the Executive Committee of the Sanitary Commission, with power to arrange the details of our relations with that body. Mr. Olmsted presented a statement of the organization and rules deemed necessary to carry out the duties assigned the Commission, and of the reasons of their necessity. Adjourned to to-morrow, (Tuesday,) at 10 a. m. Tuesday, December 16, 1862. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Prof. A. D. Bache, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Newberry, Mr. Binney, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris, Dr. Van Buren, and Mr. Strong; also, Hon. J. J. Clark Hare, and Mr. Charles J. Stille, associates. On motion. Ordered, That the Treasurer deposit five thousand dollars with Messrs. Riggs & Co., to the credit of Mr. Olmsted. Prof. Bache reported the result of inquiries made by him at 123 the request of the Executive Committee, as to the sanitary con- dition and wants of the Navy, especially in regard to the alleged prevalence of scurvy; and that it appears, from conferences with Mr. Fox, the Assistant Secretary, and the chief of the Naval Medical Bureau, Dr. Whelan, that the precautions used against scurvy are sufficient — that the disease does not exist in the Navy at present — and that the naval service is not in want of aid, supplies, or money, from the Commission ; and further, that the Western flotilla was expressly included in these state- ments. Resolved, That Dr. Newberry be instructed to continue to give special attention to the condition and wants of the flotilla on the Mississippi. The President read letters and telegrams in regard to dona- tions received from California, and the subject of the relations of the Commission to the Cincinnati Braijch was, on motion, taken up. The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas in the first telegram from San Francisco, dated Sept. 20, 1862, announcing the enclosure of drafts for one hun- dred thousand dollars, for the benefit of sick and wounded soldiers and seamen of the national army and navy, through the U. S. Sanitary Commission, the following expression occurs: " The Committee wish, if there are branches of the Commis- sion in St. Louis and Cincinnati, independent in their organi- zation as regards money, that a portion of this sum should go to them." And whereas in the letter accompanying the drafts, dated Sept. 19th, the following paragraph, more fully explanatory of the wishes of the donors, occurs : " The disposition of the money ($100,000) is left entirely to your own good judgment and discretion, with this suggestion, that it was collected for the benefit of the sick and wounded of the Federal Army and Navy without distinction, and if there are in St. Louis and Cincinnati Branches of the Sanitary Com- mission independent in their organization, so far as money is concerned, it is the wish of the Committee that a proper pro- 124 portion of the amount may be sent to those Branches, What that proportion should be is left for you to determine." And whereas in the telegrams announcing a second $100,000, instructions, which we obeyed, Avere given us to send $30,000 of this second sura to the St. Louis Commission, which we had informed California was not a Branch of ours, but wholly inde- pendent, and to which we had already, by like direction, sent $20,000 of the first $100,000; And whereas it has become evident that an honest difference of opinion exists between the U. S. Sanitary Commission and some members of its Cincinnati Branch, as to the just distri- bution of the first sums received from California, and herein referred to; And whereas, in the exercise of "our good judgment and dis- cretion," and in the performance of the duty of determining " what proportion" should be assigned to the Cincinnati Branch, it has been made plain to us that our other and equally loyal and faithful Branches in the West, would take just exception to our assignment to the Cincinnati Branch, although specifi- cally named, of the whole or an undue proportion of the fifty thousand dollars still remaining to the credit of the West, in the suggested division of tlie sums received from California, and above referred to; Besolved, That for the sake of preserving harmony of feeling and action between the Commission and all its branches, it be referred with power, to a committee to be composed of the President of the Chicago Branch of the Sanitary Commission, Hon. Mark Skinner, of the Cincinnati Branch, Robert W. Bur- nett, Esq.; and of the Louisville Branch, T. S. Bell^ M. D., to determine what disposition shall be made of the sum of $50,000, which sum the Treasurer is directed to pay to the order of these gentlemen or of any two of them. On motion of Mr. Binney, the committee appointed to confer with the Cincinnati Commission (November 2d, 1862,) was discharged. Resolved, (on motion of Dr. Gibbs,) That Dr. Agnew and Mr. Strong be a committee, with power to add to their number, 125 to visit the Western department and report on the sanitary con- dition of the same, at the next meeting of the Commission. Adjourned to to-morrow, at 10 a. m. Wednesday, December 17, 1862. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. Present — Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D. D., Prof. A. D. Bache, LL.D., Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Horace Binney, jr.. Dr. S. G. Howe, Fred'k Law Olmsted, Rt. Rev. Thos. M. Clark, Dr. C. R. Agnew, and G. T. Strong; also, Mr. C. J. Stills, and Hon. J. J. Clark Hare, Associates. Mr. Binney presented the report of the committee appointed to examine and audit the Treasurer's report, stating that the committee had examined and audited the same, and that the balance in the hands of the Treasurer on the 12th inst. was two hundred and thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-four dollars and seventy-four cents, which report was accepted. Mr. Olmsted offered certain resolutions, which were, on mo- tion, referred to the Executive Committee, with power. Resolved, That the Executive Committee have power to mod- ify the details of the resolutions in regard to salaries, passed at the meeting of the Commission held on 21st November last. On motion of Prof. Bache, Resolved^ That the Secretary of the Navy be requested to inform the Sanitary Commission whether scurvy exists among the crews of any of the vessels of the Navy, and whethei* sup- ples or assistance from the Commission are desired by the De- partment, in addition to those heretofore furnished. Resolved, That an agent, with all necessary supplies, be put on board the Mississippi flotilla. On motion of Prof. Bache, Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to define in more detail than has hitherto been done, the duties of the oflficers of the Commission. 126 Resolved, That the chair appoint the committee, and that it report at its earliest convenience. Mr. Olmsted offered the following resolution, which was passed : Resolved^ That Mr. Olmsted's paper on the executive organ- ization of the Commission, read on Monday night, be printed, and that copies be sent to the members of the Special Commit- tee of tlic Western Branches. The president appointed Prof. Bachc, Mr. Binney, and Mr. Strong, the committee to define the duties of the officers of the Commission. On motion, the Commission adjourned, to meet at the call of the President. TWELFTH SESSION. Wednesday, Januaey 21, 1863 — Morning. The Sanitary Commission met at the Central Office on F street, pursuant to the call of the President. Present — Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Dr. Van Buren, Mr. Binney, Dr. Gibbs, Judge Skinner. Rev. John H. Heywood, of Louisville, was introduced by the President. A letter was read from Dr. Bell, of Louisville, after which Mr. Heywood, in response to a question from the President, made some statements in regard to the condition of the Western Department. On motion, Resolved. That the Chair appoint a committee to report this evening on the order of business for the present meeting. The Chairman appointed Prof. Bache, Mr. Olmsted, and Dr. Gibbs. Adjourned to meet at 8 p. m. Wednesday, January 21, 1863 — Evening. Present — Dr. Bellows, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Gibbs, Prof. Bache, Dr. Howe, Judge Skinner, Mr. Binney. Visitors — Gen. Hammond, Dr. Vanderpool, Mr. Heywood, Dr. Smith, U. S. A., Mr. Lyman. Committee on the order of business for the present meeting reported. Report adopted. 128 The President read a letter from Mr. S. C. Hervey, of Bos- ton, in relation to the treatment of our sick and wounded pa- roled or exchanged prisoners, on board of the flag-of-truce steamers. Letter referred to Mr. Knapp, Special Relief Agent, to report on the proper course to be pursued in such cases. Mr. Binney read a letter from Dr. Joseph Parrish, of Phila- delphia, in regard to the importance of canvassing the State of Pennsylvania for supplies suitable to the wants of sick and wounded soldiers. On motion, Besolved, That the whole matter be referred to Mr. Binney and Mr. Olmsted, with power. Dr. Agnew moved that a special committee be appointed to examine the condition of the so-called convalescent camp at Alexandria, and of tlie camps, barracks, and transport vessels in the neighborhood of New York ; to report upon the same to the Commission, and to confer with the Military Committee upon tlie whole subject of barracks, transports, and treatment of troops m transitu. The Chair appointed Dr. Agnew, Dr. Gibbs, and Dr. Harris. On motion the President was added to the Committee. Dr. Van Buren read the report of Dr. Henry G. Clark, Hospital Inspector in Chief, to the Medical Committee of the Sanitary Commission. Ordered, That Dr. Clark's report be published as a document of the Commission. Dr. Howe submitted a report of his receipts and expenditures since the last meeting of the Conunission in Washington. Re- ferred to Judge Skinner and Mr. Binney as auditing com- mittee. Adjourned till 10 a. m. of Thursday morning. 129 Thursday, January 22, 1863 — Morning. The Board met at 10 a. m., and adjourned to aiford an op- portunity for a committee to wait upon tlie Military Committee of the Senate. The Board met again at 12 m. Present — the President, Prof. Bache, Mr. Binney, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Howe, Judge Skinner, Mr. Olmsted, and Dr. Gibbs. Visitors — Dr. H. G. Clark, Rev. Mr. Heywood, of Louis- ville, Kentucky. The President reported verbally the results of the confer- ence with members of the Military Committee. Mr. Olmsted laid before tlie Board a communication from gentlemen of Boston on Hospital and Ambulance Corps. The special order of the day, namely, the relations of the Commission to the Cincinnati Branch, was then taken up. After a long and thorough discussion the whole subject was postponed until the evening session of the Board. Thursday, January 22, 1863 — Evening. Present — tlie President, Prof. Bache, Mr. Binney, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Van Buren, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Howe, Judge Skinner. Visitors — Dr. Hammond, Surgeon General U. S. A., Dr. Smith, U. S. A., Dr. Vanderpool, Dr. Heywood, Dr. Clark. The Treasurer's report and vouchers were received and re- ferred to an auditing committee consisting of Mr. Binney and Dr. Howe. Dr. Agnew read a report by Dr. T. B. Smith, Sanitary In- spector, on the condition of the convalescent camp at Alexan- dria, showing a very bad state of things — almost entire dis- regard of sanitary precautions. Report referred to the Com- mittee appointed on Wednesday evening to bring certain 17 130 matters to the notice of the Military Committee, with instruc- tions to present the same with their other documents. Dr. Newberry gave some details of the operations of the Commission in the Western Department. Dr. Gibbs made a brief verbal report on the subject of desic- cated vegetables. Judge Skinner made the following communication : " I desire to decline acting as a member of the Committee to whom was referred the subject matter of the disposition of the $50,000, placed by the United States Sanitary Commission subject to the order of such Committee, for the reason that I do not think such an appropriation of the contributions received from California would properly and justly meet the wishes of the contributors. In my view the money was contributed with the expectation that it would be used by the Commission in the prosecution of its great general work, and not in the restricted operations of any local organization. The expressions in the letter and telegraph received from California seem loosely based on the supposition that possibly the United States Sanitary Commission did not cover in its work the army of the West, but left that duty to local organizations in St. Louis and Cin- cinnati. As such is not the true condition of aifairs, and inas- much as a grant of a portion of the money received from Califor- nia to the Cincinnati Branch, without giving to other Western branches a like amount would be considered partial, uncalled for, and unjust, and would injure their standing with the circle of their own contributors, and as no substantial benefit or ad- vantage can possibly result to the great work in which we are engaged, I think the Commission should decline to make any unconditional and unqualified bestowal of its funds in the man- ner intimated by the terms of the resolutions designating the Committee and its duties. I make these suggestions with all deference to tlie Commission, and with the wish not to be con- sidered as criticising its action at its meeting in December." After which, on motion, tlie Committee appointed, December 16th, to decide on the distribution of the sum of |50,000 was discharged, and the communication of Judge Skinner ordered to be printed in the minutes. 131 The following preamble and resolution were tlien passed : Whereas, two members of the committee of reference ap- pointed at the last meeting of the Sanitary Commission to determine what disposal should be made of the sum of $50,000, so as to meet the wishes of the California donors as to the Western Department, have declined, for reasons assigned, to serve upon such committee of reference ; and whereas, it has now become absolutely certain that the assignment of any por- tion of such money to a local organization would result in the most serious detriment to the interest of the forces in the West : Therefore, Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission, having carefully considered the whole intent and meaning of the letters and telegrams received from California, believe that it is not con- sistent with the wishes of the California donors to devote any portion of the money receive'd from them to any local organiza- tion whatever, and admit simply the duty of expending the money, according to its best judgment, for the benefit of the national forces by land and water in all parts of the country, through agencies directly responsible to the Commission. On motion of Mr. Binney, unanimously Resolved, That the sum of dollars be placed at the disposal of the President of the Commission, to be expended by him at his discretion for the benefit of the sick and wounded of the army. On motion, unanimously Resolved^ That the blank be filled by the insertion of " fifty thousand." Judge Skinner and Mr. Binney, the committee appointed to audit the accounts of Dr. Howe, reported that they had exam- ined the accounts and vouchers, and found the same to be correct. Adjourned. 132 Friday, January 23, 1863— Morning. Present— The President, Prof. Baclic, Dr. Yan Buren, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris, Mr. Binney, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Gibbs, Judge Skinner, Dr. Howe. On motion of Dr. Agnew, Resolved, That the subject of increasing the number of mem- bers of the Commission be referred to a Committee consisting of Dr. Newberry, Prof. Bache, Mr. Binney, Judge Skinner, and Dr. Agnew. Mr. Olmsted then presented a general view of the operations of the Commission under his charge. The Committee to whom were referred the accounts of tlie Treasurer from the date of the last settlement to the 17th in- stant, inclusive, reported that they have examined the account and vouchers, and have found the account correctly cast and properly vouched, and that the balance on hand in the treasury is $301,997 66, whicli sum is carried forward to the debit of the Treasurer. Friday, January 23, 1863— Evening. Present— The President, Prof. Bache, Mr. Binney, Judge Skinner, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Olmsted, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Howe, Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry. Upon the nomination of Judge Skinner the following gentle- men were elected Associate Members of the Commission : Ezra B. McCagg, Cyrus Bentley, A. G. Throop, and G. Cook, all of Chicago. The Committee on additions to the number of members of the Commission, reported in favor of the nomination of Mr. J. H. Heywood, of Louisville, Kentucky. On motion, Mr. Heywood was unanimously elected. Resolved, That the Commission authorize the election by tlic 133 Executive Committee of tlie Hon. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, and Fairman Rogers, of Pennsylvania, as Members of the Commission, if, after conference with those gentlemen, tliey should be nominated to the Executive Committee by a special committee, to be appointed for this purpose by the President. Mr. Heywood, of Louisville, appeared and took his scat as a member of the Commission. Dr. J. F. Jenkins read a report on operations of the inspec- tion and relief force on the Atlantic and Gulf. Mr. Olmsted then continued his general view of the opera- tions of the Commission. On motion, Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to insure the con- tents of our storehouses only when, in his judgment, it is neces- sary to do so. A letter was received from Dr. Henry G. Clark, enclosing $72 as the gift of his children and their, young schoolmates, being the proceeds of children's fair held by them, and asking that the money be placed in charge of the General Secretary as a contribution toward his plan of establishing a Sanitary Com- mission medal. It was ordered that the money be so disposed of. Saturday, January 24, 1863 — Morning. Present — The President, Prof. Bache, Dr. Harris, Dr. New- berry, Mr. Olmsted, Judge Skinner, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Howe, and Dr. Gibbs. Judge Skinner read a letter from Mr. Price, Treasurer of the Iowa State Army Sanitary Commission, introducing Mr. Kynett, of that Commission, and asking to be admitted as a branch of the United States Sanitary Commission. Resolved, That Mr. Olmsted and Dr. Newberry be a com- mittee with power to confer with Mr. Kynett, and conclude an arrangement with him. On motion the Committee on Organization appointed at the 134 New York meeting was discharged, and a new committee ap- pointed, consisting of the President, Prof. Bache, and Mr. Ohnsted. Two resolutions offered, respecting the relative duties of the General Secretary and the Executive Committee, were referred to the Committee on Organization, with power. The following resolutions, offered by the President of the Commission, were adopted : Resolved, 1st, That the Board do not approve the separation of the Western Department from the superintendence of the General Secretary, and must continue to hold him responsible for it; that tliey direct that he shall, within a fortnight, unless by express release from the President, start on a tour of obser- vation through the Western field; and that having once sur- veyed it, he shall co-ordinate the Western Department with the Central Office, holding the Western Secretary responsible for weekly reports to him; and that Dr. Newberry be instructed to hold direct official communication only with the General Secre- tary. Passed. Resolved, 2d, That in the judgment of the Board, the greatest respect should be paid to Dr. Newberry's experience and judg- ment in the affairs of the Western Department, and that the peculiarities of the Western position require more flexibility in the arrangements than are found necessary in the East. Passed. Resolved, 3d, That the Board has the fullest confidence in the zeal and devotion of the Western Secretary, and great admiration and gratitude for the able manner and the excel- lent spirit in which he has performed his laborious and delicate duties. Resolved, 4th, That the regular meetings of the Board shall hereafter be held quarterly, on the second Tuesday of March, June, September, and December. Passed. The Commission then adjourned. THIRTEENTH SESSION. Thursday, June 10, 1863—59 East 20th Street, 10.30 a. m. Present— Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Mr. Olmsted, Mr. Strong, Dr. Clark, Dr. Harris, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Agnew. Prof. Fairman Rogers appeared and took his seat as a Mem- ber of the Commission. The Secretary presented the following documents, the whole or parts of each were read: Report to Frederick Law Olmsted, General Secretary of the Sanitary Commission, by J. Foster Jenkins, Associate Secre- tary, April 30, 1860. Appendix. 1. Report of Dr. L. H. Steiner, January-April, 1863. 2. " " " on Inspection of U. v<, A. Hos- pitals at Cumberland, Maryland, February 5, 1863. 3. Report of Dr. L. H. Steiner, of Tour of Inspection, on 4. " " " visit to Annapolis, Md. 5. " " Dr. J. W. Page, on the Sanitary Administration of tlie Department of North Carolina, from February 18 to July 10, 1862. 6. Report of Dr. George A. Blake, New Orleans, to April 1, 1863. 7. Report of Dr. Julius Nichols, Inspector, at Norfolk, Va., and vicinity, from February 14 to April 1, 1863. 8. Report of Dr. Julius Nichols, concerning Visit to the State Lunatic Asylum, at Williamsburg, Va. 9. Report of Dr. J. Nichols concerning Feigned Diseases. 136 10, 11, 12, 13, 1-1. Report of Dr. J. Nichols to Dr. Kerliii, in January, 1863, concerning Special Relief at Acquia Creek, the Lodge, and a Visit to Windmill Point Hospital. 15, 16, 17. Reports of Dr. J. Kerlin, February 14, including Reports from Dr. Nichols and Messrs. E. F. Fay and E. Abbott. 18. Report of Dr. I. N. Kerlin, March 17, including Reports from Drs. McDonald and Swalra, and Messrs. J. Warner Johnson, Wm. Harris, W. F. Haywood, and E. Abbott. 19 «. Report (Quarterly) of Dr. I. N. Kerlin, March 31. 196. Map of Positions. 20. Quarterly Exhibit of Requisitions for above. 21. Report of Dr. Charles Gray, on Mule Transportation. 22. Report of Mr. G. C. Caldwell, Hospital Visitor, April 8, 1863. 23. Copy of Order (F. L. 0.) of February 16, dividing Depart- ment of Atlantic and the Gulf. ,24. Roster of Persons employed out of New York by the Sanitary Commission, except those of the Western and Southern Departments. The President read a letter from Dr. Douglas, in relation to the recent action of Dr. Crane and Dr. Blake, in the Depart- ment of the Southwest, in connection with statements made by the Agents of the Christian Commission; also, a letter from Dr. Crane, relating to the action of the Christian Commission in New Orleans. A resolution was then passed, directing that a copy of the letter to Dr. Crane be transmitted to Mr. Nathan Bishop, Chairnuin Christian Commission. On motion, it was unanimously Resolved, That the Commission cordially endorse and ai)prove the resolution of the Executive Committee, appreciating tlie eminent services of Dr. J. Foster Jenkins, late Assistant Sec- retary of the Commission. Report of the Treasurer, George T- Strong, Esq., read and referred to an auditing committee, consisting of Prof. Bache and Prof. Rogers. 137 Thursday, June 10, 1863 — Evening, Present — Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Mr, Olmsted, Dr. Clark, Dr. Heywood, Prof. Rogers, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Agnew. The Secretary read some notes on the statistics collected by the Commission. The, report of the Committee on Organization was received, and laid upon the table for future consideration. Friday, June 12, 1863— Morning. Present— Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Dr. Clark, Mr. Olmsted, Mr. Heywood, Dr. Harris, Prof. Rogers, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Ag- new. The Secretary read a statement of the gross receipts and issue of goods by the Commission. The Secretary read a statement of Documents published and issued by the Commission. Mr. Heywood gave a verbal account of the action of the Commission in the Western Department. Mr. Knapp read the Fifth Report on Special Relief. On motion, Resolved, That Mr. Kuapp's report be referred to the Com- mittee on Organization for revision and publication. The Secretary read again the plan proposed by the Special Committee on Organization for the reorganization of the Sup- ply Department. Saturday, June 13 — 10 a. m. Present— Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Dr. Clark, Mr. Olmsted, Prof. Rogers, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris. On motion, Mr. J. Huntington Wolcott, of Boston, was unani- mously elected a Member of the Commission. 18 y 138 The Committee on Organization reported that the Hon. Schuyler Colfax declines the position of Member of the Board. Mr. Wolcott appeared and took his seat as a Member of the Commission. The following resolutions, together witli the scheme of or- ganization for the Supply Department, were then unanimously adopted, subject to revision by the Committee on Organization. Resolved, That the Special Committee on Organization, con- sisting of the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary, be charged with the duty of organizing a Department of Ways and Means, to consist of not less than three members. That this Department shall take measures to secure necessary funds for the Treasury; that it shall from time to time make appro- priations of money, to be expended in different departments of the Commission's service, as occasion may require and the state of the Treasury may justify; that it shall prescribe, and take measures to secure, proper accounts and vouchers, and the audit- ing of the same, for all expenditures made in behalf of the Com- mission; that the Treasurer shall be the executive officer of this department. Resolved, That the same committee be charged with the duty of organizing a Department of Inquiry and Advice, under which all the Inspectors of the Commission shall be employed. Resolved, That the same committee be charged with the duty of organizing an Invalid Relief Department, under which shall be managed- all the business heretofore classified as Special Relief, and such other business as the committee may deter- mine. Resolved, That it is a legitimate object for the appropriation of the funds of the Commission to organize arrangements for the relief of discliarged and disabled soldiers and seamen, by procuring employment for them, and otherwise. Resolved, That as the organization of the proposed Invalid Relief Department may not be readily accomplished, the Special Committee on Organization, together with the Department of Ways and Means, when organized, may take any immediate action which they may deem desirable for the benefit of* invalids. 139 Resolved, That tlie Committee on Organization be authorized to appoint, subject to the approval of the Commission at a future meeting, such additional Members of the Commission as may be found necessary to accomplish the purposes had in view by the Commission in the resolutions passed at this session providing for changes of organization. The following reports and papers were then presented by the General Secretary, and each read in whole or in part : General Report of Dr. Douglas, Associate Secretary of Eastern and Southern Departments. Reports on the Army of the Potomac. Dr. Kerlin's " Report of Field Work," from April 1 to May 15. 1. Diary, April 1 to May 15. 1863. 2. Transportation of Commission's Supplies by Government. 3. Dr. McDonald's Report. 4. Mr. James Gale's " 5. " Edward Abbott's Report. 6. " N. Murray's 7. Dr. Wm. F. Swalm's Dr. Steiner's Brief Report on Operations in the Army of the Potomac, May 15 to June 1. 1. Flan of Organization. 2. Dr. Steam's Report for week ending May 23. 4. '■ Swalm's " " " " " 23. 6. " " " of Casualties at the Battle of Chan- cellorsville, in 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th, and 6th Corps. 7. Dr. McDonald's Report, of May 19. 8. " " " " 20. 9. " " " " 21. 10. " " " " 27. 11. Mr. Page's Relief Agent Report for week May 23. 13. " Murray's " " " " " " 23. 140 14. Mr. Murray's Relief Agent Eeport for week May 30. 15. " Gale's " " " " " " 23. -tn u u (( (1 u (< u it on 17. " Hame's " " " " " " 23. 18. " Johnson's " " " " " 30. 19. " H. N. Bellows's Relief Agent Report for week May 30. 20. Communication from Dr. Steiner, relative to Christian Commission, 21. Monthly Report Sanitary Commission Lodge, Aquia, for April, May, 1863. Reports on Defences at Washington — Dr. Brink. 1. Report for week ending May 30. 2. Reports for ten days ending June 10. Reports on Army of Virginia. Resume of Dr. Nichols's Weekly Reports. 1 . Dr. Nichols's report of June 8 for the month of May. The committee appointed to audit the accounts of tlie treasurer reported that they had examined the accounts and vouchers, and find the same to be correct. Report adopted and the com- mittee discharged. Report of Dr. Henry G. Clark on hospital inspection read. Report referred to the medical committee, with power to pub- lish such portions or abstracts of the same as they may deem of interest to the medical profession. On motion, Besolved, That the scheme of republishing the medical doc- ments of the commission be referred to the medical committee, with power. Report of Mr. Bowne on the hospital directory read. Besolved, That the President be requested to express to Mr. Bowne the gratification felt by the Board at tlie success which has attended his efforts in the establishment of a hospital direc- tory. The report of Dr. Kerlin on the field work of the army of Potomac was read. 141 On motion, Resolved, That the hospital cars be transferred to the medical department. On motion, Resolved, That Dr. Gibbs be added to the Committee on Organization. On motion. Resolved, That the Committee on Organization be charged witli the duty of making all arrangements necessary to carry out the intentions of the Commission in the general scheme of organization this day adopted. Adjourned. FOURTEENTH SESSION. Tuesday, October 6, 1863 — Morning. The Commission opened its mornin*^ session at 244 P street, Washington, D, C, at 10 o'clock a. m. Present — Prof. A. D. Bache, LL.D., Vice President, Horace Binney, jr., Esq., Prof. Fairman Rogers, G. T. Strong, Esq.; also, Mr. C. J. Stille, Associate from Philadelphia. The Secretary presented an order of business. Resolved, That the same be adopted. The Executive Committee reported its minutes since the last meeting of the Commission, which were accepted and laid on the table. Prof. Bache made a verbal report on the action of the Com- mittee on Organization. The Treasurer presented his report, showing balance in treasury, October 1st, of $129,130 23. The following extract from the report exhibits the sum of receipts from the organiza- tion of the Commission, classified as to localities whence con- tributed, and also the monthly disbursements and receipts of the six months ending October 1st. The whole amount received by the Treasurer from all sources, since his appointment, is eight hundred and fifty- seven thousand seven hundred and fifteen and thirty-three hundredths dollars, ($857,715 33.) The sources from which this sum has been received are, as nearly as they can be ascertained, as follows : New York $143,325 68 Peopleof New England 6,683 75 Maine 15,937 78 143 New Hampsbire 1,598 05 Vermont 1,915 81 Massachusetts 47,131 31 Connecticut 4,421 69 Rhode Island 9,068 30 New Jersey 2,825 00 Pennsylvania 10,8Tl 39 Delaware 10 00 Maryland G5 00 Ohio 2,200 00 Michigan 572 00 Illinois 546 25 Indiana 500 00 Minnesota 45 00 California 501,101 90 Nevada Territory 53,683 95 Oregon 26,333 18 Washington Territory 6,208 97 Idaho Territory 2,110 46 Vancouver's and San Juan Islands 2,552 C8 Honolulu 4,085 00 Santiago de Chili....* 3,688 84 Peru 1,312 00 Newfoundland 150 00 Canada 439 48 England 1,100 00 France 2,750 00 Turkey 50 00 China 2,303 93 Kentucky .' 500 00 Cuba 23 00 Unknown sources 3,099 93 ,715 33 The following statement will show the disbursements and receipts for tiie past six months, commencing April 1st, and ending October 1st, 1863,: DISBURSEMENTS. April $29,142 57 May 36,315 09 June 54,643 21 July 92,020 86 144 August 40,507 07 September 28,470 35 Disbursements for six months ending October 1 $281,099 15 RECEIPTS. April. $2,630 38 May 15,491 60 June 29,172 31 July 28,628 54 August 8,811 28 September 31,019 31 Receipts for six months ending October 1 115,753 42 Excess of disbursements over receipts $165,345 73 Voted, that tlie Treasurer's report be referred for audit- ing to Messrs. H. Binney and Prof. Fairman Rogers. Voted, that the subject of Finauce be made the special order for Wednesday morning. Dr. Newberry took liis seat. The Secretary presented his report, which was read and accepted, and the Roster accompanying it was ordered to be printed in the minutes. The President and Dr. Agnew arrived and took their seats. The Secretary presented and read the reports of T. J. O'Connell, regarding the actuarial work of the Commission since June, and the Report of Mr. John Bowne, Superintendent of the Hospital Directory. The hour of 8 p. m. was assigned to Dr. Newberry for the presentation of his reports. Tlie President read a letter from Mr. J. C. Tiffany, 109 Pearl street, New York, offering to furnish all tlie ice tlie San- itary Commission should require this year and next, at $2 50 per ton. Voted, that the President and Mr. J. H. Wolcott be ap- pointed a committee with power to make a contract with Mr. Tiffany. The President read a letter from Major F. W. Bardwell, 145 * Siig'g'esting' the procurcineut of stills for the production of fresh water for tiie troops on Morris Island, South Carolina. Voted, that Prof. Bache, Prof. Rogers, and Dr. Agnew be a coniinittec to consider the sanitary situation near Charleston; and that Major Bardwell's letter be referred to them. Tiie Secretary read reports of Dr. Lewis H. Steiner, Acting- Associate Secretary, and of Dr. Julius Nichols, on his visit to the hospitals and to Parole Camp at Annapolis, ^Maryland. Voted, that a consideration of the condition of Parole Canip be referred to the Secretary and tlie Special Relief Agent, with reference to the improvement of that condition, by the intro- duction of athletic sports, etc., witii [)ower of expenditure to that end. The Secretary read a report of Mr. Gall. Relief Agent at Norfolk, of Sept. 27th, and one of Mr. Jno. A. Anderson, Relief Agent of the 12th Corps, Army of the Potomac, Sept. 7-22 1863. Voted, that the Secretary require Dr. Page to transmit a report of his sanitary administration of North Carolina up to tlie present time, from the date of his last report. Voted, that the Sanitary Commission desires to express its thaidvs to Col. Devereux, Superintendent of Military Trans- portation at Alexandria, for tiie cordial co-operation with which he has forwarded all their plans for increasing the comfort of soldiers in transitu. Voted, that the thanks of the Sanitary Commission are due to their Associate, Mr. .J Warner Johnson, for his efficient superintendence of their Field Relief Work in the Army of the Potomac. The Secretary read the Report of Dr. G. C. Caldwell, Hospital Visitor of the Commission in Washington and vicin- ity, Oct. 1st, 1863. Voted, that the subject of the detention of Mr. Alfred F. Bringle as prisoner at Richmond, be referred to the President and.*Vice-President, with power to seek the interposition of the President of the United States for his release. At 3 p. m. adjourned to 8 p. m. 19 146 EVENING SESSION. 8 p. 111. The President read a report of Mr. (rail, Relief Agent at Norfolk, concerning extreme sickness among tiie United States troops at Yorktown and Gloucester Point. Voted, that Dr. Steiner call on Col. Barnes, xVcting Surgeon General, representing the facts set forth by Mr. Gall, and report the result of the interview to the Conmiission. Dr. Newberry, Associate Secretary, read a report of the operation of the Western Department of the Sanitary Com- mission during the two years of his administration, to Sep- tember 1st, 1803, with a resum^ of the present condition of its works in all parts of the Western Department. He also pre- sented his monthly financial statement to October 1st, a roster of the Western Department, October 1st, and the report of Mr. Holbrook concerning the condition of the Hospital Di- rectory work at the west. A^oted, that Dr. Newberry's report on the general operations of the Western Department be publislied under liis supervision as a document of the Commission. Voted, that Dr. Jenkins's report, read this morning, be printed as a document of the Commission. Adjourned to 10 a. m. on Wednesday. Wednesday, October 7 — 10 A. M. Present — Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Mr. Strong, Mr. Bin- ney, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Newberry, and Prof. Rogers, and Messrs. C. J. Stille and Jno. S. Blatchford, Associate Members. Voted, that the Secretary consider the propriety of re- printing, from the San Francisco Bulletin of September I and 2, for popular distribution, a letter of Rev. Dr. W. C. Ander- son concerning a visit to Gettysburg, Pa., after the battles of July. 147 Dr. Gordon Winslow's report of the work ol" the Cora- mission at Gettysburg since the recent V)attles, of date of September 25th, was read. The reports of Dr. A. McDonald, Inspector, and of Rev. Mr. Scandlin, Relief Agent, concerning their capture near Gettysburg, July 5th, and of their imprisonment in Rich- mond until September 21st, were read and referred to the President. The President read a report from the Executive Commit- tee ; which was, on motion, acccepted. On motion of ]\Ir. Binney, seconded by Mr. Strong, the action of the Executive Committee in appointing Dr. J. Foster Jenkins, Secretary of the Commission, was confirmed. The further consideration of the report, and of tlie organization of service proposed by it, was postponed until the evening. Dr. Steiner reported as the result of his interview with Colonel Barnes, acting Surgeon General, that with Dr. Cuyler, Acting Medical Inspector General, that officer would at once urge upon the Secretary of War the necessity of removing the sick troops at Yorktown and Gloucester to a more healthy region. At 21 p. m. adjourned to 8 p. m. EVENING SESSION. Present— Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Mr. Strong, Mr. Bin- ney, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Newberry, and Prof. Rogers, and Messrs. C. J. Stille and Jno. S. Blatchford, Associate Members, The Commission resumed the consideration of the plan of organization of service. At 11.30, p. m., adjourned to 10, a. m., on Thursday. 148 Thursday, October 8—10, A. M. Present — Dr. Bellows, Prof. Baclie, Mr. Strons^, Dr. Ag- new, Mr. Bimie\', Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris, and Prof. Rogers; and Mr. C. J. Stille and Jno. S. Blatcliford, Associate Members. The consideration of the plan of organization proposed by the Executive Committee, was resumed. Voted, that the Secretary be directed to suppress, in the second edition of Document No. 71, (the first edition being dis- tributed,) lines 28 — 31, on page 8. Voted, that quarterly meetings of the Commission be here- after held on the second Tuesdays of January, April, July, and October, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Committee appointed on Tuesday to audit the accounts of the Treasurer, reported them correct, and a balance in the treasury, on October 1, of $129,130 23. Mr. C. J. Stille i-eported concerning the work of the Phil- adelphia Associates, including a statement of the operations of the Protective War Claim Agency of the United States Sanitary Commission, in Philadelphia. The Treasurer asked leave to deposit with Riggs & Co. $5,000 to the credit of the Washington Office — leave granted. The prospective state of the treasury being under considera- tion, it was voted that the subject of an appeal to the public for funds be referred to a committee consisting of the Standing Committee and the members of the Commission residing at Philadelphia and Boston. At 1.30, p. m., adjourned to meet at 8, p. m. Thursday, October 8 — 8, P. M. Present — Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Mr. Strong, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Binney, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris, and Prof. Rogers; and Messrs. C. J. Stille and Jno. S. Blatcliford, Associate Mem- bers. 149 Mr. F. N. Kiiapp, Special Relief Aiicnt, read his quarterly report: wliieh was accepted, and ordered to be printed. Dr. Newberry reported concerning tlie recent operations of the Sanitary Commission at and near Chattanooga, Tennessee^ Rev, Mr. Heywood arrived, and took liis seat. Resolved, That it be referred to the Standing Committee to comtnnnicate to Dr. Mc Donald and Rev. Mr. Scaiidlin, an expression of the gratitude of the Sanitary Commission for tlieir faitliful services as Relief Agents of tlie Commission, and for the patriotic fortitude with whicli they have supported their late captivity, and their prolonged and pitiless imprison- ment in the rebel prisons at Richmond; and that the same Com- mittee is requested to tender to those gentlemen some mark of the Commission's recognition of tlieir deserts, in sucli form, pecuniary or otherwise, as may be most acceptable to them. The said Committee to have general power to take order upon the whole subject. The consideration of tlie Report of the Committee on Organ- ization was resumed. Ordered, That tlie Executive Organization of the Sanitary Commission be recast as follows, to take effect froui this date : There shall be — I. A Standing Committee, as at present constituted, of five members, having all the powers of the Board in the intervals of its sessions. n. A General Secretary, under authority of the Com- mission and its Committees, having his headquar- ters at New York, for the convenience of daily council with Standing Committee, but free to move to Washington, or any other portion of the field wliere liis general supervision is required. III. Three Associate Secretaries, two of whom shall be charged respectively with the Sanitary interests of tlie Army in such portions of the country as shall be assigned to them, one with headquarters at Washington, and another at Louisville and the 150 third to be also the Chief of Inspection, who shall be charged with the whole Department of Inquiry and Advice. IV. As many Sanitary Inspectors under the direction of the two Associate Secretaries, as their mingled work of Ins])ection and Relief may require; also? as many Sanitary Inspectors reporting to the Chief of Inspection, as the efficiency of his work may demand. V. As many Relief Agents as the necessities of the various Army Corps or Navy may call for, all sub. jcct according as they are East or West, to one or the other of the two Associate Secretaries. VI. Three Assistant Secretaries, one at the Washington Office, another at the Louisville Office, and the third at the New York Office. VII. A Special Relief Department. VIII. A Hospital Directory. IX. A Statistical Department I. The Standing Committee will receive the instructions of the Board, at its successive sessions, and l)e charged with their execution. It will have all the powers of the Board in the intervals of the sessions ; but its action at all times will be subject to correction and rectification by the Board. The Standing Committee will hold its meetings at least once a week, except when the Board is in session. Its usual seat will be the New York Office, but it may meet anywhere ; two mem- bers sliall constitute a quorum for ordinary business at the New York Office — due notice of meeting having been given to all the members. The Standing Committee will usually com- municate its orders through the General Secretary. A meet- ing sliall be called by the Chairman at the request of any two members. IT. The General Secretary is the Chief Executive officer of the Board, and more immediately of the Standing Committee — 1f)l iiiul tlie Head of tlie Working- Departineiits. AH officers of the Cointnissioii will receive their instructions from liini and present to liim reo'ular reports, and such s])ecial reports as he may call for. He will be responsible to the Standing' Com- mittee, and iinally to the Board for tlie execution of the plans determined on by the Board or Standing Committee. His orders to all officers of the Commission are to be obeyed as the orders of the Board. The General Secretary will each week present to the Standing- Committee, at its regular weekly meeting, a concise report of the general movements and work of the Commission, and obtain fresh instructions upon all new questions of importance. Any irregularity or delay in tiie transmission of reports of any of the officers, will be reported by the General Secretary to the Standing Committee, whose duty it shall be to see the fiinlt at once corrected. The General Secretary will also present to the Standing- Committee an account of the monthly disbursements with voucli- ers, and an appi-oximate estimate of the pecuniary wants of the coming month. The Treasurer shall present to the Board at every meeting a full report of the receipts and expenditures with vouchers. Once each month the General Secretary shall furnish to the Standing Committee vouchers received from tlie Associate Secretaries for all money expended by them during the j)re- vious month, with the affidavit of the persons who have audited them. All reports from the Heads of the various Departments will be sent to the General Secretary, and afterward transmitted by him to the Washington Office, which is to be considered as the depository of the records of the Commission. III. The two Associate Secretaries, at Washington and Louis- ville, will have charge, in their respective fields, of the whole matter 'of collecting and distributing supplies. All Relief Agents will be under their direction. They will move from point to point as their duties may seem to require. To them 152 is committed under the General Secretary the oversight of all the business of the Commission, in their several fields, such as ofiicial correspondence, and the cultivation of personal rela- tions with the military authorities, correspondence with tlie various branches and witii the public, tiie study of tiie sources of supply, the probable wants of the army, and all the necessi- ties of special relief. All Relief Stations, Floating Hospitals, and transportation, sliall be under tlieir direction. The In- spectors shall send tlieir reports made to the Chief of Inspec- tion throMgh the Associate Secretary of tlieir district, and, while receiving general dii-ections from their Head, shall, in his ab- sence, or in cases of doubt or emergency, be governed by the will and advice of the Associate Secretary. The Associate Secretary of each Section will make a monthly report to the General Secretary of the work in his sec- tion, including a tabular statement of all the supplies received and the amount distributed during the month, together with a statement of the entire stock then on hand. • The Associate Secretary, who is the Chief of Inspection, shall, under advice of the General Secretary, i)rescribe plans and specific duties to the Sanitary Inspectors, and be responsi- ble for the regular transmission of their reports to the General Secretary. It shall be his duty to instruct his Inspectors in the scientific, advisory, and preventive duties for which they have l)een specially appointed. In case of emergency tiiey shall also act as Relief Agents. The Chief of Inspection shall repoi-t on the number of In- spectors necessary to cover the field. The Chief of Inspection shall have his Headquarters at Washington, but he will visit all portions of the field, and will report once each month to the General Secretary. His reports will be accompanied by reports received from the Statis- tical Department, with such explanation or suggestions as may lead to improved methods. IV. To each Military Department, if large enough, a Chief Sani- tary Inspector may be assigned to direct the work of the Com- 153 mission in the same — such assignment to be made by the Gene, ral Secretary, His title shall be Chief Inspector, (as — of the Army of the Potomac, or — the Cumberland), and he shall be responsible for and report on the progress and condition of the work of Relief and of Inspection in his Department respec- tively to the Associate Secretary ofhis Section and the Chief of Inspection, at regular and stated periods. The Sanitary Inspectors shall cultivate the most intimate relations and closest sympathy with the Relief Agents, and throw all the light possible on their duties and pursuits, but shall es- pecially devote themselves to their proper duties of Sanitary inspection. They shall always report through the Associate Secretary to their Chief, at Washington. These reports, how- ever, when they are working in an Army where there is a Chief Inspector, shall be transmitted through him. V. The Relief Agents shall receive directions for their work from the Inspectors of the districts in which they serve, VI. The three Assistant Secretaries, at the Offices in Washington, New York, and Louisville, shall, under the respective Secreta- ries, perform the duties of correspondence and other business more strictly local and immediately connected with the offices; such, in general terms, as have been assigned to them for the last two years; these will vary with the character of the vari- ous offices. VII. The Special Relief Department will continue its present organization and work, excepting that each Section East and West shall have its own head, appointed by, and responsible to, its Associate Secretary in charge of all the work pertaining to special relief in his field. The reports from the head of the special relief work in each Section will be made through its Associate Secretary to the General Secretary. 20 154 VIII. The Hospital Directory will proceed as heretofore. • IX. The Statistical Department will have essentially the same work and duties as heretofore, and the same methods, with such changes, however, as may be necessary, in order to secure con- formity to the following plan. As the value of the information collected by the various Sani- tary Inspectors depends very much upon the promptness with which the Statistical Department presents the general conclu- sions derived from a comparison of the various returns; and, inasmuch as most of the material used by the Statistical De- partment is received from the Inspectors, and the conclusions deduced are made of use afterward to the army, through the agency of the Inspectors; therefore, the head of the Statistical Department will, on the first day of each month, report to the Inspector-in-Chief the amount and character and source of the material he has received during the previous month, the dispo- sition made of it, and the results reached. He will also state the kind and amount of information most needed, in order to enable him to complete any unfinished tables, or to settle any question under examination pertaining to the advancement of sanitary science. Also, once every three montlis (fifteen days preceding the meeting of the Board) he will present a general report of the total amount of work accomplished during the previous three months, and the work on hand. Tlirough the Chief of Inspec- tion he will make these reports to the General Secretary. Voted, That the Committee on Organization be discharged. On motion of Prof. Bache, Philip T. Tyson, Esq., of Balti- more, was elected an Associate Member. At 11.45 p. m., adjourned to 10 a. m. Friday. t 155 Friday, October 9 — 12 M. Present — Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Mr. Strong, Mr. Bin- ney. Dr. Agnew, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris, Rev. Mr. Hey- wood, and Prof. Rogers ; and Mr. C. J. Stille, and Jno. S. Blatchford, Associate Members. The following gentlemen were, on motion, elected Associate Members of the Commission : James M. Barnard, Boston. Jno. S. Blatchford, Boston. Prof, F. A. P. Barnard, LL. D.., Washington. L. A. Civill, Esq, Louisville, Kentucky. William Camac, M.D., Philadelphia. A. McL. Agnew, New York. Rev. A. C. Coxe, D. D., New York. Thos. Bakewell, Pittsburg, Pa. J. D. Hunter, " Wm. McCrarey, " F. Brunot, " L. W. Jerome, New York. Hasket Derby, M. D., Boston. ' Hon. Lucius Robinson, New York. Rev. Jno. F. W. Ware, Cambridgeport. Col. Jno. H. Devereux, U. S. A. Prof. B. Peirce, Cambridge. Thos. Hill, D. D., LL. D., Cambridge. Rev. D. M. Seward, D. D., Yonkers, N. Y. Everett Clapp, " Rev. Mr. Mulford, Orange, N. J. Hon. Jno. Williams, Springfield, 111. Hon. A. C. Fuller, " Brig. Gen. J. A. Garfield, U. S. A. ;-r;j Dr. G. Perin, Surgeon, U. S. A. Major Gen. Grant, U. S. A. " Gilmore, U. S. V. " | Butler, U. S. V. " Rosecrans, U. S. V. " Meade, U. S. V. " Schenck, U. S. V. Major Gen. Heintzleman, U. S. V. Brig. Gen. S. W. Crawford, U. S. V. M. R. Patrick, U. S. V. 156 Col. D. H. Rucker, U. S. A. Col. Geo. H. Sharp, U. S. V. Rev. D. R. Brewer, Yonkers, N. Y. Rev. Dr. Daggett, Canandaigua, N. Y. Ilev. Eben M. Rollo, East Albany. Samuel S. Woolworth, LL. D., Albany, N. Y. Dr. E. B. Wolcott, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dr. Baker, Norwalk, Ohio. Judge Perley, Concord, N. H. J. T. Pancoast, Baltimoi'e. Adrian Iselin. Hon. John Brough, Cleveland. Mr. D. Brooke, Washington, D. C. Hon. Henry A. Bellows, Concord, N. H. Voted, that tlic nominations of the Executive Committee of F. N. Knapp, as Associate Secretary, and Dr. J. H. Douglas, as Chief of Inspection, are confirmed. Voted, that a committee of three be appointed to determine anew a scale of salaries of all employes of the Commission ; and, on motion, the President, Treasurer, and the General Secretary were designated such committee. The President communicated the previously announced re- signation of Mr. Olmsted as General Secretary, and as a member of the Commission, and offered resolutions expressive of the feeling of the Commission, viz : Besolved, That this Board accepts tlie resignation of Fred. Law Olmsted, as General Secretary, with profound regret. Resolved, That from the beginning of our enterprise the or- ganizing genius of Mr. Olmsted, trained by rich experience in other large and successful undertakings, has been a chief source of whatever merit has characterized the operations of the San- itary Commission ; and that we find our consolation in the loss of his personal services in the fact that his plans and ideas are so ineffaceably stamped on our work that we shall continue to enjoy the benefit of his talents and the inspiration of his char- acter as long as the Commission lasts. Resolved, That these resolutions be transmitted to J\Ir. Olm- sted, with a letter expressive of our warm personal attach- ment, and an earnest expression of our wish that he will with- draw his resignation as a member of the Board. 157 The resolutions were adopted, and the President was request- ed to prepare the letter referred to. Mr. Knapp read the report of Mr. Jno. S. Blatcliford, con- cerning- the work of Special Relief, conducted by the Boston Associates of the Commission, and also a report relating to local provision for the relief of discharged disabled soldiers and their families, and its administration in Boston, prepared under tlie direction of the Boston Executive Committee. It was Resolved, That the General Secretary be requested to pre- pare and publish a complete list of the Associate Members of the Commission. A report of Dr. Julius Nichols, dated October 8, concerning the Sanitary Inspection of the Department of the Cumberland, was presented. The President, and Dr. Van Buren, Mr. Strong, Dr. Agnew, and Prof. Gibbs, were elected to constitute the Standing Com- mittee. Voted, that an Organ of the Sanitary Commission be estab- lished immediately, and that the Standing Committee take order upon it. Voted, unanimously, that the President be earnestly and re- spectfully requested to visit California in the interests of the Commission. Voted, that the Standing Committee be instructed to take immediate order on this subject. Mr. Heywood gave a narrative of his visit to Cliattanooga, subsequent to the recent battles. The General Secretary read report of Mr. A. J. Bloor, Assistant Secretary, concerning Supply and Supply Corres- pondence. Mr. Knapp reported concerning the success of the Commis- sion arrangement for furnishing the hospitals of this District with fresh supplies of meat and vegetables. Voted, that the Treasurer and General Secretary of the Commission be requested to consider the expedience of insuring the stock of the Washington storehouses. An application of Dr. Terry, for increased compensation for 158 a tour of Special Inspection of Hospitals in North and South Carolina, was referred to Dr. H. G. Clark. Voted, that the thanks of the jOommission are due to Mr. F. N. Knapp for his untiring assiduity and unfailing humanity in the discharge of all duties assigned to him by this Commis- sion. At 5 p. m. adjourned sine die. APPENDIX. Reports concerning its current operations, presented at the Fourteenth Session of the United States Sanitary Com- mission, October 6-9, 1863 : 1.— Report of the Executive Committee. 2. — Report of the Committee on Organization. 3. — Report of the Treasurer. 4. — Report of the Auditing Committee. 6. — Report of Dr. J. Foster Jenkins, General Secretary, communicating the following reports : A. — Report to the United States Sanitary Commission on the operations of the Eastern Branch, by Lewis H. Steiner, Chief Inspector of the Army of the Potomac, and Acting Associate Secretary, accompanied by the following reports : a. — Report of Dr. C. W. Brink concerning the Hospitals in Washington, August 8th, 1863. h. — Report of Dr .C. W. Brink upon the Hospitals in the District of Columbia, August 17th, 1863. c. — Report of Dr. C. W. Brink on the Hospitals in Alexandria, Va., Sept. 10th, 1863. d. — Report of Dr. C. W. Brink on the 10th Regiment New York Artillery, garrisoning forts beyond the Eastern Branch, Sept. 13th, 1863. €. — Report of Special Inspector, Annapolis, Md., by Julius Nichols, August 20th, 1863. 169 /.— Report of Julius Nichols, Sanitary Commission In- spector, on Baltimore Hospital, Sept. 2d, 1863. g. — Thirty-four Reports from Relief Agents, Army of the Potomac as follows: Mr. N. Murray, 2d Corps. August 8, 17, and September 27. David S. Pope, 6th Corps. August 22, 16, 30, and September 5, 13, 20, 11, 27, and the weeks ending August 16, September 12, 19, and 26. Wm. A. Hovey, 1st Corps. August 8, 15, 29, and Sept. 15. Clemans Soest, 3d Corps. September 11, 13, and 28. John A. Anderson, 12th Corps. September 6, 3, and 7 to 22, and for the week ending 19. E. M. Barton, 5th Corps. September 6 and 13, and six others. h — Report of Dr Gordon Winslow ; account of work at Gettysburg, September 25, 1863. i. — Eight Reports from James Gall, Jr., Relief Agent Norfolk, Va., from August 9, to September 27. ,/. — Report of George C. Caldwell, on Hospital visiting for the months of May, June, July and August. Jc. — Report of Dr. Alexander McDonald, Field Inspector, on his capture and imprisonment in Richmond, Va. I. — Report from Rev. Mr. Scandlin, Relief Agent, same subject. m. — Report from Gen. Kelly's Department of the Cum- berland, October 8, 1863— Dr. Julius Nichols. B. — Report of F. N. Knapp, Special Relief Agent, accom- panied by the following reports: a — Report of the " Home," J. B. Clark, Superintendent. b — Report of the " Home," T. B. Smith, Surgeon, c — Report of Special Relief Station at Convalescent Camp, Virginia — Miss A. M. Bradley. 160 d — Report of Special Relief Work at Alexandria — Rev. James Richardson. e — Report of Special Relief Work at Baltimore — Sumner Billiard. / — Report of Special Relief Work at Annapolis, Mary- land — Rev. H. C. Henries. g — Report of Pension Agent — W. F. Bascom. Ji — Report of Special Relief Work at Boston — Jno. S. Blatchford. ■i— Report relating to local provision for the relief of dis- charged disabled soldiers and their families, and its administration in Boston, Massachusetts; prepared under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Boston Associates. C. — Report concerning work in the Statistical Department. — T. J. O'Connell, Chief Clerk to Actuary. D. — Report of Superintendent of Hospital Directory. — John Bowne. 6. — Report of Dr. J. S. Newberry, Associate Secretary, con- cerning the work of the Commission in the Western Department. 7. — Report concerning the work of the Philadelphia Associ- ates, including a statement of the operations of the Protective War Claim Agency of the United States Sanitary Commission in Philadelphia, by C. J. Stille, Esq., Associate Member. 8. — Report concerning the success of the Commission's ar- rangement for furnishing to the liospitals of this District fresh supplies of meat and vegetables, by F. N. Knapp. 9. — Report concerning Supplies and Supply Correspondence, by Mr. A. J. Bloor, Assistant Secretary. 161 ROSTER OF THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. Dr. J. Foster Jenkins General Secretary. Dr. J. S. Newberry Associate do. Dr. J. H. Douglas do do. F. N. Knapp Special Relief Agent, E. B. Elliott Actuary. John Bowne Accountant. STAFF OF INSPECTION. Dr. H. G. Clark ...Special Inspection of Hospitals. Dr. L. H. Steiner Inspector Army of the Potomac. Dr. Gordon Winslow do at Gettysburg. Dr. Geo. L. Andrew do Louisville. Dr. A. N. Reed , do Army of the Cumberland. Dr. Geo. A.Blake , do Department of the Gulf. Dr. H. A. Warriner do Army of the Tennessee. Dr. E. A. Crane do Department of the South. Dr. J. W. Page do Department of N. Carolina. Dr. A. L. Castleman do Army of the Cumberland. Dr. Fithian do Army of the Tennessee. Dr. C. W. Brink do at Washington. Dr. T. B. Smith do and Pension Examiner. Dr. J.' S. Nichols do on detached duty. Dr. Alex. McDonald do Army of the Potomac. Dr. W. F. Swalm do Army of the Potomac. Dr. M. M. Marsh do Army of the South. EASTERN DEPARTMENT. Alfred J. Bloor Assistant Secretary. Francis Fowler Chief Clerk. • J. B. Abbott Assistant Special Agent. Dr. C. W. Caldwell Hospital Visitor. Charles C. Bellows Transportation Clerk. 0. C. BuUard Special Relief Agent. James Richardson do do. W. F. Bascom Director of Pensions. J. H. Wellman Assistant Accountant. T. J. Connell Clerk to the Actuary. J. D. Connell.....^ do do. L. W. Toleman.". do do. W. Redford Chief Clerk Hospital Directory. Frank Dunphy , Clerk. Fred'k Bannach do. Thomas Dooley do. 21 162 George E. Holbrook Clerk. Jas. B. Cox do. A. F. Macomber Clerk to Pension Agent. W. R. Neal do. do. J.B.Brown do. do. S.W.Stacy do. do. S. W. Richards Copyist. L. V. Beebe Document Clerk. Rd. J. Falconer Assistant Document Clerk. Thomas C. Molloy Assistant to Chief Clerk. Robert V. Harrison Assistant to Property Clerk. William C. Whitney , Messenger. Edward S. Miller do. W. H. Fury Wagonmaster. P. W. Whitcomb Watchman. John Turner Hostler. Clem. Simms do. Mack S. Donerson Fireman. Mr. Bulkley. E. B. Fairchild. Mr. Balch. Vital Statistics. " The Home:' J. B. Clark Superintendent. T. B. Smith Surgeon. Miss C Bradford Matron. Mrs. M. T. Murray Housekeeper. P. J. McHenry Assistant Superintendent. John Mcintosh Baggage Master. Henry A. Hurder Hospital Nurse. Augustus Peters do do. Helen Larkins Hospital Cook. Jane Larkins Chambermaid. Abby Horning , Cook. Hannah Hopkins... " Julia Donegan Table girl. Charlotte Jackson Washwoman. Olmsted Taylor Colored man. Henry Brisco " David Hall. Robert Jackson. Homes for Female Nurses. Mrs. Dr. Caldwell Matron. Mary Doolittle Cook. Sarah Sands Nurse. Lodge No. 4. John Kane Supt. of Lodge. Thos. Philips, (Colored) Cook. Wm. Henry " Cook. Jos. Reed, " " Wm. Morgan " Waiter. John Adams " " Lodge No. 7, Maryland Avenue. DeLong Superintendent. Local Storehouse. Jonathan Wood Local Storekeeper. Thos. Furnisa Asst. " Hugh Croghan Packer. Receiving Storeliouse. George Walter Receiving Storekeeper. J. J. Howard Workman. John McKean " Chas. Synyard , " T. E. Peverly Storekeeper on Steamer Elizabeth. Fresh Hospital Supplies. Henry Clay Weaver Receiver. Henry Woods Clerk. William R. Swan Assistant. James , colored man Workman. Lodge at Alexandria, Va. Robert Glazier Superintendent. Battle Paine Cook. John Barbour „ Servant. John Blenhem Servant. Relief Station, Convalescent Camp. Miss Amy M. Bradley Matron. Susan , colored..... Cook. Rdief Station, Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md. Miss Clara Davis Matron. Rachel Hagar Cook. Homes for Female Nurses and Soldiers' Wives. Mrs. Sayre Matron. Ruth Seymour Cook. 164 Army of the Potomac. Dr. Lewis II. Steiner Chief Inspector. J. Warren Johnson Supt. Field Relief. Capt. Isaac Harris Asst. " Williani A. Hovey Relief Agt. 1st Corps. N.Murray " 2nd " Col. C. Soest , " 3d " E.M.Barton " 5th " D.S.Pope " 6th " J.A.Anderson " 12th " Chas. S. Clampitt Dispatcher. S. Iloag , Storekeeper, Culpepper C. H. J. C. Bush Asst. " " W.C.Whittlesey " " '« T. C. Stranahan Clerk. Henry Freeman Messenger. G. F. Eilwards " Norris , Driver 1st Corps. Thos. Mulkearn " 2d " John M. Williams " 3d " John Walton " .5th " .Ilobbs " Cth " John Smith '< 12th " Peter White ; Cook. • ■ Norfolk, Va. James Gall , Relief Agent. J. Edwards , Storekeeper. Baltimore^ Md. J. F. Pancoast Officer in charge. W. S. Dullard Special Relief Agent. W. G. M. Tlionipson Assistant. Richard Bell Storekeeper. Gettysburg, Pa. Dr. Gordon Winslow Inspector. Samuel Bacon, Jr Storekeeper. Newbern, N. C. Dr. J .W. Page Inspector. George B. Page Relief Agent, Beaufort, S. 0. Dr. M. M. Marsh Inspector. J. H. Hoadley Storekeeper. Day Relief Agent. 165 Neio Orleans^ La. Dr. George A. Blake Inspector. G. C. Edgerly Storekeeper. C. E. De Laiicey Assistant Storekeeper, WESTERN DEPARTMENT. R. T. Thorne Louisville Assistant Secretary, Dr. Goo. L. Andrew do Inspector. Rev. F. II. Bushnell do Hospital Visitor. Dr. N. E. Soule do Chief Clerk. C. S. Sill do Book-keeper. J. E. Tippett do Clerk and Copyist. John Patterson do do. M. Redding do do. J. E. Slaughter do , do. Preston and Catharine do Servants. Hospital Directory. H. S. Holbrook Louisville Chief Clerk. W. J. Duncan... , H. A. Bishop W. L. Wharton C. D. llillman Chas. A. Lawson D. W. iMagne.ss James Morton Richard Alien A.Miller St. Louis do. K. Berndorf Cincinnati do. Transportation Department. W. L. Ilanford Louisville Superintendent. W.B.Goodwin do Storehouse Clerk. Joseph Kuhn do Porter. A. II. Sill do Messenger. Hospital Cars. Dr. J. P. Barnard Surgeon in Charge. L. D, Mallory Superintendent. Two detailed men. do , Clerk. do do. do do. do do. do do. do do. do do. do do. 166 District of Middle Tennessee. Dr. A. N. Reed Stevenson, Ala Inspector. M. C. Read do Special Relief Agent. Dr. A. L. Castleman.... do Inspector. E. H. Pococke Nashville Steward of Home. Rev. J. C. Hoblitt do Hospital Visitor. Chas. Robinson do Storekeeper. Mrs. R. C. Hopkins do Assistant Storekeeper. W, Radcliff do Clerk. J. H. Larrabee do Agent. Porter and two servants. District of S. E. Kentucky. Thos. Butler Camp Nelson Storekeeper. District of the Mississippi. Dr. H. A. Warriner Vicksburg Inspector. Dr. Fithian do Inspector. Edward Way do Storekeeper. Rev. J. P. Ingraham Memphis Hospital Visitor. H. Tone do Storekeeper. T. B. Carpenter do do. C. W. Christy '' do Special Relief Agent and Supt. of Lodge. Four detailed men do. H. W. Fogle Sanitary Steamer Supercargo. J, Bishop Porter. C. N. Shipman Cairo Assistant Secretary. J. Brown do Superintendent of Home. Mrs. Ostrom Matron. District of Kansas. J. R. Brown Leavenworth Relief Agent. Dr. C. C. Slocum do Assistant Agent. District of West Virginia. D. S. Fracker. Wheeling , Storekeeper. Home Field. Rev. Wm. C. Turner Ohio i Canvassing Agent. Joseph Shippen West. Pennsylvania... do do. George G. Bellows Wisconsin do do. FIFTEENTH SESSION. Tuesday, January 12, 1864— Morning. The Commission assembled at 10 o'clock. Present— Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., President; Professor A. D. Bache, LL. D., Vice President; H. Binney, Jr., and Professor Fairman Rogers, Members of the Board ; and Messrs. C. J. Stillo, and R. M. Lewis, Associate Members. At the request of the President, Mr. Lewis read an histori- cal sketch of the Organization and Work of the Philadelphia Associates of the Commission. Voted, 1. That the thanks of this Commission are due to Dr. J. M. Corse, of Philadelphia, Associate Member, for his methodical and persistent service, now extending into its third year, in collecting vaccine virus for the distribution of the Commission. 2. That the General Secretary be instructed to forward this vote, with such a letter as he may deem appropriate, to Dr. Corse. Adjourned to eight, p. m. Tuesday, January 12^, 1864— Evening. Present— Dr. Bellows, Mr. Binney, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Strong, Mr. Wolcott, and Dr. Harris; and Messrs. C.J. Stills and R. M. Lewis, Associates. 168 The President presented the minutes of the Standing Com- mittee, and rendered a verbal report of thdir proceedings since the last quarterly meeting. Treasurer read his Quarterly Report, showing balance in treasury, on the 7th of January, 1864, of $89,849 70 ; and Mr. Binney and Mr. Wolcott were appointed an Auditing Committee of the Treasurer's account. The President reported that Dr. John Ordronaux had, at the request of the Standing Committee, prepared a report on a proposed Invalid and Pension System, and the President and General Secretary were appointed a committee to propose its publication to the Pension Bureau of the United States Govern- ment, with power. Voted, that the President and Mr. Strong constitute a com- mittee to revise the report for publication, and to draw a bill for congressional consideration, relating to the subjects dis- cussed, to be brought before a special session of the Board. The President reported the circumstances attending the cap- ture of Mr. Brengle, and submitted the propriety of making to his wife compensation for the loss of his mules and wagon, con- fiscated by the Confederates, at the time of his capture. It being considered improper to make such appropriation from the treasury, members from Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, offered individually to secure $400 for this pur- pose. Voted, that Dr. Harris and the General Secretary be a com- mittee to confer with Dr. Whelan, the chief of the Medical Bureau of the Navy, concerning the present sanitary condition and wants of the Navy. At 10.45, p. m, adjourned to 10, a. m., on Wednesday. 169 Wednesday, January 13, 1864 — Morning. The Commission met at 10, a. m. Present— Dr. Bellows, Professor Baclie, Bishop Clark, Dr. Asrnew, Mr. Strong, Mr. Wolcott, Mr. Binney, and Dr. Newberry; and Messrs. C. J. Still6, and R. M. Lewis, Asso- ciate Members. Voted, that the Standing Committee be requested to take order concerning delinquencies in the transmission of In- spectors' Reports. Voted, that the Treasurer be authorized to provide for a draft of $5,000 in favor of the Louisville Office. The General Secretary read his Quarterly Report, and presented a list of the Reports to be submitted at this session of the Commission. The General Secretary read the preliminary and quarterly report of Dr. Douglas, Associate Secretary and Chief of Inspection. Resolved, That Dr. Agnew, the General Secretary, Dr. New- berry, and Mr. Knapp be a committee to report to the Board proper candidates for the specific fields of inspection marked out in Dr. Douglas's report. Voted, that all the reports presented at tliis session be re- ferred to the Standing Committee, with power to publish any portion of them. The General Secretary read the reports of Drs. L. H. Steiner, Julius Nichols, and E A. Crane, concerning inspec- tions in the army of the Potomac within the defences of Wash- ington, and at New Iberia, Louisiana, respectively. Mr. F. N. Knapp, Associate Secretary, read his quarterly report. Voted, that Mr. Strong, and Mr. Knapp, Associate Secretary, be appointed a committee to consider the propriety of discon-^ tinning tlie supplies of food purchased by the Commission for the military hospitals, and to obtain a record from surgeons in charge of hospitals as to the value of the agency. At 4, p. m., adjourned until 7.30, p. m. 22 170 Wednesday, January 13, 1864 — Evening. Present — Dr. Bellows, Mr. Strong, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris, Mr. Binney, Mr. Wolcott, Bishop Clark, and Dr. Newberry, members of the Board ; and Messrs. C. J. Stille and R. M. Lewis, associate members. Bishop Clark moved that the Commission hold its next quarterly session at Philadelphia. Voted, that the consideration of the place of meeting be made the special order for 12 o'clock m., on Thursday. Voted, that the work of the New York bureau of the hos- pital directory be transferred to the Washington office. The General Secretary reported the resignation, since the last quarterly meeting, of Drs. George L. Andrew and A. McDonald, Inspectors of the Commission. The President communicated facts concerning the organi- ■ zation of the European Branch of the Commission. Resolved, That the General Secretary, after correspondence with the Medical Bureau, acknowledge the receipt of the letter of Thomas Longmore, Deputy Inspector General of the British army, on the subject of the tabulation of gun-shot wounds in such terms as may express the Commission's sense of his courtesy. Resolved, That the General Secretary be instructed to ap- point an acting actuary in the Commission to perform the duties of Mr. E. B. Elliot, now absent in Europe without leave. That the General Secretary also notify Mr. Elliot, by letter addressed to him at the city of Berlin, (that being his last-known address,) that he is requested immediately to re- port for duty at tlic Central Office, at Washington, and that unless he so report by the 20th day of March next, or satisfac- torily account for his omission so to do, his place will be con- sidered as vacated. The General Secretary read the monthly report for Decem- ber, 1863, of Mr. Bloor, Assistant Secretary at the Washington Office. At 11 p. m. adjourned to 10.30 a. m. on Thursday. 171 Thuesday, January 14, 1864— Morning. The Commission met at 10.30, a. m. Present — Dr. Bellows, Professor Bache, Mr. Strong, Mr. Binney,Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry, Bishop Clark, Mr. Wolcott, and Dr. Agnew, Members of the Board, and Messrs. C. J. Stille, R. M. Lewis, and Hon. H. B. Rogers, Associate Mem- bers. Mr. Binuey, from the -Auditing Committee, reported that the accounts of the Treasurer had been examined and found correct, and that they exhibit a balance in the treasury of $89,849 70. The committee appointed at the October session of the Com- mission to consider the sanitary condition near Charleston reported. The report was accepted, and the committee dis- charged. Mr. Knapp, Associate Secretary, read the report of 0. C. Bullard, Special Relief Agent at New Orleans, and selections from other reports accompanying his Quarterly Report. The consideration of the question concerning the place of meeting of the Commission in April was revived. After discussion, on motion of Bishop Clark, it was voted that the next Quarterly Session of the Commission be holden west of the Alleghanies, and that a special session be in the interval convened at Philadelphia, by direction of the Stand- ing Committee. On motion, adjourned to 7.30, p. m. Thursday, January 14, 1864— Evening. The Commission met at 8, p. m. Present— Dr. Bellows, Professor Bache, Bishop Clark, Mr. Binney, Mr. Strong, Dr. Newberry^ Mr. Wolcott, and Dr. Har- ris, Members of the Board; and Mr, C. J. Still6, Associate Member. 172 The President announced a donation of $50,000 from the New England Women's Auxiliary Association. The Commission, Resolved, That the tlianks of the United States Sanitary- Commission are due, and are hereby tendered, to the New England Women's Auxiliary Association, for its munificent contribution of the sum of fifty thousand dollars, (being part of the proceeds of the Fair lately held in the city of Boston under its auspices,) to the General Treasury of the Commis- sion — this being the first portion of .the proceeds of the Fairs lately conducted in aid of the Commission, with such eminent skill and energy, and with results so unprecedented, which has been set apart for the National work of tlie Commission through the Central Treasury. Resolved, That in the consecration by the New England Women's Auxiliary Association of so large a portion of the fund thus raised to its National work, and to its medical pre- ventive service, the Commission recognizes the patriotism and intelligence that characterizes the people of Boston. Resolved, That these resolutions be communicated by the General Secretary to the New England Women's Auxiliary Association, and published in the daily papers of Boston and New York. The Associate Secretary at Washington was authorized to incur such expense in behalf of the ladies about to visit Wash- ington in the interest of the Supply Department as his judg- ment may deem proper. Dr. Newberry, Associate Secretary, rendered his Quarterly Report; which was ordered to be prepared for publication as ^ a document of the Commission. Resolved, That the Members of the Sanitary Commission can- not refrain from expressing their deep sympathy with their friend and associate, Dr. Van Buren, knowing as they do but too well, and sympathizing deeply with him in, the family mis- fortune under which he suffers, and which detains him from our meeting at this time. May God ^ve him His help in his be- reavement. Resolved, That Prof. Bache and Dr. Newberry be appointed 173 as a committee to prepare an outline- map, exhibiting the opera- tions of the Commission in connection with military move- ments. Voted, that the Standing Committee be requested to give early attention to the propriety of establishing vegetable gar- dens, to secure the army against scorbutic disease, and are empowered to give effect to their opinions. At 11.30 adjourned to 10 a. m. Friday. Friday, January 15, 1864 — Morning. Present — Dr. Bellows, Mr. Wolcott, Mr. Binney, Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry, and Mr. Strong, Members of the Board; and Hon. H. B. Rogers, Associate Member. Mr. C. J. Stille was elected a Member of the Commission, and, on notification, took his seat with the Board. Dr. Newberry read the report of the committee appointed to designate Inspectors to fill the vacancies reported by the Chief of Inspection. Drs. A. N. Reed, G. Aigner, A. L. Castleman, and Randal Williams, were, in conformity to the recommendation, appoint- ed Inspectors. Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to Stephen H. Perkins, Esq., for the able, luminous, and ex- haustive report upon the European systems of Pensions and Homes for Invalid Soldiers, which he has prepared for the use of the Commission. Resolved^ That the General Secretary be requested to trans- mit to Mr. Perkins a copy of this resolution. Dr. Newberry announced to the Board the death of Rev. W. F. Loomis, Hospital Visitor for the Commission at Nashville, Tennessee, of pneumonia, consequent upon his labors and expo- sure in care of the wounded on the battle-field of Chattanooga, and submitted the following resolution; which was adopted. Resolved, That the Board of Commissioners of the Sanitary 174 Commission have heard with great sorrow of the death of Rev. W. F. Loomis, their devoted and efficient Hospital Visitor at Nashville, Tennessee; and that the Secretary be requested to convey to Mrs. Loomis the assurance of their sympathy with her in her irreparable loss. Profs. C. A. Joy and Ogden N. Rood, of New York; Dr. G. B. Upham and Messrs. Cyrus Cleveland, R. P. Getty, and J. M. Knox, of Yonkers, New York; Col. E. B. Andrews, of Marietta, Ohio; and F. B. Fay, Esq., of Chelsea, Mass., were elected Associate Members. Resolved, That the report of the committee ordered at this session, respecting the sanitary wants of the Navy, be rendered by the General Secretary at the next meeting of the Commis- sion. ' Voted, that the Standing Committee be requested to consider the propriety, at the present time, of the formal tender of ad- vice to Congress and to the Heads of Administrative Depart- ments of the Government, concerning usages of the military service which gravely involve the health of the forces. At 11 a. m. the Commission adjourned. SIXTEENTH SESSION. Tuesday, March 8, 1864— Morning. The Commission assembled at 11 o'clock, at the Rooms of the Philadelphia Agency, 1307 Chesnut street. Present— Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., President; Prof. A. D. Bache, LL. D., Vice President; H. Binney, Jr., Prof. Fairman Rogers, and Mr. C. J. Stille. The Treasurer was authorized to transfer the donation of the Hudson River Railroad Company of $5,000, to the Treasurer of the Metropolitan Fair, in conformity to the wish of Mr. Sloan, the President of the Company. The President, the General Secretary, and Mr. Knapp, Asso- ciate Secretary, were appointed a committee to consider the propriety of making an effort, by negotiation with the Confed- erate authorities to secure relief to Union soldiers within the rebel lines, and to report before the rising of the Board. Voted, that tlie Treasurer be authorized to pay William B. Buxton $60, in full for services as Canvassing Agent for the Commission. Voted, that the Treasurer be authorized, from time to time, under the direction of the Standing Committee, to invest any portion of the funds in his hands in registered securities of the Government of the United States, (such investments to be made in the joint names of the Treasurer and of the President of the Commission.) and to collect and receive the interest thereon, and from time to time to sell such securities, under the direction of said committee. The President read letters from Rev. Dr. McClintock, of 176 Paris, and Mrs. Dr. Gould, resident at Rome, concerning the interests of the Commission in Europe. At 3.30, p. m., adjourned to 10, a. m., on Wednesday. Wednesday, March 9, 1864 — Morning. The Commission assembled at 10, a. m. Present — Dr. Bellows, Prof. Bache, Bisliop Clark, Judge Skiiuicr, Mr. Biniicy, Dr. Van Unrcn, Dr. Agncw, Mr. Wolcott, Prof. K,()gors, and Mr. StiUo. 'J'lio General Secretary read his report, the report of the Chief of Inspection, and of Inspectors Stciner, Crane, and Fairchild. On motion, Ezra B. McCagg, Esq., of Chicago, Illinois, was elected a Member of the Commission. . Resolved, Tiiat tlie subject of the relief of prisoners in Hos- pital and Dc|)ot Guard 1 louses l)e referred to Bislio]) (Mark and Mr. Kiuipp, of the Special Relief Department, for immediate consideration and action. Voted, tliat the consideration of the subject of provision for disabled soldiers be made the special order at 10.30 on Thursday. The General Secretary was directed to render, at his earliest convenience, a special report concerning the provision of tiie Medical Bureau of the United States Government for Corps and Division Hospitals in the field, and of the necessity gener- ally existing for requisitions from these hospitals, upon tiie storehouses of tiie Commission. At 1 o'clock the Commission adjourned to I0,a. m., on Thurs- day. The Board spent the afternoon in a visit to the Mower Gen- eral Hospital, at Chcsnut Hill, under charge of Dr. J. Hop- kinson, Sui'geon U. S. V. After a thorough inspection of the hospital, they were unanimously of opinion, that in neatness, order, ventilation, and general administrative excellence, it was 177 an honor to the Government, tlic Medical Department, and tlic surgeon in charge. Thursday, March 10, 1864— Morning. The Commission assembled at 10 o'clock. Present— Dr. Bellows, Professor Baclie, Judge Skinner, Bishop Clark, Mr. Biiiney, Mr. Wolcott, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Van Biiren, Professor Rogers, and Mr. Btille. The special order was taken up for discussion. Resolved, That a Committee of four be appointed by the Chair, to consider the subject of the organization, location and final establishment of National Sanitaria for disabled soldiers, to rei)ort at their earliest convenience. That said Committee have power to employ any necessary number of skilled agents to collect all available information in regard to tlie number of persons destined to be thrown on the public care by tiie war ; to inquire what portion of tiiese are likely to Hill under the protection of the States, and what of the Federal (xovernment ; to learn what State enterprises are already a-foot, or in oi)eration, and their character and pros- pects ; and what Federal provisions are under consideration. Also, to tabulate and systematize the results of the incpiiries pursued by Mr. Olmsted, Mr. Perkins, and Dr. Ordronaux, in relation to this subject. Resolved, Tliat under the advice of the Standing Committee, this Committee have power to establish such experimental Sani- taria as they may tliink necessary, to settle questions that can- not be reasonal)ly determined on theoretical grounds. The President named Mr. Knapp, Associate Secretary, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Stillo, and Professor Rogers as the Committee, and they were duly empowered. The Report of the Treasurer was presented, und the Presi- dent was requested to appoint an Auditing Committee, to report on the Treasurer's accounts, at the next quarterly meeting. 23 178 The General Secretary read a Report of Mr. T. J. O'Connell, concerning- the condition of the work in tlie Actuary's office. Besolved, That the Committee on Statistics be revived, with instructions to report, at an early date, in regard to the organ- ization of the Department, to the Board. Also, that Dr. Bache, with Mr. Stille, be requested to examine particularly into whatever evidence exists in our archives touching tlie mor- tality and sickness rate of the Array of the Potomac, and par- ticularly of our losses in the Peninsula. The monthly Report for February, of Mr. F. N. Knapp, Associate Secretary, at Washington, was read. The Committee appointed at the January session of the Com- mission to consider the propriety of discontinuing the supply of fresh provisions to the hospitals at Washington, rendered their report. The Commission voted to hold its next session at Louisville, Ky., May 5th, at 10 a. m. The resolution concerning Honorary Membership, referred by the Standing Committee on the 23d of February, to the consideration of the Board, was laid upon the table. At 3 p. m., adjourned to 9 a. ra. on Friday. Friday, March 11, 1864— Morning. The Commission assembled at 9 a. m. Present — Dr. Bellows, Professor Bache, Judge Skinner, Mr. Binney, Bishop Clark, Professor Rogers, and Mr. Stills. Mr. Knapp, Associate Secretary, read a copy of a letter received from United States officers recently released from con- finement at Richmond, concerning the forwarding of supplies to prisoners remaining at Richmond. Voted, to print it for popular information. The General Secretary read reports of the Relief Service at Washington, in the Army of the Potomac, at Norfolk, in North and South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama. 179 The report of Mr. John Bowne, Superintendent of the Hos- pital Directory, was read. The General Secretary was directed to issue a circular to commanding ofBcers and chaplains of regiments and hos|)itals, directing attention to the suffering often resulting to the fami- lies of soldiers, through their neglect to communicate by letter with their homes. The Secretary presented the minutes of the Women's Coun- cil, held in the interest of the Supply Department, at Washing- ton, January 18-20, 1864. The President read a letter, addressed by him to Dr. M. M. Marsh, Inspector of the Commission in the Department of the South. At 1 p. m. the Commission adjourned. SEVENTEENTH SESSION. Tuesday, May 3, 1864— Morning. The Commission assembled at 10 o'clock, at the Rooms of the Central Office, 241 F street, Washington. Present— Prof. A. D. Bache, LL. D., Vice President; Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer; Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, and Dr. C. R. Agnew. The Treasurer reported that he had received from California drafts amounting to fifty thousand dollars, and was instructed to send the same to New York on deposit, properl}^ endorsed. Dr. Agnew, Chairman of the Committee on National Sanita- ria, reported progress, and asked that the committee be heard at a subsequent session of the Board. Mr. Strong presented the minutes of the Standing Committee since the last session of the Commission; which were ordered to be laid upon the table for the inspection of Members of the Commission. The Treasurer presented his report, showing a balance in the Treasury, on the 30th day of April, 1804, of three hundred and ninety-tiiree thousand nine hundred and sixty-one dollars and fifty-four cents. The report was accepted. Mr. Benj. Collins was appointed Assistant Treasurer of the Commission during the pleasure of the Board. At 12 o'clock, adjourned to 8, p. m. 181 Evening — 8, p. m. Present — Prof. Baclie, Vice President; Mr. Strong, Treasurer; Bishop Clark, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Gibbs, Mr. Stille, Members of the Board; and Mr. Jno. S. Blatcliford, Associate Member. The General Secretary, Mr. Knapp, Associate Secretary for the East, and Dr. Steiner, Chief Inspector of the Armies in Eastern. Virginia and Maryland, then made verbal reports of the degree of preparation made by the officers of the Commis- sion for the emergencies of the impending campaign; which were approved. The General Secretary read a report of Dr. Joseph Parrish, concerning the need of extending the canvassing agencies for supplies in kind to the Commission's storehouses. Voted, that Mr. Stills, Dr. Agnew, and the General Secretary be appointed a committee to issue a circular for popular infor- mation as to the expenses of the Commission. At 10.45, adjourned to 10, a. m., on Wednesday. Wednesday, May 4, 1864— Morning. The Commission met at 11, a. m. Present — Prof. Bache, Vice President; Mr. Strong, Dr. Gibbs^ Dr. Agnew, Dr. Newberry, Bishop Clark, Mr. Binney, and Mr. Still6, Members of the Board ; and Jno. S. Blatchford and Mar- cus L. Ward, Esqs., Associate Members. The General Secretary presented his quarterly report. Dr. Douglas, Chief of Inspection, read his report of the work of Inspection and the reports of Inspectors E. A. Crane, Isaac Fairchild, Gordon Winslow, A. C. Castleman, Henry Parker, Wm. F. Swalm, E. S. W^arren, and L. L. Coxe, Inspectors in the armies within tlie Department of the Gulf, in the xlrmy of the Potomac, the Army of the Cumberland, the Army of Ohio, and the Army of the Tennessee. Dr. Douglas also read the reports of Dr. Buckley and Mr. E. B. Fairchild, upon the physical and social characteristics of 182 Union and Rebel soldiers, and presented the results of tlieir examinations in tabular form, prepared by Mr. O'Connell, cliief clerk in the office of the Actuary. Mr. F. N. Knapp, Associate Secretary, read a report of the work of the Connnission in the Atlantic and Coast Department since January 1st. At 3, p. m., adjourned until 8, p. m. Evening. 1^-oscnt — Prof. Bachc, Mr. Strong, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Gibbs, Mr. Binuey, Bisiiop Clark, and Mr. Htillo, Members of the Board; and Mr. John S. Blatchford, Associate Member. The General Secretary read a telegram received during the recess, concerning preparation for emergencies, on the Penin- sula, also copy of instructions to the Associate Secretary,, and to Inspectors Steiner and McDonald with reference to the above. Voted, that the action of the General Secretary be approved. The Treasurer was directed to make a deposit of |5,000 with Riggs & Co., to the credit of the Washington office. The Committee on National Sanitaria, read a report recom- mending an appropriation of $100,000 for the establishment of an experimental sanitarium, which was accepted. llesolved^ That the report of the Committee on the establish- ment of Sanitaria be referred back to that committee, with instructions to report the plan proposed by them to the next mooting of the Commission in fuller detail, and also to take the opinion of tlic counsel in New York and Philadelphia as to the rights and liabilities of the Commission and its members as to said plan, and also in regard to the agencies established and in contemplation in regard to pensions, bounties, and back pay. liesoJved, Tiiat the Chief of Inspection be instructed to prepare at the earliest moment a full statement of the service 188 rendered by the United States Sanitary Commission by tlic distribution of anti-scorbutics in the army. At 10. BO, p. m., adjourned until 10, a. m., on Thursday. Thursday, May 5, 1864— Morntno. T'resent — Prof. Bache, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Binney, Dr. Gibbs, Bishop Clark, Mr. Strong, Dr. Harris, Mr. Stills, and Dr. Newberry, Members of the Commission; and Messrs. Jno. S.. Blatchford and William Binney, Associate Members. Dr. Steiner, Chief lMS[)ect()r of the Army of tiie Potomac, made his monthly rei)ort fof May 1st. Voted, that the General Secretary be requested to apply, in the name of the Commission, to the Quartei-mfister General for means of water communication with the iVrmy of the Potomac, shoidd the same be i-cqnired ; and in dofnult of obtiiiiiing assignment of a boat or boats, tliat he be instructed to pi'ovide the needed transportation at the expense of the (Commission. Resolved, Thiit the Standing Committee be instru(;l,ed to i-(!- vise the existing regulations now in force for tiie conduct of the aflairs of the Commission, and to rei:)ort tlio same, with such additions as they may ai)])rove, to the Commission at its next meeting. And that such regulations, when a(h:)pted by the (Com- mittee, be in force until the next meeting of the (Jommis- sion. Ref^olved, That tlie device for a seal for_ the (Commission, submitted by Ihe Stiuiding Committee, be referred baci< to the Comtnittee with power to adopt the same, with such variations in detail as they may approve. Resolved, That it is expedient to publish lucomphHx! addition of tlie Medical Moiiogi'ai)hs of the Commission, (including Doc. No. 46 ;) that the Surgeon General be respectfully invited to edit such rer)rint, and tliat he be invited to correspond with Messrs. Lippincott & Co., of Philadelphia, on the subject, and to report the result to the Standing Committee. 184 The quarterly report of Mr. Bloor, Assistant Secretary, was tlien road. Resolved, Tliat the attention of the General Secretary be called to that portion of Mr. Bloor's Report which relates to irregularities in the consignment of supplies from the New York office. The General Secretary presented the Report of Mr. Bowne, Superintendent of the Hospital Directory. An application for books, to be sent to the forts on the over- land route to California, was referred to the Standing Commit- tee, with power. A communication from Lieutenant Colonel Hamlin, Medical Inspector; concerning the use of vinegar as a prophylactic in the army, was referred to the Standing Committee with power. The General Secretary was directed to inquire of the ac- countant by what authority payments had been made on account of Mr. Elliot since the termination of his leave of ^absence. Hon. E. D. Morgan was elected an Associate Member of the Commission. Resolved, unanimously, That Bishop Clark and Dr. Agnew be a committee to wait upon the Secretary of War, to assure him of the strong desire of the Commission to co-operate to the utmost extent of its power with the Government, and es- pecially with the War Dej)artmcnt in its measures for promo- ting the highest efficiency of the Army at the present time. Resolved, That the gentlemen named be authorized to asso- ciate with them upon their committee, any Associate Member or jMembers of tiu; Commission. An application of the Protective War Claim Association, of Boston, for recognition of the local agency of the Commission in the work of obtaining pay, bounty, and pensions for those having claims on the United States Government, was referred to tlie Standing Committee, with power. The General Secretary reported that in accordance with the resolution of the Commission, adopted January 13th, Mr. Elliot was no longer borne on the Roster of the Commission. Dr. Newberry, Associate Secretary at Lousville, presented 185 a report of tho work of the Commission in the Western field. Voted, that in view of the interest and importance of the report of the Associate Secretary, he be reqnested to reduce it to writing', and to publish it as a document of tho Connnis- sion. The General Secretary read a letter from Mr. Bownc, ac- countant, statiut>', in reply to the resolution of inquiry this day ado|)tod, concerning payments on account of Mr. Klliot, that they had been made on the authority of Mr. Knapp, Associate Secretary. The General Secretary was directed to in(iuiro of Mr. Knapp, Associate Secretary, by what authority payments have bc(Mi made on account of Mr. Elliot since the tei'mina- tion of liis leave of absence. At 5.80, p. m., the Commission adjourned until 9, p. m. EvENiNc;, 9 P. M. Present— Prof. l>achc, Mr. Strong, Mr. Binney, Bishop Clark, Dr. Agncw, Dr. Gibbs, Mr. Stille, Dr. Newberry, and Dr. Harris, Members of the Board; Brig. Gen. VV. A. Ham- mond and Mr. Jno. S. Blatchibrd, Associate Members. Voted, tliat the Treasurer be authorized, under the direction of the Standing 'Committee, to open an account in the name of Dr. Newberry with such bank in the city of New York as the Standing Committee may direct. Voted, that when the Commission adjourn, it be to meet in New York, at 11 o'clock, on the 12th day of July next. Voted, that at the earliest opportunity, a committee of three be appointed to confer with the President of the United States upon the question of procuring ready and sufficiently prompt and safe access of our supplies, our agents, and all our means of succour to our wounded and sick upon battle-fields and hos- pitals when within the enemy's lines. The Vice President, Dr. Harris, and the General Secretary were appointed such com- mittee. The attention of the Commission was called to the probable 24 186 necessity of providing for the army during the coming cam- paign varied anti-scorbutic food, and the question of largely providing it was referred to the Standing Committee with power. Voted, that the Treasurer be authorized to deposit with Riggs & Co., $10,000 to the credit of the Washington Office, and to the credit of Dr. Newberry, Associate Secretary, $5,000 at a bank in New York, to be designated by the Standing Com- mittee. At 11, p. m., the Commission adjourned. EIGHTEENTH SESSION. Tuesday, July 12, 1864 — MorninCx. Office of the Commission, 823 Broadway, New York. At 12 o'clock m., only Messrs. J. H. Wolcott, Dr. C. R. Agnew and Dr. E. Harris having arrived, adjournment was made until 4 p. ni. 4 p. m. Tlie Commission assembled, Mr. vStillo in the chair. Present — Dr. Van Buren, Mr. Stills, Dr. Agnew, and Dr. Harris. Resolved, That tlie " Complete Edition of the Medical Mono- graplis of the Commission," reprinted and edited, in accord-' ance with tlie invitation of the Commission, by the Surgeon General of the Army, and now in the hands of the publishers, (Messrs. Ijipjjincott, of Philadelphia,) be sold by them on ac- count of the Commission. Resolved, That the thanks of the Commission be respectfully tendered to the Surgeon General, for his prompt compliance witli their invitation to edit the reprint. At 5.30 p. m. adjourned, to meet at 8 p. m., at the house of Dr. Van Buren, Fourth Avenue. Evening. The Commission assembled at the house of Dr. Van Buren, Fourth Avenue. Mr. Still6 in the chair. Present — Dr. Van Buren, Mr. Strong, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris, Dr. Agnew and Mr. Still6. 188 The Treasurer presented his Report of receipts and dis- bursements, showing a balance in treasury, on June 30th, of $1,005,396.68; which was accepted. Voted, that Dr. Newberry and Dr. Harris be appointed a committee to audit the Treasurer's account. Dr. Agnew, for tlie Standing Committee, presented the Re- port of its action during the recess of the Commission; which report was accepted. Besolved, That the commission of Dr. A. M. Ross, now act- ing as agent of the U. S. Sanitary Commission at Montreal, be' cancelled from this date, and that the General Secretary take such action, either through the State Department, or the U. S. Consul General at Montreal, as will secure this action. Also, that copies of the correspondence on this subject be sent to the State Department. Voted, that the General Secretary bo directed to request the Managers of the Soldier's Aid Society of Montreal, to desig- nate a person fitted to represent the Commission's interests in Canada. Mr. Strong, from the committee appointed at the last session of the Board to visit the Honorable, the Secretary of War to renew its tenders of assistance to the Government, made a report which was accepted. The General Secretary read the report of Capt. Isaac Harris concerning the movement of the wagon trains of the Commis- sion from Belle Plain to City Point. Resolved, That the thanks of the Commission are due and are hereby tendered to Captain Isaac Harris for his distinguished zeal and ability in managing the wagon transportation of the Commission during the recent movement of the army from Fredericksburg to City Point. At 11 p. m. adjourned to meet at 823 Broadway, at 1 p. m. on Wednesday. ^ 189 Wednesday, July 13, 1864— Morning. The Commission assembled at 1 p. m., at 223 Broadway, Mr. Wolcott in the chair. Present — Mr. Wolcott, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris, Mr. Stills, Mr. Strong, Dr. Agnew, and Dr. Van Buren. The General Secretary read the first section of his report, concerning tlie relief work of tlie Commission during the two months since the adjournment of the Commission. Dr. Newberry, the Associate Secretary for tlie West, made a verbal report of the Commission's work at the West, during the interval since the last session of the Commission. Whereas it has come to the knowledge of the Commission that thousands of letters, addressed to officers and soldiers now in active service in the field, or sick in hospital, are accu- mulating daily at difi"erent points, in consequence of imperfect direction of said letters, although prepaid according to law; and whereas the experiment has already been tried by the Commission of redeemiiig these letters and forwarding them to their destination with success and great satisfaction to the sol- diers: Tlierefore, Resolved, That the General Secretary cause to be prepared and published, in the Bulletin, Reporter, and public prints, a correct statement as to the proper mode in which letters from home to soldiers in the field should be directed, in order that they may most certainly reach their destination. Resolved, That the proper oil cers of the Commission be in- structed to pay the necessary postage on letters to soldiers in tlie field or in hospital, wliich, under existing usage of the Post Office Department, are obstructed in their transmission, and that the matter of distribution of letters to soldiers be referred to the General Secretary, with power. Each letter thus forwarded to bear the stamp of the Commission. Dr. Agnew drew the attention of tlie Board to defects in its plan of executive organization. 190 Voted, to make this subject of the executive organization of the Board the special order at half past 2 o'clock on Thursday. At 5 o'clock, adjourned to 8, p. ui. EVENIN(J, 8 p. M. Present — Mr. Wolcott, Dr. Van Burcn, Dr. Harris, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Newberry, and Dr. Agnew. Mr. F. N. Knapp, Associate Secretary for the East, read a report of the work in the district under his suj)ervision, for the <|u;vrt(n- (Hiding June ?U)th ; which was accepted. vVlso, reports of Dr. G. C. (^iildwell, Hospital AHsitor at Washington. Mr. .1. II. Holt, Mr. .). H. Abbott, First Assistant to tlie Special Relief Agent at Wasiiington. Di-. Julius Nichols, Surgeon of the Home Hospital, at Washington. Mr Knapi) also presented the rej)ort of Dr. Geo. A. Blake, ('hicf lns])('<'tor for the (Jonunission in the De))artnient of the Gulf, of !i trip made from New Orleans to Cairo, in charge of hospital transi)oi-t N. AV. 'iMiomas. At 10.30 p. m., adjourned to meet at 2 p. m. on Tiiursday. Thursday, July 14, 1804 — Morning. The Conniiission assembled at 823 Broadway, at two p. ni. Mr. Woh'ott in the cliair. Present — Mr. Wolcott, Dr. Agnew, Mr. StiUe, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry, and Mr. Strong. Mr. Stille, chaii-man of the committee apj)ointcd at the last session of the ('Ommission to prei)are for i)()pular information a ('ii-('uhir coiu'cniing the expenses of the Commission, reported that the (Circular had been delayed in order lo embody the details of expenditure up to July 1st. J 91 Mr. Stillo, cliairiniiu of tlic Coininittcc on National Sanita- ria, roj)ortcd ])i'OL>rcss, and tiic committee was continued. Resolved, That the Executive (/ommittee of the Philadelphia Associates be re(iuested to transfer, to the credit of George iT. Strong, Esq., Treasurer of the Commission, $500,000, part of the proceeds of the Great (central Fair, now on dei)osit with the Government authorities in that city, and that they retain in Philadeljjhia, at interest, the balance of the fund derived from the said Great Central Fair, subject at all times to the order of the Commission, except such portion of the same as may 1)0 deemed necessary by the Executive Com- mittee of the Philadelphia Associates for maintaining the or- ganization of the agency of that city in its fullest efliciency, and the purchase of such articles there as may be ordei-ed by the proper authorities of the Conmiission. The General Secretary concluded the reading of his r(^|)()rt, which was accompained by the following documents, viz : |sec Appendix.] The Treasurer was authorized to make deposit with Riggs & Co. to the creditof the Washington Office often thousand dollars. Dr. Gibbs extended an invitation from the officers of the Union League Club to tlie members of the Commission to at- tend the monthly meeting of the Club, this evening, which was accepted, and the thanks of the Commission voted to the officers of the Club. The Treasurer was authorized to remit to K. M. Lewis, Esq., of Philadelphia, nine thousand dollars, on account of shipments to the army by stcamcu- Liljcrty and barge James Hand. Whereas, Dr. J. W. Page, Lispector of the Commission, has repeatedly failed to com])ly with the ordoi's of tiie Board to make stated reports : Therefore, Resolved, That the General Secretary be instructed to relieve Dr. J. W. Page, Lispector, from duty with tlic^ forces in North Carolina. Mr. Strong made a report from the sub-committee appointed by the Standing Committee to visit City Point, Va., for the j)ur- pose of making a personal examina,tion of the operations of the Commission in connection with the Army of the Potomac, and offered the following resolution; which was, on motion, ado|)ted : 192 Resolved^ That the thanks of the Commission are due, and are hereby tendered, to Capt. Simmons and Lieut. A. J. Jack- away, of the gunboat Dawn ; Lieut. Marjoram, commanding the gunboat General Jessup ; and Acting Ensign Lasher, of the gunboat Young America, for their persevering and zealous' eiTorts to assist the U, S. Sanitary Commission propeller " Com- mander," while aground in an exposed condition on the James River, on the 28th, 29th and 30th June last. And the General Secretary be requested to notify these gen- tlemen of the action of the Commission. Tiie General Secretary read the report of Mr. D. Forbes, Superintendent of the Army and Navy Claim Agency of the Commission. Resolved, That from and after the 1st day of August next, every person in the service of the Board above the grade of ordinary clerk, laborer, or teamster, shall make a weekly re- port in writing to his immediate official superior, unless he shall present a written excuse which shall be satisfactory to the Com- mission, or to the Standing Committee when the Commission is not in session. Resolved, That from and after the 1st day of August next, no payments shall be made on account of the salary of any person in the service of the Commission, above the rank of ordinary clerk, laborer, or teamster, who shall have failed to comply with the provisions of the foregoing resolution. Resolved. That the General Secretary be requested to pre- pare a circular letter, to be addressed to all the Agents of the Commission referred to in the foregoing resolution, enforcing upon them the necessity of complying with its provisions with the utmost strictness. The General Secretary was directed to urge upon Dr. Douglas the propriety of quartering the Relief Corps, operating from City Point, Va., in tents, as far as practicable, rather than upon boats near the shore. Voted, that the General Secretary be directed to accept the conditions of sale, submitted in writing, by Mr. R. Riker, for the barge Riiinebeck. At 5 o'clock, adjourned until 7 p. m. 193 Evening. 823 Broadway— 7 p. m. Present — Mr. Wolcott, Mr. Stille, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris. The General Secretary presented the Report of Mr. Jno. S. Blatchford, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Bos- ton Associates of the Commission, concerning the work of spe- cial relief conducted by them in Boston, for the quarter ending June 30th. The Commission went into a committee of the whole on the subject of the executive organization of the Commission. Dr. Newberry from the Auditing Committee on the Treas- urer's Report, reported that the accounts were correct, and in' accordance with the vouchers, showing a balance of $1,005,390 68 in the Treasury, June 30th. Voted, that tlie Standing Committee hereafter designate the place of the next quarterly meeting of the Commission. Resolved^ That all letters addressed to the office at Washing- ton, be at once referred, on their receipt, to the officer in charge of the special department having supervision of the subject. Resolved. That the Associate Secretary for the East be requested to instruct each officer to whom such letters are referred, that it is his duty immediately to acknowledge their receipt, and, if possible, to transmit at once the information sought for. Voted, that Mr. Wolcott be added to the Committee on cir- cular concerning expenditures. Resolved, That the General Secretary be instructed to com- bine the " Regulations for the service of the Sanitary Commis- sion " with those contained in the " Extracts from the Minutes of the Standing Committee for the 8th of July," and publish the same as the rules for the Executive Service of the Commis- sion, and that said rules are duly approved and adopted in sub- stance by the Board, Resolved, That such rules be incorporated with the above, as occur in the minutes of this session of the Board. 25 194 The Treasurer was authorized to pay $50, received from the Seneca Falls Soldier's Aid Association, for the purchase of goods, to the Woman's Central Association of Relief. Voted, that Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry, and the General Secretary be constituted a Committee, with power to frame and promulgate a code of rules for the government of the relief agents of the Commission. Voted, that the Commission considers it desirable that some of its members should frequently visit the stations of the Com- mission with the chief armies, and that the General Secretary be instructed to correspond, from time to time, with members of the Commisssion, with the view of securing such visitation of said stations. At 9.30 p. m., the Eighteenth Session of the Commission was adjourned. APPENDIX. Reports concerning the current ivork of the United States Sani- tary Commission, pi^esented at its eighteenth session, July 12-14, 1864: 1. Report of tlie Standing Committee. 2. Report of George T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer. 3. Report of the Auditing Committee. 4. Report of the Committee on Conference with the Hon. the Secretary of War. 5. Report of Committee appointed to visit City Point, Va., for the purpose of examination of the operations of the Com- mission in connection with the army operating against Rich- mond. 6. Report of Dr. J. Foster Jenkins, General Secretary, com- municating the following reports : A. Report of Mr. F. N. Knapp, Associate Secretary for the East, accompanied by the following reports : a. Report of Mr. J. Y. Culyer, Chief Clerk of the Wash- ington office. 195 b. Report of Dr. G. C. Caldwell, Hospital Visitor for "Washington, D. C, and vicinity. c. Report of Mr. J. B. Holt, Assistant Hospital Visitor. d. Report of Dr. Geo. A. Blake, Chief Inspector for the Commission in the Department of the Gulf, of a trip made from New Orleans to Cairo, in charge of hos- pital transport N. W.Thomas. e. Report of Mr. J. B. Abbott, First Assistant Special Relief Agent at Washington, D. C. /. Report of Dr. Julius Nichols, Surgeon of tiie Home Hospital, at Washington D. C. g. Report of Mr. Jno. S. Blatchford, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Boston Associates of the Commission, concerning the work of special relief conducted by them in Boston, for the quarter ending June 30th. B. Report of Dr. Julius Nichols, on Sanitary Inspection of the 22d Army Corps, within the Department of the Defences of Washington. C. Report of Dr. Henry Parker, on Sanitary Inspection of the 1st and 3d Divisions of the 14th Army Corps, near Ringgold, Ga. D. Report of Dr. C. B. Webster, on Sanitary Inspection of 15th Army Corps, near Huntsville, Ala. E. Report of Dr. A. L. Castleman, concerning the Trans- portation of the Sick and Wounded from recent battle- fields in Georgia, to the General Hospitals at the rear. F. Report of Dr. E. L. Warren, concerning service at the General Field Hospital at Resaca, Ga. G. Report of Capt. Isaac Harris, concerning tiie movement of the wagon train of the Commission, from Belle Plain to City Point, Va., during May and June, 1864, with a map of the route. H. Report of Mr. Darius Forbes, Superintendent of the Army and Navy Claim Agency of tlie Commission. 7. Report of Dr. Jno. S. Newberry, Associate Secretary for the West. Note. — The following Reports were received at Now York, July 15th, the day subsequent to the adjournment of the Com- 196 mission, having been delayed on the road by the rebel raid into Maryland, viz : 1. Report of Mr. John Bowne, Superintendent of the Hos- pital Directory. 2. Report of Dr. B. A. Gould, the Commission's Actuary. 3. Report of Dr. Lewis H. Steincr, Chief Inspector for the U. S. Sanitary Commission of tlie Army of the Potomac, for May and June, 18()4. a. Two reports of Mr. George E. Holbrook, Relief Agent with tlic Second Army Corps, for the weeks ending June 26t]i and July 3d, 18fi4. h. Report of Mr. S. N. Blazier, Relief Agent with the Sixth Army Corps, for three weeks ending May 29th, 1864. 4. Report of Hon. Frank B. Fay, Superintendent of Auxil- iary Relief Corps, Army of Potomac, for the period from May 4th to July 10th, 18G4. 5. Nine reports concerning the distribution of vegetables to the army, near Petersburg, Va., July 1-4, 1864. 6. Report of Dr. T. B. Smith concerning services at Belle Plain, Fredericksburg, Port Royal, White House, and City Point, for six weeks, ending June 22d, 1864. NINETEENTH SESSION. Tuesday, October 25, 1864— Morning. The Commission assembled at 10 o'clock, at the Wasliiiigton office, 244 F street, Wasliiiigton, D. C. Present— Rev. II. W. Bellows, D. D., President ; Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer ; Horace Binney, Jr., Esq., Dr. C. R. Agnew, Rt. Rev. T. M. Clark, D. D., C. J. ^tWU, Esq., Mem- bers of tlie Board ; Mr. Benjamin Collins, Assistant Treasurer ; and Miss Abby W. May, Delegate from thcN. E. W. Auxiliary Association, Boston. The President, Rev. Dr. Bellows, read an address. The Treasurer, George T. Strong, Esq., presented his quarterly report, showing a balance on hand, Oct. 15th, of $481,786 10. The whole amount received by the Treasurer from all sources, since his appointment, is three millions and seventy-one thousand, two hundred and sixty-five dollars and one cent. $3,071,265 01 To this must be added the aggregate of contributions received at the Washington ofTice and credited to the Central Treas- ury, though not actually received by the Treasurer 21,650 46 And the amount of contributions received at Louisville credited in like manner 14,500 90 Making a total of $3,107,476 43 The sources from which this sum has been received are, as nearly as they can be ascertained, as follows, viz : Maine $22,810 51 New Hampshire I,fi07 05 Vermont 2,8,-?4 92 Massachusetts 52,746 64 Ehode Island 10.316 46 198 Connecticut , 7,072 18 People of New England 6,683 75 New York 213,220 10 New Jersey 217,966 93 Penn^'lvania 11,896 83 Delaware 785 00 Maryland 2,925 70 District of Columbia 3,236 91 Ohio 4,900 00 Indiana 1,164 15 Illinois 6,090 82 Micliigan 632 25 Wisconsin 1,083 OO Minnesota 66 85 Kentucky 6,382 12 Missouri 80 00 Louisiana 2,861 25 North Carolina 5 00 California 970,987 43 Nevada 73,817 25 Oregon 48,916 27 Washington 19,837 99 Idaho 2,503 04 Colorado 1,0-25 00 Vancouver's Island 2,195 61 Nebraska 10 50 Santiago de Chili 3,688 84 Honolulu 7,185 00 Peru 2,002 00 Cuba 23 00 Canada 441 48 Newfoundland 150 00 England 11,000 00 Scotland 50 00 France 3,550 00 European Branch 11,872 72 London Branch 34,057 09 Belgium 100 00 Germany 760 00 Turkey 90 00 China 2,989 00 Japan 5,000 90 Italy 50 00 U. S. Navy 174 00 Total $1,579,905 54 199 Contj-ihutions from Sanitary Fairs. New England State Fair, Boston $50,000 00 Yonkers I'i.OOO 00 Flushing 3,934 32 Brooklyn 300,000 00 Schuyler Co 1,287 43 Albany 80,000 00 Metropolitan 1,001,039 24 Warwick, Orange Co 1,432 73 Poughkeepsie 16,192 21 Hornellsville ,..c 800 00 South Adams, Mass 3,08'7 04 Maryland State 40,000 00 Wheeling, Va 2,500 00 1,512,273 03 Unknown sources , 7,584 93 Interest on United States Certificates at 6 per cent, withdrawn from U. S. Treasury 5.789 30 Interest on $300,000 allowed by Nassau Bank, Brooklyn 1,923 63 5,107,476 43 Voted, that Mr. Still6 and Mr. Binney be a committee to audit the Treasurer's accont. The General Secretary presented the minutes of the Stand- ing Committee since the last session, and read an abstract of their more important records. The General Secretary read his quarterly report. The General Secretary read the preliminary report of Dr. Gould, Actuary, and his monthly reports for September 1st and October 1st. Voted, that Dr. Agnew be added to the committee ap- pointed by t!ie Board, March 10, 1864, " to examine particu- larly into whatever evidence exists in our archives touching the mortality and sickness rate of the Army of the Potomac, and particularly of our losses on the Peninsula." Resolved, That that commraittee be instructed to ascertain and report how far the Battle-field Relief Agencies of the Com- mission may have lessened the sufferings and mortality of the sick and wounded national soldiers. Mr. Binney submitted and read, on behalf of the Executive 200 Committee of the Philadelphia Associates of the Commission, a repori made October 24th to the Committee on the Protec- tive War Claim Agency of that body, by W. N. Ashman, So- licitor of the Agency. Resolved, That a committee consisting of the President, Mr. Stille, and Mr. Strong, members of this Commission, be appointed for the purpose of making application to the President of the Confederate States (with permission of the Government of the United States) for leave to send supplies to prisoners of war belouging to the army of the United States, through agents to be employed by tlie Commission, and approved by sucli officers as the President of the Confederate States may appoint ; such agents to be allowed to make personal distribution of their supplies, paying the transportation thereof within the Confed- erate lines, and to be put under proper obligations as to silence in regard to matters coming under their observation while thus employed. Tiiat said committee have power to publish such application, •and any correspondence that may result therefrom. Mr. Strong presented a tabulated statement of the disburse- ments of the Commission from its organization to October 1 1864, prepared by Mr. Benjamin Collins, Assistant Treasurer; which was referred to the Committee on the Financial State- ment, appointed May 3, 1864. Voted, that Mr. Strong be added to that Committee. Voted, that the President be requested to express to Dr. Bache, Vice President of the Commission, the hearty good wishes of the Board on his proposed departure for Europe. The General Secretary read the quarterly report of Mr. Joiin Bowne, Superintendent of the Hospital Directory. Voted, that tiie morning sessions be iield from 10, a. m., to 2, p. m., and that an executive session be held daily at 7, p. m. On motion, adjourned until 7, p. ni. 201 Evening. The Commission assembled at 7 p. m. Present— Dr. Bellows, Mr. Strong, Mr. Binney, Mr. Stills, Dr. Agnew, Bisliop Clark, and Mr. "Wolcott, members of the Commission; and Mr. BenJ. Collins, Assistant Treasurer. Voted, to authorize the purchase of 800 pairs of gray woolen blankets to be sent to Colonel Mulilech, at Winchester, to re- place blankets borrowed from the Quartermaster's Department by Dr. E. Harris. A letter having been read addressed by an army surgeon to a gentleman interested in the work of the Commission, making certain strictures upon the Commission's mode of issuing sup- plies — Resolved, That said letter be referred to the Associate Secre- tary of the Eastern Department, with instructions to inquire into the truth of its allegations, and of other statements to the like effect, in conjunction with said surgeon, if possible, and to take in writing and report such evidence on the subject, both for and against such allegations, as he may be able to obtain. Mr. Knapp, Associate Secretary for the East, read his quar- terly report. At 10 o'clock, the Commission adjourned. Wednesday, October 26 — Morning. The Commission assembled at 10, a. m. Present — Dr. Bellows, President, Bishop Clark, Mr. Binney, Mr. Wolcott, Mr. Stills, Mr. StroTig, and Dr. Agnew, Members of the Board; Benj. Collins, Esq., Assistant Treasurer, and Miss Abby W. May, Delegate from the N. E. W. Auxiliary Association, Boston. The General Secretary presented and read, as supplementary to the report of the Associate Secretary, Mr. Knapp, the quar- 26 202 terly report of Mr. J. B. Abbott, Chief Assistant in the Depart- ment of Special Relief at Wasliington, D. C; The quarterly report of Mr. J. Y. Culyer, Chief Clerk of the Washington office; The quarterly report of Mr. J. B. Clark, Superintendent of the Home at Washington; The quarterly report of Dr. Julius Nichols, Pension Exam- iner and Physician at the Home; The quarterly report of Rev. J. A. Whittaker concerning Relief Work at and near Annapolis, Md., and a preliminary report of Dr. Joseph Parrish, Superintendent of the department of canvassing and supplies. Voted, that a circular be addressed by a committee consist- ing of Bishop Clark, Dr. Agnew, and Mr. Wolcott to the several religious publication societies of the country, tendering the service of the Commission for the distribution of such printed matter as may be contributed by them for army circu- lation. Voted, that Dr. McDonald be authorized to erect a store- house at City Point, at a cost of $2,000. Voted, that the Treasurer be authorized to send Dr. McDon- ald $12,000 on account of expenses for October. Resolved, That a committee of which the President of the Commission shall be one, be appointed to proceed to City "Point, and confer with the military authorities and Dr. McDon- ald as to the best means of reducing the expenses of the Com- mission's work at that point. The President associated with himself on this committee, Mr. Wolcott and Mr. Stille. The General Secretary read the quarterly report of Dr. A. McDonald, in charge of the Commission's work on the James river, and the report of Dr. Wm. F. Swalm, Executive Officer at City Point. At 1.45, p. m., adjourned. 203 EVENING. The Commission assembled at 7 p. m. Present — Dr. Bellows, Mr. Wolcott, Mr. Binnej', Bishop Clark, Dr. Agnew, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Stille, Members of the Board; and Mr. Benj. Collins, Assistant Treasurer. Voted, to reconsider the resolution of the 25th inst., con- cerning application to the Confederate authorities for permission to relieve national soldiers in rebel prisons. On reconsideration, the resolution was lost. Resolved^ That a committee, consisting of the President, Mr. Stills, and Mr. Wolcott, Members of this Commission, be ap- pointed for the purpose of asking, (with the permission of the Government of the United States,) from General Grant, a flag of truce and an interview with General Lee, for the purpose of soliciting authority from him to send supplies to our prisoners of war, tlirough agents to be employed by the Commission and approved by him, or those under whose authority he acts. Such agents to be allowed to make personal distribution of their sup- plies, paying the transportation thereof within the lines of the enemy, and to be put under proper obligations as to silence in regard to matters coming under their observation while so em- ployed. Voted, that two Medical Inspectors be appointed by the General Secretary to visit the hospitals of Washington and the Eastern Department, and to attend to the usual duties of such officers. Voted, that it is expedient to repeat the general inspection of hospitals throughout the country as in November, 1862, upon the plan then matured by the Medical Committee, and that the Surgeon General be requested to furnish us with the same facil- ites, then extended to the Commission, in accordance with its original charter by the War Department, as a Commission of inquiry and advice into the sanitary condition of the United States forces. The President read a report of Col. Muhlech, Superinten- 204 dent of the Commission's work in the Shenandoah Valley, under date of October 23, 1864. Tlie President read a letter addressed to him by Dr, E, Harris, a member of the Commission, dated Winchester, October 24, 1864, which letter was referred to the Associate Secretary for the East, with power. * * * # « At 11 p. m adjourned. Thursday, October 27 — Morning. Present— Dr. Bellows, Mr. Wolcott, Bishop Clark, Mr. Binney, Mr. StiI16, Mr. Strong, and Dr. Agnew, Members of the Commission ; and Mr. Benjamin Collins, Assistant Treas- urer. Resolved^ That every member of the Commission is entitled to the fullest information of all its officers and agents as to all matters connected with its work, and to every opportunity of inspecting their operations, and forming an opinion as to their discretion and efficiency. But tliat no member of tlie Commission, unless acting under special orders from the Commission or the Standing Commit- tee, is entitled to control or interfere with any such officer or agent in tlie execution of liis official work. And that members of the Commission, so acting under special orders, are not au- thorized to assume any responsibility beyond the subject-matter of such order. A^oted, to add a member to the Standing Committee from Philadelphia. Voted, that Mr. Stille be elected sucli mcml)er of the Com- mittee. Voted, to appropriate $750 to reimburse Mr. Knapp for money advanced to Col. Mulilcch, for expenses of the Commis- sion in the Shenandoah Valley. Voted, that tlie next session of the Commission be held at Washington, January 10, 1865. Resolved, That the Associate Secretary for the East be authorized to spend an amount not exceeding $3,000 in tlie pur- 205 chaseof supplies to meet battle-field emergencies, such purchase to be forthwith reported to the General Secretary, and that no further purchase be made by him till such purchase is ap- proved. And that he is, in like manner, and under like limitation, authorized to expend a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, for ordinary purposes. Provided, hoivever, that the purchases authorized by this resolution be made only in emergencies in which it is impossi- ble first to obtain authority therefor from the General Secretary or the Standing Committee, without serious detriment to the service of the Commission. Voted, that Mr. Wm. A. Hovey be appointed Assistant Secretary at Washington, with his present compensation, dur- ing the pleasure of the Commission. Resolved, That the Board has been highly gratified by find- ing the cemetery near the Soldiers' Home, dedicated to the interment of more than six thousand of our national soldiers so beautifully laid out and so admirably arranged with the view of identifying the remains of each individual. Resolved, That the Board desire to express to Capt. Moore, of the Quartermaster's Department, its high appreciation of the humanity and energy shown by him in the prosecution and completion of this important work. * -^ ^ -;r ■» * * Resolved, That, in the opinion of the Board, the expenditures of the Commission must be materially diminished, and that the Standing Committee be instructed to take such action as will bring about such result. The General Secretary read the reports of Mr. F. B. Fay, Superintendent of the Auxiliary Relief Corps at and near City Point, Va., and of Mr. A. M. Sperry, Relief Agent in charge of the Commission's station at the hospital for colored troops near City Point. Mr. Binney presented a report of the Committee on the Treasurer's account, showing it to be correct and in accordance with the vouchers, exhibiting a balance on hand of $481,786 10. At 2, p. m., adjourned. 206 Evening, The Commission assembled at 7, p. m. Present— Rev. Dr. Bellows, Mr. Wolcott, Mr. Binney, Mr. Stilld, Mr. Strong, Bishop Clark, Dr. Agnew, and Dr. Newberry, Members of the Commission; and Mr. Benj. Collins, Assistant Treasurer. Mr. Stilld, Chairman of tlie Committee on tlie Financial Statement for popular information, presented a draft of a report, which was accepted, and referred back to the Committee, witli instructions to bring up its statements to October, 1864, and, when so completed, to print it. The General Secretary presented a summary of the work of the Commission's Army and Navy Claim Agency, to October 1, 1864. The General Secretary presented an application from the Executive Committee of the Boston Associates, asking for an approi)riation for the special relief of the Commission in Bos- ton. Voted, that the Commission authorize the Treasurer of the Boston Associates to draw upon tlie Treasurer of the Commis- sion for $2,828 28, for obligations incurred in the special relief service in Boston, and that the communication of the Secretary of the Boston Associates, of October 20th, be referred to the Associate Secretary for the East, for report to tlie Standing Committee concerning its proposals. « Mr. Knapp presented the quarterly rej)ort of the S[)ecial Relief service of the Commission at Boston, for the quarter ejiding September 30, 1864. Voted, that it is inexpedient to entrust the disbursement of any funds of the Commission to any civilian within the rebel lines. Voted, that an appeal be addressed to the churches of the loyal States for concerted assistance to the treasury of the Commission on the occasion of the coming national thanks- giving. A letter from Mr. Knapp, Assistant Secretary, to the Presi- dent was read, and elicited general discussion. 207 Resolved, That the General Secretary be instructed to pre- pare a second report to the Secretary of War on the work of the Coniuiission since December 1, 18G2; and that he be autlior- izcd to call on nienibcrs and officers of the Commission to assist him in the preparation of the same. Voted, that Dr. Newberry be reqnested to present to the Commission, at his earliest convenience, his views as to the most desirable scheme of inspectorial work. At 11 o'clock the Commission adjourned. Friday, October 28 — MorninCx. The Commission assembled at 10, a. m. Present— Dr. Bellows, Mr. Wolcott, Mr. Binnoy, Mr. Strong, Mr. Stillo, Dr. Newberry, Dr. Harris, and Dr. Agiiew, Mem- bers of the Commission; Mr. Benj. Collins, Assistant Treasurer, U. M. Lewis, of Philadelphia, Associate Member, and Miss Abby W. May, Delegate from the N. E. W. Auxiliary Associ- ation, Boston. Dr. B. A. Gould, the Commission's Actuary, made verbal re- port as to the condition of tlie work in the Statistical Bureau of the Commission. Voted, that the Secretary be requested to proceed at once to complete the loss and gain returns of the army, from August 1862 to the present time,' and also to continue the collection and tabulation of the total statistics of the army, and cari-y on the general work of the Bureau according to the original ])ljin. Besolved, That tlie Treasurer be authorized to remit to Messrs. King & Baird three thousand dollars, on account of their bill, for printing tlie late report on the Treatment of our Prisoners by the Jlebels. A communication from Samuel Powell, p]sq., of Philadel- phia, to Mr. H. Binney, Jr., on the subject of the better accom- modation of transport steamers arriving at Philadelphia with sick and wounded, was, on motion, referred to the Standing Committee. 208 Dr. Newberry, Associate Secretary at Louisville, presented and read his quarterly report of the Commission's work in the Western Department. Voted, that tlie report be accepted, and the Associate Sec- retary be requested to prepare it for publication as soon as possible. The President communicated the resignation of Mr. Bowne, Cashier of the Washington Office, which resignation was referred to the Standing Committee. Dr. Harris made a statement regarding the condition of the Commission's service in the Shenandoah Valley. At 2, p, m., adjourned. Evening. The Commission assembled at 7 o'clock. Present — Dr. Bellows, Mr. Binney, Mr. Strong, Dr. Harris, Mr. Still6, Dr. Newberry, and Dr. Agnew, Members of the Commission ; and Mr. Lewis, of Philadelphia, Associate Member. Voted, that, until further orders, the general work of the Hospital Directory at Washington be so modified as to consti- tute an office of inquiry, employing not more than two men, under such regulations as may be deemed advisable by the Associate Secretary ; a full report upon the efficiency of this provision to be made to the General Secretary at the expira- tion of one month. Whereas a communication has been received from J. Alex- ander Shriver, agent for P. & B. Steamboat Co., relative to certain charter money claimed from the United States Govern- ment by said company for services of the steamboat "Eliza- beth," during the past year of 1863, while said " Elizabeth" was used by tlie Sanitary Commission, to which service she had been assigned Tjy order of tlie Quartermaster General ; and whereas the steamboat " Elizabeth" was chartered, not by the Sanitary Commission, but by the Government, and assigned to 209 the service of the Sanitary Commission in its gratuitous labor for the soldiers, by order of the Quartermaster General, subject to withdrawal by his order at any time : Resolved, That the Sanitary Commission cannot recognize a claim upon them for the services of the steamboat " Elizabeth," during any part of the period referred to, and is unable to appropriate any portion of the trust funds in its hands to the payment of obligations for which it is not liable. ■. ,. The Commission elected as Associate Members Messrs. [See Appendix A,] and as Corresponding, Messrs. [See Ap- pendix B,] Voted, that the Standing Committee be requested to issue to the Associate Members of the Commission an address con- cerning the claims of the Commission upon them for service. Voted, that the diplomas, of all Corresponding Members of the Commission elected thus fa?iv'be dated August 18, 1864. Mr. Knapp, Associate Secretary ,,presented a communication proposing the creation of a General Department of Special Relief Work, the subject-matter of which was-»-j;eferred to a committee, consisting of the President, the General and the Associate Secretaries. - ,.^i-^^.■.,. At 12, m., the session was adjourned. •' 27 TWENTIETH SESSION. Tuesday, January 10, 1865. The Commission assembled at 244 F street, Washington, at 7.30, p. m. Present — Rev. H. W, Bellows, D. D., President; Horace Binney, jr., Esq., C. J. Stills, Esq., Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Dr. J. S. Newberry, Dr. E. Harris, Members of the Commission, » and Dr. B.,A. Gould and J. 'Warner Johnson, Esq, Associate Members. The President called the attention of the Commission to the consideration of certain alleged abuses in the issue of supplies, and to the necessity of still furtlier retrenchment in the expend- itures of the Commission. Voted, that the General Secretary be instructed to have prepared, nnder the direction of the Medical Committee, a manual of instruction to its agents, concerning the duties of company officers, surgeons, quartermasters, and commissaries, relating to the supply of articles to enlisted men which the Commission is most frequently called upon to furnish, and to the claims of the soldiers upon the Government for all articles of necessity, and the methods of securing their rights. The General Secretary read an abstract of the minutes of the Standing Committee since the quarterly meeting in Octo- ber, 1864. The applications of John Daniels and Jacob Berryman for reimbursement for money taken from them by "Moseby's men," in October, 1864, while on their way from Harper's Ferry to 211 Martinsburg, in tliG discharge of their duty, were presented by the General Secretary. Voted, that Daniels be paid $27, and Berryman $15, being one-half of the sums of which they were respectively robbed. Voted, that the Commission is not bound to indemnify its agents for loss of money while in its service, or for the loss of property not necessary for the performance of the duty in which such agents may be engaged at the time, and that this regulation be promulgated by the General Secretary. At 10 o'clock, p. m., adjourned to 10, a. m., on the 11th in- stant. Wednesday, January 11, 1865 — Morning. Xlie Commission met at 10 o'clock. Present— Dr. Bellows, Mr. Binney, Mr. Strong, Mr. Stills, Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry, Judge Skinner, Mr. McCagg, Members of the Commission; Dr. B. A. Gould, Mr. J. Warner Johnson, and Dr. Joseph Parrish, Associate Members; and Miss M. C. Stevenson, Delegate from the N. E. W. A. Association of Boston, and Miss L. L. Schuyler, Delegate from the W. C. A. R. of New York. The President read correspondence with the State Depart- ment concerning.the circulation in Europe of the Commission's report on the condition of Union soldiers held in rebel prisons. The President read a communication from C. H. Barkly, of Louisville, Kentucky, concerning a proposed effort to ascer- tain the time and place of death and burial of Union soldiers who have been confined in rebel prisons. The General Secretary read, as bearing on this subject, the report of Mr. J. C. Hoblitt, relief agent for the Commission with the army of Georgia, during its recent march across the State. Mr. Stille read the report of Mr. R. M. Lewis to the Phila- delphia Associates of the Commission, concerning the work conducted by them during the current year. 212 The General Secretary read his quarterly report and reports from other officers of the Commission, viz : Quarterly report of Mr. F. N. Knapp, Superintendent of Special Relief. Quarterly report of Mr. Wm. A. Hovey, Assistant Secretary, concerning relief work for the quarter. Quarterly report of Mr. J. B. Abbott, Chief Assistant in the Department of Special Relief. Quarterly report of Mr. J. B. Clark, Superintendent of the Home at Washington. Annual report of Mr. J. B. Clark, Superintendent of the Home at Wasliington. Quarterly report of Dr. Julius Nichols, Physician to the Home and Pension Examiner for the Commission. Quarterly report of Mr. J. Y. Culyer, Chief Clerk of the Washington office. Quarterly report of Mr. L. V. Beebe, Quartermaster of the Commission at Washington. . Quarterly report of Mr. C. F. Howes, Superintendent of the Commission's work at Annapolis, Maryland. Voted, that the Associate Secretary for the West be author- ized to repay to Hon. Mr. Harlan and Mrs. Harlan their ex- penses in canvassing the State of Iowa in behalf of the Com- mission. At 2.30, p. m., adjourned to 7.30, p. m. Evening. The Commission assembled at 7.30, p. m. Present — Dr. Bellows, Mr. Binney, Mr. Strong, Mr. Stille, Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry, Judge Skinner, Mr. E. B. McCagg, Members of the Commission; and Dr. B. A. Gould, J. Warner Johnson, and Dr. Joseph Parrish, Associate Members, and Miss M. C. Stevenson, from tlie N. E. W. A. Association of Boston, and Miss L. L. Schuyler, Delegate from the W. C. A. R. of New York. 213 The Treasurer read his report, showing a balance on hand on the 31st day of December, 1864, of $417,297 68. Mr. McCagg and Mr. liinney were appointed an Auditing Committee on the Treasurer's accounts. The General rtecretaiy read the report of Dr. A. McDonald, Ins})ector in charge at City Point; of Mr. F. B. Fay, Sui)erin- tendent of the Auxiliary llelief Corps at the Depot Hospitals of the Armies of the Potomac and James ; and of Mr. A. M. Spcrry, Acting Superintendent of the same Corps, and the quar- terly report of Mr. Jno. S. Blatchford, Secretary of the l>oston Associates of the Commission, concerning the Specia,! Relief service of the Commission in Boston, and an abstract of that work from the 1st of April, 1863. The General Secretary presented the quarterly re[)ort of Dr. B. A. Gould, Actuary of the Commission. At 10.30, p. m., the Commission adjourned to Thursday, at lU, a. m. Thursday, January 12, 1865 — Morning, 10 o'clock. Present— Dr. Bellows, Mr. Binney, Mr. Strong, Mr. Slille, Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry, Judge Skinner, and Mr. McCagg, Members of the Commission, and Dr. B, A. Gould, J. Warner Johnson, and Dr. Joseph Parrish, Associate Members, and Miss M. C. Stevenson, Delegate from N. E. W. A. A. of Bos- ton, and Miss L. L. Schuyler, Delegate from the W. C. A. R. of New York. The General Secretary i-oad the reports of Mr. J. Warner Johnson, Superintendent of the Field Relief Corps of the Armies before Riclimond ; of Mr. I. Harris, Assistant Superintendent; of Dr. N. C. Stev(;ns, Inspector, and of Messrs. A. C. Edmunds and H. P. Sherman, Su|)erintendents of tiie Relief Work at and near Fortress Monroe. The General Secretary presented the qnarterly repoiM. of Dr. Joseph Parrish, Editor of the Bulletin, and Superintendent of the Department of Canvassing and Supply at the East. 214 Voted, that the General Secretary be instructed to report promptly, by telegraph or otherwise, to the Associate Secretary at the West, to the President of the chief Branches of the Cora- mission, and to leading newspapers at the great commercial centres of the country, all important events in the current his- tory of the Commission. Dr. Newberry, Associate Secretary tor the West, rendered his quarterly report. The Treasurer was authorized to deposit with Riggs & Co., $5,000 to the credit of the Washington office. The General Secretary read the Financial report of E. W. Blatchford, Esq., Treasurer of the Northwestern Branch of the Commission, for the period from its organization, November, 1861, to December 31st, 1864. At 2 o'clock, p. m., adjourned until 7.30, p. m. Evening. The Commission met at 7.30, p. m. Present — Dr. Bellows, Judge Skinner, Mr. Binney, Mr. Strong, Mr. Stille, and Mr. McCagg. The General Secretary read a letter addressed to his Excel- lency Governor Andrew, of Mass., by a surgeon of the United States Army, concerning his estimate of the value of the Com- mission to the army. The General Secretary read the quarterly report of Mr. John Bowne, Superintendent of the Hospital Directory at Washington, and of Mr. D. Forbes, Superintendent of the Army and Navy Claim Agency of the Commission. Voted, that Mr. F. N. Kuapp be appointed Superintendent of Special Relief. Voted, that the Actuary be authorized to postpone the dis- cussion of the returns of hospital statistics, now in his posses- sion, during such period as he may think proper. The General Secretary read a report of Mrs. Stephen Barker, 215 Hospital Visitor at Washington, D. C, concerning her work for the year 1864. The President read a letter from Col. Francis Lippitt, offer- ing to give popular lectures in behalf of the Commission. The President was requested to communicate to Col. Lippitt the usage of the Commission regarding similar offers. The Auditing Committee on the Treasurer's account reported that they had caused the footings of the account to be examined by an accountant, that they find them correct, that tlicy have examined the vouchers and find them to correspond with the Treasurer's entries, and that the books sliow the balance in the treasury on the 31st day of December to be $417,297 68. The Rev. W. T. Gibson, of Utica, N. Y., and Richard Walsh, Esq., of Yonkers, N. Y., were elected Associate Members of the Commission. Friday, January 13, 1865 — Morning. The Commission met at 10, a. m. Present — Dr. Bellows, Judge Skinner, Mr. Binney, Mr. Strong, Mr. Stille, and Mr. McCagg, Members of the Commis- sion, and Dr. Joseph Parrish and Dr. B. A. Gould, Associate Members. Resolved, That in the opinion of the Board, the average ex- penses of the work of the Commission for the next three months should not exceed $150,000 per month, and the General Secre- tary is duly instructed to organize the work accordingly. At 10.30, a. m., the Commission adjourned to meet at Wash- ington on the second Tuesday of April, at 10 o'clock, a. m. TWENTY-FIRST SESSION. Tuesday, April 18, 1865. The Commission assembled at 244 F street, at 8 p. m. Present— Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D., President ; George T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Dr. C. R. Agnew, Dr. J. S. Newberry, Horace Binney, Jr., Esq., and C. J. Stille, Esq., Members of the Commission; and Miss Abby W. May, Delegate from theN. E. W. A. Association, and Misses L. L. Schuyler and C. Nash, Delegates from the W. C. A. R. of New York. Resolved, That a committee, consisting of Messrs. Binney, Bellows, and Newberry, be appointed to prepare and report to the Board a plan of action to be taken by the Commission in expressing its sense upon the occasion of the death of the President of the United States. Voted, that the Commission call upon the President of the United States, and also upon Mr. Seward, and express the sympathy of the Commission for him in his recent affliction. The Treasurer read his quarterly report, showing a balance in treasury on the 1st of April, $602,902 48. Dr. Agnew read a report of his visit to Wilmington, N. C, in J\Iarch, and of the care bestowed by the Commission upon our returned prisoners at that point. Voted, that the General Secretary be directed to have pre- pared and printed a record of the evidence of the condition, organization, and amount of supplies of the rebel hospitals at Richmond, Virginia. At 10.45, p. m., the Commission adjourned to meet at 8, p. m., on the 19th inst. 217 Wednesday, April 19, 1865 — Evening. The Commission met at 8, p. ni. Present— Dr. Bellows, Mr. Binney, Dr. Newberry, Mr. Stilld, Dr. Agiiew, Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Harris, and Mr. Strong, Members of the Commission, and Mr. Jno. S. Blatchford, Associate Member, and Miss Abby W. May, Delegate from the N. E. W. A. A. of Boston, and Misses L. L. Schuyler and C. Nash, Delegates from the W. 0. A. R. of New York. The General Secretary made a verbal report of the Commis- sions work during tlie quarter ending April 1st, and read the quarterly report of Dr. McDonald, Inspector for the Commis- sion with the armies operating against Richmond, and of Mr. A. M. Spcrry, Superintendent of the Relief Corps at the Depot Hospitals at City Point and Point of Rocks, Va. Resolved, That the General Secretary be requested to in- struct Dr. McDonald to furnish precise statements as to the losses incurred by sending goods to City Point by means of Government transports. Resolved, That the General Secretary be authorized, in his discretion, to increase the salary of relief and other agents, after three months of continuous and meritorious service, subject to the approval of the Board or Standing Committee. Thursday, April 20, 1865— MorninCx. The Commission assembled at 10 o'clock. Present— Dr. Bellows, Dr. Gibbs, Mr. Strong, Dr. New- berry, Dr. Agnew, and Mr. Stille, Members of the. Commis- sion; Miss Abby W. May, Delegate from the N. E. W. A. A. of Boston, and Misses L. L. Schuyler and C. Nash, Delegates from the W. C. A. of R. of New York, and Rev. Thomas Hill, D.D., Jno. S. Blatchford, Esq., and Robert H. McCurdy, Esq., Associate Members. 28 218 The General Secretary presented several reports concern- ing the current work of the Commission for the quarter ending April 1st. Besolved, That the General Secretary be instructed to sub- scribe for fifty copies of the " Soldiers' Journal," published by Miss Bi'adley at the Augur General Hospital, for the ensuing six months, as a testimony of the value of her services and the excellence and usefulness of her paper. Resolved, That the rendering of aid and the issuing of sup- plies to the inhabitants of rebel towns and cities, when occu- pied by the national army, is no part of the legitimate work of the Commission, and that such relief is to be extended only to loyal citizens, or to such as shall have taken the oath of alle- giance to the United States, and then in cases of absolute necessity or the preservation of life during such short period as may elapse between the occupation of such town or city and the establishment of the Government system of supply, and only when such relief can be extended without prejudice to the national army hospitals. Resolved, That Dr. Harris, Dr. Newberry, and Dr. Gibbs be a committee to meet Dr. Danger, and examine the claims of his patent stretcher and ambulance, at 9^ o'clock to-morrow morning. Resolved, That our agents be instructed, when speaking of the public enemy in their official correspondence with their superior officers of the Commission, to designate them, not as Confederates, but as rebels. Ordered, that Mr. Hammer, agent of the Commission in the valley of the Shenandoah, having violated the orders of the Commission in taking charge of a money package which has been lost, be, and he is hereby, dismissed the service of the Commission : Provided, hovever, that if it sliall appear to the General Secretary that the orders of the Commission on this subject had not been communicated to Mr. Hammer by Col. Muiilech, his immediate superior, then the said Col. Mulilech be, and he is hereby, dismissed, and Mr. Hammer retained in the service of the Commission. Resolved, That the sum of $300, alleged to have been con- tained in the money package referred to in the foregoing reso- 219 lution, be refunded to Private Fort, on competent evidence being furnished that it contained that sum, and whenever either Col. Muhlecli or Mr. Hammer shall have been actually dis- missed the service of the Commission, Resolved, Tliat the General Secretary be instructed to give notice of the action of the Commission on this subject by the first of the two last preceding resolutions to all inspectors and agents of the Commission. Resolved, That a committee, consisting of Messrs. Binney and Strong, and the General Secretary, be appointed to exam- ine and report upon the rules and usages existing under our Pension, Back Pay and Bounty system, in regard to the handling of money by the agents of the Commission. Resolved, That all money or valuables left in charge of the agents of the Sanitary Commission in the field is at the risk of the person leaving it, and no receipt will be given for it, and no responsibility assumed for its safe delivery. Voted, that the report of Mr. Knapp, Superintendent of the Special Relief, be printed as a document of the Commission, with such additions as may be necessary to more fully com- plete the record concerning the special relief work of the rebel authorities. Mr. Sperry, Superintendent, made a statement concerning the work and the wants of the Relief Corps at the Depot Hos- pitals with the armies before Richmond. At 3 o'clock, the Commission adjourned to 8 o'clock, p. m. Thursday, April 20, 1865— Evening. Present — Dr. Bellows, Mr. Strong, Dr. Newberry, Mr. Stilled, Dr. Harris, Dr. Gibbs, Mr. Binney, and Dr. Agnew, Members of the Commission, and Miss Abby W. May, Delegate from the N. E. W. A. Association of Boston, and Misses L. L. Schuyler and C. Nash, Delegates from the W. C. A. of R. of New York. The General Secretary read the quarterly report of Dr. B. A. Gould, Actuary of the Commission. 220 Dr. J. S, Newberry, Associate Secretary, made report of the work of the Commission in the Western Department for tlie quarter ending April 1st. Voted, that $100 be appropriated for the purchase of the original record of deaths at the prison camp at Andersonville, Georgia. Voted, that Dr. Newberry be requested to prepare his report for publication. Whereas, the various Branches and Aid Societies, co-opera- ting with the Commission, await instructions from the Com- mission as to their present and future duty : Therefore, Resolved, That the President and General Secretary be requested to prepare an address to said Branches and Aid Societies, stating in substance, that although there is reason to hope for the speedy termination of the present war, such termi- nation, even if immediate, would leave much to be done for the relief of the national forces in garrisons, and before they could be safely disbanded and the men re-established in the pursuits of civil life; that such garrisons, as a general rule, require more aid from the Commission than forces in the field, because more readily accessible; and that said Societies sliould there- fore, in the opinion of this Commission, not abandon their work, but continue the same, with additional activity, in view of the prospect that it may soon gradually cease to be necessary. At 10 o'clock, p. m., adjourned to meet at 10, a. m., on Fri- day, in executive session. Friday, April 21, 1865 — Morning. The Commission assembled at 10 o'clock. Present — Dr. Bellows, Mr. Strong, Mr. Binney, Dr. New- berry, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Harris, Dr. Gibbs, and Mr. Stilled. Resolved^ That Dr. E. Harris be added to the Medical Com- mittee. Resolved^ That the Standing Committee be instructed to 221 take steps for the preparation of a final report of the work of the Commission, and that the said Committee be authorized to call on members of the Commission for assistance therein, and to engage sucli other assistance as may be necessary. Resolved, That the Sanitary Reporter and Sanitary Bulletin be, until further notice, published monthly. The General Secretary presented the resignation of Mr. Bowne, Casliier, which was accepted with regret. Voted, tliat the salary of Mr. Culyer, Assistant Secretary, be fixed at the rate of $2,200 per annum until further notice, at the pleasure of the Commission. The General Secretary tendered iiis resignation, which was accepted. Resolved, That in accepting the resignation of Dr. J. Foster Jenkins, the General Secretary of the Commission, the Sani- tary Commission desire to express their perfect appreciation of his personal worth, and of his integrity, truthfulness of char- acter, and devotion to the interests of the Commission. Carried unanimously. Mr. Jno. S. Blatchford was unanimously elected General Secretary. On motion of Mr. Strong, it was Resolved, That the salary of Dr. J. Foster Jenkins, as Gen- eral Secretary of tlie Commission, be continued till the 1st day of October next. On motion, the President was api)ointed a committee to communicate to Mr. Blatchford the action of the Board, and ascertain his acceptance or declination of the office of General Secretary. The Board adjourned temporarily to await the return of Dr. Bellows. At 1, p. m., the President returned, and announced Mr. Blatchford's acceptance of the office of General Secretary. Resolved, That in view of Mr. Blatchford's acceptance of the office of General Secretary of the Commission, the Board hereby request Dr. Jenkins to continue to perform the duties of the office until Mr. Blatchford is prepared to enter upon the duties of his office. The Committee appointed to audit the accounts of the 222 Treasurer report that they have examined the accounts from January 1st to April 1st, 1865; carefully compared the same with the vouchers, and find them to be correct. Also that they have caused the additions in the Treasurer's report to be revised by a clerk in the statistical department, and that the same are reported to be correct. WOLCOTT GiBBS, J. S. Newberry. Mr. H. Binney, Jr., on behalf of the Committee appointed on the 1 8th inst., to report a plan of action to be taken by the Commission in expressing its sense upon the occasion of the death of the President of the United States, presented tiie followino; preamble and resolutions, which were, on motion, unanimously adopted by the Board : The infamous and cruel hand of a conspirator and assassin has stricken down the beloved and honored head of the na- tion. The members of the United States Sanitary Commission desire to relieve their own hearts in adding their tribute to that of the whole people to the memory of the man and the Chief Magistrate whom we have lost. Tf it be possible for us to love and honor Abraham Lincoln, more than we did when living, we do so now. We lose him when we need, more than ever, his true head and wise heart. Our loss is one which we cannot adequately measure, and our grief such as we feel unable to express. Tiie nation mourns as it has never mourned since the death of Washington, and the Inaugural of our twice-chosen Presi- dent, of which the echos still linger in our ears, becomes a second Farewell Address, which will hold its place forever with the first in the hearts of the American people. In connnon with various associations of our fellow-citizens, the Sanitary Commission mourns a true friend and faithful pro- tector. His sagacity at once adopted the scheme of the Commission when it was first planned, and he gave it his official approval — an act of inestimable value to us, and, as we think, of the greatest benefit to the country. His protection and coun- 223 tenance were continued to the close of his life, and his personal visit to the great Central Fair, held for the benefit of the Coniniission in Philadelphia in June last, is but one instance of his deep interest in its success. Desiring to record an expression of our respect, affection, and gratitude for our friend, protector, and benefactor, we adopt the following resolutions : Resolved, That the members of the United States Sanitary Commission honor, and will ever honor, and cherish the name of Abraham Lincoln, the nation's twice-chosen President, as that of a true and unselfish patriot, a wise and sagacious adminis- trator of the Government, and a loving friend and protector of the people, whose simplicity of character, soundness of judgment, firmness of purpose, and undoubting faith in God, deserve and will be held in everlasting remembrance. Resolved, That the United States Sanitary Commission, called into existence under the official approval of President Lincoln at the outbreak of the rebellion, to supplement the military power of the nation by organizing the intelligence and sympathy of the country in its behalf, hereby records its deep gratitude for the approval and aid which he gave and continued to the hour of his death. He encouraged the Commission in its first appeal " to the Loyal Woman of America," and the following words which he then used will be recalled as the most valuable praise the Com- mission has ever received : "The Sanitary Commission is doing a work of great human- ity, and of direct })ractical value to the nation in tliis time of its trial. It is entitled to the gratitude and the confidence of the people, and I trust it will be generously supported. There is no agency through which voluntary offerings of patriotism can be more effectively made. "A. LINCOLN." This great and good President has now passed beyond the reach of our praise, but we give thanks to God for the good example of one who, in his high office, never forgot the sick and suffering soldier of the Union, and we rejoice that he was permitted to see the dawn of the nation's triumphs before he 224 was called to his removal. Our earnest prayer and hope will be tliat his mantle may liave fallen upon his successor. Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions be published in the Sanitary Bulletin, the Sanitary Reporter, and the principal journals of the country. On motion, the Board adjourned to 8, p. m., this evening. Friday, April 21, 18G5 — Evening. Commission convened at 8 o'clock. Present — Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, Mr. Binney, Mr. Stille, Mr. Strong, Dr. Newberry, Prof. Gibbs, and Dr= Harris. Resolved, Tliat the increase of Mr. Culyer's salary, ordered at the morning session, conunence on the first day of the pres- ent month. • Messrs. Binney and Strong, from the committee appointed on the 20th ult., presented the following resolutions for adop- tion; which were, on motion, adopted by the Board : Resolved, 'I'hat the following notice be posted conspicuously and in large type and in every office, agency, and relief station of the Commission: " All money, valuables, or property of any description left in charge of any agent of the Commission, are at the risk of the owner or the person leaving the same, and the Commission assumes no responsibly for its safe custody or delivery." Resolved, That every applicant for aid from the Pension, Back Pay, and Bounty Department of the Commission sign the following memorandum at the time he places his case in the hands of the Department, viz : ''Memorandum. — It is cxj)ressly understood and agreed that the U. S. Sanitary Commission assumes no agency or resjmn- sibility in regard to the claim of on the Government of the United States for beyond the obtaining and forwarding to said claimant, at a check or order on the proper officer of Government for the amount due him by virtue of such claim. That the Commission 225 does not assume the collection of such check or order, or its conversion into money, and that any arrangement made be- tween said claimant and any officer or agent of the Commission for the collection thereof, or the transmission of its proceeds, is wholly at the risk of said claimant, and must, moreover, be wholly gratuitous, and without compensation, direct or indirect, to such officer or agent." On motion, the General Secretary was instructed to send a copy of the above resolutions to Mr. Darius Forbes, and to have the notices printed and posted as required in the first resolution. The President and a delegation of the Board, consisting of the Treasurer, Mr. G. T. Strong, Horace Biuney, Jr., Esq., and C. J, Stille, Esq., by permission called on President Johnson, at 4 p. m., April 20, and presented him the respects of tlie Board and their congratulations upon his accession to the office of Chief Magistracy. They conveyed to him their condolence on the bereavement the country has sustained in the decease of the late lamented President, whose constant support and favor they had experienced during the whole of his administration, and asked the continuance of the Government's countenance of their labors under his presidency. The Presi- dent avowed his deep sense of tlie usefulness of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, and the obligations of the Government to it for its long and faithful services ; expressed his readi- ness to do all in his power to advance and sustain its good work, and begged the delegation to convey to each and every member of the Board his gratitude for their good will toward himself and the administration, and his warm expression of sympathy for their important labors. After some general conversation, leav- ing the most favorable impressions of the seriousness, good sense, and patriotic zeal of the President, the delegation withdrew with profound satisfaction at the interview. The above record was ordered to be entered upon the public minutes of the session. The Committee appointed to examine the ambulance furni- ture and surgical appliances of Dr. Ignatius Langer's inven- tion beg leave to report to the Sanitary Commission that they have inspected the following articles : 29 226 1 . A triple inclined plane bed or hammock, designed to give an easy and secure position to the patients with fractures of the thigh or lower extremities, or suffering from other serious wounds of the extremities of the body. The apparatus is neat- ly and securely adjustable, and at the same time so arranged as to serve the purposes of a splint to any portion of the thigh or leg. The Committee believes that this piece of apparatus is wor- thy of careful trial by the Military Surgeons. 2. An ordinary four-wheeled ambulance was inspected, in which two of the fracture beds last described may be suspended and secured, and in which two other beds may be carried, thus accomodating four badly wounded men in beds, while three otlier patients are comfortably seated. These fixtures seem to be worthy of trial. At the same time there appears to be some opportunity for somewhat simplifying the arrangement of the different parts, and for giving to all portions a greater degree of security and ease of adjustment. , 3. The Committee next examined a common army wagon, in which twelve persons may be transported, in a recumbent pos- ture, or an equal number in a sitting posture, the beds being transformed into seats without removing them. Certain points in the fixture of this wagon are ingenious, and bid fair to be of practical value. The fracture bed that is pro- vided in the wagon is particularly worthy of attention on ac- count of its great simplicity, and the facility with which it may be prepared at any time, and in almost any place, either with iron or wood. The value of these and all similar fixtures may be estimated by their simj)licity and readiness of adjustment. Dr. Langer's improved appliances, estimated by such a standard and by their apparent adaptation, are worthy of commendation and faithful trial. J. S. Newberry, WOLCOTT GiBBS, Elisha Harris, Committee. Resolved, That Mr. Strong and Dr. Newberry are requested to visit Richmond, and examine into the work of the Sanitary Commission. 227 Besolved, That Dr. Harris is requested to prepare catalogues TI^ T ^^^''^^' ^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^'«^1 subjects that are needed by the Medical Committee, and tliat the Standing Com- mittee authorize Dr. Harris to procure all such books. Resolved, That as many of the members of the Sanitary Commission as conveniently can do so are recommended to visit the Western field of the Commission's work fhP.nirf!^ *;^^ CJommission adjourned sine die, to meet at the call of the President of the Board. TWENTY-SECOND SESSION. Tuesday, July U, 1865— Morning. Tlie Commission assembled at 244 F street, Washington, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Present— Rev. H. W. Bellows, D.D., President; Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer, and C. R. Agnew, M. D. The resignation of Judge Skinner and E. B. McCagg, Esq., • as members of the Board, being offered. Resolved, Tliat the Board request these gentlemen to with- draw their resignations, it being the earnest desire of the Board to keep its roll complete to the rapidly approaching close of tlie labors of the Commission. The Treasurer presented his report of the receipts and dis- bursements for the quarter ending July 1, 1865, exhibiting a balance in the treasury on that date of $251,917 16. Voted, that Messrs. Binney and Stille be appointed a com- mitte to audit the Treasurer's accounts. The Treasurer presented the following report of tlic Auxil- iary Finance Committee : On the 22d March, 1864, the Sanitary Commission resolved to ask the aid and co-operation of an Auxiliary Finance Com- mittee, to be composed of gentlemen of the highest position and standing, on whose advice it could depend in any questions that might arise as to the best management of its funds. It was thought desirable that this Committee should also be requested, from time to time, to pass ujion and examine the accounts and vouchers of its Treasurer. These have been audited and examined by committees appointed by the Com- mission, and consisting of its own members, at intervals of not 229 less than three months, ever since the Commission was ap-- pointed in June, 1861, and have been found correct. But the amount confided to the Commission by the people has been so large, and the responsibility thus imposed on it so heavy, that a thorough investigation of its expenditures by gentlemen not belonging to its own body seemed expedient for the protection of the Commission and the satisfaction of the public. Messrs. A. A. Low, Jonathan Sturges, and John Jacob Astor, Jr., having consented to act as such Auxiliary Finance Com- mittee, all the books, accounts, and vouchers of the Treasurer, from June 26, 1861, tlie date of the first entry they contain, (including those of the Washington and Louisville offices,) were laid before this Committee. It proceeded to engage the services of a professional accountant, and on the 30th May, 1865, reported the result of its examination down to January, 1865. The report of the committee and of its accountant are as follows : New York, May 30, 1865. Geo. T. Strong, Esq., Treasurer : Dear Sir : We hereby certify tliat Mr. .James M. Halsey, Teller of tlie Seamen's Savings Bank, was selected and ap- pointed by us to examine into the books and accounts of the Sanitary Commission, and after many months devoted to tliis work, more or less continuously, the accompanying certificate shows the result of his examination. His name is appended to a statement of receipts and dis- bursements from June 26, 1861, to January 1, 1865, sent here- with, the aggregate being $3,470,587 94. Respectfully, yours, (Signed, ) J. J. ASTOR, Jr., A. A. LOW, JON'N STURGES. 230 78 Wall Street, New York, July 20, 1864. Messrs. A. A. Low, Esq., Jonathan Sturges, Esq., J. J. AsTOR, Jr., Esq. Gentlemen : I have to report (pursuant to your instructions) that the ac- counts of the Treasurer of the U. S. Sanitary Commission have been carefully examined, and that I find them correct, in all particulars. The examination included the Bank accounts kept by the Treasurer, and I find vouchers returned for the same, correct both as to date and amount. Herewith I hand you a statement of the receipts and disburse- ments of the Commission from June 26, 1861, to May 1, 1864, showing a balance of cash on hand of $394,598 62, which I find to have been the balance on the bank-books at that date. Any further information you may wish in regard to the ac- counts, I shall be pleased to furnish, with the assistance of the Assistant Secretary, (Mr. B. Collins,) at any time when required. Respectfully vours, JAS. M. HALSEY. New York, March 30, 1865. Messrs. A. A. Low, Esq., \ Jonathan Sturges, Esq., >• Committee. J. J. AsTOR, Jr., Esq., ) Gentlemen : Herewith I hand you my report of the opera- tions of the U. S. Sanitary Commission from June, 1861, to January, 1865. Upon a careful examination of the books, I find vouchers for all disbursements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the enclosed account is correct in every particular. Respectfully yours, &c., JAS. M. HALSEY. The same Committee has been requested to continue its ex- amination from 1st January, 1865, until the affairs of the Com- mission shall be finally wound up. The result of such future examination will be duly laid before the public. 231 The appointment of Geo. J. Sicard, Esq., as Assistant Sec- retary, was confirmed; said appointment to date from May 1, 1865. The General Secretary presented a correspondence with Major General Howard, Commanding " Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen," ; once been accounted for ainonti; the issues of the (^mniission, and served its purpose to the sohlier for whom it was orii::inalIy designed, and beini;- of little marketable value, and not wanted for the uses of the Commission. The Report of Darius Forbes concerning?, the " Army and Navy Claim Ai>'ency " Bureau, for the (piarter endin