iW Book ti Gopwi^itN^_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. PEESSES GOIiE PEINTIJS^G COMPASrr SAUrOBD, N. G. CHEMISTRY^ APPLIED TO PRACTICAL FARMING AND HOME MIXING FERTILIZERS BY G. I. SMITH COATS. N. C. Copyright, 1913 By G. I. SMITH, Coats, N. C. ^/.yf^ 'CI.A348576 PREFACE. The intention of the author of this book is to put into the hands of students and farmers a work which is thoroughly practical. The contents of soil, elements, materials and acids are clearly defined. The home mixing of fertilizers depends upon our knowledge of compounding fertilizer materials for the need of plants. Home mixing enables the farmer to buy fertilizers for less money and to supply different plants with food as they need it. It is poor economy to use a fertilizer which is low in analysis and one which contains an acid not neutralized. All farmers should learn to remove the acid conditions of their soils and keep them in a feebly alkaline state by using lime. Lime is used to counteract acid and to destroy harmful bacteria. Nitrate-forming bacteria cannot thrive successfully in acid soils. Well drained soils, supplied with humus, always produce good crops. The acre formulas in this book may be used at different periods during the cultivation of the crop or may be used broadcast. The tonnage formulas show the analysis, cost and appli- cation of same. Fertilizer materials for making fertilizers are subject to fluctuate. The cost of a ton of fertilizer named in this book means cash, delivered by the dealer. Farmers should grow less cotton and tobacco and grow more food products. Stock your farm with thoroughbred animals, grow legume crops and pay cash for your fertilizers which contain phosphorous and potash. G. I. SMITH. Coats, N. C. CONTENTS. PAGE 1. Elements and Symbols 5 2. The Soil— 8- 9 3. Elements 9-10 4. Materials 10-19 5. Calcium » 20-22 6. Acids 22-23 7. Bacteria — 24-26 8. Home Mixing 26-28 9. Tonnage Formulas 29-47 10. Acre Formulas >._ -48-55 LIST OF ELEMENTS AND THEIR SYMBOLS USED IN THIS WORK Aluminum . Ab Calcium Ca Carbon C Chlorine CI Hydrogene . H Iodine I. Iron Fe Lithium Li Magnesium . Mg Manganese . Ma Nitrogen N Oxygen O Phosphorous P Potassium . K Silicon Si. Sodium Na, Sulphur S. MR. D. J. THOMAS, of Carthage, N. C, an interested farmer, calls on the author of this book and asks the follow- ing questions : (Q) What causes my young peas to turn yellow and die? (Q) Why do my peas refuse to bloom? (Q) How can I manage to grow a good crop of nodules on the roots of my peas? (Q) How can I manage to grow a good crop of crimson clover on poor sandy soils? (Q) Is a pound of nodules grown on cow peas worth any more than a pound grown on crimson clover? (Q) How many pounds of 98% lime carbonate are required to counteract the acid in 600 pounds in acid phos- phate? (Q) How can I use Farmogerm successfully? All these questions were answered promptly. Mr. Thomas took the advice. He no longer has any trouble growing these legume crops profitably. 8 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming SOIL. Lesson 2. (Q) What is soil? (A) Soil is a composition of iron, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, sodium, chlorine, silicon, man- ganese, aluminum, iodine and lithium. (Q) What is iron? (A) Iron is one of the metallic elements. (Q) What is phosphorous? (A) Phosphorous is an elementary substance of a yellow- ish color, resembling fine wax. It is found in all decayed matter and in the phosphate rocks. (Q) WHiat is potassium ? (A) Potassium is a bluish- white, lustrous metal, having a strong affinity for oxygen. It is the basis of potash. (Q) What is calcium? (A) Calcium is the metallic basis of lime. (Q) What is magnesium? (A) Magnesium is the undecomposable metallic base of magnesia. (Q) What is sulphur? (A) Sulphur is a mineral substance of a yellowish color, brittle and insoluble in water. SOIL. Lesson 3. (Q) What is sodium? (A) Sodium is a yellowish- white, metallic element, soft like wax and lighter than water. (Q) What is chlorine ? (A) Chlorine is an elementary substance; a heavy gas of greenish color. (Q) What is silicon? (A) Silicon is a dark nut-brown elementary substance, destitute of metallic luster. It is the base of silica. (Q) What is manganese? AND Home Mixing Fertilizeeb 9 (A) Manganese is a metal of a whitish-gray color and difficult to fuse. (Q) What is aluminum? (A) Aluminum is the metallic base of alumana. (Q) What is iodine? (A) Iodine is a grayish or bluish-black substance of metal- lic luster, resembling plumbago. It is obtained from the ashes of sea-weed, usually in the form of crystals. (Q) What is lithium? (A) Lithium is an alkali mineral. ELEMENTS. Lesson 4. (Q) What is carbon? (A) Carbon is an elementary substance which predomi- nates in all organic compounds. (Q) What is hydrogen ? (A) Hydrogen is an inflammable, colorless gas of extreme lightness. It enters as an element into the composition of nearly all organic bodies. (Q) What is oxygen? (A) Oxygen is a gaseous element destitute of taste, color and smell in its ordinary condition. It serves to support life and forms about twenty-two per cent, of the atmosphere. (Q) Wliat is nitrogen? (A) Nitrogen is a gaseous element without taste, odor or color, forming about four-fifths of common air. (Q) What is water? (A) Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. (Q) What does water absorb? (A) Water, when exposed to the air, absorbs oxygen and nitrogen. (Q) What is an alkali? (A) An alkali is an element or substance which neutral- izes any acid. (Q) What is ammonia? (A) Ammonia is an alkali in its uncombined state. It is a compound of hydrogen and nitrogen. 10 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming ELEMENTS. Lesson 5. (Q) "What is an oxide? (A) An oxide is a compound of oxygen and a base desti- tute of an acid. (Q) What is caustic? (A) Caustic, with reference to lime, means an element which burns, corrodes or destroys the texture in combination with another element. (Q) What is humus? (A) Humus is a composition of decayed vegetable matter. (Q) How many forms of humus are there? (A) There are two forms of humus: (1) mild form, which contains ammonia, lime and magnesia; (2) sour form, which contains no property favorable to vegetation and indicates a want of lime. (Q) What is organic plant food? (A) Organic plant food is any plant food which is ob- tained from decayed animal or vegetable matter. (Q) What is inorganic plant food? (A) Inorganic plant food means any plant food obtained from a mineral source. (Q) What are the three most important plant foods? (A) The three most important plant foods are phosphor- ous, potash and nitrogen. MATERIALS. Lesson 6. (Q) What is acid phosphate? (A) Acid phosphate is a composition of calcium phosphate or phosphate rock treated with sulphuric acid. It contains from 12 to 16 per cent, available phosphoric acid. (Q) What is Tennessee rock? (A) Tennessee rock is calcium phosphate or phosphate rock finely ground, containing phosphorous from 26 to 32 per cent. Less than 2 per cent, of it is available. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 11 (Q) How does the phosphorous in the Tennessee rock be- come available after it is applied to the soil? (A) It becomes available when it is applied to the soil as it comes in contact with nitric acid. (Q) How does the phosphorous in cotton seed meal, fish guano, tankage, bone meal, raw cotton seed, stable manure and all decayed matter become available ? (A) The phosphorous in all these materials or substances becomes available as it comes in contact with nitric acid in the soil. (Q) What is tankage? (A) Tankage is a by-product of the slaughter houses. It contains from 8 to 10 per cent, ammonia and from 3 to 6i/^ per cent, phosphoric acid. The best grades of it are imported to this country from South America and England. (Q) What is fish guano? (A) Fish guano is a by-product of the fish oil mills. It contains from 3 to 6 per cent, phosphoric acid and from 8 to 10 per cent, ammonia. Best grades of it are imported from England. It is made in the United States. MATERIALS. Lesson 7. (Q) What is cotton seed meal? {A) Cotton seed meal is a by-product of the cotton seed oil mills. It contains about 2i/^ per cent, phosphoric acid, 7% per cent, ammonia and 1^ per cent, potash. (Q) What is castor pomace? (A) Castor pomace is a by-product of the seed oil mills. It is the by-product of the castor bean. It contains li/^ per cent, phosphoric acid, 8 per cent, ammonia and IV2 per cent, potash. It is made in the United States, England and China. * (Q) What is dried blood? (A) Dried blood is a by-product of the slaughter houses. It contains from 12 to 17 per cent, ammonia. Best grades of it are imported to this country from South America and England. It is also made in the United States. 12 Chemistry Applied to Peactioal Faeming (Q) What is nitrate of soda? (A) Nitrate of soda is a mineral dug from the ground in Chile and Peru. It contains nitrogen in the form of a crystal. It is imported to this country from South America. (Q) What is sulphate of ammonia? (A) Sulphate of ammonia is a product obtained by the distillation of bone black for sugar refiners and from the ammoniacal liquor from the gas works. It is 20 per cent, nitro- gen. It is made in the United States and other countries. (Q) What is bone meal ? (A) Bone meal or ground bone is a product obtained from grinding raw bones or dried bones. It is imported to this country from South America, and is a product of the slaughter houses of this country. It contains 4 per cent, nitrogen and 18 per cent, phosphoric acid. (Q) What is dissolved bone? (A) Dissolved bone is a product of the raw bone dissolved with sulphuric acid. It contains 2 per cent, nitrogen and 15 per cent, available phosphoric acid. MATERIALS. Lesson 8. (Q) What is Thomas phosphate? (A) Thomas phosphate is a composition of iron, manga- nese, magnesia, lime and phosphoric acid. (Q) Will the phosphoric acid in Thomas phosphate revert? (A) The phosphoric acid in Thomas phosphate cannot re- vert because it is not a super-phosphate. (Q) What per cent, of Thomas phosphate is available phos- phoric acid? (A) Thomas phosphate runs from 14 to 20 per cent, avail- able phosphoric acid. (Q) What per cent, of Thomas phosphate is not available when applied to the soil? (A) About 2 per cent, of Thomas phosphate is not avail- able when applied to the soil. (Q) How does the 2 per cent, become available after it ii applied to the soil? AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 13 (A) The 2 per cent, becomes available after it is applied as it comes in contact with nitric acid from some material containing ammonia or nitrogen. (Q) Will Thomas phosphate bring about an acid condition when it is applied to the soil? (A) Thomas phosphate cannot bring about any acid condi- tion of the soil, as it is free from sulphuric treatment and is an alkali. (Q) How is the lime in Thomas phosphate obtained? (A) The lime in Thomas phosphate is obtained from the Dolomitic lime-stone rock. MATERIALS. Lesson 9. {Q) What per cent, of the lime in Thomas phosphate is in the form of calcium carbonate? (A) About 95 per cent, of the lime in Thomas phosphate is in the form of calcium carbonate. (Q) What per cent, of the lime in Thomas phosphate is caustic lime? (A) About 5 per cent, of the lime in Thomas phosphate is caustic lime. (Q) Of what value is the magnesia in Thomas phosphate? (A) Magnesia is a plant food. The cotton plant is a great feeder on magnesia, hence its value as a fertilizer. (Q) What value or benefit do we get from the manganese and iron in Thomas phosphate? (A) The manganese and iron in Thomas phosphate fu.rnish the chlorophyl which is essential to make the foliage of all plants green. The oxide of iron and manganese is a plant food. (Q) Can Thomas phosphate be used in place of acid phos- phate in mixing a regular fertilizer? ^(A) Thomas phosphate can be mixed with cotton seed meal, fish guano, tankage, dried blood and any other materials that are commercially dry with safet}^ (Q) Can Thomas phosphate be mixed with nitrate of soda and potash with safety ? (A) If you mix Thomas phosphate with nothing but potash and nitrate of soda the mixture should be used at once. 14 Chemistry Applied to Peaotical Farming MATERIALS. Lesson 10. (Q) Can you mix 1,000 pounds of Thomas phosphate with 200 pounds nitrate of soda, 600 pounds of fish guano and 200 pounds of muriate of potash without any escape of ammonia ? (A) Yes, because the moisture of the nitrate of soda is consumed by the fish guano and the mixture can be made without any loss of ammonia. (Q) Wliy does Thomas phosphate do good more than one year ? (A) Thomas phosphate does good more than one year be- cause it is not water soluble. The phosphoric acid in it does not leach out. It carries a heavy per cent, of lime extra which acts as a reagent. (Q) Can Thomas phosphate be used broad-cast? (A) If you broad-cast Thomas phosphate (1,000 pounds per acre) you will get good results from any crop for three years if the land contains enough humus to furnish nitric acid for that period. (Q) Where is Thomas phosphate made? (A) It is made in England, France and Germany. It is imported to the United States by various importers. (Q) What is the analysis of Thomas phosphate? (A) Thomas phosphate contains from 16 to 23 per cent, phosphate acid, from 35 to 50 per cent, lime, from 13 to 14 per cent, iron, from 8 to 9 per cent, manganese, from 5 to 6 per cent, magnesia. (Q) How can a farmer buy Thomas phosphate? (A) Any farmer can buy it of the importers or of any fertilizer dealer who deals in fertilizers. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 15 MATERIALS. Lesson 11. (Q) What is potassiiim? (A) Potassium is a bluish-white, lustrous metal, having a strong affinity for oxygen. It is the basis of potash. (Q) What is potash? (A) Potash is an oxide of potassium. It is a powerful alkali. (Q) What iskainit? (A) Kainit is a potash salt containing 12 per cent, potash. It contains chlorine and is used as a fertilizer. (Q) What is manure salts? (A) Manure salts is a form of potash containing 20 per cent, potash. It contains chlorine and is used as a fertilizer. (Q) What is muriate of potash? (A) Muriate of potash is a potash salt containing 50 per cent, potash. It contains chlorine and is used as a fertilizer. (Q) What is sulphate of potash? (A) Sulphate of potash is a potash salt containing 50 per cent, potash. It contains no chlorine and is used as a fertilizer. (Q) What is nitrate of potash? (A) Nitrate of potash is a potash salt containing 15 per cent, ammonia and 44 per cent, potash. It contains no chlorine and is a rich and valuable fertilizer. MATERIALS. Lesson 13. (Q) Where do we get all these potashes? (A) These potashes are minerals. They are dug from the mines in Germany and imported to this country. *(Q) What is meant by chlorine in some forms of potashes? (A) The chlorine in some forms of potashes means the acid of salt. (Q) Can you name some plants that demand potash in a form free from chlorine? 16 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming (A) Some plants demand potash in a form free from chlorine for their best development. They are as follows': Tobacco, beets, onions, turnips, sweet potatoes, irish potatoes, cane and cantaloupes. (Q) How can the farmer buy all these potashes? (.4) The farmer can buy all these potashes of the im- porters or of any fertilizer dealer who deals in fertilizers. (Q) Which of these forms of potashes are mostly used by manufacturers of commercial fertilizers? (A) Kainit is the form mostly used, as it furnishes weight for a filler. MATERIALS. Lesson- 13. (Q) What is a pound of phosphoric acid worth? (A) A pound of phosphoric acid in raw material is worth four cents. A pound in mixed fertilizers is worth four and one-half cents. (Q) What is a pound of nitrogen worth? (A) A pound of nitrogen in raw material is worth nineteen and one-half cents. A pound in mixed fertilizers is worth twenty-one cents. (Q) What is a pound of potash worth? (A) A pound of potash in raw material is worth four cents. A pound in mixed fertilizers is worth five cents. (Q) "V^Hiat is a ton of kainit, 12 per cent, potash, worth? (A) A ton of kainit, 12 per cent, potash, is worth $9.60 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of manure salts, 16 per cent, potash, worth ? (A) A ton of manure salts, 16 per cent, potash, is worth $12.80 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of muriate of potash, 50 per cent, potash, worth? (A) A ton of muriate of potash, 50 per cent, potash, is worth $40.00 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of sulphate of potash worth? AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 17 (A) A ton of sulphate of potash, 50 per cent, potash, is worth $45.00 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of nitrate of potash worth? (^) A ton of nitrate of potash, 15 per cent, ammonia and 44 per cent, potash, is worth $85.00 at the port. MATERIALS. Lesson 14. (Q) What is a ton of cotton seed meal worth? (.4) A ton of cotton seed meal containing 2i/^ per cent. phosphoric acid, 7I/2 per cent, ammonia and 1% per cent. potash, is worth $30.00 at the oil mills. (Q) What is a ton of fish guano, containing 6% per cent, phosphoric acid and 10 per cent, ammonia, worth? (.4) A ton of fish guano, containing 6^2 per cent, phos- phoric acid and 10 per cent, ammonia, is worth $35.00 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of tankage, containing 8 per cent, phos- phoric acid and 10 per cent, ammonia, worth? (A) A ton of tankage, containing 8 per cent, phosphoric acid and 10 per cent, ammonia, is worth $38.00 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of dried blood worth? (.4) A ton of dried blood, containing 16 per cent, am- monia, is worth $59.00 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of nitrate of soda worth? (^4) A ton of nitrate of soda, containing 18 per cent, am- monia, is worth $50.00 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of acid phosphate worth? (.4) A ton of acid phosphate, 16 per cent, phosphoric acid, is worth $12.80 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of Thomas phosphate worth? (A) A ton of Thomas phosphate, 18 per cent, phosphoric acid, is worth $13.50 at the port. ^(Q) What is a ton of lime worth? (A) A ton of lime, containing 92 per cent, lime carbonate, is worth $3.00 at the lime kilns. (Q) What is a ton of gypsum worth? (A) A ton of gypsum is worth $7.00 at the port. 18 Chemistry Applied to Peactioal Farming MATERIALS. Lesson 15. (Q) What is a ton of snlphate of ammonia worth? (A) A ton of sulphate of ammonia, containing 20 per cent, nitrogen, is worth $80.00 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of bone meal worth? (A) A ton of bone meal, containing 4 per cent, nitrogen and 18 per cent, phosphoric acid, is worth $28.00 at the port. (Q) What is a ton of stable manure worth? (A) A ton of stable manure is worth $2.50. (Q) What is a ton of nodules grown on cow peas or crim- son clover worth ? (A) A ton of nodules grown on cow peas or crimson clover is worth $32.00. (Q) Do the prices of fertilizer materials fluctuate? (A) The prices of fertilizer materials fluctuate like all other articles of commerce. (Q) How many pounds of nitrogen are required to make 600 pounds of lint cotton? (A) Five hundred pounds of lint cotton will remove from an acre of land 65 pounds of nitrogen. (Q) How many pounds of potash are required to make 600 pounds of lint cotton ? (A) Five hundred pounds of lint cotton will remove from an acre of land 77 pounds of potash. (Q) How many pounds of phosphoric acid are required to make 500 pounds of lint cotton? (A) Five hundred pounds of lint cotton will remove 32 pounds of phosphoric acid from an acre of land. (Q) How many pounds of lime are required to make 500 pounds of lint cotton? (A) Five hundred pounds of lint cotton will remove from an acre of land 60 pounds of lime. AND Home Mixing Pebtilizers 19 MATERIALS. Lesson 16. (Q) How many pounds of nitrogen are required to make 50 bushels of shelled corn? (^4) Fifty bushels of shelled corn will remove from the soil 80 pounds of nitrogen. (Q) How many pounds of potash are required to make 50 bushels of shelled corn? (.4) Fifty bushels of shelled corn will remove from the soil 55 pounds of potash. (Q) How many pounds of phosphoric acid are required to make 50 bushels of shelled corn? (A) Fifty bushels of shelled corn will remove from the soil 30 pounds of phosphoric acid. (Q) How many pounds of lime are required to make 50 bushels of shelled corn ? (A) Fifty bushels of shelled corn will remove from the soil 78 pounds of lime. (Q) How many pounds of nitrogen are required to make 1,500 pounds of cured tobacco? (A) One thousand five hundred pounds of dried tobacco will remove from the soil 90 pounds of nitrogen. (Q) How many pounds of potash are required to make 1,500 pounds of dried tobacco ? (A) One thousand five hundred pounds of dried tobacco will remove 115 pounds of potash. (Q) How many pounds of phosphoric acid are required to make 1,500 pounds of dried tobacco? (.4) One thousand five hundred pounds of dried tobacco will remove from the soil 16 pounds of phosphoric acid. (Q) How many pounds of lime are required to make 1,500 pounds of dried tobacco? (.4) One thousand five hundred pounds of dried tobacco will remove from the soil 120 pounds of lime. 20 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming CALCIUM. Lesson 17. (Q) What is calcium? (A) Calcium is the metallic basis of lime. (Q) What is lime? (A) Lime is the oxide of calcium. (Q) What is calcium oxide? (.4) Calcium oxide is the lime-stone rock burnt. It is builders' lime. (Q) What is calcium hydroxide? (A) Calycium hydroxide is air-slaked lime or pulverized lime. (Q) What is caustic lime? (A) Caustic lime is lime not carbonated. (Q) What is calcium carbonate? (A) Calcium carbonate is lime carbonated by carbonic acid. (Q) What is calcium phosphate? (A) Calcium phosphate is the phosphate rock which con- tains phosphorous. (Q) What is calcium surphate? (A) Calcium sulphate is gypsum. (Q) When gypsum is calcined, what does it form? (A) Gypsum calcined forms plaster of paris. CALCIUM. Lesson 18. (Q) Which is the better form of lime for agricultural pur- poses, caustic or carbonate? (A) Caustic lime applied to soils containing rough vege- table matter hastens the decay of such matter and destroys humus. Caustic lime is not a plant food. Lime carbonate is a plant food and the most desirable form for all agricultural purposes. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 21 (Q) How does lime affect sandy soils ? (A) Lime applied to sandy soils makes them stiff soils. If applied to such soils is of little value if they contain no decayed vegetable or mineral matter. (Q) How does lime affect clay or stiff soils? (A) Lime applied to clay or stiff soils makes them mellow and liberates the potash in them. (Q) What forms of acid soils will lime counteract? (A) Lime will counteract all forms of acid soils, such as ulmic, humic and crenic. (Q) What causes ulmic, humic and crenic forms of acid soils ? (A) Ulmic, humic and crenic forms of acid soils are caused by decayed vegetable matter in the soil and the use of fer- tilizers that contain an acid not neutralized. Improper drain- age and tillage produce sour soils. CALCIUM. Lesson 19. (Q) What kind of soil bacteria are destroyed by the use of lime? (A) Harmful bacteria are destroyed by the use of lime. (Q) How can the farmer tell whether or not his soils con- tain acid or are sour? (A) The farmer can tell whether or not his soils contain acid by using an acid tester. The acid tester determines whether or not his soils contain acid and it also registers the number of pounds of lime required per acre to take out the acid. AQ) When should lime be applied? (A) Best to apply it in the fall, if possible. Always broad- cast lime and harrow it in. (Q) When is the best time to apply lime for green crops plowed under? 22 Chemistry Applied to Peacjtioal^Farming (A) Plow under the green crops, then disk thoroughly, broadcasting the lime before disking. (Q) Can corn or cotton grow on sour soils that would require 2,000 pounds of lime per acre to counteract the acid? (A) Yes, corn and cotton will grow on such soils, but would make far better crops, if the soil was sweet, on less fertilizer. (Q) Why will any crop produce more on a sweet soil than a sour soil ? (A) All sweet soils, well drained and well tilled, containing an abundance of humus, are well supplied with nitrate- forming bacteria. Such soils always produce good crops. Nitrate-forming bacteria can not thrive successfully in a sour soil. ACIDS. Lesson 29. (Q) What is phosphoric acid ? (A) Phosphoric acid is a plant food obtained from the phosphorous of various substances or materials by some chem- ical combination. (Q) Can you name some fertilizer materials that contain phosphorous ? (A) Cotton seed meal, fish guano, tankage, bone meal, cal- cium phosphate and castor pomace contain phosphorous. (Q) How is the phosphorous in cotton seed meal, fish guano, tankage, castor pomace, calcium phosphate and all vegetable matter naturally converted into phosphoric acid? (A) The phosphorous in all these materials or elements is naturally converted into phosphoric acid by the chemical action of nitrification through nitric acid, which is obtained from some source of ammonia or nitrogen. (Q) How does the phosphorous in the phosphate rock be- come available artificially? (A) It becomes available artificially by the treatment of sulphuric acid. (Q) What is sulphuric acid? AND Home Mixing Feetilizees 23 (A) Sulphuric acid is a compound of sulphur, oxygen and hydrogen. (Q) Wliat is nitric acid? (A) Nitric acid is a compound of nitrogen and oxygen. It is the final product which is obtained by chemically releasing ammonia or nitrogen. ACIDS. Lesson 21. (Q) How is nitric acid naturally obtained? (A) Nitric acid is naturally found in compost heaps and in all soils where animal and vegetable matter are undergoing decay in contact with the air. (Q) What happens when nitric acid comes in contact with soda, lime, potash, magnesia, etc. ? (A) When nitric acid comes in contact with potash it forms nitrate of potash. When it comes in contact with lime it forms nitrate of lime, etc. (Q) What is ulmic acid? (A) Ulmic acid is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It combines with lime, magnesia, alumina and oxide of iron. It is produced by the decay of vegetable matter in the soil. It requires 2,500 times its weight of water to dissolve it. (Q) What is humic acid? (A) Humic acid is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is produced by the sour forms of humus which is obtained from decayed matter in the soil. It combines with lime, magnesia and oxide of iron. (Q) ^\Tiat is crenic acid? (A) Cienic acid is a form of acid formed in the soil during the decay of green vegetable matter. It is distin- guished from ulmic and humic forms of acid by containing nitrogen as an essential element. It forms a compound with lime and is soluble in water. (Q) What is carbonic acid? (A) Carbonic acid is a compound of carbon and oxygen. 24 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming BACTERIA. Lesson 22. (Q) What are soil bacteria? (A) Soil bacteria are microscopic germs, organisms, plants or bacteria that live in diflterent conditions of soil. (Q) How many kinds of soil bacteria are there that affect the farmer in the production of plants? (A) There are three kinds of soil bacteria that affect the farmer in the production of plants. They are as follows : (1) harmful bacteria, (2) nitrate-forming bacteria, (3) legume bacteria. (Q) What are harmful bacteria? (A) Harmful bacteria are bacteria that hold sway in acid or sour soils. They destroy legume and nitrate-forming bacteria. (Q) Why are they called harmful bacteria? (A) They are called harmful bacteria because they do us harm. They are our greatest soil enemies. (Q) How are harmful bacteria destroyed? (A) When lime is applied to acid or sour soils the acid combines with the lime and when this combination takes place the harmful bacteria perish. (Q) What are nitrate-forming bacteria? (A) Nitrate-forming bacteria are bacteria that produce nitric acid by the process of nitrification in the soil. BACTERIA. Lesson 23. (Q) What elements or properties carry nitrate-forming bacteria ? (A) All properties or materials containing ammonia or nitrogen carry nitrate-forming bacteria. All decaying animal and vegetable matter contain nitrate-forming bacteria. (Q) Of what value are nitrate-forming bacteria to the farmer ? (A) Mtrate-forming bacteria make nitric acid and nitric acid has the controlling power in the soil to make the dis- tribution of all other properties for the use of plants. AND Home Mixing Feetilizers 25 (Q) In what kind of soils can nitrate-forming bacteria live? (A) Nitrate-forming bacteria cannot thrive successful!}^ in an acid or sour soil. Good drainage and tillage encourage the growth of nitrate-forming bacteria. (Q) How can the farmer keep a good supply of nitrate- forming bacteria in his soil ? (A) Every farmer can keep a good supply of nitrate- forming bacteria by keeping a full supply of humus in the soil. Grow and turn under legume crops for cheap humus. (Q) What are legume bacteria? (A) Legume bacteria are very small plants that bore into the roots of legume plants. (Q) How do legume bacteria live? (A) They live on carbohydrates and nitrogen gas. BACTERIA. Lesson 24. (Q) How do legume bacteria make nitrogen? (A) They digest the food they eat and it is deposited in the nodules on the roots of the plants in the form of a nitrate. (Q) What is the form of the nitrate in these nodules? (A) The nitrogen in these nodules is in the form of albumoid. (Q) What per cent, of these nodules is nitrogen ? (A) These nodules are 8 per cent, nitrogen. (Q) When does the nitrogen in these nodules become available ? (A) The nitrogen in these nodules becomes available when the nodules decay. (Q) How are legmme bacteria cultured? (A) Legume bacteria are cultured by selecting choice forms of the bacteria and breeding the culture. ( Q ) Does each legume plant carry its own kind of bacteria ? (A) Each legume plant carries its own kind of bacteria. 26 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming (Q) Can legume bacteria live in acid soils? (A) Legume bacteria cannot thrive successfully in acid or sour soils. For this reason we lime soils for legume crops. (Q) Where are cultures of bacteria produced? (A) These cultures are bred in the laboratory. (Q) How does the farmer inoculate his seeds of legume plants with cultured bacteria? (A) All farmers who wish success for inoculation of the seeds of legume plants, can use Farmogerm. HOME MIXING FERTILIZERS. Lesson 25. (Q) What is home-mixing fertilizers? (A) Home-mixing fertilizers is buying materials and com- pounding them in the proper proportion for the need of plants. (Q) How can you tell the number of pounds of acid phos- phate or Thomas phosphate that are required to make a ton of fertilizer that will analyze 8 per cent, phosphoric acid? (A) Multiply the number of hundred weight in a ton by the per cent, required, annex two ciphers and divide by the per cent, of the material used. Thus: 20X8=160.00-^16= 1,000 pounds. (Q) How can you tell the number of pounds of nitrate of soda and cotton seed meal that are required to make a ton of fertilizer analyzing 4 per cent, ammonia? (A) Multiply the number of hundred weight in a ton by the per cent, required, annex two ciphers and divide by the per cent, of the material used if you are using only one material. Two hundred pounds of nitrate of soda furnish 36 pounds of ammonia. Eighty pounds of ammonia are required to make the ton analyzing 4 per cent. Eighty pounds minus 36 pounds equal 44 pounds more, which we get from cotton seed meal, annex two ciphers to the 44 and divide by 8 the per cent, of the cotton seed meal, and we have 550 pounds of cotton seed meal and 200 pounds of nitrate of soda which, when combined, make the ton analyzing 4 per cent, ammonia. AND Home Mixing Feetilizers 27 HOME MIXING FERTILIZERS. Lesson 26. (Q) How can you tell the number of pounds of muriate of potash that are required to make a ton of fertilizer analyzing 10 per cent, potash? (A) Multiply the number of hundred weight in a ton by the per cent, required, annex two ciphers and divide by the per cent, of the material used. Thus: 20X10=200.00-^-50=400 pounds. (Q) How can you tell the number of pounds of kainit that are required to make a ton of fertilizer analyzing 2 per cent, potash ? (A) Multiply the number of hundred weight in a ton by the per cent, required, annex two ciphers and divide by the per cent, of the material used. Thus : 20X2=40.00-^-12=333 1-3 pounds. (Q) How many pounds of dried blood are required to make a ton of fertilizer analyzing 4 per cent, ammonia? (A) Multiply the number of hundred weight in a ton by the per cent, required, annex two ciphers and divide by the per cent, of the material used. Thus: 20X4=80.00-^16=500 pounds. (Q) Should the ammonia in a ton of fertilizer always be secured from one material in making a ton of fertilizer? (A) The best results are always obtained when we get ammonia from more than one material. Nitrate of soda, tankage, fish guano, dried blood and cotton seed meal are safe sources for ammonia. 28 Chemistry Applied to Practical FAEMiNa HOME MIXING FERTILIZERS. Lesson 27. (Q) What are the necessary tools or implements to use in home mixing? (A) Use a box 16x8 feet, 10 inches deep. Pour your materials into the box in layers. If you use nitrate of soda, take it first and carefully crush all lumps in bottom of box. Then pour in separately, in layers, the other materials and use hoe, carrying back and fourth twice. Then use shovel and place back into same bags. (Q) Will it be necessary to use dirt or any material as a filler to make the number of pounds in the ton weight exactly 2,000 pounds? (A) You need no dirt or filler of any kind. The materials you use contain all the filler you need. There is no business in buying a fertilizer containing a filler such as worthless dirt. (Q) How much can a farmer save by doing his own mixing ? (A) Any farmer can save from $3.00 to $6.00 on each ton he mixes. (Q) Is there any other advantage in home mixing? (A) The farmer who does his own mixing dictates for himself and mixes the materials to suit the demand of his plants. TONNAGE FORMULAS. Lesson 28. CORN FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Thomas Phosphate 800 144 — - Nitrate of Soda 100 . 18 Fish Guano 600 36 60 Muriate of Potash 200 1700 20) 180 78 Potash 100 100 Cost $ 6.80 2.40 11.40 4.00 $24.60 9% 3.9% 5fo Application of this mixture : Use 200 to 400 pounds per acre in drill before planting. When corn is 12 to 20 inches high use 400 pounds per acre as a side dresser. When corn bunches for tassel use 100 to 150 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre broadcasted along the center of row and harrow in. CORN FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 1 8.50 Nitrate of Soda 100 18 2.40 Cotton Seed Meal 700 17 52 10 9.10 Muriate of Potash 200 2000 20) 197 70 100 110 4.00 $24.00 3.5f^ 5fo ^.Application of this mixture : Use 200 to 400 pounds of this mixture per acre in drill before planting. When corn is 12 to 20 inches high use 400 pounds per acre as a side dresser. When corn begins to bunch for tassel, use 100 to 150 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre as a side dresser. 30 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming CORN FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 800 144 _— __ 1 6.80 Nitrate of Soda 200 . ^ 36 4.80 Tankage 600 36 60 13.20 Muriate of Potash 400 2000 20) 180 96 200 200 8.00 $32.80 9% 4.8% 10% Application of this mixture : Use 200 to 400 pounds per acre in drill before planting. When corn is 12 or 20 inches high use 400 to 600 pounds per acre as a side dresser. When corn bunches for tassel use 200 pounds Nitrate of Soda in center of middle and harrow in. Lesson 29. COTTON FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 -. — _• $ 8.50 Nitrate of Soda 200 36 4.80 Fish Guano 600 20 60 11.40 Muriate of Potash 200 2000 20) 200 96 100 100 4.00 $28.70 11 4.1 5% Application of this mixture : Use 600 pounds per acre in drill before planting. When cotton is 6 to 8 inches high use 400 pounds per acre as a side dresser. When cotton begins to bloom use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre as a side dresser. COTTON FORMULA. Materials Thomas Phosphate Tankage Muriate of Potash Lbs. 400 1200 400 Phos. Acid 72 78 Ammo. 120 Potash 200 2000 20) 150 120 _200 10% Cost $ 3.40 26.40 8.00 $37.80 7% 6% Application of this mixture : Use 400 pounds per acre in drill before planting. When cotton is 6 or 8 inches high use 400 pounds per acre as a side dresser. When cotton begins to bloom use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre as a side dresser. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 31 COTTON FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potasli Cost Tankage 1600 104 160 ._.. $35.20 Muriate of Potash 400 200 8.00 2000 20 ) 104 160 200 |43.20 5% Sfo 10 fo Application of this mixture : Use 300 pounds per acre in drill before planting. When cotton is 6 or 8 inches high use 200 pounds per acre as a side dresser. When cotton begins to bloom use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda as a side dresser per acre. Lesson 30. COTTON FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 $ 8.50 Nitrate of Soda 200 36 4.80 Cotton Seed Meal 600 16 45 9 9.00 Muriate of Potash 200 2000 20) 195 81 100 109 4.00 $26.30 9% ifc 5% Application of this mixture : Use 600 pounds per acre in drill before planting. When cotton is 6 or 8 inches high use 400 pounds as a side dressed. When cotton begins to bloom use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre as a side dresser. COTTON FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 $ 8.50 Nitrate of Soda 200 36 4.80 Dried Blood 275 44 8.95 Muriate of Potash 200 1675 20) 180 80 100 100 4.00 $26.25 9% 4% b% Application of this mixture : Use 600 pounds of this mixture per acre in drill before planting. When cotton is 6 or 8 inches high use 225 pounds per acre as a side dresser. When cotton begins to bloom use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda as a side dresser. 32 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming COTTON FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 - — » - $ 8.50 Nitrate of Soda 200 . 36 -....« 4.80 Tankage 600 20 54 --.- - 13.20 Muriate of Potash 200 2000 20) 200 90 100 100 4.00 $30.50 10% 4.5% 5% Application of this mixture : Use 600 pounds per acre in drill before planting. When cotton is 6 or 8 inches high use 400 pounds as a side dresser per acre. When cotton begins to bloom use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre as a side dresser. Lesson 31. TOBACCO FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 800 144 • $ 6.80 Nitrate of Soda 100 18 2.40 Dried Blood 140 22 4.55 Sulfate of Potash 200 1240 20) 144 82 100 200 4.80 $18.55 7% 2% bfc Application of this mixture : Use from 400 to 800 pounds per acre in drill before transplanting. TOBACCO FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 800 144 $ 6.80 Nitrate of Soda 100 18 2.40 Dried Blood 400 64 13.00 Sulfate of Potash 400 1700 101 144 82 200 200 9.60 $31.80 7% 4% 10% Application of this mixture : Use from 400 to 600 pounds of this mixture per acre in drill before transplanting. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 33 TOBACCO FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 $ 8.50 Nitrate of Soda 200 36 4.80 Dried Blood 400 . 64 13.00 Sulfate of Potash 400 2000 20)^ 180 300 200 200 9.60 135.90 9% 5% lOf^ Application of this mixture : Use from 600 to 1000 pounds per acre in drill before transplanting. Lesson 32. PEANUT FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost $ 8.60 2.40 7.60 100 4.00 Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 Nitrate of Soda 100 18 Fish Gnano 400 20 42 Muriate of Potash 200 1700 20) 200 60 100 $22.50 9% Sfo 5% Application of this mixture : Use from 400 to 600 pounds of this mixture per acre in drill before planting. PEANUT FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 $ 8.50 Nitrate of Soda 100 ._„. 18 .___ 2.40 Cottonseed Meal 600 15 45 9 9.00 Muriate of Potash 200 100 4.00 1900 20) 195 63 109 $23.90 9% S% 5% Application of this mixture : Use from 400 to 600 pounds of this mixture per acre in drill before planting. 34 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming COWPEA FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 $ 8.50 Nitrate of Soda 100 18 2.40 Tankage 700 20 62 15.40 Muriate of Potash 200 2000 20) 200 80 100 100 4.00 $30.30 lOfo ^% 5% Application of this mixture : Use from 400 to 600 pounds of this mixture per acre in drill before planting. Use 800 pounds per acre if you broadcast. Lesson 33. CABBAGE FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 800 144 % 6.80 Nitrate of Soda 400 --.« 72 ■ 9.60 Dried Blood 400 68 13.00 Muriate of Potash 400 2000 20) 144 140 200 200 8.00 $37.40 1% 7% Application of this mixture : Use 1000 pounds of this mixture per acre in drill, broadcasting stable manure in drill first and thoroughly- mixing with soil. ASPARAGUS FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 400 72 ^ $ 3.40 Nitrate of Soda 400 -.— — — 72 - — -*—. 9.60 Dried Blood 600 96 19.50 8.00 Muriate of Potash 400 1800 20)' 72 168 200 200 $40.60 3.6% 8.4% 10% Application of this mixture : Use from 600 to 900 pounds of this mixture per acre in fall and same amount in early spring. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 36 DEWBERRY FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 800 144 -._ — $ 6.80 Nitrate of Soda 200 ^ 36 , 4.80 Cottonseed Meal 600 16 45 9 9.00 Muriate of Potash 400 2000 20) 160 81 200 209 8.00 $28.60 8% 4% 10% Apphcation of this mixture : Use 1000 pounds of this mixture per acre in fall and same amount in early spring. Lesson 34. IRISH POTATO FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 800 144 $ 6.80 Nitrate of Soda 200 36 _—— — 4.80 Cottonseed Meal 600 16 44 9 9.00 Sulfate of Potash 400 2000 20) 160 80 200 209 9.60 $30.20 8% 4% 10% Application of this mixture ; Use 1000 pounds of this mixture per acre in drill well mixed with soil. Broadcast liberally in the drill stable manure before applying the fertilizer. STRAWBERRY FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1000 180 -.— -..— $ 8.50 Nitrate of Soda 200 36 .» . 1 r 4.80 Fish Guano 600 20 60 — — « 11.40 Muriate of Potash 200 2000 20) 200 96 100 100 4.00 $28.70 10% 4.8fc 5% Application of this mixture : Use 1000 pounds of this mixture per acre in fall and 1000 pounds in early spring. 36 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming SWEET POTATO FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 800 144 $ 6.80 Nitrate of Soda 200 36 4.80 Cottonseed Meal 600 16 44 9 9.00 Sulfate of Potash 400 2000 20) 160 80 200 209 9.60 130.20 8% 4fr 10/^ Application of this mixture : Use 400 to 600 pounds of tliis mixture per acre in drill. Lightly broadcast stable manure in drill before ap- plying the fertilizer. Just before hilling bar off each row lightly and broadcast Nitrate of Soda in the barred furrow at the rate of 100 pounds per acre. Lesson 35. CORN FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 800 144 ____ . $ 6.80 Cottonseed Meal 800 20 60 12 10.40 Kainit 400 -__ . 48 2.40 2000 20 ) 164 ^60 60 119.60 8% 3% 3% Application of this mixture : Use 200 to 400 pounds per acre in drill before planting. When corn is 12 to 20 inches high use 400 pounds per acre as a side dresser. When corn bunches for tassel use 200 pounds Nitrate of Soda as a side dresser, per acre. TOP DRESSER FORMULA. Materials Nitrate of Soda Tankage Muriate of Potash Lbs. 1200 600 200 2000 Phos. Acid 40 20) 40 Ammo. 216 60 276 Potash 100 100 Cost 128.80 13.20 4.00 146.00 2% 13.8% 5% Application of this mixture : Use 200 to 400 pounds of this mixture per acre as a side dresser for any crop. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 37 TOP DRESSER FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Nitrate of Soda 1000 180 124.00 Cottonseed Meal 800 20 60 12 12.00 Muriate of Potash 200 — 100 4.00 2000 20) 20 240 112 $40.00 \% 12 fo 5.6 fo Application of this mixture : Use 200 to 400 pounds of this mixture per acre as a side dresser for any crop. Lesson 36. OAT FORMULA. Materials Thomas Phosphate Cottonseed Meal Muriate of Potash 9fo 2% 10% Application of this mixture : Use from 400 to 600 pounds of this mixture per acre at the time of seeding. When danger of frost is past use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre as a top dresser. OAT FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Thomas Phosphate 1400 252 . $11.90 Muriate of Potash 600 300 12.00 Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost 1000 180 $ 8.50 600 15 45 9 9.00 400 20) 195 45 200 249 8.00 2000 $25.50 2000 20 ) 252 300 $23.90 12% 0% 15% Application of this mixture : Use from 300 to 500 pounds of this mixture per acre. When danger of frost is past use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda as a top dresser. 38 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming WATERMELON FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Aci 5fc 10% Application of this mixture : Use this mixture at the rate of 1000 to 1200 pounds per acre in drill well mixed with soil with some well rot- ted manure, or first broadcast the manure. Broadcast from 600 to 1000 pounds of Thomas Phosphate per acre on old gardens for new soil life. Lesson 43. CORN FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Acid Phosphate Nitrate of Soda Tankage Muriate of Potash 1000 160 200 400 24 400 2000 20) 184 "?6 40 76 loo 200 $ 7.00 4.80 8.80 8.00 $28.60 9% ' S.S fo 10% Application of this n:iixture : Use from 200 to 400 pounds of this mix- ture per acre in drill before planting. When corn is 12 to 20 inches high use 400 to 600 pounds as side dresser. When corn bunches for tassel use 100 pounds Nitrate of Soda as a side dresser. CORN FORMULA. Materials Acid Phosphate Nitrate of Soda Cottonseed Meal Muriate of Potash 8% 4% bfo Application of this mixture : Use from 200 to 400 pounds per acre in drill before planting. When corn is 12 to 20 inches high use 400 to 6C0 pounds as a side dresser. When corn bunches for tassel use 100 pounds Nitrate of Soda as a side dresser. Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost 1000 160 $ 7.00 200 36 4.80 600 15 45 9 7.80 200 20) 175 81 100 109 4.00 2000 123.60 AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 45 CORN FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Acid Phosphate 1000 160 $ 7.00 Cottonseed Meal 800 20 60 12 10.40 Muriate of Potash 200 2000 20) 180 60 100 112 4.00 $21.40 9fc Z% 5% Application of this mixture : Use 400 pounds in drill, per acre before planting. When corn is 12 to 20 inches high use 400 to 600 pounds per acre as a side dresser. When corn bunches for tassel use from 100 to 200 pounds Nitrate of Soda per acre as a side dresser. Lesson 44. COTTON FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Acid Phosphate 1000 160 -___ $ 7.00 Cott<3nseed Meal 800 20 60 12 10.40 Muriate of Potash 200 2000 20) 180 60 100 112 4.00 $21.40 9% 3% 5% Application for this mixture : Use 600 pounds per acre in drill be- fote planting. Use 400 pounds per acre as side dresser when cotton is 6 or 8 inches high. Use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre as side dresser when cotton begins to bloom. COTTON FORMULA. Materials Acid Phosphate Nitrate of Soda Cottonseed Meal Muriate of Potash Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost 1000 160 $ 7.00 200 36 . 4.80 600 15 45 9 7.80 200 20) 175 81 100 109 4.00 2000 $23.60 8% 4f^ h% Application of this mixture : Use 600 pounds of this mixture per acre in drill before planting. Use 400 pounds as side dresser when cotton is 6 to 8 inches high. Use 100 pounds Nitrate of Soda as side dresser when cotton begins to bloom. 46 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming COTTON FORMULA. Materials Acid Phosphate Nitrate of Soda Dried Blood Kainit Lbs. Phos, Acid 1000 160 200 275 525 2000 20) 160 Ammo. "l6 44 80 4% Potash 63 63 Cost $ 7.00 4.80 8.93 3.15 123.88 Application of this mixture : Use 600 pounds per acre in drill before planting. Use 400 pounds per acre as side dresser when cotton is 6 to 8 inches high. When cotton begins to bloom use 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda as a side dresser. Lesson 45. CORN OR COTTON FORMULA. Materials Acid Phosphate Nitrate of Soda Fish Guano Muriate of Potash Lbs. 918 100 200 80 1298 Phos. Acid 147 '~13 20) 160 Ammo. "is 22 40 Potash "40 40 Cost $ 5.50 2.75 4.00 1.60 $13.85 8% 2% 2% Application of this mixture : Use from 1000 to 1298 pounds per acre at different applications. Follow the same when crop is removed, with heavy application of lime and winter cover crop. TOBACCO FORMULA. Materials Acid Phosphate Nitrate of Soda Dried Blood Sulfate of Potash Lbs. 1000 100 262 120 1482 Phos. Acid 160 20) 160 Ammo. "is 42 60 Potash "60 60 Cost $ 6.00 2.75 7.86 2.90 $19.51 Application of this mixture: drill before transplanting. 8% 3% 3% Use from 400 to 741 pounds per acre in AND Home Mixma Fertilizers 47 TOBACCO FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Acid Phosphate 800 128 i $ 4.80 Nitrate of Soda 200 36 5.50 Cotton Seed Meal 700 17 52 10 10.55 Sulfate of Potash 300 2000 20) 145 88 150 160 7.20 128.00 7% 4% 8% Application of this mixture: Use from 600 to 1000 pounds per acre in drill before transplanting. TOBACCO FORMULA. Materials Lbs. Phos. Acid Ammo. Potash Cost Acid Phosphate 800 128 $ 4.80 Nitrate of Soda 200 36 5.50 Cotton Seed Meal 600 15 45 9 9.00 Sulfate of Potash 400 2000 20) 143 81 200 209 9.60 $28.90 Application of this mixture: drill before transplanting. 7^ 4fo \Qfc Use from 800 to 1000 pounds per acre in ACRE FORMULAS. Lesson 46. f 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, I 100 " Ground Bone, Crimson Clover -{ 100 " Muriate of Potash, I 50 '' Nitrate of Soda, [ One acre bottle Farmogerm. f 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, ^ I 100 ** Nitrate of Soda, Corn i 200 " Muriate of Potash, [ 400 " Tankage or Fish Guano. r 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, , J 50 " Nitrate of Soda, Barley i jqo " Muriaie of Potash, [100 " Ground Bone. f 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, __.,,. J 150 " Nitrate of Soda, Mi^^^t .- i 100 " Muriate of Potash, 1 300 " Cottonseed Meal. 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, Wheat ._ ■{ 100 " Ground Bone, 100 " Muriate of Potash. f 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, ^ , 1 200 •' Cottonseed Meal, Oats i ;^00 " Ground Bone, 100 " Muriate of Potash. Soy Beans 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 " Cottonseed Meal, 100 " Muriate of Potash, 50 " Nitrate of Soda. One acre bottle Farmogerm. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 49 Lesson 47. Strawberries . 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 " Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Muriate of Potash, 400 •" Fish Guano. Dewberries 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 *' Nitrate of Soda, 200 '' Muriate of Potash, 400 " Cottonseed Meal. Irish Potatoes 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 " Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Sulfate of Potash, 400 " Cottonseed Meal. Lettuce. 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 " Nitrate of Soda, 400 " Dried Blood, 200 " Sulfate of Potash. Celery. 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 300 '' Nitrate of Soda, 200 '' Sulfate of Potash, 400 " Fish Guano. Tobacco 400 pounds Acid Phosphate, 100 '' Nitrate of Soda, 300 '' Dried Blood, 200 '• Sulfate of Potash. 50 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming Lesson 48. Sweet Potatoes '' 200 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 '* Cottonseed Meal, 50 " Nitrate of Soda, 100 >' Sulfate of Potash. Cane. r 200 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 100 " Nitrate of Soda, 200 •' Cottonseed Meal, 100 *' Sulfate of Potash. Turnips 200 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 100 " Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Fish Guano, L 100 " Sulfate of potash. Tomatoes 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 '' Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Cottonseed Meal, 100 " Muriate of Potash. Cabbage 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 " Nitrate of Soda, 400 " Dried Blood, 200 " Sulfate of Potash. Cotton. 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 50 " Nitrate of Soda, 100 " Muriate of Potash. 400 " Cottonseed Meal. Onions 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 " Nitrate of Soda, 400 '' Cottonseed Meal, 200 '' Sulfate of Potash. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 51 Lesson 49. Rye f 200 pounds Thomas Phosphate, -{50 " Ground Bone, L 100 ** Muriate of Potash. Cow Peas... r 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, I 50 " Nitrate of Soda, j 100 '' Muriate of Potash, [ One acre bottle Farmogerm. Oats and Vetch, 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 50 ** Nitrate of Soda, 400 " Cottonseed Meal, 200 '* Muriate of Potash, One acre bottle Farmogerm for Vetch. Rye and Vetch 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 400 *' Cottonseed Meal, 100 *' Nitrate of Soda, 100 '' Muriate of Potash, One acre bottle Farmogerm for Vetch. Red Clover f 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, I 100 " Bone Meal, .. \ 50 " Nitrate of Soda, I 200 '' Muriate of Potash, t One acre bottle Farmogerm. Rape 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 100 " Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Cottonseed Meal, 100 *' Muriate of Potash. Alfalfa f 1000 pounds Thomas Phosphate, I 200 " Nitrate of Soda, 400 ** Dried Blood, 400 " Muriate of Potash, I 2000 " Lime, t One acre bottle Farmogerm. 52 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming Lesson 50. Rye 50 pounds Ground Bone, 50 *' Muriate of Potash, 200 •' Acid Phosphate. Cow Peas. 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 50 '* Nitrate of Soda, 100 " Muriate of Potash, One acre bottle Farmogerm. Oats and Vetch. f 400 pounds Acid Phosphate, I 100 " Nitrate of Soda, ^200 " Cottonseed Meal, 200 '' Muriate of Potash, One acre bottle Farmogerm for Vetch. Rye and Vetch 300 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 ** Cottonseed Meal, 100 " Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Muriate of Potash, One acre bottle Farmogerm for Vetch. Red Clover. f 400 pounds Acid Phosphate, I 100 ** Ground Bone, -{50 '* Nitrate of Soda, I 100 *' Muriate of Potash, [ One acre bottle Farmogerm. Rape 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 '* Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Cottonseed Meal, 100 '' Muriate of Potash. Alfalfa 800 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 '' Nitrate of Soda, 400 '* Ground Bone, 400 '* Muriate of Potash, 2000 " Lime, One acre bottle Farmogerm. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 53 L«»ton 51. Sweet Potatoes 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 ** Cottonseed Meal, 50 " Nitrate of Soda, 100 " Sulfate of Potash. Cane. 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 100 " Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Cottonseed Meal, 100 " Sulfate of Potash. Turnips 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 ** Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Fish Guano, 200 '* Sulfate of Potash. Tomatoes. 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 " Nitrate of Soda, 400 '' Cottonseed Meal, 200 " Muriate of Potash. Cabbage. 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 '* Nitrate of Soda, 400 " Dried Blood, 200 '* Sulfate of Potash. Cotton. 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 *' Nitrate of Soda, 100 " Muriate of Potash, 400 *' Cottonseed Meal. Onions 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 •' Nitrate of Soda, 400 " Cottonseed Meal, L 200 " Sulfate of Potash. 54 Chemistry Applied to Practical Farming Lesson 52. Crimson Clover. f 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, I 200 •' Cottonseed Meal, -{200 " Muriate of Potash, I 50 '* Nitrate of Soda, t One acre bottle Farmogerm. Corn 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 " Nitrate of Soda, 100 '' Muriate of Potash, 400 ** Cottonseed Meal. Barley 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 50 " Nitrate of Soda, 100 " Ground Bone, 100 " Muriate of Potash. Millet 200 pounds Acid Phosphate, 150 " Nitrate of Soda, 100 " Muriate of Potash, 200 '' Cottonseed Meal. Wheat 400 pounds Acid Phosphate, 100 " Ground Bone, 100 " Muriate of Potash. Oats 400 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 " Cottonseed Meal, 100 '' Ground Bone, 100 '' Muriate of Potash. Soy Beans. 400 pounds Acid Phosphate, 200 *' Cottonseed Meal, 100 '* Muriate of Potash, 50 " Nitrate of Soda, One acre bottle Farmogerm. AND Home Mixing Fertilizers 55 Lesson 53. Peanuts f 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, I 100 " Nitrate of Soda, .. ^ 200 " Muriate of Potash, I 200 " Cottonseed Meal, [ One acre bottle Farmogerm. Cotton. ' 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 400 " Tankage, 100 " Muriate of Potash, 100 " Nitrate of Soda. Corn f 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, J 400 " Tankage, (100 " Nitrate of Soda, 100 '' Muriate of Potash. Sugar Beets 400 pounds Thomas Phosphate, 200 " Nitrate of Soda, 200 " Sulfate of Potash, 400 " Tankage or Fish Guano. MAR 21 1913