617 ' > •'.^^^^r ^V' ^^ -^^^* ^0 im^ - ^^^^ o 4 O ■ft.' Q_ *■ ^-^^ ■» rv^ <^ jsEsooi>Ji> Es i> I T I o r^. Y. EVERY VARIETY OF AGRICULTURAI- IMPLEMENTS & MACHINERY, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS, GUANO, MAPES' ISriTROGhENIZED" SUPER-PHOSPIIATE OF EIME, ETC. C. V. MAPES' KETAIL PRICE LIST. NEW YORK, JAN'Y 1st. 1861. EAGLE PLOWS. Wheel D. Rod KINDS. NOS. Plain. Cutter and Cutter Wand Cutter Light Horse, 14, 3 25 Light Horse, 14i, 3 75 Medium Horse, 15, 4 50 Small Horse, Al, 3 25 Medium Horse, A 2, 4 50 One Horse, IB, 5 50 6 50 7 50 Two Horse, 2B, 7 00 8 25 9 50 Davis Cotton, 6 in. 3 25 Davis Cotton, 7 iD. 3 50 Eice, Trenching 6 00 One Horse, P. 19, 5 00 One Horse, P. 19J, 6 00 Two Horse, P. 20. 7 00 8 50 9 75 Two Horse, P. 21, 8 00 9 50 10 75 BMPROVED EAGLE PLOWS. One Horse, One Horse, Sod Plow, Sod Plow, Light Sod, Light Sod, Large Sod, Large Sod, Heavy, . Light Sod, Medium Sward, Medium Sward, Medium Coult. Left Hand, . Left Hand, . A, 0, 1, 1, Coul 2! " 20, 20, " 28, " 36, B, C, D, 46, 47, 4 50 6 00 8 00 9 50 8 50 10 00 10 00, 12 00 17 50 8 00 10 00 9 00 8 00 9 00 7 00 8 00 9 50 10 75 1100 12 25 10 00:1125 1150 12 75 12 00! 13 50 14 00 15 50 20 00 22 00 9 50 12 00 10 50 10 75 13 50 12 00 9 50 11 00 1100 12 50 Eagle, 20, with meadow fixtures complete. 11 12 75 1175 13 25 14 50 16 50 24 00 1125 14 50 13 00 1150 13 00 18 00 EAGLE SELF-SHARPENERS. Light Horse, Light Horse, One Horse, Medium Sod, Large Sod, Heavy Sod, Med. left Hand, 8 or 4 Horse, " 0, 3 75 1, 5 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 3, 8 00 9 50 1100 4, 9 00 1100 12 50 5, 10 00 12 00 13 50 40, 10 00 12 00 13 50 41, 13 50 16 00 17 50 1150 13 00 14 00 14 00 18 50 DOUBLE-MOULD PLOWS. Eidging, Eidging, . Eidging, . Eidging, . Sugar Cane, Sugar Cane, Sugar Cane, H. 3 50 u. 5 00 2, 6 50 4, 8 00 3, 8 00 4, 12 00 5, 16 00 Fluke, wro't. MAPES' LIFTING SUB-SOIL PLOWS. DESCRIPTION. Steel and Wrought Iron, 6 to 10 in. deep, cut 5 inch, ODe horse, Steel and Wrought Iron, 10 to 14 in. deep, cut 6 inch, two horse. Steel and Wrought Iron, 12 to 16 in. deep, cut 8 inch, 2 to 3 horses, - Steel and Wrought Iron, 14 to 18 in. deep, cut 9 inch, 4 cattle. D Rod orSootch Clevis. 00 11 00 12 50 12 50 14 00 16 00 17 50 Wheel and Cutter CAST SUB-SOIL PLOWS. EINDS. One Horse, . Two Horse, . Heavy Horse, D'ble Wing & NOS. Plain. D. Rod 5 50 7 00 6 00 7 50 12 00 15 00 Wheel D. Rod and W.and D Rod Cutter 7 25 9 00 13 50 16 50 SIDE-HILL PLOWS. Light Horse, One Horse, Two Horse, Sod, Sod, Large Sod, Heavy Eoad, 0, 00, B 1, A 2' A3, A 4, 5 00 700 8 00 9 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 Wheel Cutter and Cutter 9 25 10 50 1150 13 50 D. Rod 15 00 10 50 12 00 13 00 15 00 1100 13 00 14 00 16 00 SIDE-HILL PLOWS. (SWIVEL) DESCRIPTION Sod, Furrows 6 in., deep, 11 to 12 in. wide, 2 to 3 horses Sod; Furrows 7 to 9 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, 3 to 4 horses, Stubble, Furrows 6 to 9 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, 2 horses. Stubble, Furrows 8 to 10 hi. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, 3 to 4 horses, NOS. No. 83, No. 84, 11 00 1». Rod or?cotch Cutter Clevis 10 50 No. 82, 9 00 No. 85, 11 00 12 5013 00 12 00 Wheel and Cutter 13 50 12 50 14 00 10 50 12 00 C. V. MAPES' RETAIL PRICE LIST. PATENT IMPROVED DEEP-TILLING PLOWS-CAST IRON. DESCRIPTION. STUBBLE OR OLD GROUND PLOWS. Old Ground, Stublc, Furrows 4 to G inches deep, 8 to 10 in. wide, one horse, Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows G to 8 in. deep, 9 to 11 in. wide, small, two horse. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows G to 8 in. deep, 9 to 11 in. wide. Steel Share, two horse. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows, suitable for Western and California soils, - - - - Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 6 to 9 in. deep, 9 to 12 in. w4de, medium, two horse. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 8 to 10 in. deep, 11 to 13 in. wide, large, two to three horses, Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 9 to 11 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, large, two to three horses, Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 8 to 12 in. deep, 12 to 15 in. wide, large, three to four horses. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 8 to 12 in. deep, 14 to 18 in. wide, 3 to 4 horses, is adapted to burying of broom corn, - -_ - ' NUMBERS. CREEi^SWARD PLOWS. Lap Furrow, Sod Lap Furrows 6 to 7 in. deep, 11 to 12 in. wide, long handles, two horse. Lap Furrow, Sod Lap Furrows 6 to 8 in. deep, 11 to 13 in. wide, long handles, two horse. Lap Furrow, Sod, Furrows 6 to 7 in. deep, 11 to 12 in. wide, long handles, medium, two horse. Lap Furrow, Sod, Furrows 7 in. deep, 12 m. wide, for stiff clay sod, two to three horses. Lap Furrow, Sod, Furrows 8 to 10 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, long handles, three to four horses, Flat Furrow, Sod, Furrows 7 to 8 in. deep, 11 to 12 in. wide, medium, two horse. Flat Furrow, Sod, Furrows 6 to 7 in. deep, 12 to 13 in. Avide, medium, two horse, Flat Furrow, Sod, Furrows 8 to 9 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, large, three horse, - - - Flat Furrow, Sod, Furrows 9 to 10 in. deep, 13 to 15 in. wide, 3 to 4 horse, . - - Flat Furrow, Sod, Furrows 9 to 10 in. deep, 13 to 15 in. wide, 3 to 4 horses, . . - Flat Furrows, Sod, Furrows 10 to 12 in. deep, 16 to 18 inches wide, extra heavy, four horses. Flat Furrow, Sod, Furrows 10 to 12 in. deep, 16 to 18 inches wide, extra heavy, four horses. Flat Furrow, Sod, Furrows 10 to 12 in. deep, 18 to 20 in. wide, Steel Share and Coulter, with Meadow ■ Fixtures complete, . - - - DOUBLE PLOWS. Sod and Subsoil, Double Forrows, 7 to 9 in. deep, 10 to 14 in. wide, three to four cattle, - Sod and Subsoil, Double Furrows, 7 to 9 in. deep, 10 to 12 in. wide, three to four cattle, - Sod and Subsoil, Double Furrows, 10 to 12 in. deep, 12 to 13 in wide, four cattle, . - - Sod nnd Subsoil Swivel, Double Furrows, 10 to 12 in. deep, 10 to 12 in. wide, four cattle, - D. Kod orScotch Clevis. No. 30, No. 31, No. 31^, No. 31|, No. 32, No. 33, No. 34. No. 35, No. 39, No-1, No. 2, No. 72, No. 72J, No. 74, No. 71|, No. 73|, No. 75, No. 76, No. 76. Coult, No. 77. No. 77. Coult. No. 78, No. 33, No. 34, No. 35, No. 86. Wheel & Cutter. S6 75 $8 00 $9 25 7 50 8 75 10 00 8 50 9 75 11 00 Steel Share, $8.50. 8 00 9 25 , 10 50 8 50 9 00 9 00 10 00 $9 00 9 50 9 50 9 50 11 00 9 50 10 00 11 00 14 00 16 00 10 00 18 00 10 00 10 50 11 00 11 50 $11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 25 11 75 12 50 13 00 $12 50 12 60 12 50 12 50 13 00 j 14 50 11 00 I 12 50 11 '^0 13 00 13 00 14 50 16 50 18 50 18 50 20 50 18 50 : 20 50 20 50 ■ 22 50 25 OC Wheel 12 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 16 00 17 00 C. V. MAPES' RETAIL PRICE LIST. PATENT IMPROVED STEEL PLOWS, DESCRIPTION. STUBBLE OR OLD GROUND PLOWS. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 4 to G in. deep, 7 to 9 in. wide' right hand, light, one horse, - - - - Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 4 to 6 in. deep, 8 to 10 in. wide, right hand, light, one horse, - - - - Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 4 to 6 in. deep, 9 to 10 in. wide, right hand, one horse, . . . - Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 4 to 8 in. deep, 10 to 12 in. -wide, right hand, light, two horse, - - - - Old Ground, Stubble,, Furrows 5 to 8 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, right hand, two to three horses. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 5 to 8 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, right hand, two to three horses. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 6 to 9 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, narrow cut, right hand, two to three horses. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 6 to 9 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, left hand, narrow cut, two to tliree horses, Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 6 to 10 in. deep, 16 to 18 in. wide, right hand, wide cut, 4 horses, - - - Old Ground, StuVtble, Furrows 6 to 10 in. deep, 16 to 18 in. wide, left hand, wide cut, 4 horses, - - - Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 5 to 10 in. deep, 10 to 12 in. wide, right hand, medium, two horse. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 5 to 10 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, right hand, medium, two horse. Old Ground, Stubble, Furrows 5 to 10 in. deep, 10 to 12 in. wide, left hand, medium, two horse, ' - Sod, Furrows 6 to 10 in. deep, 10 to 18 in. wide, 4 horses PRAIRIE PLOWS. Prairie, Sod, Furrows 4 to 6 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, right hand, two to three horses, - - . . Prairie, Sod, Furrows 4 to 6 in. deep, 14 to IG in. wide, left hand, two to three horses, . . . . Prairie, Sod, Furrows 4 to 6 in, deep, 14 to 16 in. wide, right hand, two to three horses, - . . . Lap Sod, Lap Furrows 7 in. deep, 10 in. wide, right hand, for stiff clay soil, two to three horses, DOUBLE PLOWS. Sod and Subsoil, Double Furrows, 7 to 9 in. deep, 10 to 12 in. wide, right hand, three to four horses. Sod and Subsoil, Double Furrows, 8 to 10 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, right hand, four to six horses, - - . Sod and Subsoil, Double Furrows, 7 to 10 in. deep, 11 to 12 in. wide, left hand, three to four horses, - - - Peacock Coulter or Circular Cutter, $2.50 each. WESTERN PLOWS. Old Ground, Stubble, 4 to 8 in. deep, 12 in. wide, two hofse, Old Ground, Stubble, 4 to 8 in. deep, 14 in. -s^-ide, 2 to 3 horses. Old Ground, Stubble, 4 to 8 in. deep, 12 in. wide, two horse, Old Ground, Stubble, 4 to 8 in. deep, 14 in. wide, 2 to 3 liorses, Old Groimd, Stubble, 5 to 10 in. deep, 15 in. wide, 2 to 3 horses. XOO XO XI XIJ X4 XU X6 X7 X6 X7 X8 X8 X9 X6i UGSi UG4 UG5 WB2 X4 X6 X7 P5 P6 G2 G3 G4 1). Kod orScotch Clevis S5 75 6 00 8 00 9 50 13 00 13 00 13 00 13 00 14 00 14 00 11 50 12 00 11 50 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 11 00 13 00 11 00 13 00 13 00 S9 25 10 75 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 16 00 16 00 13 00 13 50 13 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 Wheel 18 50 20 00 18 50 Whael ami Cutter. $10 50 12 00 16 50 16 50 16 50 16 50 17 50 17 50 14 50 15 00 14 50 22 50 18 50 18 50 18 50 18 50 19 50 21 00 19 50 C. V. MAPES KETAIL PRICE LIST. THE UNIVERSAL PLOW. This is a recent invention, for which measures have been taken to secure Letters Patent. The implement embraces various forms and sizes of mould-board, each nicely fitting one common standard and frame-work — thus adapting the plow to a wide variety of soils and modes of culture. Each mould-board is constructed to perform its respect- ive work in a thorough and finished style. The advantages of having the various mould-boards, needed for the different soils and modes of culture, combined in one general implement, rather than made up separately in several plows, the saving of expense thereby and of storage, are too apparent to need more than the bare mention. The Universal Plow embraces the following kinds and sizes of mould-boards : 1. For plowing intervale and other smooth, grass-lands, five sizes of mould-board, ot long or gentle spiral or twist, viz : (Mark on Mould-board. ) "Intervale No. 120," flat furrows, 7 to 10 inches deep, 14 to 16 #ide. "Intervale No. 121," flat fuiTOWS, 5 to 9 inches deep, 13 to 15 wide. "Intervale No. 122," flat furrows, 4 to 8 inches deep, 12 to 14 wide. "Intervale No. 123," flat furrows, 4 to 7 inches deep, 11 to 13 wide. "Intervale No. 124," flat furrows, 3 to 6 inches deep, 10 to 12 wide. 2. For plowing upland, stony land, old pastures and other grass lands of uneven or rough surface, four sizes of mould-board of short and powerful twist : (Mark on Mould-board,) "Upland No. 140," flat furrows, 5 to 9 inches deep, 13 to 15 wide. "Upland No. 141," flat furrows, 4 to 8 inches deep, 12 to 14 wide. "Upland No. 142," flat furrows, 4 to 7 inches deep, 11 to 13 wide. "Upland No. 143," flat furrows, 3 to 6 inches deep, 10 to 12 wide. 3.. For plowing clay and other stiff soil sod, two sizes lapping the furrow-slices one upon another at an inclination of 45 deg. (Mark on Mould-board.) " Lap Furrow No. 130," 6 to 7 inches deep, 9 to 11 wide. " Lap Furrow No. 132," 6 to 8 inches deep, 11 to 12 wide. 4. For plowing stubble or old ground, two sizes of mould-board, throwing the soil over abruptly and breaking it fine : (Mark on Mould-board.) "Stubble No. 150," 6 to 12 inches deep, 12 to 16 wide. "Stubble No. 152," 4 to 9 inches deep, 10 to 14 wide. 5. Also, by using the skim or little forward plow on the same beam with the stub- ble mould-board, two sizes of superior Double, or Sod or Subsoil plows : Sod and Subsoil No. 150, 8 to 12 inches deep. Sod and Subsoil No. 152, 7 to 10 inches deep. C. V. MAPES' EETAIL PRICE LIST. UNIVERSAL PLOW-CAST iron. KINDS AND SIZES. Intervale, No. 120, - - Intervale, No. 121, - - Intervale, No. 122, - - Intervale, No. 123, - - Intervale, No. 124, - - Upland, No. 140, - - Upland, No. 141, Upland, No. 142, - - Upland, No. 143, Lap Furrow, No 130, - Lap Furrow, No. 132, - Stubble, No 150, - - • Stubble, No 152, - - - Sod and Subsoil, No. 150 Sod and Subsoil, No, 152 DESCRIPTION. Sod, Furrows 7 to 10 in. deep, 14 to 16 in. wide, 4 cattle, - - - - Sod, Furrows 5 to 9 in. deep, 13 to 15 in. wide, 3 to 4 cattle, - - Sod, Furrows 4 to 8 in. deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, 2 to 3 cattle, - - Sod, Furrows 4 to 7 in. deep, 11 to 13 in. wide, 2 horse medium. Sod, Furrows 3 to 6 in. deep, 10 to 12 in. wide, 2 horse light, - - Sod, Furrows 5 to 9 in. deep, 13 to 15 in. wide, 3 to 4 cattle, - - Sod, Furrows 4 to 8 in, deep, 12 to 14 in. wide, 2 to 3 cattle, - - Sod, Furrows 4 to 7 in. deep, 11 to 13 in. wide, 2 cattle, medium, Sod, Furrows 3 to 6 in. deep, 10 to 12 in. wide, 2 cattle, light, - - lap Sod, Furrows 5 to 7 in. deep, 9 to 11 in. wide, 2 horse, medium. Lap Sod, Furrows 6 to 8 in. deep, 11 to 12 in. wide, 2 horse, large, Old Ground, Furrows 6 to 12 in. deep, 12 to 16 in. wide, 2 horse, large Old Ground, I'urrows 4 to 9 in. deep, 10 to 14 in. wide, 2 horse, med. Double Cut, Furrows 8 to 12 in. deep, 4 cattle, • - Double Cut, Furrows 6 to 10 in. deep, 2 to 4 cattle, ^S 13 00,14 50 12 50|14 00 12 00] 13 50 11 50 [13 00 11 25112 75 12 50 14 00 12 00 13 50 11 50 11 25 11 50 12 50 12 50 11 50 15 50 14 60 13 00 12 75 13 00 14 00 17 00 16 00 I ■'3 3 16 00 15 50 15 00 14 50 14 25 15 50 15 00 14 60 14 25 14 50 15 50 18 60 17 50 Mould Board, Intervale, No. 120, Mould Board, Intervale, No. 121, Mould Board, Intervale, No. 122, Mould Board, Intervale', No. 123, Mould Board, Intervale, No. 124, Mould Board, Lap Furrow, No. 130, Mould Board, Lap Furrow, No. 132, $3 50 3 00 2 50 2 00 1 75 ■2 00 3 00 Mould Mould Mould Mould Mould Mould Board, Board, Board, Board, Board, Board, Upland, No. 140, Upland, No. 141, Upland, No. 142, Upland, No. 143, Stubble, No. 150, Stubble, No. 152, $3 00 2 50 2 00 1 75 3 00 2 00 Skim or Forward Plow for Sod and Subsoil, $3 00 Shoe or Sole to Landside, "short," - 67 Shoe or Sole to Landside, "medium," 75 Shoe or Sole to Landside, "lonf^," - 87 Share, Universal, - - - - 58 Share, Universal, wide, - - $ 67 Share, ' ' Lap Furrow, " - - 50 Share, Bog Meadow, Steel, wide cut, I 50 Standard, alone, - - - 2 50 UNIVERSAL PLOW-STEEL. Kinds and Sizes. U. P 20 U. P. 21 U. P. 22 U. P. 50 U. P. 51 U. P. 62 U. P 53 U. P 50 double, U. P. 51 double, DESCRIPTION. Prairie Sod, furrows 15 to 16 in. wide, 3 horses, - - - S15 60 $18 50 Prairie Sod, furrows 14 to 15 in. wide, 2 to 3 horses, - - 15 00 18 00 Prairie Sod, furrows 12 to 13 in. wide, 2 horses, - - - 14 60 17 60 Old Ground, furrows 16 to 18 in. wide, 2 to 3 horse, - - - 16 00 Old Ground, furrows 14 to 16 in. wide, 2 horse, large, - - 15 00 Old Ground, furrows 12 to 14 in. wide, 2 horse, medium, - - 14 00 Old Ground, furrows 10 to 12 in. wide, 2 horse, light, - - 13 00 Sod and Subsoil, furrows 6 to 12 in. deep, 4 to 6 oxen, with wheel and clevis. Sod and Subsoil, furrows 5 to 8 in. deep, 2 to 4 horses, with wheel and clevis, With Clevis. Wheel &Com. Cutter Wheel & Cir. Cutter S19 50 19 00 18 60 Wheel & Peacock Coulter. $19 50 19 00 18 50 21 60 20 50 Mould Mould Mould Mould Mould Mould Mould Board No. U. Board No. U. Board No. U. Board No. U. Board No. U. Board No. U. Board No. U. P. 20 P. 21, P. 22, 50, 51, 52, 53, $4 25 3 75 3 50 4 25 3 75 3 00 2 50 Skim Plow with Peacock Coulter, for Sod and Subsoil, $5 50 Share for breaking Prairie, U. P. 20 & 21, 14 to 15 in. cut, 1 75 Share for breaking Prairie, U. P. 22, 12 in. cut, 1 60 Share for Old Ground, U. P. 50, 18 in. cut, - - 2 25 Share for Old Ground, U. P. 51, 16 in. cut, - - 1 75 Share for Old Ground, U. P. 52, 14 in. cut, - - 1 60 Share for Old Groimd, U. P. 53, 12 in. cut, - - 1 00 Share for Skim Plow, 12 in. cut, - - - - 1 00 Landside, 100 C. V. MAPES RETAIL PRICE LIST. PROTJTT & MEARS' CELEBRATED CENTRE-DRAFT PLOWS. These Plows are of easy draft, turn the sward most perfectly, and in a clear, free soil preserve the furrow without a holder; and if the ground is in good condition for plow- ing, nearly prepare it for seeding: by their peculiar shape and turn of mould-board, will pulverize and disintegrate the particles of the furrow slice, and consequently aid fermentation and decomposition, and the elaboration of food for plants, from the organic matter of the soil ; all at much less expense, than the same point is obtained by the harrow; and in perfection, perhaps nearly equal to "spade husbandry," which has been termed "the perfection of good culture." Prouty & Mears' Patent Centre-Draft Plows. Cotton, Small Horse, Medium Horse, Large Horse, Stubble, Horse, Stubble, Two Horse, Stubble, Two or Three do. Sod, Two Horse, , Sod, Two Cattle, Sod, Three Cattle, Sod, Four or Five Cattle, . . . NUMBERS. 0, 19, 20, 21, 12, 1, Conn. R.Val. 2, " 22, 23 Eagle C, 26 $3 50 4 00 4 50 5 50 6 50 7 50 8 00 7 50 8 00 8 50 10 00 $6 50 7 75 9 00 9 50 8 75 9 50 10 00 11 50 Wheel and Cutter. $7 50 9 00 10 50 11 00 10 00 10 75 11 50 13 00 New Series of Improved. Deep-Tiller Plows. Sod, Two Cattle,... Sod, Three Cattle,. Sod, Four Cattle,.. 25,.. 154, . 155,. PraflRod, AVhcol and Cuiter. $1C 00 11 50 12 00 11 00 11 75 12 50 14 00 $8 00 9 50 11 00 S9 50 11 00 12 50 $11 00 12 50 14 00 $12 00 13 50 15 00 Lock Coulter Plows for Rough Lands. Two tr Three Cattle, . Three Cuttle, Three or Pour Cattle, . Heavy Eo.id, SIO 00 $11 50 11 00 12 50 13 00 14 50 16 50 18 50 $12 50 13 50 16 00 20 00 C. V. MAPES KETAIL PRICE LIST. i7 Improved Self-Sharpening Plows. KmDS. NUMBERS. Plain. Cutter, Wheel and Cutter. Uratt Hod Wheel and Cutter. Light Horse, Medium Horse Two Horse Two Cattle Two Cattle 1 ^ 30 40 A 40, Steel Point 5 J Qk $5 00 6 50 7 50 8 00 9 50 8 50 10 00 9 00 10 00 $6 00 7 50 8 75 9 25 11 00 10 00 11 50 10 50 11 50 $7 00 8 50 10 00 10 50 12 50 11 50 13 00 12 00 13 00 $9 50 11 00 11 50 13 50 Three Cattle Four Cattle 12 50 14 00 Three Cattle, Left Hand Four " " 54 55 13 00 14 00 Meadow Plows, Two or Three Cattle 25, L, Steel Share.... 14 00 Three Cattle Three or Four Cattle Eagle, C L, do do. 72 L, cut edge., do. 33 L 15 00 17 00 Four or Five Cattle 18 00 Side-Hill or Swivel Plows. One Horse Two Horse 00 Two Cattle 1 Three Cattle 2 Four Cattle 3 Four Cattle, Heavy | 4 Road. 5 00 7 00 8 25 9 50 8 00 9 25 10 50 10 00 11 50 13 00 11 00 12 50 14 00 14 00 15 50 17 00 MicMgan Sod and Subsoil Plows. Two Cattle . . Three Cattle. Four Cattle . . Three Cattle. Three Cattle. Two Cattle.. Three Cattle. 8, Old Series 9, " 10, " 9, Left Hand 95, Self Sharpening 84, New Series. . . . , 85, " 13 OO 14 00 15 50 14 00 15 00 16 50 15 00 16 00 17 50 14 50 15 50 17 00 16 50 17 50 19 00 13 50 14 50 16 00 14 50 15 50 17 00 Sub-soil Plows. One Horse Two Horse Two Horse , Two Horse Three or Four Horse Heavy Road 1 D 2, G Left Hand. C A. .> D. Rod. D. Rod and Wheel 5 50 6 50 7 00 8 00 9 50 7 00 8 00 9 50 7 50 8 50 10 00 9 00 10 00 11 50 11 00 12 25 14 00 Kidging Plows. Light Horse . One Horse. . . Heavy Horse. Two Horse. . . Four Horse . . 1, Double Mould. I'- ■■ ■■ : 3 " " 6, Midland, " . 3 50 5 00 6 50 8 00 Cutter. 13 50 15 00 Wheel and Cutter. 16 50 C. y. MAPES KETAIL PRICE LIST. HAY CUTTERS Straight Knives. No of No. of Cutter. Knives. 00 5 6 1 7 2 8 2^ 10 3 6 4 8 5 10 5i 12 b% 14 6 6 7 8 8 10 9 6 10 8 11 10 12 6 13 8 14 10 Length of Knives. 5f inch. 5| inch. 5 1 inch. 5| inch. 5| inch. 6| inch. 6| inch. 6| inch. 6f inch. 6 J inch. 7'| inch. 7 1 inch. 7^ inch. 8 1 inch. 8J inch. 8j inch. 9 1 inch. 9| inch. 9 1 inch. Length of Cut. 1| inch. l| inch. If inch. 1^ incli. 1 inch. IJ inch. 1^ inch. 1 inch . 4 inch. I inch, if inch. \\ inch. 1 inch' If inch. 1^ inch. 1 inch. IJ inch. IJ inch. l| inch. Price. $6 00 7 00 8 GO 9 00 10 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 14 00 14 00 15 00 16 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 22 00 24 00 26 00 Nos. 12, 18, and 14 are fitted for horse power HAY CUTTERS. Spiral Knives. No of No of Cutter. Knives. 00 4 5 1 G 2 7 3 8 4 9 4^ 10 6 6 6 8 7 10 n 12 8 6 9 8 10 10 lOJ 12 11 6 12 8 13 10 1 Length of Knives. 6 inch. 6 incli. 6 inch. 6 inch. 6 inch. 6 inch. 6 inch. 7 inch. 7 inch. 7 inch. 7 inch. 8 inch. 8 inch. 8 inch. 8 inch. 9 inch. 9 inch. 9 inch. Length of Cut. 2 inch . 1| inch. If inch. If inch. 1^ inch. \\ inch. 1 inch. If inch. l|^ inch. ■| incli. f inch. 1| inch. 1^ incli. \ inch. J inch. 1| inch. l| inch. I inch. Price. 85 50 6 00 7 00 8 00 9 00 9 50 10 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 13 00 14 00 16 00 17 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 IMPROVED FEED CUTTERS. Telegraph Hay and Stalk Cutter, No. 1, $70 00 Telegraph Hay and Stalk Cutter, No. 2, 45 00 Telegraph Hay and Stalk Cutter, No. 3, 30 00 Telegraph Hay aud Stalk Cutler, No. 4. 22 00 Daniel's Hay and Stalk Cutter, No. 1, 25 00 Daniel's Hay and Stalk Cutter, No. 2, 55 00 Cumming's Hay and Stalk Cutter, 30 00 Cylindrical Hay and Stalk Cutter, 16 00 Smith's Patent Lever Cutter, 10 00 Common Lever Gate, 3 75 UNIVERSAL HAY CUTTER. Gale's Patent. No, Length Length Knives. Knives. of Cut. 000 1 7 inches, Coarse, $8 00 00 2 6 " Coarse, 9 00 2 6 " Coarse, 10 00 1 3 6 " Coarse, 11 00 2 2 6 " Coarse, 12 00 3 3 6 " Fine, 12 00 4 4 6 " Fine, 13 00 5 2 8 " Coarse, 13 00 6 3 8 " Coarse, 14 00 7 4 8 " Fine, 15 00 8 2 9 " Coarse, 15 00 9 3 9 " Coarse, 16 00 10 4 9 " Fine, 17 00 11 2 10 " Coarse, 19 00 12 3 10 " Coarse, 20 00 13 4 10 " Fine, 20 00 14 3 11 " Coarse, 25 00 15 4 10 " Fine, 26 00 Nos. 14 and 15 are fitted for horse power. EAGLE HAY CUTTERS. Gale's Patent. No. 1, 7 in. long, - No. 3, 9 in. long, No. 5, 11 in. long. No. 7, 13 in. long, $12 00 14 00 16 00 20 00 HAY CUTTERS Self Sharpening. No. of No. of Length of Length of . Cutter. Flango- Knife. Cut. 6 6| IJ inch. $8 00 1 6 7^ IJ inch. 9 00 2 8 7i 1 inch. 10 00 3 6 7| \h inch. 12 00 4 8 n 1 inch. 13 00 5 10 U f inch. 15 00 6 12 8? \ inch. 16 00 7 6 8| \h inch. 17 00 8 8 8| 1 inch. 18 00 9 10 8| f inch. 18 00 10 12 8| 1 inch. 19 00 11 6 9^ li inch. 20 00 12 8 ^ 1 inch. 21 00 20 6 lU IJ inch. 35 00 21 8 iij 1 inch. 36 00 22 10 l^ 1 inch. 37 00 Nos. 20, 21, and 22 are fitted for horse power. VEGETABLE CUTTERS. "Worcester, - - - - Willard's Patent Root Cutter, SIO 00 10 00 C. V. MAPES RETAIL PRICE LIST. STEEL HORSE HOES. Howe's No. 1, Expanding $8 00 Howe's No. % Expanding 9 00 Howe's No. 3, Expanding 10 00 Armsby's No. 1, Expanding 7 00 Armsby's No. 2, Expanding 8 00 Armsby's No. 3, Expanding 9 00 Knox's Patent, No. 1 7 00 Knox's Patent, No. 2 8 00 Knox's Patent, No. 3 9 00 No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Centre Plow, or Tooth, for Horse Hoe $1 50 $1 75 $2 00 Two Side Plows, per pair, . . 150 175 175 Front Tooth 20 25 25 COTTON OR CARROT WEEDER. No. 1, Steel, 12 inch $4 00 No. 2, Steel, 15 inch 4 50 No. 3, Steel, 18 inch 5 00 NEW PATTERN COTTON SCRAPER. Cotton Scraper, Wrought Iron $4 50 Cotton Scraper, Cast Iron 3 75 COTTON SWEEPS. No. 1, Steel, $4 85 No. 2, Steel, 4 95 No. 3. Steel, 5 00 CULTIVATORS. Common, 5 Teeth, - - - - $4 00 Common, 5 Teeth, Reversible, - - 4 50 Common, 5 Teeth, Steel, Reversible, 5 75 Improved, 5 Teeth, - - - 4 50 Improved, 5 Teeth, Reversible, - - 5 00 Improved, 5 Teeth, Steel, Reversible, 6 25 Parallel Expanding, 3 Teeth, Reversible, 4 50 Parallel Expanding, 3 Teeth, Steel, Rev. 5 50 Parallel Expanding, 5 Teeth, Reversible, 6 00 Parallel Expanding, 5 Teeth, Steel, Rev. 7 75 Universal, Iron, 6 Teeth, broad, - 9 00 Universal, Iron, 8 Teeth, with Moulds, 10 00 Hand Cultivator, - - - - 2 25 Cotton Sweep, No. 1, with Wheel, 8 00 Cotton Sweep, No. 2, with Wheel, 10 00 1 Set Cast Cultivator Teeth, - - 1 25 1 Set Reversible Cast Cultivator Teeth, I 50 1 Set Reversible Steel Teeth, - - 2 75 1 Set Rogers' Patent Steel Teeth, - 2 75 KNOX'S GANG CULTIVATOR. No. 1,-4 Teeth, Steel $9 00 No. 2,-6 Teeth, Steel, 10 50 CORN PLANTERS. Batchelder's Improved. . $14 00 Billings' Patent 15 00 Wakefield Hand 5 00 Common Hand 2 00 SEED DRILLS. No. $2 60 No. 0, and wheel 3 00 No. I, Improved English 6 00 No. 2, Improved English 10 00 No. 3, Improved Englishj. 14 00 Wethersfield Seed Drill 6 00 Wells' Broadcast, 4 00 Cahoun's Patent Broadcast 10 00 Cahoun's Patent Broadcast, Power, 35 00 ROAD SCRAPERS. No. 1, Cast Iron, - - - - $5 50 No. 2, " 6 60 No. 3, " . - . . 8 50 HARROWS. Improved Hinge. Improved Hinge. Geddes, Geddes, Geddes, Geddes, Geddes, Geddes, Expanding ) Reversible, X Expanding [ Reversible, \ Scotch, No. 1, Scotch, No. 2, No. of Size of Teeth. Teeth. 30 \ inch. 24 \ inch. 14 f inch. 18 f inch. 1 inch. 22 26 \ inch. 30 1 inch. 30 1 inch. 20 \ inch. 20 \ inch. 32 1 inch. 1 inch. 1 32 f inch steel teeth, $2 00 extra. A A A A heavy, A I inch. I inch. I \ inch. l| inch. 1 inch. Price. $13 00 11 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 13 00 14 00 15 00 10 00 9 00 13 00 16 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 9 GO Improved Hinge Steel Harrows. 1 Horse, 24 1 Horse, 24 1 Horse, 30 2 Horse, SO Sizer's Cotton Harrow, $11 60 12 25 13 50 14 50 8 00 Mapes and Gibbs' Digging Machine, - - - S125 00 10 0. V. JIAPES KETAIL PKICE LIST. CORN SHELLERS.-'^rmsby's Patent. Yankee $6 00 Yankee, extra Wheel 7 00 Fitted with Pulley, 00 cts. extra. Boston 7 00 Boston, extra Wheel 8 50 Boston, double 9 00 Boston, double, extra Wheel 10 50 Southern 9 00 Southern, extra Wheel 10 50 Southern, double 12 00 Southern, double, extra Wheel 13 50 Western, Extra Wheel and Pulley, 15 00 Western, Double Ex. Wheel and Pulley, 17 00 With outside and iusido balance wheels, and outside gearing. Common, Wro't Shafts I Bal. Wheel 6 50 Common, Wro't Shafts 2 Bal. Wheels 7 50 PREMIUM CORN SHELLERS No. 1, Northern. . . . No. 1, " 2balwhl No. 2, " No. 3, " 2bal whl Southern and Western. No. 4, No. 5, 2 bal whls . . No. 6, double No. 7 , SQjl outside yr c-No. 8, ''^ No. 9, double CNo. 10, " • Fitted with power. With riaia. Separa- tor. $6 50 $8 00 7 50 9 00 8 00 9 75 9 00 11 75 10 50 12 50 12 00 14 00 14 00 17 50 13 00 15 00 14 50 16 50 16 00 20 00 17 50 L 21 50 With Separ.itor & Fan. $11 50 12 60 14 50 16 00 19 50 17 50 19 00 22 50 24 00 Smith's Patent Power, No. 1 $45 00 Smith's Patent Power, No. 2 55 00 Smith's Patent Power, No. 3 75 00 Males' Hand 30 00 Barren's Hand, Iron 9 00 ~~ CHURNS. Improved CTLINDEB. THERMOMETER. No. 1, 2| galls. $175 No. 0, 2^ galls. $2 50 No. 2, 4 galls. 2 25 No. 1, 4^ galls. 8 50 No. 3, 7 galls. 2 75 No. 2, 6 galls. 4 00 No. 4, m galls. 3 25 No. 3, 9 galls. 4 50 No. 5, 15 galls. 3 75 No. 4, lOi galls. 6 00 Com. ( Uyl. 25c. less ea. No. 5, 14^ galls. 6 00 Dasher Churns, " 5^-. 8 00 75 cents to $5 each. No. 6. 28 galls. 12 00 50c. cxt ra fr Kobbin s' i'.a=h Patent Air Pressure, 10 gal. - - 10 00 Patent Air Pressure, 15 gal. - - 12 00 Patent Air Pressure, 20 gal. - - 15 00 WBNE AND LARD PRESSES. No. 1, S5 00 No. 2, 7 00 No. 3, - - - . - - 10 00 No. 4, 20 00 GARDEN ROLLERS. 2 Sections, ea. 7 J in. long by 15 in diam. $6 3 Sections, ea. 7 J in. long by 15 in diam. 9 1 Section, 12 in. long by 20 in diam. 9 2 Sections, ea. 12 in. long by 20 in diam. 14 1 Section, 12 in. long by 28 in diam. 14 1 Section, 20 in. lung by 20 in diam. 14 2 Sections, ea. 12 in. long by 24 in diam. 18 2 Sections, ea. 12 in. long by 28 in diam. 20 FIELD ROLLERS. 3 Sections, ea. 4 Sections, ea. 4 Sections, ea. 5 Sections, ea. 4 Sections, ca. 5 Sections, ea. 5 Sections, ea. 6 Sections, ea. 6 Sections, ea. 12 in. 12 in. 12 in. 12 in. 12 in. 12 in. 12 in. 12 in. 12 m. long by long by long by long by long by long by long by long by long by 20 in. 20 in. 24 in. 20 in. 30 in. 24 in. 30 in. 24 in. 30 in. diam. $25 diam. 30 diam. 35 diam. 35 diam. 40 diam. 40 diam. 45 diam. 45 diam. 50 WHEELBARROWS. No. 1, Iron Hub, - No. 2, Iron Hub, No. 3, Iron Hub, - No . 4, Iron Hub, Rail Road, Wood Hub, S3 50 4 50 5 00 6 60 2 25 OX YOKES— COMPLETE. No 1 , size 7 in. inside of Cow by 19 in. between Bows, $4 25 No. 1J<, size 7)^ in. inside of Bow by 20 in. be- tween Bows, 4 50 No. 2, size S ia. inside of Bow by 21 in. between bows, 4 75 No. 3,size8>^ in. inside of Bow by 21 in. between Bows, ----- - - 5 00 No. 4, size 9 in, inside of Bow by 23 in. between Bows, 5 25 No. 5.sizo9>^ in. inside of Bow by 24 in. between Bows, 5 50 No. 6, size 10 in. inside of Bow by 24 in. botween Bows, 6 00 STORE TRUCKS. S'o. 1, " 2 " 3 Stor" Truck? I'.O. do. " '?. CO. " ^') do. do. $4 50 5 50 7 50 10 50 12 00 16 00 COTTON TRUCKS. 12 inch Wheels, $13 50 15 inch Wheels, 15 01 18 inch Wheels, 16 50 PLATFORM TRUCKS. :». 1 , Platform Trucks, " 2, do. " 3, do. " 4, do. $7 00 8 00 10 50 12 00 C. V. MAPES RETAIL PRICE LIST. 11 FAN MELLS. Grant's Patent, No. 1, - - - $21 00 Grant's Patent, No. 2, - - - 23 00 Grant's Patent, No. 3, - - - 25 00 Grant's Patent, No. 4, - - - 27 00 Grant's Patent, No. 5, - - . 29 00 Grant's Common, No. 00, - - 13 00 Grant's Common, No. 0, - - 15 00 Grant's Common, No. 1, - - 17 00 Grant's Common, No. 2, - - 19 00 Grant's Common, No. 3, - - 21 00 Grant's Common, No. 4, - - 23 00 Yankee Fan Mill, (for Seedsmen,) - 12 00 Boston Fan Mill, No. 1, - - 13 00 Boston Fan Mill, No. 2, - - - 15 00 Boston Fan Mill, No. 3, - - 16 00 Boston Fan Mill, No. 4, - - - 18 00 Extra for Pulley to either Boston or Grant Mill , - - - . 1 00 SUGAR MILLS. No. 1, for Barrel, - No. 1, with Box or Legs, No. 2, with Box or Legs, No. 3, with Box or Legs, • No. 4, with Box or Legs, $ 9 00 10 00 14 00 17 00 20 00 SUGAR CANE CRUSHERS. Improved, 3 Rollers, No. 1, Improved, 3 Rollers, No. 2, - $26 00 05 00 GRINDSTONE FIXTURES. Sets Complete, No. 0, Sets Complete, No. 1, Sets Complete, No. 2, Sets Complete, No. 8, 61 25 1 50 1 75 2 00 SAUSAGE-MEAT CUTTERS. Family Iron, No. 1, - - - - $2 00 Family iron. No. 2, - - - 2 50 Family Iron, No. 3, - - - - 3 00 Butcher's Iron, No. 4, - . - 6 00 Butcher's Geared, No. 4, - - - 8 00 Butcher's Geared, No. 5, - - 25 00 No. 6 has pulley for power. S. Stowe, No. 1, - - - - $2 00 S. Stowe, No. 2, - - - - 2 50 S. Stowe, No. 3, - - - - 3 00 SAUSAGE FILLERS. No. 0, Plain, for Family Use, - $2 00 BUTCHER'S. No. 1, Plain, - $3 00, with 2 Tubes, 4 00 No. 2, Plain, - 3 50, with 2 Tubes, 4 50 No. 3, Plain, - 4 00, with 2 Tubes, 5 00 No. 4, Plain, Geared, - - - 5 50 No. 4, Geared, 2 Tubes, - - - 6 60 HAIiL-IDA Y'S WIND ENGINES OR MILLS. No. No. Sails. Dia. Horse Power. Weight. Price. 1 6 6 ft. \ 400 lbs. S 75 00 2 6 8 ft. 1 425 lbs. 85 00 3 6 12 ft. 800 lbs. 130 00 4 8 12 ft. H 900 lbs. 160 00 5 6 16 ft. 2 1700 lbs. 225 00 6 8 i6ft. 3 2000 lbs. 300 00 / 8 18 ft. 4 2200 lbs. 325 00 8 8 21ft. 6 2500 lbs. 350 00 GRAIN MILLS. Magic, No. 1, Sweep Power, for Corn and Cobs, - - - - $ 40 00 Magic, No. 2, Steam Power, for Corn and Cob, - - - - 75 00 Little Giant C. & C. Mills. $25 $35 $45 $55 Excelsior Flour Mill, - - - 100 00 do. do. with Flour Bolt, 150 00 Premium Flour Mill, - - - 50 00 do. do. with Flour Bolt, 75 00 Horse and Hand Grain Mill, - - 20 00 KAY & COTTON PRESSES. IngersoU's Improved Hay, No. 1, - $50 00 do. do. do. No. 2, - 75 00 do. do. do. No. 3, - 125 00 Cotton,'Wool,Tobacco,Hop,Rag, & Moss Presses. Fay's Improved Hay, - - . 110 00 Horse Powers, Threshing Machines, &c. Patent Endless Chain, Changeable, one horse power, - - - - $90 00 Patent Endless Chain, Changeable, two horse power, - - - - 120 00 Threshing Machine, with Separator and Fixtures, - - - - - Set Bands for Machine, with extras, &c. Portable Circular Saw Mill, with 24 in. Saw, filed and set, - - - Extra Table and Saw, for silting boards and fence stuff, ... Improved Dog and Sheep Power, Whitman's Sweep Power, - - 100 00 Whitman's Combined Thresher and Cleaner, 110 00 Planet Sweep Power, for 1 to 8 horses, 120 00 " 1 to 10 " loO 00 Field's Sweep Power, - - - 100 00 Buckeye Portable Cider Mill & Press, 40 00 Male's Pat. " " " " 45 00 Improved Boring Machine, with Auger, 6 50 " " " without " 4 50 Taft's Self-feeding Blacksmith Drill, 6 50 40 GO . 5 00 37 00 7 00 15 00 12 C. V. MAPES' RETAIL PRICE LIST. M:^]SrTJRES, &c. Mapes' Nitrogenized Super-Phosphate of Lime, $50 00 per ton. Peruvian Guano, - Land Plaster, 1 25 per bbl. Bone Dust, $2 50 to 3 00 " Poudrette, 1 50 to 2 00 " • MOWING AND REAPING MACHINES. Ketchum's Patent One Horse Mowing Machine 3 J ft. Bar, weight 450 lbs. - $ 75 00 Do. Light Two Horse 4 ft. " " 475 " 80 00 Do. u II 4Jft. " " 480 " - 85 00 Do. Heavy " II 4 ft. " " 630 " 90 00 Do. .. .< .... 10000 Little Buckeye Mower, 3^ ft. Bar, " " " . . - - S5 OC Wood's Patent Mower, 4 ft. Bct, 80 00 Wood's Patent Mower, 3^ ft. Bar, 70 00 Wood's Manney's Mower, 5 ft. Bar, 110 00 Wood's Manney's Mower and Reaper, 5 ft. Bar, ....--- 125 00 Wood's Manny's Large Mower and Reaper 5| ft. Bar, 130 00 McGormick's Reaper and Mower, for 4 horses, -------- 155 00 M'Cormick's Reaper and Mower, for 2 horses, -.--.-- 140 00 IMPROVED LAWN MACHINES. No. 1, Cutting 13 inches wide, drawn by one man, - - - - $40 00 2, Cutting 16 inches wide, drawn by one man, - - - 45 00 3, Cutting 20 inches wide, drawn by two men, - - - - 50 00 4, Cutting 24 inches wide, drawn by two men, - - - 55 00 5, Cutting 24 inches wide, drawn by pony, 70 00 6, Cutting 30 inches wide, drawn by one horse, - - - 110 00 7, Cutting 30 inches wide, drawn by one horse (extra), - - - 135 00 8, Cutting 36 inches wide, drawn by one horse, - - - 150 00 PLOWS. Until within a few years, the low price of land induced the early settlers to use short mould-boards, producing shallow plowing with wide furrows, and thus enabling them to disturb a large area of land very imperfectly. This gave rise to shallow plowing, rather as a habit, and the consequence has been the exhaustion of a large portion of the old estates. The early attempts to introduce root crops, in soil so badly prepared, were ineffective, and it remained for the present century to prove the advantages consequent upon deeper tillage, until twelve-inch depth of surface plowing has become, among the better class of agriculturists, rather the rule than the exception. This necessity gave rise to the Eagle Plows, as the growing demand has been for such plows as had a capacity for deep and thorough work, with such a variety of mould-boards as have proved necessary for the working of the various soils. That kind of Eagle Plow known as deep tillers, have been made of such a variety as to embrace all the sizes and forms of mould-boards which may be demanded. The accurate scale of proportions, invented by Mr. Nourse and others, have added materially to the completion of this series of plows; the present mode of construc- tion forms the mould board of a series of straight lines, in the direction of the movement of the furrow-slice, still admitting of all the variations necessary to produce longer or shorter mould-boards, of gentle or more abrupt curvature, with straight or more or less concave or convex lines laterally, as different soils or prac- tical uses may require. Thus constructed, the mould-boards possess a combination of curved lines and planes, presenting so even a board against the furrow-slice that it insures an even polish to the entire face of the mould-board, insuring even wear, and causing the furrow-slice to undergo an equal and effective twist, being laid down with precision in the desired position, and yet being fairly disintegrated, leaving the soil admirably fitted for the reception of atmospheric influences, and the free travel of the roots of plants. THE UNIVERSAL PLOW, Described in our catalogue, embraces all the variety of mould-boards required by the agriculturist, and calling for a single beam and frame, to which either of these may be readily attached ; thus securing great economy, and representing an entire series of plows in a single implement. 2 18 ■ C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. These plows are manufactured for the subscriber, and always sold by him at moderate prices. The wood parts are of white oak, having great strength and compactness; all being worked by machinery, causing the fitting of the parts to be alike, so that any number of plows of a given mark are capable of having their parts changed from one to the other, always fitting as exactly as in any single plow. The mould-board, share, and land-side, if of steel, are of the best quality and highly polished; if of cast-iron, they are composed of an admixture of several kinds of iron, the result of many experiments, and having great hardness and du- rability, combining lightness with adequate strength ; the castings are ground and smoothly polished, and then coated with a varnish to prevent rust, being thus fitted for immediate easy use in the soil. The point and entire edge of the shares, and sole of the land-sides and mould-boards, are hardened in casting by a process of chilling, causing them to last many times as long as when cast by the ordinary method. The extreme accuracy with which the parts of these plows are fitted, prevents them from being liable to become loose. Each part has a specific mark or number inscribed, which mark, being used only on that particular size, entirely distinguishes its parts from those of all other sizes. The subscriber has always on hand any quantity of duplicates of each part of every pattern of plow, and can promptly supply the same to order, with the assu- rance that it will nicely fit the place for which it is wanted, and that an amended plow will work truly and efl[iciently again. Hundreds of premiums have been awarded for these plows. MAPES' LIFTING SUBSOIL PLOW. This implement, invented by the editor of the Wo^-king Farmer, and fully de- scribed at pages 64 to 68, is one of the greatest improvements of the day ; the smaller sizes are used to disturb soil between row crops, while the larger sizes will disintegrate more soil, to a greater depth, and with less power than any other implement. In underd raining, the lifting subsoil plow is used with great economy. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 21 THE UNIVERSAL PLOW. The large engraving, opposite, is a view of the Universal Plow with its twelve mould-boards. This is a recent invention. The implement embraces various forms and sizes of mould-board, each nicely fitting one common standard and frame-work — thus adapting the plow to a wide variety of soils and modes of cul- ture. Each mould-board is constructed to perform its respective work in a thor- ough and finished style. The advantages of having the various mould-boards, needed for the different soils and modes of culture, combined in one general implement, rather than made up separately in several plows, the saving of expense thereby and of storage, are too apparent to need comment. The Universal Plow embraces the following kinds and sizes of mould-boards: 1. For plowing intervale and other smooth grass lands, five sizes of mould-board, of long and gentle spiral or twist, viz. : (Mark on Mould-board.) "Intervale No. 120," flat furrows, 7 to 10 inches deep, 14 to 16 wide. "Intervale No. 121," flat furrows, 5 to 9 inches deep, 13 to 15 wide. "Intervale No. 122," flat furrovvs, 4 to 8 inches deep, 12 to 14 wide. "Intervale No. 123," flat furrows, 4 to 7 inches deep, 11 to 13 wide. "Intervale No. 124," flat furrows, 3 to 6 inches deep, 10 to 12 wide. 2. For plowing upland, stony land, old pastures, and other grass lands of uneven or rough surface, four sizes of mould-board of short, and powerful twist : (Mark on Mould-board.) "Upland No. 140," flat furrows, 5 to 9 inches deep, 13 to 15 wide. "Upland No. 141," flat furrows, 4 to 8 inches deep, 12 to 14 wide. "Upland No. 142," flat furrows, 4 to 7 inches deep, 11 to 13 wide. "Upland No. 143," flat furrows, 3 to 6 inches deep, 10 to 12 wide. 3. For plowing clay and other stiff soil sod, lapping the furrow-slices one upon another at an inclination of 45°. (Mark on Mould-board.) "Lap Furrow No. 132," 6 to 8 inches deep, 11 to 12 wide. 4. For plowing stubble or old ground, two sizes of mould-board, throwing the hoil over abruptly and breaking it finely : (Mark on Mould-board.) "Stubble No, 150," 6 to 12 inches deep, 12 to 16 wide. " Stubble No. 152," 4 to 9 inches deep, 10 to 14 wide. 22 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 5. Also by using the skim or little forward plow on the same beam with the stubble mould-board, two sizes of superior Double, or Sod and Subsoil plows : Sod and Subsoil No. 150, 8 to 12 inches deep. Sod and Subsoil No. 152, Y to 10 inches deep. Fig. 2. Frame-work of Flow, with Uould-Board detached. Fig. 2 is a view of the standard, share and frame-work of the Universal Plow, with one of the mould-boards lying in the rear. The slots in the standard, just back of the share, receive the locks on the forward end of the mould-board ; the button on the mould-board, a little back of and above the locks, enters the socket back of and above the slots in the standard, and a bolt passing through the mould- board and standard at this point, is made fast by a nut on the inner side ; another bolt confines the mould-board to the right hand handle of the plow ; and thus by means of the two locks and the two bolts the mould-board is held firmly and securely to its place. By loosening the bolts, any mould-board is taken off to give place to any other one of the series. The greatest attainable simplicity has been closely studied in adjusting the parts of this plow, so that the various changes are easily and quickly made. Fig. 3. Fig. 3 is an outline of the land-side, showing how the sole or shoe piece is at- tached. It represents a long and short shoe — the former being used with the longest and largest of the Intervale mould-boards, and the latter with the Upland and Stubble. On all plows, the shoe of the land-side is exposed to great friction, C. V. MAPBS' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 23 and needs renewing long before the mould-board wears away. The shoe is verv cheaply renewed on this plow. Fig. 4 is a top view of one of the mould-boards for turning sod flat, showing the desirable form j- ^ or twist for laying that kind of work in handsome style. Fig. 6. Fig. 5 is a side view of the plow rigged with one of the Intervale mould-boards, and wheel and cutter, for plowing flat furrows in smooth grass land. Fig. 6. Fig. 6 is a side view of the plow rigged with one of the Upland mould-boards, for plowing flat furrows in stony or rough grass land. Fig. 7 represents the movement S5f the sod as turned by an Intervale mould- board. The long, easy flexure of the furrow-slice is noticeable ; and the gentle and 24 c. T. mapeb' illustrated catalogue. Fig. 7. View of the Movement of the Intervale Furrow-Slice. gradual twist of the mould-board, which produces this result, also makes the plow of light draught, and promotes highly-finished flat-furrow plowing in smooth land. Fig. 8 shows the movement of the sod as turned by an Up- land mould-board. The curvature of the sod is quicker than that rep- resented in the preced- ing cut. The more ab- rupt twist of the Up- land mould -board, though increasing the draught of the instru- ment somewhat, and not producing as hand- some work as the In- Fig. 8. View of the Movement of the Upland Furrow-Slice. tervale mould-board in smooth land, is yet very valuable in plowing sod land that is quite stony or of a rough surface. It makes a short plow, which, when inter- rupted in its work by stones or stumps, or in passing ridges and hollows, readily catches its full depth of furrow again, and by its short and powerful curvature makes sure work of overturning the sod among these obstacles, where a longer plow could not produce so exact and desirable results. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 25 Fig. 9 represents the movement of the sod as turned by the Lap Furrow mould-board. This mould- board is designed for turn- ing stiflF clay sod, lapping the slices one upon an- other at an inclination of 45°. The projecting an- gles of the furrow-slices present the greatest pos- sible surface of soil to the atmospheric influences, and Fig. 9. View of the Movement of the Lapped Furrow-Slice. contain the greatest at- tainable cubical contents of soil for the cultivator to operate on in raising a mellow seed-bed, while the spaces underneath are so many little drains to relieve the surface of superfluous moisture. Fig. 10. Fig. 10 is a side view of the plow rigged with one of the Stubble mould-boards' for plowing stubble or old ground. Fig. 11 shows the movement of the old ground slice, as turned by one of the stubble mould-boards. The ele- vating and turning power of the mould-board is quite apparent in the sudden and high twist of the furrow-sh'ce ; and its capacity for breaking up and pulverizing thp Fig. 11. View ofthe Movement of the Stubble Furrow-Slice. soil is remarkable. Fig. 12 is a side view of the plow rigged with one of the stubble mould-boards and the skim plow forward, for Double, or Sod and Subsoil plowing. 26 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 12. Fig. 13 shows the movement of the two furrow-slices as turned by the Sod and Subsoil plow. The skim takes off the sod two to four inches deep, turning it into the furrow channel ; and the rear mould-board lifts the under soil from the depth of six to eight or ten inches, scattering it over the sod-slice turn- ed by the forward mould- board, and filling the channel. The elev;iting and pulverizing power of the stubble mould-board, as seen in Fig. 1 1 , is again apparent in its work as the rear mould-board in Sod and Subsoil plowing. The Universal Ploiv is sold by the proprietors, with one mould-board only, or with any number of mould-boards, as the purchaser may select. It is a desirable implement if but one mould-board is wanted, because that one will do thorough and finished work, and when worn away considerably, or if by accident broken — a con- tingency to which the mould-board of any plow is liable — its place can be cheaply supplied with a new one. Again, the purchaser, after obtaining one mould-board, and the standard, share and frame work to go with it, can at any time procure such other mould-boards of the series as he would like, at slight expense, as compared Fig. 13. View of the Movements of the Sod and SubsoU Furrow Slices. '■ ''WK C. V. MAPBS' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 29 with buying new plows entire ; and thus he may be induced to eraploy a larger and better assortment of plows, suited to his various fields and modes of culture, than he otherwise would use. UNIVERSAL PLOW-STEEL. The Universal Plow is made with steel mould-boards, share and land-side, and an iron standard. The large engraving, opposite, represents the plow with its vari- ous steel mould-boards. Such other sizes or forms of mould-board as the wants of the public may call for, will be added to the present series. The Share is put on with two bolts and nuts, so as to be handily chang ed and cheaply repaired, or replaced with a new one. The old ground mould-boards have a different share from the mould-boards for breaking sod. Shares of any width of cut desired are furnished with the plow, to order, as are also extra shares, to take the place of those worn out or needing repair. The Land-side is bolted to the standard and beam handle, and fits up snugly to the share without being welded to it, and thus may be readily detached for repair or otherwise. The Mould-boards each fit a common standard and frame, and are bolted to the mould-board handle, each one having the requisite backing to give it a bearing against the handle. The Mould-boards for old ground are set at a more or less abrupt angle to the furrow, as different soils or practical uses may require. The Universal Plow in steel is sold with one of the mould-boards only, or with any number of them, as the purchaser may choose. It is a valuable plow to own with one mould-board only, as whichever of the series that one may happen to be, it will do its work thoroughly, with ease to the plowman and team. If a variety of sizes and forms are wanted, then, after purchasing the frame-work and one mould- board, additional plows are in effect procured at the cost of mould-boards only; and little storage-room is required for a full assortment of plows, adapted to various kinds of ground and modes of culture. The Universal Plow in steel embraces the following kinds and sizes of mould- boards : 1. For breaking Prairie, or for plowing any other grass lands shallow or deep, three sizes of mould-board, viz. : (Stamp on mould-board.) "U. P. 20" furrows 14 to 16 inches wide, draught of three horses. " U. P. 21" furrows 13 to 14 inches wide, draught of two to three horses. " U. P. 22" furrows 12 to 13 inches wide, draught of two horses. 2. For plowing old ground, overturning and pulverizing it thoroughly, four sizes of mould-board of abrupt curvature, viz. : (Stamp on mould-board.) ^' U. P. 50" furrows 15 to 18 inches wide, two to three horses. 30 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. "U. P. 51" furrows 14 to 16 inches wide, two horse, large. "U. P. 52" furrows 12 to 14 inches wide, two horse, medium. "U. P. 53" furrows 10 to 12 inches wide, two horse, small. 3. Also by using the skim plow forward on the same beam with the Old Ground mould-boards, two sizes of Doable, or Sod and Subsoil plows, viz. : "Sod and Subsoil, U. P. 50," 6 to 12 inches deep, draught of four to six horses or oxen. "Sod and Subsoil U. P. 51," 5 to 9 inches deep, draught of three to four horses. Mould-board No. U. P. 20, is represented on the plow in the large engraving, with the peacock coulter attachment, for breaking Prairie, furrows 14 to 16 inches wide, team three horses. The circular cutter is attached in lieu of the peacock coulter, where the purchaser so prefers. ^*^^ Fig. 15 Breaking Plow, U. P. 21. Fig. 15 is a side view of the plow rigged with the mould-board No. U. P. 21, and the circular cutter, for breaking Prairie, — furrows 13 to 14 inches wide, team two to three horses. The peacock coulter is put on instead of the cutter, when preferred. Fig 16. Breaking Plow, U. P. 22. Fig. 16 is a view of the plow rigged with the mould-board No. U. P. 22 and thf- peacock coulter, for breaking Prairie, — furrows 12 to 13 inches wide, two horse team. It is trimmed with either cutter or coulter, as desired. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 81 Fig. 1 7 is a view of the movement of the sod fur- row-slice, as turned by one of the mould-boards, two to three inches deep by fifteen inches wide. The mould-boards have a broad cutting share and flat and gradual en- trance under the sod, which, with their equal and easy curvature, or twist, adapts them to turn the furrow - slice over handsomely, giving the plow a true and level run and light draught. Fig. 17. View of the Movement of the Prairie Fur-ow-Slice. Fig. 18.-01d Ground Plow, IT. P. 50. Fig. 18 is a view of the plow rigged with the mould-board No. U. P. 50, for plowing old ground, — furrows fifteen to eighteen inches wide. The plow rigged with either of the old ground mould-boards will bury any amount of " trash," shallow or deep, as may be preferred. The mould-boards are high and of extra turning capacity, to fit them for turning under weeds and stub- ble of rank growth. 32 C. V. MAPES rLLUSTRATED OATAT,or,UE. Fig. 19. Old Ground Plow, U. P. 51. Fig. 19 represents the plow rigged with the mould- board No. U. P. 51, for plowing old ground, — furrows fourteen to sixteen inches wide. Fig. 20. Old Ground Plow, JJ. P. 52. Fig. 20 represents the plow rigged with the mould- board No. U. P. 52, for plowing old ground, — furrows twelve to fourteen inches wide. Fig. 21.-01d Ground Plow, U. P. 53. Fig. 21 is a view of the plow rigged with the mould-board No. U. P 53, for plowing old ground, ten to twelve inch cut, light team. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE 83 Fig. 22. Sod and Sub-Soil Plow, U. P. 50. Fig. 22 is a side view of the plow rigged with the old ground mould-board No. U. P. 50, and the skim plow forward on the same beam, with the peacock coulter attached, for breaking Prairie, in the sod and subsoil style of plowing. Fig. 23 represents the movement of the two furrow-slices in breaking Prairie with the Sod and Subsoil plow No. U. P. 50. The skim or forward plow cuts twelve or thirteen inches wide, and takes off a slice of sod from one to three inches thick, as may be desired, turn- ing it into the furrow channel : the rear mould -board follow- ing, lifts the under soil in slices from three to eight or ten inches thick, at the option of the plowman, and de- posits it on top of the sod slice, turned by the skim plow. With this plow the raw Prai- rie, wherever tolerably feasible for plowing, can, at one operation, and the first time broken, be converted into the condition of mellow old ground. lllllMiml|||Tl|niirin!i'!!H!.:ri,!,lli;;'i! nninllHiillllli Fig. 23, View of the Uovemeat of the Sod and Subsoil Furrow-slices. u C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. New Series of Plows.— Deep Tillers. CAST IRON MOULD-BOARDS. Plow No. 78, represented by the cut on the opposite page, is the largest of the series of the deep tillers. It is rigged with the lock coulter and broad steel share, to fit it for rugged work among stumps, roots, and stones, and for the making and repairing of highways. It is a very strong plow, and may be worked by six to eight oxen, turning furrows nine to fourteen inches deep, and sixteen to twenty inches wide. This plow is now being successfully used in clearing the scrub-oak lands of Long Island, New Jersey, and elsewhere, and when used in connection with the lifting subsoil plow of the larger size, materially lessens the expense of clearing new land. Plow No. 77, which is represented by the cut on a following page, is next in size to No. 78, and will carry a furrow-slice from eight to twelve inches deep, by fifteen to eighteen inches wide, and has great turning power. No, 77 is worked by six horses or oxen in easy soils, or by eight in very heavy soils. This plow is well suited for burying the light surface of sand on new lands in Burlington and Monmouth Counties, New Jersey, and other similar soils. Plow No. 76 is of the same general construction, and performs in proportion to size ; working seven to ten inches deep, by fourteen to sixteen wide. It is rigged with cutter for smooth lands, and with lock coulter for plowing among roots and stones. Plow No. 75 is next in size, and is adequate to the turning of sod furrows six to nine inches deep, by thirteen to fifteen inches wide. It is easily drawn by two oxen and a horse, or three horses, at seven and eight inches, and by four oxen or horses at nine inches deep. W,y*iVkViV. rig. 24. PlowNo.73>^. Plow No. 73|- is next in size to No. 75. It turns sod furrows five to eight inches deep, by eleven to fourteen inches wide, and may be drawn by two cattle or horses to the depth of seven inches ; if worked deeper it is a three-cattle plow. It is adapted to flat or lapped plowing, by the use of an inclined cutter for the first, V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 37 and a straight cutter for the latter mode of plowing. This change may be made at pleasure by the plowman. At the Fair of the American Institute a few years since, one plowman used this plow rigged for laying lap furrows, and took the first premium for the best lap plowing. Another plowman used the same plow for laying flat furrows, and took the first premium for the best flat plowing; each having many competitors. Plow No. 71^ is next in size to No. 734-, and is especially designed for plowing loose, porous, sandv, and gravelly loams. It turns sod furrows five to seven inches deep, by eleven to thirteen inches wide, on a long and easy twist, so as to avoid unduly opening and disuniting its constituent parts; and, although this action w^ould be detrimental in very heavy soils, still, in those described, it is desirable, to enable their more perfect manipulation, as they require more compactness of parts ; and hence the powerful pulverizing plow is not the best for working them. The best and most experienced cultivators of light, dry lands, have found that by thus plowing, and then compressing the furrows closely with a heavy roller, they best insure the germination of seeds and an even stand of crops. Cnap. Fig. 25. Plow No. S3- Sod. This cut represents the plow trimmed for sod plowing. It is well adapted to the plowing of grass lands that are stony and of uneven surface; its mould-board gives a short and powerful but equal twist to the furrow-slice, and leaves the plowed land in a mellow condition susceptible of tilth. It may be moved by two or three cattle, working it five to eight inches deep and eleven to thirteen inches wide. Rg.26. PiowNo.72>^. 38 C. V. MAPES' ILUSTEATED CATALOGUE. Plow No. Y2|-, represented by Fig. 26, lias a long, narrow mould-board, of a con- vex surface, and is specially designed for stiff soil, turning narrow furrow-slices, two- thirds as deep as they are wide. No Y2^ is adapted to turn furrow-slices 7 inches deep by 10 inches wide, in stiff clay sod, and set them at an inclination of 45°; and that is a position of furrow presenting the greatest attainable surface to the action of the atmosphere, and the greatest cubical contents of soil to the action of the cul- tivator in preparing a seed-bed. When the attempt is made to work clay sod with plows of short, wide, abruptly curved mould-boards, the furrows are too wide for their depth, and, turned abruptly, are broken in large pieces rather than disintegrated ; they are laid over too flat, and in heavy clods, and a proper pulverization of the soil cannot be obtained. No. I2i, by its gentle convexity and curvature of mould- board, is calculated to work bright and free in the most adhesive soil. The plow is rigged with or without the skim coulter ; though this attachment is valuable because it disposes of the grass-edge of the slice, thus preventing the growth of grass between the lapped furrows, and its use is a convenience where finished lapped work is de- sired, acting in degree like a Michigan plow. Fig. 27. Swivel Plow, No. 83. Plow No. 83, represented by Fig. 27, is a Swivel or Hill-Side plow. Its mould- board, two in one, has the principles of construction of the other Deep Tillers. No. 83 is adapted to turn sod-slices 5 to 7 inches deep by 10 to 12 inches wide, whether the surface be hill-side or level land. A hook, fastened by a staple to the center-piece of the handles, and changing to either side of the beam as may be desired, enters the back part of the mould-board, (as may be seen in the cut,) and holds it fast on either side of the standard as wanted. The mould-board is easily and instantly revolved from one side of the standard and beam to the other, making a right or left hand plow at pleasure, while the team is turning at the ends of the plow-field ; indeed, if the hook is lifted, it naturally changes from one side to the other of itself, while the team is coming about at the ends of the field. With this plow, the plow^Tian may commence on the lower edge of a hill-side, and turn his furrows all down the slope, changing his plow to a right or left hand one at each turning of the team at the ends of the field ; or he may begin on one side of a level field, and lay his furrows all one way, thus avoiding the "dead" or cleansing furrow in the center, and the ridging on the sides; and at 'I ^1 C. V. 5IAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALoGLE. 41 the next rotation of crops on the field, he may begin on the opposite side and turn them back again, thus keeping the soil equally distributed, and the surface level. Swivel Plow, No. 84, is a size larger than No. 83, turning flat sod furrows, 6 to 9 inches deep. When worked to the greater depth, it is a four-horse or cattle plow. Fig. 27jir. Swivel Plow, No. 82. Swivel Plow, No. 82, is like the two above named, in general construction, but has a quicker turned mould-board, to fit it for stubble or old ground plowing, turn- ing furrows 4 to 8 inches deep, by 12 to 13 inches wide. Fig. 28. Double Swivel Plow, No. 85. No. 85, a Swivel Sod and Subsoil Plow, represented by Fig. 28, is a recent inven- tion by Knox, and its mould-boards are formed on the principles discovered and perfected by him. The instrument is so constructed that two plows attached to one beam are readily changed from one side to the other, turning the furrow-slices either to the right or left, as desired. The forward plow turns the sod to the depth of about three inches, depositing it at the bottom of the channel ; and the rear plow works to the depth of five to seven inches, raising and pulverizing the imdei or subsoil, and depositing it upon the forward furrow, burying the sod below the 3 42 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. reach of the harrow or cultivator. This plow, combining the swivel with the sod and subsoil principle, enables the person using it to plow hill sides in the sod and subsoil style ; or to commence on one side of a level field, and passing forth and back turn the soil all one way, thus avoiding the center or dead furrow and ridges on the side. To change the plows, on arriving at the end of each furrow, the plowman leans forward and raises the hooks or latches, retaining his hold on the handles, to keep the instrument in an upright position, while the team, in coming about, changes the plows to the opposite side of the beam. The beam is then tipped toward the side the plows are, the forward plow^ latches itself and becomes confined, and the plowman again stoops forward and latches the rear plow to its place — the whole being easily and quickly done. Fig. 29. Stubble Plow, No. 33. Plow No. 33, for Stubble plowing, is represented by Fig. 29. It may be used as -a swing plow, as represented in the cut, or with the addition of the wheel; or with the Fin Share, or the ordinary plain Share. For an explanation of the uses of the Fin Share, see cut and description of the same in this Catalogue. No. 33 is very hiojh in tlie standard, which enables it to keep its course and depth in the ground without clogging. Its mould-board is short and high, of a capacity for deep work, of great turning power, and a thorough disintegrator and pulverizer of the soil. It works from 5 to 9 inches deep by 10 to 13 inches wide. Stubble Plows Nos. 30, 31 and 32, smaller sizes, and No. 35, a larger size than No. 33 above described, are of the same principles of construction as No. 33, and their work is proportionately the same. Plow No. 39 is specially adapted to the burying of broom-corn stubble. Through the Valley of the Connecticut river, where it has been much used, it is highly com- mended for its capacity to put the hills and stalks of the broom-corn crop entirely beneath the surface. Double Plow No. 33, for Sod and Subsoil plowing, is represented by Fig. 30. The forward mould-board is connected with the beam, and its depth of furrow is adjusted as follows : A substantial iron flange is fastened to the under side of the plow-beam by two bolts passing up through the flange and the beam and made tight en top by nuts and screws; the flange has two rows of slots in it to receive the bolts from the land-side of the former plow, and the plow is made fast to the C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 43 Fig. 30; Double Plow, No. 33. flange by bolts and nuts. By means of the slots in the flange, the forward plow may be raised or lowered, according to the depth of plowing desired, and made fast at the requisite point to give the depth desired. The forward mould-board turns the sod-furrow as wide as the working of the whole plow, and the earth on top as- suming an arch-like shape, is naturally opened, while the effort of the rear mould- board brings up the deeper soil, placing it upon the sod and filling the channel, so that the sod-furrow is in no case liable to be brought to the surface by after-culti- vation, the cohesion of the soil is broken, and the plowed land lies light and mel- low, and almost as fine as if worked by the cultivator — indeed, in some free soils it renders the use of the cultivator unnecessary. We here subjoin cuts of a portion of the older patterns of Eagle Plows. They are very strongly made and especially well adapted to the plowing of stony lands, and lands of a rough and uneven surface. Plows of these patterns are spread abroad widely in the United States and in foreign countries, having been critically tested in various conditions of soil and cultivation ; and for perfection of form, du- rability of material, and excellence of working properties, are regarded with much favor. The greatest commendation which can be paid to them is, that they have received over four hundred premiums, and have been imitated in degree by many plow makers, who have sold them as genuine Eagle Plows. Fig. 31. Eagle No. 1. With Wheel and Cutter. Eagle No. 1 is called at the North a small sized sod or stubble plow, and is quite lififht of draught for two horses or oxen. At the South it would be considered a larger size, requiring three mules in turning a furrow six inches deep and eleven 44 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. inches wide, though this amount of work has often been accomplished with a pair of mules. It is a light, pretty sod or stubble plow, working to the depth of six inches. It is rigged as represented by Fig. 3 1 ; or with lock coulter, wheel, draft- rod, and dial clevis, as is Eagle No. 2, represented by Fig, 32 ; or with fin share, as is sward C, represented by Fig. 33. Fig. 32. Eagle No. 2. With Lock Coulter, Wheel, Draft-Rod and Dial Clevis. Eagle No. 2 is a size larger than Eagle No. 1, and is a medium-sized two-horse or cattle sod or stubble plow. It is adapted to turn sod furrows four to seven inches deep by twelve to fourteen inches wide, and will work somewhat deeper in stubble plowing. It is rigged with the lock coulter, wheel, draft-rod, and dial clevis, as represented by Fig. 32 ; and, with these fixtures, is a very strong and at the same time light plow for two cattle or horses, in plowing stony, stumpy, or rough uneven land. Or it is rigged with wheel and cutter, for flat furrows in smooth land, as is Eagle No. 1, represented by Fig. 31 ; and thus rigged it has competed triumph- antly with the flat furrow sod plows of the country, carrying off" the highest pre- miums at a great many plowing matches. It is also rigged with wheel and fin share, like sward C, represented by Fig. 33, which adapts it in the best manner for stubble plowing. Fig. 33. Eagle or Sward C. With Wheel and Fin Share. Sward C is larger than Eagle No. 2, and is a two or three cattle or horse plow, working from 4 to Y inches deep by 12 to 15 inches wide. Sward C is rigged with the fin share and wheel, and thus rigged is well adapted to stubble plowing, or the plowing of rough or stony sod land. Or it is rigged with the wheel and inclined cutter, like Eagle No. 1, represented in Fig. 31 ; and thus rigged for flat sod fur- rows, and turning them six inches deep by twelve to thirteen inches wide, it has won numerous premiums at plowing matches in different States. Eagle No. 20 is a very strong four cattle or horse plow, adapted to deep, heavy •work, having a mould-board of great turning power. It is rigged with wheel, cut- c. V. M apes' illustrated catalogue. 45 Fig. 34. Eagle No. 20. With Wbeel, Cutter, Draft-Rod and Dial Clevis. ter, draft-rod, and dial clevis, as represented by Fig. 34, and has thus been repeat- edly used at plowing matches, and won the highest premiums for plowing sod nine and ten inches deep, with double teams. Or it is rigged with the lock coulter, wheel, draft-rod, and dial or quadrant clevis, like Eagle No. 2, represented by Fig. 32, and thus trimmed is equal to the deep plowing of rough, stony, or stumpy and rooty land. Or it is ti-immed with the meadow fixtures, consisting of the lock coulter, the broad wide-cutting steel-edged share, the reversed or drag cutter, wheel, draft-rod, and dial or quadrant clevis, as represented by Fig. 35. Thus trimmed. Eagle No. 20 possesses excellence for turning over the spongy sod of recently ditched peat meadows, or muck swamps, and is extensively used for the purpose. Fig. 35. Eagle Plow No. 20, Trimmed with Meadow Fixtures. Eagle Plow No. 20, when denuded of its drag cutter, is one of the best clearing plows for new land with which we are acquainted, and its late use in the Martha tract in Burlington County, New Jersey, has given it a high reputation. The wide steel-edged share cuts off the vertical roots, while the steel-fronted lock coulter re- moves those in a horizontal direction. It is nearly or quite as effective as the large Eagle 78 coulter plow, and requiring much less team. Plows with Self-Sharpening and Adjustable Steel Points. These plows are of the same superior form and general construction as the other celebrated Eagle Plows, with the exception that the point and share are in two pieces, which are made on an improved self-sharpening principle. The point, as shown detached at No. 1, Fig. 36, is simply a bar of iron sharp- 46 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 36. Eagle Self-Sharpener. eiied at eacli end, about tweiit}' inches long, and vvliich passes upward into the body of the plow, where it is confined with one bolt. As it becomes shorter and worn on the under side, it is readily moved forward and turned the other side up, thus always presenting a sharp point oi full length, and pro'per shape ; when one end is worn off five inches, the other end is placed forward and performs a like ser- vice. The wing or share, as shown detached at No. 2, is made of either wrought iron with steel edge, or of cast iron, and is also reversible, being used either end forward or either side up. Both point and share are so very simply constructed, that any blacksmith can replace them at trifling expense, or perpetuate the use of the original by new-laying with steel, as they become worn. There is a coulter of cast iron a little back and above the point, as in Fig. 33, and shown detached at No. 3, Fig. 36, forming part of a cap, shown detached at No. 4. whicli cap protects the sliin or forward part of the mould-board; it is con- fined in its place by the same bolt that confines the point, and is cheaply replaced when worn. This is much less expensive, and in many kinds of soils quite as serviceable as a wrought coulter or cutter, as shown by the cut above. They are sold with one or both, or with simply the cap. These plows are particularly commended for the southern plantations, for any blacksmith can easily repair them. Self-sharpening points and shares have been considered objectionable, inasmuch as they have not possessed sufficient strength, owing to their complicated construc- tion of cast metal : but a single glance at these plows will convince any person, by the simple construction of the point and share of wrought iron and steel, that they combine strength and durability unequalled by any other form or construction, and that they are kept in repair at much less trouble and expense. The point can be used projecting more or less forward, causing the plow to in- cline more or less into the ground, as diff'erent soils may require. Eagle Self-Sharpener, No. 1. A light one-horse or mule plow. Eagle Self-Sharpener, No. 2. A medium-sized one-horse plow, useful at South or North. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 47 Eagle Self-Sharpener, No. 3. A medium-sized two-horse or cattle plow, for sod or stubble land. Eagle Self-Siiarpener, No. 4. A large-sized two-horse or cattle plow. Eagle Self-Sharpener, No. 5. A strong- breaking-up plow. It is an admirable implement for breaking up deep stony soils. Eagle Left-Hand Plows. These are made to turn the furrow-slice to the left instead of the right hand, and are constructed with the self-sharpening and adjustable steel point, as described above. They are used principally by the German and Dutch farmers, and are trimmed with the various' fixtures used on the right-hand plows. Eagle Self-Sharpener. Left-Hand, No. 40. Is a size suitable to be drawn by two strong horses. Eagle Self-Sharpener. Left-Hand, No. 41. Is a heavy, large size, and designed to be drawn by three or more horses. Fig. 37. Eagle Left Hand. Nos. 46 and 47. These are strong, powerful plows, for two or more horses, according to amount of work wanted. They are made with the common plain cast shares, and are trimmed with the same fixtures as other plows. Small Plows, of different Forms and Sizes, USED FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES, VIZ.: No. 14. — A light, single one-horse or mule plow, calculated to carry a wide fur- row in a light or sandy soil, and well adapted to Northern and Southern culture. No. 14d — The same size a^ No. 14, but has extra strong heavy castings, for rough, rugged or stiff soils. No. 15. — A single-horse or mule plow, of same construction as above, but one size larger. No. A 1. — A light one-horse or mule plow, but better calculated for a clay soil. It is much used among cotton or corn, as well as for furrowing-out or drilling. 48 C. V. M apes' ILLUSTRArED CATALOGUE. No. A 2. — A single-horse or mule plow, same construction as the above, but one size larger. No. 1 B. — A laige one-horse plow ; frequently used with two horses. No. 2 B. — A small two-horse plow, same as the above, but one size larger. It is much liked at the North and South. Eagle No. 0, is a size suitable for two horses at the South or one at the North, is sometimes used with two horses at the North. It is of very easy draft. Ridging or Donble Mould-Board Plows. No. 11, Double Mould-Board. A light one-horse plow, used for open- ing drills to'plant potatoes, corn, &c. In plowing out between narrow rows, it throws the dirt both ways to the plant, and thus does the work of two plows. It is also useful in digging po- tatoes. It is a convenient implement for various kinds of work, and should be kept on all farms. Fig. 40- Top View. Fig. 41. Doable Mould-Board Plow No. IX, No 1^ is similar in construction to No. 1^, but of » size larger. No. 2. Double Mould-Board. — Of same construction and use as the above, but one size larger. This is also used in furrowing for planting cane, and making light ditches. No. 2 has an extra point, made wide, for the purpose of digging potatoes. No. 3 Fluke — or Double expanding Mould-Board Plow, for Planting C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 49 Sugar-Cane. — This is a plow recently made, expressly for the use of sugar- planters, by which a furrow is made ten to twelve inches wide, and four to five inches deep. The mould-boards are of wrought iron, and may be longer or wider, or otherwise, to order. . Cotton Plows. Davis 6 Inch. — A light one-horse or mule plow, particularly designed for the South. Davis 7 Inch. — Of nearly same construction, but a size larger than the above. Rice Trenching Plow. This plow is made from a pattern furnished by an eminent Southern planter. It will do the work of many hoes, in trenching a field for the rice crop, and will be found a great labor-saving implement for the South. It is an excellent implement, also, for opening drills for corn or cotton, and for various root crops at the North. Hill-Side or Swivel Plows. Fig. 42. Hill-Side or Swivel Plow. Of the above plows the manufacturers make seven different sizes. They are so constructed that the mould-board is easily and instantly changed from one side to the other, which enables the operator to perform the work horizontally upon side- hills, going back and forth on the same side, and turning all the furrow slices downward. This prevents the washing of the soil by heavy rains, to which all side-hills are more or less liable when plowed up and down the slope. They are much liked at the South for horizontal plowing ; for by this system of turning and laying the soil, it is prevented from being washed in those deep gullies so destruc- tive to the general face of the country. They are likewise useful in enabling the plowman to turn the furrow /rom his walls and fences. No. 0. Side-Hill, or Swivel. A large one-horse or mule plow, more particularly for horizontal plowing at the South. No. 00. Side-Hill, or Swivel. A. large one-horse plow for the North, or suitable for two mules at the South. 50 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTEATED CATALOGUE. No. B 1. Side-Hill or Swivel. A light two-cattle sod or stubble plow. No. A 1^ Side-Hill, or Swivel. A medium size two-horse or cattle plow. No. A 2. Side-Hill, or Swivel. A large two-cattle plow — is sometimes used with three or four horses, according to the nature of the soil. No. A 3. Side-Hill, or Swivel. A large four or six-cattle plow, made very strong. It is suitable for heavy farui or road work. Fig. 43. No. A 4. Swivel, or Heavy Boad Flow. Fig. 43 represents Swivel or Heavy Road Plow, No. A 4. It is made very strong, and is especially designed for the roughest road work, being of a size and capacity to do work requiring the draught of four to eight cattle. It is extensively used by road-makers, being considered by them as a great labor-saving implement. It will break the ground and give the general shape to a road in the newest or most difficult soils, plowing among roots, stumps, aud stones without breaking, and making a very imposing appearance with six or eight oxen hitched to it. For the annual repair of the roads, it is most valuable, as it will speedily and with great facility open the ditches at the sides, and furnish earth with which to shape up the road -track. Swivel-Plow No. 4 is often purchased by towns and districts for the purpose of making and repairing roads ; and such purchase will always prove a very econom- ical investment. Proiity & Mears' celebrated Centre Draft Plows. These plows are of easy draft, turning the sod most perfectly, and in a clear free soil preserve the furrow without a holder ; and if the ground is in good condi- tion for plowing, will nearly prepare it for seed. By their peculiar shape and turn of mould-board, they will pulverize and disintegrate the particles of the furrow- slice, and consequently aid in the proper aeration of the soil and decomposition of organic matter, and thus liberate food for plants from the inorganic matter of the C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATTLOGUE. 51 soil. In perfection perhaps they are nearly equal to spade husbandry, which has been termed the perfection of good culture. These plows have justly gained a high reputation in many parts of Pennsylva- nia and New Jersey, and are fairly entitled to the encomiums passed upon them by the different State Agricultural Societies. One of these plows, No. 5^, self-sharpener, took the first prize at the World's Fair in London. Fig. 44. No. 5X. Self-Sharpening Plow. This plow is self-sharpening, and requires two or three cattle, cutting a furrow seven inches in depth and thirteen inches in width. It should not be held on its bar-share while at work, but permitted to lean toward the furrow, which will cause the vegetable surface matter to be completely turned and buried. It is admirable for breaking up old sward land, the pulverization of which will produce a fine con- dition for corn. The use of the wheel is strongly recommended, although without it the plow is perfect as a swing plow. The coulter should be kept in a direct line with the breast of the plow ; the point and share may be repeatedly turned, by which treatment they will last dur- ing the plowing of 80 to 100 acres of land for each set. ■r<:^-'i^--^<^ Fig. 46. No. 40. Self-Sharpening Plow. This new pattern is constructed with special reference to deep and narrow fur- rows, for plowing very stiff soils. It is designed to work a furrow ten inches wide and seven inches deep, cutting them with remarkable exactness, and requiring com- 52 C. V. MAPES' IIXUSTRATED CATALOGUE. paratively little aid from the plowman, leaving the soil in an open and friable con- dition, effectually burying all surface plants. Fig. 46. This, in common with Nos. 22, 23, and 26, are the sward or grass plows of the series of the centre draft, [Nos. 20 and 21 being the light one-horse and seed- plows of this variety]. These, from their peculiar shape, lift the soil, disintegra- ting it and altering the relation of the particles, producing a result resembling spade husbandry, instead of wasting the resolution of force in horizontal pressure to compress the farrow-slice ; leaving the soil in a light and friable condition, in- verted and laid off by the side of the last furrow, completely covering all surface matter. Fie. 47. No. 155. Sod Plow. This is a four-cattle plow, complete in all its appurtenances, and capable of turn- ing sod to a depth of from six to ten inches, and in width from fourteen to eighteen inches ; producing results proportioned to the amount of force applied. Fig. 48 is of the kind usually known as the double mould-board plow. Its greater length and easy rise cause the resolution of force to elevate the soil, leaving an open furrow without compressing the portions removed. It may be used as a potato digger, but it is especially calculated for the opening of furrows for the planting of crops, or for the ridging and back-furrowing of clayey soil, to enable it C. V. MAPES II-LUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 53 Fig 48- Improved Midland Flow, to avail of the freezings and thawings of winter, for more perfect disintegration. When used on the sward land where manures have been spread upon the surface, it encloses the manure within each ridge so as to form a seed-bed for crops to grow upon ; a system now being rapidly adopted in the growth of many crops. It is also used in the spring for the splitting and distribution of ridges. This plow is furnished with a wheel at the fore end of the beam ; it has, also, a larger wheel under the after end of the beam, as seen at A, which serves as a land- side, on which it is supported while in action, and by means of which it is with ease carried around the ends of the land, and from place to place. The cutter, suspended from the beam, divides the furrow-slice from the surface downward into two parts. The fins, seen at BB, near the top of each wing of the share and ex- tending upward some three inches, separate the divided and ascending furrow- slices from the solid land on either side, and enable the plow, by the peculiar form of its mould-board, to place the furrow-slice thereon with ease and regularity. The width of the work carried may be varied or adjusted by the cutters, from eighteen to twenty-four inches, viz. : — two furrows may be laid off from nine to twelve inches each, and from five to seven in depth. The other Prouty & Mears' Plows, the names of which will be found in our price list at pages 6 and Y, are of superior quality, and we are prepared to furnish them from the genuine patterns made by the inventors. Fig. 49. Paring Plow. 54 C. V. MAPES' ILLtJSTEATED CATALOGUE, The preceding* plow is iised for paring turf lands preparatory to burning. The share is thin and flat, made of wrought iron, steel-edged. It has a lock-coulter in the centre, and short coulters on the outward edge of each wing of the share, cutting the turf as it moves along into two strips, about one foot wide, and as deep as required. After the turf is pared off in strips, men follow with sharp spades, and cut it into suitable lengths, say of two or three feet. These pieces are then thrown into heaps, and after drying they are burned, and the ashes spread broad-cast on the land. Paring and burning is a very ameliorating process for stiff clay soils ; it changes their mechanical texture, and renders them friable and suitable for cultivation. Steel Plows. The Soils of the Western and some of the Southern States being composed largely of vegetable substance, with little perceptible sand intermixed, and lying loosely, after the sod has been once broken and subdued, do not present friction or scouring-quality enough to the cast iron mould-board to give it a suitable polish. Steel being a finer and less porous metal than cast iron, and less affected by rust, and requiring much less friction to give it a high polish, is considered the more desirable material for the construction of the mould-board, share and land-side of plows for working such soils. Duplicates of the various parts of each pattern of these Steel Plows are always kept on hand ; so that customers, in any section, can obtain any such parts as may be needed for purposes of repair or otherwise, and may be certain that the parts ordered by them will fit the proper place, and cause the instrument needing repair to work truly again. The Shares of these Steel Plows are put on with bolts so as to be replaced at any time with new shares. Fig 75. Steel Plow No W B 2 Steel Plow No, W B 2, is represented by Fig. 75. The mould-board and share are a duplicate of those parts of Plow No, l2h in cast iron ; but the standard is higher than that of No. I2h, to enable the plow to keep its course through the extra amount of stubble and vegetable matter usually encumbering the surface of nch new lands. Its mould-board, like that of No. I2h, is finely adapted to the C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 55 working of stiff clay sod land, in deep narrow furrows. It will plow T inches deep by 10 inches wide, in the most adhesive clay soil. It will take less depth or more width of furrow, as may be desired. It is of easy draught for two oxen or a span of horses. Fig. 76. Steel Plow No. XT G 3M. Steel Plow No. TJ G 3^, represented by Fig. 76, is a duplicate in the body parts of Plow No. iSh, in cast iron. The standard, however, is higher, and the land-side lower than those of No. 73i, to suit the wants of customers in the Western States, This plow is rigged with the " Peacock Coulter," for breaking prairie, or with the Circular Cutter, for the same purpose. It is a light plow, of easy draught for two to three horses. The mould-board is of that equal curvature which will cause it to polish brightly in any soil. This plow received the medal at the World's Fair, in Npw York, and has won many premiums at the Agricultural Fairs. Fig. 77. Steel Plow No. X 4X. Steel Plow No. X 4 A, represented by Fig. 11, is trimmed with the Circular Cutter, for breaking prairie. It is also trimmed with the "Peacock Coulter," where that arrangement is preferred to the Circular Cutter. Remove the Cutter 56 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. or Coulter, and the plow is well adapted to old ground work. It is a light two- horse plow. Fig. 78. Steel Plow No. X 8>^. Steel Plow No. X 8h, represented by Fig. 18, is a duplicate of Stubble Plow No. 32, of cast iron mould-board and other body parts. It is rigged as a swing plow, as represented by the cut, or with a wheel, as may be desired. It is extra high in the standard, as it is specially designed for prairie or old land plowing. It has a short mould-board, is a thorough pulverizer, and a deep worker, carrying furrow- slices from 5 to 10 inches deep and 12 to 14 inches wide, and will brightly polish and work free and clear in all soils. It is of easy draught for two cattle or horses. Fig. 79. Steel Plow No. X 7, Fig. 79 represents X Y — a left-hand steel plow, of corresponding size with X 4i right-hand, and adapted to the same purposes. Steel Double Plow No. X 4, represented by Fig. 80, is a right-hand plow, and a duplicate in the body parts of Double Plow No. 33, of iron mould-boards, &c. For a more particular description of the working properties of the Steel Double Plow, see the cut and description of Double Plow No. 33, Fig. 30. Steel Double Plow No. X Y, a left-hand plow, is of corresponding size with the X 4, represented by Fig. 80. 0. V. MA pes' ILLUSTRATET* CATALOG UK. 57 Fig. 80. Steel Double Plow No. X 4. Other sizes of Steel Plows, as follows : X 00, a right hand, old ground plow, one horse, small. X 0, a right hand, old ground plow, one horse, light. X ], a right hand, old ground plow, one horse, large. X 8, a right hand, old ground plow, two horse, light. X Si, a right hand, old ground plow, two horse, light. X 9, a left hand, old ground plow, two horse, light. X 6, a right hand, old ground plow, two horse, large. Cuts and Explanations of the various Trimmings of the Plow. It may perhaps be well here to speak of the various appendages to the Plow ; and first — The Wheel. Several advantages are realized by the use of the wheel attached to the plow, particularly in turning sod : the plow is drawn at a convenient distance from the team ; its movements are steady and regular, and of uniform depth, pro- moting the ease of both plowman and team. The wheel is placed on the side of the plow-beam, as shown by the annexed cut, — (Fig. 81). Fig. 81. Or under the beam, as shown by the annexed cut,— (Fig. 82). 4 Fig. 82. 58 c. V. :mapes illustrated catalogue. Fig. 83. Or two "wheels are used, one running on the upland, and the other in the furrow-channel, as shown by the annexed cut, — (Fig. 83). In either case, the wheel-frame is clasped to the ,^ ,^ beam in a manner that readily admits of raising or lowering the wheel to give the plow any desired depth of work; and, when adjusted to a given point, and there made fast by tightening the clasp, the plowing will be of uniform depth throughout. The Cutter. This is an important appendage to the plow in turning sod. It Separates the furrow-slice from the main land by an easy, smooth cut, securing a tiue edge and uniform width to the slice, and a highly-finished style of plowing, with a saving of draft to the team. Without the cutter the furrow-slice would be torn off the land by the breast of the plow, its edges would be bristling and ragged, its width irregular, and its inversion by the mould-board would not be at all times so sure. A vessel is directed and controlled by its rudder, and so is a sod plow by its cutter; and hen6e the importance of the correct adjustment of the cutter ; for very much in proportion as it is wrongly set, will the plow work wrongly, notwithstanding its capacity in other respects to do nice and finished work. When a particular style of plowing is desired, such, for instance, as lapped or flat, the set of the cutter must be governed by a consideration of that kind of plowing, or the desired work will not be realized. The following cuts will assist to illustrate this point : Fig. 84 represents a cutter set for plowing flat furrows. It should stand as much inclined toward the mould- board side as the land-side of the plow does, and it is generally best to set it even a little more so, in order to obtain that bevelled edge of the furrow-slices so essential to their sure and finished matching-in side by side as they come over from the plow, and to do perfectly flat work, as shown by Fig. 84. Fio-. 85 represents a cutter set for plowing lapped furrows. It should be set to cut rectangular furrow-slices Hg. 85. The Straight Cutter. and a perpendicular edge of the un- plowed land, thus insuring high-crested lapped work, as seen in the Figure. The cutte^ is made either of a flat or of a round bar of wrought iron, steel-edged, or of a thin circular plate of steel, and is variously adjusted to the plow-beam as follows : C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 59 It is made of a flat bar, and clasped to the side of the beam, as shown by the annexed cut, — (Fig. 86). Or passes through the beam and is fastened by a gripe and key, as shown by the annexed cut, — (Fig. 87). Or is made of a round bar and clasped to the side of the beam, as shown by the annexed cut, — (Fig. 88). Or is made of a thin circular plate, re- volving on its own axis, and the stem or shank clasped to the beam, as shown by the annexed cut, — (Fig. 89). Fig, 88. ^Fig. 89. The rake of the cutter forward may be greater or less at pleasure; though in some conditions of the soil and the sod it is best set raking, for the edge will thereby the better free itself of the loose roots and stems that may incline to double over and remain upon it. The adjustment of the cutter to the beam is such as readily to admit of its being raised or lowered, set more or less raking forward, or its edge turned to or from land at pleasure. Fig. 90 represents the Lock Coulter. The lock coulter is made of wrought iron, steel-edged. It passes through the plow-beam and is made fast on top with a key, and locks through the share and mould-board where they join together. The adjustment is a very strong one, both for the coulter and plow, and fits the implement for working among stones, stumps, and roots, as the coulter cannot be turned out of place or broken by such obstacles. Fig. 90. The Lock Coulter. The Skim Coulter, Fig. 91, is usually placed a few inches for- ward of the cutter, and the stem or shank is attached to the beam by an iron clasp with nuts and screws to make it fast. The skim coulter promotes highly finished plowing, particularly that of lap- ped sod. It shaves oft' the grass edge of the furrow-slice, and the turf thus taken off" is carried over on the turning slice, till it drops into the furrow-channel and is buried. The edges of the lapped slices being thus freed of the sod, no grass springs up between The SkSn Coulter, them, and being jointed to an equal thickness, they are laid with great precision. Fig. 91. 60 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. The Share is made of cast iron, or wrought iron steel-edged, or wholly of steel. If of cast iron, the entire cutting edge and the point, is hardened in casting, by a process of chilling, which forms a very hard surface, the effect of which is constantly to produce a sharp thin cutting edge, of great advantage in plowing ; and to insure three times the service in the Fig. 92. The Share. gi^^re that would otherwise be obtained. The extent of the case-hardening is indicated in Fig. 92, by the dotted line back of the edge of the share. Fig. 93 represents the Fin Share. A share like that represented in Fig. 92 is cast with the addition of the fin, and is termed the Fin Share. It is a useful addition for plowing sod lands infested with roots and stumps or stones, where the sward cutter cannot be used without danger of getting bent or mis- placed. It is also useful when plowing-in stubble or coarse manure, serving to keep the Fig. 93. The Fin Share. plow from clogging at the standard. It sep- arates the furrow-slice from the unplowed land more smoothly and easily than it could be done by the breast of the plow. The Dial Clevis. In order to obtain the same steady, easy and uniform mo- tion of the plow, running at diflPerent depths of furrow, the point of attaching the chain, or motive power, must be varied. For instance, if properly attached to work six inches deep, the chain at the end of the beam must be raised considera- bly to work well at twelve inches deep, and carried to the right in order to acquire more width of furrow-slice, and in proportion for the intermediate depths ; with the common clevis suflBcient variations cannot be had. The manufacturers of the Eagle Plows use for the purpose the Scotch clevis, or the patent dial clevis ; the latter is represented by the cuts below in detached parts, and is seen attached on the preceding cuts. It is strong and instantly adjusted to any degree of nicety, and capable of greater variation than any other kind, without the least endanger- ing the strength of itself or the other parts of the plow. C and K, Fig. 1, shows plow with dial clevis with rod attached, and a position with plow in operation, line of draft, &c., &c. A, Fig. 2. The guide or movable plate, which is confined across the end of the beam. B, Fig. 2. The joint bolt and nut, which confines the guide to the end of the beam. C, Fig. 2. A section of the draft- rod passing through the guide, and to which the power is applied. Figs. Fig. 94. The Dial Clevis. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 61 3 and 4. The cast iron cap, fitting the end of the beam, and through which the bolt passes and to which the guard is confined by means of a bolt, and cogs or teeth on it fitting into ribs upon the guide. The Scotch Clevis, made of malleable iron, is a strong and convenient attachment to the plow. Through the head of the clevis there are a number of holes for the reception of the bolt of the smaller clevis, to which the evener Fig. 96. The Scotch Clevis. or chain is attached ; and thus a level gauge is obtained for the plow at any required depth. The rear of the clevis terminates in a T form, with various holes for the reception of the back bolt. There are three holes in the plow-beam through which the back bolt may pass; and the changes which they aftbrd, together with tho^ obtained by the various holes in the termi- nus of the clevis, give to or take from the plow any amount of land desired. Eleven changes are attainable by the use of this clevis. The means of making them may be readily seen by a reference to Fig. 95. The Half Scotch Clevis, also of malleable iron, is represent- ed by Fig. 96. Fig. 96. Half Scotch Clevis. And the Common Clevis, of wrought iron, bv Fiar. 97. * ' .^ & Fig. 97. Common Clevis. The Quadrant Clevis, Fig. 98, afibrds a wide range to the earthing or landing of the plow, and is generally used in connection with the draft-rod on subsoil and other plows where extra deep heavy work is to be done. By loosening the nuts of the screw bolt of the clevis, through which the draft-rod passes, the line of draft may be raised or lowered, turned on or off" the land, and more or less depth or width of furrow may be given the plow, to any desirable extent. Fig. 98. The Quadrant Clevis and Draft-Rod. Lash's Spring-beam Plows. This new invention will be understood in part from Fig. 99. A spring of wood is attached to the front of the plow on the top of the beam; from its rear end descends a connecting rod, which couples with a toggle joint inserted within the beam, and at the lower end of which toggle, beneath the beam, is attached the draft-rod of the plow. Under all ordinary circumstances the plow may be pro- pelled through the soil without the spring being at all moved, the toggle being so configured as not to put the spring in motion with the mere pull of the draft-rod while plowing ; but if the point come in contact with a stump, stone, or other im- movable body, then the momentum consequent upon such interference resolves G2 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 99. itself through the draft-rod toggle to the spring, causing it to be depressed, and thus dividing the momentum, and taking the jar oflF the plow, the plowman, and the team. We quote the following from the report of a committee of the American Institute, who experimented with this contrivance on the farm of the editor of the Working Farmer : " Your committee witnessed the operation of this machine and fairly tested its usefulness. A stake four inches in diameter was driven two feet into the ground; and when the plow to which Mr. Lash's contrivance was attached was moving at full speed, with a heavy team, the point of the plow was brought to bear on the stake, and although the progress of the team was arrested, neither the member who held the plow nor the team seemed to recognize the least shock ; the whole force was resolved upon the relief-spring, and there expended itself gradually and not impulsively. VNN.t,.,^^ ^'>vvw,-^ st Fig. 100. Whitney's Iron Plowman. This contrivance may be attached to any plow, and really takes the place of a plowman, so far as regulating the position of the plow, depth of insertion, etc. If the team be driven the handles of the plow need not be held by the plowman. Its form and operation may be thus understood. A V-shaped casting of iron, as above, its extremities attached to the beam by hinged joints ; at the point of the V is a wheel intended to rest on the unplowed ground, and from the point near the wheel runs a rod with a slot at its farther end held to the plow by a thumb-screw ; while this screw is loose the plow is entered into the soil in the usual way, and when at C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 63 the desired depth, the thumb-screw is turned so that the wheel on the unplowed ground cannot alter its relation to the plow in an upward direction, and thuf secures not only the vertical position of the handles but regulates the depth of travel of the mould-board. The weight of this wheel on the end of a lever, equal in length to its distance from the plow-beam, is fully equal to a man's strepgth at the plow handles. The wheel will follow the sinuosities of the surface of the ground, thus causing the plow to make the depth of its furrows parallel with the surface. " This utensil is a great leveller of excellence among plowmen, for by its assist- ance the veriest novice becomes an expert." General Remarks on Plowing. There are a few general principles connected with plowing which may be thus understood. The effect of plowing in the year 1858 is in degree neutralized in the year 1860 by rains and dews lubricating the surface of the particles, and thus en- abling them to settle back to their previous condition. This particularly applies to rains, or to soils containing a redundant amount of water from an absence of underdrains. No amount of ramming by mechanical force will compact a soil as heavily as will the effect of water when soil is suffered to subside through it. Thus in a barrel filled with water and soil sieved in it, each particle, from the thorough lubrication while sinking, will compact itself to a closer fit than if rammed in a dry state; and when the water is all displaced from the barrel by the soil, and the portion between the particles suffered to run out at the bottom, and the whole mass then dried, it will be found to contain more sand than can be rammed intG the same space when in a dry state. This, then, accounts for the necessity of plowing the land every year to overcome the effect of rains, local water, etc. Sand ou a sea beach settles so tightly, from its continued lubrication by water, that the wheels of a heavily laden carriage scarcely make an impression on its wet surface. It must be evident that plowing should be as deep as the effect produced in recompacting the soil by rains. This depth varies in different soils from ten to fifteen inches ; as few soils can be readily plowed to a depth of fifteen inches at one operation, the sub-soil plow, represented by our figures 101, 102, and 10.3, is called in. This plow disintegrates the soil to any required depth without elevating it or mixing it with the surface soil, as will be more fully described under the head of sub-soil plows. It is a common mistake to use such plows as will turn soils most smoothly and with least disturbance. The object of plowing is not to move large masses of earth for a great distance but rather to alter the relation of particles to each other so that new points of contact with each may occur and new portions may be sub- jected to atmospheric influences and the consequent chemical changes. The progression in the soil, or rather of its integrants, is in part a consequence of its disturbance, while its liability to suffer from drouth is materially lessened by thorough change of relation among the particles. 64 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. In sod-plowing the regularity of turning becomes necessary to insure the decay of organic matter in the soil, and in such practice our remarks as above do not apply. Sub-soiling and Snb-soil Plows. The following, from The Working Farmer, of May, 1860, fully describes both the process and implements above referred to : The deeper disintegration of the soil has long been admitted as a desirable mode for general adoption, and some experimenters have concluded that no depth is too great which can be practically attained. In particular districts, however, where the surface-loam was shallow, and the sub-soil too heavily charged with clay, it was found not beneficial to reverse the position of the soil, placing the clay on top, but that the disturbance of the clay in place, without elevating it, was advantageous ; thus the digging of a trench and afterward filling it up, first with the clay and then replacing the surface-soil, caused the crops to be much greater, not only imme- diately over the trench, but for a considerable distance on each side. We remem- ber an experiment of this kind made on Long Island, by William Cobbett, and shall never forget the pride with which he showed the result to his neighbor far- mers, foretelling, at the same time, that a tool would be invented for disturbing sub-soils without elevating them. The use of a sub-soil plow at all is of very recent Fig. 101. date. The first one imported in the United States by Messrs. Euggles, Nourse «fe Mason, in the year 1840, was of a kind not unlike that represented in the engrav- ing ; it has a wing on one side only, running from the point back, elevated at the rear five inches ; and we are sorry to say that many such plows are still sold, and attempted to be used. They are suited neither to sub-soiling nor even to the economical admixture of the surface with the sub-soil. The wing being only on one side, performs but half the service required of the sub-soil plows, while the great elevation of the wing demands an amount of force, which renders it impos- sible to sink this plow in the bottom of the furrow left by the surface-plows ; for in this way the sub-soil plow should be always used. Let us suppose that the surface-loam has a well defined depth of eight inches, and beneath this either a clay or red kellis hard-pan soil, or any other differing C. V. MAPKS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 66 from the surface-soil. The surface-plowing should not exceed at first the depth of the loam ; the sub-soil plow should then follow in the bottom with the lower side of its beam actually resting in the bottom of the furrow, so that the sub-soil should be slightly elevated and fall back again in its place, so disintegrated as to admit the after action of the atmosphere, moisture, etc., improving its condition, and changing it gradually to a character more resembling the surface-soil. This can- not be done with the plow represented above, for when inserted to full depth, say fifteen inches below the bottom of the surface-furrow, four yoke of oxen cannot move it with ease in moist sub-soils, and if they could, it would simply raise this sub-soil five inches, mixing it with the surface soil in the lower portion of the furrow. In this condition we found the sub-soil plow and the art of sub-soiling many years ago. Our first suggestion to our friends, the plow-makers, was to lower the wing to three inches', they insisting that sufficient strength of parts could not be had with the wing below that point, as the point would be rendered too thin to sustain itself. We then suggested the plow represented by Fig. 102. Fig. 102. This was called the reversible sub-soil plow, and was a modification of our views* which are more fairly represented in Fig. 103 by the manufacturers. It will be seen that this reversible sub-soil plow has a lozenge-shaped bottom, alike on both sides of the standard, and is but an inch and a half higher at the middle of its sole^ than at the point ; this elevation of the sub-soil being entirely sufficient to cause the most thorough disintegration from the line of its travel at the bottom of the surface of its action, under-cutting both the land-side and the furrow-slice, lifting each, and affecting the mass very much as the mole does when traveling beneath the surface of the soil, causing a much greater pulverization of the portion of soil above his track, than would one hundred surface-plowings turning furrow-slices. This plow, when worn out at the point, could be reversed, presenting a new point. Although this plow was far superior to the old sub-soil plow, even Avith the wing depressed, still it required a large amount of power to force the cast-iron standard through the soil ; this difficulty gave rise to the lifting sub-soil plow, now so gen- erally passing into use. This is made of steel, and may be understood by Fig. 103. The sole of this plow is not unlike a spear placed flat on the ground, pointed forward, with its lower side changed in figure so as to be slightly concave. The upper side of this plow, from its point, and from each of its sides toward its heel QQ C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. and bridge, is a gradual inclined plane, attached to the beam by a scimeter-lock- coulter in front and the standard in its rear ; the front standard being made of wrought iron and steel. This plow, even when of a large size, may be propelled in most soils by a single pair of oxen, and when used as a sub-soil plow, it should al- ways be with such a team ; for if horses are used, the whiffletrees will prevent the beam from sinking into the bottom of the furrow, as they will rest upon the fur- row-slice. When oxen are used, the chain is attached to the draft-rod, and this latter difficulty is obviated. I Fig. 103. Now let us compare the disintegrating power of this plow with any surface-plow. With the latter we lift a portion of the soil, carry it through the arc of a circle of twenty-three inches or thereabouts, and let it down again with but slight disturb- ance, and at every foot of travel, we thus lift, when plowing deeply, one hundred pounds or more of soil through this long line, and must have the requisite power. The lifting sub-soil plow, however, lifts the soil but one inch in height, itself being a wedge of but one inch in thickness, but of four or five in width. In thus lifting the soil, the resolution of its forces is upward and outward, causing the soil to be disintegrated at the surface to a width of twenty-four or more inches, and when following in the bottom of the furrow, it not only under-cuts the land-side, adding no useless friction on this side, as does the surface-plow, but it elevates it, disinte- grating all the way to the surface, and rendering the next surface-plow furrow-slice peculiarly easy of disintegration on the furrow side. It elevates the furrow-slice itself with the sub-soil beneath it for one inch, and in so doing causes the furrow- slice to move, as if au immense serpent or tortoise were beneath it, securing a thorough disintegration of the whole. When the soil is thus prepared, the roots can readily travel in the sub-soil and ramify themselves to greater depths than before. On the removal of the crops, these roots, by their decay, deposit both organic and inorganic matter of a pro- gressed kind thi'ough the sub-soil, and prepare it gradually for forming part of the surface-soil in the course of future cultivation. All who have thoroughly sub-soiled their land, have been made aware of the following facts, viz. : C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 67 . That a sub-soiled meadow never runs out. That thin seeding, by a greater amount of tillering, will give as large crops as thick seeding; without sub-soiling. That less manure is required to fertilize sub-soiled land. That a larger amount of crops can be produced. That no land thoroughly sub-soiled can ever suffer from drouth ; for the atmos- phere, in which all moisture must be resident when it is absent from the soil, will continually deposit, by condensation, in the cold, well disintegrated sub-soil, suflS- cient moisture to supply, by capillary attraction, the wants of the surface-soil. It is true that wet soils requiring under-draining as a means of getting rid of water, soon settle back to their original hardness after sub-soiling, and therefore in such soils the sub-soiling requires to be renewed more frequently than in under- drained soils ; but in all soils the cut of the sub-soil plow may be viewed as a par- tial underdrain, at least sufficient to secure at times the upper soil from containing an excessive amount of water. The use of this implement does not end here. "We have known many a worn- out pasture to be renev/ed by its use without taking the field out of grass. It may be run through with a suitable team to its full depth, at distances of three feet apart, so as to elevate the old sod, with eighteen inches of earth beneath it, one inch high, rendering the whole soil free, permitting old roots to decay, and new ones to establish themselves, and this without turning over the sod, the sub-soil cut closing itself behind the plow, as it passes along, but still leaving a free opening for atmosphere, moisture, etc. A slight top-dressing in early spring of a field so ma- nipulated, will renew the grass ; a slight seeding, if necessary, may occur at the same time. By such treatment many fields have been restored so as to give a full bur- den of hay without reversing the sod, and carrying the field through the usual system of hoe crops, before putting it down again to grass. The real object of plowing is not to turn immense masses of soil without disin- tegrating them, but rather to change the relative position of every particle of soil • the movement of one millionth of an inch of each particle in its relation to sur- rounding ones, is just as thorough cultivation as lifting it a foot high and placing it back again on the surface. This is attained by the use of a lifting sub-soil plow, particularly when used following the surface-plow and propelled by a separate team. With the surface-plow, the force of the team is resolved in all directions ; in the lifting and turning the furrow-slice, and in useless friction on the land-side ; the whole being an endeavor to burst the surface of the globe asunder, in degree pres- sing horizontally, and to that extent producing a compression of soil and a useless loss of power. Not so with the lifting sub-soil plow ; it is free, and the whole reso- lution of force applied is upward and outward, and therefore only requires sufficient power to overcome the compactness of the soil and its weight; no part of the force being expended in useless horizontal pressure; and although the sub-soil is very much harder and more compact than the surface-soil, still no more team is required to propel the lifting sub-soil plow through this compact sub-soil, than for surface- plowing to an equal depth. When the surface-plow is run at a depth of twelve inches, and a sub-soil plow 68 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. capable of disintegrating to a depth of fifteen inches beneath the bottom of the surface-furrow, then we have a total disintegrated depth of twenty-seven inches, and those who so practice will find that they have discovered another farm beneath that represented on their map. A smaller size of this plow, still thinner in the sole and more dart-like in its fig- ure, capable of being drawn by one horse or a small mule, is an admirable imple- ment for cultivating crops, and will do the work of more than forty men with dig- ging forks, spades or hoes. With the corn crop this tool may be run close along- side the corn, and to the full depth of ten or twelve inches when the corn is but three inches high, and before its roots occupy the space between the rows ; this will lift the soil, move every corn plant with the soil, and for so slight a distance as not to separate the particles from the roots, yet so completely loosening the mass that the plant may be picked up with the fingers. This is mere thorough cultiva- tion than could be achieved by one hundred hoeings, leaving the soil in better tilth and cutting off no roots. The whole distance between the rows may then be made clean by Howe's Horse Hoe, and thus the certain cultivation of the corn be accom- plished by these two implements. Row crops, such as beets, carrots, parsnips, onions, etc., may be cultivated in part by this No. lifting sub-soil plow. When these plants are just out of the ground, and when any other implement would cover them with soil, this may be run half way between the rows to the depth of ten or twelve inches, lifting and disturbing the soil, and moving both rows of plants slightly as it passes along, doing the work of more than forty hand-hoes. It is true that it removes no weeds, but it leaves the soil in such admirable tilth that a carrot weeder may be passed between the rows a few days after; finding the soil in such perfect condition, it will shave two inches of the surface, separate every weed and leave it exposed to the sun to be wilted. In the cultivation of cabbages, and indeed all other crops requiring a thorough disintegration of the soil in the early stages of their growth, and before their roots have ramified themselves materially, this little soil-lifter is superior to all other implements. After a field has been prepared for a crop, and has rested a few days, perhaps slightly settled by a drenching rain, this tool may be used for striking out rows previous to planting, leaving the soil in admirable con- dition for receiving the seed. For the gathering or digging up of many crops, the lifting sub-soil plow answers a good purpose. Thus the largest size, standing nineteen inches from the beam to the point, may be run alongside of a row of carrots, with the team straddling the row and lifting the soil and carrots one inch, thus loosening them so thoroughly that they may readily be pulled out by hand, leaving the soil in admirable tilth to be improved by culture. If the steam plow is ever to succeed for general purposes, we believe it will be by adopting in degree the principles of this plow, and not by applying an undue amount of power to pressing a furrow-slice, as is often the case with clayey soils if plowed when in too moist a state, even with the power of a single team. 10 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Kg. 104. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 11 REMARKS ON PLOWING. From the complicated structure of the plow, and the manner in which circum- stances oblige us to apply the draft to the implement, some misconceptions have arisen as to the true operation of the draft, and the proper manner of its applica- tion. Too little is understood of the true principles of draft, to enable the plowman to attach his team and arrange the clevis so that the plow will do its work prop- erly, and with the least force or power. To render this subject intelligible to every mind, the following remarks are made in connection with the plate annexed, Fig. 104 Let b represent the forward end of the beam, and c the centre of resistance on the plow, which may be assumed at two inches above the plane of the base of the plow, c?f, though it is liable to constant changes, from the depth of the furrows, and constant inequalities in the soil. We have first to consider the particular form of those parts through which the motive power is brought to bear upon the plow. It is evident that the motive force acts in a direct line from the hook or ring at the shoulder of the animal, to the centre of resistance, and were it not for considerations of convenience, a straight bar or beam lying in the direction c b, and attached firmly to the body at c, would answer all the purposes of draft perhaps better than the present beam. But the draft not being the end in view, but merely the means by which the end is accom- plished, the former is made to subserve the latter; and as the beam, if placed in the direct line c to b, would obstruct the proper working of the plow, we are con- strained to resort to an indirect action to arrive at the desired efi'ect. This indi- rect action is accomplished through the medium of an angular frame-work, consisting of the beam and. the body of the plow, so strongly connected together as to form an unyielding structure. The effect of the motive force applied to the frame-work at the point b, and in the line of b to/, produces the same results as if c 6 were firmly connected by a bar in the position of the line c to b, or as if that bar alone were employed. The average length of the trace-chains being 10 feet, including all that inter- venes between the clevis of the plow at b, and the horse's shoulders, let that dis- tance be set off in the direction of b to/; and the average height at the horse's shoulders where the chains are attached, being about 4 feet 2 inches, let the point / be fixed at that height abovethebase line d e. Draw the line from /to c, which is the direction of the line of draft acting upon the assumed centre of resistance, c; and if the plow be in proper trim it will coincide also with the ring of the clevis ; e c/ being the angle of draft, and equal to 20°. It will be readily perceived, that with the same length of hames, the angle e c/is invariable; and if the plow has a tendency to rise at the heel, or run on the point, under this arrangement, it indi- cates that the ring at b is too hiffh in the clevis. Shifting the ring one or more holes downward, will bring the plow to work evenly upon the base of the land-side, or work flat. ^2 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. If the plow has a tendency to rise at the point of the share, the ring b is too low^ and must be moved by raising it one or more holes in the clevis. If a pair of taller horses be harnessed to the plow, the draft chains, depth of furrow, and soil (and, by consequence, the point of resistance c,) remaining the same, we should have the point/ raised, suppose to/'; by drawing the line/' to c, we have e cf as the angle of draft, which will now be 22°, and the ring will be found to be below the line of draft/' c; and if the draft chains were applied at fc, in the direction at/' 5, the plow would have a tendency to rise at the point of the share, by the action of that law of forces which obliges the line of draft to coincide with the line which passes through or to the centre of resistance ; hence the ring b would be found to rise to 6', which would raise the point of the share out of its proper direction. To rectify this, the ring must be raised in the clevis by a space equalling that between b and b\ causing it to coincide with the true line of draft, which would again bring the plow to work evenly on the base of the land-side, and run flat. The foreo-oing principles are substantially such as are adopted by the most expe- rienced plowmen, and, if properly applied, will not only do the best work, but ac- complish it with the greatest ease to themselves and their team. If the power (or team) is not rightly applied, good work cannot easily be done; for if the plow inclines in or out of the ground too much, or takes too wide or too narrow a furrow- slice, the plowman must exert force to direct it properly, in addition to that required to overcome the obstacles and inequalities in the soil, but if the power be rightly applied, the plow will move so accurately as not only to perform good work with more ease to both plowman and team, but, in soils free from obstruction, even with- out being guided. To effect a proper horizontal movement, the clevis at & or draft-rod (if one be used instead of a clevis) must be adjusted and confined at that point, moving it to the right or left, if necessary. This will cause the plow to take the proper width of furrow-slice, which, in sod, should be wider or narrower, according to the depth of furrow, or rather the thickness of the furrow-slice required ; for as the thickness is increased, so also must be the width, in order to turn it easily and perfectly over, particularly when the furrow-slices are required to be laid over level and side by side. The proportion in ordinary sod should be 6 by 11, 7 by 12, or 8 by 14 inches. In determining the width of furrow-slice, some regard must be had to the strength of the particular sod to be turned ; for the plow will turn over a wider slice in a strong or stiff sod, than when running in one more easily broken, or it will cripple and double when raised to a perpendicular position, thus only doing the work called " cut and cover." When the slices are required to be laid at an angle, and lapped each one upon the preceding, the proportion of width should be less, or about 6 by 9 and 10, or 7 by 10 and 11 inches; for the narrower the sHce in pro- portion to the depth, the greater will be the inclination of the slice as it is lapped upon the preceding one. C. V. MAPES' ILI.USTRATED CATALOGUE. YC THE HARROW. We find the agricultural press all engaged in publishing articles on the Harrow ; we have them circular, square, triangular, and of every other form, but they all contain one principle in common, namely, a conical tooth, point downward. Every farmer knows that land may be harrowed until it is rendered so hard that it cannot be plowed. If this be true, as a substantial result from excessive harrow- ing, then it is true in degree at each application of the harrow ; for the same reason that ducks, geese, etc., notwithstanding their bodies are light, can render land too compact to remain fertile, the weight of a harrow when resolved upon a cone, point downward, will compress and compact the soil. The snuff manufacturers use a single harrow tooth for compacting bladders of Scotch snuff, which are nearly as hard as a cannon-ball ; at each incision of this tool the snuff is forced downward juid outward, and the cavity is immediately filled with new quantities, until event- ually the blow of a hammer ceases to dent it. This is but a miniature illustration of the effect, of which a harrow is the full-length portrait. Harrows have but one use, and that use is not to thoroughly pulverize the soil, as some suppose ; this can only be done by cultivators, the teeth of which are an exaggerated representative of a harrow tooth, reversed in its position, namely, point upward. The cultivator, if properly formed, will pulverize the soil. Its teeth should be flattened out like the foot of a duck, with a gradual and not a sudden inclined plane, so that its ac- tion in traveling through the soil is upward and outward, like the back of a mole, or like the lifting sub-soil plow ; such an implement will indeed pulverize the soil. The only use for a harrow is to comb from the surface those things which may lie upon it. Weeds already brought up by the cultivator, may be combed off by the harrow ; but for such purposes the harrow should be light, not heavy ; its teeth indeed may be of wood ; in other words, it may be an enlarged rake ; it should not be a heavy framed implement, armed with cones, point downward, so well calcula- ted to compact the soil. With the above remarks as a caution against the improper use of "the harrow," the following are offered as the best for the use of those who choose to continue this instrument in their practice. This harrow, Fig. 105, is usually made to take a breadth of five feet. It is composed of two pieces of frame-work, connected to each other by iron hinges coming together like common barn-door hinges, and which, extending across the pieces widthwise, are> bolted to each bar, thus greatly strengthening the harrow. The ends of tht- Y4 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. bars are secured from splitting by iron rivets. The harrow may be folded double, or separated into two parts, for the conveni- ence of transportation or other purpose. Either half may be lifted for any purpose while the implement is in motion ; and the easy and independent play of the parts up and down upon the hinges, enables the instrument to adapt itself to the surface of the ground in all places, so that wheth - er going through hollows, or over knolls and ridges, it is always at work, and every tooth has an operation upon the soil. There '/ /. / ■/ ' /, /, ■ .' arethirty teeth in the harrow, and Fig. 105. Improved Hinge-Harrow. Two-Horse. yet they stand equi-distant and wide apart each way, so that while from their number and arrangement the ground is worked fine, they are not liable to clog. This harrow is made heavy or of white oak bars three inches square, with teeth three-quarters or seven-eighth inch square, to fit it for rough land and the pulverizing of sod furrows. It is made to draw either end forward ; and when the teeth become dull by working in one direction, the team may be hitched to the other end, and they are sharp again. Fig. 106 is of the same length and breadth and construc- tion as the one represented in the preceding cut. But it is made quite light, of white ash bars, 2 to 2 1 inches square, with teeth of one-half or five-eighth inch steel. It is adapted to the draught of one horse, or two small mules. The teeth standing a foot apart each way, are not liable to clog, and yet their number and arrangement are such as to work the ground into a fine tilth. With this harrow, one horse will go over as great a breadth of land in a day as is usually accomplished by two horses. The instrument may bo drawn either end forward. Fig. 106. Improved Hinge Steel Harrow. One-Horse. G. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 75 The Geddes Harrow is made of two pieces of frame-work, joined by hinges in the center, so that it adapts itself to an uneven surface, and either side may be conveniently elevated to free it from stones, sods, &c., while the barrow is moving along, without disturbing the operation of the other half; and one part may be folded upon the other in passing stones, be- tween stumps, fruit-trees, &c. The arrangement of the teeth in the frame-work is such, that each one op- crates distinctly from others, and the number of impressions made on the soil will be equal to the number of teeth, and at equal distances. The teeth are made of the best Swedes' iron, steel pointed. The harrows are of various sizes and weights, contain- Fig. 107. The Geddes Harrow, ing 14, 18, 22, 26, and 30 teeth. The Expanding and Reversible Harrow is so constructed as to admit of being widened or narrowed, to do coarser or finer work, as circumstances may require. The two bars on the top of the frame-work are connected with the four under bars by the outside teeth, the upper parts of which are rounded and shouldered, with nuts and screws on the top, and on which the entire frame swivels or turns in ex- Fig. 108. The Expanding and Seversible Harrow. panding and contracting, which is simply done by shortening or lengthening the chain on the top. Thus the harrow is made any desirable width, and any degree of fineness, while the teeth in every position operate independently of each other 76 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. The harrow is constructed to be drawn either end forward, so as to secure sharp teeth, and is folded completely together for transportation. Various sizes, made heavier or lighter, are supplied to order. tia. I J Tch This is a hinge harrow, and may be used single or double. It is made of several sizes. Fig. 109. Scotcli Harrow This is also a hinge harrow, very strong and heavy, for rough, difficult work, and made to order. Fig. 110. Triangular Folding, or Chandler's Harrow. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 77 CULTIVATORS. These are of various kinds, but all partaking of the same general principles, being intended to be drawn by one horse and to be used between the rows of cul- tivated crops, such as corn, potatoes, root-crops, cotton, etc., though it is frequently employed to pulverize the ground preparatory to seeding, and for this purpose is every, way superior to the harrow as to the result. The force is expended upward and outward instead of downward and outward, and therefore renders the soil light instead of compact. It is also used for covering the seeds of grain, and in such cases is sometimes made larger, to be drawn by two horses or oxen. When intended to work between rows of corn, cotton, etc., it is constructed so as to ex- pand or contract according to the width between the rows. It stirs the surface of the soil most thoroughly, and working as near the plants as may be desired, while it can be set so as not to run deep enough to injure the roots of the crop. In its various modifications the cultivator exterminates grass and weeds much more effectually than the hand-hoe, leaving them on the surface to be wilted by the sun, at the same time pulverizing the surface-soil, and rendering it light and friable, so as to admit dews, and rains, and atmospheric influences, giving to the water in the soil the power to dissolve much larger proportions of the inorganic elements of plants, thus promoting the growth and product of the crop while it saves hand labor. When the wheel is attached, it causes the implement to move steadily and at an even depth, facilitating its turning at the end of rows, passing stones, other obstructions, etc. The more recent and better class of cultivators are those known as Horse-Hoes, of which the following are the best kinds : Fig. 111. Howe's Improved Expanding Horse-Hoe, 78 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. Ill represents an improvement recently invented by J. A. Howe, which is designed for the hoeing or cultivation of corn, the various root crops, cotton, hops, nurseries, and all crops that require a frequent stirring of the soil. It is light, easily managed, turns, pulverizes and mixes the surface, and is consequently highly destructive to the weeds and grass. The side teeth are miniature single mould- board plows, and may be changed from one side of the implement to the other, so as to turn the soil from the rows when the plants are small and tender, or toward them at a later period, as may be desired ; the broad rear tooth penetrates but two or three inches, cutting off the roots of weeds, and sifting the soil through its elevated prongs above. The improvement consists in adding parallel expanding bars, so that it may be worked as wide or as narrow as is desired. The side teeth are also supported by a rod connected with the front part of the hoe, thereby giv- ing them permanency, and without any wearing of the socket that holds the tooth to the bar. This power of controlling the width of work will enable the cultivator to adapt it to any crop where a horse can be used. In light lands that have been well plowed the preceding year, it does excellent work without being preceded by the plow. It lifts, changes, and pulverizes the soil in a manner that is not effected by any other implement. It is made of the best materials, and with proper care will last for many years. Fig. 112. The Horse Hoe. Knox's Patent. Fig. 112 represents Knox's Horse Hoe. It is designed for the hoeing or cultiva- tion of corn, the various root crops, cotton, hops, young nurseries, and hoed crops generally, is quite light, easily managed, and of very easy draft for one horse or mule ; a thorough pulverizer of the surface-soil, and exterminator of weeds and grass. The forward tooth is simply a coulter, to keep the implement steady and in a straightforward direction ; the two side or middle teeth are miniature plows, which may be changed from one side to the other, so as to turn the earth from the TOWS at first weeding, when the plants are small and tender, or toward them in later cultivation — at the option of the operator ; the broad rear tooth effectually disposes of grasses and weeds, cutting off or rooting up all that come in its way, is a thorough pulverizer of the surface, sifting the earth and weeds through its iron prongs or fingers in the rear, leaving the weeds on tlic surface to wilt and die. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATAO^OGUE. 19 and the ground level and mellow. For hoeing carrots, turnips, etc., where the rows are narrow, the side teeth are taken out, and the rear tooth with the forward one as a director to guide the instrument, hoes and mellows the ground between the rows very perfectly. Fig. 113. Horse Hoe for Cottou or CaxrotiS. Fig. 113 represents Knox's Horse Hoe, adapted to the cultivation of cotton, or of carrots, and other root crops. The forward tooth is simply a coulter to balance the Hoe and keep it in a straight course. The rear tooth has a broad steel share, spreading in all to the width of twenty inches, or ten inches each way from the center — the cutting edge being on an easy angle backward and outward from the point, adapted to make a clean and easy cut. The tooth has also five prongs or fingers on each side, above and back of the steel share, which are of iron, formed on a gentle upward curve, so that the soil lifted by the broad share is combed or harrowed on the under side by the fingers — the weeds being sifted out and left on the surface to wilt and die, and the earth reduced to a mellow tilth. A broader or narrower rear tooth may be used on this instrument, according to the width of rows of the crop to be hoed. Figs. 103, 111, and 113, are invaluable for the use of the market gardener — full descriptions of their use may be found in " The Working Farmer" for April and May, 1860. Fig. 113^. Armsby's Expanding Horse Hoe. This implement resembles, in effect, the Howe's Horse Hoe, being expanding. 80 C. V. MAPKS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. and differs only in the form of the side teeth, which are easily changed from right to left, and may be nsed profitably in the flat cultivation of cotton, corn, tobacco, and many other crops. This machine is lighter than Howe's, and may sometimes be substituted for it with profit. The form of the outside disintegrators may be seen in the eno-ravino;. Fig. 114. Common Expanding Cultivator. This is a low-priced instrument, when it is sold with cast iron teeth, though dif- ferent teeth, hereafter described, and made of part or all steel, may be used. Fig 115 Expanding and Reversible-Tooth Cultivator. This is a highly approved cultivator. The points or shares of the teeth are made of steel or cast iron, and are fastened to the shank or standard by bolts or nuts, so that either kind of shares may be used on the same standard, cheaply replaced when worn, and one substituted for the other. The shares being also reversible, arc thereby very enduring, as, when one end is too much worn to be effective, they may be changed to the other end down, and a double amount of service obtained. The tooth represented at the left, in the Fig., of teeth detached, is made of all C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE. 81 Steel, and known as " Roger's Patent," and may be used, but requires a different- formed mortise ; the center tooth is cast iron, and fits the same mortise as the steel-pointed reversible tooth above described. The various teeth are furnished separately. Fig. 116. Universal Cultivator. Fig. 116 represents the Universal Cultivator, recently invented by the manufac- turers. It is made long and all of iron except the center beam and handles ; the side beams, of wrought iron, are so curved, that as they are expanded or contracted, each tooth, by loosening the iron key which confines it in its place, may be moved forward or back to a point that will again cause it to work parallel with the center beam, and at proper distance from the others. To the beams are fitted several sets of diff"erent-formed teeth and scarifiers, of wrought and cast iron, and one or more sets are supplied to order. There is also one pair of teeth calculated to work in the rear, represented by the Figure, which may be used instead of the common teeth ; they are in form like small plows, turning the furrows in opposite directions, and fitting alike both side beams ; they may be placed to turn the furrows to or from the center, or rows of vegetables. If the forward teeth are used at the same time, they finely pulverize the soil, and if the plows are set to turn inwardly, a beautiful light bed is formed in which to plant any kind of seed. The farmer or planter using this cultivator Fig. 117. Parallel Expanding Cultivator. Three Teeth. 82 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. can have any form of wrought teeth he may desire, attached to the frame, by his blacksmith, as the manner of fitting them to the beams is very simple and easy. Fig. 11 V Parallel Expanding Cultivator, the teeth stand in the same relative posi- tion to the line of draft, whether the frame be expanded or contracted, and al- ways work in a direct line forward. Both steel and cast iron shares are made to fit the teeth. These shares being fastened to the upright standard by bolts and nuts, may be shifted to use steel or iron ones at pleasure, or new ones may be sub- stituted for those worn out, — an economical arrangement, as this part of the tooth is subject to the greatest wear, and is used up long before the remaining portion begins to fail. The teeth have high standards, which elevates the frame-work so far from the ground as to prevent the instrument from clogging with sods, &c. Fig. 118. Parallel Expanding Cultivator. Five Teeth. This cultivator is of construction similar to the preceding one, except that the frame is made longer and wider, so as to receive five teeth, and take a greater breadth of surface in working. It is rigged with teeth either like those in the three-tooth cultivator, Fig. 11 7, or with the reversible teeth, as represented in Fiff. 118. Fig. 119. Knox's Patent Gang Cultivator. This is a combination of the Horse Hoe and Gang Plow. The beam, to which the team and the handles are attached, is placed in the line of draft of the C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 83 instrument, and has the coulter or curved tooth of the Horse Hoe forward, and a tooth with a double share in the rear, for the purpose of balancing the cultivator. Another beam, placed diagonally to the draft, or to the first-named beam, con- tains a row of small steel plows, each cutting and covering a breadth of earth of about seven inches, inverting and pulverizing the soil to the depth of one, two, three, or four inches, as may be desired, and raising a fine tilth. The instrument is perfectly balanced, so as to run straightly and steadily, and is easily managed in passing trees and stumps, and over rocks or large stones. For covering grain, or for preparing the surface soil for crops of any kind, and covering compost manure, it is preferable to the harrow. The Gang Cultivator, when designed for one horse, is constructed with four small plows, and carries a breadth of work of two and a half to thi-ee feet ; and for two horses, it is made with six teeth, and a cor- responding increase in length of beams, and carries one-third more breadtl of work. Fig. 120, Cotton Sweep. Fig. 120 represents an implement much approved for the cultivation of cotton, in sections where it has been introduced. There arc two sizes. The forward or triangular share or sweep works the ground 14 or 18 incites wide ; the next succeeding teeth are made of flat bars of iron, with the forward edge sharpened and turned inward at the bottom, and level with the share or .sweep in such a manner as to cut to the point marked by the sweep, thus makino- Fig, 121. Steel Mould Cotton Sweep. 84 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. a clean cut of 24 to 32 inches, more or less deep; and the small pointed harrow teeth follow and more perfectly pulverize the soil, and work the weeds to the top in such a condition that they are killed by the sun. The implement is readily expanded and contracted at pleasure. Fio-. 121 is made of steel and at small cost ; its lightness and peculiar adaptability render it popular in many parts of the country. Fig. 122 represents an improved Cotton Scraper, the importance of which every cotton-planter under- stands, and appreciates its advan- tages for the first working of the cotton. The implement as here shown possesses important improvements, Fig. 122. Cotton Scraper. suggested by George W. Sizer, Esq., of New Orleans, and by whom it has been introduced to a large number of planters, who have expressed their entire satisfaction and given liberal orders. The Scraper is made either of wrought or cast iron, and is strong, durable, and very cheap. Fig. 123. Cotton Harrow. Fig. 123 represents the new Cotton Harrow, recently improved by G-eorge W. Sizer, Esq., of New Orleans. It is very effective in destroying weeds and pulveriz- ing the soil between rows of cotton. The teeth are very strong, and so shaped and set as to avoid the liability of clogging or of becoming loaded with earth. Fig. 123^. The Hand Cultivator. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 85 Fig 123|- represents the Hand Cultivator, which is made entirely of iron, except- ing the handle, and expands from 10 to 18 inches. It is a very useful implement in garden culture, and is often used in fields, among rows of carrots, beets, onions, etc., where there is not sufficient width to use a horse. We cannot but advise our customers to put their rows wider apart, and use the small lifting Sub-soil Plow and Carrot Weeder with a horse instead of the above implement — it may be used, however, in small gardens, where it is nearly or quite equal to a scuffle hoe. Fig. 124. Shovel Plow. This implement is used in the South and West in cultivating corn and potatoes- the mould-board is of steel. Fig. 124X. Hand Plow. This implement is very useful in small gardens and for the hand cultivation, when preferred, for onions and other row crops. The implement is fully described by the engraving. c. V. MA pes' illustrated cat^vlogue. Fig. 125. Potato Digger. The above cut represents one of the forms of the Potato Digger, of ■which we have several, all embracing the same principles, with formal differences, but substan- tially alike in their effects and mode of operation. They are worked by a team straddling the potato row, the point entering the end of the row beneath the pota- toes, raising them with the dirt up the front inclined plane, which is gradual, the earth falling through between the rods or bars, and the potatoes rolling off on either side free from soil. Potato Planters and Coverers. Of these there are a variety of patterns. But since the improved method by flat cultivation, the use of the Double Mould-board Plow assisted by the soil-lifter, to make and open furrows for planting, and the V of plank with the open end moved forward for covering, is quite equal to any of the implements now in use for these purposes. The rear of the V coverer may be rendered expansible so as to be left partially opened if required. Fie. 126. Mupes and Gibbs' Digging Machine. C, V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. SY Fig. 126 is intended to produce the same results upon soils as spading or forking, and to a much greater depth, and without reversing the position of the soil ; such as would be the result of well sub-soiled land, forked at the surface. With this machine nine acres may be dug and thoroughly disintegrated to the depth of twelve inches, in the same time and with the same team which would plow four acres eight inches deep. The sub-soil lifter disintegrates from the depth of its line of travel upward and outward to a width of twenty-four or more inches at the surface, while the digger appended to it pulverizes and thoroughly mixes the immediate surface to a depth of five or more inches, thus rendering it peculiarly adaptable to the mixture of manures in the surface-soil. It requires no attendant at the handles, but maintains its position, fitting itself to the sinuosities of the sur- face of the ground. When either of the spades strikes a stone which is too large to slip, the machine is lifted over such stone, and the next spade entering the ground beyond it throws it out at the rear. Weeds may be thrown on the machine by armsful, upon its top and among its parts while in motion, without impeding its progress. Its tendencies being all out- ward, it cleanses itself thoroughly at every revolution. In sod ground it is ineffectual, as it merely tears the sod finely apart, replanting the parts and permitting future growth. Three sizes are now completed. They all disturb the soil to the same depth, the only variation being in the proportion of the top soil, which may be reversed or mixed. For disintegrating corn or grain stubbles it has no equal, leaving the ground in better tilth than with twenty surface plowings. In putting land down to grass or grain, the operation is quite perfect, it answering all the purposes of surface and sub-soil plow, clod-crusher, harrow, and roller, leaving the surface in fine garden tilth and perfectly level — all of which is attained at a single operation. 88 C. V. MAPES' ILLTJSTEATED CATALOGUE. Fig 127. Crosskill's Clod Cruslier. Many attempts have been made to manufacture this implement in this country, but generally the makers have been guided by wood-cuts found in English Cata- logues, and from which the true construction of the implement could not be gath- ered. If the object were to crush clods alone, then on a rough soil a smooth roller would answer the purpose ; but the clod-crusher, as it is called, compacts the imme- diate surface, after seeding the grain, without compacting the lower soil. It is made like an ordinary roller, in sections, with the following differences : Each section is but three inches wide, and they are kept from touching each other by a washer on the main shaft ; each alternate section has an opening or hole in the centre fitting the shaft, while those between are of increased diameter, and have openings an inch larger than the shaft; these latter revolve eccentrically, instead of concentrically, as compared with the former, and any lumps or clods received be- tween the rollers are sure to be rubbed to pieces, for the rollers are not only toothed on their face but at their sides. It may be called a pulverizer and surface presser Avith propriety. In England, it is claimed that by its use larger crops of wheat are obtained ; that the rufiied edges of these wheels compress the earth in vertical masses toward the seed, and at the same time divide all lumps so as to prepare the soil for the free circulation of the atmosphere, as well as compressing it in vertical portions against the seed. The English also claim the propriety of its use in rolling grain as soon as sown, upon high lands ; also upon strong lands that are cloddy. Rolling wheats upon light lands in the spring, after frosts and winds have left the plants bare. Stopping the ravages of the wire worm and grub. Crushing clods after turnip ci'ops to sow barley. Rolling barley, oats, etc., when the plants are three inches out of the ground, before sowing clover, etc. Rolling grass lands and moss lands after compost. They may be had of any required length. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 89 FIELD ROLLERS. Among the advantages attained by the use of the Field Roller, are the following ; it levels and smooths plowed land, when being sowed dovFU to grass, and unlike the Crosskill, forces the sods and lumps into the soft ground without pulverizing them, and in this particular is its inferior ; indeed its only superiority or use ou plowed ground is to produce a dead level surface, such as is required for lawns, to render their after treatment or frequent mowing more easy, and to mend surfaces that have been hove by the frost. The roller, however, is beneficial when applied to very light soils, known as blowing sand, for when thus compacted in the fall they are rendered more valuable for spring use. For all other purposes the Cross- kill is entirely superior to the field roller. In road-making the roller is sometimes used with advantage. When made in sections, like the following, it can be turned very suddenly, for while the advancing sections roll forward, those at the opposite end roll backward, enabling the turn- ing to occur within its own length. Field Rollers are made of wood or Fig. 128 represents a wooden field iX roller, made in two sections of about 2^ feet long, and larger in diameter £ than those made of iron. Those of iron are more durable, and not subject to decay like those of wood, and are made of the fol- lowing sizes, viz. : Fig, 128. Wooden Field Koller, 3 Sections, each 12 inches long, by 20 inches in diameter. 4 u 12 " 20 5 (( 12 " 20 4 <( 12 " 30 5 u 12 " 30 6 u 12 " 30 and other sizes given in our price list. 90 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 129. Iron Field KoUer. Fig. 129 represents the iron field roller. It is a very strong, durable instrument, being constructed wholly of iron, excepting the tongue and box, which are of wood. It is made in sections, each one foot long, and embracing any number from three to six, as may be desired. The sections are placed on a wrought iron arbor or axletree, on which they each revolve independently, so that in turning the roller at the ends of the field, the ground is not left uneven. If not more than four sec- tions are required, thills or shafts may be substituted for the tongue, and the im- plement may be easily drawn by one horse ; or both tongue and shafts may be had. and one or two horses used, as occasion may require. The box is attached to receive stones, &c., picked up on the field rolled, and for giving extra weight to the roller when the same may be needed. For distant transportation, the iron sections, and standards to which the wood-work is attached, are furnished to order, either with or without wrought iron arbor, by weight, and the wood parts can be furnished and attached by any wheelwright or carpenter. Fig. 1.30 represents an iron Garden Roller. The cylinder is cast in parts, 15, 20, 24, and 28 inches in diameter, and H to 20 inches long. To the arbor is attached, inside of the cast cylinder, a counter balance, which adds weight to the instrument, and causes the handle to stand perpendicular when not in use. Fig. 130. Garden Eoller. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 01 SEED SOWERS. The importance of proper implements for this purpose should not be under- valued. When we consider the great labor of sowing seeds in drills by hand, together with the unsatisfactory result or irregularity in line and in depth, the Seed-Sower is, indeed, a time and labor saving machine. Its economy is not dependent upon these alone ; for, as every seed would be planted at the proper depth and in the proper place, less seed is required than for hand sowing, while the labor and expense of their after-culture is materially lessened. The sowers here described claim to be sure and accurate in distributing the various kinds of seeds. Printed directions for using accompany each machine. In structure Fig.131 issiniple, compact, strong, durable, portable, and perfectly efficient. It adapts itself to every form and size of seed, makes its own drill, distributes with perfect evenness, screens the seed from dispersion by the wind and clogging by the rain, covers prompt- ly, and gently presses down to secure that close contact of soil essential to quick germination. The perfect pre- cision and certainty of every part of the process, enables the cultivator to sow his land in exactly the variety and proportions of crop he wishes, without the excess or deficiency of a seed ; and secures a uniformity throughout alike beautiful to the eye and auspicious to the harvest. There are eight reeds furnished with each machine, gauged respectively for dif- ferent seeds, according to the following table, with driver and screws for inter- changing. It must be observed, however, that the table is graduated to the average sizo of each species of seed, and extreme cases may sometimes require the variation of a number in the reed : Corn, beans, and marrowfat peas. Beets, early peas, and white field beans. Parsnips. Onions, asparagus, and leeks. Fig. 131. The Wethersfield Seed Sower. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. 92 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. No. 5. Radish, peppers, and mustard. No. 6. Sage, carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach. No. 7. Pepper-grass, lettuce, summer savory. No. 8. Turnips, celery, parsley. The patentee begs leave to guard against disappointment, by suggesting a few cautions in the use of this utensil. It is very important that the soil be well pre- pared, level, pulverized, and dry enough not to pack upon the wheel. Of course, a judicious seedsman will select a favorable time for every thing to work well. Thp instrument is well guarded against ary sudden interruption by the weather^ and the hopper perfectly excludes wind and rain from the seed within it. Carefully used, the sower operates with such uniformity that the quantity of seed required for any given area, can be accurately ascertained from the proportion taken by any aliquot part. This is a small hand-drill, designed for the garden. It is a cheap, light sower, well adapted to the wants of those who cultivate root and vegetable crops on a limited scale, and will sow all such crops, excepting peas and beans. It opens the ground, sows the seed, covers and rolls it at one operation or passing. Seed Sower No. 1^ is adapted to gar- den or field sowing, is a size larger than No. 0, and is designed for sowing the same kinds of seeds. The cylinder and brush within the hopper go by gearing, and thus are always sure to operate. Fig. 133. Seed Sower No. 1. Fig. 134. Seed Sower No. 2. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 93 Seed Sower No. 2 combines several important improvements upon the English Drill, particularly in those additions which fit it for sowing large seeds. The brush and cylinder of No. 2, which distributes the seeds, go by graduated rows of iron cogs or gearings, which operate simply and uniformly, are durable, not likely to get out of order, and by which the speed of the dropping may be increased or lessened, large or small seeds sown, in all their varieties, at any desirable distances, in hills or drills, and the several necessary changes for the purpose are made with ease and expedition. The brush is used for small seeds, as turnips, carrots, etc., and the cylinder for corn, peas, beans, etc. Six tins, with different sized holes through them, accompany each machine, to be used in connection with the brush, as circumstances may require. Fig, 135. Seed Sower No. 3. Fig. 135 is substantially like Sower No. 2, is adapted to hand or horse power; to sowing seeds continuously in drills, or planting them in hills. By change of cylinders, it sows or plants large or small seeds. The gearings for the purpose of producing a rapid or slow motion, in order to adapt the machine to different kinds of seed, are simple yet excellent. They are made of iron, are dur- able, and work with regularity and precision. Fig. 136. One great advantage in this sower is the ease with which the hopper which contains the seed may be taken off and the seed changed. To do this, no- thing is required but to move a hasp, when the hopper may be taken off and the brush removed. In this machine we have the advantage of an adjustable plow, by its being hinged to the arbor of the driving-wheel forward, and holding the roller in the rear of the plow by the same arms, thereby giving a uniform depth to the seed independent of the operatot. There is also attached to the plow an iron rod, which passes through the cross-bar of the handles, by which the operator is enabled, by dropping the handles, to raise the plow, and at the same time the seed is cut off, and the whole thing is thrown upon the forward wheel; then the machine maybe run from one row to another, or from field to field, in the easiest manner possible. The plow is self- covering. The whole machine is light, the spokes of the wheel being wood and the rim iron, but broad and thin. When in motion, the plow, hopper, and roller are independent of the handles, so that the machine is as properly adapted to one person as another, whether he be short or tall. 94 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 137. Billing's Improved Planter and Fertil. izer. Fig. 136. Howe's Eagle Seed Sower. This machine, Fig. 137, is made to be drawn by one horse or mule, and for plant- ing cotton, corn, broom corn, beans, etc., and dropping a fertilizer with the seed. It is of durable and simple construction, not liable to get out of order, so that any person of ordinary tact can at once un- derstand and manage it ; and is adapted to work with certain and good effect on stony and sward land, as well as on mel- low intervale or other smooth land. The hopper above the beams is made with two apartments, one for the seed and the other for the fertilizer. By a very sim- ple but sure and unerring arrangement of the working parts of the machine, it may be gauged to drop any desired quantity of seed, and of fertilizer with it, at any dis- tance apart, in hills or in drills, of equal depth — the seed being dropped in the fur- row opened by the share below, falling through the rear or hollow standard of the share to the bottom of the furrow, and the fertilizer at the same instant being drop- ped through the same hollow standard and deposited with the seed; the curved iron blades, directly in rear of the share, cover the seed and fertilizer to the desired and a uniform depth ; and the broad wheel, by which the machine is moved, rolls or presses the soil down upon the seed much more uniformly than is ever done by the hand hoe. Thus, with this machine, the operator is not only enabled to plant his seeds rapidly, at any desired distance and depth, but also at the same time C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 96 to cheaply and expeditiously deposit any fertilizer with the seed — as superphos- phate of lime, bone dust, plaster, etc. — for promoting a quick germination and rapid growth of crop. Fig. 138. Cahoon's Patent Hand Broadcast Sower, for Seeds and rertxlizers. Jt;g 1!59. 96 C. V. MAPES ILLTJSTBATED CATALOGUE. Figure, 138. is intended for sowing wheat, oats, hemp, barley, rye, buckwheat, grass seed, fertilizers, etc., made in a substantial and durable manner. It saves four- fifths of the labor and time — enables any one, with a little experience, to sow with regularity — and in consequence of the evenness with which it distributes the seed, causes a saving of from one quarter to one-third of the grain ordinarily required. Farmers who have used this machine for two seasons, say that they would not be without one for three times its cost. The best crop of wheat raised in the State of Illinois, and which took the first premium at the Illinois State Fair for 1859, was sown with this machine. This machine, at a common walking gait, distributes by centrifugal force over the sur- face of four to eight acres per hour. Full directions for use furnished with the machine. Fig. 139 may be attached to a wagon or cart, and at the ordinary walking gait of a horse, will sow from ten to fifteen acres per hour. It is particularly well cal- culated for the distribution of superphosphates, Peruvian guano, plaster, ashes, salt, lime, liquid manures, etc. Motion is given to the machine by a belt chain moved by the wagon wheel, as represented in the engraving. This little hand Sower is of so simple construction, that any person of ordinary tact can at once operate it perfectly, sow- ing any desirable quantity of seed to the acre, and distributing the seed very much more evenly and rapidly than it is possible to do by hand in the common way. In early spring, when one's land is all pre- pared and waiting for grass-seeds, it often happens that more or less wind will rise with the sun, and so interfere with the proper broadcast sowing of seeds, that the work, to be done well, must be done at early dawn or in the evening, perhaps causing considerable delay and inconvenience ; but by using this Sower, and car- rying it low on the body, the seed may be put on the ground quite evenly, though there be a moderate wind, as the seed will reach the ground so directly as not to be diverted much, if any, from its proper resting-place. The seeding of land to grass can be done with so much dispatch with this machine, that one Sower may serve a neighborhood of five or six farmers. Fig. 140. Wells' Grass-Seed Sower. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 97 Fig. 140| represents « The Hand Corn Planter." Of these we have many patterns and kinds. Fig. 140>!r. Fig. 141. Horse Grain Drill. Fig. 141 represents the Horse Grain Drill, for drilling the varions kinds of grain There are several modifications of the Grain Drill, varying in price, and which can be furnished to order. A man and team, with the Horse Drill can sow from 10 to 12 acres per day. Drills furnished with Fertilizer attachments if desired. 98 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. HAYINa AID HARVESTING TOOLS. A large assortment oi Scythes, selected irom the most celebrated mak- ers throughout the coun- try, for which the pro- prietors are agents, fur- nishing them at manufac- turers' prices. Fig. 142. Grass, Lawn, Grain, and Bramble or Bush Scythes, of Cast, Shear, and German Steel. H. Waters' Patent Scythe. This scythe excels all others yet manufactured. Before the invention of Mr. Waters, scythes were made of German steel, running in on the web, and no steel on the back, and many of those stamped "cast steel" are of the kind noted above. For the purpose of making a sightly scythe, the web is lined from one side of the back so as to present a broad polished surface, and in so doing the grinding of the two sides of the scythe or web, are unlike each other, the one being flat and the other beveled, leaving the steel nearly on one side, and thus of a figure not calcu- lated to stand the blows of salt grass, accidental interferences, etc. Not so with the Waters scythe. This is rolled by machinery, and differs essen- tially, in its construction, from all scythes which have preceded it. The web is precisely in the middle of the back, and both edges are ground to the same bevel ; the web is thin and of regular thickness, with steel of the best quality in its center. C. Y. M apes' illustrated CATALOGUE. 99 In the early part of the process the scythe is made straight, like a sword ; the edge is then crimped, causing the whole to bend, and, being held in this position, the crimp is forced into a solid, while the back is clamped in a die ; the particles are pressed and thus forced forward, rendering the edge of that peculiar quality so essential to cutting grass easily, wherein a scythe should differ from a razor, for with a smooth edge, however keen, it will not cut ; nor can an edge otherwise made than by the plan of Mr. Waters, so well retain its cutting power. The steel being in the center of the plate or web of the scythe, having on each side an equal thickness of iron, as the web is thinned the steel is also thinned, and when ground on both sides equally, the steel must, of necessity, occupy the edge. The webs are wide in the bosom of the scythe, toward the point, and the backs there are quite low, therefore they should not be ground on too small a stone and the necessary thickness of the edge will be fully maintained. When new they may be obtuse, and as they become nari'ower by wear, they may be ground to a more acute edge. The peculiar construction and art of producing this edge, renders this scythe pre- ferable to all others for the mowing of salt and other silicious coated grasses, main- taining their edge far better than any other scythe. In the tempering, Mr. Waters has introduced a novel and exact method. The scythe being moved automat^lly must receive the same degree of heat, in the same time, in all its parts, and when the precise temper has once been obtained in a single scythe, all others must be exactly like it ; producing uniformity in quality and temper. No such evenness has ever been obtained by any other method. We would call the attention of the trade particularly to this scythe, for which we have the exclusive agency at New York. Hay Forks. Premium Cast Steel Elastic Forks. The proprietor is agent for Batcheller & Son's celebrated elastic oval-tine hay and other forks, and is now prepared to supply the trade at manu- facturers' prices. Partridge's Premium Cast Steel Elastic Hay Forks ; also a full assortment of forks from other makers. fig. 143. Hay Forks. 100 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 144. Scythe Snath. A great variety of improved Snaths, patent and others, constantly on hand ; these include the various plans for fastening,bush snaths, etc. Grain Cradles. Fig. 145 represents Grant's Patent Grain Cradle. This is made of the best vi'hite ash timber, with wood or wire braces. The heel of the snath is bent forward in order to get the whole cut of the scythe, and the fingers are set back of the scythe, to make them work equally easy in large or small grain. The cradle is easily taken apart to pack and ship to any mstance ; and only a hammer is required to put it together again. It is made with four or five fingers, and the pa- tent nib. Fig. 146 is a superior article, and from the peculiar form of its snath, is preferred by many. Fig. 146. Grapevine Cradle. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 101 Wilcox's Grain Cradle is well known in the South, and has been long in use. The fingers are adjusted by screws, in the most simple manner. It is made of the best white ash timber. It is taken apart to pack for transportation, and put to- gether with the greatest facility. Fig. 147. Wilcox's Grain Cradle. Also a variety of Cradles, made by Blanchard and others. Fig. 148. Clowes' Patent Straw and Barley Fork. Clowes' Patent Straw and Barley Fork, with malleable iron head and wood or steel tines, fastened in the head independent of each other, so that if one is acci- dentally broken it may be easily replaced. Fig. 149 represents a Grindstone in full rig, hung on rollers, and turned by a crank on one side and a treadle on the other. The treadle arrangement is de- signed more particularly for mechanics, for the sharpening of small tools without the aid of a second person to turn, the grinder operating the stone by his foot -i upon the treadle. The fixtures are very durable, and save much friction and [labor in turning the stone. Stones vari- :ously hung, of various sizes and prices, and Qf the best quality, are sold by the proprietor. Fig. 149. Grindstone, Mounted. ^ ^ 102 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTBATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 150. Grindstone Fixtures. Fig. 150 represents a Grindstone Ar- bor, Crank, Rollers and Roller Covers. To the arbor is attached a fixed and loose flange ; the stone is placed against the fixed flange and held firmly between the two by a large screw nut, which works on a screw cut round the arbor, forcing the stone and loose flange against the tight one. In this way the stone is not liable to get out of place, and the lia- bility to split, by the force of wedges used to confine the stone hung on the com- mon arbor, is entirely avoided. There are four diflferent sizes and lengths, adapted to the use of both the mechanic and farmer. Fig. 161. Scythe Eifles. Fig. 153. Scythe Stones. Fig. 151 represents the most approved forms of Scythe Rifles, of which we have a large variety. Fig. 152. The first in the cut represents the English Talacre, which took the first premium at the World's Fair. It is a very superior stone, having a coarse, soft, sharp grit. The others represent the stones quarried in this country, of which we have a full assortment. Fig. 153. This imple- ment is now in extensive use,and to be appreciated needs only to be used. It is not exaggerating to say that a man, boy, and horse will perform in the most perfect manner, Fig. 153. Revolving Horse Hay Eake. ^ith this implement, as much work as from eight to ten men with common hand rakes. Fig. 154 represents a Wire Spring-Tooth Horse Rake, a desir- able kind for new, rough grounds, where it has some advant- ^ages over those with wooden teeth. This rake requires more strength to be applied by the holder, ana does not leave the hay Fig. 164. Wire Spring-Tooth Horse Eake. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 103 in a condition so free from dust, etc., as other kinds ; but by some farmers, in par- ticular locations, it is prefered to any other rake. Fig. 155. Whitcomb's Patent Metallic Spring-Tooth. Horse Hay Rake. The above rake is intended for hay raking and gleaning grain-fields. As a gleaner after the cradle it will soon pay its cost. By means of several holes in the arms the rake-head may be elevated so that the teeth will pass lightly over the surface of the ground. Having been thoroughly tested for hay raking in all kinds of grasses, it is offered with confidence, may be readily operated by a lad, and is very simple in its con- struction, and will rake 20 acres per day. The Rake. Head is attached in such a manner as to act as a partial counterpoise,! and assist in elevating the teeth as the hay is discharged, and also serves to prevent the casual rising of the teeth from the ground, at the same time allowing them to conform to the irregularities of the ground ; this, with the elasticity of the teeth, enables it to pass over stones and other obstacles. Horse Rakes, with metallic spring teeth, without tvheels, have been long in use, and have answered a good pur- pose ; but to use them is hard work, and they plow into light jmrous ground, as the weight rests upon the teeth, and collect dirt, dust, and stones. But the Whit- comb Rake passes lightly over and places the hay in winrows, without comiyressing, like the Revolver — in good condition for curing and pitching ; it works equally well in rough, uneven, as on smooth ground. • This Rake, Delano's, Fig. 156, is usually fitted to the hind wheels of a single-horse wagon. Each tooth acts separately, its head being suspended by a rod. The operator cleans the rake, when filled with hay, by pressing with his foot upon the triangle, without stopping the horse. The instrument operates well on land either rough or 104 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 156. Delano's Independent Horse Bake. smooth, and lightly for both man or beast, and requires but one person to work it, who can ride comfortably while at work. A variety of other rakes on wheels will be found in our assortment, of which the above are some of the best types. Fig. 12Y is a hand rake, with a broad light head, six feet long, and is used in raking after the cart, etc. It is light, is drawn behind the operator, and takes a widef sweep. Fig. 157. Broad Hand Bake. Hand Hay Rakes, from many diflferent makers, of various qual- ities and sizes, two and three bowed, and made of the best white ash. Fig. 158. Hand Hay Rakes. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 105 Fig. 159. Hay and Grain Protectors. The Hay Protectors, Fig. 159, are made from cloth expressly prepared for the pur- pose, whereby they are rendered unsusceptible to mildew and better adapted to with- stand the rain. Superior hard-wood skewers, neatly manufactured, and used for the purpose of securing the caps to the hay, furnished if desired. There can be no doubt of the practical utility of Hay Caps, and no farmer can afford to be without them ; they secure to the hay both brightness and sweetness, and can be used to equal advantage in protecting grain. 7 IOC C. V. SIAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Mowing Machines and Reapers. Of these we have all the approved kinds, both for one and two horses. The use- fulness of these machines is too well known to require comment, and they have justly become a source of national pride, those of American invention being used in all countries. The following cuts represent some of the best machines. Fig. 160. Buckeye Mower. Fig. 160. Buckeye Mowing Machine. This machine is so constructed that the knife, or cutting-bar, may be folded up, so that when the machine is on the road or moving from place to place, the cutting-bar is not subject to accident. It is furnished of three sizes, as follows, viz.: Buckeye Mower, - - 4 feet 8 inches length of bar. Do. do Junior, 4 " " " " Little Buckeye, - - - 3^ " " " " See Price List, page 12. Ketchum's Improved, Mower, Fig. 162, can be furnished with either or all the following lengths of cutting-bars, so that it may be used for one or two horses : — C. V. MAPES' TT-LUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 101 Fig. 162. Ketchum's Patent Improved Mowing Machine. One-horse Mowing Machine, Si feet bar, weight 4o0 lbs. Light two-horse " 4 " " " 475 " " '« " 4i " " « 480 " Heavy " " 4 " " " 630 " " " " 4 ft. Sin." " 650 " See Price List, page 12. 108 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. The cutting-bar for the above is 5 feet long. See Price List, page 12, C. V. ]\IAPE8 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 109 The above machine is of two sizes, as per our price list, with cutting-bars 5 and r>i feet long. See Price List, page 12. no C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. ^ bo This Machine is of two sizes. One-horse machine, 3^ feet cutting bar, weighs 464 lbs. Two-horse " 4 " " " " 514 " See Price List, page 12. C. V. INIAPES ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE. Ill Fig. 166. McCormick's Beaper Large machine, 4 horses, 6 feet cut. Small *' 2 " 5i " " 112 C. V, MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. bo .g C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 113 La'wii Mowing Machine. The manufacturer has made some very important improvements in the English Lawn Mower, and he guarantees them to be well and firnilj' built, and if properly used, not likely to get out of order, but to be superior to any other now in use. The improvement consists mainly in making the knife so adjustable as to allow it to be ground and worn three-fourths of an inch ; and also in so altering the form and construction, that small stones will do no material injury, where the English knife would be rendered entirely useless. The superiority of this machine over the English Lawn Scythe consists in the even and rapid manner in which the lawn can be cut, with the advantage of roll- ing^ and gathering up the grass at the same time. With the large machine, and an experienced horse and man, a continuous acre, without trees or turns, can be cut, rolled, and the grass gathered in an hour. Lawns cut with this machine like- wise acquire an even, firm sod, like that produced by. sheep grazing. Tnese machmes have been in operation five seasons, and have given universal satisfaction. The increased demand enables the manufacturer to increase his va- riety, which now comprises an assortment that cannot fail to satisfy every require- ment. The machines for this season will embrace all the important improvements brought out in Europe, with many valuable improvements founded upon expe- rience. The patterns have all been remodelled, adding greatly to their lightness of draft, strength, utility, and simplicity. They are all front balance, with com- pound swivel rolls, which enables them to be turned short around with the great- est ease, without the least liability of marking the lawn. Iha front balance renders the motions of the machine more steady, and prevents the grazing of the sod in uneven places. It also renders the hand machines suitable for cutting broad sur- faces in an eveu and uniform manner. A great improvement has also been made in the manner of attaching the knife-bar to the machine, and in adjusting the knife, simplifying its operation and rendering it more permanent. DESCRIPTION. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, are hand machines, with which the grass should be cut close, and never allowed to grow so as to take off more than \h inches at one cutting. Nos. 3 and 4 may be drawn by one man on level ground, provided that not more than one inch of grass is taken off at a cutting. No. 7 is an extra thirty-inch ma- cliine, calculated to cut off four or five inches of grass at a cutting. It will also work equally well in cutting off one inch of grass. It is built much heavier and stronger that it may be enabled to do the work properly. It may be here re- marked that the longer the grass the more power is required in cutting. No. 8 can be used by one horse, only when the ground is nearly level and the grass cut frequently. It should be di~tinctly understood, in using these machines, that the smoother the lawn the closer and evener it may be cut ; and to work to the best advantage, and do good work, the grass should be cut once in six or eight days, during most of the season. Every machine is guaranteed to be well built, of good materials, and to work well on ground properly prepared. See Price List, page 1 2. lU C. V. ilAPEs' ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE. A^V^l,/ ^M|V| C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 115 Haymaking Machine. This machine has been long used in England, but its cost, as there made, is verv large. An improvement made here is now under experiment, and will doubtless be ready in time for next season's crops. Fig. 167^ represents the machine recently patented by Mr. Stodard, and has many improvements as compared with those which have preceded it. The teeth may be turned to any required angle, for heavier or lighter grasses, or may be turned in so as to be entirely protected when passing over common roads, or when not in use. Its promise is very great, and we anticipate receiving favorable reports from its use the present season. A series of rotating forks are moved by the axle of a two-wheeled frame, drawn by one horse, throwing the cut hay high into the air, and permitting it to fall in so open and divided a condition as to insure the full action of the sun and air. There is perhaps no implement the value of which has been so little understood, until very recently. The labor usually employed on a hay crop is of a casual and most expensive kind, whilst the above machine, when properly constructed, not only suffices to make the owner independent of extraneous aid, but enables him to do his work more quickly and efficiently, and thus to be more independent of the weather. Those already manufactured do the work of from 6 to 20 men. It is quite impossible to shake out and separate the hay so well by hand as by this ma- chine, and the drying is so much quicker as to frequently save a day in the secur- ing of the hay crop. With this machine and the mowing machine, in connection with the improved horse-rakes, a farmer is no longer confined to a small area of mowing land. This is a new invention, and labor-saving in its use. Hay may be carried by this im- plement, assisted by a tackle and sheaves, from the wagon to the highest mow, and there discharged of its load by the wagoner, and again lowered for re-use. Fig. 163. Horse Unloading- Fork. 116 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. HAY AND COTTON PRESSES. Of these we have a variety both for power and hand use. The production of Cotton is confined to the Southern states, while Hay, of some quality, is grown in all the stater. The entire cotton crop amounts to about 4,500,000 bales, and this must, from necessity, be properly packed for market. According to the census of ISoO, there were produced of hay in the Northern States, 9,473,605 tons. Western States, - - - - - 3,227,253 " Southern States, 1,137,754 " Making in the aggregate, averaging in value |10 per ton. 13,838,592 Fig. 169. Ingersoll's Patent Hand-Power Hay and Cotton Press. This press is extremely effective, and has passed the ordeal of use satisfactorily. It combines simplicity, occupying the least possible space, durability, portability, 118 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. and economy. In addition to packing cotton, bay, straw, rice-straw, etc., they are used for packing numerous otlier articles, such as rags, wool, hemp, hides, hair, h asks, broom-corn, paper, hops, moss, etc.; are readily taken apart and packed, occupying but little space, and as readily put together again for use. They vary in size, strength, and cost. Weight of cotton bales, 250 to 500 lbs. ; wool, 300 to 800 lbs. ; rags, hides, hair, etc., the usual market weight required. Weight of hay bales, 150 to 300 lbs. ; hop bales, 200 lbs. Bullock's Press has been long and successfully used for the pressing of cotton. Fig. 170 is an end view and Fig. 171 a side view of this powerful press. It may be worked by hand power, but is usually preferred as a power press. LETTERS OF REFERENCE. AAA are Foundation Stones, or Blocks. B B are String Pieces to which the Windlass is attached. C C C are posts to support the Press and the Gin-House floor. D D are pieces which serve as guides to the Follower. E E E are Clamp Girts, which hold the Press-box together. F is the Follower Block, or under platen, attached to the upper end of the Lever Beam by means of the Journal or Crosshead Z. G is the Cap, against which the bale is pressed. H H are wrought-iron Straps attached to the Cap to form a connection with the rods U. I I are Sway Bars attached, to carry the Cap off one side. J J J are Floor Timbers, or beams, of the Gin-House. K K are Planks forming sides of the Cotton-box. L is a Lever, or sweep, to which the horse is attached. M is a cast-iron Frame to support the Iron Capstan, or Windlass. N is the Windlass, or Capstan, around which the chain is wound. O are parts of the chain, one end of which is attached to the cast-iron Step Block Y, and the other end to the Windlass. P is a Pulley in the lower end of the Lever Beam. Q is a connecting rod in the chain. R is the Lever Beam attached to the Crosshead. S S are arms, or supports, for the fulcrum of the Lever Beam. T T are Rods which receive the Step Block at the lower end, and connect with the Rod U at the upper end. U U are Rods connecting the Straps H H and the Rods T T. V V are Pins by which the Rods and straps are connected. W, Bale of Cotton. X, Pall or Drag-pike, to hold the Sweep from flying back. Y, cast-iron Step-Block on which the arms rest. Z, cast-iron Journal or Crosshead attached to the Follower. a a are Side-doors, or top parts of the Press-box. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 119 Rg. 171. End view. 120 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. b b are Door-Battens. d d are wrought-iron bars, or clamps, to hold up the doors. /, cast-iron Socket to receive end of Sway-Bars. g g are cast-iron Stops for the Sway-Bars to rest against. The dotted lines in Figures lYO and lYl show the position of doors when let down, and also of the cap when swung off one side. The convenience claimed is as follows : 1st. It can be put under cover in a corner of the gin-house, convenient to the lint-cotton, which enables two men to fill the box in a few minutes. 2d. It occupies but a small space — about six by three feet, exclusive of the horse- power, which may be put outside of the building in the most convenient place. 3d. The top of the box is left open, unobstructed by beams or follower-blocks, while the men are filHng and treading the cotton into the box. 4th. The whole amount of cotton for each bale is put into the box at once. 5th. The doors around the bale may all be moved out of the way, and allow free access on all sides for roping and sewing up the bagging after the bale is pressed. The power used in this press is the Progressive Lever, operating upon a movable fulcrum — a feature peculiar to the Bullock Press, and one most admirably calculated for, and adapted to, the pressing of cotton. It allows a long range of the follower, and the progressive power just meets the increasing resistance of the bale as it be- comes more and more compact, and this, too, without any increase of power ap- plied to the lever. The last turn of the horse in running up a bale, requires no more power than the first turn, and the power is only limited by the strength of the material the press is made of, which, of course, can be made all that may be required for any purpose, and yet work rapidly. The box is sufficiently large to allow six hundred pounds of lint cotton to be put into it at once. And as the strain comes entirely on iron, it can be pressed up safely. The weight of the Improved Press is about two thousand pounds. But when taken apart and packed for transportation, two men can handle easily every pack- age, and load and unload it. Every thing about it is perfectly plain and simple. Bullock's Improved Press is complete and ready for use when it comes on the plantation, and gives the planter no trouble. No time is spent in getting timber ; no hands to furnish ; no carpenter to pay ; no iron to buy ; no blacksmith's bill to pay. This Press requires one mule to run it up in two minutes, or hoo mules in one minute. The Screw, a strong team, a long time. In roping the bale and sewing up the bagging in the Bullock Press, it will be found impossible to place the bale in a position more convenient to work at — not a post or a beam in the v/ay. The rods are jointed so as to fall down and allow the bale to roll out of the press when desired, and also to allow the cap to swing off one side out of the way when filling the box. Not so with the Screw Press ; the posts and beams render it difficult to sew up the bagging at all in the press; and when the bale is finished it is usually left in a pit, where it requires C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUK. 12\ half-a-dozen hands, with a tactle-block, to get it out. And again, in filling the box of a Screw Press, the follower-block is always in the way of the workmen. The Press can be put up and operated by any body. It is not one hour's work, after the place is prepared for it, for two naen to move it from the wagon and put it up ready for work. These presses are made in the most substantial and work- man-like manner, under the immediate direction of the Inventor, who has had eighteen years' experience in making and using these Presses upon the Cotton Plantations, and consequently knows well what is required. Every press is put together and thoroughly tested, numbered, marked, and painted before leaving the manufactory. Printed instructions, giving full particulars how to set it up, and how to work it, vk-ill always accompany each press. Fig. 172. Dederick's Patent Parallel Lever Hay Presses. The engraving above is so plain, that it requires scarcely any explanation. When the door, C, is closed, the head, U, is moved over to either side at pleasure. The 122 O. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. hay is then thrown in, and when the box is full the head is moved back again to the centre of the press. The power being then applied to the parallel levers, J K, through the block and tackle system of ropes and pulleys, N R R, the follower, B, is pressed upward against the hay with a power which is not interfered with by the least particle of friction against the sides of the press, and which is as simple as it is evidently great. The door, C, and also a similar door on the other side, is then opened; the bale is then bound, and the ends of it being relieved by releasing the end of the bar or handle, D, it is taken out from either side at pleasure ; and it is worthy of special remark, that the side door of these presses can be opened quite easily with one hand. They are operated by a horse upon a capstan, — the horse going round only five times to make a bale. In one of them two men and a boy will bale from five to nine tons of hay per day, according to the size of the press. These presses are made in six sizes, and to bale from 100 to 500 lbs. each, accord- ing to size. They are taken apart for long transpoiiation, and are accompanied with full printed directions for putting up and operating. Fig. 172/^. Dederick's Patent Hand Hay Press. Fig. \l2h represents the press as being filled and closed, and ready for operation. The power consists, as in the horse-press, of "two toggle joints" (one only can be seen) so arranged that they operate parallel, and one being placed underneath each end of the follower, and the two being confined together by a connection rod, (as seen in cut,) both sides of the follower must move simultaneously and even. This press, thus constructed and arranged, has a power which increases as fast as the resistance of the hay- increases, is durable, and in no way liable to get out of order even in careless hands, and operates more quickly and presses bales compactlv. Size of Bale. 4 ft. by 24x30, 4 ft. by 22x28, 4 ft. by 24x30, 4 ft. by 24x28, 4 ft. by 26x30, 4 ft. by 24x26, No. 1. Bales from 3lo to 425, No. 2. 275 to 325, No. 3. 250 to 300, No. 4. 200 to 250, No. 5. 275 to 300, No. 6. 150 to 200, jht of Press. 14 feet, 12 feet, Weight. 2,800 lbs., 2,400 lbs.. Price. $165 00. 150 00. 9 feet, 8 ft. 6 in., 1,300 lbs., 1,200 lbs.. 120 00. 100 00. 8 feet, 6 ft. 6 in., 1,200 lbs., 800 lbs.. 90 00. 65 00. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 123 Nos. 3 and 4 as hand-presses, same style and prices as horse-presses, — combined as hand and horse-press, $10 extra. Nos. 5 and 6 are the hand-presses. Fig. 173. Fay's Portable Hand Power Hay, Straw, and Cotton Press. ^ This machine is simple in construction, and is well adapted for pressing cotton, hay, straw, hemp, broom-corn, flax, hops, wool, rice-straw, rags, pumice, liiisccd-oil, etc. It is strong and eflfectiial, and, from its simplicity, may be readily used by a common hand. It is readily taken apart and re-established in working order ; may be packed in small space for shipment. No. A will weigh 1,100 lbs., and will press five or six tons of hay per day, in bundles averaging 3.50 lbs., of straw 380 lbs., and compressed to thirty cubic feet; the proportion of one bale being 29 by 31 inches and 5 feet long; it occupies 7 by 3 feet. 124 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. This press is worked by hand-power, with a downward line of travel, giving great facility in tying of bales, adjustment of covering cloth, etc. No. B occupies 6 by 3 feet, and with proportionably less results. It forms bales 26 by 29 inches and 4 feet long, compressed to twenty cubic feet, averaging about 265 lbs., of straw 285 lbs. The index plate attached to the end of the press de- notes the number of cubic feet of the bale. Broom-corn and flax press No. C is upon the same principles, but differently proportioned ; dimensions of bale 24 by 29 inches and 4 feet long. HAY, STRAW AND STALK CUTTERS. This class of implement is in general use. It is now established beyond a doubt that a less amount of cut hay will sustain an animal, than when fed, as it now frequently is, in the long state. And if this be true when cut as at present from half an inch to an inch in length, it is true in degree all the way down to a chaff. The proprietors have now a variety of machines in addition to those in general use, for cutting hay much finer than has been heretofore done. Fig. 174. Cumming's Patent Hay, Straw, and Stalk Cutter. C, V, MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 125 Fig. 174 is a recent invention. It is of simple construction, easily operated or re- paired, and cuts all varieties of forage very rapidly, whatever may be the condi- tion of the forage to be cut. It may be operated by hand or horse power. By change of gears furnished with the machine, it is rendered capable of cut- ting extremely fine, or of ordinary length, as may be preferred ; and the proprietor is now experimenting, with a fair hope of success, for rendering it truly a chaffing machine. Fig. 175. Daaiiel's Patent Hay Straw, and Stalk Cutter. Fig. 175 is of two sizes, and very efficient in practice. No. 1 has knives 10 inches in length, and is intended for a hand machine — may, however, be moved l>y horse power — cuts one inch long, and when well attended will cut half a ton per hour. No. 2 is calculated for horse power, but may be run by hand ; length of knife 16 inches, cuts one inch long, and capable of cutting one ton per hour, of hay, stalks, or straw. This machine is well known in the South. Fig. 176 represents a new machine for Cutting Stalks, Straw, and other coarse forage — a modification of the best Cylindrical Chaff" Cutter, and is strongly made. 126 C. V. aiAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 177. Cylindrical Hay and straw Cutter.-Straight Knives. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTEATED CATALOGUE. 127 Fig. 178. Cylindrical Hay and Straw Cuttei —Spiral Knives. Tig. 179. Gale's Patent Eagle Cutter. 128 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Figs. Ill and 178 represent the hide-roller, straight and spiral knife hay-cntters ; in either machine, the knives being set in the circumference of a cylinder, or arbor, and cutting against the hide-roller. The various kinds and sizes of these cutters are so put together, with joint-bolts and screws, as to be taken apart and boxed for transportation, and are readily set up again. We have many sizes as per price list. Fig. 179. Gale's Patent Hay, Straw, and Stalk Cutters. Of these we have various sizes, known as Universal and Eagle Hay Cutters in tlie price list. Fig. 1 80. A strong, effectual cut- ter, well calculated for the South- ern states, and adapted to cutting corn stalks. It is less liable to be injured by inexperienced hands, exposure to the weather, etc., than most machines. The parts are eas- ily separated and packed into the box or hopper for transportation, and readily put together again. Fig. 180. Smith's Patent Lever Cutter. Fig. 181. This is one of the ear liest forms of the Cutter, and can be furnished at a very low pri'^p Fig. 181. Lever Hay Cutter. O. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUK. 129 HORSE POWERS. Much of the labor of the farm, now performed by hand, should be done by horse power ; and indeed, for all purposes requiring less than the power of five horses, steam power cannot be economically used : repairs, cost of attendant en- gineer, etc., rendering horse power more economical than steam for small purposes. Horse powers are divided into two classes, viz., those known as railway powers, where the floor is caused to move by the tread of the horse acting as an endless belt ; and a number of forms of static powers which are rendered active by a horse ]>laced at the end of a lever, or its equivalent, walking on the ground. Fig 182. Patent Eadless Chain Changeable Horse-Power. Fig. 182. Patent Endless Chain Changeable Horse Power, arranged to be worked by one or two horses. This railway power is a material improvement on those which have preceded it, as it is capable of several changes for increasing and diminishing the speed so as to adapt it for threshing grain, ginning cotton, sawing wood, grinding feed, and in fact for all purposes to which power can be applied, and without any additional expense of gearing. All the moving points of this ISO C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATE!) CATALOGUE. machine are upon the outside, where they may be protected from dust, requiring little time or oil to keep them in the best possible running order. The arran^jeraent for tightening the endless platform permits it to be instantly done by a common wrench, without stopping the machine. The Overshot Thresher (represented in the cut), Fig. 182, and Vibrating Separa- tors, with improvements, have been used with like success as the Powers. They admit of a level feeding table, thus avoiding accidents (which often occur with the inclined feeding board), by preventing hard substances, sticks and stones from getting into the machine and breaking the spikes, endangering those engaged with them. The o-rain, by this motion, is throwu on the floor within three feet of the machine, and admits a separator to be attached sufficiently high to allow the grain and fine chaff to fall through it, while the straw is thrown off without beino- cut, and in fit condition for bindino;. Fig. 183. Field's Patent Horse Power. This machine can be operated by one to four horses, and is a very compact, simple, durable, and cheap Sweep Power. For two horses, it is made three feet two inches long, two feet two inches wide, and two feet high. The power, of what- ever size, is geared either upright or horizontal, as may be preferred, the expense being the same. The Planet Sweep Power, Fig. 184, is built entirely of iron, and is so equilibri- ated in all its parts, that whether used for one or more horses, the resolution of C. V. MAl'ES lU.USTRAJ KI) CATALOGUE. IS I Fig. 184. Planet Sweep Power. forces is felt on all parts alike, so that it is not liable to derangement, change of figure by strain, or other casualty ; and in every instance has given the most per- fect satisfaction. There are two sizes ; and levers are furnished with these powers adapted to any number of horses, from one to ten. Compactness renders it desirable for shipping, occupying but little space. It may be put up without the assistance of mechanics, being all ready for use as sold. Fig. 185. This is a circu- lar or level Power, with a wooden rim about twenty feet in diameter, with wrought-iron gearing bolted in segments on the under side of the rim, which works into a cast pinion, and (■II the pinion-shaft a pulley or gear is attached, as may be required, to drive differ- iig. 185. laplin's Horse Power. cut kinds of machinery. It is worked with from one to six horses, walking inside the rim, one between each pair of arms. It is readily taken apart and packed in a very small compass for transportation. 182 C, V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. This is a strong and well-constructed machine, fairly equilibrated so as to avoid local strains, and so arranged as to be worked by one, two, or four horses. The following, cut Fig. 18Y, illustrates our most approved Dog Power.^ It is a sim- ple endless platform, formed upon two India-rubber straps, with strips of light wood firmly riveted to it. This endless platform is supported by a drum about twelve inches in diameter at each end, and the whole so arranged that it can be elevated to any angle required by the weight of the dog or work to be done by it. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. l:):i Fig. 187. Dog Power, for Churning. It is also equally adapted to a sheep, which is sometimes employed instead of a dog. The cut represents it producing both the vertical and rotary motion. 1 v^W I ^ Fig. 188. Pitt's Improved Threshing Machine, Separator, and Cleaner. A Gold Medal of Honor was awarded at the World's Fair in France for this machine. Also at every exhibition when brought into competition with other machines, its superiority has been universally acknowledged, and, in nearly every instance the first premium has been awarded it. The Separator, for the future, will be superior in every respect to those before made. We have determined to spare nothing that will add to its durability, effective operation, or style of finish. This machine cannot be surpassed in the genuine qualities of durability, ease of draft, and the thorough and effective manner of its operation. None but the very best selected materials are used in their construction ; the joints are all well fastened with bolts, cast-steel shafts in cylinders, babbitt metal in boxes where necessary, and every thing is got up in the best manner throughout, and furnished with belts, platform for feeder to stand on, run-boards for convenience of oiling, feed-tables, a tool-box, and sieve for wheat, barley, and oats ; screen, etc. 134 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. This threshing machine and cleaner combined has been popularly received dur- ing the last three harvests; the journals of its cylinder are hung in universal boxes, thereby avoiding binding and unnecessary friction ; the fan beneath the feeder's C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, 135 table is driven by an outside pulley ; the length of the frame-work is from 6 to 8 feet beyond the center of the cylinder, and contains a light wood riddle with a close wood bottom connected with it ; these have an endwise vibratory motion in contrary direction to each other, causing the grain and straw to be carried off in opposite directions. The endless apron with slat, forms cells for receiving, holding, and conveying the grain, while the straw occupies the upper surface of the slats; indeed the whole separation of grain from straw is nearly perfected by this con- trivance alone ; the straw is afterwards caught by a revolving beater with strong iron teeth, which completes the separation of the grain. The series of wood fingers acts with each vibration of the riddle, consuming but little force, and perfectly agitating the straw to secure the entire result. An ex- tension is furnished for the manipulation of light grain. The discharge is by two spouts, delivering separately the clean grain and the tailings ; and when ordered, an elevator is supplied for returning the tailings for further manipulation. For a full and entire description of this machine, see the " Working Farmer,'' for August, ] 860. Price of these Improved Machines, in sets complete, $250 00 Price of Horse-Power, endless-chain or lever principle, 120 00 Price of Threshing Machine and Cleaner, combined, 130 00 Price of set of bands and extras, . 5 00 Price of Elevator for tailings, (always an extra charge) 10 00 Fig. 190. Grant's Patent Doable Blast Fan-Mill. The above mill, invented by Mcssi's. I. T. Grant & Co., is believed to be the most effective for cleaning every kind of grain, rice, grass and other seeds, which it does perfectly at one operation. They are of six sizes, built in the most sub- 136 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. stantial manner and of the best materials ; seven sieves accompany each mill, with printed directions for placing the sieves, slides, etc., for the cleaning of the different kinds of seeds. The following statement is from the inventors : — " Our Fan-Mills have taken the first premiums at the New York State Agricultural Fairs, at the State Fairs of Pennsylvania and Maryland, at the Mechanics' Institute of the city of New York, and at many county fairs. They received the highest consideration at the National Fair at Washington, and have uniformly taken premiums wherever presented for competition. When thoroughly timed they have chaffed and screened one bushel per minute. This may easily be done with the larger sizes, taking out all the chess, cockle, or smut, at the same time." These and other fan-mills are constructed so that they may be taken apart for transportation, they being put together with joint bolts and screws. Three mills, measuring 52 cubic feet each, can be packed in one box measuring only 27 feet, and in that proportion for larger or smaller mills, thus making a material saving of freight. They may be set up without difficulty or fear of want of adjustment. G-rant's Common Fan-Mill. This is an admirable machine, and is only surpassed by Grant's Patent Mill, de- scribed above. It is furnished with four sieves, and can be afforded at a less price than Fig. 190. See Price List. Fig. 191. Boston Fan-Mill. Fig. 191. This is a cheap Mill, light and portable, strong, and durable, for cleaning grain and small seeds at a single operation. Four sizes of this Mill are made. See Price List. C. V. MAPES' ILLIJSTKATED CATALOGUE. 137 iig. 192. ran-Mill for Coffee, Spices, Grass-Seeds, etc Fig. 192. This is a very convenient little Mill for the merchant and grocer. It is designed for cleansing coffee, the various spices, rice, grass- seeds, seed-grain, etc., having a variety of sieves, slides, and boxes to adapt it to these various articles. It is so adjusted, that in operating, more or less wind may be let on the sieves, to exactly suit the wants of the occa- sion, or the particular article to be winnowed. It occupies very little space, is light and portable, and a perfect Fan-Mill for the purposes desiofned. r^. 193 and 194. Harris & Son's Patent Smut Machine and Fan. This machine, invented to hull and pearl rice, coffee, etc., as also for smutting, polishing wheat and other grain, has provetf itself valuable and popular, being now in successful operation at the Galigo Mills, Richmond, Va. ; Croton Mills, New York; Revere Mills, Rochester ; Etowah Mills, Ga., and over one hundred others. The grain passes in the machine, as seen in the section above, at the center of the top bed-stone around the spindle, thence by the centrifugal force is thrown out of the convex surface to the periphery of the center or running stone, passes down 9 138 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. between it and the case, and so out of the spout near the center of the lower bed- stone, a distance, on the 30-inch machine, of over eight feet. This machine cleans from 10 to 150 bushels per hour, according to size. It is readily set to suit all kinds of grain. The following are among the advantages of this machine: being constructed of stones, it is very durable ; the stones can be dressed by any miller once a season, which makes them do the work as well as when first put up ; the stones can be set or changed, similar to a mill-stone, to suit any kind or quality o'' grain ; a powerful fan is attached, such as no other machines possess. V^arions sizes supplied to order. Fig. 195. Sandford's Excelsior Mill, for Planters, Farmers, and Millers. This Mill, invented and patented by Mr. G. Sandford, is now on exhibition anu in actual operation in this city. % It is a Conical Burr Stone, of new and greatly improved construction. It is superior to any known Mill in compactness, in simplicity, in the amount of power required to operate it, in rapidity of operation, in facilities for keeping it in per- fect grinding order, in not heating the grain ; in being adapted to grind, on the same Mill, the coarsest feed and finest flour; and in the perfect manner in which it does its work. For domestic, farm, or plantation purposes, will last a lifetime. It is almost an axiom that, "by grinding feed, 20 to 25 per cent, is saved. This item o'l savings alone v/ould in a short time repay the cost of a Mill; and the ordinar) horse power used by farmei-s. planters and others, applied to it, would C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 139 grind their flour, meal or feed in less average time than would be required to carry their grain to mill. Sandtbrd's Excelsior Mill was tested in Philadelphia by the side of a 36-inch flat Burr Stone Mill. It {/round 40 bushels of feed in three hours, and the Flat Stone Mill ground in the same time but 36 bushels, using to do that, one-third more power. Two Excelsior Mills were ordered by the establishment making the trial. The " Ericsson Caloric Engine" has been found an admirable power for driving these mills, and at an expense of 25 cents per day. Jig. 196. Interior of Mill. Fig. 197. The above cuts, and the following description, are thouglit to be all that is necessary by way of explanation and illustration, to enable any one to form a cor- rect idea of our Excelsior Mill. A, is the hopper in which the material to be ground is placed. B, a Conical French Burr Stone, immovably secured upon the shaft — see the open mill above. BB, the concave stones in two solid pieces, encased in iron, are placed over the cone, fitting it perfectly ; these are the grinding or milling surfeces. F, the adjusting screw by which the grinding cone is forced toward the shell to make the mill grind finer or coarser, as ma^v be desired. D, a pulley upon the end of the shaft to which the grinding cone B is attached, and by which it is operated. K, is a bolt into which the ground material is passed to separate the ground product into the various grades required — the middlings falling into the bin T, and the fine flour into the bin S, while the bran is passed out of the end of the bolt into a receptacle placed to receive it. The bolt is stationary, but brushes are operated on the inside, to drive the flour through, by a belt passed over the pulley O on the main shaft, and over the pulley P on the bolt shaft. We claim no superiority for this bolt over the ordinary one in use in this coun- try ; it is the English plan of bolting flour, and as it is verrj compact is better adapted to farmers' and planters' use than the American bolt; the flour made by it is of the best quality. Corn and Feed Mill $100 00 Mill with Improved Flour Bolt, complete 150 00 140 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 198. Brown's Improved Patent Grist Mill. These Mills are made of seven sizes, the largest size being represented by Fig. 198, and the smallest by Fig. 199. They have been before the public a sufficient length of time to test their utility, and the proprietors can recommend them for grinding Corn, Grain Feed, Flouring Wheat ; they are also adapted to grinding Plaster, Coal, Salt, Coffee, Spice, &c., equal to any other mills. They are made from one entire piece, from the choicest of French Burr Stones. The superiority of these Mills consists in — 1st. Dispensing entirely with the bush used in all large mills, and in most of the small ones, thereby making a great saving of povper and oil, avoiding a very great difficulty that has always existed in mills, bringing the care of these mills within the skill of an ordinary me- chanic or farmer. 2d. The mode of attaching the Runner Stone to the Spindle, by means of an universal joint (similar to the Mariner's Compass), so that the Runner will keep level or parallel with the Bed Stone, if the Spindle is out of a perpendicular line with its face. •3d. The efficient mode of attaching the Runner Stone to the Spindle, the Fig. 199. C, V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 141 Spindle to the top and bottom Bridge-tree, in connection with the intermediate one upon which rests the adjustable tube, all connected by means of the side rod, adjusted by and confined in their relative places by means of the hand or check wheels at the side of the Mill. The capacity of these Mills can be increased to almost any extent, by an increase of speed and power, or can be worked with light power by diminishing the speed and quantity of work. The 30, 33, or 36-inch Mills are considered the best for water or steam power. The 16, 18, and 20-inch Mills are designed for horse or other light power, for domestic or plantation use. The 24-inch Mill, either for a light steam, water, or a heavy animal power. It is found, from use, that the following is the best speed to run the Mills : Diameter of Stone. Steam or Water. Animal. 42 inch, 200 to 300 revolutions per minute, 250 best speed, 36 250 to 350 u 300 (( (( 200 33 275 to 375 u 325 (( (( 200 32 275 to 375 if. 340 (( (( 200 30 275 to 375 u 350 (( (( 200 24 300 to 400 u 350 a 11 200 20 360 to 450 (.1. 350 a u 175 18 3*00 to 400 u 350 (( u 175 16 300 to 400 u 350 (( a 175 Number Bushels Corn pei ■ hour. Power required. Si) EC Pulleys. Bushels Fine. Bushels Coarse. Bushels Cracked. Horse Power. Inches. Inches Fa. 18 25 150 15 24 10 15 22 150 10 24 8 12 18 150 8 20 8 11 17 150 7 20 8 10 16 150 6 20 8 6 12 100 4 16 6 5 10 40 .3 14 5 4 8 40 3 12 5 3 1 40 2 12 6 HARRISON'S PATENT GRIST MILL, FOR FARM AND PLANTATION USE This is a burr-stone mill, is made of various sizes, and the one represented by Fig. 200 is called the light geared mill, and may be moved at a speed of two hun- dred revolutions per minute, with the power of one horse ; and with a well adjust- ed feed, such as will not clog the mill, a fine flour of good quality will be produced. When set coarse it may be used for grinding feed and other materials. By the use of two or more horses' power, this mill may be made to run at much higher speed and with increased amount of results. The 20 inch mill represented above, when run with one horse will turn out 2^ bushels of fine flour, and with two to five horses, will grind 5 to 8 bushels of corn, and 4 to 6 bushels of wheat, per hour. 142 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 200. Harrison's Patent Grist Mill for Farm and Plantation use. Fig 201. This is an iron mill, and may be run by one, two or four horses' power, and will grind corn, rye, oats, or wheat, from 6 to 12 bushels per hour, according to the fineness re- quired, and is also arranged with steel cutters to grind corn with the cob. "^ The grinding parts of the mill may be re- placed at small expense if ever worn out. Oc- U ^l copies a space of three feet square, and weighs 1 ^ 2*75 pounds. Fig. £01. Premium Farm Grist Mill, an Improvement of the Coleman Mill. C. V. MAI'ES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 14:5 Fig-. 202. Patent Magic Corn, Cob, and Meal Mill. Fig. 202 represents this mill arranged for the direct application of power by a bolt. Fig. 203. Fig. 203 represents the same mill arranged for the direct action of the horse by a sweep. Either bf the above mills, with ten to fifteen revolutions per minute, will grind from 15 to 25 bushels per hour. Extra grinding teeth may be had at three to five dollars per set, thus renewing the mill at small cost. The peculiar excellence of this mill consists in the following, viz. :^— The cone is in a state of rest while the shell revolves. The arrangement of rollers prevents any alteration in figure of the meal space between the cone and the shell. 144 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. The change of feed is regulated by a single nut. While the number of feet of grinding surface, active per minute, is as great as in any other mill, the number of revolutions and chance of breakage or accident, is materially lessened. The cob is ground finer than the corn, although ground together. . From slow action at any one point, heating cannot occur. Fig. 203i|. This machine is much used at the North and West in connection with the common grist-mill, for the purpose of cracking or crushing the corn and cob together, preparatory to grinding between mill-stones. It is made to run either way, (right or left), to conform to the power by which it is driven. It is strong, cheap and durable. Fig. 203^1^. Com and Cob Crusher. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 145 Rice and CoiFee Hullers. Fig. 204, Rice and Coffee Huller. Fig. 205. Rice HuUer and Polislier. The attention of all those who are engaged in the culture of Rice and Coffee, or who are in the business of hulling and preparing rice for market, is invited to the above-mentioned machines. We have three sizes of the Rice and CoflFee Huller. No. 1 is intended to oper- ate by hand, and will hull 30 to 50 lbs. of rice per hour, and a much larger quan- tity of coffee. Nos. 2 and 3 are for horse or steam power, and will hull 50 and 100 lbs. respectively per hour. The Rice Huller and Polisher can be worked with four-horse power or steam. It hulls the rice perfectly, and afterward polishes and thoroughly cleanses it at the rate of 200 lbs. per hour. The peculiar advantages of this machine over the old-fashioned way of pound- ing the rice, are, that it will produce two or three pounds more rice in every bushel, and all the rice obtained is No, 1 or head rice, none being broken except what is broken by threshing. Both this machine and the huller are constructed with stones and india rubber attachments, with all the recent improvements. These machines have been in use for several years, have been fully tested, and wherever tried have given perfect satisfaction. 146 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, Cutler's Patent Quartz Crusher. This is a powerful and efficient pulverizer, and is well suited to the disintegration of hard substances, either in a wet or dry state ; it may be seen in operation atom- factory, where it is used for grinding burnt bones, and is capable of pulverizing 40 tons pe'r day to a dust, requiring 5 to 10 horses' power. Price |350. Fig. 205^. Bullock's Quartz Crusher. Fig. 205|^ represents Bullock's Quartz-Crusher, the general principles of which can be understood from the engraving. They are made of many sizes, varying in price from $500 to $6,000, and capable of performing duty, varying from 2 to 40 tons per day of hard quartz-grinding, and from 10 to 100 tons per day of soft ore, requiring from 2 to 20 horse power. The engraving fully represents the machine, which is intended to crush quartz by the continued rotation of large wheels passing around a circle, exercising not only their weight, but also, in addition to their crushing in line, a twisting motion which secures the finest results. The syphon arrangement for passing the water through the mass and washing out the more finely divided portion is fully illus- trated in the cut. See description of HoweWs Quartz Crusher. Fig. 430, p^ 231. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 147 Fig. 206 represents a valuable iron mill, very efficient and durable. It runs either by hand or horse power. With the latter it can be made to grind four bushels of grain fine, per hour, and a greater quantity if coarse. It is simple, and not liable to get out of repair; and w'len the plates or grinding surfaces are worn out, they can be replaced at a small cost. Extra plates can always be had with, the machine. Fig. 207. This Mill is used for grindmg grain, cotfee, spices, and drugs. It is usually operated by hand, though it can be constructed to run by other power. It grinds from one to two bushels per hour. When the plates or grinding surfaces arc worn out, they can be replaced as in the foregoing machine. There are several sizes of this Mill. Fig. 207. Hand trrain Mill. Fig. 208. This is properly a coffee or spice- mill, but will grind grain of any kind. It is sold without a frame, and is so constructed as to be fastened to a post or board in any part of the house ; or it can be attached to a simple frame. It grinds from eight to quarts per hour, depending mainly on the speed at which it is run. It had with or without extra plates. There are several sizes of this Mill. Fig. 208. Coffee Mill. sixteen may be 148 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. CORN SHELLERS. This labor-saving machine is among the vahiable improvements of the day, as 800,000,000 of bushels of corn are annually shelled in the United States, and when performed by machinery saves, in many districts, the waste consequent upon feed ing corn on the cob. Fig. 209. Clinton or Common Southern Sheller, These shellers. Fig. 209, are made with one and two balance-wheels, and are adapted to shelling the smaller varieties of corn. They can be furnished at low prices. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 140 Fig. 210 represents the South- ern sheller, a size adapted for shelling the large corn of the Southern and Western states; the wood work and machinery are designed especially for large farms and plantation use. It is made single or double, to shell one or two ears at the samr time. Fig. 211 represents the Southern Sheller, with a pul- ley and extra balance-wheel on the outside, which is also made single and double. It is operated by hand or horse power. The Western Sheller is of the same form and general construction as those above represented, but is of still larger size and stronger make, to fit it for shelling the largest kinds of Western and South- ern corn. It is made single or double, for hand or horse power. Fig. 210. Southern Sheller. Fig. 211. Southern Sheller. 150 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 212 represents both the Yankee and Boston shellers, which are different only in size, the former being the small- est, and adapted to the smaller corn grown in the New England States, while the lat- ter is a size larger, and adapted to the lar- ger corn of the Northern States. It is made single or double, to shell one or two ears at the same time. Fig. 212. Yarkee and Boston Sheller. Fig. 212^. Virginia Corn Sheller. Fig. 212-J. This shellor has been in use many years in the Southern states. It is a strong machine, and may be operated by two men or by horse power. Shells well and rapidly. Price, $25. Fig. 213. Smith's Corn Sheller and Separator. C. V. MA.PES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 151 Fig. 213. This machine consists of a horizontal toothed cylinder, and is made of several sizes. The ears of corn, in the operation, are confined to a part of the upper and rising side of this cylinder, by means of a concave extending the whole length of the machine, and being shovelled or let into the machine at one end, they are driven through, and the cobs discharged at the opposite end, while the grain falls below, being admitted on either side of the cylinder. The operation is governed by elevating or depressing the discharge end, which causes the machine to dis- charge the cobs fast or slow, and of course operates more or less upon tliem. This machine is capable of shelling two hundred bushels of ears per hour. We have several other hand and power corn shellers not enumerated above. Corn Hiiskers. This implement is much needed, but those already before the public require material amendment before they will deserve general adoption. We have several under consideration, and hope to be able to supply a superior article to any now on the market. Root Ctitters. Fig. 214. This Cutter is a recent invention. It cuts vegetables very rapidly, and in slices thin and tine enough for sheep, lambs, or calves. It is so very easily operated, that a boy can turn the '■rank rapidly. The inside arrangement is such as to prevent all liability of clog- ging the cutter while work- ing it, and the knives are easily repaired. The vege- tables, after being passed through the Cutter, may be mixed with straw, coarse hay, or other cheap forage which one would like to dispose of economically, and the mix- ture, after lying a little time, so that the forage may be- come impregnated with the juices and scent of the sliced roots, will be grcedilv and Fig. 214. Willard's Patent Boot Cutter. i i, i i ' +i.^ ° wholly consumed oy the ftock. Pumpkins arc easily cut with this machine, so as to be conveniently and 'juickly cooked for swine. 152 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 215, The cutting- wheel is made of cast-iron, faced on one side, through which are inserted three knives similar to plane-irons. These cut the vegetables into thin slices with great rapidity, and then cross-knives operate to cut and break them into irregular pieces, of convenient form and size for cattle or sheep to eat, without danger of chok- ing. This machine is put together in the most permanent and manner. Fig. 216. Mott's Agricultural Furnaces. These are well adapted for cooking vegetables and other food for stock, and as a portable furnace if required. They are made double: the inner hemisphere being the boiling-kettle, and the outer shell attached to the fire-room below, supplying a concentric space as a fire-passage, permitting the whole surface of the inner kettle to be enveloped by flame. There are several sizes, varying from 10 to 120 gallon? each, and are sufiiciently light and portable to be easily moved; they may be C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 15;3 used for burning either wood or coal ; when used for coal, the fire-chamber is lined with brick. Fig. 217. These furnaces are made with and without covers, and arc arranged for wood or fitted with grates and fire-brick lining for coal. With the lining they are ever durable by replacing the bricks occasionally, at an expense of only $1 25, and can be used with wood with equal facility as if not lined. They heat equally as quick at the front as at the back part, the fire and draft being entirely under the control of the operator by sim- ply moving one damper at the back part ; consequently they are well adapted for manufacturing and me- chanical purposes, and for farmers' ■B.- ni>r niT r. , t. * 4. r. * vi r. u usc, whcrc au equal and governable Fig. 217. MacGregor's Patent Portable Caldron ' , . t u •1• Furnace, or Agricultural Boiler, heat is required. For the boihng of oil, the rendering of tallow, lard, and such like articles, the boiling of food for stock, and the scalding of hogs, they are unequalled by any furnace or boiler in the market. They are of difierent sizes, holding from a half-barrel to four barrels. Small Steaming Apparatus of various kinds supplied for steaming or cooking food. See description of PrindWs Agricultural and General Steamer, fig. 431, page 235. 10 154 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE, CIDER MILLS. The following is a material improvement on the old style Cider Mill, where the press impinged on so large a surface as to render the exudation of the juice but partial ; indeed the very time and labor bestowed in the preparation of the pumice was o-reater than is now required for the entire manufacture of cider. Fig. 218. Kindleberger's Patent Buckeye Cider Mill. Fig. 218. A very effective Cider Mill, compact, light, and portable, easily oper- ated, and of low price. They may be worted by steam, water, horse, or hand power. The apples are first ground in the mill attached to the machine, which is capable of being varied so as to prepare the pumice more or less finely ; it is then shovelled from the box under the mill into the press-frame, where the juice is readily expressed by the running down of a heavy screw, armed with a pinion, working on a larger cog- wheel, so as to multiply tlie power, as in Fig. 218. "When apples are pressed im- mediately after being ground, the cider is of much better quality than when pressed from pumice which has lain exposed to the atmosphere until the surfaces have turned brown. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 155 These portable mills enable small quantities to be worked at a time and early in the season ; when dropped apples are unfit for making cider, they may be expressed for vinegar without its having the foul flavor consequent upon the long keeping of unripe apples. In the making of currant, rhubarb, blackberry, raspberry, cherry, and other fruit wines, it is necessary to grind the fruit before the juice can be expressed from it, and this must be done immediately after the grinding, all of which can be readily brought about by these mills. The same facts apply in the making of wine from grapes. The press portion of these machines may also be used for the pressing of lard, tallow, etc. We have a variety of sizes of smaller presses varying in price from $1. to $20. Fig. 219i. This machine presents more surface and is bettor arranged for a large amount of work than the grinding portion of any other cider mill, while its applicability to pulping roots, now so desirable for mixing with chaffed hay and other fodder, ren- ders it peculiarly valuable. By a slight change it becomes an eflective corn slieller, equal to any other hand sheller in market ; it is accompanied by a press similar to that in Fiff. 218. 156 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. CHURNS. A theory has been long advocated that the ultimate spheroids of milk or cream were hollow and contained butter, and this of late has given rise to a variety of churning implements under the name of " Milk-Grinders," the inventors claiming that, by their peculiar mode of manipulation, these molecules or spheroids were more perfectly broken, and therefore that they could liberate the butter in five minutes, or even less time. They, however, churn with the milk or cream at very high temperatures, producing less butter, without grain, being homogeneous in its character, and not possessing good keeping properties. By close microscopic in- vestigation we have failed to find these spheroids, and therefore do not believe in their existence. Fig. 220. Lapham & Wilson's Air Pressure Churn. The requirements for a good churn are the ability to produce butter from sweet milk or cream, at a low temperature, possessing perfect grain and good keeping properties; ten minutes is as short a time for the production of such, as has been C. V. MAPES ILLUSTEATED CATALOGUE. 15: attained. A good churn should produce all the butter the milk or cream is cap- able of furnishing, and nearly at the same instant of time, so that the portion first formed should not be overchurned before the completion of the process. This, as will be seen by the fiig. 220 is a barrel mounted on two trunnions, one of which is armed with a handle, by which the barrel may be revolved in the direction of its length. The cover is fastened on by a thumb-screw bearing upon a bar and making a tight joint at the chime ; near the quarter is a small faucet, which is connected by an India-rubber tube, with a movable air-pump ; after placing the milk or cream within the barrel the air-pump is attached, the small faucet opened and air is forced into the vessel until the necessary pressure is attained ; the faucet is thus closed and the air-pump removed, the barrel is then revolved by the handle from five to ten minutes, when the butter will be found to have formed; it may then be removed from the churn and worked in the usual way. The result is of excellent quality, good grain, and good keeping properties, and eight to nine per cent, greater in quantity than when made in those churns requiring the contents to be warmer than sixty-two degrees. Fig. 221. This Churn is so construct- ed that the cream or milk is readily brought to the desired temperature without mixing water or other sub- stances, and the temperature certainly and definitely determined, which proves invaluable in the art of making butter. One improvement consists in the construction of a double bottom, made in the form of a semicircle, of two sheets of zinc, or other metal, placed one above the other, the cream to rest on the uppermost; between' the two sheets is a space or chamber, into which may be introduced cold or Fig, 221. Thermometer Churn. warm water, as may be required to increase or diminish the temperature of the cream or milk. Another improvement is a Thermometer permanently and securely placed in one end of the Churn, marked at 62 degrees, and which comes in contact with the milk or cream, to indicate its temperature, so that the operator may know and de- termine with certainty when it is brought to the proper state. If the cream is too warm, the mercury in the thermometer will rise above the mark of 62 degrees and cold water should be applied in the chamber described ; if too cold, the mercury will fall below the mark, when warm water must be used instead of cold. The cream or milk should be stirred by turning the crank while the water is being in- troduced, to give the contents an equal temperature throughout. When the ther- mometer indicates that the cream or milk is of the proper temperature, the water may be drawn out through the tube placed for the purpose, when the churning should be performed by giving the crank about forty revolutions to the minute. 158 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. This Churn is simple in its construction — is light, portable, durable, very easily operated, and readily cleansed. The crank and dash are easily taken out to facilitate cleansing. Fig.222. Thisisoneof the simplest rotary Churns, and combines many of the good qualities of other cylindrical Churns; the dasher can be taken out in a moment when it requires cleaning, which should be done at the end of each churning. It is light and portable, and may be operated by a child. There are five sizes varying from two and three- quarters to fifteen gallons. i'lg. utiZ- Cyiiuaer CJnun. Fig. 223 represents the Common Dash Churn, of which we have a great variety of sizes, made of cedar or pine, and with iron or brass hoops as may be preferred. iig. 223. Dasli Churn. fig. 225. Lever Jiutter Worker. Fig. 224. Cylindrical Butter Worker. Fig. 224 represents the Cylindrical Butter Worker, a machine which should be more generally used in butter-making. Its advantages are, that the butter can be kept cool in working, and the necessity of using the hands avoided ; the butter-milk may be more thoroughly worked from the butter, and the salt worked in more even|y. Marble tops when ordered. Fig. 225 represents a very simple machine for working butter. It is easily cleansed, and takes but little room. It may be made with square or round fluted lever, as may be required. There are three sizes, capable of working from 5 to 20 lbs. to each operation. <3. V MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 159 tig. 226. Butter Moulds. Fig. 226 represents a mould for forming butter into well- shaped lumps when intended for market.; and if full, con- tains either one or two pounds, according to size ; or smaller quantities may be prepared very neatly for the table — as each lump is left with a figure stamped on the upper side. Of these we have a great variety of patterns and sizes, together with wooden ladles, spoons, spats, etc., for use in the dairy. Fig. 227. The only proper instru- ment for testing the qualities of milk drawn from different cows. It con- sists of glass tubes placed perpendic- ularly in a wood frame : these tubes are divided and subdivided by maiks into equal spaces ; they are filled to equal height, each with the milk of a particular cow, when, after re- maining a proper time, the quantity of cream in each is readily seen through the glass, and the exact 1 -J j _ i i - '.; 1 ! P - 1 iiji a W fl pj Fig. 2^7. Lactometer, ifference determined by the marks. Fig. 228. Thermometer for testing the temperature of milk. As milk should never be churned at a temperature above 62^ Fahrenheit, the thermometer becomes a necessary appendage to the dairy. Fig. 229. This is a light and port- able cheese press, and a great conve- nience to the dairy-woman. The cheese is placed hi the machine, and its own weight presses it — the press- ure at first being quite moderate, as it should be, but gradually increasing as E'igT228. the inside frame moves down, until the cheese is perfectly pressed. Light or heavy pressure may be applied to cheese of the same weight, by simply raising or lowering the in- side frame by sliding blocks between the two followers — indeed, the Press may be regulated to any degree of pressure that may be desired. The cheese is not removed until the pressing is completed. Fig. 229. White's Patent Self-Acting Cheese Press. 160 c. V. M apes' illustbated catalogue. IRON MEAT CUTTERS. These are of various patterns, and differ materially in the quality of the cutting some tear the meat more than others, and some cut without tearing — some present a greater amount of knife-surface than others, and therefore may remain longest in use without requiring sharpening — some are readily cleaned by all the parts being separable, even the knives being movable for sharpening, washing, etc. — some are arranged with sausage-stuffers attached, and others are without them. The larger sizes are for butchers' use for the cutting of sausage-meat, and are arranged for hand or other power — the smallest sizes for family use, for making sausage-meat, meat-balls, fish-balls, hashes, etc. Directions for using. — Fasten the machine firmly on a level form or table, by screws through the feet — cut the meat into pieces, the size of an egg, free from bone, and feed it in the hopper, at the same time turning the crank as fast as the machine will clear itself of meat. If the meat delivers too coarsely, set the slide, so as to partly cover the exit opening, and feed more slowly — if the meat be frozen, dip it in warm water, before cutting. The larger sizes when driven by power, are capable of cutting 1,000 lbs. per hour. The sausage stuffers are cylinders of tin, armed with a piston, worked by a rack and pinion, some of the smaller sizes of meat cutters have stuffers of a different construction. Figs, 230 and 231 represent Perry's Patent Revolving Knife, meat cutters, geared ; of which there are four sizes. — Nos. 20, 30, 40 and 50, the latter is large for steam power — the object in gear- ing these cutters has been", not simply to make them work easier, but to make them cut the meat better. It will be noticed that Fig. 230. Fig. 231. Perry's Patent Meat Cutters. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 161 they are so geared, that the cutters and driving studs run in opposite directions, causing a continual drawing stroke by the knife, as the meat is pressed on it by the driver. In fact these Geared Cutters are the only ones in market that completely cut the meat without mashing or grinding it in some degree. We have the same kind of cutters not geared, at a lower price — of these, there are two sizes, Nos. 2 and 3. Nos. 00 and 000 are simple and cheaper machines, with straight knives. The Older Patterns of Meat Cutters. Of these, we have five sizes, as per price list. Fig. 232 represents the Iron Meat Cutter Shut. Fig. 232. Iron Meat Cutter. Shut. Fig. 233 represents the Iron Meat Cutter Open. Fig. 233. Iron Meat Cutter, Opsn. Fig. 234 represents No. 4 Meat Cutter, Geared. Fig- 234- No. 4 Meat Cutter, Geared. ^n2 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOl^KlE. Fig. 235. Souble Geared Meat Cutter. Fig. 235 represents a large size Meat Cutter, for horse or steam power. Fig. 236. Hale's Meat Cutter and Stufler, open. Fig. 237. Hale's Meat Gutter and Stuffer, closed. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATAM niK, 163 Figs. 2.36 and 237 represent Hale's new meat cutter composed of edged rollers, acting as continuous shears on a central knife placed between them : the machine is continuously self-sharpening, and has the sausage-stuffer attached when required, as in Fig. 237. The cutting and stuffing are automatic to the action of the ma- chine, and therefore both are performed at once; the easy removal of the shear- cylinders and knife from the case facilitates the cleansing of it. SAUSAGE FILLERS OR STUFFERS. Of these we have a variety, as represented by the following illustrations ; Fig. 238. This Filler is simple and effective, substituting le- ver-power for the ordinary rack and pin- ion. Fig. 239. Shepard's Improved Sausage Filler. Fig. 239 is the newest Filler, and is continuous in its action ; its ca- pacity may be increased by the addi- tion of a tin hopper holding a greater quantity. It is capable of filling 300 pounds of sausages per hour. '■-^^ Fig. 240. Of those we have 5 sizes — four sizes with one or two tubes, which screw on to the nozzle, differing in size, to fit larofe or small skins. Fig. 240. Cylinder Sausage Stuffer. 1G4 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Fig. 241 represents the auto- matic Apple Parer, one of the first and still the best in use. "We have a variety of kinds, some of which pare, core, and slice the fruit at one time. The fruit is simply placed on the fork, and, Fig. 241. Apple Parer. by turning the crank, the knife will adjust itself to the surface, removing the entire skin. Fig. 242. These Yokes and Bows are of superior quality, both as to timber and workmanship. The Yokes are of birch, beech, and elm ; the bows of the best hickory, and bent by steam by the most approved methods, so as to prevent the striating of the Fig. 242. Ox Yokes and Bows. wood on the outer side ; the use of screw-rivets in these Yokes materially increases their strength, thus permitting a proper degree of lightness ; the iron portions are of superior quality and work- manship, and the bows are well fitted, oi common or egg shape, and fastened with patent spring Bow-pins. We have a variety of sizes of these Yokes, as per Price List, page 10 ; other sizes will be furnished to order. Also have on hand a large stock of finished and unfinished Ox-bows of all sizes; also Yoke-irons and plain Yoke-shapes. Fig. 243 represents the Bow-Pin used above for confining the bow in the ox-yoke. The outside cir- cular parts are opened from the center or body part by a spring, when the center part is put through a hole in the bow, and the spring closes the circular parts again, clasping the bow on both sides, and preventing all possibility of its dropping out. Fig. 244. This is an excellent instru- ment for leading bulls or other cattle- The thumb and finger being pressed im- mediately over the ends of the spring of the Leader, open the balls, and it is then slipped on the cartilage of the nose, and the spring gently closes it. The cartilage being thinner on the in- side of the nose than it is near the end, prevents the balls from slipping "off; and the harder the strain is on Fig 244. Howe's Adjustable Cattle Leader. the cord, the tighter the balls hug to the cartilage. The instrument can be applied or removed in a moment. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 165 The superiority of this instrument over the use of a cord around the horns, par- ticularly for young cattle, cannot be doubted, while for the unruly bull it gives more perfect control. Fig. 245. Every bull should be rung after at- taining the age of one year. It is easily done by punching the cartilage between the nostrils, and then inserting the ring and screwing it to- gether. With a ring in his nose, the most fractious animal is easily managed. The left hand figure shews the ring open ready to insert. A screw-driver accompanies each ring. These rings are of copper and steel, and of various sizes; also plated with silver. Fig. 246. These are of brass or composition. They are screwed to the ends of the horns, and thus prevent cattle from injuring each other by hooking. They are also very ornamental. Fig. 245. Bull Bing. Figs. 247, 248 and 249. Cattle-Ties. The above cuts represent Chains for confining cattle in their stables. The large ring works up and down upon a round post or stanchion at the side of the manger. It is the neatest and most secure fastening known, and at the same time the most comfortable, as the animal slips the chain up and down the stationary post, by the large ring, when it wishes to move its head in feeding, or getting up and lying down ; it can also turn and lick itself thus fastened. Such a chain will last an age. The kind at the left hand can be attached to posts already up. Chains. Chains of all kinds, of superior quality, including tethering chains for feeding off lawns and grass-fields; halter chains; trace chains, from light to heavy, suitable for plowing and heavy draft, and varying from 6|^ to 11 feet; back chains of all kinds; draft chains, from 6 to 11 feet in length, with a hook at each end, and of various sizes ; whiffle-tree, fence, log, and other chains. 166 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. HARNESS, CARTS, &c. &C. Double and single harness for plow, wagon, and cart use ; cart saddles, breeching collars, bridles, bands, reins, etc., and every article required^for cart, wagon and plow. Fig. 250 represents a strong light hame for a cart horse. Of these, we have a great variety of light and heavy, variously mounted. Fig. 251 represents a pair of truss whiffle-trees, with an evener, forming a full set : of these, we have two sizes. Their construction resolves all the force of the team on the wood in the direction of its length, thus causing strength to be combined with lightness. We Fig. 251. Flow and Cart Harness- have also a variety of wooden whiffle-trees of different sizes, with hooks, spring hooks and rings, as may be preferred. Fig. 252. Hand Cart. This is a light, useful Cart, and is very serviceable for plantation farm, garden and city use. They have iron hubs, and are not subject to derangement by exposure to the weather. Price, $18. C. V. ISrAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 167 Fig. 253. Horse Cart. These Carts are manufactured expressly for plantation and farm use, and are made strong for hard service ; may be used with one or two horses, and are so arranged as to discharge the load by upsetting it. When supplied with a tongue, they may be used with a yoke ot oxen. Pi ice, $40 to $50. Farm Wagons. Of all kinds furnished to order. Fig. 254. This is the simplest and cheapest form of road scraper. We can also furnish the improved road sci'aper with wheels. This scraper is elevated by a rack and pinion, and is capable of transporting with a single horse a cubic yard of dirt. Fig. 254, how- ever, is a much che-aper implement and in more general use, being better adapted to the ordinary re- pair of roads and the removal of earth for shoit dis tances. It is also sometimes used as a stone boat, and answers the purpose quite as well as the long tim- ber stone boat, being much cheaper and more durable. Fig-, 2'54. Cast Iron Road Scraper or Ox Shovel. Fig. 255. Improved Wheelbarrow. Fig. 255 represents the Improved Wheelbarrow, being much stronger than 168 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGTJE. any before made, and extremely light. The hub of the wheel is of iron, contain- ing pockets to receive the spokes, and these being attached to an iron axle, cannot become deranged from change of figure. An iron shoe attached to the side rails passes under the standing legs, thus bracing the frame work thoroughly. Joint bolts enter the top of the leg, giving permanency and strength to the mortice. All parts are put together with similar joint bolts, enabling the barrow to be readily taken apart and packed in a small space for shipment. Of these, we have four sizes, as per price list, the smallest size suited for boys' use. Fig. 266. Bailroad or Canal Barrow. Fig. 256 is a cheap barrow, and calculated for use in the building of railroads and canals. In the removal of stones, and other rough uses, this barrow will be found useful. Its body or pan is of bent timber, and the whole so thoroughly braced by hoop iron judiciously strapped upon it, as to produce the greatest amount of strength and the least cost and weight. The bowls may be packed in nests of six each, the handles strapped in a bundle, and the wheels and small pieces boxed. Fig. 267. French Pattern Barrow. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. i6y Fig. 257 represents the French pattern barrow, with three wheels. By this arrangement the barrow, when heavily loaded, may be moved without the operator suspending the weight by the handles. In meeting an impediment, the handles be- come levers, by which the single wheel may be lifted as in mounting a curb-stone\ For store use this barrow is peculiarly adapted. Fig. 258. These are fully described by the engraving, the darker portions repre- senting iron. These trucks are used in stores and ware- houses for moving boxes, bales, etc. Of these we have six sizes, varying from very light to very strong and heavy, as per price list. Fig. 259. Southern Cotton Truck. Fig. 259 represents the Southern Cotton Truck. These are of three sizes, with wheels of increased size, as compared with those of 258, and terminating at the lower or fulcrum end with flattened points instead of a bar, as in the store truck, entering these flattened points beneath the bale of cotton, enables the handles to be used as a long lever to raise it with ease. This is a new article and well suited for use at cotton presses, etc. 11 170 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTBATED CATALOGUE. Platform Trucks. We also have four sizes of these trucks, with four wheels each and a hinged tongue ; the wheels, axles, and tongue being of iron, platform of wood bolted to rear axle and front transit bar. Wheel-Jacks. Fig. 260 is a simply-constructed jack, which explains itself as given in the en- graying. Fig. 260. Fig. 261. Wheel Jack. Fig. 262- Cylinder Wagon Jacks. Fig. 261. This represents a wheel-jack of a larger size, capable of sustaining heavier weights. For still heavier purposes sec Jack-Screw. Fig. 262 is a wheel-jack entirely of iron, and of suflScient strength for all the uses to which it is likely to be applied. The above are very useful articles for greasing wagons, etc. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 171 Fig. 263. Reed's Patent Jack-Screws. Fig. 263. Used for raising build- ings or heavy work, and consistrng of two screws, one above the other, and moving in opposite directions, so that the gain is double at each revolution of the lever which turns them. They are made of various sizes — 1|, If, 2, and 2^^ inch, and of various lengths. Another size, 1^ inch, is made quite light, and used principally as a wagon jack. Also single screw Jacks. Ballard's Patent Jack-Screw. These are a superior article, and have met the approbation of the government, being now in general use in the United States navy; indeed they have displaced jack-screws of most other makers. We have 25 kinds of these screws, varying in price from $12 to $50, including the large size clawed jack-screws, railroad, cotton, timber, sugar, planking, iron-clamp, and other jack-screws. ^--^ Fig. 264 represents a cheap fixture, with a rope, to raise water from wells, and is admirably adapted for raising and lowering light weights, as it works with despatch. Several sizes. Fig. 265. Backet. Fig. 265. Well-Bucket, used in connection with the Wheel, or any apparatus for drawing water from wells. Three sizes. Fig. 264. Well Wheel. 172 C. Y. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, CAST STEEL SAWS. Jig. 266. Of these we have every variety, including Hoe i'ce, and it scarcely produced a. painful sensation. We can say that there is certainly a great saving of buttons and in the wear of garments, when they are washed with a series of yielding spring pestles like those here shown. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 219 This separate arrangement of independent pestles divides the force, so that the inequalities upon a mass of clothing in the tub are fitted by the yielding springs. Again, the surface of the water is so broken up that there is none of that splash- ing which occurs when a broad single pestle is struck down. In several trials we found it next to impossible to splash the water over the sides of the tub. The pestle, or combination of pestles, is hung at c? (fig. 1), on a double cord, r, which can be shortened by simply twisting it. This cord is stretched between the upper ends of two wooden sprim/s,s ft. These springs are thin strips of tough wood set loosely into mortices in the base-board, b, so that they can be taken out when not in use. To show its construction, we have in the cut elevated the pounder above the surface of the tub, though in ordinary use it is not raised so high. Fig. 3 shows the springs, base-board, and pestle packed into the tub, and the whole set aside. It occupies no more space than the width of the tub (2^ feet), and the height of the springs (6 feet). Fig. 411. Wringing Machine. The whole operation is simple and eftective. The batch for washing is 25 to 30 yards of cloth, or say eight or ten shirts, or their equivalent in other garments. Our first trial was upon a lot of bed-quilts being washed and put away for sum- mer, and these at once brought out the capabilities of the machine for heavy work. 220 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. The springs throw up the pestle well, and it works so easily that a woman of only moderate strength is able to give it the requisite motion and forcible blow, and still stand in an erecl position. The Attachment, for removing water from the clothes, entirely dispenses with wringing, by passing the clothes between elastic rollers. It is done five times as fast as clothes can be wrung by hand, and removes the water so thoroughly that the clothes dry in one hour on the line. It is easily operated, and does not injure the cloth. Fig. 41 1 represents the Wringing Machine referred to above, which fully ex- plains itself. Fig. 412 represents the Wringing Machine attached to a common tub — it may be placed on the Washing Ma- chine if desired, and materially abates the labor of washing. The Washing Machine and Wringer are sold at $10 each. Fig. 412. Wringing Machine and Tub. Fig. 413, Washing Fig. 413 represents this new style of Washing Machine. It consists of a metal cylinder, with cleets on the inner surface, and an interior cylinder of wood with cleets. There is a space of from six to eight inches between the two cylinders. One crank turns both cylind&rs at the same time in opposite direc- tions, rapidly creating suds, forcing the water through the clothes, and effectually removing the dirt. These are of 3 sizes, at |12, |14, and $16 each. Patent Portable Mangle. Fig. 414 is an admirable Mangle for mangling linen or cotton clothes, and the results are every way superior to the ordinary ironing process with heated irons. The rollers are operated upon by weights and levers contained in the lower or closed part of the case, and exercise a pressure, when in use, of many tons. For ironing bed and table linen, towels, etc., it is without an equal, and when closed, forms a sightly piece of furniture. Cost $40. Fig. 414. Patent Portable Mangle. Bee-Hives. Fig. 415. Explanation of Cat, — AAA store boxes; B, brood box ; C C, air space around the brood box ; D, feed box. This hive has been constructed with reference to the greatest prof- it of the bee-keeper, and the protection of the bees from the moth and storms. The brood box, and also the store boxes, are all enclosed within a neat, well-made cottage house. The brood box, or hive, is placed upon the floor, some six inches from the foundation on which the cottage stands. We have a large variety of '^ patent and improved bee-hives. W Price $2 50 to $5 00. Fig. 415. French's Bee Cottage. 222 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Improved Boring Macliine. Fig. 416. Improved £oring Macliine. Fig. 416. Used for framing buildings, cars, bridges, etc. This machine is attached to the top of the timber that is to be bored, and the workman seats him- self across it, operating the auger by turning the two cranks, one with each hand, and performs a much greater amount of work, more perfectly, and with more ease than can be done by the laborious operation of turning the common auger. By shipping a gear, and the same motion of the cranks, the auger is quickly drawn out, leaving the hole clear of chips. It is neatly finished, light, and portable, and but two feet three inches long, and two feet high. A set of augers are fitted to each machine, comprising 1, li, and 2 inches, 18 qrs. Extra augers, and other sizes, furnished to order. Of these machines we have a variety, including those with iron frames capable of being set at any angle for boring. C. V. MAPES IIXUSTKATED CATALOGUE. 223 Fay's Portable Mortising Machine. Fig. 4] 7. This is a complete machine in itself mov- able from place to place in the shop or room, and is operated independently of any fixtures of the build- ing. It is a convenient and valuable machine for all light work. Of these we have several patterns. Also, planing machines, tenanting machines, etc. Fig. 417. Fay's Portable Mortising Machine Portable Forge and Bellows. Fig. 418. These forges are circular, and capable of being entirely closed, so as to prevent danger from fire. The fumes and smoke are readily carried, by a simple pipe, to a chimney ; they have an opening at the apex of the cone, enabling them to be used out of doors. The bellows is situated below the hearth, and protected within the case ; while the water, if used in excess, is carried off by a gutter connecting 224 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. with the forge, directly under the twier, and carried off at the back. There are six sizes of Blacksmiths' Forges, and five sizes of Jewellers' Forges, represented by the engraving. The Patent Eccentric Wrench. PATENTED SEPT. 25, 1859. IMPROVED 1860. Fig. 419. There is no wrench which can compare with this in ease and quickness of ad- justment, since the motion required to change the position of the sliding jaw is performed instantaneously. The holding power of the movable jaw is derived from a steel cam or eccentric inserted within it, in contact with the bar, and in- creasing its stabilitj' by every increase of strain, until released by the pressure of the thumb upon a small projecting lever, when the jaw is free to move and adapt itself in an instant to a nut of any size. On releasing the lever, the jaw is firmly fixed. This is the only principle which can be successfully applied to the crooked or S wrench ; and the eccentric S wrench is offered to the public as the first ever constructed with a movable jaw, and, from its ease of adjustment, is particularly recommended to machinists, carriage-builders, farmers, and all others who now use a separate sized S wrench for every size of nut. They are finished in the best manner, and combine, in a high degree, simplicity, strength, and durability. The Brush or Koot-Puller. Fig. 420. This is a very useful implement to attach to bushir, clumps of roots, and bogs, for the purpose of pulling them out of the ground. It is made with two, three, or four claws. These are hooked to the bush close to the ground, an ox-chain is then hooked into a hole at the other end of the puller, the cattle attached, when the bush or roots are easily hauled out. It is a great labor- saver in clearing new lands or bushy pastures. Tig. 420. The Bush or Root Puller. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 225 Kenny's Patent Stump Extractor and Press. Fig. 421 is a good arrangement of lever chains, etc., as expressed in the engraving, for the pulling of stumps, removal of stones, moving buildings, pulling locomotives or cars on the track when off, the press- ing of cider, hops, hay, cloth, cot- ton, or almost any work where great lever power is wanted. It may be operated by hand or horse power, or by both combined ; weighing 850 pounds. The price of No. 1 is $175, No. 2, $125. 226 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE. Hall's Hand-power Patent Stump Machine. Fig. 422. This is a cheap machine, composed of an upright frame sustaining a shaft armed with a chain, and having a pawl and rachet on each end of the shaft, to which may be attached hand levers of any desired length ; the chain being attached to the stump, may be worked like the handle of a pump, and all the power gained at each oscillation is retained by the pawl and rachet. It is extremely simple, and may readily be moved from place to place. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 227 Willis' Patent Stnmp Extractor. Fig. 423. The power of this machine is very great, and its ac- tion rapid. Secured to one anchor stump, in a central point, it may turn upon such anchor, without change of fasten ^ng, till perhaps an acre of ground is cleared of stumps, expeditiously, and with but slight expense of labor as compared with the work done. The machine is equally well adapted to clearing land of large stones, pulling them from their resting-place and lifting them high enough to place a cart or stone-boat under, and then de- positing the stone on the vehicle for removal from the field. It is also advantageously employed in the moving of buildings, and in the construction of roads, removing trees, stumps, stones, and other obstructions from the route. This is a single-lever power, not in the least complicated, but hav- S ing chains so arranged in connec- tion with it, that the resistance it is capable of overcoming is made to depend, not upon the strength of the team, but upon the time it works. Thus, a team that would overcome a resistance of ten tons in one miaute, would overcome a resistance of a hundred tons in ten minutes. It was on this ground that the editor of the Sprinfjjield RejmhUcan, after seeing it work, las said, " With it a yoke of cattle will move any thing, lift any thing, dislodge any thing, so happily and advantageously is the lever power applied." Hundreds of eye-witnesses have reaffirmed the same thing, which is strictly true, and is so on the 228 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. wc41-lvnown mechanical principle, that as the resistance is increased the time is prolonged, two or three minutes being required to draw, with a yoke of oxen, a stump of one foot and a half diameter, five or six for one of three feet, and from ten to fifteen for the largest. Machines of different sizes, prices, and power have heretofore been in demand, but the impossibility of making the small machines adequate to the heaviest work, in connection with the ascertained fact that those who purchase them will put them to that work, has determined the manufacturer to off"er hereafter none but the largest machines, adequate to all purposes; weight, almost 'wholly of the best wrought-iron, about one ton; cash price $225 ; with exclusive right for a township, $250 ; with ditto for a county, $350 to $600. Improved Carriage, G-arden, and Farm G-ates. Fig. 424. This is a superior and durable article, being made of white oak, steamed and bent under end pressure, so as to pre- serve the solidity of the timber; they are light, strong, and durable, of many sizes and patterns. Those intended for main entrances are double or single as may be preferred. These gates vary in price, for gardens, from 82 to $5 ; and double gates for main eo- trances, from $8 to $25, according to style and size. Babbit's Premium Portable Fence. Fig. 425 represents, in perspective, the improved Farm, Plantation, and Railroad Fence. It was the design of the inventor to construct a cheap but dur- able fence, which could be readily set up or taken down, and that when put up, should not be liable to any derangement by frost, exposure to winds, or unruly cattle. This fence can be used as a permanent or a temporary one. Forty rods of it can be taken down and put up in a day by one man. It is made of oak, hemlock, or pine, and can be made ornamental by attaching caps to the posts. The fence cannot be blown down even in the most exposed places, as has been proved. It makes not only a cheap fence, but one in all respects equal to the 'best, and possesses decided advantnges over all others, and is equally adapted for a cot- tage or a prairie fence. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 229 Fig. 425. Picket, and other styles of fence, manufactured by machinery, are in prepara- tion, and will be furnished at from $2 to $4 per rod. Scales, Fig. 426. Hay Scales. Fig. 427. Warehouse Scales. Railroad, canal, coal, hay, store, and other platform scales, of every variety of size and pattern, at manu- facturers' prices. Fig. 428. Platform Scales. Fig. 429, Since the original inven- tion of the cotton gin, by Eli Whit- ney, the improve- ments have been simply to increase the number of lags on the brush cyl- inder, with the view of subdivid- ing the pellets from the saw-gin teeth into a finely-divided lint ; but it has re- mained for the in- ventors of the above to add a condenser, , so as to deliver the lint in a continuous bat ready for pack- ing in the bale, and thus doing away with the tedious process of stamping and com pressing the lint. The engrav- ing so thoroughly represents the ma- chine and its action as to render des- cription unneces- sary; the separation of sand, dirt, etc., is quite perfect. C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 231 Howell's Quartz Crusher and Universal Mill. Fig. 430. Howell's Quartz Crasher and Universal Mill. Fig. 430 represents this extraordinary mill which is capable of crushing a larger amount of material with a less expenditure of power than any other mill now in use. The engraving fully represents all the parts ; and a portion of the side left off to exhibit the arms, shows its inside structure. The shell is three feet diameter and five inches wide ; a steel shaft passes through the centre, armed with six pro- jections or arms, reaching nearly to the periphery or rim, which is corrugated on its inner side. The material to be crushed is thrown in alongside the shaft, and has its exit on the opposite side, through the pipe there represented. Each piece of ore or other material, as received, is stricken by the arms and immediately rendered dust fine, in which condition it is thrown out at the tube on the opposite side by the action as a centrifugal blower. The fineness of the product and the efficiency of the mill depend entirely upon the velocity with which it is moved, and the position of the pipe for the exit of the ground material. At low velocities it will be an ex- cellent rice and coffee huller, and at high velocities the hardest gold quartz can be reduced to an impalpable powder. The exit pipe should pass into a room of sufficient length to enable the different 232 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. products, as in the grinding of wheat, to settle by their difference of gravity in various portions of the room, thus doing away with the necessity of bolting, bran dusting, etc. It may be used for various purposes other than those enumerated, such as pre- paring facing for foundcries ; disintegration of short pieces of old rope, in place of picking oakum ; shelling the various South American nuts ; preparing linseed, prior to its being pressed ; crushing of poppy and other oil-yielding seeds; prepar- ing dye-woods after being sawed into blocks, previous to separating the extract; cleansing cocoa from its shells ; crushing of bones ; grinding of corn, oats, etc., as horse feed ; beating cut corn stalks into the loose fibre, after having been passed through the cutting box ; grinding wheat without the flour being lubbed as in other mills, and cleanly separating, by difference of gravity, the bran, etc.; dividing- bark for tanners' use into a fibre, instead of compressed particles, so as the more readily to admit of the extraction of the tannic acid ; grinding of loaf sugar ; prep- aration of zinc and other ores, previous to their use in furnaces; pulverization of Franklinite pig iron, Arkansite stone and other hard substances, before being mixed with gutta percha and cast into files, rasps, etc. ; preparation of bone black for blacking makers, printing ink makers, etc. ; the division of fur, preparatory to felting ; grinding drugs ; grinding, in the dry state, of white lead, arsenic, baryta, etc. ; grinding of old fire-brick in the manufacture of clay retorts ; preparation of plumbago for black lead pots; preparation of clays, feldspar, etc., for the manufacture of porcelain ; division of the coarser kinds of paper stock into fibre, such as beech- wood shavings, cut straw, etc.; grinding of Rosendale and other cement stones, ei- ther hot or cold ; grinding of many kinds of snuff"; and for purposes of disintegration generally. Weight 1200 lbs. ; price, with pulley complete, in working order, $300. ANALYSIS OF THE ACTION OF HOWELL'S QUARTZ CRUSHER. For a clear understanding of the action of this instrument, it will be necessary to analyze some of the natural laws which are brought into requisition during its use. The diff'erence between absolute momentum and continued force is well under- stood ; but when the momentum is carried up to unusual speeds it is claimed that new actions and functions are developed, which are not to be found in the trip hammer or other usual methods of exercising momentum. Suppose a piece of gold quartz thrown into the atmosphere, and during its descent to be stricken by a sledge hammer, travelling at the rate of twenty thousand feet per minute, it is claimed that the action will not be merely to break the gold quartz into many pieces, but to surprise the cohesive power of the mass, and thus, for an instant of time, to do away with that property, rendering the mass representing smoke or the finest possible division of matter. And this claim, we think, can be rendered understandable by a clear illustration of what constitutes cohesion, and also by a development of a new function which may be thus expressed. A body in motion is said, in common mechanical parlance, to have a power as a prcjo^'tile "equal to ils weight multiplied by its velocity ;" it may be said, with equal ivAh, that the hardness of a body in motion is equal to its hardness multi- C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 233 plied by its velocity. Thus it is known that a tallow candle may be thrown from a gun through an inch plank, while it is apparent that a candle is much softer than a board ; it is also well known that a disc of soft iron rapidly revolved will cut in two a bar of steel, and, indeed, that any substance which from its sur- roundings and peculiar configuration ^an be passed with great velocity is increased in its relative hardness. Let us admit, then, that with Howell's machine the mov- ing arms may be made to reach the velocity claimed as necessary to surprise cohe- sion. If we examine cohesion as a property in matter varying in different substances, and suppose it to arise from the attraction of particles for each other, rather than from a hook-like form of particles interlacing each other, we shall find no difficulty in comprehending the immense force necessary to sever it. Thus, a cubic inch of steel, or an inch area of steel would be more proper in this case, exercises tension at the rate of 90,000 lbs. when applied as continued force and not as a momentum. If we recollect the rule that attraction is inversely as the squares of the distances, and then admitting that, with an ordinary magnet, the attraction exercised upon the keep at the distance of one inch is 1 lb., then at a half an inch it will be 4 lbs. at a quarter of an inch 16 lbs., at the eighth of an inch 256 lbs., at the sixteenth of an inch 65,536 lbs., at the thirty-second of an inch, the square of that number, and so on at the same ratio, until at the point which is supposed to be actually in contact it is no longer curious that the inch area should sustain 90,000 lbs., but, rather, that any amount of force which could be practically applied would draw it asunder; and were it not for that film of resistance described by Newton it could not be separated. When a surface is attacked by absolute momentum this film of resistance may be pierced, and although in ordinary use two billiard balls do not really touch each other, and, therefore, the polish is not destroyed and the balls are not split, still, with an increased amount of momentum, both these effects will occur. As an illustration, suppose a polished anvil have placed upon it a piece of gold leaf, and you should put upon this any amount of continued force, it would not cause any connection between the gold and the anvil, and after removing the impinging matter the gold leaf might be blown off; but if the gold leaf be stricken by a polished hammer, so as to develope momentum at the point of con- tact, that point alone will be found to be permanently gilt, and if we scrape oflf the surface to the depth of three times the thickness of the gold leaf we shall still find gold imbuing the metal. This is a well-known fact, and fairly illustrates that by absolute momentum the film of resistance may be pierced, and certain metals may be forced into each other. Now, in the use of the arms of Mr. Howell's machine, we would claim that ab- solute momentum, and not continued force, is the form in which all the power is developed at the speed proposed by Mr. Howell ; this momentum is sufficient not only to do away with the film of resistance at the point of contact, but to surprise the cohesion of the particles, so that instead of breaking the mass into many pieces it absolutely divides it into its ultimate particles; and there is a speed at which chalcedony and gold quartz may be crushed by this machine, so that the powder resulting is so fine that when rubbed between the fingers it is soft like velvet, 15 234 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE. exhibiting no grit or other proof of crystalline or other structure ; nor will the machine itself be abraded during this action, for so great is the speed of the arms giving the momentum, that their hardness, as before explained, is in- creased in the same ratio, and even the surface of these castings will not be abra- ded, while the substances they are impinged upon will be delivered from the ma- chine in this finely-divided condition. All former methods of crushing gold quartz have failed in exhibiting all the gold for the want of an entire mechanical division of the particles. This maj'' be thus understood : a piece of pure gold drawn across the surface of a hone leaves a yellow mark, and in manj' kinds of gold ores this graphitic-like mark is to be found percolating the mass, and when divided by washing, despite of all methods yet pursued, it passes oft" with the water. Indeed, this finely-divided gold will float a month on the surface of water without becoming wet on the upper side of the par- ticles, or in other words without sinking, and it is therefore lost. Many specimens of gold quartz contain a much larger amount of gold than can be separated from them, after what is usually called thorough grinding, by washing, and the same defects from the same causes occur during the attempted modes of amalgamation. When the quartz, however, is crushed by Howell's machine at its greatest velocity of action every graphitic indication of the gold is caused to appear upon the sur- face of the particles, and, therefore, it may be removed by ordinary amalgamation. We have seen ores crushed with this machine which would yield a larger percent- age of gold beyond the amount obtained by the usual methods, than th" amount so obtained. Patent Agricultiiral Caldron and General Steamer. Two Silver Medals have been aivarded this Ap^mrahcs by the New Yorh State Agricultural Society at Albany and Elmira ; also the highest Premiums at several County Fairs. Fig. 431 represents Prindle's Patent Steamer, which takes the place of the open caldron-boiler, and at the same time is readily converted into an apparatus by which food of all kinds may be steamed, water heated, etc. The lower portion, as represented in the cut, is a furnace suited for either wood or coal, and readily changed from one to the other. In the top of this stove the apparatus is inserted, an hemispherical kettle, which may be used as an open kettle when required ; on top, in a reversed position, is another hemisphere, forming the whole into a globe or sphere, half inserted within the furnace. These are connected together by the clamps J J, so as to make a steam-tight joint. Water may be introduced through the tunnel B. D is a steam pipe, with a flexible pipe, L, attached, which may be passed into an ordinary hogshead or other convenient vessel containing water, for the exit of the steam, thus enabling vessels containing food to be steamed, water to be boiled, etc. C is both a safety and a vacuum valve, so that while it protects the vessel from accident, from the expansive force of the steam, it also prevents the vacuum C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATJED CATALOGUE. 235 Fig. 431. Patent Agricultural Caldroa and General Steamer- which may be caused by nesjligence in permitting the hogshead to become empty of water, from drawing back fluids into the boiler, or from collapsing from outside pressure. When this flexible tube L, connected with D, is passed into wooden tubing placed beneath the ground, the steam may be conducted eighty or one hun- dred feet, and at the other end made to operate by another flexible tube on vessels containing water, etc. The whole apparatus is simple, requiring no knowledge of mechanics to put it together or take it apart. The only joint to be made is J J, where clamps arranged on inclined planes may be driven until the joints are tight, thus connecting the upper and lower hemispheres ; and a single cord or piece of twine placed between these two faces is compressed so as to make a perfect joint. By reference to Working Farmer, for March, 1861, a full description may be (bund of the advantages arising from the cooking of food for hogs, cattle, etc. There are two sizes of these caldrons, prices $35 to $40. Circulars, with full ch- scriptions and testimonials, furnished when required. 23G C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Patent Stone Digger and Wall Layer. Fig. 432. BoUes' Patent Stone Digger and Wall Layer. Fig. 432 represents this machine which has been found practically and economi- cally useful, meeting with unqualified approbation from all who have seen it in operation. The mechanical appliances are of the best kind, enabling a single operator to lift heavy stones from the earth, even of five tons' weight, without digging to relieve them. They can be drawn from the field without unloading, and placed into a wall five feet high. Recommendations in relation to this machine are of the strongest kind. They are now in use in many parts of New York and New England. Patent Cow Milker. This machine is the invention of Mr. L. O. Colvin, and contains many theoreti- cal advantages over all other machines previously proposed for the same purpose. It will be seen by the engraving, that it is a pan or pail with a portion of its top covered, and armed with an ingenious vacuum pump, so simple in construction as not to be liable to derangement ; on this are four flexible teat cups, so arranged as to be capable, both as to size and distance apart, to fit any cow. The handles of this machine work the pump so as to alternate the action on the teats, which in all respects closely resembles the manipulations caused by the mouth of the calf while sucking. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 237 Fig. 433. Patent Cow Milker. It is claimed that cows will stand more quietly to be milked by this machine than when milked by hand. The pumps are readily taken apart for cleansing by hot water, and the dia- phragms being made of part rubber are not injured, and are easily removed and replaced. The whole machine weighs but 6|^ lbs. ; price |10. Patent Knife and Fork Cleaner. Fig. 434 is fully described in the en- giaving. It is composed of four rubber loUers screwed together, and the knife 01 fork is introduced between them. It is accompanied by a Polishing Pow- der, which while it removes the oxide tiom the surface of the utensil to be cleaned, does not materially abrade the metal ; giving to steel and iron a clean >ilvery finish, while silver forks may have their surfaces renewed very read- ily. Price of Cleaner, with package of Powder, $2. Fig. 434. Patent Knife and Fork Cleaner. 238 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Hawse's Patent Clothes Dryer. Fig. 435 is an improvement on all the Clothes Dryers which have preceded it. An upright is placed in the ground or floor of the drying room, and a folding frame is so arranged upon it, that it may either be closed so as to take up but little room, or suffered to expand as in the dry- ing, so as to present a great length of clothes line for drying. It may be more or less elevated at the will of the operator so as to take advantage of light winds by high elevation, or be partially closed when necessary. There are two sizes, viz. : No. 1 has arms 7 feet long, and spreads 150 feet of clothes line ; price $6. No. 2 has arms 6 feet long, and spreads 120 feet of clothes ine ; price $5. G-entleman's Tool Cliest. Fig. 436. Gentleman's Tool Chest; size, 2 feet 4 inches long, 1 foot 2 inches wide, and 10^ inches high ; made from best cherry, exterior French polished, with brass trimmings and lifting handles, partitions and drawers containing every arti- cle. Superior Tools ready for use, designed for mechanics, amateurs," planters and farmers. LISl OF ARTICLES. 12 Brace Bits, assorted. Jack Plane, double iron. Smooth Plane, double iron. 1 Mill Saw File, handled. 1 pair 8 inch Carpenter's Nippers. 1 Claw Hammer. 1 Oil Can. 1 Chalk Line Reel, with Awl. 1 Eip Saw, 22 inch. 1 Cross Cut Saw, 20 inch. 2 Sewing Awls, handled. 2 Sadltrs' Awls, handled. 2 Pegging Awls, handled. 1 Cold Chisel, extra heavy. 1 Nail Set. 1 Prick Punch. 1 Round Punch. 1 pair Compasses, 8 inch. 1 Try Square, 6 inch. 1 Ball Brace. 3 Spur Augur Bits, 7-8, 9-16, and 3-8 inch. 1 pair Plyers, 4|- inch. 1 Wood Gauge. 1 Cast Steel Drawing Knife. 1 No. 1 Hatchet. 1 2 inch Screw Driver. 1 6 inch Screw Driver. 1 Taper Saw File, handled. 2 Gouges, 5-8 and i inch. 4 Firmer Chisels, i, i, 1, and 1| inch, handled. 1 Oil Stone, in box, with cover. 1 Two Foot Rule. 1 Lead Pencil. ^ 1 Square Lignumvitaj Mallet. 1 Appletree Brad Awl Set,, containing 20 Tools and Wrench. 2 Gimlets. 1 Two Foot Iron Square. 1 Scratch Awl, handled. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 239 Fig. 436. Gentleman's Tool Chest. Making in the aggregate eighty different Tools, besides the Chest, packed in cases ready for shipping. Price, each, $20. In addition to the above we have the Planter's Tool Chest, price $30 ; Youth's Tool Chest, price $13 ; Boy's Tool Chest, price $8 ; Juvenile Tool Chest, price $2 50. 240 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Patent Animal Trap. Fig. 437. Fig. 438. This ingenious contrivance is very effective in use. Wild animals of any size are readily caught by it. The upper part suspended to the loop, in Figs. 437 and 438, is a pair of pistol barrels, to which is appended a spring and the necessary arrangement for percussion caps. Below extends a double barb, which when com- pressed together may be forced upward in a slot made to receive it. The bait is placed on this barb, and the pistol loaded in the usual manner, and the whole con- trivance suspended from a tree or other convenient object. The animal seizes the bait, and instantly on touching it both barrels are discharged, throwing the balls immediately through his head, while the barbs expand themselves within his mouth rendering his retreat impossible. When desirable to catch the animal alive it may be done with the barb, leaving the barrels unloaded. These traps will effectually operate on minks, wood-chucks, otters, wild cats, lynx, foxes, wolves, panthers, tigers, bears, buffaloes, alligators, etc., in fact, on all C. V. MAPES ILI-USTRATED CATALOGUE. 241 animals which repay hunting or are dangerous to the farmer. They are protected from the weather by a rubber casing. There are three sizes ; price $3, $5, and $7. The Aquarius. Fig. 439. The Aquarius. Fig. 439 is a new and most invaluable article, being a complete and perfect hand apparatus for throwing water. It will throw about eight gallons per minute, fifty feet high, with the power of only one hand applied, and is suited for washing win- dows, carriages, watering gardens, sprinkling streets, throwing on liquid composi- tion — such as whale oil, soap suds, tobacco water, etc., for destroying insects on trees, roses, and other plants — pumping water from the holds of vessels and small boats, cellars, etc., wetting sails, washing decks, starting aqueducts ; it is most in- valuable for extinguishing fires, and for wetting roofs near fires ; it should be at hand in every barn, stable, work-shop or dwelling-house, as it may be put in opera- tion by any one, is portable, and cannot readily get out of order. Its weight is but 8 lbs. Price, complete, with 2h feet of suction and 3 feet of discharge hose, with brass discharge pipe and sprinkler, $10. 242 C. V. MAPES ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE. Mapes' Nitrogenized Snper-Phosphate of Lime, For Corn, Cotton, Potatoes, Tobacco, Grain Crops, Vegetable Gardens, Lawns, etc. Composed of Dried Blood, Burnt Bones, Sulphuric Acid, Peruvian Guano, and Sulphate of Ammonia. PATEISTTED 1859. LARGE SILVER MEDAL Awarded by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF NEW YORK. 1859. Testimonials from hundreds of farmers of high standing, who have used it for several years. Does not exhaust the land like guano, but permanently improves it. One hundred pounds of Nitrogenized Super-Phosphate of Lime will equal in effect and lasting power one hundred and eighty-five pounds of Peruvian Guano. Prevents rust in cotton, bolls from shedding — ameliorates the effects of drought, etc. Prior to the year 1847, Super-phosphate had been made in England, by treating burnt bones with sulphuric acid, and by the formation of sulphate of lime, thus abstracting one atom of lime from the bones, a soluble phosphate had been formed. In 1847, J. J. Mapes made a series of experiments, thus: he found, analytically, that Peruvian guano contained the necessary elements for insuring the growth of plants, but not in the right relative proportions to each other. He instituted a series of experiments, practically, by which he proved that one hundred pounds of burnt bones, treated with fifty-six pounds of sulphuric acid, thirty-six pounds of Peruvian guano, and twenty pounds of sulphate of ammonia, formed a mixture every way superior to Peruvian guano, aud that it would not stimulate the soil, but would continually add to its fertility. The market gardeners of Harsiraus and elsewhere, who had tried this mixture, approved of its results, but complained that it was not quick enough in the early part of the season: as tomatoes and vegetables, when brought early to market, brought the same number of dollars that they produced shillings at twenty days' later date. He had found that one barrel of blood, fresh from the animal, mixed with a cord C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 243 of organic matter, would, by fermentation, produce a manure equal to a cord of well-rotted stable manure. He further found that seventeen barrels of blood, when dried, would make one barrel, and that blood could be procured at comparatively little cost, in certain sections; that it could be dried by cooking and pressing, so as to produce a dry powder. The first mixture he had formed, before enumerated, he called Improved Super-phos- phate of Lime, it being a better article than the English Super-phosphate ; he mixed this with an equal bulk of dried blood, and called it the Nitrogenized Super-phosphate of Lime, since which, some fifty companies have imitated this article under various names, and with the view of rendering theirs popular, have traduced Professor Mapes and his article, claiming to make that of a superior quality. But during all this tirade, the demand for Mapes' Nitrogenized Super-phosphate of Lime has doubled. Peruvian guano contains an excessive amount of ammonia, the only use of which is to render water capable of dissolving a larger amount of the inorganic constitu- ents of the soil, or, in other words, to act as an excitant. The market gardeners of New Utrecht commenced some years ago by using two hundredweight of guano to the acre ; they are now compelled to use twelve hundred weight to produce the same effect, and their land is evidently impoverished by its use, while those who have used the Nitrogenized Super-phosphate of Lime have found their soils to be steadily improved, and instead of requiring more, they require less fertilizing material each year. Among the advantages arising from the use of the Nitrogenized Super-phosphate are the following : It carries no weed-seed to the soil ; it prevents rust, and insures the perfecting of plants; thus, when used on cotton, the bolls do not fall, and, as by the experience of Mr. Lomas, Colonel Davis, Colonel Godwin, Colonel Dowse, and others, it gives a greater weight of cotton per acre. For wheat, it has steadily proved itself superior to Peruvian guano : when in contact with Seed, it does not destroy it as does the Peruvian guano; its application is less expensive than that of other manures. Uneven crops may be rendered even by applying phosphate to the less successful parts during their growth, and thus full crops may be attained. The wheat crop of NewYork has decreased from thirty-five bushels per acre to less than eleven ; that of Ohio, from forty bushels to eleven and a half per acre ; and this arises from the export of eighty pounds or more of phosphate of lime in the bones of every animal sent to the sea-board, and a relative quantity in every bushel of wheat exported. These and similar lands are at once restored by the use of Nitrogenized Super-phosphate. Its use dispenses with much labor in the care of the crop, as compared with the use of barn-yard manures, thereby increasing the profit of farming ; it supplies the deficiency of phosphate of lime and other in- gredients, produced by excessive reaping of grain and undue pasturage. Every year presents new imitators of this fertilizer, who manufacture an inferior article, using the mineral phosphates as a basis, instead of the calcined bones of animals. The Nitrogenized Super-phosphate of Lime is composed of the calcined bones of animals, treated with sulphuric acid, to the extent that it will be of use to render the phosphate soluble and acceptable to plant life, to which is added thirty- 9A4r C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. six pounds of Peruvian guano, the carbonate of ammonia of which is immediately changed to the sulphate of ammonia by the sulphuric acid ; to this is added twenty pounds of sulphate of ammonia, and to these an equal weight of dried bull- ocks' blood, thus forming a manure, one hundred pounds of which are equal in power and lasting effect to one hundred and eighty-five pounds of the best Peruvian guano. The reports of committees of the American Institute, and other associations, who have visited the farm of Professor Mapes, prove that, although it is manured entirely with this fertilizer, no other manure has yet been used which produces an equal amount of profit. The followino; are some of the Noitiiorn agents for this fertilizer : Bamber & Co.. Fort Plain, N. T. J. S. Coolcy & Co., Canandaigua, N. T. Cyrus Chase, Croton Falls, N. Y. Cheat & Bro., Auburn, N. Y. Wm. Walker, Rochester, N. Y. S. 11. Fullara, Fairpoit, N. Y. J. A. Disbrow, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Georgn Field, Geneva, K Y. J. D. Morgan, Penn Yann, N. Y. Montanye & Reynolds, Kingston, N. Y. Hnviland, Clark & Co., Hudson, N. Y. J. Walker & Co., Schenectady, N Y. Webb, Walker & Co., Utica, N. Y. Nourse, Mason & Co., Boston, Mass. Hovey & Co., Boston, Mass. Draper & Clark, Worcester, Mass. Geo. A. Armes k Co., Greenfield, Mass. J. G. Dickinson, Hatfield, Mass. Oscar Edwards, North Hampton, Mass. Geo. Leonard, Taunton, Mass. Crossett & Co., Springfield, Mass. Hall & Trumbull, Palmer, Mass. Stephen ^fansur, Lowell, Mass. Chas. R. Mason, Lawrence, Mass. D. F. Woodwell & Co., Newburyport, Mass. J. S. Ives, Salem, Mass. Fletcher & Norton, Westfield, Mass. R. B. Bradley & Co., New Haven. Ct. "Apothecaries' Hall," Waterbury, Ct. Among the principal Southern agents J. A. Quimby, Augusta, Ga. W. J. Anderson & Co., Fort Valley, Ga. McNaught, Ormond & Co., Atlanta, Ga. E. W. Moise & Co., Columbus, Ga. Richardson & Martin, Savannah, Ga. Ayres, Wingfleld & Co., Macon, Ga. W. P. Fambrough & Co., Griffin, Ga. Graveley & Pringle, Charleston, S. C. W. S. Woods, Columbia, S. C. H. & N. E. Solomon, Hamburg, S. C. 0. J. Lamb & Co., Norwich, Ct. Harris, Wilhams & Co., New London, Ct. L. W. Crane, Stafibrd Springs, Ct. Isaac Backus, Hartford, Ct. J. N. Brown, Stonington, Ct. T. Ransom & Co., Bridgeport, CL Barrett & Son, Rutland, Yt. Joseph Clark, Brattleboro', Vt. Frost & Goodhue. Brattleboro', Vt. Armes k Wilson, Bellows Falls, Vt, J. P. Dewey, Montpelier, Vt. Jason Davenport, Middlebury, Vt. D. C. Jenckes, Providence, R. I. Jeremy Perkens, Dover, N. H. A. H. Dunlap, Nashua, N. H. J. F. Schores, jr., Portsmouth, N. H. J. H. Chase, Concord, N. H. W. Sparrow, Portland, Me. Aleves & Kimball, Biddeford, Me. D. Woodward, Augusta, Me. Geo. C. Pickering, Bangor, Me. Whitaker, James & Darrah, Trenton, N. J. Scott Berrian, Princeton, N. J. T. N. Adams, Bordentown, N. J. Thos. Milnor & Son, Burlington, N. J. Broadwell & Corwin, Morristown, N. J. A. R. Haines, Mount Holley, N. J. Paschall, Morris & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Graham, Emlin & Passmore, Philadelphia, Pa. for this fertilizer are the following : Stein & Evans, Greenville, S. C. B. T. Brockover, Norfolk, Va. Irby & Saunders, Lynchburg, Va. Hugh Scott, Fredericksburg, Va. Addison, Wallace & Co., Alexandria, Va. J. P. Bartholow, Washington, D. C. Richardson, Small & Co., Baltimore, Md. Busey & Barnard, Georgetown, D. 0. Pomeroy & Marshall, Mobile, Ala. R. M. Robertson, Demopolis, Ala. C. V. MAPES ILLUSTRiffED CATALOGUE. 245 Certificates have been received froni the following gentlemen, many of whom have used the phosphate for years : L. Berckmans, Georgia. * James Higgins, State Chemist, Baltimore, Md. James C. Clioate, Portsmouth, Va. Peter Jos. Clinton, Norfolk City. E. ]Sr. Fuller, Edisto Island, S. C. * Prof. Chas. Upham Shepard, Charleston, S. C. W. H. Hite, New Glasgow, Amherst Co..ya. Sherman Mead, Macon, Ga. * Prof E. N. Hosford, Harvard University. H. Lomas, Columbia, S. C. Hon. E. A. Nesbit, Macon, Ga. E. M. Pendleton, M. D., Sparta, Ga. Editor " New York Day Book." Thomas Davis, Columbia, S. C. Charles "W. Mixon, Edenton, N. C. Thomas A. Myers, Clayraont, Del. Gideon Dowes, Georgia. Carlisle P. B. Martin, Macon, Ga. J. B. Eastman, Baltimore, Ga. Solomon Mead, New Haven, Conn. T. S. Gold, West Cornwall, Conn. John C. Beardsley, Essex Co., N. J. Jonathan T. Coml}', Comly's Mills, Ewlng. Charles Denison, "Westchester, N. Y. * Dr Charles Enderlin, New York, N. Y. * Dr. A. A. Hayes, Boston, Mass. Morris Ketchum, Westport, Conn. E. Hanford, Darien, Conn. Nathaniel Weed, Darien, Conn. John S. Beach, New Haven, Conn. Nathan Moore, jr., Stafford, Conn. A. Bagley, New Haven, Conn. L. P. Cummiugs, Mamaroneck, N. Y. Judge French, Exeter, N. H. S. Sturtevant, Myanus, Conn. John Farnum, Philadelphia, Pa. James Gall, Patersou, N. J. Enos Smedley, Westchester, Pa. C. V. Mundy, Metuchen, N. J. J. W. Arrowsmith, Somerset Co., N. J. Charles F. Stone, South Orange, N. J. Thomas Shillingford. Essex Co., N. J. Alonzo Dickerson, Chester, N. J. William Green, East Woodstock. William P. Sherman, Trenton, N. J. Roswell L. Colt, Paterson, N. J. James P. Allaire, Monmouth Co., N. J. John Bucklin, American Phalanx, N. J. Robert Rennie, West Lodi, N. J. John 0. Flood, Paterson, N. J. Hon. James Campbell, Weston, N. J. George Drayton, Delaware Co., Penn. Richard Bedford, Sullivan Co., Penn. William S. Lincoln, Worcester, Mass. Taertine Burt, Berkley, Mass. H. D. Furbush, Portland, Maine. John S. Ives, Salem, Mass. L. Bodman, jr., Pres't Conway Bank, Mass. D. D. Williams, Chester, Vt. H. 0. Vail, BellviUc, N. J. Joseph Lovell, Morristown, N. J. Amory Edwards, Shrewsbury, N. J. B. Shattuck, " Farmer and Visitor." C. L. Nichols, Fssex Co., N. J. S. B. Haliday Providence, R. I. Dexter Rowe, Sunderland, • Franklin Co., Mass. Scudder A. Terry, New Village, L. I. William Hunt, Sunderland. Prof. Teschemacher, Boston, Mass. Mr. Belden, East Whately Mass. John C. Robert, New Utrecht, L. I. N. Macdonald, Brooklyn, L. I. D. L. Cargill, Bloomingburg, N. Y. J. Cutwater, Tivoli, N. Y. Reuben Eraser, Sullivan Co., N. Y. Peter Voorhees, New Utrecht, L. I. William Alfred Hull, Sing Sing, N. Y. John Staats, Balston Spa, N. Y. H. R. Ball, Staten Island, N. Y. Solon Robinson, Westchester, N. Y. Samuel Wetherell, Bethlehem, Pa^ And many others. Seeds. A Descriptive Catalogue of Garden and Field Seeds for sale by Charles V. Mapes, at Mapes' Agricultural Implement and Seed Warehouse, 126 and 128 Nassau street, and 11 Beekman street, New York, will be furnished on application. Note. — Those marked thus ( * ) are theoretical opinions founded on analysis or knowledge of its composition. 246 C. V. MAPES' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Please Notice. — All of these Seeds are raised for me on the farm of Professor James J. Mapes, Editor of the Working Farmer, and other reliable growers, and purchasers may rely upon their purity. Seeds packed for Foreign Shipment in tin boxes, if so ordered. Parties ordering varieties not on the list, may rely upon a careful selection and prompt shipment. Bulbous Flowering Roots imported direct from the First Nurseries in Europe. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, of every description, and of every desirable age and size, securely packed and shipped at short notice. Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Plants, etc., of every kind, embracing as full an assortment as can be procured at any establishment. Boxes containing Twenty-five Varieties of Flower Seeds, of the most approved kinds, for One Dollar. Boxes containing a full assortment of the Best Vegetable Seeds for a Family Garden, from One to Five Dollars each. Papers, Five Cents each. Seeds sent by Mail, Postage Six Cents per Ounce. The "Working Farmer." A Large Agricultural Monthly Journal — One Dollar per Annum — edited by Professor James J. Mapes, assisted by G. E. Waring, H. C. Vail, J. Payne Lowe, B. S. Alcott, and P. T. Quinn. Volume XIIL, of the present year, will contain series of articles on the following subjects : Vegetable Garden, alphabetically arranged. Manures, their Uses and Abuses. Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. Improved Implements and Ma- chinery. New Processes of Cultivation, with a view to greater perfectness and economy. Culture of Cotton, Corn, Tobacco, and green crops as substitutes for grass crops in the South. Manipulation of Sugar ; its Growth and Manufacture. Advantages of Deep Culture, including Under-draining and Subsoil Plowing. Full Reports of Grain and Produce Markets. Treatment and Care of Stock. The Working Farmer contains more original matter than any Agricultural paper published in this country. All the Editors of this journal are practically en- gaged in conducting the several departments upon which they write. The back volumes, bound in paper, from Volume II. to XII., will be furnished at One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents each, including postage — One Dollar each, without postage. Volume I. at Seventy-five Cents, including postage — Fifty Cents, without postage. These volumes will form a complete work on the progress of Agriculture since the year 1847. All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Remittances exceeding Ten Dollars should be in the form of drafts. Bills current in any State will be received at par value. Address the Publisher, CHARLES V. MAPES, 126 and 128 Nassau and 11 Beekman streets, New York, Specimen numbers sent free of expense. INDEX. PAGE Aquarius . 241 Augers, post, and spoons 182, 183 Axes . 197 Bee-hive . • • . 221 Bells • • . 215 Boring machines . . . 222 Branding iron • • • 188 Bash and bill hooks . 187 Carts, harness, etc • • • 166 Chains, draft, log, traces, etc. . . 165 Chest, Gentlemen's Tool . 238, 239 Churns . . 156 to 158 Clothes Dryer • 238 Clod Crusher . • 88 Coffee and rice hu Hers and cleaners . 144, 145 Coffee roasters . . , 217 Corn shellers • • . . 148 to 151 Cotton tools — Gins , . . 173, 230 Harrow . . 84 Plows . 47, 48, 49, 57, 64 to 68, 83, 84, 116 to 124 Truck . ... . 169 Weeders • . 77 to 80 Cultivators . 77 to 84 Cutters, hay, straw and stalk, meat, etc. . . 124 to 12S, 160 to 163 Dairy tools . 156 to 159 Digging machine, Mapes & Gibbs' 86, 87 Drain Tile . 202 Draining tools . 202 Engines, Ericsson's Caloric 213, 214 248 Fan mills . Fence and gates Forge and bellows, portable Forks- Hay, manure, grain, and weeding Fruit gatherer Furnaces, agricultural Garden tools Garden vases and borders Grain cradles Grindstones and fixtures Handles, assorted Harness Harrows . Hatchets and hammers Haymakers Hay and grain protectors Hay, straw, and stalk cutters Haying and harvesting tools Hoes . . . Horse hoes . Horticultural tools Ice tools Jacks, wheel, and jack-screws Knives — Corn and hay . Pruning Knife cleaners Ladders, foldiug Lawn mower, improved Manger and hay rack, horse Mangle, portable Manures, super-phosphate of lime, etc, Meat cutters and sausage stuffers Milker, Cow Mills- Cane Cider Coffee . Fan . Grain and flour . Grocers' sugar Paint PACK 135 to 137 228, 229 , 223, 22i 99, 101, 115, 183, 185 . 188 152, 153 184 to 194 215 . 100, 101 101, 102 . 187 166, 167 . 73 to 76 198 . 114, 115 105 . 124 to 128 08 to 115 . 182 to 185 77 to 79 .184 to 194 211, 212 . 170, 17] 194 to 190 . 189, 190 237 188 111 to 113 180 220, 221 231 to 234 160 to 163 . 236, 237 174, 175 . 154, 155 147 135 to 137 138 to 144, 147 . 175, 176 176 to 178 INDEX. 249 PAGE Mills- Quartz and universal ..... 231 to 234 Saw .... Wind 173 ••••... 212, 212 Mortising machines, etc. ...... 2'>5 Mowing and reaping macliines .... 106 to 113 Ox yokes, bows, patent pins, etc. . . . . .104 Paring machines, for apples, etc. . . . . . 16^ Pig troughs * . ' 178, 179 Plows- Universal, cast-iron . . . . 20 22 to 29 Universal, steel, . . . , ^ 29 to 33 Eagle plows, new series . . . . . 34 to 43 Eagle plows, old series . . . . 43 to 47 Centre draft plows 50 to 53 Subsoil plows 64 to 68 Sod and subsoil, or double, plows . . .26 33 41 to 43 Swivel or hill-sido plow . . . 33 to 41, 49, 50 St*^^^ P'o^^'s 54 to 57 Self-sharpening plows . . . , , 45 to 4 7 Small plows, various patterns, southern, etc. . . 46 to 49 Double mould-board plows . . . . 48 49 52 53 Paring plow ' ' 53,' 54 Plow trimmings 57 to 01 Whitney's plowman • . . . . C^ 03 Lash's spring-beam plow • • . . . 02 Shovel plow , . o- Hand plow ••..,. ft." Cotton scraper and sweep . . . . . 83 84 Plowing, remarks on gg^ 70 to 72 Plowman, Whitney's iron . . . . . 6'^ 63 Post augers and spoons . . , , ^ 182 183 Potato diggers, etc 8G,' 182 Powers — Horse powers 129 to 134 Dog and sheep . . . , , ^ 133 Caloric enirines Steam engines Wind mills I*rosses — Cheese 213, 214 . 215 212, 213 159 Hay and cotton . . . , . . 110 to 124 Wine and lard 155 16 250 Price list .... Pruning tools Pumps, water rams, etc. Quartz crushers . . . Rakes — Cranberry . Garden and lawn Horse and hand hay Rams, hydraullic . . . Reaping machines Rice and coffee huUers Road scrapers Rollers, field and garden Rollers and hanger for barn-doors Root and vegetable cutters . Sausage fillers and cutters Saw mills and saws, of various patterns Scales, hay, warehouse, etc. Scrapers, floor, tree, road, etc. Scythes, grass, grain, lawn, etc. Seed sowers and drills Seeds, garden, field, and flower Shovels, spades, scoops, etc. Smut machines Steamer, agricultural Stone digger .... Stnmp and root pullers Threshing machines, cleaners, etc. Tile machines, etc. Traps, animal .... Traps, rat and game Trucks, store, cotton, warehouse, etc, Underdraining tools, remarks, etc. Vanes, weather "Washing machines, wringer, etc. Weeders, for cotton and carrots Well-buckets and wheels . Wheelbarrows, garden, railroad, etc. Wine presses, mills, etc. Wrenches .... Yokes, etc. PAGE 1 to 12 . 189 to 193 203 to 210 146 . 188 184 . 102, 104 209 . 109, 111 145 . 167 . 89, 90 . 217 151, 152 160 to 163 . 172, 173, 190 . 229 . 167, 194 98, 99 . 91 to 97 234, 235 . 181, 202 . 137 . 234, 235 . 236 224 to 227 129, 133 to 137 200 to 202 . 240 217 169, 170 200 to 202 . 216 218 to 221 . 79 171 167, 168 . 154, 155 199, 200, 224 . 104, 165 ;^52zr5i L C 8. •a? '^^ ^°-'*-. ^ c -^^0^ '^ .<^' ^^--^ o V .►■^ ^^0^ -^'%^*"/%' 4 V «^j>. V • O *^^ ^ »■ s • • » ,r-\ LIBRARY BINDING O 'o, »* .'V -(^ * /^^ 's * JUL -B9^f/I^\ ^ -'^ '-^-^ ^ ' ST. AUGUSTINE >^<^-'JT^ ' IT. AUGUSTINE ^'^f^^- '^b K ° '^ '^-^^ ", ^^ ^ .^^^^G < "^O V ° "^ "^^ 32084 r-^^- ^0 % *,--^'%' ^^ o '>^^^^. ^ -J- — . _* * o M o •■ ,0 ^ * • I 1 * ..O,^ 0> * O « O ' -0 ^ * (