3 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 LB 1027 .P3 Copy 1 PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING By SAMUEL CHESTER PARKER Professor of Educational Methods The University of Chicago Reprinted from the Elementary School Journal Yh\. XXI, Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, September, October, November, December, 1920 Copyright 1921 By Samtjel Chester Parker All Rights Reserved Published January 19 21 M 15/921 0)CI.A604987 ^.oV /( PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING SAMUEL CHESTER PARKER School of Education, University of Chicago Definite technique established. — During the past twenty-five years a definite technique of giving to pupils practice in problem- solving or thinking has been developed in progressive American elementary schools. It is the purpose of this series of articles to acquaint more teachers with this technique so that any skilled teacher who is a good thinker may give pupils practice in problem- solving and make them aware of the elements of skill in effective thinking. In order to show the importance and vahdity of the practices to be described we shall also discuss the place of problem- solving in everyday life and the ways in which great problem- solvers think. Sections of the discussion. — We shall divide our discussion into four sections, as foUows: I. Problems of everyday life. II. Actual lessons illustrating problem-solving in school. III. How skilled problem-solvers think. IV. Rules for training pupils in effective problem-solving. I. PROBLEMS OF EVERYDAY LIFE A problem is a question involving doubt. "To be or not to be. " — For our purposes a problem may be defined as "a question involv- ing doubt. "^ From this point of view the problem frame of mind is well depicted in Hamlet's famous lines beginning, "To be or not to be, that is the question." Whenever we thoughtfully search for means of dealing with any such doubt or perplexity or uncertainty or difficulty, we are engaged in reflective problem- solving. The problem may arise from some practical difficulty or from mere curious wondering about some unexplained or unusual fact. Such a practical problem as "Where shall I spend my ^ This definition is based on Webster's International Dictionary. 2 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [September vacation?" often causes the most profound thinking and inquiry. Similar investigation is often entailed in deciding whether to go to college or to enter business. After one has decided upon a certain resort for his vacation or a certain school for his education, the clothes problem or baggage problem may become crucial. You may say to yourself, "To take a suitcase or a trunk, that is now the question." If a suitcase is decided upon, the problems may become very minute, such as, "To take this sweater or not, that is the question. " Large and small problems, from large policies to minute issues. — Thus we see that the practical problems of life may vary from momentous decisions, such as deciding upon a college education, down to such minute matters as pondering whether to take or leave a certain garment. In the larger responsible positions of life we find the same contrast between large and small problems. For example, a business executive has large matters of policy to determine, such as how to increase his business, or how to keep his salesmen full of ''pep" and make them skilful in selling, etc. On the other hand, in his correspondence he solves scores of small problems each day, many of which involve merely a moment's glance at a letter and a half-minute's dictation of the answer. In the life of a school superintendent or principal or dean the same extremes occur. For example, at one time when I was "deaning" I had the following large problems: (i) How to dis- cover a talented young man to become my successor as dean. To solve this required three years of exploration. (2) How to improve the annual catalogue, so that it would be more easily read by entering students. This required occasional editorial pon- dering during four years. (3) How to reconstruct certain rooms so as to provide more offices for an increasing faculty. Secur- ing satisfactory plans for remodeling two particular rooms took several months of occasional planning. At the opposite extremes were the small, short problems of advising students who were registering. On registration days from twenty-five to forty students were advised. Each case usually took from one to ten minutes and was determined in the Light of such questions as: (i) What is the student planning to do in life ? (2) What are her ig20] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN TfflNKING 3 special talents? (3) What has been her previous training? (4) What required courses does she have to take ? (5) What courses are offered that will meet her needs? (6) How can conflicts of hours be avoided ? Need of training in both short problem-solving and prolonged patient thinking. — The relative proportion of large and small problems in life will influence our plans for organizing opportunities for problem-solving in school. It is my impression that the small, short problems play such a prominent part in the daily life of most persons that we are justified in organizing in school thousands of such problems, each of which may consume only from one to ten minutes in its solution. At the same time we should provide for solution large problems which may puzzle the students for one hour or many hours, and thus train them to do the prolonged, patient thinking that is required in the larger, longer problems of later life. Practical versus speculative problems; *' The Lady or the Tiger. " — Up to this point our examples of problems have all been of a practical nature in the sense that they related to practical plans or actions, usually of the person who was solving them. It is impor- tant to realize, however, that much problem-solving thinking in daily life is concerned with purely theoretical or speculative ques- tions, the answers to which are not needed by the thinker in order to determine some important hne of practical activity. To take an extreme example, some years ago Frank Stockton, the well-known writer, published a puzzling story called "The Lady or the Tiger." This story tells of a lowborn hero who dares to woo a princess. The king opposes the match and casts the hero into the arena, where he must choose between two doors. If he opens one, a tiger will come out and devour him. If he chooses the other, a woman whom he must then marry will appear. The princess, in the balcony, knows the secret of the doors. She gives her hero lover a sign and he opens one of them. The story ends with the question, which comes out — "The Lady or the Tiger ?" Girls puzzle over princess' choice. — When this unexpected puz- zling ending to the story appeared, the country got into a turmoil of discussion in an effort to solve the problem. I watched a class 4 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [September of high-school Freshmen recently discussing it. One girl said she had read every line about the princess eleven times in an effort to determine whether the princess' love and jealousy would lead her to indicate the door of the lady or the door of the tiger. Playful speculation abounds in politics, religion, and science. — Other examples of such unresponsible problem-solving occur in politics, religion, and science. The chief mental recreation of many persons consists in puzzling over the political issues of the day, issues that are often so remote that the thinkers have absolutely no possibility of modifying matters in a practical way. Arguments about the Bible are often of a similar unpractical character. Finally, in the realm of science we find all types of inquiring persons, from the young boy who puzzles over pollywogs and elec- trical bells and flying machines, up to the advanced astronomer who tries to locate a new comet or planet — all concerned merely with *' Why does it do that?" or "How does the thing work?" or "Where is the planet that explains these gaps in our calculations ? " 'Playful puzzling may train for practical problem-solving. — Often such playful puzzling proves of value to the problem-solver and to society. For example, the adolescent girls who puzzled about love and jealousy as exempHfied in, Stockton's princess probably were acquiring knowledge and skill in judging some of the most crucial issues of Ufe; issues to which we find our greatest novelists and dramatists devoting their best talents. Similarly, the inquiring reader who ponders with interest political issues that do not concern him in a practical way is acquiring knowledge and skill which may help him in arriving at sound decisions upon political issues in which he does have a voice. The way in which playful, theoretical, or speculative problem-solving thus prepares for practical problem- solving is merely one example of the way in which play in general trains for serious activities. Dogs play at running, catching, biting, and fighting and are thus prepared for the real fighting and hunting of life. Men, women, and children play at puzzling out all kinds of interesting problems and may thus be trained and kept in condition for more serious problem-solving when this is required. Great variety of problems in social life: mechanical, diplomatic, moral, expressional, aesthetic, scientific, mathematical. — The examples 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 5 discussed above have given us some notion of the varieties of prob- lems found in everyday life. In order to extend our impressions of the many types of problems that exist, we may note the following partial classification of them. 1. Mechanical construction problems, i.e., problems of how to make something. These may vary from the small but very puzzKng problem of how to "make over" an old garment, up to such a complex scientific problem as how to make a flying machine— a problem that puzzled the world for centuries. Many construction problems are now provided in elementary schools. It is important to notice that in the present chapter we are interested in the thoughtful planning and designing that enter into the solution of such problems, rather than in the actual mechanical construction. 2. Transportation problems, i.e., problems of how to take or send something to some place. These may vary from the simple personal problem of how to get a parcel to a friend around the corner up to the enormous transportation problems that confronted the Allies during the war. Such problems occur in aU kinds of situa- tions. For example, in department stores there is the problem of transporting the money from the salesmen to the cashiers. In large libraries enormous problems of human energy and conven- ience are involved in the stacking and arranging of books so as to render their transportation to readers swift and economical. In the courses in history, civics, geography, and science problems of trans- portation are being pondered more and more in progressive schools. 3. Problems of personal relations, reactions, and influences, e.g., "Would Stockton's princess prefer to see her lover devoured by the tiger or to see him become the husband of another woman?" In daily life we are constantly pondering such human-nature problems. Often they are of a diplomatic character, e.g., how to influence our relatives, friends, and associates. Recently I pon- dered for two days how to present a business proposition to a certain man. At first I decided to write an outline of it, lay it before him, and explain it. On my way to see him, however, I decided that he so disliked Hstening to others that the only thing to do was to let him talk and then gradually insinuate my own proposals piecemeal, as occasion offered, during his conversation. 6 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [September This proved successful. In all the social studies — history, civics, biography, literature, etc. — personal relations, reactions, and influences appear which offer opportunities for problematic dis- cussions that train pupils in solving such human-nature problems when they are encountered in daily life. 4. Problems of social organization, such as "How shall we organize our literary society ? " or "Which is better, for the govern- ment to own and operate the railroads or merely to control and supervise their operation?" From the simple organization of domestic activities up to such international organizations as the League of Nations we find thousands of problems under this heading. In the social studies, when properly taught, pupils are given training in planning, suggesting, criticizing, and evaluating solutions of such problems. 5. Moral problems, such as "Is it right for me to accept an education and services from my parents without making any immediate return in the form of home service?" Literature, biography, history, civics, and school activities are full of moral problems which especially competent teachers have pupils ponder and solve with benefit to their future powers of moral discrimination. 6. Expressional problems, e.g., "What is the best way to word my refusal of this invitation ? " or "How shall 1 write this chapter ?" In planning to write the present series of articles I pondered for weeks whether to open it with this section on problems of daily life or to open with actual lessons illustrating problem-solving in school. I finally decided to place the lessons as the second section, but I am not sure that this is the best order. Thus expressional problems vary from the simple choice of a word up to the large outlining and planning of a book or outlining a whole series of addresses. Training in expression in school thus offers one of the best opportunities for training in problem-solving. 7. Artistic problems, e.g., "What is the most pleasing arrange- ment of the pictures in this room ?" or "What is the most pleasing way of massing the shrubbery in this park?" or "What is the most pleasing color scheme for this window display?" In the art courses reflective thought about such problems is now encouraged in many schools. igso] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 7 8. Pure science problems, e.g., "Why does the mist hang in clouds a short distance up the mountain, but disappear lower down ? " or " Is the interior of the earth a molten mass or is it rigid and solid?" We are all famiHar with such problems from our high-school science courses. In the grades, instruction in geog- raphy and science is being improved so as to offer increasing opportunities for pupils to puzzle out answers to scientific problems instead of merely learning scientific facts. 9. Purely mathematical problems, e.g., "How do I calculate the amount of income tax that I have to pay?" or "What is the best way of auditing the report of the treasurer of our society in order to verify his accounts ? " Not only in arithmetic, but also in manual training, geography, science, and civics, pupils in pro- gressive schools are being trained in puzzling out problems of arranging quantitative data and determining quantitative relations in order to prepare for the mathematically precise scientific method of problem-solving which is playing an ever-increasing part in solving modern civic, philanthropic, and business problems. These examples suggest the large social value of training in prob- lem-solving. — Several other types of problems could be described, but sufl&cient has probably been said to serve the purpose of this introductory article, namely, to give the reader a notion of the importance of the type of learning and training which we have under discussion. In discussions of handwriting and spelling it is possible to present the results of precise investigations showing just what degrees of handwriting skill and what spelling words are important in everyday Hfe. For problem-solving we do not possess similar precise information, but our numerous examples up to this point have probably served to impress the reader with the frequency of the occasions for problem-solving in daily life, and the consequent desirabihty of training pupils to be skilful problem- solvers. Origin of problems — in something puzzling, perplexing, confusing, disconcerting, unexpected, queer, strange, or odd.—Beiore proceeding to the discussion of sample lessons which illustrate the organization of such training it is desirable to get in mind the idea with which this article opened, namely, that a problem involves both a certain 8 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [September intellectual and a certain emotional mental condition in the thinker ; a problem is a question involving doubt. Consequently, for our purposes, a problem is not merely a topic, as it often appears to be in some courses of study, nor is it merely a question. It is a type of mental condition in the pupil, a condition in which he is possessed of a question plus doubt. The more doubtful, uncertain, and perplexed he is the more intense is his problematic frame of mind. Creating such a state of mind in the pupils, consequently, is the starting-point of problem-solving activity. Several words to describe this initial frame of mind have been brought together by Professor John Dewey, our leading authority on reflective thinking, in his excellent book entitled. How We Think. In one place (p. 12) he says, "The origin of thinking is in some perplexity, confusion or doubt." Again (on p. 74) he speaks of "something unexpected, queer, strange, funny [i.e., odd] or disconcerting" as furnishing the starting-point for reflective inquiry. FinaUy (on page 9) under the heading "the importance of uncertainty," he speaks of a "genuine problem" as existing in "whatever — no matter how slight and commonplace in character — perplexes and challenges the mind so that it makes belief at all uncertain." Genuine problem for pupil when mentally challenged by something strange, perplexing, unexpected, or disconcerting. — From these terms we may derive a meaning for the rather ambiguous statement that has been current, namely, that the problem must be a problem for the pupil, not merely for the teacher. In terms of our dis- cussion, this means that the starting-point for the pupil must be something — no matter how slight or commonplace in character — that puzzles or perplexes him; something that appears to him as unexpected, queer, strange, odd, or disconcerting. When his mind is challenged by such matters the pupil has a genuine problem. It may be practical or it may not. It may be merely something "frnmy" in the sense of being unexpected or strange; in fact, much of our most intense problem-solving thinking by adults and children occurs in response to just such "funny" unexplained phenomena. Presented problems and discovered problems. — Sometimes prob- lems are "presented" to a person in daily life, and at other times I920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 9 he seems to "discover" them. The common use of the expression, "the problem then presented itself," suggests the frequency of the first type of appearance of a problem. Many mediocre thinkers never seem to feel a problem at all keenly unless it is vigorously "presented" to them by some obvious difl&culty, such as missing a train or having no money to buy something to eat. They are perfectly complacent mentally except in the face of some such vital emergency. At the opposite extreme we find persons who are of such an inquiring frame of mind that they are continually poking around and turning up doubtful questions or problems in all kinds of unexpected places. Presented problems abound in practical afairs. — In practical affairs we meet frequent occasions both for solving "presented" problems and for " discovering " problems. For example, a business executive or manager is "presented" with a batch of problems every time he reads his mail or listens to questions from his subordinates or customers. A busy executive solves scores of problems a day which are presented to him in this manner. One of the greatest elements of skill in executive work is the ability to decide rapidly many such problems as they are presented. Con- sequently, when we present pupils in school with many problems which they did not originate, but which they must solve rapidly, we are paralleling one of the most important t5^es of problem- solving in practical hfe. Discovering problems, illustrated by inquiring experts. — -On the other hand, the discovering of problems is constantly illustrated in practical affairs when an expert examines a situation with a view to improving it. For example, a friend of mine has just taken over the management of a large business and one of the first ques- tions he asked was, " When do you have your salesmen's meetings ? " The old manager said they did not have any meetings, and was surprised when my friend pointed out that this was a serious defect in the organization. It is becoming more and more common to employ consulting experts (for example, in making school surveys) who visit a situation and by prying here and there with their ques- tions uncover many problems which the "home folks" never lo THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL realized were there. The importance of organized training for this type of activity is stated by Judd when he says: Not merely the solution of problems suggested by one's own experiences, then, constitutes the end and aim of school training, but the discovery of new problems is an important part of education. Youth is a period of learning to see problems as well as learning to solve problems.' Group discussions and individual solution. — Sometimes the problems which are thus presented or discovered are solved by an individual working alone, but frequently group discussion plays a very large part in the solution. Even where one individual does most of the thinking which attains the solution, he is often greatly aided by a few moments of discussion with someone else. In organized business and social Hfe many of the crucial decisions, such as occur in undertaking new business ventures or passing new laws or trying cases in court, are reached only after many hours of problem-solving discussions by groups of persons. Hence, while it is important to train individual pupils in school in the solving of problems, it is equally important that they be given practice in problem-solving discussions so as to give them skill in this important social art. Reflective problem-solvers to be trained, not impulsive ones. — • Finally, before turning to the sample lessons which will illustrate how pupils are actually given practice in the art of problem- solving, we may note that we desire to produce reflective problem- solvers, not impulsive ones. To reflect means to turn the matter over in the mind, to view it from various angles, to consider carefully the various possibiHties of solution. To develop skill in securing the true solution of problems by such reflective study is the topic of these articles. In the next instalment we shall describe sample lessons which show just how skilled teachers give such training. ^ C. H. Judd, "Initiative or the Discovery of Problems," Elementary School Teacher, XHI (1912), 153. PART II Synopsis of preceding article. — The preceding article was concerned with "problems of everyday life," and brought out the following points: i. Such problems vary from very large questions of policy to minute issues requiring only a moment's thought for their solution. 2. Consequently, in school we need many small problems as weU as larger ones. 3. Both practical problem- solving and speculative problem-solving prevail in daily life. 4. Playful, speculative problem-solving, "just for fun," is a very characteristic human activity and has large social value. 5. The great variety of problems found in daily life appears when we try to classify them as mechanical, diplomatic, moral, expressional, aesthetic, scientific, mathematical, etc. 6. Consequently, training in problem-solving may be provided in many subjects in the school 7. In order to start problems for pupils, we must know what a problem is psychologically and how it originates. 8. For our purposes, a problem may be defined as a question involving doubt. 9. Problems originate in something puzzling, perplexing, confusing, disconcerting, unexpected, queer, strange, or "fimny." 10. When a pupil's mind is challenged by something of this nature, he has a genuine problem. 11. Both "presented" problems and "discovered" problems abound in daily life. 12. Sometimes everyday problems are solved by an individual working alone, but many are solved by problem-solving group discussions. 13. Hence, practice in the solution of group problems through group discussion trains pupils in a very useful social art. With this social setting of problem-solving in mind we shall turn our attention to a number of actual lessons which will illustrate how training in problem-solving has been organized by progressive teachers. II. ACTUAL LESSONS ILLUSTRATING PROBLEM-SOLVING IN SCHOOL A. Seventh Grade: Should the United States Produce Its Own Sugar ? Illustrates results of preceding training in problem-solving. — The first lesson which we shall describe is taken from an upper-grade class in order to illustrate what large issues may be considered reflectively by pupils who are about to graduate from an elementary 12 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [October school in which training in problem-solving is provided from the kindergarten up. After presenting this upper-grade example, we shall describe lessons from the kindergarten and the second and fifth grades, in order to illustrate the gradual progress in the pupils' reflective abilities as they advance through the grades. All the lessons are from the Elementary School of the University of Chicago, but similar instruction may be found in hundreds of progressive schools throughout the country. The seventh-grade geography lesson which we shall present first was taught by Miss Edith Parker.^ Relation to preceding lessons. Pupils reviewing various factors in America's progress. — The class was reviewing the geography of the United States, following a previous study of it in the fourth grade some years before. As the University Elementary School completed its work in seven years, the culmination of the geography training was so organized at the end of the seventh grade that it gave the pupils an opportimity to use their geographic knowledge in considering certain large geographic problems of their native country .2 As this class was studying the country in 191 9, shortly after the close of the war, they had been especially impressed with the marvelous achievements of the United States and had become interested in the following large question as the basis of the review: "What are the factors that make the United States such a great nation ?" In discussing the matter, they had brought forward a number of geographic factors such as the location and size of the country, its varied topography and natural resources, the char- acter and amount of immigration, etc. For a few days they had concerned themselves with ascertaining the relative achievements of the United States and other countries in crop production. They had studied the cotton and corn crops, and had waxed enthusiastic ' To satisfy the curiosity of the reader, I may say that Miss Parker and the author of these articles are not related. Hence it is not inappropriate for me to remark that Miss Parker's technique in conducting problem-solving lessons is a model of artistic teaching of this type. We shall describe some of her fifth-grade geography lessons later in these articles. ^ For a description of the course in geography in this grade, see the Elementary School Journal, XVIH (December, 1917), 271-79. For an article illustrating Miss Edith Parker's general procedure in organizing a large project problem in geography, see her paper entitled "The Partition of Africa— A Seventh-Grade Geography Unit," Elementary School Journal, XX (November, 1919), 188-202. 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 13 over our production of these staples. They next turned their attention to sugar production, and it was at this stage that the lesson which I shall describe occurred. Pupils disconcerted by small sugar production. Problem keenly felt. — After some preliminary discussion, Miss Parker raised the chief problem for the day by pointing to a graph which she had drawn on the blackboard. The pupils examined it and found that the United States produced in a given year only one-fifteenth of the world's supply of sugar, but consumed one-fifth. After their earlier findings of the enormous production of cotton and corn in America, and their general contention that a great nation should try to be self-sufficient in its production of the necessities of life, many of the pupils were nonplused at this revelation of the sugar situation. Many of them were greatly disconcerted, perplexed, and puzzled by this unexpected shock to their enthusiastic national complacency. A psychological problem situation had been skilfully and easily created by the teacher. The current shortage of sugar served to make the problem felt even more intensely. Problem clearly defined. Proposition to increase production written on the board. — The problem was then clearly presented for solution. "If we produce only one-fifteenth and use one-fifth of the world's supply of sugar, what should we do about it?" Some pupils suggested that we use less; others that we grow more. One pupil finally presented a clear proposition that we produce as much more sugar as possible in order to try to meet our domestic needs. Miss Parker deliberately wrote this on the board and then asked all the pupils to decide if they agreed with it. They all did. Search for solution. Geographies consulted to determine possi- bility of raising more. — The question then arose, why, if this was advisable, hadn't the country done it before ? In answering this question, attention became centered on the word "possible" in their proposition to produce more, and the teacher asked the pupils how they could find out whether it would be possible for us to raise more sugar. The pupils suggested looking up in their geog- raphies the maps and other data showing the areas of possible sugar production and the conditions governing it. They decided to deal with cane sugar first. 14 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL {Octoher Pupils suggest conditions; get data from maps; decide greater production is possible. — In reply to Miss Parker's question concern- ing the conditions which they would have to ascertain, the pupils replied "number of growing days," "suitable soil," and "amount of rainfall." She wrote these items on the board, as she had done with a number of other crucial points in the discussion. Following their suggestion to ascertain the number of growing days needed, she directed the pupils to turn to their geographies where they found a map of the United States with a line showing how far north cane could be grown. They then compared this map with one showing actual cane production, and decided that as far as number of growing days was concerned, much more cane could be grown. Similarly they took up suitable soil conditions and rainfall and arrived at similar conclusions. Teacher verifies pupils' conclusion by reference to a special treatise. — In order to verify their conclusion. Miss Parker read from a special book on sugar a statement to the effect that there were thousands of acres in the country in which conditions were favorable for raising sugar cane that were not being used for this purpose. Teacher held discussion to " possibility '^ before considering "profit." — As all these data were being produced and were gradually bringing out the possibility of easily producing more sugar in the United States, one boy kept suggesting that it might not be profitable to do so. Miss Parker made a memorandum of his suggestion on the board for later discussion, but suggested that they finish the investigation of the crop possibilities before they took up questions of profit, since the fundamental proposition to which they had all agreed and which was written on the board stated that more should be grown if possible. Some difficulty was experienced in getting the boy to give up his idea of considering profitability before determining possibility. PupiVs suggestion of lack of profit examined. Uncertainty about original proposition. — However, after the possibility had been definitely proved, Miss Parker turned to the issue of profit. The pupils readily saw that what is possible is not necessarily profitable, and began to think that maybe their proposition to which they ipso] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 15 had all assented at the beginning, namely, to produce enough sugar to meet our needs, might not be sound. In considering why the South had not raised more sugar cane, since it is quite possible, they suggested two important factors, namely (to use their own language), "competing crops" and "cost of labor." They stated that probably portions of the South found cotton and other crops more satisfactory than cane, and that labor in Cuba was probably cheaper than in the southern states. Pupil suggested tariff. Teacher left it an open question. — Thus they concluded that the United States did not produce enough sugar to meet its own needs because it could be imported so cheaply that the farmers found it more profitable to raise other crops. The period was almost ended. Hence, in order to relate the day's problem concerning sugar to the larger issue concerning the great- ness of the United States and its self-sufl&ciency in producing the necessities of life. Miss Parker again raised the question of what we should do about the sugar problem. One boy suggested that we place a tariff on sugar. Miss Parker asked, "Who would pay the tariff ?" The pupils said, "The people of the United States." "Who are the people of the United States?" she then asked. "We are," they said. She then asked if it seemed wise to make every family in the United States pay more for its sugar by means of a tariff in order that the coimtry might produce enough sugar to meet its own needs. Without waiting for an answer, she con- cluded the hour by saying, "This is a problem upon which the greatest American statesmen disagree, and to which Congress devotes long discussions." PRINCIPLES ILLUSTRATED BY SEVENTH-GRADE PROBLEM-SOLVING LESSON Broad flexible grasp of subject-matter needed by teacher in such lessons. — This type of geography teaching is becoming common in schools where a special departmental teacher is employed to teach the subject in the middle and upper grades. It is obvious that the teacher needs a thorough mastery of the subject-matter of geography if the discussions of the pupils are to be as flexible and broad as in the foregoing lesson. The teacher in such a case has to be familiar not only with such large issues as the question of 1 6 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [October protecting native sugar production by means of a tariff but also with such details as the number of growing days required to mature sugar cane. Broad knowledge anticipates issues and prepares scientific data. — It is important to note, however, that when a teacher is thoroughly informed concerning the problem imder discussion, as Miss Parker was in this case, she can anticipate the various issues that will arise, have ready the necessary scientific treatises and references, and guide the discussion so that it follows important scientific lines instead of being sidetracked on minor or irrelevant issues. Thus Miss Parker realized in advance that the pupils would need to use the map showing sugar-cane production, and to save time had a memorandum prepared of the page on which it was to be found. She knew that the pupils would reach certain conclusions that needed verification, and she had on hand a special treatise on sugar and a certain report of the Department of Agriculture, with memoranda of the pages upon which the verifications could be based. Pupils suggest and evaluate data and procedures. — Yet, with all this definite anticipation, planning, and direction by the teacher, the pupils carried the main burden of solving the problem — they made all the important suggestions and evaluated most of them. Their suggestions included not only matters of fact, such as the necessity of enough growing days and of suitable soil, but also methods of procedure, for example, suggestions that they examine certain maps in their geographies to find certain data. These suggestions of procedure went even farther and included decisions concerning how the question should be subdivided and which phase should be taken up first, etc. For example, early in the hour the question arose whether to consider the possibilities of increased production of cane sugar or of beet sugar. Miss Parker had the pupils decide which of these should be investigated first. They chose cane sugar and held to it. Points of technique in problem-solving lesson. Rapid view. — Before turning to other lessons which will further illustrate the special technique to be used by a teacher in guiding problem- solving by pupils, we may note briefly some points of such technique 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 17 as is illustrated in this lesson. It is not necessary to study these carefully at this point, as most of them will be illustrated repeatedly in the later lessons and will be summarized in Section IV of the dis- cussion. However, the cumulative effect of frequent reference to them will be helpful. Miss Parker's lesson, then, had the following general characteristics found in the artistic direction of problem- solving discussions. 1. She created an intense problem frame of mind by discon- certing the pupils with a graphic representation of the contrast between our large consumption and relatively small production of sugar. 2. She had the problem for discussion clearly formulated and wrote it on the board. 3. She kept the problem clearly before the pupils by frequent reference to it as written. 4. She encouraged suggestions from the pupils not only in mat- ters of fact or data but also in the matters of procedure, i.e., in regard to such questions as "What shall we do next?" or "How can we find out about that?" 5. She encouraged careful evaluation and criticism by the pupils of the various suggestions. 6. She gave practice in the use of scientific treatises as the source of data and as a means of verification. 7. She encouraged the attitude of desiring verification of suggestions by reference to standard authorities. 8. She conducted the lesson at a deliberate pace, so that pupils were required to think before answering. As a special device in this connection, she occasionally said, "When you have your mind made up, you may rise," and then waited until most of the pupils had risen. 9. She kept the discussion organized along definite lines by out- lining on the blackboard the various important suggestions that were made, and then holding to the order in which they had decided to pursue the discussion. In this way the main problem became analyzed into a number of subordinate problems which were disposed of in an orderly manner. Small subordinate problems that arise give dull pupils a chance. — These subordinate problems included some very large ones and 1 8 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [October some small ones. Perhaps the largest that arose was the final one, namely, "Should a tariff be placed on sugar ?" This seems almost as large as the original dilemma, namely, ''Should the United States produce all the sugar it needs?" Somewhat smaller were these problems : "What factors make it improfitable to grow more cane ?" and "What conditions are necessary to produce sugar cane?" Still smaller were these problems: "How shall we find out how far north sugar cane can be matured ?" and "How can we find out what states produce sugar cane?" The breaking up of the large issue into these smaller ones results m the lesson providing trainmg in the solution of both large and small problems. Some of the duller pupils, who might not be able to wrestle with the larger issues involved, might readily suggest looking up a sugar-production map and be able to read from it the data needed. In the next lesson to be presented, namely, one from the kinder- garten, we shall find such small, simple problems presented that even five-year-old children can easily solve them. By reading through the other lessons which are to follow, we can see how children are gradually trained up to the point where they carry on the high-grade type of reflective problem-solving illustrated in Miss Parker's seventh-grade lesson on sugar. B. Kindergarten Problem: How to Make the Front of Cardboard Store Contrast old-fashioned dictated constructions with new problem type. — In the kindergarten and primary grades many of the prob- lems which pupils solve concern how to make something. In the old-fashioned kindergartens, it was customary to dictate to pupils just what steps to take in constructing each object. There was little room for reflective thinking by the pupils. In a modern progressive kindergarten, on the other hand, large opportunities are given to pupils to experiment in their constructions, and the experimentation is made of a reflective thoughtful type through class discussions which the teacher organizes. In order to bring out the contrast between the old dictated type of constructive activity and the newer experimental type, we shall present first a lesson from an old kindergarten manual published in London in 1874, a.nd then follow with a modem problem-solving lesson in 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 19 making the front of a cardboard store. In the old manual the "fifth gift" is described as consisting of twenty-seven small cubes piled together to make one large cube. Some of the small cubes were further subdivided into triangular prisms. Each child had this material before him and, in the dictated exercises, all per- formed the same operations as illustrated in the following quotation in which the teacher addresses the children thus: "Show me the top three cubes in front. Place them on the back three cubes. What has our large cube become ? A flight of steps or a flower stand . ' ' Then talk with the chfld about these objects. "Divide the flower stand into three parts in length— what does it become?" "Three narrow flights of steps." "Place the three together again. I take the middle step away, and place the three cubes upon the top step— what have we now ?" etc. While the pupils may be gaining in motor control and in ability to follow directions in such a lesson as that quoted above, and may even be quite happy in the process, it is obvious that they are not being trained in thinking and are not acquiring much skill in solving construction problems. Problem lesson: How to make a suitable front for a cardboard store. — In striking contrast with such mechanical dictated activity, we find the following description of a lesson in the kindergarten of the University of Chicago Elementary School in 191 8. The problem which engaged the attention of each pupil was the making of a suitable front for a small cardboard grocery store. The teacher was Miss Olive Paine. Relation to course of study in community life. — According to the course in Community Life, History, and Civics in this elementary school," the children in the kindergarten study the family in its relation to the community. Needs of the family and the com- munity as supplied by grocery stores furnish many problems. The pupils engaged in the lesson to be described were almost ready for the first grade. Previous work. Trip to a grocery store. — The children had been taken to a grocery store some days before, where they observed the arrangement of the windows, doors, front of the store, shelves inside of the store, articles on the shelves and in the windows, etc. 'See the Elementary School Journal, XVII (February, 1917), 397-404. 20 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [October A store of large blocks previously constructed. — A store of some considerable size had been constructed of large blocks and was still standing in the recitation room. Individual stores started. — The day before the lesson each child had almost completed a small store made from heavy construction paper or from a cardboard box. The new lesson centered in the completion of a suitable front for each store. For this purpose each child had been given a piece of construction paper somewhat larger than the front of his store. Some children had already cut out windows and doors in these sheets. Problem for the day. Making suitable fronts. — The stores and fronts were brought out. The fronts were to be criticized and remade, if necessary. In short, the problem was the making of suitable fronts for the stores. WORKING OUT OF THE PROBLEM 1. Criticism of previous work. — ^As the teacher handed a child his store and his front, she asked him to place the front in position and see if he thought it was just as he wanted it to be. Sometimes the windows extended out beyond the outside walls of the store. Sometimes the doors and windows were higher than the store. 2. Children suggest modifications; finding how to fit the fronts. — One child was asked how his front could have been made to fit the store. He held the sheet of pasteboard in front of the store, and folded it around the side. Miss Paine asked what that was for. The child replied: "You could paste it tight to the store to hold the front on." One child suggested folding the sheet over. The teacher asked how. Various children made suggestions, and they finally concluded the sheet might have been held up in front of the store before the windows and door had been cut out. The place at which to fold might have been marked with lines drawn with a pencil. Miss Paine asked how they would have marked straight lines. Finally, it was brought out that the sheet might be laid on the floor and folded over in a straight line by placing the edges of the top nicely together. Some of the children who needed new sheets of paper received them.^ Each child was led to hold ' An interesting dilemma arises in deciding how much to let children experiment in such construction work. On the one hand it might be said that such experimentation i92o] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 21 the sheet up in front and mark a place with the pencil; then to lay the sheet on the floor and fold it over at one side; then to hold the sheet up again and find the other side. 3. Deciding how to make doors and windows; crude idea by one child. — Then the children were led to see that the doors and windows must come in between the two folds thus made at the side. Some wanted two windows and one door. This time one little girl (the least able of the class, it seemed) cut a very narrow door about twice as high as her store. She was asked why so high a door. She said she wanted it that way. The other children said it was too high. The girl then said it was for an upstairs. The teacher asked if stores and houses had a high door that was for both the lower floor and the upstairs. The child held out that hers was all right. Finally the teacher gave her a new sheet and pretty closely directed her work and tried to get the child to see proper proportions for windows, door, etc.^ 4. Informal but directed designing and making: what next and how. — The children worked on the floor in a perfectly informal way. They were led to see what the next thing was and to want to do that thing. How it could be done was discussed and worked out very skilfully. Some of the children left the part cut out for a window uncut at one end of the window. Some wanted to use this to raise up for an awning, and some wanted it for a shelf under the window. Evidently something of this kind had been done at some with its erroneous results is necessary for children of kindergarten age in order to get them to feel the need for the thoughtful planning which prevails in the lesson which we are describing. On the other hand, some educators would favor more direction by the teacher in order to avoid the waste of material incurred in this lesson. In the steel industry, Carnegie would tear down and throw in the scrap heap an expensive plant which had been in use only a short time in order to make way for another which afterthought had shown to be better. How much should kindergarten children be permitted similar waste in solving construction problems? A later article on the nature of problem-solving will throw some light on the dilemma. ^ Children with low-grade intellects are often unable to plan intelligently but can acquire skill in motor arts, e.g., Goddard indicates that a certain type of moron can learn to use machinery and care for animals and needs no supervision for routine work, but cannot plan. It is a waste of time to try to train such pupils to be skilled thinkers, but it is profitable to teach them practical motor arts by careful supervision. For Goddard's convenient table showing some of the possibilities of the feeble-minded see the author's General Methods of Teaching in Elementary Schools, p. 304. 22 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [October other time. The observer doubted if that came out accidentally on the part of so many without having been brought out at a previous lesson. However, it was quite skilfully used by many of the children. 5. Teacher suggests standards for comparison. — Miss Paine kept bringing out the idea of size by comparison of the relative heights of doors, windows, shelves, men, women, etc., in the store they had seen and also in the store made of blocks. 6. Children vary ideas of hinges. — The number of hinges needed for the door was discussed. One child had just one hinge and seemed happy. She was sent to examine a door to find out how many hinges other doors had. Different children decided that two or three hinges would be best. One boy said four would be best. He wanted that number. 7. Intercomparison and exchange of judgments by children. — • The children were led to judge of the quality of their own work and to supplement the judgment of others concerning their work and to supplement the judgment of the teacher. 8. Fast children plan further work. — Two children were much quicker and showed more ability in motor co-ordination than the rest. They completed their windows and doors and were ready to go on. They were asked what they wanted to do next. They said, "Make a shelf." They were asked what they wanted to make it out of . "Pieces of cardboard." The teacher handed one a piece and asked if that would do. " It is too little," he said. The teacher said they would make the shelves the next day, as the end of the period had arrived. 9. Articles put away until next day. — The children were asked to get their stores and fronts ready to put up. "How will you know them?" asked Miss Paine. "Mark letters on them," they said. Then they made their initials on the inside of the stores and the fronts. Quite naturally they gathered up their scraps and put them into the waste basket. Evaluation of kindergarten problem-solving lesson. Remarks by trained observer. — ^The foregoing account of the observed lesson, except the paragraph headlines, was written by an experienced teacher of high-school mathematics, Miss Mildred Harris, who 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 23 had become interested in problem-solving in general. She was in the process of organizing her ideas of the technique of such teaching while attending a class for supervisors of teaching. Consequently the following comments which she made as a high-school mathe- matics teacher observing a kindergarten construction lesson are suggestive concerning the general matter of problem-solving. 1. Definite aims. — The object of the lesson was clear to both teacher and children and was kept before the minds of the children all the time. Suitable fronts for the stores were to be made. This was the object in the minds of the children. In the mind of the teacher, many purposes were in view. Each thing done was a preparation for the next higher-level thing. Progressive development was aimed at. This was evident in her questions, suggestions, etc. 2. Self-criticism by pupils. — Progress was made in the children's criticism of their own work. Each child, as he worked on his own front, was led to judge his own work from time to time as it was completed at that stage. They were led to find out how they could determine if it was just what they wanted it to be. This was one of the parts of the recitation in which the teacher showed skill above the ordinary. 3. Co-operative suggestion and evaluation. — The matter of co-operative work, suggestions, etc., was brought out in supple- menting criticisms of each other and of the teacher. The teacher worked with the pupils and they worked together and yet each child was busy with his own store front. 4. Encouraging pupils to make suggestions. — Independence on the part of pupils was encouraged by such questions as "What would you do?" "How might you do this time?" "Could you do it this way ?" "If that is not just as you want it, how can you make it as you want it to be?" 5. Responsibility for planning. — Each child was led to feel his own responsibility for the making of his front, planning, etc. He was first led to see what he wanted, and then he tried to find out how he could make what he wanted. 6. Pupils interested. — The children were interested in their own work. This was shown in the fact that they wanted to go on even after the end of the period. 24 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL 7, Teacher anticipated pupils' difficulties. — A child's probable difficulty was anticipated. The teacher really kept a sharp lookout on each child's work, although she seemed to be leaving the child to do as he pleased. If she saw a child marking a place that would result in the same error he was trying to avoid, she would ask him questions and get him to try to find out if that mark was just right. Sometimes she would ask a child who was about to get into trouble to look at the work of another who was succeeding and see what he thought of that. The child, without any suggestion, often got a clue for his own work and proceeded. If not, the teacher suggested something, etc. 8. Left a problem for next day. — The teacher left a problem in the minds of the children to be worked out for the next day — how to make the shelves on which to put the things they wanted in their stores. Note. — In the next article we shall describe sample lessons from the second and fifth grades which will illustrate the practice in thinking that the pupils are given as they progress from the simple construction problems of the primary grades up to the ability demonstrated m the seventh-grade sugar-production lesson with which the present article began. PART III Synopsis of preceding articles. — ^The preceding discussion consisted of two parts, (I) An account of the place of problem-solving in everyday life, and (II) two sample lessons from the University of Chicago Elementary School. These depicted (o) pupils in the seventh grade debating the possibility and desirability of increasing America's sugar production, and (b) kindergarten pupils engaged in designing and constructing cardboard grocery stores. The present article will continue the sample lessons constituting section II of the discussion and then introduce section III on "how great problem-solvers think." C. SECOND grade: how to dress an ARAB doll Relation to course in community life. — The study of the pupils' immediate enviromnent which we found illustrated in the kinder- garten lesson on grocery stores is followed in the first grade by a study of farm life and Indian life. These social types enrich the pupils' ideas of human wants and needs and of means of meeting these. In the second grade another strategic type of civilization is encountered in the study of primitive shepherd life.^ Here the Arabs of the desert were being studied when the lesson which we shall describe was observed. The lesson occurred after the class had been studying Arabs for some time. On the sand table the children had made a desert, sand hills, and camel tracks, and had planted some miniature palm trees. On the blackboard along one side of the room were pictures of deserts, sand hills, and several camels. The teacher was Miss Mary Cameron. Conversation reported to illustrate details of technique. — In describ- ing this lesson we shall report more of the language used by the teacher and pupils in order to give a more detailed impression of the mental activities of the class, and of certain details of the ' For a full description of the study of shepherd life in this grade, see the Ele- mentary School Journal, XVII (February, 1917), 411-16. 26 " THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [November teacher's technique. Only a part of the total conversation of the pupils and teacher is reproduced, but enough is given to illustrate the conversational method of teaching. To assist the reader in following the conversation, the teacher's part is printed in italics.^ Problem for the day. — In the teacher's mind, the problem for the day was a study of the dress of the Arabs. The fundamental aim was to clarify and enlarge the ideas of the children concerning costumes. In the minds of the children, it was dressing dolls to people their desert. Procedure: (i) Children suggested several things that needed to be done. — "We have finished our oasis and desert. What shall we do today?" asked Miss Cameron. The children replied, "Make some camels." "Make some Arabs." "What Arabs would you like to make?" "Some traveling Arabs." "We can make some tents, too," said one child. "How many Arabs shall we make?" "Twelve." "But," said the teacher, "our sand table is not very large." "Let's make two tents and two families," came from a little girl. "How many do you want in your family?" "The father, the mother, and a little boy or a little girl." "All right," said Miss Cameron, "or there might be both a little boy and a little girl. Now, here are the dolls you brought me. Which shall we choose for the father?" One doll was chosen. "What shall we do next?" "Make his clothes?" "Yes, but what must we do before we actually make the clothes ? What does your mother do before she makes you a dress?" "She cuts a pattern." "Yes, and what else ?" " She measures me." " Yes, and what else ?" It was then decided that the clothing must be plaimed before it could be made. The planning followed. 2. Teacher focused attention on planning clothes for father doll. — "What clothes shall we need to make for the father?" asked Miss Cameron. "A turban." "A robe." "A sash." "Weapons." Then someone else suggested sandals. "How can we make sandals?" came from a little girl. "We will leave that for another time," replied the teacher. "What else shall we need for the father ? " » Again I am indebted to Miss Mildred Harris, who took shorthand notes, for a description of this lesson. I have inserted the paragraph headlines. 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 27 "A shawl." "Why does an Arab wear a shawl?'' "It is so cold at night." 3. Summary of suggestions by children.— "Who can tell me every- thing that we shall need to make for the father T' A child volunteered, "A sash, a robe, a turban, sandals, and a shawl." "Let's look at some pictures'' said the teacher. "Notice carefully what these Arabs have on. Think about how we can make the clothes for the father." The children then all looked at the pictures. 4. Attacked problem of making a robe. — One little girl exclaimed, "We will have to have a robe." "What will you need to make a robe ? " Then, from various children came " Scissors." "Thread." "Red cloth." "A ruler." "Needles." "White cloth." "All right, ' ' said Miss Cameron, ' 'here is some cloth. Who has a suggestion for making the robe?" 5. Boy experimented on robe.— A boy went up to the table and taking a small piece of white cloth, cut a hole in it, and slipped it over the head of the doll. The teacher asked him to hold it up so that the others might see it. 6. Criticisms and alternative suggestions by other children. — A couple of the children objected to the looks, saying, "It is too short." "How long should it be?" "It should come below the knees." "Oh, it should come clear to the heels," from another pupil, "What else can you suggest about this robe?" "Robes are loose over the shoulder." "How could we make a robe that way?" One boy said he would have a piece hang over each shoulder. Another wanted it to come to a point in the back. Another wanted it fastened in some way. One said the hole for the neck was too large. "Why is it too large?" asked Miss Cameron. "It won't stay on the shoulder." "You could button it on," said one girl. "Who thinks he can make a better robe?" A girl tried. She held the doll up and said, "I would hold it together, this way, with a sash." "Is it all right ? " asked the teacher. "No, it is not full enough." 7.. Subordinate problems arose: sleeves and sash. — "Where are the sleeves?" asked a child. "Will someone show us how the sleeves might be fixed so that they will be right?" added the teacher. A girl pinned the sleeves. "Do you think that is better?" "No," 28 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [November came from several. Finally, the children got the sleeves pinned a little more to their taste. "What could we use for a girdle?'' queried Miss Cameron. "A piece of cloth." "A piece of tape." "Paper." "/ am thinking of something that your mothers are using a great deal these days," said she. "Yarn!" A piece of yam was selected and wound around the doll. "Do you like the side of this robe? Shall we tomorrow make the side this way?" "No," said a child, "we must sew it." The'teacher then had them examine a seam of a little child's dress. They decided the edge of the seam must be straight and not left rough. "We can tuck it in," said a child, meaning French-seamed. 8. Devising a turban. — "What else can we make for the father?" "A turban." "All right." A girl then took a piece of white cloth and tried to make a turban. She made it look about like a veil, hanging down the back. "Do you think it looks like a turban?" "No, it should not hang down," said a boy. "You try it," said the teacher. The boy got up and tore a very narrow strip off and wound it around the head of the doll. The result was a pretty good turban. "Looks like the father had a sore head," said one child. 9. Standard for comparison presented by teacher. — "Compare it with a picture of a turban," said the teacher, producing a picture of a man with a turban. "Pretty good," was the general verdict. But some were not satisfied with the sore-head appearance. "See if you can improve upon it," to a little girl. The latter tried to make a turban by first winding it around her finger. She failed, and then wound the strip around the doll's head as the boy had done. However, she took a broader strip. Some liked it better. "Why do you think it is better?" "It covers the head better." "It is more the shape." "Is the turban finished?" "No, a cord should be around it." "You come and put a cord on." A boy put a bit of yarn around the turban for a cord. " It should be the same color as the sash," came from a girl. "That might look better," said the teacher. 10. Problem for next day. — "Tomorrow we shall make a shawl. If any of you have anything at home that you think you would like to use to make your shawl, it would be nice to bring it to school." Then 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 29 different children told of what they could bring. "We must make a collar. Men wear collars," came from one child. "Do Arabs wear collars?" They decided not. II. Child off the track. — One girl arose and very earnestly began telHng how a doll she had was dressed. It was brought from abroad. It was a French doll. The teacher listened a moment and then asked, "But what kind of people are we talking about?" "Arabs " came in a chorus. "Bring your things for a shawl tomorrow, and we shall finish dressing the Arab father." Thus ended the lesson. Conversational method prevails in problem-solving discussions. — As indicated above, the conversational form in which this second- grade lesson is described helps us to get a clearer idea of the con- versational spirit that prevails in a problem-solving discussion lesson than we derived from the seventh-grade lesson on sugar production or the kindergarten construction lesson. It is important to realize, however, that in both these lessons the same informal conversational give-and-take between teacher and pupils prevailed. At the same time, in all the lessons, we feel that the teacher is a very definite, stimulating, and guiding force. She keeps the pupils' minds actively directed along educative lines so that they are acquiring important ideas at the same time that they are acquiring training in the reflective solution of problems. D. Fifth Grade: Standardized Short Geography Problems on THE British Isles Transition from simple primary construction problems to technical scientific problems of higher grades.— As a final example of problem- solving lessons in the elementary school, we shall present one from a fifth-grade class in geography. This lesson will show the transi- tion from (a) the simple construction problems arising out of social needs which we have illustrated from the kindergarten and second grade to (b) the more complicated, technical problems of the upper grades which we illustrated by the problem of the United States increasing its sugar production, and which brought in such technical issues as the number of growing days required by sugar cane, the cost of labor, competing crops, and the question of a tariff on sugar. In this fifth-grade lesson we shall find the children dealing with certain simple technical matters such as the tides in navigable 30 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [November rivers and the use of a scale of miles and of the directions, east, west, north, and south, in reading a map. London problems. How is London influenced by the Thames? Dialogue. — Under the direction of Miss Edith Parker, the children in the fifth grade had taken up the study of the British Isles. They had begun the study of London shortly before the lesson which we shall describe. In order to give the reader further notions of the conversational technique of problem-solving discussion lessons, we shall present most of this lesson in dialogue form as reconstructed from rapid memoranda which I made during my observation. We shall use capital "T" to designate the teacher's remarks, which are printed in italics, and capital "P" to designate the pupils' remarks. Occasionally, where I caught the name of the pupil, I have used it. Much of the dialogue is omitted, but enough is given to illustrate the procedure. The teacher's remarks are numbered in order to faciHtate discussions of the lesson. The lesson. — After the children were seated and quiet reigned, the lesson proceeded as follows: Introductory. — (i) T: ''How many can now see London on the map without looking at the latter?" (The pupils held up their hands as Miss Parker waited a moment.) ''About how far from the mouth of the river is it? Look at your maps and, using your scale of miles, work it out." P: "I say it is exactly forty miles, because it is double the distance across the Strait." Another P: "I say it is just thirty-five by the scale." (2) T: "Your differences may be due to your choosing different places as marking the mouth of the river. Measure clear out to the place marked North Foreland." (The children then discussed and decided upon the distance.) (3) T: "How could such a large seaport as London develop so far up the Thames River ? Put up your hands when you are ready. I want to see many of you ready before I call on anybody." (She then waited about one-half minute.) Martha: "Because of the tides." (4) T: "How do the tides help?" Martha: "I don't know how." JuHan: "The tides help to make it a great port. They let the boats come in." ig2o] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 31 (5) T: "How many agree with Julian? " .... (A brief discussion followed which brought out the fact that the high tides make the river deep enough to let the big boats come up. The teacher told of large vessels waiting at Gravesend for high tide to ascend the river and of "locked" docks being used to keep these vessels afloat during low tide.) Written questions presented. — T: "We have here (indicating the blackboard) some questions for you. Some you can answer easily and others you will have to think out. Will you read the first question and answer it, Ellwood?'' (The full list of questions is printed in the footnote below.^) First written question. — Ellwood read, "How is the city situated with regard to the Thames ? See map on page — ." (The pupils turned to a small map of London. Ellwood's answer was vague.) Another P: "The map shows the river running right through London. They have a Hyde Park!" (These children lived in Hyde Park of Chicago.) Another P: "The river looks awfully twisty here — not straight." (6) T: "What other points about London and the Thames do you find from this map ? ' ' Various P : " Many parks . " " Victory roads." (Other irrelevant answers.) (7) T: "Do those have anything to do with the Thames? It is not a good answer unless it shows how London is related to the Thames." (The pupils now held better to the question.) P: "It has many bridges." Another P: "The city extends far along the river, both north and south of it." ' The questions for Miss Parker's lesson on London were written on the black- board as follows: LONDON 1 . How is the city situated with regard to the Thames ? See map on page — . 2. What determined the location of London Bridge ? 3. In which direction are the docks from the bridge and why? 4. How does the location of the docks affect the location of the factories in London ? 5. How does the location of the factories affect the location of the living quarters for workers ? 6. Where would you expect the business section to be ? 7. Where would you expect the wealthy residence section to be ? 8. Why has London become such a great city? 2,2 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [November (8) T: "How long is London?'^ P: "About eighteen miles." (Various other answers to the first question were developed.) Summing up first question. — (9) T: "Now let us sum up what we have found in answer to the first question." (As the pupils enumerated their points, the teacher wrote them on the board in outline form, thus : 1. On both sides 2. Winding 3. 20 miles 4. Bridges Second question. — P (reads from blackboard): "What deter- mined the location of London Bridge?" (10) T: "// you had visited the Thames River and the site of London before the city was built, you would have seen something like this." (Then she drew on the board a diagram of the river and described the location of the highlands and the low marshes and swamps.) "When the people wanted to build a bridge over the Thames, where would you say it would be, judging from this diagram ? " (The children were very quiet and considerably puzzled.) P: "Right here where it was narrowest." (Pointing at a certain point on the diagram.) (11) T: "My diagram is not exactly right if the river seems nar- rower to you at this point. I will change it because the river is not really narrower there. What do you think, Frank?" Frank: "I should say right here, near the highland; one could easily get at it." (The pupils now became quite active in agreeing or disagreeing with Frank.) P: "I agree with Frank, but I want to ask a question first. (He then went to the board and asked something about the depth of the river. He quickly decided his own idea was not a good one and retired to his seat. After the hour, Miss Parker said this boy was an impulsive thinker, and that his self-checking in this case really represented growth on his part. As a rule the class or teacher had to check him.) (12) T: "Now let's finish the discussion of Frank's plan before we take up another." (Several pupils talked, largely in terms of carrying timbers, easy access to one bank or the other, etc.) 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN TfflNKING 33 (13) T: ^^How many are pretty well convinced now that this would be the best place for the bridge?^' (Many hands were held up.) "Do you have something new to offer, Oliver?'' Ohver started to talk along the same line. (14) T: "Yours is just a part of the same general argument. . . . Are you ready to know what really happened? .... This is the place (pointing at the diagram) that the bridge was built. Here the river swings in against the clijff. It was the first place as they came up the river, where they could find a good place to build a bridge " (She then sketched in the bridge on the diagram.) Third question. — (15) T: "Our next question, Jack.''- Jack read: *'In which direction are the docks from the bridge, and why?" P : "That's the easiest question yet. Seaward." (16) T: "Yes, that's a good answer, but I mean what cardinal direction, north, east, south, or west." Various P: "North." "West." "East." (17) T: "Isn't it strange that you can't tell tne from this small map whether the docks are east, west, north, or south of the bridge. . . . What is the difficulty?'"- (The period was now at an end, so this problem, together with questions 4, 5, 6, and 7, which dealt with the location of factories and residence sections and the reasons for the greatness of London, were left for the next lesson.) Growth of diagram summarizes results of thinking. — At the end of the discussion of all the questions, the simple diagram of the bends in the river with which they began had been supplemented with answers from the later questions until it showed the docks for various kinds of merchandise, factories of various kinds, residence districts for poor and rich, etc. Points of technique briefly noted. — As in the case of the first two lessons which we described, it will be helpful to note certain general characteristics of this London lesson preliminary to our organized discussion of technique which is to follow in section IV. Briefly stated these characteristics are the following: I. A deliberate pace prevailed. For example, in the paragraph numbered 3 in the dialogue, Miss Parker waited about one-half ^ Miss Parker explained to me later that while the children had attained fair skill in reading directions on large colored maps, they needed more drill in applying the same principles to small city maps. 34 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [November minute after saying, "Put up your hands when you are ready. I want to see many of you ready before I call on anybody." 2. Evaluation by the pupils was encouraged. Among Miss Parker's favorite remarks are, "Do you think that is a good point ? '' "Do you agree with that?" "Is that a good argument?" 3. Standards of good thinking were taught the pupils. Examples occur in paragraph 7, where she emphasized holding to the question by saying, "It is not a good answer unless it shows how London is related to the Thames," and in paragraph 12, "Now let's finish the discussion of Frank's plan before we take up another," and in paragraph 14, "Yours is just a part of the same general argument." 4. Summing up the discussion was periodically attended to. The best example given above is in paragraph 9, where the answers to the first problem were reviewed by a pupil and written on the board by the teacher as a few concise nimibered points. 5. The thinking was kept organized by four devices, namely (a) writing the principal questions on the board; (b) holding to the main point of each discussion as described above under 3; (c) summing up periodically, as described under 4; and {d) by building upon a diagram the important data, suggestions, and conclusions as they came along. Experimentation in grading problems and technical data and activi- ties for fifth-grade geography. — Finally, before turning to section III of the discussion, in which we shall inquire how skilled problem- solvers think, we may, as a further preliminary to our general conclusions about technique in section IV, present Miss Parker's own memorandum concerning experimental work in organizing problem -solving lessons in the middle grades. These points she gave me for presentation to my class of teachers before we observed one of her fifth-grade lessons. She wrote as follows : Experimental work in teaching geography in this fifth grade is being done in order 1. To determine what problems are of the right difl&culty for children of this age; in other words, to grade problems. 2. To determine the degree of subdivision of problems necessary and the definite steps in solution that need to be indicated for children of this age. 3. To grade the map reading, text reading, picture reading, and statistics reading that is motivated by these problems. 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 35 4. To devise means of establishing thoroughly those principles of interpre- tation of maps, pictures, statements, and statistics that can be established in this grade. 5. To devise means of helping children of this age to work independently and to check their own inferences. (Written directions are being used at present in an efifort to lessen dependence on the teacher.) 6. To devise means of getting reactions at each step from each individual rather than from one or two. This is a vital matter in the fifth grade where basic interpretation habits are being formed. It is a matter that is often neglected where the problem-solving method is dominant. Conclusion of discussion of actual lessons of section II. Transition to section III. — This will conclude our long section II, in which we have presented, in considerable detail, four problem-solving lessons in order to give the beginning teacher a vivid idea of this type of teaching as it is actually carried on in a progressive elementary school. The seventh-grade lesson on sugar and the kindergarten cardboard construction lesson gave us general notions of the organi- zation of such lessons. The conversational data given in the second-grade Arab lesson and the dialogue of the fifth-grade London lesson brought us more intimately into the conversational give-and-take between teacher and pupils that characterizes problem-solving discussions. In all the lessons, we found the teacher aiding the pupils to get the problem clearly in mind, to make and evaluate suggestions, and to keep their thoughts moving actively along some particular educative line. We found many of the pupils alert and active in suggestion, sometimes keenly critical, and gradually developing in ability from the kindergarten, where they decided how many hinges a door needed, to the seventh grade, where they were ready to consider whether a tariff should be placed on sugar in order to encourage home production. In Miss Parker's final memorandum we found a skilled teacher especially concerned about the issue of grading problems in the middle grades so as to adapt them in general to this grade of pupils, and to give even the slow pupils practice in thoughtfully using the technical tools of problem-solving that are used by scientific specialists in geography. We shall now turn to a description of how problem-solving thinking is done by skilled thinkers, notably great scientists, such as great geographers, astronomers, etc. 36 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [November III, HOW SKILFUL PROBLEM-SOLVERS THINK Need to analyze skills to determine methods. — In discussions of the teaching of any form of skill such as handwriting or reading, we find it necessary to determine how skilful performers behave, e.g., how skilful handwriters and readers perform, in order to determine how to give pupils similar skill. In the case of hand- writing, for example, we find that careful laboratory experiments have been necessary in order to prove that in much expert hand- writing the letters are made predominantly with finger movements instead of arm movements. In the case of reading, we find that a variety of types of reading skill can be distinguished, and that many tests and laboratory experiments have helped us considerably in understanding how skilled reading is done and how to train children to be skilful, resourceful readers. Need similar analysis of skill in problem-solving. — Similarly, in the case of problem-solving, we need a clear understanding of how skilful problem-solvers think in order to practice pupils in doing the same type of thinking. As in the case of handwriting and reading, so in the case of thinking, a number of erroneous ideas have prevailed concerning the nature of the processes of skilled performers. We shall not have time or space, however, to discuss these mistaken notions here, but shall turn our attention im- mediately to an account of the methods of thinking and inquiry used by some of the greatest thinkers, namely, by great scientists as these are described by W. Whewell in his History of the Inductive Sciences.^ Biographies of certain great scientists reveal methods of thinking. — Whewell had made a profound study of the methods and results of most of the great scientists up to his time. In connection with his account of the great astronomer, Kepler (i 571-1630), he I Whewell's work, published in 1837, is an excejUent exhibition of careful English scholarship. T. H. Huxley, in The Advance of Science, p. 74, characterizes Whewell as a man of "great acquirements and remarkable intellectual powers." It would be well if more persons would secure their ideas of scientific method from such works as Whewell's instead of from Francis Bacon's false theories. In contrast with Bacon's ignorance of actujal scientific investigations and ridicule of the methods of his great scientific contemporaries (such as Copernicus) Whewell proceeded to derive correct notions of the nature of scientific thinking by an examination of the methods actually used by great scientists in their work. 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 37 describes methods of scientific study and research in general, and, at the same time, gives an interesting account of Kepler's peculiar traits. Accounts should include failures as well as successes. WheweWs description. — Kepler's investigations furnish especially good material from which to determine how a great scientist thinks because he left accounts of his whole process of inquiry, including his incorrect ideas and unsuccessful endeavors as well as the correct ones. With these accounts in mind, Whewell wrote the following dis- cussion of how great scientists discover new truths and solve great scientific problems (I, 291-92) : Bold guessing. — ^Advances in knowledge are not commonly made without the previous exercise of some boldness and license in guessing. The discovery of new truths requires, undoubtedly, minds careful and scrupulous in examining what is suggested, but it requires, no less, such as are quick and fertile in suggesting. What is invention except the talent of rapidly calling before us many possibilities and selecting the appropriate one ? It is true that when we have rejected all the inadmissible suppositions, they are quickly forgotten by most persons, and few think it necessary to dwell on these discarded hypotheses, and on the process by which they were condemned, as Kepler has done. Reasoning on many errors. — But all who discover truths must have reasoned upon many errors to obtain each truth; every accepted doctrine must have been one selected out of many candidates. In making many conjectures which on trial proved erroneous, Kepler was no more fanciful or unphilosophical than other discoverers have been. Discovery is not a cautious or rigorous process in the sense of abstaining from such suppositions. But there are great differences, in different cases, in the facility with which guesses are proved to be errors and in the degree of attention with which the error and the proof are afterwards dwelt on. Kepler certainly was remarkable for the labor which he gave to such self-refutations and for the candor and copiousness with which he narrated them; his works are in this way extremely curious and amusing and are a very instructive exhibition of the mental process of discovery. But in this respect, I venture to believe, they exhibit to us the usual process (somewhat caricatured) of inventive minds — they rather exemplify the rule of genius than (as has generally been hitherto taught) the exception. We may add that if many of Kepler's guesses now appear fanciful and absurd, because time and observation have refuted them, others, which were at the time equally gratuitous, have been confirmed by succeeding discoveries in a manner which makes them appear marvelously sagacious, as, for instance, his assertion of the rotation of the sun on axis before the invention of the telescope. Nothing can be more just, as well as more poetically happy, than Kepler's picture of 38 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [November the philosopher's pursuit of scientific truth, conveyed by means of an allusion to Vergil's shepherd and shepherdess. Coy yet inviting, Galatea loves To sport in sight, then plunge into the groves; The challenge given, she darts along the green, Will not be caught, yet would not run unseen. Devising tests of false suppositions. — We may notice as another peculiarity of Kepler's reasonings the length and laboriousness of the processes by which he discovered the errors of his first guesses. One of the most important talents requisite for a discoverer is the ingenuity and skill which devises means for rapidly testing false suppositions as they offer themselves. This talent Kepler did not possess; he was not even a good arithmetical calculator, often making mistakes, some of which he detected and laments, while others escaped him to the last. Willingness to abandon false hypothesis. — But his defects in this respect were compensated by his courage and perseverance in undertaking and execut- ing such tasks; and, what was still more admirable, he never allowed the labor he had spent upon any conjecture to produce any reluctance in abandoning the hypothesis as soon as he had evidence of its inaccuracy. The only way in which he rewarded himself for his trouble was by describing to the world, in his lively manner, his schemes, exertions, and feelings. Scientists' method of solving problems. Bold guessing; erroneous guessing; devising tests; abandoning errors.- — Careful reading and study of the above quotation will give us most of the ideas that we need to understand the thinking processes in problem-solving. We may list them briefly as follows : 1. Bold guessing as the basis of fertile suggesting. 2. Erroneous guessing, "All who discover truths must have reasoned upon many errors to discover each truth."^ ' Huxley {op. cit., p. ss) supports Whewell's statement of the place of guessing or conjecturing in careful scientific thinking in the following words : "It is a favorite popular delusion that the scientific inquirer is under a sort of moral obligation to abstain from going beyond that generalization of observed facts which is absurdly called Baconian induction. But anyone who is practically ac- quainted with scientific work is aware that those who refuse to go beyond fact, rarely get as far as fact; and anyone who has studied the history of science knows that almost every great step therein has been made by the "anticipation of nature," that is, by the uivention of h3^otheses, which, though verifiable, often had very little foundation to start with; and, not unfrequently, in spite of a long career of usefulness, turned out to be wholly erroneous in the long run. "The geocentric system of astronomy, with its eccentrics and its epicycles, was an hypothesis utterly at variance with fact, which nevertheless did great things for the advancement of astronomical knowledge. Kepler was the wildest of guessers. Newton's corpuscular theory of light was of much temporary use in optics, though nobody now believes in it." ig2o] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 39 3. Skill in devising means of testing the truth of guesses. 4. Willingness to abandon an erroneous guess or hypothesis. Kepler succeeded though handicapped by slowness and by poor calculations. — In addition to these characteristics of reflective thinking as found in the work of great scientists, it is interesting to note that Kepler succeeded wonderfully in spite of certain personal handicaps. For example, "He was not even a good arithmetical calculator, often making mistakes, some of which he detected and laments, while others escaped him to the last." When one recalls what an important factor mathematical precision is in modern scientific method, he can appreciate what a handicap Kepler labored under. Moreover, he was not rapid in devising means of testing his suppositions, but he compensated for this lack "by his courage and perseverance in undertaking and executing such tasks." In general, these characteristics of Kepler suggest that a person, for example, a pupil, may be a very competent thinker and, in the long run, very successful in solving problems, yet be very slow and laborious in his methods of criticism and verification. Scientific biographies reveal '^how we think." — Such accounts as Whewell gives of the personal efforts of scientific workers to solve problems help us to understand the actual mental processes involved in skilled thinking. On the basis of this understanding, we can proceed to give pupils practice in doing similar thinking. In recent years the psychological writings of William James and John Dewey have especially emphasized the nature of these thinking processes. From their discussions educators may derive help in understanding "how we think" and how to practice pupils in thinking. In the next article, we shall present briefly Dewey's description of "how we think" and then conclude the series of articles with section IV on "rules for practicing pupils in problem- solving." PART IV Synopsis of this series of articles.— The three preceding articles contained (I) a discussion of "problems of everyday Ufe"; (II) four "actual lessons" from the University of Chicago Elementary School illustrating practice in problem-solving from the kindergarten through the upper grades; and (III) a discussion of "how skilful problem-scdvers think" as illustrated by Whewell's description of the methods of thinking used by great scientists. The present article will continue this phase of the discussion and conclude the series with Section IV on "rules for practicing pupils in problem-solving." m. HOW SKILFUL PROBLEM-SOLVERS THINK (Concluded) Dewey's notable account of "how we think.'' — Professor John Dewey is himself one of America's greatest thinkers and is at the same time a trained psychologist who has specialized in the study of thinking processes. Consequently, his book How We Think (1910) deserves very special study. It should be read carefully time and again in order to grasp its detailed meanings. I have known a number of students, and even writers upon education, who have studied the book superficially and, as a consequence, failed to grasp some of its most significant points. Some of his most fundamental ideas, for our purposes, are contained in the three following paragraphs. The headlines are not in the original, and the paragraphing is slightly altered. Origin in some perplexity. — ^We may recapitulate by saying that the origin of thinking is some perplexity, confusion, or doubt. Thinking is not a case of spontaneous combustion; it does not occur just on "general principles." There is something specific which occasions and evokes it. General appeals to a child (or to a grown-up) to think irrespective of the existence in his own experience of some difficulty that troubles him and disturbs his equiUbrium, are as futile as advice to lift himself by his boot-straps. Form a tentative plan based on analogous past experience and prior knowledge. — Given a difficulty, the next step is suggestion of some way out — 40 PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 41 the formation of some tentative plan or project, the entertaining of some theory which will account for the peculiarities in question, the consideration of some solution for the problem. The data at hand cannot supply the solution; they can only suggest it. What, then, are the sources of the suggestion ? Clearly past experience and prior knowledge. If the person has had some acquaintance with similar situations, if he has dealt with material of the same sort before, suggestions more or less apt and helpful are likely to arise. But unless there has been experience in some degree analogous, which may now be represented in imagination, confusion remains mere confusion. There is nothing upon which to draw in order to clarify it. Even when a child (or a grown-up) has a problem, to urge hun to think when he has no prior experiences involving some of the same conditions is wholly futile. Plan not accepted until carefully examined and criticized. — If the suggestion that occurs is at once accepted, we have uncritical thinking, the minimum of reflection. To turn the thing over in mind, to reflect, means to hunt for additional evidence, for new data, that will develop the suggestion and will either, as we say, bear it out or else make obvious its absurdity and irrelevance. Given a genuine difficulty and a reasonable amoimt of analogous experience to draw upon, the difference, par excellence, between good and bad thinkmg is found at this pomt. The easiest way is to accept any suggestion that seems plausible and thereby bring to an end the condition of mental uneasiness. Reflective thinking is always more or less troublesome, because it involves overcoming the inertia that inclines one to accept suggestions at their face value; it involves willingness to endure a condition of mental unrest. . . Reflective thmking, in short, means judgment suspended during further inquiry, and suspense is likely to be somewhat painful. . . . The most important factor in the training of good mental habits consists in acquiring the attitude of suspended conclusion and in mastering the various methods of searching for new materials to corroborate or to refute the first suggestions that occur. To maintain the state of doubt and to carry on systematic and protracted inquiry — these are the essentials of thinking.' Dewey's text; state of doubt plus systematic and protracted inquiry. — In general, this quotation from Dewey gives us the same notions of careful inquiry that we derived from the accounts of Kepler's thinking, namely (i) prolonged careful search for suggested solu- tions, (2) careful open-minded evaluation and testing of each suggestion or plan, (3) suspended judgment, patience to wait until the true solution has been discovered and verified. Since the language of Dewey's paragraphs varies from Whewell's account of Kepler, we can pick up from Dewey some excellent additional phrases to use in our thinking about training in problem-solving. 'John Dewey, How We Think, pp. 12-13. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1910. 42 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [December Perhaps the best of these are contained in the final sentence, "To maintain the state of doubt and to carry on systematic and pro- tracted inquiry — these are the essentials of thinking." With such an understanding of the nature of skilful problem- solving as we can derive from these accounts by Whewell and Dewey, and from the accounts of actual problem-solving lessons given earlier in the discussion, we can now proceed to summarize our ideas of how to train pupils in problem-solving. IV. RULES FOR PRACTICING PUPILS IN REFLECTIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING Assume suitable problem, adequate experience, and interesting dilemma. — At the outset of this section, we may assume (i) that a problem adapted to the pupils' maturity and experience is to be solved; (2) that the pupils have analogous previous experience and related information needed for the solution or they know how to proceed to get this information; and (3) that an interesting dilemma has been created. In other words, we shall assume that a suitable problem for solution has already arisen from some puz- zling situation and that the pupils are interested in solving it. Interest in problem increased by competition. — Their interest may arise from the mere instinctive interest in thinking which we described early in the articles and which leads many adults and children to enjoy playful puzzling about all sorts of perplexing, strange, unexpected, or disconcerting occurrences. This instinc- tive interest easily maintains itself and is greatly aided by the instinctive interest in competition. Pupils compete to make appro- priate suggestions, to criticize the suggestions of others, and in general to "win out" personally in achieving the solutions of the major problem and its many subdivisions. Teacher's threefold task. — With such an interesting situation created, the teacher's task becomes one of (i) guiding the thinking of the pupils; (2) aiding them when confronted by difficulties that are beyond their powers or which they would waste their time in solving; and (3) eventually making them aware of what good thinking is, so that they may consciously strive for it during their thinking, just as they strive to improve their handwriting or their reading. 1920] PROBLELI-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 43 Thorndike's parallel for guiding thinking. Finding the road to grandpa's. — The general nature of a teacher's activity in assisting pupils in problem-solving is cleverly suggested by Thorndike when he compares it to assisting a child to discover the road to grandpa's house instead of merely taking him by the hand and leading him there. In such guidance, Thorndike says: You must make svu*e (i) that the youngster knows what place he is to try to reach and (2) keeps it in mind. (3) He must also at least know that to get to a place [or to solve a problem] you must keep going and not he down and go to sleep; (4) he must have some knowledge of the direction in which the house lies and of the roads and woods and valley in the neighborhood. He starts off correctly and at a cross road [or alternative in the problem] turns to the left. "What did you do that for, John?" [asks the guide]. "I don't know." "Where are you going?" "To grandpa's." "Where does that road go?" " To the schoolhouse." " Is that on the way to grandpa's ? " "I don't know." " What comes after the schoolhouse if you go down this road ? " "The chvirch." "How long does it take to go from grandpa's to the church?" "0, a long time." "Is grandpa's near the church?" "No. It is a long way." "This road goes to the church. Is it a good way to go to grandpa's?" If your boy is bright enough, he now turns to the right, but soon comes to the end of the road [or the suggestion that is being followed in trying to solve the problem]. "Where do I go now?" says he. "Where do you think?" "I think we go through that field." "Well, try it and see." You rapidly approach a pond [or discouraging difficulty in the problem] and the boy sits down and cries. "I can't find the way to grandpa's." "What's the trouble?" "You can't get around this pond, it's all swampy." "Do you have to go around it?" "Yes. Grandpa's is up there and you have to go around the pond." "Go and look at the pond [or examine the difficulty] and see if you can find something that will help you to get to grandpa's." And so on with constant stimulation to the examination of each situation confronted, and with the selection and rejection of ways in the light of knowl- edge of their consequences, until grandpa's house is reached, or until the prob- lem is solved.* Five specific rules for conducting problem-solving lessons. — The general impression of methods of guiding pupils in problem-solving which we derive from this little imaginary story may now be for- mulated into the specific rules given below. These rules also sum- marize and definitize most of the points of technique brought out ' E. L. Thorndike, Principles of Teaching, pp. 150-51- New York: A. G. Seiler, 1905. 44 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [December in the sample lessons in Section II, plus the characteristics of skilful problem-solving described in Section III of the discussion. 1. Define problem. — Aid the pupils to define the problem clearly. This rule is important in good individual thinking, but is particu- larly important in group thinking. For example, while writing the preceding paragraphs, I was disturbed by two well-intentioned intelligent persons who were arguing most vigorously, but quite uselessly, because they were talking at "cross purposes." I said to them, "Do you folks realize that you are not talking about the same thing? One of you misunderstood what the other asserted a moment ago." Upon a little inquiry, my statement proved to be true, the parties found themselves in perfect agreement, and I could proceed with my work undisturbed. In college debates, we find some of our best examples of care in defining the question or problem for a group discussion. Many hours or days or weeks may be spent in getting the problem clearly in mind and giving it such a satisfactory wording that definite profitable debating may proceed. In our seventh-grade lesson on sugar production, we noticed that Miss Parker had the class formulate a definite proposition as the basis of the discussion and then she wrote it on the board, so that all got it clearly in mind. In our fifth-grade lesson on London, we found she had written eight carefully phrased problems on the board as the basis of the lesson, and that each one that needed further defining received it in the discussion. 2. Keep problem in mind. — ^Help the pupils to keep the problem clearly in mind. This rule is necessitated by the large waste of time and energy that results from being side-tracked, even after the problem has been clearly defined. "Scatter-brained thinking" is a term to designate thinking that does not hold definitely to the question. In deliberative bodies that have good rules of procedure, one important duty of the presiding officer is to hold the discussion to the question before the house, and to rule out digressions. In the lessons in Section II, we saw frequent occasions for this pro- cedure; e.g., in the second-grade lesson a child began to talk about dressing a French doll instead of an Arab doll; in the seventh-grade sugar-production lesson, the teacher had difficulty in restraining a boy from discussing " profitable " instead of "possible. " Through jp2o] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 45 such guidance the pupils learn that "keeping to the question" is a characteristic of good thinking. They come to realize this from repeated suggestions from the teacher, such as Miss Parker's remark when the class was discussing the relation of London and the Thames, "It is not a good answer unless it shows how London is related to the Thames." 3. Stimulate suggestions. Analysis, recall, guesses. — Aid the pupils to make suggestions by getting them {a) to analyze the prob- lematic situation into parts or elements, each of which may suggest a solution; (&) to recall previously known similar cases, or, as in arithmetic • and geography, general rules that may apply; (c) to formulate from vague guesses definite hypotheses or tentative plans. Control of one^s own associations is difficult. Gallon. — These rules are among the most difiicult to explain and apply, because fertility in suggesting is probably less easily controlled by a thinker, and consequently by a pupil, than any other phase of thinking. This fact is picturesquely described by the eminent English scien- tist. Sir Francis Galton, a member of the noted Darwin family and well known as founder of the eugenics movement. He com- pares his mind, when solving a problem, to two rooms, one an "audience chamber" in which the main ideas of the moment have the floor, and the other an "antechamber" in which there is a throng of those ideas that are vaguely present in his mind at the time. "Successful progress of thought," he says, "seems to depend, first, on a large attendance in the antechamber [This] thronging of the antechamber is, I am convinced, altogether beyond my control; if the ideas do not appear, I cannot create them nor compel them to come." Maneuvers for attracting appropriate suggestions. — While Galton's statement that we cannot compel appropriate ideas or suggestions to appear is true, yet we can go through certain maneuvers that will tend to attract or arouse or recall them. a) Analytic attention focuses upon one element at a time. — One such maneuver is to proceed to focus our attention on one part of the problematic situation at a time. For example, in the sugar- production problem, the class divided the issue into cane production and sugar-beet production and then focused their attention on the 46 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [December former. Holding, then, to the problem of growing more cane, a host of issues were suggested, such as number of growing days, competition with Cuban labor, etc. Similarly, in fitting the front to the cardboard store in the kindergarten, attention was focused for a time on the width, and suggestions "sprouted" for determining this, for marking straight lines by folding, etc. In! studying the growth of London, the fifth-grade class was found breaking the issues up into where the docks would be located, where the ware- houses would be located, and similar questions with factories, homes for workers, fine residence districts, etc. Each focused element brings its suggestions. By dividing we conquer. — Thus by actively dividing a problematic situation into certain of its elements, and purposely attending to one of these for the time being and neglecting others, we open up many sources of suggestion which might not have opened so soon had we merely passively regarded the large problem and waited for something to happen. The teacher can often help a class over an apparently insurmountable difl&culty in their problem by merely suggesting that they devote their attention to a certain phase of it which she mentions, or by naming a number of alternative phases, one of which they take up and examine.' h) Recalling similar cases and rules that apply. Degrees of assistance. — Recallmg previously known similar cases or general rules that may apply is particularly easy in arithmetic or geography where the material is systematically organized. For example, when asked what conditions must be studied in planning to grow sugar cane, a pupil could say to himself, "Let me see, what conditions " The proper location of analysis as a method of control in problem-solving has puzzled me more than any feature of this section. Its value is quite obvious and has been especially emphasized by William James. (See his Principles of Psychology, II, 339-40.) Whether (a) to locate such purposeful analytic concentration of attention under rule 3, as one means of controlling suggestions, or (6) to give it an mdependent place, has been my dilemma. In placing it as a control device under the more general heading of stimulating suggestions, I have been guided largely by my own experience in sdlving geometry exercises. In this case, it seems to me, I commonly focus my atten- tion on a certam angle or a certain Ime in hopes that it will suggest some further possibilities of procedure. By thus controlling our attention, we discount somewhat Galton's point about being unable to control the thronging of the ante-chamber; because the aspect attended to, will, figuratively speaking, invite its own crowd to the room. IQ20] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 47 did we take up for growing cotton and corn?" Similarly, if the fifth-grade pupils who had studied London should later study the growth of New Orleans, they might say, "Let's see, what were some of the factors we brought out in the case of London ?" In the case of mathematics, the procedure of recalling the desired rule is often aided mechanically by turning the pages until an appropriate one appears. The practice of looking up some related discussion in a book is a device that many students and scientists use to start suggestions that may help solve the problem. Such systematic recall may be aided by the teacher in various degrees. For example, in the kindergarten, the teacher may make a very general sugges- tion, such as, "How can we find out how many hinges a door should have?" or the more definite suggestion, "What shall we look at to determine how many hinges a door should have ?" or the very specific suggestion, "Look at the doors in this room to see how many hinges we ought to have on our door." c) Guessing. Leaps in the dark definitized as hypotheses. — Guessing and formulating definite hypotheses from the more vague guesses are processes that we found especially emphasized in Whewell's description of scientific procedure. Recently I heard a chemist say that for two years he had tried to obtain a certain reaction in his laboratory without success. He had tried a score of devices in vain. One day, while walking across the campus, it occurred to him to try out a procedure that he had frequently thought of but had always mentally discarded because it seemed too foolish. He went to his laboratory, tried it, and it proved to be the long-sought method. Providing that pupils are' seriously concerned with their problems and have a fund of related experi- ences, such courageous guessing, leaps into mental darkness, should be encouraged. In class discussions, as many such perti- nent guesses are rapidly made, they may be rapidly noted on the blackboards, then the more probable ones taken up and definitely formulated and examined to determine their value.'' ^ In high-grade scientific investigations, this "method of multiple hypotheses" is highly esteemed. Its general character is brought out in the following quotation from Dewey {op. cit., p. 75): "Suggestion is the very heart of inference; it mvolves going from what is present to something absent. Hence it is more or less speculative, adventurous. Since mference goes beyond what is actually present, it involves a 48 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [December 4. Evaluate suggestions. Open-mindedness; criticism; verifica- tion. — ^Encourage pupils to evaluate suggestions carefully by getting them (a) to "maintain the state of doubt," i.e., to delay their final conclusion and to remain open-minded until the matter is finally proved; (&) to criticize thoroughly all suggestions, i.e., to anticipate mentally objections that might be made to them or consequences that might follow; (c) to verify suggestions and conclusions by reference to facts as revealed around them or in miniature experi- ments or in standard scientific treatises. The subdivisions of this rule we found especially emphasized in the last paragraph from Dewey at the beginning of this article. a) Maintain state of doubt. Avoid pugnacious stubborn argument. — ^The rule about suspending judgment defines the general spirit that should prevail in the class and in the mind of each inquirer. It raises an interesting question concerning the amount of argument that should be permitted in classes. While argument may be very stimulating to thought and interest, the spirit of argument is often just the opposite of the spirit of open-minded inquiry. Argument is often closely akin to fighting; the more your opponent hits you, the harder, and frequently the more blindly, you hit back. I have seen pugnacious, argumentative boys in upper-grade classes, who cared nothing about careful evaluation of their suggestions, but were merely concerned to maintain these at all costs. Where such a spirit is allowed to become strong in a class, the opportunities for training in impartial, open-minded, scientific inquiry are jeopard- ized. The teacher should be herself a model of impartiality in inquiry; she should make this the dominant spirit of the teaching, and should train each pupil to esteem fair-minded search after truth as a high ideal and a desirable personal attribute. . b) Acquire attitude of criticizing suggestions. Anticipate objec- tions and consequences. — Teaching students to criticize, to anticipate leap, a jump, the propriety of which cannot be absolutely warranted in advance, no matter what precautions be taken. Synonjons for this are supposition, conjecture, guess, hypothesis, and (in elaborate cases) theory. Since suspended beUef, or the p^jst- ponement of a final conclusion pending further evidence, depends partly upon the presence of rival conjectures as to the best course to pursue or the probable explanation to favor, cultivation of a variety of alternative suggestions is an important factor in good thinking." ig2o] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 49 mentally, possible objections to and consequences of a suggestion or scheme, appears as the notable feature of the work of certain teachers. The actual calling to mind of specific criticisms is a matter of fertility of suggestion, but the general attitude of trying out mentally each suggestion before adopting it can be maintained even in cases where one may be unsuccessful in calling to mind specific objections and consequences. c) Verify by known conditions, miniature experiments, and scientific treatises. — Closely related to this mental trying-out is the verification of suggestions and conclusions by reference to known facts as revealed around us or in standard scientific treatises. For example, in the kindergarten construction lesson, a child who wanted to have only one hinge on a door should have felt that this was probably undesirable after examining all doors and finding none with one hinge. Of course, he might have tried one hinge and found that it wouldn't work. Wherever possible, however, in social life, people try to avoid an expensive, poorly conceived experiment if it is possible to determine in advance, from facts already known, that it will be a failure. Often scientific experi- mentation in a laboratory consists in carrying on some process in miniature, or on a small scale, to see if it will work. In primary construction classes, a similar practice is often followed by letting one child try out a suggestion before all adopt it. As further examples of the process of verifying suggestions, we found the pupils in the Arab-doll lesson referring to standard pictures of Arab life to verify some of their plans for the Arab costumes ; and in the sugar-production lesson, we found the teacher provided with a report of the Department of Agriculture and a special scientific treatise on sugar, to use in checking up the conclusions that the pupils reached concerning the possibility of increased sugar-cane production. 5. Keep discussion organized. Outlines, graphs, summaries. — Help pupils to keep the discussion organized by proceeding (a) to build an outline of the main ideas on the board as they appear in the discussion; (b) to use diagrams and graphs for condensing fundamental facts and relations into a simple picture; (c) to take stock from time to time by summarizing the ground covered and 50 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [December the next steps to be taken; (d) to formulate from time to time, as definite propositions, the net outcome of the discussion. These last rules are very objective and easy to understand and illustrate. We found an example of building an outline on the blackboard in the sugar-production lesson; of the effective use of a graph to summarize the sugar situation in the same lesson and of a diagram to clarify and summarize the development of London in the fifth-grade lesson. We found the second-grade class taking stock of their plans for the Arab costume, and the fifth-grade class summarizing their facts about the relation of London and the Thames. The concise formulation of definite propositions contain- ing the net outcome of the discussion occurred several times in the sugar-production and London lessons. Summary of rules for conducting problem-solving lessons. — The five major rules with their subdivisions presented above describe many, if not most, of the special practices that should characterize a teacher's guidance of pupils during a problem-solving lesson. They may be summarized in more concise form in the following statement: To stimulate and assist pupils in reflective problem-solving, the teacher should 1. Get them to define the problem clearly 2. Aid them to keep the problem in mind 3. Get them to make many suggestions by encouraging them a) To analyse the situation into parts b) To recall previously known sinular cases and general rules that apply c) To guess courageously and formulate guesses clearly 4. Get them to evaluate each suggestion carefully by encouraging them a) To maintain a state of doubt or suspended conclusion b) To criticize the suggestion by anticipating objections and consequences c) To verify conclusions by appeal to known facts, miniature experiments, and scientific treatises 5. Get them to organize the material by proceeding a) To build an outUne on the board b) To use diagrams and graphs c) To take stock from time to time d) To formulate concise statements of the net outcome of the discussion Primary education no longer mere arbitrary memorization. — The type of training summarized in the foregoing rules differs greatly 1920] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 51 from that which prevailed in many schools a generation ago and which was seriously advocated by a prominent American writer on education as late as 1904, when he said the age before twelve is the age for "arbitrary memorization, drill and habituation, with little appeal to children's interest or understanding." Such a theory was based on the assumption that little children cannot succeed in reflective problem-solving. It requires little observation to show that little children solve their problems by the same processes of making and evaluating suggestions that ordinary adults use.^ The great growth that may be made by pupils in reflective ability, through providing opportunities from the kindergarten up, appears when one contrasts the recitations observed in the upper grades of an old-fashioned memorizing school with those in the same grades of a progressive school in which problem-solving methods prevail in construction, expression, liistory, geography, and other subjects. In such a progressive school, pupils in the upper grades are prepared to attack such a technical problem as increasing American sugar production in the effective manner described in these articles, and with a mastery of technical devices of research and inquiry not possessed by some educated adults. Both routine drill and problem-solving have a place. — ^Let us hasten to say, however, that this emphasis on problem-solving should not lead to a neglect of routine drill of the t>^e that prevails in the modern scientific teaching of handwriting, spelling, reading, and arithmetic. The necessity of such drill has been amply demon- strated in scientific investigations; and its presence in the school need not interfere at all with the adequate organization of problem- solving. Both may proceed in the same day without mutual interference, e.g., during the handwriting and spelling periods, the most intense, gameful, effective drills may be carried on, with little or no problem activity, while in some of the history and geography periods the most intense reflective problem-solving may prevail. Give both habits and standards of good thinking. — Such training in problem-solving should not only give pupils greater skill in solving ' For experimental evidence on this point see F. N. Freeman's How Children Learn (Houghton Miflain Co., 191 7), chap, xi on "Problem-Solving or Thinking," and S. C. Parker's Methods of Teaching in High Schools (Ginn & Co., 1915), pp. 326-32. 52 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [December problems in special lines, such as construction or geography, but it should also make them eventually clearly aware of what the attri- butes of good thinking are. For example, we suggested that pupils should come to esteem open-minded, impartial, suspended judgment as an ideal, as a personal attribute which they desire to possess. Similarly, we suggested that they learn to be on their guard to hold to the question under discussion. Again, we might have noted under rule 5 that the pupil should learn to appreciate the value of outlines, graphs, diagrams, and summaries as aids to effective thinking, and consciously strive to use these when appro- priate occasions offer. Cultivating originality. What does it mean? — The foregoing discussion helps us to define clearly what we mean by "cultivating originality," a phrase that is extensively but often vaguely used in many educational discussions. Very commonly such discussions consist merely of vicious attacks upon drill, routine, memorizing, and imitation, with strenuous appeals to rid the schools of these and to substitute, instead, training in originality and initiative. We have called attention to the fallacy of this position in the pre- ceding paragraphs. So confused, however, is the issue concerning the proper balancing of reflective, original thinking, on the one hand, and routine drill and imitation on the other, that we shall note a few more points concerning it. Capacity for original thinking is inborn, varies between individuals, and is often specialized. — In trying to make our discussion concrete, we may think of Edison, Darwin, Newton, and other great origi- nators and inventors as typifying great capacity for original thinking. At the opposite extreme, we have the feeble-minded, many of whom, while able to learn such routine tasks as washing dishes or dusting, have little ability to solve problems. It is perfectly clear from scientific studies of geniuses and the feeble-minded, that the differences between them are due to inner characteristics of the individuals, usually inherited characteristics. These differences cannot be overcome by training. You cannot make^an Edison out of a feeble-minded person. In the intermediate ranks, between the original geniuses and the feeble-minded, the capacity for original thinking is also determined by the individual's native endowment; igzo] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN TfflNKING 53 if he is well endowed by nature, he may become a skilled thinker; if he is poorly endowed, the best training will still leave him a poor thinker. Moreover, his capacity for original thinking may be specialized, e.g.. a boy may prove quite ingenious in devising mechanical appliances, but fail in working original problems in mathematics. Similarly, a person may rank high in the capacity for original thinking in mathematics, but fail in making original compositions in music, or writing original poems, or devising original plots for novels. For our present purposes, it is sufficient if we can get the teacher to think of each pupil as possessing a certain amount of native capacity for original thinking. Her task is to cultivate each pupil's capacity quite specifically. If he is brilliantly original in geography, give him large opportunities; if he is rather stupid and unoriginal in geography, give him some small easy problems that will give practice for what little talent he possesses. In every case, treat each pupil sympathetically so as to develop such talents as he does possess for the good of himself and society. The pupil must succeed in order to improve. — Such sympathetic treatment may be further justified by the scientific fact that, in any type of learning, a pupil learns through his successes. It is the successful performances, not the unsuccessful ones, that form the correct habits in solving problems and doing original thinking, just as in learning spelling or handwriting. A pupil who never succeeds in solving an original problem will not learn to solve original problems. Owing to the fact that problem-solving, as a rule, necessarily involves erroneous guesses and the testing of these, the teacher is confronted with a very delicate task in determining just how difiicult the problems should be for each pupil, and just how much aid to give him in order that he may succeed and yet be required to do sufficient mental experimentation to secure the necessary practice. Standardized graded problems needed. — Great help will be afforded in this dilemma when we have developed in each grade for each subject standardized, published, ready-made problems varying from the easy for the dull pupils up to those of sufficient difiiculty to challenge the ability of the best thinkers in the class. We 54 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [December noticed how Miss Parker was engaged in devising such problems with the necessary data for fifth-grade geography/ Vary recitations for the timid, the aggressive, the slow, the impulsive, etc. — In the problem-solving recitation, the teacher must provide for individual differences by calling on pupils according to their capacities and temperaments. For example, for the dull pupils, the pupils who have little native capacity, she will save the easiest questions, remembering that they need to succeed in order to profit. The slow but capable thinkers will be taken care of by slowing up the pace frequently for their especial benefit. The timid but capable thinker will be watched carefully and probably given at first easy questions that can be answered in a few words As he acquires confidence from his successful answers to these he may eventually lose his timidity in this particular class. The impulsive thinker who does not stop to evaluate his suggestion before popping it out will need to be retrained, possibly by promis- ing to ignore him if he continues wildly to make suggestions, but to favor him after he has made a well-considered one. The argumentative quibbler will need his spirit changed by being made to realize that the class does not care for his pugnacious, stubborn adherence to a suggestion, but will welcome him if he really tries to aid in an impartial inquiry for the true solution. Large project problems often overlook the timid and slow. — It is in problem-solving which centers in large projects that the teacher needs particularly to be self-possessed and resourceful in providing for individual differences. For example, one sixth-grade class spent twelve weeks on a project dealing with the topic '' Ships and Shipbuilding."^ In carrjdng out this project, the pupils undertook a variety of problems of an expressional character. In such teach- ing, the more capable pupils exhibit so much talent in planning and ' The pubKshing of carefully prepared printed problems with the data for their solution will greatly facilitate the adoption of problem-solving methods in geography and the social sciences, especially by busy or inexperienced teachers. For examples of such publications for college classes see the series of Parallel Source Problems in History pubUshed by Harpers, and my own Exercises for Methods of Teaching in High Schools published by Ginn. * Edith Parker, "A Sixth-Grade English Unit," Elementary School Journal, XV (October, 1914), 82-90. ipso] PROBLEM-SOLVING OR PRACTICE IN THINKING 55 devising things to do that they are likely to monopolize the interest of the teacher, leaving little or nothing of a problem type for the slow or the timid pupils to concern themselves with. This fact led Miss Parker, who organized this twelve weeks' project, to emphasize the fact, as we noted above, that in many problem-solving lessons the slow pupils are left entirely out of the game. Conclusion of articles on problem-solving. — We opened these articles with an account of the part played by problem-solving in social life. We found both practical and speculative problems interesting children and adults. We found problems of many types, such as mechanical, diplomatic, moral, aesthetic, mathe- matical, etc. In Section II, we presented in detail four actual lessons which gave us concrete pictures of the conversational reflect- ive activity that prevails in skilfully conducted problem-solving discussion lessons. In Section III, we showed how great problem- solvers think. We found them making many suggestions, evaluating these carefully and discarding the erroneous ones, and main- taining an unbiased impartial attitude in their conclusions. From Sections II and III we derived a number of rules for training pupils in problem-solving which we presented in Section IV. We suggest that the reader learn the summary of these rules as given above, and then with concrete pictures of the actual lessons given in Section II, plan to undertake, at least occasionally, to conduct problem-solving lessons in her own teaching. We prophesy that if she is a good thinker herself, she will find great pleasure in trying to develop skill in this important type of artistic teaching. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 348 450 3 %