iHH-"' fi!:^: : ^ .^^°- =. ,^^°- ^, •^<-. .0.^ *^^Va^.%...^^ k^ "<> c^'i ^- 1. r.< i^ -%./ /^ V * 10 - -I ■oj' , ^ 1: "^^o^ .^^^^ .^^ ^ ° .vp "^6. ^». i-* v^ " <^ J^ .'«' .". (<{> ^ ^^ cPl : "^^0^ ^"^JM"' "^^o^ ^^^ °^ "'WMW: ,<^ 9^ - ^ ,, ^ <. ^^ ^ W<^^ * -ay "Vrs " * <6 <^^ rcon& a^Utmx, CORRECTED AND REVISED BY THE AUTHOR; With upwards of Sixteen Hundred Places added thereto : ACCOMPANIED nr A NEW MAP OF LONDON. VA LONDON: PRINTED FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, 20,, Paternoster Row ; AND J. M. RICHARDSON, CORNHILL. 5^54 'o^ Jameti C;omptoii, Printer, Middle Street, Cioth iair, LoiidoM. TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE THIS WORK IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THEIR MOST OBLIGED AND OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, J. LOCKIE. London, January 1813. PREFACE. THE flattering reception which the former Edition of this Work rnet with from theifkfblicy wmild, perhaps^ to any person except the Author, have been a sufficient inducement to repiint it, without attempting any thing like improvement. The new Map of London, however , advertised in the former Edition, which the AntJior hopes shortly to publish, as well as some other pursuits in which he is engaged, rendered it necessary that he should go over the whole Metropolis again ; and it ivas not until he ^ had finished this arduous undertaking that he began the revisalfor this new Edition, How far his additional labours have been success- fully directed towards the improvement of this Work, he leaves with the Public to decide. He begs, how- ever, to state that, besides correcting the whole of the Descriptions, he has added upwards of sixteen hundred new ones to those contained in the former Edition. LOCKIE^S TOPOGRAPHY OF LONDON. ABB AbBEY-PL.— I5t on the L. in Little Coram-st. from 54, Gt. Coram-st. Abbey-Pl. Bethnal-Green Bd. " — the continuation of Ma- ryVrow, N.E, corner of Wii- mot-sq. Abbey-Pl. Nort]i,-N. end of the last. Abbey-PI. South,— S. end of the aforesaid. Abbey-St. Bethnal-Green-B:d.- at 92, 1st on the R. below the turnpike. Abbey- Row, — from the last to White-st. Abchurch-Lane, Lombard-St.— at 18, 2d on the R. from the Mansion-house. Abchurch-Yd. — S. end of the last by 67^Cannon-st. Abel's Builds. Rosemary-Lane,. from 94, £. end, leading to Chamber-st. Abingdon-Builds. Abingdon-St. Westr. — at 17, op.CoUege-st. Abingdon - Court, Abingdon- St. Bethnal-Green, — adjoins Parliament-st. Abingdon-Place, Abinjidon-St. Westr.— corner of Old Pa- lace-yd. Abincrdon-St. Westr. — from Old Paiace-yd. to Millbank-st. ADA Abingdon-St. (Little) — 10 doors in the last from Old Palace- )d. Abingdon St.Bethnal-Green,— 1st W. parallel to Belvedere, op. Duthie's Nursery. Aboukir-Pl. Pleasant-'Pl. Step- ney-Green, — 2 doors from Prospect-pl. Academy Court,ChanceryLane, — at 93, five doors N. of Carey-st. Acorn-Court, Rolls-Builds.*- 1st on the R.from 117,Fettej:- lane. Acorn-St. Bishops^ate-without, — at 125, leading to 8kin- ner-st. Acorn- Yard, Trinity-St, "Rother- hithe,—S. end, adjoining Rus» sell-st. Acton-Place,Lock'3 FieldsjWal- w^orth,- the continuation of York-st. to Camden-st. Acton-St. GrayVInn-Lane, — J of a mile N. of Guildford-st. Adafn and Eve-Court, Oxford- St. — at 67, nearly op. tlift Pantheon. Adam and Eve-Court, Whitc- cross-St. St. Luke's, — at 106, middleof the E. side. Adam and Eve-Court, Angel- Alley, — a few yards fFOiji A ADA t57, Bishopsgatr^towairaidens, Adam-St. Ro- tb^Thithie, — 1st N. parallel, from AdamVpI. to New- court. Adam's-Mcws, Adam-St. Port- man-Sq. — at 20, six doors on tlve L. from 26, Up. Seymour- street. Adain*s-Me\vs, South Audley- St. — 7 doors on the L. from Grosvenor-sq. Adam*s-Pl. Iligh-St. Boro.-~ at 18?, about 22 doors S. of Uniii W'al- bmok-pL towards Chatliatn- t;ardeiis. Alley's Alins-Houses, Gt. St. AnnVSt. Westr. — 10 doors on the U. from Peter-st. Alihiillows -Church, Bread-St. Chcapside, — K^orner of Wat- liilL^-St. Allhallows - Church, London - Vi'all, — a tew yards E. of Mooriields. Allhallows -Church, 48, Loin- bard-st.- Al Ural lows-Barking-Church, — 54, Gt. Tower-st. the corner ot'Seethiniz;-lane. AlihallovTs-Cburcl},Up.Thames- St. — at 88, corner of Alibal- iows-lane. AUhallows - Stainlnj^ - Churqh, iNlark-Lane. — 4 doors from 55, Fenchnrch-st. Ailhallows-Lane, Up. Thames- St. — at 88, op. Bush-lane, Allhallows - Pa^sa^e, Grace - church-St. — at 18, 6 doors N. of Lonib:u-d-st. Ailhal lows-Stairs, — the bottom of Ailhaliows-iane, 88, Up. Thames-st. A I mack *s Room^, Kintr-St. St. James's. See VViiiis's. Almonry CGt.) Westr. — 1st in Deaii-st. from Tothill-st. Almonry (Little), — E. end of the last. Almonry- Yd. Gt, Almonry, — middle of the S, sid«. AME Alpiia-Rd. LL-^son Grove, — J of a mile N. of the Yorkshire Stingo. Alphabet-CourtjBrown'sBuilds, — 30, Stanhopc-st. leading to Najj's head-court, and 119, Drury-lane. St. AlphageVChurcb, London- Wall, — 4 doors \V. of Alder-- manbury. Alp(/rL's Gulden, Hackney-Rd.- |- of a mile on the L. froia Shored itch-church, AUop'.s-Buiids. New-Rd. Ma- ry i)one, — N. side op. Baker- st. Port.-sq, Alsop's-Farm,— at the back of the last. Alsop's-Mews,— 1st on the L, in Baker-st. North from the Neu-rd. AUop's-Pl. Baker-St. North,— 1st on the L. from New-rd. Alscot-Pl. Grange Rd. — part of the R. side, -1 of a mile from Bermondsey New-rd. Amelia-Row, Borough-Road, — 1st on the L. from theKingV Bench. Amelia-St. Walworth, — 4th on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. Amen - Corner, Ave - Maria- Lane, — 2d on the L. from 29, Ludgate-st. America-Pl. Borough, — at 21, Que(?n-st. 14 doors E. of Gt. Guild ford-st. America-Mews, — behind the S. side of America-sq. America-Sq. M'inories, — at 1^1, middle of the VV. side. America-St. Gt.-Guilford - St. Boro. — 1st on theR. from iJj. Queen-st, A3 AMI AmiasAlms-HouscSjGeorge-yd. Old-St.— at the N. end; Amicable Assurance - Office, Serjeant's - Inn, — 6th house on the L. from 50, Fleet- street. Amphitheatre (Astley's) Surry side of Westminster-bridge. Amphitheatre-Row, Westmin- ster - Bri(ige - Rd. — from Astlc^s Theatre to Stan2;ate. Anchor-Alley, Old-St. St.Luke's —at 99, first W. of the Ch urch. Anchor- Brewery, Oid-St. — op. the last. Anchor - Brewery, (Charring- ton*s) Mile-End - Road, — about J of a mile on the L. from the turnpike, and op. Stepney-grecn. Anchor Brewery, Shad Thames, — on the E. side of Ilorsely- dovvn Old-stairs. Anchor and Hope Alley, St. George's East, — the continu- ation of Red-Lion-st. from 120, Wapping. Anchor-St. Shoredltch or Beth- nal-Green, — from the back of t!ie Swan, 54, Shoreditch, to Club-row. Anchor - S- (Little), Bethnal- Green, — parallel to and be- . tweenAnchor-st. and Church- street. Anchor-I^ne, Mile-End, — W. side ofCharrington's Brewery, J of a mile on the L. from the turnpike. Anchor- Wharf, Upper-Thames- St.— at 8, op. Addle-hill. Anchor -Wharf, Bermondsey- Wall,— a frw yards W, of Eoun tain-stairs. AnderfeouVBuilds. City-Road, AND — N. side by the turnpike, about I of a mile from Fins- bury-sq.' Anderson's-Buildings, Grange- Road, — part of the L. side, f of a mile from Bermondsey new-rd. Anderson's-Court, Queen-St. Boro. — 15 doors on the R. from Union-st. Anderson VPIace, Anderson's- Walk, Lambeth, — Ist on the L. from Princes-st. • Anderson's - Walk, Vauxhall- W\alk,— 2d on the R. from Lambeth-Butts. Anderson Ward, Royal-IIospi- tal-Row, Chelsea, — Sd on the L. from the Hospital. St. Andrew VChurch, Holborn- Hill, — a few doors on the. L. from Fleet-market. Saint Andrew's - Undcrshaft- Church, St. Mary-axe, — the corner of Leadenhall-st. St. Andrew's-Court, liolborn- Hill, — 20 doors on theL.from Fleet-market. St. Andrew's-Court, White- friars, — part of Ashentree- court, Temple-st. St. Andre vr's-Hill, Black-friar§» — from the E. end of Earl-st. to Gt. Carter-lane. St. Andrew^s Charlty-SchooI, Hatton-Garden, — at 43, the corner of Cross-st. St. AndrewVSt. 7 Dials,— 1st E. of Monmouth-st. St. Andrew's-St. (Little) — th« continuation of the last to St. Martin's-lane. St. Andrew's-Warf, Earl-Street, Black-friars, — at 13, near Puddle-dock. AND St. AndrewVWorkhousc, — 41, Shoe-lane, a few doors from llolborn-hill. St. Andrew's- Workhouse, — N. €nd of Saffron-hill, by Uay- st. Clcrkenwcli. St. Andrew's Ilolborn and St. George the Martyr's Work- house, — on the W. side Little Gray's-inn-lane. Ani^el-AUcy, Long -Acre, — 10 doors on the 11. from St. MartinVlane. Angcl-AUey, Aldcrsgate-St. — at 42, S. side of Jewin-st. Angel-Alley, Angel-Sq. — at 138, Bishopsgute, 6 doors N. of Sun-st. Angel-Alley, Little Moorfields, —3d on the L. from 61, Fore- street. Angel-Alley, Ratcliffe-highway, — at 61, op. St. George's church. Angel-Alley, Nightingale-Lane, at "22, 3d on the R. from 110, Up. E.Smthfield. Angel-Alley, Whitechapel, — at 84,1st W. of Osborn-st. Angel-Alley, High-St. Boro. — at 146, near St. George's church. Angel-Court, Prince's-St. West- minster, — 2d on the L. from Story Vgatc. Angel-Court, King-Street, Saint James's-Sq. — at 20, middle of the S. side. Angel-Court, Strand, — at 335, op. Somerset-house. Angel-Court, Strand,— at 173, on the E. side of Surrey-st. Angel-Court, Charing-Cross, — six doors on the L. from the Strand. Angei-Coart, Gt. Windmill-Sl.- AXG 1st on the L. from Piccadilly. Angel-Court, Angel-St. — 1st on the R. from 15, St. Martin's- le-grand. Angel-Court, Golden-Lane, — at 43, the fourth on the R. from Barbican. Angel-Court, Grub-St. Cripple- gate, — at 63, middle of the E. side. Angel-Court,rriday-St.-6 doon on the R. from,35,Cheapside. Angel-Court, Skinner-St. Snow- hill,- — at 24, J St on the L» from Newgate. Angel-Court, Throgmorton-St.— at 35, 6 doors E. of the Bank. Angel-Court, Red-Lion-St. Spi- talfields, — on the W. side the church. Angel-Court, Lcadenhall-St,— » at 64, ten doors on the L. from Aldgate. Angel-Court, WhiteVYard,— - 2d on the R. from 58, Rose- mary-lane. Angel -Court, Back-Lane, Shad- well, — 4doorsE.ofBlue-gatc- fields. Angel-Court, Shadwell High-St. — at 235, nine doors E. of Bluegate-fields. Angel-Court, Nightingale-Lane, Up. E. Smithfield, — the con- tinuation of Angel-alley. Angel - Court, Stoney-Lane, — 2d on the L. from Gravel- lane, Houndsditch. Angel-Court,Red-Cross-St. Bo- ro. — at 82, the third on th« L. from Park-st. Angel-Court, High-St. Bore- — at 146, near St. George's - church. Angel-Court, York-St. Boro»— 9d on the: R.fToiri^2r6,H\v, Limehouse, — the first on the R.in St. Ann V St. from op. the church. St. AnnVSchool, Rose-Street> Soho, — 3 doors from Crown- street. St. AnnVSchool, St. Ann*s- Lane, — 4th house on the R. from 17, Poster-lane. ANT St. Ann VStrect, Westr.— at S3, Orchard-st: six doors on the L. from D(an-8t. Ann-St. Pcnt(inville,— 2d E. of the chapel. Ann-St. Bethnal-Green-Rd. — N. W. comer of Wilmot-sq. leading to Pollard-row. Ann-St. op. the N. end of Black- Lion-Yard,— from 38, White- chapel. Ann-Street,St.George*sEast, — 3d on the R. in Lower Chap- man-st. from Cannon - st.- road. Ann's - St. (Little), op. the last. St. AnnVSt. Commercial-Rd. Limehouse, — op. the church. Ann-St. Black-Wall,— 1st W, of the E. India-dock-gate. St. Ann's-Workhou*?e, Soho, — 1st house on the L. in Rose^ St. from 6, Greek-st. Annuity-Bank, Knightsbridge^ — 1st house on the R. from Hyde-park-corner. Ansel's -Rents, Three-Colt-St. Limiehouse, — at 34, nearlj op. Ropemakers-iields. Antelope - Gardens, Holywell- Mount, the corner of Phipps-st. and Luke-st. Anthony - St. New -Road, St, George's East, — the 2d E. of Cannon-st. lurnpike. Antigallican-Passage, Temple- Bar, — adjoining the W. side. St. Antholin's-Church, Size- Lane, — corner of Budge-row. Antigua-Place, Salmon*s-Lane, Lime-house, — the continua- tion of Wilson-pl. 1st on the L. from the Commefcial-id. towards. Stepney. ANT Antiquarian - Society. Se6 Royal. Apolio-Biiilds. St. George's Fds. — 3d on the L. in Tower-st. from the Asylun). Apalio-Builds. East-Lane, Wal- worth, — part of both sides, about the middle. Apollo-Court,Fleet-St.^— at 200, N. side by Temple-bar. Apothecary's-Hall, Blackfriars, — facinij; Union-st. from 36, New-Bridge-st. Appleby -Court, Bsrmondsey- St. — at 184, near j a mile on the R. from Tooley-st. Apple-Tree- Yard, York-St. — Iston the L. from St. James's- . church, Piccadilly. Arabella-Gardens, Chelsea, — VV. si'.ie of Grosveiior-row, by the one mile stone from Buckingham-crate. Arabeila-Rovv,Piinlico,— 1st on the R. from Buckmgham- gate. Arcker-St. Gt. Windmi!l-St.— at 19, 1st on the R. from the Hay-mnrkct. Archer - Yard, ChristopberV Ailey, Finsbury, — 1st on the L. from Wilso-'-st. Archibald-Pl.VVailburire-Street, St. George's East, — Iston the R. from Back-lane. Argyle-St. Oxford-St. — at 337, I of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's. Artiyle-St. (Little), — Iston the R. in the last from Oxford- street. Aris - Builds. Bowling- Green- Lane, Clerkcnweli, — 2d on the L. from Coppice-row. Arlington - St. PiccadiUy,— at ART 160, I of a mile on the tX from the Hay-^n>arket. Armourers and Braziers Alms* Houses,' — in Two Swanky ardy Bishopsgate-without, Army-Medical-Office, Berkeley- St. — 7 doors on the R. from Piccadilly. Army - Pay - Office, Horse * Guards,— entrance, a few yards on the L. (under the arch) from White-hall. Army-Victualhng-Office. Sec V^ictual ling-Office. Arnold's - PL Walworth,^ — th® continuation of Francis-st* Newin^ton. Arnold VParagon, -—middle of the W, side the last. Arthur-PL Bell-Alley,— the Isl on tbeR. from 13,Goswell'St. Arthur-St. (Gt.) St, Luke's, — entrance by New-court, from 10, Goswell-st. Arthur-St. (Little), — entrance the 1st on the R. in the last from Goswell-st. Artichoke-Court, White-cross- St. Cripplegate,— atlO,7doori S. of Beech-lane. Artichoke-Court, Cannon-St— at S2, op. Abchurch-lane. Art choke-Court,x^Vrtichoke-Yd. • — Ist on tlie L. from Lam- beth-marsh. Artichnke-Hill, Ratcliffe-IIigh- way, — at 19, op. Princcs-sq. Artichoke-PL Artichoke- Row, Mile-end,— 6 doors E. from the Foui) rain-public-house. Artichoke-Row, M ile-End-Rd, • — S. side, op. the Bell and Mackarel, about 3 miles from Aldiiate. Artichoke - Yard, Newingtou- ART Causeway, — 2d on the L. from the KioiiVBcnch. Artichoke-Yd. i.ambcth-Marsh, — 2d on the L. from VVtscr.- hndt^e-rd. Artillery-Court, Clilswell-St. — at 5S, 1st on the li. from Fins- bury-sq. Artillery-Ground,— on the W. of Fiiisbury-sq. entrance at 53, Chiswell-st. ^9, Bunhili- row, and 18, Artilkry-pl. Art i 1 1 c ry-G round (Old ), — p art ofUnion-st. Bishop^gate, and Artillery-lane, the whole of Duke-st. Guii-st. Steward-»t. and F(>rt-st. ArtiJlery-Lane, Bisbopsgate, — • at 55, near 4 a mile on the R. from Corn hill. Artillery-Passage, Spitalfields, — the continuation ofWide- gate-sc. Bishopsgate. Artillery -PI. Westminster, — from Brewers-green to Strut- ton-ground. Artillery-Pl. Finsbury-Sq.— N. VV. corner on the L. Artiiiery-8t. Bishopsgate, — the continuation of A rtillerv-kme. Artiilery-St, SaintJohn*s,Souih- wark,— near the E. end of Tooley-st. the first S. parallel to St. John's- church-yd, Artiliery-Stree.t, 8r. GeorgeV Field?,— E. side Black friars- rd. from Bennett's-rovv to Higlers-lane. Arts, Society of. See Society. Arts, Academy of. See Royal. Artists - Builds. White - liart- Row-Kennington, — ^don the R. from Clayt»n-p]. Af undel-St. Strand,— at 189, 2d on the L. from Temple-bar. AST Arundel - St. Coveatry'St. — ^ doors on the L. from th^ Hay-market. Arundcl-Staus, — the bottom of Arunde.-st. Strand. Ashcntree-Court, W^hite-friars, — ^at the S. end of Bouverie- St. on tlje L. from 62, Fleet-* St. Ashby-St. Cierkenw«ll, — 1st on the R. in Islington-rd. from St. JohnVst. leading to Nor- thampton-sq. Ashby-St. (Upper), Goswell-St.- Rd. — 2d on the L. from Goswell-st. towards Islington. Ashheld-Pl. Stepney, — at the N. E. corner of the church-yard. Ashton-St. Black-Wall,-N. end , of Robinhood-lane, by the dock-gate. Aske-Terrace, Iloxton, — ^d on the L. north from Haber- dashers-Alms-houses. Assay-Office, Goldsmith's-Hall- the corner of Cary-lane and Gutter-lane. Assembly-R(nv,Mil€-End-Rd.- S. side, ^ of a mile on the R. below the turnpike, Assembly-Passag€,~at 18, in the last. AstleyVThealre, — ^Surrey end of Westr. -bridge. Asylum for Female Orphans, Lambeth, — | of a mile to- wards Westr. - bridge from the Obelisk. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Kcnt-Rd.' — I of a mile below the Bricklayers-arms. Asvlum (Naval) Harrow-Rd. Pjtddington,-- 1 of a mile from the W. end of Oxford-S^. along the Edgwarc-td. ASY Asylum (Royal Military) Chel- sea, — between Lower Sioane- St. and the hobpital. Asylum-Builds. — from Mead- row by the Asylum to near the Obelisk. Asylum-Pl. Mead-Row, Lam- beth, — S. E. side the Asylum. Asylum -Row, Westr.-Bridge- Road, — part of the S. side from the Asylum towards the Obelisk. Atlas - Insurance - Company's - Office, — 92, Cheapside, the corner of King-st. Atlas-Pl. Poplar, — op. S. end of Cotton-st. Auction - Mart, Bartholomew- Lane, — the last house on the R. from the Royal Exchange. Auction Mart, PancrasSt. Tot- tenham-Ct.-Rd. — the corner of Up. Thornhaugh-st. Auditor's-Office for Public Ac- counts, Sornerset-Pl. — on the L. side of the sq. from the Strand: there is another office at 5, Adam-st. Adelphi. Audley-Sq. (South) — at the end of S. Audley-st. near Curzon- street. Audley-St. (North) Oxford-St.- at 263, 2d on the R. from Hyde-park. Audley-St. (South) — the conti- nuation of the last from Gros- ▼enor-sq. to Curzon-st. St. Augustine^s and St. Faith ^s Church, Old Change, — be- hind 35, St. Paul's church-yd. corner of VVatling-st. Augustus - Row, Grange - Rd. Bertnondsey,— N. side, a few yards W. from the Spa. Austin-Court, Austin-St. Beth- BAB nal-Green, — 1st on the Lv from Hackney-rd Austin-Friars, Old Broad-St. — • at 67, by Throgmorton-st. Austin-St. Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the R. in Hackney-rd. froia. Shoreditch-church, Ave-Maria-Lane, Ludgate-Sf. — at 29, 1st on the R. from St. Paul's church-yd. Avery-Farm - Row, Pimlico,— facing Ranelagh-walk. Avery-Pl. — at the N. end of the last. A very- Row, Grosvenor-sq. — at 3, Grosvenor-st. 1st W. from New Bond-st. Axe-Court, Hackney-Rd. — one- fifth of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch, at the back of the Axe public-house. Axe Inn, Aldermanbury, — 20 doors on the R. from Milk-st, Cheapside. Axe-Yard, Grub-St. Cripple- gate, — 2d on the L. from Fore-st. Aylesbury-St. Clerkenwell, — at 103, St. John-st. 6th on the L. from Smithtield. AylifFe - St. Gt. Goodman's - Fields, — 1st S. to Whitecha- pel from Somerset-st. toRed- Lion-st. Ayliffe-St. (Little), E. continua- tion of the last to Good- man's- stile. BaBMAY's-MEWS, . Well-St. St. .Tames's, — at the S. end from Eagle-st, 212, Picca- dilly. BAC Bacclius-Walkck Gardens, Hox- tu», — at the back of the Bac- chus-Coffee-house. Baches-Row, Hoxton, — 5d on the L. in Craven-builds, from the City-coad. Back-x\iley, Great Garden, — Sd on the L. from St. Cathe- rine's-lane. Back-Alley, Fishmonger- Alley, Borough, — 2d on the H. from 2o3, liigh-5t. Back-Change, Rosemary-Lane, — at 141, N. side Swallow's Gardens. Back-Bcar-Alley. See Bear. Back-Court, Cloth- Fair, — 2d on the 11. from 60, VV. Smithfield. Back-Court, Chequer- Alley, — 1st on the L. from OO, Bun- hill-row. Back-Court, Jamaica-Pl. Lime- house,— the 1st on the R. fron> Gun- lane. Back -Hill, Leather-Lane, — the last on the R. from Ilolborn. Back-Lane, St. Pancras, — at the backof Church-terrace, lead- ing Lo VernonVbuilds. Back - Lane, Bowling - Green- Lane, Cierkenwell, — 1st W. of Rosamond-st. Back -Lane, Bethnal-Grcen, — 1st E. parallel to the green, the ^.continuation of Globe- place. Back-Lane, J^t. George's East» — the E. continuation of the New-road and Cable-st. Back -Lane, New-Cut, Lime- house, — rtlie E, continuation o ' Risby's-ropc-walk. Back-Lane, Poplar, — S. side the tiigh-st. from the Conimcr- c.al-rd, to op. North-sUeet. BAI Back-RoU-Court, Long- Alley, — 6 doors on the L, hoim. iVJoorfields. Back-St. iforsleydown, — the Ei continuation of Tooley-st. oii the L. Back-St. Poplar, — fromVVadeV pi. to Finch-yd. Back-Walk, Lambeth, — 1st i parallel to Narrow-wall, near Up. Ground. Back-Yard, W hite-cross St. Bo« rough, — 2d on the R. from Queen-st. Bacon-St. (Gt.) Bethnal-Green^ — at 140, Brick-lane, or thm 1st on the L. in Ciub-ro-v, from 170, Church-st. Bacon-St. (Little),— at 141, Brick-iane, the 1st on the R, from Church-st, Badger's Aims-Houses, Hoxton- a few yards on the R. froia Old-sr.-rd. Badtier-Court, Shored itch,— -.at 43, near Webb-sq. -J of a mile S. from the church. Badger-Yd. Red-Liou-St.Clerk- envvell, — at i»5, leading to the middle of St. JohnV square. Bagnigc-Pl. Pentonville, — a few houses on the R. between Bagnige- Wells and Penton- place. Bagnige-\Vells,CQldbath-Fields, ^J a m'.U from Clerkenweil- gr( en, towards Pentonville. Eagnio-C'ourt, Newgate-St. — at 75, 2d on the R. from Cheap- side. l^aileyVCourt, Bell-Yd. Tem- ple- Uar, — Ist on theL. irom 205, Fleetest. Bailey 's-Court,Cock-Hill,Shorf» ma «Jildi,— jbst on thC" L. from Webb-sq, towiirds Aiiclwr-^t. Bailey^s-Pi. Tower-Hiil,— from the New Mint, t-Ba«i' ,— 3d. on the H. frQin 81, Tooley- street. Baker's-,Alley,Ch^rles-St.West- nijiister,7^midd]e of the S. side. Baker's-Builds. OM Bethlem, -r-^4 doors from Broad -fst. buildings. BakerVBuilds. Hiickney-Rd. — part of the R. side from Shoreditcb, adjoining Crab- tree-row. iakerVBuilds., liotherhithe, — at 233, 5 doors on the R. be- low the King and Queen. Baker's - Court, Hoi born, — at 149, nearly op, Middie-row. Baker's-Couit, Ea.^t-St. Man- chester-Sq, — at 92, the 1st on the L. from Bland ford-st. Baker's - Court, Whetstone's- Park,Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, — middle of the N. side. Baker's- Court, Half-moon-Al- ley^ — the 1st on the R, from Little Moorfields. Baker's-Cuurt, Half-moon-St. — the //thon the L. from 170, Bishopsgate. .Baker's-CourtjPhipps-St. Holy- wellrMount,— 2d on- the L. from Cjiapel-st. Baker's-Court, Castle-St. Beth- nai-Green,— at 33, six doors on the L. from the E. end of Austin-st. BAL Bake r'sr Court, Rosemary-Lane, ~^at 10i5, middle of 'the N. side. Baker's-Court, Petticoat-Lane, —3d on the L. fri^m Aldgate. Baker's-CourtjFarmer-St.Shad- well,-^at 45, 2(1 on the L. from 38,,. High-st. Baker's - Dock, Holland-Street, Blackfriars-Bridge,— E. side Northumberland wharf. Baker's-Hall, Harp- Lane, Gt. Tower-St. — at 16, middle B^ side. Baker's -Lane, Neat Houses, Chelsea, — leading from the Monster public-house to the Thames. Baker's-Mews, Bakerr-St. Port> man-Sq. — 5 doors on the R, from the sq. Baker's-Pl. Duke*s-Row, Tavi-. fetock-Sq. — 1st on the L. from Sommerb>-tovvn. Baker's-Pl. Baker'srRow, Clerkv enwell, — 2d on the L. from the Workhouse. Baker's- Row, W hitechapel-Rd . '-at 94, op. Cannon-st. New- road. Baker's- Row, Walworth High- St. — from Prospect-row to Albion-pl. Baker's - Row, Coppice - Row, C 1 e rken w^l 1 ,— 2d coach tur n- ing on the L. from the Green, Baker-St. Portman - Sq. — from the N. E. corner to York-pl. New-rd, Baker-St. North, — continuation of the last from the New- road. Balchin's-Court,^ Queen-St. Bor ro.- — 14 doors on the R, from Union-bt. BAL BaI(lwln's-Courr,Cloak-Lane,— at 18, op. College-hill. Balflvvin's - Gardens, Leatlter- Laiic, Iloiboni, — at 77, lead- ^ ing to 32, Gray*s-inn-lanc. BaldwinVPl. BaklwinVGard- ens,— at 48, middle oi' the N. side. BauhvinVStreet, Old-StreetjSr. Luke's— at 104,8 doors W, of the clmrch. Bal^s-Place, Duke-Strcet^ St. (reorgeV Fields, — oj on tiie 11. tVoiii the Obelisk. Ball-Alley, Sherboum-Lane, — at 5, nearly op. the Post- oftice-yd. Ball-AUey, Long- Alley, — the 2d on the R. from Moorfields. Ball -Alley, or Bell - Court, - Wheeler-St. Spitaifields,-— at 43, op. Webb-sq. Ball-Alley,Lombard-St.— at 50, nine doors on the R. from Gracechurch-st. Bali-Court, Golden-Lane, — at 126, middle of the W, side. Ball-Court, Giltspur-St. — at 15, the 3d on the R. from New- gate-st. Ball-Court, Sampson's-Oardens, WappioLS — at the E. end of RedmaidVlane, on the W. side of the London-docks. Ball - Court, Cornhill, — at 38, three doo'-s £. of Birchin-lane. Ball-Court, Je\vry-St.- at 15,4th on the R. from Aldgate. Ball Comt, White-Horse-Street, Rarcliffe,— Iston the L. from Butcher-row. Ball - Court, St. Catherine's - Lane, — 2d on the R. from 50, Up. R. Smithfield. Ball's-Yai d, Baclv C hurch-Lane, BAL Whitcchapel, — lst<">ii the H. from tlie Commcrcial-rd, Baltic-Ctjurt, Baltic-Street, St. Lulxc's, — behind 20, in tht said street. Baitic-Pl.Baltic-St.St.LukcV— behmd 20, in th-e said street. Baltic-St. Golden-Lane, — at 9->, the 1st on the R. from Oid- Mrect. Banbury - Court, Long- Acre,— UG doors on t'.ie R. froiii' St ^iartin's-lane. Banjor-Court, Shoe-Lane,-:^at. 63, back of St. Aiidrew's-' clmrch. Banfror-Coit^'t, Iligh-St, Boi'g. — behind Su Ceorgc's-church. Bank of England, — - the laj-g* stone b«jlding N. side " ih^ Royal Exchange, Cornhill. Bank-Builds.— facing the South front of the Bank of Liiglanci. Bank's Court, Bkie- Anchor- Al- ley,— 2d on the L. from lOV^^ Bunhill-i-ow. Bank-End, Sovithwark, — thfe E. end of Bankside. Bank r u p tc y I'l i fo rm ation-O ffice^ — 35, Aklermanbury, 6 doors from London-wall. Bankside, Souti^wark, — West continuation of the Clink, by the side of the Thames. Batik-Street^ CoriddH,— op. 14, leading to the Bank. " Banister.ConrtjBlue gate Fields, -— l.vt on the L. from 95, Rat- clitfc -highway. Banni>,tcT-Court, Golden-Lane, — at 67, near the middle of the E. side. Banner- St. Bunliill-Row, — at 80, the first on the L. from Old-st. BAK ~Bann€r-Sq. — part of Banncr-ht. about the middle. Baptist - Head - Court, White- cross-St. Cripplegiite,~at 50, the 6th on the R. trom Fore- street. Barber's- Builds. Bell-A Hey, — the 2d on the ii, from 1, GoJden-lane. BarberVHall, Monkwell-St.— op. Feil-bt. from 70, VVood- st. Chcapside. Barbers- Yard, Brown's -Lane, SpJtalt:elds, — 4 doors on tlie R. from Brick-lane. Barbican, — from 77, Alders- gate -st. op. Long -lane, to Rtdcross-st. B»rbican-Court, Barbican^ — at 68, by Aldersgate-st. Barge-House- A lley,,Up Ground, —4^ of a mile on the R. above Black friars-bridge. Barge (Old) Stairs. See the last. Barge-Yard, Bucklersbury, — 6 doors on the L. from the Mansion-house, parking -Church -Yard, See th- ing-Lane, — froin U6y, Tower- hill. Barley-Court, Smart*s-Build5.~ 52d on the L. from 185^ High Hoiborn. Barley - Mow - Court, White- chapel, — at 39, nine doors E. of Red-Lion-sr. Barley - Mow - Passage, Cloth- Fair, — 1st on the L. from 60, West-Smithfield. Barlow-Mews, Bruton-St. — 1st on the L. from 152, New- Bond-st. Barlow R(jw, Long-Lane, Ber- mondsey, — partoftheS- side, op. Richardson-st. BAIl Barlow-St.(Little)MaryboH?,— ^ at 110, High-bt. 2d on the L, from Charles-st, Barlow-St. (Great) — the first ea theL. in the last from High-st. BarnardVInn,Holborn,— at23, leading to 85, Fetter-lane. Barne«-Alley, Beoth-St. Spital- fields,— at 14, 2d on the Ii» from 50, Brick-lane. Barnes-Builds. Castle-Alley,—* 1st on the L, from 124^ Whitechapel. Barnes - Builds. Limehouse, — ' the E. end ofChivers's-courtj, entrance by Nightingale-lane, Barnes - Builds. Wilmot - St, Bethnal-Green,— near the S, end, behind the Lamb public- house. Barns -Builds. Gravel-Lane», — op. Firc-Ball-court, from 131, IJoundsditch. Barnes -Pi. Mile-End-Road,— adjoining the E. side the turnpike. Barnei^-Pl. Walworth-Common, op. Westmorland academy, Barnes-Pl. Lambeth-Marsh, — middle of the N. side from Pear-tree-row to James-st. Barnes-Terrace, James-Street, Lambeth Marsh, — by the Pen-Cutter's arms. Barnet-Yard, Little Guildford- St. Russel-Sq. — 2d on the R. fron> Bernard-st. Baron-St. Pentonville, — 1st on the R. from Islington. Baron's-Builds. — 3d on the L, in Webber-st. from Black fri- ars-road. Baron's-Pl. — 2d on the L. in Webber-st. from Blackfriars- road. BAR Baroti's - PL (Little), Baron*s- BtnUls.— at 40, l.'it on the K. t'loiu VVo')l)er-st. Barracks, Knisilushridgc, — J of a mil: oil tlu; L. Iroin H)'de- park turnpike. Bu! racks, l\nighrsbriclij;e, for Cavalr\ , — \ a mile on the li. tVon) llvdo-p:iik corner. Biirracks, Pimlico, behind Bucki^L:ham-hou^e. Barracks, St. Jamcs's-Park,— on the 8. E. side of Buckinj^- ham-^atc. Barrack-Ofticc,New-St. Spring- Garden, — at ^20, a few yards on thu L. from j2, Charing- cross. Barrets-Court, Cavendisli-Sq. — the continuation of Jees- court, t'roni lo3, Oxford-st. Barrelb-llents, W tiiteVYard, — 3d on the L. from 5S, Rose- mary-lane. Bartholomew -Chapel, Little- Bartholomew-Cioso, — at 41, N.side, St. Bartholomew the Ix^ss Cluirch", — at the back of 44, W. Smith field. St. Bartholomc'vv the Great Church,- — entrauce by 6ti, W. Smith,^eld. St. Bartholomew-Church, Bar- th»)lomew-Laue, — E. side the Bank of England. Bartholomew - Ciose,— at 33, Little-Britain, the 4th on the U. from 175, Aldcrsgatc-st. ; there is another entrance at - .^6, W. Smitlitleld. Bartho!omew-Clo--:e(Littl€),part of the X. end of the iast^uear King-st. Clotii-fair. Bnvthujomew - Court, Fore-St. BA8 Cripplegnte, — at 88, op. Al- dcrniajibury. Saint Baftholomrw's -Hospital, Gikspur-St. — a few yards on the H. from iSevvgate-st. ; there is another entrance at J.iltle Britain. Bartholomew-Lane, — E. side the Bank, op. tlie Royal-Ex- change. Bartholomew-Pl. Barlholomevy* Close, — at 33, near New-st. Bartlet's Builds. Ilolborn-Hill, — at 5Uy nearly op. Hatton- garden. BartktVBuilds. Richmond-St. St. Luke's,— 1st on the R, from St. Luke'»-ho.>pital. Bartlet's- Builds. Nightingale- Lane, — -Ist on the R. from t^p. E. Smithheld. Bartlet's-Court, Holborn-IIil/, — at 53, op. Hatton-Garden. Bartlet's-Builds. John-St. Cur- taii>-Rd. — Ist on the R. from op. William-st. Shoreditch. Bartlet's-Passage, Fetter-Lane, — at 60, leading to 10, Bart- letVbuiids. BartrumVRents, White-Liofn* St. Chelsea, — 1st on the L. from Lovvc r-Shjaiie-st. Barton-Court, HoxtGn,: — J of a mile on the R. from Old-st. rd. near the Ilare pub. hourgc'a- Burying-ground, i mile oi> the R.from Tyburn-turupike. Barton-St. Westr.~-2d on tire L. in Collcge-^t. iVom 18, Abingdon-st. Basing - House, Kiv>e4nnfl-Rd, — op. Union-st. -J of a mile'oiv the L.froaiShttrtKii^clwchuKck, B3 BAS Basing-Lane, Bread-St.-^at 40, the 2d on the L. from 47, CIiea}),side, Basing -F[. Kin^sland-Road, — by die Turnpike, | of a mile on the L, from Shoreditcli- churcl). Basinghall-St. Cateaton-St. — at 29," 3 doors AV. of the Old- Jew r v. Basingliall-St. (New), N. end of the last. B;isket-xAllej, Golden-Laner~ai 89, 1st on the L. from Oid-st. BatGhelor-Pl. Pentonvillc, — N. side the road, between the Turnpikes. Batchelor - PI. Borough - Road, — S. sidebj the KlngVbench. BatemanVBailds. Suho-Sq. — from 127, S. side^to Queen-st. BatemanVBuilds.Blue-Anchor- Alley, — Ibt on the R. from 108, Bunhill-row. BatemanVRow, Shoreditch, — at 159, leading to the Curtain- ''road. Bate^s - Row, Lisson-Green, — - the N. end of Little-James-st. 'Bath - Builds. Kingsland-Road, — op. the Iron mongers- A luis- Houses, J of a miie on the L. from Shoreditch. ^ "Bath -Court, Cold-Buth - Sq.— at 10, on the S. E. * de. Bath-Gardens, Kingsland-Road, — 2d on the L. in llare-walk, from op. Ironmongers Alms- liouses. Bath-Grove,Horsemonger Lane, — ^on the E. side the Gaol. B:ith-Pl. Brook-St. Lambeih, — part oT the S. side near VVest- Baiii-Pi. Fitaroy-Sq.— -N. side BAT the Xc\v>rd. by Brool'-st. Bath-PL London-Road, — 2d on the L. from the Obelr-k. Bath-Row, New-Rt)ad, Fitzroy- Sq. — 1st VV. of liampbtead- road. Bath-Row, Cold-Bath-Sq. — at 6, leading into BakerVrow. Bath"St.(Gt.) Cold-Bath-Fields, . — N. continuation of Eyre- st. and Leaiher-lane. Baih-St. (Little), — the end of Gt. Buth-st, which adjoins Eyre-st. Bath-8t. Ilackney-Road, — | a mile on the R. from Shore- ditch-church. Bath-St. City-Road, — N. conti- nuation of Pesthouse - row, from the VV.eud of St. Luke'*- hospital. Bath-St. Bethnal -Green. — 1st on the R. from the Salmon and Ball towards Dog-row. Bath-Terrace,St. George's East, ■ — N. side the New-road, near Cannon-st. turnpike. Bath - Terrace, Horsemonger- Lane, — on the E, s.de th« Gaol. Battle-Bridge, St. Pancras, — N. end of GrayVInn-iane, near a mile from Holborn, and W. end of Pentonvillc. Battie-BridgeMill-Lane,Tooley- St. — the end next the! hames. Battle -I^Bridge-Stairs. See tb« last. Batty*s-Court, BattyVSt. — 1st on the L. from the Conmier- cial-road. Batty 's-Gardens, Back-Church- Lane, Whitechapel,— 1st on the L . from the Commtrcia!- road. BEA tween Salisbury aiid Brown- ings-wharfs. Beaumoiits - Builds. Blue - An- chor-Yard — 3d on tii^ L. from 48, Ros<- mar y- lane. Beaumonts-Builds. Cannon-St. Bd — E. side,by Lower Chap- man-st. Beaumoist-Court, Windinill-St. — 8 doors on the L. front Tot- tenhara-court.-rd. Beaumont - Mews, VVeymouth- St. Marybone,_at ^i2,^V.end. Beaumont-Pl. Tottenhani-FI. — 1st on the L. from Totten- ham-court-rd. Beaumont-St. Marvbone,— from 16, VVeymouth-st. to High-st. Beavton VKepository, Silver-Sr. Goiden-Sq. at 24^, op. John- street. Beckford-PI. Beckford - Row, Walworth, — '20 doors S. of East-lane. Beckford-RoWjCharles-St.Beth- nal-Green-Rd. — 1st ou the R. from op. VVilraot-sq. Beckford-Rovy, Walworth Iligh- St. — by East-lane, ^ mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Beckford - Row, Kennington - Common, — on the W. side nearlv op. the Greyh.ound. Beck's- Rents, Roscmarv-Lane, —at 19, tlie 2d on theli. from Tower- hi 11. Bedford- Arms, Bedford -Sq. — by the S. E. corner : here is kept an alphabetical list of the names of all the inhabi- tants in the sq. Bedford Avenue, Bow-St. Co- vent-Garden, — S. side the Tlieaue. BED Bedford- Bury, — extends from 53, Chandos-st. to 10, New- .st. C-oyent-garden. Bee I ford- Court, Bedford-St. Co- vent-v^iaiden, — from 16, to 63, Chandos-st. Bed lord- Court, Angel-Court, — 1st on the R. froui 335, Strand. Bedford-Court, New Norlh-St. Rcd-Lion-Sq. — 9 doorson the L. from 56, Theobalds-rd. Bedford - Court, Bedford-St.— 1st on the R. from op. Lea- ther-lane. Bedford-Court,. Russel-St. Ro- tberhithe, — 1st on theL. from Greenland-dock. Bedford - Court, Bedford - St. Locksfields, Walworth, — 1st on the L. froiti Nelson's-pl. Bedford-Head-Yd. Up. King^s- St. Bloomsbury, — 2d on the R. from 120, liighHolborn. Bedford- Mews, (Up.) — behind the N. W. corner of Russel- square. Bedford-Passage, Cliarlotte-St, RathboiiC-Pi. — at 56, facing North-st. Bedford- PI. Bloomsbury-Sq. — middle of the N. side to 51, Russel-feq, Bedford-Pi. (Up.) Russel-Sq.— at 16, op. tiie last. Bedford-Pl: fhomas-St. Kent- Rd. — 1st on the R. from Pop- lar-row. Bedford-PL Deptford Lower- Rd. Rotherliithe, — on the E. side, near Paradise-row. Be d fo rd-Ro w ,~N . con tin uat ion of Brownlow-st. from r»0, High Holboni, bearing to the left. Bedford- Sq. — c©mmuiii€at(?s BED with Tottenham -court- road byTavistock-st. and Bed ford- street. Bedford-St. Tottcnham-Court- lload, — at 268, 3d on the 11. from Oxford-st. Btrdford - St, Strand, — at 4?3, Vv. side Covent Garden. J5edfbrd-St. Red-Lion-Street,- 1st on the R. from 71, High Holborn. Bedford -St. Leather- Lane, — the N. continuation of it, bearing to the L. Bedford-St. LockVFields, Wai- vvoi-th, — the continuation of York-st, to Nelfton'spl. Bedlem. See Bethlem. Bee - Hive - Court, Little St. Thomas Apostle, — 5 doors E. of 68, Queen-st. vBeef)ive - Passage, Leadenhall- Market, — at 13, Lime-st. op. Cullum-st. Beech - St. Barbican, — the E. continuaiion of it, to ChivS- well-st. Beech-Lane, Beech-St. — from the middle of the S. side to W})itecross-st. Beer-Lane, Gt. Towcr-St. — at 37, 1st on the L. from Tow- er-hill. Beli!;rave-Buiids. Pimlico, — at the back of 6, Lowcr-Bcl- grave-pl. Belgiave-Pi. East-Lane, Wal- worth, — on the E. side Little Richmt»nd-pl. Belgrave-Pl. (Lower) Pimlico, — part of the R. si le, 5 <^f »i mile from Buckingham-gate. Bclgrave-Pl. (Uf^per) — the con- tinuation of the last. Belgrave - Terracr, — the conti- BEL niiatlon of the last towards Chelsea. Befgrave - St. Pimlico, — 5th on the R. from Buckingham- gate. BL'll-Alley, Goswell-St.— at 13, leading into Turk's - head - court, Golden-lime. Bell - Alley, Golden-Lane, — at 1 the 5th on the L. from B:irbican, Bell-Aliey (Gt.) CoUman-«t.— at 56, 4th on the R. fioai Lothbnry. Bell - Alley (Little), Londoa- VVall, — at Leather-sellers- builds, op. Bethleni-hospital, Bell's- Builds. Salisbury-Sq. — ^d on the L. from 32, Fleet- street. Bell-Court, Gray '.s-Tnn-Lane,-— at 22, 8d on the R. from Holborn. Bell-Court (Little)- llje Ist on the R. in the last from Gray's Inn-Lane. Bell-Court, Golden-Lane, — 1st on the R. in Bell-alley from Goldcn-laue. Bell-Court, Grub-St. Cripple- gat^, — at 80, 7th on the R. frou) 8C, Fore-st. Bell-Court, Foster Lane^Cheap- side, — at 20, op. Maiden- lane, vV'ood-st. Bell-Court, Bell-Yard, Doctors- Commons, — the 1st on the L. from 10, Gt. Carter-lane, Bell-Court, VValbrook,— 3 doors on the R. from the Mansion- house. Bell- Court, Long-Alley, Moor- tlelds, — 5 doors on the K. from Crovva-strcec toward* Moorfields. BEL Bell-Court, Wheeler-St. Spital- fields, — at 43, op. Webb-sq. Bell - Court, St. Catherine's- Laiie, — Istoii the L. from 48, Up. E. Smithfield. Beil-Court, renchurch-Sl. — at 163, 2d on the L. from Gracechurch-st. Beii-Court, Mincing-Lane, — at 2^, seven doors from 82, Tower-st. "Bell - Court, Eermondf^ey-St,— - at 108, 4th N. of the church. Bell-inn, Hay-Market,— at 70, six doors JS, ot\ the Opera- house. Bell-Inn, (Old) Holborn,— at 123, nearly op. Fetter-lane. Bell and Crown, Kolborn, — at 133, about I" of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market. Bell-Fields, Bell-St. Padding- ton, — S. end Stevens-builds. JBell-Inn, West Smiihtield,— at 70, between Long-lane and St. J(jhn^s-st. Bell-Inn, Warwick -Lane, — 8 doors on the L. from 10, Nevviiate-st. -BcU-Inu, Friday-St. — 8 doors on the R. from 36, Cluap- side. Bcll-Inn,Bcli.Yd.€Tracechurch- street. Beli-Inn, Kent-St. Borough, — ^ a mile on the R. from St. GtorgeVchurch. Bell-Inn, Wood-St.--at «6, 4- of a mile on the L. from 122, Cheapside. Bell-Lane, Spitalfields,~lst E. of PetticoiiCt-lane,from Weut- worth-st. to Raven-row. BelTs-jMesscniier News-Paper- Ottice, Southumpton-St. — 1st BEL house on the L. from 888; Strand. Bell-Pl. Limehouse. See Five* Bell- PI. Prince's-St.— 1st on the L. from Baker Vrow, 94, W hitechapel-road. Beirs-Rents, Tattle-Court,— 2d on theL. from 247, Bermond- sey-street. Bell-Savage Inn, Ludgate-Hill, •*-at 37, first on the L. from F.'-i^t-market. Bell-Sc|. St. Martin's-le-Grand, — at 54, 4th on the R. from Newgate-st. Bell-Sq. Brokers-Row,*— at 6, middle of the E. side of Moorfields. Bell-St. Paddington,— 1st N. of Chapel-st. Edg ware-road. Bell and Star Wharf, Upper Thames-St. — 2 doors from Earl-st. Blackfriars. Bell-Wharf, Up. Thames-St.— op. 177, 3d E. ofQueen-st. Beil-Wharf-Passage. See the last. Bell-Wharf, Bermondsey-WaJ], — a few doors below East- lanc'->tairs. Beil-Wharf and Stairs, Rat- cliffe,— at 115,E,cnd ofShad- well-iiigh-strect. Beil-Yard^Oxford-St.— at 108, op. Argyll-street. Beli-Yard, York-St. Westmin- ster, — 6 doors on tlie R, from Queen-square. Bell-Yard, Fleet-St.— at 204, by Tcmplc-bar. Be 1 i-Yard , Hay-market, n t 70, six doors from the OjJira- hntise. Be 1 1- Yard, Drury - Lane, — 10 doors on the L. from iiolborn , BEL Bell-Yarrf, Mnunt-St. Grosve- nor-Sq.— at .58, 6 duor» on the L. from Park-st. Bell-Yard, Strand, E. side DruFT-laiie, by the New Church. Bell- Y'd.Addle-HlH,— 1st on the R- from 4, Gt. Carter-lane. Bell - Yai'd, Gt. Carter - Lane, Doctors-Commons, — at 10, leading to 15, Gt. Knight- rider-st. 'Bell-Yard,Gracechurch-St.— 12 dours on the R, from Cojn- hill. Bell-Yd. Fish-St, Hill,— at 13, op. the- Monument. Belmont-Pl. Vauxhall, — 1-sixth of a mile on the R. south of the Turnpike. Belmont- Row, Vauxhall, from the last towards Nine- elms. Belmont^Row, Bethnal-Green, -^nearly op. Patriot-sq. Bekon-8t. (Old),^ — continuation of Hanover-st. from 96,Long- Acre. Belton-St. fNew), — theN. con- tinuation of the last, Belvedere,Bethnal-Green,-^op. Duthie*s Nursery, extending towards Dog-row, Belvedere - Brewery, Vine-8t. Lambeth, — facing the end of it from Narrow-wall. Belvedere - Builds, Belvedcre- Pl.— at 45, op. the King's- bench. Belvedere - PI. St. George *s- f ields, — W. side the King*s- bench. Belvedere-Row, Belvedere-Pl. St. George's-Fields, — N. end by Gt.-Sutiolk-st, BEN Belvedere-Row, Narrow- Wall, Lambeth, — right side, ^ of a, mile from VVestr.-bridjje. Bembers-Rents, Golden-Lane, — at 107, the fourth on the R, from Old-st. Benchers-WalkjBennettVRow^ — 3d on the R. from Black- fr iars-rd. BencroftVAlm-Houses, Mile- End-Road, — 1| mile on the L. from Aldgate. Bencroft^s - PI. — op. the lasfj leading towards Stepney. Bengal-Pi. East Ind, Dock-Rd. — N. side, near the Dock- gate, Benjamin - St, Cow-Cross,— 2d on the R. from St. John's- street. Bennetts - Alms - Houses, St. Peter\s-Hiil,— 2d on the I4 from 216, Tharaes-st. St. Bennet's, Gracechurch, — • corner of Fenchurch-st. and Gracechurch-st. St. Bennetts - Church, Upper Thames-St. — by 2 17, the cor- ner of St. BennetVhill. St. Benedict, or St. Benneb- Fink-Church, Thread needie- st.— 3 doors E. from th« Royal-Exchange. Bennet's Builds. Kennington- Lane, — 2d on the R. from NewiniLton. Bennet's-Court, Drury-Lane, — at 111, op. linssel-court. Bennet's Court, Marigold-Court, 1st on the L. from 370, Strand. Bennet's - Court, George - St. Bethnal-Grecn, — 2 doors S, of Spicer-st. Brick-lane. B'jmK3tVCourt, White^St. Ba- BEN rough,— at 41, first from Kent-street. St. Bennet's-Hill, Up. Thamcs- St.— at ^17, 2d on the L. from Earl-st. Blackfriars. Bennett' s-Pl. BenuettVYard, Westr. — behind 42, Tufton- street. Bennetts -PI. Bethnal - Grcen- Koaci,— 1st E. parallel to PollardVrow, N. end of Pol- lard-st. BennetVRow,Paris-Pl. Chapel- St.Lisson-green,— the last on the L. from 23, Chapc!-st. BennetVRow, Black friars-Rd. — 2d on the L. from Surrey- chapel, towards the ()^>disk. Benner-St. Saint James's-St. — at 54, — 1st on the 11. from Piccadilly. Bennet - St. Charlotte -r Street, Rathhonc-PL— atsr, 1st N. of Windmill-st. Bennet-St. Princes-Street Westr. — 1st on the L- from Tothill- street. Bennet-St. Up. Ground, — 1st on the L. from Black tViars- bridp:e. BennetVYd. Westr. — W, end ofBcnnet-st. Bennet's-Yd. Tufton-St. Westr. — at 41, leading to 13, Mar- sh am-st. Benson's- Wharf, Shad-Tliames, — nearly op.Kint;-st. Ilorsley- down. BentleyVBi)ilds. Gt.Guildford- Street, Boro. — at the N. end Ly Maid-lane. Bentinck - Chapel, Lisson - St. Lisson-Green, — at the corner ofChapel-st. Bentinck- Mc\vs», Marybone - BER Lane, — at 27, fourth on tli6 R. from 157, Oxford-st. Bentinck-St.Welbeck-Street,— from 55 to 28 Mary bone-la uc. Bentinck-Streci, Berwick - St. Oxford-St.— at 82, middle of the W. side. Benton-Pl.New-St.Dock-IIead, — a few doors on the L. from Russell-st. towards Tooley- street. Berkeiey-Chapel,— W\ end of Charlts-st. Berkeley-sq. Berkeley- Court, Berkeley- St. Clerkenwell, — 2d on the L. from 18, St. John's4ane. Berkeley-Mews, Up. Berkeley- St. Portman-Sq. — 5 doors VV, from the sq. Bcrkeley-Sq.— at the W. end of Bruton-st. fiom 146, New Bond-st. Btrkcley-Sr. Piccadilly, — from 76, middle of the N. side, to Berkeley-sq. Berkeley-St. Portman-Sq.-^at 7, the N. E. corner, leading to 15, Manchester-sq. Berkeley-St. (Upper), Portman- Sq. — from the N. VV. corner, to 29, Ed^ ware-road. Berkeley-Sireet,St..TohnVLane, Smithfield, — at 18, 3(1 on the L. front St. .Tohn^s-st. Berkeley-St. Lamhc th-Walk,— 1st W. to Eleazer-pl. op. Chapman's-gardens. Bermondsey Builds. Bormond* sey New Road, — 3d an the R. from the Bricklayers- Arms. Bermondsey -Church- Yard, -.on the S. side the church. Berniondsey New-Road, — the S. continuation of Bermontl- sejf-gtrcet to the Biicklayert- Aniis, Bermondsey-Sq. Bermondsey,— on tlie S. side the church-yd. Bermondsey-St. Boro. — op. 63, Tooley-st. where there are Nos. 1 and 284. Bennondsey-Wall. See Rother- hithe-Wall. Bermondsey-Workhouse, Rus- seli-St. — a few doors on the R. from 90, Bermondsey-st. BernaleVBuilds.Kiugsland-Rd. — op. 60, 1st on the R. from Shored itch. Bernard-St. Briinswick-Sq.--lst N. parallel to Guilford-st. Berners-Mevvs, Castlc-St. Ox- ford-St. — 4 doors E. of 11, BcrnerVst. BcMTicrs-Street, Oxford-St.— at 54, 1 of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's. Berner-St. Commercial-Road, — the 1st on the R. fro'n Church-lane, Whitcchapel. Berry- Court, Love-Lane, — at 6, the back of 66, Alderman- bury. Berry-St. C!erkenvvell^--2d on the L. in Allen-st. from 113, GoswcU-st. Berwick-Street, Oxford-St. — at 373, I of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's. Berwick -PI. Grange-Road, — the W. continuation of Fort- place. Bethesda- Chapel, Baltic-St. — adjoins 99, Golden-lane. Bethlcra-Ilospital, Mourtlelds, — on the S. side by London- wall. Bethlem (Old), Bisliops^ate, — at 198, N. side the church. BIN Bethnal-Green, — a large green about a mile E. from the Turnpike by 65, Shoreditch, and about | a mile N. from Mile- End-Turn pike. BethnaJ-Green-Road, — the E. continuation of Church-st. from 65, Shoreditch, extend- ing from the Turnpike to the Green. Bethnal-Green - Workhouse, — • at the E. end of Uare-st. from 110, Brick-lane. Beits-Pl. Betts-St. — 4 doors on the L. from 164, Ratcliffe- highway. Betts-St.Ratcliffe-bighway, — at 164,on the E. side of Princei* square. Bevis-Marks, St. Mary-Axe,-* at 30, op. Camon^ile-st. Bi* shopsgate. Bevois-Court, Basinghall-St.— «• at 28, op. the church. Bickk7-Ro».v, Trhiity -Street, Rotherl.iithe, — E. end of it extending from Russel-st. to-^ wards the Surrey canal. Bicknels-Rcnts, Kent^St. Borou — at 7(5, :|- of a mile on the I,, from St. GeorgeVchurch. Bidborough - St. Judd- Street^ Sommcrs-Town. — 1st on the L. i'lGiu JuddVpl. Billingsgalc-Wharf and Marker^ Lower-Thames-St. — 20door5 below London-Bridge. Billingsgate-School, St. Mar/s« Hill, — 3 doors on theR. from Rood-lane. Bill iter- Lane, Fenchurch-St. — at 1 14, op. Mark-lane. Billiter~Squa]*c, — at 12, Billiterr lane. Bing-St. Mile-E'nd-Ro»d,--4V:. C BIN side Grove-road, op. Saville- place. BingstonV Wharf, Wapping, — at 3ia, op. Globe-st. | a mile below Tower-hill. Birchin-Lnne, Lombard-St.™ at 61, leading to 36, Cornhi!!. BirdVBuilds. Hoxton-Town,— i o£ a mile on the R. from Old-st. road, by Magna-pl. Bird's-Builds. Green-St. Saint George's-Field«, — Sd on the R. from BennettWow. Bird-Cage-Alley,High-St. Boro. —at 172, nearly opposite St. GeorgeVchurch. Bird-Cage-Court, Strand, — at 393, by Southampton-street, Co vent-garden. Birdcage- Walk, Bethnal-Green, — the continuation ofCrab- Tree-row, near Shoreditch- church, to the NagVhead, Hackney-road. Bird-Cage-Walk, St. JamesV Park, — on the S. side, from Buckingham - gate to Great George-street. Bird's-Court, Marybone-Lano, — at 35y five doors iVom High- street. BirdVCourt,Ph)lip-Lane,— W. side, '10 doors from London- wall. Bird-in-Hand-Court,Cheapsidc, — at 76, op. the Old-Jewry. Bird's-Lane, Stangate,Lambeth, — 2d on the L. from Westr.- bridge. BlrdVRow,Blue-Anchor-Road, Bermondsey, — I of a mile on the R. from Fort-pi. Bird-St.Grosvenor-Sq. — at 283, Oxford-st. between James-st. and Dukc-st, BIS Bird-Street, Manchester-Sq,-at 167, Oxford-st. op, the last. Bird-St. Saint George's East,— at the N. side of Wapping- church. Bird-St. Lambeth, — the conti- nuation of South-st. West- ^qu^are. Bishop VCourt,Chancery-Lane, — at 78, leading to Star-yd. and Carey-st, BishopVCourt, Aylesbury-St. Clerkenwell, — at 12, the 1st on the L. from St. JohnVst. Bishop's-Court, Old-St. — at 38, 3d W.ofBunhill-row. BishopVCourt, Coleman-St. — 6 doors on the R. from Lon- don-wall. BishopVCourt, Old-Bailey, — 3d on the R. from Snow- hill. Bishop^s- Court, KingVHead- Court, — 1st on the R. from Long-alley, Moor fields. Bishop's -PI. Uxbridge-Road, — W. side St.Gcorge's-Br.rying- ground. ^ mile on the R. from Ty burn-turn pike, Bishopsgate - Church - Yard, — from the S. side the church to New-Broad-st. Bishopsgate-St.-Within, — from Cornhi 11, (where there are Nos. land 124) to the church. Bishopsgate -St.- Without, — the N. continuation of the last, (where there are Nos. 1 and 202) to Norton-falgate. Bishopsgate-Poorhouse, Rose- Alley, — a few y;irds on the L. from 34, Bishopsgate- without. Bishopsgate- Workhouse, Dun- ning's-Alley, — a few yards on i BIS the L. from J 61, BIsliops- gate." Bi^jhop*s-IIead - Court, G;my V Inti-Laiie, — 6 doors on the L. from Hoi born. Bishop's-Walk, Lambeth, — by the side of the Tiiames, from Lnmbeth-churcij to VVestr.- bridge. Bisiiop's-Yd.Charles-St. — a few yards on the L, from the S. E. corner of Grosvenor-sq. Bitt-Alley, Turnmill-St. Clerk- enwell, — Ist on the L. from tlie green. 'Blacks-Court.Phoenix-St.Spltal- flelds,- 6 doors from 39, Wheeler-st. ■ Black-Bear-Inn, Piccadilly, — 13 doors on the R. from the Haymarket. " Black-Bear-Yd. Titchborne-St. - — 1st on the L. from the Hay- market. Black-Bird- Alley, St. John*s- St. Bothnal-Green, — '2d on tlie R. from 105, Brick-iane. Black-Boy and Caniei Coach- Office, Leadenhall-Street, — 8 doors from Gracechurch-st. Black-Boy-Alley, Chick-Lane, — 2d on the L. from Field- latie. Black-Boy - Court, Mlle-End- Koad,-10 doors W. of Globe- lane. Black-Boy-AlJey,Fo»-e-St. Lam- beth, — -6th on the L. from the church. Black- Boy -Lane, Poplar, — | a mile on the L. from the Commercial - road, op. the Harrovv. Black-Bali (Old) Inn, Holborn, BLA — at 151, op. Fetter-lane, J of a mile on the R. from FIcct-market. Black-Bull-Yard,Swallow-St."- 14 doors on the R. from Pic- cadilly. Blackburn's-Mews, Up. Brook- St. — the 1st on the L. from Grosvenor-sq. BlackburnVAliey,Bermondsey- Wall,— W. side of VVeslakeV dock, and E. side Graham*s Iron-fonndery. Black - Ccct - Alms - Houses, Westr. — Vy. side St. Marga- ret Vchurch. Black-Dog - Alley, College-St. Westr. — 3d on the L. froim 18, Abingdo;i-st. Black-Eagle-St. Spitalfields,— op. 63, Brick-lane; by lii^ii- bury'b-Brewery. Black friars, — bo twee nLud gate- hill and the Bridge. Blackfriars-x\lmsHouses,Black- friars, — a few doors on the L, in Church-entry, from Shoe- maker-row. Blackfriars-Bridge, — S. end of New Bridge-st. Fleet-market. Black friars-Road, — from the S. end of Blackfriars-bridge -to the Obelisk. Black-Horse-Alley, Fleet-St.— at 108, four doors from Fleot- market. Black - Horse - Court, Hay • market. See Black-Horae- Yard. Black-Horse-Square, Deptford Lower-Road, — 1st on the L. bevond the 3 mile stone. , Black-Horse-Yard, Hay-market, — 8 doors from Piccadilly. BLA Blaek-Horfce-Yard, Chapel-St. Westminster, — 2 doors from Totbill-st. Black -Horse- Yard, Tottenham- Ct.-Rd. — ^6 doors on the L. from Oxford-st. Black-Horse- Yd. Dean-St.— 1st on the L. from 400, Oxford- street. Black-Horse-Yard, Norfolk-St. — 2d on ihe K. from Goodge- st. Tottcnh.am-Court-road. Black-Horse- Yard, Rath bone- Pi. — 6 doors on the R, from 24,Oxford-st, Black-Horse-Yd. Newton-St. — 1st on the L. from 206^ High Holborn, Black-Horse-Yard, Grays-Tnn- Lane, — at 52, fifty-two doors on the R. from Holborn. Black-Horse-Yd. Bartholomew- Close, — 2d on the L. from 56, W. Smithfield. Black-Horse-Yd. Little Britain, — at 30, four doors N. of Cox's-court. Black-Horse-Yd. Goswell-St.— - at 115, a few doors N. of Long-lane. Black-Horse-Yd. Fell-St.Wood- St. — middle of the N. side. Black-Horse-Yd. Aldgate,-- -at 35, leading into Petticoat- lane. Black-Horse-Yard, George-Yd. 1st on the L. from 88, White- chapel. Black-Horse and Swan-Yard, Blackman-St. Borough, — 13 doors from St. GeorgeV church. Black-Horsc-Yd. Kent-St. Boro. —at 174, J of a mile on BLA the R. from St. Gcorg«V cliurch. Black-Horse-Yd. Union-Builds. Leather-Lane, — at tlie W. end. Blacklands, KingVRoad, Chel- sea, — 2d coach turning on the R. from Sloane-sq. towards Fulham. Blacklands-Lane,^ — the continu- ation of the Icist to Bromp- ton. B;aeklands-Pl. Chelsea, —facing Symonds-st. from the N. VV. corner of Sloane-sq, Black- Lion-Court, Berwick-St. ■ — at 3, the last on the L, from 373, Oxford-st. Black - Lion-Court, 'Tooley - St.~at 81, E. sideofMor- gan's-Iane. Black-Lion-Inn, Water-Lane, — 2d on the R. from 68, Fleet- street. Black-Lion- Yard, Whitechapel- Road, — at 39, 2d on the L. below the church. Blackman-St.Borough,-the con* tinuation of High-st. from St, George*s-church to Stones- end. Blackmore-St. Drury-Lane, — at 100, 4th on the R. from 320, Strand. Black-Priiice-Row, Walworth, —a few houses on the L. from theElephant& Castle. Black- Raven - Alley, Upper Thames-St.-froml04,to Old- Swan-stairs. Black-Raven-Court, Seethine:- Lane, — at 30, 2d on the R. from Tower-st. Black-Raven - Court, Leaden- BLA hall-St, — 3 doors on the L. from Aldgate. ^'ack-8vTaii- Alley, Market-Si. St James's, — 4 doors from 127, Jermyri-st Black -Svvuii - Allev, London- Wall,— 12 doors E. from Colema!i-st. Black - 8vvan - Court, Golden- Lane, — at 57, middle of the E. side. Black-Swan-Alley, St. Paul's- Clmrch-Yard, — at 21, S. side. Black-Swan-Court, Gt. Tower- St. — at 61, six doors E. of Mark-lane. B!ack-Svvan-Court,High-Strect, Boro. — 33 doors on the L. from London-bridge. Black-Swan-Yard,Bermondsey- St. — at 73, middle of the E. side. Black-Swan-Yard, Cross-Street, Nevvjngion, — 1st on the it. from the church. Blacksmith's-Arms-Pl. Church- Lane, Wintecliapel, — 2d on the R. from Cable-st. Blacksmitii's-Arnis-Court,— 1st on the L. in the last from Church-lane. Blackv^all, — E. end of Poplar. Blackvvali-Bason, — E. end of the West-lndia-Docks. Blackwall-Causeway,— from the E. end of Poplar to the West India-Dock. Blackwall-Stairs,— E. end of the last. Blackwell-Hall,— at 6, Basing- hall-st. leading to Guildhall. Blackwell - Hall -Court, — from the last to 33, Cateaton-st. Black and White-Court, Old- Bailey. See .New- court. BLO Blakes-Alms-Houses, Vauxhall, — a few doors on the R. south from the Turnpike. Blakcs-Court, Catherinc-St.-r- 6 doors on the L, from 343, Strand. Blakes-Court,Old Gravel-Lane, — at 150, near the middle of the W. side. Bland\s-Builds. French- Alley, — 2d on the R. from 2*1, Goswell-st, Bland's-Court, Great Wild-St. LincolnVInn-Fields, — 2d on the R. 14 doors from Gt. Queen-st. Bland ford- Mews, Blandford-» St. — 5 doors from Buker-st. Blandrord-Pl.PaU-Mall,-at 83, near the Palace. Bland ford-St. Marybone, — at 47, INlanchester-st. leading to 15, Baker-st. Portman-sq. Bleed ing-Heart- Yard, Charles- St.Hatton-Garden, — -ISr. end of Union-court, from 95,Hol- born-hill. Blenheim-Mews, Blenheim-St, — 1st from 351, Oxfoid-st. Blenheim-St. Oxford-Street, — at 351, f of a mile on the L, from St. Giles's. Blenheim-St. New-Bond-Streetj — 7 doors from 307, Oxford- street. BIewctVBuildings,Fetter.Laneg — 15 doors on the L. fron* 34,IIolborn-hiil. Blinkford's-Build S.King- John's* Court, Shoreditch, — 1st orv the R. from 13, IlolywelU lane. Block's-Court, Phoenix-Street^ : Spitalfields, — 6 doors oij the R. from S8, Wheelcr-st^ BLO Bloomsbury and St. GilesV Charity - School, — at 14, Queeu-st. the corner of Hart- street. Bloonisbury-Court, High-'Hol- born, — from 135, to Blooms- bury-market. Bloomsbury Dispensary, Great- Russel-St. — at 62, nearly op. the British-Museum. f^oomsbury-Marker, Lyon-St. Holborn, — N. end, 5 doors from 143, High-Holborn. Bloomsbury - PI. Bloomsbury- Sq.— from the N. E. corner to King-st. Bloomsburv-Sq.— the N. end of Southainpton-st. from 1-26, High-Holborn. Blo(jmsbury-Sq. Churcb-Place, Ncvviugton, — 2d on the L. from op. the church. felossoms-Inn, Lawrence-Lane, — 9 doors on the L. from 96, Cheapside. Blossom - St. Spitalfields, — 1 st on the L. in VVhite-Lion-st. from 13, Norton-falgate. Blossom-Court, — 1st on the L. in Blossom-st. from White- Lion-st. Blue-Anchor- Alley, Brook-St. RatclJiTe, — at 106, nearly op. Stepney-causeway. Bl 0' -Anchor-Alley, Maid-Lane, Boro. — oth on the L. from Park-st. Blue - Anchor - Alley, Bunhill- Ptow,^ — at 108, about the middle of the W, side. Blue-Anchor-Court, Gt. Peter- St. VVestr. — 2d on the S. from Strut ton-ground. Blue-Anchor-Court, Blue-An- chor-Ailey, Buuhill-Rovv,— BLU about middle of the N. side. Blue- Anchor-Court, Brook-St. Ratcliffe, — the continuation of Blue-Anchor-alley, Blue-Anchor-Lane, Bermond- sey, — from the Blue-Anchor, to the Gregorian-arms, on the East side of the Spa. Blue - Anchor - Lane, Bethnal Green, — near the N. E. cor- ner of the Green, leading to Hackney-road. Blue-Anchor-Iioad, Bermond- sey, — the E. continuation of the Grange-road, from the turnpike. Fort-place. Blue- Anchor- Yard, York-St. Wf;stminsttr, — 2d on the L. from Quecn-sq. Blue- Anchor- Yard, Colemaiy- St. — at No. 1, by London- wall. Blue-Anchor- Yard, Rosemary- Lane, — at 48, 8th on the R. from Tower-hill. Blue-Ball-Court, Lant-St. Bo- ro. — 2d on the R. from 109, Blackman-st. Blue- Ball -Court, Tottenham- Ct.-Rd. — at 62, by Goodge- street. Blue-Ball-Y^ard, St. JamesVSt. — at 62, 3d on the R. from Piccadilly. Blue - Boar'- Inn, Aldgate,— 20 doors E. of the church. Blue-Boar-Yard, High Holborn, — at 75, 1st W. of Red-Lion- ' street. Bluc-Boar-Court, Friday-St. — ten do(jrs on the L. from 36, Cheapside. Blue-Coat-School, Newgate-St* See ChristVhospital. Blue- Coat-School, Westmin-* BLU st^r, — E. end of James-st. and W. end of Little-Chapel- street. Blue - Coat - Builds. Butcher- Hall-Lane, — ihe continuation of it under the arch to Little- Britain. Blue-Court, — a few doors on the L. in Red- lion- court, from 11, Gt.-SatTron-liill. Blue-Cross - Street, Whitconnb- St.— op. James-st. from 17, Haymarkot. Blue-Hai-t-Court, Little Bell- Alley, — 2 J on the K. from LondoR-wLiil. Blue-Gate-Court, — at the N. end of Blue-Gate-Fields. Blue - Gate - Fields, Ratcliflfe- Highway, — at 93, 1st street E. of St. George Vchurcii. Blue-Gate-Place, — oth on the JX. in the last from RatciiiTe- Highvvay. Blue-Houses, Lambeth-Marsh, — 2d on the L. from Surrey- chapel. Blue-Houses, Lambeth-Marsh, — a t^ew houses op. the last, between the Horn- brewery and the Patent-shot-manufac- tory. Blue - Last - Court, Three-Colt- St. Limehouse, — at 31, near- ly op. Ropemakers-fields. Blue-Lion -Court, Aldersgate St. — 6 doors N. of Falcon- square. Blue-Posts Coach-Office, Tot- tenham-Ct.-Rd. — 12 doors on the L. from Oxford-st. Blue-Posts Coach-Office, 'Hol- born-Bars, — 6 doors E. from Middle-row. filuaden's-Court, Kent-St. Bo- BOL ro. — at 298, the end of Uni- corn-court. Blunderbuss-Court, Kingslatrd- Road, — 6 doors on the L. from Shored itch. Blytli's - Court, Lamb - Alley, Bishopsgate,— behind 09, Sun- street. Board of Agriculture. See Agriculture. Boarded -Entry, New GraVel- Lane,— at 16, 2d on the L. from VVapping. Boar and Castle Inn, OxfoVd- St. — 6 do(jrs on the R. from St. Giles's. Boar's-Head-Court, Fleet-St. — at 66, middle of the S. side, by Water-lane. Boar's-Head-Court, W. Smith- field, — at 76, N. side, by St. John's-st. Boar's-Head-Court, Petticoat- Lane, — 1st on the R. from 41, Aldgate High-st. Boar's - Head - Court, Grace- church-St. — at SO, by Leaden- hall-market. Boar's - Head - Court, High-St. Borough, — 25 houses on the L. from London-bridge. Boar's - Head - Yard, King- St. Westr. — 5 doors N. from Gt. George-st. Boddy's - Bridge, Up.-Ground- — 2d on the L. from Black- friars-bridge. Bolingbroke-llow, Walworth, — • S. side the Red Lion, by the turnpike. Bolsover-Street, Oxford -St. — at 113, nearly op. Swallow- street. Bolt-Court, Fleet-St.— at 151^ op. WateMaacu BOL Bolt in Tun-lnh, Flret-St.— at 64, middle of the South side. Bolton-Row, Piccadilly, — at the end of Bolton-st. from Picca- dilly. Bolton -St. Piccadilly, — at 79, middle of the N. side. Bolton -Yard, Bolton-Row,— at 10, op. Bolton-st. BoltvvrightVCourt, Mount-St. Bethnal-Green, — 3d on the L. from 45, Church-st. by the Charity-School. Bombhouee-Alley, Princes -St. Lambeth, — • 1st on the L, from Vauxhall. BondVBuildings, Rolls Builds. —the continuation of Bund's- yard to Symonds-Inn. Bond - Court, Walbrook, — 7 doors on the L. from the Mansion-house. Bond-Court, Chamber- Street, Goodman* s-Fields, — middle of the 8. side. Bond-Court, liorseferry-Road, Westr. — 1st W. of Strutton- groviud. Bond- Place, Hackney - Road, — adjoins Durh.am-pl. East. Bond-Street (New), Oxford-St. —at 307, middle of the S. side. BondpSt.(Oid), the continuation of the last to 56, Piccadilly. Bond-St. Boro-Road, — third on the R. from the Obelisk. Bond's- Yard, Rolls Builds. — W^ end, entrance by 11 8, Fet- ter-lane. Bone-Yard, Lemon-St. Good- man's ^Fields, — a few yards behind 82, op. Prescot-st. Bonner's-Hall, Bethnal-Green, — «»a detached parcel of BOR houses, about J of a mile N, E. from the Green. Bonner-Street, Green-St. Beth-» nal-Green,— ^1 of a mile on the L. East from the green. Booker's-Gardens, Leadenhall- St.— at 93, 7 doors W. of Creechurch-lane, Book's - Rv nts, Garter - Court, Biubicau, — at 36, nearly op, Redcross-st. Boot-Alle), A b church-Lane, — 6 doors on the L. from Lom- bard-it. Boor-St. Hoxton-Market, — 1st on the R. in Pitfield-st. from Old-tt.-road. B.K)th-C()urt, Wells-St. Oxford- St. — at 39, 3d on tht R. from Oxford-st. Bouili - Court, TwisterVAlIej, — the W. end from 102, Bun- hill- row. B(iOth-Court, Booth-St. Spital- helds, — at 13, 3d on the R, from 50, Brick-lane. Booth-St. Spitalfieids, — at 50^ Brick-lane,i of a mile on the R. from Osborn-st. White- chapei. Boro' of Southwark,--^five pa* rishes on tlie S. side the Thames, St.Olave's, St. John'sy St. Thomas's, St, George's, and St. Saviours. Borough High-Street. See High*' street. Borough-Market, — the W. end of York-st. from 275, High*» street. Boro-Road, St. George's Fields, — from the King's-bench tgr the Obelisk. Boro-Skin-Market, Gt. Suffolk- •St. — middle of tb« S. .si^e, - BOS Bosier-Court, Oxford-St. — the corner of Tottenham-court- road. Boss-Ailey, Lower Thames-vSt. — at 97, op. Billingsgate. Boss-x^llcy, Gainstbrd-St. Hors- levdown, — at 7, 1st on the L. from 34, Horsleydown- ^ lane. l' Boss-Court, Boss-Alley, Ilors- leydown, — 1st on tiie L. from 7, Gainsford-st. Boss-Court, Up. Thames-St. — at 21-^, W. bide of Lambeth- hill. BostockSt. Old Gravel-Lane,— at J 54, 3d on the K. from R*tc 1 i iTe-h i<;h way . Boston-Itow, Brompton, — part of Quern's-buiidini;s, at th» end of Queen-st. about J of a mile on the L. from Knights^- brids^e. Bosweii-Court New, North-St. Red-Lion-Sq. — N. end, to 20, Devonshire-st. Bof=.well-Court (New), Carey- St. — at 18, 5th on the L. from 99, Chancery lane. Buswell-Court (Old), Strand, — a few doors on the R. from Temple-bar. Botanic- Gardens, Chelsea, — op, 31, Paradise-row, | of a mile vS. W. from the hospital. St.Botulph and Aldgate-School, Tower-hill, facing tiie new Mint. Botolph-Alley, Botolph - Lane, — at 40, Ist on the L. from Eastcheap. ^ St. Botoiph-Churcb, Bishops- I gate, — J of a mile on the L. 1 North from Cornhill. I St. Botolph-Church, Aldgate,— - I BOW a few doors on the L. below Leadenhall-st. St. Butolph and St. Georgc'9 Church, Botolph - Lane, — 8 doors from 16, Little East- cheap. St. Botolph -Church, Alders- gate-St. — the corner of Little- Britain, Botolph-Lane, — 2d E. to Fish- St. -hill, from 16, Eastcheap, to 111, Lower Th'ames-st. Botolpli-\Vharf,Lower Tharaes- St. — at 9, 3d below London- bridge. Bottle-Alley,Bishops^ate-With- out, — at 183, op. New-st. Bottle of Ilay-Yard.St. John-St. Clerkcnwel!,— at .128, ^ of a mite on die L. from Smith- field. Botvvright's - Builds. Hackney- Road, — op. the Middlesex- chapel, I of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch. Botwright's - Builds. Bethnal- Green. See Mount Court. Bough-Court, Shoreditch, — be- hind 236, leading into Plough- yard. Bourdon -Street, Davies-St. — 4 doors on the R. from iJerke- ley-sq. Bouvcrie- Street, Fleet-St.* — at 62, fniddle of the S. side. Bow-Church-Yd. Cheapside, — at 54, W. side the church. Bow-Lane, Cheapside, — at 59, E. side the church. Bow-Lane, Poplar, — 2d on the R. also 3d OP. the L. from^he East-Tndia-Dock-Gate. Bow-Lane - Court, — 2d on the R. from the E.-India-Dock- Gate. BOW B(fw-Stiieet, Covent-Garden,^ — from 63, Long-Acre, to Gt. Russel-st, Bow-St. Bioomsbury, — at 169, High-Holborn, by Broad-st. 8t, Giles's. Bow-Yd.Broad-Street,St.Giles% — at S7, leading into Beiton- street. Bowling- Alley, Clerkenwell, — W. end of Bowling-st. Bowjing-Allcy, Whitecross-St. Cripplegate, — at 21, 2d on the L. from Fore-st. Bo\viing-Grecn,Edg%vare-Road- — op. 27, i of a mile on the L. from Tyburn-tarn pike. Bowling - Green - Builds. New- Road, Marybone, — E. side the Yorkshire-Stingo. Bowling-Green-Yard, — 1st in the last from the New-road. Bowling-Green, King-St. Boro, — at 49, 2d on the R. from 109, High-st, Bowling - Green -House, Som- mer's-Town, — in the fields, op. JuddVpIace, towards the Foundling-hospital. Bowling-Green-Lane, High-St. Marybone, — at 27, W. end of Weymouth-st. Bowling-Green-Lano, Clerken- well, — op. the Workhouse, Coppice-row. Bowling-Green-Pl. Woodstock- St. Marybone, — behind 29, Weymouth-st. Bowling-Green-Pl.Kennington- Green, — 1st on the L. from the Horns. Bovvlmg- Green-Row, Hoxton, — the 3d on the R. from Old-st. road along Pitfield-st. Bowling-Green -IJovr, Kcnning- BRA ton-Green, — 1st on the L. from the Horns. Bowl and Pin-Alley, Bream's- Builds. Chancery - Lane, — a few yards N. of the E. end. Bowl and Pin-Gardens, — 1st on the R. in the last from Bream's-Buildings. Bowling-St. Wcstr. — 3d on the L. in Colkge-st. from l8^ Abingdon-5t. Bowling -Street, Turnmill - St. Clerkenwell,^ — Sd on the L. from Covv-cross". ' Bow !sV Wharf, Cock-Hill, Rat- cliffe,- — 12 doorfj on the R. from Hig!i-st. Shadweli. Bowman 's-Builds. Aldersgate- Street, — at 140^ op. Jevvin-st. BowyerVBuildings^ James-St. — 1st on the R. from Can- non-st.-road. Boydes-Gardens, Pimlico, — 1st on the L. from the S. end of Belgrave-terrace, towards the Five Fields, Boyd's - Walk, Bermondsey - Wail, — 1st on the L. west of Fountain-stairs. Boyle-Street, New l^urlington- St. — the continuation of it from 120, Swallow-st. Brabant- Court, Philpot-Lane, -—6 doors on the R. from 12, Fenchurcli-st. Braces- Builds. Blue- Anchor- Yard, — last on the L. from 48, Rosemary-lane. Biuckley - St. Golden-Lane,— at 9, 4th on the L. from Bar- bican. Bradshaw's - Court^ Curriers - Row, Elackfriars, 1st on the L. from Bristow-st, St. AndrewVidlla BRA Bfadshaw's - Rents, Portpool- Lane, — at 42, 1st on the 11. from 63, Leather-lane. Braggs - Ways, Rotherhithe, — adjoins Rotherhithe-stairs on the E. side. Branches -Builds. Tabernacle- Walk, — at 52, nearly op. the Tabernacle, .Branches-Pl. Cable-St. Well- close-Sq. — at 72, near Rose- mary-la ue. Brandon's - Fields, Bow -Lane, Black- Wall,— N. side the E. India-Dock Gate. Brandon - Row, Newington - Causeway, — irom the turn- pike to Poplar-row, Brandon-Sr. Bennondsey New Road, — 4th on the R. from the Bricklayers-Arms. Brandon's- Warehouses, Lead- enliall-St. — at 88, W. side Creech urch-Jane. Biaynes-Row, Coppice -Row, Clerkenvvell, — E. side tire turnpike, by the House of Correction. Brazier's - Alms- Houses, — the end of Two Swan-yd. from 18(3, Bishopsgate-without. Braziers-Builds. Fleet-Market, .—at 30, 3d on the L. from Holborn-bridire. Braziers-Hall, Coleman - St, — at 80, the corner of London- Wall. Bread-St. Cheapside, — at 46, 3d on the R. from St. Paul's- church-yard. Bread-Street-Hill, Up. Tharaes- St. — from 201 to Bread- street. ; Brcackneck-Steps, Bristow-St. BRE Black friars, — 1st on the R. from St. Andrew*s-hill, Bream's - Buildings, Chancery- Lane, — at 27, leading to Rolls-builds, and 117, Fetter- lane. Breezer\s - Hill, Ratcliffe-High- way,-^ op. Ship-alley, Well- close-sq. Brenan's-Buildings, Gibraltar- Row, Bethnal - Green, — on the S. side the Gibraltar. BrenanVPl. Gibraltar-Row, — on the N. side the Gibraltar. Brent' s-Court, High-St. Boro, — at 132, the 6 th S. of Union- street. Brewer-Court, Bedfordburj,— at 54, middle of the E. side. Brewer -Court, Gr, Wild - St, Lincoln's - Inn - Fields, — op, WikUcourt. Brewer-Court, (Two) Golden- Lane, — at 79, 4th on the L, from Old-st. Brewer-Court, Saint Thomas's- St. Boro. — 1st on the R.from 44, High-st. Brewer-Court, MorganVLane, — 1st on the L. from 79, Too- ley-st. Brewer's- Green, Westr. — the continuation of James - st. from tlie Blue-coat -school and Bridewell. Brewers -Hall, Addle -St. — at 19, op. 58, Aldermanbury. Brewer-Lane, Up. Thames-St, — from 83, to Dowgate- wharf. Bi e vvei-^s-Quay,Lower-Tharae5- St. — J of a mile below Lon- don-bridge, or the first VV, from Tower-hill. BRE ErewerVRow, BrewerVGreeii, Westr. — 1st on the R. from the E. end of James-st. Brewer-St. Pimlico, — 4th on the L. from Buckingham- gate. Brewer-St, Bloomsbury,— 1st on the L. in Bow-st. from 169, High Holborn. Brewer-St. Golden-Sq. — 2d on the L. in Gt. Windmili-st. from the liaymarket. Brewhouse- Alley, Cherrytree- Alley — 3d on the li. from 118,Bunhill-row. Brewhouse-Court, Long-Alley, Moorfields, — 4 doors N. of 33, Sun-st. Brewhouse-Pl. Lock's - Fields, Walworth, — 1st on the R. in Queen-st. from York-st. Brewhouse-Lane, Wapping, — at 144, op. Execution-dock. Brewhouse-St. Shadwell, — the continuation of Pope's Hill, from 75, High-st. Brewhouse-Turning, Vine -Yd. —2d on the R. from 110, Tooley-st. Brewhouse-Yd.King-St.— 1st on the R. from 165, Drury-lane. Brewhouse-Yard, Cherry-Gar- den-St. Bermondsey, — 1st on the L. from Cherry-garden- stairs, leading to West-lane. Brewhouse-Yard, Chick-Lane, — 3 doors on the L. from Saf- fron-hill. Brewhouse-Yard, Shoe-Lane, — at 33, near the middle of the E. side. Brewhouse-Yard, Angel-Alley, Bishopsgate, — 2d on the L. from Long-alley. BRI Brewliou3e-Yard, Shadwell,—* at the bottom of FoxVlane, on the R. from the church. Brewhouse-Yard, Cartwright- St. — 7 doors on the L. froui 32, Rosemary-lane. BrianVBuildingSjGreen-Street, St. GeorgeVFields, — 2d on the R. from BennettVrow. Brian-St. Shoreditch, — behind 47, at the entrance to Webb- square. Brian-Court, Webb-Sq. — 1st on the L. from 48, Shoreditch. Brick-Court, Middle Temple- Lane, — 1st broad opening on the R. from Fleet-st. Brick-Court, Gt. Shire-Lane, — 1st on theR. from Temple-bar. Brick-Hill-Lane, Up. Thames- St. — op. 179, five doors E. of Queen-st. Brick-Lane, Saint Luke's, — at 113, Old-st. 1st on the L. from Goswell-st. Brick-Lane, Bethnal-Grcon and Spitalfields, — the North con- tinuation of Osborn-st. op. W^hitechapel-church, where there are Nos. 1 and 213, leading to 146, Church-st. Bethnal-green. Bricklayers-Arms, Kent-Road, — at the E.^end of Kent-st. f of a mile from St, George's- church. Brick la verVHall, Le ad enh all- Street. See Synagogue for Dutch Jews. Brick-St. Park-Lane, — 2d on the R. from Piccadilly. Brick - Street, Borough - Road, — 3d on the L. from th« King's-hench. BRI St. BrideVChurch, Fleet-St.— 6 doors oa the L. from Fleet- market. St. BndeVCourt, New B. idge- St. — i doors on ttie R. from Fleet-st. St. Bride's-Lane, Fleet-St.— at 98, 1st on the L. from Fleet- market. St. Bridc's-Passage, Fleet-St. — at 84, and at 137, Salisbury- court. St. Bride's - Wharf,— E. side White friars-dock, at the hot* toni of Water-lane, from 68, Fleet-st. St. BrideVWorkhouse, Shoe- Lane, — 4 doors on the II. fiom 1^8, Fleet-st. Bridi^e-Court, Westr.-^behind the N. side of Bridge-st. Bridge-Dock, Limehouse, — at the E. end of Narro\v-st. by the Drawbridge. Bridge - House-Court, Grace- church-St.— at 37,op.Talbot- court. Bi idge-Pl. Deptford Lower-Rd. — N side tlve Surrey Canal. Bridge-Pl. Rats'ston-St,— Iston the L. from Goswell-st.-road. Bridge-PlacCjBermoTidsey,— be- tween {.he S. end of George- row, Dock-head, and the Neck inger-tnrn pike. Bridge-Road, Lambeth, — from Wcstr.-bridge to the Marsh- gate. Bridgc-Row, Pimlico, — S. end ofBclgravc-tcriace,roKenip's- row, op. Ranelagh-walk. 'liridge-St. (New), Blackfriars, — tiie coiitinuHtion of Fleet- market to tlic bridge. Bridge-St. (Little), — 4 doors on BRI the L. in the last from Lud* gate-hill. Bridge-St. VVestr. — from King- st. to the bridge. Bridge-St. (New), Vauxhall,— from the turupike to Vaux- hall-gardens. Bridge-Ward-School,01d Swan* Lane, — a few doors on the L. from 104, Upper Thames-st. Bridge-W harf, Tooley-St. — 1st E. from London-bridge. Bridge - Yard, Tooley-St. — 17 doors on theL. from London- bridge. Bridgewater-Gardens, Bridge** water-Sq. N. side, froia Brackley-st. to Fan-street, Goswell-st. Bridgewater - Sq. — ^N. end of Prince s-st. from 4^2. Barbican. Bridle - Lane, Golden-Sq. — on the E. side, from 8, Brewer- st. to 31, Silver-st. Bridewell, Westr. — E. end of James-st. near ^ a mik on the R, from Buckingham- gate. Bridewell, Bridge-Street, Black- friar.*, — 12 doors on t\\Q R. from Fleet-st. Bridewell, Clerken well-Green, — on the N. side thi: church, facing JamesVvvalk, Bridewc-11-Preciiict, — W.side of Blackfriars-bridi;e, to White- friars. Bridewell- Walk, Clcrkenwell- Close, — the continuation of it, entering by the church. Brighton - PI. Kent-Road,—^. side, by the Elephant and Castle.' Brighton-FM. Hackney-Road,— pM:t of the R» side, J of -a n BRI mile from Shoreditcll-church, op. Alport's nursery. Bnii-Pl. Sommers-Town, — 6 doors N. of SkiiHier-st. to 16, Chapel-patlK Brill-Path, Sommers-Town, — thecontinuationofSkJiiner-st. Briil-Row— N. continuation of the last. Brill-Terrace, — ^N. continuation of the last, Brissenden-Builds. Brewer-St. Pimlico, — 1st four houses ad- joining Pimlico. Bristow-St. Blackfriars, — 1st on the L. on St. Andrew's-hill from Earl-st. Britain-Court, Ratcliffe-High- way, — at 177, leading to Princes-sq. Bnton-Court, Water-Lane, — at 18, third on the K. from 67, Fleet-st. Briton-Court, Freeman's-Lane, Ilorselydovvr., — at 22, the back of Webster's wharf. Britain (Little), Aidersgate-St. — at 175, Ist on the L. from St. Martin's-le-Grand. Britain (Little), Little Store-St. Bedford-Sq. — 1st on the L. from Gt Store-st. Britannia-Court, Mason-Street, Lambeth, — 4th on the L, from 30, Bridge-road. Britannia- Court, Golden-Lane, — 6 doors on the li. from Barbican. Britannia-Gardens, Hoxton, — extends from the back of the * Britannia to llaberdasher's- vvaik. Brirannia-Pl. Connnercial-Rd. Lifnehouse^ — W. side the Turnpike by the bridge. Britannia-St. GiayVInn-Lane, BRO — 2d oil the J^. from Battle* bridge. Britannia-Row, Lambeth. See Mason-st. British Assm-ance-Society, — at 129, Aldersgate-st. 10 doors S. of Long-lane. British Brewery, Church-St. Lambeth, — between Prat-st. and Norfolk-row. British Copper-Company, U,p^ Thames-St. — at 68, W. side of Queen-st. British Fire-Office,~429,Strand, and 21, Cornhill. British Lying-In-Hospital, — at 34, Brown low-st. Drury-iane, British Mercury Newspaper- Oftice, — at 5, Hind-court, behind 147, Fleet-st. British Museum, Gt. Russel-St. — op. ^0, near Bloomsbury- square. British Neptune Newspapef- Olhce, 143, Fleet-st. British Press Newspaper-Office, Strand, — at 127, nearly op, Exeter-change. Britt's-Buiidings, Long-Alley, Moortields, 4th on the li. from Worship-st. Britt's-Builds. Hoxton, — N. end of Ilaberdashers-walk. BritVSt, Sampson's-Gardens, — 2d on the 11. in Globe-st, from 60, Wapping-st. Broad- Arrow-Court, Grub-St. St. Luke's, — 10 doors on the L. from Chiswe 11-st. Broad-Bridge, Shadwell-Higb- St. — at 87, fifth below the church. Broad-Court, Drury-Lane, — at 43, leading to Bovv-st. Co- vent-gtu-den. Broad-Court, Parkcr-St. — 1st #>n the L. from 169, Ururj- iuiie. Broarl-Pl. Shorcditch, — at the buck of the church, from Austin-st. to Castle-st. Broud-Stiett, St. Giles's, or Bloomsbury, — the W. conti- nuation of liolborn, frojn Drury-lane to the church. Broad-St. Carnaby-Market, — at od, Berwick-st. fourth on tiie 11. from 37^2, Oxford-st. Broad-SL (Old;, Threadneedle- St. — 1st on the L. from the Royal-Exchange. Broad-St. (New), op. Bishops- gate-church-yd. to Broker- row, also tlie continuation of Qk\ Broad-St. Broad-St. (New) Court, — 5 doors N. of Bishopsgate-ch.- yard. Broad-St. (New) Mevvs, op. the last. Brnad-St.-Builds.— the N. con- tinuation of Old and part of New Broad-St. Broad-St.-P].— from 36, Broad- st. -builds, to Moortields. Broad-Street, Sa.ut George's, East, — E. side the London Dock Wall, from liatcliffe- highvvay, towards VVappinir. B*road-St, Ratcliffe,— «the con- tinuation of Shad we 11 Hij^h- st. andCoek-hiii to Katclilfe- cross. Broad-Street, Lambeth,— ^ from Lambeth-butts to tlieThafnes. Broad-St. Horselydown, — the E, continuation of Tooley-st. and Back-st. Broad -Street Chambers, Old Broad-St.— -at 3r, op. Win- che5lcr-st. '' ' BRO Broad-Wall, Christ-Chiircli,- W. end of Siamford-st. Biack- friars-road. Broad-Way jWestr.— at the VV. end of Tothill-st. from the Abbey, and E. end of York- street. Bi*oad-Way, Limehouse, — the space between Narrow-st. Eore-st. and Ropcraaker's- fields. Broad- Way, B! ack friars, — 1 s t on the L. in Cock-court from 19, Ludgate-hi!l. Broad-Way, Boroj — 1st on the L. in St. Thomas-st. from 43, High-st. Broa'd-Way-Yard, Broad-Way, Westr.— at 9, ditto. See Broad- Wa\% Broa4-Way,VV'hite-Horse-Al]ey - — ist on the L. from Cow- crqss. Broad-Yard, Lilly-St.— at the E. end from 40, Gt. SaftVoH- hill. Broad-Yard, Turnmill-Street, Cierkeriwell, — at Go, fourtk on the L. from the Sessions- bouse. Broad-Yard,Cowheel- Alley, St. Luke's,— 1st on the L, ironv 168, Wliitecrofes-at. Broad-Yard^ 3lackman-St. Bo- ro. — at 69, leading to Gt. SufFolk-st. Broken-Wharf, Up. Thames-Sfc. -^at 41, op. Old Fish-street- hill. Broker's-Alley, Drury-Laire,— at ^5, op. Gt. Qu€en-st. Broker-Row, Moorfields, — E. side, from London - wall to Broad-5t. buildings. Bromley-Place,Conway-St.Fita- BRO roy-Sq. — 3 doors on the L, from London-st. Brompton, — at the W. end of Sloane-st. 3d coach turning on the L. from Hyde-park- corner. Brompton-Chapel, — J of a mile on the H. from Knights- bridge. Bronjpton-Crescent, — hack of Michael Vpl. | a mile on the L. from Kniglitsbridge. Brompton-Grove> Brompton, — J of a mile on the L. from Knightsbridge. Brompton-Rowj Brompton, — 11. side the ruad, -J- of a mile from Knightsbridge. Brompton-TeFrace,— L. side the road from Knightsbridge, corner of Queen-st. Brook VCouit, BrookVMarket, Ilolborn,— N. VV. corner, lead- ing to Bell-court. Brook's-Court, Brook-St. Lam- beth, — 12 doors on the L. from Little Moor-pt. Brook - Court, Brothers-Row, Lambeth, — IstontheL. from High-st. BrookVCourt, Up. Larabcth- Marsh, — 1st on the L. from the turnpike. BrookVCourt, Vine- Yard, — 3d on the R. from 1 10, Tooley- street. Brook's - Gardens, Bagnige - Wells,— the back of Brook's- place. Brook VMarket, ^N. end of Brook-st. from 140,Holborn. Brook*s-Me\vs,Davis-St. Berke- ley-Sq. — at 50, five doors S. from. 4^}, Brook'bt, BRO Brook's-Mp\vs,Cleaver-St. — Ui on the R. from Kennington- cross. BrookVPl. Kennington-Cross, — facing Upper Kennington- lane. Brook's-Pl.Bagnige-Wells, — on the N'. side the Hoube of Correction. BrookVPl. Little Charles-Sfe. Hampstead-Road,— middle of the S. side. Brook-St. New-Road, Fitzroy- Sq. — 1st VV. of liampstead- road, Brook-St. (Little), 2d (m the L. , in the last from the New-rd. Brook-St. Holborn,— at 140, | of a mile on the R. from Fleet-rnarket. Brook-St. Grosvenor-Sq. — from the N. E. corwer to 103^ New Bond-st. Brook-St. (Little), Hanover-Sq. — from the S. W. corner to New Bond-st. Brook-St. (Upper), Grosvenor- Sq. — from the N. W. corner to Park-lane. Brook-St. Ratcliffe,— the E. continuation of Back - lane and Sun-Tavern-fjelds. Brook-St. Walcot-Pl. Lambeth, — from Little Moor-pl. (op. Lambeth new chapel) to South-st. West-sq. BrookVWharf - Lane, Upper Thames-St.— at 51, op: Bread- st.hill. BrooVs-Wharf, — bottom of the last. Brook's- Wharf, Willow-Street, Bankside, between Pye- gardcus And LoVc-iane. I BRO Brook's-Wliarf,WeaverVLane, Boro. — on the li. in it from 119,TooIev-st. Biook's-.Yard,Long-Alley,Moor- Helds, — 2d on the H. north of Sun -St. Brookes-Yard, Up. Thames-St. — at 204, E. side Lambeth- hill. Brook's- Yd. George-St. Tower- Hill,— middle of the N. side. Broom-Alley, Whitechapei-Rd. -«^at 53, two doors R of Gt. Garde n^st. Brother's-Builds. Up. Ogle-Sf — the 1st on the R. from 10, Upper Marybone-st. Brother's-Rovv, High-St. Lam- both, — 4th on the R. from , the church. Brown-Bear- Alley, Upper East Smith field, — at 120, nearly op. Nightina;ale-lane. Brown -Bear-Court, Queen-St. Boro. — 24 doors on the R. from Union- St. Brown-Bear- Yard, Higl>St. Bo- ro. — at 24 r, St. Margaret's- hiil. Brown's-Builds. Stanhope-St. — / at 27, 1st N. of White-Horse- I yard, Drury-lane. r BrownVBuilds. St. Mary Axe, — 1st on the R.. from 116, Leadenhall-st. ErownVBuilds. Princes-St. — 1st on the L. from Rosemary- lane. Brown's-Builds. Green-Street, St. George's-Fields, — Ist on the R. from Bennett's-row. Bi'own's-Builds. Glean- Alley, — at the further end of it from 213, Tooley-st. ■' own-Beai'-Court^ Upper E. BRO Smlthfield.—at 1, W. feide Cooper's-row. Brovvn's-Court, Edgware-Road, — at 81, the back of Win- chester-row. Brown VCourt, Green-St. — at 10, the 1st on the L. from N* Audley-st. ♦ Brown'6-Court, Carnaby- Mar- ket, — at 24, N. E. corner of it. Brown's - Court, AngeJ-Alley, Bishopsgate, — 2d on the R. from Long-alley. Brown VCourt, James-Street^ St. Luke's,— 1st on the R, from 37, Featherstone-st. Brown's-Court, Gt. Ayliff-St. — at 49, 4 doors W. of Red- lion-st. WhitechapeL. Brown VCourt,Long-Lane,Ber- mondsey,~4th on the R.from Kent-st. Brow n's-Lane,Spital fields, — op, 55, Brick-lane, leading into Lamb-st. and Spital-sq. Brown's- Passage, Green-St.— at 57, 1st on the L. from 28^ North Audley-st. BrownVQuay, Wapping,— op* 1 7, VVapping-st. by Hermitage- bridge. Brown-St. Duke-Street,Grosve- nor-Sq.— -at 36, the 2d on the R. from 277, Oxford-st. Brown-St, Bunhill-Row, — -th^ E. side, at 60, near Feather- stone-st. Brown-St. Up. George-Streetr," .—-at 36, 2d on the L,. from 45, Edgware-road. Brown's-Wharf,-at the bottcwn' of Mil ford-lane, from 200, Strand. BrowningVBuiids» Ulv. Charv BRO wan-St.— 2d on the L. from Cannon-st.-road. Brownlow-Mews, Gt. Guild- ford-St. — 1st on tbe L. from Grav's-Inn-lane. Brownlow-St. Holborn, — at 50, nearly op. Chancery-lane. Bru\vnlo\v-St, Drury-Lane, — 20 doors on tlie R. from Hol- born, Brunswick-Chapel, Up. Berke- ley-St. Portinan-Sq.- — N. side between Quebec-st,and Cuni- bcrland-pl. Brunswick-Court, Brunswick- St. Christ Church, — from 34, to Green-walk. Brunswick-Men-f^, \Vilmot-St. Bi unsvvick-8q. — 1st on theR. from 3d, Bernard-st. Bj'unswick-MewSjCvnnberland- St. Portman-Stj. — 4th on the R. from 245, Oxford-st. Brunswick-Pl. City- Road, — 1st on tlie R. from Old-st. by the turnpike. Brnnswick - PL Brunswick' St. Christ-Church, — at 17, mid- diC of the N. side. BruDsvvick-Pi. Kent-Road, — ad- joins Nursery -pL corner of East-ianc. Bfunswick-Row,QueeR-Squarp, Bloomsbury,— at the N* W. corner. Brunswick - Row, Hoi'seferry* Road, West — W. cndy near Bridewell. Bfunswick-Rr.v, Brunswick-St. Blackfriars-Road, — S. end by Collinj;wood-st. Jbruns\vick-Sq. — on the W. side the Foundiing-huspital^ Gt. Guildford-st. Bruaswick-Si.BiaekwaU-Caus€- BRY way, — corner of Poplar High* !5ireet. Brunswick-St, Stamford-Street, — 2d on the L. from Black- friars-road. Brunswick-St. (Little), — conti- nuation of the last to Cross- street. Brunswick-St. Hackney-Road, —op. Brighton-pl. about f mile on the L. from Shore- d;tch. Brunswick-Terrace, Hackn€y- Road, — part of the L. side from the last towards Gfe. Cambridiie-st, Brune\v)ck-Terrace,Brunswick- Sq. See Colonnade. Bru-h-Court, Up. E.Smithfield^ — at 60, third on the R, from Tower-hill. Bru ton-Mews, (North) Bruton* St. — the continuation of Lit- tle Bruton-st. Br u ton-Mews, (South) Brnton- St. — 5 doors on the L^ from 152, New Bo«d-st. Bruton-Pl.Bcrkeley-Sq.— at 22^ N. W. corner leading inta tVa ton-mews. Bi'iiton-St. Bcrkcley-Sq. — from the E. side Kv 52/New Bond- strectr Bruton-St. (Little), — the 1st on the R. in the last from New Bond-st. B ry a ns to ne-St. Port man-Street, — at 19, 1st on the L. from 220, Oxford-sr. Bryanstone-St. (Up.), the conti- nualwn of the last to 9, Edg- ware-road. Brydge?-St. Covent-Oarden, — continuation of Catherin«-.st. fro» 342, Strand. BUY Bryon's-Builds. Staiii^atc, Lam- betl), — N. end uf the liisliop's- walk, near Westr.-bridge. BuckVBuilds. Pnnhco, Hoxton, —1st on the L. iVom the Hiirh-st. Buck's - Head - Court, Distaflf- L;4ne,— 3 doors troin 31, Old Chand;e. Buck's Row, Ducking - Pond- Lane, Whitechapel, — N. side by Liptrap's distillery. Buckbridge-Court, Buckbridge- Street, St.Giles's,-^middle of the N. side. Buckbridge - Street, Hiszh - St. St.Gilcs's,— l5t on the L.from Oxford St. Buckingham -Court, Charing- Cross, — at 36, N. side the Admiralty. Buckingham-Gate, St* James's- Park, — VV. end, by the Qneen's-palace. Bucknigham - Gate, Buck'nt;- ham-St, Strand,— S. end of it by the Thames. Buckingham-House, St. James's Park,— W. side, ^ of a mile from St. James's-palace. Buckingliam-Pl. Fitzroy *Sq. — VV. side, the continuation of Cleaveland-st. Buckingham-Pi. Kent-Road, — S. side the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. Buckingham - Rowj James -St, Westr. — J of a mile on the R. from Buckingiiam-gate. Buckingham-St. Strand, — 38 doors on the R,fromChartng- cross. Buckingham-vSt. Fitzroy -Sq. — from Buckingham-pl. to 41, Up, Norton-st. Buckle-St. Goodmani Fi«lds; fiUL —at 35, Red-lion-'St. M oa the L. from Whitochapel. Bucklersrbury,Cheapside,— from 80, op. the Old Jewry, to the Mansion-house. Buckiey-Court,Charc!i-Lane,St. Giles's, — N. end, entrance at 10, High-st. op. the church. Budge-Row, VVatling-S . — E. continuation of it to Cannon- street. Bull-Alley, Princes -St. Lam- beth,— middle of the W. sfde. Bull-Alley, Up. Ground,— | of a mile W, of Bhckfriars- bridge. Bullard's-Place,BtthnaUGreeny — l^t S. parallel to part erf Grcen-st. from Green-pK to West-st. Bull-Bridge, Magdalen-St.^ — 1st on the L. from 140, Tooiey- street. Bull -Court, Giltspur-St. — at 1 5, 2d on the R. from New- gate-st. Bull - Court, Petticoat - Lane, Spitalfieids, — 3 doors N. of Wrntw>.jth-st. Ball-Court, KJngsland*Road,— at60,3d on the L. from Shore- ditch church. Bull-Coort, Whitf^ chapel, — at 78, 1st W. from Osborn-st, nearly op. the churc i. Bull-Court, Nightingale-Lane,- Limehouse, — Isi on the L. from Ropemakers-fields. Bull-Court, Kent-St. Boro. — at *290, eighteen doors on the R. from St. George's-church. Bull - Court, Tooley - St. See Tooh y's Gateway. Bullen-Court, Strand, — at 407, nearly op. the Adelphi. Bull and Gate- Yard, liolborB, BUL ^ —at U% E. side Little Turn- stile. Buii's-Head -Alley, Peter -St. Clerkenwell, — at 19, 2d on the R. trom TurnjTiili-st. JuU'ji-Head-Court, Gt. Peter- 8t. Westr.— vV. end, hy the IJorseferry road. Bull VHead-Court, Cow-Lane, VY. Smith fie. d,^ — Ut on the R. from Snow-htll. BuliVHejid- Court, Newg^te- .St.— at80, third on the R. fronv Cheapside. BuU's-Head-Court, I^awrence- Lane, — at the back of 97, Cheapside. BullVHead-Court, Newington- Caugeway,--12 doors on the L. from the King's-bench. Bul^s - Head - Passage, Grace- ehureh-St. — at 81, leading to Leadenhall-market. BuUVHead-Passage, Wood-St. Cheapside, — at 94, op. Love- lane. Buirs-Head-Yard, Tottenham- Ct.-Rd.— at 101, op. Morti- mer-Market. BulWnn, Holborn,— at 121, | of a ipile on the R. from Fleet-market. Bull-Iqn, Bishopsgate, — at 91, i of a mil^ on t[ie L. from CornhiU. Bull-Inn, LeadenhaU . St. — at 152, 6 doors on the L. from CornhiU. Bull -Inn, Aldgate,— at No. 26, fifteen doors E. of Aldg^te- church. Bull-Lane, Stepney, — from ♦the W. side the church, towards Whitechapel. Bull Livery-Stables;, Goswell- BUI. St.-— at 0, 1 of a mile N. fro* Barbican. Bud and Mouth-Inn, Bull and Mouth-Street, — the 1st on the L. from St. Martin's-le- Grand. Bull and MouthrStreet, St.Mar« tm's-le-Grand, — 2d on the L. from 66, Newgate-s . Bull-Stake-Court, WhiteehapcV — at 53, 1st W. of the church. Bull-Stairg, Up. Ground, — N. end of Bull-alley. Bull-Steps, Old Montague-St. — 2d on the R. from Osborn- sfreet. Bull-Wall, Chelsea,— at 18, Pa- radise-row, middle of the 8. side. Bull-Wharf-Lane, Up. Thames- St.— at 6% E. side Queen- hi the. Bull- Wharf, — bottom of the last. Bull-Yard, Back -II ill, —1st on the R. from Leatiier-lane. Bull-Yard, White - Horse - St. RatclifFe, — 2 doors on the L. from Butcher-row. Bull-iTard, Gt. Windmiil-St..— 14r doors on the L. from Pic- cadilly. Bull-Yard, Fan-St. — the conti- nuation of it on the L. from 1, Goswell-st. Bull- Yard, Gray's Inn-Lane,-^ at 6 2, G doors S. of Liquor* pond -St. Bullock-Court, Wliitecross-St. — 6th on theR. north of Chis- well-st. BuUion-St. Stepney, — from the Green, the 2d street alor^ Pro.spcct-place, BUL Biillyrag-Row, Bethnal-Gren, — at the back of the corner formed by Green-st. and Globe-st. Bulstrode - Mews, Marybone- Jiane, — at 32, 4 doors N. of Bulstrode-st. Bulstrode-St. Marvbone-Lane, — at 28, 4th on tlic R. from 1j8, Oxford-st. Bunches- Alley, Thrawl-St. Spi- tal-fields, — 1st on tlie R. from 203, Brick-lane. Bunlull-Court, Bunl)ill-Row, — at 54, eight doors S. of Fca- therstone-st. "Bunhill-Row, — at 63, Chiswell- st. 2d on the R, from Fins- bury-sq. Baibridge-St. Lambeth-Marsh, — 1st on the R. from the turnpike. Burleigh-Court, Burlelorh-St. — 2d on the L. from 365, in the Strand. Burleigh-St. Strand, — at 365^ W. sideExetcr-chansie. BurUngton-Gardens, Old Bond- St. — 1st on the L. from 56 y Piccadilly. Burlinston-House, — 52, Picca- diilyT Burlington-Mews (New), Swal- low-St. — at 129, 5th on the L. from Piccadilly. Burlington-Pl. Broad-St. Rat- cliffe, — at 97, op. Stone- stairs. Burlitii^ton-St. (New), Swallow- St.—at 120, 4th on the L. from Piccadilly. Burli(ijrton-St. (Old), — 2d on the L. in Vigo-lane from 148, Swallow-st. Burman's-Row, Green-St. Beth- BUR ftal-Green, — a few yardi on the R. from the Green. Burnett's Rents, Kent-St. Boro. — behind 2(30,and the Green- Man. Burr-St. Lower E.-Smith field, — op. the Leith and Berwick Wharf, near J of a mile be- low the Tower. Burr-St. (Little), — at 41, Burr- st. leading to King Henry- yard. Burrov/s - Builds. Blackfriars- Rd. — W. side, op. Surrey- chapel, from Charlotte -St. towards the Obelisk. Burrows-Mews, — at the back of the last. Burton*s-Euilck. Back-Lane, — N- end MercerVrow, Shad- well. Burton - Crescent, — N. end Marchmcnt-st. Gt. Coram- strect. Burton-Street,Tavistock-Sq.-at the back of the E. side. Bury-Court, St. Mary-Axc,— at 20, middle of the E. side. Bury-Pl. Bloomsbury, — conti- nuation of Lyon-st. from 143, High-Holborn, Bury-St. Bloomsbury, — the con- tinuation of Bury-pl. from 30, Hart-st. to 66, Gt. Russel- street. Bury-St. Saint .Tames's, — 1st E. to St. James*s-5t. from 81, Jermyn-st. to King-st. Burv-St. Saint Mary-Axe, — eft- trance by a small court at 10, leading to. Be vis-Marks. Burying - Ground - Alley, Che* q ucr- A 1 ley, Bu nh il I- Row, — ► middle of the N. side. Buryin^-Ground-Passage, Pa- feus radlse-Su Mary bone, — at 11, W. end. Bu^by-Court, Busby St, or New King-St. Bethnal - Green,— 1st on the L. W. of James- street. Busby-Sq, ditto, — 2d on the L. W. of James-st. Busby-Street, Jaraes-St. Beth- nal-Grce!), — 2d on the L. from 11^4, Church-st. Bush- Lane, Cannou-St. — from ic'5, op. St. Swithin*s-lane, to lo8, Up. Thames-st. Bush-Lane (Little), — from 23, Bush-lane, to 156, Thames- street. Bush-Court, Stoney-Street, Bo- rough, — 1st on ihe R. from the Clink. Bushei's-Rents, Wapping, — at 17, 3d on the L. below Her- niitaoe-bridge. Butcher's-Hali^ Pudding-Lane, — at 34, faur doors from Eastcheap. Butcherhall-Lane,. Newgate-St. — at 82, a few doors on the R. from Cheapside. Butcher-Row, Up. East-Smith- iield, — at 81, 1st coach-turn- ing on the R. from Tower- bill. Butcher-Row, RatclifSe-Cross, — from the E. end of Broad- st. to Brook-st. Butcher - Row, St. GeorgeV Market, St. GeorgeVFields, — N.W. side of it. ButlerVAlJey, Moor- Lane, — N. end, on the L. from 87, Fore-st. Butler*s-Alley, Moor - Lane, — .5th on thell. from 86, Fore- street. CAB Butlers-Biiildings, George -St. Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the R. N. from Spicer-st. near, 82, Brick-lane. Butlers-Builds. Up. E.^Smilh- field, — at 5, -|- of a mile on the L. from Tower-}>ill. Butlers-Builds. Artillery-Lane, Southvvark, — 2d on the R. down Cracihx-lane,-from 50, Bermondsey-st. ButlerVWharf, Shad-Thames, Horselydown, — op.- Thomas- street. Button-Court, Acorn-St. — ls6 on the L. from 124, Bishops- gate-without. Button's-Entry, WIiite-Horse- St. Ratcliffe, — N.end, op. the Workhouse. Biixton-Pl. Lambeth, — from Lambeth neu chapel towards the church. Byce-Court,Blue-Anehor-Yardy — 3d on the R. from 48^. Rosemary-lane. Byde-St. Bethnal - Green,— N,- side of Anchor-st. from Swan- vard to ClA}b-row. Byiield-Pl. Charlotte-St. Black-^ friar<-Road, — corner of Gra- vel-lane. Cabbage - ALLEY, Long- Lane, Bermondbeyj-^^middle N. side, near the KingV head. Cable-Pl. Cable-St.— at 55, op. $hort-st. Cable - St. Wellclose - Sq.— E. continuation of Rosemary* lunc. CAD C«ddick'5-Rovv, WhItehaH,— op. tiH Admiralty, leading to Gt. >c )tlai)d-vd. Cadogaii M;s\s, Sloane-Sf. — 1st on the L, from Kniglits- biili^c. Cadogan-Pl. Sloane-St. Chelsea, — op. 76, 2(1 oil the L. from Kni;4htsbrid!Je. Cadogau-Pl. (Upper), N. end of the last. Cadogan-Pl. (Lower), — S. end *0f the square,op. 119, Sloaiie- street. Cadogan-PI. Little, — ^behind the E. side of the square. Cain's-Pl. Church-Lune,Whi:e- » chapel, — 1st on the R. from 6j/Cable-st. Calender- Yard, Long- Alley, — 6th on the L. from Moor- fields. Calico-Builds. Neckinger, Ber- mondsey, — facing Prospect- row, I of a mile on the R. from Hickman's folly. Calthorpe - PL Paradise-Row, Chelsea, — op, 1*2, 1st on the L. a few yards from the Hos- pital. Calthorpe-Pl. (Little), — 1st on the L. in Paradise-walk, from op. 13, Paradise-row. Calvert-St. Old Gravel Lane, — f of a mile on the R. from 65, Ratclitfe-highway.. Cambridge-Crescent, Hackney- Road, — nearly OX). MatthewV pl. extending tmvards Bcth- nal-green. Cambridge - Heath, Hackney - Road, by the turnpike, — IJ of a mile from Shored itch- ehurch. CAM Camb ri dge-Pl ace, B uck ing;hain-. Pl.Fitzroy-Sq. — betweenCar- burton-st. and Buckingham- street. Cambridge-Place, Cambridge- Heath, Hack ney-Road,— a fevr doors OH tlye L. north from the turnpike. Cambridge-PL Hackney-Road, —part of the N. side, near Gt. Cambridge-st. Cambridge-St. (Gt.) Hackney- Road., — I a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church. Cambridg€-St.(Little), — 8door» on the L. in the last from Hackney-road. Cambridge-St. Golden-Sq. — N". continuation of VVindmill-st. ^ Haymarket, to 40, Broad-st. Camden-Court, Grub-St. Crip- plegate, — S doors on the L* from Chis5vell-st. Camden - Gardens, Camden - Row, Bethnal-Green-Road, — 10 doors E. of Wilmot-st. Camden-Row, Bethnal-Green- Road, — part of the R. side, | of a mile from 65,Shoreditch. Camden-St. East-Street, Wal- worth, — 2d on the L. from the High-st. Camel-Builds. Orchard-Street, Portman - Sq. — at 9, 2d on the R. from 19r, Oxford-st. Camomile-St.Bishopsgate, — 1st on the R. near J of a mile N. from Cornhill. Camomile-Mews, Camomile-St. — 15 doors on the R. from/ B:shopsgate-st. Camperdown-PL SnowVFields, — C'Ji on the L, from 238, Bjrmondsey-st, CAM Canipeon-Lane, Up. Thames - St.— at 89, op. SufFolk-lane. Canal Office, — at 9, Change- Alley, Lombard-st. Canal-Row, Bermondsey-Wall, — entrance by theHorse-shoe, a few doors below East-lane- stairs. Candlewick - Ward -Chambers, Crooked-Lane,— 3 doors from Cannon-st. Cane-Pl. Gravel-Lane, Boro. —from theS. end to Bennett's- row. Canon-Alley ,St. Paul's Church- Yard, — at 63, a few doors on the R. from Cheapside. CannoH - Brewery, Knights - bridge, — nearly op. Sloane- street. Cannon-Foundery,New Gravel- Lane, — at 3 35,' by Milk-yd. Cannon-Pl. Mile-End,— Ist W. of the turnpike. Cannon-Row, VVestr. — from 49, Parliament-st. to 9, Bridge- street. Cannon-St. — N. parallel to Up. Thames st. from VValbrook to Crooked-lane. Cannon - Street, St. George's. East,— at 143,Ratclifte-high- way, by the church. Cannon-St.-Road, — the conti- nuation of the last to WhJte- chapcl. Cannon-St. Boro.— continuation of Lant-st. from 109, Black- man-street. Canterbury - Builds, Lambeth, — continuation ofllerculcs- builds. from the Asylum to- wards the church. Canterbury-Corner, Lambeth- CAR Walk,— middle of Little Can- terbury-place. Canterbury- Court, CurrlerV Row, Blackfriars, — 2d on the R. from Bristow-»t. Canterbury-Court, Phoenix-St* Spitalfields, — at 24, i\ye doors W. of Grey Eiigle-st. Can terbury-Pl. Lambeth,— from near the new Chapel (op. the Stags), towards the church. Canterbury-Pl. (Little), back of the last, the 1st on the R. in Lambeth-walk. Canterbury - Pi. Walworth, — from the W. end of Manor- pi. to West-lane. Canterbury-Row,Newington, — L. side the road, \ of a milt S. from the church. Canterbury-Sq.Dean-Street,— 2 doors from 203, Tooley-st. Canterbury-Walk,— at 15,Lam- beth- terrace, op. the Kew- chapel. Canton-Pl. East -India-Dock- Road, — L. side, i of a mile from Limehouse-church. Capel - Court, Bartholomew - Lane, — 1st on the R. from the Royal-Exchange. Cape of Good-IIope-Mews,— • the middle of Devonshire- mews, East Portland-pl. CapeTrafaigar,Deptford Lower Road, — N, corner of China- hall. Capiain's-W^alk, Vine-St. Lam- beth,^ — 2d on the R. from" Narrow-wall. Carburton-8r. Cleveland-Street, Fu zroy-Sq. — 2d on the R. from tlie New-road. Cardigan - Place, Kenniiigton- CAR Q'oss,— Charing-cross. Castle-Court, PoppinVCourt, — Ist on the Lj. from 111, Elfct-st. Cabile-Cyurt, Cqstle-St. Ox- CAS ' ford-Sr.— l doors W. of 6^, Beiriers-5t. Castle-Court, FullwooJVRcnts, — lit 23, live dooi-5 on tii« R. from 33, llolborn. Castlo-Court, Piccadilly, — 23 doors on the 11. fro;a the Haymarket, leading into Castlc-st. Castle-Court, Whitecross - St, Cripplegate,— at ooy 7th on the R. from Fore-st. Castle-Court, Liwrence-Lano, — 11 doors on the L. from or, Cheapside. Castle-C:Jurt,Budoe-Rovv, Wat- ling-St. — at 10, leading to 14, Cloak-lane. Castle - Court, Castle-St. — 1st on the L. from 40, Turnmili- street. Castlc-Court, Kingsland-Road, — op. Union-st. | of a mile on the L. From Shored itch. Castle-Court, Birchin-Lane, — at Q3, 1st on tiie L. from Cornhiil. Castle-Court, Castlc-St, Beth- nal-Green,— 2d " on the R, from behind Shoped.tch-cKur. Casiie-CourtjOld Castle-Street, VVhitechapel, — ^2d on the L. from. 121, Wentu'orth-st. Castlc-Court,Castlc-Lanr,Boro. « — middle of thg E- side. Ci>3tlQ-Court, Kent-St. B^ro. — • at 248, y of a mile on tlie R. from St. George's-chun^h. Castle and Falcon-Inu, Aldcrs- . gate-Screct,- — at 5, or at 61, St. Martin's-le-Grand. Gastic-:! nn, WoodrSt.— 26 doors .. x>n the 11. from 122, Cheap- side. Ca:?tle^Laac.> James-St.. Westr, CAS — 2'd on the R. froni Buck-J. ingham-gate. Castle-Lane, Upper Thames-Stw See Castie-yard. Castle-Lane,B;)ro.— last on the R. in Castle-st. from 13,^ Redcross-st. Castle-Mews, Ca-.tle-St. Ox- ford -St. — 3 doors W. front 63, Berners-st. . / Castle-Pl. Castle-l.ane, Westr. — at 22, 4th on the R. froBE^ James-st. Castle-Pl. New Castle-St.— 1st on the R. from 120, Whiter chapel. Castle-PJ. Old Castle-St.— 1st on the R. in Castle-alleyy from 124, Whitechapel. Castle-Pl. Gibraltar-Row, St. George VFields,— at 15, 1st on the L. from Prospect-pl. Castle-St. Leicester-Sq.—lst;E. parallel to it, from Gt. New- port-st, to the King's-mews,. } Castle-St. LoiJgrAcre, — ist-i'^s". par.iilel to it, from Charles- st. to Little St, Martin's-lane^ Castle-St. EavSt,or Little Castje- St. Oxford-Street, — from 81, Newjnan-st. to.Oxford-ma.i:t ket. ; . Castle-St. West, or Gt,. Cas.tjc- St. — the W. continuatiow; p§. • the last. ._. :;■ Castle-Street, Bloomsi)ury,--\V. continuation of Ilarc-st, :t^ Thori)ey-st. ^..-^ Castle-St. Gt.. SalTron-lIill,-rrat = 60, leading into TurnixiiU-st^ Castlc-St. Air-Street, — 3 dodrs on the R. from 27, Piccia- . ddly. ) Castle-St. llolborn,— at 12, E. side of Middle-row. CAB Castle-St. Falcon-Sq.— tst on the R. from AJdersgate-st. Castle-St. Fleet- Market, at 33jeading into Sea-coal-lane, Snow-hill. Castle-St. Up. Thames-Street, — op. 223, 1" of a mile on the R. from Blackfriars-bridge. Castle-St. Finsbury-Scj. — the 2d N. from it, exteiiding from 18, City-road to Paul-st. Castie-St.Bethnal-Gref n,— from Cock-lane behind Shoreditch- church to Mount-st, Caf^tie-Strcet, (New), Bethnal- Green, — 1st on the R. in the last from Shoreditch-church. Castle-St. (New), Whitecfiapel, — at 120,nearly op. Red-Uon- fctreet. Castle-St. (Old), Whitechapel, —the continuation of Castle- alley, to 121, Went worth- street. Castle-St. Hound sditch, — at 46, 2d on the R. from Bibhops- gate^ Castle-St. Redcross-Street, Bo- ro. — at 14, 1st on the R. from Park-st. Castle-St. Kent-St. Boro.— at 94, I' of a mile on the L. - from St. George's-church. Castle-Yard, Little Chapel- St. Westr. — op. Saint Mar- garet's-bui'ying-ground. '" Castle- Yard, Royal Hospital- Row, Chelsea,^- 2d on the L. from the Hospital. Cftstle-Yard, Castle-Street, Hol- born, — at 37, leading into Norwich-court. Castle- Yard, Bolsover-St. — 2d on the L. from 113, Oxford- stteet. ] CAT Castk-Yard,. Up. Thames-Sta^ — at 34, op. Lambeth-hill. Castle- Yard,Gravel-Lanc, — 1st on the R, from Holland-8t^ Blackfriars-bridge. Castle-Yard, Poplar, — 1st on the L. from the Commercial- road. Cateaton-St.Milk-StreetjCheap- side, — from N. end of it, to the Old Jewry. Catherine-Builds. William-St. Westr. — 1st on the R. from James-st. St. Catherine "Cree-Church,— between Nos. 84 and 88, Leadenhall-st. Sc.Cathcri^cColeman's-Church, — on the E. side of Church- row, a few yards behind 67, Fenchurch-st. St. Catherine's-Chnrch, Tower- Hill, behind the booses which are op. St. Cathe- rineVstairs. Catherine-Court, Gt, Peter-St, Westr. — 8 doors E. of Duck- lane. ' Catherine - Court, Seething - Lane,— -at 34, 2d on the R, from Tower-st. St. Catherine* s-Court, Saint Ca- therine*s-Sq.: — facing the W, side the church. Catherine-Court, Catherine-St* • Commercial - Road, — 1st on the R. from the Commercial- road. St. Catherlne's-Clolsters, Sainfc Catherine's, — on the N, side the church. St. Catherine's-Lane, Up. E. Smith tield, — 6 doors on the R. from Tovvfr-hill. St. Cajtherine's-Sq.— -1st on the' . Ly in St; Catli^nue's-Jjt. fwm Tower-li.U, .SaiuL CatlitriiieVStairs,— at .5, ^ St. CiitliC>riiie's-sti:ejet, a .few doors on the 11. below Tower- .,J\i\i. ., ■■^•^ \. . .:: St. Catherine-Street, Tower- • hili, — at the S. E. corner by , .the ri)Limes, leading towards Wappiug, X^n.therine-St. WilHam-Street, ,VVestr. — 1st on the R. from James-st. 'Cafherine-St. Strand,— at 342, op. Soinersct-yjl. Catherine-St. (Little),— at 11, in the last. Cathernie-St. CoTi5mercial-Ii(i. .—3d on the R, east from Cannon-st.-road. XHaiherine-Sv. Hackney-Road, — near Brighton-pl. f mile on the R. from Shoreditch. Catherine- Wiieel- Alloy, Bish- opsgate-Witiioiit, — at 43, 12 doors ^n1. of New-st. 'Catherine-Wheel - 3q. — 1st on the L. in the last from Bi- shopsgate. Catherine Wheel- Alley, Kssex- St.— 2J on the R. from 105, Wiiitechape). Catherine- vVheel-Court,B''i<^2;e- water-Gardens, — at 14, N. E. corner. Catherine-Wheel-Conrt, Kent- St. Boro.— at 248, near i mile on the R. from St. George's-cliurch. Catherine-Wheel-Yard, Little Jatnes-St.— W. end, by the Green-park. Catherine-Wheel-Inn, Bishops- gate- Without, — at40,N. side New-sl. CEC Gatlierlne-Wiieelrlnn, nigh^t. Boro.— at 190, the 4th S. of . . Union^st^ . • ■ > Catherine-Wheel-Yard, Great Windniill-St. — 13 doors, on . the R. from Piccadilly. *) Cato-St. Queen-Street, — 2d on the L. from 62,* Kdgvvare- road. Catshead - Court, Orchard-SCi Westr -r-at 44, 3d-on the L. from Dean-st. Catshoie-Court; Tower-Hill,-^ ; on the E. s^.de^ thelst on the R. from Iron-gate. Cauiker'h-St. Blackwa]I-Cans€>- way, — 2d on the R. from Poplar tligh-st. Cavpiulisli-Court, HoundsditcB, — at 90, 12 doors on the»L. from Bi>!iopsgate. Cavendish-Mews, South- Duke- St. Portland^Pl.r— at 14, 1st from 13, INew Cuvendish- street. Cavendi8h-Mew,s,(North) Ghai^ lotte-St. Portland-Pl. — at 80, three doors from New Caven- dish-st. Cavendish-Sq. Marybone, — IS!^. end of Hoilis-st. from 132, Oxford- St.. Cavendibh-St. (New), Portland- Pl.— from 82, Gt. Portland- St. to 24, Harlev-st. Cavendish-Street,*(01d),0xford- St.~aL 140, middle of the N. side. Causeway - Court, Stepney-Ct. — -1st on the L. from Brook- street, i Cecil-Court, St. Marti n's-Lane, — at 92, 4th on the L. from CSaring-cross. ) Gecil-St. ^Strand,--at 84^, jop. £3 CEK Southampton-Street, Covent- gardeii. Censor News-Paper-Office, Ca- therine-St. — 1st bouse on the L. from 343, in the Strand. ChadVRovv,— b^ChadVWells. Chad's - Wells, Grayed - Inn - Lane, — 25 doors on the L. from Battle-bridge turnpike. Chain-Gate, Boro.— at 297, 3d on the R. from London- bridge. ^ Chair -Court, Ship- Yard, — 1st on the R. fiom -Teni pie- bar. Chal ton-Gardens, C ballon -St. Sommers-Town, — at 15, mid- dle of the E. side. Chalton-St. Sommers-Town, — ->^h on the R. in the Mary- bone-road from the turnpike Battle-bridge. Chamber-Sq. Upper E. Smith- field,- — at 95, nearly op. the London-docks. Chamber-St. GoodmanVFields, — 1st S. parallel to Gt. Pres- cot-st. from Mansel-street to Lemon-st. Chamberlain^s (Lord) OfHce, St. James's,— the corner ofCif ve- jand-row and the ^table- yard. Cbamberlain's-Ph Little Shire- Lane, — at 12, op. New-court, from 16, Carey-st. Chancery- lane. Cbamberlain\s-Wharf^ Tooley- St. — 13 doors E.' of London- bridge. Champion-Alley jVine-St.West- niinster,— at 37, 2d on the L, horn Millbank-st. Chancellor-C, ourt, Chnrch-St. JBcthnal-Grecuy— at 191^ ist CHA ' on the R, from 65, Shore* ditch. Chancery-(>hambers, Quality- Court, — 1st bouse' on'tbe L, from 48, Chancery-kine. Chancery, Court of,— at Lin- col nVinn-ha 11. Chancery-Court, Walburge-St, St. G€orge*s-East,'—^he cor- ner of Up. Chaj nian-st. Chancery -Lane, Fieet-St.— at l'92j tciv doors E.' from Tem- ple-bar, extending tor 310^ lligh-holborni C ha n ce ry-Mas ters-OfSce,Sou th; ampton - builds.' Holborn,— - facing the entrance from 313,^ Ilolborn. Chancery Subpoena-Office,. — at 6,Stone-builds. Lincohrs-inn, 1st house on the L. from op. 55, Chancery-lane. Chandlers-Hall, Dowgate-IIill, — 5 doors on the Ik froiti Budge-row. ChandlerVRents, Addle-Hill^ —at 7, op. Gt. Knight Rider- street, ChtiiidIer-Str€et,Duke-St.Gros- venor-Sq. — at g, 1st on the L. from 277, Oxford-st. Chandos - St. Cavendish-Sq.— ♦ from the N. E. corner to Queen -Ann-st. Chandos-St. Covent-Garden,r — 9 doors on the L. in Bedford- st from 423,. Strand. Change - Alley, — between 24,, Cornhill,and 70,Lombard-st. Change-Courty. — N. s^ide Exeter- Cha'ns.Cyto 21, Exeter-st. Chaiige^(Old), Cheapslde,— 5- doors on the R. from St. Paul's church-yard. Chapel-Court, Long-Acre,— 1^ CHA doors on die L. from St. IVfar- tiiiVlaiie. Chapel-Ot>urt, Chapel-St. Bed- ford-row, — W. side the clia- pel. Chapel-Court, Queen-Sq*. — S. VV. corner, by the chapel. "Chapel-Court, Oxford -St. — at 147, nearly op. New Bond- ' stfeet. Chapel-Court, Swallow-St. — at 50, near the iividdle of the E. sicle. Chapel-Court (North), South Audlov-St.— at 23, (i dours E. of Mount-st. ChapeWCourt (Southj, — on the S. side the chapel, by the last. Cliapel-Court, — tlic continua- ' tion of Hart^t. from 63, Wood - St. facuig - London - wall. Chapel-Court, Qiiaker-St. Spi- talfields, — 9 doors on the fi. from 29, VVhee!er-st. Chapcl-Court, Holy well-Street, Mile-End Oid-TowR,— at 10^ 5 doors on the L. iVom Union- street. thapel- Court, Jewry-St. — 4 doors on the R. from Aid- gate. Chapel-Courty High-St. Boro. — at 124, J of a mile on the L. from Loi\don-bridge. Chapel-Court, Norfolk-St. Bo- ro. — 1st on the L. from Little Guildford-st. Chapel - Field, Wandsworth - Road, — |. of a mile S. of Vauxhall-turnpike. Chapel-Mews, Chapel-St.Gros- ¥ettor-Pi. Uyd€-Park-Corner, CHA —behind 12 and 2Gy Grosve* nor-pl. Chapei-Mew», Duke-St. Port- land-Pl.—at 20, by Portland* chapel. Chapel-Passage, Upper Rath- bone-Pl.— oti the S. side the chapeU Chapel-Path, Willsted-St. Som*. mers-Town,— at 35, 2d from . the road to Marybone. Chapel-Pl. Vere-St. — 1st on the R. from 151, Oxford-st. Chapei-Pl. St. James's Park, — 4 doors N. of Gt. George-st^ Chapel-PL Spitai-Sq.— op. the chapel, in Chapel-yd. Chapel-Pl. Gt.SufFoIk-St.Boro. — 2d on the L. from 80^- Blackman-st. [ Chapel-Pl. Little Coram-St.i — 2 doors from Tavistock-pl. Cha pel-Place, Duke-Street, St^ George's-f iel is,— ^4th on the R. from the Obelifeli, Chaprl-Pi. Long -Lane, Ber- mondsey^- — at ^2, | of a mile on the R. from St. George's church. Chapel - Row, Rawstorne - St, Brompton,^ — by the chapel behind 28, Brompton-row. Chapel-R(>w,Spa-Pl. Spa-Fields^ — on the- W. Side the chapeL Chapel-Row, St. George's Mar- ket, St. George ^s Fields, — the corner of Brick- srt. Chapel-St. Grosvenor-Pl. Hyde- Park-Corner,- — at 26, middle of the W. side. Chapel-St. (Great), Westr.-- fr(>m the Broadway, and W^ end of Tothili-Sit. to SL^'uttoj^ ground. ChapclrSt. (Li tr ie),-r 3d ^on the 'll. in the" last from Broad- way. . ^., Chapel-St. Brampton, — at 27, ErOiTjpton-Tow, J of a mile ; on the .11. from Kniglits- ^' bridge. Chapel-St, i/issoni - Green, — at 101, Edg ware-road, 9th on '"the R. from Tjburn-turn- " pike. Chaprl-Street, South Audley- ' St.— at 64., middle of the W, side. "C'ho pel-Street West, Cnrzon- St. iWav-Fair, — at 35, W. - sine the chap 1. Ch.?|el-::t. Eiist, — on the E. side ditto. ^Chapei-Street (Gt.), OxA^rd-St. ■ — at o9G_ 3d on the L. from St. Giles's. Chapel-St. (Little),— S. end of ' the last, leading to 19, War- '-' dour-st. Chupei-Streetj LamlA Conduit- ' ' S r .— at 2 5, to Mil n i a n-s t . ■ Jaines-st. anrl Bedford-row, Chapel-St. Tottenham - Court- Rd. — at 84, 1st S. of the ' chapel. ChapeUSt. Great Portland - St. oNlarNbonf, — at 95, W. side ' the chapel. Chapel-Street, Grub-$t. Crip- plegate, — by the chapel, mid- ' die of the VV. side. Chapel-St. Curtain-Road, — 1st on the L. from Worship-st. ^' op. Holy well-lane. Chapel-Street, Wheeler-St. Spi- talfields,---ist on the L. from Lamb-st. Ghapei * Street,- St. George's CHA East^—between Upper and Lower Chapman-streets. Chapel-Strret, Mile-End Newj lovvn, — 1st on' the R. in Gt. Gardcn-st. from 50, White- chn pel-road: '. ' * Chapel-Yd. Duke-St.— 1st . oii the L. from Lineolns-innr ./ fields. , ■ .^ ./ ""' Chapel-Yd. Wilderness - Row, Cierkenwell, — 2d on the. L. from St.. John- St. ChapeF-Yaj d, Spital-Sq.— 2d on the L. from Bishopsgate. . ^ Chapman's-Bu ids. Kir;g-St..Bo- ro.— at the b — 4th on the L. from Can- non -St.- rd. Chapman VPl. Lambeth-Walk, — the corner. of Walnut-tree^ walk. ' Chapman-St. (Lower), Cannon- St.-Rrl. — 1st on theE. soutfei from the Coramerc.al-road. Chapm.an-St. (Upper), — 1st S. of the last. Chapter-House-Court, St.PauPs Chureh-Yd,— at 67, leading to 50," Pater noster-row. Charing-Cross, — from St. Mar- tin VI ane to the Admiralty. ' Charmg-Court, Fore-St. Lam- beth, — IstS. of Broad-st. Charles-Court, Strand, — at 2r, 5th on the R. from Charing- Cross. Charles-Court-Stairs, — E. side of Hungerford- stairs. See the last. Charles-Court, Charles-Street', CHA St. James's, — 5 doors W. of 8t. AlbanVst. Charles-Court, Charles-Street, St. George^s East, — 1st on the L. from 44, Old Gravel- lane. Charles-Court, Park-St. Boro. —2 doors on the L. from the Borough-inarket. Charles-PL Baker's-Row, Cold- Bath-Fields, — 2d on the R. from Little Warner-st. Charles-Pl. Iloxton, — 2d on the L. in Brunswick-pl. or Craven-builds, from the City- road. Charles-Pl. Bethnal-Green-Rd. — N. \V. corner of Thorold- square. Char!es-Pl. Love- Lane, Rat- el iffe, — 1st on the L. from Cock-hill. Charles-Sq. Hoxtort,— N. side the Vinegar-ground, 1st on the L. in Pitfield-st. from Oid-st.-rd. Charles-St. Charles-Sq. — N.side the last. Charles-Street, Parliament-St. Westr. — 14 doors on the R. from Whitehall. Charles-St. (Littie),--E. end of the last. Charles-Street, St. JamesVSq. —from the middle of the E.. side, to St. AlhanVst. Charles-St. (Little),— E. end of the last. Charks-St. Long-Acre, — at 84, 1st on the R. from Drury- lane. Charles-St. — 6 doors on the R. in Russell-st. from Cuvent- garden. Charles-Street^ George-St.Port- CHA man-Sq. — at 34, 1st on the R. west from Baker-st. Charles-St. Ilampstead - Road, — 3d on the L. from Totten- ham-court-road. Charles-St. (Little),— W. end of the last, and N. end of Brook- street. Charles-St. Lisson-Green, — 1st E. of Little James-st. Charles-St. Brury-Lane, — ar 174, 2d on the L. from Hol- born. Charles-St. Hatton-Garden, — intersects it at 24, extendi from 1 1, Leather-lane, to Saf- fron-hill. Charles-Street, Grosvenor-Sq. — from the S. E. corner, to 19, Mount-st. Charles-St. Berkeley-Sq. — fvom the S. W. corner to Union-su Charies-St. Soho-Sq. — from the N. s'de, to 412, Oxford- st. 1st on the L.jn it from St. Giles's. Charles-St. Manchester -Sq. — 1st N. parallel to it, extend- ing from- Manchester-st. to Thayer-st. Charles-St. Middlesex Hospital^ — S. side, from 49, Newman- st. to 13, WcUs-st. Charles-St. Bridgf^water-Sq. — 1st on the R. in Princes-st. from 43, Barbican. Charles-Street, Leonard -St. — Isr on the L. from Paul-st. towards the CwFta;i>-road. Charles-St. Curtain-Road,— 3d on the L. from Wor^hip-st. Charles-Street, Bethnal-Green- Road, — I of a mile on the R. from 65, Shoreditch, op. VVJl« mot-sq, Charles-St. Mile -End New- , CHA Town,— the continuation of Bliker^s-row, from 94, VVliite- chapel-road.' Charles-St. Old Gravel-Lane,— at 44, middle of the E. side. Charles-St. Westr.-Bridge-Rd. — 2d on the 11. from the Obe- lisk. Charles-St. Blackfriars - Rd.— 4th on the L. from the , , Bridge. Charles - St. Ilorselydown, — from Churcli-rovv, E. side of St. John's Church, to New- street. Charles-St. Glean -Alley, ~2d on the L. from 219, Tooiej- street. Charlcs-Strect, (Up.), Goswcll- 8t. — at 93, N. end, leading to North amp ton -sq. 'Charles-St. (Lower),— the con- y tinuation of the last to St. John-st.-rd. Cliarles-Srreet, Oakley-St. Lam- beth; — 1st on. the L. from Westr.-bri d<:e-rd. "Charles-St. Gcsweli-Place — the E. end of it, by Northamp- ton-terrace. 'Charles-Street, Phamix-St. Som- ' mers-Town,^ — the W. conti- nuat'on of it, by the Polyizuii. Charles-Street, Mile-End " Old- Town, — from 27, PlumbcJ's- row, to 27, GreenMeld-st. Com mere al-rd. ■Charles-St. Glol)e-St. Bethnal- ^ . Green,— extends fromGiobc- '■ pi. to 'r.hurlow-pi. Cbarles-St. Back-Church-Lane, Whitechapeh— 1st on the L. from the Commercial-rd. CUaries-Street, Back-Lane, St. CHA George's East,^-ncar]y pp. "the Bt ue-ga I e- fields. Charles-St. Walworth,— op. S. end of Queeu's-rovv, near the lied-Lion. Charloitc-Bullds. Gray's - Inn- Lane, — 17 doors on the li. from Holborn. Charlotte-Chapel, Charlottc-St. Rathbonc-Flace, — at 9^, op. Windmill-st. Charlotte-Court, Redcross -Su- Crippltgatc, — at 28, 2 doors N. of Jewin-st. Charlotte-Court, Gt. YorkTSt. Bethnal Green, — 1st on the R. from io5, Church- St. near Shorediich. Cliarlotte-Court, Charlotte-St. Whitechnpei,.— 1st on the L. from Field>!;ate-st. Charlotte-Court, Turville-St. B.thnal-Green, — 2d on thp L. from 37, Church-st. Chailotti -Court, Black - Lipn- Yd.— 1st on the L. from 39, Whitechapel-road. Charlotte-Court, Moss's-Allcy, Bankside, — middle of the £* side. Chailotte-Kouse, Charlotte-St. — 8 door^. from Blackfriarsr road. Charlotte -Mews East, Charw lotte-St. Portland- PI. -^. 1st on the R. from Up.-Mary- bonc-st. \ Chariotte-Mew^s West, Cbar- ,. lutte-St. Portland-i'l.— at 71, 3 doors S. of VVeymouth-st. Charlotte- Mews, Tottcnham- St.—2d on tljc, R. from 1 Gt> ten ham-court-road. Charlotte-Mews, Thorney -St, ClIA :; Bloomsbur5', — behind \4, • Cliarloltc-st. Chariot ce-Pl. Up. Kennini^ron- ' Laiie,-^"aclj()inij the £. side of ■ Vauxhall Gardens. "Charlotte-l^l. New-St. Kennine;- ■ ton-Cross, — nearly op. the • W. cndof Park-£L Charlotte-Pi. Boro-Road,-^N. side, near the King's Bench. Charlotte-PL Grange-Road, — from the corner of Port-pi. towards tlje Kent-road. Charlotte-PI. Lambeth- iMarsh, • — middle of the N. side. Charlotte - Row, New - Road, IMarybone, — adjoining the Yorkshire-Stingo. Charlottc-Rnvv, — W. side the iMansion-iIouse. Charlotte - Row, Long - Lane, Eermondscy, — part of the L. side, about i of a mile from St. Gcorge's-clrjrcii. C})arlotte-Row (Little), — at the back of the last. Charlotte - How, Walwortii Ii?gh-St. — adjoins the en- trance to xhe Ivlontpellier. Charlotte-Row, Jamaica- Row, Bcrmondsey, — the W.tnd, by the Gregorian-arms. Ciiarlottc-Row, Rotherhithe-St. —at 269, E. side the Surrey- canal. Charlotte-St. Pimlico, — l^t on 'the L. from Buckingham- gate. ri)ru-!ot{.c-St. (Little), 5 doors 1 the R. HI ihc last from t -mlico. • Ciiarlotte-St. New-Road, Hans- • Town, — 1st N. of Exeter-at. Charlotte-St. Portland-Pi. — l^t E. to it, and 1st W. to Great Poriiand-fct. CHA Charlotte-St. Ratl)b(me- PI. — the continuation of it, from T3y Oxford-st. Ch.irlotte-St.(Upper), — thecou- tiimation of the last. Chariottc-ht. (Little), — by th«^ last, from Bennet - st. to Goodg-'-st. Charlot^e-St. Battle-Bridge,—' op. Hamilton-pi. leading to Britannia-st. and GrayViuu- lane. Charlotte - St. Bioomsbur}'-, — ■ continuation of Piumbtree- st, from 19, Broacl-st. Charlotte - St. Bedford - Sq. — continuation of the last, from 103, Gt. Russell-st. Charlotte-St. Old-Street-Road, — 1st VV. from the Curtain- road., extending to Willow- walk. Charlotte - St. Whitechapel, — the E. continuation oi' Pield- gate-st. from Q.od, Wliiteciia- pel-road. Charlotte-St. Wapping,~on the E. side of Hermitage-dock, leadino: to INightingale-lane. Char!otte-St. (Gt.), Blackfriars- R*;ad, — I of a mile on the R, from the Bridge. Charlottt-St. (Little)^ — op. the last, from Surrey-chapel to Gravel-lane. Chaiiotte-St. Bethnal-Green, — entrance by the second on the L. in Turvilie-st. from 37, Church-st. Charlotte-Street, Union-Street, Betlinal-Green, — 2d on the R. from the N. E. corner of Thorold-sq. Charlton-Court, Charlton -St. Marybone, — 3 doors N. of Clipstone-st. CHA Cliarlton-.pl. Saint Albans-^t.— at -SO, 6 door5 <>n the L. from 14, Paii-Mali. Charlton-St. Marybone, — from 46, Up. Mary bone - st. to Clipstone-st. Charlton-St. (Upper), the N. continuation of the last. Charrington-Row, George-Gar- dens, Bethnal-Green - Rd. — behind the George, on the E. side of Wilmot-sq. Charter-House, — on theN, side of Charter-house-sq. Charter-Hou^e-Lane, St. John- St. — 12 doors on the R. from Smithtield. Chartet'-House-Sq. — E. end of the last. Charter-House-St. Long-Lane, — at 22,middleof the N. side, leading to the square. Chatham-Gardens, City-Road, — 2d on the R. in Trafalgar- st. from op. Fountain-pl. Chatham-PL Bridge-St. Black- friars, — the wide part adjoin- ing the bridge. Chatham-Pl. Broad-St. Blooms- bury, — 3 doors W. from Hol- born. Cliatham-Pl. Walworth, — op. the Terrace, ^ of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Cheapside, — N. E. corner of St. Paul's church-yd. to the Old-Jewry. Cheapsidc,(Gt. and Little)Moor- fields. Sfe Long-Alley. Cheapside (Little), St. Luke's, — 1st on the R. in Cowhecl- alley, from 1G8, Whilccross- street. CHE CheesemanVCourt, G^orgc-Sr. Bethnal-Green, — 6 doors on the R. from Carter-st, Chelsea - Common, — between the QueenVElms and the KingVroad. Chelsea-Hospital,~1| mile front Hyde-park-corner, by Sloane- st. and near IJ mile from Buckingham -gate, by Pirn- lico. Chelsea-Market, — at 27, I-^w- er-Sloane-st. | of a mile on the L. from Knightsbridge. Chelsea- Water - Works- Office, — 21, Abingdon-st. Westr. Cheltenham - House, Chelten- ham-Pi. Cheltenham-Pl, Westr.-Bridge- Rd. Lambeth, — by Oakky- st. nearly op. the Asylum. Chelton's-Court, Bedfordbury, — at 44, Reading to 60,Chan- dos-st. Chenies-Mews,Chenies-St.Bed- ford-Sq. — 1st W. of Gower- street. Chenies-Mews (Up.) N. end of the last. Chenies-Pl. Chenies-St. — mid- dle of the S. side. Chenies-Street, Gower-St. Bed- ford-Sq.— at 61, 2d on the L. from the sq. leading to Tot- tenham-court-road. Chequer-Alley, Bunhill-Rovv, — at 99, i of a mile on the L. from 64, Chiswell-st. Chcquer-Court, Charing-Cioss, — 3 doors W.ol St. Martin's- lane. Chequer-Conrt, Old-Street, St. Lukc's,—at 102, W. side the church. CHE Cliequer-Court, Clicquer-Alley, —1st on the L. from 99, Buii- liili-rovv. Clicquer-Court, St. Catherine's Lane, — Sd on the L. from 49, Up. E.-Smithfjcld. Chequer-Court, Iligh-St. Boro, — 12 doors on the L. from London-bridi^e. Chequer-Pl. Chequer-Alley, — 4th on the R. from 99, Bun- hill-row, Checjuer - Sq. Chequer - Alley, - -3d on the 11. from 99, Bun- liill-rovv. Chequer-Sq. Aldgate, — 8 doors on tliell. below the Minories. Cliequer-Yard, Dowgatc-Ilill, - — from 31 to 14, Bush-lane. Cherry-Garden-Street, — IstW. from Mill- pond- bridge by the stairs. Ciierry-Garden-SrairSjBermond- sey, — 11 mile E. from Lon- don-bridge, op. Wapping Old- stairs. Cherry - Tree - Alley, Bunhill- Kow, — at 118, 1st on the L. from Chisvvell-st. Cherry- Tree - Court, Cherry- Tree-Aliey, — the last on the II. from 118, Bunh ill-row. Cherry - Tree - Court, Golden- Lane, — at 103, 3d on the R. from ()ld-5t. Cherry-Tree-Court, Aldersgate- St. — at o4, between Jewin-st. and Barbican. Chcrry-Tree-Yard, Klngsland- Road, — by the turnpike, i of a mile on the R. from Shore- ditch-church. Cherubhn-Court, Angcl-A Hey, - — 5th on the L. from 137, Bishopsgate-Without: cur Chester-PL Fleet - Market,— 8 doors on the L. fjom Fleet' street. Chester-Pl. Lambeth, — E. side the high-road, from Walcot- pl. to Kennington-cross. Chester-Pl. Bethnal- Green, — • a few yards on the L. from the E. side of the Green, to- wards Globe-st. ChesterVQuay, Lower Thames- St.— 2d W, from^ Tower-hill. Chester- St.. Lambeth, — from the N. end of Chestcr-pl. to' Kennington-lanc, Chester-St. Grosvenor - PI. — at 30, third on tlie R. from Ilyde-park-corner. Chesterfield-House, Sou th-Aud- ley-St.^-by theVV.end ofCur- zon-st. May-fair. Chesterfieid-Street, Charles-St. — at 29, 2d on the L. froi^ Berkeley-sq. Chesterfierd-Street, (Gt.) Marj- bone, — between the W. enci^ of Weymouth-st. and Gt, Marvbonc-st. Chestertie!d-St. (Little), Mary- bone, — 4 doors S. of the last. Cheyne - Walk, Chelsea, — N. side the Thames, from Pa- radise- I'ow, towards Battcr- sea-bridgf. Chichester-Court, Chichester- Rents, — 3 doors on the lu from 81', Chancery-lane. Chichester- Rents, Chancery- Lane, — at 84, middle of the W. side, leading into Star-yd. Chick-Lane, Gt. SafFron-IIill,— . 1st on the R. in Field-lane from Ilolborn-hill, loading into West-st. W. Smithlicld. Chicksand-Pl. Chicksand-St.— F ' ' ClI! 5d on the L. from 16, Higli- streefc. Cbicksand-St. — the continua- tion ot Osborn-pl. from 20, Brick-lane, Chigvvell-St. Ilatdiffe-Iiighway, — afe 51, op. Cannon-st, ChiMVCourt, Tothill-St. Wcstr. • — ^d on the IL i'nnxi the Abbey. CliildVPi. FJeet-St.— 3 doors on the H. fi-fni Temple-ba''. Chimister-i^llcj, Bedfordbury, — at 26, middle of the W. side. China-Court, China-Row, Lam- beth, — 1st on the il. from China-terrace. China-Hall, Dcptford Lower Road, — § of a mile on the L. from Paradise-row. China-Hall-Pi. S. side the last. Chi')a-Rovv, Lambetli, — from the S. end of Chinii-terrace, t-G Lambeth- walk. China-Terrace, Lambeth, — by the New Clrapel, -]■ a mile on the R. from Westr.-bridi^e. Chirographer's-Oiiice, Mare- Court, Temple, — at 2, the back door is op. Brick-court, Tvliddle Temple-lane. Chiswell-St. Finsbury-Sq.— from the S. Vv". corner to White- cross-st. CMvers's - Court, Nightingale - Lane, Limchousc, — 6 d(jors on the R. from 60, Narrow- street. Chop pens-Court, Old Gravel- Lane, — at '25, 4th on the R, from 157, Wapping. Clirist-Church, Spitalflelds, — facing Union-street, from 69, Bis..opsgate-st. CUR Christ-Church, Blackfriars-Rf^. — X of a mile on the R. from 6 the Bridge. Chri.st-Churcli^ Newgate-Street See the next article. Chris^-C hurcJv-Passage, New- gate-St. — at 92, middle of tlie N. side. Christ's Ilospitah. Newgate-SL — entrance at i03, op. War- wick-lane, also op. 9, But- chejhalHane. Christian- Benevolence- School, — 1st house in the court at the back of Q6, Bedfordbur3^ Christian-Street, St. George's East, — the continuation of Princes-pl. New-road. Christopher's-AUey, Wilson-St, Fin^bury-Sq. — at 39, first N, af Crown-st. Christopli^;r-Alley,Lamhetli-St,.. Goodman's Fields, — 4 dot)rs from Ayliife-st. ChristoplKi-Court, Sun- Alley, — 2d on the R. from 32, Golden-lane. Christopher - Court, Angel-Al- ley, — 1st on- the L. from Little Moorhelds, Christopher-Court, St. Marti n's- le-Grand, — 3d on the L. from- 66, Newgatc-st. Christopher-Court, Bi*ick-Lane, — at 20, fourth on the Ij, from^ 103, Oid-st. Christopher-Court, Tower-TIill, — on the E. side, 7 doors N. of Iron-gate. Christopher-Court, Rosemary- Lane, — at 40, between Dar- by-st. and. Blue Anchor-yard. Christopher's Inn, Bcrmondsey- St. — So doors on the L, frow Toolcy-st. rhnstopuer -Uow, l'Hst-I*ane, \Val\vorth,-N.tti(i itiUnion-st. Cliristoplici\Squai-e,Lonp-Allry, Moorlieids,— Sd N . of (Jrou li- st reet. Chri<;t»>i>l)er-St.IIattoii-Garden, — N. coiithiuation of it, to Back-Iaiie. i'liristopber-St.Finsbury-Sq.-at ^7, the N. E. Gorucr leading into-Wiison-st. t'liristopher-St. (New), the con- tinuation of the last. C hriatophcT-St. Bethnai-Grcen — thecvintiniiationofTurville. St. bearing to the R. ChurdwVlley, Basinghall-St. — jit yOj middle of the W. .side. C"!nirGh-Alley,Ironmv:mger-]/ane, CheapsiJcj — ^8 doors on th<5 11. from 90, Clieapssde. Church-Court,CiiUrv:li-Passage, St. James's, — 1st on the L. from ^2C0, Piccadilly. Church-Court, Little Chapel- St. Westr.— 3 doors W. of Gardener's-lanc. Church-Court, Sti-and, — at 466, near Chnrini^-cross. Church -Court, Walhrookj — 6 doors on t]}e R, from the xviansion-house. Church - Court, Friday-St. — S doors on the R. from 3(3, Cheapside. Church-Court, ClementVLane, — 4 doors on the R..from 53, Cannon-st. Church-Court, Lotlibury, — N. side the Bank, adjoining To- ken-houfse-yd. Church - Court,— N. end of IvJaiden-head-court.froin 10 1 , Wapping. Cliurch-EntryiShoeniakcrs Row, CIIO' Bkick friars,— Qd on thifi L, west from Creed-lane. Cliurch-Gardens,\Vell-Alley,--*- continuation of it from 110^ Wapping. Church-Hill, St. Pancrns, — E. side the church, J of a mile on the R. from Battie-brui^e. Church-Ilill, St. Andrew's-liill, Plackfriar?,— at 29^ tst oji the R. from Eai'l-st. Church - Lane, George-Strctt, Bloomsbury,— 1st on the L. from 26, Broad-st. Cliurch-Lune, Strand, — at 456, 30 doors on the L. from Clmring-cross. Church-Lane, Whitechapel,— the conlinuation of Church- st. to tiic Commercial-rd, Churcli-Lanc (Back), the con- tinuation of the liiot, to (ij; Cable- St. Church-Lane,Liniehouse,— from the W, side the church, to 70, Ropcrtuikcrs-ticldts. Chureh-Lane.Newjngton-ButtA; • — op. the church in the iligh- street. Churc])-Pa«sage,N^€wComptO0- Street. St. Giies'fij-*^t 19> 1st from Eroad-st. Ch u rch-Passage- Yard ,— ^N. end of the last. Church - Passage, Covent-Qar den, — W. side, by theclvurch.^ Church-Passt^c, Piccadilly,-- at 200,bySt.Jaraes's-Church. Church-Passage, Cloth-Fair,-:— at 10, 1st on the R. fix)m 60, W. Smithfield. Church-Passage, Up. Thames- St.— at 21-8, Vv. side Bennett's- hill. Church-Pl. Ciiurch-St. White- tllU ^hapcJ, — l5t on the L, from the church. €hurch-Pl. Newington, — op. the church. €hnrch-Road, Saint GeorgeV Easi, — E. end of Lower Corn- wall-st. Back-lane. Church-Row, St. Pancras,— at the N. end of Pancras-place, J of a mile on the R, from Battle-bridge. Ghurch-Row,Wenlock-St. Saint Luke^Sj — 3 doors from Iron- monger-row. Chnrch-Row, Chitrch-St. Beth- Dai-Green^ — at 106, by the turnpike, -J a mile on the R. from 65, Shored itch. Church -Row, Aldgate, — from 8, E. side the church, to Houndsditcb. Church-Row, Fenchurch-St. — at 66, ten doors E. of Mark- lane. Church-Row, Stepney-Church- Yard, — at the N. E. corner. Church-Row, Commercial-Rd. Limehouse, — on the W. side the church. Church-Row, Newington,~from the church to Kennington- lane. Church-Row, Horselydown,— on the E. side of St. John's- church, from Fair-street, to Charles-st. Church-Row,Whitechapel. See Church-st. Church-Stairs, Rotherhithe,— nearly facing the E. end of the church. Church-St. Bainbridge-Street, Saint Giles's, — 2d on the R. from Oxford-st. Church-Street; Dcan-St. Soho, cnu —from the church to Moqjv street. Church-St. Paddington, — fof a mile on the L. in Edgware- road from Tyburn turnpike. Church-St. Boro. — from Saint Georiie's-church to White-su and Kent-st. Church - St. Millbank - Street, VVestr.— at 52, J of a mile S. of tlie Abbey. Church-St. Bethnal-Green,— at 64, Shored itch, wljere there are Nos. land 192 : it extends to the turnpikeBethnal-green- road. Church-Street, Mile-End New- Town, — dd on the R. along Gt.narden-st.froniaO,White- chapel-road. Church-Sr.Spitalfidd?,— at ISr, Brick-lane, the fiftij on the L. from 74, W'hitechapel. Church-St. Minorics, — at 26, Isc on the L. from Aldgate. Church-Street, Wbitechapel, — at 71, 1st Vy. from the church. Church-St. (New),VVhitechapel. See Back-church-Iane. Church-St. Wapping, — at98,on the VV. side the church, and E. side the London-docks. Church - St. Lambeth, — facing tlie Stags, from Pratt-st. to the church. Church-St. Blackfriars-Road, — 2d on the L. from the bridge. Church-Street, Saint Saviour's, Southwark, — 2d on the R. in York-st. from 276, High-st. Church-St. Horselydown, — on the S. side St. John's-churcli, fromArtillery-lane,toRusseli- street. CHU Choi ch-Strpet,R jthcrhithe,— on the S. side tliC'clmrch, Icad- ing to Deptford Lower-rd. Charch-St. Newington, — 1st on the R. in Manor-place, iVom WaKvorth-Hiii;h-sc. Cluirch-Terraee, St. Pancras, — at the end of Church-row, by the church. Churcli-Way, Sommers-Town, — from 3i?, Chalton-&t. to the fields. Church- l^ardJIarp-Aliey,— 1st on the R. from &2, Fleet- market. Church-Yard-Court,Tnner Tem- ple-Lane, — '1st on the L. from 1(5, Fleet-st. Church - Yai-d-PassagCj Upper T!iames-St. — 4< doors W. of London-bridge. Ghurch-Yard-Passage-Stairs, — - end of tiie last. Church-Yard-Alley, Tooley-St. • — at 2-17, six doors on the R. from London-bridge. Church-Yard-Row, Newlngton, —on the S. side the Church- ward. Chymister- Alley. See Cliimis- ter. ^imiamon-St.T— 1st on the R. ill Newmarket-st. from 157, Wapping. rircus, Royal, Blackfriars-Rd. — W. side by the Obelisk. Circus, Minories, — at 91, three doors ou the L^ from Tower- hill. Ci re us-St. New-Road, Mary- bone, — 2d on the R, from the Yorkshire Stingoj ^"^ ircu3-Pl. — 1st in the last from the New -road. '.r.v Barge -^ousesj. Bishops- CLA Walk, Lambeth, — near J of a mile above Westiliiuster- b ridge. City-Cli ambers (Ne w),Bi shops- j^ate-St.— at 122, 3 doors from Cornhill. City-Chambera(01d), Bishops- gate-St. — at 24, op. Thread- needle-st. City- Dispensary ,—atlO,Grocer'& Hall-Court. City-Gardens,. City-Road, — be* hind Anderson*.s-buildings by the turnpike, near a mile on the R. from Finsbury-sq. City-Garden-Row,— adjoiuis the City -road by the last. City-Garden-Pl. — 2d on the L... in the last from theCity-rd. City-Land Coal-Meter's-Office^. — at By Little Knight-Rider- street. Ditto,— at 2:1, Garlick-hilL City of Loiidon-Tavern, Bisli- opsgate-St. — 14 doors N. of Leadenhail-st. City-Lying-in - Hbspita?, City- Road, — a.t the corner of Old- St. J of a mile on the L. from Finsbury-sq. City-Repository, Barbican, — at 55, middle N. side. City -Road, Finsbury-Sq. — ex- tends from the N. W. corner totlie Angel, Lslir^irton. City-Terrace, City-Road, — part of the R, side, near | a mile from Finsbury-squai-e^and op, Fountain-pL Clare-Court, — at T04> Drury- lane, to White-horse-yd. Clare-lIaH-Row,Stepney-Green^ — I of a mile on the R. from Mile-end. Clare-^SLarkctjT— nea? the N.end CLA •f Ncwcastle-st. from 5Q9, Strand. Clare - St. Clare-Market,— W. side, leading to Blackmore-st. 100, Drurj-kane. Clare-Sc. Ilackney-Road, — W. side the turnpike, Bethnal- green. ' CIarendon-Court,Clarendon.Pl . —1st on the R. from Claren- don-sq. Clarendon-Pl. Sommers-Town, — W. side of Clarendon-sq. Clarendon-Sq. Sommers-Town, — encloses the Polygon, W. end of Phoenix-st. Clarendon-St. — S. W. corner of the last. Clarence - House, Wilderness- ^ How, Chelsea, — 4th house on the R. from Royal Hospital- row. • Clarence-Passage, St. Pancras, — by tlie Duke of Clarence, . N. side Small-pox-Hospital. Clarence-Pl. Pentonville, — part of the S. side the road near Battle-bridge. Clarence-Pl. Hackney-Road, — part of the R,side,from Crab- tree-row to Crescent-pl. Clarence-Pl. Boro.-Road, — 10 doors on the L. from the King's Bench. Clarence-St. Rotherhithe, — at 303, J of a mile below the church. Clarges-St. Piccadilly, — at 84, '■ middle of the N. side. Clarmont — House — Academy, ' Brompton, — the corner of Queen Vgardens,about3- mile on the L. from Knightsbridge. ClarkeVBuildP. Snow-Hill,— at 52,1st W. from theSaracen's- Hcad-inn. CLE Clark's Court, Bishopsgate - Within,— at CO, 6 doors S* of Camomile-st. Clarke's- Court, Vine-St. — 1st on the L. from 76, Gt. Saf- fron-hill. Cock-Yard, Tothill-St. Westr. — 2d on the L. from Broad- way. Clarke's-Court,Jacob-St. Dock- Head, — 3d on the R. from Mill-st. Clarke's-Mews, Beaumont-St. Marybone, 3 doors from Weymouth-st. ClarkeVOrchard, Rotherhithe, — at o5o, between Queen-st, and Princes-st. ClarkVRents,Black-Boy- Alley, Chick-Lane, — 4th on the L. towards Cow-cross. Clarke-St.Clerkenwell, — 1st on the L. in Allen-st. from 113, Goswell-st. Clarke's-Tcrrace, Cannon-St.- Road,— E. side, from the turn- pike by Cannon-st. to the chapel. Clay-St. Durweston-Street, Ma- rybone, — at 16, 2d on the L. from Baker-st. Clayton-Pl. Kennington-Road, — by the 2 mile stone, from Mansion-house-rov/,toWhite- hart-row. Clayton-St. Kennington-Green, — 2d on the L. from the Hoi'ns. Clayton-St. (Little),— 1st on the R. in the last, from Kenning- ton-green. Cleaver-Court, Gt. Ayliffe-St. Goodman's - Fields, — at 32, middle of the N. side. Cleaver's-Rents,— the Ist W» of the last. CLE Cleaver -St. Princes-Sq. Kcn- nihgton, — the continuation of the S. side to Kennington- cross. St. ClementVAlms-Houses,- — 1st on the L. from Picket-st. towards St. ClementVInn. St. Clement\s-Church,Strand, — . a few doors W. from Temple- bar. St.ClementVChurchjClement's- Lane, — 3 doors from Cannon- street. ClementVCourt, Carey-Streer, Chancery-Lane,--«-at 23, by Yeatcs's-court. Clemen tVCourt, Milk-St. — at 22, 3d on the L. from 116, Clieapside. Clement^s - Inn, Strand, — en- trance op. the N. side St. Clemen t's-chu re h. Clement's - Inn-Passage, — from the E. side the last to Clare- market. Clement's -Lane, Strand, — op. the N. side St. Clement's- church. Clemen t's-Lane,Lon»bard-St. — at 28, 1st on the L. from Gracechurch-st. Clerks of Essoin's Office, Elm- Court, Temple, — at the S. W. corner. Clerks-Hall, Wood-St. Cheap- side, — at 85, the corner of Silver-st. Clfrrken well-Cburch-Yard, — on the S. side the church. Clerkenwell-Close, — on the W. . side the church, leading to Spa-fields. Cierkenwell-Green, — the open space on the S.side the church, >y the Sessiou's-house. CLI Clerkenwell- Workhouse, Cop- pice-Row, — I of a mile on the L. from the Scssion's-house^ Cleveland-Court, — 8 doors on the L. from 67, St. James's- St. by the Palace. Cleveland-Mews, Cleveland-St. Fitzroy-Sq. — at 16, 2 doors 3, of London-st. Cleveland-Row, St. James's, — W. continuation of Pall-mall, fronting the Palace. Cleveland-Sq. St. James's, — at the W. end of the last. Cleveland-St. Fitzroy-Sq.— W. side from Carburton-st. to Foley-st. Cleveland-St. (Upper), the con- tinuation of the E. side the last. Cleveland-Yard, King-Street,St. James's, — 1st on the L. from St. James's-sq. Clifford 's-Tnn, Fleet-Street,— en- trance by 188, W. side St. DunstanVchurch. Clifford's-Inn-Gardens, — on the N. side the Inn. Clifford's-Inn-Passage, Fleet-St. —at 188, by St. DunstanV church. Clifford-Row, Queen-St. Chel- sea, — nearly op. Ranelagh- walk. Clifford-St.New Bond-Street,-— at 14, 2d on the R. from b7^ Piccadilly. Clifton-St. Worship-Street, 1st E. parallel to Wilson-st. on the W. side of Finsbury- market, Clink-St. Boro. — parallel to the Thames,fromSt. Mary-Over's dock to Bank-side. Ciipstone-St. Great Portlau^^ CLO St. Mai .yboce,— from 64^ to London-st. Fitzmv-sq. Cloak- Laiu, Dow gate-Hi 11, — 2d on the 11. from the Mansion- bouse, down Walbrook. Cloisters (Gt.) Westr. — on the S. .side the abbey. Cloisters (Little),^ — a few yards S. of the last. Cloisters, St. Bartholomew^ Hospital, — at the S. corner, entrance by 19, GiJtspur-st. Cloisters (Little), — entrance at 44, Smithfieid. Cloisters, St. Catherine's, — on the N. side the church, en- trance 1st ou the L, from Tower-hill. Cloth-Fair, W. Smitiifield, -at ^0,E. side by Long-lane, ex- tending to Eing-st. Clothes-Exchani^e (Old), Hose- inary-Lane,— 6 doors E. from Qneen-st. Clothes-Exchange (New),: — op. tbelast, 3 doors E. of Princes- street. Clothworkers - Hall^ Mincing- I^ne, — adjoining 43, Fen - cburch-st. Cloader's-Wharf, Horselydown, i —1st E, from Pickle-berring- &t-airs. Club - Row, Churcb-St. Beth- i\al-GreeD,— at 171, 3d on thelt. from 65, Sboreditcb. t'oachmaker's -Hall,- at 14, Noble-st. Foster-lane. Coach and Horses- Yard.Mount- St. — at 119, Isc on the L. from-Berkeley-sq. Coach and Horses-Yard, Old Burlington-St. — at theN. end and W. end of Bojle-st. Coacb and Horses- Yard, Castle- COB St. Lcicester-Sq. — at 18,mid- iWe of the VV. side. Coach andHorsesYardjCharles. St. — 1st on the R. from 174, Drury-lane. Coach and Horses- Yard^Alders- gate-St. — at 13l,twelvedoor.s S. of Long-lane. Coach and Horses-Yard, York* St. Westr. — 1st on the R, from James-st. * Coach and Horses-Yard, Wood-* St. Cheapside, — at 101, mid- dle of tiie W. side. Coach and Horses Yai^d, Nor- thumberland-Alley,, — 1st on the L. from Fencharch-st. Coach afld Horses-Yard,, Cole- man-St. — at 71, Sd on the L. from London- wall. Coad*s-Row,Bridge-RoadXam- beth,— sis bouses on the L.. from V/estr.-bridge. Coal-Exchaoge, Lower Thames^ St. — at 93, neariy op. Bil— lin2;sgate, Coal-Harbour. See Cole-Har- bour. Coal-MeterVOffice for Westr„- — at 7, Narthuraberland-sta Strand. Coal-Meter's (Land) Office for the City, — at 8, Kmght-rkier- st. and^2i,Garlick-hill. Coal-Yard^ Drury-Lane, atr- 185, ten doors S. of Holborni Cob's-Court, Broadway, Blacks friars, — & doors on the L» from 3, Ludgate-st. along Pilgrim-st. Cob's-Yard, Petticoat-Lane,— 2d north of Wentworth-st. Cobbett's Register-Office,— at 10, Bridges-st. Coveut-gar*- den. COB Cobhatn - Row, Cold - Bath - Fields, — on the VV. side the turnpike, op. the House of Correction. Cobley's Court, Essex-St. — 3d on the R. from 106, White- chapel. Cobley'sRents,— -IstN. of the Uist. Cock-Alley, Moor-Lane. See IIartshf)rn-Alley. Cock - Alley, Shoredicch, — at 75, N. side the tuii'npike, leadinc; to Cock-lane. Cock-Alley, Norton-Fnl^^ate, — at 33, nearly op. VVhitc-Lion- 8trect. Cuck-Allcy, Up. E. Smithfield, — at 1*2, |- of a mile on theL. from Tower-hill. Cnck-Alley, Tooley - St. — 22 doors on the L. from Lon- don-bridge. Cock-Court, New-St. Carnaby- Markct, — Ifct on the L, from 46, Broad-st. Cock-Court, Black-Boy-A lley, Chick-Lane, — 'facing the N. end of it. Cock-Court,Totten!iara-Ct.-Rd. —13 doors on the L. from Oxford-st. Cock-Court, Snow-Hill,— at 75 and 78, a few doors on the h. east from Fleet-market. Cock-Court, Poppin's-Court, — 2d on the L. from 111, Fleet- street, Cock-Court, St. ^lartin's - le- Grand, — 2d on the L. from 66 J Newgate-st. Cock-Court,Philip-Lane,Wood- St. — 7 doors on tlie L. from 22, Addle-st. Cock-Court, Ludgate-Hill, — at 19, opo the Old Bailey. coc Cock-Court, TurnmlU - Street, Clerkenwell, — at 71, middle of the E. side. Cock-Court, Angel-Sq.— -Ist on the L. from 138, Bishopsgate- without. Cock-Court, Nor ton-Fal gate, — at 31, op. White-Lion- St. Cock-Court,Jevvry-St. — 7 doors on the R. from Aldgate, Cock-Court, Haymarket. See Cock-Yard. Cock-Hill, Anchor-St. SpitaU fields, — 1st on the R. from 53, Siioreditch. Cock-Hi I l,New-St.Bishopsgatr, — from the E. end to Cathe- rine-wheel-alley. Cock-Hill, RatciilFe,— the E. continuation of Shadvvell - Ili^ii-st. to Broad-st. Coc^i and Hoop-Yard, Hound 3- ditcri, — at 138, op. Duke-st. Cock-Inn, Leadenhall-St. — at 51, op. Cree-church-lane. Cock-Inn, Haymarket, — at 63, - middle of the W. side. Cock-Lane, Giltspur-St. — 1st on the L. from Newo^ate-st, leading to G8, Snow-hiil. Cock-Lane, Shored itch, — be- hind 65, leading from Church- St. to behind Shoreditch* ciiurch. Cock and Lion-Court, Cornhill, — -at 41, 6 doors E. of Bir- chin-lane. Cock-Pit- Alley, Drury-Lane,— from 135, middle of the E. side, to Gt. Wild-st. Cork-Pit-Alley, Gravel - Lane, Boro. — at 71, 1st on the L. from Bank side. Cock - Pit - Court, Poppin's - Court, — 2d on tlia L. front 111, Fleet-»t. coc Cock-Pit-Yard (Little), King's- Roarl, Bedford-Row,— 1st on the L. from Jamcs-st. Cork-Pit-Yard (Great), Little James-St. — 4th on the L. from Gra}/'s Inn-lane. *€oGkspur-St. Charing-Cross, — the continuation of it to the Haymarket. Cock - Yard, Haymarket, — at 63, middle of the W. side. Coffee - House - Alley, Upper Thames - St. — from 56 to Queenhitbe. Cofi'ee-House-Walk and Gar- den?, Hoxton. See Bacchus. Cohen's Rents, MiU-Yd. Good- rnan's-Fields. — at 10, middle of the Fy, side. Colchester-St. Savage-Gardens, — 1st on the R. from Tuwer- hill. Colchester-Street, Red-Lion-St. — 8 doors on the L. from 32, V/hitechapel. Coldbath- Fields, Clerkenwell, — N. side towards Penton- ville. Cpldbath-Sq. — facing the S. side the House of Correction. Cole's Builds. Long-Lane, — at 80, 2d on the k. from Smith- field. Cole's PJ. Kent-St. Boro.— S. end of White -bear- court, from 270, Kent-st. Cole-Stairs, Shadwell. — at t]:ie bottom of Gold's hill, from 97,Shadwell-High-st. Cole's Wharf, Horselydov.n, New-Stairs, — on the W. s de • SL Saviour's dock. Colebrook-Pl. Hoxtor, — 5th on the L. 1 of a mile from Old- st,-road COL Colebrook-RoWjTvy-Lane, Hor^ ton, — a few doors on the R. from the Ivy-house. Colebrook-Sq^ Hoxton, — 1st N. of Gloucester-st. Cole-Harbour, Haclniey-Road^: = — adjoining Alport's Nurse- ry, I of a mile on the L. from. ^ Shored itch. Cole-Harbour, Blackwall,-^b6- tween tlie Dock-bason and Marsh-wall. Cole - Harbour - Lane, Upper Thames-St. — at 92, op. Suf- folk-lane. Cole-Harbour-Pl. Wliite Bear- Yard, — a few yards from 270y Kent-st. Boro. Cole - Harbour - Stairs, Upper Thames-St.—- bottom of Cole- harbour-lane. Cole-Harbour-St. Hackney-Rd». — op. Cole Harbour, Coleman-Courr, Coleman-St.-— 1st on the R. from 84, Bun- hill-row. Coleman's Court, Castle-Lane^, Boro. — 1st on the L. from. .. Castle-st. Coleman-Pl. RatelifFe-Row,— *" middle of the S. side, near the IN. end of Ironmongers* row, from 97, Old-st. Coleman-Pl. Coleman-St. jBun- Ivill-Row, — 1st on the R. from 45, Banner-st. Coleman-St. Bunhill-Row, — at 83, f of a mile on the L. from 63, Chiswell-st. Coleman-St. (Lower),— the end of the last, next Bunliill-row. Colemnn-St. Lothbury, — the continuation of the Old Jew- ry, from Chcapside Coi'cman-St.-Builds. Coleman- COL St. — at 7 2, 6 doors from London-wall. Ceki»naii-Sr. Nevv Gravel-Laae, —lit 1 JO, 7 doors from VVap- piuir-WLill. Coleiiiaii% Yard, Berlnondsey- ^St.— at 110, 12 doors N. of the church. College- Alms-IIouses,Counter- St. See College-Yard. CoFlege-Court, Cow-Cross, — at 63, 4th oil tlie L. from St. Juhn's-st. Collciie-'\Iew§, College- Street, Westr.— 1st from Abingdou- street. Coliegc-Hill, Up. Tliames-St.-— at 181, 1st E. of Queen-st. Cheapside. Col lege of Physicians, Warwick- Lane, — 1st on the R. from 10, Xcwgatc-st. Collevie - K-ow, Chelsea. See Royal HospitaKrovv. Collei^o - Street, Abiugdon-St. Westr.— at 18, 1st S. of the Abbey. €ollege-St. (Little),-— from 0, in tiie last, to Wood-st. Colle;.!,e-St. Narrow-Wall, Lam- beth, — 1st Oil the L. beiovv Westr.-b ridge. C oil ese-S tree t, - Tooley-St.— at liO, -J of a mile on the II. from London-biidi:e. Colicge-Yard, — 1st oo the L. in Cu!iut€r-st. from St. Marga- ret's hill. ( oJiet-Pi. White-IIorse-Stroet, llatcliiTe,— X.cnd by Sahuon- lane. <. oilier - Court, Golden - Lane, — at 1 '2, 3d on the L. from Barbican, Coiiier-Couri,riect-St.Eethnal- COL Green, — 2 doors on llie R* from George-st. Brick-lane. Collier's-Court, Mill-L:uie,— at 39, 1st on the R. from 56> To'jiey-st. Coll ierV Rents, White-St. Boro. — at 23, 5th on the L. from St. George's Church. Collier-St. Pentonville, — 1st on the L. in Rodney-st. from the chapel. CollinVCourt, Farmer -Street^ Sliadwell, — at 44, 1st on the L. from 38, Higli-st. Coliins's PI. Poplar, — | a mile on the L. from the Commer* cial-rd. £. side the Green- Dragon. CoUingVs Yd. Old-St.-Road,-— at the E. end of Pump-row. CoUingwood-Pl. Broad -Street, RateiiiTe,-— at 10?, a fevr door^ on the L. from Cock* hill. CoHii'gwood-Pl. Mount-Street, Bethnal-Green,—- nearly op. Collingwood-st. Colli ngwood-Street, ?>Iount-St. Bethnal-Gretn, — 3d on theL, from 45., Churcb-st. Colimgwood-St. City-Road, — ■ 1st on tlie L. in Trafalgar-st, from op. Foantain-pl. Coll,ingwood-St. iVlile - End,— 1st on the R. in North-st. from 154, Whitechnpel-road, CoUingwood - St. Blackfriars - Roa Coney's Court, Mo6s^ Alley, Boro. — 1st from Bankside. Connaught-Pl. Edgeware-Road, —a few yds. on the L. from Tyburn-turnpike. Constable-Row. See Five Ditto. Constable's - Wharf, Hursely- down, — 2d E. from George's stairs, nearly faciug Thomas- street. Constitution - Brewery, Bell - Lane, Spitalfields,— middle of the W. side. Constitution-Hill, Green-Park, — the road rising between St. James's park and liyde-park- corner. Constitution-Row, Gray's Inn- Lane, — from op. Sidmouth- pl. to Chad's Row. Co:itentment-IvOw, Hoxton, — on the N. side <)i Bacchus- ualk, op. Brit's buiidinss. Con way -Court, Paradise-Street, i\Iarybi)ne, — at 10, 1st on the L. in Grafron-court, leading to Burying-ground-passage. Conway-iMews, Conv\ uy-Strtet, Titzroy-Sq. — S. end by Lon- don-st. Conway-St. Fitzroy-Sq. — from the S. VV. corner, to 2(3, London-st. Conway St. (Upper), — from op. the last, to the New-road. Cook's Aims-Houses, Sprin^-St, eoo Shad well, — on the S. side tie church-yd. Cook's (Captain) Aims-Houses, Mile-End, — 2| miles on the L. from Aidgate-pump, ,op. York-pL Cook's Builds. Stoney-Lane,— * 3d on the L. from Gravel- lane, Iloundsditch. Cook's Court, Primrose-St.— at 15, a few doors on the R. from 110, Bishopsgate. Cook's Court, Carey- St. — at 36, 2d on the R. from 99, Cliancery-lane. Cook'is Court, Booth-St. Spital- fields,— at 16, ^2d on . the R. from oO, Brick-lane. Cook's Pa op. New Gravel- lane. Crane- Yard (Old), Leicestcr-St. — 3 doors W. of 31^ Swallow- street. Craven-Builds. Drurv-Lane, — at 94'; S doors from W^ch-st. CRE C ]a\'en-Bu i 1 d s .C i ty-Road ,— - f^t on tlie K. nortli from Oki-st= Cra\ en - Court, Craven-Street, Strand,-^at 34, iwiddie ot the E. side. Craren-St.Strand,: — 10 doors on* the R.- from Charing-cross. Craven-St. City-Road, — 1st on the L. in Craven-builds, i'rout the turnpike. Craven-Yard, Drury-LaiTie,— at ^7, 4 do6)rs from Wych-st« CrawfordVCourt,. Rotherhithe. See Cow-Court. Crawford's Court, Rosemary- Lane. See Windmill-court. Crawford s-^ssage, Ray-Street^ ^ Clerkenwoll, — 3d on the R. from the Gieen. Crawford-St. Baker - St.— 4tb on the L. from Portnian-sq. Creak and Co.'s Ivlast Yard and Bl ock-ISl ai 1 u factory, Tri n i ty— Street,, Rotherhithe, See Du^ rand's Wharf. Creecburch -Lane, Leadenliall- St. — at 87, 1st on the R. from A Id gate. Creed - Lane, Ludgate-St. — at 15, 5 doors on the L. fromt- St. Paul's churcii-yd. Crescent (North), Chenies-St, Beciford-Sq. — ^ doors from. 209, Tottenham-court-road. Crescent (South), Gt. Score-St- Bedford -Sq. — Q doors froia Tutten ham-court-road. Crescent, Sommers-Town, — E. end of Phcenix-st.Clarendon- squai'e. Crescent, Jewin-St.Cripplegate, — 2 doors on the 11. from 29, Redrross-st. Crescent, New Bridge-Street^. CUE Black friars,: — part of the E. side, G doors on the L. from Ludgate-hill. Crescent, Ivlinories, — at 102, 2d OM the L. from Touer- bilL Crescent-Mews, — S, end of the last. Crescent -PL New Bridge-St. Black friars, — 3 doors on the L. from Ludgatc-hilL Crescent-PLTavistock-Sq*— from the N» E. corner to IJurton- crescent. Cresccnt-Pl. Hackn^y-Road, — at 12, Clare nce.-pl. 3d on tijt R. from Shoieditch-chnrch. Crescent -PI. Lanibetli-Road, — S. side, from the Obelisk towards Lambeth. Cressey-Pl. Harjjur's Fields, — about I of a.mUe W. from 37, EdgcwarcHoad,. €ressey-Sq. — on the W. side the last. Crimscott-St. Grange-Road, — 2d on the R. from Bermond- sey New-road towards Ro- th'erhithe. Cripplegate - Builds. Wood-St. — continuation of it from London-wall to Fore-st. Cripplegate-Church, Fore-St.— nearly op. Red-eross-st.. Crispin-St. Spitalfields,: — at 25, Union-st.4th fromO 9, Bishops- gate. Crocker's-Builds. Hoxton^Sq. — 1st on the L, from Pitfieid- street. Crombie^s or Doran*s - Row, Commercial-Road,- — VV. side the George, or Haif-vvay- hoiise* CRO Cromers-Pl. — N. end Mar^OB* St. Scmm»ers-Town. Crooked-Lane, Cannon-Si. — at- 49, leadmg into Miles*s lane and to Fish-st".-hill. Craoket's Alley,. liigh-St. Lam- beth, — 2d ou the L. from Broad-st. Crooked - Billet - Court,. Long-- Alley, — 7 doors on the L. from Mooriields. Crooked-Billet-Courty- Mint-St,^ - Boro, — 1st OH the L. from 150, High-st. Crooked - BJlet - Wharf, Mill-^ bank-St. Westr. — nearly op, 58, by VVallinger's wharf. Crooked - Billet - Yard, Kings- land-Road,— at 53, 6th on the L. from Shoreditch. Crosby's-Buiids. French-Alley, — 1st on the L. from 150^ Shoreditch. Crosby-Row, Snow's Fields,— 3d on the R. along Kmii-st. from 108, Borough HiiLh-st. Crosby-Row, Walworth High- Sr.— part of the L. side,, ^ a mile from the Elephant and Castle. • Crosby-Sq. Bishf>psgate-Within, — 28 doors N. of Leadenhall- street. Crosby-Street, St. Mary Axe,"— » 7 doors on the L. from Lead- enhall-st. Cross-Alley,. Shoe - Lane, — at 32, near the middle of the E^ side. Cross-Alley,. Gun - Alley, — 2- doors on tlie R, from 105^ Wapping-st. Cross-Alley, Butcher-Row,— 1st on the LJrom Ratcliffe-cros^s, CRO ^ Crass-Alley, King-St, E,othcr- hithe, — 1st on the L. from 375, Rotbcrhitiie-st. Cross-Alley, Cherry-Garden-St. Bennondsey, — 2d on the R. from Rotherhithe-vvall. Cross-CourtjBi oad-Court,— 1st on the L. from 44, Drury- lane. Cross-Conrt, Carnaby-Market, — at the S. W . corner. Cross-Gun - Court, Rosemary- Lane, — at 111, middle of the M. side. "C ross-KeyS' Alley, Bermondsey- St. — at 268, lo doors on the R. from 'iooley-st. Cross-Key-Biiildin^s, London- Wall, — at 42, 3d E. of Cole- man- St. Cross-Keys-Inn, Wood-St. — 3 doors on the L. from 122, Chrapsidc. Cross-Kevs-Inn, Gracechurch- St. — 16 doors on the R. from Cornhili. , Cross-Keys-Inn, Saint John^s St. — at 103, 17 doors on the R. from Smitiineld. Cross-Key - Mews, Marybone- Lane, — at 34, six doors on . [ the L. fiom High-st. Cross-Key-Sq. Little Britain. — 8 doors on the R. from 75, A)ders;j;ate-st. Cross-Keys-Yd. Whitecross-St. Cripplegate, — 4 doors on the R. from Fore-st. Cross-Key-Yard, Bermondsey- St — at 266, 20 doors on the R. from Tooley-st. Cross-Lane, Neat-Muuses,Chc]- sea, — 2d on the L. from the bridge, Pimlico. CRO Cross-Lane, Long - Acre, — • at- 106, middle of the N. side. Cross-Lane, Newton-St. — con- tinuation of it from 206, High Holborn. Cross - Lane, Bush - Lane, — 8 doors on the L. from 23, Can- non-st. Cross- Lane, St. Mary's Hill, — at 28, 11 doors from East- cheap. Cross-Lane, St. Dunstan's Hill, — 2d on the L. from 11, Tower-st. Cioss-ilow, Ratcliffe-Sq. — last on the L. m Feriwinkle-st. from Brook-sL Cross-Row, Stepney-Green,-^ 4th on the R. from Mile-end- road. Cross-Street, New-Road, Hans- Town,— 1st on the R. from North~st. Cross-St. Hatton-Garden, — at 45, 2d from Holborn. Cross-St. King-Strfciet, Golden^ Sq. — at 17, 4th on the L. from 323, Oxford-st. Cross-St. Queen's-Sq. Blooms- bm-y, — S. side, from 32, De- vonshire-st. to 23, Giouces- ter-st. C r o ss - S t . Wilderness- Row, — 1st on the R. from 135, Gos- weii-st. Cross-St. Finsbury-PL— at 22, 1st on the R. from Moor- ficlds. Cross-St. Westmoreland-Row, City -Road, — 1st on the li. from Providence-st. Cross-Street, Church-St. Beth- nal-Green, — at 17, 2d on the. L. from 65, Shoreditcb. €RO ^ross-^tre€t, Myrtle-St, Ho\- ton, — Ist on the R. from IIoxtoH-towiu Cross-Street, Leonard-St.Shorr:;- ditch, — 2.d oil the R. east from PiUil-sr. Cross-Street, Morgan-St. — 1st on tlie L. from the Com- mercial-road. Cross-StrectjThumas-St.White- chapel, — 1st on the R. iVoni Greyhound-lane. Cros3-St. Blackfriars-Rd. — 4th on the R. from the bridge. CrosS'St. Newington, — op. tlie church, 1st S. of the Elephant and Castle. Cross-St. Lock's Fields> Wal- worth, — 2d in Queen-st. from York-st. Cross-Street, Brandon-St. — 1st on tlie L. from Berm-ondsey New-road. Cross-Street, Cherry - Garden- St. Bermondsey,. — 1st on the R. from Rotherhithe-wall. Cross-St. Fair-Street, Horsely- dovvn, — at 25, tst on the L. from the E. end of Tooley- street. Cross-St. Kinsj-Street,. Rorher- hithc, — at -10, 2d on the L. from 274, Rotherhit'ie-st. Cross-Street, Green-St.Bethnal- Green, — near | of a mile on the L. from the Green. Cross-St. Bethnal-Green, — on the N. side of Thrce-colts- lane, op. Durhie*^s nursery. Cross-St. Limehouse, — between the church and the West- India-docks, extending from Ricli-st. to Jamaica-pj. Cross-Street, Lower Cornwall- Street,. St. Georgc'^s East, — CRO nearly op. the Jolly Sailo*'^ Back-lane. Cross-St. Mews, Finsbury, — 1st on the R. in Cross-st. from Wiison-st. Crow-Court, Whitecross-Street,. St. Luke*s, — at 128, S. side BtMiner-st. Crown and Anchor^Stiand, — at 189j I of a mile on the L, from Ten^. pie-bar. Crown-Brewery, Staniiope - St. Drury-Lane, — at 45, 3 doors N.of Denzeil-st. Crown- Brewery, Golden-Lane^ — middle of the W. side. Crown-^.^mi rt>C r»wn-St. Westr. — middle of the S. side. Crown-Conrv, I'lcFt'St.— at 72, between cuhbljury - sq. and Water- !ane. Crown- ((>urt, Tudor-St.— -W. eoniinujYtion of it from 15^ New Br di^e-st. Crown - Coui t, Russel-St.^— 10 doors on the R. from Drury- lane. Crown-Coart, Strand, — op. 218, 3d on theR.fromTeniplc-har. Crown-Court, Chancery -Lane^ — at 221, ten doors on the L. from 193, Fleet st. Crown- Courts Pall-Mrdl,.— at 66, op. the Palace. Cruvvn-Coi!rt,Liquorpond-St. — ^ at 5, 2d on the R. from 67,. GrayVinn-lane. Crown-Court, S'lerrard-St. Gol- den-Sq.— at 10, three doors from 35, Brewer-st. Crown-Court, Little Fultcney- St. Soho, — at. 38, leading to 23, Gc. Windmill-st. Crown-Court(Littl€),Princes-St, Soho, — at2 V, op.Couipiou-:;t> CRO Crown-CoQrt,Dean-Sl. S(iho,— at G8, 2d on the R. from 399, Oxford-st. Crown-Court,Portpoo]-Lane, — at 24, six doors from 64, . Leather-lane. Crown-Court, West-St. West- Smithfield, — 2d on the L. from 87, SmithHeld. Crovvn-Ct. Butcherhall-Lane,— at 5, four doors from 82, Ne\vgate-st. Crovvij-Court, Golden-Lane, — ?it 16, 2d on the L. from Barbican, . Grown-Court, Bell-Aliey, — 1st on the L. from 12, Gosvvell- street. Crown-Court, Grub-St. Cripple- gate, — at 8, 4th on the L. from Chiswell-st. Crown -Court, Warwick-Lane, — at 37, 1st on the L. from 10, Neivgate-st. Crown-Court, Old Change, — at 10, behind the S, E. corner of St. Paul's Church-yard. Crown -Court, Whitecross- Str. St. Luke's, — at 153^ 1st on ^ the R. from Old-st. Crown-Court, Charler-IIouse- Lane, — at 20, 1st on the L. from 100, St. John's-st. Crovvn-Court, Aldersgate-Sc. — at 52, six doors N. of Jewin- street. Crown-Court,Cheapslde, — at64, between Bow-church and Queen-st. Crown-Court, Trinity-Lane, — 3 doors W. of Bow-lane. Crown -Court, Holywell-Lane, — at 26. the last on the R. from 194, Shored itch. Crown-Court, White's-AHey, — N CRO 1st on the L. from 60, Colt- man-st. Crown-Court, Old Broad-St. — at 62, E. side the church. Crown-Court, Little Pearl -St. Spitui fields,— -six doors S.from 10,* Great Pearl-st. Crown-Court,Quaker-St.Spital- fields, — 1st on the L. from 29, Whee!er-st. Crown-Court, Threadneedle-St. — at4o, op. Merchant-Tay- lors-liatl. Crown-Court, White's- Yard, — 4th on the R. from o7, Ruse- mary-lane. Crown-Court,Jewry-St.— at 12 g 2d on the R. from Aldgate. Crown - Court, Sun - 'i avern- Fields, — by the Ship public- house, near J niile E. of Can- non-st. turnpike. Crown-Court, Car-twrlgbt-St. — ' 4th on the L. from 32, Rose- mary-iane. Crown - Court, Queen's- Row, Prussian-Island, — 3d on the R, from 188, Wapping. Crovvn-Court, VVapping, — at SO, I of a mile on the L. below Hermitage-bridge. Crown-Court, Wentworth-St. — at 99, the 1st W. of George- yard. Crown-Court, Seething-Lane, — 1st on the L. from 55, Great Tower-st. Clown - Court, Narrow- Wall, Lambeth, — J of a mile on the L. from Westr.-bridge. Crown-Ct.* Horsf 1) dov/u-Lane, — at 26, 2d on the R. from Broad-sc. Crown-Court, Bankside, Boro. — at ^3, E. side Moss's-aliey. CRO Grown-Qauit, Glean-Alley, — 2iioii the ii.troni -,'lo,TooIey- stiect. Croun-C:)Urt, Garlick-Hill, — 2 duors iroiii 19l,Ujj/liiuiuts- strett. Crown -Cuurt, Miie-End-Ter- race,I\Iile Kiul-Road, — Ist on the L. from Savile-row. Crovvii-Ci. Foster-Lane, Cheap- side,— at 19,neariy op. TuaiU- en-lane. Cro vn-Court, High-Sr. Boro. — at 269, dill on the R. from London-bridge. Crown-Court (or Alley), Cro^rn- St. — 3d on the L. tVom Fuis- bury-sq. Crown - Conrt, Curtain-Road, — 10 doors X. f; om Holy well- lane, Shoreditch. Crown-Court (Little),— 1st on the R. in the last iVom the Curtain-road. Crown and Cushion-Court, W. Smithtield, — at 1, the corner oFCow-iane. Crown-Mews, Crown-St. Westr. — N. s.de ot it. Crtnvn - Office, King's Bench- Walk, Temple, — at the bot- tom of Mitre-court, on the L. from 44, Fleet-st. Crown-Office, Rolls- Yard,— at the back of 14, Chancery- lane. Cro vvn-Office-Row,]Middk Tem- ple-Lane, — the last on the L. from 4, FIcet-st. Crown-Pi. Crown-CourtjStrand, — 1st on the R. from op. '218, Strand. Crown-PL Walworth, — 8 doors S. from Crofs-st. Newin<;ton. Crown - Row, Milc-End-Iioad^ CRU —op. tlie King Harry, 1^ inile on tlie R. from Aldi;att'. Crown-Row, Walwurtli,-— a few- doors {)u the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Crown and Sceptre-Court, St/ JamesVSt. — at 36, 3d on the L. from 164, P;ccadiily. Crown andShear?^^ -Pi. Rosemary- Lane,— Is: on the L. from the Minories. Crown-Sq. High-St. Boro. — at 269, Otn on the R. from Lon- don-bridge. Crown-St.We-tr. — 3d on theR. from Channg-crois towards the Abbey. Crown-St.(L^p.)- W.end the last. Crown-St. Soho, — from 4iO,Ox- ford-street, by St, Giies% to Moor-st. Seven Dials. Crown-St. HoxtvJii-Sq. — at the S. W. corner, leading into Old-st. road. Crown-St. Fmsbury-Sq. — at the S. E. corner, continued by Sun-st. Cro wn-St. Walworth,— by Cross- st. and op. Crown-row, Crown and Thisrle-Court,Swal- low-St. — at 46, two doors W. of Beak-bt. Crown- Wharf, Bankside, — | of a mile E. from Blackfriarn- bridiie, by Thaines-st. Crown-Yard, Swallow-St. — at 112, nine doors N. of New Burlington-st. Crown-Yard, Kent-St. Boro. — at 53, 3d on the L. from St. George's-church. Crucifix-I^ne, Bermondsey-St. — at 50, J of a mile on the L. h-nir. Tooley-st. Crutched-Friars, Mark-Lane, — croc at 64, 2d on the £. from Fen- church-st. Cuckolds-Court,Maid-Lanft,Ba- ro. — 3d on the L. from Park- street. Cuckold*f^-Point, Rotherhithe, — at 126, about a mile below the church. Cullum-St. Fenchurch-Street, — at 135, 2d on the L. from Gracechurch-st. Culver-Court, Fencburch-St.— at 130, middle of the N. side. Cumbers-Court (Gt.)Black.man- St. Boro.— at 52, op, Suffolk- street. Cumbers -Court (Little), two doors S. of ^tbe last. Cumberland-Court, Black-Bir/1- Alley, Bethnal-Green,— 1st on the right, S. from Fleet- street. Cumberland-Court, Tottenham- S t. Tottenham-Co n r t-Road-, — at 20, two doors from Nor- folk- st. Cumbe"land-Gardens5Vauxhall, • — at the back of the Royal- Oak by the turnpike. Cumberland- Mews, Edgware- Road, — 5 doors on the R. from Tyburn-turnpike. Cumberland-Pl. Gt. Cumber- land-St. — 12 doors from 246, Ox ford -St. Cumberland - PI. New-Road, Marybone^ — S. side, near the Yorksliire Stingo. Cumberland-Pl. Kent-Road,— part of the L. side, J of a mile below the Bricklayers arms. Cumberland-Row, Kennin^iton- Green, — nearly op. Upper Kcnnington-lane. Cumberland-Row, Pentonvilie, CUR — S. side from the turnpike,, by the BelL, to Battle-bridge. Cumberland-St. (Gt.) Oxford- St. — at 246, the 1st on the L. from Tyburn-turnpike. Cumberland-Street, New-Road^ Marybone, — 3d on t\\e. R, from the Yorkshire Stingo. Cumberland-St. Goodge-Street^ — -at 23, 3d oa the R. from 64, Tottenham-court-rd. Cumberland-St. Curtain-Road, — 1st on the R. from Wor* ship-st. Finsbury. Cumberland * St. John - Street, BUickfriars-Road, — Iston the L. from Holland-st. Cumberland - Wharf, Rother - hithe, — J of a mile below the church, nearly op. Clarence- street, Cummings-Scj^ Fitzroy-Row, New Road,-— N. end on tbeR. Cumming-Pl. Pentonvilie, — N. side the road, from the chapeF to Sowthampton-st. Cumming-St. — West side the chapel, by the last. Cumming-St.(Upper),— the con- tmuatign of the last. Cupers - Bridge, Narrow- Wall, Lambeth, — | a mile on the L. from Westr.-bridge. Cupers-Gardens,Narrovv-WalI, — op. Cupers-bridge. Cupid's-Court, Golden-Lane, — at 131, 6th on the.L. from Barbican. Cnrling's-Dock, Limehouse, — between Limehouse-hole and the entrance to the West- India-docks. Curriers- Hall Court, London- Wall,-4 doors E. of Wood-st. Currier's-Row, Bristow-S erect. CUR Black friars, — 1st on the II. from St. Audrew's-liill. Ciirsitor-St. Cliancery-Lanc, — at 39, middle of the E. sde. Curtain-Road, — 1st ou the R. in W(>r>hip - st. from 2 jO, Shoreclitch. Cmtis's-Rovv, Broad wall, — op. Crois-st. from Blackfriars- road. Curzoii-St. Mayfair, — 1st on the L. in Ciarges-st. from Picca- dilly. Cushion-Court, Old "Broad -St. — 10 d(3or'5 on the R. from Thread need le-st. Custom-Housc, Lower Thames- St. — op. 60,1 of a mile below London-bridge. Custom - House - Court, Beer- L;ine, — 1st on the R.frora 37, Gt. Tower-st. Custom - House-Quay, Lovver- Thanies-St. — S^side the Cus- tom-house. Custom-Hoiise-Stairs,— opposite Wat or- lane. Custos-Brevium-Office, Elm-Ct. Temple, — ^^3 doors on the L. from Middk Temple-lane. Cutlers-ilail, Cloak-Lan(-, — at r>, corner of Coliene-hill. Cutlers ~ St. Houndsditch, — at 114, middle of the N. sid«. DaCRE^ ALMS - HOUSES, Westr. See Emanuel's Hos- pital. Dacre-St. New Tothill-Street, Westr. — at 25, leading to Gt. Chapel-st. DaiTey's-Rents, Glean- Alley, — DAR the continuation of it from 218, Too ley- St. Dagger-Court, Forc-St. Crip- plegate, — at 1 10, nearly op, Wood-st. Dagger-Court, Quaker-St. Spi- taliields, — at 16, 15 doors ork the R. from 29, Wheeler-st. Dagget's-Court, N. E. corner of Moortklds. Dagger.'s-Pas^age, Long- Alley, —.1st on the R. from Moor- fields. DakerVRents, Whitecross-St. Cripp legate, — at 14, 3d oi^ the L. from Forc-st. Dalby-Torrace, City - Road,--* ' part of the S. side by the New river. Danish-Church, Wellclose-Sq, — in the centre of the sq. Darby-St. Rosemarj'-Lane, — at 38,6th on the R. from Tower- hill. Darkhouse-Lane,LowerThames St.— at J 6, W, side Billings- gate. Dark-Entry, Duke-St.— 2d on the L. from Aldgate. Dark-Entry, Lower E. Smith- iield,— at 69, facing Butcher- row. Darling-Place, Dog-Row, Mile- End, — 3d OH the L. from the turnpike. Darling - Row, — the continua- tion of the last. Darnal's - Row, Willow-Walk, Berinondsey, — 1st on the L. from Page's-walk. Dartmouth-Row, Westr. See Lewsham-St. Dartraouth-St. W'cstr. — the 1st on the R. in Tothill-st, from the Abbey, H DAR Darts-Alley, Whitechapel,— 25 doors VV. oF the churcli. David-St. York-Pi. Baker-Street, — six doors on the L. from the New-road, Davis'.s-Buiids.Ho^ton, — by the corner ot' Workhouee-laue, | luile on |.he L. from Oid-st.- road. Davis's-BiiilHs. Vfne-St. Spital- field.s, — at 11, 3 doors N. of Ph'xnix-st. DaviLs's- Builds. Penny-Fields, Poplar, — 1st on the ii. fioni the Conimercial-road.- Davies-Courr, Chequer-Sq. Che- quer-Ailey, — N. VV^. corner, a few doors on the 11. from 99, Bunhiil-row. Davies-Mev^SjDavies-St.Berke- le.y-Sq.- at 5o, 2d on the L. from Ox. ford- St. Davics -Street, Berkeley-Sq. — N. VV. corner, extending to 292, Oxford-st. Davis' s-Rents,AustIn-St. Shore- ditch, — a few yards on the L. from llackney-road. Davis^s-Wharf, Horselydown, • — entrance by PotterS'lieids, E. end of Tooloy-st, DavvR-Court,Gun powder-Alley, —7 doors on the L. from 95, Shoe-lane. Day's-Court, Giitter-Lane, — 5 doors from Cheapside. Day Newspaper-Ofijce, Pickett- St. Strand, — 11 rloors on the R. from Ttmplo-bar. Deacon-C.'ourt,H>uaker-St. Spi- tal fields, — 2d on the L. from 29, Wheeler-st. Deadnian s-Pl. Park St. Borp. — 4th on tlie L. from the Borough-market. DEA DealVCoiirt, Flower and Dcaii- St. SpitalHeids, — Ibt on the L. fiom 200, Bnck-iane. Deal-St. Aiiie-Lnd New-Town, — last on the U. m Pelham- st. from (3,'i, ilrick-lane. Dean's-Buiid>.Commercial-Rd. — N. corner of Poplar High- street. Dean's- Builds. LockVFields, Will worth, — 1st on the L. in Flint-st. from Apdlo-builds. Dcan's-Courc, New llound-Ct, — 1st on the H. from 447, Strand. Dean's-Court, Hatfield-St. — 1st on the R. from 25, Goswell- street. Dean's-Court, St. MartinVle- Grand, — ^at .jO, 3d op the R. from 66y Nev-'ivate-st. Dean's-Ci urt (Little;, N. side the hist. Dean's-Court, Old-Bailey, — at 24, op. Nc'voate. Deans-Courr , SlPhuTs Church* Yard,— rat 5, 2d on the R. from Lud^ate-st. DeanV Court, Klns^sland-Road, —at 48, J of a Hide on the L. from Sliorcditch. DeanVCourt, Church-St. Beth- nal-Gfren, — at 143, on the E. side of Brick- lane. Dean*s-Mews, Holywell-Lane, ■ — at 22, the oth on the R. from 193, Shored itch. Dean's-Pl.Westr.-Bridge-Rd.— part of the R. side, from the Asylum towards the Obelisk, Dean's-Pl. Walworth,- — S. end of Dean*s-row. DeanVRow, Walworth High- St. — from Amelia-st. to Ma- nor-row. DEA Dean-St. Westr. — 1st on the L. west from the abbey. Dean-St. Soho,— at 400, Ox- f brd-st. 2d on the L. from St. Giles's. Dean-St. (Little), — at 44, in the last, 4 doors N. of Conipton- street. Dean-St. South Audley-Street, — op. 9, from Hii!-st. Berke- iey-sq. to Park-hme. Dean-St. Fetter-Lane, — at 43, middle of the E, side. Dean-St.IIigh-Holborn, — at 92, leading into Red-lion-sq. Dean-St. Finsbury- Sq. — from the S. E. corner to Wilson - street. Dean-St. Mile-End Xew-Town. See Dei\l-st. Dcan-.'^r. {.Iii,^.:4sr. Ni*>ifbH*»M^ — at 9j, I" oi a mile on the II. from Tower-hill. Dean-St. Shaduell. — the 1st in Gould's-biil, from 98, Higii- street. Dean - St. Tooley - Street, — at 5^00, the fifth on the R. from London-bridge. Dean's- Yd. Dean-St. — 1st on ■ the Kl frum Park-lane. Dean's- Yd. Dean-St. Soho,— at 10, middle E. side. Deans - Yard, VVtstr. — S. W. corner of the abbey. DeanVYard (Little), — 1st on the R. in the last from Col- lege-st. DeanVYard, Dean-St. Park- Lane, — 7 d(K>»rs on the L.from op. 9, South Audley-st. Dear's^ PL Sommers-Town, — from the Crescent to the Deaton's-Court, Phoenix-Street, DEN Spltal fields, — entrance by the 2d on the 11. from a8,Whee^ er-st. Debtors Charity-School, Nevv- ington-Koad, Surrey, — third house on the li. from the King's-hench. Delahay-St. Gt. George-Street, Westr. — at 34, 3 doors E. of the Park. Delap-CourtjBroadway, Westr. — 2 doors E. of Queen-sq. Denham-Court, Drury-Lane, — - 7 doors from theNewChurch, Strand. Denmark - Court, Strand, — at 382, W. side of Exeter - Change. Denmark- Court, Denmark-St. St. Giles's, — 3 doors from Il.ixh-St, Denmark-Court, Golden-Lane, — at 20, lit on the L. from Barbican, Denmark-Street, Hii^h St. Saint Giles's, — 1st on the R. froiu Oxford-street. Denmark-St. (Little), — 1st on the L. in the last from High- street. Denmark - St. Ratcliffe - High- way, — at 153, 1st W. parallel to Cannon-st. Dennis or Dennets-Court,King- St. Boro. See Tennis-Court. Dennis-Builds. Garden-Walk, — 2d on the R. from Willow- walk, Tabernacle-sq. Dennis-Row, — op. the last. Dennis-Row, Willsted-St. Som- mers-Town, — 1st on ttie L. from the road to Mary- bone. Denton's-Builds. Chapel-Path, Sommers-Town, — op. 22, be- PEN tween Brlli-row and Middle- sex-st. DenzeK-St. Stanhope-Street, — at 48, the continuation of White-horse-yard from 110, Drury-lane. 'Deptford Lower-Road,— ^from Paradise-row, near Rother- huhe-church, Deptford. •Derby - Court, Piccadilly, — at 208, 8 doors E. of St. James's church. Derby-Street, Curzon-St. May- fair, — -at 22, three doors E. of South Auciley-st. Derby - Street, Parliament-St. Westr.— at 46, 2d on the L. from the Plorse-guards. Derby-St. Kosemary-Lane^ See Darby. Dermer's-Par^safie, Fettcr-Lanc. See Barllet's-Passage, Devereux - Court, Strand, — at 218, 3d on the L. from Tem- ple-bar. Devonshire-Builds. Worship-St. — 4th on the L. from 249^ Shoreditch, Devonf^hire - Court, Sutton-St. Maze,— op. the S. hide of GuyVhospital. Devonshire - Court, Hounds- ditch. See Cavendish-court. Devonshire-House, Piccadilly, —near the middle of the Is'. side. Devonshire-Mews EastjDevon- shire-St.— 6 doors W.of Port- land-pl. Devonshire-MewsNorthjDevon- shire - St. — 8 doors W. of Portland-pl. Devonstiirc-MewsSouthjDevon- shire-St. — between Up. Wim- fole-st. and Up. Harlcy-st, DEV Devonshirc-MewsWestjDevofi-' shire -St. — between Devon- shire-pl. and Up. Harley-st. Devonshire-Mews, Devonshire- Sq. Bishopsgate, — :-at the S. E. corner. Devonshire - PL Marybone,— the continuation ofUp.Wim- pole-st. Devonshire-Pl. Old Nieol-St. Bethnal-Green, — a few yards on the R. from Coek-lane. Devonshire - PI. Stepney, — by the World's-end, N. E. cor- ner of the Church-) [ird. Devonshire - PI. Commercial- Road, — S. side, the corner of Albion-st. Devonshire-PL Up. Kennington- Lane,— 1st on the R. from Viiuxhali-iiardons. Devonshire-Pl. iJcws,. Mary- bone, — 1st W. of Devonshire* place. Devonshire-Row, Devonshire- St.—e doors E. of Portlands place. Devonshire-Sq. Bishopsgate,^— at the E. end of Devonshire- street. Devonshire-St. Bisliopsgate, — at 18, 1st on the R. north of the church. Devonshire-St. Marybone, — kist on the L. in Portland- road, entering by John-st. 101, Oxford-st. Devonshire - St. Queen-Sq.— . S.E.corner,to 59, Theobalds- road. Devon.shire-St. Up. Kenning- ton - Lane, — 1st on the R. from Kennington-cross. Devonshire-Yard, Devonshircv Sq, — at S E. corner. DIA Diamond-Builds. Whitf-IIart- K(iw, Keiinirj2toti, — Isc on the R. tVoiu ClaytoTi-|)l. Diamond-Court, llosier-I.ane, — at 6, 1st on the L. iVom *24, W. Smithfieid. Diamond-Court, Gt. Pearl-Sr. 8 pi tal field 5, — it 21, o doors from Grt'y-c'ai;le-st. Diainond- Point, East - Indin Dook-lload, — N. side, by the Dock-trate. Dianiond-Llovv, Stepney, — part of the U.side from LlednumV row towards tlie ciiurcli, Diana-PL New- Road,— op. Con- wav-st. Fitzrov-S'^j. Dihhies-Builds/Up. E. Smith- field, — at 20, op. Butcber- row. Dice-Quay, Lower Thames-St. — at 23, E. side of Billings- gate. Digby-Row, Bethnal-Green, — the E. continuation of Digby- street. Digby-Screet, Globe-St. Beth- nal-Green, — 1st on the L. from Green-st. towards Mile- end. DigbyVWalk,^ — Ist on the L. in the last from Globe-st. Dingle-Lane, Poplar, — 1st on the 11. from the Commercial- road. St. Dion is Back-Church, Lime- St. — behind 160, Fencharch- street. Diot-Street, St. Giles's. See Georgc-st. Dirty-Lane, Strand, — at 88, op. Southanipton-st. DirLy-Lanc, Shoreditch, — at 73,* by the turnpike, leading to Cock-lane. 1 DOC Dirty Lane,Bla(:kman-St.Boro. See Great SulFolk-st. Dispatch Newspaper-OiTice,— behind 15, Fleet-st. Dispensary for Relieving the Sick Poor at thoir own ilabi- tations, — at 29, Alderman- bury. D i sse n te rsLibra ry ,^ — at 49,Rcd- cross-st. Cripplegate. Distaff-Lane (Gt.) Friday-St.— at 31, 2d on the R. from 30, Cheapside, Discaft-Lme t^ittle), — middle of the S. side the last. Ditchman's - Builds, Hackney- Road, — op. the Nag's-heail, towards Goldsmith's-pl, Ditchman's - Gardens, Old-St.- Roaci, — behind Fu I ler's Alms- houses, ' near Shoreditch- church. Dobney's-PI. Penton-St. Pen*, tonville, — ^6 doors on the IC, behind 1, Symchester-pl. Doby - Court, Monkwell-St.— 2d on the L. from Falcon- square, Doby-Court, Ma iden-LanejUfV. Thames-St. — Ist on tiieli. a few yards from S?-, Queen- street. - Doctors-Commons, — on the S^ side St. Paul's church-yard, . entrance op. 14, Gt. Knight- ' rider-st. Dock - Head, Horselydown, — . from the E. end of New-st. ' and Rus5cll-st. to Hickman's Folly. Dock-[Iead-Court,7— at the E. end of the last, op, ivliil-st. Dock - S;de, Hermitage-Dock, Wapping, — on botlj sido!j ok it, by Hermitage-bridge. 11 \> DOC Dock-St. Up. E. Sipithflekl,-- from 87, to 68, Hosemary- lane. Dock-St. Commercial-Road, — 4th on the R. from Canuon- st.-road towards Limehouse. Dock-Yard, Hermitage-Duck, Wapping, — on the E. side, , from tlie bridge towards €})arlotte-st. Dod's-Pi. Ilanover-St. Rother- hitbe,— last on the R. from Hanover-stairs. Dodd's-Pl.. Th?*ee Colts-Lane, Bethrial-Grcen,*--a few yards on the L. iVom Dog-row. Dog and Bear-Inn, High-St. Boro.~at 19(3. See the next article. Dog and Bear- Yard, Higb-St. Boro. — at 196, sixteen doors S. of Union-st. Dog and Bear- Yard, Toolcy-St. — -at 127', J of a mile on the R. from London-bridge. Dog and Duck-Yard, Princes- St. Red-Lion-Sq. — 7 doors W. of Bedford- row. Dog and Duck-Stairs,-^lst be- low Greeniand-dook. Dog's- Hea»]-Court, Old-Street, St. Luke^Sj — at 106, tendool^s W. of the ctiurch. Dog - Row, Bethnal-Green, — from the W. side the green to Mile-end turnpike. Dogweli-Court, Lombard-.Sl. — 2d on the L. from 56, Fieet- street. Doliey's - Court, Ropemak^rs- St.-^3d on the L. from Moor- fields. Dolphin-Court, High-Holborn, — at 289, between Chan- €ery-lanfi and Gt, Turnstile. DOR Dolphin -Court, Ludgate-Ifill, — 12 doors on the R, from. Fleet-market. Dolphin-Court, Noble-St. Fos- ter-Lane, — at 40, I of a mile on the L. from Cheapside. Do]phin-Court,Oid-St. — at 135, 2d on the L. from Goswell* street. Dolphin-Coart,RoseandCrown' Court, — 2d on the L. from the N. E, corner of Moor- fields. Dolphin - Court,. Raven-Row,. Artillery -PI. Spitalfields, — between the S, end of Guiir- St. iini\ Crispin-st. Dolphin -Court, Whitechapel- Roiui, — at 53, two doors Iv of Gt.. Garden-st.^ Dolphin-Lane,. Poplar High-St. — :3d on the R. from, the Conimercial-roadi. Domingo-St.O Id-Street^ — at ld> 2d on the R. from Goswell-st. Donaldson's - Builds. Totten- ham-Court - Road,— 8 doors on the L. from Oxford-st. Doran's(.»rCrombie's-Ro\v,Com- mercial-Road,— on tije VV. side the GeorgeyOi* Halfway- house. DorrJngton-St.Leather-Lane, — at 87, 3d on the L. from 129, - Holborn-hill. Dorrington-St. Coldbath-Fields, — the VV. continuation of Bayne's-row by the House of Correction, Dorset-Court, Dorse t-St. — sixr doors on the L., from Sabs- bury-sq. Dorset-Mews West, Dorset^J- St. Portman-Sq. — 1st on tl>€- Ji. west from Baker-^tfr I DOR Dorsct-Mcws East, Dor?et-St. Purtinan-Sq. — 1st on the L. east tVom Baker- st. Dorset-Pi. 8t. Pancras, — from Churcli-rovv, near the church, to Back-lane and VernonV buildings. Dorset-Sq. Canon-Row, Westr. — 1st on the L. IVom 46, Parliament-st. Dorset-St. Salisbury - Sq. — the continuation of the K. fcide, entering at 8'2, Fleet-st. Dorset-Street, Munchester-St. Mancliester-Sq. — at 23, the last on tiie L. from the sq. Dorset- St. Spitallields, — from the S» end of Cnspiu-st. to lled-lion-st. Dorset -Wharf,. Whitefriars, — K. side Whitefriars - dock, and W. side the New-river- oilice. Doublet's-Wharf, Up. Thames- 8t. — entrance by 89-. W.side Cole-har hour-stairs. Doughty-St. Guilfocd-Strcet,— ten doors from GrayVinn- lane. Dough ty-Mcvvs, GuUford-St. — from 12, to Henry-st. Gray's- inn-lane. Dove - Court, Leather - Lane, Holborn, — at 69, op. Cross- street. Dove-Court,. New Streefc-IIill, — 1st on the L^ from KingV head-court. Dove - Court,, St. MartinVle- Grand,— 4th on the L» from G6, Newgate-st. Dove - Court, Old Jewry, — 3 doors on tl^e R» from 42, Poultry. DOW Dove-Court, Old Flsh-St.-HilV — Ist on the R. from 204> Up. Thamus-st. Dove-Court, St.Swithin's-Lane, ■ — 1st on the R. from 10,Lom- bard-st. Dove-Court, Pavement, Moor- fields, — 4 doors S. of Rope- maker.s-.st. Dove-Court, Dog-Rovv, — 1st on the R. from Mile-end-turn- pike. Dove^St.WadeVPl.Poplar,-lst on theR, from the liigh-st. Dover-PL Kent-Road, — part of the R. side,. | of a mile from^ the Elepliant and Castle-. Dover-St. Piccadilly, — at 68, op. Arlington-st. St. James's, Dover-St. Blackfriars-Road, 2d on the R. from the Obeliskv Dover-Yard, Dover-St. — at 41, six doors from Piccadilly. Dovvgate-Iiill, Up. Thames-St, —from 168, to Cannon-st. op, Wai brook. Dowgate-Wliarf, and Dock, — bottom of ti)e last. Dowgate-Stairs, Cousin-Lane^ — IstE. of the last. Down-St. Piccad illy ,.r— 1st E^ from Pafk-lane. Downd's Yard, Rupert-St. — 2d on the L. from Coventry-st.- - Downe's Whajf, Lower East- Smitlifield, — at 94, W. side Hermitage-bridge. Downing-St. Westminster, — S. side of the Treasury, White- hall. Downing and Mills's Wharf^ Horselydown, — -nearly op, Thomas-street, 1st E, from George-stairSo DOW Dowsing-Pl.Whitechape1,-^lst on tlie II. in Osborn-pl. from 20, Br;ck-lane, Drake-Pi. St. Pancras, — N. end of Clarence-passage. Drake-St.Red-Lion-Sq.— N.W. coiner, to Theobald's road. Drapers-Alms - Houses, Kings- land-Road, — J of a mile on the R. from Shored itch. Drapers- Aims-Houses, Old-St.- Road, — a few doors on the R. from Shoreditch-church. Drapers-Alms-Houses,Coopers- Rovv, — 8 doors on the R. from Criitched-friars. Drapers-Alms-Houses, N. side Cross-St. Newington, — op. the church. Drapcrs-Alms-Houses, Beech- Lane, Barbican, — the N. side of it. Drapers-Alms-Houses, White- chapel-Road,— at 160, W. side the turnpike. Drapers-Builds. Oid-St.— at 32, 1st E. fromVVhitecross-st. Drapers-Builds. London- Wall, — at 62, op. Bethlem-hos- pital, from VVinchester-st. Drapers- Gardens,— between Drapers-builds, and Drapers- hall. Drapers- Hall, Throgmorton- St. — at 27, 3 doors W. of Broad-st. Drapers-PL Old-St.— at 33, 8 dbors E. of Whitecross-st. Drill-Pl. Poplar, — E. side the Commercial -road, by the turnpike. Drum-Yard, Whitechapel, — at 50, 3d W. from the church. Drury-Lane, — W. end of Hol- DUK born, where there arc Nos. 1 and 194, to the New-church, Strand. Duchess-St. See Dutchess- St. Duck-Lane, Gt. Peter-Street, Westr. — 5 doors from Sirut- toh-ground. ^ Duck-Lane, Edward-St. Soho, — 4 doors VV. from 95, War- do ur-st. Duck-Yd. Duck-Lane, Westr. — 1st on the R. from Peter- street. Ducksfoot-Lane, Up. Thames- St.— at 145, 4t!i on the R. from London-bridge. Dueking-Poud-Lane, — N. end of Grevhound-iane,from 105, Whitechapel-road. Ducking-Pond-Mevvs, Mayfair, — on the 8. side Siiepherd's market. Dudiey-Court, High-Street, St, Giles's, — at v2, by the church. Dudley-Grove, Paddington,^— on the Harrovv-ix)ad, near the Green. Dudman's Court, George-St. Deptford, — 6 doors W. of Grove-st. Dud man's Ship-Yard, Deptford, — S. side Gcorge-stairs and Greenland-dock. Dufi's-Court, Queen-St. Boro. — at 99, 2d on the L. from L^nion-st. Dufours-Pl. Broad-St. Carna- by-Market, — at 21, 8 doors W. of Poland-st. Duke's Court, Little Almonry, Westr. — 4 doors from Dean- street. DuKe's Court, James-St.Westr. — at the E. end, op. York-st. DUK lyiite's Court, Saint Martin's L:inc, Charing - Cross, — at 134, op. the church. Duke's Court, Duke-Street, St. James's, — at 33, middle of the W. side. Duke's Court, Drury-Lane,^ — at 50, 10 doors S. of Long- acre. Duke's Court, Gt. Earl-St.— 1st on the li. from the Seven Dials. Duke's Court,BIack Boy-Alley, — 1st (m the L. from Chick- lane. Duke's Court, Kingsland-Road, — 4- do^rs on the 11. noftii froinUnion-st. Duke's Court, Crown-St,- Fins- bury, — l»t on the II. from the square. i>n-!.:c's Court, Fore-St. L^mn- house, — l5t on the L, fK>m the iZ. end of Narrow-st. op. Duke's shore. Duke's Court,' Totterburn-Al- ley, Boro. — 1st on the 11. from Duke-st. Duke's Ct. New-Lane, llorse- lydown, — 1st on the L. from 32, Gainsford-st. Duke's Head - Passage, Ivy- Lane, — at 22, 2d on the II. from 30, Newcrate-st. Duke's Head- Yard, Rose-Court, —1st on the L. from 42, Tower-st. Duke*s Head -Court, White- Cross-St. Cripplei]!;ate, — at 42, 3d on the R. from 115, F(jre-st. Duke's Head-Court, Red-Lion- St. Spitaltields,— 2d S. of the church. Duke'a Head-Court, New-St. DUK Boro-. — on the E. side Guy's hospital. Duke-Mews, Duke-St. — at 20, 5 duors from Manchester- square. Duke's Place, Aldgace, — the end of Duke-si. from 23, Houndsditch. Duke's PI. (Littie).--the end of Mitre-st. from 29, Aldgate. Duke's Pi. Duke's 'Row, Pirn- lico-, — nearly op. Arabella* row. Duke's Row, Pimlico, — L. side^ y of a.mii€ from Buckings- ham-gate. Duke's Row, Sommers-Town,. — ;)p. Sommers-pl. West, to- vv'ards Tavifjtock-sq. Duke'a Shore, Fore-St. Lime- house, — 5 doors on the H^ from Nii>: row-st, Diile's 8'»^re-.^!!cv, c-?. the last, leading to Ropemakers- fields. Duive-Strpet,Manchester-Sq. — middle of the S. side, to 171, 0\rom-st. Duke-St. Grosvenor-Sq.- — from the N. E. corner to 277, Ox- ford-st. op. the last. Duke St. Portland - Chapel,— ^ on the W. side, from 33, Queen Ann-st. East, to New . Cavcndish-st. Duke-St. Westr. — W. end of Charles-st. Pariiament-st. Duke-Street, St. James's, — at 182, Piccadilly, op. Burling- ton-house. Duke-St. Adelphi, — 2d on th^ L. in Viiliers-st. from 325. Strand. Duke-St. LincoinVInn-Fields^ DUK —at 52, VV. side under the arch. Duke-Street, Gt. Russell - St. Bloomsbury, — at 42, middle of* the S. side. Duke-8t. W.-^Smithfield,— at 52, S. E. corner, leading into Little-Britain. Duke-Street> Worship-St. Fins- bury, — 1st on the H. from Paul-st. towards the Curtain- road. Duke-St. Long -Alley, Moor- fields, — nearly op. Prinirose- st. from 110, IBishopsgate- without. Duke-St. Houndsditch,— at 27, — 1st on the L. from Aid- gate. Duke-St. Aldgate,— at 19, 4 doors W. or]::Ioundsditch, Buke-St. Old ArtilJery-Ground, —9 doors in Union-st. from 69, Bishopsgate. Duke-Street, Tuik-St. Bethnal- Green, — middle of the E. side. Duke-Street, St. George'sEast,-- the continuation of Union-st. from op. Blue - gate - fields. Back-lane. Dake-Street, Princes-St. Lam- beth, — 2d on the B. from V^auxhall. Duke - Street, Saint George/s Fields,— l.^t on the R. from the Obelisk towards VV'estr.- bridge. Duke-St. Commercial - Road, Lambeth,- — 1st on the L. from Up. Ground. Duke-St. Boro. — from Char- lottc-st. Blackfriars-road, to Queen-st. Duke-Street, Mint-St. Boro. — DUN 3d on the 11. from 156, High- street. Dulwich-Alms-IIouses, — ^N.W* corner of St. Luke's hospital. Dulvvich-Aims-lIouses, Lamb- Alley, Bishopsgate - St. See Aili-n*s. Dun)b-Alley, High-IIolborn, — at 153, 1st on the L. from St. Giles's. Dun-llo! se-Yard, Iligh-St^ Bo- ro. — at 162, op. St. George'* church. Duncan - Court, Poplar, — N. end of Ilale-st. Duncan-Piace, Leicester-Pl.— at 14, by the N. H corner of Leicester-sq. Duncan-Pl. City-Road, — part of the N. side, by Iligh-st*" liliiiiitoii. Duncaii-Strcet, Red - Lion-St. —2d on the R. from 30, Whitechapel. Duncan-Terrace, City-Road,-^ by Duncan-place, on the W. bank of the New-river. Duncomb - Court, Coc! -Lane, Shoreditch, — behind Shore- ditch-church, 4th on the L. from Church-st. Dundee- Arms Wharf, Wap- ping, — at 253, i of a mile below the church. Dundee -Wharf, Wapping, — op. 27, a few doors below Hei mitage-bridge. Dunk-Street, Princes-St. Mile- PLnd New-Town, — 1st on the L. from Great Garden -st. Wliitechapel. Dunkin's Gateway, Gt. Tower- Hill,— at 38, 4 doors S. of Coopers-row. Dunning's Alley, Bisliopsgate- DUN Without, — at 151, 3 doors S. ofSuti-st. St. Dunsiaii':i Alloy, St. Diin- stdii's lliil, — 3 doi)rs from 10, Gt. Tower-sr. Si. Diiiistan's Church, St. Dnn- stai/s Hdl, — ou the S. side the last. St. Ounstaij's Ciiurch, Fleet- St — at 185, 17 doors E. of IVmplc-har. St. Dunstairs Church, Stepney, —near ^ a aide from Mile- end, by Stepney-^reen. St. Duiistaii's Courti Fieet-St. — at 160, middle of the N. side. Dunstan's Court, Old-Bailey, —at ^20, op. Newgate. St. Dunstan's Hill, C/t. Tower- * St. — ^at 10, op. Mincing-laue. St. Dunstan's PI. Stepney, — .y the Ship, W. side the Chu. oh- yard. St.' Dunstan's Pi. Brook-Sr? .^r, IlatcliiYe, — op. 41, near Step- ney-causeway. St. Dunstan's Wrrkiionsr, St. Dun?.tan*s fhll, — 1 doors t)n the L. from Tham; s-bT. Dunster's Court, Oid-B^iiky,— 3d on the K. from Snow- hill. Dunster-Court, Mincing-I^ne, — 2 doors on the L. from Fenchurch-st. Durand's Wharf, Rotherhithe, — 1st in Trinity - st. below Cuckold's Point. Durham-House, Chelsea,— -last house in Durham-pl. from Gt. Sinith-st. Durham -House, Durham -PI. Hackney-Road. Durham-Fl. Chelsea, — W. side DUT the hospital, extending froi« Oiiuond-row to S-n.th-st. Durham-Pl.-Ale^vs, Chelsea, — • between Durham-place and Oi mond-row. Durhatn-Place, East, Hackney- Road,-^ part of the R. side, I of a m-lc from Shoreditch. Durham-Place, West, — the VV. conriimation of the last. Durham - Place, Wolsinghanii - Place, L'lmbeth, — from the Three Stags to Wallers-pl. Durham-R')w, Stepney, — ad- joins the N. side the church- yard. Durham-St. Strand, — at 6i, i of ft mile on the R. from Charmg-cross, Durham -Yard, West-St. — 1st on the R. from 8C, N". W. corner of Smithrield. Durvvestoii -Mews, Crawford- St. Portman-Sq,— 1st on the L. from York-pl. DurwLston-St. Baker-Street,— at 4.5, 4th on the L. from Portman-sq, Durweston-St. (Little), — at 19, in the last, 6 doors W". of Gloucester-pl. Durweston-St. (Upper), — the E. continuation of John-st. from the Ed g ware-road. Dutch - Alms-House^, Crown- St. Finsbury, — at the S. end of Duke's-court. Dutchcss-Mews, Dutchess-St, — 1st VV. of Portland-pl. Dutchess-St. Mary bone, — from 17, Duke St. by Portland- chapel, to 2, Mansfield-st, Dutch-Church, Austin -Friars, ^ — 5 doors on the R. fromC7, Old Broad-st. C^utch-Pin - Row, Tabernacle- S ;.— 1st on the L. fr^iii Old- st.-road. Dutch-Prize-Offic^, Old Broad- Sti — at 55, iieariy op. the Excise-otiice. X)utsum*s Ways, Wapping, — betyveen Kini; Edward's stairs and New Crane. Dyers-Ahns iloLiseSjCity-Road; — by the turnpike, near 1 mile on the L. Irom Fins- bury-sq. Dyers-Alms-Houses, St. John- St. Bethnal-Green, — last on the R. from IGo, Briclv-hme. Dyer's Builds, iiolborn-liill, — at 18, 11 doors W. from Fetter-lane. Dyer's Bui;ds.-Passai];e,-—Ieads irom the last to 40, Castle- street. Dyer's Court, Noble - Street, Foster-Lane, — at434, middle of the W. side. Dyer's Court, Aldermanbury, — 10 doors on the R. from Lftd-lane. Dyer^s Court, James-Street, St. Luke^s, — 1st on the R. from 37, Featiierstone - st. City - road. Dyer's Court, Whltechapei, — at 52, 2d W. of the church. Dyers-Hall, Elbow - Lane, — 2 doors from 14, Dowj^ate-hilL Dyers-Hali-Wharf,Up.Thanies- St. — at 95, op. Lawrence- Pountney-lane. Dyer's Pi. Sommers-TowH, — a few yards on the R. from the turnpike* Battle-bridge, to- . warcis Marybone. Dyer's PI. Long-Alley, Moor- EAG field s,'-~l St on the L. from Worship-st. Dyer's Place, Parsonag<*-Walk, Neuinjiton, — 1st on the R. from tlM3 High-road. DyeivStreet,Wiliiam-St.Black- friars-Rd. — nearly op« York- street. Dyers-Wiiar.f^ Stangate, Lam- beth, — .3d wharf above VVest- minstei'-bridge, by Searls's, the boat-builder, Dyson's Yard, Park-Lane^ — 1st Oil the R. from Piccadilly, Eagle -COURT, St. John's Lane, Clerkenwcll, — at 5^ 1st on the L. from St. John- street. Eagle-Court, Dean -St. Red- Lion-Sq. — 6 doors fix)m 92, High-Holborn. Eagle-Cou it, W h i te-Har t - Yd . — 2d on the L. from S3, Drury-lane. Eagle and Child-Alley, Fleet- Mark ft, — at 61, 1st on the R. from Holborn, Eagle and Child-Court,Princes^ Si Lambeth,-:— 6 doors on the R. from Broad-st. Eagle Lisurance-Office, — at 83^ Curnhill, 6 doors E. of the Royal-Exchange. Eagie-Place, Mile-End,—! of a mile on the L. below the turnpike. i agfc-Pl. Princes -St. — 3d on the L. from Bakers-row, 94> Whitecha pel-road. Eagle-PL Back-Lane, Poplar,— , KAO ^d on the L. tVom the Com- intrcial-road. Ea^le-St. Piccadilly, — at 212, l>t on the L. tVoiu the Hay- market. Eagle-Street, Red-Lion-vSt. — at 65, 1st on the L. from 7 2, lligh-hoiborn. Eagie-VV'hair', — at the bottom oi Miiiurd-ianc, iVom 200, Strand Eam'5 Yard, Piccadilly, — at 21, op. thtr Green-Park. Eari's Court, Cranbourne-St, — 5 doors on the ii. tV>oiii Cas- tlc-st. Eari's Court, Gt. Eari-St.— ^1 st on the 11. from the 6evcii- diaU. Earl-St. (Gt.) Seven-Dials,— op. CTosb-lane from lOt), Long-acre, Earl-Si. /Little), Seven-Dials, — from op. the last to the W. enii of Moi.montii-st, Eart-St, Biackfriurj., — Ut on thelL north from the Bridge. Eiiri-:^t. Ixjndoii-Uoad,— Irjt on the L. from the Obeii?5k. Earis Vard, Castle-St. Long- .Acre, — (i doors from St.Mar- tin's-iane. Ea-sley's Mews, Wiiimore-St. — at 21, op. Marybone-iane, from 1 Jo, Oxford-st. Ea5t-Country-Dock, — on the S. side of Greenland, or the CommerCiUi-Dock. East-Court, East-St. Walworth, — 4 doors ou the R. from the High-bt. F^«itcbeap (Gt.) — the continua- tion itf Canuon-st, to Grace- church-st. Ea^tcht;:p ^Little), — op. the EAS Ia.^t, 2d on the tt. from L***- don-bridge. Eastern Di^pensary,Gt, Ayliffe- St.— at 46, 6 doofb W. of Red-hon-st. VVhiteciiapeL East-lndra Alms-Honses, Pop* lar, — ^ of a mile on the L. fiom the Commercial-road, nearly opposite the Spotted- dog. East- India-Chambers, Leaden* hall-St — at 23, 3 doors £, of Linj* -St. East- India- Dock, Blackwall, East- 1 ndia-Dock-Road, Lime* Jiouse, — on the L. east from the church. East-India- Dock - Company V House, — at 3, Lime-st. s€rmondsey, — I of a mile W. from Ro- therhithe-church, nearly op. Union-stairs, Wapping. East-London Water- Works-Ofi* tice,— at Id, St. Helen Vpk Bishops^ate. EAS Eaftman's Court, WentA^-orth- St. SpitaHieids, — at 16, 4th . on the L. troai Petticoat- lane. East-Mews, East-St. Lambeth, — 1st on the R. from East- place, VValcot-pl. ^East-Pas sag;e, C lo th-Fa i r^^ — b e- tweeii Middle-st. and Long- lane. East-Pi. Lanibeth, — the W. side the Surrey-road, froin Wal- nut-tree-walk to East-6t. £ast-Pl. (Little), — 1st on the K. in East-stieet from the last. East^PL East-St. West-Sq.— -1 4aors on the L. from the square. East-Row,City-Rd.— -op.Wink- worthVbuilds. 2d on tlie R. north of Old-st. East-Ro \Vy Com me re i al-Road , Lim-ehouse, — at the E. -end of St. Aun^'s-row. East- Smith tield. See Smith- field. East-St. Manchester-Sq. — 1st E. parallel to part of Baker- st. from 4, Bland ford-st. to David-st. East-St. Red-Lion-Sq. — 6th on the L. from 71, Iligh-Hol- born, along Red^lion-st, East-St. Spualfields-Markct, — middle of the E. side of it, to 35, Red-lion-st. East-Street, Smart-St. Bcthnal- Green, — 1st on the L. from Green-st. East-St. West-Sq. St George's Fields, — at the S. E. cor- ner. East-St. Walworth,— that part EBE of East-lane which is next t9 Walworth Iligh-st. East-St. Lambeth, — ^^^d on the R. frojri the Stags, towards Kennington. Estate and Mortgage -Office, — at 5(3, Pall jMaiJ, near the Palace. Eaton-Lane, Pimlico, — 4th on the R. irDm Buckingham- gate. Eaton-Pl. Little Eatori-St. Pim- lico, — middle of the N. sid.e. Eatoi>-St. Pimlico, — 3d on the R, from Buckingham-gate. Eaton-St. (Upper), — tlve conti- nuation of the last to Gros- venor-pL Eaton-St. (Little), Pimlico,— 2d on the R. from Bucking- ham-gate. Ebdcn - Cuurt, Pearl - Row, — - 1st on the R, from Black- friars-rd . Ebenezer-Ciiapel, — N. side of Bi'ill-pl, Sonmiers-town. Ebei^czer - Chapel, Shadwell Hio;h-St. — at 240, ten doors W. ot Union-st. Ebeiiezer - Chapel, Albion - St Rotherhithe, — a few doors on the R. from Neptune-st. Ebenezer-Pl. Commercial-Rd. Limehouse, — R. side, -g-ofa mile below the church. Ebenezer-Pl. Lambeth-Road, — 1st on the L. from the Obelisk. Ebenezer-Pl. Cherry-Tree-Al- ley, — 2d on the R. from 118, Bun hill-row. Ebenezer-Pl. Kennin^ton-Lane, — N. side, 1^ of a mile from the Plough and Harrow,New- ington. Ehcnezer - Row, Kentiinj;toti - Lane, — 1st an the K. tVuni Newint^ton. Ebenczcr - Sq, Stoney-Lano, — 1st on the L. tVom Gravel- lane. Ebt?nezer-St. I/>ndon-Il()ad, St. GeorgeVFields, — at 19, 1st on the li. from the Obe- lit^k. Ebenezer-St. Plumbers-Street, City-jload, — 1st on the L. from Caroline-pl. Ebury-House, Che! sea, — at the S. end of EbnFv st. Ebury-Pj . See Avery-farm-row. Ebury-St. Five-Fioids, Chelsea, — from Ecclestone - st. to Grosvenor-rovv. Ecciestone-St. — 5th on tl^ R. 5 a mile from Buckingham- gate. Eden - House, Parad ise - Row, Chelsea, — 11 doiji-^s on the K. from ^he Hospital. Eden-St. Hampstead-Road, — 1st on the L. from Totten- ham-court. Ede's-Yard, Brompton-Road, — 2d on tiie R. from Knights- bridge. Edington's-Wharf, Earl-Street, Blackfriars, adjoining the bridge. Edgware-Road, Tyburn-Turn- pike, — VV^. end of Oxford-st. where the Nos. begin. Edinburgh-Castle Coach-OSce, Strand, — at 322, nearly op. Somerset-pl. Edith-Place, Bird -Cage-Walk, Hackney-Road, — 1st on the L. a fe\v doors from the Nag's head. Edmonds-Court.Princes-Street, Soho,— -at '->?, 3d on the L. from Coventry-st. Edmonds-Pl. Union-Streef, Sx. George's Fields, — 1st on the II. from the Londo;i-rd. E(hnond-St,Battle-Bridge,Saiut Pancras, — N. side the Small- pox - hospital, W. side the Maiden-head. Edmond-St. ((Jp.)— N. end or the last. St. Edmond the King's Church, Lombiu-d-St. — 2 doors E,* of Birchin-Iane. Edna-Pl. E. India-Dock-Road, — 1st V\. of the Dock-gate,. Ed ward's Ahns-HouseSjChurch- St.— 1st on the L. from Black- friars- road. Edward-Court, Ed-vvard-St. Ca- vendish-Sq. — :\t 14, 4 doors S. of I'oley-pl. Eds\'ard's-Court,Oxendon-St^— 5 doors from Coventry-st. Ed'.vardVCourt, New Round-* Court, — 1st on the L. trom 447, Strand. Edward's-Meu's, Duke-St. — -at 37, 3d on the L. from 175^ Oxford-st. Edward-Pl. Old-St.-Road,— a few yards on the R. from the Curtain-road towards Shore- ditch-church. EdwardVPl. Kingsland-Roacf, — by the turnpike, 3 door* N, of the Basing-house. Edvvard-Pl. Hackney-Road,^- R. side, adjoining Brighton- pi. i of a mile from Shore- ditch. Edward-Pl. Westr.-Bridge-Rd. See Asylum-builds. I Edward-St. Hampstead-Road, I — IstN. of tiie chapel. EDW Edward-St. Cavendish-Sq.— N. continuation of Boisover-st. frum 113, Oxford-st. Edward-St. IVianchester-Sq. — 3d in Duke-st. from 174^ Ox- ford-st. Edward-Street, Wardour-St. — at 95, 3d on the R. from 381, Oxford-st, Edward-Street, Church-Street, Bethnal-Green,— at 1 16, i of a mile on the R. from 66, Shoreditch, Edward-Street, Hare-St, Beth- nal-Green, — at '2S,Ud on the L. from 110, Brick-iane. Edvvard-St. Stepney, — N. end Nelson-st. near the church. Edvvard-St. Mile - End New - Town. See Kintr Edward-st. Edward-St. BlackfViars-Rd.— Sd on theL. from the bridge. Edward - Street, Market -St. Kennington - I^ne,— 1st on the L. from White-hart-pl. Edward-Yard, Edward-St. Ca- re ndish-Sq. — at 14, 4 doors S. of Foley-p]» Eglet son's Builds. Paradise-Pl. Ma rv bone, — Ist on the R. from 6, Paradise-st. Egleton's PI. Twisters- Alley, —1st on the R. from 102, Bunhili-row, Egypt (Little), Jamaica -Row, Bermondsey, — at 13, op. the Rev. Townsend's chapel. Eight-Houses, Deptford Lower- Road, — op. the three mile- stone. Elbow-Lane, Dowgate-Hill, — 3d on the R. frtim the Man- ; sion-house, continuing down Walbrook. Elbuw - Lane (Little), Upper £LI Thamcs-St. — from 175^ f<* the last. Elbow-Lane, Shadwell High-St. — at 30,.7 doorb E. ot .New Gravel-iane. Elbow-Pl. City-Gardens,— 1st on the L. from the City-rd. Elder-Street, White - Lion - St. Spitalfieids, — 2d on the L. from 13, Norton-Falgate. Elder-Court, Fleur-de-Lis-St. — 3 doorft E. from 13, Eider- street. Eldon-Builds.Bagnige- Wells, — first row on the L. from the Wells towards Pentonville. Eleazer-Pl. Lambeth - Walk, — W. side, op. Chapman's gar- dens. Elephant and Castle - Court, Whitechapel, — at 22,8 door& W. of Red-lion-st. Elephant and Castle - Court, Kent-St. Boru. — at 248, near } of a mile on tlie R. from 8c. George's church. Elephant and Castle, Newing- ton, — a mile nearly fe. from London-bridge. Elephant-Lane, Rotherhithe, — a-t 344, Rotherhithe-st. 1st W. from the church. Eiephant-StairSj Rotherhithe, — op. Elephant-lane, and op. Execution-dock, Wapping. ElgerVCourt, Three Tuns Al- ley, — 2d on the L. from 99, Petticoat-lane. Elgers-Pl. Essex-St.— the last on the L. from 10^, White- chapel. Elgers-Sq. Essex-St. W^hitecha- pel, — 4th on theL. froni 105, Whitechapel High-st. Elizabeth -Court, Whitecross- ELI St. — at 146, 2 J on the L. iVomOld-si. Elizabeth -Court, Phoenix-St. Spitiil fields, — 2d on the L. from 38, VVheeler-st. leiuiiiig into Kiiig-st. Elizabeth - Court, H.ckman's Folly, Dock-!lca.'i, — last on the k. to\*a»ds Kotherhithe. Elizabeth-Pl. Gt. Pt^ter-Street, Westr. — 6 dooi*:i E. of New Peter-st. Elizabeth-Pl. Dog-Row, Mile- Ead, — 10 doors on the L. from the turnpike^ Elizabeth-Pl. Queen Ann-St. Whiteehapel, — 2d on the L. from op. Court-st. Elizabeth-Pl. Bethnal - Green, — lit on the L. fromPatriot- sq. towards Hackney-road. Elizaheth-Pl. Hoxton,' — ^by the corner of Workhouse-lane, ^ a mile on the L. from Otd- st.-road. Elizabeth-Pl. Brook-St. Rat- clitVe, — at70,nearly op, Love- lane. Eiizabeth-Plaee, Prince-Road, Lambeth, — a few doors on the R.trom Kennington-cross. ElizaV>eth-Pl. Maid-Lane, Boro. — N. side, at the corner of Gravel-lane. llizabeth-Pl. Westr. - Bridge - Road, St. George's Fields, — from the Fi-ee-masous-scbool to Melina-pl. Elizabeth-Place, Webber-Row, St.(>eorge's Fields, — between Ann*s-pl, and Ditke-st. Elizabeth- PL Prospect - Row, Bermondsey, — on theE. side the Marine-crescent^ nearly ©jg. PnDters-pL ELM Elizabeth-Row, George-Strerf, Bethnal -Green, — part of the W. side, near the N. W. cor^ ner of the Green. Elizabeth-St. Hans-Pl. Sioane- St. — at 4(3, the N, W. corner^ leading to Queen-st. and the High-road, Brompton. Elizabeth-St. Hackney -Rd. — between Durhain-pl. West and Jaracs's-pl. Elliott's Court, 01d-Bailey> — at 20, op. Newgate, Elliott's Court, Elliott's Row,, St, George's Fields, — lat oi^ the R. from Prospect-pl. Elliott's Row, Saint GeorgeV Fields, — 3d on the L. from the Elephant and Castle to- wards Wc5t-sq. Elliott's Row, Bethnal-Green- Road,— 1st on the L. i» White-st. from 72 m the said road. Ellis-Sq. Penton-St. Walworth^ — middle of the E. side. Ellison-St. Petticoat-Lane, — 20 doors on the L, from 41^ Aldi^ate. Ekii- Court, Middle Temple- Lane, — 2d on the L. from 6,. Fleet-st. Elm-Court, El m-St. GrayVInn- Lane, — ist on the L» from 86, Gray Vinn-lane. Elm-Court, Fetter- Lane, — at' 108,middleof the W, side. Elm-Pl. Fetter-Lane, Fleet-Sr — at 105^ middle of the W side. Elm-Pl. Walworth High-St. or- Road, — i of a mile on the L» from the Elephant and Castle,. Elm-Row, Love - Lane, Shad- well, — middle of tli« W.side^ 13 ELM Elm-St. Oray's-Inn-Lane, — at 83, near | oF a mile on the R. tVoin liolborii. Ssworth-Pl. Golden-Lane, Bar- bican. See Colliers-Court. j:ij-Ciiapel, E!y-Pl. Holborn- liiii, — 14 doors on the L. from 102, Hoiborn-liill. Elj-Court, Iloiborn - Hill, — at 117, 7 doors W. of Ilatton- garden. Ely-Pi. Holbom-Hil],~at 101, 25 doors on the 11. from Fleet-market. Ely-Pi.-Mevvs,— at 20, the last on the L. from liolborn. Ely-Pl. Whitechapel, — 3d on .the R. in Osborn-pl, from 20, Brick-lane. Ely-Pi. King Edward-St. Mile- End New - Town, — at 11, middle of the E. side. £ly-Pl. Bethnal-Green, — 1st on tlie II. in Di^by-street from Globe-st. Ely-PL West-Sq. St. George's Eields, — from the N. W. cor- ner CO Prospext-pl. Einanuers Hospital, James-St, VVestr. — I of a mile on the II. from Buckingham-gate. Embroiderers - Hall, Gutter - Lane, — at 36, 12 doors on the L. from 132, Cheapside. Emery - Hill's Alms - Houses, VVcstr.—middle of Rochester- row. En}igrant-Office,-at 10, Queen- st. Blooujsbury. Endenbury Court,Gravel-Lane, Boro. — 12 doors S. of Duke- street. Engine-St. Piccadilly, — 4th on the~L. I ofalTiik fromllydL- park. ESS England-Row, Poplar,— E. side Black-Boy-iane, Eiiglisii - Copper - Company's - Wharf, — op, 215, Upper Thames-st. near St, Peter'i.- hill. English's Wharf, — entrance by Water-st. behind the Crown and Anchor, 190, Strand. Englishman Newspaper-Office, — at 5,Hiiid-coui't, 147, Fleet- street. Enoch-Court, Goodman's Yard, — 1st on the L. from 60, Minories. Epping-Pl. Mile-End-Road,—. on the S. side, by the turn- pike. Equitable - Assurance - Office, Bridge-St. Blackfriars, — E. side, 8 doors from the bridge. St. Ermin's Hill, Chapel-Street, Westr. — 1st on the R. from the Broadway. Essex-Alley, Essex-St. White- chapel, — the continuation of it to Wentwortli-st. Essof-Court, Essex-St. — -4111 on the L. from 105, Whiteclja- pel. Essex-Court, Middle Temple- Lane, — at the back of Brjck- court, 1st on the R. from 5, Fleet-st. Essex-Pi. Rotherhithe-St.— at 170, 27 doors below Globe- stairs. Essex-Pi. Well-St. Poplar,— 2d on the L. from Robinhood-» lane. Essex-Pi. Lambeth,— adjoining tiie Workhouse, near Lam- betli-butts. Essex-St. Strand,— at 210, Ist on the L. from 1 emplc-bar. ESS E.sscx-St. (Little), — 1st on the K. in the last, troiu a 10, Strand. Esbtx-Sireet, Bouverie-St. — 2d on the R. from 6'^, Fleet-st. Essex-St. Kiijoslaud- Road, — ^ of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church, op. Gluu- cester-st. ILixton, Essex-St. (Little), — ^ doors on the R. in ttie last from Kmgs- land-road. Essex-Street, Whitechapel, — -at lOj, nearly op. Red-lion-st. Essex-St. Mile-End Old-Town, — 1st W. orXannon-st.-road, from 38, Charlotte-bt. to the Commercial-road. Eseex- Wharf, — at the bottom of Essex-street, from 210, Strand. Etham-Pi. Kent-St.-Road,— N. side,near tlie turnpike, bv the Bull. St. Ethelburga's Church, Bish- opsaate - Without, — behind 54, E. side of St. Helen'^-pi. Euston-Pl. New-Road, Totten- ham-Court, — op. Southamp- ton-pi. Eustou-Sq. — E. end of the last. Europe-PL St. John's- Row, Rat- el iffe-Row, Su. Luke's, — mid- die of the S. side, 15 doors on the R. from 41, Brick- lane. Evangelist-Court, Little Bridsie- . St. Blackfriars, — 1st on the L. froui Cock-court, Ludiiate- hill. Evans-Court, Basinghall-St. — at 45, 6 doors from Lond(ja- - wall. EvaiiVPlace, Star-Corner, Ber- EXA mondsey, — 3d S. of Long- hi'U', op. the Grange-road. Evan's Rcnt>,Turners-Sq. llox- ton, — ac the N. W. corner. Evan's Row, Middlesex-Street, " SommtTs-Town, — part of the E, side. Evan's Yd. Poplar, — 1st E. of Wade's-pl. Eve's- Place, Adam-St. Rother- hi the, — at 95, 2d ou the L. from Neptune-st. Evelyn's-Place, Oxford-St. — 27 dojrs on the R.fromSt. Giles'?, Eveiyn-Piace, Deptford,^ — near the S. €ud oi" Victuailing- Onicc-row, Evening-Mail Newspaper -Of- fice, Printing-House -Square, Biuck friars. Evening-Post Newspaper- Of- fice, — at 5, Hind-court, 147^ Fleet-st. Everaru's Builds. Church-Lane, Whiteci-apel, — W. side, ad- joining- 66, Cable-st. £verax"ds-Pi. — 1st on the L. in the last from Cable-st. Everett-Street, Bernard-St, — at 48, 2d o.^the R. from Bruns- wick-5q. Evesham-Buildings, Sj)mmers- Town, — the contmuation of Chalton-sc. to C>areudon-tq, Ewer's Buildings, White-IIart- Row, Kennington, --middle of the S. side. Ewer-Street, Ouke-St. Boro. — • 1st on the R. from Queen-st» leadin«: to Giavel-lane. Ewing'ij Budds. Mile-End-Rd. — S. side, op. the New Globe. two miles fjom Aldvvell-!-t. Fan-x\l!ey, Webb-Sq. — at the K. side : it leads lo Cock-hill and to 47, Wheeler-st. Fan-Court, Fan-St. — 1st on the L, from Goftwell-st., Fan- Court, Miles's Lane, — 2 doors tVom 131, Up. Thames- street. Fan-Court, Bakers-Row, — 2d on the L. from 93, Wiiitc- ch a pel- road. Fan-St, — between 106, E. side FAS of Aldersgate-st. and 1, Gos- well-st. Farm-Mews, Ilill-St. — 1st on the R. from Berkeley-sq. Farm-St.Berkeley-Scjuare, — the continuation of the last to Union-5t. Farmer's Journal Newspapcr- Otiice, — at 49, Watiing-st. Farmer's- Re ntSjCrown-St.Sofio, — 1st on the L. from Oxford- street. Farmer's - Row, Salmon-Lane, Limehouse, — R. side, ^ of a mile from tbeCornmerciat-rd. Farmer-Street, liigh-St, Shad- well, — at S8, 18 doors W. of tlie clmrch. Farrer's - Rents, Bishopsgate - Without, — at 10 3, op. VVide- gate-st. Farrer - Builds. Inner-Temple- Lanc, — 1-0 doors on tlie R. from L5, Fleet-st. Farringdon - Witliin Charity - Scho"ol, Bull and Mouth-St.'— nearly facing Butcher-liali- kuie. Fartinng-Alley,Up. East-Smitii- field, — at 8, 14 doors on the L. east from Butcher-row. Rirthing-Ailey,Jacob-St. Dock- Head, — middle of the S. side. Far thing-Fields, New Gravel- Lane,— ^at 40, middle of the VV. side. Farthing-Hill, Farthing-St. Spi- talfields,— the N .continuation of it, to Sclater-st. Farthing-Strtet, Phcenix-St.Spi- taliieids, — 1st on the L. from 39, WheelcT-ht. leading to Club-row. Fashioii-St. Brick - Laue, —at l'94,4th ou theL. from White- cliapel. J"aulknerVCourt, Cow-Cross, West-Sniithneid, — 4th on the R. from St. Jobn-st. rauUvner's-Pl. George-Passage, — 1st on the II. from St. George's Market. Feathers-Court, Drury-La^ic, — at 86, 2d on the L. from the N e vv-cli u r c h , S tran d . realhers-Court, Hig,h-Hoiborn, ■ — ^at 1^64, nearly oo.Red-hon- street. Feathers-Court, Fox-Court, — 5 doors on the L. from 10, GrajVinu-Iane. Feathers-Court, Castle-St.Beth- nal-Green, — l-st on the R. from the back of Shoreditch- church. Feathers-Mews, Old Millman- St. Bedford-Row,«-^N. conti- nuation of it, to LongV yard. Feathers- Yard, Oxford-St.- — at 336, i mile on the L. from St. Giles's. Featherbed-Lane, Fetter-Lane, — 18 doors on the R. from 180, Fleet-st. Featherstone-Builds. High-Hol- born, — at 62, 8 doors E. of Red-hon-st. Featherstone - Builds. Salmon- Lane, LJmehouse,"-lst on the R. from the Commercial- road. Featherstone - Court, Feather- stone-St. — at 46, 2d on the R. from the City-road. Featherstone-St. City-Road, — 1st on the L. from Finsbury- sauare. JeliiL-at. Hackney - Road^— 2d FIE on die L. from Cambridge- heath turnpike towardsShore- ditch. Felix-St. Bridge-RoadjLambeth J — 2d on the R, from Westr.- bridge. Fellowship-Hall, St. Mary's- Hill, Lower Thames-St. — at 17, 3 doors on the L. from op. Billingsgate*. Fell-Street, Wood-St.— at 71, 6th on theL. from 122,Cheap- side. Fen~Court, Fenchurcb-St. — aC 125, op. Mincing-lane. Fen - Office, Tanfield- Court^ Temple,— at 3, on the S.- side. Fen church- Bui Ids. Fcnchurch- St. — at 108, 2d on the R. from Aldgate. Fenchurch - Chambers, Fen- church-St. — at 63, four doora- east of London-st^ Fenchu rch-StreetyGracechtirch- St. — 3d on the R. from Lon- don-bridge. Fendal - St. Grange-Road , — 2ci on the L. from Bermondsey Nevv-road. Fenwicli-Court, High-Holborny —at 291, 17 doors VV, of Chanccry-Iane. Ferguson's-Rents,Snow's-Fields,- — the 3d on the L. from 238, Bermondscy-st. Ferry-St. Lambeth, — 1st S. to the church, extending fron>^ High-st. to Fore-st. Fetter-Lane, Fleet-St.— at 180,, 6 doors E. ofSt. Dunstan's- ch'urch. Field-Builds. Battle-BridL^c, — E. end of Fifteenfoot-lane, Gray^s-inn-Iaae* field- CcMirr, GrayVInn-Sq.-^ at the S. VV. coriier, aUo the N. end of Fullwof)d's i-eiits. Field-Court, Field-Laive, llol- born, — the 1st oh the R. fa'om 83, llol born-hill. Field - Court, Ducking -Pand- Lane, Whitechape I, — 5th on the R. fromCourt-st. Field-Lane, Ilolborn-Hill, — at 83, 6 doors on the R. from Fleet-market. ield-Pl. Battlc- of Field-terrace. Field-St. Bat-ile-Bridge, — 1st on the 11. from th.e Turnpike, by the Bell, towards Cierken- well. Field-Street, Poplar Hlgh-St. — ^ a mile on the L. from the Commercial-road, 2d below the East-India alms-houses. Field-Terrace, Battle-Bridge, — from the Bell by the Turn- pike, towards Clerkenvvell. Ficldgate-Stroer, Whitechapel- Road^ — at '260, 2d on the R. below the church. File's-Court, Fleet-St. Bethnal- Green, — ^^3d on the R. from Geo-rge-st. Fife's - Gardens, Granby - P]. Lambeth Lower Marsh, — from Granby-pl. to Vine-st. IN arrow- wall. Fifteen-Foot-Lane, GrayVInn- Lane, — Ist on the L. from the Turnpike, Battle-bridge. Fig-Tree-Co urt^ Temple, — en- trance by 3d on the L. in Temple-lane from 6^ Fleet- street. Fig-Tree-Court, Barbican, — at 15, 2d on the R. from 77, Aldersgatc-st. FIN Filacer, Court of,— at 4, Eim- Court, Temple, 2d door ou the R. from op. Fountain- court, Middle Temple-lane, Fltet-st. Finch-BuiRis. Ewer-St. 'horo. — at the E« end of it, 4 doors Dn the L. from Duke-st. or from the V¥. end of Queen- street. Finch-Court, Poplar High-St, — 1st east of the £. India alms-'iouses. Finch-Lane, CornhilJ, — at 80, ten doors E. of the Royal- Exchange. Finch-St. Whitechapel, — at the S.end of Dowsing-pl. Os^rn- pL Brick-lane. F:r;ch-Yard^ Poplar, — 2d on the L. below North-st. Finchet's-Builds. Ewer-St. Boro. — 1st on the L. from Duke- street. Fii]dall-St. See Fendal. Finmore^- Court^ Blue-Anchor- A'ard, — ^^Sd on the R. from 48, Rosemary-lane. ^ Fi n neifiore-C ou r t, Arti 1 lery-St. Boro. — op. the S.. side of St. John's church. Fimie morels-Rents, Russell-St. — 1st on the L. from 90, Ber- mondsey-st. F.nsbury-Court. See Finsbur}^ Passage, Finsbury-Dispensary, — at 123, St. JohnVst. 12 doors S. of Corporation-row. Finsbury - Dispensary (New), — 35, West Smithfield. Finsbury - Market, — at the E, end of Cluistopher-st. from tiie N. E. corner of Fmsbury- square. FIN Fin^.bury - Passage, Wilson-St. Moorlields, — op. Princcs-bt. N. E. cunier of pjnsbu]-y- squ-jre. Fiasbury-Pl. Moorfields, — from the N. W.. corner toFinsbu: j- square. Finsbury-Sq. — on the N. side of Moorfielcis, | of a mile W. from 148, Bishopsgat^, along Siin-st, Finsbury-Strcct,Chiswell-St.— at 36, 1st ou the L. fi'om the sq. Finsbury-Terracc, City-Road, . — R. side, -f-ofa mile from the sq, op. Featherstone-st. Fire-Ball-Court, Houndsditch, — at 131, middle of the N. side. First-Fruits-Office, Tnner-Teni- ple-Lane, — at 10, on the R. from 15, Fleet-st. Fish-St. (Old).— from Bread-st.- IliU to Lambclh-Hill, S. end of the Old-chance. Fish-St.-Hill (01d)^,'late Lahour- in-vain-Hill, — at 6, Old Fish- st» by the church. Fish - St. - Hill, — from Grace- church-st. to London-bridge. Fisher'sAlms-Houses,D()g-Ro\v, Miie;vFnd, — 3 doors on the L. from the Turnpike. Fisner's-Alley, Dorset-St. Fleet- St. — at62i 2d on the R. from Salisbury-sq. FishcrVAlley, Petticoat-Lane, — 3d on theR. north of Wen t- \vorlh-st. FisherVCourt, Broad-Street,St. Giles's, 12 doors from Drur3^-lane. Fisher's-Conrt, Eagle-St. Red- Lion-Sq. — 7 doors on the L. from Red-lion-5t- FIV Fisher-St. Red-Lion-Sq.— S. W: corner to Kingsgate-st. Fishmonger's- Alley, Iligh-St, Boro. — tit 23.'), nine doors S., of St. Margaret.'s-hil!. Fishmongers AlmsIIouses.'Nevv- ington, — op. the Elephant and Castle. Fishmongers-IIall, Up. Thames- St. — 10 doors VV. of London- bridge. Fishmongers - Passage, Fen- church -St. — from 118, to Biiliter-sq. Fitchet's-Court, Noble-St. Fos- ter-Lane, — 3 doors on the L. from Falcon-sq. Firzroy- Chapel, Londnn-St.— ^ 9 doors on the R. from Tot- ten fiam-court-road. Fitzroy-Market, — 1st on the R. in Crafton-st. from Totten- ham-court-road. Firzroy - Mews, IIertft)rd - St. Fitzroy-Sq. — 3 doors on tiie L. from London-st. Fitzroy - PI. New- Road, — op. Fitzroy-st. from the sq. Fitzroy-Pl. (Upper),— Tsl. conti- nuation of the last. Fitzroy - Row, Fitzroy-Pl.— 1st on the L. from the New-rd. Fitzroy-Sq. — W. end of Graf- ton-st. from 119, Totterr- liain- court-road. Fitzroy-St. Filzroy-Sq. — S. E. corner. Fitzroy-St. (Upper), — N.E. cor- ner, op. the last. Fives-Court, Saint MartinVSt. Leicester -Sq.- — 4 doors on the R. from Whitcomb-st. Fives-Court, St. Dunstan*s-Al- ley, — at 7, three doors on the R. from St. Dunstan's-hill. IIV Fivcs-Court, Mansel-St. Good- miiii's- Fie Id's, — at 13, 5 doors N. oV.Svvan-st. Five-Bcli- Court, Wlieelcr-St. Spitallields, — at 4.3, nearly facing Webb-sq. Five-Bell - Pi. Three Colt- St. Lirnehouse, — op. the E. .side of the church. rive-Bell-Court, Bennondsey- Sq. — on the \V. side, leading to Star-corner. Five-Constable-llow,Mile-End, — a few yards on the L. east from the Turnpike. Five-Fields, Chelsea, — between Grosvenor-pl. at the back of the Queen's Gardens, and Sioane-st. Five-Field-ilow. See Ebnry- Street. Fivo-Foot-Lane, Up. Thaines- St. — at 203, leading to 7, Oiii Fish-st. Five-Foot-Lanc, Bcrmondsey. See R'j5sell-St. Five-Garden-Row, Artillery-St. St. John's, Boro. See Funie- more-Court. Five-IIouses-Corner, Tyson-St. Bethnal - Green, — ten doors from 52, Church-st, op. Brick- lane. Fivc-Inkhorn - Court, White - chapel,-— at 91, 3 J W. of Osborn-st. Flask-Row, Five-Fields, Chel- sea, — from the Old Hed-lion to Avery-row. Fleet - Gardens, Ilorseferry - Road, Westminster, — W. side of Alarsham-st. Fleet-Lane, F^lcet-Market, — at 16, 1st on tjie 11. from Lud- gate-iiill. FLO Fleet-Market, — between Lud- gate-hill and Fleet-st. extendr ing to liolborn-bridi^e. Fleet-Prison, Fleet-Market, — i doors on the R. from Ludgate- hiil. Fleet -Row, Eyre-St. — at 15, 4th on the R. from Leather^ lane. Fleet-St. Temple-Bar,— E. side, where there are Nos. 1 an^l 206, to Fleet-market. Fleet-St. SpitaUields,— 1st S. parallel to St. John-st. Brick- lane, from George-st. toFieet- sl.-hill. Fleet-St.-IIill, St. John-Street, Bethnal-Green, — 3d on the R. from 105, Brick- lane. Flemish - St. Tower - Hill,— -E. side, 2 J on the R. from Iron- gate. Fletcher's - Court, Church-SL St. Giles's,— 1st E. of Buck- bridge-st. Fletcher-Row, Vineyard-Gar" dens, Clerkenwell, — 3d on the R. from Bowling-green- lane. • FretcherVWays,Shadwell, — 1st E. of Shadwell - dock, op, the Surrey - canal, Rutiier- hithe. Flint - Street, lliglers-St. — 4tk (»n the R. from Biackfriar^- road. Flint-St. East-Lane, Walworth, — the 5th on the R. from tiie Kent-road. Fjoating-Dock, Rotherhithe,— r 'J of a mile E. of Rotherhithe- church, op. King Edvvard- Stairs, \Vapping. Flower and Dean-St. Spltal- fields, — At ^>00, Brick-lane^ K FLO S(i on the L. from ?4, Whltc- chapeL Flo vver-de-Luce-Court, G rayV Iim-Lane,' — iit 85, -J of a mile on the K. from liolborn. Flower-de-Luce-Court, Fleet- St. — at 179, on the E. side Fetter-lane. Fiovver-de-Lis-Couit, Shoema- kers-Row, — at 2, the 3d on the L. from Creed-lane, Lud- gate-street. Flower-de-Lis-Court,St.Peter*s- Laue, VVest-Smitl)(ield, — the continuation of New-court. Flower-de-Lis-Court, Turnmill- St. Clerkenwell, — 2d on the L. from Cow-cross. Flo wer-de-Luce-Court, Hounds- ditch, — at 111, nearly op. St. Mary-Axe. Flower-de - Lis - Court, Shore- ditch, — at 10, 18 doors (^n the K. north of VVhite-lion-st. Jlovver-de-Lis-St. Spitahicld?,— E. continuation of the last, to 72, Wjiceler-st. op. Great Pearl-st. Flower-Pot, Coach-Office, — at 115, Bishop^gate-within, cor- ner of Thread need le-st, FloydVCourt, Black-Swan- Al- ley, — 1st on the L. from Lon- don-wall. Fludyer-St. Westr.— 2d S. of the Ilorse-guards. Flushing-Court, Lower East- Smitiilield, — a tew doors W. of Hermitage- bridge. Fiying-tiorse -Court, Maiden- Lane, — 4 doors on the R. from llO,Wood-st. Flying-Horse - Yard, Grub-St. Cripplegate,— at 63, 13 doors on the R. from 97, Fore-st. FOR FlyJng-IIorsc-Yard, Rose nnd Crown-Court, — 2d on the L. from the N. E. corner of Moor fie Ids. Flying-Horse- Yard, Crown-St. Finshury, — l^t on the L. from Wiison-at. Flyine:-Iiorse-Yard,Half-Moon- St. — Isc on the L. from 170, Bishopsgate-st. FlyiiJg-Horse-Yard, Worship- St,— 2d on the R. ft'om the Curtain-road, towards Paul- street. Flying-Horse- Yard, Camomile- St. Bishoj'Sgate, — at 25, 1st on the L. from 1, Bibhops- gate-st. Flying-Horse- Yard, Brick-Lane, Spitalficlds, — at 31, opposite Fashion-st. Flying- Horse-Yard, Blackman- St. Boro. — at 31,the 5th from St. George's-church. Flying-Horse- Yard, Stamford- St. — 1st on the L. from Black- friars-road. Foiey-House, Chandos-St. Ca- venrlish-Sff. — middle of the E. side. Foley-Pl. Gt. Portland-St.— at 33, 6th on the L. from 102, Oxford-st. Foley-St. — the W. end of the last from 27, Gt. Titchfield- st. (late Queen Ann-st. E.) Foley- Yard, Foley-Pl.— at 23, W. side Gt. Portl«nd-fet. Fore-St. Cripplegate, — from the S. W. corner of Moorfields to Red-cross-st. Fore-St. Limehouse, — continu- ation of jN arrow'-st. from the 2d Drawbridge to Three* colts-st. FOTl Forc-St. Lambeth, — from the church to JNeu-bt. nearVaux- hall. Fore and Aft-Dock, Bermond- sov-Wall, — E. side of Eabt- lane-stuirs. Fort- PI. Lambetli, — corner of Bird-st. and South- st. West- square. Fort-Pi. Grange- Road, Ber- luondsey, — part of the S. side, near tfie Turnpike and Blue- anclior-road. Fort-St. Old Artillery-Ground, — the N. end of Duke-st. from 38, Union-st. Foss-Side \Vharehouscs,Tower- Ildl, — on theE. side, extend- ing to Iron-gate, Foster's Builds. Whitecross-St. . St. Luke's,— at 123, 6 doors south of Banner-st. Foster's Builds. Shoreditch, — entrance by 183, op. Church- st. : it leads into King John's court. Forsters Court, Lombard-St. Boro . — 3 d oor s W. o f M i n t - street. Foster - Lane, Cheapside, — at 118, 8 doors from Newgate- street. Foster-St. op. Ros€ and Cro'.vn- Alley, — from the N. E. cor- ner of iMoortields. Foster's Yard, Iligh-St. Mary- bone, — Ist on the L. from the New-road. Foulk's Builds. B. tlinal-Grf on- lload, — brhind the Georire on tht: N. side of Wiliuot- square. Founders-Court, Lothbury, — ^^tO doors east from Coleman- street. FOU Founders-lIall-ChapcI, — N.ciid the last. Foundery-PlacCjBowlinfT-green- Ilo'.v, lloxton, — 1st on tiie. L. from op. Haberdashers-alms- houses. Foundery-Row, — on the E. side the last. Foundling-Hospital, Guilford- St. — 20 doors on the R. from Gray's-iun-lane. Fountain - Alley, Maid -Lane, Boro. — the N. end of Caiitle- lane. Fountain - Court, Strand, — at 104, f of a mile on the R. from Oharing-cross. FounUiiiv-Courr, Middle-Tem- ple-Lane, — ^^d on the R. from 5, Fleet-st. Fountain-Court, Cheapside, — 24 doors on the R. from St* PaulVchnrch-yard. Fountain-Court, Akiermanbury, — 2 doors on the R. froiu Milk- St. Fountain-Court, Old Bethlem, — 1st on the L. from 199, Bishopsgate, Fountain- Court, Virginia-St. Bethnal- Grern, — middle of the N. side, ac the back of tlic Fountain Public-house. Fountain-Court, Minories, — at 20, 3d on the L. from Aid- gate. Fountain-Court,N'€w-St. Dock- Head, — 14 doors on the L. from the E. end of Fuir-st. Fountain - Court, Lambeth - Walk,— 2d N. of King-st. Fountain-Gardens, Lambeth,— entrance by the last. Fountain-Gardens, Crab-Tr^e- Eow, Bethnal-Green, — the TOU S<1 on the K. from Hackney- road. Fonntain-Pl. City-Road, — part of the L. side, | of a mile from Finsbury-sq, Fountain-PL (Upper), — the W, continuation of the last. Fountain -Stairs, Bevraondsey- Wall,— N. end of Salibbury- st. from Jamaica-row. Four Swaub-Inn, Bishopsgate, — at 83, S. side the church. Fowk's Builds. Gt. Tower-St. —at 25, neariy op. Mark- lane. Fowlcis-Rents, Poplar, — ^N.cnd of Cotta^e-st. - Fox-Alley,Princes-St. Lambeth, - — middle of tlie W. side. Fox-Bailds. Kent-St. Boro. — at 37, yd on the L. from St. George's church. Fox-Court, GrayVInn-Lane,-— 10 d(jors on the U. from Holborn, rFox-CourtjRay-St.Clerkenwell, — 10 doors on the L. from the green. Fox - Court, Long-Lane. See '1 hre€ Fox. Fox-Cou rt, Petticoat-Lane,— E. side, 9 doors S. from Went- worth-street, opposite Ston«y lane. Fox-Court, Gun-Alley, — at tl>e E. end of Wapping-church. Fox's I^ne, Shadwell Iligh-St. — at 55, E. side the church. Fox and Goose-Yard, London- Wall, — 3 doors E. of Basing- - hall-st. Fox and Goose-Yard, Coleman- St. Shadwell,— 3 doors W. of Star-st. Fox and IIounds-Yard,Swallow- FRA St.— 3 doors from 323, Ox- ford-st. Fox and Hounds-Yard^ Totten- - ham - Court-Road, — at 1 97, op. the chapel. Fox and Hounds-Yard, Curtain- Road, — 2d on the R. from OJd-st.-road. Fox and Hounds-Yard, Bish- opsgate-Without,— at62, by Union-st. Fox and Knot-Court,Cow-Lane^ — at 42, 10 doors on the L. from Snow-hill. Fox and Knot- Yard, — bottom of the last. Fox-PL Fox-Court, — 3 doors on the Lu from 10,0 ray Vinn- lane. Fox-Ordinary-Court, Nicholaft- Lane, — 12 doors on the R. from 24, Lomba rd- st, F(>zard's Yard, Park-Lane,-— 5th on the R. from Picca,- dilly. Frame - Work - Knitters Aims- Houses, Kingsland-Road, — E. side, f of a mile on the R, from Shoreditch-church. Frances-Court, Maiden-Lane, Covent-Garden, — at 33, mid- dle N. side. Francis-Court, Berkeley-Street, Clerkenwell, — 4 doors on the L. from St. John's lane. Frances-Court, Lambeth-Walk, — between King-street and Union-st. Francis-Pl. Francis-St. — 9 doors on the R. from Tottcn ham- court-road. Francis-PJ. Hare- Walk, ^ Kings- land-Road,— -Ist on the R. from op. the Ironmonger;?- ■ alms-houses. F^a^hdis-I'l. Pniic»is^St:— ^d on tlif: L. 1*1*0 1 n B^v^or'sro-.v, 9i, Wiiitechapel-roacl, l^-ances - Pi. Westr. - BriHvre- Hoad, Lamb6Xh,-^N. side tlie Asylum. Francis -^1. Palmers - V^illage, VVestr.— R. end of Good- man's i^ardens. Frtincis-8t. Tottetiliam-Court- R()ad,^iit 19^, 0th on the 11. froinOxford-st. Frnncts-St. Golden-Sq. — the N. continuation of Air-st. from er, Piccadilly. Frances-St. Westr.-Brid>!;e-Rd . Lamty6th,-^op. the N. side the Asylum. Francis St. High-Street, New- inv^ton, -nearly Op. the church, franklin*^ Court, Robinson's Lane, Chelsea,— at '28, the 1st on the R. from Paradise- )rov/. Frauklm's Row, Chelsea,— E. side the Hospital, from Royal Hijspital-row to Turk's row. Frazer*^ Court, Green- Walk, Blackfriars- Road, — S. side of Ciirist-churcii. Frederick-Pl.Hampstead-Road, — \Y. aide, by Frederick-St. Frederick Pl.Goswell-St.-Road, — E. side, from the New River to Sidney-st. Fredt2 rick- PI. Old-Jewry,— 1st on the L. from 81, Cheap- side. Frctlerick-Pl. Newington,— 2d S. from the church. Frederick- PI. Walworth-Com- irton, — op. the chapel, Villa- place, Frederick - Row, Ooswell-St.- FRE Road,— l^t from Sidtiey-st, towards [^lin^ton. Frederick-St. Hampstearl-Road, -^Uh on the L. from Totten- ham-court. Frce-Chapel, VVost-St. 7 Dials, — iuiddle of tt)e N". sidf3. Frt'.e-Court, Princes-St. Lam- be th,-^3d on the U. froia Broad-st. Fr^e-Passage-A Hey, Cock-Hill, RutclitFe, — 1st 'on the R. from Higli-st. Shadwell. Freebrothtrs- Wharf, Miilbank- St. Westr. — op. V^ine-st. Freeman's Builds. Wal worth- Common, — nearly op. the Paul's head. Freeman's Court, Cheapside,-— at 102, nearly op. Bow- church. Freeman's C()urt, Cornhill, — at 83, 6 doors E. of the iloyaU Exchange. Freeman's C;)nrt, Old Monta- gu e-St. — 2d on thH3 L. from Osborn-st. Freeman's Court, Freeman's Lane, Horselydowi),— at 19, 1st on the L. from Back-st. Freeman's Lane, ll orselydown, — 2d on the L. from the £• end of Tooley-st. Freeman's W!iarf,H.)r5ely down, —entrance by Potter's nelds, E. end of Tooley-st. Freeman's Wharf, Millbank-St. Westr. — between Fairbro- ther's and Had ley's wharfs^ op. Vine-st. Freemasons Charity-vSchool, — a few doors on tlie R. i rom the Obelisk to Wards Westminster- bridjic. FRE Ireemasons Tavern and Hall, —at 62, Gx. Queen-st. Lin- coln's-inn-fields. Tree-School -St. .Horselydown, — E. continiiation of Touley- st. bt twteiiBack-st. and fair- street. French- Alley, Goswell-St. — at 21, 15 doois S. from Old-st. French-Alley, St. Luke's, — on the S. side the French-hospi- tal. French-Alley, Shoreditch, — at 150, nearly op. the Jane Shore. French-Chapel, Threadneedle- St. — facing Finch-lane. .French- Chapel, St. John-St. Spitalfields, — 14 doors on the L. from 105, Brick-lane. Frcnch-Court,Threadneedle-St. — 8 doors on the L. from the Royal-Exchange. iFrench-Conrt, Gt. Hermitage- St. Wapping, — at 47, middle of the N . side. French-Court, Old-St.-Sq. Saint Luke's, — at the N. E. cor- ner. Frencli - Hospital, Pesthouse - Row, Old-St. — a few doors on the L. from the W. end of St. Luke's hospital. French-Row, City-Road. See • Bath-St. and Ratcliffe-Row. French- Yard, Bowling-Green- Lane, Clerkenwell, — 2d on the R. from Coppice-row. French-Horn- Yard, High-Ho!» born,— at 88, W. side Ked- lion-st. Trench-Horn-Yard, Crutclied- Friars, — at 26, Ud on ihe R. fr#m Mark-lskue. FRI Fresh-Wharf, Lower Thames- St. — 2 doors from London- bridge. Friar's Alley, Wood - St.--~12 doors on the R, from Cheap- side. Friar's Alley, Up. Thames-St. — at 82, neavly op. Dowgate- hiil. Friar's PI. Higglers-Lane, — 1st on the R. from Blackfriars- road. Friars-St. and Courts. See Fryer. Friars - St. Blackfriars - Road, See Higglers-Lane. Friary, St. James's Palace, — the E. end, from Pall-mall to St» James's Park. Friday-St. Cheapside, — at 57, 2d on the R. from St. Paul's church-yard. Friday-St. (Little), — at 42, in the last, 2d on the L. from Cheapside. Friendly - Institution, for the Cure of Cancers, &c. Kent- Road, — J of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, nearly oppositeRodney's buil- dings. Friend ly-Pl. Sun-Tavern-Fields, Shadwell, — S. side the Rope- ground, entrance by the Jst on the R. in King David-lane from No. 198, Shadwell High- street. Friendly - PI. Benchers-Walk, Blackfriars-Road,^ — W. side, adjoining Bennett's row. Friendly-Pl. Coleman-St.— 1st on the L, from 84, Bunhill- row, Friendiy-Pl.Castle-St.Fiusbury-^ FRI Sq. — 2 doors on the U. from 13, Paul-st. Fnendiy-i*i. Miie-End-Iload, — E. side the Bell and Mackurei, op. Saviifc-iuw. Friendly-Pl. Vjne-St. Narrow- Wall, Lambecli, — between ibe Beivedere-brevvery and. iNe^- tune-pl. Triendh-PI. Kent-Road, — part ot'the a. side, ^ of a inJe be- low the Brick Uiyers-arnis. Friendly-Pl. Chapel-^tre^t, St. George's East, between Mary-st. and Duke-st. Friendly-RovVjOld Gravel-Lane, — at 114, 2.1 on the R. from Ratclitfe-higbway. Fritli - Street t, Solio - Square, — S. W. cbrner, and 48, Old Compton-st. Frog-lsiand, Nightingale-Lane, Lnnehouse, — -it the N. end, near the New-cut. Frog - Island, Narrow - Wall, Lambeth, — near the New- bridge. Frogwell-Court, Charterhouse- Lane, — 1st on the R. from 100, St. John-street. Frost's Alley, Old Montaiiue- St. — 1st on the L. from Os- born-st. Fryer's Alley, Up. Tharaes-St. See Friar, Fry's Alley, Middle Turning, Shadwell, — 1st on the R. from 67, Shakespear's walk. Fryers-Court, Gt. Tower-Hill, — at 48,3 doors S. of Coopers- row. Fryers-Hill, Gt. Hermitage-St. Wapping, — at 41, middle of the N. side. Fryer'b St. Shoemakers-Row, — FUL 1 st on the L. west from Creed* lane. Frying-Pan-Alley, Turnmill-St. Cierken.vei!,^at 00, *2d on the L. froiu thu Sessions- House. FrYi!ig-Pan - Alley, Petticoat- Laue, — Lst on tlie L. from Widcgiite-st. Bisliupsgate. Frying-Pan-Ailey, Princ:s-St. Laiiibeth, — :2d on the il. troiu Bio.ici-street. Fryni2 Pan- Alley, Maze, Boro. — 10 doors on ttie L. from 195, TooIey-?r. Fry ;ng-Pan- Alley, High-St. Bo>- ro. — at 287, 4th on the R. from London-bridge. Fugen's Row, PaiiiicrV Village Westr.— N. end ofParadibC- row. Fullbrook's Buildings.North-St, Pentonville, — 10 duors on the R. from the Turnpike. Fuller's Alms - Houses, Mde- End-Roatl, — entrance by£a- gle-pl. Fuller's Alms-Houses, Hox ton- Town, — L. side, i of a mile from Old-st.-road. Fuller's Alms -Houses, GIou- cester-St. Hoxton, — middle of the S. side. Fuller^s Aims-Houses, Old-St.- Road, — 6 doors on the L. from op. Shoreditch-church. Fuller's Court, X^p. E.-Smith- field, — at 35, 1st on the L. from Tower-hill. Fuller's Rents, Princes-Street, Westr. — 1st on the L. from Tothill-st. Fuller's Rents, Ducking-Pond- Lane, Whitechapel, — 6 doors W. of Nortb-st* FUL Fullei*'s Rents, Poplar. See Fowler. Fulier-Street, ChuiGh-Sr. Beth- ria(-Greeii,— at 115, f of u tiiileon theR. t'hmi ()j,8hort- ditch. Fuller-Street, Hare-St. Bethiiiil- Greeii, — ai 37, 3d on the L. from 110, Brick-lane. FullwoodSj Rents, High-IIol- bortt, — at 33, nearly op. Chancery- lane. Fulmer's Row, Palmer's Vil- lage, Westr. — 1st on the R. in Providence-row from Pa- tad ise-row. J'urnivars Inn, tlolborn, — at 135, 6 doors W. of Leather- lane. FurnivalVTtitl-Coart,. Holborn, — at 137, on the W. side of Fiirn vaiViiin. Furnivai's-lnn - Garden?,— on the N. side of Furnivwrs-inn. Fje- Foot -Lane, Up. Thames- St, feee Five- Foot. GaGEN's court, Poplar, — behind the White-Horse, by North-st. Gainsford-St. HorselydoWn, — at 54, Horselydown-lane, 10 doors on the IL from Back- 9t. E. end of Too-ley-st. Gil ley-Quay, Lower-Thames- St. — 1st E. of the Custom- bouse. Gardens (Great% St. Cathe- rine's Lane, — 5th on the L. frrjm 50, Upper Ea^t-Smith- fieJd. Garden-Court, Mkiekte temple- OAR Land,— 3d on th6 R. fniWi C. Flett-st. Garden-Court, Baldwin's Gar- dens,— at 15, 1st on the R^ fro n 1 3 1 , G ray *s-i n n-lan e . Garden - Court, Gt. Turn^sti!^, — at 10, 9 doors on the L. from 283, Hi h-H(/iborn. Garde n-Court, Hud - St. Rat- chffe-Row, St. Luke's, — be- hind Garden-terrace. Garden-Court, Petticoat-Lane, — atl4,2d on the L.from Aid- gate. Garden-Court^ Risby's Rope- Walk, Limehouse,— middle of the N. side^ Garden-Court, George- Y^rd,-^ 1st on the R. from Bd, Whitechapel. Garden-Court, Red-Lion-i^lley, Cow-C ros«, — 1st er- Row, — coriKr of L>ukc-st. St. George's Hospirai, — \V. skJe the turnpike, Hyde park-cor- ner. George-Inn, Hayncai-ket, — at 6T, 10 doors N. of tlie Opera- house. George and Blue-Boar-Inn, — at 2/0, High-Holborn, op. Red- lion-e Green. Glasshouse-Court, Glasshouse- Yard, Minories, — entrance of the said yard. Glasshouse-Court, Glasshouse- St. — 1st on the R. from Vauxhall-walk. Glasshouse-St. Swallow-Street, Piccadilly, — at 20, 2d on the R. from 43, Piccadilly. Glasshouse-St. Goswell-Street, —at 108, 2d N. of Long- lane. Glasshouse-St. Vauxhall-Walk, — N. side the Gardens, Vauxhall-walk. Glasshousc-Wiiart', Cock-II il, luttclitfe, — •<} doors on the U. from High-st. Shadwt^l!. Glasshouse- Yard, Blackfriars, —on the E. side of Apothe- caries-hall, entrance by Play- houbc-yard. G!a£shou£e-Yard,Goswell'St. — entrance by 108, nearly op. Fan-^t. Glasshouse - Yard, Goodman's Yard, — 1st on the R. from 60, Minories. Glasshouse - Y^ard, Sampson's Gardens, Wapping, — 2d on the R. in Redmaid's lane from Hermitage-yard. Glasshous8-Y"ard, Gravel-Lane, Boro. — 12 doors N. from I)«ke-st. Glasshouse -Yard, Boro.-Mar- k€t, — 1st on the L. from York-st. towards the church. Glasshouse- Yard, Cock-Hill, RatclifTe,— at 120, 10 doors on iheL. from High-st. Shad- well. Glean - Alley, Tooley -St. — at 218, 5th on theR. from Lon- don-brtdge. Olobe-Aliey, ISTarrovv-St. Lime- house, — at 54, 2d on the L. below the Drawbridge. Globe-Court, Fish-St.-Hill, — at 22, nearly op. the Monument. Globe-Court, Wapping-St. — at 58, 2 doors W. from Globe- street. Globe-Court, Lamboth-Walk, — bottom of King-st. on the R. from the said walk. iKL>l3e - Court, Ratcliffe-Higli- GLO way, — at 78, E. side Old Gravel-lane. Globe-Court, Maid-Lane, Bo- ro. — 4th on theL. frumPark- sireet. Giobe-House, Globe-Pl. Betli- nal-GreeUj — a few doors on the L. from Green-st. Globe-Insurance-Oftice, Corn- hill, — 5 doors on the R. from the Mansion-house, also near the Palace, Pall-malL Globe-Lane, Mile-End-Road, — near | a mile on the L. be- low the turnpike. Globe Newspaper Otfice,Strand, — at 12r, op. Exeter-change. Globe-Pl. Bethnal-Green,— N. continuation of Globe-st. on the L. towards Hackney- road. Glol)e-Pl. Westr.-Bridge-Road^ Lambetb, — E, side, near the Marsh-gate. Globe-Stairs, — at 104, Rother- hithe-st. f of a mile below the church, op. Ratcliffe* cross. Globe - Stairs- Alley, — op. the last. Globe-St. Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the R. from the Green, towards Green-st. Globe-St. Wapping,— at 60, the 1st street west from the Lon- don-docks. Globe - Terrace, Globe-Lane, Bethnal-Green, — part oi the L. side, -f- mile from the Old Globe, Mile-end. Globe-Yard, South-Molton-St, — at 55, middle of the N. side. Globe-Yard,— N.end of Baker V builds. OldBethlfU). • . L3 GLO Globe-Yard, Lower Thames-St. -at68,op.the Custom-house. Gloucester-Builds. Brompton, —from Sloane-st. to Hooper's court. Gloucester-Builds. Albion-Pi. Walworth, — from the E. end to Weymouth-st. Kent-road. Gloucester-Court, St. James's St. — 9 doors on the 11, from the Palace, Gloucester-Court, Whiteeross- Street, St. Luke's, — at 114, middle of the E. side. Gioucester-Court (Little), — at the E. end of the last. Gloucester - Court, Curriers - RoWjBIackfriars, — 1st on the L. from Ireland^yard, St. An- drevvVhiU. Gloiicester- House, Up. Grosve- nor-Su — 17 doors on the L. from Grosvenor-sq. Gloucester-Mews WestjGeorge- St. Portmaii-Sq. — 3 doors W. of 7 1, G iouce«te r-pl. Gloucester- Mews North, New- Road, Marybone,— -at 24, GIoucester-pL Gloucester-Mews East, King-St. Portman-Sq. — at 13, Sd on the R. from 69, Baker-st, i}loucester - Pi. New - Road, Marybone, — N. side, op. Salisbury -pi, and Cumber- land-pl. ~ Gloucester-Pl. Portman-Sq. — from theN. W. corner to the New- road. Gloucester - PL Holborn,— at 147, 6 doors E. from Gray's- inn-lane, Gloucester-Pl. Vauxhall-Walk, ^. — adjoining Glasshouse - st. nsar the gardcnts. GLO Gloucester-Pi. (New),Vauxhall- Walk, — N . end of the last. Gloucester - PI. Kent-Road, — N. side the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. Gloucester-Row, Walworth, — from the E. enfl of Prospect- row, to Union-row, Kent- road. Gloucester-PL Walvvorth-Com- mon, — W. end of Westmore- land-row. Gloucester-Row, — at the W. end of the last. Gloucester - Row, Gloucester- St. Hoxton, — parallel to the N. side of it. Gloucester- St. Curtain-Road, Shoreditch, — 2d on the R. from Worship-st. Gloucester-St. Portman-Sq.*— from the N. W. corner to- George-st. Gloucester-St. (Little), George- St. Portman-Sq. — 15 doors on the R. from Baker-st. Gloucester- Street, Queen-Sq.— S. W. corner to Kingsgate-st. Holborn. Gloucester-St. Hoxton, — |ofa mile on the L. from Old-st.- road. Gloucester-St. Mile-End 01d» Town, — from 59, Charlotte- st. to the C(jmmercial-road. Gloucester-St. (New), Vauxhall- Walk, — J of a mile on the R. from Lambeth-butts. Gloucester - St. Oakley-Street, Lajnbeth,— 1st on the R. from Wcstr.-bridge-road. Gloucester-Terrace, Hoxton, — the N. continuation of Haber- dashers walk, on the R. Gloucester ► Terrace, Cannons GLO St.-Road,— W. side, from the Commercial - road to Char- lotte-st. Gloucestersliire - PI. Salmon's Lane, Limehouse, — 4th on the L. from tlie Commercial- road. Clovers - Hall - Court, Beech- Lane, Barhican, — 7 doors on the L. iVom 3, Whitecross- street. Goat- Street, Free - School-St. Horselydown, — 2d on the L. from the E. end of Tooley-st. Goat- Yard, W hitecross - Street, St. Luke's,— at 163, 3d on the R. from Old-st. Goat-Yard, Blackman-St. Boro. — at 25, 4th on theL.fromSt. George's church. Goat-Y'd, Queen-St. Horsely - down, — 2d on the L. from Freeschool-st. Goater's Farm, New-St, Nevv- ington, — 2d on the R. from op. the chapel. Goby's Court, Denmark-St. — 10 doors on the R. from 153, Ratcliffe-highvvay. Goddards-Rents, Webb -Sq. — continuation of the N. side, entering by 47, Slioreditch. Godfrey's Court, Milk-St.— at 24, 2d on the L. from Cheap- side. Godfrey's-Row, Mason-Street, Lambeth, — 3d on the L. from 30, Bridge-road. Godliman-St. — the continua- tion of St. Paul's chain from 14, St. Paul's-church-vard. Goff's Coal-Wharf, Whitehall, — entrance by Gt. Scotland- yard. Gold or Gould-Sq. Coopers- GOL Row, Tower-Hill, — 1st on the L. from Crutched-friars. Gold-St. King - Street, Saint George's East, — 1st on both the R. and L. from 30, New- Gravel-lane. Gold-St. Stepney-Green,; — the continuation of Prospect-pl. Golden-Builds.Strand, — at lb9, nearly op the New-church. Golden-Court, Golden-Lane,— at 117, 5ch on the R. from Old-st. Golden - Cross - Inn, Charing- Cross,— 10 doors W. of St. Martin's-lane. Golden -Lane, St. Luke's or Cripplegate, — 2d on the L. in Barbican from 77, Alders-* gate-st. Golden-Pl. Drury-Lane, — at 138, middle of the E. bide. Golden-Place, Market-St. Ken- nington-Lane, — 2d on the L. from White Hart-pl. Golden-Sq. — J of a mile N. from 28, Piccadilly, along Air-st. Francis-st. and Jolm- street. Golden -Fleece -Court, Mino- ries, — 2 doors on the L. from Aldgate. Golden - Fleece -Yard, Tothill- St. Westr.~4th on the R. from the Abbey. Golden - Griffin - Yard, Long- Lane, — at 19,3d on the R. from Aldersgate-st. Golden-Hart- Wnarf, — bottom of Joiners-hall-lane, from 79, Up. Thame s-st. Golden-Horse- Yard, Oxford-St. — at 156, middle of the N. side. Golden-Leg-Court; Cheapsidc; GOL —at 66, 3 doors W. of Queen- street. Golden-Lion-Inny Saint John- St. — at 111, 2d ii)n on theR. from Smith field. Goldeii-L ou-Yd, Gravel-Lane, Boro.— op. Price's - pi. £d- ward-st. Black rViars-id. Golden- Lioii-Couri, A Idersgate- St. — 4 doors N. from falcon- square. Goldhmitlis- Alley, Charles- St. ■ — 2d on the L. from 174, Drury-lane. Goldsraiths-Alms-Kou3es,Hack- iiey - Road, — left side the foot -way, from the Nag^s head to London-field. Goldsmith-Court, Gt. Nexv-St. Fetter-lane, — at 20, 2d on the L. frono VVe.-st-IIarding- street. Goldsmiths-Hall, Foster-Lane, — at 16, that number on the R. from Cheapside. Goldsmiths-PL Hackney-Road, — op. the Nag's liead, | of a mile on the L. from Shore- ditch-church. Goldsmiths-Row or Walk,. — • the contmuation of the last. Goidsmith-Rovv, East Harding- St. Fetter-Lane, — part of the S. side of it. Goldsmith-Street, Gough-Sq. — N. W. corner, entrance by 145, Fleet-st. Goldsmith-Street, Wood-St. — at 124, 10 doors on the L. from Cheapside. Goldsworthy - Row, Deptford Lower-Road,— J of a mile on the R. from Paradise-row. Goodge-St. Tottenham - Court- GOS Road, — at 64, Sd on the L. from Oxford-st. Goodman's Fields, Whiteclia- pei, — a large district E. of tilt; Minories. Goodman'^ Green, Palmer's Village, — S. end of Good- man's-row. GooJnian's Gardens, Middle- sex-Pi. Hackney-Road, — J of a miie on the L. from Shore- ditclK Goodman's Row, Palmer's Vil- lage, — 2d on the L. from Brewers-green. Goodman's-Sq,- — op. the E. end of Church-st. Biackfriars-Rd. Goodman's Stile, Church-St.— 2d on the R.from 72^ White- chapel. Goodman's Yard, Minories,-— at 60, 22 doors on the R. from Sparrow-corner, Tower- hill. Goodwin's Court, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-CrosSj-^at 55, S. side New-st. Goodwin and Powell's Wharf, Rotherhiihe-wall, — E. side of Fountain-stairs. Goose and Gridiron Coach-Of- lice, St. Paul's Church-Yard, — behind 74, corner of Lon- don-House-yard, Gossip-Builds. Ducking-Pond- Lane, Whitechapel, — 4th oa the R. from Court-st. Goswell-Place, Goswell-SL-Rd. — E. side the turnpike, 1st on the R. from Goswell-st. Goswell-St. — the continuation of Aldersgate - st. and St. Martin's le- grand, entering, by 6dy Ncwgate-st. GOS Go5nell-St.-Rd. — continuation of Qoswell-st. to Islington. Goswell-StrOet-Repository, — 2 doors N. of Fan-st. Gough-Houve, Paradise - Row, Chelsea, — a few yards on the L. from the Hospital. Goui;h-Sq. Fleet - St. — behind the middle of the N. side, en- tranced))' 14-5 and 151. Gould's Court, Lambeth Upper- jNIarsh, — nearly op. Staugate- street. Gould's Hill, Shadu-ell High-St. — at 97, Gth E. of the church. Gouldstone-Court, Three-Tuu- AUey,— 'Jd E. of New Goui- stone-st. Goulston-Sq.— N. end of G^ul- ston-st. Goulston-St. Whitecbapel, — at 140, 1st E. of Petticoat- lane. Goulston-St.(New), — the conti- nuation of the last to Went- worth-st. Govver - Mews, Gower - St. — 5 doors' on the L. from Bed- ford-sq. power-Mews (Up.) — 1st on the L. in Francis-st. from Gower- st. towards Tavistock-sq. Gower*s-Pl. Mill-Yard, — 1st on the R. from 80, Cable-st. Gower's-Row, — from the last to GowerVwaik. Gower-St. Bedford-Sq. — from the N.E. corner to Francis-st. Gower-St. (Upper), — continua- tion of the last. Gower-St. North, — the conti- nuation of the last to the New-road. Gower's Walk, Church- Laae, GRA Whitcchapel, — 3 doors E. of Goodman's stile. Govey's-Pl. Mile-End-Road,— by the I hree Mackarel, near- ly two miles on the L. from Aldgate. Graces-Alley, Wellclose-Sq. — from the N. W. corner to Well-fit. Graces-Yd. Minories,— at 46, middle of the E. side. Gracechurch-St. — N. continua- tion of Fish-st.-hill, London- bridge. Graftoii-CourtyParadise-Street, Mary It bone, — 10 doors ou the R. from 8':, Highest. Giafton-Mews, Grafton - St.— by the S. E. corner of F'itzroy- square. Gralton-St. Tottenham-Court- Road, — ac 120, 2d S. of the New-road. Gi afton-St. East, — op. the last. Grafton-S:. (Up.) Fitzroy-Sq. — S. W. comer. Grafton-St. Soho, — N. conti- nuation of Gerrard-street, to Monmov!th-st. Grafton-Street, Dover-St. — the continuation of it from 68, Piccadilly. Grafton-Yard, Tottenham - Ct. — 1st E. of the Hampstead- road. Graham^s Builds. Blue-Anchor- Aliey, — 1st and 2d on the L. from 108, Bunhill-row. Granby's Bulds. Drury-Lane, — at 1 1 1, N. side Whitehorse- yard. Grauby's Buildings, VauxhalU Walk,— N. end, the corner of Lambeth-butts, OR A Granby-Gardens, — a few doors on the R. in Artichoke-yard, from 18, Lambeth-marsh. Granby-Pi. Lambeth-Marsh,— N, end of Artichoke-yard. Granhy-Row, Bethnal-Green- Road,— Iston the L. in Ab- bey-st. fjom 92, said road. Granby-Rovv, Granby-St. Betb- J)al-Green, — 1st on the L. from James-st. Granby-St. James-Street, Betli- na[-Green,~lst on the R. from i24,Church-st. Grand-Junctioii-StAVhitefriars, — the cont.nnation of Bou- verie-st bearing to . the L. from 62, Fleet-«t. Grand-Junction-Wharf, White- friars, — (Mr -srs. Harvey and Napier^s) at the 8. end of the last. Grange-Court, Carey - St. — at 27, 1st on the R. from Por- tugal-st. Grange - House - Lodge, Mi - chaers-Grove, Bronipton. Grange - Road, Bermondsey,— at .Star-corner; it branches off on the R. hy Fort-p!. to tlie Green - man, Kent n)ad, and on ihe L.to Jamaica-row^ Grange-Terrace, G rangx-Road. See Anderson's-I^uiids. Grange-Walk , Bermondsey-Sq. —from the S. E. corner, to wliat was lately called the Grange. CJrange-Yard, Carey-St. — at 31 , near Portugal-st. Grantham-Pl. Park-Lane,— 10 doors on the R. from Picca- dijly. Grasshopper - Court, White - GRA cross-Street, St. Luke's, — ^t 217, 3 doors N, of Beech-st, Gravel-Lane, Houn'dsditeh, — at 148, 10 doors from Aldgate- church. Gravel -Lane (Old), Ratcliffe - Higliway^ — at 65^ nearly op, St. George^s -church. Gravel-Lane (New), Shad well High-St.— at 23, 1st E. of Old Gravel-lane. Gravel-Lane, South wark, — 1st E. on both the R. and L. from Surrey -chapel, Black- friars-road. Gravel-Walk, Blue- Anchor-Al- ley, — 3d on the L. from 109, Bunhill-row. Grave's Alley,. Popkr, — op. the Town-hall. Gray's Builds. Duke-St. Man- chester-Sq.. — at 38, 2d on the L. h'on. 174, Oxford-st. Gray's Itm, — i^. side of Hol- born, op. iViiddle-row, and W. side of Grav*s-mn-lane. GrayVlnn - Gardens — princi - pai entrance at the N. end of Fiiiiwood's rents, from 34, Holbf-rn. GrciyV-Jnn - Lane, Holborn, — - 5:h coach- turning on the R» about I of a mile W. tVon> Ficet-markot. GrayVlnn - 1 ane (L. ttk), — at 73, in the laf?t, i of a miie on the R. from Holborn. GrayVlnn-Passagf , Red-Lion- St. — 18 doors on the R. from 7U lii^li-Iluibora. Gray's-Inn-Plaee, — N. end of Warwick - court, from 40, IIigh-Holhorn. Gray VLin-Square, — W. side of GRA GravVinn-liine, entrance op. so/ Gray-Street, Duke-St.Manches- ter-Sq. — 2(1 on the li. t'vom 174, Oxford-st. Gray-St. Black friars-lld. — con- tinuation of George's - row, from the Johxi o'Groats to Baron's-builds. Gray's Walk, Lambeth, — the W. continuation of East-st. Gray's Yard, James-St. Man- chester-Sq. — at 44, 2 doors N. of Gray-s|;. Graystock-Pl. Fetter-Lane. See Grey stock -PI. Great- Yard, Gun-Alley,. — 2d on tiie 11. from 104, NVappiiig- street. Great- Yd. Parish - St.— 2d on the 11. from the bottom of Tooley-st. Greek's Court, Bermondsey-St. — 39 doors on the L. Irom Toolcy-st. Greek-St. Soho-Sq. — from the S. E. corner to Kin^^-st. Green-Bunk, VVapping, — from the N. side the church to 160, Old Graveirlaae. Green-Bunk, Tooley-St. — at 81, — 3 doors beiovv Morgan's- lane. Green's Builds.Lambeth-Marsh, — 3d on the L. from Biack- friars-rd. Green-Church-Yard, St. Cathe- rine's, — on the S. side St. Ca- therineVchurch. Green - Court, Tothill - Fields, Westr. — behind the Horse- guards- hospital, llochester- row. Green-Court, Coleman-St. — 9 C.RE doors on the K. from Lon- don-wall. Green-Court, Green - Walk, — op. the E. end of Church-st. Biackfriars-rd. Green-Park, St. James's Park, — from St. James's Park to Piccadilly. Green-Pl. Green -St. Bethnal- Green, — by the Weavers- arms, I of a mile on the R. from the Green. Green^s Row, Chelsea, — op. the Hospital-wall, 2d on the L. in Smith-st. from the King's road. Green's Row, Bermondsey New- lid. — 4th on the L. from the Bi'icklaycrs-arms. Green'sR.ow,Kennington-Road, Newingtou,— behind the Man- sion-house Public-iiouse. ' Green-St. Leicester-Sq. — from the S.E. corner, to 6, Castle-st. Green-Street, Theobald's Road, Red-Lion-Sq. — G doors E. of Lamb's-conduit-st. Green-Street, North Audley- St. — at 27, 2d on the R. from 262. Oxford-st. Green's Court, Little Pulteney- St. — 10 doors on the R. from Wardour-st. Greeii-St. Bethnal-Green, — en- trance by the S. E. corner of the Green, towards Bow - common. Green-St. Church-St. — 8 doors from Biack friars- road. Green-St, Ben net's Row, — 3d on the R. from Blackfriars- road. Green-St. (Up.) Higlers-Lane, — op, the last. GRE Green's Walk, James-St. West- minster, — E. side of Lady Dacre^s alms-houses. Green- Walk, Christ - Church, Surrey, — 2d on the R. in HoUand-st. from Biackfriars- bridge. Green- Walk, Biackfriars-Road, — 3d on the R. from the bridge. Green- Walk,St.George*s Fields. See Green-St. Green-Walk, HickmanV Folly, Bermondsey, — the last on the R. from Dock-head. Green - Yard (for the City), White-Cross-St. Cripplegate, — at 34, 2d on the R. from 115, Fore-st. Green-Yd. Pepper-Alley, Boro. —1st on the L. from 314, High-st. Green-Yard, Up. East -Smith- field, — at the back of 110, op. Nightingale-lane. Green-Coat- School, Westr. — ■ S. side of Bridewell, by Palmer's village. Green-Dragon- Yard, King - St. — at 37, 1st on the L. from 322, Oxford-st. Green-Dragon-Court, Forc-St. Cripplegate,— atl02, W. side of Grub-st. Green - Dragon - Court, Cow- Lane, W. Smithficld, — at 43, 21 doors on the L. from Fleet-market. Green-Dragon-Court, St. An- drew's Hill, Blackfriars, — at . 10, op. the church. Green-Dragon-Yd. High - Hol- born,— at 199, op. Blooms- bury-court. Green-Dragon-Yard, Worship- GRE St. — 1st on the L. from 21, jNorton-talgate. Green-Dragon-Yd. Whitecha- pel, — at 10, op. the church. Green-Dragon-Alley, Wapping, — at 194, 2 doors W. of New Gravel-lane. Cireen-Dragon-Alley, Narrow- St. Limthouse, — 2d on the L. below Turner's wharf. Green-Dragon-Court, York-St. Boro. — 1st on the R. from 276, High-st. Green-Dragon-Gardens,Spring- Garden-Pl. Stepney, — 2d on the L. from the churcii. Green -Dragon -Inn, Bishops- gate, — at 85, 20 doors S. of the church. Green-Dragon-Inn, Giltspur-St. — 1st gateway on the R. from Ncwgate-st. Green-Dragon-Coach-Office, — at 56, Fleet-st. middle of the S. side. G reenfield'-Street, Commercial- Road, — 4 th on the L. from Whitechapel. Green-Gate-Court, Hampstr-ad- Road, — by the turnpike, N. side the chapel. Green-Gate-Gardens,Hackney- Road,— -t of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch, behind the Green-gate. Green-Gate-Yard, Curtain-Rd. — 1st on the L. from Wor- ship-st. Green-Arbour-Court, Lambeth- Hill, — 5 doors on the R. from tlie Old-change. Green - Harbour - Court, Old- Bailey, — at 16, 5 doors from Snow-hill. Green-Harbour-Court (Little), ORE — a door or two S. of the hist. Greeii-IIarbour - Court, Little iNloortickls, - — 5 doors tVom 0'2y Forost. Greeu-IIarbour-Court, French- Allev,- — 4th on the 11. Irom ^21, Gosweil-st. Greenhill's Rents, Saint John- St. — 14 doors on the L. from 75, N. side of VVest-Sniith- iield. Green-House- Row, Westmin- ster-Bi-idge-Rd. — N. side, by the Obelisk. Greenland orCommercial-Dock, — at the lower part of Ro- therhithe, 3 miles from Lon- don-bridi^e. Greeiiland-Pl. Lucas-St. Gray^s Inn-Lane, — \V. end, between Joseph-st. and Jad(i-st. Green-Lcttuce-Court, Forc-St. Cripplegace, — ^at 106,6 doors W. oF Grub-st. . Green-Lettuce- Lane, Cannon- >5t. — at 30, nearly op. Ab- church-lane. Green-Man and Still Waggon- Odice, OxFord-St. — at 324, CO r n e r o f S w a i i o w-s t .— C oach- otnce is nearly opposite. Green->Lin-Yai-d, Coleman-St. 4 — 3 doors on the L. from London-wall. Greenwich (Little), 43, Alders- gate-St. See Ilorn-Alley. Greenwich-St. Dowgate, — bot-^ torn of Brewer-lane, from 83, Up. Thames-st. Greenwood's Court, Xightin- gale-Lane, — at 25, 5th on the R. from 110, Up. E.-Smith- tield. Greenwood's Court, . Harrow- GRE Alley, Iloundsditch, — 3d on the R. from WInte-st. Greenwood's Rents, Angel-Sq. Bishopsgate, — west end of Blade's builds. Gregg's Alley, Essex-St. — 6th on the R. from 105, WhitlD- chapel. Greigg's Court, Goodman's Yd, — 2d on the L. from the Mi- nories, Grieg's Gardens, Commercial- Rd. — N.side,byDoran's row. Gregory*s Builds. New -Road, St. George's East, — nearly op. Betts-street. Gregory's Court, Corporation- Row, Clerkenwell, — 2d on the L. from St. John-st. Gregory's Court, High-Holborn, — at 244, E. side Little Turn- stile. Gregory's PI. Ilalf-Moon^Al- ley, — 1st on the R. from 133, Aidcrsgate-st. Gregory's PL Maze, Boro. — op, Dean-£t. from 201,Tooley-st. Gregory's Terrace, Hull-Street, St. Luke's, — N. end, op. the Market-garden. Grenviile-St. Brunswick-Sq. — from the S. \V. corner, to 83, Gt. Guiiford-st. Grenv.lie-St. Sotnmers-Town, — 1st parallel to the N. side of C!arencion-sq. prcnvillcMews, — at the back of t!ie last. Gresham - Alms - Houses, — be* hind 34, Whitecross-st. Crip- plegate. Gresham-Pl. Moor-Lane^ Crip* p legate, — at the N. end, on the L. from 87, Fore-st. Greshtun- Lecture-Room, Royal- niiE Exchange,— 1st door on the 11. in the Staircase from Cornhill. Gresse-JMevvs, Gresse-St. Rath- bonc-Pl.— at ^1, S. end. Grehse-St. Rathbone-Pi. — 22 " doors on the R. from 24, Oxford-st. Greville-Street, Brook - Street, ' BrookVMarket, — IsC on the R. from 140, Holboni-hill. Orevi}le-Court,Greville-St. — at 9, leading into Beauchamp- st. and BrookVmarket. Gr^y-Coat-Piace, Westr. — op. the Grey - coat - school, by Srrutton-ground. Grey-Coat-School, Westr.— W. end of Gt. Peter-st. and S. end of Strutton-ground. Grey-Eagle - St. Spitalfields, — 1st on the R. in Phoenix-st. from 38, Whceler-st. Grey-lViars, Ntvvgaie - St. — at 108, op, Warwick-lane. Greyhound - Alley, St. Mary- Axe, — 6 doors on the R. from Leadenhail-st. Greyhound - Court, Water - St. Strand, — 1st on the L. from 37, Arundel-st. Greyhound-Court, Chick-Lane, — 6 doors on the R. from Field-lane or from Saffron- hill. Greyhound -Court, St. Cathe- rine's Lane, — 2d on the L. from 49, Up. K.-Smithfield. Greyhound-Inn, W.-Smithlield, — 13 doors N. from Ho- sier-lane. Greyhound-Lane, Whitechapel- Road,— at 106, op. the Lon- don-hospital. Greyhound-Yard, BrickrStreet, GKl JVIayfair,— op.Eogin€-^t. Pic- cadilly. Greyhound-Yd. High-IIolborn, —at 82, 10 doors W. of Red- lion-st. Greyhound-Yard, Grub-Street, Cripplegate, — 12 doors on the L. from 100, Fore-st. Greystock-Pl, Fetter-Lane, — at 101, 3d on the R. from 33, Holborn-hilL Greystock-Pl. Bethnal- Green, — ^between ISorth-st. and Dog-row, GriceVWliarf, Rotherhithe, — by Churcli-stairs^ on the E. side of tlie church. Grievson^s Rents, Melior-Street, Snow's Fields, Boro. — mid- dle of the N. side. Griffin-Inn, Boro. — S. side St. George's church, 6 doors from Kent-st. Griffin- Passage, Ilalf-Moon-St. — at 28, 1st on the L. from Piccadilly. Grithn-Pl. Dog-Row, Betln.-al- Green, — 1st on the R. a few doors from Mile-end- turn- pike. G riffi n-St. Shadwell, — continu- ation of Peal-alley, from 61, High St. Gnlhn^s Wharf, — at the bottom of Morgan's lane, from 80,. Tooley-st. Griffith's Rents, Bermondsey- St. — 34 doors on the L. horn Tooley-st. Grindon's Builds. Tabernacle- Walk, — at 54, nearly op. the Tabernacle. Grivson's Rents - Melior-St. — > 1st on the L. from Snow's Fields. GRO Grocer-Courty Sliorc ditch, — at 83, 13 doors N. of the turn- pike. Grocer-Court, KingslaiuURoad, —at 65, a few doors on tlie L. fromShorcditch. Grocer-Court, Well- Alley,— 2d on the U. from 110^- Wap- pii)g. Grocers-IIall-Court, Poultry, — at 35, 10 doors W, of the Muusion-house. Grocers-Hail, — N. end of the last. Grog-Court,— N.end ofNightin- gale-lane, Limehouse. Grass's Builds. Cannon - St.- Koad, — N. end of Beau- mont* s-bui Ids. GroseVllent5» Long-Lane, Ber- mondsey, — • 4th on the L. from the church. Grosvenor-Chapel, South Aud- ky-St. — ^22 doors on the L. from Grcsvenor-sq. Grosvenor-Gate, Park-Lane, — J a mile from Piccadilly. Grohvenor- Market, Davies-St. — 1st on the L. from 292, ©xford-bt. Ofosv€nor-Mews,Grosvenor-St. -^4 d'»ors on r!ie L. from 130, New B(»i\d-st. Gfosvenor-Pl. Hyde- Park-Cor- ner, — 8. side the tnrnpike. Grosvenor-E^lace (Lower),— the cosiiHuatiou of the ia'&l; to Arabella-row. Giosvtnor-Hovv, Chelsea, — the E. coiitinuation of Royal Hospital-row, to Ebury-st. Grosvenor -PI. Boro.-lioad, — t^ do(jr- on ttic R. from the Obelisk. GRO Grosvenor-Sq. — S.end ofDukc** St. from 217, Oxford-st. Grosvenor-Strect,NewBond-St. — at 130, 4th on the L. from 58, Piccadilly, extending t(> Grosvenor-sq. Grosvenor-St. ( Upper), — coi>t i- nuation of the last from the square to Park-lane. Grosvenor-St. (Little), — at G", Grosvenor-st. 9 doors E. oi Davics-st. ^ Grosvenor-St. West, PimlicO; — the E. side of the Kint^'s road, by Up. Eaton-st, G rosvenor - St» M i 1 ! ban k- Ho \Vj Westr. — at 6, under tiie arch- way. Grotto- PI. Padiidsey, — 'Zd on the L. from Cherry-garden-stairs. Gun-lIouse-x\lley and Staiis, Lambeth. See Bomb-housc- Alley. Gun powder- Alley, Shoe-Laiie, — at 95, 18 doors on the L^ from 130, Fler.t-st. Gunpowder - Court, Crutched- Fri. Thames-st. Harrow-Court, Harrow-Streety Miut-St. Boro. — middle of the S. side. HAR Harrow - Lane, Poplar. Sec King's Road. HarroH-Hoad, Paddington,— | ^f a rade on the L. from Ty- burn-turnpike along the Edg- ware-road. Harrow-Street, Mint-St. Boro. — 2d on the L. from 156, Higli-st. Ilarrow-St. (Little), — op. the last. Hart-Court, Bridgewater-Sq.— at the N. VV. corner. Harts-Lane, Beth nal-Green-Rd. — 1st on the L. below tlie turnpike, near 4 a mile from 65, Shored itch. Harts-Row, Marsh-Wall, Pop- lar, or Isle of Dogs, — near a mile bel;)w the entrance to the West-India-docks. Hart-Street, Duke-St. Grosve- nor-Sq. — 1st on the R. 12 doors from 276, Oxford-st. Hart-St. Bloomsbury, — 1st on the L. in King-st. from 120, High-Holborn. Hart-Sl. Coven t-Garden, — Isl on the L. in Bovv-j,t. from Gt. Russell-st. Hart-Street, Wood-St. Cripple- gate, — ac 63, op. London- wall. Hart-St. Crutchcd- Friars, — at 64, Mark-lane, 1st on the L. from Fenchurch-st. Hart Street, Weymouth -St. — 2d on the R, from Brighton- pi. Kent-road. Hartley-Fl. Kent-Road, — op. the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. Hartley's Wharf, Horselydown, — VV. side of Hajselydown HAT Old-Stiiirs, entrance by Free- man's-lane. Hartshorn-Coart, Moor - Lane, Moorfields, — 4tli on the R. from 86, Fore-st. Hartshorn-Court, Leadenhall- St. — at 66, 8 doors on the L. from Aldgate. Hartshorn-Court,Golden-Lane, — at 82, 3d on the L. from Old-st. Hartshorn- Wharf, Lower East- Smithfield,^— between the Ar- ray Victualling - Office and Glasgow- w harf . Harvey's Buildings, Strand, — at 426', 3 doors W. of Bedford- street. Harvey's Court, Mason-Street, Lambeth, — 2d on the L. from 30, Bndge-road. Hasley-Court,Blackman-Street. See Nelson's PI. Hat and Mitre-Court, St. John- St.— at 150, JL of a mile on the R. from Smithfield. Hatchet-Court, Little Trinity- Lane, — 3 doors on the R. from 199, Up. Thames-st. Hatfield-Pl. St.GeorgeVFields, — on tlie W. side the Obe- lisk. ~ Hattield-Pl. Cross-St. — 3d on the R. from Blackfriars-rd. Hatheld-Street, Stamford-St.— 3d street from Blackfriars- road. Ilatfield-St. Goswell-Street, — at 25, a few doors S. from Old-st. Hatfield- Yard, Gray's Walk, Lambeth,-— E. end from Lam- beth-walk. Hatton -Court, Threadneedle- HAT St.— at 49, 3 doors E. of the church. Hatton-Court. SafFron - Hill,— 12 doors on the L. from Fieid-lauG, Holborn-bridfre. Hatton-Garden, Holborn-Ilill, — at 106, 2d coach- turning on the K. from Fleet-mar- ket. Hatton's Rents, Lombard - St. Boro. — 1st on the R. south of Mint-st. Hatton-Wall, Hatton-Garden, •—at the N. end, 3d from Holborn, Hatton-Yard, Cross-Street,— 8 doors E. of 44, Hatton-gar- den. Haughton-St. Clare-Market, — 2d on the R. in Newcastle- st. from SOS, Strand. Haunch of Venison-Yd. Brook- St. Gra£venor-Sq. — 3 doors from 103, New Bond-st. Hawkers-Office, Somerset - PI. — 1st door on the R. in the square, fiom loC, Strand. Hawkins's Court, Pedlars-Acre, — 1st on thc'L. from Westr.- b ridge. Hawkins's Court, Miles^sLane, — 11 doors on the R. from 49, Cannon-st. Hawkins's Court, Charles-St. — 3d on the L. from 174, Drury-lane. Hawkins's Court, Rosemary- Lane, — at 82, op. Dock-st. Hawkins's Court, Risby *s' Rope- Walk, Limehoase,-^lst on the L. from the W. end. Hawksbury-Pl. Lock's Fields, Walworth, — the E. end of Salisbury-pl. Hawley-Wharf. See Downe's. HAY Hawley's PI. North-St. White- chapel, — 2d on the R. from Ducking-Pond-row, op. the Jews-Bury ing-ground. HawVAlnis-liouses,Bow-Lane, Poplar, — 1st on the R. from the Iligh-st. Hay's Court, Gcrrard-St. Soho, ^ — E. end, from Newport- market to Greek-st. Hay's Court, While's Yard, — 1st on the L. from o8, Rose* ' mary-lane. Hay-Hill, Berkeley-St. — 4doors from the S. E. corner of Berkeley -sq. Flayse's Court, White's Yard, — 1st on the L. from 58, liose- mary-lane. Hay's Lane, Tooley-St. — at 44, nearly op. Dean-st. ieadingto Hay's wharf. Hny's Mews, Charles-St. — 5 doors on the R. from Berke- ley-sq. Hay's Row, Paris -PI. Lisson- Green, — a few yards on t\\e I. from 23, Chapel-st. Hay's W harf. See Hay's Lane. Haydon-Passage, Mansel-St. — from 21, to die N. E. corner of Haydon-sq. Haydon-Sq. Minories, — at the E. end of Hay don-yard. Haydon-Sq. (Little), N. side the last. Haydon-Yd. Minories, — at 40, middle of the E. side. Hayiield-Yard, Mile-End,— 25 doors below Stepuey-green. Haymarket, — from the E. end of Piccadilly to Pali-Mall. Haymer-Court, Maid-Lane, Bo- ro.— -middle of the S. side, op. Pvose-ailey. IIAZ Hazlewood-Court, Twisters-Al- ley, — 1st oil the L. from 103, Bunliill-row. Heath-Court, Strand, — at 412, nearly op, Adain-st. Adel- phi. Heath-Pl. Hackney -Road, — a mile on the L. from Shore- ditch, between the turnpike and the Hare public-hous<;. Heath-St. Conunercial - Road, Stepney, — nearly op. Step- ney-causeway. Ilcddon-Court, Swallow - St. — at 131, 4th on the L. from 44, Piccadilly. Ileddon - Street, Leicester - St. — 4 doors on the R. from 130, 8wall()vv-st. liciiiTcr^ Coui't, \V('l)ber-Row, St. Georo;f:'s Fi^^lds, — near the Jolly Miller. St. Hele-nti, Depthjrd Lower- Road,— vV. side the iL-^lf- way-house. 2} miles from London-bridtj,e. St. Helena-Place, — W. side the last. St. Helen's (Great),— from 35, Bishopstrate-within, to 61, St. Mary- Axe. St. Helen's Place, — the bottom of Gt. St. Helen's from Bish- op sirate. ^ St. Helen's PI.— l^t X. of the last. S.t. Helen's Passage*^ — N. side Gt. St. Helen's.' St. Helen's-Chambers, Gt. St. Helenas — E. side, entrance bv 33. St, ilclen's Church, Great St. Helen's. Helen's Place, Pitt-St. Bcthnal- HEN Green, — 1st on the L. frotti Chester-pl. Helmet-Court, Strand, — at337, op. vSomerset-house. > HeUiiet-Court, Helmet-RoWjSt. Luke*s, — at 15, N. side the church. Helmet-Court, London- Wall, — at 25, 6 doors E. of Ba» sin^hall-st. Helmet-Court, Upper Thames* St. — at 230, 3 doors E. of Addle-hill. Helmet-Court, Wormwood-Sc. — 7 doors on the L. from 65 f Bishopsi2;ate. Helmet-Court, Butcher - Row, — at 31, a few doors on the R . fro m .LI p , E.-S m i 1 1 » fi e Id . Helmet-Row, Old - Street, St, Luke's, — at 97, W. side th^^ church. Helvetic - Chnpel, INIoore - St.. Seven-Dials-— by the VV. emi of Monmouth-st. Hemlock -Court, Carey - St.— • 3d on the L. from 99, Chan- cery-laue. Hcmniing's Row, St. Martin^iji Lane,-^at 119, 1st on the L, from Charini;-cross. Hemus-'rerrace, Chelsea, — be* tween the Hospital and the King's road, E. side Smith- strect. Hen and Chickens-Court, Fleet- St.— atl84, between St.Dua- Stan's church and Fetter - lane. Heneaiie-Lane, Duke's Pl.-^od on the R. in Creechuroh-lane from 87, Leadenhall-st. HeneaLa^-St. !\Iilc-End New- Town, — the continuation \if N HEX -Fiying-liorse-yaid, from 31, Brick-lane. Henrietta-lNlews, Ifenrietta-St. Brunswick-Sq. — E. end, by the Found lini^-hospilal. Henrietta- Passage^ Henrietta- St. — ij doors on the L. tVoni the S. VV. corner of Caven- dish-sq. ricnrietta-St, Cavendish-Sq. — from the S.VV.corner to Mary- b(me-lane. Henrietta-St,Mahchester-Sq. — 1st on the E. in Duke-st. from 17^, Oxford-st. Henrictta-St. Coven t -Garden, — ^from the S. W. corner to 34, Bedford-st. Henrietta-Street^ Hunter-St. — 1st from the N. W. corner of Brunswick-sq. Hcnrietta-St.Ilackney-Road, — nearly op. Gt. Canibridge-st. ^ a mile on the R. from Shored itch. ilenry-Passage-, Henry-St. — 2d on I he ii. from the Hamp- stcai-roado Hen ry-Pl. Castk -Lane, Vv'estr. — last on the L. from James- street. He 1 1 ry-Pl. Wal worth-Co m m on , — at the W. side of Surrey- square. Henry-St. Ham p stead -Road,. — 2d on the L. from Totten- ham-court. Henry-St. Gray's-Tnn- Lane, — op. 91, f of a mile on the L. from Holhorn. Henry- Street, Pen tonville, — the continuation of VVhite-lion- st. from Ishnszton. Henry^Sucet, bld-St.— at 80, HER 2d W. of St. Lukels )ios- pital. Hehry-St.BIackwall-Causeway^ — 1st on the R. from Pop- lar liigh-st. Heralds-College, Doctors-Conv- mons, — at 15, Bennet's hill, S. side St. Paul's-church-yd. Herbert's Passage, Beaufort's Builds. — 3 doors from 95, Strand. Hercules-Buildfi. Lambeth, — S.. side the road from the Asy- lum to the church. Hercules Coach-Office, Leaden- hall-St. — at 119, nearly op.. Limc-st. and the East-India- house. Hercules -Tavern, — at 79, Old Broad-st. by Threadneedle- sti-eet. Hereford-Pl. Commercial -Rd. — N . side, the corner of Can- non-st.-road. Hereford-Street, Park-St. — 1st on the R. from 257, Oxford-st. Hermes - St. Pen tonville, — 3d on the R. from Islington. Kcrmes-Ilill, — op. the N. end of Her^nes-st. Hermitage, Biompton, — N.side of Y^eoman's-rovv. Hermirage-Bridge, Hermitage- Dock, — I of a mile below the 'I'ovver. Hermitage - Dock, divides Lower E. Smith field from Wapping. Hermitage-Stairs, Wapping-St. — op. 14, and op. i\J ill-stairs. Hermitage-Sc. (Great), — 1st N, parallel to Wapping-st. from Hermitage - bridge, to the London-docks. HER Hcrinita<^c-St. (Little), — at 14, Wappiir^-st. 1st on the L. below llermiuige-bridge. Ilcnnitage- Yd. — continuation ot" Little ilcnnitage-sl. from 14, VVup ping-st. Hern's Build.s.' iJp. East-S.nith- lield, — at 7, -i of a mile on the L. from Tower-hiil. Hern's Coari', Dock -St. — 1st on tiie L. from 83, Up. E.^st- Sniithfieid. Hertford-Uow, Battle- Bridge, —op. Weston-street, Penton- ville, and flamilton-pl. Hertford-St. Fitzroy-Sq. — 1st on the II. in London-st. from 108, Tottenham-coLirt-ruad. Hertford-St. May fair, — 3d on the li. in Park-lane from Pic- cadilly. Hertford - Street, Skinner - Sf. Sommers-Town, — ^d on the R. from 15, JuddVpl. Hert s Row, Marsli-Wall, Pop- lar, — I of a mile below the King's-iu-ms. He\v€t*s Court, Strand, — at 461, near Charing-cro.ss. Hewit's Coiirt, Mutton-Lane, — 1st on the R. from Mile- En'*-r>ad. Hickman's Folly. Dock-Head, — £. continuaticjn of Dock- h;'ad to G<: orgeVrow. Hickman's Rents, Russell- St. Bermondsey. See Hiihuan's Rents. Higli-Ro\v, Kni>2;htsbridgc,— N. side the iLgh-road, opposite Sloane-st. Higli-St. Mary bone, — continua- tion oF Tha w-st. E. side of Manchestcr-sfj.. to tlie Xevv- road. HIL High-Street, Si. (tUcs'.v—^'V^ continuation of Broad-st. by the church. Iligh-St. Isliiigton, — from the Angcl-inn to vvardsthe church. Iligh-St. Mile-End New-rown, — the continuatioii of Orcat- Garden-st, from oD, VVhite- chapel-road. High-St. Stepney, — W. side the church-yard. lligh-St. Lambeth,— from op, the church, to Broad-st. Iligh-St. Boro. — from Loudon- bri Ige (where there are land 323) to St. George's church. High-St. Nf:vvini;ton, — on the E. side the li.gli-road, op. the church. High-Tim be r-St. Up. Thames- •St. — from Broken-wharf to Brook's-wharf, op. Oread-st.- hiH. Hglers-Lane, Lambeth-Marsh or New-Cut, — 2d on the L. from Surrey-chapel : it leads to VVebher-st. HigU-rs-Laue, Black friars-Rd. — 3.J on the R. from the Obe- lisk. Hill's Alms- Houses, We5tr» See Emery-Hill's. Hilfs Builds. Avcry-Row, Pirn- lico, —a few doors on the R» from op. llanelagh-walk. Hill-Court, Hill-St. Finsbury- Sq. — 1st on the L. 3 doors from Paul -St. Hill-Court, Shoreditch, — ^"at 51, 3 doors N. of Webb-sq. Hill-iVlcws, Hill-St.— at 35, 1st on the L. from Berkeiey-sq. Hill'> PI. — the continuation of Pancras-'it.Tottenhaiii-cou/t- road. lltL llill-St. Berkeley-Sq.-^at 41, middle of tlie W. side. Hill-St, Finsbury-Sq. — 2d pa- rallel to the N. side, from Paul'St. to 10, VVindnii 11-st. Hill-St. Little Tower -Hilj,^ the E. side, from the Mino- ries to the New-Mint. lliliiard's Court, Old Gravel- Lane, — at 1 5, 2d on the R. from 157, Wapping. Hillman's Rents, Russell-Street, Bermondsey, — 1st on the R. from Dock-head. Hind-Court, Fleet-St.—- at 147, (/p. Water-lane. Hind-Court, Noble-St. Foster- Lane, — at 19, the corner of Falcon-sq. Hind-Mews, Marybone-Lane, — at 61, 3d on the L. from Oxford-st. Hind-Sti%et, Manchester-Sq. — from the E, side to 68, Mary- bone-lane. Hind-St.-Chapel, — tbe corner of Thayre-st. Hinton^s Alm3-Hou«:es, Ploiigb- Allcy,Barbican, — afewyards on the R. from nearly op. Redcross-st. Hob's Court, Old Castle-Street, Whitechapel, — 1st on the L. •• from 121, VVentworth-st. Hobson's Buildings, Russell-St. Bermondsey, — 1st on the L. in Church-st. towards Dock- head. Hobson's PI. Pelham-St. Mile- End New-Town, — 4th on the R. from 63, Brick-lane. Hobson's Rents, — E. side of the last. Hodge's Builds. Ratcl'ffe-Row, noL St. Luke's, — op. Nelson-st. City-road. Ilodfi^e's Court, — a few yards W. of the last. Hodge's - Court, Denmark - St« St. George's East, — 1st on the R. from 153, Ratclilfc- highway. Hodge's PI. Gill-St.Liinchouse, — E. side of it. Hodgson's Builds. Arnold-Pl. Walworth, — op. Hanover-st. Hodgson's Place, Lock's Fields, Walworth, — between Salis- bury-})!, and Paragon-pl, Hodgson - Street, Francis • St. Walworth, — 1st on the R. from op. Newington-church. Hog-I>ane,Shoreditch. SeeWor- ship-St. Hog-Yard, White's Yard,— 3d on the L. from 58, Rosemary- lane. Hog-Yd. Castle-Lane, Boro. — 1st on the R. from Castle- street. Holborn-Bars, Holborn, — the boundary of the city, by Mid- dle-row, op. Gray's-inn-lane. Holhorn-Bridge, Fleet-Market, — N. end, between Snovv-hili and Hoi born-hill. Hoi born-Court, Gray's Inn,i — entrance by 20, High-hol- born. Holborn-Hill, — from theN., end of Fleet-market to Middle- row. Holborn (High), — the W, con- tinuation of the last from Middle-row, (where the num- bers begin and end, viz, 1 and 3Q0), to Drury-lane. Holbrook- Builds. Tottenham- noL C(Uirt-R()ad,—fro:n 127, to Fitzroy-niarkct. . Ilolbrook-Courc, — \V. side the last. Holdon's Yard, Crown-St. Soho, — 2d on tlieL. t'iom Oxford-bt. Holding's Reiit^!, Kotlicrhithe- Si. — *vV. side the Surrey- caiial-dock. Iloldsvvorth's Yard, Tottenham- Court-Road, — 9 doors on the R. from Oxn.rd-st. Hole m the Wall-Court, 160, Fieet-St. See St. Diinstaa's Court. Hole in the Wall-Passap^e, Bald- win's Gardens,— at 24,1 '2 doors on the L. tVom 77, Leather- lane. lL)llund-St. Blackfriars-Road,— l>>t on the L. from tiic bridge. Hollen-Street, Wardour-sSt. So ho, — 9 doors on the L. from 38'J, Oxford-st. Holies- St. Ca vend isii-Sq. ---at 1'23, Ox.ford-st. middle of the N. side. Holies-Sr. Clare - Market,— 3d on the R. from 300, Strand, along Newcastle-st. Holliday- Yard, Creed-Lane, — 1st on the R. from 14, Lud- i^atc-st. Hollow-Mitchell- Street, Saint Luke's, — the 1st on the R. from 11, Ilelmet-row. Holloway-St. (Gt.) — 2d on the L. in Union-st. from 231, Whitecha pel-road. Holloway-St. (Little),— E. con- tinuation of the last. H()ly:leld - Row, Llizahcth-Pi, Lamhcth, — 2d on the L. hum Kcnaini'ton-cros^, HOO Holywcll-Lann, Shored I t':h, — at 194, near the turnpike. Holy well-Mount, Shored Itch, — the neighbouilu)od around Chapel-st. and Ilolywell-row ij. called so. nolywelI-R(,u,Worshii)-St.— 2d coach-turning on the R. from Shorerlitch, leading to Cha- pel-street, Holyvvell-St. Shoreditch, — part of the High-st. particularly on the W. side, say from 194 to 249. Holywell-St. Strand,— -Vom the W. sideSt. Clement's, church to the New-church. Homer-Court,Blue-Gate-Fields, — 3d on the R. from 93> Ratclifie-ljighway. Homer-PI. VVuichester-Row, — continuation of it from 82, Edg ware-road. Homer-Row, Winchester-Row, — 1st on the R. from 82, Edgwa re-road. Ho!Tier-St. Maryhone, — 1st N. parallel to the last. Hond u ras-Street, Old-Street, — at 23, 4th on the R. from Gos- well-st. Honduras- Wharf, Bankside, — E. side Falcon-wharf. Honey - Lane, Cheapside, — at 1 10, op. Bow-church. Honey-Lane-Market, — N. end the last. Honeysuckle-Conrt,MorH'-Lano, — 1st on the L. from 87, Fore-st. Hood's Builds. Gt. Saint Ann's St. Westr.— middle of Johi>- son*s builds. Hofxl's Pl.Bethnal-G^ee^-Rd,— IIOO fehoN.eiid of George-Gardens, E. side of VVilmot-sq. Hood's Wharf, Earl-St. Black- friars,— op. lOj the 4th E. of the bridge. Hook*s Gardens, Silver-St. — 1st on the L. from Canterbury- square. Hooper's Builds. Brompton. See the next. Hooper's Court,Brompton. — 1 st on the L. from Knights- bridge. Hooper's Court, Up. E. Smith- field,— at '23, 2d on the L. from Tower-hill. Hooper's Sq. Goodman's Fields, —at 82, Lemon-st. op. Pres- ' cott-st. Hooper's Street, Gt. Sutton-St. Clerkenweli, — 1st on the R. from 128, Goswell-st. Hooper-St.Westr.-Bndgc-Road, — from op. the Abj'lum to Gloucester-st. Hop - Gardens, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, — at 50, S. side New-st. Hope - Alley, Broad-Wall,— 2d on the E. from Charlotte-st. Black friars-road , Hope Coach-Office, Charing- Cross, ^nearly op. t\w gate of the King's Mews. Hope - Court, Wentworth - St. Spitalfields, — at 54, 2 doors W. of George- St. Hope-Courtj Angel-St. Broad- Wrdl, Lumbeth, — 1st on the L. from Charlotte-st. • Hope Insurance - Office, Lud- l^ate - IliU, — 10 doors from New Brid^e-st. Hope-PL Bislwp's Walk> Lam- HOR beth, — middle of the N. side. Hope-Pi. Whitechapel-Road,— at 13i, op. the London-hos- pital. Hope-Street, Quaker-St. Spital- fields, — 2d on the R. from 173, Brick-lane. Hope-To wn,Church-St.BethnaI- Green, -^ by the turnpike, ^ a miie on the L. from 65, Shoreditch. Hopkins-Street, Broad-St. Car- naby-Market, — 4 doors W. of 87, Berwick-st, Hopton's Alms-Houses,TGreen- Walk, — a few doors on the L. from Holland-st. Horatiu-Pl. Portland-St. Wal- vvorth-Gommon, — part of the S. end, by the Paul's head* Hore's Wharf, Wrapping, — by Hermitage-stairs, near a mile below London-bridge. Horham's Court,— S. E. corner ofRatclitYe-sq. Horn-Alley, Liquor-Pond-St. — at 30, 1st on the R. from Leather-lane. Horn-Alley, Aldersgate-St. — at 43, 4 doors S. of Jewin-st. Horn-Brewery jLambeth-Mars]], — 3d on the R. J of a miie from Surrey-cliapel. Horn-Cou rt, Golden-Lane, — at 123, near the middle of the W. side. Horn - Court, Vine-Yard, — tlie 4th on the L. from 109, Too!cy-st. Horse- Row, King-St. Boro. — behind 59, 1st on the R. from 109, Iligh-st. Horse and Dolphin-Yard, St, HOR .Martin's St. — Ut on the II. fi'om \Vl)itcoinl;-st. Horse and Dolpliin-Yard, Mac- clestield - St. Soho, — middle of the K. side. Horse- Ferry, llotherhithc-St. — at 118, I of a mile below the church. Horse- Ferry, LInichouse,— from the E. end of Queen-st. to Turner's wharf, op. the last. Horse-Ferry -Road, Millhank- St. \V(^str. — 5th On the 11. from the Abbey. Hor'^e and Groom-Yard, Ox- ford-St. — at VZ9y middle of the N. side. Horse and Groom-Yard, Green- St. — at 41, 2d on the R. from Park-lane. H'^rse and Groom- Yard, Dean- Sr. Soho, — behind 400, Ox- ford-st. Horse and GrooFii-Yard, Hol- born, — at 129, nearly op. Fet- ter-lane. Horse and Groom-Yard, Wood- St. Westr.— 3 doors from 63, Milibank-st. H^^rse and Groom- Yard, Bed- ford bury, — at 32, middle of the E. side. Horse and Groom-Yard, Theo- bald's Road,— at6G,hy North- street. Horse and Groom-Yard, Gt. St.Thomas-Apostle, — 3 doors W. of Quecn-st. Horse and Groom-Yard, Chis- well-St. — -20 doors on the L. from Finsbiiry-sq. Horse andGroom-Yard,Curtain- Road, Shoreditch, — a few doors on the R. from 'Vor- «hip-ft. HOR Horse and Groom-Yarc^, Black* friars-Road, — 12 doors S. of Holland-5t. Horse and Groom-Yard, New- ington, — i of anrvile on the L. south from the church. Horse - Guards, Whitehall, — ^ of a mile on the R. from Charini];-cross. Horse-Shoo-A liey . York-St.— 2(1 on the R. from James-st. Ilorse-nShoe- Alley, OiJ-Street, St. Luke's, — at 99, 3 doorj W. of the church. Horse-Shoe - Alley, Petticoat- Lane, — at 110, 7th on the Jl. from 41, Aldgate His^h-st. Horse - Shoe - Alley, Bankside, Southwark, — 14 doors from Clink-st. Horse-Shoe- Alley - Stairs, — N, end of the last, op. Three- cranes, Bankside, Southwark, Horse-Shoe-Aliey, Wilson-St. — at 14, 2d on the R. from Moorhelds. Horse-Shoe-Con rt,St. Clemen t*» Inn, — middle of the E. side, leading t' Clement's lane. Horse - Shoe - Court, Lud^rate- Hill,— at -32, 5 doors W. of the Old-Bailey. Horse-Shoe-Court, Lon^-Lane, W. Smithfield, — at 24, mid- dle of the N. side. Horse-Sboc-Inny Stones -End, Boro. — op. the Kind's Bench. Horse-Shoe-Inn, Gosweli-S:. — 37 doors on the R, from Bar- bican. Horse-Sboe-Passage, Newtrate- St — at 60, 3 doors from Cheapside. Horse-Shoe - Wharf,r--W. side Horse-Shoe-alley. HOR Horse-Shoe-WlKirf,Up.Thames- , St.—at 10, op. A(idJe-}.:ll. Hors«e - Slioe - Yard, Bruok-St. Grosvenor-Sq. — 2 doors From 104, New BoiHJ-sr. Horse-Shoe- Yard, James-St. — at 42, 2d oi> the L. from 287,Oxrord-st. Horse and TruiTipct-Yard, Jew- ry-St. — at 18, 2d on the L from Aldgatc. Horsley-Streer, Mo^jnt-Stree*, WalWorth,— 2d on the R. from op. the Montpelier. .HorseIyd()vvn,Southwark,— from the E. end of Tooley-st. to Dock-head. Korselydown-Lane,^ — 3d coach- turning from the E, end of Too!ey-£t. b^arinsj^ to the L. Horselydovvn Old-Stairs, — \ a mile below London- bridjie, and op. Iron-iiate, entrance by Horsely down-lane. Horcelydovvn Nevv-Stujrs, — W. side St. Saviour's dock. Hor?elyd(^wn - Wharf, Shad - Thaaics, — \V. side of George- sta-rs. Horsemonf;er-Lane,Stones-End, Borough, -op. trie King's Bench. H;)sier-Lane, West Smithf.eld, — at 25, 2d Oil the L. from Newaatc-st. Houndsditch, — from op. Bish- opsgate-church, to Aldgate- ciiurch. House of Correction for Mid- dlesex, Coidbath- Fields, — \ of a mile on the L. from Clerkenwell-pfreen. Howard's Court, Risby's Rope- Walk. See GardeivCourr. Howard's Green, City-Gardens, HUD — behind Anderson's bulJdfk City -road. Howard's PI. Hackney-Road,— N. side, by the turnpike^ Camhridi^e-hoath. Howard's Row, Bowling-Green- LanCy- Ckrkfnwel!,^-3d on the L. from Coppice-row. Howard-Street, Arundel-St. — 1st oil the R. from 189, Strand. Howard's or Howe's Rents^ Chigwell-St. — 3 doors on the R. from 51, RatchtFe-high- way. Howtord-Euilds. Fenchurch-St. — at 14S, nearly op. Rood- lane. Howiand-Mews,West Howland- Sc. — 4th on tlie L. from ToU- tenham-court-road. Howland-iMcws, Edst Howland-- St.— 3 doors on the L. from Tottenham-court-road, Howland-St. Tottenham-Court- Rr)ad,— at 94, the 1st N. of Wiiitluld's chapel. Howland-St. (Little), — 3 doors- in the last fr^m Tottenham- court-road. Hoxton - Academy, Hoxton, — 2d on the L. from Old-st.- roa-d. Hoxton-Market-Place. — the 1st on the L. in Crown-st. from Old-sr.-road. Hoxton-Sq. — 2 doors from tliat part of 01il-3t.-road which is op. the Curtain-road. Hoxton-Sq.-C-ourt, — by the S.W. corner of the last. Hox ton-Town or Higb-8t. — 1st on the R. in Old-st.-road, from Shored itcli-church, Hudson's Bay - Ilousey Ten- HUD church-St. — 3 doors on the U. tVoin Graccchurch-st. Hu^lson'a Court, VVheelcr-St, Spitallielrls, — at 52, nearly op. Qiiaker-9t. Hudson's Court, Strand, — at 48'.', 6 doors E. of St. Mar- tin's lane. Hudson's Wliarf, Up. Thames- St. — J doors on the R. from Earl-st. Bhickfriars. Huggiu - Lane, Wood - St. — at 115, 2d oil the L. from 122, Cheapside. Hugging-Lanc, Up. Thames-St. — from 200, to Trinity-lane, 3 doors E. of Bread-st. Hagginvr-Court, — middle of the E. side the last. IIugh'sCourtjNewington-Cause- way, — 3d on the L. from Stones- end. Huish-Court,\Vatpr-Lane,Black- friars, — ist on the R. from Earl St. HuirsPl. John's Row,St. LukeV, — 2d on the L. from Brick- lane. Hull-Street, John's Row, St. Luke's, — 3d on the L: from Brick-lane. Hull's Terrace, — at the N. end of the last. Humberston - St. Commercial- Road, — 2d on the L. from Cannon-st.-road. Humphrey's Court, Castle-^^^t. — 2d on the R. from 60, Gt. Saffron-hill. Humphrey's Wharf, Limehouse, — 1st below Limehouse-hole- stairs. Hungerford-lMarkct. See Hun- ger ford -St. Hungerford-Stairs, Strand, — at HUN the bottom of Hungerford^ street. Hungerford-St. Strand, — at 20, tiie third on the R. from Charing-cross. Hunt's Court, St. Martin's Lane, — 1st on the R. from the Strand. Hunt's Court, Castle-St. Lei- cester-Sq. — at 20, op. Cecil- court. Hunt's Conrt, Hunt-St. Spital- fields, — 10 doors on the L. from Spicer-st. Hunt's Court, Gale's Rope- Walk, Shadvvcll, — 1st on the R. from King-David -lane. Hunt's Court, Queen-St. Horse- lydown, — a few doors on the R. from the E. end of Free- school-st. Hunt-St. Spitalfields, — 3d on the R. in Spicer-st. from 82, Brick-lane. Hunter- Mews, Henrietta - St. Brunswick-Sq. — 6 doors W. of Hunter-st. Hunter's Museum, Portugal-St, Lincoln's Inn - Fields, — the stone- fronted building op. Carey-st. Hunter - St. Brunswick - Sq.— • N. W. corner towards Som* mers-town. Hunter-St. (North),— N. end of the last. Huntingdon-Pa-sage, Hunting- ton-St. — 6 doors on the R. from Kingsland-road. Huntingdon-PL — 1st on the L. in the last from 6, Ilunting- ton-st. Huntingdon-St. Kingsland-Rd. — 1st on the L. | of a mile from Shoreditch-church. i H'urle\s Builds. Garlick'IIill,— 6 doors on the L. from -Bow- laiie, Cheapside. Hurst's PI. New-St. Kent-Road, — pan of tiie E. side. Husbaiul-Street, New-St. Car- nuby-Market,— E. end from 46j Broad-st. Hyde-Park,— \y. end of Picca- dilly and of Oxford-sc, Hyde-Park-Corner, — the C(jrner by Piccadilly and Knigbts- bridge. Hyde-Park, WaIvvori!),_S. end of Tburiovv-pl. East-lane. Hyde-St. Bloomsbury, — ist on the L. in Lyon-st. from 143, High-bolborn. Hylord'sCourtjCrutched-Friars, — ai 40, op. Savage-gardens. Jack's builds. vine-Yard, —2d on the R. from 110, Tooley-st, Jackson's Builds. Paul's Alley, Crippleiiate, — 1st on the L. from 13, Redcrosh-st. Jackson's Builds. Loni:- Alley, IVJoorflelds, — the 11^: S. of Crown-st. Jackson's Court, Curriers-Row, Black friars, — 3 doors on the R. from Bristow-st. St. An- drew's hill. Jackson's PI. Long-Alley, Moor- iields,— -11 doors S. of 29, Sun-st. Jaclvson's Wharf, Ilorselydown, — on the E, side of Hors^ly- down Nevv-sta.rs, near. St. Saviour's-dock. Jackso'a's Yard, Bcrmoadscy- JAM St.— at 103, 5th N. of the church. Jacol>'s Court, Turnmill-Street, Clerkenwell, — 1st on^ the L» from Cow-cross. Jacob's Mews, Char^les-St. Man- chester-Sq. — on tl>e E. side of the chapel. Jacob-Street, Mill-St. Bermond- sey, — 3d on the R. from Dock-liead. Jacob's Weil's Court, Barbican, — at 20, middle of the S. side. Jamaica - Court, Commercial- Road, Limehouse, — 1st on tlieL. below the church. Jamaica-Level, Bcrmondsey, — E. side the Blue-anclior, and I a aide from Fort-pl. Ja!naica-Pl. Commercial-Road, Limehouse,- — 3d on the R. below the church. Jamaica- PL Boro.-Road, — 2d on the L. from the Obehsk. Jamaica^Row, Bcrmondsey, — the E.- continuation Of Par- ker's row, Prospect-row, and Printers-pl. to iMill-pond-st. Jamaica New-Wharf, Upper- Ground, — a few doors above Blackfnars-bridge. Jamene-Gallery, — the corner of Welbeck-st. and Hcnrietta-st. Cavendish-sq. St. James's Builds. Rosamond- St. Clerkenwell, — at 51, 5 doors from Corporati(m-row. S t . Ja m e s's C 1 ) a p e 1 , 1 1 am p ste ad • Road, — I" of a mile on the R. from Tottenham-court-road. St. James's Chapel, Pentonville, - — iof a mile on the R. from Lslington. St. James's Chroaicle News- JAM pJipcr-Office, — 1st door on the R. in U.iioii-st. from 3t), !N( w Bi'iJi;;-st. Biackt'riars. St. Jauiess's Church, Piccadilly^ — |- of a mile on tlie L. from the Hay market, fit. James's Churcli, Clerken- weil, — on the N. side the green. St. James's Church, Garlick- Hill, — behind ^30, Upper Tliames-st. St. James's C!iurch, Little Duke's PI. — 5 doors on the R. from 32, Aid gate. James-Court, James-Street, Sc. Luke'e, — th.e 1st on the L. from 38, Feathers; one-st. St. James'-; Coui t, Duke's JM. — on the \V. side of Heneage- lane. James-Court, Jamos-Streer, St. George's Easi, — 2d on the L. from Cannon-st.-road. James's Court, Farmer-St. Snarl- well.,— ^behind 65 J towards Shakespear's-walk. James's Court, J/ambeth-Butts, — bv the E. corner of V'aux- hall-walk. James,-Courr, Union-Street, St, Gcorj;e's Fields, — oth on the R. from the London-road. James-Court, Golden-Lane, — at 100, 2d on tlje R. from Old- street. St. James's Infirmary, Poland- Sr. — at 48, 2(1 on the R. from 365, Oxford-st. St. James's Market, — VV. end of Norri?-st. from 56, Ilay- markeL St. James's Palace, — W. end of Pall-mall, and S. end of St. James's st. JAM St. James's Park, — botweea Chariog-cross and Bucking- ham-ti;ate. James's PL ILimpstead-Road, — . ^ mile on tiie R. from Totten- ham-court. St. James's Pi. Saint James's St. — at 66, 3d on the R. from 162, Piccadilly. St. Jantes's PI. Cierkenwell- Green, — E. side the church. James's PI. Hackney-Road, — • part of the R. side, J of a mile from Shoreditch, St. James's PI. — 2>J. E. corner of Bcthnal-green. James-Pi. Silver-St. Old Gravel- Lane, — 2d on the R. from Kmw:-st. James - PI. Salishury-St. Ber- mondsey,— 5 doors on the L, from the Admiral Hawk, Jamaica-row. James's Place, Salisbury - PI. Bermondsey, — the W. end on the R. from Salisbury-st. St. James's PI. Wal worth-Com- mon, — nearly op. tlie Paul's head. St. James's Row, Gt. Suffolk- St. Boro. — ^continuation of it to Gravel-lane. St. James's Sq. Saint James's, — entrance by 29, Pall-mall. James-St. Westr. — from Buck- ingharn-gace to York-st. Saint James's Street, St, James's, — ^at 163, Piccaddly, 3d st. on the L. from the Hay- market. Saint James's St. (Little), — Jl doors on the L. in the last from the Palace. James-St. Haymarket, — at 17, middle of the. E. side. JAM Jaines-St. Grosvenor-Sq. — from 29, Brook-5t. to 287, Oxford- street. James - St. Mancnester-Sq. — at 163, OxibrJ-st. op. the la^t. Jamcs-St. (Upper), Golden-Sq. — from the N. E. corner, to SS,Silver-st. James-St. (Lower), Golden-Sq. — from the S. E. corner, to T2, Brewer-st. James- St. Lisson-Grove, — 1st N. from the Yorkshire - stingo. James - St. (Little), — continua- tion of Lisson-st. from Bell- street. James-St. Adelpjii, — \V. end of William si. 66, Strand. Jameb - St. Covent-Garden, — middle ol^" the N. side, to 43, Long-acre. .James-St. (Gt.) Bedford-Row, — N. continuation of it, to Chapel-st. Jamcs-St. (Little), — at 16, in the last, 1st on tbe R. from the Kind's road. James-Street, Skinner-St. Som- mers-Tuvvn, — 1st on the L. from JudnVp*. E. Saint James's Street, Sc. James- Pi. Cierkcnwell, — N . side the cliurch. James-Street, Featherstone-St. —at 37, 9 doors on the R. from the City-road. James-Street, Chiirch-St. Beth- nal-Green,— at r2.1, 1st E. cf Brick-lane, extends to 18, llaie-st. J amc'S-Street,Leonard-St.Shore- ditch, — at 51, 1st on the right E. from Paul-st. James-StreetjCannoR-St.-Road, JEF — Ist on the R. south froui the Commercial-road. James-St. Stepney,— back of- the N. £. corner Trafalgar- square. James-St. Boro.-Road, — S. end. of Dover-st. Bhickfnars-rd. James-St. Lambeth-Marsh, — 3d on the L. from the Marsh turnpike,towards Blackfriars- road . Saint James's Walk, St. James- PI. Clerkenwell, — 1st on the R. north of the church. Jane-Court, Little York-Mews, PvLnrybour, — let on the L. from Glouccster-pl. Jatic-Court, Jane -St. — 1st on the R. from the Commercial- road. Jane-Pl. Kent-Road, — 3d on the L. below the Brick layers- arms. Ja!ie-St. Commercial - Road, — 2d on the R. east from Can- non-st.-road. Jane-St. Hackney-Road, — a few dooi'< \Y. of the Nazi's head, | mile on the R, from Shore- ditch. . June-Shore-Alley, 101, Shore- ditch. See WilkieVCourt. Jay's Yard, Brick-St. — 2d on the L. from Park-lane. Idol-Lane, Tower-St. — 5th on the R. from Fish-st. hill. Jealous - Row, New-Road, St. George's East, — N, side, op. Betts-st. Jees-Court, Oxford-St.~-at 163, near a mile on the R. from St. Giles's. Jeffries-Builds. New Totliill-St. Westr. — middle of tHe E» side. JEP J ctFcry's Cuort, Grcv-Eagle-vSc ^jnuiliields,— 3 daors N. of Quaker-st. Jeilry's Gardens, Horsefcrry- Road, Westr. — op. the Ship, near New Peter-st. JeftVies-Sq. St. Mary-Axe, — 12 doors oil the il. from Lead^en- hall-st. Jeffrie's Yard, Chamber - St. Goodman*s Fiehls, — 1st on the R. from Manscl-st. Jenkiii's Court, Ropemakers - Fields, Liinehoase, — at 49, 1st on the L. from the E. end of Narrow-st. Jenncrian - Society's Central - House, — at 14, Salisbury- square. Jennings's Yard, Bermondscy- St.— at 10^2, 12 duors S. of Riissell-st. Jericho-Court,Jerusalcni-Court, — behind o3, (.rracechurcii- strect. Jermyn-St. — 1st S. parallel to Piccadilly, from the Hay mar- ket to St. James's St. Jenny n-St. (Little;, — W. end of the last. Jersey-Court, White's Yard, — 1st on the L. from 58, Rose- mary-lane. Jerusalem-Court, Gracechurcli- St. — at So, 6 doors S. of Fenchurch-st. Jerusaltm-Court, Saint John-St. — at 89, 6th on the L. from Smithfield. Jerusalcm-Passage^t. John-Sq. — N. side, leading to 10, Aylcsbttry-st. Jetsom-St. Bennet's Row, — 2d on the R. from Blackfriars- road. IMP Jewin - Court, Jewln - St. — 1st on the R. from 46, Alders- gate-st. Jewin-St. Cripplegate, — at 46, Aldersgate-st. middle of the E. side. Jewin-St. Crescent. See Cres- cent. Jewry (Old), Cheapside, — at 81, 1st on the R. from the Man- sion-house. Jewry (Old) Chapel, Jewin-St, Cripplegate, — 12 doors on the R. from 2^, Redcross- street. Jewry-St. Aldgate, — 1st on the R. from Fenchurch-st. Jews-Chape!, Church-St.Spital- fields, — ciie corner of Brick* lane. ^ Jeu'r- Il'U'p-Court, Angel-Al'ey, — 2J on the R. from Lont^- alicv, '\ioor{ieUis. Jews-Uarp-Pii^sa'^c, Marylx)ne- Park, — in ttje held op. De- vonshire-pi. Jews-Hospital (Dutch), Mile End-Road, — op. the Three Crowns, about 1} mile on the R. from Ald;;ate. Jews - Hospital (Portuguese), Mile End - Uoad,— between the Three Crowns and the Kin-r-Harry, about Ij mile on thcL. from Aldgate. Jews-Row, Ciielsca. See Royal Hospital- Icow. Jews - Walk, Bethnal-Green,-— N. side the Green. Imperial Gazctte-OtVice, — at 45, Old Bailey, corner of Flegt- lane. Imperial Insurance - OlTice, — at ti, St. Jamc:)Vst. and Sun- court, Cornhill. O IND ladla-House, Dock, &c. Set Kast-India. Industry-Row, Vine-St. Lam- beth, — near the Belvedere- brewery. Ingram-Court, Fenchurch-St. — 3 doors from 69, Grace- church-st. Inner-Court, Johnson's Builds. Kosemary - La^ie, — 1st on the 11. from Swallows-gar- dens. Inn holders-Hall, Little Elbow- Lane, — behind 175, Upper Thames-st. Iftkhorn-Court (Five), White- chapel Ili^h-St. — at 91, I of a mile on the L. below Aid- gate-pump. Inman*s Buildings, Tiiomas-St. Kent -Road, — ^d on the L. from Pupiar-row. Innage-Laue,Cieochurch-Lane. See ileneage-Lane. Inrohnent - (Jrlice, Chancery - Lane, — 4th house on the R. from 310, Iligh-Ilolborn. Jobbnis-Court,^ Knightsbrulge, — I a mile on the R. from Hvde-park - corner, 6 doors from the Barracks. Jockey-Fields, Bedford -Row, —between the E. side and Gray's-inn-gardens. JohhVj Builds. Gt. Peter-Street, W^istr. — between Great St. AnnVst. and Little Saint Ann's-lane. St. John's Chapel, Gt. James- St. Bedford-Row,--N . end, being the corner of Chapel- 5t. from 2j, Lamt)Vconduit- street. St. John's Chapel, St. John Street, Spiulficlds,— IS^oors JOII on the L. from 105, Brick- lane. St. John's Chapel, West-Lane, Walworth, — middle of the N. side. St.John the Evangelist's Church, Westr. — op. 18, Millbank- street. St. John the Baptist's Church, Savoy, — behind 125, in the Strand. St. John's Church, St. John's Square, — E. side, near the Gate. St. John's Church, Wapping, — a few yards N.from 98, Wap- ping-st. St. John's Church, Fair-Street, liorselydown, — middle of the S. side. John's Court, Edward-St. I\Ian- chesier-Sq. — from the E. end to 65, Mary bone-lane. John's Court, Hanway -St. — 4 doors from 6, Tottenham- court-road. John's Court, Farm-St. Berke* • ley-Sq. — op. John-st. John's Court, John-St. Golden- Sq. — 2 doors from the S. W. corner of the square. St. John's Court, Cow-Lane, — at 36, 1st on the R. from 87, W.-Smuhfield. St. Jolm's C'jurt, Corporation- Row, Clerken-vell, — 1st on the L. from St. John-st. St. John's Court, St. Martin V le-Grand, — 5 doors from 66, Newgate-st. John's Court, Chalton-St. Som- mers-Town, — 12 doors on the R. from the road to Mary- bone. John's C«urt, John-St. Holy- jon welUMouiu, — 2 doors on the L. from Pliips-sr. CliapeUst. Jolip/s Court, George-St. Mile- End Xew-Towii, — at 21, 4 doors N. of Chicksiind-st. Jolia's Court, Somerset-Street, Aldgate, — 16 doors on the L. froui Whitechapel, John's Court, Up. East-Smith- field, — at ol, '2d on the R. from Tower-hill. John's Court, Church-Lane, — 1st on the 11. from Cabie-st. John's Court, John-St, — 5 doors on the L. from 35^ llatciirYe- hi^hway. John's Court, White-Horse-St. llatclitfe. See Pipemakers- Ailey. John^ Courts New-Walk, Horse- lydown, — 1st on the L. from Shad-Thames. St. John's Gate, St. John's-Sq. — the S. entrance from St. John's lane. St. John's Lane, St. John-Street, — 3d on the L. from Smith- field. John's Hill, Ratcuffe-Highway. St^vj John-St. Johirs ?vie\vs, John-St. EH i^ware- lioad, — at (5, under tiie arch- way, 1st N. from Cato-sc. John's MfAvs, Little James-St. — 3d on the L. from Grav'^- inn-hiiic. St. John's Passai^e, Smith-Sq. VVestr. — from the S. \V. cor- ner to Vine-st. St. John's Passage, Cloak-Lane, — 1st on the 11. from Dow- gate-hill. John's PI. Pcohert-St. Bedford- ItO'.v, — Jd on the L. in Hcn- ry-st;. I'iom Gray'^-iuu-lanc. JOH St. John's Pi. St. John'? Row, St. Luke'?, — 1st on the L. 7 doors fromPittman'sbtiild- inijs. John's Place, Old-St.-Road,— 6 doors on the JL from op. Shored itch-church. John's Place, Back-Lane, St. George's East, — 1st W. of King- David-lane. St. John's Place, Lock's Fields, Waltvorth,— on the N. side of Salisbury-pl. John's Rents, Silver-Street, Olct Gi-avel-Luue, — N. end of it, behind Raine's hospital. John's Row, Tottenham-Court, ■ — E. end of Phillips's gar- dens. St. John's Row, St. Luke's,— at 42, the N. end of Brick-lane, Old-st. St. John's Sq. Clerkenwell, — N. end of St. John's lane frona 68, St. John's-st. John's Sq. Church-Lane,White- chapel, — 4lh on the R. froia Cable-st. St. John-Street, Wood-St.West- minster, — 2d on the L. from 63, Millbank-st. Johri-Stree»,Adam-St. Adelphf, — 3 doors from 72, Strand. John-Street, St. James's Sq.— from the S. E. corner to 20, Pall-mall. John-St. N ew-Road, Marybone, — Uh on the R. from the Yorkshire-stingo. John-Strcet,Oxford-St. — at 101, near half a mile on the R. from vSt. Giles's. John-St. Tottenham-Ct.-Rd.-— 1st W. from 31, Wmdmiii-bt. to 7, Iiowland-.^t. JOH ^ John-St, (Up.) Tottenham-Ct.- Koad, — continuation of the , last. John-St. King's Road,— at 6, 2d on the K, from Gray Viiin- J.ane. John-St. Edgware - Koad, — at 78, 7th on the R. from Ty- butn- turn pike. Jolin-St. Berkeley-Sq.-^at 20, N. E. corner, John-Street, lliil-St. — at 15, 2d from the W. side of Berkeiey-sq. John-St. (Lower), Golden-Sq.- — from the S. W. corner to 20^ -Brewer-bt. John-St. (Upper), Golden-Sq.— from the N. W. corner to SO, Silver-st. John-St. Maiden-Lane, Battle- Bridge, St. Fancras, — ^W.side, from Edraondrst. to Union- place. St. John*Street, W.-Smithfield, '. — at 74, N. side : it extends to Corporation-row . St. Jolin-Street-Road, Ckrken- well, — continuation of the last to Islington. John-St. Pentonville, — 2d on the R. in Rodney-st. from the Chapel. St. John-Street, Brick - Lane, Bcthnal-Green,— at 106, 2d on the L. from 145, Church- street. John-Street, St. LukeS?. See John's Row. John-St. Curtain-Road, — 1st on the R. iron! Old-st.-road. John-St. Holywell - Mount, — the last on the R. in Leonard- st, from Paul-st. John-St. BrownVLane, Spital- JOII fields, — at SO, the rontina^ ation of Wooci-st, from llie church. John-St. America- Sq.^ — from 122, in the Minories, to Crutched-iriars. Jolu>Street, Cannon- St.-Road, — 1st on the L. from the turnpike, Cannon-et. John's Street, or Hill, Ratcliffe- Highway, — at 34, 3d on the R. from Wellclose-sq. John-St. Wliitechapel,— 1st on the L. in Osborn-pl. from 20y Brick-jane. John-Si. Dueking-Pond-Lanpj — netwly op. Court-st, from 110, Whitechapel-road. John-Street, St. George's East^ — nearly op. the E., end of Lower Chapman-st. John-Street, Lucas-Pl.Coiiimer- cial-Rd. — a few doors below the Halfway-house. Jc.hn-Street, *^Bonner-St. Beth- nal-Green, -i— 2d on the R.. from Green-ht. John-Street, Union - St. Lam- beth, — 2d on the L. from VValcot-pl. John-St. Blackfriars - Rd. — 1st on the R. from Surrey-cha- pel towards the Obelisk, John-St. Holland-St. — 1st on the R. from Blackfriars - bridge. John-St. East-Lane, Walworth,, — 3d on the R. from the Kent-read. John-Strert, Webb-vSt. Boro.-— 1st on the L. from 248, Bcr- mondsey-st. John-St. Kent-Road, — 2d on the L. below the BricHlaycrs- arms. jon John-St. Ilickm m's Folly,— 4th on tliG 11. from Djck-liead, E. side l^arker's-rovv. John-St. ilorse-y lown, — at the E. end or" IkoLid St. on the L. extend iiii:^ to Gamsford-st. John-St. (LiUlu), — S. end of the last, leading to Free-School- street, John-St. Mint, Boro. — -1st on the L. in I.ant-st, from lOo, Black* nan-st. Saint John's Wharf, •Millbank- St. Westr. — 10 doors from Abingd;')n-st. St, John's Workhouse, Horse- lydown, — a few doors on the L. in Parish-st. from Tooley- street. Joiinson's Baildi. Gc. St. AnnV st. Wcstr. — 1st on the L. from Gt. Peter-st. Johnson's Builds, Rosemary - L^iiCj — belimd 141, 6th on the L. from the Minories. Johnson's Builds^ Church -St Lambeth, — ^W. end by the church. Johnson's Buiids. St. George's Fields, — behind the Circus, l)y the Obelisk. Johnson'.s Change, Rosemary- Lane. See Johnson's Builds. Joimson's Court,Charing-Cross, See Angei-Court. Johnson's Court, Gt. Peter-St. Westr. — 2 doors W. of Gt. St. Ann's st. Johnson's Court, Fleet-St. — at 166, 12 doors E. of Fetter- lane. Johnson's Court, Rupert-Street, Goodman's Fields, — middle of the E. side. Johnspu'i Court, Shakcsp^ar's JON Walk, Shadvvell,— at 62, 3d on the L. from 4cj, iiigh-st. Johnson's Court, Duke-Street, St. George's Fields,— • 1st on the R.. from tiic Obelisk. Jolin.^on's Place, .\Iarsham-St, Westr. — -at 13, 7 door:i from the ir)4*se ferry-road. Johnson's PI. Globe-St. Beth- nal-Green, — 1st on theL.froni Gicen-st. towards N'ortti-row. Johnson-St. King Edward -St, xMile-End New-Town, — at 5, 1st on tlie L. from Church- street. Johnson-St. Old Gravel-Lane, — at 1 56, 4th on the R. from Ratciiife-highway. Johnson's Wharf, Millbank-St. Westr.— op. Church-st. Joiner's Court, Jacob-St. Dock- Head, — middle of the N« side. Joiners-Hall-Buildings, Upper Thames-St.— at 79, 3d W. of Dowgate-hill. Joiners-Pl. Curtain-Rd. Shore- ditch, — 1st* on the L. from Old-st.-road, 3 doors N. of William-st. Joiners-Pi. St. George's Fields, — ist on the L. from the Obe- lisk, towards the Asylum. Joiner-Street, Tooley - St. — at 240, 14 doors on the R. from London-br.dge. Jolly - Gardener -Court, Lam- beth-Butts, — at the corner of Vauxhall-walk. Jones's Court, Bainbridge-St. St. Giles's,— 3d on the R. from Oxford-st. Jones's Court, Jacob-St. Dock- Head, B^jrmondsey, — 1st on the left E. from Aiiil-st. 03 JON Jones'ji Rents, Si^Tr-St. Old Gravftl-Lane, — 3d on the R. from King-st. Jones's Row, Tottenham-Conrt, —E.end, by Phillips's gardens. Jones's Pi. *Fore,-St. Lambeth, ■^4th S. of Broad-st. Joseph's Alley, Grave I -Lane, Roto. — VV. side, nearly op. Maid-hme. . Jo5epl]-Street, Lucas-St. Gray's Inn- Lane, — at 112, W. end. Ipswich-Arms-Iun, Cullum-St. — 4 doors from 13o, Fen- church-st. Ipswich-Arms, Lower Thames- St. — at 22, 1 of a mile on the R. from London-brid'<2;e. Ireland-Row, Mile-End-Road, — N. side, J of a mile below the turnpike. Ireland-Yard, Blackfriars,— S. end of New-st. and Creed- lane, from 14, Ludgate-st. Irish-Court, Glasshouse-Yard, Goodman's Yd. Minories, — middle of the S. side. Irisli-CoLur, Whitechapei, — 3 doors E. of Sonicrset-st. Aid- gate. Irongate Stairs and Wharf, 1'ower-Ilill,— at the S. E. cor- ner, by ?^t. CatherineVst. Ironmonfj;ers - Alms - Houses, Kirhgsland-Road, — | of amile on the R. iV.'vrn Siioreditcl). Ironmon^i^ r*i-Lla!i, Fenchurch- St. — at 118, nearly op. Mark- la ne. [roninongfrr -LnTie, Cheapside, — at 90, 2- doors E. of King- srreet. Ironmop.<:cr-Row, Old - Street, 8t. ly- ike's,— at 97, on the E. side the vhiHXJi. JUD Isaac's Place, Willsted-St. Sora- mers-Town,— 13 doors on the R. from Judd's pi. New- road. Isabella-Row, William - Street, Westr. — at 22, 1st on theL. from .Tames-st. Island-Row, Commercial-Road > Limehouse, — ^ of a mile on the L. w( st of the church. Isle of Dogs, or Poplar-Marshes, — the ground on the S. side the West-India-docks. Islington-Road. See St. John- Street-Road. Islington-Spa, — S. side of Sad- ler's Wells. Jubilee-Court, Royal Hospital- Row, Chelsea, — 5th on the L. from the Hospital. Jubilee-PL Commercial-Road, Stepney, — W. side the Half- way-house. Jubilee-Fl. King's Road-Ter-^ race, Chelsea, — about | of a mile on the R. from Sloane- sq, towards Battcrsca-bridge. Jubilee-PI. Parliament-St, Beth- nal- Green, — 2d on the L,- from op. Duthie's nursery. Judd's AJms-Houses, Great St. Helen's,^ — adjoining 36, Bish- opsiiate. Judd's PI. E., Sommers-TowD, — N. side the road to Mary- bone, a few doors from the turnpike. Battle-bridge. Judd's Pi. W. — the continua- tion of the last. Judd-St.— op. Judd's PL E. 2d from the turnpike. Judge - Advocate'!^ OfSce, — Fludyer-st. Westr. Judson's Row, St. Georgr/5 • Fkids. xScc Jetsom-St.. Jimiper'sCcxnl, Park-St. Boro. — 1st on I he 11. fn)in the Boro.-inaiket. Juniper-Court, Chigwell-St. — 3 floors on the 11. from 51, Rate I i ffe-h i i; h w ay . Juniper - How, Sun - Tavern - iMeicisjS'havivvell, — S. side the Kope- t^round, entraiicc by the first on the K. in King David-iane fiom 198, Sliad- weli High-st. Jurstone-8t. Lambeth, — 1st on the R. ill llooper-st. from the Asylum. Jiastir.e-Court, Harrow-St. Boro. — 1st on the R. from Mint-st. Ivy-Court,Ivy-Street,St.Gil€S's, — o<)rnt!r of Geor2;e-st. Ivy-Lane, Newgate-^. — at 30, — middle of tlie S. hide. Ivy- Lane, Ifoxton, — by the Ivy- house, near | a mile on the K. frofa Old-st. along Pit- fieid-st. Ivy-Pl. [Joxton, — on the N. side the Ivy-lK)u.se, by the last. Ivy-Slreet, St. Giles's, — 'Zd on the L. in Ge^rge-st. from 25, Broad -St. Ivy-Terrace, [loxton, — op. Ivy- place. .KEATE-STRERT,Spitaine]ds, -*-thecoi>tinualionofTh.rawl- st. from 208, Brick-lane. Keate-St. (np.)— the W. end of the last. Keate-Court, — at the W, end of the last. Keen's Row, Walworth High- St. — part of the H. side, J a KEN mile from tiie Elephant and Cistle. Kemp's Court, Berwick-St. Ox- ford-St.— -at 8^> 3 dooi-s £^ of Broad-sr. Kemp's Row, Chelsea, — facing Raneiaij;h-walk. Kendal's Court, Stanffatc-St.. Lambeth, — op. Felix-st. Kendal's. Farm, Alary bone, — N". side the New-road, nearly op. Fitzroy-sq. Kendal'^ Mews, George-Street, Portman-Sq. — at 18, 5 doors E. of Baker-st. Kendrick-Pl. Chenies-St. Tot- ten ham-Ct.-Rd.^ — op. Thorn- haugh-st. ICenard- St. — at 33, 4 doors E. from Clement's lane. King-Court (Three), Minories, — 10 doors on the L. from op, thh Church, Aldgate, King^s Arch-Court, Iilast-Street^ Walworth, — 3d on tli€ h, from the Hi^U-st. KIN K'm^^a Courty Ilalf-Moon-St. — 2cl on the R. from 170, Bisli- opsgate-witiiout. King's Mews, Ciia ring-Cross, — a few yards on the R. from the Strand. King's Mews (Up.) — on the N. side of the last. Kins^'s Mews (Bitck), — W. side the Kind's mews, and at the corner of White oml^-.'^t. King's St.-Mevvs, Park-Lane,— oth on the L. from Oxford- street. King-St.-Mews, King-St. Port- man-Sq. — 3 doors on the L. from 70, Baker-st. . King's Mews, King*s Road, — 1st on the 11. from A-Arms-Yd. Drury- liine, —at J 80, 2d on the L. from Holborn. Kin-^VArms-Yd. Marybone-St. Piccadilly,— at 12, op. Air- streec. King's-Arms-Yard, Whitecro-Arins-Yard, Coleman^St. — at 51, 10 doors on the 11. from 0!d- Jewry.. King's- Arms-Yard, Shoreditcbj -^at 120, op. the church. Kin^ VA rm s-Y ard , Princes-St. Lambeth, — 1st on the R. from Vauxhall. King's-Arms-Yard, Blackfriars- Road, — 24 doors on tlie R. from the Bridge. King's-A rms-Yard, Hickman^s- Folly, — 4th on tlie R, from Dock-head. King's Bench (Courts of). See Westr.-Hall and Guildhall. KingVBench -Office, Temple, — on the S. side of King's- Bench-walk. King's-Bencli-Prison, Bqro. — by Stones-End, .| of a mi e on the fl. from London- bridge. KingV Bench - Row, — S. side the King's Bench. King's-Bench -Terrace, — the entrance to the KingVBench- prison. KingVBench-Walk, Temple, — the open .'^pnce on thfe N. - * side the Temple garden?, at the bottom of Mitre-court from 44, Ficet-st. King's-Bench - Walk, Bennet's Row, — 4th on the R. from Blackfriars-road. King David-rort,Back-Lane, St. George's East, — op. King David-lane. King David - Lane, Shadwell liigh-St.— at 198, 1st on the R. west of the church. KingDav id-Street, King David- Lane, — middle of the VV. side. KIN King-Edward's-Staii-SjWappi^n^;; — at 2^21, nearly op. Rothcr- hithe church. Kij>g Edward-St. Wapping, — op. the last. King Edwaril-Street, Tudor-St, — 1st on theL. from 15, New Bridge-st. King Edward-Street, Mile-End JSew-Town, — 2d on the L. in Princes-st, from Gt. Gar- den-st. Whitec*iiapel-road. King's Gardens, Gravel-Lane, — 14 doors on the R. from Holland-stieet, Blackfriars- bridge. KingVHead-AlIey, Rose-Lane, Spitalfields, — a't the back of King's-head-court. KingVHead-Allcy, Virginia-St. Parson's St. U"p. Eavt-Smith- field, — op. Pe^nnington-st. King's-Head-Court, * Wood- St, Wtstr. — 3d on the L. from .63, Millbauk-st. ^ KingVHead-Court, James- St. Westr. — 1st on the L. irom Buckingham-l'ate. King's-Iiead-Cotirt, Broadway, Westr.— middle of theN. side. King's-Head-Court, Shoe-Lane, —at 9o, 1st on the L. from 130, Fleet-st. King's-Ilead-Couit, 326, High- Hollyorn. See Middle-Row- Place. King's-Hcad - Court, Holborn- Hill,— at40; leadsto63, let- ter-lane. KingVHead-Court, Gray's-Inn- Lane, — 24 doors on the R, from Holborn. KingVliead-Court,St.Martin*s- le-Grand, — at 17, 5th on the L. from 66; Newgate-sc% KIX Kin«;*s Ilead-Coutt, Bcccli-St. Birhioan, — at 42, ,8 dours K. oK Gi>Klen-lan^. Kiiiii;% Head-Court, St. Paul's Cluircii - Yard, — at '17, S. side. Ki Ilia's Head-Court, Shored itch, — at 244, 6 doors N. t't'oin WorshJp-5t. Khig's Head-Court, Long-Alley, iMooriields, — 3 doors N. of Croun-st, King's Head-Court, Whitecross- St. Cripplegate, — at 4 '2, the 4th on the ll. from 115, Fore- street. King'sHead-Court,Gutter-Lane, — at 14, -Qd on the K. trom Cheapside. King's Head - Court, Fish-St.- Hill, — 4 doors on the R, from London-bridge. King's Head-Court, Kingsland- lload, — '2d on the II. from Siu) red itch. King's Head-Court, Pctticnat- Lane, — 2d on rfie L. iVoin Widegate-st. Bisiiopsgate. King's Head -Court, Gravel - Lane, Boro. — 1st N. from Pj*iceVst. King's Head-GardensJIolywell- llow, Holy well-Mount', — 1st on the L. from Worship-sq. King^s Head-Inn, Old-Change, — 10 doors rfom theS. E. cor- ner of St. Paul's church- yard. King's Ilea.'!- Inn, High-St. Bo- ro. — at 53, 8 doors S. of St. Tbomas-st. King's Head-Yard, Duke-St.— 1st on the K. from 52, W. side of LincolnVinn-fields, King's Head -Yard, Pv,ussell-St. — KIN 1^ doors on the R. from Drury-!ane. King's il^ad-Yard, C!iarlcs-St. ILitton-Gardun, — at I4,sevcir. dooTii K of 24, llatton-gar- d(^n. King's Hoad-Yar.l, Broad-St. Btoomsbury, — 17 doors on the H. from Ilolhorn. King's l[ead-Yard,Duke-Strcet, liioomsbury, — 3 doors from 43, Gt. Hu^sell-st. King's Head-Yard, High-Street, Lambeth, — 3d ou the R. from the church. King's Head- Yard, Tooley-St.^— at 178, by the corner of Ber- mondsey-sr. King Henry-Court, King-Street, St. George's East, — 1st on the R. from 29, New Gravel- lane. King Henry- Yard, Nightingale- Lane, East-Smith field, — at 38, t'vvo doors N. of Burr-st, King James's Stairs, Wapping- Wail, — at 70, op Star-st, King John's Pi. Holywell-Lane, — 13 doors on the R. from 193, Shoreditch. King JoIjpj's Court (Little), — 1st W. of the last. King John's Court, Limehouf-e- Causevvay, — op. the Lime - kdns-doc'k. King Jijhn's Palace, Tottenham- Court, — 6 doors E. of the Hampstead-road. King and K(*y Coach - Office, Fleot-St.—at 142, 11 doors W. of Shoe-lane. King's Printing-ijtiice, — at 12, East HardH)g-strei;i, Shoe- lane. Kiri'x and Queen -Court, Old Gravel-Lane,— at 114, 2u on ; the U. froin Ra tc I iffe- high- way. King and Queen-Stairs, Rother- hithe, — E. side the Surrey- Canal, I a mile below the church. \KingsbQry-Pl. Bowl and Pin- Alley, Chancery - Lane, — at the E. end, entrance op. Bream's-builds. Kingsgate-St. High-Holborn, — at 118, W. side of Red-lion- square. Kingsland-Road,— atShoreditch- cimrch, on the L. to Kings- land. Kingsland - Row, Old Gravel- Lane, — at 114, 10 doors on the R. from 65, Ratcliffe- highway. Kinning*s Builds. Swan-Lane, Rotherhithe, — a few doors on the R. . from Rotherhithe - street. Kirby-Court,West-St.W. Smith- iield, — a few doors on the R. from the N. W. corner of Smithfield. Kirby-Street, Charles-St. Hat- ton-Garden, — at 33, 4 doors E. from '25, Ilatton-garden. Kirk's Place, Pitt-Street, St. George's Fields, — part of the E. side. Kirkman's Pl.Tottenham-Court- Road, — at 54, between Wind- mill-st. and Goodge-st. Kitten-Court,Orchard-St. West- minster, — back of Cat's head- court. Kittisford-Pl. Hackney-Road, — R. side, adjoining the cliapel, J of a mile from Shoredirch. Kittleby - Court, Blue-Anchor- LAB Yard,— 5th on the R. frow 48, Rosemary-lane. . Knightsbridge,— from the turn- pike, II) de-park-corner, to- wards Kensington. Knightsbridge-Green,— from op. the Barracks, to Brompton high-road. Knight's Court, Tench - Street^ St. George's East, — 2d on the R. from the London-docks. Knight's Court, Green- Walk,— • 2d on the L. from Holland-st. Blackfriars-bridge, Knight - Rider - Court, Little Knight-Rider-St. — 15 doors on the R. from the Old* change. Knight-Rider-St. (Gt.) Doctors- Commons, — Qd on the R. south from 14, St. Paul's- church-yard. Knight-Rider-St. (Little), — op. the last. Knowle's Court, Little Carter- Lane,— at 10, 2d on the L, from 14, Old-change, L A BOUR IN-VAIN-COURT, Old Fish-St. Hill,Up. Thames- St.— middle of the W. side. Labour-in-Vain- Court, Upper Thames - St. See Brook's Wharf-Lane. Labour-in - Vain - Hill, Upper Thames-St. See Old Fish- St.-Hiil. I Labour-in-Vain -St. Shadwell- Market, — S. E. corner. Labour-in- V^ain-St.(Little), — on the S. side Shad well- water- works. LAD Liui-Conrt, Wliite-lIinfl-Alley, Bankside, Boro. — Ibt fVoin Maid-lane. Lad-Lane, Wood -St.— at 19, 1st on the B>, iVoin 122y Cheapside. Lady's Yaid, Harrow-Alley,-— 1st on the L, from Ald^iate. Lamb- Alley, Bishopsgate-With- out,— at"l44y N. side of Saii- Etre^^t. Lamb-Alley, Blackman-St. Bo- ro. — at 34; 6th on the L. from St. George't?churcfi. Lamb-Alley (Little), Blackman- St. — 7 doors from St. George's chnrch. Lamb-Alley, Bermondsey-St. — at 185, 5th on the J.'. tVom the church towards Tooley- strcet. Lamb's Builds. Imier Temple- Lane, — M on ti.e L. from 16, Fleet-st. Lamb's Builds. Clicrry- Tree- Alley, — 1st on the II. from 118, Bunhili-row. Lamb^s Court, Clerkenwell - Green, — at 23, S. side the Sessions-house» Lamb's Chapel -C^drt, Monk- well - St. — con?tin nation of Hart-st. VVood-st. Lamb's Court, fled-Lion-Court, Spitalfields, — middle of the N. side. lamb's Court, Whitechftpel- Road,— at €5^ t c?f a 'Tiile <»n the L. below the church. Lamb-Green, Lamb- Alley, — 1st on the L. from 185, Bermond- sey-st. LairJb's Passage, Cbiswell-St.*— at 75. 3d on the II. froia Finsbury-sq. Lamb's PI. Swan-St. — the 1st on the R. from the Kent^ road. Lamb-Row, Wilmot-St. Beth- nal-Green, — S. end on the L. by the Lamb publlc-liouse. Lamb - Square, Clerkenwell - Green, — the S. end of Lamb- court. Lunvb-St, Spitalfields^--E, con- tinuation of Spitaksq. from 103, BisliopSiiate-wj'thout. Lamb-Yard, Lamb's Conduit- St.— 3 doors on the ;L. from op. the Foundling-ho5;pital. Lamb's Conduit-Passage, Red- Lion-Sq. — at ^5, N. E. cor-^ ner. •, Lamb's Conduit-St. Red-Iion- St. Hotborh, — N. contirrua'- tioh of it, to the Foundling- hospital, Lambeth - BiUts, Lambeth,^— between Vauxhall-waUi and Lambeth- walk, by Broad-st, - Lambeth-Chapel,— op. the Tliree Stags, S. side the Asylum.. Lambeth's Court, Webber-Row^ —1st on the L. from Black- friars- road. Lambeth-Hill, Up. Thames-St» ^fr6fti 212, to the Oid- Change. Lai«beth-Marsh,\Vestr.-Bridg€- Road,-^Cd on the L. i of a rnile from the bridge. Lambeth-lJpper-Marsh,. — from the turnpike to Stangate- street. Lambeth-Mews, — N. end CUtf- geb-st. Piccadilly. LAM Iain both - Palace, Lambeth ,— N. sicfo of Lambeth-chnrcb, Lambeth - Pi. West - Sq.-^the le from Westr .-bridge. ]^Aibeth-Workhouse,-near the 8. end of Lambeth-walk. Lamp. Office- Court, Lamb's Conduit-St.~at 54, nearly op. Chapel-st. Lancashire-Court, New Bond- St.— at 121, 3d on the li. from S07, Oxford-st. Lancaster - Court, Strand, — at 474, a few doors on the L. from Charing-cross. Lancaster - Court, Bankside, Southwark,— between Smith's Rents and Rose-alley. Land-Revenue -Office, White- hall, — 2d door on the L. from nearly op. the Admiralty to- ' wards Middle Scotland-yard. Xnnd of Promise, Hoxton - Town,~ne>arly op. Workhouse hue, i a mile on the U. from Old-ht.-road. LAN Lane's-Court, Cold-Batii-Sri.«« behind No. 4, W. side. Langadale -Street, Canuon-Sc- Jlr>ad, — 1st W. to it, fruiu Wifliam-st. to James-st. Langbourn - Chambers, Fcn- church-St — 14 doors on the L. from Gracechurch-st. Lan^bou ru- Ward-School, Li me- Sr. — by the church, two doors from 160, Fenchurch-st. Langley-Buildinif;s, Walworth* Common,^ — W. side of Sur- rey - sq. by the lien and Chickens. Langley-PI. Commercial- Road, — N. side, between Green- tjeld-st. and Gloucester-st. Langley-St.Long-Acre, — at 1 15, 4 til on the R. from Drury- lane. Lanc;thorn-Court, Little Bell- Alley, London-W^all,—- S. side Leathcrsellers-builds. Lanhflm's Builds'. Mount -.St.- Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the R. from Rose-st. Lansdown - House, S. side Berkeley-sq. LansdowD^Mews, Great Guild- ford-St. RusselKSq.— at 33^ op. Lansdown-pl. Lansdown-Mews, Clarges-St. — 2d on the R. from Picca* diliy. ■ , ■ Larisdown-Passai;e,Berkeley-St. — a few yards on the R. from Bcrkeley-sq. Lansdown-Pl. Gt. Guildford-St. — 3d on the R. from Gray V inn-lane. Lant-St. (Old), Blackman - St. Boro.—at 109, 1st on th^ R. from St. Gcorire*s churcin iant-St. (New),— W. end of the Isvst. Lant-St. ( Little V— 2d on the 11. in Lant-st. from 109, Black- niau-st. Xarger's Yard, Angel - Alley, Bishopsgate, — middle of the N. side. Lark-Iiovv,. BethnaN Grcen^ — 2d on the L. eavSt from Cam- bridge-heath turnpike. Xasceli'sCourt,.Bj'oad-Street,St. Giles's,. — at 42, op. Pluriitree- street. Easceirs PI. — 5 doors E. of the last. Iiathivm*s Builds. South - Row, Sommers-Town,— op. Chal- ton-; dooxs N. of Fenchurch-st. Leadenhall-IMarket,— by the last. Leadenhall^Stpeet,Gracechui'ch* St. — at 1>8, op. Cornhill. Leading-St. Fox's Lane, Shad*- well, — l^t on the L. from oG^ High-sC. Leapi n jr-Bar-Yard',. 01d'-St. — tit 147, 1st on the L. fix}itt-Go3f well-st^ P'> LEA ieapinf^- Bar- Yard, BlackfViars- lload, — up. Stain ford-st. Leather - J/aiie, Halborii, — at 129, 3d coach-turning on the 11. fVoni Fie.et-inaikc-t. Leather-Lane - Chapel, — at 26, Leather-lane, op. I3aldwin's gardens* Leathersellers-Alms - Houses, — I\' . s^dfe of Hart - st. facing London-wall, or behind G3, Wood-st. Leathersellers-Alms - Houses, — bottom of Clark's court, on the R. from 60,Bishopsgate-st. Leathersellers- Builds. London- Wall, — op. the centre of Bethl em-hospital. Leatherselkrs-Hall, — E. end St. Helen's pi. Bishopsgate. Leaves - Court, Fore-St. Lam- beth,- — J of a mile on the L. from the church. Leblond*s Builds. William- St. Curtain-Uoadi — last on the II. from 137, Shoreditch. Lte's Court, St. Catherine's Lane, — 2d on the R. from St. Catherine's church. Lec*s Mews, North Audley-St, —a few yards on the L. from the N. W. corner of Grosve- nor-sqaare. Lee's Row, St. George's Fields, . — behind Hatfield-pl. by the Obelisk. Lcecl/s Co^irt, Collingwood-St. Blackfnars-Road, — corner of Charlotte-st. Leg-Alley, Long- Acre, — at 34, 10 doors W. of Janies-st. Le-Court (Little), — S. side the last. LEM Lcmon-St. Goodman's Fields, — -the contiiiuiition of Rcd- Lion-st. from 30, Whitecha- pel. Lcmon-St. Loman's l\)nd,Boro. — od from Gruvel-iant:'. Lemon-Tree-Yard, — corner of the Haymarket and Piccu- ddly. Lemoii-Tree-Yd. Bedfordbury, — 3 doors from 5C^y Cbandus- street. Lcn ham's Buildings, Mount-St. Bethnal-Green,: — a few doors on the II. from 44, Church- street. St. Leonardos Charity-School, — 1st house on the R. in Kingsland-road froni Shore- ditcii. St. Leonard's Church, Shore- ditch, — a mile on the Jl. north from Cornhill along Bisho[)S2;ate and Shored :tcli. Leonard-Court, Paul-St. Tins- Lury, — N, side of Leonard- square. Leonard-Sq. Paid-St. Finsbury, — the space w lie re Patrl-st. and Leonard - St. intersect each other, Leonard St. Shoreditch, — the continuation of Tahernaeie- row, from 35, City-road. Leonard-St. (Littfe), Paul-St. — Ist on the R. north of Leonard-sq. Leopard-Court, Baldwin's Gar- dens, Leather-Lane, — at 37, 6 doors on the R. from 7^, Leather-lane. Leopard -Covrt, Rotherhkhe- St.— at 173,24 doors below Giobc-stairs-alley. Lestock-Pi. Last-St. Walworth, LLM — 4th on the L. from tlie nr<;h-st. Levani-C(»mpany's- House, St. Helen's Pi. — a lew doo'S on the L. from Bi.shop«;traie. Lewer-Kow, Lambeth-Butts, — • N. si(le,vby Lambeth-walk. ■ Levvinij;tonV Builds. City-Road, — W. side the turnpike by St. Luke's hospital. Leu~sham - Street, Princes -St. Westr. — 3d on the ii. from Storey's gate. Life-Guards- Stables, Ktng-St. Portman ►Sq.-; — 5 doors oa the R. from Baker-st. Life-Guards-Stables, Portman^ St. — 4 doors on the R. from ^220, Oxford-st, L>lly-St. Gt. Saftron-Hi!I, — at 40, 5th on the R. from Field- lane. Lii I y pu t-Ljn je,Noble-St. Fostcr- lijme, — itt (i, Sd on the R. from Cheapside. Lime-Street, Fenchurch-St. — at loO, 1st o.i the L. from Gracechurch-at, Lime-Street-Passage, Lime-St. — at 18, leading to Leadcii- hail-market. Lime-Street-Sq. Lime - St. — 3 doors on the L. from 21, Lcadenhall-st. Lifuehouse-Causeway, — at 41, Three-Colts-st. extending to tiie Commercial-road by the W. India-docks. Limehousc - Hole, — continua- tion of Three Colt-st. from the Lime-kihis towards IMiU- walU Li m e h o u se-IIo 1 c-S ta 1 r s ,— -a f e \v yard^ on the R. below iF>e Limc-kilns-dock. Eraa€-Kihis-Dock, Limeliouse, — E. end of Fore-st. and S. end of Three Colt-st. liime-Kilns-Hili, Lkneliouse, — a fevr yards on the 11. from the E. end of Fore-st. IiimeTree-Court,Narrow-Wall, Lambeth,— between Peach's yard and Cupers-bridge. BincolnVlnn^ Chancery-Lane, — op. 40, 1 of a mile on the L. from 193, Fieet-st. Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, — byGreat Turnstile, 282, Hoiborn, and by Serle-Jytreet, Cai-ey-street, Chancery-hme. liincoln's - Inn -Oardens,— -W. side of Lincoln's in-St.- Xion-St. Kent -Road, — 2d on the R. froiB the Elephant aild' €astle. l-ion and Lamb-Allrey, Princes- St. Lambeth, — 3d oa the L. f»oi».Vauxball. iaou and Lamb-Court, Play- LPT lio«se-Yd. — 1st on the B^ from 50, Golden-lane. Lion m the Wood-Yard,. Wil- derness-Lane, — 5 doors on» tli€ R. from Dorset-st. Salis- bury-sq; Liquor-Pond -St. Gray's - Inn- Lane, — at 68, J of a mile on the R. from Hoi born. Lisbon-Sr. DGg-Row,Miie-End^. — 12 doors on tlie L. from the turnpike. Lisle-St. Leicester-Sq.. — 1st pa- rallel to the N. side. Lisle-St. (New),r:-E. end of the last. Lisson^jreen, Marybone,~-op. the Yorkshire-stingo. Lisson-Grove, Marybdne,. — ^N.. sick' the New-road, op. the Yorkshire-stingo. Lisson — Mews, . Southampton — Row, — 1st on the L. from 82,. Edgware-road. Lisson-Pl. Lisson-Gre€n,-Pad-- dington,-:— 2d N. . from Bell- street. Lisson-Row, Lisson - Grove,-5— 2d on the L. north from the York sh ire-stingo. Lisson-St.. Lisson-Green,- — Ist'^ on the L. in Southampton- row, from 82, Edgware-road. Lisson-St. (Ll^p.)— contmuation of the last. Litehfield-Street, King-St.Soho, — 3d on the IL from Prk^iCes- street. Literary^Fund, — 3(5, . Gerrard- St. Soho, middle of the S.. sidc, 12 doors on the L. from-. Little Nevvport-st. Literary-Panorama-Oflice,*— at; 198, Ilatton-garden, doors- LIT oil llic L. from llljllolborn- . hili. Littlc-Court, Castle-St. Leiccs- • ter-Sq. — 4 doors from Great Nevvport-sr. Little-Court, Gt. Artliur-St.^ — the last on tlie L. from 10, Goswcli-st. IJovd's Court, Si. Giics'sj — W. Mde the church. Lloyd's F'veniiiir-Post Newspa- per-Gitico, — at 1 1^ War wick- sqiiaie. Lloyd's Yard, Biack-Swan-AI- icy, — Iht oil the L. from London-waii. LoaderVPl. James-St. Westr. . — E, end, op. the Blue-caat- school. Lock's Fields, VValwortli, — the space between Walworth High-st. and the Kent-road, on the N.side of East-lane. Lock*sGardcns,BowHng-Green- . Lane, Clerkcuwell, — 3d on the L. from Coppice-row. L< ck-Ilospital, Grosvenor-Pl. — - SO doors on the K, from Hyde-park-corner. Lock-Hospital (Gld),— -at the E. . end of tvent-st. Boro. Lock's PI. Lock's Fields,~.tst on the R. in York-st from - Walworth Hii^h^st. Lock's Row, — the S. side Lock's place. Lock's Yard, Blackman-St. Bo- ro. — at (32, op. the King's Bench. Lockwood-Court, Gt. Saffron- Hill,— at 47, middle of the E. side. Logger fiead-Court, Gascoigne- Pl. Bethnal-CjJieen, — IsC on the L from 40,Castle-5t. LON Loman's Pond, Gravel-I-ane, Boro. — 2d on the L. south of Charlotte-st. Loman's 8t. — E. end of the la.^it. L)iubard-Court, Tower -St. 7 Dials,— at 21, 5 doors on the R. from Little St. Martm's- lane. Lombard-St. 7 Dials, — op. the last. Lomhard-Stref:t, Graccchurch- St.— fjom 24, to the Mansl<3n- liouse. Lombard-Street, Fieet-St. — at oO, middle of the S^. side, 12. dt)ors W. of Water-lane, Lombard-Sr. Mile - End New* Town..— 3d on the R. from bb. Brick-lane, along Peiham- street. Lpmbard-St. (Great), Boro.— at the W. end of Mint-st. Lombard-St. (Little), — N. end of the last. Lond(;n - Annuity - Office for Widows, — at 25, Old Fish-st.. 4 doors E. of the 01d-ChaiKi;e, London-Assurance-Office, Bir- chin-Lanc, — 2 doors on tiie R. from 62, Lombard-st. London-Bridge, the lowest bridge over the Thames, Lond(jn-Chronic!e Newspaper Office, — at 151, Fleet-st. by B(;lt-COUVt. London-Court, White's Y^ard,— i 1st on the R. from 57, Rose- mary-lane. London-Docks, VVappinir, — be- tween 72, Wapping-st. and the church. London Dock-Office, — N. ^x\6^ of Princes-st. Bank. London - Dock - Office, — 110^ tON Fenchurch-street, nearly op. Mark-laife. London-ElectriG-Institution, — at 16, Bunhill-row, also at ^26, Tabernaele - row, City- road. Xondon-Evening-Post Newspa- per-Office, — Union-st. Blaek- friars. London- Female - Penitentiary, Pentonville,— W. side the chapel, op. Weston-st. Londun-IIouse, Aldersgate-St. — at 155, near the middle of the W. side, London-Hospital, Whitechapel, — J of a mile on the R. be- - low the church. London-House-Yd. St. PauPs- Church-Yd.—at ?4 and 79, 1st on the L. from Ludgate- street. London - Infirmary, Charter - house-Sq. — at 40, 2d house on the L. from Carthusian- street. London-Institution, Old- Jewry, — i2>nder the ^lateway, 8 doors on the R, from 81, Cheap- side,. London- Journal Newspaper- Office,— Union-street, Black- friarsi London -Life- Association, — at 48, St> PauFs chureh-yard, near Cheapside. London - Mews, London-St. — '14 doors on the L. from Tot- ten liam-cou rt-road . London - Packet Newspaper - Office,-— at 12, Warwick-sq. Warwick- lane. London r-Rei^istry - Office, — at 1(5, Gt. Knight-Rider-strcet, . Dactorsrconimons, LON LoFidon-Rd. St. George's Fields^. — from the Obelisk to the Elephant and Castle. London - Society - Protestant — School, — a few doorson the L; in Ropemakers-st. from Moorfields. London -Stone, Cannon -St. — between 8i and 8^2, by th(? church. London-Sti Tottenham - Court- Road, — at 108,; I a n\iie on the L. from Oxford-*rr. London-St. (Old), Fenchurch- St.— at 59> 5tli on the R. from G raced lurch-st, London-St. (Nevv),^— the conti* niiation of the last. London-St. Haclvney - Road, — from the Nag*s head towards, the Bird-cage. London-Street, Queen-St. Rat- cliiFe, — 1st on the L. fr^int Ratcliffe-cross. London-Street, London-Road, St. George's Fields, — 2d oa- die R. from the Elephant and Castle towards^ ^e Obe- lisk.. London-St. Benisondsey, — ea* trance bythe first bridge on the R. in Mill-st; from Dock- head. London -Tavern,- Bishop^gate- St. — 2 doors fmm Cornhill. : London-Tavern (New), Cheap- side,::- at 140,10 doors on the L. from St. Paurs-church-yd. Londide. Lottcry-OiHce, Somersct-Pi. — 2d door on the L. in the sq. from the Strand. Love-Court, George- Alley, — 1st on the L. from 70, .Fleet- market. Love-Court, Mutton - Lane, — 2d on the L. from Clerken- well-greeut Love-Court, Petticoat-Lane, — at 120, 5th on the R. from 41, Aldgate High-st. Love-Court, Little Middlesex- St. — 1st on the L. from 120, Petticoat-lane. Love-Couit, Love-Lane, Shad- well, — 4 doors on the R. from 117, High-st. Love-Court, Tooley-Street, — at 157, nearly op. Green-bank. Love-Lane, Wood-Sr. — at 3(3, 2d on the R. from 122, Cheapside. Love-Lane (Little), — N. side the last. Love-Lane,. Little Eastcheap,— from 19 to 10^, Lower Thames-st, Love-Lane, Shadwell High-St. — at 117, by Cock-hiil. Love-Lane, Old Gravel-Lane, — at 160, 4th on the L. from 157, Wapping. Love-Lane, Willow-St. B.tnk- side, — 1st on the R. from Holland-street, Blackfriars- bridge. Love-Lane, Rotherbithe-St. — at 384, op. Rotherhithe-stairs, near Millpond-bridge. Love-Place, Hackney-Road, — W. side, part of Middlesex- place. LOV Lorei'sCaurtjPaternoster-Rovv, — at 20, 3d on the II. tVoiu Clieapslde. Lovers-Court, White-IIorse-St. llatclifFe, — 9 doors on the L. from Butcher-row. Love!aiidV\^ar(i, Roya! - IIos- pital-Ilow, Chtisea, — Ist on the L. froin the Hospital. Lowdeil's Court, Gt. Guildtbrd- St. Boro. — 1st on the right N. from 35, Quecn-st. Lowdell-Passage, Broad-Wall, — 1st on the L. from Great Charlotte-st.Blackfriars-rpad. Lower-Mews, ("rescent, Muio- ries, — behind the S. side. Lower - Tarn ing, Shakespear's Walk, Shadwel!, — last on the L. from 49, lligh-st. Lownds-Court, Carnaby-St. — at 24, 2d on the L. from Gt. !Mariborougii-st« Lox wood-Place, Fitzroy -Place, Mary bone, — 1st on the 11. from the New-road. Lucas-PL Coimiierciai-Uoad,-— E- side the Halfway-house. Lucas-St- CoMirnercial-Road, — 1st E. of the Halfway-house. Lucas-St. Gray's Inn-Ljinc. — N. side Sidmoulh-pl. and op. Aeton-st. Lucas-Street, Paradise-St. Ro- therhithe, — at 80, 1st on the IL below i\LiUpond-bridge. Ludgate (Old), Half-Moun-St. ■ — 2d on the L. from 170, Bishopsgate. Ludgate-Court, — the entrancj^^ to the last. Ludgate-Ilill, — at the S. end of Eieet-market, extending to St. Martin's churcli. Ludgate-Pl. Ludgate-Hill,— 3 LYN doors on the U. from Bridge^ st.ieet. Luclgate-Street, St. Paul's-ch.- \(\. — W. end, extending to St. xMartin's-cliurch. Saint Luke's Charity -School, Golden -Lane, — 5 doors on the L. from Oid-st, St. Luke's Church, Old-Street, — middle of the N. side. St. Luke's Hospital, Oid-St. — N. side, near the City-roaB. St. Luke's Pi. Stepney, — op.the W. side of the church-yard. Luke-Stri'et, Paul-St. P'insbury, — at 49, 1st on the 11. from Worship-st. St. Luke's Workhonse,City-Rd. — W. side of the Stieplierd and Shepherdess, LumJey's Alms-IIouses, City- Road, — N. side the Shep- herd and Shepherdess Tea- gardens. Lumley-Court, Strand, — at398, 12 dfK)rs W. from Southamp- ton-st. Lundty-Court, Bowl and Pin- Alley, Chancery- Lane, — 1st . on the L. from Bream's buildings. Lunt ley-pi. Whitechapel, — 2d on tiie R. in G^born-pl. from 20, Bi ick-lane. Luxford-Row, North-Green, — 1st on the R. from 12, Wor- ship-st. Lyceum, Strand, — at 352, about A of a n>ile on the R. from 'i'emple-har. Lying-in-Hospital, St. Luke's, — dic corner of Old-st. and the City road. Lynn-Street, Gay wood-Street, St. George's Fields, — 1st on LYN the L. from the London- road. Lj'im-Court, Lynn-St. — middle of the N. side. Lyon's Inn, Holywell - Street, Strand, — 16 doors on tiie II. from St, Clement's church. Lyon's Inn - Pa.ssage, — op. the last to the Strand. Lyon's Quay, Lower Thames^ St. — 12 houses on the R. be- low London-bridge. Ly on-St. High - Holborn, — at 143, 1st on the L. from Broad-st. St. Giles's. MaBLEDON-PLACE, Som- mers-Town, — op. Wiiisted- st. to Burton-crescent. Macclesfield - Street, Gerrard- St. Soho, — from 15, to Dcan- 5 reet. Macord's Rents, Choppens-Ct. — 1st on the 11. from' ii5,0ld Gravel-lane. Maddox-St. Hanover - So. — 3(1 on the R. in Swallow-st. from 322, Oxford-st. Maddox-St. (Little), — op. the last, extending to 43, New Bond-st. Magdalen - Circus, Magdalen- St. — behind 1.54, Tooley-st. Magdalen-Hospital, Black friars- Kd. — \ a mile on the R. from the bridge. ^Iagdalen-Pu«:sage, Gt.Prescot- St. Goodman's Field?, — mid- ; die of tlie S. side. Magdaien-Place,Tooley-St. — at 143, nearly op. Stoney-Iane, : Magdalen-Row, Gt. Prtscot-St. ; , MAI Goodman's Fields,— ^middle of the S. side. Magdalen-Street, Toolev-St.— at 148, extending to 23, Ber- mondsey-st. Magfia-Place, Hox ton-Town,—^ a few doors fromOld-st.-road. St. Magnus-Church, — N. end of London-bridge. Magpye-Alley, Wentworth-St. Spi'talfields, — at 41, 3 doors E. of Rose-lane. PJagpye-Alley, Shorcditch,— at 10, nearly op. Worship-st, Magpye-Cocrt, Glass -House- Alley, Whitefriars, — at the N. end of it. Magpye-Court, Aldersgate-St. —at 180, op. the Castle and Falcon-Inn. Magpyre and Stump Coach-Of- fice, — at 117, iSewgate-st, IMaho^anv-Court, Whitecross- St.— at' 81, 11 doors N. of Chiswell-st. Maid-Lane,Southwark, — paral- lel to the Thames, from Park- st. to Gravel-lane. Maida-Place, Printers-Pl, Ber- mondsey, — nearly op. the Gregorian-Arms, \V. end of Jamaica-row. Maiden-Lane, Southampton-St. — 10 doors on the L. from. 388, Strand. Maiden-Lane, Battle - Bridge, St. Pancras, — E. side the Small-pox-ho.spital. Maiden-Lane, Wood - St.-T-at 110, 3d on the L. from 122, Cheapside. Maiden-Lane, Queen-St.Cheap- sidc, — at 37, extending from Garlick-hilUo College-hill. - Q MAI Maiden-RoWjBoro.-Boad, — ist on the L. from the Xing's Bench. Maidenhead - Court, Berwick- , Street, Oxtbrd-St,— at 99, 4 doors N. of Peter-st. Maidenhead-Ct. Snow*s Rents, Westr. — 1st on the R. from York-st. Mai den head^Court, Aide rsgate- St^—at 28, 10 doors W. of Palcon-st. Maidenhead- Court, Little St. Thomas Apostle, — 3 doors E. of 69, Queen-st. Maidenhead-Court,]Moor-Lane, Cripple gate, — ^^3 doors from •86, Fore^st. Maidenhead -Court, Wheeler- St. Spitaifields, — at 67, 2d on the L. north of White-lion- street. Maidenhead-Court,Broad-Wall, — a few doors S. of Stamford- £.t. Blackfriars-road. Maidenhead Co.urt,Gt. Gardens, .•--3cl on the L. from St. Ca- therine/s-lane. Maidenhead-Court, Wapping, — at iO'2, 4 doors on the L. below the London-docks. Maidenhead-Court, Farmer-St. Shadwell, — at 61, oth on the L. from 38, High-st. Maidenhead-Yard, George-St. Bioumsbur.y, — 1st from 25, Broad-st. Maidenhead-Yard, Addle-Hill, i — at 24, 1st on the L. irom Gt-Carttr-lane. I^Iaidman's Court, Blue-Gate- : Fields, — 2d on the L. from 95, Ratcliffe-hii^hvvay. Maidman's Row, Miie-End-Rd. ^ of a mile on the R. be- MAN low Ben-croft's alms-bou-sss, near two miles from Aid- gate. Mardstone-Buildings, High-St, Boro.— ^at 228, 10 doors N. of Uniou-st. Maidstqne-Court, Old Nicol- St. Bethnal-Oeen, — ^^2d oji the R. from Cock-lane. MaidstoDe-New-Wharf,Queen- ljithe,-r^W. side the dock. Major Foubert's Passage, Swal- low-St. — at 61, op. Conduit- street. Malaga-Ct. Nightingale -Lane, — at 36, a few doors on the X. below the entrance to the London-docks. Malaga-Coui t (Little), — -on th€ N. side the last. Manchester - Builds. Cannon - Row, Westminster, — 2d N. to Bridge-st. Manchester-House, Manches- ter-Sq.— at 20, N. side. Manchester-ivlewc,Manchester- St. — 4 doors on the R. fr(jm the square. Mancheste r-Mews North,Man- chester-St.^ — 14 doors on the R. from the square. Manchester-Square, — N. end of Duke-st. from 173, Oxford- street. Manchester - St. Manchester - Sq. — N. W. corner. Mandana's Lane, Bethnal - Green-Road, — the last on the L. friwn 65, Shoreditch, towards the Green, Manley-Pl. — S. W. corner of Kennington-common. Manner's Court, Gt. Winches- ter-St. Boro. — 1st on the %, from St. Saviour's church. . MAN Tancr-Baildings, King's Road, Cljcisfiii, — behind Afanor-Pl. rianor-Court, Perriwiiikle-St. RrttciitFe, — 1st on the R. from Broi)k-st. Ivlanor-Pl. Kin;^'s Road, Chel- sea, — *- of a mile on the R. from Sinith-st. towards Bat- terse a- b rid i;e. Manor-PL VVaiworth, — ^5th on the R. from the Elephant and Ca,stie. Manor-ilou^c-Acadeniy, Ken- uington - Lnne , — nearly op. Carlisle-chvipel. Maiior-Rovv, Robinson's Lane, Ciielsea, — part of the L. side, J of a mile froaa Farad ise- row. Manor-Row, Ma:ior-Pl. Wa,l- worth, — the S. side of it. Man-jr-Rov/, Deptfjrd Low^r. Road, — S, side the seven houses, Manor-Row, Litck: Tcwer-Hill, — frooi ilie E. side to Upper East-Siniihfie'd. Manor- Row (Little)^ — on the S. side the last. Manor - Row (Old), Salmon's Lane, Limehci^ise, — the N. end of Featherstone-buiJds. Manor-SL Chelsea, — b<.tween 13 and 14, Cheyne-walk, by the side of the Thames. Manor-Terrace^ Kind's Road, Chelsea, — near Manor-place, extending towards Batter^ea- bridge. Ma:i5el-St. — theS.continuation of Soniersct-sL fi*OJu Aid- irate Hiih-^t. Man^^ield-Mews, Mfinsfield-St. jMarvbonc, — at 11 and at 1C\ liarley-st. >fAR Mansfield-PI. Boro.-Roud,— S. side, by the Obeliak. Mansficid-St. Marybone, — 1st E, to riarley-st. from (:iueen- Ann-st. West to NewCaven- dish-st. Mansfield-St. Boro.-Road,— 1st on the R. tVuin t!ie Obelisk. Mansion - ILjuse, — the larj^e building at the W. erjd of Lombard-st. Mansion -House Coach-OEfice, — ^nearly op, the Mansion- house. Mansion -House - Alley, N"evv- ington, — by the Mansion- house puJblic-liouse. Mail sio n - Ho u se-Ho u^, Kennin g- ton Hiizh - Road, — near the two miie stone, extending to Kennini^ton-Iane. Mansion-H^use-Street,. — from Comhiii to the Poultry. Manson's Ways, Bermondsey- Waii, — on the E. side of Mill-stairs and St, Saviour's dock. Map's Row, Stepney-Green, — I of a mile on the L. from Mile-End. Marble-Court, Webb-St. Boro. — l5t on the R, from Weston- street. Marble-Hail-Lane,Vauxhall,^ op. the W. end of the Gar- dens. Marchmont-Pl. Little Coram- St. — 2d on the L. from 10, Tav:stock-pl. Marchant's Row, Llraehouse, — a tew yards E. of St. Ann- st, by the Barge-river. Marchmont-Street, Gt. Coram- St, Bru ITS wick -Sq. — i\t 44, middle of the N. side. MAR Marden - Court, Broad - Wall , Chiist-Church. See Maiden- head-Court. St. Margaret's Chapel, Westr. — on the S. side of Little Chapel-st. St. Margaret's Chapel, Marga- ret-Street, Cavendish-Sq. — 9 doors from 63, Wells-st. St. Margaret's Church, Westr. - — N. side the Abbey. St. Margaret^s Church, Loth- bury, — N. side the Bank of England. St. Margaret-Patten's Churcli, Rood-Lane, Fenchurch-St. — corner of Tower-st. Margai € t-Court, Margaret-St. Cavendish-Sq. — at 59, middle of the 8. side. St. Margaret's Hill,High-Str€et, Boro. — the open space^3- of a mile on the R, from Lon- don-bridge. Margaret's Rents, Snow 'sF-elds, Boro. — behind 35, by Wes- ton-st. Margaret- Row, Marchmont-St. — N. end, by Burton-cres- cent, Tavistoclv-sq. Margaret-St, Cavendish-Sq. — from the S. E. corner to 63, Wells-st. Margaret.-St. Westr. — S. con- tinuation of Parliament -St. E. side the Abbey. Saint Margaret's Workhouse, Westr. — W. end of Orchard- st. by Gt. Cliapel-st. Maria-PL Baker's Row, — 1st on theL. from 94, Whitecha- pel-road. Maria-Pl. Blue-Anchor-Road, Bermoudsey, — J: of a mile ' MAR on the R. from the turn pikr, Fort-pl. Marigold -Stairs, Up.-Ground, — W. side of Blackfriars- bridge. Marigold-Court, Strand, — at 3T0, W. side Exeter-Cliange. Marigold-Court, Star - Cuiner, Bermondsey, — 2dS. of Long- lane. Marigold-St. Bermondsey^ — l$ft W. parallel to Cherry-gar- den-st. extending to Mill- pond -st. Marine-Brewery, Broad-Street, Ratcliffe, — op. 31, by Stone- stairs. Marine - Crescent, Prospect •* Row, Bermondsey, — 1st on the L. from the Neckinger- tunipike towards Jamaica- row. Marine-Society, — at 54, Bish- opsgate-withjn. Mariners (Three) Court, Forc- St. Cripplf.gate, — at 102, 4 doors W. of Grub-st. Mark-Lane, Fenchurch-St.- — at 55, 4tb on the R. from Gracc- church-st. Mark-Street, Paul-St. Finsbury, — at 54, 2d on the R. from Worship-st. Mark's Yard. See Stacey's Re- pository. Market-Court, Oxford-St.— at 92,1 of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's. Market-Court, INIarket - St. — 1st on the L. from Shadw ell- market. Market- Hill, Shadwell High - St. — at 65, 2d E. of the church. MAR Market-Lane, Pall- Mall,^ be- hind the Opera-House, Hay- marker. Mairket-Lane, White-Hart -PI. Keiiniiigtoii-Laue, — 13 doors oil the L. from Kennin^tun- cross. Market-Row North, South, East, and West, St. James'?, — are merely the difibrent sides of St. James's market. ^larket-PcO'v, Oxtbrd-Market, — the S, aad W. sides of the said market. Market - Row, Saint George's Fields, — S. end of Mansfield- street. Market- Row, Ea.st and West, Carnaby-3»iarket, — the sides of the said market. Market-Street, llart-St.Blooms- bury,— — S. W. corner of Bioomsbury-sq. Market-Sr. — the builds, around Fitzroy market. Market-Street, Oxford-St. — at 87, I of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's. ^Market-Street, St. James'sMar- ket, — from the N. W. corner to 127, Jermyn-st. Market-St. Horseferry - Road, Westr. — part of the E. end, by Miiibank-st. Market-St. May-Fair, — on the W.side of Shepherd's market. Market-St. Soho,— W. side of Newport- market to Little Newport-st, Market-St. Shadwel!, — at the S. E. corner of Shad well-mar- ket. Market-St. Boro.-Road, — 2d on the R. from the Obelisk. Mn.rk€t-St. Lambeth. — from MAR Walcot-pl. to Kennington* lane. Marlborough-Court, Pall-Mall, --at 82, 9 doors E. of th« Palace. Mariborouah-Court, Carnahy- St. — at 21, 3d on the L. from Gt. Marlboroagh-st. Marlborough - Court, Green - Walk, Biackfriars-Rd.— 10 doors on the R. from liol- iand-st. Marlboroijgh-Msws, Qaeen-Se, —at the S. end, fro.n 34=0, Oxford-st. Marlborough-Pl. Pall -Mall,— at 81, near the Palace. Marlborough-Pl. Walwortl), — ► R. side, ^ of a mile from the Elephant and Castle, from Hampton-st. to the Terrace. Marlborough-Pl. Kenningten- Cross, — E. side, op. Up.Ken- nington-lane. Marl borough -Row, Carnaby - Market, — S. W. corner. Mariborough-S mare, Whisters- Ground, Westr. — the corner of Gt. Peter-st. Marlborough-St. (Gt.)— 1st on the R. in Polaud-st. from 365, Oxford-st. Marlborough-St.- (Little), — at 34, ^ing-st. 2d on the L. from S 23, Oxford-st. Marlborough-Street, Charlotte^ St. — 1st on the L. from Blackfriars - road, towards Lambeth. Marlow's Rents, St. Catherine's Sq. Tower-Hiil,- — N. side, by Cat-:hole-court. Manivadu ke - Court, Ma rma - dake-St.— 1st on the R. from Jo!in-st. MAR Mariuaduk^-Street, John -St. St. George's East, — 1st on the R. from Cannon-st.-roiid, Marra an -Street, St. George's East, — continuation of Huni- . berstone-st. from the Coih- Tnercial-road. Marquis-Court, Drury-Lane,— at 70, S. side the Theatre. Marsh-PJ. Lambeth - Marsh,— - 1st on the L. from the turn- pike towards Black friar s-rd. Marsh's PI. Prinees-St. Lon- don-Road, — the E. end of Princfcs-court. Marsh- Wall, Poplar. See Mill- Wall. Marshall-Street, Silver-Street, . Golden-Sq. — 1st on the R. . from Little Windmill-st. Marshall-St. London - Road, — 3d on the R. from the Obe- . lisk. Marshalsea - Prison, High - St. Boro. — behind 118, | of a mile on the L. from London- bridge. Mai'sham-St. Westr. — continu- ation of Great Smith-st. and : Dean-st. Marso n-Pl . Soramers-To wn , — N. end of Marson-st. Marson-St. Sommers-Town, — 1st on the L. in Phillips's- builds. from 20, Willsted-st. . Manha - Street, St. George's East, — 2d on the R. in Charles-st. from op. Biuegate- fieids. Maitha-St. Hackney -Road, — 1st on the R. noi th from Cambridce-heath-turnpike. Saint Martin's Alms - Houses, Crpwn-St.SohOj^ — 6 doors N. ci Compcou-st. MAR Martin's Builds. Old-St.— at 60, op. the HospitaL Martin's Builds. Milk - Yard, Shadvvell,— op. the S. end of Farmer-st. St. Martin's Churcli (in the Fields), St. Martin's Lane^ Charing-Cross. St. Martin's Church, Ludgate- St. — a few doors on the R. from St. Paul's-church-yard. Saint Martin's Church, Sr. Mar- tin's Lane,^ — 3 doors from 42, Cannon-st. St. Martin's (Outwitch) Churchy Threadneedle-St. — the cor- ner of Bishopsgate-st. Saint Martin's Court, St. Mar- tin's Lane, Charing-Cross,«-— at 89, op, New-st. St. Martm's Lane, Charing- Cross,^ — from 487, Strand, to Long'acre. St. Martin's Lane, (Little),— continuation of the last. Saint Martin's Lane, Cannon-St. — from 42 to 138, Upper Thames-st. St. Martin's-le-Grand, — at 65^ Newgate-st. 8 doors on the R. from Cheapside. St. Martin's St. Leicestcr-Sq.— at 38, middle of the S. side. Martin - St. Westmoreland-Pl. City-Road, — 1st on the L. from Providence-st. St. Martin's St. Higlers-Lane,— 2d on the R. from Black- friars-rofid. Martin-St. (New), White's Yd. — l&t on the L. from 97, Up. E. Smithtield. Martin - Street, Essex- St. — 2d on the L. from 105^ White- cbaiei. MAR 5aint Martin's Workhouse, St. Martin's L'ane,Cluiring-Crf)ss, — behind 1^3, to Hemming's row. Martiet's^^urt,l^w-St.Covent- Gardv ^ —at 30, middle of the E. side. St. Mary Abchurch, Abchurch- Lane, by Caiuion-:-t. St. Mary-Axe, Leadenhall-St. — at 117, 1st on the L. from Cornhilh St. Mary's Church, Alderman- bury, — ^^at 6<5, the corner of Love-lane. Saint Mary'sChurch, St. Mary's Hill, Lower Thames-St. — op. BUingsgate. St. Mary Aldermary -Church, Bov\-Laue,- — behind 38, Wat- ling-sr. St. Mary-le-Bow-ChurchjCheap- side, middle of the S. side. St. Mary- Magdalen - Church, Old Fi*!>St. — corner of the Old-Change. St. Mary-Magdalen-Chureh, — S. end of BernK)nd-ey-st. ^t. Mary'sChurch,\Vhitcchapcl, — J a mde £. of Aldgate. St. Mary-le -Strand-Church, — 2d church, ^ of a mile from Temple-bar. St. Mary's Church, Newington, — g- of a mile S. of the Ele- phant and Castle. St. Mary's Church, Rotlierhithc, — Ij mile below London - bridge, op. Wapping -dock- stairs. St. Mary's Church, Lambeth,— . I of a mile above Wtstr.- b rid lie. MAPw St. Mary-Somerset-Churchjlfp. Tiiames-St.— at 203, corner ofOldFish-st.-hill. St. Mary - WoolnothVChurch, Louibard - St. — VV. side the General-posc-office. St. Mary's lldl, bjwer Thames- St. — from 93 (op. Bilhngs- gate), to Rood-lane. St. Mary-Overy's-Dock, Boro. — VV. side of St. Saviour's church, J of a mile above London-bridi^e, Mary's PI. Mary -St. Hamp- stead-Road, — N. end, on the R. from Brook-st. Mary'sPl.Belhnal-Green-Road, — 1st on tlie R. in Mary's row, from the N. E. corner of Wdmot-sq. Mary's Row, Bethnal- Green- Road, — on the E. side of Wilmot-sq, Mary-St. Ham pstead -Road,— W. end of Ciiarles-st. on the R. Mary-St. WWtechapel-Road,— at 70, i of a mile on the L. below the ctiurch. Mary-Street, St. George's East, -— 4th E. of Cannor)-st.-roa(f, from Up. Chapman- St. _to L')wer Chapman-st. Mary-St. Stepney,— 1st on the R. in Ocean-st. from op. the Walnut-tree. St. rvlaryhone-Church,— N. end of High-st. op. Beaumont- street. Marybone - Court, Weymouth- St. Marybone, — at 2d, th^ce doors E. of Little Marybone- street. Marybone - Court - House,— 2.4 tS^; Oxford-st. middle of the N. side. Marybone-Dispensapy, — ^at 77, Welbcck-st. 2 doors from Henrietta-st. Mary bone-Infirmary, New-Rd. — 12 doors E. of Yoik-pl. Baker-st. M a ry bo n e-Lane, Ox ford-S t. — at 158, neafly op. New Bond- street. Marybone - Mews, Gl Mary- bone - St. — ^at 49, between Welbeck-st. and Winipole- streec. Marybone-Passage, VVells-St. — at 08, 2d on the L. from Oxford-st. Marybone - Sehool, -at 110, High-st. Marybone. Marybone-St. (Great), — at 51, Harley-st. 2d oa the L. from Cavendisii-sq. Marybone-St. (Little),— at 23, m the la>t, 5 doors E. of High-it. Marybone-St. (Upper),— from 63, Gt. Portlaiid-st. to How- land-st. Tottenham - eourt - road. Marybone-St. Piccadiliy,— the Continuation of Titehborn- street. . Marybone - Workhouse, Nor- thumberland- St. — middle of the W. side. Marygold. See Marigold, Mason's Alleys Basingha!l-S't. — 1st on the R. from Cateaton- street. Mason's Arms-Yard, IMaddox- St. — (It 15, 2d on the 11. from 92, Swallow-st, Masoo's Builds. City-Road, — z MAS of a mile on the L. north from VVinkworth's builds. Mason's Builds. Bencher's Row, St. George's Field% — 1st on the R. from Bennett's row. Mason's Court, George and Catherine-Wheel- Yard , — 1 st on the R. behind 80, Bish* opsgate-without. ■ Mason's Courts Shoreditch,- — at 109, 10 doors ou the L. from the church. Mason's Court, Brick-Lane,' — 2d on the R. from 74, White- chapel. Mason's Court, Pligh-St. — 1st ou the L. from Gt. Garden-st. Whitechapel. Masons-Hal},--S. side of Masons alley, Basinghall«st. Mason's PI. Little Prescot-St, — 6 doors S. of Chamber-st. Masons - Stairs, Bankside, near Corny-cap-alley, iofa mile belowBiackfriars-bridge. Mason - St. Sommers-Town, ~ 1st on the R. in Northam's builds, from Weston-st. Mason-St. Bridge-Rcad, Lam- beth.— at 30, 3d on the R, from Westr.-bridge. Mason-St. Eent-Road, — 2d on the R. below the Bricklayers- arras. Mason's Yard, Dnke - St.— 2d on the L. from 132, Picca- dilly. Mason's Yard, Queen-Ann-St. East, or Foley-Pi. — at 54, behind ^3,. Great Portland- street. Mason's Yard, Broad-Street, St. Giles's, — 2 doors fromI>rury» lane. wmm MAS . Masters in Chancery's Ofiice,— at ^4, Soutlianipton - builds. Hv)Iborn, 4 doors on the R. from 53, Chancery-lane. Match-Walk, Back-Lane,— X. end of Mercers-row, Sluid- wcll. Mathematical-Society, Cri^^pin- St. Spital fields, — behind 35, 8 doors on the L. fromUnion' street. Matilda-PI. Nortli East Pas- sage, Wellclose-Sq. — 1st on theL. from 35, Cab!e-st. Matthew's Builds. King - St. SpitaUlelds, — 3 doors on the 11. from 158, Brick-lane. St. ^Matthew's Church, Friday- St. — 2 doors from 36,Cheap- sid.-. St. Matthew's Church, Bethnal- Green, — fa mile on the R. along Church-st. from 6o,. Shored itch. Matthew's PI. Hackney-Road, — part of the N. side, near Ca\nbridg€-heath-turnpike. Matthew-Street, Paul-St. Fins- bury, — 1st on the L. in Mark- st. from 54, Paul-st. Maudlin's Rents, Lower East Smithfield, — at 41, extending to S3, Nightingale-lane. 'Maxwell's Court, Long- x4.lley, — 2 doors on the L. from Moorfields. May's Budds. Brick-St. Picca- dilly, — N. side, nearly op. Down-st. May's Builds. (Gt.)St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, — at 40, middle of the R. side. May's Budds. (Little), Bedford- bury,— at 39, op. the last. May's Builds. KeniiingtoaOval, MEA — tVom Bowling - green ^ p], to Clayton-st. May-Bush- Alley, Shoreditch,^^ at 216, about 25 doors S. of Holy well-lane, •: May-Fair, — the neighbourhood on the N. side of Piccadilly near Park-lane is s > called., May-Fair-Chapcl, Curzon-St. — middle of the S. side, near Shepherds-market. i May's Row, New-Cut, Lime- house, — at the N. end of Nightingale-lane. Mavlield's Builds. Princes-Sq. St. George's East, — at the N. E. corner. Maynard-Sti-eet, St. Giles's,—- 1st on the R. in Bainbridge- st. from Oxford-st. Maypole-Al'ey, High-St. Boro, — at 208, 5 doorsS. of Union- street. Maypole-Alley, Up. E. Smith-- iield, — at 22, op. Butcher- row. Maze, Tooley-St.— at 194, 7ch on the R. from London - bridge. Maze-Court CLittle),— the 1st on the L. in Maze-pond, froni the last. Maze -Court (Great), — at the back of the last. Maze-Pond (Great), Boro. — the continuation of New-st. from Guv's hospital to Snow's fields. Maze-Pond (Little),— the last on tlie R. in the Maze from 194, Tooley-st. Mead's Court, Old Bond-St.— 19 doors on the R. from 57, Piccadilly. Mead-Pl. Westr.-Bridge-Itoad, MEA Lamlbethj — E. side the Asy- lum. Mead-Row, — ^from the last to Wooisingham-pi. JMead-St. Bethnal-Green,"^-the 5th on the L. in Turville-st. from 37, Church-3t. Meadow - Row, Kent-Road, — ^d on the L. from the Ele- phant and Castle. Mcard's Caurt, Wardoiir- Sti SohOj— at 57, 10 doorr N. of Coiiypton-^t. M©dical-8ociety> Bolt-Court, — 3 door.^ on tm B. ffom 161, Fl€©t-tt, Medway-St Horseferry-Eoad, Westr, — op. the Ship,- 2d on the h, from Gt. Petm'-st. Meeting-HoMse-Alley, Johnson- St— the l8t on the L, from 156, Old Gravel-lane. Meeting House -Court, Drury- Lane, — ^at 29, N, side Eong- acre. Meeting-House-Court, Water- Lane, BlackfriarR^-— 5- doors Ni of Un ton- St. Meeting - House - Court, Old- Jewry,— at 17, 2d on the R. from Cheapside. Meeting - House -Court, Long- Ailey, Moorfields, — 2d on the R. from Worship-st. Meeting-House-Court, Miles's Lime, — 16 doors on the R. from 49, Cannon- st. Meeting-House-Court, Tooley- Street, — at 108, op. College- street. Meeting-House -Court, Gains- ford - St. Horsf lydown, — at 1«, 2 or 3 d(:>ors W, of Tiiomas-st, MER' Meeting-House -Walk, Snow's Fields, — 4th on the 11. from- 109, Higli-st. Boro. Meeting-House-Yard,Redcrdss-- St. Gripplegate, — at 15, mid-- die of the W. side. Meeting-House-Yard, St; Maiv- tin's Lane, — 8 doors on the L, from 41, Cannon-5t. Meeting-House - Yard, Stoney- Lane,— 1st on the R. from Gravel-lane, Houndsditch. Meeting - House » Yard, Dock- Head,-"lston the R. from New-9t. Megg'r- Alnns-Houses, White- chapcl-Road,--~at 228jOp. tlis Workhouse. MelishV Yard, Kent-St. Boro. —at 117, J of a mile on the L. from St'. Gcoree's church. Melina-Pl. St. George's Fields,. — on the R. from the Obelisk' towards the Asylum. Melina-Builds.— E. end the last ' hv Charies-st. Mefior-St. Boro.— -^d st. on the L. from 1 94, Tooley-st. along the Maze and Weston-st.^ Memel -Street, Domingo-St.— 1st on theR. f^^om 14^ Old- street. Mercers-Alms-Honses, White- Horse-St. Ratclitfe,— at the N. end of it, op. Sfe&pney- cliurch-yard. Mercers-Court, St. Mary's Hdl, Tower - St.— rft 30, op. the church. Mercers-Court, Mercers-Row, —4 doors from 210, High-st. Shadwelh Mercers-Iiall Jron monger-Lane^ MER •r— .4 doors on the R. from 90, Ciieapsidc. Mercers-Row, Iligh-St. Shad- well,— at 209, 2(1 on the 11. west from the churcli, Mercers-School, College - Hill, —at 20, 3 doors on the L. from Cloak-lane. Mercers-St.Loni^-Acre, — at 1 23, J St on the L. from St. Mar- tin's lane, Merchants-Builds. Poplar, — W. side -tUe East-India Alms- houses. Merchants(Company of) trading to Africa, Bush - Lane, — 2 doors on the R. from 22, Cannon-st. Merchant- Seamen's - Office, — over theS. side of the Royal- Exchange. Merchant-TaylorsAlmsIiouses, Princes -St. — 5 doors from Rosemary-lane. M e re h an t- i ay lo rs-IIal 1, — a t3 2, Thread need k-st. Merchant-Taylors-School, Suf- folk-Lane, — by 151, Upper Thames-st. . Mcnton's Wharf, Miil-St.Dock- Head,— a few yards on the R. from Mill-stairs. Merlin's Mechamcal-Museum, Ilanover-Sq. — from theN. E, corner to 31.3, Oxford-st. Merlin's PL Spa-Fields,— W. side the New Rivcr-hcad. Merlin^ Rents, Shoe-Lane, — at 50, by St. Andrew's church, llolborn. Mermaid-Court, Royal-IIospi- tal - Rovv, Chelsea, — 4th on the L. fj om the Hospital. Mermaid-Court, Hi^b-St. Boro. Ml€ — at 120, 3 of a mile on the L. from L(jndon-bridge. Mermaid-Row, Snow's Fields. See Ship and Mermaid - R;)w. Merret's Builds. Peter-St. —1st on the R. from 25, Sun-st. Bishopsgate. Merton's Court, Ratcliffe-High- way, — at 198, W. end, ^by Weilclose-sq. Mesnard's Dock, Horselydown, — W. side St. Saviour's dock, I of a mile below London- bridge. Mestaer's Rents, Rotherhithe, — at 235, about f mile below the church. Mestaer's-Ship -Yard, Rother- hithe, — E. side of King and Queen - stairs, and op. the last. MetcalPs Buildings, Phillips's Builds. Wal worth-Common,— 1st on the R. from Westmore- land-row. Metcalf-Court, Essex-St. — 5th on the R. from 106, N\hite- chapeL Mctcalf-Court, Jacob-St. Dock^. Head, — 1st on the R. from Mil 1-st. Metilda-Pl.Nortli-East-Passage, Wellclose-Sq. — 2 doors from 35, Cable-st. St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, — at 44, 7 doors E. of Birchin- lane. St. Michaers Church. See the last. St. Michael Bassishaw's Church, Basinghall-St. — middle ofthe W. side. St. IMicha<;l's Church, Wood-St, MIC ' Cheapslde, — 20 doors on die L. from 122^Chf-apsido. St. Michael's Church, Crooked- Lane, — 4 doors from 49, Cannon-st. St. Michael's Church, Upper Tharaes-St.— at 200, middle of N. side, St. MichaeFs Church, Ccllege- Hill,. middle of the E. side. Michael's Grove, Brompton- Road, — 5th coach-turning on the L. from Knightsbrids;e. Michael's PI. Brompton liigh- Road, — by the last. Middle-Row, Knightsbridge, — at the commencement of the Brom pton-road. Middle-Row, Holborn, — a pile of houses which stand out in the street op. Gra^Vinn-lane. Middle-Rov.', St. Giles's,— from 37, Broad-st. to King-st. Midd |e-Row, G oswell-St. — the corner of Old-st. Middie-Row-Pl. Holborn, — at - 3^, High-Holborn, on the W. side of Middle-rcw. Middle - St. Cloth - Fair,— the continuation of it, entering by 60, West-Smithfield. Middlc-Shadwell, — 1st S. pa- rallel to part of High-st. from Pope's hill to Broad- bridge. Middle- Turning, Shakespear's Walk, Shadwell,- -4th on the L. from 49, Iligh-st. Middle- Yard, Gt. Qucen-St. Lincohis-Inn-ficlds, — at Co, midd-fc of the S. side. Middlesex - Builds, Hackney- Road, — behind Middliesex- MID pi. J of a mile on the L. from Shorcditch. Middlesex - Chapel, Hackney- Road, — I of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch-church. Middlesex-Court, Drury-Lane, — at 35, 6 doors N. oV Long- acre. Middlesex-Court,Bartholomew* Close, — at 61, a narrow dark passage leading to Little Bar- tholomew-close. Middlesex-Hospital, Marybone, — op. Berners-st. from 54> Oxford-st. Middlesex-Mad-House, Hack- ney-Road, — J of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-chur. Middlesex-Pl. Kew-Road, Lis- son-Green, — nearly op. the Yorkshire-stiuiio. Middlesex - PI. Middlesex - St. Sommers-Town,- — middle of the E. side. Middlesex-Pl. Hackney-Road,— pr*rt pf the L. side, |- of a mile from Shoreditch-church. Middlesex - Society's Charity - School, — at 18, Cannon-st.^ road, op. Lower Chapman- street. Middlcsex-St. Sommers-Town, — Lst E. to 0^sulbton-st. from Chapel-path to Hampden-st. Midd lesex-Strcet, Aldgate-Higb. St. — at 41, I of a mile E. of the church. Middlesex-St. (Littlr),-20 doors on the R. in the last from Aldgate. Middlesex - Terrace, Harknc-y- Road,~by Middks( x-chapel, i of a mile on the K. from Shorcditch. • ' MID Mlddleton's Builds. Foley -PL iMarvboiie, — 4 doors from 87, Gt. Titclikeld-5t, Middletou's Alley, Crucifix - Lane, — 1st on tUe U. from 50, Bermbndsey-st. IMiddieton'sllents,Bcrmondsey- St. — at 56, 5 doors S. of . Crucinx-lane. ]\Iidford-Pl. Tottenham-Court- Koad, — at 113, between Loii- don-st. and Graftori-st. JMidvvay-Pl. Deptford Lower- Road, — S. side tbe Halfway- house. St. Mildred's Church, Bread- St. — 12 doors from 47,Cheap- side. St. Mildred's Church, Poultry, — nearly op. the Mansion- house. St. Mildred's Court, Bread-St. . — at 36, S. side the churcb. St. Mildred's Court, Poultry,— on the E. side St. Mildred's churcb. Mile-End-Charity-School, Step- ney-Green, — I of a mile on the II. from Mile-end-road. Mile - End - Corner, Dog-How, Mile-End, — 14 doors on the L. from the turnpike. Mile-End-Green,— near the S. E. corner of the London-hospi- tal. Mile-End New-Town, — a large district on the IS. side of Whitechapel-road. Mile^End Old-Town,— a large district qn the N. side the . Commercial-road, extending W.- to Whitechapel-churQh- ..yard. . .. '. ...^ . . ; ^liJe'EndPoor-House,-^ .doorj^ E. end MIL of the Old-globe, Mile- Mile- End-Road,^thecontini]a- tion of VVhitecbapel - road, from the turnpike, to Bow. Mile-End-Terrace, — 10 doors on the L. in Maidman's row, from op. the New Globe,. Mile-end- road. Miies's Lane, Upper Thames-St. —at 130, 10 doors VV. of London-bridge. Miies's or Meymott's Rents, Church-St. llorselydown, — a few yards on the L. from St. John's church-yard, Miies's Rents, Long - Lane, Bermondsey, 1st coach- turning on the L. from the church. Mi I ford - House - Sdiool,, — at 30, Canterbury-Row, New^ ..ington-butts. Milford-Lane, Strand,— at 200, op. St. Clement's churcb. Mil ford-Lane- Wharf,— at. the bottom of the last, on the L, from 200, Strand. Milk-Alley, Wardour-St... Soho, — at 62, 3 doors N. of Comp- ton-st. Milk-Court,Gravel-Lane, Boro. —7 doors S. ofDuke-st. Milk-St. Walworth, — between . theRed-lion andQuecn'sRovv, Milk-St. Cheapside,— at. . 1 1 6, 4th on the X^ from Su Piuil's cluirch-yard.. Milk- Yard, Poppin's.Cpurt,-^ at 19, the last pn the L* from 102, lieet-bt. Milk-Yard, New . Gravel-Lane, —at 133, 3d on the R. from . ;^V'apping. . ^ MIL Milihank-Rowy West nam ster,--- the continuation of Millbank- St. by the Thames. lVIilH)ank-Staifs, Westr. — S.end of Millbank-st. op. the Horse- feiTy-road. Millbank-Sl, Westr.-~the con- tittuatron of Abingdon - st. from the Abbey. Millbanlv-Walk, — the continua- tion of Millbank-row, to the Neat-houses. MilFs Builds. Knightsbridge,— I a mile on the K. from Hj^de- park-corner. MilKs Court, Type-St.— -2 doors from 21, Chisweil-st. Miirs Court, Curtain-Road, — 2d on the R. from Old-st.-rd. Miirs Court, Petticoat - Lane, — 3d on the L. from Wide- gate-st. Bishopsgate. Mill-Lanc, Tooley-St.— at 55, ist open lane on the L. from London-bridge. Mill-Place, Commercial-Road, Li me ho use,— -J of a mile on the L. west of the church. Mill's Rents,East-St, Walworth, — 4r cioor&on tl»e R. from the High-st. Mill - Stairs, Bermondsey, — on the E. side St. Saviour's dock, op. Hermitage-stairs. Mill-S-t. Bermoiidsey, — the con- tin.iiutron of Dock-head, bear- ing to the L. ofl the E. side of St. Saviour's dock. Mill- St. Lanibeth - Walk,— N. side the WindxaiU, leading U) Pratt-st. Mill-Street, Maddos-St, Hano- v^r-Scj. — at 10s behind Saint George's church. _ Mill-wall, Poplar,— the bank of the Thames, below Lime- MIL hmise-hofe towards Black- Mill-Wharf, Bennonidsey, — E. side of Mitl-stairsa«d St. Su- viour\s dock. Mill's Yard, Gt. Peter-Street, Westr. — ^W. end of it, nearly op. the Gray^coat-schooJ. Mill-Yard, Lenion-Street,Good- man's Fields, — from behind 82, on the R. to 80, Cable-st. Mill-Hill-Mews, Wimpole-St. Mar}? bone,— at 91, 6 doors from Heiirietta-st. Mill-Pond-Bridge, Rotherhithe, — 1st on the L. in West-lane fronfvthe Thames nearCheriy- garden-stairs. MilkPond - Row, Rotherhithe, — from Mill-pond-bridge to- wards the Blue-anchor-road, Mili-Pond - St. Bermond&ey, — E. continuation of Jamaica- row, leading to Mill-pond- row a«d bridge. Millard's Court, Duke's Court, Chick-Lane, — entrance the 1st on the L. in Black-Boy- alley from Chick-lane. Miller's Court, Aldermanbury, — ^at 36f 6 doors from Lon- don-wall. Miller's Rents, East-St. Wal- worHi, — 1st on the R. from Walworth High-st. Miller's Wharf, Lmver East- Smithfield, — on the E. side the Leith and Berwick-wharf, i of a mile below the Tower. Millnmn-Mews, New Milhnan- St. — 6 doors h'oui Gt. Guil- font-st. Mithnan-Pl. Gt. James- St. — Moil cfae R. fpwn Bfedtord^ row. Millman-Street, Gt. James-St, MIL BeUford-Row, — coutiuuatioii oi It by the cUupel. Millinaii-8t. (New), Gt. Guil- fbrd-SL — 16 dcK^rs on the L. from Gruy's-iiHi-Iane. Mmcing-Lanc, Fenchujxh - St. — at 43, 3d on the H. from Gracf-church-st. Miuor-Fl. Boro. - Riiad, — mid- dle of the N. bide, and op. Fiint-st. Miii€r-Court, Anchor &Hopp- Alley, Wapprnj/, — at 13, 6 dooi's on the K, from the r.oadon-(iocks. Minones, — from op. Aldgate- church to Tower-hill. Minariest N. of Chapel-^t. Mitchell -Court, Mitchi 11 - St. St. L'lkc's, — at 18, by Brick- bne. Witchell-Strect, Brick-Lane, St. Luke'?, — at (J4, Ist on the R. from 113, Old-st. MKchell-St. (Little),— the E. end of the Inst. Mitchell's Wlwirf,— at ^, MiU- bank-st. Wcsir. MOP Mitre-Builds. Temple, — the 8: eiui ot'Milre-court from 44^ Flett-st. Mitre -Builds. Three Colt-St. Jiimehouse,— middle of the W.. side. Mitre-Court, Fleet-St. — af 44, op. Fetter-lane. Mitre-Court, St, E'aul's-Church- Yard, — at 71, leading into London- house-yard. Mitre-Court, ilatton- Garden^ — 8 doors on the R. from Ilolborn-hilh Mitre-Court, St. John-Street,. — at 143, near 4- of a mile on the R. from W.-Smithfield. Mitre-Court, Cheapside, — 14- doors on the R. from St- Paurs-cnur -h-yard. Mitre-Court, Milk-St. — 5 doors on the L. from 116, Cheap-^ side. Mitre-Court (Little), Duke-St. —1st on the L. from Ald-- gate. Mitre-Court, Fenchurch-St. — -^ 'iO doors on the R. from - Graceehurchst. Mitre-Court, Mint-St. Boro. — 3d on the L. from op, St. Geoi*2;e's church, Mitre-St. Aldgate,— at Q9, 1st on the L. from Leadenhall-sr. « Modiford's Courr, Fencburch- Sr.—at 40, 3 doors W. of Mincing-iane. Moffat's Court, Gascoigne-PI. Crabtreo-Row, llackne^'-Rd. - — middle of the W.side. Moffat-Streer, City-Road, — the continuation of Ti*afaigar-sr. - entfring op. Founfain-pl^ice. Mo filing's Court, New Gravel- Lane, — at '25, 3d on the L. from Wappiijg. MOL Molton-St. Spe South-Molton. Moley's Court, Fleet-St. Beth- iiai-Grecn^ — ^middle of* the N. side, op. Rain-ailey. Moiyneux-Strt et, Queei>St.- — 3d on the L. from 61, Edg- ivare-road. Monastery-Court, ^^N, end of VVadeVpl. Poplar. Monday-Court, Carnaby-Mar- ket, — at 23, N, E. corner. Money - Bag - Alley, BIue-An- chor-Yd. — 2d on the L. from 48, Rosemary-huie. Monk's Builds. Iloxton,— on the N. side of Bacchus-waik, op. Britt's-builds. Monkwell-Builds.CoQeellouse- Walk, Hoxton, — a few doors on the L. from op. Ilenton's gardens. Monkwell-St. Falcon-Sq.—- 13 doors on the R. in Siiver-st. from 81, Wood-st. Monmouih-Court, Whitcomb- St. — 2d onlhe R. from Cha- ring-cross. Monmoath-Court, Jrlonraouth- Street, St. Giles*Sj— 4 doors from White-Lion-st. Monnaouth-Pl. Wahvorth-Com- mon, — on the W. side of Surrey-square. Monmouth-Street, St. Giles's, — 2d E. of the church. Momnouth-Strcet, Market-Hill, Shadwell, — 1st on the L. from 67, High-st. Monster - Row, Neat - Houses, Chelsea, — the continuation of George's row. Montague -Close, Boro. — be- tween St. Saviour's church and the Thames,*entrance by Pepper-alley. Montague-Court, Little-Britain^ —at 32, op. St. Bartholo- mew's hospital. Montague-Court (Little), — 1^ doors from the last towards Aldersgate-st. Motitague-Court, BIshopsgate- Without,— at 94, op. Skinner- street. Montague -Court (Old), Old Montague - St.— adjoins the R. corner of Black-lion-yard, from 38, Whitechapei-road, Montague-House, Portman-Sq. —at the N. W; corner. Montague-Mews West, Monta- gue-Sq. — behind the W. side. Montague-Mews South, — op. •the last. . ' Montague-Mews Nortli, Mon- tague-PI. Portman-Sq.— 1st on the R. from the W^.. end of Dorset-st. Montague-Mews^'Montagii^-St. Russeii-Sq. — middle E. side. : Man tague - PJ ; Portmai>-Sq,-rr . the W, continuation of ;Dui:* ; SCt-St. Montague-Place, Bedford-Sq.— from the N. E. corner to 37, Russell-sq. i Montague-Sq. Marybone,— op. the N. end of Montague-sti • Montague-St. Marybone, — the continuation of Quebec-st. from 236, Oxford-st. ' Montague-St. (Up.) — the con- tinuation of the last. Mon tague-Street, Russell-Sq. — from the S. W. corner to 8 j, Gt. Russeli-st. Montague-St. Brick-Lane, Spi- talfields, — at 55, op. Brown's lane. Montague-St. (Old), Osborn-St. — l>t oa the K. fro'u 74, Whitcchapol, Montad;we-St. Btli-Lanc, Spital- Tichii, — 1st oil the L. frum Wei)Cwortli-st. Monifort - Pkxce, Kcnnington- Grcen,— -3(i on the L. rroiii the Horns tavern. Montpelier Tea- Gardens, Wal- wort!), — ^ of a mile on tiie R. from the Elephant and Cas- tle. IMonument- \^^rd, Fish-St.-IIill, — tiie open space by the Mo- nument. Moody's Gardens, Gt. Peter-St. NVestr. — middle of the S. side. Moon-Alley or Street, Bishops- gate- Without, — at 103, 10 doors N. of Primrose-st. Moon-Rakcrs-Alley, Gt. Suf- folk-St. Boro. — lastontlie R, from 80, Blacknian-?t. Moorfioids, — on the N. side of London-wall, towards Fins- buiy->q. Moorfiekis (Little), Fore-Street. Cripplegate, — at 61, Ut \V. of the last. Moorfields(Little),Broker-Rovv, — the S. end of it, by Lon- don-wall. Monrneldf* (Upper), — a part of the N. end of Wilson-st. Moor-Lane, Fore-St. Cripple- gate, — at 87, nearly op. Ba- singhall-st. Moor-Place, Lambeth, — from Woolsinjiham-pl. by the Asy- lum to VValcot'pl, Moor-Place (Little),— S. end of thelast,and corneroflkook-st. Moor-Sq. Moor-Lane, Cnpple- MOR gate, — 2d on the L. from €7, Fore-st. Moor-Street, Seven -Dials, — at Compton-st. and 2'2, Greek- street. Moore's Alley, Norton-Falgatc, — at 38, nearly op. Spital-Sfj. leading to Long-alley. iMoore's Court, Batchelor-Pl, PentonviUe, — 3 doors from the Maidenhead. Moore's Court, Old Fish-St.— r at 3, op. the Old-change. Moore s Court, Eisex-St. — 3d on the L, from 105, White- chapel. MoDre's Gardens, Long-Alley, Moorfields, — 3d on the L, from VVorship-st. Moore's PI. Long-Alley,— 1st on tb.e L. in the last from Long- alley. Moore-Street, Queen-St. Edg- ware-Road, — Ibt S. parallel to it. Moore's Yard, St. Martinis Lane, Charing - Cross, — at 23, N. side the church. Moore's Yard (Little), — E. enji of the last. Moore's Yard, Clarges-St. — 2d on the R. from Piccadilly. Moore's Yard, King-Street, St. James's, — 2d on the I>. from St. James's-sq. Mop-Spinners - Court, — 1st on the L. in Duke's court from Chick-lane, Morden's Court, Up. -Turning, Shadwell, — middle of the E, side, Morgan-Court, Mile-End, — 36 doors F. of Stepney-Green, Mord?«n's Line, Tooley-St. — at K 3 MOR 79, 2d open turning on tlie L. from Lend on- bridge. INlorgan-St. Commercial-Roa(i, " — 2d on the L. west of Can- iion-st.-road. Morning- Ad vertiserNevvspaper- Office, — at 12, Catherine-st. Strand. Morning-ChronicleNevvspaper- Office, — at 143, Strand, up. Catberine-st, Morning - Herald Newspaper- Office, — at 18, Catherine-st. 3 doors from 342, Strand. Morning-Post Newspaper-Of- iice, — at 335, Strand, nearly op. Somerset-bouse. IMorris's Causeway, Narrow - Wall, Lambeth, — E. side the Patent - shot - manufactory, liear i of a mile above Black- friars-bridiie. Morris's C<»urt, New-Sq. Ilorse- jydown, — 1st on the R. from 102, Sliad-Thames. Morris's Walk, Castle -Lane, Boro. — 4th on the L, from Castle-st. Mortimer-Market, Tottenham- Court-Road,— op. 103, near llowland-st. Mortimer-St. Cavendish-Sq. — from the N-. E. corner to 49, Wells-st. Morton-St. Ncwington - Cause- way, — 1st on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Morton-Court,-^lst in the last from the Causeway. Mosley-Pl.Brick-Laiie,— at204, Sd on the L. from op. the church, VVhitiechapeh . '■ Mosman's PI. Hackiley-Road, — about I of a mile on the R. north of Cambridge- Heath tjurnpike. MOIJ Moss's Alley, Banksidc, Boro. — 20 diiors \V. of Thames-st. Moss's Court, Queen-St. Boro. — 4 doors from Union-st. Motley-Court, Motley-St. Cur- tain-Road, — at 10, leading Uj 24, Chapel-st. Motley-St. Curtain-Road, — 2cl on the L. from Worship- street. Mouldmakers - Row, Foster - Lane, — Ist on the L. frora 148, Cheapside. Mount, Kent -St. Boro. — en- trance by 298, 10 doors on the R. from St. George^s church. Mount's Court, Harrow-Alley, Houndsditch, — 1st on the R. from White-st. Mount-Court,. Mount-St. Beth- nal-Green, — 2d un the R. from Rose-st. Mount-Court, Mount-St. Wal- woith, — 1st on the R. from the road. Mount ' Gardens, Mount- St. Lambeth, — 12 doors S. of the Marsh-gate. Mount's Gateway jUp.E. Smith- field, — at 85, by Butcher- row. Mount-Pl. Whitechapel-Road, .-— fron^ Cannon-st.-road, to the London-hospital. Mount-Pl. Gibraltar-Row, St. George's Fields, — 3d on the L; from Prospect-pl Mount-Pl. Walworth High-St. —op. the Montpelier. . Mount-Pleasant,-T-rthe end of - , Ehn-^t^ from 86, GrayV inn-lane. Mount-Pleasant, City-Road, — at 12, in East-row, nearly op, VVinckworth's builds. MOU JMuunt-Plensant, Stepney, — N". end of York-pl.by iheVVorUrd Knd j)iiblic-liOusc. Mount-Row, Davies-St.— at 22, 7 doors on the L. tVotn Berke- ley-sq. Mount- Uovv,City.Road,~bc]iind . the houses which form East* row, op. Winckworth^s builds. Mouiit-Rovv, Kent- Road, — N. side, between the Bricklayers- arms and the Parao;on. Mount - Row, Briiii^e - Road, Lambeth, — from the jNIarsh- gate to Oakley-st. Mount-Sq. Mount-St. Bethnal- Green, — at 67, 1st on the L. from Rose-st. Mount St. Bf:rkeley-Sq.— N. W. corner where there are 1 and 131, extending to Park-lane. 3Iount-St. Bethnal-Oreen, — the continuation of Rose-st. from 45, Church- st, nearly op. Brick-lane. Mount-St. Whitechapel-Road, — behind Mount-pl, Mount-St. Old, VVhitechapel- Road, — at 200,. on the E. side the London-hospital. Mount-St. Bridge-Road, Lam- beth, — from the Marsh-gate to op. the Asylum. Mount-Street, Walworth High- St. — op. the Montpeiier-ga]*^ . dens. Mount-Terrace, Cannon -St.- R.oad, — E. side, adjoining W hi techapel-road . Moxley's Court, White's-Row, — 2 -doors on the L. from Baker's row, Whitechapel-rd. Mud^s Court, Lamb's Condait- St. — at 54, leading into Or- mond-pl. MUS Muggcridge*s Builds. Castlc-St. Boro. — -at 46, 1st on the U. from 13, Reacrf;ss-st. Mulberry-Court, iicll-Alley, — 1st on the L« from 57, Cole- ma u-st. Mulberry -Court, II'>rse-Shoe- AUey, Moorfields, — the E, end, from 14, Wilson-st. iVLulberry - Court, Petticoat - Lane,— at 99, 1st S. of Went- worth-bt. Mulberry-Court, Three Colt-St* Limehouse, — between the S» side of the church and Mitre- court. Mulberry - Ce>urt, Castle - St. Boro.— -at 28, 3d on the L, from 14, Red-cross-st. Mul herry-Ti-ee-Cuurt, Stepney- Green, — J of a mile on the L* from Mile-end, Mulberry - Court, Long- Lane, Bermondsey, — 2d on the L. from the church. Mulberry-Gardens,Nightingale" Lane,East-Smitlifield, — near- ly op. Burr-st. Mulberry-St. Commercial-Road, — 2d on the L. from White- . . chapel. Mullings's Builds. Blue-Anchor- Road, JBermondsey, — a few doors on ihe R. f astof Fort-pl. MumfordrCourt, Milk-St. — 10 doors on the H. from 116, Cheapside. Munday'sCourt. Sec Monday's. Murden's PI. Batty-St. — 1st on the L. from the Commercial- road. . ^ ^ Muscovy-Court, Great Tower- Hill,— at. 17, W. .side of Savage-gardens. Music ' House- Court, High-St, MUT Shadwell, — at 64, ^ do(3rs W. of the Church-yard. Mutton-Courr, Maiden-Lane, — 8 doors on tlie L. from Wood- St. Cheapside. Mutton-Lane, Clerkenwell, — at the N. VV. corner of the green. Mutton-Lane, Mile -End,— 3d on theR. below the turnpik«^ Myers's Builds. Sahiion's Lane, — the 1st on the II. from the Commercial-road. Myrile-Row, Hoxton, — part of tlie L. side, J of a mile from Old-st.-road. Myrtle-St. Hoxton-Town, — 3d coach-turnint? on the L. J of a mile from Oid-.st.-road, NaG'S - HEAD - COURT, Knightsh ridge, — | a mile on the R. from Ilyde-park-cor- ner, 3 doors E. of the Bar- racks. Nag\s Head-Court, Drury-Lane, — at 1 19, S. side Princes-st. Nag^s Head - Court, Golden- Lane,— at 86, 5d on the L. fromOld-st. Nag's Llead - Court, Golden - Lane, — at 25^ 3 doors on the R. from Barbican. Nag's Head - Court, Grace - church-St. — at 34, leading to ftB, Clement's lane. Nag'sHead Court,Cooper'sRow, — at 40, corner of Tower-hilL Nag's Head-Inn, Boro. High- Si. — at 100, op.Union-st. Nag's Head -Yard, Oxford-St.* — at 344, i of a mile on the L. f^om St. Giles's. NAV Nag's Head-Yard, Gray's-Tnn- Lane, — at 80, opposite Little Jamcs-st. Nag's Head -Yard, Leather- Lane, — at 40, 3 doois S. of Hatton-vvall. Nag'*& Head-Yard, Whitcnmb- St. — 3d on the R. trom Charing-cross. Nag's Head - Yard, Hackney* Road, — |- of a mile on tlie R. from Shoreditch-church. Nag's Head-Yard, Whitecliapel, — at 7, op. the church. Nailsey-Pl. Salmon-Lane,Lime- house, — .5th on the L. from the Commercial-road. Naked-Boy-Alley, Up. Thames- St. — at 53, op. Bread - st.- hill. Naked-Boy- Alley, Princcs-St. LamVjeth, — Ist on the R. from Broad-st. Naked - Boy - Court, Ludaate- Kill,— at 34, 7 doors \V. of the Old-Bailey. Naper's Court, Little Mitchell- Street, St. Luke's, — behind 21, Ironmonger-row. Narrow-St. Liraehouse, — from Ratcliffe-cross-stairs to Fore- st, by the Thames. Narrow-Wall, Lambeth, — con- tinuation of Pedlars Acre, to Upper-ground. Nassau-Street, King-St. Soho,-- from 12, to Newport-market. National- Register Newspaper- Office, — corner of Pickett-st. Teuiplc-1 ar. Naval-Row, Blackwall, — E.con* tinuation of Poplar High-st. Navy-Office, Somerset-Pl. — 6. side, facing the entrance from the Strand, MUT Shadwel 1, — at 64, 9. doors W. of the Clutrcli-yard. Mutton-Courr, ^laiden-Lanc, — 8 doors on the L. from Wood- st. Cheapside. Mutton-Lane, Clerkenwell, — at the N. VV. corner of the green, Mutton-Lane, Mile - End, — 3d on theR. below the turnpik<^. Myers's Builds. Sahi».on's Lane, —the 1st on the R. from the Commercial-road. Myrilc-Row, Hoxton, — part of the L. side, ;J of a mile from Old-st.-road. Myrtle-St. Hoxton-Town, — 3d coach-turninravy - Pay - Office, Somerspt- Pl. — oa the R. from the Strand. Naylor's Yard^ Silver^t. Gol- cien-Sq. — at 2i, op. John- street. Nears Passage, Gt. Earl - St. Seven-Dials, — 3 doors tVoiii King-st. Neal's Yard, — continuation of the last. Xcat-Boys-Court, Fashion-St. Spitalfields, — at 54, middle of the N. side. Xcat-Houses, — a district on the N.bank of the Thames, from Tothiil-fields to Chelsea. Neat - Houses - Row, — by the Monster Public-house, near the bridge at Pimiico. Neckinger-Koad or Lane, Par- ker's Row, Bermondsey, — extends from the turnpike to the Grange-road. Xell-Gwine - Passage, Grosve- nor-Row, Chelsea, — E, side of Wilderness-row. Nelson's Court, Ratcliffe-High- way, — at 123, nearly op. Old Gravel-lane. Nelson's Court, Salmoir-s Lane, Limehouse, — 6th on the L. . from the Commercial-road. Nelson's Passage, Gt. Arthur- St. — the 1st on the R. from 10, Goswell-st. Nelson-Passage,Bowling-Green- Biiilds. Marybone, — 2d on the L. from the New-road. Nelson's PI. Circus-St. Mary- bone, — 1st on the R. from the New-road. Nelson-Court, — N. end of the last. Nelson's PI. City- Road,-- Ist on the L. in New-st. from Up. Foijntain-pl. Nelson-Pi. City-Road,— S. cnd- of Nelson-terrace. i Nelson's PI. Fashion-St. SpJtal-* fields, — 2d on the L. from 194, Brick-lane. Nelson's PI. Poplar, — 6 doors W. of Bow-lane. Nelson's Pi. Blackman-St.BorOi -at 102,6 doors S. ofLant-st. Nelson's Pi. lack's ricldr, Wal- worth, — from the Obelisk to Snn-st. Nelson's PI. Kent - Road,— L> side, J of a mile below the Bricklayers-arms. Nelson's PI. London-Road^^- 10 doors on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Nelson's Row, Deptford Lower- Road, — ^ of a mile on the L* below the Halfway-house. Nelson-Sq. Blackfriars-Road, — 1st on the L. from Surrey- chnpel towards the Obelisk. Nelson-St. City - Road,— | of a mile on the L. from Fins- bury-sq. nearly op. the Shep- herd and Shepherdess. Nelson-St. Bethnal-Green, — be- htnd Shoreditch-church, Ist on the L. in Mount-st. from 45, Cliurch-st. Nelson-St. Hackney-Road,— op. Gt. Cambridiie-st. i a mile on the R. from Shored itch. Nelson-Street, Red-Lion-St. — 6 doors on the R. from 30, Whitechapel. Nelson-Street, Cannon»St.-Rd. — 1st N. of the Commercliil- road. KEL N€if50D-St, Stepney,— 2d E. of Ooeati-st. N. side the Church- yard. Kelson's Terrace, City-Road, — op. Sidney-st. a mile on the li. from Finsbury-sq* Nep^tune - Court, Neptune - St. Lock's Fields, — middle of tb€ N. fcide. Neptune - Court, Neptune -St. Kctberhitbe,— E. end of Ncw- st. near Albion-st. Neptune-Cotirr,LainbethMarsh, — S. end of Neptune-pl. Neptune-Pl.Lambeth-Marsh, — •| of a mile *N. of the liorn- brewery towards Narrow - wall. Neptiine-Pl. Lock's Fields, — on the E. side of Neptune-st. Neptune-Street, Lock^s Fields, Walworth, — 3d on the L. from liodney - row, Kent- road. Neptune - St. Wellclose-Sq. — from the middle of the S. side, to tl, Parsons-5t. Neptune-St. Rothcrhithe, — S. continuation of Elephant Jane, enterinLT, by 344, Rotberliithe- st. near the church. Nedntt's Rents, Three Colt-St. Limehouse, — at 26, 8 doors N, from op. Ropemakers- iields. Nevil's Court, Fetter-Lane, — at S7, middle of the E. side. New-Alley. Three Colt-Street, Limehouse, — at 63, 1st N. of Ropemakers- fields. New-Alley, High-St. Boro.—nt 155, N. side of St. George's church, New-liuiids. Rotten-Row, — 2d NEW on tlie R. from 30, Goswell- street. New-Builds. Dark-Entry, — 1st on the L. from 59, Lower E^' Smithfleld. New-Builds. King Henry-Yard, — 1st on the L. from Night-, ingale-lane. New - Builds. Fox and Knot- Court, — 1st on the R. a few- yards from 41, Cow-iane, W. Smithfield. New-Builds. Ilalf-Moon-Allcy, — 1st on the L. from 48, Whitecross-st. Crippkgate. . New-Builds. Little Bell-Alley. See New-Court, Swan-Alley. Netv-Church, Strand. See St.. Mary-le-Strand. New-Court, New - St. Bromp- •ton, — 8 doors from the High-, road. New-Court, Little Chapel-St. Westr. — a few doors on the L. from the E. end of Jaracsr street. New-Court, Duck-Dme, Westr. — doors from 53^ Orchard- street. New - Court, Strand,— at 205, op. St. Clement's church. Xtw-Court,Carey-St.Chancery- Lane, — at 16, nearly op. S'jrle-st. New-Court, Temple,-- 1st on the L. in Devereux - court, from 218, Strand. New-Court, Gt. New-St. Fet- ter-Lane, — at 24, 3 d(xn-son the L. from West Harding-, street. New-Court, Fleet-Market, — at 10, 2d on tlie R. from Lud- gaie-hilJ. NEW New-Court, Old-Bcwley,— at 50, midiile of the W, side. New-Court, Portpool - Lane, — at 50, 1st oil tlie L. tVoin GniyVinn-lane. New -Court, Goswell - St. — at 10, -i of a mile on the R. from Barbican . New-Court, AUen-St. — 1st on the R. from 113, Goswell- street. New-Court, St. Peter's Lane, Smith field, — 2d on the R. from 68, St. John-st. New - Court, Saint John's St. Clerkenwell, — at 123, j of a mile on the L. from W. Smith- field. New-Court, Cloth-Fair, — 2d on • the L. from QO, W. Smith- field. New-Court, Brick-Lane, Saint Luke's, — at 80, 1st on the R. from 113, Old-st. New-Court, Fore-St. Crii)ple- ' gate, — at 122, op. thecharch, New-Court, Moor-Lane, Crip- plegate, — 4th on the L. from 87, Fore-st.^ New-Court, Gravel- Walk," — Ist on the R. from Blue-Anchor- alley, Bur»hill-row. New-Court, Swan - Alley, — E. end, on die R. fromtJ7,Cole- man-st. New-Court, Bow -Lane, — 6 th on the K. from 58, Cheap- side. New-Court, St. Swithin's Lane, — at 10, middle of the W. side. New - Court, Throgmorton -St. — 6 doors on the R. from the - Bank. New-Court, Old Broad-St.— 7 NEW doors from Threadneetflc-» street. New - Court, Long - Alley,— 4 doors on tlie L. from Moor- fields. New-Court, Lone;- Alley, Moor- fields, — 2d on the L. from VVorship-st. New-Court, Crovvn - St. Fins- bury,— W. side of Maxwell- court, 2d on the L. from Wilson- St. New - Court, Holywell - Lane, Shoreditch,— at 18, 3d On the R. from 193, Shoreditch. New-Court, Holywell-Lane,— at 20, 2 doors W. of the last. New-Court, Holywell-Lane,— at 43, nearly op. the last. New-Court, Bougli-Court, — 1st on the L, entering by 236, Shoreditch. New-Court, Angel-Aiiey, — 1st on the R. from 124, Bishops- gate-without. New-Court, Hxickney-Road, — 3d on the R. a few doors from Shoredrtch-church. Nfew-Court, Hackney-Road, — 2d on the L. from Shoreditch- church. New-Court, Church -St. Bcth- I nal - Green, — aC 49, netirly op. Brick-lane. : New-Court, New Nicol-Street, j BethnaUGreen, — the last on I the L. from Cock-lane. i New-Cour^ Dorset-St. Sprtal- I fields, — at 31, middle of the I N. side. . New-Court, Brown's Lane, Sp'i- l talfields,— at 34, 2d on the ' L. from Red-lion-st. New-Courf, Vine-Sr, Spital- NEW flelils, — 1st on the R. from 23, Lamb-st. New-Court, Gt. Pearl-St. Spi- talfields, — at 34, 5 doors on the L. from 20, Wheeler-st. New-Court, Quakei'-St. Spitai- fields,— 15 doors on the li. from 29, Wheeler-st. New-Court,Carter-Street,Beth- nal-Green, — 1st on the II. from 67, Brick-hme. JJevv-Court, Fashion-St, Spital- iields, — 3d on the L. from 194, Brick-lane. New - Court, VVentworth - St. Spitalfields, — 7 doors on the L. from Petticoat-lane. New-Court, Wt^ntworth-St. — at 26, the 4th E. ot'the last. New-Court, Creechurch-Iimc, —2d on the R. from 87, Lcadenhall-st. New-Court, Crutched-Friars, — at 45, nearly op. Savage-gar- dens» New-Court, Goodman's Fields, ---the continuation of Well- yard, from 82, Lemon-st. New-Court, Blue Anchor- Yard, — 3d on the R. from 48, Rosemary-lane. New-Court, St. Catherine's Sq. N. VV. corner, and E. eud ofCatshole-court. New-Court, Nightingale-Lane, . — at 43, 1st on the L. from the entrance to the London- docks, New-Court,UpperChapman-St. St. Gcorgc^s East, — 2d on tiie •L. from Cannon-st.-road. New-Cou-rt, Fry iiig-Pan^A llcy, — 1st on the R. from Petti- coat-lane, near Widegate-st. New-Court, George-Yard, — 2d NEW , on die L. from 88, White- cliapel. New-Court, New-St. — 1st on the R. from Fieldgate - St. VVhitechapel. New-Court, Bethnal-Green, — a few doors on the L. from the N. W, corner of the Green. New-Court, Thomas-St. White- chapel, — 1st on the L. from Ducking Pond-lane. New-Court, Blue-Gate-Fields, — 4th on the L. from 95, RatcliiFe-highway. New-Court, High- St. Ne wing- ton, — a few doors on the L. from the church towards Kennington. New-Court, White-St. Boro. — at 17, 3d on the L. from St, George's church. New-Court, Castle-Lane, Boro. — 8 doors on the L. from Caslle-st. New-Court, Queen-St. Ilorse- lydown, — 2d on the L. from Yi'ce School-st. New-Crane - Stairs and Dock, Wapping, — at 198, the hot- torn of New Gravel-kme, op. Hanover-stairs, Rotherhithc. New-Cut, Narrow - St. Lime- liouse, — from the E. side the Drawhridge to the Commer- cial-road, New-Cut, Lambeth-Marsh, — continuation of Charlotte-st. op. Surrey-chapel. New-Grove, I^iile - End-Road, — between the Plough atid Thompson's nursery, 'ij miles from Aldgate. New-Inn, Tottenham - Court - Road, — at 187, 5 doors N, of . Franci5-st. NEW Sfcw-Inn, Wycli - St.-— a few doors oil the H. tVoiu St. Cle- ment's church. New-Inn, Old -Bailey, — behind 51, op. the Sessions-house. New- Inn-Bui Ids. Wych-St.— at 30, a tew doors on the R. hum St. Clement's church. New-Inn-Passage, Haughtou-St, ■ — 7 doors on the 11. trom Newcastle-st. Strand. New-Inn-Yard, Shoreditcb, — at 176, by the turnpike. New-Inn-Sq. Bateman's Row, —2d on the L. from 159, Shoreditcb. New-Inn-St. New-Inn-Yard,; — 2d St. on the R. from 176, Shoreditcb. Now-Lane, Shad-Thames, — at 102, op. Horselydovvn New- stairs. N.ew-Place,Poplar Higb-St. — R. side, I a mile trom the Com- raerci:d-road. New - Pririon, Clerkenwell, — facinij; St. James's pi. from the Green. New - Rents, St. Martin's -le- Grand, — o doors on the R. from Newji^ate-st. New - River-llead, Spa-Fields, — on the W, side of Sadler's Wells. Nevv-Rivcr-Office, Whitefriars, •—facing the S. end of Dorset- st. Salisbury-sq. New-Road, Maryb9ne,— at 82, Edgware-road, 4 a mile on the R. from Tyburn - turnpike, leading to Sommers - town, Pentonville, and Islington. New- Road, Hans - Town, — 1st W. parallel to Sloane-§t. near ■KnidUsbrid^e. NEW New-R'.iad, St. George's Eiist, — the E. concinuation of Ca- ble-st. New-Road, Cannon-Street, St/ George's East,— the N. con- tinuatlon of Cannon - st. to 210, Whitecbapel-road. New-Road, Dock^Head or Ber- mondsey. See Parker's Row. New-Road, Bermondsey. See Bermondsey New-Road. New-Row, Kennington - Com- mon,— by the foot-path, mid- dle of the E. side. Nevv-Sq. Orcbard-St. Westr.— • at 38^ 2d on the L. from Dean-st. New - Sq. Lincoln's-Inn. See LinGGln*s-Inn New-Sq, New-Sq. Minories, — at 130,mid- dle of the VV. side, Ncvv-Sq. Stepney, SeeTi*afal- gar-Sq. Nevv-Sq. New-] .ane,— the broad- est part of it, adjoining 102, Shad-Thames. New-St. Brompton,— 1st street on the L. from Knightsbridge» New - St. Hanover - Sq, See Swallow-St. New-Street, Broad-St. Carnnby- Market,^ — at 46, op. Poland- street. Nev^-St. Spring-Gardens, — 1st E. iVom 52, C baring-cross. New-St. Covent-Garden, — con- tinuation of King-st.. to 57, St. Mnrtli/s laue. New-Street, Baker-St. North, Marybone, — 10 doors on the L. from the New-road. New-Street, George St. Saint Giles's, — 4 do>i-s fi.oin 28, Gt. Russell-sr. New-St. (Gt.; F.rttr r-Lane. ht S NEW an the L. in West-Hardiog-st. from 20, Fetter-lane. New-St. (Lttt;le),S{ioe-Lane,— at 89, 1st street on 4:he L. from 130, Fieet-st. New-St. (Midt{le),~0p. tke W. 'end of the last. New-St.-Hill,— 1st on the L. in Little New-st. from 8^9, Shoe- lane. New-St.-Sq.— . Dean-st. from 43, Fetter-lane. New-St. Blackfriars, — the con- tinuation of Creed-la ne^enter- ing by 14, Ludgate-St. New-Stri3et,0 Id-St. Sai nt Luke's, -^at 91, '2d E. of the church. Ne^v-Strcet, Aldersgate-St. — at 126, leadmg to Cloth-fair. New-Street, Peter-St. Clerken- well, — 1st on the R. from Turnmill-st. New-St, City-Road, — 2d oj^ the L. north from Old-st. by. Up. Fountain-pl. New* St. — the cautinuation of St. Mary-Axe, from Camo- mile-st. to 55, Homidsditch. New-Street, Bishopsgate-St. — ^t 30^ 2d on the R. north from the church. New-St. Gibraltar-Fields^ Beth- nal-Green, — 1st on the R. in I>«ke-st. from Turk-st. New-Street, Fieldj^ate-St. — ten doors on the R. from 2(50, Whitechapel-road. New-Street, Caiinon-St.-Road, — 3d on the L. from Wiiite- chapel. Kew - Street, St. Catiierine's Lane, — the continuation of it, entering by 48, Upper East- Smithtieid. New-St. Lower E, Smithficld, — NEW at 66, a few doors on die E. from Butcher-row. New-St. Shadwell-TVIai-ket,— ftt the L. corner, from^T, High- street. New-St. Holyfield-Row, Lam* beth,— op. W. end of Park-st. Ken n ington-cross. New-Street, Unioii-St. Lambeth^ — ^3d on the L. from Walcot- place. New - Street, Princes-St. Lam« beth, — 1st on the L. from- Vauxhall. Ne^v-Sti^eet, Gt. G-urldford-St. Boro.— '^d on the R. from 35, Queen-st, New-St. Maze^ Boro. — the con* tin nation of ioiaer-nt. from 241, Tooley-st. New-St. Blackfriars-Road, — op^ the E. side of the Ohelisk. New-St. (Little), Boro.-Road, — 2d on the R. from Stones- end. New-St, Newingjton, — op. the 2 mile-stone, | of a mile on the L. south from the church. New-Street, Lion-St. Walworth, ~ 1st on the L. fix)m the Kent-road. New-St. East-Lane, Walworth, —1st on the R. in Camden- st. from the chapel. New-St. Horselydown, — the E. continuation of Fair-st. and of Free-School-st. to Rukseil-st* and Dock-Head. New-Street, Adam-St. Rother- hithe, — at 74), middle of the N. side. New-Street, Neptune - St. Ro- therhithe, — 3d on the L. from EUphant-lane. New - Terrace, Tabernacle - -NEVV t^alTr, Moorriclds, -1st on U»i L. tVom 36, City-road. ]Nc\v-\\'uik, Shad-'lhames, — 1st on the L. tVom Dock head, ex- tending to Thoinu5-fet. New-Way, Orchard-St. Westr. — 12 doors on the R. tram D^an-st. New- Way -Court, — 7 doors in . the last from Orchard -st. New - Way, Maze, Boro. — 1st on the li. froH) 190, Tooley- street. New - Wharf, Limehouse-Hole, —between Limeliouse-hole- stairs and the entrance to the West-Indui-docks. New-Yard, Lisle - St. — 4 doors from Newpoi t-market. New-Yard, Gt. Queeu-St. Lin- cohiVInn-Fields, — at 53^, ten doors from Drury-lane. New-Yard,. Camomile-St. — 4th on the li. from Bishopsgate. Ne\sby*3 PI. Poplar, — | i^ ui Jle oa the X^ from the Commer- cia^l-road, near the Green- dragon. Newca-stle^Court, Strand, — en- trujiee op. 218» a ttw. doors on the R. from Tern pie- bar. N^-wca^tle-Court,^ College-Hill, —0 doors oa the R. tram Cloak-laue. Newcastie-Plaee,, Cierkenwell- €iose,*^part of the J^. side, adjoiniuj; the chMrch, Nevvcast^le - Pl. Mi!e-End,-^10 doors E. of the tui'upike, Newcastle - Row, ClerkenwcU- Close, — on the E. side of Nevvcastle-pl. Newcastle-St. Strand, — at 309, b^ tlif.Nevv-cbu.rclL NEW NfcWcastle-St. Fleet-Market,— at 33, 2d on the L. from Holhorn-b ridge. Newcastle-St.VYhitechap^l.; See Castle. NewcastlcSta-eet, Clerkenwell- Close, — the 2d on the R. north of the church. Newgate-Market, — entraiice by ^0, Newgate-st. or by i>0, Pa- ternoster-row. Newgate - Prison, Old -Bailey, -—at the N. end of it, adjoin- in;; Newgate-st. Newgate-St. — the W. continua- tion of Cheapside on the R. extending to the Old-Bailey. Newington -Butts,r— the neigh- bourhood about the Jilephant and Castle. , Newington-Causeway,— L.-side, from S:'v>nes-€«d to the Ele- phant and Castle. Newington-Road,^ — R.si.ck.,from the King's Bench to Uie Ele- phant and Castle.. Newiig^toiv-Pi. Nev5^iBgtoa,T— E, side the High-road, hy Ken- niiigtonrC ofn m o n, , Nevyington-TerraGe,, — tja^ N. E, corner of KcnniiigWn-com- mon, * Newman's Go)Ucfe,( Coirnhiji^ — at %% 4Ut i;. oi ^e Royaii-Bx- change. Newi»an*s Mews, Castl^ -.St. Q;cford-St.— Skt 74, three doors W. of Newman-st, . Newttuui's^ Passage, Newman-f St.— *2& doors ou i\)^ R* from Oxford. St. Newman'^ Row, Lificoln's-Iun- Field3, - 6 houses al the N. E, corner, by Gt. Turnstile. NEW Nowmaii*s Row, Bcrmoudsey- St.— at 117, 6 doors K. of .the church. Newman-Street, Oxford - St.— S1^ doors on the R. from St. Oiles'b, Newman's Yard, Newman-St. -—10 doors on the R. from Oxford-st. N€wiparket-St. Wapping,— -at 157, the continuation of Old Gravel-lane. Newmarket - Terrace, Cam - bridge-lieath , Hack n ey-Rd . • — part of the E. side, adjoin- ing the turnpike. Newnham- Place, Bishopsgate- Without, — at 134, 10 doors N. of Sun-st. Newnham-Street, Queen-St. — nt on the L. from 61, Edg- ware-road. Newport - Court, — S. end of Newport-market, op. Great Newport-st. Newport-Market, — W. end of Gt. Newport-st. Newport-St. (Gt.) St. Martin\s Lane, — op. Long-acre. Newport-St. (Little), — continu- ation of the last from Castle- 5t. to Graftun-£t. ; News Newspaper - Office, - — at 28, Brydges-sl. Kewton-Court, Strand, — from ' Old Round-court to Vine-st. J^*wton-S,t. High - Holborn, — from 207, to Charles- street, Drurv-lane. St. 'Nicholas-Church, Old Fish- St.-^4door^ E. of the Old- Chdnge. St. Nicholas-Church-Yd.Bread- St. Hill,— 5 doors on the R. from Bread-st, NO Nicholas-Lane, Lomhard-St.— at 24, 3d on the R. from the Mansion-house. Nicol's Court, Rosemary-Lane, — at 88, nearly op. Dock-st. Nicol's Row, Church-St. Bcth- nal-Green, — at 30, I of a n'iile on the L. from 05,Shore- ditch. NicoFs Sq. Cripplegate, — ^^ N. end ofCastle-st. Falcon-sq. Nicol-St (Old), Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the R. in Cock-lane, from (35, Shored itch. Nicol-St. (Ncw),Bcthnal-Green, — 1st N. parallel to the last, 2d on the R. in Cock-lane. Nicol-St.(Half),Bethnal Green, — Sd on the R. in Cock-lane, from behind 65, Shoreditch, Night-Lane, St. Luke^s, — N. end of Brick-lane. N ightingale-CourtjNightingale- Lane, — 1st on the R. from Up. E.-Sn>ithfield. NTgTit-ingale-Lane,Up.E.-Smith- ileld, — at 110, op. the en- trance to the London-docks, Nightingale-Lane, Fore-Street, Limehouse,-at60, by the VV, end of Ropemakers-ficlds. Nile-Pi. Weymouth-St.— 1st oo the R. from the Kent-road. Nile-St.Hoxton-Fields,— 2d on the L. north of Winkworth's builds, Cit3^-road. Nine-Elms,-llst on th^ R. } of a mile from Vauxhall-tura- pike towards Wandsworth. Nixon-Square, — W. end of the Crescent, Jewin-st. Cripple- gate. Nixon's Yard, Princes-St. Pirn- lico. See Princes-Court. No Name-Court, Bedfordbury^- NOA •— ^ doors uii the h. from Nevv-st. St. Martiirs lane. NoahVArk-Alley, Queen - St. Ratcliflfe,— ^d'oa the 11. east ofLondon-st. Noah's - Ark - Court, Stangate, Lambeth, — 1st on the li. froHX Westr.-bridge. Noble-Street, Falcoii-Sq. — the cantinuation of Foster-lane, Cheapside. Nobie-Street, Goswell-St.— at 57, '2dN. ofOld-st. Noble-St. Poplar,— 1st W-. of the East-India Alms-houses. Nst. from 39, Oxford-st. Norfolk-St. Strand,— at 180, 34 on the L. from Temple-bar. Norfolk-St. Kingsland-Road,,-- part of the said road, 1. of ^ mile from Shored itch.. Norfoik-Street, C^nno»v-St.-Htii-St. \YeH- close-Sq, — at 41, op. N. E. passage. - Norman - Streetj St. Luke\— 5» continuation oF HelnietH:qW| W. side the church. Norris-Court,Nightingale-Liape, —-at 26, 3d on the L,. fi'Qm the entrance to the J^qa^QA'' docks. Norris-Court, Snow's Fields*-* 1st OH the R. from 238^ Ber- mondsey-st. Norris-St. Haymarket,-r-at^ 56, 1st on the' R. froi^^ Picca- dilly. ' North-Court, Soutl>-St. Berke- ley-Sq. — 3 doors E. from If, South Audley-st. North-East-Passage, Wellclose* Sq. — from the N. E, conier to 35, Cable-st. Nor th^Green, Worsbip-St. 1 ^> doors on the L. froioPmU-st, q <^ NOR North-Mews, Little James-St. —1st on the R. from Gray's- inii-lane. North-Mews, North-St. Tottf n- ham-Ct.-Rd. — middle of the ..N. side. North-PI. Gra/s- Inn-Lane, — op. 80, part of the VV. side, from Little James-st. to Hen- ry-st. North-Place, (Upper), — the N. continuation uf the last. North-Place, Phillips's Builds. Sommers-Town, — 1st on the L. from 20, Willsted-st. North-Pl. Banner-St. — 8 doors on the R. from 80, Bunhill- row. North-Place, Glohe-St.Bethnal- Green,— 1st on the R. north ., from Green-st. North-Fl. Ducking-Pond-Lane, Whiteehapel, — 3d west of North-st. North's Pi. Lambeth,--op. W. side die Asylum. North-Place, West-Square, St. George's Fields,— ——at the N. E. corner. North-Row, Grosvenor-Sq. — 1st on the R. in George-st. from 267,Oxford-st. North-Row-Mevvs, — at 14, in the last. North-Row, East^St, Walworth, —2(1 on the L. from the High- street. North-St. (Up) Hans-Town, — 6 doors o^J tlie R. in Sloane- st, from Knightsbridge. North-St. (LoXver), — the conti- nuation of the last. North-Street, Wood-St. Westr. — lst(m the L. from 63, Mill- bank-st. North-St. Mc-inchester - Sq. — NOR from 12, South-st. to 1^, Pa- radise-st. ■- North-St. Tottenham -Court - Road, — behind Whitfield's chapc4, from 70, John-st, to 35, Charlotte-st. North-St. Pentonville,— 4th on the R. from the Chapel to- wards Sommers-Town. North-St. (Old), Red-Lion-Sq. — at 32, middle of the N. side. North-St. (New), — continuation of the last. North-Street, Ropemakers - St. — 2d on the L. from Moor- ficlds. North-St. City-Road,— 4th on the R. J of a mile from Fins- bury-sq. North-Street, Lamb-St. Spital- fields, — at 11,3d on the R. from Spit al-sq. North-St. Whiteehapel - Road, — at 154, a few doors W. of Mile-end-turnpike. North-St. Wilmot-St. B( thnal- Green, — near the S. end, leading to the last. North-St. Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the L, in West-st. enter- ing by Green-st. Norih-St. Poplar, — 1st on the L. from the Commercial-rd. North-St. Lambeth,— op. the W. side of the As\^lum. North-Strret, East-Lane, W^al- worth, — middle of theN. side. Nort ham's Buildings, Sommer.s- Town, — the continuation of Phill ps's builds, to 20, Wili^ sted-st. Northairjpton-Buildings, Rosa- mond-St. Clerkenwell, — at 45, 2d on the R. from Corpo- ration-lane. NOR Northampton - Court, North - •aiTiptou-St. Clerkenweil, — 2 doors N. of Perceval-st. Northampton-House, Ashby-St. Clerkenwell, — 1st on the 11. from St. John-st. Northampton-Pl.St.John Street, — N. end, on the II. ^ a mile from Smitlifield. Northampton-Place, Ilackney- lioad, — part of the 11. side, adjoining James's pi. | of a mile from Shoreditch. Northampton-Place, North-St. Walworth, — 2d on the R. from East-iane. Northampton-Row, Rosamond- St. Clerkenwell,— at 24, lead- ing to Spa-fields. Northanipton-Sq. — between St. John-st.-road and Goswell- st,-road, entrance by Ashby- street. Northanipton-St.Battle-Bridi^e, St. Pancras, — between Up. Edniond-street and V'ernon's bnildinj^s. Northa3npton-St, Clerkenwell, — E. side of St. John-st. and the corner of Conipton-st. Northampton -St. (Lower), — a few yards from the last. Northampton - Terrace, City- Road, — by the turnpike., | of a mile on the L. from Fins- bury-sq. Korthcote'siVharfjRotherhithe, — op. 179, a few doors be- low Globe-stairs. Nc^rthern - Dispensary, South- Row, Sommers-Town, — cor- ner of Duke's row, Tavis- tock-square. NorthumbcrUuid- Alley, Fen - NOU church-St. — at 78, 10 doors on the L. from A Ideate, Northumberland Coal-Compa- ny's -Office, — at 12, New Bridge-st. Blackfriars, mid- dle of the \V. side. Northumberland-Court,Strand, — 1st on the R. from Charing- cross. Northumberland-Court, South- ampton-Builds. — at 40, 10 doors on the L. from 320, High-Holborn. Northumberland-Court, Conip*. ton-Street, Clerkenwell, — 14 doors on the L. from Goswell- sti'tet. Northumberland - Court, Nor- thumberland Alley, — 1st on the R. from 78, Fenchurch- strect. Northumberland-House,Strand, --op. St. Martin's lane, Cha- ring-cross. Northumberland - Mews, Nor- ihumberland-St. Marybone, — behind the E. side. Xorthimiberland-Passage, Nor- thumberlanc]-St.-12 doors on the L. from the Strand. Northumberland-Place, Lamb- Alley, B.shopsgate, — 1st on the L, from o8, Sun-st. Northumberland-St. Strand,— Isr on the R.from Charing- X. Northumberland-St New-Ruad Marybone, — from the turni pike, to 18, Paddington-st. Northumberland- Wharf, — sd E. of Blackfriars-bridge, Sur* rey side. Norton- Falgate,— the N. conti-* nuation of Bishopsgate-st. to Shoreditch. NOK ^rtD«-Fa]gato Aims-Houses, — op. the N. end of Biossom- st. eoter-ing by- 2?^ White- Lion-st. liJorton-Street, Up. Marybone- St. — at 3*2, 3d an 'the R* from Hovvland-st.. Norton-St'. (Up.)^^the continu- ation of the last. Norway-PI. Hackney-Roadj— part of the R» side, adjoining Brighton-pl. -| of a mile from Slioreditchi Korway-Pi. Commercial-Road,, Limehou^se,— J of a mile on the L. we3l of the church; Norvvey-Street,.Otd-&t.— at 10,. 3d on the R. from Gobwell- street. Norway.Wharf,.Millbank-St.— S. end of Abingdon-st. on the L. i o£ a> mile above West- minster-bridge. Norwell-Place, Bethnal-Green- Road, — by the turnpike, about J a mile on the L. from (35, Shoreditch. Korwich-Court, Fetter-Lane,— at 92, 16 doors on the R. from 33, Holborn-hill. Norwich-Court, Upper East- Smith fie Id,^— at 24, op. But- cher-row. Nottingham-Court,Short's Gar- den?, — 2d on the L. from 15, Drury-lane. |jiottingham-Mews,High-Street, Marybone, — at 58, 2d on the R. from the New-road. Nottingham-Place, New-Road, Marybone, — between High- $t. and Nortlaimberland-st. JQottingham-Pl. — at 51, Char- iotle-st. Whitechapel, 3d W. of Cannon-st,- road. GAT Nottingham-Place, East-Lane, Walworth,— 1st on the R. in South-st. from Apollo-builds. Nottingham- Street, High- St. Marybone,-^-at61, 1st on the R. from the New-road. Nottingham Waggon-Office,—— at 5)0, London-wall, 3 doors^ from Wood-st, Nova-Scotia - Gardens, Crab- tree-Row, Bethnal-Green,— at the E. end, ap. the Bird- cage. Nun's Court,, Coleman-St, — at 74, 6 doors on the L. from London-wall. Nursery-PL St. George's Fields,. — op, the S. side the Philan- thropic-Reform. Nursery-Row, — from the last^ towards Lambeth. Nursery-Pl.. Kent -Road,— at the corner of East^ane. Nursery-Row, Lock's Fields, Walworth, — S. parallel to Bedford-st. Nutkin's Corner, Bermondsey-*- Wall. — 1st on the R. belov\^ Miil-st. OaKEY-STREET, Thomas- St. Bethnal-Green,---5 doorsr on the L. from 119, Brick* lane. Oakley's Court, Hare-St. Beth- nal-Grcen, — at 35, between Edwiu*d-st. and Fuller-st. Oakley-St. Bridge-Road, Lam- beth, — 3d on the L. from' Westr.-bridge, Oat-Lane, Noble -St* Foster* OAT Lrine,— at 11, 4th on the R. from Chrapside. Oatmcal-Yanl, Dog and Bear- Yard, — last on the K. from 128, Toole y-st. Obelisk, Fleet-Market, — S. end of it, between Ludgate-hill and Fleet-st. Obelisk, Black friars-Road, St. George's Fields, — S. end of it, J of a mile from the bridge. Obelisk, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, — VV. end of Salisbury- pi. near Neptune-pl. Observer Newspaper-Office, — at 169, Strand, nearly op. the New-church. Ocean-Row, Stepney, — 1st N. parallel to the church-yd. Ocean-St. Cow-Lane, Stepney, — 1st on the L. from Stepney Old-sq. Octagon-Pl. Kennlngton-Com- mon, — W. side, op. the Horns Tavern. Oif-Alley, Villiers-St.— 4 doors on the L. from 32, Strand. Offertory or Offerty-School, Lit- tle Vine -St. Piccadilly,— 3 doors on the L. from 5, Swal- low-st. Ogle-Mews, Upper Ogle-St. — 4 doors on the R. from Fo ley- place. Ogle-Sq. Upper Ogle-St. — he- hind 10, 3 doors, from 9, Up. Marybone-st. Ogle-St. Foley-Pl. Marybone, — 6 doors E. from 28, Great Titchfield-6t. Ogle-St. (Up.)— 6 doors E. from the last. Obren's Court, RatclifFc-Sq. — OLI at the S. E. corner, by Perri- winkle-st. St. Olave's Church, Tooley-St. — 8 doors E. of London- bridge. St. Olave's Church, Old-Jewry, — middle of the N. side. St. Olave's Stairs, Tooley-St. — 7 doors E. of London-bridge. St. Olave Workhouse, Parish- St. — -a few doors on the L. from Tooley-St. Old-Bailey, Ludgate - Hill,— at 28, 1st on the L. from Fleet- market. Old-Bethlem. See Bethlem. Old-Buildings or Square, Lin- coln's Inn. See Lincoln's Inn, Old - Change, Cheapside, — 6 doors on the R. from St. PaulVchurch-yard. Old-Jewry. See Jewry. Old- Court, Hackney - Road,— 3d on the L. from Shoreditch- church. Old Pay-Office, Old Broad-St. —at 54, nearly op. the Ex- cise-Office. Old-Street, St. Luke's,— 2d on the L. J of a mile from the N. W. corner of Finsbury-sc], Old-St.-Rdc — the E. continua- tion of Old-st. from the City- road to opposite Shoreditch- church. Old-St.-Sq.— at the N. end of Henry-st. a few doors W. of St. Luke's hospital. Old Swan-Lane and Stairs. See Swan. Oliver-Court, BowUng-St. West- minster, —at 23, 5 doorb from Wood-st. ONE Oite-Hbuse-Court,Mi!es's Lane, ■ — 14 doors on the RV from Canuon-st. One-Swan- Yard y Bishojisgate, — at 130, N. side the church. ©rie-Tun-Yard, Davies-St. — 6 doors on the L. from ^% Ox- ford-st. One-Tun-Ct. Strand,— 54 doors on the R. from €haring-cross. Onslow-Stref^t, -Vine - St. — 1st on the L. from Mutton-lane, Clerkenwell-green.- ^Opera-House, Haymarket, — on the W. side near Pall-mall. Orange-Court, Swallow-St. See Oi-ange-St. Orange-Court, Castle-St. Lei- cester-Square, — 1st from the King's mews. Oranj^e-Coupt, Drary-Lane, — from 130, middle of the E. side, to op. Wild-st. Orange-Court, Rose-St, Soho, —at 10, middle of the N. side. Grange-Court, Wapping-St. — "at 93, near Hermitage-bridge. Orange - Place, Old Nicol-St. Bethna}-Green,~~on the E. side of Cross-st. Orange-Place, Dcptror<] Lower- Rd. — nearly op. China-hall- " Orange-Row, Fieldgaie - St. — 1st on tlie L. from '266, \V hi techapel-road . Orange - Row, Newington, — from the Plough and Harrow towards Kennington. Orange-Street, Swallow-St. — at 56, near the middle of the N. side. *'0i'ange-St. Leicester - Sq. — S. side, from St. jMartin'b-st. to Castle-sL. Orange-Street, Red-Lion-Sq.— N. W. corner, to 20, King'-st, Orange-St. Loman's Pond, Bo" ro. — 1st on the L. in Gravel- lane, from Duke-st. towards the King's Bench. Orchard, New-St.— 1st on the L. from Shadwell market* Orchard, Broad-St. Ratcliffe,— at 80, middle of the N. side. Orchard, Nightingale - Lane, Limehouse,- — the E. end of Chiver*^5 court. Orchard. Place, White - Bear -- Gardens, Hackney-Road,-- entrance by Union-walk, Uni^ orirst. Orchard, Blackwall, — by the river entrance to the Ea^e— Tadia-Dock. Orrhard-St. Portman-Sq.— S.E.- corner, to 197, Oxford-st. Orchard-St. Westminster,---lst on the R. in Dean-st. from TothilKst. O/ehard-Street, St. Luke's, — the N. continuation of Ii-on- monger-row, from 97, Old-st. O^dnonce-Office, Pall-MaK,— at 91, op. George-sfc. late Cumberland-hou«^. Ordnance-Office, Tower, — op. the bridge or first turning or entrance on the R. from Iron- gate. Orford-Pow, Kent - Road, •— part of the R. side, .1. of a mih- below the Bricklayers- arms. Oiniond-House, Pariidise-Row, Chelsea,— 3d' hOrplians-School, City-Road, — Gn the S. side the turnpike, J of a mile from Finsbury- square. jQrton's Builds. Castle-St. Boro. — last on the L. from 13, lledcross-st. C).'>band-Baildings, Bermondsey :Mevv-Road, — 2d on the 11. from the Bricklayers-arms. Osborn-Pl. — 2d on the R. from op, Whitechapel- church, a- long Osborn-st. Osborn-Pl. Poplar, — W. end of Ashton-st. Robmhood-lane. lOisborn-St. VVliitechapel, — at 74, nearly op^ the churcli. ^.snmn^s PI. Swan-Yard, B.>r6. — 1st on the L. from St. George's church. ^ Osnaburgh-Row, King's Road, ' , Pimlico, — 1st on the R. frofn Up. Eaton-st. O^sulstouc-St. Sommers Tovvn, — continuation q^ .WiHstcjl- street. Ovai, Kennington, — S. end of Bowing-grt^en-rovv, op. the Horns favern. Overman's Aims-Houses, Mon* tague-Clo^e, — (jn the N, side St. Saviour'b church. Owen's Aims-Houses, — 6 doors on the L. from Islington to- wards Sadler's Wells. Owen's Court, ven*s Place^ — 1st N. of Rawstorne-st. Owen's Place, G »sweil-St.-Rd. — W, 6ide,adjoinmg Owen's- row. Owen^s Row, Goswell-St.-Rd. — 2d on the R. from Isling- ton. Oxendon-Chapel, Oxendon-St, — 4 doors from Coventry-st. Oxendon-Street, Coventry -St. — 8 doors on the R. from the Hay market. Oxford - Arms- Inn, Warwick- Lane, — 3d on the R. from 10, Newgate-st. Oxford - Anns - Passage, — be- tween the Inn-yard and. War- wick-lane. Oxford-Buildings^ Qxford-St. — at 299, 10 doors W. of .New Bond-st. Oxford -Chapel, Vere-St.— 8 doors on the R. from 151,Ox- ford-st. Oxford-Court, Oxford-St. — at 319, 4 doors W. from Swal- low-st, Oxford-Court, Salters-Hall-Ct. . — 1 St on the L. from ^ 2, Q-ah-* ■ non-st. Oxford-Dairy, Oxfprd-St. — at 71, nearly .ftp tiie Paiitheon. OXF Oxford-House, Hackney-Road, — -near the NagVhead, I of a mile on ttie R, from Shore- ditch. Oxford-Market,Oxford-St.— at 8r, f of a mile from Saint Giles's. Oxford-Pl. Westr.-Bridge-Rd. — R, side, a few doors from the Obelisk. Oxford-Rhedarium, Oxford-St. — 27 doors on the R, from St. Giles's. Oxford-St. — from Saint Giles^s, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 440, to Ty- burn-turnpike, where there is 245, about !{ mile in length. Oxiey - Court, Parker's Row, Dock-Head, — a few doors on the L. from Hickman's J'^jlly. Oxley-PI. Hickman's Folly,— 2d on the R. from Dock- head. Packer - court, stiii-Ai. ley, — 1st on the R. from 104, Houndsditch. Packer-Court, Coleman-St. — 4 doors from the Old-Jewry, Cheapside. Packston's-Alley, Rotherhithe- St.— at 312, ;^d on the R. be- low the church. Piiddington-Builds.Paddington, —between the Kdgware-rd. and the Harrow-road. Paddington-Green, Paddington, — the open space by Pad- dington-church. PaddinJ^ton - St. Mary bone, — PAL 5lh on the R. in Baker-s^, from Portman-sq. Pageants, Rotherhithe,— at 125, nearatnile below the church, op. Dukc*s-5horc, Limehouse. Page's Walk, Grange-Road, — 1st coach-turning on the R. from Bermondsey New- road. Pagets- Place, Bine-Gate-Fields, -—4 doors on the R. from 95, Ratcliffe-highv/av. Painter's Builds. Norfolk-PL— N. side, a few yards on the L. from the Curtain-road. Painter's Court, Bury - Street, St. James's, — 5 doors on the R. from Jermyn-st. Painters -Hall, Little Trinity- Lane,— middle of the VV. side. Painter's Rents, Eroad-St. Rat- cliffe,— at 60, 3 doors W. of Butcher-row. Palacc-Court-Office, Clifford's Inn, — 1st door on the R. from 1S8, Fetter-lane. Palace-Row, Tottenham-Court, — from the Hampstead-road to ihe turnpike. Palace-St. Westr. — the conti- nuation of Charlotte-5t. Pirn- lico. Palace-Wharf, I^mbcth, — op. Fcrry-st. on the S. side of the church. Palace-Yard (New), — between Bridge-st. and Wesminster- hall. Palace- Yard (Old),— S. side of Westnunster-hail by the Ab- bey. Palatine-Pl. Commercial-Road, — part of the N. side, be- tween Plumbers -row and (ireenticld-st. PAL fall-Mall, St. James's, — from the S. end of the Ilaj market to the Piilace. Pall-Mali-Court, Pall-Mali, -at 102, middle of the S. side. Palmer's Rents, Snow^s Fields, — ith oil the L. from 238, Bermondsey-st. Fahnefs Village, Westminster, — N. side of Bridewell, Brewers- green. Palmers Yard, Bermondsey - Wall,— -2d on the R. a few doors below East - lane, by Palmer's rope-walk. Palsgrave - Court, Strand, — at 222, twelve doors on the L. ' from Temple-bar. Pancras Female-Charity-School , Hampstead - Road, — S. side the ciiapeL Pancras - Lane, Queen - St, — 8 doors on the L, from 70, Cheapside. Saint Pancras-Pl. St. Pancras, — from tiie Small-pox-hospi- tal towards the church. Pancras-St. Tottenham - Court- Pcoad, — at 175, op. Howland- street. Pancras-St. (Little), — 1st on the L. in the last from Totten- ham-court-road. Pancras- Walk, St. Pancras, — N. end of Vernon's builds. near the church. Pannier- A lley^ Newgate-St, — at oO-, 8 doors on the L. from Cheapside. Panorama, Leicester-Sq. — N. E. corner, by C^ar^b!)arn-st. Panorama, Strand, — at 169, nearly op. the New-church. Panorama (Marshall's), Old PAR Bbnd-St. — 13 doors on the R. from 57, Piccadilly. Pan's Head-Yard, Leicester-St, — 3 doors on the L. from 32, Swallow-st. Pantheon, Oxford-St.— at 360, J of a mile on the L. from St* Giles's. Panton-Sq. Haymarket, — end of Arundel -St. from Coventry- street. Panton-St. Haymarket, — at 24, IstontheL. from Piccadilly. Paper-Builds, Temple, — ^^^ side King's - bench - walk, by the Temple-gardens. Parade, St. James'5 Park, — the E. end of it, by the Hors^ guards. Parade (Old), North Audley- St. — 7 doors on the L. from 263, Oxford-st. Parade, Du Four's Place, — 1st on the L. from 21, Broad- street. Paradise-Builds. Lainbeth Up. jMarsh, — nearly facing Stan- gate-st. Paradise-Chapel jParadise-Walk, Chelsea,— a few doors on the L. from op. 18, Piwadise- row. Paradise - Court, Paradise - St. Battle-Bridge, — 1 duors froija Britannia-st, Paradise-Court, Castle - Yard, Gra^'el - Lane, Boro. — the S. end of it. Parad'se-Pl. Paradise-St. Mary- hone, — 6 doors on the R, from 82, High-stJ Paradisc-Pl. Tabernacle- Walk, — at 44, the corner of Leo- nard-st, T PAR I'aradjse-Pl. or How, Lambeth Up. Marsh, — the continuation of it on the L, to Royal-row. Paradise-Pi. Paradise-Row, Ro- therhithe,— at 10, a tew doors on the L. from Deptford Lower-road.' Paradise-pl. Poplar, — op. the Biack-horse. Paradise-Row,. Paradise-Place, Marybone, — at the N. end, from 6, Paradise-st. Paradise-Row, Chelsea,— on the W. side the hospital, extend- ing towards Battersea-bridge. Paradise-Row, Palmer's Village, Westr. — N. side of Bride- well, Brewers-green. Paradise-Row, St. Pancras,— 1st W. of the SmalUpox-hospital. Paradise-Row, Bethnal-Greeh, — W. side of the Green, from Bethnal-green -^road to Pea- cock-court. Paradise-Row, Charles-Street, Saint George's £ast,— the continuation of it hearing to the L. from 44, Old Gravel-lane. Paradise-Row, RatcUffe-Sq. — at ,the S. E. corner, by Perri- winkle-st. Paradise 7 Row, High-St. Lam- beth,^— 1st on the L. tVom the . church, Paradise - Row, Gravel - Lane, Boro. — 10 doors S. of Ciiar- lotte-st. Paradise - Row, Rotherhithe, — 1st S. parallel to Paradisc-st, from Lucas-st. to Deptford Lower-road. Paradise-Street, lligh-St. Mary- bone, — at 82,3d uu the L. fi'om Charles-st. IManchester-sq. Vim Paradise-Street, Britannia - St. Battle-Bi'idge, — 6 doors from Gray's-inn-lane. Paradise-S^reet, Paul - St. — 84: ^0, 4th on the L. from the ^ N. E. corner of Finsbury-sq. Paradise-St. R^)therhithe, — 1^ S. parallel to part of Rother- hithe-st. froar .Mill - Pond- bridge, towards Peptford Lower-road. Paradise-Walk, Paradise-Row, Chelsea, — ^op. 13, leading to^ wf^-ds the Thames. Paragon,, Kent-Road, — W. side the turnpike, by the Brigk- layers-arais. Paragon - Chapel,-^S. end. of V/ebb-st. Bermondsey New- road. Paragon- Mews, Kent-Road,— at the back of the W. side of the Paragon. Paragon-Pl.Kent-Road, — S.side, adjoining the Paragon. Paragon-PL Lock's Fields, Waf- worth, — the continuation of Trafalgar-pl. from Rodneys- row, Kent-road. Paragon,- Row, Lock's Field?, Walworth,-- 2d on the L. from Garmourh-row, Kent - road. Paragon-Walk, Wark-I^ne," Baker-St. North, Maryl,one, — 1st on the L. from the New-road. Park-Place, Baker-St. N^rth, Marybonc, — continnation of It on the L. from the New- road. Park-Place, Knigbtsbrldge, — E. side the barracks', |- a mile on the H. from Ilyde-park- corner. •Park-Pl. Saint James's St.— at 60, 2d on the R. from io3^ Piccadilly. Pnrk-Pi. CaHis^^-t?vne, Lam- beth, — last t>n the K. from the Marsli-eate. Park-Pl. (Little),— E. end of tht^. last. Fark-Pl. Kennint^ton -Cros*j=— W. side, op. tire White-hart. Park-Pl. Ea5.t-Lane, Wahvoi th, — ith on tlie R. from the Kent-road. Park - Prospect, Ivni;;htsbridge, — W. end .oT the Cannon- brewrry. • Park-!unv, — E. end of the bur- racks, Kni^htsbridge. l&ark-RoTv^, . Lunchousc^ - Canse- PAll way,- a few doors on the Li from Three-C')lt-*^t." Park-Street, Oxford-St.-at 257^ ^d on the R. frotn Hyde-park'. Park-St. WesM-. — N. end of Carteret-st, Broadway. Ptiik-Street, N'cw-'5t. ^laryboiin* — 2^d oh the R. from Baker sr. North. Park-St. Little,— S. end of the last. Pai'k - St. Limehouse-Hole, — a few do(>r5 on the L. from ths Lime-kilns. Ptirk-8t. Kemnngton- Cross, — • nearly op. the White-hart, Park-Sf. (Litdc),— theW. coft- tinujuion of the last. Park-St. ' Boro.-Market,— from the. middle of the W, side, to Bank side. Parker's Builds. Grange-Road, —by the Queen's liead, 3d (in the R. from Bermoiid^ey NtiW- road. Parker^s PL Middiesex-St. SoJT^- - miers-ToNvn, — 3 doors from Phoenix-it. Parker's Rents, Shoe-Lfine,-^ at 43, 3d on the L. from Hol- bBrn. Parker's Row, Bermondsey,-*- l^t coach-turning on tiie R. in Hickman's Foliy ' froni Dock-head. * Pt\rkor*s St. Drury- Lane,^^at 161, 1st N.of Grffat Queeii- *;tTeet. ' ' Parker's Yard. Sec Bnithblo- mew-Pl. Parliament - Court, Artillery - Lane, — 2d on tht R. from 5^5, Bishopsgato. Parliament-Court (Littk), — on the E. bide ihe last. PAR Parllament-Pl. Old Palace-Yard, Westr, — from the corner of Abingdon-st. to the Thames. Parliament - PI. Parliament-St. Bethnal-Greeiiy — 1st on the R. from op. Duthie*s »ur- sery. Parliament - Sfe. Westr. — from Bridge-st. to Whitehall. Parliament-St. Bethnai-GreeB, — op. Duthie's nursery, 2d on the R. from the Salmon and Ball towards Dof^-i ow. Parliament-Street,- St. George's Fields,: — E. side St. George's Market. Parrot-Alley, Play house- Yard, St. Luke's,— the 1st on the R, from 188, Whitecross-st. Parr's Builds. Nortii-Row, Gros- venor-Sq.^— at 20, 6 doors E. of Park-st. Parr's Head-Yard, Leicester-St. —3 doors from 31, Swallow- street. ParseyVGardens, Nerth-St.^ — 6 doors from 152, Wliitechapel- road. Parson's Court, Brid€-Lane, — a few yards on the L. from 10, New Bridge-st. Black friars. Parson's-Stairs, Lower E. Smith- fieldy — by 82, ;J of a miJe be- low the Tower. ParsonVSt. Upper E.Smithfield, —the contmuatioii of it to Ratcliffe-highway^ Parson's and Syme's Was;gon- Office, — at 6!>, Old-Baifey, 3 doors on the L. from Lud- gate-hill. Parsonage-Row, Newington, — from the church towards the Elephant and Castle. Parsonage - Walk^ Newington. PAT —from the last to the Chut'crT*^ yard. Parsonage-Yard, Shored itch,— S doors from the church. Partridge -Court, Houndsditch, —at 130, middle of the N. side. Partridge-Court, Gravel-Lane, — 2d on the L. from 148, Houndsditch. Pasfield's ReutSy Parradise - St?. Rotl.erhithey — 2d and 3d on the L, from Mill - pond - bridge. Passing - Alley, Saint John-St. Cierkenwell,— at 66, the 4,\h on the L. from Smithfieid. Patent-Office, — at 4, Lincoln's* Inn Old - Square, entrance op. 40, Chancery-lane. Paternoster - Row, St. Paul's Church-Yard, — 1st on the R. in A ve-m aria-lane from 29, Ludgate - st. extending to Cheap side. Paternoster-Row, Spitalfields,— conticuatioH of Union-st. frc^oi 69^ Bishopsgate-without. Paternoster - Row (Little), — 4 doors on the R. in the last, from Unioa-st. Patience - Street, Wheeler -St. Spitalfields,^ — at the N. end, near Webb-sq. entering by 47, Shore ditch. Patriot-RoWy Bethnal-Green, — adjoining Patriot-sq. and ex- tending towards the Green. Patriot-Sq. Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the R. a few doors from the Green towards Hackney- road. Patriot-St. Commercial - Road^ ■ — the continuation of Mor- gan-st. by Cannon - st.-road. Piitton's PI, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth,— -i)p. Paragon-row. Paty's Court, Ilolysvell-Laiie,— 2d on the L. 15 doors from 194, Shoreditch. Paul's Alley, Redcross-St. Crip- plegate,— at 13, 10 duors b. of iiarbican. St. Paurs Alley, St. Paul's Gliurch - Yard,— at 69,- mid- dle of the N. side. Paul's Bakehouse-Court, God- liman-St. — 6 doors on the li. from 15, St. PauPs church- yard. St." Paul's Chain, St. Paul's Church- Yard,— '15 doors on the L. from Ludgate-st. St. Paul's Church - Yard,— the hou**fcS which surround and front St. PaursCdthedrnl: the numbers begin and end at Ludgate-st. JSh Paul's Church, Covent-Gar- dcn, — on the VV. side of Coven t-garden-ma rkec. St. Paul's Ci]urch,r.Shadwell,— on theS. side Shtid well High- street. St. Paul's College, St. Paul's Church - Yard. — 3 doors on the R. from Ludgate-st. Paul's Court, Huggin-Lane, — 3 doors- on the L. from 115, Wood-st. Cheapside. St. Paul's PI. Wahvorth^Com- men, — bv the Paul's head. St. Paul's ^School, St. Paul's Church - Ya^d, — 6 doors on ■ the L. from Cheapside. Panl-Sq. Paul-St. Fmsbury, — at 44, 1st on the R. from Wo r- ship-st. Paul-St. Finsbury-Sq, — the con-' tinuation of Wjls^n-st, com- PEA menclng at Worship-st. and leading to Old-st.-road. Paul's Wharf, Up. Thames-St.— at 22, op. Bennet'shill. Paul's Head-Court, Cateaton-St. — 5 doors from Milk-street, Cheapside. Paul's Head-Cottrt, Fetrchnrch- St. — at 154, nearly op. Rood- lane. Paved-Alley, Pall-Mail,— at 66, 6 doors on the L. from St. James's-st. Paved-Alley, Paternoster-Row, —at 30, leading to Newgate- market. Paved-Allc-y, Leadenhall-Mar-' ket,— N.* side, by the Rc-d- lion. Pavement, Moorfields, — the W, side, from Moorgate to Fins- bury-pi. Pa V i ou rs- Arm s^CouM, Wdtdou r- St.— at 50, 14 doors N. of Coinpton-st. Payn's-Place, Aldersgate-St.-— at 142, op. Jewin-st. Peaeock-Alley, Morgan's Lane, — 2d on the'L. from 80, Tooley-st. Peacock -Brev^^M-y, WhiteCross- St. Cripplegate, — a few doors on the L. from 110, Fore- street. Peacock-Con rti, Beilmal-Green,^ — N. W. corner of tiie Greer/. Peacock-Place,Minorie.s, — at 42, middle of the E. side. Pieacock-St, Newington, — 3d on the L. south fi'om the churcb„- Peacock-Sq. — 1st on the L. in th6 last from the road. P.":il-Alley, Shadwell High-St.— at 01, 6 door? beioW tiie church, •■ • '•' ■■ T -^ PEA f*ea-Hen-Court, Bishopsgate-St. — at 75, 12 doors S. of the Ghurch. Pearl-Pl. Stepney, — 1st on the . K. from Redman's row, Mile- ■ . end. Pearl-Row, City-Oardens,^; — be- hind AndersonVbuilds. Gity- • road. Pearl-Row, Black friars - Road, • — last on the L. from the bridi^.e. Pearl-St. (Gt,) Spltalfields,^the . continuation of Flower - de- • Lis-st. entering by 10;>. Shore- • ditch. Pearl-St. (Little)^ — continuation of Vine-court, from 24, Lamb- st. leading into the last. Pieai'l-Street, St. George's East, — entrance the 1st on the R. in King-st. from SO,- New Grave 1-1 a^ie. Pearson's Alley, High-St. Lam- beth, — 1st on the L. from the church. Pearson's Wharf, Up. Thames- , St. — E. side of Puddle-dock, |- of a raile below Blackfriars- b ridge. PearsonV Wharf, Shad-Thames, — op. King-st. Ilorselydown. Pear-St. Strutton-Ground,West- minster, — middle of the E. side. . Peartiree-Alley, Shadwell High- St,-— at 46, 10 doors W. of the church. Peattree - Alley, -^ nearly op. King Edward-st. from 272, Wapping. Peartree - Court, Clerkenwell - Close, — at 20, a few doors on the L. north from the ch-urch. Peartree-Court, Goppice-Row, PEL Clerkenwell, — at 51, 1st OW the R. from the Green. Peartree-Court, Aldersgate-Stv -—at 4^2y E. end of Angel- alley. Peartree-Court,ShoreditchHigl> St. — at 13% nearly op. the church. Peartree.Court,Lambeth.Marsb^ ^behind the Peartree public- house. Pear-tree-Pl. Peartree - St. — be- hind the last. Pear tree-Row, Lambe th-Marsh , — middle of the N. side the road. Peartree-St. I.arabeth-Marsh, — behind the last. Peartree-Street^-Goswell-St.-^at - 72,3dN.ofOld-st. Peck's Builds. King's Bench- Walk,. Temple,— on the W. side, a few yards on the R. from the S. end of Mitrs- court, entering by 44,. Fleet- street. Peck's Rents, Cherrytree-Court, —1st on the L. from Golde»- lane. Pedlars - Acre, Lambeth, — »lst on the L. from Westminster- bridge. Peerless-Place, City-Road,— *W. side, between the turnpike and Peerless-row. Peerless-Pool, City-Road,— W. side of PeeHess-pl. Peerless-Row, City -Road,— 1st on the L. north of Old-st. Pekin-Pl. East -India Dock - Road, Poplar, — S. side, from Bow-lnne to Gotton-st. Pelham-Pk Grange-Road, — W^. end of Fort-pl. Pelham-St. .Brick-Lane^ Spital- nelds,— at 63, middle of tlic E. side, opposite Hanbury's brewery. Pelican-Court, Little-Britain, — at 59, two doors fron^i Blue- coat-buildings. Pe 1 ican Li fe-I n su ra nce-Office, — at 70, Lombard- St. and at Spring - gardens, Gharing - cross. Pelican-Stairs,- Wapping - Wall, —at 57, near Foxes - lane, Shad well-church. Pell-PL Pell-St=— 1st on the R. from 0, New-road. Pell-St. Ratcliil€-Hii2;hway,-^at 194", five doors trom VVell- close-sq. Pellet's Row, Garden-Walk,— 1st on the R. from Willow- walk, Tabernacle-sq. Pembcrton ^ Row, Fetter-Lane, —the continuation of Feather- bed-court, from 18, in the said lane. Pendrev's Yard, IVIarybone - Lane, — at 23, 5th (>n the R. from OxFord-st. Pennington - St. Ratcliffis-High- way, — between it and the London-docks-wall, extending to Oi(i Gravel-i^ne. Penny - Court, Ilatton-Wall, — behind 59, Ilatton-gardcn. Penny- Fiekls,- Poplar,— -1st N. of the High-st. frcnn the Commercial-road. Penson-Pi. Commercial- Road, Limehouse, — part of the R. side, i of a mile below the church. Penton-Grove, White - Lion-St. PcntonviMc, — at 44, v of a mile on the L. from Isiing-» ton. Penton-Pl. Pentonville, — neaWy op. the chapel, to\yards Clerk- enwell. Pemon-Pl. Walworth, — at the W. end of Manor-pl. Penton-Row, Walworth High- St. — part of the W. siHe, from Manor-row to West- lane. Penton-St. Walworth, — the W. continuation o-f Araelia-st. Penton-St. Pentonville, — Qd oh the R. from the Angel-ian, Islington. Pentonville^ — between Isling- ton and Battle-bridge. Pepper-AKey, Boro. — 4 doors on the R. from London-bridge, Pepper = Alley ^ Stairs,— by the last. Pepper-Street, Duke-St. Boro.- — 1st on the L. from Queen- street, Perceval-St. Clerkenwell, — N. end of St. John-st. the last on the il, from Smith field. Percy-C^hapcl,— W. end of Wind-- mhl-st. Tottenham-court-road, Percy- iMevvs, Rathbone-Pl. — at '26, 3 doors S. of Percy-st. Percy - St. Tottenham -Court- Road,-— op. Bedford - st. 40 doors on the L. from Oxford- street. Periwinkle-Court, Turk's Row, Ciielsea,^ — nearly op. Lower Sioane-st. Periwinkle - Court, Periwinkle- St. Ratciiffe, — 1st on the R. from Brook-st. Periwinkle - Stieet, Brook - St, Pit Eatdifff?,— neari\r 6p. But- cber-roWj-RatcljiTe-croSs. Perkins's R^nts, Gt. Peter^St. VVestr.-— middle of the N. side, to 48, Old Pje-6t. Ij^erry's Court, Hackney-Road, — ^at N. end of Union-builds. ITnion-st. 'Fcrrfs Dock, ^~ from thii: E. side of Blackvv all-causeway to the East-India-dock. IPcrry's Place,- Oxford-St-^SO doons on the R; frorii St. Giles's. jPerry^s Rents, Providence-Row, Palmers-Vill;ige,-^4st on the L. frottt Paradise-row. I^erry's Rents, Hackney-Road, — X of a mile on the L. from Shored itch-church. Kerry's Rents, New Gravel- Lane, St. George's East, — entrance by 40, middle of the W. side. Pesthouse-Row,01d-St.— at the W. end of St. Luke's Hos- pital. St. Peter's Alley, Cornhill,— from 55, to 2> Gracechurdi- street. St. Peter's Church. See the last. St.Peter-Cheap-Church, Wood- St. — 20 'doors on the L. from; 1'23, Cheapside. St. Peter-le-Poor's Church, Old. Eroad-St. — at 63, nearly op. the Excise-office. |>eter's-Court, Saint MavtinV Lane, — at 111, 3d on the L^ from Charinji-cross. Peter's Couit, Rosemary-Lane, — at 23, 4th on tne R. froni Tovrer-hiil. , . • > St. Peter's Hill; Up. Thames- St.— at 216, i of a mile on= the L.fromBlackfriars-bridge. Peter and Key-Court,St. Peter's Lane, — 1st on the L. froni Cow-cross. St. Peter's Lane, Saint John-St. -^3d on the L. from 75^ Smith^cld, or 1st on the R. in Cow-cross. St. Peter's Place, Walworth-- Common, = — op. the Paul's head. St. Peter-Slreet,— by the Jast. Peter-Street, R'edcross-St. Bo- ro.-^at 45,1st S. of Queen-st. Peter-St. (Little), Westr.— 'the continuation of Wood-street, from 63, Milibank-st. Peter-St. (Gt.) — continuation of the last to the Grey-coat- school. Peter-Street, (New), Gt. Peter-- St. Westr. — 1st on the R, from Strutton-ground. Peter- Street, Wardour-St.— 4th ^ on the R. from 381, Oxford-^ street, Peter - St. Bloomsbury, *-^ the continuation of Bow'St. from- op. Drury-lane. Peter-St. Gt. SafFron-Hill,— at' 29, ^'of a niile on the 11. from Holborn- bridge along. Field-lane. Peter-Street, Sun -St.— at 25, 1st on the L. from 149, Bish- opsgale. Peter-Street, Mount-St. Beth- nal-Green,-** 1st on the R. from 45, Church-st, along Rose-st. Petcrl)orough-Court, Fleet-St. — ^at 135, 5th on the 11* ^rom ncel-murket. wmmm Petorsbiirg - Wharfy Narrow - . ^Vall, Laiiibetb,' — by tbe Laiiibctli-water-worksj J of a mile below Westminster- V>ri(Jge. Petticoat - Lane, — at 41, Aid- gate Higb-st. I of a mile be- low tbc churcb. Pctticoat-Sq. Petticoat-Lane, — nearly op. VVentwortli-st. Petty 's Court, Hanway-St.— 6 doors on tbe L. from 22, Ox- ford -st. Pttty-Bag-Office,--bebind 14, Cbancery-lane, 2d gateway on tbe R. from 192^ Fleet- street. Petty*s Walk, Lock's Fields, Walwortb,— 1st on tbe R. in York-st. from Pitt-st. Pettyfield-Court, Drury-Lane, — 4 doors on tbe R. from tbe Strand. Pewter-Platter Coacb-OfHce,^ — at 86, Gracecburcb-st. by tbe Spread-eagle, Pewter-Platter-Yard^ St. Jobn- St. — at 79, i of a mile on tbe L. from Smitbfield. Pewterers - Hall,— -bebind 15, Lime-st. on the E. side of Leadenball-market. Pewtners Court, Charterbouse- Lane, — at 20, Isc on tbe R. from tbe square. Pheasant and Cock-Court, An- gel-Sq. — 4tb on the L. from 137, Bisbopsgate-witbout. PhiTs Builds. Houndsditch, — at 106, nearly op. St. Mary- Axe. Pbiladelpbian - Church, Wind- mill-St. Finsbury, — entrance by tbe 1st on tbe R, from Providcnce-row. PBI philanthropic-Annuity - OiSce^ —at 89, Pali-mall, 16 doors on the R. from tbe Palace. Philanthropic-Charity, Grange- Road, — the W. end of Fort- place. Pbilantbropic-Reform, London- Road,^ — entrance by the 1st on the Rr from the Obelisk. Phillips's Builds. Willsted-St. Sommers - Town, — 20 doo^a on the R. from Judd^s pi. New-road. Phillips's Builds. Walworth,-— continuation of Thurlow-pl. from 20, Apollo-builds. East- lane. Phillip's Court, Brackley - St. Golden-Lane, Cripplegate, — • 3 doors on the R. from Gd- den-lane, near Barbican. Phillip's Court, Grub-St. Crip- plegate, — 4tb on the R. from 96, Fore-st. Phillips's Gardens, Tottenbam- Pi. — 2^d on the L. from Tot- tenbam-cou rt-road . Philip-Lane, London -Wall,— between Wood-st. and Al- derman bury. Phillips's Row, Tottenbamr- Court, — E. end, by Phillips's gardens. Philips-Street, Charles-St. Saint George^s East, — 1st on tlieR. from Lower Cornwell-st. Philological-Society, King -St. Edgware-Road, — 1st door E. ofBrown-st. Philpot's-Gardens,Up. Ground, — the corner cf Broad-wall. Phi I pot-Lane, Fencburch-St.: — 12 doors on tbe R. from Gracechurch-st. Pbilpot's-Row, Broad-Wall,~ E. side, from Stamford-st. •'to Up. Ground. I'hilpot-Tenace, Edgware-Rd, — I of a mile on the L. from Tvburn-turnpike. Phipps-Court, Phipps-St.—lst on the L. from Chapel-st. Fhipps-Streer, Chapel-St. Ho!j- weil-Mount,— Ibt on the 11, from the Curtaiii-road. Phoe.nix-Alley, Loni;-Acre,— at 5(3, op. Uanover-st. Phoenix - Court, West-St.-^-l st on the L. from 80, Smithfieid. Fijtenix-Coun, Newgftte=St.=— 3 dbor.^ oti thg 11. (wm tije Old- Bailey. Fheenix-Court, 01d-Cbanga,<— at 27, op. Little Carter-lane. 'Fhcetiix-Court, Butcher- Row, —at SB, the 2d on the E. from Up. East-Smithfield. JPhtienix Fire-OHice, Lombard- St.—yop. Change-alley. Also, at Charing- cross, op. the King's Mews. Fbcenix Newspaper - Office, Strand,-~.at 163, S. W. cor- ner of £xeter-chani];o. Phccnix - Place, Uatclire,— by the Phoenix-Tavern,llatcIifil-- ■ cross. Plioenix-Pl.. Phcenix-St. Som- mers-Town,— between 0.^sui- ston-stand iVfiddlesex-st. Phosnix-Row, Blackfriars-iload, — by Webber-st. near | a mile on the R. from the bridge. Phcenix-Street, Crown-St. Saint Giles's, — 5doorsN. ofComp- ton-st. Phoenix - Sf. Bloomsbnry, — 1st on the L. in Plumbtree-st. from 19, Broad-st. Phoenix-St,. Soramfers-Town, — pre from the S. E. corner of Clarendon-sq. to the Cre- scent. Pbcenix - Street;, Wheeler - St. Spi'tal fields,— at 40, 3d on the 11. from Lamb-st. Cxttend^- ing to 159; Brick-lane, Phoinix-Street, South-St. East- Lane, Walworth,^-^'2d on the R. from Apollo-builds. Phcenix-Coai-Vv barf, Clink-St. Boro.-^on the W. side St. Mary-Overy's-Dock, ^ of .a mile above London-bridge. * Pbcenix-Wiiurf, Wappin^,— by 248, on tbe V¥. side of iixecu- tion-dock. Pbo&nix Stonc-Wbnrf, Fore-St. Lambeth,—a Few doors from Broad-st. towards V^uuxball. Pbcet)ix"Vard, Oxford -St.-^at l!l^, I a mile on the K. from St. Giles's. Physic-Gardtms, Gh» Lane, — 8 dooi'^ S. of Britaii- nia-st. P i n e- A pple-C ourt, C as^l e-Lane, Westminster, — middle of the X. side. Pink's How, RatclifFe - Row^, City-Road, — 1st on the right W/from Bath-st. Pinner'sCourt,Gray'sJnn-Lcine, —at 35, that number on th^ R. from Hoi born. Pinner-Court, Old Broad-St, — at 55, op. the Excise - of- fice. Pipemakers-Alley, Cow-Cross, — at 75, ist on the L. from St. John-st. PI p c m ak e r s- A 1 1 ey ,Bed fordbu ry — at 35^ middle of the E. side. Pipemakers-Alley, Old Mon- tague-St.— 1st on the L. from Osborn-st. Pipcmakers-Alley,White-Korsc- St. Hatch ffe, — at 35, Ist. oil the L. north of the Commer- cial-road. Pipem.akers-Alley, Narrow-St, Limehouse, — at 32, 3d on the h. below Mr. Turner's wharf.. ... Pipemakers-Alley, ^laze, llofo. PIT -*.~2d on the R. from 195, Tooley-st. Pitchers-Court, White's Alley, — the continuation of it, from 60, Coieraan-st. Pitfield-St. Hoxton, — 1st on the L. in Old-st. road, from the City-road. Pitt's Court, Crispin-St. Spital- fields, — 3^ doors S. from 23, Union-st. Bishopsgate. Pitt's PI, Bankside, Southwark, — N. end of Williams's court, Maid-lane. i*itt's Place, Kent-Road, — near- ly op. the Bricklayers-arms. Pitt-St. Betlinal-Green,— 2d on the L. from the Green to- wards Globe-st. Pitt-St. Kent -Road, — 1st on the R. below the Bricklayers- arms. Pitt-Street, St. George's Fields, — 2d on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, towards West-sq. Pltt-St. Blackfriars- Road,— 6 doors N. of Surrey-chape]. Pitt-Street, Charlotte-St. Rath- bone-Pl. — at 25, 5 doors N. of Goodi;;e-st. Pitt's Head-jMews, Park-Lane, — 7th on the R. from Picca- dilly. Pitt's Yard, Downing-St. — 1st on the R. from Whitehall. Pitt's Head - Grove, Grange- Road,— 1st on tlie R. from Star-corner. Pittman'sBuilds.RatclifFe-Row, St. Luke's, — op. the N. end of Ironmonger-row. Fittman's Builds. Spa-Road- Passage, Bermondsey, — 1st PLE on tlie R. from 13, Printer £«* place. Pittinan's PI. Bermondsey, — at the back of Printers-pl. near the W. end of Jamaica-row. Pittman's Yard, Dean-St.— 2(1 on the L. from 400, Oxford- street, Plantation-Place, Commercial- Road,~W. side White-horse- st. Ratcliffe. Plasterers-Hall, Addle - St.— S doors on the L. from Wood- st. Cheapside. Platform, Rotherhithe-St.— W. side of Rotberhithe-stairs, i of a mile W, from the church. Platina-St. Tabernacle - Walk, Finsbury-Sq.-at 30, between Castle-st. and Panidise-st. Playhouse -Yard, Whitecross- Street, St. Luke's,— at 189, middle of the W. side. Playhouse-Yard, Water-Lano, Blackfriars,— 3d on the R. from Eari-st, Pleasant -Court, Broadwall,— middle of the W. side. Plcasant-Passa<:e, ]Mile - End- Road, — 1st on the left E. of the Old Globe, Ij mile on the L. from Aldgute. Pleasant-Pl. Pcntonville, — N. side the High-road, op. the Bell, Battle-bridge. Plrasant-Pl. Stepney-Green,— at the E. end of R^^dman's- row, Mile-end. Pleasant-lM.Kingsland-Road, — part of the R. side, adjoining the Alms-houses, | a mile from Shoreditch-church. Pleasant-Pi. Bonncr-St. Beth- PLE Tial-Green, — 1st on the R. from Grccn-st. l^easant-Pl. VVilliam-St. Shore- ditch, — ►at th^ N. end of Pieasant-row. P4easant-Pl. Pleasant-Retreat, — the corner of George's row from Blackfriars-road. Pleasant -PI, Lambeth, or St. George's Fields, — at the S. end of Gibraltar-row, West- square. Pieasdnt-Pl. Pleasant-Row, — 1st on the L, from Kenning- ton-lane. Pleasant-PL Walworth - Com- mon, — E. end of Portland- pi. near the Paul'? head. Picasant-Retreat, Palmers-Vil- laje, W^estr. — the end of Pa- radise-row. Pleasant-Retreat,— continuatio!) of George's row from Black- friars-road. Pleasant - Row, New - Road, Marybone, — 1st E. of Baker- st. North. Pleasant-Row, Latham's Place, Sommers-Town, — 2d from 1, SommcTS-pl. West. Pleasant- RoWjPentonville, — N. side the High-road, from the turnpike to Southampton- street. Pleasant-Row, Britannia-Gar- dens, Iloxton, — a few houses on the L. entering by Haber- uashcrs-walk. Pleasan t-Ro w, K i n gsland-Road , — part of the L. side, alM)at J a mile from Shoreditch- church, op. PJeasant-pl. Pleasant-Rowv, W^iiliani -St. — 1st on the R. from 137; Shorc- ditcli. PLO Pleasant-Row, Bethnal-Grcen- Road,-^part oi^ the N. side, adjoining Wilmot-sq. Pieasant-Row,North-St. White- chapel,^--3d on the R. north of Ducking Pond-lane. Pleasant-Row, Mile-End New- Town_,^-»the continuation of Pelham-st. from (33, Brick- lane. Pleasant-Row, Church - Lane, Whitechapel, — on the E. side of John's sq. Pleasant - Row, Globe - Alley, Limehouse,— ^d on the R» from 54, Fore-st. Pleasaiit-Row, Stepney-Green, — W. end of Prospect-pL Pleasant-Row, Mile-End-Road, — the N. end of Pleasant- passage, on the E. side the Old Giobc. Picasant-Row, Stepney-Cause^ way, — at 5, middle of the E. side. Pleasant- Row, Kennlngton - Lane, — 1st on the L. from the Plough and Harrow. .' . Pkasant.Rovv,WagstafFsRuiIds, -^ Boro. — 3 doors on the R. v- from Maid-laite. Pleasant-Row, East -St. Wal- worth, — W. side of Camden- st. by the chapel. Ploasaiit-Row, South-St. East-. Lane, Walworth, — 1st on the R. from ApoUo-builds. Plcasant-Row,Deptford Lower- Road. See Black Horse-Sq. Plough-Alley, Barbici^n,— at51, near the middle of tue N, side. r PfduglK- Alley, Wapping, — 48 doors on the L. below Her- mitage-bridge, PLO Plough-Court, Car^y-St. Lin- . •coln's-In!i-Fie]ds,— at^l,that number on the L. from 99, Chancery-lane. Plough-Cotirt,Gray's-Inn-Lane, —24 doors on the R. from Middle-row, Holborn. Plough-Court, Fetter -Lane,— - at 43, the 4th on the L. from Holborn. Plough-Court, Holborn-Hill, — at 86, 2d on the R. 10 doors from Fleet-market. Plougk-Court, Lombard ^ St. — 6 doors on tiie L. from 24, Gracechurch-st. Plough-Court, Seething- Lane, —2d on the L. from 56, Tower-st. Plough'Pl. Piough-Court,--lst on the L. trom 48, Fetter- lane. Plough-Street, Whitechapel,— at 44, 14 doors E. ofRed- IJon-st. Plough- Yard, Crown-St. Soho, • — middle of therW. side. Pi()ug[>-Yard, Shureditcli,— en- trance by Rose-iourt, ' 223, Shoreditch. ; - - Plough- Yard, Bermondsey - Si. — \iK 79, 12 doors N. of Rub- seil-st. Plough and Harrow- Yard, Too- iey-St — at 99, E. Side ot Stoiiey-lane. Pi(jugh and Harrow r- Yard, Kent-St. Boro." — at 84, \ of" a mile on the L. . from Saint George's-ciiurclu; • Phmiber'-s BuiJilSi Wilmot-Sr. Bethnal-Green-{i(jad,-at the S. end, behmd the Lamb public-house.. Plumber's Court, Ilij,h-Iloi- PGL born,^at 111, 5 doors E. of Kingsgate-st. Plumbers - Row, --. from 266^ Whitechapei - road, to the ConiUiercial-road. Plumbers-Row.City-Road,— E, side, by the turnp.ke, op. Peerless-place. Piumbers-St. Citj-Road, — op. Fountam-pl. the 3d on the right N. from Old-st. Plumb-Tree -Court, Holborn- Hdl, — 3 doors on the L. from Fieet-market. PI u m b-Tree-Street^ Broad-St, Bioomsbu ry, — 20 doors ou the R. from tiolborn. Poets-Corner, Westminster,— adjoining the S. side of the Abbey. Pomters-Pi. Old-St.-Ruad,— Istt on the L. 6 doors from Shore^. d i tc h-c iiu re h. , Pouiters-Budds. — the continual tion of Fr^ncii-ailey, on the L. enternig by 150, Shore- ditch. Poland-Street, Oxford - St. — ^^at <365, Otlion tjje L.. J of a mile froiii St. Gdes's.. Polen-Street, Hanover-St. Ha- nover-6'|.— at 13, middle of the S. side. . , Police-Odice, Queen-Sq. West- minster,— r-.3 doors on the L^' from the y road-way. Poiice-Othce, Gt. Mariborougli- St. — at 20, VY.end. Polide-Otfice, Bow-St. Covent- Gard»':'n,--4 dt)ors on the L. from Gt. Russt;li-st. Police-Oriice, 54, Hatton-gar- den. ...... Police -Office, WorsJiip-rSt. — at. 23, near the Curtaui-road,^ POL ■ iPbllcc-Officc, Lainbcth-Strcet, Goodman's Fields, — 1 st door on the U.'fmni Litlle Ayiitfe- strett. Police - Office, Hio'n-St. Shad- vvoll, — at 157, 20 doors on the L. below the church. Ponce -Oitice tor the River Thames, — by 2(30, VVapping, op. King's stairs, .Kother- hithQ. Police-office, Union-Hall, Bo- ro. — a iew doors on the L. m Union-st. from ^18, ILgh- street. Pollard's Row, Bethnal-Green- Road',— a tew doors W. of Wihnot-sq. | of a mile from 65, Shored itch. Poliard-St. BethnaUGreen-Rd. — 1st E. parallel to Poliard- row, from 1 to 16. Polygon, Sommers-ToAvn. See Clarendon-Sq. Pomoiia-PI. Little James- St. Lis3-)n-GrLen-;,~lstN. of Bell- strert. Pond-Yard, Mosses- A41ey,Bank- _. side,— 2d on the R. from' Maid-hine. - ponder's-(^ourt, Butler's Allev, Grub - Sr. Crippleiiate, — 2(1 on the R. from Gru!>st. Pondcr's-PI. Ropemiik-. r-St. — 5th on the L. ironi J\L)or- fields. Poatipool-Pl. VVebher-St —2d O.I the R. from Blackfna. s- rf)ad. Pool's Builds. Mount-Pleasant, — 3 1 on the R. from 72, Gruv's-inn-lane. •pooiSPi. — lit on the L. in the last. POR Pope's Head-Alley, Cornhill,^- at 19, op. the Royal- Ex- change. Pope's Head-Court, Bell-Yard, Temple-Bar, — at 20, 2d on the R. from 204, Fleet-st. Pope's Head-Court, Quaker-St. Spital fields, — 4 doors on the R. from 29, Wheeler-st, Pope's Hdl, Shadwell Hig^h-St. — at 75, 4th E. of the church. Popham-Pl. City-Gardens, — be- hind Anderson's builds. City- road. Poplar High-St.— from theCom- mercial-road,by the W.India- docks, to B^ackuTtll. Poplar-Grove, Oval, Kenning- ton, — W. side of Clayton- street. Poplar - Marsh, See Mf^rsh- Wall. Poplar-PL Compton-St. ' B:uns- Wick-Sq. — 2\. s:deofComp- tun-pl. Poplar- Row, Kent-Road, — 1st on the L, from the Eiephuiit and Castle. Poplar -Row, Lock's Fields, Walworth, — 3d on the L. iu Ptr-st. From the Kentn-oad. Poppin's-Court, Tleet-St. — at 111, 7 doors on ttie R. from Fleet-market, Porridge - Pot - Alley, Old-St. See Dog's Hc^ad-Couri. Portobello- Passaic, Liste-St. Leicestt r-Sq. — 3 doors on the J J. froni Little Newport-st. Porter's Court, Old Montague* St. Whitechapel, — 2d on the L. a few doors from Osbora- streer. Porter-St. Leicester-Sq. — from POR 14, Gt. Newport-st. to Litch- fiel(i-st. Porter's Quay, Lower Thames- St. — at 32, W. side the Custom-house. Portland-Chapel, Gt. Portland- St.—at 95, by Foley-pl. Portland-Mews, Portiand-St. — at 20, 8 doors W. of 72, Ber- wick-st. Portland-Pl. Marybone,— paral- lel to and between Charlotte- st. and Harie}'-st. Portland-PJ. Walworth - Corn- moB, — near Quetn^s row. Portland -Iload, I\Iar)'bone, — the continuation of Gt. Port- land-st. to the New-road. Portland - Row, New-Road,— N. side, op. the last. Portland-Row, Walworth-Com- xnon, — W. end of Portland- pi. near Queen*s row. Portiand-St. (Gt.) Marybone, — the continuation of John-st. entering by 102, Oxford-st. Portland-St. (Little), Mai*}' bone, . — at 7 inthe iast^ the 4th from Oxford-street. Portland-Street, Wardour-St. ^oho, — at 112, 2d on the R. from S82, Oxford-st. Portland-St. Walworth - Com- mon, — nearly op. the Paulas head. Portland - Terrace, Walworth- Common,^ — op. Portland-pi. near Queen's row. Portland - Yard, Buckingham- Pi. Fitzroy-Sq. — op. Warren- St. 5 doors from the New-rd. Portman-Grove, Lisson-Grovc, • — I of a mile north of the Yorksiiire-stiiigo. Portman-Mews (North), Port- POS man-Sq. — 1st paraUel to t^e N. side, from Baker-st. to Gloucester-st. Portman-Mews (South), Port- man-Sq. — from 10, Portmam- st. to 24, Orcliard-st. Portman-Pl. Edji,ware-Road, — E. side, -g- of a mile on the H. from Tyburn-turnpike. Portman-'Sq. — at the N. end of Orchard - st. from 197, Ox* ford-s-t, Portman - Street, Oxford-St.-^ at 220, 3d on the L. from Tyburn-turnpike. Portpool - Lane, Gray^s - In!n- Lane, — at 52, -f- of a mile on the R. fromHolborn, Portsmouth-Place, Kennington- Lane, — a few doors from the Plough and Harrow, Newing- ton. Portsmouth-St. Lincoln's - Inn- Fields, — from the S.W. cor- ner, to Clare-market. Poriiigal-Pl. Dog-Row, Mile- End, — 12 doors on the L^ from the turnpike. Portugal-Row, Lincoln's -Inn- Fields,' — S, side the square. Portugal-Street, Lincoln's-Inn- Ficlds, — 8 doors from the S. E. corner. Portugal-St. Grosvenor-Sq. — from 80, Mount -st. near Park-st. to 3, Chapel-st. Post-Office (General),Lombard- St. — by 11,E. side the church. Post-Office (G^^neral Two-pen- ny Post), — 38, Gerrard - st. Soho, Postern - Row, Tower-Hill,— facing the N. side the Tower^ about the middle of it. POT • Potier's PI. Bermondsey New- Koa{), — Sd on the L. fV(jtu the Bricklayers-arms. Potter's Fields, Pratt-St. Lam- l>eth,— S. eud, by Paradise- ro v. -Potter's Fields, Horselydown,— at tlie E. end of' Tooley-st. ^ a mile on the L. from Lon- don-bridge. Potter's Ko\v,Cambridy;e-Heath, Hackney-Road, — 1st on the L. from the turnpike, towards Bv)nner's-hali. Poui try ^-continuation of Cheap- side, from tiie Old-Jewry to the Mansion-house. Pom I try -Compter, — at 30, N. sivie. Powell's Alley, Kent-St. Boro. . — at 296, VZ doors on the It. from St. Geore;e's church. Powrli's PI. City-Road,— op. the Sliepherd and Shepherd- ess-walk, I a mile on the L. from Finshury-sq. Powis-Pl. Great Ormond-St.— at 50, 8 doors on the L. • from Queeti-sq. Pownal - l^rrace, Lambeth, — op. Chester -pi. near Ken- niuiiton-cross. Poyndcr's Wharf, Ear4-Street, Biackfriars, — the 3d E. of the bridiie. Pratt's Builds-.- New Gravel- Lane, — at 7(5, 12 doors on the R. from 22, lligh-bt. Shad well. Pratt's Row, Duckinoj' Pond- Lane, VV hi tech a pel ,—-6 doors W. ofNorth-st. Pratt-St. Lambeth, — 3d on -the L. from the TtiJiie Stags, to- wards tlie church* PRI Prerofrative-Office, — at 6, Gu Knight- Rider -st. Doctors- commons. Prescot - St. (Gt.) Goodman's Fields, — op. Go'>dman'syaid, from 60, Minories. Prescot-St. (Little), — the coflti* nuation of Mansei-st, froin the last. Preston's Dock, Shad-Thames, ' — VV. side of Horselydown New-stairs. Price^s Builds. Bowlino:-Green, King-St. Boro.— nearly op. Mermaid-court. Price*s Court, Old-St. — at 48, tst VV. of Bunhiil-ruw. Price's Court, Redcross - St. Boro. — the 1st on the R.from the Mint.. ' Price's Court, Queen-St. Boro. — at 90, 4th on the L. from Union-st. Price's Court, Gravel - Lane,. Buro. — 2d on the R. south from Maid-lane. Price's PI. Gravel -Lane,— r-lst N. of George-5t. Biackfnars- road. Price's Row, Back-Lane, Saint George's East,— 3 doors W.- of Kihi; David-lane. Price's St. Gravel-Lane, — last ^ on the .Li in Green-waik fram. ' Plolland^street, Biackfriars- bridge. Priest-Alley, Tower-St!-^at 48, 4doorson the L. from Tower- lull. Priest-Court, Foster-Lane, — ^ doors on tlie R. from 14 7, Cheapside. Primrose- xAlloy,*' Church -St. Boro.- Market,— nearly op. t lie W. side St. Saviout's church. U3 PRI Primrose - Court, Primrose-St. —the last on the R. from 110, BishopSiiate, Primrose-Hill, Salisbury-Sq.— at the S. W. corner, entering by 82, Fleet-st. Primrost-St. Bishopsgate-With- out. — at 110, up. Spital-sq. Priairose-St. Three Colts-Lane, BetbnaUGreen, — op. Dodd's pi. between Dog-row and Wihnot-st. Princes-Alley, Princcs-St. Ro- tl?€rhithe,- — at !:>, middle of the E. side, leading into Elephant-lane. Princes-Bnilds. White - Hart- Row, — 1st on the R. from Kennington-lane. Princes-Court, Princes-Street, Westminster, corner of George-st. Princes-Court, James-St. West- minster, — 1st on the R. from Buckingham-gate. Princes-Court, Prince s-St. Plm- lico,-— 1st on the R. from Queen*s row. Princes- Court, Whitcomb-St. Charing- Cross, —middle of tbe W. side, Princes-Court, Duke-Street, St. James's, — Mh on the R. en- ' tering by 18-2, Piccadilly. Princes-Court, Drury-Lane, — at 144, litS.ofOt. Queen- street. Princes-Court, Nesv port-Mar- ket, — middle of the E. side, princes- Court, Coleman-St. — 15 doors un the R. from Lon- don-wall. Princes-Court, Banner - St. — 5 doors on the R. from 80, BunhiU-row. PRI Princes • Court, Old GraveU Lane, — at 27, 5th on the R, from 157, \Vapping. Princes-Court, Tys.sen-St. Beth- nal - Green, — ^d on the R. from op. Brick-lane. Princes-Court, Princes-St. Lon- don-Road,;— middle of the E. side. Princes-Court, Fore-St. Lam- beth,— 3d N. of New-st. Princes-Court, Green Bank,— 1st on the R. from 81, Too- le y-st. Princes - Court, Commercial - Road, Lambeth, — the corner of Broad-wall. Princes-Court, Surrey-Sq. — on the \V. side, at the back of Monraouth-pl. Princes-Court, Princes-Streer, Lambetli, — 2d on the R.from Vauxhail. Princes- Gate- Way, Ham pstead- Road, — nearly op. tlie chapel. Princes-Mews, Princes-Street, Westminster,— .1st on the IL" froin George-st, Princes-Place, Hart-St. Covent- Garder,.— 1st on the L. from Bov/-st. Princes-Place, Duke-Street, St. James's, — at 40, 4th on the R. from Piccadilly. Princes-Place, New-Road, St. George's East, — 1st on the L. invm Cable-sr. Princes- Place,. Princes-St. Mile- End New-Tow M, — •2d on the R. fro'n Great Giirden-st. Princes-Pl. Mile-End-Terrace;^ Mile- End-Road, — 2d on the L. from Saviie-row. Princes- Pi. Commercial-Road, — part of the S. side, from ncarCannon-3t.-road towards Whitechapel. Princes-Pl. Piiniico, — E. end of Princes-st. or row. Princcs-Pl. Prince»-St. Bcthnal- Green, — 1st on the U. tVoin Viri;inia-st. Princes-Place, Lambeth, — op. Chester-pl. near Kennington- cross. Princes-Place, Great SnfFalk-St. Boro. — tlwj corner of King's court. Priiict s-Place,Newineton High- Road, — op. Newini;toft- pi. near Kennintiton-comnion. Princes-Pl. Surrey-Sq. — at the W. side, near Monmouth- place. Princes-Road, Princcs-PI. Ken- ninpton - Cross, — at 10, op. Ch.;ster-pl. Princes- Row, Loraan's Pond, Boro. — '2d in Totterbourne- allty from Duke-st. Princes-Row, King-St. Chelsea, — at 5, 1st on the R. from Queen-st. Princes-Row, Pimlico, — 3d on the L. fioni Buckingham- gate. Princes-Row, Newport-Market, — E. side of it. Princes-Row, Walworth High- St. the entrance to the Montpelier-gardens. Princes-Sq. Princes - St. Lin- cohi's - Inn - Fields, — nearly op. New-turnstile. Princes-Sq. St. George's East, — 6 doors on th<^. in Princes- 5t. from 173, Ratcliffe-high- way. Princes -Sq. Kennington, — the termination of Cleaver - st. from the White-hart, Ken-r ningion-cr(iSs. Pr nc s-Sta,! s, Botherhithe-St. — at 40, near 1^ ni'ie bcioVv Lonnt;n-bridL'e, aiid op. Exe- cution-d(>ck. Prtnces-St. Punbco,— 3d on the L. from Backi:'^*'an)-gate. Princes-St. VVr>tr. — 1st on the R. fron^ tJ>€ W. end ofthte Abbey. Pnnces->>trfet, Oxford-St. — at 119, I a mile ^a the R. Iroiai St, C^iics's, Princes-Street,Drury-Lane,'— at 123, op. RnsseH-st. Priiices-St. Little Queen-St — 8 doors on the L. from 222, High-holborn. Prince s-St. Hanover-Sq. — from the N. VV, corner to Swallow- street. Prinees-St.Soho, — continuation of Wardour-st. to Whitcomb- st. Charinii-cross, Princes-St,Red-Lion-Sq. — raid- die of the E. side, to 31^ Bedftird-row. Princes-Street,Qucen-St. Clerk- enwell, — the 1st on the R. from Percevai-st. Princes-St. Barbican, — at 42, 10 doors on the R. from Redcross-st. Princes- St. Mansion - House- St.— \V. side the Bank of England, Princes-Street, Wilson-St. — Ist on the R. from the N. E. corner of Finsbury-sq. Princes-Street, Virginia-Street, Bethnal-Green,— 1st on the L. a few doors from the Birdcage. Princes-Street, Mile-End New- To'A'TJ, — 1st on the R. in Gt. Garden-st. iVom 50, White- chapel-road. Princes St. Brick-Lane, Spital- fielcls,— at 186, the 1st N, from tliC church. Princes-St. Rosemarv-Lane, — 2d on the L. irom the Mino- rics. Princes-St. Ratcliffe-Highway, — at 173, 2d on the L. from Weliclose-sq. Princes-Street, Charles-St.— 1st on the R.. from 46, i)\d Gravel- lane. Princes-Street. Gt. Herraitao;e- St. Wappin^:, — at the R. end, by the London-docks-wall. Priiices-Sr. Lambeth, — 2d E. parallel to the Thames, from Broad-st. to Vauxhail. Princes-St. London-lload, — 1st on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Princes-Street, Duke-St. Boro. — from the middle of the S. side, to Loman's pond. Princes-St Lock's tields, Wal- worth, — 1st on the L. in Que( n-st. from York-st. Princes-Street, Rotherhithe-St. —at 3 SO, 2d W. from the church. Princes - Wh.arf, Lambeth, — S. corner of Broad- st. Printer^^-Conrt, Bary-Strert, St. James's, — 5 doors on the R. fiom J^rmyn-st. Printers- PI. . Bermond.eey, — S. side the road which leads- from the Neckinger-turnpike to Jamaica-row, pnntc rs-Rovv, Printcrs-Pl. Ber- ; mondsey, — at th^ W, end of} ilbeiast.' PRO Prinfcers-St. Shoe-Lane, — at the W. end of Little New-st. on the L. from 88, Shoe-lane, Printers-Stre( t, Earl-St. Black- friars,— at 10, 2d on the L. from Bridndon-Society- SchooK Protestant Dissenters- Schoof, Litt le Bartholoraew-C lose,W. Smithikid,— at 44, W. side. PRO Protestant -Dissenters - Srchoo^, Maze-Pond, — 6 doors from the Maze, Tooley-st. Providence-Builds. Mill-Street, Dock-Head,— 1st on the R. from Jacob-st. towards the Thames. Providence-Builds. Kent-Road, — L. side, |- cf a mile from the Elephant and Castle. Providence-Chapel, Gray 's-Ina- Lane,-neavly op.Guildford-st. Providence-Chaptl, Hoiborn,— an 1 18, 4 doors E. of Gray's- inn-lanc, Providence-Court, Gt.Petor-St. Wescr.— op. Gt, St. Ann's at. Providence-Court, North /\ud- ley-St. — 12 doors on the L. from 263,Oxford-st. Providence - Court, Whitens Ground, Bermondsey, — 1st xm the R. from Crucifix- lane. Providence-Court,White'sYard> Rosemary-Lane, — middle of the E. side. Provideftce-Gardens, Hackney- Road, — 3d on the L. from Shored itch-church. Providence-Pl. Baker's Row, Clerkcuwell, — Ith on the L. from the Workhouse, Cop- pice-row. Prov denct-Pl.BaU-Court,~-the 2d on the R. from lid, Gol- d<.'n-laiie. Providencc-Pl. Petticoat-Lane, — on the L. 28 doors froia Aldj^ate. Providcnce-Place, Commercial- Road, Limehouse, —part of the R. side, 5 doors ii ot'the church. PRO J*rovif?ence-Pl. Up. Kenning- ton-Lane, *~ part of the N.- side, near V^auxbaii-n;ar-clens. Pruvidence.PI. Lainbetii-Marsl), — I of a mile on the li. frorii the Marsh - g;ate towards Black friars-road. ' Providi rice - Pi. Webber- Row, St. George's tiei(is,— op. 10, middle of the S. side. ' Providence-Place, St. George's Fields, — S. end of Bond-st. Bor/jugh-road. 'Prc)\ideiicc-P!. Crosby-Row, — the laot OQ ihe R. from Snow's Pf(}vi'i« ncc-Fi. K^r-t-St. Boro. - — ibe E, side of Fox's build- Providence-Pi. Walworth-Co^m- mon. — op. Portiaiid-pl. near Quocii's row. - Provic ence- Pi. Pro%'ideT^ce-St. Wnlu orth-Common, — 1st on the R. fronn Westiiioreland- academy. Providence - Row, Walworth- Cornmon,— G doors W. 'of ^ Westnior'eland- academy. Providencr-Row, PalmcrV Vi'- la2,t, We."tmmster, — l*t on the L. from the N. side of - Br.dew.'ll. Provid(nce-Row,Bai tie-Bridge,. — op. the Bell, by the tuiu- p.ke. pro'. idence-Row, Finshury-Sq. — IhtN. from it, exiendifi"; from the City-road to Paul- street. iProvidt nce-Row, Dukr-Strce! ,. B< thnal-Gre( n, — 2d on the R. from the middle of Gibral- tiir-row. PUD Providence-Row, Mile - End- Road, — S.- end of Mile-end' terrace, Maidman*s row. Providence- Row, York-St. — 1st on the L. from the Lon- don-road. ' Providence - Row, Lambeth- Marsh, — adjoining Green's rovv^ i o^' ^ mile on the R. from the Marsh-i:ate towards Blackfriars-road. •• Providence-St. City-Road, — ^5th on t lie R. north from GId-st. Providence-St. Wal worth-Com- mon, — W. side of Westmore- land-academy. Providence-St. WaUvorth-Com- mon, — op. Portiand.-pl. near Qu fen's row. Provident - In'-titut'on for In- surance on Lives. See Coun- ty-F^re-Oif-ce. Pnujcan-Sq.( lid-Bailey,-^ — at 6 1,. 7 doors on the L. from Lud- liatc-hill. PrMssian-Island, Wapping-, — at 1-US, 5 doors W. of" New Gravei-iaiie. Pr s>!an-Court, — 2d on tlie R. in th' iast'lroin Wappuii?. Public - Dispensary, Bssliop's Court, Cbaiicery - Lane, — 4 dof>r3 on the U, " fr*evY- gate-st. Queen's Head-Court,Charlotte- 8t — at '2S, 3d on the L. from Whi tec ha pel-road. Qieen's Heari-Gardens,Hoxton, —near -§ a mile from Oid-st.- road, leading to Kjng!>land- road. Queen's Head-Inn, Boro. — at 83, near St. Margaret's hilt. Queen's Head-Passage, New- gate-St. — at 41, 2d on the L« from Cheapside. Queen's Head - Sq. Lambeth Up. Marsh,— by Stangaie-st, QUE Qu(^en'sHead-Yard, Gt.Queen- St. — 4 doors troin Lncolu's inn-rields, Queen-Hilhe Charity-School, — at 5, Old Fish-st. by the church. Queen-Hithe Dock and Stairs, Up. Thames-St. — at 60, £. side of Brr.ad-st.-hill. Queer/s Pi. Gt Peter-St. West- niiiisrcr, — 2d on the L. from Strutton-ground. Queen's PL Chelsea, — S. side ofQueen-st Queen's PI. New-St. Kennliig- ton-Cross, — -op. the VV. end of Park-st. Queen's PI. Kennington, — W. side the con;mon. Queen's PL Little Queen-St. Boro. — at the N. end of it. Queen's Row, Bromptorv. See Queen's Builds. Queen's Row, Pitnlico, — op. the Barrackn, from Ward's row tf> Duke's rowi Queen's Row, Palnner's Village, — N. cud, on the R. from Brewer's green. Queen'h Row, Pentonville,— part of the L. side the road, I of a nriile from Islington. Queen's Row,Hoxton, — part of the VV. side, between Turner- sq and Workhouse-lane, | of a mile on the L. from Oid-st.- road. Quern's Row, Dog-Row, Beth- nal- Green, — part of the R. side, I of a mile from Mde- end-turnpike. Queen's Row, King-Street, St. George's East,— 2d on the R. from 17, Old Gravel-lane. Qu€eii'sRow;Kenniiigton High- QUE Road, — nearly op. tlie Cor»- mon, Qu tn's Head -Row, Newing- t')n, — H. s de, from the Ele- phant and Cattle towards the church. QuFeii's Row, Walworth, — E. i-tid of Kine;'s r6w, on ihe R. from nearly op. the Mont- peliier, Qu?eii-Sq. Westminster, — mid- die S. sicie iti St. James's park, by Broadway. Que n-8q.-Pl. — 1st on the L. in the last from York-st. Queen-Sq. near Bloomsbury,— end of Gt. Ormond-st. from 50, Lamb's Condut-st. Queen-Sq. Aldersgaie - St. — at 140, op. Jewln-st. Queen-Sq. Moorrteids,— at 12, near the middle of the N, side. Quecn-Sq. Hoxton, — between Turner- sq. and Workhou-^^e- lane, near | a mile on the L. from Old-st.-road. Queen-St. Brompton, — 4th on the L. from Knightsbndge. Queen-St. Chelsea or Pimiico, —from near Rahelagh-walk towards the hospital. Queen-St. (Great), Westmin* ster, — -the contiimation of Little Queen-st Queen-btrert (Little), Princes- St. Westminster, — 3 doors on the R. from Gt. George- street. Queen-St. Edgware-Road,-^at 61, 6th on the R. from Ty-* burn-turnp;ke. Queen-St. (Little), — 1st on the R. in the last from Edgware- road. QUE Queen-Street, Oxford - St.— at 272, 4th on tho R. from Hydo-park. Queen-Street, Oxford - St* — at 340, ^ of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's. Queen-Street^ Curzon-St. May- fair,— -at 10, 1st Wi of Uaif- moon-st. Queen-Street, Gt. Windmill-St. Haymarkct, — at 47, 10 doora from Piccadilly. Queen-^Street) Dean-St. Soho, — - at 18, '2d on the L. from 400, Oxford-st. Queen-Streetj Gt, Ptiissell- St. Blooinsbury,— at 49, op. the British-museum. Queen-St* 7 Dia's,— the conti- nuation of Shoit's-gardens, from 15, Drury-lane. Queen-St. (Gt.) Lincoln's-Inn- F.elds, — IN. VV. corner, to 155, Drury-lane. Queen-St. (Little), — from the last to, 2 22, Hijjh-holborn. Queen-Street, Perceval-Street, Clerkenwell, — 2d on the L. from 96, Gosweli-st. Queen-St. Cheapside, — at 70, 6th on the li. from St. Paui'b church-yard. Queen-Street, Worship-St. — 2d on the II. from Pa u 1-st, Queen-St. Eioxton, — 2d on the R. in Pitfield-st. from Old-st.- road. Qu' en-Street,Quaker-St.Spital- fields, — 1st on the R. a few- yards from 173, Brick-lane. Qneen-Si rect, Cliurch-St. IvLle- End New-Town, — cit 26, 2d on the R. frojn Buker*s row. Queen-St. Tower-lliU, — 2don the R. ill Roseraary-iane. RAQ Queen - Street, St. George's East, — entrance by the 1st on the R. n King-st. from 17, Old GraveUianj. Queen-St. Ratclifle, — tlie con- tinuation of Broad-st. from Ratcliffe-cross, Queen-Street, Poplar High-St, — by the Queen's Head, | of a mile on the R. from the Commercial-road. Queen-St. Boro. — the continua- tion of Union-st. from 218, High-st. Queen-St. Mint, Boro.— -the 2d on the R.in Redcross-st.froni Union-st* Queen-Street (Little), King-St. Boro.— at 20, '1st on th^e L. from 109, Hvj^h st, Queen-St. Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, — Ist on the R. in York-st. from the lligh-st. Quecn-St. Horsclydown, — 4th on the L. in Free-School-st. from the E. end of Tooley-st. Queen-St. Rotherhitne, — at368, fe'vv doors below King's stairs, i. of a mile W. of the church. 5 Queen-St. (Lower),Rotherhi the- St.-^the continuation of it, Ij mile below the church, leading to Trinity-st. Qucksf t - Row, New-Road, — N. side, nearly op. Fitzroy- square. Radcliffe-place, &c.— See Ratcliffe. Raquet - Court, Fleet - Street, — at 114, 10 doors on the R, from Fleet-uiarket. EAG Ras^ged - Staf? - Court, Dra ry« Lane, — 10 cloors on the K. from Hoi born. RahnVPl.Chiirch-Lane,White- chapel, — 3d on the R. from 65, Cable-st. Raine's Hospital* St, George's East, — facing the E. end of Charles - st. from 46, Old Gravel -lane. Rainy's Yard, Little Guildford- St. Kussell-Sq. — 1st on the R. from Bernard-st. Ralph's Quay, Lower Thames- Sr,-at 23, E. side Billingsgate. Ram - Alley, Spicer-St. Spital- iiclds,— 3d on the L. from 83, Brick-lane. Rain-AHey, Rotherhithe-St.— at 217, near Globe-stairs, | - of a mile below the church. Ram-Court, Fleet- St. — at 47, nearly op. Fetter-lane. Ram-Inii, W. Smithfield, — at 79, 4 doors W. from the en- trance to St. John-st. Ram-Mews, King-St. Westr. — 8 doors N. of George-st. Ramsden*s Yd. Beck ford-Row, Walworth, — at 20, | of a mile on the L. from the Ele- phant and Castle. Ramsgate-Harbour - Office, — at 22, A'jstin-friars. Ranee's Court, Lower-Turning, Shad v/eil,— behind 75,Shak€S- pear's-walk. Randall's Causeway, Rother- hithe, — at the entrance to the Surrey-canal. RandalPs Rents, Rotherhithe, —on the N. side of Green- land-dock. Randall and Brent's Lf/wer- Yard, — on the N. side Green- RAT Randall and Brent's Up. Yard; Rotherhithe,— *— 1st below Cuckold's Point, Randall's Wharf,— E. side of Broken-wharf, entrance 42, Up. Thames-st, Raneiagly-Green, Chelsea, — at the W. end of Ranela|^l>» walk. Raneiagh-FI. Pimlico, — 2d oii theli. from Arabella-row, Ranelagh-St. — IstontheL. in Arabella - rpw from Pimli* CO. Ranelagh-St. (Upper), — the con- tinuation of the last. Ranelagh-Walk, Chelsea,— 1st on the L. west from the bridge at the Neat Houses. Ranelagh(New) Gardens, Mill- bank, — S. side the Spread- Eai^le, near the New-bridge. Ratcliffe, — a large district in the parish of Stepney, from the E. end of Shad well High- st. to Limehouse. Ratcliffe or RadclifTe- Court, John's Row, St. Luke's, — 1st on the L. from the N. end of Brick-lane. Rate 1 i ffe- C ou r t, Ratcl I ffc-H igh- way, — at 115, 30 doors E, of Cannon -St. Ratciiife-Cross, — from the E. end of Broad - st. to the Thames. Ratcl iffe-Cruss-Stairs. — W. end of Narrow-st. 2| miles below London- bridge. Ratcliffe-Dock,— W. side the last, and E. side of Mr. VVhi- ting*s Wharf. . ^ RatcliffeGardens,Ratcliffe-Row, St. Luke's, — 3d on the L. west from Bath-st. HAT ttnuation of Parson s*st. and Up. Easr-Smithtield, where the numbers begin and end, viz. X a>id 198 i it extends to ShadwellH.gh-£t. llatcliffe * La\ er, Brick - Lane, St, L'lkti's;— last on the L. from 118, Oid-st. Ratciiife-Pl. tiatci life-Row, St. Luke s,- — a few ^ards on the L. from Bath-st, ilatcliftV-Row, St, Luke*s, — a few d.H)rs on the R. in Bath- st. from the City*road. RatcbftVSq.Commeicial-Road, — between VVhite ~ horbe-st. an;i Stepney^causeway Ratciiffe ' Workhouse, — at the N. end of White-horse-st. by Saimon's-iaDe, Ratijbone-PI. Oxford- St.— 23 doors on the R. from Totten- ham-court-road. Kathbone-Pl. (Up.) — continua- tion of the last. Raven-Court, Fetter-Lane, — at 101^ nearly op. Dean-st. Raven-Row, Spitaiiieldb, — the cont.nuation of Wiclcgate-st. Brshopss^ate. Raven-Row, VVhitechapel-Rd. — E. side the London-hospi- tal. Raven and Sun-Yard, Russell- fet. Berraondsey, — middle of the S side, nearly op. Church- street. Ravenshear's Rents, Vine-St. Leatlier-Lant', — 1st on theL. from Bedford-st. Ravvstorne-St. Brompton, — 3d on the R. from Kmghts- bridge. Rawstorne-St. Islington-Road, RED —5th on the R. from St. John-st. Ray's Builds. Ebury-St. Chel- sca,-^at the VV, end, by thn Watch-house. Ray-Street, — Js. W. corner of Clerkenwell-green, bearing to the L. Ray-^St.-Pl.^-S doors on the R, in the last from the Green, Rayner-Pl, Chelsea, — N. side the Hospital, by Great Smith- . street Ravner's Wharf, Broad-St. Rat- chffe,— at 28, W. side of Stone-stairs. Rean's Alley, Rotherhithe, — at 235, 10 doors on the R. be- low Klui^ aiui Qucen,-stairs. Rebecca-Coui t, vVells-St.— at 48, the last on the R. from 63, Oxford-st, Recorder Newspaper-Office, — ■ at 45, Oid-Bailey, op. New- gate-prison. Red-Bull-Court, Harp-Alley, — 1st on the R. from 46, Grub- street. Red-Bull-Wharf, Up. Tliames- St.— at 93, op. DuckVfoot- iane. Red-Bull- Yard,— the entrance to the last. Red-Cow-Alley, Kent-St. Boro.. — at 105, -3- of a mile on the L. from Saint George's church. Red-Cow-Lane, Mile-End, — Ist on the L. below the turn- pike. Red-CrossCoal-WharfjThames- Street, — W. side of London- bridge. Red-Cross-Court, High-St. Bo- X a RED ro.— at 200, 12 doors S. of Uniou-st. Eed- Cross - Court, Cow-Lane, —at 20, 2d on the L. from 93, W. Smithfield. Red-Cross-Court, Barbican, — at .32, behind the Ked-cross public-house. lied-Cross - Sq. Cripplegatc, — 2d on the R. in Jev/in-st. from 40, Aldersgate-st. Ked-Cross - Sq. Tower-St. — at 60, 9 doors E. of Mark- lane. Ked - Cros5-St. Cripplegate, — W. end of Fore-st. by the clmrch, extending to Barbi- can. Red-Cross-Street, Nightingale- Lane,-— at 7, 2d (JO the R. froni Up. E. Srnithfield. R<&d-Cro8S - St, Boro.— ist in Union-st. from 218, High- street. Red-Gate-Alley, Minories, — at Tif nearly opposite the Cre- scent. Red-Gate-Court, Minories, — at 79, G doors on the R. from Tower-hiU. •Red-Lion-Ailey, Cow-Cross,W. Smithneldj — at the W. end oFGreenhiil^s Rents, entrance by 93, St. John-st. Re(i-L;oTi Ahns-Kouses, York- St. vVestr.— W. eud,by James- street. Red-Lion Coach-Office, Strand, —at S3P, E. side oF Cathe- rine-sr. Red-Lion - Court, Wiiite-ITart- Yar.l, — 1st on the R. from 8V, i)rury-iane. Red -Lion-Court, Flctt-St. — at RED 10% 10 doors E. of Fetter- lane, Red -Lion-Court, Shoe-Lane,— at 42, the 4th on the L. from Hoiborn. Red-Lioa-Court, Great Saffron- Hill,— at 11, 3d on the R. from Hoiborn - hill along Field-:ane. \ Red-Lion-Court, Silver-St.— 6 doors on tiie R. from 81, Woud-st. Cheapside. Red-Lion-Court, Watling-St.— at 19, E. aide of Bread-st. Red-Lion-CouJt, Saint John-St. — at 1 j3, J of a mile on the R. from Smithfield, Re d -Lion-C ou r t, Ciiarterho use- Lane, — 1st on the L. from the sq. towards 100, St. John- street. Red-Lion-Court (Little),— en- trance by the last. Red-Lion-Court, London-Wall, — at 38, 1st E. ofColeman- street. Rcd-LionCourt,Holy well-Lane, — at 58, 1st on the L. from 194, Shoreduch. Red - Lion - Court, Hoxton, — nearly op. the Britannia, ^ of a mile -on the R. from Oid-st.- road. Red - Lion - Court, Xingsiand- Road, — at 62, 2d on the L. from Shored Itch. Red-Lion-Court, Red-Lion-St, Spitalfields, — at 19, 8 doors N. of the church. Red-Lion - Court, George - St, Btthnal- Green, — 10 doors on the L. north from Spicer- st. Brick-lane. Rcd-i ion-Court, IVIinorieS; — at RED To, 2d on the R« from Tower* hiil. Rcd-Lion-Court, St. Catherine's Ltiut,— 3d on the R. from 48, Up. K. Sraithfield. Red-Lion - Court, Pennington- St. RatclifFe - High way, -—at 81, 3 doors E. of Breezcrs- hill. Red-Lion-Court, Red-Lion-9t. — 1st OH the L. fi'om 120; WappiiTo;. Red-Lion-Court, Bennondsey- St. — at 44, J of a mile on the L. from roole3'-st. Red-Lion-Inn, Whitechapel, — at 30, the corner of Red-lion- street. Red - Lion and Spread-Eagle- Inn, VVhitechapel, — at 94, op. Piough-at. Red-Liou-lno, Ahlersgate-St. — at 110, and at 12, Long- kme, W. Smithiield. Red- Lion- Market, VVhitecross*- Street, St. Luke's,— at 2] 3, 2d on the L. from Chibwell- street. Red-Lion-Passage, St. Pancra.s- Pl. St. Paacras,— at 26, W. side the Small-pox-hospital, Red-Lion-Passage, Red - Lion- Sq. — from the S. E, corner, to 62, iled-lion-st. Red-Lion-Passage, Fleet-St. — the continuation of lled-lion- court. Red-Lion-Passage, Whitecross- Street, St. Luke's, — at 213, leading froraRed-hon-market to KingVHead-court, Beech- street, Red-Lion -Passage, Koxton, — nearly op. the Britannia, leading to Kingsland-road. REO Red-Lion-Paasage, Kt6'Cfa%%^ St. Bt»ro. — at 37, 10 doors S* of Queen-st, Red-Ljon^'Passage^ Ch)th-Fali*, —3d on the K. from 60, VV. Smithfield. Red-Lion-Pi. Cock-Lane, West- Smithfield, — 1st on the L< from Gilt5pur-st. Rcd^Liou-Row,Wal worth, — be- hind Boiingbrook-rovv and the Red-'lion. Red-Lion-Sq. — end of Dean-st. and Leigh^st, from 92, liigh- holborn. Red-Lion-St. Holborn, — at7J, f a mile on the R. from Fleet-market. Red-Liou-Street, Cierken well- Green, — middle of the S. side. Rea-Lion-St. Spitalfields,— W, side tne church, 5th from 69, Bishopsgatc, along Union- street. Red-Lion-St. Whitechapel, — at 30, 4th on the R. from Aid- gate. Red-Lion-Street, VVapplng, — at 120, 4th on the L. near ^of a mile below the church. Red-Lion-Strect, High-St. Boro, — ac 263, by St. Margaret's hill. Red-Lion-Wharf, Up. Thamo St. — E. side Three Cranes, - Queen-st. Red-Lion-Wharf, Wapping,— at 264, op. Red-lion-st. Red-Lion - Yard, Princes - St. Westr. — 2d on the L. from Tothill-st. Red-Lion . Yard,— W. end of Charles-st. Berkeley-sq. Red-Lion - Yard, Tottenham. Court - Road,— 60 doors on the L. from Oxford -St. lied -Lion- Yard, Swallow St. — at 65, near the middle of tlie E. side* Eed -Lion-Yard, Old Cavendish- 8t.— 1st on the R, from 140, Oxford-st, iled-Lion-Yard, Righ-Holhorn, -—at 255, op. Dean-^st, Red*- lion-sq, Hed -Lion-Yard, Up. Eing-St. Bloomsbury,— at 52^ N. side Hart-sU Keri-Lion-Yard, Eagle-St. Red- Li0^l-^5q, — 2 doors from Red^ lion-.>.t, Red-Lion- Yard, Castle-Street, Leieester-Sq. — the corner of Hemming's*row. Eed-Lion-Yard, Gt. VVarner-St. —at 12, a few ^ards on the R, from Bayne*s rovv. Red- Lion-Yard 5 Coppice-Row, Clerk en well, — at 40, 3d on the R. from the Green. Red-Li on- Yard, Red - Lion-St. Cierkenweil, — at 70, 3 doors on the L. from the Green. Red-Lion- Vard, Long-Lane, W. Smithfield, — 10 doors on the R. from 115, Aldersgate-st, Red-Lion-Yard, Sungate, — -1st un the R. froin Weatminster- bridge. Red-Rose - Alley, VVhitecross- St. Cripplegate, — at 56, 2d S. ofChiswell-st. Red maid's Lanf, Wapplng, — on the N. side of Gt. Her- mitage- st. by the London- docks-wall. Redman's Row, Milr-Ead,— the contmuation of Grove-pl. by the turnpike, Reed^s Wharf^ St. SfSvioar-^ Dock,— on the W^ side of Miil-sr.airs.' ReeVe's Arch, Prince^-St. Lam-^ berh,— 4th on the R. from Broad-st. Reeve's Court, AngeLSq. Bish- opsgate,— ^at the W. end of SladeVbuilds. Reeve/s Court, Whire's Yard,— 2d on the L. from 58, Rose-- niary-lane. Reeve's Mews, South^Audley-* St. — 7 doors oiLthe R, from Grosvenor-sq. Refuge for the Destitute, Nor- rovy - Wall, Lambeth,— W. side the Patent Shot manu- factory* Regent's Park, Mafybone^Parkj -— N. bide the New-road,- to- wards Hampstead. Regent-St.Blackwall-Causewayj, — W. end of Caulker-st. Regency-Fl. Blackfriars-Road, —24 doors on the L. from Surrey-chapel, towards the Obelisk. ' Reliance-Sq. New- Inn-Yard, —at 29, 2d on the R. from 175, Shoreditch. Renney*s Court, Webb-St. -a few doors on the R. from 240, Bermondsey-st. Renney's Rents, Maze, Boro.— at 29, the 6th on the L. from 196, Tooley-st. Renou's Court, Whitecross-PI, MoorHelds, — 1st on the L. from 22, VVilson-st. Reputation - Row, Kingsland- Road, — L. side, |- of a mile from SlKjreditch, and op. the Alms-houses. Retreat, South-Lambeth,— 1st REV on the L. from Vauxhall- turnpike. Revel-Row, Blackman-St. Bo- rough*, — at 64, by the Kiiig*s Bench. Reynolds-Court, Ropemakers- St. Moortields, — op. Type- st. Chiswell-st. Rhodes-Weils, Stepney, — J of a mile E. of the church. Rice's RentSjShakeopear's Walk, Shadwell, — at 41, 2d on the L. from High-st. Rich-Streer, Commercial-Road, Limehouse, — 4th on the R. below the church. Richards-Buildings, Shoe-Lane, Fieet-St.— at 72, 3d on the R. from liol born-hill. Richards-Buiids. Cherry-Tree- Court, — 2d on the R, from Golden-lane. Richards-Court, Bainbridge-St. St. Giles's,— 4th on the R. from Oxford-st. Richard-St. Commercial-Road, — 1st on the R. east of Can- non-st.-road. Richardson's Builds. Spa-Road- Passagc, Bertuoiuisey, — Ist on the L.from 13, prinrers-pl. Richardson's Mews, Warren- St. Fitzroy-Sq.— at 23,middle of the S. sixie. Richardson-St. Long-Lane, Ber- mondsey, — -middle of the N. side. Richbcll - Court, I.ami/s Con- duit-Sc. — 10 doors on the R. from Red-lioii-st. Richi^s-Coiirt, Liine-St. — at 50, 5 d«*;)rs from Leadenhall-st. Richmond-Builds. Dean-Street, Soho, — at 58, 5th on the R. from 400, Oxford-st. ROB Richmond-Mew5,-*-W. end of the last. Richmond-IIall, Prospect-Row, Bernumdsey, — E. side the Marine Crescent, nearly op, Printers-pl. Richfnond - Gardens, New-St. Brompton,— -6 doors from the High-road. Richmond-Pl. Walworth, — part of East-lane, by the chapel. Richmond-Pl. (Little), — op. the< chapel and Camden-st. Ricimiond - Street, Princes-St, Soho, — 2d on the L. from Coventry-st, Richmond-Street, St. Luke's, — ■ 2d N. from 66, Old-st. by the hospital. Rickets-Court, Morgan's Lane, — 1st on the L. from 79, Tooiey-st. Rider-Court. See Ryder. Ridino;-House-Lane, Gt. Tlch- field-St. Marybone, — at 96, 5th on the L. from Oxford- market. Risby's Rope-Walk, Narrow-St.- Limehouse, — entrance on the L. belovr Mr. Turner's wharf. Ritchie's PI. Deptt'ord Lower- Road, — op. Ciiiiia-hall Ritchie's Wharf, Lower Queen- St. Rorherhithc, — 3- of a mile below Cuckold's point. River-Terrace, City-Road, — on the E. side the Xew-river. Rivet-Piace,LQndon-Road, — 1st on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Roberts-Builds. Pimlico,~lst on the R. from Bf-lgrave-terrace, towards Five-fields. Roberts-Court, Charles-Street, ROB Hampstead - Road,-~at 14, 6 doors from Brook-st. Roberts-Pl. Commercial-Road, — 3d on the R. west of Can- non-st.-road. Roberts-PUce, Wade^s-Pl. Pop- lar,— -1st on the R. from op. the Green-man* Robert-St. Hampstead-Road,— - op. the chapel. Robert-Street John-St.Ade! phi, — 1st oil the L» from Adara- st. 73, Strand. Robert-Street, Little James-St. Bedford-Row, — 1st on the L. from ir, Great James- street. Robert-St. Blackfriars-Road, — 1st E. parallel to part of the said road, .from Edward-st. to Georg^-st. Robinhood CourtjChurchLane, — 4 doors from George-st. Bloomsbury. Robinhood -Court, Newcastle- Court, Strand, — on the W. side, a few yards on the L. from Pickett-3t. Robinhood Court, Shoe -Lane, — at 67, 2d on the R. from St. Andrew's church, Hol- born-hill. Robinhoo-i - Court, Bow-Lane, Cheapside, — 19 floors on the R. from Cheapside. Robinhood-Court, Milk-Street, Cheapside, — 2 doors N. of Houey-lane-ii»arket. Robinhood - Court, Bell-x^lley, — 3d on the R. from 1, Golden-iaue. Robinhood-Court, Mill- Lane, — at 23, -2d on the R. from 55, Tooley-st. Robinhood-Lane, — E. end Pop- ROD lar-H'gh«>s?t. to the E. Iridic dock-gate. Robinhood-Yard,Leather-Lan^j Holborn, — 8 doors on the R« from 128, Hoiborn-hilL Robinson'sLane,Para(iise-Ro\V, Chelsea, — by Cheyne-walk,^ of a mile on the R. from the Hospitah Robinson's Place, Fariner-St* Shad well,— at 64, last on the L- from 39, High-st. Robinson's Place, Shakespear's Walk, Shadwell,— last on the R. from 49, High-st. Rochester-Row, Westr.— -by the Grey-coat-school, near the W. end of Gt. Peter-st. Rochester-St. Boro.*Market, — - the continuation of York-s^» from ^76, High-st. Rock Life-Insurance-OiBcc,— at 14, New-Bridge-st. Biack* friars, a few doors on the R, from Fleet-st. Rockingharn-Court,Newington* Causeway, — 3 doors N. of the Kent- road. Rockinghain-Pl. Kent-Road,— N. side, by the Elephant and Castle. Rockingham-Row West, — the E. continuation of the last. Rockingham-Row Middle, — the continuation of the last. Rockingham - Row East, — the contmuation of the last. Rodney's Builds. Kent-Road,— part of the R. side, :|: of a mile from the Elephant and Castlt. Rodney's Court, Chapel-Street, [lolywcll'^Mount,~at 10, 1st on the L. from the Curtaiii- road. ROD Rodney's Row, Kent-Road, — 4ih on the U. from the Li - phdiit and Cabtlf . Iiod..t'V- How, Shudwcil, — op. Eih<;vv-!a*ie, iroiii 30, tiif;li- sneer. Ri)dnr>-Street,Pent«»nviiio,— E. iicle I he chapel, I oi a niiie on ttic R. fi\nn i's.in^ron. Rodfiey-^t. M.ut, Boro.— be- ivxcn Laiit-bt. ana Great Suffolk-st. RoL-buck - Court, Turnmill-St. ClerkenvvLji,— at 20. miduie of the VV. siae. Roebuck-Yard, Kcnt-St. Boro. — at 22iy, i of a mile on the R. from St. Geory;e*s church. Rogeis' Cour% Lower E. Sinith- fieid. — 3 doors VV. of Herini- ta^e-biKige. Rogers' Court, Deninark-St. — 6 doors on the H. ironn 153. RatchlTt-hi£;hway. Rogf rs' Ren'-s, VVebb-St. B'^ro. — a few doors on the R. from 248, Bermondsey-.>t. Rogues -Lane, Rotherhithe, — from Jamaica-Level to the St. Helena. RoUmson's Court, Jacob - St. Dock-Hi ad, — 2d on the R. from Mill-st. Rolls-Builds. Fetter-Lane, — at 117, 2d on the L. from 180, Fleet-st. Rolls - Chapel, Rolls -Yard,— facing the entrance from 14, Chancery-lane. RoUs-Work house,— at the N. end of Acorn-court, .Rolls- builds. Rol 5-Yard, Chancery-Lane, — 15 doors on the R. from 192, fieel-st. ROS Romney-Row, Westminster,— the continuation of V'me-st. from iVliiil)ank-st. Rood-Laiie, Fenchurcli-St. — 23 doors on che R. from Grace- church-st. Ro.'pe's T« nements, R<*ther- hiih(i-St. — at 391, iea«lii}y to Fasiielu's rents ixmX Mill- ponri-bridge. Roptr's Baiids. V\ hitc-St. — 1st ou tlu L. fromCutier-st 114, Huundsditch. Roper's Piact, Borough-Road,— middle of the S. side. Rf.»pemakers- Alley, Row, or Walk, i^viotjrhLlds, — S. side of Ropemakers-st. Ropeniaker-.-Fields,Limehouse, — E. continuation of Narrovv- st. bearing to the L. Rupemak rs-St. Moorfields,— from the IN, VV. corner to Tjpe-bt. RosaiTiond-St. Clerkenwell, — 2d on the R. in Corporation- row from St. John-st. Rose-Alley, Uiajh-Holborn, — at 88, from Freuch-horn-yard to Eagle-st. rt. Round - Court, Sharp^s Alley, Cow-Cross, — 1st on the L. from Cow - cross or frorn Turnmill-st. Round-Court^ Onslow-St. — Ist on the L. from Mutton-lane. Round-Court, St. Martin's Le- Grand, — 1st on the R. from 66^ Xewgate-^t. Round-Court, Butlers- Alley, — 1 St on the R. from Moor-lane* Round- Court, Shack lewell-St. liethnal-Green, — 3 doors on the R. from 18, Tyssen-st. Rouse^s Buildings, Robinson's- Lane,Qbelsea,-- op. 25, 1st on the L. t\om Paradise-row. Rowcroft*? Wharf,Bermondsey, — W, sid^ of Cherry-garden- stairs, IJ: mile below London- bridge. Rowland's Row,Stepney-Green, —a few doors on the R. from Mile-end-road. Rowlandson's Court, Russell- St. — 1st on the L. from 90, Bermondsey-st. Rowland son-Place, St. Luke's. See Bath-St. Rowland son's Row, City-Road, Sec Peerless-Row. Roval-Adelphi - Terrace, S^e AdfiDhi; ' ROY iioj'al-Academy of Arts, Somer- set-Pl. — the door on the R. uivder the arclivvay, from the St^;and. Royal- Antiquarian-Society, So- nierset-Pl.— the dcjor on the L. under the archway, from the-Strand. R^jyal - Court, Ilurselydown - Lane,^ — 3 doors on the L. from Siiad-Thamee. Royal-Exchange, Coruh ill, — N. side, entrance 0{x 23. Jloyal-Exchange Assurance-Of- fice, —over the W. side of tlie Royal-Exchange, and ac 37, Pail-mall. Royal-Hospjtal-Row, Chelsea, — from the Hospital-gate to Giosvenor-row and Pimiico. Royal-Infirmary for Diseases in the Eye,~at 4, Nassau-st. So ho. Royal - Institution, Albemarle- St. — 21 doors on the R, frQin 62, Piccadilly. Iloval - Row, Lambeth Upper Marsh, — last on the L. trom the turnpike. Royal-Oak-Court, Beak-St. — 3 doors from 45, Swallow-st. Royal-Oak-Court,Broad-Street, RatclitFe, — at 119,uear Cock- hill. Royal-Oak-Court, Park-St. Bo- ro. — 2d on the R. from the Boro.-market. lloyal-Oak-Court, Kent-Sthet, Boro. — at 279, 30 doors on the R. from St. George's church. Royal-Oak-Eane, INIaid - Lane, Boro. — 1st on the L. from Park-st. R(/yal-Oak-Tents, Keut-Strcet, nup Boro,,— at 293,14 doors on the R. from St. (reorgeV. church. Royal-Oak » Walk, Haberdash- ers-Walk, Hoxton,— at 10, 4th on the R. from Old-sr.-rd. Royal-Oak-Yard, Christopher- St. — Ist on the R. from Hat- ton-garden. Royal-Oak- Yard, Kent-Street, Borough, — at 284, about 24 doors o]i the R. from St. George's church. Royal-Oak-Yard, Bermondsey* St.— at 173. 10 doors on the L. north of the church. Royal ty-Theatre,VV el i-St.Well-. close-Sq. — 5 doors on the R, from Cable-st. Riuidicks - Builds. Long-Alley, Moorfjelds, — op. Skinner-st. Bishop^gate. Rufard's Builds. Islington, — op. VVhite-lion-st. by theCity-rd, Ruins, Lower Shadweil, — at 15, the 2d W. of Gould's hill. Rumbal's Court, I/>ng-Alley, Moorfields, — 2d S. of Crown- street. Running-Horse - Yard, Davis's St. — at 54, 1st on the L. from 292, Oxford-st. Running-Horse-Yard, Piccadil- ly, — 5 doors E. of Park-lane, Running-Horse-Yard, Lambetfi- Street, Goodman's Fields, — 8 doorson the R.from Ayhffc-st. Rupert-PI. RuJDcrt - St. Good- irum's Fields,—- 6 doors from Ay lifte-st. Rupert-Passage, Rupert-Street, — 1st on the L. from Coveii'- . try-st. Rupert-Street, Coventry -St.— 2d on the L, from the Hay- market KUP llupert-St. GooduKin's Fields, — Ihft E. parulljBl to Lemoii- :itreet. Rural-Place, Mile-End-Road,— 6 (ioort E. of the Old Globe. Russell-Builds. Wappinvjr-Street, — at 72, VV. side tbe London- docks. Russell-Court, Cleveland-Row, — 3 doors on the R. from St. James's St. Russell-CfHirt, Drury-Lane, — at 75, 4th on the L. from the New-Church, Strand. Russeli-Court, Rosevrjary-Lane, • — at 50, by Blue Anchor- yard. Russell-Court, Ratcliffe - High- way, — at 119, nearly opposite Old Gravel-lane. Russell-Insntution, Gt. Coram- St. — a few yards on the L. from VVooburn-pl. Tavistock- square. Russell- Mew?, Howland-St. — at 37, 4th an the R. from Tottenham-court-road. Kussell-Mews, Keppel-St. — 1st on tiie L. from 30, Russell- square. Russell-Mews, Cleveland-Row, — N. end of Russ^ 11-court. Russell-Pl. New-Road, Hans- Town, — W. end, by Sioane^ street. Russell-Pl. Lisson-Grove, — op. the White-lead Manufacto- Russell-Pl. Little Coram-St.— middle of the E. side. Russeli-Pi. Fitzroy-Sq. — 4th on the L. in London - st, from Tottenham-court-road. Russell-Place^ Bow-St. Covent- RUT Garden,-— from 38, to Rus- sell-st. Russell-Pl. Kent - St.-Road,— 2d on the R. from the Brick- layers-arms. Russell-Sq.— lofaniile N. of Bloomsbury-sq. Riissell-St. (Gt.) Bloomsbuf}'- Sq. — from the N. VV. corner to Tottenham-court-road. Russeil-St.(Little),Bloomsbury5i — 1st S. to the last, from Bury-st. to Duke-st. Ru^sell-St.(Little),Drury-Lane. — at 61, on the N. side the Theatre. Russeil-St. (Gt.) Covent-Gar- den, — the continuation of the last. Russell-Street, Bermondsey-St. — at 90, near J of a mile on tlie L. from Tooley-st, Ru&seli-St. (Upper), — op. the last. Russell - St. Rotherhithe, — the continuation of Trinity-st. to Greenland-dock. Russia - Court, Honey - Lane- Market, — on theN. side ofit. Russia - Row, Miik-St. Cheap- - side, — N. side of Honey-lane- raarket. Ruh's Builds. — bottom of Pal- mers-rents frona Snow's fields. Borough, Rutland-Court, Glasshouse-St. — 1st on the R. from 108, Goswell-st. Rutland-PI. Charterhouse - Sq. — at 12, 1st on the R. from Carthusian-st. Rutland-Pi. Up. Thames.St.— at 4, on the E.side ofPuddie- dock. RUT Rutland -Street, Cannon -St.- Road, — 4th on the right, N. of the Commercial-road^ Rutland-Yard, Up. Thames-St. — op. Hutland-pl. Rycroft's Court, Old Gi*avel- Lane, — at 152^ middle of the W. side. Ryder*s Court, Leicester-Sq. — from the N. E. corner to Little Newport-st. Ryder's Court, Little Ryder-St. —5 doors on the R. from St. James's st. Ryder's Mews, Gt. Ryder-St.— 2fl' on the L. from St. James's street. Ryder-Street (Little),St. James's St. — at 26, middle of the E. side. Ryder-St. (Gt.)— E. end of the last, to Duke-st. Rye-Loaf - Court, Cock - Hill, RatclifFe,— -at 119, W. sid^of Glasshouse-yard. SaBB's QUAY,LowerThames- St. — op. 75y W. side of Bear- ^uay.. Sackville-St. Piccadilly,^at48, nearly op. St. James's church. Saddlers Arms-Yard, Swallow- St.--at 147, 2d on the L.from Piccadilly. Saddlers-Iiall, Cheapside, — at 143, near Newgate-st. Sadler's Wells, — -| of a mile on the L. from the N. end of St. John-street towards Isling- ton. Saffron-Court, Gt. Saffron-Hill, SAL —at 6r, 8 doors from Vnie" street. Saffron-Hill (Great), Holhorn- Bridge, — the continuation of Field-lane, where there are Nos. 1 and 150, extending to Vine-st. Saffron -Hill (Little),— the N. continuation of the last. Saff/OR-Pi. Gt. Saffron-Hill,— at 67, 4 .doors S. of Castle- street. Saffi'tm - Street, Peter-St. — 1st oa the L. from 30, Great Saffron -hill. Saff! on-Terrace,- — part of tha W. side Gt. SaftVon-hill, say ,at No. 100. Salem-Chapel, Leading- Street, Shad well, — between Foxes- lane and Griffin-st. Salisbury-Arms Canal - Ware* house, —behind 36,Cow- lane, 12 doors on the L. from Snow-hill. Salisbury-Court, Fleet-St. — at 81, 2d coach-turning on the L. from Fleet-market. Salisbury - Crescent, Lock*^ Field's, Walworth, — the con- tinuation of Pitt-st. Kent- road. Salisbury-Lane, Bermondsey,— 2d on the R. below Mill^ stairs. Salisbury-Mews,Gt. Quebec-St. Marybone,— 1st on the L» from the New-road. Salishury-Pl. New-Road, Mary- bone,-^S. side, from John-st. to Glouccster-pl. Salisbnry-Pl. Lock's Fields,Wal- worth, — part of the L. side the road from Rodney-row, SAL Kent-road, to Fark-pl. East- lane. Salishury-Pl. Salisbury-St. Ber- mondsey, — 2'd on the R. from Rotherhithe-wal!. Salisburv-Sq. — a few doors on the R. in Salisbury - court from 81,Fleet-st. Salisbury-St. Strand, — at 77, 5 doors IE. of Adam-st. Adel- phi. Salisbury-St. Bermondsey, — op. Fountain-stairs, i of a mile below St. Saviour's dock. Sally's Alley, London-St. Rat- cliffe,— at 44, 1st on the R from Queen-st. Salmon's Lane, RatclifFe, — from the N. end of White-horse-st. to Limehouse. Salmon's Place, Salmon's Lane, — 7th on the L. from the Commercial-road. Salmon's Row, Salmon's Lane, — at the back of the last. Salmon and Ball-Court, Bun- h ill-Row,— at 94, S. side of Banner-st. Salmon and Ball-Pa ssao:e, — the E. end of Salmon and Ball- court. Salter's Alley, Green-Bank, — 2d on the L. from Wapping- church. Salters-AIms -Houses, Monk- well - St. — 12 houses on the E. side, adjoining Hart- street. Salter's Court, Bow-Lane, — 14 doors on the R. from Bow- church, Chcapside. f^alter's Court, Russell-St. Ber- mondsey, — 5id on the L. from Church- St. towards Dock- head, SAN Salters-Hall-Court, Cannon-St. — at 8"2, by the church. Salters-Hall. Entrance by the last. Sal tpe tre-Bank,Rosema ry-Lane. See Dock-St. Salutation-Court, Broad-Street, St. Giles's, — 5 doors E. of Monmouth-st. Salutation Court,LowerThames- St. — at 101, op. Billingsgate- Salvadore-House, Bishopsgate> —behind 200, 2 doors N. of the church. Samaritan-Society, — held at the London-hospitaJ, VVhitecha- pel-road. Sambrook-Court, Basinghall-St. — at 25, nearly opposite the church. Sampson's Gardens, Wapping, — the N. end of Globe-st. Sampson's PI. Mile-End,— -VV/ side the Jews-hospita^^j^ mile on the R. from ^wH|H Sanmel-Pl.George-St. Portk^p^ PI. — 2 doors from 23, Upper Marybone-st. Sam ael -Street, Church-Street, Bethnal-Green, — at 74, |- of a mile on the L. from 65, Shored Itch. Samuel-Street, Booth-St.Spital- field.^, — the E. end, from 50, Brick-lane. Samuel - Street, St. George's East, — 2d W. of Cannon-st.- road, extending from John- st. to James-st. Sand- Yard, Clerkenwell-Green, — at the S. W. corner. Sandall-Street,Grange-VValk,-— . 1st on the L. from Bermond- sey- sq. Sanders's Builds. Ilorse-Shoe- Y 3 ■ SAN Allry, Moorfieids, — 3d on the L. from 14<, Wilson-st. Sanders^s Court, — on the S. side the last. Sanders's Court. Gt. Peter-St. Westr.— 3 doors W. of Per- kins's rents. Sanders^s Court, Saint John-St. Clerkenweil,— nearly opposite Corporation -row. Sanders's Court, Peter-St. Mint, — SdontlieL. from Redcross- street, Sanders's Oardens, Eingsland- Rd.— at 60, a few doors on the L. from Shored itch-cha roll. Sand ford- Row, Soutli-St.. East- Lane, Walworti,^ — 3d on the R. from. Apollo-builds. Sand/s Row, Artillery-Lane,— the 1st on the R. from 54, Bishopsgate. Sandy's Street, Wides^ate-St.— 1st on the R. from 50, Ksh- opsi^ate. Sans-Pareil-Theatre,4 10,Strand , —op.. Adam-street, Adelphi. Saracen's Head-Inn, Snow-Hill, --W. side St. Sepulchre's chur. Saracen's Head-Inn, Friday-St. - — 6 doors on the R. from 3G, Cheapsi-de. Saracen's Head-tnn,Aldga to,— 3 doors on the R. from Fen- church-st. Saracen's Head - Yard, Camo- mile-St. — 7 doors from Bish- opsgate. Sarah-St. New Gravel-Lane,— at 145, 12 doors from Wap- pmg- vail. Sarah-Sr.Bethnal-Green,— con- tinuation of Nicols-row, en- tering by 30, Churcb-st. SAV Sardinian-Chapel,- Dulie-Stre«t, — a few yards on the L. from 52y Lincoln's-inn-fields^ Sam's Alley, Rotherhithe-St. — at 376, near Rotherhithe- stairs.. Sarnell-Court, Dock - Head, — 1st E. from Charks-st.Horse- lydown. Sash-Court, Wilson-St. — 1st on the R. from Moorfieids. Satchwell's Rents, Church-St.. Bethnal-Green,— at 82, W. side of Thorold-sq. Satchwell-St. — 1st on the R. ia the last from 82, Church- street. Sauer's Court, Phoenix-Street^ Spitalfields,- — 3d on the L. from 168, Brick-lane. Savage-Court, Widegate-St.— at 30, 7 doors on the L. from 5% Bishopsgate. Savage - Gardens, Crutched - Friars, — at 21, 3d on the R. from 64, Mark-lane. Savannah-Pl.. Essex-St. Kings- land-Road, — 6 doors on the R. from the said road. Saville-Bnilds. Aldgate, — at 17,. 10 doors E. of the church. Saville-Builds^ Stepney-Green^ — the corner of Cross-row. Savil-Builds. Lambeth-Wal! ,— op. \Vinter's-pl. and Walnut- tree-walk. Saville-Passage, SaviHe-Street,. Burlington-Gardens,- — theN. end ,^^ under the archway, Sav,ille-Pl. Lambeth,— the W. continuation of Canterbury- place. Savil-Pl. Lambeth - Walk,— 2d on the R.from theNew cliapcL SAV SavlUe-Pl. I\Iile-End-Road,— S. side, near the Plou<^[i, 2^ miles on the R. from Aldj^ate. Saville-Row, Mile- End-Road, — S. side, op. the Bell and Mackarel, near the last. Saville-Row, Walworth Hlgh- . St. — L. side, | of a mile from the Elephant and Castle. Saville-St. or Row,. Burlington- Gardens,— 1st on the R. in Vigo-lano,from 148,Swallow- street. Saint Saviour's Church-Yard, High-St. Boro.— at ^96, 3d on the R.from London-bridge. Saint Saviour's Dock^ Ilorsely- down, — I of a mile below London-bridge,, op. Hermi- tage-dock. St. Saviour's Workliouse, Pep- per-St. Boro. — S. end of it, entering by the W. end of Queen-st. Savory's Wharf, Millbank-St. Westr. — op, Wood-st. | of a mile above the bridge. Savoy, Strandy — entrance by 124, middle S. sid-e, and op. Exeter-change. Savoy-Steps, — at 107,. Strand, W. side the last. Sawyers-Court, Clement'^s Lane, — 1st on the R. from Clare- market. Sawyer's Yard (Old), — 3 doors S. of the last. Sawyer's Yard (New), Clements- Lane, — at 60, 7 doors S. of the last. Sawyer's or Sayer's Buildings, Phoenix-St. Spitalfields, — be- tween Ilope-st. and Grey Eaglc-st. SCH Sawyer - St. Black wall Cair^e^ way, — 4th on the R. fronir Poplar. Sayer's Build«=;. — on the S. side of Park-5rt. a few doors on the L. from Lime Kilna-docky Limehou^e-hole. Say's Craftsman Newspaper - Office^ — ^^at 10^, Ave - maria- lane. Scale's Biiilds. Spa Road-Pas- sage, Bermondsey, — 2d on the L. from 13, Printers-pl. Scalesbury-Row, Battle-BridgOy St. Pancras, — N. end of Cla^'ence-passage. Scall(>p-Court,Gt. Carter- Lane, — 2 doors on the L. from Creed-lane, entering by 14, Ludgate-st. School for Female Orphans of the Clergy, — next door to th« chapel in Chapel-st. Lisson- green. School for the Indigent Blind, St. George'^s Fields,— on the S. side the Obelisk, Black- friars-road, School for Licensed Victuallers Friendly-Society, Up. Ken- nington-Lane, — a few doors W. of the Windmill-tavern. School for Debtors- Children,. Newington - Road, — 3 doors on the R. from the King's Bencli. School-House -Court, Nightin^ gale-Lane, E. Smithfield, — at 22, l9t on thePo. from Bur?- street. School-House-Lane, Cock-Hill, Ratcliffe,— at 104, 2d on the left from Shadwell High-st,. School - House - Passage, Up,. SCH IThames-St.— at l84, W. side Queen-st. School-House-Yard, Aylesbury- - St. Clerkenwell, — 14 doors tgn the R. from 103, St. John- street. Scliooi-House - Yard, tronmoii- ger-Row,St. Luke's,- — 7 doors on the R. from 97, Old-gt. School-House-Yard, Felix - St. Lombeth, — 1st on the L. fiorn Bridge-road. Scloter-St. Brick-Lane,Bethnal- Green, — at 154, the 3d on the R. from Church-st. Sclater-Cou't, Sciater -St.— 3 doors on the L. from Brickr lane. ,Scooner's Alley^ Wapping-Wall, — at 28, three doors E. of Star-st. Scotch-Church, Swallow-St. — 3 doors from Piccadilly. Scotch-Church, London- Wail,— N. ciKJ of Colenian-st. Scotch-Court, Cross-Lane,— op. the E. end of King-st. Drury- lane. Scotland-Yard (Gt.), Whitehall, — 35 doors on the L. from the Strand. Scotland-Yard CMiddle), White- hall,— 2 doors S. from the last. Scotland-Yard (Little or Inner). • See t^e last. Scottish-Hospital, Crane-Court, — the centre house facing the entrance from 174, Fleet-st. Scott's Wharf, Mill-St.— a fpv doors on the L, from Dock- head. Scott's Yard, Dowgate-Hill, — W. corner, by Up. Thames-st. Scout's Yard, Bush -Lane,— 7 SEC doors on the R. from 29, Cannon-st. Scott's Yard, Whitecross -St. St. Luke's,— at .,176, middle of the W. side. Scotten's Gardens,Duke-Street, St. George's Fields^— middle of the E. side. Seabrook-PI. White - Lion-St. Pentonrillc, — 2d on the L. from Islington. Sea-Coal-Companv*s Office, — at 29, New Bridge-st. Black- friars, 3 doors from Earl* street. Sea-Coal-Lane, Skinner-Street, Snow-Hill,— at 14, 2d on the R. fr(>in Fleet-market. Seager-Pl. George-St. Battle- Bridge, — middle of the N. side. Seal-Office, Somerset - PI.— 3d door on the L. from the arch- way, 152, Strand. Seal-Office, Inner Tern pie-Lane, — a few yards on the R. from 15, Fleet-st. Secondaries-Office,King'sBench- Walk, Temple, — at the bot- tom of Mitre-court, on theL. from 44, Fleet-st. Secondaries-OfficCj—at 28,CoIe- man-st. 16 doors on the L, from Loth bury. Secretary of Bankrupts-Office, — bottom of Qualicy-court, from 47, Chancery-lane. Secretary of State's Office, HomeDepartment, — 1st door on the L. in the small square at the W. end of Downing- st. from Whitehall. Secretary of State's Office, Foreign Department, White- SEC hiiU^ — 3d house on the R. from the Horse Gnards, towards Westminster. Secretary of State's Office, War- Departuienr,— the door facing the W. end of Downin=g-st. Seething- Lane, Gt. Tower-St. — at 5t), Ist E. of Mark-lane. Selby's iMews, Berkeley-Sc. — 1st on the R. from Portman- square. Selector Newspaper-Office^ — at tOy Ave-mariu-lane, opposite Paternostcr-row. St. Scpulch^e^s Charity-School, Bali-Court,— entrance by 14, Gi!tspur-st. St. Sepulchre's Church, Snow- Hill, — at the coi-ner of Gilt- spur-st. Saint Sepulchre'^s Workhouse, West-St. — 4 doors on tlie R. from 88, W. Smithfield. SeraasPlace,Bethirdl-Green, — W. side of Abingdon-st. by Duthie's nursery. Scrjemts-Inn,Fleet-St.-50 doors on the R. from Temple-bar. Serjeants-Inn^ Chaiw:ery-Lane, — 4 doors on tire K. from 192, Fleet-st. Serle-St. Lincoln's -Inn-Fields, — at the S. E. corner, extend- ing to 50, Carey-st. Chan- cery-lane. Sermon - Lane, Littte Carter- Lane,^ — at 7, op. Black Swan- alley, from 20, St. Paul's church-yard. Sessions-House, Old -Bailey, — op. 52, middle of the E. iide. Sessions - House, Clerkenwell- Green, — the large building oa the W. side* S&Y Sessions -House, Boroughj-^aC the Town-hall, St. Marga- ret's hill. Session*j"House, Horsemonger- Lane, — W. side the County- Gaol. Seven Dia^s, St. Giles's, — S. end of Gt. St. Andrew-st. from Broad-st. and N. end of Little-st. Saint Andrew's St. from St. Martin's lane. Seven Uuuses, Deptford Lower«* Road, — part of the R. side, J of a mile S. of China-hall. Seven-Houses, Trinity - Street,. Rotherbithe,^ — op. 29, by the 3 mile stone. Seven-Islands, Mill-Pond, Ber- mondsey,— S.side Mill-pond- street. Seven -Star - Alley, Ratcliflfe- Highway, — at 81, E. side Old Gravel-lane. Seven-Star-Court, Nightingale- ~ Lane, East - Smithfield, — at SO, middle of the W. side. Seven-Star - Court, Rosemary- Lane^ — at 22, 3d on the R, from Tower-hill. Seven-Star -Yard,. B.ick-Lane, Spital field?,— at 188, 6th oa the L. from Whitechapel. Seven -Steps - Alley, Rother- hithe - St.— at 360, ^ of a mile W. of thechurch. Seven-Steps- AMey,Gt. Gardens, — 1st on. the L. from Saint Catherine's lane, Se ward-Street, Goswell-St. —at 80, the 4th N. ofOld-st. Seymour-Court,Latham's Place, Sommers-1 own, — 1st on the R, from 1, Sommers-place West. Seymour - Court, Chandos-Su ■^—0 doors on the R. from C7, St. Martin's lane. jSe^'mour- Mews, Lower Sey- moui*-St. — 3 doovs on the L. froHj Poi tman-sq. Seymour-Mews, Lower,--^the El eaid of the last. Seymour-Pl. Porrinan-Sq.---the continuation of Adam-street West. SeynK>ui-*Pl. S^mimt rs-Town, — I of a niiie on the II. from the rurnpi'ke, Battle-bridge^ towiii da Marybone. Seymuur-Pl. Curzon-St. May- fair,*^— W. end J near South Audlty-st. Seyniour-Pl.York-St. Walworth, - — I of a mile on the L. from Walworth Highest, and op. the chapel. Seymour-8t. (Lower), Portman- Square,— S. E. corner^, leading into Edward-st. Seymour-St. (Upper),-*- the con- tinuation of tiie last, to 12, Edi! ware- road. Shackle well-Street, Tyssen-St. Bethnal - Green,— 10 doors on the Pi, from 54, Church-st. Shad-Thames, Horselydown,- — the last on the R. from Broad- st. Horselydown-lane,€xtend- ing to Dock-head. Shadwell-Dock, — at the end of Fox's lane from Shadwclh- church, Shadwel 1-Dock-Stairs, — on the E. side the last. Shad well Ifigh-S!.— the E. con- tinuation of llatcliile-high- way to Cock-hill. Shadwell-Gap,— at 161, Higlh- st. op. Market-hill. Shadwell-Market^-S.sideShad- well liipll-st. 10 doors belov/ tlie church. Shadwel l-Mews,Coleman-St. — ■ 1st on the L. from 150, Nevv Gravel-lane. Shadwel! (Middle),--.the 1st S. to part of the llii^h-st. from Pope's hii! to Broad-bridge. Shadwell (Little), — the E. con- tinuation of Lower Shadwell to Bell-wharf. ShadvTell (Lower),— ^the E. con^ tinuation of Wapping-wall by the Thames, Shadwell (Upper). See Shad- well High-St. - Shadwell Water-Works,— -atthe end of P«.pe*s Inll on the L* from 75, Shadwell High-st, Shad w e 1 1- Work ho use , — middle of the W. side oF Union-se. ShalVs Court, Leadenhall-St.— at 133^ op. the East India- house. Shafts or Shaftsbury-Sq, York^ St. Westr. — between Horse- shoe-alley and Smith's Rents. Shaftsbury-Pl. Aldersgate-St.— at 34, 15 doors N. c/f I alcon- street. Shaftsbury Chapel. See the last. Shakespear'5Row,Pimlico,.^3d on the R. in Kanelagh-st* from Arabella-row, Shakespear^s Walk, — at 48, Shadwell Iligh-st. leading to ^4, Wapping-wall. Shard's Row, New -Road, St. George's East. See Saint George's Place. Sharp's Alley, West-St. West- Smithfield, — ^2d on the K. from 87, N, W. corner of Smithfield. Sharp's Buildings, Rosemary- SHA LanCj— part of the S. side, by Tower-hill. Sharp's Court, Little Trinity- Lane,— 3 doors from 199, Up. Thames-sr. Shaw's Court, Charlef^St.— 10 doors from 174, Drury-iane, Shaw^ Court, New- Alley, Bo- ro. — at the S. end, behind St. George's church. Shears-Alley, r^'i^ters- Alley, — 2d on the 11, from 102, Bun- h ill-row. Shear wood-Place, Turville-St. Bethnal-Green, — 2d on the R. from 38, Church-st. Sheen's Court, Holborn-Llill, — 12doors on the R. from Fleet- market. Sheffield-St. Clare - Market, — tiie N. side, from Vere-st. to Portsmouth-st. Shepherd's Alley, Up. Thames- St. — at 64, op, Garlick-hdl. Shepherd's Court, Up. Brook- St. — ^8 doors on the R. from the N. \V. corner of Grosve- nor-sq. Shepherd's Court, Old Nico'- 8t. Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the L. from Cock-lane, Shepherd's Market, Mayfair, — N. end of White-horse-st. from Piccadilly. Shepherd's Pi. — ist on the R. from the City-ioad towards the Shepherd and Shepherd- ess. Shepherd's Place, White's Row, Spitalfields, — 3 doors from Bell-lane. Shepherd's Row,Bethnal-Grceu- Road, — part of the R. side^ op. Wilmot-sq. SHI Shepherd's Square, Curzon-St, Mayfair, — at 38, 7 doors W. of Halfmoon-st. Shepherd-St, Shepherd's Mar- ket, — from the S. side of it to Ilertford-st. Shepherd-Street,Oxford-St. — at 310, 3 doors E. of New Bond-st. Shepherd and Flock - Court, White's Alley, — 4:th on the L. from 61, Coleman-st. Shepherd and Shepherdess - Walk, City -Road, — E. side St. Luke's workhouse, f a mile on the R. from Fmsbury- square. Sherborne-Lane, Lombard-St. — by 10, behmd the church. Sheriffs-Court, Guildhall,^-en- trance by the 1st door on the R. in the hail from King-st, Sheriff of Middlesex-Commis- sioners-Oiiice, Bedford-St.— at 15, op. Bedford-row. Sheriffs-Otfice, Giltspur-Street Compter, — a few yards on the R, from Newgate-st. Sherrard-Cotu't, Tooley-St. — at 2'23, bet'vc^en Giean-alley and Joiner-st. Shen ard-St. Golden - Sq, — 1st on the R. in Titchboni-st, from the Hay market. Ship-Alley, VVellclose-8q.— from the S. E. corner to RatclitTc- highway. Ship-GardenSjHorsefcrry-Rpnd, Westr. — W. end, by the Ship, Ship-Court, York-Sr.* Westr.— 1st on the L. from James- st. Ship-Court, Oid-Bailey, — at 6(5,, 5 doors on the L. from Lud- gate-lull. SHI Sbip^Court, Poplar,—! St m the L. from Blackwall. Ship-Court, Green-Bank, — 1st on the li. from 81, Tooley- -street. Ship - Coach - Office,---at 46, Charing-cross. Ship-Inn, High -St. Boro. — 30 doors on t^Mi L. from London- abridge. Ship - Place, Strand,--.at ^66, leading to Ship-yard. Ship-St. Prussian - Island, — 2d on the R. from 188^ Wap- ping, • Ship-Yard, Strand,— at 9>66, a- bout 12 doors on the R. west of Temple-bar. Ship-Yard, Wardour-St. Soho, —at 37, middle of the E. side. Ship- Yard, Redcross-St. Crip- p legate, — at ,38, nearly op. Jewin-st. Ship-Yard, Bishopsgat-e-Street Without,— at 113/N. side of Skinner-st. Ship-Yard, Minorii^s, — ^32 doors on the L. from AWgate. Ship-Y^ard, Green - Bank, — 2d on the R. from 81, Tooley- str^et. Ship-Yard, Iligb-St. Boro.— 33 doors on the L. frojn London- bridge. Ship and Mermaid-Row, Snow*s Fields, — 7th on the L. from 237, Bermonds€y-st. Ship and Mermaid-Court, — 1st on the R. in the last from Snow's fields. Ship and Sun-Yard, East-St. Walworth, — 1st on the L. from the High-st. SHO Ship-Tavern -Passage, Grace* church-St. — from 76, leading to Leadenhall-ujarket. Shi p-lavern- Wharf,- -W. side of Ratcliffe-cross-stairs. ShipWright-St.Blackwall-Cause- way,*— 3d on the R. from Poplar. Shire-Lane (Gt.),Fleet-St,— ad- joining the E^ side of Temple- bar. Shire-Lane (Little), — 1st on the L, in the last, from Fleet- street. Shire - Lane, Chelsea, — from behind the Bun-house to^ weirds S!oane-st. Shirley's Court, Old Montague- St.-^2don the R. from Os- born-st. Shoe-Lane, Fleet-St.— at 130, 24 doors on the R.from Fleetr market Shoemakers-Row, Blackfriars, — the la^ton the R. in Creed- lane, from 15,Ludgate-st. Shoreditch High-St. — the N. continuation of Bishopsgate- street from Nor ton- fa I gate? (where there are 1 and 249) to the church. Short's Builds. St. James's PI. Clerkenwell,— 2d N. of the church. Short-Cut, Hickman's Folly, — 2d on the R, from Dock-head. Short's (^ardenSjDrury-Lane,— 15 doors on the R. from Broad-st. St. GiUVs. Short-Street, Cumberland - St. Shoreditch, — 1st on the L, a few yards from the Curtain- road. Short-St.Pavementj Moorfields, SHO — at 15, middle of the W. - side. Short-Street, Wentworth-St. — 2d on the L. from Petticoat- lai)e. Short - Street, Huntington - St. Kingsland-Road,~at 17, lead- in t^ to Essex-st. Short-St. Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the L. in New Nicol-st. from Cock-lane. Short-Street,Goalstone-St. — 1st on the L, from 140, White- chapel. Short-Street, Tower-Street, — 5 doors on the L. from the Asylum. Short's Yard, Broad-St. Lam- beth, — op. High-st. Shorter's Court, Thro^pnorton- St. — 1st on the R. from the Bank. Shorter's Rents, White's Yard, — 3d on the L. from 58, Rosemary-lane. Shorter-St, Wellclose-Sq. — mid- dle of the N. side, to '26, Cable-3t. Shoulder of Mutton-Alley ,Fore- St. Limehouse, — at 52, a few yards on the L. below the Drawbrid^^e. Shouldham-Street, Queen-St. — 4th on the L. from 61, Edg- warc-road. Shovel- All y, Great Gardens, St. Catherine's, — 4th on the L. from Catherine's lane. Shovel-Alley, Princes - Square, St. George's East, — at the N. E. corner. Shovel-Court, Wood - St. — 12 doors on the L. from 123, Cheapside. Shrewsbury-Court, Whitccross- srL Street, St. Luke's,— at 1<5^, 4th on the L. north ofChis* weil-st. Shropshire-Court, Pancras -St. Tottenham-Court-Road,-the corner of Up. Thornhaugh- street. Shuter-Court, Basinghall-St, — at 42, 10 doors from LT)ndon« wall. Sick and Wounded-Office,— at the Transport-office, Dorset- sq. Cannon-row, Westr. Sidmouth-Mews, Gray's - Inn- Lane,— 1st N. of Sid mouth- street. Sidraouth-Pl. Gray's-Inn-Lane, — W. side, nearly op. Acton- street. Sidmouth-St. Gray's-Inn-Lane,* — at the S, end of the last. Sidney's Alley, Leicester-Sq. — N. W. corner, to Coventry- street. Sidney-Grove, Sidney -St. — 1st on the R. from the City-road. Sidney's PI. Sldney-St. — a few doors on the L, from the City- road. Sidney-PI. Upper Kennington- Lane, — a few doors E. of Vauxhall-gardens. Sidney-St. City-Road,— the 1st on the R. from Islington, ex- tending to Goswell-st.-road. Sidney-Street, Green-St. Bcth- nal-Grccn, — 2d on the L. east from Bonner-st. Signet-Ofiice,Somerset-Pl. — the 3d door on the L. from the archway, entering between 151 and 152, Strand. Silk-Street, Grub-St. Cripple- gate, — by the chapel, middle [ of the W, side. Z SIL Silver-Court, Silver -St, Mile- End New-Town,— middle of the VV. side, Siiver-Court, Silver-'St. Golden- Sq. — at 3, op. Gt. Piiiteney- street. Silver-Lion-Court, Poplar, — 1st W. of jSiortli-'st. Silver-PL Stepney^Green, — 2d along Prospect-pi. Silver-St. Golden-Sq.^-the con- tinuation of Beak-st. from 45, Swallow-st. Silver-Street, Soutbarapton-St. Bloomsbury, — 6 doors on the L. from 127, High-Ilolborn. Silver-Street, Fleet-St. — behind 62, bearing to the R. in Bouverie-st. "Silver-Street, Wood-St. Cheap- srde, — frcwn 82, to Falcon- square. Silver-St. Bridgewater-Sq.— -1 st on the R. in Charles-st, from the S. E. corner. Silver-St. Mile-End New-Town, — 2d on the R. from 62, Brick-lane, along Pelham-st. Silver-St. Stepne)', — 2d on the R. from Redman's row, Mile- end. Silver-Street, King-St. — 1st on theL. IVom 18, Old Gravel- lane. Silver-St. Loman^s Pond, Bo- rough, — 2d on the L. from Gravel-lane. Silv r St.Canterbury-^q.Tooley. St. — at the back of the W. side. Silver-St. Rotherhithe, — 1st on the R. belaw Cuckold's Fomt. Silver-Su Clerkenwell, — N. end of Turnmill-st, by the Ses- sions-house. Sitrer-Lioti- Gardens, l't)p>ar,— 3d on the L. from the Com- mercial-road. Simpson's Pi. Biiidcage-Walk, Bethual-Green, — 1st on the L. from the N^g's head, Hackney-road. Simon's Buildings, Old-Pye-St. Westr. — at p5, by Duck- lane. Simonds-St. See Symmids-St. Sion-Chapel. SeeSion-Sq. Sion's Court, Bermondsey-St? — . at 122, three doors N. of the church. Sion-Court, Philip - Lane,»**-10 doors on theL. from London- wall. Sion-C ollfge, London-Wall, — 7 doors VV. of Aklcrmanbury. Sion-Gardens, Altiermanlmry, —at 44, 4 doors S. of Lon- don-wall. Sion-Fl. Eaijt-Lane, Walworth, — part of the R. side, ^ of a rnile from the Kent-road. Sion-Sq. Mile-End Old-Town, — let on the L. in Union-st. fro'n] 281, Wbitechapel-road. Sister's Cbse, Green-Church- Yard, — ihehouses mimediate. ly behind St. Catherhie's st. S. side the Church-yard. Six Clerks - Office, Chancery- Lane, — op. 62, six doors on the R. from ^10, High-hol- born. Six Garden-Court, Paul's Alley, — a few doors on the L. from 62, Aklersgate - St. entering by Hare-court. Si^e-Lane,Pancras-Lane,Cheap* side, — 8 doors on the R. from 83, Queen-st. Size-Yard, Whitt chapel-Road, SKI *— at ^, nearly opposite the church. Skin-Market, Blackman-Street, Buro. — at 63, op. the King's Bench. Skinners Ahns-Houses^ Mile- End, — 10 doors on the L. below the turnpike. Skinners-Hali,Dowp;ate-IIi]l, — middle of the VV. sqde. Skinner's Place, VVeston-Ptace, Sonmier&^Tuwn, — '1st on the L. fri^m the turnpike. Skinner's PLSomiuers-Town, — op. Judd's pi. £. 1st on the L. from Battle-bridge. Skinner's PI. Leaden hall-Mar- ket,— E. end ot-BuU's head- passage. Skinner-St> Somrners-Town, — ist on tiie R. from the turn- pike, Battle-bridge, towaids Mary hone. Skjnner-StreetjSr.ow-Hil}, — the continuation of Ilolborn from Fleet - market to the Old Bailey, gkinner -. Street^ Bishapsgate- Without, — at 120, about 24 doors N. of Sun-st. Skinner's Yard, Old Bethlem, — N. end of Baker's builds. Siade's Builds. Angel-Alley,— 2d on the L. from 138, Bish- opggate. Slade's Court,Red-Cros»-8treet, Buro. — at 54, twelve doors S. of Union-st. Slade's PI. Little Sutton-St. — 3d on the R. from Goswell- Jitreet, Slater - Court, Blue - Anchor- Yard, — 4th on the L, from 48, Kosemary-i^ne. SMI bluter or Siaughter-St. Beth- nal-Green. See Sclater-St. Sleep's Alley, Saint John-St» Clerkenvvell,'— at 129, near 4 a mile on the L. from Smith* field. Sloane-PL North-St. Brompton, — 2d oq the R. from Sloane- fvtreet; Sloane-Sq. Chelsea, — ^between Sioane-st. and Lower Sloane- St. through which passes the King's road. Sloane-St. Knightsbrldge, — Ist on the L. | of a mile from Hyde-park-corner. Sljane-St. (Lower), — op. the iastj from Sloane-square to Turks -row. Sloane-Terrace, — opposite 134, Sloane-st. Sly -Corner,^ Charlotte - Mewg West, Portland-Pl. — L. cor- ner, from 71, Charlotte - street. Small - Pox - Hospital, Battle- Bridge, — facing the N. end of Gray's-inn-lane. Smart's Builds. High Holborn, —-at 184, 1st E. of Drury lane. Smart's Court, Cartwright-St. — -^ doors on the L. from 32, Rosemary- lane. Smart',sGardens,Bethnal-Green, —a group of small houses at the S. end of VVilmot-st. Smart's Quay, Lower Thames- St.— at 21, E. side of Bil- lingst^ate. Smart-Street, Green-St. Beth- nal- Green, — 3d on tlie R. east from Bonner-st. Smith's Alley, Ropeuaak€i'6 • SiMr Pields, Limehouse, — at 60, niiridle of the N. side. Smith's Arms-Pi. See Black- smiths. Smith's Buildings, GrayVInn- Lane, — end of White-hart- • row, Battle- bridge. Smith's Builds. Chequer-AUe^^, — the 3d on the R. from 99, Bunhili-rovv. Smith's Builds. Angel-Sq. — the 2d on the L. from 137, Bish- opsgate-without. Smith's Buildings, Long-Alley, Moorfields,~3d on the R. from Worship-st. Smith's Builds. Leadenhali-St. — at 74, by Aldgate-pump. Smith's Builds. Long-Lane, Ber- mondsey, — 1st on the L. from the church. -,a. Smith's Court, jit. Windraill- St. — at 3'1, 5tli on the L. from the Haymarket. Smith's Court, Holborn-Hill, — at 93, opposite St. Andrew's church. Smith'^ Court,Brackley-St. — 2d on the R. from 9,Gol den-lane. Smith's Court, Whitechapel - Road, — at Co, •!• of a mile E. of the church. Smith's Court, Lower Chapman- St. — 5th on the L. from Can- non-st.-road. Smith's Place, Skinner-St. Som- mers-Town, — 1st on the K. ^frorri Judd's pl. Smith's V\, Gray's-Inn-Lane, — 1st on the L. from Battle- bridge. {Smith's PL Cpoper's Gardens, llackney-Road, — the la^t on lh« H. towards Gascoigne-pl. SMI Smith's PI. Wapping-8t. — at ^b^ between Globe-st. and the London- docks. Smith's PI. Salmon-Lane, Lime- house, — 6 th on the L. from the Commercial-road. Smith's Pi. Gibraltar-Row, St. George's Fields, — 2d on the R. from Prospect-pl. Smi th 'sRen ts,York-St. Westr. — 4th on the L. from Queen-sq, Smith's Rents, Saint John-St.— at 140, ^ of a mile on the R. from Smithfield. Smith's Rents, Bankside, South- wark, — at l(i, the 2d from Bank-end. Smith's Rents, Union - Street, St. George's Fields,— last on the R. from the London-rd,' Smithes Rents, Bird cag€f- Alley, Boro. — the continuation of it, from 172, High-st. Smith's Rents, Bermondsey-St. — at 165, nearly opposite^the church. Smith's Row, Bluegate-Fields, Shadwell, — middle of the E; side. Smith-Square, Westr. (St. John's "Church-Yardj,— at 52, Mill- bank-st. Smith-St. (Great), King's Road, Chelsea, — | of a mile on the L. from Sloane-sq. leading to the W. side the Hospital. Smith-Sc. (Little), — at 22, the 1st on the L. in the last from the King's road. Smith-St. (Gt.) Westminster,— S. continuation of Dean-st, near the Abbey. Smitii-St. (Little), — 1st in th^ last from Dean-st. SMt Sniith-St.(L()vver)Nortliamptoii- Sq.— 1st on the R. in King-st. from 96, Go=vvell-st. Smith-St. (Upper), — the conti- nuation of the last. Smith's Ways, Bermondsey - Wall, — E. side of Miil-stairs and St. Saviour's dock. Smith's Ways, Wappinp:, — E. side the Dundee-wharr', | of a mile below lieruiitage- bridge. Smith's Wharf, Rotlierhithe- Wal I, —between liast - lanf!- stairs and Fountain-stairs. Smith's Ynrd, Up. Marybone- St.—* at 44, '2d on the R. from Hon land- St. Smith's Yard, Curzon-St, May- fair,— op. Half-moon -St. Smith's Yard, Sliepherd'-s Mar- ket, — 1st W. of White-borse- strcet. Smithes Yard^ — op. Kngine-st. Piccadilly. Smith's Yard, Bermondsey-St. —at 101, 12 doors S. of Russell-st. Sinithficld - Bars, West-Sniith- tieldj^—ar 74, N. side, being the entrance lo St. John-st. Smithfiel(l-Marker,West-Sinirh- field, — at the N. end of Giit- spur-st. from Newgate-st. Smith field (Up. East), — extends from the E, side of Tower- bill to Parsons-st. Ratclitfc- biiilvway. . Sraithfield (Lower East), — tlie continuation of Butchtr-row from tlie last to the ikrmi- l:»':;e-bridge. Smock-Allcy, Spitalfields. See A rti I k ry-Passajie. >nead'5 C oart, Eniiifte-St. Pic- SOM cadiliy,— the N. end, opposite Brick-st. Snipe-Aliey, Arundel - St. — at 21, the 2d on the L. from 180, Strand. Snow's Fields, Bermondsey,— the continuation of King-st. entering by 109, High-street, Borough. Snow-Hill , Holborn-Bridge, — N. side Skinner-street, froiu Fleet-market to St. Sepul- chre's church. Snow's Rents, York-St. West- minster, — nearly op. Queen- square. Snug's Builds. Little Warner-St. Clerkenwell, — at 14, 1st oa the L. from Ray-st. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, — 12, John-.st. Adel- phi. Society for the Suppression of \')ce, — at 31, Essex - street, Strand. Society for the Relief of Per- sons imprisoned for Small Debts,-^? door.s on the R. iu Craven-st. from 10; in the Strand. Society for the Encouragement of Servants, — at 10,^ Prdi- Mall. Socrates-Pl.New-Inn-St. Shore- ditch, — 8 doors on the R, from New-inrj-yard. Soho-Sq. — end of Charles - st. from 412, Oxford-st. Soil's Row, Hampst^ad-Road, — W. sidci from Charles->t. to Frederick's pi. Somerset-Build iniJ[s. Hackney- Road, — 1st on the L. in Crao- tree-row, from the said roacl. Somerset-Court, Little Somcjr- Z r> SOM set'St. Aldi^ate, — a few yards | on the R. from 22, Somerset- street. Somprset-House or PI. Strand, — at 151, J of a mile on the Lr from Temple-bar. Somerset-Pl. Cai^tle-St. Fins- bury-Sq. — 2d on the L. from 18, Paul-st. Somerset-Pi. Kennington-Com- mon, — a few yards S. of the Horns-tavern. Somerset-Pl. Deptford Lower- Road, — 8. side Rotherhithe- Work house. Somerset-Row, Palmer's Vil- . lage, — a few doors on the R. from Brewers-green. Somerset-^Street, Duke-St. Man- chester-Sq. — at 45, 5 doors on the L. from 174, Oxford- street. Somerset-St. Aldgate, — 1st E. of the Minories. , Somerset-St. (Littlo), — at 22, in the last, W. Side. Somerset-St. — bottom of Beau- fort-builds, from 95, Strand. Sommer's PI. East, Sommers- Town, — the R. side the road to Marybone, f oF a mile from Battle-bridge. Sommer's PI. West, — continua- tion of the last. Sommers-Quay, Lower Thames- St. — 1st VV. of Billingsgate. Sommers-Stairs, — E. side the last. Sommers-Town, St. Pancras, — on the R. from Battle-bridj:;c turnpike towards Mary bone. Sommers-Town Terrace, — con- tinuation of Ossulston-street from Pluenix-st. Sope-Yard, Purk-St. Boro.— 4 SOU doors on the L. from the Boro.-market. Sophia-Place, Duke-Street, St^ George's Fields,--lst S. of Webber-row. Sots-Hole, Archer-Street, Gt. Windmill-St. Haymarket, — at the E. end,^ leading to* Rupert-st. South - Crescent; Tottenham - Court-Road. See Crescent, South - Lambeth, — S. side of Vauxhall-turnpike, on the L. South -London Water - Works, UpperKennington-Lane, — 2d on the 1j. from Kennington- cross. South-Mews, South - St. Marl- chester-Sq.— at 17, 3 doors from Manchester-st. South-Molton - Street, Oxford- St.— at 294, 2d W. of New Bond-st. South-Molton-Lanc, Oxford-St. — on the W. side the last. South-Pl. Moornelds, — part of the N. side, adjoining South- street. South-Pl. Kermington-Cross, — N. side, the corner of Devon- shire-st. Upper Kennington- lane. South-Pl. Kennlngton, — ^N.side of the Common. South-Row, New-Road, Som- mers-Town^ — op. Sommers- pl. West. South-Sea-Chambers, Thread- needle-St. — at 41, W. side the South-Sea-House. South-Sea-Court, Mint, Boro. — 2d on the L. in Little Guild- ford - St.- from 75, Queen- street. South-Sea-Court, Maze, Boro. sou ««— ^0 doors oil the L. from 19o, Toaley-st. South - Sea - House, Thread- needle^St. — adjoins il5,Bish- opsgate-st. South-Sea-House (Old),— at 19, Old Broad-st. op. the church. Soutlj-St. King^s Road, Chelsea, —1st on the K. from Sloane- sq. towards Fulham. South-St. Manchester-Sq.— 2d oil the R. ill Manchester-st. from the sq. South-Street, South Audley-St. — at 17, 4th from Grosve- nor-sq. South-St. Moorfields, — N. side, between Finsbury-place and Wilson-st. South-St. Spitalfields-IMarket, — 5ih on the L. from 69, Bish- ops<;ate, along Union-st. South-St. Lambeth, — N. side the Terrace, op. the Three Stags. South-St. Whitechapel-Road, — 2d E. of the London Hospi- tal. South-Street, West- Sq. Saint George's Fields, — middle of the S. side. South-St. East-Lane, Walworth, . — middle of the S. side, by Apollo-builds. Southampton-Builds. Holborn, —at 318, W. side of xMiddle- row. Southampton-Court, Southamp- ton-Builds.-- 3 doors on the R. in the last from Hoi born. Southampton-Court, Southamp- ton- RovvjBloonisbury, — from the middle of tlie E. side to Queen .sq. Southampton - Court, Totten- SPA ham - Court- Road, -—at 14^, nearly op. Warren-sc. Southampton*Mews,New-Road, Tottenham - Court, — on the N. side of Southampton-pl. Southampton-INlews, Southamp- ton-Row, Bloomsbury,— mid- dle of the W. side. Southampton-Pi. New - Road, Tottenham-Court, — N, side, by the turnpike. Southampton - Row, Edgware- Road, — at 83, op. Winches- ter-row, I a mile on the R, from Tyburn-turnpike. Southampton-Row, Bloomsbury, — continuation of King - stv from 120, High-Holborn. Southampton-Street, Strand,— at 387, middle of the N. side. Southampton-St. High-Holborn, — from 126, to Bloomsbury- square. Southampton-St. Pentonviile, — - 2d on the R. from the chapei towards Battle-bridge. Spa-Fields, — N. side ofClerk- enwell, towards Islington. Spa -Fields -Chapel, Clerken- well, — 12 doors E. of the turnpike by the House of Correction. Spa-Place, Spa-Fields,— E. side the turnpike by the House of Correction. Spa- Road, —op. Rawstorne-st. to Sadlers-wells. Spa-Row. — op. Owen's pi. to Sadlers-wells. Spa - Road, Bcrmondsey, — the continuation of the Grange- road toPrinters-pl. Spa-Road - Passage, Bermond- sey, — 1st on the left E. (torn the Spa. SM Spanks By lids. St. Fan eras, — the continuation of Vcriioa's bailds. towards the church. Span's Place, Brill-Pl. Sommers- Town,^~N. eng,the Minories. Sparrow'^ RentSjPorSpool-^Lane, —at 47, 2d on the R. from 64, Leather-lane, ^peck^s Builds. Booih^St, Spi- talfields, — last on the R. from Brick-lane. Speding's Gardens^ North - St. Poplar,-— —1st from High- street, Speldhnrst-StreetjJudd-St.Som- mers-Town, — ^d on the L, from Judd's pi. Spencer-Place, Battle-Bridge,— N. W. corner of the Small- Pox-Hospital. Spencer-Pl. Kennington-Com- mon, — by the White Swan, Croydon-road. Spencer-Row, Goswell-St.-Rd. — part of the \V. side, by the turnpike. Spencer-St» Nortbanipton -^ fq* —•from the turnpike, Gos* - well-st. - r Shored 1 boh,— 1st on the II, from 176, Shoreditch. Sptncer-Street, Saint George's East,— 3d on tbeR.inGharles- st. from op. Bluegatc-field,s. Spicer-Coart, Spicer-St. Beth- nal-Green, — 1st on the R, from 82, Brick-lane. Spicer-St. Brick.- Lane, Spital- fields, — at 8% op. Hanbury^^ brewery. Spikeman's Cornet, Little Port-- ktnd-St. Marybon^,— 3 doors E. of Gt. Portlan Too- ley-st, StandelitTe's Lcctnre Room, — at 11, Took's court, Ghan- . Ctjry-lane, Stanford-Pl, Eaping-^\'all. Star-Yard, Carey-St.liincoJnV STE Tnn-FieWs, — 1st <^n the ft. from 99, Cl^ancery-iane. Star-Yard, Biackman-St. Bom. — 'at^6, middle of the W. srde. Star- Yard, Old Gravel-Lane, — • tat 103, by 65, Ratclitfc-high- way. Star and Garden -Yard, Rat- cliffe Highway,— =at 90, op. Bluegate-lields. Starch- Alley, Goswell - St.-— at SO, on theS. side of Old-st. Starch-Yard. Old Gravel-Lane, See 8 tar- Yard. State-Paper-Office, Inner Scot- land-Yd. — 1st house on the L. from Gt. Scotland-yard. Statesman Newspaper-Office,— at 37, Fieet-st. Stationers-Alley, Ludgate-St.— at 35, 2d on' the R. from St. Paurs-church-yard. Stationers-Court, — N. end of the last. Stationers -Hall, — on the N. side of Stationers-court. Stave Yard, Wapping-St. -*- at 332, 1 of a mile below Her- mitage-bridge. Staverton - Row, Newington - Butts, — E. side, by the Ele- phant and Castle. Steanrield-St. Ocean, Stepney, — 1st on the L. from the N, side the church- vard^ Stebon heath-Terrace, Salmon- Lane, RatclifFe, — part of the N. side, ^ of a- mile from White-hofse-sr, Steel's Coiu-t,I^ee'b Mews, Gros- venor-Square,— lat on the L. from 41, Park-st. Steel's Yard, GrayVTnn-Lane, — 1st N. of'Portoool-lane, STE Steel-Yard, Up. Tharae^-St.— at 87, op. Bush-lane. Steel^s Yard, Gt. Tower-Hill, — at 33, 8 doers from Coo- pers-row. Steel's Yard, Maze-Pond, Boro. — 1st on the L. from Guy's Hospital. Steelhouse- Lane> Stepney, — from op. the Causeway to- wards the church. Steers's Buildings, Robinson's Lane, Chelsea, — op. 28, 2d on the L. from Paradise- row. Steers-Pl. Barbican, — 10 doors on the R. from Aldersgate- : street. ^ St. Stephen^s Chapel, — E. side Westminster-hall. St. Stephen's Church, Coleman- St. — 7 doors on the L. from Lothbury. St. Stephen's Church, Walbrook, — by the Mansion-house. iSt. Stephen's Court, New Pa- lace-Yard, Westminster, — E. side, by the Thames. Stephen-Mews, Gresse-St. — 5 doors on- the L. from 23, Ratbbone-pl. Stephen-St. Tottenham-Court- lload, — at 29, 2d on the L. from Oxford-st. Stepney - Causeway, Brook-St. Katcliffe, — from the middle of the N. side, to the Com- mercial-road. Stepney-Gap, Stepney -Cause- way,—- 1st on the L. from the Commercial-road. Stepney-Grefrn, — -i of a mile on the R. in Mile-end-road, E. of the turnpike. STI Stepney - Green - Passage, — 3 doors E. of the last. Stepney-Green-Terrace, — from Prospect-pl. to Cross-row. Stepney-Meeting-House-Chari- ty-School, — at the N. end of White-horse-st. Stepney-New-Sq. See Trafal- gar-Sq. Stepney-Old - Square, Stepney- Green, — near the N. side the Church-yard. Stepney's Rents, Hackney-Rd. — 8 houses on the R. side, between Shoreditch- church and Crabtree-row; Steven's Builds. Bell-St. Pad- dington, — 12 doors on the L, from Lisson-green. Stew-Alley, Up. Thames-St.— at 54, op. Bread-st.-hill. Stew-Alley-Stairs, — bottom of the last. Steward's Court, Clerkenwell- Green,— at 33, N. side the Sessions-house. Stewards-Otfice, Gray's-Inn, — by the Chapel, at the N. E. corner of Holborn-court. Steward's Rents, Drury-Lane, — from 128, middle of the E. side, to W^iid-st. Steward-St. Spital fields, — 2d in Union-st. from 69, Bishops- gaie. Still-Alley, Bishopsgate -With- out, — at 196, six doors N. of the church. Still -Alley, Houndsditch, — at 104, nearly opposite St. Mary Axe. Still-Alley, Blue-Gate-Fields,— doors from 245, Iligh-3t. Shad-welL STf Still-Stairs, Horselydown, — N. end of Potter's fields from the bottom of Tooley-st. Stillvvell-Court, Maze, Fjoro. — at 25, 5tli on the L. from 195, Tooley-st. Stock-Exchange, — E. end of Capel-court, Bartholomew- lane^ Stock's Terrace, Poplar High- St. — middle of the S. side, op. the E.-India-Alms-Houbes. Stock- Weavers Alms- Houses, Kingsland -Road, — near | a mile on the R. from Shore- ditch. Stone-Builds. LincolnVInn, — 1st on the R. from op. 55, Cliancery - lane, near Hol- born. Stone - Court, Laundry - Yard, Westminster, — 5 doors from Gt. Pcter-st. Stones-End, Borough, — at the S. end of Blackman-st. by the King's Bench. Stone's Row, New-Road, Som- mers-Town, — nearly op. Chalton-st. Sone-Stairs, Broad-St. Ratcliffe, — at 30, W. side the India- warehouse. Stonr-Stars -Court, Broad-St. Ratcliffe, — at 94, op. the stairs. Stone- Yard, Queen-St. Boro. — 20 houses on the R. from Union-st. Stonecutters- A-tley, Black friars, — the end of Cock-court, on the L. from 18, Ludgate-hill. Stonecutters - Buildings, Little Queen-St. — 17 doors on the L. from 223, High-Holhorn. Stuiiecutters-Court, Little St. STR Martin's Lane, — 13 doors on the R from Lonir-acre. Stonecutters-Couri, Old-Street, St Luke's,— at 89, E. s:de the church, Stonecutters-St. Fleet Market, —at 75, middle of the W. side. Stonecutters-Yard, Kent-Street, Boro. — 22 doors on the L. from Sc. George's church. Stonemason's Yd. Stoney- Lane, — l.-t on the R from 96, Tooley-st. Stoney-Lane, Gravel - Lane,— 2d on the R. from 148, Houndsditch. Stoney-Lane, Tooley - St., — at 95, 3d open turning on the L. from London-bri Ige. Stoney-St. Boro.-Market,— the W. side, extendmg to Clink- street. Store- St. (Great) Tottenham- Court- Road, — 4th on the R, from Oxford-st. Store-St. (Little), — 4 doors in the last from 78, Gower-st. Story's Gate, St. James's Park, — at Gt. George-st. West- minster. Strand, — extends from Charing- cross, where there are 1 and 487, to Temple-bar, where there is 23G, about f of a mile in length. Strand-Lane, Strand, — at 168, nearly op. the New Church. Strand - Lane - Stairs, — at the bottom of the last. Stratford - Mews, Marybone - Lane,— at 67, 1st on the L. from Oxford-st. Stratford-Mews, Oxford - St. — at 160, W. side the next^ Aa STR Stratford-Pl Oxford- St.— at 159, op. Soutfi -Molton-st. } a mile on the L. from Ty- burn-turnpike. Streatham-Street, Charlotte-St. Bloomsbury, — 6 doors south from 34, Gt. Russell-st., Streatham-Me ws, Streatham-St. Bloomsbury, 1st W. of Charlotte-st. Street*s Buildings, Mount -St. Grosvenor-Square, — at 75, 6 doors E. of Park-st. Stretton-St: Piccadilly, — at 78, middle of the N. side. Stretton-Yard, — 2 doors in the last from Piccaailly. Stringer's Row, Deptford Low- er-Road, Rotherhithe, — 1st on the L. from the E. end of Paradise- row. Strong^s Buildings, East-India- Dock- Road, Poplar,— S. side, near the Dock-gate. Stroud Waggon-Office, Grub-St. — 6 doors on the R. from 97, Fore-st. Strumbolo - House, Grosvenor- Row, Chelsea, — op. the Bun- Hou&e. Strutton-Ground, Westminster, — the continuation of Great Chapel-- 1. from Broadway. Strutton-Pl. Strutton-Ground, — 8 doors on the L. from Gt. Ptter-st. Suffolk-Court, Harrow-St. Boro. — 7 doors on ^he R. from Mint-st. Suffolk-Lane, Up. Thamfs-St. — from IdZ, to (Jreen-l.et- tuce-laue, and 30, Cannon- street. Suffolk-Mews, Middlesex-Hos- pital, Marybone, — Wi side of It. SUG Sufiolk-Pi. Bateman^s Row,— 1st on the R. from 158, Shoreditch. Suftblk-Pl. Hackney - Road,— adjoins Cambridge - heath - turnpike, near a mile on the R. from Shoreditch. Sufr(;lk-St. Marybone, — 3 doors W. of Middlesex - Hospital, near Berner*s-st. SufFoik-St. (Little), Haymarket, — 7 doors on theR.fromCock- spur-st. Suffolk-St. (Gt.)— 1st in the last from the Haymarket to Cock- spur-st. Suffolk-St. Battle-Bridge, Saint Pancras, — 1st on the L. in Edmond-st. from the Small- Pox-hospital. Suffolk-St. Pentonville, — 1st on the R. in White-lion-st. from Islington. Suff(iik-8treet, Cannon-St,-Rd. — op. Wiiliam-st. a few doors N. of the Commereial-road. Suffolk-St. (Gt.) Blackman-St. Boro, — at 80, 1st on the L. from the Kinii's Btnch. Suffolk-St (Little),— 3d on the R. in the last from 80, Black- man-st. Sugar Bakers-Yard, Duke's Pi. — 3d oil the R. along Cree- church-lane, from 87, Lead- enhall-st. Sugar - Loaf- Alley, Bethnal - Green, — middle of the E. side the Cireen. Sug.tr- Loaf- Court, Dorse t-St. Salisbury Sq. — at 100, 5th on the L. from 82, Fleet-st. Sugar-L nearly op. Burr-st. Tennis - Court, Middle - Row, Huiborn, — at 8, W. side of Staple's inn. Tennis-Court, Church - Entry, Biackfriars, — 1st on the L. from Shoemakers-rovv. Tennis-Court, King-St. Boro.— at 60, 1st on the R. from 109; High-st. Tennis-Pi. — near the last. Tent's Court, S Iver-St. Golden- Sq. — at 5, nearly op. Great Pulteney-st. Tenter-Aliey, Little Moorfields, — the oth on the L. from 61, Fore-st. Tenter - Groimd, Goodman's Fields, — at 39, Prescot-st. six doors from Mansel-st. Tenter-R()w,ShepherdandSbep- ht rde!>s-VValk, — 2d on the R. from the City-road. Teuterden-St. Hanover-Sq. — at 16, the N. W. corner. Tenths-Office, Garden - Court, Temple, — ith door on the R. from Middle Temple-lane. Terling - Street, St. George's East, — near the E. end of Lower Chapman-sr. Terrace - Walk,— bottom of Buckingham - st. from 35, Strand. TER Terrace, Temple, — 2d oft the R. in KingVbench-walk, from MJtre-courr, Fleet-st. ^Terrace, Hrgh-St. MaryCone, — W. side or the New-road. Terrace, Broinpton High-Road, — by the corner of Quef n-st. about i of a mile fromKnights- bridge. Terrace, Tottenham-Court-Rd. — E. side, op. Whitfield's ciia- pel. Terrace, Gray's-Tnn-Larje, — part of the VV. side, op. 69 to 80. Terrace, Walworth, — R. side, 5 of a mile from the Elephrmt and Cattle, bttween Hano- ver-st. and Amelia-st. Terrace, Cannon-Street-Road. See Clark's Terrace. Terrace, Kont-Road, — part of the L. side, j of a mile below the Bricklayer^s-arms. Terrace, Grange- Walk, Ber- mundsey. bee Anderson's BuiidiniiS. Terrace, Broad-Wall, Christ- CTmrch, or lambtth, — E. side, near Stamford-st. Terrace, VaiixhalL See Vaux- hail. Terrace, Poplar, — op. the Inda- alms-houses, ^ ot a mile on the R. from the Commercial- road. Terrace-Place, Stepney-Green, — 4th^ on the R. from Mi ie- end. Tewkesbury-Court, W^hitecba- pel, — at 100, nearly op. Red- Lion-st. Thacklram's-Coiirt, Vine-Street, — N . end of Chureh-Jane; 456, Strand. THO Thames-Street (Lower), — from London-bridge to Tower-hill. Thames-Street (Upper), — from ^ London-bridge to Earl-st. Blackfriars, where there are 1 and 240. Thames-Street (Little), — the continuation of St. Cathe- rineVst. to 80, Lower East- Smithlield. Thames-St. Bankside, South- wark, — at 31, tirst street from Clink-st. towards Blackfriars- bridge. Thames-Street, Rotherliithe,— ^ between Russeli-st. and the Thames, on the N. side o£ Greenland-dock. Thanct-Place, Strand, — at 231, six doors on the L. from Tem- ple-bar. Thutched-House-Court, Little St. JamesVStreet,— 3 doors from 75, St. James's-st. Tbatchcd-House-Court, Strand, — at 418, nearly op. Adam- street, Adclj..hi. Thavieb-lnn, Holborn-Hill; — at 56, six doors VV. of St. Andrew'fe-church. Thayer-Street, — tirst on the L. in Hinde-st. from the W.side Manchesier-sq. Iheobaid's-Uoad, Red-Lion-Sq. —3d CO; ch-turnmg iu Rcd-li- on-st. from 71, High Holbom. Thirteen Houses, Stepney- Green, ~W. side, between Union-pl. and Prospect-pl. St.Thomas-Apostle^Gt.), Bow- Lane, — at 27, third St. on the L. from Cheapside. St. Thomas-A postle's (Little), — Bow-Lane, — at 35, second st. on the L. from Cheapside. THO ^ St. Thomas - Apostle's - Court, Gt.-Sc. Thornas- Apostle's, — at 2^3, rirst E. of Queeii-st. St. Tu iiUdsVCliurLli-Yard, St. Thomas's - 8t. — '1 1 on the R. fniiu 43, B.)ro. Hii^h-st. Thoiiuis-Court, Bdli-Court, — 3d on the L, from 126, Gol- den-lane. Thomas-Court, Crabtree-Row, Bethiiaj-G.een, — 4th on the R. from Hackney-road. St. Thomas's lospital, High-St. Eoro. — 36 doors on the L. from London-bridge. Thomas - Passaore, Bethnal- Green-Road, — Ist on the R in Charles-st. from op. VVil- mot-sq. Thomas-PI. Bethnal-Green-Rd. — a few doors on the L. in Abbey-st. Thomas-PI. Harapstead-Road, — from lienry-st. to Charles- street. Thomas-Place, Crabtree-Row, Bethnal-Green, — R. side, a few doors from Ilackney-rd. Thomas-PI. Old Nicols-St. Beth- nal-Green, — 3 doors W. of Nicols-row. Thomas-PI. Pell-St. Ratcliffe,— middle of the W bide. Thcjmas- Place, ParkerVRow, Dock-Hcadj — a few yards on the R. north from the Neck- inger-turnpike. Thoi!ias-Pl. Deptford Lower- Kf^ad, Rotherhithf , — by Bed- furd-pl. nt:dr the E. end of Paradist-row. Thomas's Rope-VValk, Queen- Street, Ratcliffe,— the last on tiie L, f i om Ratclifft-cross. THO Thomas-Row, Bethnal-Green* R:>ad, — 2d on the R. in ♦ Cnanes-st. from op. Wiimot- square. Thoma -St. Bethnal-Green-Rd. — at 55, third on^tlie R. near J of a mile £. of the turn- pike. Thomas-Street, Ducking-Pond- Lane, — op. Greyhound-lane, from 105, VV hitechapel-road. Thomas-Street, Mile-End Ncw- Town, — the contnmation of the last. Thomas-St. Brick-Lane, Beth- nal-Green, — at 120, 14 doors on the L. from 144, Church- street. Thomas-St.Curtain-Road, — 4th on the L. from Worship-st. Thomas-St. Commercial-Road, — 4th on the R. west of Can- non-st.-road. Thomas-Street, Mary-St. Step^ ney, — 1st on the L. from Ocean- St. Cow-lane. Thomas-Street, PrinceVPl. St. George's East, — 1st on the L. from the New Road, Thomas-Sr. Kent-Road, — 1st on the L. below the Brick- layers-arms. Thomas-St. Poplar-Row, — 1st on the L. from the Kent-road. Thomas-St. Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, — Sd on the L. from Garm»)uth.r()w, Kent-road. Thoma>-St. Horbclydown, — at 114, Sliad- Thames, oppos te (jeorgt'-'tairs, extending to Three-Oak-lane. St. Thi)masVStreet, H gh-St. Boro. — at 43, 2d on the L. from London-bridge. THO St. Thomas's Tents, Boro. — the E. continuation of the last. Thomas's Wharf, Horselydown, — on the W. side of Horsely- down New-stairs. ThompsonVPl. Wilmot-Street, Bethnal-Green, — n^ar the S. end, towards Dog-row. Thompson^ Rents, Haif-Moon- St.—Sd on the L. from 170, Bishopsgate. Thorney-Sc. Bloom sbury,—W. continuation of Hart-st. and Castle-st. Thorn haugh-St. Bedford-Sq. — r 1st on the R. \n Fra. cis-st. from op. V\hufieid\s chapel, Tottenham-court-road. Thornhaudi-bt. (Up.),— N. end ot the last. Thornton-Pl. Gloucester-Pl. — last on the R. from Portman- square. Thorold-Sq. Church-St. Beth- nal-Green, — at 92, nearly op. the church. Thrawl-St. Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, — at 208, 2d on the L. from Whitechapel. Thrcadneedle-St. Bishopsgate- Within, — from 110, to the N. side of the Royal-Ex- cliange. Three-Arrovv-Court, Chancery- Lane, — at 97, three doors N. of Carey-st. Three-Colts- Alley, — the conti- nuation of King Edward-st. from 170, Wapping. Three-Coits-Court, Worship-St. — ^at 7, the 1st on the L. from Paul-st. Three-Colts-Court, Angel -Al- ley, Bishopsgate, — the conti- THR nuation of SladeVbuilds, on the R. Three-Colts-Court,Three-CoIts- ^t. Limehouse, — at 15, near Gun-lane. Three-Colts-Lane, Hare-Street, Bethnal-Green, — at 80, first on the R. from 109, Brick- lane. Three-CoIts-I-ane, Dog - Row, Bethnal-Green, — op. Du- thie's nursery, leading to Wil- mot-st. Three-Colts-St. Limehouse, — on the E. side of the church. Thrce^CoIts-Yard, Mile-End- Road, — 2d on the L._below the Old Globe, J a mile E. of the turnpike. Three - Compass - Court, Cow- Cross, — at 65, third on the L. from St. John-st. Three - Crane - Court, Castle- Lane, Westminster, — middle of the S. side, Three-Crane-Lane,Up.Thames- St. — at 75, four doors E. of Qufien-st. Three - Crane - Stairs,— bottom of Queen-st. Cheapside. Three-Crane-Wharf, — by the last. Three - Crane - Yard, Higb-St. Boro.— at 66, by St. Marga- ret^sHill. Three - Crown - Court, Royal Hospital-Row, — at the E. end the Burying-ground. Three-Crovvn-Court, White's- Alley,— 1st on the R. from op. 77, Chancery-lane. Three-Crown-Court. Garlick- Hill^— 2 doors from 190, Up. Thamcs-st. THR inrce - Crown - Courl:, Foster- Lane, — 20 doors on the L, from Clicapside. Three-Crown-Court, Jewry-St. — 12 doors on the R. from Aldgale. Three-Crown-Court, Illgh-St. Boro. — at 269, sixth on the R. from London-bridge. Three-Cups-Alley, Shoreditch, — at 220, about 25 doors S. of Holywell-lane. Three-Cups- Alley, Lower-Shad- well, — at 22, four doors VV. of Gould's-hill. Threc-Cups-Court, — 1st on the L. in the last, from 22, Low- er Shadwell. Three-Cups-Inn, Aldersgate-St. — at 88, twelve doors N. of Barbican. Three-Cups-Yard, Bedford-St. Red-Lion-Sr. Holborn, — 6 doors VV. of Bedford-row. Three-DajTger-Court, Fore- St. Cripplegate, — at 110, nearly op. VVood-st. Three-Falcon-Court, Fleet-St.— at 144, second W. of Shoe- lane. Three-Falcon-Court, Fishmon- s:erVAlley, Boro. — 1st on the R. from 235, High-st. Three-Fox-Court, Long-Lane, — 12 doors on the L. from 67, W. Smithfield. Thr-ee-Fox-Court, Narrow-St. Limehouse, — 2d on the L. from Ratclitte-cross. Throe-Hammer-Alley, Glean- Alley, — S. end, on the L. from 218, Tooley-st. Threc-Hand-Court,Creechurch- Lane, — 1st on the R. from 80, Leadenhall-st, THR Three - Herrings - Court, Red- cross-Sc— at 57, (irsfe on the L. from Barbican. Three -Herrings-Court, Cree- Church-Lane, — 1st on the R» from 87, Leadenhall-st. Three Horseshoe-Court, St. Pe- ter's-Lane, — 3d on the L. froin Cow-Cross. Three-Kings-CourtjChandos-St. Covent - Garden, — 6 doors from St. Martin's-lane. Three-Kings-Court, Fieet-St. — at 150, op. Water-lane. Three-Kings-Court, Whitecross- St.— at ^90, 18 doors N. of Chiswell-st. Three-Kings-Court, Lombard- St. — at 33, E. side Clement's lane. Three-Kings-Court,Minories, — 10 doors on the L. from Aid-* ^^.gate. Three-Kings Yard, Davies-SfJ Berkeley-Sq. — at 15, middle W. side. Three-Legs-Court, Whitecross- Street, St. Luke's,-at 207, 8d on the leftN. of Chiswell-st. Three-Nuns-Inn, Aldgate, — 5 doors E. of the church. Three-Oak-Lane, Horselyclown, — the E. continuation of Freeschool-st. bearing to the left. Three - Pigeons - Court, Angel- AUey, Bishopsgate, — 1st on the L. from Long-alley. Threc-Pigeons-Court, Kay-St. Clerkenwell, — 2d on the L. from the Grf^cn. Three - Tuns- Alley, Petticoat- Lane,— at 99, 2d S. of Wenc- worth-st. Three-Tuns-Ailey, Aldennan- Bb THE feury,— 19 do(jrs on the K, from Milk-st. Cheapside. Three.Tuns.Court,Bi2nhiIl-Rou', —at 100, middle o£ the VV. side. Three-Tuns-Court, Redcross-St. — at 53, nine doors on the L. from Barbican. Three-Tuns-Coiirt,Miles'sLane, —3 doors from ISO, Up. Thames~st. Three-Tuns-Court,Up. Thames- St, — 3 doors on the R. from London-bridge, Three -Tuns - Court, White-Si. Boro.— at 18, fourth E. of St. George's church. Three-Tuns-Inii, High-Street, Boro. — at 88, near St. Mar- garet's Hill. Three-Tuns-Passage, Ivy-Lane, — 1st on the R. from 29, Newgate-st. Thrugmorton-St. — N. E. corner of the Bank of England. Thurlow House, Hackney- Road, —about the middle of Thur- low-pl. Thurlow-Pl. Hackney-Road, — part of the L. side, | of a mile from Shoreditch. Thurlow-Pl. Giobe-St. Bethnal- Green, — between Globc-pl. and Pitt-st. Thurlow-Pi, Apollo-Buildings, East- Lane, Walworth, — at 21, ^ nf a mile on the L. from tlie Kent- road. Thtrrlow-Street, York-St.-lst on the R. from Black friars-road. Tidfcwa.ters-Court, — the conti- nuation of Ciiequer-sq. from 70, Aidgate. Tiger-Court. See Tyger. TOB Tilney-Court, Old-St.— at 43, 2d W. of Bunhiii-row. Tilney-Street, South Audley-St. — 2d on the L. fromCurzon- street. Times Newspaper-Office, — oa the E. side of Prmting-house- square, Water-lane, Black- friars. TindallVCourt, Farmer-Street, Shadwell, — behind 65, to- wards Shakebpeai\s Walk. Tipping's Allev, New Way, Westr.— N. end, by the Al- monry, Titchborne-Court, High-Hol- born,— at 280, W. side Gt. Turnstile. Titchborne-St. Haymarket, — op. the N. end, from Picca- dilly to Sherrard-st. Titchfield-Chapel, Westmore- land-St. Marybone, — 7 doors from 12, Gt. Marybone-st, Titchfieid-St. (Gt.), Marybone, — the continuation of Mar- ket-st. from 87, Oxford-st. Titchtieid-St. (Little), Mary- bone, — at 100, in the last, 6th on the L, from Oxford- street. Titchfield-Street,Dean-St. Soho, — 6 doors on the R.from 400, Oxford-st. Titeh-Ailey, Narrow-St, Lime- hous<^', — 1st on the L. below Turner's Wharf. Titmouse- Alley, Farmer -St. Shadwell, — at 54, middle of the E. side. Tobacco- Roll'Court, Long -Al- ley. — 3d on the L. from Moor- fields. Tobacco - Roll - Court, Grace- TOB church-St.— 9 doors on tlie R. fruin Cornhili. Tobit's Dog Coach-Oi^.ce, St. Paul's Cii.-Yd. — 2 doors on the R. from Liulgate-st. Tobin's-Court, Broad-Street, St. Gile-i'h,— at 10, op.the church. Tokenliouse-Yard, Lothbary,— at 4i, N. side the Bank of Enj^iand. Toms-Court, Duke-St- Grosve- nor-Sq. — at 5, 2d on the L. from 277, Oxford-st. Ton b r i d ge-P 1 . Som mer s-To\vn, — op. Judd's-pl. near the Turnpike. Tongue-Yard, Whitechapel-Rd. —at 247, 36 doors E. of the Church. Tongue- Yard (Little),— 10 doors \V. of the last. TookVCouit, Cursitor-St. — 9 doors On the L. from 40,Chan- cer^-lane. Tooley-St. Boro. — 1st on theL. from London-bridge. Tooley's Gateway, Tooley-St. — at 63, nearly op. Berniond- sey-st. Topping's Rents,Ewer-St. Boro. — 10 doors from Duke-st. Toppm^*s Wharf, Tooley-St. — 8 doors E. of London-bridge. Torrington-Street,Keppel-St. — at 22, 1st on the R. from 30, Husscll-sq^. Tothiil-Court, Tothill-St. Westr. —3d on the R. from the Ab- bey. Tothill-Fields, Westr.— VV. side Milibaok-waik, Tothill-St. AVtstr. — from the Abbey to Queen-sq. Tothill-St. (New;, — 1st on the L. luthe last from the Abbey. TOW Tothlll-St. Little GrayVInn- Lane, — Isl on the R. from 72, GrayVIun-iane, Hoi- born. Tottenham-Court; New-Road, — S. side, by Tottenham-- court-road. Totteniiam-Court-Road, — from Oxford-st. St. Giles's^, to the New-road. Tottenham-Mews, Tottenham- St.— at 26, fourth on the R. from Tottenham-court-road. To; tenham-Piace, Tottenham- Court-Road, — ^ doors S. of the New-road. Tottenham-Pl. (Up.), — the con- tinuation of the last. Tottenham-St, Totrenham-Ct.- Road, — the continuation of Chapel-5t. E. sidetbeChapeh Totterburn-Aliey, Duke-Street, Boro. — 2d on the L. from Queen-st. Tower, — N. side the River, | of a mile below London-bridge, Tower-Dock, Tower-Iiiil. — W, side the Tower, also 10 houses between Tower-st. and Low- er Thames-st. Tower-Hill (Great), — tlie open space, N. W. side the Tower. Tower-Hill (Little), — the space on tne E. side the Tower. Tower-Royal, Watling-St. — at 50, ten doors E. of Queeu-st. Tower- Royal-Court, — E, side the last. Tower-St. 7 Dials, — continua- tion of Little St. Martin's- lane, bearing to the L. Towtr-St. (Little), — the conti- nuation o^ Little Eastcheap to Gt. Tower-st. Tower-St. (Gt.), — the E. contH TOW - nuation of the last to Tower- hiJ]. Tower - Street, St. George's F]eldg,-4th on the R.from the Obeiihk towards the i\sylum. Tower-Ward SchouJ, — at 91, Gt. Tower- St. Town-Kail, Poplar High-St.— I a mile on the R. from the Commercial-road. Tov\n-Hall, St. ]Vja^oaret^3 Hill, Boro. — ^ of a mile on the R. from London-bridge. Townsend-Court, Queen-Street, Bcro.— at 71, three doors W. of Little Guildiord-st. Tovvnsend-St. Kent-Road,— 3d on the 11. below the Brick- layer's Arms. Tovvn^end's Yard, Charlotte-St. Portland-PL— 3 doors from New^ Cavendish-st. Trafalgar-Builds, Lbenezer-St. City-Road, — 4 doors on the R. from IVafalgar-st. Trafalgar-Mews, Carburton-St. Pitzroy-Sq.— 6 doors E, of Up. Tirchfield-st. Trafalgar-Pi. New-Road, Mary- bone,— the E. end of Unjon- builds Trafalgar-Pi.Uxbridge-Road,— entrance about | of a mile on the R. from lyburn Turn- pike. Trafalgar-PLPanlVAlleVjCrip- plegate, — Sd on the L. from t7, Redcross-st. Trafaigar-Pl. Uackney-Road, — part (){ the L. side, by Gt. Canibridge-at. 5 a mile from Shorcditch. Trafalgar-Pl. Pleaeant-Pl. Step- ney, — behind 16, 1st on the L.J rom Redrgian'& row. TRE Trafa!gar-PI. Lambeth, — S. end of Gibraltar-row, St. George's Pields. Trafalgar-Place, Lock's Fields; Waiworth,~the continuation of Garmouth-row, Kent-rd. Tiafalgar-Row, Green-Street, Bethnai-Green,— the E. con- tinuation of it, i a mile from the Grf en. Trafalgar-Row,Walworth-Com* mon, — by the Hour-glass, neariy op. Westmoreland- academy. Trafalgar-Sq. White Horse- Lane, Stepney,— J of a mile from the Church, towards iVJile-End. Trafalgar Stables-Yard, Mount- St. Berkeley-Sq.— 32 doors on the R. from I)avies-st. Trafalgar-St. City-Road, — op. Fountain- pi. 4lh on the R, north from Old-st. Trafalgar - Street, Turville-St. Bethnal-Gretn, — 4ih on the L. from 37,Church-st. Trafalgar-St. Walworth High- St. — 1st S. parallel to East- lane. Trafalgar-Terrace, Stepney,— the N. side of Cow-lane, by Ocean-st. Trafalgar-Yd. Mount-St. Berke^ ley-Sq. — at 33, middle N, side. Trafalgar - Yard, Blackfriars- Road, — between the Obelisk and Circus. Transport- Office. See Dorse t- Sq. Cannon-Row, A\c sir. Traveller Nf wspapcr-Office, — at 1 5 3, Fkct-st. by Bolt-court. Treasury, \\hitthall, — a few yarcio on the R. from the TRI Horse-guards, towards the Abbey. Trig's Court, Castle-St. Boro.— adjoiiih 14, Redcross-st. TriiJ-Lanc, Up. l"hames-St. — at 33, op. Lambet'i-!.iil. Tri(;-Stairs and Wharf, — by the last. Trinity Alms-Houscrj,Mile-End, — 12 doors oi] the L. below tiie turnpike. Triniry-Court, Aldersgate-St. — at 171, op. Falcon-sq. Trinity-Court, Little Trinity- Lane, — at ^8, middle of tiie E. side. Trinity-House, Trinity-Sq. — N. side, between Savatre-gar- dens and Cooper's row. Trinity-HoQse (Old), Water- Lane,— 4 docjrsfrom rower-st. Trinity- Lane (Gt.), Br^ad-St, — 3d on the L. from 46, Cheap- side. Trinity-T^ine (Little), — from the middle of the last to 199, Up. Thames-st. Trinty-Pl. Charinej-Cros?, — 6 doors on the L. from the Strand. Trinity-Sq. — part of the N. side of Ot. Tower-hill. Trinity-St. Rotlierhithe, — the continuation of Lower Queen- st. leadmj^ to Russell-st. and Greenland-dock. Tripe-Yard, Petticoat-Lane, — at 122, second on the li. from 41, Aid. are llii£h-st. Tripe-Yard, Petricoat-Lane, — 4th N. of Wentworth-st. TrotterVCourt, New Gravel- Lane, — at 60, second on the R. from Shadwell Hieh-st. TrotterVWays, Rotherhithe,— TUR E. side of Cherry-garden* sians, i of a mile abovs the church. Trump-Court, Whitechapel-Rd, —at 43, a few doors on the L. below the church. Trump-Street, King-St.— 6 door* un the L. from 93,Cheapside, Trundley^s Lane, Deptford Lower-Road, — the 1st S. of the Halfway-house. Truss-Society, — at 10,Gropers- hall-court, Poultry. Tucker's-Row, Poplar, — iiearlj op. North-st. Tudor-Strect, New Bridge-St. Biackfriars, — at 15, second on the L. from the bridj^e. Tuerena's Rents, Upper East- Smithtleld, — behind 89, hf Dock-st. Tufton-Street, Wood-St. Westr. — 3ri street on the L. from 64, Millbank-st. extending to the Ho r.^e ferry- road. Tu»ton-St. (Little),— from 22, in the last, to St.J )hn's Church. Turk's-Head Court, Bell-Alley, — 1st on the L. from 1, Gol- den-lane. Turk*s-Head-Court, Turnmill- St. Clf rkenwell,-'-at 74, mid- • die of the E. side. TurkVTiead-Court, Oxford-St. — at 86, nearly op. the Pan- theon. Turk's- Head - Court, Golden- Lane, — at 120, sixth on the R. frotn Old-st. Turk's - Head - Passage, New Gravel-Lane,— at 12r, middle of the E. side. Turk's Row, Chelsea, — extends from Lower Sloane-st, to the Hospital, B b 3 TUR Turk-St. Bethnal-Green,— the continuation of Tyssen-st. op. Brick-lane, to Virginia.st. Turn - Court, Camel-Builds. — Istonthe R. from 9, Orchard- st. Portnian-sq. Turnagain Lane, Fleet-Market, — at 26, N. end, leading to ^ Skinner-st. Turner's Builds. Poplar, — '2d on tlie L, from the Co'iimer- cital-road. Turner's-Builds. Christian -St. St, George's East, — last on the R. from Princes-pl. New- road. Turner's Court, St. MartinV Lane, Charing-Cross,—- at 37^ N. side of Cliandos-st. Turner's Court, Back Churcli- Lane, Whitechapei,-— 1st on the R. from the Commercial- road . Turner's Rents, Gravel- Lane, Bqj'o.— op, George-st. from Blackfriars-road. Turner-Sq. Whitecb.apel-Road, — at 219, 4 doors VV. of Can- non-st.-road. Turner-Sq. Hoxton, — op. the Hare, | of a mile on the L. from Old St. -road. Turner-Street,Cartvvright-St. — 3d on the L. from 32, liose- inary-lane. Turner's Wharf, Millbank-St. Westminster, — op. Vine-st. |- of a mile above VVestmr. bridge. Turner's Wharf, Narrow - St. Limehouse, — JL of a raile be- 6 low Ratcllffe-cross. Turnham - Pi. Curtain - Road, Shored itch, — the R.side, ^ of a mile from Oid-st.-road. Turnmiil-St. — the continuation TWI of Cow-crof s to the Sessions- house, Clerkenwell-green. Turnstile (Gt.), HiDh-Ilolborn, —at 282, E. side Lincoln's- inn-fields. Turnstile (Little), High -Hoi- born, — from 240, to Gate-st. Lincoln Vinn-fiejds. Turnstile (New), High-Holborn, —at 232, eight doors W. of the last. Turnstile, Gt. Saffron-Hill,— at 130, leading to Charles-st, Hattoi^-garden. Turnwheel-Lanf, Cannon-St. — from 6, to Dowgate-hili. Turpentine-Lane, Neat-Houses?, Chelsea, — 1st on the R. from the bridge at Pimlico. Turville-New- Builds. Turville- St. — -12 doors on the R. from 38, Church -street, Belhnal- green. I'urvilie-Pl. Turville-St. Beth- nal-Green, — 3d on the L. from 37, Church-st. Turvi lie-Street, Church-Street, Bethnal-Green, — at 37, 4th on the L. from 65, Shoreditch. Turville-Street (New), Bethnal- Green, — 4th on the R. in Cock-lane, from 65, Shore- ditch. Tuson's Builds. Castle-Alley,— 1st on the L. fiom 124, Whitechapei.. Tutchey - Court, Strand, ; — at 137, W. side Somerset-pl. Tweezers -Alley, Water-Street, Strand, — 2d on the L. from 37, Arundel-st. leading to Milford-lane. Twig-Folly, Green-St. Bethnal- Green, — i a mile on the R. east from the Green. Twibden s-Builds.— at the bot- TWI torn of Inner Temple-lane, from 16, Fleet-st. Twisters- Alley, Bunhill-Row,-— at 102, tniddle of the W. side. Tyburn-Turnpike, — at the VV. end of Oxford-st. by Edg- ware-road. Tyers- Gateway, Bermondsey- St. — at 210, middle of the W. side. Tyger - Court, Whitecross - St. Cripplegate, — 7 doors S." of Beech-lane. Tyler's-Court, Wardour-St. So- ho. — at 82, six doors N. of Peter-st. Tyler' s-Court, Carnaby-Market, — at the N. W. corner, op. TylerVst. Tyler's-Passage, King-Street,-5 doors on the L. from 323, Oxford-st. TylerVStreet, Klng-St.—at 30, 3d on the L. fi'oni S23, Ox- ford-st. Type-Screet, Chiswell-St. — 2d on the L. from Finsbury-sq. Type-Court, Type-St. — 2d on . the R. from 24, Chiswell-st. Tyrell-St, Bethnal-Green-Road, — N. E. corner of Thorold- square. TyseVCourt, Duke-Street, St. George's Fields, — N. end, the corner of Tower-st. Tyson-Place, Kingsland-Road, — the L. side, J of a mile from Shoreditch, and op. the alms- houses. Tyssen-Strect, Church-St. Beth- nal-Green, — at 52, op. Brick- lane, ;!; of a mile on the L- from Go, Shoreditch. Tyssen-Street (New), Bethnal- Green^ — 2d on. the R. in UNI Satcbwell's rents, from 3^, Church-st. Tyson's-Yard, Tooley-St. — at 181, op, Mill-iane, UnANIxMOUS-ROW, Queen- St. Mile-End Ne.w-Town,— . a few yards behind 27, Church-st. Unicorn-Court, Kent-St. Boro. — -at 298, ten doors on the R. from St. George's church. Unicorn - Passage, Vine -Yard, Tooley-St.— 3d on the L. from 110, tooley-st. Unicorn-Yard, Oxford-St. — at 106, 5 duors W. of John-st. Union - Bridge - Row, Boro. — VV. end of the Grove, Great Guildford-st. Unicorn-Yard, Tooley-St. — at 100,5 doors E. of Stoneyiane. Unicorn-Passage, — 1st on the R. in the last, from Tooley-st. Unicorn - Yard, Biackman - St. Boro. — at 61, op. the King's Bench. Un ion-Be wery, Wapping-St. — - ^ of a mile below Hermitage- bridge. Union-Brewery, Lambeth VValk, — middle of the W. side, nearly op. Gray's Walk. Union-Builds. New-Road, Ma- rybone,— E. end of Alsop's buildings, Union-Buildings, Leather-I.ane, Holborn, — at 68, six doors S, of Portpool-lane. Union-Builds. Union-St.— at ^4, 1st on the R. from Hackuey- road. UNI Union -Builds. Hackney-Road, — W. side of bumersf i-bu'lds. ^ Union-Builds. Kent - Koad, — adj<»iniiiii Union-row. Union-Chiij.el, Poplar, — op. the Red lion. Union-Court, * Brunswick-[l(jvv, Westr. — 1st on the L. from Bridewell. Union-( ourt, liolborn-Hill, — at 95, iitarly op. St. An- drew's church. Un un-Court (Up.), —the con- tinuation of tlie labt describ- ed. Union-Court, Union-St. Middle- sex-Hospital, — 5 doors on the R. from Nor folk-st. Unon-Covirr, Ha^market, — S. side the Opera-house. Union-Court, Old Broad-St. — from 41, to Wormwood-st Union-Court, Willow-St. — 2d on the L. from Paul-st. Union-C'ourt, Hackney- Road, — 1st on the R. from Shoie- ditch-church. Union-Court, Back-Lane, Pop- lar, — 1st on the L. from the Commercial-road. Union-Court, New Gravel- Lane, — 12 doors on the L. from 19j, Wapping. Union-Court, Kent-St. Boro. — at 287, 20 doors on the R. from St. George's church. Union-Court, Maze, Boro. — 6 doors on the L. from 195, Tooley-st. Unioi;^- Court, Gibraltar - Row, St. George's Fields, — 1st on the R. from Prospect-pl. Union-Court, Tooley-St. — at 180, four doors W. of Ber- mondsey-st. UNI I Union -Cour% Princes- Street, St. Geoitte's Fields, — 1st on the L. from the Londoa-rd. Union-Court, Rothtrhiihe,— -S, side the church, by the Clia- rty- school. Union-Crescent, Union -Street, Hacknt v-Road, — at 30, mid- dle of the N. side. Union-t rescent, Kent-Road,-— op. the l^aragon* Uii'oii Fire-Offire, Cornhill,— at 8i, the corner of Finch- Jane. Union Hal), Union-St. Boro.— • a few doors on the L. from ^ 218, High-st. Union-Mews, Union-St. Mary- bone, — at 38, three doors VV. of SufFoik-st. Ui)ion-]\Jews,— at the N. end of the r.'resoent, Mmories. Union-Gardens,- Hackney - Rd. — entrance by the N. end of Union-walk. Union-Pi. Oi chard-St. Westr.— at 47, op. New Tothiil-st. Union- PI. Miil-Bank,— by the Kew Ranelagh, S. side the Spread -Eagle. Union - PI. Lower George - St. Chelsc a, — 4 doors on the L« fiom Sloane-sq. Union-Pl. Castle-Lane, Westr. — 1st on the R. from James- street. Unioi^Pl. Maiden-Lane, Battle- Bndt/e, St. Pancras, — 2d on the L. froin thelMaiden-head. Union-Pi. (Up.),— N. end of the last. Uninn-Pl. Collier-St. Penton- ville, — 1st £. of Cumming- street. Union - PI, Curtain - Road, — a UNI few yards N. of Bateman's row. Union-Pl. Stepney-Green, — 2d on the R. from Mile-end. Union-Pl. E. India Dock-Road, Poplar, — 1st VV. from the Dock-gate, on the L. Union-Pl. Garden-St. Poplar, — VV. end of VVhitL-hart-place, Ilobinhood-lane. Union-Pl. Lambeth, — W. con- tinuation of Lambeth -ter- race to Church-st. Union-Pl. (Little), — middle of the last. Union-Pl. Blackfriars-Road, — continuation of Edwaid-st. Union - PI. Union - Street, St. George^s Fields, — 2d on the R. from the London-road. Union-Pl. Cross-St. Newington, — at the bottom of CoUitch- place. Union-Pl. Svvan-Lane, Rother- hithe, — 1st on the R. from Rotherhithe -street, towards Adam-st. Union-PL Back-Hill, — 1st on the L. from Ray-st. towards Leather-lane. Union-Pl. Jamaica - PI. Lime- house, — Ist on the R. from the Commercial-road. Union-Pl. Ashton-St. Blackwall, — N. side, near the East-In- dia-dock-gate. Union-Pl. Ravel-Row, — N. side the King's Bench. Union-Pl. Black nian-St. Boro. — al 42, middle of the E. side. Union-Place, Three Oak-Lane, Horselydown, — entrance fac- ing the E. end of Free-School- street. Union-Row, George-St. Chcl- UNI sea, — a few yards on the L, from the S. E. corner of Sloane-sq. " Union-Row, City-Road, — W, continuation of Fountam-pl. op. the Shepherd and Shep- herdess-walk. Union-Row,Essex-St. Kingsland- Road, — 2d on the R. from the said road. Union-Row, Stepney -Green, — 1st on the R. in Union-pL froni the Green. Union-Row, Bethnal.Green-Rd, — the continuation of the W. side of VVilmot-st. Union-Row, Fashion-St. Spltal- fields, — at 35, by Brick-lane. Union-Row, White- Bear- Gar- dens, liackney-Road. See Harris's Row. Union-Row, Union-St. White- chapel-Road, — facing Sion- chapel. Union - Row, Minories, — tlie corner of Rosemary-lane and Towei-hill. Union-Row, Mile-End-Road, — part of the S. side, near the Plough, 2j miles from Aid- gate. Union-Row, Kent-Road, — 3d on the R. from the Elephant .and Castle. Union -Row, Snow's Fields, —« 6th on the L. from 138, Ber* mondsey-st. Union - Stairs, Wapping, — at 3 '26, 1. of a mile belosv Iler- 6 niitage-bridge, op. East-lane- fetau'S. Union-St. Middlesex - Hospital^ — last on the R. in Wells-st, from 63, Oxford-st. Union-Street, New Bond-St. — UNI at 75, ten doors on the L. from Oxford-st. Union-Street, Hill-St. — Sd on the L. from Berkeley-sq. .Uiiion-Sireet, New Bridge-St. Biackh'iiH s,— at 36, 3d on the L. from Ludgate-hill. Union-St. Uiukney-Ro^Ld, — 1st on the L. from Shoreditch- church. Union-St. Bishopsgate-Without, — at 69, 5th on the H. north of the chuvcb. Union-St. Whitechapel-Road, — at 281, liit E. of the church. Union 'Street, Shadwell High- St. — at 227, op. New Gravel- lane. Unionist. LondojvRoad,^ — 2d on the R. from the Obelisk. Union-St. Lambeth, — 2d on the R: from the Stags towards Kennington. Uniun -Street, Tower-St. — 2d on the L. from the Asylum. Union-Strtet,B«)ver-St. — 1st dn the R. from Biackfriars-rd. Union-Street, Higli-St. Boro. — at 218, 1st < PI. Newington, — E. side, between the Ele* phant and Castle and the cb. Vain-St. Glean-Alley, — 1st on the L. fr<>m 218, Tooley-st. . Vaientint-Couj t, Webber-St.-^ 1^t on the R. from Black- friars-ioad. Vairntine-Pl. Blackfnars-Road, — W . side, op. Bennet's row, Valenniu-Row, Blackfr'ars-Rd. —hum the S. end the last, to Wehber-st. Vaiciuine - Row, Long - Lane, Bermondsty, — near the mid- dle of the N. side. Valiant.Soldit r-Alley', Bermond- sey-St.— ^ doors on the L. from Tuoky-st. Vauxhall, Lambeth, — at the W, VAU end of Up. Kenningtan-lane, by the turnpike, Vauxhall-Chapel, Vauxhall, — adjoins the turnpike on the W. side. , Vauxhall - Gardens, Up. Ken- nington-Lane,— J of a mile on the R. frem Kennington- cross. Vauxhall-PJ. South Lambeth,— 1st row on the L. from the turnpike. Vauxhall - Road. See Upper Kenniofyton-Lane. Vauxhall- Row, — the continu- ation of Princes-st. Lambeth. Vauxhall-Sq. — at 10 in the last, N. W. corner of the Gardens. Vauxhall-Stairs, — | of a mile from the turnpike towards Lambeth. Vauxhall-St. Up. Kennington- Laiie, — 1st on the L. from the Gardens. Vauxhall - Terrace, Vauxhall- Walk,— N. side of the Gar- dens. Vauxhall - Walk, — from Lam- beth-Butts to the N. side the Gardens. 3t. Vedast's Church, Foster- Lane, — on the R. from 147, Cheapside. Venetian-Row, Liquorpond-St. — part of the N. side, by Gray*s-inn-lane. Vere's Crescent, Lambeth- Marsh, — E. end of James-st. Vere-Street, Oxford-St.— at 151, op. New Bond-st. Vere-St. Clare- Market,— 2d on the R. in Princes-st. from 123, Drury-lane. Vernoa*;^ Builds, St. Pancras, — VIL N. W. corner of the Small- Pox-Hospital. Verulam-Buil dings, GrayVInn- Lane, — op. 48, the 3d on the L. from Hoi born. Vicar -General's Office, Doc- tors-Commons, — 1st house on the L. in Bell-yard, from 10, Gt. Carter-lane, Victory-Pl. Lock's Fields, Wal^ worth,— 1st on the L, from Garmouth-row, Kent-road. Victory-Row, Trafalgar-Square, Stepney ,-=bebind the N. side, Victualling-Office, Somerset-PL — centre of the R. side the square from the Strand. Victualling-Office (Army), Little Thames-St.— adjoins Lower East-Smith field, nearBurr-st. Victualling-Office, Deptford, — J of a mile below Greenlaud- dock. Victualling -Office - Row, — -the continuation of Grove-st. W". side the last. Victualling - Office-Sq. Tower- Hill, — E. side, by the New Mint. Vigo - Lane, Swallow-St. — at 149, 1st on the L. from 41, Piccadilly, Villa-Pl. Walworth - Common, . — oy the Chapei and Paufs place. Villa-Row, — E. end of the last, Vil!a-St, Walworth-Common, — between Villa-row and Villa- place, Villiers- Court, Piccadilly, — at 166, leading into St. James's- street. Vjllier's St. Strand,— -at 31, 4th on the R. from Charing-cross. VIN Vincent's Court, Silver-St. Fal- con-Sq. — 2 doors from 81, Wood-st. Vincent-Row, CIty-Road,-~part of the L. side, near a mile from Finsbury-sq. Vincent-St. Bethnal-Green, — 4th on the R. in Cock-lane, from behind 65,Slioreditch. Vine-Coari, Bell-Alley, — 4th on the R. from 1,*^ Golden- lane. Vine-Court, Laystall-St, — at 14, 1st on the R. from GrayVs inn-lane. Vine-Court, Vine-St. — corner of Old Round-court, Strand. Vine-Court, Vine - Yard - Gar- dens, Clerkenwell, — 1st on the R. from Bowling-green- lane. Vine-Court, Golden-Lane, St. Luke's,— 4th on the R. from Barb can, Vir^e-Court, Moor- Lane, Moor- fields, — 2d on the R. from 86, Fore-st. Vine-Court,— E. end of 3-Crane- wharf, Queen-st, Cheapsidt , Vine-Court, Vine-Street, Spital- fields, — at 12, last on the R. from 23, Lamb-st. Vine-Court, Vine-St. Minories, — on the W. side, by New- square. Vine-Court, Broad-St. Ratcliffe, — beliind 84, entrance by Vine-passa<>,e. Vine-Court, Whitechapel-Road, — at 226, op. the Workhouse. Vine-Court, Redcross-Sr. Upper East-Smithfield, — 1st on the L. from 7, Nightingale-lane. Vine-Court, Vine-St. Lambeth, VIN — 1st on the L. from Narrow- wall. Vine-Court,Blackman-St. Boro. — at 115, 2d on the R. from St. George\s church. Vine-Court, Vine-Yard, — 1st on the L. from 109, Tooley-st. Vine * Inn, Bishupsgate-Within, —at 70, 10 doors S. of the church. Vine- Passage, Broad-St. Rat- cliffe,-— at 84, middle of the N. side. Vine-PL Little Pearl-St. Spital- fields,— 1st on the R. from 8, Gt. Penrl-st. Vine-Pi. Vine-St. Lambeth, — 1st on the R. from Narrow- wall. Vine-St. Westr.— -at 43, Mill- bank- st. near Horse ferry-rd. Vine-Street (Little), Swallow-St. • — 6 doors on the R. from 45, Piccadilly. Vine-St. Piccadilly, — -the conti- nuation of the last to Brew- er-st. Vine-Street,, Chandos-St. Co- vent- Garden, • — at 26, ten doors on the R» from 27, St. Martin's lane. Vine-Street, Broad-St. Blooms- bury, — 12 doors on the R. from Lligh-HolbQrn. Vine-St. — the contiimation of Bedford-st. from the N. end of Lcalhcr-lane, Holborn. Vine-St. Hatton-Wall, — E. con- tinuation of it to Mutton- lane. Vine-Street, Lamb -St. Spital- fields, — at 24, 2d on the L. from Spital-sq. Vine-Street, Phcenix-St. Spital- VIN tlclds, — 2d on the R. from 168, Brick-kiue. Vine-St. Minorif s, — 1st on tlie L. in George-5t. from 142, Minories. Viue-St. (Little),— Iht on the L. in the last from Jobn-st. Vij)e-St. Narrow- Wall, Lam- beth,— 1st on tiie il. froni Westminster-bridge. Vine-Yard, Vine-Sc. Piccadilly, —at 7, middle of the E. side. Vine-Yard-Pi. Broad -St. llat- cliffe, — N. end of Vine-pas- sage. Vine-Yard, White-Horse-Street, Ratcliffe, — op. Butcber-row. Vine-Yard, Tooley-St,— at 110, ^ of a mile on the L. from London-bridge. Vine -Yard- Gardens, Bovvling- Green-Lane, Clerkenwell, — 2d on the L. from Coppice- row. Vine-Yard-Wa^k, — the continu- ation of the last. V^ine-Yard, Aldersgate-St.-^ at 100, a few doors N. of Bar- bican. Vinegar-Lane, St. George's E. — from Sun- Tavern- fields to White-borse-pl. Commercial- road. Vinegar-Yard, — S. side Drury- lane theatre. Vinegar-Yard, Clerkenwell, — the continuation of Eagle- court, from 5, St. John's lane. ^ Vinegar-Yard,^ — S. end of Dar- by-st. entering by 37, Rose- mary-lane. Vinegar - Y^ard, Parsons - St. — nearly op. Well-st.Wellclose- "■^iiinre. WAD Vinegar-Yard, Cannou-St. Boro. — the \V. end of it. Vinegar - Yard, Gravel - Lane, Boro.— nearly op. Geor;;e-?jt. Vinegar- Yard, Bermoadsey-St. — at 240, N. side of Snow's fields. Vinegar- Yard, Baw-Yard^ St. Giles's, — 1st on the L. from Broad-st. Vintners- x'Mms - Houses, Mile- End,— J of a mile oa tbe h. below the turnpike. Vintners-FIall,Up.Thames-St.— at 70, W. side of Queen-st. Cheapside. Virgil-PhBowjing-Green-Builds. Mary bone, — 3d on the L. from the New-road. VirginVCourt, Well-Alley, -^ 1st on the R. from 110, Wap- Virginia-Street, Parsons-St. Up. E.-Smithiield, — at i)0, near Ratclifie-hishway. Vinjiiiia-St. Bethnal - Green, — the continuation of Castle-st. behind Shoreditch church, to the Bird-caj^e. WaDE'S-PLACE, :\riKi-End. Road, — op. BcncrorVs alms- houses. Wade's Pi. Poplar, — op. tlvr Green -Man and Dolphin- lano. W^ade's Fields, — W. side the last. Waddel's Yard, Stacey-Stroer, St. Giles's,— N, end, by tlic church. C c WAD WjidhaiTi*s Court, Jacob-Street, Dock-Head, — last on the L. from Mill-st. Wagstaff's Builds. Great Guild- ford-St. Boro, — N. end, by Maid-lane. Wakefield's PI. Bun hill-Row,— 1st on theR. from Old-st. Wakefield^s Rents, Old-St. — at 87, on the W. side the City- rpad. Wa!l brook, — from the W.side the Mansion-house, to Cannon-st. Walbroo^-Pi. Hoxton, — i of a mile on the,L. from Wink- worth's builds. City-road. Walbrook-School,Blue-Anchor- Alley, — a few yards on the R. from 108, Bunhill-row. Walburge-Court, Walburge-St. — 1st on the L. from Back- lane, St. George's East. Walburge-Street, St. George's East,^ — 1st E. of Cannon-st. turnpike, •■ Walcot - PI. Lambeth, — both sides the high-road, •§• of a mile from Westr.-bridge. Walker*s Builds. Horse-Shoe- Alley, Moorfields, — E. end, from 14, Wilson-st. Walker's Court, Berwick - St. Oxford-St. — S. continuation of it. Walker's Court,Stoney-St.Boro. — W. side the Boro. market. Walker's Yard, Rathbone-Pl. — at 29, op. Percy-st. Waller-Pl. Lambeth - Road, — E. end of Durham-pl. by the Stags. Wallis's Court, Mint-St.Boro.— 1st on the L. from op, St. George's church. Wallis's PI. Pimliccy— Sd on the L. from Buckingham-gate. Wallis's Yard, Worship - St. — 6 doors on the R. from 249, Shoreditch. Walnut-Tree-Court, Globe-Al- ley, Limehouse, — the 1st on the R. from Fore-st. Walnut-Tree-Walk, Walcot-Pl. Lambeth,— 1st on the R. south of the Three Stags. Walsh's Buildings, Curtain- Road, Shoreditch. See Mill's Court. Walter's Aims-Houses, Old-St.- Road, — a few doors on the R. from Shoreditch church. Walter's W^ays, Rotherhithe, — by tiie entrance to the Sur- rey Canal. Walton's Court, Cartwright-St. — 3d on the R.from 32, Rose- mary-lane. Walton's PL Brook-St.RatclitFe, — op. Stepney-causeway. Walton's Wharf, Tooley-St.— E. side Battle-bridge-stairs, entering by Mill-lane. Walworth, — a district in St. Mary's, Newington, from the Elephant and Castle towards Camberwell. Walvvorth-Common, — the space on the S. side of East-lane, and from Surrey-sq. towards Camberwell. VValworth-Pl. Walworth High- St. — part of the R. side, |. of a mile from the Elephant and I astle. Walworth-Workhouse, — on the S. side the entrance to tne Montpelier. Wapping-Charity-Schoo), — ad- WAP ;oins Wappiog-church, on the S. side. Wapping-Dock-Stairs, — at 230, Wapping-st. near Old Gravel- lane. Wapping-Dock-St.— op. the last. Wapping-New-Stairs, — at 261, Wappini^, near Red-Lion-st. Wappiug-Old-Stairs, — at 290, Wappint;, \V. side the church. Wappjug-St. — from Hermitage- bridge, where there are num- bers 1 and 3(i5, to New Gra- vel-lane. Wapping- Wall,— the E. continu- ation of the last, by the side or the Thames. War -Office, Horse - Guards, Whitehall,— 1st door on the R. tVom St. James's Park. WWd's Builds. Nottingham-St. Maryboue, — middle of the S. side. Ward's Court, Gosweil-St. — at 42, op. Wilderness-row. Ward's ilow, Pimlico,— L. side, 10 doors from Buckingham- ^ate. Ward's Row, Bethnal - Green- Road, — part of the L. side, between the turnpike and Pollard's row. W^arden's Court, Clcrkenwell- Close, — W. side the church. Wardour-Street, Oxford -St. -— at 382, 4th on the L. from St. Gdes's, Wardour-Mews, Portland-St. — 3 doors W. from lll,War- dour-st. Wardrobe-Pl. Gt. Carler-Lane, Doctors' Commons, — 2d on the R. from Creed-lane. Wardrobe-Terrace, Saint An- WAR drew's Hill, — S. side the ch. 1st on the R. fronj Karl-st. Warner's Row, Wal brook-Place, Hoxton, — i of a mile on the left N. from Wink worth's buildings, City-road. Warner-St. (Little), — the conti- nuation of Ray-street, from Cierkenwell-green. Warner-St. (Gt.), — the continu- ation of the la.st. Warner's Yard, Mincing-Lane, — 8 doors on the R. from V Fenchurch-st. Wamford-Courr, Throgmorton- St. — at 29, middle of the N. side. Warren-Mews, Warren -Street, Fiizroy-Sq. — at 32, W. end. Warren's Rents, Ropemakers- Fields, Lmehouse, — at 20, middle of the S. side. Warren-Row, Turner's Sq. — 2d on the R. from lioxton-iown, Warren-Srjuare (Sir William's), Wapping, — at 181, W, side New Gravel-lane. Warren -St. Fitzroy-Sq.— N. side, at 133, Tottenhara-court-rd. Warrant of Attorney's OtHce, Pump-Court, — entrance by the ist on the L. in Middle Ti mple-lane. from 5, Fket-st. Warwick-Court, Higii Ilolborn, — 39 doors \V. of Gray's-inn- lane. Warwick-Court, Warwick-Lane, See Warwick-Square. Warwick-Lane, Newgate-St. — at 10, 1st on the R. fron Snow-hill. W^arwick-Pl. Bedford-Rr3w,_N. end of Bruwnlow-st. from 49, High-Holborn. WAE - Wamick-PJ. Pimlico, — 2d on the K. in PnriCes-fow^ op. Aralt>€lla-row. Warwick-Row, Pimlico, — 1st E, of the last. V/arwick-Kow, Blackfr;ars-Kd. — £. side^ beiwten Ben* net's row and Hi^iers-lane. Warwick-Sq. Warwick- Lane, — 1^2 dooi*s on the L. i'lvm Fa- tern osier- row. Warwick-St. Golden-Sq. — on the W. side, from Giasshouse- st. to Beak-st. Warwick-Street,Cock.spur-St. — 10 doors on the li. from Pall- mall. Water-Lane, Fleet-St.— at 67, .Id on the L. from Fleet-mar- ket. W^ater-Lane, Black friars, — 1st on tije L. in Earl-sc. from the bridge. Water-Lane, Gt. Tower-Sr. — from 28, op. Mark-lane, to 61, Lower Thames-st. Water-Lane, Jacob-St. Dock- Head, — 1st S. parallel to it, iind ti>e 1st N. to London-st. Water-Street, Arundel-St. — Ibt on the L. from 188, Strand. Water-St. White-Friars, — 2d on the L. in Tudor-st. from 15, New Bridge-st. Watermen's Alley, Boro. — the end of Pepper-alley, by Lon- don-bridge. Watermen's Alley, White-Fri- ars-Dock, — on the W. side, bv the Rose and Crown. Waiernu'ii's Hall, St. Mary's Hill, -at 18, three doors on the L. from op. Billingsgate. Watermen's Row, St. George's F/ist^ — op. the N, end of WEA Well-alley, entering by 110, Wappin^. Walling - Street, Saint PauTs Church - Yd. — from 35, to Budge-row. W^atson's Buildhigs, Ducking- Pond-Row, Whitechapel, — 2d on the L, from North-st. Watson's Builds. Poplar, — be- hind the Silver-lion, near North-st. Watson's Wharf, Lower Eas*- Smithfield, — on the E. side St, Catherine's Dock, by Little Thames-st. Watts*s Court, or Sq. See Cham- ber-Sq. W^atton-Pi.Blackfriars-Road, — W. side, by the Obelisk. Waxchandler^s Hall^ — N. end of Gutter-lane, Cheap side. Weatherhead's Gardens, Crab- tree-Row, Bethnal-Green, — 2d on the R. from Hackney- road. W^eavers- Alley, Shoreditch, — at 188, six doors N. of Hoiy- w ell-lane. Weavers Aims-Houses, Hoxton, ■ — the corner of Old-st.-road, and op. the Curtain-road. Weavers Aims-Houses, Saint John-St. Bethnal-Green, — last on the R. from lOo, Brick-lane, W^eavers Aims-Houses, — facing the N. end of Blossom-st. entering by 27, White-lion- st. Norton-Falgate. Weavers - Arms - Court, Mile- End, — 40 doors E. of Step- ney-green. Weavers-Hall, Basinghall-St. — 2Q dfiors on the R. from Cat- eat()j;-st. WEA Weavers-Lane, Tooley-St. — at 119, last on tlie L. from Lon- don-bridge. Weavers-St, Bethnal-Green, or Spitalfields, — 2d on the 11. in Fleel-st.-hill, irom St. John- street. Webb's Builds. Hare-St. Beth- nal-Green, — at 8T, 1st on the R. from 109, Brick-lane. Webb's Builds. Risb/s Rope- Walk, Limehouse, — • middle of the N. side. Webb's PL Snows-Fields,— -2d on the L. from 236, Ber- mondsey-st. Webb-Sq. Shoreditch, — behind 47, J of a mile S. from the church. Webb - Street, Bermondsey-St. — at 248, 1st on the R. from Tooley-st. Webb - St. Bermondsey New- Road, — 1st on the L. from Star-porner. Webber-Row, — tst on the L. from behind the Magdalen- hospital, Blackfriars-road. Webber-St. Black friars-Road,-- by the last, 1st on the L. from the Obelisk. Webster's Builds. Kcnnington- Green, — at 17, 2d on the R. from the Horns. Webster's Wharf, Ilorselydown, — at the N, end of Free- man's lane, near the £. end of Tooley-st. Weigh - House - Chapel, Little Eastcheap, — 16 doors from Fish-st.-hill. Weigh-House- Yard, — behind the last. Weir's Passage, Chalton - St. Sommers-Town, — 1st on the WEL R. from the road to Mary- bone. Wei beck - Chapel, Westmore- land-St. — 7 doors from 12, Gt. Marybone-st. Welbeck-Mews (Little), — N. side Little Welbeck-st. Welbeck-St. Marybone, — 2d W. of Cavendish-sq. Welbeck-St. (L!ttle),--from 10, in the last, to 80, Wirapole-st, Well-Alley, Minories, — at 22, that number on the L. from Ald^ate. Well-Alley (Up.), Wappingj— at 110, 15 doors below the London-docks. Well-Alley (Lower), — the con- tinuation of the last. Well-Alley,Ropemakers-Fie]d5, Limehouse,— at 63, middle of the N. side. Well-Alley, Glean-Alley, — 1st on the R. from 218, Tooloy- street. Well and Bucket-Court,01d-St. — at 32, Ibt E. of Whitecross- street. WeIl-Court,Queen-St. — 8 doors on the R. from 69, Cheap- side. WelLs-Court, Wells-St.— at 63, 4th on the L. from Oxford- street. Wells-Court, Hackney-Road,-— J of a mile on the R from Shoreditch, and op. Middle- sex-place. Well-Court, Well-St. Mile-End New-Town, — at 36, W. side* Well-Court, Well-St. VVellclost- Sfj. — 1st on the R. from 84, Parsons-st. Well-Court, Well-Alley, — I'^t from Glean-alley, Toolev-st. Cc3 WEL Well- Court, Russell -St. Bcr- mondsevy—^d on the 11. ea.st from Cijurch-st. Well-Court, Queen-St. Ilor^e- lydovvn, — 1st on the L. Troiii 08, Gainsford-st. Wells-Mews, Wells - St. -- 25 doors on the R. fruiii 63, Ox- ford -st. Welis-Piace, Pentonville-Road, Cold - Bath- Fields, — a few bouses near Bagnitige-wells, Wells-Street, Oxford-St. — at 63, the 6th on the R. from St. Giles's. Weds-Strcet, St. James's,— the continuation of Eau;le-street, from 212, Pi;:cadi%. Well-Street, Jewin-St. Cripple- oate, — 6 doors on the L. from Redcross-st. Well-St. Mile-End New-Town, — the continuation of Mon- tagu-st. from 55, Brick-lane. Well-St. Weilclose-Sq. — 1st on the R. in Cable-st, from Rose- mary-lane. Wcli-St. Robinhood-Lane,— 2d on theLtfVom E.end of Poplar. Weil-Yard, .Bai abridge - Street, St. Giles's, — jst on the L. from Oxford-st. Well-Yard, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, — 1st on the R. from Litt'e Biitain, or fr^m Duke- sireet. Wtll-Yard, Hooper-Sq. — 2d on the R. from 82, Lemon-st. W^eli-Yard, R,osemary-Lane, — S. er.d of Peter's court. VVclJclobe-PL New -Road, St. George's East, — 1st E. of PriBCCS-sq. Wellclose-Sr. -— at 25, Cable- st. and at 7^, ?ars€>ns-st. VNES WLjItrVPl. St. Pancras, ~- 2d froin the Small-pox-hospital, towards tlie church. WeilHii;ton-St. Blackfriars-Rd. — 3d on the,L. from Surrey- chapel towards the Obelisk. Welsh's Builds. Royal-Hospital- Row, Chelsea, — 2 doors E. of White-Iion-st. Welsh's Builds. Curtain-Road, — entrance by the 2d on the R. from Old-st.-road. Welsh-Chapel, — W. end Wil- derness-row, Clerkenwell. Welsh-Chapel,LittIe Guildford- St. Boro.— a few doors from 75, Queen-st. Welsli-Charity-School, Gray's- Inn-Lane, — a few doors N. of Guild ford-st. Wenlock-Pi. City.Road, — N, side, between Windsor-ter- race and Anderson's build- iui^s. Weniock-St. Ironmongers-Row, St. Luke's,— 2d N. of the church. Wentworth Court, Wentworth- St.~at 28, op. Old Castle- st. Wh i tech ape 1. Wentworth-Pl. Mile-End,— N. side, ^ of a mile below the turnpike, by Red-cow-lane. Wentworth - St. Spitalfields, — 1st on the L. in Osborn-st. •from op. the church, White- cliapel. Weslake's Dock, Bermondsey- Wall, — W. side Fountain- stairs, nearly op. Farmer's rope-walk. West-Ham Water- Works, Mile- End-Road, — N. side, 2 miles from Aldgate, and op. Ew- ing's builds. mmmmmmmmmmm WES West's Gardens, New Gravel- Lane, — at 67, three doors from 22, Sliadweli High-st. West-India-Docks, — E. end of Liiwehousc, extending to Blackwall. West-India-Dock -Company*s- Oftice,— N. W. corner BHli- ter-sq. West-Lane, Walworth High-St. — op. East-lane, | a mile on the il. from the Elephant and Castle. West-Lane, Bcrmondsey, — be- tween Cherry -garden-bt. and Mill-pond-bridge. West-PI. Bethnal-Green, — 1st on the L. from Patriot-sq. to- wards the Hackney-road. West-Pl. St. George's Fields,— by the Philanthropic-Reform. West-Place, Ratclifte-Row, St. Luke^Sj — N. side, between Pink's row and Nelson-st. West-Row, Commercial-Road, Limehouse, — at the E. end of St. Ann's row. West-Sq. St. George's Fields, — 5th on the L. from the Ele- phant and Castle towards Lambeth. West-St. Seven-Dials, — N. end of Little St. Martm*s lane on the left. West-St. W..Smithfield,-at 87, the N. W. corner, leading to Chick-lane. West-St. Sommers-Town, — 2d on the R. from the turnpike, Baitle-bridge, towards Mary- bone. West-Street, Green-St. Bethnal- Green, — E. side of Green-pl. -} of a mile on the R. from the Green. Wcist-Street, Crispin-St. Spital- WES fields, — at 10, leading to the W. side of Spitaifieids-mar- ket. West-Street, Prospect-PI. St. George's Fields, — 5th on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. West's Warehouses, — at 7, Bil- liter-lane. Westbourne-Pl. KingVRoad, — adjoining the N. E. corner of 81oane-sq. Westby's Aims-Houses, IIox- ton, — N. end of Gloucester- terrace,and op.Brett's builds. Western-Passage, Marman-St« —2d on the L. from the Com- mercial-road. Western-Dispf:nsary, — at 33. Charies-st. Westminster. Westminster-Abbey, — \V. side of Old Palace-yard. Westminster-Bridge, — N, side the Abbey. Westminster- Bridge - Road, — from the Obelisk towards the bridge. VVestmmster Fire - Office, — at 27, King-st. Covent-garden. Westminster General -Dispen- sii'7»— ^^t 32, Gerrard-street, Solio. Westminster-Hall,-S. side New Palace-yard, near the bridge. Westminster-Hall-Court, Went' worth-St.Spitalfields, — at 44, 2dE. of Rose-lane. Westminster-Hospital, or Pub- lic - Infirmary, — E. end of James-st. Westminster-Library,— 44, Jcr- myn-st. Westminster -Journal-Newspa- per-Office,— at 45, Old Bai- ley, the corner of Fleet- lane. WES Westminster New Lylng-Inn- Hospital, — I of a mile on the L. from VVe&tminster-brid^e towards the Asylum. Westmoreland-Academy, Wal- worth-Common, — | of a mile W. of Surrey-sq, Westmoreland- Builds. Alders- gate-St.— -at 159, 17 doors N. of Little Britain. Westmoreland - Court, Falcon- Sq. — the corner of Silver-st. Wood-st. Westmoreland-Mews, Gt. Ma- rybone-St. — at 10, five doors W. of Wimpole-st. Westmoreland - PI. City-Road, — the continuation of Provi- dence-st. nearly op. Fountain- place. Westmoreland - PI. Walworth- Comraon, — op. Westmore- land-row. Westmoreland-RoWjWalworth- Common,— from Surrey-sq. to Westmoreland-Academy. AVestraoreland-St. Great Mary- bone-St. — at 12, six doors W. of Wimpole-st. Weston - Court, Weston - St. Boro.— 1st on the R, from 35, Snow's fields. Weston-Pl. Sommcrs-Town, — from the turnpike, B:ittle- bridge, towards St. Pancras. Weston-St. — l«t in the last from the turnpike. Weston-St. Pentonville, — near- ly op. the Chapel, leading to- wards Clerkenwell. Weston-St. Maze, — the conti- nuation of it, entering by 195, Tooley-st. Weymouth-Mews {VP')> Wey- inouth-St. — at 42, 1st W. from 61, Portland-pK WHE Weymouth-Mews (Lower),— 3 doors W. of the last. Weyraouth-Pl. Ken t- Road,— adjoining Weymoutlirst. Weymouth-St. Kent- Road,- 1st on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. Wcymouth-St. Marybone, — 2d on the R. in Partland-road from the New-road. Weymouth - Terrace, Hackney- Road, — by Alport's Nursery, 5 of a mile on the L. from 'Shored itch. Whalebone - Court, Throgmor- ton-St.— at 39, op. the N. E. corner of the Bank of Eng- land. Whalebone -Court, Bell-Alley, — 2d on the L. from 5(5, Cole- man-st. Wharton's PI. Holborn, — en- trance by 146, nearly op. Middle-row. VVharton-Pl. School house-Lane, Ratcliffe,— middle of the VV. side. VVlieatsheaf-AlIey, Up.Thames- St. — at 108, near London- bridge. Wheatsheaf - Stone - Wharf, Wapping, — at 219, E. side King Edward*s stairs. Wheatsheaf- Yard, Fleet-Mar- ket,— at 22, 3d on the R. from Ludgate-hill. Wheeler's Builds. George- Yard, — 1st on the R. from 87, . Wentworth-st. Wheeler- St, Spitalfields,— 3d on the L. in Spital-sq. from 103, Bishopsgate. Wheeler's Wharf, Saint Cathe- rine's, — on the W. side of Hermitage-bridge, | of a mile below the Tower. WHE Whetstone's Park, — 1st on the R. in Gt. Turnstile from 282, High- Hoi born. Wheymarrs Builds. Bermond- sey-Spa, — nearly op. Augus- tus-row, \V. side the Spa. Whig (Independent) Newspa- per-Office, — 1st door on the L. in Warwick-sq. fronn War- wick-lane. Whistlers- Court, Saltcrs-Hall- Court, — 2d on the L. from 82, Cannon-st. Whisters-Ground, Gt. Peter-St. Westr. — 3d on the L. from Gt. Smith-st. Wl)itby-Wharf, Up, Thames-St. — entrance by 79, on the E. side of Th)*ee-crane-stairs. Whitcomh-Court,Whitcomb-St. — 1st on the R. from Coven- try-st. Whitcomb-St. Charing-Cross, — 1st on the R. from the Strand. White's Alley, Chancery-Lane, — at 33, middleof the E. side. White's Alley (Little), Fiream's Builds, — near the E. end, bearing to the R. from 2f, Chancery-lane. White's Alley, Coleman-St. — at 60, 5th on the R. from Loth bury. White's Alley, Long -Alley, Moorfields, — 1st on the L. from Worship-st. near the Cintain-road. White - Ikar - Alley, Atdgate- High-St.— at 18, ten duol^s E. of the church. White-Bear-Alley, Princes- St. Lambeth, — 4th on the L. from Vauxhall. Whitc-Bear-Court, Shoreditch, — at 184, op. Church-^t. lead- ini^ to Foster's builds. WHI White- Bear- Court, Kent-St. Boro.— at 270, -J- of a mile on the R. from St. George's ch. White- Bear-Gardens, — the end of the last. White- Bear - Gardens, Kings- land - Road, — entrance by Union-walk, Union-st. WHiite-Bear-Inn, Piccadilly, — E. end, near the Haymar- ket. White-Bear-Inn, -J- at 31, Ba- sin ghall-st. White-Bear -Yard, Eyre-St. — 1st on the R. from Leather- lane. White-Bear-Yard, Bride-Lane, , — 1st on the R. from 9, New Bridge-st. White's Builds.Rosemary-Lane. See Abel's Builds. Whitcchapel lligh-St. — the con- tinuation of Aldgate, from Somerset-st. and Petticoat- lane, to the church. Whiiechapel-Road, — from the church, where there are 1 and 281, to the turnpike. Whitechapel-Workhouse, — | of a mile on the L. below th^ church. White's Court, Ropemakers-St. — 3d on the L. from the N. W. corner of Moorfields. White's Court, Montagu - St. Spital fields, — 6 doors on the R. from .33, Brick-lane. White's Court, Green-Bank, — 2d on the R. from Wapping- church. White's Court, Vine -Yard, — 1st on the R. from 110, Too- ley-st. Whitecross-Pl. Wilson-St. — at 22, the 3d on the R. from Moorfields. WHI Whitecro6s-St. Cripplegate, — from 115, Fore-st. to nearly op. the church, Old-st. Whitecross -Street^ Queen-St. Boro. — at 06, 1st on the L. from Union-st. Whitefriars, — ^N. aide the river Thames, between INew Bridge-st. and the Temple. Whitefriars-Dock, — facing Wa- ter-lane, from 67, Fieet-st, Whitefriars New Wharf, — on the E. side the Temple-gar- dens. White's Grounds, Bethnal- Green-Road, — at 9j, 1st on the R. east of the turnpike. White's Grounds,Crucifix-Lane, —1st on the R. from 50, Ber- mondsey-st. W^hitehall, Charing-Cross, — the continuation of it, from the Admiralty to Parliament-st. Whitehall -Court, Tower-Hill, — middle of the E. side, lead- ing to St. Catherine's lane. Whitehall-Court, Gascoigne-Pl. Bethnal-Green, — 2d on the L. from 40, Castle-st. Whitehall-S lairs, — entrance by Whitehall-yard. Whitehall - Yard, Whitehall,— op. the Horse-guards. Whitehall -Tiraber-Yard,— W. end of Cannon-row. Wliite - Hart Coach - Office, Strand, — at 29(3, 6 doors E. of the New Church. White -Hart-Court, Windmill- St. — -0 doors on the L. irom 35, Tottenham-court-road. White-Hart-Court, Castle- St. Leicester - Sq. — at 31, ten doors N.of Hemming's-row. White-liart-Court, Long-Lane, WHI W.-Smithfield,— at 17, Qd on the R. from 119, Aide rsgate- street. White - Hart - Court, Charter- House-Lane, — entrance by 6, 2d on the R. from St. John- street, White - Hart - Court, Battle- Bridge, St. Pancras, — 4 doors E. of the Maidenhead. White - Hart - Court, Lombard- St. — from 41 to 28, Grace- church-st. White-Hart-Court, Bishopsgate, -at 200, 2d N. of the church. White-Hart-Court, Hoxton, — op. the Britannia,! of a mile on the R. from Old-st.-road. White-Hart-Court, Gascoigne- PI. — 1st on the L. from Cas- tle-street, behind Shoreditch- church. White-Hart-Court, Greenfield- St.— 1st on the R. from Field- gate-st. Whitechapel. White-Hart Court,Green-Bank, Wapping, — 2d on the R. from the church. White-Hart -Court, Bermond- sey-St.— at 242, near Snow^s fields. Wliite-Hart-Court, Walworth, — 1st on the L. from the Ele- phant and Castle. Wijite-Hart-Fields,Kennington- Lane,— behind White-hart-pl. White-Hart-Inn,St. John-Street, — at 120, I of a mile on the R. from Sniithfield. W'hite-Hart-Inn, Boro. — at 62, near St. Margaret's hiil. Wliite-Hart- PI. Kennington- Lane, — L. side, from Kcn- nington-cro^ towards New- iiJiiton, WHI White - Hart - PI. Robinkood- Laue, — 3 doyrs on the L. tVoni the E. end of Poplar, Wli!te-l{art-ilow,Gravei-Lane, ~E. end (tf George-st. Black- friars-road. White-llart-llow, Kennington- Lane, — 3d on the L. tVom Newingtoii. White-liart-Row, Gray's-Inn- Laiie, — N. end, adjoining Battle-bridge. White-lIart-St. Warwick- Lane, — 1st on the R, from Pater- noster-row. White-Hart-Wharf, Lambeth,-- op. Broad -St. White-Uart-Yard, Tottenham- Court- Road, — at 19 r, op. Whitfield's chapel. White-Hart- Yard, Titchborne- St. — 12 doors on the R. from the Ha3MTiarket. White-Hart-Yard,Drury-Lane, — at 82, 3d on the L. from the Strand. White-Hart- Yard, Drury-Lane, —1st on the L. from Holborn. White - Hart- Yard, Brook-St. Holborn, — at 20, op. Brfiok's Market. WhiteiIart-Yard,London-Wall, —near the S, E. corner of Moorfields. White-Hart Yard,Whitechap€l, — 10 doors E.of Somerset-st. Aldgate. White-Hart-Yard, Lower East- Smithfield, — at 43, 1st on the L. from Butcher-ros»'. White-Hind-Alley, Maid-Lane, T-op. Gt. Guild ford-st. White -Hind -Court, Bishops- gate-Without, — at 103, op. Widc^ate-st. WHI WhIte-Hor3e-Alley,Cow-Cross, — 2d on the R. from Saint John-st. Wliite-Horse-Alley, Turnmill- St. Clerkenwcll, — at 35, mid- dle oii the W. side. White-Horse- Alley, Sharp's Al- ley, West-Smithtield, — 1st on the L. from West-st. White- Horse- Builds. Boot-St. Hoxton, — 1st on the L. from Pitfield-st. White - Horse - Cellar (New) Coach-Otfice, Piccadilly, — at 66, three doors W. of Albe- marle-st. White -Horse -Cellar (Old) Coach-Omce, Piccadilly, — at 159, two doors VV. of Arling- ton-st. White-Horse-Court, Windmili- St. — 6 doors on the L. from Tot ten ham-court- road. White -Horse- Court, Golden- Lane, — at 125, middle of the W. side. WhiteHorse.Court,Whitecross- St. — at 93, 5th on the It. north of Chiswell-st. White Horse-Court, Long-Lane, West-Smithtield,— afew doors on the R. from 118, Alders- gate-st. Wiiite-Horse-Court,WheelerSt. Spitaltields, — at It), 2d on the R. from Lamb-st. White-Horse-Court,Rosemary- I^ne, — 3d on the L. from the Minorics. White-Horse-Courr, High - St, Boro. — 8 doors on the L, from London-bridge. White-Horse-Court, Kent - St. Boro— at 293, tho end of Royal Tents. WHI Whitfc-Iiurse-Court,Star-Corn- er, Bernioncise)', — 1st S. of Loiig-lane. White-Uorst-Inn, Fetter-Lane, —at 88, twelve doors on tlie R. from 3^2, Holborn-iiill. \V ii i te-Horse- Inn, Fr ida v-St.— 30 doors on th(^ R. from 36, Cheapside. White-Iiorse-lDn, Cripplegnte, — N. end of Wood-st. on the R. from 12-2, Cheapside. White -Horse - Lane, Stepnqy. See Commercial- Road. Whitc-Horse-Lane, Mde-End, — op. the Old Globe, | a mile on the R. below the turnpike. White -Horse-Mews, Coleman- St.— en trance by White-horse- yard'. White-Horse-Pl. Commercial- Road, — -J- of a mile E. of the Halfway-house. White-Horse-St. Piccadilly, — 1st W. of Halfn)oon-st. W^hite- Horse -St. RatclifFe, — the continuation of Butcher- row, Ratcliffe-cross. White-Horse- Yard, Farm - St. Berkeley-Sq. — at 7, nearly op. John-st. White-Horse-Yd.NewBond-St. —at 131, eight doors S. of Grosvenoi'-st. White-Horse-Yd. Gt.Windmill- St. — 4 doors from the Hay- market. White-Horoe-Yard, Chapel-St. Westr. — 6 doors on the R. from Tothill-st. White- Horse-Yard, King-St. Westr.— 5 doors S. of Charles- street. White-Horse- Yard, G^orge-St. WHI Bloomsbury,— 7 2d on the "R.. from 25, Broad-st. White-Horse-Yd. St. Martin's Lane, C baring-Cross,— at M, S. side New-st. \ W'hite.Horse-Yd.Highllolborn, — at 101, ten doors W. r>f Dean-st. Red-lion-sq. Whire-Horse-Yd. Drury-Lane, —at 1 JO, ^th on the R. from W^vch-st. W li i te-Horse-Yard,Wood-St.— SO doors or* tiic R. frc>m Cheapside. White-Horse-Yd. Coleman-St. — 17 doors on the R. from London-wall. Wh i te-Horse-Yd .Lineol n VIn n - Fields, — op. E. end of Liulc- Wild-st. White-Horse-Yd.London-Woll, — at 64, ditto, at 56, op. Bethlem-hospital. W h i te-Horsc-Ya rd ,Rood-Lane, Fenchurch-St,— op.thechiU'ch. White-Hors6-Yd. Lower East- Smithfield,— at44, 2d W. of Burr-?t. White-Horso-Yd. Black man-St. Boro. — at 69, op. Union- place. White- Horse -Yard, Kent-St. Boro.-at 124, |- of a mile on the L. from St^int George's church. Whitelands, King's Road, Cliel- sea,— by Colviirs Nursery, op. tjie Hospital. White-Linen-Court, Barnkside, Boro. — a few yards W. of Thames-st. White-Lion-Court, Little Bell- Alley, — 1st on the L. from London- wail. White - Lion - (^oun^ Bkchlu- win Lane, — at 21, C>d on tlie L. from Cornliill. Wlilte-Lion-Court, Cornhill, — at 6 4-, three doovs from Bi- shops^ato-st. White-Lion-Court, Throgmor- ton-St. — at 20, four doors from Broad-st. Wliite- Lion - Court, Bankside, Boro. — at 5.5, fourth VV. of Thames-st. White - Lion - Court, Bermond- sey-St. — at 234, leading to Snow's fields. White-Lion-Court,White-Lion- - St. Seven-Dials, — 3 doors from Monmouth-st. White-Lion-Com-t, Fleet-St. — at 7(3, five doors W. of Salis- bury-court. White-Lion-Court, or Builds. White-Lion-St. Pentonville,— 1st on the L. from Islington. White-Lion-Court, Tower-St.— at 40, ten doors on tlie L. from Tower-hill. White - Lion - Court, Charter- ' • house- Lane, — at G, 2d on the L. from Charterhouse.sq. White-Lion-PI. Isliui^ton, — a few yards N. of White-lion- street. White-Lion-Sq.Old Betlilem, — at 16, middle of the N. side. White-Lion-St. Chelsea, — the continuation ofLowcrSloane- st. to Royal Hospital-row. White-Lion St. Norton-Falgate, — 12 liouscs N. of Spital-sq. While-Lion-St. Seven-Dials, — J St on the L. in IVIonmouth- s-t. from Broad-st. St. Giles's. White-Lio!i-St. (Little), — conti- nuation of the last to Mercer- si. Lonir-acic. Win Whitc-Lion-St. Pentonville, — Ibton the L. in Iligh-st, h- lington, from tlie Angel-inn. W h i te-Lion-St. W li i techa pel,— the continuation of Lemon- St. to 7G, Rosemary-lane. W^hite - Lion - Wharf, Upper Thames-St. — at 19, op. Ben- net's hill. White-Lion-Yd. Vauxhall,^ — op. Vanxhail-stairs to the gar- dens. Wfiite.Lion-Yd. Lambeth, — op. the church. White- Lion-Yd. White-Lion-St. Norton-Falgate, — at 22, five doors R. of Blossom-st. White-Lion- Yd. Whitecross-St. St. Luke's,— at 172, 5th on the R. from Old-st. White-Lion-Yd. Oxford-St. — at 73, nearly op. the Pan- theon. White-Lion-Yd. Monmouth-St. Sliadwell, — middle of the N. side. White-Lion-Yd. WychSt. — 6 doors E. of Newcastle-st. White's Rents, Wood -St. Westr. — 3d on the R. from 64, i\lillhank-st. White's Rents, Fore-St. Lime- house, — at 86, 2d on the L. from Narrow-st. White-Roie-Alley, Whitecross- St. Cripplejiate, — at 58, 1st S, of Chiswell-st. White- Rose -Court, Colcman- St.— at30, op. Bt^ll-alley. White-Rose-Court, W^idegate- St. — at 13, 2d on the R. from BibhopSiiate. White's Row, leaker's Row, — l.ston the R. tVom 94, WiuLC- chapel-road. D d win White-Row, Spiialilelds, — the coiiiuiratioii of Fashioa-st, from 194, Brick-lane. Whirc-St. fipihnal-Green-Rd.— at 72, 2(i on the right E. of the turnpike. White-Street, Cutler-St. — 2fi un the R. from 114, Houads- ditch. White-Street, Church-St. Boro. — the continuation of it, on the L. from St. George^s church. ,White-St. Little Moorficlds,— the last on the L. fruiu 61, Fore-st. Wniite-Thorn-Coui't, King - St. St. George's East, — 1st on the L. frmn 29, New Gravel- lane. White's Yard, Gt. Saffron-Hi il, — at 23, nearly op. Charles- st. liatton-gardcn. White's Yard, VVhitecross-St. St. Luke's, — at 155, 2d on the R. fronn Old-st. White's Yard, Mile-End,— | of a nnile E. of Stepney green. W^hite's Yard, — from 58, Rose- mary -lane, to 97, Up. East- Smiihfield. Whitehead's Builds. Exeter-St. — 2d on the L. from 32, 8loane-st. Whitfield-Street,Leonard-St. — lit on the L. from Paul-st. towards the City-road. Whiting's Rents, Hickman's Folly, — 2d on the R. from Dock-head. W hiting's Wharf, Broad-Street, Ratchffe, — at 43, E. side Stone-stairs. Whiting's Yard, Dog and Bcar- WIL f Yard, — 1st on the R. from 127, Tooley-st. Whittington's'Coilege, Colle^te- Hill, — hy the church, middle of the E. side. Whitley's Court, Brick-Lane, St. Luke's, — at 73, 2d on the R. from H3, Old-st. Whittoh's Folly, White -Hart- Kow, Kennington, — 3d on tlie R. from Ciayt(m-pl. Wichebw's Warehouses, Lou-er Thames-St. — at 70, op. Bear- quay. Wicher's Aims-Houses, W^estr, — E. side the Blue - coat- school, near James-st. Wickham-Court, Wych-Streef, Drury-Lane, — at 23, 6 doors E. of Nevvcastle-st. Widegate-St. Bishopsgate, — at 51, 3d on the right N. of the church. Widnal's PI. Vine-St, Mutton- Lane, — 2d on the R. from Clerkenwell-green. Wiggin's Quay, Lower Thames- St. — op. 80, E. side Billhigs^ gate. Wigmore-St. Cavendish- Sq. — from the N. W. corner, to Edward-st. Wild-Court, Gt. Wild-St.— 1st on the L. from 48, Great Queen-st. Wild-Passage, Drury-Lane, — from 138, to Gt. Wild-.st. Wild-St.(Gt.),— Iston the R. in Gt. Queen-st. from 155, Dru- ry-lane. Wild-St. (Little),— 2d on the L. in the last, from Queen- street. Wdderu€ss-Lane, Dorset -St^ WfL Sali.->bury-Sq. — at 59, M on the R. fruiiiB^^;, Fieet->:t. Wiide ness-Kow,(^osweii-St. — nearly up. Old-st. leading to 64, St. Johu-st. Wilderness-Uow, CheUea,--liist on the R.. in Royal Hospiuii- row, from the Ilospical. Wilkies-Court, Shoreditch^ — at 101, 3d on the L. from the church. Wilks Street, Quaker-St.Spital- fields, — 2d on tfie L from 173, Brick-lane, behind liau- bury's brewery. Wilkinson's Builds. Ed^ieware- Road, — at 76, part of the E. side. Wiliiam's Buildings, Yeoman's Ro'.Vy Brompton, — R. side, from Mictiael's pi. Wdliains-Builds. Frcncii- Alley, — 3d nu the R,. from 21, Gos- . well-st. Williams's Builds. Three-Ham- mer - Alley, St. Thomas's, Southvvark, — 1st on the R. from the Broadway. W^illiams - Court, Maid - Lane, Boro. — nearly op. Gt. Guiid- ford-st. William's Court, William -St. Kent-Road, — 1st on the R. from Pitt-st. W^illiams's Court, New Gravel- Lane, — 8 d'»ors on the R. from Shadwell lligh-st. Wiiliams-Mews, Uevonshire-St. — 5 doors E. of Portland-pl. Williams's Mews, Adam-Street West, Portman-Sq. — 5 d.'>ors on the rigluN. of Up, Berke- ley-st. Williams-Pl. W^al worth, — part uf the R. side, from the WIL iMontpclier-gardeni towards Ciunhervvell. William -St. Libson -Green, -— 2d E. of Little James-st. William-Street, Ilenry-St. — 1st on the R. froui op. 91, Gra^'s- inn-lane. William-Street, Lant-St. B )ro. — 2d on the L. from 108, Blackman-st. Wdliam-St. Kennington- Com- mon,— 1st N . of the turnpike. William-St. (Little), — 1st N, of the last. Williatn-Street, Pitt-St.— l^t on the R. from the Kent-rd. Wi'iliam-St. Blackfriars-Il ad,— 1st E. of or behind Surrey- chapel. Wdliam-Strect, Union- St. Lam- beth, — - 1st on the L. frojii Wa loot- pi. Wiliiam-St. Marybone-Lane, — at 49, 3d on the L. from 153, Oxford-st. William-Street, James -Street, Westr. — at 30, 1st on tiie R. from Buckingham-gate. Williara-St. Adclphi, — at 64, Strand, \ of a mile on the R. from Charing-cross. Wdliam-Street, New Bridge-St. Blackfriars, — at 21, 1st ou the L. from the bridge. Wiliiam-St. Hampstead-Rd, — 5th on the R. from Toitcn- ham-court. Willia:n-Street,Cannon-Sr.-[(d —'3d on the R. south frou* the Commercial-roaci. Wdliam-Street, Cannon-Sr.-R.i — 2d on the R. from White- chapel. William - St. Shorcditch, — at 137, lit on the R. froii; the WIL church, extending to the Cur- tain-road. VVjJiiam-8t. Poplar-Row, — 2d on the R. from the Kent road. Willis's Court, Brackiey-St. — J St on the XL iVom 9, Golden- lane. Willis's Builds, Br rmondsev,- — entrance by Calico-buiiduigs, Printers pi. Willis's Rents, Bernnondsey-St. — at 101, ten doors tVom Russell-st. Vy iliis's Rooms, King-Street, St. Jiuneh'Sj — at 22, op. Duke- srreet. Willow-Court, Seward-St.— 1st on the L. iVoni 80, Gos well- street. Widow-Court, Willow -Street, Shored. tell, — 1st on the L. from Paui-gt. WjIIow-Row, Goswell-St. — at 50, i2 doors N. of Old-st. Wiilow-Strcet, Faul-St. — 2d on tlie R. north from Leonard-st. Willow-St. Soulhwark, — conti- nuation of Bankside to Hol- land-st. Blackfi iars-bridge. Willow - Walk, VVestr. — from Rochester- row to the Keat Houses. V>'il]ow-vValk, Hnxton, — 2d on the left, N. from iiaberdash- ei—ttlms-houses. Vi-illow-Walk, Cnrtain-Road, — the contini]ation of Snsannah- row, hearing to the R. Wiliow-VVaru', Hackney-Road, . — op. Middlesex-pi. | of a mile on the R. from Shore- ditch. Wil!ow-Walk, Bermondsey, — the last on the L. in Fiige's v»uik, from the. (.; range-road. WIL Willow - Tree - Court, Lower- Turnmg, Shadwell, — 2d on the L. from 76, Shakespcar'is walk. W i 1 lo w-Tree-C ou r t, New m ar- ket-St. — 10 doors on the L, from 157, Wapping. Wil!sled-St. Sommers-Town, — 3d on the R. from the turn- pike. Battle-bridge, towards Mary bone. Willsied-Court, — at 51, in the last, op. Phillips's builds. Wilmot-Builds. White-St, Boro. ■ — 12 doors E. of St. George's church. Wilmot's Folly, Betlmal-Green- Road, — N. end of Mary's row, entrance on the^E. side of Wilmot-sq. Wilmot's Grove, Bethnal-Grecn- Road, — N. side of Wihinot- square. Wilmot-Sq. Bcthnal-Green-R.d. — J of a mile on the L. fioin C3, Shoreditch. Wil.mot-St. Bethnal-Green-Rd, ■ — last on the R. near a mile from Shoreditch. Wilmot-Street, Bernard -St. — at 36, 1st on the R. from Brunswiek-sq. Wilson's Court, Duke -Street, St. George's I'iehis, — ]S'. end, the corner of Tower-st. Wilson's Court, Kent-St. Boro. — at 87, -|- of a njile on ;J]e L. from St. George's church. Wilson-Court, Maid-Fane, i)0- ro. — 2d on the L fiom Park- street. Wilson's Place, Salmon's Lane, Liuiehouse, — 1st on the L, fi"om the Commercial-roiid. Wilson',sCourt,-N . side the lust. WIL Wilson-St. Moor fields, — near the muldle of theN. side. Wilton-Su Grosvenor-PI. — at 43, fourth on the II. from riyde-park-corner. Wiltshire-Lane, Parsons-St. — at 40, 2d W. of llatclitfe- highvvay. Wimpole-Mews, Upper Devon- ehirc-St.— between Up. VViin-, polc-st. and Beaumont-st. Wimpole-Mews, Weymouth-St. — at 38, between Wimpoie- st and Harley-st. Wimpole-St. Cavendisli-Sq. — 1st W. of the square. Wimpole-St. (Up.), — ^N. conti- nuation of the last. Wincliester - Chapel, Parlia- ment-Court, Artillery-Lane, Bishopsgate, on the W. side. Winchester-Court, Monkwell- St. — 6 doors on the R. from Falcon-sq. Winchester-Court, Winchester- St. Pentonville, — 8 doors N. of Collier-st. Winchester-Gardens, Winches- ter-St. Pentonville, — at 32, 1st on the R. fronn the High- road. Winchester-Pi. Pentonville, — R. side the road, -J of a mile from Islington. Winchester-Pl. Hackney-Road, — near the end of Willow- walk, or Green-gate-gardens. Winchester-Pl. Pepper-St. Bo- ro.— 2d from the VV. end of Queen-st. Winchester-Row, Edgware-Rd. — at 81, near ^ a mile on the R. from Tyburn-turnpike. Winchester-St. Pentonville^ — Bd W. of the chapel» WIN Winchester-Street, Old Broad- St. — at 54, nearly op. the Excise-oiiice. Winchester-St. (Little), — 1st in the last, from Old Broad-st. W inchester-St. Boro.-JNIn rket, — ^^N. side, by St. Saviour^s church, Wiuchester.St. (Little), — 1st on the R, in the last from tbo church. Winchester- Yd. Boro.-Market, — by Little Winchester-st. Winchester -Wharf, Clink -St. Boro. — nearly op. Stoncy-st. Winckles-Buildings, Walworth- Common, — op. Phillips's builds. Windle's Wharf,— at the bot- tom of Mdford-ianc, from 200, Strand. Wmdmill-Court, Giltspur-St. — at 19, 4th on the R. from Newgate-st. Windmill - Court, Rosemary- Lane, — at 54, three doors W. of White's yard. Windmill-Inn, St. John-Street, — 3d inn on the R. | of a mile from Smirhfield. Windmill-Lane, Deptford Low- er-Road, — i- of a mile on t!ie L. below the Halfway-house. Windmill - Row, Kennington- Green, — W. •^ide, near the Wind mi 11- tavern. Windmill-St.Tottenham-Court- Road, — at 45, op. Gt. Store- street. Windmill-St. (Gt.) Haymarket, — op. the N. end of ir, fvnm Coventry-st. to Brewer-st. Windmill-St. (Little), — the cf>n- tinuation of the last tu Silver- street. D d3 WIN '^''v'lntlrniil-Sc. Cit v-R.()a(l,--a few yards beaiMis^ to the ii. from the N. W. coriifr of Fiiis- luirv-sq. Windsor-Court, Monkwcll-St. — at 40, 1st on the L. from Valcon-eq. Winde^or-Coiirt, IJttle Knlght- Ridcr-St. — at 14, 1st on the R. from the 01d_Chan£;e. Vy indsor-Courr, Strand,— near 330, op. Somerset-pl, Windsor-Fl. City-Road, — op. Windsor-terrace, ^ of a mile on the L. from Finsbury- square. Windsor-PL Bird-St. Lambeth, — 1st on the L. from Brook- street. Wiiidsor-Pl. Kent - Road, -— S. Side the Bricklayers-arms. Windsor-Street, Widegate-St.— I 1st on the R. from ol, Bi- shops- ate-st. Windsor-Terrace, C"ty- Rd.— W. sideSt. Luke'ij workhouse, ^ of a mile on the R. from ¥insbury-sq. Vvine-Ofiice-Court, Fleet- St. — at 143, 3d W. of Shoe-lane. Winford-C'jurt, Wentworth-St. Spitalfields,— (3 doors W. of Rose-iane. Wiidvvvorth'b Builds. City-Rcl.— bv Craven-builds. 5 of a mile oii tljc R. from Finsbury-sq. "Winkworth's Wharf, — K. side of Broken-wharf, entering by 41, Up. TLarr.es- St. W^nsley-Street, Oxford-St.— at 78, op. the Pantheon. Winter's Court, Lonjr . I^ane, Brrmondsey, — middle of the WOO winter's PL~lst E. of the ;rr- j . Winter's PL Lambcth-VVaik,-^- few doors on tiie L. from tht; I\ew Chapel. Wise-Court, VVhecler-Sr. — 1st on the L. from Spita!-sq. Wise-Court, Cast!e-St. Boro. — at 45, near Potts's Vinegar- ground. Wither's Court, Whitecross-St. — at 140, 1st on the L. from Old-st. Wittem's Builds^ Old-St.-Road, — part of the N. sde, ad- joining the Vinegar-ground. Woburn -Court, Duke- Street, Bloomsbury, — 1st from 42, Gt. Russcif-bt. Wohurn-iMews, Little Guilford- St. RussfciUSq. — middle W. side. Woburn-Pl. Russell-Sq. — from the N. E. corner to Tavi- stuck-sq. Woburn-Street, Gt. Russell-St. Bloomsbury, — at 39; middle of the S. side. VVoburn-Strcet, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden, — at 23, S. side of Drury-lane-theatre. VVolsingham - PL Lambeth, — from the Stags to the Asy- lum. Wonder- Wliat-Pl. New-Road, S!oane-St. — 2d N. of Exeter- .strect. Wood's Builds. George-Street, Chelsea, — 1st on the R. from Royal-Hospital-row. Wood's Builds. St. Pancras, — E. side Paradise-row. Wood's Builds. New-Tnn-Yard, — last on the L. from 175, Shoreditcii. . Wood's Builds, Whifcdiapel- woo Road.— at 154, op. the Lor.- don-hospital. Wood's Builds. Eaf^t - Lane, Walrvorth, — 1st on the 11. from the Keiic-road. Wood's Clo-e, Church - Ron-, Betbnal- Green, — S. side the church, near Ilarc-st. ^^'ood's Court, George-Street, Westr. — ^d on the L. from James-st. Wood's Court, Oxford-St. — at 81, nearly op. the Pantheon. Wood's Court, Norton-Falsate, — at 2Ty nearly op. VVhite- lion-st. Wood's Mews, Park-St. — at 81, 4th on the R. from 257, Oxford-st. ^Vooci's PI. Bowling - Green- Lane, Clerkenwel!, — Ist on the R. from Coppice-row. Woods PL Chequer-Aiiey, — the 1st on the R. from 107, W'hitecross-st. Wood-Street, Millbank-Street, Westr. — at 64, 1st on the R. fr:jin Abin^don-st. Wood-St. Spa-PI. Spa-fields,— 6 doors E, of the turnpike, near the House of Correc- tion. Wood-St. Cheapside,— at 122, 3d on the L, from Newgate- street. Wood-St, Spitalfields,— N. side the church to 8, Brown's lane. Wood-St. Bcthnal-Green, — last on the L. in Hare-st, from 110, Brick-lane. Wood-Street, St. Agnes-le-CIair, — Ian on the L. in Noah-st, from the Citv-road. WOO Wood's Ways, Rotherhhhp,— N- side of llotherhithe-ch. Wo'id's Wharf, Br:dewell-Pre- cinct, — 1st VV. of Blackfriars- bridge. Wood's Yard, PhcEiiix-St, Spi- taltields, — 2d on the R. from 38, Whetler-st. Wood-Yard, Redcross-St. Boro. — at 74, 1st N. of Union-st. Woodbridge- Street, St, John- St. Cierkenwell,— at 108, op. Compton-st. Wooden-Bridge-Stairs, Westr, — N. E. corner of New Pa- lace-yard. Wooden-World-Ccurt, — at the W.end of Beii-aliey, Golden- lane. Woodstock-Court, Woodstock- Sr. — 1st on theR. from 302, Oxford-st. Woodstock-Mews, Woodstock- St. Marybone, — behind 30, Weymouth-st. Woodstock-St. (Little), Wey- mouth-St.Marvbone, — at 30, 4 doors W. of 44, Wimpok- strect. Woodstock-Street, Paddington- St. ^Marybone, — 10 doors on the R. from 70, Hi>h-st. Woodstock-Street, Oxford-St. — at 303, 1st W. of New Bond-st. Woodwards - Court, High - St. Marybone, — Jst on the R. from tiie New-road. Wooldrich's Gardens, Fleet-St. Bethna! - Green, or Spital- £elds, — a number of small houses at the E. end of it. Wool ford's Ways, Wappin^;- Wal!,-£. side of K:rg Jarnes's woo stairs, op. Stai-street, Shad- well. Wool pack - Alley, Bermondsey- Street, — at 24^, near Snow's fields. Wool pack - Gardens, Goswell- St.-Road, — 1st on the R. from Islnigton. Woolpack-Yard, Gravel-Lane, Boro. — op. George-st, Woolpack-Yd. Dog and Bear- Yard, — Ist on the L. from 127, Tooley-st. Woolpack-Yd. Kent-St. Boro.~ at 54, J of a mile on the L. from St. George's church. Woolmor-St. Robinhood-Lane, — 3d on the L. from E. end of Poplar. Wool - Staplers Alms - Houses, Gt. St. Ann's Street, WesU\- 10 doors on the R. from Pe- ter-st. Worcester- Court, Worcester- St. — 1st on the L. from Old Gravel-lane. Worcester-Pl. Up. Thames-St. ■ — at 67, op. Garlick-hilh Worcester-St.Old Gravel-Lane, — at 143, 2d on the R. from Ratcliffe highway. Worcester- Street, Queen -St. Boro. — 2d on the R. from Union-hall. Works (Office oO, Guildhall,— 2 doors on the R, from 75, Basinghall-st. Workhouse- Alley, Limehouse. See Green-Dragon-Alley. Workhouse-Lane, Hoxton,-op. the Queen's head, ^ a mile on the L. from Old-stieet- road. Workhouse-Lane, Lambeth, — WRI the continuation of Lambeth- butts, towards Kennington. World's End, Stepney, — near the N. £. corner of the Church-yard. World's End-Court, Newingt^n- Causeway,-N. side the turn- pike. Worley's Court, Minories, — en- trance by 79, op. the Cres- cent. Wormwood-St. Bishopsgate, — at 65, S. side the church. Worship-Court, Worship-St. — 4 th on the L. from Paul-st. Wor^hip-Sq. Worship-St.— 3d on the L. from Paul-st. lead' ing to Chapel-st. Worship -St. Shoreditch, — 2d on the R. north from the N. E. corner of Fin»bury-sq. Wrestlers-Court, Camomiie-St. — 5 doors from Bishopsgate; Wright's Builds.West-St. West- Smithfield, — 3d on the R. from 86, Smithfield. Wright's Builds, Grange-Road, — 4th on the R. from Ber- mondsey New-road towards Rotherhithe. Wright's Passage, Tothill - St; Westr.— middle of the S. side. Wright's PI. Cotton-St, Poplar, — 1st on the L. from the E.- India-dock-road. Wright's Rents, Pell-St. Rat- clifre,--lst on the L. from 6, New-road. Wright's Rents, Grange-Road, Bermondsey, — on the N . side Page's walk. Wright's Yard, New Bond-St. — at 40, six doors S» of Mad- , dox-st» WYC Wych-St. Drui*y-Lane, — 1st oti the R. from tiie New Church, Strand. Wyconib-Pl. Kent-St. Boro. — at 70, I of a mile on the L. from Sc. George's church. Wyiiyatt-St. Ishui^ton-lioad, — oih on the 11. from St. John- srreet. Vvyiiyatt-Pl. Wynyatt-St. — 3 (h)ors (;n the li, tVom Gus- weli-st.-road. YaXLY-PLACE, Little Lant- St. Boro. — middle of tlie S. side. Yeats-Court, Carey-St. Chance- ry-Lane,— at 2:3, 2d on the 11. from Portugal-st. Yeats - Court, Long - Alley, Moorfields, — 2d on the L. from 29, Sun-street, towards Moortields. Yeats-Rents,ClerkenweH-Close, — at 23, a few doors N. of the church. Y^eoman's llovvj Brompton, — 5th on tl)e L. from Knights- bridge. Yerrway's Wliarf, Earl-Street, Blackfriars, — 2d E. of the bridge. Yoakley's Building*?, Mile-End- Green, — 9 doors E. from the London-hospital. York-Builds. Gruh-St. Westr.- middle of the E. side. York-Builds. Adelphi, — tl-e S. side of Duke-st. York-Builils. Water-Works, — the bottom of V^illicrs-street, Strand. YOR York-Rui'ds. New -Road, Mary- houe, — S. side, near Baker- St. Portman-sq. York-Builds. York-St. Penton* ville, — 2d on the L. from Clarence-pl. York-Builds. BormondseyNew* Road,--at the end of Kent- St. -road. York-Builds. Chalton-St. Som- niers-Town, — at 48, middle of the W, side. York-Builds. Hoxton-Fields,— • ■J of a mile on the L. tvorci Winkworih's builds. City-rd. towards Kingsland. York-Builds. York-Street, Wal- worth, — 1st on the L. from the High-st. York-Court, East-St. Manches- ter-Sq. — at 40, 12 doors on the L. from David-st. York-Court, York-St. Penton- ville, — 1st on the L. from Clarence-pl. York-Court, Paul-St. Finsbnry- Sq. — at 14, leading into Cas^ tle-st. York-Court, York-St. — 1st oa the R. from the London-rd. Yo k-Ilospital, Ebury-St. Chel- sen, — at the W. end, by the Watch-house. York-.Mews South, Paddington- St. Marybone,- — three doors from Bakcr-st. York-iNIews North, David -St. Marybone, — between York? pi. and East-st. York-Mews (Gt.), York-Pl. Ma- rybone, — 1st on the R. from the New-road. York-^lews (Little), W. end of the last. York-Pl. Marvbonc, — contiiiu- YeR ation oi' Buker-st. PorUnan- square. York-Pi. (Little),— W. end of Gt. Ycrk-mevvs. York-Pi. James-St. Westr.— E. e!'d,op.ihcBlue-coat-scbool. York -Pi. Peiuoiiviiie, — from Ciarence-pl. to the turnpike. York-P). Biuiner-St.— at 57, 1st on tiie L. from ISO, Whitc- cross-st. York-Pi. City-Road,— N. side, nearly op. Sidiiey-st. a mile from Finsbury-sq. York-Pi. Lower Chapinan-St, — o(.\ on tlie R. from Cannon- st.-road. York-Pl, Cow-Lane, Stepney,— by the World's End public- house. York-Pl. Mile-End-Road, — 5. side, by Savillc-pl. 2j miles from A id gate. York-Pi. York-St. — 1st on the L. from the Commercial-rd. York-Pi. Lambetii. — op. the W. side of the Asylum. York-Pl. Revel-Row, — N. side llie KinE;'s Bench. York-Pi. Walwurth Hicih-St.— the L. side, -J of a mile iVom tlie Elephant and Castle. York-Pl. Arnold-PL Walworth, — 2d on tl)e L. from Amelia- street. York-Pl. Os.-ulston-St.Somraers- Town, — 1st on the L. north of Chapel-path. York-Pi. Bird-St. I^mbfth,— 2d on the L. from Brook-st. Y'ork-Place. Kent-St.Road, — 1st on the R. from the Brick- layers-arms. Y'ork-Pi. Walbrook-Pl. Iloxton, — { of a ruile on the L. north YOR from Winkwortli's buildlng.% City- road. York-Row, — at the N. end of the last. York-Row, Hackney-Road, — Ji. side, i of a mile from Shoreditch-church. York- How, Kent-St.-Road, — N. end of York-terrace. York-R'jw, Kennington - Road, —the continuation of Orange- row from the Plougli ai:d Harrow. Ycrk-St. Hans-Pl. — 1st on the L. in Exeter-street, fron* 32^- Sioane-st. York-St. Westr. — the continua- ti n o? James-st. bearing to t:.c L. York-Street, St. James's Sq. — middle of the N. side, lead- ing to the S. side of Saint James's church, Piccadilly. York-St. Covent-Gardcn, — 2d on the L. along Cathcrine-st. from 343,Stra^nd. Yurk-St. Marybonc,— 5th on the L. in Baker-st. from Port- man-sq. York-St. (Up.), — the continua- tion of the last. York-St. Middlesex -Hospital, Marybone, — from 18, Union- st. to Foley -St. York-Street, Castle-St. — 1st on the R. from 00, Gt. Saffron- hiil. York-St. Pentonvllle, — 2d on the L. west of the ciiapcl. York-Street (Gt.), Church -St. Beilmal-Grccn, — at 185, l.st on the R. from 65, Shore- ditch. York-Street (Little), Church-St. Bethnal-Green,— at 179^ 2d » YOR on tbc R. troai 65, Shore- dilch. York - St. Commercial - Road, iMild-Eiid 01 i -Town, — ^d W, of Caiinon-st.-road, ex- tcn.iing to 45, Charlotte-st. York-St, Walworth Iligh-St.-lid on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. York-St. Lock'.s Fields, Wal- worth, — 2d on the L. iii Pitt- st, from the Kent-road. York-Street, Clarence-:St. — 1st on the R. from 303, ilother- hithe-st. York-Street, High-St. Boro. — at 276, Ist on the U. from Djndon-bridgt^. York-St. London-Road, — 1st on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. York-St. Black friars- Road, — 1st N. of Surry-chapel. York-Street (Lower), Bicknel's Row, Rotherhithe, — 1st on the L. from Russel]-^t. York-St. (Upper), — the conti- nuation of the last. York - Terrace, Ken t-St. -Road. — the E. side, bj the Brick- layers-arms. York-Wharf, Fore-St. Lambeth, — 20 doors S. of Broacl-st. Yorkshire-Crop-Yd. St. Peter's Ijxne, W.-Smithheld, — at 6, by St. John-st. Yorkshire.Grcy-Yd.Worship-Sq. — at the N. W. corner. Yorkshire-Grey -Yard, B'.ack- mau-St. Boro. — at 107, by Laiu-st. Y'ork shire-Stingo-Tavern, New- ZOA Road, Mary bone, — } of a mile on the 11. from 8 i, EcJg- ware-road. YouPs Row, Kent-Road, — by YouTs nursery, East-laue. Young's Builds. Horse-Shoe-Al- ley, Moorfieids, — 2d ou the L. from 14, Wdson-st. Young's Buildings, Nightingale- Lane, Limehouse, — 2d on the L. from Ropemaker's fields. Young's Builds. Old-St.— W. side of Whitecross-st. nearly op. the churcii. Young's Builds. Paul's - iVller, Cripplegate, — 2d on the R, from 13, Redcross-st. Young's Builds. Church-Alley, — ist on the R. from 70, Ba- singhall-st. Y^oung's Quay, Lower Tfiames- St.— at 24, E. side Bdlings- gate. Yoxail's Wliarf, — N. end of Mill-lane, bearing to tlire R, from 55, Tooley-sr. Yoxley's Builds. Raven- Row, W^hitechapel, — 8 doors E. of the London-hospital. ZR)N-CHAPEL and Square. See Sion. Zoar-Chapcl, AylifFt-St. — a few yards from Somerset-street^ Aldgate. Zoar-St. Gravel-I^-inr, B )rn. — '^d on the L. from Ho l.uid- st. Blackfriars-bridge. THE END. ^'nes Compton, Printer, Middie i:>U6ety Cloth fc'air, London. BOOKS Printed for SHERIVOOD, NEELT, and JONES. \ MAYOR'S VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. On the Firft of November was publi{bed, price Six Shillings, in extra boards, embelliihed with Five Plates, Volume the Firft, of A GENERAL COLLECTION of VOYAGES and TRAVELS; including the mott interefting^ Records of Navigators and Travellers, from the Difcovery of America by Columbus, in the Year U92, to the Travels of Lord Valentia. By WILLIAM MAYOR, LL.D. Author of the ** Univerfal Hiftory," S:c. (Rrc. Conditions. — For the convenience of the Public, this new and im- proved Edition of Dr. Mayor's Voyages and Travels will be pub- li(hed in Monthly Volumes, the Second Volume to appear on the Firfl Day of Decemiber, and continued monthly tiil completed. — The Work %vill be uniform.ly printed in Royal 18mo. and completed in Twenty- ei^^ht handfome and clofely-printed Volumes, each containing- about • 400 pages; the whole illuftiated and embellilhed with upv^ards of 150 Eng^ravings and Maps. This new and enlarged Woik confifts partly of a Reprint oT a fmiilar Colle£iion made by the fame Author, which has for a coniiderable time been out of print, and partly of new matter. In the Voyages, thofe of Anfon, Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cook, are copied, verbatim, from the original editions; among the Travels, thofe of Addifon, Mon- tagu, and Sm.ollett, are entire; with abridgments of many valuable works publi/lied fubfcquent to the appearance of the former Edition, biinging the Colledtion down to the prefent time. MAYOR'S UNIVERSAL HISTORY. On IheTlrft of November was publilhed, clofely printed in 18mo. em- bellifhed with an Hiftorical Frontifpiece, defigned by Burney, price 4s 6d in extra boards, or elegantly printed on fine Royal Paper, 6s; Volume the Firft, of A UNIVERSAL HISTORY, Ancient and Modern; comprehending a General View of the Tranfaftions of every Nation, Kingdom, and Empire, in the World, from the earlieft Period to the prefent Time. I^y WILLIAM MAYOR, LL.D. Vicar of Hurley in Beikfhire, &:c. &rc. CoNDTTiONS. — This Valuable Work will be uniformly printed in demy l8mo. on good paper, and completed in 23 Volumes, (9 Ancient and 16 Modern) price 4s 6d each; alfo a fuperior Edition, printed uni- form wilh Dr. Mavor's Voyages and Travels, on fine Royal Paper, price 6s. — A Volume will be publifhcd regularly on the Firft Day of fvery Month, and will be illuftrated with an Hiftorical Frontifpiece, drfigned and engraved by an eminent Anift, reprefenting fome princij/al event ; and the whole will be accompanied with a valuable Set of Maps. - ""'. -%> '^ ..^ ,,^:^^<^.% ^^ .<.. ^ ^^.l.'^'rv%> oO^% ^. ^^0^ . ^f^^. ^ -"^^..^ /i«^^%,# .- .o.^^ oO\-' IS/^i': "'^"-^'^^' *' -;% ^f^^^ ^ \f^^.^^^' -(^r 0^ ^^ ^^ ri^^r= ^c^ ^/^ .^^ 9^ _^;^£5^;*.K ^ ^> ^l ^^, ... .*. J'. ^ . \' .^^. .'. -Q. > .' -., * ^^ ^^^' :i ?^^ o^ rO' fp^^' ^ %- rO' ^ ^ * ^ ^-:^ G^ -.' ^< c>. ^^ > •-^^ >^^