^J^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS III ll il till r'llliliiililll III! 014 076 475 9 f^ OF THE Published by the Society. - HANTUCKET: INOrXKEJa AND MIRROR PRESS. ~; I 1895 \7S BY TRANSFER BUREAU OF AWER. ETHNOLOGY 8£P 2 2 1939 . ; CATALOGUE. No. Donated by. 1 Bedstead Elizabeth Starbuck 2 Origin of Stars and vStripcs Henry S. Wyer 3 Picture of Ship "Lady Adams" William R. Easton This sliip was built at Falmouth in iSoi, Jonathan Coleswoithy, master. 4 Map of Nantucket Harriet R. Easton Presented to N. H. A. in memory ol Hon. William R. Easton. 5 Portrait of Augustus Morse Henry P. Clapp This portrait was painted by the artist Hathaway when Mr. Morse was a young man. He came to Nantucket about 1835, and taught m the Coffin School: became principal of High School June 17, 1S39, where he taught very sutcesshiUy until July 27, 1S55, when he leit to accept a position in Hartford, Conn. He taught in the latter city until 1S86, when his health failed, and he returned to Nantucket to spend the rest of his days. Died Jan. S, 1S91. He married Miss Rebecca Clapp of Nantucket, who survived him but two months. 6 Steamer Susquehanna Pacific Club 7 American Whaler Oliver C. Chadwick 8 Picture of John Boadle Eunice B. Lamberton John Boadle came to Nantucket from New York to teach in the Friends' School, and commenced his duties there on Oct. 8. 1S3S. Further information desired. 9 Picture— The Friends' Meeting-house Elizabeth Starbuck 10 Circular of Nantucket Fragment Society.. .Elizabeth Starbuck 11 Deed of Edward Starbuck Gulielma Folger 12 Framed Writing Mary H. N.ye Specimen of Betsey Coffin, daughter of Roland and Peggy Coffin. Born June, 1S07; attended the Franklin School, which was situated on Main Street, just west ol the Hallett homestead. Teacher, Samuel H. Jenks. This writing was executed when Betsey Coffin was fourteen years old. 13 Framed document, printed on silk Mrs. Thomas Coleman Report of the Committee of the Senate of the United States, to which had been referred various petitions remonstrating against the transportation and delivery of the mails on the Sabbath. Dated January 20th, 1S29. 14 Portrait of Capt. Charles Myrick F. S. Church, N. A. Painted by Mr. Eastman Johnson. • **« « • No. Donated by. 15 Photograph of David G. Ilussey Henry S. W3'er 16 Photograph of a "Friend" Ilenrj S. Wj^cr 17 Narrative of Robbery of Nantueket Bank William Hosier 18 National Spelling Book William Hosier 19 American Spelling Book William Hosier 20 Claims of Sundry American Citizens William Hosier 21 The Liberator William Hosier 22 U. S. Gavcetecr Heniy Brown 23 Register of Ship "Lady Adams," May 11, 1802 William R. Easton 24 Silk Tapestr3', made in Nantucket W. S. Macy 25 Anti-slavery Bag Mary E. Starbuek 26 Large pair of Bellows found in Friends' Meeting-house. 27 Sailor's Tunnel Eliza W. Mitchell A nice piece of work, made on board of one of the first whaling ships that sailed from Nantucket alter the war of i8i2. 28 Miniature Oil Cask Eliza W. Mitchell Made by a young cooper on his first voyage in a whaleship. 29 Linen Towel Eliza W. Mitchell The brig "Packet" was cast away at the South Shore in December, 1S2S. at night, and all on board perished but the second mate, who clung to a box and was thrown on shore by the breakers. He reached a dwelling in "Newtown," where he was cared tor. The cargo was duck towelhng and iron. Eight years alter, during a heavy storm, a bale ol the towelling was thrown up on 'Sconset beach. When opened, the edges were found torn to shreds by the long friction. This towel was made from some of the linen. 30 Wall Basket Eliza W. Mitchell Mrs. Betsey Gary, of Nantucket, visited a cousin in Hudson, N. Y., about fifty years ago, and was much interested in seeing a room fitted up exactly like Napo- leon's room at .'^t. Cloud. Her cousin's husband had visited the palace, and through the influence of a friend, obtained some of the identical wall paper. Mrs. Cary brought home some pieces of the same, which are here preserved. 31 Pieces of Damask Eliza W. Mitchell These pieces were given to Mrs. Mitchell in 1846, by a lady whose husband's sister married (jueen Victoria's upholsterer, from whom she received them. 32 "Nantucket"— A Parody on "Palestine" Eliza W. Mitchell These lines, written by Mr. Charles F. Swain, parody a beautilul poem by Mr. Edward M. Gardner, published in "Seaweeds" in 1S53. 33 Silhouettes Susan E. Brock 34 Belaying Pin Elizabeth C. Lovering 35 Serving Board Elizabeth C. Lovering 36 Palmand Needle Elizabeth C. Lovering 37 Log Book M. S. Dudley 38 Simeon Macy's Original Entry M. S. Dudley 39 Blue and white China Sugar-bowl A. H. and A. M. W. Seaverns . I 5 No. Donated by. 40 Capt. Ashmead's Epitaph A. H. and A. M. W. Seaverns 41 Baron Pollnitz Memoirs, Vol. 1...A. H. and A. M. W. Seaverns 42 Mortar and Pestle A. H. and A. M. W. Seaverns Formerly the property of Peter Folger's grandfather. 43 Iron Skillet A. H. and A. M. W. Seaverns 44 G Plates Mrs. C. B. Dalilgren Most of these belonged in the Coffin family. 45 Pewter Lamp Obed G. Smith 46 Seales Lj'dia Burnell Formerly belonging to Mrs. Judith Burnell. 47 Collection of Silhouettes 48 Old picture of John Gurney 49 Book-plates a — John CoiTm 1771, duplicate for sale. b — Hector ColDn. c — William F. Coleman. 50 Treatise of the Game of Brag Mary E. Starbuek 51 Free Masonry Persecuted Mar3^ E. Starbuek 52 Foot Stove Mary E. Starbuek 53 Coffee Mill '. Mary E. Starbuek 54 Picture of Lucretia Mott Eliza S. Defriez 55 An Easy Grammar of Geography Eliza S. Defriez 58 Cane, formerly belonging to Walter Folger..Capt. James Wyer 57 Record of Arrivals and Departures Capt. James Wyer 58 Photograph of Tristram Coffin's Home at Newbury..... M.S.Dudley 59 Arrow Heads M. S. Dudley 60 Bellows Charles H. Chase 61 Wool Cards Charles H. Chase 62 Tin Box Charles H. Chase Probably a tea- caddy 63 Box for Ship's Papers Charles H. Chase These were in common use on all Nantucket ships. 64 Tin Kitchen ^ Mrs. George Wendell Macy 65 Ruler, made from ship Rousseau Abram Taber 66 Arrows Heads John Austin Starbuek 67 Wallet 68 Continental Scrip Mary E. Starbuek 69 Papers pertaining to Early History Eliza D. Gardner No. Donated by. 70 Ancient Lock and Key Capt, James Wyer This lock belonged to front door of the double house on Orange St., said to have been built over a hundred years ago, and afterwards cut in halves, making the house owned by Capt. Wyer, and the one south of that, owned by the Cathcart family. 71 Glass Goblet Eliza W. Mitchell Brought from Holland in the 17th century. 72 Pocket-book for paj^er currency Minnie L. Myrick Made by Walter Folger, son of the astronomer, in 1865, in the 79th year of his age. 73 Blue and white China Bowl Rebecca Watson Farnum 74, Infant's Cap Eliza W. Mitchell First cap worn by Joseph W. Clapp, born July nth, 1S25. Embroidered by his mother. 75 Portrait of Hon. Walter Folger James W. Folger Hon. Walter Folger, born June 12th, 176^; married Dec. 29th, 178; to Anna, daugh- ter of Alexander Kay. llad family of eight sons and two daughters. Died Sept. 81)1,1849. For further account, see "Memoir of Waiter Folger," N. H. A. Cata- logue No. 219. 76 China Cup J. W. Folger Marked S. P. F., for Simeon and Phebe Folger; the former had set made m China, about 1805. 77 Sperm Candles J. W. Folger Manufactured in one of the Nantucket candle-houses about iSoo, by Hon. Walter Folger, who gave two of them to each of his daughters, with the request that each one should keep them to use at tlie marriage of her oldest daughter. 78 Pitcher with tin handle Mrs. C. J. Hammond This pitcher was fitted with tin handle by James Austin, many years ago, when the high price which such articles cost made the breakage of a handle a serious matter. 79 Deer Horn John Austin Starbuck Found in ploughing on Ramsdell farm in Maddaket. 80 Basket Madeleine C. Mixter 81 Protection paper (Copy) Mary A. Albertson This paper was given to Barnabas Russell, of Nantucket, by the Consul of Sta. Cruz, Island of Flores, Nov. 5th, 1807. 82 Written Arithmetic Mary Coffin Childs 83 Map of Burnt District Fire of 1S46, July 13th. Drawn by S. H. Jenks, Jr. 84 Letter from Mary Starbuck (Copy) Mary^ A. Albertson Mary Starbuck wrote this letter to her grand-daughter, Eliza Gorham, in 1714. 85 Vision of Joseph Hoeg (Copy) Mary A. Albertson Joseph Hoeg, born 4 mo. 22nd, 1762; died iinio. 21st, 1840. 86 Accoutit of the Meetings of Friends Samuel Austin 87 Charts Madeleine C. Mixter a— Chart of Nantucket Harbor, 1S4S. b — Chart of Nantucket Shoals, 1854. 88 Picture of ship "Walter Scott." Capt. Charles Grant 89 Coffee Mill Susan P. Jones 7 jjo^ Donated by. 90 Churn used by Abraham Quary Judith T- Fish 91 Picture of death of Washington Nancy P. Coffin 92 Mortar Sarah M. Barrally Formerly the property of Miss Sarah Gardner, daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth Gardner. 93 Narrative of Mutiny on ship "Globe" M. S. Dudley 94 Hickory Nut ^I- S- Dudley From peat-bog, Reedy Pond. 95 Photograph of Veterans of G. A. R., May 30, 1894. .H. S. Wyer 96 Indian Relics, from Shimo Abner G. Fish 97 Poem— "Farewell My Dear Babes." Information desired about these verses. 98 Barrel Cover A. H. and A. M. W. Seaverns Fine specimen of "scrim-shont" work. Rim made from the jaw-bone of a sperm whale. 99 Hammer Matthew Barney A relic from the "Old Mill." 100 Portrait of Hon. Charles O'Conor Mrs. Eastman Johnson Charles O'Conor, eminent jurist. Born Jan. 22nd. iSo4, in New York city. Made his permanent home in Nantucket in 1S80, and died here May i2tli, ibS4- be- came much interested in the place and people, and considered the tew years tnat he lived here the happiest of his long life. 101 Spectacle Case of Ruth Coffin Daughter of David Coffin, son of John, son of Samuel (called King Samuel), son of Tristram. At Ruth's death this case went to her sister Jemima ^ '■' °n- f^'T:*: latter's death it passed to her daughter Laura Morton Hinckley, whu transferred it to N. H. A., Aug., 1S94. 102 Piece of Foremast of Schooner Harriet Fuller • •■•• Elizabeth C. Lovermg Wrecked at Great Point, Jan. 3rd. 1877. 103 Window from old house AlatLhew Barney Benjamin Brown house, on Cliff road, built in 1767. 104 Distaff. Charles H. Chase Made by Alexander Coffin from wood of old elm on Boston Common. 105 Wallet ^lary B. Plaskett This wallet was brought from London by Jcthro Pinkham, who afterwards became tax collector in Nantucket. It contains two drafts upon ihe same JeJiro rmic- ham, dated 1791. 106 Original drawing of map of Nantucket George B. Upton 107 N. H. Gazette, of Oct. 28th, 1785 Ann M. Worth Containing e.xtract from Nantucket letter, dated March i6th, 1735- lOS Harpoon Mary E. Starbuck 109 Ancient Chair Carrie A. Middlebrook 110 Spread Matthew Barney This bed-spread was made from cotton^carded and spun^by Lydia Wnrni,^^in^^i7r7 when she was but eleven years ok' ' ■— " was born in 1766, and died in 1863. 8 No. Donated by. 111 File of Almanacs from 1761 to present date Elizabeth G. M. Barney, Matthew Barney, Hannah G. Shef- field, Alary S. \Yhippe_v and others. 112 Treatise on Slavery Elizabeth G. M. Barney 113 Proceedings of Indian Council Elizabeth G. M. Barney 114 Broom made of beach grass Helen Belcher 115 The American Preceptor Obed Worth This book was used as a Reader in tlie Schools of Nantucket in iSo6. IIG Shares of Nantucket Camel Co Anna C. Rule 117 Picture of Cyrus Pierce Mrs. Frederick W. Stone Cyrus Pierce wns born August 15th, 17(50: died April 5th, i860. He was the first principal of the Nantucket High School. Tauf^ht in various schools in Nantucket lor thirteen years. During all these years Mr. Pierce was exerting himself to elfect better organization of public schools, and in accordance with a plan devised by him, tiiey were last arranged so that the benefits of classification could be se- cured. So great was his success, the iMass. Legislature elected him to found and preside over the first Normal School established in our country. 118 Fire-trumpet Charles Carroll Crosby Used in fire of iS,6. 119 Fireward's staff. C. C. Crosby 120 Abstract of history of Nantucket Fire Department C. C. Crosby 121 Fire Trumpet Capt. Obed Swain 122 Fire Bucket Capt. Obed Swain Formerly belonging to ist Peleg Macy. 123 Picture of George Fox 124 Lucretia Mott Born in Nantucket Jan. 3rd, 1793; Married to James Mott, iSii. Died Nov. nth, i^ioo. l'"or further account see No. 54. N. U. A. Catalogue. 125 Maria Mitchell Born at Nantucket August ist, 181S. Appointed I-'rofessor of Astronomy at Vassar College, 1865. Resigned her chair in i888, retiring as l-'rofessor Enicrita; died June 28th of the same year. For further account see No. 250, N. H. A. Catalogue. 126 Ferdinand C. Ewer Son of Peter F. and Mary Cartwriirht Ewer. Born May 22nd, 1S26. Died Oct. loth, 1883. See Memoir, No. i2y, N. II. A. Catalogue. 127 Church of St. Ignatius Sophia Mandell Congdon-Ewer Interior of Dr. Ewer's Church in New York. 128 Church of St. John the Evangelist Sophia M. Ewer Interior of Church in Montreal where Dr. Ewer was preaching when stricken with his last illness. 129 Writings of and about Dr. Ewer Sophia M. Ewer 130 Verses written bj- Hezediah Cartwright Sophia M. Ewer April 15th, 1745. 131 Dorcas Honorable H. S. Wyer Dauf^hter of Sarah Tashma, who was the last full-blooded Indian who lived here, and who wn? said to have been the oriy.inal of ""Matiie" in "Miriam Cofifin.'' Photot;raph made from daguerreotype taken in 1S44. 1' or futuer account see No. 252, N. H. A. Catalogue. 9 No. Donated li}-. 132 Abram Quary A half-breed, and tlie last of the Nantucket Indians. Died in 1854, aged eighty-two years. 133 Alfred Macy... Anne Mitchell Macy Hon. Alfred Macy, after teaching a few years as principal of the Coffin School, was admitted to the Bar. lieiug a most devoted Republican, was chosen Presidential t-iector in the Abraham Lincoln contest, iSoo. At the time of his death, Dec. 23rd, 1S74. he was about to enter upon his fourth term as Governor's Councilor truia the First District of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 134 Jacob Barker Josiah Folger Born Dec. 17th, 1779. Died Dec. 26th, 1871 For biographical sketch of this eminent financier, see N. H. A. Catalogue, No. 232. 135 William C. Folger Son of Alexander and Rebecca Folger. Born Jan. 8, i8o6. Died Nov. 10, 1S91. 13G Andrew Whitney Born Sept. 4th, 1S23. Died Sept. 22nd, 1894 One of Nantucket's most honored citizens. A strong Republican and active in politics. Filled faithfully and accept- ably the office of Postmaster from 1861 to 1879. Wns one sf the trustees of the Collin School for many years, and filled other positions of trust in the community 137 Miriam Coffin's daughter Ann M. Coleman 138 Seth Paddack Eunice B. Paddack Son of Abishai Paddack. Born 3rd mo., 29th, 17S2. Died 2nd mo., 19th, i846* Portrait painted by Hathaway, in 1S42. 139 Silhouettes of David Mitchell Eliza W. Mitchell 140 Silhouette of William Mitchell Eliza W. Mitchell 141 Silhouette of Eben Coleman Martha Coleman Taken at the age of five years. 142 Portraits of Nantucket's Whaling captains Capt. George Palmer. Capt. Stephen Bailey. Capt. Albert Wood. Capt. Edward C.Austin. Capt. Charles E. Starbuck. 143 Sketch of Harbor George G. Fish 144 Old print of Sherburne, afterwards Nantucket.. Thomas Ceeley 145 Silk made in Nantucket Silk Factory Hepsibeth Clisby Also piece of wedding dress of Mrs. William Henry Chase (born Eliza Ann Tuck), married Jnn. 28th, 1838. Presented by Mrs H. M. Robinson. The Silk F'actory was started in 1S35 by Aaron Mitchell and others. It was superintended by Crane, a stranger, A dye-house was connected with it, which was conducted by Boyington. The whole process of silk manufacture was carried on here, from the raising oi cocoons to the finished dress goods, of which the wedding-dress goods above is a sample. The company after running about seven years, failed, and the business was discontinued about 1S42. Ttie building was converted into a dwelling-house, which still stands at the head of Gay St., owned by Mrs. Holbrook and others. 146 Piece of infant's embrodiered dress Mary E. Starbuck Embroidered in 1S24 by Mary Bunker Pease, daughter of Benjamin Bunker. 147 Pocket Margaret Ewer Coffin 148 Calash Margaret Ewer Coffin 149 Knitting-needle case Phebe A. Gardner Came from Isaac Austin Estate, 150 Corset-board Emeline Scudder 151 Sperm medallions Emeline Scudder These were made in Matthew Crosby's candle-house, in Trader's Lane, in 1847.. 10 No. Donated by. 152 Slippers Lj^dia Holway These slippers were worn in the early part of iSoo , being given to Mrs. Holway by a lady nearly one hundred years old. 153 Powder liorn Francis B. Smith 15-i Cartridges Francis B. Smith Last cartridKes remaining- in the cartridge-box of Mr. Francis B. Smith, when it was given up previous to his return home in iS6— , 155 Arrow-heads WiUiam Hosier SB? Found in nothern and western parts of the Island. 156 Coins William Hosier 157 Fragments of Pottery Frederic Gardner Hillmau a — From a pre-historic stone Pueblo-Socorro Co., New Mexico, b— From old Indian camping ground, Granville, N. C. 158 Arrow-heads F. G. Hillman 159 Snuffers C. Warren Austin 160 Whale's Sinew Joshua Barker Brought home in one of the Starbuck ships — possibly the "Rose." 161 Whale Stamp Used on the log-books of whaleships, to signify the capture of a whale. Whales seen but not captured were designated by flukes, alone. 162 Indian Skull David Nevins Found in digging for the foundation of Mr. Nevins' house on Cliff Road, 1894. Tra- dition locates an ancient Indian cemetery at this place. 163 Warming-pan Charles H. Chase Brought from England by John Swain, ancestor, five generations back, of donor. 164 Yarn Reel Capt. William T. Swain 105 Tin Kitchen M. S. Dudley From old "Sally Jenkins' house," as also Ncs. i56 and 167. 166 Tin Baker M. S. Dudley 167 Coffee Mill M. S. Dudley 168 Oil Lamp Matthew Barney 169 Oil Lamp Lydia C. Cobb Originally belonging to Elizabeth McCleave, when she went to housekeeping, iSag. 170 Oil Lamps Anna Cobb Rule 171 Oil Lamp Oliver D. Applcton 172 Oil Lamp Ann M. Coleman 173 Astral Lamp Eliza W. Mitchell 174 Petticoat Lamp Martha Baxter More than one hundred and lifty years old; belonged to the estate of Valentine Swain. 175 Solar Lamp C.Warren Austin 176 Pair Yellow Glass Lamps Alexander AI. Myrick 177 Blubber-room Lamp C. Warren Austin These two lamps were made Dy James Austin and used on Nantucket whaleships. They were sunit'uTiies called "coffee-pot" lamps. 178 Cabin Lamp C. Warren Austin 11 No- Donated by. 179 Pewter Oil Lamp Mary B. King 180 Tin Lantern Lamp Mary B, King 181 PairGLass Candlesticks F"ormerly belonKinp to Eunice B. Paddack, the last resident member of Fair Street Suciety of iriends. 182 Lantern Susan Porapey 183 Lantern Joshua Barkei 184 Horn Lantern C. Warren Austin Made by James Austin. 185 Constable's Hooker Charles Carroll Crosby In use in the early part of the century. 18G Standing Stool Ann M. Coleman This stool was used in the Coleman family for many years. All the children stood in it in their infancy, including Wiss Mary F. Coleman, who was well known and will L« long remembered in oar community. 187 Piece of Sperm Whale's Skin Capt. Amasa Dj^er Capt Dyer was keeper of Great Point Light. 1894. 188 Whalebone from Humpback Whale Capt. Amasa Dyer 189 Sheep Shears Ann M. Coleman Used in Nantucket in old "shearing;" days. 190 Spoon William Hosier This spoon was bought at public auction in 1S13 by Richard Hosier, and has been used in the family ever since. It was said at the time it was bought to have be- longed to Phebe Gardner, sometimes called "Phebe Ducky." 191 Steamer Telegraph Charles Carroll Crosby Painted by James Walter Folger from a copy taken from original picture, in pos- session of Mr. Henry Paddack, supposed to have been painted by Hinckley. 192 Bed Wrench Capt. Obed Swain Formerly belonging to Tristram Pinkham. 193 Model of Old Mill at Newport 194 Quilting Patterns 195 Antique Wax Ornament 196 Cane made of wood of Frigate Constitution Harriet Calder Made from wood (in repairing) of the U. S. Frigate Constitution. Afterwards it constituted a portion of the hammock of Lieut. R. R. Pinkham, U. S. N., father of Mrs. T. W. Calder. Lieut. Pinkham died on board of "Old Ironsides," her first lieutenant at the time. 197 Life-size Silhouettes Eliza Clark Ruth Gardner, great-grandmother of David G. Hussey. Judith Hussey, daughter of above, and Paul Hussey's wife. Mary Ann Hussey, daughter of Paul Hussey. Albert Gardner, son of Ruth. Lydia G. Hussey, granddaughter of Ruth. E. M. Bartlett, wife of John R. Bartlett. Ruth Gardner, died between 1825 and 1S30, aged 97 or 9S. 198 Box found on Howard Street, Baltimore, 5th mo., 10th, 1825. Mary E. Starbuck 199 Hand-made Clothespin Phebe A. Barker One of a set made by Joshua Barker after he was eighty years old. Joshua Barker was born in 1802, in Newport; moved to Nantucket in 1S17. Pie was a blacksmith, and made all the rivets for the Starbuck ships. 12 No. Donated bj'. 200 Roman Numeral, from Old Town Clock Harriet R. Easton Taken from the dial of the clock in the tower of the South Congregational Church, when the old clock was taken out in 1881, to give place to a new one^the gift of a generous ion of Nantucket. Town voted to purchase the hrst clock, July 6th, 1822, at a cost of $Soo. This memento was sent to Hon. William R. Easton, who had it put into the present shape, for preservation. 201 Copper Tea-kettle Alice M. \Y. Seaverns Formerly belonging to Mrs. Eliza Gardner. 202 Canakin Tub Charles W. Gardner Made by Benjamin Worth, a Quaker preacher, about a hundred and twenty-five years ago. 203 Walter Folger's Cane Elizabeth Folger-Ray This is the cane represented in portrait. The knob at the head was made of a bil- liard ball. 204 Blubber Spade Elizabeth H. Ray 205 Solar Lamp 206 Chess Men and Book L_vdia CofRn Burnell This set belonged to Hon. Barker Burnell, Representative to Congress from 1S41 to 1S43. Twice elected, but died at Washington during his second term. Auto- graph on cover of book. 207 Quill Pen, made by Walter Folger 208 Pink silk Calash Ellen M. Crosby Wedding calash of Mary Easton, who married Dr. Moore, "Off-Islander." 209 Wicking used in small lamps and lanterns Susan Pompey 210 Ball of home-spun Lamp-wicking Alice M. W. Seaverns 211 Old Trunk Ellen M. Crosby Formerly belonging to Elizabeth Barnard. 212 Records of Nantucket Debating Society Matthew Barney From 1836 to 1S42. 213 New England Primer Emeline Scudder 214 Nantucket Journal of 1829 Margaret Ewer Coffin 215 Nantucket Inquirer Samuel Lowell 216 File of "The New Yorker" W. H. McElroy Parts of Vols. 3 & 4. The New Yorker was the first paper published by Horace Greeley, 1S37. Duplicate copies for sale or exchange. 217 Report of Steam Service of Nantucket Charles C. Crosbj' 218 Certificate of Stock in Phoenix Bank Anna C. Rule 219 Memoir of Walter Folger Mary A. Albertson 220 The Newbegins (Copy) Mary A. Albertson By Eliza Fitzgerald. 221 Log-book, 1840 Capt. Obed Swain Ship George Washington, C. C. Russell, Master. Voyage made to the Pacific, April 2ist, 1840. 222 Log-book Moses Joy, Jr. Ship Redbridge, cruising on the coast of Peru, 1801. 13 No. Donated by. 223 Log-book Capt. Charles Grant Ship Charles Carroll, Capt. Ovjen Chase, cruising toward Western Islands and Pa- cific Ocean. The Charles Carroll was one of the first ships built at Brant Point, August, 1S36. 224 Log-book Capt. James Wyer Ship Young Hero, Capt. Charles E. Starbuck. 225 Log-book William C. L'Hommedieu Ship Montano, Capt. Uriah Russell. 226 Log-book 227 Log-book Ship Francis, of New Bedford, bound round Cape Horn, Obed Alley, Master, 1830. 228 Royal Standard English Dictionary Mary E. Starbuck , 229 Account book of Elihu Coffin, 1798 Mary Coffin Childs 230 Old account book of 1792 Harrison Myrick 231 Memorial of Bunker Hill H. P. Starbuck 232 Copy of "The Penn Monthly" Josiah Folger Containing Biographical Sketch of Jacob Barker, 233 The Natural History of Four-footed beasts Carrie A. Middlebrook 234 Old Bible Eliza Clark Belonging to William Newton, 1793. 235 Account Book of Brown & Chase Capt. Charles Grant Sailmakers, 1S15. 236 Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island 237 One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families 238 Wild Rose Sonnets Emily Shaw Forman I 239 Miriam Coffin William H. McElroy I 240 Bill for Tuition by P. A. Coffin (Hanaford)... .Nannie R. Wood 241 North Carolina Times Mary E. Starbuck Printed on Butcher's paper during the war. Date of June 29th, 1S64. 242 Old Deeds Bradford C. Macy / 243 Weekly Mirror Extra Margaret Ewer Coffin 244 Memoir on Aerolites By Hon. Walter Folger, Nov. 2nd, 1S26. I 245 Address on Temperance, by William Coffin, Jr. 246 Certificate Hannah M. Robinson 247 Picture and lines on Massacre at Dartmoor.. .Francis B. Smith The names of the Nantucket men were, as far as can be ascertained, as follows: t James J. Chase, Moses Harris, Benjamin F. Hussey, David Osbourne, John Wil- / son or Wilbur, Valentine Coffin, Edward B. Hussey, David Ewer. 248 Letter from Paul Cufifee Mary A. Albertson Letter written to Mary Barker (speaker in the Friends' Meeting) from Paul Cjiffee, dated .\ug. 26, 1806, with newspaper extract containing account of remarkable history of said Paul Cuffee. 14 No. Donated by. 249 Letter from Robert Barnard Charles C. Crosby 250 Biographical Notice of Maria Mitchell Mary E. Starbuck 251 Facts of Ancient Nantucket History Phebe A. Gardner. Found unsigned and not dated in an old Nantucket house. 252 Personal Reminiscences Eliza W. Mitchell TViesc recollections of Nantucket's earlier days were written by Mrs. Mitchell in the 87th year of her age, duriner the long winter evenings of 1894-5, entirely from memory. Mrs. Mitchell is well known for her intelligence and retentive memory, and the most implicit confidence may be placed in statements herein chronicled. 253 Book of Sailing Directions Capt. Charles Grant 254 Fac-simile of Washington's Accounts L3'dia Burnell 255 History of New England Towns Charles C. Crosby 256 Painting of Ship Levi Starbuck Marj^ Harris Nye Painted by an English artist in Sydney, N. S. VV. Presented to her master, Capt. Joseph Palmer Nye, in 1840. 257 Portrait of Gen. George Nelson Macy Sarah Wendell Macy-Kelley Born Sept. 24, 1S37. Died Feb. 13, 1875. Commissioned Lieutenant in Mass. 20th Regiment, July loth, 1861; Captain, Nov. 1861; Major, March 1S63; Lieut. -Colonel May 186^. On July 3rd, 1863, acting Col., his left hand was shattered and ampu- tated. This was at Gettysburg. In the battle of the Wilderness, was shot through both legs and carried irom the field. Returned to duty as the troops were going into action at Deep Bottom, in command of a brigade. In five hours from the time of reporting for duty, his horse was shot and fell upon him. This wound was doubtless, indirectly, the cause of his death. His commission as Bre- vet-Brigadier-General, dated Aug., 1864. In the spring of 1S65 he was made Pro- vost-Marshall-General of the Army of the Potomac, and assumed command of a brigade of five regiments of regulars and two regiments of cavalry, and held this position through tlie closing scenes of the war. He was commissioned Brevet- Major-General, to date from April gth, 1865, the date of Lee's surrender. 258 Bottle from Brig Clio Harriet Calder A relic from the "ship's stores" of the brig Clio, which was fitted out in the year 1S29 by Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, for the nautical instruction of Nantucket Doys, in comma. It! of Lieut. Alexander B. Pinkham. Mr. Andrew J. Morton and Mr. Franklin Fuiger are the only survivors of "the boys." 259 Old Papers Phebe A. Barker a — Lines written for Fountain Engine Co.. No. S. b — Lines written on the dedication of the new West Grammar school building, the first having been destroyed by fire. Composed by one of the teachers, Miss Eliza Macy, now Morton, c— Rules and Regulations of Atlantic Straw Works, Aug. 14, 1S54. 260 Papers of Barker Burnell Lj'dia Burnell 261 Old Papers, Bills, etc Martha Coleman 262 Nantucket Letter Walter R. Gardner This interesting letter was found in 1S94, in Waukesha Co., Wisconsin, by a relative of the writer. 263 Papei's, Letters and Documents 264 Grammar used in Nantucket in 1809 Martha Coleman 265 Lieut. Commander Thomas M. Gardner Mary B. Plaskett Born at Nantucket, 1821. Died at Nantucket, 18S7. Engaged in sea service the ear- ly years of his life. Entered the Navy in 1861. Was in active service during the whole of the Civil War. Was with Farragut in the battle of Mobile Bay. Was also at the battle at Port Royal Entrance, and on duty on Pamunky River, Va. Was in New Orleans at the close of the war. Afterwards was with the fleet that was sent by our Government from China to Corea. Was stationed on the South American Coast about three years. Returned to Nantucket about 1S84, when ill- health from injuries compelled him to retire from the Navy. 15 No. Donated by. 266 Photograph of Mrs. Charlotte Chase Coffin. .Mary B. Plaskett 267 Portrait of Capt. John Brown Mary B. Plaskett Born May 6, 1S03. Died at sea May 6, 1S56. A grandson of Ilezekiah Coffin, Cap- tain of ship Beaver, from wtiicti tlie tea was thrown into Boston harbor, in 1773- 268 Nantucket Fire of 1836 William C. L'Hommedieu 269 Bound volume of The Liberator Annie B. Folger 270 Tree Stump, dug from swamp Prof. Burt G. Wilder Not a proof, but an evidence that large oaks foimerly grew in Nantucket. 271 "Here and There," by William Hussey Macy. These fugitive verses, written at different times, were collected by the author in 1877, under the pressure of one of the most crushing of physical inhrmitics-blmd- ness. 272 Protection paper of David Folger Chase, with tin box, which was used for the preservation of the same at sea. 273 An Elegy on the death of Priscilla Coleman. .Laura A. Hinckley Priscilla Coleman, widow of John, was the daughter of Nathaniel Starbuck, and the mother of Elihu Coleman, the Quaker preacher. She died at 86 years, 4 months. 10 days. 274 Portrait of Hon. Wm. R. Easton. Born in Newport, R. I., Oct. 3rd, 1802. Came to Nantucket about 1811. Married Eliza, daughter of Capt. Reuben Baxter, in 1827. She "passed on in March, i8Sq; he in April, 1894. Although not "to the manner born," Nantucket had no son more closely identified with everything pertaining to her interests. Jrle used heart, brain, pen, tongue and means m her service, serving in both br.^nches ot the State Legislature, as Presidential Elector, and in all the principal town offices, at one time in six. He was active on the School Committee for twenty-hve years. His mental and physical vigor were remarkably sustained, and he enjoyea life until within a few days of its close. 275 History of Western Massachusetts Geo. Howland Folger 276 Papers and Proceedings of the Connecticut Valley Historical Society Geo. Howland Folger 277 Historical Records Geo. Howland Folger Compiled by the late George Howland Folger, father of the donor, and consisting of the following volumes: Vol. i— Statistics and Biographical Accounts, 1870. Vol. 2-Historicnl Notes, iS6c). Vol. 3— The Indians and efforts to their conver- sion to Christianity; Establishment of Churches; and letters on re igious matters and anti-slavery, 1S70. Vol. 4-Historical Notes. Vol. 5-Biographical Memoirs and Genealogical Sketches ot the early settlers, 1870. Vol. 6— Index to the previ- ous volumes. 278 Photograph of George Howland Folger Eliza W. Mitchell Born 1S16, died, 1S91. Photogragh taken Sept. 17, 1890. 279 File of Nantucket Inquirer Harriet R. Easton From July 10 to Dec. 28, iS33- 280 Dr. Franklin's "Art of Making Money Plenty." Eliza W. Mitchell 281 A Sermon by Joab Trout, 1777 Eliza W. Mitchell 282 Wool, grown and carded in Nantucket Lydia Bumell 283 Needle-work Screen Sarah H. Bovev This beautiful piece of needle-work was wrought by Mrs. Eliza T. Bovey, mother o the donor. 284 Embroidered Table Cover Pauline Elliott This embroidery was done by one of Laban Bunker's daughters. 16 No. Donated by. 285 Bits of Old Nantucket Sara Winthrop Smith 2S6 Photograph of Eunice Paddack Sara Winthrop Smith Last resident muiiiber of Fair Street Society of Friends. 287 Two Pewter Lamps Rebecca M. Macy 288 Printed Handkerchief Mary G. Alowry A faithful representation of the trial of her most gracious Majesty, Caroline, Queen of England, in the House of Lords, 1S20. 289 China Plate, decorated with Portrait of Lucretia Mott Emma V. Hallett Painted by Miss Woodford, of Hartford, Conn., and donated by Miss Hallett, in memory of her Nantucket Ancestry. 290 Picture of Matthew Yassar Jane Folger 291 Mortar and Pestle Mary Swain Used by Elder Johnathan Swain upwards of two hundred years ago, in Nantucket, tor pounaiiig green corn fur puddings. 292 Brown and white Pitcher 293 Signal Flags of Nantucket Ships Charles C. Crosby 294? Xylophone Lydia C. Seldcn David Sprague, mate of a Nantucket whaler, passing a native hut on an island in the Pacific Ocean, heardjmusic, and stepping in, purchased this instrument, wli'ch he brought home to his young sistcr-in-law, as a playful substitute for the piano she had desired. 295 New York Transcript D. C. Brayton Bound volume of 1S35. 296 Appletou's Journal D. C. Brayton 2 Vols. 1S74-1S75. 297 Nantucket High School Diploma Lena Grouard Date of Jan. 15, iSOg. 298 Mourning Picture Lena Grouard 299 Old Coins Cornelia J. Hammond Dug up in Nantucket soil. 300 The New England Couraiit Cornelia J. Hammond Fac-simile of the first paper issued by Benjamin Iranklin and printed in 1856, on a press once used by him. 301 Compass Carrie J. Long Made by Hon. Walter Folger. 302 Sampler Carrie J. Long Worked by Eliza Chadwick in 1S17. 303 Fan R. Cofiiu Munroe Bnmgiit from P^rance, 100 years ago— by Capl. UaviU Swain, grandfather of the do- noi. 304- The Laws of Siasconset Eliza W. Mitchell // 17 No. Donated by. 305 Index to the Bible Mrs. G. G. Fish 306 Admission card to the Consecration Services of Trinity Church Mrs. G. G. Fish 307 Small Tongs 308 Two Pictures of Ship Pacific Capt. William Baxter 309 Friends' books— Nantucket Monthly Meeting. Comprising about forty volumes. 310 Trivet C. J. Hammond 311 Skillet James F. Brown 312 The Life of Tristram Coffin Allen Coffin 313 Nest of Love Disturbed; or, the Farmer's Dialogue for Nan- tucket Sara W. Smith 314 Astrolabe Moses Joy 315 Cocoanut Dipper Susie E. Brock Made on board a whale ship 316 Piece of Plymouth Rock Henry S. Wyer 317 Universal Gazetteer 318 Photograph of Cromwell Barnard Sarah, Susan and Abbie Barnard 319 Photograph of Sarah Barnard The Misses Barnard 320 Bible 321 Cradle Ann M. Cokman 322 Spice Box Sarah C. Raymond Made ot a cocoanut, on a 'whale ship. 323 Two Volumes Porter's Journal S. C. Raymond Journal ot a cruise made to the Pacific Ocean by Capt. David Porter, in the U. S. Frigaie Essex, in the years 1812, 1S13, 1814. 324 Whaling Voyage Journal (in poetry) Susie E. Brock Composed by Charles Murphey, 3d mate on the voyage on board Ship Daup!;in. of Nantucket. 325 Causes, leading up to the Events which we are met to Com- memorate, June 9th, 1895 Alexander Starbuck 326 History of the American Whale Fishei-y.... Alexander Starbuck 327 Key, (with freedom ol ye town.) Carried in Centennial Procession by Alvin Hull, July nth. '895. 328 Oaken Clothes-pins Mary B. King 329 Friction primer F. B. Smith Used in firing Centennial Saltues ■:<'• Jiih- gtli, loth, nth, 1S05 330 Ancient Button W. T.Devlan Found on Pme street, near Hammond Properly. 18 No. Donated by. 331 Copy of Journal Entry in Log Book of the "Topaz," May hew Folger, Master Robert H. Folger 332 Badges Eugene S. Burgess 333 Cane of Whale Ivory Horace Starbuck 334 Centennial Badges Executive Committee 335 Historical Memoirs, Albany Bi-Centennial W. H. McElroy 336 "Shreds" from Mill Brook Ruin. 337 Wallet containing old papers Mrs. G. G. Fish fl— Ear marks of Nantucket sheep. *— Copy of Articles of Agreement, entered into for the mutual interest of the ships concerned, while cruising at the Galapa- gos Islands, iSoo 338 A Rhyme of Nantucket William D. Woodward 339 Two bomb lances James F. Brown Whaling implements used in modern times. 340 Chopping Knife James F. Brown Made on Ship Young Hero, Capt. Samuel Wyer, in 1853. 341 Looking-glass Mrs. A. M. W. Seaverns This was the property of David Joy, carpenter, who built the old Meeting House, now known as the North Vestry, in 1711. 342 Astrolabe Maria T. Swain An obsolete instrument used in navigation before quadrants. 343 Two Quadrants Maria T. Swain 344 Silhouette of Capt. Joseph Chase, Jr Mary H. Nye Born Sept. 177S. He sailed from New York in ship Richmond, July 23d, 1807, and was never heard from; supposed to have fotmdcred at sea a few days after leav- ing New York. 345 Pounder Laura M. Hinckley 346 Certificate of Citizens' Bank Stock George H. Brock 347 Candle Mold Nannie R Wood 348 Boarding Knife Frederic Macy 349 Toggle Iron Frederic Macy 350 Two-flued Iron Frederic Macy 351 Blubber Spade Frederic Macy 352 Lance Frederic Macy 353 Description of "Coffin School Legacy" M. S. Dudley 354 Oil Painting, "Cornered" J. A. McDougal 355 Looking-glass Maria T. Swain 356 Reel for spinning yarn 357 Picture of Moses Brown Samuel Austin 358 Single flued Iron Frederic Macy 359 Ship's Lantern Belonged to Ship Rebecca Simms, Capt. Barney Coffin. 19 I^Q_ Donated by. 360 Thoughts by the Way Eliza Heaton, daughter of Prince Gardner 361 Water color painting Eliza Heaton Painted by Mrs. Heaton at the age of 79 years. 362 Pewter Lamp. 363 Letters relating to the sickness of the Indians at Nantucket in 1763 Samuel Austin 364 The East Wind and the Wall of Fire S. C. Moon 365 Collection Arrow-heads Charles G. Slack, Marietta, O. i-Quartz, found on road near David Cartwright's. 2-Edge of field near Madaket. 3-Clay road near pond. Water Worlds. 4 and 5 -Found at bquam. 366 Standing Stool Mary Jane Chase The donor is the grand-daughter of Reuben Chase, who was the "Long Tom Coffin" of Cooper's "Pilot." 367 Cooper's Tools George W. Dunham 368 Compass Used on several Nantucket ships and made by Walter Folger. 369 Dark Blue Soup Plate Charlotte A. Brock 370 Indian Hammers Lorin L. Dame 371 Waiter 372 Bag Annie W. Bodfish Made'of silk and containing skein of silk. All manufactured in Nantucket Silk Factory. 373 Rollers Hemy T. Hussey, Milford, Mass. Tliese instruments were in common u=e, prior to the introduction of forceps for extracting teeth. Tins pair was owned and used by 'oquire' Isaac Co.an, uho combined n>atrimon.al, dentd and minor legal work at^ h.s home on Charier street, in the house now occupied by Euward ^. fuz-jeraii. 374 Indian Mortar Robert B. Joy 375 Indian Pestle Mrs. Frank Fisher Found at Squam. 376 Boat Hook Alvin Hull 377 Macv Ship Signals Wilson Macy No 'i-D. and O. Macy, 1786-1833. No. 2-T. and P Macy. 1827-1846. No. 3-I. and P. Macv, 1839-1887. 378 Letter written from Pitcairn's Island in 1851 Caroline Ackley Dunham 379 A Nantucket Hermitage Caroline P. Hills 380 Receipt signed by Richard Gardner Dr Bartlett's bill. F. Sayer's account with Plainfield Factory. C. G. Champlin's order to Capt. Sayer. Dr. Gelstun's bill. 381 Photograph of Captains' Club, Custom House Pacific Club Taken during Centennial, July, iSiyS- 382 Tin Lantern These lanterns were used on the first Nantucket whale ships. 20 No. Donated by. 383 Dr. Ewer's Map of Nantucket S. M. C. Ewer 384 Phoenix Bank Bill Andrew J. Morton 385 Money Order, date of 1766 Nannie R. Wood 386 Embroidered Slippers Mary Coffin Colesworthy Ray Priscilla Brock married Abijah Coffin. These slippers were worked by her grand- mother for her, and she was married in them. 387 Mourning Piece Nannie R. Wood 388 Model of Capstan George H. Mackay Bought at sale of Alexander I Macy's effects 389 Account of wreck of Ship "Cicero" C. C. Crosby 390 Portrait of Rev. Arthur Mitchell Dr. Sidney Mitchell 391 Clothes pin M. W. G. Vincent Made by Abisha Bunker in 1S30. or earlier. 392 Lacquer Plate M. W. G. Vincent Brought home by Capt. Francis Hussey, previous to 1820. 393 Cradle Mrs. Thomas M. Gardner From the oldest house on the island, the Swain house in Polpis. Said to be tl-e cradle in which the first white clnld born here, was rocked. 394 Bed wrench Mrs. Thomas M. Gardner 395 Paddle for mixing Indian meal bread. Mrs. Thomas M. Gardner It was mixed in lars^e wooden bread troughs, and baked in th-.'big ovens in earthun or iron pots. 396 Oil Stove L. M. Rickerson 397 Candy box for street venders L. M. Rickerson 398 Lantern belonging to fire engine Minnie L. M^rick An iron fork held it aloft on the front of thi.- engine. The lamp was for oil. 399 List of Nantucket men who went to Californiri in 1849 Jethro C. Brock 400 Portrait of Abraham Lincoln Charles E. Kelley 401 Photograph of William Mitchell and daughter, Prof. Maria Mitcheh Mrs. H. U. Bennett 402 Toaster Janet Edmondson Walker 403 Papers relative to sur^^ey of Surfside land by Dr. Ewer Margaret Ewer Coffin 404 Cunard Line Book C. C. Crosbj- 405 Scrap-book C. C. Crosb^^ 406 Pictures of John Boadle Sarah M. Barnard See No. 8. 407 Letter from Ruth Gardner, as an a])ology for not attending a wedding Sarah M. Barnard 21 j^Q_ Donated by. 408 Picture of Mary Hussey-Earle Caroline Earle-White 409 Key of James Bassett's hardware store, burned in the fire of 1S4.Q Joshua Barker The key was picked up among the ruins of the shop, bv Alexander, a son of Josh- ua Barker. It was the duphcate of the key of Joshua Barker;;s blacksmith s shop, so Mr. Bassett said that Mr. Barker might keep this key. There were but these two keys of this pattern, imported by James Bassett. 410 Three pieces American Currency • Charles P. Knevals, New York City 411 Portrait of Mrs. Eliza Barney Sarah S. Swain 412 Portrait of Mary Starbuck Coffin Malinda S. Barney Daughter of David and Phebe Starbuck, wife of Barnabas Coffin. Kept circulat- ing library and wrote "Farewell, My Dear Babes" 413 Portrait of Barnabas Coffin Malinda S. Barney 414 Jewel Case for pin and ear-rings C. J. Hammond 415 Ancient Brick Frank Chadwick Found at Polpis in plowing, in 1895; and supposed to have been made on the island. 416 The Smallest Dictionary in the world Helen Minot Hamilton Shaw This edition was published for the actress, Mrs. Kendal, who likes tmy things. 417 Portrait of Nathaniel Barney Sarah S. Swain 418 Memoir of George B. Upton C. C. Crosby 419 Memoirs of Joseph Gardner Swift C. C. Crosby 420 Reprint of first number New York Tribune W. H. McElroy Issued on Soth anniversary of publication 421 Log-book of Ship "Columbus" Lena Weymouth Grouard Journal of voyage made in 1832, written by Charles H. Rogers, a boy on the "Co- lumbus." 422 Last Days of Webster at Marshfield Harriet R. Easton With description. 423 Steelyards Mrs. George H. Dunham 424 Ancient Currier's Implement Joseph W. Clapp Exhumed from land formerly belonging to Joseph Davis currier and tanner His establishment stood on wliat is now the property of Joseph \V Clapp, Uraon street. This relic, which must have lam under tne soil for more than ,sevent>-h\e years, was restored co light Nov. 30, 1895. 425 Hand-made Shingle Foster Kent These cypress shingles were brouirht from the South in a vessel belonging to Thomls Coffin and commanded by Capt. Fuller, whose wife was killed by pa- tience Cooper. The shingles were split out by the negroes, and were of equal hickness tor the entire length, but some of the Nantucket men remember how Thomas Cotfin sat in his cellar witu a cooper's uorse and a drawing-kni e ind thinned them down atone end. T.iey were from the house, corner of Milk .,nd Vestal streets. 426 Hand-made Shingles Timothy C. Pitman From Paul West house, Liberty street. 427 Photograph of Joshua Barker Phebe A. Barker Born in Newport in 1S02, came here in 1815. \ 22 No. Donated by. 428 Fan from "round Cape Horn" Phebe A. Barker 429 Cocoanut Dipper Phebe A. Barker Made on a whale ship. Handle tipped with blackfish tooth. 430 Medical Essay Dr. Leedom Sharp "The effect of Permanganate of Potassium on opium poisoning." 431 Tinder box and Candlestick Capt. James Wyer 432 New England Courant Capt. James Wyer 433 Rattle of Rattlesnake John Austin Starbuck From California. 434 Foot of Albatross John Austin Starbuck From California. 435 Picture of fire of 1836 Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sandsbury 436 Specimens of gold ore and other minerals Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sandsbury 437 Piece of window glass, melted in the fire of 1846 Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sandsbury 438 Vagrom Verse Mr. Charles Henry Webb 439 American Steam Vessels C. C. Crosby 440 Photograph of N. H. A. Room, sunmer of 1895. ..P. C. Means 441 Photograph of wharf at New Bedford P. C. Means Showing Ship "Niger," once commtinded by Capt. Charles Grant, of Nantucket. 442 Reading Glass Alanson S. Barney 443 Pitcher which went through the great fire of 1846 Mary E. Macy 444 Collection of old books Josiah G. Macy Comprising forty-six volumes. 445 Silver Coin found in debris of fire of 1846 Joshua Barker Possibly worn around child's neck for teething. 446 Catalogue of Nantucket Whalers Allen Coflin 447 Picture of Ship "Hero" Peter H. Chase 448 Nantucket Weekly Mirror of Dec. 6th, 1851 Mrs. William C. Folger Containing second part of article oi) "The Ancient Burial Groun'i, ' by B. Franklin Folger. 449 Fire Bucket of 1790 C. C. Crosby 450 Cinders from fire of 1846 a;— From Eleazer Folger, Senior's, blacksmith forge, erected 171b. /'—From Peter Foulger's House, 1663. 451 Clipping from San Francisco paper Robert B. Joy 452 Tobacco Leaves F. B. Smith This tobacco was raised in Nantucket, and used by the masons as a moth prevent- ive amongst their regalias. 23 No- Donated by. 453 Sand-box Capt. George H. Brock Used in "Nantucket Institution for Savings" for over half a century. 454 Photograph of "Tristram Coffin" Medal.. ..Mrs. T. W. Calder 455 Letchworth's Sermons Mrs. Charles S. Cathcart 456 Two Plates Elizabeth C. Stiles 457 Pitcher Elizabeth C. Stiles 458 Tureen Elizabeth C. Stiles 459 Two Waiters Elizabeth C. Stilcg 460 Photograph of Judge Charles J. Folger Christine Doig, Milwaukee, Wis. 461 Thaddeus of Warsaw Mary A. Ray 462 Account of South Beach Fire of June 2d, 1838 Charles W. Worth 463 The Independent Ledger and American Advertiser Mrs. Benjamin C. Easton Published at the corner of Winter street, Boston, June 5th, 1780. 464 Lantern Ca])t. John Killen From William S. Chadwick estate. 465 Iron Pot 466 Laws of Nantucket Fire Department George R. Folger 467 Medicine Chest C. C. Crosby Formerly belonging to Ship "Planter." 468 Sand-box C. C. Crosby Used in Pacific Bank for about sixty years. 469 Tongs, over one hundred years old Oliver C. Chadwick These are said to have been used in extracting "solid dumplings" from the put. 470 Barege Veil Margaret Ewer Coffin 471 Dimity Pocket Margaret Ewer Coffin 472 Two copper cents and bowl of pewter spoon. ..M. E. Starbuck Found under floor of Did house. Dated 1803 and 1820. 473 Daguerreotype of Hutchinson Family Malinda S. Barney 474 Jointed Wooden Doll Malinda S. Barney 475 Measuring Stick used in the Civil War Wendell Macy 476 Ulster County Gazette, dated 1800 Roland B. Hussey 477 Bill for Nantucket Inquirer lor 1828 Roland B. Husse\^ 478 Old Bible Capt. Obed Swain 479 Mother Hubbarti for Old Folks Susan A. Starbuck The author of this was Mrs. Sarah B. Willetts. 480 Memoir of Ellen Mitchell S. A. Starbuck 24 No. Donated by. 481 Confession of Faith of First Congregational Church of Nan- tucket S. A. Starbuck 482 Clergyman's Almanack for 1822 S. A. Starbuck 483 Account of Eleazer Folger S. A. Starbuck 484 Account of Swain Family S. A. Starbuck 485 List of names of "visiting Friends" from 1698 to 1800 S. A. Starbuck 486 Copy of letter of Peter Folger to his son-in-law S. A. Starbuck I . 487 Extract from R. I. Yearly Meeting S. A. Starbuck 488 Memoranda of Swain Family S. A. Starbuck / 489 Deed of 1722, signed by Jethro Coffin S. A. Starbuck / 490 Address (anti-slavery) to Friends S. A. Starbuck 491 Sermon preached at oi dination of Rev Seth F. Swift S. A. Starbuck 492 Temperance Address by Stephen Mason S. A. Starbuck 493 Inquirer Extra containing account of burning of the Asylum.. S. A. Starbuck 494 Nantucket Inquirer Extra, date of May 5th, 1843 S. A. Starbuck 495 Marriage Certificate of Jonathan Swain and Hephzibeth Fol- ger S. A. Starbuck 496 Manuscripts relating to Indians Susan Harris Coleman-Hosmer a — From an account of an Indian visitation A. D. i6t)S, copied for Rev. Dr. Stiles by Rev. Mr. Hawley, Missionary at Mashpee. (J— E.xtract from an -'Essay on the Praying Indians," read by Rev. S. D. Hosmer before the Middlesex South .Asso- ciation in 1874. 497 Lines composed by Mrs. Eliza Barney on the occasion of Eliz- abeth Swain's marriage to George Starbuck. ...Sarah Turner 498 Checks on Manufacturers and Mechanics Bank of Nantucket, dates of 1835 and 1836 ..Hon. Samuel A. Greene, Librarian Mass. Historical Society 499 Bailey's Dictionary Benjamin F. Wyer Once belonging to Christopher Starbuck. 500 Proceedings of the National Anti-Saloon Convention Hiram I'rice 501 Continental Bill for $40.00 (1778) Edmund B. Fox 25 No. Donated by. 502 Original printed list of Nantucket people who went to Cali- fornia in 1849 Benjamin C. Easton 503 Tin Box, always used for gold and silver filings James Easton Over one hundred years old. Used first by William Hadwen, then by James Easton. 504 Marriage Certificate of Hezekiah Swain and Lydia Fish S. A. Starbuck 505 Poem by Ruth Gardner S. A. Starbuck 506 Pass for Windsor Castle 507 Old Account (1815) Capt. Obed Swain 508 Nantucket Inquirer for 1837 S. A. Starbuck 509 Jagging Knife Capt. Obed Swain 510 Historical Notes of Nantucket, by R. H. Cook .Joseph W. Clapp 511 Quitclaim Deed of 1827 Mary B. Plaskett 512 Deed of 1786 Mary B. Plaskett 513 Picture containing fac-similes of Tristram Coffin's autograph, the Coffin medal and Coat of Arms, etc Mrs. Charles H. Coffin Duplicates for sale. 514 Bill for Eddystone Lighthouse dues, date of 1774 Mrs. V\/^illiam C. Folger 515 Lighterage Ballast Bill Mrs. William C. Folger 516 Dowling's Reply to Miller Mrs. William C. Folger A review of Mr. Miller's theory of the end of the world in 1S43. 517 Memorials of Deceased Friends Mrs. William C. Folger 518 Alphabet pf Intemperance Mrs. William C. Folger 519 Release of 1787 Mrs. William C. Folger 520 Photograph of Capt. Edward C. Austin Mrs. Olive B. Meader 521 Piece of silk damask Mrs. John C. Gardner This piece of drapery was used in John Hancock's house, on Beacon street, Boston, at tne time of Washington's visit there, and was sent to Hancock bv LaFayette from France The original piece was three yards long, and was sold for S250 to Mrs. C. R. Parks, Boston. 522 Nantucket Gazette (1816) George H. Mackay 523 Proceedings of N. E. Historic Genealogical Society N. E. Historic Genealogical Society 524 Photograph of "Aunt Sally Jones" Elizabeth C. Stiles 26 No. Donated by. 525 Old-fashioned Sleigh George H. Gardner 526 Soup Ladle Capt. William Baxter 527 Machine for planting com Charles F. Ray 528 The Credible Chronicles of the Patchwork Village Capt. William Baxter 529 Foot Stove F. B. Smith 530 Programme of Lodge of Sorrow, held by Union Lodge of Nantucket in 1871, in memory of all the brethren deceased during the past centurj' F. B. Smith 531 A comparative view of the situation of the inhabitants of the island of Nantucket, previous to the war. and at the pres- ent time, December, 1813 F. B. Smith 532 Picture of Capt. Joseph Mitchell S. R. Mitchell Born October 3d, 1S09 Died January ^th. 1S8;. Commenced going to se.i at fif- teen years ot acre and became one of Nantucket's most successful whaling cap- ta-ns. Retired witli a competency when comparatively a ydung man. Repre- sented his native town in the Legislature for three years. Served on the boards of Selectmen and .School Committee, and filled other positions of trust in the community. 533 Bag made of seeds Susie E. Brock Brought from South Sea Islands. 534 Pewter Cup Robert B.Joy This cup was given to Jonathan Colesworthy in 1820, when he was ten years old. 535 Photograph of Walter Emerson C. C. Crosby A descendant of Nantucket parents, and one of America's greatest corneti.-its. 536 My Brother Phebe A. Barker Written by Phebe A. Hanaford. 537 Sewell's History Mrs. Asa C.Jones 538 Roman Catholic Nun. From Dunkirk, France, 1800. Given by her nurse to a child born there of Nantucket parents. 539 Embroidery, worked by Sarah C. Wyer, in 1826 Catherine Starbuck 540 Five pictures of the Abandonment of the Whalers in the Arc- tic Ocean, in 1871 Mrs. George W. Allen 541 Collection of Old Manuscripts Mrs. Joseph B. Macy rt— Marriage Certificate of Peter Barnard and .\nna Staibuck. 1733. b Quitclaim Deed from Seth Paddack to Eliphalet Paddack, 1767. r— Lines on drowni.ig ac- cident which occurred in 1782 ^Z -Will of William Worth. 1777. c-lndenture binding son of Caleb Stratton to Jonathan Paddack. i7£;7. /—Indenture binding son of Ruth Clark to Jonatlian Paddack, 1757. ^— Three clearances from port of Nantucket. /; Certificate for visiting Friend. 542 Constitution of Nantucket Arbitration Society, 1812 Mrs. Joseph B. Macy 543 U. S. Bank Bills Mrs. Joseph B. Macy (7— Citizen's Bank of Nantucket, $5.00 ^—Middling Interest Bank, of Boston, $1.75 c— Confederate Bill. $20.00. a' -Confederate bill, li.oo. 27 No. Donated bv 544 Pen and ink sketch of Ship Edward Cary O. C. San^'sb 545 Group of Nantucket Citizens. Alfred Macy, William C. Gardner. Charles E. Coffin, John M. Bove Whitney, Timothy W. Calder. 546 Photographs of Tristram Coffin Medal Eliza W. Mitchell 547 Photograph of Mrs. Eliza W. Mitchell .Joseph ^ "up Born February 22d, i8o8. Died February 23d, 1896. 548 Old State House Memorial Paciiit Club 549 Ancient Tea-kettle Emily E. Manter From estate of Mrs. Betsey Cary. 550 Specimens of Vegetable Ivory Minnie '■ -. Mjrick From the Manufactory at Leeds, Mass. 551 Two Pewter Candlesticks William Devlan Used for many years in St. Mary's Church, Nantucket. 552 Picture of cut paper Davil j. ' m Made by S. K. G. Nellis, who was born without arms. This wor' ■:■' .le with his toes. He married a daughter of Robert Jenks, of Nantuck 553 Glass Ship Sarah J. Folger 554 Photograph of Alexander Mirabeau Folger... Mrs. E. S. Shelton Fourth son of Hon. Walter Folger. Born in Nantucket, March 24, 1794. Died at Berlin Heig'hts, Ohio, August 7. 1893. Married Rebecca Gardner, wlio died in 1858. When he was about to be married, he went into the "garret," toolc a fleece of wool, cleaned and carded it into rolls, spun and wove it into broadcloth, on looms made bv his lather. Colored and pressed it, cut and made the clothes himself. Left Nantucket in 1S2S and went to Auburn, N. V. Subsequently he moved to Ohio. 555 Portrait of two childreti Miss Phebe W. Tracy Painted on ivory and enclosed in a frame made of whalebone. Brought from sea by an old captain. 556 Old Pocket Miss Phebe W. Tracy Made to wear under the dress skirt 557 Old style Silk Holder Miss Phebe W. Tracy 558 Embroidered Needlebook Miss Phebe W. Tracy 559 Ancient Knifo Miss Phebe W. Tracy 560 Silhouette of a Nantucket Lady Miss Phebe W. Tracy 561 Minutes of Alumni Association Miss Phebe W. Tracy 562 Old Vest Miss Phebe W. Tracy 563 Souvenir Napkin Miss Phebe W. Tra(.y 564 Ink stand Mary Whippev 565 Bamboo Dagger Cane William C. Kay Brought home by Capt. Peleg Ray. 566 Photograph of Mrs. Eliza Ann McCleave Mr. H. S. Wycr Well known to all visitors to Nantucket as owner and exhibitor of an interesting collection of curiosities. 567 Photograph of Mr. George Winslow Mr. H. S. Wyer More than fiity years, blacksmith and maker of whaler's implements, on Steamboat Wharf. 568 Photograph of Cnpt. Henry Coleman. LIBRfiRY OF CONGRESS 014 076 475 9 ]