HoUinger pH 8.5 MiU Rim F03.2193 E 202 .5 .028 D27 1907 Copy 1 Baugfjters! of tfje ilmertean l^bolution Clebentf) |?ear 5?oofe STonatljan ©apton Cfjaptcr 1907-1908 Mapton, 0tio. Jonathan Dayton Chapter Eleventh Year Organized February 5, J 896. Date of Chapter, April 8, 1896. National Number 213. Regular Meetings Held Bi-monthly, (rem March to Tanuary, on the Third Tuesday of the Month, at 3:00 P. M. gharter members Francis Louise Achej- Louise Achey Kennedy Louise Devereux Burns Harriet Snyder King Emma Thompson Beaver Hattie Mason Lytle Jessie Leech Davisson Sara Jerome Patrick Mary Ellen Gebbart Sarah Dechert Young Flora Hughes Hodge Anna Kimmel Welliver Martha Olivia Hawes Kedent$ of €b<)Pter Louise Devereux Burns, 1896—1898 Lizzie Snyder Stilwell, 1898—1900 Francis Louise Achey, 1900—1902 Mary Ellen Gebhart, 1902—1904 Rebekah Harriet Strickle, 1904—1906 Sophie T. Reyublds, 1906—1907 Sara Jerome Patrick, 1907—1908 l.'ift ': ■.„ Society , ne 6 1909 Officers I 907- I 908 Regent - - Sara Jerome Patrick Vice Regent - - Margaret Reid Weakley Secretary - - - Helen H. Waldron Treasurer - - - Lizzie Stout Bidleman Registrar - Belle Craig Sample Historian - - Clara Elizabeth Isenberg Chaplain - - Rebekah H. Strickle Committee of Safety Mary Brady Edith Carver Carr Louise Achey Kennedy The Objects of this Society: To cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of American freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for man- kind all the blessings of liberty. Chapter Calendar* 1907-1908. Cu($dav, march nineteenth. Hostess, MRS. D. W. GREEN. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF THOMAS JEFFERSON - Miss Rebekah SMckle "Small things change the whole course of history when they lie near the fountain head of a great current " Triday, may Sccenteentb, Awarding PrUes at Steele High School for Essays on "Jamestown" and English Settlements in Virginia. I Mrs. J. E. Wellmtr I Mrs. John More. Committee in Charge - - - - •{ Mrs. H. A. Wither. I Mrs, SiUs 'Sums. I Commit ee of Safety "Broad-based under all Is planted England's oaken-hearted mood As rich in fortitude As e'er went world-ward from the Island wall." Cuesday, may Cwenty-first. Hostess, MRS. CALVIN HAWES. REPORT ON CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. READING PRIZE ESSAY— "Jamestown," and English Settlements in Virginia. SHrs. J. E. Wellmer Though ages long have past Since our father's left their home, Their pilot in the blast, O'er untraveled seas to roam. Yet lives the blood of England in our veins ! thursdav, may Cbirtietb. MEMORIAL DAY. Soldiers buried in Woodland Cemetery : COL. ROBERT PATTERSON, COL. ISAAC SPINNING, MAJOR ZIEGLER, ISAAC PIERCE, ALEXANDER SIMPSON. "How sleep the brave whosiult to rest With all their country'8 wishes blest." ( Mrs. T. J. Weakley. Miss Mary 'Brady, Committee in Charge, - I Mrs. Charles E. Qark. Miss SMinnie Ida Smith. ( Mrs. C. H. Leaman. Miss Rebekah Strickle. Cbursday, July fourth. Hostess, MRS. J. B. THOMAS. OPEN MEETING— SOLDIERS' HOME. READING — Declaration of Independence. SONG — "Star Spangled Banner." READING— Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg. SONG— "Battle Hymn of the Republic." "II is for u« to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us: that this nation, under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth " (SMiss Tiebekcih Strickle, I cMrs. Grufion Kennedy, Committee in Charge - - - - -j ^rs. I. M. "Patrick, SHrs. Charles MacGregor, SMiss cNlary Wilson Smith. tuesday, ScDtembtr Seoenteentb. AT THE LOG CABIN. MAIOR ZIEGLER MRS. GRAFTON KENNEDY "Aftermath" — "When the summer fields are mown." "Oh, what a glory doth this world put on For him who with a fervent heart, goes forth Under the bright and glorious sky, and looks On duties well performed and days well spent." {Mrs. William Isenberg, Mrs. Joseph Carr, Mrs. Samuel Weller, Mrs. Oscar Davisson, Mrs. Charles MacGregor, Miss Mary Walters. Cuesdav, nootmber ninettentb. Hostess, MRS. JOHN MORE. NOMINATION OF OFFICERS. REPORT FROM STATE CONFERENCE. Hugueaot'i in South Carolina - - SMrs. A. H. Dunham "Not at the conqueror comes They the true hearted came Not with the roll of the stirring drum And the trumpet that sings of fame." tuesday, January twenty-first. Hostess, MRS. CHARLES E. CLARK. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING. REPORTS. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. 'Payment of Dues. St. Augustine and Spanish Settlements in Florida - - Mrs. Sil^s Barns ■'Into the wilderness lone They walked with fearless feet Nor paused till their uttermost home Was built in the smile of a softer sky On the strand of a world-wide sea." members of Chapter Mrs. Frances L. Achey, Keowee and Webster *Mrs. W. D. Bickham, 117 West Monument Avenue Mrs. A. S. Bickham, Manila, P. I. Mrs. Charles Bidleman, 422 West Second Street Miss Louise Bidleman, 422 West Second Street Miss Mary M. Brady, 310 West Third Street Miss Martha J. Brady, 310 West Third Street Mrs. Bernice B. Brien, 22 Federal Street Mrs. Silas R. Burns, care Peters & Burns Mrs. Orville Buvinger, 47 East Helena Street Mrs. S. H. Carr, 210 West Second Street Mrs. Joseph Carr, 218 West Monument Avenue Mrs. Charles E. Clark, '^30 Sunset Avenue Mrs. Margaret Clark Heukle, 230 Sunset Avenue Mrs. O. F. Davisson, .307 Central Avenue Mrs, A. H. Dunham, 654 North Avenue Mrs. David Engle, 16 N. Boulevard Mrs. David Gebhart, 647 Grand Avenue •Honorary Member Mrs. D. W. Green, 21 North Perry Street Mrs. Charles MacGregor, 203 West Third Street Mrs. Martha O. Hawes, Belmont Avenue Miss Catherine Mae Hardy, 1126 North Main Streat Mrs. John Hardy, 1126 North Main Street Mrs. William Iseuberg, Belmont .\venue Mrs. Grafton C. Kennedy, Keowee and Webster Mrs. Eugene Kennedy, Rural Route No. 5 Mrs. R. N. King, 1S3 West Second Street Miss Margaret King, 133 West Second Street Mrs. C. H. Leanian, 164 Linden Avenue Mri. Robert Marsh, California Mrs. John R. More, 400 West First Street Mrs. James McCann, 34 Ringgold Street Mrs. W. D. McKemy, 509 West Fourth Street Mrs. I. M. Patrick, National Military Home Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, North Lullow Street Mrs. H. M. Sample, Cooper Seminary, 1st and Wilkinson Mrs. George Schuster, 329 West Fourth Street Miss Mary Smith, 221 Salem Avenue Mrs. Charles Staniland, 218 .■Sycamore Street Miss Minnie Ida Smith, 221 Salem Avenue Mrs. E. R. Stilwell, 301 North Grafton Avenue Mifs Rebekah H. Strickle, 117 West Monument Avenue Mrs. Earnest Hartley Towusend, 306 Boulevard Miss Mary E. Walters, 35 East First Street Mrs. Samuel Waller, 141 Salem Avenue Mrs. Fredrick A. Waldrou, 410 West First Street Mrs. J. E. Welliver, West Second Street Mrs. Stephen Wells, 209 Monument Avenue Mrs. T. J. Weakley, 355 West First Street Mrs. H. A. Wilber, 229 Grafton Avenue Mrs. A. N. Wilcox, 232 North Boulevard Mrs. E. S. Young, 306 West Monument Avenue in memoriam Hettie M. Lytle, April 18, 1896 Mary D. Steele, February 25, 1897 Emma T. Beaver, January 4, 1901 Agnes D. Steele, January 12, 1901 ♦Lucinda Ellis Dunlap, June 1901 America Andrews, June 1902 *Ann Mathiot Dorsey, July 29, 1902 *Hannah F. Clark, June 1903 Sophie T. Reynolds. June 16, 1906 Belle Mitchell Smith, July 1, 1906 Eleanor Smith, July 1, 1906 "Life we've been long together Through pleasant and through cloudy weath Tii hard to part when friends are dear. Perhaps 'twill cost a sigli, a tear Then steal away, give little warning, Say not good night, but in some brighter cli: 'Bid me good morning'." >1 daughters of soldiers of the Revolution LIBRARY OF CONGRESS illiiill!ii|||i{iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiii IHllil illllll 011 711 103 9 #