a ^-tAdd^ ^/^ijy^^^ "f^"-' diyK-^h^^' jl .^^c(qy^'^ 9^y^U- pjjUti^y^^ <^)( [Reprinted from the New-England Flistorical and Genealogical Register for July, lOOfi.] EXTRACTS FROM THE JOURNAL OF CONSTANTINE HARDY, IN THE CROWN POINT EXPEDITION *' OF 1759. ( 'nininiiiiicated bv Charles A. Fi.agg, E.sf|., of Washington, I). ( '. I The writer of this diary was born in Westborough, Mass., 6 Mar., 1736-7. Enlisting in Apr., 1759, his company evidently formed a part of the 2d battalion of Col. Ruggles's Worcester County regi- ment. Hardy passed the remainder of his days in Westborough, and died there 16 Mar., 1777. By his marriage with Jemima Brigham of Shrewsbury (intention recorded 15 Jan., 1763), he had two sons and five daughters. The elder son, Constantine, removed to Upton, and later to Shelburne, Mass. The latter's flrreat-ffranddauefhter. Miss Elizabeth Hardy, of Shelburne, is the present owner of the diary. This consisted originally of a book of twenty-two leaves, but only twelve and part of another of the leaves are now remaining. . April the 2 1759. 1 iiilested iii to his maiestys Seruice to Seruc my King and Cuntry Under Capten Sepheu Maynard* May the 10. 1759. 1 Past muster at Worcester Before Capt. Whelock and then the Next time we Past muster at Springfield Before a helanderf officer and the Next Day we was ordered to march and we marched as fur as the Sig of the Black horse and tlien we halted and then we was ordered to march from there to go ouer the Riuer and we Stad for our billingtin we stod till Corl Ruglst Came out and then we marched ouer the Riuer and Lay in an oiil house one JSJight and all the Next Day till about Sundown and then orders Came for us to march ouer to westfield and from theire wee went to Glascho§ and the Next Day we went throw the greenwoods and then from thir we went to Sheffield their we Staid til monday and then went to go to Cauter h()ok|| and Lay in the woods one Night and the Next Day we went in to Canter Hook and tarried their one Night and the Next Day we ariued Safe to (xreen l)ush and tarried their one Night and the * Undoubtedly Capt. Stephen ^faynard, a prominent man of Westborongh. t Highlander, or Scotch. X Timothy Ruggles of Hardwick, colonel and brigadier general in this war, and later a prominent tory in Revolutionary days. ji Blandford, which had earlier borne the name of Glasgow. ji Kinderhook. I /:!- 1-.. Next day we went in to Albany and we went Up onto the Hil aboue the Sitty and their we Lay about a fort net or three weeks. Staats Van Sanstoord opposit to the Kings Coot of Arms Eight huts Lef hear Albony June : the : 1 Ano Domine 1759 Jnne the 18. 1759. Coneticut Jerzy Blews* and the Royal Scotch From Ford Edward to go to the Lake. June the 20. we Sot out to go to the Lak and at Night wee arined Safe at the Lake their was Six or seueu thousand got to the Lake that Night. June the 24. mr for Bushesf text was in Mathew the 5 Chapter and the Forty forth Verse. June y" 28. all the Batallion Went out to Shooting Plattoons and We Shot three Rounds a Fiece and then Brock off July the 2. the French and Endions Came upon a Party of Jarzy Blews that was apealing Bark and kild and Took Eleueu they Came in open Sight of the Camp their Rallied out Maier Rogersf with a Number of the Rangers and they Pursued after them and they Came in Sight of them Jest as they got in to their Battoes and So they got away. July ye 2. [Duplicating the last entry] there Came fourteen Batooes from tantrabogus Parte of the Way to the Lakes to the Camps and then there Came about Twenty Indians vpon a party of the Jerzy Blews of Eigh- teen men and killed and Scalped and Took thirteen out of Eighteen and they Came Within one Hundred and fifty Rod of the Camps in open Sight of us all and we Dont know that We killed any one of them But the Raiugers folowed hard after them and tliey had got into their Batooes and had got off about twenty Rods from the Land and So got away July the 9. 1759. The Reu. Mr. Forbush Preached a Sermon From the first of Samuel the Seuetentnth Chapter and the Forty fifth Verse. July the 12 : 1759. Mier Rogers Went out with about Five hundred men with him and a Cannon or two he went Down the Lake as P^xr as the fii'st Narrows and He Came upjion a Party of french and Endions they met and they had a Small Scurmey and they Cild one Serient and wounded one man more but we dont know as we Cilled any of them but it Looks Very Likely that they Cilled Some of them for we Shot one of their Ijat- toes in two and Droue them and took a Small Brest work and Burnt it up and then Came of and l^eft them and he got in the Same Night. July the IS: 1759. There was a man Shot to Deth for Desertion amongst the regulars. July the: 14: 1759. the first Battallion Came up to the Lake and Joyned the Second Battallion and their was a Ridgment or a Part of a Ridgment of Coneticots and Some Jerzey Blews. July the 15 : 1759. The Rev. mr. Forbush Preached a Sermon from Jeremiah the Forty Eight Chapter and the tenth Veirce. July the 17. their was a french flag of truce Came in here and what they Came in for I know not. The Eighteenth Day. their was a Number of men went out to Shoot of their guns and their was Very hot fighering for Some Considerable time July the 2L the army all im barct to Set out for tiantorogo and we got with in three or four miles of the Landing Place and then Lay upon our ores all Night and a teedious Night we had and in the morning the Rangers and Conl : Willems Ridgment and the Second Battallion of * The New Jersey troops weie commonly designated Jersey bines. + Rev. Elli Forbes of North Brookfield, chaplain of Ruggles's regiment. X M.nj. Robert Rogers, the commander of the celebrated Rangers. Bregidear Riigles Ridgmeut all Landed upon the East Side of the Lake and we marched Ronml upon the mountains and came In by the mils and then the Second Battalion marched up By the P^ast side of the Lake against their brest work and Built a Brest woork annd then Cap : Maynard with about Fifty men went upon the Rocks upon a Point of Land wheir Lake george and the South Bay Emtyed in to Lake Cham Plain and their they built another Smal Brest woork wheir they Cept a guard of twenty fine men Angst the 5 1751). The Second Batalion of Brigedar Rugilses Ridgment Set out for Crown Point and about half way between Sundown and Dark w^ all a Riued Safe at Crown Point and then we had to on Lod our Bat- toes and then we marched upon the grass wheir the gras was fit to mough and Canpt Down that Night Some of us Pitched our tents and Some of them Neuer Stood to Pitch their Tents But Lay Right Down upon the grass till morning August the G: 1759. We was ordered to pitch our tents in order Crownpoint Avgust the 10 1759. Recevd a Letter from home Dated July the 25 Anadomine 1759 Crownpoint August ye 2(3 : 1759. the Reverend mr. forbush went over to Col. AVhitings Ridgments to Preach for all our men was gou out of the Camps and he had None to Preach to he Dident Preach to None of ourn onely what went to that Ridgment and that want mayny only a few Sick ones that want able to go upon feteague Crownpoint September 2o. the Ren Mr Preached a Sermon from Mathew the fifth Chapter and the Eight Verse LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 011 696 351 6 '>