F 158 .5 j .T22 Copy 1 158 PROPERTY OWNER'S Hand Book Compliments of Ranp-es Roof] Spouting Roof Painting WE Tiade these lines our study. and are stiil studying — ^ iceepin up-to-date. We can and do care for this part ( property, proinptly and properly, money-savine rates. lARRY K. Px4.LMER 402U Lancastkr WEST PHILADELPHIA Property-Owner's Hand-Book Containing Information and References of Especial Value to Ow- ners of Property, and Names of Reliable Mechanics and Supply Houses, etc. : :::::: Compiled and Copyright 1904 by JOSEPH W. TATUM Creator of Printed Salesmen Printed by THE BOTELER-WICK CO., INC Producers of Distinctive Printing 441 N. 5th St., Philadelphia : -OCT J9 s... CONTENTS. /? iotivrteh! Jiiw ^t4jL//.^^4 J^a:.,ii a, >tXo,'No?f= 'NOEX IN BACK. • / a 1. ■ s City Hall Directory City Hall Dimensions Street Number Guide Reference Calendars-1903-1904-1905 Philadelphia Population Philadelphia Distances Philadelphia Buildings Ward Boundaries Ward Areas Legal Holidays Rates of Postage P'airmount Park Building Inspectors Unlawful Acts — Making owners liable to fine ••.Cost of Permits Cost.o^ Street Improvements *• Real Kstate Assessors Tax Rates Tax Discounts and Penalties To Calculate Delinquent Taxes Water Rent Charges Water Rent Penalties Grace in Payment of Interest Payment of Ground Rent Interest Rules A Plain Form of Lease Complete Street Directory Advertisement of Mechanics and Supply Houses LADY OF THE HOUSE :— Nora, what in the world is the matter with the biscuits this morning ? They are only half baked ; they are awful. ^ NORA:— Shure, mum. If you will get a NOVELTY KITCHENER RANGE, Oi can bake thim beau- ful ; Oi niver could bake thim as foine in any other range. LADY OF THE HOUSE :— I shall order a NOV- ELTY KITCHENER to-day; all of ourneigh- bors have them. > o DC u 3 *'The Kind The People Buy" MADE BY THE ABRAM COX STOVE CO AMERICAN AND DAUPHIN STS. RHIL.ADE1_F»HIA, RA. Phone "GET BUSY' When ordering, please mention Property Owners* Hand Book. Directory of City Hall Offices. Room No. Bureau of Boiler Inspection 305A Bureau of Building and Elevator Inspectors 313 Bureau of City Property 113 Bureau of Health 612 Bureau of Health, Regisftration of Births and Deaths 517 Bureau of Health, Health Officer 615 Bureau of Health, House Drainage 613 Bureau of Health, Inspector of Nuisances 617 Bureau of Health, Inspector of Milk 513 Bureau of Lighting 334 Bureau of Highways 232 Bureau of Street Cleaning 33S Bureau of Surveys 412 Bureau of Water, Chief Engineer 790 Bureau of Water, Permits and Searches 562 Bureau of Water, Water Rents.. 19C City Commissioners ". 136 City Controller 146 City Ice Boats 391 City Treasurer 143 City Solicitor 476 Civil Service Examining Board 875 Charities and Correction 395A Clerk of Quarter Sessions 685 Collector of Delinquent Taxes 116 Commissioners of Fairmount Park 127 Coroner 602 Counts of Com.mon Pleas, No. lA 246 Courts of Common Pleas, No. IB 243 Courts of Common Pleas, No. 2C 254 Courts of Common Pleas. No. 2D 253 Courts of Common Pleas, No. 3E 275 Courts of Common Pleas, No. 3P 285 Courts of Common Pleas, No. 4G 416 Courts of Common Pleas, No. 4H 443 Courts of Common Pleas, No. 5J 646 Courts of Common Pleas, No. 5K 654 Courts of Common Pleas, Prothonotary 268 Orphans' Court, No. 1 426 Orphans' Court, No. 2 425 Orphans' Court. No. 3 432 Orphans' Court, No. 4 436 Orphans' Court, Clerk 417 Orphans' Court, Marriage License Court 413 Court of Quarter Sessions, No. 1 653 Court of Quarter Sessions, No. 2 676 Court of Quarter Sessions, No. 3 453 Court of Quarter Sessions, Clerk 685 Court of Quarter Sessions, District Attorney 66*5 Grand Jury and Indictment Clerk 675 Superior Court 454 Supreme Court 454 Prothonotary Superior and Supreme Courts 458 Councils, Common Council Chamber 400 Councils, Common Council, Clerk of 492 Room No. Councils, Select Council Chamber 402 Councils, Select Council. Clerk of 408 Councils, Finance Committee Room 496 Department of Mayor 202 Department of Public Safety 22o Department of Public Works 21G Department of Public Health and Charities 610 Department of Public Education, Secretary 29G Department of Public Education, Superintendent 694 Department of Public Education, Architects 742 Department of Supplies (Temporary) 310 Detective Bureau, Captain 533 Electrical Bureau 626 Fire Marshal 386 Inspeotor of Meters and Gas 3i0 Law Library 600 National Guard of Pennsylvania, Headquarters 540, 544 Mercantile Appraisers 171 Oil Inspector 3ll Police Magistrate 625 Police Matron 635 Police Pension Fund 220 Police Superintendent 227 Police Surgeon 527 Recorder of Deeds 154 Register of Wills .• 164 Sheriff 475 Taxes, Real Estate Assessors 181 Taxes, Receiver of 102 Taxes, Revision of 180 Taxes, Search Department 177 Dimensions of the City Hall. North to south 486 feet 6 inches East to West 470 feet Area 4% acres Height of tower 547 feet 3^ inches Width of base 90 feet Clock face 361 feet above pavement Clock face, diameter of 20 feet Rooms 750 Floor rooms 14% acres Street Guide. No. NORTH from Market. No. SOUTH from Market. 1 Market, Filbert sts. 1 Market, Jayne sts. — Lancaster ave., N. W. — Darby road, S W. — Commerce, Church — Merchant, Ludlow. 100 Arch, Cherry 100 Chestnut, Sansom. 200 Race, Branch, New. — Library, Dock. 300 Vine, Wood. 200 Walnut, Locust. — Ridge ave, N. W. 300 Spruce, Union. No. NORTH from Market. 400 Callowhlll, Willow. — Noble, Hamilton. BOO Buttonwood. — Spring Garden. 600 Green. — Mount Vernon. — Wallace, Melon. 700 Fairmount ave. — Olive. 800 Brown, Parrlsh. 900 Poplar, Laurel. 1000 Otter. IJOO George. 1200 Girard ave.. Stiles. — Germantown rd, N. W. — Richmond, E. — Elm, S. W. 1300 Thompson, Seybert. 1400 Master, Sharswood. 1500 Jefferson, Redner. 1600 Oxford, Turner. 1700 Columbia ave. 1800 Montgomery ave. 1900 Berks. 2000 Norris, Otis. 2100 Diamond. 2200 Susquehanna ave. 2300 Dauphin, Arizona. 2400 York. 2500 Cumberland. 2600 Huntingdon. 2700 Lehigh ave. 2800 Somersett. 2900 Cambria. 3000 Indiana ave. 3100 Clearfield. 3200 Allegheny ave. 3300 Westmoreland. 3400 Ontario. 3500 Tioga. 3600 Venango. 3700 Erie. 3800 Butler. 3900 Pike. 4000 Luzerne, 4100 Roxborough. 4200 Juniata. 4300 Bristol. 4400 Cayuga. 4500 Wingohocking. 4600 Courtland. 4700 Wyoming. 4800 Louden. No. SOUTH from Market. 400 Pine. — Gray's Ferry road, S. W. 500 Lombard, Gaskill. 600 South. — Passyunk ave., S. W. 700 Bainbridge. — Almond, Meade. — Monroe. — Fitzwater, German. 800 Catharine, Queen. 900 Christian, Marriott. 1000 Carpenter. 1100 Washington ave. — Prime, Ellsworth. 1200 Federal, Marion. 1300 Wharton. 1400 Reed. 1500 Dickinson. — Greenwich. 1600 Tasker, Sylvester. 1700 Morris, Pierce. — Watkins. 1800 Moore, Siegel. 1900 Mifflin. 2000 McKean. 2100 Snyder ave. 2200 Jackson. 2300 Wolf. 2400 Ritner. 2500 Porter. 2600 Shunk. 2700 Oregon ave. 2800 Johnson. 2900 Bigler. 3000 Pollock. 3100 Packer. 3200 Curtin. 3300 Geary. 3400 Hartranft. 3500 Hoyt. 3600 Pattison ave. 3700 Beaver ave. 3800 Hastings ave. 3900 Thirty-ninth ave. 4000 Fortieth ave. 4100 Forty-first ave. 4200 Forty-second ave. 4300 Forty-third ave. 4400 Forty-fourth ave. 45C0 Forty-fifth ave. 4600 Schuylkill ave, 4700 Government ave. 4800 League Island. CALENDAR, 1903. s M T W T F s s M T W T F s Jm T 3 10 T -, 3 10 4 II 4 S 6 7 8 9 n 5 6 7 8 9 D II 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 < i8 iq 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 31 ... r ^ 3 10 4 II 5 12 T 7 14 ^■" "■" "~~ "^ ~~ I > 8 9 13 ^ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IS 16 17 18 IQ 20 21 D 9 10 II 12 13 M IS 22 2,3 24 2S 26 27 28 D < 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 tii ?3 24 ii 25 ^5 27 -8 29 iL, 30 I 2 3 4 S " 7 Oi ... I 2 3 4 5 X 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 ?! 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 < rs 16 17 18 19 20 21 W 13 14 i.S lb 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 £ 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b s 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 ... ... ... ^" "~" T ■> 3 10 4 II ■^~ ^" "*" T ? 3 10 ^ s 6 7 8 9 U4 4 S 6 7 8 9 Qi 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 iS II 12 13 14 15 16 17 cu IQ 20 21 22 23 24 2S H 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 < 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ^ "~~ ...1 I 2 T '> 3 10 4 II 5 12 6 7 14 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 0! 8 13 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 Id W > IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 s 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 2.S 2b 27 28 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 2 29 30 ... ... -^ 2 3 4 s "6 ... 77 I 2 "3 1 s 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 u; 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 U 13 14 I.S 16 17 18 19 D 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 20 21 22 23 24 2.S 2b 28 29 30 14 Q £ 28 29 30 31 ... - - 111 ... CALENDAR, 1904, s !V1 r W!T F|S s MIT W T F S < 1 1 8 2 9 >- J ...1--- I 8 2 9 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 D lO ri 12 13 14 IS lb n 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 i 17 18 19 20 23 >— s 17 18 IQ 20 21 23 •-» 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 24 25 1... 2b -7 28 29 30 I 2 3 4 s 6 ... I 2 3 4 s "6 > 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 H 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 I) 0! 14 i.S 16 17 18 19 20 D M '5 16 17 18 19 20 m 21 23 24 2S 2b 27 D < 21 23 24 2S 2b 27 fa 28 ^9 28 29 30 31 ... ... ""■" I rr "3 10 4 II 5 12 K ^ I . ""■ "~~ ? 3 10 ffi 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 g 13 M IS 16 17 18 19 W II 13 14 IS lb 17 20 21 22 2^ -4 25 2b P. 18 19 20 21 23 24 ^ 27 28 29 ^° 3' 25 20 27 28 29 30 ... .4 "^ 8 2 9 •"" '"" "~" 8 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 s ro II 12 13 14 IS lb H 9 10 II 12 13 H i.S 0. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 lb 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 H 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 ...!... ... . ^0 V ... ... 1 I 2 3 4 s -6 7 ... CT I "^ 3 4 .S b Q 10 II 12 13 14 b 7 8 9 10 II 12 < ^S 16 17 18 19 20 21 fi 13 14 i.S lb 17 18 19 2223 24 25 20 27 28 > 20 21 23 24 25 2b 2930 31 S 27 28 29 30 ... — — T ~ 3 10 4 II ■~" — T ~ s 6 7 8 9 Di A s 6 7 8 9 10 M 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 II 12 13 M 15 lb 17 D 19 20 -7T 22 23 24 2S 18 19 20 21 23 24 ^C 27 28 29 30 g 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 The Care of Property 1_IAS lately come to its proper place, and is being classed as one of the professions which are being taught by- thorough training. This will rid out the questionable Real Estate men, and bring the profes- sion to our motto, — "Fair Pay For Efficient Service and Sure Returns." Fire, PivATE Glass and Accident Insurance Property Soi,d and Exchanged Rents and Incomes Coli^ected WiivLS AND Deeds Drawn Notary Public J. and W. Percival Johnson 4039 LANCASTER AVENUE PHONE When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. CALE> IDAR, 1905. S M T W T F s s M T w T F s >• 1 ? 3 10 17 4 II 18 5 12 19 6 7 14 21 J 8 IS 9 16 13 20 2 9 3 10 4 II 5 12 6 13 7 14 8 IS < 1— » 22 23 24 2S 2b 27 28 •— > lb 17 lb 19 20 Tf 22 29 30 31 ?'? 24 25 -'b 27 ^8 29 ?o ■"■ ^■^ ^^ J ^ 3 JO 4 II ■^ ~ 21 T. 4 II 5 12 > s 6 7 8 9 h 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 M ^s lb 17 18 D 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 OQ iq 20 21 22 23 24 2S D < 20 21 22 23 24 2S 2b 26 ... 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 ... ■^ I ? ^ ^ pi, ■~" "~ ""* T ? a 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 < 12 19 13 20 14 21 15 22 lb 23 17 24 18 2,'> 10 17 II 18 12 19 13 20 14 21 15 22 lb 23 s 2b 27 28 29 30 31 24 ^ 2b 27 28 29 3c ■■" "~ "" ~~ "~~ r T ? •21 A 5 12 - 7 »j 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ui w 8 9 10 ii' 13 f« 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS i^ i.S lb 17 18 19 20 21 04 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 H 22 23 24 2S 2b 27 28 < 1 24 25 ^6 27 ^S 29 29 30 31 — Z" ? 3 10 4 II 5 6l ■" °~ T ? 3 10 4 II 7 8 9 12 IS W 5 6 7 8 ^ 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 S 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 > 19 20 21 22 23 24 2t; 28 29 30 31 2b 27 28 29 30 ... ... 7; ■"■ "~ _ 8 2 9 3 10 _> ■~ _ I 8 2 9 4 S 6 7 3 4 ,S 6 7 II 12 13 14 IS ii> 17 10 II 12 13 14 i.S 16 D 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 •-» a 26 27 ... 28 29 -1 30 _§ 24 211 25 26 27 28 29 30 10 Population of Philadelphia. The following table shows the population of Philadelphia at different periods from the Consolidation to the present time: Year. Population. 1860 565,529 1870 674,022 1880 847,170 1890 ; 1,046,964 1900 1,293,697 Distances to Other Cities. Miles. Miles. Albany, N. Y 232 Louisville, Ky 777 Atchison, Kan 1,28S Memphis, Tenn 1,073 Atlanta, Ga 792 Milwaukee, Wis 907 Atlantic City, N. J 56 Miami, Fla 1,290 Augusta, Me 478 Mobile, Ala 1,147 Baltimore, Md 96 Nassau (N. P.) via Miami, Bismarck, N. D 1,677 Fla 1,500 Boise City, Idaho 2,611 New Orleans, La 1,254 Boston, Mass 307 New York, N. Y 90 Buffalo, N. Y 431 Omaha, Neb 1,330 Burlington, Iowa 1,028 Palm Beach, Fla 1,225 Carson City, Nev 2,922 Pittsburg, Pa 354 Charleston, S. C 724 Portland, Ore 3,135 Chicago, 111 822 Prescott, Ariz 2,662 Cincinnati, Ohio 667 Providence, R. 1 279 Cleveland, Ohio 504 Richmond, Va 254 Concord, N. H 353 St. Paul, Minn 1,232 Denver, Colo 1,881 St. Louis, Mo 958 Detroit, Mich 682 Salt Lake City, Utah 2,483 Galveston, Tex 1,700 San Francisco, Cal 3,197 Havana. Cuba, via Tampa Santa Fe, N. Mex 2,083 and Key West 1,431 Savanah, Ga 815 Helena, Mont 2,834 Tacoma, Wash 3,143 Indianapolis, Ind 727 Tampa, Fla 1,200 Jacksonville, Fla 924 Vicksburg, Miss 1,198 Key West, Fla 1,478 Washington, D. C 132 Little Rock, Ark 1,303 Wheeling, W. Va 406 Los Angeles, Cal 3,017 Wilmington, N. C 503 Philadelphia Distances. West— 1 mile from Delaware avenue to Eleventh street; 2 miles to Twenty-third street; 3 miles to Thirty-seventh street; 4 miles to Forty-seventh street; 5 miles to Fifty-sixth street. North— 1 mile from Market street to Fairmount avenue; 2 miles to Berks street; 3 miles to Lehigh avenue; 4 miles to Erie avenue. South— 1 mile from Market street to Washington avenue; 2 miles to Snyder avenue; 3 miles to Bigler street; 4 miles to League Island. Enumeration and Classification of Dwelling Houses and Buildings. Used for business and other purposes in the City of Pliiladel- phia; compiled from the Assessors' books of the year 1903. Brick. One story 219 Two story 127,399 Three story 110,176 Four story 4,817 Five story and over 87 242,698 Stone. One story 43 Two story 3,031 Three story 8,094 Four sitory and over 297 11,465 Stone and Brick, Two story 352 Three story 3,004 Four story and over 603 3,959 Frame. One story 207 Two story 8,017 Three story and over 4,159 12,383 Total number of dwellings 270,505 Buildings used exclusively for business and other purposes (not included in total of dwelling houses) 5,671 Factories, mills, foundries 2,555 Shops (not coming under head of facitories) 2,520 Breweries, distilleries, malt houses and vaults.. 132 Banks, savings and trust companies 81 Office buildings 439 Hospitals, asylums and other buildings used for benevolent and charitable purposes 247 Schools under religious control, colleges and libraries 190 Halls, theatres, society purposes 260 Churches 800 Public schools 284 Properties (other than schools) owned by the City. State and General Government 280 Railroad passenger and freight stations, car houses and engine houses, belonging to railroad companies 256 Slaughter houses, stables, barns and hot houses.. 10,977 Warehouses, buildings for storage, etc 754 Miscellaneous, small buildings, offices, etc 1,866 Steam and power houses not owned by railrod companies 327 Total number of buildings other than dwellings.. 27,639 Total number of all kinds of buildings 298,144 12 Boundaries of Wards. Ist — Beginning Wharton st. and Delaware river, to Paasyunk Road, to MiflBIn St., to river Delaware and to place of begin- ning, i 2d.— Between river Delaware and Broad; Wharton to Pass- yunk avenue, to Ellsworth, to Broad, to Christian, to Delaware river, to Wharton. 3d. — Broad to Fitzwater, to Passyunk ave., to German, to Second, to Mead, to Swansou, to Catharine to Delaware river, to Christian, to Broad. 4th. — Starting at Broad and Fitzwater, along Fitzwater to Passyunk ave., to German, to Mead, to Swanson, to Catharine, to Delaware river, to South to Broad to starting point. 5th.— 7th and river Delaware, and South and Chestnut. 6th.— 7th and river Delaware, and Chestnut and Vine. 7th.— 7th and river Schuylkill, and South and Spruce. 8th. — 7th and river Schuylkill, and Chestnut and Spruce. 9th. — 7th and river Schuylkill, and Chestnut and Arch. 10th. — 7th and river Schuylkill, and Arch and Vine. 11th. — 3d and river Delaware, and Vine and Poplar. 12th.— Sixth and Third, Vine and Poplar. 13th.— Sixth and Tenth, Vine and Poplar. 14th. — Tenth and Broad. Vine and Poplar. 15th. — Between Broad and river Schuylkill, and Vine and Poplar. 16th. — Starting at Laurel and river Delaware; Laurel to Frankford ave., to Girard ave., to Sixth, to Poplar, to Dela- ware river, to Laurel. 17th.— Oxford, Frankford ave., Girard ave., and Sixth. 18th. — Beginning at Laurel st. and river Delaware; Laurel to Frankford ave., Norris to Aramingo canal; to Lehigh ave., to river Delaware. 19th. — Beginning at Frankford ave. and Norris; Frankford ave. to Oxford, to Sixth, to Germantown ave., to Lehigh ave., to Kensington ave., to Front, to Norris, to Frankford ave. 20th.— Beginning at Broad and Poplar; to Sixth, to Susque- hanna ave., to Eleventh, to Montgomery ave., to Broad, to Poplar. 21st.— Beginning at School lane and river Schuylkill; School lane to township line, to County line, to river. 22d. — Stenton ave.. Northwestern ave., Wissahickon ave., Rohr erts ave., Germantown ave., Stenton ave., W. Lcgan st., P. & R. R. to beginning. 23d. — Frankford creek. Castor road. Dark Run lane, Delaware river. 24th.— River Schuylkill, Market st.. Meadow, Haverford, Forty-fourth st., Belmont ave.. City ave. 25th. — Lehigh ave., Kensington ave.; Delaware river, Frank- ford creek. 26th. — Passyunk ave. and Ellsworth, along Passyunk to Broad, to Back channel, to Eighteenth, to Washington ave., to Broad, to Ellsworth, to Passyunk ave. 27th. — Beginning at Gray's Ferry ave. and Schuylkill river, to Forty-seventh st., to Paschall ave., to Forty-sixth St., to Kingsessing ave., to West Chester railroad, to Fiftieth St., to Baltimore ave., to Cobb's creek, to Market st., to Schuylkill river and to place of beginning. 28th.— Broad st. to Schuylkill river, Susquehanna, Lehigh ave. 13 29th.— Between Broad and river Schuylkill, and Poplar and Montgomery ave. 30th.— Starting at Broad and South; along South to the Schuylkill, to Ellsworth, to Gray's Ferry road, to Washington ave., to starting point on Broad st. 31st. — Front, Norris, Kensington ave., Lehigh ave.; Ara- mingo canal. 32d. — Schuylkill river and Montgomery ave.; Eleventh, Sus- quehana ave. 33d. — Germantown ave.. Twentieth st., Wingohocking St., Frankford creek, Kensington ave., Lehigh ave. 34th.— Market, Meadow, Haverford, Forty-fourth sts., Bel- mont ave., Citv ave.. Cobb's creek. 35th.— Tacony creek. Castor road. Dark Run lane, Frankford and Bristol turnpike, Poquessing creek and Montgomery county line. 36th.— Washington ave., to Gray's Ferry ave., to Ellsworth St., to Schuylkill river, to Eighteenth st., to beginning. 37th.— Broad st., Germantown ave., and Susquehanna ave. 38th. — Broad st. and Germantown ave., Roberts and Wissa- hickon aves., School lane, Schuylkill river, and Lehigh ave. 39th. — Beginning at Mifflin st. and river Delaware; along Mif- flin St. to Passyunk road, to Broad St., to Back channel (in- cluding League Island), to Delaware river, to place of begin- ning. 40th.— Beginning at Gray's Ferry ave. and Schuylkill river; to Forty-seventh St., to Paschall ave., to Forty-sixth st., to Kingsessing ave., to West Chester railroad, to Fiftieth St., to Baltimore ave., to Cobb's creek, to Darby creek, to Bow creek, to Back channel and County line, to Delaware river, Schuyl- kill river and place of beginning. 41st.— Frankford and Bristol turnpike, to Poquessing creek, to Delaware river, to Dark Run lane, to Frankford and Bristol turnpike and place of beginning. 42d.— Cheltenham ave., Cresheim ave., Stenton ave., P. & R. R., W. Logan St., Stenton ave., Germantown ave., Wingohock- ing ave., Tacony creek, to place of beginning. AREA OF THE WARDS. (Expressed in square miles and decimal parts.) Wards. Square Miles. Wards. Square Miles. Wards. Square Miles. 1 .700 15 1.049 29 1.400 2 .442 16 .281 30 .519 3 .191 17 .251 31 .713 4 .229 18 .650 32 .809 5 .331 19 .698 S3 4.444 6 .321 20 .7:^ 34 5.575 7 .439 21 7.129 35 33.261 8 .435 22 10.741 36 6.081 9 .400 23 3.205 37 .520 10 .359 24 4.150 38 3.990 11 .210 25 4.126 39 4.809 12 .193 26 1.400 40 8.089 13 .259 27 3.h91 41 6.250 14 .237 28 1.024 42 9.163 Total area of City of Philadelphia, 129.583. WHEN YOU PAINT YOUR HOUSE Remember that it costs less to use because it spreads more easily over a greater sur- face and wears so much longer. Besides, it's better look- ing and so thoroughly satisfactory in every way. Ask nearest dealer for color cards and prices, or send for booklet " How to Paint," to JOHN LUCAS & CO. Race and Fourth Sts. PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK CHICAGb" When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. Legal Holidays. New Year's Day— The first day of January. Lincoln's Birthday— The twelfth day of February. Election Day — The third Tuesday of February. Washington's Birthday— The 22d of February. Good Friday. Memorial Day— The 30th day of May. Independence Day — The Fourth day of July. Labor Day — The first Monday of September. Election Day. — First Tuesday after first Monday in November. Thanksgiving Day, designated by the President of the U. S. or Governor, usually the last Thursday in November. Christmas— The 25th of December. Half-Holidays. Every Saturday is a half-holiday. Note— Vv'^henever New Yea.r's Day, Washington's Birthday, Independence Day or Christmas shall occur on Sunday, the follovv'ing day, Monday, shall be a public holiday. When the 30th day of May falls on Sunday, the day preceding it, Saturday, shall be observed as a holiday. All bills of exchange, checks, drafts or notes falling due on any Monday so observed as a holiday shall be due and payable on the next succeeding secular or business day, and all Mon- days so observed as holidays, for all purposes as regards the protesting and giving notice of the dishonor of bills of ex- change, checks, etc., shall be considered and treated as of the first day of the week. Sunday. All bills of exchange, etc., which by the terms thereof shall be payable on the first day of the week, Sunday, shall be pay- able on the next succeeding business day. Rates of Postage. Domestic— On all letters throughout the U. S., 2c. for each ounce or fraction thereof. Postal cards Ic. each. Transient newspapers, magazines or periodicals, Ic. for 4 ozs. or fraction thereof; other printed matter, books, circulars, cor- rected proof-sheets and manuscript copy accompanying the same, Ic. for each 2 ozs. or fractional part thereof. Invariably prepaid by stamps. Manuscripts unaccompTanied by proof- sheets, letter rates. Merchandise and all matter not liable to injure the mails, Ic. each oz. or fraction thereof, prepaid. Limit of weight, 4 lbs., except single books, which may weigh more. Registry fee, 8c. in addition to regular postage. If desired, carriers will register letters at the homes of the persons sending them. .. ; • Letters and other packages may be registered on payment of a fee of 8c. ■ . - ' - • Letters will be forwarded when one full rate Is paid. All other matter must be fully prepaid. •' ■ Money can be sent with absolute safety by mail by procuring a Money Order. 16 Fairmount Park. Note.— Hunting Park, 43 acres (not included). The nucleus of Fairmount Park was the acquirement by the City of five acres of Morris' Hill at Twenty-fifth and Spring Garden streets, in June, J 812, for water works and park pur- poses. In 1828, by additional purchases of land, the Park con- tained twenty-eight acres. Subsequently the Lemon Hill es- tate was purchased in 1865, and was dedicated as Fairmount Park. In 1867 intervening ground was taken by the City. About the same time one hundred and forty acres of land, on the west side of the Schuylkill river, known as Lansdowne, above Girard avenue, at one time the country seat of Governor John Penn, was purchased. Within its boundaries were the colonial residences known as "Eaglesfield," "Sweet Briar," "Lansdowne," and "Solitude." Solitude is now occupied by the Zoological Gardens. In 1868, George's Hill, containing eighty-three acres, was presented to the City by Jesse and Rebecca George. Other lands on the east and west side of the river, and on both sides of the Wissahickon creek, up to what Is known as "Indian Rock," were acquired by purchase and incorporated into the Park limits. The Parks are connected at Girard avenue by a bridge of iron, which was opened for travel July 4, 1874. The house of William Penn, erected on Letitia street, near Front and Mar- ket streets, stands close to the western end of Girard avenue bridge, having been removed in 1883 and re-erected at the point mentioned. Belmont Mansion, in West Park, was erected about 1745. It was formerly the home of Richard Peters, a representative in Congress and Judge of the United States Courts. Washington, Franklin, Rittenhouse, Robert Morris, Jefferson and Lafayette Vvere frequent visitors at the home of Mr. Peters. On the East Park drive is "Mt. Pleasant," the former residence of Benedict Arnold, built in 1762; and west of Mt. Pleasant is "Rockland," built in 1810. North of Mt. Pleasant is "Ormlstbn," a country seat built prior to the Revolution, and near it ia "Edgely," the original Laurel Hill. Strawberry Mansion was formerly the country seat 6f Judge Hemphill. The Wissahickon Drive, along the creek of that name, is full of traditional spots. "Hermit's Lane," "Hermit's Glen," "Her- mit's Well," "Lover's Leap," "Washington's Rock," "Devil's Pool" and "Indian Rock" all having their stories and legend- ary romance. 17 Bureau of Building Inspection. City Hall, North Wing, Rooms 313, 315, 317 and 319, East Corridor. Issues permits for new buildings and additions— excepting such as are prohibited by law, and enforces laws as to con- struction of buildings. Office hours: Chief, 1.30 to 3 P. M. Deputy Chief, 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Inspectors, Mondays and Thursdays, 2 to 3 P. M. Members of Bureau appointed by Director of the Department of Public Safety: Thos. R. Allen, Manton E. Hibbs, Harman M. Boorse, Robert C. Hill. Geo. W. Bourne. William J. Gillingham, William G. Button. John H. Kessler. Edwin Clark, Fred G. Myhlertz, Samuel H. Collom, George W. Payne. Paul J. Essick. Charles D. Supplee, Edwin H. Hannum, Arthur T. Wadsv/orth. Unlawful Acts. It is unlawful to do or cause to be done, any building, en- larging or altering of buildings without first having secured a permit from the Bureau of Building Inspection. It is unlawful to build or add to dwellings so that less than 144 square feet of the lot shall remain open and unobstructed by any overhanging structure. It is unlawful to enclose a frame shed, the end of which is within five feet of another frame structure, unless the end be covered with fireproofing material; and not within three feet, unless the end shall be of masonry not less than nine inches thick, built from the foundation to and above the roof. Such sheds may not be lathed and plastered or lined with wood; the roof must be covered with fireproofing material; a space must be left between the roof and an overhanging bathroom, and the shed must not extend more than ten feet from the wall to which it is attached. It is unlawful to place building materials on public street or road without a permit. It Is unlawful for anyone but a registered plumber to make any connection with any sewer, drain, soil or waste pipe, or any pipe connected therewith. It is unlawful for any drainage or alteration of the same to be done other than according to pl:ans and speeifications approved by the House Drainage Bureau. It is unlawful to allow snow to remain on sidewalks or in gutters, and a fine is imposed if it is net removed within six working hours after the storm : ceases. . . . :. It is unlawful to allow a willful waste of water by failing to repair fixtures where waste is occurring. It is unlawful to break the paving of a street without se- curing a permit therefor and paying charges. It is unlawful to construct or maintain any privy well, vault or sink for offensive matter within two feet of adjoining lot. It is unlawful to place or maintain any cellar door, porch or steps which shall extend more than four feet six inches into any footway of any street of fifty feet wide or upwards, or a proportionate distance into any footway of any street of less width than fifty feet. Cost of Permits for Street Openings, Material for Buildings, Vaults. Building, per month | 25 Vaults under sidewalks, receding 3 feet from the curb, per front foot 5 00 Vaults under sidewalks extending to curb, per front foot. 25 00 Breaking street paved with sheet asphalt $13 00 Breaking street paved with asphalt blocks 8 00 Breaking street paved with granolithic pavement 8 00 Breaking street paved with Belgian blocks 6 00 Breaking street paved with Macadam 6 00 Breaking street paved with vitrified brick 3 00 Breaking street paved with cobble 2 00 Breaking unpaved street 1 00 Tunneling as provided in Section 6 1 00 Five dollars in addition to above sums shall be paid for each application for permit to make new connections in paved streets between first day of December in any year, and first day of March in the following year. Permits for water connections one dollar additional for each connection, includes a ferrule of most improved pattern, and driving same. No permit shall be operative for more than two weeks from the date of its issue, but can be renewed upon payment of twenty-five cents. For the erection of a building not over 30 feet high and not over 18 feet in width, containing 1600 square feet or less, $3. For the erection of a building not over 30 feet high and not over 18 feet in width, containing 2000 square feet or less, $5. For each additional story above 30 feet, and for each addi- tional 100 square feet of ground covered, $1 extra. For installing heating apparatus in building in which none has ever been, $1. For installing heating apparatus in building where such has been, or for repairs or alterations, |2. For removing an old building when no permit is taken out for the erection of a new structure in place of the old, $2. For inspection of a building as to safety, $10 if not over four stories, and $1 for each additional story. For fence views, $3. For inspection of frame shed and overhanging bathroom, |1. For inspection of bay or oriel window, $2. For erecting fire escape, $1. For attaching new fixture to drainage system or supply; $1 for inspection, and balance of water rent for current year. 1> COST PER FOOT OF PROPERTY FRONT OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Costs based on one-half width of roadway at the following rates : Water-pipe @ SI. 00 per foot. Sewer " 1.50 " Curb " .60 Paving " 2.G0 per sq. yd. Width of Street. Sidewalk. Roadway. Sidewalk. Cost, per Foot. 30 feet. 7 feet. 10 feet. 7 feet. $5.41 40 " 10 " 20 '^ 10 " 5.99 50 " V2 " 26 " 12 " 6.85 (-.0 " IM " 84 " 13 " 8.01 70 " 15 " 40 " 15 " 8.88 80 '' 18 " 44 " 18 " 9.45 100 " 60 " 20 " 11.77 Assessors of Real Estate. Appointed by the Board. Salaries, $2000 per annum, by Act of Assembly. District. First.— 1st and 39th Wards, Albert List, 1322 South Fifth street, Geo. R. Snowden. 1118 Pine street. Second.— 26th Ward and part of 30th Ward east of Twenty-first street, Louis Bregy, 1416 South Penn Square, Albert H. Harris, North American Building. Third.— 2d, 3d and 4th Wards, Samuel Lamond, 445 E. Somerset street, Jas. J. King, 230 Spruce street. Fourth.— 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th Wards, Edward P. Macken, 1116 Pine street, H. G. Cassidy, S. E. cor. Thirteenth and Chestnut streets. Fifth.— 7th and 8th Wards, Edw. K. Thomas, 1603 North Thir- teenth street, Wm. H. R. Lukens, N. W. cor. Second and Brown streets. Sixth. 9th, 10th and 14th Wards, Jas. E. Ritchie, 608 North Twenty-third street. Cor. Haggerty, 1318 Pine street. Seventh.— 13th, 16th and 17th Wards and part of 20th Ward south of Master, Wm. L. Beitler, 6624 Woodland avenue, F. P. Haggerty, 24 South Forty-third street. Eighth.— 15th Ward and 29th Ward, south of Master, Geo. Hawkes, 1508 N. Seventh street, Jno. W. Boileau, Jr., 1535 N. Fifteenth street. Ninth.— 36th Ward and part of 30th Ward west of Twenty- first street, H. N. Stokley, 2010 North Broad street, George W. Clement, 23 North Juniper street. Tenth.— 18th Ward and 31st Ward, east of Frankford avenue, Jos. W. Kerr, 119 South Twenty-second street, John Gormly, 635 West York street. Eleventh.— Parts of 20th, 32d and 37th Wards, north side of Master, east side of Broad, south side of Lehigh avenue, west side of Germantown avenue to Sixth street, west Art in Ironwork Should always be used, whether it is in a cellar door, fence, fancy wrought iron lamp or pair of andirons : : : : Lleia We make HAND BEATEN SHEET IRON ARTWORK ARTISTIC WROUGHT IRON W^ORK CELLAR DOORS THAT DON'T ROT ALL KINDS OF IRONWORK FENCES THAT ORNAMENT ORNAMENTAL IRONWORK FANCY IRON SIGNS We do it right, artistically, and at prices that bear comparison. HEBERLE & CO, 5538-5540 Vine Street WEST PHILADELPHIA When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. side of Sixth street, Jacob Grouse, 2146 E. Cumberland street, Jas, O'Hara, 832 N, Nineteenth street. Twelfth.— Parts of 29th and 32d Wards, north side of Master, south side of Susquehanna avenue, west side of Broad to Schuylkill river, John K. McCarthy, 213 Girard Build- ing, J. V. McManus, 1429 North Eighteenth street. Thirteenth.— 19th Ward and part of 31st Ward, west of Frank- ford avenue, J. T, Finletter, 3424 Powelton avenue, B. F Gaskill, 710 West Cumberland street. Fourteenth.— Part of 25th Ward, south of Wheat Sheaf lane, Robt. K. Idler, 111 South Eleventh street, John O'Don- nell, 2311 West Thompson street. Fifteenth.— Part of 33d Ward, east of Fifth street, Benjamin S. C. Thomas, 1492 North Fifty-fifth street, Wm. H. Wright, 1420 North Fifteenth street. Sixteenth.— 35th Ward (one vacancy), Patrick Donohoe, 1222 Christian street. Seventeenth. — 22d Ward, south of Washington lane and west of Stenton avenue, Fountain Ward, 142 Queen street, Ger- mantown, Robert J. Wright, 1108 Land Title Building. Eighteenth.— Part of 22d Ward, north of Washington lane and west of Stenton avenue, Albert Webster, 3733 Frankford avenue, Richard Shevlin, 2301 North Nineteenth street. Nineteenth. — 42d Ward, John S. Warner, 56 East Coulter street, Germantown, Thomas K. Arnold, S. W. cor. of Sus- quehanna avenue and Uber street. Twentieth.— 24th Ward, Frank L. Irwin, 241 Dupont street, Manayunk, John Brady, 808 South Tenth street. Twenty-first.— That part of 34th Ward commencing at the northwest corner of Fifty-sixth and Market streets thence north along the west side of Fifty-sixth street to Columbia avenue, thence east along the north side of Co- lumbia avenue to Old Lancaster road or Fifty-fourth street, thence north along the west side of Fifty-fourth street to City avenue, thence southwest along the south- east side of City avenue to Cobb's creek, thence south- east along Cobb's creek to the north side of Market street, thence east along the north side of Market street to Fifty-sixth street, place of beginning, Adam Everly, 401 Harrison Building, John J. Green, 812 Girard Build- ing, Tweny-second.— 40th Ward, Chas. E. Connell, 1202 South Forty- sixth street, Edward F. Bennis, 641 E. Chelten avenue, Germantown. Twenty-third.— 27th Ward, Jacob R. Whitaker, 1534 Centennial avenue, Albert A. Dunton, 860 North Twenty-fourth street. Twenty-fourth.— 28th Ward, Thomas Y. Severn, 970 North Mar- shall street, James Stewart, Jr., 2001 Diamond street. Twenty-fifth.— 23d Ward and part of 25th Ward north of Wheat- sheaf lane and east of Frankford avenue, William Mc- Murray, 1345 Arch sreet, Geo. F. Lever, 4430 Frankford avenue. Twenty-sixth.— Part of 33d Ward west of Fifth street, and part of 37th Ward north of Lehigh avenue, William T. Seal, 405 Wister street, Germantown, Thomaa J. Fay, 717 Fitzwater street. Twenty-seventh,— 21st Ward, Edward Buchholz, 2007 German- town avenue, John H. McAleer, 211 Bainbridge street. Twenty-eighth.— That part of 34th Ward west of Fifty-sixth street between Market street and Columbia avenue, and west of Fifty-fourth street, between Columbia avenue and City avenue, Hugh L. Montgomery, 847 North Twenty-ninth street, John Boyle, 2017 North Broad street. Twenty-ninth.— 38th Ward Harry J. Worrell, 336 South Thir- teenth street, D. Frank Collins, 1719 South Thirteenth street. Thirtieth. — 41st Ward, John Tyndale, 4055 Sansom street, A. J. Bloom, 992 North Sixth street. Tax Rates. Levied by Ordinance on Full Assessed Valuation of Property. 1869 $1 80 1878 $2 15 1870 1 80 1879 2 05 1871 1 80 1880 2 00 1872 2 00 1881 1 95 1873 2 05 1882 1 90 1874 2 10 1883 to 1902 1 85 1875 1 90 1903 1 85 1876 2 05 1904 1 50 1877 2 25 Discount on City Taxes. One per cent, discount on bills paid during January, Feb- ruary and March, After the last day of March a discount at the rate of 1 per cent, per annum on all bills paid on or before June 30. Be- ginning April 1 with % of one per cent., and decreasing daily until June 30, when discount will be i^ of one per cent. No discount or penalties on bills paid during July and August. Penalties on City Taxes. After August 31, 1 per cent. ; after September 30, 2 per cent. ; after October 31, 3 per cent.; after November 30, 4 per cent.; after December 31, delinquent. To Calciilate Delinquent Taxes. Add 5 per cent, for penalty, to the tax as per assessment, and 15 cents for advertising. This is the face of the delinquent bill. One per cent, penalty is charged for each month there- after until the sixth month. '^ To this add interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum. 23 Water Rates and Charges. Ordinance Approved July 27, 1901. Air Compressors. In doctors' offices, each $2 00 Aquariums. With attachment, each 3 00 Balieries. Bread, and bread and calce, in addition to dwelling charges, each 3 00 Cake and ice cream saloons, in addition to dwelling charges, each 3 00 Barber Shops. With or without water, in addition to dwelling charges, each 3 00 Each additional basin or outlet, each 100 Attachment from main pipes, each 5 00 Bars. With or without water, each 20 00 Bar Gutters. With direct supply, each additional supply 15 00 Beer Motor or Pump. Each 5 00 Basins, Sinks or Slop Sinks. In private dwellings and apartment houses, kitchens ex- cepted, each 1 00 In tenement and lodging houses, for general use, each.. 4 00 Basins or Sinks. In stores, offices and factories, each 2 00 In hotels, boarding houses, schools, public buildings and halls, each 3 00 In stores, offices and factories with i/2-inch attachment direct from City main, minimum charge, each 5 00 Baths, Hot and Cold, or Either. In private dwellings, tenement and apartment houses, each 3 00 In hotels, clubs, hospitals and public bathhouses, each.. 6 (JO Baths, Public Shower. Each 5 00 Baths, Pools. In private dwellings, per cubic foot capacity OG In hotels, clubs, hospitals, public baths, etc., each 1000 cubic feet of water consumed. • 30 Bidets. EJach .;...■ ^. *..;.■; \. .,....,, 1 00 Bottling Establishments. In addltton to charges for appliances, washing ma- chines, t)ne- bottle capaefty, each. ." 2 00 In addition to charges for appliances, washing ma- chines, more than one bottle capacity, each additional bottle capacity 1 00 24 Breweries. Each 100 barrels of product, additional openings regular rates 2 00 Brick Yards. Per gang of men BOO Building Purposes. Bricks, per thousand 05 Stone, per perch 02 Cellar Drainers. Provided that the water does not come from defective drains or leaky water-pipes, each 15 00 Cuspidors, with Attachment. Each .,,,,.,.. 1 00 Distilleries. a ,,aao !:^r-i.} Each 100 barrels ..,.,'1,,,,!.^. 2^00 Drug Stores. With or without water, in addition to dwelling charges, each 5 00 Each Basin or outlet, more than one 2 00 i/^-inch attachment from main pipe, each 5 00 Dwellings. Half dwellings, one room on a floor without hydrant or sink on premises, each 2 50 AH other dwellings without hydrants or sink on prem- ises, each 5 00 All dwellings with hydrant or sink, or hydrant in yard, with sink in kitchen, with hot and cold water, or either, each 5 00 Dye Works. Each tub used 5 00 Dye or Wool Washers. Each tank used 5 00 Dyeing Machines. Each 5 00 Eating and Oyster Saloons. With or without water, in addition to dwelling charges, each 5 CO Engines, Gas or Hot Air. With tank and re-use of water 3 00 Without tank, per horse power 2 00 Exhibition and Experimental Purposes, Temporary. Chief of Bureau of Water to determine rating or charge for each 1000 cubic feet of water consumed 30 Fish Stalls. Each 5 00 For a Flow of Water. 12 hours per day, % inch ferrule, per annum 200 00 12 hours per day, % inch ferrule, per annum 315 00 12 hours per day, % inch ferrule, per annum 450 00 12 hours per day, 1 inch ferrule, per annum 800 00 Forges. With water on the premises, each forge exceeding five 1 00 Without water on the premises, each 100 25 Foundries. Hydrant, additional openings regular rate, each 100 00 Fountains. Counter in stores, 1-16 inch jet, each 5 00 Garden, etc., 1-16 inch jet, 10 hours per day, 6 months, each 5 00 Garden, etc., additional jet, 10 hours per day, 6 months, each 1 50 Garden etc., % inch jet, 10 hours per day 6 months, each 7 50 Garden, etc., additional jets, 10 hours per day, 6 months, each 2 50 Garden, etc., ^ inch jet, 10 hours per day, 6 months, each 20 00 Garden, etc., additional jets, 10 hours per day, 6 months, each 10 00 Garden, etc., ^^ inch jet, 10 hours per day, 6 months, each 75 00 Garden, etc., additional jets, 10 hours per day, 6 months, each 50 00 No ferrule larger than Yz inch granted for fountains ex- clusively. Green or Hot Houses. With or without water, private, each 2 50 With or without water, for florists, each 5 00 Grindstones, Power. Each 5 00 Glass Factories. Per gang of men, in addition to opening charges, each.. 1 00 Washing trough." in addition to opening charges, each.. 5 00 Hatters' Planks. Four per set, each 8 00 Sixes per set, each 10 00 Sevens per set, each 1100 Eights per set, each 12 00 Heating Boilers. Private residences excepted, each 5 00 Hydraulic Elevators. Water repumped, each 10 00 No permits will be granted to operate by water power from City main, except at meter rates, per 1000 cubic feet 30 Ice Cream Saloons. With or without water, where not connected with bak- eries, in addition to dwelling charges, each 3 01 Ice Machines. Per ton, 2000 lbs., daily capacity 4 25 Ice Refrigerating Machines. Per ton, 2000 lbs., daily capacity 3 00 Laundries. With or without water, in addition to dwelling charges, each 5 00 Lawn Sprinklers. Each 6 00 FIRE TORNADO FOUNDED 1835 The Delaware Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA S. E. Cor. 3rd and Walnut Sts. HAS PAID IN LOSSES OVER TWENTY-ONE MILLION DOLLARS When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. Lime Vats, Each 1 00 Lime Tubs. Each ■. 1 00 Machines. For washing and rinsing, charges to be assessed accord- ing to capacity of tanks or tubs, and volume of water consumed, per 1000 cubic feet 30 For scouring, each tub 5 00 Malt Houses. In addition to opening charges, each 50 00 Market Houses. Each stall 25 Milk Houses. With or without water, in addition to opening charges, each 5 00 Organ Motors. Each 2 inch 15 00 Each 3 inch 30 00 Each 4 inch 50 00 Photographers. Each operator 5 00 Polishing Wheels. Each 5 00 Printing Establishments. In addition to fixture rates, with water 5 00 Screw Nozzles. Each 3 00 Shops. Weaving, carpenter, etc., without water on premises, each 2 50 Slaughter Houses. In addition to opening charges, each 5 00 Soap Boiling Establishments. In addition to opening charges, each 10 00 Stables. Without water on premises, each stall, or carriage, or business wagon 1 00 With water on premises, not exceeding five stalls, or five carriages, or five business wagons; or stalls, car- riages and business wagons combined, to the total number of five 5 00 With water on premises, exceeding five stalls, or five carriages, or five business wagons; or stalls, carriages and business wagons combined, to the total number of five; for each additional stall, or carriage, or business wagon 1 00 Accommodating farmers, each stall 50 Stall or Box Stalls. Each additional feed box 1 00 Steam Boilers. Per horse-power 2 00 21 steam Engines. Per horse-power 2 00 Note.— Where steam is used for engine power only, no charge for boiler. Used on railroads (shifting), each 75 00 Used on railroads (all others), each 37 50 Street Sprinkling. N4) charge. Urinals. Individual bowl in private dwellings, with tank or self- closing flush, each 1 00 Individual bowl in private dwellings, with positive or syphon flush, each 5 00 Individual bowl in stores, offices, manufactories, hotels, boarding houses, schools, halls, etc., with tank or self- closing flush, each 2 00 Individual bowl in stores, offices, manufactories, hotels, boarding houses, schools, halls, etc., with positive or syphon flush, each 5 GO Stalls with constant flow, per lineal foot 3 00 Troughs with tank or self-closing flush 5 00 Troughs with positive or syphon flush, each 10 00 Troughs with one opening and constant flow, each 15 00 Vessels. Steam or others, each 1000 gallons 25 Vinegar Establishments. In addition to opening charges, each 10 00 Wash Paves. Each 3 00 With service connection from main, each 5 00 For watering horses, each 10 00 Wash Tubs. Stationary, each partition 1 00 Washing Cars. Each 1 00 Water Closets. Private dwellings, with tank or self-closing flush, each.. 1 00 Private dwellings, with positive or syphon flush, each... 5 00 Stores, offices, manufactories, hotels, boarding houses, schools, halls, etc., with tank or self-closing flush, each 2 00 Stores, offices, manufactories, hotels, boarding houses, Bchools, halls, etc., with positive or syphon flush, each 5 00 Water Meters. Rate per each 1000 cubic feet 30 Dwelling houses shall have but one water attachment. Stores (where there are a number in one building) and manufacturing establishments, when necessary, may have more than one con- nection. The amount of the annual water rent by schedule rates for each and every ferrule connection charged to any premises shall not be less than the following minimum rates, except as provided by Ordinance of July 9th, 1897, entitled "An Ordinance to adjust claims for water rent," etc., and also, except as pro- vided by Ordina^ice of June 21st, 1878, regulating the charges for charitable institutions: % Inch Ferrule $5 00 % Inch Ferrule 16 00 % inch Ferrule 26 00 1 inch Ferrule 40 00 1% inch Ferrule 62 50 1% inch Ferrule 90 00 2 inch Ferrule 160 00 3 inch Ferrule 360 00 4 inch Ferrule 640 00 6 inch Ferrule 1440 00 For purposes not specified in the foregoing rates, and for peculiar and extraordinary purposes, the rates and conditions for the use of water shall be by special permit, as directed by the Chief of the Bureau of Water. The Director of the Department of Public Works is author- Ized and empowered to place meters on all and every premises where City water is consumed, when formally requested by the owner or owners thereof; or, upon any premises, except prl- \SktQ dwellings, where there is an excess of water used beyond that charged for by fixture or ferrule rate, and no meter shall be removed from any premises except upon notice being given to the Chief of the Bureau of Water on or before the thirtieth day of November in any year, and upon failure to give such notice the premises shall be chargeable by meter rates for the whole of the next ensuing year. All charges for water by meter, except for charitable institutions, as hereinafter stated, shall be at the rate of thirty (30) cents per one thousand (1000) cubic feet, but in no case shall the amount for the entire year be less than the following minimum meter rates: % inch Ferrule $5 00 % inch Ferrule 8 00 % inch Ferrule 13 00 1 inch Ferrule 20 00 1% inch Ferrule..... 3125 1^^ inch Ferrule 45 00 2 inch Ferrule 80 00 3 inch Ferrule 180 00 4 inch Ferrule 320 00 6 inch Ferrule 720 00 The meter or meters placed on any premises shall not be of a larger size than the service pipe attached to the ferrule sup- plying said premises, which size is regulated by Ordinance of Councils approved June 1st, 1871. Charges by meter for charitable institutions shall be only for the water actually registered by the meter and at the rate of four and one-half (iVz) cents for each one thousand (1000) cubic feet of water consumed. The size of the ferrule, or ferrules, granted such charitable institutions shall be re- stricted to the same size as would be granted to other con- sumers at schedule rates. All meters shall be, and shall remain, the property of the City. No rental shall be charged to the consumer for the use of the meter, but the consumer shall be held responsible for the safe keeping of the meter, or meters, on his premises, and shall pay for any damage thereto other than from ordinary wear and tear, or from injury by fire. All meter rates shall be payable quarterly to the Receiver of Taxes, at his office. If any such rents shall remain unpaid ten (10) days after the receipt of the quarterly bill, the Bureau of Water shall serve a notice upon the delinquent consumer, and at the* expiration of five (5) days after the serving of the notice, if the rent be not paid, the premises shall be deprived of water until all arrearages are paid. If, in disregard of this provision, the water is turned on again before the payment of all arrearages, the ferrule, or ferrules, shall be detached fom the water main, and the meter, or meters, removed from the premises. The ferrule, or ferrules, shall not be reconnected, nor the meter, or meters, replaced until all back water rents are paid and the necessary permit taken out for the replacing of the ferrule, which shall include the cost of removing and re- placing the meter or meters. In the matter of a disputed bill the consumer must enter complaint within ten (10) days of date of service of bill; and if the removal of a meter is requested for a test as to its accu- racy, the consumer, or his representative, must be present at the test, and if the test shows that the meter does not register in favor of the City, the complainant must pay to the City the sum of two (2) dollars. Water Rate Penalties. After May 31st of each year, a penalty of 5 per cent, is added to all unpaid water rents. After August 31st, 15 per cent is added. After October 31st, water may be shut off. No discount is allowed on water rent bills. Water rent bills are payable on and after February 1st. To discontinue use of water for the ensuing year, notice must be given to the Chief Inspector before December 1st. Grace in Payment of Interest. Legal interest in Pennsylvania is at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum. In the payment of interest on mortgage, thirty days' grace is allowed, prior to the expiration of which no action may be taken to collect by foreclosure proceedings. Payment of Groimd Rent. In the payment of ground rent, no grace is allowed by law, and proceedings may be started on the day after due date. 31 NTEREST. SIMPLE INTEREST. Interest is money paid for the use of money belonging to another. The principal is the sum for wliicli interest is paid. The rate per cent, is the per cent, of the principal that is paid for its use for a given time, usually a year. The amount is the sum of the principal and interest. The legal rate is the rate established by law. Vmry is a rate that exceeds the legal rate. The penalty for usury is, in some States, the forfeiture of all interest, in others the for- feiture of both principal and interest. In a number of States, no legal notice is taken of usury. In computing interest, a year is usually regarded as consisting of 12 months of 30 days each. Interest so computed is greater than it should be, unless the time is an exact number of years. Rule.— Tb ftml the interest on any sum at 6% for 20 months, or 600 days, move the decimal point 1 place to the left. For 60 day.f, or 2 months, more it 2 places. For 6 days, move it 3 places. The interest then on $175.86 for SO months is $17 538; for 60 days, $1.7536; and for 6 days, $.17536. J laving found the interest for 6 or 60 days, it is easy, by operations thai wiU stiyyest themselves, to find the hiterestfor any other number of days. To find the interest at any other per cent, than 6, first find it at 6^/o; then, divide it by 6 for I'/c; by 3 for 2; subtract ^ for !4; \for 5^; add \ for 7^; I for 8,0 ; hfor9,i. Example 1.— Find the interest of fi8,368 for 99 da. at 6j^. Solution. — f 8 3.6 8 = int. for 6 da. 41.84 =int. for 30 da. = ^ of 6 da. 8.3 6 8 = int. for 6 da. = ^V of 6 da. 4.1 84 = int. for 3 da. = ^ of 6 da. $ 1 3 8.0 7 2 = int. for 9 9 da. Example 2.— What is the interest at 9'/^ of Sl,264.76 for 49 da.? Solution. — $ 1 2.6 4 7 6 = int. forJ5^ da. at 6^. 6.3 2 3 8 = int. for 3 da. = i of 6 da. 3.1619 = int. for 15 da. = ^ of 30 da. .6324 = int. for 3 da. = ^V of 3 da. ■2108 = int. for 1 da. = ^ of 3 da. ^10.3289 = int. for 49 da. at 6?». 5.1644 = int. for 4 9 da. at 3^. ^ 1 5.4 9 3 3 = int. for 4 9 da. at 9fc. Another rule is, multiply the principal by the time reduced to days ; move the decimal point 2 places to the left and divide this product by the quotient obtained by dividing 360 by the per cent, of interest. 82 The West Philadelphia Title & Trust Co. Lancaster Ave. and 40th Street Capital, (full Paid), - $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, 200,000.00 Examines and insures Titles to Real Estate. Acts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Trustee, Etc. Loans Money on First IViortgage and on Approved Collateral, Collects Rents, Incomes, Etc. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS : Subject to Check, 2 per cent. Saving Fund, 3 per cent. OFFICERS. Henry Z. Ziegi^er, President. Augustus I. Wood, ist Vice-Pres. and Treasurer. J. Penrose Coi^lins, 2d Vice-Pres. and Title Officer. Rai,ph I. IvEVERiNG, Secretary. Martin Stotz, Asst. Title Officer. DIRECTORS. Ai,Ex. Simpson, Jr., Edw. W. W001.MAN, Jos. Johnson, David Masters, Christian G. Gross, Wm. R. Nichoi^son, Samuei* D. Hai.1,, James G. Francis, James M. Kei^IvEy, J. Henry Jahke, Augustus I. Wood, Fred'k a. Genth, Jr., J. Penrose Coi^IvINS, Robert Patton, Henry Z. Ziegi^er. When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. EXACT INTEREST. When interest is to be computed for one or more entire years at a specified rate per year, the fact that 12 months of 30 days each are usually regarded as a year does not aftect the result— it is only when months and days, or days alone, become an element of the given time, that the interest is greater than it should be. The average length of a month in an ordinary year is SOiAj days, and in a leap year it is 30^ days. A day is not 3I5 of a year, but 3I5 of a common year, and gl^ of a leap year. Hence, 360 days = g|g, or f §, of a com- mon year, and §|g, or §?, of a leap year. By the ordinary method of finding interest, the result is either y'^j or gV greater than it should be. Thus, the interest of $7,300 for 60 days at 6;^ as found by the usual method, is $73. In equity it is $7,300 X .06 X jfefs = $72. That is, each $73 interest should be $72. The following table will be of great assistance in determining the actual number of days between two dates. The table gives the number of days between the same dates of any two months. Thus, 4 1 5* 1-5 1 < 1 > P January . 365 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334 February . 334 365 28 59 89 120 150 181 212 242 273 303 March . . 306 337 365 31 365 61 30 92 61 122 91 153 122 184 153 214 183 245 214 275 April . . . 275 306 334 244 May . . . 245 27; 304 334 365 31 61 92 123 153 184 214 June . . . 214 1 245 273 304 334 365 30 61 92 122 153 183 July . . . 184 215 243 274 304 335 365 31 62 92 123 153 August . . 153 1S4 212 243 273 304 3.^ 365 31 61 92 122 September 122 153 181 212 242 273 303 334 365 30 61 91 October. . 92 123 151 182 212 243 273 304 335 365 31 61 November u 92 120 151 121 181_ 151 212 182 242 273 304 274 334 304 365 335 30 December 31 62 90 212 243 365 to find the number of days between Mar. 12 and Sept. 12 of any year, we find opposite Mar. in the left-hand column and in the column 34 headed Sept. the number 184, the required number of days. Had it been required to find the number of days between Mar. 12 and Sept. 25, we should have found the number of days between Mar/ 12 and Sept. 12, or 184 days ; then, subtracting 12 from 25, the differ- ence, 13, must be added to 184, obtaining 197 days, the number of days between Mar. 12 and Sept. 25. Had it been required to find the number of days between Sept. 25 and Mar. 12, we should find oppo- site Sept., and in the column headed Mar., 181; then, subtracting 12 from 25, we subtract the difference from 181, because 181 days is the number of days between Sept. 25 and Mar. 25, instead of Mar. 12, which occurs 13 days earlier. Hence, there are 181 — 13 = 168 days between Sept. 25 and Mar. 12. Had Mar. 12 occurred in a leap year, there would have been 1 day more, or 169 days between the two dates, on account of Feb. 29. The table will also be useful in those cases where a certain num. ber of days is to be added to a given date. Thus, to find the date of 90 days after Feb. 18, we see, on referring to the table, that 89 days after Feb. 18 is May 18; hence, 90 days after Feb. 18 is May 19, or, if it is a leap year, May 18. Again, 127 days after Feb. 19 is June 26 ; because, referring to the table, 120 days after Feb. 19 is June 19, and 127 — 120 + 19 = 26. If it is desired to subtract a certain number of daj-s from a given date, the process is simply reversed. To find, for example, the date 120 days previous to Sept. 21, we look down the column headed Sept, and find opposite May the number 123 ; hence, from May 21 to Sept. 21 is 123 days, and, therefore, from May 24 to Sept. 21 is 120 days. COMPOUND INTEREST. If the interest of a principal is added to the principal at regular intervals, to form by each addition a new principal for the next interval, the resulting interest is called compound interest. Thus, if SlOO be placed at compound interest at 6f*, with the under- standing that the interest is to be compounded annually, the prin- cipal will be $100 for the first year, $106 for the second year, $112.36 for the third year, etc. Most saving banks allow compound interest, although in most States its payment cannot be legally enforced, even though it be specified in a contract. Unless otherwise stated, interest is understood to be compounded annually. If it be compounded semiannually, one-half the annual rate is taken as the rate ; if quarterly, one-fourth the annual rate is taken, etc. When the time is given in years, months, and days, the interest is. compounded for the greatest number of entire periods included in the time, and the simple interest of the last principal is found for the remaining time. 35 Example.— Find the compound interest of 1800 for 1 yr. 9 mo. 20 da. at 6fe, interest compounded semiannually. Solution.— $ 80 = prin. 1st 6 mo. 2± = int. 1st 6 mo. = $800 X .03. $824 = prin. 2d 6 mo. 2 4.7 2 = int. 2d 6 mo. = $824 X .03. $ 8 4 8.7 2 = prin. 3d 6 mo. 2 5.4 6 = int. 3d 6 mo. = $^8.72 X .03. $ 8 7 4.1 8 = prin. for 3 mo. 20 da. 16.0 3 = int. for 3 mo. 20 da. = $874.18 X .06 X U- $ 8 9 0.2 1 = amt. for 1 yr. 9 mo. 20 da. 80 = original prin. $ 9 0.2 1 = comp. int. for 1 yr. 9 mo. 20 da. Explanation.— In 1 yr. 9 mo. 20 da. there are three complete pe- riods of 6 mo. each, and 3 mo. 20 da. besides. Since the annual rate is 6^, for 6 mo., the rate per cent, is 3^*. Finding the interest at 3^, and adding the principal for these three periods, gives $874.18. The amount of this sum for the remaining 3 mo. 20 da. is $890.21, from which we subtract the original principal. The remainder, $90.21, is the required compound interest. Compound interest is calculated in actual business by means of a table. The table shows the amount of $1 at all the different rates, and for all the different times that are likely to occur. Having the amount of $1 at any given rate and for any number of periods, we multiply it by the number of dollars in any given principal. The result will be the amount of that sum for the given time. If the original principal be subtracted from this amount, the remainder is the compound interest required. A Plain Form of Lease. This writing witnesseth that do hereby let unto the premises for the term of from the day of A. D. one thousand nine hundred at the rent of per payable in payments the first payment to be made on the day of A. D. 19 , and the said Lessee doth hereby covenant and promise to pay to the said Lessor the said rent, in the pro- portions and at the times aforesaid; and the said Lessee shall and will not assign this lease; nor underlet the premises or any part thereof, nor occupy or use the same in any other manner than as a without the consent and approbation in writing of the said Lessor ^ first had for that purpose; and at the expiration of said term, shall yield up and surrender the possession of said premises, with the appur- tenances, unto the said Lessor in the same good order and condition as the same now are, reasonable wear and tear and accidents happening by fire or other casualties excepted, and with all ashes or other rubbish removed therefrom. 36 And the said Lessee hereby agree that all the personal property on the premises shall be liable to distress, and also all the personal property if removed therefrom, shall, for thirty days after such removal, be liable to distress, and may be distrained and sold for rent in arrear or gas bill unpaid, the said Lessee hereby waiving all the right to the benefit of any laws now made, or hereafter to be made, exempting personal property from levy and sale for arrears of rent. It is also agreed that this waiver shall extend and be applicable to pro- cess issued in any and all suits, actions or proceedings, for the collection of rent due and in arrear, or for gas bill unpaid, or for damages for the non-fulfillment of any of the cove- nants herein contained; and it is hereby further agreed that in the event of any distraint, suit, or action in ejectment, a col- lection fee of five per cent, shall be added to and collected as a part of the costs of such proceeding. And if the said Lessee shall violate any of the covenants herein contained, then the said Lessor shall have the power, hereby, to terminate this lease, and any attorney may immediately thereafter, as attor- ney for the said Lessee sign an agreement for entering, In any competent court, an amicable action and judgment in eject- ment (without any stay of execution) against the said Lessee and all persons claiming under for the recov- ering, by the said Lessor , of possession of the hereby demised premises, for which this shall be a suflBcient warrant; and the said Lessee hereby release to the said Lessor all errors and defects whatsoever, in entering such action or judgment, or in any proceeding thereon, or concerning the same, and hereby agree that no writ of error, or objection, or exception, shall be made or taken thereto. No such determination of this Lease, nor taking or recovering possession of the premises, shall deprive the Lessor of any action against the Lessee for the rent or for damages. All rights and liabilities herein given to or Imposed upon either of the parties hereto, shall extend to the Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Successors and Assigns of such party. It is hereby further agreed, that if the said Lessee should continue on the above-described premises after the expiration of the above term, then this con- tract is to continue in full force for another and so on from to until either party shall give the other notice in writing before the end of any term, of an intention to terminate the same. In witness whereof, the said parties hereto have inter- changeably set their hands and seals, the day of A. D. one thousand nine hundreo SEALED AND DELIVERED, IN THE PRESKNCE OF [seal] [seal] [seal] 37 FORM OF GUARANTY^ WITH LEASE do hereby agree to be responsible to the above-named Lessor for the true and faithful performance of the above contract on the part of the said Lessee without recourse to said Lessee being first required. In witness whereof, have hereunto set hand and seal the day of A. D. 19 SKAI.KD AND DKLIVERED, IN the; presence of I" [seal] } HOLM & SON Contracting Builders Plans and estimates furnished for all kinds of Construction Work, Alterations and Remodeling. WE BUIIvD MILLS, FACTORIES STABLES and HOUSES ''THE BEST EQUIPMENT WEST OF THE RIVER" 4205 Brown Street WEST PHIIvADEIvPHIA When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. COMPLETE STREET DIRECTORY ABBREVIATIONS.— Ab. above; al. alley; ave. avenue; bel. below; bet. between; Bltn. Bustleton; Bdg. Bridesburg; C. Hill, Chestnut Hill; cr. creek; ct. court; E. east; Fkd. Frank- ford; fr. from; Gtn. Germantown; Hbg. Holmesburg; la. lane; Myk. Manayunk; Mt. A. Mount Airy; Nice. Nicetown; N. north; n. near; Paschal. Paschalville; pk. pike; pi. place; rd. road; Rox. Roxborough; R. R. railroad; r. rear; S. south; sq. square; ter. terrace; Torr. Torresdale; W. west; W. Hall, White Hall; W. P. West Philadelphia. A Agate— fr. Oakdale northeast- Iward, S. E. Tulip. Agate— N. fr. Westmoreland to CI IS. it-roni. , Ontario, bel. Tulip. Abbott's Ct.— N. fr. 527 Fitz-' Agnes Ct.— S. E. fr. 4117 water. Frankford ave. Abbotsford- Fr. Wissahickon to A. Houben's PL— E. fr. 3d, S. Morris N. of Apsley. of Canal. Abbottsford Ave.— Ridge ave. Ainslie— fr. Cresson to Henry, to Wissahickon ave. S. E. of N. of Bowman; fr. Fox to Crawford. Stokley, N. of Bowman. Abel PL— N. fr. 1021 Lemon. Airdrie— fr. Broad and Gtn. av. Abigail— E. fr. Diamond to to Park ave., N. Erie ave. Amber, S. of Otis. Alberger's Ct.— S. fr. 724 Wil- Abington Ave.— 36th to Stenton low. ave. N. W. of Willow Gr. Albert— fr. Salmon to Aramin- Abington (C. Hill). go ave., N. B. Huntingdon; Abington Ave. (C. Hill) E. fr. fr. Cedar to Martha, N. E. of Germantown ave. to Gold. Huntingdon; fr. Emerald to Abios Ave.— Hermit to Wash- Kensington ave., N. E. of ington, S. W. Belmina ave. Huntingdon; W. fr. 1024 S. Academy Rd.— S. W. fr. Gra- I2th to 13th ab. Washington vel rd. to Welsh rd. ave. Accomac PL— S. fr. 311 Wildey. Albert's Ave.— S. fr. 1222 Acton PL— S. fr. 1122 Pearl. Palmer. Adair Av.— E. fr. 453 N. 13th. Albertson Ave.— fr. 83d to 88th Adaline— fr. Margaretto Bridge W. of Gibson. ab. Edmund. Albion— Van Pelt. Adams— Shur's la. to Cedar, N. Albrecht— W. fr, 28th. N. Sus- E. of Main. quehanna ave. Adams (Fkd.)— W. fr. 4058 Alden— fr. Arch to Quarry, W. Frankford ave. to Sellers. of 57th; fr. Media to Lans- Addison— fr. Fourth westward, downe ave., W. of 57th. S. of Pine; fr. Fifth eastward, Alder— fr. McKean to Mifflin S. of Pine; fr. Sixth eastward, W. of 10th; fr. Mifflin S. of Pine; fr. Sixth to northward, W. of 10th; fr. Eighth, S. of Pine; fr. Eighth Reed to Federal, W. of 10th : to Ninth, S. of Pine; fr. Alder fr. Ellsworth to Washington (bet. 10th and 11th) E. and ave., W. of 10th; fr. Salter to W., S. of Pine: fr. 12th to Christian. W. of 10th; S. Camac, S. of Pine; fr. Juni- fr. Catharine W. of 10th; per eastward, S. of Pine; fr Fitzwater to South, W. of Sydenham, E. and W., S. of 10th; fr. Addison to Waverly, Pine; fr. 16th to 17th, S. of W. of 10th; Spruce to Locust, Pine; fr. 17th to 19th, S. of W. of 10th; fr. Locust north- Pine; fr. 20th to 21st, S. of ward, W. of 10th; fr. Mora- Pine, vian to Sansom, W. of 10th; 40 fr. Cherry to Quarry, W. of Washington ave. ; fr. 12th 10th; fr. Winter to Vine, W. westward, S. of Washington of 10th; Wallace to Melon, W. ave.; fr. 13th to Broad, S. of of lOth; N. fr. York to Hunt- Washington ave.; fr. Broad ingdon, W. of lOth; N. fr. westward, S. of Washington 1009 Poplar to Diamond. ave.; fr. 15th to 16th S. of Alexander Ave.— N. fr. Whar- Washington ave.; fr. 26th to ton, B. of Broad, 27th, S. of Was'iington a\e. ; Alfred (Gtn.)— fr. Queen to W. fr. 17th to 24th and fr. Coulter, S. of Pulaski ave. 29th to Sutherland ave., N. of Algard— fr. Unruh to Tyson, N. Ellsworth. W. of Cottage L. Alton Ct.— S. fr. lo22 Richard. Alice's Ct.— N. fr. 1003 Sansom. Amanda PI.— N. fr. 2309 Pejrl, Allaire PI.— W. fr, Howard, N. ab. N. 23d. of Norris. Amber— N. E. fr. Ann to Erie Allegheny Ave.— fr. riv. Dela- ave., E. of Frankforl ave. ware to Schuylkill. Ambler's Ct.— N. fr. 1311 Heatli. Allen— N. fr. Housekeeper, S. Ambrosius— 13th to Broad and E. of Richmond. Spring Garden. Allen— fr. G't'n ave. to Fkd. America— S. fr. Allegheny ave. ave., S. E. of Richmond. to Byron, W. fr. Delaware Allen— fr. Clearfleld to Jenks, riv. S. E. of Richmond. American — fr. Reed to Manton, Allen (W. P.)— S. W. fr. Mary W. of 2d; fr. Carpenter south- to N. 41st. ward, W. of 2d; fr. Christian Allen— fr. 949 Frankford ave. northward, W. of 2d; fr. to Palmer. Catharine northward, W. of Allen's Ct.— N. fr. 603 Minster; 2d; fr. Monroe to South, W. N. fr. 927 Rodman; S. fr. 720 of 2d; fr. South to Naudain, Bainbridge. W. of 2d; fr. Delancey to Allen's La. (Gtn.)— fr. 5730 Spruce, W. of 2d; fr. Spruce Germantown ave. to W. of to Granite, W. of 2d; fr. Dock Wissahickon. to Chestnut, W. of 2d; fr. Fil- Allison— fr. Paschall ave. to bert to Cuthbert, W. of 2d; Woodland ave., S. W. of 55th; fr. Vine to Gtn. ave., W. of fr. Pine to Locust, W. of 55th; 2d; N. fr. Master to York, fr. Poplar to Oxford, W. of E. cf N. 3d. 55th; N. fr. Market, W. of American PI.— E. fr. 245 N. 4th. N. 55th. Amos PI.— fr. Randolph, ab. Allison (Myk.)— N. E. fr. Ap- Jefferson, pie, N. W. Shur's la. Ammetfs Ave.— E. fr. Crease, Almira PL— W. fr. 720 N. Front, n. of Richmond. Almond— fr. Ash to Pratt, S. Ampho Ave.— Hermit to Upsal, B. of Belgrade; fr. Pratt to N. E. Belmina ave. Brill, S. E. of Belgrade; fr. Anandale PI.— E. fr. 725 N. 9th. S. Delaware ave. to 717 S. Anderson— Stenton ave. to 2d; fr. 1030 E. York to 976 Wadsworth ave. and Cresbeim Cumberland; N. E. fr. Sus- ave. to Mermaid, N. E. of quehanna ave. to Commerce, Sullivan. fr. Huntingdon to Ash, N. W. Andora— W. fr. Ridge ave., near of Thompson. 9th mile stone. Almont PI.— E. fr. 1529 Cadwal- Andrew's Ave.— Stenton ave. to ader. c County line, S. E. E. Walnut Alsop— fr. 18th to 19th N. of la. 65th ave. N. ^ Andrew PI.— N. fr. Cherry, W; Alter— fr. Front to Washington, „* m i7t>, ave., S. of Washington ave.; ° , ,„? „ , ^. , fr. Reese to Randolph, S. of Angler (W. P.)— N. fr. Race to Washington ave.; fr. 7t.h to Powelton ave. Franklin, S. of Washinglton Angora— 52d to 58th. S. of Cath- ave. ; fr, 8th to Darien, S. of arine. 4] Ann (Paschal)— 70th to 71st, W. Argyle— N. W. fr. Bleigh, N. of Greenway ave. E. of I, Ann's PL— E. fr. 1319 Wheat. Arizona— fr. Trenton ave. to Anna- fr. Race to Westminster, Jasper, N. of Dauphin; W. N. W. of Columbia ave.; fr. 240 S. 12th to 222 Dean, Braddock Sta. bel. Locust; W. fr. 59th to Annin— fr. Marshall to 8th, S. 60th, N. of Locust; W. fr. of Washington ave.; fr. 9th 9th to 11th, 26th to 28th, 30th to W. of 12th, S. of Washing- to 31st. S. of York. ton ave.; fr. 13th westward, Ark Al.— W. fr. 2154 N. 13th S. of Washington ave. ; fr. to Park ave. 16th; to 18th, S. of Washing- Arlington— fr. Lawrence west- ton ave.; fr. 25th to Gray's ward, N. of Berks; fr. Moyer Ferry ave.; fr. Gray's Ferry to Girard ave., N. of Berks; ave. to Schuylkill ave., S. of N. fr. N. 17th to 18th, S. of Washington ave.; V/. of S. Norris. 18th to 22d, N. of Federal. Armand PI.— W. fr. 712 Mar- Antoinette (W. P.)— S. fr. shall. Haverford rd. to Market, W. Armstrong's Ct.— N. fr. McCrea, of 40th. ab. S. Juniper; N. fr. 413 Apple (Myk.)— Penn to Shur's Prune; S. fr. 1242 Catharine. la., N. E. Cresson. Armstrong — Penn to Wistar, Apple — S. fr. Lancaster ave., N. of Germantown ave. Hestonville. Arris— W. fr. 326 Dugan. Appletree— fr. Delaware ave. to Arrot (Fkd.)— W. fr. 4738 Beechwood, N. of Arch; fr. Frankford to Leiper. 56th to 57th, N. of Arch; fr. Arthur— E. of Hickory, Craig Alden westv^^ard, N. of Arch; to Rowland. fr. Burns eastward, N. of Artisan— N. fr. 1206 E. Norris Arch. to Ball. Apsley (Gtn.)— N. fr. Wissa- Ash— S. fr. Reed to Delaware hickon ave. to Germantown River, E. of Meadow; W. fr. ave., W. of Berkley. Beach to Almond, ab. E. Sus- Arabella— S. fr. Washington Quehanna ave. ave., W. of 5th. Ashbury Ter.— W. fr. Verbena, Aramingo (Tacony)— N. E. fr. S. Chelten ave. Tacony rd. to Poquessing Ashburners La.— N. fr. Penne- creek, S. E. of Trenton R. R. P^ck cr., Bristol Pike to Arbor— fr. Ontario to Tioga, E. Delaware River. of C; N. fr. Somerset, W. of Ashdale— E. fr. 5th N. of Rus- Boudinot. comb. Arcadia— fr. Sergeant north- Ashurst— W. fr. Cobb's creek ward, N. of Amber ^^ County line, S. of Arch. Arch— W. fr. 100 N. Delaware Ashland (Fkd.)— N. fr. Frauk- ave. to Schuylkill river. ^^^^ creek to Stiles. Arch Ave.— E. fr. 489 Dillwyn, Ashmead (Gtn.)— N. E. fr. 5201 ab Noble Germantown ave. Archer— fr. " Hansberry to Ashton PI.— E. fr. N. 233* bel. Queen, S. W. of Morris; , Y^?^®- „, .. ^ . „ ■ Robert's ave. to Dennie, w. -^^^^^^ ^<^— ^- ^- ^^- Harns- of P. & R. R. R. hurg to Academy rd. Archibald Pl.-^S. fr. 1310 Race. Ashwood— S6th to 90th, E. of Arendell Ave.— Frankford ave. Holstein ave. to Delaware river, N. E. of Aspen-fr. Walilut, ab. 8tb; ff. ■il'.^^ff ^T^' , ^ 22d to Penua are., N.of Fair- Ardleigh— N. fr. Gowen ave., mount ave E. ct' Sprague. ... Ardmore— S. fr. Union ave., bel. -^^^^^ ^W. P.)— fr. Pennsylva- Stenton ave. ^^^ R- R- ruJ^s W. Ardrie— N. fr. Erie ave., E. of Aspen (W. P.)— W. fr. Schuyl- 5th. kill river to Haverford road. 42 Aspen— S. fr. 2114 Sansom to Avenue 36 South— Delaware 2119 Spruce; W. fr. R. R. to river to Schuylkill river, S. Kaverford, N. of Fairmount of Hoyt. ave. Avenues 37 to 45 South — Dela- Astor — N. fr. Oak la. to County ware riv. to Schuylkill river, line, E. of N. Penn. R. R. S. of Avenue 36. Astor PL— N. fr. 802 N. Front. Avon PL— E. fr. 433 N. 13th. Asylum Rd. (Fkd.)— N. fr. Avondale— S. fr. Girard ave., Adams to Crescentville. W. fr. N. 63d. Atkinson's Ct.— N. fr. 529 Lorn- Axe Factory Rd.— 23d Wd.— bard. ' Bustleton Pike to Welsh rd. Atkinson's Rd.— E. fr. Byberry Aydelott's Ct— N, fr. Parham, Pike to County line. E. of S. Front. Atlantic— fr. Mascher to Pale- Azalia— E. fr. 233 N. 15th. thorp, N. of Tioga; fr. Dill- man to Glenwood ave., N. of B Tioga; fr. Old York Rd. to B or Leamy— N. fr. Kensington Gtn. ave., N. of Tioga; fr. ave; to Cheltenham ave., E. Belgrade to Gaul, N. of Tio- of A. ga; fr. Fkd. ave. to Venango, Baden— S. fr. Alaska to 741 N. of Tioga; N. fr. Dauphin Bainbridge. to York, W. of N. 16th; W. Bailey— fr. Parrish, W. of 26th; fr. N. 17th to 23d, and fr. 7th N. fr. Jefferson to Columbia to 8th, N. of Tioga. ave., bet. N. 26th and 27th; Atlee PL— W. fr. Sutherland, W. fr. 2018 S. 9th. bel. Queen. Bailey PL— S. fr. 118 Catharine. Atwood PL— S. fr. 1018 Hamil- Bailey's Ct.— N, fr. 119 John; ton. W. fr. 1226 Mascher, ab. Auburn — E. of Frankford ave. Girard ave. to Trenton ave., ab. Rush. Bainbridge— W. fr. 700 S. Dela- Auburn — fr. Salmon to Gaul, ware ave. N. of Somerset; fr. D. to Baird's Ave.— N. fr. 1323 Brown. Boudinot, N. of Somerset; fr. Baird Ct.— S. E. fr. 4133 Frank- 9th to Hutchinson, N. of ford ave. Somerset; fr. 13th to Park Baker (Gtn.)— E. fr. German- ave., N. of Somerset; fr. Ormes town ave., S. of Luzerne. to B, N. of Somerset. Baker (Myk.)— fr. Gay to Cen- Audubon PL— W. fr. 14 N. tre, N. E. of Cresson. Front. Baker's AL— N. fr. 529 Powell. Aurora (or Heins)— fr. 12th to Baker's Ct.— E. fr. 941 Alder; 13th. N. of Pine. N. fr. 923 Palmer. Aubrey (Turner)— W. fr. 1624 Baldwin (Myk.)— N. E. fr. Randolph to 1621 N. 6th. . Hamilton, N. of Green la. August— fr. Scattergood to Brill, Baldv/in PL— E. fr. York ave., N. of James. ab. Buttonwood to China. Aurania (Myk.)— fr. Eva to Balfour— fr. Allegheny ave. to Ridge ave. Delaware ave., N. W. of Cas- Austin PL— E. fr. 831 St. John. par. Avenue A— 79th to 82d, W. of Ball— E. fr. Richmond to Avenue B. Beach. Avenue B— 79th to 83d, W. of Ballenger Ave.— S. fr. 1110 Custer ave. Race. Avenue C— fr. 323 New Market. Ball's Ct.— W. fr. 968 N. Front. Avenue E— W. fr. 74th, S. of Ballows La.— S. E. fr. N. Yan- Elmwood ave. kee pL, Schuylkill to Pen- Avenue F— W. fr. 73d, S. of rose ave., S. W. Driving Park. Buist ave. Balsam PL— E. fr. 747 S. 5th. Avenue G— 83d to 87th. W. of Balston PL— N. fr. 251 Concord. Grovers ave. Baltimore Ave.— W. fr. 39th Avenue H— 86th to 88th, W. of and Woodland ave. to Cobb's Lyon ave. creek. 43 Baltz— S. fr. Thompson, W. fr. Bath— fr. Kirkbrlde to Key- 30th. nolds, S. E. of Allen; N. E. Bambrey— fr. Webster to Cath- fr. William to Jenks, N. W. arine, W. of 25th; fr. Bain- of Brabant. bridge to South, W. of 25th. Battersby— N. E. fr. Bristol Bancroft— fr. Fitzwater to Bain- pike, N. W. of Colebaugh. bridge, W. of 16th; fr. Clear- Bauersach's Ct.— fr. 1330 N. field to Lippincott, W. of Front to 1329 Hope. 16th; S. fr. Wharton to Dick- Baxter's PL— E. fr. 708 Mar- inson, W. of 16th. shall; S. fr. 428 German. Baneker— S. fr. Dawson to Os- Baynton— fr. Penn to Duval born, E. of Manayunk ave. (Gtn.), E. of Gtn. ave. Banes Rd.— fr. Blue Grass rd. Baynon PI.— W. fr. 960 Mar- to Bustleton pike. shall. Banes (Bltn.)— Pennypack to Baynton (Gtn.)— fr. Wister to Lott, N. W. of Fillmore. Wisteria, ab. Wakefield. Bank— S. fr. 230 Market. Beach— N. fr. Willow, bel. Bank Ave.— N. fr. Harmony, Front. ab. S. 3d. , Beacon— N. fr. Columbia ave., Barbary PI.— E. fr. 225 Vaug- W. of 26th; S. W. fr. S. 66th, ban. N. of Woodland ave. Barber's Row— N. fr. 1109 Mel- Beale PL— fr. 1729 St. Joseph's on. ave. Barclay— W. fr. 320 S. 6th to Bean PL— N. fr. Race, ab. 2d. S. 8th. Bean (21st Wd.)— S. fr. Pt. Barcroft Ave.— S. fr. MiflBin to Royal ave. to Robert ave., McKean, W. of S. 10th. W. of Lire. Baring (W. P.)— W. fr. N. 31st Bean's La.— W. fr. 5456 Ger- to 42d, N. of Powelton ave. mantown ave. Barker's Ct.— W. fr. 1022 Crease Beard's Ct.— W. fr. 1536 N. 5th. to Sacramento ave. Beaumont PL— N. fr. 107 Pegg. Barlow— S. fr. 514 Wharton to Beaumont— fr. 48th to 5l8t, S. 509 Reed. E. of Florence ave, Barnes PL— E. fr. 1123 Char- Beaver— S. fr. Tasker to Dela- lotte. ware river, E. of Ash. Barnhurst PL— N. fr, 1801 Fran- Bechtel's Rd. (22d Wd.)— Mer- cis. maid to McPherson ave., S. Barr- fr. Northwestern ave., S. W. of 32d. E., S. W. of Moyer (21st Beck— fr. 2d westward, S. of Wd.). Catharine; fr. 5th easitward, Barron— S. fr. 220 Gaskill to S. of Catharine. 227 South. Beck PL— W. fr. 838 S. Front Barry Ave. (C. Hill)— S. fr. to Sutherland, bet. Queen and Vandalia, E. of Bell's Mill rd. Christian. Barry's Ave.— W. fr. 1320 Ger- Beckel Ave.— W. fr. 532 Linden. mantown ave. Becker's PL— W. fr. 318 St. Bartholomew's Ct.— W. fr. 914 John. S. 5th. Becket's Ct.— W. fr. 932 S. Barton— fr. Wissinoming to Ta- Front. cony, N. E. of Tyson. "^ Beckman's Ct.— E. fr. 717 St. Baxtram Ave.— 56th to 70th, John. 77th to Island rd., E. of East- Beck's PL— S. fr. 224 Christian. wick ave. Bedloe PL— N. fr. 1313 Carlton. Bascom PL— N. fr. 1023 Barley. Beech— 32d to 33d, S. of Chest- Bass (Gtn.)— fr. Church to nut. Pleasant, bel. Crowson. Beech Ave.— E. fr. 221 S. 24th. Baster Ave.— S. of Bainbridge, Beechwood— N. fr. Columbia E. of 3d. ave. to Montgomery ave., ab. Bastian PL— fr. 428 German. N. 21st. Bateman — S. fr. Wharton to Beechwood — from Dickinson Reed, E. of 20th. southward, W. of 21st; fr. 44 PAINT YOUR PROPERTY J*. PAINTING is one of the best investments a property owner can make, if good material is used properly. We've been at it for years, and know what to use and how to use it, and we also know how to charge for it so you will get the best work for the least cost. OUR SIGN WORK IS LIKE OUR HOUSK WORK— WEIyl. DONK. Heckman & Graham 4033 Lancaster Ave. WKST PHIIvADBI.PHIA (Entrance on Wallace Street) When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. Arch to Cherry, W. of 21st; Benner— fr. Delaware river to fr. Sansom southward, W. County line, N. W. of Comly. fr. 21st; fr. Brown to Par- Bennett's Ct.— N. fr. Cherry, rish, W. of 21st; fr. Bolton to ab. N. 3d. Oxford, W. of 21st; fr. Mill Benneville PI.— W. fr. 724 Lisle to Godfrey, W. of 21st. to 723 Russell. Beekman Pi.— N. fr. 421 Green. Benson Ave. (Fox Chase)— fr. Beeler's Ct.— E. of 835 Char- B to I, N. E. of Hoffnagle. lotte. Bentley's Ct.— E. fr. 865 N. 4th. Beggartown La.— Penrose ave. Berdan— Carpenter to Frank, to Schuylkill, S. of Curtin. N. E. of Emlen. Beesley Ave.— N. fr. Thomas Bergan Ct.— S. fr. Bainbridge, la. to 35th. W. of Manatawna E. of 5th. aye. Berger— S. E. fr. Amber, N. E. Behan's PL— E. fr. 1311 Cad- of E. Norris. walader. Bergess — fr. Trenton R. R. to Betdeman— N. fr. Rainbow, E. Amber, ab. Norris. of Trenton R. R. Berkley (Gtn.)— N. fr. Wissa- Beifast PI.— N. fr. 45 Bulletin, hickon ave. to Germantown Belgrade— fr. Ash to Pratt, N. ave., W. of Robert's ave. W. of Almond; E. fr. Frank- Berks— W. fr. N. Front to ford ave. to Allegheny ave., Schuylkill river, ab. Mont- bet. Almond and Gaul. gomery ave. Belgrade (Bdg.)— S. fr. Ash to Berks Ave.— 52d to 57th, N. of Allegheny ave. Montgomery ave. Belgrade PI.— N. fr. 1119 Co- Berkshire— fr. Richmond to Al- lumbia ave. mond, N. E. of Ruan. Belinda PL— N. fr. 735 Alaska Bermuda (Fkd.)— N. fr. Frank- Bell's Ct.— S. fr. 1114 Ohio. ford creek to Tucker, S. of Bellfield— fr. Haines to Chew, Cambridge. (22d Ward). Bernard's Ct.— W. fr. 776 S. 2d. Bell's Ct.— W. fr. Bingham's Berry PL— S. fr. 908 Locust. ct., r. of 279 S. 4th. Berry's Ave.— W. fr. 1320 Ger- Bellefield— N. W. fr. Broad and mantown ave. to 1339 Char- Courtland. lotte. Bell's Mill Rd. (C. Hill)— Wis- Bertrand PL— W. fr. 1248 Cad- sahickon ave. to Stenton ave. walader. Bellevue— N. fr. Francis, S. of Berwick PL— E. fr. 725 New Cameron. Market. Bellfield (Gtn.)— N. fr. Stenton Bethlehem Pike (C. Hill)— fr. ave. to Church la., W. of Germantown ave., N. E. to Wingohocking, and fr. Church County line. la. to Walnut la., E. of Mag- Beulah— fr. Tasker to Reed, W. nolia, thence N. W. to Chew of 7th. and Washington la. Beulah— fr. Green northward, Bellmore— E. fr. Frankford ave. W. of 7th. N. of Cambria. Beulah— S. fr. 714 Tasker. Belmina Ave— Hermit to Up- Eevan's Ct.— N. fr. 225 V/ash- sal, S. W. of Ampho. ington ave. Belmont Ave.— N. fr. Lancaster Beverly PL— N. fr. 827 Bain- ave. to City line, W. of 43d. bridge. Belrose Ct.— S. fr. 1244 Catha- Bexley (Gtn.)— N. fr. Wissa- rine. hickon ave. to Pulaski ave., Benckert's Ave.— W. fr. War- bel. Chelten ave. ren, N. of 39th. Bickham's Ct.— W. fr. 614 S. Benemct Pl.-fr. 1105 Hamil- g.^ront. beL^Scm^^^ ^- ^^ ^^^- Fountain, S. W. of Washing- Benezet— fr. W. of Sullivan to ton. R. R., N. W. of Springfield. Bickering— N. W. fr. Wood- Benfer's Ct.— r. 1009 St. John. land ave., S, E. of S. 62d. 46 Bickley's AI.— E. fr. 17 S. 6th. fr. Vine to Wood, W. of 2d; Bigler— fr. river Delaware to fr. Carleton to Callowhill, W. Schuylkill, 2900 S. of 2d; fr. Willow to Noble, Binckert— N. fr. Vine, E. of w. of 2d; fr. Buttonwood to 12th. Brown, W. of 2d; Ameri- Birch— fr. 8th to 9th, N. of can to Cambridge, W. of 2d; Cambria; fr. American to 3d, n. fr. 245 Jefferson. N. of Cambria; N. W. fr. Bohemia PI.— E. fr. 767 S. 4th, Salmon, bel. Ann. Boileau (Bltn.)— Bustleton pike Birwood (Bltn.)— Murray to to Krewstown rd., S. W. of Lott, N. W. of Hoff. Murray Bissell PI.— W. fr. Bedell PL, Boker's Al. (Myk.). ab. Cherry. Bolivia PI.— E. fr. 253 N. 11th. Blabon— fr. Hunting Park ave. Bolton— S. W. fr. Ridge ave. to to Roberts ave., N. E. of Manayunk ave., and fr. Web- Schuyler. ster to Linden, S. E. of Jef- Black Horse Al.— W. fr. 24 S. ferson. Front to S. 2d. Bonitz— V/ayne to Clarissa, S. Blackstone — S. fr. 1414 Pine to pf Bristol 1421 Lombard. Bonsall— S. 'fr. 2316 Federal. Bladen's Ct.— N. fr. 117 Elfreth. Bonsall— fr. Carpenter to Mont- Blaine— fr. Hunting Park ave. ^ose, W. of 23d; fr. Walnut to Ruffner, W. of Archer. ^^ Ionic, W. of 23d; fr. Locust Blair— fr. Oxford to Palmer, E. to Chancellor, W. of 23d'; fr. of Front; fr. Berks south- cherry northward, W. of 23d; ward, E. of Front; fr. Norris j^. Race to Vine, W. of 23d; southward, E. of Front; S. jj.. Ridge ave. to 23d, W. of fr. Trenton R. R., ab. Frank- 23d ford ave. Boom— W. fr. Lancaster st., S. Blake s PL— r. 877 Lawrence. ^^ Reed Blake's Ct.-S fr 822 South. Boone-E." fr. Martin to Me- Blavis-fr. 16th to 18th, N. of ^^i^anic. S. of Terrace. Cayuga. Boone (Mvk ) — fr. Markle to Ble^isloe's Pl.-W. fr. 932 Mar- ^ wafnut ll : fr. JamStown to Til < u r^oA -err., ^ t^ , Roxborough ; fr. Roxborough Bleigh-(23d Wd.)-Delaware ^^ Levering; fr. Lang to Lev- Shelmire. Boone-W. fr. 1412 Lancaster. ^nf^^-fh^»^.r^- ^''- ^''''°*' ^-Borbeck (23d Wd.)-Colebaugh Blinn'fct'-W. fr. 824 N. 4th. {« ^^^^^ »-' ^^ ^- '' «^^- Block Pl.-W. fr. 62-1 Rich- bos ler-fr. 209 N. 11th to Cas- rcond. fio of Blue Grass Rd. (23d Wd.)— N. ^^^ ^^- „, . . a , E. fr. Welsh Rd. to Red Lion Boston— fr. Edgemont to Sal- rd. mon, N. of York; fr. Thomp- Blum's Ct.— E. fr. 4th, S. of ^on to Trenton ave., N. of George. York; fr. Amber to Ken- Blunston Ave.— fr. 34 S. 19th. sington ave., N. of ArchTfr. Boekius (Bdg.)— Frankford ok. ''th to 8th. and 9tH to IQth. to Dela^ware river. N. of York; fr. Park ave. Bodiae— fr. Federal to Ells- to Broad, N. of York; £r. 15th worth, W. of 2d; fr. Garpen- to "Sydenham, N. of YxJrkT'.fr. ter southward, W. of 2d; fr. 20th to 21st, N. of York." Carpeoiter to Montrose, W. of Bota:mc Ave.-S. W. fr. 48th tp S' ^ro^''?*'*Sf®.,*° Chnstiair. j^^s "ave., E. of Bamam W. of 2d; fr. Rodman to Nau- „„„ ■dain, W. of 2d ; fr. Delancey \ ^ , ^ -r southward, W. of 2d; fr. Bott— fr. Broad to Lycoiaijig, Dock to Ionic, W of 2d; fr. W. of Broad. Ludlow to Market, W. of 2d; Bounty— Ellsworth to Federal, ir. Winter to Vine, W.. of 2d; E. of 16th. 47 Bouvier— N. fr. Montgomery Branch Ave.— W. fr. Juniper, ave., ab. 17th. N. of Wharton. Bouvier— fr. Porter to Jack- Brandywine— fr. 7th to Franklin son, W. of 17th; fr. Passyunk N. of Spring Garden; fr to Mifflin, W. of 17th; fr. 10th to 12th, N. of Spring Tasker to Wharton, W. of Garden; fr. 13th to Ridge 17th; fr. Washington ave. to ave., N. of Spring Garden; Carpenter, W. of 17th; fr. fr. 23d to Judson, N. of Pine to Delancey, W. of 17th; Spring Garden; fr. 8th to 9th, fr. Irving to Locust, W. of N. of Spring Garden; fr. 17th; fr. Quarry to Race, W. Penna. R. R. to Lancaster of 17th; fr. Winter to Vine, ave., N. of Spring Garden; W. of 17th; fr. North to Fair- fr. 40th to Preston, N. of mount ave., V/. of 17th; N. fr. Spring Garden; fr. 41st to Master to Columbia ave., bel. 42d, N. of Spring Garden; N. 18th. W. fr. 528 N. 13th to 23d. Bower's Ct.— E. fr. 941 Alder. Bread— N. fr. 227 Arch. Bowen PI.— W. fr. 910 S. 17th. Breese— W. fr. 222 Darcy. Bower— W. fr. Garden, bel. Breintnall PI.— E. fr. 525 S. Norrls. 5th. Bower PI.— W. fr. 818 Rachel Breman PL— fr. Cadwalader, to N. 2d; E. fr. Perkiomen ab. Oxford, ab. N. 17th, bet. Francis and Brewer— N. E. fr. 149 Mifflin, Wylie. S. fr. Norristown R. R. Bowery (now Millman)— fr. Brewery PI.— W. fr. 722 S. Ju- Graver's la. to Chestnut HiiF. niper. Bowery PI.— W. fr. 338 Dugan; Brewster Ave.— Jones la. to W. fr. 408 Canton. 80th, E. of Bartram ave. Bowman— N. E. fr. Norristown Brice's Ct.— S. fr. 304 Lombard. R. R. to Wissahickon ave.. Bride PL— N. fr. 1211 Hamilton. N. W. of Crawford. Brides PL— E. fr. 1115 St. John. Bowman Ave.— N. fr. 5125 War- Bridge (Bdg.)— N. fr. Delaware, ren. Bridge (Fkd.)— S. E. of Frank- Boyd'B Ct— N. fr. 10 Chant's ct. ford. Boyer (Gtn.)— fr. E. Washing- Bridge (now 35th, C. Hill), ton to Armat, ab. Chew. Bridge— E. fr. Frankford ave. Boyer'B Ct.— N. fr. 625 Filbert, to Delaware river, N. of Box Grove Ave. (now Walker, Pratt. Hbg.)— Del. ave. to Race, E. Bridgewater La. — E. fr. of Montague. Frankford ave., S. of Frank- Boynton La.— S. E. fr. Wister ford creek, to Wisteria, ab. Wakefield. Bridget (Gtn.)— fr. Hermit to Brabant— N. fr. Allegheny ave. Walnut la. to Kensington, E. of Bath. Briggs— E. fr. 231 Madison. Braceland's Ct.— W. fr. 916 S. Bright— fr. Wissinoming to Ta- Front. cony, S. W. of Princeton; fr. Braddock-fr. Hart la. north- Walker to Orchard, S. W. of ward, S. B. of Emerald; fr. ^^"^'i^^o^- , „„ Elkhart to Clearfield, S. E. ^"""f/- "^^P^s V' ^r}^l^' ^^ of Emerald; fr. Westmore- f of Bridge; fr Garden to land to Tioga; N. fr. 334 Almond, N. E. of Bridge. Huntingdon to Lehigh ave., Brilling's Ct.— N. fr. 207 Union. N- Coral. Bringhurst (Gtn.)— fr. Archer- Braddock . (now Clarion)— S. to Laurens; E. fr. 5300 Ger- fr. Clearfield, W. of Frank- mantown ave. ford ave. Bristol Pike— Frankford to Po- Bramble PL— E. fr. 747 Pass- quessing creek, yunk ave. Bristol (Gtn.)— fr. Robert's ave. Bran— Limekiln pike to God- to Frankford creek, ab. Ju- trej aye., W. of 17th. niata ave.; E. fr. Richmond to Delaware river, ab. *Hed- Bucklus (Bdg.)— N. fr. Rich- ley, mond to Frankford creek, bel. Bristol (Nicetown)— W. fr. N. Ash. 15th, N. of Howard. Bucknell— fr. Buttonwood to Bristol Ave.— E. fr. 1031 N. Nectarine, W. of 23d; N. fr. Front. Berks to Norris, bet. N. 23d Bristol PL— E. fr. 615 Guilford, and 24th. Bristow PI.— E. fr. 621 New Bucknell— S. fr. 2312 Parrish to Market. Hare, E. of N. 24th. Broad— bet. 13th and 15th^ Buck's Ct.— N. fr. 833 Catha- Brodie PI.— E. fr. 951 St. John. rine. Brogan— W. fr. 246 Raspberry Buck's Ct.— W fr. 318 S. 11th. to Vandeveer. Budd's'Ct. (Hbg.)— S. fr. Mill, BrolaskI PL— W. fr. 406 N. 23d. E. of Main. Brooks — Starkey to Krewstown Budd — fr. Aspen northward, W. rd., N. E. of Nester. of 40th; fr. Ogden to West- Brooks Ave.— W. fr. 54th to minster, W. of 40th. 55th, N. of Westminster ave. Budd (W. P.)— N. and S. fr. Brooklyn (W. P.)— N. fr. Hav- Spring Garden, E. of N. 41st erford ave. to Lancaster ave., to Allen. ab. N. 42d. Buist Ave.— fr. 59th and Gib- Brook's Ct.— N. fr. 1625 Kater son ave. to 90th, E. of Elm- to 1630 South. wood ave. Bromall Ave.— N. E. fr. S. 53d Buist's Ct.— fr. 1214 Fitzwater. to Baltimore ave., N. of Bulletin— W. fr. 846 Swanson. Whitby ave. Bummerscheim's Ct.— W. fr. N. Brous (23d Wd.)— N. E. fr. 8th, ab. Columbia ave. Benner, N. W. of Battersby. Bunker's La. (Hbg.)— E. fr. Brown— W. of Beach to Penn Main, N. of Mill. ave., bel. Parrish. Bunting Ave.— fr. Marston ab. Brown (Fkd.)— E. fr. 4715 Cherry. Hedge. Bunyan PL— E. fr. 1305 Lancas- Brown's Ct.— N. fr. 1613 Hel- ter. muth; N. fr. 423 Monroe; N. Burbank PL— E. fr. 621 Vin- fr. 735 St. Mary; S. fr. 722 cent. South; W. fr. 804 Perkiomen. Burbridge (Gtn.)— fr. Good to Brunswick Ave.— Island rd. to Norton, ab. Green. 79th, W. of Suffolk ave. Burchell's Ct.— E. fr. 835 S. 3d. Brunswick PL— N. fr. 327 Burgess PL— W. fr. Columbia Stanley. ave., N. E. Thompson Brunner— S. W. fr. German- Burke Ave.— W. fr. Ktn. and town ave., N. W. of Juniata Oxford pike, S. of School la. ave. Burgundy PL— W. fr. 330 N. Brussel's PL— W. fr. 520 N. 8th. 5th to 523 Chatham. Burleigh— fr. Girard ave. to Bryan— N. W. fr. Allen's la., Moyer, S. W. of Norris. S. W. of Hinkle; N. fr. Gl-een, Burling Ave. (23d Wd.)— N. E. W. of Germantown ave. fr. Bensalem pike to Town- Bryn Mawr Ave.— N. fr. Elm send rd. ave. to City ave., W. of both. Burlington PL— N. fr. 235 Ger- Buchanan— E. fr. K, N. of Ve- man. Ti^^^F^^r. PI V f,. Q11 n«^« Burnett-S. fr. 2536 Christian tr?n?r *° Carpenter. W. of Gray-s Buck Rd.— S. E. fr. Federal, n. ^^''^^ ^*^- U. S. Arsenal, Gray's Ferry Burns — fr. Cherry to Rac<=», rd. W. of Broad; fr. Stiles to Buckingham Pl.-S. fr. 236 Thompson W of Broad; fr. PQpl^ Clearfield to Allegheny ave., Buckius-^W. fr. Frankford ave., W. of Broad. N. of Butler. Barns— N. fr. 1409 Brown. Burnside (Myk.)— fr. Apple to Cahill PL— W. fr. 464 N. Front. Tower; fr. Manayunk ava. to California PI.— N. fr. 1311 Rod- Lauriston. man. Burr's Ave.— N. fr. 1419 Wood. Callowhill— W. fr. 400 N. Del- Burr's Ct. — S. fr. 718 Minister, aware ave. to Schuylkill riv. Burwick PI.— E. fr. 725 New Calvert PL— S. fr. 1716 Vesey. Market. Calvin PL— E. fr. 809 N. 7th. Buse's Ct.— S. fr. Fitzwater, W. Calumet— fr. Ridge ave. to of 12th. Conrad, N. of Stanton; fr. Bustleton Pike — N. fr. Bristol Ridge ave. to River drive, N. pike to Bustleton. of Stanton. Bustleton and Somerton Pike— Calvin PL— E. fr. 809 N. 7th. N. fr. Bustleton to Somerton. Camac— fr. Porter to Ritner, Butcher (W. P.)— W. fr. Rose, W. of 12th; fr. McKean to n. Market. Moore, W. of 12th; fr. Morris Butler— fr. Robert's ave. to to N. of Tasker, W. of 12th; Kensington ave., ab. Erie ave. fr. Lombard to Walnut, W. of Button PL— E. fr. 5th, S. of 12th; fr. Ranstead to Ludlow, Lombard. W. of 12th; fr. Cherry to Button wood— fr. 23d to 26th, N. Summer, W. of 12th; fr. Mt. of Hamilton; W. fr. 500 N. Vernon to Melon, W. of 12th; 2d to 20th, bel. Spring Gar- fr. Brown to Parrish, W. of den. J 2th; fr. Atlantic to Erie ave., Eutz Ave.— N. fr. 209 Noble. W. of 12th; N. fr. Master, bel. Butz's Row— E. fr. 491 St. John. 13th; W. fr. 1618 Germantov/n Byberry Rd. — fr. County line ave. to Byberry, 23d Ward. Cambria— W. and E. fr. Frank- Byberry and Bensalem Pike— ford ave., N. of Somerset. fr. Bustleton and Sornerton Cambridge— fr. Bodine to Law- pike to Poquessing creek. rence, N. of Poplar; fr. 5th Byron PL— E. fr. 1339 German- to W. of Marshall, N. of Pop- town ave. lar; fr. 7th westward, N. of Poplar; fr. 12th to Watts, N. C of Poplar; fr. 38th to 42d, N. C_N. fr. Kensington ave. to of Poplar; N. of Ontario, W. Cheltenham ave., E. of B. of 23d; W. of Carlisle to Cor- Cabin— N. fr. Penna. ave., ab. inthian ave., bel. Girard ave. N. 19th. Cambridge (Fkd.) — N. fr. Cabot— fr! York to Dauphin, N. Frankford creek. of Girard ave.; fr. Oxford to Cambridge (Hbg.)— S. of Har- Marlborough, N. of Girard tel, W. fr. Holmesburg st. ave.; fr. 12th to 13th, N. of Cameron PL— W. fr. 1420 N. 4th. Girard ave. ; fr. Taney to 281^, Cameron— fr. Wylie to Vine- N. of Girard ave.; fr. Mont- yard; W. fr. 1720 Francis. gomery to Palmer, N. of Camp PL— S. fr. 402 Brown. Girard ave. ; fr. Montgomery Candia PL— S. fr. 516 Fair- to Palmer, N. of Girard ave; mount ave. W. fr. 1242 N. 15th to N. 19th. Cf^'nnins—fr 200 S llth to 20q Cadbury Ave. (now Park)-N. ^o°SJ^ ^'^^ ^^ ^- ^"^^ ^"^ ^^^ fr. 1523 Jefferson. yumee. Cadwallader— fr. Montgomery Cantman PL— W. fr. 6T8 N. to ^e,rks, E. of Gtn. ave. ; fr. Utti- Bth to N. of Huntingdon, B. Can ten^(Myk.)—fr. UBabfia to of dtn. ave. Wright. Cadw3lader-N W. fr. Girard cantrell-^W. fr. S. 2d to 12th. ave. to MoHt^omery ave,, N. Kgi snv-der ave. Germantown ave. ; S. fr. 1414 ^^^l' ^J^^ Z !,1 , ..oc a Fitzwater to Catharine. • Cantrell s Ct.— W. fr. 1028 S. Caernarvon — Dickinson to Tas- 2d. ker, E. of 20th. Cantwcll PL— S. fr. Cherry, ab, Cahawba PL— W. fr. 418 S. 12th. 3d. 50 Beautify Your Home WITH Art Glass •3:.v Century Stained Glass Works, Ltd. 212 South Eleventh Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORKERS IN GLASS, MOSAICS, MEMORIAL WINDOWS, ETC.; IN COPPER, ZINC, ETC. Designs and Estimates Furnished PHONE When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. Capital— N. fr. Fairmount ave., Haines to Mechanic, N. B. of bet. N. 20th and Corinthian Hancock. ave. Carswell PL— E. fr. 1109 Capitol— fr. Tasker to Dickin- Charles. son, W. of 20th; fr. Reed to Carter— S. W. fr. 69th to Cobb's Wharton, W. of 20th; fr. Ad- creek, S. B. of Pennock. dison to Pine, W. of 2Uth; fr. Carter Rd. (23d Wd.)— South- Market to Commerce, W. of ampton rd. to Poquessing cr. 20th. Carthage PL— E. fr. Chatham, Carberry Ct.— S. fr. 416 Cath- n. Green, bel. 6th. arine. Caruth PL— S. fr. 412 Wharton. Carbon— N. of Ontario to Erie Carwithian— fr. B. and S. Turn- ave., W. of Delaware river. pike, N. W. 35th Ward. Carbon Ct.— N. fr. 527 Mar- Carwithian (Bltn.)— Krewstown rlott. • rd. to Starkey. Carey— N. of Erie ave., E. of Cascon PL— W. fr. New Mar- 5th. ket, bet. Callowhill and Vine. Carlisle— fr. Tasker to Ells- Caseltine Ave.— fr. Wood to worth, W. of Broad; fr. Lorn- Reeves, ab. N. 20th. bard to Pine, W. of Broad; Casper — N. of Allegheny ave. fr. Cherry to Race, W. of to Brie ave., W. of Carbon. Broad; fr. Race northward, Casper Ave.— S. fr. Jones., bel. W. of Broad; fr. Vine south- igth. ward. W. of Broad; S. fr. Cassidy's Ct.— E. fr. 829 Mar- Tasker, W. of Broad. riott. Carlton— fr. Mascher to 2d, W. Cassion PL— N. fr. Columbia of Vine; W. fr. N. 10th to 23d, ave., bel. Franklin. bel. Callowhill; fr. 9th to Castle Ave.— W. fr. S. 13th to Ridge ave., N. of Vine; fr. 15th, S. of Morris. American westwsfrA, N. of Castner Ave.— N. fr. Orchard Vine; fr. 24th westward, N. of ab. Culvert. Vine. Castor— N. E. fr. Wyoming to Carlton Ave.— S. fr. 1208 Heath. Township Line rd., N. W. of Carney Ave.— B. fr. 225 S. Ju- Large. niper. Catawba PL— N. fr. 215 Ger- Carpenter— W. fr. 936 S. Front man. to 27th. Catharine— fr. Bambrey to Carpenter (Gtn.)— W. fr. 5552 Schuylkill ave., N. of Chris- Germantown ave. tian; W. fr. Delaware river Carpenter's La. (Gtn.)— W. fr. to S. 22d, ab. Christian. 5464 Germantown ave. Cathcart Ct.— N. fr. 1311 Lom- Carpe^ter's Ct. (now Congress bard. PL)— S. fr. 320 Chestnut. Cattell Ave.— N. fr. Pearl, bel. Carr Ave.— 35th to Cresheim rd., n. 20th. S. E. of Hillside. Cavenaugh's Ct.— B, fr. 2557 Carrigan Ct.— W. fr, 533 S. Lloyd. Taney. Cayuga (Gtn.)— fr. Robert's av. Carroll— 12th to 13th, N. of ^^ prankford ave., ab. Bris- Poplar. tol Carrol Pl.-N. Front, ab. Ad- ^^^^^ ^^ p^ _ g ^^ ^^^_ cL^Vs Ct.-S. fr. 1528 Lorn- ^.V^^ton^^ave. ^o^Jp^ringheld « . r.o« ^ XT- • to Woodland ave., N. fr. Race Carr's Ct.-S. fr. 830 Catharme. ^^ yine, W. of S. 57th. Carsell Ave.— E. fr. 717 N. cedar— N. fr. 1535 B. Berks to Broad. Somerset, n. Belgrade; Haines Carson (Myk.)— fr. Main to Ba- to High, N. B. of Norton, ker; fr. Baker to Silverwood; cg^ar (Fkd.)— N. E. fr. Mead- fr. Silverwood to Green la. ^^ jq Dark Run la., S. B. of Carswell (Gtn.)— N. W. fr. Frankford ave. 52 Cedar Hill (Myk.)— bet. Cedar Chaplecroft (Bltn.)— Murray t© and Penn, ab. Apple. Loft, W. of Clark. Cemetery Ave.— Andrews are. Charles— fr. Decatur to Rhawn, to Cresheim ave., N. B. of 35th Ward; N. E. fr. Hairl- Mansfleld. sou to Longshore, S. B. of Cemetery La.— S. W. fr. Wood- Mulberry. land ave., S. of 62d. Charles (W. Hall)— N. fr. Scat- Cemetery Rd.— N. fr. Bltn. pike tergood, ab. James, to P. & R. R. R. Charles Ave.— W. fr. Gratz to Central PI.— W. fr. 256 N. 5th. 19th, N. of Montgomery ave. Chadwick— fr. Washington ave. Charles PI.— E. fr. 427 Rugan; to Carpenter, W. of 16th; W. and N. fr. Willow, ab. Catharine to Fitzwater, W. of Canton. 16th; fr. Fitzwater to Bain- Chatham— N. E. fr. Somerset bridge, W. of 16th; fr. Pine to Tioga, S. E. of Cedar, to Cypress, W. of 16th; fr. Chatham PL— W. fr. 502 Chat- Olive to Swain, W. of 16th: ham. fr. Susquehanna to Dauphin, Chauncey— N. fr. 1809 Glrard W. of 16th; fr. York to Le- ave. to Stiles, high ave., W. of 16th; fr. Cheltenham Ave. ''n. City line) Clearfield to Lippincott, W. — S. E. fr. Cresheim avo. of 16th ; S. fr. Reed to Dick- Cheltenham and W . Grove Pike inson, E. of S. 17th. (Old York Road). Chadwick PI.— W. fr. 858 N. 4th. Chelten Ave. (Gtn.)— E. fr. Chambers' Ave.— S. fr. 2022 Cal- Wissahickon ave., ab. School, lowhill. Chelwynde Ave.— W. fr. S. 62d Champion PI.— E. fr. 1125 Dun- and fr. S. 84th to Island rd., ton, ab. Otter. S. of Buist ave. Champlost Ave.— 19th to Van- Chenango— N. E. fr. Sophia to kirk, N. of Nedro ave. Stiles. W. of Otter. Chance PL— E. fr. New Market, Cherokee Ave. (C. Hill), ab. Vine. Cherry — fr. Delaware ave. to Chancellor— fr. 2d to 3d. S. of Schuylkill river, N. of Arch; Walnut; fr. Orianna E. & fr. 32d to 34th, N. of Arch; W., S. of Walnut: fr. Darien 56th )to 58th, N. of Arch; 38th westward, S. of Walnut; fr. to Saunders, S. of Powelton Hutchinson E. & W.. S. of ave. Walnut: fr. 10th to Cameron, Cherry La.— W. fr. S. Broad, S. of Walnut; fr. 11th to s. of Snyder ave. Mervine, S. of Walnut: fr. Chester Ave.— fr. 41st and ]2ih to 13th, S. of Walnut; ir. Woodland ave. to Cobb's cr.. Juniper to 13th, S. of Walnut; n. W. of Kingsessing ave. Juniper to Watts, S. of Wal- Chestnut— W. fr 100 S. Delaware nut: fr. Broad to 15th. S. of ave. to Delaware county line., Walnut: fr. 20th eastward, S. bel. Market, of Walnut: fr. 20th to 21st, Chestnut Ave.— E. fr. Castle st. S. of Walnut; fr. 21st we3t- Chestnut Hill Ave.— 32d to C. ward, S. of Walnut; fr. 22d Hill and Sp. House pike, N. eastward, S. of Walnut; fr. w. of Rex. Bonsall to 24th, S. of Walnut; Chestnut Hill and Spring tr. 39th to 40th, S. of Walnut; House Pike— N. fr. German- W. fr. 216 S. 16th to 18th. town ave. to Stenton ave. Chancellor (formerly Fairmount chetwynde-fr. Island rd. to pi.)— W. fr. S. 32d, bel. San- g^^j^ 27th Ward, som. Chaucery La.— S. fr. 126 Arch. Chetwynde Ave.— 62d to 63d. S. Chandler's Ct.— N. fr. 1011 W. of Buist ave. Palmer to Montgomery av3. Chevy Chase La.— S. W. fr. 17th Chang— fr. Poplar to Girard to 19th, S. of Morris, ave., W. of 26th; fr. Stiles Chew Ave.— fr. Stenton ave. E., southward, W. of 26th. N. of Olney rd. 53 Chew (Gtn.)— N. fr. Township Clarkson Ave.— Vankirk, W. to line to Germantown ave. Stenton ave., N. of Somerville Christian — W. fr. Delaware, ave. ab. Catharine. Clarkson PI.— W. fr. Noble, n. Christy PI.— E. fr. 952 St. John. N. 4th. Church (Fkd.)— E. fr. 4433 Clark's Park (27th Wd.)— fr. S. Fraukford to Tacony. 43d to S. 44th, bet. Baltimore Church — Gtn. ave. to Stenton ave. and Chester ave. ave., S. E. of Mt. Pleasant; Clawges Ct.— N. fr. 514 Mulber- S. fr. 1336 Fitzwater; S. W. ry al. fr. Ann, S. E. of Richmond; Clay— fr. 21st to 32d, N. of W. fr. 18 N. Front to 3d; W. Green; W. of N. 11th to Ridge fr. N. 7th to 8th, N. of York, ave., bel. Mt. Vernon. Church Lane— fr. Germantown Clearfield— W. fr. Delaware riv- to 20th, Germantown; N. W. er, bel. Allegheny ave. fr. Woodland ave. to Cobb's Clearview — Manayunk ave. to or, S. W. of 68th. Mitchell, S. W. of Roxbor- Church La. (Nicetown)— E. fr. ough ave.; N. W. fr. Chew, Germantown ave. to Good- bet. E. Washington la. and man. Tulpehocken. Church PI.— S. fr. 1122 Lom- Clematis Ave.— S. fr. 114 Chris- bard, tian. Cinnaminson La. (Myk.) — N. fr. Clementine — fr. Richmond to Washington to Ridge ave.. Cedar, N. of Clearfield; fr. W. of Prospect. 29th to 30th, N. of Clearfield; City Ave. (24th Wd.)— Schuyl- W. fr. Frankford ave. to kill river to Cobb's creek. Emerald, N. of Clearfield. Claghorn PI.— N. fr. Front, ab. Clemmon's Al.— N. fr. 1115 Poplar. Mark's la. Clairborn— S. fr. Ball to Plum, Clermont— E. of 45th, N. of E. of Richmond. Wallace. Clapier— fr. Baynton S. W., 22d Cleveland— fr. Moore to Morris, Ward; fr. Wakefield to Ger- W. of 18th; fr. Tasker to mantown ave., 22d Ward. Dickinson, W. of 18th; fr. Clapier (Gtn.)— W. fr. Morris Earp to Wharton, W. of 18th; to Township line. fr. Federal to Ellsworth, W. Clapp— 10th to 13th. N. of 69th of 18th; fr. Washington ave. ave. to Carpenter, W. of 18th; fr. Claridge— N. fr. Cottman, W. Catharine to Fitzwater, W. of of L (23d Ward). 18th; fr. Girard ave. to Stiles, Clarion— N. fr. York to Ha- W. of 18th; fr. Indiana south- gert, bet. 13th and Park ave.; ward, W. of 18th; fr. Limekiln fr. Catharine south, W. of pike northward, W. of 18th; 13th; fr. Panama northward, Norris to Fontain, W. of 18th. W. of 13th; fr. Appletree to Cliff PI.— S. fr. 1414 Race. Quarry, W. of 13th; fr. Race Clifton— fr. Ellsworth to Wash- to Vine, W. of 13th; fr. Jeffer- ington ave., W. of 10th; fr. son to Berks, W. of 13th; fr. Carpenter to Montrose, W. Diamond to French, W. of of 10th; fr. Montrose to Sal- 13th; fr. Pike southward, W. ter, W. of 10th ; fr. S. of of 13th; S. fr. Federal to Tas- Catharine to Bainbridge, W. ker, W. of S. 13th. of 10th; fr. Bainbridge to Clarissa— Robert's Ave. to Nice- South, W. of 10th; fr. Irv- town la., S. W. of Wayne. ing to N. & S.. W. of 10th; Clarissa PL— fr. 542 Linden. fr. St. James to Chancellor, Clark (Bltn.)— Pennypack to W. of 10th; fr. Walnut to Lott, W. of Evans. Sansom, W. of 10th; fr. Lud- Clark's Ave.— S. fr. 418 Button- low southward. W. of 10th; ■wood fr. Cherry to Quarry, W. of Clark's Ct.— E. fr. Union, N. 10th; fr. Spring southward, fr. Qlrard. W. of 10th; fr. Spring to 54 Winter. W. of 10th; fr. Win- hart to Clearfield, E. of ' ter to Vine, W. of 10th; fr. Frankford ave. Montgomery to Berks, W. of Collins— N. fr. E. Cumberland 10th; W. fr. 18th to 2l3l:, S. e. fr. Frankford ave. of Clearfield. Collins Ct.— E. fr. 2d, N. of nifton— N. fr. Neff. E. of Edge- Race. mont (25th Ward). Collom (Gtn.)— N. fr. German- :iintoa— N. fr. McFarran, E. o£ ^^^^^ ave. to Armstrong, bel. Nice; W. of S. 9th to 11th. ^shmead. bel. Spruce; N fr. Kenslng-- ^^^^.^ Ave.-N. fr. 609 Wall, ton and Oxford turnpikes to colona-fr. Howard to Han- Grange Ji. oi _a. , j^ Qf Susquehanna: fr. i^ on rT^fr 4^7 Frank 28th westward. N. of Susque- .Imton Ct.-E. fr. 4o7 Frank- ^^^^^^. ^^^ ^^^^ ^o 31st^ N. of ^f^^^?''^!- °xT .; 1Q9Q -p...! cock. N. of Susquehanna: fr. .nt :m^eden-fr. Emlen to Bel- Susquehanna; W fr. N. 9th mma, 22d Ward; fr. Lin- to N. 12th. ab. Susquehanna coin ave. to Belmina. 22d ^«,vg. ,^, x w r.- ■^'a^i-d Colonial Ter. (Gtn.)— W. fr. ::iivede'n (Gtn.)— N. fr. Ger- Morris to Wiss. ave.. ab. mantown ave. to Chew, ab. Lehman Johnson. Colorado— fr. Ritner to Pass- :;ioud— fr. Church to Wain; fr. yunk, W. of 17th; fr. Snyder Plum to Meadow; fr. Church ave. to Miffiin, W. of 17th; fr. southward. Tasker to Wharton. W. of Clymer— fr. Swanson to Front, I7th; fr. Washington ave. to S. of Fitzwater; fr. Front Carpenter. W. of 17th; fr. v/estward, S. of Fitzwater; fr. Fitzwater to Bainbridse, W. 7th to 8th, S. of Fitzwater; fr. q£ J7fjj. *i, Blavis to Wingo- Clarion to Watts, S. of Fitz- hocking, W. of 17th; fr. Sus- water; fr. 15th eastward, S. of q^ehanna ave. to York, W. of Fitzwatpr; fr. 20th to 21st. ^rj^^^ S. of Fitzwater; fr 21st west- Columbia Ave.-bet. Oxford and ward, S. of Fitzwater; fr. 23d Montgomery ave.. W. of to 24th, S. of Fitzwater; fr. -pj-ankford ave. 752 S. 6th. Columbia Ct.— N. fr. Landreth Coar— E. fr. 17th, N. of Ven- ^el. N. 13th. ango. Colwell (Gtn.)— N. fr. 118 Coffin's Ct.— B .fr. 209 N. 2d. Haines to Mechanic. Ccgshell Ave.'. (Gtn.)— S. fr. Comber's Ct,— S. fr. Linton. W. Rittenhouse. ab. Green. of S. 20th. Cohen PI.— W. fr. 812 S. Front. Comly— City line E. to Dela- Coke PI.— N. fr. 417 Carpenter, ware river, N. of Vankirk. Colchester— B. fr. Charlotte, ab. Comly Rd.— S. B. fr. Bensalem Brown. pike to Academy rd.. N. E. Colebaugh— N. fr. Bristol pike of Red Lion rd. to Strahle, E. of Battersby. Commerce-fr. Delaware ave. to Coleraan-S. W. fr. Vine to water, N. of Market; fr. m Cobb's creek, N. W. Cattell. eastward N of Market; fr „ „' , rs. ^ to Naudain, W. of Front; fr. Harmstead Pl.-S. fr. 912 Og- Walnut to Sansom, W. of ^^^i^- Front; fr. Pegg to Noble, W. Harner (21st Wd.)— fr. Shingle of Front; fr. Green to Fair- to Pt. Royal rd., N. E. of mount, W. of Front; fr. Fair- Lare. mount to Brown, W. of Front ; Harold— fr. Thompson to Al- fr. Brown to Laurel, W. of mond, N. of Huntingdon; fr. Front; fr. Laurel to German* Aramingo to Martha, N. of town ave., W. of Frotit; fr. Huntingdon; fr. Emerald to Willow to Pegg, W. of Front; Kensingtoji ave., N. of Hunt- fr. Fernon to Mountain, W. ingdon; fr. Wendle to Mar- of Front; N. fr. Otter, ab. N. shall, N. of Huntingdon; fr. Front. 12th to 13th and 22d to 27th, Hanly's Ct.—N. fr. 605 Wall. N. of Huntingdon. 74 Gas Fixtures Electric Fixtures Insulating Joints Grills Tablets Altar Work AMERICAN GAS FIXTURE WORKS MnnnfnttixrtXB 208 North Broad Street PHILADEI.PHIA, PA. PHONE When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book, Harper — fr. 12th to 13th, N. Schuylkill river, ab. Rock- of Poplar; fr. 17th to 18th, land. N. of Poplar; fr. 19th to 20th, Haverford Ave.— W. fr. 40th to N. of Poplar; fr. 30th to City line, N. of Rockland. Penna. ave., N. of Poplar; W. Haworth (Bdg.)— fr. Thomp- fr. N. 28th to 29th, S. of Gi- son to Salmon. rard ave. Haworth (Fkd.)— fr. James to Harper PL— E. fr. 623 Guilford. Glenloch; N. B. of Frankford, Harper's Ct.— S. fr. 2006 Lom- ab. Wakeling. bard. Hawthorne (Fkd.)— fr. Meadow Harper's Ct.— W. fr. 508 S. 18th. to S. W. of Orthodox; fr. Harriet PL— N. fr. 2001 Pearl Meadow to Frankford ave. to 2002 Wood. Hawthorne Ave.— N. fr. 1701 Harrison (Gtn.)— N. W. of Du- Barker. val, E. of Germantown ave. Hay Lane— S. E. fr. 62d and Harrison (Fkd.)— E. fr. Penn to Woodland ave. to Schuylkill. Jackson, S. of Wakeling. Hay's Ct.— E. fr. 325 St. John. Harrison— S. E. fr. Frankford Hayward PL— N. fr. 919 Ham- creek to Delaware river, S. ilton. W. of Juniata. Haywood— S. E. fr. Krail, bet. Harrison's Ct. (Gtn.)— N. fr. Crawford and Indian Queen 1017 Pleasant. lane. Harris' Ct.— W. fr. 10 Letitia. Hazel Ave.— W. fr. 60th to 63d, Hartel— fr. County line to Del- S. of Lombard. aware river, S. of Borbeck. Hazzard— fr. Coral to Kensing- Hartley's PL— S. fr. 1338 ton ave., N. of Cumberland; Cherry. fr. Philip to American, N. of Hartranft Ave.— fr. Delaware Cumberland; fr. 12th to 13th, to Schuylkill, S. of Porter. N. of Cumberland; fr. 15th to Hartshorne La. (Fkd.) — N. E. Sydenham, N. of Cumberland; fr. Adams to Bustleton pike. fr. Moyer to Collins, N. of Hart's La.— N. W. and W. fr. Cumberland; fr. 25th to 26th, Frankford ave., ab. Reading N. of Cumberland; W. fr. R. R. Cedar to Franklin ave., bel. Hart's La.— N. W. fr. Hunting- Huntingdon. don, ab. N. 20th. Hazzard's Ct.— N. fr. 1917 Cuth- Hartville— N. and S. fr. Indi- bert. ana. W. of E. Heberton Ct.— S. fr. 1618 Lom- Hartwell Ave.— Wissahickon bard. drive to Stenton ave., N. W. Hebrew PL— E. fr. 217 N. 3d. of Abington. Heck PL— E. fr. S61 N. 2d. Harvey (Myk.)— fr. Jeanette to Heckman PL— N. fr. 815 Wil- Oros. low. Harvey (Myk.)— fr. Righter to Heckroth PL— W. fr. Weaver, Houghton. bet. Green and Fairmount Harvey (Gtn.)— W. fr. 6000 Ger- ave. mantown ave. Hedge (Fkd.) — N. fr. Unity to Harvey's Ct.— W. fr. 406 S. 21st. Meadow. Harvey's PL— E. fr. 1021 St. Hedge's PL— S. fr. 924 Hamil- John. ton. Haskin PL— S. fr. 220 Federal Hedlcy— E. fr. Richmond to to Marion, bel. Moyamensing Delaware river, N. of Erie. ave. Heft's Ct. (Myk.)— S. E. fr. Hassinger Ave.— W. fr. 118 N. Cedar, S. W. of Cresson. Juniper. Hegerman— fr. Fraley, N. to Hastings Ave.— W. fr. Delaware Pearson ave., N. W. of Tulip. river. 3S00 S. Hehl's Ct.— N. fr. 931 Federal. Hatter's Ct.— N. fr. Vine, W. Heidelburn Ave.— N. fr. Barr of 23d. to Norwood, W. of Pt. Royal Haverford (W. P.)— W. fr. ave. 76 Height's Ave.— N. fr. Callow- Hermitage (Myk.)— N. fr. 4615 hill, W. of 25th. Jackson. Heilig PI.— N. fr. 515 Carpen- Hero PI.— N. fr. 423 Carpenter. ter to 8 Native. Herschell Ave.— N. fr. 2035 Heiskell (Gtn.)— N. fr. Han- Hand. cock, W. of Willov/ ave. Hess Ave.— N. fr. 125 Jefferson. Heiss PI.— W. fr. .423 Moyer. Heston— E. fr. Lancaster ave. Helen— fr. Elkhart to Clear- and Belmont. field, S. E. of Jasper; fr. On- Hewson— fr. 4th to 5th. N. of tario to Tioga. S. E. of Jas- Berks; fr. Blair to Trenton per; fr. Venango northward, ave., N. of Berks; fr. Water- S. E. of Jasper; N. fr. Somer- loo to Mascher, N. of Berks; set to Hart la.. W. of Emer- fr. 17th to 18th. N. of Berks; aid. fr. 19th to Uber, N. of Berks; Helena PL— N. fr. 119 Chris- fr. 32d to 33d. N. of Berks; tian. W. fr. 717 Thompson; E. fr. Hellerman— E, fr. G to Bristol Girard ave., bel. Susquehan- pike, N. of Levick. na. Hemberger— N. fr. Berks to Hess (Hbg.)— fr. Craig to Cris- Norris, E. of N. 23d. pin. Hemlock PI.— S. fr. 1442 South Heyer PI.— W. fr. 210 Levant. to Alaska. Heywood— W. fr. Krail, bel. Hemple's Ct.— N. fr. 1007 Ham- Queen la. ilton. Hiawatha— W. fr. 59th to 60th, Henderson's Ct.— S. fr. 1040 S. of Spruce. Rodman to 1041 South. Heyman PL— N. fr. Hamilton, Henly Ct.— N. fr. 731 Carpen- w. of 16th. ter. Hickory Ct.— S. fr. 604 Wil- Henrietta Ave.— S. fr. Hunter, low. ab. N. 10th. Hicks— fr. Federal northward, Henry— S. fr. South, W. of w. of 15th; fr. Catharine to 62d. Fitzwater, W. of 15th; fr. Henry Ct.— W. fr. 1312 Ger- Fitzwater to Bainbridge, W. mantown ave. of 15th; fr. Waverly to Addi- Henvis— fr. Hunting Park ave. son, W. of 15th; fr. Pine to to Ruffner, N. of Hunting Spruce, W. of 15th; fr. Ran- Park ave. stead to Market, W. of 15th; Hepburn PL— W. fr. 746 Pass- fr. Race northward, W. of yunk ave. 15th; fr. Indiana southward. Herald PL— W. fr. 6 Ledger w. of 15th; N. fr. 1519 Reed pi. to V/harton; N. fr. 1215 Her- Herbert (Fkd.)— fr. Valley to bine, N. of Montgomery. Mulberry. Hide's Ct.— N. fr. 825 Filbert. Herbert PL— N. fr. 1221 Silver. Higbee— W. fr. Torr ave. to Heritage (Bltn.)— Krewstown Walker, bel. Comly; fr. Del- rd. to Starkey, N. E. of aware ave. to Tacony, 35th Gregg. Ward. Herman (Gtn.)— fr. Stenton ave. Higgin's Ct.— N. fr. 139 Car- to Cemetery. penter. Herman— E. fr. 6200 German- High— N. E. fr. Crittenden to town ave.; S. fr. Wharton to Ferdinand, S. E. of E. Wal- Reed, E. of S. 18th. nut la. Herman's Ct.— W. fr. 318 Gris- High (Gtn.)— E. fr. 5057 Ger- pom mantown ave. Hermit (Myk.)-Cresson to Higli(Myk.)-S. E. fr. Wash- Ores, S. E. of Markle. Jjgton to Centre, N. B. of Hermit La. (Myk.)— fr. Hermit „. f^l^' , w *,. 9n xr inth St. to Wissahickon drive. ^i^^^^°J^?^;v, '^- ^^ ^' ^° Hermitage— fr. Smick to Mag- to 17 N. 11th. dalena, Gtn. Highland Ave. (C. Hill)— fr. 77 Park line N. E. to C. Hill R. Hollingsworth—W. £r. N. 3lst R., N. W. of Union. to Natrona, N. of Columbia Highland PI.— N. fr. 1023 Hunt- ave. er. Hollow— S. E. fr. Tacony rd., Hight's Ave.— N. fr. 2509 Cal- N. E. Frankford st. lowhill. Holly— fr. Chester northward, Hight's Ct.— N. fr. 923 Hamil- W. of 4th; N. fr. Aspen to ton, Mantua ave., E. of 42d. Hiland PI.— W. fr. 1436 Cadwal- Hollywood— fr. Columbia to ader Glenwood, W. of 29th. Hillerman PL— E. fr. 317 Gar- Hollywod Ave.— N. fr. Girard den ave., W. of 29th. Hilles (Fkd.)— fr. Frankford av. Holraan— N. fr. E. Susquehan- to Orchard, bel. Green. na to E. Cumberland, S. of Hill's Ct.— S. fr. 1824 Naudain. Frankford ave.; fr. Berger to Hill's Ct.— W. fr. 620 Weaver. Abigail, W. of Trenton ave. Hillspach (Bltn.)-Welsh rd. to Holmesburg-fr. Dittman to Fulmer, N. W. of Starkey. Frankford ave., 35th Ward; Hillside Ave.— S. W. fr. 32d to fr. Cottman to Bustleton R. Bechtel's rd., S. E. of Mer- „R-. S. E. of Cottage. maid ave Holstem Ave.— fr. Jones la. to Hill's La. (Gtn.)-S. E. fr. Mer- 90th E. of Erwig ave. maid W of 35th Holt Ave.— W. fr. New Market Hilton-fr. ■ P. & R. R. R. to bet. Green and Fairmount 20th, N. of Allegheny. ..^^®- „. „ . ooo ^ Hilton-E. fr. Kensington ave. gome PI.-S. fr. 228 German to Jasper. N. of Allegheny Homer Ave.--E.fr 247 N. 13th. ^yg Homestead— fr. 21st to 25th, S. Himiielwright Pl.-W. fr. 908 „of Curtain. ^ , ^ ^^ ^ ^_ g g^ij ^ Hooper (Paschal.)— W. fr, 72d, Hinckles Ct.-W, fr. 1512 Cad- „N. of Greenway ave walader Hoopes— fr. E. of 47th to 48th, Hines' Ct!-S. fr. 222 Christian; N of Parrish; fr, 45ih to 46th, W fr 925 Rodman ^- °f Seneca. Hinkles-Cresheim ave. to Gow- Hope-fr. Laurel to Pollard, W. en ave.. S. W. of German- of Front; fr. Pegg to Noble, town ave W. of Front; fr. Nectarme to Hippie's La. (Myk.)-N. fr. P, Green, W. of Front; f/. Green & N. R. R. to Wiss. cr., ab. to Fairmount. W. of Front; Jefferson f^- Poplar northward, W. of Hock PL— S. fr. 1400 Brown. u^^°?^- „ -p, w fr- i9i m Hoff (Bltn.)-Pennypack to Hopkmson Pl.-W. fr. 124 N. Ho'ifmkn-frVaL^^^o Front. S. Hopp^^^^^^ ave. S- to Gov- of Mifflin; W. fr. S. 4th to emment ave., B. of Broad 10th, S. of Mifflin. Horn s Ct.-E. fr 91^ bt John. Hoffman Ave.-S. W. fr. Chris- Horner Ave -E. fr. 245 N 13th. tian and 54th to Cobb's creek. ^°"?^^^,,^^\^-^-f '/iy-^,/^' Hoffnagle-fr. C E. to Frank- to Undley, W, of Oakland ford rd.. S. W. of Strahle. Horstmann s Row-E. fr, 777 Hogg A1.-N. of Vine. W. of ^fj,%^^,^ ct.-S. fr. 212 Hog Island Rd.-fr. Tinlcum Carpenter; S. fr. 320 German. Island rd, to City line, S, of Horst's Ct.— W. fr, 1730 Cad- 89th, walader, Hohenadel— E. fr. MifBin, S. of Hortter— fr. Wissahickon to Norristown R. R. Qermantown ave., Gtn. 78 Horter (Gtn.)— S. fr. Chew to Hulseman— 18th to 22d, S. of German town av., bel. Church. Geary. Horton (W. P.)— N. fr. Vine to Hulseman Ct.— S. fr. 1240 Fit?:- Noble, E. of N. 62d. water. Hospital La.— N. W. fr. Bel- Hume— S. fr. 508 Bainbridge. mont ave. to 49th, ab. Mid- Hummell's Ct.— E. fr. 943 N. vale ave. 3d. Hcuben's PL— E. fr. 1145 N. Humphrey's Ct.— N. fr. 1505 Fil- 3d. bert. Houghton Ave.— Monastery ave. Hunter's Ct.— N. fr. 1519 Vine, to Jennett ave., N. B. of Hunter's La.— S. W. fr. Lan- Ridge. caster ave., W. of 53d. Houghton's Ct— S. fr. 940 Rod- Huntingdon— fr. river Delaware man. to Schuylkill. Housekeeper's Ct.— W. fr. Hunting Park Ave. (Nicetowu) Beach, ab. Warren. — N. E. fr. 33d and Ridge ave. Huston's Ct.— S. fr. 940 Rod- to 25th and Allegheny ave. man. Hunt's Ct.— E. fr. 825 Char- Houston (C. Hill)— N. fr. Ger- lotte. mantown ave. to Stenton ave.. Hurley— S. fr. Indiana to Hart, W. of Bell's Mill rd. bel. Boudinot. Houten Row— E. fr. 1819 N. Huron PL— W. fr. 1408 Philip. 6th, ab. IvUiitgomery ave. Huston— Wolf to Ritner. W. of Howard— fr. Dickinson to Man- 18th. ton, W. of Front; fr. Ells- Hutchison— fr. Moyamensing to worth to Alter, W. of Front; Wolf, W. of 9th; fr. Snyder fr. Christian to Webster, W. to McKean, W. of 9th; fr, of Front; fr. Carpenter south- Christian to Fitzwater, W. of ward, W. of Front; fr. Nau- 9th; fr. Lombard to Pine, W. dain southward, W. of Front; of 9th; N. fr. 921 Poplar; fr. fr. Delancey northward, W. of Spruce to Walnut. W. of Front; fr. Pegg to Crooked 9th; fr. Filbert to Arch, W. pL, W. of Front; fr. Loudon of 9th; fr. Cherry to Race, to Rockland. W. of Front; W. of 9th; fr. Vine south- N. fr. Girard ave., ab. N. ward, W. of 9th; fr. Callow- Front, hill to Noble, W. of 9th; fr. Howard Ave.— N. of School, E. Mt. Vernon to Wallace, W. of of Lawrence. 9th; fr. Wallace to Melon, W. Howard PL— fr. 1414 Brown. of 9th; fr. Olive to Brown, W. Howard Ter.— N. W. fr. Mt. of 9th; fr. Brown to Parrish, Airy, N. E. of Boyer. W. of 9th; fr. Susquehanna Howarth— Frankford ave. to to Dauphin, W. of 9th; fr. Willow. N. E. of Wakeling. Tahassa to Cumberland, W. of Howell— fr. Keystone to Frank- 9th; N. fr. Huntingdon to ford ave., 25th Ward; Ravine Somerset, ab. N. 9th. to C. Hill and Spring House Hutchinson Ct.— E. fr. 203 turnpike, E. of Sunset ave.; Dean. N. fr. Snyder ave. to S. Dela- Hutton— fn Wallace to Fair- ware ave., bel. Spangler. mount, W. of 42d; fr. Parrish Hoy t— Delaware ave. to Schuyl- to Ogden, W. of 42d; fr. Far- kill river, S. of Hartranft. rish to agden, E. of 43d. Ruber— N. fr. Westmoreland to Hydra PT.^N. fr. 407 Noble. Ontario, W. of N. 18th. , Hubert PL— E. fr. 875 N. 5th. ' Huckel's Ct— r. 121 South. I— N. fr. Kensington ave. to Huey PL— «. fr. Race, B. of Strahle, B. of H. 8th. Ida— W^. fr. S. 31st to aed, bel. Hughes PL— W. fr. 1024 Moya- Mifflin. ^ ^ mensing ave. Idell's PL— W. fr. S30 Suther- Hull PL— W. fr. 970 N. Dela- land ave. ware ave. _ ', . Imogene (Fkd.)— fr. Wain to 79 Paul; Penn to Leiper, N. W. w. of 12th; fr. McKean to of Pine. Mifflin, W. of 12tli: fr. Mif- Independence Ave.— S. fr. Oak flin to Camac, W. of 12th; fr. la., W. of 5th. Pierce to Dickinson. W. of Independence Sq.— S. fr. Chest- 12th; fr. Wharton northward, nut to Walnut. W. fr. 5th to w. of 12th; fr. Montgomery 6th. to Susquehanna, W. of 12th; Indiana— fr. river Delaware to fr, Dauphin to York, W. of Schuylkill. 3000 N. 12th; fr. Cherry to Landreth, Indian Queen La. (Falls)— W. -^ of 12th; S. fr. 1222 Budd fr. 30th to Ridge, n. Abbots- ^Q 1217 Heins. ford aye. ,.^^ ^ ^ ^, Island Rd. (Paschal)— fr. Pen- IngersoU— fr. loth to Smedley, ^ose Ferry to Woodland ave. N. of Thompson. Islington La.— fr. Ridge ave., Ingersoll— fr. 18th to Ridge av., ^^f 26th N. of Thompson. Itschner-E. of 19th, S. of West- Ingram-W. fr. S. 27th to 28th, foreland, bel. Federal. Ivory Pl.-N. fr. 21 Baker. lomc-fr. Front to 2d S of j^ ^^ ^^^ 508 g ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Chestnut; fr. 2d to 3d. S. of q -ii*!. Chestnut; fr. 7th to 8th, S. ^" * of Chestnut; fr. 13th to Park J ave.. S. of Chestnut; fr.lStb j._N. fr. Kensington ave. to westward, S. of Chestnut, strahle E of I ^"".■f^^? l°.ti^wliw.°r.!,^S^'n;jackson-fr.' Delaware river to ^"^V^^V 20th westward S. of gchuylkill, 2200 S. of Chestnut; fr32d to 33d. S Jackson (Fkd.)-fr. Tucker to Chestnut; fr. 23d to 24th, S. of Bridge, ab. Foulkrod. Chestnut; fr. 32d to 33d, S. of jackson (Myk.)— N. fr. 4429 Chestnut; fr. 44th to 45th, S. Main, of Chestnut. Jackson (Myk.)— W. fr. 4610 Iowa Ave.— S. fr. Union, ab. Washington. , N. 2d. Jackson— S. fr. 1022 Washing- Iranistan— N. fr. German, ab. ton ave. to Ellsworth. T ^; ^^h ^x ^. ^ -.„ Jacob— N. fr. Manayunk ave. Ireland s Ct. — W. fr. 718 to Pechin, W. of Leverington Brooks. ave Irene Pl.-S.fr. 1202 Tasker. Jacob's Pl.-E. fr. 861 Ran- Iron PI.— S. fr. 88 Laurel. dolph Irving-fr Hutchinson to Del- jacoby Ave.-N. fr. 187 Oxford, hi, N. of Spruce; fr. Alder to james-fr. Princeton to Friend- Cameron, N of Spruce; fr. ship, 35th Ward; N. E. fr. Sl%T,?.i° S.' ^Ih^fr^T'nn^' Orthodox to Vaukirk. and fr. nL^rJ nf' wni? frrth tn Cottman to Pearson ave., N. ?.>.' tS' ""I ^^'''"'^' /""-.III !*" W. of State road. I8?h N of^Wn^P -fi^^mh^^^^^ Ave.-(21st Wd.)-N. E. IStn, M. of bpruce, fr. 18th *_ Rid^p avp to Lam-^ XT to 19th. N. of Spruce; fr. 19th ^ f/^|f ^|ij,;° {f^%' f^' to m' N- Of In^rnc?' ''' ''' ^ront. T ofoxf ord."' ' ^^ '"' IrlU (W P )-W fr S 37th J^mestown-fr. Main to Mana- be? Locust to S 4lst y"^^ av®- Manayunk. Del Locust to S. 41st. Jamison's Ct.-N. fr. 2309 Ham- Isabella— fr. Washington la. to iiton Johnson, 22d Ward; W. fr. james'pi.— W. fr. Front. N. of' Ridge ave.. bel. Shawmont. Otter ' * "' Iseminger-fr. Fitzwater to janney-fr. Oakdale N. B.. S. Ei ' Kemiworth. W. of 12th; fr. of Trenton ave.; fr. Auburn Lombard to Addison W. of to William. S. E. of Trenton 12th; fr. Porter to Ritner, W. ave • N fr Tioea to Erie 9i 12th; fr. Jackson to Snyder, J^|;; ^; of Tulipf 80 \ Don't Lose Rent FOR WANT OF A WAY TO MAKE A TENANT PAY THE RENT OF YOUR PROPERTY We can collect it for you after all other means fail, and make returns to you as soon as the claim is paid. JOHN M. FREEMAN 4163 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia Keystone Phone When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. Jarvis— W. fr. Lancaster, bel. John (Myk,)— N. E. fr. 40?i Reed. Cresson. Jasper— N. B. fr. intersection John PI.— B. fr. 1027 N. 4th. of N. Front and York to Le- John's Ct.— W. fr. 408 N. S4th. high ave. John's PI.— B. fr. 1313 Wheat. Jarden— Wharton to Reed, W. Johnson (Gtn.)— B. fr. 5257 of 20th. Germantown ave. Jefferson (Gtn.)— N. W. fr. Johnson— fr. Delaware river to Johnson to Germantown ave. Schuylkill river, 2000 S. ; W. Jefferson— W. fr. Frankford fr. 6300 Germantown ave. to ave., bel. Oxford. W. of Green. Jefferson PL— W. fr. 948 N. Johnson (Nice.)— fr. Walnut la. Front. to Wissahickon ave.. 21st Jefferson Sq.— fr. 3rd to 4th, Wd. and fr. Washington ave. to Johnstone— N. fr. Olney rd. to Federal. Chew ave., W. of 2d. Jeffrey PI.— W. fr. 1108 N. Jones La.— S. W. fr. Delaware Front. ave. and Hartranft; E. fr. Jenkins PI.— N. fr. 1315 Shell- Island rd. and Suffolk ave. to bark. Schuylkill river. Jenks (Bdg.)— S. fr. Richmond Jones Ct.— S. of Lombard, E. to Delaware river, bel. Kirk- of 6th. bride. Jordan— S. fr. Wharton to Jennett Ave.— S. E. fr. Gorgas Reed, W. of S. 20th. la. to Rochelle, N. E. of See- Jordan's PL— N. fr. Callowhill lig. to 2412 Hamilton. Jenning's Ct.— S. fr. 120 Marion. Josephine (Fkd.)— N. fr. Jenning's Row— N. fr. 305 Cath- Church to Oxford, E. of Tack- arine. awanna. Jerome— W. fr. York rd. to N. Joyce— N. fr. 421 Moore; S. fr. Broad, N. of N. Town la. Venango, W. of Frankford Jerusalem PL— S. fr. 1202 Pearl, ave. Jessamine— E. fr. 915 S. 15th, Juan PL— E. fr. 527 S. 13th. bel. Christian. Judd PL— E. fr. 749 Passyunk Jessup— fr. Moyamensing ave. ave. to Ritner, W. of llth; fr. Judson— fr. Buttonwood to Spg. McKean to Mifflin, W. of Garden, W. of 23d; fr. llth; fr. Morris northward, Penna. av. to Brandy wine, W. W. of llth; fr. Ellsworth to of 23d; fr. Shamokin to Peters, W. of llth; fr. Hall Noble, W. of 23d; S. fr. Par- to Montrose, W. of llth; fi-. rish, ab. N. 23d. Lombard to Waverly, W. of Judson PL— N. fr. Berks to llth; fr. Locust southward Norris, bet. N. 2od and 24th. W. of llth; fr. Moravian to Julianna— fr. 519 Vine to Wil- Sansom, W. of llth; fr. Win- low. ter southward, W. of llth; Julius PL— B. fr. 1005 S. 2d. fr. Poplar to Girard ave., W. June (W. P.)— S. fr. Seneca, n. of llth; fr. Girard ave. to N. 47th. Stiles, W. of llth; fr. Stiles June— fr. Fairmount to Aspen, to Thompson, W. of llth; fr. W. of 46th. Montgomery to Norris, W. of Juniata (Bdg.)— B. fr. Almond, llth: N. fr. Huntingdon, W. to Delaware river, S. of Bris- of llth; S. fr. 1110 Bainbridge tol. to Catharine. Juniata— N. E. fr. Germantown John (Bdg.)— N. fr. Lefevre to are.. S. E. of Bristol. ?ro^?w^'^^®*- ,^®^^''^'*® and Juniata Ave. (Gtn.)-fr. Ro- Frankford creek. :: ^ bert's ave. to Frankford cr., John (Fkd.)— fr. Wain to Tac- ab. Roxborough. kawanna, beL Oxford. . Juniata (Nice.) - Wissahickon .. - 82 \ ave. to Bristol, N. W. Nice- fr. Reese to Fairhill, S. of town la. Bainbridge; fr. Marshall Junior PI.— W. fr. 1234 N. westward, S. of Bainbridge; Front. fr. Shnell eastward, S. of Juniper— N. fr. Catharine to Bainbridge; fr. 12tli to 13th, Vine, bet. 13th and Broad. S. of Bainbridge; fr. 13th to Justice— W. fr. S. 26th to 27th, Broad, S. of Bainbridge; fr. S. of Federal. 15th eastward, S. of Bain- Justice's Ct.— W. fr. 514 N. 2d. bridge. Kennebec Ct.— N. fr. 2013 Nau- K dain. K — N. fr. Kensington ave. to Kennedy — fr. Garden to Rich- Strahle, E. of J. mond, Bridesburg; E. fr. Em- Kain's Ct.— W. fr. 7th, S. of erald to Aramingo Canal, S. of Bainbridge. E. Westmoreland. Kaiser's Ave.— W. fr. New Mar- Kennedy (W. Hall)— S. E. fr. ket, N. of Vine. Cottage to Tacony, S. W. of Kaiser's Ct.— Lawrence to 5th, Praley. S. of Master. Kennedy's Ct.— W. fr. 928 N. Kalos— E. fr. Ridge avfe. to Front. Righter, S. of Osborn. Kennedy's La.— N. E. fr. 19th Kane's Ct.— N. fr. 12 Darcy; N. and Lehigh ave. to Hunting fr. 929 Rodman. Park ave., W. of 26th. Kane's PL— N. fr. 131 Car- Kenny PI.— S. fr. 234 Monroe. penter. Kensington Ave.— N. E. fr. Kansas (30th Wd.)— E. fr. Intersection of N. Front and Sutherland ave. York. Kater— W. fr. Lloyd to Gray's Kensington and Oxford Pike — Ferry rd., S. of South; fr. fr. Fox Chase, S. of Court- Orianna to 4th. S. of South; land. fr. 8th to Schell, S. of South Kenton PL— N. fr. 217 Lodge. St. ; fr. 5th to 8th, S. of Kennset— W. fr. Germantov/n South St.; fr. Alder to Cam- ave., S. of Lehigh ave. eron, S. of South st. Kenwood PL— fr. Hamilton, ab. Katon Ave.— N. E. fr. Town- N. 10th. ship line rd. to 36th, S. E. of Kenworthy's Ct.— N. fr. 727 Hildeburn ave. Cherry to 110 Eutaw. Kaufmann— fr. Reese to Pass- Kenyon— fr. Woodlawn north- yunk, S. of Catharine; fr. 22d ward, Germantown. to 24th, S. of Catharine. Keptner— N. of Brown, bet. Kauffmann— E. fr. 811 S. 4th. Otis and Ash. Kauffmann Ct.— E. fr. 211 N. Kerbaugh- fr. Germantown ave. 2d. to Broad, N. of Pike; fr. Keating PL— W. fr. N. 2d, ab. Richmond northwestward, N. Noble. of Pike. Keenan's Ct.— E. fr. 1425 Ger- Kern— fr. Sergeant to Hunting- mantown ave. don, S. of Coral. Keichlein's Ct.— E. fr. 1137 Kerper (Lawndale)— E. fr. 2d Charlotte, ab. George; N. fr. st. pk. to Oxford, N. of Un- 1133 Olive. ruh. Kelly's Ct.— N. fr. 317 German Kerr— S. fr. 2219 Pine to 2213 to 320 Stanley. Lombard. Kelly Ave.— S. W. fr. Ridge Kershaw— fr: 18th to 19th, N. ave. to Shawmont ave., E. of of Thompson; fr. 27th to 28th, Seffert ave. N. of Thompson; fr. 60th to Kelly's Ct.— N, fr. 237 Wash- 61st, N. of Thompson. ington ave. Kershaw Ave. (W. P.)-B. fr. Kenilworth— fr. Delaware ave. Meetinghouse la. to Lancaster to 2nd, S. of Bainbridge; ave., N. of Thompson. Kesseler'B PI.— N. fr. 341 Fair- Kirk Ave,— E. fr. 6th. S. of mount ave, Lombard. Keturath PI.— E. fr. 1015 St. Kirkbride (Bdg)— W. fr. Del- john. aware river to Ash, N. E. of Keyser— N. fr. Somerset to In- Jenks. diana, W. of N. 20th; fr. Kirkham PI.— S. fr. 720 Race. Logan to N. of Manheim. Kirkpatrick Ct.— E. fr. 7i9 S. Keyser (Gtn.)— fr. Price south- 6th. eastward. Kitchen (Rox.)— N. E. fr. Ridge Keyser's Ct.— W. fr. 312 New ave. to Magdalena, N. W. of Market; W. fr. 918 N. 6th. Roxborough ave. Keyser's La. (Gtn.)— E. fr. Kline's Ct.— W fr. 920 N. 3d. 5131 Germantown ave. Kline's Row— E. fr. 1307 Law- Keystone — E. fr. Hamilton to rence. Princeton, S. of Tulip. Kneass— W. fr. 412 Blackstone Kiblen PL— N. fr. 145 Green. to 415 S. 15th. Kiehl— E. fr. Waterloo, ab. Knickerbocker PI.— S. fr. 1452 Clearfield. Cherry. Killian's La. (Paschal.)— E. fr. Knight s Rd. (23d Ward)— fr. Tinicum rd.. S. of Island rd. Bristol pike, N. to Poques- Kilpatrick's Ct.— N. . fr. 609 sing creek. Lombard. Knorr— S. fr. Bristol pike to Kimball— fr. Water to Front, S. Delaware river, N. of Un- of Carpenter; fr. 3d to 4th, S. ruh; fr. Milnor to Tacony, of Carpenter; fr. 6th to 7th, 35th wd. ; fr. Keystone to S. of Carpenter; fr. Passyuuk Tulip, 35th wd. to 8th, S. of Carpenter; fr. Knowle's Ave— S. fr. 2408 Nau- 8th to 10th, S. of Carpenter; dain. fr. 10th to nth, S. of Car- Kohl (Bltn.)— N. W. fr. Bustle- penter; fr. 12th to Watts, S. ton pike, S. W. of Murray. of Carpenter; fr. 11th to 12th, Kohler's Ave. (Myk.)— N. W. S. of Carpenter; W. fr. 1012 fr. Gowen ave., along Canal S. 19th to 23d. bank. King's Ct.— N. fr. 1351 Kater; Krail— N. E. fr. Crawford to S. fr. 2120 Sansom. Indian Queen la.. Falls of King's La.— W. fr. Bristol rd. Schuylkill. to Pennypack la. Kram's Ave. (Myk.)— N. E. fr. Kingsessing Ave. (W. P.)— fr. Manayunk ave. to Ridge ave., S. 42d to Cobb's creek. s. E. Levering. Kingsley (Myk.)— N. fr. Man- Krams— fr. Baker to Fleming, ayunk ave. to Rittenhouse, Manayunk. E. of Shur's la. Krem's Ct.— W. fr. 3d, N. of Kingsley (Myk.)— fr. Cresson to Poplar. Boone. Krewstown Rd.— N. fr. School Kingston— E. fr. Richmond to lane to Bustleton and Somer- Myrtle, S. of Venango. ton pike. Kinley's Ct.— S. fr. 1624 Lom- Krider's Ct.— W. fr. 723 Alaska. bard. Krous PL— N. fr. Metcalf, ab. Kinny's PL— S. fr. Monroe, W. 22d. of 2d. , Kinsley's PL— N. fr, Kempton, •- E. fr. 253 S. 6th. L— N. fr. Kensington ave. to Kip— fr. Tabor rd. northward, Strahle, W. of K. B. nf A. L Ave.— W. fr. R. R. at 9th Kips— N. fr. Tusculum to Indl- and Columbia ave. ana, E. of Fillmore. Laboratory Hill— N. E. fr. Kirby Ave. (Gtn.)— W. fr. Oak Ridge ave., N. of Spencer. la., E. of N. Penn R. R. Lacon PL— N. fr. Krider's aL, Klrby PL— B. fr. 417 Garden. bet. Almond and Mead. U Lafayette Ave.— E. fr. Cresson, &ve. to Neff ave,, W. of Har- N. of Fairview ave. ner. Lafavette— W. fr. 1156 S. 9th Large— fr. Wingohocking, N. to "2167 S. 10th. E. to Lindley ave., N. W. of Lafayette PI.— N. fr. 1407 Horrocks. Fairmount ave. Lark— N. fr. William to Wayne, Lafferty's Ct.— S. fr. 524 Chris- w. of Tulip. tian. Laros— N. fr. Roxborough ave. Lafferty's Row— S. fr. Magazine to Rittenhouse, N. E. of Mag- la., n. River rd. dalena. Lagrange— W. fr. 40 N. 2d. Larry — Woodland ave. to La Harpe PL— N. fr. 506 Ru- cobb's creek, S. W. 68th. gan. Lathbury's Ct.— S. fr. 520 Al- Laird— fr. 45th to 46th, N. of aska. Seneca. Latimer — fr. Darien eastward. Lake Ave. (C. Hill.)— N. W. fr. g of Walnut; fr. 9th to Delhi, Houston to N. Western ave., g^ ^f Walnut; fr. Jeasup to" N. E. of Gtn. ave. Marvine, S. of Walnut; fr. Lambert— fr. Cherry to Race, j2th to Camac. S. of Walnut: W. of 20th; N. fr. Montgom- fj.. Park ave. to Watts, S. of ery ave. to Berks, E. of 21st; walnut; fr. 21st eastward, S. fr. Master to Sharswood, W. of Walnut; fr. 17th to Bou- cf 20th; fr. Jefferson to Red- yig^, S. of Walnut; fr. Opal ner, W. of 20th; fr. Spencer to ^^ 20th, S. of Walnut; Godfrey, W. of 20th; Dickm- jj, 22d to 23d, S. of Walnut; son to Tasker, E. of 21st. ^j. ^127 Otis to 1128 Ash; Lanark PL— W. fr. 940 Beach. ^ jj, 354 S. 15th to 17th. Lancaster Ave. (W. P.)— N. W. Latimer Ct.— N, fr. 223 German; fr. Market, n. N. 31st io g ^j. jgi^g Latimer. City ave. Latimer PL— W. fr. 224 S. 17th Lancer's Ct.-W. fr. 1320 N. ^^ minois. Passyunk aye. Latona— fr. 7th to Passyunk, S. Landing-N. W. fr. Fairmount ^^ Federal; fr. 15th to 16th, ave. to Lemon Hill. g ^j Federal; fr. Alder to Landreth-W. fr. 146 N. 12th ^^^j^^ g ^f Federal; fr. 11th to 147 N. 13th to 13th. S. of Federal; fr. Lanes Ct.-S. fr. laOS Lorn- clarion to Juniper, S. of Fed- bard. \ ej-ai; w. fr. S. 16th to S. Lang-fr. ^^$8^ aye. N. E. 23d, 25th to 28th, S. of Fed- Manayunk; fr. Mam to Ridge ^^.^j' ave., Manayunk. Latour's Ct.-S. fr. 818 Wil- Langan's AL— E. and W. fr. . Corson. S of Mernjaid ave a^ber-N. fr. Filbert to Cuth- Langdon Pl--W.fr. 1308 ^^ ^^^^ Corn; N. fr. Manilla, bel. l^^^^'j_j^ 2d to American. N. La?g?orPL-E. fr. Mount of Poplar; frBod^^^^ Moriah la., S. of Klngsessing ^are ave^ ?o':?^2d bel. Hay- ave. A \r Lankenan Ave.— N. E. fr. 49th, y;^2^:. „, t^ .^ 1^.7 p^, N. W. of Midvale ave. Laughlm Pl.-N. fr. 1517 Pal- Lansdov/ne Ave.— fr. Haverford^ °^®^- _ , o oo.:i 4.^ j^^a,^^ to Cobb's creek. 34th wd.; W. ^aura-E^fr S 22d to Jordan. fr. Elm ave. to Haverford, S. of Wharton t,r^ G «f TTo,i/iir,o'tnn Laurcus- fr. Abbotsford to Cla- .a^'^i/p^rfr-r-Sout. P.r, ^Otn.;^..^ W00«a„n to Lardner— fr. Delaware ave. t0L^m.gjjg (Qtn.)— fr. School to Tacony, N. E. of Benner. Manhelm, ab. Wlssahlckon Lare (2l8t Wd.)— S. fr. Shingle ave. 85 Lauriston— fr. Ridge ave. to Morris, E. of Front; fr. Mor- 1 Harvey, Myk. ; fr. Walnut la. ris northward, E. of Front; to Pensdale, Myk. ; fr. Kings- fr. Reed northward, E. ot ley to Hermit, Myk. Front; fr. Jefferson nortli- Lauriston (Myk.)— E. fr. Ridge ward, E. of Front: fr. BrowD ave., S. of Adams. southward, E. of Front. Lava— fr. 22d to 26th, N. of Leed's PI.— S. fr. 1222 Olive. Cumberland. Lee's Ct. (Gtn.)— S. W. of Mil- Lawndale (23d Wd.)— Robblns ler, N. W. of Wisteria, to Hellerman, and Clifford to Lee's PI.— S. fr. 1006 Alaska. Shelmire, E. of J. Lefevre (Bdg.)— fr. Frankford Lawnton— fr. Conarroe to Live- creek to Delaware river, N. zey, Myk. of Cayuga. Lawrence — fr. Wilder to Gerritt, Lehigh Ave. — W. fr. Delaware W. of 4th; fr. Reed to Earp, river, bel. Somerset. W. of 4th; fr. Wharton to Ti- Leib PI.— E. fr. 607 Annapolis, tan, W. of 4th; fr. Webster to Leicester— S. W. fr. Hancock, Catharine, W. of 4th; fr. Pine S. E. of Armat. to Spruce, W. of 4th; fr. Leiper (Fkd.)— N. fr. Frankford Locust Northward, W. of 4th; creek to Oxford rd., W. ol fr. Race to York av., W. of Penn. 4th; fr. Buttonwood to Green, Leiper PI.— S. fr. 514 Marriott. W. of 4th; N. fr. 419 Brown to Leithgow— fr. Reed to Earp, N. of Oxford. W. of 4th; fr. Morris to Tas- Laws Ct.— S. fr. 218 Christian, ker, W. of 4th; fr. Wharton Laycock Ave.— S. fr. Jones la. to Titan, W. of 4th; fr. to 90th, E. of Island rd. Washington ave. to Carpenter, , Layman PL— N. fr. 715 Jayne to W. of 4th; fr. Webster to^ Shoemaker. Catharine, W. of 4th; fr. Lazaretto Rd.— S. W. fr. Island Monroe to South, W. of 4th ;| rd., 27th wd. south to Naudain; fr. Locust i Leadbeater's Ave.— W. fr. 212 northward, W. of 4th; fr. j N. Juniper to 209 Lybrand. Walnut northward, W. of Leaden's Ct.— S. fr. 732 Alaska. 4th; fr. Market to Commerce, League— fr. Water to Front, S. W. of 4th; fr. Poplar south- of Carpenter; fr. Front to 2d, ward, W. of 4th; fr. Jeffer- S. of Carpenter; fr. 3d to 4th, son northward, W. of 4th; fr. S. of Carpenter; fr. Reese to Cadwalader to Berks. W. ol Randolph, S. of Carpenter; 4th; N. fr. 417 Poplar to fr. E. of 6th to 7th, S. of Thompson. Carpenter; fr. 8th to 10th, S. Leland— Francis to Ginnodo. of Carpenter; fr. 12th to 13th, Lemon— fr. Ridge ave. to S. of Carpenter; W. fr. 1026 S. Watts, N. of Green; W. fr. 19th to 23d. 626 N. 10th to Andress. League Island Rd.— Old 2d. S. Lemon Ct.— W. fr. 1312 Frank- W. to League Island. ford ave. Leamy— S. fr. Erie ave. to Le- Lemonte (Myk.)— Umbria to high, E. of N. Front. Smick; fr. Mansion to Ridge Lebanon Ave.— S. W. fr. 52d, ave. N. of Susquehanna. Lena — fr. Penn to Maple- Leburn (Gtn.)— fr. Harvey to wood, Germantown; fr. Staf- Rittenhouse, ab. Green. ford to N. of Rittenhouse, Lee-N. fr. Cumberland to p^^i^^JJ^own ; fr. Chelten ave. Huntingdon, E. of N. Front; ^ to Stafford, Germantown. fr. Front to Cumberland, B. Lena (Gtn.)-E. of Collom, ab. •f Front; fr. Clearfield to ^ Germantown ave. Llppincott, E. of Front: fr. Lenox Ave^W.fr. 3624 N. Wingohocking to Courtland, Broad to N. 15th. B. of Front; fr. Hoffman to Lentz Ct.— S. fr. «06 Bay. Lumber ^n^ Millwork OF THE BEST GRADES IS OUR SPECIALTY, AND OUR PRICES ARE LOW FOR THE QUALITY Our millwork is made of the best stock, care- fully and accurately worked out, and de- livered Promptly. "*• Our lumber is assorted and sold strictly accor- ding to grade, and is Kept Protected From The Weather. ■* Let Us EsTiM A.TE For You. KOLB BROTHERS 39th and Spring Garden Streets 2600 So. Fifth St., nth St. bel. Ssyder Ave. PHILABBLPHIA BELL PHONE KEYSTONE PHONE When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. Lentz's Ct.— W. fr. 1320 Pass- of McCallum; W. fr. 724 Fal- yunk ave. Ion. Leon— S. fr. 1034 Washington Lincoln Sq.— S. E. fr. Green- ave. way ave., N. E. of 49th. Leon (Hbg.)— fr. Ryan to Linda— E. fr. 11th, S. of Indi- Strahle, N. W. of Craig. ana. Leopard— N. fr. 17 Richmond. Linden Ave.— N. W. fr. Ken- Lesher (Fltd.)— N. fr. Orthodox sington and Oxford pilie, N. to Meadow, E. of Paul. of Somerville ave.; Franlsford Leslie— W. fr. 66th to 69th. N. rd. to Delaware river, S. W. of Greenway ave. of Arendell ave. Letitia— S. fr. 116 Market to Linden PI.— S. fr. N. Penn, E. 113 Chestnut. of Green; W. fr. 538 Linden; Letterly— fr. Moyer to Almond, S. fr. 1806 Kater. N. of York; fr. Almond to Linden Ter.— S. fr. Penn, N. Frankford ave., N. of York; E. of Green. fr. 13th to Clarion, N. of Lindley Ave.— B. fr. Broad to York; fr. Carlisle to loth, Penn, N. of Ruscomb. N. of York; fr. Kensington Linmore— fr. 46th to 47th, S. ave. to Amber, S. of Cum- E. of Woodland ave. berland. Linuey— fr. Umbria to Wright, Leukon (Myk.)— S. E. fr. Rox- Manayunk. borough ave. to Hermit, N. Linwood PL— W. fr. 8 N. 9th. E. of Jennett. Lippincott— W. fr. N. 6th to Levering — fr. Ridge ave. to Lawrence, N. of Clearfield; Magdalena, Manayunk. fr. Bath to Richmond, N. of Levering (Myk.)— B. fr. Boone Clearfield; fr. Trenton ave. to Mitchell, N. of Grape. to Amber, N. of Clearfierd; Leverington Ave. — N. E. fr. fr. Emerald eastward, N. of Washington to Wissahickon, Clearfield; fr. Emerald to S. E. of Jefferson. Jasper. N. of Clearfield; fr. Levi Ct. — S. fr. Monroe, W. of Jasper to Kensington ave., 2d. N. of Clearfield: fr. 20th to Levick— N. W. fr. Delaware 24th, N. of Clearfield; fr. 34th river to G, W. of Hellerman. to Shedv/ick, N. of Clearfield. Levina- B. fr. Oakford pi. to Lippincott La.— N. fr. Erie 521 S. 3d. ave. to Butler, E. of N. Levy's Ct.— N. fr. 329 Trout. Broad. Lewellen's Ave.— W. fr. 918 Lisser— 86th to 90th, S. E. of Beach. Crothers. Lewis— N. fr. Tioga to Venan- Lister PI.— S. fr. 334 Bain- go, bel. Almond. bridge. Lex (W. P.)— N. fr. Fairmount Litchgeld— S. fr. 124 Bain- ave. to Oregon, W. of N. bridge. 44th. Litford Pl.^S. fr. 66 Laurel. Leyden's Ct.— E. fr. 213 N. 10th. Littleboy's Ct.— S. fr. 216 Arch. Liberty (Myk.)— bet. Robinson Little Medina— W. fr. 1320 S. and Mechanic, ab. Cresson. 7th to 734 Medina. Liberty Ct.— E. fr. 245 N. 10th. Little Rittenhouse (Gtn.)— fr. Lilly (21st Wd.)— E. fr. Shingle 139 Rittenhouse. ave. to Hampton ave., N. of Littlewood— W. fr. 3714 Ridge Harner. ave. (Wissahickon). Lima PL— N.. fr. 643 South. Livezey La. (Gtn.)— fr. Wissa- Limekiln Pike— N. fr. York, hickon drive to Allen la. rd., n. Branchtown, to Chest- Livezey— fr. Ridge ave. to nut Hill. Shawmont ave., 21st V/d. Lincoln Ave.— W. fr. 67th to Livingston— N. fr. Maple to Al- 71st S. of Paschall ave.; N. legheny ave.; fr. Columbia fr. Wissahickon ave., ab. to Earl, S. E. of Belgrade; Harvey, to Carpenter, N. E. fr. Earl to Palmer, S. E. of Belgrade; £r. Susquehanna to Lott (Bltn.)— Krewstown rd. to Norris, S. E. of Belgrade; Storkey, N. of Fulmer. fr. Lehigh ave., N. and S., Loud PI.— W. fr. 808 Inquirer. S. B. of Belgrade; fr. Lehigh Loudon (Gtn.)— fr. German- ave. to Auburn, S. B. of Bel- town ave. to 2d, ab. Wyalu- grade; fr. Arrott to Lefevre, sing. S. B. of Belgrade. Louisa Ave.— N. fr. 107 Union. Livingston's Ct.— S. fr. 602 Louty's PI.— S. fr. 526 Chris- South, tian. Llewellyn's Ave.— W. fr. 916 Lowber (W. P.)— N. fr. Filbert Beach. E. of Saunders ave.; fr. Mt. Lloyd (Paschal.)— Woodland Vernon to Wallace, W. of ave. to South st., S. W. of 38th. 72d. Lowe (Nice.)— W. fr. N. 15th, Lock (Myk.)— bel. Main, bet. s. of Cayuga. Cedar and Penn. Lowe— fr. 16th westward. N. of Locke PL— E. fr. Leopard, ab. Bristol; fr. 18th eastward, N. Otter. of Bristol. Lockland PI.— N. fr. 13^7 Lownden PL— E. fr. N. 2d. ab. Fairmount ave. Vine. Locust— W. fr. 236 S. 4th to Loxley PL— N. fr. 321 Arch. S. 42d. Lucas— fr. Tyson to Princeton, Locust— fr. American to 3d. S. 35th Ward. of Walnut. Lucas PL— r. 1108 Germantown Locust Ave.— W. fr. Willow ave. ave. to Sprague, E. of Chelten Lucy— fr. Almond to Belgrade, ave. S. of York. Lofty (Myk.)— S. fr. Terrace to Ludlow— fr. Delaware ave. to Airy, E. of Mechanic. Front, S. of Market; fr. Front Lcgan (Gtn.)— N. E. fr. Morris to Second, S. of Market; fr. to Germantown ave.. E. of 2d to Philip, S. of Market; Seymour; W. of 13th, N. of fr. Bank to 3d, S. of Market; Somerset. fr. 4th to 5th, S. of Market; Logan Ct.— N. fr. Fitler, above fr. 5th to 6th, S. of Market: Montgomery ave. fr. Perth to 8th, S. of Markef ; Logan Sq.— fr. N. 18th to Lo- fr. Schell to 9th, S. of Mar- gan, and Race to Vine. ket; fr. 10th eastward. S. of Lombard— W. fr. 500 S. Dela- Market; fr. 10th to 11th, S. of ware ave. to Schuylkill; fr. Marketj; fr. 11th to 12th, S. of Schuylkill river to o3d, S. of Market; fr. 13th eastward, S. Pine. of Market; fr. 16th to 22d, S. Lombard Row— S. fr. 710 Lorn- of Market; fr. 22d to 24th, S. bard. of Market; fr. Market to 33d, Loney— fr. County line near s. of Market. Fox Chase to Vaux. N. of Ludlow (W. P.)— W. fr. S. 30th, Borbeck. bel. Market, to S. 43d. Longfellow PL— S, fr. 1216 Bain- Ludwick— N. fr. Haverford ave. bridge. to Wallace, W. of 38th. Long's Ct.— W. fr. 762 S. 3d. Luray— fr. Stenton ave. to Long's PL— S. fr. Christian, Germantown ave., N. of W. of 6th. Courtland. Longshore— E. fr. G to Dela- Luther— B. fr. St. John, ab. ware river, N. of Knorr. Beaver. Longstreth Ct.— W. fr. 274 Luzerne— fr. Old York rd. to Levant. Dell, N. of Pike. Loomis PL— N. fr. 2207 Sha- Luzerne (Gtn.)— fr. Roberts* mokin. ave. to Kensington ave., ab. Lorain— N. fr. 719 Buttonwood. Pike. Lorain PL— B. fr. 1027 N. 4th. Lybrand— N. fr. 1336 Race. Lyceum Ave.— N. E. fr. Mana- McCoy Ave. (C. Hill)— fr. 35th yunk ave. to Ridge ave., N. to Wlssahickon rd., B. of N. W. of Martin. Western ave. Lycoming— fr. Broad to Ger- McCoy's Ct.— W. fr. 920 S. 6th. mantown ave., N. of Lu- McCristle's Al.— W. fr. 1300 zerne. Germantown ave. Lydia— S. V/. fr. Sites to So- McCurdy— W. fr. 1120 S. 26th phia. to 27th. Lydia (W. P.)— N. fr. Silverton McDevitt's Ct.— N. fr. 531 Mar- ave., ab. N. 46th. riott; W. fr. 330 St. John. Lynch Ct.— W. fr. 762 S. 33. McDonald PL— W. fr. 230 N. Lynn PI.— E. fr. 821 S. John. 15th. Lyon Ave. (27th Wd.)— S. fr. McFadden Ave.— N. fr. Barr to 68th and Gibson ave. to 90th, 33d, W. of Hampton ave. E. of Grovers ave. McFadden's Ct.— S. fr. 1032 -. South. •^ McFarland's Ct.— N. fr. 1627 M — N. fr. Kensington ave. and Moravian. Erie ave. to Strahle, E. of L. McFadden's PL— W. fr. 880 Or- McAfees Ct.— S. fr. 512 South, chard; S. fr. 1514 Lombard. McAlpin— fr. Sansom to Wal- McFerran (Gtn.)— E. fr. 3801 nut, W. of 36th; Aspen to Germantown ave. Brown, W. of 3Gth. McGaw's Row— r. 775 S. 3d. McAlpin (W. P.)— fr. Walnut McGinley's Ct.— N. fr. 519 Mar- to Locust, bel. S. 37th. riott. McAnally's Ct.— N. fr. 739 Car- McGrath- E. fr. 859 Lawrence. penter. McGuire's Ct. (W. P.)— S. fr. McAtees Ct.— W. fr. 1552 Cad- 3434 Filbert. walader. Mcllhenny's Ct.— E. fr. Gaff- McBride's Ct.— E. fr. 1112 Ohio, ney's ave. McCallum (Gtn.)— fr. Ritten- Mclntyre PL— S. W. fr. Marl- house to Johnson; N. fr. Car- borough, S. E. of Allen. penter, E. of Green. Mclntire's Ct.— N. fr. 427 McCann— S. W. of Hancock, Christian. bet. Centre and Haines. McKean — fr. Delaware to McCann's Ct.— N. fr. 425 Chris- Schuylkill river, 2000 S. tian; N. fr. 731 St. Mary to ^cKean's Ave.— N. fr. Clapier Cullom. to Manheim, S. of Morris. McCann's PL— N. fr. 427 Mar- McKee— S. W. fr. Stone House riott. la., S. of Porter. McCartney's Ct.— S. fr. 849 McKee's Ave.— N. fr. 631 St. Christian. Mary; N. fr. Carlton, W. of McCauley's Ct.— E. fr. McMul- 13th. lin's ct., N. of 413 Walnut. McKee's Ct.— S. fr. 1318 Lom- McClane's Ave.— E. fr. 13 S. bard. 20th. McKinley's Ct.— off Lombard, McClellan— W. fr. 1818 S. Front bet. 15th and 16th; W. fr. 5l4 to Moyamensing ave., and fr. jsf 2d 6th to llth, S. of Moore; fr. Mcknight's Ct.— S. fr. 1808 Nau- 4th to 5th, S. of Moore; fr. ^aln to 1811 South. 13th to Park ave.. S. of McLaughlin's Ave.— S. fr. 2216 Moore. Little Summer. McClelland— 24th to 26th. S. of McClellan— N. of Brown, W. Moore. of Pennock to 28th. McCloskey's Ct.— W. fr. 1772 McLaughlin's Ct.— S. fr. 424 Fitler; E. fr. 33 Gaffney's Marriott. ave.; W. fr. 512 S. 6th. McLean's Ct.— N. fr. 1109 Bain- McClure's Ct.— S. fr. 1512 Pearl, bridge. McCluskey's Ct.— E. fr. 821 Es- MacManeman Ct.— W. £r. 202 •ex. S. Juniper. 90 MacManelrry's Ct.— S. fr. 430 Malvern Ave.— N. E. fr. 69th German. to Lancaster ave. and 60th to McNickle's PI.— S. fr. 808 Car- 58th, S. B. of Woodbine. penter. Manakin— N. fr. Norris to Sus- McPherson Ave.— N. E. fr. quehanna ave., W. of N. 5th. Wissahickon ave. to Chelten- Manatawna— fr. Ridge ave. to ham ave., N. W. of Gowen Wissahickon ave., Rox. ave. Manatawna Ave.— N. B. fr. Barr McPherson's Ct.— N. fr. 2233 to Wissahickon ave.. S. B. of Hamilton to Ralston. Streeper. McWilliam's Ave.— N. fr. 165 Manayunk Ave. (Myk.)— N. W. Thompson. fr. Rochelle, S. W. of Pechin. Macleod PL— S. fr. 428 Race. Manderson— W. fr. 1016 Beach Maddox PI.— B. fr. 723 S. 4th. to Frankford ave. Madfield— fr. 51st to 52d, S. E. Manee Al.— S. fr. Tasker, W. of Whitby ave. of 12th. Madison— fr. 77th to 88th. W. Mangrove PI.— S. fr. 640 South of Lyon ave. ; fr. Richmond to to Alaska. Aramingo, N. of Allegheny; Manhattan PL— N. fr. 1019 Ham- fr. Jasper to Kensington ave., ilton. N. of Allegheny; fr. 20th to Manheim (Gtn.)— W. fr. 5100 21st, N. of Allegheny. Germanfown ave. to Town- Madison Ave.— N. W. fr. Frank- ship line rd. ford ave. to Emerald, ab. Al- Manheim Spring La.— S. E. fr. legheny ave. Manheim to Seymour. S. W. Madison Sq.— W. fr. S.^ 22d, of Germantown ave. bel. Catharine. Manley's Row (Falls)— W. fr. Madison's Ct.— N. fr. 637 St. 34th. N. of Clearfield. Mary. Manning— fr. 4th to 5th, S. of Magazine La.— W. fr. S. Broad, Walnut; fr. 5th westward. S. S. of Moyamensing ave. of Walnut; fr. 6th eastward, Magdalena (Myk.)— N. W. fr. s. of Walnut; fr. 7th to 8th, Rittenhouse to Gorgas la., W. S. of Walnut; fr. 8th to Da- of Laros. rien, S. of Walnut; fr. 9th to Magee— S. B. fr. County line loth, S. of Walnut; fr. Mar- to Delaware river, N. E. of vine to 13th. S. of Walnut; Hellerman, fr. Park ave. to Watts, S. of Magilton's Ct.— N. fr. 1339 Walnut; fr. Broad to 15th. S. Kater. of Walnut: fr. 21st to Van Magnolia— fr. Penn to Church peit, S. of Walnut; fr. 17th la., Gtn.; fr. Haines to Wal- to 20th. S. of Walnut: W. fr. nut la., Gtn.; fr. Duval to s. 22d to Poulson, bel. Locust. Sharpnack, Gtn. Manor— fr. Adams to Dawson, Magnolia Ave. (Gtn.) — fr. g, of Manayunk ave. Haines to Mill, bel. Cedar la. Manor PI— .S. fr. 320 Poplar. Mahoney's Ct.— S. fr. 614 Baker Mansfield Ave.— N. W. fr. East- to 627 Fitzwater. burn to Cresheim ave., N. E. Maiden (Myk.)— S. W. fr. Wood, of stenton ave. N. W. of Levering. MflnefipirJ Pl — W fr 508 N Maiden La.-S. fr. Gray's Ferry Mansfield PL W. rr. bus m. rd., W. of 32d. ^'^°^^- Malcolm PL— W. fr. 1836 Ger- Mansion (Myk.)— fr. Levering mantown ave. to Gay; fr. Gay to Conarroe; Mallory (Myk.)— fr. High to fr. Hermitage to Cinnamin- Wilde. son. Malseed PL— W. fr. 4th, N. of Mansion— W. fr. 51st to 52d. S. German. of Pli^e. Malvern— fr. Haverford to Mansion (W. P.)— S. fr. Arch, Cobb'8 cr., 34th Wd. ab. N. 31st. 91 Mansion Are.— W. fr. Levering- Marmion (Falls)— S. W. fr. 35th, ton, S. W. of Hamilton. N. W. of Queen. Mansure PL— S. fr. 904 Melon. Marmion PI.— S. fr. 226 Chris- Manti (21st Wd.)— S. fr. N. tian. Western ave., W. of Dewees. Mars- W. fr. 51st, N. of Girard Manton— fr. Front to Moyamen- ave. , sing ave., S. of Federal; fr. Marsch Ave. — bet. Germantov.''n 3d to 6th, S. of Federal: fr. ave. and Hutchinson, N. of Marshall to 7th, S. of Federal ; Somerset. fr. 7th to 8th, S. of Federal; Marsden (Tacony)— N. E. fr. fr. 15th to 18th. S. of Fed- Robbins to Cottman. and fr. eral; fr. 24th to 27th, S. of Linden ave. to Pearson ave., Federal; fr. 27th to 28th. S. S. E. of Ditman. of Federal; W. fr. 1214 S. 17th Marsden PI.— W. fr. 1530 Cad- to 22d. walader. Mantua Ave.— N. fr. 31st and Marseilles PI.— E. fr. N. 15th Haverford ave. bet. Buttonwood and Spring Manton PI.— W. fr. 2022 S. 7th. Garden. Maple— W. fr. 60th. S. of Marshall— fr. Ritner to Wolf, South; W. fr. N. 7th to 9th, W. of 6th; fr. Tasker to Dick- bel. Vine. inson, W. of 6th; fr. Wharton Maple (Gtn.)— N. W. fr. 120 to Federal, W. of 6th; fr. Centre. S. W. of Hancock. Federal to Washington ave., Mapleshade Ave.— S. fr. Wil- W. of 6th: fr. Fitzwater low Grove ave., W. of Ger- southward, W. of 6th; rr. man town ave. Fitzwater to Kater, W. of 6th; Maplewood Ave. (Gtn.)— fr. fr. Ranstead to Market, W. of Green to Wayne, ab. Chelten 6th; fr. Cherry southward, W. ave. of 6th: N. fr. Vine to Lehigh Maplewood Ave.— W. fr. 61st, ave., bel. 7th; S. fr. Oak la., N. of Woodland ave. W. of 6th. Margaret (Fkd.)— E. fr. Frank- Marshall's Ct.— W. fr. Camp- ford ave. to Pearce, N. E. of bell, S. of Fitzwater. Meadow. Marshall Rd.— S. W. fr. 50th Marion (Gtn.)— fr. Seymour S. and Chestnut. eastward. Marston— fr. Thompson to Mas- Marion (W. P.)— W. fr. N. 41st. ter, W. of 27th; N. fr. Jeffer- Marlon (Gtn.)— E. fr. Ritten- son to Columbia ave., ab. N. house, S. of Green. 27th. Marion PL— S. fr. 516 Christian. Martha— fr. Susquehanna to Market— W. fr. Delaware ave. Cumberland, S. E. of Amber; bel. Arch to County line. fr. Seltzer to Somerset. S. E. Market AL— E. fr. 401 N. 16th. of Amber; fr. Ann to Clear- Markle (Myk.)— fr. Lauriston field. S. E. of Amber; fr. to Ridge ave. Berges to Susquehanna ave., Markle PL— E. fr. 517 S. 2d. S. E. of Amber; N. fr. Hunt- Markley's PL— S. fr. 120 ingdon to Lehigh ave. Spruce. Martin (Rox.)— S. W. fr. Ridga Markoe— fr. Paschall ave. to ave. to Manayunk ave.. S. E. Woodland ave., 27th Wd. ; fr. of Lyceum ave. Chester to Bait. 27th Wd. ; Martin— S. W. fr. Weccacoe fr. Sansom to Market. 27th ave., S. of Ritner. Wd.; N. fr. Haverford ave. Martin Ct.— E. fr. St. John, bel. to Lancaster ave., W. of 45th. Canal. Marlborough— N. W. fr. Dela- Martindale PL— S. fr. 1428 ware to Frankford ave. Spring Garden. Marley's Ct.— S. fr. 1830 Ann. Martin's Ct.— S. fr. 204 Car- Marlton Ave.— S. fr. Parkslde penter. ave. to Viola, W. of N. 41st. Martin's PL— N. fr. 2123 Vine. O'NEILL .sl'^ \P^ CO s^S ^ ^^' o*^ Manufacturers, Erectors and Re- ^>^ A />^ ^^^y^ pairers of Elevators and 'Cj^ \S^ ^x^"^^^ Dumb Waiters, will gladly V^ ^^y^"^ estimate on your work in this line , and does the work according to the most approved methods at moderate cost. We make a specialty of safe, easy- running and inexpensive elevators and dumb waiters for institutions, fac- tories, stores, stables, private houses, etc. BUILDERS INSTALL THEM IN THEIR OPERATIONS, AND IT PAYS. General Office and Works 628 CHERRY STREET WarerooHis 607 CHERRY STREET PHILADELPHIA BELL PHONE KEYSTONE PHONE When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. Marty's PI.— E. fr. 6th. N. of Meade (C. Hill)— fr. 323 to 333. Montgomery ave. Meade (C. Hill)— S. of Highland Marvine — fr. Pearl to Wood, W. ave., W. of 27th. of nth; fr. Melon to Fair- Meadland Ave.— S. W. fr. 32d mount .ave. ; fr. Brown to and Locust to Cleveland ave. Parrish, W. of 11th; fr. Cath- Meadow (Fkd.)— E. fr. Paul to arine to Bainbridge, W. of Mulberry, N. of Orthodox. nth; fr. South to Kater, W. Meadow (Bdg.)— N. fr. Bridge of nth; fr. Lombard to Wal- to Orchard. W. of Richmond. nut, W. of 11th; fr. Race to Meadow— S. fr. Reed to Gov- Vine, W. of 11th. ernment ave., E. of Swanson. Marvine PI.— W. fr. 1438 Mar- Mechanic (Gtn.)— fr. Carswell vine. to Magnolia, ab. Haines; fr. Maryland— N. fr. Race, W. of Crittenden to Cemetery, ab. 5th. Haines; E. and W. fr. 5045 Mascher— fr. Cuthbert to Arch, Morton; N. E. fr. Seminole, W. of Front; fr. Vine to N. W. of Haines. Germantown ave., W. of Mechanic (Rox.)— E. fr. Ridge Front; fr. K. and O. pike to ave. to Township line rd. Chew, W. of Front: N. fr. Mechanicsville Rd.— N. E. fr. 141 Girard ave., n. Howard. Byberry to Townsend rd. Mason— fr. Knorr to Tyson, Mecland PL— N. fr. 435 Mon- Tacony. roe. Master— fr. Lancaster to Ha- Medary Ave.— E. fr. Stenton verford ave., N. of Thomp- ave. to H, N. of Godfrey ave. son; W. fr. Frankford ave. to Media (W. P.)— W. fr. Belmont Schuylkill, ab. Thompson. ave. to N. 50th, S. fr. Lans- Matamoras— E. fr. 1113 St. John, downe ave. Matthias— Gates to Gorgas la., Meehan— fr. Chew to Sprague, N. E. of Ridge ave. 22d Wd.; fr. Mansfield to Mattis— N. E. fr. 307 S. 2d to Woolston, 22d Wd. 120 Dock. Meehan (Gtn.)— S. fr. Chew to Mattson PL— W. fr. Wildey to Germantown ave.. ab. Pleas- Crease, ant. Matzingor's Ct.— N. fr. Lan- Meeting House La. (Fkd.)— N. dreth, bel. N. 13th. fr. Unity to Oxford. Maud— S. of Montgomery ave.. Meeting House La. (W. P.)— W. fr. 31st. S. fr. Lancaster ave. to Ca- Maxwell's Ct.— N. fr. 1215 Alas- thedral ave. ka.; S. fr. 232 Christian. Meeting House Rd.— E. fr. May— fr. Brown northward, W. Verree rd. to Bustleton pike. of 46th; fr. Paschall to Wood- Megargle (Bltn.)— fr. Krews- land ave.. W. of 46th. town rd. to Starkey, N. E. of May (W. P.)— N. fr. 4636 West- Pennypack. minster ave. Melina PL— N. fr. 415 Gaskill. May PL— S. fr. 1728 Lombard. Mellbourne— N. fr. Clearfield, Mayer's Ct.— E. fr. 245 N. 15tli. W. of 16th. Mayfield— fr. Edgemont to Melon— fr. Broad to Sydenham, Thompson, N. of Indiana; N. of Wallace; fr. 16th to W. fr. American to 3d and Bouvier, N. of Wallace; fr. N. fr. Broad to 15th, N. of Lex to 45tb, N. of Wallace; Indiana. W. fr. N. 9th, ab. Wallace. Mayland (Gtn.)— fr. Baynton to Melrose— N. fr. 4901 Frankford Morton, bel. Washington la.; to Bridge; N. E. fr. Linden fr. Stenton to Cemetery, bel. ave. to Arendell ave., S^. E. Washington la.; fr. Sullivan of State rd. to Stenton ave., bel. Washing- Melvale— fr. Clearfield to ton la. Wheatsheaf la., E. of Rich- Maylandville PL— S. fr. Wood- mond; fr. Jenks to Kirkbride, land ave., B. of 45th. E. of Richmond; fr. Inness 94 northward, E. of Richmond; Mervlne— N. fr. Stiles to Sua- N. E. fr. William to Maple, quehanna ave., Cumberland to ab. Bath. Huntingdon, and fr. Lehigh Melville— fr. Paschal to Say- ave. to Cambria, W. of N. brook, W. of 45th; fr. Yocum 11th. to Kingsessing ave., W. of Mervine PI. — W. fr. 1440 Mer- 45th. vine, Melville PI.— S. fr. 122 Spruce. Metzler Ave.— W. fr. St. John, Memorial Ave.— S. fr. Parkside S. of Callowhill. ave. to Viola, E. of N. 42d. Mica — fr. Seneca northward, W. Memphis — fr. Columbia ave. to of 44th. Palmer, S. of Tulip; N. fr. Michener— Krewstown rd. to Montgomery ave., E. of Tu- Starkey, N. E. of Brooks. lip. Michener Ave. — S. E. fr. Cres- Meninges Ct.— W. fr. 1328 Pass- helm ave. to E. Washington yunk ave. to 1323 S. 10th. la., N. E. of William's ave. Menu's Ct.— S. fr. 912 Hamil- Middleton's Ct.— W. fr. 420 ton. Dillwyn. Mentor— E. fr. Front, N. of Middletown— N. E. fr. Cottman Wyoming ave. to Bleigh, N. W. of Tacony Mercer— fr. Frankford ave. to rd. Crease, N. E. of Thompson; Midvale— fr. 38th to Belmont, fr. Fletcher to Norris, N. E. 34th Wd. of Thompson; fr. Dauphin to Midvale Ave.— S. E. fr. Bel- York, N. E. of Thompson; mont ave. along Park line to fr. Albert to Lehigh ave., N. Falls rd. E. of Thompson; fr. Lehigh Mifflin— E. fr. Ridge ave., ab. ave. to Auburn, N. E. of Queen; W. fr, Delaware river, Thompson; fr. Orthodox bel. Moore. southward, N. E. of Thomp- Mifflin— E. fr. Ridge ave., ab. son; fr. Orthodox to Buck- and Diamond to Montgomery. ius, N. E. of Thompson: fr. Mildenhall— S. fr. Jackson to Ash to Pratt, N. E. of Thomp- Wolf, E. of S. ISth. son; N. fr. Ann to West- Mildred — fr. Moyamensing ave. moreland, W, of Thompson. to Jackson, W. of 8th: fr. Mercer PI. (Gtn.)— E. fr. Mer- Reed southward. W. of 8th; cer, S. fr. Ashmead. fr. Latona northward. W. of Mercy— W. fr. S. 10th to 12th, 8th; fr. Christian to Cath- N. of Snyder ave.; W. fr. arine, W. of 8th; fr. Cath- 2024 S. 5th to 2017 S. 8th. arine to Fitzwater, W. of 8th; Meredith— fr. 22d to 23d, N. of fr, Fitzwater to Bainbridge, Fairmount ave, W. of 8th; fr. Locust south- Merida PI.— E. fr. 763 S, ward, W. of 8th: fr. Cherry Front. to Race, W, of 8th; fr. Spring Meridian (Hbg.)— N. W. fr. Mill to Summer. W. of 8th; fr. Td, to Walker, S. W. of Buttonwood southward, W. of Hartel. 8th; S. fr. McKean to Snyder Merlon Ave.— N. fr. Callowhill ave., W. of S. 8th.. W. of 35th. Mill (Falls)— E, fr. Cresson, N. Merke PL— N, fr. Hamilton, E. of Fisk. of 10th. Miller— fr. Orange to Emerick, Merler's Ave.— E. fr. 1245 N. N. of Belgrade; fr. Montgom- Front. ery to Hewson, N, of Bel- Mermaid Ave. — N. E. fr. Wis- grade; fr, Aramingo to Wil- sahickon ave. to Stenton ave., liam, N. of Belgrade; fr. Ann S. E. of Moreland ave. to Commissioner. N. of Bel- Mershon Ave.— S. fr. 1212 Vi- grade; fr, Lefevre to Buck- enna. ius, N. of Belgrade; N. fr. Merville PI.— S. fr. Spruce, bel, Clearfield to Erie ave., bel. 8, 2d, Gaul. Miller's Ct.— E. fr. Hewson. N. Monmouth— W. fr. Salmon, bel. of Belgrade. Ann st. Miller's PL— E. fr. 423 Garden. Montague (Hbg.)— fr. Rhawn to Millicent Al.— E. fr. 327 New Welsh rd., S. E. of Erdrick. Market. Montana (W. P.)— N. fr. Viae. Millman— N. fr. Hartwell ave. bet. N. 56th and N. 57th. to Union ave., S. of 28th. Montana Ave.— N. B. fr. Mus- Mills— W. fr. Charlotte, bel. grove to Chew, N. W, of Poplar. Sharpnack. Millville— Fairmount ave. to Montecello— W. fr. 52d, N. of Brown, W. of 45th. Penn. R. R. Milnor (Fkd.)— fr. Granite to Monterey— fr. Ringgold to Tay- bridge, ab. Frankford or.; N. lor, N. of Spring Garden; W. E. fr. Sanger to Arendell ave., fr. 520 N. 19th to 20th. S. E. of Tacony rd. Montgomery Ave.— W. fr. Rich- Mineral PI.— W. fr. 112 Bread, mond to N. 33d. bel. Berks. Minerva— W. fr. Ridge ave., S. Montrose— fr. Moyamensing to of Shawmont ave. 9th, S. of Christian; fr. 9th to Mingo Ave.— S. W. fr. Jones la. 10th, S. of Christian; fr. 10th to 79th, S. E. of Holstein ave. to 12th, S. of Christian; fr. Minnesota— W. fr, 59th, S. of i2tL to 13th, S. of Christian; Locust. fr, Gray's Ferry rd. to 26th, Minster— W. fr. 414 S. 6th to g. of christian; W. fr. 3. 401 S. 8th. 15th, bel. Christian. Mint Arcade— fr. South Penn Monument Rd.— N. fr. Belmont Sq. to Chestnut, E. of Broad, aye. to City ave. (34th Wd.j. Miskey— S. E. fr. Monastery Moore— W. fr. Delaware to ave., N. E. of Ridge ave. Schuylkill river, bel. Fierce. Mitchell (Rox.)— E. fr. 433 I8OO S. ;W. of Adrian, bet. Otis Green lA. and Dauphin. Moehler's Ct.— B. fr. 1247 N. Moore's Ave.— W. fr. 701 N. Front to N. Lee. Front. Moffett— N. fr. Ontario. E. of Moore's Ct.— N. fr. 1209 Alaska. Trenton ave. Moravian— fr. 2d to American, Moland Ave.— B. fr. N. 13th, g of chestnut; fr. 9th west- bel. Hamilton. ward, S. of Chestnut; fr. lOlh Mole— fr. Federal to Ellsworth, to Cameron. S. of Chestnut; W. of 15th; fr. Webster to f^. 12th eastward, S. of Chest- Fitzwater. W. of 15th; fr. ^^t; fr. 19th to 21st. S. of Fitzwater to Bainbridge, W. chestnut: fr. Van Pelt to of 15th; fr. Waverly south- Beechwood, S. of Chestnut; ward. W. of 15th; fr. Ran- fj.. 32d to 33d, S. of Chestnut; stead to Market, W. of 15th; f^ 34th to 35th, S. of Chest- fr. Cherry to Race. W. of ^ut; fr. 36th to McAlpin, S. 15th; fr. Spring northward, of Chestnut; fr. 44th to 45th, W. of 15th: fr. Susquehanna g of Chestnut; W. Ir. S. northward. W. of 15th; fr. Broad, ab. Walnut, to S. 18th. Firth to Huntmgdon; S. fr. j^o^eland Ave.-S. B. fr. Ston- Wharton to Dickinson, E. of ton ave. to Wissahickon ave., S. 16th, N, W. of Mermaid ave. Monckton PI.— N, fr. 1125 Vine Morduu Ave. (23d Wd.)— fr. to 1120 Pearl. Pine rd. to City line. N. of Monmouth-fr, Bath to Melvale, Pennypack creek N. of Cambria; fr. German- Morencia Pl.-W. fr. 976 Leith- town ave, to Uth, N, of , Bow. ^ „^ , o^,^ ^ Camhria Mornen Ave.— S. W. fr. 86th to Cambria. „,, „ „^ , 90th. S. E. of Lisser ave. Monroe-W. fr. 734 S. 2d to Moro-fr. Rhawn to Welsh rd., 705 S. 5th; N. W. fr. Liberty. 85th Wd. N. E. of Madison. Moro (Hbg.)— N. E, fr. Rhawn 96 to Welsh rd.. N. W. of 9th to 23d; N. fr. Smick to Ci-aig. Leach, W. fr. Jefferson. Morrell— fr. Warren to 53d, and Mousley's PL— E. fr. 1549 Ger- fr. 54th to Conestoga, N. of mantown ave. Master; S. E. fr. Frankford Mower— fr. Allen's la. to Gow- ave. to Poquessing creek, N. en, fr. Germautown ave. E. of Stevenson. Mower (Bltn.)— fr. Krewstown Morris (Gtn.)— fr. Harvey to rd. to Starkey, N. of Megar- Robert's ave., bel. Pulaski glc. ave. Mower— N. fr. Mt. Pleasant ave. Morris (Gtn.)— N. fr. Clapier to W. of Germantown ave. Manheim. Mohawk— N. E. fr. Critten- Morris— W. fr. Otsego, bel. Tas- den to Ferdinand, N. W. of ker. Haines, Morris Ct. — W. fr. Lawrence, Moyamensing Ave. — S. W. fr. N. of Thompson; W. fr. 30 900 S. 2d to Penrose Ferry rd. Letitia to 39 S. 2d. Moyer— fr. York to Cedar, "W. Morse— fr. 15th to 16th. N. of of Aramingo; S. fr. Port Roy- Montgomery ave.; fr. 19th al ave., W. of Gulp; E. fr. to Uber, N. of Montgomery Columbia ave., bel. Tllomp- ave. ; W. fr. N. 31st, N. of son. Montgomery ave. Mud La. — E. fr. Gtn. ave., S. Morse's Ct.— N. fr. Nectarine, of Montgomery. ab. N. 10th. Mulberry (Fkd.)— S. fr. Harri- Morton (Gtn.)— fr. Mill to son to Orthodox, E. of Cher- Price, ab. Hancock; fr. Rit- ry. tenhouse to Haines, ab. Han- Mulberry Ave.— W. fr. 60th, S. cock. of Pine. Morton (Gtn.)— N. fr. Haines, Mulholland Ct.— N. fr. 1035 Bar- ab. Hancock. ley. Moss— fr. Westminster to Wya- Mullen— N. fr. Somerset, bel. lusing, W. of 47tn. Edgemont. Moss (W. P.;— S. fr. 4713 Ha- Mullen's Ct.— E. fr. 819 Essex. verford. Mulligan's Ct.— S. fr. 1610 Lom- Moss Rose PL— N. fr. 233 bard. Queen. Mulvaney Ave.— W. fr. 1624 Mott— N. fr. 66th ave. N. to Fawn. Oak la., E. of 10th; W. fr. Munroe— Poplar to Girard ave., S. 13th. bel. Carpenter. E. of 27th. Moulder PL— E. fr. 527 Vincent. Munson's Ct.— W. fr. 738 S. Mountain— fr. Front to Fernon, 4th. S. of Tasker; fr. 2d to Mureus PL— N. fr. 731 Cherry. Moyamensing, S. of Tasker; Murgitroyde PL— W. fr. 220 S. fr. 5th to 7th. S. of Tasker; I5th. W. fr. S. 6th, bel. Tasker, to Murphy's Ct.— N. fr. 621 Bain- S. nth. bridge. Mount Airy Ave.— N. E. fr. Murray— W. fr. 256 S. 20th to Wissahickon ave. to Chelten- 261 S. 21st. ham ave., N. W. of Mt. Pleas- Murray (Bltn.)-Krewstown rd. ant ave. to Starkey, N. E. of Boileau. Mount Holly— S. fr. Wharton ,, . ^' „. ^ ^.^ ^ to Tasker. W. of S. 17th. Murray s Ct -W. fr 555 Os- Mount Moriah La.-W. of P^^y to Chatham; S fr. 640 Woodland ave.. S. of S. 62d. P^^^^^i^se V?; i""" P^ P®^^ ^ Mount Pleasant Ave.-N. E. la. ; W. fr. 766 S. Front. fr. Wissahickon ave. to Chel- Musgrave (Gtn.)— fr. Church tenham ave., S. B. of Mt. la. to Musgrove. bel. Chew; Airy ave. W. fr. S. 30th, N. of Mif- Mount Vernon— W. fr. 614 N. flin. 97 Musgrove (Gtn.)— fr. Gorgas to Barnwell, bel. Lombard; fr. High, bel. Chew. Front to Second, S. of Lom- Mutter— N. fr. Davis, bel. Han- bard; fr. 2u to 5th, S. of cock, to Lehigh ave. Lombard; fr. 7th westward, Myer's Ave.— W. fr. 254 S. 6th. S. of Lombard; fr. 10th to Myer's Ct.— E. fr. 241 N. 15th. 11th, S. of Lombard; fr. 15th Myrtle— N. fr. Clearfield to Erie eastward, S. of Lombard; fr ave., E. of Bath; fr. Law- 15th to 18th, S. of Lombard. rence to 5th, N. of Brown; Naval Asylum PI. — E. fr. Ver- fr. Warnock, E. and W., N. nier, N. of Kansas. of Brown; fr. Francis to Gin- Navy— E. fr. 1311 S. Front. nodo, N. of Brown; W. fr. Nectarine— fr. Front to 2d, N. 846 N. 11th to Ontario. of Hamilton; fr. 12th to Myrtlewood— fr. Ogden to Pop- Broad, N. of Hamilton; fr. lar, W. of 29th; fr. Dauphin 19th to 20th. N. of Hamilton; to Gordon. W. of 29th. fr. Judson to Bucknell, N, of Myrtlewood Ave. — E. of 30th, Hamilton; fr. Ringgold to N. of Girard ave. 25th, N. of Hamilton; W. fr. N. Sth to nth, bel. Spring N Garden. N— N. E. fr. Kensington ave. Nedro— fr. 19th to Kenton ave., to Strahle. E. of M. 22d Wo. Nagle— N. fr. Stiles, bet. N. Nedro Ave.— E. fr. 19th to Ox- 11th and 12th. ford pike, N. of Grange ave. Nahant— E. fr. 723 St. John. Neff— W. fr. Delaware ave, ab. Naomi Ave.— S. W. fr. Wissa- Ann. hickon ave. to Leukon, S. E. Nellie's Ct.— W. fr. N. 22d, ab. of Washington. Race. Napa— fr. Hamilton to Spring Nelson— fr. Maplewood to Garden, W. of 31st; fr. Berks Woodlawn, 22d Wd.; N. fr. to Norris, "W. of 31st; fr. Norris, W. of Richmond. York to Huntingdon, W. of Nelson's Al.— E. fr. 413 St. 31st; S. fr. Gray's Ferry rd. John. to Reed, W. of S. 31st. Nelson Ter.— E. of N. 40th, ab. Napfle Ave.— fr. County line to Filbert. Delaware river, N. E. of Nescopec PI.— N. fr. HID Faunce ave. Mark's la. Narcissus PI.— r. 326 N. Sth. Nester (Bltn.)— fr. Krewstown Narragansett— S. fr. 5012 Han- rd. to Starkey, N. E. of Heri- cock. tage. Nash (Gtn.)— fr. Church la. to Neuit's Ct.— E. fr. 860 N. 4th. Beineld. Nevada— fr. 26th eastward. N. Nassau— W. fr. 2ist and Ridge of Susquehanna; fr. Moyer to ave.; W. fr. Memphis to Tu- Thompson, N. of Susquehan- lip, N. of Somerset. na; fr. Sydenham to Mole and National— fr. Tacony to P. & n. of Dauphin, W. of N. T. R. R., N. E. of Princeton, loth. Natrona— fr. Race to Powelton Nevin PI.— N. fr. 1307 Carlton. ave., W. of 32d; fr. Brandy- New— N. fr. Paschall ave.. V/. wine to Haverford, W. of 32d; of 45th; W. fr. 242 N. Front fr. Ridge ave. to Cumberland, to 4th, W. of 32d; fr. Diamond to New (C. Hill)— S. fr. Stenton Susquehanna ave.; fr. York ave. to C. Hill and Spring- northward; N. fr. Oxford to house pike. W. of Summit. Montgomery ave. and fr. Dia- New Market PL— E. fr. 815 mond to Susquehanna ave.; New Market. also fr. York northward, ab. Newhall— fr. Apsley northwest, 32d. 22d Wd. ; fr. Queen to Coul- Naudain— W. fr. S. 18th to ter, 22d Wd. Get the kind of Bricks you want 1 r By looking over our complete lines of building bricks and specifying the kind, or order- ing direct from the makers. A FULI, lylNK IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES SPECIALS TO ORDER ] ( EUGEN H. CARROLL PETER F. CARROLL H. C. Carroll & Sons 58th and Girard Avenue CAPACITY 2,000,000 L.ofC. When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. Newhall (Gtn.)— Manheim to Asylum; W. fr. 850 Swanson Hansburg, S. W. of Wayne. to 847 S. Front; fr. W. of Newkirk— fr. Brown to Parrisb, Ashantee to Germantown W. of 28th; fr. Berks to Ridge ave., 22(1 Wd. ave., W. of 28th; N. fr. Brown Norman's PI. (Gtn.)— W. fr. 5460 to Poplar, bel. 29th, and fr. Germantown ave. Diamond to Susquehanna, and Norris — N. W. and W. fr. Del- fr. York to Huntingdon. aware to Schuylkill, ab. Newland— S. E. fr. Shawmont Berks, ave., S. W. of Cross. Norris PL— E. fr. 335 New Newport — S. fr. Gray's Ferry Market, rd. to Moore, E. of S. 34th. Norris Sq.— N. fr. Diamond to New Roland (Hbg.)— N. E. fr. Susquehanna, and fr. How- Welsh, N. W. of Crispin. ard to Hancock. Newton (C. Hill)— fr. Bethle- North— fr. 11th to 13th. N. of hem pike to Stenton ave.; fr. Wallace; fr. 20th to 21st, N. Sullivan to Bethlehem pike. of Wallace; W. fr. N. Broad New York Ave.— N. W. fr. Bris- to 20th, ab. Wallace; S. fr. S. tol pike to County line, N. E. 63d, E. of Woodland ave. of St. Vincent. North Albion— N. fr. Cherry to Niblo PL— S. fr. 1424 Spring Vine, W. of 21st. Garden. North College Ave.— W. fr. Nice— N. fr. McFarren to R. Ridge ave. to N. 25th, Bel. R., E. of Germantown ave. Thompson. Nice Ave.— S. W. fr. Wissa- N. Dean— N. fr. Dauphin to hickon ave. to Walnut la.. S. York, E. of N. 13th. E. of Norton. N. Water— N. fr. Market ab. Nicetown La.— W. fr. Frank- N. Delaware ave. ford cr. to Germantown ave., NorthamptMi Ct.— W. fr. 428 S. W. of Schuylkill river. Dillwyn. Nicholas— fr. 32d to Natrona, N. North Western Ave.— N. E. fr. of Oxford; W. fr. N. 20th, ab. Schuylkill river to Stenton Oxford. ave. (N. W. city boundary). Nichols Ave.— N. fr. 2037 Hand. Norwood— fr. Tasker to Dickin- Nickel PL— E. fr. 779 S. Front, son, W. of 21st; fr. Church Nigley's Ct.— W. fr. 1514 Cad- la. to Godfrey, W. of 21st; N. walader to 1511 Germantown fr, Columbia ave. to Mont- ave. gomery ave., bel. 22d. Nineveh PL— S. fr. 424 Ger- Nugent's Ct.— S. fr. 716 Bain- man, bridge. Ninth— fr. Oak Lane northward. Oak Lane. ^ Nippon— fr. Seminole to Ger- O— N. fr. Kensington ave. to mantown ave., N. W. of Mt. Strahle, W. of P. Airy. Oak (Myk.)— W. fr. Baker, n. Nisbet PL— W. fr. 748 S. Front, Gray, bel. Almond. Oak La.— N. E. fr. Cheltenham Nixon (Myk.)— fr. Leverington and Willow Grove pike. S. of northeastward. 67th ave., N. of Cheltenham No. 1— S. fr. Mifflin to McKean, ave. W. of S. 17th. Oakland— W. fr. 11th, S. of Le- Noble— fr. 18th to 19th, N. of high ave. Callowhill; fr. 22d to 24tt, Oakdale— fr. Memphis to Tren- N. of Callowhill; fr. 61st to ton ave., S. of Lehigh; fr. 62d, N. of Callowhill; W. fr. Emerald to Kensington ave., N. Delaware ave., bel. But- S. of Lehigh; fr. Windle tonwood. to Marshall, S. of Lehigh; Nolen's Ave.— N. fr. 1423 Par- fr. 22d to 29th, S. of Lehigh; rish. fr. Miller to Aramingo, S. of Norfolk— S. fr. 1412 Spruce to Lehigh. 100 Oakdale Sq — fr. 11th to 12th. Olive Ct.— S. fr. 1312 Olive . fr. Lehigh ave. to Hunting- Olivet PL— S. fr. 1726 Lombard. don. Olivia PL— W. fr. 1524 Cadwal- Oakfield Ave.— N. fr. Ridge ader to 1519 Germantown ave. ave. to 35th, E. of Manataw- Olney Ave.— B. fr. Stenton ave. na ave. to Vankirk, N. of Clarkson Oakford— W. fr. S. 20th to 31st, ave. S. of Federal. O'Neal— N. W. fr. 1106 Howard Oakford PL— S. fr. 230 Gaskill to 148 Girard ave. to Levina. Oneida PL— E. fr. 805 New Oakland— fr. 15th to 16th, S. of Market. Lehigh ave. O'Neil's Ct.— S. fr. 1642 Lorn- Oakland (Fkd.)— N. E. fr. Sel- bard. lers, ab. Leiper. Ontario— fr. Delaware river to Oakland PL (Gtn.)— S. fr. 208 Schuylkill river. Duval. Onyx (Bdg.)— fr. Ash to Kirk- Odd Fellows' Ave.— N. fr. 303 bride, ab. Richmond. Brown. Opal— fr. Jackson to McKean, Ogden— fr. 45th to 46th, N. of W. of 19th: fr. Panama to Seneca; W. fr. 860 N. 9th to Locust, W. of 19th; fr. Reed Corinthian ave. to Wharton, W. of 19t,h; fr. Ogle (Myk.)— N. W. fr. Fount- Catharine to Fitzwater, W. of ain, S. W. of Smick. 19th; fr. Lombard to Waver- O'Harra's AL— fr. 931 Bain- ly, W. of 19th; fr. Race north- bridge to South. ward, W. of 19th; fr. Penna- O'Harra's Ct.— W. fr. 710 S. ave. to Hamilton. W. of 19th; 7th. fr. Parrish to Poplar, W. of Old Front St. Rd.— N. E. fr. 19th; fr. Nedro to Spencer, Indiana and C st. to Nicetown W. of 19th; N. fr. Jefferson la. to Oxford, S. of 20th; fr. Oldham's Ct.— E. fr. 817 St. Dickinson to Tasker, B. of John. 20th. Old Second St. Rd.— Kensing- Orange— N. fr. Belgrade to ton and Oxford pike, N. E. Rihl, E. of Hanover. fr. 5th and Luzerne to Oxford Orange— W. tr. 411 Ireland. pike. Orchard (Gtn.)— S. fr. Evans, Old Keystone— E. fr. Princeton, W. of Centre. N. of Keystone. Orchard (Bdg.)— E. fr. Stiles, Clean— fr. Mifflin to Snyder N. E. fr. Frankford ave. to ave., W. of 16th. Pratt. Olive— fr. Front to Mascher, N. Orchard (Fkd.)— N. fr. Mill to of Fairmount; fr. Beech west- Unity, E. of Paul. ward, N. of Fairmount: fr. Oregon Ave.— fr. Delaware riv- Mascher to Hancock. N. of er to Schuylkill river, 2700 S. Fairmount; fr. 4th to 5th, Orianna— fr. S. of Moore to N. of Fairmount: fr. Percy Morris, W. of 3d; fr. Wilder to 10th, N. of Fairmount; fr. to Gerritt. W. of 3d: fr. Car- 22d to 25th, N. of Fairmount; penter to Montrose, W. of 3d; fr. 25th to 26th, N. of Fair- fr. Webster to KaufEman, W. mount; fr. 35th to Harmony, of 3d; fr. Bainbridge to South, N. of Fairmount; fr. 36th to W. of 3d; fr. Spruce to St. 37th, N. of Fairmount: fr. James, W. of 3d: fr. St. 38th to Union. N. of Fair- James to Walnut, W. of 3d: mount; fr. Preston to 41st, fr. Moravian to Market. W. N. of Fairmount; W. fr. 710 of 3d; fr. Cherry to Race, W. N. 10th; fr. Brooklyn west- of 3d; fr. Brown to Girard ward, N. of Fairmount: fr. ave., W. of 3d: fr. Girard 48th to 50th, N. of Fairmount. ave. to Master, W. of 3d; fr. 101 Master to Jefferson. W. of Ovington— S. fr. 835 South to 3d; fr. Vine to Green, W. of 833 Bainbridge. 3d; fr. Earp to Sears, W. of Owen— fr, 12th to 13th, S. of S. 3d; fr. Fairmount ave. Reed. southward, W. of 3d; fr. Owen's PI.— S. fr. Brown, ab. Columbia ave. to Montgomery Palmer. ave., W. of 3d; N. fr. Berks Oxford— fr. Wildey to Frank- to Clearfield, W. of N. 3d. ford ave., N. E. of Marlbor- Orianna (Rox.)— N. W. fr. ough; fr. 60th to 63d. N. of Crease's la. to Wigard ave. Jefferson; W. fr. Frankford Orkney — fr. Fairmount to Olive, ave., ab. Jefferson. W. of 4th; fr. Myrtle south- Oxford (Fkd.)— E. fr. 4621 ward, W. of 4th; fr. Culvert Frankford ave. northwaird, W. of 4th; fr, Oxford (Tacony)— N. E. fr. George northward, W. of 4th; Penn to Cottman. S. E. of fr. Lawrence to Thompson, Liberty. W. of 4th; fr. Master to Ox- Oxford Rd.— N. fr. Frankford ford, W, of 4th; N. fr. Nor- ave. and Arrott to Fox Chase. ris, E. of N, 5th. p Orleans — fr. Germantown ave. to nth, N. of Cambria; W ^~^- ^^- Kensington ave. to fr. 2728 Frankford ave. Juniata ave., and fr. Lindley Ormes— N. fr. Somerset to In- ^^ Strahle. E. of O. diana, E. of Leamy. - Pacific— W. fr. N. 18th to iDth; Orphan's Rd.— fr. Washington ^^- Balfour to Richmond, N. to Township line, E. of Vv^iss. ^^ Venango; fr. Broad to 15th, Oros (21st Wd.)— S. fr. Roxbor- N. of Venango; N. fr. Susquc- ough ave., E. of Laros hanna ave. to Huntingdon, Orr— N. fr. 1809 Francis to 1842 W. of N. Broad; E. fr. Ken- "Wylie. sington ave., N. of Venango. Orianna— N. fr. Diamond, bel. Packer— fr. Delaware river to N 4th Schuylkill river. 3100 S. Orr's Ct.-N. fr 1339 Rodman. Packer Pl.-N. fr. 127 Craven. Orthodox (Fkd.)— E. fr, Leiper ^^se— fr, Etting southwest- ab. Sellers, ward, N. of Morris; W. fr, Osage Ave.— S. fr. 1208 Heath. N. 16th to 23d, N. of Norris. Osbeck PI.— W. fr. 660 Jay. Palethorp— fr. Ontario to Ve- Osborn— N. E. fr. Cresson to nango, E. of 2d; fr. Tabor rd. Vicaris, N. W. of Sumac. to Chew, E. of 2d: N. fr. 175 Osborne's Ct.— W. fr. 202 Du- Girard ave. to Lehigh ave. ponceau. S. of Walnut. Palisade PL— N. fr. 205 Osceola (Gtn.)— fr. Price to Quarry. Haines; W. fr. Herman, S. Pallas— Haverford to Wallace, of Morton Aspen to Brown. Ogden to Osier Ave.— N. fr. 511 Noble. Westminster, and Wyalusing Osmond— fr. Bowman to Ains- ^o Mantua ave.. W. of 43d. lie, S. W. of Henry. Palm— N. fr. Parrish, W. of Otsego PI.— S. fr. 124" Prime to ^^d, 123 Federal. Palmer — fr. Front to Howard, Otter— fr. 42d" to Belmont ave., N- ^^ Columbia ave.; fr, N. of Penngrove. Mascher to Hancock. N. of Ottoway— E. fr. 252 Wildey, S. Columbia ave.; fr. 24th to of Marlborough. 25th, N. of Columbia ave.; Overbrook— N. W. fr. Lancas- fr. Montgomery to 33d, N. of ter ave. to 49th. N. W. of Columbia ave.; W. fr. 1136 Woodbine ave. Beach to Frankford ave. Overington (Fkd.)— fr. Frank- Palmer's Ct.— W, fr, 330 S. ford ave, to Leiper. 4th. 102 Palmetto Ave.— N. E. fr. Rob- Ferry rd. to Reed, E. of S. bins to Hellerman, N. W. of SOtb. J. Patton's Al.— S. fr. 1640 Lom- Palo Alto— S. fr. 2026 Pine to bard. 2027 Hampton. Patton's Ct.— S. fr. 1620 Lom- Panama— fr. 6tb to 7th. S. of bard. Spruce; fr. 12th to 13th, S. Pau!— S. fr. Wheatsheaf la.. E. of Spruce; fr. Clarion to Park of Frankford ave. ave., S. of Spruce; fr. 17th Paul (Fkd.)— S. B. fr, 4623 westward, S. of Spruce; fr. Frankford to Mill. 18th to 21st; fr. 22d to 26th, Paxon— fr. Market to Haverford S. of Spruce. ave., W. of 51st; fr. West- Paoli Ave.— N. E. fr. Washing- minster to Wyalusing, W. of ton to Ridge ave., S. E. of 51st; fr. Jefferson to Colum- Domino la. bia ave.. W. of 51st; S. fr. Para (C. Hill)— fr. Crefeldt Lancaster ave., W. of 50th. south westward; fr. Sprague Paynter's Ct. — N. fr. 431 Ger- southwestward. man. Park— W. fr. Ridge ave., N. Peach— fr. Race to Vine, W. of of Manatawna ave.; S. fr. 53d; fr. Westminster uorth- Fitzwater, ab. S. ISth. ward, W. of 53d; fr. Colum- Park Ave.— fr. Wallace to Mel- bia ave. to Berks, W. of 53d; on, W. of 13th; N. fr. Thomp- S. fr, Lancaster ave., W. of son, intermediately, to Erie 53d. ave., E, of N. Broad; fr. 52d Peach (Fkd.)— N. E. fr, 1823 to 53d. ab. South. Plumb to Meadow, E. of Mul- Parker — N. fr. Eastburn to berry. Haines, E. of Stenton ave. Peale (Gtn.)— fr. Mill to Penn, Parker Ave. — W. fr. Ridge ab, Germantown R. R. ave., N. of Cinnaminson la. Pear (Fkd.) — fr. Dittman south- Parkside Ave. (W. P.) — N. W. westward. fr. Girard ave. and N. 4Cth Pear (Fkd.)— fr. Mulberry to to N. 53d. Tackawanna, bel. Gilling- Parrish — fr. Leithgow to Law- ham. rence, N, of Brown; fr. 16th Pearl— fr. 38tb to Saunders. N. to 17th, N. of Brown; fr. of Powelton ave.; fr. 54th to Lancaster ave. to Haverford 56th, N. of Vine; fr. 57th to ave., N. of Brown: W. fr. 58th, N, of Vine; W, fr. 312 N. 5th to 24th, ab. Brown. N. 10th to Schuylkill river; Parkside— fr. 52d to Belmont S. W. fr. Lancaster ave. to ave, Warren. S. E. of 54th. Parry Ct. (Gtn.)— N. fr. 1331 Pearl (W, P.)— W. fr. N, 32d Miller. to 37th. N. of Powelton ave, Paschall Ave.— S. W. fr. 44th Pearson (Bltn.)— N. W. fr. to Cobb's creek. S. of Wood- Bustleton pike to Banes, N. land ave. E. of Murray. Passyunk Ave.— S. W. fr. South, Pearson Ave.— W. fr. Delaware bel. S. 5th. river to Frankford pike. Passyunk Sq.— 12th to 13th, Pechin (Myk.)— S. E. fr. Paoli Wharton to Reed. ave. to Hermit, S. W. of Pastorius (Gtn.)— N. fr. Ger- „^^^^,^^"; „ . .„„„ .r mantown ave. to Osceola, bel. Peden's Ave.-S. fr. 1838 Nau- Herman. *^^i°- « ^* . n* XT * ■.or.n XT Peel— fr. Ill Van Horn to Ly- Patterson's Ct.— N. fr. 1809 Nau- ^^^ j^ Stiles dain; S. fr. 712 Alaska. Pegg-fr. American to Philip, Patton— fr. York to Hunting- N. of Callowhill; W. fr, 446 don, W. of 31st; S, fr. Gray's N. Front to N. 2d. 103 Pegg Al.— N. fr. 153 Willow to 152 Pegg. Peltz— E. fr. Shingle ave. to Manatawna ave., S. of Hidge ave. ; W. fr. Gray's Ferry rd. to Schuylkill ave., S. of U. S. Arsenal. Pemberton— fr. Swanson to Front, S. of Bainbridge; fr. Front to Second, S. of Bain- bridge; fr. 3d to 4th. S. of Bainbridge; fr. Marshall to 8tb, S. of Bainbridge; fr. Mildred to Schell, S. of Bain- bridge; fr. Rosewood to 15th, S. of Bainbridge W. fr. 70S S. 18th to Gray's Ferry rd. Penn— fr. Park drive to Wissa- hickon ave., S. E. of Mill. Penn (Fkd.)— N. fr. Pine to Oxford rd.. W. of Franklin. Penn (Myk.)— S. fr. Mitchell, W. of Rittenhouse la. Penn— N. fr. Wissahickon ave. to Chew. bet. Queen and Coulter; S. fr. 4 Pine to Al- mond. Penn Ave.— W. fr. 7th, N. of Poplar. Penn Ct.— S. fr. Penn, W. of Germantown ave. Penngrove— fr. 54th to 55th, and fr. Belmont ave. to 41st, N. of Westminster. Pennock— fr. Walter to Stiles, W. of 27th; fr. Thompson to Kershaw, W. of 27th; N. fr. Hare to Poplar, bet. 27th and 28th. Pennypack (Bltn.)— S. E. fr. Krewstown rd. to Starkey. S. W. of Megargee. Pennypack La.— E. fr. Bristol pike to Delaware river, ab. Pennypack cr. Penrose Ave.— S. W. fr. 18th and Passyunk ave. to Pen- rose Ferry Bridge. Penrose Ferry Rd.— E. fr. State Island rd. to Schuylkill river (in 27th Wd.). Pensive PI.— S. fr. 910 Wood. Penna. Ave.— S. fr. 516 Vine. Penna. Ave.— W. fr. N. Broad, ab. Callowhill. Penbridge— fr. 50th to 52d, S. W. of Twaddell ave. Pensdale (Myk.)— fr. Main to Tower; fr. Terrace to Ridge ave. Pennsgrore (W. P.)— W. fr. N. 3Sth to N. 44th. S. of Poplar. Pepper's Ct.— E. fr. St. John, S. of Fairmount ave. Pequinot 1P1.— E. fr. 827 St. John. Percy— fr. Moyamensing to Vvolf, W. of 9th; fr. Snyder ave. to Emily, W. of 9th: fr. Wilder to Reed, W. of 9th; fr. Reed to 9th, W. of 9th; fr. Montrose to Slater, W. of 9th; fr. Christian to Fitzwa- ter, W. of 9th; fr. Bainbridge to South, W. of 9th; N. fr. 911 Poplar; N. fr. 911 Dia- mond; fr. Urbana north vv^ard, W. of 9th; fr. Callowhill to Buttonwood, W. of 9th; fr. Spring Garden to Wallace, W. of 9th; fr. Fairmount ave. to Parrish, W. of 9th; S. fr. 914 Reed. Percy AL— N. fr. 425 German. Perkenpine's Ct.— E. fr. 721 New Market. Perkiomen— W. fr. 1719 Francis to N. 19th. Perot— fr. 23d to 24th. N. of Fairmount ave. Perry's Ct.— N. fr. 1223 South. Perth— fr. Catharine to Fulton, W. of 7th; fr. Pemberton northward, W. of 7th: fr. Bainbridge to Kater, W. of 7th; fr. Lombard to Addison,, W. of 7th; fr. Manning to Locust, W. of 7th; N. fr 727 Parrish; fr. St. James southward, W. of 7th; fr. Ranstead to Ludlow, W. of 7th; fr. Filbert southward, W. of 7th; fr. Arch to Cherry, W. of 7th; fr. Cherry to Race, W. of 7th; fr. Button- wood to Fairmount ave.. W. of 7th. Peters— fr. 28th to 29th, ab. Ellsworth; W. fr. al. n. S. 11th, bel. Washington ave. Peters Ave.— W. fr. Lancaster ave. to City ave., S. of Leba- non ave. Petty— E. fr. Bath, N. of Rus- sell. Philadelphia— N. fr. Susque- 104 THE IS THK MAN WHO CAN SAVE THE PROPERTY OWNER MANY A DOIylvAR BY MAKING THE "STITCH IN TIME SAVE NINE." Do not allow your woodwork to go until it breaks down entirely and takes more with it. Jobbing promptly and carefully attended to, and the charge is only for what you receive. Theo. Helsengreen 4049 Olive Street Residence — 4618 Brown St. , Philadelphia, Pa. When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Book. hanna ave. to Huntingdon, E. Pine Rd. (Fox Chase)— N. fr. of N. 16th. Fox Chase to County line. Philip— fr. Jackson to McKean, Piper's Ct— E. fr. 617 St. John W. of 2d: fr. Moore N. and to Vincent. S., W. of 2d; fr. S. of Ger- Pleasant (Gtn.)— E. fr. 68C0 ritt to Man ton, W. of 2d; fr. Germantown ave. Bainbridge southward, W. of Pleasant Retreat— W. fr. 638 2d; fr. South to Kater, W. of N. 7th. 2d; fr. Delancey southward, Pleis Ct.— W. fr. 338 Garden. W. of 2d; fr. Sansom Plum (Fled.)— fr. Mulberry to northward, W. of 2d; fr. Mar- Hedge; W. fr. Delaware river ket to Commerce. W. of 2d; to Richmond, S. of Norris. fr. Winter to Vine, W. of 2d; Plumb— S. E. fr. Mulberry to fr. Pegg N. and S., W. of 2d; Tacony creek, bel. Meadow. fr. Buttonwocd, N. of Green, Flumstead PI.— S. fr. 1938 San- W. of 2d; N. fr. 213 Master to som to 1939 Moravian. N. of York ave. Plymouth— fr. 16th to 17th, N. Phillip's Ct.— S. fr. 173S Lom- of 72d ave. bard. Plynlimmon PI.— W. fr. 224 Phil Ellena (Gtn.)— N. E. fr. N. Front. Wissahickon ave. to German- Pocono (Gtn.)— N. fr. Mermaid town ave., N. W. of Frank- la. to Willow Grove ave.. W. lin; fr. 5477 Germantown ave. of Wayne. to Cheltenham ave. Point Breeze Ave.— S. W. fr. Physic— fr. Stenton ave. to 20th and Federal to 31st and Cemetery, 22d Wd. Geary. Physic (Gtn.)— fr. Hancock to Point Breeze Park— On Penrose Osceola, N. W. of Pastorius. ave., fr. 38th ave. S. to 42d Pickering PI.— W. fr. 716 Pass- ave. yunk ave. Point Breeze Pt.— N. fr. W. Physick's La. (Gtn.)— N. E. fr. Passyunk ave., W. of S. 28th. Germantown ave., ab. Walnut Point Pleasant Ct.— W. fr. 978 la. N. Delaware ave. Pickering Ave.— N. W. fr. E. Point Rd.— E. fr. Frankford Washington la. to Cresheim ave., n. Fkd. ave., N. E. of Michener. Polard— N. fr. 1010 Germantown Pidgeon PI.— S. fr. 130 Beck pi. ave. Pierce— fr. Front to Second, S. Pollard— fr. Front to Germau- of Morris; fr. Philip to Moy- town ave., N. of Laurel. amensing, S. of Morris; W. Pollock— W. fr. Delaware river fr. 1726 S. 4th to 13th. to Schuylkill river, 3000 S. Pierce (Fkd.)— fr. Frankford Pollock's Ct.— S. fr. 1616 Lom- creek to Orthodox, S. of Ber- bard. muda. Pomona (Gtn.)— fr. Wayne ave. Pierson— W. fr. Queen la., N. to Knox. of 33d. Pomona Ter. (Gtn.)— fr. Ger- Pierson Ave.— fr. Bristol pike mantown ave. to Morton. N to State rd., N. of Arendell E. of E. Washington. ave. Pommer's Ct.— W. fr. 328 S. Pike (Gtn.)— fr. Robert ave. 4th. to Kensington ave., at Butler. Poplar— fr. 52d to 56th. S. oi Pillicg (Fkd.)— N. fr. Pine, bel. Girard ave.; W. fr. 900 N Sellers. Delaware ave. to Schuylkill. Pine (Fkd.)— W. fr. 4326 Frank- Poplar (Myk.)— E. fr. 147 Greer ford ave. to Adams. la. Pine— W. fr. 400 S. Delaware Pofiuessing Ave.— N. fr. Con- ave. to Schuylkill river to vent ave. to Grant ave., n County line. Delaware ri\'er. 106 Portage PI.— N. E. fr. N. Col- Price (Gtn.)— E. fr. 5800 Ger- lege ave., W. of Ridge ave. mantown ave. Porter— W. fr. Delaware river Price's Ct. — N. fr. 1105 Bain- to Schuylkill river, 2500 S. bridge; S. fr. 1126 Rodman. Porter— N. fr. 2029 Franklin, Prince Ave.— N. fr. Barr to Cem. av.; fr. A to Hunting- Hagy's Mill rd., W. of Mana- don, N. W. of Kensington tawna ave. ave. Princeton— N. W. fr, Trenton Porter's Ct.— E. fr. 329 St. John. R. R. to County line, N. E. Portico (Gtn.) — fr. Seymour to of Tyson. Manheim. Princeton PI.— N. fr. 1215 Ir- Portico Row (Gtn.)— S. fr. Sey- win. mour, W. of Germantown ave. Printer's Ct.— N. fr. German, Port Royal Ave.— N. E. fr. E. of 5th. Schuylkill to Township line Priscilla (Gtn.)— fr. Queen to rd., S. E. of Heidelburn. Coulter, bel. Wayne ave. Potter— N. E. fr. F st. to Clear- Priscilla PL— N. fr. 419 South. field, N. W. of Kensington Produce Ave.— W. fr. 418 N. ave. Front to N. 2d. Potterton Heights (Gtn.)— S. W. Prohibition Ave. (Myk.)— N. W. fr. Ross. N. W. of Penn. fr. 4719 Washington. Potts— fr. 4th eastward, N. of Prohibition PL— fr. Ristine, n. Wallace; W. fr. N. 12th to Race and 9th. Broad, bel. Fairmount ave. Prospect— N. fr. 925 Thompson; Pott's Ct.— W. fr. 640 N. 7th. w. fr. Ridge ave., S. '^t Poulson— N. fr. Spruce, W. of Cinnaminson la. S. 2oth. Prospect Ave. (C. Hill)— N. W. Powder Mill La. (Fkd.)— S. W. fr. Union ave., S. W. fr. fr. Adams to Nicetown la., W. Stenton ave. of Leiper. Prosperous AL— S. fr. 1102 Lo- Powelton Ave. (W. P.)— W. fr. cust. N. 32d to 42d, S. of Baring. Providence Ct.— N. fr. 927 Sar- Powers (Falls) — fr. Calumet to geant. Mill, N. E. of Dobson's. Pulaski Ave. (Gtn.)— S. fr. Man- Powers La. (Paschal.)— E. fr. heim to S. of Clapier, W. of Elmwood ave., S. of S. 72d. Laurens. Pratt (Bdg.)— Garden to Bel- grade. Q Pratt (Fkd.)— fr. S. of Mel- Quarry— fr. Cameron eastward, rose to Duncannon; fr. S. of N. of Arch; fr. Front to 2'd, Melrose to Tacony; fr. P. & N. of Arch; fr. 5th to Sheri- Trenton R. R. to Ditman; N. dan, N. of Arch; fr. 8th to W. fr. Tacony to Charles, S. Mildred, N. of Arch; fr. M'il- W. of Bridge. dred westward. N. of Arch; Pratt— fr. 16th to 17th, N. of fr. 9th to Hutchinson, N. of Pine. Arch; fr. Alder E. and W., Prescott PL— N. fr. 1221 Ham- N. of Arch; fr. 11th to 12th, ilton. N. of Arch; fr. 12th to 13th, Preston— fr. Pine to Delancey, N. of Arch; fr. 13th to Park W. of 40th; fr. Market to Lan- ave., N. of Arch; fr. Mole to caster ave.. W. of 40th. 16th, N. of Arch; fr. Bouvier Preston (W. P.)— N. fr. Story eastNvard, N. 'of Arch; fr. to Westminster ave., W. of 20th eastward, N. of Arch; fr. N. 40th. Croskey to 23d. N. of Arch; Price (Gtn.)— fr. Wissahickon fr. 57th westward. N. of ave. to Marion, ab. Chester Arch; W. fr. 146 N. 2d. ave. ; E. fr. Jasper to Tren- Quarry Ct.— N. fr. 2513 Callow- ton ave., S, of York. hilL 107 Quay— S. fr. Juniata ave., W. to St. James, W. of 5th: fr. of Germantown ave. Vine to Willow; fr. Willow to Queen— E. fr. Ridge ave., ab. Noble, W. of 5th; fr. Button- R. R. Bridge Falls; W. fr. wood to Green. W. of 5th; Delaware river, bel. Cathar- fr. Green to Fairmount ave., ine, to 811 S. 6th. W. of 5th; fr. Norris to Dia- Queen (Gtn.)— W. fr. 5300 Ger- mond. W. of 5th; fr. Edgc- mantown ave. ley to Susquehanna ave., W. Queen Ave.— S. fr. 336 Queen. of 5th; fr. Allegheny to But- Queen's Ct.— N. fr. 933 Federal, ler, W. of 5th; N. W. fr. Quigg's Ct.— N. fr. 7 Vine; W. Trenton ave. to Waterloo, ab. fr. Beach, n. Norris. Clearfield. Quigg's Row— N. fr. 1021 Ham- Ransom PL— E. fr, 259 N. 5th. ilton to Buttonwood. Ranstead — fr. 5th west, bel. Quigley's Ct.— W. fr. 614 Market; fr. 6th to 9th. bel. Charles, bet. South and Bain- Market; fr. 10th eastward, S. bridge. of Market; fr. 11th to 13th, Quincy (Gtn.)— fr. Carpenter to S. of Market; fr. 15th east- Franklin, bel. Germantown ward, S. of Market; fr. 15th ave. to 17th, S. of Market; fr. 17th to 18th, S. of Market; fr. 18th " westward, S. of Market; fr. R— N. fr. Lindley to Strahle, E. 19th to 21st, S. of Market; of Q. fr. 23d to 24th. S. of Market. Rabbit La.— S. W. fr. 52d to Ranstead PI.— W. fr. 32 S. 4th Gray's la., S. of Chestnut. to 21 S. 5th. Race— W. fr. 200 N. Delaware Rapine Ave.— N. fr. Ridge ave. ave. to Schuylkill river. to 33d. W. of Shingle ave. Rachel— N. fr. 149 Brown Ratio— fr. Slocum to Pleasant, Raggio— N. fr. 432 Jarvis. N. of Michener. Railroad Ave. (Falls)— S. E. fr. Rau's Ct.— W. fr. Lackawanna, Ridge ave., bel. Scott's la., to ab. Master. Dobson's row, N. of Alleghe- Rauch (Fkd.)— E. and W. of ny ave. Margaret. Ralston— fr. 25th to Stillman, Rawle— fr. Keystone to Van N. of Hamilton; fr. 19th to Dyke, 35th Wd. 20th, N. of Hamilton; fr. Pen- Raynor (Rox.)— E. fr. 4145 na. ave. to 23d, N. of Ham- Freeland ave. ilton; fr. 23d to 24th, N. of Ray's Ave.— W. fr. 18 Marston. Hamilton. Reach— fr. Clearfield to Alle- Ralston PL— N. of Hamilton, gheny, W. of G; fr. Ontario W. fr. 23d; N. fr. 253 Con- to Tioga, W. of G. cord. Reading R. R. and Ave.— W. Ramsey (W. P.)— N. fr. Race fr. Delaware river, ab. Le- to Haverford, W. of N. 51st. high ave. Randall's Ct.— W. fr. Dupon- Reany's Ave.— E. fr. 407 S. ceau, ab. Locust. 26th. Randolph— N. fr. Brown to Reany's Ct.— B. fr. Fitler, ab. Montgomery ave., bel. 6th; N- 2d. fr. Federal to Carpenter, W. Rebecca (W. P.)— N. fr. Haver- of 5th; fr. Fulton to Fitzwa- ford ave. to Lancaster ave., ter, W. of 5th; fr. Fitzwater W. of N. 40th. to Kenilworth, W. of 5th; Rechel's Row— E. fr. 491 Dill- fr. Kater to South. W. of wyn. 5th; fr. South to Lombard, Rector (Myk.)— fr. Schuylkill to W. of 5th; fr. Race to Sum- Canal to Tower; N. E. fr. mer, W. of 5th: fr. Summer Ridge ave. to Jennett, S. E. to Vine, W. of 5th; fr. Locust of Roxborough ave. m Redfleld— fr. Angora to Baiti- of Brown; fr. 10th to 11th, N. more ave.. W. of 59th: fr. of Brown; fr. 12th westward. Market to Vine. W. of 55lh; N, of Brown; fr. Bambrey to fr. Girard ave. to Master, W. 26th, N. of Brown; fr. 13tb of 59th; fr. Media to Lans- to Broad, N. of Brown; fr. downe, W. of 59th. Pennock to 28th, N. of Brown; Red I.ion Rd.— N. W. fr. fr. Orianna to 4th, N. of Knight's rd. to County line. Brown; fr. 48th to 50th, N. of Redner— fr. 4th to Leithgow, N. Brown; fr. 16th to 17th, and of Jefferson; fr. 20th to 21st, fr. 38th to 41st, N. of Co- N. of Jefferson; W. fr. 1530 lumbia ave. N. 22d to 23d. Benner's Ave.— E. fr. Law- Reed— W. fr. Delaware river, rence, S. of Master. bel. Wharton, to Schuylkill Rentschler's PL— E. fr. 857 river. Charlotte. Reed Ave.— S. of Fitzwater, E. Renwick— E. fr. Woodland, E. of 9th. of 56th. Reese — fr. Reed to Wharton, W. Reservoir — fr. Old Cresheim of 5th; fr. Ellsworth to Alter, rd. to Gowen ave., S. W. of W. of 5th; fr. League to Car- Bryan. penter, W. of 5th; fr. Web- Retta— E. fr. Osborn to Jen- ster to Catharine, W. of 5th; nett, N. fr. Rlghter. fr. Catharine northward, W. Rex— fr. Shawmont to Wissa- of 5th; fr. Bainbridge south- hickon ave., 21st Wd.; fr. ward, W. of 5th; fr. Bain- Bethlehem pike to Stenton bridge to Kater, W. of 5th; ave., 22d Wd. fr. South to Lombard, W. of Rex Ave. (C. Hill)— N. E. fr. 5th; fr. Delancey to Cypress, Wissahickon drive to Gar- W. of 5th; fr. Cherry to Race, mantown ave., N. W. of Ev- W. of 5th; fr. Summer to ergreen ave. Vine, W. of 5th; fr. Columbia Rexler—N. E. fr. Bristol pike ave. northward, W, of 5th; to Strahle, S. E. of Grover. fr. S. of Norris to Susque- Reynolds (Bdg.)— fr. Richmond hanna, W. of 5th; N. fr. Sus- to Garden, ab. Kirkbride. quehanna to Allegheny ave., Rhawn (Fox Chase)— S. E. fr. W. of N. 5th; fr. Wolf to Ar- Old 2d st. to Castor rd., N. E. gyle, E. of 6th. of Loney. Regent— fr. 65th to 70th, N. of Rhoades— W. fr. 406 N. 18th. Kingsessing. Richard's Ct.— S. fr. 210 George. Regent PL— fr. 42d to 43d, fr. Richardson— W. fr. Federal to 45th to 46th, fr. 48th to 49th, Ellsworth, E. of S. 16th. S. E. Chester ave. Richardson's Ct.— N. fr. 431 Reger (Gtn.)— S. fr. Spring al., Race. bel. Manheim. Richland PP.— S.. fr. -106 El- Register PL— N. fr. 1221 Cath- freths. arine. Richmond— E. fr. N. Front to Rei chert's Ct.— S. fr. 924 Pop- Frankford ave., bel. Bath. lar. Ridge (Fkd.)— W. fr. Leiper, Reid's Ave.— W. fr. 742 Darien. bet. Sellers and Orthodox. Reiff's Ave.— W. fr. 1122 N. Ridge Ave.— N. W. fr. N. 9th Front to 1119 Hope. and Vine to County line. Reimer's Ave.— S. fr. 1210 Pop- Ridgeway's Ct.— N. fr. 905 lar. Torr. Reinhard— fr. 71st westward, S. Ridgway Ter.- N. E. fr. Mont- E. of Kingsessing; fr. Han- gomery to Ridge ave., W. son to 49th, S. E. of Kingses- 26th. 8ing. Righter (Myk.)— Ridge ave. to Reno— fr. Leithgow to 5th, N. Sumac, W. of Vicaris. 109 Rigler's Ct.— fr. Frankford ave., Robert Ave.— S. W. fr. Ridge bel. Girard ave. to Ann, N. W. of Shawmont Kinder PI.— S. fr. Marriott, bel. ave. Passyunk ave. Robbins Ter.— N. fr. 22d and Rinehart— S. W. fr. 47th, S. Columbia ave. E. of Kingsessing ave. Robert — E. fr. High, N. of Bel- Ring— fr. Main to Cresson, Man- mont ave. ayunk. Roberts Ave. (Gtn.) — N. fr. Ringgold— fr. Buttonwood to Wissahickon ave. to German- Brandy wine, W. of 24th; N. town ave., E. of Berkley. fr. 2417 Hare to Parrish; N. Robert's Ct.— N. fr. Mead. ab. fr. Montgomery ave., W. of S. Front. N. 24th. Roberts— fr. Louden to Rock- Rio Grande PI.— E. fr. 1023 land, Gtn.. to Hope. Moyamensing ave., ab. Wash- Robeson's Ct.— W. fr. 974 N. ington ave. Delaware ave. Ripka (Myk.)— fr. Wilde to Robin (W. P.)— W. fr. S. 39th Ridge ave.: S. W. fr. Ham- to 40th. S. of Spruce. ilton to Washington, N. W. ef Robinson— fr. Market to Lans- Leverington ave. downe, W. of 61st. Ripton PL— W\ fr. 942 N. 3d. Robinson (Myk.)— N. fr. 4247 Rising Sun La.— W. fr. N. 2'd Main. to 3246 Germantown ave., Robinson's Al.— S. fr. 1620 Lom- thence W. to N. 17th. bard. Ritchie— N. fr. Belmont ave., Rochelle Ave. (Myk.)— N. fr. S. W. of Hamilton. Cresson, E. of Sumac. Ritmeyer's Ct.— E. fr. 2229 S. Rock Ave. (Myk.)— E. fr. Righ- 2d. ter to Vicaris, N. of Lauris- Ritner— W. fr. river Delaware ton. to river Schuylkill. 2400 S. Rockdale PI.— N. fr. 629 Lom- Rittenhouse (Gtn.)— fr. Under- bard. hill to Chew; fr. Germantown Rockhill PI.— E. fr. 1071 Ger- ave. to Musgrave; W. fr. 258 mantown ave. S. 17th to 249 S. 20th; W. fr. Rockland (Gtn.)— fr. German- 5900 Germantown ave. to town ave. to 2d, ab. Loudon. Ridge ave. Rockland (W. P.)— W. fr. N. Rittenhouse (Myk.)— N. E. fr. 32d to Lancaster ave. Ridge to Wissahickon creek, Rodman (Falls)— S. W. fr. S. W. of Cedar. Ridge ave. to Schuylkill river, Rittenhouse La.— N. E. fr. N. of Spencer. Wissahickon drive to Wissa- Rodman— W. fr. 516 S. 9th to hickon ave., N. W. of School Broad; fr. Philip to American, la. S. of Lombard; fr. Bodine to Rittenhouse Sq.— fr. 18th to 3d, S. of Lombard; fr. Reese 19th, fr. Walnut to Locust. to 6th, S. of Lombard; fr. 6th Ritter— fr. Harold to Moyer, S. to 8th, S. of Lombard; fr. 15th E. of Cedar; N. fr. E. Nor- eastward, S. of Lombard; fr. ris, bel. Cedar, to Dauphin. loth to 18th. S. of Lombard; Roach's Ct.— S. fr. Savery, ab. fr. 19th to 22d, S. of Lombard. Wildey. Rodney — fr. Ferry eastwardly, Roanoke (C. Hill)— N. W. fr. N. W. of Ridge ave. Willow Grove ave. to Hart- Roger's Ct.— N. fr. 431 Marriott. well la., E. of Crefeldt ave. Remain- fr. Deal to Adams, Robbins— N. W. fr. Delaware Frankford. river to County Line, N. E. Romain (Fkd.)— fr. Adams to of D«vereaux. Ruan, W. of Frankford ave. Robblna Ave.— S. of Bain- Roney's Ct.— W. fr. 956 St. bridge, E. of 9th. John. 110 Rorer— N. fr. Cambria to Clear- Bringhurst to Penlyn, Ger- field, bet. D and E. mantown. Roscoe— fr. Park drive to Ridge Rubicam (Gtn.)— fr. Wister to ave. Wisteria, ab. Miller. Rose— W. fr. Commerce to Al- Rubicam PL— N. fr. 927 Noble. mond, bel. Cumberland. Rudolph Ave.— S. fr. 730 Race. Rose Glen Ave.— fr. South to Rufe (Gtn.)— N. W. fr. Wister Christian, W. of 63d. to R. R., S. W. of Arm- Rosendale Ave. — S. fr. Brown, strong W. of 4th. Ruffner— fr. 16th to German- Rosehill— N. fr. Somerset to town ave., N. of Hunting Indiana, bet. Leamy and C. Park ave.; fr. Blabon to Rosette (Gtn.)— S. fr. Spring Schuyler, N. of Hunting Park al., bet. Manheim and Sey- ave.; fr. Locust to Woodbine, mour, bel. Germantown ave. N. E. of Boyer. Rosewood— fr. Moore to Wat- Rule— W. fr. Lancaster to kins, W. of Broad; fr. Fitz- Wheat, n. Reed; W. fr. 1416 water to Bainbridge, W. of S. 4th. Broad; fr, Bainbridge north- Rule PL— E. fr. 743 S. 5th. ward, W. of Boad; fr. Delan- Rupert— fr. Ryan to Castor, 35th cey to Spruce, W. of Broad; Wd. fr. Clearfield to Allegheny, Rupert PL— W. fr. 520 N. 33. W. of Broad; S. fr. Tasker, Ruscombe Ave.— fr. E. Logan W. of Broad. to M St., N. of Rockland. Rosina Ave.— N. fr. Ritten- Rush— fr. Tulip to Trenton ave., house to James ave.. E. of N. of Somerset; fr. Marshall Ridge ave. to 7th, N. of Somerset; fr. Ross— fr. Sharpnack to Phil El- 12th to Glenwood, N. of Som- lena. Gtn. erset; E. fr. Frankford ave., Ross Ave.— W. fr. 510 S. 23d. bel. William. Rough and Ready— fr. Trenton Russell— fr. H to G, N. of On- ave. to Amber, bel. Otis. tario; fr. Reading R. R. to Roumfort Ave.— N. E. fr. Ger- 11th, N. of Ontario; E. fr. mantown ave. to Stenton ave., Bath to Delaware ave., N. N. W. of Gowen ave. of Ontario; S. fr. 832 Bain- Rowan — S. W. fr. Germantown bridge. ave. to Donath, N. W. of Bris- Russell's Ave.— N. fr. 1541 Par- tol. rish. Rowan's PL— N. fr. 537 Queen. Ruth— fr. Reading R. R. t* Rowland Ave.— N. E. fr. Ryan Hart la., S. E. of Kensing- to Strahle, N. W. of Crispin, ton ave. ; N. fr. Hart to Cam- Rowland's Ct.— S. fr. 724 Fil- bria, W. of Stouton. bert. Rutledge— N. of Cambria, W. Roxborough — fr. Main to Ter- of C. race, Myk. Rutledge Ave.— fr. 57th to 59th, Roxborough (Gtn.)— fr. Roberts S. E. of Hoffman. ave. to Frankford cr., ab. Lu- Rutter's Ct.— N. fr. 205 Ped- zerne. eral. Roxborough Ave. (Myk.)— N. E. Ryan (Hbg.)— N. E. fr. Bristol fr. Main to Wissahickon pike to Strahle, S. E. of Rex- drive, N. W. of Rector. ler. Roy-fr. Germantown ave. to Ryan's Ct.—S. fr. 420 Christian; Goodman, N. of Allegheny. E. fr. 1735 Filler Ruan (Fkd.)-W. fr. Haul to ^>^-'^ ^1-^- ^^ ^^« ^^"^^^^^- Edward, bel. Church S Rubicam— fr. Collom to Bring- S— N. fr. Lindley to Strahle, E. hurst, Germantown: fr. of R. lU Sabine PL— fr. Stanley to 325 11th; fr. Girard ave. to Stiles, German. W. of 11th; fr. Stiles to Sabula PI.— N. fr. 809 Macki- Thompson, W. of 11th : fr. naw. Montgomery to Berlcs, W. of Sacliett— N. E. fr. Bristol pike 11th; N. fr. 1123 Poplar to to Strahle, S. E. of Cole- Girard ave. and fr. Hunting- baugh. don to Oakdale. Sacketts Ter.— N. fr. Jefferson Sauer Ave.— E. fr. Randolph, ab. 17th. bet. Master and Jefferson. Saffron PI.— S. fr. 902 Ogden. Saul's La.— E. fr. Bltn. pike, Salem (Fkd.)— fr. Tacony to N. of Township line rd. Ruan. Saunder's Ave. (W. P.)— N. fr. Salmon (Hbg.)— E, fr. 3200 T'ilbert to Lancaster ave., E. BuckiuB to Ash. of 39th. Salmon— N. fr. Gunner's Run, Savery— E. fr. 319 Wildey to ab. Richmond. Frankford ave. Salter— fr. 2d eastward, S. of Saxon PI.— S. fr. 328 Stanley. Christian; fr. 3d westward, Saybolfs Ct.— N. fr. 221 Noble. S. of Christian: fr. 9th to Saybrook— S. W. fr. Hanson to Percy, S. of Christian; fr. 50th and fr. 45th to 46th. S. 10th to Cameron, S. of Chris- E. of Woodland ave. tian; W. fr. S. 7th to 8th, S. Scarrett's Ct.— N. fr. 705 Min- of Christian. ster. Salter's La. (Tacony)— S. E. fr Scattergood (W. Hall)— S. E. fr. Bristol pike to Delaware riv- Trenton R. R. to James, er, N. E. of Magee. Schaffer's Ave.— fr. 419 Cherry. Samper PL— E. fr. 1025 S. 5th. Schellenberger Ave.— N. E. of Samuel's PL (W. P.)— N. fr. Serrill, S. W. fr. Amber. Haverford, W. of S. 52d. Schell— fr. Montrose north- Sandel Ave.— W. fr. 1028 N. ward, W. of 8th; fr. Fitzwa- 4th. ter to Bainbridge, W. of 8th; Sander's Ct.— E. fr. 1027 St. fr. Bainbridge to South, W. John. of 8th; fr. Spruce to Locust, Sanger— S. E. fr. Bristol pike W. of 8th; fr. Chancellor to Delaware river, S. W. of southward, W. of 8th: fr. Foust. Ranstead to Ludlow, W. of Sansom— fr. Front to Second, 8th; fr. Filbert to Cuthbert, S. of Chestnut; fr. 2d to W. of 8th; fr. Appletree to American, S. of Chestnut; fr. Cherry, W. of 8th; fr. Cher- 4th to 5th, S. of Chestnut; ry northward, W. of 8th; S. W. fr. 120 S. 6th, bet. Chest- fr. 830 Vine, nut and Walnut. Schiller— fr. Brabant to Rich- Sarah— fr. Beach to Allen. E. mond. N. of Ontario; fr. of Frankford ave.; fr. Allen Frankford to Kensington ave., to Richmond, E. of Frankford N. of Ontario; fr. 8th west- ave. ; fr. Queen, n. Frank- ward, N. of Ontario; fr. Car- ford ave. to Wildey; N. W. bon to Brabant. N. of Onta- fr. Hermit to W. Walnut la., rio; fr. Rising Sun la. to N. S. W. of Wissahickon ave. loth. Sartain— fr. Moyamensing to Schlafer (Fkd.)— N. E. fr. 1725 Ritner, W. of 11th; fr. McKean Gillingham to Bowser, E. of to Moore, W. of 11th; fr. Hall Hedge. to Montrose, W. of 11th; fr. Schofield's Al. (Myk.)— W. fr. Catharine to Bainbridge, W. 4180 Main, of nth; fr. South to Rod- School— fr. Park to Spring, W. man, W. of 11th; fr. Man- of Ridge ave. ning to Locust, W. of 11th; School (Gtn.)— W. fr. S5 Ger- fr. Spring to Winter, W. of mantown ave. to Ridge ave. 112 School House Row— S. fr. 3438 ney, S. of Somerset; fr. Sal- Chestnut, mon to Belgrade, N. of Le- Schryer's Ct.— S. fr. 802 Willow high; fr. 15th to 16th, S. of Schuylkill Rd. (Rox.)— N. fr. Somerset; fr. Tulip northwest- Domino la. to County line, E. ward, N. of Lehigh; fr. Tren- of Schuylkill river. ton ave. to Coral, N. of Le- Schurz— N. W. fr. Allen's la. to high; fr. Helen to Jasper, Gowen ave., S. W. of Quincy. N. of Lehigh; fr. 13th to Schuyler (Gtn.)— Hansberry to Broad, N. of Lehigh; fr. Queen, fr. Roberts ave. to Front to Gurney and 9th to Manheim, ab. Wissahlckon. Hutchinson, S. of Somerset. Schuylkill Ave.— fr. South to Seminole Ave.— N. W. fr. Wil- Government ave., along low Grove ave. to C. Hill Schuylkill. ave., S. W. of 29th. Scott's PL— N. fr. 1807 Kater. Senate- fr. Rosewood tP l5th, Scott's La. (Falls Schuylkill)— S. of Bainbridge; fr. Hicks to N. fr. Ridge ave., W. of N. Mole, S. of Bainbridge; fr. 35th. 22d to 23d, S. of Bainbridge; Scranton PI.— N. fr. 613 Filbert. W. fr. 730 S. Front to 2d. Sears— fr. Howard to Hancock, Seneca Ct.— W. fr. 454 Belrose. S. of Wharton; fr. Philip to Senneff Ave.— W, fr. 638 An- American, S. of Wharton; fr. dress. 3d to Earp, S. of Wharton; Sepviva— fr. Columbia to Pal- fr. 7th to 8th, S. of Wharton; mer, S. E. of Frankford ave.; fr. 8th to 9th, S. of Wharton; fr. Palmer to Eyre, S. E. of fr. 36th to Schuylkill ave., S. Frankford ave.; N. fr. Vienna of Wharton; W. fr. 1312 S. E. of Frankford ave.; N. fr. 6th to 1317 S. 7th. Tioga to Erie ave., E. of Second St. Pike— N. E. fr. 5th Trenton R. R. to Fox Chase. Sergeant— fr. Richmond to Sedalia— N. fr. Luzerne, W. of Thompson, N. of Cumber- Richmond, land; fr. Philip to American, Sedgely Ave.— Montgomery ave. N. of Cumberland; fr. 22d to and N. 81st, N. E. to Erie 27th, N. of Cumberland; fr. ave. and N. 2d. 32d to 34th. N. of Cumber- Sedgwick (Gtn.)— N. E. fr. land; E. fr. Kensington ave. Green to Stenton ave., N. W. to Almond, N. of Cumber- of Carpenter. land; E. fr. 13th, S. of Hunt- Suffert Ave. (21st Wd.)— S. W. ingdon. fr. Ridge ave. to Schuylkill, Serrill— W. fr. Kensington ave., S. E. of Pt. Royal ave. ab. Cumberland. Selbold— S. fr. Passyunk ave. Seubert's Ct.— E. fr. 1649 Ger- to Ritner, W. of 17th. mantown ave. Seiser's Ct.— E. fr. Ill Bread. Seventh— fr. Oak la. northward, Selchner— E. fr- 19th, N. of Al- 22d Wd. legheny ave. Seventieth Ave. N.— E. fr. Chel- Selfridge PI.— N. fr. 1119 Bain- tenham ave. to Andrews ave., bridge. N. of 69th ave. N. Selkirk— S. of Indiana, E. of Seventy-first— fr. Uoland to 16th. Church la.. 27th Wd. Sellers (Fkd.)-N B. fr. Adams s^^gjjtflj.gt ^^^ ^_^- ^^ to Oxford, S^ of Orthodox. Cheltenham ave. to Andrews Seller's Ct.-N. fr. 1309 Carl- ^^^ j^ „f 70th ave. N. ton. Selma PI.- S. fr. Hamilton, E. Serenty-seeond Ave. N.— E. fr. of loth Cheltenham ave. to Limekiln Selser'B Ct.-S. fr. 146 Race. pike, N. of 71st ave. N. Seltzer— fr. N. Front to Our- Seventy-third Ave. N.— B. fr. 113 Cheltenham ave. to E. Wash- Gray's Ferry road, W. of ington, N. of 72d ave. N. 34th; fr. Wallace to Mantua, Seventy-fourth Ave. N.— E. fr. W. of 34th; fr. Hunting Park Cheltenham ave. to E. Wash- ave. to Allegheny ave., W. of ington, N. of 73d ave. N. 34th; N. fr. Lancaster ave.. Seventy-fifth Ave. N.— E. fr. W. of 34th. Cheltenham ave. to E. Wash- Sheep's La.— S. fr. Penrose Fer- ington, N. of 74th ave. N. ry rd., n. Magazine la. Sevier (Gtn.)— fr. Roberts ave. Shekinah Ave.— W. fr. 916 Or- to Manheim. N. of Schuyler, chard. Seville (Myk.)— fr. Manayunk Shelbourne Ave.— N. E. fr. ave. to Leukon; N. E. fr. Robbins to Hellerman, N. W. Cresson to Terrace, N. W. fr. of H; S. fr. 420 Cherry. Hermit. Sheldon (Gtn.)— fr. Shedaker to Seville PL— N. fr. 235 Queen. Wister. Seybert— fr. 18th to 19th, N. of Sheldon (Myk.)— fr. Ripka to Thompson; fr. 22d to N. Col- Gowen. lege ave.. N. of Thompson. Sheldon PI.— W. fr. 936 S. Front. Seymour (Gtn.)— fr. Gernian- Shelly— S. fr. Allegheny ave. to town ave. to Morris, S. E. of Clearfield, E. of Myrtle. Manheim; S. W. fr. German- Shelmire—N. W. fr. Delaware town ave. to Morris, S. E. of river to County line, N. E. Manheim. of Bleigh. Shady La.— W. fr. Verree rd. Sheridan— fr. Commerce to Fil- to Pine rd., S. of Pennypack bert, W. of 6th; fr. Wharton creek. to Manton, W. of 6th; fr. An- Shackamaxon— fr. the Delaware nin northward, W. of 6th; to Frankford ave., bl. Crease, fr. Washington ave. south- Shaefer's Ct.— S. fr. Rawle, W. ward, W. of 6th; fr. Webster of Lawrence. to Catharine, W. of 6th; fr. Shalkop— N. W. fr. Levering- Fitzwater southward, W. of ton to Gorgas la., S. W. of 6th; fr. Cherry to Race, W. of Selig. 6th; fr. Dauphin to York, W. Shamokin— W. fr. 400 N. 22d of 6th; N. fr. Montgomery to 413 N. 23d. ave. to Berks, bel. 7th. Sharp— E. fr. Hermit to Daw- Sheridan Ave.— W. fr. 35th to son, S. of Terrace. 36th, N. of Southampton, Sharpnack (Gtn.)— fr. Pelham Sherman (Gtn.)— fr. Logan to rd. to Germantown; E. fr. Rittenhouse; fr. Carpenter lo 6700 Germantown ave. W. Washington, ab. Wayne Sharp's Ave.— S. fr. 1222 Canby. ave. Sharswood— fr. 54th to Cones- Shern's Ct.— W. fr. 1330 N. 2d. toga, N. of Master; W. fr. Sherwood— fr. 73d to Cobb's Ridge ave., S. of Jefferson. cr., N. W. of Columbia ave. Shawmont Ave.— E. fr. Schuyl- Shields— fr. Greenway ave. to kill rd. to Wissahickon cr.. Woodland ave.. W. of 66th. S. of Port Royal ave. Shield's Ct.— N. fr. 1231 Cath- Shawmont— S. fr. Shawmont arine. ave., E. of Schuylkill Valley Shingle Ave.— N. fr. N. West- R. R. ern ave. to 33d, E. of Rapine Shaw's La.— W. fr. Ridge avs. ave. Shawnee—fr. Abington to Hart- Shirker's Ave.— bet. Mulvaney well, 22d Ward; fr. Hampton and Fawn. bel. Columbia to Bell's Mill rd., 22d Wd. ave.; S. fr. 1212 Alaska. Shedaker (Gtn.)— fr. Wakefield Shirley— fr. Haines northward, to Duncannon. W. of 18th; S. E. fr. N. 19th Shedwick— fr. Ludlow to Mar- to Fairmount ave., bel. ket, W. of 34th; fr. Reed to Brown. 114 Shiveley's Ave.— E. fr. 819 Sixty-sixth Ave. N.— E. fr. Duane. Cheltenham ave. to Stenton Shoemaker Ct.— W. fr. 708 St. ave., N. of 65th ave. N. John to 703 Brooks. Sixty-seventh Ave. N.— E. fr. ShoU Ave.— fr. 80th to 90th, S. Cheltenham ave., to Lime- E. of Mornen ave. kiln pike, N. of 66th ave. N. Short Ct.— E. fr. 209 N. 12th. Siptty-ieighth Ave. N.— E. fr. Shotwell's Ave.— E. fr. 1225 Cheltenham ave. to 20th, N. Lawrence. of 67th ave. N. Shunk— W. fr. river Delaware Sixty-ninth Ave. N.— E. fr. to river Schuylkill. 2600 S. Cheltenham ave. to 21st, N. Shur's La.— N. E. fr. Main to of 6Sth ave. N. Ridge ave., S. E. of Penn. Skerrett's Ct.— S. fr. 906 Au- Sickel's Ave.— N. fr. 5425 Ha- rora. verford ave. Skill's PI.— W. fr. 840 S. 3d. Siddall— fr. Manatawna to Shin- Sloan— fr. Aspen to Brown, W. gle, 21st Wd. of 39th; fr. Spring Garden to Sidmouth PL— N. fr. 1829 Lancaster ave., W. of 39th; Spruce to Ann. fr. Parrish to Penna. R. R., Siegel— W. fr. 1826 S. Front. W. of 39th. Sigel— fr. Moyamenslng to 5th, Sloan (W. P.)— N. fr. 3933 Green S. of Moore; fr. 9th to 10th, to Spring Garden. S. of Moore; fr. 13th to Park Slocum— fr. Chew to Sprague, ave., S. of Moore; fr. 24th to 22d Wd. ; fr. Michener to Pick- 26th, S. of Moore. erlng, 22d Wd. ; S. W. of Silver— fr. Martha to Coral, N. Chew, S. E. of Pleasant. of Lehigh; fr. Germantown Slossman— B. fr. 929 N. 3d. ave. to 12th, N. of Lehigh; Smaltz Ave.— N. fr. 1531 Cabot. fr. 13th to Broad, N. of Le- Smedley— fr. Fitzwater to Bain- high; N. fr. Leamy to N. bridge, W. of 16th; fr. Pine Front, and fr. 9th to 10th, N. to Spruce, W. of 16th; fr. of Lehigh ave. Seybert (to Master, W. of Silver Ct.— S. fr. 4CS Walnut. 16th; fr. Dauphin to York, W. Silverwood (Myk.)— fr. Rector of 16th; fr. Plymouth to Chel- to Roxborough; fr. Cotton to tenham ave., W. of 16th; N. Domdno; fr. Shawmont to fr. Allegheny ave. to Erie Port Royal. ave., W. of N. 16th; W. fr. Silvia PI.— S. fr. 318 Poplar. 314 N. 37th. Simes Ct.— N. fr. 637 Lombard. Smethurst PI.— E. fr. 531 N. Simons La.— E. of 2d, N. of 24th. Stone House la. Smick (Myk.)— fr. Lang to Du- Simpson— fr. Race to Haver- pont; N. W. fr. Hermitage ford, W. of 64th, to Cinnaminson la.. N. E. of Simpson's Ct.— W. fr. 926 S. Washington. Front. Smith— fr. 16th to 17th, N. of Siner— E. fr. S. 22d to Jordan, Clearfield. N. of Reed. Smith's Ave.— W. fr. 414 Foth- Singler's Row— W. fr. 1310 N. ergill; W. fr. Philip, N. of 2d to 1317 Cadwalader. Master. Sixth St. Ave.— W. fr. 1331 Ran- Smith's Ct.— N. fr. 519 Marri- dolph. ott; S. fr. 1122 Lombard; W. Sixty-and-a-half St.— fr. Mar- fr. 604 S. Juniper. c-^f^ i?.^^cf '■*^. ^""u . A , Smith's Pl.-W. fr. 928 N. 6th. Sixty-fifth St.— fr. Haverford to , . ^ .,, * ,„^„ ^ Lansdowne. Snyder's Ct.-E. fr. 1309 Rye. Sixty-fifth Ave. N.— E. fr. Chel- Snyder Ave.— W. fr. .Delaware tenham ave. to Stenton ave., river to Schuylkill river, 2100 N. of Chelten ave. S. 115 Snyder's Al.— W. fr. Richmond Spencer— fr. Old York rd. to to Fisher. 20th. 22d Wd. Snyder's Are.— E. fr. N. 23d Spencer (Falls Schuylkill)— N. ab. Race. fr. Ridge ave. to Norristown Snyder's Ct.— S. fr. 1218 Pearl. R. R., N. W. of James. Sober's Al.— N. fr. 415 Walnut. Spencer Pi.— S. fr. 231 Ly- Soliaday Ct.— N. fr. Ann, be- brand. low Melvaie. Spencer's Ct.— S. fr. 2052 Lom- Solly— N. W. fr. Delaware riv- bard. er to County line, N. E. of Spooner's Ave.— W. fr. Iil4 Stanwood. St. John. Somerfield PI.— N. fr. Green, Sprague— fr. Abbington to Sart- E. of 4th. well, 22d Wd. Somerset— fr. Richmond to Sprague (Gtn.)— fr. Mill to E. Schuylkill river, N. of Tren- Washington, ab. Boyer. ton ave. Spray Ave. (Gtn.)— W. fr. Sten- Somerville Ave.— W. fr. Bus- ton ave.. N. of Mill. tleton pike to Stenton ave.. Spring — fr. Front westward, N. of Fisher ave. N. of Race; fr. 8th to Sommerville— W. fr. German- 9th, N. of Race; fr. 9th to town ave. to 12th, N. of Le- Hth, N. of Race; fr. 11th to high ave, 12th, N. of Race; fr. 23d east- Sophia— N. fr. 141 Otter to 134 ward, N. of Race; fr. 12th to Edward. Juniper, N. of Race; fr. 21st Bonder's Ct.— S. fr. Carpenter, to 22d, N. of Race; N. W. E. of 3d. fr. W. Walnut la., N. E. of South— W. fr. 600 S. Delaware Ampho; W. fr. Ridge ave., N. ave. to S. 42d (W. P.) of Manatawna ave.: W. fr. South Albion— S. fr. Market to N. 15th to 17th, bet. Race and Lombard, W. of 21st. Vine. Southampton Ave. (C. Hill)— N. Spring Al. (Gtn.)— W. fr. 5100 E. fr. Park line to Stenton Germantown ave. to W. of ave., N. W. of Hartwell. Manheim. Southampton Rd.— S. E. fr. Springfield Ave.— N. E. fr. 39th Somerton to Byberry. to Stenton, N. W. of More- South College Ave.— S. fr. land ave.; S. W. fr. 45th and Ridge ave. to Girard ave., N. Baltimore ave., N. W. of of Fairmount ave: S. fr. Chester ave. Market along Delaware rfver. Spring Garden— W. fr. 520 N. South Marshall— W. fr. S. 13th. 6th to 25th. bel. Green. South Pearl— W. fr. Prosper- Spring Garden Retreat— N. fr. ous al. to Quince. S. of Lo- 1219 Spring Garden. cust. Spring Garden La.— Boyer st. South Penn Sq.— W. fr. S. Ju- to Wingohocking cr. niper to 15th, S. of City Hall. Springer (Gtn.)— N. fr. German- South Water— S. fr. 1 Market, town ave. to Musgrove, bel. Southampton PL— E. fr. Le- Horter. vant, N. of Spruce. Springer's Ct.— S. fr. 116 Chris- Sower's Ct.— S. fr. 1413 Mif- tian. flin. Spruce— W. fr. 300 S. Delaware Spangler— N. fr. Race, to Pow- ave. elton ave., W. of 33d: fr. Spruce Mill Rd.— W. fr. Chest- Reed to Oakford, W. of 33d; nut Hill ave. to Wissahickon S. fr, Weccacoe ave., ab. drive, N. E. of 32d. Government ave., W. of Del- St. Alban's— fr. Front to Swan- aware ave. son, S. of Fitzwater; fr. 7th SpeUbergex's Ct.— B. fr. 1531 to 8th, S. of Fitzwater; fr. Hancock. 12th to 13th, S. of Fitzwater; US fr. 20th to 22d, S. of Fitzwa- Stafford— fr. S. W. of Lena ter. to Baynton, N. W. of Chel- St. Bernard— fr. Market to ten ave. Arch, W. of 49th; fr. Girard Stafford Rd.— N. E. fr. Wlssa- ave. to Thompson, W. of 49th. hickon ave. to Morris, S. W. St. Bernard PL— S. E. fr. of Lehman. Springfield ave., S. W. of Stampers— W. fr. 418 S. 2d to 49th. 3d. St. David's (Myk.)— fr. Gay to Stamper's La.— Weccacoe ave. Conarroe; fr. Bowick to Lang; to Stone House la., S. of Ore- fr. Lang to Dupont; fr. Ripka gon ave. to Hermitage. Stanley — fr. Gray's Ferry road St. James— fr. 2d to American, northward, W. of 30th; fr. S. of Walnut: fr. American Ridge ave. to Susquehanna westward, S. of "Walnut; fr. ave., K. of 31st. 5th to 6th, S. of Walnut: fr. Stann's Ave.— N. fr. Tucker to 7th to 8th, S. of Walnut; fr. Jackson, bel. Memphis. Darien westward, S. of Wal- Stanton — fr. Ridge ave. to Dob- nut; fr. Alder to Cameron, son, S. of Calumet. S. of Walnut; fr. 11th to Stanton PI.— W. fr. N. 2d, ab. Marvine, S. of Walnut; fr. Oxford. 12th to 13th, S. of Walnut; fr. Stanwood— N. W. fr. Delaware 16th to 17th, S. of Walnut; river to County line, N. E. of fr. Woodstock westward, S. Rhawn. of Walnut; fr. 21st eastwaiH, Starkey (Bltn.)— N. E. fr. Pen- S. of Walnut; W. fr. S. 32d, nypack to Lott, S. E. of Ev- S. of Walnut. ans. St. James PL— W. fr. S. 22B, State— fr. Willow to Warren, S. of Walnut. W. of 39th. St. John's Ct.— E. fr. 723 St. State (W. P.)— N. fr. Green, E. John. of N. 40th, to Baring. St. John's PL— E. fr. 417 St. State Island Rd.— E. of Tini- John. cum Island rd. to Penrose St Luke's— fr. 16th eastward, S. Ferry rd. of Cayuga. State House Row— S. side of St. Luke's Block— W. fr. iBtTI, Chestnut, fr. 5th to 6th. S. of Cayuga. Station- E. fr. Cotton to Me- St. Mark's Sq.— S. fr. 4218 Wal- chanic. N. fr. Main. nut. Staub (N. Town)— E. fr. 4155 St. Mark's— fr. 42d to Wood- Gtn. ave. to Nice. land ave.. W. of 42d. Stearley's Ct.— W. fr. 620 Her- St. Martin's La. (C. Hill)— W. mitage. fr. Springfield ave. to Willow Steck's Ct.— W. fr. 916 New Grove. Market to Rachel. St. Mary— W. fr. 526 S. 6th. Steel's Ct.— S. fr. 410 Bain- St. Paul's PL— W. fr. 16th, N. bridge. of Bristol. Steinman's Ct.— E. fr. 1419 St. Stephen— W. fr. 26th to Ta- Randolph. ney S of Thompson. ^_ Steinberg-W. fr. Conshohock- St. Stephen's PL-S. fr. 920 gn ave. to Windemere ave. St. Vincent Ave.-E. fr. Bus- ^•ol^'^Ti^- ^''- ^^^ Wallace to tleton pike to Delaware river, ^^* Melon. S. of Cottman. Steinruck Ave.— S. fr. 252 Ox- St. Vincent PL— S. W. of Chew, ford. N. W. of Locust ave. Stella— fr. Hancock to Pale- Stables Ct.— N. of Fairmount thorp; fr. American to 3d. N. av9., W. of St. John. of Cambria; fr. 8th to 9th, U7 N. of Cambria; fr. Gtn. ave. Strawberry— S. fr. 214 Market to nth. N. of Cambria. to 211 Chestnut. Stella Ave. — W. fr. Frankford Streeper Ave. — N. fr, Dewees ave. to Flranklin Cemetery to 33d, B. of Shingle ave. ave., bel Clearfield. Streeper's Ct.— E. fr. 1003 Char- Stenton Ave. (Gtn.)— N. fr. Ger- lotte. mantown ave. to Fisher's la. Stump La.— fr. opp. 1430 Co- to Chestnut Hill. lumbia ave. to Turner's la. Sternberg— W. fr. Conshohock- Styles— fr. Cadwalader to Ger- en ave. to Windemere ave. mantown ave., N. of Girard Sterner— fr. 26th to 27th, N. of ave.; fr. 26th to Taney, N. Lehigh; fr. S, E. of Gaul to of Girard ave.; fr. Taney to Araminga ave., N. of Lehigh; 28th, N. of Girard ave.; fr. fr. N. Front to Leamy, N. 49th to St. Bernard, N. of of Lehigh ave Girard ave. ; fr. 50th to 5M, Stevenson's Ct.— E. fr. 917 S. N. of Girard ave.; fr. 06th 5th. eastward, N. of Girard ave. Stevenson— fr. Bristol pike, S. Suffolk Ave.— S. W. fr. 71st to E. of Poquessing creek, N. E. 89th, N. W. of Gibson ave. of Grant. Suffolk Park— 77th and Island Stewart— fr. 21st to 27th, N. of rd. Master; fr. 54th to 55th, N. of Sullivan— fr. C. Hill ave. to Master. New Drive, 22d wd. ; fr. Al- Steward's Ct.— S. fr. 616 South; len's la. to Cresheim, 22d N. fr. 1441 Bainbridge. wd.; fr. Hillside to Mermaid, Stiles— W. fr. 1232 N. 11th. Sullivan (Gtn.)— E. and W. fr. Stiles (Fkd.)— N. fr. AshlanU to E. Washington, ab. Sprague. Frankford, S. of Melrose. Sumac— N. fr. Ridge ave., W. Stillman— fr. Christian north- of Rochelle ave. ward, W. of 25th; fr. Hamil- Summer — fr. Delaware ave. to ton to Buttonwood, W. of Front, N. of Race; fr. Front 25th; fr. Brown to Poplar, W. Westward, N. of Race; fr. of 25th: N. fr. Jefferson to 2d Eastward, N. of Race; fr. Oxford, bel. 26th. 5th to 6th, N. of Race; fr. Stocker— S. fr. Carpenter, W. 8th to Darien. N. of Race; of S. 18th. fr. Cameron eastward, N. of Stock Exchange PI.— W. fr. S. Race; fr. 12th to 13th, N. of 3d, opp. Dock. Race; fr. Van Pelt to 22d, N. Stoeckel— N. fr. Somerset to of Race, fr. Bonsall west- Indiana, E. of N. 21st. ward, N. of Race; fr. 55th Stokes Ct.— E. fr. 245 Chester, to 58th, N. of Race; fr. Gross Stone House La.— S. E. fr. Old to 64th; W. fr. 32d, S. of 2d to Jones la., S. of Ritner. Race, etoutoji- N. fr. Hart la. to Summer's Ct.— E. fr. 37th, bel. Cambria, W. of Jasper. Market. Stoy's— W. fr. 1106 Beach to Summerfield PL— N. fr. 329 Richmond. Green. Strahle— N. W. fr. Bristol pike Summit— W. fr. 5th to Ran- to County line, N. E. of Hoff- dolph, S. of Jefferson. ^^S^^- Sun Ct.— S. fr. Ogden, ab. N. Stranahan's Ct.— S. fr. 724 Bain- gth. ^"^^®- Sundgard— N. W. fr, E. Alle- Stratton PI.— N. fr. Poplar, bel. gheny, W. of H. Sunnyslde Ave. (Falls Schuyl- Stratton's Ct.— E. fr. 1315 Han- kill)— S, W. fr. 34th to Nor- cock. ristown R. R., W. of Bow- Strauss Ct.— W. fr. 802 S, 6th. man. 118 Sunset Ave,— N, fr. Gulp to Tabor Ave.— E. fr. Old YorR Stenton ave., E. of Hampton rd., S. of Oluey ave. ave. Tackawanna (Fkd.) — N. fr. Supplee— W. fr. 52d to 56t6, S. Church to Harrison, S. E. of of Girard ave. Mulberry. Surrey's PI.— E. fr. 1009 St. Tackawanna (Fkd.)— fr. Erdrick John. to Charles. Susanna— E. fr. Richmond, ab. Tackawanna (Fkd.)— fr. Tyson York. to Princeton. Susquehanna (Fox Chase)— E. Tacoma (Gtn.)— fr. Price to fr. Pine fr. Rhawn rd. Ritteuhouse. Susquehanna Ave.— W. fr. N. Tacoma (Gtn.)— N. fr. Coulter Front, bel. Dauphin. to Wenona ave.. W. of Sutherland Ave.— S. fr. along Wayne. Schuylkill river. Tacony (Fkd.)— N. W. fr. Little Sutherland or Schuylkill Ave. Tacony creek, E. of Trenton — S. W. fr. South, n. 26th, R. R. along Schuylkill. Tagert— N. fr. E. Norris, bel. Sutter's Ct.— S. fr. 212 Car- Cedar, to Dauphin. penter. Tahasa— W. fr. N. 9th to 10th, Sutton— W. fr. 1432 N. 5th. N. of York. Sutton's Ct.— W. fr. Beach, bel. Talmage— N. fr. Willow, ab. Palmer. N. 2d. Swain— fr. 17th to Folsom. N. Tarn's Ct.— fr. 528 Barnwell to of Fairmount ave.; 26th to 531 Chippewa. Taney, N. of Fairmount ave. ; Taney— fr. Christian to Cath- W. fr. N. 15th to 17th, bel. ariue. W. of 26th: fr. Bain- Brown; fr. N. 25th to 26th, bridge to Pine, W. of 26th; N. of Hare. N. fr. Fairmount ave., E. of Svv-ain's Ct.— N. fr. 235 Chris- 27th. tian. Tariff PI.— W. fr. N. 10th, bel. Swanson— fr. South to Lom- Noble. bard, E. of Front; fr. Somer- Tasker— W. fr. Otsego, bel. set to Guerney, E. of Front; Greenwich. S. fr. 14 South to Prime. Taylor— fr. Spring Garden to Swanson's Ct.— W. fr. 842 Penna. ave., W. of 24th; fr. Swanson. Penna ave. to Wallace. W. of Swanwick — S. fr. 606 Sansom 24th; E. fr. Kensington ave., to 615 Walnut. ab. York to Amber: N. fr. Swartz PI.— S. fr. 244 Concord 2431 Biddle to Wilcox; N. fr. to 235 Catharine. Hare to Parrish, W. of N. Sydenham — fr. Ellsworth 24th; N. fr. Montgomery ave. northward, W. of 15th; fr. to Berks, E. of 25th. Lombard to Waverly, W. of Taylor's Ct.— E. fr. 721 S. 3d: 15th; fr. Locust to Walnut, s. fr. 2210 Naudain; W. fr. W. of 15th; fr. North to 712 S. 3d. Melon, W. of 15th; fr. Hilton Temperance Ct.— N. fr. Rod- to Pike, W. of 15th: N. fr. man, W. of 9th. Master to Columbia ave., and m_,._--« /^Ti,rv % unk ave. Courtland, E. of 18th. Test's Ave.— E. fr. 1141 Dun- Sylvia PI.— fr'.' 318 Poplar. ten. Thayer— fr. 8th to 11th. N. of T Westmoreland; S. E. fr. Ken- T— N. fr. Leiper to Strahle, E. sington ave. to Emerald. S. of S. W. of Ontario. 119 Thirty-six-and-a-half— N. fr. nango, N. W. of Salmon; fr. 3613 Fairmount ave. Ash to Harrison. N. W. of Thewlis (Gtn.)— N. fr. 302 Penn. Salmon; N. fr. E Cumber- Thole (W. P.)— W. fr. S. 57th land. ab. Salmon, to County line, S. of Balti- Times PI.— E. fr. Chatham, bel more ave. Green. Thomas (Bdg.)— N. fr. 3248 Timothy— E. fr. 231 Madison. Buckius. Tinden's Ct.— B. fr. 201 Dean. Thomas Ave.— N. fr. York, W. Tinicum Island Rd.— S. fr. of 16th. Woodland ave., n. 73d, to Thomas Ave.— S. W. fr. 53d Bow creek. , and Christian to Cobb's creek. Tinicum Ave.— Tinicum Island Thomas Ct.— S. fr. 1016 Ham- rd., fr. 85th to 90th. _i^*°°- Tioga—fr. river Delaware to Thomas La.— S. E. fr. Ridge river Schuylkill. ave. to Manatawna ave. Tioga— W. fr. Richmond, bet. Thomazine— W. fr. Hollinger, Venango and Ontario. bet. Oxford and Columbia av. Titan— fr. Front to Hancock, Thomson— fr. Leidy to Belmont S. of Federal; W. of S. 16th ave., N. of Girard ave.; fr. to S. 23d, N. of Wharton; fr. Lancaster to Haverford, N. Philip to American, S. of Fed- of Girard ave.; S. and W. fr. eral; fr. 3d to 6th, S. of Fed- Ann, bel. Master. eral; fr. 12th to Iseminger, S. Thompson (Bdg.)— S. W. fr. of Federal; fr. Watts west- Ash to E. Cumberland, S. E. ward, S. of Federal. of Almond. Titlow— N. W. fr. Pleasant ave. Thompson (Torr.)— W. fr. to Sedgwick ave., N. E. of Frankford ave. to Ridge, 22d Williams. to 23d, Lancaster ave. to Titus— N. W. fr. Aramingo to 49th to Haverford, E. of Trenton R. R., N. E. of Long- Girard ave.— 1300 N. shore. Thompson's Ct.— N. fr. 405 Tolbut— S. E. fr. Krewstown rd. Cherry. to Starkey, N. E. of Mov/er. Thompson PL— S. fr. 128 Race. Toledo (W. P.) -W. fr. N. 42i Thompson's Terrace— fr. Al- to Belmont ave., N. of Girard len's la., west of Germantown ave. ave. Tomlin's Ct.— E. fr. 937 Rachel. Thorn's Ct.— N. fr. 1111 Melon. Tomlinson (Bin.)— N. E. fr. Thorps— E. fr. Stenton ave. to Pennypack to Lott, N. W. of 20th. Banes. Thorp's La. (C. Hill)— W. fr. Tomlinson Rd.— N. W. fr. Germantown ave. to Roxbor- Bustleton and Somerton pike, ough. S. of Somerton. Thorp's La. (Gtn.)— E. fr. Wis- Tood— N. fr. Oxford, ab. Frank- ter bel. Chew across to Rox. ford ave. Thouron Ave. — N. W. fr. E. Toronto— fr. Edgemont to Tulpehocken to Cresheim ave. Thompson, N. of Indiana N. E. of Woolston ave. ave. ; fr. Broad to loth, N. of Thurlow- W. fr. 814 S. 11th to Indiana ave. ; fr. 20th to 2Sd, 12th. N. of Indiana ave.; B. fr. Tibbin (Myk.)-^N. E. fr. Proii- Melvale, ab. Ann. pect to Fountain, N. fr. Torresdale Ave.— N. E. fr. Wood. ^ J X T, Tilden-W. fr. 542 Chatham. 1^^^°°^ 7*^^.J° Pearson ave., Tilghman-fr. Hancock to 2d. ^- ^- '^^ hitman. 19th wd. Torr's Ct.— N. fr. 907 Carlton. Tiller's Ct.— E. fr. 219 Vaughn. Tottenham PI.— N. fr. 809 Car- Tilton— fr. Cumberland to Ve- penter. 120 Towanda (C. Hill)— N. W. fr. Tully's Ct.— E. fr. 1527 Cad- Mermaid la. to Thomas Mill walader. rd. Tulpehocken (Gtn.)— W. fr. Tower (Myk.)— N. fr. Cedar, 6200 Germantown ave. ab. Apple. Turner — E. fr. Ontario to Erie Towuseud— E. fr. Sepviva, E. ave., W. of N. Cith; fr. Front of Frankford ave. to 2d, ab. Oxford; fr. Ran- Transit— N. E. fr. Magee to dolph to 6th, ab. Oxford: fr. Unruh, S. E. of Keystone. 39th to 21st and fr. 22nd to Traverse (21st wd.)— S. fr. Wil- 26th, ab. Oxford; fr. Patton liams ave., E. of Shawmont to 33d. N. of Oxford. St. Turner's Ct.— S. fr. 726 Lorn- Tree— fr. 5th to 6th, S. of bard; S. fr. 1112 Ohio. Jackson; W. fr. 2232 Moya- Turner's La.— S. W. fr. Ger- mensing ave., bel. S. 7th. mantown ave., bel. Cumber- Treft's Ct.— E. fr. 1349 Han- land. cock. Tuscany — N. fr. E. Juniata, E. Trcmont PI.— S. fr. Pearl, ab. of N. Front. N. 12th. Tusculum— N. W. fr. C. par- Trent PL— W. fr. 618 Weaver, allel to Reading R. R., and Trenton Ave.— fr. Norris south- N. E. thereof. v/est, E. of Front; N. fr. Tutingham PI.— N. fr. Car- Norris to Erie ave., below penter, W. of 8th. Tulip. Twaddell's Ct.— N. fr. Barker, Trenton Ave. (Fkd.)— N. E. fr. bel. N. 19th. Mill to Pennypack creek, E. Twelve Foot Al.— S. fr. 510 of Paul. Bainbridge. Trinity— fr. 59th to GOth, N. W. Twenty-fourth St.— fr. Winter of Chester ave. to Vine. W. of 23d. Trinity PL— S. W. fr. 48th to Twenty-sixth St.— fr. Carpen- 49th, N. W. of Chester ave; ter to Christian, W. of 25th; S. fr. 222 Catharine. fr. Bainbridge to South, W. Tripple— N. W. fr. McFadden of 25th. ave. to Shingle ave., N. E. of Twenty-seventh St.— fr. Bain- Lilly, bridge to Lombard, W. of Trotter's AL— W. fr. 34 S. 2(X 26th. to 23 Strawberry, Twenty-seven-and-a-half St.— Trouds (C. Hill)— N. fr. Ger- N. of Berks, W. of 27th. mantown ave., W. of Bell's Tyler— N. fr. 911 Thompson to Mill rd. 912 Master. Trout-W. fr. 614 Barrow to Tyndall-W. fr. 200 S. 12th to 613 S. 4th. 13th. Tryon— W. fr. 504 S. 21st to S. ^ „ a w # xr *, ., 223 Tyson— S. E. fr. Huntingdon Tucker (Fkd.)-S. E. fr. Har- ^- °^ Germantown ave. rison, ab. Margaret; fr. 15th ,, to 16th. N. of Huntingdon; ,, ,, , _ " N. W. fr. Cedar to Martha, U— N. fr. Duncannon ave., E. S. W. of Lehigh ave. o^ T st. Tudor's Ct.— N. fr. Marriott, Uber— fr. Lombard to Pine, W. bel. S. 7th. of 19th; fr. Ranstead to Lud- Tulip— N. fr. Lehigh ave. to low, W. of 19th; fr. Pearl to Duncan, W. of Memphis; N. Shamokin, W. of 19th; fr. E. fr. Fraley to Pierson ave., Fairmount to Poplar, W. of N. W. of Keystone; N. fr. 19th; fr. Rockland to Rus- Palmer, E. of Sepviva. comb, W. of 19th; fr. Colum- Tull— Upsal to Johnson, N. E. bia ave. to Norris, bet. N. of Chew. 19th and 20th. 121 Uber PL— N. fr. Columbia ave., V W. of N. 19th. V— N. fr. Fisher ave., E. of U. Uffenheimer's Ave.— N. fr. 239 Vail's Ct.— W. of 23d. S. of Poplar. Pearl. Ulmer— N. E. fr. Wood to Pe- Valley (Fkd.)— fr. Margaret to chin, N. W. of Parker ave. Pratt. Ulrich's Row— W. fr. 1310 N. Valley Ct.— E. fr. 105 Eutaw. 2d to 1317 Cadwalader. Van Plunk's Ct.— N. fr. Mar- Umbria— fr. North Western riott, ab, S. 5th. ave. to Leverington, 21st wd. Van Buren PI. — n. Ogden and Umstead's Row— N. W. fr. Rit- N. 10th. tenhouse la., S. W. of Wis- Vance Ave.— S. fr. 86th to 90th, sahickon ave. E. of Mornen ave. Underbill (Gtn.)— fr. Haines Vandyke (Fkd.)— fr. Fkd. ave. northward, S. W. of Chew, to Orchard; fr. Decatur to Underhill— N. W. fr. Chelten to Rhawn, N. W. of Hegerman; Haines, S. W. of Chew. N. E. fr. Robbins to Cott- Union— fr, Sloan to Warren, W. man and fr. Linden ave. to of 39th. Pierson ave., N. W. of Heger- Union (W. P.)— N. fr. Haver- man. ford ave. to P. R. R., W. Vanilla— fr. 64th to 64 1-2 st., of N. 39th. N. of Vine. Union Ave. (C. Hill)— N. E. fr. Vanhorn— W. fr. 1126 Hancock Park line to Stenton ave., N. to 1073 Germantown ave. W. of Southampton ave. Vanhorn (Hbg.)— N. E. fr. Mill Unity (Fkd.)— W. fr. Wain to to Soley, fr. Fkd. ave. Sellers, N. of Pine. Vankirk— W. fr. Delaware riv- Unity Ct.-S. of Minster, W. of er to County line, S. W. of 7th. Comly. TT • •* * OAM *.^ TTT^^/i VanPelt— fr. Lombard to Pine, University-fr 30th to Wood- ^ gist; fr. Spruce to Lo- land ave.. 27th wd. ^^^^^ ^ ^^ 21st; fr. Walnut Unruh (Tacony)— N. W. fr. to Ludlow, W. of 21st; fr. Delaware river to County cherry to Vine, W. of 21st; line, S. W. of Knorr. fr. Somerset to Cambria, W. Upland— fr. 47th to 48th, N. W. of 21st; N. fr. Montgomery of Greenway; fr. 50th to 51st, ave., W. of N. 21st. N. W. of Greenway; fr. 60th Vassar— N. E. fr. Cresson to to 61st, N. W. of Greenway; Ridge ave., S. E. of Dawson. fr. 66th to 69th, N. W. of Vaughn— S. fr. 1514 Walnut to Greenway; fr. 70th to Ann, 1517 Locust. N. W. of Greenway. Venango (Nicetown)— W. fr. upland Ave.-N. W. tr. S. 71st ^^„^^ Germant„,.a ave. to LtloTTv^ """■ '° •""^•Ve'T.go-W."?. Delaware, N. sessmg ave. ^^ Tioga. Upsal— N. E. fr. Wissahickon yg^^jg ct.— N. fr. Vine, W. of ave. to Cheltenham ave., N. 23d. W. of Johnson. Verbena Ave.— E. fr. Oak la., Upshur Ave.— E. fr. 325 New N. of N. Penn R. R. Market. Vernon— W. fr. 820 N. 10th to Urbanna— fr. 71st to Capital, N. 11th, of Market; fr, Delaware ave. verree Rd. (23d wd.)— N. E. fr. to Water, N. of Market. gid 2d st. pike to Bustleton Urbanna PI.— W. fr. 12 N. 9th. pike. Utica PL— W. fr. 414 Foftier- Veyans Ct.— N. fr. Washington gilL ave,, E. of 3d. 122 Vezin (Fkd.)— W. fr. Sellers to Wakefield (Gtn.)— N. W. fr. E. Castor rd. Logan to Penn, N. B. of Ger- Vicaris— S. E. fr. Hermit to mantown ave. Jennett ave., N. E. of Righ- Wakeling (Fkd.)— E. and W. ter. fr. Frankford, ab. Harrison. Vicker's Ct.— N. fr. 1711 Bar- Walden— fr. 38th eastward, N. ker. of Market; fr. 38th to Saun- Victoria— fr. Smedley to 17th, ders, N. of Market; E. fr. N. E. of Venango; fr. Elder 49 n. 22d to 21st. to Gtn. ave., N. E. of Ve- walgrove— S. fr. Tacony, n. nango; S. fr. 1226 Snyder Trenton R. R. . ave.; W. fr. Myrtle to Rich- Walker (Fkd.)— fr. Frankford mond, N. of Venango. to Bridge, ab. Cottage. Vienna— N. W. fr. Delaware Walker (Tacony)— N. E. fr. ave. to Frankford ave., N. of Bridge to Cottman and fr. Montgomery ave. Linden ave. to Pierson ave., Vincent— E. fr. Adams to n. W. of Cottage. Ridge ave., N. fr. Manayunk -^alker— N. fr. Somerset to ave.; N. fr. 207 Buttonwood Ann, W. of Gaul. to 206 Green. Walker's Ave.— S. of Herman Vine — fr. Delaware ave. west- w. of 29th. ward, N. of Race. 300 N. Walker Ave! (Branchtown)- S. Vineyard— W. fr. Ridge ave., fr. Mill, W. of 20th. ab. Poplar. Walker's Ct.— S. fr. 602 Wil- Vining PL— N. fr. 247 Catha- iq^. rine to Concord. V/allace— fr. 4th to 5th, N. Vintage Ave.— S. W. fr. 34th of Green; fr. 48th to 49th, N. to Cleveland ave., S. of Pine, ^t Green; W. fr. N. 7th to Vinton— S. fr. Oregon ave. to 25th, ab. Mt. Vernon; W. fr. Government ave.. F. of SBel- ^2d and Mantua ave. to 46tb, ^y- S. of Fairmount ave. Viola (W. P.)-W. fr. N. 41st, waln (Fkd.)-S. E. fr. 114 N. of Columbia ave. Unity Virginia— W. fr. 706 N. 22d to Walnut — fr. Delaware ave. 24th. westward, S. of Chestnut. Virginia Rd. (W. P.)— N. E. 20O S. fr. 69th and Lansdowne to Walnut Ave. S. W. fr. Ger- 63d and Columbia ave. mantown ave. to Broad, S. of Vodges — fr. 55th to Vine, W. of Ontario. 55th. Walnut La.— fr. Main to Ridge Vollum— fr. Steadman to Ari- ave., 21st wd.; fr. Ritten- zona, W. of S. 12th. house to Wissahickon, 2ist W ''^• ■nr >T t:, * o •„ Walnut La. (Gtn.)— W. fr. 6100 ^i^\r^.Ml:-iTlfV- Ge^antown ave. to Wayne Wabash— W. fr. N. Front, N. „, , , „ . « . of Market. Walnut Ter.— fr. 41st and Bar- Wadsworth ' Ave.— N. E. fr. i°g- Sprague to Stenton ave., N. Walter— fr. 12th to Watts, N. of W. of Gowen ave. Girard ave.; fr. Carlisle to Wagner (Gtn.)— S. W. fr. Ger- 15th, N. of Girard ave.; fr. mantown ave. to Green, S. E. 27th to 28th, N. of Girard ave. ; of Logan. fr. Morton S. W., N. of Wagner's Ct.— W. fr. N. 7th, Girard ave.; fr. Berks to bel. Fairmount ave. Montg., N. of Girard ave.; fr. Wakefield (Gtn.)— fr. Price to Palmer to Columbia, N. of Rittenhouse, ab. Evans. Girard ave.; W. fr. 1218 N. 123 15th to 1221 N. 18th and fr. 29th to 30th. Walton Ct.— B. fr. 529 Chat- ham. Walton Ct.— S. fr. 1622 Rich- ard, bel. Pine. Walton's Ct.— S. fr. 406 Lynd. Wanamaker — fr. Media to Lansdowne, W. of 58th. Ward's Ct.— r. 23 Parham. Warminster PL— W. fr. 1546 Cadwalader to 1539 German- town ave. Warner's Ct.— N. fr. 729 Car- penter. Warner's PI.— E. fr. 925 Mar- shall. Warnock- fr. Wharton north- ward, W, of 10th; fr. Ritner to Wolf, W. of 10th : fr. Mc- Kean to Mifflin, W. of 10th; fr. Reed to N. of Wharton, W. of 10th; fr. Christian to Bainbridge, W. of 10th; fr. Spruce to Walnut, W. of 10th; fr. Winter to Vine, W. of 10th; fr. Wallace to Melon, W. of 10th; fr. Parrish north- ward, W. of 10th; fr. 66th ave. N. to Lakeside, W. of 10th; N. fr. 1017 Poplar to Susquehanna ave. and fr. York to Cambria an^ fr. Granfi;e to Spencer. Warren— W. fr. 1846 Beach to Richmond. Warren (W. P.)— W. fr. N. 34th, N. of Market. Warrington Ave. — S. W. fr. Baltimore ave. and 46t.h to Cobb's creek, S. of Florence ave. Washington (Bdg.)— N. E. fr. Irving to Bridge, S. E. of School. Washington (Myk.)— N. W. fr. Leverington to Main, N. of Domino la. Washington— N. fr. Trenton ave. Washington (Tacony)— N. W. fr. Delaware river to Walker, N. E. of Longshore. Washington (W. Hall)— S. E. fr. Adaline to Trenton R. R., ab. Frankford. Washington Ave. (Gtn.)— E. and W. fr. 6300 Germantown ave. Washington Ave.— W. fr. Delaware river, ab. Federal, to Gray's Ferry rd. Washington Ct.— N. fr. 643 Lombard. Washington La. (Gtn.)— fr. Bristol pike to Roxborough. Washington La. — fr. Park line to Wissahickon ave., 21st wd. Water — fr. Government ave. to Christian, E. of Front; fr. Beck northward, E. of Front; fr. Fitzwater Northward, E. of Front; fr. Bainbridge to Pine, B. of Front; fr. Cum- berland to Huntingdon, E. of Front; fr. Somerset to Guer- ney, E. of Front; fr, Clear- field to Lippincott, E. of Front; fr. Ontario to Venan- go, E. of Front; fr. Somer- ville to Clarkson, E. of Front. Waterloo — fr. Poplar north- ward, V7. of Front. Watkins— W. fr. S. 2d to Moy- amensing ave., S. of Morris; W. fr. 1712 S. 4th to 12th. Watts — fr. Mifflin northward, E. of Broad; fr. Watkins to Reed, E. of Broad; fr. Whar- ton to Titan, E. of Broad; fr. Washington to Carpenter, E. of Broad; fr. Catharine to Kenilworth, E. of Broad; fr. Lombard to Cypress, E. of Broad; fr. Spruce to Locust, E. of Broad; fr. Locust north- ward, E. of Broad; fr. Walnut southward, E. of Broad; fr. Cherry to Race. E. of Broad; fr. Race to Vine, E. of Broad; fr. Vine to Pearl, E. of Broad; fr. Mt. Vernon to Wallace, E. of Broad; fr. Parrish to Jefferson. E. of Broad; fr. Columbia ave. to Norris, E. of Broad; fr. Dia- mond to Susquehanna, E. of Broad; Susquehanna to Dau- phin, E. of Broad; fr. Dau- phin to York, E. of Broad; fr. Rush to Cambria, E. of Broad; fr. Allegheny south- ward, E. of Broad; fr. On- tario to Venango, B. of Broad; fr. Erie ave. to Ni of 124 Butler, E. of Broad; S. fr. Weikel— fr. Auburn to William, McKean to Snyder ave., E. of N. of Tulip; S. fr. Erie ave. S. Broad; S. fr. Pritchett to to Ann. W. of Tulip. Tasker, E. of S. Broad. Welcome— fr. Gibson ave. to Waverly— fr. 6th westward, S. 90th, 27th wd. of Pine; fr. Hutchinson to Walker's Ave.— S. fr. Herman, 10th, S. of Pine; fr. 10th to W. of 29th. Marvine, S. of Pine; fr. Mar- Wellein's Ct.— E. fr. 1211 Ran- vine to 12th, S. of Pine; 15th dolph. to 16th, S. of Pine; fr. 12th Wellington PL— N. fr. 130 to 13th, S. of Pine; fr. 13th Dana. to Park ave., S. of Pine; fr. Welsh Rd. (23d wd.)— N. W. Carlisle to 15th, S. of Pine; fr. Holmesburg to County fr. 16tt to 17th, S. of Pine; fr. line. 19th to Uber, S. of Pine; fr. Wenderley's Ct. B. fr. 1019 Uber to 20th, S. of Pine; fr. N. 4th. 20th to 21st, S. of Pine; fr. Wendle— fr. Locust southward, Van Pelt eastward, S. of Pine; W. of 6th; fr. Quarry to fr. 23d to 26th, S. of Pine; Race, W. of 6th; fr Cam- 2300 to 2599; fr. 43d to 44th, bridge southward, W. of 6th; S. of Pine; fr. 59th to 62d, S. fr. Huntingdon to Lehigh of Pine; W. fr. 466 S. 17th. ave., W. of 6th; N. fr. York, Wayne Ave. (Nicetown and W. of 6th. Gtn.)— N. W. fr. Nicetown la. Wendover (Myk.)— fr. Apple to to Allen's la., N. E. of Pu- Tower; S. of Manayunk, W. laski. of Shur's la. Weaver— fr. Cheltenham ave. Wensley— fr. 20th to 22d, N. of to Limekiln pike, 22d Wd. Westmoreland; E. fr. Rich- Weaver (Gtn.)— S. W. fr. Ger- mond to Delaware ave., S. of mantown ave. to Jefferson, Ontario. N. W. of Upsal. Westmont — fr. Marshall to Webb— fr. Madison to West- 7th, N. of Diamond. moreland, S. E. of Thomp- West— N. fr. Fairmount ave. son; fr. Cumberland to Le- to Poplar, bet. N. 19th and high, S. E. of Thompson. 20th. Webb's Ct.— S. fr. 222 Chris- West Adams— fr. Frankford tian. ave., bel. Aramingo. Webster— fr. 6th to 7th, S. of West College Ave.— N. fr. Pop- Catharine; fr. nth to Broad, lar to Thompson, E. of N. S. of Catharine; fr. Rosewood 26th. to Mole, S. of Catharine; fr. West De Lancey PI.— W. fr. 16th westward, S. of Catha- S. 20th, S. of Spruce. rine; fr. Stillman to Schuyl- West Johnson— S. W. fr. Ger- kill. S. of Catharine; W. fr. mantown ave. to Wissahickon S. 17th, bel. Catharine; E. fr. ave., N. W. of Duval. Leverington ave. to Green la.. West Logan— W. fr. Pulaski S. of Manayunk ave. Sve. to Morris. Webster Ter. (Myk.)— E. fr. West Louden— S. W. fr. Ger- 301 Green la. mantown ave. to Green. N. Weccacoe Ave.— S. E. fr. Mc- W. of Wyommg ave. Kean and Swanson to Dela- Westminster Ave.— W. fr. 38th ware ave., S. of Bigler. to City ave., N. of Vine. WpfXtnf.^-f- i':/^^ ^^'^f Westmont-W. of 29th. N. of Weightman-T-fr. Ridge ave. to niaTnond Park Drive; S. of Montgom- ^^^^o^^^. ery, W. of 22d. Westmore PI.— E. fr. 515 N. 2d. Welhle (Falls)— N. fr. Sunny- West Shippen PI.— N. fr. 839 side, W. of P. and R. R. Bainbridge. 125 Western Ave.— W. fr. 222 N. Wienie— N. fr. Queen to Nor- 15th. ristown R. R., W. of 35th st. Westford Ave.— S. fr. 808 No- Wigard Ave.— N. E. fr. Shaw- ble. mont st. to Wissahickon cr., Westmore PL— E. fr. 515 N. S. E. of Williams ave. 2d. Wilcox— W. fr. 328 S. 19th to Westmoreland— W. fr. Dela- 333 S. 20th; W. fr. N. 19th to ware, ab. Allegheny ave. 22d, bel. Green. Westview Ave.— S. W. fr. Ger- Wilder (Myk.)— fr. Lang to mantown ave., N. W. of Phil Hermitage; fr. Dickinson to Ellena. Moyamctasing, S. of Reed; Wetherill— S. fr. Sumac, W. of fr. 8th to 10th, S. of Reed; Jennett. fr. Dickinson to 12th, S. of Weyand's PI.— E. fr. Elk, bel. Reed; fr. 12th to 13th, S. of Otter. Reed; W. fr. 1426 S. 4th to Weymouth— fr. Clearfield to 7th and fr. 18th to 21st, N. of Allegheny, E. of F. Dickinson. Wharf (Fkd.)— fr. Frankford Wildey— fr. 2d to 4th, N. of creek to Orthodox, S. of Poplar; fr. 2d to Fk'd ave., Pierce. N. of Poplar; N. E. fr. 1059 Whartman— N. W. fr. Paoli Frankford ave. ave., S. W. of Ridge ave. Wiles Ct.— N. fr. 1319 Wallace. Wharton— W. fr. 1136 S. Wiley's Ct.— W. fr. 210 N. 11th. Front. Willard— fr. Aramingo ave. lo Wheatsheaf La.— N. W. fr. Jasper, N. of Allegheny; fr. Richmond to Trenton R. R. 20th E., S. of Westmoreland; Wheelock's PI.— N. fr. 1331 fr. Jasper to Emerald, S. of Potts to 1328 Fairmount ave. Westmoreland; fr. 20th East Whelan's Ct.— S. fr. 1504 South bel. Westmoreland. to 1505 Kater. William— fr. Tulip to Trenton Whilden's Row— E. fr. 1311 ave., N. of Somerset; fr. Rye. Ormes to B st., N. of Som- Whimple PI.— W. fr. 1025 erset; fr. 12th to Park ave., Swanson. N. of Somerset; N. W. fr. Whitby Ave.— W. fr. 15th, S. Delaware ave. to Trenton R. of Indiana; W. fr. ?2d to R., bel. Cambria; fr. 251 S. Cobb's creek, S. of Baltimore 21st: W. fr. Trenton R. R. ave. to Frankford, S. of Cambria. White— fr. Tulip to Trenton Williams Al.— S. fr. 528 Bain- ave., S. of Erie ave. bridge to Metcalf. Whitebread PI.— S. fr. 122 Williams Ave.— N. W. fr. Christian. Limekiln pike to Cresheim Whitehead's Ct.— W. fr. 736 ave., N. E. of Thouron ave. S. 4th. Williams Ct.— N. fr. 913 Cal- Whiteman's Ct.— W. fr. 1242 lowhill; N. fr. Montgomery, Amber to 1247 N. Front. ab. Richmond. White's Ct— E. fr. 917 N. ISifh; Williamson— W. fr; Crosbie, ab. S. fr. 1326 Alaska. Moore, to Moyamensing ave. White's PL— N. fr. 1809 Kater. Williamson's Ct.— W. fr. Swan- White's Retreat— E. fr. 1023 N. son, bel. Washington ave. 4th. Williamson's PL— N. fr. 909 Whitney— W. fr. 1010 Passyunk Cherry. ave. to 1007 S. 8th. Willing's AL— W. fr. 232 S. Whyte's PL— S. fr. 1134 South. 3d to 231 S. 4th. Weccacoe Ave.— S. E. fr. Swan- Willits Rd.— N. W. fr. Bristol son to Delaware river., S. of pike to Bustleton pike, N. of Snyder ave. Pennypack creek. 126 Willow— fr. State to Sloan, N. laski ave. to Wayne ave., bel. of Callowhill; W. fr. Dela- School. ware ave. to N. 10th, bel. No- Winter— fr. Delaware ave. to bie Front, N. of Race; fr. 11th Willow (Fkd.)— N. E. fr. Mead- to 12th; 1100 to 1199; fr. 8th owto Bridge, N. W. of Cher- westward, N. of Race; fr. ry 9th to 11th, N. of Race; fr. Willow Ct.— S. fr. Pine, W. of 12th to 13th, N. of Race; fr. 6th. 13th to Park ave., N. of Willow Grove Ave. (C. Hill)— Race; fr. Opal to 20th, N. of N. E. fr. 35th to Stentou Race; fr. Bonsall to 24th, N. ave., N. W. of Springfield of Race; W. fr. 32d to Keefer, ave. S. of Powelton ave.; W. fr. Willow's Ave.— S. W. fr. 50th 240 N. 16th. and Baltimore ave to Cobb's Winter's Ct.— S. fr. 1234 Mon- creek, S. E. of Whitby. terey; E. fr. 415 St. John. Wilmer's Al.— W. fr. 358 Dill- Winton— W. fr. S. 5th to 12th, wyn to 351 N. 4th. N. of Jackson. Wilson— N. fr. 6 Metcalf, S. of Wiota— fr. Parrish to Westmin- Bainbridge. ster, W. of 40th; N. fr. Mar- Wilson (Gtn.)— E. fr. Haines to ket to Haverford, W. of N. Mill, S. of Cedar la. 40th. Wilson's Ct.— r. 3 Poplar. Wirt PL— W. fr. 538 Linden. Wilt— fr. Wildey to Girard Wirth's Ct.— E. fr. 825 N. 5th. ave., S. of Berks; fr. S. of Wise's Mill Rd.— N. E. fr. Belgrade to Tulip, S. of Shawmont ave. to Park line, Berks; fr. Gratz to 19th, S. of N. W. of Wigard. Berks; fr. Mascher to How- Wisdom Al. (Gtn.)— W. fr. 6218 ard and fr. 6th to Marshall Germantown ave. and fr. Gratz to Uber, N. of Wishart— fr. Bath to Richmond, Montgomery ave. N. of Clearfield; fr. Trenton Wiltbank's Ct.— r. 3 Boyer pi. ave. to Amber, N. of Clear- Wilton— fr. Media to Warren, field; fr. 17th westward, N. of W. of 52d. Clearfield; E. fr. Frankford Winchester PL— W. fr. 924 Ot- ave., N. of Clementine. sego. Wishart's Ct.— W. fr. 704 Beach. Winchester PL— W. fr. 914 S. Wisler Ave.— E. fr, 1745 N. 2d. Front. Wissahickon Ave.— fr. Roberts Windemere Ave.— N. E. fr. 38th ave. to N. Western ave. and Midvale ave. to Over- Wissahickon Heights Ave. (C. brook ave. Hill)— N. fr. 32d, W. of Windsor Sq.— N. fr. Brown, W. Chestnut Hill Ave. of Corinthian ave. Wissinoming — N. E. fr. Penn Wingate Ave.— S. E. fr. Dit- to Cottman, S. E. of Aramin- man to Delaware river, N. E. go. of Solly. Wister (Gtn.)— fr. Gt'n ave. Wingohocking (Gtn.) — fr. Ger- southwestward bel. Manheim; mantown ave. to Green. N. E. fr. Germantown ave. Wingohocking PL— W. fr. 960 to Stenton ave., S. E. of Lawrence. Jefferson. Wingohocking (Gtn.)-fr. R~bb- wisteria (Bltn.)-N. fr. Fulmer erts ave. to Frankford creek, to Lott, E. of Bustleton pike, ^ab. Cayuga. Wisteria Ave. (Gtn.)-S. fr. Wingohocking Ter.— fr. Roberts Wyandotte to Wakefield, beL ave., N. E. Wistar. Winner PL— N. fr. 233 South, witherspoon's Ct.— N. fr. Cher- Winona Ave. (Gtn.)— fr. Pu- ry, W. of 9th. 127 Witte— N. fr. Ann to Erie ave., Woodworth Ave.— S. fr. li bel. Trenton R. R. Christian. | Witzel's Ct.— E. fr. 1309 N. Woolston Ave.— N. W. fr. An- 5th. drews ave. to Cresheim ave., Woelper's Ct.— E. fr. 160 N. N. E. of Cemetery ave. 23d. Workman's Ct.— S. fr. 116 Con- Wolf— fr. river Delaware to gress. river Schuylkill, 2300 3. Worrall (Fkd.)— fr. Leiper to Wolf's Ct.— E. fr. Hope, ab. Franklin, bel. Orthodox. Sites; N. fr. 105 Lombard; Worrell (Fkd.)— E. fr. ■flOa S. fr. 314 German. Frankford to Tacony. Womrath (Fkd.)— fr. Torres- Worth (Fkd.)— fr. Oxford to dale ave. to Penn. Harrison. Womrath PL— N. fr. 235 Mon- Worthington Rd.— N. E. fr. roe. Byberry rd. to Southampton Wonderly PL— N. fr. 149 Ot- rd., E. of Somerton. ter. Wren (Hbg.)— E. fr. William Wood— fr. Mascher to 2d, N. of to Race, E. of Montague. Vine; W. fr. N. 2d to 24th, Wright— fr. P. & R. R. R. to ab. Vine; W. fr. 32d to Keef- Schmick, 21st wd. er, N. of Race. Wright's Ter.— fr. 42d, bel. Wood (Gtn.)— W. fr. German- Walnut. town ave., ab. Sharpnack. Wyalusing— fr. 40th to 41st, N. Woodford— fr. Ridge ave. to of Brown; E. fr. 58th and Cumberland, W. of Hunting Haverford ave. to N. 42d, N. Park ave. of Westminster ave. Woodland Ave.— S. fr. Market Wylie—S. W. fr. 1638 Ridge and S. 32d to Cobb's creek. ave. to N. 19th. Woodland Terrace— W. of S. Wynnefield Ave.— N. W. fr. 40th, S. fr. Baltimore ave. to Elm ave. to 57th and Over- Woodland ave. brook ave. Woodlawn (Gtn.)— fr. Gtn. ave. Wyoming Ave.— N. fr. Pulaski bel. Chelten ave. ave. to Germantown ave., B. Woodlawn (Gtn.)— fr. Morton to of Fisher's la. Anderson bel. Chelten ave. Wyoming Ter.— Chestnut Hill, Woodpecker La.— N. E. fr. bel. P. and R. R. depot. Indiana and 18th to Clear- field, E. of 17th. X Wood's Ct.— W. fr. Greenhlll, X St.— N. fr. Benner to Strahle, n. Seybert. E. of W st. Woodside Ave.-S. fr. wind- Xenophon Ave -W. fr. 60th, mere ave. to Steinberg, N. of N. of Haverford ave. Park line. Y Woodstock— fr. Snyder to Mif- y— N. fr. Benner to Strahle, E. flin, W. of 20th; fr. Reed to ^f x. Wharton, W. of 20thj_ fr. Yale— S. fr. Mifflin to Snyder Locust to Chancellor, W. of ^yg -^ of S. 20th. 20th; fr. Cherry to Race, W. Yale ' Ter!— W. fr. 23d and of 20th; fr. Jefferson to Red- Christian ner, W. of 20th; fr. Spencer ygager's Ct.— S. fr. 704 St. to Godfrey, W. of 20th; fr. Mary. Brown to Parrish, W. of 20th; Yewdell (W. P.)— N. fr. Poplar N. fr. Columbia ave. to Nor- ^^ Girard ave., W. of N. 54th. ris, ab. N. 20th; S. fr. Dick- Yhost PL— N. fr. 627 Carpen- inson. W. of 20th. ter. Woodville PL— N. fr. 1723 St. Yocum— fr. 53d to 56th, 27th Joseph's ave. wd.; N. E. fr. 49th and fr. 12S 66th to 68th and fr. Tlst to Y. P. M.— N. of Dickinson, W. 73d, N. W. of Woodlaud. of 3d. Yorick PI. (Fkd.)— B. fr. Fkd. ave., N. of Ruan. Z York— W. fr. N. Front, ab. Z— N. fr. Benner to Strahle, E. Dauphin. of Y st. York Ave.— N. fr. Germautown Zachariah Ct.— S. fr. 12S Gothic ave., n. Rising Sun la.; N. to 121 Walnut. W. fr. N. 4th and Wood to Zaun's Ct.— W. fr. 706 N. Bo- 549 N. 5th. dine. York PI.— E. fr. 875 N. 5th. Ziegler's Ct.— r. Melvale, bel. Young— N. fr. Christian, W. of Maple. 2d. Zephyr Ave.— W. fr. 752 S. Young's Al.— S. fr. 152 Pegg Sth. to J53 Willow; W. fr. 426 Zeralda— fr. Wayne ab. Wayne New Market. Junction. Young's Ct.— N. fr. 233 Bain- Zimmerman— W. fr. N. 26th to bridge; N, fr. 427 Carpenter. 30th, ab. Oxford. 129 1st 2nd 3rd 4th THE Advertising THAT PAYS BEST Is that up on which the most skill and ca re have beet expended. Those whlo of an advertisement Book becaulse study advertising will recogn in Property Own it contains the elements of ize the valu< er's Hani success. out by US! chance to prove it to you. Gi ve us a tria They are A practical idea. Care in preparation. Selection of a medium by which you reach the most possible customers at least expense. Systematic distribution. that helps to make printed ma tter and ad j Every point vertising successful is thoroughly worked We want a order. Boteler-Wick Co. Pnttttttg, Mnntmn^ 441-443 North Fifth Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. NDEX A Page A Plain Form of Lease 36 Abram Cox Stove Co., Mfrs 3 Acts making Owners liable to Fine 18 American Gas Fixture Co 75 Architectural Ironwork 21 Areas of Wards 14 Assessors of Real Estate 20 Art Wrought Iron 21 B Banking 33 Brickwork 63 Brickmakers 99 Boundaries of Wards 13 Buildings in Philadelphia 12 Building Inspectors IS Builder and Contractor 39 Builders' Ironwork 21 Bunch, Samuel J, Plasterer 57 C Calendar, 1903 7 Calendar, 1904 S Calendar, 1905 It) Carpenter and Jobbing lt)5 Carroll, H. C. & Sons 99 Century Stained Glass Co 51 Charges for Water 24 Chandeliers 75 City Hall Directory 4 City Hall Dimensions 5 Complete Street Directory 40 Contractor and Builder 39 Constable ^1 Cost of Permits .19 Cost of Street Improvements 20 D Delaware Insurance Co., Fire Insurance '27 Dimensfons of City Hall 5 Directory of City Hall 4 Directory of Streets 40 131 Page Discounts of Taxes 23 Distances from Philadelphia 11 Dumb Waiters 93 Delinquent Tax Costs 23 E Elevators 93 Estates Managed 33 Excavating for Biiiiaings 69 P Pairmount Park 17 Fines, Owners liable to 18 Fire Insurance 27 Freeman, John M., Constable 81 G Gas Fixtures 75 Glass, etc 15 Glass, Stained and Leaded 51 Grace in Payment of Interest 31 Ground Rent Payment 31 Guide to Street Numbers 5 Gutters and Spouts cover H H. K. Palmer, Heaters and Ranges cover H. C. Carroll & Sons, Brickmakers 99 Heisengreen, Theo., Jobbing Carpenter 105 Heckman & Graham, Painters 45 Heater and Range Manufacturers 3 Heating Apparatus Manufacturers 13ti Heaters and Ranges .coyer Heberle & Co., Ironwork 21 Holidays, Legal 16 Holm & Son, Builders 3D I •';'_ Inspectors of BuiMiugs ;;.. ".:."' IS Interest, Grace in Payment ......: 31 Interest Rules ...7.. 32 Insurance, Fire 27 Insurance, Title 33 Insurance, Plate Glass • r -. . "9 Ira T. Miller, Paperhanger — •...:..-, 134 Ironwork, etc 21 132 J Page James A. Mullen, Stonework 69 John M. Freeman, Constable 81 John Lucas Co., Paints, etc 15 Johnson, J. & W. P., Real Estate 9 Jobbing Carpenter 105 K Kelly, Martin M., Plumber ^ cover Kolb Brothers, Lumber and Millwork IS S7 L Legal Holidays 16 Lease, A Plain Form of 36 Leaded and Stained Glass 51 Lucas Co., Paints, etc 15 Lumber and Millwork. 87 M Martin M. Kelly, Plumber cover Masonry 69 Millwork and Lumber 87 Miller, Ira T., Paperhanger 134 Model Heating Co., Manufacturers 136 Mullen, James A., • Stonework 69 N Notary Public 9 Numbers of Streets 5 O O'Neill Elevator Co 93 Ornamental Ironwork 21 P Paints, etc 15 Painters 45 Paperhanger 134 Park> Fairmount 17 Palmer, H. K., Heaters, Ranges, etc cover Payment of Interest... 31 Paynaent of Ground Rent 31 Permits, Cost of. 19 Philadelphia Population 11 Philadelphia Buildings 12 Philadelphia Distances 11 Plain Form of Lease 36 Plastering 57 133 =Wall= Papering From the complete home decoration to the plain room in the little rented house, done as it should be under the conditions. Our experience and taste may help you to get the desired results and save you money. They are at your service. IRA T. MILLER (&ttittnl Stttertnr Irroralinn 4147 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia PHONE When ordering, please mention Property Owners' Hand Boole. Page Plate Glass Insurance 9 Plumber cover R Ranges, Heaters, etc cover Range and Heater Manufacturers 3 Rates of Taxes 23 Reference Calendars 7, 8, 10 Roofer, etc ; cover Rules of Interest 32 c S Samuel J Bunch, Plasterer 57 Safe Deposit Vaults 3 Shuster, Samuel, Brickwork 63 Spouting and Gutters cover Stained and Leaded Glass 51 Stonework 69 Stove Co., Abram Cox 3 Street Number Guide 5 Street Directory 40 btreet Improvements, Cost of 20 T Tax Discounts and Penalties 23 Tax Rates 23 Theo. Helsengreen, Jobbing Carpenter 105 Title Insurance 33 Trust Company 33 To Calculate Delinquent Taxes 23 U Unlawful Acts of Owners 18 V Vaults for Safe Deposit 33 Vitrified Bricks 99 W Ward Areas 14 Ward Boundaries 13 Water Rent Charges 24 West Philadelphia Title & Trust Co 33 Wrought Iron Art Work 21 135 OCTJOll^^'-- This is the mark of quality and originality in cast iron heating boiler con- struction. It stands for all that is good, reliable, eco- nomical and efficient. The model boiler for low-pressure steam and hot- water heating. Made by Model Heating Co. 142 North !Oth St. PHILADELPHIA PHONE WliMX •rderlnc please mention Property Owners' Hand Boo! (let the Plumber Quick ![ .rM.>ii '^ 1H.K USUAL CRY WHEN OUR ^KK VICES ARE NEEDED. Wi; KNOW AND ARK PREPARED FOR IT. In addition to yery prompt artention, we give the experience of years of ^'^ork done well and according tQ^imr- )ved methods» .. '\ MATH ON: MARTIN M. KELLY .ancaster i idelphia ^i- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS '■4M 014 314 104 4 ^1 JOSEPH W. TATUM Creator of Printed Salesmen 4\. \