PRICE LIST AND TELEGRAPH CODE ^mmufy^ IMPROVED LAUNDRY MACHINERY CHICAGO :: ILLINOIS :: U. S. A, Factory ind Genera! Offices: 955-975 N. SPAULDING AVE. Salesrooms 49 tnd 51 5. CLINTON ST. Branches: SAN FRANCISCO. XOS ANGELES. DENVER LONDON, BELFAST, SYDNEY DU5SELDORF, HAVANA PRICE LIST AND TELEGRAPH CODE OF Nelson & Kreuter Co. ^ EIGHTH EDITION ^ CHICAGO :: ILLINOIS :: U.S.A. CABLE ADDRESS: KREUTER, CHICAGO MAY, 1905 PRICES quoted are F. O. B. Chicago unless otherwise specified. Cash discounts vary on different classes of machines, and can be had on application. Quotations are subject to checnge without notice, and all agreements are contingent upon risks, accidents, delays of carriers and other delays unavoidable and beyond our control. IMPORTANT This Price List and Telegraph Code super- sedes all previous issues, and is for use in connec- tion with our 8th Edition Catalogue only. The code is entirely new, so old catalogues and codes should be destroyed at once. WOOD WASHERS Cata- logue Page No. Gearing Size of Inside Cylinder, inches Price Net Code Word 5 to 7 000 Single 24x24 $ 60 00 Aback 00 80x24 70 00 Abacot '• 30x30 80 00 Abaft '• 1 38x86 90 00 Aband " 2 30x48 95 00 Abanga " 3 86x48 100 00 Abare " 3M 88 X 52 110 00 Abash " 4 86x54 125 00 Abatude " i'A 36x80 95 00 Abbey 5 41x48 140 00 Abbot N. B.— Extra Partitions, $5.00; Double Doors on Inside Cylinders, $5.00 extra; Brass Trimmings, $10.00 extra; Iron Heads, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00; Double Gear, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 proportionately. This applies to all Wood Washers listed. DOUBLE GEARED WOOD WASHERS (With Iron Heads) 8 to 10 6 Double 86x54 $185 00 Abdal 7 36x64 215 00 Abdest 8 41x54 225 00 Abduce 9 41 x64 250 00 Abear 10 32x84 250 00 Abed 11 36x84 275 00 Abedtree 12 86x96 800 00 Abhor 13 41x84 800 00 Abide 14 41x96 850 00 Ability DOUBLE GEARED WOOD WASHERS (Wood Heads) 9 D 6 Double 36x54 $170 00 Prefix 9 D 7 36x64 190 00 "Wood" 9 D 8 41x54 195 00 9 D 9 41 x64 210 00 to Iron 9 DIO 82x84 215 00 Head 9 DU 36x84 225 00 Wood 9 D12 36x96 245 00 9 D13 41x84 245 00 Washer, 9 D14 41 x 96 285 00 page 10 WOOD WASHERS (Ideal) Cata- logue Page No. Gearing Size of Inside Cylinder, inches Price Net Codeword 11 to 13 I 1 Single 82x82 $110 00 Abject I 2 82x52 140 00 Abjure " I 3 " 36 X 80 125 00 Ablation " I 3J^ " 36x48 140 00 Ablaze '• I 4 " 36x54 155 00 Abloom I 5 Double 86x64 210 00 Abnormal 1 " I 5« 86x70 220 00 Aboard *' I 6 • ' 36x84 240 00 Abode " I 7 " 36x96 260 00 Abolete " I 1^ Single 41x36 150 00 Abolish " I 8 41x54 185 00 Abolition " I 9 Double 41x64 225 00 A boon I 9y2 41x70 240 00 Abound 110 " 41 x84 260 00 About 1 11 " 41x96 800 00 Abrade WOOD WASHERS (Ideal, Elevated Movements) 14 & 15 E 1 Double 32 X 54 $215 00 Abreast E 2 82 X 64 225 00 Abridge E 8 32 X 84 270 00 Abroach E 4 36x54 285 00 Abroad E 5 36x64 250 00 Abrook E 5K 86x70 275 00 Abrupt E 6 36x84 295 00 Absent E 7 86x96 320 00 Absolve E 8 41x54 245 00 Absorb E 9 41 X 64 270 00 Abstract E 9K 41x70 295 00 Abstrue ElO 41x84 820 00 Absume Ell 41x96 850 00 Absurd WOOD CYLINDERS Cata- Size of logue No. Material Cylinder, Price Net Code Word Page inches 18 A Pine 24x24 $14 00 Acley 16 B 80x24 16 00 Acme 16 C '« 30x30 17 00 Ada 16 D " 30x48 22 00 Adapt 16 E " 32x32 18 00 Adair 16 F " 32x52 28 00 Adams 16 G " 32x54 30 00 Adaza 16 H " 32x64 85 00 Ade 16 I " 82x84 45 00 Adel 16 k " 88x36 20 00 Adelphi 16 " 33x52 28 00 Adena 16 L " 36x80 22 00 Adrian 16 M " 36x48 25 00 Aft 16 N " 36x54 40 00 Afton 16 " 36x64 45 00 Ajax 18 P '• 86x70 50 00 Akron 18 8 " 36x84 55 00 Alaska 16 " 86x96 65 00 Albany 16 S '« 41x36 40 00 Albert 16 T " 41x48 45 00 Albia 16 U " 41x54 50 00 Alden 16 V " 41x64 55 00 Aldrlch 16 W " 41x70 60 00 Al^ate 16 X " 41x84 65 00 Algath 16 Y 41 X 96 75 00 Alger N. B.— Prices on all Cylinders are without Trunnions. From 000 to 5 add $ for Trunnions. From No. 6, add $ to list. For Brass Trimmings, add $8.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 to list according to size. BRASS CYLINDERS 16 No. 13 brass 26x32 $ 75 00 Aigona 16 1 82x82 100 00 Alice 16 2 32x52 140 00 Alike 16 3 36x30 140 00 Allen 16 4 36x48 165 00 Allerton 16 5 86x54 175 00 Allison 16 6 36x64 200 00 Aim 16 7 36x70 225 00 Alma 16 8 36x84 275 00 Almira 16 9 86x96 325 00 Alpha 16 10 41x54 225 00 Alta 16 11 41x64 250 00 Alton BRASS CYLINDER WASHERS (Wood SheU) Size of Cata- Inside logue No. Gearing Cylinder, Price Net Code Word Page inches 18 to 20 BO Single 26x32 $175 00 Academy ^ Bl '• 82x32 215 00 Accede ^ B2 " 82x52 250 00 Accent B23^ '• 36x48 275 00 Access B8 Double 36x54 825 00 Accident B4 •' 36x64 350 00 Acclaim B5 " 36x70 885 00 Acclimate B6 " 36x84 435 00 Accloy B7 '• 86x96 575 00 Accoast B8 " 41x54 400 00 Accoli B9 41x64 485 00 Accolent N. B.— Add $15.00 to list for extra partitions. Add $15.00 to single gear and $25.00 to double geared to list for brass doors and hoops on shell. BRASS CYLINDER WASHERS (Galvanized Iron Shell) 21 to 22 GO Single 26x32 $250 00 Accompt Gl " 82x32 275 00 Accouple G2 •' 82x52 340 00 Accourt G2J^ " 36x48 365 00 Accrete G3^ Double 36x54 400 00 Accrue G4 " 36x64 440 00 Accuracy G5 36x70 480 00 Accurate G7 " 36x96 520 00 Acentric G8 " 41x54 480 00 Aceric G9 41x64 520 00 Acetai ALL BRASS WASHERS 23 to 25 AO Single 26x32 $300 00 Ache Al 82x32 850 00 Achieve A2 " 32x52 475 00 Acid A 2^ " 38x48 500 00 Aciform A3 Double 86x54 550 00 Acknow A4 " 36x64 600 00 Aclinic A5 " 88 X 70 650 00 Acoid A7 " 36x96 700 00 Acorn A8 " 41x54 650 00 Acoustic A9 " 41x64 700 00 Acrase DISINFECTING WASHERS Double 32x52 36x54 $600 00 700 00 Acrisy Acritude HOSPITAL STERILIZER Cata- logue Page No. Gearing Size of Inside Cylinder, inches Price Net Code Word 27 27 1 2 Double 82x52 36x54 $650 00 750 00 Acrobat Acrogen EXTRACTORS Cata- logue Page Type of Machine Counter- shaft Size of Basket, inches Price Net Code Word 28 to 33 Solid Curb Separate 20 $100 00 Babel II 1 " 24 125 00 Baby " ' " 26 135 00 Backbite 11 1 " 80 175 00 Backdoor ;; Attached 20 24 26 80 125 00 150 00 160 00 200 00 Back rack Backrest Backsiglit Backwater 81 to 83 Motor 20 24 26 225 00 250 00 275 00 Prefix "Motor" " " 30 325 00 N. B.— Prices on Steel Curb Extractors are the same as Solid Curb, catalogue for code words on Steel Curb Extractors. POWER WRINGERS Cata- logue Page No. Size of Rolls, inches Frame Price Net Code Word 34 34 34 17 20 24 17 X 8^ 20 X 3K 24 X S'X Iron $37 00 45 00 54 00 Bacule Badge Badnes TUMBLERS Cata- logue Page No. Size of Cylinder inches Material Price Net Code Word 85 35 35 36x48 48x54 36x48 Wood Brass $ 85 00 125 00 225 00 Cabin Cabinet Caboose MANGLES Cata- logue Page No. Style of Machine Length of Ironing Surface inches Price Net Code Word 86 36 86 87 87 37 38 to 40 88 to 40 88 to 40 38 to 40 41 to 43 1 1 1 1 2 2 Handerchief '' (Motor) Improved ;| (Motor) 54 66 90 54 68 90 86 108 86 108 100 100 100 100 100 120 110 120 120 $ 200 00 250 00 290 00 250 00 800 00 840 00 550 00 700 00 650 00 810 00 1200 00 1810 00 1000 00 1500 00 1800 00 1900 00 2500 00 2600 00 8500 00 Daisy Dame Damsel Prefix "Motor" Dance Dandy Prefix "Motor" << t> Darling 41 to 43 44 44 44 44 44 •' (Motor)... Five Roll Extra.. Quadruple " Extra Six Roll Prefix "Motor" 44 44 Extra.... Eight Roll BOSOM STARCHERS Cata- logue Page No. Description Price Net Code Word 46 2 2 $50 00 60 00 125 00 170 00 Eager Eagerly Ear 46 47 Stripper Top.... " Motor attached.. Prefix "Motor" WRISTBAND STARCHERS Wrist Band Starcher.... $50 00 " Motor 86 00 Earl Prefix "Motor* COLLAR AND CUFF STARCHERS 2 Wood Frame Churn $9 00 Earlap 8 10 00 Barldom 4 ti ti i 14 00 Barlock 8 Iron " " .... 21 00 Earmark 4 24 00 Earnest 5 II 11 i< 27 00 Earnful 49 1 2 3 Dip Wheel 85 00 45 00 225 00 Earn 49 Earth 50 to 51 C. & C. Starcher Ebony 8 Motor.. 270 00 Prefix "Motor" STARCH ROOM ACCESSORIES Cata- losrue No. Description Price Net Code Word Page 52 5 gal. Jacket Cooker $19 80 Echo 52 10 " " " 24 20 Eclair 52 15 " " " 30 80 Eclat 52 20 " " '• 38 50 Eclipse 52 25 " " •• 44 00 Eddy 52 25 " Heat Retain'g Cooker 40 00 Editor 52 50 " " 50 00 Editorial 52 Starcl 1 Pail 3 50 2 00 Edict 52 Dinner Ed^e 53 Wipine BVard 15 00 Educate 53 Revol ving Table 15 00 Efface DRY ROOMS 54-55 Standard, Wood, per front fo Cycle ot $25 00* 54-55 ne. with Drawers, W. & M per front foot 86 00* 54-55 Cyclone, with Drawers, All Metal per front foot 50 00* 56-58 1 1 Section Cyclone, 3 Trucks 225 00 Eland 2 VA " " 4 " 325 00 Elate It 3 2 " " 6 " 450 00 Elbow 11 4 21/ 11 11 7 .1 550 00 Elder 11 5 3 11 "8 " 650 00 Electro >' 6 3J^ " " 10 " 765 00 Elegant >> 7 /' 11 1. 12 - 860 00 Elegy 11 8 4^ " " 13 " 975 00 Elevate '• g 5 " " 14 " 1075 00 Elfish li 10 f>% " " 15 " 1185 00 Elicit '' 11 6 " " 16 " 1290 00 Eligible '> 12 6^ " " 18 " 1400 00 Elision " 13 1 11 1. 20 " 1500 00 EHptic 11 14 1% " " 21 " 1615 00 Elong " 15 8^ .1 11 22 " All Metal 1720 00 Elope 56-58 1 1 Section Cyclone, 3 Trucks 800 00 Embalm 2 l"" 4 .' 440 00 Embank II 3 6 " 575 00 Ember >i 4 2% 7 " 725 00 Emblem i 5 3 8 " 850 00 Embody .1 6 3K 11 10 " 990 00 Emboss 7 4 12 " 1125 00 Embrace II 8 5 13 " 1265 00 Embroil • ; 9 14 " 1400 00 Embrute 11 10 ^14 15 " 1540 00 Embryo ^1 11 6 11 ig 11 1675 00 Emerald 11 12 6J4 18 " 1815 00 Emerge 11 13 7 20 " 1950 00 Emit .1 14 ^'A 21 " 2090 00 Emotion " 15 8 " " 22 " 2150 00 Empale *The above prices are based on the front foot measurement, and blind panels and end pieces should be figured at 10 inches each. DRY ROOMS— Continued Cata- logue Page No. Description Price Net Code Word 59-^0 A B c D Conveyor Dry Room, 4 loop ' 6 " 2 " $700 00 750 00 825 00 400 00 Enact Enamel Encamp Encircle DAMPENING MACHINES 61 1 1 Collars and Cuffs 150 00 190 00 $100 00 Fable 61 Collars and Cuffs (motor at- tached Prefix "Motor" 62 Shirts Fabric DAMPENING PRESSES 63 63 1 2 Steam Hand Box $50 00 30 00 1 00 Facade Face 64 Shirt Weight Gab BOSOM IRONERS 64 Negligee Board $ 25 00 Qaddingr 65 8 High Board, 4^x12 in. Roll 140 00 Qaffer 66 5 Medium Gloss, 8x10 " " 185 00 Qala 66 5 Domestic, 8x10 " " 185 00 Qallery 67 6 Compound, 8x10 " " 215 00 Gallow 68-69 1 Steam Bosom Press 450 00 Gangway 68-69 1 " " " (motor) 500 00 Prefix "Moior'' 70 4 Watson Imp. Medium, 8x10 in. Roll 225 00 Gander 70 4 Watson Imp. Domestic, 8x10 in. Roll 225 00 Game 70 4 Watson Imp. Compound. .. H H. P. Motor on above, 250 00 GanKlion extra... . 55 00 Prefix "Motor" COMBINED IRONERS 65 8 High Board, 4^x12 in. Roll $150 00 Gainful 65 3 4J^xl8 " " 165 00 Gait 66 5 Medium Gloss, 8x18 " " 200 00 Gallant 66 5 Domestic, 8x18 " " 200 00 Gallop 67 6 Compound, 8x18 " " Vi H. P. Motor on above. 225 00 Gambol extra 55 00 Prefix "Motor" 10 BAND IRONERS Cata- logue Page No. Description Price Net Code Word 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 8 3 4 Roll, 2 inches $50 00 50 00 50 00 55 00 55 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 50 00 36 00 Habit " 4 " Hack " 5 " Hall 72 " 4 " with extension., u 5 .. Hailing Hailstone Hallow 72 Hamlet 72 72 " 4 " " 6 " Hammer Hand 72 Combined Neck, Wrist and Sleeve, 5 inches . ... Handful yi H. P. Motor on above, extra Prefix "Motor" SLEEVE IRONERS 73 1 1 1 2 2 2 $65 00 70 00 75 00 65 00 70 00 75 00 45 00 75 00 80 00 85 00 125 00 130 00 185 00 Handicap Handily Handiness Handsel 78 73 74 " 9 " " 12 " Roll, 6 " 74 9 " 74 12 " Handy Prefix "Motor" Hang Hanging Hangman Prefix "Motor" 74 75 li H. P. Motor on above, extra 75 9 " 75 12 " 76 76 76 6 " motor at'ched 9 " 12 '• BODY IRONERS 77 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Swivel, 20 inches $125 00 185 00 140 00 125 GO 135 00 140 00 45 00 140 00 145 00 150 00 160 00 190 00 195 00 200 00 210 00 Haran 77 80 " Harden 77 36 " Hardily 78 Roll, 20 inches Hardness 78 " 80 " Hardship 78 " 36 " Harem 78 79 % H. P. Motor on above, extra Prefix "Motor" Harm 79 26 " Harmful 79 80 " Harmless 79 36 " Harmon 80 80 80 80 " 20 in., motor attached 26 ' 80 ' 86 " " Prefix "Motor" COLLARS AND CUFF IRONERS Cata- logue Page No. Description Price Net Code Word 81 to 83 4 4 #4 4 3 8 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 800 00 1000 00 875 00 1075 00 350 00 425 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 225 00 810 00 310 00 310 00 285 00 ice 81 to 83 Icicle 81 to 88 81 to 83 84 28 in. Motor attached 42 • M. G. & D. 36 inches Prefix "Motor" Idle 84 85 86 in. Motor attached Prefix "Motor" Idleness 85 8 " Idler 85 85 Domestic, 8 inches Idolize Ignite Prefix "Motor" 86 86 86 86 Conapound.e in.Motorattached 8 Domestic, 8 '' " " Gloss 4K " " FINISHING MACHINES AND TABLES 87 Collar Tipper 60 00 25 00 Jab 87 Shaper Table Jabbing 88 Neglige Shirt Ironer 65 00 Janitor 89 Power Fluter, 6 inches 80 00 Japan 89 " 8 " 85 00 Japaner 89 Hand " 6 " 450 Jarabe 89 " 8 " 500 Jargon 90 Improved Finishing Table. . .. 20 00 Jarnut 91 Ironing Board, with Stove 12 50 Jaunty 91 " " without Stove. 10 00 Jaunting 91 Hand Ironing Table 15 00 85 00 Jaundice 92 Turn Down Collar Shaper . . . . Jealous 93 Power Seam Dampener 50 00 Jeering 98 " Edger 40 00 Jeopardy 94 Straight Sprinkler 2 00 Jerking 94 Goose Neck Sprinkler 2 00 Jerkiness 94 Turn Down Collar Folder 10 00 Jester 95 Standard Shaper 20 00 175 00 Keckle 95 Automatic " Kangaroo 96 21 22 23 24 Wing Point Turner 10 00 40 00 85 00 35 00 80 00 12 00 Keep 96 Shaw Shaper Keenness 96 Keeper 96 ti 11 Keen 96 4< II Keenly 97 Eyelet Raiser Keepsake 97 " (Hand) 25 Kerchief 97 Hand Seam Dampener 50 Kennel 97 Plait Raisers each 15 Ketchup 12 EXHAUST FANS Cata- logue Page No. Description Price Net Code Word 98 Exhaust Fans. 18 in., 12 Blade. $37 50 Key 98 " 21 " 12 " 42 00 Keyhole 98 •' 24 " 12 " 47 50 Keystone 98 u 30 .. 12 " 60 00 Kick 98 u 3g .. 12 .> 78 00 Kicker 98 " 42 '• 12 " 93 00 Kickshaw 98 '• 48 '• la " 115 50 Kid 98 " 54 " 12 " 147 00 Kidnap 98 u 60 " 12 " 184 50 Kill 98 .. 72 " 12 " 231 00 Killinsr BLOWERS 99 99 1 2 00 X 5* 4 Laundry Bio Positive ' wer 14 00 18 00 85 00 40 00 55 00 70 00 100 00 18 00 42 00 75 00 Kllt Kilted 99 Kind 99 Kindle 99 Kindliness 99 Kindly Kindness 99 Root Knott Know Known N. B.— Prices on Positive Blower does not include Air Tank; if tank is wanted, add to list. FAMILY CLOTHES DRYER 100-101 3Rj 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3R. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S 8 R- ick, with Stove $104 00 116 00 130 00 144 00 158 00 172 00 186 00 200 00 89 00 101 00 115 00 129 00 143 00 157 00 171 00 185 00 104 00 116 00 130 00 144 00 158 00 172 00 186 00 200 00 Knub Knubble •1 ti «t Knuckle II II II Knuff Knuffen II 11 11 Knur II II II Knurl (1 11 II Knurled ick, Gas Heated Knurly Knurry 1 II •. Koali 1 11 11 Kob 1 II II Kobalt 1 .1 II Kobel 1 II II Koboid team or Hot Water Coils ick Koff Kohl 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Kohler t Kokob 1 Kolpoda Konlte 1 Koord 1 Kopeck ' Koran 13 FAMILY CLOTHES DRYER— Continued Cata- logue Page No. Description Price Net Code Word 100-101 ^ Steam or Hot Water Coils and Stove 3 Rsrk 144 00 156 00 170 00 184 00 198 00 212 00 226 00 240 00 Koret 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t Kos 1 Koster t Koth I Kotou < Koul I Kraal Kraken Prices on above rooms are F. O. B. Canton, Ohio. ELECTRIC IRONS 1564 1565 1568 1564^ 1565^ 1561 1560 1580 1581 1582 Light Domestic, 5}4 lbs 7^ " Heavy Laundry, 9 " Light Domestic Duck, ^% lbs " 1% •' Diamond Face Polish, 3>^ " Diamond Face Polish, Tyler, SJ^ " Morocco Face, 5% lbs " Duck, 5>^ lbs., Sleeve Iron. 3'/^ lbs 10 25 10 75 11 25 10 25 10 75 9 25 9 75 10 25 10 25 9 25 Krama Kramer Krang Kremlin Krems Krene Kris Krooman Kruka Kurd HAND EQUIPMENT 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 1 i 51 52 53 1 1 1 1 103 21 Hand Washer, 24x24 inches. .. 24x30 '• ... " Wringer, lOx 1% " ... llx IVi " ... 12x 1% •' ... 10x2 " ... $ 30 00 35 00 4 00 4 75 5 50 5 75 12 50 115 00 10 00 17 00 20 00 25 00 12 00 10 60 16 50 32 50 05 08 10 50 50 Labiate Labiate Label Labelled Labent Labented Labor 105 Hand Ironer, 4>^xl2 inches. Shirts only.. Labor! us 105 Hand Ironer, 4J^xl2 inches, Comb 105 Hand Ironer, 4j^x24 inches, C. & C.only Lace 106 106 106 106 107 Stationary Tubs, 1 Compt •' 2 " " 3 " " 4 " Truck Tubs Laceman Lacerable Lacerate Lacerating Lack 107 107 107 108 Alberene Stone Tubs, 1 Compt " 2 " •' 3 " Sad Irons, per lb Lacking Lacked Lackey 108 108 Sad Iron Strap Handle, per lb. 108 108 Jensen, each .... 14 HAND EQUIPMENT- —Continued Cata- logue Page No. Description Price Net Code Word 108 108 Flounce Irons, per pair Little Star, each $125 85 175 00 5 00 5 00 1 75 2 75 6 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 108 Lndle 109 Perfection Gas Stove 1 Ladvlike 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 Patented Iron Heater, 2 Irons. Gas Iron Heaters, 1 Iron 2Irons 4 " Laundry Stoves, 1 Tier 8 •' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.' Ladylove Ladybird Ladify Laden Lacteal Lad Ladder STEAM TRAPS Steam Trap, Anderson. " " Crane, 12 inches.. " 15 " " 18 " Return Trap, 10x24 inch Drum " 10.X24 •' •' 10x24 " " 10x24 " $20 50 22 50 28 00 35 00 23 00 36 00 54 00 75 00 135 00 175 00 225 00 Lag Laggard Lagging Lagoon Lamb Lambent ! Lambiner ! Lead ] Leader Leading ; Leaf PUMPS 112 3 4 5 6 7 8 Deep-Well Pumps . . 72 00 98 00 118 00 124 00 150 00 185 00 112 113 Advance Feeders & Receivers Deming, 2^x3 inches Legible 3 x3 " sy.xi " Legion Legisate a " 3}^x4 " Legless 11 4 x4 " Legum It 4 x6 " ... Legumen >i 5 x6 " Leisure tfx 6 inches, 6-8 H. a X 1% 6x7^ 8 xlO 9^x10 10 xl2 10 xl5 11 xl5 12 xl5 -10 10-12 15-18 20-25 80-35 40-45 50-55 60-65 70-75 $115 00 140 00 160 00 165 00 220 00 250 00 380 00 480 00 550 00 $163 00 202 00 272 00 856 00 444 00 $176 00 214 00 250 00 350 00 500 00 550 00 750 00 1000 00 1050 00 1100 00 STEAM GENERATORS 19 X 40 inches, with Pump 19 X 44 " " " .... $38 50 40 50 BOILERS 119 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 24 X 72 inc Vertical les, 6 H.P $182 00 175 00 195 00 215 00 250 00 275 00 300 00 860 00 400 CO 440 00 535 00 585 00 $320 00 340 00 880 00 480 00 490 00 Nailed 119 30 X 60 ' 80 X 72 80 X 84 ' 86 X 72 ' 86 X 84 36 X 96 42 X 84 • 42 X 96 42 xl08 48 X 96 ' 48 xl08 7 " . .. Naid 119 9 " Nadoe 119 ' 11 " Nailer 119 ' 12 •' Nailing 119 119 ' 14 '• • 16 " Naval Navigate 119 ' 20 '• Near 119 ' 23 " Nearly 119 ' 27 " Nearness 119 ' 80 " Neat 119 ' 35 '• Neatness 120 L 26 X 54 inc 28 x 60 80 X 66 ' 32 X 72 ' 32 X 84 ocomotive les, 6 H.P Neatly 120 8 " Nebula 120 • 10 " ... Nebulous 120 ' 12 " Neck 120 ' 15 " Necklace 16 BOILERS— Continued Cata- logue No. Description Price Net Code Word Page Locomotive 120 84 X 96 inches, 20 H.P $550 00 Necktie 86 X 96 " 25 " 620 00 Nectar " 40 xl02 " 80 " 720 00 Need " 44 X 96 " 35 '• 760 00 Needer '* 44 xll4 " 40 " 800 00 Neediness Horizontal 121 18 80x 84 inches, 10 H.P. H.A.F. $272 00 Needle 19 30x 96 ' 12 " 282 00 Needless ' 20 86x 96 ' 15 •' 846 00 Needment 22 36x120 ' 20 '• 886 00 Neglect ' 24 42x120 ' 25 " 526 00 Neglected ' 25 44x120 ' 80 " 588 00 Negress ' 26 44x144 ' 85 " 644 00 Neigh ' 27 44x168 ' 40 '• 711 00 Neighbour ' 28 48x168 ' 45 " 878 00 Nerve • 29 48x180 ' 50 •' 911 00 Nervine ' 80 54x180 ' 60 " 1109 00 Nervous ' 81 54x192 ' 70 " 1141 00 Nestle ' 82 60x192 ' 80 '• 1258 00 Nestling ' 84 66x192 ' 100 •• 1584 00 Net 18 80x 84 ' 10 " F.A.F. 880 00 Nether 19 80x 96 ' 12 " 840 00 Netify 20 36x 96 ' 15 " 417 00 Netting 22 36x120 ' 20 ". 458 00 Nettle 24 42x120 ' 25 " 598 00 Netty 25 44x120 ' 80 " 657 00 Neural 26 44x144 ' 85 " 719 00 Neurlne 27 44x168 ' 40 " 787 00 Neuter 28 48x168 ' 45 '• 948 00 Neutral 29 48x180 ' 50 " 982 00 New 80 54x180 ' 60 " 1178 00 Newborn 81 54x192 ' 70 " 1210 00 Newel 82 60x192 ' 80 '• 1880 00 Newing 84 66x192 ' 100 " 1640 00 Newish FILTERS 122 10 18-inch Jewel with Tank $225 00 Oak 11 24 " 11 t. 375 00 Oaken 12 36 '• " " 600 00 Oakling 13 48 " " " 750 00 Oakwood 14 60 " 1. 11 1050 00 Oar 15 72 " 11 11 1500 00 Oarsman 16 84 " " " 2100 00 Oasis " 17 96 " " " 2500 GO Oat TANKS Wood or Iron Storage Tanks.. 75-gal. Galvanized Soap Tank 90 " 110 •' $8 00 9 00 10 00 Pace Pacer Pacing *Prices on application. 17 TELEGRAPH CODE SELLING. Pacific — Accept the proposition. Packard — Accept the proposition under the circum- stances. Paddock — Add. . . .to estimate for. . . . Padonia— Add % to cost. Padua — Add % to cost which is Paisley — All right, sell as per your wire or letter. Palatine — Are any of our competitors there? Palatka — At what price will you sell? Palermo — Be careful about selling those people. Get good security. Palisade — Before doing anything, see our letter of today. Palmer — Bid will be accepted provided we will shade.... Palmetto — Bids will be opened. Have you any instruc- tions? Panama — Bid will be accepted provided we will. Panhandle — Can I accept. .. .for in order to meet close compettion? Pardee — Can I give.... any commission on this sale? Parker — Can you sell more at the same price? Parish — Cannot sell at prices named. Parsons — Do not accept their proposition. Pasco — Do not sell at prices mentioned unless it is a spot cash deal. Passaic — Estimate mailed you today care of . . . . Paterson — Give me itemized prices on estimate to.... Patmos — Lump figures on estimate to.... Pawnee — Cannot shade their prices at all. Pearl — How much can I allow on in trade for our.... Machine in good condition. Pecos — Machine is in bad condition. Pedro — How much competition have you? Peekskill — How much do they offer? Pekin — I made no prices to.... Pelham — H necessary, shade estimate to.... Pembroke — If you have strong competition, shade your estimate to. . . . 18 SELLING.— Continued. Pencoyd — Is the machine in good condition? Peoria — Have you made any quotation? Perth — Meet competition. Peru — Wire me lowest price you will accept for.... Pickens — The lowest price we will accept is.... Pike — Use your best judgment in selling. CREDIT DEPARTMENT. Rab — Are they willing to insure machinery payable to us as our interest may appear? Rabate — x\re we involved in failure? If so, to what ex- tent? Rabbet — Are we safe in filling order from....? Rabbi — Are we safe in selling to,... on time? Rabble — Are we to receive cash payment before shipping? Rabid — Are we to ship without cash payment? Rabinet — Are we to take security? Race — Ask. . . .to send first payment before we ship order. Raceme — Find out full amount of indebtedness. Racer — Find out who holds mortgage. Rach — Balance in the form of notes with interest. Rack — Balance in the form of notes without interest. Racket — Accept.. % on the dollar if you cannot do better. Racking — Are considered doubtful both as to means and character. Racy — Are considered first class. But you had better get a report on them. Rad — Are considered good for any amount. Raddle — Are considered good for a limited amount. Raddock — Are no good. Rade — Are worthy of confidence. Capital not considered. Radial — Are the notes with or without interest? Radiant — Are they going to send cash payment? Radiate — Are they willing to give mortgage? Radical — Are they willing to give good security? Radicant — Are they willing to give notes with good se- curity? Radish — Get cash pajanent before you ship. 19 CREDIT DEPARTMENT.— Continued. Radius — Be careful and get security on machinery. Radix — Be careful in dealing with Radula — Be careful in dealing with party mentioned. Raer — Call on regarding their account. Raff — Can learn nothing regarding party mentioned. Raffle — Can learn nothing favorable regarding Raft — of has failed; go there and take charge of plant at once. Rafter — Can we ship draft attached to bill of lading? Rafting — Cash. Rafty — Cash to accompany order. Rag — Cash will accompany order. Raglan — Do not know party; will inquire and let you know shortly. Ragman — Do not ship without first payment. Raid — Do you consider good for small bill on 30 days? Rail — Do you consider good for ? Railer — Do you consider prompt and reliable? Railing — Do you know anything regarding ? Write us fully. Raiment — Draw with draft attached to bill of lading. Rain — Draw with draft attached to bill of lading for first payment. Rainbow — Have mailed you check. Raindeer — Have we any insurance on ? Rainfall — Hold for cash payment. Rainless — How shall we draw? Rainline — H cash accompanies order allow.... % discount. Rainy — If paid within days, allow. .. .discount. Raise — Insurance must be taken out and made payable as our interests may appear. Raiser — It has been paid. Raisin — It was to be paid. Rajah — Keep them square with us. Rake — Mail me check for $25.00, care of Raking — Mail me check for $50.00, care of Rakish — Mail me check for $75.00, care of Rally — Mail me check for $100.00, care of CREDIT DEPARTMENT.— Continued. Ram — Mail me check for. . . . Ramage — Our total claim against Ramble — Remittance mailed you. Rament — Terms cash. Ramify — Terms are as follows. Ramist — Will give notes and mortgage. Ramline — Will give notes with good endorsement. Rammer — They will insure and make payable to us as our interest may appear. Rammy — Will allow % for cash. SHIPPING DEPARTMENT. Tab — Can ship in two weeks. Tabard — Can ship in three weeks. Tabaret — Can ship in four weeks. Tabby — Can ship tomorrow. Tabefy — Can ship today. Tabes — Can it be shipped immediately? Tabid — Can you cancel order for. Tabidly — Can you ship at once? Table — Can you ship immediately if we. Tableau — Can you ship in one week? Tablet — Can you ship in ten days? Tabling — Can you ship in two weeks? Taboo — Can you ship in three weeks? Tabor — Advise us shipping directions for your order No. Tabret — Add to our order. Tabular — Add to our order and ship at once. Tabulate — All your orders for are filled. Tace — Although we are behind in our orders we will give yours the preference and ship about. Tache — Before shipping order for await my letter of . . . . Tacit — Before receipt of your letter we had already. .. . Tack — Box for ocean shipment. Tacket — Box for ocean shipment and hold for instruc- tions mailed today. Tacking — Can ship at once. 21 SHIPPING DEPARTMENT.— Continued. Tackle — Can ship in one week. Tact — Can ship in ten days. Tactable — Could ship if you think it will answer. Tactile — Delay shipping order for until you get my letter of today. Taction — Delay was caused by not having machines in stock, consequently we had to build them. Tadorna — Did you receive an order for....? Tadpole — Did not receive an order for....? Tael — Do not hold this shipment for anything. Ship what you have at once. Taen — Do not ship. Taffer — Do not ship before hearing from me. Taffy — Entire order was shipped. Tag — Entire order will be shipped. Tagger— Order received too late to ship on the Shall we forward by next steamer. Taglet — Order was shipped before your letter reached us. Tail — Please ship via freight. Tailed — Please ship via express. Tailor — Prepaid. Tainet— C. O. D. Taint — Collect charges. Tairn — Ship my order No as soon as possible. Take — Ship via first boat. Taking — Telegram received too late to cancel your order. Talbot — Freight rate inquired about is less than car- loads carload minimum thousand pounds. Tale — Get ready for immediate shipment. Talcite — Get ready for shipment expect to close order here that must be shipped on receipt of same. Talega — Have you shipped? and, if so, by what route? Talent — If this is not satisfactory, cable reply giving full instructions. Talented — Alust be shipped before... as I promised, with- out fail. Talion — Must be shipped before... or they will not accept. SHIPPING DEPARTMENT.— Continued. Talk — Order received and it will be shipped.... Tall — Order received and it will have immediate atten- tion. Taller — Order -received but not clear to us. Write us fully. Tallage — Can you ship in four weeks. Tallow — Can you ship today? Wire answer. Tally — Cannot be cancelled. Machines are completed. Talma — Cannot countermand your order. Your cable came too late. Talmud — Cannot countermand your order. Instruction received too late. Talon — Cannot ship unless our terms are agreed to. Talook — Cancel order Number Talus — Car shipped from Chicago. .. .machines you men- tioned are included. Talwood — Complete shipping instructions mailed you Tambac — Consider order filled unless you hear from us to the contrary on or before MISCELLANEOUS. Uberous — A letter will reach me.... care of liberty — A telegram will reach me.... care of.... Ubiety — Get legal advice before proceding. Udal — Am acting under legal advice. Udaler — Telegram received will leave for Send mail care of. . . . Udder — Cannot explain by wire, await my letter. Ugly — Check has failed to reach me. Ukase — Check was not enclosed in your letter. Ulan — Did you receive our letter of the regarding. Ulcer — Do not leave until you get our letter of Ulmine — Go to so as to reach there in time to get let- ter from us at General Postoffice, dated Ulnage — Have you received my wire. If you have not answered, send it to care of Ulnar — No instruction here. What shall I do? Ultra — When did you send my mail? 23