PS 635 .29 Y19 Copy 1 A Day at Camp Killkare or Aunt Jane and tbe Campiire Girls. BY ELSIE DUNCAN YALE PRICE 15 GENTS Eldridge Entertainment House Franklin, Ohio HIT ON YOUR NEXT fmmiM Something Out of The Ordinary In High-Glass Humorous Songs. MUSICAL SKETCHES FOR YOUNG LADIES By Harry C. Eldridge These fill an urgent need in supplying musical numbers with action, for any secular program, for girls or ladies of any age. Clever words and singable music combined to make novel numbers for your entertainment. THE HAT GF OTHER DAYS. Everyone knows how ridiculous the changing styles make out-of- date hats appear. The song is based on this fact, and the appearance of these "hats of other days" will cause loads of merriment. "I CAN'T D8 A THING WITH MY HAIR SINCE IT'S WASHED." Did you ever hear the above expression ? They all say it. This song is for a merry group of girls who have trouble in keeping their hair in bounds. A jolly song. REDUCED TO $1.89. The figures in a dry goods show window are indignant at having to par- ticipate in so many "reduction sales," and, revolting, walk off the stage after telling their troubles in song. The eccentric motions of these figures make a very laughable number. THE WINNING WAYS OF ERANOMA'S DAYS. Sung in costume, this portrays the many welcome and pleasing costumes of "ye olden times." Di- rections for minuet included. Very enjoyable. Any one of the above sent psstpaid on receipt of 25 centi ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio A DAY AT CAMP KILLKARE -OR- Aunt Jane and the Campfire Girls. By ELSIE DUNCAN YALE, Copyright, 1915, Eldrldge Entertainment House. PUBLISHED BY Eldridge Entertainment House, FRANKLIN. OHIO. a)aO 42589 ■rMP92-007618 Oec 2C I9la SCENE. The scenery is the same for both acts. If given out doors select if possible a place among trees or large bushes. One tent will be sufficient to represent the camp, and only a portion of this need be visible. A hammock with bright colored cushions will add to the effect. Have one or two camp stools, a sketching outfit, and a Kodak near the tent. If the play is given indoors small trees or leafy branches placed in buckets of sand may be used to represent the woods. Cover the floor with brown denim or hnen, and scatter leaves, pineneedles and cones upon it. The campers wear middy blouses with short dark skirts or bloomers. Miss Morgan's costume is similiar except that her skirt is longer. Lucille and Miss Pickett wear any costume ap- propriate for motoring and the latter carries a lorgnette. Characters. Bettie 1 Ruth I Hilda / Campers. Hope I Kitty . J Miss Morgan, a teacher in charge of the camp. Miss Pickett, an elderly lady who disapproves of camps. Lucille, her niece. Suggestions. The character of Miss Pickett offers great oppor- tunity for comedy, as much of the success of tne play will depend upon her ability to be serious, yet funny. Her efforts to keep up with the girls in their drills and exercises, her ludicrous appearance in the misfit costume in the second scene should make a hit. A little musical program interpolated at any point or points the director sees fit will add to the enjoyment and lengthen the play. "I Can't Do a Thing With My Hair Since It's Washed," an action song for young ladies, price 25 cents, will fit admirably in this play Drills may be introduced in the second act if de- sired, a bow and arrow drill, or dumb bell drill being especially appropriate. A brief program of songs and recitations may also be included in the second act. A Day at Camp Killkare. SCENE I. As the curtain rises girls are seeyi seated, Hilda embroidering, Ruth busy with raffia, Hope making a basket. Enter Kitty. Kitty. Look at the industry on a warm morning. I'll be the sluggard. (Seats herself in the hammock arid opens a book.) How's the fancy work, Hilda? Hilda. I wish the old thing was done. Carolyn sails next week and I want this traveling case to be finished in time. Hope. I wish I were going on a nice trip like Carolyn. Kitty. Uncle Fred went to Europe last summer, and he said he was simply tired of the everlasting tipping. Finally he saw a sign in his room at the hotel, "Please tip the basin after using," and he said he drew the line there. Hilda. I'd love the ocean voyage, and I know I wouldn't be afraid, even in a storm. Mother told me that when she went over, there was an old lady who was terribly nervous, and each day she pestered the captain, asking him how far it was to land. Finally one day he answered her politely, "Five miles, mad- am." She was delighted and asked very eagerly "where?" and he told her "straight down below our keel, madam." Kitty. Uncle Fred wasn't a bit seasick, but one day on deck a man and his wife were near him, all bundled up in their steamer chairs and looking ter- ribly woebegone. Their little boy was playing around full of mischief, and the mother said feebly. "Papa, won't you speak to Willie?" And papa said just as feebly, "How do you do, Willie?" 6 A Day at Camp Killkare Ruth. Well, I don't liketroublesome children. I had to take care of Cousin Julia's baby all one after- noon and he did nothing but cry. So I let him cry in- to the phonograph, so that when he grew up he could hear what a troublesome baby he had been. Kitty. I ought to be studying, seeing as I flunk- ed in history this June. Hope. I don't believe you know a thing about history. Kit. Kitty. Yes, I do. I know that when the great patriot, Nathan Hale, was about to be executed he said, "Would that I were a cat that I might have nine lives to give to my country." Hope. Where's Betty? Ruth. Gone for the mail. Hilda. Miss Morgan with her? Hope. No, Miss Morgan went down to the lake to sketch. Kitty. I wish I were an artist. I tried to paint a sunset once, but the family thought it was a tomato omelet, so I forebore. Ruth. Betty's taking her time with the mail. Hope. I gave her five cents for lollypops. Kitty. I gave her ten. What's camp without lollypops? (Distant call is heard "Wohelo.") Girls, (reply) Wohelo. (Enter Miss Morgan ivith sketching outfit.) Miss Morgan. Did I hear Betty call? Ruth. Yes, she's just coming up the path. {Enter Betty with mail hag slung over her. shoulder^ Betty. (Wiping her forehead.) Whew, its a warm day. Hope. (Reaching for mail hag.) Here, hand ov- er the letters like a nice lady. A Day at Camp Killkare ' 7 ^Girls crowd around Betty. ) Betty, [waving them hack. ) Stand back, ladies, and show some respect for the representative of the postal system of our nation. Fll distribute the mail. Hilda. I hope I got a letter. Betty. You don't deserve one for you only write postals. Hilda. I only wrote two last week. Betty, {distributing mail) Miss Hope Harwood. Hope. Oh, that's from mother. Betty. Miss Morgan, two letters and a paper. Miss Morgan. Thank you, Betty. Betty. What an example! Miss Morgan is the only one who has thanked me for bringing her letters up a steep mountain Dath beset by tiger hllies, dande- lions, foxglove, wolfsbane and every flower carrying a pistil. Kitty. Go on and pass out the mail. Betty. Miss Kitty Carroll, Miss Ruth Scott. That's all but the lollypops and here they are. Hope. Did you get my stamps? Betty. Oh no, I forgot them, Hope. You said you'd surely remember and you tied a knot in your handkerchief. Betty. Well it was a forget-me-knot that time. Ruth. Oh, isn't this a pity? Lucille can't come. Her aunt's going to take her on a motor trip. Kitty. Motor trip? I should think that would be lovely. Ruth. Not a motor trip a la Aunt Jane. Aunt Camilla and Uncle Samuel will go along. Lucille and the two aunts will sit squeezed together on the back seat, and the conversation will be exclusively devoted to nervous dyspepsia and sciatica. When Uncle Sam- uel can get a word in edgewise he will pipe up about the wholesale price of lard and pork. 8 A Day at Camp Killkare Hilda. Lovely prospect for Lucille. Miss Morgan. Girls, I have good new^s for you. I have a letter from Miss Pickett, Lucille's Aunt Jane, and she v^rites that she has decided to surprise Lu- cille. They will stop here and visit us for a day on their v^ay to join Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Kitty. That's Uncle Samuel and Aunt Camilla of pork and lard fame. Betty. Hooray, girls! Miss Morgan. She sent me a special delivery letter which for some reason was not delivered last night. Betty. The postmaster told me he was already to go to lodge, so he thought the letter could wait till morning. Kitty. He was as bad as the telegraph operator at Birch wood last summer. Uncle's partner sent him a code message, and the operator never delivered it. He said "It didn't make no sense so he didn't see no use of walking two miles with it.", t- Hilda. When is Lucille coming Miss Morgan? Miss Morgan. The fourteenth — why that's today. Betty. Dear me, girls, we must hurry and get this place fixed up. Miss Morgan. Are your tents in order? They were at inspection this morning but they've had time to get disarranged. Kitty. Mine is spick and span. I believe in a place for everything and everything in its place. Ruth. And that place is the tray of your trunk. Kitty. Well, what's the objection to that? When I want a ribbon or a belt I simply stir up a bit like this {gesture) till it comes to the surface. Hilda. Aunt Jane is horribly tidy and terribly particular. Betty. You're right there. She took the dust out of industrious. A Day at Camp Killkare 9 Miss Morgan. Better pick up those few papers, girls. Hope. Sure. Let's lay out some plain sewing and a few improving books, so as to give a good im- pression. {Sound of motor horn. ) Ruth. Oh, there's the car, come on girls and meet them. {Exit girls;) {Miss Morgan glances in tent, straightens pillows in hammock, and puts away her sketching outfit.) Miss Morgan. I do hope that we can impress Miss Pickett favorably so that she will allow Lucille to stay with us, but that is a little too much to expect. Poor child, I believe her aunt would like to send her to an old-fashioned boarding school, if she could find one, and have her taught to make alum baskets and play the Maiden's Prayer. {Enter Miss Pickett, Lucille and campers. ) Miss Pickett. This is a terrible hill. It will give me nervous dyspepsia or sciatica or both. Miss Morgan. Miss Pickett, we are delighted to see you at our camp.. (Kisses Lucille) Lucille, dear, this is lovely. Betty. Isn't this great to have Lucille here? Kitty, {politely) And Miss Pickett. {Girls assist Miss Pickett and Lucille to remove their wraps. ) Miss Morgan. Did you have a pleasant trip? Miss Pickett. It was quite tiresome for we lost our way. All the guide posts told us to use Scrubit Soap or Purple Pills for Pale People. Then for the last half hour when they did condescend to mention Pine- ville, it was always the same distance. First it was eight miles to Pineville, then after riding ten minutes it was eight miles to Pineville, and then after fifteen minutes it was still eight miles to Pineville. The 10 A Day at Cavip Killkare chauffeur was quite impertinent, for he said, "Thank goodness, we are holding our own anyway." Miss Morgan. How very annoying. Miss Pickett. Well, Lucille was so set on coming that I decided to let her have a day of it. Though for the life of me I can't see the fan of having spiders crawl over you while you sleep, and ants in the coffee, and eating canned stuff for weeks. I will say frank- ly it is not my idea of a ladyhke vacation. Miss Morgan. We certainly appreciate your kindness in bringing Lucille when it caused you so much inconvenience. Betty. Miss Pickett may I lend Lucille a middy blouse and skirt for the day? Miss Pickettt. Well, to tell the truth I never ap- proved of that costume. The middies, as you call them, remind me of the way the Chinese laundrymen wear their clothes. I like a dress neatly belted in. Kitty. But Lucille might spoil her suit. Betty. It is such a stylish suit. Did you have it made in New York? Miss Pickett, (pleased) No, the dressmaker made it under my supervision. Very well, Lucille, you may accept Betty's offer. Miss Morgan. Miss Pickett suppose you and I go down to the lake where it is cooler. Kitty. Oh, that will be lovely, Miss Morgan, take her out in the canoe. Miss Pickett. No indeed. My nephew Robert has one, and on one occasion he wished to have a dis- cussion with his father. My brother Jonas is quick tempered and will never listen to argument so Robert invited him out in his canoe, and when he had Jonas out in the middle of the river he opened up the sub- ject. Poor Jonas didn't dare to walk up and down the way he usually does, but he had to sit still and listen calmly for Robert warned him that the canoe would upset at the shghtest motion. A Day at Camp Killkare 11 Hilda. It was very diplomatic of Robert. Miss Morgan. We can sit by the lake and enjoy the breezes. Lucille. And hear the very latest in the line of dyspepsia and sciatica. Miss Pickett. Well Lucille, you may accept Bet- ty's kind offer of a middy blouse and skirt. Hang your coat carefully on a hanger and don't fall into the lake whatever you do. Ho])e. (softly) Hang your clothes on a hickory limb but don't go near the water. Betty. Come on girls for we must crowd two weeks fun into a single day. (Exit All) SCENE n (Ruth seated luith raffia work, enter other girls laughing. ) Kitty. Oh Ruth what do you suppose has hap- pened? Hope. Oh I couldn't keep my face straight. Hilda. It was perfectly awful. Hope. I was scared. Kitty. Scared nothing. The water was only a foot deep. Ruth. Well won't you tell a person what's hap- pened? Hilda. Mercy Ruth didn't you hear the screams yourself? Kitty. Where were your ears? Ruth, (irritated) You girls make me tired. Can't you tell me what happened? Kitty. Hope you tell. Hope. Well Aunt Jane went dov/n to the lake with Miss Morgan as she said she would. Then she took a notion to walk around it. That's scene two. 12 A Day at Camp Killkare Scene three she saw a water Hly near the edge that she wanted, and she reached for it and slipped in. The water was only a foot deep but of course she got wringing wet. She set up a S. 0. S. call or whatever the latest wireless is and Betty and Lucille rushed to the rescue. First aid to the injured you know. Hilda. Of course poor Aunt Jane was soaking wet, and then the question was what to do? Ruth. Couldn't you girls have gone to the vil- lage to get dry clothing from her suit case? Kitty. Nix. For she had let the chauffeur go to Cherry Valley to see his mother. Hope. Aunt Jane wanted a blanket wrapper, for of course Miss Morgan's clothes wouldn't fit her. Hilda. Just imagine how hilarious it would be to see Aunty sitting around all day in a blanket wrap- per and worsted slippers. Hope. But Betty came to the rescue. She actual- ly coaxed Aunt Jane to accept the loan of a middy blouse and skirt to wear for the rest of the day while her clothes dried in the sun. Ruth. Miss Pickett in a middy blouse. Where's my Kodak? Hope. Oh we've all got to behave ourselves I can tell you, for if we don't look out Miss Pickett will get so soured on camps, she won't let Lucille even mention the word. Kitty. V\\ tell you what we must do. Betty is dressing auntie up in camp clothes, and we must do our best to make her have a nice day, and convert her to the joys of camping. She's mad as a wet hen now. Hope. Well we'll all try our best to rejuvenate her and give her a jolly day. (Enter Miss Morgan, Miss Pickett, Betty, Lucille. Miss Pickett is dressed ridiculously in middy blouse, too small for her and a short skirt.) Kitty. ^Why'M^ss Pickett how nice you look! A Day at Camp Killkare 13 Miss Pickett. Nice in this scandalous costume! Fm glad that the Ladies Aid Society and the Civic club can't see me. Betty. Now Aunt Jane— excuse me— but I wish you'd let me call you that — believe me that red is be- coming to you, very. Isn't it girls? Miss Morgan. And the costume is comfortable too. Miss Pickett. Yes I admit that. Kitty. I have a proposition to make Aunt Jane. Can't I call you that, too? Miss Pickett. Why yes, you may if you wish. Kitty. Oh lovely! Well this is my idea. You be a regular camper today, for we want you to see just what jolly good times we have. Miss Pickett. Mercy sakes, do you want me to do high diving and walk ten miles, and eat fish black- ened over a wood fire? Ruth. Oh that isn't camping. We lead the sim- ple life, not the strenuous one. Betty. I think it would be lovely for her to spend a day just exactly as we spend it. Ruth. Go through the whole program you know. Miss Morgan. Well, somewhat modified. Hilda. Our first stunt is putting our tents in order. Miss Pickett. Stunt! Ruth, {explaining) Stunt means— well, a task, an accomplishment. Kitty. Hope's tent is the banner one. It's all plastered up with mottoes. Hilda. I was going to fix up Hope's bed pie- fash- ion one time, and when I hesitated at the door, I saw her motto "Do it now" so I did. Miss Pickett. I am sure I could pass an examina- tion in orderliness. IJf. A Day at Camp Killkare Lucille. Aunt Jane is the most spick and span housekeeper you ever saw. Betty. Well we can put down "credits for that then. Ruth. After tent inspection we have a wand drill, to make us graceful. Let's have that. Miss Pickett. Oh girls you must excuse me from that. Betty. Come Aunt Jane, you'll enjoy it. Hope. It's just the thing for sciatica. Hilda. And for nervous dyspepsia. Miss Pickett. Well I suppose I might as well be — Betty. A sport. Kitty. I'll get the wands and you lead us. Miss Morgan. Ruth. Lucille, you come on too. It's the same drill we had at school. ( Wand drill, in which Miss Pickett follows awkward- ly the motions of the girls. ) Betty. That is fine, you did splendidly. If you did that every day you'd never have nervous dyspep- sia. Kitty. Now while we rest we have half an hour for mending. Miss Pickett. Why, do you girls sew up here? Miss Morgan. Certainly they do. They keep their clothing all in good repair. Miss Pickett. I quite approve of that. Ruth. You should see us wash blouses too, Hope. We go down to the lake and pick out a nice fiat rock. Kitty. Then we soak our blouses awhile and then scrub them on the rock with a nail brush. Betty. And hang them up to dry on the trees — that old tree over there usually. A Day at Camp Killkare 15 Miss Pickett. What a beautiful old oak. I won- der what it would say if it could speak. Kitty, (quietly) It would propably say "I am a maple." Betty. Now we'll consider our mending time done, and next is the swimming hour. Miss Pickett. Never. Lucille. I'm crazy to learn to swim Aunt Jane. Betty. Why if you can't swim you miss half your life and sometimes all of it. Ruth. I was down at the swimming pool at home one day and Mrs. Brent, she is is terribly rich you know brought down her little dog and told the man she wanted her dog, to learn to swim. So the man took the doggie and tossed him into the pool and dog- gie paddled back, of course. Then the man rubbed him with a Turkish towel, and told Mrs. Brent that was the first lesson and the charge was fifty cents and to bring the dog twice a week for six weeks. Betty. Let's have the land practice Miss Morgan, the way we did when we were learning. Miss Pickett. Land practice? Miss Morgan. The girls are taught the motions of swimming before they go in the water. Betty. Come on, Aunt Jane, this is good for sciatica. Ruth. And nervous dyspepsia. Kitty. Ready for practice girls, form in line. {Girls go through landpractice in sivimming. Miss Pickett following aivkwardly. This is a sort of gym- nastic exercise. Girls ivave arms in unison as in swim- ming, using the different strokes, lifting first one foot and then the other, with occasional kicks. Miss Pick- ett's efforts to follow them can he made very junny.) Aunt Jane. How unspeakably grotesque. I am certainly glad that my neighbors and the members of the Civic Club could not see me. 16 A Day at Camp Killkare Lucille. I think it's e:reat. I know I could learn to swim real soon. Ruth. But just see how much better you feel. Kitty. Why you have a nice color in your face. Hilda. And your hair is getting wavy all around your face. Lucille, (aside) Half the morning gone and Aunt Jane hasn't mentioned nerves. What's going to happen? Miss Morgan. Now I think our guest had better rest. Betty. Why I was going to propose a hike. Let's take a tramp to Blueberry Hill? Miss Pickett. Dear me, do you have tramps here? Miss Morgan. No indeed, a walk, Betty means. Betty. A hike is the correct term. We pack up a lunch and then go for a little stroll of ten miles. Miss Pickett. I believe in walking every day, and each morning I walk three blocks to market. The other morning a young bride was doing her buy- ing, and I heard her ask the butcher for an eighth of lamb, as a quarter was too much. Ruth. Mother heard a woman complain to the butcher that the lamb was a little spoiled and the butcher said "No wonder ma'am that lamb was a great pet of my children's and I was afraid they'd spoil it." Betty. Well Aunt Jane, we can't give you a credit for hiking on the strength of three blocks to the butchers' but if you lived with us any length of time we'd have you a champion. Kitty. We aren't always so strenuous, Miss Pickett. We embroider. Hope. And we do basketry, see what I'm mak- ing for mother. Ruth. And we work with raffia, too. Isn't this a pretty bag? A Day at Camp Killkare 17 Miss Pickett. Your work is very creditable indeed. My mother when she was a girl made alum baskets and wax flowers, and wreaths from the hair of relatives, but these are prettier. Lucille. That's a compliment. Your basket is prettier than the camelias made from Aunt Susan's back hair. Miss Morgan. I think you girls are forgetting the most important feature of all. Kitty, {countifig on her fingers) Hiking, swim- ming, drill — Betty. Dinner! Lucille. I was hoping some one would mention that. Miss Morgan- Ruth and Hope are the dinner girls this week. Ruth. Well, we'll try to do ourselves proud. {Exit with Rope.) Miss Pickett. I confess I am hungry. Hilda. Ruth is our star cook. Kitty. She is economical too. She can make an omelet for ten people with two eggs and a bicycle pump. Lucille. I smell lamb chops. Betty. Yes the girls are broiling them in the cornpopper. Miss Pickett. How resourceful. Hope, {outside.) Mercy there's a spider on the custard. Pick it out Ruth, I'm busy, for there are a dozen ants in the sugar bowl. Miss Pickett. How dreadful. Hope, {outside.) Oh my nice cream cake. A toad jumped right in the middle of the meringue. I'll smooth it over, it will never show. Miss Pickett. How terrible. Betty. Don't worry. Aunt Jane, the girls are only teasing. 18 A Day at Camp Killkare Hope, {outside) I guess we can serve now. {Enter Ruth and Hope in caps and aprons. ) Hope. Dinner, ladies. Betty. Aunt Jane, I heard your scoffing words about the prevalence of ants at picnic tables, and I can assure you that you will be the only aunt who graces our festal board. Kitty. Aunt Jane, you look lots better than when you came this morning. Tell me honestly haven't you enjoyed it? Miss Pickett. I believe you have given me a very fair initiation into camp life. Hilda. All but the hikes and watermelon picnics and campfire stunts. Ruth. Well, those can be counted as a post graduate course. Miss Pickett. I understand that camper Fire girls not only stand for neatness— Kitty. Ruth, make a bow. {Ruth bows.) Miss Pickett. — and orderliness— Hilda. Like mending our clothes, Miss Pickett.— and courage Betty. That means me for rescuing you. Aunt Jane. {Kitty fastens the top of a tin can to Betty's blouse. ) Kitty. The Carnegie medal for heroism, my dear. Miss Pickett. But also for kindly deeds. Ruth, {aside) Those chops will be stone cold. Miss Pickett. To finish my speech you are kind- ly helping me make. I believe thctccmpeis also stand for kindly deeds, so I wish you to remember me by A Day at Camp Killkare 19 one. (Turns to Lucille.) Lucille, my dear with Miss Morgan'? permission you may spend the re- mamder of the summer here, and I will send at once for suitable clothes for you. Betty. Three cheers for Aunt Jane. (Campers give Wahelo call.) RELEASED FOR AMATEUR PRODUCTION. "The Little Politician" By SEYMOUR S. TIBBALS A COMEDY IN FOUR ACTS SEVEN MALES AND THREE FEMALES ^ITHIS play was produced professionally ^^ for several seasons under another title, and is now released for amateur production without royalty and without restrictions of any kind. The scenery and costumes are simple. Time, about two hours. A young society girl plays an important part in overthrowing a corrupt political boss and brings about the election of her fiance. The race for the hand of a wealthy widow by rival suitors furnishes the comedy. A pretty story is unfolded, but without actual love-making or any scenes objectionable to the amateur. Recommended for high schools and dra- matic clubs. ^^'The garden party in the second act affords opportunity for the introduction of any number of characters. PRICE, 25 CENTS Sent Postpaid on Receipt of Price by the ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio " THE HOUSE THAT HELPS " HE MtE SPECIALISTS IN Amateur Entertainments It is not a side line with us, but we devote our entire time to that business Realizing that many people have grown weary of searching through catalogs and read- ing entertainments only to discard them as unavailable we appreciate the fact that our cus- tomers have often spoken of us as ' 'the house that helps." We have had practical exper- ience in selecting and producing amateur en- tertainments and we feel that we know what will please the public, and what can be pro- duced under certain conditions. Oar expsrissiCB is at your disposal. Write us, giving full particulars of your special need in the way of an enter- tainment, and we will select a play, an oper- etta, a drill or even an entire program for you. But always e8c!§se a stansp for tde rsply. ReiHsmber, that in addition to our entertain- ments we carry a large line of publications of other dealers. If in doubt as to the entertain- ment you desire, send particulars and v/e will suggest something to fit. We are at your service. ELDRIDGE ENTERTAIMENT BOUSE Franklin, Ohio LIBRARY OF CONGRESS TWO PLAYS FOR _™ By SEYMOUR S. TIBBALS. 015 793 167 2 Mr. Tibbals has been unusually successful in fur- nishing boys' plays that introduce characters true to life. While the plays are strong and forceful in the lessons they teach, clean comedy predominates and the boys like them. *<11ie Millionaire Janitor >f A comedy in two acts. Here is a rollicking play for eight or more boys with plenty of action. Just the thing for a Boys' Class or Junior Y. M. C. A. Easily staged and costumed. Opportunity for intro- duction of musical numbers and recitations. By in- troducing such features the play may be used for an entire evening's entertainment. Price 25 Cents "Up Caesar's Creek** A splendid play for any number of boys. The characters are real boys and the play deals with their experiences while camping up Caesar's Creek the per- formance closing with a minstrel show in camp. Cos- tumes and scenery are not elaborate and the play may be produced on any stage. Price 25 Cents These comedies are protected by copyright, but pvermission for amateur production is granted with the purchase of the book. ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio