4 O V..> S> -* v •^ THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS x8io- 1910 Black, Starr & Frost's Building 436-438 Fifth Avenue Since 1898 i firoiigfu ^ One , Starr &" Jrosi: incorporated < b^ & Copyright, 1910, by Black, Starr & Frost, Inc. Department of Stationery and Printing ©CLA289927 THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS Uo our tPatronj : Jhe appreciation of oup methods of business which has beeiv so generoujly bejioweci in the pajt, will be the incentive which will spur us to /till greater effort, that we maf merit that appreciation in the future. Very Jin cerelyC "Blacky ftarr & Jrq$t: JVewJ^rk, (Nineteen /hundred and ten ^■; ;J 4 '/m 565-567 Broadway From 1861 to 1876 ^The (bnienis of (his "Book, Through One Hundred Years . 9 The Jewelry of Time . 15 Birth Stones 24 Wedding Anniversaries . 25 Our Departments 27 ▼ ▼ ▼ 251 Fifth Avenue From 1876 to 1898 *jKe Order of Arrangement of Illufirafions in this /Book, Black,jStarr & Frost's Building 436-438 Fifth Avenue . Frontispiece 565-567 Broadway ... 4 251 Fifth Avenue ... 6 The Jewelry of Time . . 17-23 Pearls ..... 26 Tea Set and Tray (Louis XVI) . 30 Silver Vase . . . . 31 Prize Cups .... 32 After-Dinner Coffee and Tray(Colonial) 33 Suit Case and Traveling Bag . 35 Watches — Gold, and Enameled and Jeweled Cases . . . 38 THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS ^JKrougfl 100 yearj tones January Garnet February Amethyst March . Bloodstone April . Diamond May Emerald June . Agate July . Ruby August Sardonyx September Sapphire October . Opal November . Topaz December Turquoise PAGE TWENTY-FOUR "edding <9inniVersaries First . Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Twelfth Fifteenth Twentieth Twenty-Fifth Thirtieth Thirty-Fifth Fortieth Fiftieth Seventy-Fifth Cotton . Paper Leather Books Wooden Garnet Woolen Bric-a-Brac Topaz Tin Silk and Fine Linen . Crystal China Silver Pearl Sapphire Ruby- Golden Diamond PAGE TWENTY-FIVE PEARLS ^Jjepccr{metv{j PRECIOUS STONES UR assortment of diamonds and precious stones is always large and of great variety. We import direct, and our con- nections in the principal markets of the world give us exceptional opportunities for purchasing desirable stones. The pearl — whose natural beauty needs no hand x>i man to bring to perfection — has always been a favorite of our house and of its individual members, and it naturally follows that experts having especially fine specimens to offer, and buyers who are PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS mmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm looking for choicest gems, alike, naturally seek us. Our collection of pearls, mounted and unmounted, forms a display of striking beauty, and should be examined by lovers of this most attractive gem. All mountings are manufactured in our own factory, by our own employees and under our own supervision. This enables us to produce mounted jewelry in particularly at- tractive settings and from exclusive designs. We give particular attention to mounting, in special designs, unset stones selected by the purchaser. T ▼ T _ W _ T _ v In this department will be found a large and carefully selected stock, comprising novelties of the moment as well as more conventional goods of pleasing pat- terns, and includes Brooches, Rings, Pins, Chains, Lockets, Buttons, Necklaces, Brace- lets, Hair Ornaments, Pendants and Earrings. PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS The line is not only large, but STERLING chosen with discrimination as to „„,,„_,„._,,- , A . , , , . ,. SILVERWARE what is best and most desirable, and comprises articles both useful and decorative. Dinner Services, Tea Services, Dessert Services, and Flatware of every kind — Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, and other articles for table use — occupy a prominent place in this department and are shown in all designs, from the most simple to the most ornate. In this department will be found Smokers' Sets, Inkstands, Tankards, Bowls, Loving Cups, Candlesticks, Fruit Dishes and Vases in great variety. A special feature of this department is the designing and making of articles suitable for prizes and trophies and also the production of original conceptions in silver as appropriate pieces for presentations. We are always pleased to confer with committees or individ- uals concerning such matters, and are pre- pared to furnish drawings and estimates. PAGE TWENTY-NINE TEA SET AND TRAY (Louis XVI.) SILVER VASE PRIZE CUPS AFTER-DINNER COFFEE AND TRAY (Colonial) THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS DESIGN AND INSIGNIA Our Designing Department is composed of experts who have de- voted years to this calling, and is employed not only in producing new and unique suggestions for our counters, but is at the service of patrons desiring special work. We furnish Pins, Badges, Charms, Medals and Buttons for use by members of all frater- nities and societies. STATIONERY This department is prepared to execute, in a superior and artistic manner, all orders for Printing, Embossing, Engraving, Etching, Diesinking, Seal Cutting and Stamping, as well as hand work in illuminating and painting. In the matter of social stationery, includ- ing Wedding Invitations, Announcements, and invitations to social functions, knowledge as to the latest mode and correct form of ex- pression is particularly essential. We are constantly in touch with the most recent and PAGE THIRTY-FOUR SUIT CASE AND TRAVELING BAG THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS approved usages, and are always pleased to give our customers the benefit of our knowl- edge and experience. In placing orders for Stationery, particu- larly engraved or embossed work, as much time as possible should be given in order that they may not be hurried. Ordinarily, a week's time is required on visiting cards, and from ten days to two weeks for engraving invitations. We are, however, prepared, in cases of emergency, to execute work with particular promptness, and are pleased to accommodate in every way possible. In the matter of Coats-of-Arms and Gene- alogies, correctness is necessary, and we are prepared to make careful research and ex- plorations as to these. ▼ f Everything that is newest and choicest in Leather Goods will be found in this department — Pocket Books, Purses, Writing Cases, Card Cases, Light-weight Traveling Bags and Suit Cases fitted in gold, LEATHER GOODS PAGE THIRTY-SIX THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS silver, ivory and turtle ebony, Satchels, Port- folios. Belts, and Desk Furnishings, besides many other articles. All these are furnished either in plain leathers or richly trimmed with silver or other metals. We are also prepared to apply orna- ments, initials or monograms from special designs. We appreciate the desire of purchas- _„ a _,„._,.„_ t r w nrii. a WATCHES ers for reliable Watches and we carry the most dependable of foreign and American movements, including Watches of our own manufacture. All these we have in a great variety of cases, among them jeweled cases, cases finished in enamel, and engraved cases. ▼ V Our stock is replete with Clocks nrK^ of all kinds — American and foreign, mantel clocks, hall clocks, clocks for every purpose, large and small, from those with PAGE THIRTY-SEVEN WATCHES Gold, and Enameled and Jeweled Cases THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS the most elaborate decorations to those quite simple in design. Our facilities for doing all kinds of • D1c , nATrjc , repair work which is in any way con- nected with our line of business are unex- celled. We make a specialty of repairing dia- mond and gem settings and jewelry, and also give careful attention to all articles calling for care and experience. All repairing is done in our own factory by men of skill and training. Our Mail Order Department is per- MAIL fectly organized and is a prominent ORDERS feature of our business. It is in charge of a Manager whose whole time is devoted to it, and we are able to fill all orders by mail with perfect satisfaction to our customers and ourselves. PAGE THIRTY-NINE THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS ~~~t^~ ~», We send goods on approval to any GOODS ON ,, . * TT .. */ c . . , J . address in the United btates, when APPROVAL , . , so desired. Customers are requested, when writing, to state as fully as possible their preferences if they have them, the kind of goods desired, and also the approximate amounts they desire to pay for them; and, if unknown to us, to kindly give bank or other references. Every care will be given to the matter of selection, and patrons can rely upon a satis- factory selection being made. W PAGE VORTY THROUGH ONE HUNDRED YEARS i8iq- 1910 N275 83 4 > ^ ^ ,. • • • * <$> «,v H^ i- -* HO*, »>■ -»"«.^ "",0* # M O ' * .4* /