ci°<. 1877.' c^ RALEIGH: x.:^^^^-^^ NEWS STEAM BOOK AND JOB OFFICE AND BINDERY. 1877. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877, By John S. Hampton, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CONTENTS. Page. PosTOFFiCES, Distances, &c 4 Population of Incorporated Towns 31 Senatorial Districts 33 Judicial Districts 35 Judges 36 Lawyers 36 Chronological Table 40 Postal Information 41 Map of the State 43 Advertisements 45 TO THE PUBLIC. i The subscriber offers to the public this little book, con- taining the names of all the cities, towns and post ojfRces in the State of North Carolina, with the distances from the Capital and principal commercial towns, together with the population of the incorporated towns of the State, the white and the colored races divided; also the names and post offices of the leading lawyers in the State. The subscriber has devoted much labor and pains to this work, and thinks it will be very useful to all professional and business men, as well as interesting to those who pay attention to the statistics of the State. Strangers, and the traveling public generally, will find it invaluable, as it con- tains information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Care has been taken to ensure correctness of statement, though it is probable some errors may be found, which, under the circumstances, could not well have been avoided. Trusting that his book may be favorably received, the subscriber has the honor to be, the public's Most obedient servant, J. S. HAMPTON. The Noi POST OFt im Carolina Guide. ICES, comiES m distances, i POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. ! DISTANCES. Abbottsburg, Bladen, 50 from Wilmington, 12 from Elizabethtown. Abbott's Creek, Davidson, 8 from High Point. Albemarle, Stanley, C. H., 140 s. w. of Raleigh. Albertson's, Duplin, 14 n e. of Kenansville. Alamance, Guilford, 3 from Gibsonville. Allensville, Person, Amity Hill, Iredell, 9 from Statesville. Anderson's Store, CasweH, 15 from Company Shops. Angola, N. Hanover, 21 from Burgaw Depot. Ansonville, Anson, 10 n. of Wadesboro', form- erly Carolina Fern. Col. Antioch, Robeson, 19 from Fayctteville. Apex, Wake, 14 from Raleigh. Aquone, Macon, 22 from Franklin, 18 from Haysville. Arcadia, Davidson, 18 from Lexington. Argyle, Cumberland, 16 from Fayctteville. Ashboro', Randolph, C. H., 72 w. of Raleigh. Asheville, Buncombe, C. H., 250 w. of Raleigh. Aspin Grove, Rockingham, R. & D. R. R. Atlanta, Sampson, 17 from Magnolia. Auburn, Wake, 10 s. e. of Raleigh. Anman's Hill, Montgomery, Aurora, Beaufort, 32 from Washington. Averasboro, Harnett, 25 from Fayctteville. Avery's Creek, Buncombe, 68 from Greenville, Tenn. Ayresviilc, Stokes, 45 fromReidsvillc. Bakersville, Mitchell, C. PI. Bald Creek, Yancey, 54 from Morgantou. The North Carolina Guide. 5 II POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Banks', Wake, 1 1 from Raleigh . Barclaysville, Harnett, 33 from Raleigh. Bath, Beaufort, 20 n. e. of Washington. Battleboro', Edgecombe, 8 from Rocky Mt. Bay River, Pamlico, ^ from Stonewall. Bear Bay, Robeson, C. C. R. R. Bear Branch, Richmond, 5 from Rockingham. Bear Wallow, Henderson, 65 from Spartanburg, S. C. Beattie's Ford, Lincoln, 26 from Stanley's. Beaufort, Carteret, 0. H., 150 s. e. of Raleigh. Beaumont, Chatham, 11 from Egypt. Beaver Dam, Union, C. 0. R. R. Belno Cr'k Mills, Forsyth e. 12 from Went worth. Bellevoir, Chatham, 25|^ from Durham. Belviclere, Perquimans, 8 from Plertford. Berea, Granville, 20 from Henderson. Bernard, Brunswick, 1 Berry Hill, Rockingham, 6 from Reidsville. Bethania, Forsythe, 9 n. w. of Salem. Bethany Church, L-edell, 7 from StatesviUe. Betliel,' Pitt, 15 from Greenville, j Beverly, Anson, 7 from Wadesboro'. \ Big Falls, Alamance, 5 from Campany Shops. Big Laurel, Madison, 12 from Marshall. Big Lick, Stanley, 18 from Concord. Big Spring, Jackson, 92 from Walhalla, S. C. Big Swamp, Columbus, 18 n. w^ of Whiteville. Black Creek, Wilson, Blackman's Mills, Sampson, 40 from Warsaw. Black Riv.Chap'l, N. Hanover, 11 fr. South Washington. Bladenboro', Bladen, Blakeley, Stokes, 41 from Reidsville. Blocker's, Cumberland, 12 from Fayetteville. Blount's Creek, Beaufort, 15 s. e. of Washington. Blowing Creek, Watauga, 8 from Boone, 20 from Mor- ganton. ^ Blue Ridge, Henderson, 82 from Morganton. Blue Wing, Granville, 1 6 The North Carolina Guide. 1 1 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Bogue, Columbus, Boi'lston, Henderson, 69 from Bridgewater. Bolton, Brunswick, Same as Maxwell's, 28 from Wilmington. Bone Camx3, Madison, 7 from Marshall. Boone, Watauga, C. H., 30 from Lenoir. Booneville, Yadkin, 42 from High Point. Boon Hill, 1 Johnston, Changed to Princeton, 36 fr. Raleigh, 12 fr. Golds- boro'. Bostick's Mills, Richmond, 10 from Rockingham. 1 Bost's Mills, Caburrus, 8 from Concord. Branch's Store, Duplin, 8 n. of Kenansville. Brasstown, Cherokee, 7 from Murphy. Brevard, Transylvania C. H . 20 from Asheville. 1 Brick Church, Guilford, 15^ from Greensboro'. Bridgewater, Burke, 11 w. of Morganton. Brindletown, C( 14 s. w. of Morganton, on Rutherfordton Road. - Brinkleyville, Halifax, 16 from Enfield. Britain, Rutherford, 32 from Morganton. Brooklyn, Robeson, 13 from Fair Bluff. Brookston, Warren, 5 from Henderson. Brookville, Granville, 12 from Franklinton. Brewer's Mills, Randolph, 25 from Egypt. Brown's Summit, Guilford, Brownsville, Granville, 18 fr. Oxford, 30 fr. Hen- derson. Buchanan, n 29 from Henderson. Buckland, Gates, 6 from Gatesville. Bueua Vista, Duplin, 8 from Kenansville, Buffalo Ford, Randolph, 15 from Ashboro'. Buffalo Paper Mill Cleaveland, 4 fr. Shelby, 54 fr. Charlotte Bunn's Level, Harnett, 7 from Harnett C. H. Burgaw Depot, N. Hanover, 22 from Wilmington. Burgess' Mill, Hyde, 27 from Swan Quarter. Burney's Mills, 1 Randolph, 32 from Thomasville. 1 The North Carolina Gtuide. 7 11 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Burnsville, Yancey, 0. H., 262 fr. Raleigh, Ifi fr. Bakersville, 38 from Asheville. Burnt Chimney, Rutherford, Busbee, Buncombe, 7 from Asheville. Bush Hill, Randolph, 7 from High Point. Bushy Fork, Person, 18 from Hillsboro'. Calahaln, Davie, 27 from Statesville. Caler's Hill, Jackson, 8 n. e. of Webster. Calhoun, Transylvania 36 from Greenville, S. C. California, Currituck, 30 fr. Currituck C. H., on Albemarle Sound. Camden C. H., Camden, C. H., 4 fr. Elizabeth City. Cameron, N. Hanbver, 4 from Cameron Station. Camp Call, Cleaveland, 24 from Cherryville. Cane Creek, Chatham, 33 from Graham. Capell's Mills, Richmond, 12 from Rockingham. Carpenter's Store, Rutherford, 12 from Rutherfordton. Carter's Mills, Moore, 30 from Jonesboro'. Carthage, Moore, C. H., 13 from Jonesboro', 57 from Raleigh. Gary, Wake, 8 from Raleigh. Casher's Valley, Jackson, 22 from Webster. Castalia, Nash, 22 from Franklinton. Castania Grove, Lincoln, 2i from Tuckaugee Stat'n. Castle Hayne, N. Hanover, Same as n. e. 9 from Wil- mington. Catawba Station, Catawba, 12 from Newton. Catawba Yale, McDowell, Catherine Lake, Onslow, 28 from Kinston. Caudle Mills, Anson, 11 from Wadesboro'. Cedar Creek, Cumberland, Cedar Grove, Orange, 7 from Hillsboro'. Cedar Hill, Anson, 13 n. of Wadesboro', on Plank Road. Cedar Mountain, Transylvania 22 from Hendersonville. Cedar Valley, Caldwell, 8 from Lenoir. Centre, < Guilford, 13i from Greensboro'. 8 The North Caeolina Guide. ' 1 1 POST OFFICES, COU]^fTIES. DISTANCES. Centre Grove, Person, 13 from Roxboro'. Cerro Gordo, Columbus, 16 w. of Whiteville. Chalk Level, Harnett, 10 from Haywood. Chapel Hill, Orange, 12 from Durham. Charleston, tSwain, C. H., 6 from Nenteliotah. Charlotte, Mecklenburg C. H., 175 from Raleigh. Cherryfielcl, Transylvania 35 from Greenville, S. C. Cherry Lane, Alleghany, 34 from Mt. Airy, 48 from Wytheville, Va. Clierryville, Gaston, 10 from Lincolnton. Chestnut Ridge, Yadkin, 32 from Statesville China Grove, Rowan, 9 from Salisbury, 141 from Raleigh. Choccowinity, Beaufort, S from Washington. Chronicle, Catawba, 14 from New^ton Station. Clark's Mills, Moore, 19 s. w. of Carthage, 20 fr. Rockingham. Clayton, Johnston, 15 from Raleigh, 12 from Smithfield. Clear Creek, Mecklenburg 12 from Harris' Depot. Clinesville, Catawba, 10 from New^ton. Clinton, Sampson, C. H., 16 from Warsaw^ 93 from Raleigh. Clover Orchard, Alamance, 17 e. of s. of Graham Cobton, Craven, 6 from Kewbern. Coburn's Store, Union, . 17 fr. Harris' Depot, 14 fr. Monroe. Coddle Creek, Cabarrus, 10 from Concord. Coinjock, Currituck, 10 from Currituck C. H. Colerain, Bertie, 26 n, w. of Windsor. Cole's Mills, Randolph, 22 from Carthage. Colesville, Stokes, 37 from ReidsvUle. Colfax, Guilford, 13 from Greensboro'. i Collettsville, Caldwell, 17+ from Morganton. Columbia, Tyrrell, C."^H., 45 fr Williamston, 191 from Raleigh. Columbus, Polk, C. H., 37 fr. Spartanburg, South Carolina. ..1 The North Carolina Guide. 9 1 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Company Shops, Alamance, 60 fr. Raleigh, 2 f r. Graham Concord, Cabarrus, C. H., 154 from Raleigh. Cool Spring, Iredell, 10 from Statesville. Cottage Home, Lincoln 12 from Stanley's. County Line, Davie, 17 from Statesville. Covington, Richmond, 17 from Rockingham. Cowan's Ford, Mecklenburg 15 from Charlotte. Coxville, Pitt, 14 from Greenville. Crabtree, Haywood, 100 from Morganton. Creaghead, Mecklenburg 14 from Charlotte. Crain's Creek, Moore, 9 from Carthage. Cranberry Forge, Mitchell, 22 fr. Boone, 24 fr. Bakers- ville, 44 fr. Morganton. Creswell, Washington, 27 from Plymouth. Crooked Creek, Stokes, Same as Sandy Ridge, 37 from Reidsville. Cross Rock, Madison, 22 from Asheville. Crossville, Gates, On Notteway River. Crowder's Mt., Gaston, 14 from Stanley's. Cuba, Rutherford, 8 from Ruth erf ordton. Cunningham's Store, Person, 12 n. w. of Roxboro'. Curriersville, Moore, 20 from Jonesboro'. Currituck C. H., Currituck, C. H., 32 fr. Norfolk, Va. Curtis' Mills, Alamance, 8 s. of Graham. Dallas, Gaston, C. H., 7 from Stanley's. Danbury, Stokes, C. H., 50 from Reidsville. Dalton, Bladen, Davidson College, Mecklenburg 20 from Charlotte. Davidson's River, Transylvania 43 from Greenville, S. C. Day Book, Yancev, 40 from Johnson's Depot. Dayton, Wake," 16 from Raleigh. Deep Creek, Anson, 8 w. of Wadesboro'. Deep River, Guilford, 7^ from Jamestown. Dellaplane, Wilkes, 9 from Wilkesboro'. Democrat, Buncombe, 65 from Morganton. Diamond Hill, Anson, 13 n. w. of Wadesboro'. Dismal, Sami3Son, 28 from Warsaw. 1 . , 10 The North Carolina Guide. POST OFFICES. Dobson, Dockery, Double Shoal, Douglass, Dover, Dry Ponds, Dudley, Duncan's Creek, Dundarrach, Dunn's Rock, Durant's Neck, Durham, Dutch ville, Dysartsville, Eagle Mills, Eagle Rock, Earpsboro, East Bend, East Laporte, Eden, Edenton, Edinboro, Edneyville, Edwards' Mills, Edwardsville, Efird's Mills, Egypt, Elboville, Elevation, Elizabeth City, Elizabethtown, COUNTIES. Surry, Wilkes, Cleaveland, Rockingham, Craven, Lincoln, Wayne, Rutherford, Robeson, Transylvania Perquimans, Orange, Granville, McDowell, Iredell, Wake, Johnston, Yadkin, Jackson, Randolph, Chowan, Montgomery, Henderson, Beaufort, Surry, Stanly, Chatham, Davie, Cumberland, Pasquotank, Bladen, DISTANCES. C. H., 57 from Statesville. 8 from Wilkesboro'. 18 from Cherry ville. Site changed to Reidsville. 24 from Newbern, 35 from Goldsboro'. 22 fr. Catawba Sta. ch'ged to Denver, Jan. 1, 1875. 9 s. of Goldsboro'. 14 from Fayetteville. 35 from Greenville, S. C. ] 6 from Elizabeth City. 26 from Raleigh, 14 from Hillsboro'. 27 from Henderson. 17 from Morganton. 18 from Statesville. 12 fr. Raleigh, 9 fr. Auburn 22 fr. Smithfield, 25 from Wilson. 37 from High Point. 8 from Webster. 10 from Thomas ville. C. H., 176 from Raleigh, 30 from Williamston. 25 from Rockingham. 47 from Morganton. 25 from Washington. 9 from Dobson. 35 from Wadesboro'. 43 fr. Fayetteville, 50 Raleigh. 16 from Lexington. 45 from Raleigh. C. H., 35 fr. Suffolk, Va. C. H., 12 fr. Abbottsburg lOi from Rosindale. fr. The North Carolina Guide. li 1 1 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Elk Cross Roads, Ashe, 40 from Morganton. Elkin, Surry, 41 fr. Statesville, 27 from Hunts ville. Elk Shoals, Iredell, 121 from Statesville. Elkville, Wilkes, 26 from Morganton. Enfield, Halifax, 11 from Halifax. Erwinsville, Cleaveland, 22 from Cherryville. Eureka, Johnston, 8 n. of Smithfield. Eupeptic Springs, Iredell, 16 from Statesville. Fair Bluff, Columbus, 20 w. of Whiteville. Fairfield, Hyde, 18 from Middleton. Fair Grove, Davidson, lie. of Lexington. F airport, Granville, 17 from Franklinton. Fair view. Buncombe, 48 from Morganton. Faison's Depot, Duplin, 18 from Kenans ville. 1 Falkland, Pitt, 17 from Tarboro', 9 from Farmville, Falling Creek, Lenoir, Fancy Hill, Iredell, 6 from Statesville. Farmington, Davie, 27 from Salisburv. Farmville, Pitt, 26 from Tarboro'. Fayetteville, Cumberland, C. H., 81 from Raleigh by R. R., 120 fr. Wilming- ton by boat. Fentress, Guilford, 10 from Greensboro'. Fields, Lenoir, 18 from Kinston. First Broad, Rutherford, 22 from Morganton. Fish Dam, Wake, 8 from Durham. Flat Pdver, Orange, 17 from Durham. Flat Rock, Henderson, 32 from Greenville, S. C. Flat Shoal, Suriy, 53 from High Point. Flemington, Columbus, 35 from Wilmington. Flinty Branch, Yancey, 11 e. of Burnsville. Fonta Flora, Burke, 15 n. w. of Morganton. Footville, Yadkin, — s. w. of Yadkinville. Forestville, Wake, 15 from Raleigh. Fork Mountain, Mitchell, 36 fr. Johnson Depot, S. C. 12 The Nokth CAROLmA Guide. 1 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. >> DISTANCES. Forks of Pigeon, Haywood, 108 fr. Morganton, 43 fr. Hendersonville. 1 Fork Swamp, Beaufort, 16 n. of Washington. 1 Fort Moutg'mery, Cherokee, 30 from Murphy. 1 Fouutaiu Hill, Greene, 15 from Kinston. | Foust's Mills, Randolph, 15 from Egypt. ' Francisco, Stokes, 54 from Reidsville, \ Franklin, Macon, C. H. Frankliuton, Franklin, 27 from Raleigh. | Franklinsville, Randolph, 42 from Graham. Freeman's Mills, Guildord, 6 from Jamestown. Fremont, Wayne, 11 n. of Goldsboi'o', form- ; erly Nahunta. French Broad, Buncombe, 10 from Asheville. French Cr. Ch., Bladen, 8 from Rosindale. Fried burgh. Forsythe, 7 from Salem. Friendship, Guilford, 10 from Greensboro'. FuUwood's Store, Meckl'nburg, 14 from Charlotte. 1 Fulton, Davie, 12 from Lexington. Gap Civil, Alleghany, C. H., 40from Wytheville. ' Gap Creek, Ashe, 43 from iNtarion. Gardner's Ford, Cleaveland, 45 from Cherry ville. Garysburg, Northampt'n 2 from Weldon. Gatesville, Gates, (J. H., 16 fr. Suffolk, Va., 3 from Gates Ferry. Gates' Ferry, a 3 from Gatesville. 1 Germanton, Stokes, 32 from High Point. GibbsX Roads, Cumberland, 30 from Fayetteville. Gibsonville, Guilford, 15 fr. Greensboro', 67 fr. Raleigh. Gilmer's Store, it 9i from Greensboro'. ' Glade Creek, Ashe, 45 from Wytheville, Va. Gladesboro', Randolph, 12 from High Point. Globe, Caldwell, 27i fr. Morganton, 9^ from Blowing Rock. : Gold Hill, Rowan, 14 from Salisburv. Goldsboro', Wayne, C. H., 48 from Raleigh. Goose Crk Island, Beaufort 55 from Washington. ! J The North Carolina Guide. 13 POST OFFICES. Graham, Granite Hill, Grantsboro', Grantsville, Grassy Creek, Grassy Knob, Gray Eagle, Gray's Creek, Green Hill, Greensboro', Greenville, Grist's Station, Grove, Gum Branch, Gum Neck, Hadley's Mills, Halewood, Halifax, Hallsville, Hall's Store, Hamilton, Hamptouville, Hannersville, Hapi3y Home, COUNTIES. Alamance, Iredell, Craven, Buncombe, Yancey, Rutherford, Buncombe. Cumberland, Rutherford, Guilford, iPitt, I Columbus, j Chatham, Onslow, I Tyrrell, I Chatham, ! Madison, I Halifax, 1 I i Duplin, I Orange, [Martin, 'Yadkin, Davidson, Burke, Harper's X Roads, I Chatham, Harlowe, Harrell's Store, Harrellsville, Harrington, Harris' Depot, Harrison's Creek, Carteret, Sampson, Hertford, Harnett, Cabarrus, Cumberland, DISTANCES, C. H., 58 w. of Raleigh. 16 from Newbern, 15 from Marshall. 20 from Morganton. 18 from Rutherfordton. 18 from Asheville. 10 from Fayette ville. 51 from Morganton. C. H., 82 from Raleigh. C, H., 134 fr. Raleigh, 26 fr. Tarboro, 15 fr. Bethel. 54 from Wilmington. 20 from Raleigh. 49 from Magnolia. 18 from Columbia. 18 from Graham, 5 from Marshall. C. H., 105 fr. Raleigh, 8fr. Weldon. 8 e. of Kenansville, 15 fr. Magnolia. 13 from Williamston. 18 fr. Huntsville, 8 fr. Yad- kinville, 29 fr. Statesville 8 from Thomas ville. Same as Icard Station, 13 from Mull Grove, 10 fr. Hickory. 15 from Egypt. 10 from Newport. 8 from Leasburg. 6 from Gates Ferry 9 from Swain's Station. 8 from Concord, 162 from Raleigh. 12 from Fayetteville. 14 The ! North Carolina Guide. | L POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Hartshorn, Alamance, i 15 s. w. of Graham. j Hatteras, Hyde, 76 from Beaufort. f I Haw Branch, Onslow, 26 from Warsaw. [ 1 Hawk Mine, Mitchell, 6 from Bakersville. Hawley's Store, Sampson, 36 from Warsaw. | Haw River, Alamance, 56 fr. Raleigh, 2 e. of Gra- ham. Hayesville, Clay, C. H., 17 from Murphy. Hays' Store, Wake, 6 from Raleigh. Haywood, Chatham, 32 from Raleigh. Healing Springs, Davidson, 16 s. of Lexington. Heath sville, Halifax, 7 from Enfield. Helton, Ashe, 11 from Jefferson, 24 from Marion. Henderson, Granville, 44 from Raleigh, 12 from Oxford. i Hendersonville, Henderson, C. H., 38 fr. Ruth erf ordt'n. Herringsville, Sampson, 16 from Magnolia. Hertford, Perquimans, C. H., 40 fr. Williamston. Hester's Store, Person, 18 from Milton's Landing. Hickory, Catawba, 10 from Newton, 192 from Raleigh. High Point, Guilford, 15 fr. Greensboro', 97 from Raleigh. High Shoals, Gaston, 61 fr. High Shoals Station. Hilliardston, Nash, 22 from Rocky Mt. Hillsboro', Orange, C. H., 40 from Raleigh. j Hillsdale, Guilford, 10 fr. Greensboro', 16 from Reidsville. Hill's Store, Randolph, 17 from Ashboro', 28 from Thomasville. Hinn ant's Mills, Johnston, 18 from Selma. i Hollow Poplar, Mitchell, 21 from Burusville. Hookerton, Greene, 22 from Kinston. Hoover Hill, Randolph, 20 from Lexington. Hopewell, Mecklenburg 9 from Charlotte. Horse Creek, Ashe, 27 from Marion. ! Horse Cove, Macon, 24 from Walhalla, S. C. The North Carolina Guide. 15 1 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Hunsucker's Store Montgomery, 7+ from Troy. Hunting Creek, Wilkes, 10 from Wilkesboro'. Huntsville, Yadkin, 33 from Salisbury. Hurdle's Mills, Person, t6 from Hillsboro'. Indian Ridge, Currituck, 4 from Currituck C. H. Indian Trail, Union, 10 fr. Monroe, 20 fr. Char- lotte. Inverness, Cumberland, 22- from Fayetteville. Irene, Mecklenburg 15 from Charlotte. Iron Station, Lincoln, 27 from Charlotte. Ivy, Madison, 12 from Burnsville. Ivy Hill, Haywood, 8 n. of Waynesville. Jackson, Northampton C.H., 8 fr. Seaboard, 15 fr. Weldon, 112 fr Raleigh. Jacksonville, Onslow, 30 from Newbern, 137 from Raleigh, 65 fr. Wilming- ton. Jackson Hill, Davidson, 24 from Salisbury. Jackson's Creek, Randolph, 21 s. e. of Lexington. Jackson Springs, Moore, 20 from Rockingham. Jacob's Fort, Catawba, 11 from Newton. Jamestown, Guilford, 10 fr. Greensboro', 92 fr. Raleigh. Jamesville, Martin,, 10 e. of Williamston. Jarvisburg, Currituck, 23 from Currituck C. H. Jefferson, Ashe, C. H., 204 fr. Raleigh, 86 from Catawba Station. Jenning's Mills, Iredell, 24 from Taylorsville. Jericho, Wayne, 10 from Dudley Jerusalem, Davie, 14:^ from Salisbury. Johnson's Mills, Pitt, 23 from Greenville. Jonas Ridge, Burke, 24 from Morganton. Jonathan's Creek, Haywood, Site ch'ged to Waynesville. Jonesboro', Moore, Changed to Sanford. Jonesville, Yadkin, 34 from Statesville. JOyner's Depot, Wilson, Changed to Toisnot. Judesville, Surry, 64 from \Vytlieville, Va. Kenansville, Duplin, C. H., 7 from Magnolia, 91 from Raleigh. 16 The North Carolina Guide POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Kendall, Anson, 17 fr. Wadesboro', former- ly Hammond's Store. Kendall's Store, Stanley, 4 from Albemarle. Kernersville, Forsyth e, 12 from Salem. Killion'sMill, Lincoln, 8 from Lincolnton. Kimbolton, Chatham, 10 from Pittsboro\ Kingsboro', Edgecombe, King's Mountain, Gaston, 12 from Dallas Kinston, Lenoir, C. H., 26 from Goldsboro', 74 from Raleigh. Kittrell's, Granville, 36 from Ral eight Knap of Eeeds, Granville, 28 from Henderson. Knob Creek, Cleaveland, 11 from Cherryville. Kyle's Landing, Cumberland, 15^ from Fayetteville. LaGrange, Lenoir, 12 fr. Kinston, 14 fr. Golds- boro', formerly Moseley Hall. 14 from Middletou. Lake Comfort, Hyde, Lake Landing, Hyde, 4 from Middleton. Lanesboro', Anson, 12 n. w. of Wadesboro'. Lassiter's Mills, Randolph, 29 from Thomasville. Latham, Beaufort, 7 from Washington. Laurel, Franklin, 10 from Louisburg. Laurel Fork, Buncombe, Laurel Hill, Richmond, 39 from Fayetteville. Laurel Springs, Ashe, 30 from Marion. Laurel Valley, Cherokee, 17 from Ducktown, Tenn. Laurinburg, Richmond, Lawsonville, Rockingham, 7 from Reidsville. Lawhorn's Hill, Moore, 7 from Carthage. Leaksville, Rockingham, 12 from Reidsville. Leasburg, Caswell, 21 from Whitelock. Ledger, Mitchell, 41 from Morgauton. Leechville, Beaufort, 40 n. e. of Washington. Leesville, Robeson, 11 from Lumberton. Leicester, Buncombe, 50 from Greenville, S. C. Lenoir, Caldwell, C. H., 14 from Morganton, 226 from Raleigh. The NoBTH Carolina Guide. 17 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. - Lenoir Institute, Lenoir, 11 from Kinston. Lenox Castle, Rockingham, 10 fr. Reidsville, 20 from Company Shops. Leo, Stanley, 23 from Harris' Depot. Leon, Sampson, 8 from Clinton. Lewiston, Bertie, 34 from Seaboard. Lewisville, Forsytlie, 12 from Salem. Lexington, Davidson, C.H., 115 from Raleigh. Liberty Hill, L-edell, 8 from Statesville. Lilesville, Anson, 6 e. of Wadesboro'. Lillington, Harnett, C. H., 25 fr. Fayetteville. Lincolnton, Lincoln, C. H., 33 from Charlotte, 208 from Raleigh. Linwood, Davidson, 7 from Lexington. Little River, Alexander, 10 w. of Taylorsville. Little Riv. Ac'd'y, Cumberland, 16 from Fayetteville. Little's Mills, Richmond, 19 from Wadesboro'. Little Sugar Loaf, Bladen, 8 from Elizabethtown. Littleton, Halifax, 76 from Raleigh. Little Yadkin, Stokes, 30 from High Point. Little Rockfish, Cumberland, 7 from Fayetteville. Lockville, Chatham, 33 from Raleigh. Locust Hill, Caswell, 13 from Reidsville. Locust Level, Stanley, 12 from Harris' Depot. Logan's Store, Rutherford, 42 from Morganton. Long Pine, Anson, 12 from Wadesboro'. Long Ridge, Washington, 10 from Plymouth. Long's Mills, Randolph, 20 from Graham. Louisburg, Franklin, C. H., 10 fr. Franklinton, 37 from Raleigh. Lovelady, Caldwell, 6 from Happy Home. Loveland, Bladen, Low Gap, Surry, 16 fr. Dobson, 20 from Mt. Airy. C. H., 68 fr. Wilmington. Lumberton, Robeson, McBride's Mills, Watauga, 33 from Morganton. McCray's Store, Alamance, 9 n. of Graham. McLeansville, Guilford, 8 fr. Greensboro', 74 from Raleigh. 18 The North Carolina Guide. POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. 1 DISTANCES. Macedonia, Montgomery, 15 from Troy. Macon, Warren, 66 from Raleigh. Madison, Rockingham, 22 from Reiclsville. Magnolia, Duplin, 48 from Wilmington. Manchester, Cumberland, 13 from Fayette ville. i Mangum, Richmond, 14 fr. Wadesboro', 11 from Lilesville. Manson, Warren, 61 fr. Raleigh. Manteo, Dare, C. H., on Roanoke Island, 50 from Elizabeth City. Maple Springs, Wilkes, 59 from Statesville. Marion, McDowell, C. H., 234 fr. Raleigh, 37 from Rutherfordton. j Marlboro', Pitt, 22 from Wilson. Marshall, Madison, C. H., 20 from Stocksville. Mars Hill, '' 10 from Marshall. Martin' sLimeKiln Stokes, 15 from Madison, 37 from Reidsville. Mary's Garden, Cumberland, 8 from Fayetteville. Mebaneville, Alamance, 8 fr, Graham, 50 fr. Raleigh Melville, u 6 from Mebaneville. Melrose, Robeson, 10 from Shoe Heel. Merry Oaks, Chatham, 26 from Raleigh. Middleton, Hyde, 23 from Swan Quarter. Midway, Davidson, 10 from Lexington. Milledgeville, Montgomery, 31 from Salisbury. Miller's Mill, Davidson, 16 from Lexington. i Mill Hill, Cabarrus, 8 from Concord. i Mill River, Henderson, 19 from Ashe ville. Mills' Spring, Polk, 5 from Columbus. Milton, Caswell, 9 from Whitlock, Va. Mintousville, Gates, 10 from Gatesville. Mint Hill, Mecklenburg 11 from Harris' Depot. Mocksville, 1 Davie, C. H., 20 from Lexington, 25 from Salisbury. Moffitt's Mills, Randolph, 22 from Egypt. Monroe, Union, C. H., 26 from Charlotte. Monroeton, Rockingham, 18 from Reidsville. The North Carolina Guide. 19 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Montgomery, Montgomery, 28 from Wadesboro'. Monticello, Guilford, Si from Morehead Station. Montrose, Cumberland, 30 from Fayetteville. Mooresboro', Cleaveland, Moore's Creek, - N. Hanover, 23 from Rock Point. Mooresville, Iredell, 24 from Salisbury, 16 from" Mill Hill. Moorshance, Moore, 25 from Jonesboro'. Morehead City, Carteret, 95 fr. Goldsboro', 36 from Newbern. Morehead Stati'n, Guilford, 8 from Greensboro'. Moretz's Mills, Watauga, 7 fr. Boone, 30 fr. Wilkes- boro'. Morgan's Mills, Union. 26 from Wadesboro'. Morganton, Burke, C. H., 212 from Raleigh, Morrisville, Wake, 13 from Raleigh. Morrosenean, Robeson, 10 from Shoe Heel. Morton's Store, < Alamance, 14 n. w. of Graham. Morven, Anson, 9 s. of Wadesboro'. i Mountain Creek, Catawba, 11 from Catawba Station. i Mount Airy, Surry, 42 fr. Salem, 12 fr. Dobson. Mount Gilead, Montgomery, 24 from Wadesboro'. Mount Mourne, Iredell, 24 from Charlotte, 18 s. of Statesville. Mount Nebo, Yadkin, 47 from High Point. Mount Olive, Wayne, 15 s. of Goldsboro'. Mount Pisgah, Alexander, 16 from Taylorsville. Mount Pleasant, Caburrus, 10 n. e. of Taylorsville, 16 from Concord. Mount Tabor, Forsythe, 23 from High Point. Mount Tirzah, Person, 10 s. e. of Roxboro'. Mount Ulla, Rowan, 17 from Statesville. Mount Vernon, Rowan, 15 from Salisbury. Muddy Fork, Cleaveland, 9 from Cherryville. Mud Lick, Chatham, 24 from Graham. Mulberry, Wilkes, 58 from Statesville. Mull Grove, Catawba, 15 from Lincolnton. Murfreesboro', Hertford, 14 from Boykin's, Va, 20 The North Carolina Guide. POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Murphy, Cherokee, 1 C. H,, 17 from Hayesville, i 25 from Clayton, S. C. 1 Myatt's Mills, Wake, 15 from Raleigh. Moss Neck, Robeson, 8 from Lumberton. Nautehotah, Sw^ain, 6 from Charleston. Nashville, Nash, C. H., 40 from Raleigh, 12 ! from Rocky Mt. Nealsville, McDowell, 10 from Marion. j Newbern, Craven, C. H., 107 from Raleigh, 59 from Goldsboro'. New Castle, Wilkes, 16 fr. Wilkesboro', 30 fr. Jefferson. New Forestville, Anson, New Garden, Guilford, 6 from Greensboro'. New Gilead, Moore, 15 from Carthage. New Graniteville, Anson, 6 from Wadesboro'. j New Hill Wake, 8 from Haywood. j New Hope, Iredell, 16 from Statesville. : NewHoj)e Ac'd'y, Eandolph, 32 from Thomasville. New Hope Mills, Granville, New Light, Wake, 10 from Forestville. New Market, Randolph, 16 from Thomasville. Newport, Carteret, 10 from Morehead City. New Salem, Randolph, 21 from Greensboro'. New Sterling, Iredell, 9 from Statesville . Newton, Catawba, C. H., 2 fr. Newton Junc- tion, 184 from Raleigh. Newton Grove, Sampson, 34 from Warsaw. Nicholsonville, Cleaveland, 10 from Yancey ville. North Brook, Lincoln, 9 from Cherryville. North Cove, McDowell, 23^ from Morganton. North Fork, Ashe, 45 from Abingdon, Va. Norval, Harnett, 24 from Jonesboro'. Norwood, Stanly, 20 from Wadesboro'. Oak Forest, Iredell, 10 from Statesville. Oak Grove, Union, 18 from Harris' Depot. Oak Hill, Granville, 11 fr. Oxford, 25 fr. Hen- derson. The North Carolina Guide. 21 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. 1 DISTANCES. I Oak Ridge, Guilford, 16 from Greensboro', Oaks, Orange, 12i from Hillsboro'. Oak Spring, Rutherford, 14 froniRutherfordton. Oakville, Union, 9 from Monroe, Ocona-Lufty, Swain, 81 from Walhalla, S. C. Ocracoke, Hyde, On Pamlico Sound, 20 fr. Hatteras, 60 fr. Beaufort. Old. Fort, McDowell, 12 from Marion, 246 from Raleigh. Old Furnace, Gaston, 10 from Cherryville. Old Town, Forsvthe, 6 n. w. of Salem. Olin, Iredell, 14 fr. Statesville, 27f from Wilkesboro'. Olive Branch, Union, 12 from Wadesboro'. Onslow C. H., Onslow, C. H., 30 fr. Newbern, 137 from Raleigh, now Jack- sonville. Orange Factory, Orange, 11 from Durham. Ore Hill, Chatham, 14 from Egypt. Otter Creek, Rutherford, 34 from Morgauton. Outlaw's Bridge, Duplin, 15 fr. Kenans ville, 8 from Whitehall Ferry. Oxford, Granville, C. H., 12 from Henderson, 56 from Raleigh. Oxford's Ford, Catawba, Pacific, Franklin, 21 from Raleigh. Pactolus, Pitt, 13 from Greenville. Palmyra, Halifax, 18 from Hamilton, 24 from Enfield. Palo Alto, Onslow, 25 from Newbern. Pantego, Beaufort, 16 from Bath. Panther Creek. Yadkin, 23 from Salem, on Yadkin River. Paris, Anson, 9 n. w. of Wadesboro'. Patterson, Caldwell, 18 from Morganton. Patterson's Store, Alamance, 16 from Graham. Patton's Home, Rutherford, 32 from Morganton. Peacock's Store, Columbus, 6 w. of Whiteville. 22 The North Cakolina Guide. POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. 1 DISTANCES. Pea Eidge, Caswell, 37 from Pelham. ! Pedlar's Hill, Chatham, 7 from Egypt. Pekiu, Montgomery, 31 from Wadesboro'. Pelletier's Mills, Carteret, 13 from Newport. Pelham, Caswell, 40 fr. Greensboro', 122 fr. Raleigh. Perkinsville, Burke, 10 n. w. of Morgauton. Peter's Creek, Stokes, 12 from Danbury. Petty's Shore, Hertford, 12 from Winton. Piedmont Springs Stokes, 2^ from Danbury. Pigeon River, Haywood, 33 from Morganton. Pigeon Valley, Haywood, 7 from Waynesville. Pikeville, Wavne, 8 from Goldsboro'. Pilot Mt., Stokes, 40 from High Point. Pine Grove, Montgomery, 39 from Rockingham. Pine Level, Johnston, 6 from Smithfield. Pineville, Mecklenburg 10 s. of Charlotte, same as Morrow's Station. Pine Hill, Lenoir, 20 from Kinston. Pioneer Mills, Cabarrus, 7i from Harris' Depot. Pireway Ferry, Columbus, 40 from Whiteville. Pitch Landing, Hertford, 12 from Winton. Pittsboro', Chatham, C. H., 34 fr. Raleigh, 30 fr. Graham, 11^ f r. Haywood Pleasant Grove, Alamance, 7 fr Mebaneville, 1 5 n. e. of Graham. Pleasant Hill, Northampton 4 from Wei don. Plumerville, Robeson, Plymouth, Washington, 0. H., 20 fr. Williamston. Point Caswell, N. Hanover, On Black River. Pollocksville, Jones, 10^ from Newbern. Polkton, Anson, 8 w. of Wadesboro'. Pool, Rowan, 13 from Salisbury. Poplar Branch, Currituck, 15^ from Currituck C. H. Poplar Hill, Anson, 9 from Wadesboro'. Portsmouth, Carteret, On Pamlico Sound at Ocra- coke Inlet. Pottecasi, Northampt'n 12 fr. Jackson, 26 fr. Boy- kins'. Va. 1 . J The North Carolina Guide. 23 1 POST OFFICES, COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Powelton, Richmond, 23 from Rockingham. Powhatan, Richmond, 3 from Sand Hill Station. Price's Store, Rockingham, On Dan Riv., 8 fr. Land'g. Prospect Hall, Bladen, On Cape Fear River, 5 fr. Landing. Prospect Hill, Caswell, 14 from Hillsboro'. Prosperity, Moore, 20 fr. Egypt, 10 fr. Carth- age. Pungo Creek, Beaufort, 24 n. e. of Washington. Pmiear's Creek, Wilkes, ■ 53 from Statesville. Princeton, Johnston, 12 fr. Goldsboro', formerly Boon Hill. Quallatown, Jackson, 62 from Greenville, S. C. Query's, Mecklenburg 9 from Charlotte. Ealeigh, Wake, Capital, 183 fr. Richmond, Virginia. Ramsay town. Yancey, 15 fr. Bald Creek, 31 from Jonesboro', Tenn. Ransom's Bridge, Nash, 21 from Littleton. Raywood, Union, 8 from Monroe. Red Banks, Robeson, 16 fr. Lumberton, 84 from Wilmington. Reddie's River. Wilkes, 10 from Wilkesboro'. Red Hill, Mitchell, 31 from Johnson's Depot, Tenn. Red Mountain, Orange, 19^ from Durham. Red Plains, Yadkin, 43 from High Point. Red Shoals, Stokes, 4 fr. Danburv, 23 fr. Reids- ville. Reed Creek, Randolph, 23 from Egypt. Reedy Creek, Davidson, 13 from Lexington. Reems Creek, Buncombe, 67 from Morganton. Reidsville, Rockingham, 24 fr. Greensboro', 106 fr. Raleigh. Resaca, Duplin, 17 from Warsaw. Reynoldson, Gates, 10 from Gatesville. Rialto, Chatham, Ch'd to Farrington's Mills. Richland's, Onslow, 24 from Kinston. 24 The 1 1 NoKTH Cakolina Guide. 1 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. Richland Valley, Haywood, i 4 from Waynesville. Richmond Hill, Yadkin, 45 from Salisbury, 58 from High Point. Rich Square, North amp t'n 13 from Jackson, 20 from Seaboard. Rid dick sville, Hertford, On Chowan River. Ridge's Creek, Montgomery, 11 from Troy. Ridge Spring, Pitt, 19 from Greenville. 1 Ridgeway, Warren, 57 from Raleigh. Riggsbee's Store, Chatham, Riugwood, Halifax, 11 from Enfield. Riverside, Buncombe, 63 from Marganton. Roaring Gap, Wilkes, 03 from Salisbury. Robeson, ■ Brunswick, 18 fr. Wilmington, (same as Brinkley's Station.) ; Rock Creek, Alamance, 12 s. of Graham. \ Rock Cut, Iredell, Rock Fish, Duplin, 9 from Magnolia. Rockford, Surry, 59 from Lexington. . Rockingham, Richmond, C. H., 117 fr. Wilmingt'n. 1 Rock Spring, Orange, 8i from Hillsboro'. Rockville, Rowan, 7 from Salisbury. Rocky Mt., Edgecombe, 41 from Goldsboro'. Rocky Point, N. Hanover, 14 from Wilmington. , Rolesville, Wake, 6 from Forestville. Rose Bay, Hyde, 5 from Swan Quarter. Rosed ale, Pasquotank, 20 from Elizabeth City. Rose Hill, Duplin, 42 from Wilmington. Rosindale, Bladen, 38 from Wilmington. Roslin, Cumberland, 7 from Fayetteville. Roxboro', Person, C. H., 55 n. w. of Raleigh. Roxabel, Bertie, 24 n. w. of Winton. Ruffin, Rockingham, 33 from Greensboro'. Rusk, Surry, 9 from Dobson. Ruth erf ordton. Rutherford, C. H., 25 from Marion. St. John's, Hertford, 34 from Boykin's, Va. St. Lawrence, Chatham, 12 from Pittsboro'. St. Paul's, Robeson, 15 from Lumberton. The North Carolina Guide. 25 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. 1 Salem, Forsythe, W from High Point. Salem Chapel, Forsyth e, 27 from High Point. Salem Church, Randolph, 32 from High Point. 1 Salisbury, Rowan, C. H., 132 from Raleigh. Sanders' Hill, Montgomery, 41 from Thomasville. i Sanders' Store, Carteret, 7 from Newport. Sandy Creek, Randolph, 28 from Graham. Sandy Grove, Chatham, 21 from Graham. Sandy Mush, Buncombe, 45 from Greenville, S. C. Sanford, Moore, 44 from Raleigh. Sarecta, Duplin, 7 from Kenans vi lie. Sassafras Fork, Granville, 20 from Manson. Sawyers%dlle, Randolph, 18 from High Point. Saxapahaw, Alamance, 12 from Graham, 18^ from Hillsboro'. Science Hill, Randolph, 22 from Thomasville, Scotland Neck, Halifax, 18 from Enfield. Scottsville, Ashe, 40 from Marion. 1 Scuppernong, Washington, 8 from Columbia. Seaboard, Northampton 12 from Weldon. Sedge's Garden, Forsythe, 7 n. of Salem. 8elma, Johnston, 28 from Raleigh. Shady Springs, Ashe, 8 from Jefferson. Shallotte, Brunswick, 26 fr. Smithville, 39 from Wilmington. Shull's Mills, Watauga, 32 from Morganton, Sharpsburg, Nash, 43 from Weldon. Shaw's Mills, Guilford, 11 from Greensboro'. 1 Shelby, Cleaveland, C. H. Sherrill's Ford, Catawba, Hi from Catawba Station. Shiloh, Camden, 11 from Elizabeth City. Shoe Heel, Robeson, 21 fr. Lumberton, 89 from Wilmington. Shooting Creek, Clay, 9 from Hayesville. Shufordville, Henderson, Ch'ged to Randall's Store. Siegle's Store, Lincoln, 10^ from Lincolnton. Six Kuns, Sampson, 12 from Clinton. Sladesville, i Hyde, 13 from Swan Quarter. 26 The Nobth Carolina Guide. POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. Smith Grove, Davie, Smith's Ford, Cabarrus, Smithville, Brunswick, Snead's Ferry, Onslow, Snipes' Store, Chatham, Snow Camj), Alamance, Suovv Creek, Iredell, Snow Hill, Greene, Solemn Grove, Moore, Solitude, Ashe, 80I0, Davidson, South Creek, Beaufort South Fork, Ashe, South Gaston, Halifax, South LowtU, Orange, Soutli Mills, Camden, South Point, Gaston, South Wash'gton, N. Hanover, Sparta, Edgecombe, Speight's Bridge, Greene, Spout Spring, Harnett, Spring ureek, Madison, Spring Grove, Kowan, Stagg's Creek, Ashe, Stanhope, Nash, Stanly's Cretk, | Gaston, State Road, i Suriy, Statesville, Iredell, Sterling's Mills, Stice's Shoal, Stocksville, Stone Mountain, Stoneville, Iiobeson, Cleaveland, Buncombe, McDowell, Rockingham, DISTANCES. 28 from Lexington. 21 from Albemarle. C. H., 30 fr. Wilmington. On New River. 25 from Durham. 4 w. of Graham. 11 from Statesville. C. H., 14 fromKinston, 30 from Tarboro'. from Carthf Fayetteville. '14 fr." Taylorsville, Teun. 20 from Lexington. j 35 s. e. of Washington. jlO from Jefferson. 1 85 from Raleigh. 10 from Hillsboro'. 17 from Elizabeth City. 15 from Brevard Station. 7 from Bui-gaw. 9 from Tarboro'. il8 from Wilson. 32 from Greenville, S. C. 12 from China Grove. 8 from Jefferson. il2 fr. Wilson, 12 fr. Nash- I ville. jl2 from Castanca Grove. i 56 from Salisbury. C. H., 157 fr. Raleigh, 25 from Salisbury, 47 from Charlotte. 17 from Lumberton. 16^L for Cherry ville. 20 from Marshall. 27 from Rutherford ton. 25 from Reidsville. The 1 North Carolina Guide. 27 1 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. II DISTANCES. Stonewall, Pamlico, 20 fr. Newbern, 130 e. of Raleigh. Stony Fork, Watauga, 64 from Statesville. ! Stony Point, Alexander, 9 s. e. of Taylorsville. I Strabene, Lenoir, 18 from Dudley. ; Sugar Grove, Watauga, 30 from Morgan ton. ■ Sugar Hill, McDowell, 29 from Morganton. Sulphur Springs, Montgomery, 25 from Rockingham. Summerfield, Guilford, 11 from Greensboro'. Summerville, Harnett, 31 from Jonesboro'. Sunbury, Gates, 12 fr. Gatesville, 15 from | Gates Fen-y. Supply, Brunswick, 14 from Smithville. Swananoa, BuncoDibe, 12 from Asheville. j Swangstown, Cleaveland, 5 from Shelby. Sw aim's Station, Moore, Swan Quarter, Hyde, C. H., 50 from Newbern. Swansboro', Onslow% 32 fr. JacksonvilL', 53 fr. Wilmington. Swecit Home, Iredell, 13 from Statesville. Swift Island, Montgomery, Tally Ho, Granville, 10 fr. Oxford, 24 fr. Hen- derson. 1 Tarboro', Edgecombe, C. H., 20 fr. Rocky Mount, 109 from Raleigh. Tar Heel, Bladen, 18 from ElizabethtowD, on Cape Fear River. ! Taylor's Bridge, Sampson, 12 from Clinton. Taylors ville. Alexander, C. H., 13 fr. Catawba Sta., 183 from Raleigh. Teacliey's, Duplin, 18 s. w. of Kenansville, 38 from W i 1 mi n gt n . Tereinthe, Cumberland, 1 1 from Favetteviiie. Thomasville, Davidson, 11 fr Lexington, 104 fr. Raleigh. Thompsonville, Rockingham, 20 n. e. of Greensboro'. Tom's Creek, Surry, 30 from Salem. Toisnot, Wilson, 8 from Wilson. 28 The North Carolina Guide. POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. t DISTANCES. Town Creek, Brunswick, i 14 from Wilmington. Townesville, Granville, G from Williams boro'. Trap Hill, Wilkes, 53 from Catawba Station. ; Trenton, Jones, C. H., 25 froniNewbern. I Trinity College, Randolph, 5 from High Point. Troublesome, Rockingham, 9 from Reidsville. ; Troutmans, Iredell, 7 from Statesville. Troy, Montgomery, C. H., 39 fr. Rockingham. Troy's Store, Randolph, 24 from Graham. Tryon, Polk, 9 w. of Columbus. Tuckasege, Mecklenburg 10 w. of Charlotte. Tulin, Cabarrus, 10 from Concord Turnersburg, Iredell, 14 from Statesville. Turnpike, Buncombe. 53 from Greenville, S. C. Tusquetee, Clay, 5 from Hayesville. Tusquetee Vale, Clay, 8 from Havesville. Tuttle's X Roads, Caldwell, 1 Union Grove, Iredell, 30 from Statesville. Valle Crucis, Watauga, 12 from Boone. Valley Springs, Rutherford, 12 from Rutherfordton. Valleytown, Cherokee, 32 from Clayton. Vanceburg, Craven, 18 from Newbern. Vandemere, Craven, 25 from Newbern. Vienna, Forsyth e. 27 from Higli Point. Wadesboro', Anson, C. H., 135 ir. Wilmington, 17 from Rockingham. Wakefield, Wake, 15 from Auburn, 20 from Raleigh. Walkerstown, Forsyth e, 9 n. of Salem. Wallace, Duplin, Walnut Cove, Stokes, 27 from Reidsville. Walnut Hill, Ashe, 5 from Jefferson. Walnut Run, Madison, Walnut Shade, Gaston, 7 from Dallas. AVardville, Chowan, 14 from Hertford. Warm Springs, Madison, 22 from Greenville, S. C. Warren Plains, Warren, Same as Man son. Warrenton, Warren, C. H, 65 fr. Raleigh, 3 fr. Station. The iN'oRTH Carolina Guide. 29 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. 1 DISTANCES. Warrior Creek, Wilkes, 23 from Morganton. Warsaw, Duplin, 10 w. of Kenansville, 49 fr. Fayetteville. Washington, Beaufort, C. H., 36 fr. Newbern, 22 from Williamston. Watauga Falls, Watauga, 35 from Johnson's Depot, - Tenn. Watson's Bridge, Moore, 12 from Carthage. Waynesville, Haywood, C. H., 27 fr. Asheville, 277 from Raleigh. Webb's Ford, Rutherford, 14 from Rutherfordton. Webster, Jackson, C. H., 60 from Asheville. Weldon, Halifax, 97 from Raleigh, 162 from Wilmington. Wentwortli, Rockingham, C. H., 7fr. Reidsville, 113 from Raleigh. West Brook, Bladen, 8 from Marlsville. Westfield, Stokes, 63 from Reidsville. Westminster. Guilford, 4 from Jamestown. Whitaker's, ' Edgecombe, 4 from Battleboro'. White Cross, Orange, 21 from Durham. White Hall, Bladen, 10 from Rosindale. Wliite House, Randolph, 30 from Higli Point. White Oak Hall, Polk, 10 e. of Columbus. White Plains, Cleaveland, 12 from Shelby, 22 fr. Bre- vard Station. White Road, Forsythe, 12 n. of Salem. White Rock, Madison, 33 from Greenville, S. C. White's Store, Anson, 13 w. of Wadesboro'. Whiteville, Columbus, C. H., 45 fr. Wilmington. Wickles' Store, Macon, 42 from Walhalla, S. C. Wilbar, Wilkes, 58 from Catawba Station. Wilkesboro', Wilkes, C. H., 43^ from Hickory, 203 from Raleigh. Williamsboro', Granville, 13 fr. Oxford, 9 from Hen- derson. Williamsburg, Iredell, 20-1- fQY Statesville. Williamston, Martin, C. H., 36 from Tarboro'. 1 30 The Nokth Carolina Guide. 1 POST OFFICES. COUNTIES. DISTANCES. 1 1 Wilmington, N. Hanover, ■ 1 C. H., 132 from Raleigh. Wilson, Wilson, C. H., 53 fr. Raleigh, 72 | by Railroad. Wilson's Mills, Johnston, 22 from Raleigh. Wilson's Store, Stokes, 40 from Reidsville. Wilton, Granville, 13 fr. Oxford, 10 fr. Frank- linton. Winchester, Union, 26 from Charlotte. Windsor, Bertie, C. H., 12 fr. Wilhamston. Wind Hill, Montgomery, 15 n. w. of Troy. Winfall, Perquimans, 2 from Hertford. Winona, Pitt, 13 from Tarboro'. Winston, Forsythe, C. H. Winton, Hertford, C. H., 21 from Kewsom's Depot, Va. ! Wittenberg, Alexander, 8 s. w. of Taylors ville, 10 from Hickorv. Wolf Creek, Cherokee, 34 from Clayton, S. C. Wolfsville, Union, 14 fr. Monroe, 15 fr. Fort ' Mill. Woodland, Northampton 15 fr. Jackson, 30 fr. Boy- { kins', Va. Woodlawn, Gaston, 5 from Brevard Station. Woodsdale, Person, 1? from South Boston, Va. Woodville, Perquimans, 10 from Elizabeth City. Yadkin College, Davidson, 3 from Lexington. Yadkinville, Yadkin, C. H., 39 from Statesville, 13 from Richmond Hill. Yanceyville, Caswell, C. H., 25 from Graham. York Col. Inst., Alexander, 6 n. e. of Taylorsville. Yorkville, Bladen, 25 from Monroe. Young's X Roads, Granville, 25 from Manson. Young's Mills, Guilford, 6 from Greensboro'. Zimmerman, Wilkes, 14 from Wilkesboro'. Zion, 1 ._. _. - n Yadkin, 40 from Statesville. POPULATION OF INCORPORATED TOWNS. ( APPBOXIM ATED . ) NAMES. WHITE. COLORED. TOTAL. Albemarle, 150 40 190 Ashboro', - 160 40 200 Asheville, 2,500 500 3,000 Beaufort, - Brevard, - 175 50 325 Gary, 225 100 325 Charlotte, - 4,400 3,600 8,000 China Grove, 52 22 74 Clarkton, - - - 80 50 130 Clayton, - 144 76 220 Clinton, - 522 325 950 Concord, - 1,200 600 1,800 Dallas, 275 125 400 Danbury, - - - 109 52 161 Durham, - - - 2,500 500 3,000 Fayetteville, 2,600 2,400 5,000 Franklinton, 250 200 450 Graham, - 311 169 480 Greensboro', 3,000 1,000 4,000 Gold Hill, 350 60 410 Goldsboro', 1,600 1,400 3,000 Haysville, 120 10 130 Hickory, - 1,320 175 1,495 Hillsboro', 650 350 1,000 Jamestown, 78 23 101 Jonesboro', 182 140 322 Kinston, - - - Kenansville, 245 185 430 Lilesville, 120 75 195 Lincolnton, 625 561 1,186 Lexington, 500 200 700 Milton, - - ■ - 270 315 585 Marion, 300 85 385 Monroe, 2,500 500 8,000 Morehead City, 425 75 500 Mebaneville, 75 60 135 32 The North Carolina Guide. NAMES. WHITE. COLORED. TOTAL. Mocksville, 350 150 500 Newbern, - - - 3,300 4,500 6,800 Newport, - - - 135 73 208 jSTewton, - 400 100 500 Oxford, - Point Caswell, - 25 15 40 Plymouth, 2,250 2,230 4,480 Raleigh, - - - 5,038 6,147 11,185 Rockingham, - 700 300 1,000 Rocky Mt., 300 200 500 Roxboro', - 350 150 500 Ruth erf ordton, - 265 135 400 Salem, - - - 1,300 200 1,500 Shelby, - 672 346 1.018 Salisbury, - - - 2,500 1,500 4,000 Selma, 125 96 201 Sassafras Fork, - 50 40 90 Scotland Neck, - 274 153 427 Smithville, 500 300 800 Swansboro', 129 10 139 Tarboro', - - 675 825 1,500 Thomasville, 600 300 900 Trenton, - 60 40 100 Trinity College, 190 75 265 Toisnot, - - - 200 100 300 Wadesboro', 600 300 900 Whiteville, 240 100 340 Wilson, - 1,500 1,200 2,700 Washington, 1,200 1,300 2,500 Winton, - - - 175 75 250 Wentworth, 150 100 250 Warsaw, - 112 38 150 Wake Forest College, 150 130 280 Winston, - 2,500 1,000 3,500 Wilmington, 7,500 12,000 19,500 SENATORIAL DISTRICTS. (by counties.) First District — Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Hertford, Gates, Chowan and Perquimans — 7. Second District — Tyrrell, Washington, Martin, Davie, Beau- fort and Hyde — 6. Third District — Northampton and Bertie — 2. Fourth District — Halifax — 1. Fifth District — Edgecombe — 1 . Sixth District— Flit— \. Seventh District — Wilson, Nash and Franklin — 3. Eighth District — Craven — 1. Ninth District — Jones, Onslow and Carteret — 3. Tenth District — Wayne and Duplin — 2. Eleventh District —LenoiY and Greene — 2. Twelfth District — New Hanover — 1. Thirteenth District — Brunswick and Bladen — 2. Fourteenth District — Sampson — 1 . Fifteenth District — Columbus and Robeson — 2. Sixteenth District — Cumberland and Harnett — 2. Seventeen th District — John ston — 1 . Eighteenth District — Wake — 1. Nineteenth District — Warren — 1. Twentieth District — Person, Orange and Caswell — 3. Twenty-First District — Granville — 1. Twenty- Second District^-Cho^thdim. — 1. Twenty-Third District — Rockingham — 1. Twenty-Fourth District — Alamance and Guilford — 2. Twenty-Fifth District — Randolph and Moore — 2. Twenty-Sixth District — Richmond and Montgomery — 2. Twenty -Seventh District — Anson and Union — 2. Twenty-Eighth District — Cabarrus and Stanley — 2. Twenty -Ninth District — Mecklenburg — 1 . 34 The North Carolina Guide. TMrtietJi District — Rowan and Davie — 2. Thirty- First District — Davidson — 1 . Thirty- Second District — Stokes and Forsythe— 2. Thirty-Third District — Surry and Yadkin — 2. Thirty -Fourth District — Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander — 3. Thirty-Fifth District — Alleghany, Ashe, and Watauga — 3. Thirty-Sixth Disi^Wc^— Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Mitchell and Yancey— 5. Thirty- Seventh District— Cata-who, and Lincoln — 2. 2 hirty- Eighth District — Gaston and Cleaveland — 2. Thirty-Ninth District — Rutherford and Polk — 2. Fortieth District — Buncombe and Madison — 2. Forty-First District— Hay woo(\, Henderson and Transyl- vania — 3. Forty-Seco7id District— J'dckson, Swain, Clay, Macon, Chero- kee and Graham — 6. JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. (by counties.) fikst district. Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Hertford, Gates, Washington, Tyrrell, Dare, Hyde and Pamlico — 12. SECOND DISTRICT. Wake, Warren, Halifax, Northampton, Edgecombe, Ber- tie, Martin, Beaufort and Craven — 9. THIRD DISTRICT. Nash, Wilson, Pitt, Greene, Wayne, Lenoir, Carteret, Onslow, Duplin, Sampson, New Hanover and Pender — 13. FOURTH DISTRICT. Harnett, Moore, Anson, Richmond, Robeson, Columbus, Brunswick, Bladen, Cumberland and Johnston — 10. FIFTH DISTRICT. Alamance, Randolph, Franklin, Guilford, Chatham, Or- ange, Granville, Person, Caswell and Rockingham — 10. SIXTH DISTRICT. Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Stanly, Montgomery, Union, Lincoln, Gaston, Cleaveland, Rutherford and Polk — 10. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Davie, Yadkin, Wilkes, Alleghany, Surry, Stokes, For- sythe, Davidson and Rowan — 9. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Catawba, Burke, McDowell, Yancey, Mitchell, Watauga, Ashe, Caldwell, Alexander and Iredell — 10. NINTH DISTRICT. Graham, Cherokee, Clay, Macon, Swain, Jackson and Haywood — 7. JUDGES JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT. R. M. Pearson, Chief- Justice^ Richinond Hill. W. B. Rodman, Washing'n. E. G. Reade, Washington W. P. Bynum, Charlotte. W. T. Faircloth, Goldsboro. JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. , Wm. R Cox, Raleigh. R. p. Buxton, Fayetteville. John Kerr, Reidsville. D. Schenck, Lincolnton. W. A. Moore, Goldsboro. J. M. Cloud, Salem. A. S. Seymour, Newbern. D. M. Furches, Statesville. A. A. McKoy, Clinton. J. L. Henry, Asheville. Mills L. Eure, Gatesville. R. H. Cannon, Webster. JUDGES OF CRIMINAL COURT. ' ! Geo. V. Strong, Raleigh. 1 0. P. Meares, Wilmington. JUDGES U. S. DISTRICT COURT. G. W. Brooks, Elizab'h City. 1 R. P. Dick, Greensboro. ' LAWYERS. S. A. Ashe, Raleigh, J. L. Bridgers, Jr., Tarboro. T. M. Argo, • ' G. W. Blount, Wilson. 1 H. B. xidams, Monroe. Jacob Battle, Rocky Mount. : W. A. Allen, Kenansvilie. W. H. Bailey, Charlotte. A. C. Avery, Morganton Rufus Barringer, " j Thos. S Ashe, Wadesl)oro'. Luke Blackmer, Salisbury. i F. P. Axley, Hayesville. John E. Brown, Charlotte. J B. Batchelor, Raleigh. A. Bur well, '' | C. M. Busbee, •' Battle & Mordecai, Raleigh. F H. Busl)ee, A. L. Boyd, Went worth. W. H. Battle, J. A. Barringer, Greensboro. D. A. Barnes, Murfreesboro'. H. R. Bryan, Newbern. 1 The Noeth Cakolina Guide. 37 LAWYERS.— ( Continued.) B. H. Bunn, Kocky Mount. R. T. Bennett, Wadesboro. A. L. Blow, Wilson. Geo. H. Brown, Washington. W. S. Ball, Greensboro. W. C. Bowen, Jackson. Rich'd C. Badger, Baleigh. W. B. Candler, Homiley Creek, Jackson county. D. M. Carter, Raleigh. Walter Clark, B. C. Cobb, Lincolnton. Ed. T. Clark, Halifax. H. G. Conner, Wilson. E. Conigland, Halifax. D. Brutz Cutler, Wilmingt'n C. A. Cook, Warrentou. Kerr Craige, Salisbury. Churchill & Whiteside, Rutherford ton. M. E. Carter, Asheville. Cole & Legrand, Rockg'ham. W. I. Crocker, Ashboro. J. M. Clement, Mocksville. J. G. Carson, Hendersonville David Coleman, Asheville. T L. Clingman, •' W. T. Dortch, Goldsboro. A. B. Deans, Wilson. Geo. Davis, Wilmington. J. J. Davis, LoLiisburg. Dowd & Walker, Charlotte. D. J, Davane, Wilmington, W. H. Day, Weldon. G. W. Dillard, Webster. A. T. & T. F. Davidson, Asheville. K. Elias, Franklin. LAWYERS.— ( Conti7iued.) Geo. B. Everitt, Winston. Adam Empie, Wilmington, L. C. Edwards, Oxford. G. S, Ferguson, Waynesville W. B. Ferguson, " D. G. Fowie, Raleigh. W. F. French, Lumberton. J. A. Forney, Rutherfordton H. T. Farmer, Flat Rock. T. C. Fuller, Raleigh, John Gatlin, '• H. F. Grainger, Goldsboro, A. W. Graham, Hillsboro. J. A. Gilmer, Greensboro. W. A. Guthrie, Favetteville. C. E. Grier, Ch^rlJtte. J. W. Gidney, Shelby. Jas. A. Graham, Graham. J H. Graves, Hendersonville H. A. Gilliam, Edenton. H. A. Gudger, Marshall. J. C L. Guclger, Waynesville. W. A. Griffin, Elizabeth Citv R. T. Gray, Raleigh. E. G. Haywood, Raleigh. A. W. Haywood, " E. G. Haywood, Jr., " John W. Hinsdale, " R. M. Henry, Waynesville. R. B. B. Houston, Newton. J. S, Henderson, Salisbury. A. G. Hubbard, Newbern. T. N. Hill, Scotland Neck. A. Howell, Waynesville. G. L. Hyman, " W. E, Hill, Faison's. Geo. Howard, Tarboro. R. L. Huske, Fayetteville. 38 The North Carolina Guide. LAWYERS.— (Coji^inwed.) J. H. Headen, Pittsboro, John F. Hoke, Lincolnton. J. C. L. Harris, Raleigh, Hunt & Wright, L. W. Isler, Golclsboro. Armistead Jones, Raleigh. W. H. Jones, Jones & Johnston, Charlotte. A. H. Joyce, Danbury. M. H. Justice, Rutherfordt'n P. B. Johnston, Wentworth. Z. Y. Kinsey, Hayesville. Thos. S. Kenan, Wilson. H. R. Kornegay, Kenansville Walter W. King, Danbury. John D. Kerr, Clinton. R. G. Lewis, Raleigh. A. M. Lewis, '* W. L. Love, Franklin. D. L. Love, Webster. Alex. London, Wilmington. John London, " J. W. Lancaster, Wilson. C. C. Lyon, Elizabethtown. Chas. Latham, Plymouth. Latham & Skinner, Greenville. H. A. London, Jr., Pittsboro. Benj. Long, Graham. T. A. Lemly, Salem. J. A. Long, Yanceyville. A. J. Loftin, Kinston. E. S. Martin, Wilmington. W. C. Munroe, Snow Hill. H. F. Murray, Wilson. McRae & Broadfoot, Fayetteville. J . M. McCorkle, Salisbury. LAWYERS.— ( Continued.) J. T. Morehead, Greensboro. Mullin & Moore, Halifax. John Manning, Pittsboro. S. S. L. McCauley, Monroe. C. M. T. McCauley, " W. J. Montgomery, Concord. Nath'l McLean, Lumberton. W. F. Martin, Elizab'h City. P. B. Means, Concord. J. G. Martin, Asheville. J. I. Macks, Wilmington. W. I. Mebane, Wentworth. C. P. Mendenhall, Charlotte. James McRae, Fayetteville. Jas. E. Moore, Williamston D. P. Mast, Winston. M. L. McCorkle, Newton. J. H. Merrimon, Asheville. A. S. Merrimon, Raleigh. Reuben McBrayer, Shelby. W. L. Norwood, Brevard. R. W. Nixon, Jacksonville. E. L. Parker, Graham. J. F. Payne, Monroe. Fred. Philips, Tarboro. John Y. Phillips, Stokes Co. E. W. Pou, Smithheld. J. D. Pemberton, Wadesboro R. G. Puryear, Yadkin W. W. Peebles, Jackson. A.B.Pickens, Hendersonville M. H. Pinnix, Lexington. R. B. Peebles, Jackson. W. H. Pace, Raleigh. D. L. Reid, Wentworth. M. L. Robins, Ashboro. F. C. Roberts, Newbern. W. W. Ray, Fayetteville. The North Carolina Guide. 39 LAWYERS.— ( Continued.) John Rolen, Murphy. D. L. Russell, Wilmingt o r F. C. Robbins, Lexington. Gen'l Roberts, Gatesville. Thomas RufBn, Hillsboro. W. N. H. Smith, Raleigh. Spencer & Timberlake, Louisburg. L. M. Scott, Greensboro. A. M, Smedes, Goldsboro. Geo. H. Snow, Raleigh. N. A. Steadman, Jr., Elizabethtown. Shaw & Cobb, Lincolnton. B. H. Sorsby, Nashville. R. W. Sandifer, Dallas. Chas. Sparrow, Washington. W. L. Steele, Rockingham. T. G. Skinner, Hertford. J. E. Shepherd, Washington. A. M. Scales, Greensboro. Chas. Steadman, Wilmingt'n T. H. Sutton, Fayetteville. H. R. Scott, Reidsville. M. D. W. Stevenson, Newbern. Henry Savage, Wilmington. LAW YEES.— ( Continued.) E. R. Stamps, Raleigh. D. H. Starbuck, Salem. C. R. Thomas, Newbern. Jno. H. Thorp, Rocky Mt. W. L. Tate, Waynesville. T. L. Tucker, Statesville. W. P. Welsh, Waynesville. Spier Wbitaker, Halifax. J. W. Whitmire, Brevard. F. A. Woodard, Wilson. Jas. S. Woodard, " John E. Woodard, " Jones Watson, Chapel Hill. Jas. H. Wilson & Son, Charlotte. C. F, Warren, Washington. C. L. Winstead, Greensboro. Watson & Glenn, Winston. P. H. Winston, Windsor. Jas. P. W hedbee, Eliz. City. R. B. Watt, Yanceyville. T. J. Wilson, Winston. J. F. Wooten, Kinston. D. C. Winston, Windsor. B. B. Winborne, Winston. J. H. Wilborne, Lexington. E. C. Yellowly, Greenville. 1 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1 DATE. EVENTS. 1492 October 12, Columbus discovered America. 1584 July 4, Amadas and Barlow approach the coast of N. C. Charter of Charles II, William Drummond, flrst Governor of North Carolina. 1663 1678 John Culpeper's Rebellion. 1693 1705 1 1705 Carolina divided into North and SouthCarolina First Church erected in North Carolina. ■! First Newspaper printed in the United States. 1710 1729 1765 Carey's Rebellion. Cliarter of Charles II, surrendered. Stamp Act passed. Battle of Alamance. 1771 iviay 16,' 1774 August 25, Popular Assembly at Newbern. 1775 May 20, Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. 1 " June, General Washington commander-in-chief. " June 17, Battle of Bunker's Hill. " August, Josiah Martin, Royal Governor, retreated. " December 9, Battle of Great Bridge, near Norfolk, Va. 1776 February 27, " Moore's Creek, N. C. " August 27, " Long Island. " December 12 Constitution of N. Carolina formed at Halifax. " December 27 Battle of Trenton. " Aug. & Sept. General Rutherford subdues the Clierokees. 1777 January 3, Battle of Princeton. •' Sept. 11, " Brandywine. " October 4, " Germantown, '• October 7, " Saratoga. 1778 June 28, " Monmouth. 1779 March 3, Ashe defeated at Brier Creek. " June 20, Battle of Stono, near Charleston. 1780 May 22, Surrender of Charleston. " June 20, Battle of Ramsour's Mill. " August 7, the Hanging Rock. " August 16, Gates defeated at Camden, " October 7, Battle of King's Mountain. 1781 January 17, " the Cowpens. " March 15, " Guilford Court House. " Septemb'r 8, " Eutaw. «' October 19, " Yorktown. 1783 January 20, Treaty of peace at Versailles. " Septemb'r 3, England recognizes the Independence of the United States. 1787 May, Constitution of the United States formed. 1861 May 20, North Carolina seceded from the Union of the States. 1868 July 4, North Carolina readmitted to the Union. The Noth Carolina Guide. 41 POSTAL INFORMATION. LETTERS, and Matter wholly or in part in "Writing, or in a Sealed Package, to any part of the United States, three cents per half ounce, or fraction thereof, to be fully prepaid. Drop or local letters at Post OfiBces having letter carriers, two cents per half once, or fraction thereof; at offices not having letter carriers, the rate is one cent per half ounce, or fraction. Letter rate of postage will be charged on all matter (ex- cepting as below noted) that has any communication in writ- ing, or by signs, exceptmg the correction of typographical errors, and upon all matter that is not so enclosed as to per- mit it to be examined without destroying the wrapper ; and upon all matter in which any communication is concealed. Letters will b'e returned to the writer, free, if a request to that eff'ect is placed upon the envelope. A letter will be forwarded by the Postmaster who may hold it to another post office, at the request of the person to whom the letter is addressed. Stamps cut from Stamped Envelopes are valueless. The weight of a. letter packet must not exceed four pounds. POSTAL CARDS — Price one cent each, regardless of quantity. Nothing must be added to or pasted on a postal card, not even a pasted address, nor a piece of cord, nor an eyelet The address must be placed on the face, (or stamped side) of the card, and the communication, whic may either be written or printed, on the back. Two, or more, advertise- ments can be printed, on the same card. They may be sent to any part of the United States, and are entitled to all the privileges of Letters, excepting that— 1. They will not be returned to the sender. 42 The North Carolina Guide. 2. Tkey will not be advertised or sent to the Dead Letter Office, if not called for. 3. If not delivered in sixty days they will be burned by the Postmaster. Any printed card may be sent through the mails, if pre- paid with one cent stamp, providing it contains no written matter except the address, which, with the stamp, should occupy one side of the card. A card containing any scurilous or indecent communica- tion will not be forwarded. 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