CV 1116 .U5 N55 1916 Copy 1 LAWS AND RULES CV 1116 .U5 N55 1916 Copy 1 FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF BOXING IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK * * f ^ ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION JANUARY, 1916 I ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY. PRINTERS 1916 NEW YORK STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION ALBANY OFFICE Room 6, Delaware & Hudson Building, North Pearl Street and Maiden Lane NEW YORK CITY 41 Park Row. Tel. 3405 Cortlandt COMMISSIONERS FRED A. WENCK, Chairman. New York City FRANK DWYER, Geneva JOHN FRANEY, Albany WILLIAM F. MATHEWSON, Secretary New York City D, Of D. JUL 18 1916 GVi\t LAWS OF NEW YORK.— By Authority. Chap. 779. An act establishing a state athletic commis- sion and regulating boxing and sparring in the state of New York. Became a law July 25, 191 1, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section i. There shall hereafter be a state athletic commission. Within thirty days after this act takes effect the governor shall appoint three persons, at least two of whom shall re- side within the territory embraced within the first and second judicial districts, to be mem- bers of such commission, who shall hold office for the term of five years from the first day of January following the date of their appoint- ment. The governor shall also appoint their successors, possessing like qualifications, on the first day of January of each successive fifth year, beginning with the year nineteen hundred and eleven. The commission shall maintain general offices for the transaction of its business. The members of the com- mission shall, at their first meeting after their appointment, elect one of their number chair- man of the commission, shall adopt a seal for the commission and may make such rules for the administration of their office, not incon- sistent herewith, as they may deem expedient; and they may hereafter amend or abrogate such rules. Two of the members of the com- mission shall constitute a quorum to do busi- ness; and the concurrence of at least two commissioners shall be necessary to render a choice or decision by the commission. § 2. The commission shall appoint, and at pleasure remove, a secretary to the com- mission, whose- duty it shall be to keep a full and true record of all its proceedings, preserve at its general office all its books, documents and papers, prepare for service such notices and other papers as may be re- quired of him by the commission and to per- form such other duties as the commission may prescribe; and he may, under direction of the commission, issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses before the commis- sion with the same effect as if they were issued in an action in the supreme court and may, under direction of the commission, ad- minister oaths in all matters pertaining to the duties of his office or connected with the ad- ministration of the affairs of the commission. Disobedience of such a subpoena and false swearing before such secretary shall be at- tended by the same consequences and be sub- ject to the same penalties as if such dis- obedience or false swearing occurred in an action in the supreme court. The necessary traveling and other necessary expenses of the members of the commission, which, including the salary of the secretary, shall not exceed the sum of iive thousand dollars per year, shall be paid monthly by the state treasurer on the warrant of the state comptroller out of the proceeds of the tax to be collected as herein provided. The commission shall an- nually make to the legislature a full report of its proceedings for the year ending with the first day of the preceding December and may submit, with such report, such recommenda- tions pertaining to its affairs as to it shall seem desirable. § 3. The commission shall have, and hereby is vested with, the sole direction, management, and control of and jurisdiction over all box- ing and sparring matches and exhibitions to be conducted, held or given within the state by any club, corporation or association; and no boxing or sparring match or exhibition shall be conducted, held or given within the state except pursuant to its authority and in accordance with the provisions of this act. The commission may, in its discretion issue, and at its pleasure revoke, a license to con- duct, hold, or give boxing and sparring matches and exhibitions to any club, cor- poration or association which shall at the time application therefor be made own or hold a lease for at least one year upon the building wherein it may be proposed to con- duct, hold or give such boxing or sparring match or exhibition and which, if it be an amateur athletic association, may be incor- porated or organized in accordance with the rules of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States. Every license shall be sub- ject to such rules and regulations, and amend- ments thereof, as the commission may pre- scribe. Every application for a license, as herein provided for shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the commission and shall be verified by some officer of the club, corporation or association on whose behalf the application may be made. It shall con- tain a recital of such facts as, under the pro- visions hereof, will show the applicant en- titled to receive a license and, in addition thereto, such other facts and recitals as the commission may by rule require to be shown. § 4. Where a license granted under this act has been canceled or revoked by an order of the commission, the club, corporation or asso- ciation in whom the license has been held is hereby given the right to review the determina- tion of the commission, as provided in chapter sixteen, title two, article seven of the code of civil procedure. The writ of certiorari al- lowed under this section shall be taken out within thirty days after the order of the com- mission has been served on the club, corpora- tion or association. § 5. All buildings or structures used, or in- tended to be used, for the purpose of this act shall be properly ventilated and provided with fire exits and fire escapes, if there need be, and in all manner conform to the laws, ordin- ances and regulations pertaining to buildings in the city, town or village where situated. Where a part of a building or structure is used for the purposes set forth in this act, this section shall apply in the same manner. § 6. No boxing or sparring match or ex- hibition shall be of more than ten rounds in length; and the contestants shall wear, dur- ing such contests, gloves weighing at least eight ounces. § 7. Any club, corporation or association which may conduct, hold or give, or participate in, any sham or fake boxing or sparring match or exhibition shall thereby forfeit its license issued in accordance with the provisions of this act, which shall thereupon be, by the com- mission, canceled and declared void; and it shall not thereafter be entitled to receive an- other such or any license pursuant to the provisions of this act. § 8. Any contestant who shall participate in any sham or fake boxing or sparring match or exhibition shall be penalized in the follow- ing manner: for the first offense, he shall be restrained for a period of six months, such period to begin immediately after the occur- rence of such offense, from participating in any boxing competition to be held or given by any club, corporation or association duly licensed to give or hold such boxing or spar- ringMnatch or exhibition ; for a second offense he shall be totally disqualified from further admission or participation in any boxing con- test held or given by any club, corporation or association duly licensed for said purposes. § 9. Every club, corporation or association which may hold or exercise any of the privi- leges conferred by this act shall, within twenty- four hours after the determination of every contest, furnish to the commission a written report, duly verified by one of its officers, showing the number of tickets sold for such contest and the amount of the gross proceeds thereof, and such other matters as the com- mission may prescribe, and shall also within the said time pay to the state comptroller a tax of five per centum of its total gross re- ceipts from the sale of tickets of admission to such boxing or sparring match or ex- hibition, which tax, after the payment there- from of the expenses of the commission and the salary of the secretary to the commission, as herein provided, shall be apportioned to the objects and purposes of and in accordance with the provisions of chapter eight hun- dred and twenty of the laws of eighteen hun- dred and ninety-five and the acts amendatory thereof. Before any license shall be granted to any club, corporation or association to conduct, hold or give any boxing or sparring match or exhibition such applicant therefor shall execute and file with the state comp- troller a bond in the sum of ten thousand dol- lars to be approved as to form, and the suffi- ciency of the sureties thereon, by the state comptroller, conditioned for the payment of 8 the tax hereby imposed. Upon the filing and approval of such bond the state comptroller shall issue to such applicant for such license a certificate of such filing and approval, v^hich shall be by such applicant filed in the office of the commission with its application for such license; and no such license shall be issued until such certificate shall be so filed. § lo. Whenever any such club, corporation or association shall fail to make a report of any contest at the time prescribed by this act or whenever such report is unsatisfactory to the state comptroller he may examine or cause to be examined the books and records of such club, corporation or association, and subpoena and examine under oath its officers and other persons as witnesses for the purpose of deter- mining the total amount of its gross receipts for any contest and the amount of tax due pursuant to the provisions of this act, which tax he may upon and as the result of such examination fix and determine. In case of the default in the payment of any tax so ascer- tained to be due, together with the expenses incurred in making such examination, for a period of twenty days after notice to such delinquent club, corporation or association of the amount at which the same may be fixed by the state comptroller, such delinquent shall, ipso facto, forfeit its license and shall be thereby disqualified from receiving any new license or any renewal of license ; and it shall, in addition, forfeit to the people of the state of New York the sum of five hundred dollars, which may be recovered by the attorney- general in the name of the people of the state of New York in the same manner as other penalties are by law recovered. § II. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this act, for which a penalty is not herein expressly prescribed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. § 12. The provisions of section seventeen hundred and ten of the penal law shall not apply to any boxing or sparring match or exhibition conducted, held or given by any club, corporation or association duly licensed pursuant to the provisions of this act. § 13. This act shall take effect immediately. LAWS OF NEW YORK.— By Authority. Chap. 680. An act to amend chapter seven hundred and seventy-nine of the laws of nineteen hun- dred and eleven, entitled "An act establish- ing a state athletic commission and regu- lating boxing and sparring in the state of New York," generally. Became a law May 22, 1915, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: 10 Section i. Sections one, two and nine of chapter seven hundred and seventy-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, en- titled "An act establishing a state athletic com- mission and regulating boxing and sparring in the state of New York," are hereby amended to read, respectively, as follows : § I. The state athletic commission is con- tinued. Within thirty days after this section as amended takes effect the governor shall appoint three persons to be members of such commission, who shall hold office for terms to expire on January first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, January first, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and January first, nineteen hundred and eighteen, respectively. Their suc- cessors shall be appointed for full terms of three years and a vacancy occurring in the office of a member of such commission, other- wise than by expiration of term, shall be filled in like manner as an appointment for a full term, for the unexpired term. Each mem- ber of the commission shall be entitled to receive an annual salary of three thousand dollars and his actual and necessary traveling and other expenses incurred by him in the performance of his official duties. The com- mission shall maintain general offices at Al- bany for the transaction of its business. The members of the commission appointed under this section as amended shall, at their first meeting after their appointment, elect one of their number chairman of the commission, shall adopt a seal for the commission and may II make such rules for the administration of their office, not inconsistent herewith, as they may deem expedient; and they may hereafter amend or abrogate such rules. Two of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum to do business ; and the concurrence of at least two commissioners shall be neces- sary to render a choice or decision by the commission. § 2. The commission shall appoint, and at pleasure remove, a secretary to the commis- sion, whose duty it shall be to keep a full and true record of all its proceedings, pre- serve at its general office all its books, docu- ments and papers, prepare for service such notices and other papers as may be required of him by the commission and to perform such other duties as the commission may pre- scribe; and he may, under direction of the commission, issue subpoenas for the atten- dance of witnesses before the commission with the same effect as if they were issued in an action in the supreme court and may, under direction of the commission, administer oaths in all matters pertaining to the duties of his office or connected with the administration of the affairs of the commission. Disobedience of such a subpoena and false swearing before such secretary shall be attended by the same consequences and be subject to the same penalties as if such disobedience or false swearing occurred in an. action in the supreme court. The secretary of the commission shall be entitled to receive an annual salary of 12 three thousand dollars. The salaries, neces- sary traveling and other necessary expenses of the memhers of the commission, and the salary of the secretary, shall be paid monthly by the state treasurer on the warrant of the state comptroller out of the money appro- priated therefor. The commission shall an- nually make to the legislature a full report of its proceedings for the year ending with the first day of the preceding December and may submit, with such report, such recom- mendations pertaining to its affairs as to it shall seem desirable. § 9. Every club, corporation or association which may hold or exercise any of the privi- leges conferred by this act shall, within twenty-four hours after the determination of every contest, furnish to the commission a written report, duly verified by one of its officers, showing the number of tickets sold for such contest and the amount of the gross proceeds thereof, and such other matters as the commission may prescribe, and also within the said time pay to the state comptroller a tax of seven and one-half per centum of its total gross receipts from the sale of tickets of admission to such boxing or sparring match or exhibition, which tax shall be paid into the state treasury, and after the appro- priation therefrom of the salaries and ex- penses of the commission and the salary of the secretary to the commission, as herein provided, shall be appropriated for and be ap- portioned to the objects and purposes of and 13 in accordance with the provisions of chapter eight hundred and twenty of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five and the acts amendatory thereof. Before any license shall be granted to any club, corporation or associa- tion to conduct, hold or give any boxing or sparring match or exhibition such applicant therefor shall execute and file with the state comptroller a bond in the sum of ten thous- and dollars to be approved as to form, and the sufficiency of the sureties thereon, by the state comptrpUer, conditioned for the payment of the tax hereby imposed. Upon the filing and approval of such bond the state comptroller shall issue to such applicant for such license a certificate of such filing and approval, which shall be by such applicant filed in the office of the commission with its application for such license; and no such license shall be issued until such certificate shall be so filed. 2. Upon the appointment of members of the state athletic commission, pursuant to sec- tion one of chapter seven hundred and seventy- nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, as amended by this act, the terms of office of the members of the state athletic com- mission in office when this act takes effect shall expire. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. 14 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF BOXING IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. PART I. " I. The main office of the New York State Athletic Commission shall be located in Room 6 of the D. and H. Building, North Pearl street and Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. ; branch office, 41 Park Row, New York City, N. Y. ; and a western office, care of Commis- sioner Frank Dwyer, Geneva, N. Y. "2. Applications for licenses to conduct boxing and accompanying documents required by the provisions of Chapter 779, of the Laws of 191 1 shall be written plainly, and all questions appearing on the blank forms of application shall be answered fully. Said ap- plication shall be signed by the president or secretary of the club. Blank forms for these applications with be furnished by the Com- mission. " 3. The license certificate issued by the Commission shall be inclosed in a suitable wooden or metal frame, in order that the whole of said certificate may be seen therein, and shall be posted up and at all times dis- played in a conspicuous place in the box office of the club so licensed. Licenses are not transferable. "4. All clubs holding licenses shall be held absolutely responsible to the Commission for all matches or exhibitions held on premises of said club. 15 " 5. The financial report required by Section 9 of Chapter 779 of the Laws of 191 1, shall be made in duplicate. One report shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Commis- sion, and the other report, with the statutory tax, shall be transmitted to the State Comp- troller. Blank forms of reports shall be provided by the Commission. "6. No person shall be admitted to a box- ing or sparring match or exhibition without a ticket, except club employees, and clubs must file with the Commission total number of employees to be used. Employees must be inside before public is admitted. "7. All tickets issued to the press shall be marked * PRESS ', and shall not exceed five per cent of the seating capacity. " 8. All complimentary tickets shall be marked * COMPLIMENTARY' and shall not exceed two per cent of the seating capacity. "9. All tickets for boxers and their assist- ants shall be marked * BOXER*. No boxers retinue shall exceed five, including the boxer and manager. " 10. All tickets, exclusive of press, boxer and complimentary tickets, shall have the price and date of show printed plainly thereon, shall be consecutively numbered, and shall have a coupon attached, which may be held by the purchaser thereof. " II. All clubs must purchase a separate set of tickets for each show and file with the Commission a duplicate of the order to the 16 printer for said tickets. The printer must file with the Commission a duplicate manifest of each delivery. " 12. The price of tickets shall be printed in large type and displayed above all ticket sellers* windows, and shall not be varied. " 13. Every ticket must be deposited by the ticket taker in a locked box, which box shall only be opened in the presence of an official inspector by an officer of the dub holding the license, and such officer shall count the number of each class of tickets in such box or boxes, and shall also report the number of exchange sales and amount received therefor, and the report required by Section 9 shall be verified by said officer. The official inspector must be allowed in all ticket offices upon request and may count and examine all unsold tickets. " 14. The Commission shall appoint official * INSPECTORS ', one or more of whom sfhall be assigned to officiate at every show, to see that the rules of the Commission are strictly observed, and shall immediately mail to the Commission the official box office statement received by him from the officer of the club as required by Rule 13. " 15. No intoxicating liquor shall be sold in an arena during a show. " 16. No boxing club shall be permitted to sell tickets through boxers, their managers or seconds. " 17. No collections, regardless of the pur- pose, shall be taken up from spectators at boxing exhibitions. 17 " i8. No boxer shall use a name in current use by another boxer. All boxers competing in this State must file their right names, also their ring names, with the State Athletic Com- mission. " 19. Not more than forty (40) rounds of boxing shall be scheduled at any one show, and every show must contain three four round bouts and one six round bout, except shows held under the auspices of the Amateur Athletic Union. No bout may be started after 11:15 P. M. 18 PART 11. " I. The boxing ring shall be constructed in a manner satisfactory to the Commission and shall not be less than sixteen feet nor more than twenty-four feet square. "2. The scale of weights shall be: Pounds. Paperweight 108 Bantamweight 115 Featherweight 123 Lightweight 133 Welterweight 144 Middleweight 158 Commission 175 Heavy all over When boxers agree in their articles to make weight for a contest, the weight agreed upon must be at least six hours before ring time. All contestants must weigh in just before entering the ring, in the presence of the official inspector, regardless of private agree- ment or previous weighing. " 3. The chief official of the boxing match or exhibition shall be the licensed referee, who must have a card from the Commission identifying him as such, and no club shall employ or permit anyone to act excepting such officially licensed referees. "4. No decision shall be rendered by the referee. A decision may be given in amateur tournaments pursuant to the authority and jurisdiction of the Amateur Athletic Union. 19 " 5- Contestants must box in proper athletic costume, including protection cup. "6. Contestants may learn the name of the official referee of the club before whom they are to compete by application to the Secretary of the Commission. If said contestants are not satisfied with the official referee they must notify the Secretary of the Comimission in writing forty-eight hours prior to the match or exhibition, and in case of failure to do so they must submit to the jurisdiction of the club referee. " 7. All matches or exhibitions in which more than two principals appear in the ring at tbe same time, commonly called a * battle royal ' exhibition, are forbidden, "8. All clubs and contestants must enter into written contracts, which contracts shall be executed in triplicate, each party holding one, the third copy to be mailed to the Com- mission immediately upon execution. ** 9. In all matches or exhibitions not more than four seconds shall attend or assist a con- testant, and the official referee shall enforce said rule. " 10. There shall be no coaching by the seconds or any other person, and the seconds must remain seated during contest, and must not rise from their seats until the bell an- nounces the termination of a round. " II. Chief or main match or exhibition shall coimmence not later than 10 P. M. The club must select from the various contestants the chief or main match or exhibition. 20 " 12. The kidney punch or blow shall be forbidden in all contests. The referee shall be sole judge of whether any other blow be fair or foul. " 13. Only soft cotton or linen bandages shall be used, and all bandages shall be subject to the approval of the referee. Hard band- ages or substances of any kind are prohibited. " 14. No person under 18 years of age shall be permitted to participate in any contest or exhibition. "15. Each contestant shall be examined prior to entering the ring, by a physician who has been licensed to practice in the State of New York for not less than five years. The physician shall certify in writing, over his signature, as to contestant's physical condition to engage in such contest. And said physician shall be in attendance during con- test, prepared to deal with any emergency which may arise. Said physician shall file said report of examination with the Com- mission within a period of twenty-four hours after the contest. Blank forms of physician's reports may be had at the Commission's office, and all questions must be answered in full. *' 16. If a main match or exhibitiion is stopped by the referee, or by a member of the State Athletic Commission, or the Secre- tary of the Commission, for an infraction of the rules of the Commission or for a violation of the provisions of Chapter 779 of the Laws of 191 1, or the amendments thereto, the dub shall 'hold all box office receipts of said 21 match or exhibition for a period of forty- eight hours, pending the decision of the Commission. " 17. No boxer shall be permitted to contest against an opponent ten pounds heavier than himself in the lightweigiht class or under said class. " 18. Contests between negroes and white persons, otherwise known as mixed bouts, are strictly prohibited. " 19. Introductions from the ring are limited to three individuals other than the contestants and referee. " 20. Where boxers are working on a guar- antee, the State Athletic Commission must be assured beyond a doubt as to the responsibility of the guarantor, otherwise the Commission will demand that the full amount of the guar- antee be posted as directed by the Commission, not later than 2 P. M., on the day preceding the contest. If the contest be on Monday, the guarantee must be posted at 11 A. M., on the Saturday preceding. Either contestant or the club must, immediately notify the Commission, when, by any reason, a show or contest is declared off. Unless the Commission be so notified before 2 P. M., on the day preceding the contest, suspension for at least thirty days will follow for the club or the party at fault. Any boxer causing a cancellation, must FIRST fulfill his obligation to that club, or obtain a release from the club, before he will be permitted to box elsewhere." 22 1 1 I \ I il ^^^'^^^^ °'' CONGRESS 020 237 069 a ^ |g|^d||^u|||||yUud||y r^