r L COPYRIGHT HEPOSIT. A B O O K OF DAYS B Y»* F. SYDNOR CARTMELL Yesterday's Reflections Today's Thoughts Tomorrow's Dreams 2^. DONE INTO PRINTBYTHE ROYCROFTERS AT THEIR SHOP, WHICH IS IN EAST AURORA, ERIE CO., NEW YORK. MCMV /?. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copioo Re<'.eivecl DEC 16 1905 ^ Copyrisht Entiy CLASS a. XXc, No ' COPY B. Copyright 1905 By F. Sydkor Cabtmell Cfje jFirsit— or puritan ©ap €lecteb to lie ilos(t X was the time of a revival, Hud Satan's worh was slack* **X must find me some new victims, Hnd keep closely on their track. Chere's a baby new and crying, I Ul just send an imp of sin. Show it the way of transgression, Hnd then 1 11 gather it in. Besides she has come on f riday, X claim all rights to that day. On that day my very best workers Hre freed from their bodies of clay, XHl just send the demon of mischief, Co tempt her first step wrong, Hnd the next wrong step will be easy, Cill she joins my innumerable throng. X shall tempt her with vanity first, Che flattery of worldings and knaves; Surround her with pleasures alluring, Chen give her the homage she craves. Chen shall follow woe and heartache. Sorrow and grim despair; poverty comes as a horror. Bringing hunger and care. ChereHl clouds of woe fall about her, Dusband and children will die, persecutions, a widow's portion, Cdill measure of misery supply. Che girl was eighteen^ and very fair, ^ith lofty ideae and brilliant hopes; Che boy was twenty, with the college air Of holding the world and ** knowing the ropes/^ ** X love the ground beneath your feet/' Re said, and watched her fair sweet face; ** You are to me an angel, crowned CClith every virtue, every grace* "X love the dog your hand caressed, X'tn glad he is not in human guise; I envy him like one possessed. Wis nearness to your lovely eyes. *'8ee! here I beg for one kind glance; One gentle look on me bestow; * # You say, you think I'll have a chance, Hnd like the dog, perhaps I'll grow," %onm, or Bapsi of Miimtion Che light flared out in the tempUt Chat temple of yoyr soiil; Che mind was blinded b>^ passion^ Co drink beyond control. Hnd where did you gfo I wonder? Co one of the million stars? You were so fond of red paint, X*m sure you stopped at J^ars. ISfo matter, you're building better Chan those that jeer at stars; Hnd think that heaven is higher, Hnd there's only fire in JVIars. But X know you loved the best, Hnd reached for it once in a while, Che long-faced deacons prayed for you,