TECHNICAL INSTRUCTlbN SERIES I HANDICRAFT SERIES. A Series of Practical Manuals. Edited by PAUL N. HASLUCK, Editor of '"Work," ''Technical Instruction Series," etc. Price 50 cts, eachy postpaid. House Decoration. Comprising Whitewashing, Paperhanging, Painting, etc. With 79 Engravings and Diagrams. Contents. — Colour and Paints. Pigments, Oils, Driers, Varnishes, etc. Tools used by Painters. How to Mix Oil Paints. Distemper or Tempera Painting. Whitewashing and Decorating a Ceiling. Painting a Room. Papering a Room. Embellishment of Walls and Ceilings. Boot Making and ^lending. Including Repairing, Lasting, and Finishing. With 179 Engravings and Diagrams. Contents. — Repairing Heels and Half-Soling. Patching Boots and Shoes. Re-Welting and Re-Soling. Boot Making. Lasting the Upper. Sewing and Stitching. Making the Heel. Knifing and Finishing. Making Riveted Boots and Shoes. How to Write Signs, Tickets, and Posters. With 170 Engravings and Diagrams. Contents. — The Formation of Letters, Stops, and Numerals. The Signwriter's Outfit. Making Signboards and Laying Ground Colours. The Simpler Forms of Lettering. Shaded and Fancy Lettering. Painting a Signboard, Ticket-Writing. Poster-Paint- ing. Lettering with Gold, etc. Wood Finishing. Comprising Staining, Varnishing, and Polishing. With Engrav- ings and Diagrams. Contents. — Processes of Finishing Wood. Processes of Staining Wood. French Polish- ing. Fillers for Wood and Filling In. Bodying In and Spiriting Off. Glazing and Wax Finishing. Oil Polishing and Dry Shining. Re-polishing and Reviving. Hard Stopping or Beaumontage. Treatment of Floors-Stains. Processes of Varnishing Wood Varnishes. Re-polishing Shop Fronts. Dynamos and Electric 3Iotors. With 142 Engravings and Diagrams. Contents. — Introduction. Siemens Dynamo. Gramme Dynamo. Manchester Dynamo. Simplex Dynamo. Calculating the Size and Amount of Wire for Small Dynamos. Ailments of Small Dynamo Electric Machines: their Causes and Cures. Small Electro- motors without Castings. How to Determine the Direction of Rotation of a Motor. How to Make a Shuttle-Armature Motor. Undertype 50-Watt Dynamo. Manchester Type 440-Watt Dynamo. Cycle Building and Repairing. With 142 Engravings and Diagrams. -Contents. — Introductory, and Tools Used. How to Build a Front Driver. Building a Rear-driving Safety. Building Tandem Safeties. Building Front-driver Tricycle. Build- ing a Hand Tricycle. Brazing. How to Make and Fit Gear Cases. Fittings and Accesso- ries. Wheel Making. Tires and Methods of Fixing them. Enamelling. Repairing. Decorative Signs of All Ages for All Purposes. VV ith 277 Engravings and Diagrams. Contents. — Savage Ornament. Egyptian Ornament. Assyrian Ornament. Greek Ornament. Roman Ornament. Early Christian Ornament. Arabic Ornament. Celtic and Scandinavian Ornaments. Mediaeval Ornament. Renascence ajid Modern Orna- ments. Chinese Ornament. 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Lettering, Gilding, and Finishing Book Covers. Index. Bent Iron Work. Including Elementary Art Metal Work. With 269 Engravings and Diagrams. Contents. — Tools and Materials. Bending and Working Strip Iron. Simple Exercises in Bent Iron. Floral Ornaments for Bent Iron Work. Candlesticks. Hall Lanterns. Screens, Grilles, etc. Table Lamps. Suspended Lamps and Flower Bowls. Photo- graph Frames. Newspaper Rack. Floor Lamps. Miscellaneous Examples. Index. Other Volumes in Preparation, DAVID McKAV, Publisher, 1022 Market Street, Philadelphia. TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. Important New Series of Practical Volumes. Edited by PAUL N. HASLUCK. With numerous Illustrations in the Text. Each book contains about 1 60 pages, crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00 each, postpaid. Practical Draughtsmen's Work. With 226 Illustrations. Contents. — Drawing Boards. Paper and Mounting. Draughtsmen's Instruments. Drawing Straight Lines. Drawing Circular Lines. Elliptical Curves. Projection. Back Lining Drawings. Scale Drawings and Maps. Colouring Drawings. Making a Drawing. Index. Practical Gasfltting. With 120 Illustrations. Contents. — How Coal Gas is Made. Coal Gas from the Retort to the Gas Holder. Gas Supply from Gas Holder to Meter. Laying the Gas Pipe in the House. Gas Meters. Gas Burners. Incandescent Lights. Gas Fittings in Workshops and Theatres. Gas Fittings for Festival Illuminations. Gas Fires and Cooking Stoves. Index. Practical Staircase Joinery. With 215 Illustrations. Contents. — Introduction: Explanation of Terms. Simple form of Staircase — Housed String Stair: Measuring, Planning, and Setting Out. Two-flight Staircase. Staircase with Winders at Bottom. Staircase with Winders at Top and Bottom. Staircase with Half-space of Winders. Staircase over an Oblique Plan. Staircase with Open or Cut Strings. Cut String Staircase with Brackets. Open String Staircase with Bull-nose Step. Geometrical Staircases. Winding staircases. Ships' Staircases. Index. Practical Metal Plate Work. With 247 Illustrations. Contents. — Materials used in Metal Plate Work. Geometrical Construction of Plane Figures. Geometrical Construction and Development of Solid Figures. Tools and Appliances used in Metal Plate Work. Soldering and Brazing. Tinning. Re-tinning, and Galvanising. Examples of Practical Metal Plate Work. Examples of Practical Pattern Drawing. Index. Practical Graining and 3Iarbling. With 79 Illustrations. Contents. — Graining: Introduction, Tools and Mechanical Aids. Graining Grounds and Graining Colors. Oak Graining in Oil. Oak Graining in Spirit and Water Colors. Pollard Oak and Knotted Oak Graining. Maple Graining. Mahogany and Pitch-pine Graining. Walnut Graining. Fancy Wood Graining. Furniture Graining. Imitating Woods by Staining. Imitating Inlaid Woods. Marbling: Introduction, Tools, and Materials. Imitating Varieties of Marble. Index. Ready Shortly : Practical Plumbing Work. Other New Volumes in Preparation, DAVID McKAY, Publisher, 1022 Market Street, Philadelphia. PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS AND DIAGRAMS EDITED BY PAUL N. HASLUCK HONOURS MEDALLIST IN TECHNOLOGY EDITOR OF "work" AND "BUILDING WORLD" ADTHOa OF " HANDYBOOKS FOR HANDICRAFTS," ETC. ETO. DAVID M( KAY, Publishkr 1022 MARKET STREET a903 M-H T ij ; — ^^(?a t 05 PREFACE. Practical Draughtsmen's Work contains, in a form con- venient for everyday use, a comprehensive digest of information, contributed by experienced draughtsmen, scattered over the columns of Work and Building World, two weekly journals it is my fortune to edit, and supplies concise information on the general principles and practice of the art on which it treats. In preparing for publication in book form the mass of relevant matter contained in the volumes, much of it necessarily had to be re-arranged and re-written. The contents of this book con- sist substantially of several series of illustrated articles by Prof. Henry Adams, originally contributed to Work and Building World. The writings of many other contributors are so blended that it is difficult to distinguish any for acknowledg- ment. Headers who may desire additional information respecting special details of the matters dealt with in this book, or instruc- tion on any building trade subjects, should address a question to Work or Building World, so that it may be answered in the columns of one of those journals. P. N. HASLUCIv. CONTENTS. I. — Drawing Boards, Paper and Mounting II. — Draughtsmen's Instruments III. — Drawing Straight Lines . . <, IV. — Drawing Circular Lines . , V. — Elliptical Curves . . • , VI. — Projection ..... VII. — Back-lining Drawings VIII. — Drawing to Scale and Preparing Maps IX. — Colouring Drawings X. — Making Drawings . . • . Index PAGE 9 19 37 52 70 92 104 114 126 140 156 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIO. L 2. 3. 4. PAGE —Back of Battened Drawing- board 10 —Clamped Drawing-board . . 10 , — Corner of Drawing-board . .11 , — Position of Draughtsman's Board 12 .—Section of Fixed Table and Board 13 -11. — Drawing Pins . . .16 .—Pasting Margin of Drawing- paper 17 —Fastening the Paper . . .17 —Edge and Top View of T-square 20 — Fiamed Set-square . . .21 , — Set-square for Lettering . . 21 —Use of T- and Set-squares . 22 , — Serviceable Set of Instruments 23 —Ruling Pen .... 24 —Lift-up Nib .... 25 — Square-handled Pen . . . 25 , —Double Ruling Pen . . .25 ,— Pen for Ruling Curves . . 25 ,— Milled Head between the Nibs 26 —Setting Ruling Ptn ... 26 ,— Point of Ruling Pen Enlarged . 26 —Dotting Pen . . . .27 ,— Dotting Pen with Midrib . . 27 -32. —Needle Points for Compasses 28 —Socket Fitting for Compass Legs 29 — Leg of Hair Dividers. . . 30 —Proportional Compasses . . 30 , — Bow Compass . . . .31 . — Spring Bow Dividers. . . 31 . — Spring Bow Pencil . . .31 —Spring Bow Pen. ... 31 — Pump Bows . . . .32 — Spring Bows . , . .32 —Pen Point 33 —Back of Holder . ... 33 — Section through Beam . . 33 —Needle Point . . . .33 — Cheap Beam Compass . . 34 — Curve Bow 34 — Railway Curve . . . .35 -51. — French Curves . . .35 — Method of Holding T-square . 37 —Chisel Shaped Pencil Point . 38 —Round Point to Pencil . . 38 —Method of Holding Pencil . 39 — Line in Error . . . .39 —Dotted Line .... 39 — Testing Straightedge . .40 — Untrue T-square makes Correct Angles 40 —Untrue Board makes Incorrect Andes 41 FIG. PAGK 61. — Testing Set-square . . .42 62.— Straightening Set-square Edge. 43 63, 64. — Parallel and Perpendicular Lines . . . . 43, 44 65.— Equal Lines Appear Unequal . 44 66.— Equal Spaced Spots Appear Unequal. . . . .'45 67.— Straight Lines Appear Curved. 45 68.— Paralleled Lines Appear to Con- verge and Diverge . '. . 46 69. — Square Partly Covered . . 46 70, 71.— Equal Size Areas Appear Unequal 47 72. — Disappearing Dots . . .47 73-75.— Square Figures ... 48 76.— Full Lines 49 77.— Dotted Lines . . . .49 78.— Dimension Lines , . . 49 79.— Method of Showing Dimensions 50 80. — Section Lines . . . .50 81 —Graduated Lines . . . 50 82.— Holding Ruling Pen ... 51 83.— Concentric Circles . . .52 84.— Finding Centre of Circle . . 53 85.— Flat Curves . . . .54 86. — Holding Compasses . . .54 87. — Sharp Curves .'. ... 54 88.— Concentric Arcs . . .55 89.— Arcs of Equal Radius . . 55 90. — Finding Centre of Small Arc . 50 91-93.— Circles for Practice . . 56 94.— Hollow Edge of Castings . . 57 95. — Angle of Castings . , .58 96.— Curves Joining Arms and Boss of Wheel .... 59 97.— Example Requiring Accuracy . 60 98. — Round Corners . . . .61 99.— Parallel Lines Joined by Semi- circle 61 100. — Angular Lines Joined by Arcs . 61 101-103 Curved Lines as Junctions 62 104. — Curved Joins . . . .63 105.— Ogee Curve 63 105-113.— Mouldings . . . Qi, 65 114-121.— Arches. . . . 66-6$ 122. — Method of using Pump Bow . 69 123. — Conic Sections . . . .70 124.— Circle 71 125.— Ellipse 71 126.— Vertical Straight Line . . 71 127-132.— Ellipses . . . 72-76 133.— Paper Trammel . . . .77 134. — Use of French Curve . . .77 135. — Patternmakers' Ellipse . . 7S 136.— Gardeners' Ellipse . . .79 137.— Plan of Skew Arch ... 79 PEAGTIGAL BUAUGHTSMEN'S WORK, no. PAGE FIG. 338.— Elevation of Skew Arch . . SO 190.- 139, 140.— Flat or Camber Arch . 82, 83 141, 142. -Parabolas . .• . 84,85 191.- 143-145.— Hyperbolas . . . S7, 88 192.- 146, 147.— H3l»x . , , , 88, 89 193-.- 148.— Entasis of Column . . . 90 194.- 149-153.— Proiections of Line . . 92, 93 195.- 154, 155.— Pr().iections of Line . . 94, 05 196. 156, 157.— Brick in Angular Projection 96 158.— Grating in Angular Projection. 07 197.- 159.— Side Elevation of House . . 99 198. 160.— Front Elevation of House . 99 161.— Angular Projection of House . 99 199.- 162, 163.— Cube 100 164.— Constructing Isometric Scale . 100 200, 165.— Isometric Scale . . . .101 202. 166.— L«ometric Projection. . .101 203.- 167, 168.— Projection at Angle of 45^. 204- 102, 103 205, 169-172. -- Plans and Elevations of 207.- Rectangular Objects . . 105 208.- 173-175.— Plans and Elevations of 209. Curved Objects . . .107 210. 176.— Cast Iron Grating . . .108 211.- 177.— Chequered Plate . . .110 212. 178.— Fluted Pilaster . . . .112 21.3. 179.— Fluted Column . . . .113 214. 180.— Quarter Scale . . . .110 215. 181.— Twelfth Scale . . . .116 216. 182.- Forty-eighth Scale , . .117 217. 183. — One - hundred - and - twentieth 218. Scale 117 219, 184.— Ninety-sixth Scale . . .118 221. 185.— Two - thousand - five - hundred th 222. Scale 118 186, 187.— Scale Drawings . . .119 223. ISS.— Sketch Plan of House . .119 224. 189. — Diagonal Scale for Accurate 225, Measurements . , .120 « PAOl —Plan to Scale showing Tenths and Hundredths . . . 120 -Plan to Scale : 1 in. = 880 ft. . 122 J.— Plan to Scale : 1 in. = 88 in. . 122 -Plan to Scale: 1 in. =208-33 ft. 123 -Plan to Scale : 1 in. = 41 66 ft. 124 -Slant and Saucers for Colours . 127 -Primary Colours and Secondary Tints 128 '. — Colours of the Spectrum . . 130 -Front Elevation showing Deal or Fir 133 -Side Elevation showing Deal or Fir 133 , 201.— End Grain . . . 133, 134 1.— Various Cross Sections fur Fir 136 I. — Front Elevation showing Oak . 136 -Side Elevation showing Oak , 206.— End Grain Oak . '. — Cross Sections for Oak 5. — Marking Measurements . - Block Plan of Building and Site 143 -Measuring Angle . . . 144 -Scale for Plan shown at Fig. 209 144 -Sample Block Letters . . 145 -Enlarged Drawing of Letter G . 145 [. — Samples of Figures . - Plan of House .... >. — Front Elevation of -Side Elevation of House . I.— Back Elevation of House . , 220. -Sections of House . . __. -Irregular Outline to be Copied 148 -Method of Copying Irregular Outline 143 -Small Squared Plan of Estate . 150 -Method of Enlarging by Squares 150 , 226. - Conventional Signs used by Draughtsmen . . 152, 153 136 137 137 141 146 147 147 147 147 147 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. CHAPTER I. DEAWING BOARDS, PAPER AND MOUNTING This book deals with the principles upon which mechanical and architectural drawings are made, and it is proposed, in the following chapters, to give a course of practical instruction in technical drawing as applied to the constructive arts. This branch of drawing does not aim at producing pictures so much as at showing conventional representations which shall enable other persons to construct precisely and exactly what the designer intends, in shape, size, and arrangement. The primary essentials are accuracy and neatness. An inaccurate drawing invites bad workmanship, and one not neatly made at the least leaves a doubt as to what is required. Though it may occur in business that »many things have to be hurried over for want of time, in learning a subject the student should not be satisfied unless each portion of his work is an improvement upon the last, and is the very best he is able to do ; speed can always be superadded to accuracy if the latter is mastered first, but the order can never be reversed. To describe the principles involved in making a mechanical or architectural drawing would necessitate a treatise on plane and solid geometry and projection that would be out of place in a book which is intended to deal only with the practical operations of the drawing- office. How^ever, it should be under- stood that, to be in a position to do any but the very simplest work, a certain amount of geometrical knowledge is a necessary part of the draughtsman's equipment, and this must be acquired by a systematic study of that branch of science. To commence draughtsmen's work a large assortment of 10 FH ACTIO AL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WOB-K. instruments is unnecessary, and even undesirable, the fewer and the simpler they are the better, provided they are efficient. Of course, a drawing-board, a T-square, and two set squares will be required, with drawing pencils, indiarubber, and drawing pins for holding down the paper, which may be cartridge paper. If a drawing-board 16 in. by 22| in. is employed, sheets 15 in. by 22 in. (half imperial size) will be found suitable. The ordinary draw- ing instruments, including bows for ink and pencil, will be required ; but when the reader has mastered the contents of this book he will be able to decide for himself here. We need go no further than to advise a beginner not to buy cheap tools. A set of pear wood French curves, a foot rule, or a set of scales, will be handy, while, for those who prefer it, a steel scale can be obtained. Fig. 1. — Back of Battened Drawing Board. Fig. 2.— Edge of Clamped Drawing Board. The first thing necessary is a drawing-board, which should be made about an inch longer each way than the largest sheet of paper in general use. If the sizes of the drawings vary considerably, it will be convenient to have large and small boards to suit. The usual method of constructing the ordinary board is shown in Fig. 1. The wood should be fairly stout, but not too hard, so that the pins can be inserted and withdrawn with moderate ease ; the grain should run lengthways of the board. The two battens should be screwed on underneath, and trans- versely to the grain of the other wood, to stiffen the board and prevent warping. All woodwork in course of time shrinks to a greater extent across the grain than it does in the direction of the grain, so it is advisable for the screws securing the battens to the board to work in slots, as shown on an enlarged scale in Fig. 2. The board is thus allowed to shrink and swell without unduly straining the screws or battens. In properly seasoned timber the shrinkage will be slight, and care should be used to secure wood suitable lor the purpose. To prevent warping DRAWING BOARDS, PAPER AND MOUNTING. 11 through expansion and contraction, drawing-boards are some- times grooved on the back, half-way through the thickness, at intervals of about Sin. or 4 in. from end to end, as shown in Fig. 1. Some boards have hardwood slips glued into grooves at the end, as shown by Fig. 3. These slips are to guide the stock of the T-square, and saw^ kerfs should be run through them at intervals of about 3 in. (b b. Fig. 3) to prevent the slips being forced out of position by unequal shrinkage. Smaller boards can be stiffened by clamping a strip of wood about 2 in. wide transversely on each end of the board, as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3. — Enlarged Corner of Drawing Board. All drawing-boards should be planed level on both sides, and squared exactly so that the opposite edges are parallel, and the adjacent ones at right angles to each other. A drawing-board that has suffered from rough usage and become indented may be renovated and the bruised grain of the wood can be raised by well wetting it and placing on the dents several thicknesses of brown paper previously soaked in hot water. A piece of dry paper is placed on these, and a hot flat-iron laid on the whole causes the dents to swell up. When the board is dry, a shaving or two can be taken off with a smoothing-plane, and the board will be as good as new. Draughtsmen generally prefer to stand to their work, because in the various operations of drawing and finishing a large plan operations are seldom confined to one part of the paper only, and it is necessary to alter continually the position of the body to obtain a proper command of the work. However, for some drawing it is possible to work while seated, and a stool is used by some draughtsmen. 12 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. The position and arrangement of the office in which the draushtsman has to work is a matter of some importance. For working in the daylight, a window facing north, with the light rather on the left-hand side of the board, as shown at Fig. 4, is about the best arrangement, and when artificial light is employed the lamp should be placed over and beyond the top left-hand corner of the board. A pair of supports for inclining the board from 15° to 20^ by placing one under each end, as shown in Fig. 4, is a convenience. This slope of the board allows the Fig. 4. — Position of Draughtsman's Board. draughtsman to work with greater ease, especially at the far side of the board. The height of the desk or table on which the drawing-board has to be placed while the draughtsman is at work will be determined by the size of the drawings. When the paper is under imperial size, one may sit down while at work, and a height of about 2 ft. 6 in. from the floor to the surface of the drawing-board at its lowest edge, with the board sloping at an angle of about \\ in. in a foot, will be a convenient arrangement for most workers. With larger drawings the draughtsman will find it most convenient to stand while at work ; and to reach the upper farther part of the board it will be necessary to use a DRAWING BOARDS, FAPER AND MOUNTING. 13 footstool. Fig. 5 gives a section through a fixed desk or counter for a drawing-office. The space underneath is often utilised by being fitted with drawers to hold drawings ; but when this is done, sufficient knee room should be allowed, by keeping the fronts of the drawers well back from the edge of the desk. When the drawing-board 'is placed on this desk, the slope for convenient working may be obtained by placing under the back edge a strip of wood about 2^ in. square (a, Fig. 5), and as long as the board, the slope of which may be regulated by sliding this strip backwards or forwards. 777777777777777777777777//^ Fig. 5.— Section of Fixed Table and Board. The paper most suitable to be used depends a great deal on the kind of drawings to be made. For fine, accurate work smooth or medium surface paper is the best. But for a coloured drawing made more for show than accuracy, rough paper should be used, as the colour runs better on it. The papers in general use in the drawing office are " cartridge," a machine-made paper, used for work where an ordinary finish is required ; and hand- made for superior work. Generally one side of the " cartridge " is finished to a smoother surface than the other, and the smooth surface is the one usually chosen for drawing on ; it is not suitable for colouring. Hand-made paper is of a finer and stronger texture, and has a hard surface. Both sides are much alike in appearance, but the surface intended for drawing on 14 FliAGTWAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. may be ascertained by holding the paper up to the light and observing the letters of the water-mark, which reads in the right direction when looked at from the working surface. For drawings which have to be submitted to much handling, or which it is desired to preserve in good condition for many years, it is usual to use drawing-paper mounted on holland or linen. The sizes of drawing-papers vary to the extent of half an inch or so with dififerent makers, but the usual sizes are as follows : — USUAL SIZES OF DRAWING-PAPER. WHATMAN'S. JOTNSON'S. Name of Paper. Sizo- to Inches. lb. weight to Beam. Size to Inches. lb. weight to Ream. Foolscap ... Demv 17 X 13i 20 X 15^ 18 25 20 X 154 42 Medium 22 X 174 34 — — Royal 24 X 19 44 24 X 19 44 to 60 Super Royal Elephant Imperial Colombier 27 X 19 28 X 23 304 X 224 54 72 72 30 X 22 72 to 140 344 X 234 100 — — Atlas 34 X 26 100 — — Double Elephant... Grand Eagle 40 X 26J 42^ X 28 133 150 40 X 27 140 to 230 Antiquarian 53 X 31 240 52i X 30^- 250 Emperor — — 72 X 48 535 Double Emperor ... — — 96 X 69 1025 These papers can be obtained in three surfaces— N (natural surface), HP (hot pressed or smooth surface), R (rough surface). The natural-surface paper should be employed for general work, as it will stand much rubbing out and will take colour well. The hot-pressed surface paper is the best for fine pencil and ink drawings that are not coloured. The rough paper is used by artists for water-colour drawings and sketches. Paper of the standard sizes is to be bought ready mounted on cloth, and for specially large plans either "cartridge" or superior paper can be bought in a continuous roll in various widths up to 60 in. DRAWING BOARDS, PAPER AND MOUNTING. 15 A useful paper is that sold ready divided by faintly ruled lines into squares of various sizes, generally into inches and eighths or tenths, the inches themselves being indicated by a thicker line. It is of service in enlarging or reducing by the method of squaring described on p. 150, and even more so in sketching directly to scale, as the squares enable any dimension to be drawn correctly at once. It is applicable alike to the uses of the machine draughtsman in sketching details of machinery to correct scale and the civil engineer for plotting small surveys. Tracing-papers are made in a variety of thicknesses, tints, and textures. They have usually one side smoother than the other, and are sold in continuous rolls measuring 21 yd. or 22 yd. in length, and varying in width from 30 in. to 44 in. To make tracing-paper tissue paper is coated, by brushing or sponging, with a mixture of 1 part of boiled linseed oil to 5 parts of turpentine. Each sheet is done separately, and hung over a line to dry. When the clear oily marks disappear it will be ready for use. Tracing-linen or tracing-cloth is obtainable in about the same sizes. It is made generally with one side glazed and the other rough, and occasionally with both sides glazed. The selection of the side to be used for drawing on must be left to individual discretion, some preferring one side, some the oth^r. The rougher side is easier to work on, as it takes both ink and colour easily, but a much neater and more effective tracing is produced on the glossy side, the colouring being done on the rough surface. The rougher surface is more easily soiled than is the smooth. It is a usual custom, before commencing a mechanical draw- ing, to secure the paper to a drawing-board, so as to keep it flat and in the same position relative to the edges of the board from which right angles are set off with the T-square. The most simple method is by placing lead weights on the corners of the paper. If the drawing is to be made in pencil only, then the paper can be fastened to the board by pins. The most convenient way to do this is to place the paper squarely on the board, and put a drawing-pin into the top left-hand corner ; place the T-square along the top edge of the paper : take hold of the bottom right-hand corner of the paper and move it up or down till the top edge of the paper becomes parallel with the edge of the T-square, when another drawing-pin can be inserted in the bottom right-hand corner, and then two others in the remaining corners. / 16 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. The principal point to be attended to in the choice of drawing- pins (see Figs. 6 to 11), is that the head shall be so shaped as not to interfere with the passing of the blade of the T-square over it ; and for this reason the dome-shaped head shown in Fig. 7 will be found to answer admirably. Another good section of head is shown in Fig. 8 ; while the " flat heads," shown in Fig. 9, are not so good as the two last mentioned. A cheap and fairly effective drawing-pin is now made by punching out of a steel disc a tongue, and bending it downwards to form a pin, as shown in Fig. 10; while Fig. 11 shows a form in which the three corners of a triangular sheet of thin steel are bent downwards to form three pins to pass through the paper. For a good drawing-pin, it is Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Figs. 6 to 11. — Drawing Pins. desirable to have the head at least | in. in diameter, and the pin not much tapered, or it will not hold tightly in the drawing-board and I this is necessary. If the drawing to be inked in, coloured, and dimensioned is an elaborate one, and likely to be a long time in hand, the paper should be strained on the board. To do this, first ascertain which is the correct surface for drawing on, and lay the paper face upwards on the board, then bend up a margin strip J in. to IJ in. wide all round the sheet. Turn over the paper, and well damp the back of it with a sponge and cold water taking care to leave the margins free from moisture. After thoroughly damping, sponge off the superfluous water, and turn the paper right side up on the board, taking care not to wet any part of the board where the glue or paste for fastening the edges has to come. Lay a wooden straight-edge along the paper, about 1 in. from the top edge, bend the dry margin over the straight-edge, so as to bring the under surface uppermost over the straight-edge, and pass over it a brush dipped in hot glue or paste (see Fig. 12). Turn the paper back again, and press the BRAWING BOARDS, PAPER AND MOUNTING. 17 glued margin into close contact with the drawing-board. Eemove the straight-edge to the left-hand margin of the paper, and glue that in the same way, and afterwards proceed to glue down the other margins at the right-hand end and bottom edge. Fi^. 12. — Pastinof the Margin of Drawing- Paper. Now smooth down the paper, commencing in the centre of the sheet, with a clean dry handkerchief, working gradually towards the edges to expel the air. Then press the glued margins well on Fastening the Paper. the board with the thumbs, at the same time drawing them apart, as shown by the arrows (Fig. 13). This operation should be repeated all round the margin, the thumbs being always oppo- site each other during the stretching process. Shoemakers' paste, which can always be obtained ready-made at any cobbler's shop or grindery store, is much stronger than the ordinary paste, but shares with that material and gum the defect of taking a long time to dry. 18 PEAGTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK The wetting of the paper causes it to expand, so that it measures more in length and breadth than when dry. As the paper dries it will shrink, and as the edges are securely glued to the board, the paper will stretch itself very tight and fiat. From this it will be understood that the more quickly the gluing is done the better, because if there be much delay, the paper will be partially dried before the margins are completely stuck. It is advisable to leave the board in a horizontal position, not standing on one edge, as the moisture may run down to the bottom margin, keeping one part of the paper wet longer than another. The drying should not be hastened by placing tbe board before a fire, which would pro- bably dry the paper unevenly, and pull it into wrinkles. If the edges of the paper are not firmly glued to the board when the paper begins to shrink, they will be pulled from their sup- port, and thus the paper cockled and warped. Care must be taken that the drawing-board is not stained with ink, or this may get into the damp paper and spoil it. Some kinds of wood— teak, for instance — will stain the paper ; therefore, when there is any doubt on this point, it is a good plan to put a sheet of common paper between the board and the drawing-paper. In stretching mounted drawing-paper on the board, glue will not be strong enough to hold the edges, and small tacks should be used for the purpose. 19 CHAPTER 11. draughtsmen's instruments. In giving a brief description of some of the various instruments generally used in the drawing office, it may be advisable to remind the reader that it would take up more space than can be spared here to even mention and illustrate all the varied forms of the numerous instruments which are used by draughtsmen. Attention is devoted in this chapter principally to such appliances as may be considered comparatively indis- pensable. All the instruments generally used will be found illustrated and described in the catalogues issued by makers and dealers, who point out the several merits which are claimed for them. A great number of peculiar instruments and many patented articles will also be found in the manufacturers' cata- logues, and although these are in many cases very useful in their way, most practical draughtsmen manage to do without them, and in this chapter it is proposed to deal only with those in- struments that are usually necessary in the ordinary work of making a drawing. Most makers stock three qualities of instruments, and it is advisable to buy the best that are made, called extra- quality instruments, as they will last a lifetime and the first cost is also the last. Next in importance to the drawing-board, which has already been described in the preceding chapter, comes the T-square. Spanish mahogany is the best wood for large squares, and smaller ones may be made of pear tree or of mahogany, edged with ebony. Plain straight - grained wood should be selected for T-squares. Figured mahogany is more liable to warp, is difficult to plane, and wears to a ragged edge. The blade ought to be easily removable from the stock for the purpose of trueing up the edges. The most approved pattern of T-square has a taper blade screwed on the top of the butt end, as shown by Fig. 14, p. 20. A parallel blade let into the butt is not so good. With tiie 20 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. former the set-square can slide over the butt, and still be kept against the blade ; with the latter the set-square must be raised to pass over the butt, which makes it difficult to keep the set-square firm against the blade. However well seasoned the pear-tree or mahogany wood of which the T-squares are made, it will be found difficult to prevent it warping, and care should be taken to keep the squares in a place free from damp or exces- sive heat. The working edges of the butt and blade should be furnished with narrow strips of ebony slightly bevelled on the upper side. Some T-squares are made with parallel blades and shifting stocks, which may be adjusted to any angle. These are not popular with practical draughtsmen, who generally prefer to lllHlm'i^ Edge View of T-square. 14, — Top View of T-sqaare. use two set squares with which to draw lines at an angle. The T-square must be worked on the left-hand edge of the drawing- board, and it should be used for drawing horizontal lines only ; the perpendiculars being always drawn by a set -square working against the T-square. A T-square used for vertical as well as horizontal lines would communicate to the lines in the drawing any slight inaccuracy in the truth of the edges of the board, as shown on p. 41. The position of the left hand when drawing is shown in Fig. 52, p. 37, the left hand holding the set-square against the T-square, the thumb and forefinger pressing the blade on the paper, and at the same time folding the butt against the end edge of the board by a slight pressure towards the right. Next in importance to the T-square comes a selection of set- squares. These are made of various materials, all of which have DRAUGHTSMEN'S INSTRUMENTS, 21 certain objectionable features, but the best squares are those made of ebonite or vulcanite, as shown in Fig. 17. They are not liable to warp or to get out of square, but they collect dirt and smear the paper if not kept very clean, are liable to break if dropped or roughly handled, and the larger sizes are rather expensive. Framed set-squares (see Fig. 15) are made of three pieces of mahogany or other wood, edged with ebony. They are built up of three separate parallel pieces of hard wood, joined at the corners. By means of the open centre, a better hold of the set square can be obtained, and it can thus be moved about more freely, and held more firmly when once in its proper position for drawing. Framed squares are liable to get out of order if not made of carefully selected dry material. Common^ plain Fig". 15. — Framed Set Square. Fig. 16.— Set Square for Lettering. squares, made of plain pieces of thin mahogany, pear-tree, or other woods, planed to the required angles, are liable to twist and warp when exposed to heat or dampness. These squares have a hole, about | in. in diameter, bored near the base, by which they can be manipulated, and which also enables tbem to be hung on a peg. Set squares are made of all angles, but for ordinary work two are generally sufficient, one with angles of 30^, G0°, and 90°, and one with angles of 45*^, 45^, and 90^\ Special set-squares are procurable, 22 PRAGTIGAL DBAUGHTMEN'S WGEK. adapted to the various pitches of roofs, slopes, and batters of embankments, angles of screw nuts, and other standard require- ments. A set-square used in setting-out lettering is illustrated at Fig. 16. When drawing a vertical line, the vertical side of the set-square should be turned towards the left, as shown at B, Fig. 17. When it is desired to draw lines against the sloping edge of the set- square this is reversed, as shown at a. In both cases the set-square serves as a rest for the draughtman's hand and protects the drawing. Drawing pens and compasses form the most important instru- ments in the draughtman's outfit. Foreign-made cases of instruments, containing a large number of pieces, may be bought for a comparatively small sum, but cheap instruments are often IXA Fig. 17. — Use of T and Set Squares in Drawingf, worthless. The best plan is to buy of some well-known maker, and get instruments which the makers will guarantee to replace if not satisfactory. A case should be provided in which to keep the instruments, so that they shall be together and clean. Among working draughtsmen it is generally agreed that a beautiful, well-polished case crammed with the very best instru- ments of all and every kind, is not necessary for turning out a good drawing, and good work can be done by means of a few of the simplest and plainest instruments. It may not be out of place here to give the following hint to young would-be draughts men : — Do not waste a lot of money in getting together an elaborate and expensive box of instruments, many of which will afterwards be found to be not wanted. It is better even to buy singly just the instrument that is wanted as advance is nivade in the art of drawing. A strip of chamois leather and a pair of elastic bands make a case that serves all purposes ; it keeps out JDEAUGRTSMEJSl'S INSTRUMENTS. 23 the damp and preserves the points, and possesses many distinct merits. No draughtsman need ever feel diffidence in walking into the best of drawing offices with such a little roll of instru- ments in his pocket. Empty cases may be purchased without the instruments. Some morocco-covered ones that go in the pocket have a neat appearance, take up }>ut little room, and are not expensive. It is advisable to commence with a case that will contain the following, even if it is not filled up at first :— Half- Fig. 18. — Serviceable Set of Instruments. set of 6-in. compasses, with lengthening bar ; ink and pencil bows ; two drawing pens ; set of three spring-bows ; pricker and key. These instruments are sufficient for general work. Fig. 18 illustrates the contents of an ordinary box of service- able instruments. They comprise, commencing at the upper part : — One pair of 6-in. compasses with pencil point ; one pair of compasses with pen point ; one pair of 5-in. hair dividers ; bow pen ; bow pencil ; set of three spring bows, comprising divider, pencil, and pen ; three drawing pens ; pair of beam- compass heads with screw adjustment and extra pen and penci joints, and screw key for adjusting the joints. 24 FRAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. 1 M M illllll pi be A ruling pen of good quality should be selected, as it is the instrument with which most of the lines are inked in, see Fig. 19. This illus- tration shows a pen fitted with an ink reservoir in the handle, and it is particularly useful for drawing lines that require much ink. Pens with lift-up nibs, as shown at Fig. 20, are handy for setting and keeping clean. It is advisable to choose a ruling pen having one strong and rigid blade which will not bend with an increase of pressure against the edge of the set -square or straight-edge ; flexibility would affect the regular thickness of the line which is being drawn. The handle shown in Fig. 21 has a square portion which is useful in preserving the proper direction of the nibs of the pen when drawing. This screw should be sufficiently loose for the draughtsman to open or close the nibs with the second finger, when holding the pen as shown in Fig. 62, p. 51, without lifting it from the paper. New pens are usually too tight, and a little oil mil greatly improve the working of a tight screw, and the screw of all pens and spring dividers should be oiled occasionally, or in the course of time they may strip their threads. It is often convenient to be able to carry a draw- ing pen in the pocket ready for use, for much can be done with this instrument alone by a mechanical draughtsman who is also a good free- hand draughtsman. A pocket drawing pen con- sists of a hollow handle in which the nib is carried secure from damage. When required for use, the nib is unscrewed, reversed, and again screwed into the handle. For drawing parallel lines moderately close together, as in indicating roads, canals, or rail- ways in maps and small scale plans, a double pen, such as is shown in Fig. 22, is conveni- ent. It consists of two ruling pens, with a screw and a milled head for regulating the distance between them. It is particularly DBA UGHTSMEN'S INS TR U ME NT 8. 25 useful where the lines to be drawn are curved or of irregular form. A ruling pen especially designed for drawing curved lines is shown in Fig. 23. The handle is tubular, and through it there runs loosely the metal shank of the pen. At the top is a milled head, by which the pen can be clamped tight to the handle, and can then be used as an ordinary drawing pen. When the nibs Fig. 20.— Lift-up Nib. vood which 36 FRACTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. exactly coincides with a certain part in the drawing ; this should be inked in with the pen, the curve should be removed, and some other portion of it found to continue the curve from the last point. This process is shown in Fig. 134, p. 77. French curves are made in pearwood, in a great variety of shapes. Figs. 49, 50, and 51 show useful patterns, and a few of these in varying sizes will be sufficient for most purposes. In cases where there is much repetition of a complicated detail in drawing, it is a saving of time to make suitable tem- plates out of soft wood, with which the outlines can be rapidly Fig. 51. — French Curve. drawn by passing the drawing pen round them. Small templates can be shaped with a penknife, the curved portions being smoothed with a file and glasspaper. In addition to the curves enumerated above, the draughtsman should provide himself with a few thin pieces of pearwood or mahogany, from which a template to suit any required sweep may be easily made with the penknife and a piece of glasspaper. Jt should be remembered that a draughtsman who can strike in his curves with a steady freehand sweep often saves himself much piecing up of odd lengths of curves selected from the template, and is certain to obtain a more harmonious effect in the end. The methods of using draughtsmen's instruments will be eii- plained in the following chapters as opportunities otfev, 37 CHAPTER III. DRAWING STRAIGHT LINES. It is presumed that the reader has procured a selection of the instruments already described, and that he is now desirous to attain skill in using them. This course, outlined in this and the following chapter, while simple enough for youths yet at school, will be found equally suitable for adults who desire to make accurate working drawings, and who have had no preliminary training, and Fig. Method of Holding T-square. for young professional draughtsmen who have not learnt the basis upon which their art depends ; it will also lead up to the drawing required by the Department of Science and Art in the subjects of machine and building construction. To commence the practical work of making a drawing, set the drawing board on a fiat table, and raise the back edge so that a sloping surface is presented to work upon. Place the paper about half an inch from the left-hand and bottom edges of the board, with the smooth side uppermost, and fix a drawing pin in the top left-hand corner of the paper, put in square and pressed firmly down. Now take the T-square, holding it as shown in Fig. 52, and slide it up to the top edge of the paper, swinging the paper upon the pin already put in until it coincides with the upper edge of the T-square ; then put a second pin in the 38 PEAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK, bottom right-hand corner, and afterwards in the two remaining corners. The pencil should be used solely at first for practising, and the most expensive drawing pencils are often the most economical to use in the drawing office. There are many well- known makes that may be depended upon to work smoothly and evenly without grittiness or inequality of texture. The number of H's marked upon the pencil indicate its relative hard- ness. For general use those marked H or HH will be suitable, while for particularly fine work HHHHHH may be necessary. For roughly sketching details on a large scale, a very soft lead, such as B will be found pleasantest to work with. Pencils of unvarnished cedar are to be preferred, and those of a Fig. 53.— Chisel Shaped Fig. 54.— Round Point to Pencil Point. Pencil. hexagonal section do not roll off the sloping surface of the drawing-board or desk. In sharpening the pencil a chisel point (Fig. 53), not a round point (Fig. 54), should be produced. Almost the first lesson for a draughtsman is how to properly sharpen a pencil, which is not easy for the beginner to accomplish satisfactorily. A pencil point should be well sharpened so that when the pencil is passing along the edge of a square it should be closely against it ; and in ordinary drawing or tracing, a clear view should be obtained completely around it on the paper. A round point wears away very rapidly, and will hardly make even one fine line, whereas if the edge be kept the full thickness of the lead in the direction of the line the pencil will last very much longer and produce better work ; the fiat faces of the lead point may be slightly rounded, as shown by Fig. 53. If properly sharpened, one operation of the knife on the wood will be sufficient to allow of several re-sharpenings of the lead, whilst a badly sharpened point requires further hacking of the wood every time the lead is slightly worn. Fi^. 55 shows the T-square and pencil with the two hands in position for drawing an ordinary horizontal line. The pencil DRAWING STRAIGHT LINES. 39 should be upright when looking m the lengthways direction of the line, and sloping about five degrees from the upright in the direction in which it is being drawn, as would be seen at right angles to the line. Now from each edge of the paper mark off f in. and draw a border line all round, with plain square corners. The three Fig. 55.— Method of Holding Pencil. fingers at the back of the stock of the T-square keep it close to the edge of the board, which is not easy to do at first starting, but with a little patience and perseverance every border line can be drawn with equal facility. It is important to note that all pencil lines upon a drawing should be thin ; if made thick they cannot be inked over so neatly, and the paper will have a greasy ■-^tA — Fig. 56. — Line in Error. Fig. 57.— Dotted Line. feel to the pen. The indiarubber should be used very sparingly, and if possible only after a drawing is completely inked in. A pencil line drawn in error should have a wavy mark across it (as in Fig. 56), and one drawn full, but intended to be inked in dotted, should be marked as in Fig. 57 : this is instead of rubbing them out at the time. Another fundamental principle is always to draw a line far enough at the first attempt, but not to draw it beyond the distance it is known to be wanted. An unnecessary line takes time to draw, wastes the pencil point, and takes time to rub out ; all matters of moment when excellence is in view. The draughtsman will, at the onset, find it interesting and useful to test some of the instruments as to their essential qualities. For instance, a straightedge to be of use must be truly straight ; the working edge of a T-square is a straightedge, and this may be tested by drawing with a fine chisel-shaped pencil-point a line as long as possible against the working edge of the T-square ; then turn the blade over, and, setting the ends carefully to the line just drawn, draw another line against the 40 PRACTICAL BEAVGIIT8MEWS WORK same edge adjacent to the line previously drawn. The principle of this test is shown in Fig, 58, where it will be seen that any- irregular ity in the edge is doubled in magnitude by the pencil lines. If the lines coincide exactly throughout their length, the edge is true ; if they do not, the edge must be trued with a ■Testing' Straightedge. fine-set plane, or glasspaper wrapped round a flat piece of wood. The stock of the square should be exactly at right angles with the blade, but, as usually constructed, this is rather difficult to test without some true instrument of reference ; and, paradoxical as it may seem, it does not matter if the stock is not exactly at I jt.J'L - Fig. 59. — Untrue T-square makes Correct Angles. right angles, as will be seen by Fig. 59, where, of course, the divergency is greatly exaggerated. In fact, the squareness of the T-square is entirely unessential for any work, but the absolute squareness of the board is most important. It will be observed that if the paper be set by the T-square, all lines drawn upon it DRAWING STRAIGHT LINES. 41 by an untrue square will still be parallel and perpendicular, so that a true drawing will be produced. If, however, the board be not square, a true T-square will not enable a square drawing to be made, as wull be seen by Fig. 60, where the T-square is correct but the drawdng-board is not square, causing the intended hori- zontal and vertical lines drawm upon it to have an angular error the same as the board. The set- squares may next be tested. The end-grain edge and the long edge may be tested and trued up in the same way as the edge of the T-square blade ; then, to test the right angle or square Fif?. 60. — Untrue Boari makes Incorrect Angles. corner, hold the T-square firmly on the board, as shown in Fig. 61, and with the set-square against the top edge draw lines a 6, a c, wdiich will coincide if the squares are true, or may show any of the errors depicted in Fig. 61. This edge should then be trued up until the lines drawn upon reversing the set-square truly coincide. To straighten the edges of a set- square, lay a sheet of fine glasspaper on a level surface, place a wood block b with a square edge (see Fig. 62) on the paper, put the square s against the block, and rub the edge on the glasspaper until the angles are correct and the edges straight. The edges when very faulty may be planed with an iron snioothing-plane, and after- wards finished with glasspaper as described above. It is well to note that large set-squares produce better work than small ones, although the latter are more often used on account of their portability. 42 PBAGTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK Now to test the drawing-board, and more particularly the working edges, which are the left-hand and bottom edges. There is one point in making a drawing-board that the inexperienced sometimes lose sight of, and that is the necessity of making the board perfectly rectangular. If this be done, the T-square may be shifted from one edge to an adjacent one, and lines drawn from the new position of the square will be at right angles to those drawn from the first position, although, as just explained, the T-square may be very far from square itself. First try the trued edge of the T-square along the edges of the board to see that they are neither hollow nor rounding, then rule a vertical line from the bottom edge, and, placing the T-square horizontal, eUb a a a Fig. 61. — Testing- Set-square. draw a vertical line by means of the set-square, which should coincide with the vertical line previously drawn by the T-square ; if it does not, the lower edge of the board should be shot, that is, planed true, afresh, and tried until the test shows no error. The board, T-square, and set-squares may now be considered to be in good working order and ready for use. Before leaving this part of the subject, it may be useful to point out how parallel and perpendicular lines may be drawn when they are not in the same direction as the edges of the board. Fig. 63 shows the ordinary method used by draughts- men ; one set-square being laid down on the paper, the other is placed against it so that its long edge slides against the long edge of the former, and the two free edges give parallel and perpendicular lines as required. The carpenter and joiner may do this more readily with a stifF-jointed 2 -ft. rule, using the drawing-board and T-square as shown in Fig. 64. DRAWING 8TRAIGET LINES. 43 Tlie testing and adjusting of the drawing-board, T>square, and set-squares having been satisfactorily accomplished, the draughts- man may now test and adjust himself so that he may be able to do his own personal work with the same relative precision. Fig. 62.— Straightening the Edge of a Set-square. '^ N \ \ C' • K /. \ 1 1 X Fig. 63. — Drawing Parallel and Perpendicular Lines by Set-squared. Draw upon the paper a firm T, as in Fig. 65, each of the two lines being exactly 2 in. long. Now study it attentively from a distance ; at first the vertical stroke will seem much longer than the horizontal one, but by comparing the parts carefully it will be seen that the first impression was not a true one. Now, with one edge of a set-square, draw a straight line as nearly horizontal 44 PEAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK as can be judged by the eye only, and 2 in. long. Mark what is judged to be the centre of its length, and then draw another line Fig. 64.— Drawing Parallel and Perpendicular Lines with T-square and 2-ft. Rule. Fig. 65. — Equal Horizontal and Vertical Lines Appear Unequal. of tlie same length at what is estimated to be a right angle from it. Test all these points oy T-square and measurement, and DRAWING STRAIGHT LINES. 45 practise similar examples of jiadging lengths, central points, and angles, till the judgment will bear the test of measurement. In the next example, Fig. 66, it requires some little practice to detect the true relative position of the three white spots, as the eye is easily deceived. In the drawdng the white dots are Fig. 66. — Equal Spaced Spots Appear Unequal. uniformly spaced, but, to most people, the distance on the right- hand space looks much longer than that on the left, solely by reason of the lines drawn angleways confusing the judgment. Again, in Fig. 67, the two inner horizontal lines crossing the inclined ones are exactly straight and parallel with each other, but to many persons they look curved and wider apart in the ^<^>x\ /y^^^ '^^^^^<^X / X'^^v^^^^S^ Fig. 67. — Two Parallel Straight Lines Appear Curved. centre. This same principle is shown more strikingly in Fig. 6% where the vertical lines are all truly parallel, although they look to be alternately converging and diverging. In Fig. 69 a true square is first drawn, and when part of the lower half is covered, it looks as if much more than the covered part is missing. In Figs. 70 and 71 the two circles are precisely the same size, but the black on a w4iite ground looks smaller than the white on a black ground. This appearance is caused 46 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. because the white surface reflects the light, while the dark surface absorbs it. A curious test for the eyesight is shown by Fig. 72, which consists of two black dots, about J in. diameter, printed upon the Fig*. 68. — Parallel Lines Appear to Converge and to Diverge. Fig. 69.— Square Partly CovereJ. paper at a distance of 3 in. centre to centre. Shut the right eye, and, with the left eye, look at the right-hand dot ; on moving the paper nearer or farther there will be found one position, when the eye is about 9 in. from the paper, at which the left-hand dot vanishes ; at all other positions both dots can be seen at the DB AWING STRAIGHT LIJSfES. 47 same time, although the eye is directed to the right-hand one only. This is owing to a small part of the retina of the eye having no power of vision, called the " blind spot," and it is why sometimes, the head being held in a certain position, a dimension figure w^ill disappear from a drawing. On the other Fig. 70. Fig. 71. Figs. 70 and 71. — Circles of Equal Size Appear Unequal. hand, the eyes can sometimes see more than one would expect, as when a stereoscopic view is held in the hand and gradually brought into position until the two pictures appear superposed, when the vista of true perspective will give an air of solidity to the view equal to any stereoscope. Composite photographs may be optically produced in this way from two separate cards of Fig. 72. — Disappearing Dot Illustrating Blind Spot in the Eye. persons, showing the heads about the same size and position, Not only upon the drawing-board and in the workshop should the eye be educated ; the same kind of practice should be kept up out-of-doors and in the workshop. The set of examples illustrated by Figs. 73 to 75 may be tried over again when the lines are closer together, when any irregularities will be found to show much more clearly. If the 48 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK, lines are placed less than y^ ^^' apart, they will appear, at a little distance, like an even tint of shading, and the closer they are the more difficult will it be to get the appearance quite uniform, but this is very good practice. The following examples (Figs. 73 to 75) are selected out of a large number of possible combinations, as giving variety of prac- tice while not appearing too difficult. They are, however, more difficult than they appear, so that they must be commenced with the determination to produce very neat and accurate drawings. After dra*wing the border line in pencil, f in. from each edge D 4^ / \/ Fig. 73. Fig. 74. Fig. 75. Figs. 73 to 75. — Square Figures for Practics in Drawing. of the paper, as already described, find by measurement the centre of the paper, so that the second square (Fig. 74) may be placed in the middle, rule a horizontal line for the squares to rest upon, draw the middle one in outh'ne first, and then the others, each measuring 3 in. along one side. The spaces between the border line and each of the squares should be equal. In the upper half of the first square (Fig. 73) mark off equal divisions of i in. each, and draw horizontal lines ; then, in the lower half, mark off similar distances and draw vertical lines. In the second square (Fig. 74) equal distances must be set off from each of the sides, and parallel lines drawn, so as to make a number of com- plete squares. These should be drawn with a fine chisel-pointed pencil, and then tested by drawing diagonal lines from opposite corners. If the squares have been correctly set out, all the angles will be upon one or other of the diagonal lines. In the third square (Fig. 75) the inner squares are drawn with their angles tangent to the sides of the one next larger. If very fine pencil lines are drawn across opposite angles of the outer square, and then two other lines bisecting the sides, it will be found easy %o join up the inner squares to the points so found. DRAWING STBAIGHT LINES. 49 The next lesson illustrates the method of drawing and inking lines. A border line may be pencilled round the paper fin. from each edge; then rule horizontal lines, the top one being about 2 in. below the top border line. About 1 in. below, mark the position for the upper full line, and from this mark off five more positions each Jin. distant from that above it. Fig. 76.— Full Lines. Then, through the two first positions, draw full lines (Fig. 76), 9 in. long and with each end equidistant from the border. Through the ends draw faint lines vertically downward, and then draw the dotted lines (Fig. 77) and dimension lines (Fig. 78), their lengths being limited by the faint lines just mentioned. Dotted lines, as shown in Fig. 77, are used to represent hidden edges of surfaces ; they are sometimes called broken lines, and Fig. 77.— Dotted Lines. consist of alternate short strokes and spaces measuring about Y^6 in. each. Dimension lines, as shown in Fig. 78, consist of open dotted lines. These dimension lines are to guide the eye from arrow-head to arrow-head in reading dimensions, as shown in Fig. 79 ; they should consist of strokes not more than Yt^^- long, and not less than J in. apart ; in long dimension lines the strokes may be 4 ii^- apart. It will be worth while to measure these Fig. 78. — Dimension Lines. distances the first time of drawing them, but a very little practice should enable a draughtsman to judge of the correct length with- out actual measurement. When making finished drawings, in practice it is found best, when inking in, to use straight blue ink lines terminated at the ends by black arrow-heads. When it is desired to show the interior construction of any object, an imaginary cut is made through it, and the representa- D 50 FRAG TIG AL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. tion of the cut surface is called a section. The direction of the cut is marked upon the original drawing by a line of section, formed of strokes and dots placed alternately, with a letter at each end, as a b upon Fig. 80. This line is usually in red ink, Fig. 79. — Method of Showing Dimensions. but as all the work in the present lessons is black and white this dotted section line may be made the same as the other lines. The horizontal graduated lines in Fig. 81 are meant to be of different thicknesses ; this is done when inking-in ; for the present simply draw five thin pencil lines 4 in. apart. Fig. 80.— Line of Section. Before beginning to ink-in the figures that have been pencilled, see that the drawing-pen is clean. Never let the ink dry between the nibs, but wipe the drawing-pens with a piece of soft rag after using. In inking-in always try to improve upon the pencilling, get an exact fit at all angles, and let tangent parts just touch — neither more nor less. Fig. 81. — Graduated Lines. The next process is to ink-in the straight lines. Take the draw- ing-pen (Fig. 19, p. 24), open it about a sixteenth of an inch, then It by the screw until daylight just shows between the nibs ; now hold it in the lips, and breathe between the nibs, then dip them carefully into the Indian -ink bottle so as just to touch the surface of the liquid, when the ink will run up between the nibs, follow- ing the moisture deposited by the breath without wetting the outside of the pen. Try on a separate piece of paper for the right thickness of line. A piece of chamois leather or rag should be DRAWING STRAIGHT LINES, 51 kept handy to wipe the outsides of the nibs in case of ink being there, because if ink be allowed to get on the outside of the pen, a blotted line will be the consequence. Now hold the drawing - pen as shown in Fig. 82 and carefully ink-in all the horizontal lines, both full and dotted, correcting, if possible, any slight irregularities that may have been made in pencilling. In drawing the graduated lines Fig. 8!{.— How to Hold a Ruling Pen. Fig. 81), begin with the thinnest, then with the middle finger, as shown in Fig. 82, turn the screw of the pen back, say, about a quarter of a revolution for each of the others, the last opening being about the right thickness for the border line. As the border line takes longer to dry it is very easy to smear, but of course this may be avoided by letting the ink dry while prepar- ing the ink-leg for the compasses. 52 CHAPTER IV. DRAWING CIRCULAR LINES. Compass curves is the name given to all curves composed of circular arcs. Thej can be drawn by the compasses in one or more operations, and the name distinguishes them from lines of varying curvature, which are again divided into various classes according to their character. With compasses in hand, the con- Concentric Circles. struction of a circle is so simple that anyone can strike a circle of some sort ; but many persons who think they are draughtsmen cannot draw a good circle. Strike, describe, and draw are three terms used indiflerently for the operation of maHng a circle. To ensure good work : Hold the compasses by the top joint ; place the pencil or pen perpendicular to the paper and, sloping it slightly in the direction of motion, make the circle by one sweep of the compass. Now try to make three concentric circles, as shown at Fig. 83, on the paper by these rules, remembering DRAWING GIEGULAE LINES. 53 that concentric circles are those having the same centre, and proceeding as follows : — As when drawing straight lines, first commence with a border line, three-quarters of an inch from the edge all round the paper, then draw vertical and horizontal centre lines, so that their intersection will show the point where the point of the com- passes is to be placed. Open the compasses to 2 in., measured on one of the scales, and strike the outer circle. Then partially close the compasses to l|in. on the scale, using only the right hand for the compasses and the left to steady the scale, and describe the second circle. Then close further to 1 in. and draw Fig. 84.— Finding Centre of Circle. the inner circle. The illustrations printed in this book are half the size they are to be drawn. The difficulty of estimating the point that is exactly the centre'of a circle may be tested by taking a penny and marking the outline of a circle with it on the paper ; then mark where the centre is estimated to be, and afterwards test it by drawing short arcs from four opposite points by the compasses, as in Fig. 84. Following this, a useful practice would be to sketch a circle freehand and test it by finding the mean centre, and then striking a true circle by the compasses. As a further lesson, the interesting work of drawing curves may be taken. The curves across the lower part of the diagram (Fig. 85, p. 54) are known as flat curves, because, having a large radius, they have not very much " bend " in them. To draw these, first put in a thin centre line down the paper, then mark the positions 54 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. where the curves cross the centre line 4 in. apart, and from the inner one measure 6 in. to point (Fig. 85), which is to be used as the centre. Open the compasses wide enough to make the largest curve first ; see that the point of the compass pencil is chisel-shaped, as shown in Fig. 53, p. 38, and in the right direction to make a thin line ; if the compass leg has a joint, bend it so that Flat Curves* the pencil is at right angles to the paper, and then, holding the compasses by the top, as in Fig. 86, swing them round carefully to make the curve the required length. Do the same with the other two curves in Fig. 85, putting the dotted one in as a full Fig. 86. — Holding Compasses, Fig. 87. — Sharp Curves. line, and making a few short strokes across it, as shown in Fig. 57, p. 39, to indicate that it must be dotted when inking-in, as de- scribed on p. 39. Large or fiat curves are really more difficult to draw than small ones, although many think the contrary, but the fact is that any irregularity shows more in a small curve. Now very carefully mark the centre (Fig. 87), and measure off i in. distances along a thin horizontal line through which the small curves will be drawn, the largest of them being 3 in. radius. This completes the pencilling ; but, to ensure neat work in inking, see that the terminations of all the lines and curves are clearly indicated, DRAWING OIRCnLAB LINIES. S5 either by a thin pencil line drawn across their ends, or by being drawn very neatly and terminated evenly. Next try some pieces of circles, or arcs, as they are called. Let them be concentric, as shown at Fig. 88, with radii of 3 in., 3jin« and 4 in., and each 4 in. long, measuring from end to end Fig. 88. — Concentric Arcs. in a straight line, that is, measuring the chord of the arc instead of the arc itself. These might be called parallel curves, and, although this is an expressive term and not likely to be mis- understood, they are not a correct example of parallelism. , Now try three more arcs, but all struck with the same radius, Fig. 89.— -Arcs of Equal Kadius. as at Fig. 89, say 3 in., and the same distance apart on the centre line, say i in. These curves are exact counterparts of each other, although they look much less regular than the concentric arcs, and an important principle is involved in the comparison. To find the centre of any small compass curve as a b. Fig. 90, p. 56, from points A and b strike arcs of the same radius intersecting at c and d, and draw a line through the intersections cutting the arc at e. This line will pass through the centre. Then from points e and b, with a rather smaller radius, strike arcs inter- secting at / and (/ ; draw a line through these intersections, and 56 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK ^vliere it cuts the previous line will be tlie required centre, as sliown at h. Before drawing the circles (Figs. 91 to 93), a pair of centre Fig. 90.— To Find the Centre of a Small Arc. lines cutting each other at right angles must be drawn for each, and it should be a stringent rule never to draw a circle under any circumstances without first having two centre lines to mark its position. In the first circle (Fig. 91), mark off points J in. apart Fig. 91. Fig. 92. Fig. Figs. 91 to 93.— Circles for Practice. 93. along one of the diameters from the circumference to the centre, and then describe the concentric circles with the comi)asses, taking care not to bore a large hole through the paper with the point. The compasses, if properly sharpened, should barely pene- trate the paper and leave no impression on the board. To fill up the middle circle (Fig. 92), set the compasses to the radius, and then, putting the point at the intersection of one of DRAWING C TEGULAR LINES, 57 the centre lines with the circumference, mark across the circum- ference on each side ; do the same at each intersection of the centre line with circumference, and it will be found that the circumference is then divided into twelve equal parts. Now join each opposite joint by a line passing through the centre and the figure will be complete. The last figure to be drawn (Fig. 93, p. 56) is the most difl[icult, but has the best effect, so it is worth taking some pains over. Draw the two centre lines, put in the large circle, and divide the hori- zontal diameter into Jin. spaces. Take the bow-pencil (Fig. 38, p. 31) or small compass (Fig. 36, p. 31), set it to ^ in. radius, and then put in Fig, 94. — Old-fashioned Hollow Edge of CastingSi the smallest semicircle on each side. Then set it to J in. radius, and put in the next semicircle ; then to fin. radius for the next two semicircles, which should exactly meet at the centre. Now to 1 in. radius, and, lastly, to 1 J in. radius, checking the curves before actually drawing them, by seeing how they fit with those already drawn. Curves applied to machinery and buildings, as a rule are introduced with an object in view. A favourite method of finishing the edges of castings, until about thirty years ago, was to run a hollow curve along them as in the illustration. Fig. 94. This is very easily drawn by opening the compasses to the required radius and placing the point at the junction of the two 58 PEAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WGEK straight lines, as seen in the section. When engineers began to consider the why and the wherefore, and to see beauty only in that which was strictly adapted to strength or economy, they saw that this curve was even worse than a plain angle, for it gives two sharp edges to damage and be damaged, and a groove to hold the dirt. A rounded angle (Fig. 95), whether internal or external, was found to produce a better arrangement of the crystallisation of the iron in cooling, it gave a stronger casting, was less liable to damage, and altogether more appropriate. This is perhaps Fig. 95. — ^IModem Angle of Castings Internal and External. the most important curve a beginner can have ; though difficult to draw well if the centre has to be guessed at, it presents no difficulty and takes less time if the right method be followed. First decide upon the radius, say 2 in. ; set the compasses to this, place the point at the intersection of the straight lines a, and mark with the compasses across each of the lines b and c. Then from the intersections of each of these marks, draw intersecting arcs within the lines to give the exact place, marked d, for the point of the compasses to draw the rounded angle. If care be taken it will be found that the curve exactly fits the straight lines, which is of course what the draughtsman should aim at. A more advanced example, such as would occur in fitting a curve between the arm and boss of wheel, is shown at Fig. 96 DRAWING CIRCULAR LINES, 59 Let a be the centre of the wheel, a h the radius of the boss, say 3 in., and h cd part of the boss ; also let c? 6 be part of the arm. It is required to join them by a curve of li in. radius. Open the compasses 1| in., and from two points on the curve, and two on / / 7,J "l /I / • Fig. 96. — Curves Joining Arms and Boss of Wheel. the straight line, draw short arcs as shown at f g, h i. Then draw a straight line tangent to the two arcs from the line, and with the compasses a concentric arc tangent to the two small arcs from the curve. Where this new line and curve cross each other {j) will be the exact centre for the curve of 1^ in. radius to 60 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK, .join the arm and the boss. It is important to note that the exact point of meeting of the two curves will be at c in the line aj^ joining their centres ; and of the curve and straight line at k^ where a perpendicular would fall from^. The illustrations given in Figs. 94 to 96, pp. 57—59, show the application of the simplest elements of practical geometry to the production of good junctions in the outlines of a drawing. Fig. 97. — Example Eequiring Accurate Drawing. The study of practical geometry forms a very good ground- work for a draughtsman, and in machine drawing is quite indis- pensable ; but for architectural drawing there is a great deal that may be omitted. One of the advantages pertaining to it is that it compels neat work, as the problems will not work out unless accurately set off. The illustration shown at Fig. 97 is left without any explana- tion ; it will be found interesting to work out, and it will also be a good example for showing accurate draughtsmanship. Fig. 95, p. 58, shows how a square angle is rounded off with a given radius. After considerable practice the draughtsman can often guess the position of the centre of the curve fairly accurately, but instead of prodding about to find a centre which will permit the curve to meet the straight lines, it is better to use the geometrical method, which is as follows ; Produce the two lines till they meet at A as shown dotted ; then, with the meeting point a as centre and a radius equal to the radius of the required curve, cut each of the two lines at B and c, and, from each of these two points as centres, strike arcs that cut one another at d, which is the required centre. DRAWING CIRGULAE LINES. 61 The tangent curve can then be drawn accurately and easily. With a little practice, this method is so much more rapid and exact than guessing at the centre that there is good reason for adopting it always. Fig. 94, p. 57, is the opposite of Fig. 95, and is too simple to need explanation. Fig. 98. — Rounded Corners. Fig. 99. — Parallel Lines joined by a Semicircle. Fig. 98 shows the method just described applied to three straight lines forming two right ang es and having two adjacent corners rounded. Fig. 99 shows how to deal with two parallel lines that are to be joined tangentially by a semicircle. In this case bisect the space between the two lines by a perpendicular line that must contain the centre of the circle from which the required curve is Fig. 100. — Angular Lines Joined by Circular Arcs. formed. Determine the extreme position of the curve and mark from it, along the centre line, a distance equal to half the distance between the lines, and this mark will be the centre of the required circle. Fig. 100 is more difficult, as in this figure the lines, which it is desired to join by a curve, are not at right angles. Therefore, inside these, and at a distance from them equal to the radius of the curve which it is desired to use, draw two parallel lines. To 62 PEAGTIGAL BE AUGHT SMEWS WORK. do this, take the radius in the compasses and strike two arcs at some distance apart along the inside of each line. Tangent to these draw the two inner straight lines shown dotted, and their intersection will give the centre required. The exact points of i unction of the straight lines with the curve can be found by drawing perpendiculars from the centre to the straight lines by the method shown on the left-hand side of Fig. 100. The figure on the left side is exactly similar to the last, with the exception that it represents a sharper angle than that shown by the angle or corner in the right hand figure. Fig. 101 shows the junction of a straight line and curve by a -<- • I Fig. 101. Fig. 102. Fig. 103. Figs. 101 to 103. — Examples of Curved Lines as Junctions. smaller curve. In this example, after drawing the given straight line and circle, set the compasses to the required radius, and from any point on the circumference of the circle describe a short arc outside it. From the centre of the circle draw a straight line through this last point, and its intersection with the arc will give the radius of an arc concentric with the large circle which must be drawn towards the given line. Then, with the required radius, again set off arcs from the given line to give a parallel line, as in Figs. 99 and 100. The intersection of this parallel line with the larger arc will give the centre to use for the connecting curve. In every case it will be observed that the perpendicular line from the centre of the junction curve to the line, or the line joining the centres of the two curves, will give the exact termination of the junction curve. Fig. 102 is practically the same as Fig. 101, with different radii Fig. 103 shows two circles of different size joined by two BEAWING GIBGULAB LINES, 63 curves of equal radii, set off upon the same principle as Figs. 101 and 102. Fig. 104 shows a straight line cutting a circle and joined by small curves on the inside. After drawing the circle and straight line, take the required radius of connecting curve and draw a short arc on the inside of large curve — say, on the centre line — and from the main centre draw an arc concentric with the large circle, but inside it. Then, with the required radius, obtain a line parallel to the given line, and the intersections of this parallel line with the large arc will give the centres for the connecting curves. Fig. 105 shows two given parallel straight lines which are to be Fig. 104. — Curved Joins. Fig. 105. — Ogee Curve. joined by an ogee or reversed curve. Select a point on one of the lines from which the curves may start, draw a horizontal line and also an inclined line, making an angle of 60^ with it. The latter line produced to cut the other given straight line will mark the termination of the curves. Bisect this inclined line, and it will give the junction point between the two curves. Bisect each half of the inclined line and produce the bisection to meet the horizontal lines, to give the centres for the curves. Before draw- ing the curves, join these centres, to see that a straight line will pass exactly through the junction of the two curves, and then put in the curves with a radius equal to half the length of inclined line. This is a very useful curve, and is similar to those used for cross-over roads on railways. In architecture the best curves are produced from conic sections or freehand Circular curves have a harsh appearance. There are, nevertheless, many cases where they are necessary or desirable. The remaining examples in this chapter (Figs. lOG to 113) are all well-known mouldings, whose beauty consists in their simplicity. Many beginners will appreciate the ability to make, at this early stage, drawings that soon look architectural. There 64 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. are many cases where mouldings are intended purely for orca- ment, as round the panels of a door ; but there are other cases where the mouldings form a definite addition to the strength, as at the ends of a cast-iron column. Fig. 106. — Ovolo or Quarter-round Moulding. Fig. 107.— Cavetto or Hollow. Speaking broadly, mouldings may be divided into two classes, known as Roman and Grecian, the former being compass curves and the latter derived from the conic sections. They are used Fig. 108. — Cyraa Recta, or Ogee. 109. — Cytna Re versa- Reversed Offeo. generally for relieving straight lines by giving variety of shade, or for lessening the abruptness of the junctions of various parts. In the examples shown at Figs. 106 to 113 a quarter of an inch is taken as the unit, the figures marked on the illustration giving the number of quarter-inches in each piece. These must not be DRAWING GIBCULAB LINES. 65 taken as fixed proportions, but merely as suitable sizes for the examples. It will be seen that every curve forms exactly a quarter of a circle, and very neat junctions should be made where (M r CJ (0 (M Fig. 110. — Scape Moulding. a 01 1 (N 1 u> 1 1 .^s-- CM (M Fig. 111.— -Fillets or Annulets. Fig. 11 2. -Quirked Ovolo. Fig. 113.— Scotia. two curves meet. The dotted lines show that tangent curves always meet upon the line joining their centres. The heading to this drawing should be in block letters y^in. deep, and the descriptions in block letters | in. deep, all upright. 66 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. It is better to avoid ornamental printing at least until some facility has been attained in making plain block letters, as no other lettering can exceed this in clearness and neatness. There are many other mouldings founded upon these or made up by a combination of two or more, and it will be interesting to examine a stock of mouldings or a pattern book of machine-made mouldings, to see how the sections are made up. Attempts to design a moulding should not be encouraged until a good general knowledge has been obtained of those in use. It is one thing to have a striking outline in section and quite another to see the same thing in elevation ; there is much scope for taste in selecting Fig. 114. — Semicircular Arch. Fig. 115.— Segmental Arch. an appropriate moulding for any purpose, as there is also in designing a piece of architectural work. The majority of mouldings made up of compass curves are ugly, but there are cases where they are appropriate, and that is the excuse for making them. If buildings containing arches of various shapes be examined it will be found that although every arch is made up of a great number of lines for mouldings, etc., there is a type underlying each different arrangement. Outlines of the commoner forms of arches are shown in Figs. 114 to 121. The curves, of course, simply show the types, the construction of the arch being on the lines shown. In other words, every arch may be reduced to a single line, the shape of which indicates the type of arch, and is really the foundation of its construction. In connection with the arch there will always be the supports— either piers or abutments — which receive the weight and thrust. The true termination of the arch may sometimes be obscured, as in certain stone arches, and at other times perfectly evident, as in brick arches. The termination is the skewback, which should be always at right angles to the direction of the curve ; or, when the curve is struck from centres, the skewback is radial from the centre used for the adjacent part of the curve. In the diagram given in the follow- DRAWING GinCULAE LINES. 67 ing eight figures the skewbacks and abutments are indicated for each arch. The first one (Fig. 114) is a semicircular arch of 3 ft. span — that is of 1 ft. 6 in. radius — and is a full half circle ; in this the skewback is horizontal, and it is popularly supposed that on that account there is no thrust, but it is a misapprehension, as there is a thrust amounting approximately to one-fourth of the load. The semicircular arch occurs very largely in Norman architecture (a.d. 1066-1189), and also in Classical architecture. The next case (Fig. 115) is a very common form, but properly a segment arch, often called a jack arch, or circular arch, or seg- mental arch. It is to have a span of 4 ft. and a rise of 1 ft., and Fig. 116.— Segmental Arch. Fig. 117.--Tudor Arch. the radius must be found by a geometrical construction, thus : Mark off the span upon a horizontal line representing the spring- ing line, and from that, upon a vertical centre line, mark oif the rise ; three points will then be given through which the curve must pass. Take these points in pairs, and with any radius a little greater than half the distance between them draw inter- secting arcs ; through the points of intersection draw straight lines which will meet at a point giving the centre from which the arch curve is to be struck. To set off a segmental arch (Fig. 116) divide the springing line into three equal parts, and upon the under side of the middle third construct a square, the lower corners of which will give the centres to be used. To set off the Tudor arch (Fig. 117) divide the springing line into five equal parts ; take three of these parts, measured downwards under the central division, for the length of a rectangle, one division wide, whose lower corners will give the centres for the middle portion of the arch ; the sides of the arch have a radius of one division. Draw lines through the centres to mark the junctions of the curves, and put in the 68 PB ACTIO AL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK curves so that they do not show a joint. Figs. 116 and 117 are sometimes called flat-pointed arches, to distinguish them from the earlier lancet and equilateral arches (Figs. 119 and 120). In inking-in these examples let the construction lines be very thin and neat, and the outlines clear and bold. If any mouldings were shown to these arches they would be struck from the same centres, so as to give parallel curves. /* Fig. 118.— Elliptical Arch. Fig. 119.— Lancet Arch. A true elliptical arch cannot be struck from centres, as it is a conic section, but a very fair one may be set out as shown in Fig. 118. Divide the springing line into four equal parts, and upon the two middle ones construct an equilateral triangle ; then the corners of the triangle will give the centres for the different curves of which the arch is composed. Fig. 120.— Equilateral Arch. Fig. 121.— Ogee Arch. The lancet arch (Fig. 119), so common in Early English archi- tecture (a.d. 1189-1307), has the centres on the springing line, and the radius used is equal to one and a-half times the span. The equilateral arch (Fig. 120) is the easiest of all to draw, the radius being equal to the span. It was much used in the Geometrical Period, at the early part of the fourteenth century. The next arch is drawn upon the same principles as the ogee curve shown in Fig. 121, and with the construction lines given requires no further explanation. It is defective as a scientific DB AWING CIBOULAE LINES. 69 arch, but occurs often in the Decorated Period, towards the end of the fourteenth century. After that period the arches were made flatter, examples of w^hich are the segmental, or tw^o-centred, and the Tudor, or four-centred, arches. This ink-leg of the compasses works very similarly to the ruling pen that has been described in the previous chapter on p. 24, so that little further instruction is required. See that the nibs are square to the paper, hold the compasses by the joint Method of using the Pump. between the right thumb and fingers, and use the left hand only to steady the point at starting by resting the fingers on the paper. Never use two hands to the compasses. The smaller curves are not easy to put in with large compasses— a bow pen (Fig. 39, p. 31) or small compass (Fig. 36, p. 31) is generally used ; and for a number of very small circles, such as rivet-heads, pump bows (Fig. 40, p. 32) have a great advantage, and the method of using this instrument is shown by Fig. 122. Lines for the small printing may now be ruled, and all the lettering put in neatly with a steel writing pen. 70 CHAPTEE V. ELLIPTICAL CURVES. In the last chapter circular curves were dealt with, and by a very easy transition we pass to elliptical curves, or ellipses, commonly called ovals— although strictly an oval is larger one end than the other, like a hen's egg (Latin ovum, an egg). The ellipse occurs frequently in machine drawing and sometimes also in civil engineering and architecture. K H B Fig. 123. — The Conic Sections, ab Triangle; c d Circle ; ef Ellipse; G H Parabola ; J k Hyperbola. The principal curves are derived from conic sections, so it will be well now to study the different ways in which a cone may be cut in the way shown by Fig. 123. A vertical section passing through the apex of the cone, as a b, the cut surface will represent a plane triangle, and any horizontal section, as c D, will form a circle. ELLIPTIOAL CURVES. 71 A section in any direction not horizontal, so long as it passes only through the sloping sides of the cone, as e f, will form an ellipse ; if the section be nearly horizontal, the ellipse will be nearly a circle, and if it be nearly parallel with the slope, it will be long and narrow. A section cutting anywhere through the t^se and parallel to the sloping surface, as G H, will form a parabola : while a vertical section, as J k, not passing through the apex will form a hyper- bola. These two may be called open curves, because they do not form a closed figure, unless the straight base be taken as part of the figure. It will help to impress the derivation of the different curves on the mind if the cone be drawn and the lines of the section marked on it. The cone may also be shaded by lines as <5hown, observing that on the left the shading is narrow and ^ig. 124. Fig. 125. I Fig. 138.— Elevation of Skew Arch. brick arcli having a semicircular soffit, that is, the section straight across the road in the direction a b c will show a semicircular outline on the underside. In whatever way the a^rch may be built, whetlier with spiral ELLIPTICAL CURVES, 81 courses, as in a proper oblique arch, or in plain rings stopped off as they reach the face, as in some modern arches, the actual elevation on the face of the arch will be a semi-ellipse. We are, however, not tied to the semicircle for the normal section ; we may have a segment of a circle, or a semi-ellipse, or any other outline which may be preferred, as the method of working given in the diagram answers equally for all shapes. As the reader has learnt to draw an ellipse, it will give the most practice to assume the normal section to be a semi-ellipse, and then the true elevation on face of arch will be another semi -ellipse with a longer major axis. To obtain this elevation (Fig. 138), draw a horizontal line, and at one end set off the angle of skew 30 degrees, and cut off the new line to a length of 30 ft., according to the scale it is intended to adopt, say J in. to 1 ft. Then bisect that line, and set off at right angles to it from the centre a distance of 10 ft. to represent the rise of the arch, and by one of the preceding methods construct a semi-ellipse to show the section across roadway. It often happens that very flat curves, or those with large radius, have to be drawn, and these the compasses will not reach. Some compasses, as described on p. 23, have a lengthening bar that will enable curves of 12 in. to 15 in. to be drawn, but this may not be sufficient. Then a trammel may be used, consisting of a lath with a sliding point and sliding pencil, enabling curves up to, say, 10 ft. radius to be drawn. There are, however, many cases where it is not convenient to use a trammel or any such instrument owing to the absence of a place to rest upon for the centre, and some more compact and ready means must be found. In Fig. 139 let A B be the span and c d the rise of the required circular arc. With centre A and radius A B describe arc B e H, and from centre B with radius B A describe arc a f G. Through D draw^ ADE andBDF. Along the curves AG and bh at each side of E and f set off any convenient number of equal parts Join the points thus marked on the arcs with the centres from which the" arcs were struck, then the intersections of the lines from E H with those from F a will give the required points for the curve from a to d, and the intersection of the lines from e b with those from F G will give the points for the part of the curve D B. This results in a nearly true circular curve, but there are many cases where the curve need not be truly circular, and, as F 82 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK a fact, when the rise is not more than one-sixth of the span it is almost impossible to distinguish between a circular arc and a parabola. This being so, we may adopt an easier method (Fig. 140), which gives clearer intersections. Let kl be the span and M N the rise of the required curve ; set k o perpendicular to K L and equal to twice M N, so that the point o lies in l n produced. Divide ok into any number of equal parts, and draw lines toward point L ; divide K M into the same number, and draw vertical lines ; the intersections will give points in the curve from k to N. For the curve from n to l repeat the operation ELLIPTICAL CUBVES. 83 on that side— viz. by drawing the perpendicular at L, dividing it, and drawing lines towards K, then vertical lines on M L to give the intersections. What is called a straight arch is very much used in brickwork over window openings. It is sometimes called a camber arch, because of the camber or slight curve given to the soffit. This camber is about f in. to a span of 3 ft., or, say, J in. per foot, and must be worked to by the bricklayer, but is not usually show^n upon the drawings. Girders and girder bridges are made with a camber on the underside to improve the appearance ; these alst) are not indicated on the drawing except by a written note, the -1^ r - 1 "^""---^^ l"" "" -J ^ ' "" • '^^ I- _!,__'__" ! !__L_ K M Fig. 140.— Parabolic Method of Setting Out a Flat Arc. reason being that to draw them actually as constructed would involve considerable trouble with no corresponding advantage. The parabola is such a very useful curve that no apology is needed in presenting some other methods of construction. It is the curve of equilibrium for an arch uniformly loaded across the span ; it is also the curve of longitudinal stress in a girder headed uniformly throughout its length. Besides these it enters in other ways into the shape of beams designed for uniform strength. The nature of the curve may be explained by supposing it to be the locus (that is, the successive positions or the route) of a travelling point, such that for any distances travelled in one direction it is displaced at right angles to that direction by an amount propor- tional to the square of the displacement first mentioned. Useful methods of drawing a parabola are shown on the dia- gram (figs. 14X or 142) for one half the curve, the other half being 84 FRAG TIG AL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. similar. Draw horizontal and vertical lines representing the base and axis, mark off the semi-diameter and the height, and complete the rectangle. Divide the semi-diameter into twenty- equal parts by vertical lines, and number them as shown. Now place a straight-edge or the side of a set-square in line with the lower left-hand corner of the figure and the point marked 10, and draw a line across the first division ; from the termination of this line draw towards point 11 across two divisions, and from the new termination draw towards point 12 across two more VERT, EX SEMI BASE OF PARABOLA Fig. 141.— Parabola Constructed by Continuous Tangents. divisions ; and so on until point 19 is reached, when it will be found there is only one division to draw the last line across to point 20. By this means a parabola wdll have been formed approximately correct, but actually formed of short, straight lines. The tangent lines in the figure are shown drawn through to the top line, but in practice this is not necessary, and the verticals need not all be drawn through so long as they contain the curve and reach the top line between points 10 and 20. The annexed diagram (Fig. 142) shows three methods of setting off a parabola, in one of which the law first stated is clearly shown ; by the other methods it is not so evident. Draw ELLIPTICAL CURVES. 85 horizontal and vertical lines for the base and central height of the parabola and mark off a diameter of 12 in. and a height of 6 in. Complete the parallelogram, divide the base into sixteen equal parts, and draw vertical lines. Then for method 1 divide the vertical line at the extremity of the base into eight equal parts, the same number as in the semi-base, and from the vertex of the parabola draw lines radiating to these division points ; the intersections with the vertical lines will give points in the curve which should then be sketched in neatly by hand and lined in with a French curve. If the lines are numbered as shown there will be no difficulty in marking the correct points for the curve. Fig. 142. — Throe Methods of Constructing Parabola. Method 2 is based upon the nature of the curve explained above, displacement at a distance of 1 being 1 squared 1^ = 1 X 1 = 1 ; at a distance of 2 = 2^ = 2X2 = 4; at a distance of 3 = 3^ = 3 X 3 = 9, and so on, so that if we had a total height of sixty-four parts we should measure downwards from the top line, on each of the verticals, distances of 1 part, 4 parts, 9, parts, etc. As the total height is 6 in., we take g^ of 6 in., ^ of 6 in., -^^ of 6 in., and so on, i.e, g^, Jf, f I of an inch, etc., and then draw the curve through. Method 3 is the complement of the last, and they are both very interesting because of the peculiar repetition of figures making it easy to remember the order. The total height is sixty-four parts, because we have eight divisions in the semi-parabola, and 8 X 8 = 64. If we had taken twelve divisions we should have had 144 parts in the height ; the second 86 FRAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. method would have commenced with 0, 1, 4, 9, etc., 144ths, and have continued beyond 8 X 8 up to 12 X 12 144ths. So in the third method with twelve divisions we should commence with 12 X 12 and have continued 13 X 11, 14 X 10, 15 x 9, etc., to 23 X 1, and 24 X 0. Water spouting from an orifice, a shot fired from a gun, or a stone thrown from the hand, all describe parabolic curves in falling to the ground, and the line of flight is called the trajectory. In this connection it may be interesting to note that a ball fired from a level gun over a horizontal piece of ground would describe a parabola, and w^ould reach the ground in the same time as a ball simply dropped from the mouth of a gun, the reason being that the fall of both is caused by the force of gravity acting equally on them. The hyperbola is another of the conic curves. It is the curve formed on each of the faces in chamfering the bright hexagonal nuts used in machine construction. Sometimes a neat draughts- man will discover that the compass curve commonly used for showing the chamfering in the elevation of a nut cannot be made to fit the 45° line at the corner, but he may not know that this is because the curve is a hyperbola and that only an approxi- mation can be drawn by the compasses. When steam expands in the cylinder of a steam engine the pressure is reduced, and if a horizontal line be drawn to represent the stroke of the piston, and the vertical heights representing the pressure as it changes be set off upon it, the points will approximate to a hyperbola, hence the expression "hyperbolic expansion curve." On comparing this figure with the parabola it will be seen that the legs, as they may be called, of the hyperbola are straighter, and that the curved part of the former is narrower in proportion to the size. There are several methods of setting off this curve, and the first (Fig. 143) illustrates one of its properties. Draw a hori- zontal line, called the asymptote, and set off any number of equal parts 1, 2, 3, etc., say 1^ in. each ; at set up a perpendicular 8 in. long, or sixteen half-inches, giving point marked 16. This is to be the starting point of the curve. On point 1 set up half the height, or eight half inches, on point 2 set up four half-inches, on point 3 set up two half-inches, and so on for as many divisions as have been made, each height being half the preceding. Now it ELLIPTICAL CURVES. 87 will be seen from this case that the hyperbola is a curve which continually approaches a straight line but never meets it, because, however many divisions may be taken, the distance from the asymptote is always half the last distance. In the next figure (Fig. 144), two asymptotes are drawn at right angles, and ^-in. squares marked off to facilitate the drawing of the curve. The axis of this hyperbola will be the diagonal of the figure, the curve being symmetrical on each side of it, so that this line passes through the vertex or highest part of the curve, 1 • 4 \ y y \ ^ -^ ^ TS ■^g. 144.— Hyperbola. 3 4 5 e Fig. 143.— Hyperbola. and the two sides or legs may be produced infinitely, but after about one more division each way the curve becomes practically a straight line. To set out a hyperbola to fill a given rectangle (Fig. 145), draw a horizontal line A B, 6 in. long, representing the base of a hyperbola, and a vertical line c D bisecting it, 4 in. long, for the height to the vertex d. Produce cd, making de equal to CD. Divide the base a b into any even number of equal parts, and the vertical lines above A and B each into half the number of parts ; draw the converging lines as shown, and a curve drawn through the intersections thus formed will be a hyperbola. The foundation for screw threads and for spiral staircases is 88 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. the helix. If a piece of paper be cut to the shape of a long right- angled triangle and rolled round a cylinder as in Fig. 146, the top edge of the paper will form the helix, and the pitch is the height reached in going once round. This helix is sometimes described as an inclined plane wrapped round a cylinder, which is practic- ally what this experiment shows. Now, as in travelling up an inclined plane one continues rising at a regular rate, so* on a spiral staircase every step is actually the same height and width ; but in a picture of such a staircase the steps look narrower at the sides of the picture and wider in the middle, because the Fig. 145.— Hyperbola. Fig. 146.— Helix. outer edges are not in one plane ; being bent round to a cylindrical form, the sides are foreshortened. This will be better understood after the curve is drawn as shown by Fig. 147. Commence with the centre line ab. From point c in it describe a semicircle D A E of 3-in. radius, and through c draw the base line d c e, which should be horizontal. From d and e draw the vertical lines D F, E G, each 9 in. long, and then draw the upper horizontal line F B G. The rectangle D F g E represents the elevation of a cylinder. The semicircle D a E represents the plan of the front half of the cylinder, and upon it are set out the successive steps. With radius c d, mark off d l, am, an, and E o, then bisect d m, M L, L A, A o, on, and n e ; this will hav3 given twelve equal divisions upon the semicircle from which vertical lines must be drawn as shown. If the curve is to ris2 ELL IF TIC AL CURVES. 89 from point d with a pitch of 4 in., it will rise half that, or 2 in. in the front or visible half and 2 in. in the back or hidden half, and so on for any number of turns of the spiral ; therefore draw horizontal lines, half pitch apart, through h, t, j, and K, as the same curve will be found to repeat itself in each of these divisions. As twelve divisions have been made on the semicircle, so twelve divisions must be made between d and H, and horizontal lines drawn through as shown. This will give a series of inter- sections through which the curve must be drawn ; one along and one up, two along and two up, and so on for the right points. When this much of the curve has been put in, the remainder ■^ D H J K F M,,^'-'- '^1 xr:"^"';;;'!"^^"' '/ :»^- a ^,, \-- H^. ,-•'*"' ■ : Y' :•! H"^"; / \ r f^ \ l/ Wm h \ 4-—/- -V iVf./ -jijitili;;;' / \ ' ' \ a; c %i-V""' /^id. ._ J J 1 1 '_' i-lA-ixlu- -<-_ _ _ _ \ I * V-r—i B *> — ■ \ • ' Fig. 147. — Projection of a Helix. can be most readily drawn by using the half pitch lines i, J, and K, and with the compasses or bow pencil marking off upon the verticals all the places where the curve is one division up or down, then two divisions, and so on. Dot the curve on the back of the cylinder, and observe that, if correctly drawn, the helix will not form a point at i or k, or similar parts, but will really be vertical for a very small distance, giving the effect of a rounded turn. The curve, with which this chapter will close, is called an " entasis, '^ and was designed to meet the aesthetic taste of the ancient architects. They knew that a long column was scientifically inaccurate if made parallel, owing to the greater weight carried by the lower part, and they thought the straight taper looked ugly, so they made their columns with a slight 90 PBAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK, swell in the diameter between the two ends. The optical effect of the entasis is to increase somewhat the height. Metal under compression bulges before it gives way, and hence the bulging here gives the feeling of supporting a load and not of being Fig. 148.— Entasis of Column. merely ornamental ; besides that, a column with a straight taper appears to be slightly hollow at the sides. In the illustration (Fig. 148), the diameters are taken very large in proportion to the length, in order to show the method and result more clearly. There are various ways of setting off this curve ; the one shown is known as Tredgold's. Suppose the length between the mouldings of the cap and base to be ELLIPTICAL CURVES. 91 12 Id., the top diameter 3 in., and tlie bottom diameter 4J in. ; these dimensions might represent a heavy cast-iron hollow column to a scale of 1 in. to 1 ft., but the result is altogether too stumpy for a stone column ; nevertheless, the same principles apply whatever the length may be. Draw the centre line A B c, making b c equal to the length ; then draw the two diameters D E and F a. Upon d e construct a semicircle D a e, and from f and G, drop perpendiculars to meet the semicircle in points H i; then divide the arcs D H and i e into any convenient number of equal parts, and the height BC into the same number of parts. Draw horizontal lines through the divisions on the centre line, and vertical lines to meet them from the divisions on the semi- circle ; the intersections will give points in the entasis, and a French curve may be used to obtain a properly Hewing curve through the points. The curves described in this chapter have been specially adapted for working on sheets of drawing paper, and when com- pleted the set of twelve sheets will certainly be interesting, and, it is hoped, will also be useful to the draughtsman. 92 CHAPTER VI. PROJECTIOX. It will be advisable to give some attention to projection before going on to shading and shadows. The method of putting a plan below an elevation, and a section at the side of it as usually practised by draughtsmen, is known technically as orthographic projection on vertical, horizontal, and profile planes. The general idea of merely drawing the various parts exactly in the same line in the different views, or opposite each other, is very simple, but Fig-. 149. Projections of Lines. f I I Fig. 150. cases arise where a draughtsman who has not studied descriptive geometry finds himself unable to proceed, as, for instance, when parts are not at right angles to one or other of the planes. The ease of executing ordinary cases of projection, and the difficulty of overcoming the unusual cases, are well illustrated in the accompanying diagrams (Figs. 149 to 155), in which the following seven problems are worked out, but only the last two will require a detailed explanation, x y is the line of intersection between the vertical and horizontal planes, which are here supposed to be laid flat on the paper, one above and one below the line. PROJECTION, 93 Fig. 149. A line Ij in. long, touching the vertical plane, and at right angles to it, parallel with the horizontal plane and 1^ in. above it. Fig. 150. A line li in. long, touching the horizontal plane and at right angles to it, parallel with the vertical plane, and If in. rem it. Fig. 151. A line ij in. long, parallel with both planes, and 1 in. from them. Fig. 152. A line Ij in. long, parallel with the vertical plane and 1 in. from it, | in. above the horizontal plane, and making an angle of 45^ with it. / ^ Fig. 151. Fig. 152. Projections of Lines. Fig. 153. Fig. 153. A line li in. long, parallel with the horizontal plane and 1 in. above it, touching the vertical plane, and making an angle of 30° with it. Fig. 154. A line 6 in. long, touching the intersection of both planes, making an angle of 30° with the horizontal plane and 25« with the vertical plane. Fig. 155. An oblique plane cuts the horizontal and vertical planes, making an angle of 60° with the former and 45° with the latter ; show the traces of its intersection. In Fig. 149 the length of line is measured from x Y in the plan, and the height from x Y in the elevation. In Fig. 150 the reverse. In Fig. 151 the length is measured in either plane, and the distance in both. In Fig. 152 the length of line is measured in the vertical plane, where its full length can alone be seen. In Fig. 153 the length is measured in the horizontal plane for the same reason. In Fig. 154 the line is inclined to both planes, and annot be measured off directly, as in the previous cases. First measure the required length of line a ^ on x Y, then from point a, 94 phagtigal dbaughtsmen'S' work. with radius a 6; describe the arc cbd, making cab 30^, and bad 25^. Then a c represents the line at an angle of degrees from the vertical plane, and ad the line at degrees from the horizontal plane. In each case the line has to swing round on a vertical axis through a to reach its required position ; all we know at present is that one end of the line will be at a and the other somewhere in the lines c e and df, parallel with x Y. Drop Fig. 154. — Projection of Line. perpendiculars from c and c?, cutting XY in ^ and A, then ag will represent the line in plan when raised up to the required angle from the horizontal plane, but coinciding with the vertical plane. Now by radius ag swing it round to cut/cZ in point i\ then a i will be the true plan of the line. In the same way ah represents the elevation of the line when lying on the horizontal plane, but making the required angle with the vertical. Now from the centre a with a radius a h describe the arc h k, cutting PBOJEGTION. 95 cein point k, then a k will represent the true elevation of the line under the required conditions. If correctly drawn, point k ought to be vertically over point ^. Fig. 155 presents a rather more difficult case. The principle Fig. 155. — Piojection ol: Line. upon which it is to be constructed is to assume a sphere whose axis is X y, to the surface of wliich the required plane shall be tangent. Draw a line at right angles to x Y, cutting it in any point a. From point a as a centre with any radius describe the circle bed to represent the sphere just mentioned. Draw lines ef 96 PBAGTIGAL DBAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. and gh tangent to the circle at c and b, and making the required angles fea 60^ and agh 46^, From a, with radius ag, describe the arc g i, and from a, with radius a e, describe the arc €j\ then from points / and A, tangent to these last two curves, draw the required traces /A;, A Z:, meeting accurately in point k when properly drawn. The rationale of the process is that^^c and ejb are parts of a conical surface to which the plane is tangent. It must be noted that the sum of the two given angles must always be between 90^ and 180^ ; at these extremi- ties the traces of the plane will be parallel with x Y when the combined angle is 90°, and perpendicular to it when the combined angb is ISO''. For working drawings of buildings or machines the ordinary Fig. 156.— Brick in Angular Projection. Fig. 157.— Shaded Sketch of a Brick in. Angular Projection. plan, elevation, and section are best suited, and are clearly understood by most, if not all, persons requiring to use them. To persons unacquainted with draughtsmen's work they convey only a vague idea of what they are intended to represent, and this is why perspective drawings are so much in vogue for representing the complete view. Perspectives are simply repre- sentations of objects as they would appear in a good photograph. Formerly any printed illustration had first to be drawn out by hand, so that its accuracy was largely dependent on the skill of the draughtsman ; the difficulty was most pronounced in the case of machines, as any old journal or catalogue will testify. ISTow photographs can be adapted for reproduction, and illustrations of machines are produced with exactness and at very small cost. A still simpler method of projection may be applied to small details, which is often incorrectly called isometrical projection ; FUOJEGTION, 97 strictly, it is pseudo-isometrical (that is, false isometrical), but is conveniently known as " angular projection.'^ It is based on exceedingly simple rules, which may be summarised as follows : Horizontal measurements are taken along lines inclined at ZO^ to the base line, and vertical measurements on vertical lines- This will be made clear by taking the drawing of a brick (Fig. 156) say, 9 in. by 4j in. by 3 in. (that is, large enough to include thick- ness of joints) to a scale of half full size. Let one corner of the brick (Fig. 156, p. 96) touch the base line, then draw a vertical line cut oif 3 in. long, and lines inclined to the base 30° each way cut off 44 in. and 9 in. long. Draw vertical lines from the ends of the inclined ones, and inclined lines from Fig. 158. — Iron Grating in Angular Projection. the end of the vertical ; then two sides of the brick will be completed. Next, draw inclined lines from the farther corners of the two sides to meet above and the brick will be completed in outline. To obtain the frog or key on top of the brick, supposing the flat margin to be f in., measure | in. from each angle and draw intersecting lines. To obtain the curves at the angles of the frog in hand-made bricks, suppose them to be in reality i-in. radius, the compasses may be used at radii of i in. and | in , as shown ; this is necessary to give the effect produced by viewing the curves on an inclined surface. An angular projection has the advantage of appealing more directly to the uneducated eye than the ordinary plan and eleva- 98 PEAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK tion do. It should never be back-lined as ordinary plans are, for tlie reason that relief is already effected, and back lines would only reduce the effect. Angular projections may, however, be colon re i, and shaded if desired, as in Fig. 157. In further illus- tration of the subject, a small cast-iron gratinp; is shown (Fig. 158), i in. thick, bars and margin 1 in. wdde, openings Sin. by 2 in. The angular projection, shown above, has the advantage over either perspective or true isometrical projection, that an ordinary 2-ft. rule may be used upon the drawing to ascertain any of the dimensions. For showing the details of joints in carpentry and joinery, angular projection is especially appropriate, and it will soon be found by the draughtsman that the angular directions of 30 degrees each way for the horizontal lines need not be adhered to when some other angle will be more convenient. Convenient and simple as this is for details, it would not be suitable to take the place of perspective for complete views of houses, as the eye w^ould then revolt from what would appear to be distortion. The eye is so accustomed to true perspective in nature and the fairly accurate representations of photographs and artistic sketches, that a house in angular projection would appear to be swelled out behind, because where one expects to find the taper, no taper w^ould be given. If the simplest possible outline of a house be drawn in angular projection, it will serve to show the method by which any required points are found, so that any other case that may arise may be worked out on the same principles. Draw first a plain front and side elevation (Figs. 159 and 160), so as to get the various parts in their right proportions, then, remembering that vertical lines remain vertical, while horizontal lines are drawn at 30° from the horizontal in either direction, no difficulty will be found in completing the lower portion of the house, the measurements being taken in the same direction as the various lines are drawn. For the roof it will be seen that if the position of the ridge can be found, the hips will simply be drawn up from the angles to meet it. Bisect the eaves line on the visible end of the house and draw a line through at 30^ from the horizontal to meet the other side ; bisect this line and set off half the length of ridge on each side of the bi-section, and from the extremities of the ridge length draw vertical lines, cutting them off at a height equal to the height of ridge above eaves, as seen in elevation, and join the ends. This will give the ridge itself, and, the ends being joined to the four corners, the hips are produced. FROJEGTION, 99 To put on the chimney stack, observe first that the penetration of the roof in the front elevation is obtained by noting the distance vertically down from the ridge to where the sides cut the roof planes in the end elevation. Then draw a vertical line from t 1 t '0 1 \ J II ^T-- 15 o- ~^ _:*_ - — 5 — 7 — r >0 0- --> ^30^ t P CO Fig. 159.- Side Elevation. Fig 160.— Front Elevation. \± Fig. 161. — Angular Projection. the centre of the ridge in the angular projection, cut it off to the height of the chimney stack, and the top point will be the centre of upper end of stack. Through this point draw centre lines at 30° each way and mark off the width and breadth of the stack, and through the four points thus found draw four lines parallel L.ofC. 100 FBAGTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK, with the two centre lines. Now draw vertical lines downward from the three near corners and cut them off equal in length to the height of the stack on the end elevation. Drop a vertical Fio-. 162.- Sketch of Cuhe. Fio 163. — Geometrical Constr action of a Cube. line from the centre line at top of stack down the wide face to meet the ridge, and join up the intersection lines as shown in Fisj. 161. Fig. 164. — Method of Constructing Isometric Scale. Before concluding this chapter on angular projection, it will be interesting to see the principles and application of true iso- metrical projection. It is based upon orthographic projection — that is, the rays of light proceeding from the outlines of the object travel in parallel lines, and not in converging lines as in perspective. In this it very much resembles the angular pro- jection just illustrated, but it differs from that in having the PROJECTION. 101 inclined lines all foreshortened to make a true projection. For instance, if a cube of 3-in. side be drawn in isometrical projec- tion, the edges will be foreshortened to about 2| in. to make a v^oo-^ INS. 12 3 6 3 O NATURAL SCALE Fig. 165. — Isometric Scale. true representation ; or, more accurately, the natural scale is to the isometrical as 1 to y f or, roughly, as 11 to 9. In this method the object is supposed to be tilted up to show three faces ; or, taking a cube as best illustrating the principles, it is Fig. 1G6. — Example of Isometric Projection. placed so that a direct line from the eye passes diagonalTy through the cube as shown in shaded sketch (Fig. 162), or geometrically by the outline (Fig. 163). Certain terms are used in describing the different parts of the figure ; they are —A A, isometric axes ; b, the regulating point ; c c c, isometric lines ; D D, isometric planes. The scale may be constructed readily by the use of T and set squares as shown, the sketch 102 PEAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. (Fig. 164) giving the method, and Fig. 165 the result. As an example of the application, the end of a one-brick wall is shown (Fig. 166), from which it will be seen that there is no advantage over common angular projection, for which an ordinary scale can be used. Fig. 167.— Method of Projection at an An"le of 45°. In drawing an elevation, ditficulty sometimes is experienced when one face of the work, or one side of the building, is not square to the front or parallel with it. Common instances are shown on the accompanying diagram (Fig. 167), and the method of projection scarcely requires any explanation. Draw first the natural elevation and plan of the window opening to the required scale (Fig. 107). Then assuming that the wall makes an angle of FROJEGTION. 103 45 degrees with the spectator, draw the plan of it, marking the centre line, and also a cross centre line for face of arch. Project lines upward from each angle, and also from the centre line at face of and back of arch. Then from the elevation project lines from each point to intersect those drawn from the angled plan, and draw in the straight outlines. The circular curves in the elevation will become elliptical in Fig. 168. — Projection at an Angle of 45®. the angled elevation, but they can be obtained by intersections, the same as any other parts of the outline. A point on any part of any curve in the elevation as a, being projected down to the plan as 6, transferred to the angled plan as c, and projected upwards to intersect at d^ with the horizontal projection from the ' same point, shows the method by which the whole outline may be obtained ; a sufficient number of points being found, the curve is sketched through by hand and afterwards inked in with the aid of a French curve, such as is described on p. 36. The illustration (Fig. 168), showing part of a gantry, is upon the same principles, and there can hardly be found any difficulty in working it out according to the copy. 104 CHAPTER VII. BACK-LINING DRAWINGS. The following seven figures deal with the back-lining of draw- ings. The ordinary plan or elevation of an object often seems to the novice nothing more than a mass of lines, while, even to one experienced in reading drawings, some little study is necessary when dealing with the representation of a new object. A mechanical drawing, if left in outline and uncoloured, requires an expert to understand it, unless it is some very simple subject. There is nothing to indicate which parts are round and which are flat, which stand out and which recede, so that some acquaintance with the object represented is necessary to be able to **read" the drawing. A simple method of removing this difficulty is to "back-line" the drawing — that is, to thicken the outline on the shady side of all projections. This, however, has to be done by rule in order to obtain the greatest advantage from its use. For uniformity, the direction of the light is always supposed to come from the top left-hand corner, and to strike the paper at an angle of 45^. The arrow on p. 105 may be supposed to be a plan of a ray of light, and if one of the short sides of a 45*^ set- square be placed on this line perpendicular to the surface of the paper with the point towards the arrow-head, the long side of the set- square will represent the ray. If a solid, such as a cube, be supposed to stand on the paper in these rays of light, the sides nearest the top left-hand corner will be bright, and the opposite sides dark and casting shadows. "Wherever there is an edge casting a shadow, the line representing that edge is thickened. The examples shown in Figs. 169 to 172 introduce the projec- tion of plans and elevations from each other. If a simple body like a cube of 2-in. side, is placed in front of the eye, with one side " full-face," then the elevation is seen ; to look down on top of it will show the plan, but there will be no diff'erence in the two views except a diff'erence of position. Upon the drawing paper BAGK-LINING DRAWINGS, 105 the upper part is used for elevations and the lower part for plans, the corresponding views being placed exactly one under the other, the corresponding points being " projected," or drawn with the peacil and square. Suppose the 2 in. cube to be cut into halves horizontally, and the upper half of the cube to be removed, and the lower half to be turned round so that a corner will be nearest the eye, and that a smaller cube — say i in. — be placed on the top of it in a similar position to that occupied by the cube in Fig. 169, then the elevation and plan will give the two views shown in Fig. 170. These should be carefully studied, and the meaning of projection Fig. 169. Fig. 170. Fig. 171. Fig. 172. Projections of Plans and Elevations of Rectangular Objects. tested by trying various points, and having recourse to other objects, if necessary, to illustrate the different appearances of plan and elevation. The next pair (Fig. 171) shows a cube in the same position as that in Fig. 169, but having the interior cut out by a hole 4 in. square made through it, as shown in the plan. In the elevation the hole cannot be seen, but its position can be indicated by dotted lines ; and this shows one advantage a drawing has over a picture : the inside of an object can be shown as well as the outside. In Fig. 172 the hollow cube is turned diagonally, so that an edge is presented in the elevation. By this time the construc- tion of the various figures will be pretty well understood, and they may now be drawn in pencil, all lines being thin. The 106 PBAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK elevations of the diagonally placed figures must be projected from the plans to get the right width, and it is well to test the plans themselves to see that they are correct before drawing the elevations. The principle of the test is that in any rectangular figure the two diagonals are equal. In inking-in, the outlines may be made thin first, and then the additional thickness added on to the outside (that is, the side the shadow is), or the thick lines may be put in direct. The following rules may be given : — Lines representing surfaces casting a shadow should be thick; lines representing edges only casting a shadow should be medium, and all other lines thin. Eef erring to Fig. 170 in the elevations, the right-hand line of the small cube represents a surface as w^ell as an edge ; it is a surface edgeways and casts a shadow : therefore it is made thick. The under side of the large half-cube represents two edges and one surface, and casts a shadow ; therefore it is thick. The middle line and the right-hand line of this half-cube represent edges only, as the surfaces themselves are visible, and the lines are made a medium thickness between that of the thin and the thick lines. All the other lines of this figure are usually made thin. When any doubt exists, imagine the drawings to be solid objects and move the set-square over them. After the previous illustrations the following three figures will be comparatively easy,' as they illustrate only an extension of the same principles. They show the application of back-lining to curved surfaces. Fig. 173 being a cylinder. Fig. 174 a small cylinder on top of a larger, and Fig. 175 a cylinder with a hole through it. In Figs. 170 to 172 has been shown how relief is given to flat surfaces representing rectangular objects, but there are two lines about which some doubt may have been felt— the right- hand top edge of the lower part of the elevation (Fig. 170) and Uie same part of the elevation in Fig. 172. Although these lines are part of the boundary of surfaces in the shade, they do not strictly come under the definition of edges casting shadows, and are left thin. It will be observed that the back lines — or shadow lines, as they are sometimes called — are applied as if the object itself were moved on the paper in plan and elevation, whereas, in practical geometry, the rule is to consider the Object immov- able and the paper bent at right angles, between the plan and elevation, to receive the projections of the various points on the BACK-LINING DRAWINGS. 107 outline. The latter method must be followed when a systematic study of shadows is made, and then the shadows in plan are projected diagonally upward from the bottom left-hand corDor. The method shown in the series of illustrations (Figs. 173 to 175) is much simpler and more convenient. In Fig. 173 is shown a cylinder 3 in. long and 3 in. diameter ; in Fig. 174 a cylinder 3 in. diameter and IJin. long, with another IJ in. diameter and 14 in. long standing upon it ; and in Fig. 175 a cylinder similar to that in Fig. 173, with a IJin. hole through it. The plans must be drawn first, each circle being struck from Fig. 173. Fig. 174. Fig. 175. Projections of Plans and Elevations of Curved Objects. the intersection of two centre lines, and then the elevations pro- jected from them. It is better to ink-in with all thin lines and to add the back lines afterwards ; they are then more likely to be correctly placed outside the outline. In the elevations the bottom lines represent surfaces, and cast shadows, so that they will be made thick. The right-hand lines represent edges only — that is, the extreme projecting parts of the curves — and cast shadows ; therefore they will be made of medium thickness and the remaining lines thin. In the plans the lines all represent surfac s, but only parts of the lines cast shadows. The thick lines require to be eased off into thin ones without showing any abruptness, an operation which requires some little skill. Instead of opening the nib of the compasses to make a thicker 108 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. curve, they should remain as for a thin line, and the centre should be shifted from the intersecting point of the two centre lines downwards to the right at an angle of 45°, about the hundredth of an inch, so that the drawing of a second half circle will give a thickening that dies off gradually at the opposite 45^. Repeating this about three times will give a line of the required thickness and properly eased off at the ends. The thicker line becomes tapering because the radius is virtually increased in the one direction only, remaining practically unaltered in a direction at right angles to the shifting centre. The difference between a projection and a recess are clearly shown in the difference between the inner circles of Fig. 174 and Fig. 176.— Cast Iron Grating. Fig. 175, the edge casting the shadow being thickened in each case. If much difficulty is experienced in producing neatly the curves with one side thickened, it will be found very good practice to draw, say, a dozen concentric circles, with i in. differences between the radii, and back-line them all. Geometrical solids, such as those showm in the last seven figures, are better adapted for illustrating principles than ordinary objects are, but they are not so interesting. But having learnt the method of back-lining, the knowledge can be applied to such drawings as it may be desirable to improve, without the labour of shading and colouring. Fig. 176 shows a small perforated grating of cast iron arranged in diagonal bars with lozenge-shaped spaces. The rim or frame of the grating is 1 in. wide, the bars J in. wide and 1 in. apart ; the thickness, not shown, is 4 in., and the over-all dimensions are 14 in. by 9 in. The illustration is to be re-drawn full size. Commence as usual with the border line, then take 9 inches BACK-LINING DRAWINGS, 109 in the scale or dividers, and mark where to put the bottom line of the grating on the paper, allowing room for the headnig and statement of scale. Rule in this line with the T-square, measure the length so as to leave it central on the paper, and then put in the double lines for the 1 in. width of rim. Now draw diagonals across the grating from the iilside corners ; and on looking at the illustration it will be seen that these diagonals pass along the centre of two of the bars, and give the direction of all the others. It is very easy to go wrong, but if correctly set off, there will be exactly half-lozeages all round the outside, and the distance between the points will be exactly equal to the distance between the points of the whole lozenges in the interior. If there were bars in one direction only, very few would make any mistake in the measurements, but the bars crossing each other cause many to measure the 1 in. distance apart along one of the lines of the other set of bars, instead of at right angles to the bars which are being set out. At first sight it may appear that the dimension 1 in. between the bars near the centre of the illustration is twisted out of place ; it is, however, correctly placed, and shows the direction in which the measurement must be taken. Being full-size, the drawing does not require a scale at the bottom, but the dimensions should be figured in, as they establish the precise size required, and to some extent render the work independent of the accuracy of the drawing. In most specifications of work to be done, a clause is inserted stating that — "Where any discrepancy exists between the scale of a drawing and the figured dimensions, the latter are to be worked to, unless obviously incorrect." When the back-lines are put outside the solid parts, accurate measurements can be taken from the drawing with as much facility as if all the lines were thin ; but to be useful, this rule must have no exception. If the bars in the illustration had been at an angle of 45°, instead of about 30°, as^t present, only those going upwards from left to right would be entitled to back-lines, although generally the others ' w^ould have them also for the sake of effect ; in that case the lower sides of the other bars would receive the back-lines, although having no more right to them than the upper sides. Owing to the thickening up of the thin lines unavoidable in printing, there may be some doubt, in looking at the illustration, as to which lines are there intended to be back-lined ; but if the grating be looked upon as an actual object resting on the paper no FEAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK with the light shining down diagonally from above the top left-hand corner, it will be evident which lines would cast shadows. Reversing the type of illustration given in Fig. 176, a cover- plate of the style known as '* chequered," for placing over an opening such as a valve-pit, manhole, etc., may be drawn. The chequers, or raised pieces, are to prevent slipping, and give a firm foothold when passing over it. In this case only one corner of the plate is shown on the drawing ; the remainder being appar- ently broken away. This is a method frequently adopted in drawings when there is much repetition work about the object, and the drawing is desired upon a large scale. The outside - -^ Q^'OVET! SECTION ON UN? TtB Fig. 177.— Chequered Plate. dimensions fshow that the whole plate is 3 ft. 9 in. by 2 ft. 11 in., and calculation will show that this will allow for six chequers in length and eight in width. Another method sometimes adopted is to show the outline of the whole plate to a small scale, with a few of the chequers in one corner, and perhaps a single chequer full-size with the dimensions to it. A section is the surface exposed by an imaginary cut, and the ** section on line A B " shows the surface that would be exposed at that particular part. The hatching or diagonal lines show the cut surface, the projecting parts on the left being the chequers that are cut through, and the light parts between them, the ends of the other chequers seen in the distance. The chequers stand out Y*^ in., the total thickness being 1 in. In making this drawing (Fig. 177) commence with the top line, and follow with the left side ; set off the width of rim or plain edge, then divide the inner edge of left-hand side all the way down according to the dimensions given, bearing in mind the BACK-LINING DRAWINGS. Ill required scale. Then with the 60° and 30^ set-square, set ofi the projecting points or half-chequers, and see by the T-square that they all come in line. From this stage onwards there are various methods of work- ing ; perhaps, on the whole, the following will be the best : — From the inside of the rim draw horizontal lines 1 in. apart (to the scale required), and vertical lines Ij in. apart, similar to the few that are shown by dotted lines on the illustration. Then by joining the proper intersecting points as many chequers can be drawn as may be desired, and the lines rubbed out after the chequers are inked in. When part of the figure is broken away, there is no precise limit — that is, half a chequer more or less in either direction makes no difference. Pat on the "line of sec- tion," A B, and then draw the section, observing that all points of the section correspond horizontally with all points on the line A B. This drawing should be back-lined similarly to Fig. 176, but the lozenges being now projections instead of recesses the back- lines will be reversed. Upon a comparison of the two illustra- tions (p. 108 and p. 110) it will be seen that back-lining a drawing not only gives relief and variety to it, but helps also to explain the shape of the object represented. The two following illustrations show a method of indicating the proportions of a structure by multiples of some unit. The unit in this case is the depth of the fillet in the base moulding of the pilaster (Fig. 178). A pilaster differs from a column in being a flat projection from a wall instead of a detached cylindrical construction, although both may be of the same general style and character. The size of the drawing depends upon the size adopted for the unit, which may here be one-eighth of an inch. By taking a larger or smaller length for the unit, the whole design will be proportionately enlarged or reduced without affect- ing the relationship of the parts to each other. Very much the same thing may be done by measuring a drawing with the wrong scale, and reading all the dimensions larger or smaller, as the case may be, from which the new drawing is constructed. The work given in Figs. 178 and 179 will be a very good test of ability ; it requires a good eye and a steady hand to produce some of the parts, as any irregularity will be easily detected. Begin with the plan of the pilaster (Fig. 178) and note that any measurements re( quired which are not on that view may be 112 PRACTICAL DEAUGHTSMEX'S WORK. found on the elevation. The section line- in the plan show that it is, as plans very often are, a sectional plan — that is, not taken as it would appear when looking down above the sumnait of the structure, but from some intermediate height. The mitres in the plan at the external angles are produced by the junctions of the straight mouldings. The bottom of the plinth is not back- lined, because it would of necessity stand on something of larger area, and that would prevent a shadow being cast : it is shown standing on the ground. The semicircular flutings in the pilaster, v^ v^ U w LJ 1 } ; ' BASS WmmF ''''----''^''- '■'■<^^''''>^<^y mm^. ^.r-r- a: o .)-I -J |0 2 O ^ UJ 5*- O tn It O fee 1 r3 O tn O bo DRAWING TO SCALE AND FEEPAEING MAPS. 119 In working drawings of great importance it is usual to make a scale on the lower border line before commencing the work, so that the atmospheric changes may affect the drawing and the scale equally ; but in ordinary work the scale is made after the drawing, simply for the purpose of ensuring that it is always at Fig. 186.— Square. Fig. 187.— Circle. Examples of Scale Drawings. hand when the drawing is in use. These scales are made with slight variations according to their size, which will be evident on comparing the various illustrations given in this book as examples. The correct method of plotting a scale upon a drawing may be illustrated by the accompanying examples, Fig. 184 11 /*^i ^^^''^iv^^^'t^^^.J^'ol C^ ■TilM-/^ Fig. 188.— Sketch Plan of a House. showing a scale plotted to J in. to a foot, and showing a length of 70 ft., and Fig. 185 a scale plotted to 2^ 5V0 (Ordnance scale), showing a length of 2,000 ft. Each scale should be plotted with, a fractional part on the left of zero, so that distances like 23 ft. on the first scale and 375 ft. on the second scale may be measured by placing the dividers on the respective figures. The accompanying scales are reduced to half size for printing. In addition to scales, a square (Fig. 186) and a circle (Fig. 187) are shown, and as an exercise each is to be drawn to the scale 120 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORE. mentioned upon it. Scales in common use for architectural drawing are i in. and i in. to 1 ft. for plans, elevations, and sections, and fin., 1 in., li in., and Sin. to 1ft. for details, and 1^ -rS' /6 Fig. 189. — Diagonal Scale for Accurate Measurements. full size for mouldings. In machine drawing, iin.^ 1 in., Hin., and Sin. to 1ft. for general plans ; IJin. and Sin., half size and full size, for details. In other branches smaller scales are common, as 100 ft., 50 ft., 40 ft., 20 ft., and 10 ft. to 1 in. in civil 108 6 4 2 O nizzjizz 2 ^ ± :± : ; ±... .- 4 I ixiiiii 6 r — T r" 1 8 ^ / 10 \±LJ'JJ-L Fig. 190. — Scale Showing Tenths and Hundredths. engineering ; 88 ft. to 1 in., S chains to 1 in., etc., in land survey- ing. Sometimes, in order to get an even representative fraction, some peculiar scales are used for maps — for example, 25*344 in. to 1 mile is used because it gives the representative fraction of 2-\jo, as shown in Figs. 185 and 19S. Drawings that often come under notice include plans of houses. These are generally drawn yV of full size — that is, on a scale of J in. to 1 ft. Upon this scale it is possible to show the size and shape of every room, the position of every door, fireplace, and window, stairs and landings, slopstone, gully, bath, water-closet, cupboard, down-pipe, gutter, etc., DRAWING TO SCALE AND PREPARING MAPS. 121 etc. A drawing of this kind, with all the thicknesses of walls, etc., shown accurately, takes some time to produce; but for note-taking elaboration is hardly necessary ; but a rapid sketch of a house, as shown at Fig. 188, would be intelligible to anyone familiar with buildings. Plans of land are drawn to a small scale, from which the inch marks are necessarily omitted, and in w;hich the feet, when they are represented at all, have their ciphers left out. For large tracts of land a scale of 6 in. to the mile is often used ; for smaller portions, a scale of 1 in. to a chain is commonly employed. In cases, where fine divisions are required, the diagonal scale is generally adopted. In drawing one for the first time, it is better to make it a large one, as then the construction can be followed more readily ; say, the illustration shown by Fig. 189 is first drawn with 5 in. for the unit. The division of the first space on the upper line into ten equal parts may be made by stepping ten times with the spring dividers, or geometrically, as shown, and must be repeated at the bottom. Similar divisions are then to be made on the left- hand vei-tical line, all the horizontal lines drawn through, and the vertical lines at each 5 in. The diagonal lines must next be put in, the first of them reaching from zero on the top line to the end of the first division on the bottom line, and the others parallel to it, so that, as each diagonal crosses a horizontal line, it leaves a space increasing by hundredths of the unit. In the third line down will be found two small circles, the distance from centre to centre being 1'62, measured thus : on the right from the zero line is one unit, the sixth diagonal line on the left from the zero shows six-tenths, and the second line down from the top shows two-hundredths contained between the zero line and the first diagonal. The two circles in the third space from the bottom represent 1*375, being midway between 1*37 and 1'38. The smaller scale, illustrated by Fig. 190, is like those that appear upon the machine-made scales, and will now be understood without further descrip- tion. In the case of a map or plan, for example, the artificial scale may have an actual length of, say, 5 in., which at the same time represent a distance of ten miles in the drawing. ]22 PRAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK In this instance the scale would be divided into ten equal parts, each indicating miles, while by subdividing one of these divisions into eight equal parts, furlongs would be represented. Here an actual length of half an inch is under- stood to represent one mile, and the map or plan would be described as being drawn to a scale of half an inch to the mile. Another way in which this fact may be stated is this: — The number of half inches in a mile is 1760 X 3 X 12 X 2 = 126,720 ; and as this number of half-inches is repre- sented by one half-inch, it is evident that the drawing is m Fig. 191.— Scale -^^ho ' 1 in. = 880 ft. ; 6 in. = 1 mile. only 72 6V2 o the size of the real object it is intended to show. This sum y26V2^ ^s known as the representative fraction of the scale, and sometimes is used to indicate any particular scale instead of the previous expression. The value of scale drawings is particularly shown in the maps issued from time to time by the Ordnance Survey. These have not all been drawn to one uniform scale, it having always happened that before the map of the whole country could be completed upon any one scale, the discovery of some defect or the suggestion of some improvement has induced the Department to begin afresh upon a different scale. BBAWING TO SCALE AND PEEPAEING MAPS. 123 Speaking generally, the whole country has been mapped out upon a scale of 1 inch to the mile, and also on a scale of 6 inches to the mile (see Fig. 191). Maps on this scale are too small to represent anything but the barest outlines of very large schemes, and here they need not be further described. Fig. 192.— Scale i^Ve : 1 in- = 88 ft. ; 10 ft. = 1 mile. Later, the Department issued maps of the principal towns on a scale of 10 feet to the mile, or 1 inch to 88 feet (see Fig. 192), This map, though small, was very useful. It was very clearly printed from engraved plates, and was a work of art as compared with the maps issued at the present time. This scale, however, has been abandoned, and the Department now publish town maps on the following scales —namely, 25^344 inches to the mile, or 1 inch to 208'33 feet ^^ Woo full size (Fig. 193), and 10*56 feet to the mile, or 1 inch to 41-06 feet, or ^l^ full size (Fig. 194). This last 124 PR ACTIO AL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. map is exceedingly useful, the scale being large enough to show upon the map man-holes, sewer ventilators, gullies, lamps, etc. ; and by its aid can be laid down schemes for the drainage of even a single house. The sheets of these maps measure about 38 inches by 25 inches, and can be purchased plain or coloured. The accompanying illustration shows a small portion of Fig. 193.— Sca^e ^^^-^ : 1 in. - 208-33 ft. ; 25-344 in. ^ 1 mile. the -Qjio Ordnance map. At the comer of the house a bench mark has been cut (these are usually about 1 ft. 6 in. above the surface of the ground), and the figures indicate that the point is at a height of 89'55 ft. above Ordnance datum. The Ordnance datum is an imaginary horizontal plane extending over the whole country at the same height as the ^average mean level of the sea at Liverpool. This datum was fixed by the surveyors of the Ordnance Department, and the levels of districts are marked on the Ordnance maps as being so many feet above the Ordnance datum ; that is, above the average sea-level at Liverpool. The figure in the roadway indicates that the road at that point is about 877 ft. above the datum, the second place of decimals not being given. DR AWING TO SCALE AND FREPABING MAPS. 125 Figs. 191 to 194 illustrate plans of streets, and these drawings show what the street would look like as seen from a balloon. All these are drawn to scale so that the lengths and widths can be measured from the plan. Kerb-lines are usually represented by dotted lines. Ordinary colours used for the roadway are sepia or pale indigo ; footpaths, pale burnt sienna ; buildings, crimson lake or indigo. Lines of sewers are shown by blue lines or thick black lines. 0^^ ^ Q Co Fig. 194.— Scale 1 in. = 41-66 ft, : 10'56 ft. = 1 mile. A drawing showing what the street would look like if all one side of the street were excavated away, the spectator looking squarely at the face of the excavation, would be called a section. The drawing would then show the setts at the top, the ballast underneath, earth beneath that again, and, lower down still, the gas and water mains and sewers. In sections for new streets that are to be made, the present surface of the ground is indicated by a more or less crooked line. The finished level and the formation level are gener- ally indicated by coloured lines, and the sewer is shown at its proper depth and inclination. 126 CHAPTER IX. COLOUEING DRAWINGS. Colour is a very considerable aid to '^ reading " a drawing, particularly when different materials occur adjacent to each other. Architectural and mechanical drawings are intended for use rather than for decoration, and the colouring is used chiefly to denote the different kinds of material, but there is no valid reason why a drawing should not be neatly finished as well as accurate in draughtmanship and colouring. The colours not only emphasise the separate pieces by contrast, but custom has decided that certain materials shall be repre- sented by certain colours, some being almost the natural tint of the material, and others purely conventional. It is more important that parts in section should be coloured than parts in elevation ; a section is always an imaginary cut, and the colour is put upon the cut surface because other- wise it is not so easy to recognise as it would be in the elevation. A true section can be seen only by '^ mental vision," while an elevation is subject to ordinary vision. The list on p. 138 gives selections from the practice of the best engineers' and architects' offices, and is the standard adopted by many. Some of the colours may be replaced by less expensive ones, such as yellow ochre for Roman ochre, neutral tint for Payne's grey, or neutral tint with a little crimson lake for violet carmine. The extremes of good and bad drawing and colouring are commonly to be found in architects' oflices as contrasted with civil engineers' work. Some of the faults are running all lines beyond the proper junction, making them also unnecessarily broken and very thick, ruling ink lines close above and below and even through the printing, making letters of such fantastic shapes that reading is difficult, and even extending the same style to the dimension figures, using crimson lake in colouring elevations instead of one of the numerous reds having the natural tint of red bricks or GOLOVRIJSTG DRAWINGS. 127 tiles, using Prussian blue for anything but wrought iron, etc. A detail drawing sent out from an architect's office, that showed a wrought-iron girder resting on a cast-iron column standing on a stone base, had all the parts coloured with a full tint of Prussian blue on the score of custom, so that the use of colour at all was of no advantage whatever in dis- tinguishing the material ; moreover, Prussian blue is a harsh colour at the best of times, and should be avoided whenever possible. Many draughtsmen have a natural talent for using suitable colours, and putting them on in a suitable manner, but others must go through the drudgery of careful Fig. 195. — Slant and Saucers for Colours. practice according to rule. A perfectly uniform tint such as desired on an engineer's drawing is not required on an architect's drawing, and still less on that for use by a builder ; but unless the draughtsman learns first to lay on a flat and uniform wash of any tint, he is not likely to be able to put on an appropriate rough tint. For water-colour sketching a flat tile with shallow recesses is suitable for mixing the colours, but this is quite unsuited for a draughts- man's use. He should invariably use the nests of round saucers fitting one on the other, as shown by Fig. 195, of a size to hold as much colour as would be required to com- pletely finish the colouring of any one material on one sheet. The saucers should be kept covered while in use, and washed out when done with. The lightest tints should, as a rule, be put on first, and the brush should always be of ample size. Colour brushes should be kept scrupulously clean, never put in the mouth, always washed after using, the sur- 128 PR AG TIG AL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK, plus moisture shaken out, and then put away in the box and not laid on a dusty shelf to dry. In giving on p. 138 a list of the colours used in architec- tural and mechanical drawings, it may be said that the colours adopted vary according to cuxumstances, and it is difficult to lay down general rules. The practice in some Fig. 19G. — Primary Colours and Secondary Tints. good offices is to use a very pale sepia for York stone in elevation, pale Payne's grey for Portland or Bath stone, pale indigo for granite with ink dots, and darker tints of the same colours for the sections. Architects, who ought as a body to have an eye for colour, sometimes offend by using harsh and unnecessary colours on their drawings. COLOURING DRAWINGS. 129 Blue in some form or other is much used by architects to represent stone, but it should be used very sparingly, so as to resemble the natural tint of the stone rather than the conventional representation. For a red sandstone, a pale tint of light red, Indian red, Venetian red, or burnt ochre might be used, depending upon the general elevation colour. For cement in any form in elevations, pale Indian ink or pale Payne's grey is generally used, with or without dots and markings. Windows may be coloured with black Indian ink, or washed Prussian blue, Prussian green, or Payne's grey, according to circumstances. A plain tint all over is the simplest, but a good artistic effect may be ob- tained with the exercise of a little skill. A little practice in the laying of colours one over another will be useful for impressing on the memory the general effect of combination and also a knowledge of the primary colours and their secondaries. Nearly all water-colours are transparent, and a medium tint of any one colour, if laid over another after it is dry, will allow the first colour to show through. A more intimate combination may be made by mixing the colours together in the same palette and putting them on with the brush in one operation. It should be noted that a draughtsman never speaks of ^' painting " his drawing ; the term is frequently misused, but it should be colouring or tinting. If a circle (Fig. 196) and a square (Fig. 197) be set out and coloured as marked in the accompanying diagrams, some of the results of combination may be easily produced. Prepare in separate saucers some Prussian blue, crimson lake, and gamboge to medium tints of about equal intensity ; these are the so-called primary colours. In Fig. 196 the half-circle marked purple, red, and orange should be coloured first with a tint of crimson lake ; as soon as it is dry the half-circle marked purple, blue, and green should be covered with a tint of Prussian blue ; and the half- circle marked orange, yellow, and green should be covered lastly with a fairly strong tint of gamboge. Where the pairs of colours are superposed, the secondary tints of purple, orange, and green will be found to have been made by the combination. Each section of colour in the circle will be complementary to the one opposite it — that is, it will be in extreme contrast, I 130 FRAG TIG AL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. and it is a physiological fact that when the eye is fatigued by looking at one of them it will be rested by looking at that opposite. If a square of 7 in. side be divided into parallel columns VIOLET INDIGO BLUE CREEM- YELLOW ORANGE RED Fig. 197. — Colours of the Spectrum, Oi 1 in. each and numbered as shown in Fig. 197, and equal tints of crimson lake, indigo, Prussian blue, and gamboge be prepared, the various rainbow colours named upon the columns may approximately be produced as follows : Tint the columns numbered 1, 6, and 7 with crimson lake, 1 and 2 with indigo, 3 and 4 with Prussian blue, and 4, 5, and 6 with COLOURING DRAWINGS. 131 gamboge. The lines drawn across the diagrams show the extent of each colour. If care be taken to put on even tints and not to go beyond the outline, this recreation of colouring will enable the practical work to be carried out efficiently. In practical colouring for draughtsmen's work (see Fig. 197) the first point to note is that the colour in any one space must not overlap the boundaries; it must be of the right tint, and laid on perfectly flat or uniform. To do this re- quires skill that can only be acquired by practice. Use a set of colour saucers, in one of them put a little clean water, but not much, as a teaspoonful will colour a square foot ; rub in it gently the end of a hard-cake colour, until it is dark enough, and then stand the colour up on its dry end. Use a brush about J in. diameter and | in. long, rinse it in clean water, and pass it through the saucer to mix the colour until it looks perfectly uniform, without points or marks near the edges, end above all without chips in it. Wipe the brush lightly on the edge of the saucer to remove the surplus colour, and hold it as described for a lead pencil when about to draw a vertical line ; commence at the top left hand of the space to be coloured ; pass the brush down- wards, then along the top, then down by short strokes from the top to the length of the first stroke, and so carry the colour downwards for the whole width, finishing at the bottom right-hand comer. To produce good and uniform colouring, never damp the paper before coromencing, re-fill the brush often, gently wiping it on the edge of the saucer each time. The margin of the colour must not dry before the next stroke reaches it, and a part once coloured must never be retouched, even though it looks uneven. Retouching is a fruitful source of failure ; for colour, looking uneven when wet, may dry even, but if touched again when partially dried it is certain to show uneven when dry. ' There is an advantage in having plenty of colour in the brush, but when nearing the bottom boundary the amount must be reduced, so that there is not a pool left at the lower corner. By regulating the amount of colour any slight excess may be picked up with the brush by simply raising it slowly, point last, from the corner. The brush should not be wiped in any way, but simply washed in clean water when 132 PBAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK done with, or before use with another colour. It will soon be found that with a given amount of colour in the brush more or less of it may be left behind as the brush is allowed to trail or is used sideways, and it is by unconscious adjust- ments of this kind that a good colourist produces uniform results. It is useful to remember that sections of materials are always coloured with a dark tint, but the term dark is only relative ; for instance, with dark Prussian blue for wrought- iron, it should be quite easy to read ordinary dimension figures. Dark tints are more difficult to lay on evenly than light ones, but the same method is adopted. Another source of difficulty in sections is that to produce the best results a very narrow white margin should be left uncoloured on the top and left of each portion, where rays of light from the top left-hand comer of the paper would strike upon them. This custom enables the number of plates to be more readily seen in large girders, and makes all sections more effective. The colours for tinting woodwork on a drawing may either be plain, or, if time and other circumstances permit, may be laid on in imitation of the natural grain, although, to a certain extent, all colouring on mechanical and architectural drawings is conventional. For the plain tints the following may be used : Fir and deal used in the rough, raw sienna or gamboge ; for the same if wrought and for pitch pine, burnt sienna ; for oak, burnt umber or sepia ; for mahogany, light red. If graining is to be attempted, each kind of wood requires three gradations of colour for elevation and section. Suppose an example be attempted of wrought fir or deal as in the accompanying diagram, a pale tint of burnt sienna must be laid uniformly over the front and side elevations (Figs. 198 and 199), including the splintered ends, then a darker tint must be mixed and laid uniformly over the end grain and cross-section pieces. This darker tint will be the one used for the graining on the front and side elevations, and in mixing this colour it would be well to compare a piece of the actual wood represented, as the accompanying illustration, as printed, is necessarily much too black to give the right effect. Two brushes will be needed, one for the colour and one with plain water for softening the inner edge of the graining lines as they are put on. The water brush GOLOUEING DRAWINGS. 133 Fig-. 201.— End Grain, 134 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. should be wiped on the edge of the glass or gallipot con- taining clean water, leaving the brush wet, but not fully charged, and every minute or two it must be rinsed in the water to keep it clean. The so-called heart part in a board showing good grain appears in wider pieces than the other part, and more filled up at the ends, while the grain towards the edge appears narrower and in lines closer together. The heart grain also gets more and more pointed as it leaves the central piece, until it runs out into nearly straight lines or widens again into a fresh piece of heart. The outer edge of the graining in elevation should be sharp and clear,^while the inner edges. Fig. 200.— End Grain. should be softened off with the water brush in a graduated tint, so that it shall be difficult to see where the colour ends. In doing this, care must be taken not to overlap the sharp edge of the inner line. It is rather better to work from the middle of the board outwards than to put in the outer grain first. In the side elevation (Fig. 199) the grain is shown by single lines slightly waved, and all softened on the lower edge. The elevations having been complet-ed, the colour should now be mixed in its third degree of intensity for the parts showing end grain or cross section (Figs. 200 and 201). No distinction is made between these two conditions. The rings showing the annual growth of the tree may be lightly pen- cilled if desired, but it is just as well to proceed at once with the colour, making the rings dark on the outer edge, and softening the inner edge with the water brush. After the rings are dry, about three radial lines may be put in at GOLOUBING DBAWINGS. 135 random without any softening. These may look like heart shakes, but they are really to give more effect and to relieve the monotony of the circles. There are other methods of indicating section parts of woodwork on small drawings ; the ordinary way is simply to put in diagonal lines of colour with the brush, reversing the direction of adjacent pieces. Engineers sometimes rule in the colour with the drawing pen, using alternately thick and thin lines. Architects often colour round inside the outline, and then put diagonal lines across. Samples of all these methods are shown in Fig. 202, as nearly as can be given in print, with black ink. Oak differs very much from fir and deal in the nature of its grain, and is much more difficult to represent. In most cases it will be sufficient to use a plain tint of burnt umber or sepia, light for elevation (Figs. 203 and 204), and dark for section (Figs. 205 and 206), but there are always some aspiring draughtsmen who want to get the best result from their labour, and they may be glad of a few hints. The difference of grain will be better understood after a short description of the trees themselves. Fir and deal have a soft, straight grain with comparatively wide and regular annual rings more or less strongly marked, darker on the outer edge of each, and with the medullary rays not showing. Oak has narrow, close, and irregular annual rings, with the medullary rays, or felt, or flower, or silver grain strongly marked both on the end and face. The medullary rays are hard plates of flattened cells more or less radial, but running somewhat irregularly in the length of the tree, so that when a board is cut to show the '' flower '^ they appear as small hard slabs of a lighter colour and solid texture, averaging perhaps l4 in. by i in. broader in the middle and slightly curved. In order to show these rays on a drawing in water-colours the surface must be tinted with pale burnt umber, leaving the light spaces, and one side of these may be softened off with the water brush to imitate nature more closely. The colour then being mixed a little darker, the rest of the graining may be put on, which is little more than a series of broken lines without softening. The same colour will be used for the underneath tint on the end grain ; and then, 136 PRACTICAL DBAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. GOLOUEING DRAWINGS. 137 mixing it still darker and using a fine-pointed brush, the end grain may be put on in thin dark lines, broken fre- quently, and placed rather close together. When this is Fio\ 205.— End Grain Oak. done the medullary rays may be put on with the same brush and colour, keeping them fairly radial, but somewhat 'Fig, 206.— End Grain Oak. irregular and broken, and adding other lines as the work progresses towards the outer edge. The smaller pieces of ORDINARY. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. Fig. 207. — Various Cross Sections for Oak. oak are coloured (as shown by Fig. 207) conventionally in the same way as described for fir and deal, the only difference being that burnt umber is used for oak. 138 PF ACTIO AL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK DISTINCTIVE COLOURS GENERALLY USED IN ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWING. Banks (Steep). — Shaded with graduated warm sepia, darkest at top of bank , vertical hill-shading in Indian ink or dark sepia. Brass. — Gamboge with yellow ochre or burnt sienna. Bricks (Blue). — Elevation, indigo and Indian ink ; section, indigo. (Red).— Elevation, light red (pale) ; section, Indian red (dark). Brickwork (New). — Elevation, Roman ochre ; section, crim- son lake. (Old).— Elevation, Indian ink (pale) ; section, Indian ink (dark). Buildings (Brick or Stone). — Crimson lake. (Wood).— Sepia. Cast Iron. — Payne's grey ; neutral tint. Chain. — Elevation, Prussian blue (dot and stroke) ; section, no colour. Concrete. — Sepia with black marks ; or indigo, or Payne's grey with black marks and small light spots left. Copper. — Gamboge with lake ; elevation, crimson lake and burnt sienna ; section, crimson lake and burnt sienna (dark). Earth. — Burnt umber or warm sepia, left jagged at edges ; or sepia, light and dark. Electric-bell Wires. — Yellow. Fields and Vacant Lands. — White, Fir and Deal (rough).— Elevation, burnt sienna or gamboge; section, burnt sienna (edged round and hatched). Fir and Deal (wrought). — Elevation, burnt sienna (pale); section, burnt sienna (dark rings). Footpaths (Flagged). — Yellow ochre. Glass. — Green ; Prussian blue ; neutral tint. Glass Roofs. — Cross-hatching of Prussian blue. Granite. — Pnr])Ie madder; pale Indian ink. Greenheart. — Elevation, indigo and gamboge ; section, indigo and gamboge (dark). Gun-metal. — Elevation, Indian yellow ; section, Indian yellow (dark). Lead. — Indigo ; indigo with Indian ink. Leather. — Elevation, burnt umber (very pale) ; section, burnt umber (dark). Mahogany. — Elevation, light red and burnt sienna; section, liijht red and burnt sienna (dark). COLOURING BBAWINGS. 139 Meadows and Cultivated Grass.— Prussian green ; Hooker's green. Oak. — Elevation, burnt umber (pale) ; section, burnt umber (dark). Pipes (Cold-water). — Prussian blue. (Gas). — Indigo with lake. (Hot-water). — Crimson lake. (Rain-water). — Elevation, Prussian blue (outline) ; section, Prussian blue (outline). (Soil). — Eleva- tion, burnt sienna ; section, burnt sienna (outline). Plaster. — Payne's grey. Plaster and Cement. — Elevation, Tnd'an ink (pale) ; section, Indian ink (dark). Pail ways. — Neutral tint between the rails of each track. Pope. — Elevation, burnt sienna (dot and stroke) ; section, no colour. Rosewood. — Burnt sienna with lake. Sewers and Drains. — Prussian blue. Skies (in perspectives). — Cobalt blue. Slate. — Elevation, Payne's grey ; section, Payne's grey (dark). Steel. — Elevation, violet carmine (very pale) ; section, violet carmine (dark) ; or indigo with a little lake. Stone. — Yellow ochre ; gamboge with Indian red and burnt umber ; sepia ; Prussian blue. Representing stone in section by Prussian blue is to be avoided, though in common use. Prussian blue should be retained entirely for wrought-iron work. Stone Dressings. — Elevation, French blue (very pale) section French blue (dark). Streets (Paved).— Neutral tint. Timber (Existing).— Elevation, Indian ink (pale); section Indian ink (etched). Tubes (Speaking).— Green. Water.— Elevation, Prussian blue (washed) ; section, Prussian blue (lines). Water may have graduated blue edges. Windows Inside.— Elevation, French blue (pale) ; section, Hooker's green. No. 2 (dark). Windows Outside.— Elevation, Payne's grey (dark) ; section, Hooker's green, No. 2 (dark). Wrought-iron (Bright).— Elevation, Prussian blue (very pale) ; section, Prussian blue (dark). (Rough).— Payne's grey. York and Soft Stone.— Elevation, sepia (very pale) ; section, sepia. Zinc— Elevation, French blue (very pale); section, French blue (dark). 140 CHAPTER X. ]\rAKING A DRAWING. All tLe general principles upon which the drawings are con- structed have been dealt with, and any attentive reader who has worked out enlarged copies of the diagrams will have made very- substantial progress towards becoming a skilled draughtsman. In commencing a drawing the first thing is to decide where- abouts on the paper the various elevations, plans, and sections will be disposed, and of what size they can be drawn, so as to find sufficient room for them and their descriptions. The scale having been once determined, it is well to make a pencil memorandum of it in one corner of the margin, for it often happens that a drawing has to he. left uncompleted for several days, when the note will save the trouble of trying over various scales, in case the original one has been forgotten. The plans of a building or piece of machinery are usually placed directly above or below the elevations, so that the various features can be projected from one to the other by the use of the T square. End elevations are placed to the right or left of the main elevation, in accordance with the side which they represent. There is one simple and general rule which is to be observed in making any drawing, and that is to commence with the main dimensions first, and draw them in their correct positions before filling in the smaller details. If this be not attended to, and a number of small details are added one to another without first setting out the total length they are to occupy, it will generally be found that some sligbt errors in each measurement which it is impossible to avoid have accumulated so as to make a decided discrepancy. As an exam})le, sui)pose a front elevation of a building has to be set out, containing a doorway in the centre, with three windows on each side. When the widths and spaces are each set out separately, commencing at one end, and measuring each from the termination of the last, it will be seen that, although each measurement may be within one fraction of the correct MAKING A DR AWING. HI dimension, the total may be as much as fifteen fractions in error. The correct method would be to set off first the total length of the building, then to find the centre and set off the width of the doorway, and afterwards to fill in the windows and spaces. Suppose Fig. 208 to be the plan of the front of a small villa. An "over-all" measure- ment of 39'— 6" should first be put on the drawing, and then be subdivided as shown, into 18' — 0" for the projecting portion and 21'— 6" for the recessed part. These measurements should be again subdivided, showing the lengths of brickwork, widths of openings, etc. ; and a line of measurements inside gives the thicknesses of the walls, dimen- sions of rooms, etc. The distance that the part projects should also be noted as shown by 3' — 0". The inside measurements and the smaller dimensions should exactly agree with the "over-alF' measure- ment given. In drawing pencil lines they should always be drawn longer than the actual length of the line to be inked in, so that the exact point of intersec- tion with other lines can be better seen. When the drawing has been inked in these extra lengths, of course, have to be cleaned off with indiarubber, as well as a great' many other pencil lines which are necessary in the process": of making the drawing, but which form no part of the finished draw- 142 FRAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK, ing. These " construction lines," as they are called, should be drawn as lightly as possible, so as to be easily removed with- out greatly damaging the surface of the paper. When drawing circles or arcs of circles with the compasses, a little pencil mark should be made round the centre-point, so that it can be found without any trouble when it is desired to draw it in ink. It is useless to draw in pencil every one of a long series of circles or arcs which are all alike ; it will be more expeditious to mark the centres only after drawing the first one or two, for in the inking-in of the drawing, when the compasses are once set to the correct radius, the centres will be all that is required to draw them in full. Every working drawing, when it leaves the draughtsman should be carefully and completely figured. A little time spent thus in figuring the builder's tracings so that the sizes of window openings, thicknesses of walls, etc., are clearly stated, will save the architect and clerk of works worry and inconvenience while the building is in progress. It is well for the lines along which the measurements are given to be drawn in colour. The ticks ' and ^', those well-known signs for feet and inches, should be clearly shown, and a short dash between the feet and inches keeps the figures clearly apart as 6' — 10". A measurement of feet only should always have a cipher in the place of the inches, as 25' — 0". The arrow-heads, showing where the dimensions apply, should always be carefully and clearly marked thus : IK — 10-6" — >l . Vertical measurements showing the height of rooms are best figured from floor to floor, never from floor to ceiling, but allowance should be made for the depth of the floor. The height of the windows should always be figured from the top of the sill to the underside of the head, and their position from the level of the floor to the top of the sill, this giving exactly the opening in the brickwork. If a drawing is carefully figured on the lines here indicated, it is much easier for the workmen to carry out the work correctly, and much labour in superintending is saved to the architect and contractor. The next example for practice shows that some substantial progress has been made, and, while apparently working only on detached fragments in previous examples, a framework of know- ledge and skill has been built up that can now be applied to practical uses. MAKING A DB AWING. 143 Fig. 209 shows a small plan of an irregular piece of ground, bounded by straight lines and containing a cottage. This would be called a block plan, because the cottage is shown as a solid block— without details. It will be seen that every part of the plan is " triangulated," which means that each junction point has three dimensions to fix it, upon the same principle as large surveys are carried out. This block plan of a cottage and grounds is intended for practice in drawing to a scale of 1 in. to 8 ft. Before commenc- ing, ascertain the extreme length and height of the drawing, so Fig. 209.— Block Plan of Building and Site. that the base line may be drawn in a convenient position upon the paper. Mark off along the base the lengths shown, and, with the extreme left of the line as a centre, mark with the compasses an arc of radius on the scale equal to 24 ft. 6 in. Similarly, with the mark 20 ft. from the left-hand end of the base line as centre, strike an arc of 14 ft. radius to cut the first arc, and the inter- section of these arcs will fix one corner of the cottage. The right end of the line may be dealt with similarly, and the plan of the cottage completed with straight lines. Then from the left end of the base line strike an arc of 30 ft. radius, and from that corner of the cottage first found strike arcs of 31 ft. and 30 ft. radius, the 31 ft. radius cutting the first 30 ft. radius, and the intersection of these arcs will fix one of the angular points of the garden ground. From this angular point an arc of 15 ft. radius, may be struck ; this, intersecting the second 30 ft. radius, will obtain the point A. The point B may be found similarly, and the plan finished by connecting A to B by a straig]it 144 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK line. Tlie length ab, measured on the scale, should indicate 58 ft. 6 in. on an accurate drawing. In practically measuring any piece of ground for the purpose of making a plan,there are one or two principles to bear in mind —first, the lines upon which the measurements are taken must be so arranged that it is not possible to make a mistake without discovering it in "plotting" or "drawing to scale." For instance, in the present case, if the measurement 30 ft. from a had been taken as 29 ft., then a b would scale shorter than 58 ft. 6 in., and thus it would be known that there was some error ; and any other wrong dimension would, in the same way, distort the figure, so that the last line would not w^ork in correctly. Another principle is that where several small measurements occur in one line, as Scale of fee* Fig. 211.— Scale for Plan shown at Fig. 209. Fig. 210. — Measuring an Angle. piers and panels in a wall, a general dimension over all should be given, which should agree with the sum of the separate measure- ments. Thus the over-all dimension of the base line in Fig. 209 might have been shown, as it is the sum of the running dimen- sions, or 20 ft. + 32 ft. + 18 ft. 6 in. = 70 ft 6 in. Sometimes, in order to obtain the angle one wall makes with another, a special measurement is taken across the angle at a little distance from the junction, instead of taking the whole length and the distance between the ends. This is shown in Fig. 210. The cottage may be covered, as here illustrated, with lines at an angle of 45^, called "hatching," to show that it is a building. If the scale were smaller, it might be covered over solid with a tint of dark Indian ink ; and if the drawing were coloured, it would be tinted with crimson lake, while the garden ground might be coloured green. Now make a neat scale of feet (Fig. 211) on the lower border line, showing 10 ft. by units and 50 ft. by tens, the units being numbered backwards. It is a good rule as far as possible to limit the writing on a drawing ; but, whenever writing is done, it must, first of all, be MAKING A DE AWING. 145 readable, and with this object it is well to use plain block letters for headings, and italics for descriptive notes. Architects very often obscure their printing on plans by inventing new letters, making them of microscopical size, placing them between ink lines, and finally skewering them with another line through the ABCDEFCHI JKLMNO PORSTU VWXYZ&c. Fig. 212. — Sample Block Letters. Fig. 213.— Enlarged Drawing of the Letter G. centre, all upon the false idea of this being artistic. The first requirement of the printing upon a drawing is that it should be readable ; therefore, let it be neat and distinct. 12345 6 7890 Fig. 214. — Samples of Figures. The heading for the drawing shown at Fig. 209 may be «* BLOCK PLAN OF COTTAGE AND GARDEN GROUND." It is rather a long one, and the letter G occurs so often that a special enlarged view of this letter is given at Fig. 213, with the circles completed by dotted lines for comparison, to show exactly the shape that is recommended for this letter. A sample of the block letters for headings is given at Fig. 212 ; they may be drawn in single thin lines or thickened to a maxi- mum of yV^"-*) ^^^^ ^^ t^i® size of paper recommended — viz., 13 in. by 21 in., their height should not exceed -f^'m, for short headings, or i in. for long headings. Figures appearing in the heading (Fig. 214) should be the same size as the letters, but as dimensions on the drawing they should not be more than | in. deep, nor less than Y^m. When dimensions are put upon a drawing, the distance to which they extend should be carefully shown by dotted lines, with arrow heads at the extremities, keeping the fractions level, as shown (Fig. 79, p. 50), and with the small figures two- thirds the size of the large ones. The feet should be marked by a single accent thus, ', and the inches by a double accent thus, " J 146 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK with a full stop on the line between the figures. If the dimen- sions consist of an even number of feet, then inches should be represented by . O". The omission has led to serious mistakes in practical work, which should always be guarded against, and, not- withstanding the examples of text-books and the practice of some examiners, this is an important point always observed by practical draughtsmen. After inking in all the figures, pencil out the heading very carefully, making the letters a little thicker than those used in Fig. 212 ; G, R, S, C, and M will be found the most difficult. The distance apart of the letters should not be quite uniform, but should be such as will look uniform. For example : an I between M and N would require more than the usual space to look right ; on the other hand, a T between L and J would require to slightly overlap to give the right effect. The junction points of A, M, N, V, and W should not be sharp, but the same width as the thick- ness of the strokes. Leave J in. between the words of the heading, it is then much easier to read than if cramped closer together or spaced wider apart. Eemember that the printing— being thicker — will take longer to dry, and be careful not to use the indiarubber too soon. It will be observed that the guide lines for the square, and centre lines for the circle, as described above, have not been inked in, as they would spoil the effect of the drawing, but on machine draw- ings it is usual to put the centre lines in red, using a little crimson lake for the purpose. The example on p. 147 shows the usual arrangement of a set of drawings for a house, but in this case the house is of the smallest possible dimensions, and contains one room only. It is about as simple an illustration as can be imagined, but it will form a stepping-stone towards the making of elaborate drawings. A scale of one-eighth of an inch to one foot is the usual scale for complete buildings, upon sheets of imperial paper, 30 in. by 22 in. with details to various larger scales according to the subject, as 1 in., l^in., 3 in., and 6 in. to 1 ft., and full size for mouldings. In drawing the present example, begin with the plan (Fig. 215), as is usual in all ordinary cases, and from that })roject the front elevation (Fig. 216), then the side elevation (Fig. 217), back elevation (Fig. 218), and sections (Figs. 219 and 220). When finished and inked in, the drawing may be coloured, carefully fol- lowing the directions given in the chapter dealing with that subject MAKING A DRAWING. CO i Figs. 215 to 220.— Usual Arrangement of a set of Drawings of a House 143 FBAGTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK A draughtsman, before he begins to make his own designs or to draw from actual solid objects, generally makes copies of existing drawings. When these consist of straight rect- angular outlines, no particular difficulty is experienced, bub when the outline is irregular a beginner may be rather at a loss to know how to proceed. For instance, the outline (Fig. 221) would be copied as shown in Fig. 222. First a horizontal line is drawn from point A, then an arc a 5 of any convenient radius is drawn from point A to cut the horizontal line xi B. Select a starting point on the paper corresponding to point A, draw an arc with the same radius A a, and take the length of Fig. 221.— Irregular Outline to be Copied. Fig. 222.— ]\Iethod of Copying an Irregular Outline. chord a & in the compasses, and from a on the new drawing cut the arc at b, and draw A h prolonged, cutting it off at B to the required length. If it were desired to copy the drawing to twice the scale, the lengths of all the lines would have to be doubled, but the angles would be unaltered ; similar figures differ in their sides, but not in their angles. Then to copy the angle at b, take any radius b c and strike the arc c d ; upon the new drawing do the same, cutting off the arc to the chord length c d and drawing b c the right length through d ; the next angle at c is set off in exactly the same way. The curve D E following requires different treatment, so it will be lef b for the present and work resumed round the other way. Line A F will be obtained as the previous ones have been, and then a base line is drawn from f to e, leaving all the irregular out- MAKING A LRAWING, 149 line on one side of it. The angle and length of this base line will be copied as before, while for the outline the method of distances and offsets will be used. Notice the salient points of the curvature, that is, the most projecting points whether outwards or inwards, as e g n ; put in short lines at right angles to the base line to meet these points, then copy their lengths and distances from F E, obtaining points e f g h. Through these points lightly sketch a continuous curve, after- wards using a French curve and hard pencil for greater neat- ness. A similar base line, or chord line, may be drawn across the remaining portion D E its length, and the angles fed are copied as before. This should bring point d exactly where c D terminated ; if it does not, it will be well to check the work all through again. Assuming the outline from d to B to be a compass curve, the centre may be found by first bi- secting the chord of the whole arc and then the chord of half the arc, the intersection being the exact spot to put the point of the compasses to draw the curve. If a mere copy of Fig. 221 were desired, much shorter methods might be adopted ; the simplest would be a tracing on tracing paper. To obtain a tracing from any drawing, place it on the board with the main lines horizontal and vertical ; lay the tracing paper upon it ; then cut four pieces of blotting paper, each 2 in. square, fold them twice so as to make pads 1 in. square, and place a drawing pin through one pad at each corner of the tracing paper to hold it firm and prevent it from tearing. Then go over all the lines of the original with drawing pen or pencil, and the tracing will be complete. If tracing linen is used instead of tracing paper, pads need not be used under the drawing pins. Another mode of copying is to place the drawing over a clean sheet of paper and prick through all the junctions of the lines, and, on curves, some intermediate points also. Then remove the drawing and join up all the pricked points to match the original. Another method is to lay a sheet of carbon paper, or a piece of blackleaded tracing paper, on the blank sheet, place the drawing over it, and then with a blunt point, like a scriber rounded over at the end, trace firmly over the outline of the drawing, which will transfer all the lines on to the blank sheet. Where the drawing is complicated, or several copies are required, the photographic method is the best way of copying, 150 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK. giving either white lines on a blue ground, blue lines on a white ground, or black lines on a white ground ; the last- named result is the most expensive, but very much to be pre- ferred. In order to be able to produce a good photograph, the drawing must be in very black ink on bluish tracing paper, but a drawing on thin white drawing paper can be copied fairly well. An instrument which is useful in certain cases for copying drawings is the three-legged compasses. It is like a pair of dividers with an extra leg pivoted at a right angle to the other two, and two of the legs being set upon points as A a Fig. 223.- -Small -squared Plan of Estate. Fig. 224. — Method of Enlarging by Squares. (Fig. 222) ; the third is set on B, and the setting is pricked off on the new drawing. Then two being set to A B the third is put on c and transferred. Then two being set upon A c the third is pub on d, and so on ; or from any given base line any number of points, however placed, may be truly copied. When a drawing has to be copied to a different scale from the original, there are instruments such as the proportional compasses, the pantagraph, and the eidograph. These, how- ever, are expensive, and must be used with great care to produce a good result. The use of the proportional com- passes involves almost as much labour as constructing the MAKING A DRAWING. 151 drawing from the commencement, but they are occasionally useful for straight-lined drawings. For estate plans the other two instruments are more appropriate, but practically they can be used for making reduced copies only with any degree of accuracy. The mosit draughtsmanlike method to employ for enlarg- ing is that of copying by means of similar squares. Suppose, for instance, a plan drawn to a scale of 60 ft. to one inch has to be enlarged to a scale of 40 ft. to one inch, as shown in the accompanying illustrations (Figs. 223 and 224). Find the largest convenient number that divides without remainder into the two scales— in this case 20, where 40 -=- 20 = 2, and 60 -^ 20 = 3, so that 2 and 3 are the numbers required. Then draw lines horizontally and vertically over the original draw- ing (Fig. 223) i in. apart — that is, three spaces to the inch, making every third line thicker than the others. For the enlargement (Fig. 224) the lines mus-t be i in. apart, or two spaces to the inch, and every third line must be thickened as before. As a record of the method, it will be advisable to rule in the squares with Prussian blue or crimson lake, but as their use is only temporary it is not customary for them to appear upon office drawings. Now begin at any part of the drawing, but preferably at the top left-hand corner, as at A on Fig. 223) ; notice at what proportion of the square the line starts, and then at the corresponding point on the blank form start a line. Notice the direction of the line, where it cuts the next side of the square, and what shape the intermediate portion is. Then follow the line along in the same way through each corresponding square until b is reached. Next go on from c to d in the same way, and so on until all the lines on the original appear upon the enlargement. After dealing in this way with each line, a general view should be taken of the whole, and any noticeable errors corrected, the sides of the buildings being ruled in to straighten them from the , sketching. If a finished drawing is required, the outlines may now be inked in, all the pencilling rubbed out, the different parts coloured or ruled in black and white, and the title put on. Sometimes, to avoid damage to the original, the squares are made upon tracing paper laid over it, and if the copy is only required to be upon tracing paper this might have under- neath it a second sheet of tracing paper with suitable squares. 152 PRACTICAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK The illustrations on pp. 152 and 153 show conventional signs in use for most of the objects usually indicated on maps. Such conventional signs are in general use for com- mon objects of all kinds. Tracing forms an important branch of draughtsmen's ^'■T:: Jtt ^-^^■^ ■-■■■■'■ — ^''"z..^. ^ -^^-^ — , /f\/K /T\ /l^ '^ X A l^gjT ~^"y" AAA i III ft\«Lo»NGSK GARDENS -. Toc^^i^Curfs- - Hop Gkounds- r K^ :) ^ __.j /2. ^Jjli." . •"Ui.iiiMHlBH"""' ^»^' ~ I :rrTn^'—' ^nmr >' ' ^ - ■ '' ■' ' ''' » T^ML^As^ DoufiLE Line.- -'^A.iLW^y 'b\NGLEL UNE.- Close p-^UNGS — Y(\rAOW\>LV. A - f Tost Houi^e. - ~~^ '^}~^ 5pi?m& .« >Ne.uu • (D CnuircH ^Crt*.PiLu- (ZJ^ ^Mi-yHy ... ^ Fig. 225. — Conventional Signs u^ed by Diaughtsinon. work. Tracings are made on either paper, cloth, or linen, paper being used where strength is not important. Tracing paper and tracing cloth is sold in sheets and rolls of vary- ing sizes and lengths. As a rule, the rolls are the more economical to buy. When tracings are required for repro- MAKING A DRAWING. 153 duction by any of the blue print processes, paper or cloth of a blue tinge should be selected, as the lines come out clearer than when a yellow tinted material is used. As tracing cloth generally stretches after being cut off the roll, it should be mounted a day before it is required, and stretched again 4 f A r ju' ^ x -^ • . /' / /: 4 4. P\NE. YIOOOS- C,RCHARD5l\Tl^EES- flELOS vnvtw*.v^>T'^oot y^.^ES LAHD auajetT' to - \HUNOATiOH. • c5AND HiuV/b- • COMftA<,«, W.ATiO.4- C.-K*»^T / -j:::^:;^:^ w-^N^-. TELEGKA.PH L\Me. WAfti^muu - - =r.-se from, 74 Circular Arch, 67 Lines, Drawing, 52-69 Clear^ Drawings, 155 Cleaning Ruling Pen, 25, 26 Cliffs, Hei)resenting, on Map, 152 Cloth, Tracing, 15, 152 , , Mounting, 153 , , Preparing Ink for, 154 Cloth-mounted Pa])er, 14 Cohl-water Pipes, Colouring, 139 Columbia Size Paper, 14 Colour, Ai)plyiiig, to Drawings, 131 Colour Brushes, 127 , Filling Brush witli. 131 INDEX. 157 Colour, Rubbing up, 131 Saucers, 127 Slants, 127 Coloured Drawings, Ink for use with, 154 Colouring Drawings, 126-137 , Leaving Margin when, 132 Colours, Combining, 129-131 — , Primarj^, 129-131 Column, Fluted, Drawing, 111, 112 Columns, Tall, 89-91 Compass Variation, K,eprcsenting, 153 Compasses, 28-34 , Beam, 32, 81 J , Home-made, 32-34 , Bisecting, 31 , Bow, 31 , Curves made with, 52-69 ' , Electrum, 29 , Hair Dividers, 33 , Holding, 53, 69 , Leg Joints of, 29 , Needle-pointed, 28, 29 , Plain-pointed, 23 , Proportional, 30, 31, 150, 151 , Spring Bow, 31, 32 , Testing, 29 , Three-legged, 150 , Trammel, 32-34, 81 Concrete, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 C(me, Sliading, 71 Conic Sections, 70, 71 Construction Lines, 141, 142 Copper, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 Copying Drawings, 148-15] with Eidograph, 150, 151 Pantagraph, 150, 151 by Photography, 150 Pricking, 149 Squares, 151 with Three-legged Compasses, 150 by Tracing, 149 Cover-plate, Chequered, Back Lining, 111 , , Drawing, 110, 111 Cube, Back Lining, 104, 105 , Hollow, Back Lining, 103, 106 Cuive Bows, 34 Curved Angles, 60, 63 Curves, Compass, 52-09 , Elliptical, 70-91 ; Flat, 53, 54, 81-83 , French, 35 , , Using, 35, 36 , Hyperbolic Expansion, 86 in Machine Construction, 59 , Parabolic, 83-87 , Rai.lway, 35 Cyma Recta Moulding, 64 Cyma Revcrsa Moulding, 64 Cylinder, Back Lining-, 106-108 Datum, Ordnance, 125 Deal, Colouring, in Drawings, 132, 138 , Grain of, 135, Demy Size Paper, 14 Desk for Drawing Office, 13 Diagonal Scale, 121 Dimension Lines, 49 Dimensions on Drawings, 144, 146 Dividers, Hair. 30 Dotted Lines, 39 Dotting Pens, 27, 28 Doubl.3 Elephant Size Paper, 14 Emperor Size Paper, 14 Ruling Pen, 24 Drains, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Draughtsman at Work, Position of, 11, 12 Drawing-board, 10 , Battened, 10, 11 , Cutting Pap 'r from, 155 , Inclining, 12 , Ink-stained, 18 , Preventing, from Warping, 11 , Renovating, 11 , Securing Paper to, 15 , Straining Paper on, 16-18 , Testing, 42 Drawing-office, Desk for, 12, 13 , Lighting of, 12 Drawing-paper (see Paper) Drawing-pins, 16 Drawings, Back Lining, 104-113 , Builders' Working, 96 , , , Scales for, 115, 120 , Colouring, 126-137, , Commencing, 37, 140 , Covering, whilst working on, 155 , Figurine:, 142 , Hatching, 144 , Keeping Clean, 155 , Lettering on, 145, 146 , Machine Construction Working, 96 , Making, 140-155 , Mechanical, Scales for, 115-120 , Plotting Scales on, 119 , Position of Scale on, 119 , Removing, from Board, 155 , Test, 43-48 Dust, Keeping, from Drawings, 155 Earth, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 Eidograph, Copying Drawings with, 150, 151 Electric Bell Wires, Colouring, in Draw- ings, 138 Electrum Instruments, 29 Elephant Size Paper, 14 Elevational Projections, 102, 103 Ellipse Cfmstruction from TwoCirrles, 74 , Drawing, with Compasses, 75 , , — — Paper Trammel, 76, 77 , , String, 73, 74 , Gardeners Method of Setting out, 78 , Joiner's Method of Drawing, 77, 78 , Patternmaker's Method of Drawing, 77, 78 , Projecting, from Circle, 72, 73 Ellipses, 70-78 Elliptical Arch, 68 Curves, 70-91 Emperor Size Paper, 14 Entasis, 89-91 , Tredgold's, 90, 91 Equilateral Aich, 68 Erasing, 39 Expansion Curve, llyp( rbolic, 86 Feet and Inches, Symbols for, 145 Fields, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 158 PBAGTIGAL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WOEK. Fields, Representing, on Maps, 153 Figuring Drawings, 142 Fillets, 65 Fir, Colouring, in Drawings, 132, 138 , Grain of, 135 Cross-sections, Colouring, 135 Flagged Footpaths, Colouring, 138 Flat Arc, 81-83 Curves, 53, 54 Flat-pointed Arch, 68 Fluted Column, Drawing, 112, 113 Pilaster, Di awing. 111, 112 Foolscap Size Paper, 14 Footjiatlis, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 , Representing, on Maps, 153 Foi-ty-eighth Scale, 117 French Curves, 38 , Using, 35, 36 Gantry Drawn in Projection, 103 Gardener's Ellipse, 78 Gas Pipes, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Glass, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 Roofs, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 Works, Representing, on Maps, 153 Gorse, Representing, on Maps, 152 Graining, Colouring, in Drawings, 132-137 Grand Eagle Size Paper, 14 Granite, Colouring, in Drawings, 129, 138 Grass-grown Land, Colouring, in Draw- ings, 139 Grating in Angular Projection, 97 ■ , Back Lining Dravving of, 109, 119 • , Drawing Plan of, 108, 109 Grecian Mouldin<:s, 64 Greenheart, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 Gun-metal, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 Hair Dividers, 30 Hand -made Paper, 13 Hatching Drawings, 144 Headings for Drawings, 145, 146 Heart in Wood, Colouring, 134 Heath, Re})resenting, on Maps, 152 Helix, 88, 89 Hexagonal Nuts, Curves on, 86 Hills, Sand, Rein-esenting, 153 Hollow Cube, Rack Lining, 105, 106 • Cylinder, Back Lining, 100-108 Moulding, 64 Hop Grounds, Representing. 152 Hot-water Pipes, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 House in Angular Projection, 98-100 Plan to Scale, 120, 121 • Post, Representing, 152 , Set of Drawings of, 146 Huidh'S, Representing, 153 Hyperbola, 71 to fill Rectangle, 87 Hypt'rl)olic Expansion Curve, 86 Im})crial Size. J'aper, 14 Inches, Symbol for, 145 Inclination of Drawing-board, 12 Ink, C hinese or Indian, 154 for Coloured Drawings, 154 , Filling Ruling Pen with, 50 , Pieparing Tracing-paper for, 154 , Rubbing up, 154 Inking-in Straight Lines, 49-51 Instrument Cases, 22, 23 Rolls, 22 Instruments, 9-36 Iron, Colouring, in Drawings, 132, 138, 139 Works, Representing, 153 Isometrical Projection, 92, 100, 101 , Brick Wall Drawn in, 102 , Cube Di'awn in, 101 , False, 96, 97 Jack Arch, 67 Joiner's Ellipse, 77, 78 Joynson's Paper, Sizes of, 14 Kilns, Representing, 153 T>ancet Arch, 68 Land, Inundated, Representins;, 153 , IMarshy, Representing, 152 , Meadow, Colouring, 138 , Measuring, 144 Plan to Scale, 121 , Vacant, Colouring, 138 , Wooded, Representing, 152, 153 Lead, Colouring, in Drawings, 13S Leather, Colouring in Drawings, 138 Lettering on Drawings, 145, 146 Lime Kilns, Representing, 153 Linen-mounted Paper, 14 Lines, Border, 39 , Broken, 49 , Circular, Drawing, 52-69 , Construction, 141, 142 , Dimension, 49 , Dotted, 39 in Error, 39 , Pencil, 141, 142 , Projections of, 92-96 , Shadow (see Back Lining) , Straight, Drawing, 37-51 Lock on Canal, Representing, 153 Machine Construction Curves, 59 Working Drawings, 96 ^lachine-made Scales, 121 Mahogany, Colouring, in Drawings, 132, 138 Manhole Cover-plate, 110, 111 Maps, Conventional Signs on, 152, 153 , Ordnance, 123-125 , Scale of, 121, 123 Marshy Land, Representing, 152 Meadows, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Measurements on Drawings, 142, 144 Measuring Land, 144 Mechanical Drawings, Scales for, 115, 120 Medium Size Paper, 14 Medullary Rays, Colouring, in Drawings 1:^.5, 137 Mouldings, 63-66 Needle Points of Compasses, 28, 29 Nibs, Pen, 24-27 Ninety-sixth Scale, 119 Nuts, Hexagonal, Curves on, 86 Oak, Colouring, in Drawings, 132, 139 Cross-sections, Colouring, 135 Ogee, 63, 64 Arch, 68 Oiling Ruling Pen, 24 One-hundred-and-twentieth Scale, 117 Orchards, Representing, in Maps, 153 INDEX. 159 Ordnance Datum, 125 Maps, 123-125 Scale, 119 Orthographic Projection, 92, 100, 101 Ovals, 70 (see also Ellipse) Ovolo Moulding, 64 Palings, Representing, in Maps, 152 Pantagraph, 150, 151 Paper, 13-15 , Cartridge, 13 , Cloth-mounted, 14 , Cutting, from Drawing Board, 155 , Hand-made, 13 , Joynson's, 14 , Linen-mounted, 14 , Rolls of, 14, 15 , Securing, to Board, 15 , Sizes of, 14 , Squared, 15 , Straining, on Board, 16-18 , Surfaces of, 13, 14 , Tracing, 15, 152 , , Mounting, 153 , , Preparing Ink for, 154 Trammel, Drawing Ellipse with, 74 , Wetting, 18 , Whatman's, 14 Parabolas, 71, 83-87 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, Draw- ing, with Set-squares, 20, 22, 42 Paths, Colouring, in Drawings, 138 • , Foot, Representing, 153 Patternmaker's Ellipse, 77, 78 Paved Streets, Colouring, in Diawings, 139 Pencil Lines on Drawings, 39, 141 Tracings, 153, 154 Pencils, 38 , Sharpening, 38 for Tracing, 154 Pens, Dotting, 27, 28 , Ruling, 24-27 , , Cleaning, 25, 26 , , Double,' 24 , , Filling, with Ink, 50 , , with Ink Reservoir, 24 , , Lift-up Nibs, 24 , , Oiling, 24 , , for Pocket, 24 , , Setting, 26, 27 , , Sharpening, 26 , — — , Swivel, 25 Perpendiculars and Parallels, Drawing, with Set-squares, 20, 22, 42 Photography, Copying Drawings by, 150 Pilaster, Fluted, Drawing, 111, 112 Pine, Colouring, in Drawings, 132 . Woods, Rei)resenting, 153 Pins, Drawing, ]6 Pipes, Cold-water, Colouring, 139 ■ , Gas, Colouring, 139 , Hot-water, Colouring, 139 , Rain-water, Colouring, 139 , Soil, Colouring, 139 Pitch Pine, Colouring, in Drawings, 132 Plan, Block, 143, 144 of House to Scale, 120, 121 Land to Scale, 121 Plan, Scale of, 121, 123 Plaster, Colouilng, in Drawings, 139 with Cement, Colouring, 139 Plotting Scales, 119 Pocket Ruling Pen, 24 Portland Stone, Colouring, 128 Post House, Representing, 152 Pricking Drawings, 149 Primary Colours, 129-131 Printing on Drawings, 145, 146 Projection, 92-103 , Angular (see Angular) in Elevation, 102, 103 , Gantry Drawn in, 103 , Isometrical (see Isometrical) of Line, 92-96 , Pseudo-isometrical, 96, 97 , Window Opening in, 102, 103 Proportional Compasses, 30, 31, 150, 151 Pseudo-isometrical Projection, 96, 97 Pump Bows, 32 Quarter Scale, 116, 117 Quarter-round Moulding, 64 Railings, Representing, in Maps, 153 Railway Curves, 35 Railways, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 , Representiijg, in Maps, 152 Rain-water Pipes, Colouring, in Draw- ings, 139 Rectangle, Hyperbola to fill, 87 Red Sandstone, Colouring, 129 Reversa Ogee Moulding, 64 Roads, Represeiiting, in Maps, 152 Rocks, Representing, in Maps, 152 Roll of Instruments, 22 Roman Mouldings, 64 Roofs, Glass, Colouring, 138 Rope, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Rosewood, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Round Axles, 60-63 Royal Size Paper, 14 Rulinf^ Pens (see Pens) Sand Hills, Representing, in Maps, 153 Sandstone, Colouring, in Drawings, 121, 120 Saucers for Colour, 127 Scale, 114, 115 , Boxwood, 117 for Builders' Drawings, 115, 120 , Cardboard, 117 , Diagonal, 121 Drawing of House Plan, 120, 121 Land Plan, 121 on Drawing, Position of, 119 Drawings, 114-125 , Forty-eighth, 117 , Machine-made, 121 for Mechanical Di-awings, 115, 120 , Ninety-sixth, 119 , On(vhundred-and-twentieth, 117 , Ordnance, 119 , Quarter, 116, 117 , Twelfth, 117 , Two-thousand-five-hundrcdth. 119 Scay)e Moulding, 65 Scotia, 65 Screw Threads, 88 Secondary Tints, 129 131 Sections, 50 IGO PR AG TIC AL DRAUGHTSMEN'S WORK Sections, Colouring, 132-137 of Cone, 70, 71 Segment Arcli, 67 Semi-circular Arch, 60, 79 Senu-elliptic Arcli, SI Set-square^:, 90-22 , Angles of, 21 , Drawing Perpendiculars and Taral- lelswjtli, 20. 22, 42 , Ebonite. 21 , Framed, 21 , Testing, 41 , Vulcanite, 21 Setting Ruling Pen, 26, 27 Sewers, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Shading Cone, 71 Shadow Lines (see Back Lining) Sharpening Pencils, 38 Ruling Pens, 20 Skew Arch, 79-81 Skies, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Slants for Colour, 127 Slate, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Smithy, Representing, 152 Soil Pipes, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Speaking Tubes, Colouring, 139 Spiral Staircases, 88 Splines, 34, 35 Spring Bow Compasses, 31, 32 Spiings of Water, Representing, 152 Squared Paper, 15 Squares, Copying by means of. 151 Staircases, Spiral, 88 Steel, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Stone, Bath, Colouring, 128 Buildings, Colouring, 138 Column, 91 Dressings, 139 , Portland, Colouring, 128 , Red Sand, Colouring, 129 , Sand, Colouring, 121 , Soft, Colouring, 139 , Usual Colour for, 139 , York, Colouring, 128, 139 Straight Arch, 83 Lines, Drawing, 37-51 Stiaiglit-ed„e, Testing, 39, 40 Streets, Paved, Colouring, 139 String, Drawing Ellipse with, 73, 74 Snjier Royal Size Paper, 14 Swivel Ruling Pen, 25 Tab'c for Drawing Office, 12, 13 Telciiraph Line, Representing, in Mai)S, 153 , Office, Rejtrescnting, 153 Templates, Use of, 36 Test Drawings, 43-48 Testing Compasses, 29 Drawing- board, 42 Set-squares, 41 Straight-edge, 39-40 T-square, 39-41 Threads, Screw, 88 Three-legged Compasses, 150 Timber, Colouring, in Drawings, 126-139 Tints, Secondary; 129-131 Tracing, Method of, 149, 153 in Pencil, 153, 154 , Pencils for, 154 Tracing-cloth, 15, 152 , ]\louiiting, 153 , Preparing, for Ink, 154 Tracing-] aper, 15, 152 , IVFounting, 153 , Preparing, for Ink, 154 Trammel Compasses, 32-34, 81 , Paper, Drawing Ellipse with, 74 Tredgold's Entasis, 90, 91 Trees, Representing, in Maps, 153 T-squares, 19, 20 , Testing, 39-41 , Wood for, 19 Tubes (see also Piprs) , Speaking, Colouring, 139 Tudor Ai'ch, 67 Turned Ovolo Moulding, 65 Twellth Scale, 117 Two-thousand-five-hundredth Scale, 119 Valve-pit Cover-plate, 110, 111 Villa Plan, 141 Walls, Representing, in Maps, 153 Warping, Preventing Drawing-board from, 11,12 Water, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Mill, Representing, in Map, 153 Spring, Representing, in Map, 152 Well, Representing, in Maps, 152 Whatman's Paper, Sizes of, 14 Windmill, Representing, in Mops, 152 Window Opening Drawn in Projection, 103 Windows, Colouring, in Drawings, 129, 139 Wires, Electric Bell, Colouring, 138 Wood Buildings, Colouring, 138 , Colouring, in Drawings, 126-139 Wooded Land, Representing, 152-153 Writing on Drawings, 145, 146 Wrought-iron, Colouring, in Drawings, 132-139 York Stone, Colouring, in Drawings, 128, 139 Zinc, Colouring, in Drawings, 139 Printed by Casski-l and Company, Limitkd. 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