Hl'7 013 708 897 6 O Hollinger pH 8.5 Mill Run F3.1719 The Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry IN THE Closing Scenes of the War for the Maintenance of the Union (4: nj4 From Richmond to Appomattox \ I i \'>-r.'\ .Xf> ' '1 'T Tl 1 \ ^U- L^ J i Col. Arnold A. Rand 4th Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry t The Battle at High Bridge by Major Edward T. lUnive, I'. S. \'. The life of the American Cavah-\- is ahnost coeval with that of the American people. Laws were passed for the formation of a mounted furce in lti48. when the colony of Massachusetts Bay had not yet attained its majority. Twenty-seven years later, in 1675, when the war with ]vIetacomet ( King Philip) broke out there were five troops of cavalry, which in point of equipment. (li>ci]iline and appearance, had received the commendation of European officers who had' seen them. Captain Prentice's troop formed a part of Maj(tr-( General W'inslnw's army, which fought at Xarrangansett I-'ort. It jjartici- pated in the terrible march and the awful battle which ensued. Of that battle, the latest and most exhaustive of its historians says: "This must be classed as one of the most gloritnis victories ever achieved in our history, and considering con{liti(^ns. as dis- playing heroism both in stubborn ])atience and dashing intrepidity never excelled in American warfare." So much for the first great battle in which Massachusetts cavalry took an honorable part. I may be pardoned for referring to it in this paper, on account of the singular coincidence, that in one of the last, and unquestionably one of the most brilliant actions ever fought in America — the Battle at High Bridge — Massachu- setts horsemen accomplished a very difficult thing: they suc- ceeded in adding a yet deeper lustre to the laurels which have ever adorned the standards of the American Cavalry. The story of the fight near High Bridge. X'irginia. is but an account of an obscure skirmish, if the numbers engaged and its duration be solely considered; judged., however, by the fierce int'-n- sitv of the struggle, and the carnage, together with the results, which alone, yet amply, justified the apparent madness of the at- tack, it is seen to be one of the most notal)le of the achievements of these heroic days; for it led to the culmination of the campaign and 5 end (if llic war. at AppinnaUox. It was called by .Mr. lla\ and .Mr. Xicolav, in their history of .\l)raliain Lincoln, tlic most gallant and pathetic battle of the war. The Fourth Regiment of Alassachnsetts Cavalry had been sub- jected to a training and discii)line which caused it to develop rapidly into one of the finest cavalry regiments in the army. The officers were nearly all veteran soldiers, educated in the hard school of war. .\ large proportion of the men in the ranks had seen service, and the rank and tile, as a whole, pro\ed to be such as any officer might be proud to lead. The cjuality of the regiment is easily accounted f(^r, when it is considered that its first colonel left the lasting imj^ress of himself upon it : that colonel was Arnold A. Rand. I'Vom the very beginning of its service in the field, the regiment had the hard fortune to be cut up into detachments and details for special duty. This was probably due to the good opinion enter- tained of it by the general ; but it was very trying and disappoint- ing to the colonel, and to all who had hoped to be serving, as earlier orders — too soon coimtermanded — directed, with Sheridan. .At the opening of the last campaign, the first and third batta- lions were in \ irginia. Three scjuadrrns, with the held and stafif, were attached to the headciuarters of General Ord, commanding the .\rm}- of the James ; two were at the headquarters of the Twenty- fourth, and two at those of the Twenty-fifth Army corps. (Jne was at Fort .Magruder, where it had been for many months, doing nut- post and picket duty and engaged in scouting and raiding. The second battalion was in active service in South Carolina and I'dorida. iJefore the spring campaign opened, the command of the regi- ment had passed to Francis Washburn of LancastcM*. a member of a famil}- distinguished for its ])ul)lic services. This young gentle- man was a patrician in the best sense of the word. With tlie most brilliant prospects in life. he. like his brother, left all to serve the Republic, and both drew "the gret prize o' death in battle." In physical proportions, in personal beauty, in superb daring, in high-minded devotion to every duty, he was the ideal of a cav- alr\- leader, and a worthy successor to the lirst regimental com- mander. ( )ne of the worst features of the internal economx' ot our armies during the civil war. was the detailing of officers and men individualK- from fi'diting regiments; the otficers to serve on stafl, ihe men ioy orderlies, wa^cmers. hospilal ser\ice aiul oilier sT)ecial (luties wliieli redueed the fii^lilinj^' streni^lli lo a miiiiiiimii compared willi what it should ha\'e heeii. I'rohahK' llu' >ame cu^lom would rule now. ( )wini;- to this pernicious, altlmui^h al the time una\oidal)le sys- tem, as well as to the ordinary casualties of the service, the three squadrons of the I'ourth Cavalry under the immediate conunand of Colonel Washburn at the begiiining of active >ervice. liad been reduced to one hundred and hft\- men. ( )r(lers were issued on the 27th of March to l)reak cam]), ])rc- ])aratory to the resumption of movements atjainst the hues of com- munication between the besieged cities and their sources of supj)ly. Richmond and Petersburg were evacuated on the third of April, (General Lee moving swdftly toward Amelia. The I'ederal armies marched at once in hot pursuit, the .\rm\' of the James tak- ing the general direction of the Lynchburg railroad, reaching lUirkesville on the evening of A])ril .Ith. That same evening, Lee left Amelia Court house, pushing rajjidly in the direction of High Bridge, a long trestle over the Aj^pomattox near Farmville. Could he reach this bridge, cross and destroy it, he might hope to succeed in gaining the mountains beyond Lynchburg. The Army of the James instantly changed direction in pursuit. Lee's objective point became evident, and (General ( )rd determined to destroy the bridge, if it were possible to accomi)lisli this, l)efore Lee could reach it. To this end, he detached Colonel Washburn, with the three .squadrons of his own cavalry, now reduced by fur- ther details to thirteen officers and sixty-seven troojjers, together with two small regiments cf infantry, and directed him to push on ra])i(lly and burn the bridge. Information had been received through scouts that the struc- ture was not defended bv aii}' fortifications whatever. Re])iM-ts also came in that the Confederates were l)adly demoralized. In conse- quence of these stories, which would appear to have been acce])ted as fullv re1ial)le at liead(|uarters, Washburn was ordered to at- tack any force which he might meet, as it would certainl\- fall a\\a\ before him. It was a perilous order to give Washburn, for hi> \alor was ever the better part of his discretion. Some of our generals seem to have been strangely misled as to the spirit of the Confederates remaining in' arms. Never had they f(Hii;lU ini'i\' tiercel) lliaii in tlio-^f l;i>l days of the stnig-gle. Their skeleton battalions threw themselves upon otu' heavy lines at Sailor's Creek as desperately as they char.ixed under Pickett and Edward Johnson at (lett}sl)ui-^-. and their artillery was never more superbl}^ served than when they were attacked in flank by Greo:g:'s brijjade on the sexenth ol Ai)ril, when that g^eneral was made prisoner and his brigade driven in comi^lete discomfiture by the famous Washington Artillery of New Orleans. ( )n the morning of tlie sixth, before dawn, Washburn's liltle detachment took up its route, the infantry, especially, being in poor condition for the severe and peculiarly dangerous service to which they were called, for they were exhausted by the forced marches which had been indispensable during the preceding three days. The distance was sixteen miles to Farmville. After having- been two hours or so upon the road, Washburn satisfied himself that the rebel army, moving diagonally toward the Appomattox, had closed in upt)n his rear, cutting him otT from the Army of the James. There were also unmistakable indications that Confeder- ate columns were moving in front of his command, as well as on its flank. The detachment was thus marching practically among divisions of the enemy, who were evidently ignorant of its proximity. Meanwhile, General ( )r(l had learned of the movements of the Confederates, and at once despatched Brevet Ikigadier General Theodore Read, atljutant general of the Army of the James, to over- take Washburn and cause him to fall back to the main army. Read, with one orderly, contrived to elude the various bodies of the enemy and finally joined Washburn, just before his command reached the vicinity of the bridge. L^])on rcconnoitering the countr\' about the bridge, it was tonnd that the information as to its not being fortified was entirely false. A strong redoul>t mounting four guns ])rotected it, and the ground around it was open, with morasses in front rendering it almost im- possible of access. Washburn considered, however, that a sudden attack on its rear side by cavalry, might be successful. In ])ursuance of this plan, he left Read with the infantr\- in a narrow belt of woodland near the lUirkesville road, and moved away to make a detour in order to come upon the rear of the fortification. The column Mion reache(l a small stream '^])anne(l by a bridge, the ]ilanks of which had been torn up. I.ii'Utenant Dax'is with the Col. Francis Washburn advanced guard, dashed across the stream and laid the planks umk'r sharp fire from a force of dismounted cavalry which occupied low- earthworks on the further side. Washburn soon came up with the main body, and throwing out a line of skirmishers, attacked so vig- orously that after a fight of half an hour's duration, the enemy re- treated toward Farmville. Mere they were reinforced, an, I Wash- burn soon found their numbers so great and their artillerv fire so heavy, that they could not be driven. Moreover there was incessant musketry firing from the place where he had left the infantry, indi- cating an attack upon them, and he thought best to withdraw and go to their support. A sharp ride of a few moments brought the cavalry to the scene of action. Had the Btirkesville road been followed for a short distance farther the colunui would have rounded a bend in the road, and come upon a strong body of Confederate cavalry which was moving in the direction of the firing; but at a point in rear of where the fighting was going on. Washburn left the road and led his men through the woods and along the bed of a ravine, then tip a hill, where he halted to learn the state of afifairs. The little line of infantry, outflanked and outmimbered, was falling back fighting, pushed by a brigade of disiuounted cavalry, while regiments of horse were galloping up on the flanks and form- ing for a charge. The infantry were clearly exhausted and their ammunition was used up. but W'ashburn. after a short consultation with Read, sent his adjutant to rally tbem. and determined by a furious attack upon the dismounted troops of the enemy, to throw them back on their cavalry and thus, supported by the infantry, to wrest victory from the enemy. He then led the column along the crest of the slope, and forming line, turned to his men and explained his purpose, well knowing what he could expect from the splendid fellows. Then Washburn ordered "Forward !" The line trotted down the slope. In a moment came his clear call "Gallop, march ! Charge !" And to the music from the brazen throats of their own trumpets chiming with their fierce battle shout, those seventy-eight Massa- chusetts horsemen hurled theniselves uj:)on the heavy masses of the foe. For a few moments the air was bright with the flashing of sabres, and shattered by the explosion of carbine and pistol, while screams of rage mingled with the cries of the wounded and all the 11 hideous sounds of a savage hand-to-hand fight. As all this died away, it was seen that the immediate body of troops which the Innu'th Cavalry had struck was practically annihilated. Their dead and wounded were scattered thickly over the field, wdiile the crowd of prisoners taken was embarrassing to the captors. Driving these before them back toward the hill, to which they must retire to re- form for attack upon the enemy's horse (for Washburn's mere handful of men forbade his leaving any to form the reserve without which cavalry almost never can charge without great risk) they were astounded at the sight which presented itself on the Burkes- ville road. As far as the eye could reach, it was filled with Confed- erate cavalry, and lines of battle were forming as rapidly as possi- ble and advancing swiftly to the aid of their defeated van. All hope of victory or of escape from such a field was now utterly gone, but the colonel and his men were mad with the fury of battle, and wild with exultation over the bloody triumph already achieved. But one thought possessed them. The little battalion swept down the slo])e once more, pressing close behind their knightly leader and their blue standard. They crashed through three lines of their advancing enemies, tearing their formation asunder as the tornado cuts its way through the forest. But now% order and coherence were lost, and the troopers mingled with the Confederates in a bitter hand-to-hand struggle. A few scattered fighters were rallied from out this fearful melee by the gallant Cap- tain Hodges, than wdiom a more chivalrous soldier never drew sabre. He led them in a last furious charge, in which he fell, as he would have wished, ■"amid the battle's w'ildest tide." By this time, all was lost. Eight of the officers lay dead or wounded upon the field. Three were prisoners, their horses having been kilk'd under tlu-m. The surgeon and chaplain, being non-com- batants, were captured while in attendance u])on the wounded. The battle at High Bridge was finished, for (icneral Read had been mortally wounded at the first fire after the infantry had rallied in supi)ort of the cavalry attack, and the two small regiments were overwhelmed and com])elle(l to surrender as soon as the cav- alry had ceased to be a factor. ("olonel Washburn had been shot in the mouth and sabred as he fell from his horse. He was found on the field with the other dead and wounded the next day, when the advance of the Army of the James eanie u]). I le wa^ taken to the ho>])ilal at Point of Rock.s 12 l)ut insisted u])i>n hcins^- scni to his home in .M;iss;ichu--c'tls, where hiC (hed in the arms of his mother. I'.el'ore his death, lie \\a>, at ( iranfs rc(|ucst, brevettod as 15riga(Her General. (?i the other officers, Lieutenant Colonel Jenkins was se\eiely wounded, as were Captain Caldwell and Lieutenants jieleher and Thompson. Captains 1 lodges and (Joddard were killed, and Lieu- tenant Davis shot after having been made a ])risoner. for resenting an insult offered him by a rebel ofhcer. The adjutant. Lieutenant Lathrop, after his hor-e had been killed under him. was taken into the woods to be shot. ])eeause his eaptor as.serted that he had slain his brother in the fight. Fortunately a Confederate staff-officer observeil the proceechng. and rescued him from his woukLbe murderer. Idappily. the casualties aiuong the enlisted men were much less in proportictn than among the officers. They had to a man fougln with the most des])erate valor, keeping up the struggle after all the officers were down, until absolutely ingulfed in the masses of the enemy. In telling of the practical annihilation of a body of troops, the statement that their standard was saved from capture seems almo.st incredible ; yet such was the case in this instance. The color ser- geant, a gallant soldier from Hingham bv the name of Thomas Hickey. had carried the standard tli rough the iKHtest of the l)attle. At the last moment, seeing that it was im]>ossible to save it from capture except by destroying it. he managtxl to elude the enemies who were closing in upon him. and ])utting spurs to his horse, flew towardi a hut which he had (observed in the woods, and threw h.im- self from his charger just as he reacheil it, with his foes close upon him. Rushing it, he thrust his precious battle flag into a fire which was blazing on the hearth. The painted silk flashed u\) in flame, and by the time that his pursuers broke in. it was ashes ! His life was spared in consideration of his devoted bravery, and he subsequently received a commission from the Governor of the Commonwealth, in recognition oi his heroic det'd. The losses of the Confederates in this action were at least a half greater in number than Washburn's whole force. By their own report, there were a hundred killed and wounded, among them a general, one colonel, three majors and a lunuber of officers of lower grade. 13 Tin.' r.attlc al llii^li I'.ridyc was at rtrst thou^ln to have been a useless sacritice. It was a sacrifice indeed, but it unquestionably hastened the termination of the war, by days, and perhaps weeks. After the surrender, Lee's Inspector General said to Ord, "To the sharpness of that fight, the cutting off of Lee's army at Appomattox was ])robably owing. So fierce were the charges of Colonel Washburn and his men, and so determined their fighting, that General Lee received the impression that they must be sup- ix^rted by a large part of the army, and that his retrea*^ was cut ofif.'' Lee consec|uently halted and began to intrench ; and this delay gave time for Ord to come u]i. and enabled Sheridan to intercept the enemy at Sailor's Creek. The Confederate General Rosser said to a member of the regi- ment whom he met after the war : "You belonged to the Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry? Give me your hand ! I have been many a day in hot fights. I never saw anything approaching that at Migh Bridge. While your colonel kept his saddle, everything went down before him!" The Confederate troops at High Bridge were Rosser's and a ])art of b^itz Hugh Lee's divisions. "Was \()ur colonel drunk or crazy this morning, that he at- tacked witli less than one hundred men the best fighting division of the Confederate cavalry?" asked a rebel officer of a wounded cap- tain of the Fourth ; "We have seen hard fighting, but we never heard of anything like this before!" The Confederate officers had at first utterly refused to credit the stories of their ])risoners, insisting that the small force would never have fought so fiercely unless it had been the advance of a strong column. Grant says in his memoirs. "The Confederates took this to be only the advance of a larger column which had headed them off. and so stopped to intrench ; so that this gallant band had checked the ])rogress of a strong detach- ment of the Confederate army. This stoppage of Lee's column no doubt saved to us the trains following." 14 Major Atherton H. Stevens 4th Mass. Volunteer Cavalry The First United States Flag Raised In Richmond After the War. By Mrs. Lasalle Corbell Pickett, Wife of Major-General George L. Pickett, C. -S. A. Thp: first knell of the evacuation of liichmond sounded on Sunday morning while we were on our knees in St. Paul's Church, invoking God's protecting care for our absent loved ones, and blessings on our cause. The intense excitement, the tolling of the bells, the hasty parting, the knowledge that all communication would be cut off between us and our loved ones, and the dread, undefined fear in our helplessness and desertion, make a nightmare mem- ory. General Ewell had orders for the destruction of the public buildings, which orders our Secretary of War, Gen. .J. C. Breck- enridge, strove earnestly but without avail to have counter- manded. The order, alas! was obeyed beyond the "letter of the law." The terrible conflagration was kindled by the Confederate authorities, who applied the torch to the Shockoe warehouse, it, too, being classed among the public buildings because of the tobacco belonging to France and England stored in it. A fresh breeze was blowing from the south ; the fire swept on in its haste and fury over a great area in an almost incredibly short time, and by noon the flames had transformed into a desert waste all the city bounded by Seventh and Fifteenth Streets, and Main Street and the river. One thousand houses were destroyed. The streets were filled with furniture and every description of wares, dashed down to be trampled in the mud or buried where they lay. • 19 At iiiglit a satuniHlia began. About dark, tbe Government eoniniissary began the destruction of its stores. Soldiers and citizens gathered in front, catching the liciuor in basins and pitchers; some with their hats and some with tlieir boots. It took but a short time for this to make a manifestation as dread as the flames. Tlie ert)\vd became a liowling mob, so frenzied that the officers of the law had to ilee for their lives, reviving memories of 17S1, when tlie Brittisli under Arnold rode down Kiehmond llilh and, invading tlie city, broke open tlie stores and emptied the provisions and liijuors into the gutters, making even the uninitiated cows and hogs drunk for days. All through the night, crowds of men, women, and children traversed the streets, loading themselves with supplies and plunder. At midnight, soldiers drunk with vile liquor, followed by a reckless crowd as drunk as themselves, dashed in the plate-glass windows of the stores, and made a wreck of every- thing. About nine o'clock on Monday morning, terrific shell explo- sions, rapid and continuous, added to the terror of the scene, and gave the impression that the city was being shelled by the retreating Confederate army from the south side. But the explosions were soon found to {)roceed from the Government arsenal and laboratory, then in flames. Later in the morning, a merciful Providence caused a lull in tlie breeze. The terrific explosion of the laboratory and of the arsenal caused every window in our home to break. The old plate-glass mirrors, built in the walls, were cracked and shattered. Fort Darling was blown up, and later on the rams. It was eight o'clock when the Federal troo})s entered the city. It required the greatest effort to tame down the riotous, crazed mob, and induce them to take part in the struggle to save their own. Tlie firemen, afraid of the soldiers who had obeyed the orders to light the torch, would not listen to any appeals or entreaties, and so the llames were under full headway, fanned by a southern breeze, when the Tnion soldiers came to the rescue. The llonring nulls caught fire from the tobacco houses, com- iiiunicatiiig it to Cnvy ami Nhiin streets. Fvery bank was 2(1 destroyed. The War Departinont was a mass ol' ruins; the Enquirer and Dispatch offices were in aslies ; and tlie county court-house, the American Hotel, and most of the finest stores of the city were ruined. Libhy Prison and the I^-esbyterian church escaped. Sucli a reign of terror and pillage, fire and flame, fear and despair! The yelling and howling and swearing and weeping and wailing beggar description. Families houseless and liomeless under the open sky! I shall never forget General Weitzel's command, composed exclusively of colored troops, as I saw them through the dense black columns of smoke. General Weitzel had for some time been stationed on the north side of the James River, but a few miles from Richmond, and he had only to march in and take possession. He despatched Major A. H. Stevens of the Fourth Massachusetts cavalry, and Major E. E. Graves of his staff, with about a hundred mounted men, to reconnoitre the roads and works leading to Richmond. They had gone but a little distance into the Confederate lines, when they saw a shabby, old-fashioned carriage, drawn by a pair of lean, lank horses, the occupants waving a white flag. They met this flag-of-truce party at the line of fortifications, just beyond the junction of the Osborne turnpike and New Market road. The carriage contained the mayor of Richmond — Colonel Mayo — Judge Mere- dith of the Supreme Court, and Judge Lyons. The fourth worthy I cannot recall. Judge Lyons, our former minister to England, and one of the representative men of Virginia, made the introductions in his own characteristic way, and then Colonel Mayo, who was in command of the flag-of-truce party, handed to Major Stevens a small slip of wall paper, on which was writ- ten the following : "It is proper to formally surrender to the Federal authorities the city of Richmond, hitherto capital of the Confederate States of America, and the defenses protecting it up to this time." That was all. The document was approved of, and Major Stevens most courteously accepted the terms for his commanding general, to whom it was at once transmitted, and moved his column upon the evacuated city, taking posses- sion and saving it from ashes. 21 His first order was to sound tlic alarm bells and to take et busy in restoring order. Soon our troops began to pour into the citv and order reigned. Energetic measures to stop the destruction of the city were promptly taken. The blue lines looked good to me, and the i^eople soon realized that instead of destroyers thev were sa\iors. for thev saved the citv not already burned bv the follv of the retreating Confeder- ates. 29 When we arriveil in iviohniond tliere was disorder, frenzy and chaos on every hand. Major Stevens restored order and confidence in a remarkably short time under conditions that were most trying. The trcx->ps as they arrived, were distributed where they could work- effectively. Streets and residences were immeckately guarded. The soldiers did not leave their commands to enrich themselves, and perfect order was restored before nightfall. Our little band of cav- alrv was exervwhere. and making good for lack of numl.ers by energetic performance until the arrival of the infantry. And after they came we were in the saddle till late at night. We encamped for the night in the yard of the I'emale Institute building, and we were a tired but happy band. The next day, April 4th. was (|uiet. The infernal condition of fire, smoke and ex])losion and continuous bursting of shells was changed to a scene of waste and ruin wrought in the fire district, wdiich covered about one third of the citv. The da\- was made eventful bv the appearance of President Lincoln in the city. He came uji from Citv Point and walked up the street alone with his boy. General Devens immed- iatelv received him. ?\lr. Lincoln met with a splendid ovation from the troops and the colored people as he rode about the cit} . He rode in a carriage accompanied by General Devens and other of- ficers, escorted by a detail of cavalry from E and H sriuadrons of the 4th Massachusetts cavalry, commanded by Captain A. F. Ray. On the morning of April 5th, the detachment that composed the detail that first entered Richmond on the morning of April 3, 1865. started to join its regiment, commanded l)v Colonel Wash- burn. They were with General Ord commanding the army cf the lames in ])ursuit of General Lee's retreating forces. We proceederl bv way of I\'tersburg through Dinwiddle County and .\melia Courthouse to Burkeville Junction, arriving there April Tth. There we found that Colonel Washburn's command was engaged at High P.ridge the dav before, meeting with heavv loss, but emerg- ing from the c(jntHct witii much honor and a splendid reu >r(l of achievement. The engagement is well described by our comrade. Captain Bouve of the 4th Massacliusetts cavalrv and will interest surviv- ing comrades of the regiment, .and all who lo\c the detenders of their country. Colonel Washbuin and main others ot our regi- ment were in the field hosi)ital at I'.urkeville junction and Cap- tain Rav and Lieutenant Miller visited them, and returning to our cam]), gave us a graphic description of the charges of our 30 comrades the (la\' hclorc. I'dloiu'l W a^lihiini >ui-\ i\x'(l lii.s injuries only a few days. lie luld (,'ai)lain l\a\ thai "il" 1 had llie wliole of the 4th 1-eL^inieiit with me I wduUl ha\e annihilated Fitz Hu.q'h Lee and Kosser. " I his was the mar\elous eoura^'e and spirit of the man, "a .gentleman and a soldier." We immediately started on to rejxirt to the headquarters of the army of the Potomac. All the way from Petersburg^ there was evidence of conflict. At Amelia Courthouse we found the rem- nants of Ewcll's corps of the Confedierate army. Artillery, wagons and ammunition piled up in disorder; from peo])Ie along the way reports of lighting. The Confederate troops hurriedly passed down the highway, to be immediately followed by the blue lines of federal troops. ( )n the morning of the ninth of A])ril we began to catch up with the army of the Potomac. ThrcHigh the lines of the sixth and ninth cori)s we rcjde, until early in the afternoon came the report that Lee had surrendered. You ought to have seen the faces of the soldiers of the army of the Potomac then. They looked like heroes to me. When we reached the Confederate lines we kept on through their camps and lanfled at General Meade's headquarters at Appomattox C. H., where we were immediately i)ut on duty to assist in the work of ])aroling and (hsbanding the Confederate army. A detail from my squadron went to Lynchburg one afternoon with General Gibbons returning in the night. When the arrange- ments of paroling the Confederate army were complete and Gen- eral Lee was at liberty to depart from his army, an order came from army headcjuarters for a detail of cavalry to escort General Lee from his lines. The escort was made up from the 4th Massa- chusetts cavalry and I was privileged to be one of them. Sixteen men composed the platoon and Lieutenant Lovell of our regiment was in command. I was right guide of the detail, and I t]ioug"ht at the time that we were i)rettv good representatives of the Union cavalry. We had H guidon with us which was one of the flags that was the first in Richmond. We went to General Lee's head<|uartcrs and Lieutenant Lovell reported to General Lee. He was courteouslv received and asked to wait until ( leneral Lee and his staff had breakfast and completed arrangements for their departure. W^e dismounted a short distance away. General Lee seated himself at a table made from a hard tack box and ate 31 his last l)r(.'akf:ist ( c< uisistiiiL;- of hard lack, fricil ])i)rk and coffee wilhoiu milk), with the anii\- of Xorlheni \'irL;inia. He was dressed in a neat. iLira\ unifoini uikI was a sj^lcndid looking- sol- dier. Commanding,- ofticers of corijs .ind divisions of the Confed- erate arm\- and other ofticers tlien came to take lea\L' of him. He was a short distance from me and his comersation was evidently words of cnconragement and advice, .\lmost every one of the officers went awa\' in tears. Ihen we mounted, and (General Lee's ])art\- started througli the lines of the remnant of the Army of Xorthern X'irginia for his home in Richmond. Then commenced an ovation that seemed to me a wfniderful manifestation of confidence and affection for this great military chieftain. From the time we left his camp till we passed the last of his regiments the men -eemed to come from everywhere and the ' Rebel Yell" was continuous. The little guidon of our squadron fluttered in the breeze and seemed silently to voice the sentiment of Webster. "Libertv and Cnion now and fore\er. one and inse])- arable." The war was truly over and (ieneral Lee was departing for his home to devote ihe remainder of his life in peaceful pursuits. W'e continued with him a short distance in lUickingham County wdierc the party halted. General Lee rode up to Lieutenant Lo\ell and thanked him for the escort, and sainted as he went his wax, wdiile w^e returned to Ap])omattox. At night the army of Xorthern \'irginia was gone. The I nion arnn was i)reparing to take uj) the line of niarcli for tiieir homes. The \ears of acliieve- ment and sacrifice have been commented on 1)\- elo(|uent orators. I have endeavored to i)en a simple narrative to mention events as the\- ai)peared to me. When the army started from Aj^pomattox they were rejoiced to contemjjlate changed conditions. At night camp fires were burn- ing. The d.angerous duty of pick'ett and scouting and tigluing was a thing of the past. I^verybody felt elated and hai)py. Tlie news of I'resident Lincoln's assassination came, and quiet and ^^adne^s reigned. It -^eemed a great pit\- that this should come to ]>ul a nation in nviurning, at a tinu' wlini rfioicing tor the Xation rediH-incd, \\a> universal. ( h\v d(.iacliin(.'nt retm-ned to Richmond and we remained with our regiment, doing duty in re- storing order in and around I'etersburg and Kichmond until late in the fall of ]Xi)') when we weri' nnistered out, the last Massachusetts X'olunteer Ktgimmt to return home. :j2 Death of the War Horse The Death of the Old \V;ir Horse whicli Col Tilden of the Sixteenth Maine rode dnrinj^ the war, prompted the Rev. Nathaniel Butler to write the following lines. The sentiment expressed naturally* appeals to anj'one and especially to a soldier who rode a horse duiingthe war to maintain the Union. Farewell, my horse! tliy work is done, Thy sj>leu\\-r the column ran, Thy arching crest, "with thunt, Through all the long campaign. But now, thy last, long halt is made : Thy last cam])aign is o'er; The bugle call, the battle shout , Shall thrill thee never more. AVhere art thou gone — old friend and true? What place hast thou to fill? For it may be thy spirit form Somewhere is marching still. Here there are those whom we call men, Whose souls full well I know Another life may not deserve One-half so well as thou. And natures such as thine has been Another life may claim, And God may have a place for them Within his wide domain. His armies tread their glorious march Over the eternal plain. Their leader rides a snow white steed, Who follow in his train? We may not ever meet again ; But, wheresoe'er I go, A cherished place within my heait Thou'It have, old friend, I know. God made us both, and we have marched Firm friends whilst thou wert liere ; I only know I shall not blush To meet thee anvwhere. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 708 897 6 \ 0013 ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 708 897 6 C HoUinger pH 8.5 Mill Run F3.1719