nass r 10 4-- Book-IPli?_!P:Z_ i THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION A.ND ITS CKMEXERV. portland, conn. : Middlesex County Printerv 1897. XHK PORTLAND eilRVIXG QROIIXO ASSOCIATION AND ITS CEMt:TKRV. portland, conn.: Middlesex County Printkrv 1897. F/H Jus too, is .o.npUaf.o.. ,. re.or,s, „.,s a,.i,.,ersof T^. -niuate^i, .0 co>nplete record kavin, l^cen kept. The dales of the deaths of former nfi^-^ ,_ -^ ■^'" ''"' ''P^'-^'-s were mostly obtained P om monuments and gravestones. , '/:' ''''' ''"' ' ''-' '-- -^--Xr and usefn! to members an^frunds of the Association and to the general p.L P /^ Cldersleere, Conn.. July^ jS^~. ■^ bv These o-rounds are consecrated to a sacred purpose. They do not belong to the livmo". hi the highest, the fullest, the noblest sense, they belong to God and to the dead. Consecrated and f hallowed as thus they are may they thus remam. May they be kept inviolate : may they be free F from desecrations forever. -REV. FREDERICK J. GOODWIN, AT THE DEDI- CATION OF INDIAN HILL CEMETERY, MIDDLETOWN, CONN. ORIGINAL OFFICERS OV THE Portland gursfing Ground Association. A. D. 1845-6. President, DAVID CORNWALL. Directors, ENOCH SAGE, WILLL\M H. BARTLETT. Treasurer, DAVID \\ILLIAM.S. Clerk, CHARLES L. SAGE. OFFICERS FOR 1896=7=8. President, HOBART DAVIS. Directors, HENRY KILBY, EDWARD S. HALE. Clerk or Secretary, FERDINAND GILDERSLEEVE. Treasurer, FERDINAND GILDERSLEEVE. Superintendent, HENRY KILBY. Sexton, JOHN STRICKLAND. The Portland Burying Ground SlssoGiation was formed bv the Artirlp« r^f a . Articles of Association found upon sub- sequent pages and was organized at the first meeting held, on Monday the 15th day of December, A. D. 1845. THE PORTLAND I^upvfing Ground 5^ssoeiation. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. The undersigned inhabitants of the town of Portland in the county of Middlesex do hereby associate for the purpose of procur- ing and establishing a burying ground or place of sepulchre adjoin- ing the present burying ground near the dwelling house of widow Anna Strickland in said Portland. Article I. Said Association shall be known and called by the name of "The Portland Burying Ground Association." Article II. The officers of said Association shall consist of a President, two Directors, Treasurer, Clerk and such other officers as said Association shall direct. Article III. The first meeting of said Association shall be called by Wm. H. Bartlett, on the 15th of December A. D. 1845, at si.K o'clock p. M. at the Methodist meeting house in said Portland by setting notices of said meeting on the school houses in Districts Nos. I, 3, 4, and 5 in said Portland five days before said 15th of Dec, and when so met shall proceed to choose by ballot the officers pro- vided for by the 2d Article aforesaid. Article IV. Said Association shall have power to make from time to time such By-Laws as they shall deem proper for the regulation and government of said Association not inconsistent with the Laws of this State. Article V. Said Association shall have power to raise the necessary funds to carry out the objects of said Association by a tax or otherwise as said Association shall direct. Signed : David Cornwall. Amos Cornwall, Andrew Cornwall, David Williams, Hatsel Penfield, Alexander Hale, Horace B. Buck, Robert U. Richmond, 5 THE PORTLAND Seth J. Davis, Sylvester Stocking, Asahel Penfield, Chester S. Hurlbut, Braclcett West, Selden Cool<, John Ingraham, Ralph Pelton, Alanson Hurlbut, David Hurlbut, Barnard B. Buck, Joseph Goodrich, 2d, Erasmus Gladwin, Agift Pease, S. Gildersleeve, David Shepard, Kellogg Strong, Jeremiah Haling, Chauncy Shepard, Thomas J. Hubbard, Jonathan Shepard, Roswell Brooks, Wm. H. Bartlett, Wm. Lewis, E. B, White, S. C. Spalding, Edward Lewis, Jeremiah Button, James Giddings, Samuel Brown, Egburt O. Button, George Strickland, Frederick Miller, Alfred Payne, Henry E. Cook, Edward A. Penfield, Hector Stewart BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Joel Strickland, Joel Strickland, Jr., Charles L. Sage, Enoch Sage, Asa Strickland, B-. P. Norcott, Daniel B. Strickland, Erastus Strong, Henry S. Conckling, Wm. C. Lewis, Elijah Norcott, Erus Bell, Sam'l S. Buckingham, Samuel B. Reeve Wm. W. Campbell, Stephen H. White, Daniel Cheney, George J. White, Charles Devvolf, George Bell, Wm. C. Ranney, Augustin Overton, Wm. G. Savage, Benjamin Abbey, Abner Hall, Hiram A. Penfield. Horace Penfield, Abel Penfield, Alfred A. Payne, Daniel Shepard, Jr., George M. Brown, Elisha Brown, William Pelton, Moses F. Alexander, Thomas Fessenden, Wm. L. Dixon, J. E. Goodrich, AND ITS CEMETERY. Seyniur Hurll)ut, Roswell Wells, Ralph S. Stewart, Isaac Stevens, Russel Hopkins, Henry H. Wells, Russell Brainard, Nelson Shepard, Russel Penfield, Edward Shepard, Renselaer Rathbone, David Crittenden, David Sage, Orren Hale, H. E. Sage, Horace B. Wilcox, Alanson Strickland, John Reeves, Jonathan Wetherill, Job H. Payne. CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY OF STATE. STATE OF CONNECTICUT ss j Office of Secretary of State, I Hartford, Aug. 22, 1848. , I hereby certify that the articles of Association of "The Portland Burying Ground Association" are on file in this office; and as appears from the endorsement thereupon were received 19th December, 1845, by Daniel P. Tyler, then Secretary of State. Attest, J. H. Trumbull, Clerk, for John B. Robertson, Secy, of State. TOWN CLERK'S CERTIFICATE. Reed. Dec. 15, 1845, and registered in Lib. 3, page 164, in the records of Portland. Test. Sylvester Stocking Register. Names Signed on the Original Articles of Association after the Record was made upon the Town of Portland Records. Evelyn White, John C. Russel, Chester Goodrich, Edmund Hubbard, THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION James A. Hale, David Hale, Levantia Overton, Nelson Pelton, Turner Moulton, Ralph Northam, Lucius P. Stewart, Philip H. Sellevv, Asher N. Rowley, Sam'l C. Spalding, Charles Ames, Noah Shepard, Hervey Talcott, Francis Hale, Sarah Hale, Mrs. Elizabeth Buck, Francis A. Pelton, Noah B. Strickland, Mrs. Betsey Stewart, Chauncey Taylor, Joseph Coles, Hezekiah G. Pelton, Joseph Williams, J. L. Thompson, Wm. S. White. NAMES SIGNED TO ARTIC IN RECORD Elizur (Goodrich, Jr., Luther Wilcox, Elijah Colton, Nancy Shepard, Alfred C. Penfield, Amial Strickland, Sanford Stewart, Chester Brown, John I. Worthington, Mrs. Rebecca R. Arthur, George W. Bell, Sally Ward, Elizur Abby, Lucy Brainerd, LES OF ASSOCIATION BOOK. Edwin G. Dunham, Mrs. Anna Strickland, Henry Gildersleeve, Hobart Davis, F. (jildersleeve, Chas. H. White, John R. Ames, Geo. W. Concklin, John Strickland, Joseph C. Gladwin, Oliver Gildersleeve, Henry Gildersleeve, Jr., Henry Kilby. AND ITS CEMETERY. II GiLDERSLEEVE, CONN. , Feb. 22, 1896. Hon. Secretary of State, Hartford, Conn. Dear 6'/>.— The Articles of Association of The Portland Burying Ground Association are on file in your office as appears from the Ctf. thereto attached of which enclosed is a copy. They are also recorded upon the Portland Town Records. I understand that this makes it a legal corporation. If not will you kindly inform me what further action is necessary to give full corporate powers to sue, and be sued, give deeds of burial lots, etc. Yours truly, F. GiLDERSLEEVE. State of Connecticut. Secretary's Office. Hartford, Feb. 24, 1896. F. GiLDERSLEEVE, Esq. Dear Sir: — I do not understand that anything more is required to make The Portland Burying Ground Association a corporation under Connecticut law. I assume that a certified copy of your original certificate of or- ganization would be received in court as evidence of the corporate existence of the Association. Yours truly, W. C. Mo WRY, Secy. R. s. H. THE PORTLAND BURVING GROUND ASSOCIATION BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS As amended and adopted October 13th. A. D. 1894. Section i. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held on the second Saturday of September in each year at such time and place as shall l)e designated by the managers. In the event of a failure to hold the annual meeting on the second Saturday of Sep- tember all officers will hold over and their acts shall be lawful until others are elected in their stead. Sec. 2. Notices of annual and special meetings of the members shall be signed by the President or Clerk and be given by posting a copy upon the public signpost and advertising in a newspaper published in Middlesex County and in such other ways as deemed best by the Board of Managers, at least five days previous to such meetings, and meetings shall be called upon written request to the Managers by not less than five members. Sec. 3. Notices of meetings of Directors and Managers shall be given by mailing a written notice to each Manager at least five days before such meetings, or in any other manner in the discretion of the Board of Managers, such notice to be signed by the President or Clerk. Sec. 4. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and at all meetings of the Directors, of which board he shall be a member ex-officio; and in his absence the senior Director or such other person as the meeting shall direct. Sec. 5. The President, Clerk, Treasurer and Directors shall constitute a Board of Managers to manage the concerns of the As- sociation and make a report of their doings at the annual meeting of the Association. Sec. 6. The Treasurer shall have charge of all the moneys of the Association and shall pay out the same under the direction of the Board of Managers. He shall annually, or oftener if required, present a report to the Board of Managers. Sec. 7. The Clerk shall keep a faithful record of all the acts and proceedings of the Association and also of the Board of Man- agers and perform such other functions incident to his office. Sec. 8. There shall be a Superintendent of the Cemetery ap- I AND ITS CEMETERY. 1 3 pointed by the Managers who shall have the general direction and control under the Board of Managers of the grounds and all im- provements thereon. Also of all property belonging to the Associa- tion and keep an account of the same. Sec. 9. There shall be a Sexton or Sextons appointed by the Board of Managers who shall be an assistant to and under the direc- tion of the Superintendent. Sec. 10. All graves shall be opened by the Sexton or some person approved by the Superintendent and no interment or dis- interment will be allowed without a written permit from the Super- intendent. Sec. II. The Superintendent shall be allowed a reasonable compensation for time spent in laying out lots and the placing of monuments, grave marks and other stones and for any other service rendered for the benefit of the Association. He shall render his account to the Treasurer for whom special services were performed and the Treasurer shall collect pay for the same. Sec. 12. No hedges, stone or brick wall or any kind of wooden enclosure of lots or graves will be allowed. If any en- closures are allowed to go to decay and ruin so as to be unsightly and in the judgment of the Managers a blemish upon the grounds they must either be put in order or removed by the lot owner or by the Superintendent at the expense of the lot owner after due notice. Sec. 13. No owner, agent or guardian of a lot or lots will be permitted to raise the earth, form terraces or to place or set any foundation, monument, head or foot stones or corner stones except it be done under the supervision of the Superintendent. Sec. 14. Owners of lots or those having charge of them will not be allowed to leave heaps of earth or rubbish of any kind on or about their own or the lots of others or in the Cemetery. If so left it will be removed by the Superintendent at the expense of the lot owner. Sec. 15. Proprietors of lots may plant and cultivate shrubs and plants upon their lots under the advice and control of the Superintendent, but as they are often neglected the Association re- serves to themselves the right to remove, at any and all times, any tree, shrub or plant that is in any way objectionable and in case of I 14 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION failure of the owners to remove them after due notice they will be removed at the expense of the lot owner. Sec. 16. All graves must be covered to a level with the ground in the lot, or if a single grave not in a lot, to a level with the surrounding ground. No mounds to exceed four inches in height to be made over graves; after grave marks are placed the grave to be leveled. When a grave sinks or caves in it must be filled to a level with the adjacent ground and all graves so kept at the ex- pense of the lot owner or friends of person interred therein. Graves sinking below the level of surrounding ground within six months after filling shall be refilled by the Sexton without pay. Sec. 17. It is desirable that a permanent grave mark be placed at each grave with a suitable inscription thereon, the mark to be of some durable material subject to the approval of the Super- intendent. Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of proprietors of lots to place and keep in repair permanent mere-stones or land marks at the corners of their lots under the direction of the Superintendent. No corner stone or mark and no enclosure, monument or grave mark shall encroach upon the public drives or pathways. Sec. 19. All persons employed in the construction of vaults, tombs, erection of monuments or grave marks or work of any kind will be subject to the control and direction of the Superintendent. Any person failing to conform to this rule will not be permitted to work in the Cemetery. Sec. 20. Vaults or tombs, monuments and grave marks shall be of durable material subject to the approval of the Superintend- ent. Sec. 2 1. In the prosecution of any work in the Cemetery a place will be designated by the Superintendent for the deposit of all refuse material and rubbish which shall not remain longer on the grounds than is actually necessary for the finishing of the work and the work shall be forwarded without unnecessary delay. Sec. 22. No person shall have use of or title to a lot or grave nor hold it by selection against other purchasers until the same is paid for at the price set by the Managers. Sec. 23. In each case of interment or disinterment astatement giving the name, date of birth and death, residence, and if possible AXD ITS CEMETERY. 15 place of nativity and such remarlcs as may bedesired to be placed on record of the person to be interred or disinterred must be given to the Superintendent and recorded by him in a book kept for that purpose. Whenever interments or disinterments are to be made at least one day's previous notice thereof shall be given to the Superintendent and a permit obtained therefor. Sec. 24. Drivers of carriages must remain on their seats or stand by their horses during funeral services. No horse or team of any kind shall be left in the grounds unhitched. And any creat- ure found running at large in the grounds will be impounded and the owner held for any damage. Sec. 25. The Superintendent is fully empowered as special constable to arrest all who violate any reasonable rule of the Asso- ciation or State Law touching Cemeteries. Sec. 26. The interment of the remains of any stranger or poor person not otherwise provided for may be at such place as the Man- agers direct and the Superintendent shall record the names of such person and their place of burial with such other remarks as may be desired and are obtainable and a properly inscribed grave mark should be placed at such grave. Sec. 27. Lots may be assigned and transferred from one owner to another provided the consent of the Managers is first obtained and such transfer giving the names of the parties be recorded upon the record books of the Association. Transfers without such con- sent and record will not be valid. Sec. 28. All deeds of lots, conveyances and contracts shall each be signed by the President and Clerk, who are hereby created the agents of the Association for this purpose and such instruments shall be registered by the Clerk before delivery. l6 THE PORTLAND BURYING (jROUND ASSOCIATION Sec. 29. The Clerk shall keep a register or record of all sales and transfers of lots for burial purposes within the grounds of the Cemetery which shall show the number of both lot and section and size of the lot, the name of the purchaser, the price paid, the date of sale and such other matters as the Managers shall require. A map or maps of the Cemetery property showing accurately the loca- tion and size of each lot shall always remain in the ofifice of each, the Clerk and Superintendent, and at such other places as may be fixed upon by the Managers. Sec. 30. All deeds of lots must be recorded upon the record book of the Association and the title does not vest until such record is made. Sec. 31. Any person may become a member of the Association by signing the articles and becomes a member by owning a lot with deed properly recorded. Each member is entitled to one vote at all meetings of the Association. Sec. 32. Not less than five members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Association, and two Managers and the Clerk a quorum at any meeting of the Managers. Sec. 33. The Managers may at any time fill any vacancy which may occur among the officers or in their own number. Sec. 34. This Association wi!' 'accept donations and bequests from any person and the Treasurer or any other officer of the Asso- ciation is authorized to receive the same. The gift or bequest may be on condition that certain lots or graves are properly cared for. Sec. 35. The President and senior Director shall be with the Treasurer a committee to have charge of donations and bequests to the Association, the Association to accept the same by vote. Sec. 36. The Clerk shall report to the Registrar of the town the names of the Superintendent and Sexton in charge of the Ceme- tery and any change thereafter immediately after appointment or change. (Sec. iio, Statutes 1888.) Sec. 37. The seal of the Asso- ciation shall contain the words "The Portland Burying Ground Association, Portland, Conn., 1845" and shall be used by the Clerk or such other per- sons as the Managers direct. I AND ITS CEMETERY. '7 Sec. 3S. There shall be a Secretary of the Association chosen by ballot at the same time the other officers are chosen, whose duties and powers shall be those usually incident to that office. The Secretary and Clerk may be one and the same person and may be voted for on the same ballot. The words Clerk and Secretary may be synonymous terms for the same officer at the pleasure of the Association. Sec. 39. These by-laws and regulations may be altered and amended and repealed at any annual or special meeting of the Asso- ciation, the purpose of so doing being specified in the call. Sec. 40. All by-laws, rules and regulations heretofore adopted that conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed. The members of the Association, their families and friends and the public shall be allowed at all times access to the grounds, ob- serving the by-laws and regulations adopted, all gates and other entrances to be closed when leaving the Cemetery at night. As it is the object of these by-laws and regulations and the earnest desire of the officers and managers of this Association to make and keep this last earthly resting place of our beloved dead in as sacred, beautiful and becoming a condition as possible, it is re- quested that every person co-operate with the Managers in every possible way "To accomplish this consummation most devoutly to be wished." l8 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION FORM OF DEED. No BE IT KNOWN THAT $ The Portland Burying Ground Association Of the Town of Portland, County of Middlesex, and State of Connecticut, In consideration of Dollars, received from do give, grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto the said LOT No SECTION No in the Burying (Jround of said Association, situated in said Town of Portland, said feet long in a Northerly and Southerly direction, and feet wide in an Easterly and Westerly direction, and contains square feet. To HAVE AND to HOLD to h and h heirs and assigns forever as a burial place for the dead, and for no other purpose whatever, sub- ject to the Articles of Association and the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of said Association now existing, and such as may hereafter be adopted. It is expressly agreed that the said lot shall not be transferred without the consent of the Board of Managers, certified upon the instrument of transfer, by the clerk of said Association. Witness the Corporate seal of said Association, and the signatures of its President and Clerk this day of A. D., THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION, President. Clerk. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of STATE OF CONNECTICUT, | COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, [ ^^• Portland, A. D., Personally appeared President, and Clerk of the Portland Burying Ground Association, and acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed. Before me, Notary Public. AND ITS CEMETERY. 1 9 The Managers have had printed for sending out the following circular : "The attention of the managers has often been called to the condition of lots and graves which were wholly neglected. In many cases these lots and graves belong to families once prominent in our town who have left no kin to care for them. A.s the income from the general fund can be used to good ad- vantage in beautifying and caring for the whole cemetery, the surest way to provide against an individual lot or grave being neg- lected and to have it kept as neat and beautiful as possible for all time, is to give or leave a sum of money to the Association as a per- manent fund on the condition that the income, only, be used by the Association to keep such lot or grave, and the monuments and grave marks thereon, in good condition. Families often become extinct, move away, have so many cares or other good reasons that it is impossible to give the needed at- tention to these matters. But an Association of this kind never dies or becomes extinct, and money set apart or left in this way insures permanent care of a lot and graves. There are so many advantages in the money being given in one's life time, in addition to the satisfaction of seeing the work done, that it is needless to call attention to them. The income from One Hundred Dollars safely invested would be sufficient to take good care of the lawn of one lot. To include the cleaning and care of monuments and grave marks would retjuire income from a larger sum. A less sum would yield enough to care for a single grave. Any officer of the Association will be glad to give any in- formation on this subject. Inclosed is a form of gift or bequest." FORM OF GIFT OR BEQUEST. I hereby give and bequeath to The Portland Burying Ground Association, of Portland, Connecticut, Dollars to be and remain a permanent fund, the income only therefrom to be used by said Association to keep Lot Xo Section No 20 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION or the graves of in the cemetery of said Association in good condition and to do whatever is necessary to keep clean, repair, preserve and renew any tomb, monument or grave mark thereon. [If this special fund is set apart during lifetime erase the words "and bequeath," if a bequest in a will, leave it as it is.] Whenever any lot or gTave is neglected the Mana- gers usually call the owner's attention to it by sending the following circular : "Your lot in the cemetery needs putting in better condition. Please give it your early attention. It is desirable that our cemetery should be made and kept as beautiful as possible, and we ask you to aid us by promptly attend- ing to the above request." AND ITS CEMETERY. HISTORY OF THE CEMETERY, The land now occupied by and under the control of The Portland Burying Ground Association and enclosed within the present stone wall was obtained in the following manner. The first purchase was one and one-half acres more or less adjoining the old burying ground on the South, being the north side of the Cheney lot, so called. This purchase was from Mrs. Anna Strickland and her warranty deed is dated February 9th, A. D. 1846. It is to The Portland Burying Ground Association and the consideration was one hundred and fifty dollars. This deed was recorded March 16, 1846, in the Port- land Land Records, in Volume i, page 301. The land was laid out in lots with provision for single graves. The next and largest addition of land to the cemetery was by gift from Mr. Sylvester Gildersleeve. It contains five acres and is the present southerly part. Mr. Gildersleeve gave, in i860, six hun- dred dollars for its purchase of the Strickland sisters. The warranty deed is dated October 29, A. D. 1S61, and is from the four sisters Asenath, Martha, Amy and Vienna Strickland, and is made direct to The Portland Burying Ground Association. It was recorded Oc- tober 29, 1861, in the Portland Land Records in A^olumey, page 427. This land is laid out in sections of four lots each as shown on the map of both the Strickland purchase and the Gildersleeve gift, made by Mr. Joseph C Gladwin, October 1, A. D. 1894. The older and northerly part of the cemetery was conveyed by warranty deed dated January 24, A. D. 1767, "in the 7th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third of Great Britain, etc. King" by William Bartlit, of Middletown, in the county of Hart- ford and Colony of Connecticut in New England to Capt. Jeremiah Goodrich, Capt. David Sage and David Robinson, a committee for the third Society in said Middletown. The consideration was five pounds and five shillings lawful money. The deed specifies that it was sold to the "committee as aforesaid for the use of the third Society in sd Middletown for a publick burying place for said So- ciety wherein to bury their dead, to the said committee for the 1 22 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION publick use as aforesaid, and to their successors in said office, their heirs and assigns forever, one certain piece of land lying on the East side of Connecticut river in said Middletown containingone acre and a half of land lying at a place commonly called the Plains and being part of that land which was lately called Indian land and is butted on highway both northerly and easterly and on my own other lands both westerly and southerly, which acre and one-half of land shall be laid out beginning at the northeast corner of the land which I lately bought at the Vandue of the Indian land and to extend westward by the highway about eleven rods and from thence about southward sixteen rods and from thence easterly to run such a point as may measure one acre and a half of land and by butting as aforesaid. " This deed was acknowledged before Joseph White, Justice of the Peace, and was witnessed by Joseph White and Eben'r White, and is recorded in Chatham Land Records, Volume i, page 79, by Jonathan Penfield, Registrar, January ye 2d, 1769. In 1862 The First Ecclesiastical Society in Portland, by Horace B. Wilcox, Franklin Payne and G. C. H. Gilbert, their committee thereunto duly authorized, for the consideration of one dollar and other good causes and considerations, devised and leased to The Portland Burying Ground Association their interest in the burying ground last mentioned situated near and adjoining ground of the said association, containing two acres more or less. This lease was dated April 7th, A. D. 1862, and recorded April 8, 1862, in Volume 6, page 220, of Portland Land Records. These three documents conveyed all the land now enclosed by the present stone wall and is all under the control and care of The Portland Burying Ground Association. From the dates cut on some of the grave stones it would seem that there had been several interments on the Bartlit land before he deeded it to the Third Society's committee in 1767. Many if not all of the stones bearing much earlier dates were removed here with the remains of the persons from the burying ground which was formerly between the lands of the Middlesex Quarry Company, and Brainerd Quarry Company. Amongthe earliest interments were Nathaniel Whiteand his wife Mary. She died first, on Jan. 31, 1767, and his death followed eleven days later on February nth of the same year. i AND ITS CEMETERY. 27, Richard (Goodrich, who died March nth, A. D. 1767. Rev. Moses Bartlit, died Dec. 27, 1766, aged 58, for 34 years pastor in this place. Rev. Cyprian Strong, D. D., died Nov. 17, 181 1, in the 68th year of his age, for 44 years minister here. Rev. Hervey Talcott, died Dec. 19, 1865, aged 75 years, in the 50th year of his ministry here. The length of continuous service in the ministry of the First Congregational Church in this place by these three pastors, was upwards of one-hundred twenty-eight years and they all rest in this cemetery. Such length of ministerial service in one church is rare in these days The cemetery is most favorably situated. The views from the southern and highest portion are extended and fine, embracing the Connecticut River and its green meadows with the surrounding hills which bound a beautiful section of country. The soil being of a dry sandy nature is especially suitable for the purpose. Every effort has recently been made to improve and beautify the grounds. Many of the gravestones in the older por- tion have been righted and cleaned and water introduced through pipes from a well on neighboring land to a brownstone fountain in the newer part. While the larger cities have given much attention to and ex- pended large sums of money upon their cemeteries, making many of those sacred places beautiful and attractive, there is no reason why we should not also use the advantages nature has given us to make our rural city of the dead equally beautiful. There is plenty of evidence upon all sides that greater interest is being taken in these matters than formerly. Cemeteries are receiving more at- tention and the monuments and grave marks are kept cleaner and in better condition. Thousands of dollars have been and will continue as time goes on to be expended upon monuments and lots in our cemetery and they should not be neglected. There is no better indication of good taste and high Christian civilization than solemn respect for the memory of the honored dead and that can not be better shown than by keeping attractive and beautiful the lots and graves in the cemetery where they sleep. 24 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION ORGANIZATION AND HISTORY OF THE DOINGS OF THE OFFICERS. The first meeting of the Association was held as provided in the Articles of Association on Monday, the 15th day of December, A. D. 1845, at the Methodist Meeting House (on Rose Hill) and officers were chosen. At an adjourned meeting held on the next Monday evening, De- cember 22, A. D. 1845, at the same place the original By-laws were adopted. At the second annual meeting held Monday, January 9, A. D. 1846, it was voted to purchase one and a half acres of land. The committee appointed to report a plan consisted- of Ebenezer B. White, Asher N. Rowley and David Cornwall. This committee reported to the adjourned meeting held January 12, A. D., 1846, and it was voted to "purchase of Mrs. Anna Strickland land adjoining the old burying ground sufficient to lay out a burying ground on the plan reported." This is the land mentioned in the history of the cemetery. All persons interested were invited "to meet with teams and implements for the purpose of grading the ground without charge to the association, such invitation to be given in the several schools or in such other way as the managers think proper." At the same meeting a plan was voted for the selection and assigning of lots after the ground had been graded and fenced, suitable provision was made "for a place of burial of the remains of any stranger or poor person not otherwise provided for," and the clerk was to record the name and age (if known) of such person and the place of their burial." It was at this meeting that a stone wall was decided upon as the most permanent and in the end least ex- pensive manner of enclosing the grounds. I'he managers reported to the annual meeting held January i, A. D. 1849, the "laying out of the grounds into new lots according to the plan of single lots" and the records show to whom lots were as- signed and certificates given under the plan adopted. At the annual meeting held at the house of S. Stocking, on AND ITS CEMETERY. 25 fanuary 2, 1854, the By-laws were by vote altered and amended to provide for the officers holding over till others were elected, in case annual meetings were not regularly held. The next annual meeting for election of officers etc., was held at the store of S. Gildersleeve & Son, January 6th, A. D. i860, and adjourned to the Center Church on Monday the 13th January, and again adjourned to January 27th, and again to February 10th, all in i860. At this meeting the following votes were passeti. "Voted, That this meeting manifest a sense of esteem and grati- tude to Mr. Sylvester Gildersleeve for his very liberal donation of $600 to pay for the addition of five acres of land to their burying ground and their wishes that he may long live to enjoy the pleasure inseparable from acts of munificence conferring equal benefits on the present and future generations." And at this meeting it was voted that this land be enclosed with the "present" yard by a stone wall and graded and laid out in sections of four family lots each, the manner of numbering of the sections and lots, the disposal and giving deeds, the prices of lots and single burial places, the settlement of accounts of all persons contributing to the improvement of the grounds, were all discussed and voted upon. At the annual meeting held on January 5th, 1S69, David Corn- wall, Esq., who had been the Association's President since the or- ganization in 1846, tendered his resignation, and Mr. Seth J. Davis was elected President. At an adjourned meeting held at the Center Church, Monday, January 25th, 1869, a tax of five dollars on each lot was voted, for fencing and improving the grounds. With the money realized from this tax the stone wall was com- pleted and the grounds very much improved. It was also voted to arrange for lots with members who had contributed labor, to de- posit in Savings Banks the money received from sale of lots, and to restrict interments in the old ground without written consent of one or more of the board of managers. At a meeting held January 14, 1873, it was voted that the man- agers be instructed to arrange with a collector for the collection of the tax of five dollars on each lot. 26 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION At an annual meeting held at the store of S. Gildersleeve & Sons, on Thursday, October 19, A. D. 1893, it was Voted, That the cemetery be surveyed at as early a day as possible and the sections marked by boundstones. Voted, That Hobart Davis, Henry Kilby, John Strickland and Joseph C. Gladwin be a committee to procure such survey and boundstones and a plat of the cemetery. The Secretary and Treasurer was also authorized to procure suitable books for the correct keeping of the records and accounts of the Association. And a committee was appointed on amending the By-laws and Regulations. At the annual meeting held on Saturday, October 13, 1894, the present amended By-laws and Regulations were adopted and voted to be printed with such other matter as is of interest and worthy of being put in permanent form, the clerk to procure such printing. It was also Voted, That the clerk procure a seal and that it should contain the words "The Portland Burying Ground Association, Portland, Conn., 1845," and it shall be the corporate seal of the association. Voted, That the new form of deed of lots as read at this meet- ing be adopted. Other votes were passed about having printed notices to own- ers of lots to have them put in order, also to furnish all members who desire printed copies of the By-laws and Regulations. At the meeting held September 14, A. D. 1895, Mr. Joseph C. Gladwin reported that he had completed three maps of the cemetery, one of which is lodged with the President, one with the Secretary and one with the Superintendent. At the annual meeting held on Saturday, September 12, A. D. 1896, Mr. Henry Kilby, the Superintendent, reported that he had successfully introduced water through pipes from a well on Mr. Alexander Hale's land into a brownstone fountain in the cemetery. AND ITS CEMETERY 27 LOT OWNERS ON STRICKLAND PURCHASE. Names. Lot No. Names. L.ot No. Abbey, Elizur, Ames, Charles, Abbey, William W., Abbey, Samuel, i Buckingham, Samuel S., Brown, Chester, Bartlett, Joel, Bartlett, William H., Brown, Elisha and George M., Buck, Horace B., Button. Jeremiah, Buck, Barnard B. , Brainerd, Lucy, Button, Cleveland (part). Button, Egbert 0., Bell, George, Brown, Cicero, (part), C Colton, Elijah, Cheney Daniel, Concklin, Richard B., Crittenden, Ann E., Caswell, Harlow H., Concklin, Henry S., Clark, Charles W., Culver, Martin, D Dunham, Edwin G., Dixon, William L. , Dunham, Daniel E., 2 5 hvClwards, bo Evans, Willi lomon h., im H., 101 118 7 F 93 Fessenden, 'homas, Q 100 9 Goodrich, Joseph, 4 15 Goodrich, Joseph E., 32 23 Gladwin, Erasmus, 43 24 Gildersleeve, Oliver, 41 42 36 Gilbert, Dr. G. C. H. , 37 (part), 49 68 Gildersleeve, Philip, 54 79 Gildersleeve, Sylvester, 59 83 " " 60 84 Gildersleeve, Henry, 70 85 Gildersleeve, Jeremiah, 92 (part). 80 102 Goodrich, William, (part). 80 Goife, Norman, 114 12 H 22 Hubbard, Th omas J., 29 28 Hurlburt, Chester S., 31 56 Hall, Abner, 38 87 Hale, Alexan der, 40 97 Hurlburt, Samuel F., 45 1 12 Hall, Ebenezer, 99 8 61 95 28 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Names. L Lewis, William C, Lewis, Edward, Lewis, William, n Miller, Frederick L., N Norcott, Richard P., Norcott, William, Norcott, Elijah, (part), Neff, Aaron H., (part), O Overton, Augustin, P Penfield, Russell, Penfield, Edward A., Penfield, Daniel, Penfield, Alfred C, Penfield, Horace, Penfield, Austin, Pelton, Ralph, Payne, P'ranklin, Payne, Lyman, Payne, Alfred, Pelton, Lewis, Patten, Nelson, Payne, Reuben, Payne, Job H. and Silas, R Russell, John C, Ranney, William C, Rowley, Asher N., Reeve, John, Rathbone, Rensellaer, Reeve, Samuel B., Rand, William, Lot No. 33 53 5S 44 19 30 35 62 57 7' 72 73 88 96 103 107 108 109 I ID 113 115 116 3 10 13 39 78 82 117 Names. Lot No. Smith, Henry R., Simpson, Ruth, Strickland, Ammial, Shepard, Nelson, Shepard, Edward, Strong, Kellogg, Stewart, Sanford, Stewart, John, Strickland, George Elihu, (part), Strickland, George, Strong, Asaph, (part), Sellew, Philip H., Sage, Henry E., Strickland, Ann, Strong, Erastus, Sage, Philip and Enoch, Sage, Charles L., Stocking, Sylvester, Stevens, Norman B., Shepard, David, Shepard, Jonathan, Shepard, John, ([Kirt), Shepard, Chauncey, Stocking, John, Simpson, \\'illiam N., Stewart, Hector, Strickland, Asa, and Cicero Brown, 102 Strickland, Noah and Daniel, Strickland, Joel, Strickland, William S., I 1 1 14 17 18 20 25 26 31 34 35 47 48 55 63 65 65 67 74 75 76 84 86 90 94 98 104 106 Talcott, Rev (pan). Hervey, 49 AND ITS CEMETERY 29 S9 Names. Lot No. Taylor, Chauncey, 81 Taylor, David, 122 V Valentine, Chauncey, W Wheeler, Charles and William, Ward, William and Salley, White, James W., White, Evelyn, White, Stephen H., Names. Lot No. 6 27 46 .50 51 White, George J., 52 Warner, Orren, Jr., (part), 62 White, Ebenezer B., Wdliams, David, Wetherell, Jonathan, Vacant in June, 1897: 64 69 91 16 77 119 1 20 121 3° THE PORTLAXn BURVIXG GROUND ASSOCIATION LOT OWNERS ON GILDERSLEEVE GIFT. Names. A Alexander, Lucy, Ackley, Elijah, Ames, Mrs. Elizabeth, Sec. Lot -4 "3 "3 —4 Ackley, J. Franklin, B Bell, Eros 2- Brooks, David W. (s. part) 11- Brown, Earl, (part), 15- Buck, James F., 16- Buck, Elizabeth, 16- Button, Daniel, 17- Brainerd, Olin N. / - 20- Bolton, GetM-ge W. \ Buck, Henrietta L. Crittenden, Daniel, Cornwall, David, " William, Clark, John H., Crittenden. Charles G. (w. part), Cornwall, A. Nelson, Cornwall, Andrew, Cornwall, Charles F., Cornwall, Harvey B., Case, Monroe H. , Cox, George and Isaac, 32—4 I -2 4—1 4—2 4—3 4—4 6-4 2C- 2 I- 21- 21- 21- 31- Concklin, George W., 50 — Names. Sec. Lot D Dickinson, Ira, 3- Day, Isaac H., 18- Davis, Hobart and Sarah M., 22- Davis, Hobart, 22- H Edwards, Watson, 59 — 4 F Fountain for water, 14 — 3 G Gleason, William H., 1 — 3 (Goodrich, Chester, 3- " Charles C, 18- " Frederick W. , iS- John Q., 23- Gildersleeve, Henry Jr., 32- " Ferdinand, 58- Hale, Oliver M., 6— Hale, James .\., 7 Hale, David, 7 Hale, Francis, f Hale, David, 7 Hale, Fred'k A., A Hurlburt, Simeon P., 11 Hopkins, Russell (part), 12 Hurlburt, Alanson, 13 Hurlburt, David, i^ AND nZ CKME'lERV. 3 1 Names. Sec. Lot Names. Sec. Lot Hurlburt, Henry M., 13 — 4 Penfield, George H., 5 — 2 Hubbard, Edmund, 14 — 4 Pelton, Nelson, 5 — -3 Hale, Alexander, 16 — 2 Pelton, Francis A., 5 — 4 Hopkins, Sally B., 23 — i j Penfield, John M., 6 — 3 Hall, Nelson, 23 — 2 Pelton, Sanford & Hosmer 1 1 — 3 Hopkins, Daniel F., 23 — 3 Pratt, Frank (part), 12 — 2 Harvey, Rev. W. Nye, 32 — 2 Palmer, Elliot, Rev., 12 — 3 Hale, Harry T., 49 — i ; Pellett, Nelson B., 14 — 2 Hale, Asaph H., 49 — 2 j Post, Alfred E. & F. Newton, Hale, A. H., E. S. \- H. T., 17 — 2 49 — -3 Pitkin, Thomas B. (e. part). Hale, Edward S., 49 — 4 20 — -i I i Pitkin, Eliza A., llslev, lohn A., i— i ! Pelton, Hezekiah G., J I Pellett, Mrs. Eliza D., K R Kilby, Henry (part), 48—3 Randall, Mary (s. part), 1^ Rathbone, Charles O., Lawson, John (n. part), 8 — 3 \ S Lawrence, Isabella (part), ^;^) — i Stewart, Lucius P., M Stewart, Thomas, Miller, Frederick L. . 1—4 Stocking, Charles H., Moulton, iurner, 2—4 Sage, B. Frank, Morgan, Charles W., 24—4 Stevens, Sarah, Mosher, Lewis W. & W. L., Strickland, Noah (part), ' , Sellew, Philip H., McKay. Mrs. John (part), 33—1 Stewart, Ralph S., j^. Shepard, Noah, VII r AT c, Strickland, N. N., Nicholson, L. AL , 8 — 4 ' ' xT^i X -1 / \ Strickland, Alanson (part), Neilson, Neils (n. part), 10 — 4 ^^ ' Northam, Ralph, r4 — 1 "^ O T Overton, Levantia, 15— i ^'ilden, J. Andrew, i8- P U Penfield, Hiram A., 5 — i V 20- —2 22- -2 48- -4 8- -3 20- -4 2 — -1 2- -2 6- - 2 A- -I 12— -I 15- -2 15- -4 16- -I 22— -T 24- -3 THE PORTLAND BURYIXG GROUND ASSOCIATIOV. Names. W Wilcox, Horace B., Wilson, William, White, Edward E., Wells, Roswell, Wells, Henry H., Sec. Lot. Names. Wells, George W., 3—1 White, Wm. Starr, 3—2 White, Charles H., 13—2 ( ( ( ( 19— I X 19 — 2 Y 19—3 Z Sec. Lot. 19—4 31 — 2 39—1 39—2 NUMBER OF BURIALS FROM 1869 TO SEPT. 1, 1897 INCLUSIVE. Number of Burials by John Strickland, Sexton, in the Cemetery of The Portland Burying Ground Association. Year. Date of first Burial. No. Year. Date nf first Hiirial- No. 1869, Feb. 3d, 17 1S84, Jan I 2th, 17 1870, Jan. 5th, 27 1SS5, Jan. 14th, 20 1871, Jan. loth. 22 1886, Jan. 14th, 19 1872, Jan. nth. 14 1887, Jan. 6th, 17 1873, Jan. 22d, 15 1888, Jan. 22d, 18 1874, Mar. 15th, 23 1889, Jan. ist. 18 1875, Jan. 17 th, 18 1890, Feb. 24th, 14 1876, Jan. 26th, 14 1891, Feb. 15 1877, Jan. 5th, 22 1892, Jan. 9th, 18 1878, Jan. nth. 15 1893, Mar. 20th, fl2 1879, Jan. 24th, 19 1894, Jan. loth. 19 1880, Jan. 7th, 20 1895, Jan. 2d, 19 1881, Feb. ist, *28 1896, Jan. 2d, 19 1882, Mar. 3d, 16 1897, Feb. 2d, I I 1883, Jan. 6th, 19 Total, 52 5- *Largest No. fSmallest No. Oct. 2Sth, 1S71. "Believed to be the last time the old Hearse was used." AND ITS CEMETERY. 33 LIST OF OFFICERS, PAST AND PRESENT. PRESIDENTS. 1. David Cornwall, ..---- 1845-1868 Died May 3, 1874. 2. Seth J.Davis, - - 1869-1877 Died August 1 1, 1877. 3. Evelyn White, ------- 1878- 1886 Died October 16, 1886. 4. Henry Gildersleeve, - 1893-1894 Died April 9, 1894. 5. Hobart Davis, ------- 1894 DIRECTORS. William H. Bartlett, ...-.-- 1845-1859 Died August 8, 1894. Enoch Sage, -------- Asher N. Rowley, ------- Died Dec. 29, 1868. Seth J. Davis, -------- Elected President Jan. 5, 1869. Philip H. Sellew, ------- Died Jan. 18, 1873. Evelyn White, -------- President in 1878. Henry Gildersleeve, ----- Elected President October 19, 1893. Hobart Davis, -------- E'ected President October 13, 1894. Henry Kilby, -------- Joseph C. Gladwin ------- Died September i, 1896. Edward S. Hale, ------- 1896 1845- 1848 1S49- 1859 1860- 1868 t86o- 1868 1869- 1S78 1869- 1893 1878- 1894 1893 1894- 1896 34 THF. PJRTLAXL) MURYtNL; GROUND ASSOCIATION TREASURERS. David Williams, ..-..-- 1845-1860 Died August 12, 1863. Ferdinand Gddersleeve, ------ i860 CLERK OR SECRETARY. Charles L. Sage, ------- 1845-1848 Died August 9, 1864. Enoch Sage, -------- 1849-1893 Resigned on account of failing eyesight. Ferdinand Crildersleeve, ------ 1893 SUPERINTENDENT. Henry Kilby, -------- 1894 SEXTONS. 1. Seth Strickland. 2. Ammial Strickland. Began July 19, 1828. Finished March 27, 1837; these dates given by his son, John, the present Sexton. 3. John Shepard. 4. George Strickland. With the exception of Ammial Strickland no dates could be obtained, and this record was given from memory by old residents. 5 John Strickland, the present Sexton, was appointetl January 25, 1869, and has held the office continuously since. AND ITS CEMETERY. 35 LIST OF NAMES OF PERSONS BURIED IN THE CEME- TERY (KNOWN AS THE CENTER CEMETERY) OF THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSO- CIATION, OF PORTLAND, CONNECTI- CUT, ENDING WITH DECEM- BER 31. A. D., 1897. This list was obtained from inscriptions on monuments and gravestones, from records of the sextons, Seth Strickland and John Strickland.* and from information received from individuals and other available sources. Every effort has been made to have it correct and complete. The managers had the following notice advertised for six days in the Tribune and the Penny Press, daily newspapers published in Middletown, that all might have opportunity to give information and to correct errors: — -SPECIAL NOTICE. The Portland Buryinj)^ Ground Association are about to publish in a book, a list of the dead lying in the Center Cemetery, Portland. To make the list as complete as possible, all persons are requested to give the names of deceased friends and others, with date of, and age at death, whose graves in this cemetery are not marked by headstones or monuments, with inscriptions, the names to be forwarded at once to Henry Kilby, Superintendent, Gildersleeve, Ct. F. Gildersleeve, Clerk. Gildersleeve. Ct., Sept. 2, 1S97. After the list had been prepared and in manuscript the follow- ing notice was also published in the Middletotcn Tribune, and sub- stantially the same in the Penny Press: — CENTER CEMETERY. A LIST OF DEAD .\RRANGED TO BE I'RIN 1 ED. The managers of the Portland Burying Ground Association have had prepared a list of the names of the dead lying in the cemetery in Portland known as the Center Cemetery. This list is now at the Middlesex County Printery, about to be set in * If the other sextons kept records they could not be found. 36 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION type and printed, and all persons are invited to call there and examine it for the pur- pose of giving additional information and correcting any errors. This list is to be published in the Cemetery Book and as it will be of interest to the public it is very desirable that the list be complete and correct before it is put into permanent printed form. While no pains have been spared to have this list correct and complete, there are, undoubtedly, remains of persons buried in this cemetery without grave marks or records of any kind. As the records of burials have been imperfectly kept, if kept at all, the managers have been unable to ascertain the names of such persons. AND ITS CEMETERY. 37 LIST OF THOSE BURIED IN THIS CEMETERY. Name of Deceased. .Age at Heath \ears. .Months. Abbey, Sophronia, 2 1 — Emily, 31 Frank R., 2 Elizur, Ambrose, Harmony, 45 Thonia.s, 7 - Samuel, 80 Henry A., 4 Asaph, 55 — Benjamin, — Lois, 64 Elizur, 3 6 Elizur, 76 — Betsey, 80 5 Benjamin, 55 Henry E., ^3 — Mary G., 13 Mary E., 32 Emily, — 3 William, — Sarah, — — Gerard, — — Acklev. H. Ruth, 80 — 'William F., — 4 Alice E., — 6 Henrietta, — — Akins, Samuel, 71 - — Mary, 26 — Sarah. — — Roard, — — Robert, 19 — Alexander, Moses F., 52 — Gurnev H., — Harrv'P., — — Daniel S., — 10 Alden, Harry P., — — Charlotte A. W. , 34 4 Harry Percival, 19 Alin, Davidi — Ames, Abigail, 6 — Theodosia, 63 — Days. 16 -'4 14 Date of Death. Julv 10, 1837 Oct. 13, 1848 Sept. 2, 1854 Jan. 9, 1892 Feb. 14, 1S81 Oct. 18, 1833 Mch. 24, 1824 Aug. 10, 1806 Nov. 25) 1820 Dec. 17, 183 1 July 31, 1792 Sept. 29. 1825 May 3) iSsS Tune 29, ] 856 b.ct. 17- 863 Apr. 1 1, ] 86s Feb. 13, [86\ Sept. 7, 855 luly 26, ^854 Nov. 17, 85 I julv 3. 858 Mch. 21, I 812 May 18, ] 825 fan. 1 1, 885 April II, ] 858 Oct. 2, 1 870 Feb. 5, I 875 lune 25, J 809 Mch. 31, 766 Jan. 16, t8oS Oct. 27, ] 795 Oct. 27, '795 June I) 1 870 Jan. 28, 1 892 Jan. i5> ' 892 Sept. 1 1, [844 Dec. 22, J 891 Oct. 19, [885 Dec. 22, 891 Nov. 18, 1799 Feb. 8, 1777 Nov. 21, 1807 38 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Dat e of Death. Years. Months. Days. mes, John R., 76 June 10, 1872 Vienna, 30 Jan. 23, 1799 John, — 2 Jan. 10, 1799 Charles, 76 Aug. 26, 1881 Catherine C. L. , 84 Oct. 15, 1892 John, 56 Oct. 29, 1824 Vienna P., 30 Jan. 28, 1799 Henry, 44 Oct. 10, 1S47 Nicholas, 72 Dec. 3, 1817 Frederick L., 42 Oct. 17, 1876 C. Walter, 21 June 19, 1886 Abigail R., 19 June 18, 1769 Abigail, 19 — — June 18, 1769 Whole No. A's, 55. B Bates, Samuel, — Job, 74 Samuel, 2 I Sarah, 83 Alsev, — Babbitt, Elijah, — Baker, \'ienna A., 26 \'ienna. 1 1 Bakster, Rebecca, — Baley, Viney, — Betcy, 3 Phinehas, 4 Bailey, Sophia, 64 Mary, 60 Abraham, 59 Barbit, John, Bartlett, Mrs. Dr., — John, — Thomas, — Bartlitt, Elihu, — Moses, (Rev.), 58 Moses, (Dr.), 71 Margery, 33 Bartlett, Wm. H., 79 Mary E., 1 1 fulia, 77 Joel, 58 Samuel, 53 Dency, 64 Eunice W., 47 17 Feb. 8 . 1781 Aug. 15 1795 Jan. 30 1777 Ian. 16 1784 Feb. 9 1787 Nov. 28 , 1790 Jan. 26 1852 Jan. 30 181 2 Oct. 13 1776 Jan. 27 1799 Aug. 9 1776 Dec. 20 1879 Nov. 2 1 80 1 Apr. 23 1810 Aug. 1799 Oct. 23 1826 Aug. 29 1800 Feb. 10 1811 May II 1774 Dec. 27, 1766 Mch. 3 1810 Apr. 24 1775 Aug. 8 1894 Apr. 28 1880 Nov. 8 1846 Apr. 3 1822 Mch. 5 1834 Feb. 10 1845 Aug. 24, 1867 AND ITS CEMETERY. 39 Name of Deceased. Age at I 'cat Vears. Months. Betsey W., 83 Cornelia L., 37 Rosalia L., 16 7 Alfred H., 2 3 Abel, — Hulda, — — Mrs., — — Bartwit, Joseph, — — Barnabee, Chandler, 61 — Mary, 70 — Beach, Rev. A. C., 75 — Jane T., 75 — Laura M., 15 — Beebe, Mary R., 65 — Mary, — Mollv, 2 — Alfred, 4 — P.ell, Chas., 34 — Eros, 64 — Cynthia, 30 — Emma A., — 10 William, — — Mary H., — — (reorge. 74 — Anna, 84 — Beldin, Sally, — Bement, Kezia, S7 — Elizabeth, 90 — Anna, 55 — Mrs., — — Bidwell, Anna, — 10 John, 15 — Eunice, 3 — Agnes, 9 — Josiah, 31 — Annar, 25 — Sarah, — Daniel, 73 — Sally, 52 — Bliss, John P., 37 — Clorinda, 53 — John, — Abby Ann, — — Boardman, Seth, I 9 Elizabeth, 2 5 . Hovvel, 6 Samuel, 20 — 1 )av^ I )ate of Death. Apr. 1873 Mch. 16, 1859 Apr. 13, 1856 Aug. 28, 187 1 Sept. 21, 1836 Feb. I, 181O Apr. i6. i860 M ay 19, 1862 julv 30, 1 88 1 Mch. 9, 1895 Sept. 28, 1873 Jan. 6, 1820 Nov. 9, 1790 Oct. 8, 1790 Aug. 3, 1838 Apr. 20, 1867 Oct. 25, 1S46 May 25, 1845 Feb. 21, 18S7 fan. 1896 Feb. 1 1, '857 Aug. 30. 1869 Oct. 1 1, 1813 May 5, 1S43 Sept. 29, 1848 Jan. 25, 1S48 Mch. 2 2 1S15 Nov. 2 1779 Nov. 2, 1795 Apr. 5, 1782 Oct. -3- 1776 A u g. 23, 1790 Feb. 5- 1777 Feb. 4, 1777 Feb. 28, 1791 Feb. 21, 1837 Aug. 18, 1840 Apr. 21, 1859 June 15: 1777 Aug. I, 1770 Aug. 26, 1775 Jan. 12, 1777 40 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Years. Months. Days. Boardman, Samuel, 50 — Bolton, Geo. VV., 67 — Martha E., 53 — Bosworth, Elizabeth, 22 — Bovve, Lucy, 69 — Bowers, Prudence, — — Samuel, — — Mrs. C, — — _ Mrs., — _ _ Mrs., . — — _ Brainard, Sarah L., 62 — — Brainerd, Emily M.P., 81 — Emily M., 72 — — Brewer, Mrs., — — , Mrs., — _ — Brooks, Percy G., — — 21 John A., — — Mary, — 9 Mary, 36 — _ •Sybil, 41 — — Roswell, — — — Wm., — — _ Brown, Dorcas, 78 — — Nathaniel, 92 — — Sarah, 94 — — Mrs. N., — — _ Jonathan, 78 — -- Chester, 46 — — Sarah, 94 — — Caroline F. D., 77 — — Chas. S., 15 6 — Chester G., — 15 7 Geo. M., 37 — — Elisha, 84 — — Esther, 78 — — Josephine A., 27 — — Martha M., 13 — — Mary A., 16 — — "Wm. A., 9 7 — Frances E., 6 — 19 Frederick ^^'m., 17 — — . Esther M., 4 — — Samuel F., — i — Ida, — — — Chas., — — — Date of Death. Apr. 13 , 1787 June 1876 Nov 30, 1871 Apr. 28, 1775 Sept 15, 1851 Dec. 10, 1859 Oct. 1825 Mch 20, 1812 Feb. ^5, 1819 Feb. 20, 1800 Aug. 25, 1893 June 17, 1887 Jan. 3, 1883 Aug. 27, 1798 July 16, 1805 Aug. 6, 1896 Apr. 4, 1893 Dec. 28, 1816 Apr. 29, 1821 Mch. 7, 1839 Mch. 20, '857 May 20, 1829 Apr. 3) 181 2 Mch. 22, 1826- Aug. 21, 1841 Aug. 28, 1822 Mch. 9, 1826 Mch. 31, 1858 Aug. 21, I 84 I Tune 21, 1888 Mch. 16, 1857 Apr. 19, 1848 Sept. 23, 1850 Nov. 24, 1854 May 16, 1853 Sept. 14, i860 Oct. 22, 1852 Dec. I, 1852 Mch. 31, 1848 Apr. 19, 1843 Nov. 1 1, 1848 Dec. 6, 1833 Jan. 9, 1849 Jan. 14, 1886 Oct. 20, 1885 AND ITS CEMETERY, 41 Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months. Brown, Nathaniel, 28 Harriet, 82 Chas. L., 24 Mary A. S., 34 Wm. Augustus 28 10 Ruth, 22 Nathaniel, 29 Rebekah, 96 Buck, Daniel, r ranees E., — 5 James F., 74 Hancy M., — James R., 25 — Alida Maria, — Willietta, — — Wilbur E., 46 — Barnard B., 70 — Desire, 86 — Hatsel N., — — Martha E., 2 8 Earl A., 2 8 Olin H., 6 8 Horace B., 74 — Erastus, 41 — Eunice, 59 — Mary, 89 — Isaac, 22 — lames, 63 — Ruth, 80 — Hannah, — — • Miss M., — — Justus, — — Buckin(,^ham, Sam. S., 62 — lulia R., 49 — Rosella E., 43 — Jane, 4 — Joseph, I 3 Isabel W., 3 — Herman, 16 — Emma K., 33 — Jennie, 27 — ■ Bunce, Marv, — — Tulia'C, 43 — Mrs. T., — — Days. 17 Dat e of Deatli. June 19, 1828 Feb. I I, 1884 Nov. 15, 1847 luly 4, 1S59 Nov. 16, ^^33 xMay I, 1801 May 31, 1794 July 15, 1805 Mch. 18, i«37 Oct. 10, 1839 1888 1843 July 24, 1865 1866 1869 1891 Mch. 20, 1875 Dec. 29, 1890 Mch 3, 1799 Sept I, 1848 Apr. H, i860 Apr. 24, 1860 Apr. 25, 1896 Aug. 23- 1839 Mch. 7, 1859 Mch. 18, 1874 Jan. 26, 1829 Jan. s, 1838 Aug. I 2, 1857 Mch. 1831 Oct. 16, 1836 Feb. 5, 1837 Jan. 3- 1870 Apr. 2 J 863 Mch. 28, 1875 Sept. 4, 1841 Dec. 3i 1845 Feb. 15, 1869 Jan. 29, 1866 Feb. 27i 1868 Mch. 18, 1869 Tan. 30, 1803 Dec. 4, 1876 Mch. 22, 1804 42 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months. Burgsson, Nelson, Burton, Lydia, 23 Lucy, 20 Button, Wilbur F., Willard F., Jeremiah, 70 Jeremiah P. , 62 Clarissa, 74 Lorinda, 47 Sally, Fanny, — Mary, — Daniel, 69 -,— Harriet W., Egbert 0., — Mary S., 66 John, — Emily, — John, — William, — Date of Death. Days. Feb. 4 , 1888 July 30 1780 Nov. 6 1779 Feb 23 1852 Feb. 23 1852 June 2 1861 Sept. 10 1889 June 5 1861 Mch. 15 1863 Oct. 1 1 1813 Aug. 28 1821 Oct. 26 1813 Aug. 20 1892 Sept. 25 1889 April 3 1893 Dec. 17 i888 Nov. 24 1826 Feb. 28 1 83 1 May 8 1836 Feb. 28, 1826 Whole No. B's, 186. CampbeH, Olive, 56 Case, Harley, 84 Harriet M., 70 Diantha, 82 William, 76 Phebe, 90 Cashean, Mr., Cay, Mr., — Chase, Nellie, 24 Chapman, Mrs. W., Ira, — Anna, — Cheney, Chas., 3 Prudence, 20 Elizabeth, 4 Asahel, Daniel, 60 Julia, 28 Jemima, 73 Mch. 3) 1826 Jan. Oct. Dec. Feb. 20, 6, 9, 23, 1894 1889 1891 1844 1865 July Oct 2 J) 10, 1805 1814 June 14, 1888 Fe^b. 20, 1827 Dec. 1820 Jan. 4, 1818 Sept. Aug. 21, 8, 1776 1771 May Mch. 23, 28, 1775 17S6 Oct. I, 1820 Mch. 12, 1790 May 9, 1836 AND ITS CEMKI'KRY. 43 Name of Deceased. .•\.i;e al Deatli \ ears. Montlis. Cheney, Sarah A., 64 Daniel, 45 Lucy, 4 Churchel, Daniel, 60 Bethiah, 76 John, 70 Churchill, Joseph, ^3 Prudence, 68 Charles, 40 Mary H., 2 Maria, — 7 Ruth, 82 Chas., 71 — Joseph, 17 — Ruth, 20 — Laura, 19 — Joseph J5., 13 Joseph, 63 Chas., — Mrs , — Clark, Daniel, — — Peleg, — Peleg R., — John H., 67 — Sarah J., 63 — Norman C, -5 6 Chas. W., I Coles, Joseph, 80 — Percy, 66 — Charley, 2 6 Cole, Mrs. L, — Colton, Elijah, S5 Nabby, 42 — Edmund, 20 — Sarah, 48 — Mrs., 98 — Elizabeth S., 80 — Concklin, Henry S., 78 4 Sarah B., 61 2 Lydia A. H., 72 — John A., 70 Harriet B., 74 — Isaac, 44 — Harriet, 42 — I >a\- Date .11 Death. Mch i, 1879 Apr. 18, 1850 Sept. 18, 1776 |une 27, 1770 "lulv 20, •7 79 Apr. 13, 1773 Dec 19. 1797 May 1, 799 Aug. '9, 1844 Oct. -5. 1824 May 3, 1796 Ian. 1 ) , 1849 Apr. 2 1, US40 Feb. 16, ,824 Dec. 30, 1818 June 1815 Aug. I < , 1805 Dec. 19. '797 Oct. 17, [805 Dec. 25, 832 Sept. 8, 1832 Feb. 24, [836 June I I, 892 Mch. I, «95 Mch. 30, 884 Feb. 1 1 , t88o Dec. 18, 867 Nov, 23, 862 Oct. 14. 842 Oct. 9, 803 May 7, I 853 Aug. 19, ] 831 Oct. 834 Nov. I, I 823 Nov. 24, ] 897 Aug. 26. 1 88i Dec. II, I 871 lulv 6, I 895 July 30, 1 879 Aug. 17, I 855 Feb. 26, I 824 Mch. 10, I 889 44 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Concklin, Catharine, Elizabeth, Richard B., Conklin, Alfred H., Cone, Caroline M. , Cook, Harriet F., Mrs. A., Mrs., Cooper, Sally G., Lydia M., Mortimer, Mrs., Mary, Cornwall, Alary, Erick, Mrs. T., Sarah, Geo., David, Anna, Julia A., Maria A. , Elizabeth, Ezra, Carrie, Amos, Sybil, Chas. F., Esther A., Harvey B., Jeannette L. G. Minnie A., Jessie B., James H., Mary E., Nellie E., Andrew, Timothy, Thomas, Mary, Andrew, Andrew, Samuel, Rachel, Age at Death. Years. Months. 83 — 46 — 74 — 20 — 35 — 45 5 10 Days. 84 77 60 64 70 74 51 53 65 ,64 6 31 39 9 15 72 45 81 51 40 33 72 78 Dat e of Death. Mch. 8, 1890 Feb. 12, 1866 Sept. 8, 1887 Feb. 9, 1853 Nov. 19, 1890 Feb. 24, 1862 Nov. 27- 1817 Oct. 19, [S14 Oct. 29, 1849 Sept. 19, 1S49 Oct. 3, 1849 July 31, 1798 luly 30- 1798 Dec. 19, 1816 Jan. 26, 1814 bee. 20, 1815 Nov. '7^ [795 Oct. ^7, 1824 Mav -> 1874 ]ulv 1 1, '855 Dec. ■7 [851 Oct. N, [869 Nov. ,8, 881 Dec. 22, S51 July 14, 881 Feb. 24, 871 Oct. 18, 875 J u n e 2 885 Sept. 29, 887 June 1 1, 889 Apr. 4, 1 893 Aug. 14, I 866 Mch. 7, I 889 Aug. 31, I S96 Feb. I, I 869 Sept. 15, 1 894 July 7i I 894 Mch. I 2, I 837 Oct. 13, J ^3^ Nov. 16, I 812 Nov. 2, I 799 July iS, I 768 Apr. 18, I S29 Aug. 6, I 841 AND ITS CEMETERY. 45 Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months. Cornwall, Jemima, 69 — Harvey, 7S Maria A., 66 Cynthia, 42 Cornwell, Susanna, 27 Moley, I 2 Mime, I 2 Jerusha, 38 Moses, 34 Sally, 4 Cornwall, Asa, I 9 Nathaniel, 73 — Anna, 90 — Baby, — — Esther, — — Polly, — — Thomas, — — Corwick, Joseph, — — Cotton, Thaddeus, — — Hosea, — — Cox, George, — — Isaac, 65 — (ieorge, 70 — Eliza B., 69 — Geo. W., — 3 Crittenden, Daniel, 69 10 Jane G., 63 — David, 72 — Catharine, 73 — Edward G., 13 — Jessie, — 10 Jennie, — 8 George, 44 — Anne E., 86 — Mary L., 3S — Randolph, 7 — Francis, — — Charles, 30 — Olive Martha. «5 10 Julia D., 8 9 Atwell B., — 6 Daniel, — — Daniel, 80 — Rhoda, 83 — Days. 18 Date of D Eath. Apr. 3, 1850 Mch. 8, I 868 Oct. 20, 1884 Dec. 9, 1897 June 2, 1788 Dec. 23, 1772 Nov. 7, 1769 May 30, 1793 Oct. 14, 1777 Dec. 1 1, 1772 June 6, 1775 Mch. ~ ^1 1823 Sept. 29, 1848 Aug. 10, 1890 Sept. ii 1 883 July 6, I 800 April 17, I 857 Sept. 15, I 890 Oct. 2, I 880 Apr. I, 1 890 May 20, 1 890 Jan. 4, 1 887 Sept. 1 8, ] 888 Oct. 14, 1 888 Jan. II, ] 878 July ^ 1 891 Oct. 16, . 886 Aug. 3, 1 886 Sept. 20, ] 852 May 10, ] [891 Jan. I, t875 Jan. 27, 1841 July 18, [841 Dec. 18, 1844 Sept. 28, 1 88 1 Nov. 4, t859 Jan. 14, 1844 Jan. 9, 1815 Feb. 4, 1824 Dec. 22, 1828 46 THE PORTLAND BURYlN(i (IRDUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months. Crittenden, David, 8l Elizabeth, 40 Jemima, «7 Daniel, 6 Ansel, — Mrs., — Crosby, Molly, 3 Prudence, 7« Mrs., — John, — Crouch, Lois, — Mary, — Joseph, — Culver, Martin, 69 Lucy P. B., 9' Dolly Ann, 3 Lucy A., 6 Wm. Alonzo., — 7 Annie, 1 I cS Emma, 5 8 Date of Death. Mav 16, 1859 Dec. 19, 1821 June 29, I '"^5 9 Sept. 2, 1773 Mch. 8, 1814 Dec. 12, 1 808 1774 luly 4, 1823 July 15, 1824 Apr. 17, 1810 Aug. 4, 1878 Dec. 29, 1867 July 17, 1894 Nov. «, 1841 Dec. 4, 1831 Feb. 17, 1878 Oct. 5, 1880 Feb. 17, 1878 Whole No. C's, 171. D Davis, Chas., 44 — Seth J., 69 9 Zerviah, 70 5 Sarah M., 66 Marv E. P., 35 — Sally, — Martha, — — Ann, — Mary E., — 14 Day, Mary A. L. , 28 — Isaac H., 84 — Sarah E. W., 74 — Sparrow W. , 31 — Daniels, Frances E., — Demay, Heman, 29 — - Eudora, 42 — Deming, Eliza, — — Denison, Eliza A. , 56 — Dewa, Mrs., — Mrs., — Aug. 22, [819 Aug. II, 1877 Aug. 25, [880 Apr. 18, [896 Sept. 27, 1850 Aug. 30, J 819 Sept. 7, 819 Apr. 6, 882 July 20, 851 Sept. 1 1, 85 I Apr. 29, 892 Apr. I, 5 890 Dec. 4, «7 7 May 31, 863 June 1 I, 879 Tune 6, 870 Oct. 29, 1 85 5 Dec. 818 July 13, 1 81 1 AND ITS CEiMKTERY. 47 Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Years. ^^onths. Days. Di.xon, lohn, — — Nabby, — — Dikson, Chas., 5 — Ui.xson, Edward, 9 Dixon, W'm.. 81 Prudence, 70 — Robert, 5 — VVm. L., 70 — Hannah, — — Caroline, — — Daniel, — — Amanda, — — Dickinson, Ira, 81 10 Dolittle, Margaret, — — Margaret, — — Dudley, Abby, 35 9 Dunham, Daniel E., 7« — E. D., 28 — Mary S., 53 — John E., 45 — Edwin G., 36 — Julia A., 25 — Jacob, 80 — Harriet G., 79 — Orrilla, 80 8 Whole No. D's, 45. E Evans, W'm. H., 53 Adaline M., 51 . — Adaline A., 87 — Harvey, — — Ellen E., — — Henry, — — Eddy, Thomas, 36 — Esther, 75 — Thomas, 64 — Bethiah, 66 — Caroline, 64 — William, — — Lydia, 70 — Seth, 66 — Edwards, Solomon B , 66 — 18 iJate of De ath. May 8, [836 Feb. 15. 807 Aug. 24, ^783 Jan. 16, 1779 Mch. 20, ] 826 Sept. 20, [821 Aug. 15, 182] Mch. 4, 877 Dec. 38, [825 Aug. 31. 1796 Feb. 6, 809 Mch. 18, 1877 June 6, 1870 i\pr. I, [814 Sept. 14. 1843 Sept. II, [89 2 Nov. 3, 864 Nov. 23, 861 Nov. 19, 864 Apr. 7, 860 Sept. 15, 850 Sept. 2 I, 867 Aug. 8, ] 870 Dec. 23, = 897 Dec. 14, 1880 Mch 2 I, 1885 May 30^ 1897 Nov. 29, 1894 Apr. 27, 1881 Juiy 7, 1877 Sept. 26, 1829 Feb. 19, 1829 Tan. 24, 1814 "lulv 17, 1789 July 31, 1851 Sept. 15, 1870 Sept. 20, 1851 Sept. 28, 1845 lulv 27, 1878 48 IHE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Years. Months. Edwards, Rachel M. 6i George, 2 I Ellsworth, Sarah, 30 Samuel C. 6 Samuel C. 4 Maria, — Emmons, Lawrence, — Days. 17 Date of Death. Apr. 5, 1869 Sept. 4, 1864 Mch. 14, 1770 Nov. II, 1768 May 22, 1770 May 7, 1789 Feb. 6, 1870 Whole No. E's, 22. Fessenden, Edward, — Henry H., — Elizabeth, — Thomas, — Harriet, — Augusta, — Mrs. Thos., — Feiin, Lucy B., 37 Fisk, J^enjamin, — Field, Prudence, 77 Flavell, Marion E., 29 Flint, James, — Mary, — Sissy, — Mary, — Martha, — Foster, Whitby, 43 Sarah S., 34 Isaac, 50 Prudence, 73 Nelson P., 39 Fo.x, Silence, 93 Caroline D., — Fowler, Jane R., 55 Fuller, Mrs., 29 Sept. 15, 1 821 — Jan. 12, 1 896 — May 12, ] 894 Nov. 22, ] 881 Nov. 26, , 881 Nov. 25, 1 832 Oct. 9, J 858 Mch. I, J 802 Mch. 27, 877 Aug. 30, 1 892 — Jan. 9. 1 880 Nov. II, I 886 14 Mch, 20, [843 28 Apr. 5, 843 — Oct. M, 1S53 Oct. 8, t853 May 2, 1833 Dec. 25' [858 — Mch. 16, f853 Feb. 16, 1784 — June 23. [888 — June 7, 1890 Feb. 16, 1859 Whole No. F's, 25. G Giddings, James, 59 Martha, 59 Harriet, 32 John, Mrs. J., — Nov. 5, 1 85 1 Oct. 24, 1850 July 12, 1823 Sept. 20, 1809 Sept. II, 1808 AND ITS CEMETERY, 49 Name of Deceased. V'ears. .Age at iJeath. Months. Days. Date of D eath. (lilbei-t, Dr. Ct. C. H., 72 Oct. 30, 1889 Harriet Talcott ,71 Jan. 30, 1897 C. H., 37 — May 2 I, 1883 C.ildcrsleeve, Temperance, 75 5 13 Sci)t. 22, 1831 Philip, 65 3 24 Oct. 26, 1822 *Mary, — I une 24, .798 Obadiah, 88 — Jan. 5, 1816 Richard, 17 — Mch. 21, I 782 Nancy, 88 — Aug. 7, '893 Jeremiah, 75 7 Mch. 16, 1857 Lucy, 81 — Dec. 22, i860 Temperance, 27 — Oct. ^1. 1836 Sylvester, 91 — 18 Mch. >5. 1886 Rebecca, 30 2 Aug-. 10, 1824 Emily(Shepard) ,72 1 1 24 luly 14, 1877 Lavalette, — — 10 Dec. 16, 184I Philip, 42 — June 12, 1884 Sylvester S., 23 I I bet. 2, 1852 Adelaide E., 35 6 16 Sept. 28. 1880 Philip, 5 Oct. 2 1, 1850 Henry, 77 2 Apr. 9, 1894 Emily F., 54 — Nov. 1 1, 1873 Nancy, 30 — Mch. 14, 1842 Emily's., 2 — Mch. 2 1842 Annah S., 4 — Aug. 27, 1854 Mary S., 3 — Oct. 18, 185I Susan, 5 June s, 1853 Philip, 34 3 7 Oct. 12, 1853 Anna D., 30 — — Jan. 19, 1854 Emily H., 14 — Aug. 12, 1880 Elizabeth J., — 7 — Jan. ^^, 1883 Gillum, Isabella G., 2 I 1 — May 23, 1855 Gladwin, Joseph C., 67 — — Sept I, 1896 Erasmus, 88 — — July 1 2, 1889 Prudence, 74 — — Nov. 1 2, 1883 Julia R., 42 — — Dec. 13, 1S79 Helen, 7 — — Jan. 12, 187I F. Leroy, 4 .__ Aug. 301 1874 Gleason, Mrs., — — — May M, 1880 Goodel, Henry, — — — Ian. 31, 1805 Goodrich. Nathan, — — — Apr. 21, 1857 Ralph, =^6 — — lune 24, 1846 Rachel, 64 — — Sept. 21, 1863 ■"Inscription in tiie family Bible gives date of death, June 2, 1798. 5° THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Date of Death. Years. Months. Days. Goodrich, Chas., 24 Oct. IX, I 841 Jabez, — Sept. 10, I 789 Joseph, I 787 Susannah, 94 Aug. 31, I 821 Chas., 86 July 15, ] 807 Phebe, 76 — Dec. II, ] 850 Amos, 81 — June 15, ] 845 Katharine, 32 July 7, ] 797 Lucy, 63 Mch. 21, ] 813 Anna, 56 July 30, ] 805 Hezekiah, 72 — Apr. 21, 817 Submit, 40 — Dec. 22, I 787 Sophronia, 30 Jan. 25, f8i5 Jeremiah, 81 July 14, ] 823 Hepzibah, 31 — Nov. 23, 796 David, 15 — Tan. 31, ] 794 [eremiah. 84 May 8, [793 Ruth, 69 — Sept. 1 1, 1778 Rebecca, 76 — June 10, 1833 Joseph, 69 Feb. 7, f852 Susan, 70 — July 10, 1853 Eunice S., 7 Feb. 17, 1828 Hepzibah, 3 7 Mch. I, 1816 Oliver, 7 Feb. 17, 1811 Reuben, 36 — — Jan. 20, 1798 Gershom, 73 — — June 18, 1789 . Richard, 48 — — Mch. 1 1, 1767 Jeremiah 1., 2 10 May 21, 1821 Russell, 4 — — Dec. 27, 1 80 1 Hannah, 72 — — Nov. 24, 1 801 Joshua, 70 — Oct. 23, 1792 Joseph E., 72 — Oct. 8, 1879 Nancy W., 80 — Dec. 30, 1891 Sarah W., 18 — — Oct. 16, 1866 Nancy M., 20 10 — Jan. 29, 1871 William, 65 — — Nov. 18, 1870 Lucy A. G., 71 — Sept. 7, 1878 Lucy A. G., 17 — Sept. 29, 1858 Hellen V., 5 — Nov. 31, 1839 Patrick H., 3 May 15. 1839 John Q.. 4.S — — J u n e 1 7 , 1890 Hepzibah E., 45 — Dec. 27, 1894 Joseph, 66 — Mch. 27, 1880 H. Sherman, 37 — — Jan. 2T,, 1875 Sophia A., 2 — Oct. 5, 1849 AND ITS CEMKTERV. 51 Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months Goodrich, Mary A., 37 Elsie M.', I 2 Fannie A., 77 Geo. G., 76 Chester, «3 Rebecca E., 7« I I Martha, Mary S., 57 Elizabeth, Lydia, — Solomon, — Belinda, — Goff, Norman A., — 2 Emeline S., 27 Francis E., — 2 Jerusha, — Nellie, — Gideon, — (iraham, Joseph, — Days. Whole No. G's, 112. H Hale, Eunice, — Azariah, 15 — Alexander, 57 — — Daniel, 66 Lydia, 7« — Dorothy, Geo. Jr., 30 Daniel, 79 Hattie F., Mary G., — 10 23 Georgeanna I!. , 4 10 16 Nabby, Emily, 2 ^ Isabel, — 8 Edwin, — — Johnnie, 13 9 Oliver M., 43 Sophronia M., 61 . Warren E., — 8 James A. Jr., 20 David, 61 Da e of Death. Feb. 11, 1897 Dec. 12, 1891 July 20, 1897 Aug. 25> 1895 Sept. 22, 1881 Mch. 21, 1876 Dec. 13, 1797 May 2, 1892 May 25, 1805 Aug. 26, 1810 Apr. y, 1804 Mch. 31, i«57 Apr. 6, i«55 Feb. 27, 1864 May 4, 1799 Sept. 21, 1886 Apr. 4, 1705 Sept. 30, 1807 Apr. 24, 1835 July 12, 1839 Oct. 2, 1849 May 2, 1828 June 29, 1839 Nov. 18, 1 84 1 18, 1897 Apr. 26, 1895 Jan. 4, 1 89 2 Dec. 3, 1893 May 15, 1877 Feb. 19, 1871 Sept. 3, 1874 June 19, f885 July 10, 1885 Oct. 17, 1889 Apr. 4, 1880 Oct. 29, 1863 Sept. 13, 1884 Oct. 27, 1862 52 THE PORTLAND BURVIN(; GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months. Hale, Henry, 31 Sarah, 80 David, 67 — Chas. L)., 5 Francis, 65 — Katie F. S., 34 — David, — Mrs. F., — — Elisha, — — Frederick, — — John H., 9 — Anna S., 95 7 Creo., — — Ruth, — — Elisha, — — Mrs. E., — — Mrs., — — Mrs. E., — — Haling, Jennie, 2 2 — Dora F., I 3 Joseph, — — Hall, Nelson, — — Mrs. N., — — Ruth, 57 — Ebenezer, 67 — ^ Laura C, 75 — Elizabeth 1 — ^^'iiliam, 4 3 Adelaide, — 10 Abner, 84 — Eliza, 73 — Abner Jr., 43 — Jane K. , 46 — Hattie C, 24 — Jabez, 56 — Mrs. I., — — David, 6 6 David, 19 — Almira, 16 — Samuel, 3 — David, 33 — Amos, 4 — Amos, 1 1 — Lucy, 7' — Days. Date of Death. Sept. 7 1870 May 26 1884 Jan. 26, 1892 Oct. 1 1, i860 Apr. 9 1888 Dec. 10 1894 May 1 1 1805 Mch. 17 1887 July 15 1836 Oct. ID 1894 Sept. 20 i860 ALay I 1885 Mch. 26 1869 Nov. 7 1877 July 13 1805 May 21 1822 Mcii 23 1815 June 25 1817 Aug. 6 1883 Nov. 7 1883 Mch. 27 , 1837 July 3 , 1874 Nov. 12 , 1887 1877 1863 1871 1843 July 31 1835 Aug. 20 , 1851 Apr. 17 , 1885 June 23 , 1874 Sept. 4 , 1868 July 4 , 1882 Feb. 26 , 1863 1837 Aug. 3 , 1826 Mch. 22 , 1818 Feb. 25 , 1838 Oct. 30 , 1830 Apr. 8 , 1774 July 17 , 1894 Feb. 23 , 1774 July 27 , 1785 Apr. 3 , 1814 AND ITS CEMETERY. 53 Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Date of Death. Years. Months. Days. Hall, Isaac, 7« — — ^Pi"- 3, ^^'9 Mrs. Isaac, 70 — — Sept. 5, 1778 Sarah, — — — Sept. 7, 1803 Wm. B., — — — Oct. 18, 1825 Mary, 93 — — '^^- Mrs. T., — — — Dec. 7, 18 15 Harvey, Rev. W. N., 64 — — Jan. 8, 1889 Hastings, Betsey C, 37 — — ^'^^- ^o, 1864 Heart, Charlotte, 80 — — July S, 1865 Holbrook, Eleanor, — — — May 25, 1897 Hopkins, Godfrev, 63 — — Apr. 26, 1834 Pillina, 59 — — June 24, 1830 Elmer R., 3 — — ^"S- 5, 1864 Hancy M., 16 i — Oct. 15, 1861 Leonard B., 12 6 — Nov. 17, 1861 MimaB., 44 — ~ May 3, 1850 Ebenezer M., 73 1° ^° -'""^ ^' ^^^7 Russell, 80 — — l^^eb. 28, 1878 Hannah, 42 — — Apr. 29, 1841 Fannv S., 77 — — ^^^^- -^' ^'"^95 Russell L., 23 — — Oct. 21, 1850 Martha 1)., 40 — — July 22, 1888 Henrv, — — 35 Aug. 5, 1888 Russell F., _ 6 10 July 10, 1874 Daniel ¥., 63 10 23 Apr. 14, 1871 Maranda, 32 — — 1835 Hubbard, Anna, 91 — — Jan. 21, 1779 Catharine, 52 — — Feb. 26, 1868 Sarah A., — — — Jan 16, 1895 Edmund, — — — Feb. 9, 1883 Emily, s(> — — Feb. 29, 1864 Thomas, — — — Sept. 24, 1873 Huber, John, — — — J^ly 3°, 1869 Hurlbut, Mary E., 21 — — July 24, i860 Chester, 87 — — May i, 1896 Julia, Mch. 18, 1886 Henry B., _ 8 — Aug. 16, 1883 Howard R., 3 5 — Feb. 27, 1884 Seymour, 83 — — Oct. i, 1873 Asenath, 77 — — ^^^- ^3. 1870 Simeon, s6 — — Apr. 12, 1877 AlansonA., 63 — — Mch. 28, 1863 Charlotte S., 48 — — Jan. 8, 1862 Ruba M., 21 — — Sept. 10, i860 54 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. i onths. Hurlbut, Agnes D., 23 David, 66 Electa A., 66 Harriet S., 13 Clarence S., 2 3 Helen M., 5 9 Anna M., I 5 Sarah J., 29 Seymour, 28 — Seymour, 84 — Deborah, 85 — Jesse, 98 — Lucy, 68 — Chester S., — — Gideon, 94 — Deborah, 87 — Eliza, — — Hills, Sarah, — — Chauncy, — — Whole No . H's, Days. Date of De ath. Nov. '4, 1864 Sept. 6, 1868 Sept. 30, 1878 Nov. 14, [825 Jan. 5, f859 July 27, [865 Dec. 27, [876 Apr. 10, 891 Apr. 17, [896 Nov. 29, 840 Apr. 28, ] 840 Jan. 7, ] 870 May 3. 1 843 Apr. 1 , 1 841 July I, ] 823 Dec. 14, 1 819 — Mch. 3, 1879 Ilsley, John A., Arvilla D. Ingraham, John, 74 80 54 Dec. 4, 1896 Apr. 16, 1897 Jan. 25, 1848 Whole No. I's, 3. Johnson, Jesse, 5 Jesse, 4 Jonas, — Jones, Sarah M., 43 Hattie M , 12 Oct. II, 1775 Apr. 16, 1780 Nov. 17, 1883 Oct. II, 1886 June 24, 1877 Whole No. J's, 5. AND ITS CEMETERY. 55 K Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months. Kelsey, Oliver D., 45 — ■ Catherine B., 27 Charles, 3 Frances M., 62 Elizabeth L., 10 — . Julia P., 15 8 Frederick M., I 5 Isabel A., I 6 Charlie }., — 9 Kelleg, Wm., — Kilborn, Caroline, — — Kilby, Jane A., 2.S — Knowles, Silence, 75 — Amos, 14 — John, 5« — Abraham, 35 — Kyes, Mercy, — 15 Dat 2 of Death. Aug. 15. J 872 Sept. 4, 1 86 1 Aug. 2 I , 864 Dec. 20, ] 896 Oct. ■5, 869 July 26, : 888 Feb. '5' 868 Aug. 24, ^"^54 Oct. 4, 858 Sept. 18, 829 Jan. 30, 821 Feb. 28, t854 Mch. 20, 840 Feb. 21, I 802 Mch. 25, [840 Sept. 28, [771 Nov. 9. t8l2 Whole No. K's, i Lawrence, William, — Isabella, — Agnes M., 6 Marion H., 4 Willie, — William, 26 Lawson, Christina C. 32 Lewis, Abel, 73 Mary, 53 Bartlett, 46 Anna, 3H George, 78 Elizabeth, 63 George, 77 Bathsheba, 84 (ieorge. — Ida Jane, 4 Wm. G., 72 1 I 6 10 Sept. 4, 858 •5 April 4, 862 10 Aug. 7, 5 863 --> Mav 7? 864 — May, 895 — June 29. 882 — Oct. 15' 845 — Jan. 31. 829 — Sept. 10, 833 — May 8, 828 — Mch. 29, 826 — Jan. 29, [815 — Tan. 13, 796 — Tan. 29, 1805 — Oct. I I, 794 — Dec. 10, [863 — Sept. 25, t875 56 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Lewis, Mary R., Edward, Cynthia, Amelia, Mary, William, Mary S., Mary S., Lincoln, .Sarah, Julia A. C, Loveland, Orlanza, Sarah S., Eddie O., Lord, Wm. C, Lucas, Carrie, Lorton, John, Years. 70 76 (J2 82 «5 62 61 25 57 62 72 5 I Age at Death. Months. Days. 19 Date of Death. Jan. ^2)1 [876 Nov. 5. 870 Eeb. 16, [860 Nov. 15, f«93 Feb. 21, 868 Feb. 9, [872 Oct. 20, [876 Oct. 31. [879 Oct. 6, 887 Apr. 29, ] S93 Dec. 28, r879 June 22, ] 890 "TuIv -4, 862 Oct. 6, ] 805 Nov. 4, ] 881 Dec. 8, ] «57 Whole No. L's, 34. M Maddon, Paul, — Martin, Alexander, — Matthews, Hiram, — ^ Phebe, — Matson, Lucy, 46 Mackauney, Win., — McCormick, Geo., — Annie Ellen, 14 Mighles, John, 34 Miller, David, — Amelia D., 41 John C. , — George, 6 George, — Mitchell, Mary L., — McKay, John, 42 Angus, 29 Montgomery, Mrs. N., — Morgan, Phebe, — Samuel, — Mosher, George, 61 — Aug. 9, 1885 — Mav 25, 1876 — Dec. 25, 1881 — Ian. 5, 1877 — luly 17, 1828 — July 15, 1797 — Feb. 13, 1895 — Sept. 29. 1896 — Feb. 7, 1777 49 Nov. 5. 1795 — Aug. 29, 1838 18 Aug. 24, 1845 42 Dec. 15, 1895 — Feb. 2, 1894 — Apr. 30, 1854 — Feb. 17, 1801 — Nov. 22, 1883 — Oct. 8, 1887 — Mch. 28, 1896 AND ITS CEiMKTKRY. 57 Name of Decreased. Age at Death. iJate of Death. Years. Months. Days. Mosher, Phebe J., 62 Jan. 23, 1897 Myrick, Alfred, 66 Alls:. 25, 1862 Esther, 48 — — Ml h. 1 5, 1824 Whole No. M's, 24. N Naongren, Lars, — Neff, Mary \V., 38 — Neland, Mr., Rebecca, — Nelson, Mrs., — NichoIIs, Nannie, 4 4 Nicholson, Chas. C, 4 7 Norcott, Wm., 56 Dorcas, «3 — Emily, 64 — Elijah, 54 — Frederick, 7 — Mary J., 25 — Wm., 83 5 Mary, 69 I r Emma E., 5 Lillie, I 4 Chas. A., 26 6 Richard, 54 Henry P., 2 I Harvey, — Northam, Ralph, 47 — Oliver, 75 — Sophia S., 83 — 26 Oct. 27, 1883 Sept. I 2, 1887 Aug. lO) 1796 May i5> 1811 Jan. I, 1889 Apr. 18, 1889 Mch. 22, 1879 Mch. 6, 1823 Apr. 20, 1856 Mch. 27, 1870 July 14, '854 June 20, r845 Sept. 25, 859 Aug. 4, 886 Nov. 27, L882 July 14, [872 Dec. 26, 874 Aug. 1 2, ] 874 Mch. 8, ] 869 Sept. 21, I 849 Jan. 8. 1 S71 Apr. 2, I 869 Nov. 26, I 877 Whole No. N's, 24. Osborne, Cynthia, Overton, Gen. Seth., Mehetable W., Augustin, Almira. 64 94 74 65 83 o Mch. 8, 1S37 Aug. 17, 1852 Aug. 20, 1828 Dec. 29, 1857 Aug. 8, 1874 58 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Date of Death. Years. Months. Days. Overton, James, 3 Feb. 27, 1822 Amos C, 8 — Jan. II, 1829 Evelyn H., 66 — — Oct. 17, 1878 Elton A., 60 — — Feb. 3, t88o Emily W., 76 — — Levantia W., 58 — — Prudence, 84 — — Owen, Rachel Drury, 84 — Whole No. O's, 13. Oct. 17, 1889 Palmer, Rev. Elliot, 89 — — Apr. 4, 1 889 Florilla S., 63 — — May 5. I 871 Francis K., 20 — — William E,, 21 — — Chas. H., — 2 — Thomas A., — 2 — Sumner, — — I Florilla, — — 12 Loomis T., — 18 — Aug. 23, 1 883 Clarence E., — 2 — Aug. 4, 877 Bertha F., 2 I — Jan. 27, ] 877 Nellie E., 4 2 — Jan 21, ] 877 Loomis, 52 — — May 24, 896 Patten, Nelson, 54 — — Oct. 15, 1 861 Nelson L., '9 8 — July 21, ] 856 Eugene L., II 29 Oct. 29, 869 Joseph A., I 1 1 29 Dec. 20, 874 Patterson Luther, - — — — Dec. 22, 834 Payne, Miniy, — — — May 22, 857 Alfred, 73 9 27 Aug. 8, , 861 Amy, 66 1 1 17 May 20, 857 Hannah E., 53 8 20 Mch. 18, 864 Abbey A., 28 — — Feb. 7, 867 Mary E. N., 37 6 — Nov. 6, 863 Charlie, 2 2 Mch. 8, [858 Mai Louesa, 8 6 — Tuly 26, 881 Anna 0., 32 — — Mch. 13, 1893 Job H., 66 — — Aug. 4, 856 Orilla, 87 — — Sept. 13, [881 Hattie, 43 — — Sept. 24, [880 AND ITS CEMETERY. 59 Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Dale „(■ Death. \'ears. Months. Days. Payne, Lucy W., 67 — -^ept. 4, 1885 Almira A., 63 — Aug. 22, 1881 Marion E., 30 — Nov. 16, 1877 Dwight, 2 2 — Oct. 5, I 84 2 Leora, 3 — Aug. .5, '845 Reuben, 76 — Feb. 27, 1897 Elizabeth, 90 — July 6, '853 Anna W., 35 — May 2, 1 840 Laura P., — I 1 — June 27, 1886 Leora P., — I I — July I, I 886 Reuben, 48 — July 31, 1810 Pease, Edward, 59 . — Mch. 14, 1 88 7 Elizabeth, 81 — Feb. 23, 1847 Eliza, 19 — June 24, 1842 Betsey^ 73 — Nov. 31, 1856 Agift, 79 — Oct. 19, 1848 Elizabeth, — 3 1 1 July 25, 1851 Pellet, Nelson P., Si — Jan. 17, 1896 Harriet E., 81 — — Jan. 27, 1896 Katie E., I 9 — Nov. 19, 1872 Esther P., I I 5 — June 25, 1873 Chas. N., 41 — — Nov. 29, 1897 Pelton, Betsey, 84 — — Aug. 26, 1894 Edward W., 24 — Apr. 1879 1870 San ford, 75 — — Jan. 11, Phebe, 87 — — Mch. 16, 1883 Arthur H., ] 3 5 July 1, 1873 Edward F., 23 — — July 20, 1864 Dea. Ralph, 82 S ~ Feb. 5, 1892 Lydia L., 53 — — May 4, 1864 Frances A., 68 6 — Nov. 4, I 89 1 Nelson, 66 — — Nov. 7, 1894 Ettie M., 24 — — Apr. 8, 1863 Robert W., — 3 4 Nov. 4, 1872 Chas. H., 26 — June 5, 1864 Lewis, 85 — — Nov. 8, '895 Sarah, 68 — — May 5, 1 886 Hannah E., 47 — — Feb. 3, 1868 Sophronia, 82 — — Nov. 15, 1870 Abner, 61 — — Dec. 20, 1841 Esther, 60 — — July 13, '833 Asahel, 17 — — Aug. 15, 1847 Chester, 43 — — July II, 1845 Francis, — — — Aug. 24, ^^33 6o TH1-: PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. V'ears. Months. Days. Pelton, Lydia, 42 — — Anna, 69 — — Joseph, 83 — — Asahel, 7 — — Nabby, 70 — — Asahel, 75 — — Mary, 39 — — Dorothy, 91 — — Abner, 91 — — Sarah, 43 — — Amos, 18 — — Jeremiah, 37 — — Philinda, cS; — — Cynthia, ^3 — — Marshall, 84 — — Betsey, 84 — — Amy C, 28 — — Hannah, 82 — — Josiah, 78 — — Johnson, 90 — — Johnson, 84 — — Rachel, 86 — — Lucy, 76 — — Jane R., 46 — — Hezekiah G., 80 — — Abby T., 4 — — Edward B., — 15 — Elizabeth A., 80 — — Ida E., — — — Keziah, — — — Julia, — — — Mrs. O., — — — John, — — — John, — — — Fanny, — — — Mrs. J., — — — Benjamin, — — — Sally, — — — Mrs. J., — — — William, — — — Prudence, — — — Pemberton, Patrick G., 59 — Penfield, Mrs., — — — Mrs. S.. — — — Date of D -ath. Aug. 16, 1847 May 19. 1797 Dec. 31, 1804 Apr -7i 1818 Mch. 12, 1^39 July 26, 1843 Sept. 8, 1797 Mch. 2, 1844 I an. 17, 1846 Dec. 8, 1795 Oct. 10, 1796 July 17, 1822 Apr. 8, 1S78 Sept. 28, 18S0 June 4. 1852 Sept. I. 1855 July 28, 1836 lune T2, 1810 Feb. •-> I 792 Dec. 13, 1804 Feb. 7, 1839 Mch. 9, 1843 June 2, 1857 June 4, 1884 Oct. 20, 1886 Aug. 19, 1838 Sept. 2, 1832 Oct. 20, 1896 July 14, 1894 Mch. 17, 1814 Sept. 4, 1S14 Feb. 12, ]828 Nov. 10, 1826 Apr. 17, 1819 June 19, 1819 Feb. 26, 1821 Aug. 26, 1821 Mch. 2, 1825 Mch 31, 1812 Oct. 9, 1813 July 30. 1833 Jan. 28, 1811 Nov. 7, 1803 Mch 3, 1819 AND ITS CEMETERY. 6i Penile of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months. (1, Sally, Prudence, S5 Austin A., 68 6 Hannah A., 69 5 Emeline E., I 10 Russell, 75 — Abby, 72 — S. Morton, 46 7 Samuel, 72 — Jemima, 84 — Thaddeus, 42 — Daniel, 81 — Deborah, 57 — Ruth, 6 — Jonathan, 68 — Jane, 57 — John. 62 — Simeon, 80 — Stephen, 36 — Mary, 90 — Elizabeth, — Jonathan, 76 — Hannah, 17 — Jonathan, II — Lucia, 8 — Jonathan, 5 — Simeon, 9-1 — Penelope, 59 — Ansel, 26 — Nelson, 4 6 Fanny, — 4 Sarah, 35 — Jonathan, I 2 Oliver, 28 — Sarah, 18 — Zebulon 95 — Jonathan, 33 — Oliver, 7 — John, 67 — Ruth, 58 — John, 66 — Belinda, — — Sophie Y., 73 — Alfred C, 47 — Francis Joseph 3 — Dayj Dat e of L )eath. Mch. 2, 1835 Ian. 12, 1854 Feb. I'l 1887 Mch. 3i 1892 Sept. 6, 1854 Apr 17, 1869 Sept. 1865 Nov. I I, 1872 Oct. 18, 1834 Dec. 6, 1844 Sept. 26, 1878 Feb. 7, 1881 Mav I, 1831 Sept. 2 I, 1799 Mch. 10, 1839 July 23, 1827 Dec. I, 1829 Aug. 25, 1794 Sept. I 2, 1749 |an. 30^ [741 Dec. 13, 1740 July 23, 1794 Apr. 2, 1784 July 19. 1770 lune 20, 1770 Oct. I, 1776 Oct. 7, 1844 Mch. 2 2 181I Feb 24, 1809 Mch. 14, 1810 Oct. 7) 1787 Sept. 1 1, 1794 June 6, 1795 Apr. 10, 1826 Aug. 14, 1834 Tan. 6, i860 Mch. 30, 1833 Apr. 1 1 , 1833 May 1750 July 17, 1794 Feb. 22, 1797 Feb. 24, 1890 Sept. 2, 1887 Nov. 17, 1856 Mch. 6, 1862 62 THK PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death Vears. Months. Penfield, Henry L., 43 , William E., 2 .Emeline B., I Abel, Elizabeth, 94 77 Horace, 69 Clarissa, 68 Harriet, 73 Chas. H., 8 Adaline E., 24 — Edgar A., Almira G., 49 8 Hiram A., 70 Sarah P., 83 — Henry A., — Amos, — Esther, — John, — David, — Perkins, Julia A., 51 — Perry, Alice B., 22 — Maxwell, — Pitkin, Leonard, 70 Wm. S., 31 Anna M., 5 — Polly, Thankful, Isaac, 44 Abigail, Sally, Porter, Ezra, 84 Maria, 28 — Sarah M. , — 17 Sabin, — Mary A., Post, Lucy P. H., 63 — Louisa, — Pratt, Nellie S., 13 2 Willie H., 7 Preston, Sarah, — Da te of Death. Days. Jan. 2, 1879 Aug. 3, 1840 July 28, 1841 Mch 27. 1852 May 28, 1S37 Apr. 8, 1854 Jan. 22, 1857 Apr. 3, 1888 June 10, 1836 Dec. II, 1859 Aug. 9, i860 Dec. I, 1889 Dec. 19, 1872 Feb. 28, 1882 49 Feb. 29, 1836 — Jan. 6, 1826 — May 30, 1826 — Aug. 25» 1808 — Feb. 2, 1795 — Jan. IS, 1875 — Sept. 2, 1874 33 Aug. 25, 1874 — Jan. 31, 1880 — May 4, 1892 — Aug. 10, 1893 — May 26, 1830 — Mch. 12, 1830 — Aug. 17, 1864 — Oct. 1835 — Sept. 9, 1875 — Apr. 17, 1848 — Sept. 17, 1850 — Mch. 18, 1878 — Apr. 20, 1895 — Apr. 30, 1892 1 1 Feb. 19, 1889 1 1 May 5, 1868 — Aug. 27, i860 Whole No. P's, 202. AND ITS CEMETERV. 63 R Name of Deceased. .\Re at Death. Date of Death. \ ears. -Months. Days. Rand, Wm., . Dec. 25> 1878 Chas. W., 32 Feb. 5- 1870 I.e., Mary, May 17, 1875 Randall, Mary V., 75 July 15. 1882 Rankin, Freddie, 19 Mch. 12, 1854 Ranney, Stephen, 76 June 7, 1840 Percy, — June 25, 1854 Julia, 37 Jan. 20, 1828 John, 21 Feb. 22, 1814 Stephen, 14 Sept. 5. 1 8 14 Priscilla, 73 Nov. 27, 1829 David, 57 Apr. I, 181;, Huldah L., 25 Sept. 5. 1810 John, — 21 Mch. 28, 1830 Tane, 4 9 ■ May 30, 1833 William C, 76 — Apr. U, 1879 Vienna, 83 10 Apr. 27, 1891 Willie, 25 5 Dec. 2, 1871 Chas., — — Aug. 15. 1825 Stephen, — — June 29, 1800 Mary, — — July 22, 1815 Elizabeth, — — Sept. 14, 1836 Rathbone, Renselaer, 66 — Dec. 12, 1862 Betsey, 85 — — Nov. 26, 1881 Renselaer, 49 — — Mch. 26, 1876 Rathbun, Angelina A., 41 6 — Apr. 17, 1871 Amelia B., 48 — — Jan. 13, 1888 Bessie, 17 — — May 7, 1896 Reeve, Samuel B., 60 — — Oct. 6, 1866 Emily, _ 15 _ May 13, 1852 Mrs., — — — Aug. 31, 1818 Reeves, Samuel, 68 — — Dec. 2, 1826 John, 81 — — Feb. 7, 181 1 Enoch, _ _ _ Jan 5, 1837 Reynolds, Fanny H., 32 — — Dec. 29, i860 Rice, Mr., — _ _ Sept. 14, 1803 W m. Jan. 27, 1825 Richmond, Robert, — — — Apr. 29, 1886 Caroline, — — — July 18,' 1882 Rogers, Sarah, 23 — — May 28, 1770 Roadley, Chas. H., _ _ 12 Jan. 7, 1847 Robinson, David, 87 — — Mch. 15, 1806 Esther C, 73 — — Apr. 10, 1803 64 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Years. Months. Robinson, John, 27 Rowley, Caroline A., 3 Frederic, 36 Jane M., 49 Charlotte P., 74 Asher N., 78 Dwight, Russell, John (t.. 41 Abigail R., 50 Days. Date of Death. July 23, 1750 Sept. 24, 1823 Nov. 5, 1861 Aug. 15, 1866 May 26, 1863 Dec. 29, 1868 Feb. 16, 1875 July 5, 1849 Nov. 19, 1865 Whole No. R's, 53. Sao;e. Abner, 59 Sally, 39 Ruth, 29 Edward C, 7 Almira, 44 Roderick, 42 Joseph, 64 Ruth, 44 Ruth, 84 David, 29 -Sarah, 90 David, 86 Molley, 22 Henry, 17 Honor, 53 Elizabeth, 86 Betsey W., 8 David, 22 Sybil, 73 Enoch, 88 Mary, 42 Lucy, 75 Hannah, 18 Henry E., 75 Lucinda, 77 Almira E., 27 Cornelius, 29 Edward, 49 Mch. 24, 1818 Feb. 6, 1802 Dec. 3> 1793 Jan. I 2, 1800 lune 8, 1835 luly 29, 1825 May 23) 1812 Oct. 25, 1801 July 30, 1845 Feb. 10, 1817 Nov. 25, 1803 May 8, 1791 Jan. 26, 1797 Nov. 2, 1S12 June 16, 1816 |an. 6, 1814 Oct. 16, 1798 Jan. T5) 1826 Mch. 9, 1840 Oct. 9, 1832 Oct. 1 2, 1854 Sept. 4. 1767 Aug. 14. 1872 Oct. 22, 1875 Aug. 28, 1859 May 3, 1865 May 0^ 1865 AND ITS CEMETERY. Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months. Sage, Henry, 65 Chas. L., 67 Julia A., 25 Frances, 39 Harriet W., 79 Abner, Mary, — Frances L., — 5 Frances L., 12 Oliver P., 27 Philip, 69 — Vienna, 9^ 5 David, 87 Ebenezer, Noah, — Jemima, — — Prudence, — Walter, Savage, Catharine J. — — z Catharine J., — Anne, 36 — Luther, 57 Scinthy, 5 Caroline, 24 Desire, 26 — Ira, 47 Nathaniel, 33 Sarah, 9 Harriet, 59 Prudence, 81 Harry B., 2 2 Caroline I., Luther, 57 . Nellie D., 16 Saxton, George, Schellenx, Wm., 57 Mrs., Abraham, Schumacher, Carl G., 50 Edward L. , T4 Sellew, Philip H., 70 Hannah, 30 Theodosia A., 84 — Date of Death. Dav? — Oct. 29, 1885 — Aug. 9, 1864 — June 23, 1823 — Mav 14, 1844 — May I 2, 1884 28 Mch. 10, 1835 8 Aug. 28, 1836 15 Nov. 13, 1820 — ■ Aug. 7, 1837 — Aug. 13- 1849 — • June 8, 1855 — Jan. 14, 1884 1889 — Sept 10, 1822 — Nov. 14, 1884 — Nov. 19, 1833 — June 2, 1805 42 Mch. 30, 1835 3 Feb. 21, 1836 — Sept. 13, 1S27 — Mch. 22, 1824 — Mch. 25, 1790 — June 12, 1846 — July II, 1828 — July 10, 1840 — Nov. 26, 1769 — July 17, 1890 — Mch. 10, 1865 — Oct 29, 1846 — Aug. 16, 1880 — Apr. 10, 1854 — July 6, 1885 — May 27, 1882 — Apr. 29, 1 813 — Jan. 26, 1774 — Aug. 2, 1798 — Dec. 2, 1821 — Jan. 13, 1877 — Mch. 27, 1886 — Jan. 18, 1873 — Dec. 24, 1839 — Apr. 4, 1893 66 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Date of Death. Years. Months. Days. Sellew, Philip, 26 10 28 Feb. 21, 1862 Hannah J., i 3 — J^"- ^' ^^41 Jane A., 33 — — ^^^^- 2, 1891 Joseph, 50 — ^ ^^P^- ^9, 18S8 Shepard, Chas. G., 4 7 — Dec. i, 1809 Lizzie A., 3 9 — J"^y V, i859 Carrie E., 12 3 — Feb 7, 1870 Edward, 31 — — Jan. 16, 1848 Chauncey E., i 10 — July 12, 1844 John, 68 — — Jan. 5, 1890 Sarah, 76 — — Oct. 21, 1888 Sarah E., 44 — — J"'y ^S' ^^55 Maria, 51 — — May 7, 1857 Eleanor, 74 — — May 8, 1856 Jonathan, 85 — — Mch. 15, 1867 David, 47 — — July 30, 1856 Noah, 67 6 — Aug. 28, 1891 Eliza E., 20 — — Feb. 24, 1844 Julia M., — — — Aug. 18, 1896 John, 9 — — Nov. 3, 1803 Silence, 68 -- — Jan. 28, 1792 Abigail, 17 — — Oct. 28, 1769 Bethiah, — — — John, 73 — — Ja"- 8, 1763 Elizabeth, — — — ~ Alden, 6 — — Nov. 24, 1813 Ansel P., 4 — — ^ct. 20, 1813 Elijah, 12 — — Aug. 28, 1823 Polly, 92 — — Jan. 5, 1879 Nancy, 75 — ^ J"'>' ^°' ^^^^ Lamenta, 81 — — Jan. 18, 1842 Amos, 76 — — Dec. 23, 1835 Hannah, 27 — — Oct. 29, 1780 John, 68 — — Aug. 8, 1825 Elizabeth, 86 — — June 21, 1849 Mary A., 2 10 — Oct. 6, 18 10 Daniel, ' 83 — — Oct. 19, 1866 Mary, 82 7 — Dec. 11, 1867 Ruth, 87 — — Dec. I, 1845 Phebe, 40 — — Dec. 19, 1796 Daniel, 97 — — Oct. 24, 1850 Reuben, 34 — — Nov. 16, 1794 Elizabeth, 5 — — Mch. 15, 1771 Nathaniel, 18 — — Oct. 25, 1794 Name of Deceased. Age at Death Years. Months. Shepard, Sarah, 41 Daniel, 76 Grace, 83 Sarah, 70 George, 81 Andrew, 63 Dilly, 37 Dorinda N., 88 Noah, 71 Ruth, 52 Caroline, 18 . Caroline, — George, 31 Lucy A., 27 Erastus 52 Honor, 40 Desire, 85 Henry S., 22 Sophia, — John, 73 Grace, Shourt, Esther, 26 Simpson, Amos, 57 Ruth D., 60 Charley N., — 5 Mrs. Harvey, — Nelson C, I 6 Smith, Henry R., 57 — Mary D., 36 — Daniel, 62 — Jennet, 62 — Joel R., 21 — Joel, 37 — Steward, Bertie, — 9 Stewart, Chas., 27 Betsey, 93 — Fanny, 79 — Clarissa, 77 — John, 55 — Daniel, 81 — FLlizabeth, 76 — Michael, 74 — Samuel, 45 — Margaret, 57 — Grace, 72 — AND ITS CEMETERY. 67 Days. Date of Death. Jan. 10, 1773 Aug. 22, 1798 Dec. 3. 1824 Jan. 14, 1826 Jan. 25' 1844 June 3- 1830 Aug. 23, 1806 Sept 27, 1855 Jan. 24, 1836 Nov. 18, 182I Oct. •9, 1S23 Apr. 1835 Aug. 20, 1838 Aug. 5, 1838 Sept. 15, 1843 Mch. 23, 1832 Jan. 30, 1878 Jan. 8, 1856 Dec. 2 1S72 Apr. 2 1795 Dec. 5, 1821 Mch. 3< 1784 Dec. 21, 1 86 1 Aug. 2, 1864 Sept. I, 1885 Apr. 19, 1882 Sept. 25, 1855 July 23, 1875 Jan. 22, 1854 Mch. 5i 1844 Nov. 9, 1843 May 25, 1826 Mch. ^, 1864 Mch. 6, 1873 June 22, 1831 Oct. 13. 1873 \ov 5, 1865 Tune 29, 1861 Mch. 30, 1S30 -Apr. 28, 1826 Oct. 2, 1823 Nov. 27, 1781 Apr. 27, 181 7 June 12, 1770 Aug. 26, 1838 68 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Date of Death. Years. Months. Days. Stewart, Susanna, 16 Dec. 29, 1788 Daniel, I 10 Nov. 9, 1777 Daniel, 2 Aug. 13, 1779 Elizabeth, 4 Oct. 12, 1779 Jane, 12 Mch. 2, 1767 James, 52 Apr. 13, 1822 Grace, 33 July 4, 1806 Eliza, 66 June 4, 1870 Delia, 6 I Sept. 25, 1870 Mary J., 42 Oct. I, 1877 Emma F., 52 Feb. 24, 189^ Emeline B., 35 Aug. 13, 1868 Ralph H., 3 12 Dec. 27, 1867 Ralph, 84 — Nov. 7, 1886 Emeline, 85 — Dec. 12, 1891 Sanford, 77 — May 2, 1874 Sally, 62 — ■ Oct. 22, 1859 Thomas, 44 — July 13- 1820 Sarah E., 33 — June 20, 1885 Delia A., 19 — Jan. 8, 1866 Hector, 68 — Feb. 14, 1864 Aurelia, 59 — May 4, 1862 Michael, 84 — Jan. 18, 1844 Melinda, 50 — Sept. 5, 1812 Catharine, 42 — Oct. 16, 1827 ~ Emeline B., 6 3 Nov. 23, 1872 Stevens, Sara 0., 61 Mch. 13, 1897 Frederic M., . 48 — Feb. II, 1870 Isaac, 58 — Feb. 25, 1848 Nabby B., 81 6 Jan. 30, 1876 Norman B., — — July 24, 1894 Stevenson, John, 3 — July 26, 1770 Joshua, 2 5 Sept. 17, 1771 Robert, — 6 ■ Dec. 26, 1768 Robert, 41 — Feb. 8, 1777 Sarah, 44 — Nov. 29, 1781 Stockinof, Sylvester, 81 — May 21, 1868 Martha B., 94 — Mch. 31, 1881 David S., 72 — June 12, 1884 Harriot, 19 — ■ Jan. 4, 1813 Phebe, 47 — Nov. 23, 1784 Benjamin, 77 — ■ Dec. 4, 1808 Mrs. E., — Oct. 10, 1803 John, 43 — — Oct. 12, 1854 AND ITS CE.METERV. Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Vears. Months. Day Stocking, Jo.seph A., 46 _ Norman H., 7 Nellie E., 8 _ _ George, 42 — _ George, _ r Olive, Eber. 75 73 Stephen, 51 Mary, g2 Stephen, — Elijah, 84 Polly, jg Abiah, 63 Samuel, 73 Hannan, 84 Elijah, 79 Hannah, 26 Mary, Strickland, Abel, 74 Esther, 60 Phebe, 56 Joel, 4 Martha, 57 Seth, 70 Anna, 94 Amy, 97 Martha, 78 Asenath, 94 Vienna, 60 Noah, 83 Phebe C, 74 Frederick A., ;^^ Silas B., 50 Harriet R.. 75 Noah, 30 Butler, "17 Noah J., 9 Noah N., 76 Caroline M., 76 Rhoda B., 35 Samuel, — Joel, 78 Sarah L., 85 Alvin 2 69 D Jte of Death. June 5 , 1881 Apr 16 , 1883 Mch ■ 13 , 1884 Apr. 2 2 , 1862 Oct. 6 1870 l-eb. 2 1 1832 A ug 26 1828 Mav 20 '775 Mcii 9 18.5 Dec. 30, 1787 iNov. 4, 1852 Sept ~9, 1852 Oct. 13, 1767 July 21, 1777 Dec. I, 1817 luly 18, 1807 Oct. 23, 1784 Apr. 16, T821 Mch. 2, 1823 Apr. 8, 1815 Mch. I, 1845 May 12, 1788 Nov. 22, 1774 July 15, 1828 May 16, 1856 Sept. 4, 1897 Apr. 15, 1876 Feb. 1^ 1880 Dec. 26, 1863 Apr. M, 1859 luly 4. 1865 Dec. 4, 1853 May 7» 1856 Dec. : 26, 1891 Oct. '7> 1869 Apr. I, .877 Mch. : 8, 1883 Jan. 20, 1870 Feb. 2 8, r8i6 July 2 7, 864 Sept. 2 7, [874 Aug. 3 r, ] 815 70 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Strickland, Esther, Chas., Alanson, Ernil}' R., William S., Zerviah j\I., George, Elizabeth A., George E., Elizabeth A., Flora, Abbie B., Howard, Mabel, Freddie, Wm. K., Asa, Hancy, Thaddeus T., Animial, Susan A. P., Lydia, Mrs. N., Strong, Chas. W., Anne, Florella, Elnathan, Sarah, Abigail. Age at Death. Months. Days. 33 80 85 62 63 59 2 14 55 I I 29 79 82 27 55 84 5 6 I 38 37 Cyprian, D. D., 68 Erastus. Mary L., Mary A., Elizabeth, Asaph, Baby, Julia A., Helena, Joseph E., 82 76 52 3 65 2 5 5 14 Summers, Dudley C, 82 — Tabitha, 97 — " Whole No. S's, 290. Date of Death. June I, 1816 Nov. 15. 1850 Tulv 31, 1888 Feb. 10, 1894 Oct. 30, 1889 Aug. 26, 1856 Aug. II, 1878 Tan. 24, 1871 Nov. 18, 1836 Feb. 17, 1854 May I, 1854 Sept. 10, 1895 1871 1874 1879 1888 Jan. 6, 1877 lune 18, 1882 Mch. 18, 1855 Aug. 3, 1848 Nov. 28, 1880 May 9, 1803 Julv 8, 1808 Mch. 8, 1793 Mch. 5, 1773 May 14. 1775 Nov. 9, 1784 Sept. 4, 1785 May 2, 1796 Nov. 17, 1811 Dec. 18, 1871 May 12, 1875 Sept. 20, 1874 Tulv 23, ,863 Feb. 26, 1888 Oct. 6, 1848 Oct. 12, 1853 Oct. 7, 1861 June 20, 1851 Apr. 3, 1873 AND ITS CEMETERY. 71 Name of Deceased. Ajje at Death. Date of Death. Years. Months. Days. Tallcott, Rev. Hervey 75 Dec. 19, ] S65 Cynthia, 69 — — Apr. 23, 869 Maria, 17 June 27, ] 848 Taylor, Ellen, — 9 May 4, ] 849 Myra M., — Mary, 84 10 — Oct. 7, 1 892 Chauncy, 51 — May II, 854 Annie R., — — Jane, — — June 22, 892 Henry W., — — — May 17, ' 889 Gurdon, 80 6 — Jan. 30, [870 Ruth M., 78 — — "May 10, 885 Marie), — 10 July 3, 833 Fanny, — 21 1 1 Nov. 3, [838 Teller, Agnes A., — 6 21 Aug. 5, 881 Thompson, Margaret, 82 — — Dec. 3, t834 Thomas, John H., 44 — — Feb. 28, .865 Eliza, 75 — — Aug. 15, 896 Tilden, Ada E., 3 I — Tan. 30, 881 Susie E., 2 7 — Mav 2, 885 Tory, Lydia, — — — Mch. 1, '834 Tousler, Mrs. E., — — — May 13, [829 Treat, Talatha (Sexton ), 75 2 6 Apr. 18, [858 Tryon, David. — — Apr. 25- [808 Mary A., — — — Mch. 30, [828 Turner, Betsey, 2 8 — Nov. 24, .827 Roswell, 4 — — Nov. 24, 1S27 Asahel, — — 10 June 13, 1821 Roswell, 4 — — Mch. 30. [831 Mrs. R., — — — Aug. 10, [832 Betsey, — — — Tulv 7, [821 Tyler, Richard, — 3 5 Feb. 16, 1835 Whole No. T's, 3; u Ufford, Sarah, 92 Adeliza, 2 Charity?., 86 Feb. 10, 1851 Jan. 7, 1843 Jan. 9, 1894 72 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Ufford, Patience, Geo. H., Russell, |ohn, Mrs. J., Age at Death. Years. Months Days. I 35 — — 67 - - Whole No. U's, 8. Valentine, Henry, 21 Lucy, ■ I Chauncy, 57 Abigail, 43 Van Veghten, H. \V., 67 Vary, Mrs. J., Ventres, Alexander, — Whole No. V's, 7. w Date of Death. Feb. 29, 1774 July 30, 1861 Nov. 1 1, 1869 Aug. 21, 1798 Jan. 9, 1819 Sept. II, 1S53 Sept. 2, 1854 Apr. 18, 1852 Oct. 18, 1856 May 19, 1882 Oct. 2, 1830 Dec. 26, 1856 Wadsworth, Honnor, Waldo, Lucius, Cora A., Ward, Wm., Wm. E., Warner, Lucy, Deliverance, Orrin, Orrin, Washburn, John, Welles, Thomas, Joseph, Clarissa, Rebecca, Eunice, Wells, Mabel, Jessie, Henry H., Anna, 56 38 22 47 4 40 43 34 35 18 8q 6 71 77 13 Jan. 31, 1789 Oct. 22, 1881 May 10, 1864 Mch. 3i 1848 Aug. 13, 1831 Dec. 20, 1804 May 22, 1813 Mch. 3. 1897 Sept. 17, 1797 Feb. 23, 1792 Apr. 18, 1823 Dec. 18, 1824 Aug. 6, 1814 Dec. 1 1, 1823 June 29. 1824 1870 Aug. 27, 1892 Dec. 14, 1876 AND ITS CEMETERY, 73 Name of Deceased. Age at Death \'ears. Months. Wells, Roswell, 82 Celestia M., 28 Almira, 22 Nancy, 72 Mary L., 67 8 West, Brackett, 5« — Mary Ann, 72 — B. Revilo, 6^ — Wetherell, Jonathan. 88 — Mary A., 60 — Wheeler, Wm., 55 — Edward, 64 — Elizabeth, 71 — Chas. W., 78 — Laura, 84 — . White, Ebenezer B., 56 — Maria, 15 — Daniel, So — Abigail, 65 — Chas. H., 3 4 Almira W'., 33 — Sarah M., — James W., 68 — Fanny H., 20 — Margaret B., 86 — Wm. S., 70 — Emily S., 58 — Stephen H., 74 — Stephen, 44 — Anne, 10 — Mollie, 8 — Ebenezer, 90 — Ruth, 53 — Esther, 82 — Mary, 79 — David, 79 — Mary Ann, 46 — Mary Ann, 12 — Amos, — — Nathaniel, 52 — Mary, 51 — Lois, 71 — Noadiah, 5 — Evelyn, So — Ward, 15 — Days. Da te of Death. Apr. 20, 1876 Aug. 29, 1861 Jan. 26. 1819 May 21, 1839 Sept. 21, 1897 Oct. 18, 1866 Sept 6, 1885 Nov. i5> 1897 Aug. 29, 1895 Feb. II, 1873 Mch. 29, 1872 Oct. 13, 1S41 Sept. 2, 1850 Aug. 30, 1 88 1 Mch. 18, 1895 Jan. 12, 1861 Sept. 13, 1845 Dec. 25, 1845 Feb. 22, 1838 Mch. 20, 1866 Dec. II, 1S66 Oct. 14, 1846 Jan. 9, 1870 Nov. 8, 1825 July 10, 1888 Jan. 12, '895 lune 14, [883 Oct. 10, [S94 Nov. 23, I 774 May 2, I 775 May 27, t777 July 27, 817 Nov. 23, i 780 July 14, 1 845 Dec. 15, 1 838 Sept. 18, 1 833 Dec. 4, J 797 Nov. 6, 1 810 Feb. 8, I 774 Feb. II, I 767 Jan. 31, I 767 Aug. 31, I 795 Dec. 16, I 776 Oct. 16, I 886 Sept. 13, I 847 74 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Date of Death. Years. Months. Days. White, Frances E. P., 83 — — Mch. 8, 1892 Abigail, 59 — — _ Mary, 53 — — Joseph, — — — Mehetabel, 22 — — Nathaniel, 59 — — David, 57 — — Abigail, 60 — — Maria, 75 — — Hannah, 77 — — George, 85 — — Mabel, 51 — — Hannah, 32 — — Mehetabel, — — — Abigail, 3 — — John, — — — EarleE., 2 6 10 Whiting, Isaac, — — — Whitmore, Demas S., 35 — — Marionette P., 29 — — Daniel, 27 — — Wilcox, Aaron, — — — Sarah, — — — Elizabeth N., 90 — — Horace B., 66 9 — AVm. B., 19 — — Luther, 84 — — Lucy B., 67 — — Lucy C, 39 — ~ Sarah, 40 — — Aaron, Jr., 33 — ^ Sarah, 74 — — Aaron, 68 — — Lucy, 39 — ~~ Asahel, 46 — — Mary P. R., 22 — — Wm. W\, 22 — — Caroline, 40 — — Willcox, Lucy, 21 — — Williams, Betsey, 8 — — Lois, 63 — — David, 73 — — Laura, 40 — — Sally C, 83 — - Nov. 9, 1705 1770 Mch. 15, 1745 May 5, 1743 Oct. 27, 1836 Dec. 19, 1839 July 22, 1879 Feb. 23, 1863 June I, 1848 Dec. 6, 1817 Sept. 21, 1792 1744 Oct. 20, 1759 May 20, 1825 Nov. 13- 1858 Apr. 26, 1828 Feb. 28, 1849 Feb. 28, 1849 Dec. 23, 1798 Mch. 8, 1820 May 18, 1816 July, i860 Apr. 5. 1888 Sept. 16, 1868 Mch. 12, 1864 Feb. 2, 185.S Aug. 25> 1811 Jan. 13, 1818 May I, 1808 Mch. 6, 1820 Oct. 18, 1813 Oct. 25, 1811 Oct. 31, 1817 Nov, 4, 1826 Nov. 6, 1824 Sept 18, 1868 Jan. 8, 1802 Sept. 16, 1795 Dec. 21, 1830 Aug. 12, 1863 Oct. 8, 1828 July 18, 1888 AND ITS CEMETERY. 75 Name of Deceased. Age at Death. Date of Death. Years. Months. Days. Williams, Chas., 10 Oct. 10, 1830 Mary, I Mch. 7, I 827 Martha, 3 — Oct. 20, 1829 William, 72 Jan. 3, i«35 William, -^ Dec. 22, 1830 James, Sept. 3' 1827 Wilson, ^^'illiam, 54 — July 19. 1882 Winters, Mrs., Sept. 15, 1883 Wolcott, James M., 45 Sept. 12, 1878 Wood, Jabez, — — Sept. 20, 1813 Worterman, Mercy, — June I 2, 1815 * Welles, Helen (Penfield) 42 — — May 23, 1866 Whole No. W's, 120. Yongs, Daniel, — — — Dec. 18, 1799 Whole No. Y's, I. Grand Total, 1568. * This name appears «n Capt. Russell Penfield's monument, but the remains are buried in Cedar Mill Cemetery, Hartford, Conn. ERRATA. Page 37. Robert Akins died Oct. 27, 1795. Roard Akins was buried Oct. 27, 1795. The former was taken from grave stone; the latter from sex- ton's record of Seth Strickland. They may be one and the same person. Page 44. Alfred H. Conklin is spelled as the name is cut on grave stone. This may have been a mistake in the inscription, as this family always spelled the name "Concklin." Page 67. Dilly Shepard was Deliverance Leland Shepard, Dilly being the abbreviation as cut on the gravestone. In a few cases where the date of i/ea^/i could not be obtained from records or inscriptions, the date of burial has been taken from the records of sextons and put in the foregoing list under the heading of date of death. 76 THE PORTLAND BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION ADDENDA. There were eight (8) burials in 1S97, by John Stricl