The Story of Godfrey Nims OF OLD DEERFIELD. i-Jl "^ " The Story of Godfrey Nims," as read to The Nims Family Association, >^ at Deerfield, Massachusetts, on August 13, 1914, by Francis Nims Tliompson. "^ r 'Y yf Copyright, 1914 / Francis Nims Thompson ' A/i Rights Reserved ^ AUG 14 1914 GODFREY NIMS. Often has Old Deerfield been the shrine toward which a band of pilgrims has been drawn by some common interest; but never before has the family of Godfrey Nims gathered in this way on his home lot to honor his memory. Children of his children, we have come home to tread the soil upon which fell the sweat, tears and blood of our fathers and mothers in those early days of labor, suft'ering and savage murder. Periods of calm there w^ere too, when the spinning- wheels hummed in the primitive homes of this little village and the scythes swung and swished in the golden fields out yonder, and the settlers forgot for a time that the dark bordering for- ests hid wild beasts formed as men but fierce as fiends. Here, Godfrey Nims builded — and, after fire devoured it, builded anew — his home, as pioneers have built and will build while there shall remain a frontier; and he and those about his hearth loved it as we love that for which we have planned and worked. As our minds revive the personality of our com- mon ancestor, that common blood which inseparably links us should thrill in our veins. This Nims lot was, not so long ago, the stage upon which was enacted one of those pioneer tragedies too blood-curdling and awful to adequately picture in words: — the naked Indians — painted demons — slaughtering children by the lurid light of a flaring home, amid the din of savage yells and the shrieks of terrified women and of children butchered or burned. "Not so long ago" — for I remember my grandfather Nims, big in both brawn and brain, and all heart; his grandfather was the Greenfield settler, and his grandfather was the head of that suft'ering household. So recently did the Great Spirit release the first waves of civilization to break on the eastern shore of this broad land, and so recently did his red children, wild denizens of the wilderness, seek to turn that irresistible flood back from the land their fathers had possessed for un- counted generations. 4 Long enough ago, however, were these events, to be veiled m that mist of time which, half concealing, half revealing, lures curiosity and charms imagination. The Honorable George Sheldon, in our well-thumbed bible of local history, says: — "A family tradition places Godfrey Nims here, as third settler before 1671." "Real estate here was sold to such men only as were approved by Dedham. " He "bought home lot No. 35, in 1674, but I do not find him living here until the Permanent Settlement." In "True Stories of New England Captives" Miss C. Alice Baker says: — "The third settler, Godfrey Nims, came from Northampton to Deerfield m 1670, living there 'in a sort of house where he had dug a hole or cellar in the side hill,' south of Colonel Wilson's. At the allotment of the homesteads in 1671, he built a house, on what lot is not known." Mr. Sheldon says that in 1704 Thank- ful Nims and her husband were living on this Wilson lot "in a sort of side-hill cave, w^hich was so covered with snow as to escape the observation of the enemy" and that the Nims houses burned in 1694 and 1704 each stood "on the site of the present Nims house." Of the time earlier than these dates we find another tra- dition, pointing back to France, and a colonial public record not inconsistent with the tradition: David Nims, junior, told his grandson, the late Brigham Nims of Roxbury, that he had been told by David, senior, a grandson of Godfrey, that God- frey Nims was a Huguenot, came to America as a mere lad and at first spelled his name Godefroi de Nismes, but changed the spelling to suit the colonial way of pronouncing it. Deacon Zadock Nims of Sullivan received and transmitted a similar tradition as to the spelling. A few miles north of the Mediterranean and west of the Rhone lies the ancient city of Nimes, or Nismes. Now a place of seventy or eighty thousand people, and the capital of the department of Gard, it was the Roman Nemasus. Con- quered by the Romans 121 years before Christ, it became one of the chief provincial cities; was plundered by the Vandals in 407, sufiPered from the West Goths and Saracens, and was in 1258 united to France. Nimes suffered in the Huguenot wars, and was in 1815 the scene of reactionary atrocities against the Protestants. The oity still retains the coat of arms used when it was a Roman province: This represents a palm tree, to which a crocodile is chained, and bears the ab- breviation Col. Nem. for its old name Colonia Nemasus. Here are notable Roman anticjuities, including an amphitheatre which, although one of the oldest buildings in the world, is still used in the good old barbaric way. Here, in 1787, was born Guizot, the distinguished French historian and states- man ; and here in Nimes, if we may credit tradition, was born, sometime about 1650, Godfrey, whom the English in New Eng- land called Nims. What of the public record? Well, the records tells very solemnly, but graphically, of a boy, much out of humor with life in an English colony, conspiring with two other young scamps to run away to the French; and, when all the good folk had gone to meeting, 'ransacking about the house' to find the wdierew^ithal to furnish the expedition. An Indian in it, too! Can you beat that"? Boy all over; and French boy at that. If he wasn't Godefroi de Nismes, where did he come from and where were all the other Nimses? So much for speculation and for sympathy with the boy: Now^ here are the very cold facts, and no sympathy at all: — (The first book of Hampshire probate records, at pages 88 and 91.) "Att the County Courte holden Att Springfield Sept: 24: 1667: For holding this Courte there were Present Capt John Pynchon One of ye Honnoble Assists of this CoUony: Also Mr. Henry Clarke Leiut Willm Clarke Leiut Sam '11 Smith And Eli Holyoke Recorder Associates and ye Jury w^ere" etc. J. *********** "James Bennet, Godfrey Nims & Benoni Stebbins, young lads of Northampton being by Northampton Comissionrs bound ouer to this Corte to answer for diverse crimes & misdemeanrs comitted by them, were brought to this Corte by ye Constable of yt Towne wch 3 lads are accused l\y Robert Bartlett for that they gott into his house two Sabbatli dayes when all the family were at the Pulilike INleeting: On ye first of wch tymes, they vizt. Nims & Stel)bins did ransack about the house & tooke away out of diverse places of the house vist. 24 shillings in silver & 7s in Wampum wth the intention to run away to the ffrench: Al which is l)y them confessed, w^ch wickednesse of theires hath also been accompanyd with frequent lying to ex- cuse & justify themselves, especially on Nims his pt, who it secmes hath been a ringleader in their vilainys: ffor all wch their crimes and misdemeanors this Corte doth Judge yt the said 3 lads shalbe well whipt on their naked bodys vizt. Nims & Bennet wth 15 lashes apeece & Benoni Stebbins with 11 lashes. And the said Nims & Stebbins are to pay Robert Bartlett the summe of 41 being accounted treble according to law, for what goods he hath lost by their meanes. Also those psons that reed > any money of any of the said lads, are to re!