.s^ -^ JUL 98 im THE i\Km of ilje Jltt fable, BEING A SET OF Published and for sale by II. It. AVERII.I., Jr., PLATTSBURGH, 2T. Y. > fga-^ Z.9'i2. o.^/^^w> No. 1. LITTLE FALLS. This is the first fall of importance below the village of Keeseville. :^. w» * V r -(SUct,v^i♦^.^8 ? ^'^^'^ No. 2. THE EDDY. This beautiful spot is just below Little Falls. y^L. S No. 3. BIRWfNGHiAM FAL.L.5. This vii-w is taken at very low water. In high water these falls present a cascade t)f rare beauty. :^t^- No. 4. "h:igh falls." This splendid fall is the beginning of the "Chasm" proper, and is jnst below the Bridge at Birmingham. Essex Countv. N. Y. — :o: — No. 6. -:o:- Tffe© Falls frocni feelom The Chasm is here at its greatest Avidlh. The Kocks rise to a height of about eighty feet. No. 6. Vtew tip Streactt frecm Hsltti^ Reck. The Rock at the right rises about one hundred and twenty feet. No. 7. View cTown) Stretcm rsrarrd Rock, — :o: — No. 8. V-..-?. — :o: — No. 9. ^S'^*/86t>' No. 10. Til© 0©\fllj'8 bv©iiu fF@iir^ The tall rock at the left is one Hun- dred and three feet in height and seems ready to fall at a mornents notice. ^■<^^ No. 11. This is a cave worn by the action o^ Water and Frost, about twenty i feet deep and about fifteen | feet hiofh. i Arfiri" ^••. No. 12. yr^w fookfngr out fpQBH! th© D#vtPs Qv^rtr In this vicinity the rocks are very mnch broken by the action of water and hiy around in wild confusion. ^,- 1- -f V i^Ht it's Qvect^ The river rushes througli a apace a bout eiirht feet Mide in low- water. No. 14. M]f> DemrrTg:'s H;<»«1§© neap the staips^^ Here the traveller nia}^ procure a trustv guide No. 15. Here the tourist may descend into the chasm with ease and safety No. 1 Yiew looking ui> stream from the foot of the stairway ; beinjr the first view that meets the eye as yoii I'each the foot of the laddei'. :o: — No. 17. fp^Ri Tab[© R@©k. No. 18. Anvil Eock — so callod from its sup- posed resemblance to a Blacksmithi''s anvil — it stands between the foot of the stairs and Table liook. The dark back ground at the upper right cor- ner of this picture is the stairway; the level rock in the foreground- is Table Rock. '" - No.' 19. fFQCP. Ttbt© El@/ Sometimes called the Second Eddy. A little above this was once a bridge across the Chasm at a height of one hundred and forty feet from the water; the bridge was abont forty feet aci-oss. No. 21. At this chainiing hpot the -water foiins a whirlpool, amuse themselves into the water. Here all visitors: tbrowint; rocks nF -^sir:' -i< .'.tl;^^ .« , • -^ i «» This boautifiil spot is the lower extremity of the Cha«!ru— from this it is an open countrj' for about three miles, wherc-the river empties into Lake Chainplain, about fourteen miles south of Plattsburirh. '■^ ^^ -P, vJ ^r .'4??^,^ s\^-: -'^.