n i ( i ; ' ■ 1 ! it 1 III IWmu CommissioQ Merdiant, j^.lJ. PRELIMINARY EGOTISM. In presenting this his first Directory to the citizens of Alexandria, the publisher feels that he has supplied a want long felt i)y the community — a complete, General and Business Directory. He has labired to make it com- plete and perfect in all its details, and if any discrepancies or defects there are, he asks the patient consideration of the public for them ; and that they first weigh the many disadvantages he was under in collecting the informa- tion, being a stranger to the citizens, and taking it at a time when many of the residents were out of town recreating from the labors of business: and again following in on the heels of ])arties who severally attempted and failed in their issue, discredit and distrust was naturally felt for his pul)lication also. There are 4,238 names in the Directory, which, if the estimate be cor- rect as made by publishers in other cities, would give Alexandria a popula- tion of 16,542, or 4 times the amount of names in the Directory. In conclu- sion, he earnestly thanks all who have assisted him in any way, and prom- ises to renew his efforts to please in future publications. Very Respectfully, THE PUBLISHER. REMARKS. • One of the greatest places of interest to the stranger and around which cluster memories dear to the heart of every true Virginian and native Alex- andrian — is Christ Church. Not alone is this true because its ivy grown walls and weather beaten sides point to a time whose mutations mark the History of our Country, but because Washington, who won for her indepen- dence and placed her First among nations, worshipped and bowed in humble adoration here to Him who made him the humble instrument by which that greatness was attained. Though long years have passed since the tomb closed on the great achievements of his life and the interior of the edifice has been remodelled, yet the pew he occupied remains the same. No name to the Virginian is sweeter music, and the deeds of none shine more lustrously than Washington's; but Virginia gave birth, and now guards within her sacred, Ijosom one whom her people love to honor, and whose momory is as imperishable as the granite in which his ashes are locked. The memory of Washington and Lee live in the heart of not Virginia alone, but of all peoples. The pew of Lee is also here and is carefully protected and cared for. To the right and left of the chancel are tablets of white marble, bearing on the face of each a cross and crown, with inscriptions to the memory of each. Around the church are buried many of note, and not a stone but bears the indelible imprints of the fingers of time. Another place of interest to the sight-seeing traveler is the Marshall House. Here, in the early part of the late civil strife, the proprietor, Jackson, lost his life in attempting to maintain the right of flying to the breeze, the flag of the cause that he ha(l espoused. He did net yield up his life, however, until he had first shot and killed Col. Ellsworih who made the attempt. This was about the first bloodshed of the war. The house has since passed into the hands of Messrs. L. GENZBERGER & SON, who keep one of the most ex- tensive boot and shoe stores in it in the city. Photographs can be had of them. 6 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ^ 1 < > ^ • » ■» Adams, J. Brad., bookseller & sta tioner, Washington, D. C , back cover Atwell, Ewell C, ice dealer 38 Alfriend Thos. M. & Son, Ins. Agts. back cover Architectural Iron works, front cover Baker, Samuel, wood & coal 39 Ball, M'. D., prop'r Va. Sentinel..20i Baughman Bros., stationers and printers 47, 147 ^nd 164 Beach, John S., ice dealer .. 2 Beatty, Daniel F., pianos and or- gans, Washington, N. J. .166, 167, 203 and 204 Belle Haven Institute, N. Penick prin'l 2 Broders, J & Co., wholesale gro- cers & com. mers 47 Bryant, Herbert, agricultural im- plements - ... 49 Bullard, O. B., conservatory of music, Washington, D. C 16S Carne, Richard L„ St. Johns Academy , 5^ Chapman, John S., lawyer 54 Chataigne Gillis, publishers 28 Chauncey William, marble work- er 190 City Fire Insurance Co. of Rich- mond Va., back cover City Hotel, Leftwich & Co proprietors front cover Coleman, Patrick, looking glass and picture frames 57 Dreifus, J & Co., junk dealers.... 67 Emerson, Wm. T., grocer 70 Englehardt, Henry, lager and weiss beer brewery 4 Fegan, Hugh, grocer and liquors 72 Field, John A., segar man'fr and dealer 73 Fischer, Anton., dyer, Washing- ton, D. C 180 Genzberger, L. & Son, boots and shoes, 207 Green & Bro., furniture man'frs and dealers.. side lines Hempler, H. II., optician, Wash- ington, D. C front cover Hill, Geo. R. & Co., cracker and biscuit bakers top lines Hill, J. M. & Co., printers and paper dealers opp. 88 Hobson, Matthew, painter 4 Hooe, Philip B., gen'l com. mer. 4 Hogan, John C, awning man'fr.. 202 Howison, S. S., pres't Potomac Ferry Co 125 Inland & Seaboard Coasting Co., II Jamieson & Collins, iron & brass founders 92 Johnson, John M., attorney at law 94 Johnson. William A., grocer and com. mer 95 Johnston, George Maj., insurance agent 96 Kent & Neale, lawyers 98 Lcadbeater, E. S & Bro druggists 10 Lee, C. F. Jr., plaster mills 4 Leftwich & Co.,prop'rs City Hotel front cover Lee, Edgar W., blacksmith and wheelwright 102 "Loder, Harry," Capt. Quintin for river landings 127 and 168 " Mattano " Steamer for river landings 2 May, William H., agricultural im- plements Ill Merchant's Line of Steamers il Mllburn, J. C. & E., grocers and com. mers 3 Mount Vernon Institute, Miss M, A. Roach, princ'l 131 Old Dominion Iron & Nail Works Company back cover Oppenheimer, S., optician Wash ington, D. C 192 Penick, N., princ'l Belle Haven Institute 2 Pike, Yvon & Co., solicitors of patents 122 Pike & Johnson, lawyers 123 Polkinhorn, Samuel, agt. Steamer " Mattano " for river landings. 2 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Potomac Ferry Co., S. S. Howi- son, pres't 125 Powell, Rebecca C, Miss, school. 202 Price, B. F., architect, carpenter and builder 126 Pullman, E. J., jihotographer, Washington, D. C opp. 168 Quintin, James Capt. " Harry Lo- der " for river landings..i27 & 168 Randolph, & English, book-sellers and binders,.... back cover Reed, F. A., com. mer, ice deal- er and .S. S. Agt • 3 Richmond Fredericksburg and.... Potomac Railroad Co., 10 Richmond Paper Manufac'g Co. Richmond, front cover & 130 Richmond Stove Co back cover Rienecker, Gustav, florist 207 Riessner, Chr., stoves, ranges, &c. Washington, D. C opp. 169 Roach, M. A. Miss, princ'l Mt. Vernon Academy 131 Rogers, John P., Theatre Com- ique, Washington, D. C 205 St. John's Ac'dmy, R. L. Carne, principal, . 52 St. Mary's Academy, Sister M. Leocadia superior 134 Schoeni, A. T. segar man'fr 135 Slater, John & Son, florists 139 Snyder, Asa & Co., Architectural Iron Works front cover Somerville, Thomas, National Brass W'ks, Washington, D. C.'202 Stiefi", Charles M., pianos and or- gans opp. 164 Stuart, Charles E., lawyer 144 Sullivan, Edward, soda man'fr... 145 Taylor & Hufty, ladies and mens furnishing goods, Washington, D. C 14S Theatre Comique, John P. Rog- ers, prop'r n...., 205 Va. Protection Life Ins. Co. of Richmond side lines Warder, R. H., carpenter and builder 154 Washington City, Va. Midland & Great Southern R. R 206 Washington & Ohio Railroad 207 Xander, Christ, wholesale liquors, Washington, D. C 3 Young, Julian F., hats & caps 163 Yundt, O. W., local, baggage ex- press 164 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Alexandria Com'l Exchange 16 Alexandria Directory 32 Alexandria Grange 20 Alexandria Library 17 Asylums 18 Banks & Bankers 14 Building Associations 17 Business Directory 169 Churches ly Colored Churches 18 Colored Societies 20 Express Companies 16 Government of Alexandria 13 Harmonic Association 20 Home Insurance Companies 15 Improved Order Red Men 19 Independant Order Mechanics 19 Index to Advertisement 7 lOGT , 20 Knights of Pythias 19 Masonic Orders 19 Newspapers, Magazines &c 15 Odd Fellows 19 Post Office Department 14 Post Offices in Virginia ,. 21 Preface and Remarks 6 Principal Hotels of Washington... 9 Railroads 16 Religious & other Societies 18 School Board 16 Schools, Colleges, Seminaries, &c. 15 Street Directory 9 Table of Contents 8 Telegraph Companies , 15 Terms of Court 20 The Bachelors Club 20 Transportation Lines .-.. 16 U S Circuit Court 20 U S Custom House 14 U S District Court 20 U S Internal Revenue 15 Young Mens Christian Ass'n 18 8 Principal Hotels of Washington, D. C. AMERICAN HOUSE, J. B. Scott, prop'r Pa. Ave., corner 7th, n. vv. EKBITT HOl]!^K, C. C. Willard, prop'r F cor. 14th n. w. liMPERIAL, James S. Price, prop'r 1329 E n. w. METROPOLITAN, George B. Cake, prop'r Pa. Ave. nr. 6th. JV4TI01VAL., F. Teniiey & Co., prop'rs, ^4, capacity 500 guests, n. e. Cur 6lh and Pa. Ave. KlCitjlS IIOUSK, Plummer and Spofford, prop'rs, I5lh cor. G opp. Treasury Department. ST. TAMES, (European), s. e. cor 6th and Pa. Ave. ST. MARC. (European) ]. H. Semmes, prop'r, 7th and Pa. Av. THE ARIjINGTO^r, T. Roessle & Son, Prop'rs, Vermont Ave. nr. IL n. w. TREIf ONT HOUSE, F. P. Hill, prop'r, $2.50, Indiana Ave. corner 2nd n. vv. UNIOX, V. Shinn, prop'r, $2, Bridge, cor Congress Gtn. "WIL.IiARI>'S, J. F. Cake, prop'r, $4.50, capacity 500 guests, 14th cor Pa. Ave. STREET DIRECTORY. King St. the dividing line North South Cameron, Prince, Queen, Duke, Princess, Wolfe, Oronoko, Wilkes, Pendleton, Gibbon, Wythe, Franklin, Madison, Jefferson, Montgomery, Green, First Street, Church, Second Street, South, Penny Hill, Streets running North & South Union, Lee, Fairfax, Fayette, Pn'yne, Commerce, south- Royal. Pitt, west from Fay- ette, cor King, St. Asaph, Washington, Columbus, Alex. & Wash. Turnpike, n w from Montgom- Alfred, ery cor. Wash- Patrick, ington. Henry, ALLEYS, WHARVES, &C. Biggs alley, \v from Alfred, bet Cam- eron and Queen. Fayette alley, from Fairfax east to riv- er bet King and Cameron Ferry wharf, foot of King Fighting alley, from Franklin to Jef- ferson bet Washington & Columbus Fish wharves, foot of Princess Fishtown, on river front bet Princess and Oronoko Franklin row, Franklin above Alfred Friendship alley, bet King & Prince and Patrick and Alfred Gaines' alley south from Gibbon bet Columbus and Alfred Hendersons alley, west from Royal bet Princess and Oronoko Irvins' wharf, river front bet King and Prince Irwins alley, from Prince to Duke bet Alfred and Patrick Jail alley, north from Princess bet Pitt and St Asaph Janney's wharf, river front bet King and Prince McCrackens' alley, from Queen to Princess bet Patrick and Henry Muir's alley, west from Columbus, bet Cameron and Queen Oyster wharf, river front bet King & Prince Pitt St alley, west from Pitt bet Cam- eron and Queen Potomac Strand, south from Wolfe bet Union and Lee Queen alley, from Henry to Fayette bet Queen and Princess RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBIG -A.IsriD POTOMAC ROUTE. DIRECT SHORT LINE BfTifl Tll[ NQRTil, [AST, AND SOillH. ELEGANT PARLOR CARS ON DAY TRAINS, PULLMAIPMEmiiG CARS ON ilGHT IRIS Double Daily Schedule, FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. Passing Mt. Vernon, Fort Washington, the IJat- tle-fields of Fredericksburg, Spottsylvania, & North Anna. E. T. D. MYERS, C. A, TAYLOR, General Superintendent- General Ticket Agent. 10 !!EW YORE, ALEUDSIA, WASHIHEIOH AND EEOHSETOWN, J!- The Merchants' Line of Steamships, E. 0. KNIGHT & JOHN GIBSON, Will alternately Leave New York every Saturday, from Pier 41, East river, at 4 p. m. Leave Georgetown every Friday morning, footof High Street, Leave Alexandria, Va., same day at 12, For Freight or Passage, apply at the offices oi the Company. In New Yorh, 3 'JO South Street; In Alexandria, No 3 Prince Street; In Georgetown, foot of ni ..„,»}• first 24 hi. urs, I (Steamers, 15 cents per Ton) J gmj^ays excepted CARPENTERS, 35 cents per hour; CAULKERS, 35 cents per hour; OAK; Scents per foot. M.\NUFACTURER OF No. 98 KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA, - - VIRGINIA. OLD DOMINION LIME KILNS. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SUPERIOR WOOD BURNT LIME DE.\LER IN BRICKS, CEMENT AND CALCINED PLASTER, Omce, Ko> 28 King St., ALEXAHDRIA, YA. 12 MISCELLANEOUS. 13 Government of Alexandria. Mayor — J. B. Johnson, M. D. Auditor — F. L. Brockelt. City Treasurer — M. B. Harlow. City Sergeant — R. T. Lucas. Clerk of Corporation Court — Mor- ton Marye. Commissioner of Revenue — Geo. Duffey. Corporation Attorney — Charles E. Stuart. Commonwealth's Attorney — John M. Johnson. Collector of T;nxes, Northern Dis- trict—John T. Hill. Collector of Taxes, Southern Dis- trict — Stephen K. Field. Superintendent of Police — W. B. Brown. Superintendent of Gas — M. H. Nash. Clerk of Gas— J. J, Doherty. Guager and Inspector of Liquors — Isaac B. Lovejoy. Measurer of Wood and Bark — Geo. \V. Deari)orii. Measurers of Lumber — John I. Proctor, James L. Adams. City Surveyor — Cornelius Cox. Clerk of the Market — Charles Neale. Keeper of Alms House — John Ste)>lienson. Weigher of Hay — Francis M. Weadon. City Scavenger — James R. Cole. Keeper Town Clock — Rich'd M. Latham. Oyster Inspector — John W. Horse- man, Harbor Master — Charles EUiott. Capt. of Police — James F. Webster Lieut, of Police — John L. Smith, Sr. Police — James Hepburn, Cornelius Phillips, John C. Nightingill, James Smith, B. F, Bettis, Thomas P. Mor- ris, Keniy A. Crump, Peyton Bart- lett, H. Webster, James T. Walker, Randolph Purcell, Christopher Lyles, Julian Arnold, Wm. L. Mullen, Jo- seph Horseman. Chief Engineer of Fire Depart- 'ment — Election Contested. Physicians to the Poor — Doctors French & . Maijistrate — John Summers. Senators — H. O. Claughton, and O'KVl -r- -t Delegates — M. D. Ball, Geo. L. Simpson. Board of Aldermen. S. H. Janney, President; W. A. Moore, S. C. Neale, H. Sirauss, C. C. Smoot, E. E. Downham, J. T. Armstrong and I. C. O'Neil. Standing Committee. Finance and Salaries- — W. A. Moore and S. C. Neale. Public Property — .S. C. Neale and H. Strauss. Light— C. C. Smoot and E. E. Downham. Claims — Wm. A. Moore and J. T. Armstrong. Streets— I. C. O'Neal and H. Strauss. Poor— I. C. O'Neal and J. T. Arm- strong. General Laws — C. C. Smoot and E. E. Downham. Schools — W. A. Moore and I. C. O'Neal. Standing Committees of the Common Council. Finance — Broders and Ficklin. LiTton and Ohio, Alexandria to Round Hill, Va., 8.00 a. m. Manassas division, 6.00 a. m. Southern, via Fredericksburg and Richmond ,6.00 a. m. and 8.30 p. m. Office closes at 8.0D j). m. U. S Custom House Prince, cor. St. Asa|)h. Collector — David Turner. U. S. Internal Revanue Dept. Office in Custom Hou-.e Building. Collector— E. E. White. Flour Inspector's Office 5 s Union Inspector— John S. Taylor BANKS AND BANKERS- Citizens' National Bank. Prince, corner Lee. President — Jno. B. Smoot. Cashier — W. H. Lambert. Directors — John B. Smoot, John B. Daingerfield, Robert M. Lawson, Benoni Wheat, Philip B. Hooe. Farmers' and Mechanies' Savings Bank of Alexandria, Va. President — Andrew Jamieson. Directors — John W. Stewart, Wm. Cogan, Emanuel Francis, John P. Agnew, Robert Bell, Jr., Lewis Stein, Lewis McKenzie, John C. Graham, Jefferson Tacey, Andrew Jamieson. German Banking Company. President — Robert Portner. Cashier — Jas. H. Reid. Directors — Robt. Portner, E. Fran-* CIS, E. E. Downham, I. Eichberg, Thos. V. Rishtell, Park Agnew, Jno. MISCELLANEOUS. 15 l\annon, Louis Slein, Geo. E. French, , Geo. Wise, f. C. Graham, Justus Schneider, B! F. Price, Robt. Bell, j Jr., I. Schwarz. First Aational Bank of Alfxandria, Virginia. Lee, corner Prince Street. President — S. F. B..'ach. Cashier— C. R. lioofi'. Directors — S. F. Beach, W. J. Baothe, Jas. M. Stewart, E. S. Lead- heater, Joseph Brodtrs, Richard Stabler, S. F. Gregory. Allen C. ILninon. Home Insurance Companies Alexandria Insurance Co. 97 King St. President — B. Wheat. Secretary and Treasurer— George Wise. Directors^ — B. Wheat, John B. Smoot, E. S. Leadbeater, A. Ilerlieit, Wm. Cogan, Geo. H. Rijbinson, Dr. D. M. French. Newspapers & Periodicals. Alexandria Gazette. — Published daily (Sunday excepted) by Edgar Snovvder, Jr., 70 Prince. Aeadei/iy yw«;-««/.— Published by the students of St. John's Academy, at 70 Prince. Soittkern CIiKrchman, The — Rev. D. T. Sprigg, publisher and proprie- tor, 70 Prince. Virginia Sentinel The — Publish- ed daily (Sunday excepted) by M. D. Ball, Cameron, bet. Royal and Pitt. I'iiginia Fireside — A. J. Wedder- burn, publisher, Alexandria, Va. Masonic Eclectic, The — A monthly Magazine, published by G. H. Ramey, No. II S. Royal. Youths'' Progress — An Amateur Journal, published by White, Editor,at 58 Prince. Telegraph Companies. Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company — J. W. Craig, manager, 70 King. Western Union Telegraph Co. — W. C. Walstrum, agent, 17 n Faifax. Schools, Colleges, Semina- ries, &c. Miss Powell's select school for; young ladies. Miss Rebecca C. ' Powell, Principal. N. E. cor. DuV.e and Washington Mount \krnon I.nstitute, fur young ladies. Miss ]\L A. Roach, IVincipal. No. 12 S. Washington. St. John's Ac.mjemy is a mili- tary school, and is under the per--.o- nal supervision ol the principal. Prof. Richard L. Carne, A. M. Parties will he. furnished with catalogues on application. Teachers and School Officers — Richard L. Carne, A. M., Princi] al, Greek, Latin, and Senior English ; Richard f. Collins, Latin, Intermedi- ate English and Penmanship; Bene- dict J. Burgess, B. S., Junior Eng- lish ; Rev. A. A. Bonnheim, Hebrew and German; R. E. Heyman, Music; Wilfred C. Potter, Librarian ; John D. Purcell, Assistant Librarian; Charles P. McQuaide, Editor Acad- emy Journal. St. Mary's Academy Is in a flourishing condition, and one of the first institutions of the kind in the state. Pupils of all denominations re- ceived, and while great attention is given to the religious instruction of Catholic Students, there is no influ- ence used On those of difierent l)elief. Information and catalogues or pro- spectus will be furnished on applica- tion by Sister M. Leocadia, Superior. The Belle Haven Institute, for young ladies, 1 17 Queen street, Alexandria, Va. Ranks among the finest and best in the state — and V'irginiais surpassed by no state in the Union in her insti- tutions of learning, which is eviden- ced by the culture, intellect and ac- complishment of her sons and daugh- ters. This institution is under the personal care and supervision of Prof. N. Penick and lady, assisted 16 MISCELLANEOUS. by a full corps of competent and proficient professors. Catalogues and information will be furnished by ap- plying Prof. N. Penick, at the insti- tute. School Board. Chairman — Edgar Snowden. Clerk -Richard J. Collins, Trustees Snowden School District, 1st ward — Augustus E. Addison, \Vm. F. Carne, John W. Burke. Trustees Custis School District, 2d ' ward — Edgar Snowden, Lewis Mc- Kenzie, Henry B. Whittington. Trustees Hallowell School District 3d ward — John S. Beach, Wm. B. Gregory, M. D.; Kosciusko Kemper. Trustees Washington School Dist., 4th ward —Oscar C. Whittlesey, S. Ferguson Beach, S. Chapman Neale. Superintendent of Schools — Rich- ard L. Carke. Board meets on the last Friday in each month, in Peabody School Building, corner of King and Alfred streets. Superintendent's Office, Room No. 9, same building. Office hours, Sat- urdays from 8 to 10 a. m. Clerk's office hours, forgranting permits, &c., Mondays from 9 to 10 a. m., at the Superintendent's office. RAILROADS. Washington City, Virginia Midland and Great Southern R. R. Co. President — John S. Barbour. Vice-President — William G. Caze- nove. General Manager — G. J. Foreacre. Treasurer — Wm. H. Marbury. Secretary — L. Wilber Reid. General Freight Agent — F. T. Hawks. General Ticket Agent — James M. Broadus. Auditor of Accounts — Anthony McLean. Book-keeper — D. R. Semmes. General Transportation Agent — Jonas Fisher. Huishington cSt^ Ohio Railroad Co. Lewis McKenzie President, Reuben Johnson sect and treas. R. H. Havener gcn'l sup't, freight and ticket agent. Transportation Lines. Potomac Ferry Co. runs between Alexandria and Washington -boats leave foot of King st. S. S. Howi- son, president. Steamer "Mattai'o" runs river landings from Washington. W. H. Byles, captain. Sam'l Polkinhorn, Agent, Washington, D. C. llpper Potomac Steamboat Co. — ■ P. H. Troth, president, office i King. Potomac Transportation Line to Baltimore. J. Broders & Co., agents, II King. Md. and Alex. Ferry Co. — (To Oxen run). B. Wheat, president, foot Fayette Alley. Steamer "Harry Loder" runs the Potomac river landings from Alexan- dria. Capt. James Qiiintin — foot King. Clyde Line of Steamers to Phila- delphia. F. A. Reed, agt., 6 Jan- ney's wharf. R., F. & P. R. R. Co.'s Line of Steamers — P. B. Hooe, agent, foot Prince. Merchants' Line of Steamships for New York. F. A. Reed, agent, 6 Janney's wharf. Inland and Seaboard Coasting Co. for Norfolk. F. A. Reed, agent, 6 Janney's wharf. Express Companies. ADAMS— R. W. Falls, .agent, 15 n Fairfax. Enoch Cook — Local Baggage Ex- press — Depot, Cameron, cor Fayette. O. W. YUNDT— Local Baggage Express — connecting with Knox's express in Washington and George- town, office, No. 7 n Washington st. EXCHANGES. King, cor. Union. Alexandria Commercial. President — W. W. Herbert. Vice-President— W. E. Carter. MISCELLANEOUS. 17 Secretary — R. F. Knox. Treasurer- John J. Jamieson. Directors — W. W. Herbert, P. B. Hooe, D. G. Watkins, C. V. Settle, R. M. l-awson, J. T. Beckham and Edwin Hunt. Building Associations. Alexandria Co-operative. — President- E. S. I .eadbeater. Secretary — Geo. R. Shinn. Trea'-urer — J. Henry Reid. Directors — -J. Rector Snioot, T. F. Gregory, Steph. A. Green, J. P. Ag- new, J. Henry Reid, Thos. Leadbea- ter. Meetino; nights — ist and 3d Tues- day in each month at Harmonie Hall German Bld'g Associarion. — Meets at Harmonie Hall 1st Thurs- day in each month. President — R. Portner. Treasurer — L. Stein. Secretary — J. Schneider. Directors — f. Eichberg, B. F. Price, Thos. Risheill, J. H. Reid, E. E. Downham, E. Francis. Alexandria Library. Was founded on the 24th day of July, 1794, as a voluntary association, and continued voluntary till 1798, when an Act of Incorporation was obtained from the Legislature of Virginia. In 1861 'tcontained aljout 5,000 vols., more than 1,000 of which were de- stroyed or stolen by the Frederal sol- diers who occupied the Library build- ing as a barrack and hospital in years l86i-'62 and '63. Since the re- organization of the company in 1870, there have been gradual additions to the shelves, and it now contains 4,325 vols. The Directors are Mercer Slaugh- ter, K. Kemper, J. J. Jamieson, Park Agnew, I. R. Zimmerman, J. H. D. Smoot, R. W. Falls, George Mason, R. C. Lee, J. S. Beach, J. S. Black- burn and E. E. Downham. President — Mercer Slaughter. Vice-President — K. Kemper, Secretary — J. J. Jamieson. Treasurer — Park Agnew. Librarian — R. P. Bruin. Location, cor King and Washing- ton streets. CHURCHES Baptist. First Baptist — Rev. W. S. Penick, pastor, Washington, bet Prince and Duke. Catholic. St. Mary's— Rev. D. O'Kane, S. J. pastor, Royal, near Duke. Episcopal. Christ Church, Episcopal — Rev. Wm. M. Dame, rector, Washington, cor Cameron. Grace Episcopal— Rev. D. Fran, cis Sprigg, pastor, Patrick, near Prince. Hebrew. Jewish Syragogue — A. A. Bonn- heim, rabbi, Washington, bet Cam- eron and Queen. Lutheran. German Lutheran Church— King, bet Pitt and Royal, Rev. , pastor. Methodist Episcopal. Methodist Episcopal — W. C. Webb pastor, Washington, bet King and Prince. M. E. (South)— Rev. J. Huffman Waugh, pastor, Washington, near King. Methodist Protestatit. Methodist Protestant — Rev. Jas. K. Nichols, pastor, Washington, bet King and Cameron. 18 MInCKLLANEOUS. Prcshyteriivi. First I'reshytt-rian — Rev. J.J. Bul- lock , pastor, Fairfax, bet Duke ami Wolfe. Prcsbylerion. Second Presbyterian — Rev. Wni. Dinvviddie, pastor, Prince, cor St. Asai>h. Prolcsti.uit Episcopal. St. Pauls — Rev. G. 11. Norton, rec- tor, Pitt, bet Duke and Prince. Colored Churches. Peluah Baptist — Washington, bet Duke and W\)lfe. First Baptist — Rev. S. W. Mad- den, pastor, Alfred, bet Duke and Wolfe. Old School Baptist — Columbus, near Alfred. Shiloh Bajitist — L. Waring, pastor. West, near Prince. Third Baptist — Rev. Fields C(X) k jiastor Princess, cor Patrick. Melliodist Episcopal — Rev. R. P. Bell, pastor, Washington, near tiib- bon. Meade Chapel (P. E.) — Cohnnbus, cor Princess. Religious & other Societies, Ai.ex'dri.\ Catholic Beneitcial Society meets every Sunday even- ing at 7:30 p. m., at St. Mary's Hall, Royal, cor Wolfe — Edward Hughes, president; John T. Hill, 1st vice- president; '^)rlando Wood, 2d vice- president ; Francis Lovejoy, secre- tary ; Michael Smith, treasurer; R. M. Latham; book-keeper, M. H. Nash, marshall. Kmc.uts ok St. Patrick. — Meets 1st Wednesday every month, Harlow's Hall, Royal, cor Cameron. Commander, M. A. Hart; 1st assis- lant commander, John Lannon; sec- retary, M. B. Harlow ; treasurer, Edwin Finn. St. Vincent de Pace Society meets every Sunday at 12:30 p. m., at St. Mary's Hall — president, R. L. Came; 1st vice-president, John T. Hill ; secretary, R M. Laih.nm; treas- urer, Michael Smith; librarian, S. B. Stoutenburg. Hei;rk\v Benevolent Society OK Ai.E.XANDRiA meets the ist Sun-' days in July, October, January and April, at Jewish Synagogue, Wash- ington, bet Cameion and Queen; president, E. Rosenthal; vice-] resi dent, S. Blondheim ; J. Kaufmann, secretary; I. Eichburg, treasurer. B'luii B'rith Mount Vernon Loix;e, No. 259,, meets Sarepta Hall, 1st and 3d Sun- days each month; president, S. Blond- heim ; vice-president, Isaac Schwarz; II. Strauss, treasurer; monitor, 1. Eichberg ; guardian, J. Kaufmann. Alexandria Inkirmary. — Mrs. Annie Fogg, ijialr.in; conducted by the ladies of Alexandria by charita- ble contributions, 287 King, Miss Julia Johns, president. ASYLUMS Ai.EXANi ria Orphan Asylum — 90 Wolfe, Mrs E. P. Newman, mat- ron. Directresses — Mrs. Edward Dain- gerfield ist directress; Mrs. Louisa Law, secretary ; Mrs. Robert Jamie- .son, treasurer; Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. Somerville, Mrs. Peter Uhler, Mrs. Mary Gregory, Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Richard Stabler, Mrs. Mary Foote, Mrs. Andrew Jamieson, Mrs. S.im'l Janney, Mrs. B. Wheat, Miss Mary Rol)bins, Mrs. Windsor, Mrs, Randolph. Young Men's Christian Association President — A. J. Fleming. Vice-Presidents — ^Job Corson, L D. Hodgkin, Jas. R. Caton, H. W. Patton, F. E. Corbett, H. C. Slay- maker, R. F. Knox, Dr. E. A. Stab- ler and A. S. Coleman. Gen'l Secretary — Jas Entwisle, Jr. ("orresponding Secretary — B. D. Stallings. Recording Secretary— D. R.Stans- bury. MISCELLANEOUS. 19 Treasurer — \Vm. A. Moore. Executive Committee — H.W Bea- dle, E. F. Witmer, E. H. Hawkins, W. U. Herljert and and I. C. O'Neal. Secret Orders Masonic. Andrkw Jackson Lodge, No. 120, Fairfax st., bet King and Prince, 1st and 3d Thursday every month — E H. O'Brien, W. M.; E. E. Down- ham, S W., E. Warfield, J. W, (i. A. Mushhach, S. D., S. Blondheim, J. D., J. E. Alexander, Sec'y., G. F. Steiner, Treas., J. R. McK Barley & B. D. Stallings, Stewards, John Cra- ven, Tiler. Mount Vernon R. A. Chapter No. 14, meets at Masonic Temple 1st Monday each month — G. A. Mushbach, H. P.; J. B. Smout, K., E. H. O'Brien, S., P. G. Uhler, Secy., J. H. D. Smoot, Treas., ( i8th year) J. T. Beckham, C. of H., J. E. Alexander, P. S., Joseph Hop- kins, R. A. C, Don McLain, M. of 1st v., Geo. Wise, M. of 2d V., K. Kemper, M. of 3d V., J. Fossett, J. Old Dominion Commandery, K. T., meets Masonic Temple 2d "Wed- nesday in every month— F. A. Reed E. C, Joseph Hopkins, G., Matt Kersey, C. G., J. H. D. .Smoot Treas, J. E. Alexander, R., K. Kemper, Prelate, J. T. Beckham. S. W., A. S. Dunn, J. W., Don McLain, Swd. B., E. E. Downham, Std. B., Geo. Wise, W., R. A. Adam, C. of G., John Craven, S. Alexand'a Washington Lodge meets at Masonic Temple 2d and 4th Thursday each month — J. B. Smoot, W. M., J. T. Beckham, S. W., A. G. Uhler, J.W., John A. Field, T., James S. Douglass, S., F. E. Corbett S. D., J. D. H. Lunt, J. D., appoint- ed Geo Wise and Herbert Snowden, Stewards. Rev. J. Hoffman Waugh, Chaplain, James Fossett, Tiler Odd Fellows. Potomac Lodge No. 38, (Chartered March 19th, 1839) Samuel A. Mankin, Noble Grand, Edgar Lyles, Vice Grand, Benj. F. Peake, R. Secy., Hugh Latham, Per Secy., Jas. H. DeVaughn, Treas., C, Morgan Driscoll, Chaplain, Wm. E. Latham, Past Grand. Mari.ey Encampment No. 6, (Chartered April 22nd, 1840) Benoni F. Nails, Chief Patriarch, W. W. Sherwood, High Priest, James Grigg, Sen. Warden, Hugh Latham, Scribe, Jas. H. DeVaughn, Treas., Chas. A. Simpson, Jun. Warden. Sarkpta Lodge No. 46. (Instituted February, 1847.) J. Calvin Smith, Noble Grand, Jas. Grigg, Vice Grand, J. M. Heishley, Rec. Secy., VV. W. Sherwood, Per Secy., John A. Field, Treas., Robt. H. Wade, Chaplain, F. F. Heishley, Past Grand. Knights of Pythias. Mechanics Lodge, No. 3,E. P". Padgeit, P. C , J. T. Boyd, C. C, G. M. (lernian, V. C., J. L Proc- tor, P , Job Corson, K of R k S., E- T. Stt^tl % M. of E., C. T. Ervin, M. of F., K. A. Wade, M at A. Oriental Lodge No. 6 — P. C. W. H. Smith, C. C, L. D. Harrison, V. C, J. Naylor, Prelate, Robt. C. Lee, K. of R. and S. D., A. F. Cox, M. of F., Wm. Darley, Jr.. M. of E W. F, Vincent, M. at Arms, Y. Ba- ker, I. G., J. Miffleton, O. G., A. Glover. Independent Order Mechanics. Old Dominion, No. 9, organized May 4tli, 1874, instituted May 21st, 1874. Meets every Wed'sdav night at Phoenix Hall. P. M." Brad- shaw, G. R., F. Studds J. M., F, H. Harper, W. S. M. Red Men. Osceola Tribe No. i. Imperial Order Red .Men, meets every Thurs- day evening in Sarepta Hall — Sach- em, W. a. Simords, Sen. Sagamore, Chas. F. Cronk, Jun. Sagamore, Jno. R. Gray, Chief of Records, Wm. A. 20 MISCELLANEOUS. Sisson, Keeper of Wampum, Hugh Lalham,. /. o. a. r. Potomac Lodgk No. 35, meets Frulav nifijht at Muir's Hall. J. K. Caton, W. C T., Cl.arles Pick- ens, Sect'y, D R. Stanslmry, Lodge Deputy. Aliscellaueous. Alexandria Grange, No. 448, A. .J. Weddorlmrn, Master, K. M. Lawson Secretary and Treasurer, meets 3d Friday in eacli month. Harmonie Association. Presi- dent, Justus Schneider, Vice-Presi- dent, S. Dealliam, Secretary, H. Wildt, Directors, Lewis Stein, Rob- ert E*ortner. George Bauer, Midi. Schneider, .Josejih Haufman- Tiie- atricai Director, Otto Portner. Mu- sical Director. Moritz Ulmann. Tht; Bachelor's Club. — Room 101 King street, 3d floor, meets 1st Tuesday in every month. G A. Mushback. Prest.. Geo. S. French, Treas. and See'ty. U. S. Circuit Conn, Custom iio. bidg— .ludyes, H. L. Bond and R. W. Hughes. M. F. Pleasants, elk, W. B. Wall, deputy clerk. U. S. District (^ourt — Custom ho bidg. Judge, R. W. Hughes, Johti R. Popham, clerk, W. H. Wall, dejiutv clerk. C PRamsdell, U. S. M vrshall. L. L. Lewis, U S. Dist. Att'ny /\t'^IA. Newtown Stevens-Star Tannery, burgh, Stephenson's De- Opequon, pot, Rogersville, Welltown, Rock Enon Spri'gs White Hall, Shockeysville, l'Vinchester*\_c.h.'] Giles County. Eggleston's Newport, Springs, Feanslnirg \_c. /^.] Mountain Lake, Pembroke, Mouth of East Poplar Hill, River, Staftbrdsville, Narrows, White Gate, Gloucester County. Cappahosic, Hayes' Store, Clay Bank, New Upton, Glenns, White Marsh, Gloucester [c. h.) Wood's X Roads, Goochland County. Bula, Loch Lomond, Caledonia, North Side, Dover Mines, Perkinsville, Elk Hill Mills, Peers. Fifes, Pemberton, Goochland [r. k.'] Sabbot Island, Hadensville, Shannon Hill, Issequena, West View. Johnson's Springs, Grayson County. Bridle Creek, Meadow Creek, Carsonville, Mouth of Wilson, Clem's Branch, North Branch, Comer's Rock, Old Town, Elk Creek, Peach Bottom, Flat Ridge, Point Hope, Fox, Spring Valley, Grant, Stevens Creek, Indepeiidencei^c /^) Summerfield. 1/Ong's Gap, Greene County. Dawsonville, Stanardsvi\lt,\_c k'\ Ruckersville, Greenville County. Cottage Home, Poplar Mount, Fountain Creek, Rainey's Store, Hicksford, Rural Bower, Ilopeville, Halifax County. Alchie, Hyco, Barksdale, Mayo, Black Walnut, Meadville, Brooklyn, Mountain Road, Buck Shoal, Mount Carmel, Clover Depot, Mount Laurel, Cross Roads, News Ferry, Delila, Omego, Halifax, [r. h.\ Red Bank, Hannt;iiy, Republican Grove, Scottsburgh, Vernon Hill, South Boston De-Whitesville, pot, Whitlock, Sutherlin, Wolf Trap, Turbeville, Hanover County. Ashland, Junction, Atlee's Siation, Montpelier, Auburn Mills, Morris, Beaver Dam De-Negro Foot, pot Noel's, Chickahominy, Old Church, French Hay, Spring Level, Goodall's Taylorsville, Hanover, \_c. k.'\ Verdon, Hawsville, Villa Green, Hewlett's, Henrico County. Curls Wharf, Richinond,*\_c.h.'\ Erin Shades, Glen Allen, Glendale, Wcsiham Locks, Westhampton, Henry County. Breckenridge, Oak Level, Dyer's Store, Prunty's, Glady Fork, Ridgeway, Horse Pasture, Rough and Ready Irisburg, Mills, Leatherwood, Spencer's Store, North Mayo, Stockton, Martinsville, Traylorsville, Mount Vernon, Highland County. Clover Creek, Monterey, [c. h.) Doe Hill, New Hampden, Head Waters, Strait Creek, Hightown, Valley Centre, McDowell, Vanderpool, Meadow Dale, Wilsonville, Mill Gap, Isle of Wight County. Carrsville, Windsor Station, Isle of JVight [c h)ZvLn\ Station, Smilhfield, James City County. Burn't Ordinary, Williamsburg, * Jamestown, (c. /i.) King & Queen County. Bruington, New Town, Carlton's Store, Plainview, Dragonville, St. Stephen's Ch'h Indian Neck, Shackleford's, King er-" Queen Stevensville, (f. //.) Walkerton, Little Pl)'mouth, LIST OB' POST OFFICES— VIRGINIA. 25 King Gkorge County. Alden, King George, Comorn, [c. h.) Edge Hill, Lewisville, Fricndshipville, Mathias" Point, Greenlaw's Wharf Fassapalansy, Hampstead, Port Conway, Hop Yard, Sluloh, King William County. Aylett's Lester Manor, Beulahville, Mangohic, Enfield, Manquin, Etna Mills, Rollins Fork, JCing William, Sweet Hall, c. h.) West Point, Lanesville, Lancaster County. Carter's Creek, Merry Point, Kilmarnock, Millenback, Lancaster, [c. k.) Monaskon, Litwalton, River View, Lively Oaks, White Stone, Lee County, Bates' Mills, Oak Glen, Beech Spring, Rocky Station, Blackwater, Rose Hill, Boon's Path, Stickleyville, Brick Store, Turkey Cove, Cany Hollow, Walnut Hill, Crab Orchard, White Shoals, Gibson's Station, Yokum Station, Hunter's Gap, Zion's Mills, yonesville, (c, h.) Loudoun County Aldie, Loudoun, Areola, Middleburg, Bolington, Morrisonville, Buckner's Station,Mount Gilead, Bloomfield, Mountville, Circlevillc, Neersville, Clark's Gap, Oatland's Daysville, Philomont, Evergreen Mill, Furcellville, Farmwell, Round Hill, Goresville, Silcot Springs, Hamilton, Snickcrsville, Hillsborough, Taylorstown, Hughesville, Unison, Leesbiirg, * [c. /i,)Waterford, Lincoln, Wheatland, Lovettsville, Woodburn, Louisa County. Apple Grove, Gum Spring, Bell's Cross RoadsGreen Spring De. Buckner's Station, pot, Bumpass Harris, Cuckoo, Jackson, Ellisville, Locust Creek, Frederick's Hall, Louisa, (f. h.) Mansfield, Thompson's Cross Melton, Roads, Mercerville, Tolersville, Oakland, Trevilians Depot, Poindexter's Store Lunenburg County. Brickland, New Plymouth, Columbian Grove, Non-intervention, Double Bridge, Oral Oaks, Halysburg, Plantersville, HoUydale, Pleasant Grove, Lochleven, Rehoboth, Lunenburg, (f. /4.)Wattsborough, Meherrin, Whittle's Mills, McFarland's, Yatesville, Madison County. Criglersville, Peola Mills, Graves' Mill, Rochelle, Leon, Seville, Madison, {c. h.) Twyman's Mills, Madison Mills, Wolf Town, Oak Park, Matthews County. Cobb's Creek, Matthews, {c. k.) Crickett Hall Port Hayward, Hicks' Wharf, Mecklenburg County. Marengo, North View, Oakley, Palmer's Spring, St. Tammany's Scotts Cross Roads Shaw's Store, Smiths Cross R'ds South Hill, Spring Hill, Stony Cross, Union Level, Abbyville, Boydton, [c. k.) Buffalo Lithia Springs, Black Ridge, Cabbage Farm, Cuscowilla, Chase City, Clarksville, Drapersville, Forksville, Joyceville, Lombardy Grove, Middlesex County. Bay Port, Locust Hill, Church View, Saluda, [c. h.) Freeshade, Sandy Bottom, Plarmony Village,Urbana, Jamaica, Wilton. Montgomery County. Alleghany STpring, C/iristiansburg, * Bangs, (c. h.) Bennetts Mills, Cowan's Mills, Big Spring Depot,La Fayette, Blacksburg, Lovely Mount, Centre Mills, McDonald's Mills, Childress' Store, Shawsville, Montgomeiy Spg'sVicar's Switch, Pilot, Wallace Mills, Price's Fork, Yellow Sul. Sp'gs, 26 LIST OF POST OFFICES— VIRGINIA. Nansemond County. Belleville, Buckhorn, Chuckatiick, Everett, Holy Neck, Magnolia, Nurneysville, Somerton, South Quay, Suffolk *{c. h.) Nelson County. Afton, Arrington, Elmington, Greeniield, Greenway, Massie's Mills, Montreal, Nelly's Ford, Norwood, Orlando, Hardwicksville, Rockfish Depot, Horseley's Land'gTye River Depot, Loviiigsto7i, (c. /;.)Variety Mills, Lowesville, Warminster. New Kent County: Barhamsville, Providence, Despatch, Tunstall's New Kent, (c. /i.) Norfolk County. Bowers' Hill, Lake Drummond, Churchland, N^orfolk, * [f. //.] Deep Creek, North Landing, Great Bridge, Portsmouth, Indian Creek, Northampton County. Bay View, Eastiile, *\c. /^.] Capesville, Franktown, Cherrystone, Hadlock, Cobb's Island, Miles' Wharf, Concord Wharf, NoRTHUMBERLA.Nn CoUNTY. Brown's Store, Lottsburg, Burgess' Store, Rehoboth Chuch, Heuthsville, (c./i.^ Wicomico Church. Nottoway County, Bellefont, Jennings' Ordin'ry Burkesville, A^oUozaay [c. A.] Forkland, Wellvill'e. Jeffress Store. Orange County. VBarboursville, Madison Run Sta- Gordonsville, * tion. Liberty Mills, Mallory's Ford, Locust Grove, O^-auge, \_c. /i.] Thornhill, Rogers, Unionville, Verdierville, Woolfolk, Page County. Alma, Cedar Point, East Liberty, Grove Hill, Hope Mills, Honeyville, Leaksville, Lnray, \c. hJ\ Marksville, Massanutton, Shenandoah Iron Stony Man, Works, Patrick ('ounty. Ararat, Patrick Springs, Buffalo Ridge, Penn's Store, Carters' Mills, Peter's Creek, Edwards, Rock Castle, Elamsville, Rock Spring, Howell's Shop, Russell Creek, Mayberry Creek, Sandy Plains, Mayo Forge, The Hollow, Meadows of Dan,TuggIe's Gap, Nettle Ridge, Young's Grove, Patrick, \_c. //.] Pittsylvania County. Bear Skin, Mount Aiiy, Berger's Store, Mount Cross, Brosville, Museville, Calland's, Peytonsburg, Cascade, Pleasant Gap, Chalk Level, Riceville, Chestnut Level, Ringgold, Chatham, [ir. h.'\ Sandy Level, Danville, Shockoe Church, Diy F"ork Depot, Spring Garden, Fall Creek Depot, Swansonville, Hill Grove, Sycamore, Hurt's Store, Whitmell, Laurel Grove, Whittle's Depot, Malmaison, Powhatan County. Ballsville, Jefferson, Fine Creek Mills, Macon , Flat Rock, Pow/iatan, [c. /z.J Genito, Sublett's Tavern, Kugenot, Prince Edward County. Darlington flei'ts, Prospect, Farmville, \_c. /^.] Rice Depot, Green Bay, Worsham, Hampden Sidney College, Prince Gkorge County. Blair's Wharf, Piney Grove, Brandon, Prince George Brandon Church, (<:. Ji. ) City Point, Rives, Disputanta, Templeton, Garysville, Prince William County. Beulah, Haymarket, Brentsvitle, [c. Ji) Hickory Grove, Bristoe, Morton's Store, Buchland, Independent Hall, Catharpin, Landsdown, Dumfries, Manassas, Gainesville, Missouri Mills, Greenwich, Neabsco Mills, LIST OF POST OFFICES— VIRGINIA. 27 Occoquan, Thoroughfare, Potomac, Waterfall. Siulley Springs, Princess Anne County. Blossom Hill, Pleasant Ridge, Kempville, Princess Atin, Land of Promise, \_c. //.] London Bridge, Pulaski County. Allisonia, Neivbern, {c. h.) Dublin, New River Depot, Draper's Valley, Radford Furnace, Martin's Station, Snowville, Rapphannock County. Amissville, Sandy Hook, Flint Hill, Slate Mills. Gaines >iirg, Roney's Store, Chancellorsville, Spottsylvania, Clover Green, (c. h.) Fredericksburg, Summit, Green Plain, Ivor, yertisalein [c. h.') Newsom's Depot, Nottoway Mills, Vicksvillc, Worrell's Glenora, Lewis' Store, Mattapony, Mount Pleasant, Stafford County Thornburg, Twyman's Store, Wilderness, Belfair Mills, Brooks' Station, Falmouth, Garrisonville, Hartwood, Mountain View, Richland Mills, Stafford, {c. h.) Stafford's Store, Tackett's Mill, Surry County. Bacon,s Castle, Phillips' Store, Cabin Point, Spring Grove, Claremont WharfA^rrj, (r. h.) Jones' Wharf, SussF.x County. Cedar View, Coman's Well, Cooperville, Hivvicinsville, H:ni7, Jarratt's, Litleton, Parham's Store, Stony CreekWare- house, Sussex [c. /i.) Wakefield Station, Wares Wharf, Waverly Station, Tazewell County. Abb's Valley, Baptist Valley Blue .Stone Bear Wallow Burke's Garden Cedar Bluff Cove Creek Croftsville Fall's Mill Knob Paint Lick Richlan.i Shawyer's Mill Springville Tannersvillc, Tazewell {c.h) Thompson's Val'y Wilten's Mill Warren County Allen X Roads Bentcjuville Browntown Buckton Cedarville Front yiVi'rt/,(c.//.)Riverton Happy Creek, Warwick County. Warwick [c. k.) Washington County. Harvey's Mills Linden Milldale Nineveh Overalls Mandota, ^leadow View, Mock's Mills, Montgomery, Osceola, Rock ford, Saltville, Smith's Creek, Wallace's Switch, Westmoreland (-ounty. Abingdon * {c. h Craig's Mills, Emory, Glade Spring, Greendale, Holston, King's Mills, Lodi, Love's Mills, Nominy Grove, Oak Grove, Oldham's > r~ ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS WORK. m X 3> ab — above. cor — corner. r — rear. adv't — advertisement. e — east. rd — road. Z2L agt. — agent. k—foot. Rev — Reverend, O al — alley. h — house. R R — Railroad. ^ ave — avenue. hd — /(ecu/. rev — rerenwe. >. bds — boards, -.^m- ins. — insurance. s — south. bel — belou'. int rev — internal ; revenue. sq — square. < Ijet — between. m an fr — inanufa cturer. S S — steamship. >• hld^ — bvil.ting. mkt — market. tp — turnpike. capt — captain. n — north. w — tfesi. •^ elk — clerk. nr — wear. w'hf — wharf. com mer — commission opp — opposite. wid — widoiv. merchant. p o — ■j)osi oj^ce. N'ames marked thus * are Col ored. AB AD Abendslieim John, confectioner, \\ 16 n Alfred Abraham Jacob, switchman, bds 95 s Henry Abraham Joseph, tinner, bds 95 s Henry Acadeni}' Journal, published by students of St. Johns Aca- demy, 70 Prince *Ackerson Robert, driver, h Duke nr Columbus Acton Elizabeth M, wid Matthew h 232 King Acton R C, watchmkr and jeweler, 124^ King h 232 King Acton T M, tailor, h 58 n Pitt Adam Brooke P, h 208 King Adam C F, (W W Adam & Son,) h 78 King Adam Charles S D, h 208 Kina; CD —5 (/> o go zs' C/3 CD Use George R. Hill & Co/s Superior Family . AD [34] AI c« qI Adam H A Mrs, dressmaker, 208 King h same c Adam Robert A, elk, bds 144 Did^e .2 Adam T I, physician, 206 Kins: b same = Adam W W, (W W Adam & Son,) b 144 Duke :^ Adam William W, Jr, elk, bds 222 Prince ADAM, W W & SON, (W W & C F Adam) o O ^ watchmakers and jewelers, 78 Kin Adan.s Charles L, h 41 s Lee 3 Adams Charles >V, h 41 s Lee 3 Adams Edwin M. elk, bds 41 s Lee E ADAMS EXPRESS Co., RW Falls agt, 15 n ^ Fairfax Adams Geors-e Kev, h 106 s Loyal a> g Adams James L, lumber measurer, h 107_s Lee a? *Adams George, driver, h 55 s Peyton Adams James L, lumber measurer, h 1 Adams J L, R R ag't, h Washington cor Wolfe -o * Adams John, lab,^b 141 n St Asaph ^ *Adams Joseph, cook, h 44 n Patrick o Adams Lewis M, machinist, bds 41 s Lee O Addison A E, h 64 Duke g Addison D G, seaman, 109 s Royal c: Addison E B Dr., h 16 n Washington t^ Addison Francis G, clerk, h 64 Duke ^ *Addison Frederick, lab, h 180 Queen — Addison Joseph, h 64 Duke jO^ Addison Walter D, clerk, h 64 Duke — i *Adkins Robert C, driver, h 185 Duke c: Agin llanorah wid William, h 75 Queen .2 Agnew John P, coal-shipper, ft Wolfe, h 102 Duke o Agnew Park, (Sinclair & Agnew, and pres't Alex, Ma •§ R W and Ship-building Co) h Pitt, near Duke ^ Ahern John, grocer and "liquors, Prince cor West, h 332 _, King -| Ahern John P, elk, bds 332 King ■^ Ahern Michael A, book-keeper, bds 332 King .^ Aitcheson Andrew W, machinist, bds 99 s Lee > Aitcheson Bros., (R P & Peter Aitcheson), wood-works qg j^iid saw and planing mill, 61 s Union . I — Aitcheson D Wilton, machinist, h 100 s Lee Aitcheson Harry, machinist bds 100 s Lee Aitcheson John, carpenter, h 100 s Lee e3 Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. AI [35] AL Aitcheson Peter, (Aitcheson Bro's) h 97 Duke Aitcheson R P (Aitcheson Bros') h 100 s Lee O Albemarle Fire Ins Co, of Charlottesville, 103 King ^ Albrand Elizabeth, wid George h 36 s Patrick m Albrand John, messenger, h 36 s Patrick ^^ *Alexander Alonzo, lab, h r Lee bet Queen and Princess (2*» Alexander Elizabeth S, wid Jolm R h 75 Cameron oo Alexander James E, h 8 s Fairfax ^ Alexander James E, Jr, clerk Navv Dep't, h 42 Queen — | Alexander John, lab, h Duke nr West HI *Alexander Samuel, lab, h Duke nr West ^ Alexandria Academy, John S Beach principal, Wolfe cor - St Asaph ^ Alexandria Canal R R & Bridge Co, (Quigley, Wells and m Dunganjlessees,) collector's office Montgomery & Fairtax X Alexandria Commercial Exchange, VV W Herbert pres't, R F Knox secy, and John J Jamieson treas, King cor Union 56 Alexandria Co-operative Building Assn, E S Leadbeater js prest, meets Harmonie hall "" Alexandria gas office, M H Nash supt, room 5 market < house bldg, Royal st entrance - ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE, Edgar Snowden 'I Jr publr and propr, 70 Prince ^ Alexandria Gazette job office,C 11 House foreman 70 Prince ^ ALEXANDRIA HOUSE, Edward Hughes ^ propr, Prince cor St Asaph Alexandria Iniirmary, Mrs Annie Fogg matron 287 King Alexandria Ins Co, B Wheat pres, George Wise secy and treas, 97 King Alexandria Librarj^King cor Washington, Mercer Slaugh- ter pres ^ ALEX. MARINE R W & SHIP BLDG Co, ^ Park Agnew prest, I Eichburg v pres, J H Reid 3 treas, W H Bacon secy, and William W Smith ^ supt, yard and wharves, s end of Union ^ Alexandria Orphan Asylum, Mrs Ellen P Newman ma- tron 90 Wolfe ALEXANDRIA POST OFFICE, W N Berk- ley P M, custom house bldg, Prince cor St Asaph Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family o § AL [36] AR S ALEXANDRIA WATER Co, Wm G Caze- ^ nove prest, T D Feiulall secy & treas, F J Powers F supt. office 75 Prince works Fairfax co Alexandria & Fredericksburg K R office and depot, Fay- ette eor Cameron, T B Boone freig-lit and ticket agt *Allen Beverly, lab, h Oronoko r.r Royal Allen Charles, cigar maker, bds 139 s Fairfax Allen Earnest L, drug cl'k, bds 55 n Henry 0^ *Allen Harrison, lab, h 233 n Washington 3 *Allen James, carpenter, h Columbus nr Franklin CD Allen James H, ship carpenter, bds 135 s Lee _ Allen John H, joiner, h 135 s Lee ^ Allen Mary, wid James, h 139 s Fairfax Allen Mary D Mrs, h 55 n Henry * All en Thomas, lab, h 227 n Washington *Allen Thomas, lab, h Princess cor jail alley Allen William L, elk, bds 55 n Henry Allinson William, junk, h Payne cor Commerce Allison George W, fisherman, h L^nion nr King — ' Allison James W, lab, h 56 n Patrick § Allison John, coach painter, h King nr Columbus ■jz; Ambler R C, Dr, h 40 s Washington o American Coal Co, William J. Boothe, gen'l supt, U)iion "o cor Oronoco CL. American Fire Ins Co of Phila, 97 King ^ Amos Eliza, Miss, 206 King > *Anderson Abner, lab, h Queen nr Fayette (D *Anderson Adam, lab, h Henry nr Princess jlE *Ander3on Arthur, lab, h 211 Queen J- *Anderson Henry, saloon, 200 King h same ~ ^Anderson Henry, barb, Gibbon nr Pjtt h Pitt nr Franklin > :. Anderson John, carriage trimmer, h over 185 King c5 Anderson Joseph, com mer, h 57 n St Asaph Anthony L T, miller, h 54 s Washington Appich David, baker and confectioner, 151 King h same CO Appich George A, elk, bds 175 King > Appich Harrison, elk, bds Alfred cor Prince E Appich Henry, confectioner, li 174 Prince CO Appich James W, confectioner, h 13 s Alfred c Appich Louis, restaurant, 175 King h same o Appleby Wise, boatman, h Pitt cor Princess .a o O O .(D CD CO ZJD Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandr ia, Va. All [37J AT CD Armstroiioj Anthony W., dep cit}- sergt, h 113 Cameron p-| Arnistmng J T, cooper, 31 Princess and fish, Union nr ^ Princess h 113 Cameron CD Armstroni;- Robert C, h 113 Cameron =0 Arnaud Pierre, barber, 249 King ^ Arnell C L, shoemaker, li Oronoeo nr Pitt HI Arnohi Edwin T, machinist, bds 292 King Arnold Jolm, hatter, h 292 King Arnokl Juiian, policeman, h 77 Queen ^ *Arnold Mattliew, lab, h Alfred nr Duke {^ *Arnold Nathaniel, blacksmith, h 62 n Patrick X Arnold Robert W, local editor Va Sentinel bds 392 King ^ Arnold Thomas F, hatter, 81 King bds 292 King g Arrington Alphonzo, bricklayer, h Princess nr Alfred ZJO Arrington Charles II, btman, h Montgomery nr Fairfax ^ Arrington Gayton, lab, h Patrick nr Princess "" *Arrington Robert, shoemaker. Gibbon nr Royal ^ Arrington Susan, wid \Yilliam, h Canal basin ii c-nd ^ Washington ^ Arrintrton Thomas, lab, h 21 s West s^ *Ash Charles, lab, h 197 Prince "^ Ashby Bertrand S, h 118 Cameron Ashby Carroll W, elk, h 64 Queen Ashby Margaret D, wid F W, h 64 Queen Ashby Robert S., h 118 Cameron Ashby T W, h 103 n Washington *Ashton Thomas, lab, h 42 i? Patrick Athey Thomas B, tailor, h 273 King __ Atkinson Grifiith bookkeeper, h 182 Prince c: Atkinson James W, (J W Atkinson & Bro,) 17 s Payne o Atkinson James W, & Bro, (James W, and Richard Ii Atkinson,) blksmths & whhvrts. Prince cor Commerce ^ Atkinson Mary H, wid James W, h 17 s Payne O Atkinson Rich'd H, (J W Atkinson & Bro,) h 17 s Payne ~^ ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEL Co, J W ^^ Craig mangr, 70 King Atwell Benjamin F, machinist, bds 143 s Lee Atwell Cary, waterman, h 87 s Fairfax Atwell Catharine, wid John, h over 49 King ATWELL EWELL C, ice Market Space, h 101 Queen (see adv next page) zz O CD —5 o — ^5 33 o —5 CD o E o O CO .03 O o "o qI 3 CO 03 O CS CD c: CD C3 E o o fcJ3 Use G eorge R. Hill & Co/s Sup erior Famil y AT [38] BA Atwell Joliii F, foreman maeliinist h 148 s Lee Atwell Virginia, wid John S, hcU 161 King Atwell W E, tailor, 161 King h same Auditor Public Accounts city Alexandria, F L Brockett treas, room 4 market house bklg. Royal st entrance *Augnstus Charles, lab, h 101 n St Asa})!) *Austin Benjamin, whitewasher, h 331 King Averj Arthur C, cl'k, h 294 King Avery Kichard W, grocer, 226 King, h 284 King Avery Wesley, fish, Union nr Princess, h 294 King- Avery William 14, baggage master, h 30 n Payne" BAADER HENRY, junk, 41 King, h 45 King- Bacon W 11, secy A M K W & Ship Bldg Co,bds 6 n Pitt Baggett Benj F, butcher, stall 4 mkt house, h w end King Baggett Edwin W, gardener, h Peyton cor Duke Baggett James, lab, h Peyton cor Duke Baggett John II, butcher, stall 6 market, h 242 Wilkes Baggett J W, grocer, St Asaph nr Pendleton Baggett Oscar F, butcher, stall 8 m'kt ho, h 143 Prince Baggett Samuel, butcher, h w end Queen nr West Baggett Townsend, gardener, h Peyton cor Duke Baggett George W, driver, 89 Cameron Baggett Virginia, wid John T, teacher, h 179 Gibbon o Wholesale and Retail Dealer in l"-L-Lljlll r ICE DEPOT. MARKET SPACE, ALEXANDRIA VA Country Orders solicited and special attention paid thereto. Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BA [39] BA Bago;ett William, fireman, h 24 Wolfe Baujitt Geoi'ffe, driver, h 109 s Fairfax Bagitt George E, lab, h 169 s Fairfax Baw:ley William A, boatman, h 19 Princess Bagot John C, h 85 s Fairfax Bagot Samuel 0, li 30 s Royal *Bailey Eugene, porter, h alley bet King and Prince and Columbus and Alfred *Bailey Henry, wbitewasher, h Princess nr St Asaph Bailey J, teacher, rooms King cor Peyton *Bailey James, lab, h Fayette nr Queen Bailey John F, pilot, h 3 Potomac Strand Bainl Davis, miller, h 79 Queen Baird Mary, wid Thomas, h 38 s Pitt *Baker Alexius, lab, h 69 n Pitt *Baker Edmund, lab, h '258 n Columbus Baker Frederick, baker, h 46 n Fairfax Baker George W, paper-hanger, h Fairfax nr Queen Baker J M cigar maker, bds Lee cor Gibbon *Baker Lewist lab, h 106 s Pitt BAKER SAMUEL, wood and coal, Fairfax cor Duke, h 82 s Fairfax Baker Sarah, wid Henry, h Lee cor Gibbon Baker Valentine, treas Upper Potomac Steamboat Co, h Collingwood PO, Va Baker Valentine, ao:'t reapers, W A Wood, 11 n Fairfax Baker William, h 100 Duke Baker Wm F, confectionr, stall 31 veg mkt, h 46 n Fairfax Baldwin Margaret J, wid George T, h 38 s St Asaph WOOD AND COAL, FAMl CORNER DTJKE. ZXD CO O >• I — m X 130 CD CD EL CD —5 —5 O O CD JiL.ll Orders proixiptly filled.— Satisfaction. GJ-xaaranteed. ^ Use GEO. R. HILL & Co.'s Sup erior Family cS BA [40] BA CO ■ _E Baldwin Portia L, wid Robert, h 100 E^uke ^C D Baldwin W L, (II C Slaymaker Co,) bds 157 Prince — i Ball Annie, Avid William R, h 191 Cameron _ *Ball Charles, lab, h Muir's allev .o *Ball Belli, lab, h Koval nr Fraliklin "o *Ball Henson, lab, h 50 n Henry ^ Ball I L , associate ed the Virginia Sentinel, h Prince nr S Royal '^ Ball James M, elk, bds 16 n Washington ^ BALL, M D, publisher and^ropr The Ya Sentinel ^ and lawyer, h Prince nr Royal (see adv) -cr Ball S M, asst teller 1st National J3ank ^ *Ball Thomas, lab, h 108 s Pitt .E *Ballard John W, lab, h Franklin nr Columbns WD Ballenger Peyton, boots and shoes, 126 King h same -g Ballenger R W, elk, h 126 King =3 Ballenger Theophilus, bds 57 Cameron c Balthis Emily, wid Levi, h 83 s Lee >, *Baltimore Louis, cook, h Wolfe cor Henry -^ *Banaker Lonie, lab, h Gibbon cor Alfred -^ *Banks Baile}^ lab, 208 Cameron 0^ *Banks Edward, lab,h r Princess nr Royal c3 *Banks Jacob, lab, h Oronoko nr Pitt o. *Banks Jarrett, lab, h 152 s Alfred 2 *Banks Trim, lab, h Washington nr Franklin *Barber Alexander, lab, 281 n Washington cz *Barber Walter, lab, h 231 n Washington *Barbour Anderson, lab, h Princess nr Fairfax c *Barbonr Henrj', porter, h al nr Queen and Royal ~ *Barbour John, lab, h Franklin nr Fairfax B BARBOUR, J S, prest W C, Va M & G S R R h ""to I^jS Xing _E *Barboiir Wceden, waiter. Prince cor Culumbus o Barker H S W, grocer, King cor Commerce h 306 King E Barker Susan C Mrs, h 63 Queen -T- Barley John R McK, segarmaker, h 49 s Roj-al <33 Barley William H, genl stores, h 9 n Fairfax .!^ Barner J R, tel repairman, h 64 Prince § Barnes Margaret, wid A, bds 16 n Washington i:z Barnett Thomas, elk, bds Duke cor Henry c£ Barnett William, lab, h 231 Duke Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BA^ [41] BE Barrett John, lab, h 200 Cameron Bartle William B, bricklayer, bds 50 n I^itt Bartle William H, bricklayer, h 50 n Pitt g Bartlett John H, brakeman, h 230 Kin^o^ m Bartlet Peyton C, policeman, h 230 King ^ Barton Alice, wid Richard C, h 311 King Barton Bonj, jeweler & watchmaker, 84 King, h Fairfax ^ *Bates lieuben, lab, h alley r Fairfax bet^ Duke & Wolfe g Bauer George, baker and confectioner, King cor Payne o Baugh John F, room 93 Cameron -H Bayne James, elk, bds 71 Wolfe pri Bayne Lawrence, tanner, h 90 s Royal za Bayne Maria Mrs, grocer, 90 s Royal "1^ Bayne Patrick, porter h 71 Wolfe ' f— Bayne William H, tanner, h 90 s Royal ^ Beach Catherine, wid Harrison, h Princess nr Alfred ^ Beach Elijah, cooper, h 11 n West Z Beach Francis, driver, h 53 n Alfred ^ Beach George F, brakeman, h 238 Wilkes S Beach George W, lab and grocer, h 117 !St Asaph ^ Beach James, h 30 n Alfred ^ Beach James II, waterman, h Lee nr Franklin 5>. Bejich James W, tinner, h 141 s Lee - Beach J Carrol, tinner, h 121 s FairfVix ^ Beach John D, variety store, 234 Prince so BEACH JOHN S, ice dealer, 152 King & 87 n |^ St Asaph, and principal Alex Academy, Wolfe ^ cor St Asaph, h 87 n St Asaph, (see adv page 2) 2" Beach Joseph S, (Beach & Gregory) h 97 n Columbus 3 Beach Mary F, wid Samuel h 128 Princess c^ Beach Mary L Mrs, h Prince nr Peyton o Beach Presley, shoemaker, h Fayette nr Prince "^ BEACH S FERGUSON, lawyer, 2(1 floor ^ custom house bldg, and prest 1st Nat Bank of ^ Alexandria, h 144 Prince o Beach S T, teacher, h 87 n St Asaph eg Beach Stephen, brakeman, bds 13 s Henry co Beach W T, express driver, h 30 n Alfred Beach & Gregory, ( Joseph S Beach and Walter Gregory) grocers, 93 Cameron Beadle Hugh W, patent atty, h Princess cor Alfred ^ Use GEO. R. HILL & Co.'s Superior Family o BE [42] BE E - =: -g Beal Laura J, wid John W, h 42 ii St Asaph 'r^ *Beale Edward, lab, h Queen iir Fayette C4_ *Beale Jolm, lab. h Queen nr Fayette *^ *Beale Oscar, lab, h Queen nr Fa^yette o *Beale Robert, lab, li Royal cor Oronoko ^ *Beander Edward, lal), li Gibbon cor Pitt c/5 Beard David, miller, li Queen nr Fairfax -E Beard James, li 11 Wolfe (^ Beattie Fountain, deputy collector V S Int Rev, h Fairfax IIj Co, nr Falls Church ^ Beavers George W, engineer, l»ds 28 Prince ^ Beckham John, conductor, b 235 Prince E *Beckbani John, porter, h Wolfe cor Union ^ Beckham J T, (J T Beckham & Co) h 15 s Columbus ^ BECKHAM J T & Co, (J T Beckham and C S (13 Taylor Jr,) commission merchants, 42 King r^ *Beckley Edgar R, lab, h Prince nr Pavne ^ *Beckley John W, caulker, h 242 Prince — *Becklev R D, s-enl agt The Peonies Advocate, h 85 s- n Henry S *Beckley William, wireworker, 236 Prince -E *Beckley William, lab, h 242 Prince ^ Beevers Edgar S, tanner, h 103 s St Asaph "^q5 Bell , lireman, h Gibbon nr St Asaph ^ Bell C M, photographer, 119 King, h Washingfton D C c3 Bell C W, printer, bds 119 Duke^ ■■^ Bell E C, elk, bds 119 Duke ^ Bell Edward, elk, bds 119 Duke _E Bell E H, printer, bds 119 Duke J- Bell Frank G, elk, bds 119 Duke c« Bell George W, capt, h 101 Prince -c Bell John, fireman, h 66 n Alfred "S *Bell John, lab, h 173 s FairfVix ^ *Bell Joseph, waterman, h Washington nr Gibbon ^ Bell Lewis McK, printer, bds 119 ])uke c= *Bell Richard P Rev, h 146 s Washington g Bell Robert, bookseller and printer, 01 King, h 119 Duke ^ Bell Robert Jr, elk, h 79 s Fairfax "§ *Bell Robert, cooper, h 62 n Pitt p Bell Sarah E, wid R M, h 66 n Alfred ^ *Bell Thornton, lab, h 35 s West Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. b¥ [43] BL 30 Bellomv John, brakeman, h 246 Prince zxd BELLE HAVEN INSTIUUTE, N Penick, ^ principnl, 117 Queen, (see adv page 2) z^ BENDHEIM DAVID, dry goods, 112 King ^ Beiidheini Leopold, butclier, stall 5 mkt, and provisions cD 289 Kino- zx3 BendheinrMoses, elk, li 289 King 5 *Bonnett Daniel, driver, h Gibbon nr Pitt HI Benson George T, stonemason, h 30 n Pitt Benter Henr^', gardener, h r Patrick s of Jefferson Benter John W, butcher, 17 mkt ho, h w end Duke ^ Beiitlj Richard W, lab, h 71 n Patrick f^ Benton P H, vvid Samuel, bds 16 n Washington X Bero'in John, coachsmith, h 43 s Pitt ^ Berkley Harold P, asst P M, bds 116 Prince g Berkley W H P, salesman, h 116 Prince 130 BERKLEY WILLIAM N, dry goods, 64 King >: and Postmaster, h 116 Prince ^ Bernard Thonuis, encjineer, h 182 King 3> Bernhard G H, gardener, h w end Duke nr stonebridge ^' Bernheimer Amelia, wid Jonah, h s Lee nr Kins: BERISIHEIMER S, second-hand goods, 38 King h Lee nr King- Berry C'harles C. fancy goods and sewing machine agent o 72 King, h 111 Cameron c Berry Elizabeth, wid Thomas, h 109 s Lee cd *Berry James, lab, h Oronoko nr Fairfax c/> Berry Thomas, shij) carpenter, h 109 s Lee o *Berry Thomas, carpenter, h West nr Cameron *Berry William, cooper, h 184 Queen *Berry William, lab, h Duke cor West Bettiss B Frank, police, h Fairfax cor Wilkes *Beulah Baptist Church, Washington bet Duke & Wolfe Bierhalter Frank, tailor, h 99 Queen Biggs Charles E, agt Howe sewing machine, 8 s St Asaph Bis son Andrew, plasterer, h 5 n Fayette Bisson William W, confectioner, h 47 s Lee Bitzer J H, boarding, 58 Prince *Blackburn Aaron, tab, h 256 n Columbus *Blackburn Addison, lab, h r 180 Gibbon *Blackburn Elijah, caulker, h 19 s West JX) pj SiS CO o CD Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family o O B L [44] BO ltT - — ~ _ i/:^ *Blac-kburn Horace D, lab, h 281 Prince >^ Blackburn J B, runner, h 52 Wilkes '^ *Blackburn Jeremiah, fireman, h Alfred nr Duke c^ Blackburn John S, principal J'otomac Academy, h 56 n j__ Washington = *Blackburn Joseph, lab, h 129 s St Asaph ^Blackburn Richard, lab, h 147 Columbus *Blaekburn Richard, lab, h 348 King ^ *Blackburn Wilson, lab, h Franklin nr St Asaph ^ Blackwell James, elk, bds 58 n Washington ^ Bladen John T, wood yard, Fayette cor Commerce, h 209 to Queen ■= *Blair Benjamin P, porter, h Oronoko nr Royal ^ *i31akey Ankus, lab, h 4'ayne nr Cameron o *Bland Nelson, lab, h Queen alley Bledsoe A T, editor Southern Review, h 65 a St Asaph Blincoe William, brakeman W & R R Blondheim Simon, clothing, 51 King Blouse Sefer, restaurant, 352 and 354 King Broxham John L Jr, elk, h w end Duke Broxham William P, huckster, h w end Duke *Blue Peter, lab, h Royal n of Ist Blush Henry, lab, h Queen nr Fayette ^ Blythe Washington, box & barrel maker, 16 s Wharves, h 84 Wolfe Bodkin Catharine, wid Washington L, h 265 King Bogues George, lab, h 161 Oronoko BohranSjJacob, restaurant, 13 s Royal *Boldin L B, lab, h Duke nr Payne ' *Boleman Anthony, lab, h 49 Franklin -— Bollis E S, prest Hampshire & Baltimore Coal Co, h 98 >:^ Broadway N Y ^ Bonnheim A A Rev, teacher, h 35 n Fairfax -a Bontz William C, h Wolfe cor Pitt "g Bontz George, h vv end Duke nr stone bridge Boond Frederick John, elk, bds 36 Queen Boone J B, freight and ticket agt Alex & Fredericksburg R R Co, Fayette cor Cameron, h 116 King Boothe John lab, h alley r Wolfe bet Fairfax and Royal Boothe Samuel, lab, h 139 n St Asaph Boothe William J, genl supt American Coal Co, Union o CJ) .eu o Q. CO CD o CO cor Oronoko h 47 Princess Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BO [45] BR Bosnell James, blacksmith, h w of Patrick nr Franklin Bossart George A, grocer, Fayette cor Queen ^ Bossart Michael, eonfectiouer, 21 s Fairfax 33 *Boston Saunty, lab, h Pitt nr Franklin m Boswell Benjamin F, kb, h Cameron nr Payne ^ Boswell Eliza, wid James, h Cameron nr Payne Boswell Henry K, lab, h Cameron nr Payne ^ Boswell J W L, captain " Mary Washington," h Wash- do ington, DC § Boswell Louis P, lab, h Cameron nr Payne __j Boswell Martha, wid James, candies, h 20 Wolfe ZC Boswell Pvobert McP, pilot, h 52 s Union 5 *Botts Joseph, lab, h Pendleton nr St Asaph *Bouden Addison, musician, bds 179 King 3> *Bouldin Robert, lab, 67 n Columbus f^ Bouldin Samuel, porter, h 201 Prince X Boush Jane, wid Nathaniel, h 40 s Pitt >• Boush Nathaniel, h 40 s Pitt ^ Boush N & Son, (Samuel C, Boush) ship chandlery, 1 King ^q Boush Samuel C, (N Boush & Son) h 40 s Pitt ^ *Bower Charles, drayman, h Jefterson nr Washington *Bowles Aaron, lab, h Pitt nr Oronoko < *Bowman Anthony, porter, h 49 Franklin ?*" Bowman Leonard,"6hoemaker, 277 King *Boyd Henry, waiter, h alley bet Columbus & Alfred & g^ King & Prince B. Boyd John T, butter and eggs, stall 42 veg mkt, h Queen ^ cor Pitt Boyer John L, bricklayer, h 114 s Fairfax =j* Boyer Romulus, printer, bds 114 s Fairfax -j- Boyers Mrs, seamstress, h Prince cor Alfred ^ Boyle James, blackmith, h Oronoko nr St Asaph o- Bradbury Sajnuel B, shipwright, bds 53 Gibbon g *Braddock R W, carpenter, h Queen alley o Bradfield C H, grocer, 35 n Alfred Brauley Bridget, wid James, h 76 s Royal ^ Bradley James, grocer, 81 Queen 3 Bradley James, conductor W & O R R, bds 76 s Royal cr Bradley John R, railroad ties, h 76 s Royal Bradley Joseph A, carpenter, h 225 Prince, Bradshaw H K, contractor, h 41 Prince *Bradshaw John, lab, h 47 Franklin CD Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family O BR [46] BR _c *Bra(lshaw KcibertriaMil:? Fran klm ^ *Bra(ly George, lab, 120, n Columbus h= *Bra(ly Josej)!!, lab, h Duke cor Patrick —' Brager Jose[)li, clotbing, 12 King, b 72 Prince § *Brancb James, lab, h Queen nr l*ayne *-p Pi'andis Jobn E, rigger, h Lee cor Jefterson c^ Brandt Caroline Mrs, bds 182 King o Pranner Casius, h 79 n Columbus Q- Brannon James, driver, h 56 n Patrick ^ ^Branson Frank, lab, b Oronoko nr St Asaph > Brasbear D F, dry goods, 109 King, bds City Hotel o Brawner Basil, h 299 King j^ *Brawner Calvin, driver, h St Asaph nr Gibbon ^ *Brawner James, lab, h St Asaph nr Gibbon "T *Braxton Jobn, lab, h 132 n Columbus c Breen, James, stonemason, h Gibbon cor Patrick '^ Breen Jose[)h, driver, h 17 s Royal ^ Breen J W. tel operator, h Patrick cor Gibbon ■E Breen P A, dk, h 62 n Alfred _>5 Breen Patrick, sexton St Mary's Cemetery, b99 8 Washn ^ Brengle Henry, confectioner, 129 King g Brenner Antboii}', carpenter, h 24 Patrick — Brenner Jolm, tinner, h 43 n Pitt *^ Brenner Peter, tailor, h Columltuscor Oronoko ^ Brent Andrew J, blacksmith, h 92 Wilkes "co Brent George, painter, h 133 St Asaph -a *Brent John, bricklayer, h Gibbon nr Royal ^ Brent John fl, 1x1 s 25 n Washington CO Brent John II, h 209 Prince g Brent John U, blacksmith, h 100 s Pitt •■^ Brent Lucy G, wid G W, h 5 n Alfred .tij Brent Samuel G, law student, bds 5 n Alfred to Brent Thomas G, elk, bds 5 n Alfred — *Brent Washington, lab, h Jefterson nr Columbus o Bretherton, John G, provision, 191 King g *Brice John, driver, bds 200 King T- *Brigadier Joseph, lab, h Duke cor Patrick *Briggs William, driver, h West nr Gibbon .I::! Bright Sarah, wid William, h Payne nr Duke o Bright William, fireman, h 380 King ' Brill Charles, tinner and stoves, 17 n Royal, h 239 King i_ Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Aiexandria, Va. BR [47] 13R en 33rill Louis, shoemaker, 122 Kino; ^ IJriscoe Elizabeth, wid William, h Prince cor Payne ^ *Bnscoe Peter, lab, h Oronoko nr Royal ^ Briscoe R Llewellyrs saddler, li over 9 n Washington ^^ Brissej' Jane, wid'Peter, li 123 s Fairfax :X} Brissev William N, lab, h 123 s Fairfax O BROADUS J M, genl ticket agt, W C V M & O ^ S R R, h 221 Kino- m Broadus Thomas A, tidcet agt W C V M & G S R R, bds - 221 King >: Brockett Edgar L, h 63 n Washington m Brockett Elizabeth, wid Robert, h 80 n Washington X Brockett F L, auditor public accts, room 4 mkt ho bldg Royal St entrance, h 80 n Washington ^_^ Broders Josejdi, (J Broders & Co,) h 58 n Royal ro BRODERS J & GO, (J Broders & J Lannon,) >. wholesale grocers and liquor dealers and steam- ^ boat agents, 11 King ?> *Brooker' William, driver, h 46 s Alfred " " Brookes E J, wid John S, h Prince cor Washington ^ _- c J. BRODERS. J. LANNON. ^ —5 CD WHOLESALE ^ O J. BRODEPvS & CO WHOLESALE GrocGrs, Ligir aM Coimissioi lerctats AND DEALERS IN O CLAGETT & CO;S CREAM ALES, ^ o Ho. 11 KING STREET, Al^SK^M®EM»¥^t) 33 _ — — - — (^ BAUGHMAN BROTHERS, ? ST^TIOlsrKRS & FRINTEIRS, i. laiT" 3vt-A.i3xr sth:e:e:t, £= RICHMOND, - - - VIRGINIA. 5 Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family "2 BR [48] BR =3 ^ • ^ Brookes George DeS, elk, h Prince cor Washington ^ Brookes John S, lawyer, Washington D C, h Prince cor CO Washington c/3 Brookes William F, h Prince cor Washington "c *Brooks Arthnr, lab, h 103 s Royal c Brooks George W, lab, h Fayette nr Queen *Brooks John, lab, h West nr Cameron o *Brooks L W Rev, h Fairfax nr Jefferson cc *Brooks Mack, lab, h 132 Columbus o Brooks Markham, lab, h 11 s West ■^ *Br()oks Nathan, lab, h Oronoko nr Pitt -o *Brooks Solomon, basket maker, h Fairfax nr Jefferson ^ Broun A II, asst elk mkt ho, h 111 s Lee <15 *Bro\vn Albert, lal), h Pitt nr Oronoko ^ BROWN BEDFORD, pliysician, 17 s Fairfax -■^ *Brown Daniel, carpenter, h r 256 King '^ *Brown Daniel, lab, h Franklin nr Fairfax -^ Brown Ellen B, wid John F, h Patrick nr Franklin ^ *Brown Enoch, lab, 202 Queen ^ Brown George E, barber, 13 n Royal E Brown George G, machinist, h 199 Duke s_ Brown Harry C, plumber, h 112 s Henry o *Brown Henry lab, h Gaines alley ^^ *Brown Henry lab, h Jefferson cor Washington CD *P)rown Henry, lab, h 19 s Royal f^ *Brown Henry, lab, 27 s Fairfax -- Brown Henry C, carpenter, 112 s Henry o Brown Isador, elk, bds 132 King _ Brown Jacob, elk, bds 132 King ^ *j;r()wn Jacob, waiter, h 97 n Columbus — *Prown James, lab, h 1st nr Ro3'al c3 I'>r()wn J W, (D G Watkins & Co) w end Duke extended I—i B/uwn Leonard, miller, w end Duke extended g *l)r. wn Moore, lab, h 37 Commerce -4_. *\yy< wn Philip, lab, h Royal nr 1st o *I>i(>\\n Robert, driver, h 77 s Royal o *l>i-o- n Samuel lab, h 153 s Alfred qI Br )wii Sanford (Br>)wn & Horsman) h 52 n Lee . *Biown Spotswood, bricklayer, h 151 u Fairfax ^ Brown Susan S, wid John, h 150 Queen Q, Brown Thomas J, farmer, h 92 Franklin Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BR [49] BU Brown Thomas P, justice, Franklin nr Henry *Br()wn Wesley, lab, h Princess bet Pitt and Royal CD *Br()\vn William, lab, h 337 King ^ *Bro\vn William, lab, h Fayette nr Prince m *Brown William, waiter, 87 n Washington ^ Brown William B, Sup't Police, h 65 s" Columbus ^ Brown William N, h 9 n Fairfax ,^ Brown & Horsman (Sanford Brown and Elijah Ilorsman), zxd restaurant, 71 Cameron 2 Bruce J H, engineer, W C, V M & G S S R R ^ Bruin Joseph, h west end nr Stone bridge m Bruin R P, elk, h 169 Duke 3° Bruin Sally, wid Cola, h 169 Duke ^ Bryan Albert, h 246 King I— Brvan Caroline P, wid George, h 246 King C *BVyant Edward, lab, h 9Q s^St Asaph $ *Bryant Georo:e, carpenter, h 140 Gibbon Z BRYANT^HERBERT, agricultural imps seeds g and fertilizers 25 King, and bone and plaster mill Fay- — ette alley nr Union, h Duke cor Columbus Bryant Nancy Mrs, h 90 n Fairfax < *Bryant William, lab, h Queen nr West ^ Buchanan Edward, drug elk, h 8 n Washington Buchanan J Milton clk,"'h 94^ Queen O Buchanan Maria, wid Robt E, bds 8 n Washington ^ Buck, L C, wid S G, bds over 5 n Washington cp Buckingham Marv, wid Isaac h 125 Prince ^ Buckingham Thomas, machinist, WC VM&GSRR 5- Buckley Catherine, wid John, h 19 s Henry HERBERT BRY^^NT, |. I3KA.LER, IlSr ^ Agricultural Implements, Seeds & Fertilizers MANUFACTURER OF P-XJRE BQT^'E DXJST -A. 3^ X) o o Q. Use G eorge R. Hill &l Co.'s Superior Family o . ^ BU [50] BU LO = = — = _ E O *1 Buckley Catherine wid Patrick, h 202 n Columbus Buckley John, lab, h 202 n Columbus Buckley Thomas, lab h 19 s Henry *Buckner Edward, lab, h 130 Gibbon *Buckner Jacob A, lab, h 144 Gibbon «^ ^Buckner James M, pressman, h 226 Queen o *Buckner William H. shoemaker, h 35 s Peyton ^ *Buckner William B. lab, h Muir's alley ^ Bull B A, wid Rev. John, bds 9 n Fairfax o Bull Marcus, messeno'er Adams Exp Co, bds Cameron cor S Fairfax = BULLOCK J J. Rev, pastor First Presbyterian ^ Church, h Prince cor Lee Burger George H, brakeman, h 17 Fayette Burgess Benjamin, asst storekpr W C V & G S R R, h ^ 137 8 Alfred — Burgess William H, bricklayer, h 241 Prince t^ *Burke John, lab, h Henrv nr Wolfe 1j Burke John W, (Burke & Herbert,) h 52 Wilkes c= Burke Julian T, teller, h 52 Wilkes ■S BURKE RICHARD, grocer, Montgomery cor o Washington "o *Burke Wijliam H, porter, li 119 Queen Q_ Burke & Herbert, (John W. Burke and Arthur Herbert ^ bankers, King cor Fairfax > Burley Catharine, wid James, grocer, Prince cor Fayette o Burnett James T, constable. Prince and Pitt j^ Burns Eliza, wid William, cakes, &c, 272 n Columbus c Burns Elizabeth, wid Thomas, grocer. Prince cor Fairfax ■ _ Burrage John T, barber, 243 Duke ^ Burrage Thomas, barber, 10 n Fairfax "g *Burrell Allison, barber, h 21 s Union *Burrell James, shoemaker, 41 s West o *Burrell Washington, shoemaker, h Wolfe nr Columbus ^ Burroughs Emma, (Lucas & Borroughs,) h Wolfe cor Lee > Burroughs John H, grain, 11 n Union h 9 s Lee *" Burroughs Thomas, elk P O, h 17 s St Asaph Burroughs Thomas F, grocer, Franklin cor Fairfax *Burt Belaney, h Wolfe nr Washington Burton George, bds 133 s Lee ■a c: CO Biscuit, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BU [51] CA ^ Burton Isaac, machinist, h 133 s Lee m *Burtoii Orlai'do, waiter, h Peyton nr Prince ^ *Butler Albert, driver, h 46 s Alfred ^ *Batler Albert, coachman, bds 179 King ^ *Bntler Alfred, waiter, h 46 s Alfred Dg *Butler Andrew, lab, h Payne nr Queen ^ *Butler Beverly, slioemaker, r Queen, bet Royal and Pitt "H Butler E J, eni^ineer, h Payne nr Wilkes ^ Butler G W, brakeman, bds Duke, cor Henry 30 *Butler John, lab h 292 n Columbus "T^ *Butler Scott, lab h Pitt nr Oronoko r- *Butler William, lab h 182 Queen nn Buttimore Denis, porter, h 10 n Patrick ^ Buttler Thomas H, plasterer, h Princess and Pitt 2! Butts N A, painter, 47 Prince h Columbus nr Oronoko O *Butts William, fireman, h 178 Queen 3 BYLES W H, capt steamer " Mattano," h 465 i*^ Missouri ave Washington < *Byrd Washington, lab h 134 Gibbon ^ Byrne John N, miller, h over 89 Cameron ^^ so Callan Henry, grocer, 270 Iving, J5- Calmes Joseph, saloon 12 n Royal, ^ Calmes Philupena, vv Joseph, h 12 n Royal 2^ Calvert George, car inspec, h Commerce nr West *^ Calvert Mary A, wid R, h 195 Queen 5, Calvert Mary C, wid, Obediah, h 14 s Fayette ^ *Canipbell Alex, lab, h Pendleton nr Alfred = Campbell David, shoemaker, h 115 s St Asaph ^ Campbell Edgar, moulder, h 80 Wilkes = Campbell Ed R, shipwright, bds 53 Gibbon co *Campbell James, porter, h 154 Queen o *Campbell Jarrett, shoemaker, h Hendersons al nr Royal __ Campbell John W, h 80 Wilkes c Campbell London, engineer, h 15 s St Asaph 3_ *Campbell Orsay, lab, h 83 s Alfred 2" *Campbell Robert, lab, h Duke nr Alfred ^ *Campbell William, plasterer, h 44 n Henry Cantwell E J, foreman of track, h 25 n Payne Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Fami ly c5 CA [52] CA CO === °^ Carlin Edwin R, (Jumes F Carliii & Sons,) h 98 Duke 32 Carlin Francis E, wid William II, h 205 Cameron o Carlin George B, (James F Carlin & Sons,) li 57 s St o Asaph S Carlin James F, (James F Carlin & Sons,) h 9S Duke ^ CARLIN JAMES F & SONS, (Jas F, Edwin ^ R, and George B Carlin,) hardware, 63 King o Carne Cecelia L, wid Richard L, h 175 Prince " CARNE RICHARD L, A M principal St Johns' _^ Academy and supt Public Schools, h 175 Prince "*"* Carne William F, correspondent, h 66 Duke "E *Carr Edward, waiter, h 132 Gil)bt)n ;E Carr Marshall, lab, h 136 n Columbus "V *Carrington Henry, lab, h 73 n Pitt c: Carroll "Georii:e, confectioner, h West nr Duke ° *Carroll George, baker, h 198 n Columbus ^ *Carroll John Jab, h 344 King '*" Carroll Owen, dairyman, h 136 Wolfe ^ *Carroll Robert, lab, h 129 s St Asaj)!) ^ Carson Andrew J, carpenter, h 107 s Lee ^ *Carson Daniel, lab, h Wolfe nr Columbus — Carson George F, waterman, h 141 s Fairfax 6 Carson Henry C, blacksmith, h Fairfax nr Gibbon ^ *Carter Allen, grocer. Royal nr 1st c^ *Carter Boyle, lab, h 76 n Fairfax £= *Carter Camp, lab, h 195 Cameron -3 Carter David, gardener, h Wilkes nr Payne t^ ^^ ^ ESTABLISHED 1833. -i St. JOHN'S ACADEMY, I A MILITARY SCHOOL AT ALEIAPEIA, VA. C3 For Catalo^rne, Address -- RICHARD L. CARNE, A. M., Principal. £ ALEXANDRIA, VV. Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. CA ^ [53] CH *Carter Edward, lab, h Columbus nr Franklin *Carter Eli, lab, li Columbus nr Franklin _ g *Carter Henderson, lab, h Fairfax n of canal basin m *Carter Henry, lab, b n Queen nr Fayette g *Carter Isaac, driver. Market space *Carter Leonard, cook, b 47 s Peyton ^ Carter Oscar F, elk h 77 s Wasbington CO *Carter Philip, driver, h Henry nr Princess q *Carter Robert, lab, h Gibbon nr Fairfax —\ *Carter Thomas, lab, b 31 n Henry ^ Charter Thomas N, county surveyor, 12 n Pnyne 30 Carter W E. (Kelly & Carter* and vie pres Alex Cora Ex- - change, h Duke nr Lee ^ *Carter William, lab, h Payne nr Cameron m *Carter Wilham, hd), b Wilkes nr Pitt g *Garter William, shoemaker, h Fayette al nr Lee ^ *Cartwrii>cht Joseph, lab. b Alfred nr Wolfe O Casey M H, lab, h 253 King 2 Cash Ann, wid Robert, h 61 n Royal >• Cash Henry G, tailor, h Princess, bet Royal and Pitt "" *Cash Joseph, lab, h nr Gibbon cor Union ^ Casseen Rachel, wid Frank, h Princess nr Alfred j *Caster Henry, lab, h Queen nr Henry ^ Caton James 'R, asst city treas, h 12 s St Asapb 5a Catts John E, grocer, w"^ end Duke extended g Catts R D propr hotel, w end Duke extended _ ^ Cawood Joseph, cooper, Princess cor Lee h 291 King, o Cawood Robert, carpenter, Princess cor Lee ^ Cawood S R, wid Grafton, bds 250 King ^ CAZENOVE W G, V Pres't W C V M & G S ^ R R, and Pres't Alexandria Water Co, h St Asapb cor S, Duke ^ *Cess John, lab h Queen alley s» Chance James, stonecutter, h Pitt nr Wolf ^ Chapman A J, elk, City Hotel cd ^Chapman Charles, driver, h 197 Duke g *Chapman Charles, lab, h Gibbon nr Fairfax

n Columbus ^ Citizens Ins Co of JSTewark N J, 145 Kino- m CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK of Alexan- g dria, John B Smoot pres't, W H Lambert cashier, ^ Prince cor Lee ^^ City Fire Ins Co of Richmond, 97 King ^ City Gas Works, M Nash supt, Lee cor Oronoko ^ City Government of Alexandria, 2d floor mkt ho bldo- V- CITY HOTEL, Leftwich & Co proprietors, iloy- 5 al cor Cameron (See adv fror.t cover.) '- CITY JAIL of Alexandria, R T Lucas City Ser- |= geant, St Asaph cor Princess =3 Clagett li B, bookkeeper, h 24 s Washington 5, *Claojett James H, plasterer, 89 s Columbus O *Clagctt William janitor, h 182 Duke c *Clagett William, lab, h 83 s Altred 3 Clapdore Ann Elizabeth, wid John M. h 59 Wolfe w Clapdore Elizabeth, wid John M, 54 n Alfred S^ Clapdore J Henry, ship carpenter, h 59 Wolfe ^-5 Clapdore John E, ship carpenter, h 59 Wolfe £= Clapdore William., ship carpenter, h Lee near Franklin Clark H C, draughtsman, h 102 Queen S- Clark J C, mail agent, h 102 Queen o, *Clark John, lab,''h 35 Commerce *"^ *Clark John H, lab, h Henry nr Wolfe § Clark Joseph, plasterer, h 291 Prince o *Clark Joseph B, lab, h 206 Queen <» Clark Josephine, wid Thomas, h 220 Camerou Z^ Clark Nathaniel, lab, h 182 Gibbou ^ *Clark Nelson, lab, h 1st nr Royal ~ Clark Susan, wid Henry, h 75| Duke 1^ Clark W F, elk. bds 53 n Royal P Clark William L, waterman, h 7 Wolfe Use GEO. R. HILL &, Co/s Superi or Fami iy CL [56] CO C3 D- Clarke J P, paper-hanger and upliolsterer 58 King, h 51 c: Duke Clarkson Edward Sr, shoemaker, h 79 Wolfe =3 Clarkson E H, stoves and tinware 106 King, "tl Clarkson Lizzie Miss, school, h 106 King "^ Clarkson Virginia E, teacher, h Wolfe nr Pitt <^ Clarridge Ma'ry, wid James, h 65 Queen _f Clary Josephine, wid Thaddeus, h 62 s St Asaph 5 Claughton 11 O, lawyer and notary, 28 s Fairfax, h 122 ■^ Claughton Peter C, collector Alexandria Water Co ^ Prince o Clauij:hton Rodoljihe, lawyer, 28 s Fairfax, ■^ *Cleary Henry, lab, h 67 Prince Clements M J. wid James, h 69 Wolfe -§ Cleveland John H, farmer, h Fairfax co Leesburg tpike o Clevenscer James, carpenter, w end Duke extendeu > Clilibrd G W, h 95 s Fairfax no d cc Clifford William G, h 125 s Fairfax Clift Edward B, ship carpenter, h 37 s Lee O Clift William B, lab, h 40 s Alfred 05 Cline Bernard U, city jailor, h 136 Queen ^ Cline James, waterman, h 91 s Lee c^ *Cloyd Albert, lab, h Columbus nr Queen .=3 Clyde Line Phila Steamers, F A Heed, agt, 6 Janneys whf _c Coakley F E, butter, eggs, &c., stall 11 mkt, h 25 Com- ^ merce h= *Coats Kobin, lab, h 266 n Columbus — ' Cochrell Hiram, bricklayer, h Fairfax nr Gibbon o Cogan John A, plumber, li 49 s Fairfax Cogan William, gas titter, 15 n Royal, h 49 s Fairfax o *Cogswell John, lab, h Prince nr Payne "o Cole Ann, wid William, h Lee cor Duke O- *Cole Elias, plasterer, h Queen nr Fayette _c« *Cole Isaac, lab, h Friendship al 'c Cole James R, city scavenger, h 42 n Alfred ^ Cole John, janitor, Peabody bldg 5^ Cole John, painter, h King cor Alfred *Cole John, lab, h 39 n Henry Cole John T, drug elk, h Lee nr Prince *Cole Peter, lab, h 152 I'rincess 'Coie Samuel, lab, h Fayette cor Cameron o Biscuit, Cracker s and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. (;0 [57] CO ^ — 3Q Cole T W eno^ineer "City of Alexandria," h 20 s Lee m *Coie William, lab, li 196 Cameron 2 Coleman A S, elk, Pension Office, h 55 s Columbus *Coleman Augustus, lab, h Wolfe cor Fayette ^ Coleman Caroline, wid James F, h 99 s Fairfax CO *Coleman Charles, lab, h 178 Gibbon O Coleman E M, saloon, 104| Prince — I Coleman Eschol E, moulder, bds 99 s Fairfax ^ Coleman F G, printer, h 42 Queen jO Coleman George S, carpenter, h 107 s Washington "" *Coleman Henry, lab, h Washington nr Jefferson *Coleman Isaac, lab, h Queen alley *Coleman Jacob, lab, Payne nr Queen Coleman James P, restaurant, 27 s Union and fish whvs Coleman Joseph H, boatman, h 99 s Fairfax O Coleman Mary W, wid William, bds 42 Queen 2 *Coleman Nelson, lab, h Pavne nr Queen i*'* COLEMAN PATRICK, looking-glass and pic- < ture frames, 160 King, ^ Coleman Richard, h 30 s Patrick ^ Coleman Samuel S, moulder, h 99 s Fairfax ^ Collector's office U S Customs, custom house bldg, = Prince cor St Asaph, David Turner, Collector ^ Collector Office U S Internal Revenue, E E White, Col- o lector, 2d floor custom house bldg ^ Collingworth Robert, brakesman, h Columbus cor Oronoko cp Collingsworth T W, barber, 33 s Fairfax, «^ Collins C H, (Jamieson & Collins,) h 63 s Pitt O Collins Emily, wid Elihu, h 63 s Pitt >- r— m X PATRICK COLEMAN, ^. Looking-Glass &. Picture Frames, | FINE CHROMOS, ^ Clocks and JS^ixiAov^ Shades, i. J'articular attention given to the Frame and Window-Shade depart- "^ ment. Stay at home and save money and trouble by purchasing at - No. 160 KING- STREET. 8 Use GEO. R. HILL & Co.'s Superior Family o O =3 O ,0 o CO [58] CO 03 Q_ *Colliiis Nelson, lab, li Alfred iir AVilkes cz Collins Richd J, teacher & oik pub scliool bd, h 175 Prince .5 Colton Harriet, wid Joseph, h 82 n Patrick 3 Cohunl)ia Life Ins Co of St Louis Mo, 103 King -^ Colunil>ia fSteani Fire Engine Co, St Asaph bet King and ■^ Prince, David A Windsor, Prest Colvin Elizabeth Mrs, boarding, 13 s Henry Colvin William M, engineer, h 13 s Henry Comber Thomas F, tailor, h 71 n St Asaph *Comfort Wilson, gardener, h Patrick nr Gibbon *Commander James, lab, h Royal n of 1st Conlev William, boiler maker, h Queen nr Henry :^ Conneli Benjamin bds ol4| King o) Conner Henry, Ian, h 55 n Alfred -^ Conner Izadore, blacksmith, h 168 Queen o Conner Mary E, wid William, variety store 54 n Alfred Conner W D, blacksmith, W C V M & O S K K Co "^ *Contee James, lal), h 83 n Patrick • *Contee John driver, house SI n Patrick Cj) *Contee Thomas, l)arber, h Patrick nr Queen 03 *Con\vay Alexander, lab, h Columbus nr Gibbon ^ *Conwoy John, drayman, h 90 s Columbus c^ *Con\vay John, driver, h Duke nr Wolfe =3 *Con\vay Joseph, lab, h West nr Queen _c Cook Enoch, local express,Fayette and Cameron h 17n Lee *Cook Fcilds Rev, h 65 Prince Cook Georgeanna Mrs, dressmaker, 190 King Cook Joseph F, (Cook & Co) & grocer, 190 King Cook Lemuel, huckster, h 199 Cameron Cook Margaret, wid John, varieties, 57 n Pitt 5 Cook Mortimer, carpenter, h 25 Prince o *Cook liichard, lab, h Fayette nr Queen Q- Cook Roberta, wid John, h 171 King c^ Cook Susan, wid John, h 100 n St Aaaph [E Cook & Co, (J F Cook W H Smith and George E Price) ^ produce fish & oysters, stall 2 lish rarkt k 14 n Fairfax i^ *Cobley Benjamin, pressman, h Pitt nr Gibbon *Cooley John, gardener, h Fratds;lin, nr Washington Cooney John, (Coonc}^ & Bro) h 59 Cameron COONEY & BRO., (John Cooney,) restaurant, 59 and 61 Cameron o Biscuits, Crackers and Ca kes, Alexandria, Va. CO [59] CO *Cooper George, lab, h 50 s St Asaph *Cooper Grafton, lab, h Columbus nr Jefferson ^ *Cooper Jacob, lab, h Alfred nr Wolfe S Copeland David, lab, b 90 n Columbus m *Coram Ben], lab, h Franklin nr Royal ^- Corbctt F E, (CNeal & Corbett,)'^and depty Collector ^ Customs, h 37 n Fairfax ^ Corbin Ann E, wid Goorire N, dressmaker, h 247 King q *Corbin Daniel, lab, h Fairfax nr Wythe -H *Corbin Frederick, blacksmith, h Alfred cor Wilkes ^^ Corbin George W, carpenter, h 247 King ^g *Corbin Samuel, lab, h West nr Queen " *Corbin Thornton, lab, h 384 King _ >! *Corbin. William, lab, h Fairfax n of canal basin m Cornell Susan, wid Sandy A, h Commerce nr Peyton ^ Cornwell Arianna, wid Harrison, h 313 King ^ Cornwell Edward, switch tender, h 313 King rzj Cornwell S B, variet}^ goods and carpenter, 319 King ^ Corporation Court City of Alexandria, Morton Marye, ^ elk, market house bldg, Fairfax cor Cameron Corse Monto-omery D, h 96 n Washington ^ Corse Wilnier D, agt Mutual Life Ins. Co. 59 King, h 69 j: s Fairfiix ^ Corson Job, butter and eggs, stall 12 market h, and soap 5^ manfr 93 Queen ^ Corson Parmelia, wid Joseph, h 203 King ^ County Court House, ^^ Columbus, Louis E Payne, elk ^ County Treasurer's Office, Jefferson Tacej', treas, 109 ^ Prince £^ Courtney Richard, boatman, bds 32 s Lee ^ Covert Frances T, wid Jacob, h 43 s St Asaph ^ Cowling C H, (Cowling & Bro.,) h extreme w end Duke _, Cowling Edward, horseshoer, h Wilkes nr West ^ Cowling James, grocer, Duke cor St Asaph ?? Cowling John, horseshoer 13 n Pitt, h 6 s Alfred cd Cowling Richard, (Cowling & Bro) grocers, h extreme w co end Duke co Cowding William W, rooms 79 Queen Cowling & Bro (C H & R Cowling) grocers, extreme w end Duke Cox A F, dentist, 167 King c5 Use G eor ge R. Hi ll & C o.' s Superior Family O CO [60] CR. ir> - Cox Caroline, wid Cornelius, h 3G s Pitt COX CHARLES P, proprietor Railroad Hotel and restaurant, King cor Fayette Cox Coiiielius, civil engine«r, li 86 s Pitt *Cox Don Carlos, lab, h Franklin cor Pitt Cox Francis, carpenter, bds 214 Cameron Cox J T newsdealer, King cor Pitt Coxen Charles II, butcher stall 16 mkt ho, h w end Duke E <^ o >^ o o Crabbe C E, elk, bds 123 s Lee e/3 *Cragii-8 Luke, lab, w end Duke = *Craig Daniel, bib, h 23 s West ^ CRAIG J W, xManager Atlantic & Pacific Tel Ji Co, h 70 Kino- . Crane ('ourtne}-, ship carpenter, b 133 s Lee ^ Craven George, engineer, h Lee nr Wilkes •~" Craven George B, cabinet maker, h 139 8 Lee t^ Craven John boarding and machinist, h 45 Duke, — ' *Cra\vford , driver, h, 225 Duke g *Craw]ey Thos lab, h Payne nr Queen •j^ *Credit John, driver, h 112 s Royal a§ Creegan John, porter, li 55 n Pitt o Creii^diton J Carlin, (J T Creii?hton & Son) h 280 King qI Creighton John T, (J T Creigliton & Son) h 280 King ^ Creighton J T & Son, (J T and J Carlin Creighton), hard- > ware, 88 King o CREIGHTON W FRANKLIN, druggist, 85 f^ King h 65 s Pitt _E Crilly Jeremiah, bartender, h Fairfax nr Princess -. Crilly John, saloon, Union cor Fayette alley and grocer j^ Fairfax nr Princess -g Crockett James, engineer, h 51 Queen -^ Crockett James F, segarmaker, h 84 Wilkes ^ *Cromwell J. W, editor The Peoples Advocate h Wash- ^ ington D C, > *Cromwe!l Trov, dravman, h 80 Wolfe •- Cronk C^harles,''lab, bds 218 Wilkes i2 Crook B R, printer, h 222 Prince o Crook Robert N, carpenter, h 149 Princess ^r* Crook Susan, wid Bernard, h 222 Prince CO Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, V a. CU ~~~~^ [61J DA g . m Crosoii Alcxaiuler, shoemaker, h 48 Wolfe ^ Croson John H, engineer, h 184 Franklin ^ Croson Mary Mrs, h 106 King R« Croson Robert, shoemaker, h 49 Wolfe OO *Cr()39 Henry, lab, h 92| Qneen g Cross John R, carpenter, h 16 n St Asaph __l Cross Newman, h 194 King 31 Cross William J, h 98 n St Asaph ^ Crump Carolyn R, engineer, h 203 Queen Crnmp Charles W, lab, h 181 Gibbon >; Crump George W, tireman, h Patrick nr Franklin m Crump Henry, police, h 131 s Alfred X Crump James H, baker, 5 n Fairfax ^ ^ Crump James T, baker and grocer, 8 s Fairfax ^_j Crump John R, engineer, h 194 Franklin 30 Crump Iv H, wid John R, h 203 Queen >. *Crump Townsend, lab, h r Culumbus nr Oronoko ■" Crump Willian R, carpenter, h 203 Queen < Crupper Boston, elk h 103 Cameron ^ Crupper John Q A. engineer, h 293 King ^ Crupper John S, miller, h Duke extended sa Cummins Cornelius, lab, h 61 Queen cr Cumpston E H, broker, 250 King "^ *Cunnigan Charles, lab, h 77 s Alfred ^ 2- Cunningham Robert, farmer, h Jeiterson nr Fairfax, ^ Cunningham T N elk, h King nr Alfred g Curtin Christopher, repairman, h 205 Queen ^ Curtis George T, carpenter, h 174 Franklin -^ Curtis Robert, huckster, h 94 n Alfred ^ Curtis William, lab, h 348 King c= Curtiss William II, h extreme w end Duke o CUSTOM HOUSE BUILDING, Prince cor ^ St Asaph Cuvillier Samuel plumber, 22 King, h 70 s Lee g ID Daingerfield Edward L, broker, h 39 s Washington Daingerlield Eliza, wid Henry, h Prince cor Columbus Daingerfield Henry, h Prince cor Columbus o CD CD Use George R. Hill & Co/s Superior Family DA [62] Da Daingerfield John B, h Washington cor Duke Dain<):ertiel(l Mar(?aret B, wid Edward, h Wolfe cor St o Davis George, waterman, h Fairfax ur Jefferson *Davis George, lab, h Irwins al *Davis George, barber, h Pitt cor Prince bb Davis George W, carpenter, bds 104 Prince ^ Davis Howard, waterman, h Fairfax nr Jefferson Davis John, h 12 n Payne ^ *Davis John H, baker, h 151 s St Asaph — Davis John T, blacksmith, h 31 Commerce Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. DA [63] DE Davis Jose})h H, waterman, h 163 s Union Davis Joseph N, lab, h 227 Duke O DAV^IS J VINCENT, Supt U S National Cem- S etary, w end Wilkes. g Davis J. Wesley, sailor, h 81 s Union Davis L M, carpenter, h 106 n Alfred ^ *Davis Oberton, lab, h 37 s West DO Davis R W, sexton and janitor, h 65 n St Asaph g Davis Sarah, wid Thomas, h Jefferson cor Washington — | Davis Sarah, wid Thomas, h Fairfax cor Franklin m Davis Susan A, wid Richard G, h 17 n Lee ^ Davis Thomas, boatman, h 5 Potomac Strand *Davis Thomas, waiter, h 176 Queen ">- Davis W Henry, tug boat captain, h 43 n Washington ^ Davis William, carpenter, h 17 s Alfred X Davis William, carpenter, h 85 n Patrick 5>' Davis William, waterman, h 28 Wolfe ^ Davis William, watchman, Prince cor Lee :30 *Davis William, bartender, h lioyal nr Princess ^ *Davis William, lab, h 11 s West *Davis William, lab, h Lee nr Gibbon < *Davis William, wheelwright, h Lee nr Franklin ?*" *Davi8 William H, porter, h 92 s Washington Davy Thomas, (Daw & Harmon) bds 43 s Roval DAVY & HARMON, (Thomas Davy and A C g Harmon) grocers & com mers. Prince cor Royal Dawson R M, artist, h Wolfe cor Henry *Day Arthur, driver, h r 256 King ^ *Day J^avid, lab, h West nr Queen IC *Day E H, ship carpenter, h 49 Wilkes ^ *Day George, lab, h Gibbon nr Pitt ^ *Day Thomas, lab, h 59 s Washington o *Day Thomas, lab, h West nr Queen *Day Thomas Jr., lab, h West nr Queen Deald Addison W, paper dealer, h 117 Duke c: Dealham S, clothing, 89 King h 15 s Royal 3 Dean Augustus, (Dean & Dishman,) h 151 8 Lee o" *Dean Frank, lab, h Prince cor Peyton ^ Dean James, lockkeeper, h Fairfax nr Montgomery Dean William, lab, h 229 Duke O CD EL CD — s cn Q_ O Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior F amily "i DE [64] DE =5 = o* Dean & Dishnuui, (Augustus Dcun and Henry II Dishnian,) 'cS sliipcarpenters, Wharf ft Wilkes ^^ Dearborn Charles, photographer, bds 89 s Lee JP Dearborn George W, wood and bark nieas'r, h 89 s Leo ^ Deeton Christopher W, shoemaker, Cameron nr Henry E Deeton George L, shoemaker, h Cameron nr Henry _r- de'Lagnel HMrs, bds Mansion House .S£ *Delaney Henry, pressman, h 157 s St Asaph '^ Delia Andrew/fish and oysters, 23 s Royal h 75 Duke ^ Delia Henry T, h 75 Duke •^ Delia Jame's A, produee, 23 s Koyal h 75 Duke "^ Dellahan John, lab, h 1S2 n Columbus <^ Delphey Bartholomew, h 69 Duke gj DeMaine William, (William DeMaine & Son,) h 18 s c« Alfred ■C DeMaine Wm H, (Wm DeMaine & Son,)b 18 s Alfred :£ DEMAINE WILLIAM & SON, (William & jp William H DeMaine,) undertakers, 224 King "b Dement Jane, wid Noble, h 93 s Fairfax g Dement Samuel H, cigarmaker, h 93 s Fairfax Dempsey Phineas J, elk War Dept, h 53 s Fairfax o Dennis William F, h 157 Prince c2 Dent J Magruder, liquors, bds 58 Prince ^ Dent S M, bookkee[)er, h Prince nr Lee -c= Denty Joseph J, wheelsman, h 69 s Lee Denty Joseph W, steamboat capt, h 69 s Lee cT Denty Mildred, wid Edwin M, h 69 s Lee O *l)errick Alfred, barber, h Gibbon nr Payne c/5 Desmond Cornelius, bar-tender, h 31 Prince ^ Desmond Ellen, wid Cornelius, h 140 n Columbus o Desmond Morris, lab, h 61 n Pitt — i DeVaughan Catherine, wid John h Prince nr Payne c DeVaughan Samuel P, tinsmith, h Prince nr Payne .5 DeVaughan William F, salesman, h 41 n Washington "o DeVauirhan William H,cupi)erand leecher, h 81 s Wash -g ington i- DeVaur Dilger Theodor, watchmaker, 113 King < Dillon John, milkman, h 229 n Washington ?=* Dillon Patrick, foreman, h 229 n Washington Dinwiddle E E, telci^n-apli operator W C V M & G S R R DINWIDDIE WILLIAM Rev, pastor 2nd Presbyterian chnrch, li 65 s St Asaph Dishman^IIenry R, (Dean & Dishman,) h 32 Wolfe Dishman Samuel M, carpenter, h 165 s Union *Ditcher Henry, i)lasterer, h 14 n Fayette Dix George W, elk, h 54 n Pitt Dix John^ll, elk, h 54 n Pitt Dix Noble F, paperhanger, h 54 n Pitt Dix Sarah A, wid Thon:ias, h 54 n Pitt Dix Thomas D, h 54 n Pitt Dixon Arthur J, bds 78 n Washington Dixon Frank, sailor, h 7 Potomac Strand c/> Dixon John A, h 78 n Washington Dobie Ann, wid William, boarding 54 Duke Dobie Eliza, wid Thomas W, bds 54 Duke Dobie William, moulder, h 54 Duke *Dodson Peter, wood-yard. Queen cor Henry __ *Dodson Sidney, h 105 s St Asaph cd *Dogan John, driver, h 41 s Royal *Dogan Leonard, caulker, h St Asaph nr Gibbon 9 so o c c: Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family DO [se'] DO ^ *Dogaii William H, lab,, h 180 Queen n" Doherty James J, elk of gas, room 5 mkt ho bldg, h 56 ^ 11 Patrick _o *Dolcmaii Elijah, lab, h Oronoko cor llo^-al "s *Dolcmaii Thornton, lab, h Guines alley rg Donnelly John, elk, h 39 Prince -^ Doran i^ryan, lab, b Gibbtui nr St Asaph o Doran Owen, milkman, h 114 s Henry ^"^ Doran Patrick, lab, h 97 n St Asaph <^ *Dorsey Clem M, waiter, h 57 n Lee -•-' *Dorsey Frank, lab, h 57 n Lee ^ *Dorsey Hilliary, lab, h ul bet Duke & Prince and Patrick 0^ & Henry ■^ Doisey Kate, wid II C, h 104 (iueen CO *Dor3ey Louis, lab, h 57 n Lee ^ *Dorsey Samuel, lab, h nr Wilkes cor Lee o *Dougan Maria, h 104 s Fairfax > *Douglass Alexander, shipcarpenter, h Wilkes nr Pitt "^ *Doughiss George P, blacksmith. Royal & Canal Basin h 27 n I'atrick ^ Douglass James S, depot agt W C Va M & G S K K, h ^ 11 8 Columbus ^ *Douglass Jesse, lab, h 342 King c3 *Doughiss John lab, h al bet Prince & Duke & Columbus =3 and Alfred d Douglass Sidney, elk, bds 11 s Columbus "" ^Douglass Simon, lab, h Biggs alley hz *Doughiss William, caulker, h Franklin nr Washington —^ Downey James, shoemaker, h 336 King Q Downey John T, (T Downey & Son,) h 171 Franklin •43 Downey Lawrence, stonecuttr, li 153 Oronoko (X) Downey Michael, gardener, h 153 Oronoko o Downey Michael, h 171 Franklin Q_ *Downey Jacob, lab, h r Lee nr Princess c« Downey Thomas, (T Downey & Son,) h 171 Franklin ]c Downey Thomas Jr, elk bds 171 Franklin biD Downey T & Son, (Thomas & John T Downey,) grocers, ^ Cameron cor Fairfax ^ Dowiiham E E, (E E Downliam & Co,) h 97 n Washington .sz. Downham E E & Co, (E E Downham & II Green,) whole- sale liquors, 9 King Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexand ria, V a. DO [67J DU Doyle Rose, ^vid Patrick, h Duke cor Alfred Drayton E Harrison, constable, h r 212 Princess C^ Dre'ilns Caroline, wid Sampson, junk 23 Commerce, ^ h 18 B Payne m Dreifus, Joseph, (J Dreifns & Co) h 9 s Payne "^ Dreifns Julius, hides 3 Irvin wharf, h 9 s Pa3nie R® DREIFUS J & CO, (J Dreifus & M Ullman) do junk 3 Irvin's wharf O Driscoll C M, shoemaker, h 46 n Patrick ^ Drovers Hotel, R D Catts proprietor, w end Duke ext pp, Drowns Delila, wid Thomas, h Patrick nr Franklin p2 Drown George W, plasterer, h Patrick nr Franklin Drowns John T, plasterer, h 27 Commerce, Drowns W J, plasterer, h Patrick nr Franklin *Duckett Charles, lab, h Fairfax nr Jefferson Dudley Benjamin F, carpenter, 266J King, h Payne nr Prince C Dudley D, brakeman, h 13 8 Henry 2 *Dudley George, lab, h Montgomery nr Royal i**" *Dudley Henderson, lab, h Montgomery nr Fairfax ^ Dudley Humphrey, lab, h Montgomery nr Fairfax 5> *Dudley James, plasterer, h 96 s Columbus -^ Dudley John W, lab, h Princess nr Royal ^ *Dudley Louis, lab, h Jefferson cor Columbus so *Dudley Louis Jr, lab, h Franklin nr Washington cz *Dudley Reuben, lab, h Montgomery cor Fairfiix ^ Duffey Charles W, machinist, h 105 s Fairfax S- ct> ESTABLISHED 1859. co — O > I — m X J. DREIFUS & CO., wo. 3, IRVIlff'S TRTHARP, f^ I "1 ALEXAJSDBIA^ VA. § DEALERS IN IRON, METAL, RAGS, BONES, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, FURS, 'WOOL, &G. o Use George R . Hill ^ C o.'s S uperior Family O DU [68] ED LO rr=: — — ■ Dufi"( y Georg'e, (Geo N Diiffey & Co) k eonir rev, room 5 r^ riikt ho bldg Cameron st entrance, h 105 s Fairfax E Dutiey Georire N, (Georo-e NDufi'ey & Co) h 105 s Fairfax tf^ Duftey Georg-e IST & Co (George N and George Dutfey) ^ wiiteli makers, 127^ King o Duffey Roseiia, wid George, h 99 Prince Dutfy Benjamin, lab, h 137 n St Asaph -•-' Dugan Anthony, grocer. 308 Kin*):, h 310 King £ Dugan James H, e!k, bds 310 King ^ Dugan Jolm, b Washington cor Wythe ^ *Dugan John, lab, h lloyal nr Duke = Duke Sadie Mrn, bds 29 n Payne *^ *Du]aney Tliomas E, barber, 124 King, h 69 n Columbus - Dulaney Wynne T, baggage master W & R R, bds ^ Mansion House - Duncan William, lab, h St Asaph cor Pendleton d *Dundas Samuel, carpenter, h 12 s Peyton ^ Dunn Edward, machinist, h 15 n I'ayne ^ Dunn John, elk, h 233 Prince Dunnington Stephen M, pilot, b Lee ni- Franklin o *Dutton''Benj T, barber, 21 s Union '■^ Duval Nancy, wid John, b Princess nr Alfred 03 Duvall Ilenrv C, lab, h Wilkes nr Pitt OX), - ci~ Di wyer Anthony, (A & P Dwyer) h Gibbon cor St Asaph wyer A & P, (Anthony & Patrick Dwyer) grocers, Gib- es bon cor St Asaph > Dwyer Mary, wid Edward, h Royal nr Oronoko gg Dwyer Patrick, (A & P Dwyer) h Gibbon cor tSt Asapb I — Dwyer Philip, boiler maker, h Royal nr Oronoko _c Dwyer Thomas, civil engineer, h 81 Duke - Dyer John, Idacksmith, Union bet Queen & Princess, li r^ "151 s Fairfax ^ Dyer Michael, porter, h 61 Queen ^ *I)3'cr Thornton, hib, h Montgomery nr Fairfax ^ Dvson James L, salesman, b 198 Prince ^ Dyson S F, h 198 Prince as x) CO El S Eaton E Henry, h Pitt nr Wolfe Edmond James, waiter, h Columbus nr Gibbon o CO Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. ED [69] EN g — ' — =^ m Edwards Oeorge W, fanner, h 150 Queen m Edwards Harriet, wid Spencer, h 150 Queen "^ Edwards Henry C, carpenter, h 150 Queen R* *Ed wards John, lal), h Patrick cor Wolfe CO *Ed wards William, lab, h 100 s Royal g Edelen Grace, wid Stanislaus, h 43 s Pitt I Edelen John R, coach painter, h 43 s Pitt m Edelen Louis, coachsniith, h Princess nr Columbus ^ Edelen Robert I, coach and carrla2:e maker, 11 n Pitt h - 43 8 Pitt ' 5> Edelen Thomas J, shoemaker, 37 n Alfred, h 49 Oronoko {^ Eichberg Isaac, V Pres Alex M Railway and Ship lildg X Co, h Cameron bet Washington and Columbus ^ Eldridge Manchester, dep collector U S int rev, li 31 sLee ^ *Elkins John, lab, Payne cor Queen zjj Elliott Alfred, bartender, h Patrick nr Franklin ^ Elliott Charles, carpenter, h 25 Queen Elliott C Henry, bee hive manfr, 15 s Lee, bds Payne nr ^ Cameron ^ Eiliott Jeiierson. lab, h 55 n Alfred ^ Elliott John William, plasterer, h 142 s Fairfax s:o Elliott Julia A. wid John, h 142 s Fairfax ^ Elliott Mary, wid Charles T, h 82 n Fairlax Si' Elliott WinVred, wid Robert, h 128 n Columbus 2- Ellis Beverly C, carpenter, h Patrick cor Franklin ^ Ellis B J, carpenter, h Patrick cor Franklin ^ Ellis George J, h Patrick cor Franklin ^ Ellis Joshua, tug boat capt, h 33 s Columbus. -*i Ellis Louis B, lineman, h 21 s Pitt O Emerson Harrison, produce stall 46 veg mkt, h w end cz Duke extended o Emerson J P, h 53 Payne ^-^ Emerson J S, h Duke nr Payne ^ Emerson William R, butcher, h 169 Duke O EMERSON W T, grocer, St Asaph cor Queen, 33 h 96 Queen (See adv next page) «> Enirland William, carpenter, h 79 n Columbus "^ ENGLEHARDT HENRY, beer brewery, w g end Duke (see adv page 4 ^* English Horace L, money order elk, h 65 n Washington -i C3 O. O CO o o 03 -a 03 o C/3 03 o O Use George R, Hill & Co.^s Sup erior F amily EN [70] EV Eno:lish Samuel, engineer, li 44 Wolfe Eiinis Jiimes, constable, h 29 s Union Eniiis William, fisherman, h ill s Fairfax Eiiniss William, wheelwright, h 73 Queen Entwisle A E, wid James, h 164 Entwisle B Franklin, printer, h 118 s Fairfax Entwisle C F, caj.t "City Alexandria," h 35 Cameron Entwisle Frank, h Princess cor Alfred Entwisle James Jr, druggist 94 King, and genl secj' Y M C A, h 60 s Royal Entwisle J & W J (W J Entwisle) booksellers and sta- tioners, 102 King Entwisle Mary, wid William B, h 118 s Fairfax Entwisle Maverick, drug elk, bds 60 s Royal Entwisle William B, cari)enter, bds 118 s Fairfax Entwisle William J, (J i W J Entwisle) h 46 n Royal ^Epperson Joseph, lal), h Pitt nr Gibbon *Ep})S William, lab, h Henry nr Princess Equitable Life Assurance Society of N Y, 97 King Ervin C T, flour feed and grain, 52 King, h Patrick cor Duke Esh W F, civil eno-ineer, bds, Alexandria House, Evans Cliarles, lab, h 198 Franklin *Evans Edward, baker h 104 s Royal *Evans Edwaru, bar, Union nr Oronoko Evans Edward A, bds Asai)h cor Wolte Evans E J, elk 6th aud ott^ h St Asaph cor Wolfe "o 03 O Q_ 03 Wn\. T. !i^ir|ef^oi|, coRN[ii wwm & SI, km streets, ALEXANDRIA, - - VIRGINIA. Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandriai Va. EV [71] FE Evans J Milton, machinist, h 15 s Alfred Evans John T, lab, h 196 Franklin g Evans Mary Miss, boarding, 95 s Henry pr, Evans Paul R, carpenter, h 116 s Henry m Evans Robert, bds 97 s Fairfax ^ Evans William N, waterman, h 92 s Lee ^ Eveleth James Jr, elk, W & O R R h 108 s Fairfax ^ Eveleth Julia, wid John, h 108 s Fairfax 30 *E\veil Buck, lab, h Payne nr Prince 3 *Ewing Frank, lab, h Fighting Alley 32 Exchano-e Buildiui'-, King cor Union m o 130 *Fagins George, lab, h Wolfe nr Faj'ette Fahnline John, elk, h Patrick nr Queen Fair A J, pilot '^ Citv of Alexandria,^' h 37 Wolfe FALLS R W, agt Adams Ex Co, h 107 Prince Fannon Michael, grocer, 1st & Canal basin, h Pitt cor 1st Fannon Mollie Miss, (Reilly & Fannon) h Pitt cor 1st ^ Fannon Richard, elk, bds 1st cor Pitt < *Fant Newton, shoemaker, Prince cor Commerce, h Co- p> lumbia nr Gibbon "" *Fantero3' Champion, driver, h Columbus nr Franklin CD Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank 109 Prince, Andrew ^ Jamieson, prest cd Farmville Ins & Banking Co, 145 King c/» Faunce George, shoemaker, h 124 s Fairfax Fawcett Edward S, dentist, 9J n Washington h 131 Prince Fearson Elizabeth, wid Henry, h Fairfax nr Jetferson Fearson William W, waterman, bds 9 Wolfe Feddon John T, lab, h Lee nr Franklin FEGAN HUGH, grocer, Columbus cor Wolfe (see adv next page) Feudal 1 13enjamin T, civil engineer, h 91 Wilkes Fendall T D, secy and treas Alex Water Co, h 91 Wilkes Fendall W E, h 91 Wilkes Ferguson Francis, (James Ferguson & Bro,) h 96 King Ferguson James, (James Ferguson & Bro,) h 96 King Ferguson James & Bro, (James & Francis Ferguson,) fanc}- goods, 96 King =3 so o o CD C3 fcuo 00 E o CD fcJD E •i- o o D_ o .05 O "o qI > FE Use GEO . R. HILL & Co/s Superior Famil y F Ferij^iison Martha, wi'i William, h Princess oor Alfred Forgustni Marv, wid Williani, h 97 n Columbus Fc-riruson R Smith, carpenter, h Princess cor Alfred *Ferrell Dennis, lab, h r Princess nr Pitt Ficklin T II, principal Washing-ton school, h 87 n Pitt Field 11 C, shoemaker, h 61 Wolfe Field Ilenrv, salesman, bds Pitt nr Cameron FIELD JOHN A. sogar manfr and sei!;ars and tobacco, 7i King, h (31 Prince (see adv next page) Field S B, shoemaker, h Wolfe nr Fairfax Field S K, collector Southern District, room 6 mkt h bldg Roval cor Cameron, h 12 n Pitt *Fields Edmund, lab, h Pevton cor Prince *Fields John, lab, h 228 Queen *Ficlds William, blacksmith, h 144 Wolfe Finch Catharine, wid William, h 99 n St Asaph Finch George, lab, h 99 n St Asa[di Finnegan James, lab, h Koyal n of 1st Finnell James T, brakesman, h 42 n St Asaph *FinneY James, gardener, h nr s end Washington Fire Association of Phila, 145 King First Bai)tist Church, Rcv W S Pcnick pastor, Washing- ton bet Prince and Duke First Colored Baptist Church, Rev S W Madden pastor, Alfred bet Duke and Wolfe First Presbvterian Church, Rev J J Bullock pastor, Fair- fax bet Duke and Wolfe Fisher Amos T, carpenter, h 16 s Royal Fisher Elizabeth, wid Rudolph, elk treas, h 122 King Fisher G VV, (Fisher & Bro,) h 22 n Rojal HUGH FEGAN, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, COLUMBUS, COH. WOLFE, FINE FAIILI GROCERIES, TEAS k COFFEES. Biscuit, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. FI [73] FL Fisher Isaiah, mail agt, h 22 n Royal Fisher J A, wid S 11, li 22 ii Royal Fisiier James T, carpenter, h 16 s Roval Fisher Jonas, genl trans agt \V C V M & G S R R, h 10 s Colunibns Fisher J VV. grocer, Lee cor Gibbon Fisher S B, (Fisher & Bro,) h 22 n Royal *Fisher Wasliington, barber, 154 King Fislier William, carpenter, h Duke nr Payne Fisher William, lab, h send Patrick Fisher William C, moulder, h nr Hunting creek bridge Fisher k Bro, (S B & G W Fisher,) grocer, 22 n Royal Fitzgerald James B, elk, bds Prince nr Alfred (Titzgerald John, elk, bds Prince nr Alfred Fleming A, h 243 King FLEMING A j/ wholesale grocer, 7 King and pres Y M C A h 175 Duke Fleming F S, h 43 Cameron Fleming Mary E, wid Mo.ses, h 70 Wolfe Fleming Mary E, wid Robert F, h 113 n Washington Flen)ing R B Lee, bds 113 n Washington Fleming R F, student, bds 113 n Washington Fleming Thomas, bds 113 n Washington Fleming William M, engineer, h 76 Wolfe Fletche'r Edward C, h 114 Prince Flood Charles, milkman, h 96 n Alfred JOHN A., FIEII^D, MannfactDwr & Wholesale Dealer in '^~ '^- ^3 ^^^ 'V-A.. CD =30 m m DO 30 ZJ3 I — m X o Z30 P3 O CD o -^^ ^ CO o 71 XSIizis St., .Xl.X.<^, AGENT FOR BRYANT'S PITH ABSORBENT. *S"Agent for J. H. Flood's Bob White, West Ho., Dew Drop, and other Brands. 10 CD Use GEO. R. H ILL & Co/s Sup erior Famil y FO [74] FO cs 51 Foard Edward, fisherman, li 55 ii Alfred c *Fogarty William, lab, h Henderson alley -^ Foo'g Annie Mrs, matron Alex Intirmary, 287 Kino- =3 Foley Charles W, tanner, 98 s Pitt Foley Jeremiah, lab, h Queen nr Henry Foley Margaret, wid Beverly, h 98 s Pitt ^ Foley Patrick, repairman, li 268 n Columbus Foley Theophilus, tanner, h 98 s Pitt g Foltz Henry M, printer, h 116 Duke "^ Foltz Jacob, elk, bds 116 Duke ^ Fones George W, blacksmith, h Commerce nr West o Fones James, lab, h Prince nr Payne S Fones James M, h 39 s West ^ Fones John H, lab, h 33 Queen •^ Fones Thomas, lab, h 70 n Fairfax g Foote Mary M, wid William II, h 15 n Alfred > Force Isaac P, tugboat captain, h 186 Duke c3 Force J S, confectioner, 125 King • *Ford Asbury, lab, h Muirs alley O Ford C F, foreman The Va Sentinel, h 58 n Washington CD Ford Josiah, (ffosiah Ford & Sons,) h 316 King ^ FORD JOSIAH & SONS, (Josiah, Orlando 2 H & Stephen H Ford,) wheelwrights and black- c/3 smiths, 316 Kino- — Ford Orlando H, (Josiah Ford & Sons,) bds 316 King t2 Ford Stephen H, (Josiah Ford & Sons,) h 318 King 1j Ford Winter W, lab, h 93 s Columbus g FOREACRE G J, genl manager W C Va M & -^ G S R R, h 8 s Columbus o Fornshil Ruth, wid John, h 157 s Lee "o Fortner Nathaniel, engineer, h 149 Wolfe al *Fortune C, lab, bds 127 s Alfred cc *Fortune Charles, lab, h 254 n Columbus 'E Fossett James, elk R R, h 19 s St Asaph '^ *Foster Frank, lab, h 39 n Patrick ^ '^Foster George lab, h 39 n Patrick *Foster Lorenzo, lab, h 39 n Patrick -c Foster Susan, wid John, h 122 n Columbus •"" *Foster Thomas, driver, h 39 n Patrick *Fountain Henry, painter, h 288 King Biscuits, Crackers and Cak es, Alexandria, Va. FO [75] GA *Fountain William, painter, h 288 King Fowle Bernard H, book-keeper, bds 165 Prince Fowle S Ellen, wid George D, h 165 Prince Fowler John S, U S commissioner and assignee in bank- ru[ttcy 3d floor custom ho bldg, h Prince cor Royal "Fox Cleveland, lab, h 103 s Washington ^ *Fox Peter, driver, h 139 s St Asaph ot Francis Emanuel, lime plaster & cement & brick manfr, canal basiii, office 28 King, h 56 s St Asaph Francis George W, china and glassware, 157 King Francis Peter, waterman, h 9 Potomac Strand Francis Peter Jr, waterman, h 9 Potomac Strand Fraidclin Fire Ins Co of Phila, 97 King *Franklin George H, caulker, h 206 Duke rn *Franklin John,' driver, h Eranklin nr Fayette X Franks Jeremiah W, watchman, h 51 Wilkes ^ *B''razier Jeremiah, gardener, h 152 s Washington i^j Freeman Harris, land agt, h 105 s Henry ^ *Freeman Lorenzo, lab, h jail alley ^ French Charles D, elk, bds 145 Prince "" French Clarence E, teller, bds 123 s Washington ^ French D M, physician, 18 n Washington j French George E, bookseller and stationer 95 King, li ^, 123 s Washington French George S, elk, bds 18 n Washington French Pobt W, elk, bds 123 s Washington ^ Friendship Engine Co, (hand) Alfred bet King & Prince, ^ J B Johnson, prest ^ Fry Anna, wid George H, bds 225 King ^ *Fry Edmond, shoemaker, 105 s Royal ^ *Fry George, lab, h Pitt nr Oronoko S, Fngett ISTancy, wdd Augustus, h Queen nr Royal ^ *Fugett Robert, plasterer, h 130 s Washington Furlong John, bookeeper, bds 107 Prince C3- Gahan Walter, wheehvright, h 166 Gibbon *Gaines Feeling, lab, h West nr Queen *Gaines Isham, lab, h Fairfax nr Jefferson O pa ^ Si3 CD CO CO CD CO . Use G eorg e R. Hill & Co .'s Superior Family cS GA [76] GE CO ; ^ _S *Gaines James, lab, h Franklin nr St Asaph ,i *Garnett Aaron, lab, h 1st cor Royal -o *Garnett Peter, hib, h 39 n Henry -^ Garnett Robert, h Queen cor Columbus o *Garrett Joseph, hib, h Oronoko nr Pitt c^ Garwood Samuel N, feed dealer, h 219 King Q. Gary Daniel, lab, h 45 s Lee J3 Gary John, H elk, bds 45 s Lee ^ Gary Mary, wid Michael, h 45 s Lee "? *Gary William II, lab, h 145 s Columbus *^ Gaster Annie, wid Jacob, varieties, canal basin & Fairfax c Gatewood Joseph F, brakesman, h Patrick cor Gibbon .5 Gatewood William O, conductor, h Patrick cor Gibbon =3 *Gathright Patrick, lab, h Pitt cor Princess '^ Gay David G. brakesman, h 244 Prince c Geary Daniob lab, W C, V M & G S R R Co "Z GEDNE Y SAMUEL, Genl Supt Potomac Ferry E Co, h Washington D C ^ Geissendafter Fredk J, diver Adams Ex Co, h 37 Duke ^ Gemeny Margaret, wid Richard, h 296 King .M Gemeny R II, tel operator, h King nr Fayette ~ Gemeny William K, elk, bds 296 King Gemmel Calvin D, (J Leatherland & Co,) h 56 u Pitt Gentry John E, conductor, h 275 Duke o CD pa 1 — m Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. GE [77] GO O Genzberger Leopold, (L Genzberger & Son,) h 93 Wolfe m Genzheru'er Liebnian, junk, h 22 u Patrick ^ GENZBERGER L & SON. (L & Meyer Genz- ^ berger,) segars and tobacco, 114 King, and boots and shoes 116 King (see adv inside back cover) Genzberger Meyer, (L Genzberger & Son,) h 93 Wolfe Gensniei'jeremiah M, combmaker, h 11 Wolfe George Annie S, wid Cumberland, bds 127 Duke Georaria Home Fire Ins Co, 103 King GERMAN BANKING 00 OP ALEX, Robt Portner, prest, Jas H Reid cashr, 127 King German Building Association, R Portner prest, meets 3> Harmonie Hall, German n Daniel M, baker, h 142 King Germann George M, baker, h 142 King Germann Michael, confectioner, 142 King Gennond James M, engineer, h 194|^ Duke Germond Susan, wid Jacob, h 10 n Pitt *Gibl)S David, lab, h Fighting alley Gibbs Mary A, wid John II, h 194 Prince *Gibson Aaron, blacksmith, h Duke cor Peyton *Gibson Israel, lab, h Pitt nr Oronoko ^ Gibson John Y, (John Y Gibson & Co,) bds 10 s Patrick o Gibson John Y & Co, (J Y Gibson,) druggists 209 King ^ *Gibson Joseph, lab, h 54 n Henry _^ *Gibson Lacy, lab, h Oronoko nr Royal <^ *Gibson Tho'mas, lab, h 181 Duke S, Gibson William, physician, 10 s Patrick CD *Gibson William, blacksmith, h w end Duke ^ *Giles Tillman, lab, h Fayette nr Duke ^ *Gillis Strother, lab, h Gibbon nr Pitt =r Gilmartin Daniel, lab, h 286 n Columbus JS* *Gipp Henry, lab, h Pendleton nr St Asaph q Glover A L, local ticket agt W & O R R, h 97 Cameron 33 Glover Charles E, carpenter, h 85 s Washington g Glover H B, freight agt W & O R R, h 97 Cameron _^ Glover Henry H, boilermaker, h 170 Queen cz Glover Jane E, wid Joseph H, h 97 Cameron 5^ Glover Joseph F, messenger, b 97 Cameron ^ *Goings Dennis, driver, h 156 Wolfe ^ Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Supe r! or Fam i ly c£ GO [78] GR cs '-^ Goldsmith Emanuel, elk, bds 72 Prince IH Goodrich Charles, salesman, h 209 Duke ^ Goodrich Edwin, conductor, h 207 Duke _^ Goodrich Jane, wid William, h 207 Duke •<-' Goods Benjamin F, machinist, h 85 s Lee 'g Goods Elizabeth, wid James, h 47 n Washington .^ Goods George Albert, brakeman, h 47 n Washington ^ *Goodwin Thomas, lab, h 35 n Henry " *Gordon Elijah, lab, h Henry nr Duke 03 *Gordon Meredith, lab, h Fighting alley •*-• *Gordon Wilson Rev, h Payne nr Queen -o *Gordon Wilson, carpenter, h 141 n Fairfax '^ Gore Charles W, h 125 s Alfred "V* Gorham Catherine Mrs, variety and saloon, Duke cor g Fayette o Gorham Thomas E, engineer, h Duke cor Fayette t- Gorman Bridget, wid Edward, bds 87 Queen t2 Gorman P. F. (Gorman & Pettit) h 87 Queen CO Gorman & Pettit, (P F Gorman & J L Pettit) boiler works s- 00 s Union CO Grace Episcopal Church, Rev D Francis Sprigg pastor, ~ Patrick nr Prince ^ *Grady Alfred, lab, h 50 Patrick C_5 *Grady Dawson, plasterer, h Fayette alley nr Lee . Gradv Grigsbury, lab, h 158 s Alfred J Grady J J^ brakeman, W C V M & G S R R Grady Sarah, wid Joshua, h 158 s Alfred eg Grady William E, h 158 s Alfred — ' Graham Elizabeth Avid Charles, h 255 Prince E Graham Georo^e C, i^asfitter, h 255 Prince ~ Graham James G, moulder, h 32 n Alfred ^ Graham James W, carpenter, h 32 n Alfred ■^ Graham John C, tug boat captain, h 127 Prince p~ Granite Insurance Co of Richmond Va, 145 King Grant Napoleon B. steward, h St Asaph nr Cameron -— Grantland J W, painter, b extreme w end Duke ■rvj Gratz Frank C, bairgage ao;t, bds 44 Duke .b: Grave S B, conductor,^V C V M & G S R R ^ Graves J W, salesman, h 35 s Columbus Green Henry, (E E Downhan & Co) h 99 Washington - Green J A, paper hanger & upholster, 104 King O GREEN JAMES, proprietor Mansion House, §_ Fairfax cor Cameron £^ *Green James, lab, h Royal nr Oronoko ^ Green James E, (Green & Bro) h 54 Prince 5* Green James H, tinner, li 31 Duke ^ *Green Jarratt, porter, h Wolfe nr Union si3 *Green Jefferson, whitewasher, h Gibbon nr Royal q_ Green John, bricklayer, 55 n Alfred ^ Green John S, elk, h 68 Duke o Green John W, elk, (Green & Wise) bds Mansion House *Green Luke, lab, h 87 n Henry Green Martin H, variety store, Fayette between Queen and Cameron *Green Robert, lab, h Wolfe nr Union Green Stephen A, (Green & Bro) 44 Fairfax *Green William, driver, h Fairfax nr Wilkes *Green William D, barber, Royal nr Cameron o. o o O Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family "g GR [80 J Gli o ^ *Grecn Wilson, lab, li Cnhinihiis nr Jefferson .S£ GREEN & BRO, (Stephen A & James E Green) ^ • furniture manfs and dealers, Fairfax cor Prince, ^ (See side lines) 5 Green & Wise, (John W Green & Peter Wise) real estate ^ agents, 23 Fairfax Greenaway Ann, wid Eev Nevill, h 12 s St Asaph Greenee Ann, wid Edward, li 16 s Fairfax ^ Greene J R, (The Misses Greene) 16 s Fairfax — i Greene The Alisbcs (U C & J R Greene) hulies school 16 - s Fairfax o Greene U C, (The Misses Greene) h 16 s Fairfax o *Greeniield John, lab, h Wilkes nr Pitt Q- Greenwell Rebecca, wid Alexander, h 77 Wolfe c3 Creenwell William II, teacher, h 100 Cameron ^ Greenwood Ann Mrs, Jones' Pt Lighthouse ^ Greenwood Benjamin, lighthousekeeper, extreme s end I — Lee Jones' point * .E Greenwood Charles W, grocer, lol Oronoko o) Greenlees Archibald, elk, bds 102 Duke =3 Gregory Arthur, elk, bds 58 s St Asaph c Gregory Charles E, elk pat otfiee, h 105 Queen Grogory E H, hardware, h 105 Queen -_ G'"egory Mary, wid Douglass, h 87 n Washington ^ Gregory Minnie, wid Ciiarles G, h 105 Queen ^ Gregory S F, (Gregory & Co,) h 53 s St Asaph .-t:! Gregory Walter, (Beach & Gregory,) h 105 Queen a3 Gregory William, farmer, h 87 n Washington -^ Gregory William B Mrs, h 87 n Washington "Z Gregory & Co, (S F Gregory,) wholesale grocers, 33 King cs Griffin C M, barber, 8 s Washington h Lee nr Prince ■^ Gritiin Cornelius, hiD, h Queen nr Payne ^ *Griffin Daniel, lab, h Patrick nr Franklin g *GritliL» George, lab, b Patrick nr Franklin — GrifKn James W, engineer, h Lee bet King & Prince d Gritiiin Robert I, engineer, h Lee bet King & Prince E Griihn T W, painter, h 36 s Henry GrifHth Kinzey, gunsmith, 24 King h 53 Duke _ Grithth William H, gunsmith, h 53 Duke 5? Grigo- C B, druggist. King cor Roval h 6 n Pitt r*" Grigg James, soap manfr, h 9 Columbus o o Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexand ria, Va. GR [81] HA ^ GRIGG JOSEPH L, tailor, 86 King h over 165 ^ King ;z Grio-o; Samuel, ijrocer, h over 165 King jgo Griggs Atkinson, pliotographer, h 9 s Columbus ^^ *Gngsl)y George, lal), h Pitt nr Oronoko zjd *Grigsb3' John, hib, b Henry nr Queen ^ *Grigsby Lambert, bib, h 278 n Cokimbus ^ HI Grilfbotzer l)avi(b gardener, b w of Patrick s of Franklin m Grillhotzer Gottlieb, gardener, b w Patrick s of Franklin P° Grillbotzer Henry J, gardener, b 208 Franklin >« Grimes Cbarles R, carpenter, b 59 n St Asapb f^ Grimes Enocb, stoves and tinware, 46 King X Grimes Franklin P, tinner, b w end Duke nr Stone bridge 3> Grimes J G, (Grimes & Son,) b 87 n Patrick ^ Grimes Jobn W, (Grimes & Son,) and produce stall 26 veg ^^g mkt, b 148 Queen ^ Grimes Margaret H, wid Josepb, b 73 s Lee "^ Grimes Pbilip H, tinner, bds 46 King ^ Grimes Tbomas E, elk. b Patrick nr Franklin Grimes & Son, (J G & John W Grimes,) iisb and produce ^ fisli whf s^ *Grinham Milo, lab, b 135 s St Asaph ^ *Groves Edward, porter, b r 15 Union ^ Groves Elizabeth, wid Stinson, b s end Lee 2- *Groves Henry, lab, b Payne nr Cameron ^ Gundelacb William, jeweler, bds Alexandria House ^ Gunnv John, blacksmith, h Washington nr Jefterson ^ *Guy Cbarles, driver, h 137 s Fairfax S Guy Frances, wid Charles, bds 33 Queen ^ Hackey Jobn, coachsmith, b 43 s Pitt *Hackley James, lab, b Pitt nr Gibbon *Hackley John, shoemaker, h Payne cor Cameron Hagan Picbard, h 55 n Alfred Hahn Peter segarmaker, b 32 n lloyal Hall Andrew J, carpenter, h 79 n Henry Hall Augustus M, cement, &c, h 41 s Fairfax Hall Chapman, fisherman, h s end Washington 11 >* CO o Use GEO. R. HILL & Co/sjuperior Family HA [82] HA CT3 • Q_ Hall Cornelias, gardener, h s end Lee c: Hall Edward, engineer, bds 253 Duke ~ Hall GeorgQ W, blacksmith, h 81 n Henry ^ Hall H P, photographer, h Pitt oor Cameron •Zl Hall James F, carpenter, h 79 n Henry ■£ Hall John W, brakeman, h 14 s Washington ^ *Hall Marion, lab, h Fairfax nr Jetterson _ *Hall Richard, lab, h 206 Cameron g Plall T M, carpenter, 34 s Lee, h 41 s Fairfax ^ Hall William J,.vWartield & Hall) h 41 s Fairfax ^ Hallett James, machinist, W C V M & G S R R o Hallowell School (public) for colored girls, Miss Sarah ■^ Gray, principal, ii end Alfred ^ *Halpin James, lab, h Gibbon nr Washington •^ Hamerdinger Frances Miss, h 29 Payne g Hamersley James F, h 214 Cameron > Hamersley James F, grocer, 217 Cameron h 20 n Fayette "^ Hamersley John, carpenter, h Cameron nr Henry ^ Hamill Henry, variety store, Lee cor Gibbon CJ) *Hamilton Alfred, porter, h 140 s Washington o Hamilton Charles B, bds 326 King ^ Hamilton Enos W, bds 326 King S *Hamilton George, lab, h Cameron cor Henry ^ Hamilton Willia'm H, carpenter, h 53 AVolfe _E Hammel Zacliariah T, blacksmith, h 188 Franklin o Hammerdinger William A, plasterer, h 251 Prince — , Hammond James, grocer. Queen cor Pitt ILimmond James M, watchman, h 35 n Pitt o Hammond James W, moulder, h 78 Queen "■^ Hammond John T, elk, h 35 n Pitt ^ Hammond Sarah, wid John, h 86 Queen S *Hampshire William, lab, h Patrick nr Princess C^ Hampshire & Bait Coal Co, E S Bollis prest, J George .55 Repplier treas, Wm G Howard Alex agent, Union cor .E Queen ^ *Hancock George, cook, h Royal n of 1st > Hancock Henry C, h 18 Prince o Hancock John B, h 76 Wolfe ff *Haney Lewis, lab, h 109 Wilkes *Haney Louis, hostler Prince cor Columbus *Haney Samuel, lab, h Queen alley Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. HA [83] IIA Himna David, lab, h Fayette nr Duke ^ " -- - ~ „ ,1,. I 'iff Haiiiion Samuel L, drug clk,h Camerou ur Pitt ^-' Haiiralian Bridget, wid Michael, h 147 Wolfe Hanrahan Johu tiuuer, h Columbus nr Montgomery ^ Hanrahan J F, elk, h 154 Wolfe ^ Hanrahan Michael, lab, h 262 n Columbus ^ Hanrahan Michael A. ^Hanrahan & Mansfield) h 147 og Wolfe _ O Hanrahan P H, grocer. King cor Union, h Pitt nr Wolfe — I Hanrahan & Mansfield (Michael A Harahan & James H ^ Mansfield) tinners, 5 s Wasliington 30 Han ratty Michael, lab, h Montgomery cor Fairfax "* Hanratty Peter, porter, h 60 n'^Pitt ^ Hantzmon Charles, cabinetmaker, h Queen nr Fairfax m llantzmon George, lab, h 123 Duke ^ Hantzmon WiHiam H, gasfitter, h Queen nr Fairfax -^ *Harding Alexander, lab, h 10 n West O Hardy Charles F, cabinetmaker, h 159 Oronoko ^ Hardy Jane, wid Harrison W, h 159 Oronoko, 3> *Hardy James, lab, h Payne nr Queen Hardy Joseph A, carpenter, h Cameron nr West -^ Hardy Lewis K, carpenter, h 159 Oronoko - HARLOW BROS, (John, George H and M B ^ Harlow,) grocers & com mers, Cameron cor Royal ^ Plarlow George H, (Harlow Bros,) h 44 n Royal £= Harlow John,"(Harlow Bros,) h 40 n Royal ^ Harlow M B, (Harlow Bros,) and city treas room 2 market ^ ho bldg, Royal st entrance h 42 n Royal ^ Harlow Michael, h 48 n Fairfax ^ Harmon Allen C, (Davy & Harmon,) h 43 s Royal ^ Harmon Thomas D, elk, bds 43 s Royal -^ Harmonic Hall, over 11 n Fairfax ^ Harper Ann E, wid Washington T, h 91 Queen g_ Harper Anthony F, printer, bds 43 Wolfe ^ Harper Edgar E, teacher, h 91 Queen co Harper Elizabeth Mrs, h 43 Wolfe ^ g Harper Frank H, segars and tobacco, 159 King £" Harper Frank S, elk, bds 36 s Washington Harper Geo W, tailor, King cor Pitt h 61 n Washington Harper Henry H, carpenter, bds 43 Wolfe Harper Samuel, segarmaker, bds 52 n Lee o Use George R. Hill &, Co.'s Superior Family : HA [84] HA Harper Washinc;toii, scgars and tobacco, 101 Kitii>' li 47 ^ 11 Pitt -J Harper W Wells, elk, h 36 s Wasliiiio-toti g *Harris Albert, lab, ii Royal nr Franklin •^ *PIarris Alonzo, eni2;ineer, li lloval nr Wilkes o *Harris A W, h Colnnibus nr Franklin "o *Harris Edward, lab, b Biggs alley n" *Harris Fenton, shoemaker, 211 Queen - *Harris Frederick, lab, b 155 n Fairfax > *Harris Henry, lab, h Pejidleton nr St Asaph (X> *Harris Jackson, lab, li Royal n of 1st r^- Harris James, blacksmith, bds 69 Duke ^ *Harris John, baker, bds Royal nr Gibbon — *Harris John, lab, h 284 n Columbus ^ Harris Julia, -,vid Walter, h 319 Kin^ ■i= Harris J W, foreman paint shop VV C Y M & G S R R, h ^ St Asaph nr Duke .E *Harris Killis, lab, h alley r Fairfiix bet Wolfe & Duke >^ *Harris Moses, lab, h Union nr Wolfe Harris William, wood carver, h 47 s Fairfax c3 *Harri8 William, shoemaker, h Royal n of 1st — Harrison, hucktjter, rooms 122 n Columbus *^ Harrison Charles, engineer, h 144 n Columbus Q- Harrison Cbarles T, sliipwright, h 53 Gil)bon "o^ Harrison George W, iish dealer, h 80 Prince -a Harrison George W, carpenter, h 82 n Patrick ^ Harrison James A, elk, 6 s Union CO Harrison John, watchman, h Washington nr Oronoko § Harrison John D, h 80 Prince ■^ Harrison John T, carpenter, h 72 n Patrick •2 Harrison John W, mattress maker, h 14 n Fairfax "co Harrison Joshua, carpenter, h 24 s Royal _E Harrison Luther, cigarmaker, h extreme w end Duke 03 Harrison William, engineer, h 224 Prince £ Harrison William, cigarmaker, h Fairfax nr Cameron ^ Hart J Marion, elk, h 9 s Fairfax Q^ Hart John, block and pumpmaker, r 29 Duke .!^ Hartley Catharine, wid Thomas, h 43 Gibbon § Hartshorne William L, engineer, h 83 s Lee J= *IIarvey Peter, lab, h 40 n Henry f^ *Haskin8 Charles, driver, h Pitt nr Oronoko Biscuit, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. HA ' [85] HE g m Havener Kaehel, wid Basil, h 74 Prince m HAVENER RICHARD H, genl supt & ticket ^ & freight agent W & R R, h 74 Prince ^ Hawkins Edwin II, painter, li 58 s St Asapli oo *Hawkins John, porter, h Columbus cor Wolte <-5 *Ha\vkins Richard, porter, h r 83 s Alfred —\ Hawks F T, genl freight agt W C V M & G S R R, h ^ WashingtoTi cor Prince :j3 Hawx hurst John, sawmill, h 314 King "" Hayden Jolin T, sailor, h 153 s Fairfax p Hayes Jeremiah, engineer, h Columbus near Wolfe m Hayes John L, paver, h 112 s Fairfax ^ Hayes Patrick, driver, h Columbus cor Oronoko ^, Hayes Thomas, driver, h 118 n Columbus O Haynes Cliarles, bricklayer, h 89 Queen ^ Haynes John, bricklayer, h 89 Queen . ^ Haynes Joseph, bricklayer, h 89 Queen ^ Haywood George II, cigarmaker, h Pitt near Duke >. Hedijman B G,'oysterman, h nr ft Wolfe -^ Hedgnian George, lab, h Princess nr St Asaph ^ Heftiet)ower Elizabeth, wid Samuel, boarding, 225 King § Heironimus J P, elk, h over 5 n Washington ^ Heisler Ferdinand, painter, h 35 s Royal ^ Heisley Jacob M, carpenter, h 131 s Fairfax ^ Ileisley John F, grocer. Prince cor Fairfax ^ Heisley Peter, farmer, h 92 Franklin ^ Heiss Mrs, bds lUO Duke o Heller Moses, butcher stall 19 mkt, & meat and provisions "^ 298 Kino- =3- Hellmuth J. T, butcher stall 22 mkt, h 138 s Fairfax = Hellmuth Marth, butcher, h 138 s Fairfax g_ Hellmuth William H, butcher, h w end Duke Fairfax co Helmuth Barbara, wid Valentine, h 83 s Henry ''^ *Helum Joseph, driver, h Duke nr Peyton § *Henderson Alexander Rev, h 43 s Fairfax ^ *Henderson George, barber, h Henry nr Cameron cd Henderson James E, h 37 s Patrick ^ *Henderson John, lab, h r 327 King g Henderson Julian F, elk, bds 37 s Patrick p^r HENDERSON O G, grocer and ship chandler 9 = n Union, h 92 Queen ^ Use George R. Hi[l & C o.'s S uperior F amily c HE^ [86] HI *Henderson William H, lab, r Princess nr Lee ^ Ileiuiersou W O, machinist, bils 73 Wolfe Hendley Jolm R, brakesman, h 2t^ n Payne ^ Henniiii? Augnst, elk, bds 15 n Alfred ■*"' Ilenraddy Bridget, wid Thomas, grocer, 274 n Columbus *o Henry A, iiren^an, W C V M & G S R R •*-> Henry Alexander, special police W C V M & G S R R o Henry Bryan, lab, W C V M & G S R R " *Henry Charles, carpenter, h 115 Wilkes ^ Henry Daniel, saloon & bowling al, Fairfax cor Princess ■*"' Henry George W, carpenter, h 108 Cameron "P Henry John, lab, h Fairfax nr Gibbon IS *Henry Patrick, lab, h Royal cor Gibbon "V Henry Raleigh, shoemkr, Duke cor Alfred, h 1G8 Gibbon cr Henry Samuel, foreman, h (iueen cor Fairfax *-* *Henry Sanders, driver, h Franklin nr Union Q Henry William, printer, b Cameron nr Pitt ^^^ Hensbaw James W, tailor, h 83 n Columbus q5 *Henshire Stephen, lab, li 134 n Columbus ^ Hepburn George E, printer, b 51 Wilkes ^ Hepburn James, policeman, h 75 Wilkes — Herbert Arthur, (Burke & Herbert,) li Fairfax co o Herbert (/harlee, glazier, h Fairfax nr King O Plerbert W U shoemaker, 6 n Fairfax 05 HERBERT WILLIAM W, com mer, King cor -E Lee, & prest Alex Coml Exchange,!! 19 s Fairfax 03 Ilerbner Henry, restaurant, 149 King — i Ilerbner Julia Mrs, bds 149 King Herfuth Hugo, segar manfr and dealer, 189 King bds o Alexandria House '-g Herndon Jacob, carpenter, h 16 n Patrick o Herrick William T, harnessiinaker 48 King h 9 s Henry o *IIerritt Shedrack, lab, h Pitt nr Oronoko 0_ Hewes Georire C, elk P O, h 105 s Lee .cd HEYMAN ROBT E, prof music, 7 n Fairfax .E Hicbew John D, cariienter, h 60 s St Asaph ^ *IIicks William, barber, h Duke cor Patrick ^ Higgins Catharine, wid John, h over 49 King Higgins James A, painter, bds Alexandria House • _c Higgins Joseph, plumber, h 32 s Royal Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. HI [87] HO Hill Eflwin, porter, 89 Curaeron - — - '\^Innil)iis nr ()rnnnk'n Hill Fannie E, wid Dr James, li Columbus nr Oronoko ^^ Hill Frank M, elk, bcls 98 s Lee Hill George R, (George R Hill & Co,) li Washington cor rn Franklin -^ HILL GEORGE R & CO, (George R Hill.) ^ cracker raanfr, 35 & 37 n Lee (see adv top lines) cc *Hill Horace, waiter, li Fayette cor Queen ^ Hill J Marriott, (J M Hill & Co,) h 98 s Lee -H HILL J M & CO, (J Marriott Hill and J Han- ^ son Price,) printers, 10 s Royal (see adv) zxj '*Hill John, lab, h Washington cor Jefterson Hill John T, collector northern dist, room 6 mkt ho bldg ^ Royal St entrance, h 98 s Lee m *HiH Joseph G, barber, h Columbus nr Wolfe ^ *Hill Richard, driver, h Washington nr Wilkes 2! Hines Edward, shipwright, bds 53 Gibbon O Hinken George H, driver, h 71 n Henry 2 Hipkins Lewis, messenger Adams Ex Co h 209 Cameron ^ Hite Virginia Mrs, h 13 s Columbus ^^ *Hobday"George, lab, h Oronoko nr Pitt ^ HOBSON MATHEW, painter, extreme w end -= Duke (see advt p 4) O Hobson M F, painter, h extreme w end Duke S_ *Hodge Charles, lab, h 154 s Alfred o *Hodge Sandy lab, h Briggs alley co *Hodge Solomon, lab, h 149 s Columbus — • Hodgkin Charles E, printer, h Prince cor Payne Hodgkin Elizabeth F, wid Robert, h 86 Queen ^ Hodgldn J O, dentist, Prince cor Washing'n bds 86 Queen 2. Hodgkin Mary E Mrs, h Jetlerson nr Washington ^ Hodgkin Thomas D, h Prince cor Payne § Hodgkin William H, carpenter, bds Jefferson nr Wasli'n ca. Hoffman George, ship carpenter, bds 124 s Fairfax r~ Hogan W H, salesman, h'73 Wolfe 5 Hotbrook Michael, lab, h 252 n Columbus §- Holcomb Lee, elk, bds 125 Cameron ^ Holcomb Matilda S, wid John R, h 125 Cameron Holcomb T, Allan bds 125 Cameron Holden James, elk, bds Washington nr Boundary Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family HO [88J HO o be CJ) *H(^lland Rol)ert, lab, h Jetfersoii nr Columbus Holland William J, butcber, stalls 13 & 15 mkt & provis- ions 179 King, b Fairfax co *~* Hollensbur}- Harriet, teacber, b 113 Queen Hollensbury Jobn W, b 113 Queen Hollett Josepli, b 211 Cameron CO *Hollinger William H, buckster, b 53 n St Asapb — *Holmes George, lab, b Duke nr West ^ *lIolmes Philip, lab, b West eor Wolfe ; *Holmes Tbornton, lab, b Union nr Gibbon (J *Holmes Tolliver, lab, b Jetierson nr Columbus ^ *Iiolsen(lorf Jobn H, barber, b Columbus nr Gibbon E Holt H E, grocer, 35 s Union ^ Holt IsraeClab, bds 243 Prince c^ Home Insurance Co of Columbus Ohio 145 King ^ Home Insurance Co of iS'ew York, 97 King _c *Hood Samuel, lab, b Franklin nr Wasbington ^ HOOE PHILIP B, com mer. Ins agt & agt R F -— and P ii R Co, ft Prince, b Prince cor Wasbing- ^ ton (see advt p 4 ) 1 HOOFF C R, casbier Tbe 1st National Bank of — Alexandria, Ya, h Fairfax co :; Hootf Douglas, b 131 Prince g Ilooff J Wallace, elk, com sub b 131 Prince J= Hooif Pbilip H, b 190 Prince B Hooge II F, (Risbeill & Hooge) b 48 n Wasbington ^ Hoomes II B, salesman, bds 117 Queen -^ *IIopkins Albert, messenger, b 160 Queen — ^Hopkins Daniel, lab, b St Asapb nr Gibbon c3 Hopkins Josepb, grocer, 5 n Fairfax, b 61 s Lee •^ Horsman E, (Cook & Co) bds St Asapb nr Queen ^ Horsman Elijab, (Brown & Horsman) b 71 Cameron c« Horsman Elizabetb, wid Elijab, b 188 King — Horsman Jobn W, tisberman, b 83 Duke ^ Horsman Josepb, police, h 55 n St Asapb E Iloskins George, mifler, b Princess nr Alfred ■^ Ilougb Cbarles, printer, b Wilkes nr Pitt o Ilougb Edward S, di-count elk, b 75 s Washington ^ Hough Maraaret, wid Lewis, 18 n St Asapb ^ Ilougb William S, printer, 47 Prince, b Wilkes nr Pitt J. IHI. HILL & CO., A-TsTID J And Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Printing Papers, Paper Bags, Twines, &c., NO. 10 S. ROYAL STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VA. GENERAL ADVERTISING AGENTS ''I J. M. HILL & CO., A.isnD JOB PRINTERS, And Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Printiug Papers, Paper Bags, Twines, &c., NO. 10 S. ROYAL STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VA. GENERAL ADVERTISING AGENTS ^ Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. HO [89] HU ^ 30 *Houk Edward, lab, h Alfred nr Pendleton m House Charles H, printer, h 223 Prince ^ House John R, carpenter, h Payne nr King Houson James watchman, h Pitt nr Oronoko *Howard John, lab, h Gibbon nr Pitt CO Howard Martha L, wid William R, h 80 s Fairfax o Howard Sarah, wid William, h Alfred cor Franklin "H Howard William G, agt Hampshire & Balto Coal Co, ^ Union cor Queen, boards Mansion House 30 Hovvdershell J E, (J W Nails Jr & Co, h 48^ Wolfe "L Howell C W, elk, bds 100 King ^ j^ Howell Joseph M, hats and caps, 100 King ^ Howell L H, bartender, Cit}' Hotel ^ Howison Allen M, elk U S treas, bds 104 Duke zz HO WISON SAMUEL S, prest Potomac Ferry g Co, h 104 Duke (See adv) ~ Hoy Michael, lab, h 240 Prince Hoy Peter, tinner, bds 240 Prince < Hoy Thomas, stoves and tinware King cor Pitt, h 106 J^ s Fairfax ^ Hubhard Addie Miss, machine opertr, h King nr Alfred j^ *Hudgins Daniel, lab, h Union nr Wolfe ^ Hudson Augustine G, tanner, h 183 King ^ Hmlson Mary, wid George, h 70 n Alfred ^ Hudson Thomas B, (E J^Miller & Co) h 91 Cameron = Hudson William D, druc; elk, bds 306 King ^ HUFTY FRANCIS, (Taylor & Hufty) 933 Pa ^ ave n w Washingtoa, h 168 Prince ^ Hughes Benjamin, produces tall 45 veg mkt h 117 Prince ft3_ Huirhes Benjamin R, blacksmith, h 117 Prince HUGHES EDWARD, proprietor Alexandria ^ House, Prince cor St Asaph o- Hughes William, carpenter, bds Railrod Hotel *Hughes Wilson, lab, h Alfred nr Wolfe Hughlett Julius C, elk, bds 53 n Royal Huttish E Worth, bookkeeper, bds 225 King *Humphreys Joseph, lab h Pitt nr Oronoko Humphries William, barkeman, h 47 s Pitt Humphries William, bdg & segars & tobacco 171 King Hunt Edmund, (Hunt & Roberts,) h Cameron mills, Fair fax county 12 C/3 CTS Use GEO. R. HILL 6l Co/s S uperior Family HU [90] - jjY Roberts,) Cameron mills, Fairfax co warehouse -o 6 s Union HUNT & ROBERTS, (Edmund Hunt & Walter Roberts,) Cameron mills, Fair 6 s Union ^ *IIuiiter Abraham, lab, h Bis'srs allev o Hunter Alexander, correspondent, h 44 s Washington O *Hunter Arthur, lab, h Henderson aliley "J5 *Hunter Arthur, lab, h Pitt cor Oronoko ^ Hunter Bushrod W, h 44 s Washington ^ Hunter Edward B, elk, hds 60 n Koyal ^ Hunter Francis M, lawyer, h w end Duke nr Stone bridge _c: Hunter Henry, brassfinislier, bds 54 Duke "^ Hunter John, h 54 n Patrick ^ *Hunter John, lab, h Payne cor Wythe ^ Hunter John C, carpenter, h 68 s Lee o Hunter J T, upholsterer, h w end Duke nr Stone bridge -o *Hunter Morris, lab, h Pendleton nr St Asaph ^ Hunter William H, moulder, bds 54 Duke o Huntington Fannie, h 257 King Huntington Joseph, bds 318 King o Hurdle Levi J, painter, over 5 s Washington h 192 King ^ Hurdle Lydia B, wid Levi, h 192 King 3 Hurdle Thomas, painter, bds 80 s Pitt ^ *Hurley Henry, lab, h Royal nr Gibbon — "Hurley Henry, ragman, li Franklin nr Pitt c^ Hurst Mary J, wid John T, h 30 s Alfred I—i *Hurt Richard, lab, h r Princess nr Pitt c: Hutchings Fulton, printer, bds 54 Duke -^ Hutchings William, shoemaker, 71 Duke, h 168 Gibbon ^ Hutchings William, boot and shoemaker, 71 Duke "o *Hutchin5on Daniel, drayman, 22 s LTnion n" Hutson S P S, agtBlaenA von Coal Coand Atlantic Coal <^ Co ft Princess, h 58 Prince ■^ Hutt William H, book-keeper, h 109 Cameron "Si) Hutton Fannie, wid George, h 62 s St Asaph -— Hutton George, h 62 s St Asaph •^ Hutton John V, machinist, h 62 s St Asaph _c Hydraulion Steam Fire Engince Co, Royal bet Cameron ^"~ k Queen, Benjamin Barton prest *Hvnes James, sailor, h Princess nr Pitt Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. ID [91] JA Idensen August F, salesman, h Royal & Wolfe ^ Inland & Seaboard Coastinj^ Co, F A Reed agt, 6 Jannevs Whf ^ ^ ^ Irwin James, repairman, bds 305 Kins^ ^ Irwin William H, h 182 Prince ^ O Ivers Michael, shipwright, bds 53 Gibbon — I m J- I — *Jackson , lab, h Princess nr Alfred m *Jackson Broadus, lab, h 212 Duke >< *Jackson Charles, lab, h Gibbon nr Washington ^ *Jackson Charles, lal), h 20 s Payne O *Jackson Charles, lab, h Queen nr West ^ *Jackson Daniel, lab, h 19 n Henry ^ *Jackson Dennis, shoemaker, 41 n Henry Jackson Fannie, wid Robert, h 87 Prince ^ * Jackson Frank, lab, h Payne nr Queen j *Jackson French, shoemaker, Princess nr Royal, hPrin- ^ cess nr Pitt s» *Jackson Henry, lab, h West cor Wolfe ^ *Jackson John, lab, h 43 n Henry ^ Jackson John H, h 212 King 2- *Jackson Landon, driver, h 33 n Henry ^ *Jackson Lennon, lab, h 190 Cameron ^ *Jackson Lenzie, lab, h Alfred nr Wolfe, ^ *Jackson Marcellus, tanner, h 107 s St Asaph ^ *Jackson Moses, lab, h Fairfax nr Montgomery *Jackson Nathaniel, baker, h 127 s St Asaph ^ *Jackson Philip, lab, h Payne nr Queen J^ *Jackson Richard, lab, h 17 n Henry co *Jackson Robert, hostler, h Wilkes nr Pitt eg Jackson Robert A, block and pump maker 69 s Union, h co 79 s Union Jackson Samuel, engineer, 25 King *Jackson Samuel C, shoemaker, 342 King *Jackson Shedrach, lab, h Wolfe cor Fayette 6 Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family ^ JA [92] JA CO "T *Jacks()u Silas, lab, h 331 King ^ *.Jackson Silsis, lab, h Oronoko iir Pitt — ^ *Jackson William, lab, h Oronoko nr Roj'al § *Jackson William, lab, h Queen alley •^ Jacob Harrison, li 66 Prince 03 Jacobs Alfred, carpenter 43 s Alfred o Jacobs Emeline, vvid Lemuel, b 92| s Lee O- Jacobs Roger II, fireman, h 20 ti Payne j^ Jacobs Thomas F, printer, bds 92J s Lee > Jacobs William shipcarpenter, bds L33 s Lee O) Jaeger Frederick, bartender, bds 2 King f^ *Jame8 Robert, lab, h 35 n Henry c Jamieson Andrew, prest Farmers & Mechanics Savings "fan Bank, h Fairfax co c Jamieson G W, (Jamieson & Collins) h 37 s Columbus '^ Jamieson J J, (R M Lawson & Jamieson) and treas Alex CO Com Exchange, h 69 s St Asaph -- JAMIESON & COLLINS, (G W Jamieson & -Q* C H Collins) iron and brass founders, machinists and engine builders, Royal cor Wilkes ^ *Jamieson Elias, blacksmith, h 331 King c« Janney Eli H, patentee, h 326 King o. Janney Henry, bookceper, h 22 s Fairfax 2. Janney M H, (Janney & Co) & (S H Janney & Son) h 235 King Janney S H, (Janney & Co) & (S H Janney & Son) h 22 s "^ Fairfax -a ^ G. W. JAMIESON. C. H. COLLINS § JAMIESON & COLLINS, g IRON iSi BRASS FOUNDEIRS^ S MANUFACTURERS OF i \m\ CASiiHES, m mosTS, ornauenial raiunss, columns S AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS, 03 M Machine and Plough Castings and Mill Gearing of all kinds, Steam En- "^ gines, Hoisting Machines, Sumac Mills, &c. % COENEE OF EOYAL AND WILKES STEEET, £ Terms Cash. ^LEX^ISTDRI^, ^V^^. Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. JA [93] JO C:> — ■ m Janne}' S H & Son, (S H & M H Janney) insurance agts, m 145 Kin^: ^ Janney & Co, (S H & M H Janney & A A Warfield) drug- R» ovists, 145 King ^^ *Jarboe Andrew^ lab, h 138 Wolfe =o Jasper Andrew A, carpenter, h 39 n Alfred ^ Jasper D N, carpenter, h 13 Prince IE Jasper Elisha, lab, h Fayette nr Queen ^ Jasper Eliza, wid Thomas, h 39 n Alfred - Jasper John R, carpenter, h 39 n Alfred 3> Jasper Joseph W, carpenter, h 196 Duke P^ Jasper Thomas E, carpenter, h 39 n Alfred X Javins James A, bricklayer, h 9 s Alfred ^ Javins J D, elk h 167 Duke g Javins J R, bricklayer, h 42 Wolfe § Javins Margaret, wid William, h 96 s Pitt ^ Javins Richard, bricklayer, h 47 n Alfred "* Javins William, bricklayer, bds Railroad Hotel ^ *Jefferson John, lab, h 103 s Royal ^ Jefferson Joseph, h 77 Duke ^ Jefferson Minerva A, wid Henry , h 77 Duke so *Jefferson Peter, baker, h 103 s Royal ^ Jeffries Frederick, stair builder, h 70 n Alfred ^ Jeffries J W, baggage master, h 234 Prince 2- Jenkins B H, carpenter, h 39 n Washington ^ *Jenkins Charles, lab, h 15 n Henry ^ *Jenkins Jonah, lab, h 21 n Henry ^ *Jenkins Robert, blacksmith, Union cor Duke, h 60 Duke -^ Jenkins Sarah E, wid Arthur, dressmaker, h 53 Wolfe O Jenkins William H, carpenter, h 57 s Columbus c: Jennings Julia A, wid John, cakes, &c, 290 King o Jett Charles H, lab, bds 253 Duke =^ Jett Edward S, carpenter, h 205 Duke ^ Jewish Synagogue A A Bonnheim rabbi, Washington bet o Cameron and Queen 32 *Johnson Albert, lab, h Oronoko nr St Asaph cd Johnson Ann wid John, h 174 Cameron -r, *Johnson Beverly, lab, h 296 n Columbus ^ *Johnson Caesar, lab, h 96 s Washington ^ JOHNSON C M, wid John T, dress and cloak ^" maker, 14 s Fairfax p CTJ Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family JO ~ [94J JO ^ *Johnsoii Edgar W, lab, h 67 n Pitt 32 *Johiison Fenton, lab, h Pitt cor Oronoko <=> Johnson George W, tanner, h 13 s Patrick o *Johnson Henry, lab, h 37 s Peyton ^ Mohnson Henry lab, h 81 n Patrick ^ *Jobnson Henry, lab, h Fayette nr Queen .^ *Johnson Henry, welldigger, h Pitt nr Princess g *Johnson Isaac, shoemaker, St Asaph nr Cameron CJ Johnson James, section master W & O R R, bds 253 Duke 03 *Johnson James, blacksmith, h 134 s Washington "^ JOHNSON J B, mayor and physician, 12 s Co- "2 lumbus. IE Johnson John, boatman, h 29 Queen "T *J()hnson Johii, porter, h Fairfax nr Wilkes c *Johnson John, lab, li 139 n St Asaph ® *Johnson John, lab, h 150 s Alfred ^ *Johnson John D, h 21 s Union ^ JOHNSON JOHN M, lawyer, 82 Prince h 210 o Prince 3 Johnson John R, tanner, h 83 s Washington c *Johnson Major, drayman, h 151 s Fairfax *Johnson Matthew, lab, h St Asaph nr Wythe o *Johnson Nelson, lab, h West nr Qneen ^ Johnson Noble, boatman, h 29 Queen CO Johnson Richard, boatman, h 29 Queen — Johnson Robert, foreman tanner, h Washington cor Duke CD *Johnson Robert, lab, h 145 s Columbus ^h^ ^_^_ J JOHN M. JOHNSON, Attmwmmw At tmw o - I — m X >- 30 Ct) so CD —J WM. A. JOHNSON, —i N. E. COE. CAMERON AND ROYAL STS., ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, o- CD J8^°A11 Orders from the country will receive prompt Attention. Also Agent for Eastern and W. A. Johnson & Go's brand of Potomac Fish. Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Fanjily g JO [96] KA E - = -g Jones George W, waterman, h 97 s Lee £ *Jone8 Gilbert, lab, h Friendship alley t*_ *Jones Henry, lab, h Wilkes nr Pitt *^ *Jones Hill, blacksmith, h Fuirfiix co ^ *Jones Hill, lab, h 206 Franklin . *Jones James, lab, h Payne nr Queen e/5 *Jone8 John, lab, h Henry nr Duke -E Jones John A, conductor bds Mansion House t^ *Jones Louis, lab, h 109 8 St Asaph IIj Jones Point Light house, Benjamin Greenwood keeper, ^_5 extreme s end Lee S *Jone8 Richard, lab, h Pitt cor Oronoko ^ Jones Samuel L, baggage master, bds 13 s Henry O- *Jones Sandy, lab, h West nr Cameron CO *Jones Scott, waiter, h 107 s Royal ^ Jones Stephen, patternmaker, h 36 n Fairfax ^ *Jones Thornton, lab, h Fairfax n of canal basin *~ *Jones Walter, lab, h Queen alley -E *Jones William, lab, h Prince nr Payne 2£ *Jordan Alexander, lab, h Fighting alley =3 *Jordan Moses, lab, h Fairfax nr Jefferson c Joyce Charles R, machinist, h 203 King "" Joyce Edwin C, elk, bds 203 King ^_ Judson Judson, machinist, 168 Franklin o *Julius Peter, lab, h Muirs alley c3 Kane Alexander, machine operator h 29 s Fairfax ^ VIRGINIA, MARYLAND & D. C DEP'T. ^ COLUMBIA LIFE INSURANCa COMPANY, o GEORGE JOHNSTON, Manager, c3 E -a o o fcJD <: OFFICES-ALEXANDRIA, VA, AND NO. 8 GERMAN STREET, BALTIMORK Agent at Alexandria, "Va., For Georgia Home Fire Insurance Company, Columbus, Ga. Merchants & Mechanics Fire Ins. Co., Richmond, Va. Old Dominion Fire Insurance Company, Richmond, Va. Albemarle Fire Insurance Company, Charlottesville, Va. B i scuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. KA [97] KE Kano 01i;irles H, brickniaker, li 46 s Alfred rn Kaufman Joseph, l)Oots & shoes, 108 King h 35 n Fairfax rn *Keath Isaac, lab, h w end King- Keating Andrew P Kev, S J, asst pastor St Mary's h 72 R' Duke CO Keating Patrick, h 21 n Payne § Keegan Patrick, conductor, h 177 Duke — I Keene John D, elk, h 212 Cameron ^ Keeyes Francis, pih)t, h 47 s Pitt :jj Kehoe John, fireman, Duke bet Columbus & Alfred *Keith Samuel, variety, 187 Duke h 16 s Peyton ^ Kell Artluir C. painter. 21 King, h 63 n St Asaph m Kell 1 M, elk, bds 42 Queen g KellL II, elk, h 42 Queen g Kell Mary, wid Isaac, bds 42 Queen C3i Kell Milton, elk, h Queen cor Fairfax ^ Kelle}' Henry II, coppersmith, h Patrick nr Franklin ^ Kelley John, lab, h Columbus cor Wolfe ^ Kelley Jolm, boatman, h Cameron cor Union ^ Kelley John R, lab, h Queen alley - *K('liev Pobertson, cooper, h 42 n Henry ^ Kelle}'"^ Thomas, lab, h 130 Wolfe ^ Kellv Charles W, boatman, h 111 s Fairfax ^ Kelly Ellen, wid John C, h 111 s Fairfax g" Kelly George, lab, h Oronoko nr lioyal ^ Kelly G F," (Kelly & Carter) bds Duke nr Lee ^ Kelly James L, engineer, h 53 Gibbon ^ Kelly John L, boatman, h 111 s Fairfax ^ Kellv Mary A Mrs, boarding, 53 Gibbon -+i Kelly Thomas L, bricklaver'; h 102 Prince B. Kelly & Carter, (G F Kefly & W E Carter) grocers and "" com mers, 89 Cameron — Kemp E B, eld, h n Washington nr King o. Kemp Thomas E, carpenter, h 8 n Washington ^ Kemper K, lawyer and notary and ins agt, 56 King h 178 S, Cameron ~n *Kenney Jasper, lab, h Royal nr Gibbon -s Kent Linden, (Kent & Neal,) bds 120 Duke g, KENT & NEAL, (Linden Kent and S C Neal,) ^ lawyers, King cor Fairfax (see adv next page) ? Kerbv F A, real estate agt, 56 King h 67 Queen 13 Use George R. Hill (Si Co.'s Superior Family o o ^ KE [98] KI lO — ^ Kersey John, li 186 Duke r= Kersey Matthew, tugboat captain, h 69 s Pitt E Ketcharn Theodore, brakeman. li 312 King ^ Ketland Wm A, produce, stall 41 veg mkt, h IIG Duke ^ Keyes Georc^e W, engineer, h Duke nr Payne o Keves John A. tailor^h 6 s St Asaph ^ Kidwell Alfred, carpenter, h 201 Duke -2 Kidwell Charles, h 204 Franklin E Kidwell Harriet, wid Presley, h 9 s Alfred ^ Kidwell John H, shoemaker, h 98 Queen ^ Kidwell John 11, fireman, h 182 Franklin = Kilgour William, lawyer, room 4 mkt ho bldg, Cameron "^ St entrance, h 189 Cameron ^ Kincholoe Elias W, farmer, h Duke cor Lee CJ Kincheloe Rozier R, h Duke cor Lee j^ Kincheloe Samuel C, bookkeeper, bds Duke cor Lee c: *King Albert, lab, h Oronoko nr Pitt ^ King Arthur J, painter, h 94 s St Asaph 2^ King Charles, elk, h 197 King King George T, barber, Cameron cor Henry o *King Hannibal S, whitewasher, h 188 Queen '•^ King Henry, driver, extreme w end Duke ^ *King Jacob, waterman, h r 180 Gibbon 2 KingJames W, boatman, h 17 Wolfe Q- King Jane, wid James, h 94 s St Asaph *c€ King John, lab, h Patrick s of Jefferson > King Samuel H, h 87 Prince _^ King Sarah Miss, tailoress, 75 Wolfe I — King Shirley J, waterman h 55 n Royal c ■ • ' ' ' ■ '"2^ LIXDEN KEXr. S. C. KEALE CORNER KINC AND FAIRFAX STREETS, ^— > CO - ALEXANDRIA, VA. CO Practice in the Courts of Alexandria and adjoining Counties. CO Biscuits, Cra ckers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. KI [99] LA *King William, lab, li Oronoko nr Pitt King William M, conductor, h 202 Cameron ^ Kingsley James ^, elk, bds 251 King m Kingsley Joseph, clothier 251 King ^ Kingsley Joseph Jr, conductor, bds 251 King- Kingston Samuel, h 71 n St Asaph ^ *Kinney Thomas, hostler, h Royal nr Wilkes OO Kinslow Owen, carpenter h 36| s Lee <— ^ Kinslow Susan Mrs, h S6h s Lee — I Kinslow Thomas, foreman carpenter, b 58 s Royal ^ Kinzer Margaret G, wid I Louis, h 248 King zjd Kinzer Vv^ \V, elk, h 248 King Kirby F A Jr, elk, b Royal cor Queen Kirk Harrison, butter and eggs stall 30 veg mkt h 80 Queen Kissler John, confectioner, b 38 s Alfred ^^ Kissner Gottlieb, gardener, west of Patrick n Franklin o *Kitts Moses, bar, Union nr Oronoko ^ Kleindienst J H, restaurant, 32 n Royal > Klipstein Georo;e T, medical student, bds 141 Prince KLIPSTEIN WM B, physician, 141 Prince J Knight Ferdinand, carman, h 45 Gibbon - Knox James, porter, h Cameron nr Pitt ^ Knox Robert F, secy Alex Commercial Exchange, b 204 sd Prince c Kraft't Louis, draughtsman, h 12 n Royal ^ Kramer Frederick, carpenter, h 12 n Fayette '^ Krieg Godfrey, grocer, 97 s Washington, h 95J s Wash- ington Krieg Gottfried, upholsterer, h Wolfe nr Columbus *Kyer Marshall, lab, h Oronoko nr Royal *Kyer William, rags, b Oronoko nr Royal 5> I — m X 3> Z3D T I CD *Lacey Solomon, carpenter, b Royal nr Franklin co *Lacy William H, lab, h Pitt nr Pendleton Ladd Nicholas, h 47 n Henry Lair Charles, tinner, h Pitt nr Oronoko Laliy John, produce stall 38 and 39 veg mkt, h 27 Queen o Use George R. Hill &, Co.'s Superior Family O LA [100] LA _E L:inib(iin J 11, architect, over King cor Fairfax, h 48 n ^ Patrick — i Lambdin Sylvatius, carpenter, li 68 n Alfred J- Lambdin William N, bricklayer, li 48 n Patrick .2 Lambert Adeline, wid Benjannn, h 84 Duke o Laml)crt Benjamin II, li 76 Duke -g LAMBERT WILLIAM H, cashier Citizens c5: Natl liank, h 93 Duke . Lanagan Kiciiard, tailor, bds 15 Duke ^ *Lancaster Richard, driver, h 149 s Alfred ^ *Lancaster Richard, waiter, h Gibbon nr Columbus -^ Langley James W, driver, h 32 Cameron Langolf Benjamin J, 89 n Henry -- *Lane Alfred, lab, h 76 n Patrick ^ *Lane Flavins, porter, h Pitt nr Franklin •JZ *Lane George, lab, h 232 Queen ^ Lane Isaac, machinist, h 85 n Columbus .^ *Lane James, lab, h Union nr Princess '>i *Lane James, shoemaker, h 23 n Patrick *Lane John, lab, h Wilkes nr Columbus Lannon John, (J Broadus & Co.) h 99 Cameron LANNON THOMAS, grocer, 101 Cameron, •^ and feed and wood-yard 31 n Pitt, h 39 n Pitt %" Laphen John, grocer, h 26 n Royal "co Laphen Louis, elk, li 26 n Royal Laramand Frank, fireman, bds 13 s Ilenr}^ Lash Geo W, segar manfr, h 79 Fairfax Lash Joseph G, segar manfr over 81 King, h 23 s Fairfax Latham Hugh, mall contractor, h 50 Duke Latham Richard jM, watchmaker, h 25 Prince ■^ Latham R L, watchmaker, h 25 Prince CO Latham W E, machinist, h Duke nr Payne — Lattin Mattliew, lab, h 136 n Columbus <^ Lanpeiner Michael, junk bds, 35 s Union ^ Law Louisa, wid James 0, h 193 Cameron jz Law Ma.fjgie Miss, principal Lee School, h 193 Cameron o Lavvler Edward, lab, h 88 Wilkes .— Lawlcr John, carpenter, h 39 Wolfe o Lawler Martin, grocer, Pitt and Gibbon Lawrence Henry, waterman, h 30 Wolfe d CO o C3 Biscuit, Cracker s and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. LA [101] LE Lawrence Julia, wid V, h 47 Wolfe Laws Newrniin, hoarding-, 253 Duke *Laws Samuel, driver, h 93 s Royal *Lawson r'liarles, lab, h Wolfe nr Columbus Lawson Eleanora Miss, h 20 s Peyton Lawson Josephus, elk and grocer, lis Pavne Lawson R. 15, (R B Lawson & Co,) b 49 s Pitt Lawson R B & Co, (R B Lawson & T W Wbite,) grocers, 67 Cameron Lawson R M, (R M Lawson & Jamieson) b 49 s Pitt LAWSON R M & JAMIESON, (R M Law- son & John J Jamieson) com mers, 69 Cameron Laycock George W, boatman, b 52 Duke Leadbeater E S, (E S Leadbeater & Bro) h 37 s Pitt Leadbeater Tbomas, (E S Leadbeater & Bro) h 9 s Fairfiix LEADBEATER E S & BRO, {i^: S & Thos Leadbeater) druo"gists, wholesale, 5 & 7 s Fairfax CD 30 >- I — m X DEALERS IK Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pat. Medicines, Medical Bags, Trusses, Supporters, Surgical Instruments, Fine Perfumery, Extracts, Colognes, Soaps. Pomades, Hair Oils, Hair Dyes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Hair " Clothes, " Dressing Combs, Teas, Mustard, Spices, Soda, E. S. Le.\dbe.\ter. T. Leadbeater. E, 8, Leateter yro„ (Established 17'.>2, ffllEEiAlE m ElTill AEGiits Ayerill Paints, Patent Roof Paints, &c. LEALEES IN Painter's Colors, Brushes, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Machine " Tanner's " Neatsfoot " Lard " Kerosene " Window Glass, Picture " Putty, Coach Varnish, Furniture " Demar •' Leather " Asphaltum " Indigo, Madder, Ext. Logwood, Copperas, Fine Brandies, Wines & Whiskey for INIedical purposes. PO CD —5 o — •'5 O o CD Use GEO. R. HILL & Co.'s Superior Family ^ LE [102] LK ^o^ Leatherlnnd John, (J Leathorland & Co) & (J Leatlierlaiid .^ & Son) h 53 n Henry ^ Leatherland J W, (J Leatlicrland & Co) bds 53 n Henry -^^ Leatherland J & Son, (John k William D Leatherland) co[d & wood, h 26 King A: Queen cor Lee Leatherland William D, (J Leatherland & Son) bds 6 n Patrick Leatherland & Co, ( J & J W Leatherland, C J) Gemmel & J li Dewey) iron & brass founders, Queen cor Lee Lee Abner A, watchman, h 205 Duke Lee A M, wid S S, h 55 n Washirgton *Lee Anthony, lab, h 103 s lioyal '^ J.,ee Bernard, lab, h 16 n E'ayette ^ *Lee Bernard, lab, h Payne nr Cameron ^ Lee Building, for schools, Alfred nr Princess LEE O F Jr, plaster mills and dealer, Princess nr Lee, h 46 s Washington, (see advt page 4) j/3 *Lee Charles, lab, h Henry nr Prince ^ *Lee Charles H, lab, b Prince nr West ^ *Lee Clagett, lab, h Washington bet Duke & Wolfe 5_ LEE EDGAR W, wheelwright and blacksmith, ^ Lee cor Fayette alley, h 53 n Pitt *Lee Friday, lab, h Henry nr Princess *Lee George, lab, h Payne nr Cameron *Lee George, lab, h Washington nr Franklin *Lee Henry, lab, h Cameron cor Payne *Lce Henry, lab, h Pitt nr Franklin Lee J A M, wid R B, h 203 Prince Lee Jennie, wid Napoleon, dressmaker, h 228 Duke *Lee John W, fireman, h Aluirs alley as E _o be o -♦— > o o Q_ *Leonard Charles, lab, b al bet Duke & Prince & Patrick "" and Henry ^ Letchford John, brakeman, h 253 Duke »i. *Level James, lab, h Pitt nr Franklin S^ *Lewis lab, h 141 s St Asaph ^ Lewis Amanda M, wid William, b 81 Prince 5* *Lewis Anthony, lab, h extreme w end Duke _^' *Lewis Benjamin, lab, b nr Pitt & Wythe sd *Lewis Henry, lab, b Royal cor Henderson alley q_ *Lewis Henry, lab, h 2 s Columbus ^ *Lewis Jeremiah, lab, h 13 s St Asapb o *Lewis Jesse, lab, b Princess nr Henry ^" *Lewis John, lab, h Royal nr Franklin ^ *Lewis Joseph, lab, b Franklin nr Union ^ Lewis M M, physician, 23 n Washington h 25 n Washg'n o- *Lewis Rueben, lab, h West nr Queen ^ *Lewis Robert, lab, h Union cor Wolfe *Lewis Thomas, lab, h Fairfax nr Jefferson Life Ins Co of Va, 56 King "T3 c: o E Use George R. Hill &, Co/s Superior Famil y LI [104J LE *Lightfoot Jefterson, lab, h Franklin nr Pitt *Lightfo()t Larkin, lab, h Oronoko nr Pitt *Liiicoln Josepli, lab, li alley bet Prince and Dnke & Co- o lunibus and Alfred CD Lindheimer Samuel, dry goods and millinery 76 King, h O 50 King ^ Lindig Elizabeth, wid Earnest, li 50 n Fairfax ^ Lindsey James E, elk, bds 04 s Lee CD Lindsey J T, (N Lindsey & Co,) h 64 s Lee ~ Lindsey Julia, Avid James, li 64 s Lee - Lindsey Noble, ^N Lindsey & Co.) h Lee nr Duke o Lindsey IS" & Co, (Noble k J T Lindsey.) grocers and sLip- "o store, 6 & 8 King Q_ Lindsey' Samuel, machinist, h 67 s Leo c5 Lindsey Samuel E, elk, h 187 Cameron > Lindsey Thomas, elk, h 64 s Lee ^ *Little Edward, lab, h Columbus nr Queen h- Littletield Susan, wid Tljcodore.h 68 s Lee _c Liverpool & London & Globe Lis Co, P B Ilooe agt ft iX) i^rinee ^ *Livure Moses, lab, h Washington nr Franklin ^ Lloyd E J, h 134 Queen — Lloyd 11 Nelson, student, h 125 Queen r Lloyd Isaac S, 2seco-hand furniture, 27 Prince ?^ Lloyd James L, segarmaker, h Queen rir Fairfax Lluyd John T, shoenmker 56 u Fairfax, h Queen nr Lee Lloyd ATary, wid Frank, h 125 Queen Lloyd Samuel W, h 31 Queen Llovd William T, shoemaker, h Columbus nr Gibbon ''LODER HARRY" steamer for Potomac river L-iiulings, Capt James Quinton ft of King *Logan William, lab, h Columbus nr Gibbon *Lomas David, lab, b 74 n Fairfax *Lomax Addison, porter h Oronoko nrPitt *Lomax Arthur, driver, h aliey bet Alfred and Patrick c« and Cameron and Queen *Lomax P>everly, lab, h 75 Commerce ^ *Lomax Page, lab, h nr cor Wilkes and Lee o *Lomax Tlioraas, fireman, li 1st nr Koyal ^ Lonergan John, bar, Mansion House : Lonergen Michael, milkman, h 138 n Columbus c3 C3 .sz. "Q3 03 E O Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. LO [105] LU ■ — ' o *Long Jumes, lab, h Henry nr Prince ^ Lount Viro^inia, wid Wni R, h 49 n Royal m Love Olivia J, wid Peter, his Columbus -^ Lovelace William H, fisherman, h r 82 n Fairfax ^ Loveless Mary, wid Archibald, h L^nion cor Duke qq Loveless Ottoway, lab, h Cameron nr Peyton g Loven Leland, lab, h 10 s West I Lovejoy Francis, engineer, h 136 n Columbus ZC Lovejoy Isaac B, ganger, h 39 Prince ^ *Lovett J. David, "lab^ h 186 Queen Loving George, lab, W C V M & G S R R >^ JiOwe Caroline, wid Alfred, h 314| King m Lowe David A, notary public, h 56 Duke X Lowe David A, driver, h Royal nr Wolfe ^ Lowe Edgar R, tel operator, bds 56 Duke ^ LOWE E M, Judge Corp Court, office 7 s Royal ^ Lowe Fredk R, mate, bds 56 Duke _p> Lucas Alphonzo, carpenter, h 74 n Patrick ^^ *Lucas Carter, lab, h 225 n Washington 5> Lucas Catharine A, wid James, h Orouoko nr Pitt >^ Lucas George, fisherman, h Pitt cor Oronoko S Lucas James, fisherman, h Pitt cor Oronoko ^ Lucas Kate Mrs, (Lucas & Burroughs) h Patrick nr Queen c LUCAS R T, City Sergeant, room 4 mkt ho ^ bldg Fairfax entrance, h City Jail c *Lucas Uriah, lab, h Oronoko cor Patrick S *Lucas Walter, cooper, h 27 Princess co Lucas & Burroughs, ( Kate Lucas and Emma Bur- o roughs) milliner}-, 92 King "^ Luckett James T, elk, h 273 Duke =: '*Luckett John, lab, h 15 n Pitt y^ Luckett Robert, driver, h 19 n Pitt 5" Ludwick John H, brass finisher, bds 173 Duke ^ Ludwick Wallace, moulder, h Alfred cor Wilkes q Ludwig Charlotte, wid Fred, h 92 Franklin "^ *Lumpkins G A, shoemaker and boarding 179 King ^ *Lumpkins P H, elk, bds 179 King 3 Lunt John D H, drug elk, bds Cameron nr Pitt Lunt Samuel H, druggist, King cor Washington, h Cam- eron nr Pitt 14 c5 Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Famil y O LY [106] MC wo = Lyles Alexander, carpenter, 54 s Fairfax, h 84 s Fairfax r^ Lyles Arthur D, h 203 Duke E *Lyles Charles, gardener, h 172 Franklin «i2 Lyles Charles W, wheelwright, bds 97 s Henry ^ Lyles Christopher T, police, h 226 Prince o Lyles Edgar, shoemaker, h 88 Prince ^^ Lyles Enoch, h 15 Duke -2 Lyles George, painter, h King nr Columbus 2£ Lyles George H, variety store and police, 188 King g Lyles George T, blacksmith, bds 97 s Henry ^ Lyles Lambert D, shoemaker, li 29 Commerce = Lyles Kichard H elk, bds 15 Duke "^ *Lyles Richard H, caulker, li 45, s Alfred - Lyles Samuel, cooper, b St Asaph nr Pendleton O Lyles William H, boilermaker, h 97 s Henry - Lyons Charles E, sailor, b Gibbon nrPitt _c *Lyons David, lab, h 143 s Columbus ^ Lyons John, waterman, h 9 Wolfe ^ Lyons Mary, wid Robert, h 30 n Pitt -^ Lyons Philip W, fisherman, h 30 n Pitt o Lynch John, watchman, h 224 Queen '■g Lynch John, Jr, porter, h 224 Queen 05 Lynch Michael, engineer, h 126 Wolfe o Lynch Thomas, lab W C V M & G S R R Q- Lynch William William, watchman, h Queen nr Fayette c5 Lynchburg Fire Ins Co, 145 King — McBurney Alexander, (George McBurney & Son,) h 217 ^ Duke 'a McBurney George, (George McBurney & Son,) h 217 "^ Duke "o McBurney Georijc Jr, book keeper, bds 217 Duke i McBURNEY GEORGE ^& SON, (George & > Alexander McBurney) grocers 168 and 170 King — McCann Ann J, wid Patrick, h 126 n Columbus i2 McCann Bernard, porter, h Patrick cor Princess S McCann Jane, wid Michael, h P22 n Columbus *P McCarty Eliza, wid Charles, b Fayette nr Prince Biscuits, Crackers and Cak es, Alexandria, Va. MC [107]" MC McCarthy Florence, locktender, h Fairfax cor Franklin McCarthy Lawrence, grocer, 184 Fairfax McCanley Daniel, lab, h canal basin n end Washington G^ McClish George, h 78 Duke ^ McCoUey Patrick, bartender, bds Fairfax cor Princess m McCracken George, boatman, bds 147 s Lee -^ McCracken James E, waterman, h 73 Wilkes R* McCracken Jane, wid James, h 53 Wilkes do McCracken John C, h 22 s Lee ^ McCracken Maxwell, h 53 Wilkes — I McCuen Albert, fisherman, h 62 n Lee ^31 McCuen Eliza A, wid Thomas, h 42 s Alfred 5S McCuen James, carpenter, h Oronoko nr Alfred ^ McCuen James Jr, carpenter, h Oronoko nr Alfred ^ McCuen John, bds 161 Oronoko rn McCuen John, lab, h 122 n Columbus X McCuen John W, lab, h 62 n Lee g McCuen Robert, carpenter, h Gibbon nr Pitt ^^ McCuen Robert G, carpenter, h Gibbon nr Pitt 30 McDermott John P, blacksmith, h 212 Queen :>. McDermott Maria, wid Patrick, varity store, 212 Queen McDermott Thomas, grocer, Royal cor Oronoko ^ McDonald Bayliss, brakeman, h 53 Gibbon j; McDowell Maria, wid James, h 188 Duke ^^ McFarland James, lab, h Pitt cor Oronoko McFarland John, lab, h 272 n Columbus McFarland Sophia, wid Patrick, grocer, Fairfax cor ^ Oronoko o_ McGahey John, grocer, King cor Patrick c: *McGerritt Carlisle, carpenter, h Pitt nr Oronoko cd McGrath Robert, h Queen nr Fayette <^ McGraw E J, elk, bds 177 King o McGraw James E, sumac manfr, 303 King, h 177 King ~^ McGraw Miss Julia, 8 s St Asaph Mc Guigan Angenetta Miss, h 228 Wilkes *McIntosh Robert, lab, h 111 s St Asaph o *McIntosh Stanfield, lab, h 111 s St Asaph ^ McKenna Francis, h Washington nr Wythe ^ McKenney Charles H, waterman, h 69 Wolfe McKenney James E, lab, h 87 s Union McKenney John W, oyster opener, h 22 Wolfe s:^ sa o CD .o o Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family MC [108] mX Mclvenncv Peter, mariner, steamer "City of Alexandria" McKENZIE LEWIS, prest Washington & Ohio R R Co, Fairfax cor Princess h 55 Prince *McKinney Charles, lab, h 155 s Alfred McKnight Wm II, (Swain & MeKnight,) h 38 s St Asaph « MeKnight William P, publr Southern Churchman, h 38 o s St Asaph Q- McLean Anthony, aud W C V M & G S R R, h 14 s Alfred ^ McLean Donald, elk W C V M & G S R R, h 14 n Alfred >• McLean James H, oysters & fish, 77 Prince h 59 s Fairfax ^ McLEAN MALCOLM, asst trans agt W C V h- M & a S R R, bds 14 n Alfred .= McLean Virginia B, boarding, 58 n Washington fcj3 McLean Wilmer, gauger, h 58 n Washington .E McNeal Jane E, wid Wm R, h w e Duke nr stone bridge 3 McVeigh J Harvey, h 117 Queen ^ McVeigh William* X, h 37 s St Asaph ■- McVeigh William N Jr, h 37 ^s St Asaph -o McWiliiams James, elk, bds King nr Fairfax -^ Macuieen John, lab, h Lee nr Princess *Madden Burgess, carpenter, h Payne nr Queen ^MADDEN S W Rev, pastor 1st Col Baptist Churcli, h 64 s St Asaph *Ma(lella John II, waiter, h Columbus nr Wolfe *Madella Richard, h 134 Wolfe *Madella Silas, whitewasher, h Columbus nr Wolfe *Madella Wm, (Madella & Palmer,) h Wolfe nr Columbus *Madella & Palmer, (Wilham Madella & Daniel Palmer.) barbers, 202 King Madigan P, brakeman, h 88 s Henry *MagVuder Dennis, bartender, h Gibbon nr St Asaph Magruder F, tailor, 9 n Washington h 210 Franklin Magruder Margaret, wid Albert, h 75 Prince 03 a. o "co c: CO cr _o =3 "^ CO o E *Magrader Peter, lab, h 63 s Washington o Mahone Thomas, drayman, h 147 Oronoko Maine Robert, harnessmaker, h s Lee nr King __ Maith William, steamboat captain, bds 45 Duke 'c= *Maior William, plasterer, h Commerce nr Peyton 2 *Maiors Henry H, butcher, h Fairfax co w end Duke ^ ^Majors Reuben, lab, h Patrick nr Gibbon Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. MA [109] MA ~ O Makely Wesley, h 83 s Henry ro *.Mallory Nimrod, porter, h 33 Commerce ^ Miinliattan Fire Ins Co of New York, 97 King ^ Maukin Charles h 36 n Patrick ^ Mankiii E A, wid Mark, b 75 s Lee Mankiu Elizabeth, wid Charles, b 18 s Alfred °g Mankin George H, carpenter, h w end Duke C3 Mankin yanuiel A, grocer, Lee cor Wolfe ^ Mankin William B,''carpenter, b w end Duke pri Mankins E, fireman, W C V M & G S R R fO Unnley David, lab, b alley bet Prince & Duke & Alfred ^^^ Patrick f— Manly Francis X, shoemaker, b 141 s Fairfax ^ *Mann Thomas, buckster, b 55 s Peyton -j^ Mansfield Freeman, carpenter, b 228 Duke ^ Mansfield James H, ^Hanraban & Mansfield) bds 38 n St CJ Asaph rr MANSION HOUSE, James Green proprietor i^ Fairfax cor Cameron < Mantor E B, lawyer, bds Alexandria House - Marburv F F, elk, W C V M & G S R R "^ Marbur>, W H, treas W C V M & G S R R, b 109 Prince g" Marchant J A, carpenter, b 319 King ^ Marcs Louis, watchmaker, 162 King ^ Mark Ellen Miss, b 214 King ^ Markell Charles F, lawyer, bds 296 King ^ Markell Georee E, printer b 64 Wolfe ^ Markell George H, elk h 24 s Lee ^ Markell Samuel D, cabinetmaker, b 81 Prince ^ Markell Samuel W, turner, 81 Prince O Markell William C, plasterer, b Pitt nr Wolfe ^ Markland Ann. wid James, b 16 s Wasbington ^ MARKET H0US3, Cbarles Neale market mas- =r ter Fairfax, Royal and Cameron streets ^ Marks Patterson, boatman, b over 27 Prince O *Marlow Cbarles, lab, b Gibbon nr St Asapb 33 *Marr James, lab, b 150 s Alfred cd Marriott John, dep col Nortbern District, room 6 mktbo -n bldg Royal cor Cameron, b 98 s Lee ^ Marshall Alfred J, painter, b 7 n Fayette =. Biscuit, Crackers and Cakes> Alexandria, Va. "E MA [110] MA cs bO *Mar8hall Charles, lab, h ft Oroiioko *^ *Marshall Edward, carpenter, b nr Wilkes and Lee C/5 Marshall Henry M, elk, bds Prince cor Columbus Marshall James, elk P O, b 9 s Patrick "c *Marshall James, lab, h 11 n Henry c Marshall John A, grocer, Duke cor Henrv, bds Payne nr Z. Duke ^ •Marshall John H, lab, h Washington nr Franklin QC Martin Charles A, undertaker, h 11 s Patrick a> *Martin George, lab, h 155 s St Asaph ■£ Martin L C, h 69 n Henry -o Martin Sarah A, \\\d Henry A, h 69 n Henry ^ *Martwood John, lab, li Pitt nr Oronoko Qj Maryo Morton, elk Corporation Court, h 56 n Wash- tD C3 ^ ington O) CO Marye R T, elk, h 56 n Washington Maryland & Virginia Ferry from^Alex to Oxen hill, Md B Wheat prest ft Fayette alley *Ma8on Alfred, lab, h Prince nr Payne *Mason Edmund, lab, h Pitt nr Franklin E *Mason Frank, steward, h Muirs alley i_ *Mason John, driver, h 137 n Fairfax g Mason L, lab, WCVM&GSRR Q- *Mason Richard, porter, h r Columbus nr Cameron *Mattison William, lab, h Jail alley ® May John W, elk, bds 39 n St Asaph o O .o o Use GEO. R. HILL & Co/s Superior Famil y MA [HI] ME MAY W H, agricultural implements and seeds and fertilizers, 11 n Fairfax and 38 s Union h 39 so n St Asaph ji;^ Mayes Carrie, wid J F, h 64 Prince Z Mayhew William, shoemaker, h Oronoko iir St Asaph o^ Mays Georo^e W, bao;o;a(re mastei-, bds 13 s Henry Maxwell C^Carroll, prin^ter, bds 63 Wolfe °g Maxwell George W, plasterer, h 63 Wolfe O Maxwell Lee, printer, h 85 Prince ~j Maxwell Virginia, wid George W, grocer, 63 Wolfe p-. Maxwell William, printer, h 63 Wolfe _30 *Meade Bailey, waiter, h Henry nr Queen Meade Chapel, (cold), in charge Christ Church, Colum- ^ bus cor Princess m Meade R H, brakeman h 8 s West ^ Medley 1^ B, gunsmith, 35 King, h 43 a Lee 2; Meeks Albert, brakeman, h Union cor Duke O Meeks John, carpenter, h Union cor Duke ES Mehaftey T J, (T J Mehaffey & Co,) h 138 Duke :t> Mehafiey J T & Co, (J T Meheffey & J R Zimmerman) " coal and wood. Union cor Queen ^ Melchur Ferdinand, butcher stall 26 mkt, h 57 Prince - Mellon Sarah Mrs, h 70 n Fairfax ^ Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co of N Y, 145 King g Merchant George W, elk, bds Prince nr Payne cd" Merchant Robert, varnisher, h Prince nr Fayette co Merchant Samuel H, h Prince nr Payne — Merchant William A, elk, bds Prince nr Payne ^ Apiltiiral lifliilraeits, Field anfl fiardei Seeils, so —5 o o GENERAL AGENT FOR CI- BUFFALO PITTS THRESHERS, HHEBARD REAPERS & MOWERS m mwi m sons sufes fbosfbatl CD ALSO AGENT FOR ^ Buckeye, McCormick and Woods Reapers and Mowers — Bickford and Huffman Drills, 11 N. FAIRFAZ STREET AND 38 S. UNION STREET. -o Use George R. Hill di Co.'s Superior Family o d I Me [112J MI ^ Merchants Line IS" Y Steamers, F A Reed agent, 6 Jan- Qc ney's wharf Merchants & Mechanics Insurance Co of Richmond Va, 103 King *Merritt John, waiter, h 154 Princess 1 Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev Wm C Webb pastor, ^ Washington bet King and Prince — Methodist'Episcopal Church colored. Rev R P Bell pasi- 2^ tor, Washington nr Gibbon Ij Methodist Episcopal Church South, Rev J Hoffman Waugh pastor, Washington nr King Methodist Protestant Church, Rev James K Nichols pas- tor, Washington bet King and Cameron *Middleton David, lab h Pitt nr Gibbon ^ Miflleton Henry, coachmr, 51 s Columbus, h 227 Prince Miffleton Henry Jr, blacksmith bds 237 Prince MitHeton James M, coachpainter h 237 Prince Milburn Austin, enfrineer, h 39 n Fairfax Milburn Ethelbert, (J C & E Milburn) h 95 s Pitt Milburn J Clinton, (J C & E Milburn) h Columbus nr ^ Cameron _E MILBURN J C & E (J Clinton & Ethelbert) Milburn, grocers, 19 n Royal (see adv page 3) "oS Milburn Timothy, lab, h 48 s Alfred ^ *Miles Cornelius, lab, h Ororoko cor Royal ^ Miles James, carpenter, h 10 s Peyton "il Miller Annie, wid Robert H, h 63 s Washington ^ Miller Christian E, h 192 Franklin ^ Miller Elisha J, (E J Miller k Co) h 77 s Washington ^ Miller E J and Co, (E J Miller and T B Hudson) china and glassware, 65 King ^ Miller Henry D, machintst, h 202 Franklin > Miller J R, machinist, h Patrick nr Franklin o Miller Maria, wid Frederick, h 74 sLee c Miller Samuel, h 38 s Washington 5 *Miller Sawney, lab, h Fayette nr Duke *Miller William, lab, h Henry nr Wolfe o *Miller Yancey, lab, h Alfred nr Wolfe §-) Mills Alonzo, elk, h 110 Cameron ! Mills W J, printer, h 101 s Lee rn Milstead John H, carpenter, h 95 s Lee X Milton Austin, engineer, h 39 n Fairfax ^ Miner Richard S, lawyer, bds 9 n Alfred ^-j Miner Virginia A, wid Gilbert S, h 9 n Alfred ^ Mingram Gustavus, upholsterer, bds Alexandria House >■ *Min()r Jordan, hostler, h 152 Queen " *Minor Noble, lab, li 4 n St Asaph ^ Minton John T, engineer, h Fayette nr Prince *Mitcliell Arthur, lab, h Columbus cor Jefterson ^ *.\Iitchell George, porter, h 1S5 Duke ^ Mitchell J D ifev, h 62 s Royal c= *M itch ell Joseph, lab, h Piit st alley ^ *Mitchell Joseph W, porter, h 137 Cameron ^ ♦Mitchell R L, h Duke nr Columbus -g Mitchell T Holcomb, bds 62 s Royal ^ Mitchell William T, carpenter, over 11 s Pitt h 47 s Royal Moffett John T, agt, h 330 King -b Monaghan Edward, lab, h 191 Prince ^ Monroe Elizabeth, wid J H, h 36 Queen Monroe George O, elk, h 36 Queen ^ Monroe James T, h 39 s Lee q_ Monroe Samuel L, elk, bds 36 Queen ^ MONROE THOMAS L, painter, 11 s Pitt h S, 80 s Pitt ? Monroe U M, h Prince cor Royal ^ ♦Montgomery J B, waiter, h 84 s Washington ;=;.- Montgomery Margaret Mrs, 119 Prince ^ Moore A T, shoemaker, 23 Prince ^ ^ Moore Andrew J, paperhngr, h Washington nr Franklin 15 o Use Ge orge R. Hill &, Co.'s Su perior Family <=^ MO [1 14] MO •^ — - Moore Annie A, wkl Cornelius A, h 85 Duke r= Moore Bridget, wid Charles, h Washington nr Franklin E Moore Catharine Mrs, h 69 Wolfe «^ Moore Catharine, wid George, h 55 n St Asaph ^ Moore C C, traveling agt Va M R R, h 45 s Pitt o Moore Charles W, machinists, h 146 s Fairfax Moore Charles W, niaehinist, li 49 Duke -*-• Moore Chirence N, machinist, bds 146 s Fairfax ^ *M()ore Cornelius, hib, h Rayiie nr Queen ^ Moore Francis M, machinist, li 85 Duke ^ Moore Garnett C, storekeeper, W & R, Lee & Oronoko = Moore Joseph, lab, h Queen nr Fayette '^ Moore Julian, elk, bds 146 s Fairfax - Moore Mar}', wid Joseph, h 146 s Fairfax Cj) Moore Norman F, teacher, h 85 Duke ^ Moore Norman H, machinist, h 146 s Fairfax c: Moore Samuel, lab, h I'itt nr Princess Q-, Moore T Alfred, moulder, Fairfax nr Wilkes ^^ *Moore Thomas, lab, h Patrick cor Wolfe Moore Yernon C, cabinet maker, bds 146 s F'airfax o *Moore William, lab, h 156 s Alfred '-^ *Moore William, porter, h Queen nr St Asaph ^ Moore Wm A, com mer, 27 n Union, h 59 s Lee 2 Moore AVilliam A, machinist, h 146 s F^airfax Q- Moore William S, blacksmith and machinist, 59 and 65 cS s Union, h 146 s Fairfax >■ Moreton Laura, wid William II, h r 82 n Fairfax _^ Morgan Daniel, paymaster, W C V M & G S R R, bds I — Mansion House c "Morgan Daniel, engineer, h 21 s West ' ^ Morgim E L, student, h 203 Prince -^ Morgan E L, wid Edwin P, h 203 Prince ^ Morgan George II, lawyer, h 142 Duke _^ Morgan Harvey W, watchman, h 39 s West ^ *Morgan Wm H, saloon Union cor Princess, h 156 Queen ^ *Morris P)enjamin, cook, h 266 n Colunlbus > Morris Charles J, lab, h 191 Prince — Morris Price, printei', h 57 King i5 *Morris Samuel, lab, h 15 h Henry ^ Morris Thomas, turner, h 165 Washington V Morris Thomas P, police, h Kinc; nr Fairfax CO J 1 > to Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. MO [115] iMU Morrison James, h 139 Prince *Mosby James, lal), li Fiiirfax nr Montgomery ^— j *.Vioton Howard, li 170 Franklin ^a *Moten John, wlieelwriglit, h Kojal cor Gibbon ^ *Moten Strother, blacksmith and wheelwright 11 s Lee, 2: h 67 s St Asaph "" ^ Mothersead Cristopher, h 37 Dnke *Motley William, lab, h r Lee nr Princess rr: Moulder Virginia, wid William, h 15 n Washington O Mount Vernon Cotton Factory, Washington cor Pendle- ^ ton (not in operation) rn MOUNT VERNON INSTITUTE, Miss M i^ A Roach principal, 12 s Washington (see adv) >• Monntjoy William 11, engineer and machinist, h 22 n pp, Fayette >< *Moxley Moses, carpenter,, h 86 s Washington ^ *Moxley Robert, waiter, h 386 King ^ Muhlhausen Paul, foreman brewery, h 103 n St Asaph ^33 Muir James F, (James F Muir & Bro) bds City Hotel ^ Muir James F & Bro, (James F & John A Muir) furni- ^ ture manufacturers 141 & 143 King < Muir John A, (James F Muir & Bro) bds City Hotel j^ Muir William H, h 52 n Columbus Mullen Catherine, wid John, h 31 Duke ^ Mullen William L, police, h 31 Duke 3 Mulley John, printer, h 26 Henry ^ Mullings Albert J, lab, h 54 n Fairfax o MuUings John, h 33 Queen c= Mumm Nicholas, segar manufacturer, 186 King cd Munford Frederick W, lab h 1st nr Pitt co Munford Richard, lab, h 1st nr Pitt o Murphy Anastacia, wid Patrick, h 119 s St Asaph ~^ Murphy F J Dr, h Washington cor Franklin ^ Murphy Francis, engineer, h 10 n Patrick ^ Murphy John, grocer, Franklin cor Washington ^ *Murphy John,'lab, 258i n Columbus ^ Murphy Joseph, lab, h r 327 King P *Murphy Lloyd, h Washington nr canal basin Murphy Maurice, lab, h 89 s Washington Murphy Miles, lab, h 89 s Washington Murphy Miles, lab, h 119 s St Asaph Use George R. Hili &, Co.'s Superior Family I c MU [116] NA ct3 — - ^^ Murphy Patrick, etigineer, h 229 Prince IH Miir{)liy Richard, fireman, h W^ashington iir Canal basin ^ Murphy Robert, driver, h Princess nr Alfred _^ Murpliy William J, painter, bds 158 Qut^en -^ Murray Alethia S Mrs, variety store 1S3 Gibbon 'o *Murray Charles, lab, h Union nr Wolfe ,^_, Murray Jesse, carpenter, h 54 n Patrick g Murray J W, carpenter, h 188 Gibbon ^ *Murray Lawrence, lab, h 135 s St Asaph bet Queen and Princess o Nails W A, car[)enter, bds Duke nr Fayette f5 Nails Walter E, bookkeeper, bds 50 Wolfe Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. NA [117] NX o Nails William, blacksmith, h Lee cor Franklin [^ Nash M II. supt gas office, 5 mkt bo bidg Royal st entrance :z h 103 s Lee (2° Nash Michael, sexton St Marys Church, h 72 Duke ^ Nasb Robert, en,<2:ineer, bds 45 Duke ^ zxj National ( 'emeterv, (U S) J Vincent Davis supt, w e Wilkes O National Fire Lis'^Co of Balto, 97 King 3 Navlor John H, produce stall, 25 mkt, h 34 s Royal m NEALE CHARLES L, elk of mkt and marble 3^ works, Duke cor Columbus li 94 s Lee 5> Neale Francis C, stonecutter, h 72 s Fairfax ^ Neale James H, marblecutter, h Lee- iir Wolfe X Neale S Chapman, (Kent & Neale,) h 120 Duke g Neale Virginia, wid Christoj)her, h 120 Duke g *Nelson L>avid, bartender, b Union nr Princess ^ Nelson Elizabeth, wid George W, bds 35 Queen -j> Nels.)n William H, carpenter, h Washington nr Jefterson - Nevett Henry J, local ed Alex Gazette, h 70 Duke < Nevett James C, bookkeeper, h 70 Duke ^ *Newby William, lab, h Franklin cor Patrick ^ Newman Ellen P Mrs, matron Alex Orphan Asylum, 90 ^ Wolfe c Newman J Monroe, paymaster W & R R, b 24 s Wasn ^ ington ^ *Newton Mason, lab, h Payne nr Cameron ^ *Nicholas Joseph, lab, h Pitt nr Gibbon -i Nichols James K Rev, pastor M E Protestant Church, h ^ Columubs nr Cameron ~^ Nicholson A J, grocer, 243 Prince ^ Nicholson Henry B, lireman, h Prince cor Alfred c= Nicholson Jemima, wid William C, h 243 Prince o. *Nicolhson Jeremiah, lab, h Muirs alley _ *Nickens Frances, cookshop, over King cor Union ^ *Nickens John, lab, h Gibbon nr St Asapb O *Nickens Robert, porter, h 16 s Fayette ^ Nicklin J R, elk, h 6 s Royal cd Nightingale John C, policeman, b 147 s Lee ^ Nightingale John C Jr, b 147 s Lee -s Nightengale Mahala, wid Joseph, h 84 Prince g; Nightengale Orlanda, lab, h 147 s Lee = Nightengill Joseph A, bricklayer, h Franklin nr Patrick cd Use George R. Hill & Co/ s Superior Family -a NO [118] O'C ^ Nolan William, carpenter, h 28 Prince e^ Noland Catharine, wid Ninirod G, h 35 I*rince ^ Noland Jane, wid Pierce, h Columbus nr Jefterson Noland Nimrod G, painter, h 85 Prince '•^ *Nook John, lab, h Columbus nr Queen <^ *Norman Christopher, porter, h r 56 n Royal ^ Normile ^SPichael, saloon. Prince cor Henry -^ Norris Emiline, wid Albert, h 82 s Washington 'f^p *Norris Isaac, lab, h alley bet Prince & Duke & Columbus ^ and Alfred sz Norris Mark P, car[)eiiter, h 60 n Patrick __ Norris J Edward, plumber & ^-astitter, 11 s Pitt, h 36 n c Pitt 2 Noriss Will J, carpeT)ter, bds 36 n Pitt fcjD North British & Mercantile Ins Co of London, 97 Kins; .-§ NORTON G H Rev, rector St Pauls church'; h o 103 Duke ^^ *Norton Henry, shoemaker, 23 Princess ^ Nott A II & Pro, (A II & Alexander J Nott) woodenware, ^ 69 Kino; E Nott Alexander J, (A H Nott & Bro) h 96 Prince i_ Nott Andrew H, (A H Nott & Bro) h 96 Prince § Nowlaud George A, huckster, h 129 s Fairfiix Q- Nowlaud Chas^V, grocer, 115 s Fairfax, h 129 s Fairfax o Nowlaud James W, restaurant, 31 Prince fiE *Noyc8 Armistead, blacksmith, h 144 s St Asaph -. Noyes Fannie H, wid Ebenezer, h 59 Prince o *Noyes Oliver, blacksmith, h 144 s St Asaph Nugent John, porter, h 188 Duke Nugent dohu T, elk, bds 305 Kincr NUGEISIT OWEN, grocer^SOd King- Nugent Patrick, grocer, Gibbon cor Pitt O ,o o o qI .sz o O'Brien Edward, fireman 186 Franklin, O'Brien Edward H, elk, h 61 St Asaph O'Brien Matthew, h 61 St Asaph O'Brien Thomas, lab, h 194 Prince O'Conner Ellen, wid Patrick, h 194 Prince Biscuit, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. OD [119] PA Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbus bet Cameron and Queen Odd Fellows' Hall (col) Columbus bet Wolfe and Wilkes CD O'Donnell John, lab, h Fayette nr Duke ^ Oelilert Auii'ust, cisC'^r maker, h 80 s Fairfax m Oo-den A Ja^ekson elk V 0, h 220 Prince =2: Oo-deu E, painter, h 99 n Patrick R« Ogden George A, bds 57 n St Asaph ^jj Oo-den Mary E, wid Hezekiah, h 200 Duke 30 Ogden William D, elk, bds 220 Prince ^ O O'Hare Jolm, teamster, h Princess n Fairfax -r- O'KANE DENNIS Rev, S J, pastor St Mary's m Catholic Church, h 72 Duke Old Dominion Fire Ins Co of Richmond, 163 King 5> Old School Baptist Colored Church, Columbus nr Alfred f^ O'Leary Bridget, wid Cornelius, h 28 n Alfred >< O.Leary Cornelius, lab, h 28 n Alfred >■ O'Neal I C, (O'Neal & Corbett) and depy U S marshal, g h 164 Prince § O'Neal Susan Mrs, boardinir 103 Cameron ^ O'Neal & Corbett, (I C O'Neal & F E Corbett,) brick - manfrs s end Washington •< O'Sullivan Daniel, turnkey, h Gibbon nr Columbus ?*" O'Sullivan Jeremiah, tailor, h Peyton cor King "" Otis Samuel, lab, h Patrick s of Jefferson ^ Overton Daniel F, mate, h 63 s Lee ^ Overton Samuel W, steamboat capt, h 63 s Lee ^ Owens Anna V, wid William, h 200 Duke ^ Owens J H, oysters, 198 King 3" Owens John, fireman, h 127 s Alfred _^ Owens Richard, machinist, h 68 n Alfred so —3 C2_ o o Packwood T J, h Wolfe cor Pitt ^ Padgett Charles L, carpenter, h 38 n Alfred 3 Padgett Edgar, bricklayer, bds 52 Prince ^ o- Padgett E E, paperhanger and upholsterer, 210 King 71 Padgett Henry, bricklayer, h 18 n Fayette Padgett John, notions, 242 King Padgett John B, freight agt P F Co, h 34 n Alfred Use George R. Hill &. Co.'s Superior Family PA [120J PA ^ Padgett, John W, (J ^V Padgett & Co) h 40 n Fairfax cr Padgett Joseph, magistrate, h 52 Priiiee .2 Padgett J()se[>h Jr, brieklavfr, h 29 Duke o Padgett J W & Co, (J W ■'Padgett & J II Polhird) sail -— makers over 1 King ■^ Padgett Millard F, bVieklayer, bds 52 Prince <^ Padgett Robert F, eoachmaker, h 40 n Alfred _ Padgett Sally Mrs, h 81 n Columbus § Padirett Sarah L, teacher, h 29 Duke ^ Padgett William F, saddler, h 20 s Alfred ^ Padgett Wihner H, tel o[)erator, h 40 n Fairfax o Padgett W L, millinery & fancy goods, 164 King -^ Patf Frederick, boots & shoes, 98 King, h 35 n Patrick CO *Page Chesley, lab, h 92 n Columbus ^ *Page Isaac, lab, h Royal nr 1st o Page Littleton, tanner^ h 102 s Pitt 5 *Prdmer Daniel, (Madella & Palmer) h 138 Wolfe "^ Palmer M F, wid J D, dressmaker, 9| n Washington . *Parham Anderson, lab, h l*ayne nr Prince (^ Park Phili[», plumber & gastitter, 10 s Fairfax 0^ *Parker Christopher, cooper, h Pitt nr Princess ^ *Parker Gilbert, lab,' h r 175 Wolfe c^ *Parker John F, teacher, h 176 s Fairfax =5 *Parker Joseph, driver, h 147 s Alfred ^ *Parker J W, cook, h 94 s Wyshington ^ *Parker Nonie, lal), h 131 s St Asaph h= *Parker Richard, lab, 41 King -J *Parker Thomas, lab, h 148 Wolfe g *Parker W A, bricklayer, h 150 Wolfe '•^ *Parker William, lab, h Cameron nr Fayette CD *Parker William M, butcher, h Duke nr Peyton o *Parkerson Daniel, carman, h Columbus nr Gibbon D_ Parrott John II, bookseller & stationer, 55 King, h 180 _c« Cameron .^ Parrott John II Jr, agt Amer'n Coal Co, h 180 Cameron ^ ParsoiiH Henry, lab, h 128 n Columbus ^ Parsons Sarah, wid John H, h 128 n Columbus ^ Patterson Ann, wid Edward, h Prince cor Fayette r^ Patterson Daniel, driver, h 74 n Patrick Patterson James, tinner, h Fayette cor Cameron Patterson Jymes W, shoemaker, h 22 Cameroo Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. PA [121] ^PE CD 30 30 Z33 Patterson Thomas, tinner, h Fa_yette cor Cameron Patton H W, segars & tobacco, 18 n Royal li 38 n St Asaph "^ Patton Larkin, lab, h 1st cor Pitt Payne D J, elk, btls City Hotel ^ *Payne George, lab h 95 s Royal ro *PaYne James, lab, h 95 s Royal Payne John, shoemaker, h 75 n Henry *Payne John, porter, h 142 Gibbon *Payne John, lab, h 95 s Royal Payne Louis E, elk count}' court G6 n Columbus, h 75 n Columbus ^ *Payne Randall, lab, h 148 s Alfred m *Pa3-ne W^illiam, lab, h Princess nr Pitt ^ *Payton Frank, })orter. h Royal nr Princess ^ Peabody School buildinic. King cor Alfred C3 Peake 13 F, (B F Peake & Cof bds 127 s Alfred ^ Peake 13 F & Co, (B F Peake, B W Nails and John W ^ Peake) hardware and sash doors and blinds, 187 King ^^ Peake John W, (B F Peake & Co) bds 173 Duke ' 5 Pearl Hominy Mills, George R Hill & Co proprietors. - Lee bet Queen and Princess ^ *Pearson Armistead, lab, h 198 Cameron PENICK G A, Prof Belle Haven Institute h h 117 Queen PENICK W S Rev, pastor 1st Baptist Church, h 56 s Washington ^ PENICK N, principal Belle Haven Institute 117 "^ Queen (see adv page 2) S Penn Benjamin F, upholsterer, h 146 Queen ^ Penn Fire Ins Co of Phila 97 King ~~ Henn Mark E, grocer 90 Queen ^ Penn Thomas, lab, h Princess nr Lee Penn Walter L, boilermaker, h 14 n Patrick ^ *PERPENER A S wood and coal 184 Duke and S Columbus nr King h 194 Duke 'Z Perry John (Smoot & Perry ) h 147 Prince ^ Perry Thomas (agent) com mer 17 King h 147i Prince ;z; *Peters Henry, plasterer, h Pendleton nr St Asaph ^ *Peters Richard, lab, h 34 Duke ? Peters William, driver, h 95 n St Asaph 16 Sii o cz Q- g Use Georg e R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family O Pe" [122] PH y^ Petersburg Savings & Ins Co of Petersburg Va, 97 King .>5 Petersburg Savings & Ins Co, (Marine Dept,) P 13 Ilooe 'E agt ft Prinee ^ Pettitt Jobn T, variety store IGO s Washington ^ Pettitt Kisana Miss, h^96 s Pitt g PETTEY ELI Capt, restaurant King cor Union >^ Pettey George \V, saloon tish whf, li Union nr King o Pettev William, lab, h 171 s Fairfax o Pettey William II T, elk, bds King cor Union = Pettit Amanda, wid George W, h 31 s Columbus o Pettit Cornelia, wid Robert, h Maket Space Jf Pettit Elizabeth, wid William F, h 115 Queen ^ Pettit George W, bartender, h 29 s Union Pettit James L, (Gorman & Pettit,) b 85 Queen J^ Pettit J M, h 98 n Alfred . Pettit Zachary T, boilermaker, h 83 Queen ^ Petty J T, car inspec, h 295 Prince — Peverill Josephine, wid Richard, h Princess cor Pitt eg Peyton Eugene, C, bds, 60 Commerce —^ Pevton Jaines, conductor, bds 56 Commerce Pevton Jolm F, conductor, bds 60 Commerce § Peyton Marv A, wid John S, h 60 Commerce ^ Peyton Millard F, machinist, bds Payne nr Duke ^ *Phenix Slaughter, porter, h 47 s Alfred li; Phillips Cornelius J, police, h 155 s Fairfax . Phillips Cornelius T, cigarmaker, bds 155 s Fairfax > Phillips Ephraim E, baggage master, h 14 n St Asa] ^ Phillips Francis M, clk'^ h 34 Queen s=. Phillips George II, bricklayer, h 157 Oronoko YVON PIKE & CO-, fsOLlCITORS OF PATENTS, -g FOREIGN AND AMERICAN. i Davis Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. Patent Business of every description attended to. q3 .... } Gen. J. W Denver, Gen. Albert Pike. CO References by permission. > ' " Messrs. Pike & Johnson. Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. PH [123] n Phillips James, fisherman, h 54 s Union Pliillips James E, bricklayer, h 9 s Fayette cr> Phillips James L, bricklayer, h 157 Oronoko ^ Pliillips John G, expressman, h 57 s Lee m Phillips Oscar W, cigarmaker, bds 155 s Fairfax 12 Phillips Richard 1^, oysters & fish, ft King, h 54 s Union {go Phillips William II, patternmaker h 73 s Pitt og Phillips Wm II, waterman, btls 155 s Fairfax :=a Phillips William L, conductor, A & F R R h 46 n Alfred ^ Pickin Charles II, machinist, ods 109 King 31 Pickin James 11, tinner, h 199 King m Pickin James R, elk, bds 199 King" ^ Pierpoint Jonathan, l)utcher, stall 28 mkt, h 323 King 3> Pierpoint John R, h 4 s Washington J!^ *Pierson Samuel, lab, h Gibbon nr Royal X Pike Albert Genl, (Pike & Johnson) lawyers, Washington 5> D C, h 117 Cameron g Pike Luther II, (Pike & Johnson) h 117 Cameron § PIKE YVON, patent agt, Washington D C, li ^ 117 Cameron PIKE & JOHNSON, (Genl Albert Pike, Robt < W Johnson & Luther H Pike) lawyers, 400 6th -^ n w Washington, D C and 117 Cameron ^ Piles Henrietta Miss, h 54 s St Asaph *Pines Emanuel, lab, h 200 Queen Pines Nathan, lab, h Patrick cor Wolfe ^ *Pinkert Jacob, lab, h 120 n Columbus *Pinkney Alfred, lab, h 117 Wilkes *Pinkney Frank, lab, h 68 n Patrick P3 O ALBERT PIKE. ROBERT W. JOHNSON. LUTHER H. PIKE O PIKE & JOHNSON, Counsellors at Law and Solicitors s^ CD C/J 400 SiXZTS: S^TE-EET, eg CITY OF WASHINGTON. Give attention to Cases in (he Supreme Court of the United States, in the Court of Claims, and in the other Courts of the United States in the Dist. of Columbia. j^-Special attention given to Cases in the General Land Oflice, and to Claims where the services of Lawyers are necessary, belore Congress and the Departments Use George R. Hill & Co/s Superior Family J PI [124] PO "H. — - >Q *Pinkney Robert, lab, h Muirs alley "3 *Pink\vood Spencer, driver, li 61 n Patrick *i'iiiii T B, publislier i*c iiiano-r The Peoples Advocate and ^ U S Storekeeper, li 100 Duke ,, *Piper James E, lab, h l*itt cor Oronoko *^ Pitts Andrew J, baggage master, bds 85 s Columbus ■^ Pitts Ann B, wid Pobert, h 35 s Columbus g Pitts Henry S, conductor, bds 35 s Columbus Pitts R T, shoemaker, 23 s Fairfax, h 70 s Fairfax .sz Phiin John II, machinist, h 73 s Lee *Plo\vden Robert, mill hand h 98 s Royal _s_ Pohlman Michael, shoemaker, 16 s St Asa[)h ^ *P()indexter Albert, lab, h Queen nr Union *^ *Poindexter Andrew, bhicksmith, Lee nr Queen, h 34 c= Duke *Poindcxter Charles, bartender, li Duke nr Lee o *Poin(lexter Chark'S, driver, h 13 n Fairfax *P<^indcxt('r William, waiter, h 145 s St Asapb e POLICE HEADQUARTERS, nikt ho bldg, ^ Fairfax nr Cameron ^ POLKINHORN SAMUEL, agent steamer - "Mattano," h Washington D C O Pollard Frank, feed and hay, 255 King, h 52 n Patrick . Pollard John II, (J W J'adgett & Co)"h 44 Duke c Pomeroy John T, l)ootmaker, h 55 Duke Pomeroy John T Jr, Horist, h 55 Duke t^ Pomeroy William C boottitter, bds 55 Duke — ' Pontc^n Fayrttc, l)rakeman, bds 13 s Henry c Ponton Fleming 11, firenum, bds 253 Duke ^Pope Benjamin lab, h Pitt nr Princess g Pope William Mrs, h 133 s Washington ■g Portner Otto, elk, h Washington cor Pendleton ^ Portner Robert, brewery St Asaph cor Wythe and prcst German Banking Co, h Washington nr Wythe -— Posey Henry, driver ColunJjia Engine co "Sb ^osey James, lab, W C V M & G S R R Co .bz Posey James, cabinet maker. Gibbon nr Wasliinton > Posey liebecca, wid William, h 153 s Union o Posey Samuel, waterman, h 153 s Union f^ Posey Thomas, driver, h 14 n Fairfax Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexand ria, Va. PO [125] PR g . m Poss Henry 13, carpenter, bds Railroad Hotel m Poss J P, paperlianger and npliolsterer, 213 Cameron -^ Potomac Academy, John S Blackbnrn principal, 54 n R° Washington (3q POTOMAC FERRY CO, between Washington g & Alexandria ft King, S S Howison prest Samuel —H Gedney genl supt ^ Potomac Transportation Line for Balto, J Broders & Co ZX3 agts 11 King "1 Potter J(^lin W, shipwright, bds 53 Gibbon , — *Potter Levi, lab, h Oronoko nr Eoyal *Pottor Lev.'is, hib, li Oronoko nr lioyal Powell Charles L, teacher, Washington cor Dnke Powell Edward, waterman, h 56 Prince O Powell John, carpenter, li 96 Cameron *Powell Morton, lab, h West cor Cameron Powell R C, physician, 127 Cameron X 130 POTOMAC FEEEY COMPT. ^ o CD —5 cn o — ^ o STEAMERS ON TEE POTOMAC FERRY LINE Will run, until further notice, according to ^ the following schedule: 33 Leave WASHINGTON, at 5.45, 7.30 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30 A. M. g and 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6.15 and 7 P. M. Leave ALEXANDRIA, at 5.45, 7.30. 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30 A. M., ^ and 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6.15 and 7 P. M. —5 SUNDAY, first trip 8.30, last trip from each city 7 P. M. ;;;.- SUBJECT TO CHANGE. S. S. HOWISON, President. CD Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family ■^ PO [126] PR C3 — ■ S3 POWELL REBECCA C Miss, School, Wash- ^ ington cor Duke (see adv) CO Power Anthony T, engineer, li 34 n Pitt 00 Power Martin J, conductor, h 28 n Payne 1=: Power V W, (Power & White,) h 56 s Koyal p Power & White, (V W Power & James White,) rectifiers and wholesale, liciuors 15 King _o Powers Francis J, supt Alex Water Co, h w end Dtd-ic at cc Reaervior (D Powers Henry E, shoemaker, h King cor Peyton ■5 *Pratt Richard, porter, h Fairfax nr Franklin *Preston George T, lab, h Royal cor Wolfe Prettyman David W, carpenter, h 9 s Alfred -o cs o Prettyman R F, coach and carriagemaker 14 & 16 n Pitt ^ h 22 n Pitt i=i Prettyman Robert M, blacksmith, bds 20 s Alfred 03 Pretzfelder Max, (Pretzfelder & Co,) bds 289 King ^ Pretzfelder & Co, (M Pretzfelder,) dry goods 144 King CO *ppiQe Addison, lab, h Princess nr Pitt § PRICE B F, architect and bulkier 7 s Pitt, office 7 ^ s Columbus Price Charles, driver, h Oronoko nr St Asaph Price Ellis F, elk, bds 120 Prince Price Ellis L, engineer, h 120 Prince ^ Price Francis, machinist, h Cameron nr Fairfax — Price George E, (Cook & Co,) h 61 n St Asaph Price Henry C, elk, V M R R, h 273 King Price J Hanson, (J M Hill & Co,) h 120 Prince Price M A, wid George, boarding 57 Cameron Price Maogie W, teacher, h Prince nr St Asaph Price Mark L, conductor W & R R, h 35 Cameron *Price Moses, lab, h 54 n Henry EST-A-EXjISHEX) 18-48. O o O .0 2 B. F_ JP Ft I C E c5 PRACTICAL ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OFFICE, NO, 7, COLUMBUS ST., ALEXANDRIA, VA. Will contract for Building, Repairing and Remodeling, or furnish designs and 03 Specilicstions, and Superintend the same. Biscuit, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. PR [127] PY *Priee Myer, lab, h Queen cor West *Pnee Tliomas, lab, h 64 n Pitt Price William B, asst freight agt, li 273 King *Pritchar(l Stephen, lab, h 103| s Washington Proctor John I, carpenter, h 35 Queen Proctor Rosetta, wid John I, h 112 s St Asaph *Proctor Thomas, lab, h 143 St Asaph Pruitt William R, tinner, h Princess nr Henry *Pryor James, lab, h Royal nr Oronoko Pulman Paul, grocer, 116 Franklin Pulnian Thomas, produce, 13 veg mkt, h 172 Franklin *Purcell James, lab, h Alfred nr Pendleton Purcell Randolph C, police, h 91 s Fairfax ]*urcell Richard, tinner, h 170 Prince Purington Cynthia A, wid Joseph L, h 115 Queen Purington J William, bookkeeper, bds 115 Queen Puss Harriet, wid John P, h 210 Queen *Pye Frederick, lab, h Pitt cor Gibbon FOR POTOMAC LANDINGS, 30 CD 30 O m 30 X o 30 Will leave Alexandria daily (Sundays excepted) at 2 o'clock p. m., for the foUowincr landings : T FOOTE, COLL T o CD go go -^ o o PAEMIKaTOir,MAESHALL HALLiGLYMOHT i Returning, will leave Glymont (Pye's Wharf ) at 6 o'clock a. m., touching ^" at all points named above. j^ On Saturday evening the steamer will not run down farther than FAR- MINGTON, returning from that point on Monday morning at 8 a. m. For further particulars apply J. BROIDUS & CO., 11 King. JAMES QUINTON, Captain. C3 CL. O "c5 Use George R. Hill & Co/s Superior Famil y QU [128 J ^RA Q. Quaide Francis, gardener, li Gibbon nr Henry Quajle James, lab, bds 151 s Lee *Quenn Francis, lab, h al bet Prince & Diike and Patrick and Henry Quesenberry Joseph, carpenter, bds 123 s Duke (^uinn Edward, grocer, Oronoko bet Pitt & St Asaph ■^ (^uinn Hannah Mrs, b 125 s Lee > (2uinn James, driver, h 230 Prince CD *Quinn Lewis, lab, h 132 n Columbus 4-> *Quintenee John, lal), h Gibbon nr Royal ^ QUINTIN JAMES, capt steamer "Harry Loder" t^ for river landings, li Farmington Prince George o O - -' -. -O— --— - v.v>^.XJ^ Co Md (see adv preceding page) O CD RAFPERTY M J, clothing & genl merchandise ^ 185 King I RAILROAD HOTEL, Charles F Cox propr, CO King cor Fayette — Rain Mary, wid John, h 24 s Lee t2^ *Raines Albert, h Alfred nr Wolfe IIj *Rains Luke, lab, h Franklin nr Columbus c: *Rains John shoemaker, h 123 Princess .S *Ramey Augustus, lab, h Franklin nr Fairfax "o Rame}^ G H, (G H Ramey & i^ow,) & lawyer, h 100 Queen ■g Ramey G H & Son, (G H & H B Ramey,) printers 11 s ^ Royal Ramey H B, (G H Ramey & Son,) h 100 Queen -— Ramey H L, elk patent off, bds 100 Queen -r-p Rammel I, restaurant Market Space .^ Ramsay Allan T, elk, h 250 King >• Ramsaj- D McC, bookkeeper, bds 250 King CD Ramsay G W I), teller, h 250 King j:^ Ramsay G William, grocer 146 King, h 206 Prince *Randall Henry, lab, h Washington nr Jefferson *Raudall Vincent, lab, h Friendship al =30 Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. K A [129] RE *I-iaTido]pli John, hostler, h al bet Prince & Duke & Alfred & Patrick O Randol})h Peyton, civil engineer, h 35 s St Asaph ^ *Randolph Willis, porter, h Patrick nr Jeft'erson m Ratclifte Ann, wid Richard B, h G9 Wilkes ^ Ratclifte John S, carjienter, h 12-1 s Fairfax ^ RatcliU'e Ricliard I, cabinetmaker, bds 69 Wilkes do Ratelitfe William D, moulder, h 69 Wilkes g Ranch Charles, elk, h 23 Prince I Readino: Frances Mrs, h 113 Oronoko in Ready Dennis, lab, h r Columbus nr Oronoko Reardon William M, bookkeeper, h 73 s Lee Recter William, grocer. Prince cor Fayette ^ *Rector Robert, lab, h Wolfe nr Royal pn *Reed Reuben, lab, h Queen nr West X *Reddick Paul, hostler, h 21 n Pitt g Redgrave, Steiihen L, sailor, h 92 Franklin —j *Redman John, (Rednjan & Webb) h 135 Cameron ro ^Redman & Webl), (John Redman & Strother Webb) ^ shoemakers, 135 Cameron "^ *Redmond Ferdinand, lab, h 77 n Ilenry ^ *Redmond Moses, lab, h Fayette nr Duke ^ Reece Thomas H, bridgebuilder, h 68 n Fairfax *Reed Albert, driver, h Wolfe nr Royal ^ Reed Edward E, undertaker, bds 191 King 3 REED P A. com merchant, ice dealer and steam- ^ ship agt 6 Janneys wharf, h 121 Duke, (see adv ^ page 3) ^ Reed James W, bridgebuilder, h 51 Wolfe ^ *Reed John, John, barber, h Pendleton nr Alfred Reed Samuel J, grocer, 74 s Fairfax, & lish 22 s Union, ^ and stall 27 market, h 74 s Fairfax ^ *Reese Ilenry, lab, h 256 King s:^ Reeves Coriolanus, boatman h nr ft Wolfe ^ Reeves James A, boatman, h nr ft Wolfe ^ Beeves L Washington, sailor, h 167 s Union ^ Reeves Mary, wid James, h nr ft Wolfe ^ Reid Amy, wid James H, h 106 Duke Reid James II, cashier German Banking Co and treas Alex Marine Railway and Ship Bldg Co, h 94 Prince Reid L Wilber, secy W C V M & G S^R R, b 106 Duke • 17 ■g Use GEO. R. HILL & Co/s Superior Family I KE [130] Rl .1= — .S£ Reillj Charlotte Miss, (Reilly & Fannon) h Pitt nr ^^ Cameron o Reilly & Fannon, (Misses Charlotte Reilly and Mollie f£ Fannon), millinery, 105 Kinsj O Relief Hook and Ladder Co, Prince bet Fairfax and Roy- r al, James M Stewart prest c Remington R II, conductor, h w end Duke nr stone brdg ~ Remington William F, carpr, h w end r>uke nr stone brdg ^ Repplier J Geor^-e, treas Hampshire and Balto Coal Co, h —t 98 Broadway N Y ^ Reservoir Alex Water Co, Francis Powers supt, extreme "o w end Duke n~ *Reynolds Benjamin, h 23 s West j^ *Reynolds Edmund, lab h, Payne nr Queen *2> Reynolds Joseph, yard master, h 814 1 King *Reynolds Lewis, lab, h al bet Prince & Duke & Patrick and Henry *Reynolds Royal, lab, h Fairfax nr Gibbon Rice James, saloon, 5 King h Royal nr Oronoko ^ Rice John P, grocer, Fairfax cor Princess ^ *Rich Washington, blacksmith, h Duke nr West -= Richard William C, baker, stall 29 veg mkt & 46 VV^olfe r *Richards Caleb, lab, h Friendship alley a5 Richards Caleb L, h 11 s Alfred d *Richards Charles, lab, h Queen cor West ^ Richards George H, bricklayer, h 97 Queen ]\ichards William C, agt coal, h 11 s Fayette Richardson Jolianna, wid Frank, h 200 n Columbus o CD o C3 Richmond Paper Manu'fg Company, :5 COIR. EiOHiTsc &. ^s,oia: fc^TZRESTS, (D MANUFACTURERS OF ~ BOOK, NEWS & MANILLA PAPERS. -a o IT. MONTAGUE, President, H. W. LUBBOCK, Secretary^ A. H. CHRISTIAN, Jr., Assistant Secretary. ^ J. II. MONTAGUE. R. S. ARCHER, JOHN F. WHITFIELD .-« E. D. CHRISTIAN, A. H. CHRISTIAN, SAMUEL SINTON, ■*• MOSES ELLYSON, Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexand ria, Va. '^ [131] RO ^ 30 Richardson John, lab, h 200 n Columbus *Kichardson Major, sexton, h 76 n Patrick ^ Richardson W Alfred, conductor, h 133 s Alfred *Richardson Worniley, lab, h 51 s Peyton ^ Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac R R Co, office foot ca Prince, P B Hooe agt C5 RICHMOND PAPER MANUFACTUR- ^ INQ CO, 8th cor Arch Richmond Va, J H pn Montague prest, H W Lubbock secretary, A H i^ Christian Jr asst secv >• RIENECKER GUSTAY, florist, w end Duke ^ nr stone bridge (see adv) ^ *Riley George, lab, h 71 n Pitt g Riley"^Miciiael, moulder, h 107 Queen CD Riley William, lab, h Gibbon nr Columbus EE Ripon John, carpenter, bds 150 Queen ^ Risdon Frank P, brakesman, h 139 s Alfred ^ Risheill Thomas Van B, (Risheill & Hooge,) h 50 n Wash- ^ ington Risheill & Hooge, (Thomas V Risheill & H_ F Hooge,) manfr sash doors and blinds. Queen cor Fairfax _ Rittenour Noah D, elk, bds 294 King 5 ROACH M A Miss, imncipal Mt Vernon Insti- ^ tute, 12 s Washington = j^ Mt. Vernon Institute, JSo. 12 South Washington St., ALEXANDRIA, VA, CD »3 Z3 CO Miss M, A. ROACH, Principal. To supply a want experienced in our community, a Kindergarten will be connected with the school, in which little girls will be taught through the medium of objects, work, music, etc. P. O. box 379. Send for circular. CD o Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family <=^ RO [132] RO lO — ^ROAT GEORGE W, blacksmith and wlieel- ~ wright Franklin cor Patrick, h w of Patrick nr § Franklin s_ Robbs Jeremiah, tisberman, b HO n Lee g Roberts Francis R, waterman, h 00 s Lee >:, Roberts James, tisberman, h 1st nr Pitt o Roberts Jeftrey, grocer 69 Queen o Roberts Jobn R, waterman, h 90 s Lee ^ Roberts Josepli T, b 186 Fairflix ^ Roberts Walter, (Hunt & Roberts,^ h Cameron mills Fair- Jf fax Co := Roberts William, fisherman, h 69 Queen ^ *Robertson , lab, 210 ])uke 6 *Robertson Peter, lab, li 154 Wolfe ^"^ Robey John H, painter, h Jetferson nrFairfiix CO *Robinson Abraham, lab, h 91 s Columbus — Robinson George II, (George II Robinson & Son,) h 56 n o 1*oval ^ S ROBINSON GEORGE H & SON, (George g H & John P Robinson,) commission merchants "4= 28 s Union CD *Robinson Jeremiah, lab, h West nr Queen "o Robinson John P, (George II Robinson & Son,) h 80 Duke Q- *Robinson Joseph, hib, h 80 n Patrick 5^ Robinson Richard W, tailor 15 s Royal, h 52 n Alfred > *Robinson Rufus, driver, h r Lee nr Princess Robinson T W, elk, bds 56 n Royal f^ Roby Barton, h 93 s Fairfax c Roby John foreman, h 100 n St Asaph "■^ Roby John, engineer, b 32 n Piit ^ Roby William,"lab, h 187 Gibbon "^ Rock George W, elk P H R, h 41 Duke "° Rock William W, baggage master, h 41 Duke CD Rodgers Joseph F, carpenter, h Queen nr Fairfax "^ Rodgers William II, painter, bds 80 3 Pitt > Rody John, bartender, h over 7 s Union -E Ragan Mary Mrs, b 41 s West ^ Rogers Wifliam, grocer, 338 King, h 315 King ^ Rogers James T, wharf builder, b 44 s Lee V Roland Richard N", cabinetmaker, h 128 Wolfe CO Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. EO • [133] RU Roles Andrew J, car inspector, h 195 Queen *Roinax , lab, li Oronoko nr Pitt CD Ronway John, painter, W C V M & G S R R ^ Roome William 0, elk, eiig dept, h 43 s St Asapb m Rose James E, wood, 37 Queen, h w end Duke ^ Rose Mary J, wid Wm H, li 190 Franklin, {5» Rosenthal Emil, manufacturer of spokes and sumac, ft _- Duke, h 95 Cameron :3a Rosenthal Myer, elk, bds Fairfax nr Cameron O *Ro8s Charles E, lab, h Columbus nr Gibbon ^ *Ross George A, lab, li Pitt nr Gibbon m *Ross Henry, porter, b 195 Prince r^ Ross Jane E, wid George, h 14 s Washington -^ *Ross John, lab, b Columbus nr Gibbon r~ Ross T C, captain tug boat, h 37, n St Asaph ^ Rotchford Richard, machinist, h 197 Queen ^ Rowe Cecelia D, wid Richard H, produce stall 27 veg ^ mkt, h 142 s Washington CJ Roxbury George R, elk, bds 227 Prince EE Roxbury Jacob, supt gas works, h 227 Prince 2^ *Ro3-al George, lab, h Washington nr Wythe ^ Royal Insurance Co of England, 97 King ;j> Ruben Daniel, elk, h 8 n Fairfax - Ruben L, elk, h 8 n Fairfax O Ruben Morris, restauraiit, 8 n Fairfax ^ Rucker Kate D, wid Geo W, b 22 s Royal cd" Rudd Amanda, wid Charles H, h 99 Duke oo Rudd Charles H, fireman, h 99 Duke — Rudd Harriet, wid John, li 104 Prince Rudd Isaac W, painter, h 84 Prince Rudd James iST, painter, h 109 Queen Rudd Richard A, painter, h 23 s Fairfax Rudd Richard H, painter, h 195 Duke g Rudd Robert, foreman machinist, h 269 King o- Rudd Thomas, conductor, h 181 Prince i — *Runnels Ephraim, h alley bet Columbus & Washington = and Gibbon and Franklin g. Rusbman William, lab, bds 95 s Henry cd *Russell Henry, lab, h Henry nr Wolfe RUST D N, dentist, Prince cor Washington bds Prince nr Fairfax ^ Use George R. Hill (Si Co.'s Superior Family O RU [1 34 J ■ SA C/3 Rust M J, engineer, h west end Duke Ryan Eleanora, wid James, h Columbus cor Wolfe Ryan Timothy, elk, h 230 Duke s o ST JOHNS ACADEMY, R L Carne A ^1 prin :i- cipal, Columbus nr Queen & 175 & 177 Prince, c3 [see adv] > ST MARY'S ACADEMY, sister M Leocadia ^ sister superior, 33 n Fairfax — St Marys Catholic Cemetery, Patrick Breen sexton ext 3 c end Wnshitigton fc^jr, St Marys Catholic Church, Rev D O'Kane S J pastor E Royal nr Duke ^ St Marys Hall, Royal cor Wolfe ^ St ^larys Parochial School, in charge Sisters Holy Cross, — Royal cor Wolfe S" St Pauls Church (P E) Pitt bet Duke & Prince, Rev G H Norton rector *Sales John, lab, h 113 Wilkes Sampson Henry, moulder, h 95 s Waslnngton Sampson James B, moulder, h Washington nr Wilkes Sampson J William, brakeman, h 135 s Alfred Sampson Thomas, machinist, bds Alexandria House Sampson William H, moulder, h Washington nr Wolfe *Sanders Benjamin, driver, h Fayette nr Cameron 03 C3 Q_ O -♦— ' CO c CO St. Mary's Academy, S. Nortli. Fairfax Street, S^ Bet. Cameron .C Queen, ALEXANDRIA, YA. ni Conducled by the SISTERS OF HOLY CROSS, reopens first Monday 03 of Sejitcmljcr each year. The course of instruction is most thorough in ^ English, the Languages, Music, &c. 'cr Board and tuition" per annum ^200. Music, Languages, Drawing and 2 Painting form extra charges. For full particulars apply "c« SISTER SUPERIOR. Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. SA [135] SC Sun«jster James, judge County Court, h Burke's station Fail-tax Co SAREPTA HALL, 85 King Say res Josepli W, watchmaker, h 7 n Henry Schaati" Cliarlos H, grocers teas &c 11 ii Royal, h 56 n R(n-al Schaati'J L, bookkee[)er, bds Lee nr Gibbon Scliaati' J T, elk, bds 6 s Fairfax iSchaetier Peter, bartender 13 s Royal Schafer Christian, confectioner 3 n Fairfax Schafer George W, confectioner, h 3 n Fairfax Scheideler Richard, cigarmaker 25 s Fairfax, h 89 s Fair- fax Scherb Henry, saloon, Washington cor Wythe, h Wythe nr Washington Schlevogt Joseph, basketraaker 34 s Royal Schlichting Henry, grocer 279 King, h 271 King Sehloss Herman, elk, bds 12 King Schlneter Ott(^, segarmaker 120 King SCHNEIDER JUSTUS, restaurant 2 King SCHOENI A J, cigar manfr 36 s Lee Schotield Arsemus, supt Mt A'^ernon Cotton Factory, li 77 n Columbus Schotield J H, elk, h Columbus nr Princess Schotield Wel)ster, elk, h Columbus nr Queen Schuler Edward, photographer over 109 King Schuler Magnus, butcher stalls 18 and 30 mkt and pro- visions 295 Kina: A. T. SCHOENI, CO -H ZC m I — m X D> o 30 Si3 CD CO o CD o No. 36 S. Lee Street, ? ALEXANDRIA, VA I Manufacturer of Choicest and Most Select Brands of Cigars. CD =3 Use George R. Hill & Co.' s Superior Family SC ' [136] SH bJ3 Schuraan Frank 11, lab, Ixls 149 King t2^ Scbwarz I, dry goods 132 King- ed Schworb Frederick, baker, h 25 s Fairfiix ^ *Scott Andrew, lab, h Union nr Gibbon "cz *Scott Emanuel, lab, b 145 n Fairfax ^ *Scott George, lab, li Jail alley *Scott Jacob, lab, b 52 Gibbon "o *Scott James, lab b Lee cor Gibbon rP Scott James R, pilot, b 11 Prince 03 *Scott John, lab, b 50 Gibbon -^ *Scott Lewis, lab, b 329 King -o *Scott Morris, lab, b 218 Prince ^ *Scott Remus, lab, li Royal nr Gibbon ^ Scott Robert, lab, W C V M & G S R R 5aC Scott Thomas N, carpenter, 19 s Pitt, h 97 s Royal .-? *Scott AVarren, barber, h Alfred cor Wilkes a3 *Scroggins John, carpenter, h 15 s Henry ^^ *Scroggins Philip, lab, h 19 n Henry J^ *Seals Charles, driver, h Alfred nr Wilkes ^ *Seals John, lab, h Henderson's alley E Seaton Building, for schools, s end Pitt s_ *Seaton George L, grocer, 94 s Royal § *Seaton John, lab, h 158 s Wasliington D_ *Seaton Wallace, lab, h 83 s Alfred o Seay A Edgar, fireman h 100 s Pitt r^ Second Presbyterian Church, Rev Wm Dinwiddle pastor, ^ Prince cor St Asaph d Selectman, Thomas, blacksmith, h 73 Wolfe ^ Serames Douglass R, bookkeeper W C V M & G S R R, CO h Columbus nr Cameron — Semmes Eliza A, wid Charles W, h 60 s St Asaph <^ Semmes Thomas R, elk, h Columbus nr Cameron IZi Service II H, elk, bds 164 Prince £= *Shacklett Walter, lab, h 43 s Fairfax ~ Shafe Robert, painter, h 65 Wilkes g Shafe Sarah, wid Jacob, h 6b Wilkes -g Shaughncssy Margaret, wid Timothy, h Duke cor Henry f^ Shauginicssy Timothy M, saloon, Duke cor Henry _ Shaw Charles P, h over 49 King ■^ Shaw James, bookkeeper bds 115 s Lee ^ *Shaw Notley, driver, h 79 n Patrick I Biscuit, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. StI [137] SI SheafFer George W, fisherman, h 31 s Union Sheehy John, tanner, bcls Dnl^e cor Henr\- j— j Sheehy Michael, tanner, bds Dnke cor Henry 3D Sheiry J F, printer, h Duke cor Pitt fJJ *Shelley Thornton, lab, h St Asaph nr Oronoko ^ *SheIton George, lab, h Franklin nr Union jP^ *Shelton Jeremiah, lab, h Payne nr Queen ^ *Shelton Lewis, lab, h 39 s lloya] §§ *SIiephcrd Charles L, driver, h 5 s Patrick O *Shepherd Gabriel, lab, h Royal nr Oronoko ^ *Shepherd Thornton, lab, h Princess nr Royal m *Shepherd Tlioruton, whitewasher, h Gibbon nr St Asaph s^ Sherwood Jesse R, grocer, h Columbus cor Princess 3> Sherwood Joshua, driver, h Princess nr Alfred i — Sherwood WilliaTu W, shoemaker, h 50 n Patrick CJ Shiles Annie, wid James, tailoress, h 20 Prince ^ Shiles VVilliiim II, printer, h 20 Prince Z *Shiloh Baptist Church, L Waring, pastor, West nr Prince § Shinn George R, bds 31 s Lee " — Shinn James W, machinist, h 8 n Pitt - Shinn Mary, wid Stephen, h 48 s Lee <^ Shinn Robert, steamboat capt, h 51 Duke 5> Shirley Charles B, elk pat office, h 9 s Royal ^ Shirley N B, brakesman, bds 46 ^ ^ Shivers Ann, wid Patrick, h 276 n Columbus g Shock William C, cooper, h 31 s Fairfax cr Short Benjamin, boatman, h 128 s Lee 5? Short William C, wood and willow ware, bds 123 s Lee "^ Shuler Andrew, omnibus stables 24 n Pitt, bds City Hotel Shuman Mrs, h 58 Duke Shuraan Louis E, confectioner, h 44 n Alfred Shuster Charles F, gardener, h r Patrick s of Jefterson Sides George, engineer, h 38 Prince < Sides Lucy, wid William, h 38 Price ^ *Signo Eli, lab, h alley bet King& Prince nr Patrick S Sill Stephenson, painter, bds Railroad Hotel co Silver John, h 47 Wolfe g Simmons William T, sexton, h 54 n Fairfax *Simms George, lab, h 150 s Washington *Simms George W, blacksmith Columbus nr Gibbon,! Gaines alley 18 CO o E o or o o o t/5 cz .<15 O ^— ' O > =3 CO 03 O C3 C3 CD C3 E -a o o fcJO SI Use Georg e R. Hill & Co.'s S uperio r Family SI Simnis G W AI. lawyer 59 Queen *Sin;iiiis John, plasterer, h St Asaph nr Wythe Simnis John R, })lasterer, h Oronoko eor Alfred Sirtims Margaret, wid Williani II, 163 Oronoko Sinims Noble T, plasterer, h 163 Oronoko *vSininis Paris, whitewasher Prince cor St Asapli *Siinnis Robert, barber, h St Asaph nr canal basin *Simms Samuel, lab, h Wilkes nr Lee *Simnis Sandv, lab, h St Asauh nr Gibbon Simonds Williani A, lab, h 223 Duke Simpson Arthur, bds 52 n Royal Simpson Charles A, nuiehinist. bd& 153 King Simpson French R, (Simpson & Sons,) bds 52 n Ro^-al Simpson George L, (Simpson & Sons,) bds 52 n Royal Simpson Gilbert, butter and eggs stall 37 veg ndcnter, h Gibbon nr Columbus Simpson Wm G, machinist, h 220 Wilkes Simpson & Sons (Henry L, F R & G L Simpson) boots & shoes & leather & findings, 8 n Royal Sinclair Malcolm, (Sinclair & Agnew) h Cumberland, Md SitK'lair Thomas, cui'penter, 15 s Le eh 94 Queen vSinclair (."t A X o CO —i CO o — h so en Stall 7 Market, Royal St., Aiul Wattbiiig^ton 9Ikt., Wasthlngton, I>. C k large Collection of Roses, Sreen-House Plants, Evergreens, Stels, k. ^' CD 8@°"Bonqnets, Baskets, Wreaths and Crosses tastefully arranged. All orders promptly attended to. o Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family ^ S^vT ' [140] SM ^/^ *Smith Eli, lab, h 90 s St Asaph ' ^ SMITH FRANCIS L, lawyer Wolfe cor St '£ Asaph ,cs *Sniith Gabriel, lab, h Lee nr Jefferson ;_ Smith George, h r 327 King g Smith George A Rev, h 241 King >5 *Smith George H, waiter, h 152 Wolfe o Smith George S, bill poster, Fairfax cor Cameron (X) *Smith Henry, lab, h West nr Cameron 3 *Smith Ilenson, lab h Gibbon nr St Asaph gj Smith Hipelius, bookkeeper, h 67 s Pitt Jf Smith Isaac, blacksmith, h62 n St Asaph ~ Smith James, grocer, Fayette alley and Ferry wharf h ^ 84 n I*atrick J^ Smith James, policeman h 41 n Fairfax _ Smith James E, boatman, h 23 Queen ^ Smith J Calvin, elk, h 221 Prince ■"- *Smith John, lab, h 1st nr Royal eg ^Smith John, lab, h 23 s West 1—1 Smith John, shipcarpenter, bds 133 s Lee c: Smith John L, lieut police & variety store, h 42 n Fairfax ~ Smith John L Jr, constable, h 61 n Royal ^ *Smith John R, fireman, h 204 (^neen "5 Smith Lily Miss, h 42 s St Asaph Q^ Smitli Margaret Mrs, h 57 Prince . Smith Marion M, tel repairman, h 64 Prince ^ Smith Mary C, wid Walter, h Wolfe cor Alfred 03 Smith Michael, grocer, 56 n Patrick -g= Smith Noble L, waterman, h 87 s Fairfax j_ *Smith Peter, lab, h Lee nr Franklin — Smith Rebecca, wid James E, bds 23 Queen _>i Smith Robert, fisherman, h Princess nr Lee ■J5 *Smith Robert, lab, h 152 Wolfe "^ Smith Samuel, produce stall, 28 vegetable market and fish "^ stall 1 fish market and grocer, Queen cor Fairfax "c^ *Smith Samuel, lab, h Franklin nr Columbus ^ *Smith Thornton, lab, h r 23 s West^ ,= Smith T Marshall, bookkeeper, 17 King CO Smith William, shipcarpenter, bds 77 Wolfe "c Smith William, steamboat captain, bds 70 Duke o Smith William, fisherman, b Fish wharf CO Buiscuits, Crac kers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. SM [141 ] SN Smith William A, carpenter, h 135 s Washington Smith W 11, produce & fish &c, 48 King & (Cook & Co,) CD 104 n Alfred ^ Smith William M, watchman, h 271 Duke m Smith William R, machinist, h Wolfe cor Alfred ^ Smith William W, supt Alex Marine R W & Ship Bldg J^o Co, li 133 s Lee r— Smoot Charles C, (C C Smoot & Sons,) h 89 Wilkes 5o Smoot C C & Sons, (Charles C & John B Smoot,) tanners O hides and leather, 21 King & Wilkes cor Washington ^ Smoot French, elk, hds 145 Prince rn Smoot Harriet, wid H B, h 89 Wilkes ^ Smoot Harry, bds 160 Prince -^ Smoot J C, elk, bds 89 Wilkes r— *Smoot John, lab, h 329 King ^ Smoot John B, (C C Smoot & Sons,) and prest Citizens ^ National Bank, h 16 Prince :Z Smoot Josiah H D, lumber, 21 n Union, h 145 Prince O Smoot J Rector, (Smoot & Perry) h 236 King 3 Smoot W A, coal, salt & plaster, ft Princess, h Cameron i^ nr St Asaph <-- SMOOT & PERRY, (J Rector Smoot and John p> Perry) lumber, lime and cement, 25 & 30 Union "^ Smyth Susan, wid Edward, h 20 n Alfred ~ Smythe Abraham H, elk, h 51 s St Asaph ^ Smythe Mary M, wid William, h 51 s St Asaph ^ Smythe Samuel M, bds 51 s St Asaph ^ Snider M F, wid S K, oils, lamps, &c, 6 s Fairfax 3" Snowden Cedric, bds 161 s Lee _« Snowden Edgar Jr, asst P M H R, publr & propr Alex ^3 Gazette, 70 Prince, and chairman public school board, o. h 26 s Fairfax ^ Snowden Frederick, elk, h 161 s Lee o Snowden Harry, editor Alexandria Gazette, h 157 s Lee ^^ Snowden Hubert, book keeper, h 161 s Lee ^ Snowden Louisa, wid Edgar, h 161 s Lee ^ Snowden School, (public," for colored boys) nr s end Pitt o- Snowdeu William, bds 161 s Lee Snowden William H, secy Upper Potomac Steamboat Co Colli ngwood P 0, Va Snowden W Powell, collector, h 161 s Lee O CO CD Use George R. Hill &l Co.'s Superior Family c5 so [142] ST CO _E *Solomon Townsend, lab, h 17 s West ,p *Solomoii Wilson, lab, h alley bet Prince & Duke & Co- — ; Innibus & Alfred ^ Somcrville George S, student, bds 127 Duke .o Souierville M C, wid W G, h 127 Duke "o Souierville C B, elk, rooms 93 Cameron ^ Soper J H, shoemaker, 49 n Pitt E Sorrell Robert A, boatman, h Canal basin n end Wash'n ^~ Southard John T, sailor, h 167 a Union c^ Southern Churchman, The Kev D F Sprigg publisher & ^' proj)rietor, 70 Prince ^ Sova Lawrence J, ship carpenter, bds 53 Gibbon I — Speaks Albert, ship carpenter, h 188 Fairfax .E *Speaks James, lab, h 21 n Henry fc^jO Spellman Catharine, wid Michael, h 85 s St Asaph .E Spencer John A, engireer, h Duke nr Payne ^ Spencer William W^, brakesman, h 20 n Payne ^ Spinks Francis C, grocer, Columbus nr Princess, li 150 '~ Princess -o Spinks Rebecca, wid Jarrett, h 150 Princess -:*; Spinks Thomas, engineer, h 150 Princess o *Spotsit Simon, lab, h Royal nr Wilkes j^ *Spott3wood George, lab, h Fairfax n of canal basin Q_ Spottswood W F, manager Ya Mineral Bureau 3d floor o 16'^ Kinir _^ SPRIGG D FRANCIS Rev, pastor Grace Chch != and publr and propr ^Southern Churchman, h 8 3 j^ Patrick g *Sprio;:gs Daniel, driver, h 132 s Washingtoii S *Spriggs Phelan, lab, h 218 Price ^ Stabler E A, phvsician 165 King, h 43 s Washington -^ Stabler Lawrence, drug elk, h 43 s Washington _E Stabler Richard II druggist & physician 165 King, h 43 s a> Washimjton £ *Stattbrd Charles, lab, h 11 s St Asaph -^ Stallings Benjamin D, printer, h 49 Queen ^ Stallings Ilonora, wid Theodore, h 49 Queen .f;:! Standiford Jolm, carpenter 10 s Alfred, h 264 King ^ Stanley Josephine Mrs, bds 75 Cameron ^ Stansbury C F, tinner, h Wilkes cor Pitt (^ Stansbury D R, tinner, h Wilkes cor Pitt Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. ST [143] ST g m Stanton Elilui H, bricklayer, h 88 s Lee g *Stant()n Plenry. lab, birwins al Stanton J D, o'as fitter, bds 8 s Lee ^ Stanton R H, luls 88 s Lee CO Starnell Jobn B, seijarmaker 127 s Fairfax g Starnell JoVin W, niacbinist, li 127 s Fairfax — I Steele Edwin T, produce stall 48 veg mkt b 18 n Royal ^ Stein Lewis, grocer 20 n Royal zjj Steiner Cliarfes E, segarmaker. 41 n Wasbington ■- Steiner George F, (Steiner & Yobe,) b 19 n Wasbington >: Steiner James B, segarmaker, b 39 n Wasbington m Steiner Jonatban, b^41 n Wasbington ^ Steiner k Yobe, (George F Steiner and Cbarles A Yobe,) g segar manufacturers and dealers, 49 King x;^ Sterling Henry, lab, b Lee cor Jefferson ^ *Stevenson Edgar, lab, b Princess nr Henry ^ *Stevenson M(>^scs, lab, b West nr Cameron ^ Stenernagle Annie, (M & A Steuernagle.) b 32 n Royal ^ Steuernao'le George; restaurant, 30 ri Royal - Steuernagle Martha, (M k A Steuernagle,) b 32 n Royal ^ Steuernagle M & A, (Martba k Annie'" Steuernagle,) mil- ^ liners, 110 Kins; ^ Steuart James M^ P M House Rep, b 107 Cameron ^ *Stewart Albert, carpenter, b Patrick nr Franklin ^ *Stewart Henry, lab, b 56 n Henry ^ Stewart James A, engineer, b 155 Oronoko ^ ^ Stewart James M, dry goods, 99 King b 51 n Wasbington o Stewart J Calvin, student, bds 142 Prince II? Stewart J McDonald, elk treas dept, b 51 u Wasbington ^ *Stewart John, lab, b Fighting alley ^ Stewart Jobn W, b 142 Prince g- *Stewart Joseph, lab, b Columbus nr Franklin p^ Stewart W, Dunlop, h 105 Cameron Stewart William, brakeman. b 13 s Henry § *Stewart William, lab, b 335 King ^ *Stimards Peter, lab, b 348 King » *Stiluns Anderson, lab, b 368 King ~n *Stokes Jobn, lab, h 25 n Patrick -s Stone Annie E Miss, dressmkr, 83 Prince ^. Stone Jobn T, ovsters vegetables &c, wharf bet King and c Prince, b 48 Wolfe " P ^ Use GEO. R. HILL & Co/s Superior Family "E ST [144] ST fcjD Stone Mary A, wid James, h 98 Cameron tg Stone M F, (M F Stone & Soji) bds City Hotel CO Stone M F & Son, (M F & T Stone) photographers, 69 "cr Sione Olive, plasterer, h 98 Canieron ^ Stone T, (M F Stone & Son) bds City Hotel Stone Robert, lab, h 83 Prince "o Stonnell Margaret, wid William, h Patrick cor Wythe cE Stoubs Mary, wid George, h 18 n Royal Stoutenburgh Janies A, florist, h 145 Wolfe Stoutenburgh S B, carpenter, h 145 Wolfe Strauss Henr\% clotliing and hats and caps, 90 & 66 King o "O ^ Strider Catherine, wid John L, h 65i n St Asaph fQ Strider James S, conductor, conductor, h 46 Duke ^ Strine Annie, wid Charles M, h Franklin nr Patrick .■ti Stringfellow R S, elk, Mansion House oj *Strother John, lab, h 9 s West ^ Struder, George, driver, h 49 Gibbon JP Stuart Albert,' (A & C E Stuart,) h ISl King ^ Stuart Kk C E, (Albert Stuart) lawyers, room 1 mkt £ ho l)ldg Cameron st entrance ^ STUART C E, lawyer, room 3 mkt bldg Came- o ron st entrance, h 181 King ^^ Stuart D, Surveyor, h 181 King, ^ STUART H L, com merchant Mansion House I — Studds Frederick, huckster, h St Asaph bet King and r Cameron (lU) Studds Isaac M, paver, h 176 Franklin - Studds Wm R, carpenter, bds Duke nr Fayette I CHARLES E. STUART, AttfttJiftf ill EiawA Office No. 3 Market Building, ALEXANDRIA, VA. o CD Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexand ria, Va. , ST [145] SU Stnnkell Charles, section boss, bds 253 Duke *Stutely William, lab, h 18 n Patrick O Sudduth Joseph A, bds 95 s Henry ^ Sullivan AndreAV, produce stall 43 veg rakt, h 202 Cameron m Sullivan Charles, printer, bds 78 Queen ^ Sullivan D O, turnkev, h 147 Gibbon ^ SULLIVAN EDWARD, soda manufacturer, dd s 30 Patrick O Sullivan Edward D, candies, 43 Prince — I Sullivan Elizabeth, wid John, h 125 Duke ^ Sullivan George, carpenter, h 133 Cameron zjd Sullivan Jeremiah, tailor, h King nr West "1 Sullivan John carpenter, h 133 Cameron ^ Sullivan Maria, wid Andrew, h 133 Cameron m Sullivan Mary, wid Daniel, h 7 s Patrick ^ Sullivan Thomas, machinist, h 7 s Patrick ^ *Sumby Henry, cooper, h 146 Gibbon CD Summers B liotchford, collector, Alexandria Canal R R =0 & Bridge Co, office, Montgomery & Fairfax, h 275 King >• *Summers Edward, lab, h 37 s Peyton Summers Charles J W, drug elk, bds 118 Prince ^ *Summers Humphrey, porter, h 39 Cameron j; Summers John, carriage & w^agon maker, 13 & 15 s Pitt, ^ h 118 Prince Summers J W, coach painter, h 126 Princess Summers Mary M, wid Wesley, h 275 King SD so' Summers Philip R, elk, bds 275 King o Summers William J, wdieelwright, h 118 Prince ^ *Sumry Samuel, lab, h 45 Franklin ^ EDWARD SULLIVAN, % Soda Water Manufacturer, No. 30 SOUTH PATRICK STREET, MANUFACTURES THE FINEST SODA & MINERAL WATERS IN THE STATE- 19 CD CO CO OS -a o o be o (X> CO Use GEO. R. HILL & Co/s Superior Family j SU [146] TA ' Sun Fire Co, (hand) Fairfax bet King & Cameron, Hugh Latham, prest Suttle C F, (Suttle & Co) h 112 Cameron SUTTLE & CO, (C F Suttle) genl com mers, 6 13 King ^ Sutton Samuel, boiler maker, h 99 n St Asaph c^ Sutton Stephan W, boiler maker, h 26 Wolfe ^ Sutton William W, carpenter, h 90| s Lee ^03 Sutton William W, shoemaker, Gibbon cor St Asaph — i Swain E Mrs, grocer, 82 s Lee j3 Swain George T, tinner, h 89 n St Asaph ^ Swain George W, carpenter, h 82 s Lee E Swain Horace, printer, h King nr St Asaph Q- Swain Stephen, (Swain & McKnight,) h 99 Prince JO Swain & McKnight, (Stephen Swain & Wm H McKnight) carpenters and joiners 77 Prince Swaine Frank G, fancy goods 82 King l"~ Swallow John, fisherman, h Princess bet Royal and Pitt .E Swan James, policeman, bds Railroad Hotel g3 Swan William G, shoemaker, h 53 Commerce = Swann Catharine, wid Robert, h Prince nr Union Swansbury Eliza, wid Christopher, h 30 n Patrick Swansbury George, cigarmaker, h 30 n Patrick Sweeney John T, elk, bds Gibbon cor Columbus Sweeney Michael, grocer Gibbon cor Columbus C3 CZ C3 O -a o o T Tacey Jefferson, treas Alex Co 109 Prince, h nr Suters hill Alex Co *Talbert Frank, waiter, h Wilkes cor Pitt Taliaferro John C, bds 131 s Washington Taliaferro J M, h 25 n Payne S *Tancil Herbert P, barber 68i Prince, h Gibbon nr Fair- ^ fax cs Tancil Isaac, lab, h 113 s Fairfax E *Tancil Richard, barber, h 115 s Fairfax Tancil Simon, cook, h 115 s Fairfax _ Tancil T L, waiter, h 115 s Fairfax ^ *Tartisou James, carpenter, h 54 Commerce <: =30 CO =30 m Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. TA [147F' ~TA ^ *Tate Zachariah, lab, h Franklin ur Columbus Tatsapaugh Mary A 4 s West Tatsapaugh Rebecca Miss, h 112 s St Asaph Tatsapaugh William H, helper, h 107 s Henry Tatsipaugh Susanna, wid Kichard, bds 57 Cameron Taulman^D J, bds City Hotel O Taylor Annie E. wid H A, h 59 s Fitt *Taylor Beverly, drayman, h 143 s Alfred Taylor B P, elk, bds King nr Washington Taylor Brooke, elk, bds 182 King Taylor Camelius, elk, bds 8 s Fayette Taylor Catharine, wid John H, h 91 s Washington *Taylor Charles, barber, City Hotel g Taylor C S, h 157 Prince Z Taylor C S Jr, (J T Beckham & Co) h 157 Prince O *Taylor David, cook, alley bet Columbus and Alfred and ^ King and Prince - *Taylor David, lab, h Gibbon nr Royal < Taylor Elizabeth, wid Olden, h 56 Prince >• Tavlor George B, driver, h St Asaph nr Pendleton " Taylor James H, plasterer, h Pitt nr Wolfe ^ *Taylor James R, w^aiter, 123 Cameron = Taylor J Frank, driver Hydraulion Co, h 89 Cameron] 5, *Taylor John, plasterer, h Columbus cor Wolfe o Taylor John S, flour ins, 5 s Union bds Tontine Restaurant S" *Taylor Joseph, lab, h Gibbon nr Royal o Taylor Maris, h 24 s Fairfax c^ Taylor R P, baggage master, bds City Hotel o Taylor S J Mrs, notions, 228 King "^ Taylor Susan, wnd Cornelius, h 8 s Fayette E. Taylor V C, elk, h Fayette nr Prince ^ Taylor V M, shoemaker, 9 n Royal Taylor W Arthur, lawyer, 82 Prince h Duke cor St Asaph Taylor William, watchman h r 74 King *Taylor William H, lab, h 67 Prince Taylor William R, tugboat captain, h 71 s Pitt ^ — _ — -— — — , BAUCHMAN BROTHERS, |- ST^TIONERS & PRINTEI^S, 5 RICHMOND, - - - VIROINIA. o. o (^ Use George R. Hill & Co.^s Superior Famil y § TA [148J TH ^ TAYLOR & HUFTY, (Richard H Taylor and ^ Francis Hulty) ladies and mens furnishings, 933 £ Pa Ave n w Washington D C ^ Tebbs A L Miss, li 123 Queen ^ Tennesson Margaret, wid Samuel, h Fairtax cor Cameron o Tennesson Samuel, paperhanger, Ixls Fairfax cor Cameron "^ Tennvson James, tinner, h Duke nr Pitt -S *Terrell Thomas, lab, h 98 s Columbus e THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF o ALEX Va, S F Beach prest C R Hooff cashier S? Lee cor Prince r= Theilheimer Philip, elk h 15 s Royal ^ The Peoples Advocate, T B Pinn publisher and business manau'er, 10 s Royal ^ THE Virginia sentinel, m d liaii edi- ^ tor and propr Cameron bet Royal and Pitt, (see ad) — Third Colord Baptist Church, Princess cor Patrick, *Rev e^ Fields Cook pastor ^ *Thomas Fountain, lab, h Pitt nr Franklin ■£= *Thomas George, lab, h Payne nr Queen •^ *Thomas Henry, lab, h Queen nr West g Thomas Henry G, baker, h 133 n St Asaph "o Thomas Jacob carpenter, h 38 Prince rT *Thomas Jacob, lab, h 45 n Henry . *Thomas James VV, barber, h 21 s Union > Thomas Jane, wid Benjamin, h 18 n Payne 0^ Thomns John, lab, h Oronoko cor Patrick r^ *Thomas Robert, lab, h 61 s Washington J TAYLOR & HUFTY, -■J5 IMPORTERS OF ^ LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S f Furnishing Goods, r~ 'Z 933 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, 1 . WASHINGTON, D. C, CO Biscuit, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. TH [149] TI *Thomas Samuel, driver, h r Lee nr Princess *Thonias Wellino-ton, lab, h Wolfe nr Roval O Thomas William, lab, h 190 Franklin " =° *Thomi)Son Benjamin, lab, h 39 s Roj'al m *Thompson Charles, lab, li Mnirs alley -^ *Thomi)son Charles, lab, h Columbus nr Franklin R« Thompson Clay, elk, h 124 s Fairfax ^jg Thom[)Son D C, restaurant, 12 n St Asaph ro *Thompson Edgar, lab, h 111 Wilkes O Thompson Edgar F, elk, bds 124 s Fairfax 3 *Thompson Elias, baker, h 85 s Columbus m *Thompson George, lab, h 62 Duke F^ *Thomp8on George H, lab, h 88 s Columbus -^ Thompson John H, justice, 106 Prince, h 124 8 Fairfax r — *Thomp8on John S, lab h 196 n Columbus C^ Thompson John T, carman, h 100 n Alfred 3>. *Thompson Joseph, lab, h Washington s of Jefferson 2! Thompson L H, foreman Alex Gazette h 119 s Fairfax § Thompson Malachi, tinner, 23 King, h 60 n Alfred — *Thompson Martin, lab, h Washington s of Jefterson ^ *Thompson Mason S, lab, h 174 Queen < *Thompson Monteiro, waiter, h 37 n Henry rE> *Thompson Richard, lab, h 230 Queen " Thompson Rudolph P, gardener, h Payne cor Oronoko O Thom})Son R W, lab, h Queen alley S *Thornton Jesse, lab, h r Union nr Princess cd ^Thornton John, lab, h 151 s Columbus ^ *Thornton John, lab, h Queen alley ^^ *Thornton Thomas, lab, 131 Prince *Thornton Williajn, lab, h Alfred nr Wolfe ^ Thornton William H, livery stables 11 n Washington, h q_ 88 Queen ^ *Thornton William H, lab, h 182 Gibbon § Thorp G C, U S ganger, bds 58 Prince ^ *Throgmorton William H, lab, h Columbus cor Wilkes i — *Tibbs Armistead, lab, h 105 s Royal § *Tibbs Frederick, porter, h 105 s Royal o" Ticer Lewis, cooper, h 107 Queen ^ Ticer Lewis D, bds 107 Queen Ticer Millard F, carpenter, h 107 Queen Ticer Samuel, fisherman, h 51 n Pitt _ Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family O TI [150] TK g Ticer William H, moulder, h 107 Queen ^ Toler William J, carpenter, li Patrick bet Prince & Duke ~ *Tolliver Alexander, lab, h Commerce cor West "-• *Toliver Charles, lab, h 150 Wolfe o *Tolliver Charles, lab, h Jefterson nr Columbus '•^ *Tolliver John, porter, h 48 n Henry ^ *Tomes Jacob, lab, h Pitt nr Franklin 2 Tomlin Robert, watchman, h 97 n Columbus ^- Tomlin William O, painter, li 96 n Columbus c5 Tomlinson Richard H, brakesman, h 29 n Alfred > Tone Thomas, shipwright, bda 53 Gibbon _i TONTINE RESTAURANT, Cooney & Bro I— proprs, 59 and 61 Cameron .E Travers A B, elk, h 52 Prince fcuo Travers Alonza H, blacksmith, h 126 n Columbus -E Travers Ferdinand, carman, h 51 Gibbon 3 Travers George, huckster, bds 46 Gibbon c Travers Henrietta M, wid Thomas, h 106 s Henry ■^ Travers James A, lab, h 218 Wilkes -d Travers John A, shipcarpenter, h 106 s Henry -ig Travers John W, fisherman, h 53 n Alfred o) Travers John W, (J W Travers & Son) fish and produce P3 stall 8 fish market, h 46 Gibbon o. Travers John W Jr, (J W Travers & Son) h Columbus nr 3 Princess Travers J W & Son, (J W & J W Travers Jr) eating house market ho Fairfax street Travers Robert A, fisherman, h 62 n Lee Travers Thomas B, steamboat captain, h 106 s Henry Travers William H, carpenter, bds 46 Gibbon Travis Michael, lab, h 65 n Pitt Treakle William H, pilot, h 131 s Lee Treakle William H Jr, blacksmith, h 131 s Lee Treasurers Oflice City of Alex, M B Harlow treas room 2 market house building. Royal st entrance o Trice Jane, wid Francis M, h Queen nr Fayette ^- Trickle Elizabeth, wid James, h 97 s Lee ^ *Triplett Wm H, barber, 8 s Roval h Fairfax nr Gibbon •E Trist V J, wid N P, h Wilkes nr Lee 2 Troth P II, prest Upper Potomac Steamboat Co, h Ac- "cS cotink Fairfax Co Va a. c: 03 O) Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. TR [151] UH o PI Troupe George, wheelwright, bds 17 s Payue m *Truman Sandy, lab, h Fighting alley ^ Trisler Louis, lab, h Washington nr Wythe J2« Trusler Susan, wid Philip, h"92 s St Asaph co Truslow John M, engineer, h Oronoko cor St Asaph ^ Tubman B T, elk, bds 197 King 5 Tubman Julia, wid William, bds 52 n Royal IC Tubman S A, wid James, h 197 King ^ *Tucker George E, lab, h 116 n Columbus Tucker Jane, wid William, h 185 Cameron 3> Tucker John, briekmaker, h Washington s of Jefferson ^ Tucker Louis A, printer, bds 185 Cameron X Tucker Richard F, elk, bds 60 n Royal ^ *Tupper Silas, lab, h Gaines' alley ^ *Turley James, lab, h Muirs alley za *Turley Sandy, lab, h Fairfax nr Franklin ^ Turner Albert A, h 34 s Henry "" Turner Byron P, elk bds 12 s Royal < Turner David, collector U S customs, custom house bldg j; h 12 s Royal ^ Turner Henry A Jr, carpenter h 34 s Henry ») Turner Horace C, lab, h 264 n Columbus ^ Turner Jane W, wid Charles, h 189 Prince ^ *Turner Philip, grocer, Washington cor Wilkes 2- *Turner Thomas, driver, h Wolfe cor Fayette ^ *Tvvine Augustine, lab, h Patrick nr Princess ^ *Twyman Moses, porter, h Prince cor West ^ Tyler Eliza M, wid George W, h 378 King -^ *Tyler Frank, lab, h 143 n Fairfax 5 *Tyler J Edward, h Wilkes nr Payne = Tyler John, elk, h 86 s Lee o Tyler John Jr, h 86 s Lee ^ *Tyler Reuben, lab, h 102 s Royal ^ Tyler William D, moulder, bds 54 Duke O TJ S -n Uhler Alfred G, planing mill, h 15 n Washington -% Uhler George, bookkeeper, h 15 n Washington ;::j: Uhler Lycurgus ^E, clk> h Cameron bet Columbus and = Washinii-ton * P Use GEO. R. HILL & Co.^s Superior Family ■^ UH [152] VI fcuo Uhler P G, h 15 n Washington c2^ Ullraan Maurice, (J Driet'as & Co) h 18 s Payne ^ Underwood William, caulker, h 197 n Washington ^ Underwood William H, plasterer, h 70 n Patrick ""^ Upper Potomac Steamboat Co, P H Troth, prest, William ^ H Snowden, secy, Valentine Baker, treas, ft Prince ^ Upton George, boatman, h 87 s Union U S Circuit Ct, judges H L Bond & R W Hughes, 3rd floor custom ho bldg, M F Pleasants, elk U S District Ct, R W' Hughes, judge, John R Popham, elk, 3rd Hoor custom ho bldg o be o "V -a cr ^ Vaccari Rose, wid Frank, h 25 Prince "o *^^^Gntine W H, blacksmith, w end Duke, h 33 s Peyton -r- Van Auken Frank L, dep col int rev, h 54 n Royal CO *Vaughan Thomas, lab, h Fairfax nr Jefferson "cr Vaunce George, lab, h Pitt nr Oronoko p *Veney Remus, lab, b Payne cor Queen *Veney William, lab, h Montgomer}' nr Fairfax o Verdon John, grocer, 137 s Columbus Ql. ^ Vermillion John B, blacksmith, h St Asaph nr Queen Vermillion Mary, wid Benjamin, h 51 n St Asaph _c *Vernon Anderaon A, lab, h 197 Prince ' Vernon William, carpenter, h 39 s Patrick ^ Vincent M T, elk, h 166 Prince O Vincent William F, carpenter, 25 s Royal, h 166 Prince j^ Violet C A, wid William, bds 35 Queen ^ Violett Anumda, wid Robt G, h 282 King (X> Virginia Fireside, A J Wedderburn, publr, Alex, Va ~ Virginia Fire & Marine Ins Co of Richmond, 145 King ^ Virginia Home of Richmond, Va, 145 King o Virginia Mineral Bureau, W F Spottswood managr 3rd '•G floor 1G8 King ^ VA PROTECTION LIFE INS CO of Rich- ^ mond 145 King (see adv^ side lines) Virginia Tel Co, W C Walstrum manager, 17 n Fairfax ^ Vogel Julius, baker, h 211 King Virginia State Insurance Co of Richmond 145 King Biscuit, Crackers and Cak es, Alexandria, V a. VO [153] WA Voi;elo-esang Pijilip II, baker 32 veg mkt & 60 Cameron VoUteu Theodore, segars and tobac'co 120 King and res- taurant 115 King Vowell Elizabeth, Vid Thomas, h 65 s Titt O =0 Waddey 13 F, macliinist W C V M & G S R R Waddey James E, master mechanic, h 6 s Columbus Waddey John watchman, h 93 s Lee Waddev Thomas, shoemaker 15 s Union Waddey Thomas E, elk, bds 93 s Lee 5> Waddey W B, boots and shoes 74 King, h 65 s Lee ^ Wade Robert H, carpenter, h 55 Wolfe >< Wade Robert T, lab, h 175 Wolfe 5 Wade Samuel R, blacksmith, bds 6^9 n St Asaph g Wahl Conrad, confectioner, h 151 King Z3j *Wair Jol\n McK, carpenter, h Pitt nr Oronoko -j> Walker Benedict, elk, h Columbus cor Cameron Walker Frank, fireman, h Fairfax cor Jefferson < * Walker George, lab, h Queen alley ?^ Walker George W, tanner, h 86 Wilkes " Walker Jame's, elk, h Prince nr Union ^ Walker James T, police, h 56 n Alfred 3 Walker John F, elk, h 24 Prince ^ Walker Lemuel, lab, h 226 Wilkes ^ *Walker Robert, lab, h Pitt st alley c *Walker Washington, lab, h St Asaph cor Pendleton ^ Walker W J, lab, h 67 Wilkes w Wall Arthur, h 97 Prince o Wall Augustus, feed, 201 King h King nr Columbus "^ WALL W B, depy elk U S Court, Custom house ^ bldg, bds 225 King ^ Wallace James, boatman, h n end Columbus o Wallace Michael, shipcarpenter, bds 133 s Lee eg Waller A W C, wid Chas C P, h 8 n Patrick w Waller John B, elk, h 8 n Patrick Walsh John, miller, h 113 s Royal Walsh John, shipwright, bds 53 Gibbon Walsh Mary T, teacher, h St Asaph nr King 20 Use GEO. R. HILL & Co.'s Superior Family o E o Q= O d Lj c3 "o I— =3 (73 03 O \VA [154] WA C3 WALSTRUM W C manager W U Telegraph Co, bds Mansion House *Wanzer John, lab, li alley bet Alfred and Patrick and Prince and Duke *Ward Andrew, lab, li 191 l*nnce Ward diaries A, niacliinisr, bds 45 s Fairfax Ward Charles E, painter, bds 69 u St Asaph *Ward Georije, lab, h 45 s West Ward llezekiah, h 38 s Lee Ward James H, printer, bds 69 n St Asaph Ward Louisa, wid William II, h 69 n St Asapli *Ward William II, h 45 s Fairfax Warder B F, car|)entGr, bds 71 Wilkes Warder James II, h 27 n Payne WARDER R H, carpenter, 13 s Lee nr Prince h 71 Wilkes Warder William II, carpenter, h Fairfax bet Fraidvlin and Jefferson Ware KIkanah A, h 19 Wolfe *Ware Henry P, fisherman, h Gibbon nr Fairfax *Ware Solomon, lab, h 153 s St Asapli Warfield A A, (Janney & Co) h 90 Prince Warfield A D, dyeing and scouring, ^7 s Fairfax, h 47 s Fairiax Warfield Edi,^ir, (AVarficd & Hall) li 10 n Washincrton AVarrield Frank, drui^ elk, h 47 Fairfax Warlield & Hall, (Edgar Warfield and W J Hall) drug- gists, Prince cor Fairfax 03 03 -a o o fcOD -AND- General Contractor and Builder, 13 LEE STEEjT, jETWEEN KINS AND PRINCE. All work entrusted to his care promptly attended to, J8@°^Satifactlon guaranteed.'^^a Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. 30 WA [155] WA Waring Arthur, painter, h 106 Cameron Warinii' Basil, janitor and sexton, 1) 106 Cameron '^ *Wanno: Leland Rev, h Fayii<^ m' Prince ^ Waring Margaret, wid Thomas, bds 171 King Waring Thomas E, plasterer, h 106 Cameron, ^ Warring Francis A, huckster, h 29 n Fairfax CD Warring Thomas, elk li 29 n Fairfax ^ Warren Edward, plasterer, h Cameron near St Asaph pn *Warren Frederick, lab, h Fairfax cor Jefferson ^ Warri'U Louisa wid John, h 62 s Royal -^ *Washington Beverly, lab, h Fayette nr Queen i — Washington Building, for schools, Washington nr Wolfe P2 *VVashington, Charles, lab h 6 n St Asaph 3> * Washington Charles, lab, h Royal nr 1st 2: Washington City Virginia Midland & § Great Southei-n R R Co, J S Barbour presi- 3:> dent, G J Foreacre manager, J x\I Broulus genl " ticket agent, office 168 King and depot Henry p> cor Duke (see adv) * Washington Daniel lab, h Alfred nr Duke ^ * Washington Finis, lab, h Fairfax nr Franklin ^ * Washington Frank, driver, h 64 n Patrick * Washington Frank, eating house. Royal cor Princess Washington George, (Washington & Bro,) h 155 sLee £" *Washington Henry, lab, h Franklin nr St Asaph o * Washington Henry, lab, h Pitt st alley c^ *Washington James, lab, 225 Duke o *Washington James, lab, h 77 s Alfred "^ * Washington Jefferson, lab, h 4 n St Asaph ^ *Washington Jesse, cook, h Prince nr Payne ^-. *Washington John lab, h West cor Wolfe 5" *Washington John, lab, h St Asaph nr Pendleton * Washington Lee lab, h Fairfax n of Canal basin ^ *Washington Morton, shoemaker, Princess nr Pitt, h -^ Queen nr Payne ^ * Washington Reuben, hab, h Payne nr Cameron ^ Washington R J, (Washington &Bro) & lawyer, h King ^ George co, Va ^ Washington School, (public) for white boys, T H Ficklin ? principal, Washington nr Wolfe 5^ o CO O CD =3 Use Georg e R. Hill & Co.' s Superior Family WA [156] WA 00 ^Washington William, lab, h Fairfax cor Jefferson 5" * Washington William H, steward, h 144 s Washington < Washington & Bro, (George & K J Wasliingtony corn c^ niers, 24 s I'nion o. Washington & Ohio R R Co, Lewis McKenzie a_ prest, Keiiben Jolmson, secy and treas, 11 H zzz Ha\'ener, genl supt, freight and ticket agt, office and passenger depot Fairfax cor Princess, freight E' otHce Lee cor Princess (see adv) ^ Waterman J If, clothing, h 51 n Royal o Waterman Moses J, (S Waterman & Son) li 51 n Koyal <; Waterman Simon, (S Waterman & Son) h 51 n Royal ?^ Waterman S & Son, (Simon & Moses J Waterman) cloth- -TO ing, 91 King o Waters Benjamin, lab, h 148 Gibbon CO Waters Cordelia, wid Thomas A, 60 n Royal :::;-. Waters Jolm, [)ilot, bds King cor Union §' Watkins D G, (D G Watkin^s & Co) Duke st ext, h Fair^ "" WATKINS D a & CO, (D G Watkins, J W Brown & John H Watkins) millers, 12 s Union, CO mill Duke extended Fairfax co ^ Watkins Edgar, elk, h West end p Watkins George L, butcher, stall 1 mkt ho h w end ^ Duke ext =i: AVatkins James C, butcher, bds 22 Commerce CO Watkins James II, butcher, h w end Duke nr Stonebridge o Watkins J Frank, carpenter, h ext w end Duke = Watkins J H, engineer, W C V M & G S R R 2. Watkins John H, (D G Watkins & Co) h Duke extended o" Watkins eTohn T, brakeman, h 66 n Alfred '< Watkins Mary E wid Thomas J, h extreme w end Duke c Watkins S, patent rights, bds 135 n St Asaph ^ Watkins T Marshall, plumber li extreme w end Duke g Watkins William, lab, h Pitt, nr Franklin E. Watkins Winlield B, butcher stall 2 ]mkt ho, h w end *< Duke extended i^ * Watson Alexander, gardener, h Gibbon nr St Asaph -5^ * Watson James W, cook, h 50 n Ilenrv g Wattles C W, lawyer, 3 & 5 mkt ho bldg, h 14 s Pitt O CD Biscuits, Crackers and Ca kes, Alexandria, Va. WA ^157] WE Watt Benjamin, shipcarpenter, bcls Fairfax nr Gibbon Wattles li' S, h 286 'King ^ AVaugh J Joffnian Rev, pastor M E Church South, h 234 King ^ Weadon F"jM, locksmith and bellhanger, s 7 St Asaph, ^ li 40 n St Asnph R' Weadon Jolin, baker, bds 40 n St Asaph o^ Weadon Philip H, locksmith, bds 40 n St Asaph z^ Weadon Richard M, locksmith, bds 40 n St Asaph ^ Weadon Walker, upholsterer, h Cameron nr Pitt 3: * Weaver Georo;e, lab, h Lee nr Gibbon m *Weaver William J, stevedore, h 146 Wolfe i^ Webb Alfred, shoemaker h Commerce nr West ^ Webb Armistead, carpenter, h Oronoko nr Royal, j— Webb Emanuel W, gardener, h Oronoko cor Payne ^ * Webb John H, shoemaker. Queen nr Alfred, h Com- ^ merce nr West :Z1 *Webb J W Rev, h Pavne nr Cameron O *Webb Smith, lab, h AVythe nr St Asaph S *Webb Strother, (Redman & Webb) h Pitt cor Prince ^ *Webb Strother lab, h West nr Queen ^ WEBB W Rev, pastor M E Church, h 143 d> Prince Webster Daniel E, engineer, h 33 n Alfred O Webster Hiram J, policeman, h 69 n St Asaph ^ Webster James F, policeman, h 71| Wilkes ^ * Webster James F, carpenter, h 90 s Henry ^ Webster James R, engineer, h 103 Queen 5* Webster John F, tanner, h 84 Wilkes * Webster Oliver E, carpenter, h 12 s Peyton s:^ Webster Susan, wid Charles F, h 82 Wikes q_ Wedderburn A J, printer and publisher Alex Va ^ Weeden Charles coachsmith, h 43 s Pitt o *Weeden Michael, lab, h Payne cor Wythe ^=^ *Weems Henry, porter, h Gibbon nr St Asaph 1 — Weismiller Mary Mrs, h 20 Cameron ^ Welch John D, painter, h 87 s Washington o- Wells Cornelius C, shoemaker Duke nr Henry ^ Wells Elizabeth, wid William, h Patrick nr Gibbon Wells Joseph, shoemaker, h 197 Cameron W^elsh John, bartender, h 259 King o Use George R. Hill (St Co.'s Superior Family WE [158] WH — Wejiger Albert, cooper, h 135 n St Asaph ,p Weiizel John, baker, 211 Kincr i Wenzel John A, lab, h Franklin nr Patrick cz Werden Charles, elk, bds 209 Cameron _o *\yest Armistead, driver, h 289 Prince o West Jacob, baker, h 16 s Alfred ■^ West John, bds Mansion House ^ West John elk, bds 16 s Alfred West John, lab, bds Pitt nr Queen ^ West John, niilkmm, h 14 s Peyton •^ *West Major, lab, h Pitt nr Oronoko _c West Theodore S, draughtsmau, bds 225 King »— * Western Charles IT. lab, h 117 Princess -E WESTERN UNION TEL CO, W C AVal- ^ strum niana_o-er, 17 n Fairfax •C *Wethers Archii)ald, lab, h Fighting alley ^ * Wethers Elijah, musician, h Alfred nr Pendleton ,^ Whalen Daniel, blacksmith, bds 95 s Henry >-i Whalen James, tanner, h 142 n Columbus ■^ WHEAT BENONI, prest Md and Va Ferry, is h IH) Duke — Wheat Clarence, bds 96 Duke '^ Wheat Harriet Miss, h Columbus nr Cameron g- Wheat J J, h 173 Prince •^ Wheat J W, elk, h 121 Prince -a AVheat Kobert W, h 121 Prince ^ Wheat Susan, wid Robert W, h 121 Prince c/3 Wiieatley B, undertaker, 191 King § Wheatley Julia A, wid Benedict, h 191 King '■^ Wheatley William, machinist, b 125 s Alfred .•t^ *Wheems Edward, lab, h Gibbon nr St Asaph to Wiiitcomb William H, printer, h 38i s Lee -E White Albert R, elk, A & F R R, h 20 n Alfred 03 *White Arthur, barber, 222 King h 340 King E *White Cajah, lab, h Washington nr Franklin -I- * White Daniel, lab, h Fairfax nr Montgomery q;) *White Daniel, lab, h Oronoko cor Pitt .r^ White E E, collector U S Int Rev, Custom Ho bldg, b 42 Q 8 Washington ±= White Frank, lab, h 131 s Washington c£ AVhite J G, page, bds 58 Prince Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. 03 30 ZJ2 WII [159] WI CD White Jas, (Power Sc White) h 12th cor M Washington S White James M, elk, bds 131 s Washino-ton 2! *Winte Sihis, hib, h 870 Kinj? ^ ^ White Thomas M, elk, h 181' s Washino-ton White Thomas \V. (li B Lawson & Cofh 181 s Wahing'u Whitehead Anna J, teacher, Washington cor Dake *Whiting Carter, carpenter, h Royal nr Gibbon * Whiting Frank, deckhand, h if s St- Asaph * Whiting John II, ship carpenter, li 85 n Henrj^ * Whiting Joseph h 84 s Columbns 5> *Whiting William H, restaurant, 7 s Union, h 115 s Roval r~ Whitney A P, elk war dept, h 45 s Koyal X Whittington 11 B elk, bds Mansion House :j> Wliittington Marsjaret C, wid Thomas, h 11 s Columbus Whittk'sc'v Helen'" M, wid Charles, h 59 Prince WHITTLESEY OSCAR C, lawyer and mag- istrate 132 Duke, h 134 Duke Whittlesey Sarah J C, h 134 Duke, J Widdertield D B, baggage master, h 244 Prince ^ Wiggs Louisa Miss, li 89 s Fairfax ^ Wilburn Thompson, slater, h 52 n Alfred s^ AVildt Henry, watchmaker and jeweler, 140 King d Wiles William, engineer, h Queen nr Fayette ^ Wilkerson Philip, lab, h allej' r Wolfe bet Royal and "^ Fairfax Wilkerson James H, stevedore, h 105 n St Asa[)li *Wilkins George W, boatman, h 109 s Fairfax Wilkins James W, blacksmith, bds 11 s Henry Wilkins James W, farmer, h 11 s Henry _ Wilkins John conductor, h 11 s Henry ^ Wilkins John H, painter, h 58 n Alfred o * Wilkins John W, slioemaker, h 138 Gibbon "" Wilkins Joseph, lab, h 344 King o r— I- —5 Ct> — s C/3 o — b R" Wilkins Mary E Mrs, boarding, 11 s Henry O Wilkins Silas M, shoemaker 5 s Columbus ^ Wilkinson James lab, b Washington nr Wythe cd *William King, lab, li 266 Queen -n *Williams Alfred, lab, h Washington nr Franklin ^ Williams Augusta E, wid James E, h 199 King g- *Williams Benjamin, lab, h Pitt cor Oronoko ^ ^Williams Ca?sar, labj b Biggs alley cd Use George R. Hill &l Co.'s Superior Family "E WI [160] wi -3 ~ ^ *Winiams Charles, sailor, h Mountgomery nr lioyal '^^ *\Villiams Charles, lab, h 77 s Koval 00 Williams Charles W, elk, bds 26 "s Royal c/D Williams Da\-id, cabinetmaker, h 6 n l^atriek "c * Williams Delmore, waiter, h 195 n Washington p * Williams Dennis, lab, h Royal nr Wilkes * Williams Elias, lab, li Henderson alley _o Williams Erances Mrs, eating house mkt ho Fairfax street QC b Fairfax nr Cameron o *Williams Frank, lab, h alley bet Frince & Duke & Co- -^ lumbus & Alfred -a Williams George R, painter, bds 53 Gibbon ^ *Williams Henry, barber, h 88 s Columbus CD *William3 Henry, lab, h Franklin cor Columbus ^ * Williams Jetf, lab, h 73 n Henry .■^ * Williams James, lab, h 49 s Peyton a:> *Williams James, lab, h Princess nr Alfred -^ * Williams James, lab, h Royal n of 1st ^ * Williams John, lab, h Union nr Franklin ^ *Williams John, packer, h Columbus nr Gibbon £ Williams John A, painter, h 60 n Alfred s_ *Williams John H, lab, h 152 s Alfred § * Williams Joseph, lab, h 177 Wolfe Q- *William8 Joseph, lab, h Prince cor St Asaph o *Williams Judge, lab, h 195 n Washington f^ Williams Lucy, wid John, h 62 n Alfred -. * Williams Malone, servant, b 75 s Royal 6 * Williams Marshall Rev, h Princess bet Royal and Pitt _ * Williams Martin, hostler, Wilkes nr Lee ^ *Williams Martin, butcher, h 39 s Peyton — *Williams Moses, cook, h 75 s Royal c^ AVilliams Robert, blacksmith, h 232 Prince '—i Williams Robert, produce, 14 veg mkt, h 29 n Fairfax g * Williams Robert, driver, h Gibbon nr Columbus ~ ^Williams Robt, lab, h alley bet Prince & Duke & Colam- o bus & Alfred "o * Williams Roden, lab, h 37 s West qI Williams Thomas, painter, h 31 s Columbus ^ *Williams Thomas, lab, h Alfred nr Duke >. *Williams Thomas, waiter, li 195 n Washington 03 . * Williams Thornton, lab, h 142 Wolfe ZX3 o Biscuit, Crackers a nd Cakes , Alexandria , Va. WI [161] wi *WiUiams Wesley, lab, h Muirs alley Willianison James A, coiuluctor, h 83 n Henry CTJ *\Villis Abner, lab, h Alfred nr Duke ^ *Willis Henry, lab, h 198 n Columbus m *Willis Henry, lab, h Wasbington nr Wytlie ^ Willougbby Westel, lawyer, 217 King (2«» *Wils()i.> Albert, b Oronoko nr Royal CD Wilson Cbarles F, shoemaker, h 207 Queen * Wilson Eli, lab, h Royal nr Franklin Wilson Fannie A, teacher, b Royal nr liing ^ * Wilson Henry C, waiter, h 64 n Alfred ^ Wilson Herbert A, real estate agt, b Fairfax cor Wolfe WILSON JOHN H, elk Adams Ex Co, li 47 ^ Queen m *W"ilson Lawson, lab, h Union nr Gibbon ^ Wilson Margaret, wid Archibald, h 99 s Washington ^^ Wilson Mary Miss, h 14 s Royal O * Wilson Richard, brakeman, h 92 n Alfred 2 Windsor David, brickmaker, h 123 Cameron ^ Windsor James, waterman, h 32 Duke ^ Windsor F R, brickmaker, h 128 Cameron y^ Windsor Francis A. bridgebuilder, h 336 King - Windsor Richard S, h 123 Cameron ^ Windsor William H, bricklayer, h 321 King pa Wines Philo B, (McChesney, Craig & Winers) h 10 n Pitt = *Winifree James, lab, h 282 Columbus ^ Winters Elizabeth, wid Edward, h 158 Queen 2- ♦Winters John W, porter, h 179 Wolfe ^ *Winters John W Jr, lab, h 179 Wolfe ^ * Winters William, fireman, h 18 s Fayette ^ Wirt liichard W, elk, h 103 Cameron % Wise George, (Wise & Co) h 195 Cameron ^ Wise J Robert, lab, bds 184 Fairfax ^ W^ise Margaret, wid George, h 248 King ^ Wise Peter, (Green & Wise) bds Mansion House cd WISE & CO, (Georive Wise) ins agts, 97 King ^ Witbeck J W, machinist W C V M & G S R R £^ Witmer D F, carpeting oilcloths &c, 73 King 2nd floor h 34 s Washington Witmer Edmund F, elk, bds 88 Duke Witmer George C, elk, bds 88 Duke 21 ■73 O O ,03 O (X) <« cd -o o o Use GEO. R. HILL & Co.'s Superior Family WI [162] W li Witnier George Iv, oilcloths carpets (fee, h 88 Duke * Withers ITeiirv. shoenial<:er, li Fighting alley Wolf Samuel, elk, bcis 53 n Royar Wolf William, confectioner, 2L.6 King d Wood Ann, will Isaac, h 65 s Lee ^ Wood C F Mrs. 137 s Washington cl Wood D, painter, h 120 sFa'rfax ^ Wood Frank, baggage master, h Patrick nr Gibbon Wood George E, gunner, h 120 s Fairfax *Wood Ilcnry, lab, h Gibbon nr Alfred Wood Hiram A, machinist, h 133 s Fairfax o Wood James, painter, h 155 Wolfe o *Wood John, lab, h Queen cor Payne Q- Wood M A, wid Robert L, h Washington cor Franklin c5 Wood Orlando, oyster packer 39 King, h 81 s Lee Wood Patrick, lab, h 178 s Fairfax Wood Thomas, agt Weed Sewing Machine, h 72 s Lee — Wood Thomas, car inspec, h 14 s Fayette E Wood William D, elk, h 120 s Fairtax o Woodtield William H, shoemaker Fairfax cor Princess =3 *Woodson Ilenrj', produce stall 44 veg mkt, h 192 Duke c Woodward Amos, S, engineer, h 72 s Lee "" Woolls James M, plasterer, h 83 s St Asaph ^_ Woolls Stephen, printer, h 121 Queen g Woolls William, grocer 63 n St Asaph, h 121 Queen Woolls William P, grocer 1st nr Fairfax Worthington George Y, shipping & com merchant ft Duke o h 22 Cameron ■^ Worz John, bartender, h King nr Henry Wrenn Norman W, elk, bds 32 s Patrick Wrenn Robert B, carpenter, h 32 s Patrick * Wright Alfred, lab, h West nr Queen ^ *Wright Frank, caulker, h 135 s Fairfax > Wright James B, moulder, h Gibbon nrPitt _o Wright JaneE, wid ('harles, h 103 s Henry * Wright Joseph, caulker, h Royal nr Gibbon ^ Wright Leroy A, brakesman, hds 103 s Henry E Wright Lucien P, brakesman, bds 103 s Henry * Wright Samuel, carpenter, h Alfred nr Wilkes * Wright William, cook shop ft King bb * Wright William, lab, h Queen nr West WR Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes , Alexan d ria, V a. [163] *Wn<):bt William, lab, h Jail alley *VVngJit William, porter, h 101 s Washington *Wr()C Moses, lab, h 280 ii Columbus *VVroe l>everly, barber, h 142 s Wasbiug-ton *Wroe Richard II, driver, h 142 s Washington IT Yates Sally, teacher, h s Washington nr Yeaton William C, lawyer, b 111 Oronoko Yeaton William C Jr, student, bds 111 Oronoko Yobe Charles A, (Steiner & Yobe,) h 17 n Washington Young Banner T, machinist, h 41 n Royal Young B P, produce & tobacco 135 King Young Emma J Mrs. teacher, h 183 Cameron Young George L, carpenter, b ext vv end Duke Young John, engineer, b Alfred cor Franklin *Young John, lab, b Prince nr Payne Ycnitiir Joseph II, eno^ineer, h 41 n Royal YOUNG JULIAN F, hats, caps &c, 80 King, li 26 s Royal Young Men's Christian Association of Alex Va. A J Fleming prest, James Entwisle Jr, genl secy, William A Moore treas, over 93 Kinof 3a 1 — m X =0 CO Z3 CD —3 CO o — b (Successor to J. T. EVANS,) = DEALER IN ^ Q- co JULIAN F. YOUNG, »ro. 00 z£X3Nr<3- JSTmsi:T, —i ALEXANDRIA, VA. ? o o o £ .C3 O o o CO o .o Use Georg e R. H ill & Co.' s Superio r Family ZO [164] ZI *Youn^ Peter, lab, h Royal n of 1st Young^ Robert C, b 212 King Young Virginia, wid Jobn T, b 26 s Royal Youtbs Progress, (amateur) J G Wbite editor 58 Prince YUNDT O W, baggage express 7 n Washington branch offices City Hotel and Fayette cor Came- ron h 137 s Lee z Zell Oliver A, tinner, b 224 Prince Zimmerman Ann, wid William, li 341 Duke Zimmerman Elizabetli, wid Alfred, b 210 Cameron Zimmerman Elizabeth, wid John H, b 171 Duke Zimmerman George II,.butcber, b 841 Duke Zimmerman Jobn^R, (T J Meiiattey k Co,) b 171 Duke Zimmerman Tbomas, butcher, li 341 Duke Zimmerman Tiionuis J, huckster, h 6 s West Zimmerman WiUiam D, tinner, b 22 Duke Zion Baptist Cburch Lee nr Franklin *Rev Alex Hender- son preacher 0. W, YTODT, Frelglit.PasseuEer&BaEPP Express. CONNECTS AT WASHINGTON WITH KNOX'S EXPRESS. ~ ALSO A&j:!:TT F0.1 MoFAULA-ND'S PAST FSEI3-HT LINE. r^ OFFICE, 7 N. WiSHI^TGTOX ST. "^ T-. ^^ i^f^ \ VIRGINIA MIDLAND R. R and -o Branch Offices, I ^{JJ'y HOTEL. ■♦— ' 03 Blfe^Delivers Baggage to all Parts of Alexandria, Washington and Georgetown .1 BAUCHIVIAN BROTHERS, ^ ST^TTO^sTElRS & PRIISTTEI^S, V IlICHMONr>, - - - VIRGINIA. CO STIBFF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Have received the highest encomiums wherever they have been introduced. Mlie[OFTHEy[R!B[STMA™LSTHfiOUGI10UT they are nevertheless offered at prices that will com- pare favorably with those of any F£E&r-€&^&^ man- ufactory on this continent. The bm^w is always the €^MMiiPMSr, and hence purchasers of stieff Pianos will find a satisfactory equivalent for their money. The &M^r£j^& quality of their instruments is fully attested by the many Educational and other Institu- tions, in the Southern States especially, where over 400 are in daily use, and by the unanimous verdict of the best performers of this and other countries. Terms as favorable as is consistent with the times, and ETEET' IMMTUWME^T FW&&T W^EE^MTE® F&m PITE TE^ZEB, We are also Sole Agents for the s&wwmme^ ^w^rES of the ■"MATCHLESS BURDETT ORGANS," which speak for themselves. A full supply of every style constantly in store, and sold on the most reasonable terms. Fifty Second-hand Pianos always on hand, at prices ranging from $75 to $300. Tot Illustrated Catalogue, address Ct£J^S IME. STIEIFF, \o. 9 North Liberty St., Baltimore, Md. 169 FACTORY ESTABLISHED IN 1856. DANIEL F. BEATTT, (Successor to BEAU? & FLOTIS.) WtSlilNGION, NfW Mill uAHurAcmm or tbe BEATTY PIANO, AND THE CELEBRATED "GOLDEU TOKGUE" Parlor Organs. MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY. EVERY INSTRUMENT MADE BY ME, PIANO OR ORGAN, is hereby Warranted for a TERM OF SIX YEARS FROM DATE, and should it, with proper care and use, prove defective in material or workmanship within that time, I agree to put it in good repair, free of charge. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. 166 BE ATT Y PIANO. & From Rufus Snyder, of the firm of Snyder & Hendricks, Carriage Manufacturers, of the city of Allen town, Pa. : " 1 must confess I hardly know how to express my gratification on receiving the BEATTY PIANO you shipped me. It is at least all that I could ask, wish or expect. One of the most eminent musicians tried it and spoke in the most favorable terms after thoroughly testing il." Best offers ever given. Money refunded upon return of Piano and freight charges paid by me (Daniel F. Beatty) both ways if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five days. Pianos warranted for six years. Address 167 DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey , U, IS» A, FOU POTOMAC LAHDIUGS, Will leave Alexandria daily (Sundays excepted) at 2 o'clock p. m., for the following landings : FORT fOOTE, COLLINGWOOB, FORT WASHIHGTON. ■acS Returning, will leave Glymont (Pye's Wharf) at 6 o'clock a. ni., touching at all points named above. On Saturday evening the steamer will not run down farther than FAR- MINGTON, returning from that point on Monday morning at 8 a. m. For further particulars apply JAMES QUINTIN, Capt. J. BRODERS & CO., 11 King.^ ESTABLISH ED^IN i86a ~ >VA.SHINGTO:Nr AT THE ELEGANT WASHINGTON, D. C. 0. B. EULLARD, DIRECTOR. Cultivation ok the Voice, Singing, Elocution, Piano, Or- gan, Harmony, and Orchestral Instruments are taught by thorough and accomplished Instructors. $10 Pays fOr 60 Lessons from the Ablest Teachers. Open from 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. Pupils received at all times, see Circulars at the Music and Book Stores, or address , ^ THE DIRECTOR. 168 E. J. PULLMAN, Photographer. R. M. DAWSON, Artist. FUIiljMAIf PHOTOGRAPHIC icakM 1^4?^ 3r sfc 1 m«.ry9 (^Ovejr Teel's.; WASHINGTON, D. C. 'We are prei)ared to do as fine work as can be done in the cit}'^ and at bottom prices. Are doing a large trade in copying and painting old pictures, and guarantee satisfaction in every case. It will be for your interest to call and see our work and learn our prices, before leaving your orders elsewhere. The Famous ST. GEORGE Heating Range HAS NO SUPERIOR IN THE MARKET. t^Tliis Ranajo is (•oiistnicted for iieatiiio; as well as eookiiiii. and whon set for that jmrpose will heat the rooms above without any additional cost of fuel. OIL COOK STOVE. Is iKMMcctJy odiirless : can he ])urned in a close room all day without any sn\ell. Is economical. Yon can cook, bake, broil or roast, at ai.ont | OF A CENT PER HOUR. N the only Oil Cook Stove that does bakln£>' and roasting |>cri'ecily. and will keep Fl.it Irons suHicictitly heated to do contiiiiioiis ironing. Can be used any where. in doors or out. Is the only Stove made which has its tf^VC wicU tubes surrounded and r.atchets cov- ^1^ ered by water. ."-'('lid lor Spcci.'il CiKuhiis iuid ('!it;ilogues. CHRIS. RIESSNER, 71~>'nul i 17 Scrt'itfh St.. V. fl.. iloshhif/to,) . />. (I CHATAIGNE'S CD 30 ALEXANDRIA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ^ DO I876--'77. § 30 Agents— Coal X Ilutson S P S, foot Princess ^ Agents— Patent >- PIKE YVON, Watfliiiigton D C, & 117 Cameron (see adv g page 122) - CD Agents— Real Estate and Auctioneers g Green & Wise, 23 Fairfax Kerby F A, 56 King Agents— Sewing Machines Perry Charles C, 72 King Piggs Charles E, 8 s St Asaph Wood Thomas, 72 s Lee Agent— Steamships Poush N & Son, 1 King PROPERS J & Co, IS^King (see adv page 47) HOOE PHILIP P, foot Princess (see adv page 4) REED F A, 6 Janneys Wharf (see adv page 3^ 22 o —5 CO CJ o o CD ^ Use George R. H ill & Co.'s Superior Family o BUSINESS [170] DIRECTORY cE Agricultural Implements o (see also Seeds & Fertilizers) cS BRYANT HERBERT, 25 Kin 111) c ^ Architects and Builders ■~;| (see also Carpenters & Builders) ci •5 Lanibdin J R, Kins^ cor Fairfax C^ PRICE B F, 7 8 Columbus (see adv page 126) > Assignees in Bankruptcy o I — Fowler John S, 3rd floor Custom House bldg p Bakers and Confectioners CO (see also Confectioners) - Appich David, 151 King CD Bauer George, King cor Payne c Crump James T, 8 s Fairfax i3 Germann Michael, 142 King "^ Mills Samuel, Favette bet Queen and Cameron ^ Richard William "C, 46 Wolfe and stall 29 veg mkt — Vogelgesang Philip II, 65 Cameron & stall 32 veg mkt d Wenzel John, 211 King ■§ Bakers— Cracker & Biscuit > ^ HILL GEORGE R & CO, 35 & 37 n Lee, (see adv top lines) ^ Banks and Bankers -a o P-. Burke & Herbert, King oor Fairfax CITIZENS NATIONAL OF ALEX, Prince cor Lee Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandr ia, Va. BUSINESS " [171] DIRECTORY German Banking Co of Alex, 127 King zo THE FIRST NATIONAL OF ALEX, VA, Lee cor ^^ Prince -z^ Banks— Savings and Trust Companies Farmers & MechanicB, 109 Prince Barbers and Hairdressers DO c:> Arnaud Pierre, 249 King- Brown George E, 13 n Royal ^ Barrage John T, 243 Duke ^ Barrage Thomas, 10 n Fairfax z^ Collingsworth T W, 33 s Fairfax O *Diggs William, 80 n Fairfax ^ *Dulanv Thomas E, 124 King ^ *Datton Benj T, 21 Union < *Fisher Washington, 154 King 3> *Green William D, Royal nr Cameron ^ Griffin C M, 8 s Washington *Kinoi: George T, Cameron cor Henry *Madella & Palmer, 202 King Simpson James W, 153 Kine: o *Tancil Herbert P, 681 Prince c *Triplett William II, 8 s Royal 5 * White Arthar, 222 Kin^ ^ =3 Barometers HEMPLER H H, 453 Pa ave n w Washington (See adv front cover) o OPPENHEIMER S, 528 9th, n w Washington (see adv) I^ Basket Manufacturers g Schlcvogt Joseph, 34 s Royal P Use G eorge R. Hili & Co.'s Superior Family "H BUSINESS [172] DIRECTORY ro 13 ^ Bee Hive Manufacturers OS CO Lucas & Elliott, 15 s Lee I Bill Posters & Distributors .S£ Smith George S, Fairfax cor Cameron _^ Billiard Saloons "? Leftwich & Co, City Hotel *^ Mansion House, Fairfax cor Cameron o fcJ3 ,-? Blacking Manufacturers a? Moore A F, 23 Prince 03 i Blacksmiths & Wheelwrights j_ (See also Wheelwrights; o fP Atkinson J W & Bro, Prince cor Commerce *Douglas George P, Royal & Canal basin Dyer Julin, Union bet Queen & Princess •"^ Ford Josiah & Sons, 316 King o *Jenkins Robert, Union cor Duke O LEE EDGAR W, n Lee cor Fayette, alley n of King o5 (sec adv page 102) ^ *Moten Strotijer, 11 s Lee fCD *Poindexter Andrew, Lee nr (^ueen ::j ROAT GEORGE W, Franklin cor Patrick c= *Simms George W, Columbus nr Gibbon .^ *Valentine W H, w end Duke O o "S Block & Pump Makers qI c5 Hart John, r 29 Duke > Jackson Robert A, 69 s Union o Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BUSINESS [178] DIRECTORY O Boarding Houses m (See also Hotels) Bitzer J 11, 58 Prince CO C'olvin Elizabeth Mrs, 13 s Henry O Craven John 45 Duke ^ Dobie Ann 54 Duke / ^ Evans Mary 95 s Henry 30 Hefflebower Elizabeth Mrs '225 King- Humphries William 171 King Kelly Mary A Mrs 53 Gibbon Laws Newman 253 Duke *Lumpkins G A 179 King McLean Virginia B 58 n Washington O O'Neal Susan 103 Cameron E5 Price M A 57 Cameron >• Wilkins Mary E x\Irs 11 s Henry < Boiler Makers - (See also Machinists) ^ Gorman & Pettit 55 s Union I— m X Si3 Booksellers Stationers & Newsdealers i* Bell Robert 61 King Cox J T King cor Pitt Eutwisle J & W J 102^King French George E 95 King Parrott John II 55 King CD C/J o — b O Boot & Shoe Dealers ^ Ballenger Pevton 126 King O GENZBERGER L & SON 116 King =3 Kaufmann Joseph 108 King cts Paff Frederick, 98 King ^ Simpson & Sons, 8 n Royal -s Strauss Henry, 90 King §.- Waddey W B, 74 s Lee = Arriugton Robert, Gibbon nr Royal cd Use GEO. R. HILL & Co.'s Superior Family o o BUSINESS [174] DIRECTORY ^^ Cowman Leonard, 277 King .^^ Brill Louis, 122 King '^ Deeton Cliri8topher, Cameron nr Henry ^ Eclelin Thomas, 37 n Alfred ^ *Fry Edmond, 105 s Royal g *Gaines Robert, 109 s Washington >^ Green George H, 25 s Fairfax S *Hackley John, Payne cor Cameron o *Harris Fenton, 211 Queen =s Henry Raleit^h, Duke cor Alfred ^ Herbert W tl, 6 n Fairfax ■if *Jackson French, Princess nr Royal •> *Johnson Isaac, Si Asaph nr Cameron ^ Lloyd John T, 56 n Fairfax ^ *Lumpkins G A, 179 King _ Mayhew William, Oronoko nr St Asaph ^ Moore A F, 23 Prince — Pitts R T, 23 s Fairfax eg Pohlman M, 16 s St Asaph —i *Redman & Webb, 135 Cameron g Soper J H, 49 n Pitt -^ Sutton William W, Gibbon cor St Asaph ^ Taylor V M, 9 n Royal o Waddey Thomas, s 15 Union CiI *Webb John H, Queen nr Alfred - Wells Cornelius C, Duke nr Henry > Wilkins John W, 138 Gibbon (^ Wilkins Silas M, 5 s Columbus -c Woodiield William H, Fairfax cor Princess -^ Bowling Alleys. 'a -o ■g Henry Daniel, Fairfax cor Princess •*— > a:* .E Box and Barrel Manufacturers. CO g Blythe Washington, 16 s Wharves o I CO Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BUSINESS [175] DIRECTORY Brass Founders o (See also Maoliiiiists, also Iron Founders) ^ m JAMIESON" & COLLINS, Royal eor Wilkes,(see adv p 92) ^ Leatherland J ..S: Co, Queen cor Lee ^ Brewers— Lager Beer o (see also Weiss beer) ^ m ENGLEHARDT HENRY, w end Duke (see adv page 4) ^ Portner Robert, St Asaph cor Wythe " >• _ . , m Brick Manufacturers X Francis Euiaiiuel, Fairftix - (see also Blacksmiths; also Wheelwrights) >< 3> Edelen Robert I, 11 n Pitt ^ FORD JOSIAH & SONS, 316 King g LEE EDGAR W, n Lee cor Fayette alley, (see adv pag-e =^ 102) ^ A * i^ Miffleton Henry, 51 s Columbus •< Prettyman R F, 14 & 16 n Pitt ?=* Summers John, 13 & 15 s Pitt Coal Companies (See also Wood and Coal Dealers) CD EL CD —5 CO 3* American, Union cor Orouoko ::n Atlantic, ft Princess ^ Blaen Avon, ft Princess C2_ Hampshire & Balto, Union cor Queen o Coal Shippers & Dealers (see also Wood and Coal) 3 £= Agnew John P, ft Wolfe Sinclair & Agnew, ft Wolfe Smoot W A," ft Princess 23 CD ^ Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family g BUSINESS [178] DIRECTORY £ ^= .S£ Confectioners rv e4_ (See also Bakers & Confectioners) o ^ Baker William F, stall 31 veg mkt ^ Bossart Michael 21s Fairfax CO Brengle Henry, 129 King -E Force J S, 125 King t^ Schafer Christian, 3 n Fairfax 13 Wolf William, 266 King o CD "o Contractors & Builders Q- (See also Carpenters & Builders ; also Architects) c« i > PRICE B F, 7 s Pitt, (see adv page 126) ^ WARDER R H, 13 Lee bet King & Prince, (see adv I — pasje 151) E Coopers rs CO -E Armstrong J T, 31 Princess Blythe Washington, 16 s Wharves "o^ Cawood Joseph, Princess cor Lee o c: B Cuppers and Leechers Janney & Co, 145 King "V, LEADBEATER E S & BRO, 5 & 7 s Fairfax (see adv ^ page 101) Liint Samuel II, King cor Washington ^ Stabler R 11, 165 King ^ Warlield & Ilall, Prince cor Fairfax ci Druggists — \A/'holesale »3 O CD LEADBEATER E S & BRO, 5 & 7 s Fairfax (see adv ^ page 101) o Dry Goods = (See also Fancy Goods ; also Millinery) ^ Bendheim David, 112 King ^ BERKLEY WILLIAM N, 64 King -^ Brashear D F, 109 King ^ 2^ Lindheimer Samuel, 76 King ^ Pretzfelder & Co, 144 King ;=;: Schwarz I, 132 King ^ SLAYMAKER H C CO, 75 and 77 King P Stewart J M, 99 King Use Geor g e R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Family -E BUSINESS [180] DIRECTORY ,o^ Dyers, Cleaners & Scourers ^ FISCHER A, 906 G st near 9tli Washington D C -^^ Wartield A D, 27 s Fairfax OS ^ Eating Houses cc Travers J W & Son, mkt ho Fairfax street Pollard F J, 255 King Wall Au2:ustus 201 King ^ Fish & Oysters ^ =3 Armstrong J T, Union ur Princess ^ Avery Wesley, Union nr Princess ^ Cook & Co, stall 2 fish mkt ~ Delia A & J A, 23 s Royal Grimes & Sou, fish whf McGraw , Union nr Princess Reed S J, 22 s Union, 11 s Wharves, 74 s Fairfiix and C^ stall 27 market E" Smith Samuel, stall 1 Fish market o Travers John W, stall 3 fish mkt =^ Florists & Nurserymen § o CD Pomeroy John T Jr, 55 Duke -n RIENECKER GUSTAV, w end Duke nr stone bridge, ^ (see adv) E. SLATER JOHN & SON, stall 7 mkt ho Royal st, (see = adv page 139) p ^ Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior F amily g BUSINESS [182] DIRECTORY ^ Furniture Dealers I DeVAITGHN JAMES IT, 130 King '^ GREEN & BRO, Fairfax cor Prince (see side lines) ^ RAFFERTY M J, 185 King ^ Muir James F & Bro, 141 and 143 King o o Furniture Manufacturers g GREEN & BROTHER, Prince cor Fairfox, (see side ^ lines) ^ Furniture— Second-hand Lloyd Isaac S, 27 Prince CO "T; Gas Coal Sinclair & Agnew, ft Wolfe Gas Companies o ^ Alexandria, room 5 mkt ho bldg, Royal st entrance > Grocers -J= (See also Grocers Wholesale and Commission ; also Mer- ' chants Commission) > ^ Ahern John, Prince cor West 'cS Avery Richard W, 226 King "^ Baggett J W, St Asaph nr Pendleton "§ Barker H S W, King cor Conmierce "go Bayne Maria Mrs, 90 s Royal > Beach & Gregory, 93 Cameron E Bossart George A, Fayette cor Queen en Bradfield C H, 35 n Alfred c Bradley James, 81 Queen P BURKE RICHARD, Montgomery cor Washington CO o CD liscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BUSINESS [183] mRECTOKY Burley Catharine Mrs, Prince cor Fayette Burns Elizabeth, Prince cor Fairfax ^ Bnrroucrhs Thomas F, Franklin cor Patrick 33 Callen Henry, 270 King ^ Catts John E, ext w end Duke Z Cook J Francis, 190 King ^ Cowling James, Duke cor St Asaph ^^ Cowling & Bro, extreme w end Duke 30 Crilly John, Fairfax nr Princess O Davidson F J, 147 King ^ Devitt Thomas, Duke cor Alfred rn Downey T & Son, Cameron cor Fairfax ^ Dugan Anthony, 308 King >. Dwyer A and P, Gibbon cor St Asaph r" EMERSON W T, St Asaph cor Queen, (see adv page 70) ^ Fannon Michael, 1st and Canal basin >. FEGAN HUGH, Columbus cor Wolfe (see adv p 72) 12 Fisher J W, Lee cor Gibbon § Fisher & Bro, 22 n Royal ~ Graves W P, Fairfax cor Franklin >^ Greenwood Charles W, 151 Oronoko < Hammond James, Queen cor Pitt 3> Hanrahan P H, King cor Union Heisley John F, Prince cor Fairfax ^ Henraddy Bridget, 274 n Columbus ^ Holt H E, 35 s^Union c^ Hopkins Joseph, 5 n Fairfax ^ Krieg Godfrey, 97 s Washino;ton £• LANNON THOMAS, 101 Cameron 3 Lawler Martin, Pitt cor Gibbon ^ *Lee S K, Gibbon cor Columbus McBURNEY & SON, 168 & 170 King -^ McCarthy Lawrence, 184 Fairfax ^ McDermott Thomas, Royal cor Oronoko ^ McFarland Sophia, Fairfax cor Oronoko g" McGahey John, King cor Patrick gj Mankin Samuel A, Lee cor Wolfe cd Marshall John A, Duke cor Henry ^ Murphy John, Franklin cor Washington Nicholson A J, 243 Prince Noland Charles W, 115 s Fairfax ^ Use George R. Hill & Co/ s Supenoi^^amilv ^ BUSINESS [184] DIKECTOKY cz — ^ NUGENT OWEN, 805 King — ; Nugent rutrick. Gibbon cor Pitt c Penn M L, 90 Queen .o Puhiian Paul, 166 Eranklin o (^uinn Edward, Oronoko bet Pitt and St Asaph ^ Kamsaj G William, 146 King s_ liecker William, Prince cor Payette Reed Samuel J, 74 s Fairfax ^ Rice John P, Fairfax cor Princess '^ Roberts Jeffrey, 69 Queen ^ Roo:ers William, 3-38 King I— Scaaff C n, 11 n Royal ,^ Schlichting Henry, 279 King fcj3 Sea-ton George L, 94 s Royal .E Skidmore Lewis E, 207 Cameron 3 Smith Michael, 56 n Patrick ^ Smith Samuel, Fairfax cor Queen ■~ Spinks Francis C, Columbus cor Princess _Q Stien Lewis, 20 n Royal _i^ Swain E Mrs, 82 s Lee Sweeney Michael, Gibbon cor Columbus Verdon John, 137 s Columbus Q_ Woolls William, 63 n St Asaph o Woolls William P, 1st nr Fairfax CO ^ Grocers and Commission Merchants CO o (See also Merchants Commission) Z3 ~ Broders J & Co, 11 Kina; (see adv p 47) ^ DAVY t HARMON, Pnnce cor Royal — FLEMING A J, 7 King p Gregory & Co, 33 King o HARLOW BROS, Cameron cor Royal n: HENDERSON O G, 9 n Union o JOHNSON WM A, 77 Cameron (see adv page 95) -— Kelly & Carter, 89 Cameron o Lawson R B & Co, 67 Cameron -g Lindsey N & Co, 6 & 8 King CL. MILBURN J C & E, 19 n Royal (see adv page 3) 03 C3 Biscuit, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BUSINESS [185] DIRECTORY Gun and Locksmiths ^ m Griffith Kinzev, 24 King m Medley N B, 35 King ^ Halls, Theatres and Places of Amusement oo Harnionie, 11 n Fairfax Masonic Temple, market lio bldg Odd Fellows, Columbus nr Queen Sarepta, 85 King O X Hardware and Cutlery CARLIN JAMES F & SONS, 63 King Creighton J T & Son, 88 King Peake B F & Co, 187 King ^ Hardwood Lumber GREEN & BROTHER, Prince cor Fairfax, (see side ?* lines) —. CD Harness Makers and Saddlers g- "^ Bernheimer S, 38King Herriek William T, 48 King = Hats, Caps & Furs pa o Arnold T F, 81 King o Howell Joseph M, 100 King ^ Strauss 11, 90 & 66 King YOUNG J F, 80 King, (see adv page 163) c Hominy Mills p" PEARL HOMINY MILLS, George R Hill & Co, 35 and 37 n Lee 24 o Use George R. Hill & Co.- s Superior Family BUSINESS [186] DIRECTORY ~ Horse Shoers ^ (See also Blacksmiths) o O Cowlinf? John, 13 ii Pitt r LEE EDGAR W, n Lee cor Payette alley ii of King, d (see adv page 102) ^ Hotels —I o (See also Boarding Houses) E ALEXANDRIA HOUSE, Edward Hughes propr, Prince ^- cor St Asaph c5 CITY, Leftwich & Co proprs, Royal cor Cameron, (see adv ^ front cover) _c Drovers, extreme w end Duke H- MANSION HOUSE, James Green propr, Fairfax cor .E Cameron 03 RAILROAD, Charles F Cox proper. King cor Fayette =3 M Ice Dealers and Shippers ^ . ATWELL E C, market space, (see adv paeje 38) o BEACH JOHN S, 152 King and 87 n St Asaph, (see adv ^ page 2) -■^ REED F A, 6 Janneys wharf (see adv page 3) o cz Insurance Agents c« HOOE PHILIP B, ft Prince .sz Janney S H & Son, 145 King "S JOHNSTON GEORGE, 103 King, (See adv page 96) ^ Kemper K, 56 King ^ WISE & Co, 97 King cz E Insurance Companies— Fire "§ ALBEMARLE OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, 103 King o ALEXANDRIA, 97 King ^ AMERICAN of Phila, 97^ King Biscuits, Cracl ROYAL OF ENGLAND, 97 King^ :_ Virginia Home of Richmond, 145 King Virginia State of Richmond, 145 King P3 Insurance Companies (Fire and Marine) so o PETERSBURG OF PETERSBURG, 97 King PETERSBURG SAVING AND INSURANCE, ft Prince S Virginia of Richmond, 145 King »3 Insurance Companies (Life) =3' COLUMBIA OF ST LOUIS MO, 103 King -4 EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OFN Y, ^ 97 King g Life of Va, 56 King ;=;: Mutual of NY, 59 Kins: = VA PROTECTION OF RICHMOND, 145 King, (see P side lines) Use G eor ge R. Hill & Co/s Superior Family SINESS [188] DIREGTOliY BUSINESS -a i— cs =3 — — — — fcoo tg Insurance Companies, Marine GO c/3 Mercantile Mutual of N Y, 145 King E Iron Founders o (See also brass founders) be _o JAMIESON & COLLINS, Royal cor Wilkes, (see adv --' page 92) ■^ Leatherland J & Co, Queen cor Lee / OS g^ Junk Dealers -"H BAADER HENRY, 4 King -^ DreifiiS Caroline Mrs, 23 Commerce ^ REIFUS J & Co, 3 Irvins wharf (see adv page 67) g Justices of the Peace o Nails James W, 6 s Washington ^ Thompson J H, 106 Prince WHITTLESEY OSCAR C, 132 Duke 03 O O .CD Lamps, Oils, &c, Snider S K Mrs, 6 s Fairfax Lawyers — ' BALL M D, 98 Prince, (see adv) o Beach S Ferguson, 2d floor Custom House bldg '■g CHAPMAN JOHN S, 68 Prince (see adv page 54) ^ Chilton A W, room 4 mkt ho bldg Cameron st entrance 2. Claughton H 0, 28 8 Fairfax Q- Claughton Rodolphe, 28 s Fairfax c5 JOHNSON JOHN M 82 Prince (see adv page 94) > Kemper K, 56 King, _^ KENT & NEALE,' King cor Fairfax (see adv page 98) Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BUSINESS [189] DIRECTORY CT) - 30 m Ivilgour William, room 4 mkt ho bldg, Cameron entrance [^ Musbbaeh Geo A, room 1 mkt ho bldg Fairfax st eutracae PIKE & JOHNSON, Washington D C (seeadv page 123) ^ Simms G W M, 59 Queen TO Smith Courtland II, room 2 mkt ho bldg Cameron st ent Smith Francis L, Wolfe cor St Asaph Steuart A & C E, room 1 mkt ho bldg Cameron st ent STUART CHARLES E, room 3 mkt ho bldg, Cameron st entrance, (see adv page 144) Taylor W, Arthur, 82 Prince Wattles C W, 315 mkt ho bldg, Fairfax cor Cameron m WHITTLESEY OSCAR C, i32 Duke X Willoughby Westel, 21 7 King g Lime, Plaster and Cement ^ < Francis Emanuel, canal basin and 28 King Smoot W A, ft Princess SMOOT & PERRY, 25 n Union CD =30 Leather & Findings ^ Simpson & Sons, 8 n Royal ^ Livery Stables Chatham James, Pitt cor Cameron Thornton William H, 11 n Washington Locksmiths & Bellhangers =" o Weadon F M, 7 s St Asaph =" Looking Glass & Picture Frames g COLEMAN PATRICK, 160 King, (see adv page 57) ^ ~n Lumber Dealers ^- Smoot J H D, 21 n Union § SMOOT & PERRY, 25 n Union p o CD O ^9 E ,C3 r3 o >5 CD O CO o . Use George R. Hill &. Co/s Superior Family BUSINESS [190] DIRECTORY Merchants — General Commission BECKHAM J T & CO, 42 King HERBERT WILLIAM W, King cor Lee Hooe Philip B, ft Prince LAVVSON R M & JAMIESON, 69 Cameron MIL BURN J C & E, 19 n Royal, (see adv page 3) Moore W H, 27 n Union Perry Thomas, (agt,) 17 King REED F A, 6 Jannevs wharf (see adv page 3) ROBINSON GEORGE H & SON, 28 s Union STUART II L, Mansion House SUTTLE & Co, 13 King Washington & Bro, 24 s Lee Worthington George Y, foot Duke Machinists (See also Iron Founders) J AMIESON & COLLINS, Wilkes cor Royal (adv page 92) Moore William L, 59 and 65 s Union Marble Works CHAUNCEY WILLIAM, Duke cor Columbus 'WvLlictm ClxcLTLTLceyj (SUCCESSOR TO WM. OWENS) Vlarble^ Granite, AND SANDSTONE WORKER, ^ Cor. Duke and Alfred Streets, ALEXANDRIA, VA. CO B^^ Mantles, Monuments and Grave Stones Repaired, Cleaned and Re-lettered. Biscuits, Crackers and Cal< es, Alexandria, Va. fg^I^^^^ [191] DIRECTORY Neale Charles L, Diiko cor Columbus Marine Railways m m Alex Marine Railway and Ship Building Co, s end Union 2: Mattress Manufacturers co GREEN & BROTHER, Prince cor Fairfax (see side lines) ^ Meats and Provisions =0 Chichester C C, 194 King ^ Heller Moses, 298 King ^ m Mills— Bone and Plaster § BRYANT HERBERT, Fayette alley nr Union (see adv) § LEE C F Jr, Princess nr Lee (see adv page 4) ^ Nails J W Jr & Co, Union bet Queen and Princess MiHs— Wheat, Corn and Flour ?=* HUNT & ROBERTS, Cameron Mills, Fairfax co, ware- ^ house 6 s Union ^ Nails J W Jr & Co, Union bet Queen and Princess 5, W ATKINS D G & CO, 12 s Union, mill Duke ext Fair- B fax CO ^ CD Millinery ^ o P>3 Green E J, 32 s Fairfax Lucas & Burroughs, 92 King Padgett W L, 164 King _ ReiUy & Fannon, 105 King 3 Simpson Mrs Henry, 83 King ^ Steuernagel M and A, 110 King cd Ne^A^spapers, &c, Academy Journal, 70 Prince Alexandria Gazette, 70 Prince ^ Use George R. Hill & Co/s Superior Family ^ BUSINESS [192] DIRECTORY c: — — t^ Eclectic The, 11 n Royal Hj Southern Churchman The, 70 Prince c The Peoples Advocate, 10 s Royal .9. VIRGINIA SENTINEL M D Bell publr and propr, o 87 Cameron •^ Virginia Fireside, Alex Va ^ Youths Progress 58 prince ^ Notaries Public, _g Clanghton H 0, 28 s Fairfax I — Kemper K, 56 King c *bj3 Notions = Padget John, 242 King c Taytor S J Mrs, 298 King -^ Office Furniture -^ GREEN & BROTHER, Prince cor Fairfax, (see side lines) o" Omnibus Stables "g Shuler Andrew, 24 n Pitt i S. OPPENHEIMER, I Manufacturing ,^^^. Optician. ~ The Largest and Best ^Sh^*^^ Assortment of I Spectacles arid Eje-Glasses 'E IN THE DISTRICT. o ^ Thermometers, Barometers, Hydrometers, &c., made to order. Re- oS pairing; promptly attended to. Lemaire and Bardou Opera-glasses. Gen- ^- nine Brazilian Pebble glasses. Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. o =0 30 BUSINESS [193] DIRECTORY Opticians HEMPLER 11 II, 453 Pa ave Washington D C (see adv g front cover.) m OPPENIIEIMER S, 528 9th n w Washington (see p 192) g Oysters, Fish &c ^ ♦Chinn John F, 268 King ro Delhi Andrew, 23 s Royal McLean & Co, 77 Prince Owens J H, 198 King Phillips Richard, foot King Stone John T, wliarf het Prince and King Wood Orlando, 39 King >• Painters, House & Sign ^^ Butts A, 47 Prince ^ Churchman Charles E, 62 Wolfe IlOBSOiSr MATTHEW, ext w end Duke (see adv p 4) Hurdle Levi J, over 5 s Washington ^ Kell Arthur C, 21 Kin a: MONROE THOMAS L, 11 s Pitt < Paints, Oils &:e - LEAD BEATER E S & BRO, 5 & 7 Fairfax (see adv page O 101) ^ Paperhangers & Upholsterers. ^ Clarke John P, 158 King -- Green I A, 104 King " Padgett E E, 210 King Poss J P, 213 Cameron Paper Manufacturers RICHMOND PAPER MANUFACTURING Co, 8th cor Arch Richmond Va (See adv front cover & page 130) Perfumery Articles LEADBEATER E S & BRO, 5 & 7 Fairfax (see adv page B- 101) ^ Photographers Bell C M, 119 King PULLMAN, E J 935 Pa ave nw, Washington (see adv opp page 168) 25 »3 CI. o o 3 Use George R. Hill & Co/s Superior Family ^BUSINESS [194] DIRECTORY ^ Schnler Edward, over 109 Queeu — Stone M F & Son, 69 Kini? 'J3 Physicians c Adam T I, 206 Kinor _ BROWX BEDFORD, 17 s Fairfax ^ French D M, 18 n Washington Gibson William, 10 s Patrick JOHNSON J B, 12 s Columbus KLIPSTEIN WILLIAM B, 141 Prince Lewis M M, 23 n Washington Powell R C, 127 Cameron Stabler E A, 165 King Stabler R H, 165 King Plumbers & Gas Fitters .E Cogan William, 15 n Royal "^ Cuvillier Samuel, 22 King Norriss J E, 11 s Pitt Park Philip, 10 s Fairfax Plumbers' & Gas Fitters' Supplies "o > (X) WD >^ _^ g SOMERVILLE THOMAS, National Brass Works, Wash- ed ington D C, (see adv page 201) 9r Printers— Book & Job o <^ Alexandria Gazette, 70 Prince -o o ^ Bell Robert, 61 King cs HILL J M & CO, 10 s Royal, (see adv opp page 88) ^ Hough William S, 47 Prince o Ramey G H & Son, 11 s Royal B Produce & Provisions J2 Bendheim Leopold, 289 King Bretherton John G, 191 King Cook & Co, stall 2 iish mkt and 14 n Fairfax o Delia James A, 23 s Royal H Emerson Harrison, stall 46 veg mkt ^ Grimes John W, stall 26 vegetable mkt ^ Holland William J, 179 King 2 Hughes Henjamin, stall 45 veg mkt c^ Ketland William A, stall 41 veg mkt Lally John, stalls 38 and 39 veg mkt Naylor Jolin II, stall 25 vegetable mkt Q- Biscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexand ria, Va. BUSINESS [195] DIRECTORY =:= cn Piilnitiii Thomas, stall ISveg mkt Rowe Cecelia B, stall 27 vegetable mkt Schuler Mtignus, 295 King -^ Simpson Maria, wid A M, stall 34 veg mkt ^ Smith Samuel, stall 28 vegetable mkt DO Smith W II, 43 King Steele E T, stall 48 veg mkt and 18 n Royal Sullivan Andrew, stall 43 veg mkt Williams Robert, stall 14 vegetable mkt *Woodson Henry, stall 44 veg mkt Young B E, 135 King Railroad Offices >< Alexandria and Fredericksburg, Favette cor Cameron ^ RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG & ROTOMAC 3 RAILROAD CO, ft Prince, (see adv) ^ WASHINGTON CITY VA MIDLAND & GREAT :3> SOUTHERN, office 168 King and depot Henry cor "^ Duke, (see adv page 206) ;j> WASHINGTON & OHIO, Fairfax cor Princess, freight ^- office Lee cor Princess, (see adv page 207) ^ »3 =0 m 30 3> Registers in Bankruptcy Chilton A W, 3rd iioor Custom Ho bldg ^ Restaurants o CO o Appich Louis, 175 King Blouse Sefer, 352 and 354 King Bohrans Jacob, 13 s Royal ^ Brown & Horsman, 71 Cameron Coleman James P, 27 s Union ^ COONEY & BRO, 59 and 61 Cameron COX CHARLES F, King cor Fayette Herbuer Henry, 149 King Kleindienst J H, 32 n Royal Nowland James W, 31 Prince PETTEY ELI, King cor Union Rammel I, market space Ruben M, 8 n Fairfax p SCHNEIDER JUSTUS, 2 King Steuernagel George, 30 n Royal Thompson D C, 12 n St Asaph £= -a c o E Use George R. Hill & Co.'s Superior Familv BUSINESS [196] DIRECTORY .^ TONTINE, Cameron nr Royal ^ Vollten Tlieodore, 115 Kiii^ o Whiting William, 7 s Union ^ Sailmakers r Padgett J W & Co, over 1 Ki no- -E Saloons h= *Anderson Henry, 200 King — ' Calmes Joseph, 12 n Royal y Coleman E M, 104i Prince -g Coleman James P, Fish wharf, & Union nr King ^ Crilly John, Union cor Fayette alley - Evans Edward, Union cor Oronoko >. Gorham Catliarine Mrs, Duke cor Fayette oj Green James, Mansion House r^ Ilenrv Daniel, Fairfax cor Princess ^ LEFTWICH & CO, City Hotel "~~ *Morgan William H, Union cor Princess s- Normile Michael, Prince cor Henry c/3 Pettej George W, fisli wharf — Rice James, 5 King -; Scherb Henry, Washington cor Wythe a3 Shaughnessy Timothy M, Duke cor Henry ^ Salt, Plaster & Cement -■£ HOOE PHILIP B, foot Prince (see adv page 4) -g Sash, Doors & Blinds ~ Peake B F & Co, 187 King cc Risheill & Hooge, Queen cor Fairfax ■B Saw and Planing Mills ^ Aitcheson Bros, 61 s Union — Schools, Colleges &c ^ Alexandria Academy, Wolfe cor St Asaph E BELLE HAVEN INSTITUTE, N Penick principal 117 -C5 Queen (see adv page 2) g Christ Church Parish, Washington nr Cameron fcJD Clarkson Lizzie Miss, 106 King ^^ Greene, The Misses, 16 s Fairfax r* MOUNT VERNON INSTITUTE, 12 s Washington (see adv page 131) I Buiscuits, Crackers and Cakes, Alexandria, Va. BUSINESS [197] DIRECTORY ZX3 Potomac Academv, 54 n Washington POWELL REBECCA C MISS, Washington cor Duke (see aclv) ST JOHNS ACADEMY, Columl)us nr QuecMi and 175 g and 177 Prince (see adv page 52) ST MARY'S ACADEMY, 33 n Fairfax (see adv p 134) ^ St Mary's Parochial, Royal cor Wolfe oo Seeds and Fertilizers. 5 BRYANT HERBERT, 25 King (see adv page 49) ^ MAY W II, 11 n Fairfax (see adv page 111) S Segar Manufactui-ers d> FIELD JOHN A, 71 King (see adv page 73) m Herfuth Hugo, 189 King >< Lash Joseph G, over 81 King ^ Mumm Nicholas, 186 King O Scheideler Richard, 25 8 Fairftix EE SCHOENI A T, 36 s Lee (see adv page 135) >• Sipple John, h 198 Queen ^ Steiner & Yohe, 49 King 5> Segar and Tobacco Dealers. "^ FIELD JOHN A, 71 King (see adv page 73) sa Gensberger L & Son, 114 King c Harper Frank H, 159 King " ^ Harper Washington, 101 King S- Humphries William, 171 King ^ Mumm Nicholas, 185 King ^ Patton H W, 18 n Royal ^ "^ Steiner & Yohe, 49 King S, Volten Theodore; 120 King oi Young B F, 135 King ^ == Sewing Machine Go's 5" Singer, 72 King c/> Ship Carpenters S, Dean & Dishman, wharf nr Wilkes ^ Ship Chandlers i. Boush N & Son, 1 King ^ Henderson O G, 9 n Union ^ Lindsey & Co, 6 and 8 King o 03 -^ Use Georg e R. Hill & Co.'s Superior F amily I BUSINESS ^[198] " DIRECTORY j§ Soap and Tallow Manufacturers ^ Daniel J L, 73 n Union . Corson Job, Queen nr Pitt o ___ o Soda Water Manufacturers cE SULLIVAN EDWARD, 30 s Patrick, (seeadv page 145) ~Z Spectacles Ij (See also Opticians; also Barometers) ^ HEMPLER H II, 453 Pa ave n w Washington D C, (see a Tin and Sheet Iron Workers ^ Brill Charles, 17 n Royal S. Grimes Enoch, 46 King ^ Hanrahan & Mansfield, 5 s Washington ^ Hoy Thomas, King cor Pitt 5" Thompson Malachi, 23 King _j_ Transportation Lines (See also Steamship Companies) ^ INLAND & SEABOARD COASTING CO, 6 Janneys wharf (see adv) ''LODER HARRY" river landings, ft King (see adv pa^es 127 and 168) ^'MATTANO" Steamer for river landings, ft King (see adv |:)age 2) MERCHANTS, 63 Janneys wharf (see adv) Potomac J Broders & Co, Agents, 11 King Trusses and Supporters LEADBEATER E S & BRO, 5 & 7 s Fairfax (see adv page 101) — s Ol. o o ex. CD Use George R. Hill &, Co.'s Su perior Family ^ BUSmE«8 [200] DIRECTORY Q_ c Turners, Wood S Markell Samuel W, 81 Prince ^ Undertakers g DE MAINE WFLLIAM c*.- SOX, -224 Kin^ ^ Whcatlej B, 191 King '^ Variety Stores Beach John D, 234 Prince Bosvvell Martha, 20 Wolfe C'ook Margaret, 57 n Pitt ^ Corn well S B, 310 King Caster Annie Mrs, Canal basin tt Fairfax — Green Martin II, Fayette bet Queen & Cameron ^ Hamill Henry, Lee cor Gibbon "sZ *Keath Samuel, 187 Duke ^ levies George II, 188 King .E McDermott" Maria Mrs, 212 Queen >5 Murray Alethia S, 188 Gibbon "^ Pettit John T, 160 s Washington is Smith John L, 42 n Fairfax ' c^ Garnishes g- LEADBEATER E S & BRO, 5 & 7 s Fairfax (see adv ■^ page 101) "? Watches and Jewelers ^ Acton R C, 124| King § ADAM W W & Son, ^78 King •j:3 Barton Benjamin, 84 King B Dilger Theodor, 113 King "to Dutiey George N k Co, 127^ King ^ Marcs Louis, 162 King CD Wildt Henry, 140 King E ^ » o Water Companies ^ Alexandria Water Co, office 75 Prince works Fairfax co M "E Wheelwrights ^ ( ee also Blacksmiths) Q^ LEE EDWARD W, n Lee cor Fayette al n of King, (see adv page 102) Biscuits, Cracl< Wood & Coal z BAKER SAMUEL, Fairfax cor Duke, (see adv page 39) g Bladen John T, Fayette cor Commerce ^ Lannon Thomas, 31 n Pitt - Leatherland J & Son, 26 King and Queen cor Lee < *Lee S K, Gibbon cor Columbus and Gibbon nr Fairfax ?* Mehafley T J & Co, Unioti cor Queen ^ *PERPENER A S, Columbus nr King and 182 Duke g" Ruse J E, 37 Queen g DAILY AND WEEKLY | Virginia Sentinel. I largest Circdklion ia klwAm anl Surrounding Country, 5 Best Afivertisii lii ii is Sectioi. | All the latest news, gotten up in the most attractive style ; the Literary Department filled with the choicest selections ; the Editorial and Local col- O umns conducted with spice and spirit, and in politics untrammelled, it labors 3J vigorously for the welfare of the State and the development of a liberal o sentiment, and encouragement of the arts which build up communities. ^ TIB lanvrs: ^ r)aily S5, in advance -, \Veekly - Sl» in advance g.- (Which includes Postage) c; Address TIRGIXIA SEXTINEIi ALEXANDRIA, VA CD Miss PO^VELL'S SELECT SCl^OOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Nortljeast Cor. Washii^gtoij & Duke St,, ALEXANDRIA, VA. The Tenth Annual session of this School will begin on Thursday. Sep- tember 21st 1876. REFERENCES: Rt. Eev. F. M. Whittle. Bishop of Virginia. Rev. Dr. Wallcer, Prof. Theo. Seminary of Va Rev. Wm. M. Dame, Rector Christ Church, Alex. Gen. G. W. C. Lee, Prt St. Washington Lee Univ. Mr. L. M. Blackford, Prin. Epis'l High School Mr. Wm. D. Cabell, Prin'l Norwood School. For circulars containing terms, &c. address Miss REBECCA C.POWELL Alexandria, Va. JOHN C. HOGAIir Affiii, Tfiit aifl M Dept No. 713 Market Space, Bet. 7th and 8th streets, WASHINGTON, D. 0, All orders promptly attended to. NATIONAL BRASS^WOHKS, 316, 318, 330 13th St- Northwest, "V7"j(LSH:iisra-ToiNr, id o. THOMAS SOMERVILLE. DEALER IN PLtJMBEES' SUPPLIES AMD &AS PIXTttRES, And Manufasturer of all of the Various Articlos used in PLUMBING STEAM AND GAS FITTING 202 BEATTY ebrated Golden Tongue, Parlor Cabinet, Church Cabinet, Grand Diamond and Parlor Orchestral, Royal Grand, Superb Parlor, Centennial, Imperial Extra Grand Centennial, Su- perb Grand Golden-ToRed Celestial Parlor HAVE NO SUPERIOR THROUGHOUT ®^THE WORLD.-^sa Beaii Geiiial Styles Now Mi. MOST ELE&AHT & LATEST IMPROVED. HAVE BEEN AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUMS IN COMPETION WITH OTHERS FOR Simplicitf, Dufabilitf, Pfomplness ^ Piano-lile Action, Pure, Sweet and evenly -balanced Tone, Orchestral Effects, and Instantaneous Access which may be had to the Reeds. 203 ' L^/C^ CELEBRATED COLDEId TOi\iGUE LOR ORGANS. From Will. Pool, Niagara Falls, N. Y.: " Several months use of the elegant Parlor Organ you sent me, satisfies me that it is one of the best made. It has a rich tone ; its various tones are- most pleasant. I most heartily recommend your organs for parlor^ school, church, or other use." Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., (N" Y ,) Newspa- per Reporter, says : " Daniel F. Beatty, the organ builder, of Wash- ington, N. J., presses forward with great vigor." Mr. A. E.Benedict, editor of the Great Bend Re- porter, after receiving his organ writes : "Your five octave Parlor Organ came safely. Several musicians have tested it and pronounced it A No 1. It is rightly named the " Golden Tongue." Best ofter ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me (Daniel F. Beatty) both ways if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five days. Organ warranted for five years. Send for extended list of testimonials before buying a Parlor Organ. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, IFasJiington, JNew Jersey, U, S. A, 204 iiiiiiilljiiiifilliiiiiii