Choice Recipes
^ JAN 3 1887^^
CHICAGO S/^V?-^^^^
175 Dearborn Street
Copyrighted by
Brown Bread 5
Breakfast Dishes y
Soups 13
Fish 20
Entrees and Meat Rechauffe 25
Meat and Fish Sauces 30
Croquettes 33
Oysters 34
Vegetables 36
Salads and Salad Dressings 38
Pies 43
Puddings 45
Custards, Creams and Ices 50
Pudding Sauces 61
Cake 63
Preserves 71
Pickles 73
Beverages 76
It was not the aim of the compilers of this book to
furnish a complete guide to housekeeping, but to collect
such rich, rare and racy, as well as time-honored, recipes
as have never been given to the public. To these we
have added some from well-known books because of
their great excellence.
Fully aware that by adding the recipe to be found on
the last page of the book we have laid ourselves open to
the charge of inconsistency, we have done so because
we believe that the prophet should not be without honor
in her own country.
Our thanks are due to the friends who so cordially
responded to our request for the " choicest recipe."
Kindergarten Committee.
Steamed Brown Bread.
2 full cups of Indian meal.
3 level cups of rye meal.
I cup of molasses.
I teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in a very little boiling
I quart of milk.
Salt. Steam four hours.
Mrs. J. P. Odell.
Graham Bread.
I quart of sour milk.
Soda enough to make it foam.
I tablespoonful of melted butter.
Salt to taste.
Stir in graham flour enough to make a thick paste.
This bread is good as an occasional and quickly-baked
Flokenck R. Hartlett.
Steamed Brown Bread.
I cup of flour. ^ cup of molasses.
I cup of graham flour. Pinch of salt.
1 cup of corn meal. i teaspoonful of soda.
2 cups of sour milk.
Stir milk and molasses together; dissolve soda in a
tablespoonful of warm water; pour in mould well but-
tered and steam 3 hours ; remove cover and put in oven
to dry yi hour.
Mrs. E. H. Ball.
Swedish Bread.
1 cup of butter. 3 quarts of flour.
2 tablespoonfuls of sugar. ^ cup of yeast.
Let it rise over night, and add a little more flour in
the morning; let it stand another hour before baking;
brush the white of an ^^'g over the top, and sift over it a
little sugar and cinnamon. To be mixed very thoroughly,
and all the materials put in at once.
Swedish Crust.
Prepare like the above, only add still more flour in
the morning; make it stiff enough to roll into very thin
sheets, and omit the white of ^gg, sugar and cinnamon.
Mrs. Lucy F. Furness.
Cream Johnnycake.
I pint of sour cream. 2 cups of cornmeal.
6 eggs. y2 cup of sugar.
I teaspoonful of soda. A little salt.
I cup of white flour.
Cornmeal Buns.
2 cups of white flour. 2 beaten eggs.
y^ cup of cornmeal. i cup of sweet milk.
i^ cup of butter. 3 teaspoonfuls of baking
y^ cup of sugar. powder.
Bake in hot oven twenty minutes.
Mrs. Frank Johnson.
Oatmeal Mush.
1 measure of oatmeal.
2 measures of milk.
2 measures of water.
Much or little salt, as your measure is large or
small; in other words, salt to taste. Put in a farina
kettle, the water in the lower part being boiling hot;
boil two hours, or until the mush is all thick alike;
then for the first time stir just enough to prevent part
of it being thinner than the rest when it is turned out.
If set to cool in a square dish or bright tin pan, it is
delicious fried after it has cooled and thickened.
F. M. Stkkli.
Pop- Overs.
4 cups of flour. I tablespoonful of butter.
4 cups of milk. i teaspoonful of salt.
Mrs. a. M. Rowk.
Corn Bread.
I pint of sweet milk. i egg.
I pint of cornmeal. Butter size of an egg.
I pint of wheat flour. 2 teaspoonfuls of baking
I cup of granulated sugar. powder.
Mrs. a. M. Rowe,
German Potato Pancakes.
I quart of peeled and grated raw potatoes.
3 well-beaten eggs.
I cup of milk.
3 heaping tablespoonfuls of flour.
I teaspoonful of salt.
Use half meat drippings and half butter for greasing
the griddle.
Helen W. Affeld.
« German Brod-Forte.
6 ounces of almonds, dried and pounded fine.
12 eggs.
^ pound of sugar.
4 ounces of citron.
3^ ounce of cinnamon.
6 ounces of grated rye bread, dried in oven.
I strip of sweet chocolate, grated.
A little grated lemon-peel, if liked.
Beat the I2 yelks to a cream with the sugar and mix
chocolate and bread. Mix with the yelks and sugar
all the ingredients exceft the bread, chocolate and
whites of eggs. After they are well mixed, add the
bread and chocolate gradually; lastly stir in the whites
of lo eggs which have been beaten to a froth. The
other 2 whites may be reserved for frosting. Bake i
hour in a moderate oven.
Helen W. Affeld.
Breakfast Gems.
2 eggs. I cup of flour.
I cup of sweet milk. A pinch of salt.
Stir all together with as little motion as possible; beat-
ing spoils it. Drop a spoonful at a time in smoking hot
iron gem pans, which have been buttered ; bake 20
minutes in a hot oven. When taken from the oven they
should be very hard, but in a few minutes will be soft and
Julia C. Mann.
Kate Coyle's Corn Bread.
i^ cup of boiled rice. 2 large spoonfuls of sugar.
2 cups of white cornmeal. 2 eggs.
I cup of milk. I teaspoonful of baking
I large spoonful of lard. powder.
Mix the cornmeal, rice and lard together and pour
enough boiling water on them to saturate thoroughly ;
add the milk, then the eggs (which must be well beaten),
lastly the baking powder. Bake in a buttered pudding
dish and serve in the dish with napkin round it. Flour
may be used in place of rice. k. e. t.
Codfish Balls.
The codfish to be freshened by being placed in cold
water and brought to a boil, which repeat a second time,
and to a cup of fish add twice the quantity of freshly-
boiled hot potatoes, one raw egg, a piece of butter the
size of an egg. Season with pepper. Chop all together
in a chopping-bowl until very light ; make up immediately
into oblong shape, drop into hot lard and fry brown.
Mrs. Gilbert Pryor.
Mix thoroughly one cup flour and two cups white corn-
meal, with a little salt. Pour on boiling water enough to
wet thoroughly. Dip the hand in dry flour and pat the
dough into a thin sheet on a buttered pan. Bake in a
hot oven till quite brown and serve hot.
A delicious toast can be made by splitting this ban-
nock and pouring over it a dip made as for cream or
milk toast.
Mrs. Caroline M. Brown.
Cream Puffs.
1 pint of milk.
3 tablespoonfuls of cream,
2 eggs.
Flour enough to make of the consistency of pancake
batter. Bake in new cups which have never been
washed (which never need to be buttered), or use old cups
and butter them. Twenty minutes in a hot oven or 30
minutes in a slow one. Do not open the oven door while
baking if possible. They will turn out of the cups a rich
maho<;any brown, and will make alJelicious breakfast or
supper dish, or an excellent dessert served with wine
Kate E. Tuley.
Huckleberry Breakfast Cake.
2 eggs, well beaten.
Yi cup of sugar.
1 teaspoonful of butter.
2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder.
I pint of flour.
I pint of berries, freshly washed, to help moisten the
1 tablespoonful of water.
Bake in one pie-pan.
L. G. Bedell.
Kinsley's Corned Beef Hash.
J^ pound of cooked corned beef, chopped fine.
Double quantity in bulk of cold boiled potatoes,
chopped fine.
3 drops tobasco pepper.
^ cup of water.
2 ounces of butter.
Salt and black pepper to taste.
Melt the butter in the water, add the other ingredi-
ents, cook until thoroughly heated through, then put
into a baking pan and place in the oven till brown on
top. Serve with white sauce if preferred.
Parker House Rolls.
2 quarts of flour, scant. >4 cup of sugar.
I tablespoonful lard. i pint of milk.
Yi small cake compressed yeast.
Mix well the lard and flour and let it stand in pan
from morning till night.
Dissolve the yeast in ^ pint of warm milk, add an-
other Yz pint of cool milk and the sugar. Push the
flour one side and pour the mixture into center of pan.
Cover lightly with the flour and let it rise all night. In
the morning knead well and let it rise quite high, but
not long enough to sour. Knead again, roll as thin as
possible, cut out with large biscuit cutter, spread with
melted butter, turn over the sides, let it rise ^ hour and
Helen Leeds Mitchell.
A Good Cake for Breakfast or Tea.
I quart of milk.
1 tablespoonful of sugar.
Butter the size of a hen's ^%^.
2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder.
A little salt.
Flour to make of the consistency of pound cake.
Beat the eggs, butter and sugar till light ; add the
milk ; mix baking powder with flour and add la.st.
Bake about lO minutes ; temperature of oven about as
for cake ; or, substitute yeast for baking powder and set
to rise over night if wanted for breakfast ; if for tea, five
RnoDA M. Coffin.
175 ' "' 'Kl'^ Ri:(ll'i;s. 13
Cerealine Muffins.
2 eggs. 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar.
I pint cerealine. i teaspoon ful of baking
y2 pint of milk. powder.
I teaspoonful of salt. i pint of flour.
Add the flour with baking powder well mixed in it,
the last thing, and do not stop stirring afterwards until
poured into the warm, well-greased tins. Bake in a hot
Cream of Celery.
I pint of milk. i pint of water.
I tablespoonful of flour. i cup of whipped cream.
I tablespoonful of butter. 3 heads celery.
I slice of onion. Salt and pepper.
Boil the celery in the water for ^ or ^ of an hour ;
boil milk and onion together and thicken with the flour
and butter rubbed to a cream ; mash the celery in the
water in which it was cooked and stir into the milk.
Season to taste. Add the whipped cream after the soup
is in the tureen.
Mrs. J. M. P'lower.
4 or 5 slices of fish (trout or white fish),
3 cloves.
4 onions chopped fine
12 tomatoes squeezed and strained
Salt, pepper, parsley and thyme.
Put the fish into a saucepan, sprinkle over a little flour,
add 2 tablespoonfuls of water, stir until brown ; then
add 2 tablespoonfuls of sweet oil. Put in the onions and
the cloves, always stirring carefully to prevent burning;
then add juice of tomatoes ; season with salt, pepper,
parsley and thyme as said before. When done pour
over toast and serve.
Julia Holmes Smith, M.D.
Black Oyster Soup.
3 pounds of brisket or loin beef.
I dozen oysters.
Part of a cup of claret or sherry.
I onion, cut fine.
Thyme, cloves, parsley.
Let the beef boil in 3 quarts of water until thor-
oughly done; make a small bag into which tie thyme,
cloves, parsley and onion; put in the pot with the beef.
Brown some flour, 2 tablespoonfuls, rub into it as much
butter as it will hold, and thicken the soup with that.
Just before serving, remove the beef and spices, and
put in the oysters; pour the wine in the tureen, then
pour in the soup and stir thoroughly.
Julia Holmes Smith, M.D.
Ox-Tail Soup.
Take 2 tails and cut them in pieces, lay them in a stew-
pan with I ounce of butter and i large onion, and let
them brown. Pour suOlcient boiling water over them
to cover them, and add 2 stems of celery, i carrot, i
turnip, a little thyme and parsley, 6 pepper-corns, all-
spice and 4 cloves. Let all boil very gently for 4
hours. In the meantime prepare i pint of butter-onions
and the same quantity of carrots and turnips cut into
small balls or squares, and boil them in water with a
little salt. Take the pieces of tail out carefully, strain
the liquor and skim off all the fat. Put into a small
stew-pan i ounce of butter and 2 ounces flour. When
mixed add to the liquor i teaspoonful of salt, the prepared
vegetables and the pieces of tail. Let all boil and add
a glass of port wine when ready to serve.
Mme. Garnier Russell.
Marrow Dumpling Soup.
Take half a French breakfast-roll, grate the crust and
crumble the inside; soak in milk, drain and add i ounce
of flour; chop fine and add y^ pound beef marrow,
freed from skin and shreds; beat yelks of 2 eggs, mix
all together, salt and pepper well. If too moist add
more bread crumbs. Form into small round dumplings,
size of a hickory nut. Boil up 3 pints of stock, drop
in dumplings and cook 20 or 30 minutes.
Mrs. Reeves Jackson.
A Philadelphia Soup called Pepperpot.
Boil I pound of fresh tripe until tender, and skim.
3 pints of bouillon, boiled up and skimmed.
Cut the tripe in dice, and add to the boiling broth.
2 medium-sized potatoes cut in dice.
.Boil until the potato is partially dissolved. Then
shred into the pot 2^ of a cup of biscuit dough in
bits no larger than June peas.
Boil 2 or 3 minutes ; season with salt, black and red
pepper, and lightly with sweet basil, sweet marjoram
and summer savory. Serve — as every soup should be
— very hot.
Mrs. Reeves Jackson.
Tomato Bisque.
I small can tomatoes. ^ teaspoonful of soda.
I quart milk. i teaspoonful of salt.
y^ cup butter. i^ saltspoonful of pepper.
Strain the tomatoes and add to the boiling milk after
you have carefully mixed the soda with them. Add
seasoning and cook lo minutes. Put in the butter just
before removing from the fire. Be very careful not to
use too much soda.
Mrs. Frank Johnson.
Bean Soup.
1 cup of beans boiled until they are soft enough to
put through a colander.
2 rolled crackers.
I quart of milk.
Butter the size of an ^gg^ salt and a dash of red
Boil together for a few minutes and serve hot.
Chicken Soup.
I large or 2 small chickens.
I ^gg yelk.
Salt and pepper to taste.
4 quarts of cold water.
Put chicken with bones well cracked in water, stew
slowly 4 hours, cool and skim after straining, season,
then heat to boiling. Beat the yelk of egg with about
half cup of water, and put in the tureen; pour boiling
soup on it.
Balls for Soup.
3 eggs, butter size of two eggs, 8 soda crackers rolled
and sifted.
Chopped parsley.
Beat the yelks and butter to a cream.
Crackers and teaspoonful of chopped parsley.
Whites of eggs beaten to stiff froth.
Mould into balls the size of walnut, drop into the
hot soup, and cook lo minutes.
Mrs. W. C. Dow.
Cream of Asparagus.
2 bunches of asparagus. i quart of cream.
Small squares of toasted bread.
Boil asparagus tender in enough salted water to
cover. Mash through colander, add small piece of
butter and i tablespoonful of flour stirred to smooth
paste. When flour has sufficiently boiled in asparagus
liquid, add cream. Allow it to boil up once or twice
more, and pour over small squares of bread, nicely
Nourishing and easily made.
Mrs. R. M. Woods.
Cream of Rice Soup.
2 quarts of chicken stock (the water in which fowl
have been boiled will answer).
I teacupful of rice. i quart of cream or milk.
A small onion A stalk of celery.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Wash rice carefully and add to stock onion and cel-
ery. Cook very slowly two hours. Put through a
sieve, add seasoning and the milk or cream which has
been allowed to come to a boil. If milk is used, add
I tablespoonful of butter.
Miss Parloa.
Wine Soup.
Wash carefully in warm water y^ pound of sago.
Let it come to a boil in i pint of water; add i pint
of wine, a little sugar, a little grated I'emon rind and
powdered cinnamon.
Boil until the sago is quite thick. If the soup is too
strong, add more water. Red wine is the best.
L. B. w.
Corn Soup.
I pint of hot water.
I pint of grated green corn, or i can of corn.
1 quart of milk.
2 tablespoonfuls of butter.
I heaping tablespoonful of flour.
I slice of onion.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Cook the corn in the water 30 minutes. Let the
milk and onion come to a boil. Have the Hour and
butter mixed together and add a few tablespoonfuls of
boiling milk. When perfectly smooth, stir into the
boiling milk: cook 8 minutes; take out the onion and
add the corn; season to taste and serve. If canned
corn is used, it should be pressed through a colander
or strainer before adding to milk.
Green Pea Soup.
Cover a quart of green peas (or i can) with hot
water and boil with an onion until they can be easily
mashed (20 or 30 minutes); cook together 2 table-
spoonfuls of butter and one of flour until smooth, but
not brown; add to the mashed peas and then add a cup
of cream and one of milk; season with salt and pepper
and boil up once; strain and serve. A cupful of
whipped cream added at the last moment is an im-
Miss Parloa.
Beer Soup.
Let I quart of beer come to a boil; skim, sweeten
with rock candy; add a small piece of cinnamon, a little
grated lemon rind, then a pint or more of milk (accord-
ing to taste, whether you like it strong or not); then
put the w^ell-beaten yelks of 3 eggs in the tureen and
pour in the boiling soup, stirring constantly.
Serve with squares of toasted bread.
Deemed by the Germans a very strengthening dish
for convalescents. l. b. w.
Normandy Soup.
Boil 4 pounds of veal in 4 quarts of water. Let it
simmer slowly for two hours or more; add a small tea-
spoonful of salt, and a pinch of cayenne pepper; boil
two hours longer; remove the meat and strain the soup
into a pan, and to every quart of soup add a pint of
cream and about 2 ounces of butter, divided into four
bits and rolled in flour; add more seasoning, if desired.
Let it just come to a boil again before serving.
Mrs. G. E, Adams.
Veal Gumbo.
2 pounds of fresh veal. Parsley.
I pound of fresh pork. 3^ pound of okra.
I onion.
Cut the veal finely, also the pork. Fry until brown,
then cut the okra into small slices; add that with onion
and parsley to the meat, stir until brown; add a pint of
warm water; flavor with salt and pepper. Let it sim-
mer slowly; in 20 minutes add another pint of boiling
water and 2 gills of claret wine. The soup is now
ready for the table.
Julia Holmes Smith, M.D.
Baked Cod.
Make a dressing of 5 rolled crackers, butter, salt,
pepper, i teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, a little
175 rilOTCE RKni'KS. 21
onion, tomato and celery. Stuff the fish with this, and
pour around it a pint of fresh oyster^, tomatoes on top;
pour over all a glass of sherry Bake i hour and serve
with fish sauce.
Mrs. Isadore Taylor.
EscALLOPED Salmon.
Line the bottom of a baking dish with bread crumbs,
then add a layer of canned salmon, chopped; pour on
dressing given below; add another layer of crumbs and
salmon until dish is filled.
3 cups of milk thickened with flour; season with salt,
pepper and butter, and 2 beaten eggs. Cook a few
Mrs. J. H. Pratt.
Take any cooked fish, pick carefully from the bones,
and season with pepper and salt. Lay in a buttered
baking dish alternate layers of fish, baker's bread
broken in small bits, and drawn butter sauce enough
to moisten thoroughly. Bake about 20 minutes in a
moderate oven. If the sauce is not rich enough, add
a few bits of butter. A hard-boiled egg chopped fine
makes it more delicate.
Mrs. Charles Gl y Bolte.
Potato Salad.
6 large potatoes boiled till done but not crumbled.
Cut in discs, leaving out uneven pieces.
2 medium size onions chopped fine and mixed into
cream salad dressing.
Pile the potatoes in a dish and pour dressing and
onion over them. Small round radishes cut in two
make a nice garnish for this salad. Mayonnaise dress-
ing may be used, if preferred.
Mrs. C. G. Bolte.
Matelote d'Anguilles.
2 or 3 pounds of fresh conger eel.
I tablespoonful of butter.
I teacup of bacon, cut in discs.
I dozen small onions.
I dessertspoonful of flour.
Pepper to taste.
Small bunch of parsley and thyme.
I bay-leaf.
The eel must be placed in salt brine and remain for
two days, turning frequently. Put in a deep saucepan
with a tight fitting cover one large tablespoonful of
butter and a teacupful of discs of bacon, not too fat;
fry thoroughly, then take the bacon out and throw
in one dozen small whole onions. Fry these a
light brown. Add a dessertspoonful of sifted flour.
Turn the onions; do not let them get too dark. Add
a little water, taking care to have the sauce perfectly
smooth, and pepper to taste. Return your discs of
bacon to the saucepan, and lay in your eel carefully
dried; cover up tightly and put to simmer gently till
the eel is quite tender, but not broken. Ten minutes
before serving add a wine-glass of white wine, and
simmer again. Lift your fish out carefully, dish and
pour the gravy over it, taking out the bunch of herbs.
Serve very hot.
This is a dish of southern France and most palatable
to those who like sea-fish.
Mme. Garnier Russell.
2 or 3 pounds of whitefish. i tablespoonful cornstarch.
I pint of milk. i small grated nutmeg.
3 yolks of eggs. A pinch of cayenne pepper.
^ pound of butter. Salt to taste.
Boil the whitefish ; when cool, take out the bones and
pick the fish to pieces ; boil the milk, stir in carefully the
well-beaten yelks so that it may be smooth like custard ;
add the butter, salt, pepper and nutmeg, lastly the corn
starch dissolved in a little cold milk. Butter a pudding
dish and fill with alternate layers of fish and dressing.
Cover with cracker crumbs and brown in the oven.
Mrs. G. E. Marquerat.
Salmon Roll.
I can of salmon.
^ the quantity of bread crumbs.
3 whites of eggs.
A little chopped parsley.
Cayenne pepper and salt to taste.
Mix all together and make into an oblong roll. Use
the yolks of eggs to mix with bread crumbs, in which
roll the salmon balls ; inclose these in well-bettered
writing paper and tie with cords; strew bits of butter
quickly on the outside, place in a buttered tin with a little
water and brown 30 minutes, basting constantly. Serve
with mayonnaise dressing.
Mrs. a. G. Pettibone.
Fish a la Creme.
4 pounds of whitefish ; pour boiling water over it and
boil 20 minutes.
I pint of milk.
3/ bunch of parsley.
I small onion, cut in half.
I small cup of cream.
Salt, pepper and butter to taste.
Put the parsley and the two halves of onion into milk
and let it simmer on the back of the stove for one hour,
then boil for a minute ; thicken with flour and season
with salt, white pepper and butter. Take from fire and
add the cream. After boiling the fish remove bones and
skin ; mix with the above dressing ; heap on a platter,
cover with bread crumbs, dot with butter, bake one hour.
Garnish with parsley.
Mrs. E. H. Ball.
Ingeborg's Fish a la Norvege.
3 pounds of fresh fish, raw. Salt, sufficient quantity.
Yi pound of butter. ^ pint of cream.
Scrape the raw fish and free it from bones and skin ;
then pound the fish, butter and salt to a smooth paste ;
add a little pepper and mace, finely ground, and work in
yi pint of cream, a tablespoonful at a time. The mixture
must be as smooth as the batter for cake and of the same
consistency ; if too thick, add a little milk ; bake for one
hour in a buttered tin with cracker crumbs scattered over
it ; when cold, slice. This makes a dcHcate cntrue, much
esteemed by the Norwegians.
Mrs. Auhy G. Kkndig.
EscALLOPED Chicken.
Boil tender one good-sized chicken ; remove the large
bones; line a deep dish with boiled rice, a layer of
chicken, a layer of rice. When the dish is full, add the
liquor in which the chicken was boiled ; salt, y^ cup ot
butter and 2 well-beaten eggs.
Mrs. M. C. Remick.
Entree of Chicken and Rice.
Boil a two-pound chicken in enough water to cover,
until tender ; remove all the bones ; place in the ov^en to
keep warm ; add to the liquor ^^ cup of butter, juice ot
^2 lemon, a little parsley, i pint of oysters ; cook until
the oysters swell, then add the well-beaten yelks of 2
eggs ; place chicken in a deep dish and pour the liquor
over it; garnish the edges with steamed rice, dotted with
stewed prunes.
Veal Loaf.
Parboil 3 pounds of lean veal; chop fine.
4 butter crackers, pounded.
2 well-beaten eggs.
2 teaspoonfuls of salt.
I saltspoonful of pepper.
I teaspoonful of ground thyme.
y^ cup of butter.
Moisten with the meat liquor, mould into a loaf and
put into a shallow pan. Add a little of the water in
which the meat was boiled. Bake till brown, basting
often. Serve hot or cold.
Beefsteak Pie.
3 pounds of beefsteak. i pound of butter.
I quart of oysters. Salt and pepper to taste.
Cut the steak in small pieces. Line a four-quart
tin-pan with pie-crust. Lay a layer of beefsteak and
oysters alternately in the pan, seasoning each layer with
salt and pepper, and the butter cut into small bits.
Cover with pie crust, and set into a vessel with boiling
water; boil three hours, then bake a nice brown.
Mrs. G. E. Marquerat.
Scotch Mince Collops.
2 pounds of round steak, i tablespoonful of flour.
2 onions. Salt and pepper to taste.
I coffeecupful of water.
Mince the steak fine, chop onions, and put both in a
stew-pan with a cup of cold water. Stir till it boils,
then set on the back of stove to stew slowly for three-
quarters of an hour. Just before serving thicken with
a tablespoonful of Hour, season with salt and pepper,
and serve with sippets of toasted bread round the dish.
Mrs. J. W. Brackenridgk.
Pigeon Pie.
3 or 4 pigeons.
^ pounds of round steak, quite thin.
2 or 3 hard-boiled eggs.
I small cup of water.
Pepper, salt and butter ad. Hb.
Puff paste enough to cover a baking dish.
Lay the steak in the bottom of the dish, sprinkle a
little pepper and salt on it. Have the pigeons washed
and spHt in half; rub salt and pepper over them; lay
them on the steak breasts up, with a piece of butter on
each, also a Httle flour; lay necks, gizzards, etc., in the
interstices. Have the eggs hard boiled; slice and scat-
ter slices over the birds. Add small cup of water.
Cover with puff paste, ornament the top and leave a
few feet sticking out. Bake i ^ hours.
Mrs. J. W. Brackenridge.
Ingeborg's Game-Dish a la Nore. e.
The breasts of 3 snipes and i turkey.
2 pounds of raw ham.
I pound of fresh pork.
6 eggs.
No salt required.
Chop the whole together very fine; beat eggs well
and mix with it; add pepper, cloves and mace to taste,
lastly I pint of Spanish wine; pour into a buttered
baking dish and scatter bread crumbs over it. Bake
one hour.
Malaga wine is good as a sauce for this.
Mrs. Abby G. Kendig.
German Method of Preparing Spring Chicken.
Carefully dress and singe the chicken; mix salt and
pepper, and rub thoroughly all over the inside; peel a
small onion and lay with half a teaspoonful of thyme
inside the chicken; spread a sheet of writing paper
thickly with butter and tie around the chicken, care-
fully covering all the incisions; put into a dripping pan
with enough hot water to more than cover the bottom;
put one or two small onions into the pan, with two
cloves stuck into each. Half an hour before removing
from the oven, place a small piece of toasted bread in
the pan. Remove the paper. Serve the gravy in a
tureen, removing onion and bread if desired.
L. B. w.
Cheese Fondue.
1 cup of bread-crumbs. J^ teaspoonful of soda.
2 cups grated cheese(old). i tablespoonful of butter.
3 eggs. ^ Salt.
Soak bread-crumbs in the milk; add the eggs, cheese
and the butter (melted), lastly the soda dissolved in a
little hot water. Pour into a buttered baking dish and
bake 15 or 20 minutes.
A delightful dish for luncheon or supper, also light
and wholesome.
. Kate E. Tuley.
Curry and Rice.
3 pounds of pork tenderloin or young chicken.
2 tablespoonfuls of curry powder.
2 large tablespoonfuls of butter.
175 <^"H()ICE RECIPES. ^9
1 small onion.
Juice of I large lemon.
2 tablespoonfuls of desiccated cocoanut.
I cup of milk.
Salt to taste.
Put the cocoanut to soak in the cup of milk; make a
paste of the curry by mixing it with a little cold water;
slice the onion thinly and put it in about half the butter
into a pan on the fire; cook till well browned; add the
rest of the butter and put in the curr}- paste. Fry from
5 to 8 minutes, stirring all the time. When quite dry
put on the back of the stove, adding a cup of hot water.
Now add the meat cut in small pieces; cook the whole
for about an hour, preventing its getting dry by adding
hot water occasionally, or, better still, broth or gravy.
Twenty minutes before serving add the juice of the
lemon, and before removing from the fire add the des-
iccated cocoanut and milk, with salt.
This dish is not good unless the rice is cooked dry
and each grain separate.
Take the largest porcelain-lined kettle you have, fill
with water, and let it boil. When it is boiling hard
throw in the washed rice. Boil fast for about 20
minutes, stirring occasionally to keep from burning.
Add salt. Try the rice by biting it, and the moment it
is soft, remove from fire and pour off the water. Put
the rice in a colander and let it drain till quite dry.
Serve in separate dishes the rice and the curry, and in
helping put rice first on each plate, then the curry
on top.
Mrs. Horace Scuddkr.
Steamed Bread-Balls.
Moisten slices or bits of bread with milk or water,
and crumble rather fine. Season with salt, pepper and
butter, and any additional flavoring to the taste.
A better way is to spread the bread with butter and
sprinkle with the pepper and salt before moistening.
After crumbling, roll it into balls and steam till heated
through. These furnish an excellent accompaniment
Xo any dish of meat, and it is a good way of disposing
of dry crusts.
Mrs. Sara Hubbard.
2 tablespoonfuls of butter.
I tablespoonful of vinegar.
I tablespoonful of chopped parsley.
I teaspoonful of lemon juice.
^ teaspoonful of salt.
j{ teaspoonful of pepper.
Put the butter in the frying-pan, and when z/^rrj/ hot
add the parsley and then the other ingredients. Boil
up once. Pour over fried or broiled fish before serving.
Miss Parloa.
Sauce Tartar for Fish.
3 eggs.
4 tablespoonfuls of olive oil.
ij4 teaspoonfuls of mustard.
I teaspoonful of black pepper.
1 teaspoonful of salt.
Juice of I lemon.
2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar.
1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley.
Boil two of the eggs very hard; rub the yelks to a
powder; add the raw yelk of the other egg. Stir in
slowly the oil. Chop line the two whites of the boiled
eggs; add the chopped parsley and one small onion
chopped as fine as possible.
Mrs. Walter Pkck.
Brown Sauce.
3 tablespoonfuls of butter.
2 tablespoonfuls of flour.
i}4 cups of soup-stock, or same of milk.
i^ teaspoonful of salt.
j/i teaspoonful of pepper.
I tablespoonful of tomato catsup.
Heat the butter in frying pan; when it begins to
brown, stir in the flour; stir till the mixture becomes a
dark brown, then draw the pan back to a cooler place
and gradually pour into it i^^ cups of stock. Milk
may be used in place of stock.
Stir the sauce till it boils; then let it simmer for 3
minutes and add the above seasoning.
Mrs. Amy Enos.
Sauce Hollandaise.
(Grand Hotel, Parls.)
Place in a saucepan the yelks of 6 eggs and a little
white pepper; set the saucepan in a vessel of hot water
or over a very slow fire, adding little by little i pound
of fresh butter. When the butter is melted and mixed,
pass through a sieve; add the juice of a lemon or a little
vinegar. To keep it hot, return the saucepan to the
vessel of hot water.
Mrs. Henry Strong.
Sauce Hollandaise.
2 ounces of butter. 3 tablespoonfuls of flour.
^ pint of sweet cream. Juice of i lemon.
Pepper and salt. Yelks of 3 eggs.
Melt the butter, stir in the flour, boil the cream and
stir it in, and then add the lemon, pepper and salt; whip
the eggs and add to the above. If too thick, thin it
with fish broth.
White Sauce.
Same as above, leaving out the lemon and eggs.
Tartar Sauce.
i^ pint French mayonnaise — stiff.
I tablespoonful of capers, chopped fine.
^ cup of pure cider vinegar.
6 small cucumber pickles, chopped fine.
Very little garlic or onions, chopped fine.
Mix all together and serve cold. Serve with corn-
beef hash a la Kinsley.
Philadelphia Chick kn Ckuoulttes.
2 calves' sweetbreads.
2 pounds of chicken, boiled tender and chopped as fine
as possible.
4 ounces of butter.
2 ounces of flour.
I gill of cream.
I dessertspoonful of chopped parsley.
I teaspoonful of chopped onion.
Pepper, salt and nutmeg.
Melt butter and stir into it the dry flour ; add by
degrees the cream and stir until it boils ; add seasoning.
Take from fire and stir into the meat; add enough of the
jelly obtained by boiling the chicken to make the mixture
quite soft ; let stand until cold ; shape ; dip in beaten
white of an egg ; roll in cracker dust and let stand on ice
until quite cool ; fry in hot lard and drain on paper.
Mrs. Reeves Jackson.
Chicken Croquettes.
The meat of i chicken, roast or boiled, chopped fine
and free from skin.
^ as much fine bread-crumbs as chicken.
3 medium-size cold boiled potatoes, chopped.
^2 cup of butter.
I tablespoonful of salt.
5^ teaspoonful of pepper.
Mix the chopped meat, crumbs and potatoes ; add the
butter, melted, and enough milk to make it quite moist ;
season to taste. Make your croquettes into cylindrical
shapes, roll in beaten eggs and fine cracker-crumbs and
fry in sufficient hot lard to cover them. If you would
have perfection, use a wire basket to cook them in. Serve
with tomato sauce.
Sara C. Purdy.
Oysters St. August: n.
Have a long and strong wire (which can be procured
at a hardware store), bent like the letter W. Upon this
string first an oyster, then the thinnest possible bit of
breakfast bacon, then another oyster, another bit of bacon^
and so on. Broil over glowing coals. A bon vivant will
find these sweetly to his taste.
Emma E. Marfan.
Oysters a la Poulette.
2 dozen oysters. I tablespoonful of butter.
2 tablespoonfuls of flour. 2 yelks of eggs.
Salt, pepper, parsley, lemon.
Place 2 dozen medium-size oysters in a sauce-pan with
their own liquid ; let them come to a boil, then strain the
oysters, saving the liquid ; put about i tablespoonful
of butter and 2 of flour in a sauce-pan ; heat and work
smooth, then add the oyster liquid and let the whole boil
about 5 minutes, stirring all the while. Add a little of
the juice of a lemon, according to taste, the yelks of 2
eggs, well beaten, salt, pepper, chopped parsley, and lastly
the oysters. Serve on toast.
Mrs. H. L. Frank.
175 CHOICE RECirKS. 35
Fricasseed Oysters.
Carefully drain and remove all bits of shell from r
quart of select oysters ; dot with butter and salt to taste ;
place them in a dripping-pan in a moderate oven ; bake
about 20 minutes, then stir in a cup of cream with a small
teaspoonful of cornstarch dissolved in it ; let it simmer a
few minutes and then pour over toast, place oysters on
it, and serve hot.
Mar if: C. RF.>ncK .
Oyster Bisque.
I pint of chicken or veal stock, or the liquor in which;
chickens have been boiled.
I pint of oysters.
1 cup of milk.
2 eggs.
Salt, pepper, chopped parsley.
I heaping cup of bread crumbs.
I large tablespoonful of butter rubbed in i of flour.
Strain the stock and set over the fire with the crumbs
in a farina kettle ; in another vessel heat the oyster
liquor, and when it simmers add the oysters, chopped
fine ; cook all 20 minutes. In a third vessel scald the
milk, stir into this the floured butter, boil up sharply
and pour on the beaten eggs ; set in hot water while you
turn the oysters and liquor in the kettle containing the
stock and crumbs, and cook together before putting in
the parsley and other seasoning ; finally pour in milk
and eggs, after which the soup must not boil but stand in
hot water 3 minutes. Serve promptly.
Marion Harland.
Hashed Potatoes Browned.
Chop cold boiled potatoes, put them in a sauce-pan
■^vith milk, butter and salt to taste. Have some hot
butter in a frying-pan, pour in the potatoes and let them
brown. Serve in the shape of an omelet, and garnish
with parsley.
Marie C. Remick.
German Manner of Cooking Spinach.
Pick and wash the spinach thoroughly; have the
water salted and boiling hard, boil the spinach 8 or 10
minutes uncovered; put in a colander and pour cold
water over it, drain well and chop fine; put a little
suet and butter in a pot or skillet, and heat it, brown a
little flour in this, add bouillon or water to make a
gravy, add^the spinach, and boil a few minutes. Serve
hot. Garnish with slices of hard-boiled ^gg- Add
nutmeg and a small sHced onion to the fat before
jTiaking the gravy, if desired.
Mrs, Henrietta Galloway,
Turkish Pilaf.
I cup of stewed and strained tomatoes.
I cup of stock, highly seasoned with salt, pepper and
sminced onion.
When boiling add i cup of well- washed rice; stir
lightly with a fork until the liquor is absorbed,
-.ihen add ^ cup of butter, set on the back of the
Stove or in a double boiler, and steam 20 minutest-
Remove the cover, stir it lightly, cover with a towel
and let the steam escape. Serve as a vegetable.
Mrs. D. a. Lincoln.
To Cook Spinach.
Pick over and wash carefully, put the spinach in a'
large kettle without water, place it on the back of the
stove \vhere it will cook slowly until the juice is drawn
out, then boil until tender; drain and chop tine. For
one-half peck of spinach, add i large tablespoonful
of butter, 3^ teaspoonful of salt and % saltspoonful of
pepper. Heat again and serve on toast.
Spinach is nearly all water, and a smaller portion of
the potash salts — its most valuable constituent — is lost
when it is cooked in its own juices.
Mrs. Lincoln's -'Boston Cook Rdok.'^
Asparagus Pudding.
I pint of asparagus ends. 2 ounces of butter.
8 eggs. Pepper and salt to taste^
4 tablespoonfuls of flour.
Cut up the green tender parts of asparagus, put
them into a bowl with the eggs, well-beaten, add the
flour, butter, pep;-er and salt, mix well together and
moisten w^th sutiicient milk to make a thick batter;
put into a quart mould, well buttered, place in hoiling
water, and boil two hours. Turn into a hot dish and
serve with butter sauce.
Mrs. Mary Stronc; Sheldon.
Tomato Salad.
Take ^ dozen large smooth tomatoes, scald and
peel them, cut in half, take out part of the pulp and fill
the space with celery cut in small bits and mixed with
salad dressing; put the halves together, place each
tomato in a lettuce-leaf, and pour the rest of the salad
dressing over them.
Mrs. Charles Guy Bolte.
Cream Salad Dressing.
3 ^ggs, well-beaten.
3^ cup of butter.
3^ cup of vinegar.
I heaping teaspoonful of mixed mustard.
I teaspoonful of salt.
I tablespoonful of sugar.
A pinch of red pepper.
Cook in a double boiler, stirring constantly until
thick as rich cream : wlien cold stir in ^ cup of cream.
Mrs. CiiARLEs Guy Bolte.
Salmon Salad.
Take a can of salmon, carefully pick out bones and
skin; line a platter with lettuce-leaves, pile the salmon
on it, and pour over it the cream salad-dressing as
above. A cup of cold cooked French peas may be
added to it. A sliced cucumber is a pleasant addition.
Mrs. Charles G. Bolte.
Oyster Salad.
Put into a stew pan i quart of oysters, set on the stove
and pour about a pint of boiling water over them ; let
them come to a boil, carefully removing the scum that
rises, skim out the oysters, and to the liquor add vinegar,
cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg to the taste ; boil 5 minutes
and let them stand in a cool place over night. When
you wish to prepare the salad, drain the oysters, spread
them on a towel and wipe them dry, cut celery in small
bits until you have about the same quantity as of oysters.
Prepare the mayonnaise dressing and mix with the
oysters and celery a short time before serving.
Mayonnaise Dressing for Salad.
Yelks of 2 eggs. Juice of ;^ a lemon.
Pinch of cayenne pepper. y> teaspoonful of salt.
3 tablespoonfuls of vinegar. y^ pint of best olive oil.
I teaspoonful of dry mustard.
Put the eggs in a china bowl, salt and mustard them,
stir with a fork and drop in the oil slowly till it thickens,
then add the vinegar and lemon juice, stirring all the
time until well mixed. The juice of the whole lemon
may be used instead of vinegar.
Cl.\r.\ Doty Bates.
Sweetbread Salad.
Boil a large sweetbread in salt and water, remove
all stringy portions and cut in small pieces: cut the ten-
der part of 3 heads of celery in small pieces, mi.\ with
sweetbread and enough salad dressing to make it moist.
Serve a spoonful on a lettuce-leaf with a few French
peas, 2 or 3 shces of cucumber, 3^2 radish and ^< an olive.
Or leave out all the garnish, and put in i nasturtion
flower with i leaf; the flower to be fresh must be
added just before serving.
Mrs. Charles Guy Bolte.
A Delicious Bean-Salad.
Take small young beans, cut them fine lengthwise
and boil them in salted water; when soft place them in
a colander and pour cold water over them, drain and
dry them by laying them on a clean towel, turn into a
salad-bowl, adding a small onion chopped fine with salt,
pepper, vinegar and salad oil.
Miss Lilian Weide.
American Chicken Cheese.
Boil I chicken till tender, free it from bone, skin
and grizzle, chop fine, and season with pepper and salt.
Boil the liquor left in the pot till there is just enough to
moisten the chicken. If too moist add cracker-crumbs.
Press the mixture into a dish or mould. When cold,
Miss Lilian Weide.
Shrimp Salad.
Buy Dunbar's shrimps. Open the can and turn
out the shrimps several hours before using them.
Break them in small pieces (don't chop). To ever}^
cup of shrimps use two cups of crisp celery, cut in
small pieces (not chopped), season to taste with salt,
mustard, red pepper and vinegar.
For every can of shrimps use the yelks of two eggs»
175 CIIOKK Rl'XMl'F-S. 11
The eggs should be fresh and cokl, and the oil of the
best quality and cold. Put the yelks of the eggs on a
dinner plate, stir them round and round a minute or so
with a silver fork, then begin adding the oil, a few drops
at a time, stirring steadily. As the eggs and oil begin
to thicken, the oil can be added a little more at a time;
but the more slowly it is put in the less likely are the
eggs and oil to separate. When it becomes very stiff,
a little vinecrar can be added and stirred in slowlv until
the dressing resembles boiled custard. Much or little
oil can be used, but a coffee cup of the mayonnaise is
not too much for an ordinary dish of salad. Those
who like oil would use 2 cups. Mix a little of the
dressing with the salad; pile it lightly on a flat dish or
in a salad bowl, and pour the dressing evenly over it.
The salad can be trimmed wdth the delicate tops of the
celery for a border and ornamented with olives, capers,^
rings of hard-boiled eggs and thin slices of red beets
cut in diamonds or stars. The same mayonnaise can be
used for chicken or lobster salad; but for lobster omit
the celery dressing, using lettuce leaves fresh and crisp.
Serve a few of these with each plate of salad.
Mrs. Margaret G. Fo
hours or longer, l^o be eaten with foam sauce, made
of butter and sugar, beaten light and creamy, to which
is added i cupful of boiling milk just before serving.
Mks II. C\ 11..VT.
Sui:t Pui)i)iN(i.
I cupful of molasses. i cupful of sw'eet milk.
I cupful of chopped suet, i cupful of stoned raisins.
1 cupful of currants. }4 cupful of sliced citron.
2 iiggs. I teaspoonful of soda.
1 teaspoonful of cloves. i teaspoonful of cinnamon.
^2 teaspoonful of salt. 3 cupfuls of Hour.
Steam about 3 hours.
I'pon T cup of granulated sugar and % cup of but-
ter pour 3 tabiespoonfuls of boiling water and stir to a
cream. Put this into a bowl and steam over the tea-
kettle until it foams, stirring occasionally from tlu-
bottom to prevent sugar from settling. Fla\'or with
H.\Ki:i) AppLE:-DuMPLiN(i.
Pare and slice apples; make light pastry, roll it and
place in apples to make dumplings of medium size.
riuci* in buttered pudding-disli close together. Put
butter, size of a large hickory nut, on top of each
dumpling. Sprinkle over all a coffeecupful of white
sugar and a little nutmeg. More than cover with cold
water. Bake i hour. Needs no other sauce.
Mrs. F. .S. Simmons.
Mountain-Dew" Pudding.
I pint of milk.
Yelks of 3 eggs.
I cup of sugar.
4 tablespoonfuls of pounded crackers.
Whites of 3 eggs.
Juice of I lemon.
Mix the milk, pounded crackers and well-beaten
yelks and bake to a light brown, then beat the whites
of the eggs with sugar and lemon-juice. Spread over
the pudding and brown in oven.
Mrs. Florence R. Bartlett.
Prune Souffle.
^ pound of prunes.
Whites of 6 eggs.
12 tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar.
Stew the prunes and cliop line: beat the eggs to a
stil^ froth, stir in the sugar, and whip in very lightly
the chopped prunes. Bake in quick oven 5 or 10 min-
utes and serve immediately with cream.
Mrs. S. 1). LoRiNG
Baked Apple Dksskrt.
Pare and core choice cooking apples, fill the holes
with hickory-nut meats and a little chopped apples:
sprinkle with sugar and bake carefully so the apples
will keep their shape. Serve cold, garnished with
whipped cream. To be eaten with wafers.
Mrs. Mary Strong Sukldon.
Coffee Pudding.
1 3^ cups of strong coffee.
I cup of sugar.
I cup of whipped cream.
y2 box gelatine, dissolved in ^ cup of water.
Add the gelatine to the coffee, which must be hot.
When beginning to set, add cream and put into a
Miss E. S. L. Chase.
Calla Lilies.
I cup of sugar.
I cup of flour.
5 ^ggs, yelks and whites beaten separately.
Stir into a batter and bake in a thin layer. When
slightly cool, cut in squares and roll in the shape of a
calla lily. When the callas are cold, lill with the fol-
lowing mixture: ^ pint cream whipped to a stiff froth,
seasoned with vanilla and sugar to taste, and the beaten
whites of 3 eggs. A thin strip of 3^ellow orange peel
inserted in the cream completes the resemblance.
Charlotte Russe.
8 eggs. 2 cups of milk.
^ stick vanilla. 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar.
% box gelatine. i pint cream.
Put the vanilla in the milk and let it come to a boil;
add the eggs and sugar, and the gelatine which has
been dissolved and strained: add the whipped cream,
and put away in a mould to stiffen. Line the mould
with ladyfingers, if desired.
Mrs. L. Mayer.
Dr. Smith's PuudiNg.
% box of gelatine, dissolved in ^ cup of water.
I quart of milk. Wine or vanilla.
Yelks of 5 eggs. Whites of 5 eggs.
I cup of sugar.
Make a boiled custard with velks of eggs, sugar and
milk, add gelatine and flavoring: when thickened add
the well-beaten whites, and pour into a mould.
Spanish Cream.
I quart of milk. 4 eggs.
^ ounce of gelatine. 6 tablespoonfuls of sugar.
Dissolve the gelatine in i pint of the milk, then add
the other pint and stir over the fire; beat the yelks of
the eggs with 3 tablespoonfuls of the sugar, and stii"
into the milk just before it boils; when it comes to a
boil take it off and stir into it the whites of the eggs
which have been beaten to a stiff froth with the
remainder of the sugar. Flavor to taste. Pour into
Mrs. Blancmi-: S. Dixiiaisi.
Cream du Cafe.
I pint of rich cream, whipped light.
y^ package of gelatine, dissolved in i cup of milk.
I large cup of strong coffee.
I cup of sugar.
Whites of 2 eggs.
i\dd the gelatine and sugar to the boiling coffee,
strain and let cool: when the gelatine is perfectly cold,
whip it by degrees into the beaten whites, until it is a
firm froth, then add the whipped cream. Mould, serve
with cream.
Mrs. Blanchi: S. Dinham.
PHii>AUEi.rHiA Pudding.
5 tablespoonfuls of arrowroot.
I quart of milk.
lO bitter and 20 sweet almonds.
I small cup of white sugar.
Whites of 2 eggs.
I cup of confectioner's sugar.
Blanch and pound the almonds, dissolve the arrow-
root in a Httle milk, boil the milk, add the cup of
sugar, arrowroot and almonds, and let it come to a boil
again, and put in a dish to cool. Beat the whites of
the eggs to a stiff froth, add sugar, spread on the pud-
ding and set in the oven to brown.
Apricot Crkam.
One can of apricots, drain off the juice, add an equal
quantity of water and i cup of sugar, boil until it begins
to thicken, add the apricots and simmer lo minutes.
Drain off syrup and put aside to use as a sauce after
straining carefully.
Two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch dissolved in a little
cold milk, stir this into i quart of boiling milk, add
3^elks of 3 eggs, sweeten, stir lo minutes, taking care
that it does not boil, pour into a basin, whisk occasion-
ally until nearly cold, then stir into it i ounce of gela-
tine dissolved and nearly cold ; mix thorough^ together.
Rinse a mould in cold water and. fill with alternate
layers of apricot and cream. Use the syrup for sauce.
Mrs. W. H. Bush.
3 eggs. I pint of thick cream.
I small cup of sugar. ^ teaspoonful of vanilla.
I pint of milk.
Boil in a double kettle the yelks of the eggs well
beaten, the milk and the sugar, until a custard is
formed of the consistency of thick cream. Cool thor-
oughly to avoid curdling, add the vanilla and put in
the freezer which must first be placed in the freezing-
tub and the dasher put in place. Fill tub with broken
ice and coarse salt, and turn freezer until it begins to
turn hard. In the meantime beat the whites of the
eggs until stiff and whip the cream, skimming off the
froth as it forms, until all is whipped light. Carefully
wipe ice and salt from freezer, remove cover and add
eggs and cream. Close the freezer, add more ice and
salt, if necessary, and turn until the dasher will not
move. Keep packed in ice and sail until needed, turn-
ing occasionally. The White Mountain freezer is the
best, and it will take about ^ of an hour to freeze this
amount, which is ample for five persons. This recipe is
infallible if properly followed, and the cream is smooth
and firm.
Mrs. Cmarlks (jlv Boi.tk.
Fine Chocolate Cream.
Yi box of gelatine. 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar.
I pint of milk. Yelks of 5 eggs.
I ounce of chocolate.
Scald the milk, add the grated chocolate and sugar,
add the gelatine (dissolved and strained), then the well-
beaten yelks. Set in a pan of ice water and stir often
until it begins to thicken. Mould. Serve with cream.
Edith Gifford.
Italian Pudding.
I quart of milk. 9 eggs.
Leave out 4 whites. Let the milk scald with a little
lemon peel to give it flavor. Beat the eggs with sugar
very light, and stir into the milk after it is a little cool.
Have ready a tin mould lined with i cup of burnt sugar,
pour the custard in and bake slowly, setting the form in
warm water. When it is cold turn out on a platter,
the burnt sugar making a rich sauce: you can improve
it with chopped blanched almonds. It takes some time
to cool.
Julia Ross Low, M.D.
Macaroon Cream.
]/^ pound of macaroons.
2 eggs.
4 tablespoonfuls of sugar.
I heaping tablespoonful of flour.
J4 cup of red raspberry jam.
I cup of milk. .
Grated rind of i lemon.
I pint of cream.
Line a deep glass dish with the macaroons, putting
on each cake a teaspoonful of the jam. Make a boiled
custard of the eggs, sugar, milk, flour and lemon rind,
and when smooth and thick enough pour while hot over
the macaroons, and set away to cool. Before serving
add the cream, whipped to a froth.
Mrs. Mixa Pfirshixg.
Fruit Moulded in Jelly.
Follow the directions given for orange jellw Upon
the bottom of a dripping-pan place white paper, and
upon this scatter candied fruit, fresh grapes, sections of
orange, or strawberries, pour the jelly over this before
it begins to thicken, cut into blocks and serve on a flat
dish. Nice to serve with custards.
Salted Al.monds.
Blanch the almonds, place in a tin witli a small
piece of butter, just enough to moisten the almonds,
sprinkle with salt and place in the oven until they are a
light brown; stir occasionally.
175 riioirv: Rr.rii'KS. r,7
Coffee Ice-Cream.
2 quarts of cream. 2 tablespoonfuls of \anilla.
2 cups of sugar. >< cup of very strong coffee.
Scald the cream, melt the sugar in it and flavor when
cool ; freeze.
Pi \ KA PPl ,F S I \ KK I!FT.
I V2 pint cans of pineapple, or, if fresh fruit is used, i
large pineapple.
A small pint of sugar.
I pint of water.
T tablespoonful of gelatine.
Soak the gelatine i or 2 hours in enough cold water to
cover ; cut the hearts and eyes from the fruit, chop it fine
and add to the sugar and juice from the can; have half
of the water hot and dissolve gelatine in it. stir this and
the cold water into the pineapple. Freeze. The sher-
bet will be white and creamy.
?«hss P\iu.o,\.
Whites of 4 eggs. ^ ;;/< cup of sugar.
1 pint of niilk. ' Vanilla.
2 tablespoonfuls of cornstarch.
Mix the cornstarch with a little cold milk, add to the
boiling milk, also the sugar, and boil until it thickens;
then flavor, and carefully add to the whites of the eggs,
beaten to a stiff froth. Success depends upon manipu-
lation ; the custard must be mixed with the agg in long
strokes, not sHnrd; or it will not have the foamy appear-
ance desired.
Lemon Pudding.
Bake a sponge-cake in a pudding dish ; when cool cut
out the center, leaving only a thin shell, and fill with fol-
lowing mixture:
I pint of milk. 2 eggs.
^ cup of flour. Pinch of salt.
I cup of sugar.
I lemon juice and grated rind.
Cook until thick. Pour into the shell, and before serv-
ing cover with whipped cream.
Mrs. Frank Johnson.
Old-Time Charlotte Russe.
I pint of milk. y^ cup of sugar.
y^ package of gelatine. Yelks of 4 eggs.
I pint of cream. i sponge cake.
Make a custard of the milk, eggs and sugar ; dissolve
the gelatine and add to the custard after the custard is
cold ; whip the cream and add it to the custard ; as the
gelatine begins to harden, flavor with vanilla. Remove
the center from around sponge cake, pour in the mixture,
cover the top with whipped cream and serve very cold.
ISIrs. M. a. Cu.m.mings.
Banana P"loat.
Half box Cox's gelatine dissolved in a cup of boiling
water, add i pint of sweet milk, sweeten to taste and
boil ; when cold, but not too stiff, stir in 6 bananas that
have been broken up with a fork; mix well and set away
to cool. Serve with whipped cream, sweetened, and
flavored with vanilla:
Mrs. Robert Babc ock
Golden Bavarian Cream.
}i box of Cox's gelatine.
5 tablespoonfuls of cold water.
1 pint of fresh milk.
i^ pint of sweet cream.
2 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar.
4 eggs.
Soak gelatine in cold water till dissolved ; strain gela-
tine into the milk, stir well and set aside to stiffen ; beat
whites of eggs to a stiff froth, add sugar and flavoring.
When the milk is quite cold beat till smooth, then stir in
the yelks of 2 eggs which have been beaten light; whip
in the whites of the eggs and turn the whole into a glass
dish to harden.
Mrs. H. L. Frank.
Tapioca Pudding.
yi cup of tapioca soaked in i ^ cups milk or water.
I quart of milk. A very little salt.
^ cup of sugar. 3 eggs.
Soak the tapioca over night ; in the morning scald the
quart of milk, add tapioca and cook till clear, then add
the yelks of the eggs, well beaten, and the sugar and salt ;
stir well a few minutes and pour into a baking dish.
Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, stir into
them y^ of a cup of pulverized sugar and spread this over
the pudding. (The pudding must be flavored with
vanilla and the meringue with lemon.) Set the dish in
the oven to brown. Serve cold.
Mrs. G. W. Huddleston.
Orange Baskets.
Cut as many oranges as will be required, leaving half
the peel whole for the baskets, and a strip half an inch
wide for the handle ; remove the pulp and juice, and use
the juice in making orange jelly; fill the baskets with
orange jelly. When ready to serve, put a spoonful of
whipped cream over the jelly in each basket.
Orange Jelly.
i^ box ot gelatine. Juice of i lemon.
i^ cup of cold water. i cup of sugar.
I cup of boiling water. i pint of orange juice.
Soak the gelatine in cold water until soft, add the boil-
ing water, sugar, lemon juice and orange juice ; stir until
the sugar is dissolved, and strain. Add wine if desired.
Mrs. D. a. Lincoln.
Frozen Pudding.
1 pint of milk.
2 cupfuls of granulated sugar.
y2 cupful of flour, scant measure.
2 eggs.
2 tablespoonfuls of gelatine.
I quart of cream.
Yz pound of French candied fruit.
4 tablespoonfuls of wine.
Beat together the eggs, half the sugar and all the flour,
and stir into the boiling milk ; cook 20 minutes, then add
the gelatine which has been soaked in water enough to
cover it, set away to cool, and when cool, add the wine,
sugar and cream, freeze lo minutes, then add the can-
died fruit and finish frcezinj^, take out the heater, pack
smoothly and set away for an hour or two. Serve witli
whipped cream.
Mks. Amy Kno-^,
Hard Sal'ck.
3 cupfuls of pulverized sugar. Velks of 2 eggs.
I cupful of butter. Whites of 3 eggs.
V2 cup sherry wine or yi teaspoonful vanilla.
Cream the butter and sugar, add other ingredients and
mix thoroughly. Set in hot water, but do not let it boil.
Miss Mary K. Wmitinc,.
(SwKnisH Drssert.)
5 eggs. 1 full cup of flour.
I Y2 cups of sugar.
Stir whites and yelks together with sugar, beat thor-
oughly, add flour gradually until thick enough to pour ;
heat a pan and wax with white wax, do not grease. When
the pan has cooled, pour in the thinnest possible layer
of batter and bake a" delicate brown. Cut into squares
while hot and twist into cornucopias ; fill with whipped
cream and white of ^^^, with sugar and jelly or jam
beaten in.
Mr.S. S. D. L(JRIN^ cup of butter.
I cup of sugar. 2 cups of flour.
^ cup of milk. 2 teaspoonfuls of baking
1 cup of sugar.
2 tablespoonfuls of water. Boil to a syrup.
Stir slowly into the syrup while hot the whites of 2
eggs well beaten. Spread each layer with the syrup;
slice bananas very thin and cover the syrup.
Mrs. Robert Babcock.
Gossamer Gingerbread.
1 cup of butter. i cup of milk.
2 cups of sugar. 3j^ cups of flour.
I tablespoonful of ginger. 2 eggs.
Beat butter and sugar together. Have tin sheets
without any edge buttered, put i tablespoonful of the
mixture on each tin, and spread as thin as you can with
a knife. Have oven well heated, but not too hot.
Serve on tlie tins as they are taken from the oven.
Mrs. B. M. IIincklev.
Vanilla Cake.
Whites of 6 eggs.
lYz cups of powdered sugar.
1}^ cups of butter.
y^ cup of milk.
2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder.
1 teaspoonful of vanilla.
2 cups of flour, or i ^ cups of flour and i^ cup of
Cream the butter and sugar, to which add the milk,
then the flour, baking powder, vanilla, last the whites
of the eggs; bake in layers.
Make icing of the whites of 2 eggs, season with i
teaspoonful of vanilla, and place between the layers.
Mrs. W. S. Chapman.
Sponge Cake.
3 eggs.
I cup of sugar.
3 tablespoonfuls of cold water.
I very full cup of flour.
I even teaspoonful of baking powder.
A few drops of vanilla.
Beat together the yelks and cup of sugar, then the
water, add to this flour, baking powder and vanilla,
last the well-beaten whites of the eggs, and stir only
enough to mix well.
Helen Leeds Mitchell.
I cup of boiling water. i^ cup of butter.
I cup- of best N. O. molasses. 2^ cups of flour.
I even teaspoonful of soda. Ginger to taste.
Mrs. L. M, Heywood.
Tumbler Cake.
I tumbler butter. 2 tumblers raisins.
3 tumblers sugar. 3 tumblers sour milk.
51^ tumblers of flour. Spice to taste.
Stir butter and sugar to a cream; then add two tum-
blers of the milk ; in the third dissolve two small tea-
spoonfuls of soda. Add the other ingredients. Bake in
two loaves, ^ of an hour.
Mrs. M. L. Brown.
OR.A.NGE Cake.
i^ cup of butter. ^ cup sweet milk.
I cup of sugar. 2 cups of flour.
3 eggs. I teaspoonful of baking
Bake in layer tins. powder.
Filling for Orange Cake.
Boil I cup of powdered sugar and 4 tablespoonfuls of
water until it strings when dropped from the spoon.
Pour this in a fine stream upon the beaten white of one
Ggg ; beat until nearly cold; use half the grated peel and
pulp of a large orange, carefully removing all the inner
175 <'-H()ICE KKCIPES. 6j|
skin. This will make a sufficient quantity to spread be-
tween the layers and over the top.
Mary S. Sr.AnE.
2 cups of sugar. 2 cups of milk.
I cup of butter. i cup of yeast.
3 eggs. I grated nutmeg.
Set the mixture at night, in the morning knead and
make into cakes. When light fry.
Mrs. Blanche Dunham.
Holland Jumbles.
^ pound of butter. ^ pound of flour.
^ pound of sugar. 2 eggs.
Save a portion of the sugar to roll the batter in. Form
into rings with your hands, as the batter is so rich you
cannot use a rolling pin.
Quick Loaf Cake.
I scant pound of flour. ^ pound of sugar.
^ pound of butter. 3 eggs.
I wine glass of wine. ^ pint of milk.
3 teaspoonfuls baking powder.
Ida M. Lane.
Spice Cake.
3 cups of very brown sugar. ^ cup of lard.
I cup of butter. i^ cup of molasses.
I cup of milk. S}4 cups of flour.
4 ^g&s. I cup of raisins.
I tablespoonful of cinnamon. i cup of currants.
I teaspoonful of cloves. i^^ tup of citron.
I teaspoonful of soda.
I cup of hickor3^-nut meats may be added or omitted
at pleasure.
This will make 2 cakes.
Sara C. Purdy.
Connecticut Loaf Cake.
I cup of milk. I cup of lard.
I cup of yeast. 2 eggs.
I cup of sugar.
Stir up with enough flour to make a stiff batter, and
let it rise over night. In the morning add
1 cup of butter.
2 cups of sugar.
I egg. _ •
1 pound of seeded raisins.
2 wineglasses of brandy with a little soda dissolved
in it.
I nutmeg.
I teaspoonful of cinnamon.
Divide into loaves when quite light. Bake in a
moderately heated oven.
Mrs. a. G. Pkttiboxe.
Hickory-Nut Cake.
j4 cup of butter. 1 1^ cups of sugar.
Whites of 3 eggs. i cup of hickory-nut meats.
2 cups of flour. 2 teaspoonfuls of baking
^ cup of milk. powder.
175 choice recipes. 71
Golden Cream Cake.
I cup of sugar. ]^ cup of butter.
y^ cup of sweet milk. 1 1/^ cups of flour.
Whites of 3 eggs.
Cream butter and sugar, add milk, flour and lastly
whites of eggs beaten to a froth. Bake in 3 la^^ers.
I pint of thick cream beaten until it is like ice-cream,
sweeten and flavor with vanilla. Blanch and chop ^
pound of almonds, stir into the cream, and put between
the cakes.
West India Preserves.
Use small yellow or white tomatoes si^e and shape
of plums, wash carefully without breaking.
To 10 pounds of fruit use
10 pounds of sugar.
3 lemons, sliced fine.
y^ pound of large raisins.
I ounce of white ginger-root.
Dissolve sugar in water, pour boiling over the fruit
and let it stand over night. Then simmer till the fruit
is perfectly tender. When half done add lemons and
raisins and ginger.
Very rich and very handsome.
Miss Edith Gifford-
Scotch Orange Marmalade.
Take i dozen Seville (bitter) oranges, wash and wipe
them carefully, take a large, wide-mouthed stone or
earthenware jar, and for each orange pour into the jar i
pint of pure cold water ; with a very sharp broad-bladed
knife slice the oranges as thin as possible, rejecting the
seeds only, slice them on a plate ; as the plate is filled
pour into the jar ; when all the oranges are sliced cover
the jar and let it stand about twelve hours ; in the morn-
ing pour the contents of the jar into a porcelain preserv-
ing kettle and boil for one hour, then add a pint of sugar
for each oi-.uige ; boil slowly for another hour, watching
and stirring carefully to prevent stic' ing or burning;
use a silver or wooden spoon ; at the end of the second
hour add two lemons, sliced as thin as the oranges, or as
thin as paper ; at the end of the third hour, if of the con-
sistency of marmalade, remove from the fire and when
thoroughly cold fill little jars or pots and cover.
Miss Lizzie Copelix.
Pumpkin Chips.
4 pounds of pumpkin. 4 pounds of sugar.
I dozen lemons.
Pare, slice thin and cut with scissors the pumpkin, put
into a bowl and cover with 4 pounds of sugar and the
juice of I dozen lemons ; let it stand over night , boil the
lemon peel till tender, scrape off all the bitter part, chip
like the pumpkin, boil all together about two hours till
quite crisp ; put away in glass jars and paste covers on,
Makes delicious marmalade.
Spiced Grapes.
7 pounds of grapes.
^ pint of vinegar.
3 pounds of light brown sugar.
Spice of all kinds to taste.
Boil until thick. To be eaten with meat.
Cucumber Pickles.
400 small cucumbers or " Tiny Tims."
Vinegar enough to cover.
2 tablespoonfuls black mustard seed.
2 tablespoonfuls white mustard seed.
2 tablespoonfuls celery seed.
2 pounds brown sugar.
I handful of juniper berries (to be found at any drug
}4 dozen green or red peppers.
Alum size of a walnut.
Lay the cucumbers in salt for 3 days, then put them
in vinegar and water, equal parts, with the alum dis
solved in it ; there must be sufficient vinegar and water
to cover the pickles ; let them stand on the back of the
stove and keep warm for half a day, take them out ot
this and pour over them enough boiling vinegar to cover
them ; do this three times, using same vinegar each time ;
then take fresh vinegar (enough to cover), put in the
juniper berries, spices, etc., let it come to a boil and pour
scalding hot water over pickles. Put away in jars not
covered too tight.
Mrs. S. W. Chapman.
Mustard Pickles.
2 quarts of cucumbers.
2 quarts of green tomatoes.
2 quarts of onions.
2 quarts of cauliflower or cabbage.
I gallon of strong vinegar.
I large cup of flour.
I pound of mustard.
I % pounds of sugar.
Cook cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and cauliflower
each separately till tender, then mix the flour, mustard
and sugar with vinegar, stir while it boils and pour hot
over the pickles. This pickle will keep a year.
Mrs. S. a. Sears.
Cucumber Relish.
12 large green cucumbers.
12 large white onions.
6 green peppers.
i^ pound white mustard seed.
^ pound black mustard seed.
I cup of celery seed.
I cup of salt.
Wash the cucumbers, pare them and take out seeds ;
chop the cucumbers, onions and peppers together, quite
fine, then add the mustard and celery seed and salt.
Mix all together and hang in a thin cotton bag to drain
for 24 hours ; put into stone jars and cover with clear,
cold vinegar, tie them up and set away ; in six weeks
it will be ready for use.
Mrs. E. M. Phelps.
Juniper Pickle.
Soak 300 small cucumbers in brine over night ; in the
morning pour off brine and wash them. Have ready
I gallon of cider vinegar, into which throw
I handful small green peppers.
I quart of small onions.
13^ ounces of white mustard seed.
I yi ounces black mustard seed.
1 yi ounces of celery seed.
7 ounces of juniper berries (from the drug store).
2 pounds of brown sugar.
Let this come to a boil and scald the pickles
thoroughly, till well seasoned. When ready to bottle
add I quart of Cross %i Blackwell's English chow-chow
and a spoonful of ground mustard mixed with cold
Miss Mary Ewing.
Pickled Pears.
I pint of vinegar.
I pound of sugar.
Yz pound of raisins, spices, cinnamon and whole
cloves tied in a bag.
Cook pears till soft, but not broken, in this syrup. This
recipe is very nice, the raisins give a fine flavor. They
should not be cooked too long as they look better whole.
I always peel my pears but keep them whole, also.
Mrs. E. M, Phelps.
Cream Nectar.
2 ounces of tartaric acid. Juice of ^ lemon.
2 1^ pounds of sugar. 3 pints of water.
Boil all together five minutes. When nearly cold
add whites of 3 eggs well beaten with i^ cup of flour
and r ounce of essence of wintergreen. Bottle and keep
in a cool place. To a glass of cold water use i table-
spoonful of the nectar, add y^ teaspoonful of soda and
stir briskh^
Emma S. L. Chase.
Elderberry Wine.
Equal parts of juice and water. To every gallon
add 3 pounds of brown sugar. Spice to taste with
cloves and cinnamon. x\dd i cup of yeast, let it stand
and ferment, then bottle.
Lemon Beer.
Slice 12 large lemons, sprinkle with i pound of
white sugar, and put into a stone jar. Add i gallon of
boiling water and let stand until cool, then add % cup
of yeast, let stand until it ferments, then bottle and
cork tightly.
M. A. Farnham.
Hop Beer.
Boil I quart of hops two hours, strain into a pail of
cold water (size of patent-pail), add i quart of molasses
and I teacup of yeast; have the mixture at blood-heat
when the yeast is added. Put into a stone jar and let
stand until morning, when it will be ready to bottle.
Raspberry Vinegar.
lo quarts red raspberries.
2 quarts wine vinegar.
11^ pounds sugar for every quart juice.
Pul the berries in a stone jar, mash them and pour
the vinegar over them, stir well and let stand for 24
hours, press out the juice and strain, and let stand over
night, pour the juice off from the sediment and to
every quart of juice add i i^ pounds sugar, boil up, let
cool and bottle.
" I have formed a settled conviction that the world
is fed too much. Pastries, cakes, hot bread, rich gra-
vies, pickles, pepper sauces, salads, tea and coffee are
discarded from my ' bill of fare,' and I firmly believe
that they will be from the recipes of the twentieth cent-
ury. Entire wheat flour bread, vegetables, fruit, fish
with a little meat, and milk as the chief drink, will dis-
till in the alembic of the digestive organs into pure,
rich, feverless blood, electric but steady nerves, and
brains that can ' think God's thoughts after Him ' as
they have never yet been thought. This is my recipe :
'■Plain living and high thinking^ and this is my warn-
ing: With high living yoti will get exceedingly plain
thinking. Yours for stomachic rights,
''Frances E. Willard."
The Provident Wood Yard
of the CHARITY ORGANIZATION SOCIETY carries a full stock of Dry Pine
KincUing and Maple, and sells it at the current market price bv the cord or less.
Transient Male Help Furnished Promptly Without Charge.
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The Oldest and Most Reliable Concern of the
kind in the country.
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ALEX. M. THOMSON, President. JAS. E. TAYLOR, Vice-President.
GEO. THOMPSON, Secretary and Treasurer.
-f TUDB ^
Thomson & Taylor Spice Company,
Manufacturers of
Baking Powder and Flavoring Extracts,
30 to 40 South 'Water Street,
The analyses of the water from this spring on
JUDGE M. F. Tuley's farm, Waukesha Co., Wis.,
shows it to be a very vakiable, pure water, re-
niarkabl}' free from lime and organic matter.
As a Table Water it is
It has proven to be a great curative agent in
Dyspepsia and in all diseases of the kidneys and
Delivered, Ten Gallons, $1.00.
15 Vau Buieu St., Chicago.
Will not Unhook \vhile being \A/'orn.
Manufactured in High and Medium Grrades.
218 A 220 Market Street,
^cjool of Coolj^ei'g and [lou^ewoi'l^,
Under the auB])ices of the
Kvery morning and alternate afternoons and evenliigs, at 9 A.M.
2 P.M. and 7 P.M.
For Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Sore Throat and
Colds. A simple, safe and effectual remedy.
Are successful in Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartlmrn, Waterbrash,
Nausea, Morning Sickness, etc. Sold in bottles of lOO doses, SOc.
Order through your Drujjgist, or of
lHAl^SEir BROS.,
Chicago Homoeopathic Pharmacy,
Branch in Detroit, 29 La Fayette Ave. 27 Washington St. . CHICAGO.
27 Union Square.
— AND —
POSITIVELY umde from a recipe used for years by the beautiful
Mme. de Kecamier, and purchased from her descendant,
a French Countess, by Mrs. Ayer, and NEVER
before manufactured for sale.
If used according to directions the '-Recamier Cream '" will positively remove
tan, sunburn, and all eruptions and irritations from the skin. The Balm is not
a vulgar whitewash or so-called enameJ, but an absolutely harmlees liquid, imper-
ceptible under the closest scrutiny, except in the delicate freshness and youthful-
ness it imparts to the skin.
Tuxedo Ci.ub, Tuxedo Park, New York, Oct. 29.
Lear Madam:— I am using the pot of Recamier Cream you so kindly sent me,
and find it all you claim it to be. It will be one of my articles of toilet from this
time forth. I consider it a luxury and necessity to every woman, young or old.
With renewed thanks for introducing me to your delightf ill Recamier Cream,
I am trulv,
Mrs. James Brown Potter to Mrs. H. H. Ayer.
Mrs. Langtry writes Mrs. Ayer : " I use Recamier Cream religious!}'. ^^
LiLii ±jA.N VT i jtv X .
Mrs. Le Breton, Mrs. Langtrv's mother, says: "Mrs. Langtry is perfectly de-
lighted with vour Recamier preparations. Please send her six JaifJIith bill.
She wishes to give it to some friends. M. Le BKHilOJN.
The original letters from which the following extracts are printed, are from the
Innumerable numbers of unsolicited testimonials daily received, and can be seen
on application at our office, No. '^7 Union Square:
" Recamier Cream should be on every toilet table in the country I do not see
how I have existed without it."'
" I can defy winds and sun now, and for the first time in my life am not obliged
to wear a veil, as the delicious Recamier Cream used at night repairs every
damage done by day."
Price :— Recamier Cream, $1.30. Recamier Balm, $1.50.
For sale by all di-uggists, and at wholesale and retail by
Harriet Hubbard Ayer, 27 Union Square. New York,
James H. Walker & Co.,
Wabash-av. and Adams-st.
§UR DEPARTMENT of Table Linens comprises all the latest and best
Scotch, Irish, German and French goods, and is ackru)wledged to be the
most complete of its kind in the conntrv. For quality, variety and low
prices, we mean to maintain the reputation already established. Besidee
all substantial vveaves of heavy cream and white damasks and other linens
by the yard or jiiece, we offer the following:
Momic Table Sets, all sizes, in plain and drawn work. Damask Table
Sets, all sizes, in fancy borders, in pink, blue, old gold, brown and red. Elegant
iBroche L