»y^ :rK ii w?3 m HA m m e Otterbein Cook Book "We may lite without poetry, music, and art; We may liee without conscience, and lite without heart; We may lite without friends; we may lite without books; But civilized man cannot lite without cooks. "He may lite without hooks — what is knowledge but griecjn^^ He may lite without hope — what is hope but deceiting? He may lite without lote — what is passion but pining? But where is the man who can lite without dining?" — Ow*m 9^§r*dith IntclliL'ent and c':'-:\u]y housewives always prefer pure goods. Excellence m) i-urity, not cheapness, are true economy in the end. Good health can be secured by good living and good eating. \',.!\> achieve the most satisfaciviw Food shoiii' ' ^^ !vs be right in kind and attractive in form. Pure food and good health are concomitants worthy of careful y^',-^-.:>^^ "^-^S: The Otterbein Cook Book imminiHiiiniiiMfluiiiiinniiiiiniiniiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiinniiiiiniiiinniniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiin This collection of recipes, which have been carefully tested and found to possess real merit, is affectionately dedicated to our sister friends, the "Ministering Angels," who preside over the home and table. BY THE Ladies' Aid Society OF THE Cowden Memorial United Brethren Church DAYTON, OHIO SPECIAL COMMITTEE Mrs. W. 0. Fries Mrs. L. B. Johns Mrs. H. F. Shupe Mrs. L. E. Miller Mrs. R. P. Sebold THE OTTERBEIN PRESS DAYTON. OHIO 5" CONTENTS T)(i\ US') PAGE Beverages 93 Biscuits 41 Bran Bread 36 Bread 26 Cakes 53 Candies 89 Coffee Cakes 71 Cookies 76 Corn Bread 35 Desserts . . . .| 81 Doughnuts 74 Eggs 25 Fish 6 Frostings 69 Gingerbread 72 Meats 10 Medical Hints 98 Muffins 39 Pickles 86 Pies 47 Puddings 81 Rolls 34 Salads and Salad Dressings 20 Sandwiches 45 Sauces 86 Shortcakes 41 Soups 3 Table of Weights and Measures 99 Things Worth Knowing 95 Time Table for Cooking 99 Useful Hints 94 Vegetables 15 i 3 r Copyright, 1916 By the LADIES' AID SOCIETY of the Cowden Memorial United Brethren Church, Dayton, Ohio ©CI.A427918 MAR 17 1916 "MjCi SOUPS "Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.'' Tomato Soup. Put 1 pint of tomatoes through sieve. Heat to boiling point and add j4 teaspoon soda. Add 1 pint sweet milk, salt and pepper to taste. — Mrs. Lester B. Johns. Celery Soup. Chop into half-inch pieces 3 cupfuls of celery, 1 pint of boil- ing water, 2^^ cupfuls of milk, a slice of onion, 3 tablespoonfuls of butter, J4 of a cup of flour, salt and pepper. Wash and scrape the celery before cutting into pieces, cook in boiling water until soft, rub through a sieve. Scald milk with the onion, remove onion and add milk to celery. Bind with butter and flour cooked together. Season with salt and pepper. Cream of Pea Soup. Open a can of peas, turn off the liquor and pour over them enough cold water to cover them. At the end of half an hour drain the peas, put them into a saucepan with a pint of water and boil until they are reduced to a pulp. Rub through a col- ander and add a teaspoonful of flour rubbed into 1 of butter, and stir the pea puree into this. Cook for a minute, season to taste, and turn into a heated tureen. Have ready a handful of dice of fried bread to throw upon the surface of the soup before it is sent to the table. Cream of Corn Soup. Chop 1 can of corn until fine, adding a generous pint of water, a slice or two of onion, and allow it to cook from 20 to 30 minutes. Remove from range and strain. To this add another generous pint of sweet milk, salt and white pepper to taste, and thicken with a heaping tablespoonful each of flour and butter mixed. Just before removing to serve, add an egg which has been beaten very light. Serve with croutons. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. An Appetizing Soup. To 2 quarts of beef broth, add 3 or 4 stems of celery, a few sprays of parsley, an onion, y^ pint of canned tomatoes, and 2-3 cup of rice. Bring all the other ingredients to a boil before add- ing rice. Cook until rice is well done. — Mrs. F. M. Betz. Peanut Soup. Soak 2 cups of nuts over night in 1 quart of sweet milk, add 2 quarts of water, boil slowly 1 hour, add 1 onion, stalk of celery, boil soft, run through sieve. Just before serving, add juice of 1 lemon, salt, pepper; heat and serve. (Peanut butter can be used. Need not soak.) — Mrs. C. Whitney. Hamburger Soup. Fry to a nice brown 1 pound of hamburger steak and two small onions chopped fine, in equal parts of butter and lard. Add 1 pint of water, 1 can kidney beans, and 1 can tomatoes. Boil all together about twenty minutes, adding salt and pepper to taste. FISH "Master, I marvel how .the fishes live in the sea!" "Why, as }neii do on land : .the great ones eat up the little ones." Salmon Croquettes. One cup boiled rice. Two eggs, well beaten. One can salmon. Season, add egg and rice ; make into little croquettes and fry- in butter or lard. — Mrs. H. F. Shupe. Baked Canned Salmon. Butter a baking dish and put alternate layers of bread crumbs and canned salmon in it, with bread crumbs for the top layer. Season with salt and pepper and pour over it all ^ a cup- ful of milk. Dot the top with bits of butter and bake until brown. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Baked Fish. A fish weighing from 4 to 6 pounds is good size to bake. It should be cooked whole to look well. Make dressing of bread crumbs, butter, salt and a little salt pork chopped fine (parsley and onions, if you please) ; mix this with 1 egg. Fill the body, sew it up, lay in large dripper ; put across it some strips of salt pork to flavor. Put pint water and little salt in pan. Bake an hour and a half. Baste frequently. After taking up fish thicken gravy and pour over it. Smoked Mackerel. To prepare smoked mackerel, parboil for ten minutes. Have plate hot for serving. Season well with butter and serve with potatoes with jackets on, and red beet pickles. — Mrs. Lester Johns. Scalloped Oysters. One quart oysters, put in colander, drain off juice and wash carefully to remove all bits of shell. Butter a deep pudding dish, cover the bottom with cracker crumbs, not too fine, season with salt and pepper, and bits of butter, then a layer of oysters, sea- soned, a layer of crackers, then oysters until oysters are used. Put cracker crumbs on top with bits of butter, pour over a few tablespoons of oyster liquor strained and 1 cup of cream or milk. Bake covered half an hour, uncover half-hour. 6 AyCEN who are expe- ^^-^ rienced in selecting clothes will consider our new Metropolitan ideas the last word in original- ity and elegance. Not ex- cessive in price. $10 to $30 J.H Margolis Ouality Corner Ludlow at Fourth J. DETRICK GROCERIES and MEATS Country Produce a Specialty Bell Main 2271 152 East McPherson Street Patronize our advertisers. They are the means of making this book possible. 8 yoo >600« 1 1 1 oooooooc ►^ ^ ^ i i^ .: $10.00 in Gold Free THE duty of every housewife is to help wherever she can. Would your husband object to you getting ten or twenty dollars per year for simply paying a little attention to a real business system? Societies, Lodges, Churches, individuals, even little children easily raise money by our system. If your dealer does not use this system, you should do as you do about your other buying — Go where you can get what you want. Good merchants in all lines in all parts of the city are giving MUTUAL CASH STAMPS. Ask for them. Retired men live on the interest from the money they have. Why not draw interest on what you spend? Save all labels, trade-marks and coupons and convert them into money through the MUTUAL SYSTEM. When you see the sign — We give and redeem MUTUAL Cash Stamps— that is the store it will pay you to patronize, for Mutual Cash Stamps are worth $10.00 in gold per full book or 25c per leaf, and it costs you nothing only the asking. Almost every reliable package of merchandise contains a premium coupon. When you are unable to get enough of any one kind to get the premium offered, you can, by our system, put them all together in exchange at our store for Mutual Cash Stamps. Our new home:— The Mutual Sales Company, 200 E. Fifth St., is the largest store of exclusive ladies' and misses' furnishings in Dayton. We not only sell the best of everything in this line, but if we haven't what you want in a suit or skirt we will make it in our Dayton Factory to your measure and individual taste. We are here to stay and to stay we must please you. If our demonstrators do not call on you bring your coupons and labels of all kinds to our new home. The Mutual Sales Company, Inc. 200 East Fifth Street DAYTON, OHIO MEATS "Now good digestion zvaits on appetite, and health on both." Hot Pot-Mutton. Two pounds neck of mutton or 1>^ pounds of better cut, cut into small squares or pieces. 1 cupful rice, 1 small onion, stuck with 3 cloves, salt and pepper to taste. Cover closely and cook in oven or in pan of water two hours, or in fireless cooker four hours. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Meat Loaf — Beef or Veal. One pound ground meat, % lean pork, 1 egg, 1 cupful milk, 14 medium sized crackers, ground, salt and pepper, a little celery- salt, a small onion chopped fine if desired. Mix all together well and form in loaf. Put in roaster adding a little water and bake until red meat shows white. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Meat Loaf With Eggs. Chop 1 pound of lean beef and ^ pound of veal, with 6 ounces of pork, very fine, mix well. Add 1 raw egg beaten light, and four crackers, rolled fine. Mix with two teaspoonfuls of salt and one level teaspoonful of paprika. Form into an oblong roll, packing firmly. Then make a groove through the center. Put in this groove four hard cooked eggs, end to end, press together, patting the meat to make it very firm. Roll the meat in bread crumbs, put in a buttered baking pan and bake for two and a quarter hours, basting occasionally with melted butter. When the meat loaf is sliced, there should be a slice of egg in each piece of meat, if the eggs were put in properly and carefully. Serve garnished with chopped aspic jelly and parsley. Croquettes. For 1 pint of veal or chicken, rub together 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, 1 heaping tablespoon of flour, stir into this 1 cup of boiling milk or water, cook thick. Mix with meat, salt, pepper, shape, dip into beaten eggs and crumbs. Fry in boiling lard. 10 Baked Hash. Mince fine any pieces of cold cooked meat. To every pint of meat add 1 cup of bread crumbs, a tablespoonful of butter, a sprig of parsley, chopped, a little chopped onion (if the flavor is not disliked), a teaspoonful of lemon juice or vinegar, and a sea- soning of pepper and salt. Add sufficient gravy to moisten it thoroughly, but not enough to make it sloppy. Just make it warm over the fire, mix well and bake in a hot oven twenty minutes. Ham, Take a two-inch slice of ham, trim off the fat and grind. Add an equal part of sugar to the fat. Cover ham with this mix- ture and bake. — Mrs. Lester Johns. Smothered Chicken. Cut chicken in pieces ready for serving ; sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour and arrange in a skillet in which has been heated about ^ cup of butter. Leave uncovered, place skillet in a hot oven. Turn the pieces once, so that they will brown on both sides. When nicely browned, add one dozen small onions and ]/> cupful of hot water, cover closely and cook slowly until tender. If the small onions are not on hand, two large, or three medium sized onions, which have been chopped small, will do. Boudins. To 1 heaping cup of minced meat (any kind), add ^ cupful of finely grated bread crumbs, 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, salt and pepper to taste, 1 lightly beaten tgg, and ^ cup of rich milk. Butter ramekins and fill three-quarters full, place ramekins in pan of hot water and bake twenty-five minutes, serve with brown sauce. Make sauce with 1 heaping tablespoonful of butter and one tablespoonful of sifted flour, brown in skillet and blend smooth, season with salt and pepper, add cupful of hot water and milk mixed. Hamburg Steak. To 1 pound of ground round steak add salt and pepper to taste, 1 onion fried in a little butter, 1 &gg well beaten, 4 slices of bread which have been moistened with hot water and enough cracker crumbs to make stiff enough to be moulded into cakes. Fry about 15 minutes. — Mrs. E. N. Fries. 11 Spanish Ham. A slice of ham full 2 inches thick. Cover with water and let come to the boiling point. Then let simmer for one hour; drain the meat, place in a pan, mix ^^ teaspoonful ground mustard, 1 tablespoonful dark brown sugar, and spread over the meat. Use Yz cup of water in which the ham was boiled, put in with the meat. Put in the oven and brown. — Mrs. H. E. Eidemiller. College Meat Loaf (for eight people.) One quart of ground pork, 1 quart of dressing made with bread, 2 eggs, butter size of walnut, salt and pepper, 1 pint of diced potatoes ; mix and put in a muslin sack or a steamer and boil, or steam 1 hour, remove sack, then put into oven and brown. Season to taste. — Mrs. Esther Johns. Shredded Wheat Oyster, Meat or Vegetable Patties. Cut oblong cavity in top of biscuit, remove top carefully and all inside shreds, forming a shell. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put small pieces of butter in bottom, and fill the shell with drained, picked, and washed oysters. Season with additional salt and pepper. Replace top of biscuit over oysters, then bits of but- ter on top. Place in a covered pan and bake in a moderate oven. Pour oyster liquor or cream sauce over it. Shell fish, vegetables, or meats may also be used. Stuffed Calves Hearts. Clean calves hearts and stufif with a highly seasoned bread dressing. Tie up well, brown in bacon fat, season well with salt and pepper, cover with onion and parsley, and stick a few cloves in the hearts. When nicely browned, partly cover with stock or water and bake 1^ hours.— Mrs. Lester Johns. 12 HOME PHONE 5134 ARTIE A. SMITH Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds Furnaces and Repairs Agent for Holland & Rybolt Furnaces 1412 N. Main St. The Riverdale Electric Co. 1410 NORTH MAIN STREET Everything Electrical ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND A FULL LINE OF ELECTRIC FIXTURES C Fans T7J 1 * \ r E- F- URBAN, Manager Z^I.L.Ct/£C -^ BellMain3415 (^ Mazda Lamps Store— Bell Phone Main 3415 Residence— 4092 E. E. Urban Painter and Decorator We also carry a full line of Wall Paper, Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Brushes, and Painters' Supplies Picture Framing 1410 North Main Street 13 14 VEGETABLES Simple diet is best, for many dishes bring many diseases." Delicious Rice Dish. For white sauce use 2 tablespoonfuls butter, 2 tablespoonfuls flour to 1 cup milk. Mix cooked rice with white sauce in which cheese has been melted, add a small quantity of tomatoes (either raw or canned), and a little green pepper cut into bits. Season with salt and paprika. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake until brown in baking dish. — Mrs. H. Z. McFadden. Rice Croquettes. Two cups boiled rice, 1 tablespoon melted butter, 1 egg beat- en lightly, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt (add milk if too stiff.) Make into stiff paste. Flour hands and make into balls, drop into beaten egg, then into cracker crumbs. Fry in hot lard. — Mrs. Shupe. Spaghetti Baked. One quart of tomatoes, ^ pound cream cheese, 1 pound spaghetti, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 small red peppers. Boil spaghetti in salted water for 20 minutes and drain. Boil tomatoes, cheese, garlic, and peppers together until done, then mix smoothly ; salt to taste. Mix a tablespoon of flour with a little water, add to tomato mixture. Add spaghetti to this, then pour in baking dish, cover with grated cheese, add 2 tablespoons of butter in pieces on top. Bake }i hour in moderate oven. — Mrs. W. Myers. Spaghetti With Tomato. Boil 3^ package of spaghetti for 20 minutes with bay leaves and celery seed. Drain in colander. Fry about 4 slices of bacon cut into small pieces until brown, then put the spaghetti into the skillet and fry for 2 or 3 minutes with the bacon. Add this to 1 can of tomatoes which have been seasoned with salt, sugar, and butter. Cook a few minutes and serve. — Mrs. E. N. Fries. 15 Spaghetti With Beef. Cook the beef until real tender and the stock is cooked down low ; then put in spaghetti and cook until tender. Put in ^ can of tomatoes, 1 small onion, season with salt and pepper, and cook all down until thick. — Mrs. J. H. Woodward. Baked Spaghetti and Cheese Without Milk. Break spaghetti into pieces and boil for 15 minutes in salted boihng water, blanch. Butter baking dish, and put alternate layers of spaghetti and grated cheese, dotted with butter. Over all pour boiling water until dish is about half full. Bake in oven lor about Vi hour. — Mrs. F. E. Laukhuff. Baked Stuffed Potatoes. Select 8 smooth potatoes of uniform size, wash, pare, and soak in cold water to cover for 1 hour. Drain, put in a dripping pan and bake in a hot oven, turning frequently. Remove from oven, cut slice from top of each and scoop out the inside, then force through a potato ricer. Add 3 tablespoons of butter, yolks of 2 eggs, 6 tablespoons of cream, 1 teaspoon of salt, y% of pepper, and a few gratings of nutmeg. Set on range and heat 2 minutes, then add gradually the whites of 2 eggs. Refill shell and bake 8 minutes. — Mrs. Wm. Meyers. Glazed Sweet Potatoes. Wash and boil in their jackets 8 good-sized sweet potatoes. When done, peel and halve lengthwise. Put in a buttered pan : have ready a syrup made with 1 cup of sugar and ^ cup of water. Add 2 tablespoons of butter, baste potatoes with the syrup while they bake for about 15 or 20 minutes. — Mrs. Wm. Meyers. Oyster Plant. Clean the plant, cut up in small pieces, put on to cook in salt water, cook until tender, drain of? the water, mash, then add 1 ^^%, 1 tablespoon flour, and a little milk. Roll in cracker crumbs and drop in hot lard and butter. 16 Asparagus. Scrape the stems lightly, but clean ; place in cold water when all the asparagus is cleaned, tie in bunches of equal size ; cut stems evenly ; cook in plenty of boiling water well salted ; while it is boiling cut several slices of bread an inch thick, pare off crust and toast it brown on both sides ; when the asparagus is tender, (will usually cook in thirty to forty minutes), lift out directly, or it will lose both color and flavor, dip the toast quick- ly in the liquor in which it has been boiled; dish the vegetable on it, the heads all lying one way ; pour over a drawn butter sauce (melted butter) or white sauce. White Sauce — Have ready 2 tablespoonfuls of sifted flour mixed with a ^ teacup of melted butter, place over the fire a saucepan containing a pint of sweet milk, 1 saltspoon of salt, a dash of white pepper; when it reaches the boiling point add the butter and flour, boil and stir until thick and creamy. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Potato Apples. Two and a half cupfuls of hot riced potato, half a cupful of grated cheese, lyi tablespoonfuls of melted butter, ^ of a tea- spoonful of salt, 3 tablespoonfuls of hot cream or milk, 2 &gg yolks, a few grains of cayenne, and few grains of nutmeg. Boil the potatoes and put them through the potato ricer. Mix to- gether the cheese, butter, salt, cream, egg yolks well beaten, cayenne and nutmeg. Beat these into the potato. When cold shape like small apples, roll in fine, dry crumbs, then in egg diluted with cold water (one tablespoonful to an tgg), and in crumbs again, and insert a clove to represent the blossom end of the apples. Fry in Cottolene. — The Country Gentleman. Stuffed Egg Plant. Boil four egg plants in boiling salted water for 20 minutes. Cut in halves lengthways. Scoop out the centers and drain. Mix together in a basin 2 chopped skinned tomatoes, ^ cupful bread crumbs, J/^ cupful chopped meat, ^ cupful egg plant, 1 beaten egg, seasoning with salt and paprika. Fill egg plant shells with this mixture, cover with buttered and seasoned bread crumbs and bake in slow oven for one hour. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Baked Onions. Parboil several large onions, then remove from fire and scoop out center. Stuff with dressing made out of bread crumbs and seasoned with salt, pepper, and parsley. Wet with milk. After stuffing onions, put them in oven to bake until light brown on top. Baste often with butter. (I use the centers for creaming for another meal.) — Mrs. F. M. Betz. 17 Baked Beans. Put one pint of beans to soak over night. Pour off water and wash ; cut small onion fine, heaping teaspoonful of prepared mus- tard, ^ cup of sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Slice bacon to cover, cover beans with water, bake in oven in a covered vessel for three hours. — Mrs. F. M. Betz. 18 Do You Enjoy Good Health? Do you feel that energy, that feeling of real strength and happiness you felt before your nerves gave way, your circulation and liver became sluggish, your digestion poor? If you do not, you have violated the laws of Nature and you can only regain your former health and strength by living as close to Nature as possible. The Farador Assists Nature Remember, if you do not enjoy good health and wish that old time vigor restored it will pay you to see us. Investigate our system for yourself. A Remedy for every curable dis- ease. No Drugs — No Battery. First cost the only cost — lasts a lifetime. Hundreds of home testimonials like the following: Nervous Breakdown — Abscess MYERS SALES CO., Dayton, O. Dayton, Ohio Jan. 1, 1916 A. M. Myers, Mgr. Dear Sir: Suffered for nine years with Nervousness. Doctors said I had abscess on right side. Advised operation. Be- came so weak thought I would die. Heard of your "Little Doctor" and decided as a last resort to give it a trial. Relieved in a few days. Doing own work in six weeks. Over one year now past. No return of tioubles. Heartily recommend it to any sufferer. (Signed) MRS. LULU GRABER, 607 W. 5th St. Rheumatism MYERS SALES CO., Dayton, O. Dayton, Ohio Jan. 1, 1916 A. M. Myers, Mgr. Dear Sir: Suffered with Rheumatism for twenty years. Was very much crippled. Tried many doctors and lemedies — no improvement. Heard of your Instrument. Bought one. Began to improve after first week's treatment. In a short time was entirely relieved. Heartily recommend it to any one. (Signed) A. J. HORST 137 Arcade Market Dealer in Poultry, Meats, Refined Coffees, etc. Call, write, or phone for free circulars and investigate our drugless method of healing. PHONES r^cf J Bell Main 3684 Residence— Home 6870 0"^^n Home 6871 MYERS SALES COMPANY 605 CONOVER BUILDING DAYTON, OHIO 19 SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS "To make a perfect salad, there must he a spendthrift for oil, a miser for vinegar, a wise man for salt, and a mad-cap to stir the ingredients up and mix them well together." — Spanish Proverb. Pineapple and Celery Salad. Mix a cupful of shredded or diced fresh or canned pineapple with ^ cupful of celery cut into dice. Mix with mayonnaise and serve on lettuce. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Raisin Salad. One cup celery cut in pieces. One-half cup of walnuts cut in pieces. One-half cup chopped raisins. Combine and serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dress- ing or cream dressing. — Ida Warner. Corn Salad. Two and one-half dozen ears corn. Four green peppers. Four red peppers, sweet. Two bunches of celery. One-fourth pound mustard. Four cups browti sugar. One-half cup table salt. One tablespoon turmeric powder. Two quarts best cider vinegar. One large head cabbage. Chop cabbage and celery very fine. Cut down corn twice ; mix entire recipe together and boil 30 minutes. — Mrs. A. B. Cow- den. Apple and Cabbage Slaw. One-half head of hard cabbage shredded or chopped fine and salted slightly ; 2 apples cut in small dice. Dressing for slaw — 1 tgg, 3 tablespoons of sugar, butter size of walnut, pinch of salt, dash of pepper, 1 cup of vinegar. — Mrs. J. H. Woodward. 20 Divinity Salad (Serve 6 to 8 persons.) One cup Malaga grapes. One cup canned pineapple. Two cups marshmallows (cut in quarters.) One pint whipped cream. English walnuts or Maraschino cherries, if desired. Remove seeds from grapes, cut pineapple in cubes and marshmallows in fourths. Mix gently with a fork, adding the following dressing: I pint whipped cream, to which has been added 2 tablespoonfuls salad dressing. Chill, serve on lettuce leaf, topping it with a teaspoonful whipped cream and a cherry. — E^ith W. Waymire. Peanut Salad. Two sacks of peanuts in shell. Two hard boiled eggs. Two sweet pickles. Shell peanuts, grind all together and mix with a dressing made of egg, vinegar, salt, sugar, and flour. I guess at the amount of each. If a very large amount of this salad is wanted use 3 sacks of peanuts, 3 pickles, etc. — Mrs. L. E. Miller. Mayonnaise Dressing (Oil.) One teaspoon dry mustard. One teaspoon salt. One teaspoon powdered sugar. Few grains cayenne. Yolks of 2 eggs. Two tablespoons lemon juice. Two tablespoons vinegar. One and one-half cups olive oil. Mix dry ingredients, add egg yolks, and when well mixed add ^ teaspoon vinegar. Add oil gradually, at first drop by drop, stirring constantly. As mixture thickens thin with vinegar or lemon juice, alternating until all is used, stirring or beating all the time. If oil is added too rapidly dressing will have a curdled appearance. A smooth consistency may be restored by taking yolk of another egg and adding curdled mixture slowly to it. A fork, wire whisk, or Dover egg beater may be used. Mayonnaise should be stifif enough to hold its shape. — Edith Waymire. 21 Mayonnaise Dressing. Yolks of 8 eggs or four whole ones. One teacup of thick sour cream. Two teaspoons of ground mustard. One-half cup of sugar. One-half pint vinegar. One-half pint water. Salt and pepper to taste. Put vinegar and water on stove and let come to a boil. Beat the eggs, mix mustard, sugar, and cream with eggs till smooth, then pour on them the boiling vinegar. Beat well and return to the stove and let come to a boil. This makes a thick sauce which may be thinned if liked. — Mrs. E. W. Waymire. Mayonnaise. One pint sweet milk. One and one-half teaspoon mustard. Two tablespoons sugar, salt. One tablespoon corn starch. Two tablespoons butter. One cup vinegar. Beat 2 eggs. Heat milk to boiling point. Mix dry ingredients. Add to milk ; add vinegar last. Beat with egg beater. Put in glass can and seal until needed. — Mrs. C. Whitney. Lettuce Dressing. One cup of sweet cream. One-half cup of sugar. Four tablespoons vinegar. Beat sugar into the cream and add the vinegar just before pouring on the lettuce. — Mrs. D. B. Whistler. Fruit Mayonnaise. One cup sugar. One-half cup water. Boil 5 minutes and pour over 3 yolks of eggs, well beaten. Cook in double boiler. When cool add juice of 2 lemons. — Nell Hous. 22 For Pure,- Fresh Drugs, Call On or Phone Bell Main 877 W. G. HOLLO WAY 828 North Main Street All Drugs Handled by Registered Pharmacists BELL MAIN 346 HOME 2346 ALEX SPATZ STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Fresh and Salt Meats 1911 North Main Street Bell Phone Main 7424 BELL MAIN 2213 EZRA J. CASSELL Dentist DANIEL E. GLENN Special Attention Given to the Practical Plumber Treatment of Pyorrhea Main and Helena Sts., Dayton, O. 437 N. Main St. Dayton, Ohio This Space Purchased by a Friend OFFICE AND YARD: 123 West Fourth Avenue PHONES: Bell Main 667; Home 2667 E. H. HERR — Coal BRANCH OFFICE: 14 N. Keowee Street PHONES: Bell East 998; Home 3998 COAL DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY 23 Patronize our advertisers. They are the means of making this book possible. 24 EGGS "The chief pleasure in eating does not consist in costly seasoning, or exquisite flavour, but in yourself." — Horace. Eggs a la Goldenrod. Four hard boiled eggs. One and one-fourth tablespoons butter. One and one-fourth tablespoons flour. One cup milk. One-half teaspoon salt. One-eighth teaspoon pepper. Six slices toast. Parsley if desired. Make a white sauce of the milk, flour, salt, pepper, and butter, Cook the eggs until hard, separate yolks from white, chop whites fine and add to sauce. Force yolks through a potato ricer or strainer. Put white sauce over toast and sprinkle yolks over the top. Garnish with parsley if desired. Serve at once. — Mrs. D. B. Whistler. Baked Eggs. Grease as many ramekins with butter as there are people to serve. Put a tablespoonful of sweet cream into each one ; break an egg in each ; salt and pepper them and bake in oven six min- utes or until set. — Mrs. F. M. Betz. Baked Eggs With Cheese. Butter size of walnut. Scant tablespoon flour (Burst's Best). Add gradually 1 pint milk and pinch of salt. Let come to boil, add enough grated cheese to taste, boil until cheese is melted, put in baking dish, drop in 6 eggs. Bake 20 minutes. — Mrs. Benham. 25 BREAD "Here is bread which strengthens men's hearts, And therefore is called, 'The Staff of Life.' " Milk Bread. One cake Fleischmann's yeast. One quart milk scalded and cooled. Three quarts sifted flour (Burst's Best). Two tablespoonfuls sugar. Two tablespoonfuls Cottolene or butter, melted. One tablespoonful salt. Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm liquid, add 1^^ quarts of sifted flour. Beat until smooth. Cover and set to rise in warm place, free from draft — about 1}4 hours. When light, add Cot- tolene, rest of flour, and salt. Knead until smooth and elas- tic. Place in well-greased bowl. Cover, let rise again until double in bulk — about two hours. Mould into loaves. Place in well-greased bread pans, filling them half full. Cover and let rise again until double in bulk, about 1 hour. Bake 40 to 50 minutes. This makes three lJ/2 pound loaves. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Brown Bread. One cup molasses. Two cupfuls buttermilk. Two teaspoons soda. One teaspoon salt. Three tablespoons melted butter or Cottolene. Enough graham flour to make a dough that will fall from spoon. Fill pound baking powder cans half full and steam 3 hours. — (Five loaves.) — Mrs. E. N. Fries. Brown Bread. Part One. One cup molasses. One-half cup brown sugar. Two cups white flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoonful soda. Pinch of salt. 26 PHONES: Bell, Main 5680; Home 4780 R. C. COR WIN GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS Fresn Vegetables and Home Baking 19 East Herman Avenue DAYTON, OHIO FOR BEST RESULTS— Telephone for Our Quality Products with the Best of Service The Dayton Pure Milk & Butter Co. Clarified and Perfectly Pasteurized Dairy Products Distributors of Moraine Farm and Gascho Dairy Co. Certified Milk C. W. SCHAEFFER FRANK J. HOEFLER GEO. H. GENGNAGEL PHONES: Bell, East 33; Home 3333 ANTHRACITE >^ >^^ A y BLACK RAVEN POCAHONTAS 111 /\ I BLOCK COKE V^ \^^ X A. J — J s. & G. OHIO SCHAEFFER, GENGNAGEL & CO. Main Yard West End Yard 812 East First Street First Street and Dale Avenue South Park Yard— Alberta and D. L. & C. R. R. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants for All Occasions Telephone Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention The Hill View Gardens GEORGE W. FRISCH & SON FLORISTS 46 Central Market — Jefferson Street Entrance Green Houses: 3502 East Fifth Street BELL E. 1208 27 Part Two. Two cups sour milk. Two cups graham flour. One teaspoonful soda. Mix two parts together and add 1 cup raisins. Put into greased pound coffee cans and steam two hours. Make 3 loaves. — Mrs. C. E. Tandy, Atlanta, Georgia. Brown Bread. One tablespoon butter. One and one-half tablespoons sugar. One teaspoon soda beaten in scant J/^ cup Orleans molasses. Large ^ cup sour milk. One-half teaspoon baking powder in ^ cup flour (Burst's Best). Graham flour to stiffen, about Ij^ cup. Recipe fills 2 half-pound baking powder cans. Bake slowly. — Mattie Hott Huber. Boston Brown Bread. One cup Orleans molasses. One teaspoon soda. Three cups sour milk or buttermilk. One-fourth cup raisins (floured.) One-half teaspoon of salt. One cup white flour (Burst's Best). Thicken with graham flour. Bake 1^^ hours. Bake in tin cans about ^ full. — Mrs. Nellie Foster. Nut Brown Bread. Two cups of flour (Burst's Best). Two cups graham flour. One egg, salt. One cup of nut meats. Four teaspoons of baking powder. One and one-half cups of milk. One cup of molasses. Mix, turn into pans, let rise 20 minutes. Bake slowly one hour. — Mrs. C. Whitney. 28 Recipe for a Good Picture Take one pleasant smile Go to the LEEZER STUDIO 136 South Main Street and they will do the rest PHONES: Bell, Main 665; Home 2665 J. B. GILBERT COAL and COKE — Feed of All Kinds 1234-1236 West Third Street DAINTY CAKES Your cookies, jumbles, drop and layer cakes will be delicious if you use RUM FORD, the wholesome Baking Powder. It imparts to cake and hot breads that delicacy of texture and flavor sought for by all good cooks. Make tomorrow's cake with Rutnford who^es'ome Baking Powder L. E. ELLIS G. D. ANTRIM HOME 3391 BELL 1391 The Gem City Ice Cream Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAILi Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Butter Milk and Cream SPECIAL PRICES TO CHURCHES AND LODGES 1005 WEST THIRD STREET DAYTON, OHIO 29 Nut Bread. One-half cup granulated sugar. One egg. One cup milk. Three cups sifted flour (Burst's Best). Three heaping teaspoonfuls of baking powder. One teaspoon of salt. One cup chopped nuts. Let stand in tin cans 25 minutes and bake 40 minutes. — Mrs. Nellie Foster. Nut Bread. One egg. One cup sugar. One cup sweet milk. One cup nuts. Three and one-half cups flour (Burst's Best). One-half teaspoon salt. Two teaspoons of baking powder. Let rise 20 minutes. Bake 40 minutes or more in a moderate oven. — Mattie Hott Huber. Nut Bread. One cake Fleischmann's yeast. One cup milk, scalded and cooled. One tablespoon sugar. Three-fourths cup chopped walnuts. Two tablespoonfuls Cottolene or butter. One-third cup sugar. White of one egg. Three cups sifted flour (Burst's Best). One-third teaspoonful salt. Bissolve yeast and 1 tablespoonful sugar in lukewarm milk, add 1^4 cups flour and beat thoroughly. Cover and set aside in warm place fifty minutes, or until light. Add sugar and Cotto- lene, or butter creamed, white of egg, beaten stiff, nuts, remain- der of flour, or enough to make a dough, and lastly the salt. Knead well. Place in greased bowl. Cover and set aside for about 23^ hours to rise, or until double in bulk. Mould into a loaf or small finger rolls, and fill well-greased pans half full. Protect from draft and let rise again until light — about one hour. Loaf should bake forty-five minutes, finger roll six to eight min- utes. This recipe will make two medium-sized loaves, or one dozen rolls. 30 HOME PHONE 11523 F. L. KRATKY Ice Cream, Confectionery, Hot Drinks Magazines, School Supplies 643 N. Main Street DAYTON, OHIO Shroder's Coffee House "At the Sign of the Tea Chests" High Grade Fresh Roasted Coffees, Teas, Spices and Groceries 12 W. Miami Blvd. Bell, Main 1199 We Ranottlhe Injurious Paris from Our Coffee We deliver anything any- where at any time H. SCHELLHAAS Complete Drug Store Call Us Up Bell M. 3533 Home 14021 1150 N. Main St. Dayton, Ohio The Monarch Grocery Staple and Fancy Groceries Main and Forest Avenue Bell Phone 4276 GEO. STROBEL Highest Grades of Fresh and Salt Meats Courtesy Shown All 1424 N. Main St. BALL'S CANDIES Made in a DayUght Factory under sanitary conditions with all newest improved machinery. Open to visitors every day from two until four o'clock. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THIS BRAND. C. S. BALL DAYTON, OHIO 31 Nut Bread. One cup sweet milk. One egg beaten separately, then added to milk. Scant ^ cup sugar. One cup of hickory nuts, or walnuts. One-half teaspoon of salt. One teaspoon of melted butter. Three cups of flour (Burst's Best). Three teaspoons of baking powder; add to the last cup of flour. Let stand one-half hour to rise, then bake one hour in mod- erate oven. Be sure to grease pan. Graham flour can be used. 1 cup of graham and 2 cups of white flour. Bake in loaf. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Raisin Bread. One cake Fleischmann's yeast. One cup lukewarm water. One cup milk, scalded and cooled. Six cups sifted flour (Burst's Best). Three-fourths cup sugar. Four tablespoonfuls Cottolene or butter. Three-fourths cup raisins. One teaspoonful salt. Bissolve yeast and 1 tablespoonful sugar in lukewarm liquid, add 2 cups of flour, the Cottolene or butter and sugar well-cream- ed, and beat until smooth. Cover and set aside to rise in a warm place, free from draft, until light — about 1^^ hours. When light, add raisins well floured, the rest of the flour to make a soft dough, and lastly the salt. Knead lightly. Place in well- greased bowl, cover and let rise again until double in bulk — about one and one-half hours. Mould into loaves, fill well- greased pans half full, cover and let rise until light — about one hour. Glaze with egg diluted with water, and bake forty-five minutes. 32 Patronize our advertisers. They are the means of making this book possible. 33 ROLLS "It is not the quantity of the meat, but the cheerfulness of the guests, which makes the feast." — Clarendom. Best Cinnamon Rolls. One cup of bread sponge. One cup of sugar. One-half cup of Cottolene. One t^gg, well beaten. One-half pint of water (or milk), a little salt. Burst's Best flour to make stifif batter. Beat all together and let rise, then mix stiff and knead well. Let rise again. When light, roll out about one inch thick, spread with butter, sugar, and cinnamon and roll up. Cut in rounds, let rise and bake in a moderate oven. — Mrs. Bettie J. Nelson. Parker House Rolls. One cake Fleischmann's yeast. One pint milk, scalded and cooled. Two tablespoonfuls sugar. Four tablespoonfuls Cottolene or butter, melted. Three pints sifted flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoonful salt. Bissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk, then add the shortening and 1^ pints of flour. Beat until perfectly smooth. Cover and let rise in a warm place one hour, or until light. Then add remainder of flour, or enough to make dough, and lastly the salt. Knead well. Place in greased bowl. Cover and let rise in a warm place for about one and one-half hours, or until double in bulk. Roll out one-fourth inch thick. Brush over lightly with butter, cut with two-inch biscuit-cutter, crease through center heavily, with dull edge of knife, and fold over in pocketbook shape. Place in well-greased, shallow pans one inch apart. Cover and let rise until light — about three-quarters of an hour. Bake ten minutes in hot oven. Lunch Rolls. One cake Fleischmann's yeast. One and one-half cups milk, scalded and cooled. One tablespoonful sugar. Four cups sifted flour (Burst's Best). 34 One egg. Two taiDlespoonftils Cottolene or butter. One teaspoonful salt. Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk. Add Cottolene or butter and 2 cups of flour. Beat well, then add egg well- beaten, balance of flour gradually, and salt. When all of the flour is added, or enough to make a moderately soft dough, turn on board and knead lightly and thoroughly, using as little flour in the kneading as possible, keeping dough soft. Place in well- greased bowl. Cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, to rise about two hours. When light, form into small rolls, the size of a walnut. Place one inch apart, in shallow pans, well greased. Let rise until double in bulk — about half an hour. Bake ten minutes in hot oven. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Hot Cross Buns. Sift together a quart of flour (Burst's Best), a cupful of sugar, }^ a teaspoonful of salt, add 3 level teaspoonfuls of butter and 3^ a pound of cleaned currants, ^ a teaspoonful of nutmeg, half a pound of sliced citron, '^ oi a pound of seeded raisins and 3^2 teaspoonful of allspice. Add jA a cupful of milk to 2 beaten eggs and add to the dry ingredients. Then add as much more milk as necessary to make a stiff dough. Form into round buns and put in a greased pan, leaving a couple of inches between them. Brush each bun with milk, sprinkle with granulated sugar, and cut a cross with a sharp knife on the top of each. Corn Bread. One and one-half pint corn meal. One-half pint flour (Burst's Best). One tablespoon sugar. One tablespoon butter or lard. One teaspoon salt. Two teaspoons baking powder. One and one-fourth pints milk. Two eggs. Mix together meal, flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder, rub in butter, add well-beaten eggs and milk, have moderately stiff batter, bake thirty minutes. — Mrs. M. B. Hannan. Corn Bread. Two eggs. One-half cup butter. Pinch of salt. 35 One-half cup sugar. One and one-half cups corn meal. One cup flour (Burst's Best). One cup sweet milk. Two heaping teaspoons of baking powder. Sift corn meal, flour, salt, and baking powder together. Work in butter, add eggs, beat all together, then add milk. Bake one-half hour in hot oven. — Mrs. W. N. Myers. Corn Bread. One pint yellow corn meal. One pint flour (Burst's Best). One pint sour milk. One-half cup sugar. One egg. Lump of butter size of an egg. One teaspoon soda. -Mrs. J. W. Guehring. Corn Bread. One pint sour milk. Three tablespoons flour. Enough corn meal to make batter. One teaspoon salt. One teaspoon soda in hot water. Teaspoon baking powder. One egg beaten. One tablespoon sugar. Bran Bread. -Nell Hous. Put together in a mixing bowl 1^^ cups Burst's Best flour, 2 cups bran, ^^ cup brown sugar, 1 teaspoon each of salt and soda, 4 tablespoons olive oil. Add sour milk or buttermilk to make a stifif dough (it takes about a pint) and beat thoroughly. Bake in a moderate oven. This makes a medium sized loaf. — Mrs. F. E. LaukhufT. 36 BELL MAIN 3774 SALLIE BEARD THE LEADING MILLINER 14 E. Fourth Street, Davies Block DAYTON, OHIO PHONES: Bell 5701: Home 12247 Grand Union Tea Co. H. S. TOOT To insure success use Grand Union Baking Powder. GROCERIES and FRESH MEATS Every article guaranteed pure and tree from adulteration. 46 E. 2d St. and 41 N. Jefferson St. COR. SHAW AVE. AND GEYER ST. DAYTON, OHIO THE XXth CENTURY FURNACES Sold ty F. M. DEARDORF 124 North Main Street DAYTON, OHIO LEO EGGERS, Prop. Bell Main 4601 For Pure Ice Cream Riverdale Confectionery and Ices Candies, Newspapers and Magazines, Fine Stationery. The Swartzel Ice Cream Go. Ladies' and Gents' Notions. Circulating Library. 33-35 W. Fourth St. 1401 N. Main St. Dayton, Ohio Bell M. 2282 Home 3798 PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM APPROVED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 830 N. Main St. J. H. WOLF Bell M. 2981; Home 3691 Buttermilk and Cream for Whipping BELL MAIN 7208 A. L. PEARE Expert PlumDing, Gas, Steam and Water iieating Repair Work a Specialty 64 East Helena St. 37 38 MUFFINS "The turnpike road to people's hearts, I find, Lies through their mouths, or I mistake mankind." Manhattan Muffins. Work y^ cupful of butter with ^ cupful sugar. Add 1 egg well beaten. One cupful of milk. Two cupfuls of flour (Burst's Best), mixed with A teaspoon- fuls of baking powder and 3^ teaspoon salt. Beat thoroughly and bake twenty minutes in muffin pans in hot oven. — Mrs. H. F. Shupe. Muffins. Two cupfuls flour (Burst's Best). Two tablespoons sugar. One-half teaspoon salt. Four teaspoons baking powder (level). Two tablespoons melted butter. One tgg. One cup milk. (Makes one dozen.) — Mrs. E. N. Fries. Muffins. One tablespoon butter, melted. One tablespoon sugar. One egg. Pinch of salt. One-half cup water. One and one-half cups flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoon baking powder. This makes six muffins. — Mrs. Lester Johns. Bran Muffins. Mix together 2 cups bran. One cup flour (Burst's Best). One-half cup sugar. One teaspoon soda. One-half teaspoon salt. Then add 1 well beaten egg. One and one-fourth cup sour milk. This makes one dozen mufifins. Bake in moderately hot oven. — Mrs. M. B. Hannan. 39 Com Gems. One heaping cup of corn meal. Three-fourths cup of flour (Burst's Best). One cup of sweet milk. One tablespoonful of sugar. One tablespoonful of melted butter or lard. One egg and a little salt. Two heaping teaspoons of baking powder. Bake in gem pans about one-half hour. — Mrs. E. Waymire. Laxo Gems. Two and one-half cupfuls of graham flour. One cupful flour (Burst's Best). One-fourth cup of butter. One and one-fourth cupfuls of sour milk. One even teaspoonful of soda. One-half teaspoonful of salt. One cup of chopped figs. Work butter through flour, add soda and salt to milk to dissolve, then add to the flour and stir to smooth batter. Bust the figs with sifted flour and add to batter, fill gem pans about three-quarters full and bake in hot oven. One Egg Waffles. One and one-half cupfuls flour. One and one-half teaspoons baking powder. One-fourth teaspoonful salt. One and three-fourths cupfuls milk. One egg. Two tablespoons melted butter. Mix dry ingredients, add milk slowly, egg well beaten and melted butter. — Mrs. E. N. Fries. Waffles. One egg. One pint milk. One tablespoon melted butter. One pint flour. Two heaping teaspoons baking powder. One-half teaspoon salt. Beat all together until very light, then add the baking powder. Beat again, and bake in hot well-greased waffle irons. — Mrs. N. S. Snow, Georgetown, Kentucky. 40 Baking Powder Biscuits. Two cups flour. Four teaspoons baking powder. Four tablespoons butter, or 2 tablespoons butter and 2 of lard. One-half teaspoon salt. Three-fourths cup milk or water, or both. Mix the flour, salt, and baking powder, sift them into a bowl. Add the butter and lard and cut into the mixture, using a case knife for the purpose. When the lard is cut into very fine pieces with the tips of the fingers work as fine as meal, then with a case knife cut in the liquid a little at a time until you have a dough stiff enough to roll out. Put the dough on a floured board, sprinkle with flour, roll or pat out until three-fourths of an inch thick. Cut and place well apart in a floured pan and bake from ten to twelve minutes in a quick oven. By baking them well apart a nice crust is formed around each biscuit, mak- ing them more digestible. — Ivy Llewellyn. Biscuits. Sift together 2 cups flour (Burst's Best). Two teaspoons baking powder. One-half teaspoon salt. One tablespoon sugar. Beat one entire egg and add two-thirds cup of sweet milk for wetting dough. No shortening is used. Knead the dough lightly and roll thinner than biscuits are usually made. Cut and bake in hot oven. — Mrs. J. H. Button. Biscuit. One quart flour. One teaspoon sugar. One teaspoon salt. Four teaspoons baking powder, all sifted together four times. Mix in 2 tablespoons butter and make a soft batter with cold milk. — Mrs. Lester Johns. Shortcake. One pint flour (Burst's Best). One-half teaspoon salt. Two teaspoons baking powder, all sifted together. One-fourth cup butter rubbed in. One egg beaten and mixed with 1 scant cup milk. Mix all together and spread on bis- cuit tin and bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. Lester B. Johns. 41 Strawberry Shortcake. One egg. One-fourth cup butter. One cup milk. Three cupfuls flour (Burst's Best). One-half teaspoon salt. Two teaspoons baking powder. Beat butter and egg. Add other ingredients. Sprinkle top with granulated sugar, bake fifteen minutes in two buttered pie pans. Split and cover with berries. Serve with whipped cream or sauce. — Mrs. E. N. Fries. Sauce — One-half cup butter, 1 cup powdered sugar, 4 table- spoons cream, 1 scant teaspoon vanilla. Shredded Wheat Biscuit for Breakfast. Warm the biscuit in the oven to restore crispness — don't burn — pour hot milk over it, dipping the milk over it until the shreds are swollen ; then pour a little cream over the top of the biscuit. Or, serve with cold milk or cream, according to individ- ual taste. Shredded Wheat Biscuit With Strawberries, Prepare berries as for ordinary serving. Warm biscuit in oven before using. Cut or crush oblong cavity in top of biscuit to form basket. Fill the cavity with berries and serve with cream or milk. Sweeten to taste. Peaches, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, pineapple, bananas, and other fruit, fresh or pre- served, can be served with Shredded Wheat Biscuit in the same way. 42 M EREDITH'S ARCADE MUSIC STORE Classic, Opera and Popular Music Bell Main 7057 25 W. 4lh St., DAYTON, OHIO PHONES: Bell 4421; Home 2563 E. W. FISHER Staple and Fancy Groceries NO. 1430 NORTH MAIN STREET Send All Your Laundry Work to the Excelsior Laundry If You Want Satisfaction. Sixth and Logan Sts. Bell Main 8268 All Work Guaranteed BEN R. EWRY Contractor for All Kinds of Painting and Paper Hanging Esiimales Given at Any Time 141 Leroy Street DAYTON. OHIO Dr. M. E. Niswonger DENTIST Third and Broadway Sts. Bell M. 4420 Boyd Building PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THEY ARE THE MEANS OF MAKING THIS BOOK POSSIBLE 43 44 SANDWICHES Cocoanut Sandwiches. One cupful cocoanut. One teaspoonful lemon juice. Two tablespoonfuls sugar. Three or four tablespoonfuls finely chopped nuts. Moisten with rich sweet cream. Spread on thinly sliced bread. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Lettuce Sandwiches. An entire leaf of lettuce is seldom used nowadays in a sand- wich. Instead, the leaf is cut in ribbons with scissors, put be- tween thin slices of buttered white bread and seasoned with may- onnaise, French dressing, or salt, as preferred. Lettuce should always be crisped before using and only the heart leaves utilized. Cream Cheese and Ripe Olive Sandwiches. Stone and chop the olives fine and beat into a cream cheese, adding a little sweet cream to moisten and salt and paprika to season. Green olives are also used in the same way. Spread on thin slices of white or brown bread and press together. Nut and Cheese Sandwiches. Mix with one roll of Neufchatel cheese half a cup of chopped or pounded nuts and spread on slices of rye, whole wheat, gra- ham, or Boston brown bread. Almonds, butternuts, pecans, or English walnuts may be used. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Nut and Fig Sandwiches. Chop English walnuts fine and add to a fig paste filling made by chopping figs fine, adding enough water to make a smooth paste and cooking slowly until of a consistency to spread. Flavor with a little orange juice, grated candied orange peel or any other fruit juice preferred, and spread between very thin slices of brown bread cut in fanciful shape. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Pimento Sauce Sandwiches. To one bottle of stuffed chopped olives add 3 hard boiled eggs chopped fine. Mix this with mayonnaise dressing and place between buttered bread. — Nell Hous. 45 Sweet Sandwich. Cook together some stoned dates, or chopped dates, raisins, or prunes with water and lemon juice until a smooth, thick mixture is formed. Butter thin slices of bread which have had crust removed and spread with the fruit mixture. Nuts may be added to any three of the mixtures. — Mrs. D. B. Whistler. Merry Widow Sandwiches. Slice white bread, about one-half inch thick, then cut out round and trim off all crust, spread one side with melted butter, mix 1 cupful of Neufchatel or cottage cheese, with beet juice or the red vinegar from cooked beets, season with white pepper, salt to taste and a dash of paprika. Color well and add minced olives, spread this over the other slice of bread and make sand- wiches. Rolled Cheese Toast. Spread the end of a fresh loaf of bread with soft butter, cut thin slices, remove crust, sprinkle with grated cheese, then roll cornerwise firming each with a tooth pick, arrange on a flat pan and toast in hot oven. — Mrs. H. Z. McFadden. 46 PIES "No soil upon earth is so dear to our eyes. As the soil we first stirred in terrestial pies." — 0. W. Holmes. Butter Scotch Pie. One cupful brown sugar. One-half cupful water. Butter size of a walnut. Let these come to a good boiling point. Take one cupful sweet milk. Two tablespoonfuls of flour (Burst's Best). Yolk of 1 tgg, well beaten. Stir this into boiling part until it thickens. Flavor with vanilla. Pour into a crust already baked. Use the white of the egg for meringue. — 'Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Butter Scotch Pie. Brown sugar, 1 cup. Water, 1 pint. Flour, 2 tablespoons heaping (Burst's Best), add a little water and stir until like cream. One e^gg, reserving the white for the top. Put sugar and water on the stove and stir in the flour; stir all the time until it thickens. Bake your crust, then fill. It can be baked without eggs, using whipped cream for the top of pie. — Mrs. J. W. Guehring. Butter Scotch Pie. Line pie pan with pufif paste and bake as for lemon pie. Make a filling of the following ingredients and cook in double boiler. Three-fourths cupful of brown sugar. Two tablespoonfuls of flour. One tgg. Butter the size of a large egg. Two cupfuls of milk. Use only the yolk of egg for filling and whip the white for meringue. Return to oven and bake a delicate brown. Tried by Mrs. S. A. Perry. 47 Lemon Pie. Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon. One cup sugar. Yolks of 2 eggs. One cup hot water. Let come to a boil and add 1 heaping tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. Let boil up, remove from fire and when cold fill pastry shell previously baked. Use whites of eggs with 2 tablespoonfuls sugar for meringue and brown in oven. — Mrs. C. E. Tandy, Atlanta, Georgia. Lemon Pie. One cup of sugar. Three tablespoons of flour (Burst's Best). One egg separated. Lump of butter size of walnut. Juice of one lemon. Mix this with a little milk, then add 1 cup of boiling water. Bake in crust, beat the white, adding a tablespoon of sugar, put in oven and brown. — Mrs. W. S. Snow, Georgetown, Kentucky. Amber Pie. Three-fourths cup of sugar. One teaspoon of flour. One tablespoon of butter. Two eggs (or 1 will do) separated. One-half cup of sour milk. One teaspoon of vinegar. One-half teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. One-half cup of stewed seedless raisins. A pinch of salt. Bake in crust, beat the whites to a stiff froth adding sugar, put in hot oven and brown. — Mrs. Dr. Snow, Georgetown, Ken- tucky. Pumpkin Pie. One cup pumpkin. One-half cup sugar. One egg (or 1 egg for 2 pies.) One-fourth teaspoon allspice, cloves, and cinnamon, a little salt. One tablespoon melted butter. One tablespoon flour. One and one-half cups milk. Mix in order given. 48 Crumb Pie. Four cupfuls flour (Burst's Best). Three cups sugar. One cup butter and Cottolene. Make into crumbs, take 1 cup out, then add 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in sour milk. Put in crusts, sprink- ling crumbs over the top and bake. This makes four pies. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Crumb Pie. One cup flour. One-half cup sugar. One-fourth cup butter. Rub all together and take out one-fourth cup of the crumbs, then add 1 teaspoon baking powder and Yz cup sweet milk, pour this into your crust and sprinkle the crumbs on top, bake in mod- erately hot oven. — Mrs. M. B. Hannan. Old Fashioned Crumb Pie. Mix y^ cup butter and 1 cup sugar together with sufficient flour to crumb nicely. After it is crumbed put aside Yz of the crumbs. Mix the remainder with 1 cup buttermilk or sour milk and 1 tea- spoon soda, flavor with vanilla or lemon. Mix to the consistency of a thick batter. Have a lower pie crust prepared in two pie plates, put Yt. of batter into each plate, sprinkle with rest of the crumbs on top and bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. H. E. Eidemiller. A Never Failing Pie Crust. Three cups of flour (Burst's Best). One cup of lard. One-half teaspoonful of salt. Mix thoroughly while dry. Then use just enough water to make pretty stiff dough. Bo not mix it more than necessary. This is enough for three pies with top crusts. — Mrs. F. M. Betz. Caramel Pie. One cup brown sugar. Two level tablespoonfuls flour (Burst's Best). Yolks of two eggs. Pinch of salt. Lump of butter size of hickory nut. One cup sour cream or buttermilk. Boil all together, pour in a baked crust and beat white of eggs for the top, put in oven and brown. — Mrs. Geo. Blanke. 49 Custard Pie. Beat the yolks of 2 eggs to a cream, stir thoroughly a heap- ing tablespoon of flour sifted into 3 tablespoons of sugar, then add it to the beaten yolks. Put in a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of vanilla and a little nutmeg, then the well beaten whites of the eggs and lastly a pint of scalded milk (not boiled) which has been cooled. Mix this in by degrees and turn in a deep pie pan lined with puff paste and bake twenty-five to thirty minutes. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Rhubarb Pie (Fine.) Chop 2 cups of rhubarb, 1 cup sugar, 1 beaten egg, 1 table- spoon flour, mix. Bake in two crusts. Apple-cider Pie. Peel and chop, rather fine, a sufficient quantity of apples to make a heaping pint, boil these in a pint of well sweetened cider until clear, should be like amber and almost jellied, bake in under crust only, make a meringue of whites of 3 eggs, whipped stiff with a tablespoonful of powdered sugar, spread over pie, when pie is done, and brown lightly in moderate oven. Grape Fruit Pie. One cup of sifted flour (Burst's Best). One-fourth cup of butter. One-half teaspoonful salt. Two tablespoons of ice water. Mix lightly, roll thin, cover pie tin, prick over with a fork, and bake in a moderate oven. Filling: One cupful of sugar mixed with 2 rounding table- spoonsfuls of cornstartch, grated rind of ^ lemon, juice of ^ a grape fruit, yolk of 2 eggs, 1 tablespoonful of butter and 1 cup- ful of hot water, mix these ingredients, except the water, to- gether, then gradually add the hot water and stir briskly, turn in to double boiler and cook five minutes after it has set. Fill crust and cover with meringue made with the white of the eggs and a little white sugar, preferably powdered sugar. Banana Pie. Bake crust, when cool, slice in 2 bananas, make custard of yolks of 2 eggs, ^ cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon flour ; boil, when almost cool pour over bananas with beaten whites for top. Put in oven and brown. — Mrs. Geo. Blanke. 50 Raisin Pie. One-half cup raisins, not stewed. One cup sugar. One tablespoon flour. Butter size of walnut. One cup water. Juice of 3^ a lemon. Stir all together, put in crust, bake in moderate oven.- /-Mrs. G. A. Blanke. Cranberry and Raisin Pie or Mock Cherry Pie. Chop finely together 2 cups of cranberries. One cup of raisins. Add 2 cups of sugar. One cup of water. A little flour sprinkled over the berries. Bake in two crusts. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Splendid Pie. Yolks of 4 eggs. Two cups sweet milk. One-half cup sugar. One tablespoon flour (Burst's Best). One tablespoon jelly. A small lump of butter. Vanilla to taste. Beat the whites of eggs with sugar and spread over top. Put in oven to brown. This makes two pies. — Mrs. J. T. Llewel- lyn. Maple Pie, One cup brown sugar. Two tablespoons butter. Put in skillet and brown. Yolks of 3 eggs. Two tablespoons flour. One pint milk. Vanilla. Beat whites of eggs for top and brown. This makes two pies. — Ida Warner. 51 Patronize our advertisers. They are the means of making this book possible. 52 CAKES "And no doubt Eve was glad because Her hubby could not say, Her cakes were not like mother made Back in his youthful days." Sour Milk Cup Cakes. A farmer's recipe — always good — to be served warm. In- gredients : One and one-half cups flour (Burst's Best). Two teaspoons baking powder. Three-fourths teaspoon soda. Sift and mix together, then add cup granulated sugar. Beat 1 egg with three-fourths cup sour milk. Combine the liquid and dry ingredients. Have two table- spoons of butter melted, and add last, beating it into the mix- ture. Put quickly into small pans, bake. Season with nutmeg or any desired spices. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Sweet Milk Cup Cakes. A cheap cake for small parties. Ingredients : Two-thirds cup butter, (or little less Crisco). Two cups sugar. Four eggs. One cup milk. Three and one-fourth cups flour. Four teaspoons baking powder. One-fourth teaspoon mace, or nutmeg. Cream butter and sugar gradually. Separate the yolks and whites of the eggs, and add the beaten yolks to butter and sugar which has been creamed. Add the milk alternately to the dry ingredients which are mixed and sifted together. Cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten stiff. Bake in individual tins. This recipe makes two dozen cakes baked in medium-sized gem pans. White Layer Cake. A cake which will utilize white left from salad dressing or from other cakes. Ingredients : One-half cup butter. One cup sugar. 53 Whites of 3 eggs. One-half cup milk. Two cups flour (Burst's Best). Three teaspoons baking powder. One teaspoon vanilla. Combine the liquid and dry ingredients in usual manner. Pour into buttered layer cake pans, sprinkle the top with granu- lated sugar and bake in an oven a little hotter than for nut loaf cake. Spread jelly, white icing or chocolate dressing between the layers and on top. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Jelly RoU. A good old-fashioned recipe. Ingredients : Three eggs. One and one-half cups sugar. Grated rind of 1 lemon. One tablespoon lemon juice. One-half cup cold water. One and one-half cups flour (Burst's Best). One-half teaspoon soda. One slightly rounding teaspoon cream of tartar. Beat the eggs. Gradually beat in the sugar and grated rind, and then add the flour already sifted with the cream of tartar and soda, alternately with water. Bake in a shallow buttered pan. Turn upside down upon a cloth a little larger than the cake, and trim off the four sides of the cake (these are crusty and break in rolling). Have ready a tumbler of jelly which has been beat- en smooth with a silver fork. Spread the jelly over the cake, then, keeping the cloth between the fingers and the cake, roll the cake over and over. Leave the cake rolled in cloth. The pan must be of good size so that the sheet of cake may be thin. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Southern White Cake. One cup of butter. Two cups of granulated sugar. Three cups flour (Burst's Best). One cup of milk. Two teaspoons of baking powder. Whites of 6 eggs. One teaspoon of vanilla. —Mrs. J. H. Woodward. 54 English Fruit Cake. Three-fourths cup of sugar. One-fourth cup of butter. One egg. One-half cup of water in which IJ/2 cups of raisins have been cooked and cooled. One and three-fourths cups flour ; flour raisins. One scant teaspoon of soda sifted in the flour. Teaspoon each of nutmeg and cinnamon. — Mrs. J. H. Woodward. Spice Cake. One cup sugar, brown or white. One egg. One-half cup Cottolene. Pinch of salt. One-half teaspoon cloves. One-half teaspoon nutmeg. One teaspoon cinnamon. One-half cupful raisins dredged in flour. One cup sour milk in which dissolve 1 level teaspoonful soda. Two cups flour (Burst's Best). Mix together in order. Beat well, bake in loaf. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Marble Cake. White part. Whites of 4 eggs. One and one-half cup white sugar. One-half cup butter. One-half cup sweet milk. Two and one-half cups flour (Burst's Best). One and one-half teaspoons baking powder. Bark part. One cup dark brown sugar. One-half cup butter. One-half cup cofTee. Two and one-half cups flour. One and one-half teaspoons baking powder. Yolks of 4 eggs. One teaspoon each cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and cloves. W^hen each part is ready drop a spoon of dark then a spoon of light and so proceed to fill up the pan. Bake in a slow oven three-quarters of an hour. — Mrs. M. B. Hannan. 55 White Cake. One cupful granulated sugar. One cupful powdered sugar. One-half cupful butter. Cream butter and sugar. Three cupfuls sifted fiour. Alternate 1 cupful water and the sifted flour. In the last half cup flour stir 3 teaspoons baking powder. Beat well and add whites of 5 eggs beaten very light. Bake in medium oven. — Mrs. E. N. Fries. White Cake. Butter, 1 cup. Sugar, granulated, 2 cups. Sweet milk, 1 cup. Flour, 3 cups. Whites of 5 eggs. Baking powder, 2 teaspoons. Easily made, and very good. Bake in layers. — Mrs. J. W. Guehring. Marble Cake. Bake the same as this White Cake, only take out 1 cup of batter and add 3 teaspoons of chocolate or cocoa. Drop this through the white part. Bake solid. — Mrs. J. W. Guehring. One Egg Cake. Cream together 2 cupfuls of sugar. One tablespoonful of butter. One cup of milk. One egg, beaten well. Two cupfuls of flour sifted well. Two teaspoonfuls of baking powder; flavor — Mrs. Anna M. Shoup. Hickory Nut Loaf Cake. Two cups of sugar. Two-thirds cup of butter. One cup of sweet milk. Whites of 3 eggs. Three teaspoons baking powder. Three cups of flour (Burst's Best). One and one-half cups of chopped nuts mixed with a little flour. Bake in small dripping pan and cover with white frosting with nuts on top. — Mrs. D. B. Whistler. 56 Gold Cake. Three-fourths of a cup of butter. Two cups sugar. Yolks of 10 eggs. One and one-half pints of flour (Burst's Best). Two-thirds teaspoonful baking powder. One cup of thin cream. Flavor with lemon, bake in moderate oven. Cream butter and sugar and yolks, then the cream and flavor- ing, and lastly flour, through which has been sifted the baking powder. This is very nice to make the same time angel cake is made, as it not only makes a nice variety, but utilizes the yolks left from the angel cake. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Apple Sauce Cake. One and one-half cup granulated sugar. Two cups apple sauce. One scant cup shortening. Two teaspoons cinnamon. One-half teaspoon cloves. One teaspoon nutmeg. Two teaspoons soda. One teaspoon baking powder. One pound raisins. Four cups flour. Pinch of salt. One cup of nuts added to this improves the cake. Add a little more flour if nuts are used. — Mrs. J. W. Guehring. One Egg Cake. One cup sugar. One-third cup butter. One egg. One cup milk. Two cups flour (Burst's Best). Three teaspoons baking powder. Vanilla. — Mrs. Krueger. White Layer Cake. Two cups sugar. Three-fourths cup butter. One cup milk. Four eggs, whites. Three cups flour (Burst's Best). Three teaspoons baking powder. Flavor with vanilla. — Mrs. Krueger. 57 Prince of Wales Cake. Two cups dark brown sugar. One cup butter (part lard if desired). Yolks of 2 eggs. One cup sour milk. Two teaspoons soda. One teaspoon cinnamon. One-half teaspoon cloves. One-half teaspoon nutmeg. One cup raisins. Two and one-half cups flour. Add pinch of salt if lard is used. Flour raisins before using. — Mrs. Krueger. Mother's White Sponge or Angel Food Cake. Whites of 10 eggs. One and one-half cupfuls sugar. One cup flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoon cream tartar. Sift sugar once and set aside, sift flour three or four times, measure and set aside. When whites are half beaten add cream of tartar and whip very stiff. Add sugar and flour and bake thirty-five minutes or more. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Caramel Cake. Two cups of brown sugar. One tablespoon of butter. Three eggs. One cup of milk (sweet or sour). One-fourth teaspoon of soda in the milk. Three cups flour (Burst's Best). Two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Eggless, Butterless, Milkless, Cake. One pound seeded raisins. Two cups sugar. Two teaspoons ground cinnamon. Two full tablespoons of lard. Two cups cold water. Boil ten minutes, when cool add 3 cups flour. 1 teaspoon soda. Bake in slow oven one hour. — Mrs. A. B. Cowden. 58 Potato Cake. One cup" butter. One cup sugar. Four eggs. Two-thirds cup hot mashed potatoes. One-half cup chocolate. One-half cup milk. Two cups flour. Two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. One cup chopped walnut meats. Cream together butter and sugar, beat to a froth yolks of eggs and blend thoroughly with above mixture. Add chocolate melted over hot water, milk, potatoes, and flour, which has been sifted with baking powder. Last, add whites of eggs whipped to a stiff froth and walnut meats. Bake in loaf or layer cake as desired. — Mrs. E. L. Arthur. Delicate Cake. Three-fourths cup butter. Two cups white sugar. One cup milk. Four cups of flour (Burst's Best). Whites of 4 eggs. Three teaspoons baking powder. One teaspoon flavoring. — Mrs. Lester Johns. Angel Food. One and one-half glasses powdered sugar. One glass level of flour. One teaspoon cream of tartar. Sift flour five times, then add sugar and cream of tartar and sift all together three times. Beat whites of 11 eggs until very stiff. Add sugar and flour gradually with jA teaspoon each of lemon and vanilla. Bake about forty-five minutes in a slow oven. — Ida Warner. Swiss Cake, One and one-half cupfuls sugar. One-half cup butter. Two eggs. One cupful milk. Two and one-half cupfuls flour. Two teaspoons baking powder. Flavor to taste. — Rutii E. Fries. 59 Spice Jelly Cake. White Part. Whites of 3 eggs. One cup sugar. One-half cup butter. One-half cup milk. One and one-half teaspoon baking powder. One and one-half cups flour. Dark Part. Yolks of 3 eggs. One cup brown sugar. One-half cup butter. One-half cup milk. One and one-half teaspoon baking powder. One and one-half cups flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg. One-half teaspoon cloves. Put together with jelly. -Mrs. W. O. Fries. "Never-Fail Sponge" Cake. A good sponge cake should be yellow as gold, of velvety softness, and tender as a marshmallow. If the rule given is strictly followed such a cake will be the sure result. Separate the whites and yolks of 4 eggs. Beat whites until stiff enough to remain in bowl if it is inverted, then beat into them with the beater half cup of sugar, which must be granulated (powdered sugar makes tough cake and proper beating does away entirely with the grains). Beat the yolks, add to them Yz cup of sugar, beating for five minutes by the clock — this latter being important, as the delicate texture of the cake depends upon it. Add to the yolks the juice and grated rind of a lemon. N^w beat well to- gether the yolks and whites. At this stage beating is in order, but must be absolutely avoided after adding the flour, of which take 1 cup. The mixture should now look like a pufif ball, and the flour is to be tossed or stirred into it with a light turn of the wooden spoon. Stirring is quite different from beating. The cup of sugar must be generous, the flour scanty. Bake for twenty- five minutes in a moderate oven. Just before putting in the oven sprinkle on top through a sifter about a tablespoonful of granu- lated sugar ; this gives the "crackly" on top crust so desirable. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. 60 Lemon Jelly Roll. One cup of sugar. One cup of flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoonful baking powder. Three tablespoonfuls of water. Three eggs well beaten, yolks and whites separately. Pinch of salt. Bake in large dripping pan. Jelly for Cake — One cup sugar, 1 beaten egg, juice of 1 lemon. Beat this well, put into double boiler, stir until cooked. Spread on cake, when cake is baked, roll in damp towel. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Devil's Food. Two cups brown sugar. One-half cup butter. Two eggs. One cake chocolate or cocoa. One-half cup sour milk. Two cups flour. One teaspoon soda. One-half cup boiling water. Filling: Two cups sugar, y^ cup milk, }4 cup butter. — Mrs. Blanke. Apple Sauce Cake. One cup brown sugar. One-fourth cup lard and butter. One cup thick apple sauce. One egg. One teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot water. One teaspoon each of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. One-half cup chopped raisins dredged in flour. Two cups of flour (Burst's Best). Mix thoroughly, bake in loaf. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Jam Cake. Six eggs, beat separately. Two cups sugar. One and one-half cups butter. Two cups jam. Three cups flour. One-half cup sour cream or milk. One teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves, and allspice. One teaspoon soda dissolved in sour milk. For Icing: One-fourth teaspoon cream of tartar to 2 eggs and 2 cups sugar. — Mrs. Harry Cruse, Fort Worth, Arkansas. 61 Chocolate Cake. Two cups brown sugar. Two tablespoonfuls cocoa or chocolate. Two eggs. One-half cup coffee. One-half cup hot water. One-half cup shortening. Three cups of flour. One teaspoonful soda. Bake in layers. Icing: One cup brown sugar, ^ cup water, butter size of a walnut, cooked until it forms a soft ball in water. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Candy Cake. Cream ^ cup butter with 1 cup sugar, add 2 eggs, 2 squares chocolate, melted, 1 cup chopped English walnuts and ^ cup flour. Put in square or long pan. Bake ten minutes in a mod- erate oven. Cut in squares. — Ivy Llewellyn. Gooseberry Jam Cake. Two cupfuls coffee A Sugar. Three eggs well beaten. One scant cupful sour milk. Two teaspoons soda in milk. Pinch of salt. Three big cupfuls sifted flour (Burst's Best). One cup butter. One or 2 cupfuls of gooseberry jam. Bake in slow oven. — Mrs. H. H. Fout. Devil's Food Cake. Three tablespoons cocoa dissolved in ^ cup hot water. Add 1 level teaspoon of soda. Let cool while 3^ou mix rest of cake. One-half cup butter and lard (mixed). Two cups brown or granulated sugar. Two eggs. One-half cup sour milk. Mix butter, lard, sugar, eggs, and then sour milk. Then add cocoa and soda and enough flour to make a dough that will run from spoon. When cake is done, turn out on cloth and leave pans on top to steam about Vi hour. This makes cake moist. —Mrs. J. H. Button. 62 Blackberry Cake. Six eggs. Two cups sugar. One and one-half cups butter. One and one-half cup blackberry jam. One teaspoon cinnamon. One teaspoon allspice. One teaspoon nutmeg. One tablespoon baking powder. One teaspoon soda. One-half cup sour cream. Four cups flour. Bake in layers and when cold spread with jelly and frosting both. You can make up half of this with good results. Rasp- berry jam makes it fine also. — Mrs. Dr. Snow, Georgetown, Kentucky. White Cake. One cup sugar. Two tablespoons of butter. One cup of milk. Two scant cups of flou;r (Burst's Best). Two teaspoons of baking powder. Whites of 2 eggs. Make 2 layers. Cream butter and sugar, add milk, then white of eggs beaten, flour sifted with baking powder. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Tip Top Cake. One and one-half cups sugar. One cup of milk. One egg. Two and one-half cups of flour. One heaping tablespoon of butter. Two teaspoons of baking powder. Bake in layers. One Egg Cake. One-fourth cup of butter. One-half cup of sugar. One egg. One-half cup of water. Two and one-half teaspoons baking powder. One and one-half cup of flour. Flavor. 63 Splendid Molasses Layer Cake. One-half cup sugar. One-half cup molasses. Two-thirds cup cold water. One beaten egg. One teaspoon soda. Butter size of an egg. One and two-thirds cup flour (Burst's Best). Mix very soft. Bake in layers ; will keep two weeks. Cheap Fruit Cake. One cup of sugar. One-half cup of lard. One cup of sour milk or water. One teaspoon of soda, or Ij^ teaspoons of baking powder. Two and one-fourth cups of flour. Spices, fruit, and flavoring. Bake. Sponge Cake. Separate 3 eggs, beat whites to a stiff froth, put in 1^^ cups sugar, beat good ; add beaten yolks, J^ cup cold water, 2 cups sifted flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder. If flour is sifted two or three times it will be better. — Mrs. Llewellyn and Mrs. Shupe. Children's Sponge Cake. One and one-half cups flour. Two teaspoons baking powder. One cup sugar. Two eggs broken into a cup and fill the cup with milk or cream. Stir all together and beat hard for five minutes. Bake in a loaf. — Jean Virginia Johns. Apple Sauce Cake. One cup sugar. One-half cup butter. One and one-half cup apple sauce. One cup raisins. One teaspoon cinnamon and cloves. One teaspoon soda. Two and three-fourths cups flour (Durst's Best). Bake in slow oven about one hour. Dissolve soda in apple sauce. — Mrs. J. H. Button. 64 Dried Apple Cake. Two cups of dried apples. Two cups of molasses. One cup of butter. One cup of brown sugar. Two eggs. One and one-half teaspoons of soda. Two teaspoons of cloves. Two teaspoons of cinnamon. One teaspoon of nutmeg. Eight cups of flour (Burst's Best). Soak apples over night then chop and stew in molasses one hour. When cool, add the other ingredients, bake one hour. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Snow Cake. One-half tea cup butter. One cup sugar. One and one-half cups flour. One-half cup sweet milk. Whites of 4 eggs. One teaspoon baking powder. Beat butter and sugar to a cream, stir in flour and thin with the milk. Beat whites to a froth and stir in last. — Mrs. J. T. Llewellyn. DevU's Food Cake. Two cupfuls brown sugar. One-half cup butter. One-half cup sour milk. Two eggs. One-half cupful Baker's chocolate dissolved in ^ cup boiling water. Three cupfuls flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoon soda. — Mrs. E. N. Fries. Dark Cake. Two cups dark brown sugar. One-half cup butter. Three eggs well beaten. One-half cup sour milk. Three teaspoons cocoa dissolved in ^ cup boiling water. One teaspoon soda. Two and three-fourths cups flour. Flavor with vanilla. — -Mrs. Krueger. 65 Sunshine Cake. Whites of 7 eggs. One-half teaspoon cream of tartar. One and one-fourth cups granulated sugar. Pinch of salt. Yolks of 5 eggs. One teaspoon vanilla. One cup flour (Burst's Best). One tablespoon lemon juice. Beat whites until frothy, add cream of tartar and beat until very stiff. Beat in sugar, add yolks beaten until light. Add vanilla and fold in lemon juice and flour. Bake in unbuttered pan about fifty minutes in a very moderate oven. — Mattie Hott Huber. Spice Cake. One-half cup butter. Two tablespoons lard. One cup brown sugar. One-half cup molasses. Four eggs. One-half cup of sweet milk. Three teaspoons baking powder. One-half teaspoon ginger, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Two and one-half cups flour. Add 1 cup of drained blackberries, bake in slow oven in a deep pan lined with greased paper. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Delicious Date Cake. One pound brown sugar. One-half cup butter. One-half cup lard (scant). Four eggs beaten separately. Three cups flour (Burst's Best). One cup sour milk. One level teaspoon soda. One-half teaspoon baking powder. Two pounds stoned dates (not chopped). One pound English walnuts. Grated rind of 2 lemons. Use part of 3 cups of flour over dates before adding them to dough. — Mrs. George W. Crabbe. 66 Cheap Spice Cake. One cup sugar. One egg. One-half cup lard. Pinch of salt. One-half teaspoon cloves. One teaspoon cinnamon. Little nutmeg. One-half cup seedless raisins. One cup sour milk in which dissolve 1 level teaspoon soda. Tw^o cups flour. Mix together in order given. Devil's Food Cake Two cupfuls of brown sugar. One-half cupful of butter. Two well beaten eggs. One-half cupful of sour milk. Two squares of chocolate dissolved in 1 cupful boiling water. Two teaspoons soda mixed with sour milk. Two cupfuls flour (Burst's Best). Flavor with vanilla and beat all well. — Mrs. Anna M. Shoup. Spice Cake. Two cups brown sugar. One box raisins. One teaspoon cinnamon. Two heaping tablespoons lard. A little nutmeg and cloves. Two cups water, let come to boil. Boil five minutes, cool to luke-warm, add 4 cups flour and 1 rounding teaspoon soda. Bake one hour in slow oven. — Mrs. Benham. «7 Patronize our advertisers. They are the means of making this book possible. 68 FROSTINGS White Moctii£a!ii Cfiim. This frosting is soft inside and has a glossy surface. It may- be used for the base of numerous cake fillings. Ingredients : One cup sugar. One-third cup boiling water. White of 1 egg. One teaspoon of vanilla or 3^ teaspoon of lemon juice. Combine the sugar and water, and place over a slow fire so that the sugar may be dissolved before the syrup begins to boil. When the sugar is dissolved, wash from the sides of the sauce- pan any granulations. This is nicely done by the use of a fork wound with a clean wet cloth. Cook rapidly. Do not stir or jar while boiling or it may grain. When cooked to 238 degrees by the sugar thermometer, or when it will spin a thread one inch long when dropped from the tines of a fork, pour in a fine stream over the stiffly beaten egg white. Beat constantly, and continue beating until of the right consistency to spread on the cake and not run ofif. The cooling process may be hastened by setting the dish containing the frosting in a dish of cold water. Beat occa- sionally while cooling. If the frosting is not cooked long enough, it will run from the cake. This may be overcome by setting the dish containing the frosting in a dish of boiling water over the fire, and beat while it cooks more. Remove and cool. If cooked too long it will become too hard to spread. This may be reme- died by the addition of a few drops of lemon juice or a little cream of tartar, or a teaspoon of boiling water. A little experi- ence even without the sugar thermometer will give perfect re- sults. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Chocolate Frosting. One-half cupful butter. One cupful powdered sugar. One-fourth cupful chocolate or cocoa. Cream together butter and sugar and add chocolate melted over hot water. — Mrs. E. L. Arthur. 69 Boiled Chocolate Frosting. An inexpensive and delicious frosting to be used with white layer cake. Ingredients : One and one-half cups granulated sugar. Three-fourths cup sweet milk. Two ounces melted chocolate. Whites of 2 eggs beaten dry. One teaspoon vanilla. Combine the sugar and milk, as water and sugar are prepared for White Mountain Cream. Have the chocolate melted. When the sugar and milk mixture threads pour in the chocolate, but do not stir. Pour onto the stififly beaten eggs and proceed as with the White Mountain Cream. Flavor when cool. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Marshmallow Icing. A fluffy icing that will not run from the cake. Use half the recipe for small cake. Ingredients : Two cups sugar. One-half cup water. Whites of four eggs. One-half pound marshmallows. One teaspoon vanilla. Cut each marshmallow into four pieces with clean shears, and add these to the frosting when lukewarm. If they are added too soon they melt and lose their shape. The frosting should be just warm enough to soften the outside of the marshmallow, but not to melt them. Cook the sugar and water and proceed as for White Mountain Cream. Caramel Icing. Two cups of brown sugar. One-half cup of milk. Small lump of butter. Boil until forms ball when dropped in cold water. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Nut Filling for Cakes. One cupful each of light brown sugar, sour cream, and finely chopped English walnuts. Boil together until the mixture threads ; cool and spread between layers. It should be creamy when light. A few drops of orange extract improves its flavor. — When putting a layer of cake together with icing, and the layers seem determined to slide off one side, insert one or two toothpicks around the outer edge and leave until the icing is thoroughly set, when they may be easily removed. 70 COFFEE CAKES Fifteen-Minute Coffee Cake. One-half cup sugar. One egg. Butter size of a walnut. Two and one-half cups of flour. Pinch of salt. Three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. One cup of sweet milk. One-half cup raisins, but good without; sugar, cinnamon, and butter sprinkled on top. Work sugar and butter together; add egg, then milk, salt, flour, and baking powder sifted together, work in last. Bake in quick oven. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Coffee Cake. One cupful sugar. Two cupfuls flour (Burst's Best). Three teaspoons baking powder. Four tablespoons butter. One cupful milk. Two eggs. Bake fifteen minutes. — Mrs. E. N. Fries. n GINGERBREAD Cheap Gingerbread. One cup sugar. One cup syrup. One cup sour milk. Three tablespoons melted butter or lard. Four cups sifted flour. One scant teaspoon ginger. One teaspoon baking powder. One teaspoon cinnamon. Pinch of cloves. One cup chopped raisins. One scant teaspoon soda. In the flour put ginger, baking powder, cinnamon, and cloves. Have sugar in the mixing bowl, turn on syrup, put soda in sour milk, put sugar and syrup in melted butter or lard. Flour the raisins, turn in and beat thoroughly. Bake until successfully tried with straw. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Soft Ginger Cakes. Beat to a cream Yz cupful each of brown sugar and shorten- ing (half butter and lard). Two well beaten eggs. One cupful molasses. Two teaspoons cinnamon. One tablespoon ginger. One-half cupful sour milk. Three cupfuls flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoon soda. Bake in muffin pans in moderate oven. — Mrs. Shupe. Soft Hot Water Gingerbread. One-half cup sugar. One-half cup lard (or one-third cup Crisco). One ^z^. One cup molasses. One cup hot water. Two teaspoons soda. Two and one-half cups flour. Two teaspoons cinnamon. One teaspoon ginger. One-half teaspoon cloves. 72 One-eighth teaspoon salt. Raisins (if desired). Cream the lard (or Crisco) and sugar, add the egg, well beaten, then molasses. Mix and sift all dry ingredients and add a little of this to the egg mixture. Then add the hot water, beat all thoroughly, and stir in the remaining ingredients. Pour into buttered pan and bake in moderate oven. Gingerbread. One egg. One-half cup warm water or sour milk. One teaspoon soda. One-half cup molasses. One-half cup lard. One teaspoon ginger. One-half teaspoon cinnamon. One-fourth teaspoon cloves. Pinch of salt. One-half cup sugar. One-half cup raisins (floured). Flour to make like cake dough. — Edith W. Waymire. Sour Milk Gingerbread. One-half cup Cottolene. One cup molasses. One cup sugar. One cup sour milk. One teaspoon soda. Three cups flour (Burst's Best). Two teaspoons cinnamon. Two teaspoons ginger. One teaspoon cloves. One teaspoon nutmeg. Combine in the usual manner, and bake in a lined buttered medium-sized dripping pan. Soft Gingerbread. One cofTee cup each of sugar, molasses, and butter. Four cups of flour. One cup of sour milk. Two teaspoonfuls ginger. Two teaspoonfuls of cinnamon. One half teaspoonful of cloves. One teaspoonful of soda dissolved in the sour milk. Stoned raisins may be added, also lemon extract. Bake in sponge cake tins. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. 73 DOUGHNUTS Note. — When frying doughnuts or crullers, put 1 spoonful of vinegar in the lard so that they will not soak fat. Mashed Potato Doughnuts. One cup mashed potatoes beaten until light. One and one-third cups granulated sugar. One teaspoonful butter. Two eggs. One-fourth teaspoonful salt. Two-thirds cup sweet milk. One-half nutmeg grated. Two heaping teaspoons baking powder. Add butter, sugar, yolks of eggs, salt, milk, and nutmeg and beat until smooth ; mix baking powder with enough sifted flour to make a soft dough. Roll out one-fourth inch thick, cut and fry in hot lard. — Mrs. H. E. Eidemiller. Crisp Doughnuts. One and one-half cupfuls of sugar. One cupful of milk. One-half cupful of butter. Two eggs. Three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Flavor with cinnamon. Flour enough to roll out. Fry in boiling lard, a golden brown. When taken from frying pan sprinkle at once with pul- verized sugar. — Anna B. Shoup. Doughnuts. Two eggs beaten light. One cup sugar. One cup sour milk. Four cups flour (Burst's Best). One-half teaspoon soda. One teaspoon each of cinnamon and salt. Have board well floured and take on it 1 large spoon of dough, kneading gently till firm enough to roll out and cut, re- peating until all the dough is used. Cook in hot fat. Note : It is more satisfactory to have 2 teaspoons baking powder sifted with the flour and scant the measure of soda. — Mrs. F. E. Laukhuff. 74 Mother's Crullers. Four eggs. Four tablespoons of lard (melted). Four tablespoons of sugar, salt. One teaspoon of baking powder. Lemon or nutmeg flavor. Flour to roll, cut about one inch wide, cut slits crosswise, pinch ends together and fry in deep hot lard or Cottolene. CruUs. Eight tablespoons of sugar (granulated). Two eggs. Three tablespoons butter. One-half pint milk. Salt and nutmeg. Two teaspoons cream of tartar. One teaspoon soda. Flour to make a soft dough. — Miss Nellie Clark. Potato Doughnuts. Two large potatoes boiled, mash with level tablespoon of butter, when cool, add 1-3 cup of sugar, beat until soft and smooth ; then add 1-3 cup of sweet milk beaten with 1 egg. Sift together lj4 cups of flour, 4 teaspoons of baking powder, ^ tea- spoon of ground nutmeg and J^ teaspoon of salt. More or less flour may be used, depending upon the kind of flour and amount of potato used. The doughnuts should be cut as soft as they can be conveniently handled. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Doughnuts. Two eggs. One cup sugar. One tablespoon melted lard. Nutmeg. One cup sweet milk. One pint flour (Burst's Best). Two teaspoons baking powder. Pinch of salt. Flour to make soft dough. — Mattie Hott Huber. 7g COOKIES Boston Cookies. One cup of butter. One and one-half cups sugar. Three eggs. One teaspoon soda. One and one-half tablespoons of hot water. Three and three-fourths cups of flour (Burst's Best). One-half teaspoon salt. One teaspoon cinnamon. One cup of chopped nut meats. One-half cup currants. One-half cup raisins, seeded and chopped. Cream the butter, sugar and eggs well beaten, add soda dis- solved in hot water, and one-half the flour mixed and sifted with salt and cinnamon. Add the nuts, fruit, and remaining flour. Drop by the spoonful one inch apart on a buttered sheet and bake in a moderate oven. Cookies. Two cups granulated sugar. One cup of butter. One cup of sour cream. Two eggs. One teaspoon soda in a little hot water. Two teaspoons baking powder. One-fourth teaspoon nutmeg. Enough flour for soft dough, roll, cut, sprinkle top with granulated sugar, bake. — Ida Warner. Cookies. Two eggs. One cup granulated sugar. One cup light brown sugar. One cup sour milk and cream. One cup butter and lard (mixed). One even teaspoon of baking soda. Flour enough to roll. — Mrs. S. A. Perry. 76 Cookies. Two cups light brown sugar. Two-thirds cup lard. Two eggs. Pinch of salt. One teaspoon baking powder. One level teaspoon soda. Flavoring. Five cups flour (Burst's Best). Six tablespoons water. — Mattie Hott Huber. Raisin Cookies. Two eggs. Small cup of shortening. Large cup of sugar. One cup rolled oats. One cup chopped raisins. Two cups sifted flour. One-half teaspoon nutmeg. One teaspoon soda and sour milk for very stiff batter. Drop in pan with spoon and bake. Sweet milk and baking powder can be used instead.— Ida Warner. Sugar Cookies. One cup of sugar. One-half cup of bvitter. Three tablespoons of milk. One egg. One cup of flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoonful of baking powder sifted twice with the flour. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Fruit Cookies. One and one-half cups sugar. One cup of butter. One-half cup sweet milk. One egg. Two teaspoons baking powder. One teaspoon cinnamon. One-fourth cup currants or raisins chopped fine and dusted with flour. Mix all together using as little flour as possible, roll, cut out, wet tops with milk, sprinkle sugar over, and bake in buttered tins. — Ida Warner. 77 Rocks. One cup of sugar. Three-fourths cup shortening. Two eggs. One and one-half cups of flour. One teaspoonful each of cinnamon and cloves. One cup of nuts and raisins mixed. Cream sugar and shortening, add eggs well beaten, then spices, flour, nuts and raisins. Drop in greased pan and bake in moderate (slow) oven. — Mrs. S. S. Hough. Ginger Cookies. One cup molasses. One cup granulated sugar. One cup lard and butter mixed. Two eggs. Two teaspoons soda. One teaspoon ginger. Two teaspoons cinnamon. One-half teaspoon salt. Mix soda in scant half cup of boiling water. Mix in just enough flour to handle good on board— the softer the better. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Pepper Nuts. One pound powdered sugar. One-half pound brown sugar. Five eggs. One cupful hickory nut meats. One teaspoon each nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves. One-fourth pound citron. One-half teaspoon baking powder. Flour enough to make stiff (Burst's Best). Roll into balls the size of a walnut and bake. These should be baked some time before using and kept in a stone jar until soft. — Mrs. E. N. Fries. Cookies. Two cups sugar. Two eggs. One cup sweet milk. One cup half butter and half lard. Two teaspoons baking powder. Lemon flavoring. Flour enough to make soft dough. — Mrs. Lester Johns. 78 Chocolate Ice Cream Cookies. One-half cup brown sugar. One-half cup white sugar. One-half cup butter. Cream together and add one beaten egg. Two squares melted chocolate. Two-thirds cup sour milk. One level teaspoon soda dissolved in milk. Beat in enough flour to make stiff enough to roll, then cut with small round cutter and bake. Make filling of five teaspoons hot water, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 teaspoon butter, and confection- er's sugar enough to beat smooth enough to spread. Put a little on bottom of a cooky and press another to it like a sandwich. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Ginger Cookies. One cup brown sugar. One cup lard. One cup of molasses. Three-fourths cup of lukewarm coflfee. One teaspoon of soda in coffee. One teaspoon soda dry in flour. Two teaspoons of ginger ; salt. One teaspoon cinnamon. Two eggs. Sprinkle sugar on top, use flour enough to make soft dough. — Mrs. Wm. Myers. Oatmeal Cookies. Two cups brown sugar. One cup shortening (scant). Five teaspoons sour cream. One teaspoon soda. Three eggs. Three cups rolled oats. Two cups flour (Burst's Best). One teaspoon cinnamon, raisins, or currants. Drop in pan and bake. — Mrs. J. W. Guehring. Oatmeal Cookies. One cup of lard. One and one-half cups light brown sugar. Two eggs. One teaspoon cinnamon. Two tablespoons sweet milk or water. 79 One-half teaspoon soda. Two cups rolled oats. Two and one-fourth cups flour. One cup of raisins. One-half cup of nuts may be added. Chop the nuts and cut raisins in half. Cream the butter, add sugar, then the well beaten eggs. Mix soda and cinnamon to flour and sift into first mixture. Then add the milk, oatmeal, and fruit. This makes a very stifif dough. Drop by spoonful on a flat pan and bake in a moderate oven until a light brown. The nuts, if used, should be added last. — Mrs. D. B. Whistler and Mrs. M. B. Hannan. Rolled Oats Cookies. One cup granulated sugar. One-half cup lard. One-half cup butter. Two eggs beaten light. One cup seeded raisins cooked until tender. Five tablespoons raisin juice. One teaspoon soda dissolved in the juice. Two cups flour (Burst's Best). Two cups oatmeal (rolled oats). Drop by teaspoonful on buttered pan and bake slowly. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Oatmeal Cookies. Three cups rolled oats. Two cups granulated sugar. Two cups flour. One-half cup chopped raisins. One teaspoon ground cinnamon. One-half teaspoon cloves. One teaspoon soda. Mix dry. Melt together ^ cup butter and ^ cup lard. Add 2 eggs well beaten. One-half teaspoon salt. Five teaspoons milk. Mix thoroughly and add to ingredients mentioned above. Slightly grease baking pan and dust a little flour in it. Take as much as a teaspoon of dough, roll in a ball and flatten and place in baking pan about three inches apart. Bake in hot oven and do not remove cakes from pan until they are cold. If, after mixing all the ingredients, the dough is not stiff add a few more rolled oats. — Ivy Llewellyn. 80 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." Suet Pudding. One-half cup of raisins. Small cup of suet. One cup milk. One-half cup of sugar. Two cups of flour (Burst's Best). Two teaspoons baking powder. One-half teaspoon salt. Steam two hours. Sauce for Suet Pudding: One and one-half cups sugar. One-half cup of butter. One tablespoon flour. Mix well ; pour 1 pint of boiling water over. Let boil two or three minutes. Flavor with 1 teaspoonful lemon extract. — Mrs. D. B. Whistler. Date and Walnut Pudding. One-half cup sugar. Three-fourths cup English walnuts with a few black walnuts. Three-fourths cup chopped dates. One and one-half teaspoons baking powder. Two tablespoons bread crumbs. Three eggs beaten separately. Bake in shallow buttered pan twenty minutes in a slow oven. Serve cold with whipped cream. One-half of recipe serves six persons. — Mrs. H. Z. McFadden. Lemon Pudding. To 1 pint of bread crumbs add the juice and grated rind of 1 lemon ; add 1 cup of sugar and the yolk of 3 eggs beaten into a quart of milk. When baked cover with a layer of lemon jelly, then add meringue made of the whites of the eggs beaten with 3 teaspoons of sugar ; lightly brown in the oven. This may be eaten warm, but is very good chilled. Whipped cream may be served with it or not as preferred. This will serve ten people. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. 81 Crumb Pudding. Three cups of flour. One cup of sugar. One tablespoonful of lard. One tablespoonful of butter. Mix together and reserve one-half cupful. Three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. One cup of sweet milk. Pour into greased pan and put crumbs over top, then bake. Serve with following dressing: One cup of sugar. One tablespoon of butter. One tablespoon of flour. One pint of boiling water. Boil until clear, then flavor. Use one-half of the recipe for three persons. — Mrs. F. M. Betz. Cottage Pudding. Sugar, 1 cup. Butter, Yz cup. Sweet milk, 1 cup. One ^^'g. Flour, 3 cups. Baking powder, 2 teaspoons. Extract of vanilla, 1 teaspoon. Sprinkle a little sugar over the top just before putting in the oven ; bake in a small bread pan, and when done cut in squares and serve with sauce made of 2 tablespoons butter, cup sugar, tablespoon flour wet with a little cold water, and stirred until like cream. Add a pint of boiling water, let boil two or three minutes stirring all the time. After taking from fire add 3^ teas- poon vanilla. — Mrs. J. W. Guehring and Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Priscilla Pudding. One-fourth pound blanched almonds. One-half dozen macaroons. One dozen marshmallows. One dozen candied cherries. Whip 1 pint cream stii¥. One rounding tablespoon of gelatine soaked in 34 cup cold water and dissolved in 34 cup boiling water. Add 1 cup of sugar to gelatine and when cooled add cream and other ingredients. Beat all together and add one tablespoon of vanilla. — Mattie Hott Huber. 82 Grape Souffle, To 1 pint of grape juice add 2 tablespoons of granulated gelatine. Beat until gelatine is dissolved ; strain and cool. When mixture begins to stiffen beat in the stififly beaten whites of 4 eggs and fold in one cupful of stiffly beaten cream. Turn into moulds and cool.— Mrs. J. H. Button, Fig Tapioca, Two-thirds cup pearl tapioca soaked over night in 3 cups cold water. Add two-thirds cup chopped figs. Two-thirds cup chopped nuts. One and one-half cups brown sugar. Steam one hour in double boiler stirring occasionally. Re- move from fire, add 1 teaspoon vanilla and turn into a serving dish. Serve cold with whipped cream. — Mattie Hott Huber. Rhubarb Fool. Peel and cut rhubarb into inch thick slices, according to quantity wanted, butter bottom and sides of baking dish, put a layer of rhubarb on the bottom and cover rather generously with sugar, then a layer of fine bread crumbs, another layer of rhubarb, sugar and a layer of the crumbs. Dot top generously with butter and when dish is as full as desired, dot the top with small pieces of butter. With a spoon, or knife, lift the side away from the pan and pour in very gently a half cup of cold water, bake for thirty or thirty-five minutes and serve with hard sauce. Snow Pudding, Soak a quarter box of gelatin (plain) in quarter cup of cold water until dissolved, or soft, then turn into a pint of boiling water with a cupful of sugar, and the juice of one large or two small lemons. When sugar and gelatin dissolves, strain into a pan and chill as quickly as possible, stirring frequenty until it is cold enough to begin to congeal ; then whip to a stiff froth, with an egg whip, or Dover beater, and fold in the whites of three eggs, which have been beaten to a stiff froth. Pour into a pyra- mid shape mould or custard cups and set in a cold place, or on ice for several hours. This can be kept until next day, if desired, if kept cold, and will serve two meals for small family. When ready to serve, serve with the following custard sauce : Scald a pint of milk in a double boiler, beat the 3 egg yolks light with 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar, a pinch of salt and a little 83 grating of lemon peel. Pour the hot milk over these, stirring constantly, turn again into the double boiler and cook a few min- utes, till smooth and creamy. Pour into a pitcher and keep in a cold place. Dutch Apple Cake. Two cups flour. One-half teaspoon salt. Four teaspoons baking powder. One-fourth cup butter. One egg. One cup milk. Four tablespoons sugar. Four tart apples. Put the dry ingredients into the sifter. Beat the egg, add the milk, and the butter melted, then the dry ingredients and stir until smooth, then pour into a buttered cake pan. Have ready the apples, pared, cored, and cut into sixteenths. Lay them in parallel rows in the dough with the edges down. Sprinkle the top with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Bake from twenty- five to thirty minutes and serve with following lemon sauce : Three-fourths cup sugar. One-half cup boiling water. Two tablespoons cornstarch. Two tablespoons butter. One and one-half tablespoons lemon juice. A little nutmeg. Blend the sugar and cornstarch together. Add some of the boiling water and stir into the remainder of the water in a sauce- pan and cook for ten minutes, then remove from the fire and add the butter, lemon juice, and nutmeg and serve hot. — Nell Shupe. A Dainty Dessert. Stew richly-colored cranberries till very soft, press through a seive and sweeten quite sweet. Beat with an egg whip, and mix lightly with an equal quantity of stiffly whipped cream slightly sweetened. Keep on ice until ready to serve. Serve in orange shells. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Coddled Apples. Peel and core as many apples as required, being careful to keep the apples whole. Into a pan put 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful hot water, let come to a good boil, then add as many apples as will float in the syrup. Cook until tender. Serve with whipped cream ; pour the syrup over the apples. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. 84 Japanese Fritters. A delicious dessert, commonly known as Japanese fritters, is made of stale bread cut into two-inch cubes, soaked in a custard until they have absorbed all the liquid possible; then drained until they stop dripping, rolled in fine breadcrumbs and fried in deep fat. The crusts should be removed from the bread. For the custard mix a cupful of milk with two eggs and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Serve the "fritters" with lemon sauce. Marshmallow Peach Cream. A dainty and quickly prepared dessert may be made as fol- lows : Whip half a pint of cream, sweeten to taste, fold in a quarter of a pound of marshmallows cut in pieces, and a half a cupful of canned peach pulp cut fine. Chill thoroughly and heap in a cold serving dish between slices of peaches. Garnish with whole marshmallows. Serve with lady fingers. — Mrs. H. Z. McFadden. Banana Dessert, To 4 bananas use the juice of 1/2 lemon ; add a little water, sugar to taste. Slice bananas mediumly thick. — Mrs. F. M. Betz. Cherry Dainty. Drain firm canned cherries, dip them into white of egg and then into powdered sugar. Chill and serve six or seven to each person. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Stuffed Prunes. Open sweet prunes just far enough to remove pits ; fill cavi- ties with roasted marshmallows rolled in chopped blanched al- monds. Flavor double cream with pineapple extract, sweeten, whip, heap on plate and surround with prunes. Let stand in re- frigerator till ready to serve. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. 86 PICKLES AND SAUCES "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers," Mixed Pickle. Three large heads of cabbage. Three dozen mixed mangoes. Six bunches celery. Five cents worth each of black and yellow mustard seed. Three quarts white vinegar. Six cups granulated sugar in vinegar. Chop cabbage, mangoes, and celery. Mix in the mustard seed, heat vinegar and sugar, mix, then seal. Do not cook. — Ida Warner. Seven Day Pickles. Pour boiling water over pickles fresh from the vine. When it has cooled (same day), drain them, sprinkle with dry salt (J^ pint for 100 medium size, double the quantity for 100 large cucumbers), and cover them again with boiling water. Thee brine thus made must be boiled for seven mornings and poured over the pickles (counting the first boiling one). The eighth day let them stand on the back of the stove, covered with the weak vine- gar, and kept hot without boiling for five or six hours, (until they look plump. Then wipe them dry and clean, pack in jars, with the following spices and cover with boiling vinegar and brown sugar. Use 4 pounds of sugar to every gallon of vinegar, 3^ pound white mustard seed, ^ pound black mustard seed, Yi ounce red peppers, ^ ounce black peppers, ^ ounce little onions, ^ ounce allspice, 1 ounce stick cinnamon, Yz ounce mace, J^ ounce celery seed, ^ ounce horse radish, not quite J/2 ounce caraway seed. These spices are enough for ^ bushel of pickles. These pickles need not be sealed. — Mrs. W. O. Fries, Spiced Cranberries. Boil tt)gether 3j/^ pounds of brown sugar, 2 cups of vinegar, 2 tablespoonfuls each of ground allspice and cinnamon, and 1 tablespoonful ground cloves. To this syrup add 5 pounds of cranberries and simmer slowly for two hours. Keep in stone jar closely covered. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Sweet Pickled Fruit. To 6 pounds fruit take 3 pounds of sugar, 1 pint of vinegar, and five cents worth of cinnamon. Boil to a thick syrup. Have fruit boiled tender and let stand in syrup until it simmers. — Mrs. Lester Johns. Cherry Pickle. Seed cherries, cover with vinegar, and let stand twenty-four hours. Drain cherries well. Put in a jar a layer of cherries, then an equal amount of sugar and stick cinnamon. Repeat until jar is full. This will draw its own liquor and need not be sealed. —Mrs. J. J. Burkhard. Cold Process Pickles. Place cucumbers in jar, pour boiling water over them, let stand all night ; in the morning wipe each pickle dry and pack in jar. To each gallon of vinegar take ^ cup of salt, 1 cup ground mustard, 2 cups granulated sugar, mix thoroughly and pour over cucumbers. — Mrs. A. B. Cowden. Catsup. Take 1 bushel of tomatoes, 2 handfuls of peach leaves, 10 or twelve onions size of walnut. Boil all well and rub through colander. Add Yz gallon good cider vinegar, 2 pounds brown sugar. 2 ounces black pepper, ground (if preferred, cayenne to suit taste), 2 ounces ground mustard, 2 ounces ground cloves, 2 ounces whole mixed spices, put in small sack, 2 grated nutmegs. 1 cup salt, boil well and do not bottle too watery, use new corks and cork tight while hot. — Mrs. Anna M. Shoup. Cranberry Sauce. Put a quart of cranberries in cold water, add ^ teaspoonful of soda and cook until they crack open. Then pour ofiF soda water and rinse. Make a syrup of 2 heaping cups granulated sugar and drop berries in it. Boil until soft. Rub through a sieve and pour into moulds. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Boss Chili Sauce. Fifteen fine ripe tomatoes. Four mangoes (2 red, 2 green). Two onions. Two cups sugar. Two cups vinegar. Two teaspoons salt. One tablespoon cinnamon. One teaspoon cloves. One part teaspoon celery seed. -Mrs. Krueger. 87 Cold Chilli Sauce. One-half peck ripe tomatoes. Nine medium size onions. Nine peppers. Four cups sugar. Four cups vinegar. One-half cup shaker salt. Two tablespoonfuls ground cinnamon. Two tablespoonfuls ground allspice. One tablespoonful ground cloves. Grind tomatoes, onions, and peppers together, put spices in them, add vinegar. Its now ready to serve, (Will keep without canning.) — Mrs. Geo. Blanke. Chili Sauce. Eighteen ripe tomatoes. Six onions. Three mangoes. Scald and peel tomatoes, cook with onions and mangoes un- til tender, then add 1 cup sugar, ^ cup vinegar, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg. Cook one-half hour. — Mrs. M. B. Hannan. 88 CANDIES "A surfeit of the sweetest things The deepest loathing to the stomach brings." — Shakespeare. Ice Cream Candy. Two cups granulated sugar. Two-thirds cup of water. One-half teaspoon cream of tartar. Butter the size of an tgg. Boil until it drops from spoon in threads. Remove from fire and add vanilla extract. When cool, pull. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Opera Creams. Melt together slowly ^/\ cup milk, 2 cups of sugar, and 2 squares chocolate ; boil four minutes, flavor with vanilla, and put in cold place. Do not touch for at least an hour, or until it is absolutely cold, then beat it until it becomes thick and creamy. Drop in round balls on waxed paper.— Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Ice Cream Candy. Three cups granulated sugar. One-half cup water. One-half cup vinegar. Flavor with vanilla. Boil until it hardens in cold water. Pull till snow white. — Mrs. J. T. Llewellyn. Divinity Candy. Three cups granulated sugar. Two-thirds cup of water. One-third cup of corn syrup. Let cook until when tried it clinks against the glass. After the candy has cooled a bit pour over the stififly beaten whites of eggs, beating all the time. Add 1 cup of nuts, also extract. It may then be dropped onto buttered plates, or poured into pans and marked into squares. To 1 cup of sugar allow the white of 1 tgg. — Mrs. J. H. Dutton. 89 Fudge. Two cups brown sugar. One-half cup milk. Butter size of a walnut. Pinch of salt. Two tablespoonfuls of chocolate or cocoa if desired. Place on stove and let boil until it forms a soft ball in water stirring constantly. Let cool a little while, add vanilla extract and beat until it hardens, then pour on molding board and knead for five minutes. Form loaf and cut in squares. Chopped nuts or cocoanut may be kneaded into this. — Mrs. Chas. W. Adams. Cream Fudge. One and one-half cupfuls of granulated sugar. One-half cupful of rich milk. Let stand on slow fire until dissolved, then let boil hard for ten minutes. Beat until creamy and add flavoring ; chopped nuts may be added. Pop Corn Balls. One cupful of sugar. One-fourth cupful of molasses. Two teaspoonfuls of vinegar. One-fourth teaspoonful of butter. Pinch of salt. Boil until it spins a thread, then pour over popped corn. Mix well, when cooled off, form into balls. — Mrs. Anna M. Shoup. Fudge. Two cups granulated sugar. One-fourth teaspoon of cream of tartar. Two teaspoonfuls of cocoa. One cup milk. One teaspoonful butter. Stir ingredients together and boil until a soft ball is formed when tested in cold water. Take from fire, let stand until it is perfectly cold, then add )4 teaspoon salt and beat until creamy. — Mrs. Geo. Blanke. Candied Pop Corn. Put into a kettle 1 tablespoonful butter, 3 tablespoonfuls water, 1 teacup of sugar. Boil until ready to candy. Then throw in 3 quarts of nicely popped corn. Stir briskly until candy is evenly distributed over corn. Take kettle from fire, stir until it is cooled a little, and you have each grain separated and crys- tallized with sugar, taking care that corn does not burn. Nuts of any kind may be prepared in same way. — Mrs. J. T. Llewellyn. 90 Candied Pears. Peel and halve pears. Have ready and boiling a thick syrup made with 1 cup water to each pound of sugar. Drop pears in this and let them cook until tender — no longer. Remove from fire and let stand for 2 days. Then take out pears and drain, sprinkle sugar over each piece separately. Dry them slowly in the sun or in a moderate oven with the door partly open. — Mrs. Lester Johns. Maple Cream Candy. Three cups brown sugar. One cup milk. Half teaspoon of vanilla. One cup, or less, of walnut kernels. Butter size of large egg. Boil sugar and milk ten minutes, stirring constantly ; add butter and boil until candy hardens when tried in cold water. Remove from the stove, stir for a minute briskly, and add nuts and vanilla. Pour into buttered pans and mark into squares when partly cooled. — Ruth E. Fries. l»l Patronize our advertisers. They are the means of making this book possible. 92 BEVERAGES Tea Punch. Four cups water. Three-fourths cup lemon juice. Two cups sugar. Three-fourths cup orange juice. Two cups mild tea infusion. Make a syrup of the sugar and water, cooking it for five min- utes, then add fruit juice and tea. Strain, dilute with 3 cups cold water and chill thoroughly. Note : To make the tea infusion use 1 teaspoon tea to 2 cups boiling water. Allow to steep 3 minutes. — Mrs. D. B. Whistler. Fruit Punch. Juice of 3 oranges. Juice of 3 lemons. Two pints of any fruit juice, cherry for instance. Two quarts red raspberries. One quart sliced pineapple. Preserved cherries. One and one-half cups sugar boiled in 1 quart water. Then add water to taste. — Mrs. Lester Johns. Orange Tea. Peel an orange and remove all of the white skin. Slice the orange very thin and take out the seeds. Put a slice into the bottom of each cup before you pour the tea. Sweaten it with granulated sugar. Chocolate Cream Nectar. Melt two ounces of chocolate in a dry saucepan over a gentle heat; add half a cupful of liquid coflfee, and cook it for two minutes, stirring it constantly. Then add one cupful of sugar and three cupfuls of water, and cook for five minutes. Flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla, and serve it with a tea- spoonful of whipped cream heaped on each cup. 93 USEFUL HINTS Try raisins cooked with oatmeal. Equal parts of turpentine and kerosene will remove paint from windows. Squeaking doors ought to have the hinges oiled by a feather dipped in linseed oil. Often discolorations on enamel ware may be removed by rubbing with a cloth dipped in vinegar. Add two tablespoonfuls of ammonia to every four quarts of water with which windows are washed. Silk should never be ironed on the right side, as it will be shiny wherever the iron has touched it. Put a handful of raisins on top of apples when baking your apple pies. This gives them a fine flavor. If you want mashed potatoes extra nice, use the milk hot and beat until they stand up nice and flaky. Before lifting up your beefsteak, pour one-half cupful of milk over it and let it boil up ; makes steak very nice. After frying pour a little vinegar into the frying pan ; let it get hot, and it will remove all smell from the pan. When baking custard pies put one-third teaspoonful of bak- ing powder in custard ; it makes it nice and firm. A little bluing and ammonia added to the water in washing windows will make them clear and easy to clean. To prevent the gravy soaking through the bottom crust of meat pies brush over the crust with white of an egg. When washing coarse clothes use soft soap, as it will go farther than ordinary yellow and is more efficacious. Machine oil may be removed from cloth by rubbing the spot with lard and then washing with warm water and soap. Do not leave wooden tubs 'dry, or they will quickly crack and come apart. Keep a little water always standing in them. A little sugar or molasses added to the stove polish gives a brighter and more lasting polish, also prevents so much dust. To mend gloves buttonhole each side of the rip with thread to' match the glove, then turn and whip together on the wrong side. 94 Old hair brushes which have become quite soft can be made quite hard "and firm again by dipping them in a strong solution of alum. Butter should always be kept in a stone jar, with the lid on tight, otherwise it is liable to absorb odors of other foods kept in the chest. If you want a good thing to use for scraping kettles, split a common clothes pin in half and try it. The soft wood does not mar the most delicate enamel. To exterminate the small red ant use oil of cinnamon. Apply a feather to the places they frequent. One or two applications is usually all that is necessary. To keep yeast cake remove the tinfoil from the cake of com- pressed yeast and bury the cake in a cup of salt and set in a cool place. It will keep fresh a week. To clean unwashable jabots shake out the dust, cover with cornstarch and put away for several days. They will be as good as new after the cornstarch is shaken out. To renew rancid butter, cut in two or three parts and let stand in fresh milk five or six hours. Then remove and rinse in clear water. It will be as fresh as if just churned. Ordinary baking soda is an excellent cleaning medium for mud stains. Dampen a cloth, dip it into the soda and rub the offending spots. If pressing is necessary do it on the wrong side of the material. Remove all dust from your leather couch with a damp cloth, then saturate a cloth with olive oil and go over it, rubbing well. Polish with clean soft cloth. It will prolong the life of the leath- er and improve its appearance very much. A small pane of glass, the edges protected by passe partout binding, is a simple contrivance for saving the pages of the cook book. The book opened to the recipe which is being followed, places the glass over the page. The recipe which is being followed without the covering. The page is protected from soiled fingers, and the glass acts, too, as a paper weight in preventing the leaves being turned by a whifif of air. THINGS WORTH KNOWING To tighten a Machine Belt. When you are in a hurry and the machine belt becomes loose do not stop to tighten it, simply put a drop of machine oil on it, turn the wheel a few seconds, and proceed with a tightened belt. 95 Spoons for Measuring. Purchase a few tin teaspoons, bend the handles double, about an inch from the end, so they will be shorter and stiffen Put one in each of the soda, baking powder, and all other in- gredients that are measured by the spoonful, and leave them there. As long as the spoons do not get wet they will not need to be washed. This will avoid hunting a spoon for each ingre- dient measured, and washing all the spoons. Marking Stockings. Before putting stockings into the wash each week, if each person will tack the two stockings of each pair together at the hems (a half dozen stitches over and over are sufficient), she will save much time and annoyance trying to mate them after- ward. This is especially helpful in a large family where different colored thread may be used by each person. Boil the Silver. Put on a big saucepan of water, with a bit of soap and a handful of borax, and boil the silver, and then polish it while it is still hot. It looks like new and has a shine on it that lasts for several days without more rubbing. About Scrubbing Brushes. When through using scrubbing brush, always put it to dry with the bristles downward. This saves the brush, as it prevents the water from soaking into the wood and rotting the bristles. To Soften Paint Brushes. Paint brushes that have become hard and dry can be softened in the following manner. Heat some vinegar to the boiling point, immerse the brushes in it and allow them to simmer for ten min- utes, then wash in strong soapsuds. Softening Hard-Boiled Eggs. Eggs that have been boiled too long can be softened by lift- ing the saucepan off the fire and quickly placing it under the cold water faucet, allowing the cold water to run into it. The sudden shock in changing from hot to cold water has the effect of soft- ening the egg. About Ivory. The darkened handles of knives and forks may be cleaned very satisfactorily in the following manner : Rub them with a paste made of equal parts of chalk, olive oil, and ammonia, letting it dry before washing it off. This also can be used on piano keys. 96 Gold Chains. Always clean gold chains in the following manner, you will find it excellent: Put the chains in a bottle of warm soapsuds to which a little prepared chalk has been added, shake until clean, then rinse in clear, cold water. To Stone Raisins. Having discovered the quickest and best way to stone raisins, I pass it on to others. Place the raisins on a tin plate in a hot oven. When they are heated through they can be split open and the stones easily removed. To Whiten Bread Boards. Having discovered an excellent way to whiten bread boards and keep them white, I pass it on to others. Rub the board with half a lemon, then wash in cold water and place in the sun to dry. To Whip Thin Cream. When whipping cream that is too thin to whip, it is a very good plan to place the dish containing the cream into another dish of cold water and leave it there until it is well chilled. Then put it into a pan of hot water and it will whip without difficulty. One Wife's Query. Ammonia'll loosen varnish, And lye will loosen grease. The rear end of the hammer Will loosen nails with ease. Hot water'll loosen paper That decorates the wall, And soap and water'll loosen dirt. When cleaning in the fall. And oil'U loosen up the rust, On the pots and pans. And sand and soft soap loosens The grime on toil stained hands. But I one other loosener Sought in vain in every nook — What sort of thing will loosen the strings Of husband's pocket-book? 97 MEDICAL HINTS Hand Lotion. Five cents worth quince seed, five cents worth alcohol, five cents worth glycerine, five cents worth cologne water. Boil quince seed in one quart water until quantity is one pint, strain and add other articles. — Mrs. Lester Johns. Cough Remedy. One glass honey. One ounce glycerine. Five cents worth rock candy. Juice of 2 baked lemons. Dissolve all together, take as often as you like. — Mrs. Geo. Blanke. Bruises. For a bruise rub a little olive oil or butter into the skin to prevent discoloring. — Mrs. Anna M. Shoup. Spice Plaster. Make a chest protector of soft muslin and flannel sewed to- gether. Hollow it out for the neck and sew tapes to tie at neck and under arms. Spread thickly on muslin side with vaseline, sprinkle well with grated nutmeg, and two or three drops of spirits of turpentine. Mix together, warm slightly, and apply to the chest. This is an almost unfailing remedy for croup. — Mrs. W. O. Fries. Gargle for Sore Throat. One pint hot water. One level teaspoon salt. One level teaspoon vinegar. Bit of camphor, potash, and pepper. —Mrs. H. F. Shupe. 98 Table of Weights and Measures Two cups of sifted flour 1 pound One pint of sifted flour 1 pound One pint of closely packed butter 1 pound Two tablespoonfuls of liquid 1 ounce One wineglassful 2 ounces Two wineglassfuls 1 gill Two cupfuls 1 pint Butter the size of an egg about 2 ounces Time Table for Cooking Loaf Bread 40 to 60 minutes Rolls and Biscuits 10 to 20 minutes Graham Gems 30 minutes Gingerbread 20 to v30 minutes Sponge Cake 45 to 60 minutes Plain Cake 30 to 40 minutes Fruit Cake 2 to 3 hours Cookies 10 to 15 minutes Bread Pudding 1 hour Rice and Tapioca 1 hour Indian Pudding 2 to 3 hours Steamed Pudding 1 to 3 hours Steamed Brown Bread 3 hours Custards 15 to 20 minutes Pie Crust about 30 minutes Plum Pudding 2 to 3 hours 99 Shredded Wheat Dishes A dainty, wholesome, appetizing meal can be prepared with Shredded Wheat Biscuit "in a jiffy." It is ready-cooked and ready- to-serve. You can do things with it that are not possible with any other "breakfast food." It is the only cereal food made in Biscuit form. Combined with fresh and preserved fruit, or with creamed meats or creamed vegetables, or simply eaten as a breakfast food with milk or cream, it is delicious, nourishing and satisfying. Shredded Wheat is made of the whole wheat cleaned, cooked, drawn into fine porous shreds and twice baked. It is the cleanest, purest cereal food made in theVorld. Recipes for making many wholesome "Shredded Wheat Dishes" will be found in this book. SHREDDED WHEAT is made in two forms: BISCUIT, for breakfast or fany meal; iTRISCUIT, ''the Shredded Wheat Wafer, eaten as a toast for luncheon or any other meal with butter,"cheese or 'marmalades. Both the Biscuit and Triscuit should .be'heated^in the oven to restore crispness before serving. Our new Cook Book is sent free for the asking.^ Made by THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 100 9 88t88t^t^t0 SS3HONO0jOAHVban PHONES; Bell M-4070; Home WHITME UNDERTAKE W^e Furnish the Public What They Want — Service the Best 704 Nortk Main Street DAYTON, OHIO THE BROWN FURNITURE COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS RECIPROCITY ^^^^^ The young lady is very affectionate — ^and TH'i^^^BBR BUSINESS! The young man appreciates her affection — THAT'S HIS BUSINESS! Their aflfections grow to love and they marrv—THAT'S THEIR BUSINESS! Then when they need Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies Furmshing»~THAT"S OUR BUSINESS! 1)5.137.139 E. Stii St. Your Patronkgt ia Solicited THE OTTERBEIN PR ESTABLISHED J834 AS THE U. B. PUBLrSHlNG W. R. Funk. Attn) PRINTING BINDING ENGRA' ELECTROTYPING LITHOGRAPHING PHOTOGRAPHING 230-250 Wet Fifth Strwt Davton, Ohio DIAMONDS WATCHES WEBB T. EBY & CO. Jewelers and Diamond Merchants 6 E. FIFTH ST., NEAR MAIN CUT GLASS SILVERWARE