o E 650 .L15 Copy 1 \ A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE 6 f .^:aiies wm^ ■ifla! M SSSGIi OF CHARLESTON, S. C, From its Organization in 1865 to April 1, 1880. TOGETHER WITH A Roster of the Confederate Dead, Interred at Magnolia and the various City Church-Yard;. CHARLESTON, >^. C. H. P. Cooke & Co., Printers, ■ ; Br Dad Street. 1880, / ? A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE Madies' Hi OF CHARLESTON, S. C, Fkom tts Organization ix 18()5 to April 1. 1880. TOGETHiJR WITH A Roster of the Confederate Dead, i Interred at Magnolia and the various City Church-Yards. .^"V i / CHARLESTON, S. C. H. ]^ Couke & Co., Printers, o2 Broad Street. 1880. U^w c , PREFATORY NOTE. The original design of the compiler was to prepare a list of the Confederate dead buried in the grounds of the Ladies' Memorial Association at Magnolia. It was sug- gested that the names of the soldier dead in private burial grounds at Magnolia and in the City Church Yards would fill a desideratum long felt. Correspondence was accordingly entered into with officers and prominent members of the several city churches, and a notice to all relatives and friends of the dead was published in the newspapers soliciting information. Numerous replies were received, and the following lists show the result of the inquiry. The compiler would dis- claim any responsibility for errors in the lists of the dead in the City Church Yards, and Private Lots in Magnolia, though he has made every effort towards insuring cor- rectness. YATES SNOWDEN. Charleston, S C, May 3, 1880. "Here let nien who never surrendered except to death, find a fitting resting place — in a spot overlooking the waters which were never parted by a hostile keel so long as an artillery-man remained with his portfire behind the guns which guarded them, and yonder battered and rag- ged fortress which though often assaulted was never car- ried by storm. Here let them sleep with those who never looked upon a conqueror's flag floating over the citadels of a sovereign State, but closed their eyes upon a still free and defiant Commonwealth. Shoulder to shoulder they stood: now let them lie side by side. Confederates in life, Confederates let them be in death. — Rev. J. L. Gir- ai'deau, Memorial Day, 1871." CORRESPONDENCE. Charleston, S. C, March 24tli, 1880. Prof. F. A. Forcher. Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Ladies' Memorial Asso- ciation, held on the 24th instant, we the undersigned were appointed a committee to prepare a History of the Association, since its inception in 186(5. Your name was immediatelj^ suggested, as one eminently fitted for the work. To give you an idea of its scope, we enclose the various papers published by the Association, the letters of Col. A. C. Haskell, Hon. J. D. Pope and Mr. G. T. Berg, the Architect, in regard to the Monument; the Minute Book, and Treasurer's Accounts, and the correspondence of the Secretary and President, with" Dr. Weaver and others, relative to the removal of the South Carolina dead from Gettysburg. Asking for this matter your careful and early consideration, we are with high regard, Yours very respectfully, Mrs. M. P. MATHESON, Miss ROSA M. PRINGLE, Mrs. J. R. SOLOMONS, Mrs. G, H. MOFFETT, Mrs. M. A. SNOWDEN, Com 11/ iff ee. To 3irs. M. F. 2Iafheson and other Ladies: Ladies: In reply to your letter to me of the 2-l:th ult., I have the honor to submit the following sketch, which has been faithfull}^ compiled from the letters and other papers which you placed in ni}-^ hands. Hoping that it may be satisfactory to you, I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, F. A. PORCHER. The Association was organized in 18GG with the follow- ing Officers. 1866. ^h-s. ^r. A. SJJOWDEN, President. Miss M. C. BUIIROAVS, Vice-President. Mrs. H. WIGFALL, Treasurer. Miss A. SIMPSON, Secretary. 1867 — Re-elected. 1868— Re-elected. 1869— -Re-elected. 1870. Mrs. I\I. A. SNOWDEN, President. Miss M. F. BLAMYER, Vice-President. Mrs. H. W IGF ALL, Treasurer. Miss A. SIMPSON, Secretary. 1871. Mrs. M. A. SNOWDEN, President. Miss E. C. PALMER, Vice-President. Mrs. C. W. OLInEY, Treasurer. Miss A. SIMPSON, Secretary. 1873. Mrs. M. A. SNOWBEN, President. Miss E. C. PALMER, Vice-President. Miss SUSAN ABGER, Treasurer. Miss A. SIMPSON, Secretary. 187o — Re-elected. • 1874— Re-elected. 1873 — Re-elected. 1876— Re-elected. 1877. Mrs. M. A. SNOWBEN, President. Mrs. ZIMMERMAN BAYIS, Vice-President. Miss SUSAN ABGER, Treasurer. Miss x\. SIMPSON, Secretarj^ 1878— Re-elected. 1879. Mrs. M. A. SNOWBEN, President. Mrs. P. J. POR(!HER, Vice-President. Miss SUSAN ABGER, Treasurer. Miss A. SIMPSON, Secretary. OF CHARLESTON. S. C, Was formed in 180'!. Its primary object was to take care of the Graves of the Confederate Dead, wlio were buried in Magnolia Cemetery, and to erect a suitable Monument to their memory. After the Battle of Secessionville, the dead who fell in that contest, and who afterwards died in hospitals, were, by the kindness of the officers of the Magnolia Cemetery Company, provided with graves in one of the squares of the Cemetery. Those who had lived about Charleston vv^ere buried by their families in their respective gravej^ards. The dead who were received in Magnolia were Confederates from the several States engaged in the common cause. It thus became the nucleus of a Confederate Cemetery, and con- tinued to be used for that purpose during the war, until it was enriched with the remains of more than eight hun- dred victims of the lost cause. Besides taking decent care of the graves of the dead wlio fell in the cause common to all of us. it was desira- ble that the graves should, as far as possible, be marked, so that the memory of those wdio rejDose in them might be known. This was done, and there are over eight hundred head stones erected in the Cemetery, each marked with the name, the State, and the special com- mand in which the deceased fell. To accomplish this work required a great deal of money, and, by reference to the balance sheet appended, it will be seen that the whole amount of money received by the Association is under eleven thousand ($10,373.23) dollars, and that about four thousand ($4,324.57) dollars remain in its hands, about half of which will be required to meet the payment of orders which are in process of execution. The Legislature of South Caroliua, (an un-reconstruct- ed Legislature), came liberally to the aid of the Associa- tion, and gave one thousand dollars towards the object it had in view. Besides this donation in money, it granted the Association a large quantity of granite and marble, which was lying in Columbia for the building of the new State House, and which would not be required for that purpose. To get the marble and granite thus granted was not an easy task. By the time the Associa- tion was ready to receive it, the government of the State had passed into other hands, and those who had in charge its administration had no sympathy with the objects of the Association. To overcome this obstacle required the unwearied perseverance of the President of the Association, and she finally extorted from Governor Scott an order for the deliver}^ of a part of the material which the Legislature had granted. In her efforts to persuade the unwilling Governor, she was ably seconded by Col. A. C. Haskell, who, from an intimate knowledge of all the facts of the case, declares that "but for her persistent efforts the granite and marble would not have been procured." It is from the material thus hardly gained, that more than eight hundred head stones have been erected, and the granite base which forms the pedestal of the monument prepared to be erected. The Confederate dead who fell at Gettysburg, earl}^ attracted the attention of the Association. The dead who fell and who lie in the battlefields of Virginia and Maryland, repose among friends and sympathizers, and their remains may, with confidence, be. committed to their keeping. But it is not so with those who lie in Pennsylvania. There the graves are regarded as those of rebels and traitors, and it was earnestly desired to bring home the soldiers of South Carolina who lie on the field of Gettysburg. It was ascertained that a gentleman of that neighborhood, who looked with a friendly eye upon the Southern soldier, had taken such notes of the inter- ment of those who fell on the field, as well as of those who subsequently died in the hospitals, that the graves could be identified. Here was a new case calling for the active energy of the President. She visited Gettysburg, saw and conversed witli Dr. Weaver, and made arrange- ments for the removal of the dead of South CaroHha. In this she was actively and effectively aided by Miss McRae, of Baltimore, who, with other ladies, had devoted herself to the cause as a hospital nurse, and by the sym- pathizing aid of Mrs. Ada Egerton, of Baltimore. Two difficulties presented themselves at Gettysburg, A large number of soldiers had been interred on the field of battle, and the owners of the ground refused to per- mit the bodies to be removed unless they were paid for. The perseverance of the President, aided, it should be added, by that of the farmer's wife, finalh^ obtained his consent to their removal, and his note book was of mate- rial use in discovering and identifying the remains. The other difficulty was, that many of the bodies were lying in that portion of the field since set apart as a Union Cemetery, and it was necessary to obtain permission at Washington for their removal. This was obtained after some delay, Mr. Weaver is said to have worked zeal- ously in the matter after the President had failed in her efforts to obtain permission from General Meigs. Before the work of disinterment could be effected, Mr. Weaver died, in consequence of an accident on the rail- wa5^ His son, Dr. R. B. Weaver, whose sympathy with his father had caused him to become acquainted with the field, superintended the removal and interment of more than eighty South Carolinians. They were sent to Bal- timore without any charge to the Association. At Balti- more, Messrs. Mordecai & Co., agents for a line of steamships between that city and Charleston, gave the boxes containing the bodies free transportation to this city. It was deemed advisable at Baltimore to place the bodies on the steamer by night, and secretly, from res- pect to the superstition of the sailors. The remains arrived in Charleston, and on the 10th May, 1870, eighty- four bodies were buried in the Magnolia Cemetery, It was on this occasion that Rev, Dr, Girardeau delivered his memorable address. Besides the head stones erected in Magnolia, the Asso- elation has contributed the material, and, in some cases, erected monuments to several distinguished martyrs of the lost cause, among others, one to Col. Benj. Johnson, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Hampton Legion, killed in the first battle of Manassas; to Lieut. Edwin DuBose, of St. Stephen's Parish; to Major J. N. Wampler, of Maryland, of the Engineer Corps; to Allan Stuart, of Beaufort; and George N. Hollins, a son of the late Commodore Hollins; and some others, as well as thirty head stones over the remains of Confederate marines buried in the Seaman's Burying Ground on the Ashley River. Having thus done honor to the individual dead, it was resolved that a suitable monument should be erected in memory of all who fell; and the President was author- ized to tp^ke the necessary steps for its accomplishment. The architect whom she employed was Mr. G. T. Berg, of Columbia, a gentleman who was engaged in the State House from its commencement, after the unfortunate catastrophe by which the original plan was destroyed. Besides this engagement, Mr. Berg has distinguished himself in the construction of other buildings, the execu- tion of which shows him to be a master of his profession. What the monument is to be remains yet to be seen. At present, it is a granite base, the sides of which will be covered with basso relievos in bronze. Two of these are now being cast in Munich. One is the seal of the Con- federate States; the other, a section of Fort Sumter. The cost o,f these two faces will be about fifteen hundred dollars. It is yet undetermined what inscriptions the other faces shall bear, certain it is that they will require the expenditure of nearly all the money of the Asso- ciation. What superstructure shall be put upon the base, is a question of interest and importance ; and it is desirable that it shall be soon determined. Some have wished it to be the statue of a Confederate soldier. This would be in every respect a suitable finish. Others desire a plain shaft raised on the base. This will not exceed the means of the Association, and the whole, together with the inscriptions and decorations on the faces of the base, will form a suitable and appropriate monument. And this was the piii'pose of the Association two years since, in 18?S, but in deference to the wishes of some was postponed. The Monument has been appropriately placed in the midst of the graves of those whose death it commemo- rates. It is plain and unostentatious, but neat and ap- propriate. As it is a memorial of a lost cause, it should not be a triumphal memorial. Placed in the City of the Dead, and near the entrance, the sight of it cannot fail to call back the memory of the sad history which it com- memorates. A splendid monument in the city would be onh^ an ornament to be gazed on with listless and indif- ferent eyes; and, instead of being a memorial of the dead, would be only the object of cold, art criticism. Its proper place, therefore, is just where it is, in the midst of the silent slumberers, whose deeds, and whose failures, it is designed to keep alive in the memories of the people. The work performed by the Association may be reca- pitulated as follows: The Graves have been cared for for fourteen years, at the expense of the Association. They have been annualh^ decorated with flowers. A Hedge has been planted around the grounds and kept in order. Upwards of eight hundred head stones have been erected in the grounds, besides many others which have been erected elsewhere. Eighty-four bodies of South Carolinians, who fell at Gettysburg, have been removed, brought to Charleston, and re-interred in their grounds. The base of the Monument has been carefully and skillfully laid by accomplished workmen. Messrs. Heath and Roberts of Columbia, ready for any superstructure which may be erected upon it. Besides this, orders are now in process of execution, at Munich, for two sides of the base. A great deal of money has been saved to the Associa- tion through the good feeling and liberality of those who 10 aided with their work ; and the frequent journeys of the President to Gettysburg, Baltimore, Washington, and elsewhere, have been, on her part, labors of love, and have not cost the Association anything. There remains in the treasury, besides the City Stock referred to, about $2500, of which $1500 is pledged to pay for the work ordered at Munich. 11 Condensed Statement of Receipts and Payments of Ldies' Memorial Association, from 18G6 to Jan., 1880. AMOUNTS RECEIVED. From Subscriptions and Donations. .$4,377 06 Donation from State 1,000 00 l^'rom Entertainments. . . .$1,943 10 Less expenses for Hall. etc 225 00 1,718 10 Interest on Cit}^ Stock 1,233 23 Interest on Deposits and Loans 251 15 From Collections Memo- rial Days $2,117 31 Less expenses, $305 40, including carriage hire and stationery, $63 83 ".. 369 23 1,748 08 From Raffles and Sale of Marbles, etc. 45 00 Total amount received $10,373 22 AMOUNTS PAID OUT. For care of Ground since 1866 $1,006 63 For Head Stones 1,897 27 For Foundation of Monument 2,783 75 Removinsf and Interring Bodies.... 461 00 Total amount expended $ 6,148 65 January 1, 1880. By excess of receipts over expenditures $4,224 57 This excess is represented as follows: Casli on deposit in Savings Department South Carolina Loan and Trust Company. $2,528 37 *Citv 4 per cent, bonds, 2. 100 costs 1,696 20 4,224 57 *Thcse fit}' 4 per cent. Bonds were taken by the Association in lieu of a deposit oi 8l,S96 20 in the iSixviiiHS Bank, ot which Heury S. GrifCRS was President, which was. seized by Gen. Sickles. Eurial Ground of the Confedera,te Dead^ MAGNOLIA CEMETERY. Kaiik: \Co\ I }{< ilinir, (ilhcr i-oh iMilc of Death. Rcinitrhx. Ackeriiuvii, (f V Adiiuis, K Adams, 1) K Adams. WD •• ;Vlieii, H Wiley Allen, Jacob Allen, W R Aimer, E F Ancrum, Douglas J. Anderson, (t W Anderson, J M Andrews. George.. .. Arant, F Arline, P J Atkinson. John Au.^tiii, B F Austin, Nathaniel .. Private do do do do do ,V uA\\ N (' Re-t j 'Sth S C Reyt El') 1st lst N C Re-^'t 1 S C Regt Atj 1 st S C Regt 12 Gra Bat'ion 2 S C Regt Atyl JulV 5, 18G4 1st S C Militia' Feb 9i! 1865 14th S C Reirt Augr 22, 1863 Axson, Lewis S. Private Baers (orBvars,)I»]SI Private .K Bacon. J F' ', do !g Bailey, Henry do |E Baker, Francis.. ...i Sergt Uj Baker, J P jPrivate Baker, J T I tlo A Ballard, W R |2d Lieutfo I St;;] ("olleton Co., >< ('. Remains removd from (Tettvsburjir Julv 18. 1862 July 17, 1863 June 24. 186.5 S C V Julv 13, 1863 I Oct 11, 1863 Julv 21, 1864 Julv 3, 1862 Se|)t 2. 1863 July 24, 1863 June 18, 1861] May 23, 18B4 Ballin. Jas IPrivate Ballott, F E (or C).. tlo Barlield, John I Barr, Lerov J'rivate Barrentine, Nelson Barrentine, Wilson Barton, E J^ Bates, C W Beatty, James (J .... Berry, th Ua Regt 4 Cia Regt Cav l.st 8 (' Regt 32(1 (ia Regt I 8 ( ' Regt Aty 21st 8 C Regt 21st 8 C Regt Smith's Batl'n 1st S C Regt 26th Va Regt .-, I st N C Regt 2d 8 C Regt Jan 23, 1862 Julv 1-5, 1862 June 13, 1862 Oct 30, 1863 Aug 23, 1863 Oct 3, 1863 July 30, 1862 Jan 1(>. 186.5 Aug 6, 1862 Feb 16, 1865 July 16, 1862 June 20. 1862 June 27, 1862 Aug IS, 1862 8ept 15, 1863 June 26, 1862 Aug 16, 1863 June 18, 1862 Nov 23, 1863 Julv 16, 1864 July 2, 1862 ijulV 25, 1864 Dec 1'), 1862 Julv 28, 1863 Aug 5, 1863 June 14, 1862 Oct 21, 1864 Nov 15, 1863 July 20, 1863 Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Kershaw (Jo., 8 V. Laurens Co., S C. Renniins remov'd from Gettysburg SC. Spartanburg, S C Ga. Siege Train. Remains remov'd from Gettysburg [Co Capt. Bramlett's Eutaw Battalion Eutaw Battalion Federal Deserter Remains remov'd from Gettysburg 18 (T)XFEDERATE DEAD. jVa77ic, Bloloch, J I)., liobbett, W J Boiler, John.. Bounds, .1 M.. Bo wen, AC.. Hank. \c •^ do do Corp'I Private Bowen, N T Boyce, C Brady, John.. Bragg, Daniel Brake, J Branch, A Ivy Branch, George .... Branlett, W H Brasington, (»eorge C ■...{2d Lieut Bringleton, Jas 'Private Britt, N j do Private do do do do do do do Jiepiment or other command Barnwell L Ar ISth S (J Regt 8u)jth IS (J Bat Boykin'.s :20 S C I Date of Death. (Jan 4, 18G5 'June -30, 18G2 July la, 1803 Jan 29, 1802 I Brock, A M Brooks, J DeLoach Brow, M L Brown, A B Brown, James Brown, Jesse Brown, John Brown, Joseph .... Brown, T do do do do do do do do do KUCth Ga Regt K 2 Florida Reg I'Oct^SO, 18«2 {>•:_' St N O Regt Aug 24, 18C3 1> •j4th Ga Regt " Preston Bat'rv K oist ?v^ C Regt"^ 1st S C Arty E (ith >S C Regt 2d S C Regt H Brown, M P Brown, M Brown, T F Brown, V Brown, Zack Browning, Bruce, E C I do do do do do do do Aug 30. li Sept 10, 1863 July 28, 1863 Dec 25, 1861 April 18, 1864' Remarks, Sumter Countj Remains broug from Chester, 1 \younded at G* tysburg Battery 5 1st x\ C Regt Gist Guards Eutaw Bat'ion 1st S C Regt 20th SC Regt 1st Ga Regt 7th N G Regt Stephen's Le'n| Feb 11. 1862 32d Ga Regt July 8, 1864 12th S C Regt j I Jan 3, 1865 Aug 29, 1863 I Sept 30, 1864 Sept \n, W (.T theart, J utiieii, !Saniael . rpt. Ciiarles 0-. .ii-les C aiiL'y, Jacob H- do ilo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sergt andler, W V Cor[)' I .i-^T.»en. W B Private ^>s, William .. ivss. H W n.lress, W R ivers, J K iristmas, Smith .. irk Wm irke, RF ^on, () \V Ml, A J Ivt-r, James II. -h. T , eke. W J , ckraii, (reorge. . . I ffield, S H I'le, J SI ille, Henrv lllyer, T E ilmawary (or Com- ' awar,) James j mel, J J mmiugs, D I mieli, W R oms, S .-n.'v, M •-1HM-, S D oper, WP • 'per, H Iceland, H W il)ett, L ■I'oran, J do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do K4 r.a Bata'ioii June 18, 18()2 (' : S V. Hat'lion Nov 1:5. ISd;? Wilson's LtAr' June 24, 1802 Richland Co., 8 C Va Vols (ilst N C Refi-t 1 S (J Ref?t Art 3 S (' Re-t Mil ■47 Ga Reji't 20 (xa Batt 1st SC lleji-t (>th (ia Regt 51st N C Regt 1st (ia Regt (» (Ta Regt Cav Batt Aitillerv d S C Regt [8 C ChesterJield ("o 12th 8 C Regt 1 8 C Regt Aty th 8 C Regt 1st 8 C Regt 1st 8 C Regt 13th 8 C Regt :]2d Ga Regt i.5th N C Regt 24th 8 Regl 4th La Regt "ilst Ga Regt April 13, 1862 8 C April J). 1803 June 1, 18(53 Feb 10, 180.") IH'c 11, l.S()4 Feb 4, 180.') Oct 12, 1803 Dec 21, 1803 Feb 10, 18(;5 July 27, ]8(ia Aug 13, 1802 April 6, 1804 Dec 12, 1801 AValhalla.()cone6 Richlantl Co., 8 C. I Remains removed j from (jettysburg April 30, 18C2, Vallandingham's Feb 17, 186-) Oct 30, 1803 Nov 21, 1863 Brook's Batt. 10 Tenn Regt C8 A 17th 8 C Regt 18th 8 C Regt ISth 8 C Regt 1 8 C Regt Aty 4 S (" Regt Mil l!)th Ga Regt 31st N C Regt oOth N C Regt 01st N C Regt Palmetto Batt fUst N V Regt 22d 8 C Regt 22d 8 (' Regt 1st 8 C Regt Earle's 8 C Cav 1 8 (J Militia Smith's 8 C Ba 14 Ga Bat'lon 01st N C Regt 1 Regt 8 C Aty Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Nov 21, 1803 Oct 13, 1863 Feb 3d, 1802 I Darlington, 8 C June 24, 1862 Jan 4. 1862 Tennessee July 26, 1862 Aug 11, 1804 Oct 28, 1805 Dec 18. 1861 March 6, 1866 Native of N Y Nov 12, 1863 I June 17, 1862 1 Julv 30, 1862 Ijulv 27, 1862 Leak's Co Va Vol Sept 24, 1863 Feb 19, 1865 Oct 11, 1863 April 30, 1863 Jan 29, 1865 Nov 6, 1863 Feb 1, 1,S04 Dec 27, 1864 June 26, 1862 [July 23, 1862 'Dec 1, 1863 ,Jan 2.1, 1865 Dec 21, 1861 July 10, 1802 Feb 21, 1864 : March 26, 18f;3 June 22, 1863 20 CONFEDERATE DEAD. jVmtie. Rank. Rcf/imenI or other command Date of Drath. Hiniarlcs. Coder, Henry M ... Cornell. J F C ornwell, J Cotton, James (or Joseph) Covern (or Covin,) OW Private do do do do Cox, WH I Crai^, John G Crane, E | Crawford, B F Crim, PL | Crimp, A L i Cross, Isaac C Cross! J Crow, RH..., Crowley, WH | Crutehfield, Thomas Culbertson, Y L i Cunningham, J P ...| Cunnin I Sparta nluirg |< Oct lo, 1863 Aug 4, 1864 I Sept 6, 1862 Sept 1, 1863 Julv 27, 1862 Aug 14. 1863 Dec 9, 1863 Sept 13, 1862 Aug 29, 1863 Oct 2, 1864 Oct 23, 1862 June 24, 1862 April 30, 1863 Aug 24, 1863 i Lexington Co Remains remti from (lettysbi. Remains remc from Chester Died fr'm wou received at ( tysburg. Lex Remains reiu( from Gettvsb' , [Co Anderson' Oapt Bramlet I Capt Sellers's Detailed Cons CONFEDERATE DEAD. 21 iVawie. Hank. Regiment or other command Date of Death. Remarks. aff. J J . unlap, Wesley uncari. J M uncan, Allies urhaiu, M A irnest, AV R 'idy (or EacUly) J F ives, J C age, S V sberry (or Elsber- ry,)J ilenburg, T J lis, Charles ills, W liiiore, D W jiiick, E R Private do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lieut are (or Ewrie,)W ElSer^rt vans, E F -•• vvin^, Robert 1) . zell, L ircloth, Moses ... irmer, J A irrar, F irrell, T M iust, J J (or J L) . lyger, ifguson. W J Ider, W E loyd, A N (or John M) iudd, D ooshe or Foarth JW Durcher, . ranklin. H B. ranklin, L L ree, A J oxworth, A uller, A A alluni, — aimer, W E C arnace, M arse, G C adsden, ThdS Scri ven oth SC Refi-t' 1 Oct 81, IBO;} I Kst S C Militia Feb 17, 18()5 22.1 S C Re^t Auf,' 11, 18()2 ISpartanburg S C 1 S (' Regt Atv'june IT,, lM(;4!Pickens Co S C ISth S (J Re«-tMunel4, 18G2 Anderson Co S C 4(;th (la Regt loth S V Regt 1st S C Atv l)|r)lst NCRegt do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sergt Private do Lieut Corporal Private do do Private IDth Ga Regt 22d S C Regt Bat Artillery 1 SCRegtAtv'<^c^'2^ 1««3 Julv 11, 18G2 June 23, 1802 Sept 28, 18C8 Feb G, 1864 June 27, 1802 Mar 2:5. 1802 26th S C Regt ISth S C Regt 15th S C Regt 32d Ga Regt 27th Ga Regt 51 St N C Regt 8th N C Regt H IstSC Militia G|46th GaRegt Bi7S C Bat ion Ejlst S C Regt B Lucas' Bat'ion D 2d S C Refft Gist Guards 2d S C Res-t Charrton Bat 47th Ga Regt 42d Va Regt 2 SC Regt Aty Alston's B Aty 3d S C Bat'ion 1st S C Regt 34th S C Regt 7 S C Bat'ion Stalling's Bat 2d S C Regt May 30, 1803 Aug 4, 1863 Oct 11, 1863 Aug 13, 1863 Mar 23, 1863 Feb 4, 1802 Feb 10, 1865 Dec 27, 1863 Nov 11, 1863 Aug 30, 1863 April 4, 1864 Dec 7, 1861 Sept 1, 1862 July— 1863 Aug 28, 1863 July 9, 1862 Dec 13, 1864 June 2, 1863 July 24, 1862 June 15, 1863 Sept 12, 1863 Oct 8, 1864 Marker Remains remov'd from Gettysburg [Sumter Killed at Fort Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Remains remov'd from (Gettysburg Buried in grave 28 with eight others Kershaw Co S C Fairfield County Chester, S C Remains remov'd from Gettysburg York Co S C Remains remov'd from Gettysbvirg Buri'd in grave 24 with six others Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Buried in grave 28 with eight others CONFEDERATE DEAD. Name. Rank. \Co\ Rer/iment or other command Date of Death. Remarks. Gaillard, T E I Sergt Gainney, S Granus, L S Gardner, James B. Gates, Chas Gates, Williaiu Gay, B H Gentry, G W Gentrey. Win George, E J Gibbs, M Gibson, S D Gill, C Gilmer, Robt Gladden, 1) Gleason, John Goggans, A J Gorden or Gerdvin, Wm Gosa, N A Gray, John Grayham, George .. Greer, W H Griffin, Joel. Griffitli, J L Griffith, J S Gunter, G N Hagood, James Hall, James S Hall, ML Halman, Luther Haltiwanger, J D ... Hamilton, Tristram Hammer, J Hanmiond, S Hampton, T Hannah, L Hard wick, J W . Harmon, Samuel Harper, S L Harrelson, S T .... Harris, W B Harry, P P Haseitine, Edward E Private Lieut Lieut Private do Lieut Private do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Corp'l Hatchell, H Hatcher, Edward Hatcher, H Hay, T Hays, RH. Private do do do do do do do do do 2d S C Reg C IstSC Regt G|27th Ga Regt Git'harrton Bat E 7th N 'C Regt White's B Atv 9th Ga Regt " 19th Ga Regt 1st S C Bat 12 Ga Bat'ion 7 S C Bat'ion 1 S C Regt Cav 1st S C Militia H 2:M Ga Regt B4th La Bat A o2d Ga Regt CaptWood's CO C 2 S C Regt Atv S C ArtiUerv " F:Pal Bat L Aty j^lBat Artillery ft 1 1st 8 C Regt J7'2 S C Regt Cav I I Bat Artillery D':32d Ga Regt B 1 27th N C Regt H 51st Ga Regt H 20th S C Regt C :20th S C Regt E Lucas' Bat'ion C ,4 S C Bat Res H,8thS C Regt 'Dec 6, 1864 fSept 1, 1863 'Sept 10, 1863 'Dec 27, 1864 July 28, 1862 Jan 1, 1865 Nov 11, 1864 Oct 25, 1864 July 11, 1864 Nov 1, 1863 Nov 11, J863 Jan 9, 1865 Jan 7, 1865 Oct 2(1, 1863 June 18, 1862 Aug 26, 1864 Oct 31, 1864 Jan 20. 1865 June 3, 1864 Aug 31, 1864 Dec 25, 1861 Mar 9, 18()4 July 12, 1864 Mar 23, 1862 Julv 12, 1864 April 15, 1863 Julv 24, 1862 Julv 5, 1863 Feb 4, 1865 June 12. 1861 Aug 27, 1863 Sept 25, 1864 p 8 Ga Regt Cav Jan 11, 1865 A Smith'sSCBat June 29, 1862 I 13th S C Regt D 1 S C Regt Atv Smith'sSC Bat 7th S C Regt 46th Ga Regt July 17, 1863 June 27, 1862 Feb 15, 1865 Dec 20, 1864 fWinnsboro, Remains rem I from Gettysl iClaim'd but r quished. Kershaw Co, Conscript Federal Deser f Fort Sumter Lexington Co, ' Lexington Co,: Remains remo from Gettysbi Remains remo i from Chester a Died fr'm woui s received at G tysburg Charl'n Bat'ln Oct 31, 1862 White's B of A Aug 5, 1862 1 S C Regt Aty Oct 20, 1863 51st N C Regt Aug 15, 1863 Rhett's Bat'ry 25th Ga Regt Nov 27, 1863 Sumter Guard; 1 Remains remo\I from Gettysbu ; CONFEDERATE DEAD. 23 Reifimcnt or other command Date of Death. Remarks, J.,7P w \V do leddeii, Elisha do ^edjr*', T J do ^eisenbuttel, W H do .^elm, B M do do dLenderson, I Corp'l Sendricks, J S Private ienson, G W I d ir ., T AV ' ,) rTenry, J W ^ ■lerricks, J C • licks, John lickson. J E B lill, Nicholas •■ lill, O, (or P) o do do do do do do Tobb, J D do lodg:e, A J do loUaiid, P A do loUister, Andrew ... do lorton, J W do louse, D M Sergt loward, J Privtite do do do do Lieut loyle, T D ludden, W J .... ludson, John L. lughes, Nat lughes, J M.. lunt, F O Private lunt, P O do lunter, A lunter, D L lurburt, J) T ... lutto, N lyatt, F [yde. William... nkles, Richard ibell, Walter ... vey, John ackson, B B .. ackson, John .. ackson, Oliver ackson, William acobs, James amison, J W Wfammer, (t enkins, B R — do do Lieut Private do do Sergt Private do do do do do do do do A| Moon's (ra Beit A 2,)th S V Ke^-t I pWd Ga ReKt A 10th N C Re^t ,1st (xa Regulars E Kith 8 Regt P r>lst N C Regt C 12th S.C Regt J ;51st NC Rest l^:4th Va Regt I [27th Ga Regt D Smith's S G Bat FiSmith'sSGBat A 3d S C Regt B 3d S C Regt 46th Ga Regt 31st S C Regt 18th S C Regt 12 Ga Bafion 23d S Regt tjlst N C Regt 8th N C Reg 2Sth Ga Regt White's SO Bat nth S C Regt 4.")th Va Regt 18th Ga Regt Hagood's S C 1st S C Aty 1 S C Reg Cav Stalling's Bat 11th S C Regt 1st Regt Reg's S C Artillery 21st S C Regt 2d S C Regt Pal Bat L Aty 51st N C Regt —Artillery 24th S C Regt April 9, 18()2 Julv2l, 18()2 June 3, 1864 April 29, 1863 Julv 16, 1804 Dec 21, 1861 July 23, 1863 Mar 11, 1863 Nov 7, 1863 Dec 18, 1863 July IS, 1863 Julv 8, 1863 Mar 17, 1864 July 10, 1863 June 6, 1862 Aug 22, 1862 July 13, 1863 Nov 15, 1863 Aug 31, 1863 Sept 1, 1863 Nov 12, 1863 Sept 19, 1863 Feb 6, 1864 Jan 15, 1865 Julv 14, 1863 May 16, 1862 Aug 7, 1864 Dec 30, 1861 Sept 35, 1864 Oct 14, 1864 June 25, I860 Aug 14, 1863 Oct 28, 1863 E 32d Ga Regt A|21st S C Regt !8th Tenn Regt joOth N C Regt Dl Smith's Bat July 18, 1863 Aug 10, 1863 Aug 11, 1863 May 27, 1863 Oct 5, 1864 Oct 4, 1864 Dec 20, 1861 Jan 1, 1865 June 8, 1863 Capt Part low's Co Remains remov'd from Chester Pa Died fr'm wounds received at Get- tysburg Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Renuiins remov'd from (Gettysburg In grave 24 with six others Anderson Co S C Capt Mitchell's Co- Spartanburg S C McCarroll's Co Pickens Co S C Fairfield Co S C Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Sumter S (J Capt Basher Colleton Co S C Appleby's Co Col Fulton 114: COHiFEDERATE DEAD. Kame. Jenkins, I R M Johnson, J Johnson, A Johnson, OP.. Johnson, Randal •• Johnson, Thomas .. Johnson, AVilliam .. Johnson, W F or T Johnston, H A ....... Jones, E Jones, H Jones, Howell Jones, H S Jones, J .„ Jones, J Jones, S Jones, Stanniore.. Jones, William H Jones, W J Jordan, W J Keans, Kelly, J J Kemp, L D Kendrick, T I Kennedy, W J Kerrington W R . Khoe, Jacob King, J King, M Kirbv, J Knight, F R Knox, R C — Koon, L Koon, W W .. Kurby, A Lacey, M Langdon, S H Langford, P B. Lanier, J H ... LaAvrence, A... Leddy, R Leftin, James Leggett, G W . Leonard, W B, Leverett, D G... Lewis, E W .... Rank, Private do do do do Capt Col Sergt Private do do do do Sergt Private do do do Lieut Private Sergt Private do do Sergt Private do do do do do do do do do do do do Lieut \Co\ Megiment or othet- command Date of Death. Remarks. Private do do do do do do do H 6 S C Regt GavlNov 11, 1864 1 S C Regt Aty 4 S C Reg Mil Gth S C Cav Grey's Torpe- do Boat 24th Ga Regt 1st S C Regt 32d Ga Regt 28th Ga Regt 28th Ga Regt 7th S C Regt 8th N C 1st S C Mil 20th S C Regt 20th S C Regt 32d Ga Regt 32d Ga Regt 32d Ga Regt 23d S C Regt 20th S C Regt 22d S C Regt 22d Ga Bat CS A 46th Ga Regt 2d Bat'ion Ga Cavalry Dunovant's KilstSCCav F 1 21st SO Regt H 2d S C Regt G I 50th N C Regt 15th S C Regt 23d S C Regt B 27th N C Regt I);r)Oth N C Regt E 3d S C Regt Julv 1, 1864 Feb 17, 1865 Oct 1, 1864 Feb 8, 1864 Dec 27, 1863 Nov 4, 1863 Nov 12, 1864 Aug 11, 1864 Nov 29, 1865 Nov 1863 Dec 14, 1861 Feb 9. 1865 Nov 7, 1863 Aug 1, 1863 Oct 5, 1864 Oct 27, 1863 Oct 27, 1864 Dec 10, 1863 Jan 12, 1864 June 23, 1863 Feb 2, 1865 Feb 24. 1865 Sept 19, 1862 Aug 13, 1862 Dec 29, 1861 Oct 12, 1864 June 8, 1863 Nov 3, 1863 Feb 4, 1865 Jan 20, 1865 E!4th La Batlon G,31st N C Regt A 18th GaRegt G|4 Bat'ion State Reserves 51st N C Regt 48th N C Regt 24th S C Regt 15th S C Regt Feb 24, 1863 Sept 23, 1864 Feb 9, 1865 June 18, 1862 July 27, 1863 Nov 27, 1863 Sept 21, 1864 Mar 20, 1863 Mar 20, 1863 Jan 9, 1863 [V On detached s Georgia Remains remo'^ from Gettysbt Greenville S C Pickens Co S O NC Richland Co S Remains remov from Gettysbui Newberry Co S Remains remov" from Gettysbur In grave 28 wit eight others. Rem's rem'd fron Gets'b'gin gravi 28 with 8 others CONFEDERATE DEAD. 25 J^u/iie. Hc.giinent or oilii'r command Date of Death. lionarkx. Lewis, Jos I Private Lindsey, J ]) do Locke, Stephen | Corporal Loper, J jPrivate liOve, R M do Lovelace, John Luke, D H Maddox, James Madrav, J M Malone, C H Massay, J B Mathews, John H... Mayo, John H Maze, John .... do Private do do do do do Sergt Private McCain, J M | do McClain, C Sergt McCaseh, T A Private McClau^hlin. T A... do McCletidon, F do McClendon, Jeff 'son do McCkire David ! do McCorniick. J do INfcCowan, M B Lieut McCrackin, R H. McDonald, J C McDowell, George Marshall McDuffle, Duncan.. McDuffie. D O McGou, J J Mcintosh, G E McKensie, L McKinnon, J (' McKin.^ie, W J. McLaughlin, A McLee (or Lee), Jas. McNeal, J McNeoly, Jason McPherson, James... McWaters. J D McWhorter, M McTurner, A Meadins, F J Medlin, C Meershin, H E C Mellett, M M do Private Lieut do Sei'gt Private do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 6th Ga Hegt nist N C Regt 23d S C Regt 2d S C Regt 1 S C Reg Aty 7 Ga Bat'lion Nelson Light A 1 is C Regt Ar Bennett sSCB 2 8 C Regt At 2bth Ga Regt 1st S C Regt Va Light Aty 23d Ga Regt Oct 19, 1863 Oct 2, 1863 July 21, 1863 Mav 27, 1862 >^ept 10, 1863 June 7, 1862 July 11, 1862 Oct 7, 1862 Feb 15, 1860 Feb 2, 1864 Hept 8, 1863 G or c H 50th N C Regt C j61st Ga Regt Preston B SCA F 32d Ga Regt B 4th La Batt G PalBatt, La AjSlst Ga Regt K !3d S C Regt D 13th S C Regt 2 S C Regt Cav 2d S C Regt Batt Aty 8th S C Begt g'I S C Regt Cav D 2 S C Regt Ar H 26th S C Regt E 1st S C Regt July 10, 1862 Nov 3, 1863 Jan 3, 1865 Jan 20, 1865 Sept 15, 1862 July 10, 1864 Julv 1, 1862 June 5, 1862 Julv 26, 1862 July 26, 1864 June 9, 1861: Sept 12, 1864 Dec 29, 1863 Sept 19, 1863 Sept 24. 1863 E 4 Batt Reser's Oct 8, 1864 D 21st S C Regt Aug 27, 1863 C 7th S C Regt Ser)t 29, 1863 F 50th N C Regt Feb 6, 1865 Dec 17, 1864 White's B Aty Julv 28, 1862 H 24th S C Regt Julv 28, 1862 A 20th S C Regt IMaf 16, 1853 McBeth's L A June 8, 1S62 B 27th Ga Batt Feb 1, 1.S65 G 7th S C Batt Jan 4, 1864 Oct 14, 1864. H 26th S C Regt 'Sept 16, 1863 Siege Train Wheeler's Remains remov'd from Gettvsburg Virgijiia Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Remains remov'd from Gettysburg In grave 24, with six others Remains remov'd from Chester, Pa Died from w'nds received at Get- tysburg Abbeville, S C, re- mains removed from Gettysburg Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Capt Waties 26 CONFEDERATE DEAD, Name. Rank. Reciimenl or other coramand Date of Death. Remarks. Melvin, John Merit, R Messer, William Meyer, J W Meyers, John Michel, G A Michell, G P Middleton, D M , Miles, J A Miles, S C Millor, Joel Mills, Edmund J .. Mills, W G Mills, WR Minshew, William. Minton, M A Mix, EM Mobley, A Mock, J S Mofflt, A Moncier, J Montgomery, J D -. Moore, Jno (E or T) Moore, William Morris, William Mosely, J Moze, Patton , Muuion, J C Murray, William Murray, S Myers, A Nabos, Austin Nations, M Naylor, Redding. Neighbors, H N . Nelson, W A Nettles, FL New, R C Newman, C W Newman, E Newson, B Newton, J Nix, GM Norton, Alexander Nuland, M Private do do do do do do do Private do do Lieut Private do do do do do do do • do do do do do do do do do Corporal Private Lieut Private do do do Sergt Private do do do do do do I j31st N C Regt Artillery Hoist N C Regt Lll2th GaBatt Artillerv 1 S C Regt Aty 1st S C Regt 1 SC Regt Aty 2d S C Regt 7th S C Regt 2d S C Regt 32d Ga Regt 32d Ga Regt 26th Ga Regt 32d Ga Regt 2M S C Regt 6th S C Regt 14th S C Regt 4 Bat Reserves 1 S C Reg Aty 4th La Batt .54th Ga Regt Marion Rifles 8th N C Regt Batt Artillery 7 Ga Bat'ion 27th Ga Regt 3 S C Regt Mil 2d S C Regt 20th S C Regt 20th S C Regt 20th S C Regt 2d S C Regt 31st N C Regt 23d Ga Batt 18th Ga Batt 21st S C Regt 7th S C Militia 11th S C Regt 25th S C Regt 18th Ga Batt Aug 12, 1863 Aug 11, 1862 Mar 8, 1863 Nov 1, 1803 [ter Killed at Ft Sum- [ter June 28, 1862 Killed at Ft Sum- Mar 28, 1864 Nov 7, 1864 July 21, 1863 Feb 1, 1865 July— 1863 Sept 7, 1863 Jan 13, 186.5 Nov 16, 1862 Sept lo, 1863 Dec 13, 1863 Feb 10, 1865 Oct 8, 1864 Nov 5, 1862 June 21, 1862 Sept 19, 1863 Aug 9, 1863 Nov 23, 1862 July 19, 1864 Aug 5, 1863 Mar 28, 1862 June 7, 1862 Dec 3, 1863 Jan 28, 1865 Oct 23, 1863 Jan 27, 186.5 Jan 28, 1865 Feb 10, 1865 Nov 20, 1863 Jan 6, 1865 Sept 19, 1863 Aug 17, 1863 Feb 19, 1865 Nov 16, 1863 June 26, 1862 Jan 2, 1865 Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Buried in grave 28 with eight others Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Remains remov'd from Gettysburg In grave 28 with eight others Remains remov'd from CUiester Pa Died fr'm wound* received at Get- tysburg Georgia (ter Killed at Ft Sum- Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Georgia Remains remov'd from Gettysburg. Beauregard L I CONFEDEKATE DEAD. "Zl Name. Rank, \Co\ Regiment or other command Date of Death. Remarks, O'Dorn (orDom, ) Jno Ogden, James Oliiistead, Owen, W A Owens, FT Pace, J L Parks, R E Patterson, A Paysinger, Henry M Peacock^Comniodore Polk, J W Peavey, A Pelgrin, PP Pendarvis, W J. • Pentecost, H J..-. Perkins, Miles Perrin, Samuel — Pettigrew, Abraham Philips, Daniel .... Philips, SB Phillips, E M. Pigg, D M Plummer, James M Plyler, D H. Poge (or Poag) J R.. Pollard, J Ct Ponist, Thos H Pope, A C Porterfield, Jos H... Porterfield, J W Posey, W H Potter, J M Powers, J H Powers, Thomas ... Prevott, Wilhs Proctor, C Pullen, William .... PuUiam, Robert C. Pulley, E P Quails, J . Radchffe, H J Rasco, H Ratcliffe, Robert Rawlings, Private do do do do do do do do do do Private do do Sergt Private do do do do do do Sergt Private do do do do do do do Lieut Private do do do Sergt Capt Private do do do do do D Palmetto Batt L Artillery 54th Ga Kegt 1 S C Regt Aty 7 8 C Artillery 3 Ga Reserves rth S C Batt ISth S C Regt 3;kl Ga Regt ad S C Regt 8th N C Regt 2d S C Regt German Aty 24th S U Regt 10 Ga Regt Cav 2Gth S C Regt Lafayette Aty 7th N C Regt 27th Ga Regt 59th Va Regt 31st N C Regt 3 S C Regt Mil 1st S C Regt July 23, 18G2 Aug 17, 1863 June 11, 1863 Mar 13, 1864 Dec 38, 1864 Sept 13, 1863 Mar 5, 1864 Dec 23, 1863 July— 1863 Mar 23, 1863 July 11, 1864 July 18, 1864 Aug 26, 1862 Jan 22, 1865 Mar 11, 1864 Jan 3, 1865 Dec 12, 1864 Jan 8, 1864 Jan 27, 1864 Mar 23, 1863 Feb 3, 1865 20th(or22d) t C Regt ISth S C Regt 23d Ga Regt 7th N C Regt 31st N C Regt 31st N C Regt 31st N C Regt 59th Ga Regt 15th S C Regt 21st S C Regt 1 S C Regt Aty 51st N C Regt Spark's S C Ca :33d Ga Regt 3d S C Regt 3d S C Regt Batt Artillery 6 S C Regt Cav Pee Dee Rifles 33d Ga Regt 32d Ga Regt July 24, 1862 July 10, 1862 Dec 28, 1863 Dec 22, 1864 April 4, 1863 Mar 26, 1863 Mar 18, 1863 Oct 3, 1863 Jan 27, 1864 Sep 16, 1863 Aug 27, 1863 July 7, 1863 Oct 25, 1864 Feb 11, 1862 Jan 22, 1865 Jan 6, 1862 Sept 6, 1864 Dec 10, 1863 Newberry S C Remains reiuov'd from Gettysburg Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Georgia Capt Bachman Newberry, S C. Remains remov- ed from Chester, Pa. Diedofw'ds rec'd at Getts'bg Remains removed from Gettysburg Buried in Grave 28, with 8 others Georgetown, S C Cji-eenville, S C. Rem'ns rem'v'd from Gettysburg Remains remov'd from Gettysburg *28 CONFEDERATE DEAD. Name. Rank. \C'o\ Regiment or other command Date of Death. Kay, James Reeves, James Register, R Reid, M Remer, Milton F... Key, e Reynolds, I M Reynolds, John M. Rhodes, Theo Aujj Rice, J J Richardson, I R Richardson, J R .... Richardson, T Rider, G E Riley, Wm Newhn.. Rhodes, W W . Rivers, G Rivers, L I Roach, Wm M , Robbards, D Roberson, J M Roberts, EH Roberts, Luke Roberts, James F- Robertson, L B Robinson, Franklin Robinson, J Robison, J B Rodgers, William Roe, W F Rollins, N Roman, Morris Rotherick, J I Rowe, A R Russell, H Ryan, David Rodes Rve, William Sales, L H 8annnons, B B Satuiu, W W Saundei's, James Scott, Lewis Scott, Thomas C... Segemore, Starling. Sellers, W W , Serat, J Shadron, G. Shaw, J M.. Pr.vate do do do do do do Capt Sergt Private do do do do Private do do do do do do do do do do Corp'l Pi'ivate do do do do do do do do Sergt P rivate do Sergt Private do do do do do do do do Diloth S C Regt lil27th C4aRegt E 54th Ga Regt K 1 1 S C; Regt Cav K 1 8th N C Regt E iBlst N C Regt D 8d Ga Regt 2d S C Regt 1st S C Regt G 59th Va Regt C 2Gth S C Regt 31st N C; Regt ilst S C Regt Batt Artillerv 2d S C Regt 3d Ga Regt 25th S ( ; Regt 2(ith S C Regt 2d S C Regt 31st N C Regt 32d Ga Regt 61st N C Regt 4th La Regt 2d S C Regt 1 S C Regt Aty Smith's SC Re^ 18th Ga Regt 1st S C Militia 27th Ga Regt 7th S C Bat'ion nth Ga Regt Wagner's L'ht Artillerv 1 S C Reg Cav 4 VaheVv Aty 1st S C Regt 2d S C Regt G 2nth S C Regt 3 Ga Regt Cav 54th Ga Regt 8th N C Regt 1st S C Regt 24th S C Regt I 1 S G Regt Aty G 51st N C Regt I [ Preston's Bat I Light Artillerv C i32d Ga Reg'lrs K 1 11th S C Regt June 24, 1862 Deo 4, 1863 Sept 14, 1863 Aug 24, 1804 Sept 1, 1863 April 4, 1863 Dec 15, 1864 Jan 3, 1864 Feb 19, 1864 :May 5, 1863 May 30, 1862 Jan 27, 18G3 July 2, 1863 Dec 25, 1864 Oct 25, 1864 Jan 2, 1865 July 2, 1863 Mar 18, 1863 Oct 1, 1864 Julv 31, 1863 June 24, 1862 Julv 2, 1863 Feb 13, 1863 Nov 5, 1862 Oct 10, 1863 Feb 14, 1865 Feb 5, 1864 Oct 17, 1863 Feb 5, 1865 Sept 29, 1864 Sept 27, 1864 Dec 13, 18()3 Sept 11, 1863 Mar 10, 1864 Jan 12, 1865 Oct 30, 1863 April 27, 1863 July 20, 1863 June 23, 1862 April 5, 1865 Sept 9, 1862 April 15, 1863 June 19, 1864 July 2, 1864 Nov 20, 1863 Remains remov'd from Gettj\sburg Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Pickens Co, S C Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Richland Co S C Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Richland Co S C Remains remov'd fi'om Gettysburg Charleston S C Remains remov'd from Gettysburg CS A CONFEDERATE DEAD. 29 Nuiiie. Rank. \Co\ Redhncnt or other commiind Date of Death. Schwartz, B Private IC -— =^1 I Shelden, I Shepperd, Thomas . Shilbefield, W Shirley, Kphraiui Shirley, J J- Simpson, E D Slauji-hter, W S Small, P Smith, A A Smith, 1) Smith, Dennis Smith, (t \V H H H Moses Smith, James Smith, J W Smith, Linsev Smith, R '. Smith, Warren Smith, Washington Smith, Wm Smith, WH Smoke, George \mothers, J K lindell (or Snidell) L\F Spears, J T Smitl), Smith, Smith, Smith. Spell B . Spive, A Standridge, J Stewart, J J... Stewart, J W. do Sailor Sergt Private do do do do do do do do do do do Capt Private do do do do do do do do do do Sergt Corp'l Private Still. JH Stockton. T L Stokes, F B. Stone, C Strickland, Laban.. Stuckey, Anderson Suggs, 'W. Sunnier, S Swanev, Jame.s Sykes, M c F Tavlor, A J Tavlor. J (' Teague, J W Terry, James M Thomas, W N Thomas, John Thomas, Richard Woodbury do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Bat In kill'd at|Dec 23, 1861 Fort Sumter Use Regt Atv 1 S ^ Regt Aty 17th SC Regt Matthews' Aty 8th N C Regt 27th (ra Regt 3d S C lAIilitia 31st N C Regt 12th Ga Batt 47th (Ta Regt 10th N C Regt 27th (ia Regt 1 S C Regt Aty 10 N C Regt 8 Ga Reg Cav 1st S C Arty .5th Ga Regt Matthews' Aty 7th N C Regt 1 Regt S C Aty Gist Guards 46th Va Regt 1st S C Regt I S C Regt Aty 26th S C Regt 31st N C Regt ]5thS C Regt 54th Ga Regt 51st N C Regt 24th S C Regt 3d S C Regt Jul V 16. 1863 Dec 4, 1863 July 4, 1S64 Nov 26, 1S63 Sept 6, 1863 Aug 14, 1863 Feb 5, 1865 Feb 19, 1865 Nov 20, 1863 Dec 13, 1863 Dec 23, 1864 Dec 3, 1864 Oct 3, 1863 May 11, 1863 Feb 6, 1865 Dec 26,1864 Sept 27, 1862 Jan 1, 1865 July 18, 1862 Jan 27. 1865 July 17, 1863 Aug 12, 1863 Nov 21, 1863 Feb 10, 1865 Oct 12, 1862 Sept 30, 1863 Aug 8, 1863 Remarks. Baltimore C S Gunboat SO V Remains removM from Gettysburg In grave 28, with eight others Aug 22. 1863 July 26, 1863 May 24, 1863 June 10, 1862 Remains remov'd from (xettysburg In grave 24, with six others E 3d Ga Regt Dec 26, 1864 K 46th Ga Regt July 14, 1862 G 61st N C Reg:t Dec 30, 1864 C 4 S C Regt Mil Feb 1, 1865 Smith's Bat'lnlJulv 17, 1862 G 7 S C Bat'ion lAug 13. 1863 D 19th Ga Regt JNov 26, 1863 26th Ga Regt June 5, 1862 G 1 S C Reg Atv June 27, 1863 K 32d Ga Regt ' iAug 21, 1863 G Palmetto Batt Oct 28, 1863 J 2S C Regt Cav Julv 16, 1864 A 20th S C Regt iJulv 31, 1862 Nelson's Lt Ar July 13, 1862 K Pal Bat Lt Ar Nov 7, 1863 A 7th S C Regt ijuly 19, 1864 [Co Capt Graham's Virginia 'Spartanburg, S C CONFEDERA'fE DEAD, A^ajJic. Regiment or other command Date of Death. Thomas, Wifr R Lieut Thompson, Andrew Thompson, C M Thompson, G R Threat, John R Thurston, James M Tinion (or Tinon), J A Tobin, C F Todd, NC ToUeson, E L Town, R A Tribble, J K Trotter, R Tucker, Charles Tupper, A Turner, WilHam Turner, T J Tutchburg (or Tutchbury,)H... Underwood, Wilham Underwood, Wihiam Unknown Unknown Unknown . Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Vanderford, H Private do do do i do j do j do [ do do do do do do Private do Sergt Private do do do Corporal Priv ate Vann, R J Vann, S R Vaughan, David Wainwright, H Walding, R W Waldrum, J Walker, H M Wallace, R W Walter (or Waller,) WW Private do do do do do do do do do K 3d S C Regt Lucas' Bat'ionlSept 2, 1863 C S A I Nov 3, 18G4 27th Ga Regt Smith's S C B't 1 Regt S C Aty 31st N C Regt Stalling's Bat 20th S C Regt 33d Ga Regt HI3SC Regt Ar K jl S C Regt Mil E 1 S CRegt Ar C Lucas' Bat'ion B 6th Ga Regt 24th S C Regt 22d S C Regt 3d S C Regt 33d Ga Regt 46th Ga Regt 15th S C Regt 3 S C Regt Aty 28th Ga Regt 1 S C Regt Cav 8th N C Regt tst S C Regt Batt Artillery 18th S C Regt S C Regt Aty 2d S C Regt Jlay 28, 1864 Julv 3. 1863 Sept 16, 1863 Mar 26, 1863 Oct 8, 1864 June 2, 1863 Aug 5, 1864 May 25, 1864 Feb 10, 1865 April 4, 1864 Sept 3, 1863 Feb 4, 1865 May 7, 1863 Jan 28, 1865 Feb 19, 1864 July 11, 1862 Dec 13. 1863 July 20, 1863 Dec 13, 1863 Aug 30,' 1863 Aug 20, 1863 July 29, 1864 Feb 24, 1865 Feb 24, 1865 Feb 19, 1865 Feb 19. 1865 Feb 19, 1865 Feb 19, 1865 Feb 19, 1865 Feb 19, 1865 Feb 19, 1865 Dec 24, 1864 Feb 24, 1865 Feb 24. 1865 Feb 24. 1865 Feb 24, 1865 July 11, 1864 Aug 18, 1863 Sept 8. 1863 Dec 22, 1863 June 1, 1864 Nov 6, 1863 Mar 13, 1864 Aug 10, 1863 June 26, 1862 Mar 14, 1862 Aug 6, 1862 July 8, 1864 July 2,1863 Remains remov'd from Gettvsburg Remains brought from Gettysburg Artillery [one grave Three interred in Remains remov'd from Gettvsburg Louisiana Abbeville Co S C Remains remov'd from Gettysburg CONFEDERATE DEAD, 31 Na7ne. Rank. \Co\ Reqimcnt or other command Remarks, Wansill, J C I Priviitc Wai'd, James.. Wiirtl, J \V Ward, Nathan Warwick, I Watkins, WD Watson, H D Webb, John E Weilley, John Welsey, F W Westenberg-er. J R Whittle, I '. Whoney, Wni Wiggins, I T Wiicox, Calvin Wilkerson, H W Wllev, Thomas • WilHams, B W ... WilHams, C Williams, (i W ... Williams, J B ... Williams, J T .... Williamson, S ... Willis, Freeman. Wilson, Wilson, Amherst Wilson. Charles Wilson, E J (or P)... Wilson, <.T W . Wilson, Harrison Wilson, John Wilson, JN Wilson, M Wilson, Phillip Wilson, Willis Windsor, E R Winningham, JNToee Wissen, W F Wood, H Wood, Nathan AVoods, F E Woodson. J A do do do Lieut Private do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt Private do do do do do do do do do do do Lieut Private do do Wright, Wm Wyatt, Gilbert Yates, J C Yerger, J C Y'^oung, J H Young, John L Young. R A Youngljlood, T W .. .i do do do do do do do do do |yth S C Regt 1st S C Regt 20th S C Regt 7th N C Regt H 32d Ga Regt I> 51st N C Regt B 47th Ga Regt Lueas' Bat'ion 1st S C Arty 14th S C Regt 1 S (^RegtCav 6th Ga Regt 2d Fla Regt 2d S C Regt H Wirmg'tn Ran 54th Ga Regt 5 Ga Regt Cav 31st N C Regt 4th La Batt 1st S C Arty 1 S C Regt Aty 31st N C Regt 2d S C Regt McDowells use Regt Aty Cobbs Ga Leg 18th S C Regt Lucas' BaCion 25th S C Regt 22d S C Regt 1 Regt S C Atv 1 Regt S C Atv! 31 St N C Regt 7th N C Regt nth S C Regt 15th S C Regt 28th Ga Regt Wood's Batt S C M Palmetto Batt Lt Artillerv 6 S C Regt Mil 8th N (; Regt 31st N C Regt 1 S C Regt Mil Batt Artillerv 28th Ga Regt' 2d H C Regt 18th S C Regt Nov 2, 18(14 July 20, 1804 June 20, 18G3 Jan 3, 1805 Feb 13, 1805 Oct 12, 1804 April 9, 1803 Feb 4, 1805 Sept 21, 1803 Feb 22, 1862 Oct 19, 1804 Feb 22, 1804 Jan 3, 1864 Oct 3, 1864 Oct 2, 1803 Jan 27, 1805 May 2, 1803 June 18 1802 June 14, 1802 Sept 21, 1804 Oct 27, 1803 Mar 12, 1862 Sept 3, 1802 Jan 25, 1805 July 11, 1802 Sept 9, 1802 Oct 15, 1802 Nov 11, 1803 Feb 4, 1805 Aug 5, 1802 Mar 8. 1863 Feb 14, 1865 Sept 11, 1863 Dec 7, 1861 Feb 22, 1864 Feb 11, 1865 Feb 3, 1865 Feb 19, 1865 Julv 11, 1804 Oct 21, 1803 Feb 15, 1865 Mar 28, 1862 Mar 11, 1864 July 22, 1802. ReijLia.ins remov'd ^tVom Gettysburg Georgia. Baltimore Remains remov'd from Gettysburg- Barnwell Co S C Remains remov'd from Gettysburg NC Remains remov'd from Gettysburg Capt Peron- [neau's Co N C Native of Eng'ndi 1.- 1 o I 3 _ \ " ■■■ [- Tori^edo Boat Men 4-- '.."."::::z:J Bell, J ••••••••• Georgia Naval Hospital Brooks, William Georgia Naval Hospital Burgess, M North Carolina Cabel, John North Carolina Carthageen, Lewis Florida Naval Hospital, 1864 Caswell, J North Carolina Naval Hospital Culbert, Robert Seaman Dobson, John North Carolma Naval Hospital Eagan, T F Ireland Naval Hospital Gariton, J L 22d North Carolina Regiment, 1864, C S A Hatch, T G North Carolina Naval Hospital Horton, C R South Carolina Naval Hospital Howell, J North Carolina Naval Hospital Housen, John Florida Naval Hospital Jacobs, J L Company A, 22d North Carolina Regiment Medaris, F Georgia Naval Hospital Medaris, J Seaman's Naval Hospital Ramey, H P North Carolina Naval Hospital Scott, Surgeon Small-Pox Hospital, C S A Shea, J C Georgia Naval Hospital Shields, B W North Carolina Naval Hospital Shultz, L P 22d North Carolina Reghaent, C S A Sladd, W H Georgia Naval Hospital Spear, J Georgia Naval Hospital Summers, G W Georgia Naval Hospital Yates, William Private, North Carolina Sttdal ^rownbs in tl^t Sitg of &itrlfstxr«. BAPTIST.— FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Aion, J Waring, Capt Co A, Calhoun Guards, 27th S C Regiment. Killed June 24, 1864, near Peters])urg, Va. Aged 35 years. Gritsinger, Benj R, Priv Co I, 1st S C Regt. Died Nov 16, 1863, from disease contracted in the army. Aged 38 vears. Hyde, Samuel T, Priv Co E, Sumter Guards, 27th S C Regt. Killed July 18, 1863, at Battery Wagner. Aged 17 years. McTureous, Joseph Cowen, Priv Co G, Wilmington Rangers 5th S C Regt Cav. Died July 18, 1863, of typhoid fever contracted in camp. Aged 20 years. Merritt, Wm Blackwood, Sergt Marion Artillery. Died May 11, 1862, in Charleston. Saltus, Samuel, Priv Co B, Washington Light Infantry, 25th S C Regt. Killed at Secessionville. Suares, Basil, Priv Co A, Charleston Battalion. Died 1862. 33 OONOREUATIONAL.— CIKCULAR CHURCH. Mellic'haiiip, Win Stiles, Priv, Callioun Guards, 27th S C Regt, Died Jlar 2, 18(!4. from exposure at Fort Sumter. Ramsay, David, Ma.j, Charleston Battalion. Died Aug 14, 18G4, of wounds received at Dnttery Waji'iier July 18, ISlio. Smith, Horace Waring, Priv. Calhouu Guards, 27th S C Regiment. Died Feb l"i, 18()4. of disease contracted in camp. Teniieiit. (tilbert V, Priv Calhoun Guards, 27th S C Reg-t. Wittemore, William, Priv, Hampton Lefjiou. 25th S C Regiment. Died of disease, at Manassas Junction, Va. EPISCOPAL— *ST, JOHN'S CHAPEU HANOVER STREET. Petit, James Monroe, Priv Co D, 7th N C Regt DiedNov28, 180:3, from disease contracted in camp. 47 A^ears of age. Stewart, M J H, Priv, Washington Artillery. Died Feb 25, 186.5, from disease conti*acted in cami3. 42 years of aj^e. ST, MICHAEL'S CHURCH. Axon, Charles Henry, Capt, 1st S C Regt, July 3:), 1861. Beeslev, Edward Bland., Priv. Co A, Washington Light Infantry, 25th S C Regt, July 31, 1862. Frost, Edward Downes, Capt Killed Dec 11, 1863, by explosion of magazine at Foi't Sumter. Remains were consumed bv the fire. Hevward, William Cruger, Col Uth S C Reg^t, Sept 19, 1863. Prhigle, Charles Alston,' 1st Lieut, 1st S C Regt, Died June 29, 1862, of malarial fever, contracted in camp on John's Island. Pringle, Robert, Capt, Lucas' Battalion. Killed Aug 21, 1803, at Bat- tery Wagner. Aged 26 yeai"s. Ravene'l, William, Jr, Cadet. S C Mil Academy, Died Aug 23, 1863, of typhoid fever. Detailed for Guard Duty. ST. PAULS CHURCH. Parker, John E, Priv Kirkwood Rangers. Died Dec 24, 1861, at Comp Dulany, near Dumfries, Va. Wagner, William H, Capt A D C to Genl Ripley. Died Oct 13, 1863, ST. PETER'S CHURCH. Heyward, Edward B, Priv Marion Artillery. Died Dec 16, 1864, Aged 24 years. ST, PHILIP'S CHURCH. Bancroft^ Matthew V, Major. Killed June 22, 1864, at Petersburg, Virginia. Ferguson, Joseph S, Marion Artillery. Died July 15, 1863, of ty- phoid fever, contracted at Battery Marshall. Detailed with Signal Corps. Gibson, Walter Ewin-i', Priv Co A, Washington Light Infantrv, 25th S C Re^^t. Killed Oct 31, 1863, by the falling of the wall of Fort Sumter. Ingraham. William Gaillard, Lieut Bee Rifles, 23d S C Regt. Died March 8, 18(i3, of typhoid pneumonia, contracted in camp. At time of death acting Adutant of the Re{?iment. Lee, Lawrence S, Priv Co A, Washington Light Infantry, 25th S C Regt. Killed Oct 31, 1863, by the falling of the wall at Fort Sumter. Lesesne, Francis Kinloch S, Priv ;\rarion Artillery. Died June 24, 1865, from effects of campaij^n in North Carolina. jManitrault, Alfred, Co K, Charleston Liglit Draj^oons, 4th S C Regt Cav. Died Feb 20, 1805, at Winnsboro', S C, from disease con- tracted in the army. Aged 2.4 years. *Oflicers of Church not heard Irora. The above received from private sources. Pritchard, William, Co A, Washington Light Infantry, 25th S ( ' Regt. Died Aug 16, 18G2, from country fever, contracted in* camp on James Island. Aged 30 years. Smith, Wm. Mason, Adjt 27th S C Regt. Died Aug 16, 1864, from, wound received at Cold Harbor, Va. FRENCH PROTESTANT.— HUGUENOT CHURCH. Manigault, Peter, Priv 4th S C Regt Cav. Killed Dee, 1864, at Oconee Bridge,, Ga Aged CI years. HEBREW.— BETH ELOHBL (GRAVE-YARD, COMING STREET.) Cohen, Marx E, M D, Hart's Batteiy. Killed March 19, 1865, at Benton ville, N C. Aged 25 years Goldsmith, Isaac P, Priv, Willington Rangers. Aug 12, 1862. Aged 24 years. Goldsmith, Mikell M, Priv, Provost Guanl. Killed Aug 30, 1864, near Macon, Ga. Aged 17 years, Mordeeai, Jr., Thomas W, Priv. Died May 11, 1861, of disease con- tracted at Fort Moultrie. Moses, Edwin L, Priv 27th S C Regt. Died June 15, 1865, a prisoner at Camp Chase, Ohio, Aged 32 years. Poznanski, Gustavus. Killed June 16, 1862, at Se«essionville. Valentine, Isaac D, Priv Sumter Guards, Charleston Battalion. Killed June 16, 1862, at Secessionville. xVged 29 years. LUTHERAN.— *ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. Blum, R A, Priv Hampton Legion, 25th S C Regt. Died of disease. Saylor, Henry E, Sergt Sumter Guards. IMortally wounded, Aug- 23, 1865, at Battery Wagner. Aged 30 years. WENTWORTH STREET CHURCH. Kingman, R W. Quartermaster, A D C to Genl C H Stevens. Died Jan 2, 1863, of typhoid pneumonia, contracted at Secessionville. Kirkwood, W D H, Capt A D C to Genl John A Wagener. Died 1862. METHODIST.— BETHEL CHURCH. Muckenfuss, Wm Capers, Priv Co A, Washington Light Infantry, 25th S C Regt. Died July 29, 1862. Aged 18 years. Reeder, Thomas, Priv Co A, Palmetto Guard, S C Siege Train. Died July 28, 1864. Aged 23 years. Veronee, William, Lieut Co A, Palmetto Guard, S C Siege Train. Killed Nov 9, 1862, by accident on South Carolina Railroad. Aged 31 vears. Warren, M D, T J, Co I, Palmetto Guard, 2d S C Regt. Died Dec. 15, 1863. TRINITY CHURCH. Albergotti, W M, Priv Co A, 5th S C Regt Cav. Died Feb 26, 1865, in Columbia, S C, from disetise contracted in camp. Aged 36 years. Reeves, , Priv Co A, Charleston Battalion. Died 1862. PRESBYTERIAN. -FIRST CHURCH, (SCOTCH), Brown, George, Capt Co C, 27th S C Regt. Killed June 16, 1864, be- fore Petersburg, Va. Gelling, George Brown, Lieut Co C, 27th S C Regt. Killed June 16, 1864, before Petersburg, Va. Greer, Richard Walsh, Lieut Co B, Washington Light Infantry, Eutaw Regt. Killed June 16, 1862, on James Island. ♦Officers of Church not heard from. The above Received from private sources. 35 IK)i)kins. J Wanl, ("apt ("o 1). 27th S C Re^-t. Killed .June 10, 18(!4, before Petershuvff, Va. KiiiK- Henry, ('apt (Jo D, 37th S C Rej^t. Died June 10, 1802, from etTects of wound received at Sece.ssionville. Martin, Wni Ojjrier, Co—, Wasliington Lij^ht Infantry. Killed June, 1802, at Secessionville, S C Stevens, .James \i. Co A, "NVasliinfi-ton Lip:lit Infantry, 25th 8 C Refft. 8tra\vinski, T. C S A, n native of Poland Killed in 1801, aecident- alily, on Sullivan's Island. SECOND CHURCH, (FLYNN'S). Bird, Isaac Bailev, Priv Co I, Palmetto Guard, 2d S C Rej^t. Woun- ded .July 20, 1804, in front of Petersburg, Va. Died Aug 19, 1864, at Wilmington, N C. Aged 2.1 years Buist, M. D., Edward Somers, Assistant Surgeon. Killed Nov 8, 1801 at Port Royal, S C, while in discharge of his duty, minis- tering to the wounded. Aged 25 years. Fogartie, Edward, Priv Co A, Palmetto Cluard, S C Seige Train. Died 1802, in Charles^ton, of typhoid fever. (xilliland. Edward B. Died June 27, 1804, at Washington. Cra. Lanneau, .Jr, Fleetwood, Sergt Co B, Washington Light Infantry. Killed June 10, 1802, at Secession ville. S C. Aged 2;} years. Robinson, Arthur, Priv Co K, Charleston Light Di-agoons, 4th S C Regt Cav. Killed May 28; 1864, at Hawe's Shop, Va. Aged 23 years. Robinson, Samuel, 2d Lieut Co A, Palmetto Guard, 2d S C Regt. Ivilled Sept 17, 1802, while acting as Captain, at Sharpsburg, Md. Taverner, J no H, Co B, Washington Light Infantry, a native of England. Wounded June 16, 1862, at Secession ville, S C Died in Ho.spital. VVhitnev, Henrv Frost. Killed June 13, 1864, in Virginia. Whittaker, William, C S A THIRD CHURCH, (CENTRAL). (GRAVK-YARD IN ARCHDALE STREET.) Caldwell, R Shapter, Priv Co B, Washington Light Infantry. Died from Wounds. Dunn, Edmund, Priv Co I, 27th S C Regt. Died from disease con- tracted in service. Aged 33 years, ROMAN CATHOLIC— ST. MARY'S CHURCH. Allemong, Alex'r A, Lieut Co H, 27th S C Regt. Died June 22, 1864. at Petersburg, Va, of wounds received. Aged 32 years. Hurst, James M, Sergt Co I, 37th S C Regt. Killed 1863, at Battery Wagner. Lalane, (leorge M, Lieut Beauregard Light Infantry. Killed 1863, in Virginia. Marion, John F. Sergt Co B, Washington Light Infantry, Died in Hospital in Virginia. Trouche, Augustus J, C S A. UNITARIAN. Bee, William Edwards, Priv Co D, Sumter (luards, 37th S C Regt. Killed 'Shiy 9, 1864, at Swift Creek, near Petersburg, V^a. Aged 31 years. Gray, Alfred, Priv Co B, Washington Light Infantry. Killed Aug 31, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. >^ J s Kerr, T J, Priv Palmetto Guard. Killed Feb 10, 1864, at James Island, S (J. Rose, Alexander. Lieut, ADC to Gen W M Gardner. Died at Jackson, Miss. 36 fribiite Wots in ltlaan0Uit Ccmctcrji. Anderson, S W, Pi-iv Co A, Washington Light Infantry. Killed Oct 31, 181)3, by the falling of the\vcxll of Fort Sumter. Anderson, Frank, Asst Surgeon C S A, attached to 1st Louisiana Hospital. Died Oct, 18(i4. of yellow fever. Native of Chester, SC. Anderson, Bachelor. C S A. Bailey, W A, C 8 A. Beard, Henry, of volunteer crew on Fish Torpedo Boat. Died Oct IG, 1863, from asphvxia. Beckman, Wm W, Orderly Sergt Sumter Guards, 27th S C Regt Died June 25, 1864. "" Bee, James Ladson, 4th S C Regt Cav. Wounded May 30, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va.. Died July 8. 1864. Bee, John Stock, Lieut S C Artillery. Wounded July 10, 1863, at defence Battery Marshall. Died July 18, 1863. Boag, Charles, Capt Co I, 1st S C Regt (Crregg's). Killed June 27, 1862, near Richmond, Va. Aged 26 years. Boyd, James Brown, Sergt Palmetto Cfuard, 2d S C Regt. Killed Sept 17, 1862, at Sharpsburg, ild. Breese, Stewart Van Vechten, Priv Co A, Washington Light In- fantry, 25th S C Regt, Died Jan 5, 18G3. Aged IS years. Brookbanks, R, of volunteer crew on Fish Torpedo Boat. Died Oct 16, 1863, from asphvxia. Burn, Orville J, Priv Co A Washington Light Infantrv, 25th S C Regt. Killed Oct 31, 1863, by the falling of the wall of Fort Sumter. Burrows, F M, Priv Co A, Washington Light Infantry, 25th S C Regt. Killed Oct 13, 1863, by the falling of the wall of Fort Sumter. Burrows, S L, Priv Co A, Washington Light Infantry, 25th S C Regt. Killed Oct 31, 1863, by the falling of the wall of Fort Sumter. Butt, John J, C S A. Calder, James, C S A. Killed Oct 31, 1863, by the falling of the wall of Foi't Sumter, Carnighan, John, C S A. Castleberg, H C, C S A. Cheves, Edward, Capt, C S A. Cheves, Langdon, Capt, Chief Engineer Battery Wagner. Killed at his post, July 10 1863. Aged 50 years. Choate, Henry E, Priv Calhoun Guards. Died 1865. Coachman, Walter R, Priv Co A, Palmetto Guard, S C Siege Train. Died on James Island. Collier, Joseph, Co A, Charleston Battalion. Died 1865, from dis- ease contracted in camp. Collins, Samuel, Priv Co 1, 27th S C Regt. Murdered in King St, Charleston, S C. Cross, Henry B. C S A. Died Jan 3, 1866. Daggett, John W, Beauregard Light Infantry. Died March 23, 1864, of disease contracted at Fort Stimter. Daggett, Theodore D. Beauregard Light Infantry. Died 1864, in Confederate Hospital, from a grape-shot wound received at Battery Wagner. Aged 21 years. Davis, James, Priv C S A. Davis, Moses, Priv C S A. Dickson, John H, Co E, 2d S C Regt Cav. Died Aug 3. 1864. Dotterer, J B, Sergt-Major C S A. 37 |)ott.T.'r, Win A I*riv ('..A. Wii.«hint,'toii \An\\t Infantry. 2'>th 8 C U.'^rt KilK'il .Inei.'. |S(U, at Drnry's HIniT, Vu. DnhoH... Kil^win ('. l,j««ut -S C llt>m . F.-II May -l l^^a. at Clmn ••••Ili.rsvilli', Va. Ap'il 'i'>\ ytMirs. DniTus, (i K I.. Co L. 1st S C' I*t«»(;t. Woumlfil anti tnk<'n prinontT July M, ISJUJ. at i«'»l Auk' :»<•■ IHW. at DaviilV Island. DulTns, .1 Walk.T. Cant Co U, 'iM S C H.'^'t. Killr.l .IniM- 17. 1H04, n»'ar IN'tiT.-lmrjf. N'a Ajjt'il 'JH y«'ars. Kason. linss.'ll »i. C S A. l»i»nl Df.- 7. INilj, at Chariot ts\ ill.-. Va KilpTton. SaMinci F. C S A. ImIw arils, J C. i ?i Kilwanis, John Jont'S. Licnt Sunit«'r rvillV. C S A. Kiih'd Oct :M. 1«<>3, at Fort Sumter. Kllititt. W S, Capt Cath't Uiflciiu'n. (iadstlen. Thomas N. I'riv Co H. Wasliinf;ton Li^rht Infantry, "ilth S C K«'i,'t. Killecl .Jun«« lt>. IsCi'.'. at SctM'ssioiivillf. S C. (foddaril. I'.'tfr C. M D. Kutl.'d;;«' Mounted Uilli-miMi. On** of tlip llrst victims of thf war. Goodm.'tii. .1 H. Ith N'a K"':rt, attached on hospital duty, at 1st Louisiana Hospital. I>i»'d Oct, 1W4, of yellow fever. A native tif Vir^finia. (rreK;;. John H, Co F. 7th S C Hegt. Died Dec 1, IHOl, at Charlottn- ville. Va. A>.retl 'i'-i vears. (trimltall. Wm H, Lieut Co E. ist S C Re>;t Aty. Died July '21. ISW, of typhoiti fever contractetl on .laiiu-s Island. A^fed 'Jfi year.s. ( iri.NV\«)ld, S. Sur;;eon C S \ Hamilton. James .Mexander, Lieut Klliott's Battery, Heaufort .\r- tiliery. Died 0<'t. IsiM. Specially cho.sen by (ien St<'phen Klliott to take charge of a'ld ooerate the tornedoes. In at- tempting to reach the froiisiiles. liis frail race boat swam|M*d, and he .swam a half mile to the .shore. Made a second attempt. and destroyed a ;;iiard boat. FiXp«)sure broii^jht on coij>;estion. from whif'h he died. •Hayne. Kdmtiinl Shul>rick, Color ttuard Carolina Li;;ht Infantry, ist S C H«*},'t '♦•reK'jr'si. Shot June 27, !•<•>_'. at (taines* Mill. Died .lune Ml), 1(^(»2. at Washin^'tcni Hospital. Va. A(?ed 18 years. Henery. K S, Serjrt riiion Li;:ht Infantry. Hollins. (teor;,'e N, Kn;.rineer C S (iunboat Chicora. •Hohiie.«., P liadsdeii. Killed June '27, IH»;2, at rleans, as Commamler of the .Mi-Rae. Ilutfhes. \V L. Priv Wa-shington Li^jht Infant rv hi.'il from «lij4- ea.se at (tret-nvilh', 8 (-. Hull, S J. Lieut C S A Hunley. Hi>race L. (lave the Fish Torpe«lo Hoal In the L'uufed- eracy. Went ilown in her Oct lU, IWW. Jackson, Allan, Corpl C S A. ' 38 Jeffords, Robert J, Lieut-Col 5th S C Cav. Killed Oct 27, 1864, near Burgess' Mill, Va. Johnson, Benj J, Lieut-Col Hampton Legion. Killed ^uly 21, 1861, at 1st Manassas. Aged 45 years. Jones, J Walker, C S A. Killed Oct 13. 1863, by the falling of the wall of Fort Sumter. Kelly, John A, Priv C S A. Kennedy, W, Priv C S A. Kerrison. Edwin, Priv Co I, 2d S C Regt. Killed May, 1863, at 8pottsylvania C H, Va. Kinloch; Henry W, Lieut S C Rangers. Died of disease contracted in service. Ladson, W H, Major Q M Dept, C S A. Died 1861, from disease contracted in camp, Klinck, Theo, Lieut Hampton Legion. Died from wounds. Lambers, J Francis, Sergt Co I, 27th S C Regt. Killed July 18, 18K3, at Battery Wagner. Maguire, John, C S A. Marshall, John, of volunteer crew in Fish Torpedo Boat. Died Oct 16 1803, from asphvxia. MarshlKirn, W W, C S A. Matthewes, , C S A. McHugh, Charles, of volunteer crew on Fish Torpedo Boat. Died Oct 16, 1863, from asphyxia. Middleton, Francis Kinloch, Priv Co K, Charleston Light Dragoons, 4th S C Regt Cav. Wounded May 28, 1863, at Hawe's Shop. Died May 30, 1863. Middleton, Henry Augustus, Priv Hampton Legion. Wounded July 21, 1861, at Manassas. Died July 27, 1861. Middleton, Oliver Hering, Priv Charleston Light Dragoons, Co K, 4th Regt S C Cav. f)ied May 31, 1864, from wound received at Cold Harbor, Va. Aged 18 years. Middleton, Thomas, C S A. Mitchell, John C, Capt 1st S C Regt Artillery. Killed July 20, 1864, at his post as Commander of Fort Sumter during the bom- bardment. Mowry, E, Major C S A. Nagle, W P, Corpl Palmetto Guard. Died Feb 10, 1865. Newcomer, John G, Corpl Co A, Washington Light Infantry. Killed Sept, 1863, at Battery Wagner. Nolan, J N (or R), C S A. Olney, Alfred L, Sergt Co A, Washington Light Infantry. Died July 6, 1864, at Richmond, Va. Aged 24 years. Owens, W C, Sergt Co A, Washington Light Infantry. Killed Oct 31, 1863, by the falling of the wall of Fort Sumter. Palmer, Barnwell W, Capt C S A. Killed June 16, 1864, at Peters- burg, Va. Palmer, John S, Capt Co K, 10th S C Regt. Killed July 28, 1864. in front of Atlanta. Park, Thomas W, of volunteer crew on Fish Torpedo Boat. Died Oct 16, 1863, of asphyxia. Parker, Wm McKenzie, Cadet S C Military Academy. Xilled May 3, 1864. Aged 18 years. Patterson, Joseph, of volunteer crew on Fish Torpedo Boat. Died Oct 16, 1863, of asphyxia. Patterson, W A, Priv C S A. Patterson, Wm Bailev, Cadet S C Military Academy. Mortally Wounded Dec 5, 1864, at the Battle of Pocotaligo. *Pinckney, Alfred G, Carohna Light Infantry. Killed June 27, 1862, at Gaine'S Mills. 30 Pitts, A, C S A. Posey, William, C S A. Ravenel, EMas Prioleau, Lieut 1st S C Ue