S 652 Copy 1 COUNTRY HOMES FOR BUSY LITTLE • PEOPLE • ^'""''^Y^Lti'^w, c9C^^-n> l^^.^^vot-^c^'^ COUNTRY HOMES FOR BUSY LITTLE PEOPLE COPYRIGHT 1915 BY WESTERN SOIL BACTERIA CO. 442 SAN SOME STREET SAN FRANCISCO SEP -8 1915 ©CU4n!)527 PRINTED BY YLOR a TAYLOR AN FRANCISCO THE COUNTRY HOMES OF BACILLUS RADICICOLA ^ THE nodules existing on the roots of that family of plants called Leguniinosae ( Pod-bearers) are the homes of the little wonder workers of the world, a little family of Bacteria who have the power to extract from the atmosphere that es- sential to soil fertility — Nitrogen. Such great workers are they that they not only supply the host plant with sufficient nitrogen for its successful growth, but they extract from the atmosphere a sufficient amount to leave in the soil for future crops. Amounts varying in weight from 125 lbs to 200 lbs. to the acre. These little homes, a short time ago were thought to be root distortions or disease growths, and until their real significance was discovered many scientific men de- voted hours to figuring the end of the world, that time to come when the niter beds of Chile become exhausted. Bacteriologists claim today that without this little family, human life would cease to exist, for without this little friend of mankind no crops could be produced for any length of time, and soil would become barren It is now possible to artificially breed these in laboratories and to deliver them to those whose soils need inoculation; this the Western Soil Bacteria Company, 442 San- some Street, San Francisco, are doing, and their cultures are meeting with marked success, as they are fresh, virile and acclimated, qualifications no other commercial culture offered to the ranchers of the Pacific Coast have, as our cultures are bred to order only, and delivered fresh from the plates the day they are shipped. On the following pages are shown a few distinctive types of homes occupied by different members of this family. WESTERN SOIL BACTERIA COMPANY C. F. PENNEWELL, Manager ALFALF.\ NODULES CRIMSON CLOVER NODULES RED CLOVER NODULES ALSIKE CLOVER NODULES VETCH NODULES CANADA FIELD PEA NODULES TANGIER PEA NODULES GARDEN PEA NODULES cow PEA NODULES SOY BEAN NODULES LITTLE WLIITE BEAN NODULES HORSE BEAN NODULES N \ .£&« L^ ; j^ •M.m «k ^ f^ W^/ ' ^ VELVET BEAN NODULES p p~ '^- # PINK BEAN LIMA BEAN w J3 ^. JS J= v- o •?^ ffi ■■3 -T3 O c/) oi ^ ^ _3 2 ° J 'J ■" - ^ u ca o ,2 -^ < c "S S rt' oq c — s ;^ 6 2 ?j u ^ u < c a; ■3^5 o 3 -a u »- Uh ^ ^ C rt S C) Ij c i> >, t;? O c o 1 c %. ^0 - tn a: a:' s ^1 z < u -J ^-J < H- o •— 5 _J 12^^-i ^^i ^M^Slbi' The Officers and Directors of the WESTERN SOIL BACTERIA COMPANY extend a cordial invitation to those interested in advanced ideas on agriculture to visit its laboratories at 442 SANSOME STREET SAN FRANCISCO On any Monday, Wednesday or Friday There to see the very interesting form of life that is contributing so much to crop improvement, and the very careful methods used in putting out Cultures of Bacteria in fresh, acclimated and vigor- ous form for the benefit and use of the western farmer. C. F. PENNEWELL, General Manager GEO. H. MASTICK, President THOMAS M. PATERSON, Secretary H. F. CHADBOURNE, Vice-President R. L. CHARLES, Field Manager C. C. WAY, Bacteriologist WESTROB. Pure Culture LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 756 650 9 t Best for the West