370 7 12 ORGANIZATION FOR THE ENLARGEMENT AND EXTENSION BY THE STATE OF THE UNIVERSITY PLAN OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN TEXAS ANNOUNCEMENT OF ORIGIN AND PROGRAM OF WORK OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY AUSTIN. TEXAS FEBRUARY lO, 1912 Von Boeckmann-Jones Co., Printers, Austin, Texas. ■ ^'i* \f^\^ ORGANIZATION FOR THE ENLARGE- MENT AND EXTENSION BY THE STATE OF THE UNIVERSITY PLAN OF HIGHER EDU- CATION IN TEXAS ANNOUNCEMENT OF ORIGIN AND PROGRAM OF WORK This Organization had its origin at the annual meeting of the Alumni Association of the University of Texas that was held in Austin, Texas, on June 12, 1911, at which meeting the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : RESOLUTIONS. "Resolved, That the President of the Uni- versity of Texas, Dr. S. E. Mezes, and the President of the Alumni Association, Mr. E. B. Parker, and such another gentleman as those two may select, be and are hereby appointed a committee of three to fonnulate and adopt for this Association by-laws or rules defining the purpose of the organiza- tion of the permanent standing committees, and such by-laws and regulations adopted by the subcommittee of three herein authorized are hereby adopted and made a part of this resolution as if read and carefully considered at this meeting. Be it further "Resolved, That a committee composed of the President of the University of Texas, the present President of the Alumni Associ- ation, the President of the Board of TJegents of the University of Texas, arc hereby in- structed to proceed, in their own way, to the selection of a permanent standing com- mittee of nine of ways and means for the enlargement and extension of the University plan, and that the first meeting of said com- mittee, if possible, be convened in the city of Austin on the first Saturday in October, 1911. Be it further "Resolved, That the President of the Uni- versity of Texas, the present President of the Alumni Association of Texas, and the President of the Board of Eegents of the University of Texas be requested to select and authorize some suitable individual who will undertake, without any remuneration or expense, to provide a fund of not less than $25,000 per year nor more than $50,000 per year during the period of five years, payable in advance, in five equal annual installments of not less than $25,000 per year nor more than $50,000 per year, on the first day of November, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, and 1915." BY-LAWS. Pursuant to resolution 1 mentioned above, Messrs. Mezes and Parker selected the Chair- man of the Board of Eegents of the Uni- versity of Texas, Mr. Clarence Ousley, as the other member of the committee; and the fol- lowing by-laws for the permanent organiza- tion were formulated and adopted : "1. The name of this undertaking shall be: Organization for the Enlargement and Extension by the State of the University Plan of Higher Education in Texas. "2. The objects of the organization are: "(a) To stimulate thought and arouse as- piration for higher education in Texas. "(b) To secure the best thought and counsel of competent persons engaged in ed- ucational work throughout the United States and Europe. "(c) To investigate and to advise the peo- ple of Texas what the scope of the higher educational institutions should be, and what method and adequate means of maintenance should be provided. This will be accom- plished by the application of modem busi- ness and scientific methods of investigation and determination. "(d) To elaborate and present a program, thoroughgoing and modem in its details, responsive to the various activities of a great Commonwealth. "3. Standing Committee. — The Standing Committee provided in the constituting res- olution shall be composed of the Chairman of the Board of Eegents, ex-oflficio ; the Pres- ident of the University, ex-officio ; the present President of the Alumni Association of the University of Texas, and six addi- tional persons to be selected by them, at least four of whom should preferably be alumni of the University. Members of the Stand- ing Committee shall serve for a period of ten years. Vacancies shall be filled by the remaining members of the committee. "4. Advisory Committee. — An Advisory Committee of eight persons shall be elected by the Standing Committee to serve for a period of five years, and shall be composed, preferably, of two alumni of the University, one banker not an alumnus, one railroad man not an alumnus, one other man of affairs not an alumnus, and three graduates of other universities resident in Texas. A'acancies shall be filled by the majority of a joint meeting of the Standing and the Advisory Committees. "5. Corresponding Committee. — A Cor- responding Committee of not fewer than five and not more than ten non-resident former Tcxans of national standing shall be selected by a majority of a joint meeting of the Standing and the Advisory Committees. "6. Each of the aforesaid committees shall elect a chairman and shall appoint such subcommittees as may be deemed ex- pedient. Each committee shall meet at the call of its chairman, and the chairman shall issue a call upon his own motion or upon the written request of a quorum. "7. Five members shall constitute a quorum of the Standing Committee; four members shall constitute a quorum of the Advisory Committee; three members, acting either in assembly or by joint signature, shall constitute a quorum of the Correspond- ing Committee; and four members of the Standing Committee with three members of the Advisory Committee shall constitute a quorum for a joint meeting of the said committees. An annual joint meeting of the Standing Committee and the Advisory Committee shall be held on the day after Thanksgiving of each year. "8. Two members of the Standing Com- mittee and one member of the Advisory Committee shall be appointed by their re- spective committees as the Fiuance Commit- tee of the Organization ; provided, that the Initial Committee of three shall appoint the first Finance Committee, to have full powers pro tempore, but to be subject to confirma- tion by the first joint meeting of the Stand- ing and the Advisory Committees. "9. The Secretary' or Secretaries of the Organization shall be elected by the Stand- ing and the Advisory Committees acting in joint meeting; provided, that the Finance Committee may appoint the Secretary at any time when that office is vacant, or engage a Secretary or Secretaries, subject to confirma- tion by the next ensuing joint meeting of the Standing and the Advisory Committees. "10. The funds at the disposal of this Organization shall be expended upon appro- priations made by the Standing and the Advisory Committees in joint session; pro- vided, that the Finance Committee may make appropriation for these committees in emergencies subject to their confirmation, "11. Such matured plan or proposals affecting the University of Texas as may re- sult from the deliberations and counsels of the committees shall be submitted for criticism to the Faculty Council of the Uni- versity, and then referred to the Board of Regents of the University for amendment, rejection, or approval, before submission to the people of Texas. "12. These by-laws may be amended by a majority of any joint meeting of the Standing and the Advisory Committees. "13. The Alumni Association of the Uni- versity of Texas, at any regular meeting, may remove any member or members of any committee of this Organization and elect a substitute or substitutes." In due time the Standing Committee of nine, to serve for a period of ten years, was selected; and the Committee of Three selected Mr. Will C. Hogg, of Houston, to raise the proposed endowment. Mr. Hogg proceeded with the work, and on October 28, 1911, reported to the Committee that he had succeeded in raising an endowment ag- gregating $29,800 per year for a period of five years. The Standing Committee, acting under authority vested in it by the by-law, selected the Advisory Committee of eight persons, to serve for a term of five years. Membership of the Corresponding Committee at this date has not been completed. The Finance Committee authorized in the by-laws was selected and is composed of Messrs. S. E. Mezes and E. B. Parker of the Standing Committee and Mr. Will C. Hogg of the Advisory Committee. The Standing Committee and the Advis- ory Committee, as the Board of Control of the Organization, held a meeting at Hous- ton, Texas, on January 15, 1912, elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction F. M. Bralley as the Executive Secretary of the Organization, Mr. Arthur Lefevre hav- ing been previously elected as the Organiza- tion's Secretary for Eesearch ; and after full discussion unanimously adopted the program of work for the current calendar year. TO INFORM THE PEOPLE. "1. That this Organization distribute as widely as possible throughout Texas infor- mation on the following points : "(a) The present plants, activities, and amounts and methods of support of the University of Texas, the Agricultural and Mechanical College, the College of Indus- trial Arts, and the State Normal Schools. "(b) The needed improvements of and additions to the plants and activities of these institutions, and the increased income and support necessary to make these im- provements and additions, based upon a study of similar institutions elsewhere. "(c) The value to the people of Texas of the present services of these institutions, and the increased benefit to them of the serv- ices that could be rendered with improved and additional facilities. "2. That the Organization employ the following means and methods, among others, with such modifications as may prove ex- pedient: "(a) Bulletins and special articles to be sent to United States Senators and Con- gressmen. State Legislators, Judges of the Appellate Courts, County and City School Superintendents, Presidents and Secretaries of Commercial and other Clubs, jSTewspaper Editors, High School Principals, Subscrib- ers to the Fund, Members of the Faculties of Colleges and Normals in the State, and other suitable persons. "(b) Charts to be posted in courthouses, public libraries, chambers of commerce, and other suitable public places. "(c) Special articles and other matter in the leading daily papers, also appropriate matter in country papers. "(d) Attendance in person or by deputy, and addresses, at all important teachers' and other public meetings and fairs in the State. "(e) Special mailing cards to be sent to a list of several thousand selected persons. "(f) Suitable exhibits for the State and principal county fairs, accompanied where- ever sent by some person competent to ex- plain them. "campaign committee. "3. That this Organization invite the governing boards of the University of Texas, the Agricultural and Mechanical College, the College of Industrial Arts, and the State Normal Schools to co-operate with it in its campaign of education ; that each of the said governing boards be requested to ap- point a suitable person to represent its in- stitution or body; that the said four ap- pointees, the General Agent of The Confer- ence for Education in Texas, and two rep- resentatives of this Organization shall con- stitute an Educational Campaign Commit- tee to formulate methods and provide ma- terials for publicity for the current calendar year; that one of the said two representa- tives of this Organization shall be its Execu- tive Secretary, and also the Executive Sec- retary of the said Educational Campaign Committee." The General Agent of The Conference for Education in Texas was elected to serve as a member of the Educational Campaign Com- mittee. Education is fundamental to the welfare of the Commonwealth, and Texas has under- taken to maintain an efficient system of edu- cation, beginning with the common public schools and extending up to and including the University of Texas. The State insti- tutions of higher learning are therefore in- tegral parts of our system of education, and all patriotic citizens and friends of education in Texas believe that they should be in all respects the equal of the best institutions of their kind in the entire country. The sympathetic and active co-operation of the people is hereby solicited, to the end that our educational facilities may be made equal to the demands of present-day civili- zation. S. E. Mezes, Austin, Texa?, Clarence Ousley, Fort Worth, Texas, E. B. Parker, Houston, Texas, R. L. Batts, Austin, Texas, M. Sansom, Fort Worth, Texas, George A. Eobertson, Dallas, Texas, John W. Hopkins, Galveston, Texas, F. C. Proctor, Beaumont, Texas, W. H. BuRGES, El Paso, Texas, Standing Committee. S. P. Brooks, Waco, Texas, Will C. Hogg, Houston, Texas, Frank Kell, Wichita Falls, Texas, C. LoMBARDi, Dallas, Texas, E. 0. LovETT, Houston, Texas, Charles Schreiner, Kerrville, Texas, Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas, F. M. Bralley, Austin, Texas, Advisoiy Committee. For further information, address F. M. Bralley, Executive Secretary, Austin, Texas. LIBRARY OF CONGRESJ 019 885 458 ft