TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS k.mcr> Walker CulMyiKT GOOD TYPE OF RED AND WHITE TOY SPANIEL IKUM A DkAWING IJY XliVlLLIi LYTTON . De-i^A' \JU^ ^X TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS lucludiHii the History j/iit MjiLiiitnuiit of Toy SpJ}iicls, Pekingese, Jjpjiiese • .iiiii Ponierjuijiis BY THE HON. MRS. NHVILLH LYTTON WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS I). A IMM. H T () N AND COMPANY N E W Y () K K 1 M I I Copyright, 191 i , bv JUDITH LVTTOX I'lililishiil .hull . I'.ni C^CLA2.S07f)5 DKDICATKI) TO MISS ANNIE TOUU "What has become of your doj;, Sir John?" " Gone to Heaven." "Then. Sir John, he lias often followeil you and 1 hope now you will follow him." Souf/ity's Commonplace Book. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. — Introduction II. — Origin and History III. — Till. KiNC; ClIARLKS AND PyRAME . . . . IV. — Type and Standards V\— Toy Spaniels of To-day and Famous Dogs of THE Past VI.— How TO Breed the Best Type of Short-nosed Toy Spaniel VII. — Showing. VIII.— Kennel Management IX. — Japanese X. — Pekingese XI. — Pomeranians XII. — Judges, Exhibitors, Cluhs and Reporters XIII. — Pitfalls for Novices XIV. — The Cares of a Champion XV. — House Pets . APPENDIX INDEX PAGE I 61 198 212 -'39 246 254 -'74 5^5 3 -'4 339 345 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PACE GodB type of Rcd-and-whitc Toy Spaniel. From a diuuvituj by Xcrillc Lyttou. Collotype Froutispiece Crabl)et Park, from the north-east Crabbet Park, from the cast Type of Woodstock Blenheim of 1880 . Butterfly, Mrs. Lytton's first Bleiiluim The Author with her first dog Lady Washing Her Hands. G". Tcr Borcli Miss Annie Todd. From a dnnciiig hy Xct-illc Lytttm Chinese Dogs, 1700. Slii'n Chen- Lin . Venus. Titian Philip and Mary. Antonio Moro Red-and-white Italian Toy Spaniel. Paul I'eronese Red-and-white Italian Toy Spaniel. Paul I'eronese Portrait of the Hon. Mrs. Lytton. Photogravure Louis XI \'. and Family. Largilliere Young man <>ut walking with his Maltese dog, early tury B.C Late Fourth Century B.C. Nineteenth-Century water-colour . From an Italian painting by Jacopo da Empoli, 1575 Elizabeth LangstafFe. Sir G. Kneller Metsys, «5io-i575 .... Palma Vecchio, al>out 1500 Bewick's Comforter of 1824 Petit Barbel (miniature Poodle) . Mieris, 1635-1681 Black-and-white Toy Spaniel . Children of Charles I. I'an Dyck Chinese mirror, I-'ightecnth Century Dutch picture, about 1660 . Picture bv Mieris .... Fi fth Cen 4 6 6 8 10 I J 14 16 18 20 22 -'4 26 28 30 3-2 34 36 36 2.(> 36 36 36 38 40 4^ 44 XI LIST OF ILLUSTKATIONS FACING PACE Field Spaniel. Stubbs 46 Mrs. Rouse's Ch. Clareholni Opal, l-icld Spaniel 46 Blenheim Spaniel of about 1750 48 Black-and-white Spaniel. Watlcau 50 La Consolation dc 1' Absence. .V. Dchntiujy 52 Henrietta of Orleans. Migmird 54 Henrietta of Orleans. Miynard 56 Detail of Mignard's Henrietta of Orleans 58 IVom Watteau's Bal Champetre 58 F. van Mieris and His Wife 60 Picture at Crabbet Park 62 Mrs. Lytton's Buiithornc 64 Curly Black King Charles and Black-and-tan Pyrame of 1809 64 Truffle Dog 64 Head of Bunthorne O4 Head of Mignard's Spaniel 64 Assemblee dans un Salon 66 Marie de Bourbon. Mignard 68 La Rcine Anne. Franc Pourbiis Ic Jcuiic 70 Incognita. I'croucse 72 From Der Cavalier im Verkaufsladen. Franz van Mieris ... 74 From Netscher's Maternal Instruction 74 Lady at her Toilet. Xetschcr 76 Louis XV., Grand Dauphin de France, et sa I'aniillc. Mignard 78 Detail of picture by Mignard 80 Edward Walters 1^2 Picture in the Coral Room, Blenheim Palace 84 Field Spaniel. Stubbs 84 Chinese Dogs, Seventeenth Century. CoUotyfc 86 Heads of newly-born Toy Spaniel puppies 88 Pattern for flannel coat in cases of illness 88 Spratt's terrier travelling bo.x 88 Noseless Toy Spaniel, with wrongly carried ears and had expression go Mrs. J. Davies's Bulldog Good Lion qo " A fairy among dogs " 90 Monkey-faced type of Blenheim, with twisted jaw and wrong ex- pression 90 A good type of brood bitch go A tiny lap dog 90 Miss Fan 92 Early type of Marlborough gj The Duke of MarIl)on>ugh's present type of Blenheim .... 92 xii TJS'I' OF ILLTSTUATIOXS Woodstock lUiiiluiin of 1S40 A common type of early Marll)or(nigh Spaniel. T. Cmiushnrouijli Miss Fan and pups (Tricolour) Tricolour Spaniel, with Red-an< UXD lOJ IO_' 104 104 106 108 1 10 I IJ 114 116 116 116 IK) 116 no 118 118 118 iiS 118 118 120 120 120 120 122 124 126 LIST OF ILLUSTUATIOXS Bad and good shoulder. Diiu/rain Mrs. Lytton's Ch. The Seraph and Lady Huhon's Ch Joy kull Miss Young's Tricolour Toy Spaniel Ch. Lord Viv Right and wrong types of muzzle and eyes Noseless atrocity bred by the author Cottage Flyer, U. S. A Perfect Blenheim '" spot " .... Toy Spaniel Marvel Different shapes of skull Various positions of the eyes of a Toy Spaniel when shut Outlines from photographs of a Bulldog and a noseless Ruby Spanie of the Bulldog type, showing likeness in formation of s Wind Fairy Ch. The Bandolero . . St. Anthony's Wee Dot Fairy Windfall Puppy, 2 months old Xorthampton Wonder Mrs. Barber's The Microbes' Atom Miss Hall's Ruby Spaniel Ch. Royal Rip Wife of Philippe le Roy. J 'an Dyck Different types of head Chinese Bowl, Taokwang Period, 1820 Heads to avoid, with the defects purposely emphasized Ch. Windfall Blenheim Spaniel .Ace of Hearts, 3 months old Equinox Tricolour Toy Spaniel Equinox, 2'/- months old Drying pen Mrs. Hope Paterson's King Charles Ch. Royal Clyde Mrs. Sonneborns Sneider's Ruby Toy Spaniel Ch. Red Clov Blenheim fishing in a pool Good modern Marlborough Blenheim pu|)pies Small Black-and-tan Sporting Spaniel King Charles immediately after the first introdu blood Blenheim playing with ball Modern example of old curly King Charles Toy Trawler puppies Italian Greyhounds Saltarello and .\sta Miss Armitagc's Toy Poodle Puncli of W'inkfield xiv of Pv LIST OF ILLLSTKATIOXS Mnic. I^ilvillf's Papillon Cybillo . Mine. Dclvillo's I'apilloii Mignonnc Mrs. I'"rancis's Papillon Yvette White Tuy Spaniel. From tlic picture by licujauiui \\ Mr. Grtgury's HUnlu-ini Ch. Captain Kt-ttk" Mrs. Brigiit's Bk-nhcini Caris Mrs. Lytton's Blenheim St. Anthony's Klying C1()U( Mrs. Percy's Tricolunr Ch. Casino Girl Mrs. Lytton's Tricolour Rose Petal Mrs. Potter's Tricohnir Ch. Zana Ch. Speckled W ren. U. S. A Ch. Little Tommy Mrs. Lytton's Red .Admiral -Modern example of old type of curly King Charle Blenheim puppy, lO months old .... Mrs. Bright's Blenheim Ch. Cara Miss Spofforth's Ch. The Cherul) The American King Charles Clivedeti Mascot . Mrs. Hope Paterson's Ch. Royal Clyde Mrs. V. L. Schubert's American King Charles Ch. Sonny Bruce Mr. Aistrop's King Charles Miss Bessie Fife's Cupid ( U. S. A.) . Mrs. Pinto Lertes's King Charles Ch. The Advocat Cherul) Junior (Blenheim) Mrs. Jenkins's Ch. Clevedon Magnet (Tricolour) Mrs. W. Hopknis's Haeremai Cyclone (Tricolour Ch. 1-eather Wing, U. S. A. (Blenheim) Mrs. Lytton's Tricolour Little Sambo . Lady dc Gex's Blenheim Little Wonder Miss Dillon's Blenheim Spaniel rran«;oi>-e ■Ma iS<) iS<. iSf) i8() LIST OF ILLLSTRATIONS Laily de Gcx's Blenheim Ch. St. Anthony's Featherweight Miss Green's Hiawatha Odahmin Miss Ives's Pomeranian Ch. and Pr. Boy Bhie . Miss Burton's Pomeranian Ch. The Sal)le Mite Miss H. G. Parlett's Rul)y Toy Spaniel Ch. Rosemary Red Riva Mrs. Pinto Lertes's Toy Spaniel Ch. Hilliken .Xdvocate . Groups of Toy Dogs Mrs. Russell Lloyd's Blenheim Stuart King Mrs. Mitchell's Tricolour Pandora Blenheim Spaniel in motion Mrs. Lloyd's Ruby Spaniel Midget Mrs. \\ . Hopkins's Black-and-tan Toy Spaniel Pinner Snni Mrs. Matthews's Blenheim Spaniel Ro.scoe Mrs. Lytton's Blenheim Ch. The Bandolero at i8 months Training a dog to stand for show Covent Garden Charlie, Berrie's Bawbee, Shepperl, Conrad How to show Mr. Cummings's Speculation of St. Anthony Showing a level back The Duchess of Urbino. Titian Red-and-white Spaniel. Trotii {portrait of an Old Lady. Pourbus (the Old) Paul Veronese, 1 528-1 588 Dash. Landsccr Wife of Admiral van Baakn. Tonf^cl .... Italian Plate, 200 B.C Terra-cotta model in the Louvre, Paris: '" Cliien ile Malte. I'-ighteenth-Century English needlework tapestry worked by wives of Thomas Foley Early Victorian type of Toy Spaniel. Landsccr Tricolour Toy Spaniel, early X'ictorian Period Diagrams showing structure of kennels .... Another diagram of kennels Two good kennels made by Boulton & Paul. Xorwich . Daughter of Rol)erto Strozzi. Titian .... Marlborough Blenheims of about 1750-1800 The best way of docking puppies' tails .... Bird's-eye view of kitten and puppies asleep on a cushion Mrs. Lytton wilii Ch. W indfali. Troin a (tainting by Xeville L} Photoyravurc Mrs. Solomon's Dara Miss Serena's Fugi of Kobe and \ii)i)nn of Kobe xvi FACINC PAGE th hv( (ton. IJST OF ILLISTRATIONS Mrs. M'Laron Mdrrisoii's Japanoso puppies Mrs. H. Aiulrcwss Aka of Toddiiigttm Mrs. Lloyd's Japanese IVkingcsc Dog. C'hii Ty of AKkTixnirne Lady Saimielson's Japanese Marquis Cluno and Ikeda id Itrav Sleeping i)en I'uppy lionse and run l-'airy Windfall ( Tricnhnir ), ,< months Kantail of St. Anthony ( Hleidieiin ), .? months . Ace of Hearts ( Mlenheini ), _• montiis . Checkmate (Tricolour), .^ months Whirlwind (Tricolour), _' months Miss Dawson's Japanese pnpi)y \'ezo Hlenheini puppy, 6 weeks old .... Mrs. Lytton's Tricolour puppy Heiress, .^ months lA Mrs. Pickcrsgill's red Japanese puiti)> Miss Tempest, Japanese puppy .... Toy Trawler puppies Mrs. Kingdon's Japanese Spaniel Denka . Mrs. Senn's Ch. Koma Mrs. Senn's Ch. Senn Senn The White Queen Miss Serena's Japanese Marquis Ito . Mrs. Lloyd's Japanese Tama of St. Omer Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, with one of her Japanese dogs Mrs. Lloyd's Ch. Royal Yama Hito Mrs. Addis's Ch. Dai Butzu H Mrs. Parsonage's Japanese puppies Lady Samucl.son's Japanese General Koroki of Hray Japanese puppy (long face) Chinese Spaniel of the hest type. .S7/(*» Clu-ini Lady Decies's Ch. I'ekin I'oppy .... Mrs. Weaver's Sutherland Chu Chi Mrs. Catlcy's Adderly Lola Mrs. A. Cross's Ch. Chuerh of .Mderliourne Mrs. Fry's Hi Yang Mrs. I'leydel (loddard's Tan-Kwei Chu of Westlecotl Chinese Spaniel (coarse type), 1700. Slicii Li . Black-and-white Chinese Dog, about 1700. .S7/i*); Clint- 1. lit Model of Maltese dog, .^00 to 600 B.C. Model of " Pomeranian " dog, ,^00 to 600 B.C. Model of Pomeranian dog, .Archaic Period (beyond 800 B.C.) 2 wii wick FACING PAGE 2X) 226 _'.'() -'_>H 230 -•3-' -23-' -'.?-' -'.?4 -'.U -'.?4 -•.?<« -■.^'> -•40 -'4-' -'4-' -•44 -'44 -'44 _M(. 248 24« -'4« 24S 248 -•4S -•50 -'52 254 2.S4 254 LIST OF ILLI'STUATIOXS Greek kadcn ti)y, alxnit 200 H.C Greek \'ase, 400 H.C Greek Vase, 400 B.C. Apliroilite and .Apdllo Greek Design, 400 B.C Greek Vase. 400 R.C Tanagra I'igure. loo-.^oo B.C Greek Vase, 500 B.C. Boy playing on chelys Portrait of Mnie. Adelaide. Wittier Mr. Carr's Ch. Offley Floney Dew (orange ronieranian ) Mrs. Robinson (Perdita). Guiiisborouijli .... Mr. Brown's Orange B03' (Pomeranian) .... Miss Bland's Ch. Marland King (l)lack Pomeranian) Mrs. Parker's Ch. Mars (orange Pomeranian) Miss Ives's Ch. Dragon Fly (sal)le Pomeranian) Mrs. Pope's Little Polar Star (white Pomeranian) Miss llawley's W'olvey Mite ( sable Pomeranian) Mr. Richardson Carr's Ch. Xanky Poo (Pomeranian) . Mrs. \'ale Xicolas's Shelton Mercury (sable Pomeranian) Mrs. W. I'owler's Ch. May Duchess (sable Pomeranian) Mrs. Pope's Little Twinkling Star (white Pomeranian) Miss Chell's Belpcr Racer (white Pomeranian) Mr. Vale Xicolas's Ch. Shelton .Xtom (sable Pomeranian) A Perfect Type of Pomeranian Miss Burton's Ch. The Sable Mite (sable Pomeranian) Mrs. Langton Dennis's Ch. Kew Mario (black Pomeranian Mrs. Parkinson's Gold (orange Pomeranian) Miss Ilorsfall's Brocklyn Gold S|)eck (orange Pomeranian Meeting of the United Fanciers' Club Cheerful meeting of a Show I'.xecutive Committee Dog shows as they would be in an anarchical state Chinese Puppies. Afarsiiyama Ohio F'omeranian Type of Dog. Muo I Mrs. I'Vy's Sei Mei .\Ir I-. Carnegie's Ciiinese llai)pa Dog .... II. II. Princess Tousson's Pekingese Puck of .Mderliourn Mrs. I'inlayson's Pekingese Celestial Toto Mrs. M. Andrews's Pekingese Chu Chu of Toddington Mrs. I-'reeman's Pekingese Orange Boy .... Mrs. Torrens's Pekingese Ch. Goodwood Chun Mrs. Stainthorpe's Pekingese Pekin Count. Miss Barrv'> Pekingese Princess Wee Wee Picture l)y Barth. van der ilelst ... wiii FACING PAGE LIST OF ILLISTUATIOXS rAONO PACE A jiuIkc's life is not a happy oiu- 294 Lady Saimu'lson's Sam of liraywick 296 Mrs. Cdlin l"!vans's Mititsliim 296's Tokiniasa 296 Mr. WcIUts Maltose L'h. Oiillichnry Masher 296 -Mrs. KiiiKtlon's Rcd-and-white Japanese Cho C'ho .... 296 Mrs. S|)ink's Geisha of Willoughy 296 The ri^ht type of HIack-and-tan Toy Spaniel 298 Miss Nicholson's I'ekin^e^e I'upi)ies 2<^ Oraiyje l-rills. I'lmii u drawiiii] by Seville Lyllmi. Cotlnlytt' ■ 300 l.ady Samuelson's Jaiianesc dogs playing with a raMiit 302 rhe Painter's l-"amily. Rubens 304 .Mrs. rkyf mine after havint^' supprcssctl tlic negatives all the way ihroni^h it, niakini;" nie tluis appear to say the contrary of what I had actually said — to the consternation of my readers, who to this day do not understand what happened. 1 also sent an article to a pai)er edited by a woman. It was never acknowledj^ed, hut live months later a lari^e portion of it was ])ul)lished as an editorial article! This kind of literary hii^hway robbery ap|)ears to be common with editresses, and the mention of hij^hway- men reminds me of a pirate who took the plKitos^raph of mv doi:^ Champion Windfall and published it in an American paper under another name as the said pirate's own doi^. 1 had to write to the English F.mbassy before I could i^et an apology published, (^n another occasion 1 wrote an article for a lady's journal and got an enthu- siastic letter from the editress, saying- she had been nuich interested and (juite agreed with every word I said ; but that as unfortunately humour was not a strong jxiint with ladies, would I be kind enough to delete everything that could possibly be interpreted as a joke, play upon words, or witticism of any description. This T (obedi- ently did (under protest), stiimlating, however, that the word " fiascos " should not be journaleesed into " fiasci," and sent in the amended version. Tn a week's time T got another letter from the editress full of apologies. She said she had never realised till it was in " cold jirint " what a very serious article it was, and she had therefore taken the liberty of cutting out everything serious and had published " the rest." 1 leave my readers to imagine what sort of literary composition it was when it ap- peared mimis both blade and handle, so to sjKMk. and T am willing for the honour of my sex to believe that this 4 IMKUDl CTIOX amiable cditrt'ss judj^ed her readers l)v a standard of limitations which they wonid repndiate with scorn. I ventnre to think thai they wonid have ])referred niv orij^inai letter even at tlie cost of an occasional jest ! 1 do not intend to make this a hook t»f jokes, but I mean to say just what I think and to record a few of the observations 1 have made on the breeds of doj^s which have sj)ecially come under my notice. I trust that no one will take offence at anvthiuL;' 1 may say alxnit individual doi^s. 1 am writiniLi;' this book forthe jn;ood of the breeds and not for the advancement of my own dojq;s or to dis])arai;"e others, but T am tired of the milk-and-water criticisms of those who are too timid or too polite to i^ive an outspoken opinion. I shall, therefore, be as frank in my criticism of modern do<^s as if they were stutTed specimens in a museum, otherwise no jn^ood can be done. \\ hat 1 sav cannot be all praise for each indi\idual, and I hope that the owners of doi^s criticised by nic will take it in i^ood part, as it is not my wish to hurt their feelim^s. We are told that one of the greatest secrets of suc- cess in disseminatinin^ one's o])inions is in makini:;' other people think they have orii^inated one's ideas. In this I have l)een so sins^ularly successt'ul that 1 have seen \y.\vt of my articles reprinted bodily with other jieople's names attached, and to these ])eoi)le I can only recommend a study of the fable respectinc;- the jackdaw who put on other people's feathers and i^ot lau.i;heost 1 received a special brand of Borneo cii^^ar, and an anonymous volume entitled " Memoirs of Tcthiosauri and IMesiosauri," con- taining^, sure enough, diaqr.ams of the Tcthiosaurus Chi- rostroni^ulnstinus and the Plesiosaurus Tessarestarsos- tinus! T do not know if this was a delicate hint that the modern Toy Spaniel is as _G^rotes{iue as an antediluvian monster, or whether T c^ot a parcel intended for some- one else, but the Icthiosaurus Chirostron^ulostinus still adorns my library. r)y a succeedini;' post I received three crocodile skins, four prints of a rhinoceros, and a new kind of incubator, and when the evenincr post broucrht me an almost life-sized em^ravinj:;' of Canter- bury Cathedral, the postman be^an to cr\' out for mercv. The best ol these >)(\(\ ])arcels was a \er\' curious little Tyi'F. of- \Vo(M)sr(H K lii i.Niii:iM or i88u J'.l IIIKIIV, MKS LyTTON's llKST Jil.KNMKIM IXTHODITCTIOX ])ook full o\ the stran.G^cst pictures of (Irac^nns and otluT animals, which made me conj^^ratulale myself that 1 had never had l<> exhihit the Manticora, the Aromi)o, or the Allocamehis, tlmu.^h 1 must say I rei^ret 1 am ne\er to see the Strepsiceros in tiiis world or to meet the harm- less Potto. All this, crowned with an ahle pampiilel on church turrets and Carillon machinery, did not advance my knowledj^e of Toy Spaniels. I speedily stopped adver- tising^ and went to the P>ritish Museum. There I spent many months confronted with innumerahle books, ar- rani^ed in countless rows round a room that appears considerably larj^er than the Albert Hall and Pucking^- ham Palace coml)ined, and had it not been for the kind- ness and intelli|Lience of the officials T should be there to this day. A liking for doQ^s runs in my family. Lord Byron, mv .q'reat i^randfather. wrote verses on his own doj^ which are too well known to quote, but the ej)itaph he wrote on a pet doi^ beloni^iui^ to Pady Piyron is not so well known : Alas, ix)or Prim, Pm sorry for liiin. P<1 rather by half It had been .Sir Ral])li. Sir Ralj)!! Milbanke beinj^' his father-in-law, the verse has the usual caustic Byronic vigour. Lady Byron had a Black-and-tan Toy Spaniel called Fairy. This dog had a very wavy coat, her eyes were extremely large and her nose short, but not short like the modern dogs. She had a curious temper and liked very few people. The ])oor thing came to an untimely end, ])eing drowiu-d in a garden tank at .Moore place, Esher, 3 7 'r()\ DOCS AM) IIIKIU AXC KSroHS ill iS4(). M\ father hrcd I'lcnlicinis for many years and owned lUilbul, who was full hrother to ()xford IJoh. sire of champion Kollo. .M\ mother also hred IJettina from lUilhnl and Juliet, who was ^ot for her hy Miss Dillon and was of her strain. All these- a])])ear in the pedi- grees of our siiow doj^s. Seetsu Trince, Snow shower, J'airy JUossom, Storm I\.in<;-, Red Admiral, Kim, Duke Dorynski. Stuart Kin^" and Caris are all doj^s directly descended from some of the C'rahhet do^'s. I have kept Toy Spaniels irom my earliest days, and shall never forget my first sight of a Blenheim Si)aniel. 1 had i;"one with my mother to visit ]\Iiss Dillon in Ox- fordshire, and when 1 awoke on the tlrst morning" there suddenlv rushed into the room a wonderful thinii" all fluff and feather. It sprang- on to my hed and danced ahout on my pillow, lickini^^ my face and rollin"* over in an ecstasy of youth and excitement. T thereu]ion fell head over ears in love with it. It was called A'iolet. and I could think and talk of nothing" else. It nearly l)roke my heart to go away — in fact, 1 as good as asked to take it with me — and home was ilat and dull after my late revels. Fortunateh- mv nurse had heen as much taken \\iih the dog as 1, and so we consoled ourselves hy talk- ing together of its perfections. ]\hinths went hy, and then one day a hasket arrived addressed to me. T opened it unsusjx^ctingly, and out of it there came a tiny fairy thing that could have stood on a man's hand, a miniature \'iolet. It was fat. and it was s(|uare, and it wagged its little tail and jirruiced uj^on its little legs and forthwith tumhled head over heels, as puppies will, and T thought I had never seen anything so lovely. T can venture to say that no present e\er giwii to anvhodv has hrought such intense delight as that of mv kind friend Miss Dillon. s' liii-; Ai iiioK WITH iitR I-ikst Dog INTHOnrCTION How I loved that i)rcUy i)Ui)l)y! It ij!;vcw and nourished, and 1 rcnicmbcr in the aulunin niakini;- a cart for it out of a box and llic wheels of a doll's peranihulator, and i^oin^ with my turnout to collect acorns in spite of my uncle's facetious warnini^s that it was illej^al to i)Ut dosj^s in har- ness. lUit the puppy objected stroni^iy to the harness and vindicated the majesty of the law by running away and ujJsettinjL;" the acorns aj^ainst the garden gate post, the wheels came off, and that was the end of my dog- dri\ing enthusiasm. r)Utterfly's jiortrait will be foimd iUi-this \-olume. She grew uj) with a beautiful coat and ears, and was my constant companion. I taught her many very difficult tricks, but nothing would ever induce her to fetch and carry. \\'hile my eye w^as on her she would carry what I put in her mouth, but if I took my attention off she would slyly drop it in a bush and, if pos- sible, lose it. She would, however, sneeze, whine, bark and growl and turn liead over heels to order. \ ar- ranged a steeplechase course for her out of chairs and she would go the whole course by herself at command. She would walk about a fully laid dining table without upsetting or stealing anything. 1 used to have a dor- mouse which, though usually tame, would occasionally escape from me with a sudden frantic lea]). Tt would scurry u]) the window curtains, and travel all over the house, frightening the housemaids into fits by turning up fast asleej) in the linen cu])board or in somebody's befl. Tf T could i)revent its reaching the curtains it would rush round the room, diving into shoes or bury- ing itself under rugs. ]^)Utterfly would pen it in a cor- ner and catch it for me. She never hurt it in the least. She would take an cij!;i!; in her mouth without breaking it. What a i)ity it is that dogs live so short a time. But- 9 TOY DOCiS AND TIIKIU AN( KSTOHS terllv lived to more llian the usual sj^au of life, but a day came when she died and was buried under a tree. 1 cried for nian\- weeks, thou.iih by that lime 1 was a Lirown-up \<)un^' ladv supposed to be thinking- ol nothim^ but balls and parties. The understandini;- between a child and its lirst doi;" cannot be a])])reciated by one who has never had a doi;' in his childhood. A doi;- teaches a child a world of thiui^s. '1^) train a doi;" one needs i)a- tience. self-conlrol, firmness, ^"ood temper and, above all, intuition and iudi^nient in no small dei^ree. To treat it successfullv in health and illness one must be skilful, quick of decision. ol)servant and unselfish. Who shall sav that these (|ualities are not in\alual)le in after life? Peoi)le can ])e silly over pet doi^s and brim;- ridicule on them by makini;- them wear motor-^o<4i^ies and goloshes; but these same peo])le would i)rol)ably make their own children ridiculous and be ef|ually irritatinc^ and silly over anvthiui;" of which they were fond, 'fhe i)eople who make themselves and their dogs a laui^iiingstock to the sensible world will be no less contemptible if (lei)rived of their doi^i's and reduced to the now fashionable Teddy bear, dhe keeping' ot pet do<;"S is sometimes decried as a degrading-, disgraceful, ridiculous, and, indeed, im- moral practice confined to an effete aristocracy or a still more detestable plutocracy. This T strenuously deny. I re])eat that a sensible boy and a sensible dog are the best education for each other, and the results of the com- panionship w ill remain long- after the little dog has been forgotten under the grass in some corner of the garden — but not forgotten bv his master, who, if he is worth his salt, will ne\er be ashamed of the tears he once shed for his faithful old dog. It has been stated that onlx' childless women and dis- lu Lady washing her Hands G. Ttr Bor. Ii, alx>ul 1650. DrCMlen. Photo, HanfMatiigl ixruoDrc'Tiox npix'iiitcd spinsters care for doi^'s. ll is true iliat those to whom tale has heeii unkind sometimes find comtOrt in the unsellish love of a doj;' wliosc affection subsists re- jj^ardless of worldly considerations, hut 1 would ])oint out that the man who thoroughly dislikes animals will i;en- erallv make an indilferent sort of father, and a fondness for animals often goes w ith understanding and fondness for children. Say what you will, a nature which dislikes animals is almost invariably hard and selfish or, at the ver^ least, cold and unsymi)athetic. Let no one, therefore, sneer at the keeping of dogs, but let us all rather be thankful that the world holds creatures so unselfish and unworldly-wise, so blind to their own interests, and so devoted to our own. Compiling a history of the Toy Spaniel breeds has been like unravelling a Chinese i)uzzle. The errors of translators and the abnormal amount of hyjKnhesis to be sifted have made me feel at times like the i)oor prin- cess who was given four sacks of feathers of hundreds of different birds and told to sort them into their ])roper species before midnight: ^\hile the confusion of mind which follows a preliminary study of the (|uesti(^n re- minds one of the delightful Irish i)orter who cheered the passengers with the information that *' the seven-thirty goes at eight-thirty and there's no last train at all." The Blenheim isn't a lilenheim. the King Charles isn't a King Charles, and the Pomeranian is not a Pomeranian at ail. Picsides the historical interest. I have tried to show the fancier how ridiculous and contemptible the present judging system ai)pears to outsiders, who are not all as blind, deaf and stupid as they are given credit for. I want all those who read this book to make up their minds 1 1 TOY 1K)(;S A\D TTIKIK AXCKSTOKS once for all to judmc fairly and honestly lOr the sake of the (1<»l;s. \\hate\er it may cost them in unpopnlarity with those who are less scrupulous. in writing- this Ijook I cannot i)ay too hij^h a irihutc to Miss Annie Todd, the good friend to whose generous jL^ilt ot' many years' knowledge and experience 1 owe my own knowledge, and to whose unselhsh loyalty I owe my success. W ith her, dog fancying has always heen an honourahle profession in spite of an uphill struggle against acherse circumstances, and her example has raised the whole h'ancy in my estimation. She has the rare gift of keeping the ideals and generosity of youth unsi)oilt hv the stress of a hard life and much bitter ex- l)erience. Since 1 had the good fortune to meet with her. the pleasure of success has heen doubled by her cociperation and enthusiasm : her philosophy has tided over many moments of despair, and without her wit and light-heartedness dog showing would be dull indeed. If there are errors in my book, it is not for want of hard work extending over nearly six years. Tt was thankless work, too, the evidence collected being mostly of a negative kind. T must, therefore, ask my readers to acce])t mv book in a generous s])irit and not to cavil at it for its shortcomings, and it" the effect of its publication is to bring forth from some unknown quarter more defi- nite information than any 1 have been able to find, it will still have served its piu^jiose. If what I have said will hel]) others to understand and a])preciate the true type, and especially if 1 can hel]) to bring about a return of that feeling for bcaitfy which has at present been com- ])letelv lost, I shall not have wasted my time or worked in vain. '"^5^'' r Miss ANNit 1 ouu Kroiii a ilrawiiig l.y Ntville l.>lloii CIIAP'n-.R IT OKICIX AND IllSIOKV It lias liitlicrto hocn practically inipossihlc to trace the exj^ct origin of the Toy Spaniel, as notwithstanding luinierous theories it remained a matter for specula- tion, 'i'he chief cause of this has heen the extraordi- narily irresjKMisihle and contradictory evidence of writers whose mistranslations, added to spontaneous errors of their own, have confused history almost past redemi)tion. It has cost me years of research both in the liritish Museum and in the ])icture c^alleries of Kurope to disentani^le the truth from the cocoon of falsehood into which it w'as spun. \ ears ajL^o I he^g^an my search with a lii^iu heart, imaj^inin^' that the under- lakini^^ was a simi)le one, Imt the further 1 advanced the more contradictory my authorities a])i)eared. and the more dee])ly involved in mystery mv work became. At last I besj^an to see dayli.c^ht in the fact that the names and the breeds had been shuftled like a pack of cards. and I think I have succeeded in reducini;^ them at len<^th to their ])ro])er order. The chief ])oint on which there is no doubt whatever is that the present square-jawed, heavy, noseless type was introduced com])arali\elv re- cently, certainly no earlier than the year in a fairly short face and always a liij^ii skull. Xo douhi ihc fanciers who read this will exclaim: '* hXeryhody knows that already. ( )f course llu-y came from the MarlhorouL;hs and Si)orlini;' Span- iels." lUit if they will ha\e the patience to ij^o carefully throui^h the facts 1 am ahout to _i;"i\e them, the\- will lind that this is an error. The first records we have of red-and-white Toy Spaniels in Eurojie are tliose in Titian's ])ictures about 1505, hilt Italy was not their place of ori^i^in. Then conies Palnia N'ecchic^, ahout 1515. and I'aul X'eronese, 1550. It will be seen that the X'eronese tloi^s had al- ready a hi,i;h-d(Miied skull and a short, thoui^h pointed, nose, and had the cobby, compact and smart shape that is so essential in a Illenheim. not too low to the i^round. yet not leqj^y. They were S(|uare. the height being" ap- pro.ximately the same as the leui^th. which is riq;ht. They carried their tails hiiiih and turned over the back. The sudden api)earance of the \ eronese t\pe of pet doi^^ in Italy pu/zled me for a Ion*;- time and the absolute ab- sence of the least trace of it in any direction led me to the only possible conclusion, namely, that it originated there in the fifteenth century. Xow a breed cannot orii2^inate from nothini>". It must, therefore, have been manufactured, and 1 set myself to consider how this was done. In Jlaly and Malta the indii^enous doijs were tlie Shock do.i:^- and the " Pomeranian " Melit4 ()HI(;i\ AM) niSTOKV foundation of the rcd-and-whitc Toy. I also came across l^oy Spaniels ai)i)roxinialini; to the X'eronese type, and if they existed before the fifteenth century, this Italian Spaniel nii^ht possibly have been evolved from them without actual crossing, thoui^h 1 think the verv sharj) nose must have come from a cross.' The Ioniser nosed Chinese Toy Spaniels can be seen on a bowl of the Taok- wang period, iSji, and 1 rather doubt the type bein^^: very ancient. After X'eronese come Rubens, date about iTxX), and Xetsclier of i^)3<). Heist Tischbein and Tem])el, as well as the two \'an Mieris's Ter I>orch, Metsu, and Steen, all show liver-and-white and a few yellow-and-white Tov Spaniels of the seventeenth centurv, also two fawn-and- while ones, and a red one with white face, breast and toes, and one of the Dutch Princesses is re])resente(l with a black-and-white dotr with the spot. Juan de X'aldes Leal and X'elasquez, of about 1600 to 1660, showed the Alicantes or Cayenne variety of monjs^rel white Toy Spaniel with very short nose and hic^h skull, said by lUiffon to be a cross between TlCpa^neul and the I)o«^uin or Pui^. These doi^s were said to be l)rown-and- white-and-tricolour or black-and-white, and some were entirely white. .\n old writer on .Spanyuolles says the " Alauntez " (query Alicantes) were brought to Scot- Land from Spain in 13^)0. There appears, however, to have been a breed of large hounds called by the same name. 1 can find no trace of " lilenheim " or tricolour Toy Spaniels in .S])ain, and the red-and-white Toy Span- iels undoubtedly came to England from Italy where they ' The Papillcjn, whicli is the modern descendant of the Italian Spaniel on the Continent, shows the " Pomeranian " type very strongly, even to the erect ears of one of the varieties, 4 15 T()\ 1){)(;S AM) I'lIKIK AXC'KSroi^S a|)])arc'ntly were cxoKcd. as I ha\c said, frniii the ChiiK'sc Si)anicls. I'iclorially llicy can l)c traced Ixick to tlic fiftcentli century, and probably existed in Italy in the time of the Roman empire. In Rural Sports I find the fol lowing" passaj^es rej^ardinq' the Spaniel about .\a])les: *' 'IMiey ])0.ssess a kind of Spaniel so excellent that the king- has taken i)ains to increase the breed." The Ital- ian pictures sliow many red-and-white Toy Spaniels. 1 lenri III of France kept small pet Spaniels, and can only ha\e come across his little do.^s when he landed in Italy alter the llight from Poland. Mr. lielloc is my authority for this. Thev were called " Damarets." ^ There is only an allusion to them in Brantome. One of C'aius's main- translators and revisers speaks of " a new kind of ( ])et ) Spaniel broti.c^ht out of Fraimce,, strange, and hard to get." This is not in Caius's original Latin, and was i)robably an interpolation of the translator himself after the time of Charles IT, as it was a common practice with translators to add their own experience and oi)ini()ns and embody them w ith the orig- inal text. This is ver\- annoying, as the translator often lived several hundred years after the original writer under whose name his o])inions appear, and it natural1\- falsifies the dates. It is especially mislead- ing where descri])tions of tyi)es are given, and it is only by going back to the original that the matter can be verified. b'or instance, jonston, 1733. quotes Aeliaii. who lived in A.I). 230, for certain things which do not ap- pear to be in the original Latin. Instead, therefore, of the information being i^»3<) vears old it is only one hun- dred and fift\' lour vears old. lonston's book being ' The translation of this word is " a fop." OHKilX AM) IIISrOHV -Vcliaii i)liis Joiiston. Later on comes Aclian plus Jon- ston plus Jac()l)s, and so on. At tlic end of tlic seventeenth century there are French portraits ol' I lenrietta ol ( )rleans. sister ot Charles II, who was hrouj^ht up in I'rance t'roni a bahy. She is j)ainle(l with red-and-white Spaniels. At the same period we find the i)auj)hin with a black do^" and a black-and-white one. and Louis Xl\' with a most beau- tiful black-and-white Toy. The black-and-white do_i;s were akin to the 1 lolland d(>i;s. and we see them also in W'atteau's pictures, '* Kmbar(|uemeiU pour C'\ there," and " The Toilet." etc. That the black-and-white and red-and-white varieties were brouj^ht by Henrietta to Enj^land seems clear. There is no evidence that such breeds existed in bji^land before this time. 1 lem'ietta was Charles Il's favourite sister, and when she died an early death throuij^h poi.soniujL:^, it is more than probable that he took over her little doji^s and bred them with those she had ])resumably previously introduced into the KnjL^lish Court, which she had \isited at the a.c^e of fifteen and later. I can find no ])ictorial evidence that Kinj^ Charles II ever kej)t black-and-tan do^^s in his life, and all the early evidence is merely traditional, and shows that if there were .any black S])aniels in P^nj^^land at that time they were of a breed totally different from both the black-and-tan Pyrame Si)aniel and the red-and-white or black-and-white bVench importations. T imagine, how- ever, that there must have been black 'l^)vs at the b'ni^- V\^C)C) are characteristic of the early Marlhoronj^li, hnt in this case thev were (hie to manj^e. of which there seemed to he a fine trachtion. 'IMie woman at one of the lodj^'es was a])i)arently snlTerinii;' from llie traditional crnsti- ness, heini;- \er\- cross and relnctant to admit ni\- friend. She ti.)ld him she hated the doj^s, they always smelt no nasty. The visitor saw a litter of ei^ht or nine i)Uppies, and almost all of these, in addition to nearly every do,i( in the place, had the spot. Though the\' were smaller than the a\era,^"e of eighteen ponnds i^iven for 1S41 . they were far fr(»m small, and any decrease in size is ])rol)- ahlv dne to an infnsion of Toy hlood from the ontside. 1 believe that all this is now altered, and that fewer dogs are ke])t at lilenheim. Mr. J. W. 1 'aimer, the present Duke of Marl- borouL^di's estate agent, is doing his best to improve the tvpe bv breeding from the best and smallest of our show dogs, and 1 have seen some ])retty ones from the Duke's estate. It is by the Duke of Marlborough's kind per- mission that I have rei)roduce(l his i)ictures in this volume, and my l)est th.anks are dne to Mr. Palmer for his most courteous hel]) in getting the photographs taken. Without his consent it would have been impos- sible for i)ro])er pictiu'es to be secured. John Scott wrote that in 1800 the Duke of Marl- borough's red-and-white S])aniels were Cockers, lie also speaks of " Carjiet Si)aniels " as a different breed, saying that these are very delicate and small dogs, have ex(|uisite noses, and will hunt truly and pleas- 21 TOY 1)()(;S AM) I'lIKIK AXCKSTOKS antly. l)Ut arc ik-IiIkt IU idr a loiii;" (la\- iior a ihorny covcrl." Ackcnnann. in iS()<), speaks of ihc Marlboroui^li as " in(lefaliL;al)lc," and says tlial it was used as a finder in greyhound coursing, and dilTers onl}- from ihe Cocker in size, hut also says tliey are all so crossed that very few of i)in-e race are now to he found. In Ackermann's " Repository of Arts " the descrip- tion of the Cocker is nearly that of the Marlhorough S|)aniel : " Delicately formed like the Si)ringer, hut with a shorter, more coni])act form, and rounded head, shorter nose, long ears, and the longer the more admired. Limbs short and strong, the coal more inclined to curl than the Springer. Colour, liver-and-white, red-and-white, hlack- and-white, all liver colour and not unfreciuently black with tanned legs and muzzles.^ From the great simi- larity between some of these Cockers and the small water dog, both in figure and disposition, there is little doubt that they may have been originally i^roduced by a cross between the Si)ringing Spaniel and the latter. . . The smallest Spaniels i)assing under the denomination of Cockers is the peculiar breed in the possession of the Duke of Marlborough and his friends which are in- \ariablv red-and-white with very long ears, short nose and black eyes. They are indefatigable, and are held in high estim.'ition. " These two kinds differ in size and not much in (|ualifications except that the former is inferior to the latter in rai)idity of action and does not seem to catch the scent so (|uicklv. .spaniels of both descriptions are used as finders in coursing with greyhounds. They ' IIiTc \M- li;ivi.' tlif Pvranu- classed as a Cocker. ■> -> H S z > ORIGIN AND HISTORY show pleasure and excitement by perpetual motion of the tail — termed feathering. . . . The tail is generally curved. Crosses of this race of dog are so varied that but very few of the pure and unmixed breed are now to be obtained." A coloured print shows a red-and-white dog with long nose and curly coat. Youatt in 1805 says: " The Blenheim Spaniel, from its beauty and occasional gaiety, is oftener an inhabitant of the drawing-room than the field, but it occasionally breaks out and shows what nature designed it for. Some of these carpeted pets accjiiit themselves nobly in the covert." Captain Brown, in 1829 ("Anecdotes of Dogs"), says that the small Cocker, which was of several colours but often black-and-tan and liver coloured, with rather curly hair, was extremely common in many parts of Sussex, and from its beauty and temper was more fre- quently a parlour pet than a sporting dog, and that the Duke of Marlborough kept a red-and-white variety of this Sussex Spaniel which had very long ears, short noses and black and sparkling eyes. He also says that General Maxwell of Edinburgh kept an extremely beau- tiful breed of Cockers, mostly black-and-tan, with ears nearly seven inches in length. They were small but very lively, handsome little creatures. The same writer says the King Charles is similar in every respect to the Cocker but is smaller, that he is of all colours, with longer ears and a longer tail. Meyrick, 1842, says the Cocker averages fifteen pounds in weight, the head is rounder, the nose more pointed than that of other breeds of Spaniels. The ear is light for a Spaniel, and the hair on it should be com- paratively thin (this exactly coincides with the descrip- TOY DOGS AND TIT K IK ANCESTORS tion of the Marlborouf^h and of the Pyrame). His coat should be wavy and Uiick. The colour is either black- and-white, pure black (the Gredin), liver-colour-and- white. or red-and-white (the original Gun S])aniel and Marlborough?). " Some excellent breeds, such as the Welsh and Devonshire Cockers, are ])ure liver colour. Black-and- tan (Pyrame) is not uncommon but is not a favourite colour." lesse speaks of a small thick Spaniel called " Doll." " She was of great beauty, red-and-white, with deep ears drooping to an extraordinary length for a dog of her colour. Her eyes were of a beaming hazel, nose short and well formed, stout but little sturdy legs almost cov- ered by the silky hair from her stomach. Doll always occupied the rug, and at dinner was called up when there was something for her. Bread she objected to; if she was offered a piece of dry bread she made a horrid face and turned away her head. If offered the dry bread a second time she would go into a corner and sulk, and if a third time she took the first op])ortunity of the door being opened to make oft' and started for my grand- father's at West Bromwich, some six or seven miles the other side of Birmingham." From The riclii, September 15, 1866: " On the origin of the dog (red-and-white Spaniel) which, judging from \'an Dvck's ])icture, was cherished at the Court of Charles 1. It has been asserted that the same description of dog was a favourite in the time of Henry \'1II, and it was nuich esteemed by I^lizabeth, and tliat the small ' dogg ' which was found under the clothes of Mary Queen of Scots after her execution was of this breed. We incline to the opinion that it sprang from a race of Cockers of 24 dvHrait cfL-ke S^otl . ^y^(z'Xi/4tcrn. ORIGIN AND HISTORY that colour, for which the first owner of Blenheim was celebrated, and that the small race known by that name derived their origin from in and in breeding, in jealousy to preserve the breed." This is a characteristic modern account of the history of Toy Spaniels, but has no evi- dence behind it. Stonehenge, in " British Rural Sports," 1876, says: " About the year 1841 perhaps but two or three good specimens existed in the neighbourhood of Blenheim — and only one of surpassing excellence — a bitch named Rose, belonging to Mr. A. K. Kingle, of Oxford — she weighed four and a half or five pounds. Her head, exquisitely modelled and full of character and intelli- gence, was in exact proportion to her size. Her coat was soft, silky, shiny and of transparent whiteness ex- cept where it was stained with the genuine rich ' Blen- heim Orange.' " The price of a Blenheim in i860 was about £15. The " Penny Encyclop?edia " of 1841 states that Dr. Caius's Comforter, or Spaniel Gentle, was a Maltese, and stood alone as the lady's lap dog of his time. Not being at all a good Latin scholar myself I deputed a com- petent person to verify this and Dr. Caius's original writings. I give here a literal translation of Dr. Caius's much misquoted words on Toy dogs. Dr. Caius was physician to Queen Elizabeth. The original text is in Latin — 1570:' Reading "Apud": "There are also among us, among the kind of high-bred dogs, but outside the com- mon run of these dogs, those . . ." ^ Early natural history writers often wrote " dog Latin " in more senses than one. 25 ^()^' DOCS AM) riiKiK axcksioks l\ca;e d(>i;>; ;nid of human l)eings. 26 > I o - H-1 ^ ORIGIN AND HISTORY ing the Melitei only. The opening sentence seems to show that he merely classed the Melitei as Chamber Companions under the head " Spaniel Gentle," and de- scribed them as outside the common run of these dogs. Fleming, writing six years after Caius, in 1576, translates him as follows: ''Of the delicate, neat and pretty kind of dogs called the Spaniel Gentle, or Com- forter, in Latine Melitjeus, or Fotor . . . There is be- sides another sort of gentle dogges in this our English soyle but exempted from the order of the residue, the dogges of this kind doth Callimachus call Melitaeus of the-Island Melita in the sea of Sicily (which at this day is named Malta an island indeede). These dogges are little pretty proper and fyne and sought to satisfie the delicatenesse of daintie dames and wanton womens wills instruments of folly for them to play and dallie withall to tryfle away the treasure of time to withdraw their mindes from more commendable exercions . . . with vaine distractions." Fleming adds an explanatory description of his own, which decides the identity of this particular Melitseus. " Iseland dogges curled and rough all over which by rea- son of the length of their haire make showe neither of face nor of body yet these curs forsooth because they are so strange are greatly set by, esteemed, taken up and made of many times in the roome of the Spaniel Gentle or Comforter." It is quite evident from this that the " Iseland " dogges were not the true Spaniel Gentle but his sup- planter, the Maltese, whose personal appearance is accu- rately described and shows him to be the type that is still known as the Maltese. This description absolutely and finally disposes of 27 TOY DOCS AM) TIIKIK ANCKSTOKS the time honoured fallacy hv which Toy Spaniel his- torians have claimed Fleniinj^'s Melitei as lieinjji^ Toy Spaniels as we know them. i^'roni heini;- called Melitei or Island dn^s sul)se(|uent writers L^ot to callini^" them Iceland do|L;s. and Captain lirown calls the Spaniel Gentle the Spanish (lentle, and the Maltese heini;- suhsecpiently called the Shock doj^^, the name of Comforter eventually returned to the Hol- land Spaniel. In 1607, ''^- Topsell says: " In Ent^land there are the Mimicke or Gentulian do^- and the Melit.ein dogs." He (piotes Straho, hut adds nnich of his own. "There is a towne in I'achynus, a ])romontory of Sicilv called Melita, from whence are trans])orted many tine little dos^s called Melitei canes, they were accounted the jewels of women hut now the said towne i.< possessed hy fishermen and there is no such tender reckoninfi;" made of these tender little doi^s. for these are not hiii"g"er than common ferrets." The Mimicke or Gentulian doq-, of which there is a ])icture, does not concern us, as he was a monstrosity, enormously hio-h on his lei^'s with a hump hack and no neck. Before S'^iui^- further T must here point out a s^reat source of confusion which lies in the fact that there were two Alelitas and more than one hreed of ■NTelit.Tus toy do^-. The one ini])orte(l to l-ji^land in Dr. Caius's day is descrihed hy hdemins;". hut the orii^inal Melitjeus uni- vc^rsally ke])t hy the Greeks from 800 v.a:. was the now so-called Pomeranian. The Pomeranian was the trite .Maltese pet do<;-. In the course of mv researches T soon he.q'an to suspt-ct this, and 1 had the i^ood fortune to come ui)()n several proots ol it. ( )ne ol these was a Young Man out walking with his Maltese Dog, Early sth Century b.c. Reproduced from the Annali dell Instituto di Correspondenza Archa^ologia Late 4TH Century b. ORIGIN AND HISTORY picture on a Greek vase, date about 500 B.C., represent- ing a man with a pet dog which is unmistakably a " Pomeranian," and by a fortunate chance he is actually addressing the dog as Melitaie (or Maltese). The word is written in Greek over the dog.^ The many other pict- ures of the Melitaie and the many references to them in the classics will be found in my chapter on the Pomer- anian, and are quite conclusive. As to the two Melitas, the one mentioned by Pliny is the modern Meleda or Zapuntello and the one mentioned by Strabo is the modern Malta. Pet dogs were bred in both, and also in Sicily (see Aelian). We do not come across the Maltese as we now know it till 200 B.C., when it is found represented in Egypt, together with the Melitaeus, though there is no evidence to show whether it originated there or was brought over with the other Melitaeus. The latter supposition, how- ever, seems the most probable, owing to the model being dug up in company with another model of the Pome- ranian Melitaeus which we know from Greek vases 1 Mr. A. B. Cook, Reader in Classical Archaeology at Cambridge Uni- versity, has very kindly furnished the following note on this vase : " The vase was found at Vulci, and formed part of the Basseggio col- lection. It is an Attic pelike of the red-figured stjde. The designs on its two sides are, I think, meant to be taken together. On the one hand the young man about town is out for a walk in the most approved style with his Maltese pet dog before him . . . MeXtrare certainly means ' O Maltese' (dog). On the other hand we have not a gad-about youth with a dog meant for show, but two hard-working ordinary beings — a worthy citizen and his watch dog keeping guard over the home. . . . The letter- ing is I *POPOI, that is, ot is. Si plurcs fcEtus concipuint, suliito mnriuntur. Ut villo- siorcs maxantur, curatorcs loca in quibus cul\int, vclloritnis pecudum instcrnunt, ut ca pra? oculis semper habeant. Lugdimi in (^alla singuli de- cern aureisi v(rneunt. Brmonin- quadringentis li1)ris vcnduntur. Mulieri- Inis sunt in delieiis. C. A. J. Jonstoni. 30 I9T1I-CENTURY Water-colour May have been iiU(-iuk-,l for Bulwer Lytton. Photo, E. Walker. By permissioii ..f Wllfria Scauxii llluiit, E.sq. ORIGIN AND HISTORY their keepers line the places where they lie with sheep- skins, that they may always have them before their eyes. "At Lugdunum (Lyons) in Gaul they are sold for ten gold pieces each. At Bononia (Bologna) the larger sorts are sold for forty pounds. They are great pets with women." Now I am pretty sure that some of the larger sorts of Melitjen and Sicilian dogs mentioned were the red-and- white and black-and-white Toy Spaniels so popular at the court of Louis XIV. Gmelin, a German writer, says of this long-haired dog of Bologna that he has small roundish head, short nose (or may mean jaw). Long hair on ears, throat, chest, belly and legs, with a tail also feathered, and is generally of a white colour with black or brown spots on the ears. The Veronese type of Toy Spaniel probably there- fore originated in Italy and the islands round about it, and the following epigram of Martial, written to the famous pet dog belonging to Publius, may have been descriptive of a Toy Spaniel. Issa was an island in the Adriatic after which the dog was evidently named, sug- gesting that she was bred there. In Martial, Epigrams:^ "Issa is more frolicsome than Catullus's sparrow, Issa is purer than a dove's kiss, Issa is gentler than a maiden, Issa is more precious than Indian gems, the little dog Issa is the delight of Publius. If she whines you will think she speaks; she feels joy and sorrow. She lies down and sleeps on his neck so quietly that not a breath does he hear, and though she may be very cramped and uncomfortable, never has she soiled the counterpane with a single stain, 1 Book I, No. 109: "To an Artist's Pet Dog." 31 Tn\ DOCS AM) i'lIKIK AXCKSIOKS bill Willi a LiViitK- l)rsccrliiiiL^- fool slic arouses Iut iiias- Ut. warns him l(» piil Ikt on ihc i^round, and asks to 1)0 rclic\c(l. Such is ihc iniialc niock'^ly of this chaste maiden that she knows nan^hl of W'luis; nor do wc find a luishaiid worthy of so frail a liltlc feminine crea- ture. Lest the last days that she sees the lii;ht should snatch her from him fore\er. Puhlius has painted her l)icture, in which you will see a likeness so -true that the portrait is more herself than she is. In short, i)Ut Tssa aiiiir is ^encrallN' w liitr w itli black or hrow n ( /.('.. H\cT ) patclu's: the cars Ioiil^', tlu- head Ijroad in tlu- upin-i' i)art, witli an acute mu/./.k'; tlic liair lonj^- all oxer and the t'()relc,i;s feathered; tail curled and t'ealhered with very lonii" liairs. lie also says that it is the smallest of all distinct races of doj^s, often not o\er a foot from nose to tip of tail. As the tail in the picture is fully as long as the body, the doe;- cannot have weighed more than two or three ])oun(ls, and this is another confirmation of niv argument that it was the descendant of the tiny Spaniel of Queen Mary, lie says that the Comforter is very scarce and becoming more so, being superseded by the Cocker (see above). He gives the ^laltese and the Shock dog as different l:)reeds, and there is great confusion in the Latin names, as he calls the Shock the Fotor, the Comforter, the Consolator, and the King Charles the Brevipilis. He gives the orthodox ^Maltese as the MelitcTus. Fennell, 1841, gives the Shock dog and the Com- forter in the same picture, which shows that the name of Comforter had gone back to the Toy Spaniel. The Shock is the ^Nfaltese, and the Comforter a parti-col- oured Toy Spaniel with long, curled, bushy tail, very pointed nose, liver (?) cheeks, and long white ears. He savs: " The Comforter or Spaniel (ientle, another sort of lap dog and which in com])arison with the Shock is as Hyperion to a satyr." He also gives pictures of the '" King Charles S])aniel," and speaks in its praise as compared to the Comforter: " This beautiful breed received its name from having been the favourite of that ill-fated monarch. Charles I, who rarely walked out without being attended by sev- eral of these Spaniels. The\- were black-and-white with 1 I ■ 1 S n 3 Metsys, 1510-1575 Louvre. The only red and white Toy Spaniel represented with the "spot ' Palma Vecchio, about 1500 Pitti Gallery Bewick's Comforter of 1824 Petit Barbet (Miniature Poodle) Cima, about 1470. Venice Academy r^IlERIS, 1635-1681 Pinakothek. HanfstaengI Black and White Toy Spaniel From the Embarquejiient pour Cythere by Watteau About 1 7 10. Louvre. HanfstaengI ORIGIN AND HISTORY curlv hair, small, rounded heads, short muzzles, long ears and ivcbbcd feet." The picture shows a fairly high skull, deep stop, and profuse coat. " The lap dog at the time of Dr. Caius was of Mal- tese breed. At present it comes from different coun- tries, in general the more awkward or extraordinary these are the more they are prized." ^ " The Springer. There are considerable varieties of this animal to be found in Great Britain, but the kind which has attained the greatest distinction is that de- nominated the King Charles Spaniel." (He mentions its curly hair. ) " M. M. P. Bernard and L. Couailhac, 1842, give a picture of the " Epagneul Marlborough." A tiny black- and-white dog, round skull, shortish pointed nose, very profuse coat and feathering, very fine bone and ears very highly set. It is drawn from a stuffed specimen in the museum of Natural History at the Jardin des Plantes, Paris. The only pictures in which Van Dyck has Toy Span- iels are the ones painted before he came to England. The best of these is one of the wife of Philippe le Roy, of the Genoese period, representing a very tiny yel- lowish-red-and-white dog weighing about three pounds, to judge from the size. This proves that the dogs in his pictures of the children of Charles I were not big by accident but were probably accurate representations of a biggish Spaniel. They are quite differently treated to his Toy Spaniels. 1 Goldsmith's " Natural History," 1874. - " Shooters' Guide," B. Thomas, 1809. 2>7 ^()^ i)()(;s am) tiikik i^sious I'lic ()nl\- Toy Spaniel wliicli appears to lia\c existed in I'Jij^land before the time ol' Charles 11 is shown in the portrait, attributed to Sir Antonio More, of l*hilip and Mary, ])ainted in 1552. This was (|uite a (hfferent t\pe from the hi.i;h-domed Italian Spaniel, and had no more stop than a Borzoi. It is livcr-and-whitc, and is a,e^ain shown in a portrait (now hanging in the dining room at Crabbet) of a century later, the type and col- our being precisely the same as in 153-', though it is somewhat larger. It co-existed in 1660 along with the French S])aniel in different countries, which goes to prove that the French Spaniel was not evolved from it. This Spaniel of Philip and Mary is the Holland ty])e, and was ])rol)al)ly imported into Fngland in 1550 by Anne of Cleves, as it was already in England before the Prince of Orange's importation. It may possibly have been crossed with the Springer by the Duke of Marl- borough ; the reference to the Blenheim breed of Cock- ers being invariably red-and-white, does not disag;rec with this, as the liver colour was of a somewhat mis- leading shade. I have often asked people to describe the colour of the dog in the picture already mentioned, and the}' call it red-and-white or brown-and-white (juite indiscriminately, whereas it is really tpiite a dift"erent colour from the j^resent I'lenheim. The liver-and-white Holland Spaniel has now died out, but the t}-]ie of head may sometimes be seen in the Marlboroughs. The Duke of Marlborougii jjrobably im])orted some of the parti- coloured Toy Spaniels from Holland during the wars with Manders, or they may have come over with \\'ill- iam ill, who was a native of Holland, as well as with Anne of Cleves, though W illiam 1 1 1 seems to ha\e kei)l white ones. 38 ORIGIN AND HISTORY The date of one of the importations of Holland Spaniels is settled by the following passage: " In Somers Tracts it is narrated how Julian Romero in 1672 made a night attack on the Camp of the Prince of Orange and he was saved by his little Spaniel, which fell to scratching and crying, and withal leapt on the Prince's face, awakening him, being asleep, before any of his men. " The Prince kept one of that dog's race mitil his dying day, and so did many of his followers. The most, or all, of these dogs were white little hounds with cro'oked noses called Camuses." The attack spoken of apparently took place in Holland, and as the Prince and his retinue kept the dogs to his dying day, it follows that he must have imported them to England. A white Toy Spaniel sur- vived till the time of Queen Charlotte. The crooked nose may merely mean a stop, or the dogs may have been Alicantes. My deductions from historical research are as fol- lows : I. That the Red-and-white is the oldest breed and came from China and the Black-and-white was also an original Chinese breed. The Italian descendants mixed with Melitseus, only appear to have been crossed in colour at the time of Charles II, producing the Tri- colour of 1660, which was, however, different from our modern Tricolour. Italy carried on a brisk trade with China during the thirteenth century onwards, and even earlier, and the Chinese dogs were evidently imported to various parts of Italy, where they may have been crossed with the then indigenous so-called " Pom- eranian " (one of the varieties of Maltese dog), pro- 39 TOY DO(;S AND Til K IK ANCESTORS ducini; the hii^ii-doincd poinlccl nosed \ cronese type. Malta and the Sicilian Islands were notorious manufac- tories of Toy dose's, and tlie inhabitants of some towns made a si)ecialty for producini;- dwarf breeds. The Holland Si)aniel was another distant variety of C'liinese Toy Spaniel, hut it never had a short nose or a lonj2^ feathery tail. The custom of docking its lail seems to have been an old one, as the Chinese .Spaniel in the Chinese mirror has the tail docked. J. That the lilack-and-tan is a cross between the lit- tle curly black Spaniel and the Pyrame, and that these were not crossed until after 1800, as they were always l)re\iousK- spoken of as separate breeds. A rei)lica of the orii^inal curly all-black Kin^- Charles still exists in the Miniature Tov Trawler, which is exactly similar to it in type, and which, if crossed with modern Kint;* Charles, ])ro(luces Black-and-tans exactly like those in the bes^inning- of the last century. The whole red variety in EnoTand cannot be traced back more than eii^'hty vears, the first picture beiui^ a Landseer of 1830. thou.^h \'an Dyck's picture of the wife of Philijjpe le Rov of the (ienoese jjcriod two hundred years earlier contains a \ellowisli red Toy with white on head and toes. The Hrst written reference to a whole red Toy is that of Mr. Garwood's Dandy in 1875. 1 ha\e traced the existence of an earlier one in 1828 which belonged in Mrs. Todd, of Xewcastle. and a later one in 1830 — /'. c. Mr. Risum's doc;-. It is also probable that the red-and-white and black-and-white Italian and b^rench Sjjaniels were separate varieties up to the seventeenth century, and that the lilack-and-tan and Ruby are now one breed, dependent on each other, 40 Chinese Mirror, i8th Century ORIGIN AND HISTORY the latter being a variant of the former prodnced 1\v a cross with Blenheim, Inil the King C'harles was in no way connected with the other colours until just before the middle of the last century, and the first result of the connection was the production of the Ruby, as I shall show presently. The red variety with white on forehead, breast, and toes is a perfectly authentic one, and should certainly be allowed to compete in Toy Spaniel classes. It may be seen in \^an Dyck's picture and also in a picture by Ter"Borch, which belongs to Mr. Gerald Loder. The dog is a rich colour and quite unmistakable. This red with white is historically quite correct. It was no doubt a variant of the red-and-white Chinese Spaniel, such as is also seen in the Chinese bowl. In England the dog which belonged to Mrs. Todd, of Newcastle, in 1828, had a white breast and toes, and w^as so sm.all that it travelled to London in a lady's mufif. Its mother was said to be a Black-and-tan which, if so, is the first Toy Black-and-tan on record, though Lady Byron's " Fairy " was the first of which I have any description. The Ruby was by mistake christened " Rollo " (a dog's name). She was renamed Rose by the London lady who bought her. The little thing had a tragic end. She was stolen and rewards were offered in vain. At last one day her mistress found her on the doorstep, with a bit of rope hanging to her neck. She bore evidences of having reared a litter and had doubt- less escaped and found her way home, but it was too late. She managed to crawl inside the house, crept into her old familiar basket, and died. The first black Toy Spaniel on record is in a Mignard picture of Louis of France, afterwards Louis XV, and 41 TOV 1)()(;S AND TIIKIH AXC'KSTORS liis faniilv (i()^o?). Tliis is nol a hl.ick -aiid-tan, hut ]>urc black, in the same i)iclure there is a hhick-aiul- white doi;.' Tlie h'rench 1 »hick-aiKl-\vhilc Spaniel was ol'ten not truly hlack-and-white, hut silver-grey-and-white, of a most ex(|uisite shade, and if any fancier should hreed a pu|)i)y of this eol(»ur. I ho])e he will ininiedialely let me know, as it should certainly he revived. It was evi- dently considered the hest colour, as the richest people kept it. The colour red-and-white, shot with black, which was recently broui^ht out at the Kennel ("luh Show, is also \ery interesting^, as it approximates the curious colour of some of these Frencli Spaniels, and may either be an evidence of the French descent or more ])robahly of the Bulldos^ cross. Louis Xl\' had a very i:)retty ]iet Spaniel called " ]\Ialice," ])robably the one in the picture bv Lar_<;"liil- liere. It is recorded that when he q'ot tired of Mile, de la \ alliere and took another ta\-ourite in .Mnie. de iVrontespan he used to pass throuiih la X'alliere's ai)art- ments to oo to those of ]\Iontes])an. and would Ihn";- the (k\tT to Mile, de la ValHerc, sayint^' contemj)tuously : " Tenez, voila votre conij^ac^nie, c'est assez." Louis XL unlike Louis XI\\ was ajiparently not a dog" fancier, and seems to have been capable of the most w.anton cruelty. It is said that on one occasion when walking- in the Gardens of Paris he saw a lady with a pet do<^-. Without the lea^t proxocation he called the do^- to him. and as soon as it came up ' Mr. Watson, of Hackcnsack, tells mc of a picture hy William Dob- son, 1646, of .Sir Charles and Lady I.ncas with a hlaik T»)y .Spaniel, hut 1 have been unahle to trace the picture Dutch Picture, about 1660 Photo, Hanfstaengl ORIGIN AND HISTORY broke its back with a blow from his stick and walked on laughing. Mme, de Maintenon in a letter to Count d'Aubigne remarks that as she writes there are in her room twenty people, three children, and ten dogs ! Our present-day fanciers flatter themselves that they have evolved a tiny pet Spaniel from a big English sport- ing breed by careful selection, and are now talking of going back to the " true massive type," whereas the real fact is that the red-and-white and black-and-white Ital- ian and French Spaniels weighed just about half what our present ones do, or even less, average specimens in 1750 being only six inches high, whereas our very smallest specimens are little if anything vmder nine and a half inches, and most of them are ten inches to thirteen inches at the shoulder. Meyrick, 1842, says the Blenheim should weigh four to seven pounds, and the King Charles are seldom less than five or six pounds. Webb, 1872, gives the King Charles as six to twelve pounds, and the Blenheim five pounds, and of little value if as much as eight pounds. Idstone says King Charles seven pounds and the Blen- heim six or seven pounds, top weight nine pounds, and Stonehenge gives the Tricolour as six pounds at top weight. The measurements of the Toy Spaniel of 1770, trans- lated into English, are as follows: Length of body from tip of nose to root of tail, eleven inches and four lines ; height of forehand, six inches ; quarter, six inches ; length of head to tip of nose, three inches. (This makes the dog as nearly as possible square, allowing five inches for head and neck. ) Circumference of end of muzzle, three inches ; under eyes, four inches 43 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS two lines ; circumference opening of the mouth, two inches six hues; distance between nostrils, two lines; from tip of nose to inside corner of eye, one inch; to outside corner, one inch. (This gives length of nose as a1)out three (juarter inch. ) Length of eye, eight lines; height of eye, six lines (/. c, eyes nearly round). Distance between eyes, ten lines ( /. c, eyes are very wide a])art, there being more than the length of the eye between them). Girth of skull, seven inches; girth of tail at the root, two inches six lines; ears, two inches eight lines ; length of leg from elbow to wrist joint, two inches two lines ; length from wrist to end of claws, two inches ; width of ears at top three inches three lines ; length of neck, two inches ; round neck, seven inches six lines ; width of forefoot, nine lines ; girth of body, ten inches six lines ; girth at l)iggest point, ten inches ten lines ; girth at waist, nine inches six lines ; height from ground under flank, tw^o inches six lines ; height to breast bone, tw^o inches three lines ; length of tail, eight inches. This will show plainly that the theory suggested by many w^riters and repeated by Mrs. Jenkins in her arti- cle in Cassell's new " Book of the Dog," and again by Mrs. Raymond Mallock in her book on " Toy Dogs," I'ic, that the Toy Spaniels w'ere derived from the Cocker and that *' in olden days they were much larger than our own " is an error. " In olden days " is a comfort- al)ly \'ague term, but from about 1450 to 1800 the Toy Spaniel was certainly far smaller than our present type ; and the only one of the varieties which came from sport- ing ancestry — namely, the Black-and-tan — w^as not orig- inally as big as some of our present dogs, and only in- creased in size after the cross of Pyrame. Even as late 44 Picture by Mieris About 1660. St Petersburg. Photo, Hanfstaengl ORIGIN AND HISTORY as Idstone, 1872, the top weight of a show specimen was never to exceed seven pounds. Since that time the Toy Spaniel has been getting- steadily bigger, not smaller, the last Kennel Club Show producing gigantic speci- mens, the smallest dog in one class weighing over twelve pounds, while the largest in the Show must have scaled well upon twenty pounds. The American T. S. C. are still further encouraging size by increasing the exhi- bition weight, Mrs. Jenkins states that the Tricolour has only ex- isted within the last quarter of a century, but this is a mistake, as it existed already in the time of Sir Peter Lely before 1660 — i. c, over two hundred and fifty years ago. Its " original appearance in a litter of King Charles " pure bred was therefore probably explained by a throw back to a former cross, and not to a freak, and the appearance was certainly not " original." The red-and-white and black-and-white Spaniels were the oldest breeds, and the red-and-white can be defi- nitely traced two centuries and a half further back than the Tricolour. The liver-and-white, though apparently very rare in Italy, occurs in one of Titian's pictures. Mrs. Mallock says : " I am afraid I am a crank on the subject of breeding type to its type, and shall never be satisfied with calling breeds metamorphosed into something else by the old name." This sentence is rather vague. " Type to its type " is rather indefinite, especially as she does not specify the old name to which she refers, but I imagine she wishes to convey that what she describes as the " old type " to which the " old name" (of Toy Spaniel?) belongs is the one of which she speaks as quickly disappearing — i. e., the *'old-time Spaniel with his deep chest, massive head," and " won- 45 T{)^ DOCS AM) rilKlli AXC KSroKS dcrt'ul cliL;iiit\." X<>\v lliis is not at all the type of the ()!(l-linic Toy Si)anicl, and such a description is a pathetic fallacy, as the ori.^inal 'i^>y Si)aniel was 1)y no means " majestic in appearance with — that wonder tul massiveness of head which lends much iulinite di.L;nity to the individual." The old hreed would certainly he metamorphosed into somethiuL;- else if it resemhled this heavy type. Anyone is. of course, at liherty to admire this new style, hut it is impossihle to seriously pretend that it is his- torical. The old-time writers describe their old-time doi^s as " fairy-like," " spri.qhtly and diminulixe." cer- tainly neither dignified nor massiye. A doi;' six inches at the shoulder can hardl}- he called massive! One mii^ht as well call a hummini^-hird massive. Mrs. Mallock also says: "One seeks in vain that tvi)ical mincin"^ cj^ait so seldom seen nowadays." T think one may certainly look for it in xain amon^- the massive, maiestic. and dignified .Spaniels she describes, where its rareness could only he ecjualled hy its inap- propriateness. Once for all 1 must say that the massive Toy Spaniel is a modern fake and not a true Toy .Sj)aniel at all. It has been the bane (~>f the Toy doq- that the name Spaniel has been so misused. Fanciers insist upon heavy bone and heads and low carriajq^e of the tail, all of which are wronj;', but which they imajn^ine are true sjianiel charac- teristics. For a beautiful field .Spaniel unsi)oiled by mod- ern show fashions, see Stubb's jjiclure. Why modern Si)aniel fanciers have evolved the present heavy type 1 cannot imai^^ine. The only old heavy tyjie of .Spaniel was the bi^' Water .Spaniel. The other sporting- .Spaniels were all of a li_L;ht. active build, with small heads and 46 Field Spaniel Stubbs, 1750. Compare with modern type. Photo, E.Walker. By permission of Sir Walter Gilboy. Mrs Rouse's Ch. Clareholm Opal Field Spaniel Compare with above. Photo, Tall ORIGIN AND HISTORY short backs, cobby and compact, and with Hght Ijone compared to what is now thought right. Apart from the extinct black-and-white Toy Spaniel, the red-and-white Toy Spaniel is the only one of the four varieties which has a long record of the high rounded skull and a short nose. The Veronese type is a very pretty Blenheim in general appearance. It seems to have gone back to a still higher skull between the years 1480 and 1550, but of course it is difficult to trust abso- lutely to the picture of any one artist, as artists are very fond of having what might be called a *' property " dog, which they choose for its suitability to pictorial pur- poses, and not for its purity of breed. It is possible, therefore, that Titian's red-and-white Spaniel, which is not high in skull, was merely a low- skulled specimen, as we find the Veronese type exactly reincarnated more than a century later in the portraits of Henrietta of Orleans. And as we can trace the breed through Rubens and others all the way, it cannot, in the case of Veronese, be considered as merely the por- trait of an individual, but should be taken as represent- ing the real type of 1550. The black-and-w4iite Spaniel has a totally different type of head, though its birth- place was probably also China. The erroneously so- called Blenheim — ?. e., the red-and-white Toy Spaniel — was the Italian Toy Spaniel evolved from the Chinese Spaniel, and the cross between it and the French Span- iels (probably evolved in the same manner) after their importation to England, produced a gaily marked tri- colour, which has since given way to the artificial tri- colour. As to the production of the Tricolour, the cross- ing of Black-and-white with Red-and-white will often in itself produce Tricolour. But we cannot do this now, 47 'l'()\' DOCS AM) rilKlH AX( I'.SrOKS as llic r.lack-and while is cxtincl. W c llu'rcforc replace it wiili ihc lilack-and-tan. I ci>nsidcr thai there are two kinds ol' Iricolniirs : I'irst. those of 1660 thai were i^ailv marked and were descended troni the hlack-and-w hile and red-and-w hile ()rilack-and-lans and Ruhies, and recrossini:;' ihe i)rooeny on the Hlack-and-tan side with a lllenheini, it produces hea\ilv marked 1'ricolours. and sonielinies a reversion to relen- heims. I find the follow in _i^- in The Ticld of Mav u. i85(): " Spaniels for Woodcock shooting. Melita asks what are the best Spaniels for the s])ort? Melita can nse a team of ]M-etty red-and-white Blenheims, their noses are \er\- delicate and their crv nuisical. bnt thev soon knock np. The IMenheims are fit for better things than being lap dogs." At this time the effect of the Toy cross is beginning to be felt, previous authors speaking of them as inde- fatigable. Extract from The FiehL Xovember 2-:^, 1865 : *' Cockers are crosses from, or large specimens of the King Charles or Blenheim Spaniels." This is the re- verse opinion to that held by modern writers. Mr. Nave says that the short face and l)lack-and-tan colour in the King Charles were produced by a cross of black-and-tan Tapanesc Spaniel, but T think this is most improbable. Tn the Natural History Aluseum there is a stuffed Blenheim with a pointed nose, ller label says that she is interesting as showing the ty])e of Blenheim known in the early part of the nineteenth century. She is dis- torted by being very badly stuffed, as are also most of the luore recent specimens, but one can see j^retty well what the ty])e was like, and it had greatly degenerated from the type ke])t by Henrietta of (Orleans. llie TieliL February tj. i85(), says of the Blenheim that it is " red-and-white w ith black nose, fine, but short 50 Black and White Spaniel From Watteau'-s The Toilet. About 1780. Photo, E. Walker ORIGIN AND HISTORY muzzle, and of elegant form, quite a fairy among dogs." This goes to show that the Italian type was still to be seen in 1859. At the beginning of the tenth century, under Vene- dotian Code, N. Wales, the worth of a Spaniel of the King and of a highman was assessed at £1, the Spaniel of a freeman six score pence, and the Spaniel of a vil- lain of the King four pence, the same worth as his cur. In 1 57 1, Spaniel whelps with brimstone, turpentine, nettles, oil of balm, and parmacete were considered a cupe for gout. Under Henry VIII, 1529, amongst instructions for the Royal Household was one relative to dogs : " Noe dogges to be kept in Court then (than) some small span- yells for ladies or others." There is frequent mention relating to his dogs in the Privy Purse expenses of Henry VIII from 1529 to 1532, edited by Nicholas Harris, 1827. Payments of 10/ — and 5/ — occur " For bringing Cut the kings span- yell ayen," also of 4/8 to a " poore woman in rewarde for bringing ayenne of Cutie the kinges dog." The first representation of Toy Spaniels in England is in the picture by Sir Antonio More at Woburn Abbey, 1 55 1. It shows two very small pet dogs; their ears are long, noses very pointed, and their necks have collars of bells, their colour is liver-and-white. This variety is now extinct, having been probably merged into the Marlborough and bred out. It was not the same as the Italian Toy Spaniel. In Mary's Privy Purse expenses is the entry: " Gevenne to Sir Bryan Tulxes servante bringing a couple of little fayre hounds to my lade's grace 5/." (Doubtless these were the ones in the painting.) Mary 5i T()^ DUCiS AXU rilKIK ANC'KSroKS <4a\o IwciilN sliillini;s for a little " Spaiiyoll." The next representation of Toy Spaniels is the i)icturc l)y Sir Tetcr Lel\. Then we conic to a portrait of I'Llizahcth I.ani^slatYc, 17J8, and also to sonic old needlework tai)estry' worked in 1736 to 1750 by the five wives of Thomas Foley. Jesse ^ says: "Others are cushion doj^s and for pleasure." A very old work speaks of " the smaller ladyes popees that bear away the flees and dyvers small fowles." This su.c^jT^ests an orii^inal reason for lady's lap do.2:s. The " dyvers small fowles " is a most alarm- inj^ sentence! The Earl of Shaftesbury says in a description of a country jrcntleman of the seventeenth century: "The parlour was a larg-e room ... on a i^reat hearth paved with brick lay some terriers, and the choicest hounds and Spaniels. Seldom but two of the g^reat chairs had litters of young- cats in them which were not to be dis- turbed, he havin^q; three or four always attending- him at dinner, and a little white round stick of fourteen inches lying- by his trencher, that he might defend such meat as he had no mind to part with to them." P)laine's Rural Sports says that five thousand Span- iels were kept as parlour pets in London alone about 1841. Samuel Pepys describes a visit to the Council Cham- ber of Charles TT on Sejitember i, 1666. lie says: " All I observed there was the silliness of the King^, jilaying^ with his dog all the while and not minding; the busi- ness." Again he says: " .\t Hatfield we baited and walked ' " Sindar in his Reevcls." 52 La Consolation de l' Absence N. Delaunay, about 1760-1770. By permission of Basil Dighton, Esq. ORIGIN AND HISTORY into the great house through all the courts and I would fain have stolen a pretty dog that followed me, but I could not, which troubled me." I think most dog lovers are " troubled " at times by regret at not being able to carry off somebody else's pretty dog! He also speaks of having his wife painted by Savill, and says : " Her little black dogge sat in her lap and was drawn, which made us very merry." There is, how- ever, nothing to show the breed of this particular lap dog, but Mr. Pepys intense " Royalism " probably led him to own the same variety as the King, unless I am much mistaken. Rural Sports says: "Charles H was famous for a partiality for a particular breed, and came generally accompanied to the Council Board with a favourite Spaniel. His successor, James 11, had a similar attach- ment, and it is reported of him by Bishop Burnet that being once in a dangerous storm at sea and obliged to quit the ship to save his life, he vociferated with impas- sioned accents as his principal concern : ' Save the Dogs . . . and Col. Churchill,' " Col. Churchill being added as an afterthought. Nicolas de Larghilliere painted a picture of Prince James, in 1695, in which there is a yellowish-liver-and- white Springer with a perfect spot. This painter was a contemporary of Mignards, and this settles once for all the contention that our red-and-white Toy Spaniel was an evolution from the Springer, as it already ex- isted in a perfect toy form and had so existed for nearly two centuries before Larghilliere painted the Springer with the spot. In Le Clerc Buffon's " Histoire Naturelle Generale et Particuliere," 1777, there is a col- 53 'V()\ i)()(;s AM) 'nM<:iK a\c Ksrous oiircd plate (Wll) called " LV'i)a,niH'iil." The (Iol;' represented has a straight coat, the body white, tail curled over the hack like a ronieranian, the head that of .1 Pomeranian, hlack-and-white, the ears like a Span- iel, fairly l<»nL;-. and the nose ])ointe(l. It is amusing" to find that the \-iolent .abuse of those who keep ])et do^s is no new tiling-. Juvenal. Clement of Alexandria, IMutarch. Lucian, and later Fleming and Harrison are bitter in their denunciation of the prac- tice. C?esar himself made sarcastic remarks on the sub- ject. On the other hand, the doi^s had their defenders in Martial, Artemidorus. and .-li^lian. Alcil)iades's doi;' cost 70 mines, 6,640 francs for £266). Doe;" lovers need not, therefore, be too downhearted, as, if pet doL;s ha\e surxixed two thousand se\en hun- dred years, they will i)rol)al)ly last our time, in spite of Fr, \'aui;han and the newsi)ai)ers. The Spaniel exists in Creek art of the remotest archaic ])erio(l. Acta'on, who is usually represented as beinj^ attacked by hounds, is on one vase represented with Spaniels, the breed is unmistakable, and has the characteristic S]\aniel car. Idle followim^- quotations are of interest, showing that Toy dogs were kept in classical times: ^ " Ajielles put his hand to his mouth and made an excruciating sort of hissing, which he afterwards de- clared was Creek. Trimalchio, not to be outdone, made a noise like that of a trum])et .and beckoned to his page, whom he called Cnesus. The boy, a blear-eyed creature with horridly decayed teeth, was wrapjiing up a lifflc black sJic-doi^, disgustingly, in a green scarf, and 1 Petronius Arbiter,* The Satyr. Section 64 — part of " Trimalchio's Banquet" — about 54 a.h. F.dited by IVanciscus Riicbeler. lUiIiu, i(X)4. 54 Henrietta of Orleans Mignard, about 1660. Versailles. Photo, Mansell ORIGIN AND HISTORY was cramming her with a half-loaf which he had placed on the couch and which she, already satiated, was turn- ing from with loathing. This put into Trimalchio's head the idea of sending for Scylax, his watchdog. The latter w^as very promptly brought in. He was a big dog with a chain round his neck. In answer to a kick from the doorkeeper this animal lay down in front of the table. Then Trimalchio threw him a piece of white bread, saying, ' No one in this house loves me better than this dog.' ".The boy, angry that such extravagant praise was ])estowed on Scylax, put the little lap-dog on the ground and egged her on to fight. Scylax, as big dogs are wont to do, filled the dining-hall w^ith a terrific barking and nearly tore Croesus's treasure to pieces. A quar- relsome uproar arose, and a candelabrum was upset over the table, and all the crystal vases were smashed, so that several of the feasters were splashed with scalding oil. Trimalchio did not seem to be disturbed at the over- throw, but kissed the boy and told him to ride pick-a- back, and in a trice the boy, quite used to this perform- ance, was slapping his master's shoulders over and over again with his palms and calling out, with a laugh, ' Bucco, bucco, how^ many are there here ? ' " The following poem is a condemnation of women, and was written by Juvenal as a warning to a friend against marriage : " Women see Alcestis on the stage sacrificing her life for her husband, but if they were in the like situation they would not do the same. Indeed, they would purchase the life of a favourite dog by the death of their husband." ^ My translator writes that the subject of the follow^- 1 Juvenal, Satire VI, lines (652-654) (75 a.d.). 55 TC)\ DOCS AM) rilKIK AXC KSTOKS ing satire 1)\- jnvcnal is xcry unpleasant, and would now- adays receive onlv a technical treatment in a medical 1)()(>k.^ Nievolus is complaininjH" of the meanness of his rich patron and says: " W hat dift'erence would it make to you to j^resent a few acres to your worn-out pander? 1 supi)osc you ])refer to leave your farms, with the slaves heloni^ini^ to them, the country child and his mother, wif/i his f^Iny- niafc, flic Utile doij!;, and the huts they live in — to some odier friend of \-ours, some shameful, cvmhal-heatini;- ])riest ot L \l)ele." " If Maccus -' takes ])leasurc in a fox-cared owl; it Canius delij^ius in a dun-coloured ,>^thiopian ; if Puhlius has ^ix-en his heart to a fiiiy Utile do!^:" if ("ronius fa- vours a monkey like himself; if Alarius likes a mischiev- ous ichneumon : if you, Lausus, are jileased with a nm^^- l)ie that says * How do you do' and ' Clood morniu'i;- ' ; if Glancilla winds an ice-cold snake round her neck; if Telesina has assigned a tomh to her ni^iiting-ale; why should not he who sees such extraordinary things i;ive pleasure to his superiors, be enamoured of the winsome face of l.ahvcje, who insi)ires love? " " If you would learn the elianiis of tlie little do<^ a whole page would he all too short for the tale." '* A letter written by Arethusa to Lycotas at the \\\ars/' "A dull silence reigns here. I Inrdlx does a simple ' D. J. Juvcnalis, Satirrc IX, witl" notes, edited by C. V. Hcinrich, Rome, 18.^9, with the lielp of the ecHtion issued, with nutes and I'.iiglish translation hy J. D. Lewis, in London in iSS_'. -Martial, I-'pij-'ranis, ahout 58 .\.i)., Book VII, Xo. 87. •'' See tile epigram on Issa. auieL — This was a small curly Black-and-tan, and possibly liver-col- oured dog-, a cross between the curly King Charles and the Pvrame. This was bigger than the ordinary curly King Charles. 6. The Miniature Toy Trawler. — The modern rep- resentative of the real old type of curly King Charles, some specimens may be throw-backs to the same, after crossing with \-arious small S])aniels. 7. The Modern Ki]ii^ Charles. — A cross between the Pyrame and the curly King Charles, with the Pyrame predominating. Possibly recrossed later with Bulldog. It will be seen that No. 6 is the true type of dark- coloured Toy Spaniel, the tan on the face and. paws of No. 7 being evidence of the Pyrame cross, the smashed face, heavy jaw, and bowed out forelegs of some strains being presumptive e\-idences of the Pjulldog cross. The webbed feet come from the original stock. In my opin- ion the red-and-white and tricolour Toy Spaniels have no Bulldog blood excejit what may come to them through the King Charles cross, but the Tricolours have prob- ably been at times crossed with Japanese. lentil the beginning or middle of the last century the King Charles w\as (juite unrelated to the Red-and-white or to the Tricolour, and was an entirely black species with no tan unlil about iSj(X 1 do not count Svmonds 62 Picture at Crabbet Park About 1670. Photo, E. Walker THE KING CHARLES AND PYRAME among my authorities, as he was speaking of the sport- ing Pyrame, though he called it the King Charles. The first picture on record of a dark-coloured Toy Spaniel is Mignard's picture of the Dauphin (Louis XV) and his family about the year 1650. In this picture the little dog is very small and is perfectly black, with a pretty Spaniel head, large eyes, long ears (set high), and a moderately short pointed nose — a beautiful little dog of most elegant and delicate type. Buffon's Gredins of over a century later were a sort of degenerate caricature of this dog, which Smellie frankly states to be nothing but " Mongrels." There are many editions of Le Clerc Bufifon's " His- toire Naturelle," both in French and in English. In an edition of 1755 there is a plate of a black dog called the Gredin which has often been quoted as the direct an- cestor of the King Charles. I cannot find any serious foundation for this theory and believe it to be an error, though I daresay the breeds are connected through in- tercrossing and a common ancestor. The dog has little resemblance to our King Charles. Plate XIII shows him to be tall on the leg, with some Pomeranian character in texture of coat, carriage of tail, and shape of head, though the hair both on tail and body is short. He has a flat narrow head and a very long nose, and is both narrow chested and flat in the ribs, whereas our curly King Charles is broad, short- backed, and cobby. The Pyrame on the same page is black-and-tan, but has not the character of Mignard's Spaniel, and the specimen drawn by Buffon was prob- ably a degenerate of the Pyrame breed, which I believe to have been the sporting breed mentioned by Symonds, occasional small specimens of which may have been kept 63 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS as pets. lUifFon states in 1755 that the Pyrame is a vari- ety of Gredin, but several authors distinctly class the Pyrame, the King Charles, and the Gredin as three separate breeds. I think that the selection of the Gredin as the original King Charles is due to an error made by Smellie, who translated Buff on into English in 1788. In this work he gives the same plate of the Gredin, onlv he labels it, for no apparent reason, with the fancy title of the King Charles. He gives no explanation of the liberty he has taken with Buft'on's names, and I can onlv suggest that he did not feel equal to translating the word " Gredin " into its English equivalent of '' scoundrel " and calling it the Scoundrel dog, and therefore chose a more elegant name, classing it with the other black Spaniels of this name. Smellie ap- pears to have been the first writer to use the term " King Charles " as applied to a breed of dogs. He quotes Buff'on as saying: "The great and the small Spaniel, which differ only in size, when brought into Britain have changed their white colour into black and become by the influence of climate the great and the little King Charles dog. To this may be joined the Pyrame (this dog, though very common in England, has no Eui^lisJi name), which is only a King Charles dog, black like the others, Init marked with red on the four legs and spot of the same colour over each eye and on the muzzle." AMiat Buff'on really says is this: " Le grand et petit barbef" (and in one edition: " Le grand et le petit epagneul") . . . " sont devenus grands et petits Gredins auxquels ont doit ajouter le Pyrame qui n'cst q'un Gredin noir commc les autres." . . . The words alter-ed T have given in italics. On the face of it, it hardlv appears likelv that climate 64 Mrs Lytton's Bunthorne Modern example of the old type of Curly King Charles K1.Y Black King Charles and Black and Tan Pyrame OF 1809 Truffle Dog (Copied from print) Head of Bunthorne 10 Head of JMignard's Spaniel THE KING CHARLES AND PYRAME should change a curly, white, thick-coated dog like the Barbet into a pitch black, short-haired, smooth dog. Other translators distinctly say that the Gredin had no English name. There is an old print of the King Charles — not the Gredin, but the real black English Toy Spaniel. It is shown with the Pyrame and classed as a separate breed. In 1820 the King Charles was a very pretty curly dog of which the present Miniature Toy Trawler is an exact and faithful likeness. The black-and-tan German Toy Spaniel (see Vero Shaw) w'as the same type as the Truffle Dog, curly King- Charles, and Toy Trawler, and was far more profusely coated than our modern dogs. The only excuse for Smellie's mistake is that, in a very early edition, which I could not find in the British Museum, Buffon states that the Gredin was of English origin, but he never mentions King Charles, and there is no evidence whatever that this King ever kept any dogs like the Gredin or Pyrame. In fact, the evidence is all the other way, the earliest English authorities, with the exception of Symonds, agreeing that the King Charles was a small, black, very curly Spaniel. Gmelin describes the Gredin as the short-haired Bo- lognese dog. He says : " Small roundish head, short nose (or may mean jaw) long hairs on the ears, under the throat, the chest, the belly, and on the hind parts of the four legs (feathers, in fact) and on the right side of upturned tail. It is of various colours and sizes. To this class also belongs the so-called Pyrame, which is small and has fiery spots on black ground, then again the larger race which resemble the poodle by nature, in that the hairs and the inside of the mouth is quite black, 6s TOY D()(;S AND THEIR ANCESTORS and which arc called in luij^land Kinji: Charles das'." The reference to a roodle su^i^^ests a curly coat, and certainly refers to the curly Kin^ Charles. The so-called Kine: Charles was orie^inally black, not hlack-and-tan. N'ero Shaw, in speaking- of the Kin^i^ Charles of 1S79, says that unless it is periodically crossed w ith red do^s the tan niarkino^s disappear alto- gether, and so also says Mr. Nave. I believe this to be perfectly correct,^ and it is valuable evidence that the foundation stock of the King Charles was not the I'yranie. as the persistent reversion to ])ure black would never occur unless the original stock were 1)lack. and it merely means that the 1 Vrame cross is graduallv get- ting bred out, and breeders have found a substitute for it in the red Spaniel: for T consider the modern King Charles is descended from the original King Charles crossed with Pyrame. Tn 1824, Svmonds' " Treatise on Field Diversions " shows some sportsmen shooting snipe with dogs pre- cisel}' like Marlboroughs. He says: " The Cocker or gun Spaniel of true perfect breed is of one general or whole colour, either black or black-and- tan, commonly called King Charles breed, or red in dif- ferent shades paler or deeper, and as in horses we would call a blood bay or a bright bay. I ha\e known some (very rarely) absolutely so without the admission of a different hair, though for the most ])art there is some white on the breast and bottom of the throat. Coat loose and soft, but not waved, back broad and short; legs short with breeches behind. There is a great vari- ety at this time in different mixtures of red and white, ' Unless the greatest care is taken in seleetiiiK specimens with very bright tan. 66 o 2 THE KING CHARLES AND PYRAME brown and white, black and white, grizzled, etc., some with a short, hard coat, others with a waved coat, will- ing to curl, but in all these pied or parti-coloured there is some tincture remaining of the Beagle or Water Spaniel, that through distance of time, and passing from friend to friend, cannot be easily traced back." He says that a Beagle cross is " lost " in three or four generations. Symonds dealt only with field dogs, and the breed thus referred to as the " King Charles " was evidently not'the pet Spaniel, but was the black-and-tan Spaniel mentioned by Buffon as very common, but having no name in England, though being akin to the French Pyrame. We may therefore call it the English Pyrame, which is described by Youatt as a fairly large breed of Spaniel. It must be remembered that before the date of Symonds we have records of the curly black pet Span- iel with webbed feet, and that in Rees' '* Encyclopedia " we have this and the Pyrame in the same picture. That these breeds were subsequently crossed is evident, the preponderance of Pyrame on one hand producing the Duke of Norfolk's black-and-tan Sussex Spaniel, and the preponderance of small King Charles producing the black-and-tan King Charles of 1830, which, though a pet Spaniel, retained some sporting instincts and a pointed nose. This breed has since been ruined by a heavy cross. It seems as though our ancestors could not be con- tent to " leave well alone," but mixed the liver-and- white Holland Spaniel with the Springer, producing the Marlborough, the black Spaniel with the Pyrame, and the black-and-white French Spaniel with the red- and-white Italian Spaniel. 67 T()\ 1)()(;S AM) I'lIKIU AXCKS'IOKS liuHoiis PxraiiK- hears cvorv evidence of beinc^ a mongrel breed, l)iit the luiL;li.sli l*yranie appears lo have been a true breed of si)orlinjL;" Spaniel, and lliis black- ancblan breed is also referred to by Ackernian in 1809. jnliii W ri^lit. in 1S31. lestilies to the I'yranie being a sporting- Si)aniel. In iSoi Sydenham luhvard's " C'ynoqraphia I'ritannica " says that the Cocker was sometimes black with tanned lei^s and muzzle. Here again we llnd the bji^iish I'yrame. ^^)uatt. in 1845, says that the Kini;- Charles is a Tricolour and belongs to the COckers. In his ])icture of Blenheims and Cockers the type of the Marlborough is identical with th:it of the Cocker, and among the dogs is a small, curly black Spaniel, like the nnc gix'en by Rees as the King Charles. Youatt speaks of the lilack-and-tan and the curlv King Charles as separate breeds. The earliest edition of Buffon states that the black Gredins were imported to England from France as white Spaniels and changed into black owing to the climate (which even in such a climate as ours seems rather odd!), yet in the very same edition he says that the Gredins originated in England and were inijiorted from thence, ready made black, to b^rance. It is. therefore, impossible to consider him a reliable authoritx in this matter, but 1 belie\e the latter statement to be the truth. In any case he sa\s that the C(xats of the Gredins were short, also the hair on the ears, legs, and tail, and refers to the Pyrame as the " I'revipilis," so it is impossible that they should have been true Spaniels, as these were well feathered, long-eared Toys in i(^C)0, and he elsewhere described them as having small, round heads, very long, pendulous ears, well feathered, as also on the chest, breechings. legs and on the tail, which was 68 Marie de Bourhon From P. Migiiard's picture at Versailles. Photo, Mansell THE KING CHARLES AND PYRAME gaily carried. He says that those which are black-and- white usually have tan markings over the eyes ; that their bodies are slight, and though most of them are white, some are liver-and-white on the head, or l^lack- and-white. This description is said l)y Buff on to apply both to the large and to the pet Spaniels. This liver-and- white Toy Spaniel is seen in early pictures in England and also in Holland, but is distinct from the red-and- white. I have a picture by Northcote, about 1780, repre- senting one of these dogs asleep on a cushion, and also a similar picture of the time of Charles H. Sibley's Mai^aainc, in 1791, only copies Smellie, which was just then the standard work, when it mentions the " Gredin or King Charles " in its list of breeds. Lin- naeus, in 1792, repeated the same error. Linnaeus says: '' Pyramc Brcvipilis. — Black, with fiame coloured spots. Dr. Gmelin has evidently con- founded two distinct varieties of the same Cocking Spaniel. First, the King Charles, entirely black, and has a black palate ; second, the Pyrame is marked black with flame coloured spots." ^' Mammalogie," Demarest, 1820, says: " Chien Anglais, melange petit Danois et Pyrame dont il a la taille, tete bombee, yeux Saillans museau assez pointu queue minie en arc horizontal. Poil ras partout. Oreilles mediocres et a moitie relevees, robe d'un noir fonce avec des marques de feu sur les yeux sur le museau sur la gorge et les jambes. " Chicn d' Artois Roquet et Doguin. — (Note: " Quelquefois le nez est tellement aplati que ce chien devient punais.") This was the same as the Alicante and was smooth haired. 69 TOY DOCiS AM) TIIKIK ANC KSTOKS " (ircdiii. I X r)rc'\ii)ilis." Ik'll, i**^,^/, savs: " riic hcaulifiil breed called Kin.c^ Charles Si)aniel was hiack-aiid-wiiile. and is supposed to have heen the orii^iiial race of the iitlle hlack Cocker." Smith, in 1S43. distinctly states that the Gredin was the Cocker, and that the Kinj^ Charles (a Tricolour of which he gives a coloured picture) is presumed to be the ])arent of the Cocker. He therefore evidently con- sidered that the little black-and-white or tricolour Span- iel of Buffon was, as Buffon states, the origin of the Gredin or Cocker, but this seems to me more than im- prol)al)le. As for im])orted parti-coloured dogs becom- ing black under the influence of our climate, if this were so, then the red-and-white and black-and-white dogs would have long ago lost their colour in the two and a half centuries since they came over from France, and the Maltese, having been here since the days of Dr. Caius, in 1576, would be as black as coals. Richardson, in 1847, gives the King Charles as a very curly I'lack-and-tan with white breast, cobby, with high-set ears and large black eyes. He says the price of King Charles and Blenheims was 150 guineas to joo guineas, and also thinks the Alicante was related to them. H. 1). Richardson, 185 1, says of the King Charles: ** The breed has been carefully preserved by the late Duke of Norfolk. The present Duke preserves two varieties of King Charles breed, the I'lack-and-tan and of middling size like an ordinary field Cocker. These latter sometimes occur black-aud-ii'lutc, and are kept at Arundel Castle. It is said that James TT was at- tracted bv these Spaniels. In London the r.lenheim (which he previously describes as the hlach-cuid-fan or 70 La Reine Anne Franz Pourbus le Jeune The Cayenne Dog Prado. Photo, Hanfstaengl THE KING CHARLES AND PYRAME Pyrame) is frequently crossed with the King- Charles, so that the variety of colour on which the difference of nomenclature depends often appears in the same litter." This did not mean that the Red-and-white and Black-and-tan were crossed hut the Black with the Black-and-tan. Jesse, in 1865 (p. 176), says: "Our Marlborough and King James Spaniels are unrivalled in beauty, the latter breed that are black-and-tan, with hair almost ap- proaching to silk in fineness ( such as Van Dyck loved to introduce into his portraits), were solely in possession of the late Duke of Norfolk. He never travelled with- out two of his favourites. When at Worksop he used to feed his eagles with the pups." To feed one's eagles with Toy Spaniel ])up]:)ies seems rather in the style of bravado with which Ouida's heroes light their cigarettes with bank notes. To feed one's eagles on bank notes would indeed be cheaper nowadays, not to speak of the feelings of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. I can find no trace of the Toy King Charles at Arun- del Castle to-day, but there is a picture of the black-and- tan Sussex Spaniel, miscalled the " King Charles." Lieut. H. Smith, as well as Richardson, says that the " Blenheim " is a Black-and-tan, so possibly the Duke of Marlborough kept the Pyrame as well as the red-and-white Springers with the spot, and both were originally by some people termed " Blenheims," simply from the place where they were bred. The Pyrame is persistently referred to, even as late as 1843, ^s a differ- ent and separate breed from the *' King Charles," though the cross had already produced the Duke of Norfolk's Spaniel. 71 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS Mr. Martin, in 1845, aj:j^ain described the Blenheim or Marlhoroni^h as a IMack-and-tan or IJlack-and-white, with the hnil)s beautifully spotted and a tanned mark over each eye ( i.e.. Tricolours ). He states that ilie Kin^^ Charles breed was black or black-and-white, not black- and-tan, and Cravx'u ( 1846) also calls the Blenheim a I>lack-and-tan and the King Charles a black dog-. The utter confusion of names and colours which overtakes historians in the nineteenth century is the natural result of the crossing of the breeds. " The Si)ringer or Cocker," says Recs, " is a variety closely allied to this kind (i.e., the King Charles ). The dog called Pyrame by Buffon is also a variety of the same, and is distinguished by a patch of red on the legs and another over each eye." There is here a distinct inference that the true King Charles was not a Black- and-tan. Bewick gives the King Charles and Pyrame as different species, and includes " the Comforter " in the same class, and the w^oodcut shows it with a nose. Tn Goldsmith's " History of the Earth," the King Charles is described as " a small variety of springing Spaniel prized as a fancy lap-dog," in ])roportion to its diminutiveness : soiiic/iuics founl;s which were cither indii^cnous Ton Water Spaniels or iini)<>rlc(l Spanish Triinic Doj^s. The tact that an importation ot' these Spanish do.^s took i)lace about 1O40 points to their origin as Spanish. It is clear that all pet or "carpet " Spaniels of any and e\ er\ colour were later popularly called " Kinj^' Charles," until a \ erv recent date, and contiiuie to he called so e\ en now h\- the world at lar^e, who know nothini;" ot our present show classification. One of the earliest i)ictures 1 could inid ot a hiack- and-tan Kinii- Charles is dated 1^47, and is a drawini!^ owned 1)\- Mrs. I-'\'irndelK of I'eckham. who kindly sent it for niv inspection. There is absolutely no record ot a black-and-tan Toy Spaniel under the name of Kini;' Charles before that date except the one called " b'airy." which belonged to my great grandmother. Lady I'yron, and the one owned l)y Mrs. Todd, which are. therefore, the lirst in history. Stonehenge says that no picttu^cs of Charles TT's day represent tricolour Spaniels, biU the picture by Sir Peter Lely of about 1^)70 jiroves the contrary. It may be of interest to poiiU out that, though Stone- henge asserted that the I'lack-and-tan should be straight in coat, he held uj) \\'oolmingt(Mi's jumbo as one of the very best specimens ever e-xhibited, the only fault, as he said, being a high carriage of tail. Xow, W'oolming- ton's lumbo was a \erv curlv coated dog indeed. (|uite as curlv as the " King Charles." and it will al>o be seen that the specimens which he gives of shortness ot lace carried to excess are b\' no means so \ery short in lace, compared to our modern dufifon gives the name of Pyrame to a variety of this dog which is distinguished by a patch of red on the legs and an- other over each eye. " Of the same kind ^ is that elegant little dog which in this country is well known under the appellation of King Charles, as having been the favourite companion of that monarch, who scarcely ever walked out without being attended by several of them ; it has a small rounded 1 The Italics are mine. 77 TOY 1)()(;S AM) TIIKIH AXC'KSTOUS head with a short snout, the tail is curved l)ack. the //(///■ is curled, the ears are loni;-, and the feet are webbed. Idle hiriie water doi^" is ot" an analoi^ous hreed. hul is less handsome. It has curly hair which hears a s^Teat rc- senihlance to wool, and it swims excellently in consc- (|uence ot the wehs hetween the toes, heinj;" much lari^er than tho^e ot' most other doj^s." It would appear from this that Kin^" Charles, Spring- ers, and Water Doi^s were at that date all closely allied. It is clear, also, that the I'yrame was not identical with the Kini;' Charles. In t'act, Wright distinctly states that the Kinj;' Charles was curly as o])posed to P.utTon's smooth ryrame. Rees's '" Cyclopaedia " also _i;ives the curly Kiui^ Charles as a separate species, quite distinct fr(^m the Pyrame. l.oudon's " Entertaininq" Naturalist," 1850, says: " The heautitul hreed of Spaniels known as the Kin^^ Charles are hii^hly prized for their diminutive size and Icni^th of ears. They are found of all colours, hut those which are hlack w ith tanned cheeks and lei;s are consid- ered the i)urest hreed." It is e\ident that hy this time the breeds had been crossed. John Wright's reference to the curly coats of the Kin<4" Charles ])roves that he is not referring" to the Gredin any more than to the I'yrame. and his comment on its webbed feet is exceedingly interest iui^. It cor- roborates my theory that the {^resent Ulack-and-tan Toy Sf>(iiiiel has Water .Spaniel blood in his ancestry, and. above all, is confn-meil by the tact that Toy S])aniel pup- pies are still very often born with this jX'Ctiliarity. I have five (lo<;s now in mv ])ossession which have these webbed feet, and I consider this ii^oes far to pro\e that the modern Kini;' Charles is descended t'rom the 7S THE KINC; CHARLES AND I'YRAME curly, web-footed' variety, the Pyranie hein.i;- only an out cross. 'Iliis also would sugi^est the probability of the de- scent from the Truffle l)oi>-, which is described as a nearly pure miniature Poodle or Petit Barbct, which was orii^inally half Water Spaniel and half Toy Spaniel, weighing about four to six ])ounds. The Water Span- iel had very pronounced wel)s between its toes. The Truffle Dog was a very curly little dog with a smooth head. The Barbets also had smooth heads according to BujTon, who says that their heads were silky and also their ears, and the hair on their tails, " a pcu prcs comuie celui des epagneuls." The Truffle Dog was indigenous to France, Italy, and Spain, and some were imported into England in 1640-50. I have a stufTed King Charles of about 1850. It is very curly and exactly the type of the illustration, square, compact, and col)by, eleven inches high and eleven inches long ; ears set very high and carried forward ; a deep stop, nose finely pointed, one and a quarter inch long: skull broad, but not domed ; head small ; eyes set very wide apart, indeed, and showing the whites, which I presume was done to imitate nature. Neck well arched, very long feathering, and white breast. It has faint tan markings, showing the Pyrame cross. A more fascinating little creature could not be devised, and when T think of what our breeders have evolved in sixty years from this little dog I feel fairly disgusted. From its solid square shape I should judge it to have weighed about twelve pounds. 1 In the best sliow specimens the two middle toes are often ahsokitely joined together, one broad claw doing duty for both toes. The two middle pads occasionally merge into one, and a third toe nail appears in the centre. 79 'V()\ 1)()(;S AM) rilKIH AXC KsroKS l)Ul its l)()iK'S arc t'xcc't'diiii^ly slender, and its proijorlions heins^' perfect, it looks imieli smaller. I lia\e also seen a stulTed Tyranie of ahont the same date. It has a dilVertMit txpe of lu'ad. The doi;' is smooth and nuich lari^er. with short ears, and a narrow " wede^e " skull, with a shallow sto]). nor is it well made like the Kin^' Charles. Stnneheno-e. in 1867, says that in iS,^7 the Tricolour Spaniel reii^ned supreme, and was not considered ol much value it over six ])ounds in weij^ht. His skull was round, and he had a short nose, hut not the under- hung- jaw and positively ut;iy face of the modern school ( /. c, 1867). The smaller the do*;-, the better he was. Accordino- to Stoneheni^^c, the Tricolour was sup- ])lanted by the ]^)lack-and-tan Toy Si)aniel between 1837 and 1867; so we have a ])retty accurate idea of the date of its introduction as the lUack-and-tan " Kinjj Charles," and it will be seen that, instead of beini;- the oris^inal breed of Toy S])aniel, as is generally sui)i)Ose(l, it was, in fact, the last to be introduced. The unre.i^'istered breed known as the ^Finiature T(\v Trawler appears to 1k' a throw back to the orii^inal Kin^^ Charles. Nothino; is known of its origin. In order to test my theories, I have tried many experiments in breeding;', the results of which T am about to jT^ive. It must he understood that these exjieriments w^re made for scientific ])urposes only. At the time when I was making- experiments T re- ceived a letter from a i^^entleman who told me that he had ])roduced exactly the type of doL;- 1 was study in*;- by crossiuii" the Kinq' Charles with the small, old-fashioned curb' Sussex Si)aniel. now extinct. 1 persistentb^ adver- tised for a bitch. hoi)inq" to \erif\- ihi^ stati-ment. but 8l) Detail of Picture by Mignard Showing the first black Toy Spaniel on record. About 1660. Louvre. Compare with photograph of IJunthorne. Photo, Braun, Clement et Cie. 12 THE KING CHARLES AND PYRAME could not procure one, but I was informed from another source that the same experiment had produced similar results. Another person told me he had crossed with Blenheim, and I bought a very pretty dog said to be of this cross ; but this is at variance with my own experi- ments, as I have never succeeded in producing a red- and-white specimen from the black parents, even from the one said to be half Blenheim. Even when I crossed one of these dogs with a Blenheim bitch, the progeny were almost all black or red, and I have only once suc- ceeded in producing black-and-white progeny, 1)ut, as I said before, nc7'cr red-and-white. The black-and-whites were, I may add, decidedly off type (the reds and blacks only, in my experience, breed true to type), and I got exactly similar results from crossing with Cocker, the colour and coat of the Toy Trawler asserting itself to the exclusion of all others. The old-fashioned curly *' Sussex Spaniel " w^as the " Sussex " kept by the Duke of Norfolk, and referred to by several authors as the King Charles, and men- tioned in the Bazaar correspondence of 1908. This was a cross between the King Charles and English Pyrame. Please compare the illustrations of the curly King Charles with the Toy Trawler. It would not be very difficult to get back the pointed- nosed Blenheim and tricolour types from the Papillon, and in the pointed-nosed King Charles we still have enough material to save it from extinction, and I am working hard to do so. The curly black and the orange-red breed absolutely true to type so that it is impossible for a stranger to distinguish one dog from another. In order to trace the origin and test the accuracy of 81 TOY 1)()(;S AND TITKIH AXCKSTOKS the stalcincnls made to inc. I liave tried tlu- fnllowino^ crosses : 1. r>lack Cocker witli Miniature Toy Trawler sire. 1 ilack-and-wliite prot^l^enw J. r.laek Cocker" with Marlhoroui^h r.k-nlieini sire. W'rv |)oor txpe, chielly yellow-and-wliite. .\o reseni- hkmce to Miniature i'oy TrawkM", hut \ery like the old Marlhoroui^hs. 3. Water Si)aniel with Miniature Toy i'rawler sire. Larj^e heax'v puiipies, two only taking" after the sire in size, hut hearing" a considerahle resenihlance to the smaller hreed. 4. lilenheim with ^liniature Toy Trawler sire. \'ery l)ad mono-rcl t\i)e, no uniform type. 5. I'ield S])aniel with Miniature Toy Trawler sire. Ugly heavy type of nondescript jnippies. 6. Field Sjianiel with I'lenheim sire. Ordinary look- in;;" cross-hred pui)])ies; no type. 7. Old-fashioned Sussex ' with ?^liniature Toy Trawler sire. Puppies handsome and uniform in type, mostly all hlack. hut lari^er than Miniature Toy Trawler, except two which weij^hed five jiounds and seven pounds full j^rcnvn. 8. I'lack Miniature Toy Trawler with lUack Minia- ture Poy Trawler, .\lways uniform in type, whole hlack or whole red with or without white hreasts. (Compare with experiment No. i.) 0. Long-nosed King Charles l^.lack-and-tan with Miniature Voy Trawler. Pure Miniature 1^)v Trawler type exce])t for th.e colour, which had tan ahovc the eyes. T find that with all hreeds tlie puppies follow the Miniature Poy Trawler sire in size more than the dam. 1 The nearest thing to the old type which I could procure. 82 Edward Walters Marlborough type of Spaniel about 16S7. Gompare with Henrietta of Orle r.y permission of T. B. Waldy, Esq., Cranleigh, Surrey .if same period THE KING CHARLES AND PYRAME The puppies are generally smaller than either sire or dam. As I have already said, in breeding black to black, I never once got a red-and-white or black-and-white. Mated to Blenheims they still produce about an equal number of blacks in the litters, Avhich they certainly w^ould not do unless black was the foundation colour. Tw^o l)lacks will sometimes produce red, but seldom any other colour, and in my own experience I have never been able to produce a red-and-white specimen at all, though whole reds with white breasts sometimes appear. These experiments have convinced me that the influ- ence of Blenheim blood, if present, is very small. King Charles, on the other hand, appears to blend well, and this agrees with my theories. I found one dog exactly like my own in Wales, but the owner would not sell on any account. I also found two in Middlesex, but the owner could not, or would not, tell me anything of their breeding, except that they were " very valuable." I was also informed that they existed in Italy and Holland, but can find no trace of them in the latter country. In Italy and Spain there were the Truffle Dogs, and this would fit in with the im- portation to England in the seventeenth centurv. In no book can I find any reference to the old-fash- ioned Sussex Spaniel as a Sussex Spaniel, but Symonds, in his " Field Diversions," 1824, speaks of it as the King Charles Cocker or Gun Spaniel of true and perfect breed. That his description did not refer to the Pet Spaniel is obvious. " The King Charles Spaniel belongs to the Cockers ; the ears are deeply fringed, sweeping the ground; the rounded form of the forehead, the larger and moister 83 TOY I)()(;S AM) TllKIU AXCKSTOKS eye, the longer and silkier coal, and the clearness of the tan, and wliitc-and-black colour sufticiently dislins^^uish ihis \aricl\ . I lis beauty and diminutive size have con- signed him to the drawing-room or ])arlour. " Charles 1 had a breed of S])aniels; very small with the hair black and curly, the Spaniel of the second Charles was of the black-and-tan breed." ^ I cannot trace that either of these Kings had the dogs, but it is quite likely Charles II had the former kind. N'ouatt says that from France - a black-and-tan vari- ety was ])ro(luced from the Sussex Springer ( which was the best variety) and a Terrier, which was culti- vated by the late Duke of Norfolk: " The Dlack-and-tan Spaniel, the cross of Terrier being nearly or (|uile got rid of, is often a beautiful animal and is much valued, although it is frecjuently considered a somewhat stui)id anim.'d." 1 think he is here mistaking the cross, and that the Sussex Springer was already black-and-tan, crossed with King Charles. ])ewick, in 1824, gives a pretty cut of the " Springer or Cocker," and he says: " Of the same kind is that beautiful little dog which in this country is well known imder the apjiellation of King Charles dog, the favourite and constant compan- ion of that monarch . . . it is still preserved as an idle but innocent companion. Its long ears, curled hair, and web feet evidently point out its alliance with the more useful and active kind last mentioned. Similar to this, but smaller, is the Pyrame dog, it is generally black lYouatt. "The Dog:," 1845. 2 It is difficult to understand how France could produce the cross from a Sussex dog. 84 Picture in the Coral Room, Blenheim Palace Alunit .750. Photo, Taunt. P-y penui.s^ion of the I )u1lenlieini Spaniels as bred by the fancv are snub-nosed, rounddieaded :inim;ils like Pui^s, with silk\- ears .and coats, l)ut they are reni.ark.ably jq;raceful animals." Stonelien_L:;-e says that the low carriage of the tail is a i)eculiar feature of all true S]).aniels. .and was formerly insisted on .as :\ ])oint ol i;i"e:it ini])ort;inoe in the Toy Spaniel, riiis is not correct .accordiuL^" to m\- researches, as the re\erse, indeed, is certainly the f.act. .all the oldest 90 Noseless Toy Spaniel, with wrongly CARRIED Ears and bad Expression Mrs J. Davies' Bulldog Good Lion A fine fighting type ; not suitable as a lap-dog Monkey-faced Type of Blenheim, with twisted Jaw and wrong Expression "A Fairy among Dogs" A Good Type of Brood Bitch A Tiny Lap Dog TYPE AND STANDARDS authorities agreeing that the tail should be raised. The old pictures confirm this. See Veronese and Watteau. There is a great wish on the part of some breeders, especially Miss Dillon, that the Toy Spaniel's tail should not be docked. My opinion is this. By all means let the tail alone, but if so it must be carried over the back, as in Veronese's time, and like the Japanese. There is no middle course, a long tail carried drooping in the mud, or straight out with a hook at the end, is simply impossible. It is neither one thing nor the other, and if the tails are not to be carried over the back they should be docked. A photograph is given of a modern Blenheim with an undocked tail, but this is a most un- usually good specimen. Sydenham Edwards, 1800, says the Marlboroughs are a small variety of Cocker with blunt noses and very round heads, and highly valued by sportsmen. He gives a lovely colored plate of gun dogs, much the type of Stubbs Spaniel, but does not give the Marlboroughs. In an engraving of the Hon. Mrs. Monckton, 1779, there is a Cocker with the spot and a very pointed nose. In a picture by Gainsborough, of Queen Charlotte, there is a very pretty, smallish Spaniel with spot, of the Marlborough Cocker type probably crossed with Toy. The engraving by Gainsborough Dupont can be seen at the National Portrait Gallery. The following quotation is from Idstone, 1872: " Thirty years ago (i.e., 1842) they were rare in the provinces, but so long ago as that I had several of great excellence, which were the offspring of a celebrated dog, named Cherry (about 1845). His produce had but one fault, they carried their tails a trifle high, but a superb black-and-white- and-tan bitch named Cora, weighing 91 TOY IKKiS AND TIIKIU AXCKSTOKS not over six pounds, was free from this or any oilier fault."' 'i'liis is c\i(lcntly due to Stonclicn^v. who was the first to su^i;esl thai Toy Spaniels should not earry their tails hij^h. lie eontinues: "Originally the Kin^" Charles was a liver-and-white do^', and 1 iniai;ine, indeed I am almost certain, that the do^s heloniiin.i^- to the Merry Monarch were so marked. 1 low or where the cohnir altered 1 do not know." 1 le thinks the\- orij^inated from Jai)an, and says that the first imported jai)S were i)ale }ellow and white. These were prohahly Chinese do.^s. Tvohert Fortune says that the Jap do^'s in Japan arc dwarfed hv a spirit called " Saki," no douht a sort of ^in, hut 1 mvself was told hy a lady who lived in Japan that the small size was obtained l)y another i)ractice, which 1 shall not specify, as there mii^ht he people un- ])rincipled enoui^h to try and reproduce it over here. This practice would account for the extraordinary del- icacv of the breed, but I think myself the breed is nalu- rallv a small one. Idstone says that the King Charles in his day was almost universally black-and-tan, the Tricolour being out of fashion. He says he considers the Tricolour the handsomer dog of the two. " Should have a white leaf down the centre of the forehead, tan spots over the eyes, white lips, tan cheeks, and freckles of tan on the lips, a white collar and mane, white forelegs sparingly freckled with tan and black. The edges of the thighs should be white, bellv white, and end of the tail also. The inner part of the ears should be tan: the mane long, profuse, and like floss silk. The thighs and hind (|uarters must be feathered heavily. Also the tail with a flag end; feet 92 Miss Fan From a print of 1810-20. (Tricolour. Note the "spot") ;The Duke of M AKi.iiukOL'C h's PRESEM i Type OF Blenheim |^*^^^^B ■^i]^^^Kt^ 1 1 .'^H Woodstock Blenheim OF 1840 Early Type of Marlborough About 1S40 A Common Type of E.\rly Marlborough Spaniel T. Gainsborough, 1750. By permission of H. J. Pfunest, F.S.A. TYPE AND STANDARDS profusely feathered, tan, wherever visible, brilliant and rich. In the heavy feather of the hind quarters and tail there should be a harmonious amalgamation of the three colours. The face should be short ; the eye large, black, and prominent, the corner of it wet; the skull round, the ears large ; there should be a deep, pronounced stop between the eyes, the ears should be large, flabby, and well coated ; the formation of the dog low on the leg, the coat very silky, and a spriglifly temper is indispensable," The Black-and-tan and Tricolour should, he says, never exceed seven pounds for exhibition. Idstone says that the pale lemon colour in Blenheim comes from in-breeding. He also says that the King Charles cross is indulged in too freely, getting rid of the spot, which is a point of the utmost importance. He also thinks the breed comes through Spain from Japan. I can find no trace of this in pictures or literature. Velasquez depicted the Alicantes, not Blenheims. Idstone says : " The main points of beauty are as follows: The high skull, the full, black, wet eye, the short nose, the large, broad, heavv, well-feathered ear ; compact form, close to the ground ; pure, brilliant, rich red and distinct white markings, especially the broad leaf down the forehead, the round spot on the skull, the white neck and mane ; a texture like floss silk ; legs all well coated at the back, and deeply feathered toes. They are restless in their habits, capital guardians, always vigilant, but snappish and capricious, showing a dislike to children, and want of discrimination between friend and foe. They resent any fancied slight or injury, and are not particularly forgiving. " The crossing with King Charles and Blenheim has 93 TOY IKKiS AM) IIIKIU AXCKSTOUS so C(»iilu>c'(l iIk' two hrocds thai llic llircc colours ollcn appear in ear hardly likely that this should have been its origin, but 1 consider that the Red-and-white Toy Spaniels. Ja])- ancse, and Pekingese, have a common Chinese ancestry. Mr. \ ero .Shaw, in his book on the doj^', jniblished in iSS(j. announced his intention of crossini;" Tov Span- iels with Jai)anese, and 1 should be very i^lad to know if lu" did so; as this cross mi^ht explain some of our ' Only uiiiliT certain unvarying conditions. 94 Miss I-a.\ and I'ri's ( I kicolour) riir |iuppy on her back is red and white. From an old coloured print, 1810-1820 TkICOLoIK Sl'AMI-L, WITH K i; D AM) WllITl-: Puppy, ]v\rlv 19x11 Century 'rKlCOI.OUR TdY Sl'AMi;i. Early 19x11 Century I'KNNKLi 's Shock and Comforter of 1843 Tricolour Toy Spaniel, Early 19TH Century From ii painting in possession of the Rev. K. L. Paidoe TYPE AND STANDARDS particularly Japanese coated strains. In 1889 he says that Mr. Nave agrees with him in considering the short nose was obtained by a cross of Pug, and quotes the paragraph to which he refers. I, however, under- stand it differently. Mr. Nave said that he considered the short nose was obtained by a " cross of Black-and- tan Japanese Spaniel" (also called Japanese Pug). Black-and-tan does not appear to exist as a pure Jap- anese colour, nor does it exist in Pugs. He mentions the Pug only to state his opinion of its origin, but not in connection with the Toy Spaniel. Sir Rutherford Alcock thus describes the fancy dogs in Japan : " And first I am to find a pair of well bred Japanese dogs, with eyes like saucers, no nose, the tongue hanging out of the side, too large for the mouth, and white-and-tan, if possible, and two years old. My dogs are chosen, species of Charles II Spaniels inten- sified. There is so much genuine likeness that I think it probable the Merry Monarch was indebted to his marriage w4th a Portugese Princess for the original race of Spaniels as well as her dower." If there has been any direct cross of Japanese it has been since 1850, and there is only one of our strains which shows evidence of it, unless the very short faces are taken as evidence. Stonehenge, fourteenth edition, 1878, says of the King Charles : " Nor is the shortness of face of old standing, when carried to the extent which now prevails . . . those which I remember early in the present century were at least only half way on the road to the state in which they are now exhibited, with faces like those of the Bulldog." I have seen two coloured prints of Tricolour Span- 95 '^()^ i)()(;s and tiikik axc kstoks ids kiii(ll\- lent iiic 1)\ Mr. IV-rriii. ( )nc is called "Jum- bo," iS3(), and ihc other " lUisy," of the same date. Both r-jpresent cohhy, well-leathered, well-marked lilllc dogs Avith L^reat hi.Li" t.'y^^- I l^'ir noses are moderately short, rather tajJeriiiL;'. hut \ery well cushioned u]) with round muzzles. These certainly are a little Japanese in type, hut. as there were no Japanese recorded in Eng- land before 1850, this cannot be considered a proof of any cross, and is j)robal)ly only the natural throwiui^ back to the Chinese ancestor. The KciiiicI Gaactte, of November, 1886. says of the lilenheim : " There are two points to which 1 should like to call tlie attention of the breeders of IMenheims. One is the absolute necessity for a short back, the r>lenheim is essentially a Cocker ' in miniature : the other is that the cross with the Kinj^ Charles is bring-inq- in the cocoa- nut skull." This last warninq", alas! passed unheeded. There are at ])resent four recog'nised \arieties t)f Toy vSpaniel. Blenheims, or Red-and-white; King Charles, or Black-and-tan ; Prince Charles, or Tricolour; and Ruby, or Red. They are all supposed to have j)re- cisely the same points, but it is quite certain that there is a vast difference in type between the I'lenheim and Prince Charles. /. c, the " broken colours," and the King Charles and Ruby, or " whole colours." Besides the ])resent recognised colours they sometimes occur all liver or Hver-and-white, and lately there have been two examples of Blenheims whose red markings are, as it were, shot with black, giving a very beautiful effect indeed. T have also seen a dull blue-and-tan inipi)y bred 1 The reference to the Cocker as a notoriously short-l)acked Spaniel will come as a shock to the modern breeder of these Spaniels. What would the writer nf this sav to the modern Cocker? (,r> Portrait of a Lady F. Haage, 1740. F.udapest. Photo, Hanfstaeng TYPE AND STANDARDS from a Ruby and a Black-and-tan. It unfortunately did not live to maturity, but I have kept its skin as a curiosity. The King; Charles breed truer, and are more constant to the short nose than the Blenheims. There is a strong tendency in the Blenheims to revert to the pointed nose of their Italian ancestors, and if they are not periodically crossed with the whole colours, or very carefully selected, they rapidly get longer and more tapering in face and flatter in skull, owing to the Marl- borough blood with which they are infected. Some of j;he oldest fanciers, to the great indignation of the modern fanciers, are most decided in attributing the present type of King Charles to an infusion of Bull- dog blood, and this view would seem to be confirmed by the curious fact that, whenever a puppy is born with a face so short as to be noseless, it is pretty sure to have a screw tail as well. This is a peculiarity very prevalent among Bulldogs, but as it is supposed to be due to arrested development, it may be an independ- ent coincidence. It is very seldom that such specimens ever grow a really profuse coat. Generally, too, their ears are set on very high and thrown back with a " rose " carriage, the *' leather " is extremely short, and their faces are inclined to be wrinkled. It is an- other curious coincidence that, in those parts of Lon- don where the best show King Charles Spaniels are often bred, there are occasional epidemics of noseless specimens, and a cautious investigation generally re- veals the fact that the breeder of these wonders has a cousin, an aunt, or a brother-in-law who owns a Bull- dog ! I feel inclined to think that it is this Bulldog cross which has spoilt the elegance of the King Charles and given the present specimens the wide, often out-at- 14 97 TOY 1)()(;S AM) rilKIK AXC'KSTOUS dhows forelcii^s, and the coniparalivcly pinclicd hind- ([uartcrs and lica\\' movement of wliich I inlcnd to com- plain presently. There is, however, another type of screw-tailed puppy which shows no lUilldoj^" character, and this is j)rohal3ly due to Chinese and Iai)anese crosses. I was much interested the other day to hear from Mr. Aistrop tliat about tlie \ear 1810 his father j^ave fifty guineas for a cross-l)red P>ulldoi^. by name, liilly. He had been bred by old Mr. Aistrop, sold l)y him to Charley Dew. and re]nuxhased at his death. This dof]^ was the most famous rat-killer in F.n^iand, and killed one hundred rats in the Cock pit. Duck Lane. West- minster (a pit 18 X 16 feet), in five and a half minutes. Princess Charlotte had at that time three Tricolour Toy Spaniels, and summoning Mr. Aistrop in 1814, gave him £10 for the services of his dog, as she said she wished her three Toy Spaniels to have ]nippies by the most famous dog in England. Here is an authentic instance of a cross of diluted lUilldog blood in some Tri- colour Spaniels, at any rate. It is curious that Princess Charlotte should have cared more for celebrity than fc^r pedigree, to the point of crossing two such strangely unsuitable breeds. It is said that Mr. Aistrop refused three hundred guineas for Billy, and also an ofifer of a pension for life. Mr. Charles Aistrop is one of our oldest fanciers, and he is one of the most thorough enthusiasists I have ever met. Mr. iVistrop's father was a born fancier, who, when a bo\'. was turned out of the house by his mother for winning a prize at bull baiting, and refusing to give u]) the sport. It appears that this lady was of inde- pendent means, and had an excessive regard for what she considered the honour of her familv. and when she 98 Billy Billy, the Celebrated Kat-killer, killing ioo Rats in Five Minutes AND A Half on the 22nd April 1823 By permission of Mr Aistrop TYPE AND STANDARDS one day read in the paper that her son had won a prize with his dog, she had hysterics, rang for her butler, and ordered that directly Mr. Charles came in he was to be sent to her immediately. As soon as Mr. Charles came she told him plainly that he must either give up dog fancying or leave her house, and she would give him a week to think it over. Mr. Charles, who was a spirited young man, replied that he did not want a week to think it over, but that he would go at once. To this Mrs. Aistrop answered that, if such was his determination, hg should not go penniless, but that she would give him one hundred guineas. So he took the money and went, and soon became the most famous fancier of his time. The present Mr. Aistrop was an expert lightweight boxer before a terrible accident by which he lost the use of both arms. He was driving one day with his brother, who happened to say that he had never driven a horse in his life, and Mr. Aistrop told him he should learn there and then. The lesson was disastrous. Before they had gone many yards a coal van turned out of a side street, they collided, and both gentlemen were thrown out. Mr. Charles Aistrop injured his spine, and his brother was killed. Disasters of a sensational kind seem to run in the Aistrop family, as old Mrs. Aistrop was killed by a bear which was kept at the pit for bear baiting, and attacked her when she was feeding it. Mr. Aistrop came home to find her dead, and, after killing the bear, sold the pit and took up the profession of a licensed victualler. Mr. Aistrop had some correspondence with the King at the time when there was a proposal to alter the name of the King Charles, and was the cause of the name being retained, as, in answer to his petition, the 99 TOY DOGS AND TIIKIK A\C KSTOKS Kini;- cxi)rcssccl a wish thai ihc name should not he ahcrccl. ]\Ir. Charles Aistrop tells nie that the first Riihy he saw was in 1850, and it was also the first irrv short- nosed doo^ that he ever saw. It used to l)e hrouj^ht to the Ei.^iu Ik-lls. Denmark Street, Soho, which was run by Mr. Aistrop's father, and where some of the first fancy do^^: shows were held from 1836. lis owner was a Mr. Risum. and he used to attend with this wonderful red doi;', which was considered a curiosity, and was the talk of the " Fancy," the house bein^- crowded whenever Mr. Risum took the chair. The colour was not then held in high esteem, and the dog" went hy the name of " the cabbage-leaf eared dog"," from the immense size of its ears, both in length and width. The combination of the short face with enormous ears is f|uite ag'ainst the present rule, where short faces and small or short, crumpled ears too often go together. Mr. Watson, of Hackensack, found the following in an old sporting mag"azine: "Spaniel Show. The show of nine-pound Spaniels for a silver cream jug will take place at Charley Aistrop's, the Elephant and Castle, Peter St., Westminster, on Wednesday. February, 1834-" T .give an illustration of a fancy dog show in 1857, held at the flight Hells. This was, Mr. Aistrop thinks, the first dog club ever started, though the idea was (|iiickl\- followed by "jimmy Shaw." "jack l)rown." and others. The members are said to have i)ai(l a small weekly sum. Meetings were held every week, enlivened by occasional shows; the judges being chosen on the S])ot from amongst the members. A li>t of stud dogs 100 u-> 00 H *"* k, ^ O T3 5: c: oa a )- m ^ Q > ■o m •A x: ■^ <-> fc bJO TYPE AND STANDARDS was hung up in the parlour, and the meetings were gen- erally crowded. It will be noticed that the dogs in the drawing were not short-nosed or square in jaw, but pretty faced, long- eared dogs, most typical of the breed, with noses very much turned up, and such as would, no doubt, be called " short snout " by the early writers, when they meant to describe a nose which was by no means that of a Greyhound, but still less like that of our modern dogs. Regarding the screw tail and noseless face as evi- dence of Bulldog blood, there certainly was no such thing in the shows much before 1845, though from the time of Princess Charlotte there are rumours of too short noses. Possibly Princess Charlotte's experi- ment with Billy gave the dealers the idea of the Bull- dog cross, and this is certainly a possible source of the distorted " noseless " dog. It has been suggested that the short face originated from crossing with the Japanese, but this alone would never have given the powerful under jaw and the extraordinary tenacity of hold which is exhibited by some specimens. I have two noseless dogs at present, and they attack an object in precisely the Bulldog style, freezing on to it and shutting their eyes. Once they get a grip, it is im- possible to move their jaws, and they will allow them- selves to be lifted from the ground by their teeth. It is, of course, possible that there may have been isolated instances of a Japanese cross, but this breed is far too delicate for dealers to indulge in crossing systematically. An occasional cross would, however, provide the neces- sary material and in-breeding would do the rest. We must nevertheless look for some other explanation of lOI r()\' DOCS A\n riiKiK axc kstoks coarser lyi)cs. Il is ])crlcclly evident Id in\ (iwii iniiul llial my Iviihy doi;. Mar\el, is crossed with liiilldoi;" at a comparatively receiil date, llioui;h lliere is nothing" in his |)e(hmree to su^^est it. 1 may say tliat. tliou^li I am iinahle tti explain it, the noseless head, screw tail, and \\el)l)e(l teel are practicallv in\arial»l\ co-related char- acters, hilt there are two marked t\])es of noseless head. As to the \\el)l)ed t'eet, these are douhtless a throw back to the little curly Kini;- Charles Water Spaniel. 1 shall ne\er hehe\e that the noseless, screw-tailed doi^^ was ])ro(luce(l solely by selection within a period of fif- teen years. 'Idle ty])e changed (|iiite suddenlv from the kind of short nose which would he brought about by selection, to an outrai^eous deforniitv. In iS^o it was still " a Spaniel unrivalled for l)eauty." In i84_> it had a liroad mouth and j^enerally ai)oi)lectic a])pearance. In 1S45 it had " forehead as ui^ly as the \eriest lUilldog," and in 1S7J the show doj^ was established as an " apple- headed, idiotic, hydrocephalous animal." and that de- lii^hlful Mr. Julius settled il b\- his ill limed practical joke in \>^JJ. I am sure that the short face is not the outcome of a cross with Wv^, as has been su^s;',s^ested by some writers, for four reasons, i. The screw tail that i^enerally ac- companies the noseless face is a short " down " tail, never curled upwards over the back. _>. The underjaw is usually very stron^q'. with a pronounced lay back. 3. There is never a black mask or trace under any circum- stances. 4. The back is often arched, and the chest is abnormalK' wide, with elbows out and curxed lore- legs. 1 had the misfortune to buy a Toy .Spaniel which lOJ .fWff^s^^*,f^>ryif- ka_. Cocker and Springer The original Field Spaniels, iSoi Curly King Charles Spaniel of about 1800 TYPE AND STANDARDS had gone astray with a Pug, and am able to state that in the htter of seven every puppy had a black mask and a weak under jaw and the black trace down the back. It is the bull-headed puppies that make all the whelp- ing troubles of small Toy Spaniels. Small bitches of six pounds in weight which are free from Bull crosses would probably whelp without trouble. I have had several small ])itches (one only five and a half pounds) showing the Italian type in a very pronounced way, and th^ bred quite easily. It is the Bulldog head and shoulders that make the danger. We have one strain of Blenheim now of which the females are useless for breeding purposes, owing to the contracted peh'is and the heavy head and shoul- ders. As the Blenheim has the only long record of the short nose, it may be wondered why I have stated that the King Charles is the most constant to the short face. This is easily explained if the ahnorinally smashed face is due to the Bulldog cross, as the direct Bulldog cross certainly does not occur in the Blenheim breed, the only Bull blood being filtered through the King Charles. It must be remembered that many of the pres- ent Blenheim strains have also been crossed with the Marlborough, which, in its turn, has been crossed with the Holland Spaniel, which, between 1550 and 1660, had no stop whatever. I feel sure that, if allowed to choose my strains and use what dogs I liked, I could produce noseless, screw- tailed puppies of either of the types I have mentioned with absolute certainty. 103 TOY DOCS AXT) 'I'llKIH AXCESTOKS Most of tlic |)Uj)])ics with ahsolntcly sunhcii noses die of cleft i)al;itc or arc cliokcd at birth, and unable to breatliL'. The ones thai surxive most easily are those which approximate closest to the bi])anese noseless ty])e, which apparenth has not the elongated palate of the noseless Toy Spaniel. Toy S])aniels of the present 's doQ^ in Class 2, forgetting that he is etjually unsound. This T04 SETTER Setter and Cocker, 1820 WoOLMINGTON's J 'Ml'. TYPE AND STANDARDS sort of judging merely irritates exhibitors and does no good, and I must say that specialist judges are worse offenders than all-round judges in this matter, as they are apt to be carried away by wonderful head points and to forget everything else. If a judge penalizes unsoundness or any other bad point, he should do so consistently. I cannot too earnestly insist on this point of consistency, and I commend it also to reporters. It is grossly unfair to crab one dog for a fault and pass it over in another. Specialist judges are apt, as I said, to give undue importance to head points or technical specialist points. For instance, a good sound dog, perfect in all points, will be put back by practically any specialist judge for white on the chest, and a glaring cripple preferred to him, provided it has no white hairs. A dog that has even a few white hairs, that it takes the judge ten min- utes to find, will be penalized to an absurd extent. A curly coated dog will be beaten by the most miserable of weeds, etc., etc. Now, " all rounders " have much more balance of judgment, and I would far rather trust a good specimen of any breed in its own class to an unprejudiced all-round judge than to a specialist. Spe- cialists often have their own fads, which tend to warp their judgment on essential points. Defects of confor- mation should always be penalised before accidental blemishes, but it requires a very strong judge to over- look an obvious superficial blemish, such as a stain, a burn, a wounded foot or a damaged eye, or even de- fective markings rather than a faulty type, exaggerated jaw, or an unpleasing expression. As a matter of fact, I think the latter would at present always win the day. 15 105 '^()^ i)()(;s and tiikik a\c ksioks A (Iml; (»|' tlic rii^lit type, howcxcr badly hlcniishcd or niisniarkod. oiiL^lit always U) win over a doi;" (^f ihc wroiii;' typo. This should he a fiindaiiK'ntal principle in jiidi^ini;. A (loj4" of the w roni;- type is worse than no doj^' at all. h^irst j)rizes must l)e withheld I'roni had do^-s. This is another fundamental ])rinciple, hut one which rerjuires j^reat fortitude to carry out. I have seen so many had doiis used at stud, on the strength of wins in classes where they were the only entries, tliat I feel that a stand should he made a.^ainst misleadinj^ victories of this kind ( though it would l)e sure to he most imi)opu- lar). 1 have for years inxei^hed a^'ainst the modern type and scale of ])oints, .and on Octoher i6, i()o8, 1 wrote an article in llic Kcnucl expressing;' yet stroni;"er criti- cisms on the cxa.^i's^erations and deformities of the pres- ent day. Some weeks later Mrs. Jenkins also wrote to The KcuucL exi)ressini;' the same \-iews as myself, which suri)rised me considerably, as we had always held en- tirely opposite opinions. Mrs. Jenkins wrote of noselessness as one of " Na- ture's deformities," and yet she was amoni;- the first to take the lead as judi^e in ^ivini;" ])rominence to the most abnormal of the noseless ty])es. When a iudi^inj;" scale "•ives too j^reat a ])ro]iortion of points to .any (^ne part of a doju;-, it is clear that doi;s will win on .abnormalities of, ;ind 1 think revision is for any scale which c;m be m.ade .an ;iri;ument to sui)port an type .adnn'ttedly a^.ainst a judge's better judj^nient. X.'iture h;is :i qreat horror of int'lliciencN- .and de- formitv, and thi^ .abhorrence is necess.ary to the sound- io6 Henrietta of Orleans ]\Iiffnard, about i65o TYPE AND STANDARDS ness of the race, but can only operate where there is no artificial preservation of that which is unfit and un- sound. The cult of beauty and strength and the natural attraction towards them and the preference even of animals for them (especially for the latter quality), are Nature's provision for the selection of the fittest parents for the best ofifspring in all departments of life. Any delight in weakness, unfitness, and ugliness is a morbid perversion of natural instincts which should be sternly disoouraged among all live-stock breeders. Nature ruthlessly destroys the weaklings, the weeds, and the failures. The conditions of life are too uncompromis- ing, and they die. The modern man preserves them at infinite trouble and expense, and ofifers prizes for them on the show bench. He breeds from individuals which would never naturally breed, which are too small, too feeble, or too deformed to propagate their species in a natural condition, and, moreover, often have a violent aversion in doing so. This is a grievous mistake, and our inbred deformed and artificial dogs are visited, as a consequence of their artificiality, by ghastly diseases like the " Black Death" distemper which are themselves almost " artificial " in virulence, and which, I venture to think, would not have existed at all had our pet stock been less inbred and unsound. Remember that Nature will not be entirely frustrated, and when thwarted in one direction, kills ofif the obnoxious productions of human skill in some unforeseen way, and generally does it with a blind, wholesale lavishness by which a large proportion of the healthy and strong are carried ofif as well. On the other hand we must not try and make the 107 'r()^ DOCS AM) I'lIKIU AXCKSroi^S Iny S])anicl int(» a police doii. lie is in his nature an • nnanK'nlal nhjcct, like a rare llnwer (»r piece of china. We do not re<|nire him as a rat killer, and it" he is UL^iy his ])()int is entirely ,i;"one. The contempt of preltincss which is the ])ri(lc of the averaia^c l^n^iishman may be all \ cry well in choosini^ a hunter, hut it is out of i)lace in judi^ini;' a lady's j)et. 1 ha\e known sporting- iud.u'es in a variety class refuse to look at the i'oy Spaniels in it, saying- they hated the useless little thinj^s. A second- rate r.ulld(\q; or a third-rate Collie will always he |)rc- ferred to a llrst-class I'lenheim, were he the hest that e\er li\ed. This is not the ri^iit s])irit in which to judi^e variety classes. Honestly speakinj.;-, 1 think \ariety classes are ahsurd. There is not one man in five hun- dred thousand who is an e(|ually i^ood judge of all the hreeds that come he fore him. I myself feel thoroughly capable of judging all Toy S])aniels, and am equally familiar with Jai)anese, Pek- ingese, and Pomeranians, hut T should he very sorry indeed to ha\e to judge iViredales or Pohtail Sheej) dogs. If, however, I had to judge a variety class T certainly should not consider it right to turn my hack on the un- familiar varieties, saying. " 1 hate the great, clumsy things." The less one knows of a breed the more atten- tion one should give to it. so as, if possible, to make up l)y observation and com])arison for lack of experience. A judge's own ])articular fancy in breeds ought not to bias him in variety classes. .\ contempt of beauty and elegance runs through most of modern si)orting life. Take two animals of about e(|ual intrinsic merit, one pretty and the other useful looking, and the man who judges them will go lo8 w ^ < ^ 0^ ,5 tn S z w a 2 u m' o CJ TYPE AND STANDARDS for the ugly one as sure as fate. He is so afraid of being misled by prettiness that he feels safer that way, and says to himself: " If I have made a mistake, at any rate no one can say that I have been taken in by meretricious and super- ficial charm." To discover hidden merits and astonish the novice is a common ambition. I have recently seen several judges report on Toy Spaniels as '' too toyish." One might as well complain of a cat for being too " pussy- isl>." If you are judging toys, the more " toyish " they are, the better. I do not consider that any man should lay down the points of a lady's toy. The man who knows the special requirements of a lady's pet is just about as rare as the man who understands needlework or lace. Most modern men have an innate impatience of useless beauty, and will unconsciously infuse an ele- ment of good, useful plainness into any pretty, useless dog. The only time where this comes in well is in the matter of soundness, which many ladies left to them- selves are apt to overlook. I am speaking here of the average judge, but there are, of course, geniuses of both sexes. The essentially masculine view was recently ex- pressed by an old fancier in one of the newspapers. Asked to state what was the best Toy Spaniel he ever remembered, he quoted one long since dead, which he said was large and with a bigger head than the present- day Toy Spaniels and which was emphatically '' a dog and not a pet ! " In speaking of an essentially pet breed, this is rather a surprising view, and if the head of the dog in question was larger than those of some of our modern dogs I can only say that I hope I may never see 109 ^()^' i)()(;s and thkik axckstoks nnc like it ! lie also says that he welcomes the proi^ress ot tlie ])resenl-(lay (lo_n" to the hi^'.^er t\])e of old as sounder and stronger. 1 ha\e shown that the Toy Spaniel type of old was infinitely smaller than ours, and that the heads were very small, and I would ])oint out that size does not always secure S(nuid- ness, as some of our hii^i^X'st specimens are (piitc un- sound. 1 notice thai many of the ])eople who talk most ahout soundness do not carry out their theories in the judj^iuj^ riuL;-. and as loni;- as they ])Ut up unsound dog's it is of no use for them to ])reach soundness. 1 do not consider the present type of Toy Spaniels at all satisfactory. It lacks (piality, especially as regards the I'lack-aud-tans and Ruhies. Short necks, protrud- ing tongues, roach hacks, llat sides, straight shoulders, huUdog" forelegs and weak hindlegs, with cow hocks are to be seen everywhere. The King Charles and Ruhies are now no longer Toys in any sense of the word, and I for one should be sorry to be ol^liged to carry one of the a\erage sized show s])ecimens for an Ikhu^ or two under my arm. It is not, however, so nuich the size to which I object as the want of symmetry and compact-' ness, the heavy bone, and the sluggish, shufning gait. 1 am by no means in favor of excessive smallness when it leads to weediness, unsoundness of constitution, and general lack of smartness. It is also an almost invari- able rule (subject to exceptions, of course) that dogs and bitches under six pounds in weight are useless for breeding, and 1 think the ideal size is that where the (l(\g, though in e\ery sense a Toy. is still strong and vigor- ous and cai)al)le of rej)ro(liicing its s])ecies. On the other hand, there are at present far too many great, heavy, no Dorothy Lady Temple, with Tricolour Spaniel Sir Peter Lely, about 1670. Photo, E. Walker TYPE AND STANDARDS coarse, bull-necked dogs with Bulldog expressions and thick, weak legs. I am of the opinion that a Toy Spaniel should not be nearly so much undershot as is now considered right. Exaggeration of all kinds is most undesirable. Heads are now often deformed. I will not mention other peo- ple's dogs, but, to illustrate what I mean, I refer to the photograph of my own dogs, St. Anthony's Marvel and his puppy. There is, of course, a vast difference between a modern noseless King Charles dog with a good ex- pression and one with a bad expression, and, if we are obliged to breed exaggerations under penalty of retir- ing from the shows, we must try to get the modern type as perfect as it is capable of being. As matters now stand, I should certainly exhibit a dog with a sunken nose if I bred it; at the same time I would will- ingly lose the result of my labours and give up winning with such a dog if the fanciers were to decide that they would consistently penalise too ugly a face just as they now penalise too long a nose, and if the day were to come, as I hope it will, when all deformities would be out of the money, I should take my card of Very Highly Condemned with the genuine pleasure of a successful reformer. I hope no one will imagine, however, that I am ad- vocating more nose at the cost of quality. Some people seem to consider a nose as synonymous with the type which Miss Todd calls the " Bottle Nosed Whale," i. e., a broad, spatulate, undershot muzzle at the end of a long nose. Nothing could possibly be worse than this. People have proudly shown me " Marlboroughs " with faces fit to make a horse shy, expecting that, as I dis- III TOY 1K)(;S AND TIIKIK AXCKSIOl^S ai)i)r<>\c of llic noseless (k'l'oniiilics, I should hail these lonj^-nosed ones with sackhnl and psallery. Xo. Uad as the noseless deforniily undouhledly is when it \iolates its own rules of proportion, may heaven sa\e us from what is now called the Marlhoroui^h! Mv remark on distortions will, I am afraid, inevit- ahlv be made use of by those who own bad do^^s to up- hold the tvi)e they breed because it is not distorted in the ])articular wa\- 1 ])oint out, but 1 must in advance take the precaution of absolutely disowning these people and their dogs. There are coarse long-nosed dogs, as well as coarse noseless ones. 1 will have none of either of them. There are multitudes of wrong types, but only two right ones. There are slight variations of type in length of nose, with corresponding variations ol skull, but, so long as the main essence is the same, the type is right. There /////-s7 also be the look of race and quality. What is (|ualitv? 1 have often been met with this question, asked in the aggriexed tone n\ one who has vainly pursued a will-of-the-wisp and feels rather ex- hausted and irritable in conse(|uence. Oualitv is the most difhcult thing in the world to explain to those who do not instinctively recognise it. Tt is an intangible something which does not depend entirely upon line, but upon a cc^mbination of lines, thickness, thinness, width, breadth, depth, curve, etc., and their relation to one another; the result producing to the e}e, without anv conscious mental effort, a certain perfection and ex(|uisiteness without which mere dull correctness is lifeless and iminteresting. Tt is the differ- ence between coarse linen and fine cambric, (»r, let us say, between good and bad cooking, where the ingre- 112 TYPE AND STANDARDS dients may all be the same, yet the result right in one case and wrong in the other. Dogs may be made of the same component points, and yet they may be indefinably wrong. Just as you make out recipes for a bad cook in vain, you may compile standards till you arc tired. Nothing will avail you unless your judge can recognise quality. In a brood bitch you require a rather heavier version of type than in a dog, as the slightly stronger and heavier ones are more suitable for the dangerous work of reproducing their species, but in a dog, quality is all important. Why is it that some dogs command enormous prices and are constantly being run after, whereas others, per- haps bigger winners and possibly more obviously cor- rect in points, fail to attract much notice? I think it will be found that the dogs which attract big offers from the public at large are ones with quality. Quality gives a certain brilliance; a dog with quality strikes the eye, though he may be doing nothing in particular. You may only catch a glimpse of him, or he may be lying fast asleep, yet you cannot help noticing him. In move- ment he has a certain pride of carriage, a certain exqui- siteness of colour, a certain beauty, in fact, which others, equally good in points, have not. Quality cannot be defined in standards or divided into scales, but, like beauty and genius in the human race, it must remain forever independent of legisla- tion. I have, therefore, all the more at heart the impor- tance of rousing our judges to the undoubted advance in popularity of a common, vulgar, coarse type. This popularity is strictly confined to fanciers; the outside 16 113 TOY DOGS A\D TTTFJl? ANCESTORS ])ul)lic condc'iiin il instinctixcly. Tlu' fancier's cvc he- conics \itialcizc 20 Ik-ad .. .' 15 ^l"l' 5 Muzzle 10 i-^y^^ 5 Ears 10 Coat and feathering 15 Colour and markings 15 ^P'^^t 5 100 Proportion of head points. 35 tn ()=^. Sl<>iK'licn,qe's oldest scale of poiiils in 1867: Form of head 10 Nose and formation of jaw lO Eyes 10 Ears 10 General coat and texture lO Form and compactness lO Brillianc} of colour lO Feather of legs and feet lO Size and weight 10 Carriage of tail lO 100 Proportion of head [ioints, 30 to 70. This is the oldest authentic En.c^lish scale of points, and, after all is said and done, it is only forty-one years old. and the second standard drawn up hy the same author with an improved scale of ])oints was twenty years more recent still. 120 Mrs Weston's Rose of the East Photo, Russell Mrs Privett's Ch. Rococo The most valuable blood we have. Photo, Ru.ssel! 1 i\lRs l^iNTo Lertes' Nina Ad\'Ocate Photo, Russell Miss A. Todd's Frederick the Great TYPE AND STANDARDS His standard for the Tricolours was as follows: Black nose, white muzzle flecked with tan and black ; a white blaze or leaf ran up his forehead, cheeks tan, and a large red spot over each eye. His collar, belly, and legs white, the latter spotted with red or tan and black ; the margins of the thighs and tip of his tail white. (According to this, Mrs. Percy's present Champion Casino Girl would be correctly marked. ) The haunches well coated with an abundance of black, white, and tan, long, silky straight hair; the tail well " fleud," cropped, and jcarried low; the ears very large, drooping, and heavily feathered ; the chest and both fore and hind legs being well furnished down to the toes, so that the foot should be almost hidden in coat. Full, prominent, large, weeping eye. Compact. Top zveight six pounds. The Black-and-tan came in highest fashion between 1850 and 1867, and the standard of that date for it and the Blenheim is as follows ; " Round skull, large, round, prominent eyes, with a deep indentation or stop between them. Lower jaw short, projecting beyond the upper, and turn up. Large ears touching the ground are highly esteemed, but this is a figurative expression — drooping close to head and thickly coated. Back of all the legs must be densely feathered, and the feet must be almost lost in feather, which ought to project beyond the nails. Short and compact. Tail low. Protrusion of tongue most objec- tionable." It must be remembered that this standard was Stone- henge's own invention. Henry Webb, 1872, adds: " His coat should be silky, straight, and very abun- dant and of the richest colour, the black being a raven 121 T()^ DOCS AM) TIIKIK AXCKSTl )1{S l)lack and tlu' tan a rich niahoi^any. Where llicrc is white mixed it is a demerit. Tlie hlack slioiild 1)e aho- i^elher tree trom white. lie should have tan of this rich red (|iiality on his cheeks and the inner mari^in of the ear. I lis lips should he tan, and he should ha\e a spot of the same colour over each eye. The larger the spot is. the hetter. His cheeks should he well tanned, also his chest or mane, all his lej^^s. his helly, the feather of his haunches, his vent, and the under plumai^e of his tail." Although Webb says that the coat should be straigiit, the i)icture which he j^ives is of a strongly wavy coat. 1he r.lenheim he describes in much the same terms as Stonehenge. and e\i(lently drew from him. llis re- marks as to colour, however, are different, lie says: " The markings of the body are not of very great imj)()rtance. provided there is no ])reponderance of either colour, and that both are distinct and clear. Freckled legs are not in favour ; . . . the fewer of these sj)ots the better. The ' red ' should be brilliant and of a yW/oTi' or golden lute, by no means ai)i)roaching- the deep sienna stain of the Black-and-tan Spaniel or Gor- don Setter, and man\' admirable s])ecimens are ot a ])ositively sandy tone. This colour is not, however, I'llenheim colour, which ought to be rich, pure, and defmed."" He gives the following scale of ])oints, which is the next oldest Rng-lish scale of i)oints in existence. 1 have given the oldest scale of all in my chapter on ( )rigin and History: 122 17 Blenheim Spaniel in Motion Showing perfect feathering and markings TYPE AND STANDARDS Henry Webb's scale (1872): King Charles ' Head 10 Colour 40 Feather 10 Nose and jaw 10 Eyes 10 Ears 10 Texture of coat to Comjiactness of form 10 Size and weight 10 Carriage of tail 10 130 Proportion of head points, 30 to 100. Blenheim Head 15 Eyes and ears 15 Coat 10 Symmetry 10 Colour 20 Feathers 10 Weight 10 Tail 10 100 Stonehenge's second scale of points in Rural Sports, 1876, is as follows: 123 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS Form of head 15 Eyes and ears 1 5 Coat 10 Compactness and form lO brilliant color and spots 20 Feather legs and feet 10 Size and weight 10 Tail and position 10 100 Proportion of head points, 22^ to 'j']\. The following scale of points, for Black-and-tans only, was recently published in the newspapers. It is said to be fifty years old, but there is no evidence in the matter. Miss Hall. Secretary of the Toy Spaniel Club, informs me that it was oriyen her by an old fancier of Norwich, Mr. Riches, and that it was drawn up by thirty Norwich fanciers. It contrasts rather remarkably with Henry \\'ebb's scale, as given above, where colour was awarded forty points: Face. — Finish, depth, and width of muzzle and stop 15 Head. — Height, width, and roundness 10 Eye. — Darkness, size, and placement to Coat. — Length and silkiness to Ears. — Length, width, and feathering 15 Shape. — Compact and low to ground to Feet. — Round and full to Coi-oui*. — Black with bright tan markings 10 AIarktngs. — Clean spots over eyes, on each shoulder in front of chest, legs, and feather under tail 5 Tail. — Out straight and well feathe'-ed 5 100 124 Cinematographs of Blenheim Spaniel in Motion TYPE AND STANDARDS Stonehenge gives yet another — a third — scale in 1887: Head 10 Stop 10 Nose 10 Lower jaw 5 Ears 10 Eyes 5 Compactness of shape 10 Symmetry 5 Colour 10 Coat 10 Feather 10 Size 5 Proportion of head points, 40 to 60. 100 Stonehenge gives a different scale every time, and each is so widely different that he seems to have had no very clear idea of what he wanted. It is curious to note how his proportion of head points increases in eleven years from 225^ in 100 to 40 in 100. On comparing all these scales, it will be seen how far removed the present scale is from any of the old ones. I have thought over the matter very carefully, and consider that the following would be a far better one. Condition, symmetry, and size should not be massed together, as size is then given too great an importance. I have not adhered to 5 and 10 for each point with this system, as it is impossible to get the right relative value of the points : The author's scale of points is as follows: 125 '[\)\ DOCS AM) rilKlK AXCKSrOKS Kixr. AM) kriiY llLEXniiiMs Truoloi-rs Syninictry, condition, and ^eiHTal appearance, in- clutlinj; soundness and (luality. also set of tail, wliicli should lie carried ^'aily 20 20 20 I~^i/.e and ruiene>s of hone. .-' "wi^^'y-^ ^vir^'' Mrs Lytton's Ch. The Seraph and Lady Hilton's Ch. Joy (Xote arch of nui//li-.) Photo, RusstU Miss Young's Tricolour Toy Spaniel Ch. Lord Vivian 18 TYPE AND STANDARDS face. When looked at in front the outHne of the muzzle should form a perfect arch, which puffs out on each side of the nose, the topmost curve almost — sometimes quite — touching the underlids of the eyes. It will he noticed that when the " cushions " of the muzzle are properly developed the whiskers stick straight up out of them, like pins out of a pincushion. The under jaw must not protrude right out beyond the upper lip. The under teeth should just overlap the upper ones comfortably, but the nose should not recede, leaving the under jaw sticking out in Bulldog fashion, even if the teeth do not show. This is an exaggeration which is very ugly and now quite common. The whole face of a Toy Spaniel should have a round, chubby, furry appearance, and a sweet, pretty, lively expression, with no lines, furrows, or irregularities of outline. If a muzzle is the proper shape, there are practically no marks of tears on it, as, even if the " lachrymal duct is weak " (as stated in the Toy Spaniel Club standard), the tears running out on a rounded surface cannot lodge so as to form stains. Some dogs have a pretty habit of tucking in the upper lip on one side of the muzzle, which gives a very pleas- ing expression. Please refer to the photograph of Champion The Seraph to illustrate what I mean about the arch of the muzzle. The eyes must be set absolutely straight — i. e., hori- zontally — and should also be set very low down, being on a level with the nose when viewed straight in front — i. e., the top of the nose should be level with the top of the eyes. The skull should be perfectly round, on no account peaked or flat at the top, and the ears, as I have already said, should not be exaggeratedly low. In my opinion, Cottage Flyer's ears are set much too low and 131 'Vi)\ DOCS AM) 'l'ni":il{ AXCKSTOKS too far I)ack (set- pliolo^rapln ; ilu-y sliouM liaiii;" for- ward, and not l)c tlirown hack and carried almost inside out, as in sonic specimens. I tliink also that Champion Red Clover's muzzle is exaj^i^Ljerated, hut she has a pretty exi)ression in spite of it. .\s an example of ])reltily set ears, a perfect skull, and eyes set splendidly wide apart, very low and i)erfectly strai.e^ht, and a heautiful expres- sion, see the photoi^raph of Mrs. Matthews's Roscoe; this is the modern type at its hest. If y(ni examine the ans^le of Roscoe's eyes, as compared to those of Wee Dot, you will see that the former's eyes are much more perfectly set than the lattcr's, as they are (|uite level, whereas Wee Dot's eyes are very slii^htly ohlique. .\n untrained ohserver would not notice this defect, hut it is there all the same, and is very noticeahle when exa.q;,^"erated, s^ivini;" an unpleasinj^" ex])ression. Many good dojT^s are spoiled hy this fault. As an ideal, T consider that the very hroad muzzle is not ri£i;"ht. hut icifli some types of 'I'ery sJiort nose it is rin^ht to have s^ood breadth, as a noseless (\oij^ with a narrow muzzle is not often i^retty. At the same time the expression of a ho^ or toad nuist he axoided. Any- thin^s^ in the world is better than that. In judi^ini;; a youni;" doi;'. it must not l)e t*orjT;"otten that the head coarsens and thickens very much with a.c^e, so that a youn.c^ do^ with a slic^ht coarseness will be three times as coarse in two years' time. It is. there- fore, necessary that youn^' do^s should err somewhat on the ^ide of over-elei^'ance rather than he too stroni;' in ty|)e. 1 recently saw a Toy Sp.'Uiiel pupj)y advertised as haviui^ " no nose, the tightest of screw tails, and a thoroughly wrinkled face"; so this is what we are j^V oyniKIX I T^^^^^J Right and Wrong Types of Muzzle and Evps ■ ■pmi^ 1 1 ^^ 1 1 i ^^S^^LI pa _,..., ,- f- .^K^H k , ij^f^^J ^1 Noseless Atrocity bred by the Author Cottage Flyer, U.S.A. Perfect Blenheim " Spot " Toy Spaniel Marvel Showing Bulldog type TYPK AND STANDAHDS coniinj^^ to — a Toy Si)aniel with a wrinkled face! This is, indeed, a mhaslly evolution from the lovely Watteau Spaniel. In looking- at a doi;" full faee, his eyes should not he set so that they seem to he round the corner of his head. Whether the noses are loni^- or short, the doi;- nurst he " u])-face(l " — that is to say, that there must he an upward tilt to the end of the nose. Without this the ex])ression cannot jxissihlv he ri^ht, no matter how the rest of the head is constructed. This can he overem- phasized, like every other point, as where the hnish is so excessive that the top of the nose reaches alwve the level of the to]) of the eyes. This, however, is a less objectionahle fault than the down-face. The expres- sion cannot he right, either, if the eyes are in any way obli(|ue or crooked. To test the straig"htness of your doq-'s eyes, put your head on a level with his and look him full in the face zvlicii lie has his eyes sliut. Carry an imat^inary hori- zontal line throui^h his nostrils. The slits of the closed eyes should he perfectly horizontal. Tf they deviate in any way whatever from it, they are wrong". For Blenheims and Tricolours smutty faces covered with brown specks are most disfiguring, and should not be encouraged. The muzzle should be pearly white and clean and entirely free from any admixture of brown or black hairs. A glance at the representation, in Cassell's book, of Mr. Naves's King Charles, Covent Garden Charlie, will show how much the modern type has altered for the worse. It will also be seen that the tan was very bright and extended right over the muzzle, and that the feet 133 TOY DOCS AND TIIKIK AXCKSTOUS and tVatlicrini;- were also 1)ri.q;ht rod. 'I1ic do.i;- is full of a slvlc and (lualilv which is almost unknown in the ])resenl day Kini^ Charles, and the same ai)i)lies to Mr. Xaves's Ruhy, " She])perl." Where do we see such ears nowadays? I would here point out that the coats of Toy Si)aniels are heini; ruined hy the craze for ahsolutely strai.^ht hair, which has hrou^ht upon us from America the accusation of resorting to Japanese crosses in order to secure the fashionahle coat. Now even the Toy Spaniel Club says that a Toy Spaniel's coat should he " soft, silkv, profuse, and zi'az'V." There is no dou])t whatever in mv mind thai the oriiij^inal ancestor of the lilack-and- tan was curly. The tendency there is in the l)reed to revert to curly coats is most marked. The deplorable result of the modern ragi^e for straii^ht coats is that they now are neither silkv, soft, nor jirofuse, and one sees doj^s come into ihe rini;' with harsh, spiky coats, or, more often, no coat at all. 1 wish breeders and judi^es would remember that the chief object of a i)et do^- is that the coat should l)e as soft as swansdown, and that there should be f^lcuty of if. W hen jud^ini;-, 1 have been astonished at the hard- ness of some of the 'Vox Si)aniel coats; they mis^ht have been Terriers. Instead of the deliciously soft and silky fur which should be there, one meets with a substance more like Harass or hay than hair. A Toy Spaniel's coat should feel like a mixture of lloss silk and swans- down; it should not feel like human hair under the fmj^ers, nor should the body coat be short, like that of a horse, and it must not be fapanese, either. This last form of a coat is a snare to iudi;"es, as it is \ery pretty, and. thou.L;h infinitely ))referable to no coat at all, is abso- DiFFEKKNT SlIAPKS Oli- SkULL Various Positions of the Eyes of a Toy Spaniel when Shut 1 hu one marked -Jt shows the proper position Outlines from Photographs of a Bulldog and a Noseless Ruby Spaniel of THE Bulldog Type showing Likeness in 1'ormation of Skull TYPE AND STANDARDS Ititely wrong", unless we wish to go right back to the Chinese ancestor. This coat probably does come from the Japanese crosses, or is a throw-back. There was a similar coat in the breed of Toy Spaniel mentioned by Buffon, of which I have only been able to trace one specimen in England. This was a very interesting stuffed dog, about one hundred years old, which I had the pleasure of examining. It was black and white, with faint tricolour markings over the eyes ; the nose mod- erately short, very pointed and tapering; the ears im- mensely long and twisted into ornamental tassels, and about thirty inches from tip to tip. The bones were very fine and small, and the coat exactly similar to that of a Japanese dog. This specimen also had a perfect spot about the size of a shilling on its head; it was the pre- cise type of Buffon's Epagneul, only larger, being about twenty pounds in weight. Most of our dogs now are suffering from an inbred degeneracy of the hair follicles, and, if we want to save the breed from getting universal rat coats and losing the long, characteristic feathering beyond recall, my strong advice is to breed from the few profusely coated specimens which we have and leave the poor-coated specimens severely alone. Never mind curls; they are a sign of a strong growth of hair and a healthy skin. Curly coated dogs are, in my experience, infinitely less liable to skin diseases than those with straight coats. The growth of hair upon Toy Spaniels is getting weaker and weaker. Almost all the dogs whose coats are per- fectly straight have a type of coat which is of an en- tirely wrong texture, and I consider that a perfectly straight coat should be penalized for this reason. Coats should be very wavy and very soft, not wiry and 135 '^()^' DOCS AM) riiKiK .wc ivsi'ous straii^lu. riic coats ol' our prcscni Ruhy Spaniels arc most ol)jcclional)lo. Sjicakinjj^ of the lilcnhcini, Dalzicl says llial il slioiild not he curly, and inherits this fault from the Kinj^ Charles ( /. c, the lUack-and-lan ). so he exidenlly knew that the Kini;- C'harles I'lack-and-tan was a curly doij;', though he persists in advocating' that its coat should he straii;ht. A writer in iSoJ speaks of the Kint;- Charles as beiuLi' " small, hlack. and curly." An old hreeder tells me that forty years a.c^o the Toy Spaniels had coats which swept the j^Tound, with im- mense ears and frills, but that they were often curly or very wavy. 1 have been informed by experts on the subject that the formation of curly and straii^^ht hair is entirely dif- ferent; and that a straii^ht hair, examined under a stronj^ ma,q;nifvinj;" q'lass will be seen to be round, like a tube, whereas curl\- hair is llat. like a blade of i^rass, and has much the stronj^est growth of the two. In the only instance when I took the trouble to verify this statement 1 found it to be correct, but I will not be re- sponsible for its scientific accuracy, as I cannot gen- eralise on a single instance. The standard of the Toy Spaniel as given by Stone- henge in 1887. and adopted, with certain alterations, by the Toy Spaniel Club, is as follows, according to Stonc- hengc and Dalziel : " Head should be well domed, and in good speci- mens is absolutely semi-globular, sometimes even ex- tending beyond the half circle and absoluteh- projecting over the eyes, so as nearly to meet the upturned nose. " Ilxcs. — The eyes are set wide apart, w ith the eye- 1 V^ \\lM> |•A1U^■ St Anthony's Wee Dot Championship Winner Ch. The Bandi ■ij.i;i i Winner of 6 Championships anil 62 Firsts Fairy Windfall Puppy, 2 Months old Northamptox WHm.)].!; Some of Mrs Lytton's Toy Spaniels TYPE AND STANDARDS lids square to the line of the face — not o1)lif|ue or fox- like. The eyes themselves are lar,c,-e and dark as pos- sible, so as to be g-enerally considered black, their enor- mous pupils, which are absolutely of that colour, in- creasing the description. There is nearly always a cer- tain amount of weeping shown at the inner angles : this is owing to a defect in the lachrymal duct." (This is not in the original text, but taken from Mr. Berrie's points of the Blenheim. ) ^ The last paragraph is omitted by the American Toy Spaniel Club. " Stop. — The " stop " or hollow between the eyes is well marked, as in the bulldog, or even more so; some good specimens exhibit a hollow deep enough to bury a small marble. " Nose. — The nose must be short and well turned up between the eyes, and without any indication of arti- ficial displacement afforded by a deviation to either side. The colour of the end should be black, and it should be both deep and wide, with open nostrils. A light-col- oured nose is objectionable, but shall not disqualify." It must be remembered that this is only twenty-one years old, and was invented by Stonehenge, who had no historical authority even for his first standard, in 1867. " Jaii'. — The muzzle must be square and deep, and the lower jaw wide between the branches, leaving plenty of space for the tongue and for the attachment of the lower lips, which should completely conceal the teeth. It should also be turned up or ' finished ' so as to allow of its meeting the end of the upper jaw, turned up in a similar way, as above described. A protruding tongue is objectionable, but does not disqualify. ' The sooner we get rid of this defect the better. ^37 TON DOCS AM) rill'JU A \ ( IvS !'( )KS " luirs. — I he cars imisl \)v loiiLi'. so as to approadi the i;roiin(l. In an avL' iloi;' tlioy incasurc twciily iiirhos from tip to tip, and some reach twenty- two inches or ext-n a trillc more. They slionld l)e set low ' ilown on the head and hani;' llat to the side of tlie cheeks, and hi- hea\ ily I'ealhered. In this last respect tlie r>lack-and-tan is expected to exceed the I'lenheim, and his ears occasionally extend to twenty-fonr inches. " Si.::c. — The most desirahle size is from seven pounds to ten pounds.-' Dal/iel sa\s: ' In si/e hoth \ary from five pounds to ten ])ounds, the smaller the hettcr. // oflicn^'isc Tv'(7/ f^rol^ortioiicd.' " Slia/^r. — In compactness of shape these Spaniels almost ri\al the Puj^'' ^'^^^ l^i'-' length of coat adds ^Teatly to the apparent hulk, as the hody. when the coat is wetted, looks small in comparison with that doi^". Still, it oui^ht to he decidedly * cohhy,' with strong, stout lei;s. short. hr(\'id hack, and wide chest. The symmetry o\ the Kini;" ("harles is of importance, hut it is seldom that there is an\- defect in this respect. ■"' " Coat. — The coat should he loni^-, silky, soft, and wavy, hut not curly. In the rdenheim there should he a jirofuse mane, extending;' well down in the front o\ the chest. The featlu-r sIkhiKI he well displayed on the ears and feet, .and in the latter case so thickly as to i^ive tlie appear.'uice of heiuL;' wehhed. Tt is also carried well up the hacks of the lei^s. In the I'lack-and-tan, the featlier on the ear is \erv Iimil;" and profuse, exceeding" that of the I'lenheim hy ;ui inch or more. The feather ' Tliis tias no fi)mi(l;itioii in liistory. -' TIk' ,\nu'ri(.-;m Toy .S))anii-1 C'tuli liax the wiijilit from tiim- to twilvc poiiiuis. ' Tlu- last paranr.ipli omiitid Itv AnuTican Toy Spaniel I'lnh. •3S Mks liARBER's 'J'llH MlC:i TYPE AND STANDARDS prominent jaw, over which judges have gone (let us hope temporarily) crazy. No doubt they vv^ill soon see their error, and the type will lapse into the disrepute which it deserves, but meanwhile grievous and possible irreparable damage may be done to our dogs. We do not want to breed Bull-spaniels any more than Jap Spaniels, neither do we want noseless cripples, or animals with heads like a Dutch cheese, or dogs like the deformed " golliwogs " which have recently been suqJi a favourite present for children. The result of the spread of the Bull-spaniel type, without regard to general prettiness and beauty of expression, is that only trained experts can see any attraction in the breed, and that Toy Spaniels decrease yearly in popularity with the outside pulilic. Heavy, massive, ugly animals will never be popular as pets ; what people want is a pretty, intelligent, dainty, lively little pet, with lots of fluff and feather, and not a burglar's terror, and as long as we persist in breeding these burglar's terrors, as evidence of our skill in outdoing our neighbours in special points, so long will our Toy Spaniels be a byword for gro- tesqueness with the general public, and appeal to none but specialists, or possibly to the children who have been trained to " golliwogs." The more noseless a Spaniel is, the more delicate his lines should be. The curves must be extraordinarily subtle so as not to ofifend the eye. Remember, there are only two canons of proportion possible in a noseless type; one is that of the Bulldog, and the other that to which the Japanese type is the nearest approach. Any- thing w^hich deviates from the laws of proportion be- longing to these two types is a mathematical abomina- tion. In one the curves are all strong and rugged, 143 'l'()^ DOCS AM) I'lIKIH AXCKSrOKS massixc. heavy, and impressive: in the other ihev slionld all he mnnd. solt, lull, delicate, and ex(|iiisite. llolh are e<|ually syninietrical accordinj^' lo their canons, hut mix the two, and yon pi'ct an antagonism of line which sets your teeth on ed^e. 'i'here are certain laws ot" proportion which must he ohserxed. N On cannot ha\e a hii^h skull whicli is nar- row, or lari^e eyes set close, or an enormously hii^li dome witli ears too low to furnish it. Vow cannot have the under jaw of a i)rizeri,i;hter on the face of a cherul). The fault with hreeders is the fault of all modern art workers, that they are always trying- to imitate one thini;- with another, and are not content to dexelop each thing- along its own lines of ])erfection. The water colourist is always trying to make his work look like an oil painting, the cement worker is not satis- fied unless he gets a suhstance to look like stone. Deal boards must imitate oak, silk is made to look like fiu*, and everything is made to appear something which it is not. The result of all this is inferiority in everything. The imitation is never equal to the thing it imitates, whereas if its own possibilities were develo])ed it would excel in its own line. If, however, you set out to imitate oil with water colour or stone with cement, xou can only achieve success by observing the laws which govern oil paint and stone, and acting accordingly The King Charles I'.lack-and-tan Tov Spaniel, by rights, should not be noseless, and if we are determined to make it something which is not natural to it. we must make it conff)rm to the j)roper proportions of the noseless tyi)e. In his own line the lapanese dog conforms to these laws. The Japanese dog may or may not be naturally 144 Bowr., Taokwang Pehiod, 1820 By permission of Frau Olga Wegener TYPE AND STANDARDS noseless, but, even supposing he has been evolved from a larg'e pt^inted-nosed ancestor, which T emphatically do not believe, we must remem1)er that the Ja])anese have the j[>enius for producing" dwarfed specimens with- out j[^rotesr|ueness or distortion, as may l)e seen in their dwarf cedars, orange trees, and other miniature growths. These dogs have also been short in face for centuries, at any rate, and l)reed true to type. The appearance of the noseless Japanese dog is not de- formed. His short face settles into natural graceful cui'ves, each harmonising with the other. The feathery tail, the ])rou(l carriage and crest all make circular curves agreeing with circular curves of head, eyes, and muzzle. If we must make all our Toy Spaniels nose- less, they must, as I have said, conform to the laws which govern the noseless type evolved by masters whose artistic genius we are never likely to excel. There are no two roads to follow, and fanciers must fairly make up their minds on the matter. People talk of Japanese crosses. It is not necessarily a cross which makes some of our Toy Spaniels recall this breed. It is merely the evolution of the noseless type to its proper canons of proportion. Some fanciers are cer- tain that the evolution and reversion have been helped out by surreptitious crosses, in which matter they may be wiser than T am, but I would point out that the word " Jappy " is used much too loosely among fanciers. I have heard the word applied to dogs with P>ulldog under- jaws! As a rule, everything small, lightly marked, and with a straight, flaky coat, is called Jappy. When I speak of the Japanese type, I do not mean what is pop- ularly called " Jappiness," and before people talk of a Ja])])y type they should study the points of the Japanese H5 '[\)\ 1)()(;S AM) rilKlH ANC KSTOUS Spaniel. The Japanese recos^nise llial, in order lo make a noseless type jjossihle. it must be diniinntive. delicate, and ex(|uisile. I'.nlar^e this type and y<»u will L^et i;ro- test|ueness. Think of a noseless Toy Spaniel on the scale o\ a rhinoceros. What more terrifying-, hideous monster could be i)roduced? Try and imaiiine my own C"h. W indfall as bi^- as an ele]>hanl. This mental i^ym- nastic will show \'ou the inai)prt)prialeness ol ha\ini;" thinj^s on a w ron*;- scale. A " typical " noseless Kini;- Charles is a contradic- tion in terms. The thinii- is imi)ossible. ( )ne miiiht as well talk of a typical robin with a ])arrol's beak. To make another analo,ii"v. if you breed a Shetland jiony with the head of a Clydesdale, it will be a deformity. ^'ou could only maintain symmetry by breedini;' a body to match the head, but then it would be absurd to talk of it as a t\])ical Shetland! I'niess you allowed the Shet- land his own head, or the Clydesdale his own body, the result winild be iiTotes(|ue. This _qrotes(|ueness is just what we have j^ot to in the Tiw Spaniel. We have _q;ot a type which belongs to the lUilldoi;- breed, and ours is neither tiesh. ftwvl. nor ^(^(^1 red herriui^-. If noselessness is, therefore, a necessity of modern fashion, it is useless to try and kee]> the Kin*;- Charles characteristics, which beloni;- to a fairly short but pointed nose. Fortunately there are tw(^ chief types o\ noseless head, and we can choose the best. \\ ith rei^ard to the Pdenheim. as we cannot have the Henrietta of (Orleans type, which is now represented by the Papillon, we must i^o back to the lines of the I'hinese type. Some of our fanciers may indiq^nantly exclaim tliat they don't want t(^ breed "Japs." Let me assure them for their consol:itix])res- sion very soft and pretty. The mouth nuist not he wide like a froi^'s or drawn down at the corners. A slohher- ing mouth is a i;reat hlemish. Ears very long and wide in leather, and profusely feathered with strongly wavy hair, and set rather high and carried forwards, framing the face like the curls of Leech's early Victorian young ladies, hut not set higher ahovc the eyes than the depth of the muzzle. Xeck well arched, especially in the male dog. Shoulder nicely slo])e(l. Uack short, ])erfectly llat, and wide, the (|uarlers also (|uite s(|uare and llat, seen from ahovc, and also as seen from hehind. The tail hrmly set into them on a level with the line of back, and carried gaily, though not straight up in the air at right angles to the hack, or curled over it. It should l)e well furnished with long hair, and, as the standard already says, constitute a ilag of a s(|uare shape. Body short, compact, and solid, and legs short, hut not so short as to make the body appear long. Chest wide and deep. Ril)s well arched and wide, bone very fine and delicate, not heavy as in a modern sporting" Spaniel. This fineness of bone is most important. Feet and legs well feathered with silky hair. Tni- mense frills on chest, neck and brccchings, also on tail and underneath the bodv. The whole dog should show an extraordinary style and (/uality. A (l(^g niav have almost every show jioint and yet lack (|uality, and if he lacks (|uality he should not win.' * For explanation of the word quality see above. I 50 Ch. \\l.Nwr.Ai_i_ Photo, J. I.yttou TYPE AND STANDARDS Coat very profuse and feeling like something be- tween fioss silk and swansdown. In the Blenheim it should be wavy, and in the Tricolour it may be either curly or wavy (though I myself do not like a very curly coat), but not Japanese in quality or perfectly straight, though I w^ould not disqualify a straight-coated dog if the coat was soft and very profuse. The short hair on the forehead and muzzle of the Blenheim should not be too flat, but should rise very slightly from its roots so as to give a very furry and soft ap'pearance. In the Black-and-tans the coat may be curly and have more body in it than the straight coat; the curl should be distinct and regular, not mixed and stringy or very tight ; the ears and feather should be very long, and the feather on the chest and breechings should be straight or wavy, not too curly. I myself prefer a wavy coat, as curls do not suit a very short face. The Black-and- tan is not the true King Charles, which has a long nose. Si.'jC. — The best size is that where the dog is as small as possible without losing symmetry, strength, or com- pactness. The best height is from eight to ten inches at the shoulder, and a well-built dog weighs approx- imately rather more than one pound for every inch of his height. No dog should exceed twelve inches in height and must be well proportioned and short in body, though not leggy. Seven pounds to ten pounds is a sensible weight, but some ten-inch dogs weigh twelve to fourteen pounds. Though so solidly made, the dog should be wonderfully light on his feet, and a brilliantly active mover. Colour. — Colour in the Blenheim should be red and 151 '\()\ 1)()(;S AM) rilKIK AXC KsroKS wliilc, and the while slioiild he of a pccuHar pearly qual- il\. not a l)hie or j^rey wliite. The red should he a very red, i^oldeii chestnul : Uiis is the i)reUiest ; Uie deep sienna is not so {^^ood. A i)ale or lemon colored hue is (|uile correct historically, though I do not like it niyselt. The niarkini^s should he exenly distributed in clear l)atches and as little mixed as possible. 11ie muzzle should be also ])earl}- white, and a white blaze should extend up the forehead, in the middle of which should be a circular spot of red, the size of a sixpence. The ears and cheeks red with a i^oldcn red sheen. The eye ])oints, as I have said, perfectly black and broad on the lids. \'ery few ticks of red are allowed on the muzzle, forehead, and lej^s, but are not desirable in ni\- ojjinioii when on the face. The niack-and-tan should be a deep glossy l)lack with lil)eral tan markings over the eyes, round the cheeks, o\er the whole muzzle and ])art of the breast, in a fan shape, and also on the jiaws, all the featherings of the legs, and linings of cars, thighs, and tail. The tan should be a brilliant burnt sienna colour. A white breast should be no disqualification, but a large white ])atch on the head or body should be heavily i)enalised to dis(|ualification. This is for the modern ty])e of r>lack-an(l-tan, but the true King Charles should be all black with white breast. The Tricolour should be marked like the r>lenheim (see above), only in black instead of red, and shouM also have the s])ot on the top of the head which is his- torically characteristic of the black and white. It was also a ch.aracteristic of the Springer. It should have a brilliant tan o\er the eyes, linings of ears, cheeks, and tail; and the leathering of breechings should be white Blenheim Spaniel Ace of Hearts 3 Months old Winner of 8 First Prizes. Photo, and Property J. Lytton, Esq. Equinox Tricolour Toy Spaniel Equinox, 2^ Months old Life size. Photo, and Property of J. Lytton, Esq. Drying Pen TYPE AND STANDARDS or else composed of a mixture of red, white and black, the white, however, predominating. A few ticks of red and black on the legs and face are allowable, and the black markings, where they end on the inside of the fore legs and thighs underneath the body, should be also lined with red. The Ruby should be a rich burnt sienna red or a brilliant golden chestnut, which are both equally beau- tiful, but the colour must never be dull or dusty. It may have a white breast and feet, but those with white blazes might be penalised unless otherwise per- fect. A perfectly marked head should only win from an imperfectly marked one if in other points equally good. The rims of the eyes, as in other varieties, must be black ; also the nose, which must on no account be yellow, red, grey, or flesh-coloured. I think, to meet the question of so-called " mis- marked " dogs, that a class might be provided at shows, in addition to the regular classes, where these dogs might compete together under *' any other colour." The judge could, at his discretion, award challenge prizes to any dog in this class which he considered better than those in the regular classes. As to the question of registration, there would be no more difficulty about this than there is at present, when the dogs are always registered imder one of the varie- ties. A circular white spot, the size of a sixpence, on the skull, as is sometimes seen, should be cultivated as a variety of the Blenheim spot. The Ruby being the out- come of a cross of Red-and-white, it must be remem- bered that it is an artificial colour, and that to produce 153 'l()^ 1)()(;S AM) I'lIKIK ANCKSTOHS tl<\i;"s with no whilo ;il all moans inhrcodinii' to an nnde- sirablc extent, so that \vc should cndcav»»ur not to ehnii- natc the white aho^etlicr. hut to adapt it, it" ])ossihle, to the re(|uirenients ol" heautv. i^he tendenc\ to white on the head eould easily he utilised to j)roduee the spot instead (»t" a streak, which would he a i^reat added heautv. the plain red heinj^" a rather uninterestini;- colour in the oi)inion of nu^st ladies who are not trained fan- ciers. A Ruhy with while toes and the spot i;enerally proxes most attractive to the pet hunters, in spile of .all the rules of the Toy Si)aniel Cluh. 1 have seen se\er.d Ivuhies with the sjxit in while.' / ^isf^osifioii. — \"ery hohl and courageous, .a merry shower, autl irre])ressihlv .icli\e, alwavs skipping' .and jumpiuLi" ahout as if full of hidden springs, and with a passion for i^ames. racini^" its companions anil llyins.:^ in jjursuit of a or a shadow simply for the sheer i(\v of hvini;\ l.oviuLi". atTeclion.ile, .and sweet-tempered, and deeply attached to its owner: in(|uisilive. watchful, husy little dos^s, interested in everythiui^- that ^oes on. hearty feed- ers, ready to eat anythini^". and never ailing- or depressed, they should he full o\ wiles and tricks and .imusiui;- de- vices, w ith an intelligence whicli must he e\j)erienced to he helieved. Dalziel wrote in iSjc): " 1 cm see no i^txnl L^round tor the .and more he.auliful shape of the head and muzzle of the orij^inal ( lllenheim) heins;' supersetled hy the one in v(\i^ue. It is an instance of the hreeder's skill ' Tin- Ruin- li.ns one dm\vb.-»ck comp.irod to otluT toy Sp.Tiiicls in the fact tliat In- has not the swoct-scontod coat of tin- HK-iiluini and Tricolours Init is a|>t to he a-litth- "' foxy." TVPK AND S'lAXUAKDS exercised in a vvrrjno- direclic)]], for ilic noseless s])eci- mens with ahnonnally (levelo])ecl skulls I look n])on as the results of a ])erverte(l taste, obtained at the sacrifice of intrinsic f|ualities, and without sufficient redeeniinij^ points 1o ('(|ualise the loss." lie also mentions Mr. Julius's joke in \<^/7 in ridicule of the fashion. Idstone says: " 1 wmild allow — indeed, 1 would in- sist upon — a deep indentation between the eyes, added to the him'h skull and a moderately short face, hut the projectinjn" k)wer jaw, the froij;" nu)Ulh, and the broken no?e, free from all cartilajL^e, 1 decidedly object to. \ should ex])ect to see a S])aniel with a pretty face, well coated all over, lar<^e-cared, largc-cyed, rich-coloured, with a bush}' tail, welbfeathered feet, and diininuti\'e in stature, in preference to the snufHinir^, a])ple-headed, idiotic animals too often bred by the V'ducy, and which ought ic) be discouraged, though, if judging, I would riot put them aside until some definite conclusion had been arri\'ed at, as .an adverse decision would be unfair to the exhibitr^r during the ])resent state of things." Stonehenge s]jeaks of the King Charles of 1H2H as resembling " a Gordon Setter reduced in scale, being like that flog not only in colrmr, which was in that breed black-and-tan, with or without white, but also in the shape of the body and head." He is here confusing the King Charles with the Pyrame. Tie considers, in spite of the extraordinary things that can be done In' the judi- cious selection, that the noseless type is the result of a cross. T entirely agree with him. Is it not curious that a type introduced as a joke should actually have become the serious aim and object of serious breeders? One is tenijjted to wish that Mr. 15.S TOY I)()(;S AM) TIIKIK AXC'KSTORS Julius liad had uo such sense of humour, as the previous KiiiL^ Cliarles tyjie was pretty and worth ]ireservin.i;\ W lio can seriously maintain that the plK^to^-raj)!! of my do£*", ** Spotted Lily," is an ideal representation of a " fairv anion!:;" doi^s "? ' ^'et she is a valuahle specimen and has hred first-prize winners. breeders and indices must he careful not to allow the eye to hecome perverted ])y accustominix themselves to Ui^liness and exai^j^eration. I nuself, in a somewhai natural anxiety to outdo my neijL^hhours in exhihitinj;" marvels, have occasionallv kept doi^s which my cc^mmon sense, artistic sense, and hygienic sense have told me were all wrong;" inside and out, and I have si)oken and written with enthusiasm of do^s which were merely wonderful productions of amazing" ])eculiarities. Never- theless T have always had an uncomfortahle feelino- of shame in givine;" or receivins^' a prize to or for dogs which 1 felt would he cc^nsidered ,<;"rotes(|ue hy saner judi^ment. and the unHatterin|L;ly candid opinions of the puhlic at lari^e on some of my winners have struck me as hoth just and reasonahle. Of late years, however. 1 have resisted the tenijitation to huy wron<;- tyi)es simply because 1 knew thev were m'oins;" to win \ahial>le prizes, and would rather take second ])lace w ilh the rij^ht type than first with a wron^' one. There is method in the j^roper selection of the short- nosed type, and if mv readers have folli^wed me suffi- ciently carefullv. it will not he necessarv for me to ])oint out to them which of the types of winninj^ doqs puhlished in these ])as"es are the wron_<^ ones. There are doi^s with ])eaked or flat skulls, drawn muzzles, crooked eyes, and had expressions, which my readers must discover for > Quotation from "The Field." Mks IIopk Paterson's King Charles Ch. Royai. Clyde 'J'he Lest type of King Charles. Photo, Russell Mrs Sonneborns Sneider's Ruby Toy Spaniel Ch. Red Clover 31 Compare with sbove TYPE AXD STANDARDS 1]k'11isc1\'cs. 1 liavc i^ivcii llicin an ideal ty])e for refer- ence, and if this is carefully coni])ared with llie oilier types the dilTerences will heconie obvious to critical minds. There are several illustrations of noseless doj^s — Champion The Advocate, Cham])ion 1lie Dragon Fly, Champion Red Clover, and Champion Captain Kettle. All of these are noseless, and each represents a different tyi)e. I strongly object to the ])resenl absence of uniform- ity and conviction among specialist judges as to what they consider the right ly])e. There is no settled ty])e to which I can point and say, " This is the type which will win consistently under Toy Spaniel Club judges." This is very hard on 1)reeders, and especially on begin- ners. They find it impossible to please the judges or to learn what points they must breed for, and even ex- perienced breeders, with all their skill, cannot keep pace with the fluctuations of judicial opinion. People talk of " the Noseless Type " as if it were one type, whereas it is at least half a dozen different types. That most judges do not seem to be even aware of these different types, but class them all together as one, shows that they have not begun to study their points. However much a judge's ideas may differ from mine as to type, T respect his awards, if they are consist- ent, though possibly his taste may ap])ear to me odd ; but when they vary from show to show and, alas, often from class to class, I cannot respect the opinion they represent. The Toy Spaniel Club judges, though working by rules of their Club under a uniform standard, to which they are expected strictly to adhere, do not favour a uniform type, and we have championship winners of 157 TOY 1)()(;S A\l) TIIKIK AXCKSTORS c\vv\ cnncci\al)lc shape, type, and size. Yet the " Standard " is (jnoted to supptn't them all! A paraj;rapli in one of the newspapers recently de- fended the awarding' of highest honours to doj^s of the wroni;" type hv pleadinLi that there were often no do{:;;s of the ri^ht tvpe in a class. 1 lad I ventured on such a statement. I sin mid ha\e heen Lireeted with scorn, hut 1 am glad that the truth has at last heen acknowledged! The writer asks, derisively, for a remedy. There is a Show rule which runs: " The judges will he emjiowered and instructed tn withhold the Prize or Prizes in any class if. in their opinion, the d(\g or dogs exhihited do not show sutlicient merit." To a strong judge the remedy is obvious — and strong judges are what we want. I contend that there is something radically wrong in a system which ends, as it has done this year, in persistently em])ty or cancelled classes, or classes in which there are nothing" hut dogs of the wrong tyi)e. Whether my readers agree with me or un{ alx^ut the undesirahilit}' of the " smashed noses " as leading to grotes(|ueness of type and unsoundness of constitution, I hope they will, at any rate, deternu'ne once for all to get rid of vulgarity of type, sluggishness, cringing, timidity of nature, and unsoundness of limh. At present weak loins, rickety joints, wheel hacks, shelly bodies, and miserable, shivering dispositions are all i)asse(l over Inr the sake of a noseless head, and a needlessly ugly one at that. \\ hatever our indixidual opiniiMis ma\' be as to the proper length of nose, let us all combine to in- sist upon having pretty expressions and a really profuse coal, and let those who judge at shows have the courage I3S Blenheim fishing in a Pool • (Tail undockcd) Good IVIodickn Maklhokougii Blenheim Puppies Duke of Norfolk's Sussex Spaniel. (Men- tioned in Bazaar correspondence.) Repro- duced by permission of The Bazaar King Charles immediately after the FIRST INTRODUCTION OF PyRAME BlOOD Blenheim playing with Ball TYPE AND STANDARDS never to award a championship to a coarse, ugly, or unsound dog, however noseless. In conclusion, it must be held up as a golden princi- ple in the minds of all breeders that Toy Spaniels must be bred for beauty alone, otherwise there is no excuse or justification for their existence. In deciding what type to buy, look for beauty. In judging the dogs, look for beauty. In breeding, choose beautiful dogs — beauty of expression, beauty of form, beauty of coat, beauty of colour, beauty of movement. Try in every- thing for beauty, and again beauty, and always beauty. It cannot be repeated too often. Ugly dogs should be ruthlessly exterminated from the shows. Points of the Miniature Toy Trawler Spaniel WHICH NOW Represents the Old Type of Curly King Charles Head small and light, with very pointed, rather short nose, fine and tapering, with a very slight curve up- wards of tip of nose. The " sto]) " deep and well marked and the skull rather raised but flat on the top, not dome shaped. Muzzle just finished not overshot. Long ears set high, and carried pricked forward. Extremely large dark eyes set wide apart, and showing the white when turned. They must be set perfectly straight, not obliquely, in the head. Whatever colour the dog may be, the nose and lips must be black. Neck arched. Back broad and short. Tail set on a level with the back, and carried gaily, though not straight up in the air, or curled over the back like a Pomeranian. It should be docked to about four or five inches, and well furnished with long feathering. General carriage very smart and gay. Legs reasonably short, and perfectly straight, bone light 159 TOY 1)()(;S AM) TIIKIK AXC'KSTOHS tlinui;"li sIioiil;. lUiild S(|u;irc. sturdy, and compact, but iicNiT lu'a\ \'. Tlic action slionid l)c smart and i)ranc- ini;", coat \crv cnrly. Imt not woolly. It slionid l)c rather siIU\ in texture, and \cry j^lossy. I.ibcial t'cithcrinj^, waistcoat, and liii'cclnn<;s. Shape is .all inijjortant ; col- our a secondary matter. lU'st colour a hrilliant black, with white waistcoat. Next oranj^e red. with white waistcoat, and lii^ht shadinj^s. lU'St size t'rom ele\en to thirteen inches at shoulder. Any tendency to weediness should he carel'ully avoided, and the height at slioulders should just about e(|ual the length trom top of slioul- ders to root of tail. The size should not be judged by wei|L;ht but by height, as they should weii;h hea\ily for their size. A doi;' about thirteen inches hij^h should \\ei_L;h about fifteen pounds. \'er\- small sju'cinicns — /. r., imder nine inches hij^h — arc only desirable if the type, soundness, compactness, and sturdiness are un- impaired. l'\'et close, linn, and hard. They and the lower part o\ the le_i;"s should not be too heavily feathered. The expression of face should be very alert, and very sweet. The dos^s should be very bold and courageous. Timidity is a i^reat fault. As to proportion {•>{ head, if the total len<;"th of head be about six inches, the ears should be set about four inches .apart. The whole head, seen from a bird's-eve point of \iew. should be a tri.ini^le, with the tip {->{ nose as .apex. (leneral should be that oi ;m ex- (|uisitely pretty little sp(M*tini;- doi;, very slroni;, and ex- ceedingly smart .and comp.act. ir>o IVIODKKN I'-XAMIM.K OV f)l.D (^ITKI.Y KiNC ( HAKMCS From a drawiiivc liy N<'vill<; I,yll'iri Toy I Kawi.I'.k I'lii-i'iics i'lioto, J. I,yll>jii TYPE AND STANDARDS Measurements of a Good Black Specimen Breadth of skull at eyes from each outside corner of eyes inches across head 5 Length of skull 4 Length of nose 2^ Circumference of skull 10^ Circumference of muzzle under eyes 6f Space between eyes i| Length of ears (leather) 4 Space between ears when not pricked 4I Height at shoulders 13 Length from top of shoulders to root of tail 13 Length of forelegs to elbow 7I Breadth at shoulders 6 Breadth at quarters 6 Girth 19 Feathering on tail flag 6 Waistcoat feathering 4 The Reds are usually smaller and have less curly coats. Scale of Points General appearance, including condition and smartness.... 15 Coat 10 Head and expression 15 Eyes 5 Curve and proportion of muzzle 5 Set-on of ears 5 Legs and feet 5 Colour 5 Action and soundness of limb 10 Size 5 Compactness, levelness of back, and set of tail 10 Boldness and alertness 10 100 Soundness of teeth is a consideration, but they are usually good. 161 TOY I)()(;S AM) I'lIKIK AXC KSTOUS A description of the I'apilloii or lUittcrlly Spaniel is ^ivcn in llic " Kennel luicycloiKcdia," J 'art 1 1. \ ol. 1, and I reprodnce hy the lulilor's kind ])erniission t\\\o pliolo- i^Taphs which rejjresent the prick-eared varietx and the drop-eared \ariety. The former shows the inlluence of the Melit;ens or Pomeranian hlood and the latter has an extraordinary resemhlance to the lienrielta of ( )r- leans S])aniel. These doi^s are the link hetween the Chinese S])aniel and our modern I'lenheim. Mi^nonne retains the precise type of three hundred years ai;'o and is not far off the Veronese S])aniel. The other s])eci- mens, Ripo, I'ipo. and Susettc, illustrated in the " h'ncy- clojuedia," show a different type altogether, hut Carlo is very like Mii^nonne. The smaller these dog's are the more they are valued, especially it they are under four ]X)unds in weii^iit. The averai^e wei.^ht is four to seven ])ounds. T also reproduce a photoi^ra])h of Mrs. Fran- cis' ^'vette. a tiny scrap of a dog showing exactly the same character. Italian Greyhounds Sabtarello and Asta Photo, Russell Miss Armitage's Toy Poodle Punch of Winkfield Photo, T. Fall J\lME. Delville's Papillon Cybille I!y permission of E. Cox, Esq. Mme. Delville's Papillon Mignonne Ky permission of E. Cox Esq. !llon Yvette T. Fall "White Toy Spaniel From the picture of The Children of George HI. by Benjamin West CHAPTER V TOY DOGS OF TO-DAY AND CELEBRITIES OF THE PAST I MUST begin with the disagreeable statement that none of the Rubies (including my own) are typical of wh^t I consider Rubies should be. The majority are very poor in coat and body and lack refinement and quality. There has been very little competition for the last few years both as to quantity and quality, open classes often containing only one or two entries, the '' open dog " class at one of the last Crystal Palace Shows (the most important show of the year) having only two entries for competition. One of these was an American dog and the other a puppy. In eleven open classes at big shows I have counted an average of two entries to each class. When this is the case, Challenge certificates are won far too cheaply, and now that the Kennel Club has decided to amalgamate the Rubies with the Black-and-tans by offering only one challenge prize between them, we shall not have many more Ruby cham- pions unless we improve the quality of our exhibits. This will not be a bad thing. I cannot call to mind a single really well-made small dog with profuse coat and ears, and I hope that our breeders will turn their atten- tion seriously to improving the Rubies, as the classes for this colour are most unsatisfactory. This will best be achieved by allowing show specimens to win with white breasts. The white breasts are natural to them, 163 TOY 1)()(;S AM) TIIKIK A\C KSTOKS and 1>\ bi'iiiL; so ah^urdly particular about |L::cttin.L; rid of cvcrv white hair the best specimens are exckided from the shows. The Ruby with the best head now exislini;- is Miss 11. (i. Parlelt's American doi;- Ch. Rl\\ Rival, b'rom his piiotoj^raph 1 judi^e him lo be ot' the hig-hest type. We lia\e nothing- (ner here to touch him. The lilack-and-tans are much better in quality than the Rubies, thous^h here a.c:ain the craze for eliminatin.L^^ the white breast does a g^reat deal of harm, and from the incessant inbreeding;- to secure complete absence of any white hairs, as well as the noseless face, there is hardly a single strain which is not radically unsound. The coats are much better than in the Rubies, and this has led to a false idea that the Rubies are not required to have nearly so much feathering as the Kine^ Charles. A recent de])utation to the Kennel Club mentioned this as a reason for gi^'i^'if? them separate challenge prizes, which seems a wrong princi])le. A glance at the pict- ure of Mr. Xaves's Sliepperl, of about 1880, will show that at that date the Ruby w^as as well coated and feath- ered and had as long ears as any of the other Toy Span- iels, and one can only w'onder what has brought abotit the deplorable change for the worse which has come over our j^resent dogs. It is true enough that the modern Rubies have not got as much coat as other Toy Spaniels, but this would be a reason for discontinuing the challenge prizes until the coats have improved, and not tor adding fresh ones because the d<\gs cannot reach the ])roper standard. The three best Rubies T have ever seen had white breasts. W'alkley Mac is one of our best- headed Rubies and a lo\ely all-round dog. with stvle, action, and (|uality. .\t least, he was so when I saw him a \car or tw(» ago. .Mrs. LloN'd's Midget is one of oin* 164 TOY DOGS OF TO-DAY AND THE PAST best-coated dogs. Champion Royal Rip has made a great name for himself as a sire, and his son Champion Royal Clyde is perhaps the most lavishly coated dog I ever saw. The American dog, Ch. A. M. Baronet, is one of our most consistent winners in Ruby classes and has a beautiful head. The greatest fault among the Black-and-tans is un- soundness. The coats are better than is the case with the Rubies, and Mr. Hope Paterson's Champion Mac- dufif and Champion Royal Clyde stand right out from the rest. The profusion of their feathering and ears cannot be surpassed. Mr. Hope Paterson also has a great fancy for pretty faces, and both these dogs have beautiful expressions, though I have found it impossible to get a photograph of Champion MacdufT which does him anything like justice. Champion Highland Lad, the property of Mrs. Cooper, is a handsome dog, and Mrs. Larking's LAmbassadeur has a head second to none, and ought to have been a champion long ago. His size, quality, and beauty have not given him the fame which is his due. His daughter, Myrtle Blossom, is one of the best bitches now on the bench, and his expression is inherited by his stock. The chief faults of the Blenheims are either defective stamina or coarseness. The absence of coat and its harshness are also prominent defects. The best-coated dogs are Champion Little Tommy, Little Jock, and Seetsu Prince. Roscoe is one of the prettiest Blenheims on the bench. He has a beautiful expression and great quality, and has not had anything like his deserts on the show bench. The Tricolour Champion Casino Nov- elty has also an excellent expression. Champion The Troubadour (once my own property) had a lovely face, 22 165 'l'()^ l)0(;s AM) TTTKIK ANCKSTOKS which his (h^l)(»sili(tll (hd not l)cho. There arc many winners wliich I consider (|uile nnlxpical. e\en from the modern standpoint. Anions;- lliese are dui^s wliose praises have been universally suni;'. A c<)m])arisnn be- tween the various ])h()tojj;'rai)hs in this book and the type \\hich I ha\e _i;i\en as a model will show an_\- observant person my reasons for disajj^reein^ with the i^eneral xerdict. notably in the case of ("h. The Advocate, Ch. The Draiion Fly, Cottag-e Flyer, Ch. Captain Kettle, and Ch. Clevedon Mai^net. Champion Joy (now dead) had a beautiful head. Mrs. Mitchell's I'andora is one of our best Tricolours. She shows qreat (|uality, and so does Mrs. r)ri^ht's Caris, both (laui>iUers of Champion The Cherub. This doj^- has. 1 think, sired more winnin"- stock than any other Toy Spaniel, lie has been much discussed as to type. Jn my opinion, he has one superlative merit — i.e., that of transmitting- quality to his stock. Xo other dog has this merit to such an extraordinarily marked det^ree, and, though his own ex])ression is not altogether pleas- ing-, his stock are (juite remarkable for their pretty faces. Cherubel. Champion The Seraph, I'andora. CMiampion Casino Novelty, Seraphina, Fairy Cherub, Fairy lUos- .som, and many others, all have lovely faces. There are now noyouni.^" Tilenheim do^s with what 1 consider lovely faces. The younger i^eneration are almost all of the C type, which lacks the delicacy and style which are abso- lutely essential to a first-class show siiecimen. In some instances these doi^s mav be ^'ood to breed from it judi- ciously mated, but shows are intended for the exhibition of the " finished article " only, and not for the component parts before thev are amali^amated. The " spot " is too rare amonjLi" I'.lenheims. It is seldom seen in any |)er- Captain Kettle IMrs Lytton's Blenheim St Anthony's Flying Cloud Mrs Bright's Blenheim Caris Photo, Russell Mrs Percy's Tricolour Ch. Casino Girl Photo, Russell Mrs Lytton's Tricolour Rose Petal Mrs Potter's Tricolour Ch. Zana Photo, Russell TOY DOGS OF TO DAY AND THE PAST fection. Seetsu Prince, Cupid, Lovely Spot, and Cham- pion St. Anthony's Featherweight are those which have it most perfect. Hardly any dogs have the right expression. Among the best are L'Ambassadeur, Champion Royal Clyde, Champion Macdufif, Champion Ashton More Baronet, Champion Little Tommy, Roscoe, Pandora, Myrtle Blossom, Haeremai Cyclone, Walkley Mac, Champion Casino Novelty, and Fairy Blossom. I consider Fairy Blossom one of the best Blenheims now living. Myrtle BFossom and Nina Advocate are among the best Black- and-tan bitches and have as good heads as anything alive. I also have a high opinion of My Beauty, now a puppy, Billiken Advocate is our most perfect young dog of the same colour. The Usher is our best Ruby. The best movers are : The Butterfly, Champion Royal Rip, The Mermaid's Nymph, The Mermaid's Cherub, Seetsu Prince, Champion Grande Tete, Vicky, Haeremai Cyclone, and Mr. Gutteridge's Tricolour dog Barnsbury Duke. The smallest dogs are: Champion Casino Girl, Champion Cara, The Orchid, L'Ambassadeur, Nina Advocate, and Carline, the loveliest Blenheim puppy in England. In the following dogs the noseless face has reached its utmost limits: Champion The Advocate, Caris, Champion The Cherub, Champion Captain Kettle, Stew- art King, Champion Cara, Champion Red Clover, and Champion Casino Girl. Wee Radium, Sergeant Dick, Babel of Haeremai, Ninon Nitouche, Ashton More Shepherdess, and Lady Jean of Cockpen are worthy of special mention. Judging from his photograph and the description given to me of the dog by Miss Todd, Miss 167 TOY I)()(;S AM) TIIEIK AMKSTORS >'()ii!ij^*s C"liain])i()n I .nrd X'ivian must have been a most hcaiilifiil Tricolour. Any unbiased j^erson, looking;; at a Ivpe like Lnrd N'ivian, must realise how i)erverte(l our e\es must liaxe become if we are i^oini;" to tolerate the distortions that ha\e sprung- into t'axour in the last few years. I think and hope that it is not U)0 late to breed luanv more Lord X'ivians. He was (|uite a tiny scrap, vet his points were ])erfect, his expression rii^ht, and he showed (|ualit\' in the highest decree. For instances of the variety of type liked by differ- enl owners, i)lease refer to the illustrations. It is an extraordinary thinj;- how people who appear to know Toy Spaniels, and who have kejit them for vears, \\\\\ i^ive themselves away occasionally by hold- ini;- up to admiration or givini^ a first prize to a " rrmk bad " doi^, which either proves that they are really ignorant or that their judgment is biased. At the last Kennel Club Show the three first dogs in broken colours were Champion The Bondman, Cham- ])ion Captain Kettle, and Champion The Bandolero. All these dogs 1 consider too l)ig to be ideal in the show ring, and I should like to find the male counterpart of Carline. If Carline fulfils her present promise, she will be the embodiment of my ideal of type. Roscoe and L'Ambas- sadeur are, as T have said before, two very ill-used dogs. Both should be cham])ions. L'Ambassadeur especially has been ignored in a way that would have sickened me of showing had 1 been his owner, lie has been reserve at shows where he ought to have taken champion hon- ours with ease. Other dogs have been pro])ortionately lucky, notal)ly Ready Money, Prince Carol. Champion \'ida. A. M. Turcpioise, and (."hampion Red Ranee. i()8 CH. Speckled \Vren, ILS.A. Bred by Mrs Lytlon Ch. Little Tommy (Rkihtj ^f'^T\^ Modern Example of Old Iype of Curly King Charles , , I ; ^ .;, , U I I ^ Admiral WL-i.,'lit, D^ 11,.^. E.^purlcd, U.S.A. Blenheim Puppy, io -Months old Mrs Bright's Blenheim Ch. Cara Photo, Russell TOY DOGS OF TO-DAY AND THE PAST MEASUREMENTS OF SOME WELL-KNOWN DOGS Age Weight Tip of nose from pro- jection of forehead . Nose to stop Width muzzle Girth muzzle Width nostrils Girth skull Length eyes Distance eyes apart . . Length back from top of shoulder to root of tail Girth brisket Height at shoulder. . . Height at loins Height at elbows Height at stifle joint. . Width at loins Ears Mane Frills Hair on tail Length tail (cut) Width blaze Cham- pion Wind- fall. 3 years . 9 lbs. exact. i^in. I in. 2jin. 7jin- gin. 12 in. ij in. ifin. 4 years . 145 lbs. exact. The Marvel 3 in- 7jin. 1 in. 13 in- i^in. 2 in. 13 in 17 in II J in iif in 6iin 6f in 4 in 52 in Cham- C^.^"^- pion Cm ^^"^ Seraph Tommy Cham- pion Little 6 years . , 2 years . 6 j'ears 65 lbs. i 9^ lbs. 10 lbs. approx ^ in. . iin.. 5 in.. % xiein. iot in. fin. 15 in. 13^ 9^ 9* 5 5 4 jin. . sin. . 2jin. . 6fin.. I in. . ii^in. . I J in. . I 'As in. II m . . 14 in. . 9 in. . lojin. . 6 in n. . n. . n. . n. . 35 in.. 8^ in.. n . . n. . n 10 ozs. exact. 3 ; jm. Iin. 2-2 in. 6^ in. fin. 12 in . ij in. I iin. Cham- pion The Bando- lero 1 5 years I if lbs. exact. 3 in. 8 in. i|in. i2iin. isin. 2 in. Hi m i6f in II J in iij in 6 in 6|in 3lin 7 J in Cham- pion The Trou- badour 2 years 1 1 lbs. exact. fin. fin. 2f in. 6f in. i in. 12 in. I J in. if in. Marks. — Champion Windfall — Seven rich patches, clearly cut and evenly distributed, and the spot. Coat wavy. Exceedingly long, thick ears. Champion Cara — Three perfectly even, clearly cut patches, rich red, on each flank, and one in middle of back. Coat wavy. A^ery long ears. Champion The Seraph — Well marked with even patch- es. Head evenly marked, with narrow blaze. Coat straight, but rather mixed. Champion Little To)nmy — Very evenly marked rich red, and spot. Coat strongly wavy. Amazingly long ears and feathering. 169 TOV DOCiS AM) TIIKI1{ AXCKSTOKS Champion The Tronbiuioitr — \'ctv evenly marked head, brilliant tan, small hlaok saddle. \ ery long feathers, and the i)rettie>t possible expression. Coat on hack curly. T was una])k' In procure the measurements of Cham- pion Macdnff (Kini^- Charles) and Chamjjion Casino (lirl (Tricolour) or Champion Royal Ri]) (Kuhv). I omit the measurements of Cham])i()n The Cherul) hy his owner's special ref|uest, 1)ut they were very similar to those of ChanijMon The Seraph. It will he noticed that Chami)i()n The Seraph was two inches lower at the shoulders than at the loins. This is a very great defect. CJuunpion Royal Yaiiia flifo w^as perhaps the hest Japanese do.c: T rememlier seeing- in the lui^lish shows. In st\le. sha])e, and head jjoints he was more than per- fect. I have also puhli.shed the photograph of Champion Dai Ikitzu II, an excptisite little dog. Champion Daddy ja]) was another lovely dog. and so was the heautiful I'rince Komatsu, whose hrilliant show career was cut short too soon hv distemper. Marquis Ito of Kobe I much admired, and Mrs. Solomon's Dara is a tiny dog and one of the prettiest we now have. The only red-and-white Jai)anese dog T ever admired was Champion Tora of P)raywick. lie had a black nose and eye points, a magnificcnl coat, and was altogether a first-class dog. The quality of the Japanese tyi)e is altering under the influence of F.nglish breeders, and at one of the last big London shows there was nc^t a single Jap- anese dog worth a challenge certificate. Qualitv has become very rare indeed, and breeders nnist try and 170 The American King Charles Cliveden Mascot Miss Spofforth's Ch. The Cherub Winner of lo Challenge Prizes. Photo, Russell Mrs F. L. Schubert's American King Charles Ch. Sonny Bruce AIks Hope i'AitRboN's Ch. Ivuval Llyde Photo, Crowe & Rogers TOY DOGS OF TO-DAY AXD THE PAST realise this and apply the remedy before their breedini^ stock becomes ho])elessly inferior. I know how diffi- cult it is to breed them at all on account of distemper, but there is no reason why those l^reeders who have money enoui^h to be independent of the heavy losses which are inevitable should not breed from dogs of really good type, instead of paying big prices for un- typical specimens. A perfect puppy is shown in the beautiful photo- graph of Miss Steevens's " White Queen." I wish there wefe more like this one. Toki of Toddington is a marvel of loveliness. There are many beautiful Pomeranian dogs now in the shows. Of all the Pomeranians I have seen I con- sider Champion Offley Honey Dew one of the most per- fect. There is no need in his case to approximate his points to an unattainable ideal, because he is the living embodiment of the ideal for which everyone should breed. I also greatly admire Shelton Mercury, a very lovely dog. I never cared personally very much for the head points of the famous Champion Shelton Sable Atom and Champion May Duchess, though the body points of these dogs were perfect. Champion Mars is also per- fect in body, style, and coat. Champion Dragon Fly is another well-known dog, which, unfortunately, I have always missed seeing. Champion Venus of Offley and Champion Haughty Oueenie are other well-known win- ners. One of the loveliest dogs in the world is Cham- pion The Sable Mite. He has a most typical little head of the best expression and modeling. I do not care for the type of Ch. Marland King. Among our best Pekingese winners are Champion TOY DOCS AM) TIIKIK AXCKSTOKS Cioodwood I'liiui. llu' prcpnty of Mrs. Torrcns ; l.ady Dccios's (■h.iuipion Maucliu C'licni^- Tu. champion Tcarl. and Clianipioii Tckin Tojjpy: Mrs. .Vsluon Cross's (hanipion C'lui-crli of Aldorhoiinic. Mr. l.cfoy Dcans's (lianipioii I liin 1 -U, Mrs. Douj^las Murray's Cham- pion (ioodwood Lo. I do not care for several well- known doi^s, and do not consider that they represent a good type. llo\ve\er. ni)- readers can jud.^e for them- selves from the ]ihotop^ra])hs and compare them with ideal from a Chinese i)()int of view. Mr. IVtti.^rew, Mr. Tweed, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Ais- trop. and Mr. Nixon are some of our oldest and best breeders of Toy Si)aniels, and many .G^ood doc^s have het-n hred hy Mr. (iullerid^e. Mr. Savai^e, Mr. Dean, and Mr. 'I\'ers. \\'ith the exception of Mr. Nixon, these i^entlemen seldom show, hut they all know the doi^s thoroui;hly, .and if we liad some of them in the judi^in^" rinq", instead (^f a])pointin^" ])eo])]e who know httle or notliinL;- of their business, it would be a _<4reat im])rovement. Miss Hall, ^liss \'oun^-. Miss Grantham, Mrs. W. Hopkins, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. I'rivett, Mrs. Pinto Leite. Miss Carter, Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Ihi^lu. ^Irs. Mitchell. Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Russell Lloyd. Miss SpolTorth and Mrs. Reed are amoni;- our Southern fanciers: and in the Xorth are Lady llulton. Lad\- de dex, Mrs. Pordai^e, Mrs. R. Stewart, Mrs. Malheson, Mrs. I'urnival. Mr. Hope Paterson. Mrs. Cliff. Mr. Milne^, Mr. ^■ates. and .Mr. ( ummini^s, and last but not least Mr. 1 lervey Xixon and Mr. Crank. T72 Mk AlSlKop's KlN(. CllAKKK^ Miss Bessie Fife's Cupiu (U.S.A.) INIks I'iNTo Liii inches: brisket, i<> inches; height of shoulder, 12 inches; height of el- bows, 5-)4 inches; height of loins. io^{> inches. Cluuiif^ion Prince of Tcddini^fon. — Fcnu- years; u pounds; 10 inches high; length of head, occiput to tip of nose, 5 inches : ears, ti]) to tij). K) inches ; length from nose to set on of lail. J^ inches: girth of liead. 1 :; inches. 17O Miss J)n,i.oN's Blenheim Spaniei. ]'"ran(;oise (Noll- llir InMutifuIIy nniiul skull ami niiizzii;) I'.l.Miheiiu Sp;.i ;iii, knobs, or de- pressions of any sort. The cushions of the muzzle must be likewise semi-circular in outline. The eyes must be large, wide, and full, but not goggled, like those of a man with (Iraves's disease. The under eyelids ha\e the same marked curve. The neck is .arched, and the cir- 178 ¥ " ■»'■' ^ ■ 1 r f jJiM^^^^^^^^^Btaj^ ^^1 Hk^ 'v^^^^^^^H 1 Rw^ii^f' ^ ^H^^SS^I 1 ^^mWS^f^ 't^^^^^^^l ^^^^^^^^H. .S>*^^^H II HBK|f j^^^^K^^^S^^^^^^M I^Hil ^^H^^^IS^ r 1 A Perfect JtIead and Expression Life size. Photo, J. Lytton now TO HliKKI) TIIK HKST TVPK cnlar syslcni is carried on hy (lie iiiarkini^s on (lie liead and the s]K)t in the broken colours and in each variety by all the lines of the face. Idle I>lenheini should never compete aij^ainst the Black-and-tan. It is (|uite absurd. /\ IJlack and-tan fancier would ,i;"ive the ])rize to a bad I51ack-and-tan against a ])erfect IJlenheini ninety-nine times out of a hundred, as also would a variety ju(l,i4e. The breed.s are emphatically not the same, and, just as a l>lack-and~lan is im'cr s^'oi from two lileiilicims, so," as a general law, a lUenheim will never be bred from two l>lack-and-tans. Neither will a Tricolour be bred from two TUack-and-tans or two lilenheims. Ru- bies, however, will a])pe.'U" — so T am told — from two Black-and-tans, though I have never bred one this way myself, but I do not think two Rubies ever bred a lUack- and-tan — certainly never within my observation. Mr. Milnes has given me the only instance on record of two Black-and-tans alleged to have bred a Blenheim, and vouches for its authenticity. In the case claimed there was a cross of P>lenheim in the immediate ancestry of both sire and dam.' ddie crossing of the breeds ])ro- duces in the first generation a mixed ty])e and colour. It will be noticed that from this mixed type are bred the ^Before the case coulfl he accepted as scientifically proved it would he necessary to eliminate all possibility of a mistake and there are too many unknown factors to make this a conclusive instance. 1 have had only two cases submitted to me of two Tricolours alh'f^ed to have jirofluced a Blenheim. Of these one of the ])edigrees is based on a dog that is no- torious as a non-stockgetter and the other is equally unreliable as the identity of the sire is more than doubtful. I have, however, come across an authentic case of two blne-and-tan puppies bred from black-and-tan parents. Tt is curious to note that a mis- marked Ruby if whole-colour bred will get all mismarked pui)i)ies to a Blenheim just as if she were whole coloured herself. TOY IXKiS A\D TIIKIU AXC KSTORS Ruby on llic T'lcnlK-iin side and 'I'ricoldiir on the I'lack- aiul-tan side, and thai Ixtth these varieties l)reed true to tlie new colour wlien hred eacli one to itself, hut when ])red l(ii;elluT re\ erl to the mixed tvpe and colour, \vdch of these \arieties hears a stamp of its o.wn. The Tri- colour is nearest the lilenheim in conformation, and the Ruhv approximates the lilack-and-tan, thou.i^h neither has (|iiile the same tyi)e as either ^grandparent. This is \-erv cm'ious indee(l. as it would seem that the colour and the general conformation i^o 1)\' inxersion, each ,<;-rand- ])arent sui)plvini;- one of the main characters, the Tri- colour i^ettini;- the black from the I'lack-and-tan and the lighter t\])e from the lilenheim. and die Ruby Lieltinj^ the red from the lilenheim anofli. howexer, are inclined to re- ])roduce the noseless head, and the Blenheims of the same i^eneration also reproduce it, and take the heavier tyi)e. The Kemiel Club has amal.^aiuated the varieties on the plea that " they ]^roduce all four colours in the same litter." ^ Condemniui;- l)lack-and-tans and I)lenheims to com])ele for challeni^e cerlilicates too;cther, or with Tri- colours, because the proi^^eny of the hybrids occasion- all v ])roduce all colours, is exactly as though horses and donkeys were to comj)etc together on the plea that mules, if fertile, would jiroduce a given ])ercentage resembling- each of the parent stock, just as I understand that you get black .Xndalusians and white Andalusians from Ulue Andalusian fowls. The fact that horses and donkeys when crossed together produce mules is no reason that ' Ttinngh thi- KiiiR Charles generally compete against Rubies, and the lUi-nlu-inis against Tricnldurs, there is occasionally a challenge prize offered for the hest Toy Siianiel of any variety. i8o R.W. Colour Chart i In generation C there is a high percentage of webbed feet and screw tails, and also nf males, especially on the black and tan side now TO HllKKl) TIIK HKSr TVVK llicy sliould conipelc loj^ctlicr or vvilli their ( sajji^ositi- li(^usj i)r(>^eny. The lilenlieim and the IJlack-and-t.'in arc almost as (h'fTerciit in type as tlie liorse and tlie ass. 'Hie mis- niarkecl 'l\»y S])aniel liyhrids of the first generation have a hlended type hke mules and a hlended colour like IJhie Andalnsians, and the Tricolour is the cfjuivalent of the ])roduce of a horse and a mule, were such a thini^ pos- sihle, and it is only in this generation (said to l)e impos- sihle in mules, hut which is general in Toy Sp.aniels) tlfat we can ever j:^et the four varieties in the same litter, and T must ])rotest aj:(ainst this law of cross- breeding heinj^- made a reason for amalj^amating the parent stock, which in my opinion is most undesirable. It must, however, nf)t be assumed at once that the Tricolour is, ])ro])erly speakinj:^, a monj:^rel. It ap])ears to be the formation of a new blended color and type which breeds absolutely true, and is a diderent ty])e from either o^ the ty])es from which it is bred. The Ruby is the ecjuivalent of the ])roduce of mules bred together without a^ain out-crossinj^, this also forms a new colour, and the effect of ])er])etually crossinj.^ and re- crossing- with the niack-and-tan ])arent is to get rid of all white markings. It is, however, a curious fact that, just as in the Tricolour, which breeds true when bred to itself, the Ruby breeds no I'lack-and-tans when bred to itself; but, unlike the Tricolour, it often reverts to the hybrid (/. c, mule) ty])e and markings. Vor this reason the Ruby cannot be considered a true type like the 'fricolour. The l>lack-and-tan hybrid re-crossed with the l*lack- and-tan ])arent stock will sometimes produce Rubies.' ' I have hoard of one rase in which a red-anfl-vvhitc crossed with hybrid mismarkcd Ruljy produced a Tricolour puppy. 24 l8l T(^V DOCS AM) illKIK AXCKSTOIiS Tlu- Ucd-and-whitc is a distinct and historical l)rcc(l. Tlic r>lack-and-lan is a composite breed wliicli, by force of constant inbreeding-, lias become a type. The Tri- coK)ur is the otTsprini; of the hybrid on the I'lack-and- tan side re-crossed to the Ked-and-white parent stuck, and the Rnbv the offspring of the hybrids on the Red- anil-white side interbred. This sounds very complicated, but it is really per- fecth- simple. A reference to ni}- table of colours will be of great assistance in understanding what 1 have said. The circumstances in which the actual type and con- formation of head will or will not blend also appears to follow definite rules, and it is just this blending of t\pe that we must avoid, ddie tyjie of r.lenheim in gen- eration C' is always a blended type, and often has a screw tail, and one out of every few d'ricolours of the same generation has the same characteristic. T am assuming that the lilack-and-tan of generation .\ is very short in the face. The Rlenheims of generation C have almost always very ugly faces, and are coarse in type, but the Tricolours are refined and good in type. 1 must say a word more as to the challenge prizes for different colours. If ever a breed deserved separate challenge prizes for itself and for both sexes, the Blen- heim docs. It is very similar still to the type of 500 years ago, but if it is systematically crossed with Tri- colour it will be merged into the same undesirable t\pe of coarse noseless dog which is so fashionable in the I'lack-and-tan. It must be remembered that the type of the r.lenheim should remain distinct. The varieties must be crossed, as the rricol(»ur depends on the Red-and-white llrst for 182 Picture by Morland About 1700 HOW TO BREED THE BEST TYPE its existence and afterwards for its markings, but the I^»Ienheini does not depend on the Tricolour. The altera- tion I should suggest to the present rule of challenge certificates is this: Two challenge prizes for Blenheims, one for each sex. Two challenge prizes for Black-and-tans or Rubies, one for the best Black-and-tan or Ruby dog, the other for the best Black-and-tan or Ruby bitch, as at present. The Black-and-tan and Ruby cannot fairly compete to- gether, but at present there are hardly enough Ruljies to justify se])arate challenge prizes. One challenge prize only for Tricolours (dog or bitch, until they are more numerous, when they might have one for each sex. Under no circumstances should Blenheims or Tri- colours compete either against each other or against the whole colours, otherwise the difference of the type w^ill be sacrificed by the Blenheim's head ])eing coarsened and shortened to the Black-and-tan standard. The difference in type wdiich exists at present be- tween the Black-and-tan and Blenheim is most marked. In the Black-and-tan the body is longer ; the hind f|uar- ters often sloping ; the ribs flatter ; chest narrower ; back not level, slightly rounded ; tail carried very low, often between the legs; huge skull, ewe neck; muzzle very deep from nose to underjaw and coarser in quality; ears set at the base of the skull; nose squashed into skull. Its nature is entirely different and much more apathetic and timid. Action of the hind legs is very distinctive. It may be considerably larger than the Blenheim. The Tricolour takes somewhat after the Black-and-tan in body and set of ears, but is a better shape. 183 TOV 1)()(,S A\n rilKIK AXCKSTOHS 'Vhc r.k'iilK'iui lias a loxcl, l)r<)a(l back; short, cobby body, arched nock, and more nose. His expression is quite different, and his nature l)()ld. The crossinj^ of the breeds encourai^ed l)y the Kennel C'lul) new rules is spoiling; the r)lenheini type, as the true lUenheini is beinj^" replaced in the ])rize rinjn" by the coarse noseless lUenheini of i^eiieration C (See table of colours.) The T)lack-and-tan, liavinj^- no historical standinj^, is a i)urely fancy type, but even a fancy type should not be allowed to violate certain rules of proportion. It may be allowed more underjaw than the Red-and-whitc and a rather lower ])lacenient of ear, but the more pro- nounced the ])oints the smaller the doi^ should be. The Red-and-white is essentially a Toy. not a sport- ing" .Spaniel, and should be a fairy type, dainty, ethereal, and excpiisite in characteristics and small in size, though strong, solid, and healthy in make and constitution. A Red-and-white should never be massive, heavy in head, or " grand," and 1 must repeat, ad nausea in, that a mas- sive grand type is utterly wrt^ng. Oo not breed weeds either, but elej)hants are simply intoleral^le. T^reed from larger specimens so as to get the large litters which l)ring the small puppies, but the show ring is not the i)lace for the big ones unless we have special classes for them. The great difticulty is to make people see the difference between a big dog with quality and a big vulgar type. The big vulgar type shmild never be bred from at all. if a male. As an instance of the differ- ence between a stud dog type and the show type I may (juote my own C*hani])ion H^lie Tuuidolero, who has often been held U]> by others as a perfect shinv type. Tn my opinion he is not as delicately made and excjuisitely modelled as a perfect show dog should be, nor is he 184 HOW TO BREED THE BEST TYPE small enough, but he shows quality and is a good breed- ing type because all his points are so strongly marked. For the show ring I prefer a small fairy type never seen now, with a less massive head and much finer bone. The same thing applies to Wee Dot. Exhibitors have only one thing to think about, i. c, the perfection of their dogs for exhibition. For breeders the question of type is more complicated, as the perfect show specimens do not get the most perfect puppies, and to get perfect stock the type of sire must go beyond perfection into exag- g'eration. Perfect dogs get a large percentage of weeds. Exaggerated dogs get a large percentage of per- fect types unless mated to equally exaggerated types, when the result is often simply monstrous. It is these monstrosities which we must keep out of the show ring. A perfect short-faced dog should have a fascinating little face with a tiny bridge to its miniature nose. There is a certain fat, chubby look about the face of a good dog which is not found in bad ones. The modern dogs oscillate between the elephantine, rugged heads, and little, mean, wizened rats of things which are truly only fit to be drowned. The Red-and-white Toy Spaniel always had a domed skull and comparatively short nose as far back as I can trace the breed. We are, therefore, not going much out of the historical traditions for their colour in breeding to the type of the head in the coloured illus- tration. If, however, we continue to breed Black-and-tans with short face and tan markings, they cannot be con- sidered King Charles. In reality the Red-and-white, as well as the Black-and-white (now extinct) were the actual King Charles Spaniels, and the King Charles 185 ^()^ i)()(;s and tiikiu axcksioks so-caIlc(l, of tlic seventeenth centnrv. was a 1)lack, curly (1()«^, i)resunial)ly identical with the rrulUe doi;-. The present I'lack-and-tan has nn more connection with Mis Ma jest V Kini;' Charles than the Sanioyede. it is a com- posite animal and should he j^iven a name ot its own. I should su^s^cst its heini;- called only hy the name of r.lack-and-tan Toy Si)aniel. I stronj^ly advocate that the oriL^inal curl\- hlaek Kiu!^- Charles should not ])e tor- jL^otten. This curly Kini^ Charles or Truftle doi;- must be considered the i)ro])er rejiresentative of the old breed, while the present l>lack-and-tan can only be treated as an interesting evolution of a new variety; but that it should rcprcsoif the old breed, while the i^enuine rep- resentative is unrecognized, is rather ridiculous. It must, however, be understood that when 1 speak of the type l)ein£^ interesting]^ I am referrinj^ to the ideal type of short face, and not to the awful abortions and de- formities with which our shows are inundated — do^s with faces like j^^nomes, cross, sulky, and sullen, or hai^- jj^ard and imbecile; heads that outrage all laws known to mathematics and violate every possible canon of pro- ])ortion ; tyj)es which could only be produced by a morbid taste for monstrosities. That our fanciers should tol- erate and, in fact, admire animals so stamped with vul- garitv and mongrelism as most of our Black-and-tans and Rubies is a thing which astonishes me more and more. T propose, therefore, that, as we have noseless dogs, we set our minds to breeding them according to the type I have indicated .and that we also revive the curly all- black King (harles. which would be i|uile ])ossible b\- breeding w itli the dogs that still exist. I should also like to ri'produce the Italian Spaniel by breeding the 186 Mrs Lytton's Tricolour St Anthony's Shadow Mrs Doig's Ch. Walkley Vic (U.S.A.) Mrs Furnival's Blenheim Ch. Little Tommy .Sire of Ch. Windfall The ISIisses Clarkson and Granthan's Blenheim Doncaster Comet Mrs Hill's Blenheim, the late Little Mafeking Lady de Gex's Blenheim Ch. St Anthony's Featherweight Age II months HOW TO BREED THE BEST TYPE Papillon according" to the type in the portraits of Hen- rietta or Orleans. I give a table to show how the Red-and-white has been known to breed out in a certain strain. Tricolour Red-and-white Black- ^ Tricolour, and-tan n Red-and-white All Mismarked Black-and-tan Tricolour Red-and- white Tricolour Out Red-and- Cross white Black- and-white Tricolour Tricolour Red-and- white Black-and-tan Mismarked All Tricolour All Tricolour And now I will turn to the practical side of breeding the short-nosed variety. If you wish to breed small specimens, do not breed from very small stock. This may sound absurd, but experience will prove that small bitches are often most unsatisfactory breeders, and that it is not always the smallest sires that get the smallest puppies. Smallness must not be attained by defective growth and a poor constitution, but it must be bona fide smallness. The best plan is to get a bitch which has large litters. If you get a litter of five puppies you are far more likely to get small ones than with a litter of one or two. Very small bitches usually do not breed at 187 TO^ l)()(iS AM) TllKlR AXCKSTOUS all. It is cither impossible to j^ct them served or if served ihey are barren. Should they i)rove in whelj) the ehaiices are there is only one puppy, whieh, havinjj^ absorbed all the nutriment to itself, is unduly lari^^e and the bitch dies whelpinj^^. When a breeder has had the distressiui;- exi)erience of sceins;- his bitch die in this way, he will not be anxious to renew the exi)eriment. I have had three exceptions to this rule, and, of course, when one does find it. nothing could be better. As I have already said, there is a right and a wrong tvpc of noseless dog, and my advice is directed to secur- ing the prettiest of the noseless types. In breeding r.Ienheims and Tricolours, my advice is, breed primarily for shape, and in the second ])lace for markings. When you ha\'e got a stock which breeds true to type, with sound bodies and good heads it is comparatively easy to get the markings right without losing the type. Do Tiol be in a hurry. A mismarked King I'harles IMack- and-tan bitch (that is to say, the offspring of a Blen- heim or Tricolour with a King Charles), is the best possible mother for breeding Tricolour champions. Mated to a Blenheim you will probably get one perfect Tricolour (])erhaps two) out of each litter, and the ex- cellence of head will be well worth the sacrifice of breed- ing a couple of others in the same litter which will not be well marked enough for show under ordinary judges. ./;;v Black-and-tan bitch will not do. The one you choose must have the round face, round skull, and pretty expression which are essential to success, and she must come of short-nosed stock, even if she is not short herself. It" ynu breed Blenheim to I'lenlu'lni time after time, it is impossible lo keep up the monstrous ])oints now con- i88 Miss Ives' Pomeranian Ch. & Pr. Boy Blue Miss Bi'Rton s Pomeranian Ch. The Sai;i e Mite Iiss H. G. Parlett's Ruby Toy Spaniei Ch. Rosemary ReiJ Rival Mrs Pinto Lertes' Toy Spaniel Ch. BiLLiKEN Advocate Photo, Piccaailly Arcade Studios HOW TO BREED THE BEST TYPE sidered good. If left entirely to themselves they will rap- idly and surely revert to the original short but pointed nosed type, but owing to the Marlborough cross it will probably not be the right pointed nosed type. They can, however, be kept quite " noseless " enough by careful selection. It is a very remarkable fact that a Blenheim when mated to a Blenheim will never produce anything but a Blenheim, however much Black-and-tan, Ruby, or Tricolour blood may be in the pedigree. I have never come across an authentic instance of this, and people have often asserted the contrary, but the evidence pro- duced has not been evidence one could accept as con- clusive. Where a lot of dogs of all varieties are kept there is always a possibility of doubtful parentage, and in all the cases brought to my notice I have found that the breeders owned a Tricolour dog as well as the sup- posed Blenheim sire. If two Tricolours ever get a Blenheim the case is so rare that I cannot quote a single proved instance of it. The two cases brought to my notice can only be classed as unproved assertions. The Blenheim is the oldest and dominant breed. In Blenheims other colours never reappear so long as individuals bred in this way are mated to the same colour as themselves. For instance, a Blenheim mated to a Tricolour will get both Blenheims and Tricolours, but should one of the Blenheim progeny be mated exclusively to Blenheims it will never produce a Tri- colour. A King Charles mated to a Blenheim or Tri- colour will produce Black-and-tans with white patches on chest, feet or head; or equally mismarked Rubies. Mate the offspring to a Blenheim, and you will get some properly marked Blenheims or Tricolours and a good many mismarked puppies, and this is certainly the best 189 TOV DOGS AND TIIKIR ANCESTORS wav oi ^otliiii^" show points in Tricolours.' A lilack- and-tan mated to a Ruby or Rlack-and-tan will o^et whole coloured |)U])i)ies, but if you wish to keep the tan briji^ht on the Kiii[;' Charles you must select the tan or occasionally cross with Ruby, otherwise the tan j^ets gradually darker and is eventually lost altoj^ether. lUack-and-tans when mated to Black-and-tans always show a tendency to produce white markine^s, and this comes from the (^riq^inal breed. The original colour was not all black, but had a white waistcoat, and in breeding there is always a tendency to reversion in colour as well as in type. It will be seen, therefore, that when breed- ing for show points it is necessary to cross the two \arieties with judgment so as to obtain the best results. But, though the Tricolour \vould probably be too much inl)re(l to continue on its own account unless peri- odically re-created and rexived by a P)lack-and-tan and lilenheim cross, yet, as far as colours and type are con- cerned, it is a perfectly true breed. I wish to make it (|uite clear that the Blenheim Red-and-white breed is ])erfectly independent of any other variety. It is the trueness with which Red-and-white breeds to Red-and- white and Tricolour to Tricolour which marks them as worthy of separate challenge prizes. Black-and-tans do not exhibit the same trueness, and therefore can justly be classed w illi the Rubies, The Ruby with w bile marks, liowever, also breeds true. Good coated strains arc essential. The Champion l.illle Tommy strain is far and away the best coated ' Tricolours always cxliil)it the red or fire markings in the orthodox ])attern and are never hound-marked or indiscriminately red, white, and black like a guinea pig. too 25 Groups of Toy Dogs Photos, J. Lytton HOW TO BREED THE BEST TYPE Blenheim strain, and the Champion Royal Clyde and Macduff the best coated King Charles strains. There are many good coated Tricolour strains, but no Ruby strain that has what I consider even a second- class coat. Choose your strains with great care. The Cherub strains combined with Deepdene, Charlie Peace, Hiawatha, Wild, Rococo, and Marvel blood are some of the very best for type, but Marvel is not good for coat. Miss Witt's and Miss App's strains are my favourites for all-round quality and small size. These breeders hard a great eye for pretty expressions and never owned coarse dogs. In King Charles the best strains are Rococo, Highland Lad, Royal Clyde and Macduff, and in Rubies, Champion Royal Rip and my own Marvel, but I consider the former a better all-round dog than the latter. If you should breed a very good puppy from a certain sire and dam, do not on any account break the connection. This would seem almost superfluous advice, but it is astonishing how often people having succeeded once with one sire will try another perhaps handsomer sire, thinking to do even better, with the result that not only do they not get as good a puppy as they did before, but on reverting to the original combination they fail even to repeat their first experience, whereas, if they steadily stick to the original connection, they may go on getting a first-rate puppy in every litter. I can ad- vance no theory to account for this, in fact, I am quite aware that it sounds unscientific. I can only say that it is the result of experience. Certain combinations of blood seem to agree with each other, and a bitch will sometimes produce finer stock to a quite plain dog than to the best champion that she can be sent to. It is im- possible to make beginners realise this, especially as the 191 TOY l)OC;S AM) THEIR AXCESTOKS fact has often hccn made use of unscrupulously to trick hci^inncrs into buying bad dop^s on the false representa- tion liiat ihey t^et i^ood slock. Nor will novices believe that the smallest doqs are .s^enerally bred from large bitches and more often than not from larg^e sires as well, and they persist in wasting much valuable time in mak- ing disheartening attempts to breed from the smallest slock they can procure, and then condemn the breed as delicate. It is easy enough to breed flat-skulled ])uppies from small bitches, but you will never breed the proper skulls safely. The largest dog I ever bred was sired by a dog six and a half j^ounds in WTight and of the smallest strain in England. His dam was the smallest brood bitch I ever saw, and even smaller than the sire. We used to call two of the puppies the Giant and the Dwarf, as at three months old the dog weighed eight pounds and the bitch one and a quarter pounds. The average weight of a Blenheim juippy should be from two to three pounds at two months old. If lighter than this they are not likely to grow up strong or healthy. In judging puppies in the nest, if you want a very short face look carefully to its finish of muzzle, i. c, the lower teeth (or rather gums) should be in front of the upper ones, otherwise the puppy's nose will drop as it grows older and so lengthen out. Puppies " shoot " their noses at about five months old and sometimes later, and the noses go back in some few months more. This is a \ery .anxious moment, as, if the nose has a down- ward tendency, it will never shorten right u]) again. You can always tell a real " llyi'r " from the \ery 192 Mrs Russell Lloyd's Blenheim " Stuart King The best Blenheim sire living Mrs Mitchell's Tricolour Pandora Blenheim Spaniel in Motion ^Irs Lloyd's Ruby Spaniel Midget Mrs W. Hopkins' Black and Tan Toy Spaniel Pinner Smut HOW TO BREED THE BEST TYPE moment of its birth. Its head is perfectly globular, almost like a ball with a face on it, the nose is broad, with a wrinkle over it. Tiptop flyers are unmistakable. The semi-flyers are rather difficult to judge in Blen- heims at the moment of birth, but, roughly speaking, the broader the head and the higher the skull, the better the dog will be; and occasionally a seemingly narrow head will come all right if the under jaw is decidedly protruding and the skull rises from the nose at a right angle. If a puppy is not an obvious flyer at four months old it will never be perfect. If you are doubtful about a puppy's face at three or four months and think it might be a flyer, and yet are not entirely certain, look at its paws. If it has small, fine feet, it will be all right, but if it has heavy, thick paws it will grow too fast, and its nose will lengthen. I am speaking here of picking out a future champion of the highest class of Toy Spaniels. Puppies are always born with pink noses, but they turn black gradually, beginning about the fourteenth day. A small, black spot appears on the nose. If this is well in the middle, the nose will be completely black; if at the side it is doubtful. They open their eyes about the ninth day. The eyes are at first clouded and blue, but the cloudiness clears as the puppy advances in age. The markings of Blenheims when born are so faint as to be hardly visible, but this need cause no more anxiety than the pink nose, as they both darken later on. A Toy Spaniel does not often sire his best stock till he is about four years old. Toy Spaniels are often ex- tremely difficult to mate, and it is most inadvisable to mate a valuable stud dog with a very small bitch, as, once injured or frightened, he may never be induced to mate again. Keep your own stud dog, or if you send 193 T()\ 1)()(;S AM) I'llKlK AXCESTOKS awav your hitches, cillicr sec the services yourself (two services are customarv ), or j^el a friend to do so. In this \\a\ much (hsapi>ointnient is avoided, and no hreeder of an\ repute \\ould ohject to \<)ur doini;' so, as if vour hitch then fails to hreed you cannot hlanie the stud doj^' or suspect its owner of sharj) ])ractice. Do not let \-our hitches j;et too fat or they may cease hreedini;. 1 ad\ ise hreedinj.;' at the hrst heat, as, if the hitch is immature, she will miss, whereas, if she is stroni;- and t'orward, she will hreed without difficulty. Toy Spaniels c^o on hreedins:^ very late. Miss Annie Todd had a hitch called Oucenie that had her last l)Uppies at the ag^e of twelve, and had litters of three and two ])U])pies the two previous years. The doi.;s will s^o on hreedinti^ to any a.c^e, and, roui^hly s])eakini;'. the older the doi^ the hetter puppies he gets. There are seldom more than three or four l^uppies in each litter at any age, though 1 have known a Blenheim rear a litter of nine. This is, however, very inadvisahle, as it is far too exhausting, and the rearing of an enormous litter often prevents a hitch from hreed- ing again for a couple of years. 1 know of a I>lenheim hitch who is still alive and well at eighteen, hut she has stoi)ped hreeding. Vov a hitch that is persistently harren I can suggest no hetter remedies than jilenty of exercise and not very rich feeding. In desperate cases where nothing seems of any use hreeder s can try the old hreeding recipe of mating to a thorough cur or a totally dilTerent species and of a suitahle size. If the hitch hreeds to this con- nection the puppies can easily he got rid of. and the next time the hitch is ])ut to a thi^roughhred dog she will almost certainly hri-ed to him all right. The more inhred 194 Mrs Matthews' Blenheim Spaniel Koscoe Photo, Russell Mrs Lytton's Blenheim Ch. The Bandolero at i8 Months Photo, J. Lytton HOW TO BREED THE BEST TYPE and highly bred the bitch is, the more hkely this is to succeed, the coarser breeding being more prohfic than the inbred stock, and once the bitch starts breeding, she will generally continue to do so, the great difficulty being to get her to start. This method was, I believe, first suggested with regard to horses by a Persian writer. As I shall presently show, I do not consider the question of telegony to be of any practical importance to the breeder. •Among Toy Spaniels there is an enormous percent- age of dogs that are incapable of reproducing their species. Buyers should be careful to have nothing to do with those dogs which are entirely imperfect in con- formation, but those that are partially imperfect are often the very best stud dogs possible. The most de- ceiving are those who to all appearance are perfectly formed, but which have an active dislike to any female which is in a condition to breed. In the case of a perfect dog which, though oc- casionally keen, fails to mate, it is often the fault of the owner if he cannot be got to succeed. I have bought more than one dog given up as entirely hopeless by its owner and the vets, but which has proved a most valu- able sire in my possession. As to the danger of infection by a previous sire, it is certainly not one that need be taken into consideration by breeders. If it occurs at all (which I am inclined to think does occasionally happen), it happens so seldom that no one has ever been able to collect evidence enough to prove it. In any case, it would only affect isolated individuals, and probably only as to a single character, and, considering the way in which the characters of an 195 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS actual cross can be eliminated by a knowledge of the principles of breeding, I do not think breeders need trouble themselves about so small a matter as the pos- sible influence of a previous sire on a single puppy. As to the vexed question of in-breeding, if it is de- sired to perpetuate and decide a certain characteristic, close in-breeding will secure it, but care should be taken to exercise the greatest moderation and judgment in doing so, for if there is a flaw in the constitution this also will assert itself and become more pronounced with every repetition of the incross. Inflammation of the brain, blindness, and rickets are the commonest results of any abuse of in-breeding. It must be remembered that the Toy Spaniel stock in England is limited, and that it has already been very much in-bred, so that breeders should try and get strong out-crosses rather than in-breed still farther. Owing to the quarantine regulations, no outside stock is likely to come into Eng- land. I think it should be made easier for breeders to import prize stock from abroad by allowing the local veterinary surgeons to look after the imported dogs for the regulation period, as many breeders cannot possibly afford the charges made by big veterinaries, and the breed deteriorates for want of fresh blood. I entirely approve of quarantine, but I think it should be more rationally managed, so as to avoid injuring the breeds in this naturally restricted island ; and the charges made by veterinary surgeons for the detention of dogs in quar- antine should be supervised and limited by the Board of Agriculture, which should also carefully avoid creating anything like a monopoly in its choice of places of deten- tion. It must be remembered that detention for six months at a veterinary surgeon's away from its mistress 196 HOW TO BREED THE BEST TYPE is certain death for a Toy dog, and under some circum- stances provision should be made so that ladies with pets should be allowed to keep their own dogs under daily supervision from a vet., and, if necessary, under lock and key in a cage with a locked run to it. This would be perfectly easy with very small dogs, and perfectly prac- tical. The Government Inspector could transport the dog to its cage himself, and the local veterinary could see it daily. SI low INC, Do not ever send Toy doll's to a show unless you yourself or a friend ean acconi])any ihem. Small dogs eannol stand knocking- about on railways alone. Have a warm blanket, and start in plenty of time. You will re(|uire decorations for the pen. Take a piece of white or blue washin,!;" material, three yards by one yard, run a tape along the top from one end to the other (long- ways), and have a dozen safety-pin hooks. Also pro- vide yourself with a cushion about fourteen inches square, with a washing cover, or, if you wish something cheaper, take a clean Turkish towel, which can be folded and placed in the ])en on the top of some straw, instead of a cushion, and which looks very nice. The curtain you have made will hook round inside the i)en at the back and sides, and can be drawn up to the proper size by the tape. Before placing your dog in the pen you should dip a piece of cotton wool in strong Pearson's or Jeyes's Fluid and rub over the bench, as benches are not always satisfactorily disinfected. \\ bile at the show it is advisable to give your dog very little water unless you fetch it yourself from the taj). as you never know what dogs have been drinking out of the show vessels. Never use the pans provided by the show, as one dog after another drinks from them, and some may have infectious diseases. In this way \(>u 198 Training a Dog to stand for Show CovENT Garden Chartie Berrie's Bawbee Shepperl Conrad From Cassell's Book of the Dog How to Show How to Show Ir Cummings' Speculation of St Anthonv Showing a Level Back SHOWING run as little risk as possible. When taking your dog into the ring, have the number given you by the ring steward pinned in a conspicuous place. Remember that the judge has only the number for identification. It is most annoying and confusing for him not to be able to see each number easily, and it may conceivably cost you a prize. \Mien holding your exhibit in your arms, if a Toy Spaniel, keep his head well facing the judge, and if you know that the dog is excited by the sight of a ball or a biscuit, have one in your hand so as to induce him to shflw himself ofif when on the ground. If you take your dog into the ring rather hungry, he will show much better than after a meal. Bring him home with you at night, as he has a far greater chance of avoiding disease than if left all night at the show. You can train a Pom- eranian to stand well in the ring by having food in your hand and making him look up at it with his back or side to the judge. But this will not do with Toy Spaniels, who should pull a little on their leads towards the judge. There is a great deal of nonsense talked about the mysteries of getting a dog up for show. Do not alter your ordinary treatment if you keep your dog as a house pet. If he is in good health, rationally fed, and getting plenty of exercise, and if you wash him often, he will always be more or less in show form ; and if you like to give him a little more brushing and combing than usual, before a show, it will do him no harm. Avoid all con- dition powders and other nostrums, also overfeeding. A very backward coat may need a little hair stimulant to the ears and breechings, but do not allow the hair to get matted and clogged, or you will do more harm than good. " Peter Returns " is an excellent preparation. Cut your dog's hind claws short with a pair of wire 26 199 TOY DOCS AM) TllKlK ANCKSTOJiS nippers, so tlial Ik- iiia\- not calch ihcni in ihc hair of bis cars and i)nll bits onl. as sliow doj^s arc rather lond of doinL^".' ^ «»n can pnt tlic hind feet into httle ha.^s tied on with tape, so as to he on the safe side. I \ery nuicli oh- icct to ihc oNcrdecoration of pens and the o\er-\veii;lU- in^- of the doi^s with ininiense hows. ( )ver-(lcc()ralion of the ])ens shows lack of taste, and cnornions 1)ows make doii's ri(hcnlons. Pens should he draped with while or pale hhie i^'iishiiii:; iiiafcrial, with sky-hlue wadded wash- in.Li ^ilh or cotton (|uilts, or a washahle cushion. lUen- heinis look hest with small hlue hows and blue cu'^hion and white curtains : sky hlue or royal hlue are hest. i'ri- colours and Kini; Charles look hest in red or oran.ii^e hows, with red cushion and white curtains. Rubies may have ])ale i^reen bows, with i^reen or cream-coloured cushion and curtains. Do not have anythinj^^ which can- not be washed and disinfected. Always run your bas- ket through strong- disinfectant on i^X'ttins;- home from a show. White romeranians look well on almost any colour, but Reds should not be benched on red. Ik' amiable and oblii^in^' to your neighbours at the show pens and in the rini;". but do not allow anvone to feed or handle your doj^s, or to ])oke them throui^h the bars of the cai^e with umbrellas. When in the rini;\ be sure the judL^e does not over- look your do,^'. and do not allow vourself to be crowded out 1)\- the other exhibitors, but, of course, do not ])ush rudely. Mold xour lead at arm's length, and if another exhibitor persistently i;"ets in front of you and continues doin^ so in spite of a recjuest to allow you room, then ' In (ioinp this he careful not to cut the quicl<. ^'ou can see tlic dis- tance the (|uick cunus down hy hohlin^ tlie claw up ay;ainst the hght. The horn is ir;ins|>ariiit and llu- (|iiiil< (ii)a(|iie. J(K) The Duchess of Urbino Titian, 1477-1576. Uffizi. Photo, Hanfstaeiigl SHOWING call the attention of the ring steward or the judge, and firmly but politely insist on having fair play. The man who has once tasted the excitement of ex- hibiting will seldom really give it up again. It is closely allied to the gambling instinct, and, let him lose ever so often, a fatal fascination lures him back to the ring to try his luck once more. When he can no longer afford to keep dogs he will hang about disconsolately, watching other people in the ring with envious eyes. As an old fancier once said to me when I talked of giving up my dogs : " When you once get bitten by the show microbe, the disease generally lasts your life." JV ashing. — If you wish to get good coats on your dogs do not be afraid of plentiful washing. In spite of all advice and warnings to the contrary, I find this plan far the most efficacious for producing a strong and pro- fuse growth of coat, especially on Blenheims and Tri- colours. Black-and-tans do not require so much wash- ing, as it tends to make the colour temporarily rusty. Wash your Blenheims regularly once a week. There will be no harm whatsoever either to health or coat if my instructions are carefully followed. Washing must not be done in a haphazard sort of way, with the soap suds only half rinsed out, and the dog only half dried and left to catch cold. Before you begin, let your dog out for a run, so that there will be no necessity to let him out very soon after washing. Prepare two clean bath towels, soap, sponge, and a fire. Have two vessels (any kind of foot-bath will do). Put hot water in both — not tepid, but Jwt — and have also ready a jug of hot water just the right temperature for the dog. As to temperature, anything which feels pleasantly hot when tried with your bare arm will be about right. Have the 20I TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS water in iho jui;- just a tritic hotter than tli:it in the foot- baths, as it will have time to cool a little. Do not put too niiich soda with the water, as it tends to l)leach the red and l)lack markings, but it the water is hard add a little borax or Scrubb's ammonia instead of soda. Use common white soap or jeves's Perfect Purifier, or Gar- stin's dog soa]). Put the bath before the tire, and put the dog in the bath and sluice him well over with the hot water, except his head, which should be left to the last. Then soap him thoroughly, getting a g'ood lather and rubbing well in all the corners, under the arms and thighs and between the toes. Then wet the head, soap your own fingers and rub well, giving special attention to the muzzle. Don't soap and rub the dog's face as if it were a kitchen table, as you will injure the eyes and half choke the poor animal with suds up the nostrils. Do it carefully, as if you were washing" a very brittle bit of china. Remember that unless you clean your dog's face thoroughly, remove all tear stains, and make it as white as snow, he will never look his best in the ring". Take care not to get any soap into the eyes if you can possibly help it, as it tends to inflame them, and never allow soap or water to get inside the ear. The great secret of success in the appearance of a dog when washed is to rinse out all the soap. After you have soaped him and rubbed him all over, sponge well in the same water, then transfer him to the other bath and sponge again, taking care to ^\'ash out every trace of soap. If the faintest trace of soapiness remains in the hair, it not only gives the dog a dirty, grey look instead of the snowy, dully appearance he should have, but it also makes the hair fall out. There- fore, I repeat : Ritisc your doi:^ zi'clL To insure this, you 202 Ked and White Spaniel Fn.iii portrait of an Old Lady, by Franz Pourlius (the Old; Al>out 1589. Dresden. Photo, Hanfstaengl Paie Veronese 1528-1588 Dash By Landseer, showing proper type of sporting head, 1866. Property nf H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent I SHOWING should put him through a final rinsing from the jug. Use the water hot, on no account cold, and be sure it is not tepid, as tepid water causes colds, while hot water never does so. By this I do not, of course, mean that you must boil your dog. I almost hesitate to give this advice because some people are apt to fly to extremes. I knew a woman who could pick a potato with her bare fingers out of a saucepan that was actually bubbling and boiling over the fire, and her ideas of what is just com- fortably hot are probably slightly dilTerent from mine. Be-very careful to get the soap out of the stop, and this is no easy matter. Do all this as quickly as is compatible with thoroughness — don't turn round and talk to a friend while washing and keep your dog shivering, and don't wash him in a draught. Take the dog out of the bath, and remove the first moisture with the sponge. This will greatly hasten the drying. Then wrap him in a warm towel and dry him by the fire, with smart but not rough rubbing, beginning by drying the face, rubbing chiefly the wrong way of the hair. In drying the ears, rub them also the wrong way of the hair, but do not hold the hair down while doing this. Leave it quite loose. As soon as he is fairly dry, finish him ofl' with the second dry, warm towel. Give special attention to all the crevices of his face, and finish them with a pocket-hand- kerchief, rubbing still the wrong way of the hair. In drying the stop, rub across from one eye to the other as well as up and down, and also rub up and down the crease between the sides of muzzle and the eyes. Be sure not to neglect the ears and all round the neck. As soon as he is as dry as you can make him, put him in a basket or chair close to the fire, and let him get thoroughly hot and have a good, long sleep. Please 203 'H)\ 1)()(;S AM) rilKIK A\( KS'i'OKS a\<>i 'i ^ m ^ ^^ '■■/ (l - ■^ 4 J T ^ ^^^^^Kw^' T m^ ;?3 ^\^^^^P' ^ j.,f^«^ ^ Wife of Admiral van Baalen Teiiipel, 1640. Cambridge Gallery. Photo, Hanfstaeiigl SHOWING strains. I consider the very long, thin, straight coat a sign of consumptive tendency and an incHnation to chest weakness. It has certainly been my own experi- ence that this particular kind of coat means extreme delicacy of constitution. A dry biscuit immediately after washing and drying will be much appreciated, and will reconcile the dog to the idea of lying still by the fire and going to sleep instead of romping about and getting in a draught. It is a good plan to put him before the fire in one of Spraft's wire runs or in one of the pens. Cover the back of the pen with a dry bath towel, and he will soon be quite dry. If you find that the weekly washing makes your dog's coat too dry and brittle, apply some anti- septic oil or ointment. Do not use carbolic as a disin- fectant, as it is very poisonous to dogs, and so is tur- pentine. For the amusement of exhibitors I have collected some tenses of the verb " to show," in which they may recognise familiar scenes. The Verb " To Show," as Conjugated by Fanciers Infinitive Mood Indefinite (and very uncer- tain ) tense To show. Imperfect tense To be getting V. H. C. Perfect tense To have won the championship. Perfect continuous tense To have been running through all your classes. Participles Present Showing. Past Dis(|ualified by the Kennel Club. 205 T()^ i)()(;s AM) riiKiK ancestors rrcsrnt Acik'C I >ll(>\V 'I'lioii jiuljjjcst lie j^cts first prize She ])r<>tests We make a row \'e j(et into Imt water Tliev complain to the Secretary It ( the (loj^f ) has a lit Pvcsciit Imperfect I am showing Thou art winning He is a scountlrel She is disgusted We are writing to our sohcitors ^'e are swindlers They are at daggers drawn It (the hotel hill) is scandalous Present Perfeet Coiitiiiitoits I lia\e heen showing 'ilioii hast given the judge a black eye lie has gone to the Kennel tliib She has l)een (|uarrelling \\'e have heen fools Ye have made a ha^h of it They have called us names It has been a pandemonium Past Unpleasant 1 waited (to show in my class) ^'ou stole his customer 1 le swore Slie trod on its tail We both claimed the same dog Ye looked on They lo(lged an objection It barkeil inct'-santly 206 Terra - cotta Model in the LorvRE, Paris: " Chien de Malte." Italian I'late, 200 b.c. iSth-Centurv Ki\l,lish iStKULEwoRK Tapestry worked by the Five Wives of Thomas Foley By permission of Mrs Foley of Stoke Edith SHOWING Retrospective Unsatisfactory I have shown (and lost) Thou hast gone without kinch He has mislaid his catalogue She has been caught without a ticket We have run short of cash Ye have caught cold They have lost their last train home It has not been a success Future Pessimistic I shall certainly arrive too late ThoTt shalt make matters worse He shall make a scene (unless I am much mistaken) She shall apologize (N. B. — but she won't) We shall miss our class Ye shall call a committee meeting They shall do nothing (as usual) It will get distemper (of course) Future Improbable I may give up showing Thou mayest regret it He may be a Champion She may agree with us We may pay them out Ye may go to Jericho They may resign It may be a blessing in disguise Present Unsatisfactory I have shown the wrong dog Thou hast got my number He has revoked She has lost her temper We have quarrelled Ye have interfered They have sent for the police It has all come to nothing 27 207 T()^ i)()(;s AM) riii:iH a\c kstoks StippDsitioiis If I should win If thou shoultlst lose If he should be fair If she should be polite If we should get a bargain If ye should be honest If they should have a sense of humour If only we hadn't conie riiif^i-rfcct Rcijrctful I had shown a faked dog Thou hadst iriniined He had bribeil She had blaekmailed They had judged their own dogs Ye had published defamatory libel W'e had knocked each other down It had been ])oisoned Future Defiant I shall not show any more Thou shalt not have my pen He shall not sit on luy basket She shall not take my chair W'e sliall never sj^eak to each other again ^'e shall not get hve hundred ])er cent They shall nc^t get the class re- judged It shall not be poked b\- that wonians umbrella Subjiiiictiic lih'tilist I might show and win Thou mightest sell it cheap lie might not have an ulterior motive She might offer us three figures We might make a profit \q might be pleasant They might act in good faith It might be worse Jo8 If it had not been for the Kennel Club Early Victorian Type of Toy Spaniel Attrilnitc-d to Landseer. Fholo, E. Walker SHOWING J m per feet I was showing Thou wast hindering me He was drinking at the bar She was a nuisance They were making sarcastic remarks Ye were getting in the way We were (hiven (hstracted It was biting the ring steward Unattainable Tense I show (25 dogs) Thou guarantees! all the classes He judges (with perfect knowledge and fairness) She wins everything (and (juite right, tooj We congratulate her Ye give several 100 guinea cups to be won outright We all shake hands It is the JMillennjum Imperative Show (thou) Try again Go on showing The Yeri! " To Show," Conjugated by the Dogs Future I shall be shown Thou shalt be washing me He shall be in a hurry She shall have hysterics We shall be cross They (the whole house) shall be in an uproar Present Exciting I am being admired Thou art being brushed 209 'V()\ i)()(;s AM) riiKiK ANc i:s'rc)Ks 1 k' is comhiiii; my tail She is giving mc a l)i>ciiil W'c arc shut in a haskct They are taking u> l>y train Liiiitaiikcrinis I'lif'f'y Triisc 1 .shall not allow myself to ho washed Thou shah not smuggle nie in the train without paying for mc lie shall examine my teeth at his peril She shall not touch my tail on any consitleration We shall iu)t catch tlie judges" eye if I can help it Ye shall n(,)t stop my harking They shall on no account know that 1 am soiuid (Jbstniitiir I shall sit down in the ring Thou shalt coax me in vain lie might as well talk to the wind She shall pull my head off. for all I care We shall ohstruct the traffic delightfully ^'e shall intimidate me to no purpose They shall be kept waiting for hours It will be great fun Past {from tlic i^'iitiwr's stinuif'oiiit) I took First Trize (whate\ei that nia\ he) Th«»n wert astonished lie said I showed beautifully She kissed mc We made quite a sensation They were nowhere ^'e ofFcred a whole hea]> of money It was all published in the newspapers 2IO W "S SHOWING Present {stonny) {from the other dog's point of viezv) I think something has gone wrong Thou art impossible to please Master seems terribly put out She has slapped me We are dog tired They are saying some one has been disciualified It is a shame N. B. — 1 shall certainly bite something or somebody in an- other minute • General Reflections Passengers arrk'ing at lozv-lcvel station, Crystal Palace " Excelsior ! " Five minutes later. " Excelsior ! " Ten minutes later, " still Excelsior! " The IVinners — "Delightful show, this; come and see my dog." 7 he Losers — " Go to blazes ! " The Judges — " Let us see if we can't sli]) out the back way." The Ring Stezvards — " Stand back, ladies and gentlemen." The Gate Keeper — •" Five shillings, please." The Secretary — " Don't let me hear another word." The Committee — " Another guinea ! Your objection is frivo- lous." Chorus of Small Boys — " C'tlog — C'tlog." The Public — " Rotten show; did you ever see such judging! Let us come back to-morrow." Everybody together at lo p.m. — " Let us go home, for goodness sake ! " ciiAi''n:K \ ii[ K i:.\ x i:i. M A x .\( -.I'-M i:xT Till-: tloors of tlic ideal kciincl should he asphaUed and kept sprinkled with sanitary sawdust. Such ken- nels will cost ahoirt ±20 to £60, accordins;- to size, and are s])ecially suitable where a very larj^e number of dogs are ke])t. fhev should he ])rovide(l with a stove at each end to he lighted during- the cold winter nii^hts. The dojT^s should he shut into the inner compartment at nij^lit, and the sliding- door into the outer run opened duriui;- the day so that they can get plenty of fresh air and see out into the world. For a smaller number of dogs nothing could he more ideal than my kennels, the dimensions of which are 35 ft. x 13 ft. x 6 ft. ( to the caves). I de- signed the arrangement of them myself, but got the sm.'dler building from Longbottom of Xafferton Works, Mull, for £13. At my re(|uest the}- ]hU in two doors and five large windows. 1 added an extra thick roofing of felt, also cupboards, tables, a sink, ])ens, and a stove. This kennel could not possibly be more convenient, nor, I \enture to think, less expensive for its large size. I should he ])leased to show all mv arrangements to anv- one who wished to build a similar one, as experience has pro\ed it i)erfect in ])ractical workableness. Ihiilding Xo. j is raised from the ground on brick piles, and has a wooden lloor. It is well tarri'd outride to keep awa\' damp and draughts, and can he match- ■}-'^/SC Moptiiyy^ Mopuiyy^ /ttopui^ KENNEL MANAGEISIENT boarded inside if the extra expense is no consideration. The windows are very pretty with no horizontal iron bars but only the perpendicular ones. Each pane of glass overlaps the other, indicating the cross lines. I consider that large windows are essential to the well being of the dogs. They must have light and sunshine, and the kennels should be built facing south. Kennel No. I is of wood, with small brick foundation and cor- rugated roof. Kennel No. 2 is of weather boarding, with tarred felt roofing. - Boulton and Paul, Rose Lane Works, Norwich, have many splendid designs of kennels and runs at most rea- sonable prices. I illustrate two of these which are par- ticularly good. There is, of course, no heating ap- paratus in these. A. Neaverson, of Peakirk, Peterborough, sells a beautiful puppy-run on wheels in several sizes from 5 ft. X 2 ft., or a very useful size 9 ft. x 3 ft. To avoid mice in a kennel, keep a cat. If a kitten is reared with the puppies and knocks about with other dogs they will all get on together splendidly. Nothing keeps off rats and mice like the presence of a cat. They get too artful to go into traps. If there is a large open space that can be wired in outside the kennels, so much the better, as the dogs can then run all together on fine days, and bask in the sun. Do not let them out on rainy days, as damp is very bad for them, much worse than cold. Should they acci- dentally get wet, they must be rubbed thoroughly dry immediately on coming in. Give as much exercise as possible, and change the drinking water often. Except as a fetish, it is useless putting lumps of sulphur in their water, as sulphur is as insoluble in water as a lump of 213 TOY DOCS AM) TllElU ANCKS'l'OUS china. Vvcd twice a day on brown bread, hound meal, Melox, biscuits, boiled sheep's heads, or meat, as vou lind ihey do best. Xe\-er allow a doi;' to take a bone into its b(.-d. as nuu-li ill temper and lurious lij^htiuL;' will be the result. Toy .*^])aniels ha\e \er\- delicate e\es that are soon injured in a liL^ht. and. once disfigured by a white film over the eye, a doi;- is i^reatly handicajjped for show. I"'or intbnnmation of the eyes a weak solution of saltpeter and water is most beneficial, or. better still. ShirK'y's eye ointment. I^tr cases where a while speck forms. ;i minute ([uantity of powdered calomel, as nuich as will jL^'o on the extreme jxiint of a small penknife, may be ^"entl\- (lro])ped into the e\e. which is then closed, and very softly but thoroui^hly rubbed for a few minutes. I jT;ot this prescrii)tion from ]\liss l)illon. who had it from a welbknown b^-ench \et.. and. though I ha\e been re])ealedl\ l<»ld b\- iuiLilish \-ets. that it would injure the e\es. 1 ha\e lound the reverse to be the case. This treatment once daily often succeeds with chronic white films, where all else has failed, but should not be used in acute cases. .\ crushed poppy head boiled in a pint of water for fi\e minutes and strained through line muslin with a small leaspoonful of boracic acid added is a i^ood thiuL;- where the inllammation is severe. It should be api)lie(l hot to the eve several times dailw The do<^ slmuld Ik' kept as much as possible in the dark, and its teet /////.s7 be lied uj) in ba|L;s. as the e\es are so \ery that the doi;- will tear frantically at them and olteii destroy his sij^ht permanenth'. ( )f course, there are some injuries the scars of which nothini;" will remo\e, as whni llu- tissiu- oi tlu- ew is ])c'rmanenll\ damaL^i'd. It max be Cfiu^idi-red absurd, but I adxise all owners J14 5£ 15. CO lV.-.-.-'j < I u •I I--- Vr w r-A 1 : :. ^ ' 1 ----- A ! ' ' , ' lllhllMM ^^ KENNEL MANAGEMENT who wish to preserve their clo.e:s to a good old age to brush their teeth every day with a soft badger's hair tooth l)riish. Toy dogs are very hable to a decay of the teeth, which is the cause of unpleasant breath and in- digestion. Powdered bicarljonate of soda is a good tooth powder and is perfectly harmless. In fact, it can, if accidentally swallowed, do nothing but good. After brushing, the teeth should be wiped over with a pad of cotton wool wrung out in some good, non-poisonous dis- infectant. I use chinosol. If the teeth are 1)rown with tartar they should be properly scaled by a veterinary surgeon, unless the owner is very skilful and can trust himself not to cut the dog's gums with the instrument. The great secret of healthy dogs is plentiful disinfecting and perfect cleanliness. If the kennels smell " doggy," they are not properly scrubbed. A l)arrel of disinfectant should be ke])t al- ways ready and liberally used. The money sj^ent in this way will not be wasted, for an epidemic of skin disease is far more costly than any amount of disinfectant. Use a lot of sanitary sawdust, and scrub your ken- nels like the decks of a ship, and you will never have much disease to complain of. Fleas and lice may be successfully eradicated by applications of a powder called Insect Death, to be obtained from Rowland Ward, The Jungle, Piccadilly. No well-kept dog should have either of these pests, which are always a sign of neglect, though all dogs are liable to pick up an occasional specimen of both, especially in the spring, but they are easy to get rid of and need cause no alarm. 1 have a special preparation of my own for lice which destroys both them and the nits in one dressing. Let me here warn breeders and exhibitors asfainst t>' 28 215 'l'()^' i)()(;s AM) riiKiH ax( Ksroits (Inigi^iiii;' ilk'ir «1»»l;s. .\c\ct i;i\c llirm tonics of any sort unless tlicv arc just rccovcrini^ from a severe illness, and then not for loni;' at a time. Xci'cr j^ive condition pow- ders for show, or _L;i\'e any medicine whatever unless it is rendered iniperatixe h\- some emergency. T never g^ive my doi^s any druiis, and they do not rcHiuire any. Even aperients are not rcfiuired for a do^ that has proper food and exercise. I cannot too stron<;ly condemn the practice amonc^ some breeders of q-ivinpc arsenic to im- pro\-e tlu'ir doi^^s' coats. Whether tliis pernicious ])rac- tice has any effect on the do^s' coats I cannot say, hut T am inclined to doubt it. Tn any case, it certainly would impair the health of the individual, and eventually the l)reed would suffer. 1lie finest and best coats can only be got by washinc^ and keeping the dogs in perfect health; and 1 venture to say that perfect health is in- com]iatible with constant drug taking either in dogs or in human beings. If you are obliged to use medicines, use Shirley's ])reparations, and do n(^t spend large sums on vets. Some Toy Spaniels cannot eat bones without getting stoppage, and in matters of diet owners nuist be guided by in(li\idual peculiarity. Wx'd kennel dogs on ( )soko, JMolassine biscuits, soup, meat, l)oiled paunches, a little green vegetable, and wholesome scrai)s. .Vvoid salt and i)otatoes. ]\Iolassine biscuits are particularly good for delicate feeders and Spratt's malted meal is excellent for jmppies. .S7v'/'// Piscascs. — Toy Spaniels are, like all S|)aniels, so liable to skin disease that 1 cannot write on general management without dealing with the (|uestion, as an outbreak of spots ruins their appearance entirely for a long whik'. In the " i'.ook of Ivdconrie or llawking." \C)\i, M. J If) Cr^^u! U^ ' ~ bee 190/. Two Good Kennels made by Boulton & Paul, Norwich KENNEL MANAGEJNIENT Francesco Vicentino speaks of the diseases of Spaniels, especially the " Mangie " ; for " a good Spanell is a great jewel." A " Spanell " with " the Mangie " is, however, anything but a jewel. Remember that, roughly speaking, all skin disease should be considered extremely contagious and be treated as such. There is such a thing as non-con- tagious eczema, but let me entreat owners of Toy Span- iels not to say: " Oh, he's only got a touch of eczema," but to deal with all irritations and eruptions as their mostly deadly foes. Owners of these dogs should keep by them the following preparation: Oily dressing — i pint castor oil, olive oil, and paraffin, mixed in equal quantities, 2 ozs. sulphur, yi oz. turpentine, ^ oz. salt- petre. Oxide of zinc dissolved in hot water to a satu- rated solution and mixed with half the quantity of a similar solution of boracic acid is a good lotion. Before treating for skin complaints, treat for worms, and then give a dose of castor oil once a week as long as the erup- tion lasts. Rub the dog well over with dry boracic powder. You may, if you prefer it, give one teaspoon- ful of cattle salts twice a week instead of the castor oil. The dogs should be carefully looked over every day, and the slightest redness or irritable spot or roughness immediately touched with one of the mixtures. The favourite places for spots are on the forehead (this is the most disfiguring, and should be instantly checked), under the arm pits and joins of the legs, and between the toes. A young dog never scratches persistently without cause, though old ones that have had eruptions sometimes continue the habit after the eruption is gone. If a young dog scratches continually, he is either troubled with insects, fleas or lice, or he has skin trouble 217 T()^' D()(;S AM) I'lIKIK AXC'KSrOUS (»r wnnus. In ;in\ case il is well to hc^iii by IrcatiiiL; lor worms, ami lo make sure that tlierc are no external jjarasites. in case ol general eruption, llie (loi;" must he (h'essed (/// o'irr from nose to tail with the oily dress- ing, which must he lel'l on for twenty- four hours and then washed olT and repeated. In loni;- standing- cases o\ the worst kind it will he necessary to shave the do<^ completely hefore treatment. The strons^est contrihut- inji;" cause of skin disease is damp. Ooi^s kept on a low, dam|). cla\ soil will al\\a\s he hreakin;.;" out, and it must he rememhered that hoth tleas and rats will con- vey mani^e. Another excellent remedy for skin disease is oxj^^all and sulphur. Aho\e all, however, remeniher that your (loj;s will always he breaking" out unless \-ou cure them of cpnker in the ear. Cure the canker with dry powders, such as horacic acid or oxide of zinc worked well into the interi(H- of the ears, and clean out with spirals of cottonwool. Xcrcr wash the inside of the ear with soap and water — il is deadly. Canker in the ear, if not act- ually the same microbe as maniLje, api)ears to be its twin brother. Cure the canker, and the skin disease will go, loo, as loni;' as the doi;- is free fn^m worms. The best skin lotion o\ all, which 1 ha\e found a certain cure, ihouj^h the smell is somcthiui;- fearful w bile il is beini;" made, is made up as follows: Mower of sulphur J lbs. Cnslaked lime i lb. Water j gallons. Slake the lime in a little water. .*^tir in the sulphur, adding water gradually until it is as thick as cream, then add the rest of ihe water and boil down to one gallon. J 18 Daughter of Roberto Stkozzi Titian, i477-rs76. lierlin. Photo, Hanrstaciigl KENNEL MANAGEMENT Let the mixture stand till cold. Pour off the clear liquid and make the quantity up to five quarts with cold water. For Toy Dogs, half fill a six-ounce bottle with the lotion, add two teaspoonfuls of oxide of zinc, and fill the bottle with lime water. Shake well before use. This is Miss Todd's recipe. It should be used with great care, as it blisters if too strong. If the dog blisters apply olive oil immediately, as it arrests the action of the dressing. The blisters fiever destroy the roots of the hair, so if one should acci- dentally be caused by too strong a solution, do not be alarmed but apply the oil. It is a great pity that some show veterinary surgeons are so lax in admitting to the shows dogs which are suffering from skin disease. I do not refer to a few heat spots, which sometimes break out on the stomach of healthy and thrifty dogs, but to long standing cases of what the owners call " eczema." I defy the cleverest vet. alive in a few seconds when the dog passes through his hands at the entrance of the show, to pronounce cer- tainly that eczema is not mange. This is, in fact, often only possible with a microscope. Therefore, all cases of skin eruption over the head and face, elbows and thighs, ought to be turned back at the doors. It is not fair to the other exhibitors that one of these erupting dogs should be handled by the judge, who immediately passes on to the next dog and conveys any germs directly to it. A dog which is so bad that it cannot stop biting and scratching itself even in the ring is not fit for show. The surest sign of a contagious form of skin disease in Toy Spaniels is the appearance of the fore- head and eyebrows. If these look moth eaten, and es- 219 'H)\ DOCS AM) 'l'lli:iU ANC KSrOHS pcciallv it the skin ;i|>|K';irs wrinklrd and scaly or pink and the iloi;' has a cciiain mousy smell, you may slake vour rcputatiou on iho ilisoasc hciui; coutai;ious. This is iust the kind that many vets, pass into the shows. It is more neeessarx to he eareiul with .Spaniels than with anv other hreed ol" doi;\ as they are liahle to he a par- tieularlx persistent and desperately eontajLiious kind of maui^e whieh docs not often alTect otiier l)reeds. Miim'Ai \oi"i:.s ("linieal thermi>meters for doii's can he had from Sherlev \- Co. \ doi;'s normal tempeiature under the arm or thii;h is just over ux^ \ In the rectum it is loT' to mi ' J . i(.\^ is fe\er, u>5 is \ery hi,Lih fe\er. Normal respiration is J5 to 30 a minute. Normal pulse o\ a Toy d(\i;- is alxnU oo to the minute. The pulse is alwavs somewhat intermittent. 150 is very t|uick, 70 to (>o is very slow. l\\treme restlessness, when a doi^" keeps i^ettin^" up aiul Iviu!.; down, ov sittini;" hunched up. or standing" w itli his hack arched, is a sii^u of pain. Many owners do not notice when their do^s are ill till the mischief is far ad- vanced. If a doi: won't eat. ov seems une\pecte^lly elull and sleepv. mo\es lani^uidly ov is anxious and restless. there is .somethins^" wrouL^. 1 can always tell when the least thins; is wroni;" with a di^i; hy the expression iti the face. It j^ets a pinched, rather drawn lot^k. and the muzzle appears narrower than usual. Pretty doi^s he- C(»me suddenly plain. After the animal has heen asleep vou will notice when he lifts his heail that the side oi his face on which he lias heen restinj;- remains llattened. and docs not recover its usual outline for some minutes. If vou ha\e no means o\ knowini; the nature o\ .1 case, Jl-O 6 £ KENNEL MANAGEMENT you can judge the progress and severity of the disease by the " look " of the dog. There is no more reHable guide as to the seriousness of a case than the expression of the dog's face. It will often warn you of complica- tions which the pulse or thermometer would not indicate. There is a certain look which always means death, but unless it is present, there is Still hope, however bad the symptoms and however high the temperature may be. For fits, give one-quarter of a teaspoonful of bromide of potassium in a little water every two hours. Dogs will stand an enormous quantity of laudanum. Eight drops in a dessertspoonful of lime water is an ordinary dose, but I have known as much as thirty drops to be given to a small unweaned puppy with success. Up to thirty-five and forty drops may be injected with starch into the bowels for a twelve-pound dog in cases of dysen- tery. To feed a dog by rectum, use a syringe (not one with a glass nozzle, as it is dangerous if it 1)reaks) and inject slowly once every three hours one dessertspoonful of peptonized milk. Meat suppositories may be used as a change. Be careful in filling the syringe not to draw up any air with the food, and before inserting the nozzle oil it with olive oil so that it will pass easily, or you may set up irritation which will prevent the dog from retain- ing the food. As soon as the dog can swallow and keep anything down, feed on milk and soda water. For persistent vomiting give one teaspoonful of brandy, one teaspoon- ful of water, and one-half teaspoonful of essence of ginger. Half of this makes one dose. Do not let a dog drink when he is sick. He always wants to, and it always makes him worse. Let him lick ice. A teaspoonful of Pond's Extract also succeeds very well in sickness. 221 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS Ergot of rye is dangerous in my opinion for Toy Spaniels, as it is inclined to set up sickness which is often fatal in whelping cases. For an emetic, give one-sixth grain of tartar emetic, or, if not available, mustard and water, in proportion of one teaspoonful mustard to a tumbler of water. For strychnine poisoning, give one- twentieth grain of apomorphia in a couple of drops of water injected under the skin, or double the dose in half a teaspoonful of water by mouth, but a dog with strych- nine poisoning often cannot «;wallow. The svmptoms of strychnine poisoning are violent convulsions of the body, alternating with fainting fits and severe panting. Dur- ing the fainting fits, the heart and the breathing appear to stop altogether. Emetics should be tried, and all noises should be avoided, such slamming doors, as they tend to increase the convulsions. If you cannot procure apomorphia in time, give large doses of laudanum. Doses for Toy Spaniels Pulsatilla Nigricans. 5 to 10 drops every two to three hours for whelping. Tincture of Aconite, 3 drops every three hours for distemper, chills and fever. Glycerine and Carbolic. 15 to 19 drops every four hours. Brandy, for very quick pulse, i teaspoonful or more as required. Digitalis (2 drachms). Xux \'omica (i drachm). | a teaspoon- ful to a teaspoonful every three or four hours for verv slow pulse. (This medicine is only to be used in emergencies.) Gregory Powder, i eggspoonful. given fasting, for internal up- sets and bilic")usness. Naldires Powders. ^ of a powder for an adult and as much as will lie on the extreme point of a penknife for a puppv six weeks old. Castor Oil. i good teaspoonful is a dose, but it is best to give ^ teaspoonful of castor oil and \ teaspoonful of olive oil. 222 « The Best Way of Docking Puppies' Tails I, 2. Make a clove hitch with strong surgical silk. 3, 4. Insert puppy's tail in noose. (When drawn le\el, a sharp, strong pull across the tail will take the end off without spilling a drop of lilood. Bird's-eye View of Kitten and Puppies asleep on a Cushion KKNNKJ. MANAGEMENT Often a iiiild dose of olive oil alone is sufficient, or a banana, which most Toy SjKiniels will eat greedily. If the castor oil is too thick anrl will not run properly, warm the bottle at the fire. People make a threat mistake in <(ivin<^ their doi^s constant doses of ajjerients. Constipation should never be dealt with by druc^s, least of all with castor oil, which has the powerful reaction which makes it so useful in cases of diarrhea. Give whole meal bread soaked in gravy and a few green vegetables added to the food. Girf^erbread is useful, and much liked. Boiled liver is also a laxative. For stoppage, use injections of w-arm water with castor oil, one dessertspoonful to one-eighth pint of water. For rheumatism, cut off meat and sugar and sub- stitute milk, brown bread, biscuits, and a moderate quantity of cheese and vegetables. Do not overfeed. Beware of Razv Meat. — The kennels of owners wdio use it much are sure to be infested with worms and mange. The dog, like the vulture, is by nature a scav- enger w^hich feeds on raw flesh and offal. When per- forming their natural offices in luistern countries two more filthy creatures could not be found. Both are mangy to the last degree. Anyone who has seen dogs and vultures living on raw food, as I have, and observed the results in both, will never again recommend " the dog's natural food," I may say that the most healthy, well-kept Toy dogs regard it with obvious disgust. Cer- tainly none of my own healthy dogs would ever touch it. In some cases where the a])petite is depraved and where a ])uppy is in such a condition of weakliness that you are at your wits' end how to keep life in it, you may try it as you might try any other dangerous remedy, but T 29 223 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS can oiil}- say that 1 have been far more successful with- out it, than when using it. It is never worth while, moreover, to rear puppies that are fundamentally un- healthy. For indigestion, give ingluvin, live grains in each meal, and give the dog nothing but hot water to drink instead of cold. For l)ad coughs and colds, make pills as follows: Each pill contains : Extract of Hyosciamus i.O gr. Podophyllin a trace Potash Nitrate 0.5 gr. Potash Chlorate i-O gr. Powdered Rhubarb 0.5 gr. Extract of Colocynth 0.5 gr. One pill twice a day for a couple of days. Puppies often have navel ruptures, and, unless very bad, these usually cure themselves. If unusually bad, they may be cured as follows : Cut ofif a slice at the end of a large cork. \\'arm some strips of Mead's adhesive plaster (this is a soft tape plaster), get the puppy on its back, and gently push the swelling into the aperture which you will feel under the skin. Place the slab of cork over the place and fix it there with the strips of plaster. If the protrusion of the intestine is thus pre- vented the sides of the opening will gradually grow up together and close it. The plaster must be occasionally changed, as it shows a tendency to come off. Distemper As this is not a veterinary book, I shall only say a few words on distemper. Should your dog show signs 224 KENNEL MANAGEMENT of (lislcmpcr, do not delay lo put him in a warm ])lace. Put him at once into a flannel coal with a llannel chest- preserver. You can make the latter by cutting two oval holes in a piece of flannel. I\it the doj^'s forelegs throui^h the holes and ])in the flannel over his back with two stout safety ])ins. him be as (|iiiet as possible. Feed on milk, raw^ white of eg-g-, and meat jelly and fish. ]f you cannot afford this diet, g^ive him milk and white of egg only. Begin by giving a good teaspoon ful of castor oil. Should there be diarrhoea afterwards, give occasionally a teaspoonful of Symes's preparation of lac bismuth, and let all food be quite cold. Let the dog 1)e in the same temperature day and night. Should the diarrhcea turn to dysentery, or be black and streaked with blood, and very persistent, it may very often be stop])ed by equal parts (about a teaspoonful of each) of raw brandy and port wine, mixed with enough powdered arrowroot to make a paste, and given just as it is. 1 ha\'e seen miraculous results from this. In desperate cases where sickness makes it impossible to give anything by the mouth, an injection into the rectum of six drops of brandy, four to eight drops of laudanum, and a table- spoonful of thick boiled starch will sometimes bring a dog round from the very jaws of death. Sherley's ^ diarrhoea powders, also, are marvellous. For severe vomiting, give half a teaspoonful of essence of ginger, one teaspoonful of brandy, one teaspoonful of \vater. Mix, and give half for a dose. Should the dog become very much collapsed, brandy should be liberally given, either burnt or raw. He must absolutely be kept out of all suspicion of a draught. All unpleasant discharges 1 Shcrley &- Co., 48 Borough High Street, London. 00 :: '^()^ DOCS AM) riiKiH axckstoks musl Ik- iiiinn.'(li;itt'l\- rcuioxcd. Should tlic distciiipcr !)(.' <>t' pin'unionic form willi liii^ii lever, j^ivc I Ioiikco- palliic tinclurc of ;icoiiik>. three (h'ops every three hours. I have fouud this iuwihiahle. The other uie(heiue tliat eau he i;i\eu as well is ^iyeeriue of earhohe sohiliou. oue part earhohe to teu of Lil\eerine: fifteeu (h'ops every four hours. Sliould the quills heeoine iullained and tlie teeth hlaek. thev should he eleaned with a soft ha(li^"er tooth hrush. and the mouth swahhed out e\er\- two hours, day and ni_L;"ht, with eotton wool dipped in a weak solution of chinosol. Careful watehini;" and nursini;' and perfeet eleanli- ness are praetiealK- the onl\- eure for distemper. A day's forget fulness or a eareless allowing" of any great change of temperature will prohahly cause the d(\g's death. 'The room should he kept at ahout (^^\ and plenty of fresh air should always he let in without lowering the temperature. This is hest achieved hy ha\ing a window eonstantlv open at the top and a lu'e going day and night. When he is convalescent do not gi\e nnx exercise lor ahout two months. .Man\- \aluahle dogs are killed hy taking them for a walk too .soon. Their hearts are weak, .and the exercise overtaxes them. In administering li(|ui(ls. rememher it is not necessary to force the dog's mouth open. I lold his head up .ind pull the loose corner of the mouth aw.av trom the teeth so that it m.akes a sort of funnel into which you can slowly pour the medicine or li(|uid food. which w ill he e.asily sw.allowed as it trickles down hehind tlu- h.ack teeth. ( )n gixing ;i pill, open the dog's mouth and put thr pill on the h.ick of the tongue .and push it Mrs Solomon's J)aka Miss Serena's I'vc.i ok Koue and Nippon ok Kobe Tliese tlogs are a great contrast in lyi"', lli<: nm: on llic left being the proper type. I'lmlo, UnsM-ll Mrs M'Larhn Morrison's Japanese Puppies Plioto, J. R. Clarke tRS H. Andrews' Aka of Ioddington Photo, T. Fall Mrs Lloyd's Japanese Photo, Russell KENNEL MANAGEMENT right down the throat with the forefinger. It will not make him sick as it would a human heing. llie mouth should be instantly closed as the finger is withdrawn, and kept closed. You will know directly the pill has been swallowed, because then the tongue will be pro- truded to lick the nose. Treat all symptoms according to their relative im- portance. I know a man who, having brought a young puppy successfully through distemper so that it was con- valescent, finding it had got some lice, rubbed it all over with a ])arafiin dressing, killing it within a few hours. The insects should have been picked off every day till the puppy was (juite well, and then treated with insect powder for a while. Dogs can have distem])er more than once, but very seldom do. Nor do they often have it after four years old, though T know of one dog that did not have it till the age of ten years. Ordinary distemper is, however, no safeguard whatever against Japanese distemper. I have heard of dogs having two attacks of distemper in twelve months. One died, but the others recovered. I do not believe in anti-distemper inoculation and can- not advise it for really valuable dogs. Also, in spite of all that authorities say to the contrary, a dog may break out with Japanese distemper twelve hours after being exposed to infection. After an outbreak of distemper in a kennel, the place is not safe for new dogs under a month, and after thor- ough disinfection. Distemper in Toy Spaniels is usually followed by a desperate attack of suppurating oi)thalmia, which, if unchecked, often destroys the eyesight permanently. The eyeball bursts and then shrivels up like a dried 2iy ^u^' uu(;s and tiikik axckstous apple, or at llic best kavos a L^rcy, jelly-like eye, which is sickeiiini; t<> l<><»k at. In cases ot" this kind use Sher- lev's eve-cure oiutuient three <»r four liuies a day t'roui the ver\- lirst sxuiptonis. aud keej) the do^- in the dark. W hen the e\es are ver\' much inllanied, use a lotion ol alum, t\\el\e grains, and water, six ounces, mixed to- i^elher. Appl\- with antiseptic cotton wool, usini;- llie wool as a si)oni;e, and see that it really t^els under the lids. The ])aws iiiitsl he tied up in hai^s, or there is not the slightest chance ol' saving- the eyes, the irritation being' so excessive that the dog" will madly tear at them. 0])hthalmia ajipears to he extremely contagious. ICvery kennel of valuable dogs should be i)rovided with a room (a ])ortal)le hut on wheels will do) where newcomers can be isolated for three weeks on arrixal. There should also be a room in which visiting l)itches can be kept. 1 louse i)ets, such as are often sent to good dogs, cannot be ])ut into kennels. However comfortable their (|uarters may be, they fret if left with strange com- ])anions. It is \erv dangerous, moreover, to intrcxluce among healthy stock bitches which may come from un- sanitary surroundings. I must earnestly warn my readers who keep Toy Spaniels never to be tem])ted into keeping Ja])anese S])aniels as well. The latter have a ])eculiar kind of distem])er — not always called distemper 1)\' vets — but variously treated as i)neumonia, gastritis, inlluenza, or Stuttgart disease. W hether or not it is. technically speaking, distemj)er, is of no conse(|uence to Toy dog owners. It is Ixith int'ectious and contagious, and far more deadly than ordinary distemper, being fatal in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, no treatment be- ing of the slightest avail. It is unknown among Toy 228 Pekingese Dog, Chu Ty of Alderbourne Pro|)L-rly of Mrs A. Cross. I'lioto, '1'. Fall Lauy Samuelsun's Japanese MARguis Cheno and Ikeua of JJkaywick Photo. T. Fall KENNEL MANAGEMENT Spaniels except when contracted frcjni a Ja])anese, and it ends in virulent mortification of mouth and lungs or intestines, so that the dog- is in a state of putrefaction hefore its death. So terrible is this frightful scourge which annually sweeps and devastates Japanese kennels, that 1 would strongly advise all other Toy dog clubs to unite in getting the Japanese restricted to a separate roc^m in all shows at which any other small breed is exhibited. For it is chiefly through the shows that the disease is propagated. This measure should be taken in Tlie interest of all our Toy breeds, lest they, also, be- come subject to the same amazing mortality and die out altogether. Our own distemj^er is bad enough, but the other is as fatal as the " Black Death," which, indeed, it closely resembles. A curious feature of this disease is that a dog with the pneumonic form of it may pass it on to another dog in the typhoid form. In conclusion, I cannot too often im])ress u])on my readers the necessity for perfect cleanliness in every- thing connected with the dogs. Constantly wash all sponges and brushes and combs with the Army and Navy sponge and brush powder to be procured from the Army and Navy Stores, Victoria St., S. W. Never go near or handle other people's dogs without changing your clothes and shoes before returning amongst your own. ^'ou will have reason to congratu- late yourself if you adopt these simple but tiresome pre- cautions, as you may often hear afterwards that the dogs which looked well and free from illness were sick- ening for distemper, and you will be spared the regret of having imported the disease into your own establish- ment. If you get a letter from a person who has disease in 229 TOV DOGS AM) TIIKIK AXCKSTOKS liis koniH'ls. I)urn it imnKHlialcly, as it may comov _i;vniis to voiir (los^s. .\\()i(l trailing" skirts in your kennels. They also pick up and convey sperms. 1 consider that tleas and thes are ^reat carriers of di^leniper. If you have no separate huildintvs in which you can isolate sick doi^s, and are ol)lii;ed to attend all your do^s yourself', si^niethint;' may he done hy han^iniLr a sheet soaked in antisei)tic over the door ot' the room in which you keep the patients and doinij;' all your nursing- in a \vateri)roof overall and gahxshes. Finally, if you take otY these on leaving; the room and wash your hands in strong disinfectant, there is much less chance of infec- tion. \\"lli:i.l'l.\C. AXl) RlCARlNG ^ A hitch will he due to whelp sixty-three days after mating;-. See that she gets regular exercise without o\ er exertion and has ordinary food. Feed twice a day, once at noon and once ahout seven p.m.. with as much hread and meat as will just cover the hottom of an ordinary ilinner i)late. Should it he her first litter, 1 strongly recommend the use of Pulsatilla Nigricans, (order of James Epps) in the " Mother Tincture." Give two to four drops in a teaspoonful of water daily night and morning for three weeks hefore whelping, or when lal)t>ur has hegun give live to seven tirops every hour until delivered. It is an exasperating fact that most litters are horn at night, so that each litter proh- ahly means a sleei)less night for the owner. Have a wooden hox prepared with hay. A rough * For the details contained in this chapter I am indebted to the most experienced and successful of Toy Spaniel breeders. Miss Aiuiie Todd. -'30 Sj,J,J,i'I.M, I'h Puppy House Kun anuary due Vlarch I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 I. 5 6 7 8 lO 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 I< •"cbruary due \pril I 2 3 4 .1 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 li 5 6 7 8 Q lO II 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 ll Vlarch due Vlay I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 I- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 1 1 12 13 14 15 I( ^pril due « une I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 li 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 15 I( Vlay I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 I^ due • — Ny 3 4 5 6 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 15 I( une due \UKUSl.. . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 I^ — t I( 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 1 1 12 13 14 15 fuly I 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J.O II 12 13 I^ due — September 2 ■> 4 5 6 7 8 Q lO I I 1 2 13 14 i; \ugust due Dctober.. . . I 2 3 4 5 r) 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 i^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 15 i( 5ep1 ember I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 i^ due — STovember. . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 15 i( Dctober due December. . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 li 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 15 i< *>Jovember due fanuary. . . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 li 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 15 It December I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 I. due — February. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 1 2 13 14 I: 1' January due I S 2 6 3 7 4 8 S 6 lO 7 1 1 8 I 2 9 •3 10 14 11 15 12 16 13 17 14 18 IS 19 16 20 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 21 25 22 26 23 27 24 28 25 29 26 27 28 29 30 31 March 30 31 Apr. I 2 3 4 February due I 5 2 3 7 4 8 5 lO 7 II 8 I 2 9 '3 10 14 II IS 12 16 13 17 14 18 IS 19 16 20 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 21 2S 22 26 23 27 24 28 25 29 26 3° 27 28 29 April May I 2 3 1' March \ due I 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 lO 9 1 1 10 12 It 13 12 14 13 IS 14 16 15 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 19 21 20 22 21 23 22 24 23 25 24 26 25 27 26 27 28 29 30 31 T May 28 29 30 31 June I 2 1 April 1 d>« I 3 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 lO 9 II 10 12 II 13 12 14 13 IS 14 16 IS 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 19 21 20 22 21 23 22 24 23 25 24 26 25 27 26 28 27 28 29 30 1 June 29 30 July I 2 1 May due I 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 S 6 8 7 9 8 lO 9 II 10 12 II 13 12 14 13 IS 14 16 IS 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 19 21 20 22 21 23 22 24 23 25 24 26 25 27 26 27 28 29 30 31 July 28 29 30 31 Aug. I 2 June due I ,? 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 lO 9 I [ 10 12 II 13 14 13 IS 14 IS 17 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 August 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sept. I July due 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 ,S 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 lO 1 1 II 12 13 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Oct. I 2 August due I 2 3 4 ,■; () 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 October. . . . ,^ 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 Nov. I 2 \ September ^ due I 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 November. 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dec. I 2 October due 'December . November due January. 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 lO 9 1 1 10 12 II 13 12 14 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan. I 2 I 3 2 4 3 S 4 6 5 7 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 9 lO II 12 13 •4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24! 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Feb. I I 1 'fctmber due 1 ''cbruary.. 1 "-— I 2 3 3 4 4 5 S 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 lO 10 II II 12 12 13 13 14 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mar. I 2 3 4 KEXXEL :srAXAGE]MEXT box may be made like the one illustrated. The door at the side is to enable }ou to reaeh and help the bitch should she require assistance. The bit of board in front is to prevent the puppies falling out when they begin to crawl. ^ Let her have the box to sleep in about a week before she is due, so that she may get to like it and look upon it as her own property. \\'hen she is about to whelp slie will begin to be very restless, and will scratch up her bed and often scatter the hay all over the room in a most annoving wav. This may go on for many hours before the pups are born. There is generally an interval of half an hour, or sometimes three or four hours, be- tween the births of puppies. Between whiles the bitch must then be allowed to sleep quietly. So long as she does this, you need not alarm yourself if the whelp- ing goes rather slowly, but if she is very restless, in great pain, and often sick, send for a veterinary sur- geon, though I cannot promise much good from it, there being very few who understand Toy dogs.- A little help is all that is generally necessary during whelping, though very strong measures are sometimes inevitable in the case of dead puppies, and then the bitch should be put under chloroform. \Mien a bitch which has been in labour is just about to have a puppy, you can tell by the change from whining and barking to a sort of deep grunt or gasp. When this begins the puppy will soon make its appearance. Sometimes there is a sudden complete silence after a great deal of scratching and 1 Spratt's terrier travelling boxes at 15.J. are first rate if you care to buy instead of making but the top must be made to open. - The diminutive size of the animals prevents effectual assistance with instruments. TOY DOGS AND TTIEIR ANCESTORS noise, and this also means a pnppy is close at hand. As soon as a puppy is born, be sure the afterbirth comes, too. This is usually attached to the puppy by a cord, but sometimes the cord breaks and it gets left behind and sets up blood poisoning. In cases where you suspect it of being retained, syringe with warm sterilized ( /. e., boiled) water and a few drops of Condy's Fluid. But remember that if you are not attending when the after- birth comes away the bitch will dispose of it and so cause you needless alarm. The habit is quite a natural one and will do her no harm. After previously tying a piece of thread round it on the side next the body, sever the string five minutes after birth about two inches from the body with a pair of disinfected scissors, should the mother not have bitten it off herself. A\'ith short-faced bitches, it is much safer to do it yourself, as they often bite it oft' too short, with fatal results, and have also been known to bite oft* the legs of their puppies by mis- take. Twist the cord firmly between your fingers be- fore cutting it. I find that the best plan is to remove each puppy, as it is born, into an open basket by the fire. Have a hot-water bottle in this basket, with a small blanket over it. The best shape for a bottle is that of a whiskey or wine bottle, but tin is better than glass. Place each puppy on the blanket next to the hot-water bottle, and cover it up completely, but lightly, with an- other small blanket. It will not suft'ocate, as you may at first imagine. Of course the water in the bottle should not be boiling. In this way, by the time the whelping is over, the pups will be warm and dry and ready to go to their mother, whereas, if left to her, she will very likelv leave them cold and wet or trample on them. It is quite useless talking of Nature being the best guide 232 AiKV Windfall (Tricoloi'r), 3 Months Fantail of St Anthony (Blenheim) 3 -Months ICE OF Hearts ^Blenheimj, 2 Months Checkmate ; 1 kicoloi'ki, 3 Months 30 \\'hirl\\tnd (^Tricolour), 2 Months Some of Mrs Lytton's Toy Spaniel Puppies KENNEL MANAGEMENT in these matters, as these Toy dogs are so highly domesticated that they have lost a great part of their natural instincts. And now let me warn breeders that if Toy puppies are not kept warm, but are ever allowed to get chilled, they will infallibly die. They must be kept in a warm, dry place, and during the first two weeks they can hardly be kept too warm. Dogs in a wild state would probably breed in holes in the ground, where there is very little air, and the domesticated ones are certainly less hardy than the wild ones. No attempt whatever must be made to " harden " puppies at this stage, or their lives will be sacrificed. A puppy that is born apparently dead may often be saved by being taken up instantly by the hind legs and shaken, head down- wards; this must be smartly and decidedly done. The mouth should be opened with the finger, and the puppy shaken as you would shake a big watch to set it ticking, not as you would shake out a duster. This will often dislodge a lump of something like mucus from its throat, and it will gasp and begin to squeak and revive from that moment. Do not breathe into the puppy's mouth, as you only give it carbonic acid gas. If you feel you must blow air into it, use a bellows. Should a puppy appear weak it must be helped to suck by holding it while it takes nourishment. Should the mother die, the pups may possibly be brought up on condensed milk, made as for a baby, given every two hours out of a baby's bottle, keeping them constantly in a covered basket with a hot-water bottle ; but a cat foster-mother is best of all. Puppies brought up by their mothers should begin to take condensed milk three times a day as soon as they are four weeks old, and gradually allowed to go less and less to their mothers till they are entirely weaned. They TOV 1)()(;S AND TIIKUi ANCESTORS should then l)c fed on Neavcs food throe times a day (al)oiU half a saucer ful at a time for each, accordins;' to the size) from the time they are five weeks old till the age of seven weeks, when ihev can l)ei;in to take crushed tahle hiscm'ts added to the Neax'es food when hot. At ten weeks old they can hci^in a little minced mutton and broth. Put the nnitton through a very fme mincing machine, and put the boiling soup onto some white bread crumbs — mix all together. Lactol is another ex- cellent food. Tn rearing puppies from birth on Lactol, it should be given for the lirst week diluted with four times its weight of water and afterwards three times its weight, (iive warm every two hours, twenty drops at a time, increasing the dose as the pu])py gets older. ^ On will know how much to give, as when a i)up has had enough it falls asleep, whereas it will cry and be restless if it is still hungry. Tn weaning i)Ui)s on Lacteal, make it as follows: One good heaped-up teaspoonful to each imi)py. Mix into a thick paste with cold water, and then add hot water, stirring the while till it is like thick milk. Give three times a day. i\s the puppies grow, increase the ([uantity and add scalded rusks. They can also ha\'e a little mutton broth as they get older. To keep puppies from running about and getting into draughts, 1 recommend that a bit of linoleum be ])nt down in a corner of the room next to the breeding box. Put round it one of Spratt's patent wire j)oultry runs at //(>. This will keep them clean and out of the way and save the carpets. It will be found an immense conxenience to have two small tin pails, one empty and one containing dry sawdust. When there is any dirt, sprinkle the sawdust liberally over it and sweej) it into -'34 ]\Iiss Dawson's Japanese Puppy Ykzo Lorraine House, Cheltenham liLEXUKiM Puppy, 6 Weeks old Mrs ].ytton's Tkicolouk Pui'py Heiress 3 Months old ]\1rs Pickersgill's Red Japanese 1'uppy Miss Tempest, Japanese Puppy Toy Trawler Puppies KENNEL MANAGEMENT a coal scoop or dust pan with a large fibre brush, both kept for the purpose. It can then be transferred to and carried away in the spare pail. If this method is adopted there is no unpleasantness in cleaning up. I do not recommend raw meat, as it almost always produces worms, the germ of tape worm being found in flesh and maturing soon after being swallowed by the puppies. All puppies should be dosed with worm medicine when they are two months old or sooner, at five or six weeks if possible, w4th a suitable vermifuge, and the treatment should be repeated once a week till thfey are four or five months old. This is exceedingly important and should never be neglected. I am often asked whether it is safe to wash a bitch in whelp. I think that if the washing is done on the lines I recommend there is no risk at all for the first five weeks. A bitch in whelp should be lifted as little as possible. There is a way of telling for certain if a bitch is in whelp at a month, but it is rather difficult to describe. If you feel gently under her body you will find between your fingers something which feels like a pigeon's Ggg. This is a sure sign that the bitch is in whelp, but it is not at all easy to find as there is something else almost in the same place which can very well be mistaken for the right thing. An expert can often actually tell how many puppies will be born. This should only be at- tempted with the greatest care, or there is risk of bruis- ing the puppies. They can only be felt just at this time and only for about a week or ten days. The first signs of being in whelp are sometimes a loss of appetite, slight sickness and sleepiness, and per- haps an occasional forgetfulness of house manners. 235 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS When you decide to use a bitch for breeding, make quite sure that she has no worms, for if she has them the puppies are sure to have them, too, and they are often fatal to young puppies. Should you notice that a puppy gets pinched in its hind quarters or often has diarrhoea, you may be pretty sure it is suffering from worms, and it should immediately be treated, as the risk of waiting is greater than that of dosing it. If, however, you carry out my instructions as to dosing the tiny puppies at five or six weeks old, they will never get into this dangerous condition. I always treat my full-grown dogs with Naldires powders, as I consider there is noth- ing to equal them, in spite of the warnings of other breeders, who told me they were too strong. If the proper dose is given they are perfectly safe, and they are nothing short of miraculous in their action. They are also often permanently effectual, one dose being sufficient in almost every case. You must, of course, be careful not to overdose. One-third of a powder for a ten-pound adult dog is my rule. I have even dosed small puppies with as much as would lie on the point of a penknife. The puppies should only be dosed with this about a week before leaving the dam. The dose requires no following up with castor oil, which on no account should be given. Do not exhibit your puppies before they are six months old. It is extremely risky and, even if they escape distemper, the nervousness they contract from over excitement and noise will probably ruin their future show career. Dock your puppies' tails as soon as their eyes are open. Disinfect a pair of sharp scissors. With your left hand pull up the skin of the tail toward the puppy's 236 Mrs Kingdon's Japanese Spaniel Denka Photo, Russell ^^T^ ^^^^ ,3 ^ ▼ ^^. Mrs Senn's Ch. Koma Photo, J. K. Cole. Loaned by Mr J. Watson Mrs Senn's Ch. Senn Senn A kively type KENNEL MANAGEMENT body and snip off as much as you wish with one decided snip. On releasing the tail, the skin you have held back will slip over the severed part and leave no scar visible when the wound heals. You must be careful to cut quickly, and the puppy seldom even squeaks if it is prop- erly done. The mother will heal the tail by licking it. An adult dog should never be docked, as it is sheer cruelty, and very dangerous after the bone has formed. When a bitch has whelped leave the bedding for the first fortnight undisturbed except for the addition of a little hay daily. If a puppy in the nest cries with a sharp, qnerulous, almost angry note, you may be easy about its health. If, however, it wails and whines, there is something wrong with it. If it has colic give a little lime water. Siickling fits are extremely common and most alarm- ing. They attack a bitch when she is rearing puppies, and sometimes the same fits affect a bitch in season. The animal breathes very heavily and seems uneasy, and then appears paralyzed in the hind legs. The whole body is often seized with twitching and convulsions. Most people recommend the immediate removal of the puppies and not breeding from the bitch again. I have seen dozens of the fits, and have never lost a bitch or removed a puppy, though it always alarms me to see them. In my opinion they are mainly the result of con- stipation, and a dose of castor oil has, in my experience, invariably been successful, the mother rearing all her puppies quite easily. I do not think these fits occur if the bitch is given a small spoonful of olive oil every morning for a week before whelping and never allowed to be at all constipated or to eat too much. Four is the proper number of puppies for a Toy -^37 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS Si)aniel to rear, and, thoiii^h 1 have heard of one rearing a htter of nine, this is not at all fair to the mother. Of course, if she is rearing too many puppies the extra ones should l)e taken away. A Blenheim of mine who, before I bought her, had reared the aforesaid litter, had suckling fits at her next season. She bred six puppies, five of which were strong and well. A fortnight after wdielping she had the most severe fits I ever remember, but a dose of castor oil put her right and she reared her puppies splendidly and got fat on it. I never saw a healthier litter. Whether a bitch has fits or not, it is extremely cruel to make her rear a succession of unduly large litters. Premature old age and paralysis w'ill probably be the result, as well as unsatisfactory offspring. The White Queen Japanese Puppy. Property of Miss Steevens. Winner at the I.. K. A., 1907 This is a perfect type StKiiNA's Japanese ^lAKyuis Ixo A perfect type. Photo, Russell MKb Lloyd's Japanese Tama of St Omer Photo, Russell CHAPTER IX JAPANESE I CONSIDER that the Japanese Spaniel originated in China, being the best preserved descendant of the old Chinese dogs, these being much more like Japanese than the modern Pekingese. The Japanese breed has, as I have already mentioned in my chapter on Type, a per- fection and harmony of line which fills and satisfies the eye and suggests a long established type, while, as a matter of fact, it still closely resembles the old Chinese dog. This cannot be said of the modern Pekingese. When breeding with imported dogs there is no diffi- culty whatever about maintaining the short faces, for they are as natural as are the pointed faces to our King Charles Spaniels. There is also no tendency in the im- ported strains to revert to a larger sized ancestor. The short nose does not appear to be the result of arrested development. The skull is not open at the top as in most Toy Spaniels, nor is there any special tendency to split or arched palates. The palates are short, wide, and flat, and the skulls well closed. In the present scale of points there is not nearly enough value given to coat. Japanese dogs should be smothered in coat, and a poor coated specimen is not worth a straw. The head should be well proportioned to the body, with a broad skull rounded in front, the forehead coming forward so as nearly to touch the nose ; the neck, short and arched, the 239 TOY DOCiS AND THEIR ANCESTORS eyes very large and praclically black, set wide apart and low down so as to be almost hidden l)y the cushions of the muzzle. ( See photo of Dai Butzu.) The muzzle T shall describe later. The nose should be exceedingly short, nostrils not exaggeratedly broad, Imt wide open. The noses, of dogs of whatever colour, should ini'ariably be black. The nose should be turned up between the eyes. 1lie ears should be small, V shaped, wide apart, set high on the head, and carried pricked forward and not. of course, erect. They should be liberally feathered with streamers of long" hair. The body should be very com- pact and squarely built, a short back, perfectly level and flat ; very cobby, the body and legs should form a sf|uare, as in the Toy Spaniel, the length of the body equalling its height. At the same time, the dog must not be clumsy, but the essence of grace. The bones should be very fine and slender, and the feet small and harelike and feathered at the toes in a point. The tail should be set on a level with the back and carried twisted over it in a huge plume, spreading on the back and becoming merged in the body feather, which should be extraor- dinarily long and profuse. The coat must be most almndant and soft (but not limp) and quite free from wave or curl, it should not, however, lie flat, but stand out at the neck in a voluminous ruftie with immense feathering on thighs and breast. This is just the coat which the Toy Spaniel should never have. General ap]:)earance exceedingly showy. Action high and prancing. Colour black and white, if possi])le with the " spot " on the head, which is most desirable. The other colours are red and white and, we are told, pure black or i)ure white, but the best colour is black-and- white. 1 have never seen either white or black. The 240 Her Majkstv Qieen Alexandra, with one of her Japanese Dogs Photo, W. Downey. By permission 31 JAPANESE white should be pearly and the black intense, distributed in even patches. Blaze even and sharply defined, muzzle white. Size from two pounds to ten pounds. The smaller the better, provided the type is not impaired. I here reproduce one of the oldest paintings ever published of a Chinese dog. The painting is by Shen- Chen-lin, his other name being Feng-Ch-ih, a Chinese artist of about 1700 a.d. The type of head and the black-and-white colour show its close relation to the dogs of Japan, and I cannot find any trace of the Japanese in Japan before this date. *It is a pity that so excellent a draughtsman as the painter Mao I, of the thirteenth century, should not have drawn more dogs, but (as his name irresistibly suggests) he drew chiefly cats, especially one with a coat like a Persian, red orange with cream shading on the face, breast, and body, and which recalls a Japanese dog in appearance. In disposition they are most intelligent, but not so clever as Toy Spaniels, though far more independent, not to say selfish. They are affectionate, but very easily ofifended and very disobedient. They are very like cats in some ways. If a Japanese dog is angry he will scream like a chicken being killed. It is not like any other dog's scream, being discordant and pitched apparently in sev- eral keys at once. They are very highly strung, excit- able dogs, and as beautiful as it is possible to be. It is curious that a pure-bred Japanese dog practically never wags his tail, the movement being almost imperceptible. Thus he again resembles a cat, and he will sometimes wave his tail to and fro when angry. Japanese dogs often wash their faces like cats by licking their own paws. They have a hatred of muddy roads and water, 241 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS and are very dainty in their ways. They are also Hke cats in an extraordinary h^htness on their feet. Their actual weight is far less for their size than is the case with Toy Spaniels. In my own experience, the male dogs, instead of weighing something under one pound to the inch, are much nearer nine or ten ounces, or even less. In nature they are both defiant and reckless and as bold as brass. There are some mistakes in the standard recently drawn up for Japanese. The muzzle should not l)e over " strong," and the head should emphatically not be large in comparison to the body. The muzzle should be very small compared to the size of the skull, but wide, full, soft, and round, and perfectly arched under the eyes so as to form rounded cushions almost touching the eyes. The mouth should be level or just finished. Delicacy and exquisiteness of form are the essential characteristics of this breed, and a heavy head is unpar- donable. A coarse Japanese is an abomination. Amer- ica beats us all round for quality in Japanese dogs, no doubt owing to the absence of quarantine regulations. Mrs. Senn has some exquisite specimens, and I have seen many photographs of first-class dogs. I have been exceedingly depressed on visiting the English shows during the last two years. The quality of the exhibits has enormously deteriorated, and the aims of the breeders appear to me to be the wrong ones, so that they do not recognise the admixture of Toy Spaniel blood even when plainly visible to unprejudiced eyes, and yet they probably imagine the breed is improving. I think the Japanese breed is in very great danger of being spoilt by Toy Spaniel blood. This mixture has even been advocated by veterinary surgeons to improve 242 Mrs Lloyd's Ch. Royal Yama Hito Photo, Rusbell Mrs Addis' Ch. Dai Butzu II Mrs Addis' Ch. Dai Butzu II JAPANESE its stamina. I see more and more of the modern Toy Spaniel type among the Japanese, to my very great re- gret. As a former breeder of Japanese, I must protest against the stamp of dog which is now becoming com- mon. A Jap dog should not have a big head compared to his size, and this point will lead to a totally wrong type if adhered to. I well understand the difficulties of breeding Japs and the temptation encouraged by some veterinaries to cross them so as to avoid the fearful " plague " to which they succumb in hundreds, but, once the breed is contaminated, it is not worth keeping at all. Breeders must accept the fact of inevitable severe losses if they show the dogs and not avoid them by crosses. Dogs that are never shown and do not come in contact with other show dogs do not contract the disease so readily. A dog fancier once said to me : " If you have got an enemy, give him a Jap!" This is true w4th regard to any breeder, as, if he has a Jap, ten to one he will lose the whole of the other stock through it. I lost twenty- six dogs in one year, and gave up the breed as only suitable for millionaires. I did so with the greatest regret, as I consider it the loveliest of all breeds. Never- theless, I shall never own one again unless I go to live on a desert island. Mr. Watson finds fault with the Japs in America for having too small heads. He says he does not consider himself competent to speak authoritatively on this breed, but no dog ought to suggest a fault to one accustomed to look for symmetry in proportion. I venture to think that it is only because Mr. Watson's eye has become accustomed to the abnormal size of the English Toy Spaniel head that the Japanese heads appear small to 243 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS him. This seems the more Hkely, as he quotes the Eng- Hsh Toy Spaniels as of g^oocl proportion, saying that the fault is not noticeable in them to the same extent, if at all. It would be very extraordinary if it were, for over here the heads are like footballs ; possibly they are less outrageous in America. Miss Serena says the feet should be large and well separated, but this is not, in my opinion, correct, as they should be, on the contrary, as I have already said, small and harelike, and the dog should stand somewhat on its toes and certainly not be flat-footed. The English bred Jap is inclined to be too tall on its legs. The following instructions were sent from Japan with a very valuable dog, and may be of interest. I copy them as they came: " He must never have any meat. Eish and rice are his ordinary food. " Rice regularly twice a day — about nine a.m. and 4 P.M., and fish therewith sometimes, both of them cooked. '* He should only drink twice a day — at his meals. " Along with the box containing the dog is a small, flat board, and if the latter be kept half filled with sand, the dog will come out of his cage and perform the neces- sities of nature." The present scale of points is as follows: Head : Size of head 5 Shape of skull 5 Shortness of nose 5 Width of muzzle 5 Eyes 10 Ears 5 244 Mrs Parsonage's Japanese Puppies 41 Stamford New Road, Altrincham Lady Samuelson's Japanese CiENERAL KOROKI OF BrAYWICK Photo, Ru.ssell Japanese Puppy (Long Face) JAPANESE Coat and feathering 15 Colour and markings 10 Legs and feet 10 Action, shape, style, and carriage of tail 20 Size 10 100 CllAl'Tia^ X PEKINGESE I DO ikH believe the present type of Pekiiii^-ese to be correct, and am assured by a lady who knew the breed well, as kept in China many years ago, that the true Pekingese should not have bent fore-legs. She also told me that the present breed w^as absurdly too large, the true Pekingese being a tiny dog. Both these state- ments are borne out by my own researches. The big Pekingese seems to have been a separate variety from the Toy Pekingese (kept by the Emperors of China), which was a very delicately made little dog with short but straight legs. The toes were sometimes turned out, but the legs ^vere not twisted. The crooked legs do not appear to have been introduced until the eighteenth cen- tury, and belong to the coarse, common variety shown 1)y Shen Li.^ The small dogs never had them, as far as 1 can discover.- The pretty little dog painted by Shen Cheng and which was the Chinese Emperor's own fa- \ourite dog, shows the type of Toy Chinese dog as late as the eighteenth century. I have been quite unable to trace whole red Peking- 1 The deformity was very likely caused by the bigger and coarser pup- pies growing too heavy for their legs and thus bending the bone like a fat child that walks too soon. - Mrs. .A.shton Cross in some published notes on the l>recd says : " Many puppies of great promise are spoiled in the bringing up. c. g., exercise is necessary but it may straighten the legs." Comment is need- less. 246 \w ^ 'M CM W Ml PQ .g w ^ _t' i.uiii,,JiA Jtih?.-:-. - -,■: ' -..---'^i'M PEKINGESE ese dogs and in none of the old paintings is there a black mask. All the dogs are light red or yellow-and- white or black-and-white with very black eye points and noses, but perfectly clear faces. None of the dogs ever had wrinkled faces. The first Chinese dogs approaching whole red are those on the porcelain bowl of the Tao- kwang period ( 1821 ), but these are not of the same type as the Shen Cheng dog. These also have straight legs, and are more like a sort of bad Blenheim. By the courtesy of Frau Olga Wegener, owner of what is probably the most wonderful collection of Chi- ri^se paintings in the world, T have had the extraordinary good luck of being able to reproduce a seventeenth cen- tury authentic Chinese painting which is of incalculable value to breeders. It will be seen that the curve of the fore-legs is so subtle as to be hardly a curve at all, no more than in the legs of some Toy Spaniels. Frau Weg- ener was specially informed by her Chinese authorities that these dogs were not portraits of individuals, but represented the Chinese idea of type. It is quite evident to me that three-fourths of the Pekingese shown in Eng- land are thoroughly degenerate. That these are largely manufactured to suit the market is undoubted, and I once received an open advertisement from one of these manufacturers, of a " Toy Spaniel bitch, suitable for breeding Japanese or Pekingese " ! I took the trouble to investigate this, and found a curious kind of " Span- iel," which resembled nothing I have ever seen before or ever hope to see again. The owner asked, I think, ten guineas, and assured me that she had had two litters, one of Japs and one of Pekingese, which had sold for enormous sums to exhibitors, each puppy fetching from fifteen guineas upwards. Needless to say, I felt no in- 247 TOV DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS clination for trying to cniiilate this wonderful perform- ance. Great stress is always laid on the fact that our best Pekingese originated from five dogs taken, in i860, from the Summer Palace at Peking, when the Court rted to the interior. It has, how^ever, been ascertained that the Court took with them to Jehal a number of dogs, and it is quite unlikely that they should have left first-class specimens behind. I think we in England have yet to learn what good Chinese Palace dogs are like. If the Court took the trouble to remove any of their dogs, it is highly improbable that they would have left others unless they did not consider them worth taking. If the theft of one such dog is, as Lady A. G. Lennox says, punishable by death, five perfect dogs would not have been abandoned by the Chinese to be looted. Still, the fact that these dogs came from China is something. The Goodwood strain is, no doubt, one of our best, and it will be remembered that Champion G. Chun is by no means wrinkled in the face — quite the contrary. Neither was Chaon Ching We, presented to INIiss Clara Kilbourne in 1902 l)y the Empress Dowager, nor Miss Deady Keanes's dog at Shanghai, and a reference to the wonderful picture of the ideal Pekingese settles the question of the wrinkles once for all. The Pekingese should have a bold, rather defiant expression, which accords with his nature. He has none of the sweetness and softness of the Toy Spaniel. He should have immense eyes, set very wide apart, and a broad, wxdl-cushioned muzzle. I imagine that the present type of Pekingese, as seen commonly in China, is the coarse variety which is so popular in l^ngland, and of which there are so many _>48 Lady Decies' Ch. Pekin Poppy Photo, Russell Mrs \\'eaver's Sutherland Chu Chi M/^'^' Mrs Catley's Adderly Lola Photo, T. Fall Mrs a. Cross' Ch. Chuerh of Alderbourne Photo, Russell Mrs Fry's Hi Yang 38 Mrs Pleydei, (..(joi-aku.-, Ian-Kuei (. ku of Westlecott Photo, H. Hemmins PEKINGESE imitations even coarser. I think the mistaken idea we have of type is from the erroneous association of the dog with the grotesque Chinese gargoyles which are often referred to by writers as early Pekingese dogs. These are obviously fancy figures, and one might as well take the horrible Chinese human figures of the same kind, with ghastly, distorted features and twisted limbs, as types of the early Chinaman. In fact, there is even less analogy, as the grotesf|ue figures of dogs ^ (cata- logued, by the way, as lions) are purely symbolic, like heraldic emblems. If these " Early Pekingese " are to be taken seriously, we must have them coloured bright green with scarlet stripes instead of our sober reds and fawns ! A very beautiful dog was sent over to the late Pord Lytton by Lord Loch from China. I may say at once that this dog had not got crooked forelegs. He was of a fine golden brown, and his face was not wrinkled, but very pretty and intelligent. The present type of Peking- ese is, to my mind, a ridiculous caricature and an obvious fake. Any wrinkled-faced and crooked-legged, long- backed cross seems to pass as a Pekingese, and, though they are not supposed to be too long in body, the present specimens are absurdly too long — quite like Dachshunds, in fact. This is another characteristic of the coarse type. A Chinese painter, Muchi, Sung Dynasty, a. d. 963- 1278, has a drawing of parti-coloured Pekingese dogs. He is believed to have lived in the twelfth century. There is a coloured drawing by a Japanese, Marsuyama Okio, 1 733-1 795, of Pekingese puppies, all white, and ' I see that Air. Watson in his book complains of the same cata- loguing in the American Museums, but I dare say the Museum authorities are right in considering them as much lions as dogs. The dog known in Europe as the Lion Dog had no connection with China that I can discover. TOY DOGS AM) THEIR ANCESTORS fawn with while muzzles. These have not black masks, but l)lack shatlins^s to the fur, and straii^ht forelci^s. A nineteenth century print of Japanese women, by T()\()kumi, shows a short-faced fawn with black spots and very hij^h-set ears. He is shown carrying a letter, and his forelei;\s are straight. 'Idle enormous size of the eyes is one of the most noticeable points, and one very rare in the show ring. The l)est colour is ])arti-coloured red-and-white or black-and-white, the wholesale invasion of reds being a comparatively modern fashion. It wdll also be noticed from the i)icture that the dogs should not be downfaced, and that, like the Toy Spaniel and the Japanese, their muzzles should be padded like fat pincushions on each side of the nose. This is one of the most marked charac- teristics, which is entirely ignored in England. Shen Chen Lin, of 1700, has painted both the yellow- and-white and the black-and-white dogs in one picture. The Chinese dog is the ancestor of the Red-and- wdiite Toy (so-called Blenheim) Spaniel, of the Japanese black-and-white Spaniel and of the Pekingese. Of the three, perhaps the latter is in some ways the least typical in head at the present day. The small eyes, drooping muzzles, down faces, and wrinkled foreheads of the modern Pekingese are quite wn-ong and untypical, and so are the crooked legs and the black masks. Let us get rid of these blemishes as quickly as we can. The Pekingese Club's standard of points is: IIkai). — Massive, l)roa(l skull, wide and ilat between the ears (not donic-sliaped) ; wide between the eyes 10 Nose. — lUaek, l)r()ad, very short and flat 5 Eyks. — Large, dark, prominent, round, lustrous 5 Stop. — Dee]) 5 -'50 PEKINGESE Ears. — Heart shaped, not set too high, leather; never long enough to come below the muzzle ; not carried erect, but ratlier drooping ; long feather 5 MuzzLK. — Very shcjrt and broad, not underhung nor point- ed, wrinkled 5 Mane. — Profuse, extending beyond shoulder blades, form- ing ruff or frill round front of neck 5 SiiAi'K OF Body. — Heavy in front ; broad chest, falling away lighter behind, lionlike; not too long in the body 10 Coat Fi£atiii-;r and Condition. — I^ong, with thick under- coat, straight and flat, not curly nor wavy, rather coarse but soft; feather on thighs, legs, tail and toes long and profuse 10 ColWuk. — All colours are allowable — red, fawn, black, black- and-tan, sable, brindle, white, parti-coloured ; black marks and spectacles round eyes, with lines to ears, desirable. . 5 Le(;s. — Short ; forelegs heavy, bowed out at elbows ; hind legs lighter, but firm and well shaped 5 FiiET. — Mat, not round ; should stand well upon toes, not on ankles 5 Tail. — Curled and carried well up on loins ; long, profuse, straight feather 10 Size. — Being a Toy dog, the smaller the bettei , provided type and points are not sacrificed. Anything over 18 lbs. should disqualify. When divided by weight, classes should be over 10 lbs. and under 10 lbs 5 Action. — Free, strong and high ; crossing feet or throwing them out in running should not take off marks. Weak- ness of joints should be penalised 10 Total 100 The Peking- Palace Dog A.ssociation has the same standard, with the following differences: Coat and Feather. — Feathers on toes not mentioned. Colour. — All colours allowable; black mask not essential in all. Feet. — Flat, and toes turned outwards. Size. — Ma.ximum weight, 10 lbs. .Size to be encouraged: any- thing between 5 lbs. and 10 lbs. TOY i)(k;s and their ancestors 1 load, nose, eyes, cars and muzzle 25 Slia])e of l)ody 15 Coat and mane 20 Le^s and feet 20 Tail 5 Action 5 Llencral a])|)earance 10 My own alterations to these standards wonld he: Eves. — Enormous, dark, ])rominent, round, lustrous, with very broad, black rims 10 Ears. — Set high ; on a level with line of skull, carried for- ward ; long feather 5 Muzzi.K. — \^ery short and broad, not underhung or pointed, and never wrinkled ; sides well cushioned and rounded u.nder the eyes ; no wrinkles on forehead 10 Shai'k ok IJoDV. — Well proportioned; not too heavy in front as to construction, the mane only giving a slight appear- ance of greater weight in front; not too long in body. . 5 Colour. — All colours allowable; no black mask; best colour, red and white 5 Feet. — Round, and standing well up on toes which are slightly turned out 5 Legs. — Short, and front legs not bowed 5 Tail. — Curled over the loins; long, straight, profuse feather 5 Size. — As in the P. P. D. A. standard, but value 10 General Appearance. — Smart and bold 10 Mr. Carnegie, who lived some years in FV'king, tells me thai there were three noticeahly different kinds of coat in the dogs he saw, all heing apparently considered e([tially good. The nose should always he hlack. Mrs. Ashton Cross says of the Pekingese: " lype is fairly constant." A type as old as that of the Cliincsc dog should he mtich more than " fairly " constant. Any inconstancy in the Pekingese tends to show that this type is not an old one. 2^2 PEKINGESE Sonic one recently suggested lliat it would he a good thing if a trophy were ofifered for " the most grotes(|ue," and this was imme(hate]y taken up and a cuj) presented in all seriousness to the Peking Palace Dog Association for " the most how-legged and grotesc|ue dog or hitch " (see Our P(>i!;s, Xovemher i8, 1910). Such prizes are offered with the hest jjossihle intentions, hut I cannot imagine anything hetter calculated to destroy the real type for ever. If the Peking Palace Dog Association seriously wishes to re])r()duce living monsters like the one de])icted on the cover of the recent Pekingese Mono- i(r(Tph, I can only deplore that Association's waning sense of humour. We have to struggle hard enough now to pre- serve sanity of judgment, and if extremes of fantastic de- formity are to he rewarded with jjrizes, chaos is in sight. The tendency of modern wTiters is to surround the Pekingese with an atmos]jhere of what 1 can only call romantic nonsense. It would, I think, he hetter to divest ourselves of a sentimentality which only misleads us. Let us hope that the researches which are, I helieve, now heing made in Peking will produce definite results, hut I will stake my life that no Chinese dog that ever lived was like the ancient Chinese monsters seen in museums. As to the word grotesf|ue. Chamhers's Dictionary gives it as " extravagantly formed, ludicrous " ; John- son's, " distorted of figure, unnatural, wildly formed." Do Pekingese fanciers w^ant their dogs to he ludicrous, distorted, and wildly formed? If so, there is no more to he said except to ofTer a quotation from Dryden as an apt motto for the I'ekingese cluhs of the future: " An hideous picture of their dogs they (hew. Nor hues nor looks nor shades nor colours true And this grotesque design exposed t(j puhlic view." CHAPTER XI POMERANIANS The Pomeranian is one of the oldest breeds. I have traced him back in perfect shape to 400 v,.c., as will be seen by the accompanying illustrations from Greek vases. Before this, he existed in the Archaic period of Greek art (anything- beyond 800 B.C.). The original colour was cream or white. The name " Pomeranian " is quite erroneous. From Greece I have traced the dogs on to the Roman Empire, and thence all through Italy to France and Germany. " Melitaie " was the name by which the Greeks called them. Models of a " Pomeranian " dog- and a " Maltese " dog of the conventional type were dug up at Fayyum in Egypt, and date from about 200 B.C. There is no evidence to show whether these breeds were imported from Malta or exported there from Egypt. It is interesting to note that the Maltese type, as we now know it, is an old type and not a recent cross, as it has often been said to be. A parti-coloured Pomeranian type is to be seen in the thirteenth century Chinese paint- ing of Mao I. The Egyptian model of the " Pome- ranian " is specially interesting in view of the fact that the modern pariah dogs of Egypt still show strong Pom- eranian characteristics, being the same colour as those 254 300 to 61-xj I'., c. Maltese Dog ilodel in British Museum. Dug up In f'ayyum in Egjpt IIIWI—IIIMnMIIIll " I'OMERANIAN " DoG 300 to 600 B.C. Model in British Museur up at Fayyum in tgypt Greek Leaden Toy About 200 B.C. Pomeranian Dog Archaic Period (beyond 800 B.C.). Model in British Museum POMERANIANS on the Greek vases, and having much Pomeranian character. On the tombs of Maltese (Pomeranian) dogs the Greeks wrote KAAAOXMEAHAIOE rejeton de Make (see lb. 20 Aehan Var. Hist. VIII 14). The Sybarites divided their afifection between dwarfs and " Makese " dogs. The original colours were cream and orange, and the black now so fashionable is a comparatively new development, and one which I am sorry to see so uni- versal. / think the cream, white, or orange much the prettiest. An orange, white, or cream Pomeranian with smart carriage and a pretty face is a most attractive little dog, but one sees far too many wizened little weeds in the show ring now. There are few things so unpleasing as the poorly coated, blear-eyed, stunted ani- mals which are so commonly led about London streets, dogs which look like moth-eaten specimens of an ama- teur taxidermist. I am reproducing two pictures of Pomeranians, one is a Nattier of about 1720 and the other a Gainsborough. Mrs. Pope's little Polar Star is a perfect modern example of the French Pomeranian of the seventeenth century, and some of Mr. Brown's orange Pomeranians are very pretty. A sweet expression is most essential, and I would not give half a crown for the greatest cham- pion unless he had the right expression, but very few of our show dogs have it. It is often said that the Pom- eranian should have a foxy expression, and not that of a wolf. This is quite true, but how many of our lady fanciers know the expression of a fox or have ever seen a wolf? They associate the fox with cunning and sly- ness, and take their views of him from Christmas cards 255 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS or from the hunted foxes they may have seen. Now, a fox, for all his slyness, has a lovely little innocent face ! He looks full of intellig'ence, ])ut (|uite angelic, and he is as sharp as a needle. The English fox is the least pretty of all, but some of the little foreign foxes are exc|uisite, and it is these we should take as models. We need not go abroad to find them, as they can sometimes be seen in the Zoological Gardens. I do not think I have ever seen anything prettier than the heads of some of these little foxes. The Indian desert fox has a lovely head. A Pomeranian should never have the expression of a rat. I intensely dislike the mean little faces one so often sees, with weak eyes in which the eyeball appears to be set awry in the socket, and the dog seems to frown at the light. In this breed any tendency to a down-face is most undesirable. The eyes should be very wide apart (in this T differ from the scale now accepted), and it will be noticed that the most pleasing specimens have not got narrow placement. The ears should be small and car- ried erect, and the expression should be excessively alert l^ut very sweet, never cross or sulky. The Pomeranian is a compact, bold, lively little dog. In my opinion the shaded sable with black mask is an undesirable colour, as also is the l)rown, but Ch. The Sable Mite is one of the very loveliest dogs I have ever seen. Brown Pome- ranians are liable to have light eye-rims, which are sim])ly hideous. The eye should never be in the least goggled, but dark and liquid and wide open, not ab- surdly small with very light eyelids, as is now often the case. The eyes of the white and orange colours should look as though painted with Kohl. The muzzle should be very fine and small compared to the width of the 256 GkEKK \'asK, 400 B.C. 33 Photo, E. Walker POMERANIANS head, which should be very wide at the cheeks and puffed out with fur hke a fox. It is quite unnatural to a Pomeranian to have a black mask, and I consider the dark faces of the shaded sables an undesirable innovation. The proper points of a Pom- eranian are in my opinion as follows: Head already described. Skull slightly fiat and rather broad and large compared to the muzzle, which should finish in a very fine point, the tip of the nose being very slightly tilted upwards. The lips should be firm and teeth level. The stop should be very decided, and the eyes large (in these t\fo points I differ from the accepted standard). The hair on head and face is short. In appearance the dog should be short and flat in back, cobby in body, and well rounded in barrel, with high carriage of head and neck, and his tail should be turned well over the back so as to meet the frills of the neck. It should be carried flat and profusely adorned with very long, spreading hair. His expression should be very sweet, yet full of fire, open and intelligent, never mean or furtive, and his move- ments active, with plenty of dash. The ears should be small and set fairly far apart, but should be perfectly erect and covered with soft, short hair. The neck should be well arched and surrounded with a profuse mane and frill of straight, long hair covering the whole of the shoulders, beginning in a sweep from the under jaw. The shoulders should be well laid back. The nose should alzvays be black in dogs of all colours. The light nose now allowed in some colours is most disfiguring. The coat is well described by the Pomeranian standard, as follows : '' Coat. — There should be two coats, an undercoat and an overcoat; the one, a soft, fluffy undercoat, the 257 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS other, a long, perfectly straight coat, harsh in texture and covering the whole of the body, being very abundant round the neck and fore part of the shoulders and chest, where it should form a frill of profuse, standing-ofif, straight hair, extending over the shoulders. The hind quarters should be clad with long hair or feathering, from the top of the rump to the hocks." The colours allowed are white, black, blue or grey, brown sable, shaded sable, orange, red, fawn, parti- colours, beaver, and the original cream colour, which I wish was more common. The Club says : " Whites must be quite free from lemon or any other colour. A few white hairs in any of the self-coloured dogs shall not necessarily disqualify. Dogs other than white, with white or tan markings, are decidedly objectionable, and should be discouraged. They cannot compete as whole-coloured specimens. In parti-coloured dogs, the colours should be evenly dis- tributed on the body in patches ; a dog with white or tan feet or chest would not be a parti-coloured dog. Shaded- sables should be shaded throughout with three or more colours, the hair to be as uniformly shaded as possible, and with no patches of self colour. In mixed classes, where whole-coloured and parti-coloured Pomeranians compete together, the preference should, if in other points they are equal, be given to the wdiole-coloured specimens." Oranges must be self-coloured throughout, and Iw the standard, light shadings are not now allowed. In this I differ again from the standard, as I think them very desirable and quite right. The face should be lighter than the body, and so should also be the shadings. The bone should be extremely light and fine. Pom- 258 Greek Vase, 400 b.c. Aphrodite and Apollo Photo, E. Walker rOM KHAN IAN S eranians weigh very light for their size. Three and a ({uarter to one and a half pounds is a good weight. Silky, flat, or curly coats are not allowahle. A Pomeranian's coat should always he ])rushed up the wrong way when groomed. These dogs are divided into Pomeranians and Pom- eranian Miniatures — that is to say, over seven pounds to fourteen ])ounds and under seven ])ounds. The Pomeranian as at present l^red in England is a violently excitahle, even hysterical animal, and the noisiest of all breeds. It is of the utmost importance tbat puppies should be firmly checked at once in their barking propensities, or they will become intolerable to live with. If a dog has a fit of hysterics, screams, and foams at the mouth on being rebuked, do not excite }'ourself. Everybody knows that hysteria in human beings becomes aggravated if indulged, and the same is the case with dogs. Treat him like a screeching ])ar- rot. Put him in a basket in a dark place and don't fuss over him, and you will be surprised at the rapidity of his recovery. Tn bad cases give a sedative. When the ])U])s are small, people are amused at their pretensions to be dangerous, big dogs, and often en- courage their rages and furious barking till the habit has become ingrained, and they will rush indiscrimi- nately at a neighbour or friend. There is nothing so annoying as a dog which stands for hours yapping at nothing with piercing shrillness. An acquaintance of mine kept a Pomeranian which used to bark itself into hysterics every time anybody called, so that she was within a little of requesting her friends to keep away from the house. I induced her, however, to scold it instead of comforting it, and in a 259 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS week the doj;- left off having hysterics and only barked in a maddenini^- way all the time the visit lasted! 1^he owner could have easily stopped this, too, had she not been so weak-minded. You can be weak-minded with Toy Spaniels without suffering too much, but if you are weak-minded with a Pomeranian he will lead you a " dog's life," and alienate all but your deafest friends ! Do not breed from very hysterical specimens. The Pomeranian appears one of the very few show breeds which has not been spoiled by some outrageous exaggeration of points. The only thing I would say as to this in connection with them is to ask breeders not to get them too small, and to avoid mean and narrow heads. They are not naturally a very small breed, and type is lost when they become too tiny. The great point is that they should be very fine in bone, delicately made, and show quality. The present standard of points was drawn up in 1891, so it is only eighteen years old. E. Topsell, in 1607, wrote as follows: *' Nowadays they have found another breede of little dogs in all nations, besides the Melitoean dogs, either made so by art as inclosing their bodies in the earth wdien they are whelped so as they cannot grow great by reason of the place, or else lessening and impayring their growth by some kind of meat or nourishment. These are called, in Germany, Brachen Schofhundle and Gut- schen Hundle, and in Italian, Bottolo.^ Other nations have no common name for this kind that T know. Mar- tiall made this distich - of a little French dog, for about 1 Bottolo : An ugly, quarrelsome little cur. — Barretti's Dictionary. - " Delicias paruse si vis anderccatelKT? Narranti brevis est pagina tota mihi." 260 •;■:■■■' j:-^.'. y.'- 'TJ' t.-.. ' ' '.'V ' ''^. ' -' ? -.->"*y»v : " ' '^:s, exii ir. iiors, cLniis, and ri^porticks I WISH the editors of newspapers would institute a reform in their show reports. 1die hard-worked re- ])orter so often inchili^es in the natural hut most pcr- uicious practice of consulting- one of the exhihitors in the classes on which he should report and leavini^ the reports to him or her. How often have 1 heard it said: " Oh, Mrs. So-and-so, 1 am so dreadfully husy, and you know T am not a specialist in your hreed, just write my notes for me, will you, and I'll for <^ ire you aiiyfliitif!; you say about your o-a'n doi^s." Mrs. So-and-so is, of course, delii^hted, Init is very likely smarting;- under an unexjiected and, as she con- siders, unjust defeat, and instead of heinj;- put on her mettle to he extra generous to her o])ponents, she writes a damins;- account of her own exhibits and runs down those of anvlxnlv ai;\ainst whom she has a ,i;'rud,i;e, almost invariably i^ivini;- to their dos^s the had ])oints which helono- to her own. The reporter rushes up, stuffs the reports into his pocket with effusive thanks, and pub- lishes them with his own name, without having" time or opportunitv to verify them by personal examination of the dogs, and as he can't acknowledge what he has done, he stands by them in public afterwards because he can't help himself. Shcmld he be brought to book for some downright misstatement he can always apologise and -74 Mu Richardson Cark's Ch. Nanky Poo Photo, T. F.iU .Mi;.s W . I(A\i.m:'-. < II. Mw ImchesS (Sahlkj Photo, T. Fall ]\1r.s Vale Nicolas' Shklton Mercury (Sable) A pc/rfect type. Photo, Russl'II .Mrs 1'()Im:'s Litti.ic Twinkling Star (White) Photo, Russell Miss Ciikll's Belpek Kacek (Wnnic Photo, Russell M K \a1,I'. .\|( (iI a.' < II. SlII'.ITilX .AiMM (Sable) Photo, T. Fall Pomeranians JUDGES, EXHIBITORS, CLUBS, ETC. say he mistook one dog- for another. vSonie reporters taxed with this will deny it with many and various in- dignant oaths and asseverations. It is, nevertheless, a fact, and one of the reasons why 1 know it for a fact is that I have been asked to write these reports myself, but have always declined to write except under my own name, or to report on my own dogs anonymously. Thus I have seen somebody else doing it in my stead, gen- erally to the great disadvantage of my exhibits. In spite of the fact that T have expressly stated that T would not write unsigned reports, my signed reports have twice bee*! altered and the signature suppressed, and so long- as this is done it is hopeless to expect any independence of criticism. The lady dealers are ])articularly fond of Ijlowing their own trumpets and the solos of this horn-blowing sisterhood upon their self-made instruments are frankly astonishing. The press is much imposed upon by some of these professional trumpeters. Occasionally they sign their names to the reports of the classes at which they them- selves have been exhibiting and do not blush to run down their opponents' dogs and praise their own in unmeasured and perfectly unwarrantable terms. The signatures to these articles would seem at first sight to make this amusement harmless, although ridiculous, till we remember that the reports are not sent to purchasers in full, but merely cut out of the newspapers in sections, which the buyer thinks represent the opinions of what- ever newspa])er publishes them. How many of these misleading cuttings have I not been sent' when in treaty for a dog! The ladies who sign their reports are, how- ever, in a minority. It is only those without any sense -'75 TOY 1)(K;S and THKIK ANCESTORS of humour who allow the other fanciers to see them trumi)etin^-, and i;enerally they contrive that someone else should apjjcar to do the l)lo\vini>\ An excellent trumpeter of my ac(|uaintance writes anonymous rei)orts of her own dog\s at all the important shows, and most wonderful they are. If her dos^s lose, the lady " cannot follow the ])lacino-," and writes a ])anegyric of the losers: if they win, they have won in the strongx\st compan}^ ever got together. Perhaps the most accomplished soloist of modern days is, however, the type of lady dealer who, when heaten, writes to the foreign ])apers to announce her victories for the very ]:)rizes she has lost, and in the innocence of their hearts, the editors pul)lish her reports and the readers Iniy the dogs! All this is very anuising as a psychological study, hut at the same time undesir;i])le and contemptihle. l^xhihitors should also he careful never l)y accident (still less hv design) to claim the title of Champion for their dogs without having the right to it. There seems to he a confusion in owners' minds as to what constitutes a full chami)ion. An American writer often refers to some of our dogs as champions which ha\e no claim to the prefix. This is, no doubt, because she does not know^ our luigiish custom. 1 have known two so-called champions entered at a show in Toy Spaniel classes, one of them being actually entered in a champions' class, th(nigh they had only won three challenge prizes between them, and might been dis(|ualified on objection. An influential exhibitor has, however, little to fear from objecti(Mis, as none of the minor fanciers would care to offend him by dis(|uali- fying his dog, knowing the Nemesis that would shortly overtake them. In order to be a chanijiion a dog must 276 A Pji-KII'.CT 1 Yl'Ji Plioto, kussell All:,:, JJlkkj.n's Cii. iiUi Saulk Aluit, (Sable) photo, T, Fall Mks Lan(,ton JJi-.NNib' Cu. Kkw Makio (Black) Mrs Parkinson's '.-.i i/ (Orangk) Young, Piccadilly Arcade Studio Miss Uorsiai,i,'s JiiM ^ iHffi^-i k^ ^^^^^> '-'"^IBH ;, .-:f^^r^*' '^EB^^^E^By -^ ''^' ^^^^^E^^" .^SH r 'i^^^HK^ Pomeranian Type of Dog, Mao I Chinese. Sung Dynasty, 13th century JUDGES, EXHIBITORS, CLUBS, ETC. it conies to when, as in the c^ise of the Toy Spaniel Ckib, the ckib specials and cups are withdrawn, if the selec- tion of the judge is not first approved by the committee of the club, three of whom form a quorum! Why should any judge be compelled to pay toll to any club? Who shall say that the secretaries of shows, warned of the ])enalty which follows any appointment outside the club list in the withdrawal of patronage and a cor- responding shortage of entries, are not influenced to choose accordingly ? .1 do not, however, believe in the other extreme of electing judges by a majority of members. Only a very small number of fanciers know the points of their breed well enough to vote, and the ignorant majority will in- evitably elect bad judges. I have heard it boldly given out by members of a club that novices should be put in to judge at championshij) shows, because it gives infe- rior dogs a chance of becoming champions ! Novices should never judge at championshi]) shows, as they are l)ound to make mistakes, and good dogs suffer most un- deserved reverses at their hands. This is all the more unfair, because these reverses are recorded forever un- explained in the K. C. S. B., and I cannot too strongly urge the Kennel Club never to grant challenge certifi- cates to classes judged by novices. The Kennel Club has done a most extraordinary amount of good work in lessening the number of frauds, and a wholesome fear of its governing hand restrains most people from the more reckless and obvious forms of swindling. It does not seem to be generally known that the Kennel Club has a Shows Regulation Com- mittee which will investigate sus])icious cases without 285 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS depending upon exhibitors to bring the cases forward by a formal complaint, thus laying themselves open to a libel action in case of a failure to bring legal proof of the correctness of their suspicions. Those who can supply evidence of any dishonesty at shows can therefore write to the head of this committee. They must, however, be sure of their facts, as if they supply false information they will naturally not improve their own reputation. I am afraid that a great number of judges will never be able to resist putting up their friends' dogs, the temptation is so subtle and nothing can possibly happen to them in consequence. The contempt of the people who know a good dog from a bad one is all that they have to fear, and the material advantages of being on delightfully cordial terms with their friends is generally more important to them than a reputation of uncom- promising rectitude and perfect judgment, coupled with that of being a most disagreeable man or woman. I have long studied the methods of women judges com- pared to men judges, and I have come to the conclusion that they are just about equal in every respect. On the whole, I think the women judges know the points of the Toy dogs better than the men. The only thing I have noticed is that in cases of unfairness, the unfair- ness takes a slightly different form. A man judge, who wishes to take it out of an exhibitor, puts that exhibitor's best dog right back, and with Machiavelian artfulness puts his worst exhibit first in another class. This re- moves the imputation of personal dislike and leaves his enemy helpless and fuming. A woman, with few ex- ceptions, goes for her enemy whole-heartedly and puts down all that enemy's exhibits to R. and V. H. C, know- ing that these barren honours will produce a far more 286 JMrs Fry's Sei Mei Mr L. CARNEt;ii:'s; IIaima I )OG H.H. Princess Toussoun's Pekingese Puck of Alderbourne Piccadilly Arcade Studio JUDGES, EXHIBITORS, CLUBS, ETC. exasperating- effect than being- passed over altogether, as the dog- then appears in the newspaper reports with disparaging- remarks attached and everybody knows he has been beaten. A man, however, does not often put a dog down out of pure spite, though some will do so. It is generally only because he has a friend he wants to help, and, having given his friend a " leg up," he is satisfied and tries to make it up to the owner by giving him a " special." Things have come to such a pass that he is usually only too thankful for such small mercies. A woman, too, will sometimes delude her enemy into showing under her by deliberately asking her to show and enthusiastically admiring her dogs in her hearing, so that when the day comes the blow is delivered with all the more effect. I have only once known a man do this. Nor will a man usually favour dogs of his own breeding with the unblushing publicity exhibited by ladies. On the other hand, a man will very often grossly favour ladies to whom he is partial. Considering the ferocious tem- per of some ladies in the ring, I must say I am sorry for a man who is confronted with the problem of publicly offending a lady he may be privately courting, by giving the coveted prize to her most hated doggy rival, or else of pocketing his judgment of her exhibit and being invited to dinner and made much of. He sees the devil on one hand and the deep sea on the other. What won- der if he slips with eyes shut into the sea? When a judge persistently puts up totally different types of dogs, mostly belonging to the same owner, it is always sus- picious, and I consider that he should be required to explain his conduct as " an officer and a gentleman." I have said the good work done by the Kennel Club can hardly be measured, and I cannot sufficiently admire 287 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS the way in which it deals with the enormous amount of work it has to do. I hope that it will, however, forgive me if I make some slight criticisms on its management of minor matters and tell it a little of w4iat is said of it behind its back. I do not think anyone questions the integrity of the Kennel Club, or its anxiety to put down fraud and right wrongs, but the schoolmaster is gen- erally the last to know what goes on in his school, and it is really rather unfair to expect exhibitors to bring cases against each other. It is rather like asking school- boys to " peach " on dieir school-fellows, and everyone knows the treatment such boys have to expect, however much they may be in the right. It is not quite the same, but there is an analogy, and before an exhibitor under- takes to show up a fraud, he must make up his mind to be put into Coventry and have his dogs put down after. Directly one of their number is attacked, rightly or wrongly, the other exhibitors (though they have never the pluck to support him openly) will privately make it as hot as they can for the attacking party, nor will they give evidence even in the most glaring cases. I have known cases where the chief witnesses refused at the last moment to give the evidence promised, and on the day of the hearing were actually found sitting in the opposite camp, waiting to give evidence on the other side! If the attacking party is strong enough it does not care, but this system entirely prevents any poor or uninfluential exhibitor ever going to the Kennel Club for redress. The deposit of £2 is also prohibitive for the poorer fanciers. I have sometimes asked poorer people why they did not expose frauds of which they had every proof, but they always said " What is the use of going to the Kennel Club, I should be done for in shows after- Mrs Finlayson's Celestial Toto Pilot.,, Russrll Mrs Freeman's Orange Boy Photo, T. Fall Mrs Stainthorpe's Pekin Count 1-^ - -A Mrs H. Andrews' Chu Chu of Toddingtoi Plioto, T. Fall Mk.s Tokrexs' Cii. (hjodwood Chun Miss Barry's Pekingese Princess Wee • Wee Photo, T. Fall Pekingese Spaniels I JUDGES, EXHIBITORS, CLUBS, ETC. wards? " This will always exist unless the Kennel Club will take the prosecution into its own hands by means of a sort of public prosecutor. The removal of the rule, fining exhibitors for cler- ical errors, was a godsend to the poorer exhibitors on whom the tax fell hardest. Many exhibitors are not literary geniuses, the registration and transfer forms are more or less of a Chinese puzzle to them, and the rules pure Sanscrit conundrums. With the best will in the world to conform to the regulations, clerical errors fell in showers from their pens and corresponding showers of half-crowns poured in the Kennel Club cof- fers. They could not be expected to understand the complicated language, for instance, of the rules for en- tering in Limit classes. It requires a good deal of head to discover that as the working of certain classes may change at every show, a dog may be eligible at one show and ineligible at another, and that some wins count and some don't. The Kennel Club has generously removed this grievance, and I am sure that I am voicing the thanks of all fanciers when I congratulate them on this. The less the Kennel Club harasses exhibitors by minor regulations about a multiplicity of small matters that are of comparatively little importance the more in- fluence it will get. The general exhibiting public, while it rather respects the vigorous impaling of a rogue, yet bitterly resents the pin-pricks of every-day legislation; the more of these there are the more restive it becomes. One does not expect to hear much praise of the Lord Chief Justice or of the Penal Code from professional cracksmen, and one hears a great deal of abuse of the Kennel Club from interested or irresponsible people. I even saw an indignant article in an influential society 289 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS newspaper blaming- the Kennel Club for supporting, if not originating, the very abuses which it spends its existence in endeavouring to stamp out. The letter was written by a gentleman whose wife had lately taken u]) exhibiting and met w4th three months' reverses! On this lifetime of experience he presumed to arraign and condemn the Kennel Club with a self-confidence that was really touching in its simplicity. I have myself lirought two complaints before the Kennel Club under Rule XVII. I won one and lost the other, but in both I felt full confidence in the integrity of the committee who judged them — even when one ended in a personal reprimand from the chairman for rushing in where angels would have feared to tread! The Kennel Club has repeatedly shown that it has no respect of persons and will act against its own in- terests in disqualifying rich and powerful exhibitors as well as ordinary folk, though in doing this it incurs not only the wrath of the suspended individual and his pow- erful friends, but it also raises the disapproval or regret of every show secretary owing to the numbers of entries, cups, and guarantees which are thereby lost and which keep the shows alive. The firm and uncompromising attitude the gentlemen of the Kennel Club have always maintained in these matters, in spite of every inducement to the contrary, has consolidated their power and should command the gratitude and increase the confidence of the show pul)lic of which they are the governing body. In its decisions the Kennel Club proves that it is no weak time-serving institution, but a fearless and inde- pendent body of honourable gentlemen whom neither threats nor interest can influence. As such it deserves our respect and support. 290 JUDGES, EXHIBITORS, CLUBS, ETC. Instead of having such innumerable shows all over the country, I think the public should insist on those societies, which are allowed to hold shows, offering better prize money. The prize money is derisory and in most cases not enough to cover expenses, and a fourth prize would be a welcome innovation. The people who need encouragement are not the so-called " lady " deal- ers, who go from show to show with their ill-gotten dogs, but the small breeders who breed these champions and get very poorly paid for them. It is a common thing for one of these ladies to go to a breeder, when he is hard up,' and squeeze his dog from him with the understand- ing that it is to be registered as bred by the lady. She will not buy on any other terms, and sooner or later poverty drives him to accept the bargain. This is a crying injustice. Very often there is a further stipula- tion as to the dog being registered with the purchaser's stud dog as its sire, which is a most complicated and abominable fraud, involving the falsification of pedigree and the misleading of serious breeders. How often, when I have been buying a good dog, have I been asked to allow the seller the credit of being the breeder. On my assurance that I should not dream of taking honours which did not belong to me, the owner's face has sud- denly expanded with a smile like a full moon, and he has exclaimed, " Well, now, I do call that kind, Mrs. X and Mrs. Z never will hear of it." The poor breeder is apparently quite unaware that such elementary honesty is ever practised by their richer clients and hail it as a delightful novelty and " kindness." A dog fancier can easily be told from the profes- sional dealer or amateur, as no respect of persons will ever induce the real fancier to express admiration for 291 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS a clog he does not like, even at the cost of making life- long enemies. It seems to me that the knowledge of a good connoisseur should be far too great to allow him to let his judgment be discredited by awarding a prize to a bad dog, or pretending he does not see his bad points, wliereas many of the modern so-called fanciers try to please everybody (an impossible task, by the way), admire bad dogs without a blush just to please their friends, run down a good dog just to vex their enemies, revoke five or six times quite gaily, and behave generally as though self-respect was an unknown quality. A serious judge should feel that his honour is at stake, that his reputation for knowing the points of a dog would be ruined if he made an award that might look like ignorance. But modern fanciers do not seem to care if they are thought fools or not, and they really seem to imagine, that by repeated prizes, glowing re- ports in the newspaper and constant praise, they can make a bad dog forcibly into a good one, and, on a sort of Christian Science principle of suggestion, hypnotise their friends into disbelieving their own eyes. The gen- eral public is, of course, hoodwinked, but no fancier of intelligence could be possibly taken in. My parting exhortation to reporters is, " Speak the truth and shame the devil," write your own reports, and don't try to pat every dog on the back, and always sign your name in full. I have occasionally written official reports myself. I know that it is very difficult to be strictly impartial. An acquaintance, possibly someone who is going to judge your own dogs shortly, comes up and says, " You won't mention Jacky's defect of action, will you? Give me a good report and I shan't forget it." To harden 292 Picture by Barth. van der Helst About 1640. St Petersburg. Photo, Hanfstaengl JUDGES, EXHIBITORS, CLUBS, ETC. one's heart and say firmly that Jacky is not sound re- quires considerable determination, and sometimes entails a V. H. C. card instead of a championship for one's most valued dog at his next public appearance. These, how- ever, are the natural risks of reporting. Reporters should make up their minds whether they can bear the onus before accepting their official responsibilities, but to be coaxed or bullied into betraying the trust is unpar- donable. I notice that whenever a judge has made more than the usual hash of his classes and the exhibitors are angry enough to lynch him, the reporter always men- •tions in print that " the awards gave general satisfac- tion." This is so invariable that I generally can tell how the awards have gone before I look at the list, and it has always appeared to me an absurd farce. Again, if every report of a dog for a series of shows speaks of it as specially sound, you may be pretty sure it has something wrong. To judges I would say, before accepting the position, make up your mind decidedly that you do not care what your friends say of you. If you cannot do this, refuse the appointment. On starting for the show leave spite, jealousy, good nature, weak-mindedness, and all questions of personal advantage behind you. The judging ring is not the proper place for good nature or social amenities nor for the settling of old grudges. If your friends enter under you, make them clearly understand that they do so at their own risk, and that if they show dogs you have just sold to them (which is in the very worst taste) they must not expect any favouring. If you make this clear from the very first they will put up with your judgments with comparative cheerfulness, but if once you begin 293 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS showing weakness or indecision, ihey will feel insulted if you do not favour them. With few exceptions, each exhibitor truly thinks his dog the best, and it is the judge's business to decide on the matter and not to be in- fluenced by the desire of his friends to secure first place. There are many people who " good-naturedly " favour friends by giving them undeserved prizes, yet these same people would no more dream of taking £5 belonging to a stranger and bestowing it on a friend than of robbing a mail coach or burgling some one's plate chest. This is, however, exactly what it comes to. Often people say, " Oh, I gave first to B (a poor man) because A (a rich man) can afford to lose." Now this kind of generosity with other people's money is robbery, pure and simple, though they do not realise it in the least. After one show, where my dogs were put back, I asked the judge afterwards to tell me why, and she replied, " Well, you see, yon have got such very good dogs tJiaf yon can afford to lose, as they will always go up again," which was perhaps the oddest explanation that it has ever been my lot to hear. Do not imitate the professional dealers, who do not care about the breed, but only for the amount of money they can help each other to make. Your friends may be disappointed and angry at first, but they will soon learn to respect you and value your opinion. The greatest compliment a judge can have is to get it said that it is waste of time trying to make up to him, because he never takes a hint. Exhibitors hate inconsistency, and if a man favours one type of dog in one class and another in the next class they get furious, whereas, if he knows what he wants and sticks to some standard of points which can be perceived as consistent, they may be cross, but will 294 A Judge's Life is not a Happy Onk JUDGES, EXHIBITORS, CLUBS, ETC. not accuse him of unfairness, and will try and enter under him next time the kind of animal to which he is evidently partial. This is the kind of judging that is required, and I want everyone who reads this to resolve henceforth not to he weak-minded as to friends or biased as to enemies, but to look at the dogs only. A good judge should hardly so much as see the face of a single exhibitor. His eyes are fixed on the dogs so that he can scarcely ever tell who has led them into the ring, and it stands to reason that the judge, who is always nervously glancing at the exhibitors, cannot but lose sight of the dogs and so miss many important points. I was once, as an exhibitor, standing in the ring with my dog and the judge hesitated hopelessly between my dog and that of a lady next me. I knew that the least sign on my part would decide it in my favour, but I put on a blank expression of passive stolidity. Presently the judge whispered to me, " Which do you think the best ? " This certainly was a compliment to my integrity at a critical moment, but I thought it hardly fair on poor human nature. I replied with an irrepressible smile, "Surely, it is not my place to tell you?" The smile did it ! The prize went to the other lady. I have been immensely astonished at the extraordinary pug- nacity of exhibitors. Some, not content with glaring at each other in the show with concentrated ferocity, will, during the judging of special prizes, make impos- sible claims and create a scene in the show just on the chance of bewildering the judge into giving them some prize for which they are not eligible. Feeling runs higher in dog shows than it does even over elections, and it is only the shadow of the Kennel Club which ap- parently prevents the hooligan sections of exhibitors 295 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS from assaulting each other with dead cats or rotten eg'gs. Only, I am afraid it would be dead dogs in these cases ! The Toy Spaniel pens have in the last few years, I regret to say, earned for themselves very unpleasant nicknames, to the great injury of those exhil^itors who are well behaved, peaceable folk. '* Scandal Alley " and the " Wasps' Nest " are among the mildest. Some ex- hibitors seem to be like the Irishman who, hearing a row in the street, sent down his boy with the following message : " Please, sir, father says if there's going to be a row he'd like to be iii if." This story always delights me, and I have already quoted it elsewhere, but in the case of these exhibitors I think it is more a case of " Please, ladies, Mrs. X says that if there's not going to be a row, she would like to make one." I have also been immensely entertained by the violent language of the exhibitors behind each others backs. One lady will talk of another as a swindler of the blackest kind, and the next thing one sees is the two ladies walking arm in arm like two love birds. The following week they are openly fighting like wild cats because one has induced the other to show under her and has given her V, H. C. Exhibitors of either sex are never friends for long. They are like the lady who, in speaking rapturously of a friendship, exclaimed: " Oh! we have such quarrels — but sucJi reconciliations ! " I have also heard a judge (a man) storming and swearing at an exhibitor in the ring, his face purple with fury, and stamping his feet like a child of six. On other occasions dogs have won through all their classes before luncheon and been put down in all the subsequent classes! The excuses for these lapses are marvellous! 296 Lady Samuelson's Saru of Brayvvick Photo, T. Fall Lady Samuelson's ToKi.MAbA Mrs Colin Evans" Mitoshim Photo, Russell Mr Weller's Maltese Ch. Chillicbury Masher Photo, Russell Mrs Kingdon's Ki'U and \\iiite Japanese Cho Cho Photo, Russell Mrs Spink's Gelsiia uf \\ il;.l.,l .^.m-v Photo, Russell JUDGES, EXHIBITORS, CLUBS, ETC. There are some people who have a quasi plausible excuse for everything, and the lady dog dealers remind me sometimes of the man who was brought up before the justices for poaching, with three dead rabbits as witnesses. His defence was that he had gone to sleep under a hedge and the three rabbits had run into his pockets and got accidentally suffocated! His ingenuity hardly met w^ith the reward it de- served at the hands of the magistrate, who got him accidentally shut into a cell! In the days of ignorance I used to imagine that a specialist judge was an individual with a special knowl- edge of his subject, and was all in favor of him. I was, however, soon disillusioned. " Specialisation is vexation," and its practice is cer- tainly enough to drive us mad. Rich people are likely to have a very poor time in the dog fancy, which I am afraid sounds rather Irish. It is a question of " your money or your life." Al- most every soul they meet is thirsting for their money, and on failing to get it becomes exceedingly hostile. A person with money, who refuses to be made into a respectable dummy, with a banking account for the benefit of every sort of clique, club, or society that chooses to ask for it, is liable to be systematically boy- cotted, and his life made a burden to him by every kind of petty persecution. Fabulous prices are asked for anything he wishes to buy, and the dealers would rather give their dogs away for a mere song to their worst enemies than let him have anything at less than three times its value. In this way the exhibitors cut their own throats and drive away the only people who can really help them. 38 297 TOY DOGS AND IIIKII^ ANCKSTOUS Tlicv arc outraged if a rich man sells a doj;-, and have an idea thai he should always i;i\c his do^s away and sliowcr L^nld ronnd him like a prince in a fairy talc, for- j;cltin^- that a modern fairy prince has to pay his i\alace expenses and that his honnds and retainers cat, drink, and are merry also at his exi)cnsc. A man who will brighten np trade hv <^-ivini^ ])rizes and does not heal down the l)rce(lcrs, Inil j^ives them liood valne for their stock, one W'onld think to l)c a .^'od- scnd to the " i\ancy," hnt this is not how it works ont. 'i'lic hiiL^xcr dealers arc not satisfied with ii^eltin^- first- class prices lor ^ood doi^s, hnt on the contrary thev want to keep their s^ood do<;s and win all the prizes themselves pahninL;- off the rilTralT and misfits on the nnsnspectino- I airy prince for the fahnlons ])riccs which onlv fancy points can demand. The fair\' prince, especially if he he an American, is generally (|uite prepared to pay donhle the market price, and does not i^-rndi^e the price if he <;cts what he wants, hnt he ex])ects to o'ct a marvel tor his money, and small hlamc to him. Numhers of lancicrs hale a man thc\' cannot llcece, and directly he shows them plainly that he will not Iniy their rnhhish hnt intends to sl^cI the best or shnt his purse, their one idea is to pre\ent this im welcome ciMinoisseur teaching" anyone else hy nettim;- rid of him as (|nickly as possible. in America the kind of " smartness " l)y which a seller will i)alm off inferior stock for the i)rice of good stuff seems to be rather admired and the perjxHrator con- sidered rather a " bright man." wIk^sc ac(iuaintance is worth making. The result is that, if V(m do happen to tell the exact truth about the defects of a dog, Americans will look upon you with strong suspicion and begin by thinking you very deep indeed, and far too dangerous 2(>S The Right Type of Black and Tan Toy Spaniel Head and expression which breeders of Black and Tan Toy Spaniels should try to reproduce. Photo. Russell Miss Nicholson's Pekingese Puppies JUDGES, EXHIBITORS, CLUBS, ETC. to touch. If they afterwards discover that you have been " green " enough to be honest their contempt for you knows no bounds. In England I hope we still stop short of admiring swindlers and that it is still considered rather shabby to do a mean trick, but I am sorry to say that 1 have often heard honest people spoken of con- temptuously as " soft." I am afraid T might as well speak to the winds, but if my exhortations will stop even one of my readers on the tempting downward path they will not be wasted. To sellers I would say : " Do not try to get the cat and its skin as well," as the saying is, and if you find an open-handed novice who will give you the best of prices and trust to your honour to give the best of dogs in return, do not take the money and sell a second-rater instead. It is not only dishonourable, but it is bad business. Ill-gotten gains bring no one any good in the long run. The world is large and people may argue that if one lot of buyers leave off buying others will fill their places. This is doubtless true, but I would remind them that retribution often comes in the most unpleasant forms from the most unexpected quarters, and some fine day one of the worms so ruthlessly crushed will turn out to be a boa-constrictor in disguise. To buyers I would say : Do not expect to get every- thing for nothing. A flyer is not to be had for two- pence ha'penny, and if you beat down the price too much you must not expect perfection. Some people seem to think that they can get a dog with every conceivable point for nothing. He must be noseless, with champion head, enormous coat and ears, perfect markings, etc., etc., and all for £io! If they go to work in this way it is their own fault if they get swindled. These perfect 299 TOY DO(;S Ax\U rilKlH ANCKSTOUS (l(\j;"s arc as rare as the ci;"i;"s of the (Ircat Auk, aiul once a man tiiuls such a dog' he does not sell him in a hurry, and certainly not for £10. Rctneniher the storv of the h^ench lady who asked another lady to help her to find a man-servant, lie was to he tall, handsome, good- tempered, soher, cheerful, ohliging, strong, hard-work- ing, with perfect manners, refmed. never in the wav, yet always on the spot when wanted, clever, economical, and trustwi>rth\'. The friend listened attentively, and when the list of his jUM-fections was exhausted, she said: "Well, my ilear, 1 will do \\\\ hesl. hut // 1 find \'our man, 1 marrv him ! " It is haril for an honest man to see the swindlers llourishing and know that he could do the same if he adopted the same methods, lie often gets just as hail a reputation as the swindlers, owing to their kind offices, as it is always their policy to purge the fancy of all in- cc^iveniently truthful anil luniest persons. \\'\{\\ this tihject they are perfectlv unscrupidous in the means they w ill take to achieve his (Un\nfall. Sooner or later, how- e\er, they overreach themselves. It is often a case of the old story of a horse stealer e\cntually hanged for stealing a halter. The imxst art- ful swindlers get careless, and after doing the most dastardly things with impunity get caught out and dis- iiualilied for some trumpery hit of cheating which would not have seemed worth their while. The people 1 am SIMM'}- for are the novices who get let in for doing some- thing on the instigatiiMi oi others which they do not know to he against Kennel C'luh rules, and who are easy victims, as they take no precautions against discovery. l>efore leaving the suhject 1 "wish to say a word 300 JUD(;KS, KXIIIIilTOKS, CIJJHS, ETC. about America. Over here America is supposed 1o ])e full of millionaires. New York sug'j^'esls glorious vis- i(;ns of golden baj^s held hy easy-j^oinj^ spendthrifts, surrounded hy halos of ,L(olden ignorance. Whatever may he the truth of this linj^land is certainly full of " flatcatchers " wIkj imag-ine somewhat erroneously that America is full of flats. Fanciers look on New York as a happy dumpinj^ ground into which they can slioot the rubbish which their own countrymen will not buy. America is considered the .^vjal of misfits, and when I object to this 1 am considered very unpatriotic. The fii»st-class dogs which find their way to America are few and far between, and even these are usually either long past their best or else non-stockgetters. There are cer- tain dogs which are from the first hall-marked American Market. The refuge for almost all decent non-stock- getters is t(j be rushed through as champions and shi]j- ])ed to America out of the way, where they are imme- diately boomed as marvellous sires and undefeated champions. I strongly advise all Americans who wish to purchase these undefeated champions to write to our Kennel Club, 7 Grafton Street, Bond Street, London, en- closing 50 cents and asking for an official list of the dog's wins, the names of the judges, and a copy of the ])edi- gree. They will find it well worth their while. News- paper re])orts are often not worth a farthing in these cases. One or two dealers, judges, and re])f)rters com- bine to run the dogs and share the jjrofits and go out dollar fishing with all sails set. If ever a really good dog is exported, the dollar fishers are furious and com- plain their market is being ruined, and steps are imme- diately taken to stop the dog's American show-career at all costs. Many are the dodges em])loyed to that end. 301 TOY DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS Judg'cs are systematically warned off, specialist clubs are worked up by false information. The purchasers are written to and made dissatisfied, and I have even known the breeder of a dog write to an American pur- chaser and run it down as worthless because she had been foolish enough to sell it for nothing as a piippy and it had turned out a flyer in other hands. I was glad to see that a gentleman got £ioo dam- ages for this sort of libel the other day. Owing to the industrious offices of the lower-class dealers, America sometimes passes luck when luck comes her way, and owing to the erroneous idea of type to which she has been educated in some breeds, fails to recognise good from bad. It is a dealer's business to foster ignorance, and America has been carefully taught to admire the wrong types so that we may keep our best dogs and yet please our customers with indifferent ones. There are professional " scavengers " who attend auction sales, go round breeders' kennels, picking up all the cheap rubbish and all the weeds that are to be had. Into their dust carts go the accidental winners, the unsound breeders, and, in fact, all the failures. Their names are changed and they enrich the foreign market. The dogs which often become champions over in America after leaving here are a revelation of the class of dogs that can win there, and I have been amazed to see brood bitches, which would never reach the shows at all here, taking firsts and winners in the United States. The first three dogs I sold to America were sent as pets and sold only for £io to £15 each, and the next thing I knew was that they Avere full-blow^n 302 iiaav^i V HxiM ONiAvad sooq asaMVdvf s.NosnaAwvs Aavj eoe •iCjufui puB SinipuiAvs o; XuumiED pws ;jnsin ppi3 o; p^IiT^j; J3A31I 3vVEq puB saouapad 3S[i3j snoui^A uo 9ui mojj sSop ;o.§ 9abl[ sj9|B9p Jaipo j J3;pS>^3o;s-uon ■B SBAV Sop 9ip ;BLp punoj.o aip uo XucI o; pasnpa 3i{s uo J3;b^ •S3icldnd poo.§ auios jo ip-iiq 3i:p paounouuB spaBA\j[3;jB uoos pun 's>[UBip 9Aisnjtf9 sui 9;oja\ ai^s Sop 3q; SUTA1939J UQ 'Jood Xj3A sbav 9qs SB s;u9uijB;sut iCq ^Bd J9H PI O; 9m p9>ISB UBLUOAY B 9SB9 a9ipouB UJ •S9UIBU J9ip0 J9puU S.I9UUIAV Siq 9lU0D9q pBq pUB 9AqB 9J9AV sSop pB9p p9soddns 9S9q; ;Bq4 punoj 9ABq j uo a9;Bq 'sso^ 9q; dn 9>[Bui o; s;jiS 99jj sb sSop J9q;o ;no miq ;u9S j ;Bq; OS sSuipgj: Xui uo Sui>[aoAV 'uI9q:^ o; p9U9ddBq pBq ;u9ppDB pijpB9-ip 9U10S SuiXbs j9Xnq A.U.I mo-ij -i9;;9j pj -ss9j;sip B pS puB sSop J9A0 pu9s o; 9m o; p9U9ddBq SBq ;t S9mp iBj9A9g -Xbav Suo^ b Xq ua\o ano ;B9q oqAV sa9 -d-iBqs q;iA\ ;99m o; 9um-iojsuu 9q; pBq osjb 9ABq j 'sbjb puB 'suopBpj ss9uisnq 9ABq o; 9jnsB9[d b sba\ ;i moqA\. ipiAV suBoijgmy 9iqBjnouoq ssojdb 9mo9 9ABq j •SJ9pB9J /ilU 9AlS UB9 J ^l2 ;s9q 9q; SI 9DU9U9dx9 Am jo ;g9U9q 9q; ^iig; 'sq;Bd jpq; ui ;nd o; u9AB9q XBjd sj9iB9p qoiqAv ^^ s;By „ F^pt aq; }0 9U0 9q o; jpsXm SuiAvoqs jo 9SU9dx9 9q; ;b u9A9 's9iiav uBDugmy ;suibSb os^b puB^Sug ujba\ o; qsiM j 's^^ou; qsqSug aiio ;suibSb B9U9mY p9uaBAV 9ABq j sy •SuiSpnf puB Sutp99aq ui ;b p9miB 9q o; :^oS SBq ;BqA\. sb puuu ut m9q; d99>i puB i(a; puB sSop 9q; JO ;s9q 9q; ;b |pM ^poj ijiav X9q; 9doq j 'SuiBJ-oBtp Am m punoj 9q \\iia qoiqAv s^jubj 9q; jo S9j[npid 9q; X!pn;s o; puB 9di^; o; sb u9;;uav 9ABq j ^BqAV Xjinj9JBD pB9a o; suB9U9mY i\b ;uba\ j p99jq 9q; jo pooS 9q; joj; •S9jn.og 99aq; 9>iq Suiqpmos ;b spuBq p9SuBq9 pBq puB suoidmBqD Avoqs ap^AV dij; poqsiuo^su 'ssuoq uavo sii{ o; paaBcIaiOD siiqiqxa aq; qL' jo X;i.iou3j:ui 3aiss9dx3 9q; ;no Supuiod J9;}B puB 'saopui^^sXq aq; qn o; (X;ut30S Xa9A 9J9AV Xi3a\ 9q; Xq qoiqAv) s;u9LU s;i uo p9Liiiup9p 9q 9J[9qAV 'Suu iiuiijpiif 9q; o;lu ;no ^qSiiojq ;i puq pire 'uopipdiuoD aoj :iou '9SJoq uavo siq p9J9;Li9 pi3q 9Spnf 9q; 9SHd siq; uj •A\oqs Sop 13 ;ou 'Avoqs 9saoq i? ;i3 si3av ssojdb 9111139 a9A9 j ^^ iiLioj pEq „ JO suopiqiqx9 ;s.ioav 9qj jo 9uo ;l3q:^ Xus ;sniu I 'a9A9Avoq 'X9ui2j .oop 9q; o; 99i;sn_r uj •sJ9pis -Suu Aq poDuongiii 9q o; jpsXui AvoqE j9A91i p^noAV I jpsXiLi 9Spnt" o; pi3q I a9A9 ji ;i3q; piiiui Am dn ^-^^m puK 'SuiSpnf JO ;iq ;i3q; p9J9qiii9iii9J sXbayjb 9ABq j •p9J9jJ9;ui 9Dqod 9q; qi; §uu 9q; 9A139| o; p9snj9J J9soj 9q; pui3 'p9C[qoiu sbav j9ULnA\ 9q; !oq99 9q; o; p9J99q9 '2uu 9q; piinoa pui3 punoa Xjsnounj 9AOjp 111139; U9;i39q 9q; pui3 pg^ooq pui3 p9aEoa pMoa9 9qx •a9pis;no 9q; o; ;saij 9A13S pui3 a9A9;i3qA\ uopu9;;i3 ou pii^d 9Spn[ 9qj^ •9:[i.inoAi3j jpq; .Suu99qD piiB uiiq Suissiq ui3S9q PAV0J9 9q; ;nq 'p9qD;uiii J9U9q puu sa9Aoui J9;;9q 9a9Av s9S-ioq sill *^s^^l ^H^ v(|snoiAqo si3av lun; s^-i9pis;no 9qX 'jgpis^no ui3 o; j9q;o 9q; puB ao;iqiqx9 ji^pidod 13 o; SuiSuopq 91IO *siu9piii3:^ oa\; 9.i9A\ 9J9qx 'Avoqs 9S-ioq ■B ;i3 SLiiSpnf JO ;k[ pq)U9ids 13 a\13s 99lio j -no.^ jo ^\un\} Xi3iii 9ido9d .i9q]o ;i3qAV Xq p99U9nyin 9q ;^iioq •9pis -Siiu 9q; ;i3 j9dsiqAV i{a9A9 i{q p9XuA\s 9ji3 pui3 A\ou>j o; pUUU ou 9Al?q UOiC JI SuiSpuf 9SU ou SI ;i -pUIUl UAVO spuo SuiAvou>[ Xq p9uiu;;i3 9q A[uo ui39 uoisp9(j; -puuu JO ss9uuuy :ji39.i^> pui3 pi39q aL\9p 1; S9ainb9j SuiSpuf U9pi3ai3q9 j)9pp9p 13 pU13 9^9 p9UI13j;-q9AV 13 9Al]q o; i{ji3ss999u ST -]] 9>)puf pooS 'B 9q o; j9pao u[ -qiods SpS 9X9 SU| pUL' S]Ul()(l pi3([ O] p9UlO]SU9913 SI 9q 9SU1M9(| 9.Spnr 13 S13 9|qi3]uis 10U SI jpsuiiq su9uip9ds X|i5n sp99aq puu sd99>| oq.w U13111 y -.oui-i avoids 9q; o; >^9i3q o§ oj^ SHoxsy[3iVv HiaHx axv sooa aox s >< UVAU^l^U^S pjO UB A\13S 33LIO J^ •LlOll.lOflojcI JO 9SUDS \\T3 Xoaisop o; spuD; ;i su luo^sXs pT3([ ii si iiuii[\ m ;i3 Xpsop oo; puu i^uo[ oo; i^ui>|oo'| -oniiiA [linpii jioq] puoX -aq aouT^^aodiui um uoaiJu; snq] oau i[D|ljav '[pi^op o;uuiiii JO suopsonb uo uoispop siq b3>[iiLu X[[iin;uoAo puu 'Duq -;no pLii2 'o[X:}s 'oclL'qs jo uoissoadiui [uaouoi^ o[([un[ijALii oq) sosoj oq *i^LiO[ oo; uioq; ;u i^ui>|oo[ ;{(| 'osnL'Doc[ si^op i^uojAY oqi o; sozud oq^ i5uipaL'A\i3 X([ spuo X[([i?utjaui i^soiiqi? Dijpnf JO pLii>| siqj^ '•^^LIJii^ p[noM odlio oaoqAv sDiiii) A}j\j ^iiu oq; punoj put3 punoa ;uds puT3 uavoi) pLiu dn pD;jq Luoq; JuiuiAi^q A^i s;K[iqx3 oq; jo ;no Djq oq; [[13 so>[i:; puu ssoao sjo;iqiqxo oq; so>|L'iii puu SnoAjou puL' pojo;su[j puu ;oq s;oi^ puL' puiiu siq dn o>|iiLLi uiio JOAOU OqAV 'LlliLLl ^'LnUUOU.I-[[OA\ 'popuiiu->[tOA\ oqj^ "I •soi^pnf JO spui>f AuvAu q;iA\ uo>[ooa o; 0AT3q sao;K[iqx;^£ -spuuq ;Liojoj:jq) ui unii^ij i^op oq; a\ou>[ ;ou [[iA\ oJuipnf oq; ouo o; uo; st3 'aojpuiiq anoX ifuii^uLnp Xq >jDU[ -lUoX oi^uT^qo uo;jo [[iav noX! >[oiici ijojj .luoX JSui; -;nd A'q sLiiiJoq ooiaou 13 ji ojojoaoq; 'si^op oq; osiLii^oooa o; ;[nDLjLjip XaoA ;i puy ^^oqj^ -op o; Suqjuo;ui ui oH Xoq; ;L'qA\ JO qoniii ;no Xjjuo o; Suu oq; ui posnjuoo X^issoj -odoq oo; qoiuii X[[uaouoi^ oju ;n([ 'juoq Xoq; i^uiq;XaoAo Xq posT^iq A[snopsuooun ojb Xoqx "ozooaci Xjoao Xq sojddu o;lii UA\0[q si qoiqAV ao;uAV o>ii[ ao 'ua\o Jioq; jo oSl'iui 0[qL';s Au\3 ;noq;iAV luoq; oaojO([ ;nd uooq suq ;L'q; xjiiiq; ;si3[ oq; Supooyoa sjojjilu o>|q Xjp^nsn oai3 sooiaosj; •ODUo;oduioDui jpq; OAOjd o; si oou;3aT2oddi3 ;sjij l' uo op Xqi3JOuoS iCoq; jje puT3 'oDuo;oduiOD apq; OAOjd ;snui Xoq; uoi;L'auupu jo ;oodsoa Xue o; luii^p Xej ubo Xoq; ojoj -og •oouL';aodaii ua\o jpq; q;iAV dn pojLjnd X[sno[noipu oq o; ;ou Xla; pjnoqs soSpnf ooiaojsj 'poo^idun uooq pi3q puE osjoq snoijOAJBui siq q;iM jboX snoiAOjd oq; po;odLuoD i)VA\ oSpnf oip ;m{; ppi? ;'Ct?ui j 'spji^AVT? siq Xq oxa 'sam3 sHOxiaiHxa 'saoanr 9^^ siwjqSuj *3AB9| :|noipiAV 9Z99iis o; sb ipnui os ^jv.p X^^q; }i .oiii-i 3i|; p ;no sao;iqii|X3 9q; sjapjo 'Xj^pao^s aq; squsLii 'pai2A\9;s Suu di\\ }T2 SJB9AVS oqAV Xqnq aqj^ •§ •Suidsi^S pui: paaapjiAvaq XpoqXaaAa SuiAt9{ piiH 'luiq q;iAv ss^p ;sLq 9q:^ jo sclqs 9q; .oUI>it3; 'Xjjny jo puqAS. ij ui s9qsiLii3A pui3 'i{psnpad Xpoqi{.i9A9 s>[ia'qi 's-i9.oUi3j;s it3;o; qqA\ spuuq S9>^i3qs ^/p^l Xj\[ ^^ S13 Xai3;9aD9s 9q; s9SS9jpp'B 'J9;;q h o; dno 9.§u9|iBqD u9do 9q; piiu '.§nj 13 o; diqsuotdiuBqD ui3iubj9iuoj 9q; S9AiS *q9;K[ L' o; 9zud Sop pn;s 9q; spjEAVB '>^ooq SuiSpnf siq sX\3[siiu 'ipu9d stq S9SO[ *S9ssT2p siq qSnojq; S9i-i.inq 9f^ •9iuoq UII3-I; XpB9 UB qo^BD o; SBq pui3 9X9 J9.0139 piiu 9D13J p9qsny t? q;iA\ '9;sT3q ss9|q; ui s9Alui3 '3}^ sAuAViB SI oqiVV 'U131U i(>pi'q-oS-Xddi3q '[BiAof 9qj^ '/, •9[qt3q9j puE ;u9;sisuoD X|p9j.i9d puB 'sp.mA\T3 stq UI p9pp9p pui3 piduj SI oqAV '9.i9qi Sui;pS ui junpuud piiu 'i5Liij 9q; ui pgyiuSip pim 'sno9;jnoD 'uuy SI oqAV 'ss9iitsuq siq SAVOLi>t oqAV '9.§pn[ 9.iEa 9qj^ -9 •pduiu-i; UAVO siq SuiA\o[q sXi^avjb SI oqAV Sud sno9;qSi.i-jps pLii3 snoi;L';u9;so gqj^ S •; Xsdo; i)'uiipi(a9A9 lun; o; S9>iq oqAV *;sqEuopi3SU9S 9qj^ -f •;oLi SI 9q ji p9qnsiii 9.10111 piiu p9quq si 9q ji pgqusui SI oqAv 'ss9iisnoqi([ puL' ii99|ds 9.iud jo ;no 'AV0.1.101U-0; iiAvop piiu Xup-o; dn uoX ;nd qiAV oqAV '.i9d -iu9; siq III >iui>[ 13 sL'q oijav piiuq pjo X!quub9 9qj^ •£ •Si(i3AV a9q;o iii .10 qsuD pauq iii J9qq9 *pS o; Xp>iq si 9q s>[iiiq; 9q 9S\3;iiUApi3 9q; o; Sinp.i09DiJ 'sLioisp9p siq a9qu o; Li9do si oqAv piiuq p[0 9qj^ 'z •iCuAV 9U113S 9q; ui qDUui si3'op 9Spnf O; IU99S S9Spuf 9lllOg 'SSB^S SuiXjIuSl'UI M q;iAV S9SL'A -UUD I13J9A9S p9LlllUUX9 ;nq *Xl2AV XjUUqDJO 9q; III S9.m]Dld 9ip :jL' >[0(){ :|oii pq) 9]^ •i{.i9|iuS 9.inpid m o;iii 9iuo9 SHOxs:^3iVV HiaHX QKV sooa AOX SSIddnj aSHONIMTIJ S,av>I>IV.T SHJ\r OR ^A OT x-aoHOMoavaH Addaj as30NiN7ij s.anvnaoo ^3aA3^J sai\[ ■4Li9uiSpnl" JO S3sdi3i o; aiqi^ij sXbavju si sq ;nq ';q)3JD -sq3 ;noq;tM q.§^ uiiq \\nd ^iq^qoad j|im 93U3U9dx3 siy; '^lAvots puB Xisnouoqi^i aSpnf Si{EA\ii3 |jiav 9pn;i;di3 lT3jn;-BU inoq;tA\ aSpnf y -Xpapua 3pn;i;dT3 |Han;i3u aDUjd^a \\\\\ SuiLiiT^a; jo ;unoiui3 ou pX 'Siiimi^j; ;noq;iAV ;u9piynsLii vCjil'^o; si Dpu;pdu [lmu^bu q.§noq; aoj '5'z« -Mp.<7 J//7 yz? //j/B y£» 9pu;i;di3 jT3jn;T3u 9q; 9Ai3q ;snui no^\ •snopsuoDiin ao snopsuoo J9q;p 'Sliiuii3j; ;noq;iAV uoi; -aodoad jo 9Spnf b si3 puqsui A'q a9;sE;--B94 [i3iioiss9joad b 9q o; p9dx9 jpAv si3 ;qStiu no^\ -uosuEduiOD jL'opuo jo i{;inDBj 9q; p9dopA9p sBq puu aea\ j9qio 9iiios in 9X9 JO SutLiiB.q peq Xpi^ga^i^ sBq 9q ss9iun ;six9 ;ouui3d iiuiii q;Liot[|iui siq; u9A9 ;nq 's9>tT3;siiu snoA9uS Sui>|Lnu siq ; ||iA\. qDiqM 'Liopaodojd jo Xuoiiui^q joj puus -ui iHan;i3ii 9q; si^q iioq[iui 13 in 9uo ^o^^ •9>{0A9j \\\i\\ X9q; A\Oq 99s UOOS JJIAV IIOA pil\3 S9SSBp 9AtSS9DDnS JT3J9A9S UI sa9iiiiiA\. 9q; ;no >^Did o; iu9q; jp; piii3 >^ooq Siii.opnf u ;noq;iM Suu 9q; iii iii9q; ^n^j 'qsiqqna \\^ si siq; ;nq 'pui;sui apq; o; ;sna; ubd X9q; >liiiq; sj9iiuiS9g •9pB.i; B S13 Siiqps Sop JO ;u9pii9d9pui 9JB oqAV 9ido9d o; ;nq 'sj9>^o-i(i .oop o; 9.i9q .oiilli9J9j 'a9A9A\.oq ';ou llIB J •JI9S -iiiiq .oop 9ip 9>|q ;oii Ai^ui piiu ;ii9ip v. jo ;s9nb9j ppgds i(q Sop u Auci 04 A.i; Xuui sjoq;o aoj ;ii9Su sb spi? oijav iiEui u 9S.IU09 JO "U^- ^^ aSpnf o; ;y si sup jo 9iqBdL'9 si oqAV iiuiii o\[ •A";iim;joddo Xj9A9 x^ >|Dbc[ Sop 9q; s.o9d ;i pS o; SiiqiBj no piiu jpsuiiq .10 j Sop b Xuq o; p.iBq S9ia; oqAV iiBLii 9q; si s9Spnr \\v. \o ;s9ire9iii 9q; sd'Bq.i9j M^q siq HI spj;sBA\. jo '\o\ p9ssnD b qons AVBs .i9A9ii 9q SuiXbs s^.iBcUip piiB 'sSop ;qSLi 9ip o; S9ZI.ld 9ip Sp.lBAVB 'S9l.I9|S.Cq O) S9DIAOII S9Dnp9.I 'sSoj) 9q; Xuiii 3q uiiq japim Sop l' savors Xiiiauo in? }[ -lunsn su oSpiif ii9i|; pwe suiq juiiosjad jo; s;uiod uo; .oop di{j duoipuL'i[ o; m3[d pooS u si ;i ';u3iu.opuf uavo siq jo luu; -a3D i{[3;npsqi? ;oli si oq puu pajq jo pauAvo X[snoiA9jd si3q 3q qDiqAV Sop 13 Slii.i 9q; ui S3SiuSod3j aSpnf 13 jj •;i Xq papinS aq o:^ ;ou pin? uoiuido oqqnd uuoj piiu qDi39; o; aaaq; 9au Xaq; ;i3q; saSpnf iiodn ssaadiui iiULoU 9J3q 9111 ;9| ;ng; •uoiuido oqqnd jo 9pp 9q; ;siiii?Si3 oS Ajpjoq o; qSnou9 9A.i9u SuiAL^q ;oii pm? X|Dqc[nd Sop 9q:} pai39q XpuB;siiOD SuiABq Xq ;noqB ;qSuoac[ AjqL'LiuAui ;souqH si puE 'puiui jo ss9u>|139AV s/iMsi -9([ 9pu;i;;u siqj^ -^i Auq o; p9D-ioj. spgjf 9q iii3q; 9aoui Aiiu 9>|q ;oLi s9op 9q Sop -e du ;nd o; p9Daoj p9j o; ;oli ;qSno uuiii y ^.•9|qL'>pii2ui9J os 9Ji3 siiiiod siq 9snHD9q du iiitq ;nd o; pi3q j q9j j ;nq '9>|q j i^nqAV ;ou si Sop 13 qons piiB qoug „ :Ji'es 9Spuf 13 pau9q u9;jo 9ABq j •ui9q; JO 9U0 Xnq Xjiio ppioD 9q piii3 9Dud 9iin3s 9q; ;h iiiiq o; p9J9jL}0 9J9AV qDU9 ji 9sooqD p|noM 9q Sop qoiqAV jpsiiiiq >|si3 o; SI 'sSop OA\; u99M;9q SupB;is9q si 9q ji 'puuu siq dn 9>|Biii o; 9Spnf b joj Xbav pooS i{.i9A 9110 "SAVoqs ^'b 9S139 9q; A'jji^nsu si ii'eq; pA9j gjoiii .ibj si s;iqiqx9 9q; jO A^q^nb 9q; ss9[Lin 'p9LU99uoD si Sop ;say 9qj su .luj si3 9110 Siiipi99p 9qi i(||i39.i SI piiuo-i 9Din?iS ;s-iy siq 'sSop 9q; ^uoqE junsuLiu Ajl^a Suiqpuios si 9a9q; ss9[Lin '^nq 's^iiiod ui 9S01D y(a9A 9ai3 ;i3q; OAv; 9ai2duiOD o; jlo 'ss9Lipunosun .i9Aoosip o; J9pjo III 'i(j|npjT3D J9A0 ui9q; s^^ooj 9^ *sSop ;s9q 9q; uiiq SAVoqs ssL'p siq pimo-i qoo| ;s-iy 9qx •;jiS j' LIU JO Suiqpiiios si Suuiii^a pui3 *Siiq.ios *SiiuT3diuoD *SLn99s .loj SU1119S jB.inji?u sifj[ •A'[a9dojd sSop 9q; ;l' p9>ioo{ 9Ai3q iouul'd 9q 9iiiSi3iiii X9qj 9snL'D9([ saoiiqiqx9 991 aou s9]T]i.iu[iii iioisp9p jo Ajq^idi^-i siq piiu — s-ii3]s Siiouiu siiooiu 9>[q ]no pin^is sSop ;s9q 9ip — ^<^>iq '"^q ;i-qA\ qsiq; v. in savoii>i 9q 99ii9i.i9dx9 s>ioxs:h[3iVV iii^ciix qkv sooa aox 6oe noX ss3jun suoip^fqo Suisthj jo 3.iEAV3q ;nq 'Suojav si ;i jjuiq; noA 9j3qAv Xpsauoq Xbs pjnoqs uoX 'uoiuido pipuEo jnoA aoj p9>|SE 3ai3 pun ;i aaiiupB ;ou op noX ji asjnoD JO *9sp Sutq;XuB uEq; aauoos ;i S3op oi|m uosaacl aq; JO ssauqsqooj aq; sXuapq puii 3dubjouSi jo llois ;s9jns 9qi SI ;i 'ss9iu9A9p JO pi39;sui ;u([ 'ssi^p ;say v{|suoiAqo SI qDiqAv Sop 13 jo snon;diii9;uoD .i9q;B.i SLiuB9dd'B Xq s.i9pm3;siCq 9q; ss9.iduii piiE sp9j9p ;u9Alii o; j9A9jd si ^ >llllq:^ 9ido9d 9uiog •sp9j9p 9[C|isiALii ;no >iDid o; Ajl} ; nop pire sno.i9U9.o 9q 'J9Xy \i n >|Liiq; Ai[i39.i noX puB 'So\) siq uo iioiuido .moX s>^se .io;iqiqx9 jijau e jj •snojUDipu jo;T3apdj9d 9q; S9>jT3iii Xjuo ;i '9U0 pooS 13 SI ;i J J "op o; Suiq; pui>iLin piiu ss9|pe; 13 SI ;i '9uo pi3q i3 si Sop 9q; jj 'jjo Avoqs o; sup op 9[d09d AlI13]/\[ jjpoOjq pi3q SS9|p99lI 9>|13lll J^i\\\ •a'B9q IIU9 .I9UAV0 9qi ;i3q; os '9Dioa pnoj l' hi s:qm3j ;no Sui ->|Did Avoqs 13 ;i3 ii9d s Sop Awg 9.ioj9q pLii3;s o; sa9uui3iii pooS ;ou si 11 UEpulodim si3 |pAV se sno|nDq)u s9Aps -ui9q; 9>^i3iii piii3 '9Sjno9a9;Lii iii3iiinq p9sqiAp uj9AoS qDiqAV 'ss9U9;qod ;u9D9p jo suoui39 sq) qi3 luoaj uioqi s9Ajosqi3 SAVoqs 9q:^ jo 9J9qdsoLLi;i3 9q; ;i3q; J9pisuoD o; UI99S ^9qx "sjoiiqiqxa si3 ';li9|osui puE 9pn-i 9iiioD9q o; 9|do9d p9a9iiiii3ui-|[9AV '9iqi3p9ds9j joj Suiq; UOUUUOD 13 9;inb SI ;i uosi39a snouno 9uios joj rjnq '9jq Xai3uipao jo sa9uuEui pooS 9q; 9AJ9sqo pjnoAv X!9q; ji s9Apsiii9q; joj j9;ui3SE9|d qouiii SA\oqs 9q; 9>|i3ui p^noAV sao^iqiqxTj •Sop siq JO ;unoDDU uo uosa9d ;i3q; aoj Xqi^EdiuXs Xji3Jodiii9; jo a\0|S 13 9;inb sp9j U91JO piii3 a9UAV0 9q; p9;i3q 9q qonui A\oq A\i3a;s l' 9aT3D ;oii ppioAv 9q ;i3qj Sop pooS i3 j9Ao Dpsi3isnq;u9 os SpS 9q SL' sup op O; p99U ;OU qiAV .in9SSlOUUOD J139J Y •9Dipuf9jd siq pi3J9iunoD o; s^uiod ii9; uiiq avo||B •3x:d[ 's^im3 'sHoxTRTHx:»i 's:Tf)anr 3ip o; ^i: ]i ]uocb.i Ap;i:ipoiiiuii ;oii op 'Sop s duooiuos ;noqu UOA o; s>[.iuiuo.i .oiii.oi?-iijdsip s3>[L'iu auoAiiu ;[ •S9SHD .191113 sooiiu)suiuo-iij j ;i a'oI'uo o; 9;inb p9.u?3cl -di: oq ;Bq; pwe '>[DHq aqi iio luiq p9;;ud s3i>|Ooq pa^pxa 113.13A9S 'Aq.i3Q 9q; LiOAV pjUAvp^ -oiiixj uaqvv ;uq) JL'aq J -41 ;u3S5.t o; p-msqi3 iioaq 3AHq ppiOAV }i ;uq; ;iiU9ui A"ipiii>{ A'|suoiAqo OS SUAV ;nq 'A;i.iL'qiui\3; p9po.iip-||i \o 0Duu;sui SL'AV ■>]i\± ■>iDuq oqi no oiii Suujud d^3>j pjiiOAv OqAV '3dld L' qilAV LIBU13j1U9-o A'piapp .§IIIUU9111-||0AV 9UO A'q p3snuni qoniii suav j 'suii; :isMy oqi .loj p^Spuf j n^q \y •9S.moD ^ippiui E -i33)s oj ;s9q SI ij Muqiuiu; a'jsso.iS .io _:yo-puuis a'[suo[ -noq^u Supq A'q .i.\? ^ydoad Xiii3j\[ M^^siqq ;uoqiiAv luq A'aiuSq:) .moA" inu)iiiuj\[ -.oui-iaisi-qq iiuq; iLnip^ya 9.10UI SI UISUD.IUS 49inb [HllOlSUDDQ •Apipim 3010A JUOA 3SIU.I o; XjT3SS9D9ii J9A3U SI ^j "a^qissod sb sno9;.moD su oq sAL'Avju luq 'A"iui.iy ;[9s.moA' .10; dn piii^^g •pu9;siii ;i 110 ;is piiu a'l'a\13 II 9>[L'; .i9.§iiB-qs ;sj[y 9q; pf ;iiop ';i .loj Xi3d puu .iiL'qD u 9.itq uoa _;i '33111345111 .10^ -psqjnq 3(i o; q3S.m0A \\0\\\i pill3 ;;0S Ap3pLnUI->ll33AV 9q p{UOqS UOA luqi IIU3111 ;oLi op j 3s.mo3 ;q -s-ioiiqiiixo Avojp; .iuoa' JO q;i3.iAv 9qi .oUiiLin; o; abav .oU0| 13 0.0 '.i3Avod juoa in lUn; pOO.o AU13 Apoq.03A3 op O; SS3ll.oliq|IAV 13 pui3 S.131I -iiL'iii ;ui3SU3|j •q3;id Suqioq }\i .oiiq33jL qi sd33>^ qioo; u .10} qiOO; 13 pill3 3A3 U13 aOJ 3a"3 UU _;0 3ydl3lll.ld .olllA3lll3j; Sop 3qi si33.ioqAV 'uoa" SiiUL'q yo 3A1331 A'oqi im.i Suo\ 3qi III 3sni333q 'UOA 3;uq :ii3ip 3Soq; o; pooS op o; X3qod si ij •3iui3qs JO Suq33j X.ii3;n|i3s .C-13A 13 3Ai3q |[ia\ 3q Sop .luoA inoqi3 ;iii3si33|dun SuiqiAiiu sai3s 3q 3iiiu ix3ii 3ip puu 'A'[p.n3A\UlO 3q ALHU 3q 3|qB33aSl3Sip .I3A3AVOq l.iuoq siq ui u .loj uo.C 3.iuupi3 qiAV 3]q^ -Sop siq oi isuf 3q o; iu_;3.iL'3 3.101U 3ip j|i3 9q :isuui uoa si3 '>iuiip uoa" \\\: 3iiuh A'es }ou p33ii uo.( .1311 uo 3ip 3>jqsip uo.C ji : puuo-iS .iuoa SHOXS:^^XV HK^ILL QXV SOOQ AOX 'JNlDUnf aHX H3XdV n MoiiDVjsi-Lvs ^vsy3^^Nn 3KV0 DKjioanr 3HX ,, ~ NoixdiaDS3a s^ya-L-aoaaa uo-a^ xDvaj.-<3 .' t4 6- ^. § ^^i lie 31]; japim sassL'p Suojav oq; in p3j3;u3 3jb XIaqx '^loni puq 3ip iiH DAuq saaq^o 'a^ny 12 Xq aadiua^sq^ j3ao pS puL' ';u9ppDB Xq uiM '3>ib;suii Xq u.ioq aai^ 911105 ■^>l3ni -im sa9q]o |)mj A^oni 3.113 sSop aiuos ;Eq; pHj ;ii9;Ed b SI ;i •>[DBq uiiq s;nd oqM aSpnf XaaAa o; j3;sBsip §uuq o; SU193S 33UL';uiEnbDE Xiu JO Sop 9UO qBsnpj^q; ;9aS9a a9UMO 9q; s^^mu qoiqM 'spai?A\j9;ji3 Xp^tnpguiiiii ;u9ppDi3 p9p9dx9un 9U10S Ac[ 9U10D o; SIU99S .^op 9q; S9SK9 XuBiu III X|uiE;a99 put' '-19^0 pooS 13 9snj9a o; vC>lDn| -un 9q o; p9soddns svCl'avii^ si ;j ^9450^ o; ;s9q s;t s9op 9;l'^ tCbs ;sniu j qoiqAv suopi;sj9dns 9luos o; Suip puB '>lDni III iB9p pooS 12 9A9q9q o; p9uq9ui 9aB sj9I9ub^ •911.1; ;ou SI jE9q iiOA ;i3qAV jo sq;anoj-99jq; ;nq '.^snq y(j9A 9ji3 s9iiSuo; SuidissoS iiioqAV inoqE >j{0j Xubui Shu 9q; iii p9iii qiAV no^\ -noX lu99iiod ;ou op sjo;iqiqx9 .i9q;o jo s9Aq 9;L' 9qj^ qL'piiiiDS o; U9;sq ;oii oq •A"dojq;iii3jiqd Aq p9;i3pq) iiiopi9S 9.113 ^9qx •J9ai39q 9ji3; 9q; jo s9Aqoui 9jqissod 9q; piiiui uavo jiiovC iii qSpA\ pui3 ';i 9A9q9q noX 9Joj9q 9;L';is9q 'uom 9Ai3q o; j9A91i ;qSiio Sop juoa ;Bq; pn^s sBq og-puij-oc^ ;i3q; noX s|p; piii3 s9iiiod 9lio9uios jj •;i ;u9S9.i Agq; ji 9q ;oli ;smii noA! piii3 'sj9lia\o 9q; o; ( p9qsqj9qiii9 qDnui) punoa pS sXi^m^b s>tJi3iii9j .ino^\ -sSop s 9ido9d .i9q;o iiAvop .§iiiiiunj Aiss9|p99u SAVoqs 9q; ;noqi3 o.§ ;jioq j 91111; ;say 9q; "j i 'p9p999 -911S 99110 A|uo ;nq '95139 iiavo Am iii p9;diii9;;H U99q S9uii; |Ea9A9S si2q >pi.i; siqx •.(i3avi3 noX! Siiid99>t .loj SIIOS139J ua\o siq 9Ai3q A13UI piii3 9.ig 9q; ui siioai uavo siq SL'q ^^ pu9uj ,, .movC ;i3q; J9qui9ui9a '9S0[ qiAV noA pui3 ^/qof dn ;nd ,, 13 qi3 si SuiSpnf 9q; 9snBD -9q 'A\oqs L' q9ns pui3 q9ns ;i3 Avoqs o; ;ou pu9uj; b SE noX S9SlApi3 pui3 S91U09 9U09U10S JJ 'pp; 9.113 VXOA ;i3qA\ JO q;.inoj-9uo ui3q; 9Joui 9A9q9q ;.iioq •a9UAV0 •3x:i 'samj sHOXTaiHx:^ 's:^f)anr ^ •iii^ip sasidsop piiu 3Din?.iou.oi .nr»i|i souid j ,^ :jo 9siiD ii si 41 a'ulmouo.o ;nq 'aDiyo ui s>|Dijf jo 3;ids .10 ssaumis oip ;l' uoqinf-i-it .yuissT?d L' poj o; ;oLi ;.i3dx;) uv. .io_^ 9|(|issoduii st ij^ •][ -ouisuqu ;sis;).i ^oliiujd Xoip pin^ poii.iu) o.iu spi^aq .iioip '.i3A\od puL' ;sn.n jo uoqisod i? in oiui; ^say ;)ij; .loj; -oupjj ']^o .oiuAvoijs j() ;.i()s sii[; ui o.o[upui 01 oiioad a.i3a 9.nj so.^'pnl" 9DiAo^\[ -ip.iuo Dip jo s.ioiLioD .luoj 9q; o; XaopiA su[ qsfiqnd jjiav .i^uuiav p9:iL'p aqj ;i3q; pin? '-y -g -3 •>{ 3ip in pop.lODO.I 0C[ IJLW ;i33pp 3q; ;L'ip .^'llIAVOlI>| 'p.u)Dr>.i siq jiods oj ;suf ii.uop uiiq ;nd A[lio;iiuav puu A'^suoioqiuii [[iA\ sD.opnf oiiios 'p.iooo.i uo;l'0([iiu hi.' sp[()q .oop v. ij •[UliiiL'd A'[([L'>pn3iuo.i Dsdiq^a 9ip 3>jl'iii ;smii qoiqAV iioDuoD-jios jo iioi;L'yiu 1113 iiio.ij s.i9.yns 9q 'j^ad -Avoq '9[ii|A\in?9|\[ Tiouisod |Biii.iou siq oiiii S9sdi?p.i .i^]. -]L'[ oq) 'A'.q) A'[[inoin.'iiq p9>pius odiaou oq; .10 'p9jc[iunq A'puapiyus uaaq suq ^^ og-piiu-og ,, i-^^MAV "saoiiuqo pUIAV |l3Dpqod 3ip SB UOOS S13 Xpil^Ill^AlIOD p9.I0U.ol 3([ UHD 3q 9snED3q jDddo;s aq; si3 p3sn AqLMouo.^' si 3diaoit i? piuj ^'^uic/ijo^s' siin.'Av og-piii3-og ,, 'iCi2s saSpuf s.ujoq ;)iiq •p3;io|dx9 3siM.i3q;o .oiiiocf si .10 qi.'Ai.i in^.i3Mod aaoiu 1? ;i3oq o; ipiqAV ipiAV >pns L' sh 9.^'puf oq] Xq posn .tiiiioq SI ooiAOii Dip ^mp uoiiiiinqdxa nn^ ^i\\ suq A[[uusn suji^ _/>[.^iq s ooiAoii ., sii .^'iiiqi 1^ qons si ;).i;)i\} ]iHp iioiUi^'^ui ]siuu I '>ioiq JO p^fqns oq; .oiiiAi>r)| r».i();r)<[ ■pOO.o Xui3 op .13A31I X^ip su 's.^op osoqi JO 1)1.1 ]D.S o] ;s3q ;i piinoj sXiJAvp? ^ava\ \ ]()ii .10 _^ >[DU[ ,. si.' .^!uiqi V. qDiis s;six3 3.i3ip .laqioq \\ •l)uiA\ oip a"([ s.i(H)[) ouii inqs ]o.o piii] 'uop.iu.o oip ui 33^4 3SO.I X[Lio oqj no saX.! .iioip qD4i3.iDs Xaqx "SHiauioiii ^iiuijoduii isoiii nqi ]i? 41:03 jo 4110 o.^ A!oq4 'so.^pnf .Siio.i w s>[(XLs:i.:)xv in:4^iix axv sooa aox J3;4i| V, ;so[ ^sul" ,, si.'L[ ]va[\ ipiiq poo.i([ sqx '^) •p>{si?c[ siq III padiuiiao Supq qSno.ii|; ounq i(|i.nLiO(liiio| si ^va\} .oup oqj^ -g 9ip .i3;;i3 iijip ;q.^'ijs i? ;o.§ „ s\n\ ;L'ip .^op aqx "^ •aaippii miA\ SMH3cldi? ;n([ 'Apniii uo Suiuiod ;snf ^.n? sai33 osoijav JO ^/;t30d siij .^'ui.oin,'i|o ;snf ,, si ;i3ip .oop aqx '9 ^/s;)i(lclud SLiiAi?q Xq ^jiods aq o; A; oo; A|dLiiis si ,, qoiqAV ip^iq poo.ic[ sqj^ 'S •s.ib;s psxy .loj sjospiii Sui>[i3;sij^ -l^ •;i An(| uoA ^i op i[L'qs aqs ;i?qM mou>i ;^us3op 3qs ;t:q; noX Avoqs o; J^op 9q; ;qJ5'noac[ aqs uaqAV ^laa^^iq OS p^i-iD [.11.0 3[;;q -loq ;T2q; noX s[[3:i oqA\ Xpi^j sqj^ '^^ •uiuS-a'q 13 ;u s aaq DAi3q iioA ;o| iil'd aqs piii3 'Sop pi'ns 13 d93>i o:j .laq A\o[p3 ;^lioav aq .n3[nDii.ii3d os si piiu([sni[ .loq noA s[|o; oqA\ ^^ XpE][ pspad ,, aqj^ "^ i J^SuL'J^S jT3;o; T3 3)^q([0 O] y([duiis iims pqos 'pooS t3 9so[ pjuoqs aq ;i3q; 7(p>|qLm ;i p odbj iin3[d 3ip no si ;i jddt^j X;; JiV\o/i ss3|([ 'noX p >^ooj Dip sD>|q nq Dsni3DDC[ ]i pi3i{ uoX .laiioos p[noAv ;u([ '.oop 9q; uoX SLii.i3-yo si 3i[ qDiqAV joj uins aq; ojciuop jo aojLfo a3i[;oin3 si?q ,ii| noA sqD] oqA\ in^ui p^pUripijiiOD 9i{ ^ 'i :s.i3Siiup uouiuioD Sliia\o||oj oip aiOAy S7I3IAON >TO.^T SllV.^XI.T IIIX H3XdVH3 ■i7ie IIB Anq o; i|Snoii9 ubl|; 9Joiii 9q p|noA\. Xbm siq; ui ;soi DAuq J iCaiioui JO ;imouTB 9i|j^ 'avolis Xuh i^b ssBp 9iio iii3i[; 9J0UI 99;Lii3ai3nS o; a9A9u piii3 S|i3p9ds 9|q'Bn|HA 9ai.'§ o; a9A9ii SI 991A0U "B 9siApi2 pjHOAV J .ouiip jgipouy •SS9LipUI>[ JO ;nO iC|dllIIS ';T .IOJ J9-yO ||BIIIS M UOX S9>yi3Ul J9;T3{ S>|99AV AV9; 12 oijAv pin? 'Suia .§ui.§pnf 9ip ui >|DL'q :}i s;nd .10 .§op juoA uAvop SUU.I oipw XpHj 9ip Ac[ UI ii9>|E; 9q ;^noQ •;isod9p ;uoq;iAv jUAoaddii uo pLi9s :^iioq •pgqiiiq 9q jpsanoX ;9j ^ixiOQ •;i op ui9q; pq 'noX ^^ ;.ino9-X;LinoD ,, ||iav v(9q; tCbs piii3 9;i.iAV oipw 9|do9d JO piBjjB 9q ;^uoq -X^sguoq uavo J9i| ;noqii Xj;ubss9diii s>|[13; oqAV A.p\i\ 9qj^ 'gi •SuisBqDjnd 9J0j9q jEAO-iddL' uo .oop pn;s .inovC s;ubm oijav iiuui 9q ^ *^i •X|9;Hq39uiuii 9pp9p noX ss9|Liu .i9SBqD.ind J9q;oiiB suq ol|av iiuui 9qx '91 •SLiotsHODO pn;s no ; 9q o; 9uo.^in? AVOjp? ;on ||ia\ oijav .i9liavo 9qx "^i •ui9ip Suqps JO 'B9pi 9Lp Ji39q :t LIH9 9qs ;i3q; sSop .I9q jo piioj Xjp9;oA9p os si 9qs XpoqX.i9A9 s|p; i(|p9;B9d9.i oqAV A'pii^ 9qj^ +1 M9q 1110.IJ os'BqDand o; noX 99npiii o; a9A9{ \i sh sup S9sn puL' '9.opnf qup 12 SI 9qs noX sjp; oqA\ XpH| 9qx "^i •Avoqs 13 ;i3 uoAV SHq ;i a9;ji3 ;snf Sop siq uoX ips o; sj9^o oqAV ui2ui9pu9.o 9qL "^i ^/Xq pui3 Xq dn U9;.ioqs HiAV ^^ 9DBJ 9SoqAV Xddud 9q; pui? 'Ajuo jguAvo snoiA JO a9p99jq s;i J9pun uoav si^q }v.i\} .^'op 9qj^ 'ii •q;99; punosuu sui39ui ;i ^iiq 'su9ddi3q siqj^ *ni3q 13 q;iAv SuiXT3[d ;uo q]99; s-^i p9>pou>| suq oqAV .^op 9iix 'Oi •>P")9A\ 13 .IO| m.oUl JI13 du UD?>([ OAi.'q suos nn.up puu ''spA oav] '.iduavo Dip :|i,'qi s>TOxs:i:3NV iit:thx qnlv soon aox BEWARE OF THESE IN BUYING A DOG MV LITTLE CIRU CRIED SO BITTER-L.V \ajHEIH I BROUQHT TAE. DOC TO sriow You, I don't KNOW VJMAT I SHALL DO IF VOU BUY I " "he's noseless , CriAMPlON HEAD , ENO(tMOU5 COAT AND EARS , PER.FECT MAeKINQ , Bur MY HUSBAND VJOn'T LET HE KEEP HIM , SO YOU MAY HAME Hin FOR. TEN POUNDS 1 " PITFALLS FOR NOVICES the best dogs on the ])ench, and in addition to losing- my money I have earned nothing but hostihty through it. The better specials I gave, the more the exhibitors quar- relled over them, and when they did not win them the more angry they got with me over it. Just as if I ought to have told the judge how to award them! People seem to imagine that if a man gives good specials he must be a multi-millionaire, that everything he offers, from dog collars to candelabra, should be of solid gold, studded preferably with diamonds. The same material seems to be desired even if the prize ha]^)ens to be an arm-chair or an umbrella. The abusive letters I have received on the subject have made me laugh more than a little, at the same time I have laughed with a rather sorry heart as I find that all efforts to improve and encourage my breed seem to result merely in encouraging the wrong sort of people and the wrong sort of dogs. To continue giving prizes under such circumstances is impossible and undesirable. I should like to warn beginners with money, of one fatal mistake. Do not buy a dog on the strength of what he has won or because he has beaten your best dog. Use your eyes first and see if wii think him beautiful. Never buy a dog you don't care for just because someone tells you he is lovely and will beat yours. It is human nature to buy the winner of some important championship, but it does not pay. Often there is a sort of tacit under- standing between the owner of the dog and the judge, that the dog had better win as there is money about. Never buy a dog without seeing him, on the strength of his reputation. I have never myself cared in the least what a dog has won or lost, but have always bought on what I con- 315 TOV DOGS AND THEIR ANCESTORS sidered io l)e the nierils of the animal, or for some very good rcas(^n of my own. I have often lioui:^"ht the V. H. C. and refused the challen^'e-prize winner, and have ne\-er rei^retted it. I may say tliat 1 ha\-e never in my life allowed anyhody to persuade me into huying" dogs I did not like. They might have been champions twenty times over; it would never have made any dif- ference. T have seen ladies buy u]^ dog after dog, getting all those which beat theirs, and they never got a good dog at all, and got rid of a l(~>t of money. As an illustration, a lady may buy a good dog at a show. It gets about that she has given a big price for him, which may (^r may not be true, and this rouses up all the dealers, who think if they can eclipse him with another, she will give a still bigger price for the winner. The dog is, therefore, beaten in grand style at his next show, and she duly receives overtures from the owner of the winner, who talks confidentially to her friends in the hearing of the defeated owner. Her husband does not want her to keep a stud dog, she is reluctantly obliged to jiart witli liim. Dog given awav at £250 (!!!). To this the friend cries out that it would be ridiculous to part with the d(\g for such a sum; the victim pricks up lier ears, and most likely the con- fidential friend finds an opportunity for improving the occasion. The victim wavers, hesitates, and is hist; and thinks she has secured a bargain at £80, yet from that moment the dog's show career declines. He mav win a third j^rize now and again, for " auld lang syne," but his meteoric brilliance is at an end. Beware, then, of sky-rockets. There are lots of d(\gs with these bubble rej)Utations. The order of march is as follows: 316 Miss ). J on .\M j. Buyers, advice to. 299. novice, dangers to be avoided by, 313- wealthy, tricks practiced on, 316. Buyijig of dogs on merit, not repu- tation, 315. Byron, Lord, fondness of, for dogs, 7- " Cabbage-leaf cared dog," 100. Caesar and pet dogs, 268. Caius, Dr., Comforter of, 25. on Toy dogs, 25. Canker in the ear, treatment of, 218. " Captain Kettle," Champion, 157, 166, 167, 168. " Cara," Champion, 167, 169. " Caris," 8, 166, 167. " Carlinc," 167, 168. " Carlo," 162. " Carpet Spaniels," 21. "Casino Girl," Chami)ion, 121, 167, 170. " Casino Novelty," Champion, 165, 166, 167. Cayenne variety of Toy Si)aniel 15- Challenge prizes, 277, 284. Champions, cares of, 324. qualifications of. 276, 277. Championship, unjust claiming of, 277- " Chaon Ching We," 248. Charles I, Spaniels of, 18. Charles II, Toy Spaniels of, 17, 53, 7,}, 74- " Charlie Peace," 191. Charlotte, Princess, and " Billy," 98. " Cherry," 91. " Cherub, The," Champion, 166, 1O7, 170. 191. " Cherubel," 166. Chills and fever, dosage for, 222. " Chin Lee," Champion, 172. China, the source of the red-and- white Toy dog, 14, 15. Chinese ancestors of present types of Toy dogs, 250. of Toy Spaniels, 146, 147. Chinese dogs, 239. Chinese gargoyles as " early Pe- kingese," 249. Chinese Toy Spaniels, longer nosed, 15- " Chu-erh of Alderl)ourne," Cham- pion, 172. Cleanliness, 215, 229. in house pets, 330. Clement, Saint, of Alexandria, cjuoted, 263. Clerical errors, removal of Kennel Club rule of fining for, 288. " Clevedon Magnet," Champion, 166. Cliff, Mrs., 172. Club, dog, first, 100. Club judges, 279 et seq. Clubs, specialist, 279. Coat, good, essential in breeding, 190. See also Hair. of Japanese Spaniels, 240. of Toy Spaniels, 134. author's standard for, 151. curly, 135, 136. Dalziel on, 136. soft and silky, 134. standard of Stonchengc for, 138. wrong type of, 135. 347 INDEX Coat treatment of, 204, 205. " Cock Robin," Champion, 175. Cocker Spaniels, 21 ct seq., 2},. 70, 77- English, 18. See also Springer. Welsh, 20, 24. Colds and coughs, dosage for, 224. Colour in crossing of breeds, 179- 182. of Blenheim, 93, (;4, 96, 122, 127. author's standard for, 151. of Japanese Spaniels, 240. of King Charles. 92, 96, 127. author's standard for, 152. of present Toy Spaniels, 96. of Prince Charles, 96. of Ruby, 96. author's standard for, 153. of Toy Spaniels, 94, 96, 127, 141. standard of Stonehenge for, 139- of Tricolour, 139, 141. author's standard for, 152. Comforter, 27, ^2, 35, 36. Dr. Caius's, 25. Spaniel Gentle, a name for, 26 ct scq., 32, 34-36. Competition among dogs of differ- ent classes, 179, 183. " Conrad," 174, 176. Constipation, treatment of, 223. " Cora," 91. " Cottage Flyer," 166. ears of, 131. " Covent Garden Charlie," 133, 176. Crank, Mr., 172. Craven on the Blenheim, 72. on the King Charles, 72. " Cromwell," 174. Cross, Mrs. Ashton, on Pekingese, 246, 252. Crossing of breeds of Toy Spaniels, 179 ct scq. Cunmiings, Mr., 172. Curly coats, 135. 136. Curly coats and healthy skins, 135. in the King Charles, 73, 77. " Daddy Jap." Champion. 170. " Dai Butzu II." 170. Dalziel on coat of the Blenheim, 136. on poor type (1879), 154. on Tricolour. 86. " Damarets " of Henri III of France, 16. " Dandy, ' whole red Toy, 40. " Dara," 170. de Gex, Lady, 172. Dealers, advice to, 299. " lady." See " Lady " dealers, large, caution against, 319, 320. of many breeds, caution against, 320. unscrupulous, 297, 300. Deen, Mr., 172. " Deepdene," 191. Defects of Toy Spaniels of the pres- ent day, 104. Demarest on the Toy Spaniel, 69. Diseases of dogs. 107. personal precautions of owner against propagating. 229, 230. recognising nature of, 220, 221. shows as places of propagat- ing, 228. of Japanese Spaniels, 242. of the skin. See Skin diseases. Disposition of Toy Spaniels, au- thor's standard for, 154. Distemper, di.seases following, 227. dosage for, 222. Japanese, 227, 228. occurrence of, 227. treatment of, 222, 224, 225. " Diva," 174. Docking of puppies' tails, 236. Dog, inability of, to reproduce, 195. Dog Club, first, 100. Dogs, care of, 213. " Doll," 24. 348 INDEX Doses, administering of, 226. for Toy Spaniels, 222. " Dragon Fly, The." Champion, 157, 166, 171. Drugging of dogs. 215. Duke Dorynski, 8. " Duke of Bow," Champion. 173. Dysentery, treatment of, 221. " Earl of Chester." 173. Ears, canker in, treatment of, 218. large, in Spaniels, 93, 100. of Toy Spaniel, author's standard for. 149. standard of Stonehenge for, ^ 138. skull and, 131, 132. " Eczema," 217, 219. Edwards, Sydenham, on the Pome- ranian of Holland, 262. on the types of 1800, 91. Eight Bells, 100. Emetics, 222. Encyclopedia Britannica of 1817 on the King Charles, 90. England, early Spaniels in, 51. quality of Japanese Spaniels of, 242. quarantine regulations for im- ported dogs in, 196. Eubulus on children, 269. Exaggerations in type of Spaniels, III. in breeding. 185. of special points in the type, 116. Exercise for house pets, 332, 335. Exhibitors, manners of, 309. pugnacity of, 295. Expression in Toy Spaniel, 177. Eyes, 131. 132. inflammation of, treatment of, 214. of Toy Spaniels, author's stand- ard for, 149. standard of Stonehenge for, 136. Faces in cross-bred Toy Spaniels, 182. Fairy." 7. " Fairy Blossom," 8, 166, 167. " Fairy Cherub," 166. Fanciers, independent, 282. lady, 281. real, 291. rich, experiences of, 297. " Featherweight," Champion, 3S3- Feeding of dogs, 216. of house pets, 331. of puppies, 233, 234. rectal, 221. Feng-Ch-ih, 241. Fennell on the Comforter, 36. on the King Charles Spaniel, 36. Fever in dogs. 220. Field, The, of 1859 on short noses, 90. Field Spaniel, 66. Fits, suckling. 237. treatment of, 221. " Fizzy " (Champion " Windfall "), characteristics of, 324, 331, 233^ 334, 335. 336. Fleas and lice, eradicating of, 215. Fleming on the Comforter, 27. " Flyer," recognising of. when puppy, 192, 193. Fortune, Robert, on the Japanese Spaniels, 92. Fox, expression of, 255, 256. " Frederick the Great," 175. Furnival, Mrs., 172. Gainsborough picture, Pomeranian in, 255. German Toy Spaniel, black-and- tan, 65. Gmelin on the Gredin, 65. on Toy dogs, 31. " Golden Ben," 175. Goldsmith on the King Charles, on the Maltese, 37. 349 INDEX " Good Lion," 8g. Goodwin strain of Pekingese, 248. " Goodwood Chun," Champion, 172, 248. " Goodwood Lo," Champion, 172. " Grand Tete," Champion, 167. Grantham, Miss, 172. Gredin, 61, 63 et scq., 65, 68. short-haired, 17. Greeks, Maltese dogs of, 254, 255. Gutschen Hundle, 260. Gutteridge, Mr., 172. Hasreniai Cyclone," 167. " Haidee," 174. Hair, curly, under magnifying glass, 136. See also Coat, matting of, 333. straight, under magnifying glass, 136. Hall, Miss, 172. Hare Indian dog, 261. Harrison on the Comforter, ;i2. " Haughty Queenie," Champion, 171. Head of Toy Spaniel, author's standard for, 149. standard of Stonehenge for, 136. shape of, in crossing of breeds, 182. Heist Tischbein, Toy Spaniels of, 15- Henrietta of Orleans. 17. Henry VHI, Spaniels of, 51. " Hiawatha." 191. " Highland Lad," Champion, 165, 191. Holland Spaniel, 35, 38. importation of, into England, 38, 39- Hopkins, Mrs. W., 172. House pets, bed of, ;^2^. Blenheim Spaniels as, 338. cleanliness in, 330. exercise for, 332, 335. House pets, feeding of, 331. games of, 336, 337. good manners in, 330. indigestion in, 332. lifting of, 332. matting of hair of, 333. obedience in, 331. punishment of, 337. puppies as, 335. tricks of, 334. windows and, 337. Hulton, Lady, 172. Ideal type of Toy Spaniel, 178. Idstone on King Charles, 72. on King Charles of 1872, 92, 93. on poor type, 155. on tails of Toy Spaniels, 91. In-breeding, 196. diseases from abuse of, 196. Independent fanciers, 282. Indigestion, in house pets, 332. treatment of, 224. Infection by previous sire, danger of, 195- Inflammation of the eyes, treatment of, 214. Isolation of new dogs, 228. of sick dogs, 230. " Issa," 31. Italian Toy Spaniel, 19. breeding of, 186. Italy, introduction of Toy dog in, 14- Jahn, Ives, on Greek vases repre- senting dogs, 271. Jahn, Otto, on Greek vases repre- senting dogs, 271. James II and his Spaniels, 53. " Japanese " coated dogs, 142. Japanese distemper, 227. virulence of. 228, 229. Japanese practises to obtain small size in Toy Spaniels, 92. Japanese Pug, 95. 350 INDEX Japanese Spaniels, 92, 144, 145, 239. coat of. 240. colour of, 240. deterioration of breeds of, through Toy Spaniel mixture, 242. diseases of, 243. disposition of, 241. distemper of, 228. importation of, into Engl&nd, 94. Japanese instructions for care of, 244. noses of, 88. of America, heads of, 243. quality of, 242. origin of, 239. physical characteristics of, 239. present scale of points for, 244. resemblance of. to cats, 241. size of. 241. standards for.. 242. weight of, 242. Japanese type of Spaniels, 143, 145, 170. Jenkins, Mrs., on Toy Spaniels, 44. Jesse on Spaniels. 24. on Toy Spaniels, 71. " Joy," Champion, 166, 174. Judges, club, 279 et seq. consistency in, 295. election of, 285. " good-natured," 294. impartial, 291, 292, 293. kinds of. 305, 306. men, 286. in regard to beauty in the Span- iel, 108. nonuniformity of, in regard to right type, 157. novice, 285, 305, 307. requisite characteristics of, 304. rule of Toy Spaniel Club regard- ing appointments of, for open shows, 284. specialist, 105. unfairness of, 278. 285 ct seq.,2gT,. Judges, weak-minded, 305. women, 286. Judging of dogs, aptitude and train- ing for, 307. unfairness in, 278. "Juliet," 8. Julius. Mr., " joke " of, 155. " Jumbo," 76, 96. "Jumbo II," Champion, 175. Juvenal, quoted, 55, 56. Kennel, cat in. to keep away rats, 213. cleanliness in. 215. construction of, 212. Kennel Club, clerical errors rule of, removal of, 289. complaints before, 290 good work of. 287. investigating committee of, 285. large size of Toy Spaniels in show of, 45. redress before, actions of exhibit- ors regarding, 288. regulations of, regarding judges, 284. " Kennel curses," 280. Kennel management, 212 ct scq. " Kim," 8. " King," 175. King Charles Spaniel, 2t,, 36, 49. 59, 64. 66, 70. 72, 74. 76, 83. 86, 87, 90, 92, 95, 127. and Cocker. 70. 77. and Pyrame, 61 ct scq. black-and-tan. origin of. 61 et scq. colour of, 92. 96. 127. author's standard for. 152. curly. 61, 73. 77. nose of. 87. noseless, 97. of 1842, Meyrick's standard for, 127. of 1845. 89. of 1872. 92. 351 INDEX King Charles Spaniel, original, 185, 186, 190. present, 62. See also Black-and- tan. descent of, 78. scale of points for, author's, 126. of T. S. C, 118. of Webb {1872), 123. " spot " in, 93. weight of. 43. " L'Ainbassadeur." 165, 167, 168. Lactol, 234. " Lady" dealers, 297, 319. practises of, 291. reports of, on own dogs, 275. Lady fanciers, 281. " Lady Jean of Cockpen," 167. Landseer, whole red Toy of, 40. Large dogs, breeding small speci- mens from, 187, 192. Larghilliere, Nicolas de, Spaniel of, 53- " Laureate," Champion, 175. Leal, Juan de Valdes, Toy Spaniel of, 15. Lely, Sir Peter, Toy Spaniels r.f, 52. Linnasus on Maltese dog, 34. on Toy Spaniels, 68, 69. Lion Dog, 249. Litters, large, rearing of, 238. " Little Jock," 165. " Little Tommy," Champion, 165, 167, 169, 190. Liver-and-white Spaniel, 45. Lloyd, Mrs. Russell, 172. Long-nosed type of Spaniels, 112. " Lord Vivian," Cliampioii, 167, if). born apparently dead, reviving of, 2,33. characteristics of, at birth, 193. docking of tails of, 230. exhibiting of, 236. feeding of, 233, 234. first class, recognising of, 192. infection of, by previous sire, 195- new-born, care of, 232. raw meat for, 223, 235. rearing of, 233. short-faced, recognising of, 192. weaning of, 233, 234. worms in, dosing for, 235. signs of, 236. Pyrame Brcvipilis, 61. Pyrame, English, 67. Pyrame Spaniel, 17. Quality in Toy Spaniels, 112, 150. Quarantine regulations of imported dogs in America, 242. in England, 196. " Queenie," 194. Race in Spaniels, 112. Raw meat, 223. for puppies, 223, 235. " Ready Money," 168. Rearing of puppies, 233. Rectal feeding, 221. " Red Admiral," 8. " Red Clover," Champion, 132, 157, 167. " Red Ranee," Champion, 168. " Red Rival," Champion, 164. Red-and-white Toy Spaniels, 45, 47. See also Blenheims and Marl- borough Spaniels, breeding with, 187. short nose of, 87. Reed, Mrs., 172. Rees on the Comforter, 34. on the King Charles, ^2. Reporting on dogs for the newspa- pers, 274. impartial, 292. Respiration of dogs, normal, 220. Rheumatism, treatmt-nt of, J23. Rich people as fanciers, experiences of, 297. Richardson, H. D., on the King Charles, 70. of 1851, 89. " Ripo," 162. " Rococo," 191. Rollo," Champion, 8, 174. " Roscoe," 132, 165, 167, 168. Royal Clyde," Cliampion, 165, 167, 191. " Royal Rip," Cliampion, 165, i()7, 170, 191. Royal Yama Ilit(j," Champion, 170. Rubens, Toy Spaniels of, 15. Ruby, 40, 41. colour of, 96. author's standard for, 153. present, colour of, 96. poor specimens of their class, 163, 164. scale of iioints for, author's, 126. of A. T. S. C, 119. of T. S. C, 118. short-nosed, 100. " Ruby King," 176. " Ruby Prince," 176. " Ruby Princess," 176. ■' Sal)le Mite, The," Champion, 171, 256. 355 INDEX '■ St. Anthony's Featherweight," Champion, 167. "St. Anthony's Marvel," 89, iii. Saint-George, Gnillet dc, on the dogs of Laconia, 272. Savage. Mr.. 172. Scott, John, on tlie .Marll)orongli Spaniels, 21. Scratching of dogs, causes of, 217. " Seetsu Prince," 8, 165, 167. Senn, Mrs., 242. " Seraph, The," Champion, 131. 166. 169, 170. Seraphina," 166. Serena, Miss, on Japanese Span- iels, 244. " Sergeant Dick," 167. Shaftesbury, Earl of, quoted, 52. Shape of Toy Spaniels, no, 131, 143. 144- breeding for, 188. standard for, author's, 150. of Stonehenge, 136. Shaw, Vero, on crossing Toy Span- iel with Japanese, 94. on King Charles, 66. on points of Blenheim, 115. of Toy Spaniel, 118, 119. " Shelton Mercury," 171. Shelton Sable Atom," Champion, 171. Shen Chen Lin, Pekingese of, 241, 250. Shen Cheng, Toy Pekingese of, 246. Shen Li, 246. " Shepperl," 134, 164, 176. Shock dog, 6, 14. Short-nosed Toy Spaniel, breeding of best type of, 177. Shoulder in Toy Spaniels, 130. Show, to," conjugated, 205. Showing of dogs, 198 ct scq. advice for, 318, 319. decoration of pens for, 200. exhibitors in, relations among, 200, 201. Showing of dogs, fascination of, 201. of exhibit in the ring, 199. preparation of dog for, 199, 200. preparation of pen for, 198. washing of dogs for, 201. Sicilian dogs, 262. Size of Japanese Spaniels, 241. of Toy Spaniels, 116, 121, 127. small, practises of Japanese to obtain, 92. standard for, author's, 151. Stonehenge's, 138. Skin diseases, 216. admission of dogs with, in shows, 219. contagiousness of, 217. shown by appearance of fore- head and eyebrows, 219, 220. curly coated dogs free from, 135. dampness a cause of, 218. treatment of, 217-219. Small dogs, breeding of, from large, 187, 192. " Smashed noses," 88. Smellie, " King Charles " of, in translation of Bufifon, 64. Smith, Lieutenant H., on the Blen- heim, 71. on the King Charles and Cocker, 70. Snowshower," 8. Spaniel Gentle or the Comforter, 26 et scq. Special prizes, 284, 314. Specialist clubs, 279. Spitalsfield Weavers, Toy Spaniels of, 19. Spofforth, Miss, 172. Sporting Spaniels, 14. " Spot," 13Q, 140, 166. in the King Charles, 93. in Toy Spaniels, 19, 139. " Spotted Lily," 89. Springer, 19, 20, yy. See also Cocker Spaniel. 356 INDEX Springer and King Charles, "/"j. English, i8. Standard. 87 ct scq. See also Type, for Blenheim, of Meyrick (1842), 127. of Vero Shaw, 115. of Webb (1872). 122. for disposition of Toy Spaniels, author's, 154. for Japanese Spaniels, 242. for King Charles, of Meyrick (1842), 127. for Miniature Toy Trawler, 159. for Toy Spaniel, author's, 148 ct scq. of Stonehenge in 1887, 136. of Vero Shaw, 118, iig. present, reforms in, 58. for Tricolours, of 1872, 121. Steen, Toy Spaniels of, 15. Stephanus of Byzantium, 265. Stewart. Mrs. R., 172. Stirling, Admiral, 94. Stonehenge on Black-and-tan " King Charles" of 1867. 80. on carriage of tail, 90. on King Charles, 76, 86. on short-nosed King Charles, 95. on short noses (1867), go. on Spaniels, 25. on standard for Toy Spaniel (1887), 136. on Tricolour Spaniel of 1837, So- on type, 155. scale of points of, for Spaniels in 1867, 120. in 1876, 123. in 1887, 125. standard of, for Tricolours, Blenheims, and tans (1867), 121. " Stop," 114. of Toy Spaniel, standard of Stonehenge for, 137. " Storm King," 8. Strabo on Maltese dogs, 28, 34. Strychnine poisoning, treatment of, 222. " Stuart King," 8, 167. Stud dogs, cheating regarding, 321. Suckling fits, 237. Superstitions of the dog show, 311. " Susette." 162. Sussex Spaniels, 18. Duke of Norfolk's, 62, "jt,. Sybarites, and Maltese dogs, 269. dogs of, 255. Symonds. Rev. W., on Field Span- iel, 66. on King Charles Spaniel, 74, 83. Tail, docked, 91. docking of, in puppies, 236. of Toy Spaniels, 90. " Tamerlane," 175. Teers, Mr., 172. Teeth, care of, 215. Tcmpel, Toy Spaniel of, 15. Temperature of dogs, 220. Terrier, \'()rkshire, 6. Theophrastus on the Maltese dog, 267. Thermometers, clinical, 220. Thomas, B., on the Springer, 2>7- Timidity in Spaniels, 128. '■ Tiny Tots," Champion, 174. Titian's pictures. Toy Spaniels in, 14- " Toki of Toddington." 171. Topsell, E., on Melitaein dogs, 28. on small dogs, 260. " Tora of Braywick," Champion, 170. Toy dogs of classical times, 53 et seq. Toy Spaniel Club, present scale of points of, 1 17. for Blenheims, 118. for King Charles, Ruby and Tricolours, I18. rules of, regarding judging ap- pointments in open shows, 284. 357 INDEX Toy Poodle, 6. Toy Spaniels, 6. beauty and soundness in, 107. black, 17, 41. black-and-tan. 41. black-and-white, 17, 42. Chinese, longer nosed, 15. history of, 13. deductions from, 39. summarized, 57. importation of, into luigland, 94- of Palma Veccliis, 14. of Paul Veronese, 14. of the past, 173. of Titian, 14. of to-day, 163. of 1770, measurements of, 43. origin of, 13. original, 45, 46. present standards of, reforms in, 58. pure white, 49. red-and-white, 14, 40. tail of, 90. Veronese, short-nosed, 14. whole red, 40. Toy Trawler, Miniature. Sec un- der Miniature. Toyokumi, Pekingese of, 250. Tricolour, 47, 80, 86. See also Prince Charles, breeding of, 189. 190. trueness in, igo. colour of, 139, 141. author's standard for, 152. original, 45. scale of points for, author's, 126. of A. T. S. C, 119. of T. S. C, 117. 118. standard of Stonelienge for (1867), 121. of 1872 for, 121. true, 48. varieties o/, 48.' weight of, 43. " Troubadour, The," Champion, 165, i6y, 170. Trutifle Dog, 17, 61. " Trumpeters," professional, 275, 276. Tweed, Mr., 172. Tymneus on the Maltese dog, 266. Type of Blenheims, proper, 1 14. of Pomeranians, proper, 114. of Toy Spaniels, 87. See also under Standard and Points, author's standard for, 148. breeding of liest, 177. exaggerations in. III. in breeding, 185. of special i)oints in, 116. ideal, 178. and present types, 178, 186. large, in breeding, 184. long-nosed, 112. noseless, in. perfect, 185. poor, 154 ct scq. present, unsatisfactory, no. quality in, 112. race in, 112. right, nonuniformity of judges regarding, 157. Unsoundness, 126. in Toy Spaniels, 104. " Up-face," 133. " Usher, The," 167. Van Dyck, Toy Spaniels of, 7,y. in picture of the children of Charles I, 18, 19. Van Mieris Ter B(M-ch, Toy Span- iels of, 15. X'arieties of the present Toy Span- iels, 96. \'eccbio, Palma, Toj- Spaniels of, 14- Velascpiez, Toy Spaniel of, 15. " Venus of Offley," Champion, 171. 358 INDEX Veronese, Paul, Toy Spaniels of, 14- Vicentino Francesco on skin dis- eases of Spaniels, 217. " Vicky," 167. " Vida," Champion, 168. •■ Violet," 8. Vomiting, persistent, remedy for, 221. " Walkley Mac," 164, 167. Washing of dogs, 201. Water Spaniel, 18, 46. Watson, Mr., on Japanese Spaniels, 243- Watteau, Toy Spaniels of, 17. WeSii^ing of puppies, 2t,t„ 234. Webb, Henry, scale of points of, for Blenheim (1872), 123. for King Charles (1872), 123. standard of, for Blenheims, 122. for Tricolours (1872), 121. Webbed feet in Toy Spaniels, 62, 73, 78, 79. 102. Webster, Mrs., 172. " Wee Dot," 132, 185, 335. " Wee Radium," 167. Wegener, Frau Olga, collection of Chinese paintings of, 247. Weight of Japanese Spaniels, 242. Welsh Springers, 20, 24. Whelp, bitch in, washing of, 235. signs of, 235. Whelping, 230 ct scq. dosage for, 222, 230. troubles of, 103. " White Queen," 171. " Wild," 1-91. " Wind Fairy," 335. " Windfall," Champion, 19, 169, 204. characteristics of, 324, 331, i2>i, 334. 335, 336. record of, 339. Witt, Miss, 191. Worms, 235. in dogs, 218. in puppies, dosing for, 235. signs of, 236. Wright, John, on the Pyrame, 68. on the Springer and King Charles, yy. Yates, Mrs., 172. Yorkshire Terrier, 6. Youatt on the Blenheim Spaniel, 2i. 72. on the King Charles, 68, 84. on the Pomeranian (hare Indian dog), 261. on the short-nosed type, 89. Young, Miss, 172. Young dogs, judging of, 132. (1) THE END sos'y 13X ■^0 O N O ^ °o O N . W 0^ .V. 1 •« ^V-> v." > . s • • , '7-w rv~ . V • " ^^"^ '>0^ 'bV 1^ •■ 0^" .^"-^ ^"^o '" jA"^' c"""* "<^,