445 65 py 1 4c Copyright, 1916 A. T. DeLaMare Ptg. and Pub. Co. Ltd. New York MAY 18 1916 ^CI.A4;J3013 ■J^' 'fo^ ^Ike Art of Floral Designing TNI this little booklet are giA)en a few reproduc- tions of our many designs in flowers. It is intended to give you an idea of our v?ork, a glimpse into tke realm of Floral Art. We desire to be of greater service in tkis department of our business. m^e illustrations — v?nile tney are actual reproductions and worthy of the best that we can say — are but mere sketches of the refined beauty of the reality). Flowers are the medium of the soul's ex- pression. Flowers whisper that vjhich words ne^)er can. Flowers bring hope and comfort. 'Tney embody loSJe and sympathy. Life without flowers would be empty indeed. Study and a wealth of experience nave made us authorities. Our designs combine symmetry, color harmony and effect, together with tne finest workmanship. In this work the "Art of Arrangement" counts mucK. QTie artist's toucK to a handful of Daisies may at once transform them into sentient things tnat breatne and li-Oe. Being in constant touch with the source of supply we are alx^'ays in position to surprise 3)ou with the values we give. OTie finest in cut flowers that the market affords gravitates to us. Our prices are based on qualit^y) and skill and, because our standards are high, the small order is better cared for. Our delivery service is safe and invariably free. We have correspondents in nearly all the large cities and can deli\'er any floral design D^ telegraph. ^This service is of great value where the time allowance is short or the distance too great for shipment. All these facilities, together with our personal attention and our appreciation, are at your service. Please note that some flow'ers used in our floral designs are at certain periods of the year out of season; howeSJer, similar effects in form and color can always be obtained through the use of other flowers. Tne Semi-Roman is the most artistic of tKe many forms of the WreatK. Made eitker in Magnolia, Bay or Laurel lea-Oes, with Lily of the Valley and Orchids. $15.00 to $50 00. Same with Roses or Sweet Peas in cluster, $5.00 upward. TKe WreatK has many variations. This one is our regular conventional design. Made in small, medium and large sizes. With or without ribbon effect. Prices, $5.00, $10.00 and $15.00. Tne suggestion of youth is portrayed in this dainty arrangement of the mounted Wreath. The prices vary from $10.00 in medium size to $25.00 in large sizes. The most heroic form of the Wreath is the All Magnolia. The light, airy decorations of Lily of the Valley and Orchids are superb. Mounted or unmounted, large sizes only, $20.00 up'pJard. TKis depicts an elaborate setting gi^Oen to an en\blem. We make any emblem and giiJe it a beautiful floral setting. Prices -Oary according to emblem and setting, from $15.00 to $50.00. ^•;:^«*(Kf TKe setting of this Anchor is original. The garland around the shank takes avJay the lines of a set design. The kind of floWers used -Oaries vJith the seasons. In larger size, $10.00 to $50.00. The Broken Column is emblematic; massi^Je. The view from all sides is alike The prices vary according to size, from $10.00. The Casket Cross differs distinctly frorr\ the flat cross. Elaborate pieces at $50.00 to $150.00. Lower priced effects of this style, $10.00 to $50.00. The Flat Cross is a standard design. These can also be mounted on poral base in larger sizes. Prices in flat designs: $5.00 upward. Mounted, prices from $6.00. Baskets are coming more and more into faiPor as expressions o\ sympathy. The long-stemmed effects are best adapted. Prices from $5.00. Majestic is tKis large mounted design, o"Oer four feet in height. The shovJers co-Oer the distance between the Wreath and the floral base. $15.00 upward. One of tKe richest combinations that can be innagined is the Palm Leaf Cluster, heaped with garlands of Lily of the Valley. A cluster of Orchids may be included in this arrangement. $10.00 upvJard. Lilies are always appropriate and available nearly all tKe year. Prices $5.00 to $15.00. u -o o 5 S gut -5 "Mi -13 C O-Z. 6 ^- 5 u '5.