I i I i k "Even the worm turns when trod upon, and thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just." LYL-0PLNLR5 On The Causes And Inevitable Results Of The World -War A true and authentic history of The Great Uprising Of The Germans Against Friendly Nations Bj^ Hermann Wettstein. A patriotic German who would fight for his fatherland if assailed, but who doesn't believe that "Germany is entitled to the whole Earth with a fence around it." AUTHOR OF THE "TELEO-MECHANICS OF NATURE, OR THE SOURCE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SUBCON- SCIOUS MINDS;" PRO-SYCH-DYNAMIS"— THE PRIMAL MIND- ENERGY, ETC. 'HEAR ALL SIDES— THEN DECIDE." :opyright, 1916, by Hermann Wettstein, in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. : ,. PRICE: IScts., 4 for SOcts.— To dealers: 9 for $1.00; 20 for $2.00. Postpaid to any address. Special rates on larger quan- tities for dealers and propaganda sent on application with stamp enclosed. THE COSMOS PUBLISHING CO, ' 1255 Twentieth Ave., San Francisco, Cal. 1331 Ninth Av e.,—Stt«set -Journal Bl d g :, San Francisco, Cal. THE TELEO-MECHANICS OF NATURE or THE SOURCE, NATURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS MINDS A volume of Ten Parts and 96 chapters, being a reply to Prof. Ernest Haekel's "Riddle of the Universe." M. Alfred Binet's "The Psychic Life of the Micro-Organ- isms." Henry Drummond's "The Ascent of Man. By Hermann Wettstein. Discoverer of the now^ generally admitted and scientifically demonstrated facts that the cells of plants and animals build up their various organic structures by means of different degrees of intelligence analogous to those by which man constructs his various works of art, and that they are the long-sought potent factors of organic evolution and hereditary transmission. This theory (of which the author claims exclusive priority) is fully elucidated in the above volume, and has received the unquali- fied indorsements of every person who has given it careful and un- prejudiced consideration. A few extracts from many unsolicited testimonials follow: Prof. Ernst Haeckel, greatest living biologist, writes: Your masterly efforts in biological and psychological research will con- tribute much towards dispelling the obscurity ~^and confusion still prevailing in these momentous problems of science and philosophy." Prof. Edgar L. Larkin, director of Lowe Observatory: "The author's theory that the cells of plants and animals build up their organic structure as consciously and intelligently as man con- structs his works of art is based on a great mass of incontestible evi- dence and will be difficult to refute." Prof; Carlos Troyer, honorary member Calif. Academy of Science, San Francisco: "The author appears to have exhausted the fields of biological research from which to formulate a theory of the origin and development of organic life. Lhave been unable to discover a vulnerable point therein." Thomas A. Edison: "There is no question in my mind that -■ . the individual cells of plants and animals are not only intelligent, ..-"but many of them possess great intelligence." Editor "Health-Culture," New York: "Seldom has a sci- entific work received such high praises from people in all walks of life as Hermann Wettstein's volume: The Teleo-Mechanics of Nature. See testimonials from eminent scientists, authors, physi- cians, teachers and others on another page." Mr. J. F. Rinn, Pres. Brooklyn N. Y. Philosophical Assoc. : "I congratulate you on the very able and thorough manner in which you have analyzed some of the profoundest problems of life. Dr. D. A. Alberti, 2014 Fillmore St., San Francisco, Cal. : "For years I groped my way through the maze of conflicting (Concluded on inside of back cover) Thfe object of all physiological processes is threefold. presf}rv« the organism for its natural tenure of life. Seeomi, u propagate the species, andlhird, (the most important objeet :)i JNmth Aventte; btmset- J ou r nal p lc tg. , ban rrancisco, Cal. * * t t * I * * t * * * * 4> *