Glass IlSAl Rnnk .T) ?.'R C, T #BT OF iiti# HENHY L. BOIES. O. P. BA8SETT, PRINTER, 95 Airo 97 WBST BAHDOLPH STBEET, CHI 1868. ■'/. ^ preface:. This work has been j^i'epared at the solicitation of many of the pioneer settlers and prominent citizens of the County. The materials have not proved abmidant. So brief has been the existence of our County ; so quiet and uneventful its career ; so little of exciting adventure or unusual experience have the annals of its early settlement afforded, that the task of writing its history has been like that of writing the biogra- phy of some vigorous but common-place country lad who is yet in his teens. Yet, there is much in the early experience of the first settlers of the County that we, their successors and descendants, should not willingly suffer to pass into ob- livion. And, it seemed important that the work of collecting and recording it should be done without delay. For many of the first settlers were fast passing into senility or dropping into the grave, and the interesting story of the toils and trials, the joys and sorrows, the gloomy tragedies and gay comedies that made up their history, lived only in the uncertain memo- ries of the participants, — only in the recollection of a class of men who were rapidly passing away. The militai-y history of the County, — the story of the ser- vices rendered by its brave boys in blue in defence of the Nation against the Great Rebellion, have been found a mine of historic wealth, so rich, so extensive, that the limits of the work have permitted only a partial exploration. Few knew, or adequately appreciate, the extent of the service that our brave boys rendered in that grand struggle for the preserva- tion of the life of the Nation ; and this, it seemed, must soon pass into obscurity, or live only in the uncertain, perhaps con- tradictory, remembrance of the participants in its stirring scenes. 24 PREFACE. To rescue these facts from an undeserved oblivion ; to her and fix these ephemeral incidents before they were e forever ; to give our citizens a knowledge of events of jrest in its past career and present situation ; to give to the trld some information, not only of its history, but of its esent resources and future prospects ; to render a fitting ibute to the valor and devotion of its gallant boys in blue A'ho nobly bore its banners upon the bloody battle-field, or, as martyrs to their love of country, bravely died in its defence ; to encourage in our citizens an esprit chi corps^ a pride in the name and fame of the County in which they have made homes, such has been the purpose of this work; such its object and design. If this shall have been so accomplished as to meet the approval of its people, its author will be more than satis- fied. For its many defects and omissions, he would beg the indulgence of its readers. Those who would view the work with an unkindly critical eye, could hardly appreciate the difiiculties of the task of determining exact facts of occur- rences long jDassed, in the midst of conflicting testimony, or of doing jDerfect justice to all who have bonio a share in the work of reclaiming the County from its native wildness, and building it up to its present state of prosperity and enlighten- ment. The author has striven to make-a faithful record, noth- ing extenuating, nor setting down aught in malice. With the hope that its readers may take in its perusal some share of that interest which he has taken in its preparation, it is committed to the candid, and it is hoped, kindly judgment of the people of DeKalb County. Note.— A large number of soldiers of DeKalb CouBty did gallant service in the Sec- ond Illinois Artillerjr, under General Stolbrand, and Captains J. W. Lowell and H. C. Whittemore; but the history of those batteries, promised in the prospectus of this work, appears to have been lost in the course of transmission by mail, and could not be replaced in time for publication. Numerous irritating typographical errors appear. The author, residing at a distance from the place of publication, was unable to review some portions of the proof. The reader will probably be able to correct most of them, and it is hoped to excuse them ; but it may be well to mention that the first line on page 89 should be read as the last ; that the last word on page 479 should be Corinth, instead of Lyndon, and that the headings on pages 489 and 491 should be De Kalb in- stead of Sycamore, and on page 389 should be Tenth, instead of Thirteenth Illinois Infantry. ^ ^r^BLE OF CONTENTS. PART FIRST. SKETCHES AND INCIDENTS. CHAPTER I. Geographical description of the County. .Its geology. .Origin of the prairies. CHAPTER II. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE STATE. Settled by the French.. New France. .Ceded to Grea\Britain Prnv- iuce ot Quebec. .Conquered by General Clarke. -County of lUino s n ihe State of Yir-inia! . Ordinance of 1787. .War of 1812 -The Vi san Legislatur.. Divided from Indiana. .Admittance as aState. KasKas- lda..Vandalia.. Slavery in Illinois.. The Illinois^ Canal .Galena.. The Suckers.. First Black Hawk war.. Second Back Hawk wai . . Battle at Stillman's Run. .Dixon. .Massacres. .Battles. .Internal im- provements — County ot DeKalb. CHAPTER III. :manxers and customs of the indiaks. Their personal appearance. .Characteristics. .Their Villages ^" tim Vicinity.. Burial places.. Corn fields. .Huntmg. .Marriage. .Life of Old Shiobona. .Tecumsehs aid. .Black Hawk's enemy. His service^ to the Whites. .Smoke. .Pokanoka. . Family discipline. .Shabbona di^s- possessed. 53 63 CHAPTER IV. IJFE OF BARON DE KALB CHAPTER V. the claim ASSOCIATIONS. Immigration . .Pre-emption and claims . .Disputes. .Fights. .Division of claims.. Convention of the People. .Constitution and by-laws . Siiits ..Stark and Barron— McLenathan and Mason— Mann of Burlington • . The Lynchers tried. ^ * CHAPTER VI. the banditti. Horsestealing. .Brodie's Grove. .Worden's discoveries. .Diiscoll's Grove ..Gleasons.. Oregon burned.. How to get a verdict. .The Lynching } 26 CONTENTS. club. .Captain Lonaj's Mill burned. .Daggett and Powell .. Captain Campbell's army. .Embassy from Judge Ford. . Grathering of the Ban- dits. .Murder of Campbell. .The country roused. .Capture of the Driscolls. .Trial at Wliite Roclc. .The whisky. .Prisoner shot.. Trial of Taylor DriscoU. .Who was the Assassin. 78 CHAPTER VII. THE RESURRECTIONISTS. Grave robbing at St. Charles. .James Lovell's discovery. .The watch . .The pursuit. ..The robbers arrested. .A vacant grave. .To Richard's Institute. .Tiie lock of golden hair. .Richard's brutality. .The country in arms. .March to St. Charles. .An angry altercation. .Assault on the Institute. .Its Defenders shot. .The building riddled. .No corpses . .A night Conference. .A Retreat. .Raising the body.. It is returned . .Arrests by both parties. 95 PART SECOND. DEKALB COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. INTRODUCTION. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH INFANTRY VOLUNTEERS. Organization . .In Camp at Dixon . .Field and Staff. .At Chicago. . To Louis- ville. .Great march to Frankfort. .To Shelbyville. .Bowling Green. . Scottsville . .Postage currency . .Changes . .To Nashville . .Pap py Ward . Murder. .March to Lookout.. Lost in a cave. General H )oke'.. Battle of Resaca.A rebsletter.To Kingston and Burnt Hickory. A Flight. Deatli of Surgeon Potter. .Fight at Golgotha. .At Marietta. .Battle of Peach Tree Creek. .Terrible scenes. .How the rebs did'nt gather acorns— .^iege of Atlanta— -The dead and wounded. .Herman Furncss' adven- ture. .Atlanta captured. .Colonel Dustin in command of a Division. . Other changes.. Off for Savannah. .Atlanta burned. .Contrabands and Bummers. .Madison and Milledgville. .Railroads destroved. .Fun and Foraging. .Vinum Antimonia. .Savannah Oft again. .Committee of the whole on the State of South Carolina. .Bummers in chjver. . Forty days more. .North Carolina. .Battle of Averysboro. .Gallantry of the One Hundred and Fifth. .AtGoldsboro. .Richmond Surrenders ..Johnson Surrenders. .On to Richmond and Washington. .Grand Re view.. Home again. .Generous Pittsburg. .Shabby Chicago.. The Rcster. 113 THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. Cavalry needed, . Colonel Farnsworth Commissioned. .The rally. .At St» Charles.. To Washington. .Greetings on the route. .Farnsworth's Big Abolition Regiment.. At Meridian Hill. .Grand "Reviews. .No fight. .Camp Sumner. .Five Hundred Sick. .To Alexandria. .General Montgomery. .How the rebs loved us. .Spring opens. .On to Manassas —Wooden Guns. .Scouting. .Back to Alexandria. . Siege of Yorktown . .Williamsburg. .Black Creek Bridge. .Richmond in sight. .Recon- noisances and Picketing. .Fair Oaks. .Captain Farnsworth's dinner party.. Page 220.. The Seven Days Fight. .Change of ba=e..The horrors of the retreat.. At Haxal's and Harrison's .. Malvern Hill.. Back to Yorktown and Alexandria. .Fight at Barnsville. .George M ^ Roe . . Frederick City . . South Mountain . . Boonesboro . . -Antietam- . . The Rebel army escape.. Dash into Shepherdstown. .Memorable march to Martinsburg — Alter Jeb Stuart— Page 230-— Markham Station CONTENTS. ^* ■RP enlistino---The Furloug]i--Giesborougli Pomt--Early^ ad- v'anct - F Sis at Micldletown, JVIonococy, Urbana--Guardmg Wasl - yance -^ '^",. -^„„K„.„.pursuinff the assassins--St.. George and St. S.^£7^"ToSt'tLis?-l Wricked Steamer--To Chicago andhome -—Roster. THE SEVENTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALKY. _ . . ^ ^^ pi Tf„ offippr'?— -Field and Staff— -To St. Lonis x^oT-Honor ancrdanger----Price's Retreat----After hin>---^^^^^^ Mine C?eek--Fifty-six hours in the Saddle---Six Hundred horses lost Jack Houghton--Price Escapes-Cape Girardeau--Jeft. Thompson surmKlers--To Kansas City--Fort Larned--Fort Leavenworth-- Trouble in Camp— -Roster. THE FIFTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. Or<^anization--At the Capture of Donelson--Fort Henry----Corintli-- . sS -Half the Regiment killed and captured--Captani Rutisthauser - Lieutenant Moxom-.-Sergeant Wheaton s adventure--The Union BriSe-Cape Kittell- -Baule of Corinth-Serg-eant J. C.Wright --To Spriigfield--To Vicksburg--Ra>d _ on Merid,an--Capture of Fort DeUussey . . -Up Red River . . Sabine Cross _ Roads . . Pleas- ant Hill .The Fifty-eighth save the army. .SliU reireatmg .Damming Red river. .Yellow Bayou. .Desperate cl.arges. One hundi;ed and ten men killed and wounded . . Re-enlisted . . Fight at Columbia . .Fight with Fo-est at Tnpello. .To Missouri. .The Price raid. .To NorthviUe and Eastport- . . New Orleans- . . Mobile- . . Montgomery- . . Home agam^"^ ^ Roster. THE TENTH CAVALRY. Captain Carr's company. .The first company raised in Illinois. .To Cairo ^Fortifying and garrison duty. .Re-organized /or three years Raid in Kentucky.. Sykesville.. Birds Point. .Cuptain Carr killed. .Island No 10 Siege of Corinth. .Booiieville. .Fighting our way to Nash- ville Besieled . .No rations. .Built Fort Negley . .Campaign through Alabama and Mississippi. .Wheeler's cavalry . .Mission Kidge. .Pur.^u- ina- Hardee. .A midwinter march without blankets, shoes or tents, to Chattanooga. .RossviUe. .Veteranized-To Atlanta .. Grand march to the Sea. .Crossing the Salkehatchie. .Forty men lost. Gallantry at Edisto .To Columbia, Cheraw, Fayetteville and Goldsboro. Bat- tle of Bentonville.. Hardee whipped. .Sixty men lost. . lo Raleigh Richmond, and the grand review. ^o4 THE THIRTEENTH INFANTRY. Enlistments discouraged .. Sandwich and Sycamore companies accepted —Premiums for places— Gray uniforms-Banner presented— At Dixon -To RoUa-March to Springfield-Fremont's Flying Infantry--Back to Rolla-Jesting and death-To Pea Ridge-Indian corpses-Terrible march to Helena-Assault upon Vicksburg-Death of General Wy- man-Arkansas Post-Jackson-Siege of Vicksburg-On Chattanooga -Capture of Lookout Mountain-Ringold Gap-Pat Riley-Death ot Major Bushnell and Captain Blanchard. .Meridian Station, .bixty- six men captured . .Resume . .Roster. 293 28 CONTENTS. THE FOURTEENTH CAVALRY. Recraitiuii,-. .Consolidation of tliree Regiments. .At Peoria. .The officer.s ..To Glasgow .".Skiraiisliing at Celina..Camp Boyle. .Pursuit of Colonel Hdmiltou. .We capture John Morgan. .Twenty-one hundred miles ride. .Join Burnside. .Surrender of Cumberland Cap. .Guarding Railroads. .Fight at ZoUicotter. .At Blountville. .Dog-tents. .Siege of IvQOxville. .Driven. .Bean Station. .Daudridge. .Thomas' Legion. . Death of Horace Capron. .Cittico. .General Stoneman. .On Atlanta. . Tlie Great Stoneman Raid. .Seven d-j's and nights in the Saddle.. Massacred asleep. .The Regiment destroj^ed. .Major Davidstm. .Figlit- ing Forest. .Pursuit of Bragg. .Mustered out. 208 THE FORTY-SECOjSTD IKFANTRY. Company K. .Roster. .To Tipton. .Terrible march to Springfield. .Two hundred men disabled. ..Winter at Smithton. .To St. Charles. .Fort If olt. .Columbus. .Island No. 10.. Siege of Corinth. .Booncville. . Captain Butts. .Battle of Farmingion... of Columbia. .Stone River. . 22:i men lost. .The Chattanooga campaign. .Chickamauga. .184 men lost. .Mission Ridge, 4~) men lost. .East Tennessee campaign. .Veter- anized. .Home. .Atlanta campaign. .Ten battles, 115 nicu lost.. To Bridgeport, Chattanooga, Athens and Pulaski. .Fight at Spring Hill and Franklin, KiU men lost. .Battle of Nashville. .To Decatur, Blue Springs, Johnsonv.lle, Texas, Port Lavaca. .Mustered out January 8d, lb(36.. Roster. ;J18 THE FIFTY- SECOND INFANTRY. Organized. .At Geneva.. To St. Louis and St. Joseph. .Exhausting march to Quincy : To Kentucky. .Colonel Sweeney. .Fori Donaldson . .Guarding prisoners. .Shiloli. .^Major Stark. .Death of Captain Knapp . .One-third of the Regiment lost.. Siege of Corinlh. .Sickness and sufterings. .Battle of Corinth.. To luka and Burnsville. .Corintii. . GallaiUry of the Fifty-second. .Hard marches. .Bear Creek. .After Forrest. .Exhausting marches. ..To Pulaski. .Veteranized and home . .To Nashville and Chattanooga. .Siege of Atlanta. .To Savannah.'. South Carolina. .Fall of Richmond. .Surrender of Johnson. .Wasii- ington, Louisville, Chicago. .Roster. i{28 THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SECOND. Company F, its Officers. .To Paducah. .Guarding communications.. The campaign ended. .Home again. .Roster. S4:i THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIXTH. Company H, its Ofiicers. .To Paducali. .Guarding communications.. Tlie Rebellion ended. .Home. .Roster. ;J45 PART THIRD. ANNALS OF DEKALB COUNTY. 1882— -Ma-ch of General Scott Encampment at Kingston- -Battle o^" Stiliman's Run— -Encampment at Paw Paw. " 848 1838 Exploration into Southern Portion of the Teriilorv Indians hostile. ■ 849 1834— Explorations— -Ilolleuback — Claims at Squaw Grove and Pampas — First house— -Mail route to Dixon — Sebrees. 841) CONTENTS. 29 1835. .Immigrauts pour in— -Indians. .Mode of traveling— -Mode of life. . Malting ckims. .First houses. .Hope and Ambition... The Claim Asso- ciation — First Justices-— Part of La Salle County. . Religious services established. .Winter of 18 5. .Shab joua Grove. .Peter Lamois and the Whisky trade. 350 1833. .A year of gioom. .Provisions scarce. .Clothing worn out.. Sick- ness. .Election of Gladden. ..Chicago. .Kane and DeKalb. .towns started. " 358 1837. .Act, creating Delvalb County.. Septennial wet season. .The finan- cial crash. .What Shabbona says. .The new Villages. .C. Sharer &Co. Coltonville. .How the County was set off from Kane. .The tirst Elec- tion. .Officers chosen. .The County Court.. Its tirst acts. .Precincts created. .The County Seat located. .The struggle. .Why Orange was selected. 300 1838.. First Circuit Court at Coltonville. .Names of Jurors. .Tavern licenses. .Ilegulati(m of prices. .The tirst County tax. .Election of Commissioners. .Attractions of Coltonville. .Captain Barnes' Enter- prise. .Madden and Colton. .Act for removal passed. .Courting and the County Seat. .Kemoval voted down. .The tirst Crmiinal. .County Town Surveyed. .Cou:t proceedings. .Deer Stalking. 374 1839. .Sickly season. .New Court House built.. The Mansion House.. Removal of Court. .Elections. .The Polish grant. .Another act for Removal of the Scat of Justice. .Carried. .Kellogg arrested. .Taxes raised. 383 1840. .Increase of population ...Poverty of the People.. Life at Squaw Grove. .Thieves and counterfeiters. .The N"unner3^ .Election of Har- rison. .The Courts. .County Seat voted back again. .Winthrop Love- lace . . Boarders and prisoners. 385 1841.. The first Lawyer. .Elections. .State road. .Terrible winter.. Six months good Sleighing. .Starvation. .500 Deer killed. 390 1843. .First steel plows. .E. L. Mayo. .The Countj^ Town. .Three years Taxes. .The State and County bankrupt. .Rich Recorders. .Elections ..Courts. 391 1843. .County financiering. .Land comes in market. .Claim wars. .The County Town. .New State roads .. Genoa. 394 1844. .The regular seven years flood. .Harvesting in the w\ater. .County Elections. .County orders. 398 1845. .Slow progress in settlement. .Debt and repudiation. .Claim wars . .No money; 399 1846. .War with Mexico. .Captain Shepherds company. .Shabbona pre- cinct. .Financial situation. .County Officers and justices elected.. First brick dwellings built. 400 1847- .Improvement in finances. .Immigration. .Poverty. .The taverns crowded. .Elections. .Paupers. 1848. .New Constitution. .Squaw Grove precinct created. .Wooster pre- cinct. .Tlie old Court House. .A new one demanded. 403 1849. .Contract for new Court House. .Size. .Donations to be paid back ..The Subscribers. .Off for California. .Officers elected. .Township Organization. .Salaries ot Officers. .Division of the County into Towns. .The original thirteen. .County tax. 403 30 CONTENTS. 1850. .Town Government established. .First Board of Supervisors.. Names changed and why. .Court House completed. 406 1851. .Inauguration ball. .The Septennial flood. .Two feet of snow 'in April. .Poisonous wheat. .Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. . St. Charles plank road. 407 1853. .Assessment. .Only 30,000 acres not entered. .Politics. .Combina- tions. .County Offices become valuable. .Elections. .St. Charles & Mississippi Air Line. .First Agricultural Society. 408 1853. .History of St. Charles & Mississippi Air Line. .The Dixon Rail- road. .Purchase of County Poor Farm. .Buena Vista Village. 409 1854. .First Newspaper published. .The Maine Liquor Law issue. .Vote of the County. .Lands all entered. .Newark Station. .Political Mass Meeting. .Organizai.ion of the Republican party. .County Fair. . Elections. .Assessments. .Swamp Land Grant. .DeKalb Village.. County tax. .Af ton. 413 1855. .The County property. .Population of the towns and villages. 416 1856.. A year of prosperity. .Expansion. .County Jail built.. Swamp Lands. .Malta. ..taxation. .Terrible storm. 417 1857. .Commercial convulsion. .General bankruptcy. .Election. .Milan . .Newspapers. 419 1858.. Papers in the County.. Hard times. .A meteor. .Taxes. .The Septennial flood .. Sycamore & Cortland Railroad. .Teachers fustitute Hard times. .Taxes suspended. .Tornado. .Meteor. 431 1859. Hard times. Drought. Debt. Suits. Paupers. Dow vs Ell wood. 425 1860. .A notable year. .Bountiful crops. .Presidential Election. .Great Mass Meeting. .Wide-awakes. .Exciting political contest. 426 1861. .The Great War. .Patriotic devotion. .Union of Parties. .Stump- tail currency. .Census. 438 1863. .Gloom and depression. .Enrollment for draft. .Assessment. .Elec- tion. .Swamp Land Grant sold. .History of the grant. 430 1803. .Pecuniary prosperity. .Fire proof County Offices. .Beautiful School Houses. .600,000 troops called out. .Volunteers enough. .Bounty Legislation. .Jurisdiction of the County Court. .Sorghum culture. 435 1864. .The great January storm. .Return of the veterans. .H. W. Fay. . William Young. .Destruction of shade trees. .Money abundant. .The Wheat crop destroyed. .More troops called. .County bounties. .The draft comes at last.. Quotas filled. .Elections. .Union League. .Rail- road monopolies. .First foreign appointment. 435 1835.. The County Seat contest. .Quotas of towns demanded. .The draft. .Heavjr taxation. .Peace at last. .Men famished by each town . .Fall in gold. .Wet season. .Elections. .Census. 438 1836. .Prosperity. .Elegant churches built. .Desolating hail storm.. Cholera. .Failure of Sycamore Bank. .Election. .Taxation. .Bounties on wolves. 441 1867. .Great prices for produce. .Rise in lands. .The Half Shire, .Man- ufactories. .Election. .Burglars. .Taxation. 444 1838. .Statistics. .Election. .Conclusion. 447 J-i CONTENTS. 31 PART FOURTH. TOWN HISTORIES. Genoa. .Its attractions. .First settlers. .Tliieves and counterfeiters. .E. P. Grleason's history. .Mass meeting in 1838. .Origin of the name.. Largest Village in the County. .Population. .Genoa in the war. .Her martyred dead . . Supervisors. 450 Kingston. .The Indians. .First white settlers. .Poverty of early times . .How they lived. .Population. .Fearful tornado. .Luke Penwell.. George Magenety killed.. Her soldier boys. .Tlie dead. .Numerous officers. .Supervisors. 455 Franklin. .Woods, streams and quarries. .First settlers, .Hicks' Mills. . Kishwaukee City. .Poverty. .Dr. Hobart. .Land in market in 1838. . General Tom Humphrej^. .Other officers. .Dead ot the Rebellion.. Tornado. .The killed. .Indian idol. .Population. .Supervisors. 4G3 Mayfield. .Its natural attractions. .First^ settlers. .Coltonville. .Indian village . . Dr. Madden . . A distillery . . Sarpents and other game . . Claim wars. .Population. .Boys in Blue. .The roll of Honor. .First religious meetings. .Supervisors. 468 South Grove.. Its soil and surface. .Owens' Creek. .Indian trail.. Orput's and Driscoll's Grove. .Mills. .Its inhabitants. .The Driscolls ..First settlers. .Schoolmaster By ers. .Schools now. .How to buikl School Houses cheaply. .Churches. .Camp meeting. .Hell of a Christ- ian. .Post Office. .Hotels. .Profits of farming. .Hercules helps. .Fine houses. .Noble farms. .Favorite crops. .Population. .Its men in tlie Army. .Its Supervisors. 467 Sycamore. .Timber and streams. .Norbo. .Charters. .The New York Company. .Bursted bubbles.. The old Town of Sycamore. .Captain Barnes. .Sycamore in 1840. .Churches. .Lawyers. .Population. .Syca- more ill 18*55. .James' Block. .Sycamore & Cortland Railroad. .Lead- ing citizens. .Supervisors.. .Incorporation of the village. 475 Cortland. .Indian village. .The prisoners. .Ohio Grove. .Palatial Hotel Luce's Corners. .The railroad village.. The population. .Richland... Pampas. .Public schools; the first and the last.. Her soldiers. .The roll of her martyrs. .Captain R. A. Smith. .Supervisors. 482 DeKalb. .Woodland and streams. .First settlers. .Troops in cami . . Jenks & Co.. ..Russell Huntley's claims. .First Election. .Hard times ..DeKalb for sale cheap.. Town organized. .First called Orange.. The life giving Railroad. .Magical growth. .1857. .Agricultural Society grounds . . School Houses . . Churches . . Newspapers . . Lawyers . . Bank . . Leading citizens . . Supervisors . . Soldiers . . Population 486 ^ Malta. .Settled in 1851. .Station established in 1854. .Milton. .Etna. . Storm of 1857. .Steam Mill. .Recent rapid growth. .Future prospects . . Census . . Soldiers . . Supervisors. 4f) ^ Milan.. The youngest town.. Lewis McEwen..Deer and wolves.. Rapid settlement. .Advance in the price of lands. .School Section and Schools. .Town Hall. .Norwegians. .The willows. .Population. .As- sesment of property . . Its Soldiers. 494 APTON..The first emigrants mistake. .Sweet Afton.. First settlers.. Organization as a town.. First town officers.. Its uniformly Noble Supervisors. .Its Schools. .Its Churches. .Its Elections. .Its Population ...Its war record. .Its dead of the war. 496 CONTENTS. Clinton. .Its grove aud streams. .First Inhabitants. .Its territory.. Selection of a name. .Population. .Schools. .Churches. .Claim wars. . Hard times.. Its martyred dead. .Captain Pritchard. .The Marsh Brothers aud the Marsh Harvester. .The Supervisors. 499 Pierce. .Sulphur springs. ."Wheat raising. .Nativity of its inhabitants First settlers. .Schools. .Organization in 1853. .Its name. .Contribu- tions to the war. .Population.. .Supervisors. 501 Squaw Grove. .The first town settled. .Origin of the name..Sebree and other first settlers. .Mode of life. .Taxation. .First birth and death. .Schools. .Its present wealth. .Population. .Soldiers. .Super- visors. 506 Paw Paw. .ISTat'iral characteristics. .First inhabitants. .Origin of its name . . Shabbona . . Waubonsie . . Le Clair . ..The banditti . . Bill Rogers . .Treasure trove. .Town organization. .First Election. .Supervisors. . Seminaries. .Churches. .Population. In the Avar of the Rebellion.. The dead. ^ 508 Victor. .Organization in 1853.. First immigrants. .The railroad.. Nativity of its population. .The Little Indian. .Leland. .Schools. . Population. .Its soldier boj^s. .Their dead. .Supervisors. 514 SoMONArK. .Description . .First house in the County. .Early settlers. . Poverty and hardship. .Worship. .The mails. .The^ railroad. .Sand- vvMch. .How started. .Manufacturing. .Its grain trade. .Its newspapers . .Its Churches. .Somonauk village. .Rapid growth. .Its war record. . Leading citizens.. .Underground railroad. 519 Shabbona. ."f he Grove.. The Big Indian Creek.. Early prospeiity.. Old Shabbona. .Treaties. .Sells his reservation to Gates. .Sale void. . The sale at Dixon. .The AVhispering Smith's attempt. .Investigation ..First house.. First settlers. .Game — Sibiqua — Presest situation — Masonic — Its soldiery — The dead — The Supervisors 524 HISTOKY OF DE KALB COUNTY. CHAPTER I. The Geography and Geology of DeKalb County, avith THE Origin of the Prairies. The surface of our County of DeKalb has few marked peculiarities — few grand distinctive features. It contains no great and navigable rivers ; no elevated peaks, rising in majestic grandeur ; no mountain torrents, shrouded in foam, chafing in rocky channels ; no deep and narrow valleys, hem- med in on every side, and forming little worlds of their own ; no narrow and precipitous passes, winding through circuitous defiles ; no cavernous gorges, giving exit to pent-up waters ; no contorted or twisted strata, affording evidence of violent internal throes and gigantic overturnings. It is simply a plain parallelogram of rich rolling prairie, eighteen miles broad and thirty-six miles long, dotted with a few groves and watered by a few small streams. But the features of the landscape, although less bold than those of mountainous regions, are yet impressive and strongly marked. In the broad, billowy prairies, extending as far as the eye can reach, we have the element of vastness as in scarce any other land ; we have a luxuriant sward of emerald green- ness, clothing the whole land, down to the very margin of the 5 34 HISTOEY OF DEKALB COUNTY: waters; we have meandering streams, clear as crystal, now smooth, quiet and glassy, then ruffled by winds or rapids ; we have clumps of trees, charming groves, disposed with an effect of beauty that might baffle a landscape gardener ; now crown- ing the grassy height, now clothing the green slope with their pleasing shade. From the gentle heights of the rolling prairies, the country, even before the hand of man had broken its surface, wore the aspect of cultivated meadows and rich pasture grounds, irrigated by frequent rivulets. The County occupies the high ground between the two well-known streams, the Fox and Rock rivers ; streams famous for their purity and beauty, which, rising in Wisconsin, both flow southwestwardly in a course nearly parallel, and empty, the Fox into the Illinois river at Ottawa, and the Rock into the Mississippi at Rock Island. The highest point between these rivers, and indeed, the highest between the lakes at Chicago and the Mississippi river, is said to be in the town of South Grove, in this County. The central portion of the County contains the least exten^ of timbered lands, and the fewest running streams. The northern and southern ends are better watered and timbered. The south branch of the Kishwaukee river is the largest of those streams. Upon all of the early maps of this County, and upon its first records, this stream is designated as the Sycamore river. Kishwaukee is said to be the Indian name for the Sycamore tree, and the river took its name from the fact, that when the country was first settled by the whites, a few scattered groups of those trees (very rare in the prairie region) were found upon its banks. This stream rises in the town of Afton, near the centre of the County, flows through DeKalb, Mayfield, Kingston and Franklin, about forty miles, entering the Rock river at Mil- ford, in Winnebago County. It has several branches, the largest of which, originating in Vjrgil, Kane County, flows through Cortland and Sycamore, and enters the main branch in Mayfield. Deer Creek in Genoa, Trimble's Run in King- ITS GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. 35 ston, Owen's Creek in Soutli Grove and Franklin, all minor brandies of the same river, are infinitely valuable to the farms which they water, and have served a valuable purpose in furnishing protection to the scattering groves which always spring up on the prairies upon the eastern sides of the run- nmg streams, sheltered there from the ravages of the annual prairie fires, driven by the prevailing westerly winds. Beside the banks of this main stream stretches one continuous forest composed principally of white red and burr oak trees, liberally mterspersed with the poplar, the maple, the butternut, the black-walnut, and the hickory. This grove constitutes the mamsourceof supply for fuel, fencing and timber, for the land owners of all the northern half of the County, beinc owned m small lots of from one to twenty acres, by the farmer" on the broad prairies on each side, some of whom live ten or even fifteen miles from their timbered lots, and resort to them only m the winter season, at which time their principal occupation is the accumulation of a supply of fencing and luel tor the next year's use. Broad, rolling prairies occupy almost the entire surface of^ the central portion of the County. The land is, perhaps more rolling,-more rough,-than at the two extremities' but only two or three small, isolated, natural groves broke the uniformity of the billowy prairie, before it was formed mto farms and beautified by man with rows or little thickets ot planted or transplanted timber. The first settlers of the country naturally made their claims m close proximity to the groves and streams; and could hardly believe that the distant prairies would ever serve Sr %r'^''' '^V}"' '^ ' "'^' "-^^Se for flocks and herds. They were confident that no farmer could live and labor conveniently, farther than a mile or two from his tim- bered lots and they regarded him as a visionary enthusiast who dared to predict that they would live to see it all s'led and occupied by man. But the settlements gradually extended farther and farther out upon the prairies, and now the entire 36 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY : County is occupied, and scarcely a vacant spot of the wild prairie can be found throughout its entire extent. The settlers upon these farms remote from the groves, now claim that the soil is there more productive than in their closer vicinity, and observation seems to justify the claim ; but this superiority may be due to their having been more recently settled and subjected to fewer drafts upon their fertility, than those which have been longer cropped. Some of the wealthiest farmers and the most productive farms of the County are now found in this section of the County, which, twenty years ago, it was thought would never be occupied by residents. Although this central portion of the County is compara- tively rugged, yet no large streams are found there. The head waters of all the creeks in the County are there formed in sloughs or swamps, which always connect one with another, until the united volume of their waters form brooklets, which flowing north and south ultimately become our larger creeks. The Big and Little Indian Creeks have their origin near the southern boundary of these central towns, and in the town of Afton one handsome and never-failing stream gushes out from the low prairie with considerable size and force ; and flowing southwestwardly through the town of Squaw Grove becomes the Little Rock Creek. But the natural disadvantages of this scarcity of timber and of flowing streams in this section, are compensated by the possession of an important line of railroad, a portion of the great commercial artery between the Atlantic and Pacific, upon which the thriving villages of Cortland, DeKalb and Malta have sprung up ; villages which must ever be leading business places in DeKalb County. Thanks to the life-infus- ing influence of this great artery of trade, this portion of the County, has grown in wealth and population during the past ten years more rapidly than any other section, and its popu- lation must still rapidly become more dense. The six southern towns of the County, like the northern ITS GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. 37 six, are better watered and timbered than those which occupj the center. There are about four thousand acres of good timber in its several groves, embracing about one thirty-second of its entire surface, and so distributed that no farm in those towns is far removed from timbered lots. Handsome flowing streams are also abundant. It is as fertile and as beautiful a region as the sun shines upon. The Little Indian and Big Indian Creeks water the towns of Shabbona and Paw Paw, while Shabbona Grove and Ross Grove furnish its timber. Somonauk and Squaw Grove are watered by the Little Rock and Somonauk Creeks and provided with timber from the grove which borders these streams. Upon the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroads have sprung up the two active, enterprising and well built villages of Sandwich and Somonauk. At Shabbona Grove and in the southwestern portion of Paw Paw have long been small villages, natural centers for the surrounding country which only need the life-giving influence of a railroad to make them among the largest in the County. The whole County is divided with mathematical precision into eighteen towns, laid out by the United States Govern- ment, each six miles square. Hardly a ledge of rocks pierces the surface in any part of the County. Some soft, inferior limestone is found in King- ston a few feet below the surface, and in Franklin is a quarry of the same that is converted into building lime. A similar quarry has been found in Afton, and in the southern part near the banks of the creeks it may be found cropping out occasionally. But the whole County is, even for this prairie land, singu- larly and unfortunately destitute of rock suitable for building or for any other valuable purpose. Thinly scattered over its entire surface, however, are found rounded granite boul- ders, varying in size from that of a huge cannon ball to that which would weigh a ton or more. In the vernacular of the country they are called hard heads or nigger heads and are 66 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY: prized by the farmers, wlio use them for underpinning barns ; sometimes also for stoning their wells, and more rarely their house cellars. But few farms are so fortunate as to possess enough for these purposes. THE ORIGIN OF THE PRAIRIES. These singularly beautiful and fertile plains, destitute of the thick growth of timber with which nature has clothed most of the country, and so admirably fitted by nature for the immediate use of man, is a subject that has excited a vast deal of interest and inquiry and has given rise to a great many different theories. To give an intelligent opinion on their origin, some brief review of the commonly received theories of geology is necessary. The science of geology informs us that the earth, originally a fiery, nebulous mass, revolving in illimitable space about the sun, gradually became cooled at its surface and that at the present age, the globe, still seething with tumultuous fires within, is covered on its exterior by a rind of solid matter about ten miles in thickness, which, as compared to its entire diameter, is like a thin sheet of paper spread over a globe a foot in diameter. This surface cooled irregularly in rough corrugations ; the elevations constituting the mountains and continents, and the depressions, filled with the condensed vapors making the oceans and the valleys of the principal rivers. This surface was originally far more rough and irreg- ular than at present, and changes — alternate elevations and depressions, while the solid exterior was thinner — were more numerous than at this later ag;e. Those rocks which bear marks of having been originally in a fluid state are called igneous rocks and constitute the primary strata. Granite is the most common specimen of this class of rocks. Heat, frost and floods gradually crumble and wear away the irregularities of the surface and form from the disinte- grated mass a soil, which, stimulated by the high tempera- ITS GEOGEAPHY AND GEOLOGY. 39 ture caused by the fires below, produced herbage and veget- able growths of enormous size. In the strata of rock formed at this period are found, not only shells and the simpler forms of animal life, but the remains of giant ferns sixty feet in height, with stalks or trunks three feet in circumference. A'^ines, palms, and all the flora of the present tropical regions, an hundred times increased in size, grew and flourished in the hot, moist atmosphere with a luxuriance almost incon- ceivable, and dying, produced a soil of incomparable richness, which in turn reproduced fresh and more gigantic forms of vegetable life. This rapid growth and equally rapid decay soon formed beds of peaty soil of immense thickness, and the crust of the earth being at this time much thinner than now, and of course subject to more frequent disturbances and irruptions of the struggling internal fires, they, bursting forth, often buried Avith the enormous weight of the overturned strata these thick beds of vegetable matter, and by the aid of heat, converted them into those beds of coal, which now, brought to the surface, furnish man with an inexhaustible supply of the most valuable of fuel. In these coals we even now can readily trace the remains of plants and trees ; even the delicate foliage of the graceful ferns being still plainly visible. As the earth grew older strange forms of animal life ap- peared. Amid the moist tropical lagunes gigantic beasts dis- ported. Enormous lizards, twenty feet in length, with bodies larger than the elephant's-; reptiles, resembling no species now existing ; huge birds ; terrible serpents ; monstrous fish ; strange compounds of all these species of animals ; many of them furnished with wings yet adapted to life in the water, together constituted the living inhabitants of the earth at this early period of its existence. Their remains are found imbed- ded in solid rock, often so distinct that their mode of life and the nature of the food on which they subsisted may be easily determined. Millions of years passed away. Animals of countless varieties lived, died, and even their species passed 40 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY: out of existence, amid the operation of the grand process of fitting the earth for the habitation of man. Strata on strata of rocks were formed by the slow process of disintegration of the elevated surfaces, through the agency of heat, floods and frost, aided by alternate elevations and depressions, and the re-formation of this mass into solid rock again, till we come at last to the diluvial or drift period ; the last geological era before man occupied the globe ; if indeed he had not during or before this period become its tenant. The greatest portion of this diluvial deposit consists of sand and gravel ; but tough, hard clay constituted no inconsiderable amount of it. The vegetation of this period differed but slightly from that of the present day. The position of the mountains, continents, rivers and oceans was substantially the same as at the present, which is termed the alluvial period ; although there have evidently since been some elevations and depressions of the surface. During this diluvial period, there seems to have suddenly occurred an era of intense cold throughout all the northern hemisphere. That it was a sudden change is shown by the perfect preservation to this time in the frozen mud of Siberia of numerous specimens of the elephant, rhinoceros, and other inhabitants of a warm climate, which are now found with the hide and even the flesh still visible ; and also by similar discoveries of the mammoth and mastodon in some parts of this continent. The changed climate was perhaps due to some sudden oscillation of the axis of the earth. Nearly all organic life was destroyed by this reduction of temperature, and gla- ciers were formed on mountains of moderate height. The northern regions of the earth became vast sheets of ice and snow, which, as now in polar regions, sent out their glaciers, by the natural force of expansion, nearly as far to the south as the gulf of Mexico. By changes of temperature these glaciers advancing and retreating as they do at the present time in the Alps and in the polar regions, broke fragments from the ledges of rock below, and grinding them upon the ITS GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. 41 surface of the rock, rounded them into boulders. Ultimately the temperature became again permanently elevated ; and the vast sheets of ice became equally vast currents of water, which floated off huge icebergs loaded with rocks, sand, gravel, cla}^, and fragments of trees. Floating toward the warmer regions of the south they gradually melted and deposited their debris upon the surface of the earth. Becoming fixed upon some accidental projection, large gravelly knolls and hills were formed from their deposits, and over the entire surface their boulders were scattered. In some natural gorges these ice- bergs would naturally accumulate, and rapidly liquefying, would deposit enough of their detritus to stop the passage of the great waters, and cause the formation of immense lakes Avhich covered the country, perhaps for centuries of time, until, either by some internal convulsion or perchance by the slower processes of ordinary causes, the dam thus formed became worn away, and the lakes floated off to the ocean. These prairies were undoubtedly at one time the bed of such a lake. The black soft mould which constitutes the surface soil is strongly impregnated with ulmic acid, a charac- teristic constituent of peat and swampy ground, and which is present in most vegetable manures. Beneath this is a foot or two, sometimes ten or fifteen feet, of reddish yellow clay often mixed with gravel ; then a stiff blue clay or hard-pan, and in or under this we often find well-preserved fragments of timber and the brush of forests ; sometimes pine, oftener hemlock ; rarely tamarack ; always of species that do not grow within some hundreds of miles of this country. This deposit of clay, sand and loam sometimes reaches to the depth of two hundred feet, while in other places the stratified rocks below it are scarcely concealed. These stratified rocks consist of thin veins of coal, limestone, sandstone, and other varieties of rocks ia layers down to the primitive granite. The clay, the gravel, the fragments of trees were probably deposited in the drift period ; the gravelly knolls formed from the detritus of some iceberg arrested in its course and melted there. The granite 6 1 42 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. ledges, from wlience the boulders that strew the prairies were taken, can now be seen about six hundred miles toward the polar ocean. It seems most probable that the departure of the waters which formerly covered these prairies was due to the gradual elevation of the surface by internal forces ; and it is not im- possible that this gradual elevation may still be in progress, and account, in part, for the constantly increasing dryness of the surface of the country, which is so evident to every settler who was accustomed to these prairies a quarter of a century ago. The theory that these prairies were formerly the bed of a lake will account for the absence of trees. Grass and herbaceous plants in great variety, including floAvering plants which bloom in constant succession from spring till autumn, grow in the finely comminuted soil which always constitutes the bottom of lakes and ponds, as they grow here on the prairies ; but in such soils trees do not naturally spring up. The beds of lakes in Michigan which have been gradually filled up or drained off remain as natural prairies. Some acid in such soils checks the spontaneous growth of trees. But a different kind of soil is found upon the margin of streams, and in this class of soil groves of excellent timber are always found. The cause of this may be in the fact that when in the course of the gradual elevation of the Avhole region, the higher por- tions are laid bare, the drainage became more concentrated in narrow channels, and the more rapid current washed away the swampy top-soil, leaving exposed the underlying drift, which is a soil of a character adapted to the growth of forests. Trees indeed grow and thrive in the prairie soil when planted there, but never except when the hand of man has broken the tough sod of the surface, and enabled their roots to penetrate to the argillaceous loam which constitutes the sub-soil. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE STATE, 43 CHAPTER II. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE STATE, It was about two centuries ago that Louis XIV., the most ambitious, most illustrious and most dissolute of all the kings of France, desirous of extending his dominions into the new world beyond the seas, sent out settlers to colonize the rich wilderness called after him, Louisiana, and embracing all the territory that was drained by the Mississippi river, including the beautiful country of the Illini tribe of Indians, named ultimately Illinois, French villages or trading posts were established at St. Louis, Prairie du Chien, Kaskaskia, Prairie du Rocher, Peoria, Cahokia, Chicago, and some other less noted points, by settlers who, under LaSalle, Iberville, and various other Jesuit priests, became the first white inhabitants of our State, For nearly one hundred and fifty years these villages made little progress. The original settlers generally intermarried with the Indians of the surrounding country, and their de- scendants partook, to some extent, of the wild, roving, indolent character of the aborigines, united with the politeness, gaiety and courtesy of the French, Most of their time was spent in hunting and fishing excursions from which they returned with the skins, fur and feathers, which were the staple articles of their trade in their annual excursions down the great Father of Waters. Each village had its own Catholic church, which was the place of gay resort on Sunday, and its priest, who was the loved advisor and companion of his flock. In 1713 the country passed from the authority of the French at the conclusion of the treaty of Utrecht which ceded Canada to the English, the whole being known as New France. 44 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. In 1774 an act of Parliament known as the Quebec act, desio-ned to prevent the Canadians from joining with the other disaffected colonies in opposition to the British Crown, among numerous other privileges, attached all of this country north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi to the province of Quebec. "When in 1778 the country was conquered from the British who then possessed it by the colonial troops under General George R. Clarke, many of his officers and soldiers remained and settled in the territory ; and in due time other hardy pioneers from Virginia, Pennsylvania and Kentucky, followed them. Clarke who was acting under authority of the Legislature of Viro-inia, claimed this part of the country as a conquest of that State ; and the Virginia Legislature in October of that year organized it as the County of Illinois, in the State of Viro-inia and as such it continued till the ordinance of 1787 reoro-anized it as the northwestern territory, and appointed Gov. St. Clair its territorial governor. When in the war of 1812 British emissaries stirred up the Indians to war upon the settlement of" those Avho confessed allciance to the Union, these colonists then amounting to about 12,000 in number, maintained their position, and, with the aid of one company of regular troops, took the offensive, and made hostile expeditions into the territory of the neigh- boring tribes, burning their villages and driving them from the country. At the outbreak of the war, however, the company of troops posted at Chicago, who had received notice of the declaration of hostilities and orders to evacuate and destroy their post, were ambushed at Michigan City while escaping to Detroit, and massacred by the Indians. With the cessa- tion of the war, peace returned to the little chain of Western colonies. By the famous ordinance of 1787, organizing this great northwestern territory, there were to be not less than three nor more than five States carved out from its limits, any one of which should be admitted into the Union so soon as it A BRIEF HISTORY OP THE STATE. 45 sHould have 60,000 inhabitants ; and the boundaries of those three States, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois were defined. They were each to extend to the British possessions on the north. Illinois thus included all of the present State of Wisconsin. But Congress reserved the riojht to form one or two States out of the territory lying north of an east and west line drawn through the south point of Lake Michigan. But until 1814 Indiana and Illinois were both under one territorial govern- ment, whose head was at Vincennes, in Indiana, and the laws which governed their people went by the name of the laws of the " Vinsan Legislatur." At this time the Illinoians, anx- ious to have a legislature of their own, elected as delegate to Congress, one Judge Thomas, from whom- they prudently took a bond, pledging him to procure a division of the two terri- tories. This he accomplished, and came home from Wash- ington with the appointment of Supreme Judge of the new Territory of Illinois. In 1818 Judge Nathaniel Pope, father of the famous Gen. Pope, was a delegate to Congress from the territory of Illi- nois, and while at his post in Washington, unexpectedly received a petition from the territorial Legislature, then sitting at Kaskaskia, for the admission of the Territory into the Union as an independent State. He immediately brought the subject before Congress ; and before the adjournment an enabling act was passed for this purpose. Through his wise foresight the northern boundary line of the State, which it had been intended should be the line running through the south- ern point of Lake Michigan, was moved north to its present location ; because it was deemed important that the State which, from its great size and commanding position, it was already surmised would become the great empire State of the west, should be so attached to the great system of lake navi- gation at the north that her grand system of river navigation, inclining her to attach herself to a southern confederacy, if such should ever be attempted, would not be a paramount influence, but would be neutralized and controlled by a rival 46 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. interest, wliicli would make her, as she has since proved, an arbiter of the destinies of the Union, preventing its disrup- tion, and by her commanding position and power checking the attempt to rend the Union in twain. It was also deemed important that the Illinois and Michigan canal, which was even then projected, should have its entire course in one State. Urged by these considerations. Congress consented to move the northern boundary line fifty miles to the north ; and so it happens that a love of the Union caused that section of the country which is now our County of DeKalb, to be a part of the State of Illinois instead of Wisconsin. The enabling act passed, a convention was called in the summer of 1818, which formed a State constitution. Its leading spirit, to whom the State is indebted for most of its peculiar features, was Elias K. Kane of Kaskaskia, after- wards a United States Senator, and who gave its name to our neighboring County of Kane. The Constitution having been adopted, an election was held, and Shadrach Bond, a plain old farmer lately from Maryland, was chosen first Governor of the State. Pierre Menard, an old French settler, was elected Lieutenant Governor ; E. K. Kane, Secretary of State ; John Thomas, Treasurer ; E. C. Berry, Auditor, and D. P. Cook, Attorney General. Ninian Edwards and Jesse B. Thomas were made the first Senators. The names of most of these first ofiicers will be recognized as having been perpetuated in the names of counties since organized in the State. At this time the population of the State was about 56,000, but scarcely any portion of it was located north of Alton. In October of this year the first Legislature convened at Kaskaskia, and after voting itself a sufiicient allowance of stationery, at a cost of $13.50, it organized and put in operation the State government and adjourned till the next winter. At the winter session a code of laws were passed, mostly borrowed from the statute books of Kentucky and Virginia. In the main they were very good laws, more clearly expressed A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE STATE. 47 and more easily understood than the majority of laws since enacted ; but they contain the infamous black laws, which ever after disgraced the statute book and the State, until re- pealed in the winter of 1866. This code permitted immigrants to bring their slaves with them ; and if the signatures of the slaves could be obtained to an agreement to that effect, it compelled their continual service as slaves — or registered servants, as they were called. It forbid any free negro to reside in the State without giving bonds for his good behavior and that he would not become a county charge. Any negro found without a certificate of freedom could be arrested and sold for a specified time. Any negroes assembled for a dance or revelry were to be committed to jail and whipped by the sheriff, not to exceed thirty-nine lashes on the bare back. This Legislature also provided for a new seat of government at Vandalia, a point then uninhabited, and named by a wag who suggested to the commissioners that the Vandals, a tribe of Indians, formerly resided there, and that Vandalia would perpetuate their musical Indian name. Few events of importance in the history of the new State occurred until in 1821, the Legislature established a State Bank upon an absurdly insecure basis, which made money plentiful until in 1824 it failed, and brought great financial distress upon the inhabitants. In 1822, Edward Coles, an accomplished Virginian, was elected Governor, and in 1823 there commenced a long struggle for the establishment of slavery in Illinois. Missouri had in 1820 been admitted into the Union as a slave State, under the Missouri compromise act, and that State was rapidly fill- ing up with settlers from the eastern slave States, who thronged the public roads with long trains of teams and negroes, ex- citing the envy of those who had farms to sell and were pre- vented from disposing of them to these rich slaveholders, only because slaves could not be held in this State. To secure the establishment of slavery in Illinois, a conven- tion to alter its constitution was required ; and by a majority 48 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY: of a single vote the Legislature decided to submit to the vote of its people the question of calling such a convention. For nearly eighteen months the question was debated with great earnestness, and one of the most exciting and extraordinary contests ever known in the State was kept up ; but it was finally decided by a majority of nearly 2,000 that Illinois should be consecrated to freedom. The construction of a canal uniting the waters of Lake Michigan with the Mississippi through the Illinois river was the great work of the early days of the infant State ; and as early as 1821 the Legislature appropriated $10,000 to pay the expense of a survey of the route. The survey was com- pleted next year, and the expense was estimated at $750,000. Its final cost was about thirty millions. In 1826 Congress appropriated 300,000 acres of public lands in aid of the scheme, the State Legislature gave State bonds to the amount of $300,000, and the work was begun. In 1824, '25 and '26, the lead mines of Galena began to attract attention, and in 1827 seven thousand settlers about those mines were engaged in seeking fortunes by prospecting for and extracting the ore. They were a migratory popula- tion, running up the Mississippi to work the mines in the spring and back to their homes again in the fall. It is sup- posed that this peculiarity in which they resemble the fish called suckers, gave Illinoisans the name which has attached to them ever since. Another theory, however, accounts for the origin of the name by the asserted fact that the early immigrants were of the poorer class of the population of the Southern States, and called Suckers by the wealthy slave- holders and tobacco growers, because they were like the worthless suckers on the tobacco plant, which were picked off from the parent stem and thrown aAvay. In 1830 the population of the State had increased to 157,- 447 and in that year John Reynolds was elected Governor, Next year the northern part of the State, which had then some scattered white settlers, was invaded by Black Hawk A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE STATE. 49 and his tribe of Indians, who, repudiating the treaty of 1804 by which some of the chiefs of his tribe had sold and ceded his lands to the whites, declared his determination to repossess the lands of his fathers, and drive out all whites who had settled upon them. He proceeded to destroy their houses, fences and crops, and of course excited great distress and alarm. A battalion of volunteers, aided by some hundreds of United States regulars, soon drove them across the Mississippi again, and burned their villages near Rock Island. A threat of pursuing them into their own country, brought Black Hawk to terms, and induced him to sue for peace. A new treaty was made which bound the Indians to remain forever on the western side of the great river. The spring of the succeeding year, 1832, had hardly opened, however, when the same treacherous Indian chief, who has acquired world-wide fame, and whose character has obtained an ill-deserved reputation for nobility and integrity, disre- garding alike the treaty of his chiefs made with Gen. Harrison at St. Louis in 1804 and his own treaty extorted from him a fcAV months before this time, again crossed the Mississippi at the head of a numerous band of his warriors, and prepared to reassert his right to the lands which had twice been solemnly released. He directed his march to the Rock River country, in the direction of the Pottawatomies, who inhabited this section of the State, and toAvard the Winnebagoes, whose wigwams were on Rock River. In April, Governor Reynolds had assembled at Beardstown a force of eighteen hundred volunteers, who were placed under command of General Whiteside, an officer of the State militia who had been in command of a portion of the forces in the campaign of the previous year. The army moved up the Mississippi to the mouth of Rock River, and thence by a forced march up the banks of that stream to the present location of the city of Dixon, and upon their route burned the Indian village of which the Prophet 7 50 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. was the chief, and which place has since been called Proph- etstown. From Dixon a small portion of the force was pushed for- ward in a northeasterly direction, and on the 12th of May discovered Black Hawk's forces near Stillman's E-un, a small branch of the Kishwaukee, near the northeast corner of this county. Here a battle occurred in which the militia were outnumbered, and fled in disorder, reaching the main body of the army next day in small parties, with a loss of eleven men killed. The army had pushed on to their present location with unnecessary haste, leaving their supplies and baggage behind them ; and they were now threatened with famine. Their immediate necessities were, however, supplied by Mr. John Dixon, then the only settler on Rock River, whose entire stock of cattle, hogs and corn they consumed ; and the supply train coming up, they next day started in pursuit of their foes, at the scene of the late disaster. But the Indians had now scattered in small detachments, and were carrying on a guerrilla warfare all over the country. About fifteen miles from OttaAva they massacred three entire families of white settlers, and afterwards related with great glee, how the women had squeaked as they run them through with spears, or gashed them with tomahawks. The army, now returning to Dixon, found General Atkin- son encamped there, with a force of regulars Avhich increased the number of troops to twenty-four hundred men, and sup- plied them with an abundance of provisions. They were now in condition for effective warfare, but the short time for which the volunteers had enlisted, had nearly expired; they were also much dissatisfied with Gen. Whiteside, their commander, and they earnestly demanded to be sent home. As it was useless to attempt to prosecute the cam- paign under these circumstances, they were marched across the country by the way of Paw Paw, in this County, to Ot- tawa, and on the 28th of May were there discharged. The A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE STATE. 51 Governor now called out new volunteers who soon answered the call, and one regiment was organized out of the troops recently discharged, in which Gen. Whiteside volunteered as a private, and conducted himself with great bravery and skill. The Indians now scattered all over the country, made desper- ate attacks upon all white settlements from Chicago to Galena, and from the Illinois river up to Northern Wisconsin. These assaults of the savage foes were generally repulsed by the whites with great heroism. The war lasted all summer, the savages, generally defeated, were driven ultimately into North- ern Wisconsin, where, at the last great battle of Bad Axe, they were routed and scattered, with a loss of one hundred and fifty of their best warriors. A few days afterward, Black Hawk was captured by the treachery of some of his allies of the Winnebago tribe, and the Prophet, the next most power- ful chieftain, soon shared the same fate. They were taken to Washington, and after some months of captivity, were con- veyed through the great cities of the Union where they were greatly lionized, being regarded by a perverted public opinion, as noble sufi"erers from wrongs and chicanery of the domineer- ing white race who had stolen their lands, and driven them to desperation. The ladies, in some instances, publicly salu- ted them with kisses. Black Hawk returned to his people, and lived in peace with the whites eight years, when he died and was buried in the burial grounds of his forefathers. Many men who have since occupied a large space in the history of the State and County, were more or less conspic- uous in this war. Among them were General Scott, then in the zenith of his fame ; Zachary Taylor, a major of the reg- ulars ; Abraham Lincoln, a captain of volunteers ; Jefferson Davis, a lieutenant of the regular forces ; General Atkinson, Gov. Dodge, Murray McConnel, Capt. Stephenson and Gen. Henry. The glory of this Avar Avas monopolized to a great extent by Gen. A. C. Dodge, but more properly belongs to Gen. Henry, who died too soon after to reap the reward due to his gallantry and skill. 52 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. The war ended, and danger from Indian disturbances for- ever quelled, various projects for internal improvements and the rapid development and settlement of the country occupied the attention of the inhabitants. Railroad charters were granted in 1833, but none of those then projected were ever built. It was not till 1836, that the grand system of internal improvements was planned which, in a few months, grew to such enormous dimensions as to rouse the people almost into a wild frenzy, cover the State with embryo cities, existing only in the imaginations of their projectors, swamp the State government under enormous debts, and ultimately, when there was not enough money in the hands of the entire pop- ulation to pay even the interest on the State debt, force the State into bankruptcy. In this Legislature Dr. Henry Mad- den, ever a prominent citizen of our County of DeKalb, repre- sented a district composed of the present Counties of DeKalb, LaSalle, Kane, Kendall, Iroquois, Grundy, and several others, and at this session he procured the passage of a bill for crea- ting the County of De Kalb. THE INDIANS. 53 CHAPTER III. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE INDIANS. The Indians wlio inhabited this County of DeKalb, at the time of its first settlement by the whites, were of the power- ful tribe of the Pottawatomies. Their territory extended as far to the west as the Rock river, which stream divided them from the Winnebagoes. These two tribes, although living upon the most friendly terms, were of diverse origin, speaking a different dialect, and having emigrated from different parts of the continent. The Winnebao;oes belono-ed to the Sioux branch and spoke that language. The Pottawatomies, with the Ottawas, Chippewas, Menomonies, Sacs and Eoxes, and other noted tribes, spoke the Algonquin dialect which was originally the language of most of the tribes north of the Potomac and east of the Mississippi. This tribe came origi- nally from Canada. Like most Indians, they were in person rather above than below the average height of Europeans. The usual expression of their countenances when in repose, was grave, even to sadness. They had high cheek bones, faces uncommonly wide below the eyes, retiring foreheads, long, sleek black hair, finer than a horses mane, but much resembling it, but no beards, for a beard was con- sidered disgraceful, and untold tortures were endured in plucking out the first faint symptoms of one that sometimes appeared. They were of rugged health, straight and well limbed, and with a stoical indifference to pain that was either a wonderful exhibition of fortitude or, more probably, the re- sult of physical insensibility. They were generally sullen, seldom impatient, or hurried into intemperate warmth, except in hatred of their enemies ; generally feigning a proud indif- 54 HISTOEY OF DEKALB COUNTY. ference to their families, yet often giving evidence of strong attachment to them ; and always indolent, except when engaged in the chase or the war-path. This was rather the natural character of the original Indian than that which most of them bore at the period of the settlement of this County. The use of intoxicating liquors had at this time demoralized them, and destroyed their native nobility of character. They had become more puerile and purposeless, and their most conspic- uous traits, were their indolence and their disgusting personal habits. Their pride in dress had mostly passed away, yet they were childishly fond of display. Their persons were anointed with vile paints and grease, as much for the purpose of utility as decoration, as it defended the body from cold and from the attacks of insects. In 1835 there were villages of them near Ohio Grove ; on Section 3, in the Town of Cortland ; in Kingston on Section 21 ; at Coltonville ; a large settlement at Shabbona Grove, under the good chief Shabbona, and another at Paw Paw Grove, under a chief of yet. higher rank, called Waubonsie. There were some forty wigwams at Col- tonville, but at this time they were not all inhabited. The first settlers found them making sugar from the maples of the a'ljoining grove, having, beside -the hewn troughs, quite a number of the backs of turtles for sap buckets ; and the early settlers were sometimes nauseated by seeing them cast into their boiling syrup, rabbits and woodchucks, entrails, hair and all, which they devoured, when thus cooked, with evident relish, and thought the syrup none the worse for the unusual addition. Their modes of burial were various. The most of them were buried in shallow graves, with such of their bows and arrows, guns and trinkets, as their relatives thought they might need in the happy hunting grounds to which they had gone. The bodies of their chiefs, however, were treated in a different manner. A space was selected upon some conspic- uous mound, and a square, about six feet by ten, fenced in with THE INDIANS. 55 high palisades. Within this, the body Avas placed, braced up in a sitting posture, with knives, rifle, blankets, pipe, and a good supply of tobacco, and all were thus left to moulder and decay. A chief of this tribe, whose name has not been preserved, was in this manner enshrined upon the farm of Calvin Colton, in Mayfield, at the first settlement of the country, and his skeleton was afterward begged of Colton by Dr. Richards and went, with the bullet in it which was the cause of his death, to adorn the collection of physiological curiosities in the medical school at St. Charles. The dried and mouldering corpse of the famous chief Big Thunder, of this tribe, was as late as 1840 a conspicuous object on a height in the pre- sent city of Belvidere, but the early settlers becoming desti- tute of tobacco, had carried ofi" the old fellows supply, and left him destitute also of rifle, tomahawk and knives. For the bodies of their dead children they had still another mode of sepulture. Hollow logs were procured and halved, the corpses placed in them, covered Avith bark, bound down tightly with Avithes, and then fastened Avith similar withes to the horizontal branches of trees. There they were left, until the withes decayed and the bleached bones perhaps already stripped of their flesh by carnivorous birds, fell in a mass to the ground. As late as 1839 when Mr. Calvin Colton inoved to his present location at Coltonville, there were, he says, as many as fifty pappooses thus suspended in the trees of the grove adjoining his residence. The Indians cultivated small fields of corn — not upon the open prairies where it would be difiicult to break the sod, but upon the bottom lands, near the streams, and on the borders of the groves. Their only implement was a heavy kind of hoe, and they hilled the corn to a great height so that the traces of their hills may even yet be seen in some places. The squaws did all of this work ; the male Indians Avere too proud and indolent to labor. They kept their seed-corn by stringing it upon low poles below the surface of the ground, covering these with bark and then with i 56 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. earth. These deposits were sacred among all tribes, and no Indian, no matter how nearly starved he might be, would ever disturb them. Their chief reliance for food, however, was upon the chase. Deer were plenty in these woods and upon the prairies at this time, and the prairie wolf, the rabbit, the polecat, the martin and the woodchuck were quite numerous. The buffalo had passed away, but many of their bones were yet to be found. Shab- bona, their intelligent and truthfal old chief, states that about the year 1810 there was a winter of extraordinary severity, more terrible than had ever been known before or since that time ; that multitudes of Indians perished with the cold, and that all of the buffalo died and were never after- wards seen in this section of the country. Near the present town line between Clinton and Shabbona is a small pond of water whose springs never fail to yield an abundant supply. Around this spring, could have been seen, twenty years ago, the bones and skulls of hundreds of buffalo. In times of severe drought, this was the only Avatering place on the open prairie for niany miles around, and it is supposed that the old and decrepid buffalo, Avho always avoid the groves, resorted to this spot for water when nearly worn out, and died there. But although the buffalo were gone, the toils of the Indian hunters were yet rewarded with an abundance of game, and it constituted their principal supply of food. Their courtship and marriage was simple in the extreme. If an Indian fancied a certain squaw, he sent word that at a certain night he would visit her wigwam. He enters, stirs the slumbering embers of her fire, and lights a bit of wood. If she remains wrapped in her blanket and takes no notice of him, he is rejected, and departs without more ado. If she rises, blows out the torch, he is accepted, and they are man and wife henceforth The Indians abandoned the County about six months after the whites moved in. They had a wholesome awe of the power of the government, which protected the white settlers, and rn'i ^C^§^i_ '^''Hi-^. SHABBON A. LIFE OF SHABBONA. 57 gave them little reason to apprehend danger. They some- times stole articles of trifling value, and sometimes annoyed the settlers hy their begging for food. They often got whis- key of the whites, and, until that was gone, they had noisy powwows, dancing, screaming and singing all night long, very much as some of their successors do to this day; but even in their debauch they were not quarrelsome, but generally silly and good-humored. Shabbona's tribe remained upon their reservation for several years, and they were occasionally visit- ed by other Indians, and reports were occasionally circulated that they were dressed in the red war paint, had sent away their women and children, and were about to make war a^rain upon the whites. Some isolated farmers sent daily messen- gers to watch them, and kept their horses harnessed at night, ready to fly at a moments warning ; but there is no evidence that these fears were well founded. Shabbona was, undoubt- edly, a warm friend to the whites ; an Indian who knew and appreciated their power, who had become Avarmly attached to many of them, and felt the futility of all attempts to resist their onward progress. He was a man of remarkable nobility of character, and worthy of being held in' respectful remembrance by all in- habitants of this State. He was born in Canada sometime about the year 1780. Of his early years we know but little, except that he was attached to some roving party with which he traveled extensively over the State. His knowledge of the country was extraordinary. He was a sort of aid to Tecumseh, and with him visited the Creeks in 1812, orio-jna- ting that bloody Indian war which devastated Georgia and Mississippi, and in Avhich Gen. Jackson acquired his first prominence. He remained with Tecumseh, actively engaged against the Avhites, until the death of that celebrated warrior. His account of the killing of Tecumseh is as follows, and there is no doubt of its truth. He says : " The battle was terrible ; Indians were killed off" very fast ; still so long as they could hear the "big whoop" of Tecumseh, the Indians 58 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. held on ; then came the charge. Col. Johnson riding h's horse, rushed down among them, Tecumseh raised his toma- hawk to strike him off, but quick as thought the Colonel pre- sented his pistol, leveling it across his wounded arm, which was very bloody, and shot the warrior dead. The Indians hearing his voice no longer, at once gave up and dispersed." Shabbona loved the memory of Tecumseh ; he said he was noble and brave, and did what he thought was for the good of his people. This was Shabbona's last effort against the whites ; from that time forward his aim was peace. He was styled the Peace Chief of his tribe ; he concluded it was useless to contend against what he knew to be a superior race. This County soon after became his residence. When in 1831 and '32 Black Hawk began his agitation for war, Shabbona op- posed him from the beginning, using every art to keep peace. Finally, he secretly left the last Indian Council, held some- where on the KishAvaukie, and rode southward, sending out some of his own family in other directions, warning the whites of the approaching danger. On the Indian Creek, near "old Munsontown," in La Salle County, was quite a settlement of whites. He arrived there on his panting pony, told them Black Hawk was coming, and begged them to leave. They would not believe him. He went on towards Holdermand's Grrove, and thence up Fox River, Avarning all and saving the lives of many. Black Hawk, following, soon after surprised these people at MunsontoAvn, killed thirteen of them and took two girls prisoners. Only one person. Green Hal], escaped. He was near the creek, saw the Indians coming, jumped down the bank and hid under some flood-wood. The Indians, after hunting some time, concluded he was drowned. After they went away, he wandered doAvn the creek nearly dead, with a broken arm, and finally reached Ottawa. Shabbona has been blamed for his conduct on this occasion — on the plea that he was a traitor to his tribe. His defence was this, almost in his own words : He did not like Black Hawk, who was ambitious and cruel ; he had lived long on LIFE OF SHABBONA. 59 terms of intimacy and friendship with the whites ; he loved his white friends and their children ; he hated baby-killing and woman-scalping; and he knew Black Hawk would fail in the end. Certainly his course was right. At the treaties following the Black Hawk war, his grove was reserved for him. January 1st, 183fi, the first house was raised at Shabbona Grove, by Edmund Town, assisted by David Smith, both living yet, and residents of the town. While building this house, they lived in the deserted wigwams of the Indians, who had gone west about three months before. A few days before the raising, Smith found two bottles of whiskey hidden in a tree and left by the Indians ; so they had whiskey at the first raising. The Indians never after made a permanent home at this place till 1844, but came and went every year or two. In the meantime many settlers had been attracted to the grove, between whom and the Indians there existed close friendship. At this time his band numbered some twenty-five in all, con- sisting of himself, his third wife, Pokanoka, (his first wife was buried in the grove and his second wife lived with her tribe near Council Bluffs) two sons, five daughters; sons-in-laAv, nephews, neices and grand-children. He was then between sixty and seventy years of age ; a fine, portly man with an intelligent pleasant face, and distinguished for his kindliness of disposition and social qualities. He was prompt and hon- orable in his dealings ; and in every way an agreeable person except when in liquor. Drunkenness seems to be an especial vi6e with an Indian. His son Smoke was a magnificent fel- low ; tall, and well proportioned, with fine expressive features, dignified and courteous in his bearing, and distinguished as being perfectly temperate ; he disdained to touch whiskey. He was a real "Uncas." Smoke died in Iowa. It seems he was attended by the whites in his last moments who gave him Christian burial. Shabbona told the story thus : "White man kind to Smoke ; make him box, (describing with his hands the shape of a coffin) put him in ; then one white 60 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. man bend down and say, "0 God! God! God!" over Smoke. Ugh ! white man much good, much good." The other son, Wynonwy, was a heavy, good-natured fellow. They hunted, generally riding their ponies over the prairies after game ; raised some corn ; made sugar in the grove. Like all Indians, they Avere extremely disgusting in their do- mestic habits, though these were not in person very unclean. They were generally pleasant, intelligent and agreeable, and visited, borrowed and loaned with the whites, being usually prompt and honorable. Shabbona was particularly so. He sometimes attended meetings with his grandchildren, whom he was particular to keep in good order. There seemed to be strict discipline kept up among them. As, for instance : Mr. Isaac Morse relates that he went down into the timber to work, one day, and, noticing a pen built up around a tree, went there and found within, an Indian girl apparently about fifteen years old. To his questions she made no reply : at noon he tried to get her to eat of his lunch, but she would not eat nor speak. Next morning she was there yet : he again tried to converse with her, and pulled the pen down. She then told him she was " bad Indian," and must stay another day, carefully the while replacing the sticks. Another time a number of them were coming over from Paw Paw in a wagon. They had been drinking, and one, being particularly disorderly, was tied hands and feet and left on the ground : then another and another, as they drove along, was served in the same manner, and left till evening, when they were released. Shabbona sometimes went to Chicago with his neighbors, in those old days of overland expeditions, and was noted for his sociable and agreeable qualities. Mr. Harvey Allen tells an incident which he witnessed : One of the Band, "Joe," had been down to Ross' Grove, and returned with two bottles of whiskey, one of which he gave to Shabbona. They parleyed awhile in their Indian language, and finally loaded their rifles, went out and put up a mark. " Joe " shot first, just missing LIFE OF SHABBONA. 61 the mark ; Shabbona hit the center ; Joe delivered the bottle to the old chief, who laughed immoderately over the incident. He had a "big drunk." About twenty years ago, the large log house now standing at the grove, and known as the Shabbona house, was built by Gates for him. He never occupied it except for storage, be- ing displ'eased because it leaked. He and his family left to go to Kansas in the spring of 1849. In the fall following was the Dixon Land Sale, at which his "Reservation " Avas sold, as will be related in the history of the town. It seems that he never understood the matter, nor why he was dispossessed, as, when he left, he gave his premises and left some things in charge of Mr. Norton, telling him to keep the same until he came back, asking nothing for the use of his land the first year, but wanted " something saved for Shabbona the next, because maybe he come back poor." He was gone some three years. On his return Mr. Norton informed him of the sale of his land, and that his farm was gone. The poor old chief dropped his head upon his breast, muttering, " All gone ; Shabbona got nothing now." His band camped at the spring- near the present road leading into the grove below Mr. James Greenfield's house, while Shabbona, dispossessed, started oif to find another home. Upon his return he received a terrible cursing from the man who owned the timber upon which they were encamped, because they had cut some poles and burned some old wood. Sorrowfully and at once they gathered up their things, and Shabbona with his band left the grove for- ever. Mr. Tracy Scott relates the following incident which occur- red at this time : He was returning from Aurora, and, com- ing through Big Rock timber, saw the Indians encamped. Shabbona seemed utterly cast down ; and, in reply to Scott's inquiry as to why he left and where he was going, said he had always been a friend to the whites ; that he had treated them well ; that his wife and some of his children were buried in the grove ; that he had lived there, and wanted to die there • 62 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. that he had lost all — was very poor : then he told that, because his band had burned a few sticks of wood, "big white man call me, damn Indian! Shabbona never damn white man!" and pointing upwards, while the tears ran down his old cheeks, he continued, "No hig white man — no damn Indian up there —all 'like; all 'like!" Thus ended the residence and connection of Shabbona and his band with the County of DeKalb. He went down near Morris, Illinois, and died, some five or six years ago, in ex- treme poverty. On the 5th of July, 1865, his wife Pokanoka and two of her daughters came back to the grove, took quiet possession of a thicket near the old house, and remained there three days. Soon after, in crossing a small stream, she was thrown from her wagon (she was very old, fleshy and helpless) into the water and drowned. The family are scattered, no one knows where. These are simple statements, just as related by the old set- tlers, and as known to the writer hereof, without an embellish- ment : but what a mournful story ! Is there in the whole field of reality a more pitiful case 'i LIFE OF BARON DEKALB. 63 CHAPTER IV. LIFE OF BARON DEKALB. Although the memory of the brave Baron DeKalb has been duly honored by the American people, so far as it can be done in the nomenclature of the Country, no less than fifteen towns, and about as many Counties in the Union, having received the name of this heroic general, yet few, very few of our countrymen are familiar with his history. While it is incumbent upon every intelligent American to preserve, fresh and green, the memory of those eminent Euro- peans who, like La Fayette, forsook the fascinations of for- eign courts, to fight for us the battle of our liberties, it is peculiarly desirable that we of De Kalb County should know and duly honor' the memory of that generous hero of this class, who has given his name to our County and to one of our prominent towns. Baron John DeKalb, was a native of the province of Al- sace, a German province in the possession of France, and was born about the year 1732. He entered the French army at an early age, and was there educated in the art of war, in which he attained great proficiency, having become a Brio-a- dier General in that army, and a Knight of the Order of Merit. In 1762 he visited the Anglo-American colonies as a secret agent of the French government, and no doubt on that mission, acquired that knowledge of our country, and something of that interest in its destinies, that led him in November, 1776, soon after the stirring news of our declara- tion of independence had reached Europe, to oiFer his services to Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane, the first envoys of our young Republic to France, to serve in the armies of the 64 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. revolted colonies. His proffer was gratefully accepted, and in the following year he sailed with the Marquis de La Fayette and ten other French officers, to this country. On Septem- ber 15th, 1777, he was appointed by Congress a Major Gen- eral, and soon after he joined the main army under Washing- ton which was then operating about Philadelphia. The American officers were intensely jealous of these foreign allies as a class, and the high commands given them, excited great dissatisfaction, but the aims and acts of the veteran Baron De Kalb were of so high an order, his enthusiasm for the deliverance of all who Avere oppressed was so earnest and heartfelt, his desire for rank was so evidently for the purpose of better serving the new-born nation, and his military talents were so unmistakably eminent, that he disarmed this hostility of the native-born fellow soldiers, and served with their approbation, their confidence, their esteem. After a fcAV weeks of active operations about Philadelphia, he went with the army into winter quarters at Valley Forge where his active sympathy and enthusiasm for the cause, aided to lighten and brighten the dreariness of that most gloomy winter of American history. During the two following years, he served Avith honor to himself, and satisfaction to the coun- try, in the campaigns in Maryland and New Jersey. When in April, 1780, the capture of Charleston, the principal Southern seaport, was threatened by the British under Clinton, DeKalb Avas selected by Washington Avith the approbation of Congress, to proceed South Avith the Maryland and Dela- Avare forces to reinforce Lincoln, Avho Avas in command at Charleston. Conveyed by Avater to Petersburg, Va., they commenced a long and Aveary march for the Carolinas. The country Avas poor and thinly inhabited ; no magazines had been laid up ; the commissaries had neither money nor credit. It must have taxed all the resources of their general, to pros- ecute the march in the face of these obstacles. But undaunted he pressed on, scattering his soldiers over the country in small parties. They collected their own supplies by impressing lilFE OF BARON DEKALB, 65 lean cattle from the canebrakes, and Indian corn, the only grain which the country produced. Halting at length at Deep river, he was overtaken by Gen. Gates, who had been appointed by Congress to the command of the Southern department, and pressed on through a barren and disaffected country toward Camden. The little army was soon greatly augmented by reinforcements of Virginian and Carolinian troops ; but weakened by diseases, caused by eating unripe peaches and green corn as substitutes for bread. The patriot army approached Camden with nearly 6,000 men, but they were mostly raw militia, and weakened by disease and their arduous marches. Lord Cornwallis, who command- ed the British force, opposed to him, had a much smaller army, but they were veterans, and were so situated that defeat would have been their destruction. On the night of the 6th of August, Cornwallis put his troops in motion, determined to attack and surprise Gates. On that same night Gates had moved forward his army, intending to occupy another position nearer Camden. The advance of the two armies encountered each other unexpectedly in the woods. A council of war was called, and DeKalb, the second in command, who had caution- ed Gates against the result of a general engagement, recom- mended that the army should fall back to a more favorable position. Gates scorned the advice. " I would not give a penny to be insured a beefsteak in Camden to-day with Lord Cornwallis a captured prisoner at my table." DeKalb, who had repeatedly foretold the ruin that would ensue, and ex- pressed a presentiment that he would fall in the battle, was taunted by the rash Gates, who insinuated that his prudence was occasioned by fear. De Kalb instantly placed himself at the head of his troops on foot, replying : Well, sir, a few hours will prove who are brave. The British rushed with charged bayonets on Gates' center and left, when his troops broke and fled, leaving their guns on the ground. Gates went with them, and did not cease his flight till he reached Charlotte, eighty miles from the field of battle. 9 66 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. The brave DeKalb, at the head of the right wing, manfully stood his ground, and contended with the whole British army more than an hour. Hundreds of his devoted troops had fallen around him, when at last he fell, pierced by eleven bayonet wounds. At the entreaty of his aid, the British officers interposed to prevent his immediate destruction, but he sur- vived only a few hours. To a British officer, who kindly condoled with him on his misfortune, he replied: I thank you for your generous sym- pathy, but I die the death I have always prayed for — the death of a soldier fighting for the rights of man ; and though I fight no more in this world, I trust I may still be of some service to the cause of freedom. Many years after, General Washington visited the grave of the departed hero at Camden, and after gazing sadly awhile, he exclaimed : So here lies the brave DeKalb ! the generous stranger who came from a distant land to fight our battles, and water with his blood the tree of liberty. Congress voted a monument to him, but it was never erect- ed. The citizens of Camden, however, many years after, enclosed his grave, and placed on it a handsome marble with an epitaph, descriptive of his virtues and his services to the country. THE CLAIM ASSOCIATIONS. 67 CHAPTER V. THE CLAIM ASSOCIATIONS. Until the spring of the year 1835, the feet of very few white people had trodden the soil of what now constitutes the County of DeKalb. It was the home of the Indian, and the Indian agent at Chicago, backed up by companies of United States troops, was authorized to drive off all whites who should encroach upon their land. But it having been noised about in this spring of 1835, that the Indians were about to remove west of the Mississippi, no further attempt was made to restrain the immigration of the whites, and they poured into the country in great numbers. In pre-empting and claiming land, delays are dangerous, and each landless immigrant, desiring to have the first choice of lands, and to be sure of a location inferior to none, hurried into the territory, and camping near some favorable grove and stream, began to Maze the trees on a line surrounding as much of the timbered land as he thought he should want, and then ran his plow out on the prairie, making with its fur- row, a tract as large as he cared for, of the open prairie. • This, according to the primitive regulations which governed the new settlers at that time, gave him a right to hold the tract thus marked out, until the time when the government should have it surveyed, and the opportunity offered for a bet- ter title, by purchase of the United States. But innumerable disputes arose under this arrangement. Some of the more ambitious of the new-comers claimed sev- eral square miles of land, and were preventing the settlement of the country by elbowing out those who would have been 68 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. glad to make their homes here. It was evident that something must be done to limit and regulate this privilege of the squat- ter ; and that which was done we cannot better relate than in the quaint language of one of the worthiest of those early settlers, as published in his "Reminiscences of Border Life," in the Repuhlican Sentinel of this County, in 1855. He says : " ' In those days, there being no king in Israel, every man did that which seemed right in his own eyes.' The size of claims, therefore, varied from two eightys of prairie, and one of timber, to a half section of timber, and a tract of prairie two miles square. Some assumed the right to make and hold claims by proxy, being thereunto duly authorized by some brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin or friend. Meanwhile, new settlers poured in apace, astonished and perplexed to find the choice timber and prairie ^blazed' and 'furrowed' into claims, whose ample acres, the claimant with all his children, uncles, aunts and cousins, to the 'third and fourth generations,' would never be able to till or occupy. The new settler, perplexed, baffled, and becoming more and more desperate on finding ' God's green earth ' thus monopolized, would approach his more fortunate neighbor with the spirit of Abraham to Lot — 'now I have come a great way to get some of this timber and prairie, and one thing is certain, I am go- ing to have some. There is enough for you and me, and our boys. Now don't let us quarrel ; you turn to the right and I will turn to the left, or, vice versa. Sometimes this good scripture, and, consequently, good common sense logic, would win, but in other cases, the grasping spirit of the borderer would stave off all kind of division or compromise, and, laying his hand upon his rifle, he would bluster and threaten in '•great swelling words,' and drive away the 'stranger from his right.' "Hereupon arose innumerable disputes and wranglings, concerning the size, tenure and boundaries of claims. The more reflecting among the settlers, saw a dark cloud, big with the elements of strife and social disorder, gathering in the THE CLAIM ASSOCIATIONS. 69 not very distant horizon, whose tornado blasts threatened soon to lay waste all that was of value in the rising community. There was no municipal law reaching these cases ; and if there had been, the settlers probably would have been none the wiser for it, for it is believed at this period, there was neither a Justice nor a statute book north of the Illinois River, and west of Fort Dearborn, unless we except Ottawa and Chicago. Wrongs and outrages for which there was no known legal redress, were being multiplied. Blackened eyes, bloody noses and chewed ears were living realities, while the dirk, pistol, rifle, with something like '■cold lead,' were signifi- cantly talked of, as likely to bring about some ''realities' which might not be '■living.' What could be done to ensure ' do- mestic tranquility,' 'promote the general welfare,' and secure to each settler his right? — Evidently but one thing. Happily some had seen something in the New Testament about those who are without law being a ^law unto themselves,' and set- tlers found themselves in this fix exactly. It was therefore apparent both from scripture and reason, that the settlers must become a 'law unto themselves ;' and, 'where there was a will there was a way. '■A settlers' meeting,' at a given time and place, therefore came to be the watch word, from shanty to wagon, until all were alarmed. Pursuant to this proclamation, a '■heap' of law and order-loving American citizens convened on the 5th of September, 1835, at the shanty of Harmon Miller, then standing on the east bank of the Kishwaukie, nearly opposite the present residence of Wm. A. Miller in the town of Kingston. " Happily the best possible spirit prevailed. The hoosier from the Wabash, the buckeye from Ohio, the hunter from Kentucky, the calculating Yankee, brother Jonathan's 'first- born,' and the ^beginning of his strength,' impelled by a sense of mutual danger, here sat down to dictate laws to Kishwau- kie and 'the region lying round about throughout all the coasts thereof.' Hon. Levi Lee, now chairman of a commit- tee to report on petitions for the ' Maine law ' in the Legisia- 70 HISTOEY OF DEKALB COUNTY. ture of Wisconsin, was cliosen to preside over this august assemblage, where the three great departments of free gov- ernments, the executive, the legislative and the judicial, were most happily united ; and ' Capt, Eli Barnes was appointed secretary.' Gently glided the sometimes turbid waters of that '■ancient river,' the sonorous Kishwaukie, as speech after speech, setting forth the wants and woes of the settlers, the kind of legislation demanded by the crisis, went the rounds. Even those Avho were not used to '■talhin much 'fore folks,' evinced their cordial approbation and readiness to co-operate by doing up an amount of encoreing, which no doubt really did, '■astonish the natives.' At last, ripe for immediate action, a committee was selected to draft and pre- sent to the meeting, a Constitution and By-Laws by which the 'settlers upon the public lands' should be governed. After some little deliberation back of the shanty, around the stump of a big white oak, which served as a writing desk, said committee reported a Preamble, Constitution and By- Laws, which, for simplicity, brevity and adaptation to neces- sity, it would be hard for any modern legislation to beat. The 'self-evident truths' proclaimed by Jefferson in the 'immor- tal declaration,' it is believed, were, for the first time, reiterated on the banks of Kishwaukie ; and, had there been a little more time for reflection and preparation, the top of some settler's wagon would have been converted into the 'Star Spangled Banner' and thrown to the breezes of heaven from the tallest tree-top in the grove. The common-sense, law and logic, as well as patriotism, contained in this Constitution and By-Laws, were instantaneously recognized to be the very things demanded by the crisis, and were adopted with unpar- alleled enthusiasm, each subscribing his name thereto with his own hand, thereby pledging 'life,'- 'fortune' and 'sacred honor,' to carry out the provisions of the code. It is not known that a copy of this singular unique document is now extant, and still there may be. As nearly as can be recollected, its provisions were somewhat as follows : A prudential com. THE CLAIM ASSOCIATIONS. 71 mittee were to be then and there chosen, whose duty it should be, to ' examine into, hear, and finally determine, all disputes and differences then existing, or which hereafter might arise between settlers in relation to their claims,' and whose deci- sions, with certain salutary cheeks, were to be binding upon all parties, and to be carried out at all hazards by the three departments of government consolidated in aid of the execu- tive, in what jurists sometimes denominate, the ^ posse eomita- tus.' Each settler was solemnly pledged to protect every other settler in the association, in the peaceful enjoyment of 'his or her reasonable claim as aforesaid, and further, who- ever throughout all Kishwaukie, or the suburbs, or coasts thereof, should refuse to recognize the authority of the afore- said association, and render due obedience to the laws enacted by the same from time to time, 'to promote the general wel- fare,' should be deemed a heathen, a publican, and an outlaw with whom they were pledged to have no communion or fel- lowship. Thus was a wall, affording protection to honest settlers, built in troublous times. Hon. Levi Lee, our present Avorthy County Judge, Hon. Geo. H. Hill, Capt. Eli Barnes, James Green and Jesse C. Kellogg, were chosen to be the settlers' committee, who who, as may well be supposed, had business on hand for some time in order to restore and ' ensure domestic tranquility,' and 'promote the general welfare.' The thing worked like a charm ; and the value of these asso- ciations in Northern Illinois, to the infant settlements, has never been over-estimated. Similar associations were formed and maintained in Somonauk and other portions of the County, until the lands came into market. This event took place in Chicago, in 1843, when all DeKalb County, except the north tier of townships, was sold to the highest bidder — that is, so far as ' terra firma ' is concerned. The moral as well as phy- sical power of the '■Settlers associations'' was so great, that if a speculator presumed to bid on a settler's claim, he was certain to find himself ''hnoehed down and dragged out,' and had the land officers shown the least sympathy or favor to the 72 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. ^rascal,'' there can be no doubt but what an indignant and outraged yeomanry would have literally torn the land office to fragments in almost 'less than no time.' " The duties of these settlers' committees were onerous in- deed. Suits were prosecuted against them with all of the persistence that characterizes litigation in the courts at the present time. Day after day was sometimes spent in the examination of witnesses, the arguments of learned counsel, and of course some one was generally disappointed and angry at their award. The Claim associations were not without opposition also, and some were disposed to dispute their authority. Two well- defined parties sprang up in the Kishwaukie country, as that section was called over which the organization before des- cribed claimed authority. The opponents of the Claim As- sociation were called claim-jumpers. They held, not that men had no right to the land on which they settled, but that they had no right to make more than one claim, nor to hold another by purchase. Many rough, reckless pioneers came in at this early day with no intention of settling permanently, but merely to make claims on favorite locations and sell them out. They would roll together a few logs, lay them up in a kind of pen, cover it with bark or shakes, to give it the ap- pearance of a dwelling, and then having blazed around a quarter section of timber, and a mile or more of prairie, they would stand and forbid any one from settling on this claim without paying them some hundreds, or perhaps thousands of dollars, for what they called their farm. And settlers paid, even before the Indians left, hundreds, and sometimes thous- ands of dollars, for such claims. The tract on which now stands most of the village of DeKalb was so claimed in this way by a Mr. Collins, and ^2,000 was paid for the claim in 1836 by the company of which Russell Huntley was agent and manager. Mr. Hamlin paid $600 for a claim two or three miles north of that place, and Ephraim and Riley Hall gave for the claim on his present farm in the town of THE CLAIM ASSOCIATIONS. X^ 73 Sycamore. In addition to which, the purchaser was of course required to pay the government for the land when it was surveyed and offered for sale by the United States authorities. Such sums were small fortunes in those early days : they were equivalent to ten times as much money at this time ; and men were naturally disposed to stand up very sturdily in defence of those ill defined rights of property for which they had paid so dearly. Fights and rows innumerable arose, fierce and fiery quarrels Avhose embers are even yet smouldering in the breasts of some of those first settlers. Meetings of the settlers' association were called, and new regulations adopted as occasion demanded. But as soon as the Courts were accessible, litigation began. While this was part of Kane County, the Courts at Geneva its County seat, were thronged with litigants, witnesses, attorneys and ofiicers from this distant Kishwaukie country, and the suits were often by change of venue transferred still farther, to Joliet or other neighboring Counties. One well known citizen who had buried a relative on land that was afterward found to be over his line, was promptly sued for trespass, and after long litigation was compelled to remove the body. One of the most hotly contested of the claim wars, and which may serve as a sample of many others, was between Mr. Marshall Stark on the one side, and Riley Hall with Noble Barron on the other. Two brothers, James and Samuel Gilbert in 1835, made claims on the west side of the Kishwaukie on what is now the town of Mayfield, and wishing to move away, Mr. Stark purchased them, paying $550 for the claim-s. But as Stark already had a claim on the east side of the river, Hall and Barron who denied the right of settlers to hold any lands on which they did not reside, "jumped " Stark's west side claims, fenced in a lot, built a house on each, and moved a family in each house to hold them. This was a decided infraction of claim law, and Stark found no difficulty in raising a company 10 74 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. of some thirty friends to reinstate him. They marched up to the houses where they found their opponents with a few of their friends, armed with a rifle or tAvo, and protected by arricaded doors. The assaulting party beat down the door \Tith battering rams, seized the rifles from the hands of the inmates, who feared to shoot into so large a party of neighbors, and then gathering rails and firing, they made a bonfire of the whole concern. The wrath of the claim-jumpers can readily be imagined. They swore great oaths, and threatened the lives of the perpetrators of this wrong. The first blood in the contest was won by Stark, who at an election held soon after at Frederick Love's, gave a sound threshing to two brothers Leckerby, who belonged to the claim-jumpers party. Not long after, happening to go upon the disputed claim, he was waylaid and attacked with clubs by a party of them, and after a running fight of a mile or more, was lucky to escape with his life. Now commenced a long course of litigation lasting for several years. The case tried first before Rufus Colton, then Justice of the Peace, was appealed to the Circuit Court at Geneva before Judge Roberts, thence taken on change of venue to Joliet, then to the Supreme Court at Ottawa, and after many years, finally decided more by good luck than by law, in Stark's favor. But the expenses as usual in closely contested suits, were much greater than the value of the property. A year or two later, the State Legislature passed a statute legalizing sales of claims, thus maintaining the law established by the settlers' association. In the winter of 1839, a party of the settlers came down upon one old fellow Avho was found in the big Avoods preparing to jump a claim of one of their friends, and being inflamed Avith Dutch courage derived from a jug of whiskey, they prepared to hang the poor fellow and would have carried their threat into execution, but that their leaders became alarmed and managed to let the scared wretch run away. He was never more seen in these parts. THE CLAIM ASSOCIATIONS. 75 The cases in which the Claim Association was called upon to take formal action were less numerous than those in which the people of the neighborhood in which some violation of claim law had been perpetrated, were summoned to meet and enforce by the power of numbers what they thought was justice in the case ; and after the lands had come into market the Claim Association assumed no further authority, yet the sacredness of claims was very generally enforced by a popular understanding that no man should be permitted to enter another's claim. When in 1843 the lands were offered for entry, many of the settlers had exhausted all of their means in makinn- improvements, and were unable to raise the small sum demanded for entering their claims. These lands were now Avorth ten or fifteen dollars per acre ; and there was no law except this unwritten claim law to deter speculators from making them their own upon paying the government the dollar and a quarter an acre which it demanded. But so sacred were these claims regarded by these settlers, so strong was the prejudice against their being taken up by others, and so dangerous was it made for the person who tried it, that many valuable farms were occupied for two, three, and even five years after, by men who had never been able to raise the money to enter them, and who had no title whatever, to their possession. In many cases, however, this regulation was violated, and in some instances mobs were raised who forced the ofiender to deed back the land to the claimant. These mobs, as is the case with mobs everywhere, even when moved by generous intentions, often failed to understand the merits of a case, and unwittingly did great injustice. In 1843, an old man named McLenathan, a resident of Sycamore, entered a farm which was claimed by Mr. John Mason of Burlington. The claim organization had then become inoperative ; but there was still this strong feeling in favor of protecting settlers in their claims, so that there was 76 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. no great difficulty in raising a crowd to lynch the old man if he refused to deed back the land. He was living with Mr. David Finley near Ohio Grove, when on one cold morning in March a company of fifty young men mounted on horseback, surrounded Finley's house, and calling him out demanded that he deed over the land to Mason or he should be tarred and feathered. McLenathan said that Mason owed him money, that he did not want his land but merely to get security for his debt, and that if Mason would pay him his money he would deed him the land. This did not suit Mason, nor the crowd of excited followers, so without more ado they seized him, placed him on horseback and started off for the woods. JHere they dismounted, stripped the gray haired old man, poured on the tar and rubbed on a coating- of feathers. " Now, old felloAV, sign that deed, or we will drown you in yonder pond !" McLenathan still sturdily refused, whereupon they dragged him to the pond of water near by, and threw him in, some of them jumping on him and crowding him below the icy waters. Finally, nearly dead from the cold and more than half drowned, he consented to give up the land, and the deed was executed. The party did not then disperse, but adjourned to a school house near by, and there drew up and signed an agreement to protect at the risk of their lives, the right of all settlers in their claims. A week after, the company were summoned together to put their resolve in force, A Mr. Mann, of Burlington, had entered some land claimed by one of this party, and they were summoned to compel him to deed it back. An hundred of them were gathered at this lime, and armed with shot guns and rifles, they moved upon Ihe enemies' works. But this was a different undertaking from that of lynching the poor and friendless old McLenathan. The Manns were a numerous family, and had many friends. They had summoned them to their assistance, and when the party approached their residence they found it defended by a large number of determined-looking men well armed with THE CLAIM ASSOCIATIONS. 77 murderous-looking rifles. Not caring to risk their lives in an attack upon a fortress so well defended, they abandoned this attempt and dispersed to their homes. Indictments were found in the Court of Kane County against a number of the party who assaulted McLenathan, but the matter had become so public there that a fair trial could not be had, and it was removed to Kendall County. The leading participants in this attack were convicted and heavily fined. 78 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. CHAPTER VI. THE BANDITTI. About the confines of advancing civilization upon this continent, there has always hovered, like scouts before the march of an invading army, a swarm of bold, enterprising, adventurous criminals. The broad, untrodden prairies, the trackless forests, the rivers, unbroken by the keels of commerce, furnished admirable refuge for those whose crimes had driven them from the companionship of the honest and the law-abiding ; and, hovering there where courts and civil processes could furnish but a thin veil of protection for life or property, the temptation to prey upon the unprotected sons of toil, rather than to gain a livelihood by the slow process of peaceful industry, has proved too strong to be resisted. Some have sought these unpeopled western wilds for the express purpose of theft and robbery, some because they dare not live within reach of efficient laws, and some who came with honest intentions, have been tempted into crime by the prevalent immunity from punishment. Everywhere in newly-settled lands the proportion of the dishonest and criminal has been greater than in the older and better regulated communities. This was particularly the case in the earlier settlement of the prairies of DeKalb County. A strong and well constructed net-work of organized crime at that time stretched over this whole section of country, and fcAV were fortunate enough to preserve all their property from being swept up in its meshes, A good horse and his equipments was the most easily captured, and most readily concealed — cojihsequently the most coveted and dangerous property in th4 country. No possessor of a / ( THE BANDITTI. 79 fleet and famous horse dared leave him for a single night, unless secured in a strong, double-locked stable, guarded by faithful dogs, and oftentimes by the owner himself, who regularly slept in his stable. During the first four years of the settlement of the country, a large portion of the population were obliged to keep an armed watchman every night, in order to secure any sense of safety to their valuable horses. Many an instance will old settlers relate of thieves detected by these watchmen, while engaged in breaking the stable locks, and fired upon, with more or less damage to the intruder. They were the more cautious, from the fact that a fleet horse once gone was gone forever. So skillfully were the plans of the thieves concocted, so much of energy and ingenuity was employed in rapidly forcing the stolen steeds at once to a great distance, so large the number of rascals Avho were connected, that pursuit and capture was difiicult — even dangerous — and always unsuccessful. Brodie's Grove, near what is now the village of Dement, and near the west line of the present township of Malta, was a famous rendezvous and station-house of this gang of banditti. When Mr. Benjamin Worden lived there in 1840, he had a fine pair of horses, and much against his will felt forced to adopt the prevalent custom of sleeping in the barn with them to guard them. Old Brodie discovered that he made this a practice, and innocently asked him wdiy. He answered promptly and significantly, that there were many thieves about, and he feared he should have them stolen. The old man, who had taken a fancy to Ben., answered that he need not fear. His horses should not be stolen. He would see to that, and warrant him that they should not be lost. The old man had the reputation of being one of the chiefs of the gang ; and Worden, confident of his sincerity, ever afterwards considered them safe, as if guarded with bars of steel. About that time Worden had made some significant discoveries. Near the little grove was a large, circular depression of the prairie, called a. sink-hole. In its center was a strong stake driven, 80 HISTORY OP DE KALB COUNTY. and every indication about it that in that sheltered, obscure spot horses had been frequently tethered and fed. The Brodies were frequently coming and going, and every time upon a new horse, usually a very fine animal. What could all this mean, but systematic horse thieving ? But horses were not the only prey for these banditti. The circulation of counterfeit money Avas a large and profitable branch of business, and there were dark and ominous hints in circulation of yet fouler crimes perpetrated ; pedlars had mysteriously disappeared in that section of the country. They had been traced to the vicinity of this grove, but never traced beyond it. When the Brodies finally fled the country, there were found among their eifects a suspiciously large number of travelers' trunks, pedlars' cases, and similar property, whose possession was most easily accounted for on the supposition that the murder of innocent travelers, pedlars, and other wayfarers, was not too heinous a crime for them to commit, if the temptation offered. Walking over the prairie one day in search of his cattle, Worden suddenly found the ground sinking beneath his feet, and he was precipitated into a large, sqliare cavity, which had been carefully excavated, then covered Avith planks and soil, and carefully turfed over with growing grass. The soil taken out had been carefully removed, so that no traces of the excavation could be seen on the surface, and no suspicion of its existence there would be excited. Although no property was then in the cavern, yet the purpose for which it was designed was evident, and its proximity to the residence of the suspected Brodies indicafed the origin and ownership of this place of concealment. Pages might be filled with stories told by the early settlers of circumstances which indicated plainly that Brodie's isolated Grove was one of the chief rendezvous of some of the most daring and skillful of those land pirates who at that early period roved over these billowy prairies, as pirates roam the seas. Six miles north of Brodie's is what is now called South Grove, so called because it was south of the main body of the THE BANDITTI. 81 Kishwaukie timber. David Driscoll was the first settler there, and for many years it was known as Driscoll's Grove. David had married a connection of the Brodies, and the families naturally became intimately associated. A year after David had settled there, his father, old John Driscoll, moved out with his family, and William Driscoll, his brother, with a family of six or seven children, bought David's claim, the father and David settling anew a few miles farther west, David on the banks of the Killbuck, and the father in what is now called Pennsylvania settlement, a few miles farther north. There is much reason to believe, and little reason to doubt, that the houses of David and John Driscoll were other station- houses on the route of this horse-thieving fraternity ; and it is not impossible that even after William Driscoll's purchase there, the Driscoll grove still furnished them shelter and refreshment. From thence their usual course was across to Gleason's at Genoa, or to Henpeck, now Hampshire, in Kane County, and thence north to McHenry County, where some men, now prominent as politicians and office-holders, were supposed to be connected with the gang. From thence it was not difficult to pass the stolen horses along to the pineries of Wisconsin, the mines at Galena, or to find a market for them at some of the young cities on the lake shore. In Ogle County on the west, and Winnebago on the northwest, the banditti were more numerous. There theft, counterfeiting, and the like crimes, constituted but a small part of the sworn duties of the gang. They were required to control elections, to secure the election of justices from among their friends, and in case of arrest, to furnish perjured testimony to secure their discharge. In the spring of 1841 seven of the gang had been arrested and confined in the new jail at Oregon. The court had assembled for their trial in the new Court House, just completed, when, on the night before the trial, the rogues assembled, and burned both buildings to the ground. But the prisoners did not escape. Their trial was proceeded with, and the evidence was found complete and conclusive. But 11 82 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. one of the confederates had secured a place upon the jury. He would consent to no verdict of guilt. Then a novel method of securing a conviction was adopted. The eleven honest jurors seized the refractory twelfth, and threatened to lynch him in the jury room unless he gave his assent to the verdict of guilty. The rascal gave up his opposition, the verdict of guilty was received, and the three criminals were sentenced to imprisonment for a year. They all, however, broke out of jail and escaped. Such outrages as these naturally aroused a strong and bitter opposition among the honest people of the land. They would be more or less than men who should submit tamely to them. Neither life nor property being protected by the laws, some additional, more stringent, if less merciful, measures must be adopted. The settlers met by universal consent, and organized a band of lynchers. The Ogle County Lynching Club was the title of the organization, although its membership extended over Winnebago and Lee Counties as well. In the spring and early summer of 1841, there were held numerous meetings of these Regulators, or Lynching Clubs, and their armed bands, mounted or on foot, traversed the country, delivering warnings and threatenings to those Avhom they suspected of being confederated in the gangs of banditti. " You are given twenty or thirty days to leave the country, and if found here after that time you will be lynched," was the brief and threatening message which condemned the suspected party, without a trial, to banishment, at whatever sacrifice of his property, and at whatever sudden sundering of the ties which bound him to his home. It was not strange that such messages provoked strong, indignant opposition. Crime always finds or imagines some justification for its evil deeds, and at least is apt to retort that its acts are no worse, only more bold, than those of its pursuers. And it was true in this case, that although the original organization of the Lynching Club was supported by many men of undoubted probity and worth, although the staid Puritan, the upright THE BANDITTI. 83 justice, the honest lawyer, the clergyman even, were on its rolls of membership, yet there were also men of the baser sort, — men who used the organization for the purpose of wreaking vengeance on their personal enemies — men who were capable of manufacturing false statements to secure the destruction of their foes ; yes ! there were even horse-thieves themselves among the most active and prominent of those who were lynching others for the same nefarious practice. The Lynching Clubs duly organized, they met by mutual agreement, and selected John Long, of Stillman's Run, the proprietor of a fine saw-mill just erected there, as captain of the combined companies. Soon after, in the performance of his duties, he headed a detachment of the lynchers, who seized one Daggett, who was residing near what is now Greenough's Ford in the town of Franklin, and, tying him up, gave him a severe flogging, at the same time ordering him to leave the country. Not long after these events, the mill of Mr. Long was set on fire and destroyed ; and although no direct evidence was obtained of Daggett's connection with the deed, yet circumstances pointed strongly to him as the perpetrator of the crime. About the same time one Lyman Powell was seized upon the road between Driscoll's and the Killbuck. He seems to have been really a harmless, inoffensive man, lame, and destitute of any settled occupation. But he was an associate of the suspected Driscolls, worked at threshing and other odd jobs for them and others. The Lynching Company questioned him closely, to draw from him some evidence of the criminality of himself or his associates, but not succeeding to their liking, they beat him cruelly with hickory withes, and taking from him the horse he rode, they turned him adrift. He afterwards went to the place where he had bought his horse, and furnishing satisfactory proof that it was honestly obtained, it was returned to him. About the same time a threatening letter was sent to Long, defying the society to combat, and threatening personal violence. Mr. Long, being intimidated by these acts, called his band together 84 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. and resigned his office, and Mr. Jolin Campbell, of White Rock Grove, in Ogle County, was chosen in his stead. Mr. Campbell was a very exemplary man, a good Christian, a member of the Baptist Church, a father and a grandfather. In June of this year, Judge Ford, afterwards Governor of the State, and its historian, was holding court in Sycamore, when news came down that an armed body of men, magnified by people's fears to a large army, was marching through the western portion of the County, threatening acts of violence. The Judge, considering such proceedings to be contrary to the peace and dignity of the State, resolved to send a formal embassy to inquire what were their objects and intentions. Frederick Love, the Probate Judge, the District Attorney, Farewell, of Ottawa, the Sheriff of the County, Morris Walrod, and William A. Miller, a well-known citizen, were selected as the embassy, and started out on the Oregon State Road to search for the invading army. A mile or two beyond Driscoll's Grove it was found encamped for rest and refreshment. It was discovered to be the lynchers, to the number of one hundred and fifty, or thereabouts, headed by Captain Campbell. After a long and friendly conversation, Captain Campbell, without hesitation, displayed the constitu- tion of the club for their inspection. It required its mem- bers to scour the country, investigate the character of sus- pected persons, warn them, if probably guilty, to leave the country, and lynch them if they refused. Campbell explained that they did not desire to interfere with the courts, but to aid and assist them in the enforcement of justice in cases which they were unable to reach. The commission had a friendly visit, and returning, made a very favorable report to the Judge, who seemed indisposed to make any opposition to their proceedings, but rather to favor them than otherwise. It was, perhaps, upon this identical scouting excursion that Campbell, as chief of the club, visited the Driscolls, one and all, and warned them that unless they left the country within twenty days they would be lynched. To David Driscoll he THE BANDITTI. 85 said : " If after that time you are found east of the Mis- sissippi river, we will brand your cheeks with R. S., and crop your ears, so that none shall fail to know your character as a rogue and a scoundrel wherever you may be seen." Is it strange that all the tiger passions in the human heart should be roused by words like these ? There was a gathering of some of the gang soon after. The Brodies, the Driscolls, the Bridges, the Barrets, were all there ; stern, fearless, determined outlaws, exasperated to madness by the threats which had been served upon them, indignant as more honest men would have been at the stern summons to abandon their homes and firesides to their ene- mies, and fly like hounds before them. Various modes of resistance were talked of. It was pro- posed to gather together at Driscoll's grove, fortify them- selves there, and defend their position with their lives. Some counseled a compliance with the order, and an abandonment of their homes. But the most feasible plan they could im- agine was one that best suited their crafty and revengeful natures. It had been tried in Iowa, and worked successfully there. William Driscoll had been in Iowa the previous winter, and he had told the story. It was simple, and easily executed. It was merely to shoot the * captain of the Regu- lators. Long had been frightened into resigning by merely burning his mill. Let his successor be shot, and no person would dare to risk his life as its captain ; so the organization would necessarily become extinct. This course was resolved upon, the agents in the tragedy were selected, and the meet- ing dispersed. Was William Driscoll present at that meeting ? There are many reasons for supposing he was not. It was generally thought by those who knew him best that he was not connected with any of the criminal acts of his father and brothers. Those who had known him from infancy asserted that he was an exception in the family. The family, even while residing in Ohio, were noted as criminals. The father 86 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. had served his five years in the penitentiary, and some of the sons, perhaps, deserved the same punishment. But William was known as a marked exception. He was a man of noble bearing — generous, hospitable, industrious — possessor of a large property, which he was known to have honestly ac- quired, one of the leading farmers of the County. No one could point to any crime that he was guilty of, or even seri- ously suspected of. His chief sin was that he was one of the Driscolls, and he suffered the fate of poor dog Tray for the same reason — he was found in bad company. On the Sunday morning following this meeting, the old man DriscoU was seen about the premises of Campbell. He walked around the grounds, passed up to a clump of bushes, closely observed the location, and soon went away. He might that night have easily gone home, but he did not. He stayed at a neighbor's without any apparent reason, and slept there. Was it because he knew that a foul crime was about to be committed, and he wanted to prove an alihi f It was so supposed. That evening just at dusk. Captain Campbell, who had returned from attending Church at Rockford, was passing from his dwelling to his stable, when he was accosted by two men who inquired the road to Oregon. His wife heard him call out "Driscoll," and immediately after there was the report of a gun, and as she rushed toward him he fell lifeless in her arms, shot through the heart. The two men immediately and deliberately walked off in the direction of Driscoll's Grove. The brave son of Campbell — a lad of thirteen years — seized his father's gun, rushed toward the retreating murderers and snapped it at them three times, but the effort to avenge the murder was unavailing : the gun did not go off. The murderers disappqared in the distance, and the grief-stricken family was left alone with the lifeless corpse of its honored head. It will be readily understood that this shocking murder caused a prodigious excitement throughout the whole country. Swift couriers roused the entire region Avith the startling THE BANDITTI. 87 intelligence, and summoned all the clans to meet at once and devise means to secure and punish the murderers of their chief. Detachments were sent out with the morning's light to scour the country in search for the guilty pair, but the pursuit was unsuccessful. David and Taylor Driscoll were understood to be the two who had committed the crime, but they could nowhere be discovered. The scouts in their search discovered a spot upon the prairie, a half-mile from the scene of the murder, where three horses had been held while they closely cropped the herbage that grew there, and there was some reason to suppose that a wretch named Bridge, Avho has never since been seen in this section of country, was the man who held, ready for instant use, the horses of his companions, while they committed the murder. None of these men could be found; but the old man Driscoll was taken at his house by one party, and, in spite of his protestations of innocence and ignorance of the whole matter, and of the proof he presented of his absence from the scene at the time of its perpetration, he was carried off, his house set on fire and burned to the ground. The house of David Driscoll was also burned and his family left shelterless upon the open prairie. Toward evening a party reached Driscoll's Grove, and set- ting their guards about it to prevent any escape, they went up to William Driscoll's cabin and took him and his young brother. Pierce, into custody. William had been the first to tell the story of the murder to the settlers at the grove. He had been in Sycamore on that day, and while there Mr. Hamlin, the postmaster, had called him into his office and read to him the startling news, which the Post- master at Oregon City had written on his package of letters for Chicago, that, passing through all the ofiices on the route it might speedily spread the news far and wide. William seemed surprised and saddened by the intelligence: it boded no good to him. He had perhaps expected to be taken and tried, for he went quietly with his captors, making no objcc- »» HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. tion or resistance. Conscious of his own innocence, he said he felt sure of acquittal. They told him that thej merely Avanted him to go before Mrs. Campbell, at White Rock, that she might see if he was the man who had killed her husband. Toward evening they arrived at the house where the corpse of the murdered chief of the lynchers was still lying, and where the wailing widow still mourned her sudden and awful bereavement. The two Driscolls were brought to her view, and without any hesitation she said that neither of them was present at the murder. The son who had followed and tried to shoot the assassins, was equally confident that neither of the prisoners were of the guilty pair. But the party of ex- cited men who had gathered at the scene of the assassination were eager to avenge the death of their leader, and cried aloud for victims. Those whom they had captured were of the family of the murderers. The country was ringing with the cry that the Driscolls had done the murder, and these were Driscolls. The clans would meet there on the morrow, and these men should be kept and put at their disposal. So saying they placed them for the night in the upper chamber of the Campbell house, and a guard was set round to prevent their escape. It was not a vigilant guard, and as the night wore on the sleepless captives talked of attempting an escape. " They are deter- mined to kill us to-morrow," said Pierce — "I can see it in their looks and manner." "No," said William, "we can prove our innocence so strongly that they can not fail to discharge us." And after a long whispering discussion of the chances, the stern determination of the elder brother prevailed, and they concluded to remain. With the dawn of the morning a large gathering of the lynchers had collected from the country around. Many of the most respectable citizens of that sec- tion of country, such as the Cheneys, -of White Rock, who had hitherto looked with some disfavor upon the summary proceedings of the lynchers, now gave up their opposition and THE BANDITTI. 89 freely imbibed, they soon became like a band of raving enrolled themselves as its members, and became the sternest and most sanguinary of the band. At an early hour the clans from the remoter settlements came in. There was a company from Payne's Point, led by Wellington ; from the Pennsylvania settlement, led by Dr. Hubbard ; from Oregon City, led by a Methodist clergyman, by the name of Crist, and a company from Daysville, a flourishing little town, that has since gone to decay, which was commanded by one Capt. Austin. White Rock Grove, a small belt of timber not far from the larger and better known Washington Grove, in Ogle County, had been selected as the place of rendezvous for the lynchers, and thither the band, with their prisoners, Avended their way. The three Driscolls were carried in one Avagon, with ropes about their necks. It had become evident to the captives that their trial was to be a mere farce, and that their fate was already sealed. Overwhelmed by the horrors of their situation, they sat stupid and dazed. But meantime the friends of William Driscoll had not been entirely idle. At the moment of his arrest a messenger was dispatched to Sycamore to procure the attendance at the trial of some who knew of his innocence, and as they arrived upon the ground where two hundred of the infuriated lynchers Avere raging around their doomed victims, a couple of Avagons Avere driven up containing a fcAv of his defenders. Among these Avere J. R. Hamlin, Timothy Wells, and Frank Spencer, of Sycamore, and Benjamin Worden'and Solomon Wells, of Driscoll's Grove. The lynching club of Rockford had not yet arrived, and an hour Avas spent in Avaiting for their com- ing. Near the place of the mock trial was a distillery, and during the delay a barrel of whisky Avas rolled out from it, its head removed, and the thirsty crowd regaled themselves Avith its fiery contents. Maddened by a sense of indignation at the outrages of the banditti Avhom they Avere organized to oppose, infuriated by the brutal murder of their oAvn honored chief, and driven to frenzy by the fiery fluid which they 12 90 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. wolves, and it was evident that no mercy, not even strict justice would be meted out to their captives. The little band of those who knew William, and believed in his innocence, endeavored to encourage him to hope for an acquittal. But "no," said he, "they will kill me, but they will kill an innocent man." The club from Rockford soon arrived. It was led by Jason Marsh, a well known citizen of that place, by Mr. Robertson, the postmaster of the town, and by Charles Lat- timer, a young lawyer, who was subsequently killed in a street fight in Wisconsin. Upon their arrival a circle was formed, and a lawyer named Leland, who has since occupied the bench in Illinois, as a Judge of the Circuit Court, was chosen as the presiding officer. Seating himself upon the ground at the foot of a tree, he had the old man Driscoll brought into the ring and arraigned before him. "What are the charges against this man," said he. It was a natural and pertinent question, but it rather con" fused the lynchers. There was some hesitation among them, but at last one and another charged him with certain minor ofiences. The main charge was a general cry that he was one of the horse-thieving fraternity, and that they were afraid of their lives if he should be released. The old man stoutly denied most of the charges, but he ad- mitted that he had stolen a yoke of cattle in Ohio, and one who was present says that he also admitted the theft of fifty horses in Ohio, without detection, but that he was caught in stealing the fifty -first, and served five years in the peniten- tiary, at Columbus, for it. "When I came out," said he "I resolved to lead an honest life. I moved away to this county, and I have since kept my pledge." A very few minutes were spent in the mockery of a trial, when Leland put the question, " What shall be done with this man r Some one started up and moved that "we shoot him." THE BANDITTI. 91 The Judge put it to vote, and it was carried with a shout of unanimity. The old man was taken out of the ring, and William Dris- coll was taken in. He was a large, noble-looking man, and if the party had not been frenzied with rage and liquor, would have excited some respect. Accusations against him were called for. Few could charge any crime whatever ; but a circumstance that excited suspicion, and that had been much talked about, was mentioned. It was, that he must have been in the secret of the murder of Campbell, because he first reported it at Driscoll's Grove and in that section of country. We have already seen that he got the information about it from Mr. Hamlin, the postmaster at Hamlin, who had come especially to explain this suspicious circumstance, now tried to get a hearing. He asked to be permitted to say a word or two, but was met with a storm of hisses, and shouts of "no, not a word." Spencer and Wells, who had made some defense of the ac- cused, and got excited in the discussion, had already been seized and placed under guard. A move was made to take Hamlin also, but L eland cried out that he had a right to be heard, and he was permitted to make his statement. Driscoll also talked a little. He said he had lived honestly and done no injustice to any one, unless it was that in a certain trade on one occasion, he had afterward thought he did not do quite right. Nothing was of any avail. The crowd cried " Shoot him, shoot him," and he was led out of the ring. There was no evidence whatever against the boy Pierce, and he was discharged. There was a motion, then, to give them an hour to prepare for death, and to give them the benefit of clergy, which, as they construed it, was to furnish a clergyman to talk and pray with them. Crist, the preacher. Captain of the band from Oregon City, went to the open whisky barrel, drank a dipper full of its fiery contents, and then knelt down and prayed, long and noisily. William Driscoll joined him audi- bly, but the old man took no notice of what was transpiring. 92 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Hamlin, meanwhile, moved around among the excited crowd endeavoring to secure a postponement of the execution, or, if possible, a commutation of the sentence to banishment beyond the Mississippi, within twenty-four hours. Leland, the presiding officer, favored the project, and while unwilling to do much himself, urged Hamlin to keep up the excitement in favor of mercy. Phelps, clerk of the Ogle County Court, favored it. McFarland was also active in support of this movement, and they finally got the party called too"ether again, and moved for an extension of the time, but the majority, led by the Cheneys, Marsh and others, were bitterly opposed to it, and fairly hooted it down. The time had now expired, and the gray-haired old man was brought out, blindfolded, and told to kneel upon the grass. The lynchers drew up in a long line, with guns in their hands. A number, unwilling to take part in the execution, stood round in the rear, and their guns were leaning against the rees. Marsh shouted that all must join in, and hemovd thn^ all the guns left standing there be whipped up against the trees. Upon this the guns were all taken, and the men fell into line. A Justice from White Rock was marshall and gave the order to fire. The fatal one, two, three Avas called, and at the word three an hundred guns were discharged, and the lifeless body of the old man fell over like a bag of wheat. Then William Driscoll was led out by the side of the bloody body of his father, and he, too, shared the same fate. Not a muscle moved in either of them : so many well-aimed bullets pierced them, that but for the bandages that covered their eyes, their heads would have fallen into fragments. The bodies were thrown into a brush-heap, and the crowd dis- persed to their homes. Some pitying hand partially covered the corpses with a foot or two of earth, and a couple of weeks later, when the popular excitement had somewhat subsided, the Driscolls having found, in Mr. R. P. Watson, a friend who dared public opinion so far as to make coffins for them, and they were quietly removed and decently buried in Dris- coll's Grove. THE BANDITTI. 93 The crowd returning destroyed what remained of the log houses and barns of both the father and the son David, to make sure that the whole race should be driven from the country. No one dared harbor or take the houseless family in, and for two or three weeks they lived in a corn-crib amidst the ruins. Probably no one at this time will justify this sanguinary act of execution ; none, perhaps doubt that it resulted in the death of at least one innocent man. No doubt the leading men engaged in it thought they were doing right. It is cer- tain that it resulted in dispersing the whole gang of banditti, and giving peace and security to a section of country that had hitherto been subjected to frequent outrages and constant alarm. David Driscoll has never since been seen in this country : he fled to the uninhabited wilderness across the Mississippi, and his fate is unknown. Six years after these occurrences Taylor Driscoll returned, and being seen in McHenry County, was arrested and brought to trial for the murder of Captain Campbell. The witnesses against him all depended upon the testimony of the widow of Campbell, who swore positively that Taylor Driscoll was the man who fired the shot that killed her hus- band. Although six years had passed, she said she knew him perfectly, and that she never was mistaken in identifying a person whom she had once known. But in the course of a vigilant cross-examination, by Mr. Barry of Driscoll's counsel, she was induced to swear with equal certainty, that upon a more recent occasion she had seen Pierce Driscoll at a certain time and place. She was as positive of it as she was that she had seen Taylor Driscoll shoot her husband. It happened, however, that she was mis- taken in this. It was proved beyond a question that it was not Pierce but another brother, who closely resembled him, whom she had then seen, and that Pierce was forty miles away at this time. The jury finding her thus mistaken in identifying a person whom she had seen only a few months 94 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. before, were easily persuaded that she might have been equally mistaken in testifying to the identity of Taylor, whom she had not seen for six years, and they gave him a verdict of ac- quittal. But the investigations of the writer of this history have led him upon evidence, which he is not permitted to divulge, which fully convinces him that Mrs. Campbell was right, and that Taylor Driscoll was really the murderer of Campbell. THE RESURRECTIONISTS. 95 CHAPTER VII. THE RESURRECTIONISTS. During the years 1847 and 1848, the inhabitants of the village of St. Charles, in Kane County, and of that section of the country which surrounded it, were kept in an unpleasant state of excitement by a suspicion that the graves of their friends, whose reraa,ins they had buried, were being inraded and robbed by the faculty and students of a medical institute located at that place, which was under the charge of one Dr. Richards. Two or three graves of honored citizens of that place had been examined, and discovered to be emptied of their precious contents. Many who had recently lost friends commenced the painful task of examining their newly made graves, Avhile many others only refrained from it lest they should find their fears realized and that the outrage so hope- less of redress had been consummated. To the gloom and terrors which surround every death-bed were added the dread surmise, that even the grave was no secure resting place for the sacred remains of the dead. The restlessness, the irrita- tion, the indignation that Avas caused by this feeling may readily be imagined. But until the spring of 1849 it was not known, nor gen- erally suspected, that the reckless grave robbers extended their depredations beyond the near vicinity of the hated in- stitute. It was one gloomy afternoon in March of that year, that three young men, driving a pair of horses attached to a large spring-wagon, stopped for supper at the well-known tavern kept by Mr. James Lovell, on the Sycamore and St. Charles road, near Ohio Grove. A few words of the conversation 96 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. between the party caught the quick ear of the landlord's daughter, who waited on the table, and startled her with the suspicion that the party Avere body-snatchers, designing to rob some grave in that vicinity. She communicated her sus- picions to her father, who at first paid no attention to them, but on second thought sent out a boy, quietly, to search their wagon. The lad returned and reported that, concealed be- neath the buifalo robe in the bottom of the wagon, were a couple of spades, ropes, hoops, etc. — all the tools required for that ghastly trade. This left no room for doubt about their intentions, and landlord Lovell at once determined to set means at work to defeat their purpose, and capture them in the guilty act if possible. He dispatched one of his boys out on the west road to Mr. H. A. Joslyn's and Mr. Levias Dow's, notifying them that the resurrectionists were coming that Avay, and asking them to follow and watch the rascals. He thought over the names and locations of those who had been buried in that section of country within the space of a few Aveeks. Among the healthy, hardy pioneers Avho then inhabited the country, a death was a rare occurrence, and none Avere consigned to mother earth Avithout the knowledge, and, indeed, the presence, of most of the inhabitants for miles around. Tavo bodies had been interred Avithin a short period. , One Avas that of a friendless German, Avho had been buried in that South Burying Ground in the village of Sycamore, from Avhich the bodies have this year been removed. The other Avas the corpse of the fair young bride of Mr. George M. Kinyon, Avhicli but a fcAV days before had been conveyed to the grave-yard of the Baptist Church, near Ohio Grove, in the present toAvn of Cortland. Leaving his friendly neighbor Josyln, to look out for raids upon the Sycamore grave-yard, he made his own way doAvn to Mr. David Churchill, the father of the late Mrs. Kinyon, and Avarned him to guard the sane tity of her grave. Meantime the grave robbers had passed on toAvard the village of Sycamore, and Harry Josyln, lying concealed by THE RESURRECTIONISTS. 97 the road fence, had seen them pass in the growing darkness, and quietly followed them. They made some considerable delay in the village, Avhicli delay Mr. Josyln employed in rousing some of his neighbors from their slumbers, and in watching and arranging them. Mr. Herman Furners, a constable, was made leader of the party, to which was added Lorenzo Whittmore, John A. Waterman, E. P. Young, and one or two others. When the wagon had turned down Soonmank street and stopped near the grave-yard, this party of detectives, divided into three squads and so posted as to enable them to cut off all chance of escape, were lying down in the grass and await- ing developments. Four men got out of the wagon and clambered into the burying ground. One, after a moment's delay there, Avas seen making his way back to the village. The watchers thought that they recognized in this person the figure of a resident physician of the village, and imagined that he came to point out the location of the grave, but the obscure light may have deceived them — they may have been mistaken. Unfortunately, at this critical juncture, one of the hidden watchers was seized with an uncontrollable fit of coughing. The noise startled the guilty party, Avho ran for their wagon, and were jumping into it, when Constable Furness seized the horses and demanded a surrender. They Avere thoroughly alarmed, and their fright was not lessened by Waterman answering their question as to what would be done Avith them, by the promise to shoot them in the morning. Thoroughly coAved, they Avere taken back to the village tavern, and were there recognized as students from Dr. Richards' Medical School. One was a son of the Doctor, another a charity student by the name of Rude, Avho it Avas reported paid for his medical education by furnishing bodies for dissection. The name of the third Avas unknoAvn. The captors sent at once for Mr. E. L. Mayo, the principal laAvyer of the toAvn, but after consultation he concluded that 13 98 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. there was not sufficient evidence of their guilt to warrant their detention. They were released, and joyfully fled away in the darkness. Meantime the Churchills and Kinyons had spent the night in watching the grave of the lost daughter and wife, but all was quiet there. Morning came, and they examined it closely. There was no visible evidence of its having been disturbed. Two of her girlish friends, uneasy at the stories about grave robbers which had been circulated through the country, had, with tender thoughtfulness, laid a twine over it which they fastened on each side as a means of detection. This was still in its position. But something made the friends still un- certain and uneasy. They determined to dig down and assure themselves, if possible, that the sanctity of her last resting place had, indeed, not been invaded. The excavation had proceeded but a couple of feet, when their fears were con- firmed by finding in the soil the comb with which her hair had been confined. The father and husband were excited almost to frenzy by the discovery, and, dropping their spades, ran round like madmen, with heartrending groans and bitter tears. E-eaching the coffin at last, it was found emptied of its precious contents, the grave-clothes alone remaining with- in it. The news of this discovery quickly spread over the country around. Mr. David Churchill was a noble old man, honored and loved by the whole community, and the grief and indig- nation Avhich tortured him and the relatives were shared by the entire community. It was certain that this grave had been desecrated. No one knew how many more in this region had also been violated. A party of twelve of the rela- tives and neighbors was speedily made up, to go to the Medi- cal College and demand the return of the body. They went without delay, and on arriving there a search warrant was procured, and they proceeded to examine the premises. But they were an hour too late. When they entered the town they saw there a horse belonging to a physician of their own THE RESUERECTIOISriSTS. 99 neighborhood. It was splashed with mud and foaming with perspiration. It was evident that its owner, who had formerly been a student of Hichards' Institute, had heard of their in- tentian, and ridden post-haste, to warn his medical associates of the danger of their detection. They had spirited away the body, and it could nowhere be found. In the large stone building, formerly a barn, which served as a lecture and dis- secting room, they found fragments of human bodies, and in the loft above a half decayed skeleton was hung up to dry ; but none of them were recognized as parts of that dear form which these distressed relatives sought. The fruitless search was nearly completed, when the quick eye of the bereaved husband discerned upon the stone flag- ging of the floor, a lock of golden hair. It was the precise, peculiar shade of his lost wife's hair, and he knew it in an instant. It was not evidence enough to convince a jury, per- haps, but it satisfied him. If he had any doubts before, they were all gone now. He begged piteously for the return of what might be left of the remains of his Avife. But Richards, who seems to have been a coarse and brutal fellow, treated the party with anger and contempt. " I have no subjects now," said he, " but if you Avill come again in a few days I Avill have a lot of 'em, and from out your way, too." Discouraged and disheartened, the party went back to the.'r homes. They kncAv that the body was there ; they thought Avith horror of the dear form of their loved and lost one carved and gashed, and made the sport of a mob of heartless medical butchers. But, alas, they saw no hope of securing it — no prospect of redress. To their neighbors they told the story of their reception ; they showed the lock of hair. Their indignation was uni- versal. Some of them taunted the young widower Avith a lack of courage, because he had not, upon the spot, taken the life of the villain, Avho, to the injury he had done him by the robbery, had added the insult of such coarse, brutal, taunting 100 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. language. With one accord, the people pledged themselves to go back next day with them, in a body too strong to be re- sisted, and to force the rascals to yield up their prey. About nine o'clock next morning forty stalwart men, the best citizens of the country around, armed with guns, pistols and clubs, gathered together in the village of Sycamore, and started again on the journey of twenty miles, to rescue the remains of the lost child of their neighbor and friend. As their wagons passed in procession along the road, the neigh, boring farmers in both counties, learning the purpose of the expedition, joined it with determined good will, and before they reached St. Charles, its numbers had quadrupled. As they neared the town they halted and gathered together, selected a committee of five of their party to go forward and demand the return of the body, and give the inmates of the Institute fair warning that the consequence of a further refusal would be the destruction of their buildino-s, if not of the lives of the inmates. The Committee consisted of Esquire Currier of St. Charles, John C. Wateriman, Willam Fordham, Lorenzo Whittemore and Kimball Dow, of Sycamore. Backed up by most of the party, the Committee proceeded to the house. Richards met them at the door, and within were his family and some dozen or more of his students. Pistols were seen in his side pocket, and behind the door were a number of guns. He was still heartless, impudent and defiant. He denied any knowledge about the body they sought for, but said perhaps his students could account for it. A good deal of angry conversation passed between the parties. Rude, the student, who had been detected in the crime at Sycamore, was particularly active, and Kinyon, al- though he had never before seen him and did not know him to be that one, yet took an instinctive aversion to him, and could hardly be restrained from shooting him upon the spot. The Committee went back and consulted with their party. It was evident that nothing was to be gained by parley. THE RESURRECTIONISTS. 101 Kinyon was determined to recover the corpse of his wife, or make a corpse of him who robbed her grave. They resolved to capture the place by storm, seize Richards and take him into Fox River, then liold him under water until he would reveal the place where the body was concealed. In the mean- time some Germans had been found who said that on the Sunday previous, a German friend who had worked for Rich- ards had shown them, in the dissecting room, the corpse of a golden-haired young woman, whose appearance perfectly cor- responded with the description of Mrs. Kinyon. This added to their confidence that the brutal Richards was still in pos- session of her remains, and they Avere sure that nothing but violence would induce him to restore them. Headed by David Churchill, the noble old father of the deceased, and Kinyon, the youthful widower, a party of thirty marched up to the building and made a rush upon the door, and as the pressure forced it partly open, the muzzle of a gun was thrust out and fired. It would have proved fatal to some of the party had not Churchill forced down the barrel so that the bullet struck the stone pavement and bounded over their heads. This first act of war was followed by a shot from Kinyon, who raised his gun and fired blindly through the door. Fate directed his bullet to the death of the man Avho had really been the robber of the grave. Rude was pierced through the hips, and was borne away fatally wounded. A number of shots followed on both sides, and those of the crowd outside, who had no guns, hurled stones from the street till every glass and sash in the house was shivered to atoms. Old Gilman Smith, of Sycamore, who had been a soldier of the war of 1812, was conspicuous for his coolness. He loaded and fired, whenever he saw any part of a person ex- posed, with as much coolness and deliberation as if he was shooting at squirrels. It is said that he put two bullets through Richards, one through his lungs and another in his leg. During a pause in the battle, Richards, now thoroughly cowed and bloody with his terrible wounds, came out to ap- peal for mercy. 102 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. "You have killed two of us," said he, "now, for God's sake, stop and go away." Just then a large stone struck his head and prostrated him. He crawled back into his house and was laid upon a couch. Soon after, the students were seen escaping from the rear of the building, and Henry Thrall rather cruelly poured a charge of small shot into the rear of one of them as he clamb- ered over a wall. The assaulting party now crowded into the house. They found it fearfully riddled, and occupied only by the two wounded men. Small mercy they gave to their misfortunes. "Now," said one to Richards, "now your students can have a subject without sending to DeKalb County for it." But Richards still refused to give up the body, and as it seemed impossible to get any satisfaction, and as warrants were out to arrest the party as rioters, they retreated in an orderly manner across the river. As they passed through the town the ladies cheered them from their windows, with waving handkerchiefs and encouraging words. The popular indignation at the outrao;es of the men of the Institute was nowhere greater than in their own town. Night now came on and another — a night attack — was ex- pected by the occupants of the establishment. The bridge across the river had been carried away, and only a temporary foot-bridge accommodated passengers, while teams crossed at the fords. The town's people and the friends of Richards established guards at three points and halted every person who attempted to cross. They did also what was more ef- fectual. They sent to Naperville for William D. Barry (a St. Charles lawyer then temporarily absent), who knew Church- ill, the leader of the invaders, and upon whom he would place confidence. Barry arrived late at night, and as soon as he learned the situation crossed over to the little hotel on the west side, which was the headquarters of the invading party. After a long pacific conversation he urged them all to go home in the morning, promising upon his honor, that the THE RESURRECTIONISTS. 103 body should be speedily returned to them if it was in ex- istence "You can cross the river again and kill some more of them," said he, "and some of you will as certainly be killed also, but what good will all that do ? You can never get the body in that way. Take my word for it, the body shall be given up to you." They took his word for it and next morning they went, but left word that if the promise was not fulfilled, they would come again and destroy the entire establishment. Barry had promised more than he was quite authorized to promise, but he now took measures to redeem his word. He summoned John F. Farnsworth, a lawyer of the town. Dr. Hard, who was a brother-in-law of Farnsworth, and had some acquaintance with the afiairs of the College, to a secret con- sultation at his office. Contrary to his expectations. Dr. Hard could tell nothing about thfc body, but after a long talk the Doctor sallied out to see if he could not find some one who could. He brought back a young medical student named Harvey, who, it seemed, alone knew the exact spot where the corpse was concealed, and after a multitude of pledges of secrecy, he promised to reveal to Barry, alone, the place of its concealment on the following night. In the gloom of that night the two started out on the search and, after some miles of travel through the woods, they came to a spot upon the banks of the Fox River, within a few rods of thi; village of Geneva, which Harvey pointed out as the grav(! of Mrs. Kinyon. Harvey, Avho had now revealed enough knowledge of the affair to make him liable to arrest, and at least to subject him to the vengeance of the relatives, if they ever discovered his connection with it, now told Barry that he would leave the country forever. He bid him good- bye, started out in the darkness, and was never more seen in this section of country. Barry then went to Geneva, roused from his slumbers Mr. Danforth, who then kept a kind of cabinet shop there, and ordered a cofiin to be ready next night at midnight, specify- 104 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. ing no purpose for which it was to be used, but enjoined the closest secrecy. Determined that no person should be known as having been connected with the affair, he now contrived a plan for returning it to the relatives, without their knowing whence or through whom it came. Old Mr. Prescott, of St. Charles, who was a distant rela- tive of the Churchills, and had been active in an effort to aid the recovery of the remains, found next day upon his door step an anonymous note, very cautiously worded, but givhig him to understand, that if he would go alone Avith a wagon, at a certain hour on the following morning, to a designated spot in the woods, on the west of the river, he would find the body. It was the midnight following, that Mr. Barry, accompan- ied by a young man named Nelson, stopped at Danforth's, took the rude coffin which had been prepared for him, and drove back again to the spot where the body was buried. Nelson, who was sworn to secrecy, as to all that might trans- pire that night, was still uninformed about what his com- panion's strange actions meant and was in a tremor of terror as, digging doAvn a couple of feet, they came to the body of :the fair young woman. It Avas wrapped in an old horse blanket, and still undecayed. The two drew it down to the river, washed off the earth that had adhered to it, and then Nelson, unwilling that it should be coffined entirely nude, drew off his own underclothing and placed it on the corpse, then drove back up the river. Prescott next morning repaired to the place to which he had been directed, lie found there the coffin, and opening- its lid recognized the corpse of his niece. Without commu- nicating with any person, he placed it in his own wagon and starting back to Sycamore restored it to the husband. He received it with hysterical delight — laughed and wept, and raved by turns. Never was there gathered at any one funeral before, so large a concourse of people as met on that next Sabbath day, to consign a second time to the grave the body which had caused such an excitement in all the country tllfIT iilS.©IM^ TMiQM/^ W. HUMPiBirr F FRANKLI N. tliirai-o Liliur^raphin*^ Cu.Chi( THE RESURRECTIONISTS. 105 round. A new grave was dug close under the husband's window, and there the long lost body was at last consigned to await the resurrection only of the last great day. Undoubtedly many other graves had been robbed before this time in this same section of country, but it is believed that there Avere none since. The medical school was broken up. Rude, the student, died a few days after. Richards, the principal, partially re- covered, moved away to Missouri, but never fully recovered his health, and died about three years after. Indictments were found against Kinyon and Churchill in the Courts of Kane County and they were arrested, but re- leased on bail. Indictments were also found in one Court of DeKalb County, against the body-suatchers. Neither were ever brought to trial. Public opinion seemed satisfied that the crime had been duly expiated and that nothing was to be gained by further prosecution of the matter, on either side. 14 PART SECOND. DE KALB COUNTY 17i TSi: WAR OF THE GREAT REBELLION DeKalb County in the War of the Great Eebellion, Decidedly the most interesting, most honorable and most eventful portion of the history of the County of DeKalb, is that which relates the gallant deeds of her brave sons, their sacrifices and sufferings in that tremendous struggle for the life of the nation — the war of the Great Rebellion. How do the excitements of its earlier settlement, its claim wars, its county-seat wrangles, its contests with the banditti, its war upon the grave-robbers, its political and social excite- ments, all pale and lose their interest when compared with the story of the grand heroism displayed by her sons upon an hundred battle-fields ; and of the no less devoted patriotism which led two thousand of her brave boys to cheerfully endure the toils, the sufferings, the labors of the grand marches, the terrors of rebel prisons, privation, destitution, death itself, that they might help to save their country from destruction, and give to the world a re-united nation. In the four years of the great civil war is comprised more of its real history, more of true heroism, more adventure, more romance, more of gallantry, valor, everything that dignifies and ennobles the character of its people, than in all the remaining portion of its career. If, then, a larger portion of this work be devoted to this portion of the history than to any other, it will not be more than its importance demands. The political character and predelictions of the great majority of the inhabitants of our County impelled them DE KALB COUNTY IN THE WAR. 109 to espouse, with more than ordinary fervor, the cause of the government in its struggle with the slave-holders' rebellion. From the first settlement of the County, it had been the home of a strong, active, zealous party of anti-slavery men ; men who were avowed abolitionists, who gloried in that name when it was a term of reproach ; who not only voted for, but labored and expended their money for the freedom of the slave. Scattered here and there over the whole county, were numer- ous well-known stations on the "under-ground railroad;" homes of thrifty, hard-working. God-fearing haters of oppres- sion, in which, it was well understood, the panting fugitive escaping from Southern Slavery, would be sure of finding rest, refreshment, a safe shelter, a warm welcome, and means to help him on to other stations on the route to what was then his only safe-guard, the flag of England on Canadian soil. The homes of the Beveridges and the Hubbards of Somonauk, of the Townsends of Mayfield, David West's of Sycamore, and E. S. Gregory at Genoa, were well known as homes and places of refuge for the fugitive negroes ; and many an interesting story of their experience in aiding and secreting these oppressed people, are now told with a freedom, that before the downfall of American Slavery would have been dangerous. Long before the formation of the Republican party, whose corner-stone was hostility to slavery extension, the majority of the voters of the County were of that class who made hatred of slavery the cardinal principle of their political creed. It was natural that when the devotees of the slave system sought to rend in twain the Union of the States, in order to protect their institution, and with fratricidal hand attacked the defenders of the flag of their country, these men should i-ally to its defense with earnest enthusiasm. But their zeal for the defence of the country was only more fervent than that of their political opponents. Inspired by the noble utterances of their great leader, Stephen A. Douglas, whose patriotic devotion to his imperiled country burst the bonds of party, and shed over the last months of his too short life a 110 HISTORY OP BE KALB COUNTY. sublime eternal radiance, the great mass of the Democratic party in the country, with some noted exceptions, rallied at the first outbreak of the war to the defense of the country, gave their support to the government, enlisted for their coun- try's defense or encouraged the enlistments, and gave their services, with patriotic sincerity to the work of preserving the Union. The echoes of the first guns that were fired upon Fort Sumter had scarcely died away, when in the principal towns of DeKalb county hundreds of her sons sprang to arms, began drilling and preparing for service, and earnestly demanded the privilege of being led to battle against the rebel foe. Their earnestness was constantly repressed by the government, which, embarrassed by the want of suitable laws to meet such an unlooked-for emergency, and apparently failing to appreciate the real magnitude of the contest, hesitated and drew back from the impending conflict, refused to call out a sufiicient number of troops, and checked, instead of encouraging, the patriotic ardor of the people. When, at last, two companies of volunteers from this county gained permission to serve in her armies against the rebellion, their privilege was at a premium. Some of those who had been'accepted, but from various causes found it diffi- cult to disentangle themselves from the ties that bound them to their homes, sold out their places in the ranks, to others whose eagerness could not be repressed. But, as the conflict broadened and deepened, as our armies met the enemy and failed to conquer their legions, the government found use for all the men who were willing to serve her. The calls of the President for troops were as follows : April 16th, 1861, 75,000 for three months. May 4th, 1861, 64,748 for five years. July, 1861, 500,000 for three years. July 18th, 1862, 300,000 for three years. August 4th, 1862, 300,000 for nine months. June, 1863, 300,000 for three years. DE KALB COUNTY IN THE WAR. Ill October 17th, 1863, 300,000 for three years. February 18th, 1864, 500,000 for three years. July 10th, 1864, 200,000 for three years. July 16th, 1864, 500,000, one, two, and three years. December 21st, 1864, 300,000 for three years. It must ever be a source of pride to the County ofDeKalb that each successive demand made during the first three years of the war, was promptly filled by volunteers. The summer of 1862 — how memorable and exciting ! In the July previous, a half million of men were called out, and DeKalb County promptly met the call. In August, 1862, 600,000 more were asked for. It was in the midst of the busy harvest season. The County had already been drained of more than fifteen hundred of its able-bodied men, and was suffering for help to gather its bountiful harvest ; yet Avithout a murmur, six hundred of the very best men of the County sprang into the ranks of the 105th regiment, and perhaps half as many' more into other organizations. It was not until July, 1864, that a draft was finally required in this County, to fill the' repeated and exhausting demands of the service. What gallant and honorable service these citizen soldiers performed for their country, let this too brief and contracted record of the campaigns of the various regiments partially relate. Not one of the great battles of that long and bloody war was fought in which the loyal sons of DeKalb did not bear a most honorable part. The history of their campaigns is a history of the war. DeKalb County boys opened the first battle in the seven days fight on the Virginian Peninsula, and were the first to attack Lee's rebel host at Grettysburgh. Some loaded their guns for the first time while under the fire of Fort Donelson. They swept with the great Sherman on the grand march to the sea. They were the heroes of the day on the first assault upon Vicksburg. They bore a most hon- orable part in its final capture. They saved by a gallant charge, the defeated army of Banks' on Red River. They were first at the capture of Mobile. In the campaigns in 112 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, and indeed wherever a rebel army was to be found, there were men of DeKalb County to meet them in the deadly conflict. Volumes could hardly do full justice to the story of their exploits. It has been found necessary in this work to condense the history of most of them down to the dry record of their principal movements. To the One Hundred and Fifth volun- teers more space has been given, partly because that regiment contained three times as many of DeKalb (Jounty men as any other regiment, and partly because the history of the move- ments of one regiment in that great campaign is substantially the history of all others Avho participated in it, and will serve to tell their story. To the Eighth Illinois Cavalry has also been given an unusually full record because they alone of all our regiments participated in the movements of the Virginia campaigns and their history is the history of the great, long- enduring, oft baffled, but finally triumphant Army of the Potomac, and with that of the other regiments, really completes the de- scription of all of the great campaigns of the war. This record gives the history of allof the full Companies formed in the County. Hundreds of men however, enlisted in other companies and did service no less gallant and praise-worthy. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 113 THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. SKETCH OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH REGIMENT ILLINOIS INFANTRY VOLUNTEERS, FROM ITS ORGANIZATION IN THE FALL OF 1862, UNTIL ITS FINAL DISCHARGE FROM THE UNITED STATES SERVICE, IN 1865. In response to the call of President Lincoln, for six hun- dred thousand more men, to aid in putting doAvn armed re- bellion against the National GoA^ernment, the One Hundred and Fifth Regiment, Illinois Infantry Volunteers was formed, embracing ten Companies, of which six were composed of volunteers from DeKalb, and four from DuPage Counties respectively. The men were enlisted in July and August, 1862, and Avent into camp at Dixon, 111., on the 29th day of the latter month, where they rendezvoused until the preliminaries in- cident to effective organization were gone through with. All the line officers were elected by the unanimous vote of the respective Companies, and each of the field and staff officers received every vote in the entire regiment. The Regiment was mustered into service September 2d, 1862, with 954 men. Col. Daniel Dustin having been by its wisdom and with enthusiasm, elected and welcomed as its com- manding officer. The Colonel entered the service in August, 1861, in the 8th Illinois Cavalry, as Captain of Company L, which was raised in DeKalb County. He had been promoted Major, and served with his regiment in th^ campaign on the peninsular. 15 114 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. For Lieut-Col. and Major the 105th selected Henry F. Vallette. of DuPage County, and Everell F.- Dutton, of De Kalb, the latter having been 1st Lieutenant of Company F. in the 13th Illinois Infantry, volunteers, which Company was also recruited in DeKalb County, in April 1861. He had been promoted Captain of his Company in August, 1861, and was Avith the 13th in all the severe marches through Mis- souri and into Arkansas, under General Curtis. Lieut. -Col. Vallete had not before been in the service. Lieut.-Colonel Vallete and Major Dutton are in stature something over five and six feet, respectively ; the former of light frame, the latter large and commanding. Both are active in their movements, the Major being particularly noted for those qualities characteristic of the dashing soldier. The regiment was mustered in by Captain Barri, of the regular army, at Dixon, as before indicated. Companies A, C, E, G, H, and K, being recruited from DeKalb county, and companies B, D, F and I from DuPage. The following were the ofiicers mustered at the time of organization : Field and Staff, Colonel Daniel Dustin. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry F. Vallette. Major Everell F. Dutton. Adjutant William N. Phillips. Quartermaster Timothy Wells. Surgeon Horace S. Potter. Assistant Surgeon Alfred Waterman. Chaplain Levi P. Crawford. Com]) any A. Captain Llenry D. Brown. First Lieutenant George B. Heath. Second Lieutenant Robert D. Lord. Company B. Captain Theodore S. Rogers. First Lieutenant ; Lucius B. Church. Second Lieutenant : Willard Scott, jr. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 115 Company O. Captain Alexander L. Warner. First Lieutenant George W. Field. Second Lieutenant Henry B. Mason. Company D. Captain Amos C. Graves. First Lieutenant William H. Jeffres' Second Lieutenant Luther L. Peaslee. Company E. Captain Thomas S. Ferry. First Lieutenant Marvin V. Allen. Second Lieutenant Albert C. Overton. Company F. Captain Seth F. Daniels. First Lieutenant Samuel Adams. Second Lieutenant Porter Warner. Company Gr. Captain John B. Nash . First Lieutenant Richard R. WoodruiF. Second Lieutenant John M. Smith. Company S. Captain Eli L. LIunt. First Lieutenant James S. Forsythe. Second Lieutenant Charles G. Culver. Company I. Captain Enos Jones. First Lieutenant William 0. Locke- Second Lieutenant Augustus H. Fischer. Company K. Captain Horace Austin. First Lieutenant Nathan S. Greenwood. Second Lieutenant Almon F. Parke. The men were here inducted into the A. b. c. of the service by the officers, according to "tactics," taking the first posi. 116 HISTORY OF DE KALE COUNTY. tion of the soldier and going through the first exercises of squad drill. About the time the boys began to experience the sensations peculiar to raw recruits, just entering on a change of life and diet, the regiment was ordered to Camp Douglas, Chicago, where, from the 8th to the last of September, it was busily engaged in securing clothing, camp and garrison equipage. "While at Camp Douglas the regiment was numerously visited by its friends, who came to see how the boys looked " in camp," and to exchange a few more words of parting. The regiment was presented with a beautiful stand of colors, by Hons. T. B. Bryan and H. C. Childs, of DuPage, upon whose folds were inscribed, in golden letters, " Strike together"' — Avords destined to become actualized in the con- duct of the men before the enemy. On the 30th of September, 1862, under orders from the Governor of Illinois, the regiment left Chicago for Louisville, arriving there October 2d. At Jeffersonville, Indiana, the men were armed with the "Austrian rifled musket," an in- ferior weapon. Reporting to General Dumont, the regiment was attached to a division then under his command, and to a brigade under the command of Brigadier-General W. T. Ward. At this point the trials and hardships of active soldiering began, as the boys of the new regiment were immediately called upon to execute a forced march to Shelbyville, Ky., carrying knapsacks heavily stuffed, four days rations in haver- sacks, musket in hand, and sixty rounds of ammunition. Leaving Louisville on the day following their arrival at that point, the regiment arrived at Shelbyville on the 4th of Oct- ober, having marched about thirty-six miles in twenty-four hours. For green troops who had never marched a day or an hour before, this was a hard beginning. Although only the first, it was the last march of some of the men. Left Shelbyville on the 8th and entered Frankfort at 4 A. M. on the 9th. The movement was made with the entire division. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH, IIT The 105tli (and the division) remained at Frankfort seven- teen days, during which time it was engaged in guard and picket duty, with occasional slight skirmishing with the enemy, performing drill duty daily, and executing a counter raid upon John Morgan and his command, marching to Lawrence- burg and returning to Frankfort, a distance of about twenty- eight miles, in about twenty hours. Frankfort, the capital of Kentucky, was an interesting point to the soldiers who were so fortunate as to rest there. It is situated on the east bank of the Kentucky river, sixty miles above its entrance into the Ohio. The site of the town is a deep valley, surrounded by precipitous hills. The river flows in deep limestone banks, the quarries of which yield a fine stone, or marble, of which many of the houses are built. It contains a State-house, Court-house, and other official buildings, with many handsome private dwellings, and a pop- ulation of some three or four thousand. In the beautiful Cemetery, near the city, are the graves of many of Ken- tucky's prominent dead ; many soldiers of the Mexican war, and the tomb of Daniel Boone, the old pioneer. Here the regiment became thinned out somewhat by dis- eases peculiar to camp life. Many had to be left behind when the regiment moved on for Bowling G-reen. which it did, together with the division, on the 2fith of October, arriving at that point November 4th. The boys still unused to millitary duty, and poorly prepared to endure a forced march of so great length, were, nevertheless, rushed through on foot — as from Louisville to Shelbyville, with heavy loads — a distance of 154 miles, in ten days. The weather was warm and the roads dusty during the latter part of the march^ which added greatly to its trials. Think of a column of troops, already jaded, with exhausted and chafed bodies, literally enveloped in dust, so that one man could not see three ranks ahead of him, much less distinguish one comrade from another ! The night before they started upon this march a furious snow-storm visited Frankfort and neighborhood, making the 118 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. pulling down of tents and the packing of camp equipage in the morning, a cold and cheerless task. The troops left Prank- fort in three inches of snow, but with confidence in their ability to endure any hardships after undergoing the severities of the forced march from Louisville to Shelbyville. Leaving Frankfort on the 26th, as before mentioned, the command moved about twenty miles and camped at Salt River. On the 27th, passed through a small place called " Dogwalk." On the 28th, passed through Johnsonville, and Chaplin Hill, camping at Sugar Grove. Passed through Bloomfield and Bardstown on the 29th, camping one mile beyond the latter place. Reached New Haven on the 30th, and on the 31st passed near Hodgkinsville, and the birth-place of Abraham Lincoln. November 1st, reached Bacon Creek Station, on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, leaving the sick and sore to be sent forward by rail. November 2d, passed through Mumfordsville and crossed Green River, campni gat Horse Cave. The Cave was numerously visited by the soldiers and pronounced a very interesting natural curiosity. It lies deep down in the bowels of the earth, with a round entrance like the mouth of Jonah's Whale. In its interior is a stream — a deep, small, silent vein of pure water, coursing beyond the vision of the seers of Horse Cave village. On the 3d, passed near the famous Mammoth Cave, camping within a day's march of Bowling Green. Arrived at Bowling Green on the 4th, camping at Lost River, several miles southwest of the town. A small stream, losing itself in the broad mouth of another of Kentucky's underground passages, was the scene of this encampment. As already indicated, this was a hard march. The officers and men endured it with commendable patience, arriving at their destination exhausted and footsore. Here the regiment remained one week, drilling daily. On the 9th, the division was reviewed by Major-General Rose- crance. Riding up to the 105th during the review, the Gen- eral, after being saluted, said : " Men of the 105th: When THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 119 you go into battle, fire deliberately and aim low. Remember, that if each one of you hits a man you will kill and cripple a great many. It is a short lesson, and I hope you will re- member it." The boys enjoyed the brief rest at this point, and under direction of their good Colonel and faithful officers, rapidly improved in the school of the soldier. Here we had an opportunity of entering and exploring Lost River Cave. One day a party, equipped with candles and matches, penetrated far into the interior, crawling through circular openings to its series of chambers, or tracing the meandering passage which holds in everlasting embrace the little river that is "Lost." The chambers near the entrance to the Cave are oblong, with arched ceilings, and barely admitiing a man in upright posture. They are empty and unornamented. But the passage in which the stream flows is broad, and high enough to admit the tallest man, the ceiling in dome-like form, rising in many places so high as to render its outlines scarcely visible withont the aid of strong lights. For two hundred yards the party picked their way, now and then climbing over rocky places, and on bare ground treading the narrow shore. The sound of voices vibrated with thrilling effect in the deep recesses of the dark cavern. The pleasant encampment at Lost River ended on the morning of November 11th, the division having been ordered to Scottsville, the county seat of Allen county, a small town of about two hundred inhabitants. The regiment arrived on the evening of the 12th, and camped near the town. Until the 25th, the regiment remained at this point, engaged in drill and guard duty. Here the troops were required to turn out at 5 o'clock in the mornino; and stand at arms until sun- rise. This was a precautionary practice. The boys by this time spent nearly all the money they had received on entering the service, and were compelled to use postage-stamps as currency. In trading with the most igno- rant of the natives about Scottsville, they passed old stamps 120 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. and labels for money. For instance, a "one cent" Pain killer label, from a bottle of Perry Davis' or anybody else's specific, would pass quite readily for a "one dollar." Thus many secured the luxuries of the country thereabouts, such as pies, cakes, eggs, or anything else eatable. While here, the 105th, together with a section of a battery, executed a sort of mock battle, the former manoeuvering and charging before the latter while firing blank cartridges. The battle was spirited, and admirably conducted by Colonel Dus- tin and the commanding officers of the battery. The first changes among commissioned officers occurred November and December, 1862, as follows : Captain Horace Austin, Company K, of DeKalb, resigned November 26th, First Lieu-tenant Nithan S. Greenwood, of Clinton, succeeding as- Captain. Adjutant William N. Phillips, of W^yne, DuPage, resigned December 2, Sergeant-Major David D. Chandler, of DeKalb, succeeding as Adjutant. Chaplain Levi P. Crawford, of Sandwich, DeKalb, resigned December 24, Daniel Chapman succeeding as Chaplain. Second Lieutenant Robert D. Lord, of Geneva, Company A, resigned December 17, Sergeant William R, Thomas, of Sycamore, succeeding as Second Lieutenant. First Lieutenant Richard R. Woodruff, Company G, of Sycamore, resigned December 2-1, Second Lieutenant John M. Smith, of Burlington, Kane county, succeeding as First Lieutenant. Captain Eli L. Hunt, Company K, of Sandwich, resigned December 17, First Lieutenant James S. Forsythe, of Som- onauk, succeeding as Captain. Captain Enos Jones, Company I, of Milton, DuPage, re- signed December 17, First Lieutenant William 0. Lock, of Addison, succeeding as Captain. In the above instances, promotions were made according to rank in the filling of the vacancies. On the 25th moved to Gallatin, Tennessee, arriving on the THE ONE HUNDRED AND PIFTH. , 121 26th. Grallatin is a pleasant place, of about two thousand inhabitants, the county seat of Sumner County, on the Louis- ville and Nashville Railroad, distant from Nashville twenty- five miles north. The brigade to which the regiment was attached embraced the following regiments : 70th Indiana, 105th, 102d, 129th Illinois and 79th Ohio. About the lOtli of December, the brigade was ordered into Avinter quarters at Gallatin, except the 105th, which on the 11th moved to South Tunnel, six miles north of Gallatin, relieving an entire brigade of Ohio troops, under command of General Steadman. Here the regiment remained until the 1st of February, 1863, except Company A, Captain BroAvn, which was stationed during the winter at a Railway bridge half-way between the tunnel and Gallatin, during which time constant scouting duty was per- formed. Much sickness prevailed, and many deaths occurred. The camp Avas located on high, but soft ground, near the mouth of the tunnel — really on the side of a mountain, Avhose lofty summit overlooked the camp and railway station to the north. This position Avas the scene of much suffering, and varied and Avearisome duties. The regimental Surgeon II. S. Potter, and Assistant Surgeon George W. Boggs, though among the best medical ofiicers of the department, could hardly stem the tide of disease, which seemed to SAVcep through the camp at times mth the fatality of an epedemic. The chief Surgeon himself narroAvly escaped death by disease. First Assistant Surgeon Alfred Waterman had been as- signed to the small-pox hospital, at Bowling Green, immedi- ately after the arrival of the regiment at that point. This Avas the scene of his OAvn severe illness, as Avell as important service. Remaimed there until about the 18th of February, 1863, when he returned to the regiment, then at Gallatin. He escaped the horrors of South Tunnel, but not the horrors of Bowling Green, which seemed to be all hospital and noth- ing else. The regiment lost a few men there. Right here let us remark concerning the chief Surgeori of 16 122 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. the 105th, and the Assistant Surgeons, that in the exigencies of every situation they were found to be men of sterling in- tegrity and large capacity. Surgeon Potter Avas a gentleman of fine sensibilities, and on all occasions manifested a willing- ness to go to the end of his powers of endurance in order that nothing it was possible for him to do might be left undone. First Assistant Surgeon Waterman, an officer of stronger physical powers and great activity, afterward became chief Surgeon, filling up the measure of his duties in whatever sphere he was called to act. Second Assistant Surgeon — afterward First Assistant — George W. Boggs, a young officer of decided skill, filled his position in the most creditable manner. Grrim death bore away from that mountain height at South Tunnel many a gallant soldier, and some friends visiting the regiment from homes in the North, arrived after their boys had been buried. Henry S. Kingsley, an honorable and talented young member of Company F, Captain Daniels' Company, died of typhoid fever. His father, E,ev. Mr. Kingsley, hearing of his sickness, came all the way from Cook County, 111., to Gallatin, Tenn., only to learn that his boy was dead and buried some hours before his arrival. In the mind of every soldier who wintered at South Tun- nel the recollection of its experience will stand out in gloomy relief. The regiment was ordered back to Gallatin, February 1st, 1863, Avhere it remained Avith the brigade until the last of May. On the 14th day of March, Companies D, F, H and G were detailed as provost guard, and performed that duty creditably, making friends of the citizens of Gallatin by their steady habits and good behavior. Up to this period — May 1863 — the regiment had lost 205 men, died and discharged on account of disability. But for the exposure and the severe marches it had undergone, the larger portion of those who died and those discharged, would THE ONE IIUNDEED AND FIFTH. 123 have been numbered among the effective force of the organi- zation. During the six months stop at Grallatin and the Tunnel, ending the 1st of June, 1863, the regiment performed a great amount of hard labor, constructing earthworks, scouting, clearing the country of bushwhackers, gathering forage, horses, etc., and capturing rebels. Major Button had charge of all the scouts — fifty from each regiment of the post — riding night and day for weeks through the country, at one time (May 19), making quite a capture of prisoners on the south side of the Cumberland river, attended with a skirmish, dur- ing which a Lieutenant Record, of the 70th Indiana, was wounded. At another time the Major captured, and brought in, seventy-eight bales of cotton, from across the river, fifty horses and mules, and several rebels. The Gallatin printing ofiice was placed in charge of Private Ogdon Whitlock of Company F, 105th, by Major Scarritt, Provost Marshal under General Paine, Post Commander. Private "Whitlock acted as Post printer, turning out a large amount of Government printing in the shape of job work, and together with Sergeant J. E. Harroun, of the 102d Illi- nois, as senior editor, and Privates Bell and Patrick, of the 102d, and Company A, 105th, respectively, published a well- filled and well-edited six-column weekly paper called the Courier, which enjoyed a circulation of 1200, having many northern exchanges, and receiving complimentary notices from such papers as the Indianapolis Daily Journal, Gazette, Weekly Chicago Covenant, Sycamore Republican, Wheaton Illinoian, Nashville, Tenn., Daily Union, Elgin, 111., Gazette, Salem, 0., Republican, Aledo, 111., Record, and many other prints ; also a sarcastic notice from the Louisville Journal. We have not yet mentioned the fact of the dissolution of Gen. Dumont's division to which the regiment was assigned at Louisville. On the 7th day of December 1-862, the 39th brigade, which was in the division, and commanded by Colonel Moore, of the 104th Illinois volunteers, was captured at 124 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. Hartsville, Tenn. This event seemed to disgrace, or at least, was disastrous to the division, as immediately thereafter, one brigade — the 40th — was assigned to Gen. Reynolds, and Ward's brigade assigned to Gen. E. A. Paine, commander of Post at Gallatin. Lieut. -Colonel Vallette filled the position of Provost Marshal for some time at Gallatin, and Captain A, C. Graves, of Co. D, had charge of Provost guard. Many of the officers and men received leave of absence from that point, visiting their homes and returning to the regiment, bearing letters and packages to those who remained with the command. Second Lieutenant Wm. R. Thomas, promoted from 1st Sergant, Company A, was assigned to the position of A. A. G., on staff of General W. T. Ward, commanding the brigade, then called the 8th, a position which he filled with credit to himself, reflecting honor on the 105th. He was afterward confirmed as a staff officer by authority of the President of the United States, which position he retained during the re- mainder of his term of service. First Lieutenant L. B. Church, promoted from Second Lieu- tenant Company B — afterwards promoted to Captain — was detailed on the staff of General Ward as A. D. C, and subse- quently on the staff of General Paine, as A. D. C, which posi- tion he assumed to the entire satisfaction of the commanding officers in particular and the command in general. Lieutenant Church was an officer and gentleman of more than usual popularity, on account of his uniform conviviality and his wonderful talent for sino-ing;. He has charmed Lhe senses of thousands in and out of the army by his magic voice. To the 105th he was a tower of strength ; as a natural born singer, he possessed in ample measure the power to soothe and thrill with concordant sounds the spirits of its every member. Stand him on a barrel in the streets of Gallatin or in any of the camps, and he would bring every regiment and every detachment within the radius of a mile inside the THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 125 circle of liis song vibrations. " The Sword of Bunker Hill," "Red, White and Blue," " Old Shady," and other popular airs were rendered with great energy and effect. The 105th was distinguished for its musical characters — perhaps more than any other regiment in the whole Depart- ment. Colonel Dustin, Lieutenant Colonel Vallette, Major Dutton, Assistant Surgeon Waterman, and Lieutenant Heath, of Company A, were singers, also. They participated in the exercises of a grand concert given at Gallatin by a combina- tion of singers and musicians of the 8th Brigade, on the evening of 22d April, 1863. The entertainment was a splen- did affair, and had to be repeated the second evening follow- ing. The Gallatin Courier in making an extended notice of the concert of the 22d, said : " The entertainment was a . highly successful one in all respects, and will be remembered as one of the brightest incidents in the army, long after the scenes through which we are passing have flown." Among the line officers and enlisted men there were also many singers, and good musicians. The Regimental Band, with Drum-Major Morrel Fuller and Fife-Major Walter Van Velzer at its head, became justly noted in the army for clever manipulations on the drum and fife. Being expert performers on the violin, also, these gen- tlemen added its charms to the list of "regimental blessings." By means of industrious application during their term of service, they advanced to a stage of development which gave them decided character as individuals and made the regiment proud of them as its principal musicians. The entire com- pany of musicians attained to a high degree of efficiency, the Band as a whole being excelled by none, and above the aver- age in all respects of most regimental bands in the army. Private Luther L. Hiatt, Company F, the prescription clerk in regimental hospital, a most exemplary young soldier, and a veritable musician, frequently furnished a guitar accom- paniment to the violins and fifes, the whole making up an ex- cellent combination, fully deserving the title of the " 105th Illinois String Band." 126 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. The old 105th owes much of its character and popularity, as a whole, to the rare musical powers of those above indi- cated. Under the able management of Colonel Dustin, the regi- ment rapidly attained to a degree of efficiency in drill and discipline. In the manual of arms the 105th already began to excel, and in the drill grounds the men were readily wield- ed in the school of battalion. The Colonel early taught the rules of health in his advisory speeches to the regiment, and fully set forth the duty and great advantages of education in all things pertaining to the service. Few regiments perhaps were organized with such entire unanimity of feeling as exis- ted in the 105th, and that continued to prevail from this time ■ to the end of the war. About the time the regiment returned to Gallatin from the Tunnel, Surgeon Potter was detailed to act as Brigade Sur- geon, 1st Assistant Surgeon Waterman shortly afterward taking his place in the regiment as Acting Chief Surgeon. While at Grallatin and the Tunnel the following additional changes occurred among commissioned officers. Captain Alexander L. Warner, Company C, of Sycamore, resigned February 17th, 1863 ; First Lieutenant George W. Field, Sycamore, succeeding as captain. Captain Field after- ward resigned July 11th, 1863 ; First Lieutenant Charles G. Culver, of Company H, being promoted to the captaincy of company C. Captain Thomas S. Terry, Company E, of Shabbona, resigned March 16th ; First Lieutenant Marvin V. Allen, Shabbona, succeeding as captain. Second Lieut. Porter Warner, Company F, York, DuPage, resigned April 17th ; First Sergeant Wm. M. Tirtlot succeeding as Second Lieutenant. On the 9th of April 1863, while acting as Provost guard. Private Isaac Elsie, Company C, Captain A. C. Graves, was accidentally shot dead by a pistol in the hands of a comrade. This was one of the saddest occurrences that happened to the Provost guards at Gallatin. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 127 The regiment was paid oiF about the" middle of April, at which time the boys were ready to fully appreciate those fine greenbacks, having not so favorable an opportunity of passing old pain-killer labels and postage stamps as at Scottsville. Captain J. S. Forsythe, Company H, added a Mr. Samuel Taylor, citizen of Sumner county, Tenn., to his gallant fam- ily of boys, being probably the only regular enlistment in the regiment "from a quarter least expected," during its campaigning in the enemy's country. Colored inhabitants in the country about Gallatin — then called " contrabands" by the soldiers, came in daily to the Post, many of whom were employed in the hospitals, and on the streets and alleys, cleansing the town. Colonel B. J. Sweet, commanding at Fort Thomas, near the railway depot, employed a number at the fort ; and when too many accumu- lated they were shipped to the front and set to work there. There were periods of gloom among the people generally Avhile the brigade was lying at Gallatin, the military situa- tion East and West being unsatisfactory, and reported disaf- fection in the North gave rise to the painful reflection that a " fire in the rear" was about to be threatened. But to fisjht- ing men the prospect had no terrors, as they were anxious to finish disloyalty in front or rear, never counting the cost. It was this spirit, gaining ascendency among the troops of the West, which finally manifested itself in the bold movement that resulted, together with the master strokes in the East, in the complete triumph of the national arms. Notwithstanding the dark times, more or less intensified since the starting out of the 105th in 1862, the spirit of the troops, although de- pressed, never despaired, and the first of May, 1863, brought new victories East and West, when depression gave way to revivifying hope. This was the beginning of the end. Among the happiest of mortals were the poor, humble " contrabands." Apparently oblivious to eifects which made the heart of the soldier sad, they enjoyed their sports, their dances, their out-door gambols. They rejoiced in perpetual 128 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. youth ; neither looking forward nor backward, but living in the hour — ready for any fate. Verily, the very eloquence of life abode in the bosom of the blacks. The garrison at Gallatin was subject to alarms from John Morgan's raiders, occasionally, when the army wagons would be quickly interlocked in the streets, forming a barricade. But John never came near enough to see these formidable obstructions. An offended Tennessee poetess, and a hater of the Provost Marshal-' — Major Scarritt, really a wonderfully austere man — made the following allusion to these alarms, in a parody on " Maryland, my Maryland : " " The Yankees they get scared at night, Blockade the streets with all their might ; Would'st know the cause — old S t's tight. Gallatin ! My Gallatin." On the 1st of June, 1863, the regiment and brigade were transferred from Gallatin to Lavergne, by railroad, a point about twenty miles south-east of Nashville, on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. Here the regiment was engaged in guarding and drilling. Early one dark morning the camp was alarmed, and the 105th sprang to their guns at the call of Colonel Dustin, whose voice sounded out clearly through the darkness, "One hundred and fifth ! fall in ! quick !" But the alarm proved false, and the troops were ordered to their quarters. Some tedious drill exercises Avere gone through with here daily, closing in the evening with dress parade. The regiment, after stopping at Lavergne one month, Avas ordered to Murfreesboro, but returned to Lavergne the last of July, and from thence to the city of Nashville, on the 19th day of August, relieving a brigade of troops under command of General Morgan. Here the 105th Avas placed in charge of Fort Negley, being quartered inside the Avorks. The regi- ment Avas on constant duty here until its final departure from Nashville, guarding the city and Fort Negley, and being under a system of daily drill. BREVET iRIlG.GINl'^ LR DUTTQiNl 105 T.H I LL.VOL Clii,;!-:'!' Li[li..t:i-i|iliin-i I'u.Clii THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. IIZ'J f Destined to remain at Nashville about six months (arriMing there, as above stated, August 19th, 1863, and remaiijing until Febrr"-v 24th, 1864), the regiment had time to pe^jTect itself in drilJ, and make many acquaintances in the city. ^ It Avas its good fortune to exchange the inferior Austrian musket, with which it had been armed, for the Springfield r ifled musket, a nicer and more serviceable weapon. The brigade was attached to the Eleventh Army Corps, Major- General 0. 0. Howard, commanding, while at Nash- ville. Many officers and men were detailed from the regiment for special duty. Major Dutton was detailed by order from Washington, on the Board to examine applicants for positions as officers in colored regiments, remaining on that Board from October or November, 1863, until the opening of the Atlanta campaign. May, 1864. As an evidence that the 105th was vfell drilled, some thirty-three of its members passed a satisfactory examination, and most of them were commissioned and did good service as officers in colored regiments. Lieutenant-Colonel Vallettc was detailed on court-martail for some time ; also Captain A. C. Graves, Co. D, and Captain John B. Nash, Co. G. Captain S. F. Daniels had previously been detailed as Acting Commissary of Subsistence at brigade eadquarters. Acting Surgeon A. Waterman was detailed in a small-pox hospital. Many enlisted men were detailed as clerks at the difierent headquarters in the department, filling important places. The following changes occurred among commissioned offi- cers : First Lieutenant Henry B. Mason, of Sycamore, Co. C, resigned, September 6th, 1863, Second Lieutenant John W. Burst, of Franklin, succeeding as First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant Hiram S. Harrington, of Franklin, Co. G, resigned August 2nd, 1863, while the regiment was stationed at La- vergne, and died soon after his return home. Sergeant James S. Hasburgh being brevetted Second Lieutenant June 7th, 1865. 17 ISO HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. jWhile at Nashville the regiment was numerously visited by its friends from the north, several of the officers' wives, and the wives of some of the enlisted men, being among the guests of ..lie regiment. While visiting at this point in company with her mother, a little daughter of Chief Surgeon (Acting Brigade Surgeon) H. S. Potter, died. Colonel Dustin and staif, the line officers and many soldiers of the 105th, together with a regular escort, attended the funeral, accompanying the remains to cemetery and depositing them in a vault. She was a child of some twelve summers, of almost angelic brightness, the pride of a father's and mother's heart. Said she, shortly before the moment of dissolution : "If I die will I see any- body:" to which question the hearts of those around her intuitively answered, "yes." The attendant circumstances ; the time, place, manner of services, interment ; the character of the mourners and sympathizers, — all together made the occasion one of peculiar interest, and long to be remembered for its intensified sadness. How much is wrapped up in the human heart may be estimated by those who participated in the solemnities of that occasion, and through their sympathetic relations with the near bereaved were made to feel the uses of adversity. Perhaps the recollection of similar bereavements, more directly concerning them-selves, gave a finer point tO the pains of the heart. Among the sober experiences in the military school at Nashrille was that of brigade drill. The evolutions of a brig- ade are similar in detail to those of a battalion, a much larger plat of ground being required in the execution of the move- ments of the former. In these movements Greneral Ward's brigade presented a scene of considerable activity and interest, on the flats in the south-eastern suburbs of the city. It was a pleasure, oftentimes, for the regiments to drill together ; to receive instruction with each other from the same teacher, and perfect themselves by united practice. Never were men more agreeably associated in any cause. Greneral Ward to us presented the appearance of a rather THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 1^1 short and chubby Kentuckian of fifty years, quite unprey'os- sessing, yet it appears not without some qualifications tiSat made him popular and respected throughout his command. As a speaker he made up for the lack in looks by his singular suavity and eloquence ; and it is said he displayed fine sensi- bilities in the care for his command. Many of the boys of the brigade declared that the General was an old granny : but he was generally called "Old Pap Ward," or "Pappy Ward." To many he was a grim -looking old General. At a general meeting in the capitol at JSTashville, largely attended by citizens and soldiers, on the night of the 8th of January, in honor of the battle of New Orleans, Governor Andrew Johnson, Colonel Dustin and others, made appro- priate speeches. The gentlemen named were the principal speakers ; their eloquent consideration of the gallant repulse of the British by the Americans under General Jackson, supplemented by patriotic and touching allusions to the crisis of the hour, stirring up the hearts of the people to a sense of the importance of preserving our national life. Expressive resolutions were adopted. A distressing occurrence on the night of the 14th February, sent a thrill of excitement through the camp on the following morning as it awoke to a knowledge of the shocking details. Sergeant Taylor of Company E, Captain M. V. Allen, com- mander, had been found in the railroad cut, dead, appear- ances indicating that he was the victim of a most foul murder. On the 23d of February, 1864, orders were received at regimental headquarters to be ready to march the following morning. So, at four o'clock the regiment arose at the sound of drums and fifes, took a last breakfast at its pleasant old camp at Fort Negley, bid farewell to Nashville at eight o'clock, and with General Ward at the head of the brigade and Col. Dustin at the head of the regiment, the march for Wauhatchie Valley was commenced, the column moving out of town on the Murfreesboro pike. The folloAving is a brief diary ac- count of the march : loZ HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. J^ebruary 24th. — Moved about ten miles, the weather being pletLb int, marching agreeable. Turned into camp about three o'clock, afternoon. Boys had lively time catching rabbits. The numerous camp fires of the brigade made a cheering evening sight. 25th. Started at early dawn. Arrived at Stewart's Creek where part of the 102d regiment, of the brigade, was station- ed. Camped here at one o'clock, marching about ten miles. 26th. Arrived at Murfreesboro at twelve o'clock — camped. 27th. Moved about thirteen miles, camping at one o'clock afternoon. After the tents were pitched. Private 0. "VVhit- lock, Company F, while resting before the fire at regimental head quarters, by chance espied a sack of coined silver, on the surface of the ground immediately between his feet. It had been partially worn away from long exposure to the ele- ments, leaving the treasure bared to attract the passerby. The lot embraced twenty-five dollars American money, indu- ing one spurious half-dollar. It was distributed among the officers and men of the regiment. 28th. Moved about seventeen miles, passing through Shel- byvillc at noon, and camping five miles beyond at half-past two o'clock. The people of Shelbyville seemed glad to see the " Yankees." 29th. Moved about fourteen miles, through alternate rain showers, turning into camp near Tullahoma at three o'clock. This day's march was very severe on account of rain mud and cold. In the evening the rains turned into the consis- tency of sleet, making it very difiicult to start fires, the country being bare of fences, the soldier's favorite fuel. Great logs had to be cut, and tree tops used for kindling, and some " comparative freezing" was endured before the camp was made comfortable. The men slept hard, or hardly slept, this night. March 1st. Weather wet and cold — march not continued. A portion of the division train stuck in the mud during the storm — considerable suffering — some of the boys sick. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 1,(33 2d. The march continued at 8 o'clock. Weather Gjomr, roads muddy. Camped near Elk river bridge, after prot^eed- ing about nine miles. 3d. Moved at seven o'clock — weather pleasant — roads more passable. Passed through Dechard, on the N. & C. R. R., turning into camp at foot of Racoon mountains, beyond Cowan, at two o'clock, afternoon. Distance marched ten miles. 4th. Ascended the mountains, and after proceeding several miles on the wrong road, the column was turned and marched down a deep ravine to the right one. Reached Tautalou three o'clock, afternoon, a point on the railroad ninety-four miles from Nashville. Heavy rain fell in the night. 5th. Owing to the failure of the teams to reach camp last night, consequent on the blunder of starting on the wrong road yesterday, the march was not continued until noon. Distance made, four miles. 6th Moved at early dawn. Pleasant weather, good roads. Distance about twelve miles. Arrived near Stevenson, Ala., at two o'clock. Troops received their mail matter. 7th. Passed through Stevenson, proceeded to a point within sight of Bridgeport, Ala., and camped. Distance twelve miles, turning in at twelve o'clock. 8th. Remained in camp. 9th. Resumed the march at day-light, passing through Bridgeport and across Tennessee river, reaching Shell Mound, at noon. Took dinner near the mouth of Nick O'Jack Cave, one of the outcropping curiosities of nature. The boys briefly explored the interior of the cave entrance. It was found to exceed Lost River Cave at Bowling Green in the spaciousness and grandeur of its passages. During the war the Lafayette Courier gave the following account of the rather thrilling experience of two Indiana soldiers in this cave : "^ While General Joe Reynolds' division was encamped near Nick O'Jack Cave — about ten miles from Bridgeport, on the Tennessee river — two of the boys of the 72d Indiana HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. reagment who entered the cave on a " reconnoitering expedi- ti(^>n," lost their way in the mazes of the cavern and were unjable to get out. They remained in the cavern two days and nights, and were finally rescued from a horrible death by means of a brass band playing through the long ventilated chambers. The lost men hearing the music, were enabled to find their way with some difiiculty to their companions. Dur- ing their wanderings they had stumbled upon the bodies of two men, who were afterwards searched for and brought forth from what had been a living tomb. They proved to be two rebel soldiers in uniform, one wearing that of a lieutenant, the other in a private's dress. They appeared to have been dead some time, yet their bodies were in a most complete state of preservation." 10th. Continued this march at nine o'clock. Weather warm after a night of rain. .Roads very rough and hilly, the marching rapid and exhausting. Passed Whiteside Sta- tion and Sand Mountain. Distance about sixteen miles, pass- ing through romantic country, arriving in Wauhatchie Valley and at the end of the tedious march. Major-General 0. 0. Howard came out and met the brigade. The next day, (March 11th,) the regiment was assigned a position on a hill-slope in Lookout Valley, near Wauhatchie Station, there to rest and make ready for a grand movement against the Confederate army under General Joe Johnston. The march from Nashville to Lookout Valley was accom- plished in sixteen days, inclusive of two whole days on which no progress was made. The grounds of the 105th at that point was laid out with nice precision, and the camp tastefully ornamented with ever- green boughs throughout. The individual members of the regiment visited the lofty heights of Lookout Mountain, from the highest point of which the territory of seven States can be seen. The eye rests upon a landscape to the north em- bracing the Cumberland Mountain range, stretching from the left of the Valley to the northeast, until its outlines blend THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 155 with the color of the far horizon ; the Avaters of the Tenn<:. ]see next from the foot of Lookout, closely hugging the great range, winding along for many miles, is finally lost among its spurs ; then further east is presented an expanse of diver- sified scenery, including Chattanooga city, fields, hills, valleys, and woods, the smoke of distant towns rising above the coun- try at various points. On the whole the view is one of inde- scribable grandeur. The brigade — now called the first — had been transferred to the 11th A. C, under General Howard, as before stated, and was reviewed in the valley by General's Howard and Hooker on the 19th of March. On the 22d of March a rare effect in the shape of a snow storm, was produced by nature's untiring forces. Commenc- ing in the night the fall of snow continued until noon of the following day, covering the ground to the depth of one foot. For the time and place this was something extraordinary. Sometimes the weather Avas quite cold, at others disagreeable. Adjutant David D, Chandler, one of the most energetic and best looking in the Eleventh Corps, having been on duty constantly, here received the favor of a detail for the purpose of repairing to the north to secure instruments for the Brigade Band. He performed the duty, not failing to return to the regiment in time to enter on the Atlanta campaign. In every battle and under the liarrassing daily skirmish fire of the oppo.sing forces, during that campaign, this officer proved himself to be one of the best to endure and to dare. Second Lieutenant A. H. Fisher, of Company I, Captain J. 0. Locke, filled the Adjutant's office until the return of the Adjutant, on the first of May. One of the thrilling incidents connected with the camp in the valley, was that of a large forest tree blowing down dur- ing the prevalence of high winds in the evening of March 28th. The tree fell across several of the tents of Companies D and I, crushing them to the ground. Beyond the smash- ing of a few simple articles of furniture, no further damage \ \ 136 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. \ wa^xdone, as fortunately, for the moment, the tents were un- oecupied. While in the valley drill duty, inspection and reviewing was the order of the day. On the 13th of April the regi- ment was visited by Major-General Joe Hooker, and during the night Colonel Dustin and the regiment were serenaded by the 79th Ohio regimental band. Major-General George H. Thomas reviewed the brigade the following day. About the middle of April the military designation was changed, and from that time until the close of the war the command was known as the Fisrt Brigade, Third Division, 20th Army Corps, then under General Hooker. On the 18tli of April Major-General George II, Thomas, commander Army of the Cumberland, embracing Hooker's corps, honor- ed the camp of the 105th with his presence. The regiment participated for the first time in division drill on the 21st. On the 22d the band of the 33d Massachusetts regiment of the division, very friendly to the 105th, paid the camp a visit and treated it to some excellent music. The 105th officers visited the 33d on the 26th of April. Among the officers sick or disabled at this point v/ere Colonel Dustin, Acting Brigade Surgeon Potter, Captain T. S. Rogers, Company B, and Captain S. F. Daniels, Company F, the latter having accidently broken his leg below the knee, while engaged in a game of ball. The Captain, although anxious to enter with his company on the approaching cam- paign, Avas prevented from doing so in consequence of the severity of his wound. He was sent to Camp Dennison at Columbus, Ohio, where, as soon as his condition Avould allow, he was detailed for duty as Post Commissary, we believe, remaining; at Columbus durinn; the balance of his term of service. While in camp at Wauhatchie, or soon after, the following additional changes occurred among commissioned officers : First Lieutenant William H. Jeffers, Company D, Downer's Grove, resigned May 5th, 1864, Second Lieutant Luther L. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 137 Peaslee, Naperville, succeediDg as first lieutenant. Lieutc^^ant Jeflfers resigned in order to take a position as Major in a colored regiment. Second Lieutenant John II. Swift, Company D, resigned March 16th, Sergeant Jacob Ostrander, of Paw Paw, being breveted as Second Lieutenant, June 7th, 1865. First Lieutenant Samuel Adams, Company F, Wayne, Du Page, resigned April 13th, Second Lieutenant William M. Tirtlot, Milton, succeeding as first lieutantant. Captain John B. Nash, Company G, Franklin, resigned July 17th, 1864. First Lieutenant John M. Smith, Burling- ton, was promoted captain but not mustered. On the 25th of April the Colonel received orders to prepare for active service in the field. The regiment and brigade again participated in division drill, near General Hooker's headquarters, April 28th, going through the motions as a battle, firing blank cartridges. Received marching orders on the 1st, and on the 2d of May, 1864, the march for the immediate front commenced. Here was the opening of one of the boldest and most remark- able campaigns ever engaged in by any army, and whose end resulted in the complete, great, glorious triumph of the national arms. Some of the Confederates are reported as afterwards de- claring that " Old Sherman ascended Point Lookout and gave the command, attention — creation ! by kingdoms right wheel — march!" And then it was reported that after General Johnston had followed his retreating policy, during the cam- paign, the Confederates declared " that their army was com- manded by ' Old Billy Sherman,' that they invariably moved when Sherman gave the command, and Johnston only super- intended the details of the movement. As indicated above, the regiment and brigade broke camp and commenced the march at six o'clock in the morning, moving around Point Lookout, passing Chattanooga, through Bossville, over the Chickamauga battle-ground, cf^mping near 18 138\ HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Led-' and Gordon's Mills — distant from the camp at Wau- hat'chie about 19 miles. On the 3d of May the entire regiment was detailed for picket duty, the command remaining at this point until the following morning, when the march was resumed ; pr^'^eeding about twelve miles, camped near Ringgold, Ga., within a few miles of rebel pickets. Remained in camp on the 5th. On the 6th marched a number of miles, camping near where the rebels captured and murdered a number of national pickets belonging to the 92d Illinois regiment. On the 7th, marched rapidly and a considerable distance. Passed through Nick O'Jack Gape, driving the enemy's pickets. Camped in the woods in line of battle, southeast of Taylor's Ridge, a precipitous range of hills. Remained in camp on the 8th. Considerable skirmishing in front, at Rocky Face or Buzzard's Roost. Brigade still quiet on the 9th, ready for battle. The roar of cannon and rattle of musketry heard, and the wounded of General Geary's divi- sion being brought to the rear. Advanced four miles on the 10th, camping at cross-roads. Here visited by a hard rain. On the 11th the corps, or the greater portion of it, arrived at Snake Creek Gap, halted and built a double road several miles long, in about as many hours, the regiment assisting in this work. While this was being done several members of the 10th made a detour upon the top of the high ridge which shut in the command on the right as it passed into the long, deep gap. The sight from so lofty a point, of the country, was only rivalled by a similar one which they had witnessed at Point Lookout. On the 13th and 14th of May the army moved forward slowly, skirmishing heavily and fighting considerable on the latter date, the enemy making a stand in and around Resaca. On the 15th the first brigade, supported by the balance of the division, made a fierce and determined charge upon a peculiarly strong position of the enemy, near Resaca, capturing four pieces of artillery with caissons complete. The pieces were marked, "Atlanta and Augusta Arsenal," and weighed about 1200 pounds each. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. il39 The battle was especially terrific, the rebels having a iiAoss- fire upon our .?orce of grape, canister and musketry. Captain T. S. Rogers, with Co. B, were deployed as skirmishers, cov- ering^he front of the brigade. The battle commenced about midday and lasted till late in the afternoon. The regiment entered this fight on the "double-quick," with fixed bayonets and a prolonged shout. The battle-line was deliberately formed behind the brow of a hill, beyond which intervened a sort of irregular ravine, next the slope of the commanding hills or ridges, on whose summits, well fortified, the enemy was thickly arrayed. Colonel Dustin led his men right into the spirit of the conflict, and notwithstanding it was the first time the regiment had been under fire, the ofiicers and men bore themselves bravely and well. It was a dreadful day's work. The number of casualties was about fifty in the regiment ere it came out of the strife. The names of the killed and wounded will be founded appended to this sketch. Lieutenant Colonel Vallette was severely disabled by a bursting shell, which necessitated his retirement from the service. Captain W. 0. Locke, of Company I, and First Lieutenant W. M. Tirtlot, of Company F, were wounded. Young Arthur P. Rice, of Company F, the bravest of the brave, fell inside the rebel fort. He was the first boy in Wheaton to mount the stand at the call of Captain Daniels for the service of his country. Li his ofiicial report of this battle Colonel Dustin pays the following tribute to the officers and men of the regiment : "At a time when for several hours so terrible a shower of musketry, shot and shell was being poured upon us from the rebel forts and rifle-pits, the coolness and bravery of the officers in repeating commands, correcting imperfections in the lines and pressing it forward was observed by me with great pride and satisfaction, and was only equaled by the splendid manner in which the men overcame all obstacles, obeyed promptly all orders, and at last gallantly threw them- selves high up into and under the rebel fortifications." 141, HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. f_\\e brigade stood at arms during most of the night, pre- pared to repel a night attack. An attack being made, as anticipated, it was successfully repulsed. During the night the rebel army retreated hastily, leaving their exceedingly strong works at Resaca. On the morning of the '.I6th the army started in pursuit ; the first brigade being left behind to bury their dead, did not follow until evening, marched about twelve miles after dark, coming up to the balance of the division late in the night. On the 17th, marched about twelve miles, crossing Coosawater river. On the 18th, moved to within four miles of Cassville, on the Adairsville and Cassville road, the advance of the Third Division drivino- the rebel rear o-uard before it a distance of five miles. Colonel Dustin gives the following account of the opera- tions of the 19th of May, in his ofiicial report : " On the morning of the 19th our brigade was ordered forward on the Cassville road supported by other troops. The 105th was ordered to take the advance. Companies H and I were deployed as skirmishers under Captain Forsythe ; one company under Captain M. V. Allen being left in charge of the ammunition train. The balance of the regiment consti- tuted a support to the skirmish line. Thus formed, our brigade moved rapidly forward and the skirmishers were soon encountered and by a rapid skirmish fire they were driven beyond Two Run Creek and to within one mile and a half of Cassville, during which time the utmost regularity and good order was observed both by our skirmishers and reserves. At this point was developed a large force of rebel cavalry, and we were ordered to halt. Very soon the enemy opened a battery upon us in our front from which we were under a severe fire for some two hours. We were then ordered to move further to the right, connecting with our third brigade in whose front the enemy seemed to be massing troops prepar- atory to a general engagement. But our artillery just at this time opened with deadly effect, scattering the rebels in THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. Ml /} all directions. This was followed up immediately by a g/;pd advance of the entire Twentieth Corps. The grand c^^ mn moved forward in excellent order, with colors flying, thrc igh large, open fields, crossing Two Run Creek and then ascend- ing a thickly wooded hill. On reaching the top of the hill the artillery again took position and opened fire in good order, and thus the region of Kingston and Cassville was effectually cleared of rebel soldiery and the day's work for the 19th was done.'' A concentration of the troops occurred here on the evening of the 19th, lying over till the 23d to rest, the enemy retir- ing in the interim. On the day following the battle of Reseca, Major General Butt'erfield, commander Third Division, issued the following congratulatory order : " Headquarters 3d. Division 20th Army Corps, Near Reseca, Ga., May 16th, 1864. " Gen Orders, No. 4. The Major-General commanding feels it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to congratulate the Division upon its achievements yesterday. The gallant assault and charge of the First Brigade, capturing four guns in the enemy's fort ; the brave support of the assault by a portion of the Second Brigade on the left, with the glorious repulse it gave twice its force, proves the Division worthy a high name and fame. Let every one endeavor by attention to duty, obedience to orders, devotion and courage, to make our record in the future as in the past, such that the army and the country will be proud of us. By command of Major General Butterfield, John Speed, Captain and A. A, G." General Sherman in his report of the operations of his army, referring to the eventful days at Reseca, says : "Nothing saved Johnston's army, at Reseca, but the impracticable nature of the country, which made the passage of troops across the valley almost impossible. This fact enabled his army to reach Reseca from Dalton, along the comparatively good roads constructed beforehand, partly from 1^2 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. tWi topographical nature of the country, and partly from the f(j.'isight of the rebel chief. Atall^^ents, on the 14th of May, Wp found the rebel army in a strong position, behind Camp Creek, occupying the forts at Reseca, and his right on some high chestnut hills to the north of the town. I at once ordered a pontoon bridge to be laid across the Oostenaula at Lay's Ferry, in the direction of Calhoun, a division of the Sixteenth Corps, commanded by General Sweeney to cross and threaten Calhoun ; also, the cavalry division of General Garrard to move from its position at Villanow, down towards Rome, to cross the Oostanaula and break the railroad below Calhoun and above Kingston if possible, and with the main army I pressed against Reseca at all points. Gen. McPherson got across Camp Creek near its mouth, and made a lodgment close up to the enemy's works, on hills that commanded, with short range artillery, the railroad and trestle bridges, and General Thomas pressing close along Camp Creek Valley, threw General Hooker's Corps across the head of the Creek, to the main Dalton road and down to it close on Reseca. " General Schofield came up on his left, and a heavy battle ensued during the afternoon and evening of the 15th, during which General Hooker drove the enemy from several strong hills, captured a four-gun battery and many prisoners. That night Johnston escaped retreating south across the Oostanaula. The following letter was written by the Captain of the rebel battery, which the 105th assisted in capturing at Reseca. It appears the Captain designed sending it to his wife by a wounded rebel, but the latter was taken prisoner, and the letter fell into the hands of a member of the 105th. We give it verhatim et literatim : " Reseca, Ga. may 15 My Dear wife John Thompson is going home to Cassville wounded I thought I would drop you a line by him The Yankees charged on my battery this P M and captured 2 sections of it many of our men and attendants were wounded 1 THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. M3 It was as daring an exploit as when my brothers was charli^ed at antietam Va by Co new york Reg They threw themselves into the front as unconscious of danger as ducks into a pond "I tell you and will to stow away every thing of value fearing we shall have to fall back from here if we do the yankees will get everything in reach. We had to fight hookers command here or else the battery never would have been taken. I hear we are gaining on the yankees in Va and we would have whipped them here if it had not been for Hookers command They all wore a star. If we hold our ground here I will see you ere long. I want you to send sis and James to grand Pas and you go to uncle Johns Take all the things you can I must close as the train will leave immediately your husband Unto Death w w c P S our position here was very good but we have to fall back keep up good courage. I hope what I have said will not prove discouraging to you. w w c The term, "Ward's Ducks," originated from the Captain's allusion to the men of the First Brigade in the fourth paragraph, " throwing themselves into the front as unconscious of danger as ducks into a pond." After two days' rest near Kingston, theadvance was resumed on the 23d, proceeded some eight or ten miles, crossing the Etowah and bivouacking in the woods beyond. Oa the 24th, marched to and beyond Burnt Hickory, threw up breastworks and bivouacked. On the 25th, marched back through Burnt Hickory and changed course somewhat, but still advancing. At about three o'clock, the division met the enemy in considerable force, and a sharp engagement occurred — the Second and Third brigades formed the first line, and the First brigade the second. The 105th, together Avith the brigade, being thus under fire, from close proximity to the 14(t HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. frait line, although not actively engaged, suffered severely, the number of casualties being fourteen wounded. First Lieutenant J. W. Burst of Company C, had his right leg shot aAvay by a rebel shell. He Avas a good officer, and his loss was regretted by his company and the regiment. Adjutant Chandler Avas also stunned, being grazed by a shell or grape shot, on the neck, and shoulder. On the 26th the regiment and brigade laid behind breast- works under fire. On the 27th, the brigade was ordered to advance a few rods in front of the breastworks and throw up another line of works. This was done under a severe fire from the rebel sharp-shooters. The casualties in the 105th amounted to fourteen including two commanding officers, several of the men being killed. On the 28th they lay behind the new works which had cost the regiment so much to build the day before. On the 29th, the brigade was relieved and moved ba k out of range, after being under fire for nearly four days. But the 105th was not to rest long. The major portion of the regiment was detailed for skirmish duty on the olst. On the first of June skirmishers and regiment were relieved and ordered to march and overtake the brigade, which had moved around on the left of the lines. A five mile march after dark brought the tired and worn men of the 105th up with the brfgade, Avhen the men laid down on their arms. On the folloAving day, June 2d, took up a position, after moving several miles, preparatory as Avas thought, to a general cno-ao-ement — covering the flank and supporting the left of the tAventy-third Corps under General Schofield About dusk, the 105th regiment was thrown out on the extreme left as flankers, and ay as furiously shelled while performing this duty. Taa'o companies AA'ere throAA^n out from the regiment as pickets and skirmishers under Major Button. Here the regiment lost its able and greatly esteemed chief surgeon, Horace S. Potter, then acting Brigade Surgeon. He Avas struck by a shell on the head, the frontal bone being crushed in or torn from the skull. Surgeon Pottor Avas selecting grounds for n THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. ^4:5 f a field hospital, when the missile of death took eflect. Qufirter- master Timothy Wells, who was with him at the time, had the remains immediately taken off the field and carried to the rear. S. W. Saylor, leader of the Brigade Band, and a kinsman of Surgeon Potter's, secured a leave of absence and took the body home. On Sunday the 5th, Chaplain Champlin preached a sermon in memory of Surgeon Potter. The entire regiment listened attentively to the Chaplain's Avell-chosen Avords, and all felt more or less keenly a loss wdiich could never be fully repaired in the person of any other medical officer. IPorace S. Potter was born in Chatauqua County, New York, about 1834, and came to Illinois in 1838, his family having settled in Warrenville, Du Page County, remained there until 1867, studying medicine with Dr. L. Q. Newton, a prominent physician of that place, — and graduated at loAva State University. From Warrenville, moved to Danby, same County, in 1851, practicing medicine until May, 1856, when he moved to Chicago, where he was engaged in his profession, previous to entering the public service as Chief Surgeon of the 105th regiment. Contrary to anticipations, no general engagement came off on the 2d, and on the 3d the Twentieth Corps moved around and beyond the enemy's right, and camped about three miles from Ackworth, remaining until the 6th, when the command moved forward, passing on the right of Big Shanty to neai' Golgotha Church, where the entire Corps took up a prominent position in line of battle and immediately threw up intrench- ments. From this time to the 15th were laying quietly behind breastworks with no enemy close enough to skirmish with. On the 10th, the Fourth Corps took position in front of the breastworks, moving away the next morning when the First division of the Twentieth Corps moved up and occupied their place. While here a heavy rain, commencing in the night on the 8th and continuing until the 14th, gave the troops a severe drenching. On the 12th heavy cannonading was heard on the right and left. 19 146. HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. On the 15tli broke up camp and moved together with the Corps beyond Golgotha Church, encountering the enemy in a very strong position. The command marched up in line of battle, the 105th under Major Dutton was thrown forAvard to support the skirmishers which covered the front of the brigade. The skirmishers, with the 105th close behind, advanced promptly, soon followed by the other regiments of the brigade in line of battle, when they were crowded forward until the enemy's intrenchments were in full view, and his skirmishers driven back close to their main Avorks. A spirited engagement Avas going on, the hardest of the fighting occurring on the right and left of the line. The regiment, however, was under a terrible skirmish fire, which amounted to little less than an engagement. Brisk firing was kept up until dark, Avhen light lines of Avorks were throAvn up. On the 16th, the brigade advanced and constructed strong breastworks, in the face of the enemy's sharpshooters, suffering a loss of nine, and one killed. The enemy shelled the regiments after dark, after Avhich the brigade was relieved and ordered behind a socond line of Avorks to the rear. During the night the enemy retired, leaving the strongest line of fortifications the boys had yet seen. The casualties of the 105th on the 15th and 16th, were nineteen. On the morning of the 17th, the national troops entered the rebel entrenchments and marched on, coming up Avith the enemy in the afternoon. The division moved about tAvo miles, entering a large, open field, Avhen it Avas formed into tAVo lines and plunged into a thick Avood on the right, moving along until it came in contact with the Twenty-third Corps, still further to the right. Being then moved to the left, emerged into the open field, Avhere the division Avas massed. Here the regiment camped. On the 18th the cannoniers kept up a heavy firing. The enemy moved back and took up a strong position on the top of Kenesaw mountain, near Marietta, extending his lines about due North and South. Our army followed him up, THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. A' drove Mm back considerably on the 19tli, and pressed him on the 20th and 21st. From the 18th to the 21st inclusive, the troops received a thorough drenching from a series of heavy showers. Remained encamped on the 18th. On the 19th moved forward through rain and mud, crossing two fords, the men getting thoroughly wet to the knees. Rain came down in torrents during the passage of the first stream. In the evening went into line between the Fourth Corps on the left and the Twenty-third Corps on the right. On the 20th and 21st, severe skirmish firing was kept up while perfecting the lines. On the 22d, the brigade, in conjunction with other troops, advanced the lines and built breastworks under a brisk fire. The regiment suffered a loss of ten, — one commissioned officer accidentally wounded, two men killed, and seven severely wounded. Regiment was relieved in the evening ; moved some distance to the right, and bivouacked for the night. The division on the 23d was again placed in the front line on the right of the Corps, connecting with the left of the 23d Corps. The regiment was assigned a position very near the battle 'ground, and where they were burying rebel dead who fell before the works the day before. Very heavy cannonading was heard on Kenesaw Mountain. On the 24th, the brigade lay behind a third line of works, at rest, and remained there until the night of the 26th, Avhen it was moved to the front line of works, relieving Colonel Coburn's Second brigade, of the Third division. Here the works of the opposing forces were within short musket range, and the men were obliged to keep their heads down to save them from perforation. It was thought the enemy was meditating an attack at this point, but on the night of the 3d of July he fell back, yielding up his Avhole position around Marietta, and on the commanding bights of Kenesaw. This alternative of the rebels was impelled by a brilliant flank movement by the flanking army under Major General McPherson. 148 HISTORY OP DE KALB COUNTY. Tyfte First brigade was relieved on the niglit of the 29th, (June,) by the Third brigade of the division, and moved back from the front line of works. In the evening of July 1st, the First brigade relieved the Second brigade behind the second line of works. Nothing of moment occurred until the 3d of July, Avlien, leading the van, the First brigade, headed by Brigadier General Ward, commanding division in absence of Major General Butterfield, and Colonel Ben Harrison of the 70th Indiana, commanding brigade, advanced into the strong works of the enemy, the latter having retreated during the night, as mentioned above. The Third division advanced on the Marietta road in the direction of the town, the head of the column encountering the rebel rear near that place, who opened vigorously with shot and shell. A section of artillery was immediately detached from Captain Smith's battery, under his charge. The First brigade supported the guns while the gallant Captain silenced the rebel artillery. The 105th being posted immediately in rear of the battery, was exposed to a perfect storm of shot and shell from the enemy's guns, but escaped with only one man killed, and two wounded. Several of the battery boys were badly mangled by rebel shells. The division left the main pike and advanced in the direction of tlie Chattahoochee river, scouring the woods in a rather zigzag manner until sundown. The 4th of July found the regiment and division encamped about four miles from Marietta, on a high open field, in sight of rebels and rebel works. Here, rested until afternoon, unfurling the national colors in honor of the day. After dinner a march through woods and fields brought the command to a deserted farm, well shaded and supplied with water. Fortunately, the 105th was assigned a camping ground contiguous to an apple orchard, the trees of which were hanging full of fruit. The harvest was "not long suffered to remain ungarnered, and the humble collations of the boys were materially improved that night, with what they were pleased to call " applejack." n the 5th, moved about six miles, arriving within two THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. miles of Chattahoochee river and meeting the enemy's pickets. Regiment shifted its position on the 6th and went into camp. An order was issued for the command to rest as much as pos- sible during the time it might remain quiet. The entire corps rested until the afternoon of the 17th, when orders were received to cross the river. It was late in the night before the corps bivauocked on the other side. The 105th was im- mediately detailed for picket duty — a severe task to perform after a tedious march of some ten miles. Daring the temporary rest enjoyed by the 105th, as above indicated, Colonel Dustin received a leave of absence for twenty days, starting for his home in Sycamore on the 13th. Major E. F. Dutton succeeded Colonel Dustin in the com- mand of the regiment, and senior Captain H. D. Brown, of Company A, assumed the duties of the Major. The command moved a few miles on the 18th, reaching a point on the Marietta and Decatur road, within one and a half miles of Howell's mills, which, on the 20th, was the immediate scene of the memorable and brilliant engagement and victory of the first brigade, in the great battle of Atlanta. Here the brig-ade rested on the 19th, and on the 20th moved for- ward and formed in line of battle on the south side of Peach Tree Creek, comprising a portion of the force which closed up a gap existing in the lines, and which the rebels Avere seeking with desperate eagerness. They found it, but too late to answer the purpose of victory. The 102d Illinois, 79th Ohio and 129th Illinois formed the first line, connecting with the second brigade on the left. The 70th Indiana and 105th Illinois formed the second line, distance from the first, some two hundred yards. BetAveen two and three o'clock, afternoon, the pickets on the crest of a hill in the brigade front commenced firing, the enemy charging over the open field in his front several lines deep. The lines of the division immediately advanced in splendid order up the hill when, on gaining the crest, they were so close upon the rebels that several regiments were intermingled. 150 HISTORY OF DE KALE COUXTT. Major E. F. Dutton, in absence of Colonel Dustin, com- manded the regiment, assisted by senior Captain II. D. Brown, the former acting as Lieutenant-Colonel, the latter as Major. The second brigade having moved obliquely to the left, and the first line of the first briorade to the rio-ht, the front of lOoth was nearlv uncovered. Seeing the enemv coming in large numbers down the slope of the second hill, Major Dutton ordered the men to open fire, which was promptly done, the regiment advancing in good order, after a brief halt on the hill. The battle now rao-ed furiouslv. the troops of the regiments giving not an inch of ground, but advancing, standing right up to the work. Soon the masses of rebels, after making a brave fight, indeed, faltered, and the national troops drove them back over the second hill and open field, the 105th reaching the summit almost simultane- ously with the troops of the first line, from which point the regiment poured several volleys into the disordered and re- treating ranks of the enemy. The fighting continued until dark, when the regiment and brigade commenced throwing up breastworks, and were busy at this work until nearlv morning. Major Dutton, in his report of this engagement, com- plimented the bravery and endurance of the subordinate officers and men of the regiment, and they in turn compli- mented the gallantry and dash of the Major. Captain H. D. Brown, acting Major, with an air of coolness and firmness, assisted in pressing forward the line, and Adjutant D. D. Chandler, always at his post, and constituted the third person in the regiment's executive trinity. The splendid conduct of these officers on the field was the subject of enthusiastic comment on all hands, after the battle. The line officers were unusually enthusiastic, and led the men forward with the one idea that a victory was to be gained. And the men went in to win, even if it were necessary, to close in hand to hand struggle, which, indeed was done. Among the trophies of the regiment was one beautiful 1 THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 151 stand of colors, said by prisoners to have belonged toithe, 12th Louisiana regiment, together with several swords and belts. The colors were captured hj Sergeant Melvin Smith and George F. Cram, of Company F, and which capture was reported in the paper as " glory for the lOoth." The colors of the 105th were pierced Avith bullets, one shot going through the flag staff. The relics taken by the reo-iment were sent to the headquarters of the army, with the request that they be placed in the State archives at Spring- field. The casualties were fifteen, six men being killed or mortally wounded, and it was miraculous that the Regiment did not suffer a loss of five times that number in so long and hard fought a battle, and the only manner of accounting for so provi- dential an escape was, that most of the time the enemy were posted on the hill above the 105th, and in firing down the hill their shots were almost invariably made too high. After the strife had died away and the moon had risen on the scene, an inspection of the grounds in front of the regi- ment and brigade. The sight was fearful. Dying and dead rebels lay in all attitudes of suffering and death. The youth and the middle-aged lay in their gore in groups or scattered about where they had fallen. Two dead rebels were noticed lying side-by-side. The arm of one was stretched upward and the fingers pointing to the moon, as though he would in" dicate to his comrade the vray to the abodes of peace. Among the rebel wounded there was a young girl only nineteen years of ago. A ball had struck her ankle and she was obliged to have her foot amputated. She bore her suffering heroically, and stated she had been in the service twenty-eight months. Many interesting incidents occurred, which if detailed would fill pages upon pages of history. A member of the regiment casually surveyed the battle grounds, now inside the lines, and offered refreshments to the suffering- and dvins;. To in- quiries as to the extent of injuries, such answers as " Yes, I can't live till morning" issued from tremulous lips, when life's ■\ 152. HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. / . . 'fitful fever was nearly over. On the faces of the dead the usual expressions of placid repose, fear, agonj or fierce despair, lingered, and altogether the scene Avas one no pen could portray. The morning of the 21st dawned on one of the greatest victories of the war, and the footing of the national army on the south side of Peach Tree Creek was equally as secure as its footing on south side of Chattahooche river. Lieutenant Willard Scott, jr, of Captain Rogers' Company, with a small party, buried the dead rebels on the morning of the 21st. During the battle General Ward, commanding the division, had made his headquarters in the valley, near the creek, at a point that commanded a vieAV of the ground where his division fought. The old General was reported as being in ecstasy of delight when the first brigade entered the contest. " See my old Iron Brigade,"' said he, striking his fists together. " See my old Iron Brigade — see them go in — the best d — d brigade in the service I" The brigade preserved an unbroken line throughout the fight. The entire Corps was elated with the victory, it being gained in open field, the advantages greatly in favor of the enemy. General Hooker rode along the lines the morning of the battle, receiving the enthusiastic cheers of the soldiers. lie afterwards issued a congratulatory order. General Hood, who commanded the Confederates, is re- ported as having remarked to his men as they were about to move to the attack, that they were going out to " gather acorns ;" alluding to the soldiers of the 14th Corps, who Avore a badge representing an acorn. Their purpose was to break through on the left of that Corps, supposing they Avould meet nothing more than a line of skirmishers in their front. They were not less surprised than disappointed, however, to find themselves among the "stars." After the burial of the rebel dead by the army on the 21st, the clearing up of the battle field — collection and turning THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. ,75 d .1' over of ordinance and other property, — the troops advail|ced on the morning of the 22d toward AtLanta, the enemy having fallen back and established himself behind the inner defenses around the city. About one mile from the battle-field of the 20th, a strong line of works were found, the second line of city defenses, which the enemy did not stop to occupy. Having proceeded several miles, the sound of opposing skirmishers warned the troops, who were marching by the flank toward the city, that the " Johnnies" were about to make further resistance. The regiments were immediately formed in battle line and marched forward to within sight of the rebel defenses, when a halt was ordered and strong earth- works throAvn up. The country through which this short advance was made was prolific of blackberries, which were left to the "bummers." After the brigade was halted he 105th found itself on the crest of one of the numerous hills for which the face of that region is noted. This position proved to be the most exposed of any regiment in the brigade, it being elevated and directly opposite a rebel battery. The boys quickly constructed earthworks here in order to protect themselves from the harrassing fire of the enemy. A battery was placed immediately behind the works, which made the position of the 105th an interesting one. So soon as the guns were in position a deliberate fire was opened on the opposing battery, which elicited immediate reply from the latter. For a while the boys of the 105th found it behooved them to "lie down" and "grab a root,'' until the novelty of the situation wore away. After dark the rebels made two dashes into the pickets in front of the brigade. And so — on the 22d of July, 1864, the seige of Atlanta commenced. The position of the command here was about one or two miles north-east of the Georgia Railroad which connects Atlanta with Marietta and Chattanooga. A direct forward movement would have brought the brigade into the northern suburbs of the city. On the 23d the enemy shelled the regiment and battery at intervals all day and at night. Next 20 l'>4 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. d/.y the same, the battery replying occasionally. The pickets wjere again alarmed in the evening. The same routine of artillery firing and dashing among the pickets was gone through with on the 25th. The picket line in the brigade front Avas somewhat in advance of the line on the right and left. A deep ravine running from the enemy's works traversed the left of the brigade line, and lead into the rear of the picket reserve post. The line might have been flanked here had the rebels been disposed to attempt it. This made this advanced position one demandino- constant and close watchfulness. The rebels made a strong dash on that part of the line on the night of the 24:t]i, when a heavy fire of musketry took place. Lieutenant Trego, of the 102d Illinois, Avas in charge of the outposts at that time, several of his men becoming frightened, fled to the rear, but the Lieutenant rallied the balance and under the enemy's fire gallantly urged them to stand firm, which they did. Soon the rebels were repulsed, after which the Lieutenant found that the reserve post had been abandoned by all but Lieutenant Willard Scott of the 105th, and a few men. It appears that two heavy lines of rebels were repelled by a skirmish line, which had been ingloriously deserted by the most of the supporting force. The lines were advanced and new entrenchments made during the first three days. On the night of the 26th the division moved back some distance in reserve, the 105th occupying some abandoned works. On the 28th orders were received to move around to the right of the general line for the purpose of supporting General Howard's forces, Avho had become heavily engaged with the enemy, but before the command had arrived Avithin supporting distance, word was sent to return to camp ; the rebels having already been successfully repulsed. During the battle on the extreme left on the 22d, the noble commander of the Army of the Tennessee, fell — James B. McPherson. That command had constituted the flanking i I THE OXE HUNDRED AXD FIFTH. II5 army, and on the way from Chattanooga to Atlanta applied the key to the locks of rebel positions. The news of Mc- Pherson's death was received along the lines amid express- ions of disappointment and with feelings of sorrow. Greneral Hooker called the officers of the Third Division together on the 29th, and bade them farewell, informing them that he had been ill used, and could no longer remain in com- mand of the Twentieth Corps. The officers and men reluct- antly parted with the dashing old General, who had seemed every way worthy of his "stars." On the 29th the Third division moved around to the right ;ome six miles, to support other movements and to protect the flank of the army near the Montgomery and West Point Railroad. The brigade supported a division of the Fourth Corps, under General Jefferson C. Davis, while the latter took ap a new position. Moved in rear of that division and constructed breastworks at a right angle with the main line, protecting the flank and rear. Remained here doing picket :luty and working on fortifications until the 2d of August, svhen the command moved back along the left of the lines, and Dn the 3d relieved the First division of the Fourteenth Corps, behind the front line of works, and near the Georcria Railroad : :he left of the 105th rested on the railroad track. The next day (4th,) Colonel Dustin arrived from leave of ibsence in improved health, and assumed command of the 'egiment. His return was hailed with delight by all, especially is he brought with him numerous packages for distribution imong the officers and men, from the friends of the regiment. Major Dutton and Captain Brown were on the 4th mustered n as Lieutenant Colonel and Major, respectively, having been Dreviously recommended for those positions. The promotion n the field of those brave and popular officers gave great satisfaction to the regiment, as experience had developed in ;hem rare executive powers and good soldierly qualities. The regiment remained in the trenches until the night of ;he 25th, when the entire Corps fell back to the Chattahoochee 15k HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Yiv&v, and the main army moved to the right, seizing upon the only raih^oad left to the rebels,' Avhich resulted in the capture of Atlanta. While lying in the trenches before Atlanta the energies of the troops were severely tested by the hard labor necessary for the construction of heavy works, abatis, etc. A battery — being portions of Captains Smith'and Greary's — was located behind the fortifications with the 105th regiment, and the boys in addition to strengthening their works were detailed to assist the battery men in building extra works for the bet- ter protection of the gunners from the shells of the rebel guns. A strong fortification, about six feet high, was con- structed with logs and dirt, in the form of a semi-circle, long enough to receive four guns with ease, the ofiicers and men of the regiment detailed for the purpose, working at night in order to avoid the fire of rebel sharp-shooters. The battery frequently opened on the rebel defenses, which were in plain view, making the regiment "bob" their heads down occasion- ally, as the fragments of rebel iron came screaming through the air in close proximity to their respective persons. Now and then a shell would burst immediately over the "bummer's" quarters, further to the rear, sometimes disturbing the equi- librium of that class of "bummers " who would like to "get through safe if they could." Amid the perils of the situation there were always found a few humorous spirits whose forte seemed to be to relieve, by some timely joke or " flash of merriment," the pains of the hour. Many a poor, despairing mother's boy had never seen his earthly home again had he not been made to forget his troubles by the wit or facetiousness of these happy fellows. In the different companies of the regiment were many such characters. No difficulties overcame them ; they were constitutionally cheerful, and capable of extracting good cheer out of every occasion. Endurance was born of cheerfulness, and so they fainted not. On the 9th, the guns along the lines opened and kept up a THE OiVE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. steady fire nearly all day, oh the rebel defenses and the^> ity. The rebel battery replied in the evening to the salutations of the guns of Captains Smith and Greary. Almost constantly, day and night, the regiment was exposed to the fire of sharp- shooters, the balls falling all about the grounds behind the works, noAV and then striking a man. In this way Corporal J. L. Gage, of Company H, Captain J. S. Forsythe, was mortally wounded on the 12th, and a faithful colored cook of Company I\, Captain A. F. Parke, instantly killed while eating his dinner, on the 14th. On the morning of the 13th, Second Lieutenant Augustus 11. Fischer of Company I, a most excellent young ofiicer and esteemed comrade, was killed on the skirmish line in front of the works. His loss was deeply felt by all the ofiicers and men of the regiment ; especially by the members of Company I., who had shared the dangers of conflict by his side, and respected him for his bravery. Lieutenant Fischer will be remembered for his genial temper, his unswerving fidelity, and his self-sacrifice. On the evening of the 16th, while superintending some work near the fortification before his company (E), Captain Martin V. Allen was severely wounded in his right arm, by a bullet from a sharpshooter. A number of men were mor- tally wounded on the skirmish line. The skirmish line was in such close proximity to the enemy that the men had to exercise the utmost caution, and expend much labor in building rifle-pits for the security of the pickets and skirmishers. The enemy seemed to take especial excep- tions to the operations of the men at this point in the lines, and kept up a steady, severe, and almost incessant fire for several weeks. Being accustomed to take shelter behind cer- tain houses near their own lines, they gained some advantage in firing upon our men. Efforts had been made with the rebel pickets to stop this firing by mutual agreement, without suc- cess. On the night of the 18th Corporal Herman Furness, of Company C, and two comrades of the 105th, equipped 158 ( HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. with (.combustible material, proceeded cautiously out and set three^of the buildings on fire, burning them to the ground. It was well and bravely done, after which picket-firing w^as finally stopped by mutual consent. Just back of the lines, several thirty-two pound parrot gun were operating almost continually night and day, for some weeks, shelling the city of Atlanta and the rebel defenses. Occasionally shells from these guns would prematurely ex- plode before reaching our own lines, the pieces scattering in all directions among the men of the lOSth, causing some an- noyance, but no one was hurt by them. With additional danger it was amusing to hear the boys crying, " Hello ! fire in the rear !" " Lie down !" " Grab a root !" On the night of the 25th, the command withdrew from be- hind the works — the Brigade Band playing " Yankee Doodle " and other airs byway of a parting courtesy to the " Johnnies." During the night, as if suspecting the troops were retiring from their front, the rebel pickets fired at the 105th skirmish- ers occasionally, and inquired, " Are you there ?" To which inquiry they received a ready affirmative, " Yes, we are here." Whereupon the rebels would respond, " We just wanted to be sure about it — don't want you to get away without our knowledge of the fact." While this conversation was going on the whole army was moving from behind the works, and the rebels soon found themselves outwitted. The 105th pickets failed to get the order to retire during ^the night, and remained at their several posts until about daylight in the morning, long after the troops and other ^pickets had gone. The command moved back to Chattahoochee river, after being on the road all night, arriving at early dawn. On the 26th bivouacked on the south side of the river, and on the 27th crossed the river and took up a position near the rail- road track, between the 33d Massachusetts and 129th Illinois regiments, where the 105th went into camp. Here the regiment with axes and hatchets hewed out a fine camping-place in the 4 THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. ' 159 \ woods. Together with the balance of the brigade the lOSth guarded army supplies, amniunition and corps teams. On the morning of the 2d of September, Brigadier-General Ward, division commander, entered the city with a portion of the Third division, and the mayor formally surrendered to him all that was left of Atlanta. The regiment was moved back to the south side of the river, near the railroad bridge, where it remained in camp until the morning of the 16th of September, when all the regiments of the brigade except the I05th, moved to Atlanta and re-joined the division, the 105th re-crossing the river and camping close to the railroad track a few hundred yards from the river. Here, again the boys fitted up good quarters, and thoroughly policed their camp grounds, which were located pleasantly, facing an almost unobstructed view of the Chattahoochee river and valley for a distance of about eight miles. With the capture of Atlanta, what is called the " Atl-anta campaign" ended. The entire army had, amid tempests of fire which burst forth at various points, and under a steady rain of bullets for four long months, swept majestically down from Chattanooga to Atlanta, over mountains, rivers, and a con- tinuous succession of hills and ravines. The country between the two places named, constituted one great battle-field for upwards of an hundred miles. While in camp on the south side of Chattahoochee river, on the lOtli of" September, the following congratulatory order of the Major-General com- manding was read to the 105th, while on dress parade for the first time in four months. General Sherman in general terms summed up the achievements of the army, thanked the officers and men for their indomitable courage, their perseverance and fidelity, and paid an eloquent tribute to the memory of fallen comrades . From the 16th of September to the 14tli of November the 105th remained encamped at Chattahoochee river, near the railroad bridge, as already mentioned. Colonel Dustin was placed in command of the first brigade \ 160 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY, on the 18th of September, Colonel Harrison having been ordiired to Indiana on special business. Lieutenant Colonel Dutton succeeded in command of the 105th. Subsequently General Ward received leave of absence for thirty days, Avhen Colonel Dustin succeeded that officer in command of the division, Colonel Smith of the 102d Illinois commanding the brigade. The changes occurring among the commissioned officers during the campaign and while the regiment rested at Chatta- hoochee river, were : Lieutenant-Colonel II. F. Vallette, Naperville, DuPage county, resigned June 18th, 1864, Major E. F. Dutton, De- Kalb county, succeeding as Lieutenant-Colonel ; mustered August 4th, 1864. Captain H. D. Brown, Company A, Sycamore, Avas pro- moted Major June 18th, — mustered August 4th, First-Lieu- tenant George B. Heath succeeding as Captain. First Assistant Surgeon Alfred Waterman, Warrenville, promoted Chief Surgeon, June "Id; Second Assistant Surgeon George W. Boggs, Naperville, succeeded as First Assistant Surgeon. Captain Theodore S. Rogers, Company B, Naperville, resigned September 30th, 1864, First Lieutenant Lucius B. Church, Winfield, succeeding as Captain. Lieut. Church had been detailed at Gallatin on General Paine's staff, where he remained after the regiment moved from that point. Sub- sequently he was detailed as Post-Quartermaster, and ordered to Paducah, Kentucky, where he remained during the balance of his term of service. Second Lieutenant Willard Scott was commissioned First Lieutenant, September 80th, 1864, but for some unaccountable reason not mustered until June 1st, 1865, within six days of the muster-out of the regiment. Although entitled to enjoy such rank from every consideration of merit and capacity, he sustained his original position in Company B until the end of the war, being the only officer in OF SYCAMORE. (TiU-a^n lillu)ai:J|ilnMy liiXhicas". THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 161 the regiment remaining with it to the end, whose services had not been officially acknowledged and rewarded. First Lieutenant, John W. Burst, Company C, Franklin, honorably discharged, October 19th, 1864, on account of wounds received at Burnt Hickory, May 25th. First Ser- geant Isaac S. Brundage, Cortland, promoted First Lieutenant October, 18th. First Lieutenant William M. Tirtlot, Company F, honorably discharged, November 28th, 1864, on account of wounds received at Reseca, May 15th. First Sergeant Melvin Smith, Winfield, promoted First Lieutenant, April 13th, not mustered until March 30, 1865. Captain John B. Nash, Company G, Franklin, resigned July 17th, 1864. First Lieutenant John M. Smith commis- sioned Captain but not mustered. First Lieutenant Harvey Potter, Company H, Ashbury, DeKalb, resigned August 17th, 1864, First Sergeant Frank H. Cole, Somonauk, succeeding as First Lieutenant. Captain William 0. Locke, Company I, Addison, Du Page, honorably discharged, August 25th, 1864, on account of wounds received at Reseca, May 15th, First Lieutenant George A. Bender, Chicago, mustered as Captain, October 15th. First Sergeant Henry Reinking, Company I, Addison, commissioned Second Lieutenant, June 7th, 1865, vice Second Lieutenant Augustus H. Fischer, killed at Atlanta, August 13th, 1864. On the 9th of September, the news of the death of that famous guerrilla chief, John Morgan, was reported in camp, which proved to be a true report, notwithstanding many " grape-vine " dispatches were being received among the boys during the resting spell of the army at Atlanta and vicinity. The same day a report that the guerrilla Wheeler had cut the railroad communications of the army between Atlanta and Chattanooga also proved true, but the only ill effects experi- enced was the temporary stoppage of the army mails, which severed the sympathetic lines between the boys in camp and friends at home. 21 162 \ HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. A) report of casualties pertaining to tlie 105th was made out on the 10th of September, embracing the names of oflficers and 'men killed, wounded and missing during the Atlanta campaign, showing the following numbers : Commissioned officers killed, two ; wounded, thirteen ; enlisted men killed, forty-one ; wounded, one hundred and three ; missing, t wo ; total casualties, officers and men, one hundred and sixty-one. The number of officers and men, embracing the whole belonging to the regiment, present and absent, on the 30th of April, 1864, amounted to six hundred and seventy-four ; on the 10th of September, five hundred and eighty-seven. On the former date that number was situated as follows : Present, officers and men, for duty, four hundred and forty-six ; on special or daily duty, seventy-two ; sick, twenty-seven — five hundred and forty-five. Absent, on detailed service, eighty- six ; with leave, seven ; sick, etc., thirty-three ; Avithout authority, three — one hundred and twenty-nine ; present and absent, six hundred and seventy-four. On the latter date, September 10th, there were, officers and men : present, for duty, two hundred and sixty-three ; on special or daily duty, forty-two ; sick, thirty-two — three hundred and thirty-seven. Absent, on detached service ninety-six ; with leave, twelve ; sick, one hundred and forty-two — 250;present ; and absent, five hundred and eighty-seven. The efi"ective force of the regiment on the 30th of April, 1864, or just before the opening of the campaign, embracing commissioned officers and enlisted men, was four hundred and forty-six. On the 10th of September, or just after the close of the campaign, two hundred and sixty-three. The 1st of October, the First brigade returned from garrison duty at Atlanta and took up position on the 4th, near the railroad bridge on the south side of the river. Just now the main army was on the lookout for General Hood's forces, who seemed disposed to punish General Sherman by making a formidable raid on the railroad in his rear. Cannonading was heard on the 2d, in the direction of Sandtown, south of THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 163 ! the railroad bridge, and there was considerable activity manifest among the troops. The two long wagon and railroad bridges were partially undermined and carried away by high water, when pontoons were immediately thrown across the river, over which General Howard's command crossed on the 4th, passing the camp of the 105th on their way for the raiders. Five companies, comprising the left wing of the 105th, were stationed in a strong earth fort opposite the camp on the Gth, and heavy details made for work on the fortifications. Two guns were placed in this fort and two in a fort near the camp. After a few days of hard toil, during which the boys completed the work on the forts and surrounded them y»^ith heavy abatis, announced themselves ready for the "Johnnie Hoods." But beyond the occasional dashes of marauding parties at different points on the roadnear this section, nothing transpired to disturb the quiet of the brigade. During the passsage of Greneral Howard's troops. General Sherman and a portion of his staff, who were accompanying them, dined at regimental headquarters by invitation of Lieutenant-Colonel Dutton. The General was then, to the casual observer, an ordinary-appearing man, of medium height, slender, unstately and wiry. He seemed absorbed and nervous. Stepping up to the tent door, without ceremony, he remarked inquiringly, " Is this the place ?" and in he strode, taking a seat at the table. In military campaigning he was entirely unassuming in his manners, but eminently practical, and seemingly oblivious to everything save the work of the time. As an operator in the field this plain man is one of consummate skill. Atlanta is a fitting commentary on his genius. Lieutenant-Colonel Dutton received leave of absence on the 28th of September, and started for his home at Sycamore on the 9th of October, Major Brown succeeding to the command of the regiment. Several ofiicers receiving leave of absence were detained at camp until the railroad bridge was repaired, admitting the passage of upward-bound trains from Atlanta. Captain C. G. Culver, Company C, and First Lieutenant 164 ^ HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. I Melvin Smith, Company F, with a detachment of men, on the 3d, {feting under imperative orders, destroyed a bridge over a cr^ek at an important point several miles down the river, remaining there on the lookout for guerrillas two days. Scout- ing and foraging parties were sent out frequently from the brigade. An Orderly on duty at brigade head-quarters was killed bv a guerrilla while bearing a dispatch to Atlanta, on the 11th. The danger to this position contingent on the movements of Hood's forces being passed, the left wing of the regiment was moved back from the fort to the main camp, on the 17th. On the 19th, a train of cars was partially burned by guerrillas, on the road between Marietta and Chattahoochee river. The regiment received eight months pay on the 19th. A train on its way to Atlanta was molested by guerrillas on the 20th, producing quite a panic among a number of unarmed men, some striking for the woods and running several miles back to the camp. This was a little rebel victory. The regiment received an elegant new stand of colors on the 21st. Major Brown was sent into the country on the 24th in charge of a foraging party of some five hundred and fifty men and a long train of wagons. After three days absence he returned with men and train intact, having loaded his wagons with corn and provisions. On the second day out the party was attacked several times by guerrillas, and the Maj. narrowly escaped being shot. Among the articles secured by foragers in large quantities were, corn, pumpkins and sweet potatoes, which, taken with " hard tack " and coffee, was deemed a healthful combination for the disters of the First brigade — the mules generally eating the corn ! On the 29th, the regiment received orders to send back all surplus baggage, preparatory to entering upon another active campaign. Several absentees arrived reporting for duty. Brigadier-General Ward arrived from the North, where he had been on leave of absence, and re-assumed command of the A THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. Third division on the 31st. Soon after his return, November 9th, Colonel Dustin was placed in command of the Second brigade of the Third division, formerly commanded by Colonel John Coburn, of the 33d Indiana. This command Colonel Dustin retained until the close of the war. Colonel Dutton then took permanent command of the regiment. Since the battle of Atlanta, on the 20th of July, the Lieutenant Colonel rose still higher in the estimation of the men, and was deemed an officer fit to succeed the Colonel as regimental commander. Adjutant D. D. Chandler, of the 105th, was mentioned by Colonel Dustin, and also by General Ward, in connection with a position on their respective staifs. No officer was more assiduous in his duties, and none filled their offices with more credit than this officer. General Thomas' head-quartijr train passed the camp of the 105th on the 31st, en route to Chattanooga. As General Hood's command had now struck out for Nashville, General Thomas moved to that point to receive him. On the 5th of November the regiment received marching orders and was prepared to move on short notice, but the orders were countermanded. Considerable speculation as to where General Sherman would go next, was indulged in by the troops, but all in vain. Such information was "contra- band of war." But every soldier knew the army was soon to enter upon a long and rapid march. Accustomed to march together and to "strike together," its future movements were destined to be executed expeditiously and successfully. Sherman's men had finally attained to that degree of bold- ness and endurance, in their education and experience as soldiers, as to be regarded by the rebels and the world quite invincible. The last train of cars passed up the road northward on the 15th, when the troops of the Fifteenth Corps tore up the track from Marietta to Chattahoochee river, the men of the 105th assisting in the work on the 15th. The railroad bridge was destroyed in the evening. On the 14th the regiment 166 HISTOEY OF DEKALB COUNTY. finally broke up camp and started at six o'clock for Atlanta, dest;roying the remainder of the track on the way. Regiment camlped one mile beyond the city, ready to enter upon the grand march commenced by Sherman's expedition on the fol- lowing day. General Sherman's forces embraced the 14th, 17th and 20th Army Corps, making over 50,000 men, besides 9,000 picked cavalry under Kilpatrick. They were supplied with thirty days rations for man and beast. With a scout system and courier line complete, this combination swept across the State of Georgia with the force of a mighty whirlwind, destroying railroads, bridges, mills, cribs, gin houses, cotton screws, gins, &c., carrying oif stock, provisions and negroes. The station houses along the railroads were burnt, and hundreds of unoccu- pied buildings of all kinds destroyed, together with large quantities of lumber, fences, cotton and every kind of prop- erty calculated for the comfort of rebels and the use of rebel armies. The country was rich, and provisions abounded. The troops subsisted on fresh pork, sweet potatoes, flour and meal, with all the concomitant luxuries ; among which may be mentioned turkeys, chickens, ducks, molasses, sugar, etc. The expedition being set in motion on the morning of tlie 15th of November, the Twentieth Corps moved out with its long wagon train on the Decatur pike in the direction of that place. The first brigade fell into the column at noon. Being in the rear of the Corps and behind the train, the marching was during the day and night slow and tedious. About thirty-four hours of such marching brought the command to its. first encampment, at a point on the Atlanta and Augusta K. E.., called Lithonia, having crossed a branch of Ocmulgee river, near Decatur, and passed Stone Mountain. The rail- road was destroyed as the column advanced. Atlanta was left partially in flames. During the night of the 15th the consuming elements cast a glare of red to the heavens, grandly constrasting with the surrounding gloom. Thus, the horrors of the torch was added to the powers of the sword, and Atlanta brought to a flery judgment. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 167 The march was resumed at early dawn on the 17th, the first brigade in advance of the column. Marching rapidly the brigade made some twenty miles, foraging off the country as it passed. Foragers brought to camp sweet potatoes in abundance, shotes, chickens and honey. Fine country; Avat- ered by numerous streams. Moved fifteen miles on the 18th, arriving at the fair village of Social Circle, on the railroad, at noon. Passed through Rutledge Station before evening. Camped beyond at seven o'clock. The progress of the troops not yet impeded. Fair weather. On the 19th, moved seven miles, the first brigade being in the rear. Passed through the large and beautiful town of Madison, on the R. R., the county seat of Morgan county. Camped several miles beyond on the Milledgeville pike. Great activity among the foragers and "bummers." At Madison the soldiers were received with joy by the blacks. The whites looked on in silence. The regiment entered the town with flag unfurled. The word among the negroes, old and young, as the column was passing through the streets, was, " is you gwine F" One answer, as overheard by a number of the 105th, was, "Gwine? I'se already gone!" Indeed many followed the army from this point, men, women, children and babies. The women carried their bundles on their heads, their children on their backs and in their arms^as, for in- stance, a AYonch following the 105th with a huge bundle of clothes and traps on her head, arms full of babies and one child on her back ! She wanted to see good old " Mass Linkum." They advised her to return to her old haunts, but the spirit of resolution said " nay." Evidently, her life was set upon a cast, and she would stand the hazard of the die. What became of the poor soul is not known. On the 20th, marched at five o'clock, morning. Weather cloudy and damp — considerable rain last night. Distance marched about twelve miles. Camped within two miles of Eatonton, a pleasant looking town of about 1,800 inhabitants. Fine country. 168 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. The "weatber very wet and disagreeable on the 21st. Troops marched under heavy and steady rain part of the day, literally wading single file, through mud. Passed through Eatonton, from which place a railroad called the Eatonton branch runs down through Milledgeville, connecting at Number Seventeen with the Georgia Central Railroad, passed through a small place called Fairfield, on the railroad. Camped at dusk. Marched rapidly on Milledgeville. Entered the place in good order at 4 P. M., with colors flying and bands playing. The colored population received the troops with great satisfaction as usual. Camped in the city limits. Remained in camp at this .point on the 23d. In the evening the regiment was detailed to assist in destroying rebel property. Several thousand stands of arms, and a large amount of ammunition, was committed to the flames. Also, twenty casks of salt thrown into the river. Resumed the march at dawn on the 24th, crossing the Oconee river north-east of town. On the road all day and night, the teams being delayed by bad roads. Camped at three o'clock A. M. On the 25th, moved only five miles, starting at noon, the brigade in the rear. The rebels burned a number of bridges over swampy ground and streams, the column being delayed until the road was repaired. Heard cannonading in the di- rection of the other columns. Column passing through swampy country ; enemy seeking to retard the progress of the troops. Passed over regular Georgia swamps on the 26th ; march- ing rapidly after noon, arrived at Sanderville, a small, dull place, at about 4 P. M. 105th camped close to the town ; Wheeler's cavalry hovering about in front. Skirmishing for two days — several killed. Sandersville is near the Georgia Central Railroad, in Hancock county. The business portion of the town was sacked, of course ; the troops of the column in turn helping themselves to whatever they wanted from the stores. In some of the towns goods had been ^removed in order to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Yan- THE ONE HUNDKED AND FIFTH. ' 169 kees. In Madison the stores were found empty and deserted. Left Sandersville at 8 o'clock, on the 27th, marching rapid- ly to the railroad, which the column crossed, moving some distance on the wrong road. General Slocum righted the column, after parading up and down the road several times in a swearing mood. Arrived at Davisboro, on the railroad, at sundown, regiment camping in a peanut patch. Here the boys met troops of one of the other corps. Everybody seemed to be in ecstacies. The foragers, sent out daily from the regi- ment, were gathering in the very fat of the land. The "bum- mers," who roamed unrestrained over the country, were filling their pockets with treasures, and dressing themselves up in broadcloth clothes. In short, the boys felt "bully." They acted on the hypothesis that " all is fair in love and war." Citizens in the country were in the habit of secreting goods, and burying valuables, to keep them from the raiders, but the " Yankees " espied them out. Most everything was overturned in smoke-houses and kitchens, during the search for edibles ; the foragers for the yards and kitchens, and the "bummers'' for the parlors, bed-rooms and bureau-drawers. Let the reader imagine a house full of forage and pleasure-seekers, actively manipulating the effects of the premises, and some idea of a raid in war times may be gained. This is the una- voidable, natural consequence of war. " Those who take up the sword must perish by the sword." On the 28th, left Davisboro at 11 o'clock, making a rapid march toward Louisville, a point twelve miles north-east of Davisboro. Arrived within seven miles of the town and camped early in the afternoon.' The early halt at this point was occasioned by the burning of bridges over swamps and across a branch of the Ogeechee river, near Louisville. *During the day Captain C. G. Culver, Company C, in charge of a foraging party from the regiment, carried the war to ex-Governor Herchel Van Johnson's residence, divesting his cupboard of many goodly meats. The "bummers" took his damask curtains. 991 ITO' HISTORY or DEKALB COUNTY. I The road having been repaired, the column moved forward on the 29th, the first brigade starting at one o'clock, after- noon. The 105th and a part of the 102d Illinois were thrown forward a mile on the double-quick to protect the pontoon train, reported to have been attacked by guerrillas. On arriving near the wagons they were found safe, the enemy having been easily dispersed. Crossed river branch, passed through Louisville, and camped at dusk three miles beyond the town. / Remained in camp on the 30th, the bad state of the roads in the swamps evidently being the cause of the delay. For- agers were sent out from the regiment, coming in close prox- imity with guerrillas ; but enough forage was gathered before the party returned to camp. On the 1st December, resumed the march at ten A. M., moving in single file by the train, the swampy country not admitting the passage of troops and the train together in many places. The work of getting the trains over the roads was accomplished with difficulties. Arrived in camp at nine P. M. ; distance about seven miles. The guerrillas attacked the mounted men of the first bri- gate, and after a brisk skirmish fight, the latter fell back to the column, losing several men. November 2d, a clear sky and balmy atmosphere — charac- teristic of fall weather of old Georgia I The command marches off, full of inspiration of good weather, starting at eleven A. M., and turning into camp at eleven P. M., tired and hungry. Distance 14 miles. On the 8d, proceeding a few miles through swamps, the column emerged into a beautiful pine forest, near the line of the Savannah and Augusta Railroad. Here the first brigade left the column, and, after a rapid march of four miles north- Avard, struck the railroad at a point forty-five miles from Au- gusta and thirteen miles from Millen Junction. After des- troying several miles of railroad track, and a large quantity of lumber, moved do^n the track, and re-joined the column. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. Arrived in camp about one A. M., after a tedious night march through muddy swamps, woods, rain and pitch-darkness. On the 4th, marched ten miles, passing through several swamps and pine forests. Country well supplied with good water. Cannonading heard in the direction of Millen Junc- tion. The whole country over Avhich the army passed, seemed to be disfigured by fire — houses, fences, woods and grass burning in all directions. Immediately along the line of the marching column the fences were consumed by the fiery element, and during the long night marches, on either side, the roads were arrayed with lights. Frequently the tired trampers were deceived by the fires ; calculating that they were drawing near Avhere the advance had already gone into camp. But usually a long series of lights intervened ere the object of de- sire was reached. On the 5th, moved about eight miles, passing the first divi- sion encamped. Turned in at three P. M, here to await the arrival of General Geary's command. The advance skirmished with the enemy, pressing him right along. Passed more swamps. Twelve miles to nearest point of Savannah river. Moved forward to within nine miles northwest of Spring- field, on the 6th, and camped at sundown. The road obstructed by felled trees, but quickly removed or evaded. Captain Culver, in charge of a small party, captured a smart looking rebel second-lieutenant. On the 7th, pushed rapidly on, the first brigade in advance of the corps. Moved five miles, when the head of the column paused on the borders of a huge swamp, the road here being blockaded by trees. Before the pioneers cleared and repaired the road, the brigade passed over. Stripped of all encum- brances the command moved briskly forward, four miles, and occupied Springfield without opposition. Here turned in and awaited the arrival of the column. Springfield is the county seat of Effingham county, proba- 1 72 1 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. bly twenty-five miles from Savannah; a small, (lingy-looking place among the swamps. The citizens — mainly women — had buried many valuables in the yards, but the soldiers exhumed them. Fine dishes, silver spoons, articles of clothing, and other things too numerous to mention, were carried off by the boys. One man dressed himself up as a lady — his toilet rather rudely "performed." A member of the 105th entered a doctor's office in quest of some improved liquors, of which he was passionately fond. He unwittingly seized upon a bottle marked " Vinum Anti- monia" (wine of antimony, an emetic), taking it for a supe- rior quality of wine. In the ardor of self-congratulation at his success, he immediately partook of the precious fluid. But alas, for the infelicitous effects of vinum antimony — as a beverage — upon the human organism, ere many moments " Jonah" was heaved out on dry land. Remained in camp throughout the day on the 8th. Dur- ing this pause the foragers and "bummers" had an interest- ing time looking over the country and overhauling " other folks' things." Several miles away, a dwelling, well stocked with household effects, among which was a piano-forte and a large collection of books, became the scene of spoliation. The foragers from the 105th found it deserted by its occu- pants, and full of men ransacking the rooms, drawers, and scattering the books and pictures about the floors, and even in the yard. This is what war brings alike to the innocent and the guilty. At sundown the regiment and brigade fell into the rear of the column, and, amid the glare of burning buildings, moved slowly out of town. After a wearisome, jogging march all night and after broad day-light, paused fifteen minutes for breakfast. Cannonading heard in the night in the direction of the river. On the 9th the column was on the road, moving along all day and until late in the night ; no sleep for forty hours. The advance of the corps captured two small earthworks, located THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. several miles north of the railroad. Works defended by four hundred men, with three pieces of artillery. The first brigade in advance on the 10th, the 105th at the head of the brigade. Marched up to within four and a half miles of Savannah, meeting the enemy's pickets before the defences around the city. The brigade was immediately deployed in the line on the right of the main pike and near the Savannah and Charleston Railroad, the 105th holding a position on the right of the line in the brigade. There was some fighting on the right by the troops of the seventeenth corps. The march was concluded on the 26th day out from Atlanta. The siege of Savannah commenced, lasting ten days. On the 11th and 12th the regiment shifted its position twice during the establishment of the lines. The Second Division, Fifteenth Corps, charged and cap- tured Fort McAllister, with all its men and armament, on the 13th, thus opening a base at the mouth of the Ogeechee river, in Ossabaw Sound. Official notice of the capture, and con- sequent opening of communication with the national fleet, was received along the lines on the 15th. On the 16th and 17th the regiment threw up a heavy line of works, and on the night of the 20th a line was thrown up on the skirmish line. On the night of the 18th Captain J. S. Forsythe, Company II, in charge of ten men, was sent out on a reconnoissance to ascertain the position of the enemy in front of the brigade. He proceeded to within twenty yards of the enemy's lines, encountering a deep swamp. He ob- served their fires and heard them talk ; after drawing their fire, he returned with his party, having accomplished all that was desired. No casualties occurred in the 105th while laying before the city. The enemy kept their guns at work, and occasionally a shell would burst over the camp, the missiles scattering among the boys ; but no one was hurt. During the march several men were missing. Captain Geo. I. 1741 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. A. Bender, Company I, was wounded in the back and ankle severely, while working on the railroad between Chattahoo- chee river and Atlanta, on the 15th of November. While before the city the army subsisted on rice and stale fresh beef — a rather slim diet. The former was taken from mills in large quantities and hulled by the soldiers. As the army was about to make a general assault upon the defenses, the enemy evacuated the city, and in the words of the editor of the daily (Savannah) Republican, it was surren- dered to "a magnanimous foe." The army entered the city on the 21st inst. A large amount of cotton, hundreds of guns, and other property, fell into the hands of the national authorities with the fall of Savannah. The troops, in ecstacies over the victorious culmination of the campaign, left their entrenchments early Wednesday even- ing, the 21st, and marched forward to behold their capture — Savannah ! The first brigade was assigned to a pleasant camping ground in the western suburbs of the city, on the 21st, and there the 105th rested until the beginning of the campaign of the Carolinas. The spirit of speculation Avas rife during the first days of the occupation by the national troops. Soldiers from all reg- iments were to be seen on the sidewalks, and even in the middle of the streets, trafficking in tobacco and other articles which had been easily obtained in the confusion incident to the transfer of the city to national authority. Greenbacks rose suddenly in Savannah, Fair damsels sat at their windows, with sweet corn bread and biscuits, for greenbacks, and little rebel boys paraded the streets with cigars, for greenbacks. The greenback fever was communicated to the various camps, and the soldiers — especially the "bummers" — fell to playing "chuckaluck" for greenbacks. In a few days a general order had to be issued restraining the excessive indulgence in " chuckaluck," etc. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. ,175 Confederate cuiTency went down immediately, and the citizens of Savannah sold their share of it at a great discount, for greenbacks, to those who desired to purchase for relics or novelty. Some parted with it reluctantly, evidently still be- ing fondly joined to their idols. At the close of the campaign. Major Brown, who had commanded the regiment, complimented the officers and men for their good conduct throughout ; their rapid and steady marching; their willingness to facilitate the passage of the teams over the roads, and for the alacrity with which they responded to all details. On the 26th of December, orders were received to prepare for another campaign. A little curious to know which point they were to " go for" next, the officers and men set about the work of preparation promptly. They easily pursuaded themselves that the rebellious soil of South Carolina would be their next field of operations ; and they were elated with the idea of punishing that constitutionally hot-tempered region. The first brigade Avas reviewed on the 29th of December by Colonel Smith, of the 102d Illinois, commanding tempo- rarily. The Twentieth Corps was reviewed by General Sher- man on the 30th, in the streets of Savannah. On the morning of the 31st the third division left camp, crossed the river to Hutchinson Island, opposite the city, and immediately proceeded to the channel, about a mile distant, next to the South Caralina side. The weather was unfavor- able — the low ground and muddy roads rendering it imprac- ticable to proceed with the work of pontooning, the channel being broad and the waters boisterous. The second and third brigades Avere ordered back to town to remain until operations for crossing could be resumed as soon as the weather would admit. The first brigade remained on the island. A few shots were exchanged with Wheeler's men, who were on the other side. A man in Company A, Corporal Spafford E. Deford, was mortally wounded and died the next day. This 17t\ HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. 1 was the first fatal thrust from South Carolina. A gun Avas planted, and a few shells sent over, when the boys had the satisfaction of witnessing a stampede of rebel cavalry. The entrance of the new year, 1865, into the annals of time, and the entrance of the first brigade into the State of South Carolina, came together. January 1st, the brigade crossed from Hutchinson Island to the South Carolina side, in small boats and barges ; proceeded some five or six miles into the country, and camped at a fine but deserted place of a Dr. Cheever, formly a wealthy South Carolinan. The doctor (now deceased) had realized as high as $700,000 annually on his rice plantation through which the brigade marched. The mansion is a very large two-story gothic, and elaborately fin- ished. Many of the plants and shrubs remain — fitting re- minders of former elegance and refinement. Brigade head- quarters were situated here. Major Brown, commanding the 105th, used the overseer's house for regimental headquarters — a building of no mean pretensions, even for an overseer. All the other buildings were pulled down for wood. While encamped near Cheever's farm, the good Chaplaiii of the 105th, Daniel Chapman, resigned, January 8th, and left for his home. On the 10th the regiment shifted its position in order to enjoy better grounds and more room than was possible in the old fortifications. On the night of the 16th, a wagon-load of shell oysters, fresh from the coast, was issued to the regiment. On the ITtli the division moved on and occupied Hardeeville, a point twenty milles from Savannah, on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. While here the troops were treated to four days incessant rain. On the 20th the camp of the 105th was so nearly inundated that it became necessary to move it. At this place the regiment received one hundred and forty-three new Springfield guns with accoutrements, which were distributed among all the companies. Captain Martin V. Allen Company E, was honorably dis- charged, January 20th 1865, on account of wounds received before Atlanta. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. ' 177 Lieutenant Colonel Dutton, Surgeon Waterman and Lieutenant John Ellis, Company K, arrived on the 22d from the North, where they had been on L;ave. The Lieutenant Colonel brought through two large boxes and several valises of articles from the friends of the regiment, which were received with great satisfaction ; much credit being due that officer for their safe arrival to these apparently godless regions. At Hardeeville, Lieutenant Colonel Dutton relieved Major Brown. In this new and dangerous march the fine military abilities of the Lieutenant Colonel were particularly desirable, and his characteristic dash, coupled with the coolness and fidelity of the Major, Avas worthy of the good cause for Avhich it Avas being exercised. The last drill of the First brigade came off on the 25th of January, while at Hardeeville. Here the boys of the various regiments joined in the Avork of burning more buildings. A church edifice was destroyed by fire. On the 29th, the troops moved for Robertsville, the Third division in rear of the First. Marched rapidly about fifteen miles, camping at sundown. On the 30th a five-mile march brought the command to Robertsville, Avhere it turned into camp at noon. Finally, from Robertsville, the grand movement commenced in earnest. After remaining at that place two days, the Twentieth Corps "launched out" further into the native regions of" Secessia," on the morning of February 2, 1865. In the order of march the Army of the Tennessee, Fifteenth and SeA^enteenth Corps, were on the right, the Army of Georgia, Fourteenth and Twentieth Corps, on the left, and the Cavalry Corps still further to the left. The Corps moved on roads parallel with each other, in five columns. The troops set out with the feeling that, inasmuch as more campaigning and raiding was necessary to close up the rebel- lion, they Avere rejoiced to knoAV that South Carolina was to be the field of operations, and they resolved that she should be pretty thoroughly overhauled, and that rebellion should, 23 178 HISTORY or DEKALB COUNTY. soon " play out " all around. The "bummers" especially, resolved themselves into a " committee of the whole on the State of South Carolina," and determined to " go it on their own hook," as they did through Georgia — only more so. On the morning of the 2d, the Twentieth Corps moved forward, the 105th regiment in advance of the column. The regiment soon run against rebels. At two o'clock afternoon, as the column was approaching the smalltown of Lawtonville, the advanced two companies was suddenly fired into by a strong force of Wheeler's cavalry. Immediately two more companies of the 105th were deployed as skirmishers and advanced, but the enemy being found strongly posted behind barricades and a line of thick woods bordering a marshy creek, the entire regiment, together with two companies from the 129th Illinois, on its left, was deployed and Lieutenant Colonel Dutton in charge, ordered to advance. With the other regiments of the brigade in supporting distance, the skirmishers deliberately advanced across the open fields on either side of the road, under a heavy fire, driving the enemy out of his works to the suburbs of the town. The skirmishers kept up a sharp fire at the rebels as they advanced, and by a slight wheel to the right and another advance on the run, through the swamp and timber, in which was a dense growth of underbrush and running vines, the enemy's position was flanked and the rebels driven through, and a mile beyond the town. Some artillery was used Avith good efl"ect. This fight was almost wholly made by the 105th. The advance was conducted with order and decision, and of course with success. The regiment and the two additional companies deployed, made a line about one-fourth mile in length, which as it coolly moved forward, firing, presented the appear- ance of men going through the evolutions of skirmish drill. There were eight casualties in the regiment, and six men had their clothes pierced with bullets. Colonel Dutton and Lieutenant Melvin Smith, commanding* Company F, were p,mong the lucky ones who were simply wounded in the clothes. J THE ONE HUNDRED AND PIFTH. several of the enemy's dead were left in the hands of the egiment or brigade, and it was ascertained that several more, nth their wounded, were carried off by them. It was afterwards learned that the whole of Wheeler's rebel avalry, three or four thousand, were posted at Lawtonville, nd that they were determined to stoutly resist the passage of ur troops at the swamp near the town. The enemy retreated uring the night, while the First brigade camped on the famous ittle battle-field of Lawtonville. The march was resumed in the morning at 10 o'clock, the egiment in the rear of column. Beyond the town a large nd elegant dwelling was passed. The house was splendidly urnished with rich carpets, a library of books, piano forte, nd furniture of the number one kind. The grounds were lid out tastefully and highly ornamented with various kinds f shrubbery. This was the property of a rebel officer, and ad been the headquarters of the rebel General Wheeler. Ere lie rear of the column had arrived it was discovered that the ouse was on fire. It seems it had been fired in accordance ^ith orders given by proper authority. The column proceeded on the Barnwell road, nine miles, ,nd camped at Crossroads. On the 4th moved ten miles. Good weather, country igher ; well supplied with water. Forage in abundance, ^he foragers and "bummers" in high spirits. All the country or a space of about sixty miles being overrun by the army s it sweeps on. The boys bring into camp at night, bacon, weet potatoes — or " yams" — chicken, fresh pork, molasses, utter, and many other eatables. The " bummers" help hemselves to any kind of valuables within reach, people urying their jewelry, watches, money, etc. Sunday, 5th February. — Weather delightfully clear and aild. The first brigade moved out in advance of division, ;uarding wagon train. Proceeded ten miles, camping near ifteenth corps. Better country. On the 6th, weather cloudy and raining. Moved out late I 180| HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. 1 in the morning. Crossed Combahee river, passing through rebel fortifications, from whence the fifteenth corps had driven the rebels. Private Jenkins, of Company I, with a comrade from an- other regiment, while foraging, moved ahead of the column, and at sundown found themselves very near the camp of the rebel General Wheeler. Having been unsuccessful forag- ing, they determined not to return to camp without some trophy. A rebel Lieutenant and Sergeant having rode out of their camp, came near the boys, who demanded their sur- render. With' reluctance- they complied, were made to di.s- mount and deliver up their revolvers and sabres. Jenkins and his comrads mounted their horses, requiring the "John- nies" to walk into the "Yankee" camp, which they did in " good order." This was a " feather in Jenkins' cap." On the 8th the command reached the Charleston and Augusta railroad near Grahams, captured two prisoners and destroyed the track, heating many of the rails red hot and winding them around the trees. On moved our boys, weary but triumphant, through vary- ing weather, cold, stormy and sleety on one day, mild and charming with the beauties of a southern spring on the next. We passed through Williston February 11th, forded the icy cold South Edisto river on the 12th, near which Lieutenant John Ellis of Company C, while in charge of a foraging party captured three rebel soldiers. The 14th and 15th the rain froze as it fell, making most uncomfortable marching and wretched camping. The brigade also met with some resistance from the retreating enemy. We camped in sight of Columbia, the capitolof South Carolina, on the 16th, and after some cannonading and skirmishing, passed the city on the ITth, the army burning a portion of it. The whole surface of the country seemed on fire and the smoke was dense enough to be uncomfortable. Crossed the Saluda river on a pontoon bridge on the 18th, and were stationed as a guard to protect the pontooneers until the J THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. /181 bridge was removed. By this time our bummers were elegantly arrayed in broadcloths and satin, and marched in carriages more or less elegant, drawn by confiscated steeds. Happy bummers ! Scouring the country in advance of and around the army they formed a protective force of real service in furnishing information and preventing attack. Reached Broad river on Sunday, the 19th; and here orders were receiv- ed to prepare for a continuation of the campaign for forty days. All unnecessary baggage must be thrown aside, and even the wall tents abandoned. Reluctantly the boys unbur- dened their wagons, loaded with captured valuables, and the wagons subsequently carried only army supplies. The troops had now worn out their shoes, and many were hatless, ragged, barefoot and dirty too, for the soap had become exhausted. "Forty days more," and "what will Old Billy do when the soles of our feet give out too?" was the question, but they soon recovered from their dissatisfaction and moved on jolly and contented. We guarded the pon- tooneers at Broad river ; and marehed all of the night of the 20th, arriving at Winnsboro, where we passed in review before Generals Sherman and Slocum. The 105th led the advance on the 22d, encountering Butters rebel cavalry and driving them. Private Fisher, of Company B, here captured a pris- oner with two horses and equipments. General Sherman was at our division headquarters to-day, and while there received ncAvs of the capture of Charleston. Crossed the Wateree river at midnight and were thoroughly drenched with a shower. On the 24th we passed over a wretched corduroy road, which had been built by our pioneers from small pines that worked the mud beneath into a batter which gushed up in fountains as our mules drew the heavy wagons over their rough surfaces. Right here let us give due credit to these faithful dumb brutes — unhonored heroes whose toils, lacerations and star- vations were so seldom thought of, yet whose services were as indispensable as our own, and whose bones lie bleaching on 182 I HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. all of the battle fields of the South, together with those of our own comrades. On the 25th Captain Culver with his foraging party dashed into Lancaster, fifteen miles aside from our column — the first to enter that city. He secured a large supply of dried fruit and other luxuries. We camped for a day at Hanging Eock waiting for the Fourteenth Corps to come up the river. This Rock was so named from the fact that the British here hung six American soldiers after one of the battles of the Revolution. Hard marching for the next week ; from ten to seventeen miles a day, much of it being done in the night. On the 4th of March we crossed intoNorthCarolina, and rested on Sunday, at Colonel Allston's plantation, where we Avere delighted with the luxury of a supply of soft soap. On the 9th, reached a country devoted to the manufacture of tar and turpentine — a wilderness of lofty pines. Immense quantities of this material were set on fire, and huge columns of black smoke rising from the forests told that lava-like stream of tar or rosin were burning like the emissions of a volcano. On the 9th a heavy thunderstorm — a muddy stream forded and no fresh provisions, — for the first time since we left Robertsville, we lived on hard bread. On the 11th the 105th was detailed to work on the road, and several miles were corduroyed. In camp at Fay- etteville on the 12th, and from here we sent letters home and were reviewed by General Sherman, passing through and camping a short distance out. On the 16th we fought the battle of Averysboro ; the day was stormy, the roads terribly muddy. We started early on our march, and before noon the troops encountered a large force of the enemy within a few miles of Averysboro, when at he engagement tookplace. The First brigade was deployed on the left of the forces engaged, the left wing of the 105th, under Captain Forsyth e, being deployed as skirmishers in front of the brigade, while the right remained in column in rear of the left of the brigade. An advance was immediately made, under heavy skirmish fire, for about five hundred yards to the enemy's works, when a charge THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 183 ivas ordered ; at the sanie time the right wing of the 105th, mder Lieutenant Colonel Dutton, was ordered to the extreme eft and forward to protect the flank and strengthen the skir- nish line. It moved as directed with alacrity, and cut oiF irom retreat and captured a twelve-pounder Napoleon gun, ivhich the Colonel, with some of his gallant men, turned on :he enemy, giving him half a dozen shots in his disordered and retreating ranks. The works were charged and carried in splendid style, when the line halted till other troops were wrought to connect with the left, prior to another advance. When the brigade advanced again, the 105th moved in the iecond line, the whole line pressing up within one hundred md fifty yards of the enemy's main line of works, under a tieavy fire of small arms and cannon. Here the regiment and brigade bivouacked during the remainder of the day and night, throwing up a line of works during a rain storm. The battle on the right was successfully waged, and in the night the enemy retreated — well whipped. Lieutenant Colonel Dutton, assisted by Major Brown and Adjutant Chandler, was equal to every emergency. Captain Forsythe handled the skirmish line with admirable success, and the line ofiicers and men displayed their usual courage and fidelity. Adjutant Chandler had the front of his hat torn by a bullet, narrowly escaping with his life. The regiment lost six killed and sixteen wounded, according to Lieutenant Colonel Button's report. Among the former was the gallant Orderly, Linus Holcomb of Company A, Captain G. B. Heath, whose life gradually ebbed aAvay after he was brought from the gory battle-field. Surgeon Waterman again had his hands full, in caring for the wounded. His skill was measured by the sad duties of the hour, and not found wanting. In a large dwelling in rear of the field where the brigade fought, a hospital was located, where the wounded were being dressed. There were numerous amputations — the yard being strewn with legs and arms ; and the dead and dying were lying around — a dreadful wreck of human forms. 184 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. ^ The casualties in the division numbered two hundred and fifty-six : First brigade eighty-three ; Second brigade, fifty ; Third brigade one hundred and twenty-three. The loss of the evening was heavy. The troops buried one hundred of the rebel killed. Before the battle a party of thirty foragers from the 105tli, preceding the column, charged on one of the enemy's earth- works, driving him out and killing one man — a very creditable affair. The regiment did their duty nobly, and in token of their gallantry at this point and in the Atlanta campaign, Colonel Dutton their commander, received from the President the appointment of Brigadier General by brevet, the appointment dating from the date of the battle. On the 19th the battle of Bentonville occurred at which we were assigned position on the left. We threw up earth- works in double-quick time, but the attack was made on the night, and our line was not assaulted. The rebels were defeated with fearful slaughter. Resumed our march on the 22d and crossed the Neuse river on the next day. Here we met General Terry's eastern , troops, whining because they had been Avithout communication and no mail for a week. We consoled them by telling them we had been in the same condition fifty-one days. We arrived at Goldsboro on the 24th, and our long march for the time was ended. Wc had marched five hundred miles in fifty-five days, resting only six days ; had crossed twelve large rivers and numerous smaller streams. The foragers of our regiment had captured, on the march, twenty tons of meat, ten tons of flour, and sweet potatoes, with other luxuries, to an extent that cannot be estimated. All of the officers with their men by turns participated in the work of foraging. At Goldsboro the regiment was newly equipped, and that portion of "Sherman's greasers" as the eastern troops contemptuously called us, put on a better appearance. The OF SOMONAUK. tllii-a^ii lUIi.i-ij-aphinj lo.Chieac". THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. "bummers" who were flush of funds having "cramped" watches, jeweh-y, and money during the raid, donned the best attire and patronized the sutlers' shops extensively. On the 29th, and again on the 5th of April, parties of our regiment were sent on foraging expeditions, taking forage from within two miles of the fortified lines of the enemy, but losing several men captured and one killed. On the 6th of April news was received of the capture of Richmond, and the joy of our boys may be more easily imagined than described. On the 10th we found another campaign begun. We moved to Smithfield, where the surrender of Lee's army was announced. We were after Johnston's army, and on the 13th we reached Raleigh in the pursuit. Here reports were circu- lated of Johnston's surrender, and amid the joyful excitement came the heart-rending tidings of the assassination of President Lincoln. On the 22d the twentieth Corps were reviewed in Raleigh, and on the 14th it became known that Johnston had surren- dered his army upon terms that were not approved by the President, and that we were about to " go for " " Johnston's Johnnies " again. Next day we marched thirteen miles on the road to Holly Springs, but on the day foltowing wc remained in camp, as Grant and Sherman had gone forward to meet the rebel General and have a new conference. On the 24th we joyfully marched back to Raleigh, elated with the assurance that Grant's negotiations had been successful — that satisfactory terms of surrender had been made — arid that the great war Avas substantially at an end. Now " On to Richmond." We marched gaily along, blessed with warm, bright beautiful weather, pleasantly greeted by the people on the route, full of gratification at the glorious termination of the war. AVe pass Williamsborough, cross the Roanoke into Virginia, cross again the Meherin and the Nottaway rivers, and on the 9th of May rested a day, two miles from Richmond. On the 24 186 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. llth we passed through Richmond ; well treated by the people. On the 12th crossed the Chickahominy swamp ; on the 14th, crossed the Little and North Anna rivers, and received orders to burn no more fences. The young daughters of the Old Dominion greeted us with waving handkerchiefs, and the colored people were everywhere jubilant. On the 15th, we camped on the Chancellorsville battle ground where human bones and skulls lay bleaching in the sun. On the 17th we were near Manassas Junction, and on the 18th passed through Fairfax Station, crossing the far-famed Bull Run, a broad shallow stream of pure water with a hard gravelly bottom. On the 19th camped three miles from Alexandria where we remained till on the 24th, we took part in the grand military pageant at Washington. Here Major Brown, Captain Church, and Assistant Surgeon Beggs joined the regiment, having been absent on leave and detached service. The army of the Potomac was reviewed by the President and Cabinet on the 23d, and General Sherman's army on the 24th, the streets lined with immense crowds of people who greeted us with constant cheers and waving handkerchiefs. The Washington papers especially, commended the drill of the 105th, and the ladies favored us with a shower of boquets. We camped four miles out of the city until the 6th, euj. ploying our time in visiting Washington, and on the 7th of June, 1865, were mustered out of service. On the 8th we took cars for Chicago, arriving at Pittsburg about 2 A. M., where we were met by a brass band and a committee of citizens, escorted to the City Hall and entertained with ample refreshments. Generous, thoughtful Pittsburg ; long will you be remembered for your kindness to the war worn and weary. What a contrast we met in Chicago. We arrived at the same hour. It was dark and raining ; no one met us or could tell where we were to go. The officers Avere in a train behind, and Sergeant-Major Whitlock, who found himself the ranking officer, could not find a place to put his 4 THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. men. They could not be admitted to the Soldiers' Home, to the Barracks, nor anywhere. The officers soon arrived and found that no notice had been taken of their telegram advising the coming of the regiment. The boys "adjourned" to the Illinois Central Depot where a friendly policeman suiFered them to lie on the floor 'till morning. Then we started for the dirty barracks, to which we were finally ordered, at Camp Fry. As we marched through the same streets through which three years before we had gone out one thousand strong — our regiment now reduced to hardly half that number, was ordered off the side-walk into the streets by the police. The policemen were pushed aside with hearty soldierly denunciations of all policemen and Chicago generally. At Camp Fry we were detained by Paymaster Maybourn .intil June 17th, when as each company was paid it left the barracks immediately. The warm welcome which we all received as we reached our homes did much to remove the unfavorable impression produced by the shameful treatment that we met in Chicago. 18 8 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. One Hundred and Fifth Infantry Regiment. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. SERGEANT MAJORS. David D. Chandler, De Kalb, Promoted Adjutant. ' Jonathan G. Vallette, Milton, Discharged July 0, 1804, fo aeeept commis- sion in Vol. Service. Ogden Whittack, Milton, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Q. M. SEUGEANTS. George W. Burpee, Rockford. Henry W. Kellogg, Mayfield, Mustered out June 7, 18G5. COMMISSARY SERGEANT. Clinton Beach, AVinfield, Promoted 1st Lieut, and Q. M., in U. S. Colored Troops. HOSPITAL STEWARDS. George W. Beggs, Naperville, Promoted Assistant Surgeon. Simon Dockstader, Sycamore, Discharged April 8, 18G3. John B. Belfarge, De Kalb, Mustered out June 7, 1805. PRINCIPAL MUSICIANS. Monll Fuller, Du Page county. Mustered out June 7, 1805. Walter Van Vetzger, Du Page county. Mustered out June 7, 1805. ENLISTED MEN OF COMPANY "A." FIRST SERGEANT. William R. Thomas, Sycamore, Promoted 2d Lieutenant. SERGEANTS. Linns Holcomb. Sycamore, 1st Serg't. Died March 10, 1805; wounds Alonzo E. Carr, Genoa, Transferred July 25, 1864. Henry H. Slater, Geneva, Promoted 1st Lieutenant. Chfiuncey E. Sixbury, Sycamore, M. 0. June 7, 1865, as 1st Serg't. Cora. 2d Lieut., but not mustered. CORPORALS. Menzo AV. Garnet, Sycamore, Captured March 11. 1865. Henry W. Kellogg, Mayfield, Promoted Q. M. Sergeant. Wentworth Leveright, Mayfield, Mustered out June 7, 1865, as Private. Dewitt C. Green, Genoa, Discharged May 10, 1865, as Serg't ; wounds. Simon Dockstader, Sycamore, Promoted Hospital Steward. Oscar C. Churchill, De Kalb county. Discharged April 25, 1865. Jared J. Burdict, De Kalb county. Mustered out June 7, 1865. Reuben J. Holcomb, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865, as Serg't. THE OiNTE HUNDRED AND FIPTII. PRIVATES. Allen Cenjamin, Geneva, Discharged July IG, 1803 ; Ji.sabilKy. Allard William A., .Sycamore, Died at Dallas, Ga., May 29, 18G4; wounds. Buck William, De Kalb, Discharged Feb. IG, 1863 ; disability. Black Mirium, Pampas, Mustered out .June 7, 1865, as Corporal. Bowers Hiram W., Batavia, Mustered out .June 7, 1865, as Corporal. Bailey John S., Genoa, Died Oct. 2, 18G2 ; wounds. Burroughs James H., Genoa, Died, New Albany, Tnd., Dec. 24, 1862. <'hurch Samuel, Genoa, Mustered out June 7, 1865 ; was pris. Carr Patrick, Sycamore, Discharged Jan. 19, 1863 ; disability. Clieesbro Oliver B., Pampas, Discharged May 5, 1865 ; wounds. (Jarr Edwin, Mayfield, Mustered out .June 7, 1865. Cummins Warren, Mustered out .lune 7, 1865. Canady David N., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Culver .Jeft'erson 11., Pampas, Discharged Jan. 19, 18(J3 ; disabilit}-. Deford Spafford P>,., Pampas, Died Jan. 1, 1865 ; wounds, Donaghue Patrick, ICi/igston, Mustered out .June 21, 1865. Dennis Seorge W., Jr., Mayfield, Discharged May 1, 1863; disability. Easha Joseph, liingston, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Goble Elias, Mayfield, Died, South Tunnel, T., Dec. 21, 1862. Goble John J., Mayfield, Mustered out June 7, 1865, as Serg'i. Goble William H., Mayfield, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Gregory Cozier, Genoa, Discharged Feb. 22, 1863 ; disability. Ilarsha Eugene K., Pampas, Mustered out .June 7, 1865. Hutchinson Nicholas A., Genoa, Discharged Sept. 30; wounds. Hathaway Harrison, Pampas, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Howe George E., Mayfield, Died, Chattanooga, Aug. 15, 1861; wounds. Hendrick Nelson F., De Kalb, Mustered out June 14. 1865. Hollenback Alfred S., Genoa, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Holcomb Oscar, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Jellison Alexander M., Genoa, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Jones Charles L., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865. .Johnson Chauncey, Sycamore, Mustered out .June 7, 1865. Kellogg Herman A., Sycamore, Mustered out .June 7, 1865. Kunyler Jean, Kingston, Mustered out June 7, 1865. King Lucius A., Pampas, Mustered out .June 7, 1865. Kenyon Henry, Sycamore, Mustered out .June 7, 1865. Kane William, Geneva, Discharged Jan. 19, 1863 ; disabilit}'. ICesler John, Geneva, Discharged Dec. 7, 1862 ; disability. Leonard Patrick, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865, as Corpoml. Lewis Myron W., Genoa, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Moyier George, Mayfield, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Moore Philip, Genoa, Mustered out June 7, 1S65. Marshall Julian E., Pampas, Died at Bardstown, Ky., Dec. 6, 1862. Martin John, Genoa, Discharged May 4, 1863; disability. Martin Augustus, Genoa, Discharged Jan. 10, 1863; disability. McNaughton William, Genoa, Discharged Dec. 29, 1862; disability. Nori'is George E., Sycamore, Discharged -Vpril 8, 1863; disability. Ousterhaut Franklin A., Mayfield, Transferred July 25, 1864. Olin Nathaniel J., Pampas, Mustered out July 1, 1865. Pond Americus H., Genoa. Patterson Francis, Mayfield, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Petrie Samuel, Sycamore, Trans, to Eag. Corps, Aug. 15, 1865. Pierce James, Genoa, Discharged Dec. 28, 1863; disability. Patrick Albert J., Sycamore, absent, sick, at M. 0. of Regiment. Phelps James A., Pampas, Mustered out June 7, 1865. 190 \ HISTORY OP DE KALB COUNTY. Peters Warren F., Sycamore, Mustered out. June 7, 1865. Phelps Edgar M., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865, as Corporal. Phelps James M., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865, as Corporal. Peary Nehemiah, Genoa, Trans, to Eng. Corps, Aug. H, 1864. Palmer Clark, Mayfield, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Patterson George, Genoa, Mustered out .July 8, 1865. Robinson Cyrus H., Kingston, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Rhinehart Joseph B., Mayfield, Mustei-ed out June 7, 1865. Rodabaugh Samuel H., Genoa, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Raymond Oliver B., Maytield. Smith Marvin A., Kingston, INIustered nut June 7, 1865. Sraauson John, Pampas, Died Aug. 12, 1864 ; wounds. Shaw Cheney L., Pampas, Mustered out .luue 7, 1865, as Serg't. Scott Albert, South Grove, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Satford Edward P., Sycamore, Pro. Capt. 14th U. S. C. T., Nov. 1, 1863. Settle William H., Genoa, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Schwirk Joseph, Sycamore, Died at Scottsboro, Ala., Dee. 7, 1862. Smith Chauncey, Maytield, Discharged Feb. 22, 1868; disability. Spanton Thomas, Plato, Mustered out June 7, 1865. rfeapey James, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Spancell George, Sycamoi-e, Accidentally killed Sept. 10, 1863. Smith Ashael C, Genoa, Discharged April 8, 1863; disability. Tewksburry Russell B., Sycamore, Discharged April 2, 1863 ; disabilil^^ Westbrook Samuel D., Sycamore, Discharged April 8, 1863; disability. Watties Sylvinis, Geneva, Died at Chattanooga, Aug. 'J, 1864. West Elias C, Geneva, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Wilcox Aziel, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Wright VVentworth, Sycamore, Clustered out June 7, 1865, as Corporal. Wilson John, South Grove, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Woodward William, South Grove, Discharged Oct. 12, 1862; minor. REOEUITS. Croft J.ames, Mustered out June 7, 1865. Jones George W., ■ Transferred to Co. K, 16th 111. luf. Kemp John, Deserted July 10, 1863. Rouse William H., Mustered out .lune 7, 1865. Settle Oscar D., Pampas, Transferred to ( o. K, I6lh 111. Inf. Weedon Alvin G., Pampas, A^et. reciuit. Tr. to Co. K, 16th 111. Inf. L'XDER COOK OF A. I). Beard Henry, absent, sick, at M. 0. of Regiment. ENLISTED MEN OF COMPANY "C." FIRST SERGEANT. John AV. Burst, Franklin, Promoted 2d Lieut., then 1st Lieut. SERGEANTS. Charley W. Seidil, Sycamore, Discharged Feb. 14, 1864, to accept promo- tion "in 16th U. S. C. T. Charley C. Tubbs, Sycamore, Died, Vining Station, Ga., Aug. 5, 1864. Thomas J. Albee. Svcamore, Discharged Feb. 14, 1864, to accept promo- tion in 16th U. S.' C. T. George L. Fisher, Sycamore, Disch. April 14. 1863, as Priv. ; disability. CORPORALS. William INIcLogan, Sycamore, Deserted Oct. 30, 1862. Isaac S. Brundage, Cortland, Pro. 1st Serg't, then 1st Lieut. Walter Harvard, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, 1865, as Serg't. I I THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. ' 191 Charlej H. Clark, Sycamore, Died Jau. 1, '(i3. Harmon M. Stark, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '65. Uriah Smith, Mayfield, Priv. Absent, sick, at M. 0. of Regioient. Marils L. Mason, South Grove, Died, Savannah, Ga., June 10, "Ho; woMs. Henry J. Merrill, Sycamore, Disch. April 28, '*Jo, as Serg't ; disability. PKIVATES. Allen Joseph S., Sycamore, Discharged Dec. 24, '62; disability. Atwood Richard W., Sycamore, Corporal. Died at Chattanooga, Tumi., June ], '64; wounds. Althen John, Sycamore, absent, wounded, at M. 0. of Regiment. Anlich William C, Sycamore, Discharged March 27, '63; disability. Aarner Oscar, Kingston, Mustered out June 7, '65. Bannister Levi, Pampas, iMustered out June 7, '65. Bebee Charles, Sj'^camore, Mustered out June 7, '65. Bebee Silva, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '65. Barchfield Thomas J., Kingston, Died at South Tunnel, T., Jan. 3, '6.3. Bewley John, Sycamore, Trans, to Co. C, I6th 111. Inf. Burnside Delos, Sycamore, Trans, to Eng. Corps, Aug. 16, '64. Bean David K., Kingston. AVas pris. Died at Chattanooga, Tenn. Bates Stephen, Kingston, Mustered out June 7, '65. Cole Charles W., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, "65, as Corporal. Courser Myron M.. Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Clark William C, Sycamore, Deserted Oct. 30, '62. Churchill Andrew J., Sycamore, Died at South Tunnel, T., Jan. I, '63. Cameron William T., Kingston, Discharged .Jan. 11, '63; disability. Collier James H., Mayfield, Discharged April 18, '64; disability. Defield John, Sycauiore, JM. O. May 24. '65, as Musician. l)ecker AVarren, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, "65. Depue Joseph, Sycamore, Discharged Jan. 11, '63; disability. Danberg .John, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '65. Decker AA'illiam, Sycamore, .Mustered out June 7, '65. Davis Edward B., Sycamore, Died at Camp Butler, 111., Oct. 17, '64. Dodge Oscar, Sycauiorc, Mustered out June 7, '65. Francis Stephen D., Pampas, absent, sick, at M. O. of Regiment. Fetterley John AV., Sycamore, Died at Nashville, Tenn.. Feb. 14, '61. Furtioss Herman. Sycamore, .Mustered out.lune 7, '65, as Corporal. Forktier, or Faulkiiej-, ,M., Sycamore, Mustered out Aug. 14, '65. Gardner Andrew .1., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, "65. (iardner Alonzo, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '65. tiould AVilliaiu 11., I'ampas, Mustered out June 7, "65. tiould George H., Pampas, Corporal. Died, Nashville. Tenn., Nov. 4. "63. Herren AVilliaui, Kingston, Mustered out June 7, 'd'l. Hoffman AVilliam, South Grove, absent, sick, at M. (). of Regiment. Hammond AVilliam W., Sycamore, Discharged Jan. 13, "63, as Corporal; disability. Hathaway Johnson, Pampas, Discharged Jan. 4. "63; disability. Howden William A.. Sycamore, Died Nov. 16, '62. Hade Joel AV., Sycamore. Mustered out June 7, '65. •fohn, or Johnson, Charles. Pampas, Mustered out June 7, '65. as.Corp"l. Jackman Charles D., Sycamore, M. O. June 7, '65, as 1st Sergeant. Com. 2d Lieut., but not musterefl. Jordan Leonard or Lem., Burlington, Discharged Jau. 16, '6.3 ; disability. Jordan William, Burlington, Transferred to Co. E, 105th 111. Inf. Kelsey John B., Pampas, Discharged Feb. 10, '63; disability. Linderman George P., Cortland, Mustered out May 18, '65. Listy i;harles, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '65. 102 \ HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Lindsay Lyman C, .Sycamore, Mustered out June 12, 'Ho. Malo Samuel, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, ''3o. Morgan Bartholomew, Sycamore, Discharged March 22, '(io : disability Miller William F., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '0-3. Mason Seth M., South Grove, Dischar,2;ed Jan. •">, '63; disability. Newell George, South Grove, Died at Shelby ville, Ky., Oct. 2H, '62. Olney John D.. Franklin, Trans, to Eng. Corps, Aug. 10, '04. I'elton Lysander, Sycamore, Mustered out .June 7, '05. Pelton Leander, Sycamore, Discharged March 24. 'Oo ; disability. Russell Ruthven, Cortland, Died at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 4, '03. Rose AVilliam H., Sycamore, Wounded at Dallas, Ga., May 27, "01, Sup- posed to be dead. Rowen George W., Kingston, Deserted ALarch 1, '03. Rapps William A., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '05. Spohn Darius A., Sycamore, Discharged Dec. 25, '02; disability. Sherman Levi, Kingston, Died at Rowling Green, Kj'., Dec. 3, '()2. Schoolcroft Elinor, De Kalb, Discharged JNLiy 10, '03 : disability. Stow Edwin, Sycamore, Mustered out .June 7, '05. Smitli John, Sycamore, Discharged Feb. D, '05 ; disability. Tliompson Henry B., Burlington, Discharged Jan. 11, '()3 ; disability. Trembly George, Sycamore, Escaped pris. Rep'd at Chattanooga. Trembly Alexander, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '05, as Corporal. Tibbetts Samuel E., Kingston, .Mustered out June 7, '05, as Sergeant. Thompson Edwin, Sycamore, Clustered out June 7, '05, as Sergeant. Wyllys George D., South Grove, Mustered out June 7, '05. Wright Hiram, Burlington, Died Dec. 21, '03. Wright John, Burlington, Clustered out June 7, '05. Winans Clark A., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '05. \V'heeler Lysander, Sycamore, Clustered out June 7, '05, as Sergeant. Wallies Charles W., Kingston, Discharged Feb. 23, '03 ; disability. Warf Henry, Kingston, Mustered out June 7, '05, as Corporal. Welch Peter N., Pampas, Discharged March 23, '05 ; wounds. While John P., Sycamore, Discharged Jan. 14:. '03 ; disability. Worden Martin, South Grove, Died Dec. 23, '02. Weber John, Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '05. Waldron Isaac H., Sycamore, Mustered out June 7, '05. KECKUITS. r.rula Edward, Dnnleith, Transferred to Co. C, lOth 111. lul". Decker Mathias, Sycamore, Died July 'J, '04 ; wouuds. UNDER COOK OV A. U. Goodman Richard S., Mustered out June 7, '05. ENLISTED MEN OF COMPANY -E." F1R.ST SEEGEANT. John II. Swift, Paw Paw, promoted 2d Lieutenant. SERGEANTS. Jonathan R. IMarryatt, Shabbona, promoted 1st Serg't, then 1st Lieut. Thomas George Taylor, Shabbona, accidentally killed, Feb. 15, '04. Thomas J. Pierce, Wyoming, died at Nashville, Tenn., March 3, '04. William 11. 0. Stevens, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '05, as Private. CORPORALS. William II. Low, Shabbona, discharged March 23, '08; disability. Jacob Ostrander, Paw Paw, M. 0. June 7, '05, as 1st Serg"t. Com 2d Lieut., but not mustered. Darius Ilorton, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '05, as Sergeant. THE ONE IIUNDRE D AKD FIFTH. f 193 i^illiam E. Grover, Sliabbona, Serg't. Killed at Dallas, Ga., May 27, '04. olin Thonipkins, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as Private. >avid N. .Jackson, Shabbona, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 19, '62- 'hauncey Condie, Shabbona, M. 0. June 7, '65, as Private. AVounded ohu Fowler, Shabbona, died at Louisville, Ky., Oct. 27, '62. TBIVATES. Lmes John, Shabbona, M. 0. June 7, '65, as Corporal. AVounded. luderson Augustus, Paw Paw, mustered out June 7, '65. lowker AVilliam, Paw Paw, mustered out June 7, '65. AVounded. telden John A., Paw Paw, mustered out June 7, '65. Jandfield Benjamin, Paw Paw, discharged Jan. 15, '63 ; disability. Jaker Artemus A., Paw Paw, deserted Sept. 2, '62. 'ook George H., Paw Paw, transferred to Engineer Corps, Aug. 15, '64. Iheney Olo D., Paw Paw, mustered out June 7, '65. Iross Charles C, Shabbona, died May 28, '64; wounds. ;halland Charles, Shabbona, mustered out .June 7, '65. ;rim Levi, Shabbona, discharged Jan. 14, '63 ; disability. )yas Moses, Shabbona, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 2, '62. )amon Solon AV., Shabbona,' absent, wounded, at M. 0. of Eeginient. )amon George H., Shabbona, discharged June 9, '63; disability. )avenport AVilliam H., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as Coi'poral. )avis Albert, Shabbona, discharged Aug. 4, '63 ; disability. )ennison .John M., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. >avendorf Augustus, Shabbona, died at Murfreesboro, T., July 10, '63. ^ermen James B., Shabbona, mustered out .June 7, '65. I ^owler James, Shabbona, discharged March 23, '65 ; disabilify. / ^ripps Byron D., Shabbona, discharged April 11, '63; disability. j Jlen John, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. lerard George AV., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. , Joodyear Nelson, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. ' Jriffith Henry S., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as Sergeant. ; Joodyear Joseph T., Shabbona, died at Bowling Green, I^y., Nov. 21, '62. \ lowes Philip, Shabbona, Corporal. Died May 31, '64; wounds. , Jamlin John A., Shabbona, died at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 10, '62. "j linds Austin F., Shabbona, mustered out .June 7, '65. \ Jayes John M., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. -V larper George C, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. \ Junter Ptobert, Shabbona, deserted Jan. 1, '63. Jowes Moses, Shabbona, mustered out June 12, '65. Jalk Elijah, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. latch Charles, Shabbona, died at Nashville, Tenn., July 14, '64 ; wounds. vers Thomas, Shabbona, discharged June 20, '63 ; disability. fordan James, Shabbona, M. 0. June 7, '65. AVounded twice. vennicott Ira, jr., Shabbona, discharged Jan. 14, '63; disability. vilbouru Lyman, Shabbona, killed at Resaca, Ga., May 14, '64. velly Daniel A., Shabbona, discharged Dec. 31, '62 ; disability. ^anaghan Michael, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. jake Hurbert F., Shabbona, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 30, '62. janders Ebenezer, Shabbona, mustered out June 14, '65. liamkins Josiah B., Shabbona, deserted Nov. 21, '62. liamkins Sidney G., Shabbona, died at Louisville, Ky., Oct. 29, '62. Morrison AVilliam, Shabbona, killed near Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 5, '64. VIorrison George, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. Vlinnihan Michael, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as Sergeant. VluUins John, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. Merwin Samuel, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. 25 \ 194 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Mott Jacob, Shabbona, died at Louisville, Ky., Aug. 5, '64; wounds. Morey Hiram, Shabbona, mustered out .June 7, '65. Matteson Egbert J., Shabbona, died at Louisville, Ky., Nov. 19, '62. McCormick Thomas, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. McCormick John, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. Marble Edmund D., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. McClymonds Thos. G., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. McFarland John, Shabbona, died at Frankfort, Ky., Oct. 27, '62. McFarland Walter S., Shabbona, discharged June 17, '63; disability. Norton Sidney, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. Nicholson Patrick, Shabbona, deserted Sept. 2. '62. Nicholson John, Shabbona, died at Chicago, Sept. 29, '62. Newton Charles W., rihabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. JNichols Hamilton, Shabbona, mustered out .June 7, '65. Pattee Albion, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. Perkins John, Shabbona, mustered out .June 7, '65, as Sergeant. Palm David, Shabbona, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 2, '62. Randall Chai-les W., Shabbona, died at Nashville, Tenn., March 1, '64. Simpson Seela, Shabbona, killed near Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 5, '64. Scott Miles, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. Sutliff John H., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65; wounded. Spaulding .James, Shabbona, mustered out June 7. '65. Swanson Charles J., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as (Corpora!. Sherrill Aaron E., Shabbona, died at Giillatin, Tenn., March 3, '63. Stansbury Tishe, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. Vanpatten Abram, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Watson Robert T., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. Watson William, jr., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. Wright William, Shabbona, died May 25, '64 ; wounds. Wilson Alfred B., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. RECRUITS. Alford Martin S., Shabbona, transferred to Co. A, 16th 111. Inf. Donaldson Reuben, Shabbona, transferred to Co. A, 16th 111. Inf. Donaldson Russell, Shabbona, transferred to Co. A, I6th 111. Inf. Edmonds John, Shabbona, transferred to Co. A, 16th 111. luf. Ellis Josiah, Shabbona, transferred to Co. A, 16th 111. Inf. Ford Lyman W., Shabbona, transferred to Co. A, 16th 111. Inf. Harper Andrew G., Chicago, transferred to Co. A, 16th 111. luf Jordan William, mustered out June 7, '65. McCooley John, mustered out June 7, '65. Sherwood Theodore J., Shabbona, transferred to Co. A, 16th 111. Inf. Williams George, mustered out June 7, '65. ENLISTED MEN OF COMPANY "G." FIRST SERGEANT. Hiram S. Harrington, Franklin, promoted 2d Lieutenant. SERGEANTS. William S. Taylor, Sycamore, discharged Feb. 19, '63; disability. John M. Schoenmaker, Franklin, discharged for promotion as 1st Lieut'| inU. S. C. T., June 27, '64. Samuel H. Williamson, Flora, promoted 1st Serg't, then 1st Lieut. John T. Becker, South Grove, commissioned 1st Lieut., but not mustered M. 0. May 26, '65, as 1st Serg't. Wounded. CORPORALS. Henry Romyen, Tecumseh, Mich., discharged July 6, '64, for promotiol as Capt. in U. S. Col. Troops. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. '^ 195 DeForest P. Bennett, Monroe, discharged Aug. 4, '63 ; disability, rohn Fox, Franklin, discharged March 17, '63; disability, rames R. Williamson, Flora, M. 0. June 7, '65, as Sergeant; wounded. rVilliam C. Fay, Squaw Grove, mustered out June 7, '65. i*arker M. Banks, Franklin, mustered out June 7, '65, as Serg't ; wounded. Vesley Witter, Monroe, died at Flora, 111., Dec. 25, '62. rames Hasburg, Burlington, commissioned 2d Lieut., but not mustered. M. 0. June 7, '65, as Sergeant. MUSICIAN. Samuel ('. Perry, Burlington, died at Cincinnati, 0% Dec. 28, '62. PEIVATES. 3urpee George W., Rockford, promoted Quartermaster Sergeant. Banks Benjamin F., Franklin, discharged April 10, '65; wounds. Barker Anson B., Burlington, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 4, '64. Barker William L., South Grove, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Bradbui'n Nathan E., Burlington, transferred to Eng. Corps, July 25, '64, Bock William, Burlington, died at Gallatin, Tenn., March 27, '63. Baker Richard A., Squaw Grove, discharged March 30, '63, to enlist in Miss. Marine Brigade. Burbig Theodore, Belvidere, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. Barber William H., Malta, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Bennett William S., Franklin, died at Gallatin, Tenn., March 24, '63. Barnard John, Hampshire, mustered out June 7, '65, Ilaspares Nathan S., Franklin, died at Nashville, Tenn., June 10, '63. I!ostar Melvin, Squaw Grove, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 12, '62. jalkins Allen S., Burlington, mustered out June 7, '65. "ollins George W., Plato, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Carlisle Hiram, Burlington, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 6, '62. 21ine Henry, Franklin, died at Gallatin Tenn., Dec. 22, '62. J/asterline Andrew J,, Franklin, mustered out June 7, '65. -hapman Charles W., Burlington, discharged Jan. 12, '63; disability. r^ougle William A., Virgil, mustered out June 7, '65. Davenport .James, De Kalb, transferred to Invalid Corps, July 13, '64. Davis Egbert V., Burlington, mustered out June 7, '65. Dean Charles E., Franklin, mustered out .June 7, '65. Early Henry, Squaw Grove, discharged .Jan. 11, '63; disability. Ellis Linneaus, Virgil, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. Eddy William H. L., Burlington, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Fritz Christopher, Franklin, mustered out June 7, '65. Foss William L., Franklin, killed near Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 16, '64. Fish Daniel W., Burlington, discharged Dec. 14, '62; disability. Gorham Danford, Franklin, died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 18, '64. Gibson Emory M., South Grove, mustered out June 7, '65. Gordon George N., Monroe, mustered out June 7, '65. Holdridge Daniel, Burlington, M. 0. .June 7, '65, as Corporal ; wounded. Hinsdale William, Squaw Grove, absent, sick, at M. 0. of Regiment. Ingalls William N., Burlington, died at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 13, '62. Jones Francis A., Franklin, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. Lusher Anstice, Franklin, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 22, '62. McKee Alfred R., Flora, died at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 18, '62. Miller Lester I., Monroe, supposed killed May 15, '64. Moon Curtis P., Franklin, mustered out June 7, '65. Miller John H., mustered ©ut June 7, '65. Miller Charles M., died at Chattanooga, June 17, '64 ; wounds. Mack Walter S., Franklin, mustered out .June 7, '65. Morgan Harvey M., Burlington, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. 196 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. McLelland William P., Burlington, discharged March 11, 'G3, to enlist in Miss. Marine Brigade. McLelland George W., Burlington, mustered out June 7, '65. Maltby Charles A., Burlington, transferred to Invalid ('orps, Oct. 20, '04; wounded. Patten Byron A., South Grove, discharged June 12, 'G5 ; wounds. Planty Julius, Hampshire, transferred to Eng. Corps, July 25, 'fi4. Perry Myron C, Burlington, mustered out June 7, 'G5. Pritchard Hiram F., South Grove, mustered out June 7, 'G5. Simmons William H., Sycamore, discharged Feb. 7, '63 ; disability. Strawn Charles A., Franklin, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded Southard Daniel R., Franklin, deserted Oct. 29, '62. Since enlisted in 14th in. Cav. Samis Elijah, Burlington, died at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 6, '62. Sylvester Lewis, Squaw Grove, mustered out June 7, '65. Stoker .lohn T., Gridley, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 23, '62. Smith William M., Burlington, discharged July 9, '()4, to accept promotion as 2d Lieut, in 114th U. S. C. T. Strub Peter, Pampas, absent, sick, at M. 0. of Regiment. Thomas Samuel K., South Grove, discharged Feb. 19, '63 ; disability. Taplin Orville H., Flora, mustered out June 7, '65; wounded. Thomas David E., Franklin, mustered out .June 7, '65. Wylde Thomas W., Franklin, discharged March 17, '63; disability. Williams Charles W., Squaw Grove, M. 0. June 7, '65, Corp'l. Wounded Wylke Herman, Franklin, mustered out June 7, '65. AVilliamson Thomas E., Flora, M. 0. June 7, '65, as Serg't; wounded. Young Martin, Burlington, died at South Tunnell, T.. July 11, '63. RECRUITS. Hapgood Julian W., mustered out June 7, '65. Haller Gabriel, Flora, mustered out .June 7, '65. Strawn Joseph H., Sycamore, killed at Peach T. Creek, July 20, 64. Witler Oliver P., M. 0. June 7, '65 ; wounded twice. UNDER COOKS OF A. D. Battie Bird, mustered out June 7, '65. Battie Mat, absent, sick, at M. 0. of Regiment. ENLISTED MEN OF COMPANY "H." FIRST SERGEANT. Walter B. Walker, Sandwich, discharged Sept. 30, '62 ; disabilit}'. SERGEANTS. Harvey Potter, Somonauk, promoted 2d Lieut., then 1st Lieut. George Dean, Asbury, mustered out .June 7, '65, as 1st Sergeant. Com| 2d Lieut., but not mustered. Wallace W. Moore, Freeland, discharged May 5, '65 ; wounds. Frank H. Cole, Somonauk, promoted 1st Serg't, then 1st Lieut. CORPORALS. \. G. White, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65, as Sergeant. Allen Edgerly, Sandwich, mustered out .June 7, '65, as Sergeant Isaac Scoggin, Asbury, mustered out June 7, '65, as Sergeant. Joseph P. Fulton, Freeland, appointed Hospital Steward U. S. A. Israel S. Clark, Somonauk, mustered out June 7, '65, as Private. Jesse L. Gage, Sandwich, died Aug. 12, '64; wounds. Andrew A. Beveridge, Sandwich, discharged Dec. 18, '62; disability. Thomas Mason, Sandwich, discharged Sept. 28, for promotion. 1 THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. PRIVATES. r5aker Thornton, Sandwich, discharged Jan. 4, '63 ; disability. Blackwood Robert C, Victor, died at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 22, 'Go. ]?rown Robert, Freeland, mustered out June 7, '05. Bishop Warren F., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. liullock Rutson J., Victor, discharged Jan. 10, '63 ; disability. Blackwood William, Sandwich, transferred to Eng. Corps. Aug. 14, "64. Breeoher .Jacob, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Coon H J., Freeland, discharged Jan. 13, '63 ; disability. Corke James, Asbury, mustered out. June 7, '65. Corke Jesse, Asbury, discharged Feb. — , '63 ; disability. Carpenter Henry, Squaw Grove, absent, sick, at M. 0. of Regiment. ('arr, H. H., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Davis David, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Devine Michael, Freeland, mustered out June 7, '65. Fames Mott V., Sandwich, Corporal. Trans, to V. R. C, Jan. 2, '65. Fckhart Lewis, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65. Fish W. J. M., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Forsyth Andrew G., Somonauk, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Ferguson Robert, Freeland, transferred to Eng. Corps, Aug. 15, '64. Freeland E. K., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Gurnsey Samuel, Sandwich, died at South Tunnel, Tenn., Dec. 27, '62. Graves William H., Sandwich, died at South Tunnel, Tenn., Dec. 29, '62. Grear A. L., Asbury, killed at Peach T. Creek, July 20, '64. Graham, Andrew H., Freeland, mustered out June 7, '65, as Sergeant. Husted Peter, Sandwich, mustered out July 3, '65. Howard James A., Somonauk, mustered out Oct. 9, '65. Henry .John V., Somonauk, discharged March 28, '64, for promotion R. Q. M., 17th 111. Cav. Hamlin Almon, Sandwich, Sergeant. Transferred to V. R. C, May 15, '64, on account of wounds. Hall Zera W., Sandwich, died at Gallatin, Tenn., March 28, '63. Hall Harlow, Sandwich, mustered out May 19, '65, as Corporal. Hall William T., Sandwich, discharged Dec. 4, '62 ; disability. Harrington George, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Kirkpatrick R. D., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Kirkpatrick M. C, Sandwich, discharged April 16, '63; disability. Kirtland Jerome, Sandwich, absent, wounded, at M. 0. of Regiment. King Michael, Saadwich, died at Louisville, Ky., Nov. 15, '63. Redder H. E., Sandwich, died at Louisville, Ky., July 8, '63. Lamb Stillman C. Sandwich, discharged May 21, '63 ; disability. Mills Benjamin, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Morgan E. H., Sandwich, discharged May 20, '64; disabilily. McCauley M., Sandwich, discharged Nov. 4, '64 ; wounds. McBride Samuel, Sandwich, discharged April 24, '63 ; disability. Martin David, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Mitten Samuel, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Miles Joseph, Sandwich, discharged March 5, '63 , disability. Mead Jonathan, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Merwin George B., Sandwich, mustered out .June 7, '65, as Corporal. McAllister William J., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Miller William, Sandwich, transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 2, '65. Nichols George, Sandwich, mustered out June 21, '65. Poplin Jesse F., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. Piatt David, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Rogers Stephen, Sandwich, discharged .June 15, '64 ; wounds. Riddle C. B., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. ¥ 198 \ HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Rumsey Robert, Sandwich, discharged May 9, 'G5 ; wounds. Samples Nelson, Sandwich, deserted Sept. 8, '62. Enlisted in Cavalrj"^ deserted. Was arrested and shot. Springer Thomas, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Smith Stephen, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Skinner Eldridge, Sandwich, M. 0. June 7, '65, as Corporal: wounded. Schroder William, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Stall J. W., Sandwich, discharged Feb. 3, '63 ; disability. Smith Isaac, Sandwich, mustered out .lune 1, '65 ; pris. war. Stevens A. V., Sandwich, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 18, '62. Tomlin George, 'Sandwich, discharged Oct. 18, '64, as Corp'l; disability. Tracy Charles, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Wells Leonard B., Sandwich, mustered out .June 7, '65. Woodward R., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. AVhilmore Charles W., Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. Wagner Homer A.. Sandwich, discharged Feb. 6, '63 ; disability. AVhite William C, Sandwich, mustered out .June 7, '65. Wilcox 0. A., Sandwich, discharpjed April 17, '63 ; disability. Wright Carter E., Sandwich, mustered out jVIay 20, '65. Burgin .Jesse, Victor, mustered out June 7, '65. Taylor Samuel, Gallatin, Tenn., transferred to Co. C, 16th 111. Inf. UNDER COOK OF A. D. Polk Peter, Nashville, Tenn., mustered out June 7, '65. ENLISTED MEN OF COMPANY " K."' FIRST SERGEANT. John Ellis, Clinton, promoted 2d Lieut., then 1st Lieut. SERGEANTS. Emerson T. Knights, De Kalb, 1st Serg't. Died at Gallatin, Feb. 28, '63 George G. Congdon, Clinton, discharged March 25, '63 ; disability. Charles H. Salisbury, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, "65, as 1st Sergean^ Com. 2d Lieut., but not mustered. Joel A. Gleason, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65, CORPORALS. Truman Pritchard, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65, as Sergeant. .Jerome Perry Clinton, M. 0. .June 7, '65, as Sergeant ; wounded. Albert H. Rolph, De Kalb, discharged Dec. 2, '63, as 1st Sergeant. Byron S. Barnes, Clinton, mustered out .June 7, '65, as Private. Fordys A. Gates, Pierce, died at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 13, '63. Almon M. Ingalls, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65, as Sergeant. Wilbur Earl, Afton, mustered out June 7, '65, as Private. Delano M. Williams, Clinton, discharged Jan. 3, '63; disability. MUSICIANS. Elijah Fields, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65. Thomas Green, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. WAGONER. William B. Aldrich, De Kalb, discharged Dec. 21, '62 ; disability. PRIVATES. Almberg Andrew, De Kalb, absent, sick, at 'M. O. of Regiment. Akerman August, Clinton, mustered out .lune 7, '65. Alford Buell G., Clinton, absent, sick, at INI. 0. of Regiment. Albert Henry, Afton, mustered out June 7. "65. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 199 Allen ira, Clinton, transferred to Eng. Corps, July 2, '04. Bathrick Byron, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. Bowerman Freeman, Milan, mustered out June 7, '65. Belfrage John B., De Kalb, promoted Hospital Steward. Chandler David D., De Kalb, promoted Sergeant Major. Carlton Ezra D., De Kalb, discha.rged Jan. 30, 62 ; disability. Carlton David H., De Kalb, mustered ®ut June 14, '65. Cardell John, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. Campbell James W., De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. Duffy Christopher, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Dunbar Eugene W., De Kalb, discharged April 24, '63 ; disability. Denison Eugene R., Afton. mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Duffy Joseph, Afton, mustered out June 7, '65. Dunbar Solomon T., De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. Elliott Charles, Afton, killed at Kenesaw Mt., June 22, '64. Eaton Joseph R., De Kalb, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 16, '62. Foote Ebenezer, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. Flanders Charles M., Clinton, discharged April 11, '63; disability. Fullerton C. Taylor, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65. Gamble Alexander, De Kalb, died at South Tunnel, Tenn., Feb. 3, '63. Gardner Horace, Clinton, M. 0. June 7, '65 ; wounded twice. Garlock Joseph W., Afton, transferred to Miss. Mar. Brig., Jan. 19, '63. Green John A., Victor, discharged June 3, '65 ; wounds, (lihson James, Clinton, died at Kingston, June 1, '64 ; wounds. Hayman Alexander, Afton, mustered out June 7, '65. Houghton Joseph, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. llawley Matthew S., De Kalb, discharged Jan. 11, '63 ; disability. Hughes Elias, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65. Hall John, Milan, deserted Sept. 10, '62. Huffman John, De Kalb, killed at Averysboro, N. C, March 16, '65. Handy Jerome, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. Johans John P., Afton, killed at Resaca, May 15, '64. Johnson John, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. Kellogg Henry, Clinton, died at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 12, '62. Kruetsfield Peter T., Afton, mustered out June 7, '65. Kimball Joseph A., Clinton, transferred to V. R. C, March 13, '64. Lindsay Jeremiah B., Malta, deserted Sept. 30, '62. Lamb John E., Victor, absent, wounded, at M. 0. of Regiment. Low James, Ctinton, died nt Gallatin, Tenn., March 3, '63. ■ McCollum Joseph W., De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Milton George, Milan, killed at Pine Hill. Ga., June 15, '64. Martin J. Wesley, Milan, deserted Sept. 15, '62. McCabe James, De Kalb, discharged March 11, '63 ; disability. Morrill Jonathan M., Clinion, died at South Tunnel, Tenn., Jan. 26, '63. Manning Luke, Clinton, M. 0. June 7, '65; wounded three times. Martin Thomas H., Afton, Corporal. Transfex'red to Eng. Corps, March 13, '64. Mennis William W.. Clinton, absent, si^;k, at muster-out of Regiment. Nichols Edwin, De Kalb, accidentally killed, June 5, '64. Newton George, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. Olverson Lewis, Afton, died March 25, '65; wounds. Parr Edwin, Clinton, discharged Dec. 26, '62 ; disability. Pearson Edward, Clinton, mustered out June 22, '65 ; wounded. Peterson Lewen, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. Palquert Liven, Mayfield, mustered out June 7, '65. Purcell Ehomas, De Kalb, died at Gallatin, Tenn., April 17, '63. Phillips William H., De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. 200 "^ HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Preslon Stephen F., De Kalb, deserted Oct. 29, 'H2. Smith Andru.?, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '(35; wounded. Seeley Anson, Clinton, discharged May 1-3. '(5-3; cisability. Schroeder Charles N., Clinton, transferred to Eng. Corps, July 2, '(34. Satford Charles B., Malta, detached at M. 0. of llegiment. Scott George H., Afton, mustered out June 7, '(35, as Corporal. St. Leger Richard V., Afton, discharged May 15, 'Go ; disability. Sullivan John, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '(35. Telford Robert, Clinton, discharged Jan. 12, '63 ; disability. Tliompson Robert, Do Kalb, discharged March 7, '(35 ; disability. Townsend Robert, Milan, mustered out June 7, '65 ; wounded. Unvvin Emanuel, Victor, mustered out June 7, '65. Wheeler Dempster, De Kalb, killed near JMarietta, Ga., July 3, '61. Woodruff" Felix, Victor, discharged June 3, '65. Wakefield George W., Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal. Wakefield Horace, (^linton, mustered out June 7, 't>5 ; wounded. Walker Robert, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65, as Corporal Whitmore Thomas C, De Kalb, discharged April 24, '63 ; disability. Wheeler William, Clinton, mustered out June 7, 'l'>5 ; wounded. Wiliberger William H., Clinton, mustered out June 7, '^^), as Corporal. Whitmore Silas A., De Kalb, died at Gallatin, Teuu., Feb. 10, '63. IIECIIUITS. Lamb ("iirtis A., Victor, tranferred to Co. A, I6tli 111. Inf. Pearsons Judson 31., Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. UNDER COOK OF A. D. Fisher Wyatt, killed at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 16, "6-1. ROSTER OF OFFICERS. Colonel. Daniel Dustin, Sycamore, promoted Brevet Brigadier General, March 16, '65. Mustered out June 7, 'G5. Lieutenant Coloneli-. Henry F. Vallette, Naperville, resigned June 18, '64. Everell F. Dutton, Sycamore, promoted Brevet Brigadier General, March 16, '65. Mustered out June 7, '65. Majors. Everell F. Dutton, Sycamore, promoted. Henry D. Brown, Sycamore, mustered out June J, "65. Adjutantn. William N. Phillips, AVayne, resigned Dec. 2, "62. David D. Chandler, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. Quartermastc?-. Timothy AVells, Sycamore, mustered out June 7, '65. Surffcons, Horace S. Potter, Chicago, killed in baitle, June 2, 61. Alfred Waterman. Wiirrenville, mustered out June 7, 65. lirst Assistajit Surgeons. Alfred Waterman, Warrenville, promoted. George W. Beggs, Naperville, mustered out June 7, 'Go. Second Assistant Surgeoii. George AV. Beggs, Naperville, promoted. THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH. 201 Chaplains. Levi P. Crawford, Saiidwicli, resigned December 24, '62. Daniel Chapman, resigned January 8, '65. COMPANY "A."— ftyjdaww. Henry D. Brown, Sycamore, promoted Major. George B. Heath, Sycamore, mustered out June 7, '65. First Lieutenants. George B. Heath, Sycamore, promoted. Henry H. Slater, Genoa, mustered out June 7, '65. Second Lieutenants. Robert D. Lord, Genoa, resigned December 17, '62. W. Robert Thomas, Sycamore, promoted, by Pres., A. A. G., July 15, '61. Chauncfy E. Sixbury, Sycamore, mustered out as Sergeant June 7, '65. COMPANY ''C."— Captains. Alexander L. Warner, Sycamore, resigned February 17, '63. Seorge W. Field, Sycamore, resigned July 11, '63. Charles G. Culver, Sandwich, mustered out June 7, '65. First Lieutenants. George W. Field, Sycamore, promoted. Ilenry B. Mason, Sycamore, resigned September 6, '63. John W. Burst, Franklin, honorably discharged October 19, '^1. Isaac S. Brundage, Cortland, mustered out June 7, '65. Second Lieutenants. Henry B. Mason, Sycamore, promoted. John W. Burst, Franklin, promoted. Charles D. Jackman, Sycamore, mustered out as Sergeant June 7, '65. COMPANY '"'E^."— Captains. Thomas S. Terry, S'labbona, resigned March 16, 63. Marvin V. Allen, S.jd,bbona, honorably discharged January 20, '65. First Lieutenants. Marvin V. Allen, Shabbona, promoted. Albert C. Overton, Shabbona, honorably discharged August 13, '64. Jonathan D. Marryott, Shabbona, mustered out June 7, '65. Second Lieutenants. Albert C. Overton, Shabbona, promoted. John H. Swift, Paw Paw, resigned March 16, '64. Jacob Ostrander, Paw Paw, mustered out as Sergeant June 7, '65, COMPANY " G."— Captains. John B. Nash, Franklin, resigned July 17, '64. John M. Smith, Burlington, honorably discharged as 1st Lieutenant De- cember 24, '64. Samuel H. Williamson, Flora, commission returned. Canceled. First Lieutenants. Richard R. Woodruff, Sycamore, resigned December 24, '02. John i\I. Smith, Burlington, promoted. Samuel H. Williamson, Flora, mustered out June 7, '65. John T. Becker, South Grove, mustered out as 1st Sergeant May 26, '65. Second Lieutenants. John jM. Smith, Burlington, promoted. Hiram S. Harrington, Franklin, resigned August 2, '63. James S. Hasburgh, Burlington, mustered out as Sergeant June 7, 't'5. 26 202 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. COMPANY ''B.r— Captains. Eli L. Hunt, Sandwich, resigned December 17, '62. James S. Forsythe, Somonauk, mustered out June 7, '65. First Lieutenants. James S. Forsythe, Somonauk, promoted. Charles G. Culver, Sandwich, promoted Captain Company C. Harvey Potter, Ashbury, resigned August 17, '64. Frank H. Cole, Somonauk, mustered out June 7, '65. Second Lieutenants. Charles G. Culver, Sandwich, promoted. Harvey Potter, Ashbury, promoted. George W. Dean, Freeland, mustered out as Sergeant June 7, '65. COMPANY ''¥.."— Captains. Horace Austin, De Kalb, resigned November 26, '62. Nathan S. Greenwood. Clinton, resigned December 2, '62. Almon F. Parke, De Kalb, mustered out June 7, '65. First Lieutenants. Nathan S. Greenwood, Clinton, promoted. Almon F. Parke, De Kalb, promoted. John Ellis, Clinton, mustered out June 7, '65. Second Lieutenants. Almon F. Parke, De Kalb, promoted. John Ellis, Clinton, promoted. Charles H. Saulsbury, De Kalb, mustered out as Sergeant June 7, '65. 1 Eighth Illinois Cavalry. \ EIGHTH TLLTNOTS CAVALRY. When the defeat of the Union armies, at the first battle of Bull Run, in July, 1861, had shown the loyal men of the north that the rebellion was far more stupendous in its power than had at first been supposed, and the first soldiers enlisted for three months, and whose time was expiring, were preparing to return home, the country became roused to the necessity of renewed exertions, and prepared to recruit an army of greater magnitude and more thorough organization. The Hon. John F. Farnsworth repaired to Washington, and ob- tained permission to recruit a cavalry regiment of 1200 men for the three years' service. The military authorities heretofore had discouraged the raising of cavalry, but the successes of the Rebel Black Horse Cavalry had shown their necessity, and a few regiments were rather reluctantly authorized. No sooner had Col. Farns- worth received this permission than the young men of this section of the country hastened to join it. Applications for commissions to raise companies poured in, and Col. Farnsworth remarked that, if permitted, he could raise a brigade in a month. Capt. Lorenzo II. Whitney, of Kingston, in De Kalb County, first had a company at the rendezvous, where they took quarters, at the Howard House, St. Charles. The limits of this work do not admit of a detailed account of the experience of the regiment at Camp Kane, St. Charles, its first rendezvous, — of the kind attention to our needs of 206 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY, the ladies of the place, of the meetings and the speeches, of the destruction of rum shops, the drills and the discipline. On the 18th of September, 1861, the regiment was mus- tered into the United States service, after a very insufficient surgical examination. Nearly all were received, but if a rigid examination had been made, according to army regulations, a great deal of suiFering would have been avoided, and the Government would have been saved a great expense. They were a very intelligent class of men, capable of performing any labor; could build railroads, run mills, build wagons, carriages, bridges, "run'' newspapers, or labor in the depart- ments of any of the professions, and in the fine arts. Most of their accomplishments proved useful in the course of their career ; but many of them were too old, many too feeble, and many too young, to endure the hardships incident to the sol- dier's life. On the 14th of October, 1861, the regiment marched to Geneva, and took cars for the seat of war about Washington ; the horses had been sent on a few days previously, in charge of Maj. Beveridge. On all the long journey to Washington our passing train was greeted with shouts and cheers, and waving handkerchiefs, until we arrived in Maryland ; there, all was sullenness and gloom. We had an especially warm welcome at Pittsburg, and a bountiful collation given us, in a spirit of kindness that will long be remembered. Arriving at Washington, on the morning of the 18th of October, we found the whole country about, covered with camps; and at the Soldiers' Rest we were furnished with refreshments, as were all other newly arrived regiments. As we marched up Pennsylvania Avenue, past the White House, President Lin- coln, who stood upon its piazza, remarked: "There goes Farnsworth's big Abolition Regiment," — a name by which we were always after known. We went into camp on Meridian Hill, two miles north of the White House, after having lost our Avay and marched till almost exhausted, and there awaited for many weeks a supply THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY 207 of arms. There was a good deal of sickness, owing to tha marked change in our mode of life and the unfavorable season of the year. Around Washington Gen. McClellan had now collected the largest army that had ever been brought together upon this continent, and the country became clamorous because it lay inactive, while the rebels were almost surrounding Washington. On the 21st of October we heard the cannon and even the musketry of the battle of Ball's Bluif, in which a portion of our army suffered a disastrous defeat ; and we wondered much that this should have been permitted while an hundred thou- sand troops lay idle within hearing distance. Grand reviews of tens of thousands of troops were of con- stant occurrence, but still there was no advance upon the enemy. Large numbers of our troops fell sick, or were found too infirm from age to endure the hardships of life in camp, and many were discharged and sent home. We were brigaded with the 1st Michigan and 4th Pennsyl- vania cavalry, forming the First Brigade of Cavalry in the U. S. A., and we were finally assigned to duty under the noble and much-loved old Gen. Sumner, who had just arrived from California, and been given a command in Virginia, in front of Alexandria; but, not having received arms, we did not move to our newly selected camp until the 13th of Decem- ber. We had then eighty-five sick, but few of them were willing to go to the general hospital, and all who could sit on a horse went with the regiment. Thousands of spectators crowded the streets of Washington as we passed through, for such a body of mounted men had never before marched through Washington. Our new equip- ments and our well-fed and well-groomed Western horses made a fine appearance. We had eighty-one army wagons to carry what we then thought were the mere necessaries of life; but before the close of the war we found that twelve were really sufficient, — so little did we then know of the real Life of the soldier. \ 208 ' HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. Established in camp, our regiment was almost daily called on for detachments to do escort duty, and during the fine Aveather our life was very pleasant ; but after the festivities of Christmas the rain fell in torrents, the red clay soil became knee-deep with half-frozen mud, the tents, some of which had umvisely been dug below the surface to give a greater height within, became saturated with water; sickness began to in- crease, and our discomforts seemed unendurable. During January more than five hundred of our boys were on the sick list, mostly from typho-malarial fever, and the two comfortless hospital tents being over-crowded, many were sent to the General Hospital at Alexandria, where several died. About a mile from camp was a handsome mansion, owned by a rebel, but occupied by another family. This we finally took forcible possession of, and it made us an excellent hospital. On the 24th of January permission Avas obtained to move the regiment to Alexandria, and shelter it in the vacant houses; abandoned by the "secesh," while our horses could be quar- tered in deserted foundries. This Avas a great improvement, both for our OAvn safety and for our horses, who, left shelter- less upon the open country, had suffered more than we, and it Avas really necessary to prevent our destruction by disease. We noAV began to live in greater comfort, but our regiment Avas far from popular among the secesh of Alexandria, or Avith Gen. ^Montgomery, a superannuated old army officer, who Avas Military Governor of the city, and a great favorite Avith the rebels of the city, especially the ladies. But there were many cood, earnest Union men and Avomen in the city, who Avere Avarmly our friends, although not popular at Montgomery's headquarters. On Sunday, February 9th, Capt. Elon G. Farnsworth, of our regiment, — a member of the Episcopal Church, — was at- tending worship with some of our men, when he discovered that the secessionist clergyman, Stewart, omitted the prayers for the President. He arose and demanded that they be read as usual, and, on refusal, he arrested the clergyman in i \ m yiiT=LA\,mijTre:imiD). Cliica^o Lithoei-aphin^ Co, Chicago. \ THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 209 pulpit, and took him to headquarters. Gen. Montgomery, of course, released him. Petty difficulties were constantly arising between our regi- ment and the Military Governor, who was trying the concilia- tory policy with the rebels, and he endeavored to have us, who had come to fight rebels, removed from the city. The Union people of the city, however, were anxious that we : should remain, and in token of their good will they formally ] presented us with a beautiful silken banner, the presentation i being made the occasion for numerous friendly speeches. There was evidently no prospect of an advance of the army before spring, but frequent scouting parties of our regiment were sent out, in which we generally exchanged shots with the rebels, and captured some of them. On the 19th of March the long inaction of the army was ended, and we were ordered to advance upon the enemy. We started at five o'clock, and marched in the cold rain nineteen miles upon that day. The movements of our vast army, as from some favorable height we occasionally caught sight of it, was a spirit-stirring spectacle, and at night its thousands of camp-fires, lighting up the country as far as the eye could reach, was beautiful indeed. Next morning we moved forward to Langster's Station, and there learned that the enemy had evacuated Manassas, and retreated toward Richmond. March- ing on to Bull Run, on the 12th, we found abundant evidence of the hasty retreat of the enemy, — their burned wagons and camp equipage being strown around. A portion of our regiment was now ordered to Gen. How- ard's command, another portion to Gen. French's, and a part remained to guard the wagon trains at Union Mills. Scout- ing through Centreville, we found its famous fortifications mounted with wooden guns, and the village of Manassas burned to the ground. The roads were terrible, and it being found impossible to forward provisions so far in advance, we were moved back to Fairfax Station, where we encamped in a grove in the midst 27 210 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. of a pitiless rain storm. The horses were knee-deep in mud, and without forage. Soon after we were ordered back to Union Mills in the night, and the railroad having been re- paired, so that supplies could be forwarded, the greater part of the regiment remained on the plains of Manassas with Gen. Howard, occupying the deserted rebel huts. Here we re- mained ten days. On the 28th we moved forward in advance of a strong re- connoisance under Gen. Howard, and drove a considerable force of rebels, who burned a large quantity of forage and stores to prevent their falling into our hands. We retraced our steps to Warrenton on the next day, and found that our Adjutant, Lumbard, Sergeant Major Raysworth, and three privates of our force, were missing. We moved back over the ground next day in search of them, and found that they had been captured in a house at which they had stopped, after making a lively resistance, in which one of their number was wounded. On the 31st scouts came in, reporting the advance of a brigade of rebel cavalry. Our regiment started out to attack them, when, much to our annoyance, they proved to be a party of our own regiment, loaded with bundles of hay. April 2d our scouting parties had a lively skirmish with a force of rebels, wounding several of them. Lieut. Hotop, while alone in advance, narrowly escaped capture by a display of great gallantry. April 7 th the third battalion of our regiment, under Major Dustin, with five companies of infantry and two pieces of ar- tillery, were ordered forward on a mission which we understood to be a surprise upon the enemy. Col. Lucas was in command of the expedition, but lost his road; and arriving late at the Rappahannock, we drove some rebels across, and threw some shells into their fortifications, scattering them, Avhen we re- turned to our camp in a drenching rain, and with roads almost impassable. During the previous two weeks McC'l^Us.ii's grand strategic N THE EiaHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 211 inovement on Richinond, by way of the peninsula, had com- ;nenced, and we who had been retained as a kind of rear guard livere now ordered back to Alexandria, to embark for the pe- Ijiinsula. The march to Alexandria was one of the most difficult in !)ur experience. We were everywhere surrounded by streams hvollen by the long-continued rains till they had become im- passable torrents. The bridge at Cedar Run had been burned by the enemy, but we connected a few floating timbers, so ihat, by unremitting labor, we got our numerous sick men ijicross, and then the regiment was marched to the Junction, vhere the stream was forded with difficulty ; and we proceeded JLS far as Owl Run, which we found could only be crossed by iiwimming. A part had succeeded in gaining the opposite ihore, when Lt. Col. Gramble gave the order to countermarch, LS it was impossible to get our baggage across, and dangerous 'or the troops. The scene of a thousand horsemen floundering n the turbid water of a rapid and dangerous stream was one ;;hat we never desired to see again. Back we turned to our I'ormer camp, which we reached as the rain had turned into mow, and in the midst of darkness. To add to our discom- brts, we found that the slight means of shelter which we had ,h(;re provided, by piling up logs, driving stakes and fastening )n them our rubber blankets, had been appropriated by other Iroops, and nothing but destitution greeted us. We built res with difficulty, gathered snow to make coff"ee, and sat up 11 night, trying to dry our clothing. Notwithstanding our esperate situation, which was increased by our being short f rations, an universal shout of joy went up when we received the news of the capture of Island No. 10, and we were in- jspired with fresh courage. Next day the storm still raged, jVnd weary and exhausted, with scanty rations and no shelter put our blankets, the horses shivering as if they would fall in ■oieces, our distress was extreme. On the 10th we started again, and by another road. After larrowly escaping drowning in Broad Run, we reached the 212 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. old Bull Eun battle-field, but finding that stream still too dangerous to cross, we encamped on that memorable ground, amid the bleaching bones of our fallen braves. Next day, after several abortive efforts to cross, ^e found a rickety bridge, over which we passed, and moving through Centreville and Fairfax C. H., reached Alexandria. It was just one month since we started out, with good health, high spirits and admirable equipments. We had marched hundreds of miles, endured untold hardships, and now returned, jaded and ex- hausted, two hundred less in number. In Alexandria we took our old quarters, and commenced to recruit, preparatory to our peninsula campaign. Here we again had difficulty with the new Military Governor, Col. Viele, an abusive, intemperate man, which was ended by Col. Farnsworth ordering his guard to shoot him if he attempted to abuse or interfere with his command. On the 24th our regiment embarked for the voyage to the peninsula. Two steamboats, one steam tug, and twenty transports were required for our conveyance, and we made a large fleet by ourselves. Anchoring each night for greater safety, it was not till the 2Tth that we arrived at Shipping Point, our place of disembarkation, where an immense fleet of all kinds of vessels made a scene of life and animation long to be remembered. Our turn to land did not come till the 29th, and was not completed till the 1st of May. The horses were pushed overboard and swam ashore, and the stores and men passed on a dock formed of canal boats. The coun- try was all low, and the water we used came from springs that were overflown at high tide. It was very poor and brackish, and numerous cases of diarrhoea were caused by it among our men. The army was now stretched across the narrow peninsula, between the York and James rivers, besie^inof Yorktown. Zior-zag trenches were dug; at night, in which our men lay during the day, and earthworks were constructed at intervals, mounted with heavy guns. The cannonading was constant \ THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. ' 213 and terrific. We were attached to Gen. Richardson's division, of Sumner's Corps. On the morning of May 4th the enemy evacuated York- town, and our regiment was soon in pursuit. We passed amono- their frowning earthworks, where hidden torpedoes, left by the base foe, occasionally exploded, killing and wound- ing some of our army, and where the ground was strewn with overcoats, which our infantry, owing to the heat, had thrown away. Pushing forward over muddy roads, we were formed for battle at Lebanon Church, where our advance cavalry, — a regular regiment under Stoneman, — had been ambushed and repulsed. But we were soon ordered back to make way for artillery and infantry, who engaged the enemy. At night Lebanon Church was full of those of the wounded who had not fallen into the hands of the foe, and our medical staff spent the night in operating on them, the surgeon properly in charge being intoxicated and incapable. Next day, May 5th, occurred the famous battle of Wil- liamsburg, in which, after long and desperate fighting, Hook- er's gallant corps, reinforced after long delay by Kearney, drove the enemy from their thickly wooded position, and cleared the way to Richmond. But alas, our advantage was not vigorously followed up. Cavalry not being suited to this battle, we were in the rear. One company was employed in overturning army wagons to permit the advance of Kearney; and in the afternoon we were moved to the right of the line, where the balls from Magruder's batteries came tearing in among us. Hancock's grand charge finally put an end to the fight, and moving back, we encamped for the night. Our horses, without food for two days, were very restive, and, breaking their fastenings, ran frantically about. Every building was filled with wounded, whose shrieks could be heard over the sound of the raging storm. It was a fearful night. Early next morning we advanced over the battle-field, among the piles of dead, and occupied Williamsburg. The medical director was without bandages and dressings for the 214 "'v HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. \ wounded, the supply not having come up, and was in great distress for want of them. We supplied him from the stores packed for us by the good ladies of St. Charles, and their bounty no doubt saved many valuable lives. Lieutenant and Commissary Chamberlain, and three of our men, were here captured, while out in search of forage, and for years after suffered the horrors of Libby prison. The army remained four days inactive, and our regiment was employed in scouting, capturing many prisoners. On the 9th we advanced five miles, and were just going into camp when we Avere ordered to the relief of Gen. Stone- man, who, with one regiment, was twenty miles in advance. It was a terribly weary and exhausting night march. Next day we moved to New Kent, were divided into two columns, and one under Col. Farnsworth had a sharp skirmish with the enemy, who retreated. The other, under Lieut. Col. Gamble, also encountered the rebels, and drove them, without loss. On the 11th a part of our regiment moved forward, and drew the fire of rebel batteries, and on the 13th reached the "White House," on the Pamunkey. The infantry in immense numbers now came up, and Ave moved to Black Creek, where we remained till the 17th, the entire army delayed for want of a bridge over that stream. The West Point engineers had taken a survey of the spot, made a profile view of the structure to be erected, with esti- mates, etc., and had sent this to headquarters for approval. When Col. Farnsworth learned the cause of delay, he went to Gen. Stoneman's headquarters, and learned that several days would yet be consumed in constructing the bridge. "With my Western boys I can build a bridge in six hours," said Col. Farnsworth. "Will you do it?" said Gen. Stoneman; "if you will, take all the men you can use.'' "I want no men but my own regiment," said Col. Farnsworth. In two hours and a-half a squad of our 8th Illinois Cavalry had constructed a substantial bridge of logs, over which Ave passed, and soon captured some prisoners. Stoneman's troops ^1 THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY ^ 215 followed, and he immediately sent Avord back to Gen. McClel- lan that he Avas beyond Black Creek, and moving on to Rich- mond. The whole army crossed Avithout difficulty, but the engineers^ Avho soon after arrived, Avere incensed because they had not been permitted to construct the bridge according to the rules of their profession. On the 19th Ave advanced to Coal Harbor, driving the rebel cavalry before us. The First Battalion, under Major Clen- denin, near here captured eighty-five mules and horses, Avith ten loaded Avagons. Many negroes joined us. The better class of Avhites had fled, and the poorer were so abject and ignorant as to be objects of pity. On the 20th the 6th U. S. Cavalry, which had just arrived, took the advance Avhich we had previously held, and, advanc- ing Avithout the precaution of throwing out skirmishers, they were ambushed, and had several killed and Avounded. Our regiment moved forward to the scene of conflict, and encamped at Gaines' Mill. On the 21st Companies E and K had a smart skirmish with the enemy, driving them still nearer to Richmond. On the 23d all advanced with Gen. Smith's di- vision till within six miles of Richmond, when a rebel battery opened on us and scattered shell among us, killing some horses, but fortunately none of our men. One of our batteries came up and silenced the rebel artillery. Our men stood to horse all of that night. May 24th occurred the battle of Mechanicsville. This village is five miles from Richmond, a half-mile north of the Chickahominy. The fight was a desperate one, and the little village was almost torn in pieces. Our Second Battalion, under Major Dustin, supported both flanks, and the remainder of the regiment Avere engaged in picket duty. After the rebs were driven across the river, Capt. Rapelje, Avith Company I, performed the perilous task of destroying the bridge by Avhich they crossed. Four of our men chopped ofi" its timbers, and escaped unharmed, although rapidly fired upon by the enemy's sharp-shooters. The First Battalion destroyed a portion of 216 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. the railroad and burned a bridge, and in an encounter with rebel cavalry killed and wounded several. The rebels seemed to fear our carbines, which were more efficient than theirs. We were now in sight of Richmond, distant five or six miles, and the Chickahominy was the dividing line between the forces. A large number of our regiment were now em- ployed as orderlies and scouts under Gen. Keys. On the 11th we captured fourteen rebels, without losing a man. On the 23d another advance of our army brought on an engage- ment, in which the enemy were forced back beyond Savage Station. The line of our army was now about ten miles in length, crossing the Chickahominy, which here ran south- easterly, and the 8th occupied the right flank. On the 27th Fitz John Porter's Corps moved toward Hanover C. H., and had a severe engagement. We followed in supporting dis- tance, and captured a train of cars trying to escape from Hanover to Richmond. We ran it up the road some distance, to reconnoiter, then returned and burned it. We tore up the road, — the Virginia Central, — and then were ordered in the thick darkness of the night to proceed ten miles to the Rich- mond and Potomac road, and destroy that. In the murky darkness, without guide or compass, we soon came upon the rebel pickets. We had been ordered not to fire, but capture pickets if possible; but soon they fired on us, roused their camp, and we were forced to retire from our perilous expedi- tion. We slept in the storm beside our saddled horses, several miles in advance of the main army, and only escaped capture by good luck. Our regiment now guarded the right wing of the army for ten miles along the Chickahominy and the Virginia Central Railroad, having picket stations and reserves at various points. On the 31st and the following day was fought the battle of Fair Oaks, or Seven Pines. On the morning of the 31st Major Beveridge crossed the Chickahominy to take command of his battalion on that side of the stream, but before joining his men heard rapid firing, and advancing, found Gen. Carey's 1 THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. troops falling back before an impetuous attack of overpowering numbers, and Gen. Keys advancing to their support. lie supported Gen. Keys, and was directed to keep his men well in hand, and as near him as possible. Companies D and F acted as orderlies, were much exposed, and highly comj)li- mented for their bravery. Two were killed and one wounded. These companies lost all of their clothing, camp equipage and stores. The loss to our army in this terrible battle was 5739 ; the enemy acknowledged a loss of 4233. Reinforcements enabled us next day to remain victors of the field. Our boys, while on this picket line, kept up a lively trade with the ignorant people of the country, who were anxious to get Confederate currency, but would not take greenbacks. Our boys got hold of a supply of the rebel currency, and lived high upon their purchases Avith it. Capt. E. J. Farns- worth one day gave a splendid dinner party at his picket post, which was an elegant mansion, splendidly furnished, and where all the luxuries of high life, together with costly wines, Avere served up by colored waiters ; and the Captain subse- quently took his guests back to their stations in elegant car- riages. Gen. Sumner's opinion of the daring of our boys may be learned from the following incident : A Lieutenant commanding a New York battalion Avas or- dered to go to the front, and if possible ascertain the position of the enemy. "Hoav far shall I go?" said he. "As far as you dare go," was the reply; "and you will there find the boys of the 8th Illinois miles ahead, stealing horses !" On the night of June 3d our army repulsed a severe assault of the enemy, in which our regiment was engaged, but Avith- out loss. The news-boys circulated frequently among our men, selling New York dailies at twenty-five cents each, filled with rumors of a grand advance, and the speedy capture of Richmond, but no advance Avas made. Passing the battle-ground of Fair Oaks on June 10th, Ave 28 218 ' HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. 1 found hundreds of the rebel dead festering in the hot sun, and the stench from their bodies was intolerable. The rebel prisoners had been ordered to bury them, but had thrown only a few shovelsfull of earth on them, and this had been washed away by the rains, leaving them exposed and putrefying, — a horrible sight. Our army had now lain nearly a month in about the same position, fighting some terrible battles, but gaining no marked advantage. Supplies were Avith difficulty brought from the White House, twenty-five miles distant. Stonewall Jackson, victorious in the Shenandoah, had now returned to the defence of Richmond. On June 26th occurred the memorable second battle of Mechanicsville, and the first of the famous seven-days fight, in which the army, cut off from its base of supplies at the White House, executed a change of base to the James River, at Harrison's Landing, — a movement among the most import- ant of the war. Upon the morning of this day. Major Dus- tin's battalion was on picket duty, with reserve posts at Atlee's Station, Mrs. Crenshaw's farm, Shady Grove Church, and the Cross Roads ; and at an early hour the Major, in company with Captain Hooker and Orderly Armsby, left Atlee's Sta- tion, and after visiting Company H, rode beyond the videttes toward Hanover C. H. Half a mile on they passed through a gateway toward a farm-house, then, starting to return, they were fired on by what proved to be the advance guard of the rebel army, in ambush. Captain Hooker was shot through the body, but clinging with difficulty to his horse, the party endeavored to reach the reserve post by a circuitous route. After gaining about half the distance, his strength failed, and he was assisted to dismount. Major Dustin ministered to his wants as well as he was able, but despairing of getting him within our lines, and knowing that his duty required him to reach his command as soon as possible, he told the suffering man that he must leave him. But in vain the Major urged his imperative duty to his battalion. " Oh, Major !" he cried, ^ THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 219 '•I would not leave you if you were in my situation." Prom- ising to return for him, if possible, Major Dustin hurried back to the Cross Roads, ordered out a line of skirmishers, and ent men to bring in the wounded Captain. But the enemy advanced so rapidly that this was found impossible. The Captain fell into the enemy's hands, and was placed in charge of a Dr. Overton of that neighborhood, and died soon after. Thus the 8th Illinois received the first fire and made the first mortal sacrifice in the memorable seven-days battles. Most of this country is traversed by small streams, running into the Chickahominy, and lined with swamps thickly covered with timber and underbrush. The roads, running parallel with the main river, thus crossed alternate woods and open f farms. Our pickets were thrown out at the edge of the woods and swamps, to watch the approaches of the enemy. The men of Companies C, G, and H, thus thrown out, sent many a leaden messenger of death into the ranks of the foe as they ■slowly advanced, and the other companies on the other roads pursued the same course, as all retired before the advancing army, also falling trees to retard their march. By noon the infantry had reached the front and engaged the enemy, retard- ing their further approach till three o'clock. Company B was on the road leading to Pole Green Church, and vigorously resisted the approach of the enemy, in which resistance William Chambers was shot through the heart; but : one of his comrades instantly avenged his death by shooting i his adversary. This man's horse was now killed and he se- : verely injured by the fall, and reported killed. As the rebels advanced he adroitly counterfeited death till the rebels passed ; then arose, and escaped to our lines. As our regiment was drawn up in line awaiting orders, we were surprised at the appearance of the venerable ex-Governor John Wood, of Ill- inois, who, equipped in captured rebel accoutrements, contin- ued with us during all the long and memorable series of en- gagements, exposing himself to the bullets of the enemy, and pheering us by his courage and devotion. 220 ' HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. We were soon ordered to support a battery near Pole Green Church, but the expected enemy did not attack us, but directed their attacks to Mechanicsville, where the fighting was terrific, and our troops gradually gave way before superior numbers. They were finally stopped for the night by a stub- born resistance near Beaver Dam Creek, in which the slaugh- tered rebels were piled in heaps, and the fight did not cease till nine o'clock at night. A little before dark our position became critical ; a cannon ball struck the anvil of McGregor, our old Scotch blacksmith, our camp was broken up, our hos- pital evacuated, and with one ambulance, a two-wheeled cart, and one army wagon as our only means of transportation, we loaded in such of our numerous sick ones as were unable to walk, and moved four miles across the creek, near Gaines' mill. Before our hospital was cleared of its sick, a cannon ball had struck it and shattered it severely. Early next morning ayc shipped our sick and wounded to White House Landing, on the last train that passed over the road before that base of supplies was captured. Next day occurred the battle of Gaines' mill. Our forces were admirably posted, and long and bravely resisted the enemy. But Stonewall Jackson's forces came up in the after- noon, with his fresh troops, and our reserves under General Slocum were advanced, and for the time drove back the foe; but fresh columns of rebel troops were pushed forward; our lines became thinner and weaker; thousands of wounded and stragglers poured to the rear, and the day seemed lost. Colonel Farnsworth now formed our regiment across the field, and ordered that none but the wounded be permitted to pass. We soon had a compact line formed, and they moved forward, cheering, with but the bayonet as a defence, and held the ground till darkness put an end to the carnage. Detachments of our regiment under Captain Kelly and Lieutenant W. M. Taylor had been sent out, and had severe skirmishes with the enemy, succeeding in destroying our sup- plies to prevent their capture. THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY / 221 In the morning of the 28th we found the railroad had been cut in our rear. A train loaded with wounded was being unloaded and laid on the ground, covering several acres, and our regiment was ordered to take the advance in the retreat to Harrison's Landing. We selected our own wounded, and placed them in ambulances, but were forced to deny the re- quest of hundreds of poor fellows who piteouslj begged to be taken with us, so that they should not fall into the hands of the enemy. General McClellan, now desiring to prevent our immense accumulation of stores at the White House from falling into the hands of the foe, sent to our regiment for three discreet men to penetrate to that point, through the intervening coun- try now occupied by the enemy, and bear orders for their destruction. Colonel Farnsworth selected Sergeant Bushnell, Private Beckwith, and another of our men, who, guided only by the stars and a pocket compass, swam the Chickahominy, threaded the forest, and after an arduous and dangerous night march, reached the White House in safety, and delivered their message. The sick and wounded were speedily placed j on steamers, millions of dollars' worth of stores were loaded upon transports, and millions more committed to the flames, just as the enemy's advance, who had counted much upon their capture, made its appearance. Now commenced our disastrous retreat through White Oak Swamp. Wagon trains, ambulances, artillery, infantry, and cavalry, crowded every road and path through field and forest. All day and through the night the teamsters struggled and worked to get their loads through the mud, and over the one rickety bridge, while the wounded hobbled along, — a terrible procession. On this afternoon occurred the battle at Savage Station by our forces, under General Sumner, who covered our rear. Dense clouds of smoke and terrific explosions in- dicated the destruction of our stores at that point. Next day our regiment was ordered by General Keys to conduct a train of seventy ambulances and many hundreds of 222 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. wagons, loaded with wounded, to James River. They were loaded to their utmost capacity, while hundreds of sick and wounded hobbled along beside them, begging and beseeching to be permitted to ride. All through that dreadful night we moved on ; harrassed by squads of rebel cavalry on our flanks, disputing our advance; forbidden to light even a lantern, lest we makea mark for the enemy; lighted on our road only by flashes of lightning, whose peals of thunder, mingled with the roar of the rebel artillery in our rear, added intensity to its horrors ; often forced to dismount and pull the exhausted and wounded from under our horses' hoofs, where they had sunk upon the road, too much exhausted to crawl out from beneath the wheels of the train. The horrors of that dreadful night will never be known till those swamps give up their dead who sank that night to rise no more. About three o'clock next mornino; we reached the James River, near Ilaxall's Landing. The teams were driven into some wheat fields, and the tired drivers sank down for a brief repose. Soon after General McClellan arrived, and went on board the gunboat Galena. Mrs. Fogg, an agent of the Sanitary Commission, who had occupied with Mrs. General Richardson one of our ambulances, and embarrassed us by their shrieks of terror on the march, now proceeded to use up the delicacies of the commission in a nice breakfast for themselves and some of the oflicers, while the wounded, fed on hard-tack and coffee, looked hungrily on. A severe cannonading, heard in our rear on this day, we afterwards learned was caused by a contest with the enemy, known as the battle of Glendale, or Frazer's farm, and said to be the severest fight since Gaines' mill. The enemy was repulsed, but our retreat was still continued. The commander of the gunboats concluding from the steep- ness of the banks of the river at this point that he could not protect us with his guns, we now moved down eight miles to Harrison's bar, through a country full of waving wheat fields, THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 223 and rich in fruit and other resources. We occupied the Har- rison mansion for our hospital, and soon had two hundred of the wounded within, and the fields around strewn with thous- ands, tortured as much with hunger as with wounds. We soon found a half-dozen heef cattle, slaughtered them, hunted up kettles, made soup, and distributed it with hard-tack to the famishing men. Soon two steamboats from the White House arrived, with fifteen surgeons and six cooks, and the wounded were transferred to the hospital boats. During this day the roar of the battle of Malvern Hill was heard at our landing, and the wounded still came pouring in upon us, all day and the night following. The rain fell in torrents, making mud unfathomable, but relieving the distresses of the thirsty men. Up to July 4th our camp was in the utmost confusion, but the wounded having been mostly sent oif, some order was res- tored, our camp was fortified, and we had time to take a long breath. The camp having become more systematized, the regiment was moved out about four miles, and kept busy in picketing and arranging the lines, while a number of our men were em- ployed as orderlies, carrying dispatches both by day and by night. In collisions with rebel scouts about this time several were wounded. General Farnsworth, suffering severely from a diseased leg, received leave of absence on the 8tli of July, and Major Clendenin took command. Some dissatisfaction had occurred between members and officers of the regiment, and several officers resigned, among them Adjutant Gifford, Captain Dana, Chaplain Matlack, and Captain Cleveland, whose loss was deeply regretted by most, if not all, of the regiment. A great many fell sick with dysentery and kindred diseases. On the 20th a large detachment of the regiment, under Majors Beveridge and Clendenin, proceeded toward Malvern Hill, driving the rebel pickets and drawing their artillery fire. Sylvanus Brott had his horse killed under him, and was wounded by a fragment of shell. 224 IICST0R7 OF DEKALB COUNTY. On the 22d another reconnoisance of the rebels' position on Malvern Hill was made by two detachments under Major Beveridge and Captain Waite, in which four of our men were wounded. On the next day Clendenin drew the enemy into an ambush, and, getting a cross-fire on them, emptied many of their saddles, and sent them flying in retreat, when a large force of rebel cavalry approaching, our regiment returned to camp. On August 2d Ave reported to General Hooker, and moved out Avith a large force to repel an expected attack of the enemy; but the expected foe did not approach. Next day Companies H and K penetrated far into the enemy's lines in the neigh- borhood of Malvern Hill, and some of our men, disguised, entered houses, and from their inmates gained important in- formation about the position of the rebels' pickets. On the 5th a large force under Hooker, Sedgwick, Kearney and Couch, captured Malvern Hill, the rebels escaping by a road unknoAvn to our forces. When their escape was discov- ered, our regiment charged on their rear. The rebel cavalry broke and fled, but the infantry poured on us a severe volley, killing Sergeant Moss, of Company L, Duggan, of Company C, and severely wounding Lieutenant Colonel Gamble and four of our men. We captured seventy-five prisoners. A detachment of our forces under Captain Forsythe had a sharp encounter Avith rebels about this time, and soon after Sergeant John A. Kinley, Ira Kennicott and Ira Pettys pen- etrated the rebel lines to reconnoiter. They were detected Avhile climbing trees to get a good look-out, and the rebels advanced in line of battle, supposing there was a large force. They escaped barefooted, and Avithout their coats and arms, after obtaining valuable information, but were very closely pursued. Soon after our capture of Malvern Hill our army retreated from Harrison's Landing to Yorktown, the 8th bringing up the rear. The boys had been terribly irritated by McClellan's policy of protecting rebel property, especially by being forced THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALllY. 226 to protect the property of one Bill Carter, livini^ in tliufc vi cinity, Avho had two sons fighting us in the rebel army, while jhis 1200 bushels of corn and fat horses were protected, and tbur horses were sometimes starving. When we left, by some Itnysterious stratagem, three of Carter's horses went with us, ifind did excellent service for us for a year after. jl The army crossed the Chickahominy near its mouth, the iSth Illinois being the last regiment to cross, then passed gloomily through Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown, — the ground we had gained at such a fearful cost, — and on the j30th of August took shipping for Alexandria, where we ar- rived on the 1st and 2d of September. i The rebels' main army was now advancing rapidly on Washington, hoping to overpower our forces under General Pope, and capture our National Capital. The second disas- iprous battle of Bull Run, and the subsequent one at Chantilly, (Vere fought while we were in transit to Alexandria. All was dismay. Treachery among our Generals, and tri- imph on the part of the rebels, seemed to be leading us to mmediate ruin. General Farnsworth joined us at Alexandria, with several lew recruits, and we were at once ordered to Munson's Hill? vhere we performed duty as videttes and scouts. On the 2d md 3d we skirmished with the rebel advance, and had some •iien wounded. On the night of the 4th, as we were lying lown on the ground, we received orders to march; passed icross the Potomac, through Washington and Tenallytown on ,;he north, and, marching all night, reached Darnestown, Maryland, at 10 o'clock A. M. But we were at once ordered |>ut on a scout, although we had marched forty-six miles with- imt food for ourselves or horses. 11 The rebels had gone up the Potomac, and were making lashes into Maryland, and it was our duty to repel them, rhe 3d Indiana Cavalry, — a splendid regiment, admirably nounted, each man furnishing and owning his horse, — here lecame associated with us, and during a long subsequent fampaign became to us like brothers. I 29 226 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. 1 1 On the 7th a detachment of our regiment under Captain Farnsworth, — the model of the daring cavalry officer, — dashed into Poolesville, and captured two rebels with their accoutre- ments. Major Dustin, who had been absent at home, and while there had been chosen Colonel of the 105th Infantry, now returned to take leave of his regiment. Colonel Farnsworth was put in command of th(; Cavalry Brigade, and Major Medill assumed the command of our regiment. On the next day our brigade moved into Poolesville, after a severe fight, in which the enemy were driven from the field, leaving eight dead and twenty wounded. On the 9th we moved toward Barnesville in detachments. One, under Captain Farnsworth, dashed upon the 9th Virginia Cavalry, drove them, and charging furiously upon them in their retreat, killed some of their horses, whose falling bodies, undistinguishable amid the clouds of dust, brought pursuers and pursued together in heaps upon the road. We captured eight prisoners and the rebel colors. On another road an- other detachment under Captain Kelley drove the rebels two miles beyond Barnesville, capturing thirteen prisoners. On this charge it is related that Corporal George M. Roe, of Company B, mounted on a splendid horse, well known in Shabbona, in this County, as "Lamkin's Billy," and sold for incurable viciousness, dashed uncontrollable beyond a party of rebels, and when he finally was stopped, and the four gray- backs approached, with revolver in hand Roe demanded their surrender. One moved to get out his pistol, and Roe shot him; then, covering the others with his revolver, he held them in the road till Captain Kelly's company coming up, they were all taken prisoners. Captain Kelly had a personal en- counter with a rebel Lieutenant Williams, and gave him a mortal wound. Our regiment halted at Barnesville, when the rebs again advanced upon our men, who were drawn up to receive them. Our artillery in thg rear scattered them. One shot took off THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CA^^ i 227 the nose of the horse on which Solomon Jewell, of our regi ment, was seated. On the 12th we marched in a severe storm to Frederick City, meeting General Banks' Corps on the way, and encamped in sight of rebel camp-fires on the neighboring hills. Moving forward again next day, we found the pass in the mountains defended by the enemy's artillery, and an encounter with our artillery and infantry lasted till noon, but ended in the rout of the foe, when our cavalry dashed forward in pur- suit. We dashed on to Middletown, where the rebs burned a bridge to impede our pursuit, and where the people received us joyfully, supplying us with refreshments. We forded the river, and again came up with them near South Mountain. A detachment under Major Medill went out on the flarper's Ferry road, and had a fight with a very superior force, in which we lost eight men wounded, and the 3d Indiana lost many more. F. B. Wakefield, of Company Cr, was captured by a party of rebels, who subsequently attempted to kill him by sabre cuts on his head. They left him for dead, but he subsequently returned to our lines and recovered; but in his subsequent career he amply avenged this brutal treatment. On the 14th occurred the memor Me battle of South Moun- tain, fought among mountain fastnesses, where cavalry could not be used. Posted in the rear, we watched the varying issues of the conflict with eager interest; and when at dusk Hooker's Corps gained the crest of the mountain, and put the foe to flight, we shouted with glad joy. Next day the enemy retreated, and we followed in pursuit, passing where every house, barn and shed was filled with neglected wounded men. At Boonsboro a cavalry brigade under Fitz Hugh Lee jlmade a stand. Colonel Farnsworth ordered a charge, and so impetuous was it that the enemy broke and fled. Several times they attempted to rally and form a new line, but our pursuit was too sharp. For two or three miles we kept up a hand-to-hand fight, in which great gallantry was displayed by both sides, and we finally scattered them among fields and woods, where they could not be followed. 228 HISTu^-7e now lay quiet several days, — a much-needed rest. On the 25th, under command of Colonel Farnsworth, we made a reconnoisance across the river, driving the rebels from Shepardstown, and capturing several prisoners of rank ; and I on the 29th we participated in another reconnoisance in force, under command of General Pleasanton. On the 30th a squadron under Captain Waite made a dash into Shepardstown, and had a lively skirmish. Soon after we dashed into Martinsburg, after driving the rebs with our cavalry and artillery for several miles, and capturing a num- ber of prisoners. We were now far into the enemy's country, had gained valuable information, and soon learned from a Union man that the rebel commander was moving his army with the view of capturing our whole force. The 8th Illinois, under Major Medill, acted as rear guard on our return ; and as we left the town the streets were com- pletely filled with rebel cavalry, who poured in after us. Our artillery held them in check, but they advanced on each side of the road and in our rear. Our men, now thoroughly dis- ( ciplined by long service, behaved splendidly, and were highly I praised, both by our superior ofiicers and by the rebels. j Some of our men were captured and paroled by the rebels. I The rebel General J. E. B. Stuart told them that he knew (that he was fighting the 8th Illinois, by the vigor and courage t with which they resisted his charges ; that he knew no good reason why he had not captured them ; that they called the 8th Illinois the best, and the 3d Indiana the next best, cavalry 230 ' HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. regiments in the federal army. One rebel officer sent his compliments to Captain Clark, saying that he liked his style, but that saucy little cuss with him (Captain Waite) was a very devil. After a long and perilous retreat night came on, and our little band of 800 men escaped in the darkness. Official re- ports showed the enemy's loss to be one hundred and fifty men. Our regiment lost twelve wounded and four captured. On the 3d of October occurred one of McClellan's grand reviews, President Lincoln being present. On the 11th we were ordered in pursuit of Stuart's cavalry, who had started on a raid around the rear of our army. Greneral Pleasanton accompanied us, and Captain Clark was in command of that portion of our regiment that was in con- dition to move. We passed through Hagarstown to Williains- port, then back to Hagarstown, then along the base of the Blue Ridge, then over it, and down into the valley of Mono- cacy to Mechanicsville. On we rode at a brisk pace all night, passing through Frederick City, to the mouth of Monocacy river, where, at nine o'clock, we found the rear guard of the confederates. They had captured at Chambersbury a large amount of our army clothing, and immediately exchanged it for their rags, thus deceiving our men. Captain Forsythe, Avith a few men, overtook a company of them, and on demand- ing who they were, was answered by a shower of bullets. There was a lively skirmish, and some of them were captured. But Stuart, with his main force, had escaped across the Poto- mac, with several hundred stolen horses. We lay down in a field of grain, utterly exhausted, having ridden eighty-six miles in twenty-six hours, which was, per- haps, the best marching made by any command during the war ; but we were depressed by our want of success. The mistake was in sending us after the great raider, instead of trying to intercept him. We marched back to our camp, and next day, without a day of rest, we were moved to Knoxville. On the 17th Major Beveridge arrived, and relieved Major \ THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 281 Medill, wlio had been in comma).id during the whole Maryland campaign. On the 27th, after a delay of a month sinc'e the great battle of Antietam, the army crossed into Virginia, and we, in ad- vance, drove the rebels into Purcellville, capturing three. This section of country was thoroughly foraged during our stay, and those secessionists who supposed we came there to protect their pigs and poultry were thoroughly undeceived. By November 1st most of our infantry had arrived, and, as van-guard of a mighty army, Ave moved along the eastern base of the Bltte Ridge. , Next day we had a severe artillery and cavalry fight for several hours, near Uniontown. Samuel McGowell, of Com- pany A, was killed by a cannon ball, but so well trained were the horses that his riderless horse did not move out of rank, but continued to move with his squadron. We next day moved forward, skirmishing sharply all day, to Ashby's Gap, where the rebels thought themselves secure, and on November 5th had a severe engagement near Barber's Cross Roads. Companies B and E made a brave assault on phe rebel batteries, but they were defended by barricades of rails, and, not being supported by sufficient force, they with- jdrcw. Desperate fighting, — charge and counter-charge, — jfollowed, but the rebels finally fled, leaving many wounded and prisoners in our hands. William Mace and John Brown, of our regiment, were killed, and Josiah Richardson, Charles Plant, George S. Sager, B. F. Homer, E. H. Burdick, Mar- tin Fancher, James McConnell, and Harrison Hoker, most of them De Kalb County men, were wounded. The army moved on next day, leaving the wounded, some thirty in all, in a hospital building at Markhani Station, under charge of S. K. Crawford, Assistant Surgeon. The subse- quent adventures of these wounded are sadly exciting. Some days after this fight they were captured and paroled by two companies of Virginia cavalry, who robbed them of their clothing, money, and the barest necessaries of life, stripping 232 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. them of their clothes, blankets, etc., with a cruel violence that drew from them shrieks of anguish. They carried off all of their provisions, leaving only five pounds of hard bread, and forbid the use of any fire wood to supply warmth to their naked and chilled limbs. Destitute of food, of clothing, helpless with wounds, and momentarily expecting death, what situation could be more deplorable ? On the night of the second day after this raid of the brutal rebels, an old black woman appeared, loaded with provisions contributed by the negroes around the place for their relief; and they were supported solely by contributions from the same generous source till the 16th, when they received per- mission from Stonewall Jackson to remove within our lines. They procured a broken-down hand-car, fitted it with an ex- tended platform, so that by close packing all could sit or lie upon it, and started for Siegel's headquarters at Gainesville, forty miles distant. Dr. Crawford drawing the car with a rope, while his attendants aided by pushing. The road and bridges were in a terrible condition, and as they travelled in the night, they were in constant alarm lest their precious load should be precipitated into the abysses beneath them. After thirty hours' toil, they procured a little hard bread and coifee, — the first food taken since leaving Markham's Station, — and on the evening of the second day arrived at their destination, from whence a special train con- veyed them to Alexandria. To return to our regiment. On the day after the fight at Barber's Cross Roads we moved toward Chester Gap, in hopes of preventing the escape of the rebel army through that pass. But we were too late, and returned to Orleans. On the 7th we crossed the Rappahannock, and Major Bev- cridge, with a detachment of the 8th, had a sharp skirmish at Sperryville. Companies A and G, in another direction, cap- tured ten prisoners, the snow at this time falling so rapidly that the rebels did not discover our boys till too late to escape. On the 8th our regiment dashed into Little Washington, ^1 \ BREVET BRIG. GENV CHAS-WAITE OF SYCAMORE nuL'j^n Lithu^dpliiff^ Cu.Chicus". 1 THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. , 233 fter a sharp skirmisli, nearly capturing Wade Hamptonf or, whom, Avith his officers, a bountiful dinner had just been pre pared by the citizens. Colonel Farnsworth, with our officers, sat down, and with a hearty relish devoured the luxurious dinner prepared for his adversary. The fighting on this day Avas most gallantly conducted, and won for our regiment high commendation. At Annissville we found a thousand rebel tents stored in buildings, and marked "Small Pox." Our boys, seeing through this dodge, took what they wanted, and burned the remainder, assuring the protesting citizens that it was abso- lutely necessary to prevent the spread of the disease. General McClellan was now removed from command of the army, and Burnside was appointed in his place. November 22d we reached the Rappahannock, opposite Fredericksburg, which place we had hoped to occupy before the enemy ; but we found the rebels in possession of the city. Our regiment encamped at Belle Plain, the new base of sup- plies for the army. On the 9th of December Colonel Farnsworth w^as made a Brigadier General, Avhich made occasion for many promotions in the regiment. Surgeon Hard was also made Surgeon-in- Chief of the Cavalry Brigade, on the staff of General Pleas- anton. On the 11th Fredericksburg was bombarded, and at night some of our troops crossed on pontoons into the city. Major Beveridge, in command of a portion of our regiment, crossed the pontoons next day under a heavy fire, and on the 13tli the terrible struggle at Fredericksburg really commenced. With Avhat interest we watched it cannot be described. Cav- alry could take no part in such an assault on fortifications ; but one-third of our regiment was under fire during most of the three days' fight. Our army w^as defeated, and retired across the river with fearful loss. The army, now fast in Virginia mud, went into winter quarters ; but our regiment did picket duty in King George oO 234 V HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. County, preferring this duty, where foraging was good, to living in camp on hard-tack and pork. In January General Burnside moved the army up the Rappahannock, intending to cross at another point, and take Fredericksburg. But a terrible storm came on, the army was fast in the mud, and we were forced to return to the old camps. Burnside was now relieved, and General Hooker appointed to command the army. On the IGth of February the cavalry changed its base to Acquia Creek, to which point we marched in a severe snow storm, and, arriving late, lay down for sleep in the snow, eight inches deep. Awaking in the morning, we found ourselves covered by three inches more of the fleecy covering, which had fallen in the night. The difficulty of obtaining supplies here was equally great as before. They were brought three miles on the backs of mules, through unfathomable mud, in which mule and load often sank out of sight together. On the night of the 25th, in a furious rain storm, we were ordered to march and attack Stuart's raiders, Avho were oper- ating at Warrenton. We marched forty miles, but were a day too late. He had escaped with a supply of horses and prisoners from a Pennsylvania regiment, which he captured. He paroled some prisoners, and sent them, with his compli- ments, to General Hooker, requesting that he would keep his horses in better order, as he was depending on the Pennsyl- vania cavalry to supply his with horses. The regiment re- turned to its old quarters, and to its laborious picket duties. With weary days and sleepless nights, hard Avork, and frc- (i[uent attacks by guerrillas, the Avinter wore away. Many were permitted to absent themselves on furloughs of fifteen days. On the 6th of April another of those grand reviews, so wearisome to the soldiers, was held at Falmouth, at which the whole cavalry force was present, — the largest body of cavalry ever assembled on this continent. THE EiaHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY 235 On April 13th our regiment moved off under Stoneman, on he famous great raid around the rear of the rebel army. We Snoved to Warrenton, where Captain Farnsworth's company aptured eight of the rebels; and pressing rapidly on, we amped at ten o'clock at night, too weary to prepare supper. '^ext day we crossed the Rappahannock, but while detached Vom the brigade came near being captured by a superior brce, and re-crossed the river. Mosby and White's cavalry vere out in force in the valley above, and we were detached "rom the raiding force to attend to them. Every portion of hat country was thoroughly scouted over by our force, who )ften marched day and night, and fared sumptuously off of he rebels' supplies. On the 29th we crossed the Rappahannock at Kelly's Ford, nd after a lively skirmish passed on through Culpepper, to he Rapidan river, where we woke up the rebel artillery, and ested for that night. A desultory fire was kept up all of the lext day, and we expected to ci'oss, drive off the small force apposing us, and join the main raid. But General Averill, Sur present leader, gave no such orders. A rebel Colonel, with a squad of thirty men, captured Japtain Waite, by killing his horse while he was at our ad- vanced picket post; but our picket reserves made a gallant ^.harge and recovered their Captain. On the 1st of May we passed down the river again, crossing it U. S. Ford, greatly disappointed at not being permitted to 50 on the great raid. The raid was unsuccessful in its main purpose of cutting the railroad connection with Richmond, but destroyed millions A' dollars' worth of rebel property. On this day the great battle of Chancellorsville commenced, in which, after a three days' struggle, our great army Avas tigain defeated with tremendous slaughter, and driven across [the river again. We did not return in time to take any active part in this engagement. On the 7th and 8th of May detachments of our regiment 236 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. were employed in digging rifle-pits to defend Kelly's and Norman's fords; and at night Stoneman's force readied the ford opposite us, and we returned down the river, terribly jaded. On the 11th we were paid off, and our boys sent home $25,000 from their wages, — $32 to each man. Much to our delight we were ordered on the ITtli to make a reconnoisance in King George County and the Northern Neck, a great refuge for smugglers. Marching in three bat- talions, under Colonel Clendenin, Major Beveridge and Major Medill, respectively, we scoured every nook and corner of that country, capturing and destroying immense quantities of rebel property, burning one hundred sloops, yawls and ferry-boats, with their valuable contents, consisting of whisky, salt, leather, stationery, boots, shoes, clothing, and almost every conceiva- ble article of supplies. On returning, the negroes from the plantations joined the regiment, fifteen hundred strong, with women, children, horses, carts, and all the movables that they could carry. We also brought off five hundred fine horses and mules, and one hun- dred prisoners, returning on the 27th, — all in all the most ludicrous procession we had ever seen. At Belle Plain the negro men were retained and set to work, and the women and children transported to Washington. There Avas little or no smuggling across that neck after that raid of the 8th Illinois. On the 5th of June Lee commenced his grand march to the north, and the grand invasion of Pennsylvania, which was de- feated and hurled back at Gettysburg. The cavalry corps under Pleasanton was now pushed for- ward to ascertain his position, Captain Clark, who had just been appointed Major, being in command of our regiment, which was in Buford's division. We crossed Beverly Ford in the advance, the enemy being very near, and there we had one of the most severe fights we had ever engaged in, and one which was said to be, up to that time, the hardest-fought cavalry engagement in the war. But the cavalry were finally compelled to withdraw across the river. . ./. \ THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. / 237 In this engagement Captain Clark and J. G. Smith were mortally wounded, Captains Forsjthe and Haynes severely wounded, and we lost thirty-six men by wounds, among them W. H. ShurtlefF and George M. Perry, of Company B, and Henry Aiken, William Snively and Thomas Bolter, of Com- pany L. It was a noteworthy fact that the lives of both George M. Perry and Plarry Pearsons were saved at this en- gagement by Testaments which their mothers had given them, and which, carried in their breast-pockets, stopped the force of the bullets. Most of the other regiments engaged suffered very severely, the enemy being defended by breastworks, behind which ar- tillery was strongly posted. We moved to Catlett's Station on the 10th, and on the 17th started for Pennsylvania. At Aldie we met the enemy, and the rash Kilpatrick or- dered a charge over a stone wall upon them with sabres. It was gallantly made, but we lost far more than the rebels. Next day, skirmishing near Goese Creek, in which our regiment drew high compliments from Generals Buford and Kilpatrick, some officer, unnecessarily alarmed, foolishly burned the bridge in our rear, compelling us to swim the deep, cold stream on our return. On the 21st we had a fight at Middlebury, driving the rebels, who rallied behind every stone wall until, near night, our little force had pressed them to the mountains. Here we suddenly came upon some six thousand of them, drawn up in line of battle, and defended by artillery. General Buford ordered a charge, and it Avas led by Lieutenant-Colonel Clen- denin and the 8th Illinois, through a storm of grape and can- ister. At the first fire Colonel Gamble and Lieutenant- Colonel Clendenin had their horses shot under them, and Major Medill took command. Forward was the word, and the gallant 8th, that never quailed before the rebels, advanced to within a short distance, when, at the word, our seven hundred good carbines blazed 238 \ HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. \ away at them, sending many a grayback to his last account. Then at them we went, with revolvers cracking away in all directions. They broke and fled, but were reinforced again ; and our regiment, with some of the 3d Indiana and 12th Illi- nois, formed a new line behind a stone wall. After receiving their fire, Major Medill ordered another charge, and we drove them again from the field. Three times more did the rebels attempt to drive us, and as often were they repulsed. We killed and wounded more than two hundred of the graybacks, and remained masters of the field, the rebels retreating through Ashby's Gap. Innumerable instances of individual heroism upon this oc- casion are related. Next day we returned to Aldie, and remained till the 2l)th, when we crossed the Potomac, and marched over the Katochin mountains to Middletown, where we learned that General Hooker had been removed, and General Meade appointed to command of the army; also, that Lee was already before us in Pennsylvania. On the 29th we camped twelve miles from Gettysburg, and next day encountered the enemy in force at Fairfield. We had a sharp skirmish, and then Avent to Gettysburg. Next day, July 1st, the enemy advanced in force, the great decisive battle of Gettysburg began, and our regiment, as in several other of the greatest battles of the war, received the first fire and shed the first blood. We alone resisted the onset of the enemy for several hours ; and when the infantry came up we operated upon the flanks. Night found our army driven a mile out of the town. Next day the battle raged still more fiercely, but we were ordered to protect the army supplies. Our gallant Captain E. J. Farnsworth, who had just been made a Brigadier-General, was on this day ordered by Kil- patrick on a rash, useless, desperate charge. He said he could never come back alive, bid his comrades farewell, dashe HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. sance, and had a severe engagement near Culpepper, on the plantation of John Minor Botts. We gained the information needed, but our forces engaged lost twenty killed, one hundred "wounded, and one hundred and forty-eight in missing. From the 15th to the 31st of August we remained near Dumfries, doing picket duty. On the 13th of September our regiment, dismounted, climbed up and captured Pony Mountain, a signal-station of the enemy, and on the 14th lost some of our men in a desul- tory fight near that point, which lasted all day. On the 18th an infantry force relieved us from picket duty, and we marched to Stevensburg. On the 22d occurred the fight at Jack's Shop, a little vil- lage near Madison. It commenced by some shots from rebel artillery, and a demand for our surrender, which we answered by a volley from our pistols that staggered the foe. We dis- mounted and went at them through the woods. After waiting some time for Kilpatrick to cut off their retreat, which he failed to do, our boys finally pitched into them, and drove them in the greatest confusion. It was one of the most hand- somely fought engagements in Avliich we participated. We drove the graybacks across the Rapidan, and on the next day returned to Culpepper, and subsequently to Stevensburg. This was the last of our severe engagements in the autumn of 1863. We moved back through Culpepper to Hazel river, where we had a smart skirmish with the enemy, Avho resisted our passage. Several of our division were killed, but the enemy was driven back. Mosby, the fearless and impetuous guerrilla, who kept that whole section of the country in constant alarm, was now scouring the hills and valleys of Virginia, and we were in pursuit of him. We proceeded to Fairfax Court House, and thence to Culpepper. There we remained a month in camp, and there the regiment re-enlisted as veterans. The 8th Illinois Cavalry has the honor of originating the THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY 241 system of veteran re-enlistment. As early as July, 1863, a majority of the regiment had offered to re-enlist as a regiment ; but the Department, always behind the people in their de- mands for men, discouraged the offer. But after the regiment had lain at Culpepper in winter quarters, the permission was received, and the regiment went home on a veteran furlough of thirty days. About one hundred and fifty declined to re- enlist, and were sent on detached duty as body-guards, and in service of that character, till the expiration of their three years' service in September, 1864. Headquarters were now at St. Charles, Illinois, and there, after their short furlough, the regiment re-enlisted in Febru- ary, and reached Washington again in March. We were en- camped at Giesborough Point, near Washington, for about two months, and then crossed to Washington, where we were employed on patrol duty in and about the city. The grand army under Grant was now making its way on the great final campaign to Richmond, and a rebel force under Early again crossed the upper Potomac, through Maryland, and endeavored to effect the capture of Washington. A comparatively small force could only be spared from the grand army to resist this attack. It was placed under the command of General Lew Wallace, and the 8th Illinois acted as his cavalry support. We fought the enemy in the engagements at Middletown and Monocacy, and at Urbana our regiment held in check two rebel brigades, resisting their approach till the bleeding and shattered forces of General Wallace could be rallied and saved from rout and destruction. It was a service whose value could hardly be over-estimated. The Sixth Corps were summoned to the defence of the Capital, and drove Early back into Virginia. We were now stationed at Washington, and employed in the comparatively light and easy duties of patrolling the city. In August we crossed over into Yirgmia, and during the autumn, and, indeed, long after we had gone into winter HISTORY OF DB KALB COUNTY. quarters at Fairfax, we were employed in scouting and scour- ing the country after the ubiquitous Mosby, whose forces, sometimes three hundred strong and sometimes not more than a dozen, were constantly committing depredations on the Union armies and the Union people, yet vanishing as a vapor when pursued. His depredations were usually committed at night, and on many of those cold, wintry nights we were roused from our slumbers to pursue him, but he always eluded pursuit, and was never captured. When, in the following April, President Lincoln was assas- sinated by the actor Booth, our regiment was dispatched to the peninsula to assist in searching for the infamous assassin and his associates, who were supposed to be a formidable band. The assassins captured, the regiment remained in King George and St. Mary's Counties, Maryland, engaged in the prevention of smuggling, and in making prisoners of all those of the inhabitants who declined to take the oath of allegiance. All of this class who refused the oath were sent to the Capital prison at Washington. In June, of 1865, the regiment was again encamped at Fairfax Court House, and the great rebellion having finally been crushed, they were ordered to the West to operate against the Indians, who were then threatening serious trouble upon the Western plains. They reached St. Louis in July, but on the passage met with a serious misfortune by the overloading of the boat on which they were transported. In the darkness of the night of June 28th the steamer ran aground, and careened upon her side. Eight members of Company L, roused from their slumbers by the alarm, threw themselves into the water, and five of them were drowned. The order to move out upon the plains was very decidedly opposed to the wishes of the men of the regiment. For nearly five years they had been fighting the rebellion, and now that it was finally and gloriously ended, they thought they were entitled to return to their long-lost homes. A vigorous pro- THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRl 243 it was made against the order, and, thanks to influential ends, it was successful. After remaining a short time at St. Louis the regiment was dered to Chicago, and there, on July 17, 1865, was finally istered out. 'The service of the 8th Illinois Cavalry had been long, ar- [ous, dangerous, and brilliant, with many gallant and noble fpds. It had shed lustre upon our State, and its memory 1 ever be preserved as among the choicest, proudest trophies the great State from which it sprang. Friends and foes e have described it as the best cavalry regiment in the at army of the Potomac. The writer has heard this high pliment paid it from too many different members of the el cavalry, so long opposed to it, to doubt the candor or cerity of their statement. he following is the roster of the ofiicers and men in the panics that went from De Kalb County, as taken from official reports : / The Eighth Cavalry Eegiment. COMPANY A. Harvey A. Humphrey, Franklin, 1st Lieut. Promoted Capt. Co. I). Shields Joseph, Franklin, re-enlisted as veteran. Eurmier John, Franklin, mustered out July 17, '65, as teamster. Fisher Charles, Franklin, mustered out July 17, '65, as Corporal. Hoffman Valentine B., Franklin, mustered out July 17, '65, as Corporal. Smith Leonard G. , Cortland, promoted 2d Lieut. ennis Lyman, Mayfield, mustered out September 28, 'G4. |)avis Samuel, Shabbona, re-enlisted as veteran. barrel Edward, Al'ton, died at Alexandria, Va., February 21, 'G2. p arnam Simon, Sycamore, mustered out September 28, '64. t'radenburg Gf.rritt, Sycamore, discharged September 18, '64. freeman Watson, Genoa, re-enlisted as veteran. I'ancher Martin, Clinton, discharged April 6, '64 ; wounds. raser Thomas, Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. lillott Robert M., Genoa, Corporal. Died at Alexandria April 12, 't)2. Tall George, Sycamore. laskins Elmer, Sycamore, died at Alexandria February lu, '62. lolderness Elisha, Malta, discharged November 8, '62 ; disability, litt Wesley, Genoa, discharged April 17, '62; disability. (I owe James M., Mayfield, re-enlisted as veteran. errick William, Clinton, mustered out September 28, '64. ill Henry, Clinton, mustered out September 28, '64. ngols Charles, Burlington, died on the road to N. Y. May 10, '62. Losee Rufus, De Kalb, discharged December 28, '62 ; disability. Mnce William, De Kalb, Corporal. Killed November 5, '62, at Barbers X Roads. Miller Solomon, De Kalb, deserted Aiigust 30, '02. Maclan James, De Kalb, mustered out September 28, '64. Morse C. Wesley, Milan, re-enlisted as veteran. O'Connor Daniel, Genoa, re-enUsted as veteran. Parkhurst A. M., Sycamore, mustered out September 28. '64. Porter George, Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. jPartlow James F., Burlington, discharged April 17. '62; disability, ii'erry George W-, Burlington, mustered out September 28, '64. ;?ittenger Reuben S., Burlington, discharged May 2, '62; disability. Pierce Washington F., Afton, discharged May 8, '62 ; disability. 'Peavey Ira W-, Genoa, re-enlisted as veteran. jjReeves Robert L., Burlington, mustered out September 28, '64. |ShurtleiF W. H., Genoa, re-enlisted as veteran. Thomas Julius 0., Clinton, discharged May 15, '62. Weaver Isaac, Sycamore, died at Camp California January 21, '62. I Wilcox Daniel, Genoa, re-enlisted as veteran. VETERANS. Bell George H,, Sycamore, mustered out as Sergeant July 17, '65. I'Bell James M., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. Boon Shubble S.. Sycamore, Corporal. Absent at muster-out. Banner George P., Burlington, mustered out July 17, '65, as Corporal. {Corbitt George W., Sycamore, promoted 2d Lieutenant. Collins Charles H., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. Crouk Cyrus H., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65, as Sergeant- Cowles Adin F., Sycamore, transferred. 246 ^ HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Close Robert J., Sycamore, died at Washington March 13, '64. Campbell W- L., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65, as bugler. Callies .John, Sycamore, mustered out .July 17, '65, as Corporal. Dewitt Hiram S., Sycamore, mustered out -July 17, ',65, as Sergeant. Dunning Dyer D., Sycamore, promoted Sergeant, then 2d Lieutenant. Dake Oliver S., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. Davis Samuel, Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. Fraser Thomas, Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. Fassett Ceylon A., Sycamore, hospital steward. Freeman Watson L., Sycamore, mustered out -July 17, '65. Graves Martin, Sycamore, mustered out .July 17, '65. Hokes Harrison, Sycamore, promoted 1st Sergeant, then 1st Lieutenani. Howe James M., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '05, as Sergeant. Hollister Henry, De Ka,lb, mustered out .July 17, '65, as Corporal. Maynard James M., Sycamore, mustered out .lulj^ 17, '65, as Sergeant. Morse Charles W., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65, as blacksmitli. McGregor George, Sycamore, killed at Monocacy July 9, '64. O'Connor Daniel, Sycamore, killed at Cockeysville July 18, '64. Porter George, Sycamore, mustered out -July 17, "65. Peavey Ira W-, Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. Roe George M., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. Kemmington Darius H., Sycamore, Sergeant. Reynolds Andrew A., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65, as Sergeant. Shurtletf W- H., Sycamore, mustered out .July 17. '05. Starkey Simon P., Sycamore, mvistered out .July 17, '65, as Farrier. Wilcox Daniel, Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '05. Weed John, Burlington, commissioned 2d Lieutenant. RECBUITS. Albert William T., S3'camore, deserted September 27. '62. Baker Fred W., Genoa, transferred to Co. D. Banner George, Genoa, re-enlisted as veteran. Brooks Rufus, Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '05. Butler W- A., Cortland, mustered out July 17, '65. Buck Ellis, Genoa, died at Washington April 28. '64. Campbell George N., De Ivalb, discharged January 1, '64: disability. Campbell George N., Sycamore, mustered out .July 17, '65. Denton Isaac G., Afton, mustered out July 17, '65. Davis Reed, Burlington, mustered out June 22, '65. Disbron Edward, Alden, died at Fairfax December 13, '64. Everetts Aranthus, Burlington, mustered out July 17, "65. Fraser Alexander, Sycamore, discharged July 17, '62 ; disability. Freeman Wilbert S., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65, as bugler. Fleet Charles, Afton, mustered out .June 27, '65. Gregory William, Sycamore, mustered out .July 17, '65. Hyland George G., De Ivalb, died at Washington September 5, '64. Hollister Henry D., De Kalb, re-enlisted as veteran. Hatch Simeon P., Burlington, mustered out July 17, 65. Percival .Judson, Clinton, mustered out .July 17, '65. Percival Stephen, Clinton, mustered out July 17, '65. Partlow Calvin, Burlington, mustered out July 17, '65. Reeves John SY., Burlington, mustered out July 17, '65, as Corporal. Roach .John, Genoa, mustered out July 17, '65. Starkey Henry S., Genoa, re-enlisted as veteran. Snyder S. S., Cortland, mustered out July 17, '65. Thomas Isaac E., Cortland, mustered out .July 17, '65. Thomas Edwin J., Cortland, discharged January 29, '65 ; disab lity. THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 247 Van Amburg Matthew, Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. Weed John J., Burlington, re-enlisted as veteran. Westbrook Charles, Genoa, mustered out July 17, '65, as Corporal. COMPANY I. Aldrich Charles, Somouauk, mus ered out July 17, '65. Gates Orlando L., Shabbona, mustered out July 17, '65. Rockwell Hamlin J., Somonauk, discharged July 19, '62, for promotion in colored regiment. VVinans Wesley J., Somonauk, mustered out July 17, '65. COMPANY K. Brown Charles D., Victor, Sergeant. Mustered out September 28, '64. Wesson Silas D., Victor, Corporal. Re-enlisted as veteran. Gould George, Victor, Corporal. Mustered out Sept. 28, '64, as private. Beckwith John, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran. Bond Charles, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran. Bullock Daniel, Victor, mustered out September 28, '64, as Corporal. Burnham Samuel M., Victor, discharged March 8, '62 ; disability. Bacon Lawrence T., Somonauk, discharged May 1, '62 ; disability. Dean De Grass, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran. Button Whitney, Somonauk, discharged September 29, '62 ; disability. Greenville Charles, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran. Hall Jacob M., Somonauk, killed at Hazel River October 17, '63. Kennicott Ira, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran Moore Wallace M., A^ictor, discharged May 9, '62; disability. Mead Chauucey. Somonauk, mustered out September 28, '64. Schoville Fred E., Victor, I'e-enlisted as veteran. Snydam Cornelius R., Victor, died at Alexandria January 27, '62. Snydam Simon, Victor, mustered out September 28, '64. Stockham Dewitt C, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran. Tripp Calvin, Somonauk, nuistered out September 28, '64. Van Fleet Alfred, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran. Voorhees Peter, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran. Willard William, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran. YBTEKANS- Beckwith John S., Victor, mustered out July 17, '65. Brown Alden, Victor, mustered out July 17, '65, as Sergeant. Hond Charles T., Victor, died at Pittsburg March 16, '64. Dean De Grass, Somonauk, mustered out August 3, '65. Kennicott Ira, Victor, mustered out July 17, '65. Scoville Fred E., Victor, mustered out April 12, '65. Van Fleet Alfred. Victor, mustered out July 17, '65. Voorhees Peter, Victor, mustered out July 17, '65. Wesson Silas D., Victor, mustered out July 17, '65, as Sergeant. Willard AVilliam, Clinton, mustered out July 17, '65. EECEUITS. Baker George L., Somonauk, mustered out July 17, '65. Bigelow W. H., Somonauk, mustered out July 17, '65. Bennett James, Somonauk, mustered out July 17, '65. Baker John T.. Somonauk, killed at Frederick July 8, '64, Brown Alden, Victor, re-enlisted as veteran. iJe Forrest William, Afton, died at Camp Stoneman, D. C, Nov. 9. '64. Frank Frederick, Sycamore, killed, March 30, '63. Graham Forrester, Sandwich, deserted October 6, '62. ^luntington Averell, Somonauk, mustered out July 17, '65, as bugler. Kirkpatrick Isaac, Somonauk, discharged July 22, '62 ; disability. HISTOKY OF DEKALB COUNTY. Kimball Xathan G- Somonauk, transferred to Co. G. Mack Samuel J., Somonauk, mustered out July 17, '65, as Corporal. McBrayton George, Somonauk, mustered out July 17. '65, as bugler. Felling William, Somonauk, mustered out July 17. '65. Ryan Horton, Afton, mustered out July 17, '65. Ryan John. Aftou, mustered out July 17, '65. Wilson .Tames H., Somonauk, mustered out July 17. '65. COMPANY L. CAPTAINS. Daniel Dusiin, Sycamore, promoted. John M. Waite, Sycamore, promoted. James F. Berry, Sycamore, term expired December 28, '66. FIRST LIEUTESANT. John M. Waite, Sycamore, promoted. SECOXD LIErXEXANTj John M. Waite. Sycamore, promoted. Q. M. SERGE AST. Phillip McRae, Sycamore, discharged, and promoted 2d' Lieutenant in 17th Cavalry. SERGEANT. .Tames F. Berry, Sycamore, promoted 2d Lieutenant. rORPORAT,.s. William S. Thompson, Dement. •Sidney S. Sessions. Sycamore. Sergeant. Accidentally killed May 15, 'Ci. Edward .T. Blanchard. Maytield. died at Alexandria, February 12, '62. PRIVATES. Albro .Simeon, South Grove, mustered out September 28, '64. Burzell Arick H., Genoa, re-enlisted as veteran, liutler Thomas, kiouth Grove, re-enlisted as veteran. Carr James H., Franklin, re-enlisted as veteran. Carr "Winslow A., Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. f'ole Amos R., ^ mustered out September 28. '615, as Corporal. Countryman James. Franklin, re-enlisted as veteran. Depue James S., Sycamore, discharged December 28, ''6]. Ui.xon .Tuseph E., Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. Edson Samuel L., Sycamore, transferred to Invalid Corps. Feb. 7, '64. .McKinney A. C., Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. itosbach William H.. Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. .'^tevens .Tudson A., Genoa, promoted 2d Lieutenant. Young Walter "\V.. Maytield, re-enlisted as veteran. VETERANS. Butler Ihomas L., Sycamore, transferred to U. .S. }\a,vj, Sept. 21, "64. Burzell Arick H., Genoa, Sergeant. Drowned in Mississippi river, June 28, '65. Crosby James A., Sycamore, absent, sick, at muster-out of regiment. Carr James H.. Frunklin. mustered out July 17, '65, as Sergeant Carr Charles M., Franklin, mustered out July 17, '65. as Farrier. Dixon Joseph E., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. as Sergeant. McKinney Artemus, Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65. as Corporal. Rosback Wallace H., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, 65. "Waldron Isaac X., Sycamore. See Co. B. Young Walter W., Sycamore, mustered out July 17, '65, as bugler. THE EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY 249 BZCEUITS. idams Eli, Pierce, mustered out July 17, '60. Uakely John, Pierce, mustered out July 17, '65. iirosby James A., Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. arr J. A., Franklin, killed at White Plains, in a charge, Oct. 11, '64. i.ogan Elias, Cortland, mustered out July 17, '65. iiichols George A., Malta, re-enlisied as veteran. I'orter Leroy L., Sycamore, discharged March 10, '62. |Valdron Isaac N., Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. COMPANY M. irownell Joseph 0., Somonauk, mustered out July 13, '65. -eason William, Somonauk, mustered out July 13, '65. tverocker M. D., South Grove, mustered out Sept. 28, '64, as Corporal. Villiams Joseph, Somonauk, mustered out June 21, '65. aiding Herman, Sycamore, mustered out June 3, '65. 'rouk Eugene, Somonauk, veteran. Deserted. )ouglas Edward A., De Kalb. [elly Thomas, Cortland, deserted. 32 Seventeenth Illinois Cayalry. THE ITTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. In the autumn of 1863, when the hearts of the lovers of the Union had heen cheered by the great victory at Antietam, which sent Lee and his mighty invading horde of rebels flying back across the Potomac, yet had been depressed again by the fact that he had been permitted to escape without the destruction of his army, which they had confidently anticipated as the result of this great victory, and when it was evident that still more of the country's brave boys must be called from civil pursuits, to give what was fondly hoped would be a final death-blow to the rebellion. Colonel John F. Farnsworth, who was then acting as Brigadier-General of cavalry upon the Potomac, was authorized by the ^ar Department to raise a fresh brigade of cavalry. Upon Colonel Farnsworths recommendation a commission was issued to Major John L. Beveridge, of the 8th Cavalry, to raise one regiment of that brigade at his own home in Illi- nois. He proceeded at once to this State, and began the work of recruitment, establishing his rendezvous at St. Charles, Kane County. Captain Jesse D. Butts, of Be Kalb County, who had been forced by one of those chronic ailments which beset the soldier to resign his office as Captain in the 42d Infantry, and had been at home a few months, commenced, on the 1st of October, to recruit a company for that regiment, — a work in trhich he N THE SEVEXTEEyTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 25B ras most efficiently aided by Jasper H. "Waite. of Sycamore, scholarly young man ■\vlio left Beloit College to do liis share Q the defence of his country, and by Sergeant Phillip 'Slc- lae. of Mayfield. a dashing trooper who had seen some two 'ears' service in that excellent school for the cavalry soldier. he 8th Illinois. I The recruitino' for this regiment was conducted under one narked disadvantage: To fill up the thinned ranks of the i'eteran reo^iments then in the field the Government had offered \ bounty of 8300 for recruits. For those who enlisted in he new regiments, then forming, only $100 bounty was at irst allowed. The service in the veteran regiments was more irduous, the chances of speedy promotion very much less, pd the new regiments were decidedly the favorites ; so that, jn spite of this drawback, the regiment mustered five hundred pen in two months from the first attempt to recruit, and was mustered in January 22, 1864. I Subsequently the bounty of 8300 was extended to all who jsnlisted for three years, and their ranks filled up more rap- idly, so that, on the 12th of February, the whole number of :welve companies were in camp at St. Charles, and preparmg ;or duty in the field. The recruits had been encouraged by the Government to 'select and furnish their own horses, for each of which the United States allowed them Si 30. This permission was a sreat favor. The farmer lads of Illinois. — a land in which there were more horses than children in each family, and where each young man had his favorite steed, who was as dear as a brother to him, — felt that with his own horse as his constant companion he would not be quite alone any where, iand, engaged in the service, they cared for their steeds with 'a thoughtfulness and tenderness that they could never have felt for such an one as might have fallen to their lots by the chance distribution of the United States officer. The men of Company C, which was Captain Butts' com- pany, were well mounted. Many a superior horse, costing itwice the Government price, had been purchased and given 254 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. to the young troopers by their good friends at home, and bj the close of April six hundred and fifty horses had thus been brought in by the men and sold to the Government. The form of election of officers was usually gone through with by the new companies, and there was generally some sharp contests for the positions ; but without much opposition the Be Kalb County Company (Company C) selected Jesse D. Butts as Captain, Jasper H. Waite as 1st Lieutenant, and Phillip McRae as 2d Lieutenant. They proved to have been excellent selections, and in all the vicissitudes through which this company passed there was little or no inclination to regret their choice. The field officers of the regiment were: Colonel, John L. Beveridge; Lieutenant-Colonel, Dennis J. Hynes: Major, Hiram Hilliard; 2d Major, Lucius C. Matlack; 3d Major, Phillip E. Fisher; Adjutant, Samuel W. Smith; Quarter- master, Philo P. Judson ; Commissary, John A. Colton; Sur- geon, Samuel K. Crawford; Assistant-Surgeon, Samuel A. Dow; Chaplain, Edward O'Brien. On the 1st of May the regiment, eager for active service, and wearied with the monotony of camp-life, was pleased to receive orders to break camp at St. Charles, and report for duty to General Rosecrans, commanding the department of Missouri. They proceeded to Jefferson Barracks, twelve miles below St. Louis, where their outfit was completed ; and they were ordered to Alton, where for a month they were employed in doing guard duty over a large body of rebel prisoners confined in the deserted State prison at that place. The regiment was divided into three battalions, and each battalion into two squadrons of two companies each. Lieutenant- Colonel Dennis J. Hynes, an experienced and dashing officer who had served in the 8th Illinois Cavalry, commanded the 1st Battalion, which was composed of Com- panies A and B, who constituted the 1st Squadron, and was under command of Major H. Hilliard, and of Companies C \ THE SEVENTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. ' 255 id D, who constituted the 2d Squadron, which was com- anded by Captain Butts. Major L. C. Matlack, formerly a chaplain of the 8th Illinois avalry, commander of the 2d Battalion, was assigned by eneral C. B. Fisk to the post at Glasgow, Missouri, and for lur months subsequently the three battalions were separated id remote from each other. The De Kalb County company was, with the remainder of le 1st Battalion, moved to St. Louis, where it was assigned , and for three months mostly employed in, escort and pro- )st guard duties in North Missouri. Their headquarters ere at St. Joseph, in iSTorthwestern Missouri, whither they !ere conveyed by steamer. , Northern Missouri was at that time terribly scourged by :bel guerrillas, and on their way up the river they heard of e near presence of the guerrilla Bill Anderson, with a large jirt of his gang. The boat was stopped, one hundred and I'ty of the 17th were landed, and attacked his force with f.ccess, driving them into the interior. In this engagement Henry Eeed, a worthy member of •ompany C, from De Kalb, lost his life, — the first casualty i the regiment. I While posted at St. Joseph Captain Butts was detailed as •idge Advocate, and Lieutenant Waite as Assistant Adjutant • eneral, on General Fisk's staff. The company was selected as a body-guard of General Fisk, lit was constantly on duty, scouting through the country, uder command of Lieutenant Phillip McKae, who proved Imself one of the most dashing and efficient officers in the frvice; often routing the guerrillas, and terrifying them into teir dens. About the middle of September the company was again (dered out in pursuit of the notorious Bill Anderson, who Id just committed a shocking massacre of Union men at <3ntralia. The rebel band was discovered near Fayette, and Jter a long and desperate contest were driven from their |ounds and dispersed. 256 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. ^ Soon after this the Companies C and D, forming the 2d Squadron of the 1st Battalion, under Captain Jones, "were ordered to Jefferson Citj, the capital of Missouri, which was threatened by the rebels under Price, who was scouring the country with his accustomed vigor and energy. They moved across the country by land, and on the 6th and 7th of October assisted in the defence of the capital. The 3d Battalion, which, with the regimental headquarters, had remained at Alton, Illinois, until September, now joined the 1st and 2d at the capital, and for a long period conducted a very active campaign under Colonel Beveridge, in which the regiment was a unit. About this time Colonel Harding, who was commander a Missouri regiment, with a force of about five hundred men, had been surrounded by a much larger force of the enemy, and after having contended for five hours with a greatly su- perior force, was compelled to surrender. Lieutenant-Colonel Hynes, Commissary Colton, Lieutenant Eldridge, and three men of Company C, who had been away on leave of absence, and being prevented from reaching their regiment had taken service on this expedition with him, were among the captured upon this occasion. On the 19th of September the regiment, under Colonel Beveridge, reported to General McNiell, at Rolla, an import- ant strategic point in Southwestern Missouri, then the termi- nus of a railroad, and constantly threatened by the vigilant and active rebel Price, whose name in the West had a power and popularity equal to that of Lee in Virginia. Soon after their arrival there all communication with St. Louis was cut off by Price, and a force commanded by Colonel Ewing, and stationed at Pilot Knob, some sixty miles farther to the southwest, had, after a brave resistance, been driven from its post, and was retreating on Bolla. At noon of the 28th the 17th, under Colonel Beveridge, was sent out to their relief, and after meeting and routing a cavalry force that appeared near Cuba, it pressed on to Lees- burg, thirty-three miles distant. I ' THE SEVENTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY ' ZO ( ) J In the morning it reached the little army of General Ewing, 'composed of only eight hundred men. It was hastily en- 'renched, expecting constantly an attack from the overwhelm- ing force of the enemy, and anticipating either capture or |lestruction. The joy of the little army of General Ewing at Ihe sight of the friendly blue coats of the I7th, which assured hem of safety and succor, may readily be imagined. They peedily moved back to Rolla. Arrived there, they found that the rebel forces under the Sgilant General Price had cut the railroad, destroyed the [elegraph, and were reported moving with an army of twenty thousand men upon Jefferson City. General Sanborn had now come up to Rolla from Spring- |eld, to avoid being surrounded and captured at that distant nd exposed point. No orders could be received from headquarters, nor definite inowledge of the plans of the rebels could be procured. irenerals McNiell and Sanborn, however, concluded upon hat happened to be the wisest plan they could pursue. They ruck out at a venture for the State capital, wisely judging at Price was aiming for that point ; and thus commenced y far the most exciting episode in the history of the 17th j^avalry, and one of the most thrilling events of the war. It ras the famous movement known as the Price raid, — a move- iient in which the endurance of which human nature was lapable was put to the severest possible test, in which the legiment lost five hundred horses from utter exhaustion, and ji which, at one time, they were for fifty-six hours in the laddle, with orders to lose not even time enough to water fieir horses, but press on the enemy at every hazard; a jiovement which resulted in a complete baffling of the plans !f the vigilant enemy, and his final ruin. I On the second day's march, October 2d, the scouts reported |iat Price's army, only five miles distant, was pressing for- ward with all possible haste on a parallel line with ours, for le capital at Jefierson City. 33 258 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. The population, generally favorable to the rebels, furnished them all possible aid, while they hindered and obstructed our forces as far as they dared. The rebel veterans, inured to hardship, born and brought up in the bush, accustomed to coarse and scanty rations, were among the most effective troops in the world. But the brave boys in blue, marching with all possible speed, finally baffled their foes, and reached the capital a few hours in advance of the rebels. Hasty preparations for a vigorous defence were made. The men worked with energy, for the rebs outnumbered them three to one. The 17th had the post of honor and of danger upon the extreme right of the city, — a position on which, from the nature of the ground, the principal attack was expected. Breastworks were thrown up, and General Neill addressed the 17th, warning them to expect a fierce onset from the enemy, and to stand their ground bravely. Price, finding our troops prepared to make a brave defence, after an attack upon the center, on the 4th, withdrew his forces in the night, and moved northwestwardly upon Boone- ville. Colonel Beveridge, scouting with a few attendants early on the morning of the 5th, discovered the new movement of the enemy, and in a few hours the whole Federal army was in hurried pursuit. General Pleasanton having now arrived, the whole cavalry force was organized as one division, with Gen- eral Sanborn in command. Colonel Beveridge having charge of the 2d Brigade of four regiments, and Major Matlack under him of the 17th regiment. Hard marching for six days brought our cavalry upon the rebels, posted in strong force at Booneville. Their shirmish- ers were driven in, and a strong line of battle being developed, our forces aAvaited the morning, at which time Colonel Bev(jr- idge was ordered to attack. The 5th Missouri and the 17th Illinois attacked at four o'clock in the morning. The 5th, in advance, found the sleepless rebel foe prepared for the onset; THE SEVENTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY 259 t the rebels were driven more than a mile, with great loss them, and many wounded on our side. The 17th now had the advance, and the foe, reinforced, I.S detained by its assaults till the main army, a day behind, iild be brought up. The 17th retired beyond a bridge when 3 fight had commenced, tearing it up on their passage, and re amused at seeing the rebel artillery playing for some urs upon the line where they had been posted, and where ij supposed them still located. The Federal reinforcements w coming up, the enemy evacuated Booneville, and fled vard Lexington. A re- organization of the cavalry now placed Colonel Bev- dge in immediate command of the 17th, and moving rapidly •ough Lexington, they overtook the enemy near Inde- adence. Here the 17th, dismounted, was deployed on the t, while a dashing charge of the Missouri and Kansas cav- \j captured a number of the rebel cannon. JAt midnight of the 22d the brigade left Independence going ivards Hickman, where the rebels were encountered next day noon. Pleasanton, at this point, had arranged for and jticipated the entire destruction of the rebel army. But a lay in the advance of McNiell's brigade of cavalry disap- nted their calculations, and it was allowed to escape. When the main column of the brigade under McNiell finally acked the head of the rebel column, the 17th was ordered form a separate column, and strike them on the flank. The boys of the 17th, who had been terribly chafed by the accountable delay, received this cheering order with delight, ith shouts they rushed a half-mile over a plain, then down ■ugged ravine, slowly climbed a hill beyond, on through the ods, and then were preparing to capture Price's wagon in, the main-stay of his army, slowly passing before their es, when, to their infinite chagrin, a positive order from ^Niell re-called them to support a battery in front, and ij were forced to relinquish the coveted opportunity for 'h distinction and most effective service. 260 ' HISTORY or DE KALB COUNTY. Late on the next day the brigade joined Pleasanton, still pursuing the retreating Price. The tired and exhausted army still made sixty miles on that day, passing Curtis, with his reinforcements of Kansas troops. The enemy was finally encountered again, and after a cold and rainy night, without supper or breakfast, at early dawn of October 26th, the army again attacked the enemy, and on this day fought the battle of Mine Creek, capturing the rebel Generals Marmaduke and Cabel, with a thousand prisoners, and ten pieces of artillery. Still the brave boys of the 17th pressed forward, buoyed with the hope of capturing the whole rebel army, and ending the war in Missouri. For fifty-six hours they were in the saddle. The rebels preceding them captured all the fresh horses in the country, and rtill kept in advance. Hundreds of our horses, after being kept on the gallop till they could go no longer, would fall into a slow trot, and then either fall to the ground or stand stock still, refusing for the spur or the most furious beating to move another step. The dismounted trooper would strip his saddle and accoutrements from his horse, and carry them on his own back, hoping to find a fresher horse to place them on. Jack Houghton, of De Kalb, one of the best of soldiers, once carried his saddle fourteen miles before he got another horse. The scattered remnant of the rebel forces finally escaped over the line into Arkansas, and the brigade ceased the pur- suit at Springfield, Missouri, and soon returned to Rolla, which place was reached November 15th, 1864. During the previous forty-three days the regiment had marched one thousand miles and lost six hundred horses. Less than one hundred and fifty mounted men came back from that terribly destructive, continuous pursuit of this untiring foe. The winter now set in. Colonel Beveridge was brevetted Brigadier-General, and put in command of a military district in the department of THE SEVENTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. ■' 261 Missouri. Lieutenant-Colonel Hynes, Chief of Cavalry of Ijrth Missouri district, on General Fisk's staff, was relieved, id returned to the regiment, for a time being in command a military. sub-district, with headquarters at Pilot Knob, iajor Hilliard, on duty in North Missouri, was re-called to :e regiment and put in command. Major Matlack was de- iled by order of General Dodge as Provost Marshal of the strict of St. Louis, and by the same officer Major Fisher us made Chief of Cavalry for the district of Rolla. The spring of 1865 found the regiment, under the command : Lieutenant-Colonel Hynes, at Cape Girardeau, Missouri. At this time the armies of the East, under Generals Grant, iierman and Sheridan, had crushed the rebellion east of the assissippi. West of the great river the nearest rebel force 'IS that of Jeff. Thompson, reported at sixty thousand men- Early in May Major-General Dodge sent out commissioners I offer Thompson terms of surrender, and the 17th was iiosen as an escort. Four companies, under Lieutenant- blonel Hynes, crossed the St. Francis river at Chalk Bluffs; lur companies, under Major Hilliard, with a section of ar- lilery, encamped twelve miles in the rear ; while the commis- fbners went forward to Jonesboro, Arkansas, and returned II the 9th of May with Jeff. Thompson, who arranged the f rrender of his forces. It took place at Wittsburg May 25th, and at Jacksonport -me 5th, the total being six thousand men, — just one-tenth i' what was reported. : This was the last of the rebellion, and the last time that je 17th met the foe in arms. Late in May the regiment, re-mounted, was shipped to ansas City to guard a portion of Missouri, containing five ounties, from which the entire population had been driven it on account of their furnishing a harbor for guerrillas. After remaining about five months Major Butts, with three ')mpanies, was ordered to Fort Earned. Company C, now ider Captain Waite, had been stationed at Trading Post, a 262 HISTORY OF DE KALE COUNTY. small village near Fort Scott, — a very unhealthy location,- and most of its members had become ill. They were report unfit for duty, and ordered to Fort Leavenworth to recri their health. The men of the 17th were sadly disappointed at not bei: discharged when the war was over, and some of the compani had some trouble in maintaining discipline and preventi: desertion; but the men of the De Kalb County Compai made no opposition to the orders of their officers. It was n till the winter of 1865-66 that the regiment was finally mi tered out at Fort Leavenworth, and the men returned to th( homes. From the ranks of Company C nine commissioned office were promoted. Its Captain, J. D. Butts, was commission Major in April, 1865, and subsequently, in December, bi vetted Lieutenant-Colonel of U. S. Volunteers, Itfurnishe also, a 1st Lieutenant, in the person of D. E. Butts, of ] Kalb; a Quartermaster, Philo Judson; a Commissary, Jol A. Colton, of Genoa ; and five 2d Lieutenants, — Robert So ders, Albert V. Ammet, Thomas Hickman, Egbert Johnso and Thomas Searle. The service performed by the 17th has been a most hone able one ; their record may well inspire its members with prid Enlisted Men of DeKalb County, 17th Illinois Cav. SERGEANT MAJOR. John V. Henry, Somonauk, promoted from 105th Illinois Infantry. PRIVATES. Charles Price, Sandwich, died at Weston, Mo., Sept. 18, 1864. Edward Baker, Squaw Grove, deserted Sept. 10, 1865. COMPANY C. COMMISSARY SERGEANT. Charles Chapel, South Grove, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. SERGEANTS. Joshua R. Nichols, Mayfield, promoted 2d Lieutenant. Charles Goodrich, DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. private. Daniel H. Lindsay, Mayfleld, mustered out Nov. 24, 1865, private. CORPORALS. George L. Fisher, Sycamore, mustered out July 20, 1865. John A Trude, Mayiield, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865, private. Jonathan Houghton, DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865, private. Charles H. Green, Sycamore, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865, private. FARRIERS. Horace Tennant, DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 28. 1865. Benjamin F. Harroun, Sycamore, mustered out Aug 8, 1865. BUGLERS. W. H. Lindsay, Mayfield, absent sick at muster out. Charles A. Brett, DeKalb, mustered out as private. SADDLER. Joseph Cheesbro, Sycamore, mustered out June 5, 1865, private. PRIVATES. Ames Oliver, Malta, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Beardsley Elijah, Mayfield, mustered out Nov. 28, 1865. Beeniis Henry, DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Benedict Alfred N., Cortland, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Cunningham Thomas, Pierce, died at DeKalb April 6, 1864. Croff' Cyrus E., Cortland, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. (•oUson M. E., Cortland, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Cnrver Charles B., Malta, died in Lee county, Illinois, August 10, 1864. Courser Milton, Sycamore, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Churchill Menzo, Cortland, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Colton John A., Genoa, promoted 1st Lieutenant. Dowd Frank, DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Downs Charles M., Cortland, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Daily Francis, Sycamore, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Gardner Alfred, Sycamore, died at St. Joseph August 10, 1864. Gardner James, Sycamore, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. 264 ^ HISTORY OF DE KALE COUNTY. Gage Aniaza, Squaw Grove, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Holderness J. C, Malta, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Harding Zora, Afton, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Ingham Ellis, Cortland, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Johnson Charles, DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 28, 1865. Lamb James, Sycamore, died at Alton July, 1864. Losee Rufus, DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Moxom P. S., DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Muzzey Ira C, DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Price Rensellaer, DeKalb, died at Alton, Illinois, June, 1864. Peterson Anderson, detached at muster out of regiment. Perkins John N., Sycamore, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Reid Henry, DeKalb, died July 20, 1864. Rogers Charles, Sycamore, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Sipp Samuel L., Malta, deserted Nov. 1, 1865. Stewart James H., Sj'camore, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Wager Ira, DeKalb, mustered out May 25, 1865. Whitmore Charles, DeKalb, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. VanOlinder E. E., Somonauk, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. KEt'RUITS. Beardsley Earl A., Somonauk, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865, as Sergeant. Burofess Albert, Somonauk, absent sick at muster out. Brookins .lames, Somonauk, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Brown Hamilton, Victor, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Beardsley W. H., Victor, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Baker Alonzo L., Shabbona, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Freer H. T., DeKalb, mustered out July 5, 1865. Griffin Justus, Afton, mustered out Oct. 4, 1865. Uaibh Abram, Pierce, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. Labrant L, Pierce, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865, as Sergeant. Patridge Zelotas, Pierce, mustered out Oct. 4, 1865. Ramer Anthony, Pierce, mustered out as Co. Q. M. Sergeant. Schoonover John A., DeKalb, mustered out July 5, 1865. Townsend Solomon, Somonauk, mustered out Nov. 23, 1865. COMPANY D. SERGEANTS. John M. Osborn, Clinton, mustered out as private. John F. T. .J. McKinney, Clinton, discharged October, 1864. Harrison S. Andrews, Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. PEn'ATES. Bechtel Samuel, Sandwich, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. Cunningham John, Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. Field Robert, Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865, as Corporal. Gorham Ed. E., Sandwich, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. Lillard Joseph Xj., Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. Ledbetter Job, Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. Lillard William E., Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. Morse William H., Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. Polan Samuel, Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. Snowball Charles, Kingston, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. Wimer John R., Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865, as Q. M. Sergeant. Williams Lewis, Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865, as Q. M. Sergeant. Clemmens A. .J., Clinton, mustered out Dec. 20, 1865. COMPANY E. Emerson Freeman, Sycamore, discharged for disability. BRiEve e:cot.j. p. butts OF DEKALB. Cluc.ii.i Lilli..-ip-..i.liiri-; d.-Cliicjis... THE SEVENTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY 265 3anfield Benjamin, Malta, dishonorably discharged. Depue Richard D., Sjcamore, mustered out Dec. 16. 1865. lear Benjamin, Cortland, mustered out Dec. 18, 1865. >iglin Isaiah, Sycamore, mustered out Dec. 18, 1865. ■^iglin Joshua, Sycamore, mustered out Dec. 18, 1865. Censcott Richard, Sycamore, mustered out Dec. 18, 1865. l^anDeusen John A., Sycamore, mustered out Dec. 18, 1865. Wright Halbert, Sycamore, mustered out Dec. 18, 1865, as Corporal. "ubner Charles, mustered out Oct. 3, 1865. COMPANY H. Bailey Austin R., Genoa. (Bailey Frank H., Genoa. I'hase Jacob H., Genoa, died at Kansas City, July 11, 1865. jDewberry Joseph, Pawpaw, deserted Sept. 11, 1861. Hill George, Genoa, mustered out Oct. 20, 1865. COMPANY I. Stewart Morris, Pierce, mustered out Oct. 9, 1865. pepue Nicholas, Genoa, mustered out Oct. 9, 1865. Morris S.. W., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 9, 1865. 34 n Fifty-Eighth Illinois Infantry. Fifty-eighth Illinois Infantry. Few regiments in the service saw more hard fighting, or endured a more varied and severe experience, than the 58tli Illinois Volunteer Infantry. It was organized at Camp Douglas, in Chicago, and mustered into the service on the 25th of December, 1861. Its first field officers were : Colonel, William F. Lynch Lieutenant-Colonel, Isaac Rutishauser ; Major, Thomas New- Ian. Colonel Lynch was a resident of Elgin, Kane County, Lieutenant-Colonel Rutishauser of Somonauk, DeKalb County, and Major Newlan of Aurora, Kane County. Company C of this regiment was raised in the town of Shahbona and its neighborhood. Its officers were : Captain, Gr. W. Kittell ; 1st Lieutenant, S. W. Smith ; 2nd Lieutenant, Joseph Gr. Burt of Chicago. A portion of Company G was also from DeKalb County. Its Captain was Bewley of Dement. Rev. Job Moxom, an eloquent preacher and a heroic soldier, recruited a large portion of Company G, but was mustered into Company I as 2nd Lieutenant. A part of Company E was also from this County : so that our County was well represented in the 58th regiment. The regiment remained at Camp Douglas until the month of February, 1862, when it was removed to Cairo, where it was embarked on a steam tran^ort for Fort, Donel- son, at which place it arrived on the morning of the 14th, just THE FIFTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 269 1 time to participate in the capture of that place, which sent uch a thrill of joy all over the land. Disembarked at sunrise, the regiment was marched imme- liately to the scene of the conflict, thus being ushered into the kidst of blood and carnage in three days from the time it left iome. A few of the men had seen some service, but most of hem were entirely unused to the duties of the soldier, and resb from civil life. Arms were furnished them for the first ime while at Cairo, and accoutrements and ammunition while >n the boat. One-half the men until that time had never leen a cartridge, and many of them had never loaded a gun until they loaded them for service against the enemy. For- Ipunately the regiment saw no severe service on the first day, but was employed in skirmishing and maneuvering. On the second day they were iu the midst of the fight, and behaved remarkably well for green troops. Three of them were killed and nine were wounded. The fort was surrendered, and, following its fall, the 58th marched with the army to Fort Henry, participated in the capture of that fort, and remained there until under General Grant it moved up the Tennessee river to Shiloh or Pittsburg Landing. It now formed a part of General H. L. Wallace's division. In the ever-memorable battle which occurred a this place, the division was in the center of the line of battle on the first disastrous day, and held the main Corinth road to the landing. It is a matter of history that this division did some of the hardest fighting on that day. At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, all the field officers and about two-thirds of the line officers, with two hundred of its men, were taken prisoners, and for many months after, endur- ed the horrors of the rebel prison-pens at Mobile, Cahaba, Selma, Macon, Montgomery, Griffin, and finally in Libby Prison in Richmond. Companies A, C and G were on the skirmish-line at this time, and most of them escaped capture. Fifty-nine were killed and wounded, and two hundred and twenty were captured. The loss of Company C was two men 270 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. killed and thirteen wounded. Oliver B. Wilson of Malta was the first man killed from our County. Captain Bewley of Company Gr was killed, and Captain K. P. Rutishauser of Somonauk met the Same fate. Corporal William F. Williams of Company C lost an arm, and subsequently died of the wound ; and Lieutenant Moxom was severely wounded. He managed to crawl behind an old log which lay on the field, across which the fight was kept up for several hours, and, in spite of his efforts, was twice again wounded while he lay there ; but, after remaining there two days, lie was rescued and recovered, and is now doing good service as pastor of a large and flourishing church in Michigan. The Union line of battle was formed by the side of this cleared field, and that of the rebels was in the timber on the opposite side, which was about four hundred yards distant. The rebels made several attempts to cross this field, but were each time driven back with great slaughter. A rebel battery posted in the woods opposite this regiment annoyed our force, and Companies C and E were ordered forward as skirmishers to some buildings which stood near the center of the field, with orders to silence the battery if possible. This work was soon accomplished, but the battery was now moved around to the right, and commenced an enfilading fire upon our men behind the building. A retreat was ordered ; but, in the confusion? five men who were in a cotton-house at the left of the others failed to hear the order, and remained at their posts. When the companies had retired, the rebels moved forward and held the same ground that our men had abandoned. The men in the cotton-house were now cut off from the opportunity to retreat, and seemed to be obliged to surrender ; but, to avoid this, three of them jumped into the building, and concealed themselves beneath the mass of loose cotton. Sergeant Chas. 0. Wheaton of Company C remained outside, but stepped around the corner of the house. Five rebs came around where Wheaton stood, gun in hand, with fixed bayonet. One says: "You are our prisoner." Wheaton replied that he THE FIFTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 271 ipposed SO, for he saw no use in further resistance. Anothar lys . "D n him, let us shoot him!" and both raised their iuns to fire. Wheaton, seeing this, thought he would sell his ife as dearly as possible, made ready, and the three fired at hce. One rebel fell dead : one ball passed through Wheaton's lothing, carrying away his canteen, and the other shattered is left hand, and glanced from his gun-barrel. The living ebel now made a bayonet thrust at Wheaton, which he dodged, hd, before the grayback could recover, ran his bayonet through is heart. Three rebels now lay dead at his feet ; and, seeing no more n that side of the house, he also jumped into the cotton, and oncealed himself, thinking that the rebels might be driven ack, and all could escape to our lines. But they had not bis good fortune. Our troops were steadily driven back, ,nd, two hours after, our boys were discovered, marched back Monterey, and placed in a log house which was used for a ospital. Sergeant Wheaton and Job Davis of Company C — ne of the boys who hid in the cotton — concluded that they ould go no farther unless they were carried : so Davis bound p his leg with bloody bandages, made an artificial bullet-hole his pants, and enacted the part of a soldier wounded in the leg. On Monday morning all the prisoners who could walk were ordered to fall in, and were marched ofi"; but Wheaton md Davis, who appeared unable to march, were left behind ; ind, in the general stampede which ensued, when the rebel irmy was beaten on that day, they escaped in the confusion, [and both reached our camp — Davis on Tuesday night and pheaton on Wednesday. Following the fight at Shiloh, the shattered remnant of the 58th was united with similar fragments of the 8th, the 12th find the 14th Iowa, and called the Union brigade. Three baptains, G. W. Kittell and E. W. Healy, of the 58th, and jCaptain Fowler of the 12th Iowa were detailed to serve as field officers. ■m 272 HISTOKY OF DEKALB COUNTY. The Union brigade formed a part of the 2nd Division of the Army of the Tennessee, commanded by General Davies. The grand army commenced the advance upon Corinth on the 20th of April, and the 2nd Division served in the advance during the siege that followed. Being placed in the center of the line, the regiment was as much exposed and saw as much skirmishing as any portion of the army. It lost a number of good men who were killed and wounded. Corinth was at last evacuated by the rebels, and our regi- ment followed the foe to Boonville, and then, as they seemed to have escaped us, returned to Corinth, where it remained doing garrison duty till October 3d, 1862, when the great battle of Corinth was fought and won. The rebels under Price, A'^anDorn and A^ilapyne were severely whipped and fol- lowed up to Hipley. Our 2nd Division was in the front of the battle on both days, and sufiered severely. The division numbered only 3100 men, and of these they lost 1040 in killed, wounded and prisoners, of whom only fifty were prisoners . All the brigade commanders were either killed or wounded. The Union brig. ade had only 350 men engaged, and lost 110 killed and wounded and seven prisoners. Of the men of Company C, four were wounded, among them Sergeant J. C. Wright of Shabbona, who had his leg shattered by one ball and his arm broken by another. He was left on the field, and picked up by the enemy, who amputated his leg and dressed his wounds, but left him when they retreated. He was wounded on Fri- day, and was not found till Sunday night, and meantime had nothing to eat or drink. After remaining at Corinth till December, the 58th was ordered to Springfield, Illinois, to reorganize and recruit, and remained guarding rebel prisoners and filling up its depleted ranks till June 20th, 1863, when it was sent to Cairo. One company was then sent to Mound City, and three — A, B and C — to Paducah, Ky., under command of Captain Kittell of Company C. Here they were constantly engaged in scouring \ ^^^ 2=? ILL. ARTriLERY. djii-.-!!*!' Lillu.-iniplimi; InChit-a^o. \^ FIFTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 273 ie country for bushwhackers, and had many startling adven- tres and hair-breadth escapes. On the 28th of January, 1864, the regiment, which had ]en reunited at Cairo, started by steamer for Vicksburg. It Tis now in the 1st Brigade, 2nd Division of the 16th Army ()rps, and under command of General A. J. Smith. On the 2nd of February it started on Sherman's great raid i Meridian, returning March 6th, after having marched four lindred miles, destroyed one hundred miles of railroad, and Ibd daily skirmishes with the enemy, in which it lost two ■'junded and six prisoners. I On the lOfch of March, the 16th and 17th Army Corps left ir Red river, where the troops were disembarked in the night {' the 13th, and commenced a march across the country to ^ort DeRussey. Arriving there at five o'clock in the after- }])on, the fort was immediately stormed and captured by our |t and 2nd Brigades, with a loss of sixty-five killed and bunded, the 58th regiment losing seven of the number. Next kj it embarked for Alexandria, where the army awaited the ifrival of General Banks from New Orleans. Now, after many delays, commenced the grand expedition General Banks up Red river. Accompanied by Commo- bre Porter's gunboats, the army proceeded, a part by land id a part by water, to Grand Ecore, at which point all fit for laty, disembarked and marched for Shreveport. The fleet, ith the sick and disabled on board, proceeded up the river ) the same destination. ! On the 8th of April our army met the enemy at Sabine ;|ross-Roads, and suffered a repulse. Our forces were scat- jred along the road for twenty miles, the 13th Corps in the dvance, the 19th following it, and the 16th Corps in the rear. >efore assistance could arrive, the 13th was overpowered and riven from the field in great confusion, losing 500 killed and ■ounded, 1000 prisoners, 80 wagons and 18 pieces of artillery. .Text day, however, we made a stand at Pleasant Hill, and won handsome victory. Skirmishing commenced at daylight 35 274 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. and continued till five A. M., when the rebels, strongly rein- forced, made a desperate charge upon the center of our hne; and at the first fire, a brigade of eastern troops broke and ran. In a pine thicket at the left of this brigade the o8tli was posted. It immediately changed front to the right, and charged upon the flank of the pursuing foe. The charge was so well executed, and so unexpected, that they faltered, turn- ed back, and, at a much quicker rate than they came, they turned and fled to the woods, closely pursued by the gallant little band. Here they turned, and were about surrounding our solitary regiment, when it fell back in good order to escape capture. While this was being done, our flying troops "were rallied, our reserves brought up, a grand charge made by our whole line, and the enemy was routed and pursued till dark- ness put an end to the fight. In this charge over over one thousand prisoners were cap- tured, the 58th taking more than its own number. In this action the 58th won great honor. General Stone says thai but for the valor of this regiment, the battle of Pleasant Hill would have been a disastrous defeat. Its loss was 35 killed and wounded, of whom Company C lost only two wounded — a remarkably small loss, considering that, for over an hour, it was in a hand-to-hand fight, and that nearly every man had his clothing pierced with bullets. To our great surprise, although the rebel army was routed, and running like frightened sheep. General Banks ordered a retreat before daylight next morning, leaving our dead and wounded, with several batteries of artillery, and the small arms of the numerous dead and wounded of both armies. Two days of hard marching brought the army back to Grand Ecore, from whence we fought our way back to Alex- andria. Here the river, which had fallen since the gunboats ascended, was dammed to enable them to pass over the falls : and two weeks were required to accomplish this work, during which time we were engaged in defending ourselves from rebel attacks, and collecting forage. 1 PIFTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTEY. ^75 'he 58th was frequently engaged in severe skirmishes, amounting almost to battles. On the 14th we began fighting our way down the river a^in ; and, on the 18th, while Banks was crossing the Atch- allaya, which was now very high, the 16th Corps lay at Yel- 1(V Bayou, three miles distant, as rear guard. The rebels hte drove in our pickets. General Mower now crossed the byou and drove them back ; and the rebs in turn sent a large ijantry force, with twenty pieces of artillery, which opened u;|on our corps at short range. General Smith now brought uj three batteries of artillery, another brigade of infantry ap some cavalry, to protect our left flank, and sent to General links for reinforcements, stating that the whole rebel army hjd attacked him, and that if he would send the 19th Corps t turn the enemy's right flank, a complete victory could be citained. Banks answered that General Smith had gone into te fight without orders, and must get out the best he could. le enemy had taken a strong position behind a breastwork c rails. General Mower ordered a charge ; and, amid fearful siughter, the rebels were driven out of their works and back t| their reserves. In this charge Colonel Lynch of the 58th ms wounded, and four color-bearers were successively shot (twn ; but, as often as they fell, other hands were ready to tike them, and bear them on to victory again. The artillery now opened upon our forces more fiercely Ijan ever ; and a large force endeavored, amid sharp resist- ice from the cavalry, to turn our left flank. In fine order (Ir forces now fell back and left the field they had so dearly pn, carrying ofi" all their wounded and most of their arms, ifie enemy followed up to their former breastworks ; and, as ij|on as our wounded were removed, another charge was made pon them. This proved more desperate than the former : Ijr they had formed a double line of battle, and were deter- jined to resist the charge. Our men swept over the breast- 'orks like the rush of a tornado, and the rebels flew like aves before the gale. In this last charge, four more of the 276 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. color-bearers of the 58th were shot down ; and, the last time, the colors were taken by a commissioned officer, and borne over the rebels' works. The battle raged till sunset, when fighting ceased by mutual consent. Our men bore away their wounded and their arms, and then crossed the bayou. The day was intensely hot, and many were overcome by the heat and carried from the field. The loss of the 58th was sixty-five in killed and wounded, among whom was Sergeant Elijah Curtis, who was here wounded for the third time — first in the foot at Shiloh, second in a leg at Corinth, and now a ball passed through both thighs. General Banks reported this battle as an artillery duel of little consequence, which took place while he was crossing the Atchafalaya. Next day the 15th Corps followed Banks across the river, and on the 20th the whole army reached the landing at the mouth of the Mississippi. This ended the disastrous Banks expedition up Red river. From the 14th of March, when we captured Eort DeRussey, till we arrived at Red river landing, on the 20th of May, not a day passed without more or less of fighting. The total loss of the 58th Regiment was one hundred and ten men in killed and wounded. On the 22d day of May, the 16th Army Corps embarked on board the transports that had accompanied them in this long and disastrous expedition, and started up the river. They arrived at Vicksburg in due time. Here the veterans of the 58th were mustered into the United States service for three years more, about two hundred having re enlisted. After remaining here four days, the army started for Memphis, but found the river blockaded by the rebel General Marmaduke at Columbia. The army landed at daylight one morning in a furious rain-storm, and found the rebels about three miles from the place of landing, posted in a heavy timber lining the west bank of a lagoon too deep to be forded. The only crossing- place was a narrow bridge, which was swept by shell and THE riFTT-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 277 nister shot from a rebel battery at sbort range. A cbarge orderel, aad tli3 brIJ^3 was crossed, with a loss of thirty len killed and seventy wounded. As soon as the bridge was f-ossed, the enemy fled, leaving a part of their dead and jounded on the field. Their loss was small compared with !irs, as they fought under cover. Our men pursued them ibout ten miles, then turned their course for the transports. j We arrived at Memphis just as the stragglers from the Gun Jown fight, under General Sturgis, were coming in. The bterans of the 58th received their furloughs, and started for ome June 28lh, and the remainder of the army under A. J. jmith, started in pursuit of the rebel General Eorest, who, ■eing encouraged by his victory over Sturgis, and out-gener- led by the strategy of General Smith, was compelled to fight Tupello, Miss. The action commenced at daylight by the Qemy's skirmishers and artillery which continued until about iiO A. M., when the rebs charged with their whole force. flhen within a few rods of our men, they were met with a lounter-charge which they could not stand, they turned and led from the field in great confusion, followed closely by our jaen. The dead and wounded of the enemy fell into our lands, and about two hundred prisoners ; a few wagons and great numbers of small arms. I Our loss was about two hundred killed, wounded and miss- pg ; that of the 58th was five killed and ten wounded. Com- pany C lost none, as there were only fifteen present, the oth- ers being home on veteran furlough. j The army returned to Memphis, as the rebel army now broke fip into small parties and scattered through the country, ready to be whistled together again as soon as the danger was over. Smith and his troops had not been in Memphis over a week ibefore Forest and his graybacks were within twenty miles of that place, as saucy as ever, but more cautious. ! On the 6th of August, the veterans of the regiment, who had been at home enjoying the usual veteran furlough granted po all who re-enlisted, returned to the regiment, and, on the m 278 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTT. following day, were sent out on the Oxford raid, returning on the 30th. On the 5th of September we began a campaign against Price in Missouri, and reached Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, on the 29th of September. On the 2nd of October we left St. Louis, marching on the long and arduous campaign known as the Price raid, through Missouri to the borders of Kansas. This the veterans of the 58th, although inured by long service to every hardship, found to be one of the most severe and laborious of all their campaigns. They marched with great rapidity, were frequently in action, and most of the time were poorly supplied with rations. Returning to St. Louis, November 18th, it was now ordered to Nashville, Tenn., which place it reached on the 1st of De- cember, and on the 15th and 16th was eno-aged in the severe battles at that city, and, on the 17th, joined in the pursuit of the retreating army of Hood, following it as far as Eastport, Mississippi. The term of the original organization expiring on the 6th of February, 1865, those who had not re-enlisted were order- ed home, and the veterans and recruits, amounting to 390 men, were consolidated into four companies, and known as the "Battalion of the 58th Illinois Infantry." Major R. W. Healy being retained in command, the battalion left for New Orleans, and in March joined Canby's army in its operations against Mobile. On the 9th of March it was in the front hne in the grand charge which captured Fort Blakeley. While at Mobile it was joined by six new companies, raising it to a full regiment aorain. The last of April it was stationed at Montgomery, Alabama, and continued in service there until April 1st, 1866, when it was finally mustered out of the service, after having been on duty more than four years and a half. The record of no reg- iment in the service is more brilliant, nor will redound more to the honor of its members, than that of the brave, hard- worked old 58th Illinois Volunteers. ! VLen of DeKalb County in the 58th Illinois Inf. OFFICERS. LIETJTENANT-COLONEL. saac Rutishauser, Somonauk, honorably discharged, Jan. 27, 1865. COMPANY B. FJRST LIEUTENANT. ,ob Moxom, DeKalb, wounded, resigned March 2, 1863. COMPANY C. CAPTAIN. eorge W. Kittell, Shabbona, mustered out; time expired. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. anford W. Smith, Shabbona, resigned May 10, 1862. lenry Smith, Shabbona. transferred as consolidated. COMPANY E. FIRST LIEUTENANT. Larl A. Rutishauser, Somonauk, died of wounds, St. Louis, May 18, 1862. SECOND LIEUTENANT. oseph Staulfer, Somonauk, resigned May 21, 1862. ENLISTED MEN. COMPANY A. E.ECRUITS. iLosle 'VVilliani, Cortland, Sergeant, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Packard Dwight, Cortland, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Packard W. 0., Cortland, discharged for disability. COMPANY C. SERGEANTS. Henry Smith, Shabbona, promoted 2nd Lieutenant. Charles 0. Wheaton, Shabbona, discharged for wounds received at Shiloh. Sosiah C. Wright, Shabbona, discharged April 10, 1863, for disability. 'James M. Round, Shabbona, died July 29, 1862. i Franklin 0. Stephens, Shabbona, discharged June 17, 1862, for disability. CORPORALS. Cyrus A. Nelson, Shabbona, re-enlisted as veteran. iLevi W. Park, Shabbona, deserted Jan. 31, 1865. "William F. Williams, Shabbona, died June 13, 1862, of wounds. Lyman Grover, Shabbona, re-enlisted as veteran. 280 HISTOEY OF DE KALB COUNTY. PRIVATES. Baker John L., Shabbona, discharged for disability. Blair Labon, Shabbnna, re-enlisted as veteran. Ball Daniel F., Shabbona, deserted at Camp Douglas, 111. Cook Henry H., Shabbona, trans. Jan. 4, 1864, to Bat. H, 1st Mo. Lt. Art Curtii? Elijah, Shabbona, mustered out Feb. 7, 1865, as Sergeant. Cornish John W., Shabbona, trans Feb. 1, 1864, to Bat. H, Mo. Lt. Art. Davis Joseph, Shabbona, re-enlisted as veteran. Damutli George, Jr.. Shabbona, re-enlisted as -veteran. Flick George, Shabbona, deserted at Camp Douglas, 111. Filkins Nelson, Shabbona, died at St. Louis May 21, 1862. Goodell Henry C. Shabbona, discharged as a minor. Horton William, Shabbona, re-enlisted as veteran. Hunt Theodore H.. Shabbona. discharged for disability. Hinds William W., Shabbona, deserted July 1. 1862. Hamblin John A., Shabbona, discharged May 20, 1862. Johnson Charles, Shabbona, discharged August 25, 1862, for disability. Kelly James, Shabbona, re-enlisted as veteran. Liimbkins Josiah, Shabbona, dr-serted. • Muzzy John A., Shabbona, died at Brownsville, ]\Iiss., March 6, 1864. Morris John, Shabbona, mustered out Dec. 11, 1864. Nichols Byron, Shabbona, died at Paducali, Ky , Jan. 1, 1864. Perkins George, Shabbona, re-enlisted as veteran. Price Richard C, Shabbona, deserted. Ruddy Anthony, Stiabbona, deserted Dec. 1, 1862. Scott ^liles D., Shabbona, deserted. Simpson William, Shabbona, trans. Feb. 14, 1864, to Bat. K, Ist Mo. Lt. Art. Shehan Timothy, Shabbona, re-enllsted as veteran. Todd Owen, Shabbona, detached in 1st i\Iissouri Light Artillery. Tompkins John, Shabbona, deserted. TJnwin William, Shabbona, deserted July 20, 1862. VanDeventer Erwin, Shabbona, captured at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. VanVoltenburg John, Shabbona, mustered out Feb. 7, 1865. Witherspoon Frederick, Shabbona, discharged as a minor. Williamson William. Shabbona, trans. Jan. 4, 1864, to Bat. H, 1st Mo. Art. Witherspoon Edmund, Shabbona, mustered out Feb. 7, 1865. Whitbeck James, Shabbona, re-enlisted as veteran. Weston Edson H., Shabbona, discharged June 20, 1862, for disability. AVoodward William, Shabbona, deserted July 20, 1862. Wigton Charles C Shabbona, re-enlisted as veteran. Nelson Cjrus A., Shabbona, Sergeant, trans, to Co. C as consolidated. Harris Orange P., Afton, Sergeant, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Perkins George, Shabbona, Serejeant, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Horton William, Shabbona, Corporal, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Grover James. Shabbona, Corporal, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Kelly James, Shabbona, Corporal, deserted Dec. 1, 1864. Whetbeck James, Shabbona, Corporal, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Blair Laban, Shabbona, deserted Dec. 1, 1864. Damuth George, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Davis Job, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Grover Lyman, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Shehan Timothy, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Williams .John, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Wigton Charles C. Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Club Charles, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Clapsaddle Henry L., Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Dugan James, Shabbona, discharged Nov. 7, 1863, for disability. FIFTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 281 Davis Harvey ]M., Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. DeWglf William W., Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Gates Cliarles, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Hamlin Horace A., Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Harris Orange P., Aft on, re-enlisted as veteran. Kennicutt Daniel, Shabbona Grove, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Kettle John N., Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Lilly Charles, Shabbona, discharged June 17, 1862, for disability. Martin Daniel, Shabbona, discharged Jan. 20. 18(52 ; minor. Norton Francis, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Palm Dennis G., Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Price George N., Shabbona, mustered out Feb. 7, 186-5. Rowe William H., Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Simpson Elmer G., Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Smith Joseph Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Town Russell, Shabbona Grove, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Town Daniel, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. Wright Eugene, Shabbona, transferred to Co. C as consolidated. COMPANY D. Brigham John, Somonauk, mustered out Feb. 7, 1865. Nielly Simon, Somonauk, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. COMPANY E. SERGEANTS. Henry Duft, Somonauk, died at Macon, Ga,, Oct. 1-5, 1862, while prisoner. Philip Haibach, Somonauk, deserted from Camw Butler, 111. CORPOKALS. Joseph Savasin, Somonauk, deserted Feb. 15, 1363. Friedrich Wehrle, Somonauk, discharged for disability. Henry Miller, Somonauk, died at Macon, Ga., Sept. 24, 1862, a prisoner. Rudolph Seidel, Somonauk, deserted June 20, 1862. Gustavus Seller, Somonauk, mustered out Feb. 7, 1865. PRIVATES. Anders Charles, Somonauk, discharged for disability. B ootz Joseph, Somonauk, mustered out Feb. 7. 1865. Biehlman Samuel, Somonauk, mustered out Feb. 7. 1865, Conway Denis, Somonauk, died at Camp Butler, 111. Dooley William, Somonauk, discharged Dec. 2, 1862, for disability. Gerold John, Somonauk, discharged Jan. 1, 1864, to re-enlist in 1st Mo. Art. Graf Samuel, Somonauk, mustered out Feb. 7, 1865. Goodrich Christopher, Somonauk, discharged for disability. Hasken James, Somonauk, discharged for disability. Hecker Anton, Somonauk, discharged for disability. Henry William, Somonauk, discharged for disability. Krissman Louis, S omonauk, deserted Oct. 15, 1862. Steinbiss Frederick, Somonauk, deserted Feb. 15, 1863. Thomnson William, Somonauk, mustered out Feb. 7, 1865. RECRUITS. Beck Louis, Somonauk, died at Camp Butler, 111., May 5, 1863. Bradley Edward, Somonauk, died in rebel prison. Frank Philip, Somonauk, re-enlisted as veteran. 36 282 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. COMPANY G. PRIVATES. i Artlip Edward, Cortland, deserted Jan. 25, 1863. Artlip John, Cortland, discharged July 5, 1862, for disability. Albright Adelmar, Cortland, deserted June, 1862. Croft James, Somonauk, deserted May 1, 1862. Chamberlaiu Ebenezer L., Somonauk, discharged June 2, 1862 ; disabilitj Erkhort Daniel, Cortland, deserted Feb. 6, 1862. Grey Stephen, Pierceville, deserted Sept. 1, 1862. Hogan "William, Clinton, tranferred to Co. I, Jan. 5, 1862. Johnson Stephen, Pierceville, disc. Jan. '62, for prom, as Hosp. Stew.U.S.A Johnson Sylvester M., Squaw Grove, transferred to Co. B as consolidated Labrant Charles, Pierceville, died at St. Louis May 12, 1862, from wound Labrant Jonathan, Pierceville, mustered out Feb. 7, 1865, as Corporal. Earner Philip, Pierceville, discharged Oct. 13, 1862, for disability. Kaymond Henry E., Cortland, discharged Nov. 14, 1862, for disability'. Smith Moses, Pierceville, discharged Jan. 8, 1863, for disability. Walker William P. J., Clinton, mustered out Feb. 7, 1865: was prisoner. Wells Royal, Pierceville, re-enlisted as veteran. COMPANY H. chwartz Michael, Clinton, deserted April 6, 1862. Schefnerr Alonzo, Clinton, mustered out April 17, 1865. COMPANY I. Chamberlain Daniel, Somonauk, transferred to Co. G, Jan. 5, 1861 Fargo William P., DeKalb, transferred to Co. G, Jan. 5, 1862. Griffith Horace, DeKalb, transferred to Co. G, Jan. 5, 1862. Hooker Lewis H., DeKalb, transferred to Co. G, Jan 5, 18(i2. Parker John C, DeKalb, transferred to Co. G, Jan. 5, 1862. Paisley Sylvester, DeKalb, transferred to Co. G, Jan. 5, 1862. Turner Henry, DeKalb, transferred to Co. G, Jan. 5, 1862. Wolrod Charles, DeKalb, transferred to Co. G, Jan. 5, 1862. \ Tenth Illinois Infantry. f TENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 10th Illinois was first organized as a three-months regiment at Cairo, April 29th, 1861, under the command of Colonel B. M. Prentiss, and subsequently as a three-years regiment under Colonel James D. Morgan. Company C, of Sandwich, DeKalb County, is said to be the first full company raised in the United States under the first call of President Lincoln. Two weeks after the fall of Fort Sumter, this company was ready for service, fitted with quaint home-made uniforms by the citizens of Sandwich, and on the 22nd of April was order- ed to, and started for, Cairo, an important strategic point, which was quickly seen to be of immense importance to the loyal cause. The occupation of Cairo was not effected a day too soon, for the country around it swarmed with disloyahsts, and in a few days it would have been fortified by the traitors. The 10th remained engaged in fortification and garrison du- ties at Cairo during its first three months' service. The regi- ment consisted of seven companies of infantry and three of artillery, and, during its brief term of service, engaged in expeditions to the rear of Columbus, in June, and to Benton, Missouri, in July. On the 29th of July it was re-organized, and mustered into the United States service for three years, with Colonel Morgan as its commander. THE TENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ' 285 I On the 10th of January, 1862, it started on a raid through ijat portion of Kentucky which lies adjacent to Cairo, and ilcomplished the destruction of a large amount of property tat was giving suppost to the rebels. On the 1st of March, in connection with the 7th cavalry, lie regiment scattered Jeif. Thompson's guerrillas at Sykes- n, Mo., taking several prisoners and two guns. On the 10th of March it left Bird's Point, joined General pe at JSTew Madrid, driving the enemy's pickets and losing 'aptain Carr and two men, and took part in frustrating the ians of the rebels, who were endeavoring to escape from Island lumber Ten, causing the surrender of Greneral Mackall and 00 men. On the 10th of April it returned to New Madrid, thence ent to Osceola, near Fort Pillow, and from thence to Pitts- irg Landing, which it reached soon after the great battle at at point. It then took part in the siege of Corinth, and was jremost in pursuit of the flying rebels to Booneville. The giment lay at Big Springs during June and July, and from e 13th of July till the 28th of August it was at Tuscumbia, la., and was then sent via Florence and (Columbia to Nash- lle, losing, on the way, five men killed. This place it guard- from September 12th till relieved by the army of General osecrans. During this time, it was fighting almost constant- , for a part of the time being on one-half rations, then one- urth, and finally almost without rations at all. On Novem- er 15th it lost, in a repulse of the enemy, two men killed. jTet the boys found time to build Fort Negley. Assigned to |reneral Mitchell's corps, it remained at Nashville till July, 863, and then, under General Thorne, went through the ampaign in Alabama and Mississippi, reaching Bridgeport iugust 24th. October 1st, in Sequatchie Yalley, in connec- ion with McCook's cavalry, it drove Wheeler's cavalry from ihe valley. November 24th, it crossed the Tennessee River in pontoons, supporting General Sherman's attack on the left If Mission Ridge. 286 HISTORY OF DE KALE COUNTY. On the 26tli it pursued Hardee's retreating column, and captured twenty of their rear guard at Chickamauga Station. It followed the retreating enemy to Ringold, thence to the relief of Burnside, marching in mid-winter without blankets, shoes or tents, — thence back to Chattanooga, and went into winter-quarters at Rossville, Ga. Xo sterner trials, no more heroic sacrifices, were ever made by any soldiers of any age than in this campaign of the 10th Illinois. On the 1st of January the regimer t, reduced to 394 men, re-enlisted as veterans, and started for home on January 11, 1864. The regiment left Illinois for the field again in February commanded by Colonel John Tillson, and, under Sherman, joined in the advance on Atlanta, and in Sherman's grand march to the sea. It reached Beaufort, South Carolina, on January 9th, and on the 13th started to cross the Salkahatchie, but failed, on account of high water and the resistance of the enemy, until, on the 3d of February, it effected its purpose in spite of the obstinate opposition of the rebel foe. It here lost forty men in killed and wounded. The swamp upon the banks of the river was a mile wide, and the regiment was in its ice-cold water from one to five feet deep from T A. M. till dark. Gen. Howard, who was present, pronounced this engagement " the best thing of the war." On the 9th it crossed the South Edisto, throwing a pontoon in the face of the enemy, and, after wading a half-mile in the darkness of night, attacked the enemy in the flank, and drove them from their entrenchments, capturing many prisoners. Passing through Columbia and Cheraw to Fayetteville, and tearing up railroads on the way, the regiment was there de- tached to lay a pontoon over Cape Fear river ; and it drove the enemy from the opposite bank, losing six men. Then on toward Goldsboro : and when the 14th Corps was attacked at Bentonville, it made a forced night march, and took part in the battles of the 20th and 21st. On this latter day the reg- 1 THE TFNTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 287 merit got on the enemy's flank, and captured his headquarters 'aaterial. The division successfullj withstood the attack of Pardee's whole corps, losing sixty men of the 10th and over me hundred in the brigade, being one-fourth of the loss of the [v'hole army. ■ Thence it passed on to Raleigh ; and, after the final collapse f the rebellion, by the surrender of Johnson's army, it moved Richmond, Fredericksburg and Washington, participating n the grand review. On the 4th of June it was moved to Louisville, Ky., and .'as mustered out of service July 4th, 1865, receiving its final lischarge and pay at Chicago, July 11th. The regiment, in its last campaign, was commanded by ieutenant-Colonel Gillespie, and was attached to the 17tli Lrmy Corps under General F. P. Blair, in the Army of the -"'ennessee, commanded by Major-General 0. 0. Howard. It 3 a regiment whose long services, whose great sacrifices and ^hose heroic achievements, merit a more extended history ; Jut the materials are not at hand. The brief record of its ufl"erings and its exploits must ever be a crown of honor to ,11 its members, and a source of pride to the County of • De Calb. Men of DeKalb County in the 10th Illinois In; COMPANY H. SERGEANTS. Daniel R. Ballou, Sandwich, promoted 1st Lieutenant. Franklin Munson, Sandwich, promoted 1st Lieutenant. Hubert Carwer, Sandwich, mustered out Aug. 28, 18(34. Edward Hoag, Sandwich, died Feb. 6, 1862. , Charles Kenrill, Sandwich, mustered out Aug. 28, 1864. CORPORALS. M. R. VanNostrand, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. George Woodward, Sandwich, promoted 1st Lieutenant, .lohn Culver, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. Cornelius Haggerty. Sandwich, died August 31, 1862. PRIVATES. Brucham William, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. Baldwin John, Sandwich, discharged INIarch 9, 1862. Baldwin Kipps, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Baniield John, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Baker Thornton, Sandwich, discharged May 26, 1862. Corke Thomas, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Canliam William, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. Colgrove Franklin, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Davis Washington, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Drujar William, Sandwich, died Feb. 25, 1864. Estabrook Edwin, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Fuhr Adam, Sandwich, mustered out August 28th, 1864. Faxon Samuel, Sandwich, re -enlisted as veteran. (Jodfrey Charles, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864, (lilbert Franklin, Sandwich, discharged March 12, 1862. Hamlin Charles, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. Hamlin William H., Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. Hinkins Andrew, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. Hart Henry, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. Hammer Francis, Sandwich, discharged March 11, 1862. Ise Henry, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Judd Albert, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. Lacey Michael, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Mullin Nathaniel, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Miller James, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1 864. Miller George C, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Miller William, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. Rose Andrew, Sandwich, mustered out June 15, 1865. Sanders Milton, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. Snyder Augustus, Sandwich, died March 4, 1864. Stall John, Sandwich, mustered out August 28, 1864. THIRTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. f 289 l^pp Herman, Sandwich, died Nov. 6, 1862. orget Henry, Sandwich, discharged Nov. 20, 1863. 'ait Lorenzo, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran, jhitney Edward, Sandwich, deserted Nov. 27, 1861. VETERANS. Mdwin Kipps, Sandwich, died July 20, 1864, from wounds, infield John, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865, as Corporal, •jlgrove Franklin, Sandwich, discharged June 23, 1865, for disability. t|irke Thomas, Sandwich, transferred to non-commissioned staff. jivis Washington, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865, as Corporal, jtabrook Edwin, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865, as Corporal. jiXon Samuel, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865, as Sergeant, limmer Francis, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865. jbcey Michael, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865, as Sergeant. UUer James, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865, as Sergeant. ;3se Andrew, Sandwich, wounded. lipp Herman, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865, as Sergeant. jnslat Eugene, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865, as Sergeant. inNostrand M. R., Sandwich, transferred to non-,ommissioned staff'. it Lorenzo, Sendwich, transferred to non-commissioned staff". RECRUITS. )ster Nicholas, Sandwich, mustered out Sept. 5, 1864. pbbin David, Sandwich, mustered out Sept. 27, 1864. ivis Henry, Sandwich, died May 8, 1862. jtabrook Adelbert, Sandwich, mustered out July 4, 1865. ietty George, Sandwich, mustered out Dec. 28, 1864. iietty Jacob, Sandwich, died Jan. 29, 1862. !ough George A., Sandwich, discharged July 19, 1863. olden William, Sandwich, mustered out Dec. 28, 1864. oefner Antonio, Sandwich, transferred to Mississippi Marine Brigade. litham Thomas A., Sandwich, mustered out Dec. 28, 1864. jlorrison Thomas, Sandwich, transferred to Mississippi Marine Brigade. baton Leonard B., Somonauk, mustered out July 4, 1865. rouslatt Eugene, Sandwich, re-enlisted as veteran. 37 i Thirteenth Illinois Infantry. Tnirteentli Illinois Infantry. The ^agbarj c£ die eaofy paut of the war for the Unioa iii reeoid of a persisleBt eftst hj the pec^tle to proeare fin their gorensBent the pnwi^egs dT plaang enongli armed ma in :-i z^ 11 irdi ovei' all oppoation. and a constant reset " T ^ -'le goTcniiBen[t.iiiiidi desired to cany • " T :.-_- ^ :ic-kziMiie«mZE^dian the case danandei to eondnet it in a ddibsate, eantiaiis war, with as asall ■ army and as littfe naterial as possible. When Fort Somtia- had £dkn, and that indignant npria^ of the peofile had oeesrred whkh cre ry whe re folloired it, i erery toim and hamlet of loral Ulinms die notes of nuatii ]M%para£k« were heard, and little bands of men, gatha^ ti gether, b^ara drilfing, and damorooslj demanded of the gvf enuBM&t to be led again 5: :le iz.iz:Lj. The Preadoit sou called for To.'Xhj tr ^ 1 ' -. feding varraato by the lavs as they iz_:- _ :__- jl i-ll-zg out tixwps for Ai length of time. This eaQ was filled : and still hundred « thovamds of skb, anzioBS to do thdr duty upon the batA field, were left out of dte ranks. Upon the 4th of May. the President made a new call fc 42,000 more men, to serve three years ; and niimns was giwJ the jHirilege of fgrwiahipg six regiments of them. Then k gan sbA a aerambfing lisr the pawfiege of Cnming a part • these regimeBls as was pvobabty nerer seen before in as; THE THIRTENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY, / 293 ountry. Places were sought in these regiments with as much :ddity as civil offices are now struggled for. All manner of (hemes, combinations and strategems were used to affect the inds of the authorities, so as to gain the boon of a place in i.ese regiments. A convention of claimants for this honor in this congres- lonal district was held at Geneva, and every one who had any fluence or acquaintance with any person in authority was .^ged to attend and secure a recognition for these companies, he convention accomplished nothing ; but soon after, an order as procured for the creation of one regiment, the 13th Illi- oi^, in this 2nd congressional district. Of its ten companies, le from Sycamore and one from Sandwich were fortunate lough to secure a place and a right to serve their country. Tost of the companies had been filled up to the number of fie hundred privates, besides the officers, when an order came ■om the War Department, still bent on diminishing the force, ) reduce the company to eighty -four privates. This was a sore disappointment to those who were excluded. n some of the companies the men drew lots to determine who aould remain ; and in others, by some kind of authority, the larried men of the company were forced to fall out of the anks and stay at home, the single men only being accorded ie privilege of remaining. It is also a noteworthy fact that lany men purchased the right of those who had been fortu- ate enough to be accepted, paying from $20 to $50 for the /rivilege of taking their places. ; The Sycamore company had for several weeks been drilling i.aily under charge of Z. B. Mayo, a decrepid old soldier who ad seen service in the Mexican war ; and many will recollect ow, being without arms, they daily went through the manual a the streets of Sycamore with broomsticks and hoe-handles. When the permission was really gained to join the regiment, he people of the place, anxious to do something for these men, 'ssembled in the Court House, and the ladies busily employed hemselves and their sewing machines in makinn uniforms. 294 . HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. The citizens were ignorant of any army regulations of cloth- ing ; but gray was thought to be a desirable color ; and the boys were equipped in full suits of gray, the gifts of the ladies and gentlemen of the place. With a vague idea that each company required a banner, a beautiful silk flag was prepared and presented to our company by one of the young ladies, before an immense crowd gathered to witness the novel scene. On the 9th of May, 1861, the 13th regiment was organized at Camp Dement, Dixon ; and on the 24th it was mustered into the service. It is said to have been the first regiment to organize under the President's call for three years men, and the first to enter the United States service. The regiment remained at Dixon for a few weeks engaged in improving its drill and discipline ; and here lost its first man. Sergeant Berry, a young gentleman of fine promise, who was shot by one of the sentinels. The regiment was soon after ordered to Caseyville, Illinois, and in July moved forward to Rolla, Missouri, an important strategic point, the termination of a railroad, and the depot of supplies. It was the first regiment to cross the Mississippi river, and move into the hostile region of Missouri. The regiment did excellent service in suppressing the plun- dering bands of guerrillas who infested that region for forty miles around. They also served to inspire with courage the Union people of the country, who had been cowed by the prevalent disloyalty. While they were stationed here, Colonel Wyman organized many of the Union citizens of the neighbor- hood into cavalry companies, who afterwards, under General Curtis, proved themselves the most efficient cavalrymen in the southwestern army. While at this point, Captain Z. B. Mayo resigned his captaincy, and was succeeded by 1st Lieutenant E. F. Dutton. Engaged in this duty until October 25th, the regiment was then ordered forward to join the army which was forming under Fremont at Springfield, in southwestern Missouri. The THE THIRTENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 295 loops were still comparatively unused to long marches ; yet Hey were urged forward with great rapidity, marching, on the kond day, thirty-four miles, and reaching Springfield, a (istance of one hundred miles, in four days. Gen. Fremont, ■arning the speed on which it had come to his assistance, imed it his "Flying Infantry," and, noting its superior dis- (Spline, assigned it the highest post of honor and danger in s army. But Fremont was now removed from command, the plan of ie campaign was changed, and the 13th returned to Rolla. 1 the retrograde movement, on the night of November 11th, very sudden death occurred at Camp Plummer, proving that .6 skeleton-king oft comes when least expected — passing from ;e blazing battery to strike his victim in the midst of security td peace. A young man, Henry Holt, bugler of Major Power's caval- , attached to the 13th regiment, was complaining of feeling ither ill, when the Quartermaster, Captain Henderson, who iid a passion for aught like fun, proposed to bury the musi- lan ; and, in the spirit of merriment, seized a spade, and, fter measuring the complainer, dug a grave of his exact pro- artions. I The bugler laughed, as did his companions, at the humor of :ie officer, and soon after went away to discharge some duty [ith which he had been intrusted. About nine o'clock the same evening. Holt was sitting, with even or eight of his company, about a camp-fire, within a few iiet of the grave, when some one pointed to it and remarked. It a tone of badinage : I " Come, Harry, get ready for your funeral ! " i The youth looked over his shoulder at the gloomy cavity in le earth, put his hand to his head, and fell from his stool. lis companions laughed at the little piece of acting, as they 'apposed it, and were surprised that he did not rise from the iarth. i They went up to him, asking, "Are you asleep, Harry ? " 296 \ HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. He made no answer, and yet his eyes were open. They shook him in vain. His friends grew alarmed. One placed his hand upon Harry's heart. It was still : he was dead ! He had perished of a stroke of apoplexy, and was buried at midnight, in the grave made for him in jest by a merry-heart- ed friend. And so the droll jest was drowned in the hollow sound of the earth falling upon a rude coffin, and solemnly waking the stillness of the night-morn amid the solitude of a broad prairie of the southwest. The regiment remained at Kolla till, on December 12tb, it moved to Salem, where guerrillas were reported to be infesting the country, and, after remaining two weeks, returned to Rolla. Here the cold dreary winter was spent until, on the 6th of March, 1862, the regiment was sent to join the army of Gen. Curtis, who was threatened by Price's rebels, and who, before our regiment could reach him, had fought the famous and sanguinary battle of Pea Ridge. It was a terribly severe march. Through constant rain and mud, and amid want and destitution, it pressed on from twenty to thirty miles a day, living upon most scanty rations, and forbidden to forage upon the country — as the policy of the higher powers was still to please instead of punish the foe. On the 14th it passed over the battle-field of Wilson's Creek, and on the 17th camped on the battle-ground of Pea Ridge. The ground was strown with shot, shell, and other remains of the conflict. The odor of the decaying bodies was still ex- tremely offensive. In one spot the bodies of seventy hostile Indians lay festering in corruption : there was such a bitter feeling toward the savages who had scalped and plundered our men, that they were refused interment. On the 18th the regiment joined Curtis' army, but next day moved back again some ten miles, Price being reported within THIRTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 297 renty miles with 50,000 men. But Price s army was too lidly shattered by its late terrible conflict to dare to attack us. We lay encamped till the 8th of April, and then commenced llong, tedious and laborious movement across the country to jielena, Arkansas, No one who was engaged upon that ter- Ible march can ever forget its painful weariness, the cold, the linger, the drenching, chilling rains, the dangers from flooded livers, the perils from hovering guerrillas and armed bands of le enemy, the destitution from scanty rations, and, at times, torn thirst. Terrible suff"erings were caused during the latter ]irt of the march by this cause. The weather had become Itensely warm, streams were very rare, the rebel inhabitants lied up and destroyed their wells upon our approach, and (.r troops often were without water for a day at a time. en could be seen struggling along in the intense heat, their Ingues swollen and hanging out of their mouths. Yet guards United States troops were sent forward every day to guard ery rebel's house that we passed, and prevent foraging upon e inhabitants. The march lasted for more than three months; and it Avas not till the last of July that our army ]j ached the Mississippi at Helena, and again was furnished jth the necessaries of existence from the stores of the United |ates. We reached the river accompanied by an immense train of Dgroes, the slaves of the rebels, who followed the army loaded 'ith such provisions and property as they could secure — a ibst ludicrous procession. I After some desviltory service about Helena, the regiment ^is attached to General Steele's division of Sherman's army, !ien assembling for the movement upon Vicksburg. On the 22nd of December the regiment, with an immense fiet, moved down the Mississippi, and, on the 26th, under < nvoy of the gunboats, moved up the Yazoo river to the at- Ick on the city in the east. On the morning of the 27th, the whole army was drawn up, 1|e 13th, in Steele's division, on the left. Durinar the after- 38 298 HISTORY OF LE KALE COUNTY. noon the rebel pickets were driven in, and the regiment we into camp for the night in a furious rain-storm. In t morning the regiment was engaged in skirmishing, and durii the afternoon a dashing charge w^as made upon a rebel battel by the 13th and 16th Illinois, under General Wyman. I had placed himself at the head of the 13th, and the regime: Avas moving on the battery, and had arrived at a small bayo silenced the rebel guns upon the opposite side, and lay dov and began firing on the sharpshooters who swarmed in tl woods. As General Wyman rose up to move among his me he Avas struck by a rebel bullet in the right breast and mo tally wounded. The fall of the General was a terrible sho( to the regiment. Several officers rushed to his assistance, bi he cried, " For God's sake leave me and attend to the men, The regiment remained there some time, and were subsequen ly moved to another part of the field. At this time Porti D. West and Isaiah Babcock of Company F were severe] Avounded. ,M On that night the men lay on their arms in line of battl destitute of blankets, although the weather was freezing. On the 20th occurred the grand desperate charge upon tl rebel Avorks on Chickasaw Bayou, in which the regiment lo; one-third of its number. About nine o'clock a line Avns formed for an assault upo the batteries. They stood on eminences, in horse-shoe form and, in the terrible abyss into Avhicli i^liot and shell fromthre sides Avere pouring, the regiment Avas formed for a charg* There Avere three brigades ; and the 13th Avas in the brigad under command of General Frank P. Blair. Most of thi brigade Avas composed of ncAv troops : so that the veterans € the 13th Avere required to lead the charge. Into all this terrible storm of shot and shell the 13th march ed without faltering. They captured two lines of rebel rifle pits; and Avhen they reached the third line, very feAv remaiiiei of this brigade but a scattered remnant of the 13th. They were noAv Avithin thirty rods of the fortifications. THE THIRTEEXTII ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 299 e 600 men Avho started, 177 were either killed, Avounded or ,ptured. Of 63 men of Company F, 22 were killed, wounded ;^d missing. Captain R. A. Smith, who had gallantly led his ([mpany to the third rifle-pit, lost his arm while in the ad- Tice, but bound it up and continued with the troops until e charge was over. If we could have captured the fortifications, which we had lUv so nearly accomplished, the road to Vicksburg would have heri open to us, and all the loss of life and property that bsequently occurred in the struggle for its capture would Ive been saved. But the day Avas full of misfortunes ; the divisions moved thout concert of action. No reinforcements were sent for- ird, and, after holding their ground for half an hour, the der came to retire ; and, as similar misfortunes had occurred other points, the day was lost. But the 13tli Illinois were the heroes of the day. Tliey ught with magnificent bravery, reckless of all danger. No oner Avere their lines formed than they fell before the pitiless arm of shot and shell, like grass before the scythe of the ower ; yet they held their position like Spartans, although posed to this terrible fire from batteries against Avhicli tlieir fn fire was harmless. The colors of the regiment Avere left upon the field of battle, iiid afterAvards sent as a trophy to Richmond. They lay there .1 the final capture of that city, when they Avere found by jie of the first of the Union troops Avho entered, and were rown to the breeze — the first Union flag that had been seen that rebel capital since the fall of Sumter. The grand attack upon Vicksburg had failed, and the untry AYas much depressed. Up the Arkansas river Avas Arkansas Post, a strong fortifi- tion to protect that river, and to McClernand AA^as assigned ^e task of capturing it. Steele's division, in Avhich Avas the kh Illinois, Avas among his troops. After a day of hard ;hting, Arkansas Post Avas forced to surrender to the Union 1 800 HISTORY or DE KALB COUNTY. arms ; and with it five thousand prisoners were taken, and a hirge amount of munitions of war. It was a victory that raised the hopes and the spirits of the country, and greatly cheered the hearts of the soldiers. Upon the fall of Arkansas Post, the regiment accompanied General Steele to Greenville, Miss., where an immense amount of stores were captured and destroyed. Passing then under the immediate command of General Grant, it marched across Milliken's Bend to Grand Gulf, and, making a detour, took part in the capture of Jackson, the capital of Mississippi. Orders from the General authorized the 13th to inscribe upon its banners, with Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, the word Jackson, as a token of its participation in that achieve- ment of our troops. From Jackson the regiment moved upon Yicksburg, and engaged in the siege of that place until its final fall on July 4th, 1863. In the trenches, in the deadly assault, in the dangers and sufferings of that long siege, the 13th bore its full share ; and Vicksburg was also inscribed upon its banners and its list of triumphs. It was the grandest triumph yet vouchsafed to the Union cause : for it bisected the Confederacy and restored to us the control of the Mississippi, the great Father of Waters. Two days after the surrender, the 13th were again moving upon Jackson, which had been re-occupied by the enemy; and, upon the 10th of July, that city Avas again in possession of our boys, and Jackson, July 10th, was added on our ban- ner to the list of our victories. For a few weeks the regiment was rested, encamped upon Black river, in the rear of Vicksburg. There George Carr and Samuel Bryant were captured by the enemy, and for many long months endured the horrors of captivity in rebel prisons. Then under the great Sherman, it moved on Chattanooga. Arriving at Bridgeport, on the Tennessee river, Col. Gorgas turned over the command to Lieutenant-Colonel Partridge, THE THIRTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 301 ij M departed on recruiting service, appearing no more with te regiment until after its active campaigns had ceased. iThe regiment now engaged in the active operations for the cpture of Chattanooga. They acted as rear guard for the Jth Army Corps on its march from Corinth to Tuscumbia, id for one week were every day engaged in severe skirmishes p'th the enemy, who was striving to cut off its wagon-train. Ibon the capture of Tuscumbia, the name of that phice was ]'iered to be placed upon its banner. .'In Lookout Valley the regiment was placed in the command > Fighting Joe Hooker, and participated in the memorable !!pture of Lookout Mountain, and, on the 25th, in the still ffiater victory of Mission Ridge, where the 13th captured j)re prisoners of the 18th Alabama regiment than it had men lilts own, and carried off in triumph from the field the battle :g of that regiment. jHere the rebel foe was defeated and routed, flying in de- lair across the Chickamauga, and burning the bridge in its jir. The 13th was among the troops sent in pursuit of them, eburne, who, among the rebels, was called the Stonewall ckson of the west, was in command of the rear of Bragg's ing host, and, at Ringold Gap, determined to make a stand d resist his pursuers. (The 13th, upon that bloody day, was the first to engage the |emy and the last to leave the field. It was sent forward ^er an open plain to seize an important position. Of their rvice on this occasion. General Osterhaus officially says : The 13th Illinois executed the order in magnificent style, ley charged through a hail-storm of balls, and gained the isition assigned to them — held it, although the enemy pour- a murderous fire into their brave men, both from the gorge lOve and the hill upon the right." The rebels rallied and made a desperate charge upon its •sition, but the charge was repelled with heroic courage, eneral Hooker says : " The position was heroically taken id held by that brave regiment, it all the time maintaining 302 HISTORY OF DE KALE COUNTY. its position with resolution and obstinacy. It has never been my fortune to serve with more zealous and devoted soldiers." Xo small praise, tliis, from the most famous fighting general of the war. S Many instances of individual heroism upon this occasion might be related. Patrick Riley, the color-bearer, while car- rying the flag across the open plain, Avas strucic in the breast, and fell to the ground, the flag bespattered with his blood ; but he still held it firm and erect, until his successor was obliged to wrench it from his dj'ing grasp and pass on. The regiment gained undying fame by its valor at this fight ; but it was at a fearful cost. It lost, in dead and wounded, one- one-seventh of the entire loss of the desperate battle ; but the victory was won, and Cleburne driven from his position. Among its dead was Major D. R. Bushnell, and of Its Avounded Avere Colonel Partridge, Captain AValter Blanchanl, and Captain James M. Beardsley. Major Bushnell was a citizen of Sterling — one of the noblest and manliest of all our citizen soldiers, ilis loss Avas sadly deplored. Captain Blanchard, who subsequently died of his Avounds, was an aged man, a judge of DuPage County Court, and President of the Naperville Bank ; had tAvo sons in the army, but endured all the hardships of the service Avith a heroism that nothing could overcome. On the ITth of April, Avhen the time of the regmient Avould have expired in a week, it Avas posted at ]Madison Station in Alabama. The rebel Boddy's command, outnumbering it five to one, came upon it disguised in the blue uniforms of our own army, and completely surprised and surrounded it. The regiment at this time had only 350 men fit for duty. Tho rebels had three pieces of artillery and 1500 caA^alry and in- fantry. After two hours hard fighting against these odds, the regiment was obliged to abandon the station, fighting its way through its foes, losing sixty-six men prisoners in their hands. The enemy's loss, as reported 1)y flag of truce, \vas sixty kill- ed, wounded and missing. THE THIRTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 303 In the summer of 1864, worn down with the hazards and wardships of three years of very active service, having travel- ed through seven Southern States, marched more than three housand miles, fought twenty pitched battles and innumerable kirmishes, the scarred and war-worn veterans of the 13th Jlinois came back to their homes, and were received with a vclcome such as their heroism deserved. A large number of the regiment re-enlisted, and were con- olidated with the oGth Illinois Infantry, being there known ''S Company I ; and for another year they fought the rebel- ion till its close. Of the remainder of tlie regiiient, full one-half subsequently e-enlisted in other regiments, and again took tJie field. The egiment entered the service with 1010 men. It received 5o ecruits, but, when mustered out, its whole force was 500. It ad lost from the various casualties of war 565 men. Men of DeKalb County in the 13th Illinois In; COMPANY E. SERGEANTS. S E. W. Duvey, Sandwich, deserted Jan. 1, 3S().3. B. W. Clifford, Piano, promoted 2d Lieutenant. Zenas S. Harrison, Sandwich, discharged Nov. 3, 1861, for disability, William Wallace, Sandwich, promoted 2d Lieutenant. f ORPORALS. James y\. Dobbin, f reeland, died Jan. 12, 1863, of wounds. William K. T^nderwood, Satidwicli, mustered o^t Jan 8, 1865, as Sergeam .Ml'SIClANS. E. T. Bowers, Somonauk, mustered out June 18, 1864. 8. W. West, Somonauk, mustered out June 18, 1864. nilVATES. ^ Ankle Henry, Somonauk, mustered out June 18, 1864. ^ Bish Lewis, Squaw Grove, mustered out June 18, 1864, as Corporal. Bashew Joseph M., Sandwich, died Jan. 21, 1863, of wounds- Brookins James, Squaw Grove, mustered out June 18, 2864. Brainard Jacob, Squaw Grove, mustered out June 18, 1864. Doolittle Marcus B., Sandwich, died March 7, 186 ". Fitch Albert C, Somonauk, mustered out June 18. 1864. Hermis Lewis, Sandwich, prisoner, mustered out June 10, 1865. Joles William, Sandwich, nuistered out June 18, 1864. Judge Michael, Somonauk, mustered out June 18, 1864. Kelly James, Somonauk, mustered out June 18, 1864. Kouth Michael, Somonauk, deserted July 4, 1861. y Liter Nicholas, Squaw Grove, mustered out June 18, 1864. Miller Nicholas, Squaw Grove, m. o. June 18, '64, Corporal; was a prisoner Mullin Andrew, Sandwich, killed at Chickasaw Bayou, Dec. 29, 1862. Mattison Joseph D., Sandwich, mustered out June 18, 1864. Nicholas Thomas, Somonauk, died August 16, 1863. Orr Alfred B., Somonauk, discharged Sept. 8, 1863, for disability. Patch William B., Clinton, deserted March 10, 1862. Potter Thomas B., Somonauk, killed at Chickasaw Bayou, Dec. 29, 1862. Palmer Camillas L., Squaw Grove, died June 16, 1863. Pierce Benjamin. DeKalb, died Jan. 7, 1862. Stewart Daniel, Sandwich, mustered out June 18, 1864. VanVelzer Lucien L., DeKalb, deserted April 24, 1862. Wilcox Otis, Sandwich, deserted July 4, 1861. RECRUITS. Alger William H., Somonauk, transferred to Company I, 56th Illinois Inf- Mullin John, Sandwich, prisoner, mustered out May 30, 1865, as Corporal. Trapp Frederick, Somonauk. died March 7, 1863. y-^f^s^'^^Z. R lYET BRJG..GEm F. W. PART Rl DGt OF SAII(»riCH-. Chcay lil^ I ;i iifiMlli J. Ci>flie»6»- THIRTEENTH ILLIN01> IVFAyiET. 305 (.OMPANY F. seb<:eaxts. Jhn ?. If arroun. Sycamore, ab^^ent : not nuistcifil in. , ro A. Buck. Sycamore, jiromoted Captain, irenzo H. Whitney, Sycam.jre, discharged .Sept. 1<». ISfil. |ios Churchill. Cortland, mustered out June IS. 1H.>4. >rter 1). Hall, Cortland, absent wounded since ^ov. ISfio. j CORPORALS. iron F. Wymau, Sycamore, mustered out June lb, ]>-64. as l=t Sergeant. knsom F. Burleigh, Sycamore, mustered out June IS, ]Sn4. as Sergesini. 'illiam S. Smith, Sycamore, died September ll*. 1864. Jlward W. Olney, Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1>«>4. as Sergesrit. ■\oraas Hogan, Sycamore, died ^lay 2oth, 1803. of wounds. Tesley !•- Russell, Sycamore, died June 'J.6, 1863. PRIVATES. -len William, Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1861. 'wood Moiris, Sycamore, discharged Sept. '■). I860, for disability, •yant Samuel T., Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. '.bcock Isaiah. Sycamore, mustered out June 1864. adley Daniel, Sycamore, prisoner, mustered out May 8. ISfio. irkee Cyrus C. mustered out June 18, 1864. irgess Lewis, Cox'tland, discharged Jan. 1. 1861^. irton Anthony, Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 18''4. irnes l)aniel A. A. B., Sycamore, mustered out June 18. lSfi4. 'logle John, Sycamore, deserted August 18, 1861. < rr George, Sycamore, prisoner, mustered out June 6. I860. • urtwright Cyrenus S., Cortland, mustered out June 18, 1864. 'cwson Leonard S.. Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. 'liver Harlan, Cortland, discharged Jan. 1. 1862. 'Dipbell George. Sycamore, prisoner, mustered out June, l-^'^o. 'swell Charles H., Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. • osby (^harles E.. Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. 'arke John. Cortland, discharged Dec. 10, 1861. ■pue Nicholas. Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. as Corporal. •ily Jacob S., Sycamore, wounded since Dec. 29, 1862. dan Thomas, Sj'camore, discharged July 1. 1862. dermont Samuel, Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. ■indy Wayne, Cortland, discharged May 4, 1863, for disabiliij, '•eeue Andrew J., Sycamore, died Oct. 2, 1862. irtman Philo D., Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 18'U. trrison Charles, Sycamore, mustered out July 25, 1864. jughton Alonzo, Sycamore, mustered out July 25, 1864. evenor Reuben M., Malta, mustered out June 18, 1864. 11 John, Malta, deserted April 28, 1863. 'lodrich George, Cortland, died Feb. 16, 1863. ?rr William C, Sycamore, died Jan. 5, 1863, of wounds. ?ppell Isaac, Kingston, died May 17, 1862. >ring Theodore, Cortland, promoted Lieutenant. >see Joshua. DeKalb, prisoner, mustered out June 6, 186>. j'ers Frederick C, Sycamore, veteran, prisoner, mustered ou( June, 1 ?'">■?. cLaughlin Thomas, Sycamore, deserted Feb. 28, 1863. illigan Robert. Sycamore, deserted April 28. 1863. ulligan Albert, Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. igreen Jose^jh, Sycamore, absent sick since October 21. 1863. Drris Sj'lvester W., Sycamore, mustered out June 18. 1864. 30 306 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. J Nichols John W., Sycamore, mustered out jMay 30, 1865, as Sergeant. Orr Thomas J., Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. Orritt John, Malta, discharged November, 1862, for disabilitj. Oleson Hans, Cortland, died Nov. 2, 1863, of wounds. Peck Charles V., Sycamore, killed at Ringold Nov. 27, 1863. JS Partridge Zelotes B,, Sycamore, discharged May 6, 1863. V Phelps William A., Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 18ii4. Potter Seneca, Sycamore, discharged July 25, 1862, for disability. Robbins Alfred, Sycamore, discharged Oct 28, 1862. Russell Gustavus F., Cortland, mustered out June 18, 1864. llamer Henry, Pierce, mustered out June 18, 1864. Siglin Jacob, Sycamore, discharged Sept. 12, 1861. Stark W. H., Cortland, died Dec. 15, 1861. Smith James M., Sycamore, deserted May 31, 1862. Spiking .John H., Sycamore, mustered out June, 1864. Smith Henry, Pierce, killed at Ringold Nov. 27, 1862. Stafford Seymour, Sycamore, transferred to Invalid Corps. Thompson Julius, DeKalb, mustered out June, 1864. Secord Francis, Sycamore, sick since Oct. 1, 1863. Smith Oliver AV., Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. Waldron John. Sycamore, discharged December, 1862, for disability. West Asa P., Sycamore, discharged June 6, 1863, for wounds. Wing Vintner B., Sycamore, died September, 1862, of wounds. AVillis Moses B., Sycamore, discharged August 11, 1862. Young John, Sycamore, died Jan. 13, 1864, of wounds. VETERANS Harrinij;ton Nelson H., Sycamore, Corporal, transferred to o6th Infantry Houghton Alonzo, Sycamore, transferred to 56th Illinois Infantry. Myers Frederick, Sycamore, transferred to 56th Illinois Infantry. Ofvis Chas. W., Sycamore, tr. to 56th 111., prisoner, mustered out June, "6 RECRUITS. Adams John, Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1865, as Corporal. Burbank Horace C, Sycamore, transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 1863. Burbank Elbert, Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 1864. Berogan John, Pierce. Brown George, Cortland, prisoner, mustered out June 6, lS6.'i. Freeman William, Sycamore, deserted Jusy 31, 1861. Could BenJMmin L., Cortland, discharged Jan., 1863, for di.^ahilifj^ Harrington Nelson R., Sycamore, re enlisted as veteran. Kingsley Albert F., Sycamore, promoted Corporal. Lawrence John M.. Ccrtland. Nichols Stephen. Sycamore, discharged Feb., 1863, for disability. Orvis Charles W., Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. Patten David H., Sycamore, mustered out June 18, 18(54. ^ Russell Alphonso. Cortland, killed Dec. 2!», 1863,, at Chickasaw Bayou. Sprague Edward F., Sycamore, transferred to 56th Illinois Infantry. Fourteenth Illinois Cavalry. 1 Fourteentli Uliaois Cavalry. Recruiting lor t]ie 14th Cavalry was l)egun, under very •liscouraffinu- circumstn.nces, in the .summer of 1862 ; hut an oi-ga-nization was not eflected until January Tth, 1863, when the first and second battalions were mustered in. This was done by the consolidation of the nuclei of three regiments, then in camp at Peoria — Colonel Capron's, Colonel Hancock's and Colonel Jenkins'. On the 6th of February, the third battalion Avas mustered in. The regimental muster-in rostej* was as follows : Colonel, Horace Capron ; Lieutenant-Colonel, David P. Jenkins ; 1st Major, Francis M. Davidson ; 2nd Major, David Quigg ; 3rd Major, Howland Tompkins; Adju- tant, Henry W. Carpenter ; Quartermaster, Samuel F. True; Commissary, Bruce C. Payne ; Surgeon, Preston H. -Bail- hache; 1st Assistant Surgeon, George A. Wilson; 2nd As- sistant Surgeon, John Ivory Wilkins ; Chaplain, Samuel Chase, During the months of February and March, 1863, the reg- iment received its horses and equipments, and was thoroughly drilled in cavalry tactics. On the 28th of the latter month, it broke camp and started for Kentucky, reaching Glasgow, in tlie southern portion of that State, at noon on the ITth ol April. Two hours later it started upon the march for the Cumberland Eiver, traveling day and night. It reached Ce- lina the next evening, where, on the succeeding day (the 19th,) THE FOURTEENTH ILLTNOT,^ CAVALRY. 309 toad a brief skirmisli with the enemy, driving them from the )ice, and afterward burned tlie town and destroyed one hun- l.kl thousand dollars' worth of army stores. It then return 'tto Camp Boyle, at Glasgow, where it remained some months. . re it received four six-pounder mountain howitzers. While stationed here, it was engaged in scouting through I country. In June it pursued the rebel Colonel Hamilton (the river, effected a crossing, and surrounded his camp, !i)turing a number of prisoners, their train, two cannon, six liidred stand of arms, and all the rebel commander's papers Ce doughty Colonel escaped, amid a perfect showei- of bullets, » putting spurs to his blooded iron-gray horse. Nothing more of particular note occurred until the famous ' d of Morgan across the Ohio Eiver. The 14th, under the ; nmand of Lieutenant-Colonel Jenkins, was engaged in the ii'suit and capture of the bold rider and his crew. It then urned to Glasgow, having traveled during this expedition ,3r 2,100 miles. (>a the 18th of August, it started for East Tennessee, fching Burnside's army, at Montgomery, on the 30th, leav- i;^ him the next day at Emery river, and hastening on to noxville, which place it reached on the 1st of September, :3turing the rear guard of the enemy, and a considerable i|iount of stores. The regiment was the first to enter this city, the only con- ijlerable town in the south then devoted to the Union ; and was received with cheers, waving handkerchiefs, ringing of lis, refreshments of fruit, etc., from the ladies, a genera] rplay of the Union flag, and every other demonstration of y. Captain Burpee was here made Quartermaster of the igiment. The regiment was present at the surrender of Cumberland ap, September 9th, and was then sent across the Clinch puntains, and placed at guarding railroads, having about one (indred and fifty miles of track in charge. While here, it jis frequently engaged in skirmishing with the enemy, and 1 310 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. often suffered for food. On the 18tli it pursued the routed forces of the rebel Colonel Carter for nearly ten miles toward Bristol, capturing and killing many, taking their train and a large quantity of arms, ammunition and camp equipage. On the following day it drove them from Blountville through Bristol, into Virginia, destroying at Bristol a large depot of army supplies. On the 20th it again engaged the enemy at Zollicoft'er. Zollicofter was situated upon a high eminence, and it was of especial value to the rebels, on account of its salt works, that supplied the Confederacy with that necessary article, for the w^ant of which they suffered severely. There was a sharp resistance at this point, and we lost two men killed ; but during most of our encounters, the rebel cav- alry fled at our first onset. Our mountain howitzers, moved by two horses, and loaded as we moved along, could be wheel- ed in an instant and discharged into their ranks, before they could get their heavier pieces in position. On the 22nd, it met the enemy at Blountville, and, after four hours' hard fighting, drove them back. On the 11th of October, it had another severe engagement with the enemy, gaining great credit for boldness and skill. At Blountville, on the 14th, it fought them for five hours, driving them toward Bristol. After this it returned to the vicinity of Knoxville, from whence it was ordered to Loudon, V^a., a force of rebels being reported to be concentrating at that point. It was a very severe march, the mud being very deep and the weather cold and stormy. It is worthy of remark that, from the time the regiment first entered on active service until mustered out, it had no shelter, in summer or winter, other than the scanty dog-tents — a narrow covering about four feet wide by seven long, open at the sides and ends. The siege of Knoxville by the rebels changed the plans of our commanders ; and the 14th was employed in harassing the besieging forces. THE FOURTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALR-S . 311 On the 19tli of December, the brigade was attacked by an lerwhelming force of rebels, and compelled to retreat ; but iie latter operation was conducted a la Sigel — whipping the jiemy while itself in retreat- The losses of this affair were ory severe on both sides. I After the raising of the siege of Knoxville, the 14th was igaged in the pursuit of Longstreet's forces up the Richland jalley. On the 14th of J,)eccnd3er, our forces were attacked at jean's Station by liongstreet's corps. Although the odds ■jjainst them were well-nigh overwhelming, our boys main- ined their position with great boldness and success. The fiemy Avere repulsed with a loss of eight hundred men. On e following day, the fight was rencAved seven miles below ban Station, with a similar result. Dec. 24th the 14th moved across Holston river, and was corporatcd Avith General Sturgis' cavalry corps, and was ereafter engaged in campaigning against Longstreet, Avho IS attempting to re-invest Kroxville. In •Januar}'', 1864, the brigade of Avhich the 14th had long rmed a part was broken up, and the regiment was for a time igaged in guarding railroads. Before the month was ended was rc-uiiited, and joined in driving the enemy to Dandridge, bere a severe battle Avas fought. Immediately afterward, Itli General Sturgis' corps, it crossed a spur of the mountains, d camped at Tuckaleehee Cove, January fSOth. The 14th Avas noAV chosen for an expedition into North arolina, to punisli a noted band of robbers, known as Thomas' Legion," composed of one hundred Avhites and tAvo indred Cherokee Indians. The expedition Avas begun on e 31st of January, and, on the 2d of February, after march- g' day and night through the most rugged and mountainous rgion in the country — a region that is justly characterized as |e SAvitzerland of America — the regiment came upon the »ject of its search, Avhom it completely routed, killing sixty id capturing fifty-six of the band. The 14th lost four killed 1 312 HISTORY OF PE KALE COUNTY. and five Avounded. One of the latter— the lamented Lieuten- ant Horace Capron, son of Colonel Capron — died a few days later. (Jn the Ath, the regiment reached the valley at the foot of the Smoky Hill range in Tennessee. A few reconnoissances, with a great deal of hard marchintT, filled the time till March 13th, when the regrment was found at Madisonville. This point was made headquarters, while the regiment was hroken up into detachments, and employed in guarding fords and mountain passes. While thus engaged, a band of Thomas' Legion, consisting of about one hundred and fifty Indians, planned the capture and slaughter of the detached companies. Their first attempt was made u[)on Company E, at Cittico, May 2Tth. Our boys were warned of the expected attack by a friendly negro ; and, leaving camp-fires lighted, and lights in their tents, as if all unconscious of danger, they concealed themselves near ])y, and saAV the rebels rush into the camp and prepare to slaughter our men. They heartily enjoyed the surprise and discomfiture of the rcbs when they found tho occupants all gone. They had planned to attack their enemy at this time, and capture them ; but they were found to be .so numerous that it was thouirht best to retire a few miles, to gain the help of another compan}', when, joining forces, they advanced on the rebels and drove them back into tho monn tains. In .June the lltli was ordered to join Sherinan, and on the I3th began its march, camping near Lost Mountain on the 20th. The next day it joined General Stoneman's cavalry corps, and remained with it through the Ceorgia campaign, or until bis capture. It participated in the famous movement on Atlanta ; and. to insure the speedy capture of the city, it was sent under Stoneman, with six other regiments of cavalry, to cut the rail- road farther in the rear ; but he failed in his attempt, and when our boys reached Macon, after three days and nights THE FOURTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALR-J . 313 ird riding, they were astounded by the sight of an immense fantry force in their front, while a large body of rebel cav- •ry swung around in their rear, to cut off all escape. General toneman now tried to return ; but, after a terrible fight at ijmshine Church, he gave up the attempt, and surrendered ^3 forces to the enemy. : Colonels Capron and Adams, however, thinking the surren- r unnecessary, determined to cut their way through. This, i:er a hard fight, they succeeded in accomplishing. They oke through the rebel lines at several points, and subse- 1 ently united in the rear. jA dispute now arose between the two Colonels about Sen- |ity of rank and the proper course to pursue ; and, after ipther day's marching, at the banks of a creek that ran at B base of Hogback mountain, the two regiments parted, jlonel Adams at once crossed the stream, and subsequently iched the Union lines in safety. Colonel Capron's men had ij|w been in the saddle for seven days and nights. Their rses were fresh, as they had all been exchanged for horses iptured in the vicinity. Captain Burpee's men at one time tbught in one hundred fresh horses, and mounted his me^ Lpn them, turning out his exhausted animals. iJBut the men who had had no sleep, except what they took ale riding, were completely exhausted, and could be kept on |ir horses no longer. Supposing himself safe, he ordered a it at one o'clock on the morning of August 3d, and suffered ij men to lie down. But, unknown to them, a regiment of |el cavalry were near that place, engaged in guarding the |d. Some farmers in the vicinity gave them notice that ke Union troops were there asleep ; and about daylight, ?pe our boys were in the deep slumber induced by their :;!essive labors, the rebel cavalry dashed in upon them, Gchering a large number of them before they could be akened. Not one man could mount his horse or secure his ;^s. Those who escaped fled on foot to the woods, and for eeral days, while entirely unarmed, were pursued and 40 31-4 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. slaughtered by rebel citizens, guerrillas, soldiers and blood- hounds. Not one-half of the regiment ever reached the Union lines. The recital of their dangers, their sufferings, their hair-breadth escapes, would fill a volume. During the raid upon Macon, the first battalion of the 14th, under Major Davidson, left the main command July 29th, and "marched over one hundred and sixty miles in less than three days and nights, destroying four depots, forty engines, five hundred freight and passenger cars, many miles of railroad, thousands of cords of wood, public buildings and large stores of military property, with a number of important bridges, in- cluding the great Oconee bridge. On several occasions it passed near large bodies of the enemy — once attacking, rout- ing and chasing for miles the rear guard of a large force that was marching to guard the Oconee bridge, which our troops had just destroyed ; and once they passed between Milledge- ville and the rebel picket, not more than a half mile from the city, and finally joined the main command August 1st, in time to share the great disaster of the 3d. For this exploit the Major was recommended for promotion by General Stoneman." After the scattered fragments of the brigade of which the 14th was a part were re-united, being dismounted and unarm- ed, they were furnished with muskets, and sent to the Chatta- hoochee river. On the 15th of September, the brigade was S3nt to Kentucky to be remounted, which was effected at Louisville October 16th, still retaining its muskets. It was then sent to Pulaski, Tennessee, arriving November 3d, and on the 18th marched to Waynesboro, to oppose Forrest. For three days the ground was contested against over- whelming odds, our troops slowly retiring, and fighting a se- vere battle below Mount Pleasant on the 23d. The 4th Corps, under Schofield, was filling back, the cavalry brigade guard- ing the rear, and holding Forrest in check. On the 24th the rebels succeeded in flanking the cavalry, who were driven in disorder ; but the 4th Corps came up on the double-quick, and repulsed the enemy. FOURTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 315 iNovember 29th, the cavalry brigade was sent up the north :'nk of the Duck river, to prevent Forrest's crossing. Here lagain narrowly escaped capture, being at one time entirely irrounded by three rebel divisions. Colonel Capron with a ',v companies cut his way out. This movement was followed I a similar one by the 14 th regiment, under the lead of Iptains Jenkins and Connelly, who thus saved the brigade. I'le brigade then joined the cavalry corps, and aided in check- ig the advance of the rebels. During the battle of Franklin, JWas on the left wing, in sight of the town. 'Arriving at Nashville, the 14th turned over its remaining ises to other regiments, and in the battle at that place ved on foot, performing important service. It then joined ;he pursuit of Bragg' s retreating forces, returning to Nash- e, where it remained till April 1st, 1865, when it was or- 3|red to Pulaski. Here it remained till July 31st, when it m mustered out of the service. IWhile the regiment was at Nashville, Colonel Capron and leutenant-Colonel Jenkins resigned, and Major Davidson fjiS promoted to the Colonelcy, Major Quigg being appointed leutenant-Colonel. Captains Dent, Connelly, Jenkins and Jinford received Majors' commissions. 'The aggregate of all the marches by the regiment in force sis 10,000 miles. This is exclusive of marches by detach- fents. n orty-Second Illinois Infantry. Forty-Second Illinois Infantry. COMPANY K. For several months before the great war of the rebeUion had commenced, an independent company of artillery had been organized at the village of DeKalb. under the command of Captain J. D. Butts. It was really intended more for or- namental duties than for the stern service of actual warfare. Its services had been confined to the management of a field- piece used for salutes upon the anniversaries of the country's birthdays and like joyful occasions. But upon the first day after the thrilling news of the cap- ture of Fort Sumter had echoed over the land, rousing all the warlike spirit of the peaceful north, and summoning it to resist the traitors and revenge the insult to the flag, Captain Butts, after consulting with the members of his company, promptly telegraphed a message to the Governor of the State, offering its services to aid in the work of conquering the rebellion. When in a few days, the first call of the President for 75,000 troops was sent out, and Illinois was granted the privilege of furnishing 6,000 of the number. Captain Butts was answered that the services of this company, now full in numbers, were accepted ; that they should perfect themselves in drill, and await further orders. But the further orders did not come. Other companies poured into the rendezvous without waiting for orders, and were accepted : the DeKalb company, in spite of all their efibrts, were at last excluded. THE FORTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 319 Foreseeing that their services would yet be required, they itained their organization, and calmly awaited their time, hat time came at length; and the 1st day of August, 1861, .w the boys of DeKalb in camp for instruction at Chicago — component part of the 42d Regiment of Illinois Infantry, id ranking as Company K. The Colonel was William A. Webb ; Lieutenant-Colonel, avid Stuart ; Major, George W. Roberts. Its company .ficers were : Jesse D. Butts, Captain ; Joseph W. Foster, it Lieutenant ; Gilbert L. Barnes, 2d Lieutenant. '! On the 17th of September, the regiment, numbering 1051 .en, was mustered into service, and, immediately thereafter, :ft for St. Louis, and there remained in a camp of instruction ;r seventeen days, when it received orders to proceed to Tip- ;jn, Missouri, to join General Fremont in his great expedition gainst the rebel General Price. The emergencies of the situation seemed to call for the eatest possible haste ; and the regiment was forced through ; a rate of speed that almost destroyed it. They Avere nearly ftstitute of wagons for the transportation of supplies, without iggage, except what they carried on their backs, no rations, rcept a small supply of hard-tack and a few cattle driven ong and killed each night, and often eaten raw by the fam- hed and exhausted soldiers ; yet they marched from twenty- ve to forty miles each day, for about ten days, and reached pringfield on the 4th of November, stacking their arms, then ,ie hundred muskets, the remainder of the regiment having lien out exhausted. These simple words : " they marched from twenty-five to rty miles per day," look common-place enough upon paper; lit they convey no adequate idea of the toil, the suJOfering, le exhaustion which such a march requires. Any person ho chooses may determine by personal experience that to alk two and a half miles an hour is rapid movement : four iles an hour is a run. To move at such a rate for ten hours day, loaded down with muskets, accoutrements and rations, more fatal to an army than the severest battles. 320 HISTOEY OF DEKALB COUXTT. The men may start out in the morning fresh and stronw', they go for "wearv miles with the rapid step required. Soon the "weaker ones begin to slacken their pace, and straggle in the rear. The rules require imperatively that there shall be no straggling : and the officers now run back and urge them on. Stimulated by threats, importunities, and sometimes by blows, they struggle on a while longer ; but soon exhausted nature can hold out no longer : they fall in the rear and sit down exhausted, the picture of despair. The regiment moves on ; and, before night, a small company only reaches its camp- ing-ground, and. utterly exhausted, sink to the earth for a moment's repose. Then they proceed to prepare something to satisfv the cravincjs of hunerer : and verv slight indeed are these preparations. The food is devoured almost raw : and they then sleep as only those can whose power of endurance had reached its limit. The stragglers now begin to come in : and, before dawn, perhaps half of them have reached their companies, when the unwelcome drum-beat of the reveille rouses them again to the march, and thev commence again the weary onward movement. Many fields of sorghum had been planted upon this route ; and the men sustained nature by the stimulating pieces of its stalks which they chewed as they moved along. Two hundred men of this regiment were permanently disabled by this terri- ble march, and multitudes more acquired chronic diseases from which they never fully recovered. Lieutenant Gilbert L. Barnes and nine privates of Company K died on the march. The sufferings of the regiment upon this march were not recompensed by the consideration that they had proved of much value to the cause. Arrived at Springfield, Fremont was superceded by General Hunter, the plan of the campaign was changed. Price retired to his mountain fastnesses, at a short distance ; and when the regiment had remained a few weeks encamped at Springfield, it marched back again to Tip- ton, Price's army following ours back to Springfield, and then REUBEN (VI.PRITCHARD -r c Li NiTON. (lu.-as.. Ullu>-/;.|ih„|t: i\^nai: 1 j THE FORTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 321 ) Osceola, where it wintered within thirty niles of our own. The regiment went into winter-quarters at Smithton, an iitpost of Otterville, where was located the headquarters of eneral Pope's army. Our company, on the 15th of De- jmber, occupied for winter quarters an old and roomy ware- buse, colder than any ordinary barn ; and amid more than le usual discomforts of army life in Avinter, it passed the time „ guard duty. ji On the 3d of February, 1862, we moved to St. Charles, - issouri, north of St. Louis — a very exhausting march of iven days — where we took steamers, and, on the 20th, arrived i Fort Holt in Kentucky, whence we moved by steamers to blumbus, Kentucky. On the 4th of March it occupied Columbus, Ky, and on the '.jth moved down to Island Number Ten — a march of forty- re miles, during which we were constantly in conflict with te enemy. In the reduction and capture of that important jjSt the 42d bore no unimportant part. i|On the night of April 1st, Colonel Roberts, its commander, y%h fifty men of the regiment, spiked a battery of six guns o| the rebels that had hitherto done a good deal of injury to or troops. jOn the 11th of April this formidable fortress surrendered tthe Union arms, and on the 14th our regiment, under Gen- eil Pope, moved to Fort Pillow and thence to Shiloh, arriving t'» late for the great battle. The regiment was engaged in the famous siege of Corinth, ai shared the glory of the capture of that important point ; a 1 it led the advance of the Union forces in pursuit of Beau- r yard's flying host, as far as Booneville, Miss. During this siege Captain Butts, who had been in charge the Surgeon since the 1st of March, was forced to resign h command, and Robert Raney, a Lieutenant of Company 1 was chosen Captain in his stead. [n the battle of Farmington, on the 9th of May, the regi- BDQt lost two men killed, twelve wounded and three missing. 41 322 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. I The 42d occupied Courtland, Alabama, from July 25th to September 3d, 1862, when it left for Nashville, Tenn., by way of Decatur, Alabama. It had a battle at Columbia, Tenn., September 9th, 1862, and lost one man killed. The regiment arrived at Nashville September 13th. It remained in Nashville during the siege. On December 10th it marched out six miles on the Nolensville pike. On December 26th it engaged in the Murfreesboro campaign. It skirmished with the enemy December 30th, and was en- gaged in the battle of Stone River, December 31st, with a loss of 22 killed, 116 wounded, and 85 prisoners. On the 5th of March, 1863, the 42d engaged in the pursuit of VanDorn to Columbia, returning to camp at Murfreesboro on the 14th. On June 24th it entered upon the Tullahoma campaign, camped, July 31st, at Bridgeport, Alabama, and on September 2d engaged in the Chattanooga campaign. It then marched to Alpine, Georgia, thence to Trenton, and crossed Lookout Mountain. It engaged, September 19th and 20th, in the battle in the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia, losing 28 killed, 128 wounded, and 28 prisoners, and retreated to Chat- anooga. On the 28th of November the regiment was engaged in the battle of Mission Ridge, losing five killed and forty wounded, the 42d being on the skirmish-line during the whole engage- ment. It pursued the enemy to Chickamauga creek and re- turned. It then entered the East Tennessee campaign, and on the 27th of December camped at Stone's Mill. On the 1st of January, 1864, the regiment re-enlisted as a veteran volunteer organization, and on the 15th it moved to Dandridge. It started for Chattanooga on the 21st, arriving on the 2d of February, whence it moved by rail to Chicago on the 21st. On the 2d of March the men received thirty day furloughs, and, on their return, arrived at Chattanooga April 27th. The regiment entered the Atlanta campaign on the 3d of May, and was engaged at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Adairs- 1 THE FORTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 323 [lie, New Hope Church, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, each Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro, and Lovejoy Station, icamping at Atlanta, September 8th. The total loss on the impaign was twenty killed, eighty-nine wounded, and seven fisoners. On the 25th it moved, to Bridgeport, Alabama, by lil, and, October 19th, to Chattanooga, whence they marched I Alpine, Georgia. On the 30th of October, it moved by iil to Athens, Alabama, and marched thence to Pulaski, ennessee, arriving November 5th. , It commenced its retreat for Nashville on the 22d, engaging ith the enemy at Spring Hill and Franklin, and losing twen- f-four killed, ninety-five wounded, and thirty prisoners. It jas engaged in the battle of Nashville on the 15th and 16th j December, losing two killed and eleven wounded, and pur- eed the enemy eighty-two miles, camping at Lexington, Ala., jecember 31st, whence it marched to Decatur, Ala., arriving :|.nuary 6th, 1865. I The 42d remained at Decatur till April 1st, when it pro- [jeded by rail to Bull's Gap, Tenn., and thence marched to ],lue Springs, where it remained two weeks, and then proceed- f; by rail to Nashville. On the 15th of June it moved by rail to Johnsonville, Tenn., ad thence by water to New Orleans, and camped at Chal- t,3tte, June 23d. On the 18th of July it proceeded to Port Iivaca, Texas, whence it went to Camp Irwin, where it re- nined a month, and then returned to Lavaca and went on [ st duty. The regiment was mustered out on the 16th of December, V.t Indianola on the 20th and New Orleans on the 24th, ar- ifing at Camp Butler, Springfield, Illinois, January 3d, 1866. (i the 10th it received its final pay and discharge. Men of DeKalb County in the 42d Illinois Inf. I COMPANY K. CAPTAINS. Jesse D. Butts, DeKalb, resigned April 8, 1862. Joseph W. Foster, DeKalb, honorably discharged May 15, 1865. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Joseph W. Foster, DeKalb, promoted. James N. McClellan, South Grove, term expired Feb. 20, 1865. Jeremiah G. Beard, Somonauk, mustered out as Sergeant Dec. 16, 1865. SECOND LIEI'TENANTS. Gilbert S. Barnes, Kingston, died Oct. 24, 1861. James N. McClellan, South Grove, promoted. SERGEANTS. James N. McClellan, South Grove, promoted 2d Lieutenant. Shuin W. King, DeKalb, killed at Chickamauga, Sept 20, 1863. James H. Dupee, Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. Perry Rowan, Franklin, killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, 1862. CORPORALS. Moses L. Benies, DeKalb, mustered out September 16, 1864, as private. Charles H. Stuai-t, Kingston, muslered out Sept. 16, 1864. Robert Lenox, DeKalb, discharged Nov. 15, 1863, for disability. John Lundall, DeKalb, trans, to Vctpnin Reserve Corps, March 15. 1865. Lyman H. Needham, DeKalb, died in Andersonville prison, Sept. 1, 1864. Orlando M. Benson, kill.>d at Stone River, Dec. 31, 1862. Henry B. Gurle. DeKalb, discharged Nov. 14, 1862, for disability. Stephen Olney, Kingston, discharged Feb. 14, 1863, for disability. MUSICIANS. Ethan Allen, Sycamore, discharged INIarch 26, 1862, for disability. Ephraim II. Hornbeck, Maylield, deserted Nov. 7, 1861. PRIVATES. Austin Amasa C, DeKalb, discharged Jan 5, 1862. Arst Frank, Kingston, died at Chattanooga, March 13, 1863. Alba George, Pampas, deserted July 3, 1862. Aurner William R., Kingston, mustered out Sept. 16, 1864. Brainard Anson, Kingston, died at St. Louis Dec. 11, 1861. Bates Stephen H., Kingston, discharged May 12, 1862, for disability. 1 THE FORTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 325- Barber Daniel, DeKalb, mustered out Sept. 16, 1864. Benies Aaron B., DeKalb, mustered out Sept. 16, 1864. 5ro*vn James W., DeKalb, nuistered out Sept. 18, 1864. Brigham Artiraus, Somonauk, re-enlisted as veteran. Srigham Jeremiah G-, Somonauk, re-enlisted as veteran, 'oilier John, Kingston, died at Evansville, Ind., June 11, 1862. ■onnaughton Thomas. Kingston, deserted June 11. 1862. ■onnaughton Roger, Kingston, deserted June 11, 1862. Conner Allanson, Malta, discharged Jan. 19, 1863, for disability. Campbell David, Milan, missing after the battle of Chickamauga. )ecker William H., Kingston, died at Farmington May 29, 1862. )airs William, Kingston, died at Tipton. Mo , Dec. 4. 1861. |)eLaTour George W., Milan, transferred to Company B. ildmonds John D., Milan, killed at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863, jldmunds Edward B., Milan, re-enlisted as veteran. 'ish Mortimer A., Sandwich, mustered out Sept. 16, 1864. ish Enos, DeKalb, died at Smithton, Mo., Jan. 11, 1862. 'ish Chester, DeKalb, transferred to 55th 111. Inf. Sept. 5, 1861. rost George K.. Clinton, trans, to Sappers and Miners, August 29, 1861. tj'owler Jay, DeKalb, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 22, 1864. ijarlock Wm. E., DeKalb, discharged April 26, 1864, as Sergeant, wounded, [reen Israel .J., Sandwich, trans, to Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 10, 1864. jiorham Edward, South Grove, re-enlisted as veteran, jfanson Peter, South Grove, mustered out Sept. 16, 1864. endrickson Oscar, DeKalb, re-enlisted as veteran. annegar Nathaniel, DeKalb, mastered out Oct. 17, 1864. lodges John H., mustered out Sept. 16. 1864. imball Lorenzo, DeKalb, disch. Nor. 25. 1862. to enlist in 4th U. S. Cav. ennady IMelvin, Squaw Grove, missiii"; after rbe battle of Chickamauga. emley Peter, Kingston, nuisiered onf Sept. Li, 1864. ;[artin Daniel (I., Ai'ion. discharged Jan. Ji', 1862. IcGlin Edward. Al'ion, deserted -hrie 1 i, ISIVJ. tcCann .John F., Coviland. nui'^l.Tcd vut Vny 12. 1865. ■iller August, Afton, ir, ■■isfpvvi^d lo S.-.npov- .-ml ^itne\s, August 29, 1861. iiott William, Sycnmore, disr-!)avj;-ed July 5, I^^Cj:. for disability. jierry Henry, Sycnmo e, disch;iv;;pd July 8. I.S61:. lor 1862, for disability. erry William N., Sycamore, died at Sf. f!,nni", jMu., May 23, 1862. lerry Hale, Sycamore, died at Nashville, Toun.. Nov. ](>. 1862. eterson John, DeKalb. die 1 nt Smiihlou, ]\Tr.., .Ian. 6. 1S62. atterson John W.. DeKalb, mastered out Se|)i. 16. 1864. edding .John, DL-Kalb, ma^iered out Sept. li'i. 186!. oleson Lewis, Kiuf'stoa, ti-ans. to Sappers and ^liners, August 29, 1861. ussell Robert W.. Genoa, discharged Dec. 26, 1862, to enlist in 16th U.S. ogers Richard S., South Grove, trans, to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 15, '64. ostrop .J. Peters, DeKalb, re -enlisted as veleran. pToup Julius, DeKalb. dlsch. Nov. 25, 1802, to enlist in 4th U. S. Cavalry. i:.ephenson Fi^ancis, DeKalb, mustered out Sept. 16, 1864. lell Benjamin. ]MayiieUl, deseried August 23, 1861. ims Henry, Maylield, ro-enlisted as veteran. aannon Gilbert, South Grove, mustered c\v Ser>t. 16, 1864. iout Aaro'i, DeKalb, discharged Jan. 13, 1862, for disability. iibbetts Aaron G., Kingston, discbai-gef the rebellion. They moved on through Columbia, its capi- tal, on the 17th, and saw with satisfaction the fine city burned that night to the ground. With arduous marching and severe labor, but abundant provisions and excellent health, the regiment moved on to I 'amden, Fayetteville and Raleigh, and there, when Johnston's irmy had surrendered and the military power of the rebellion lad been finally destroyed, they commenced their march hrough Petersburg, Richmond and Fredericksburg to Wash- rigton, which they reached in time to participate in the grand eview. This homeward march is described as the most severe lad exhausting of any that they had made during their four )'ears of service. After ten days of rest in camp at Georgetown, the regiment A'as transported to Louisville, where it lay in camp nearly a nonth, and was then moved to Chicago, where it was paid o^ )n the 11th of July, and, after four years of arduous and hon- )rable service, its members were mustered out, and joyfully j)ecame private citizens once more. i Men of DeKalb County in the 52d Illinois Inf. COMPANY C. OFFICERS. CAPTAINS. John S. Brown, South Grove, resigned Feb. 18, 1802. E. M. Knapp, Sycamore, killed at Shiloh. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Edward M. Knapp, Sycamore, promoted. Erskin M. Hoyt, Sycamore, resigned July 15, 1862. Oscar VV. Phelps, Sycamore, resigned Jan. 12, 1863. Albert C. Perry, Sycamore, promoted Major. Alexander B. Ross, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Erskin M. Hoyt, Sycamore, promoted. Oscar W. Phelps, Sycamore, promoted. Albert C. Perry, Sycamore, promoted. John Purcell, South Grove, mustered out as Se'-geant, July 6, 1865. ENLISTED MEN. SERGEANTS. Lewis A. Jones, Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. Alonzo J. Foster, DeKalb. Ralph Vanhouten, DeKalb. Jerry C. Marvin, Sycamore. Alonzo E. Carr, Genoa. CORPORALS. William H. Simmons, Sycamore. Michael Courser, Sycamore. Frederick J. Craft, Sycamore, re-enlisted as a velerait. Leonard J. Stults, DeKalb. Albert C. Perry, Sycamore, promoted Sergeant, and 2d Lieuteuant. Alexander B. Ross, Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. William Fountain, DeKalb, discharged Nov. 19, 1864; term expired. Charles White, Sycamore, discharged Nov. 19,1864. MUSICIANS. Goram B. Smith, DeKalb county (Co. H.) THE MFTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 341 PRIVATES. Ames Therman, South Grove. Arnold James, Soutn Grove, re-enlisted as veteran. Aburn Robert S., Sycamore, deserted Dec, 12, 1863; deranged. Brown .Tobn J., DeKalb. Black Alva M., South Grove. Brisbin Philander, South Grove, re-enlisted as veteran. Burns Michael, Sycamore, discharged Nov. 19, 1864 ; term expired. Bermander Charles, Sycamore. Boylen Thomas, South Grove, re-enlisted as veteran. Bowman Edward, South Grove, re-enlisted as veteran. Bowley William, Huntley. Chien John, South Grove, deserted Dec. 10, 18G1. Campbell Henry, Sycamore. Cheasbro Joseph I\l., Sj^camore, re-enlisted as veteran. Clemmense Eli, Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. Clemniense James, Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. Carver Henry, Sycamore, Dickson Sheriden, Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. Deyoe William P., South Grove. Deane David, South Grove. Davenport William, DeKalb, re-enlisted as veteran. Garey James, DeKalb, re-enlisted as veteran. Gibbins George, Sycamore. Goold Lurher C, Sycamore. Gage Hiram, Sycamore. Gamage Alden B., Malta, re-enlisted as veteran. Gieger George, South Grove, re enlisted as veteran. Grout Henry P., Sycamore. Halwick Sidnej'^ W., Malta, re-enlisted as veteran. Hall Reuben G., Sycamore. Hall William A., Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. Hoaglen Michael, South Grove, discharged Nov. 19, 1864 ; term expired. Kittle James, Sycamore. Maranville Irving, DeKalb. Morehouse Charles, Malta. McCarty Allen, South Grove, discharged Nov. 19, 1864 ; term expired. Mullen Martin, South Grove, transferred to Company E, Jan. 1, 1862. Milen Patrick, South Grove, discharged at Geneva, 111. Percell John, South Grove, re-enlisted as veteran. Pierce Charles J., Genoa, discharged Nov. 19, 1864 ; term ex])ii'ed. Petrie Joseph, Sycamore. Petrie James, Sycamore. Penney Frederick, South Grove. Phelps Oscar W., Sycamore, promoted Sergeant, then 2d Lieutenant. Rogers Albert, Sycamore, discharged Nov. 19, 1864 ; term expired. Rhoades Henry, DeKalb, re enlisted as veteran. Stanley Charles ^L, Sycamore, re-enlisted as veteran. Scally James, South Grove, transferred to Company E, .Ian. 1, 1862. J'mith John, South Grove, discharged Dec. 16, 1861. Thomas Leroy E., South Grove, discharged No. 19, 1864 ; term expired. Taylor William, DeKalb, Taylor Daniel, DeKalb, re-enlisted as veteran. Taylor Philander, DeKalb. Vaahonten Bradley, DeKalb. Tanhonten Bradford, DeKalb. Walker George, Sycamore. S42 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. J VETERANS. Arnold James, Sjcamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Brisbin Philander, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Boylen Thomas, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865, as Corporal. Bowman Edward, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Cheasbro Joseph M., Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865, as Sergeant. Clemmens Eli, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Clemmens James, Syoamore, mustered out July 6. 1865 — absent w. leave. Dickson Sheriden, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Davenport William, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Gamage Alden B., Sycamore, m. out July 6, 1865, as Sergeant ; abs. w. leave. Geiger George, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865, as Corporal. Gary James, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Hall William, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Hatch Daniel P., Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Hill John, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865 ; was prisoner. Halwick Sidney W., Sycamore, killed on skirmish line, August '20, 1864. Jones Lewis A., Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865, as Corporal. Lawless Charles, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865, as Corporal. Purcell John, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865, as 1st Sergeant. Ross Alexander B., Sycamore, promoted Sergeant and 1st Lieutenant. Rhoads Henry, Sycamore, mustei-ed out July 6, 1865. Stanley Charles M., Sycamore, mustered out July 15, 1865; was prisoner. Taylor Daniel, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Whitehead Malvin B., Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. EECRUITS. Black David T., Sycamore, nuistered out July 6, 1865. ('ongdou William, Sycamore, mustered o>it July 6, 1865. ('unuingham jSlichael, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. i^ampbell Andrew ,]., Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Hall Reuben G., Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Hampton Benjamin M., Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Morgan John R., Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. Nagle William, Sycamore, mustered out July 6, 1865. The 132d Illinois Infantry. The 132d Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment was organ- ized at Canap Fry, Chicago, Illinois, by Colonel Thomas J. Pickett, and was mustered in for one hundred days from June 1st, 1864. On the 6th of June it started for Columbus, Kentucky, and arrived on the 8th, reporting to Brigadier-General Henry Prince. On the 15th of June, it moved to Paducah, Ken- tucky, and reported to Colonel S. G. Hicks. The regiment remained on duty at Paducah until the expi- ration of its service, when it moved to Chicago, and was mus- tered out October 17th, 1864. The commissioned officers of Company F were : Captain, Isaac S. Bunnel ; 1st Lieutenant, Jonathan Dow ; 2nd Lieu- tenant, Albert A. Sanborn. COMPANY F. SEKGEANTS. William Raymond, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. \ Jackson Denyo, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Eli H. Burdick, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. William H. Beavers, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Mark G. Collson, Coi;tland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. CORPORALS. Charles L. Flower, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Ethan P. Allen, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. John Young, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Fervis Potter, Paw Paw, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. James H. Connell, Chicago, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Eugene H. Jarvis, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Charles W. Bellis, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17. 1864. Walter Olmstead, Genoa, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. 344 THE 132d ILLINOIS INFANTRY. MUSICIANS. William H. Deily, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. William H. Willmarth. DeKalb county, mustered out Oct. 17, 1804. PRIVATES. Burgess Lewis, (wagoner) Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Atwood Morris, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1863. Allen Benjamin, South Grove, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Artlepp Homer, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Anderson Frank, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Brown Depue, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Brown Herbert E., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Beeson William H., Sycamore, rejected. Crosby William, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Cobb Henry, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Davis Orville, Sycamore, mustored ont Oct. 17, 1864. Dayton Lewis, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Fields Delancey, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Flood Matthew, Lodi, musteced out Oct. 17, 1864. Granger Eugene, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Gilbert Leonard, South Grove, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Gieenfield I. Squire, DeKalb, mustered out Oct. 17, 1804. Hibbard Alfred, Sycamore, nnistered out Oct. 17, 1804. Holcomb Orator, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Hampton William S., Paw Paw, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Haish Christian, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Haish Henry W., Corthmd, mustered out Oct. 17, 1804. Hathaway William C, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Johnston James B., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Kellogg Homer W., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Lester Almiraem, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Lott Frank W., Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Lindsay William, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Llnderman Levi, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Lloyd Louis, Malta, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Marshall Lucius W., Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Mason Seth M., South Grove, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Partridge Zelotes B., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Perry Ambrose S., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Richmond Merwin, Lodi, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Reef Jobn, Cortland, mustered out Oct. 17. 1864. Spring Herbert, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Smith Charles. Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Smith Enoch, DeKalb, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Stephenson Charles Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Snyder William, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Stone Almond D., South Grove, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864, Stanton Oliver J., Paw Paw, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Tewkesbury Charles, Soutb Grove, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Tewkesbury Warren F., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Talbot William, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Williams Theodore, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Warren Daniel F., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1804. Warren George M., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Willis Henry B., Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Wilkins Joseph, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1804. Wright George, Sycamore, mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. The 156th Illinois Infantry. Company H of this regiment was raised principally by Hon. William Patten of Sandwich, who was made its Captain. It was one of several hundred regiments called out for one year's service, and to which was assigned the duty of guarding the communications of the great armies at the front, and, while they swept on the foe, preventing the ravages of rebel iguerrillas in their rear. j It was mustered into service March 9th, 1865 ; and the rebellion having been crushed about three months after, it was discharged from service on September 20th of the same Jrear. The commissioned officers of Company H were : Captain, William Patten ; 1st Lieutenants, William Jobs and Eugene M. Fuller ; 2nd Lieutenants, Caleb Walker and John W. [iibley, — all of Somonauk. SEEGEANTS. Eugene Fuller, Somonauk, promoted 1st Lieutenant. Sdmund B. Newton, Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, 1865, as private. i'ames C. Darnell, Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, 1865. lenry Wright, Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, 1865. CORPORALS. Varren Walker, Somonauk, mustered out May 16, 1865. jlomer A. Wagner, Somonauk, mustered out May 20, 1865. ifeorge A. Smith, Somonauk, mustered out .July 29, 1865, as private. jVilliam T. Shiland, Somonauk, mustered out Aug. 18, 1865. i)avid 0. Cole, Somonauk, absent sick at muster out of regiment. Tenry C. Medebach, Somonauk, mustered out Aug. 1, 1865. MUSICIANS. yilliam Corke, Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, 1865. lames M. Skinner, Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, 1865. • 44 346 HISTORY OF DE KALE COUXTT. PRIVATES. Adams Marcellus D., Somonauk. mustered out Sept. ilO, 1865, as Sergeant. Armstrong John J.. Somonauk, mustered o-t Sept. 20. 1865, as Corporal. Bishop Grin S., Somonauk. mustered out Sept. 20. 1865. Burk Robert £.. Somonauk. mustered out Sept. 20. 1365. Covell Simeon L., tfomonauk, mustered out Sept. 20. 1865. Campin Svlvester. Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20. 1865. Deem Henry E., Somonatik, mustered out Sept. 20, 1865. Daniels Harmon. Somonauk, died at Memphis, Aug. 27, 1865. Dennewitz Henry. Somonauk. mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Hough Martin L., Somonauk. mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Hamlin Benjamin, Somonauk. mus'ered out Sept. 20, '65. Hartshorn Manly W.. Somonauk. mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Hough Calvin, Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, "65, Harrison William H.. Somonauk. mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Jacobs John. Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, "65. Leavitt Levi, Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Manning Henry. Somonauk. absent sick at mustering out of regiment. Manning John C, Somonauk. mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Miller Henry, Somonatik, mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Owen TVilliam R., Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Rogers Daniel H., Somonauk. mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Smith Albert, Somonauk, promoted principal musician. Smith Clark A.. Somonauk. mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Seaton Nelson J.. Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, "65. Tripp John M., Somonauk. mustei'ed out August 1, '65. Van Fleet Victor D.. Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, '65, as Corporal. VanDerveer Ferdinand, Somonauk. died at Louisville, Ky., March 30, "65. Wilder Alexander, Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, '65. Wagner George. Somonauk. died at Nashville, Tenn.. May 4, '65. Weisbeck Heinrich. Somonauk, mustered out Sept. 20, "65. The remainder of the compaDy were from other counties. PART SECOND. ANNALS OF DEKALB COUNTY, ANNALS OF DEKALB COUNTY. Although the annals of DeKalb County might more properly commence with the organization of the County which occurred in the year 1837, yet many events of interest and importance occurred before that time, which ought properly to be recorded. As the territory from which this County was subsequently formed was remote from all water communication, and from the customary routes of the earliest travellers, it is probable that no white man had ever made even a temporary sojourn within its borders, until in the year 1832, a little army of United States troops under command of General Winfield Scott, passing from their head-quarters at Fort Dearborn, or Chicago, in pursuit of Black Hawk's marauding bands, crossed the Fox River near the present site of the village of St Charles, and encamped on the banks of the Kishwaukee in the present town of Kingston. Their camp was made near the outlet of Deer Creek, on lands now belonging to the estate of George L. Wood. The trail which the army made, was broad and plainly marked, and three years later, when the first settlers moved in, coming with but vague ideas of what direction they had best pursue, many followed Scott's trail for want of something better to follow, and, finding upon the banks of the Kishwaukee, or Sycamore river, as fertile and beautiful a region of country as they could desire, they made their homes there. I EIGHTEEN THIRTY-THREE AND FOUR. 349 The battle of Stillman's Run, in which an advanced and too ambitious portion of our army organized to drive out Black Hawk's forces, were defeated and driven back, occurred in this summer, as elsewhere related, near the north-western portion of this County, and the entire army of volunteers returning for re-organization to Ottawa, passed through Pawpaw Grove and, encamped there. 1833. In the autumn of this year, some hunters from Ottawa or that region which was one of the earliest settled points of the country, report having penetrated into the southern portion of the County in pursuit of game. They found the Indians still sore over their defeat, and still sufficiently numerous and irritable to cause their yarty to make a speedy evacuation of the country. 1834. In the spring and summer of this year, we have accounts of exploring expeditions into this section of the country, by three or four individuals. Among them was Frederic Love, who subsequently became a leading citizen, and a Mr. Hol- lenback, from near Ottawa. Love soon returned to his temporary home upon the Fox River, and did not move to this place until a year or two later. Hollenback, who had been driven from his home near Newark during the Indian war, came north through Newark, Somonauk, and Lost Grove, as far as the " Big Woods " in Sycamore, and on his return, made a claim in settlers' fashion, to a portion of the fine grove since known as Squaw Grove, and to which he gave that name, because of the large numbers of Squaws that were encamped there, the male Indians being off on a hunting expedition. A mail route from Chicago to John Dixon's residence on the Rock River was this year established, which crossed the southern end of the County ; and during the summer, a log hut was built for a station house on this line at the crossing of Somonauk Creek. This was probably the first habitation S60 HISTORY OP DEKALB COUNTY. of a white man, erected in the County. Whoever it was that first inhabited it, he abandoned it in the autumn, for when Mr. William Sebree, who had been charmed by the description that Hollenback had given of the attractions of this section of country moved in from the South and settled at Squaw Grove in the fall, this cabin stood vacant. A short time after, it was occupied by a Mr. Robinson, who occupied it a few months, then sold to Mr. Reuben Root Avho kept a tavern in it, during the following year. It subsequently became, and still remains the property of the Beveridge family. Mr. Sebree seems to have been the first settler who became a permanent resident of the County. He was a Virginian, brought a large family with him, and a considerable drove of stock. He lived for a few days in a deserted Indian wigwam, then, with crotches for a frame, and the bark of which a number of these wigwams were composed for a covering, he built a shelter, slightly more convenient, in which he lived Ji few weeks ; then, as winter came on, put up a solid, substan- tial double-loo; cabin, which remained the home of a numerous family, and a stopping place for travellers for nearly twenty years. d| 1835. ^ It was in the spring of this year when the treaty with the Indians which followed the Black Hawk war had bound them to leave this country for the wilderness beyond the great. Father of Waters, that the first considerable body of white settlers came into the County. So soon in the early spring- time as the groves began to put out their leaves, and tht» emerald grass of the beautiful prairies afforded food for the travellers' teams, the gleam of the white-topped wagon of the early settler might have been seen moving over the prairie to hesitate, stop, and finally encamp near some grove, spring or stream, that seemed to afford the requisites and advantages of a good claim. The wagon was generally propelled by three or four yoke of oxen, and canopied with white cotton. It contained the family clothing, bedding, and provisions. It EIGHTEEN THIRTY-FIVE. 351 was garnished on its exterior, with pots, pans, pails, and other cooking utensils ; generally, also, by a coop of chickens and a diminutive pig or two : and it was usually followed by a small drove of colts, cows, sheep, calves, and other young stock. Early settlers say that it was not uncommon in those days for the careful mistress of the wagon to milk the cows ia the morning, place the milk where the motion of the wagon would churn it during the day, and thus keep up a supply of fresh butter ; while the poultry in the coops did not refuse to contribute a supply of eggs, which with other substantial from the wagon, enabled the emigrant's wife to " scare up " a pretty good meal at short notice. Each night they camped, made a fire, partook of the evening meal and then retired into the recesses of the wagon to sleep the sletjp of health, of hope and innocence. Hundreds of such wagons passed into DeKalb county in the early months of this year, and many went beyond its boundaries, to the Rock River country, which was first set- tled during this year. the occupants of one of these was Ambrose Spencer, Esq., who, after thirty years of eventful life in various sections of the country, has now returned to take up his residence on the identical spot in the thriving village of DeKalb, where thirty-three years ago he pitched his tent, in what was then a complete solitude. The first work of the new comer, after having selected a spot of land that suited him, was to stake out, or with a plow to furrow around, as much of the prairie as he wanted, and to "blaze" the trees in a line surrounding a sufficient quan- tity of timbered lands. These processes gave him what was icalled a squatters claim to the land that he thus enclosed, and his claim, if not too unreasonably extensive, was regarded as sacred by all who came after him. His next work was usually to construct a dwelling of some kind. Some commenced at 3nce to build good solid substantial dwellings of logs, notched at the ends and laid up thoroughly and durably ; finished with a roof of shakes or split staves, and made convenient 352 EIGHTEEN THIRTY-FIVE. with a window and door. But to many of the new comers, hurried with the imperatively necessary duties of breaking up the land and planting a crop for future subsistence, this was thought to involve too much labor ; such houses were a little extravagant. Many of the homes in which settlers, now wealthy, spent the first months of their residence here were built entirely of shakes and saplings. A tall straight oak was felled, cut into four or five foot lengths, then split in broad thin sections, and when a cord or two of these was prepared and a few crotches and poles were cut, the material was all ready. Four crotches were set in the ground, poles laid across, shakes laid up perpendicularly against these poles and fastened with withes, enclosing a space about eight by twelve feet. Then a roof of these shakes was laid on and made secure by the weight of heavy poles or boulders from the prairie. One end was of tenleft open for an entrance, and the shanty, although without floor, door or window, was complete. A person could stand erect in the middle but not at the sides. It furnished little more space than was necessary for the bed and family valuables : the cooking was done out of doors. The new comers were generally young ardent and hopeful. Most of them had been accustomed to the comforts, and in- deed, to the luxuries of life. The founders of a new settle- ment, they looked forward with eagerness to the time, when their fertile acres should be transformed into finished and well stocked farms, their wretched shanties and log stables, into elegant dwellings and spacious barns. They regarded their present comfortless habitations, with that peculiar pleas- ure which every person feels for work that his own hands have made, and hopeful for the future, they looked upon their present discomforts with that cheerful indifference that robs trouble of its sting, and wards off the annoyances of the present with a panoply of confident hopes for the future. It was in the summer of this year, that the new settlers, now become comparatively numerous, felt the want of some I EIGHTEEN THIRTY-FIVE. 353 kind of courts and civil officers. It is true that as a general rule, the best of good feeling prevailed among them. Every- body regarded everybody else with a friendliness, and each treated the other with a degree of kindness and good fellow- ship that old settlers now recall with warmest satisfaction. The troubles of one were shared by all his neighbors, and every mans necessities were supplied with a generosity and unsel- fishness that is now remembered almost with tears of gratitude. But there were some black sheep in the flock. It was plain that they could not always live in this style of Arcadian sim- plicity. I j This section of country was then known as the Kishwaukce I country, and was a part of the great county of LaSallc, i which extended from the Illinois river on the south, to the line of Wisconsin territory on the north, and on the east to Cook county. A commission was procured from Ottawa, then as now, its ccunty seat, for the election of two Justices of the peace, and in June of this year an election was held. Stephen Mowry and Joseph Collier were chosen Justices, the first public officers ever elected in this section of country. It is Avell remembered that the terrors of the law to be admin- istered by these formidable courts induced a very prompt and satisfactory settlement of many little debts that had been in- curred by some of the new comers. There were not many suits commenced, but there was a general liquidation of ac- counts, and that instanter. But the most troublesome and weighty controversies that vexed the souls of the Squatters upon these new lands, were the disputes about the boundaries of claims and the rights of claimants. How much land might a man claim ? Might he make a claim for himself; another for his brother ; a third for his maiden aunt, and so through his family ? Might he sell his claim ? Must he reside upon it in order to hold it ? These and like questions, threatened to make serious trouble, and to avert threatened conflict upon these questions, a meeting of settlers was held on the 5th of September, at 11 45 354 HISTOET OF DEKALB COrXTY. the shanty of Harmon Miller upon the east bank of the Kish- ■R-aukee or Sycamore river, at which a Claim Association -n-as organized to decide such disputed questions as should arise, and a constitution was di-awn up and signed by most of the settlers, in which all agreed to abide by the decision of the five Commissioners then selected, and to aid in enforcincf their decisions. Another means of keeping peace and promoting tranquil- ity was the establishment of religious services. In the autumn of this year almost before the new comers had got a roof over their heads : before the Indians had removed ; before the first semblance of civil government had been established ; the devoted missionaries of the Methodist Church made their way into the country, gathered together little audiences of eight or ten, wherever in grove, hut or shanty, they could be found, preached, prayed, sang hymns, and exhorted the new comers to found a community of christian people, and amid the pressing cares of this, not to forget to prepare for another — an immortal life. Rev. Leander Walker, now an eminent clergyman of the Methodist denomination, was probably the pioneer preacher of DeKalb county. As winter approached and the discomforts of their new houses became less endurable, large numbers of the new comers seeing no especial necessity for remaining, moved back to more comfortable residences on the Fox river, to Joliet or whatever places might have been their former homes. Of those who remained and spent this winter at the north part of the county, were Dr. Xorbo, a Norwegian, after whom xSorwegiau Grove was named, and who made some pretense of being a physician, Mr. Charters, a Frenchman, who gave name to Charters Grove, Dr. Lee, Avho first claimed the farm since occupied by Ephraim Hall; Rufus Colton, Lyman Judd, Eli Barns, Phineas Stevens, Alpheus Jenks, Shubael Jenks, James Root, Levi C. Barber, James Peaslee, Xorman C. Moore, Stephen Sherwood, W. A. Miller, Henry Madden, I ErOHTEEN" THIRTY-FIVE, 355 p . J i.6is, Lysander Darling, Robert Robb, Isaiah Fair- 1 armon Miller, James Green, Nathan Billings, Lewis rt gs, Benj. Schoonover, John, Frail and Morris, Erasmus /d George Walrod. At Squaw Grove were William Sebree and sons, Samuel Miller, Jacob Lee, John Esterbrooks and David Leggett. At Somonauk were David and William SI j, Reuben Root and Dr. Arnold. Late in the autumn of this year Mr. Edwin Town and his brother David Town, established themselves at Shabbonas Grove, lived for a few weeks in the deserted wigwams of the Indians, and on the first day of January 1836, raised the first log cabin and became the first white settlers of Shabbona's j Grove. Peter Lamois, who, with Jesse C. Kellogg and i Lysander Darling were among the first settlers of what is now the town of Sycamore, remained to spend the winter in iKellogg's cabin. Peter was a shrewd, speculating, half-yan- |keefied Frenchman, and had with him, as companion and ihelp, a half-civilized Indian lad called Shaw-ne-neese. It j'occurred to him, that -with the help of the boy, who had re- lations living near what is now Aurora, and of course spoke ithe language of the Indians around, a good trade could be ■established with the straggling Indians who still remained in the sale of whisky. So off' goes Peter with his oxen and iwagon, and soon returned with a barrel of whisky, which was duly broached and advertised among the Indians in all the country round. Little money had the poor Indians, but they bad ponies and blankets, and trinkets to sell, so that a nourishing trade was speedily established ; the Indians oromising to deliver ponies when they had received the ^^quivalent in whisky. The whisky went off rapidly, yet so :;onvenient was the spring to Peter's shanty, that the quantity n the barrel was not seriously diminished ; he filled water at :he bung as freely as he drew good ne tosh from the spigot, 3oon Peter's best customers had each become indebted to him n the sum of a pony or tv/o, and he began to hint that it was fime to settle. Peter unfortunately, broached the subject 356 HISTORY OF DE KALB COlTNTl. at a time when a party of them were present, all wethe Kish- up with good ne tosh. The Indians held an Indian was meeting, at once and on the spot. They put in a piKise, failure of consideration — the good ne tosh that Peter had soV them was no good — he had cheated them — had sold bad liquor. Peter attempted to explain, hut the thing could not be explained. They grew madder and madder. Shaw-ne-neese and Peter each fell under their indignation. Soon an old Indian snatched up Shaw-ne-neese upon the pony behind him and galloped off. Then a real old fashioned Indian war-whoop burst from the drunken group, and drawing their knives, they rushed upon the first original liquor-dealer of DeKalb County, like so many fiends from the pit. Peter had a good pair of legs, and he used them. lie made tracks for the brush, and was fortunate enough to hide from their search, until tiring of the chase, they went back to the shanty, absorbed the remainder of the whisky, appropriated Peter's little stock of clothing, provisions, and cooking utensils, and than left the premises. When darkness came, the friendly voice of Shaw-ne-neese, calling cautiously through the brush, delighted the ears of the discomfitted Peter, and working together, they got the oxen yoked, loaded up what little remained of their wordly goods, and made tracks for Walker's Grove, the settlement from which they came. So it happened that the first white man's house in Sycamore Avas a whisky shop, the first settler a rum-seller, and the first row a whisky riot. In September of this year the Indians were removed west of the Mississippi, in accordance with the provisionsof the treaty made at Prairie du Chien 1832, at the close of the Black Hawk war. They were gathered together at Pawpaw Grove, by a government contractor named Rogers. They there re- ceived a large payment from the government, then sorrowfully loaded their property upon their ponies and left for their new homes farther toward the setting sun. Some white men of Sycamore who went to the rendezvous EIGHTEEiSr THIRTt-SiX, 35? Ppfp T ^, J rove to get by gambling, the glittering coin paid 1 TT^^.ns, were successful in that object but were set upon n • se Avhom they had cheated and narrowly escaped with (jrrigr '^ . J i- ix lives. Straggling bands of Indians travel through the country even to this day, but this was the end of Indian occupation of the country. 1836. For man}^ reasons the year 1836 could hardly be reckoned as a bright one in the annals of this section of country. Comparatively few settlers came in ; the timbered lands of the county had nearly all been claimed during the previous year, and those who were not able or willing to pay the prices demanded by claimants were forced to go further to the west. Although the changes of ownership were many, yet the ad- ditions to the number of the population were few as compar- ed with the previous twelve months. Provisions also grew more scarce. The supplies of flour, sugar, salt and other articles, now reckoned as the necessaries of life, which the new comers had brought with them, had been consumed. Hurried by the arduous and constant labors incident to making comfortable homos and planting their first crops, they found no time to go to distant markets to renew their supplies, and, indeed, most of the new comers had exhausted their stock of ready money, and had as yet raised nothing with which to exchange for, or purchase these commodities. They had little or no wheat. The corn raised the previous year alone furnished them with bread, and as Green's mills, near Ottawa, fifty miles distant furnished the nearest oppor- tunity for grinding, many of the settlers pounded their corn with pestle and mortar, rather than go so far to convert it into meal. Their clothing was also in a most dilapidated condition ; but worse than all, it was a year of sickness. Most of the settlers had built upon or near the banks of the streams, and in the shelter of the groves. The decaying sod of the newly broken prairie, which surrounded their dwellings, filled the 358 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTS. air with malaria. From the streams, whose sluggishness was a main characteristic of this level country, there also arose a constant and palpable effluvium that was a fruitful source of disease. The ague, that curse of new lands in the fertile west, this year became the prevalent complaint. Poverty, rags, a scanty diet and the shakes were the fashion of the times. At a general election held in August of this year, Henry Madden, a well known citizen of intelligence, education and shrewdness, who resided in what is called the Brush Point settlement in the present town of Mayfield, was elected as Representative to the State Legislature. Ilis district was immense in extent if not in population. Most of the popu- lation of the State at this time was in its southern portion. Excepting the old French settlements at Ottawa, LaSalle? Joliet, and the mining town at Galena, there were no large towns in northern Illinois. Chicago then consisting only of a few log houses, clustered around Fort Dearborn upon the banks of the sluggish Chicago river, was indeed now making some boastful promises of future commercial importance, but they were ridiculed by the incoming settlers ; who hurried through the wretched little hamlet of mud and misery to take up lands more pleasant to look upon, on the banks of the Rock, the Fox, or the Kishwaukee rivers, while they might have obtained at the same low rate, those portions of Chicago which tens of millions could not now purchase. When Benjamin Worden came through the place during autumn, and Mark Beaubien, the French trader who kept the hotel then, offered to trade him his own claim to eighty acres of land near the present Court House, for a pair of French ponies that Worden had just before purchased while coming through Michigan, for $130, uncle Ben laughed at the idea, and told him that he wouldn't take the whole town as a gift if he should be required to live in it. The whole of northern Illinois was still very thinly settled, and Mr, Madden's district extended from what is now Iroquois EIGHTEEN THIRTY-SIX. 359 County on the south, to the Wisconsin line upon the north, embracing land enough to make a half dozen respectable States — land which was fertile and productive, enough to support a population of millions. The County of Kane had been created during the previous session of the Legislature. It was thirty-six miles square, embracing the present County of DeKalb, and part of Kendall. But the people of this western portion of Kane (Jounty, found that Geneva, then as now, the County-seat, Avas too far from their settlement. The difficulties of travelling were much greater than at present. The country was much more wet, the streams and sloughs the great obstructions to prairie travel, were more full of <\-ater than now. It was a long day's journey to Geneva, and to go that distance to try suits, record deeds, and examine titles, was too severe a tax upon their resources, of time and money. But the more powerful inducement for the erection of a new County in this district Avas, that several embryo villages about this region, Avere ambitious of acquiring the added glories of being made the seat of justice for the new County, and the people of each, confident that it Avould be selected, worked zealously to secure as a necessary preliminary, although a matter of secondary importance to them, the erection of a new County. Having within their borders the home of the Representative for this district, they felt that this Avas the time to strike for independence. The creation of new Counties was then a principal item of business of the State Legislature, and so soon as Mr. Madden, after a weary horse-back ride of tAvo hundred and fifty miles across the country, reached Vandalia, then the Capital of the State, he speedily set himself to introduce and secure the passage of, a bill for the creation of a new County, and the location of a County-seat. He was stimulated to zeal in this work, by the fact that his own farm at Brush Point, noAV in the township of Mayfield, Avas rather favorably and cen- trally situated in the proposed ncAV County, and he hoped. 360 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. planned, and expected, to secure upon it the location of the seat of justice. 1837. On the 4th day of March, 1837, the act for the creation of the County of DeKalb was passed, and in the same bill the Counties of Stephenson, Winnebago, and Boone were created if this should be sanctioned by the whole body of voters in the respective Counties from which they were detached. The Avhole act, although containing some irrelevant matter, ig^ here given : I "an act to create certain counties therein named. " Sec. 1. Be it enaotsd hy the people of the State of Illinois represented in the Creneral Assembly, That all that tract of country Avithin the following boundaries, to wit : com- mencing on the northern boundary of the state where the section line between sections three and four, in town twenty- nine north, range five east of the fourth principal meridian,,* strikes said line, thence east on the northern boundary of the State, to the range line between ranges nine and ten east, thence south on said range line to the northern boundary of Ogle County, thence Avest on the northern boundary of Ogle County to and passing the north-west corner of the county to the line betAveen sections thirty-three and thirty-four in town- ship twenty-six north, range five east, thence north to the place of beginning, shall form a County to be called Stephen- son, as a tribute of respect to the late Colonel Benjamin Stephenson. " Sec. 2. That the boundaries of Winnebago County shall be as follows, to Avit : commencing on the state line at the north-east corner of the County of Stephenson, thence cast on the state line to the section line between sections five and six, in toAvnship forty-six north, range three east of the third principal meridian, thence south on said section line to the south boundary of township forty-three north, range three east, thence west on said township line, to the third principrl meridian, thence north on said meridian to the south-east HlONl. GEORGE Hi. HILL OF Kl NGSTON. COUNTY JUDGE. Hui-a^o Liiiio^raphinii Co.rhicnen. EIGHTEEN THIRTY-SEVEN. 361 corner of township twenty-six north, range eleven east of fourth principal meridian, thence west on said line to the range line between ranges nine and ten east, thence north to the place of beginning. " Sec. 3. And that all that tract of country beginning at the north east corner of township forty-six north, range four east, thence south with the line dividing range four and five east, to the sonth-west corner of township forty-three north, thence west on said line to the south-east corner of Winnebago County, thence north to the place of beginning on the north boundary of the State, shall form a County to be called Boone, in memory of Colonel Daniel Boone, the first settler of the State of Kentucky. " Sec. 4. That all that tract of country beginning at the south-east corner of township thirty-seven north, range two east of the principal meridian, thence north to the north-east corner of township forty-two north, range two, east of the third principal meridian, and thence along the northern boundary of township forty-two in ranges three, four, and five, east of the third principal meridian, thence south on the south-cast corner of township thirty-seven north, range five east, thence west on said township line, to the place of begin- ning, shall form a County to be called DeKalb. " Sec, 5. The Counties of Stephenson, Boone, and DeKalb hereby created shall be organized in the following manner, to wit : for the purpose of fixing the permanent seat of jus- tice of Stephenson county, the following persons are appoint- ed commissioners, viz : Vance L. Davidson and Isaac Cham- bers, of Jo Daviess county, and Minor York of Ogle county, who, or a majority of them, being duly sworn before some justice of the peace of this State, faithfully to take into view the convenience of the people, the situation of the settlements, with an eye to future population and eligibility of the place shall meet at the house of William Baker in said county, on the first Monday in May next, or as soon thereafter as may be, and proceed to examine and determine on a place for the 46 362 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. permanent seat of justice for said county, and designate th( same : Provided, that said county seat shall be located oi lands belonging to the United States, not occupied by thi citizens of said county, if a site for said county seat on sucl lands can be found equally eligible, or upon lands claimed b^ citizens of said county ; but if said location shall be madi upon land claimed by any individual in said county, or anj individual having pre-emption right or title to the same, thi claimant or proprietor upon whose lands, claim or pre-emp tion right the said seat of justice may be located, shall mak( a deed in fee simple to any number of acres of said tract not less than twenty to the said county ; or in lieu thereo such claimant or owner or owners of such pre-emption righ shall donate to the said county at least three thousand dollar to be applied to building county buildings, within one yea after the locating of said county seat, and the proceeds o such quarter section, if the county seat shall be located upoi government lands as aforesaid, or the proceeds of such twent; acres of land if it be located on lands claimed or owned b; an individual or individuals ; or the said three thousand do] lars in case such claimant, or owner or owners shall elect t pay that sum in lieu of the said twenty acres, shall be appro priated to the erection of a sufficient court house and jail ; am until public buildings are erected for the purposes, the court shall be held at such place as the county commissioners shal direct. " Sec. 6. An election shall be held at the house of Williaii Baker in said county, on the first Monday of May next, fo one sheriff, one coroner, one recorder, one county surveyor three county commissioners, and one clerk of the count commissioners' court, who shall hold their offices until th next succeeding general elections, and until their successor are elected and qualified ; which said election shall be con ducted in all respects agreeably to the provisions of the la^ regulating elections : Provided that the qualified voter present may elect from among their own number three quah EIGHTEEN THIRTY-SEVEN. 363 fied voters to act as judges of said election, who shall appoint wo qualified voters to act as clerks. Sec. 7. For the purpose of fixing the permanent county seat of Boone county, the following named persons are hereby appointed commissioners, viz : John M. Wilson of Will county, James Day of LaSalle county, and James H. Woodworth of Cook county, who or a majority of them being first duly sworn before some justice of the peace of this State, as required in the fifth section of this act, shall meet at the house of Simon P. Doty, in said county, on the fourth Monday in April next, or as soon thereafter, as may be, and shall proceed as is required in the fifth section of this act, to locate the county seat of said Boone County. Sec. 8. For the purpose of fixing the permanent seat of justice for the county 'of DeKalb, Benjamin Thruston of LaSalle county, James Walker of Cook county, and German- icus Kent of Winnebago county, are hereby appointed com- missioners, who or a majority being first duly sworn before some justice of the peace of this State, as is required by the fifth section of this act, shall meet at the house of Frederick [Love in said county, on the first Monday in June next, or as isoon thereafter as may be, and shall proceed in all respects as is required in the fifth section of this act. Provided, That the qualified voters of Kane county shall meet at the usual places of holding elections in said county, on the first Monday in May next, and vote for or against the county of DeKalb, .and if a majority of said voters shall be in favor of making the said county, then the county of DeKalb shall be created, but if it shall appear that there is a majority against the division, then the said county shall remain as it now is. Sec. 9. The county and circuit courts of said Boone and DeKalb counties, shall be held at such place as the county commissioners' courts shall respectively appoint, until the county buildings are erected, and the times of holding the circuit courts in the counties hereby created, shall be fixed by 364 HISTORY OP DE KALB COUNTY. the circuit Judges in whose circuits the counties respectively are situated. " Sec. 10. And elections shall be held in said Boone and DeKalb counties, for county officers in the following manner viz : In the county of Boone, at the house of Simon P. Doty, on the first Monday in May next, and in the county of DeKalb at the house of Frederick Love, on the first Monday in July next, and shall be required and conducted in the same manner as is prescribed in the sixth section of this act, when the same is applicable. " Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the clerks of the county commissioners courts of the counties hereby organized, to give notice at least ten days previous to the elections to be held as is above provided in said counties, and in case there shall be no clerk in said counties, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the commissioners' court of Winnebago county, to give notice of the elections to be held in the counties of Stephenson and Boone, and for the election to be held in the county of DeKalb notice shall be given in like manner, by the clerks of the com- missioners' court of Kane county. Sec 12. The citizens of the counties hereby created, are entitled in all respects to the same rights and privileges as are allowed in general to other counties in this State. " Sec. 13. The counties of Stephenson and Boone shall continue to form a part of the county of Jo Daviess, until organized, and when organized according to this act, shall continue attached to the county of Jo Davies in all general elections, until otherwise provided by law. The county of DeKalb shall continue to form a part of the county of Kane, until it shall be organized, and shall vote with the county of LaSalle in all general elections, until otherwise provided by law. " Sec. 14. The commissioners appointed to locate said county seats, shall receive the sum of two dollars per day for each day necessarily spent by them in discharging the duties imposed on them by this act, to be allowed by the county EIGHTEEN THIRTY-SEVEN. 365 commissioners, and to be paid out of the county treasuries respectively. " Sec. 15. The judges of elections shall deliver to each officer elected, a certificate of his election. The poll books shall be retained by them until the clerk of the county com- missioners' court shall be qualified, and then deliver the said poll books to such clerk, who shall make and transmit to the Secretary of State an abstract of the votes given at such election, in the same time, manner, and form as is required of clerks of county commissioners courts in elections in other counties in this State. " Sec. 16. After the election of county officers as herein provided, the persons elected county commissioners, are here- by authorized to administer the oaths of office to each other, and they are severally authorized to administer the oaths of office to all other county officers. And said commissioners shall within ten days after their election, meet together as a court, and lay off their county into justices districts, and order elections to be held for justices of the peace and constables at a time to be fixed by them ; and justices of the peace and constables elected and qualified, shall hold their offices until others are elected and qualified under the law providing for the election of Justice of the Peace. The clerks of the county commissioners' courts shall deliver to each person elected justice of the peace and constable, certificates of such elections ; and each person elected justice of the peace is hereby author- ized, upon executing bonds as required by law to enter upon the duties of his office, and to exercise and perform all the duties of justice of the peace as fully as though such person had received a commission from the governor. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved 4th March, 1837." This year, 1837, was noted as the first in the series of the regular Septennial wet seasons that have recurred every seven years since that time. From the first breaking up of winter, the rain poured down daily, with very few days exception. 366 HISTORY OF DEKALB. gOUNTY. until late in the autumn. The windows of heaven were opened, the rain descended, and the floods came. The country was inundated : the roads would have been impassable if there had been any roads : the crops were poor and sickly, for want of sufficient sunshine. Shabbona, the sagacious old Indian, had predicted the wet season. He had asserted that as far back as Indian tradition reached, every seventh year had been similarly visited with a superabundance of rain — with almost constant storms and flood, and swollen streams. Seven years before, the soldiers at Fort Dearborn, then the only white inhabitants of the country, had made record of a similar year of constant storms and endless floods ; and it is certain that on every succeeding seventh year, such seasons have recurred. All of those who have resided in the county during the suc- ceeding four septentriades, will testify that 1844, 1851, 1858 and 1865, were each seasons of extraordinary moisture, and noted as wet summers. Whether there may or may not be anything mystical or magical in the number seven, whether this recurrence may have anything to do with the Scriptural seven years of plenty and seven years of famine, with the seven days of the week, the seven ages of man, the seven vials of wrath, the seven seals, seven trumpets, seven witches, or seven Pleiades, certain it is, that most of the old residents admit the regular return of this seventh year of floods and storms, and plan their farming operations with reference to it. It is worthy of remark, however, that the last of these wet seasons, which occurred in 1865, was but a comparatively moderate specimen of the kind. The floods began in July, and would have attracted no very marked attention, but for the general looking for and expectation of it. A wet season in those early times, was different from what it is at present. It caused far greater inconvenience. Then, the country had no artificial drains, no broken and open soil to drink up the showers ; it was all covered by the thick, tough sod of the native prairie, into which the rain penetrated with difiiculty. It flowed off" into the lowlands or sloughs, . EIGHT-fcElSr THIllTY-SEVEiSr. 367 and being undrained, remained there, 'till evaporated by the summer's sun, making them almost impassable for teams. The country, ever since its first settlement, has been growing more and more dry. Lands that ten, or even five years ago, could not bear a team at any season of the year, now are constantly passable : and that is remarked, even in places where there is no artificial drainage or cultivation of soil in the vicinity to account for it. This year is also memorable in the annals of the country, as the occasion of one of those commercial crises, when speculation and extravagance having reached its culmi- tion, there comes a financial revulsion which sweeps fortunes away like autumn leaves before the whirlwind. Thousands of embryo cities had been laid out all over this western country, and lots were sold in them at enormous prices. Chicago, which during this and the previous year, had been rapidly settled and built up to a city of several thousand inhabitants, had excited the amazement of the country by stories of the immense fortunes so suddenly made by the advance in her ands. What had occurred there, it was argued, would soon occur in all the young cities farther west. The legislature of the previous winter had chartered thousands of miles of rail- road which it was expected would stimulate an almost magical growth of cities and towns. Chicago became a market for the sale of towns. They were sold there at auction. Eastern people caught the mania, and town plats were sent to them for a market, and were greedily purchased. But now came the crash. Multitudes of men, ambitious of making a speedy fortune, had gone into debt for the purchase of these inchoate cities. They were unable to meet their obligations, and una- ble to dispose of the lands. Confidence was now gone, and with it, the beautiful castles they had built in the air vanished like the mists of the morning ; the brilliant-hucd bubbles burst and disappeared. The nation was whelmed in general bankruptcy. But the spirit of speculation had not j-ot reached the section of country embraced in this County. The storms of the commercial world swept harmlessly by the little commu- 368 HISTOKY OF DE KALB COUNTY. nity of quiet farmers gathered here to make their living by the peaceful pursuit of agriculture. There were indeed some embryo towns laid out, and their proprietors were contending for the location of a county seat, but lots were cheap as yet. Any man could have one or more if he would build upon it and become a resident. A village palt was staked out on the north side of the Kishwaukee — then called the Sycamore river — and another about the residence of Rufus Colton at Coltonville. The Kishwaukee river then, like all of the streams of the conntry, much larger, more rapid in its flow than now, was supposed capable of furnishing good water power. A tract of two miles square, enclosing the present village of Sycamore, had been claimed by an association un- der the name of C. Sharer & Co. It was composed of Chris- tian Sharer, a wealthy capitalist of N. Y., Clark Wright, E. Wherry and Mark Daniels. They built a dam and a large mill race, whose channel is yet to be seen, and upon it Robt. Crawford had commenced to build, a factory, designed to manufacture chairs and other articles of furniture. Eli G. Jewell had a blacksmith and wagon shop in the borders of the grove, near the present residence of Roswell Dow, and had, also a small collection of goods for sale in his little log house. It was regarded as one of the smart rising towns of the county, and as a possible county seat. At Coltonville also, the proprietor had a little store, and his spacious log house was a well known point for travellers. Colton and the few settlers who lived in the vicinity, were confident that there would be the future seat of justice for the County. On the first Monday in May of this year, in accordance with the provisions of the bill, an election was held in the thirty-six square miles, composing Kane County, to determine whether the new County of DeKalb should be set oif. The Geneva interest favored the division, as it made that town more central in that County, and would make its continuance as the county seat, more probable, but a part of the present Kane County was opposed to the division. It was so contrived I EIGHTEEN THIRTY-SEVEN. 369 however, that they had no opportunity to express their opposition by their votes. The traveling this spring, was extremely bad. The mud was unfathomable, the rain continuous. The Sherifi" of Kane County was unwilling to start out on the long and tedious journey necessary to post the notices of this election, and readily accepted the offer of Mr. Madden, who was going that way, to do it for him. Report says that the shrewd Madden was careless about post- ing notices of the election in precincts unfavorable to the division of the county, while all of those precincts in favor of it, were fully notified. The result was a huge majority in favor of division, no vote whatever being held in considerable parts of that county. It having been decided that the new County was duly set off, the Clerk of Kane County issued a call for an election to be held at the residence of Frederic I Love, at which there should be chosen three County Commis- sioners, one Sheriff, Recorder, and Coroner. It was held on Monday, the 3d of July, 1837. The two parties which as is well known, are indispensable to every well-arranged and conducted election, went by the name of claim-jumpers and anti-claim-jumpers, and divided on the question of sustaining ior abolishing the claim associations. The people came from all parts of the County, and in large numbers. With their wagons and horses distributed over a large space, they ipresented the appearance of an animated camp-meeting. After the usual amount of log-rolling, caucusing, and liquoring, the polls were opened, the votes cast and counted, and a large [majority were found to be in favor of the Anti-Claim- Jumpers' 'ticket. This was : Oounty Commissioners — Rufus Colton, Robert Sterrett, Levi Lee. Sheriff — Joseph C. Lander. Recorder — Jesse C. Kellogg. Surveyor — Eli Barnes. Treasurer — Lysander Darling. They were an excellent and able body of officers ; probably 47 370 HISTORY OF DE KALE COUXTY. none more intelligent or better adapted to their work, have since filled those offices, Rufus Colton Avas an active, stirring, shrewd iSTew Englander, formerly editor of a Vermont paper — a warm friend — a fair, uncompromising enemy. R. Sterrett ofSomonaukwas of Penn. origin, always a decided Democrat — an honest, reliable, true man. Levi Lee of Kingston, was a shrewd, intelligent man, active in the temperance cause. He filled many public offices, and was of late, a member of the Legislature of Wisconsin. Jesse C. Kellogg, the Recorder, was of Vermont puritan stock, has been for thirty three years, and still is one of the worthiest citizens of DeKalb County, active in every good work, the uncompromising foe of all wrong and oppression. Captain Barnes, for over thirty years a venerated citizen of this County, died in 1867, leaving a large family of descendants here. Sheriff Lander, an honest, pleasant old Indianian, had all of the peculiarities of speech and dialect of the Iloosicr race. Lysander Darling was a pleasant, kind-hearted, honest popular citizen, said to be the first settler in Sycamore. On Tuesday, the 11th of July, 1837, the first regular session of the County Commissioners' Court for DeKalb County was held at the house of Rufus Colton. The selection of a place of holding Courts before the county seat was fixed and buildings erected, was left to the decision of the County Commissioners ; and they concluded that no more convenient place could be found than the spacious and comfortable log house belonging to the head of the Board of Commissioners. It was a substantial structure, eighteen feet by twenty-four, made of hewn logs, furnished with doors and a window, chinked up with none of your common mud, but with good lime mortar. Altogether, it was a spacious and superior buildin«y for those times. But liberal as were the accommo- dations, they were yet rather too limited for the convenient transaction of public business, in addition to the ordinary routine of the housekeeper's duties. So as the day was fair and warm, a table was placed out of doors on the shady side EIGHTEEN THIRTY-SEVEN. 871 of the house, at which the Commissioners being seated, the Sheriff made proclamation in goodHoosier style, of the opening of the Court, and they proceeded to business. This Commis- sioners' Court was not intended for the trial of suits. Its duties embraced those which are now accomplished by the Board of Supervisors. The County had been ransacked to find a suitable book for Record, but at last Mr. Clerk had procured an old merchant's ledger, a little used, and in it the first recorded transactions were minuted. The first formal action of the Board was to select and appoint Jesse C. Kellogo- as Clerk of their Court, and the next was the important business of laying out five election precincts, and justices' districts. They were : First, Kingston district and precinct, commencing at the northwest corner of the County running south twelve miles, thence northeast crossing the Sycamore river so as to include Benjamin Stephens' land, and then north to the County line. It was ordered that elections be held in this precinct at the residence of Levi Lee. George H. Hill, John Whitney and Jonas Halt were appointed its judges. The second was Sycamore precinct, including the northeast corner of the County, and extending as far south as Charter Grove, but not including the present village of Sycamore. The elections were to be held at a school house near Lysander Darling's, and William A. Miller, James A. Armstrong and Samuel Cory were made its judges. The third was named Orange district, and comprised the i territory south of the Sycamore district as far as Lost Grove, ^ in the present town of Cortland. Elections for this district were ordered at Rufus Colton's house, and Frederic Love James Root, and Eli Barnes were made its judges. The fourth was named Somonauk district, and comprised the territory south of Orange district, ten miles in width, and I about twenty in length to the south line of the County. Elections were ordered to be held at the house of Woodruff and Lane; William Davis, Frederic A. Witherspoon, and Simon Price were made judges. 872 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. The fifth district was called Paw Paw, and comprised the southwest portion of the County. No recorded provision was made for elections in this district, and it was subsequently abolished, but afterwards upon the indignant protest of some of its people, was re-established. In October, the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature to fix the County seat, met at the house of Mr. Prederic Love as directed by the law of organization. They were received by the citizens representing the three competing points with all of that cordiality that was to be expected toward men upon whose decision important interests depended. Escorted by a large number of residents of the County, and men who were interested in the decision of the question, they spent most of three days in riding about the region, viewing the country and comparing the advantages of the rival locations. There seemed to be little to choose between them. One of the Commission- ers, Mr. Walker of Plainfield had been a member of the Leg- islature with Mr. Madden. He was also an intimate friend of Mr. Harvey Maxfield, who had recently visited this section of country and came back with a glowing account of its attractions, and of the advantages of the present location for a county seat. He had also reported to Walker a remark said to have been made by Madden to the effect that he had secured Walker's appointment as Commissioner, and expected to control him so far as to induce him to locate the County seat upon his own claim at Brush Point. This naturally aroused opposition in the mind of Mr. Walker. Much to Madden's chagrin, he found his friend prejudiced against his own point, and unable to see its advantages. The inhabitants of the little collection of log houses on the bank of the Kishwaukee north of the present County seat where the village had been laid out, had become convinced that their village was upon ground too low to secure its location as the seat of justice, and they combined to assure the Commission- ers that the place where they intended the village should be, was on the higher ground upon the other side of the stream. EIGHTEEN THIHTY-SEVEN. 37-3 j ] f his being agreed upon, on the third day of their travels and txplorations, the Commissioners determined upon placing it ■where the (Jourt House now stands, and in the presence of quite a crowd of interested observers, they set a long pole upon the green prairie, placed on it a streaming flag, and declared it to be the location for the County seat of the new County of DeKalb. Captain Eli Barnes now advanced, and christened the new town by the name of Orange. No objection was raised to this, and for some years thereafter, the point was called by that name. Some objection had been made to the exact spot selected, by parties who thought the land a half mile south more favorable. This was admitted, but it was decided that this spot was as far out on the broad prairie as the center of the town ought to be placed, and here it was put. It did indeed seem to be, in the phrase of the country, "clear out of sight of land," a lonely, windy, grassy, deso- late spot. The inhabitants of the rival locations, disappointed at the result, ridiculed and denounced the selection, chiefly for this reason. It was argued, however, that the great State Road from A^andalia, the Capital of the State, north to Lake Superior, passed through this place, that the State Road from Chicago to Galena would cross here, and that it would consequently be more accessible than the Coltonville and Brush Point settlements, which were further to the West. It was also held that there was a great deal more timber on the eastern side of the county than on the western side ; and as of course the settlements must always be near the timbered lands, the center of population would be rather at the east than at the west. The location was made north of the center of the county, partly because it was thought that the south- ' ern end, divided from the north by a broad stretch of bare prairie, would ultimately be set ofl" into some other county, to be formed at the south of it. 1838. The county machinery was now fairly set in order, but, to complete the dignity of the new county, it was necessary 374 HISTORY OF DE KALB COtJNTT. that a term of the Circuit Court should be held, for the trial of civil and criminal suits ; and at the February term of the Commissioners' Court, it was ordered, that, as no court-house was yet provided, the first term of the Circuit Court should be held at Rufus Colton's residence, and the next term of the County Commissioners' Court, should be held at the residence of Riley Hall in Sycamore precinct. As Jurors for the first term of the Circuit Court, the follow- ing list was selected. GRAND JURORS. George II. Hill, Nathan Billings, William A. Miller, Ly- sander Darling, John Whitney, John Esterbrooks, William Miles, Plenry Madden, Eli Barnes, Phineas Stevens, Alpheus Jenks, Russell I). Crossett, John Maxfield, • William Davis, Maltby B. Cleveland, D. S. Bullard, Zachariah Wood, Ralph Wyman, Benjamin Stephens, Joseph A. Armstrong, Henry B, Barber, Reuben Nichols, Justin Crafts. PETIT JURORS. C. W. Branch, E. F. White, Abner Jackson, Peter Lamoise, Clark Wright, John Elliot, Clark L. Barber, Jos. A. McCollum, Russell Huntly, Ora A. Walker, John Corkins, Solomon Wells, H. N. Perkins, Jacob Cox, Lyman Judd, Henry Durham, F. A. Witherspoon, John Sebree, Marshall Stark, Jeremiah Burleigh, John Riddle, William Russell, Watson Y. Pomeroy, Ezra Hanson. As the coming Circuit Court was expected to cause an unusual demand for stationery, the Clerk of the County Com- missioners' Court was authorized to purchase two dollars' worth, and in addition was voted the sum of ten dollars to pay for a book of record. Three tavern licenses were granted this year — one to Russell Huntly, at what is now the village of DeKalb, one to John Esterbrooks at Squaw Grove, and one to II. N. Perkins at the present village of Genoa, and to guard against extortion the Board 'enacted " that the rates for the government of tavern-keepers for the ensuing year be as follows viz ; For EIGHTEEN THIRTY- EIGHT. 375 each meal of victuals, thirty-one cents, for lodging each person twelve-and-a-half cents; for each horse to haj over nio-ht twelve-and-a-half cents ; for each bushel of oats, seventy-five cents." These were great prices in those days, and were more than were usually charged. Two years later, the price of a good dinner at a first-class hotel in DeKalb County, was twelve-and-a-half cents, and a man was boarded for a week, for one dollar. The total County tax levied on the first yearof its existence as a County, was $216,50, but Mr. James Phillips, the deputy Sheriff who was also Collector, reported that after a hard winter's Avork in collecting, he had been able to get together and pay into the Treasury only $84,37. There was a new election of County Commissioners in August, and by a change in the law, three new Commission- ers were elected, instead of one as had hitherto been provided. E. G. Jewell, Burrage Hough, and Henry Hicks were elected. They were warmly in favor of the County seat then located, and issued an order that the October term of the Circuit Court be held at a house now being erected by Eli Barnes at or near the seat of Justice of this County. But it was not held there. Tbe house as yet, existed only in imagination. There was no sign of civilization, except a fence enclosino- a field nearly two miles long and sixty rods wide, built this year by C. Sharer & Co., the New York Company, who claimed this location. Mr. Colton who had been appointed Clerk of the Circuit Court, had made all processes returnable at his own residence. He hoped that before any suitable County buildings should be erected at this point he would obtain a vote to change its location to his own place. In addition to the other attractions of his own village, a lawyer, one John M. Crothers, had taken up his abode there, and opened an office in a corner of one of the three or four houses that con- stituted the village called Coltonville. With a store, a tavern, a blacksmith's shop, a doctor, a lawyer, and a distillery in 376 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUISTTY, expectation, Coltonville was indeed a prominent and promising village. Another meeting of the Commissioners was held in Septem- ber, at which they proceeded to consider the expediency of erecting a Court House and Jail at the seat of justice, but no definite plan was devised. They were engaged in negotiating with Captain Eli Barnes for the erection of buildings, but it was evident that no provision could be made for the coming term of Court, and it was accordingly by general consent, held at Coltonville. About this time, a new disturbing element had been intro- duced into the affairs of the new County. Madden and Colton both being sorely vexed at being over- ruled in their choice of a County seat, had put their heads to- gether to procure a rcmovalby combining against Orange the two parties who favored Brush Point and Coltonville : and they managed it in this wise. Mr. Madden, who was still a mem- ber of the Legislature, had during the last winter's session, procured the passage of an act providing that a vote should be taken first for or against the removal of the County seat from Orange. It was presumed that the two parties favoring Brush Point and Coltonville would combine and could carry this measure, for removal, m that case a second vote was to he taken upon Coltonville or Brush Point, and the place receiving the highest number of votes was to be the County Seat. Madden returned, and made no public mention of the passage of this act, but it was strongly suspected by the Orange men, that something of this kind had beea done, and was to be "put through on the sly." It was finally discov- ered in this Avay. A certain bachelor of Genoa, Gleason by name, who was attached to the Orange party, invaded the Brush Point settlement one Sunday night, in search of a wife. From his fair Dulcinea, he learned to his surprise, that on the next Monday week, an election was to be held in that settlement to remove the County seat. Gleason informed his I EIGHTEEN THIRTY-EIGHT. 377 friends of what be had learned, and it was agreed that the Orange men should meet them at the polls and vote the removal project down. J. C. Kellogg and E. G. Jewell were dispatched South in the night, to rouse their friends in Som- onauk. In due time the polls were opened, and to the surprise of the Brush Pointers, were opened in those precincts opposed to the change, as well as those which favored it. The unfair- ness of the secret conspiracy was so apparent that in Somon- auk precinct, which then included six townships, forty-five of the forty-seven votes cast were against removal. The project was voted down by seventeen majority, in the whole County. Coltonville had grown since the summer before when the first term of the County Commissioners Court was held there. There were four or five houses there now, but how the crowd of people that assembled on this memorable occasion was pro- vided for must ever be a mystery to future generations. The first term of the Court was held in a small framed house one story and a half in height, which, a few years after, Avas moved down to Sycamore, and is now the residence of Dr. W. W. Bryant and standing nearly opposite the Universalist Church. Hon. John Pearson, the Judge, resided in Danville, Vermillion County, and the extent of his circuit may be judged from this fact. He was subsequently removed for incompetency. Rufus Colton was the clerk, and Amasa Huntington States Attorney. There were but twenty suits upon the docket, none of them sharply contested cases. The first suit was one in which Erasmus D. Walrod was plaintiff" and Stephen Harwood was defendant, but before the trial commenced it was settled by agreement of parties — a good, first example which has not since been followed so closely as would have been to the advantage of the County. The duty of the twenty-four Grand Jurors and the States Attorney, were ended when they had found an indictment against one William Taylor for passing counterfeit money. Taylor was supposed to be one of an organized gang that 48 378 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. even at this earlj day was infesting the country, and swind- ling the honest citizens. Not being ready for trial, he was retained in charge of the County until the next term. After being comfortably boarded for several weeks by the Barber family the County Commissioners ordered him to the Will County jail, at Joliet, which was then the nearest available place of confinement ; and out of the scantily furnished treasury of the County they paid $45 to a guard for convey- ing him there. When he was next brought out for trial he escaped from the guard and was seen no more in this section of country ; and when in addition to this misfortune, the Will County jailor sent in a bill for $25 for his board, it bank- rupted the Treasury ; the commissioners indignantly refused to allow it and demanded the items. After this dear experi- ence in the capture of criminals it became the policy to over- look all crimes that were not too public and heinous, and when an oifence had been committed that could not be over- looked, the County officers sometimes contrived that a hint should be given to the offender that he would probably be arrested, and that it would be expedient for him to leave the country before that event should occur. In this way they rid themselves of the elephant. In December of this year, a meeting of County Commissioners provided for ascertaining upon what section of land the County seat had been placed. The County had not yet been surveyed by the United States. Nobody knew where the boundaries of the County were, nor were any other lines definitely ascertained. It was necessary that the County should first make its pre-emption claim to the quarter-section that the law required it should own, as private individuals made their claims, and then should survey and sell the village lots : out of the proceeds of which sale the public buildings were to be erected, guarantying of course to the purchasers, that when the land came in market the County would purchase and pay for it. For this purpose the Commissioners duly authorized and directed Mr. Eli Gr. Jewell to obtain the services of a surveyor 1I®HTEEN THIRTY-E1&HT. 879 and bring a line or lines from some survey made under the authority of the General Government down to the County seat, and there cause a number of town lots not exceeding eighty, to be laid out, platted and recorded ; the expense of which survey it was prudently provided should be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the lots. At this term the rate of compensation to jurors was fixed at seventy-five cents per day, but as this rate was found to cause a heavy drain upon the Treasury, it was subsequently reduced to fifty cents. Frederick Love was appointed first School Commissioner for the County, and was also granted a license to keep tavern. Love's capacious cabin was as public a place as any in the County. He called it Centerville, and hoped that at some time it would become the County seat. Henry Durham of Genoa, was granted a merchant's license at this term of the Court, A few years later, the village at that point had become the largest and most lively in the County. In September 1838, Shabbona, the old Indian, employed Mr. James S. Waterman to survey the two sections of land which the Gov- ernment had granted him in that section of country. During this year a company under the name of Jenks & Co., representing considerable capital, constructed a mill upon the Kishwaukee, in the present town of DeKalb on the land now occupied by Mr. Albert Schryvers farm, and projected a village which however, was never built up. The large barn now standing upon that farm was one of the first framed 'buildings in the County, and was used on several occasions for the religious services of the quarterly-meetings of the Methodists. Since the departure of the Indians, game had rapidly increased in this district of country. Deer became very numerous. Mr. R. F. Watson, who was one of the first inhabitants of the northern portion of the County, states that during this winter he, hunting in company with Solomon Wells and William Driscoll, killed more than one hundred I of these animals, and at times had counted one hundred and 380 HISTORY OF DE KALB COUNTY. twenty-five in one drove. They ran them down with grey hounds. The deer, fleet as they were, were no match for the hounds, who would often catch them hy the throat hefore they had run a quarter of a mile. But the hounds frightened the deer from the country, and for many years subsequently they became very scarce. 1839. The year 1839 was memorable as one of great suffering among the new settlers, from sickness. During the spring and autumn months, over most of the County, there were hardly enough of the well to take proper care of the sick. Ague and billions fevers were the prevailing diseases. They resulted from the close proximity to the groves and streams to which the new comers all built their houses, and were aided by the insufiicient and comfortless little dwellings ; also by the bad surface water from the sloughs which they used in the want of wells of proper depth to supply pure water. It was difficult also, to secure medical attendance, and the phy- sicians who practiced through the country, rarely had a sufficient supply of medicine. A citizen relates his disap- pointment when after having gone shaking with ague seven miles on foot to a doctors for a dose of quinine, the doctor told him solemnly, " No young man, I cant't let you have it ; you are young, and can wear out the disease. I must save my little supply for cases in which it is needed to save life, for I don't know when I shall be able to obtain any more." Deaths were numerous, and the few carpenters in the country who were able to work, were at times busy night and day in making coffins. It was noticed that one settle- ment on the borders of the County, in Franklin, afterwards known as the Pennsylvania Settlement, was quite free from the prevalent diseases. The three or four houses that com- posed this little village, were built by Dr. Hobart, Albert Fields, and William Ramsey, two miles from the timbered lands and in the middle of the prairie. To this was due their exemption from disease. i EI6HTEEX THIRTY-NINE. 881 . But the citizens in the vicinity of the County seat found time to build a new Court House. The survey lines ordered by the County Commissioners, had been brought down from the neighborhood of Rockford, where some Government surveying had already been done, and the village of Sycamore was staked out. The inhabitants of this place for all future time, may thank Captain Eli Barnes and James S. Waterman for the broad streets that now add so much to the beauty of the village. To many of the people, they seemed at the time unnecessarily wide, but the sensible plea that there Avas a whole continent of prairie before them, and that when Syca- more became a city they would be needed to accommodate its business, prevailed, and they were all laid out one hundred feet wide. From the time the village was laid out, its original name of Orange was dropped, and Sycamore adopted by common consent. During the previous winter, Captain Barnes had got together materials for building a spacious tavern at the new County seat, and early in the spring it was erected— the first building put up in this village. It is still standing, directly east of the Public Square, and has ever since been occupied as a Hotel. As an inducement for building it, it was agreed that the block on which it stands should be given to the Cap- tain, free of cost. The village having been laid out, the Commissioners directed Mr. Jewell to proceed to sell lots at public auction, and with the proceeds to contract for build- ing a Court House and Jail, The auction was held, and the bidding was spirited. Some fifteen or twenty lots were sold at prices ranging from twenty to fifty dollars. Among the purchasers were Frederick Love, J. C. Kellogg, James S. Waterman, Harvey Maxfield, Daniel Bannister, Almon Robinson, Erastus Barnes, and Timothy Wells. The proceeds of the sale constituted a little fund out of which, some of the materials for the Court House were pur- chased. Those most interested in the matter, then took teams I 882 HISTORY Ot DE KALB COtJNTY. I and drove to all the saw-mills in the country round, and begged or bought, or traded for the necessary lumber. The labor upon the building Avas done by voluntary contribu- tion. Every one could do something, and all worked with a will. By the time fixed for the June session of the Circuit Court, a two-story building twenty feet by thirty had been enclosed, and the County Commissioners, who were hastily summoned together, ordered their Clerk of the Court to notify the Judge of the Circuit Court that they had erected a Court House at the County seat, and that it was ready for occupancy, and requested that he direct the Circuit Clerk to keep his office there. Captain Barnes served the order upon the Judge now sitting in Court at Coltonville, and the crowd of attendants, augmented by a large body of citizens assembled to see what action would be taken upon this order, awaited with great interest the argument upon the proposition to remove to Sycamore. When the Judge decided that the Court must be removed thence, a shout of triumph went up from the Sycamore party, Avhile the opponents of removal were correspondingly depressed. Judge Ford took his record under his arm. States Attorney Purple bundled up his papers, the Sheriff, the lawyers, juries parties and witnesses followed suit, and led by Captain Barnes, on that well-known spotted horse that he rode upon all public occasions for more than twenty years later, all took up their line of march through the thick woods and across the green prairie, to the new seat of empire at Sycamore. The assem- blage was entertained at a grand public dinner at the new tavern, where all the luxuries that the country afforded were freely provided by the successful party. When the Court repaired to the new Court House, it was found that the declaration of the Commissioners, that the Court House was ready for occupancy, was rather more than its condition warranted. It had a frame, a roof, and some siding upon it, but there were no doors nor windows, and the EIGHTEEN THIRTY-NINE. 383 only floor was some loose boards covering one half of the upper story. When the officers of the Court had clambered up to the seat of justice in the second story, it found furniture somewhat scarce. A tilting table was the Judges desk, and a broad, rough board was provided for the Clerks and attor- neys' tables — et praeterea nihil. Itwas a rough and primitive arrangement for the entertainment of the blind goddess, and if she had had her eyes about here she would have fled from the spot in alarm. A question arose whether process having been made returnable at Coltonville, suits could be tried at another locality, and except a few agreed cases, no litigation was carried on. William Taylor, the only criminal, having fortunately run away, and the arrest of all others being care- fully avoided, there was no use for a Grand Jury, and it had been at once dismissed, and the Court speedily adjourned. The Commissioners' Court at the June session, divided the County into three Assessment districts. The districts of Franklin, Kingston, and Kishwaukee con- stituted the first, and of this H. F. Page was chosen Assessor. Sycamore, Orange, and Ohio districts made the second, and of this, Austin Hayden was Assessor. Somonauk and Pawpaw made the third, and of this Stephen Arnold was Assessor. The three Assessors were each paid for three days' service in assessing the entire property of the County. At the August election, Mr. John R. Hamlin was chosen Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court, and Lysander Darling County Treasurer, in place of George H. Hill. William M. Maxfield was chosen County Collector, Alpheus Jenks, Recorder. In this year, the land in the three Northern townships which had previously been surveyed by the United States, [and put in market. It was a part of what was called the Rockford or Polish survey. I The United States Government, in sympathy with the Poles who had just been overwhelmed in their contest for their independence by the power of Russia, had made a grant of a 384 HISTORY OF DEKALB COUNTY. large tract of land on the banks of the Rock River to such of that nation as chose to settle upon it. It was accordingly surveyed some years earlier than most of this part of the State. Very few of that nation however, availed themselves of this privilege. Claims had been made on the same land by other and earlier settlers. These combined to drive away the new claimants. Numerous little stockade forts were built with loop holes for muskets, and a determintion was expressed to drive the Polish emigrants out of the country, and they were entirely successful. They never occupied their grant. At Coltonville, the large two-story house still standing there was built this year for a tavern, and was opened with a grand ball in the autumn. To make a sufficient party, the whole country was summoned. Some twenty of the guests came from Oregon, thirty miles west, and as many more from St Charles, twenty miles to the east. It was a noted event. In the summer of the previous year, a convention was held at Ottawa to nominate candidates for the Legislature. Delegates went from Orange, now called Sycamore, to see that men favorable to their point as the County seat should be nominated, and they selected William Stadden for Senator, and J. W. Churchill for the Assembly. But they were disappointed in their men. At the winter's session, another act was passed authorizing a vote upon the removal of the County seat. The Session Laws in these times, were not circulated 'till six months after the sitting of the Legislature, and before any opponents of removal were aware of the existence of such an act, the time had arrived for a vote upon the question. A poll-book was opened at Coltonville, a dozen votes or so were cast for removal to that place, and the terms of the law were considered to be complied with. The seat of justice technically was removed. But Kellogg, the County Commissioners' Clerk refused to deliver the books. He was arrested and tried before Justice Harvey Maxfield, and after a savage, wordy warfare, was discharged. I 4 -•■-i^