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^ .^■^ \'^ 0>' vV \/ •V ^^^' ^^' •-.. ^, .A^ ».• ■ A % .^-^^ CATALOGUE c i I — ■>■> s/ H y^ L H J I' r-\ H ) MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE SANITARY SPECIALTIES PLUMBERS' WOOD WORK, AND ENAMELED IRON BATH TUBS AND WATER CLOSETS. 942 TO 962 CHAMPLAIN STREET, COR MELDRUM AVENUE, 299 TO 305 BEAUFAIT AVENUE, DEITROIT, MICH HANDFOKD rRINTING CO. . PETROIT. COPYRIGHT, 1898. BY THE BUICK & SHERWOOD MRNUFHCTURING CO, >i ; *^,<^^ CATALOGUE i i I — »? 1898 •%^^^^ -;i?b. r; -^ PREFACE. We take pleasure \r\ preserjting to your attentiori our latest catalogue of Sariitary Specialties. Wh|ile r^ot illustrating our complete line, you will firjd in this bool^ rnariy rjew ideas and designs which we trust will meet with your approval. We shjail, ir| the near future, issue a second edition which we assure you will be coTTjplete in every respect. In the meantin-|e we beg to remir\d you th|at we n-janufacture tarjks for every t^rjown purpose, aqd an irjquiry will be giveri prompt atterjtion. You will rjotice in perusirjg this catalogue, th|at all the riuTTibers t^ave bee-q changed wit^ exception of our No. 1170 tank. We regret tt-[is was necessary, but trust th\at it will T\oi put our customers to ar^y serious ir|Conver\ience. \r\ ordering, we asl\ that you kindly mention catalogue "F." This will save time arjd annoyance. We shall erideavor to n-|aintain in the future thje same standard in every respect, that we have in the past. ' We shall also endeavor to mairitairj the position we still hold, as the larg- est exclusive marjufacturers of high grade Sarjitary Specialties ir| Arrjerica. Yours very respectfully, THE BUICK &. SHERWOOD MANUFACTURING CO. SPECIAL NOTIC All goods are shiipped at Buyers ris^ ; our responsibility ceases when we obtain Receipt from tine Transportation Company, corisequently all clainis for breakage n^ust be rriade on said Transportatiori Compariy. Boxing and Cartage chjarged at cost. All claims for errors n-| ust be "rqade within FIVE days after receipt of goods. All goods returned m] ust be accon-|pan ied by letter of advice or we carir|ot be responsible if credits are not given. Order by NUMBER ONLY and GIVE CATALOGUE LETTER, as all riumbers have been chjanged in this catalogue. the: buick &. she:r\a/ood manufacturing go. i c SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB TRADE MARK. The ■■SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB Is something new and superior in quality, strerigthi and beauty to ariythirig ever put ot} t\-\e market. It is n-iade from thje finest Bessen-|er aririealed sh|eet steel, galvanized to make it absolutely rust proof, and ir|Stead of copper lining we bake on the ir|side. four coats of our irisoluble enan^el (rjot porcelair] ) thjougl^ t^ie er]amel can be air dried as wel I. Our ■SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB is handsomely decorated ligh^^ azure blue or| outside of body arjd with] gold bror^ze legs. It hias a corr|bir|ed overflow with plug aqd couplirigs, making a very decided saving in price over any othjer tub made. \r\ addition to thie above advar^tage our "SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB is t\-\e cheapest first- class sar|itary tub ever offered to tb^e trade. It is especially suited for rough usage ini tene- mer|t houses wh|ere people are l^nown to use bath tubs as a receptacle for ice and wood. In such cases the tub can be n-|ade as good as r|ew at a small cost, by simply washiirig it out and recoating tl^e ir|side with our insoluble erian~|el. Ser|d for our ■SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB and be conviriced that you are getting the best tub ever made for the moriey. In writirig please give the pattern and -number of tub wanted with full shipping directions. Our tubs are all fitted for 4 1-2 Fuller Cock and also shipped withj Combined Overflow unless otherwise specified. the: buick cS6 she:r\a/ood manufacturing go. "SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB FRENCH PATTERN. Paintcil Li^lit A/.urc Rluf on outside of Body, ami withCiold Broii/,e Le;:,^s. — N. P. Brass OvltHou , SlraiuiT. Phi^f and Cou])lint,fs. -Pit- ted for 4'/i I''uller Cock unless otherwise ordered. — Hardwood Rim, Natural or Antic|ue Oak, Dark or Li!.,dit Clierrw Dimensions — Our Tubs are all made outside measurement. Width, outside Rim, '27 inches; hei,t,dU from floor, I'l inches; dc]ith inside, 17>4 inches. price: list. No. 1 — 4 feet (i inches loiii " 2 — •"> feet loui^, " 'S — 5 feet () inches loui. lis on ii» (111 20 00 Add itl.')0 to list for Combined Oxerflow. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY riNISH OF RIM. the: buick Sc she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. "SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB FRENCH PATTERN. X. P. Brass Conibiiu-il OMiflow and Waste. — Ready to set up. — Only one joint to make. — Painted T.iijht .Vznre Rlue on outside of Kody. and with ("to1(1 Hron/e I, ejjs. — Nickel Plated Strainer, Plu.tf and C<>u])lin.ijs. — I'itted for I '4 iMiller Cock unless otherwise ordered. — Hardwood kini, Natural or .\nti(|iu- Oak, Dark or I.i,Lcht Cherrx'. Dimensions — Our 'ru1)s are all made outside measuremenl. Width, outside Rim, '27 inches; hei.t,dit from floor, 12 1 inches; depth inside, 17'< inclies. PRICE LIST. No. -1 — -I feet li inclies lon,v(. " •') — •") feel lonj;, " () — .") feet (1 inches loiij;, 51'.' lO •Jo .')(! ■2\ .">o Our Tubs are all made com])lele. with Combine 1 Oxerflow. unless otherwi.se ordered. ORDEIR BV NUMBER ONLV AND SPECIFV FINISH OF RIM. the: BUICK &, SHEIRWOOD MANUFACTURING CO. "SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB FRENCH PATTERN. Painted Li;.iht A/.ure Blue on outside of Body, and with ( Void Bronze Legs. — X. P. Brass Conibint-d ( )\ernow ,ind W'.istc- Nickel Plated Strainer, Plug and Couplings. — Fitted for 4^^ Fuller Cock unlets otherwise ordered. — Hardwood Rim, Natural or Anticjue Oak, Dark or I,ight Cherr}-. Dimensions — Our Tubs are all luade outside niea.snrenient. Width of Rim outside, 27 inches; dcjilh inside, 17 'j inclu-s; luight from floor, "24 inches. PRICE LIST. No. 7 — 1 feet li inches long, " S — .') feet long, " !) — ■") feet (i inches lontr, $P.> .")() 2(1 ."lO 21 .")() The above prices do nut include P. I. Double B.'.th Cock or Su])i)l\' Pi])es ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY FINISH OF RIM. in the: buick old liron/.t- Legs. — N. P. Brass (Ivcrllow. Strainir, Pint,' and Couplintjs. — I-'itlcd for -i'yi I'ullcr Cock nnlcss otherwise ordered. — Hardwood Rim, Natural or Anti(|ne Oak, Dark or Li,s;ht Cherrv. Dimensions. — Our Tuhs are all made outside ineasurenienl. Width of Rim outside, "-'7 inches; depth inside, 17 >i inches; hcii^ht from lloor, 2 I inches. PRICE LIST. Xo. i(v — 1 feet (■> inches lontj, " II — •") feel lonj^, .\(ld #1.")0 to list for Combined Overflow. 5-_'-2 (10 ■_':! 01) ORDER BV NUMBER ONLV AND S P EC I F Y F I N I N H OF RIM. the: buick Sc sheirwood manufacturing CO, 11 "SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB. ROMAN PATTERN. Painted Light Azure Blue on outside of Body, and with Gold Bronze Legs.— N. P. Brass Combined Overflow and Waste.— Ready to set up.— But one joint to make.— Nickel Plated Strainer, Plug and Couplings.— Fitted for A'A Fuller Cock unless otherwise ordered.— Hardwood Rim, Natural or Antique Oak, Dark or Light Cherry. Our Tubs are all made complete, with Combined Overflow unless otlierwise ordered, Dimensions— Our Tubs are all made outside measuremenl. WidUi of Rim outside, 27 inches; dc]>th iusidc, 17 ', inches; height from floor, 24 incbes. price: LIST- No. I'i — 4 feet (1 inches long, " 13 — •") feet Ion", •24 50 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLV AND SPECIFY FINISH OF RIM. the: buick Sc sheirna/ood manufacturing CO. feet 2 inches Ion,!. Above length is over all, including basin. y4(i 00 17 00 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY. IS the: buick cS6 sheirvvood manufacturing CO. ^ i SUCCESS" STEEL BATH TUB. \A/ITH CAST IRON RIM PATENTS PHNDING. FRENCH PATTERN. N. P. Hniss C')nit)iiKrl Ovxiilow ami Waste. — Rfady to set iij). — Only oiu- joint to ni ike. — Tainlf 1 I,i;.ilit A/.;ui.- Hhiv on ontsiile of Body, anil Crold I?ron/f Legs.— Xickt-l Plated Strainer, Phi;.; and Couplings.— Fitted for 4',' I'nller Cock unless otherwise ordered.— (ialvanized Cast Iron Rim, eoated with same enamel as on the iiisidi' of tnh. Oiir Tuhs are all made eoni])lete. with Comhim-il Oveiilow , unless otlierwise ordered. Dimensions— Our Tiihs are all made outside measurement. Width of Rim outside, T, inches; hci.i^ht from lloor, L'l inches; de])th inside, IT'z inches. price: list. No. "Jli — I feci II inches lonj. " 27 — •") fei't lull;.; " 28 — ") feet li inches lony i;2o 01) •_'('i 0(1 •j; HI) ORDER BV NUMBER ONL_V. the: buick 6c she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. I'.t LOW DO\A/N TANK COMBINATIONS. We illustrate or. th.e following eight pages our lix^e of LOW DOWN TANK COMBINATIONS, which are unequalled \t\ this class of san'tary specialties. The occasion often arises where it is impracticable to use an elevated tanK closet, as for instance under stairways and also where it is necessary to place a closet under a window. The fact that it is practically noiseless nnakes it especially desirable when it is located on the first floor and adjoiniTig a reception hall. etc. The wood work is inade of the very best Tnaterial obtainable, h^s a high g^^de finish and in construction they are as perfect as sKiHed n^echanics can rnake thern- These tanks can be operated with a Lever Handle, Pull and Chain, or Seat Action- This tanK can be placed behind the wall if so desired. •20 H BuicK &L she:r\a/ood manufacturing CO- ^'^SUCCESS" LOW DOWN TANK COMBINATION. PATENTS PHNDINO. STVI A. Iniludiiii; I'',arUu-n\\ari-, Rounil Cornt-r Tank willi Seal Action Attai'inunt, N". I*. Brass Clover Leaf Brackets, N. P. Hrass Connections to Closet, No. 4'S5 Seat, I'loor I'lansres and Holts, ...... JJ-J ()(i Fir|ish|ed \t\ Ash). Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Aritique Oat\. .\dd to above List for (ienuine Cherry, Walnut or Ou.irtered Oak, - - - - - - - - - $ 4 (Kl Add to above List for Hirdseye Maple or Maho},fany ........... fl'i 00 l)i'. lance I'loni wall to i'ent(.-r of outlet, 1 >> inches. Distance' I'roni wall lo fionl of closet "JS inches. IIei,i;ht of closet from floor includin_s,; seat IS inches. Ileijihl from lloor to top of tank when set up .'I'l inches. Width of tank outside "JO', inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONl_V AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. the: buick Sc sheirwood manufacturing CO, 21 •> H BUICK 6c SHEIRWOOD M A N U FAOTU R I N G CO. £ £ SUCCESS" LONA/ DONA/N TANK COMBINATION. >atp;nt.s PKNniNC. STVI.Iv 20 A. Iiuhuliii},' ICartlieiuvare, Round Corner Tank with Pull and Chain, X. P. Brass Clover I.eaf Prackets, X. P. Brass Connections to Closet. Xo. 47-") Seat, Floor Flan.') A. Imludin.i; I'.artlKMiware, Round Corner Tank and Seat Action Allachnienl, X. P. Brass Clover Leaf Brackets, X. P. Brass Connections to Closet. Xo. Ili') Seal, Moor I'lanijes and Holts, - - - - . .(1 )|(i Firiished 1^ Ash. Ligh^ '="' Dark Cherry. Natural or Antique Oat^. Add to above list for C.enuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, --.. .. *.j qo Add to above list for Hirdseve Ma])le or M iho<.(any ----.... j,-, (m Disl.incf I'roni wall to center of oulkl, Isinclu-,. I )islancc fri>ni wall to front of closet, I'S inches. Hei.siht of closet from floor including se.at, is inches. Ileij'lit frnin floor to to]) of tank when set u]), :>.") inches. Width of tank outside, I'd',, inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONl_V AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. the: buick Sc sherwood manufacturing CO. i i UCCESS" LOW DOWN TANK COMBINATION. PATENTED. STYLE .".O A. Including Earthenware, Round Corner Tank with Tank Hoard conihine.l. Pull and Chain, X. P. Hrass Connections to Closet, No. 475 Seat, I-Toor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - " " f • •) < STYLE 35 A. Including Earthenware, Round Corner Tank with Tank Hoanl con.bine.l. Seal Action Attachment, X. V. Brass Connections to Closet, No. 465 Seat, Floor Flanges and Bolts. - - - - " 541 00 Finished in Ash. Light or DarK Cherry, Natural or Ar^tique OaK- 5 5 Oil IS 00 .\dd to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or yuartered Oak, -----"" Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, ------■"' r ii » ic ■ 1 T>; (.,,!,■►. fr,. 1.1 ,^•^11 ti. froiil of clos'jt •*"! iuclu's. Height of closct froui floor iiicludiiig Distance from wall to center of outlet, is inches. Distance liom wan lo iioni oi lios..i, _ ,-, seat, IS inches. Height from floor to top of tank baard when set up, 40 inches. Width of lank outside, including tank board, 24 inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONUV AND SPECIFY K I N D O r WOO D W A N X E D. •24 the: buick 66 she:r\a/ood m anufacxuring go, '^SUCCESS" LOW DOWN TANK COMBINATION. I'ATKNTS PKNniNC. >-•«•■ "^ i^wf 1 '»■■ I STVI.K 40 A. IncUiding R.irtheiiware, Round Corner Tank with I, ever Handle. N. P. Brass Clover Leaf Rrackets. X. P. Brass Connections to Closet, No. 42(1 Seal, I'loor I'lan.^es and Bolts, , . . . . f,r^o 00 STVIJv 4") A. Includinj^ Harthenv^are, Round Corner Tank and .Seal .\etion .Mlaohnienl, X. P. Brass Clover I.eaf Brackets, X. P. Brass Connections to Closet, Xo. 410 Seal, I'loor I'langes and Bolls, . . - . j.")(i o(i Finisl-|ed in Ash, Light or Darl^ Ch|erry. Natural or Arjtique Oak. .\dd tci al)()\e list for Crenuini- Clu-rrw Walnut or OuarttTc 1 ()ak, - - - - - - -jj;.") 00 Add to al)o\c list for Bir Iseve M.i]ilc ami .MahoL^my, - - - - - - - - - IS 00 Distance from wall to center of outlet, 10 inches. Distance from wall to front of clo.set, 20 inches. Heij^hl of closet from .Toor iucludin;^' seat, IS inches. Height from lloor to to]) of tank when set up, ."iojj inches. Width of tank outside, 21 inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONL_V AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED the: buick 66 she:r\a/ood manufacturing go. < i. SUCCESS" LOW DOWN TANK COMBINATION. PATENTED. STYLE oO A. Inchulins Earthe,nvare, Round Corner Tank wUh Tank Ho.rd Con>l.nK-,l. Pull au,l Chain. N. 1'. Brass C.unccUons ^^^ to Closet, No. 420 Seat, Floor Flanges ami Holts. ---""" STYLE 00 A. including Earthenware, Round Corner Tank with Tank Board Combined, Seat .Action Atlachu.cut. N. P. Bra.ss Connections to Closet, No. 410 Seat, Floor FTanges and Bolts, - - - - »-^ Finished iT^ Ash, Light or DarK Cherry, Natural or Antique OaK- $ t; 00 •1\ (10 Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------- Add to above list for Birdseve Maple or Mahogany, - - " Distance from wall to center of outlet, 19 inches. Distance fron. wall to front of Closet, -. inches. Height of closet f n,n. door .ncluding seat, 18 inches. Height from floor to top of tank board when set up. 10 inches. \\ idUi „1 lank outside, including lank board, 24 inches. ORDER BY N UMBER ONL-V AND SPI :CIFY KIND OF WOOD \A/ANTED. the: BUICK 66 SHEIRNA/OOD MANUFACTURING CO. ''SUCCESS" LOW DOWN TANK COMBINATION. PATENTS PENDING. ;vi:;i:s^> »~-vvvv^; vS'fS'U-" l>() A. Iiuiudiiij; Ivarthcnware, Round Corner Tank with I.ever Handle. N. V. lirass Clover Leaf Brackets, N. 1'. Brass Connections to Closet. No. 420 Se.it. Moor I'lanjjes and HoUs, - - . . . ^jn oo STYLE (>■') .v. In(ludin,<,' Ivarthcnware, Round Corner Tank and Seat .\ction .\ttachinent, N. P. lirass Clover Leaf Brackets, X. r. r,n;ss Connections to Closet. No. 110 Seat. I'loor I'lan.ijes and Bolts, - - . . 55 00 Finished in Ash, Light or Dart^ Cherry Natural or Antique Oal^. .\dd to above list for Cenuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ---..... * 5 (id .\dd to above list for Hirdseve Ma])le or Mahotjany, ---..,._ ,^ ^^^^ Distance from wall to center of outlet. Ill inches. Distance from w:.\\ to front of clo.set, -J'.i inches. HeiKlU of clo.set from floor including seat, IS inches. IIei.t,dU from lloor to to]i of tank when set up, :i.")>^ inches. Width of lank outside, 21 inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD W ANTED. the: BUICK Sc SHEIRVVOOD MANUFAOTURING CO. ^ ^ < UCCESS" LOW DOWN TANK COMBINATION. •ati-:.ntf:d. ^Il^^ STYLE 70 A. Including Earthenware, Round Corner Tank with Tank Board Combined, with Lever Handle, N. P. Brass Connec- tions to Closet, No. 420 Seat, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - - -!,•*. uu STYLE 75 A. Including Earthenware, Round Corner Tank with Tank Board Combined, Seat Action Attachment, N. P. Brass Connections to Closet, No. 410 Seat, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - - 00 w Finished in Ashj. Light or Dark Chierry, Natural or Antique Oak. t; 00 21 00 Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------- Add to above list for Birdse3e Maple or Mahogany, ..-----* Distance from wall to center of outlet, 19 inches. Distance from wall to front of closet, 29 inches. Height of closet from floor including seat, 18 inches. Height from floor to top of tank board when set u-p, 40 inches. Width of tank outside, including tank board, 24 inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONUY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. the: buick &c sher\a/ood manufacturing CO. '^SUCCESS" LOW DOWN COMBINATION. SYPHON JEIT. PATKNT PKNDING. ^c?^'^?^'^'^^^^^ ^€^^^^2^ TANK STYLE so A. Including Kmhossed Oval Syphon JlI Closet, Round Coir.er Tank, Full and Chain, X. 1'. Brass Connections to Closet, No. 475 Seat, Floor Flanges and Holts, .--.... |44 00 STVI,!'; H.') A. Including I'.nihosscd Oval Sy])!i()n Jet Closcl, Round Corner Tank, Scat Action AHachnient, N. 1'. Brass Connec- tions to Closet, No. 47') Seat, Moor l'"langes and Bolts, -.-.-- J.",0 00 Firiish|ed ir) fKsY\, Light or Dark Chjerry. Natural or Arjtique Oak. I 1 00 1') 00 Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Ou.irtercd Oak, --..-. Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahoganj-, .---..... Distance from wall to center of outlet, 123/ inches. Di.stance faoni wall to front of Closet, '1ft inches. Height of closet from floor including seat, 17 inches. Height from floor to toj) of tank when set ui>, :!!> inches. Width of tank outside, 20 '< inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. H BuicK &. she:r\a/ood manufacturing CO. ^ ^ UCOESS" LOW DOWN COMBINATION. ANK SVPHON JET. PATENTED NOV. 9, 1 897 -••iss^:^--'--""^^^^^^^''' #<:::::A# #%fi STYLE 00 A. Iiichuliiii^r Enibcssed Oval Svphoii Jet Closet, Round Corner Tank with Tank Board Combined. X. P. Brass Clover Leaf Brackets, N. P. Bras's Connections to Closet, No. 475 Seat, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - f44 00 STYLE 9') A. Including Embossed Oval Syphon Jet Closet, Round Corner Tank with Tank Board Combined Seat Action Attach- ment, N. P. Brass Clover Leaf Brackets, N. P. Brass Connections to Closet, No. 47o Seat, Floor Flanges and Bolts, •'JO 00 Finisl-ied in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oa^- I o 00 IS 00 Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------- Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, ..------- Distance from wall to center of outlet, 12V inches. Distance from wall to front of closet. 2() inches. Height of closet from floor inclu.ling seat, 17 inches. Height from floor to top of tank board when set up, 42 inches. Width of tank outside, including tank board, 24 inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONUY AND SPECIFY KIND OF VA/OOD WANTED. 28 XHE: BUICK Sc SHEIRNA/OOD MANUFACXURING CO. AUTOMATIC AFTERWASH TANK COMBINATIONS. The Combiriations as TTier|tionecl above, are arrariged to operate with Seat Action ar|d are especially adapted for Hotels, Schools, Public Buildirigs and Marjufacturing lnstitutior|S. They are cor|structed ot-| thje most advar|ced scier|tific principles, arid absolutely perfect iT-| action, sirriple in constructiori ar^d easily adjusted. Th|Ougl-| the 11 lustr atior| includes a Syphon Jet Closet, we also list thiese withi Washidown Closets, n-jaking thjis lirie of Closets complete in every respect. Our Washdowri Closet is also made for Fire coristruction , or| wl^ich we will be pleased to rqake prices on applicatiorj. MEASUREMENTS OF CLOSETS ILLUSTRATED ON PAGES 29 TO 37 INCLUSIVE. Roughirig ii-j measuremerits for Syph|on Jet Closet, Roug|-|irig ir\ measurements for Washdowri Closet, Height of Syphori Jet Closet from floor ir|cludirig Seat, Height of Wash|dowri Closet from floor including Seat, Distarice frorri wall to front of Syphion Jet Closet, Distance from wall to front of Washjdowri Closet, ^2H ncl-ies 4 nches 17 ncl-[es 16 nchies 24?^: r|ches 26 !4: ricl-ies the: buiok Si, she:r\a/ood manufacturing oo. 20 AUTOMATIC AFTERWASH TANK CCMBINATION. PATHNTKD. «: STYLE KKI li. ht Includes Embossed Oval Svphon Jet Closet as shown. Size 22x1 1x10 Tank with Brass Clover leaf Hrackets, No 410 Seat with N. P. Brass' Rod and Connections, No. oTlO Tank Boanl, N. P. Brass Straight Mush and btrai-h Supply Pi])es with Extension Pipe Holders, I'loor Flanges and Bolls, - - - - STYLE 1000 n. Includes Plain Washdown Closet. Size 22x11x10 Tank with N. P. Iron Clover Leaf Brackets, No. 410 Seat with N. P. Iron Rod, N. P. Brass Connections, No. .-^TIO Tank Board, N. P. Brass Straight Mush and Straight Supply Pipe Holders, Floor Flanges and Bolts, -------- FiTiished in Ash. Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or (Juartered Oak, .------ Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, ------"■■ For Measurements See Page 28. «00 00 fTO Oi) $ 4 (i(t 1.') .'.0 OR PER BV NUMBERONLYAND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD \A/ ANTED. ■M) H BUICK Sc SHBRN^OOD MANUFACTURING CO. AUTOMATIC AFTERWASH TANK COMBINATIONS. PATIiNTHD. STVI.I'; lo:, I',. IiK-lu(lcs I-:iiil)()sst'. Brass Rod and Connections, No. 5710 Tank Board, X. 1'. Bra.ss vStrai.<,dit Flush and Strai.vdit Suj)])!)- I'ijies with Extension ri])e Holders, Floor Fl:ini,'es and Bolts, Includes I'ldn Washdown Clo.set. vSize -22x11x10 Tank with N. \\ Iron Clover Leaf Brackets, No. tlO .Seal with N. P. Iron Rod, N. P. Bra.ss Connections, N). ■")7 10 Tank Board, N. ^P. Brass Strai.y:ht 1-hi.sh and Strai,s;lU Supply Pi])e with Kxtension Pi])e Holders, I'loor Flanijes and Bolts, .... Firjished in Asl-|. Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. above List for Geninne Cherrv, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------- above list for Rirdse\-e Majjle'or Mahoijauv, -------- I'or Measinvnieuls See Pa.ije 2S. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. STYLI-; 1010 H. Add to .■\dd to 57S 8") f"}.S S") j I 00 32 H BUICK &c SHEIRNA/OOD MANUFACTURING CO. AUTOMATIC AFTER\A/ASH TANK COMBINATION. ■ATICNTIU). STVI.l'; 11') 11. Iiu-ludes Iviiil)o,s.se(l Oval Svi)li(>ii^Jet Clo.sel as shown. Size 'i-ixl 1x10 Tank wilh Hrass Clover Leaf Brackets, Xo. 110 Seal wilh X. V. Brass Rod and Conneclions, Xo. .■)710 Tank Board, X. 1'. Hrass Slraijjhl I'lush and Strai,<,dil Snj)])ly l'i])ts wilh Kxlension Pipe Holders, T'loor Manj^es and Bolts, - - - - - STVI.l'; 101.') II. Includes Plain Waslidown Closet. Size 'i-JxllxlO Tank with X. 1*. Iron Clover Leaf Br.ickcts, Xo. 410 Seal with X. I". Iron Rod, X r. Hrass Connections, Xo. .■)710 Tank Bo ird. X. V. Hrass Slraii,dil l-"hish and Strai-lU Sni)])lv I'i])c with I'.xtciision I'ipc IIol It-rs, I''loor I'lani^cs and Holls, . . - - - Finishied in Asb], Ligt~it or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. .\dii lo alxne list tor (iciuiinc Cherr\, Walnut or Ouirlered Oak, ------- ,\dd to ahove list for Birdseye iMa])le and Mahoj^any, ----..--- I"or Miasurtnicnts, Si't' Paire 'JS. 57',t :>"> .")',» :',.'. I 1 00 ORDER BV NUMBER ONI_V AND SF'ECIFY KIND OF WOOD W A NT ED. the: buick Sc she:r\a/ood manufacturing co, AUTOMATIC AFTER\A/ASH TANK COMBINATION. PATKNTKU. '^■ vSTYLH 1-JO I! Includes Enibosse.1 Oval Svphoii .Rl Closet as shown. Si/.e -il'xl 1 xlO Tank with N\ 1'. Brass Clover I.eatl>racke No. 410 Seat with N. r. Brass Rod and Connections, No. .-,71(1 'lank Hoanl, N. 1'. Brass Straight Mush a Straight Supply Pipes with Extension l*ii)e Holders, Moor I'langes and Bolts STVLh: lo-J(( H .\dd to .\dd to ahove above Includes Plain Washdown Closet. Size 2-2x11x10 Tank with N. P. Iron Clover Leaf Brackets. ><'"■ »'." ;'^^-';\l ^^i^'' N. P. Iron Rod, N. P. Brass Connections, No. .-,710 Tank Boanl. N. P. Brass vStraight Mu.sh and Strai,t;hl Supply Pipe with t:xtension Pipe Holders, I'loor I'lantjes and Bolts. - - - - " Finished in Ash. Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. li.sl for C.enuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, .------ list for Bird.seye Maple' or iMah<).t,^>"y. - " " " ' I'or Mcasurcnicnts See Pajje 2S. «7S o.i «.-,s :!.■> $ 4 00 1.-) .')0 ORDER BV NUMBERONLYAND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. ni THE BUICK cS^ SHE:R\A/00D M A N U FACXU R I N G CO. AUTOMATIC AFTERWASH TANK COMBINATION. I'ATKNTi;!). STVI,!-; l-J') ]i. Includes Ivnihossed Oval S>i)h<)ii Ji.1 Closel as shown. Si/.cjJlixl 1 \10 Tank with N. P. Hrass Clover Leaf Rrai kets. No. 410 Seat with X. r. Brass Rod and Connections, Xo.'.')711l Tank Board, X. 1*. Brass Straii^hl I'hish and Straij^hl Sii])])ly ri])es with Extension l'ii)e Holders, I'loor I'"lanifes and Bolts, - - - $1S 85 .STVI.I-; l(i-J."> II. Includes IMain Washdown Closet. vSize 22x11x10 Tank with X. V. Iron Clover Leaf Brackets, No. 110 Seat with X. 1'. Iron Rod, X. 1'. Brass Connections, Xo. oTlO Tank Bonn!. X. V. Brass Slraijjht Flush and Straisj^ht ,Sn])|)ly rijie with Ivxtcnsion I'i])e Holders, I'loor I'lauijes and Bolls, - - - . ' . 5>> So Finish|ed in Asl-|, Lig|-\t or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. .\(ld tn aho\e list for ("Fenuine Cherry, \\".d nut or Quartered Oak, - - - - - - - * I ()(» Add Id a1«)ve list for Birdseye Ma ile or .Mali ),! .'>() I'or Measurements. See l'a;,'c "JS. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SRECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. the: BUICK 66 SHEIRNA/OOD MANUFACTURING CO. 3.-) AUTOMATIC AFTERNA/ASH TANK COMBINATION. r>ATKNTICn. STYLE 130 B. Includes En,hossed Oval Svphon Jet Closet as shown '^''\-'''lf''-^nr.:^no^A^v%^^^^ Brackets, No. 410 Seat with N. P. Brass Rod and Connections, No o.lO Tank Board, N. I . Brass Straijriu Flush and Strai-ht Supply Pipes with Extension Pipe Holders, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - STYLE 1030 H. Includes Plain Washdown Closet. Si/.e 22x1 IxlOTank with N. P. Iron ^/;-- I;-^^^^-^,^^^^^,.!^^^^^^ N P Iron Rod N P. Brass Connections, No. 5710 'lank Board, N. 1. Brass btrai-ht 1 lusli and Mun.^nt Supply Pipe with Extension Pipe Holders, I'loor Flanges and Bolts, - . - " Finished in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique OaK- Add to al)ove list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahoj^'any, - - , " . w. For Measurements .See Pa<n THE BUICK 6c SHERWOOD M A N U FAOXU R I NO OO. AUTOMATIC AFTERNA/ASH TANK COMBINATION. PATKNTED. STVI.]'; i:'.'i R. Iiiclu(k-s Iviiihosseil Oval Svphoii Jcl Cluscl as shown. Size 22x1 Ixlti Tank willi X, P. Hrass Clover Leaf Brackets, No. 41(t Seal with X. I'. Brass Rcxl and Coiiiieetioiis, Xo. ')7 Hi Tank Hoard, X. P. Brass Straight l-'lush and Straij^ht Snii])ly ri]ns\\ith Extension ripe Holders, I'loor IMan.Ljes and liolls, - - - 577 U* S'lA'M-; Hi:>,.") H Includes Plain Washdown Closet. Si/e 'i'-'xl 1 x 1(1 Tank with X. P. Iron Clover Leaf Brackets, Xo. tld Seat with X. P. Iron Rod, X. P. Brass Connections, Xo. ')71() Tank Board, X. P. Bra.ss Straij^ht P'lush and Strais^ht Sii]i])l\ l'i])c willi LxU'nsion Piiic lIoliK'rs, I'loor IMatij^es and Bolts, --..'- f", ill Finished in Light or Dart^ Cherry, Natural or Aritique Ash. I'or Measurements See Page "JS. ORDER BY NUMBER ONl_V AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. the: BUICK ii>e with I'.xlension Pii)e Holders, Floor Flanges and Bolts, ----"""'' Firiished \t\ Ash, Light or Dar\ Chjerry. Natural or Ar|tiqae OaK- Add to above list for C.enuine Cherry, Walnut or ynartered Oak, ------- $ 4 oO Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, ----"-"' ' Roughing in nieasnrenients 1:1; s inches. Distance I'roni wall to front of closet 25 >^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONUY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. m the: BUICK <5c SHEIRXA/OOD manufacturing CO. U-B-TA SYPHON JET CLOSET PATKNTKD. STVI.Iv -.'(r) n. Includes I'.iiihosseil Oval Syi)lu)ii Jut Closet. Xo. :Ui)() Tank, X. 1'. liiass Clover I,eaf Brackets. No. 4-.>0 Seat, Xo. .-.TKn-ank Hoard. X. I'. I!rass,Slrai-lil I'liish and .Slrai<,dU .Su])])ly Pipe with I-Atension I'ipe Holders, Floor ■ ■'lanm-s ami Holts, -----._ Finished In Ash. Light or Dar\\ Chierry. Natural or Antique Oai\. .\dd to above list for (ieiuiine Cherry, Walnut or ()iiartered Oak, --..,_ .\tld to .-ihove list for Hirdsi-xe Ma])lc or Mah(>'.;an\-, --..._ Kou-hin- in nuasurtnuiits i:!'s inches. Distance from v-.d! to front of closet -J.")', inches. 5 I ''O 17 11(1 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD \a/antg:d. the: BUICK 66 SHEIRWOOD MANUFACTURING CO. 11 U-B-TA SYPHON JET CLOSET VATKNTKI'. STYLE 21(1 I'. Includes Embossed Oval Svphon Jet Closet. No. I'TT.! Tank. N. P. Brass Clover Leaf Brackets. N,,. 4J,. Seat Xo. 5710 Tank Board. N. P. Brass StraiKlU Elush and Slrai-l.t Su,.plv I'ipe with l.'.xtensu.n Pipe Holders. Moor Flanges and Bolts, - - - " " ' Finished ill Ash. Light or DarK Cherry, Natural or Antique OaK- Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Ouartered Oak, --"■"" Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or :Malioj,;any, ---""' Rou-hin- in measurements, 1:;^ inches. Distance from wall to front of closet 2o"^ inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. 5") I >^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONL-V AND SPECIFY KIND OF NA^OOD \A/ANTED. 44 the: BUICK &. SHEIRWOOD MANUFACTURING CO. U-B-TA SYPHON JET CLOSET PATENTED. STVI.I'; 'J'J') I!. Iiuhidcs Embossed Oval vSyphon Jt-t Closet. Xo. I l'.i.'> Tank., N. \\ Brass Clover Leaf Brackets, No. 420 Seat, No. .■)7 10 Tank Board, N. I'. Brass Straight I'lush ami Slrai^hl Su])])ly I'i])e with Extension I'i])e Holders. I'loor l'"lan.ijes and Bolts, ---•--.... |.-,4 s.'i Finished in Ash, Light or Dar^ Cherry, Natural or Ar|tiqae Oa^. .Add to alic)\e list for ( ".ennine Cherry, Walnut or (Quartered Oak, - - - - . . . j 4 .'lO Adil to aliove list tor liirdseye Maple or Mahogany, -----... 17 00 Rouiihiui; in nie.isurenients l.'!j-s inehes. Distance from wall to front of closet "io ;^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OT WOOD WANTED. the: BUICK &c SHERWOOD MANUFACTURING CO, 4--) U-B-TA SYPHON JET OLOSET PATKNTKD. STYLE 280 B. Includes Embossed Oval Syphon Jet Closet. No. 1;?15 Tank. N. P. Brass Clover Leaf Brackets No. 420 Seat No. 5710 Tank Board. N. P. Bra.ss Strai-ht Flush and Straight Supply Pipe with Extension Pipe Holders, Floor Flanges and Bolts. --""'" Finished in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. I , > 1 - - - s I "Kt Add to above list for Genuine Cherry. Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, --"""" Roughing in measurements ll'.'i inches. Distance from wall to front of closet 2.-,>^ inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONl_V AN^^^CITV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. 17 00 4(5 the: buick Sc sher\a/ood manufacturing CO. U-B-TA SYPHON JET CLOSET •ATHNTKI). STVIJC •-'.'!■') I!. I inliidcs I'jiihossed Oval Syi)hoii Jet Closet. No. Hill) Tank, N. V. Iron Clover Leaf Hr.ickets, No. 420 Scat, No. .-)710Tank lioanl, N. 1'. Brass Straij^ht Flush and Slnii< inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONl_V AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD Vv'ANTED. -18 the: BUICK &. SHERWOOD MANU FAOTURING CO. YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET STVLK .JOli C. Includes I^iuhossctl Oval Syi)hon Jcl Closet. No. ^l-V") Tank. X. P. Hr.iss Clover Leaf Biackels. No. 47') Seal. Xo. ■■)70.') Tank Hoard, X. P. Hrass Sliai; Seal, Xo. Xo. ")7(l") Tank Hoard, X. P. Hrass Slraii^dit P'hish and Slraij,dil Supply Pi])e wilh Ivxlension l'i])e Holders, l-'loor I'laui^es and Holts, - - - - - . . . p^^ -^ Fi-nisl-|ed in Ash, Lighjt or Dark Cherry, Natural or Aritique Oa\\. Add to above list for C.enuine Clierry, Walnut or (Quartered Oak, ----... Add lu al)o\e list for I'irdseye Ma])le or Maliogam', -----... Roui,diini; in nuasurenients \'',^^I7 70 Si'^ -JO 5 I 0(1 'l4 oo ORDER BY NUMBER ON L_Y AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. 50 the: buick cS6 sheirwood manufacturing CO. YANTIC SYPHON JET OLOSET STVLI-: :!l(l C. I lU'hiik's Iviiihosscil Oval Syphon Jet Closet. No. 'i.'U') Tank, N". I'. Clover Leaf Brackets, No. JT.t Seat, No. .".TO') Tank Hoard, X. 1'. Brass Straight Flush and vStraij,dU Snjjplv I'ipe with Extension Pipe Holders, Floor Manges and Bolts, - - - - . ' . . . . . ^17 -jO STVI,!', 110 I). Includes lunhossfd Oval Sy])lion Jet Closet No. 2.i-2.") Tank with N. 1'. Clover Leaf Brackets, No. 115 Seat, No. 570.') Tank Board, X. V. Brass Strai,i,dit I'lush and Straij^ht Su])])lv Vi]K with Iv.xtensiou I'ipe Holders, I'loor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - .' . . . . #4.} 70 Firiished ir| Ash. Light or Dar[\ Cherry, Natural or Ar|tique Oal^. mine Cherry, Walnut or (juarterid Oak, --.-.. Isi'ye Majile or IM.ihogany, ----... Roughing; in nu-asurcnicnls, Li's indies. Dist.incc from wall to front of closet 'io^^ inches. .\dd to above list for (ienuine Cherry, Walnut or (juarterid Oak, Add to above list for Birdsi'ye Ma])le or IM.ihoganv, $ 4 00 14 50 ORDER BV NUMBER ONI_V AND SPECirV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. THE BUICK Sc SHE:R\A/00D M A N U F ACXU R I N G CO. YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET STYLE 31 5 C Includes Embossed Oval Syphon Jet Closet. No. li)80 Tank, N. P. Clover Leaf Brackets No. 475 Seat No iS-Tank Board, N. P^ Brass Straight Flush and Straight Supply Pipe with Exten.sion Pipe Holders, Moor Flanges and Bolts, STYLE 415 D. Includes Embossed Oval Syphon Jet Closet. No. llldO Tank N. l\>^l"-'^'-.,/;'^^f /'™^,';,f 'i;;,,^;"^/^]!!^^^ 5705 Tank Board, N. P. Brass Straight Flush and Straight Supply Pipe with Ivxtensum 1 ipe llol.lcrs, i loor Flanges and Bolts, ---'""" Finished in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry. Natural or Ar^tique Oak. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, ---""' Roughing in measurements vm inches. Distance from wall to front of closet 25 >^ inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONUV AND SPEC.FV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. f4S 50 |4C. 00 f 4 00 14 50 ••)2 the: buick Sc sheirv^ood manufacturing CO. YANTIC SYPHON JET OLOSET. STVI.I-: :J2U C. hnUu\^-^ lunhosscd Oval Syphon Jel Closet. No. ITll.", Tank, N. 1>. Brass Clover I.eaf Hrackets, No. -JTo Seal Xo .,,(1.. lank Hoar,, N. 1>. Hrass Straijilu I'lnsh an.l StraiKlU Sn],ply Pipe will, l^xtension Pipe Hol.lers I'loor rlantjes and Bolls, .--_.._ ' STVI.I- l-JO I). IiuJ.i.les Hn>l.osse^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLV AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED 517 od *-l.> 111) $ 4 00 14 50 the: buick Sc sheirwood manufacturing CO. YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET /"* i:z"iiiiiiii'':5iiiiiii" iiiiiiiia iiinaH i* STYLE 32o C. IncUules Kml.ossed Oval Svphon Jet Closet. No. 1J.S5 Tank, N. P. Brass Clover Leaf Brackets, No. -i;.-, Seat. No. 570.-. Tank Board, N. p'. Brass Straight Flush and Straight Supply Pipe with Extension Pipe Holders, Idoor Flanges and Bolts, ---"■■" STYLE 425 D. Includes Embossed Oval Syphon Jet Closet. No. lU^ Tank, N. P^ Brass Clovt^ I.eafBnjc^^^^ 570.5 Tank Board, N. P. Brass Straight Plush and Straight Supply Pipe with Extension 1 ijk Ilohlers, 1 looi _^ Flanges and Bolts, ---''' Finished in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. < 1 00 Add to above list for Genuine Chern, Walnut or Ouartereil Oak, - - - - " ■ "',,-,, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, Roughing in measurements IS/g inches. I >istance from wall to front of closet 25 -^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. ')4 the: buick Sc she:r\a/ood manufacturing go. YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET STYLK :W(i C. Iiu-huk's lunhossed Oval Syi)li()ii Jut Closet. No. 12.V) Tank, N. P. Clover Leaf Brackets, Xo. 17.') Seat, No. .')7o:, Tank I'.oanl, N. 1". Bra.ss Straij^lit Flu.sli and Straight Snpplv I'ipe with Ivxten.sion I'ipe Holders, Floor I-'langes and I'.olts, .------... STVLh: I.'in 1). Includes lunhossed Oval Syi)hon Jet Closet. No. I'i:!.") Tank. X. 1'. Clover Leaf Hraokets, Xo. IJ.") Seat, No. .')7().') Tank Hoard, N. 1'. Hrass Straiglit I'lnsh and Straight Supplv ri])e with Ivxleiision I'ipe jlolders, Floor Flanges and Holts, - . . - . . ... f^iriished in Ash, Lighit or Dark Cherry, Natural or Ar|tique Oal^. Add to above list for ('ren\iine Clurry, Walnut or Ouarlen.d Oak, ----... Add to above list for liirdse\e Ma])Ie or I\Ialiogan\-, -----... Roughing in nieasurenniils li'.'x inelies. Di.stance from wall lo front of closet 25 >^ inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONUV AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED 5-17 00 #44 r,o $ 4 00 14 50 the: buick 66 she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET STYLE 3;j.-, C. Inclu.les Embossed Oval Syphon Jet Closet. No 900 Tank N. V. Clover leaf ^'^f'^%^^:-:l^!:^,^\,{^^^ STOo Tank Board, N. IM?rass Straight Flush and Straight Su],i.ly Pii.e with bxlension 1 q.e Holders, lloor ^^^_^^ Flanges and Bolts, -------- * STYLE 4;5.-, D. Includes Embossed Oval Syphon Jet Closet. No SSO Tank. N. 1'. Clover Leaf ^'^f';^%^'>-^^,^\,{^^ oTOo Tank Board, N. P. Brass Straight Flush and Stra,,i;hl Supj.ly Pipe with Extension 1 ipe Holders. Iloor _^ ^^^^ Flanges and Bolts. ----""" Finished ir| Light or Dark Cherry. Natural or Antique Ash- Roughing in nieasurenients KJ^s inches. Distance from wall to front of closet 2oj^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. ofi the: buick Sc she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET. STVI.I'. :; 10 C. Incluilcs ICnihossed Oval Syplioii Jet Closet. No. T'io Tank, X. 1'. Clover Leaf Rrackets, No. tT-i Seat, No. :)7().") Tank Hoard, N. r. lirass Sti-ai«,'ht I'liish and Straisrht Sui)i)ly Pipe with Ivx tension Pipe Holders, Floor l''lan}^e.s and I'.olts, - - - - -'. . . . . jn (lo STVI.I", 110 n. Includes I'jnhossed Oval Sy])lion Jet Closet. No. 700 Tank, \. 1'. Clover I. eat" Brackets, No. I l'> Seat, No. .')70.-) Tank lioard, X. I'. IJra.ss Straight i'lu.sh and Straij^hl Supplv Pipe with Ivxten.sion V\])v Holders, Ploor l"lanj Tank %vith N. P. Brackets. No. 445 Seat. N. I>. Brass I'lush and Supply Pipe with Pipe Holders and Bolts. ----■"" Finished i-n Ash, Light or DarK Cherry, Natural or Antique OaK- .\dd to above list for Genuine Cherry. Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------- .\dd to above li.st for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, ----'""" RoughinK in measurements. 11 inches. Distance from wall to front of closet. 23 inches. f")2 00 5 :! --'5 1-J 00 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. 58 the: buick Sc sheirv^ood manufacturing CO, YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET t^ STYLE 50.") E. Inchidcs Kmbossetl Oval S\ ])li()n Jtt Closet. Xo. ;>().')0 Tank with X. 1'. Brackets, Xo. Ho vScat, X. V. Hrass I'liish and Su]>i)l\- l'i])f with rii)f I loMtrs and Holts, --..... JIO (H) Finished in As^. Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. Add to al)o\(.' list for (iinnint- Clifrry, W.ilnul or Oiiart(.-rcd Oak, Add to al)ovi- list for liirdseye Mapli- or Mahoj,'any, 5 :! 2.') Ronj.;hinji in ini-asnri-nK'nls, II iiulus. Distanic Ifoni wall to front of closet, 'l\'i inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. the: buick Sc sheirwood manufacturing CO. 59 YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET. 5TYLE olO E. Includes Embossed Oval Syphon Jet Closet. No. 232.") Tank with N. V. Brackets, No. -14.') seat, N. P. Brass Flush and Supply Pipe with Pipe Holders and Bolts, - - - - - - J39 50 Fir|isl-|ed in Ast-), Light or Dart^ Ch^erry, Natural or Antique OaK- \.dd to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, \dd to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogaii}-, I 8 25 12 00 Roughing in measurements, 11 inches. Di.stance from wall to front of closet, 23 inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. t)0 the: BUICK &. SHEIRN^OOD MANUFACTURING CO. YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET <^& STVLH '>{'> v.. Iiu-lu(k-s Iviiihossfd Oval Syphon Jtt Closet. No. HMKI Tank with X. 1'. Hrackcts. No. 44.') Seat, N. P. Brass Flush and Su])])ly I'i])c\\ith Tipi- Ilolikrs and liolls, -.....- 540 ,S(I FiT-|ished Iri Ash|. Lighit or Dark Chjerry, Natural or Antique Oa^. .\dd to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, .A Id to ahovc list for Birdseye Mai)le or Mahoj^anj-, 12 00 Rouiihiiii^ in nie isureinents. 11 iiulies. Distance from wall to front of closet, '2'^ inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLV AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED the: buick &l she:r\a/ood manufacxuring go. f>i YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET STYLE ")'2() E. Inchiiles Embossed Oval Syphon Je-l Closet. Xo. 177'> Tank with N. 1'. Hrackets, No. 11.") seat, X. P. Brass I'hisli and Su])])lv l'i])e with Pipe Holders and Bolts, ..-'--- JH!) SO Firiishied in Ash), Light or Dar\ Ch\erry, Natural or Antique Oal^. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, # ?, 2.'} 1-2 OU RouEThin'r in measurements, 11 inches. Distance froui wall to front of closet, 23 inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONL_V AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. &2 the: buick Seat, X. P. Bra.ss I'lush and Siii)i)ly ri])e with l'i])e Holders, I'loor I'"lan<^es and Holts, .... - J40 30 Firiished Ir] Asbi. Lighjt or Dark Chjerry, Natural or Antique Oat^. Add to above list for fienuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to above list for Hirdseye Ma])le or Mahogany, $ ;? '25 12 t)t) Roughing in measurements, 11 iiiclies. Dist.uice from wall to front of cioset, 'J.'l inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONl_V AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED the: buick Sc sheirwood manufacturing CO, 63 YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET STYLE 530 E. Includes Embossed Oval vSyphon Jet Closet. No. 123.-) Tank with N. P. Brackets. No. 41.-) Seat, X. V. Brass Flush and Supply Pipe with Pi])e Holders, Floor Flan.i^^es and Bolts, ----- f'^'^ •■" Finished in Ash, Light or Dar^ Cherry, Natural or Ar|tiqae OaK Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------ Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, ----■■■ Roughing in measurements, 11 inches. Distance from wall to front of closet, 23 inches. I 3 2-) 12 0(1 ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AN D SPEOIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. (U the: BUICK Sc SHEIRWOOD M ANUFACXURING CO. YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET. c^ STVLIC o:}.') K. liK-huks Ivmhosscd Oval Syphon Jtt Closet. No. SSO Tank with N. 1'. lirackets. No. ^1.') Scat, X. P. Hras.-> rinsli and Su]ij)ly Pipe with Pipe Holders and Holts, --..... .5;;,; so Firiished ir| Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Ar^tique Ash|. Roufihinx in nieasnnnKiil>, I I inclus. Distance I'loni wall to front of closet. "J:! inclies. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. the: BUICK &, SHEIRWOOD MANUFACTURING CO. 65 YANTIC SYPHON JET CLOSET STYLE 540 K. Includes Embossed Oval Syphon Jet Closet. No. 7(Ht Tank with X. P. Hrackets, No. Ho Seat, N. P. Brass I'lush and Supply Pipe with Pipe Holders and Bolts, ..----- $SU M Firiished ir| Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Ash- Roughinj( in measurements 11 inches. Distance from wall to front of clo.scl 'i.S inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONI_Y AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. Gfi the: buick Sc sheirwood man ufaotu ring CO. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET. Where a mediuTT) priced Closet is required, we invite your attention to our lir|e of Wash- outs. Thjis lir^e is very con^plete, Illustrating n^any desigris. all of wl^ich are of th|e latest patterns. Thjey are cor|structed with a view to durability ar|d simplicity, and we can corisci- entiously recomn-ier|d them to th|ose who desire a closet of this style. We also make tl^e RUSHMERE with seat attachied to operate closet automatically and will be pleased to submit prices or| application. the: buick Sc she:r\a/ood manufacturing go. RUSHMER WASHOUT CLOSET. STYLE 800 G. Includes Embossed Pedestal Closet. No. 407(i Tank with N. 1'. Brackets, No. 47o Seat, N. V. Rrass I'hish and ^^^^ Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - - " " - * ■' STYLE i;!00 K. Includes Embossed Pedestal Closet. No. 4080 Tank with N. P. Brackets, No. 44o Seat, N. P. Brass I'husli and Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, -----"' Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, - - - - - - - - " " " '^ ^^ Finished in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Aritique Oak. Add to above list for Genuine Clierrj-, Walnut or Quartered Oak, .-----■ Add to above list for Tank Board in Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - - - - Roughing in measurements 13 inches. Distance from wall to front of closet 22>^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBEIR ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD VS/ANTED. I 3 00 1 2o ()8 the: buick Sc she:r\/Vood manufacturing co. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET STYLE 805 G. I ikIikU's I'lnhosse.l rtdcslal Closet. No. 2;)S') Tank with X. I', lirackcts, Xu. 17.") Scat X T ISrass I'lush and Supply Pipe, rioor Flanges and HolLs, - - . . ,-....,. ^^^^^ ^^^^ STVI.I-: i:'.0.j K. Inclndfs I-jnhossed I'e.k-stal Closet. No. -21 10.") Tank with X. ]'. Ihackets, Xo. It") Seat. X. P. Brass 1-hish ami Sup])l\ Pij)e, I'loor P'langes and Holts, Add for Xo. o7(XI Tank Board, -------... Firiished iri Ash. Light or Dark Chjerry, Natural or Aritique Oak. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry. Walnut or Quartered Oak, ----... Add to above list for Tank Bo.trd in Genuine Cherry. Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - . . . Roughing iu measurements, ]:> inches. Distance from w.ill to front of closet, 22'^ inches. ORDEIR BV NUMBER ONLV AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. f!l Oil •A (»0 f ;; (HI 1 2.'. the: buick &c sheirvvood manufacturing CO. CO RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET. STYLE 810 G. Includes Embossed Pedestal Closet. No. 22.;() Tank will. N. 1'. Brackets. No 47.-. Seat. N. V. Rrass Fhish and ^^ ^^ Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - " " " * ' STYLE 1310 K. Includes Embossed Pedestal Closet. No. 227(1 Tank with N. P. Brackets, No. 44--. Seal. N. P. Brass Mush an.l Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, ------- ^H Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, - - - - ■ Finished in Ash. Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. Add to above list for Genuine Cherrv, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - Add to above list for Tank Board in Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered (Jak. $ .3 tV) 1 2.-) Roughing in measurements, 13 inches. Distance from wall K. front of closet, 22 -^ inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED 70 the: BUICK Sc SHER\A/00D manufacturing CO. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET STVT,n S,5 O. I,u-h.,lc. ;^i;;;:;-|;-|;;;^ C.os..^^_^No. _,S.. Ta„U .i.„ X. V. .n.U.ts, Xo. .,75 Seat. N. P. Brass .U,sh a„.l STVLH .... K. .nHu,U. ;^;;;;;;'-:|;^;|;;;^^;,^^|;-^.,,,N" •^'<;^ Ta... wu,, X. ... ..rackets. Xo. .... Seat. X. p. Hrass K.ush an., Add for Xo. r,7(K) Tank .{oard, ..... Fmished in Ash. Light or Dark Cherry. Natural or Ar^tique Oak. Add to aliove list I'or Cenuine Clurrv, Walnut or Ouartered (),ak, A(ld t().il)()ve list lor 'riuik li.ianl in(-,eiiuine Cherry, Walntit ()r'onarl(R(l ()ak, -".".' Kon.uhino in n.easnrenients, 1 1! inelies. Distance from wall lo front of closet, 22'< inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONl_V AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. ;;;i so ;{. so :; 00 f 3 00 1 2r) the: buick &, she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. RUSHMERE NA/ASHOUT CLOSET STYLE 820 G. Includes Embossed Pedestal Closet. No. ITld Tank with .\. P. Hrai-kets, No. JTo Seat, N. V. Brass I'lusli ami Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, ....--- 5:!:! SO STYLE 1320 K. Includes Embossed Pedestal Closet. No. 1720 Tank with N. P. Brackets, No. 445 Seat, N. P. Brass 1-lu.sli and Supply Pipe, I'loor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - - - - - 80 80 Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, - - - - - - - - - - - 3 00 Fir|ished ir| As^. Light or Dar^ Cherry, Natural or Ar|tique Oa^. .\dd to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------ Add to above list for Tank Board in Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Roughing in measurements, 13 inches. Distance from \v;dl to front of closet. 22'2' inches. Jt 3 00 1 25 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND Or WOOD WANTED. the: buick Si. she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. RUSHMERE NA/ASHOUT CLOSET STYLIC H'2") G. Iiuiiuk's lunhossod IVnlcstnl Closet. No. KS'iO Tank with X. P. I!rack.L-ts, Xo. 17.') Scat, N. P. r>rass l"lu>li .ind Sii|)])ly Pipe, P'loor inaiii.;cs and Holts, - - - - . . , i,:\\ :;o SrVlJv i:'.-') K. Includes Ivndiosscd I'edislal Cl(.set. No. PiCid Tank with X. P. Hraikels, No. 145 8631, N. P. lira.ss Plush anil Sn]i]ily Pipt', l''li)()r Manyes and Holts, -----... :;[ ;;() Add for No, -^TOO Tank Hoard, -------... Firiished \t] Ash, Light or Dar^ Cb^erry, Natural or Ar|tique Oal^. .\dd to above list for (Pennine Clierr\ , Walnut or (juarlered Oak, ----... Add to al)o\e ,ist for Tank Hoard in (ienuine Cherry, Walnut or Ouarlered Ojik, - - . . . Roujihinj; in nie,isuri'n:i-nts ]'.', inelies. Distanee from wall Id front of closet "J'J'i inches. QRDER BY NUMBER ONl_V AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. ;j 00 $ :> (10 1 •.':. the: buick •> •>'• STYLE 1380 K. Includes E;nil)os.sed Pedestal Closet. No. IISO Tank with X. P. ISrackets, No. ll") Seat, N. P. Brass I'lusli and Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - - - " ' •'" •'*' Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, - - - - - - - - - - - :! 00 Finished \T\ Ash). Light or Dar[\ Cherry. Natural or Ar|tique Oa\\. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------- Add to above list for Tank Board in'Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, . - - - - Rou.ghing in measurements, l.'> inches. Distance from wall to front of clo.set, 22 >^ inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. I 3 00 1 2') 71 the: buick Sc shbr\a/ood manufacturing CO, RUSHMERE WASHOUT OLOSET STYLF, S:;.") G. Im-liulcs I'jnbosstd Tedcslal Closet. No. SI-") Tank with X. P. Hrackets, No. 475 Seat, X. T. Brass Flush and Su])])])- I'ijic, I'loor I'langes and Holts, ----... j,;\\ 70 STVI.lv i:'.:'>"> K. Includes F.nibossed Pedestal Closet. No. 82,') Tank with X. P. Brackets, Xo. 1-1') Seat, X. P. Hrass I'lush and Su])])!v Pi]K', I'loor I"lanj.;es and Bolls, - - - - . . . - "28 70 .\dd for Xo. ■■)70() Tank Hoard, -------... 3 (Ml Firjished in Ligl-it or Dark Clierry. Natural or Antique Asl-). Koutfhini; in nii-.isinen'enls l:> inches. Distance from wall to front of closet '2'J^< inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. the: buick Sc sheirwood manufacturing CO. RUSHMERE \A/ASHOUT CLOSET. STYLE 840 G. Includes Embossed Pedestal Closet. Xo. ().'?o Tank with X. 1". Hrackets, Xo 47'> Seat, X. 1'. Rrass I'lush and Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - ------ 5,!i -jo STYLE 1B40 K. Includes Embossed Pedestal Closet. Xo. ()4.') Tank with X. P. Brackets, Xo. 44o Seat, X. P. Brass I-lush and Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, ...--.. J2.S 20 Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, .---------- 3 00 Finished in Liglit or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Ash. Roughing in measurements, 13 inches. Distance from wall to front of closet, 22 >^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONUY AND SPECIFY KIND OF \A/OOD WANTED the: buick Sc she:r\^ood manufacturing co. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET STYLE S4. O. ^^^^^:^^;;^^^;^^^^ Xo. ..S. TanU .iU, X. V. Hnu-Uets. No. 47. Sea. X. P. Brass PU.sh a„.l Supply STVLH .:;... K. ■-;-;-,,;;;;!»;,;;;^'^^Ck.c^^ Xo._2.1.. Ta.n. .,.., X. v. H,acU.ts. X.,. 4... seat. X. P. H,ass Flush an,l Suppl, Aild for Xo. .")7(I0 Tank Board, -..,._ Finished iri Ash, Lig^t or Dark Cherry. Natural or Antique Oak. Add to above list for Ccnuine Cherry. Walnut or (juartered Oak, Add to al)ove list for Tank Board in'Ceiuiine Cheny. Walnut or Quartered Oak. RouKhiuK in nx.as.nenients. l.'. inches. Dislanee from wall to front of closet, 22>^ inclies. ORDER BV NUME3E:R ONLV AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED f58 (Id •M\ 0(1 :; (HI f :; (1(1 1 -J-) the: buiok Sc sheirna/ooo manufacturing CO. RUSHMERE \A/ASHOUT CLOSET STYLE 850 G. Inclu.les Plain Pedestal Closet. No. 2260 Tank xvith X. P. Brackets, No. 475 Seat, N. P. Brass Flush an.l Supply _^ Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, ---""""' STYLE i:!50 K. Includes Plain Pedestal Closet. No. 2270 Tank with N. P. Brackets, No. 4-15 Seal, N. P. Brass I'lusli and Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, ---"""" Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, -------"'"' Finished in Ash. Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Ar|tiqae Oak. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------- Add to above list for Tank Board in Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - - - " Roughing in measurements 13 inches. Distance from wall to front of closet 22>^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. 2!t 50 3 00 $ 3 00 1 25 the: buick cS6 she:r\a/ood manufacxuring go. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET STVLK So') G. Iiichules Plain Pedestal Closet. No. 1895 Tank willi X. P. Brackets, No. 475 Seat, X. P. Brass I'lnsli and Snp]ily Pi])e, I'loor Flanges and Holts, --.-..-- 5:',;! SO STVLK i;io5 K. Imindes Plain Pedestal Closet. Xo. 1110") Tank with X. P. Brackets, No. 445 Seat. X. P. Brass Flush an< inches. I 3 00 1 25 ORDEIR BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD NA/ANXED. the: buick Sc she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. ;!i RUSHMERE NA/ASHOUT CLOSET STYLE S60 G. Includes Plain Pedestal Closet. No. 1710 Tank with X. P. Hrackets, No. 475 Seat, N. P. Hr.iss I'lusli and Supply _^^ Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, ------""" ^•'- ^^' STYLE r.m) K. Includes Plain Pedestal Closet. No. 17-^0 Tank, N. P. Hrackets, No. 445 Seat, N. P. Brass 1-lush and Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, -------- .\dd for No. 5700 Tank Board ----------- Firiished iri Ash, Light or Dar\\ Cherry, Natural or Aritique OaK- i!) so :! 00 Add to above list for Crennine Cherr\-, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------- Add to above list for Tank Board in'Genuine Cherry, Walnut or (Quartered Oak, - - - - - Roughing in Measurements 13 inches. Distance from wall to front of closet TI/2 inches. ORDER BY NUMBER O N l_ V AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD \A/ANTED. i^ :> 00 I 25 80 the: buick Sc she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET vSTYLK 8()o G. Inchulcs Plain Pi-.lestal Closet. N'o. liriOTank with N. I'. linu-kcls, No. 475 Seal, X. 1' Hrass Flush and Su,)i.lv I'ilie, I'Moor l"lan.t,'es and Holts, - . _ . . . . <;;;; ;•() ST%-I,1-; l:',t;") K. Includrs I'lain Pe.U-stnl Closet. No. PiliO Tank with .\. 1'. Ihaekels, No. 115 Scat, N. P. Bra.ss Flu.sh and Supijlv l'i]>e, I'lcMii- I'lan^cs .ind liolts, - - - - . . . . . ;;o ;;() .\dd for No. 570(1 Tank Hoanl, ------... Firiished Ir] Ash. Ligl^t or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique OaK- Add to above list for ("renuine Cheny, Walnut or Ouarteied Oak, ----... Add to above list for Tank Hoard in Cenuine Cherry, Walnut or Ouartered Oak, - - - . . Kou.iiliini; in nir.isurrnKuls, 1.", inches. Disl.niee from wall lo front of eloset 'J'-''^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANXED. ;> (in I :! (Ml 1 ■2r^ the: buick cS6 sheirna/ood manufacturing CO. SI RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET. STYLE S70 G. Includes Plain Pedestal Closet. No. 1170 Tank with N. P. Brackets, No. 47-^ Seat, N. P. Bra.ss Plush and Supi.ly ^^^^ Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - " " " " -j-. _.> STVLE 137U K. Includes Plain Pedestal Closet. No. llSoTank, N. P. Brackets, No. 415 Seat. \. P. Brass Flush ami Supply ^^ _^^ Pipe, Floor I'^langes and Bolts, ---""'"" \d(l for No. .■")7(MJ Tank Board - - - - - - " ' ' " - .{ 00 FiTiished in Ash, Light or Dar^ Cherry, Natural or Ar|tique OaK- Add to above lisL for Genuine Cherrv, Walnut or (Quartered Oak, ---■""" Add to above li.st for Tank Board in'Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - - " " Roughing in Measurements P! inches. Distance from wall to front of closet -I'l'^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBCRONL-Y AND SPEZCIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. 1 25 S'2 the: BUICK Sc SHEIRWOOD MANUFACXURING CO. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET 1 ■27 70 ;; 00 vSTYLE 875 G. Imhi(k-s Plain IV-destal Closet. No. Slo Tank with X. V. Brackets. Xo. 475 Seat, X. P. Brass Flush and Supplv Pil)e. Moor I'lanjres and Bolls, - - - . . . . . , ' ^;;o 70 STVLK i:{7o K. Includes Plain Pedestal Closet. No. Si':, Tank, X. P. Brackets, Xo. 41o Seat, X. P. Brass Flush and Su,,,,lv Pipe, F"loor F'langes and Bolts, - - - . . . . . Add for Xo. 07(10 Tank Board ------..... Firjished ir| Ligt-|t or Darl^ C\^erry. Natural or Aritique Ash. Rou);hin.i; in Measurements 1:> inches. Di.stance from w.ill to front of closet 22',2 inches. ORDER BV NUMBEIR ONUV AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANXEID. the: buiok Sc sheirwood manufacturing CO. 83 RUSHMERE \A/ASHOUT CLOSET STYLE 880 G. Includes Plain Pedestal Closet. No. tiSo Tank with N. P. Brackets, No. 47.') Seat, N. P* Brass Flush and Sujjply Pipes, Floor Flanges and Bolts, .------- $'M) 20 STYLE mSO K. Includes Plain Pedestal Closet. No. (i45 Tank with X. P. Brackets, No. 445 Seat, N. P. Brass Mush and Suppl)- ^ Pines, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - - - - - - |-( '^ Add for No. 5700 Tank Board --------- Finished iri Light or Dar\\ Cherry. Natural or Antique Ash. Roughing in Measurement K! inches. Distance from wall to front of closet 22>^ inches. 20 :? 00 ORDER BY NUMBERONUYAND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. 84 THE BUICK &. SHERWOOD M A N U F ACTU R I NQ CO. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET STYLI-; 885 G, Inchules Plain 0],eii Trap Closet. No. 298:. Tank uilli X. 1>. Hrackcts, No. 47:. Seat, N. P. Brass I'lush aiul Supply IMj.e, Floor I'laii^^es and Holts, - - . . . . . |;j-> oo STYLE l.'W) K. Incln.les Plain Open Tra]) Closet. No. -iilii:. Tank with .\. P. Brackets, No. I i:, Seat. N. P. Brass 1-lush anil Supply Pi])e, Mo(.r l"lanj.;i-s and Bolts, - - - . . . ' c-^f) 00 Add lor No. 5700 Tank B<.anl, - - . . . Firiished in Ash. Light or Dark Clierry, Natural or Antique Oak. Add to above list for (knuine Cherry, W.dnul or (Quartered Oak, ---.... Add to aljove list for Tank Board in C.enuine Cherrj', Walnut or (Juarlered Oak, - - . . . Roughing' in measurements, 10 ■< inehes. Distance from wall lo fn.nl of closet, 22 >^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. ;? 0(1 I ;5 00 1 25 THE BuicK 6c she:r\a/ood manufactur ING CO, So RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET STYLE 890 G. Includes Plain 0])en Trap Clcset. No. 22(U) Tank with N. V. Brackets, No. 47') Seat, X. P. Brass Fhish ami Supply Pipe, P'loor Flanyes and lUilts, ------..' 4,:\i ."0 STYLE LiDO K. Includes Plain Open Trap Clcset. No. 227(1 Tank witli N. 1". Brackets, No. 11') .Seal, X. P. Hra.ss Plush ami Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - - - - - - " 28 oO Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, .......... Fir)ished \t] Ash|, Ligh|t or Dark Ch|erry, Natural or Antique Oat^. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or (Quartered Oak, ----... Add to above list for Tank Board in Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - . . . Roufrhinjf in measurements, 10'^ inches. Distance from wall t(j front of closet 22>< inches. :! (Id 5 :{ (Ml 1 2J ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED 8(1 the: buick &c she:r\a/ood manufacturing go. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET STYLK 895 G. Includes Plain Open Tra]) Closet. No. 1895 Tank with N. P. Brackets, No. 475 Seat, N. P. Rrass Flush and Supply Pi])e, I'loor I'lanijes and Holts, ...----- <.^' $■^•l SO STVLIv I:!it5 K. Includes Plain ()])en Tra]) Closet. No. 19(15 Tank with X. P. Hrackets, No. 445 Seat. N. P. Brass Flush and Su])ply Pipe, Floor Manxes and Polts, --------- f29 SO Add for No. 5700 Tank Hoard, _.._..-.-- 8 00 Fir|ishied iri Ash], Light or Dark Chjerry, Natural or Ar|tique Oak. A('d to above li.st for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or (Quartered Oak, .-..--- Add to above list for Tank Board in' Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ----- Rouffhiny; in nie.isnrinients, lO'i inches. Distance from wall to front of closet, 22% inches. orde:r by number only and speicify kind of wood wanted. $ ;{ 00 1 25 the: buick a, SHEIRWOOD MANUTACTURING CO. S7 RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET STYLE 000 G. Includes Plain Open Trap Closet. No. 171(1 Tank xvith X. 1'. Brackets, No. 475 Seat, X. P. Hrass Mush an.l __^ ^^^ Suppl.v Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - - ' " •'* :5 00 SUppl}- i Ipe, rioor iMauges aiiu DuiLB, STYLE 1400 K. Includes Plain Open Trap Closet, No. 17-_'0 Tank with X. P. Brackets, No. 44-^ Seat, N. P. Brass Flush and _^^^ ^^^ Supply Pipe, Moor I'langes and Bolts, ----■' Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, -------'"'" Finished in Ash. Light or DarK Cherry, Natural or Antique OaK. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - Add to above list for Tank Board in Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Roughing in measurements, 10^ inches. Distance from \vall K. front of closet, -I'ly^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. J :i 00 1 -25 88 the: buick cS6 shern^ood manufacturing CO. RUSHMERE WASHOUT OLOSET. STVI.i; !)0.-) C. I luhules Plain Open Trap Clcset. Xo. lir.d Tank with X. P. lirackcts, Xo. 475 Seat, N. P Brass Mu-^h and .Su])])ly Pi])e, I'loor I'lanj^es and liolls, • . . . . j».. > ..,, STVIJ-, I Id.". K. Includes I'lain OjKMi Traj) Clcsel. Xo. I:;(i0 'j-ank willi X. P. I'.iaekets, Xo. lir) Seat, X P Hrass Plush and Sn]>]il\- Pi])e, P'loor I'lanj.res and liolls, - - . . . ' . _ _' .)(, .;,) Add for Xo. oTOO Tnuk lioard, ---.._.__ Finished ir. Ash. Light or Dark Cherry. Natural or Antique Oak. .\dil to alio\e list lor C.inuine Cherry, Walnut or (Ju.-irtired O.ak, --.... .\dd to .iljo\c list for Tank Hoard in ( '.eniiine Clurrv, Walnut or Ouartert'd Oak, ---... Kon.nhin.L; in nieasurenunls l(l'_, inches. Distance from wall to front of closet '_"_"-< inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANXED. :! 00 5 :! 00 the: buick 6c she:r\a/ood manufacturing co, 8!) RUSHMERE \A/ASHOUT CLOSET STYLE 010 G. Includes Plain Open Trap Closet. No. 1170 Tank with X. 1'. Hrackcls. No. 17.') Scat, \. P. Rrass Flush and .Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, ----... j;;;] ;50 STYLE 1410 K. Includes Plain Open Trap Closet, No. 1180 Tank with N. P. Hrackels, No. -1 (.') Seat, N. P. Bra.ss I'lush and Supply Pipe, I'loor Flanges and Bolts, ----.-.. -jH 'M\ Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, .----...... ;5 oo Firiished \t\ Ash). Light or Darl^ Cherry, Natural or Antique Oal^. .■Vdd to above list for (Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - - - - - - f .S 00 Add to above list for Tank Board in'Oenuine Cherry, Walnut or Ouartered Oak, - - - - - 1 2/) Roughing in measurements, \Q]4 inches. Distance from wall to front of closet, 'I'lyz inches. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. 00 the: buick &c sheirwood manufacturing CO. RUSHMERE WASHOUT CLOSET STVLI-: '.>1') (".. Iiuluilcs riaiii <)]K-ii Traj) Closet. No. SI.') Tank with N. 1". Brackels. No. 47") Scat, N. P. Brass Flush and Sn])i)ly I'ipe, Floor Flanges and Holts, .....-- J'J'.i id STVIJ". 1 ll'> K. I lulndts Plain Open Trap Closet. No. .S'_>-') Tank willi N". I'. Brackets, Xo. 11.") Seat, N. V. Rra.ss I'lush and Su])])l\' l'i])e, I'loor I-'langes and Holts, - - - - - - - - 'Jti <0 .\dd for No. ■'>7()«l Tank Hoard, ........-- SOO Firiished \t\ Lighjt or Dark Cl-ierry, Natural or Antique Ash]. Rouiihinj; in nieasinvnu ills 1(1'. ini-lies. Dislanee from \\M to front of closet "22 "4 inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD V»/ A N T E D , the: buick cS6 she:r\/vood manufacturing go, ot RUSHMERE \A/ASHOUT CLOSET STYLE 920 G. Includes Plain Open Trap Closet. No. (i.'!.') Tank with N. P. I5rackets, No. 47.") Seat, N. P. Rra.ss I-hish and Sui)]ily Pipe, Floor PTan<(es and Bolts, ,._---.. ij-jo -jn STYLE 1420 K. Includes Plain Open Trap Closet. No. (i45 Tank with N. P. Brackets, No. 44.') Scat, N. P. Brass Flush and Supply Pipe, Floor Flanges and Bolts, - - - - - - - - - 2(') 20 Add for No. 5700 Tank Board, .......... ;{ (k) Firjished It\ Ligh)t or Dark Cl-|erry, Natural or Antique Ash]. Roughing in measurements, 10 '< inches. Distance from wall to front of clo.set 22^ inches. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD NA/ANTED 112 THE BUICK &c SHE:R\/V00D MANUFACTURING CO. SUCCESS CLOSET SEATS 10'-- The above (liav'rani t,nves all measureineiits requireil to properly set Oval or Round Pedestal Closets to fit Success Seats. Size 10x2'). Size ICxi'i. Finished in Ash, Light or Darl^ Cherry, Natural or Ar|tique Oa\\. $2 95 :! lo No. ■'). Seal 1 inch thick, •' 10. " 1^ " " - .\ilx25. ^^'-^ 1(1x2). Finished in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique OaK- No. 135. Seat 1 inch thick, - - - |5 20 " 140. " l-^: " " - - - 5 40 Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or (Quartered Oak, No. 145. Seat 1 inch thick, " 150. " IK " S5 40 5 ()0 2 00 ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED, AUSO IF PLAIN OR POLISHED FINISH. I'.-VCKKD ONi: IN .V HOX. or. the: buick 66 she:r\a/ood manufacturing go. SUCCESS CLOSET SEATS Size l()x25. Size IGx'io. Finished in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Ar^tique Oak, No. 17'). .Scat 1 inch Ihick, " 180. " 1'4 " 3 15 No. 185. Seat 1 inch thick. Add to Nos. 175 or 180 Seat for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to Nos. 185 or I'.K) Seat for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak. f3 90 4 10 1 00 1 40 Size 1().\"25. Size l()x"J5. Finished in Ash. Lighf or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oa^. No. 1!»5, Seal 1 inch thick, " 2110, • 1'4 •• " .\(1(1 t(< alxne list for Genuine Cheir) , Walnut or Quartered Oak, |5 00 5 20 No. -Jdo. Seat 1 inch thick, " 210. " 1% " 5 40 1 85 ORDER BV NUMBEIR ONLY AND SPEIOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED, ALSO IF PLAIN OR POLISHED FINISH. i'.\CKi';i) oMC i.\ .V nos.. "THE BUICK & SHERXA/OOD MANUFACTURING CO SUCCESS CLOSET SEATS 07 Size Uix'25. Size l()x-2o. Finished in Ash. Liglnt or Dark Cherry, Natural or Ar|tique Oak, No. ■2\'^. .Seat 1 inch thick, " -i-iO. •• 1"4 •■ #5 20 •■) 4(1 No. •I'l'i. Seat 1 inch thick. Add to Nos. "215 or 220 Seat for (ienuine Cherry, Wahiut or Ouartered Oak, Add to Nos. 22-5 or 230 Seat for Genuine Cherry, Wahiut or Quartered Oak, M 10 ■1 30 2 00 1 40 Size l(ix2'). Size l()x2.'). Finishjed in Ash, Light or Darl^ Cherry, Natural or Arjtique OaK- No. 235. vSeat 1 inch thick, - - - $-i 30 " 240. " ]\ " •■ - - 4 oO Add to above list for Genuine Cherrv, Walnul or Ouartereil Oak, No. 24."). Seal 1 inch thick. $4 30 4 50 1 40 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANXED, ALSO IF PLAIN OR POLISHED FINISH. I'.XCKKI) ONI') IX A IU).\. OS "the: BUICK Sc SHEIRWOOD manufacturing CO. SUCCESS CLOSET SEATS We especially irivite your attention to our line of seats to attacbi direct to earther|ware as illustrated on pages 100 to 103 inclusive. Thjere are so many differerit size bowls that in orderirig it is -qecessary to send us template of top of thje closet to insure seat fitting properly. Finished in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry. Natural or Arjtique Oak. No. '27.'). Seat 1 iiuli tliii-k, - - - $~ -I* X". -X'>. Seal I inch lliick. Add to Nos. 275 or 2S() Seal for Cenuine Cherry, Wahnil or Oiiartered Oak, .... .\dil to Nos. 2s:) or 2!Hl Seat for Cemiine Cherrv. Wahiiil or Ouarlered Oak .... |8 00 S 20 1 2.-) 1 7.". ORDEIR BY NUMBEIR ONLV AND SREICIFV KIND OF WOOD VVANTEID, ALSO IF PLAIN OR POLISHED FINISH. PAIKKI) ONI': IN \ IIOX. the: buick &c she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. 01) SUCCESS CLOSET SEATS. Fir|isl-|ecl in Ash|, Light or Dar^ CV\erry. Natural or Antique OaK No. 325. Seat 1 % inch thick, " 330. •■ 1}4 " " - I--) -2 •■ •■ - - - 10 10 " 380. " lYz •• •■ - Add to Nos. 305 or 370 Seat for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, . . . - Add to Nos. 375 or 380 Seat for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - - - - fll 50 11 S5 1 25 1 75 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF \A/OOD XA/ A N T E D , AUSO IF PLAIN OR POLISHED FINISH. P.ACKKD ONE TN .\ BOX. 100 the: buick Sc she:r\^ood manufacturing go. SUCCESS CLCSET SEATS PATKNTiai. Sectional \'ic\v of Xo. A'20 Seat. Jllnstialiui; Atljustalik' Collar on Xo. il'd Scat. the: buick cS6 sheirwood manufacturing CO. SUCCESS CLOSET SEATS. Finisl-|ed \r\ Ash .Light or Dark Chierry, Natural or Ar|tique Oak. No. 410. Seal l^i inch thick, ,A(1(1 to above hst for Cjeiiuiiie Chcrr\-, W'ahuit or Ouarlereil Oak, Aild to above list for Binlseye Majile or Mahogany, 1 -J.") 1 (III Firiished ir| Ash]. Lighit or Dar^ Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. No. 420. Seat \ }4 inch thick Add to above list for Cieiuiine Cherry, Walnut or Onartcred Oak, Add to above list for Binlseye Maple or Mahogany, $9 2.") 1 :•') .') .■>(» ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WAN ALSO IF PLAIN OR POLISHED FINISH. TED, PACKED ONE IN A BOX. 10-J the: buick &l sherna/ood manufacturing CO. SUCCESS CLOSET SEATS Finished in Ash]. l-igi-|t or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oa^, Xo. 435. Seat 1 '4Mnch thick, - - - |4 H.j No. 4 lU. Seal 1 ■, inch thick, Add to above list for Genuine Chern,-, Wahuil or Quartered Oak, . . - - - Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Maho;j;in\-, - - - - 5.-. :10 1 2.') 4 (ii) Fir|ished \t\ f\s\-\. Light or Dar^ Cherry, Natural or Arjtique Oal\. No, 44.'). Seat \% inch thick, - ■ f") '.).'> No. l-VI. Scat I', inch thick, Add to above li.st for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak , - Add to above list for Hirdseyc Ma])lc or Mahotjany; -_.-..- 5(i :!0 1 :•') ,-) .-III OROER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED, ALSO IF PLAIN OR POLISHED FINISH. l'.\CKI':i) OSV. IN .\ ltO.\. the: BUICK Sc SHEIRWOOD MANUFACXURING CO. 103 SUCCESS CLCSET SEATS. Fir|ished \r\ Ash, Lig^t or Darl^ Chjerry, Natural or Ar^tique Oak. No. 470. Seal 1 '2 inch thiL-k, No. 4(;.'>. Seat 1'/^ inch thick, - - |.") M) .\d(l to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or (Quartered Oak, .\(1(1 to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, $0 (vi 1 -J.") 1 W Firiished \t] Ash. Lighjt or Dar\\ Chjerry. Natural or Aritique Oak. Xo. ISU. Seat IJ2 inch thick. No. 47o. vSeat 1 '4 inch thick, - - |{i ;>(> .\+ inch thick, Add to above list for Genuine Cherrs', Walnut or Quartered Oak, |M 85 1 50 FiTjished in Asl-|, Lighjt or Darl^ Cl-|erry, Natural or Antique Oa\\. No. 515. Seat \'i inch thick, .\dd to above list for Genuine Cherrv, Walnut or Quartered Qak, flo S5 ■2 00 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED, ALSO IF PLAIN OR POLISHED FINISH. PACKED OXP: in .\ BOX. lOfi the: buick above list for (".enuine Cherr\-, Wabnit, or Ouartered Oak, 5.") 50 }\ 75 ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND GPECIFV KIND OF \A/OOD WANTED, ALSO IF PLAIN OR POLISHED FINISH. l"ACKI.;r) ONIC IN .V liOX. the: buick &c shezrwood manufacturing CO. 107 SUCCESS TANKS The line of Tar\h;s illustrated on thie followirig pages will be found coTjplete ir| every detail. All taT~|^s, woodwork ar|d fixtures for san^e are manufatured ir| our owr) plar|ts and under our personal supervisiori . consequer^tly our custon-jers can always deper^d or| getting tl-|e best. Our reputation will r|ot allow us tomal^e inferior goods. 108 -the: buick cS6 sheirv^ood manufacturing CO. SUCCESS PLAIN TANKS. Plair) Ash, not Filled or Varriishiecl. No. 585. Size 17x8.\10 inside with 1 '4 inch Crooseneck Syphon Trimmings, " 590. '• " " •• 1'4 inch Spurt " " - " 595. " " " " 1% inch Hustler Syphon Trinnnings " GOO. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, |8 40 7 90 7 90 7 55 ?!ii"55?Tl:'a^^^^^ Dark or Ligh|t Cherry, Natural or Aritique Ashj. VARNI.SII IINI.SH ONLY. No. Clio. Si/.c 17x8x10 inside with 1 '4 inch Cooseneck Sy])h()n Trinnnings, " (115. " " " " 1,'4 inch Si)urt " 020. " " " " 1 '4 inih Hustler Sy])h<)n Trimmings, " 025, " " " " I'nll \'al\i- Trimmings and S])iirl Hallcock, |9 20 S 70 S 70 8 :io ORDER BY NUMBER ONI_V. PACKIU) ONI'. IN .V HO.\. the: buick &c she:r\wood manufacturing co. 109 SUCCESS PLAIN TANK Finish|ed in Ash with One Coat of Varnish. No. (ioo. Size ITx.'^xlO inside with 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Trinnnintcs, G40. " " " " 1 '4 inch Gooseneck " 645. " " " " 1 '4 inch Spurt " " (550. " " " " Future Float Valve " 055. " " " " 1 '4 inch Hustler Syphon 6(i0. " " " " Fore and After Wash " C65. " " " " After Wash " 670. " ■■ " " IK inch N. E. Syphon 675. " " " " Pull Valve TriniiTiings and Hustler Ballcock, 080. " " " " Pull Valve Trininiings aiul Spurt Ballcock, No. 685. Size 18x10x10 inside with 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Trinmiings, 690. " " " " lYz inch "'•'■.-. 695. " " " " IJ4 inch Gooseneck " 700. ■' " " " 1>4 inch .. - 705. " " " " 'i}4 inch Hustler 710. " " " " Guarantee Triunnings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, 715. •■ " " " •• " " Syphon Jet Closet, 720. " " " " .Speci.d 7'J5. " " " " I'ature Float Valve Trininiin,'j.s, ",;)0. " " " " Ij^ inch N. E. Syphon Tri:nniin.,fs, 71)5. " " " " 1'4 inch Spurt Syphon 740. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler l?allc(jck, 745. " " '• " I'ull \'alve Tiinnniugs and S])urt Ballcock, No. 750. Size 22x11x10 iiusi le with 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Trimmings, 755. " " " " 1>^ inch " " " 7('>0. " " " " 1 '4 inch Gooseneck " " . . 765. " " " "1^4 inch 770. " " " " 1'4 inch Hustler .. " . . 775. " " " " Guarantee Trinmiings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, 780. " " " " " " " Syphon Jet Clo.sct, 785. '■ '• '• " Special " " 790. " " " " Future Float \'al\-e Trinnnings, 795. " " " •' l>-i inch N. E. Syphon Trinnnings, 800. " ■• " " 1% inch Spurt Syphon 805. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, 810. " " " '■ Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, $ 9 10 8 75 8 25 <) 10 8 25 i;i ('>(! \:', 60 10 10 8 25 1 90 #10 50 12 20 Id 15 11 15 21 45 15 45 12 95 10 50 11 50 >) 65 9 05 9 30 511 00 1:: (;o 11 55 12 55 11 05 22 85 16 So 14 35 11 00 12 90 11 05 1 1 05 10 70 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY. P.A.CKF,D ONE IN A BO.K. 110 xhe: buick cS6 sheirn^ood manufacturing CO. SUCCESS PLAIN TANK Finishied in Ash with One Coat of Varnish. Xo. SI."). '• 8'_>(). •' 82-"). •• 8S0. " 83.). " 840. " 840. " s.;o. " 8.-).5. ■• 8G0. No. No. 86.-). 870. 875. 880. 88.-). 890. Si).'). i)00. !)().'). 1110. ill.-). 920. i)2o. 930. 93.-). 91(1. 94.-). i).-)0. 9.-).-). 9(10. itC.-). 970. i)7r). i)80. iis.-). il90. Size 17x8x10 inside with 1 '4. iiu'li Success Syiilion 'rriininiiitis. " 1 J4 inch Ciooseneck '" " 1 '4 inch Spurt " Future Float Valve " " " " 1% inch Hustler Syphon " " •' " Fore and After Wash " After Wash " " " " 1^4 inch N. E. Syphon " " " " Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Rallcock, " " •' ■' Pull Valve Triinniiugs and Spurt Ballcock, Size ISx 10 X 10 inside with Size 22 X 11 x 10 inside with 1 '4 inch .Success Sy])hou Trinuniujrs, 1 '2 inch " ■•••.. 1 '4 inch ("looseneck " " 1>4 inch I % inch Hustler " " Guarantee Trinuniui^s for I'ueuinalic Syphon CluseL, " " " Sy])h<>n Jet Closet, S])ecial P'uture I'loat \'alve Trinuninjjs, 1 yi inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, I '4 inch Spurt Syphon Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull N'alve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Trimmings, lyi inch 1 '4 inch ("looseueck " " \'/2 inch •• ■•••.. \'4 inch Hustler (Guarantee Trinnnings for Pneumatic ,Sy])hon Closet, '■ Syphon Jet Closet, .S])ecial P'uluri- Moat \'alve Triunuings, 1 '2 inch X. \\. Sy])lion Trinnnings, 1 '4 inch S])urt ,Syi)h()n Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull N'.dve Trinnnings and S])urt Ballcock, $ 9 CO 9 25 8 75 9 m 8 75 14 10 14 10 Kt (10 8 75 8 40 $11 00 12 70 10 05 11 (15 10 15 21 95 1.-) it5 P! 45 11 (10 12 00 10 15 10 15 9 80 fl2 40 14 10 12 05 13 O.') 11 .55 23 35 17 .■«5 14 s.-) 12 10 1:; 1 1 l(t 1 1 11 • )-> 11 20 ORDEIR BY NUMBER ONLV. I'ACKl'.l) ().%'!■; IN A HO.\. the: buick cS6 she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. Ill SUCCESS BEADED TANK Firiishied ir| Ash], Light or Dark Ct\erry, Natural or Aqtique Oak. No. !ti)'). Size ITxSxlO inside with 1 '4 inch Suceess Sy])hon Tiinnnint;s, . - . . KMKI. " " " " 1 '4 incli Gooseneck Syphon ■■-_.. 100.'). " ■• •• " 1 '4 inch Spurt .... . . . . 1010. " " " " Future Float \'alve ••_... lOlo. " " •• " 1 '4 inch Hustler S\])hon " - . . . 1020. " '■ " " I'ore antl Afterwash ]02o. •' " " " Afterwash 1030. ■' " " " 1 >^ inch N. E. .Syphon •■.... UKJo. " " " " Pull Valve Triinniiufjs and Hustler Hallcock, . - . 1040. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Rallcock, ... .\(ld to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, --.-.. No. 104o. vSize 18x10x10 inside with \% inch Success Sy])hon Triinniinj;s, . . . . 10'jO. " •• " " 1 >< inch "•■••--.. 10")5. " " " " 1 '4 inch Gooseneck " lotio. " " •• •■ \}i inch ••■•••---. 10(1.'). " " •• " 1'4 inch Hu.sller. .. •> . . . . 1070. " " " " Guarantee Trinniiings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, 1U7.'). " " " " " " ■■ Sy])hon Jet Closet, - - - - 108O. •■ •' " " Special " " - - . - 1080. " " " " I'uture I'loal \'alve Trimmings, - - - - . 101)0. '• " " " 1>^ inch N. E. Syphon Trinnnings. . - . - 101)'). •' " " " 1'4 inch Spurt Syphon Trinnnings, . . . . lioil. •' " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock. llOo. " '■ " " Pull Valve Trimmings and S])urt Ballcock, - - - . Add to above list for Genuine Cherr\', Walnut or Quartered Oak, . - . . . No, 1110, •' 1115, " 11-20. " 112"), " 1180. " 11:55. " 1140. " 1145. " 1150. '• 1155. " 1100. " 1105. " IKK). Size 22x11x10 inside with 1 '4 inch Success .Syphon Tiinnnings, 1 >< inch 1 '4 inch Goo.seneck " 1 ■,< inch 1 I4 inch Hustler '••'.- Guarantee Trinnnings for Pneunuitic .Syphon Clcset, '■ Syphon Jet Closet, Special " " " " " Future Float \'alve Trimmings, 1 '3 inch N. E. Sv])h()n Trimmings. 1 '4 inch S]iiu-t S\]ih()n Trinnnings, Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trinnnings aiul .Sjnirt Ballcock, Add to above list for Gyenuine Cherry, Walnut or Ouarlered Oak, 510 00 !) (55 9 15 10 00 11 15 14 50 14 50 11 00 15 8 80 1 25 fll 10 1:! 10 11 05 12 05 10 55 22 85 k; 35 i:{ S5 11 10 12 40 10 55 10 55 10 20 1 50 512 SO 14 50 12 45 i:{ 45 11 05 23 75 17 75 15 25 12 80 13 80 11 '.15 11 115 11 00 2 00 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. P.ACKHn ONK IN .\ liOX. 112 the: BUICK «S6 SHERWOOD manufacturing CO. SUCCESS BEADED TANK. Firiist-|ed \t] Ash). Light or Dark Chierry, Natural or Aritique Oak. No. 1170. Size ITxSxlO iii.side with 1 '4 iiicli Success Syphon Trinmiiiif^'s, . . . - " 1]7">. " " " " \'4 inch Gooseneck Syphon " llSd. " •■ •• " 1 '4 inch Spurt ., ., . . . . lls'i. " " " " I'uture Float \'alve " ir.m. " " " " 1'+ inch Hustler Sy])hon " . . - . " 11 '.I"). " " " " Fore an I .\fterwash " iL'dO. " " '■ " Afterwash '■ . . . - " 12II."). ■• •• " " 1 ', inch N. E. Syphon l-Hi. '■ •• " •' Pull Valve Trinnnintfs and Hustler Ballcock, •• rJl"). " " " " Full Valve Trimniings and Spurt Ballcock, .\dd to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------ .\dd to above list for Mahogany or Birdseve Maple. ------- Xo. ]'2-2il Size IS x Id x Id inside with 1 '4 inch .Success Sv])hon Trinnnings, - - - _ .\.ld .\dd No. 122."). l-j:id. 12:!-"). 12 Id. 121.".. 12.")d. 12").'). 12fill. 12(1"). 1270. I27.'>. 12Sd. to above to above .Add Add 12.S".. !2!ld. 12i>"). i:!d(). i:!d."). i:'.ld. 1 :?).".. i:!2i). i:!2'). i:5:{(). l.'W). l.-Sld, KM"), to above In Size •• 1 '2 men " " 1 "4 inch Gooseneck " " 1>< inch " ■■■'-- " 1 !4: inch Hustler, " Cruarantee Trimmings for Fneuniatic ,Sv])hon Closet, " Sy])lu)n Jet Closet, - " " " .S])ecial " " I'uuire F'loat \'alve Trimmings, 1/2 inch N. f;. Syphon Trimmings, " " " lli inch Spurt vSyjjhon 'I'limmings, •' " " Full Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " Full Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, ist for Genuine Clu^rry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ist for ^Fdlog;^ny or Birdsex'e Maple, - . . - X 11 \ Id inside with 1 '4 inch Success Sn-jjIiou " 1 j.'2 inch " " " \]4 inch ("Tooseneck " " IK . imnnntis, inch "1^ inch Hustler ••••-- " " Guarantee Trimmings for FiKumatic Syphon Clo.set, " ,Syphoii Ji-t Closet, " '■ " Si)ecial " " •• •• " " " I'uture F'loat \'al\e Trimmings, 1 >^ inch N. f;. Syphon Trinnnings. " I H i"'"h S])url Syjihon Trimmings, ■■ Full \'al\c Trimmings ,ind Hustler Ballcock, Fidl \'al\e Trimmings and S]iurt Ballcock, isl for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, above li.st for Mahogany or Birdseye Maple, #10 3") 10 dO 11 50 10 .35 ;i .")d 14 85 14 85 11 35 <) .iO <) 15 1 25 00 111 75 1:^ 45 11 40 12 4d Id i'd ■>•» 70 k; 7d 1 1 20 11 1 '> 75 1 _ Id ( .) !)d Id '.•0 Id 5.5 1 50 li 50 51:! 15 1 1 S5 12 SI) lo .SO 12 :!d 2J Id IS 10 1.". 1 ■' i;o 1 ". 1 •> 1 1 15 12 ;!o 12 :'>o 11 05 .) (in 18 30 18 30 12 95 2 00 9 00 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD \A/ A N T I r.\CKi;i) ONK IN A liOX. Ill the: BUICK 66 SHEIRVVOOD MANUFACTURING CO. SUCCESS RCUND CORNER TANK BEIADEID, WITH TANK BOARD COMBINED. PATENTED NOV. 9, KS97. Firiished \t] Ash], Ligl-jt or Dark Chierry, Natural or Antique Oak. X( Add Add No. l."):io. 1. ""):;.■>. l.")4o. l.')4.'). lo.")0. l.V).i. 1 •')(>(). i.".';5. I."i70. l.')7-'). lo ahov to abov l.vso. 1.180. l.iOO. 1 ■')'.•■'). nwta. lliO'). ItilK. 1(120. 1()25. lt)30. KWo. KvK). Id 1(1 alKJv Id to abov o. It)-!.'). l().j(). Ki-w. l(i()0. 1 ()().'). 1()7(). 1(17"). 1(1.S(). 1 (IS.'). Kl'.tO. 1(1'.>.'). 17(t(i. 17ii.">. Id lo abo\ Id to abov Size 17x8x10 inside with 1 '4 inch .Success^.Syjihon Trininiinj^s, 1 '-4 inch Gooseneck Svijhon " 1 'i^ inch Spurt " " " F'uture Float Valve " 1 !4 inch Hustler Syjihon Fore and After Wash " ' ' After Wash ' ' •' 1 ,'4 inch N. E. vSyphon I'ull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull \'alve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, e list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, e list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, . . . . . Size 18x10x10 inside with 1 '4 inch Success Svj)hou Trimmings, " 1)4 inch .. ' .. 1% inch Gooseneck " " i'yi inch •' " " - - " " 1 '4 inch Hustler " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Clo.'et, " " " " ■■ " Syphon Jet Closet, " " " Special " " " " " F'uture F'loat Valve Trimmings, " " "1/^ inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, " " " ] '4 inch Spurt Syphon Trimmings, " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spiu't Ballcock, e list for (renuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - e list for Birdseye Ma])le or Mahogan\-, . . . . Size 22 X 11 X 1(1 in> with 1 '4 ini'h Success S\ ])hon 'Irimmings, " 1 'A inch .. " .. .. ' . 1^4 inch Crooseneck •• ■• . . " ]}< inch '■ " " - " " " " 1% inch Hustler >> .. _ _ " " Guarantee 'i'rinimings for Pneumatic S\ i)hon Closet, " S\i)hon Jet Closet, " vSpecial " I'ulure P'loat Valve Trimmings, " l^^indiN. p;. Sy])hon Trimmings, " 1 !4 inch Spurt ,Sy])hon Trinnniiigs, " Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, " Pull \';dve Trimmings and S])urt P>allc(Kk. St for Geiimne Cherry, Walnut or Ouartered Oak, list for Birdseye Ma])le or Mahogany, . . . . . fVA 3.0 13 00 12 .oO 13 35 12 .oO 17 8.") 17 8.") 11 3o 12 .■)() 12 l.i 1 25 5 00 |14 1(> 75 45 14 40 1.') 40 13 90 2') 70 P.) 70 17 20 14 75 lo 75 13 90 13 90 13 55 1 50 (1 50 Ik; 17 15 85 1.1 80 Id SO lo ;'.(i • >- 10 21 10 18 (iO 1(1 15 17 15 !•". .•!(> 1.". .'id It 'X) •_' 110 ;» 0(1 ORDER BY NUMBER ONUV AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTE D. i'.\CK);i) oNj-: IN .\ iiox. the: buick 66 she:r\a/ood manufacturing go, llo SUCCESS EMBEDED TANK Finishjed in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oa[\. No. ITlU, Size 17x8x10 inside with 1 14 inch Success Syphon Trinunings, " 1715. " " " " 1% inch Gooseneck " 1720. " " " " lj4 inch Spurt 172.J. " " " " Future Ploat Valve 17.S0. " " " " I'X inch Hustler Syphon 1735. " " " " Fore and After Wash 1740. " " " " After Wash 1745. " " " " lyi inch N. E. Syphon " 1750. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, 1755. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Sjmrl IJallcock, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Wahiut or Quartered Oak, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, . - . . No. Add Add No. Add Add 17(iO. 17(>5. 1770. 1775. 1780. 17S5. 1790. 17115. 1800. 1S05. ISIO. 1815. 1820. to abov to abov 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1800. 1865. 1S70. 1S75. 1880. 1885. to abov to abov Size 18x10x10 inside with \)4 iuch Success Syphon Trimmings, " 1)4 inch .. " '. .. ' . " IX iuch Gooseneck " " " 1>^ inch " " " - - " 1)4 inch Hustler " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " Syphon Jet Closet, " Special " " " " " " Future Float Valve Trimmings, " \)4 inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, " I'X inch Spurt Syphon " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballc:)ck, " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcuck, Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ... Maple or Mahogany, . . . - .•e list for Genuine e list for Birdseye Size 22x11 x 10 inside with I'X inch Success Syphon Trimmings, " l^ inch " " •• - - " ] '4 inch Gooseneck " " 1 '2 inch " " " " 1'4 inch Hustler " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " •• " " " " Syphon Jet Closet, " Special " " " " " " " F'uture Float Valve Trinunings, " 1 >^ inch N. p;. Syphon Trimmings, " " " " 1 ''4 inch Spurt vSyphon " " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, ■• Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, e list for Geimine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, e list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, . - - - $ 10 85 10 50 10 00 10 85 10 00 15 35 15 35 11 85 10 00 i» ()5 1 25 5 00 #12 25 13 95 11 90 12 90 11 40 23 20 17 20 14 70 12 25 13 25 11 40 11 40 11 05 1 50 I) 50 |13 65 15 35 13 30 14 30 12 80 24 60 IS ()0 HI 10 13 65 14 65 12 80 12 80 12 45 2 00 J) 00 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF \A/OOD WANTED. PACKED ONE IN A BOX. IK) the: buick cS6 she:r\^ood manufacturing go. SUCCESS ROUND CORNER TANK, \A/ITH EMBEDED PANEL. Finish|ed in Ash, Light or Dark Chjerry, Natural or Antique Oa^. No. Add Add 1895. lyoo. 190o. 1910. 1915. 1920. 1925. 1930. 1935. 1940. to abov to abov Size 17 x8 X Ki s with 1 '4 iiK'h Success Syphon Trimmings, 154 inch tiooseneck " " 1'4 inch Spurt Future Float Valve " " 1'4 inch Hustler Syphon " Fore and After Wash " " After Wash I'-i inch N. E. Syphon Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, e list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, e list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, . - . . $11 85 II 50 11 00 11 85 11 00 16 35 16 35 12 85 11 00 10 65 1 25 5 00 No. 1945. 1950. 1955. 1960. 1965. 1970. 1975. 1980. 1985. 1990. 1995. 2000. 2005. Size 18 X 10 X lu inside with 1.'4 1¥ Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahoganv inch Success Syphon Trimmings, inch " " " inch Gooseneck " inch " " inch Hustler " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " " " Syphon Jet Closet, Special Future F'loat Valve Trimmings, 1 Yz inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, 1 '4 inch Spurt Syphon Pull \'alve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, Walnut or Quartered Oak, |13 25 14 95 12 90 13 90 12 40 24 20 18 20 15 70 13 25 14 25 12 40 12 40 12 05 1 50 () 50 No. Add Ad4 inch Hustler ••••-. " 2220. " " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic S^■])lu)n Closet, " 2225. " " '• ■• •■ " " Svphon Jet Closet, " 2230. •• " '• " Special " " ' " 2235. " " " " Future Float Valve Trimmings, " 2240. " " " " 1 i/j inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, " 2245. " " " ■• 1 '4 inch Spurt Svphon Trimmings, " 2250. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " 2255. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, - . - - - flG fi5 18 35 IG .30 17 30 15 80 27 (10 21 GO 19 10 IG 17 (15 (15 15 80 15 80 15 45 2 00 9 00 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. PAgiCKD ONE IX .\ BOX, lis the: BUICK Sc sher\^ood MANUFACXURING CO. SUCCESS ROUND CORNER TANK Fir|ished \r\ Ash, Light or Dart^ Chjerry, Natural or Ar|tique Oak. Xo. 2200. Size 17x8x10 inside with 1% inch Success Syphon Trinnnin< inch X. E. .Syphon " " 2."iOO. " " " " Pull Valve Triinniin.t(s and " 2HO.'). " " " " Pull Valve Trininiintrs and Hustler Spurt li; B:dl;v,ck, lUcock, Add Add Xo. to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, to above list for Rirdseye Maple or Mahof^any, Add Add No. .\dd Add 2:510 2:51.') 2820 2:'>25 2830 233.") 2340, 2.345, 23.')0 23.').') 2300, 23(i.") 2:!7(i, to al to al 237.5. 2380. 2.385. 2390. 2395. 2400. 2405. 2410. 2415. 2420. 2425. 2430. 2435. to al to al Size ISxiOxlii inside with \'4 inch Success Syphon Trinmungs, " ] }i inch " " •■ 1>4 1J4 )ove List for Genuine Cherry )ove list for liirdseye Maple or Mahofrany inch Gooseneck inch 1 '4 inch Hustler Guarantee Trimniin<;;s for Pneumatic Sv])hon Closet, Guarantee Triinniin^ inch - ■ .. '■ '■ 1^ inch Gooseneck " " " ' i'A inch •' " " . " " 1'4 inch Hu.stler " ■' " " Guarantee 'rrinimin5.js for Pneumatic Svphon Closet, '■ '' " " Guarantee Trimmiu,<(s for Syjihon Jet Closet, " '■ ■' Special 'rrimmintjs for S\])hon Jet Closet. " " '■ Initure I'loat \'alve Trimminirs. '■ " •' " i 'A inch X. K. Sy])h()n 'rrinmiin.ns, " ■' '' " 1 '% inch ,S])urt Sy])hi)n 'I'rinnnin.^s, " ■' " Pull \'alve Trinunin.i^s .-uid Hustler Ballcock, " " " Pull Valve Trinnnin<;s au•> !I0 10 00 14 40 11 1 ') SI5 (J" 1 _ 11 10 11 10 10 7.') I .■)(l .50 J13 35 15 05 13 00 14 00 12 50 24 30 18 30 15 80 13 ,35 14 35 12 .50 12 50 12, .15 .) 00 ;i 00 .\bove Tanks are make of 1 inch stock. ORDER BV NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. P.-\.CKEI) ON)-; IN A UO.X. the: buick 1-J •Jo n 70 12 55 11 70 IS 05 18 05 r.i 55 11 70 11 :!5 5 00 No. Add Add 2490. 2495. 2500. 2505. 2510. 2515. 2520. 2525. 2530. 2535. 2540. 2545. 2550. to al to al Size 18x10x10 inside with inch Success Syphon Trinuning-s, inch inch Gooseneck " " )ove )ove 1>< inch '■ .... . . 1 '4 inch Hustler Guarantee Trinuuiugs for I'nenniatic Sypon Closet, " " '• Syphon Jet Closet, Special " " Future Float Valve Trimmings, \}i inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, 1 '4 inch Spurt Syi)hon Trinnnings, Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, list for Gentiine Cherry-, Walnut or Quartered Oak, . . . list for Birdseye Ma])le or Mahogany, _ - . - 13 95 15 ()5 13 4 inch " .. " - - •' 1'4 inch Hustler " Guarantee Trinnnings for I'neiunatic S\i)hon Closet, " S_\]ih<)ii Jet Closet, " Special •' Future Float \'alve Trimmings, '• 1>< N. v.. Syi)hon " ' - ■' 1 '4 inch Spurt Syi)hon " Pull \'alve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, " Pull \'alve Trimmings and ,S])uit P>allcock, list for Genuine Cherry, Walnul or Ouartered Oak, list for Birdseye Majile or Mahogany, . . . - $15 35 17 05 15 00 16 00 14 50 26 30 20 30 17 SO 15 .35 16 35 14 .50 14 .5(t 1 1 15 2 00 9 00 Above Tanks are made of 1 inch stock. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF NA/OOD WANTED. I'.XCKKD ONH IN .\ liO.X 120 THE BUICK 66 SHEIRNA/OOD MANUFACTURING CO. SUCCESS ROUND CORNER TANK. Finished in Ash, Light or Darl^ Ch|erry, Natural or Aqtique Oa\\. No. Add Add ■Jll-J"). Size ITxSxlO insidd with 1% inch Success Syphon Trinimiiigs, •jiiHii. " •• •• " 1^4 inch Gooseneck " •jCii^.'). " •' " " 1 '4 inch Spurt 2(;l(). " " " " Future Float \'alve •jlU.'). " " " " 1 '4 inch Hustler Syphon •j(;.",0. •■ •■ " " F'ore and After W'asli •ilioo. " " " " After Wash •>M>0. " '■ " "1/^ inch N. Iv Syphon •jtKio. ' " " " Pull \'alve Trinmnnws and Hustler Hallcock, 2(170. " " " " Pull Valve Trinnnings and .Spurt Ballcock, to abo\e hsl for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, to above list for Hirdseye Ma])le or Mahogany, - - - - 11 00 10 50 11 .S5 10 50 15 S5 lo 85 12 :i5 10 50 10 15 5 00 No. Add Add No. 2()75. 2(;so. 2t)S5. 2<)()0. 2(ilt5. 2700. 2ro"). 2no. 2ri5. 2720. 2725. • 27:^5. to above to above Size 18x10x10 inside with list for list for '4 inch Success Syphon Trininiings, •• \yi inch " '[% inch Gooseneck " ■■ lyi inch '• .... . . 1 '4 inch Hustler " Guarantee Trinnnings for Pneumatic Sypon Closet, " Syphon Jet Clo-set, " " " Special " " " " " " Future Float \'alve Trimmings, " '• " ] yi inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, '' " 1 '4 inch Spurt Syphon Trimmings, Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull \'alve Trimmings and .Spurt BaUcock, Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Ouartere0. ■' •■ " " 1 '4 inch Hustler 27()5. " " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Sy])hon Closet, 2770. " " " " " " " Syphon Jet Closet, 2775. " " " " Special " " 2780. " " " " l'"uture I'"loat \'alve Trinnnings, 2785. '• " " " l>-2 N. !•;. Sy])hon " - 27i)0. ■' " " " 1 '4 inch S])urt Sy])hon 27!I5. " " " " Pull X'alvi- I'rinumngs and I lustier Ballcock, 2800. •' " " '■ Pull \'al\e Trinnnings .-ind S])urt BalU'Dck, to above list for Genuine Cherr\-, Walnut or Quartered Oak, to above list for Binlseye Majjle or M ihogany, _ . . . SI 2 75 14 45 12 40 U 40 11 «.I0 2:5 70 17 70 15 20 12 75 1.1 75 11 00 11 ;io 11 55 1 50 tt 50 |14 15 15 85 !.■? 80 14 .8(1 1:1 .SO 25 10 I'.l 10 l(i ()0 14 15 15 15 i:i :iO \:\ ■,w 12 05 2 00 00 Above Tanks are made of 1 '4 inch stock. orde:r by numbeir only and specify kind or wood n^anxeid. PACKF.n ONK IN .\ BOX. H BUICK &. SHE:R\A/00D MANUFACXURING CO, 121 SUCCESS ROUND CORNER TANK WITH XANK BOARD COMBINED. PATENTED NOV. 9, 1S97. Finished \r\ Ash. Light or Dar^ Cherry, Natural or Aritiqae Oa\. No. Add •iSOo. •isio. '.'81.5. •28-20. 282o. 28H0. 2885. 28-10. 284'>. 2850. to abov to abov Size 17 X e list for e list for 8x10 inside with 1 '4 inch .Success Syphon Trinnnin<;s, 1 '4 inch Gooseneck " 1 '4 inch Spurt Future Float \'alve 1 '4 inch Hustler Sjphon Fore and After Wash " After Wash, 1 >< inch N. E. Syphon Pull Valve Trininiiiifrs and Hustler Ballcock, " Pull Valve Trininiinirs and Spurt Eallcock, Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, ^■^ '.\') 1:; (10 12 .')!) 18 3o 12 oO 17 80 17 80 14 35 12 50 ■1 00 No. Add Add No. Add Add 2855 28(i0. 28(i5. 2870. 2875. 2880. 2885. 2890. 2895. 2900. 2905. 2910. 2915. to abov to abov 2920. 2925, 2930. 2935. 2940. 2945. 2950. 2955. 29(10. 29(i5. 2970. 2975. 2980. to abov to abov Size 18x10x10 inside with 1 '4 inch Success Sv])hon TrininiinjLcs, 1 ', inch •• ' •• " ' 1 '4 inch Gooseneck 1 J2 inch 1 '4 inch Hustler Guarantee Trinnnings for Pneumatic Sv])hon Closet, Guarantee Trininiintcs for Syphon Jet Closet, Special Trimmings for Sy])hon Jet Closet, Future Float Valve Trimmings, 1 14 inch N. K. Svphon Trimmings, 1 '4 inch Spurt Sv])h()n Trimmings, Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trimmings and Sjturt Piallcock, e list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, e list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, _ . . . Size 22 x 11 .\ 10 inside with 1 '4 ' 4 1^ 1'4 e list e list inch Success Sv])hon Trinnnings, inch inch ("rooseneck inch inch Hustler Guarantee Trinnnings for Pneumatic S\ plum CI >set. Guarantee Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet, " " S])ecial Trimmings for Sv])hon Jet Closet, I'uture Float Valve Trinnnings, 1 ';> inch N. F;. Syphon Trimmings, ' ' 1 '4 inch Spurt S\])hon Trinnnings. Pull \'alve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, ■' •' Pull \'alve Trinnnings and ,S])iu-l B.illcork, for Genuine Cherrj, Walnut or Quartered Oak, for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, .... fl4 75 1() 45 1 I III 15 111 !.■! 9(1 25 70 19 70 17 2-1 1:; 13 911 90 13 55 1 50 r> 50 17 15 85 15 80 n; 80 15 30 • ) ■ 10 21 10 IS (io 15 17 15 15 30 15 30 14 95 •) 00 ij 00 Above Tanks are made of 1 '4 imh sttK'k. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANXED. i'.\CKi:n ()Ni<; in a ud.x. 1 2i the: BUICK A- SHERWOOD MANUFACTURING CO. SUCCESS ROUND CORNER TANK Firiished in Ash, Light or Dark Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak. No. Size 17 xSx 10 inside \v Add Add 2'.IS'). Size li xSxlO inside with •291)0. 2!)'.).>. 3000. 300o. 3010. 301. 1. " 3O'>0. 30-io. :;ii:',n. loalx.jve to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany list for Genuine Clierr\ 1% inch Success Syphon Trinnnings, 1'4 inch Gooseneck " 1 % inch Spurt " " Future Float Valve " ]% inch Hustler Syphon Fore and After Wash, " After Wash 1>4 inch N. E. Syphon Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, Walnut or (Quartered Oak, No. ;)OI!o. Size 18 x " 3040. " 304o. " 3050. " 30. w. " 30(i0. " .SOtw. '• 3070. " 307.5. " 3080. " ;50«.'). " 3090. " 3095. .\dd to above Add to above 10x10 inside >\ith 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Trimmings, " 1 '4 inch Gooseneck " " " l}4 inch " " " . 1 '4 inch Hustler " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " Guarantee Trimmings for Sy])hon Jet Closet, " Special Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet, Future P^loat \'alve Trimmings, " " 1 ^< inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings. " \% inch Spurt Syphon Trimmings. " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, list for (k-nuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ... list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, . . . . Ill Oo 10 70 10 20 11 05 10 20 15 .55 15 .55 12 05 10 20 •J 85 1 25 o 00 45 12 14 15 12 10 13 10 11 17 (iO 40 40 14 90 12 45 13 45 11 (iO 11 t>0 11 25 1 50 No. Add Add 3100. 3105. 3 110. 3115. 3120. 3125. 31.30. 3135. 3140. 3145. 31.50. 315.5. 31 (iO. to at to al Size 22 X 1! X 10 inside )ove list )ove list with 1 '4 inch Success Sy])h()n Trimmings, " Iji inch " ]% inch Gooseneck " " " 1)4 inch " .... , . " \% inch Hustler " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " Guarantee Trimmings for Sy])hon Jet Closet, " S])ecial Trininiings for Syphon Jet Closet I'uture I'loat \'alve Trimmings, [ yi inch N. ]•;. Syphon Trimmings, " 1^ inch S])urt Sv])li()n Trimmings, " Pull \'alve Trimmings ,uid Hustler Ballcock, " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, for ('rcnuinc Cherry, Walnut or Ouartercil O.ik, - . . for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, ... |13 vSo 15 .55 13 50 14 50 13 00 24 80 18 80 l(i 30 13 85 14 85 13 00 1;! nil 12 ii5 2 00 9 00 .\bovc Tanks are made of 1 inch sloi'k. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. r.\CKi;i) oNic IN .\ Hox. the: buick cS^ sheirvvood manufacturing CO. 123 SUCCESS ROUND CORNER TANK, NWITH TANK BOARD COMBINED. PATENTKI) NOV. 9, I.Sg;. Firiished \t\ Ash), Light or Dark Ch|erry, Natural or Ar|tique Oak. No. Add Add No. 31(w. 3170. 3175. 3180. 3185. 3190. 3195. 3200. 3205. 3210. to above to above Size 17 X 8 X 10 inside with 1)4- inch Success Sj'phon Trimmings, 1% inch Gooseneck Syphon 1% inch Spurt " " Future Float Valve 1 j4^ inch Hustler Syphon ' ' Fore and After Wash " After Wash l}i inch N. E. Syphon Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcocl Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, list for Genuine Chern,-, Walnut or Quartered Oak, list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, Add Add No. 3215. 3220. 3225. 3230. 3235. 3240. 3245. 3250. 3255. 3260. 3265. 3270. 3275. to above to above Size 18x10x10 inside with V4 1,H' list for list for Genuine Birdseve inch Success Syphon Trimmings, inch inch Gooseneck " inch " " . /^. inch Hustler, Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " Syphon Jet Closet, - " " Special " " " " Future Float Valve Trimmings, " 1 >^ inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, " 1 14 inch Spurt Syphon Trimmings, " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Maple or Mahogany, . . - - 3280. Size 22x11 x 10 inside with \% inch Success Syphon Trimmings, - ,. 3.2j^,^_ ., .. .. .. \y^ inch " 3290. " " " " 1% inch Gooseneck " " 3295. •• " " " IK inch " 3300. " " " " 1 '4 inch Hustler " " . - " 330,5. •• •• '• " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " 3310. " " " " " " " Syphon Jet Closet, " 3315. " " '■ " Special " " 3320. " " " " Future Float Valve Trimmings, " 3325. " '■ " " 1 ii inch N. E. Syphon Trinnnings. " 3330. " " " " 1 '-4 inch Spurt Syphon Trimmings, " ,333,-). " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " 334o| '• " •■ " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, - - - - ■ $13 05 12 70 12 20 13 05 12 20 17 55 17 00 14 05 12 20 11 85 1 25 5 00 $14 45 16 15 14 1(1 15 10 13 60 25 4(1 19 4(1 16 90 14 45 15 45 13 (U) 13 60 13 25 1 50 6 50 |15 85 IV 00 15 50 16 50 15 00 26 80 20 8(1 18 30 15 85 16 85 15 00 15 00 14 65 2 00 9 00 Above Tanks are made of 1 inch Stock. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. PACKED ONE IN .-V BOX. l-2t the: buick 0. Size 17x8x10 inside with 1 '4 inch Success S\-phon Trinrniii;.;s, 1 '/4 inch Gooseneck " 1 % inch Spurt Future Float Valve 1 % inch Hustler Syphon Fore and After Wash, .\fter Wash 1 '4 inch N. E. Syplisn Pull Valve Trinnninj^s and Pull Valve Trininiini's and Hustler Spurt B Ballcoc'r: LiUcock, Add Ad.l No. to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, Add Ad.l No. A.1.1 Add .3395. 3400. 3405. 3410. 3415. 3420. 3425. 34.30. 3435. 3440. 3445. 3450. 3455. to al to al 3460. 3465. 3470. 3475. 3480. 3485. 3490. 3495. 3500. 3505. 3510. 3515. 3520. to al to al Size ISx 10 X 10 inside vvith 1 '4 inch Success Svphon TrinuniuL^s, •• 1>^ inch " ■ ■• . •• ■ . " 1 '4 inch Gooseneck •• \i4 inch •• '• •• . •' 1 % inch Hustler " Guarantee Triniinings for Pneumatic Syph3n Closet, " Guarantee Trininiinjjs for Svphon Jet Closet. " Special Trininiinijs for Svphon Jet Closet, Future Float Valve Trimmings, " XYz inch N. K. Syphon Tritninings. " I '4; inch Spurt Syphon Trimmings, " " " Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull \'alve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, )ove list for (k-nuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, )ove list for Birdseye Ma])U- or Mahogany, ... - Size 22 X 11 X 10 inside with 1 '4 inch Success Svphon Trinmiings. •■ 1>^ inch ..'..,, " " " "1/4 inch Goo.seneck " " " 1^ inch •' .. w . . " \% inch Hustler " " " " Guarantee Trinnnings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Syjihon Jet Closet, " " " " Special Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet " " " ■■ Future Float \"alve Trimmings, " " 1/^ inch X. v.. Svphon Trimmings, " 1 '4 inch Sjmrt Sy])hon Trimmings, " " Pull \'alve Trimmings .ind Hustler Ballcock, Pidl \'alve Trinnnings and S])urt Ballcock, )ove list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Qu irtere.l Oak, ... )ove list for Birdseye Maple or Mahog 00 >i 00 Above Tanks are made of 1 '4 inch stock. ORDER BV NUMBER ONI_V AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED. P.\CKED ONE IX .\ BOX. the: BUICK Sc SHEIRWOOD manufacturing CO. 1 -i.-l SUCCESS ROUND CORNER TANK WITH TANK BOARD COMBINED. rATi-:NTHn n(i\-. o. 1S97. Fir|ished ir| Ash, Ligh|t or Dark Chjerry, Natural or A-qtique Oa\\. No. .'?")25. Size 17 x S x 10 inside with :V)30. 8540. :{o45. 8550. 8555. 8560. 8565. 8570. Add to above list for Genuine Cherrv '4 inch Succe.ss Syphon 'rrininiinj^s, '4 inch Gooseneck 4 inch S])urt |I4 50 F'uture Float Valve 1 '4 inch Hustler " Fore and After Wash " After Wash \ }4 inch N. E. Syphon Pull Valve Trinnnini^s and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trinnninj^rs and Sjjurt Hallcock, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to above list for Birdseye Ma])le or Mahogany, No. 8575. Size IS x 10x10 inside with \% inch Success vSvphon Trimniin .,>■«. " .8580. •■ •• •■ "IK i"ch .. ' .. >. . " 8585. " " " " 1 '4 inch Gooseneck " 8500. " " " " 1>4 inch " " " - '• 3595. " •■ '• " 1?4 inch Hustler " 8600. " " " " Guarantee Trinmiings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " 8605. " •• " " Guarantee Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet, " 8610. " " " " Special Trimmings for Syphon Jet Clo.set, " 8615. " " " " Future Float Valve Trimmings, " 86"20. ■' " ■' " l}i inch N. I^. Syphon Trimmings, " 8625. " " " " IJ4 inch Spurt vSyphon Trimmings, " 8(>80. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " .8685. " " '■ " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, Add to above li.st for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, . . . . No. 3640. Size 22x11x10 inside with 1% inch Success Svphon Trimmings, •• 8645. '■ " " " 1>^ inch .. ' .. " 3650. " " " " lj4 inch Gooseneck " '• 3655. " " " " l>i inch " " " - - '• 3660. " " " " \% inch Hustler " 8665. " " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Sxphon Closet, " 3670. " " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet, " 3675. ■• " '■ " Special Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet, " :>680. " •' " " Future Float Valve Trimmings, " 8685. " " " " 1,'4 inch X. E. Syphon Trimmings, " 3(>!)0. " " " " 1 '4 inch Spurt Sy])hon Trinnnings, . " 8605. " " " " Pull \'alve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " 3700. " " " " Pull \'alve Trimmings and .Spinl Ballcock, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ... Add to above list for Bird.seye Maple or Mahogany, .... 14 15 13 65 14 50 13 65 1!) 00 10 00 15 50 13 ()5 18 80 1 25 ;} 00 fi5 00 17 60 15 00 16 55 15 05 2(i 85 20 85 18 85 15 00 16 00 15 05 15 05 It 70 1 .50 6 50 117 8(1 lit 00 16 05 17 95 16 45 28 25 •)■) 25 111 75 17 80 18 .30 16 45 16 45 16 10 •J 00 il 00 .\bove Tanks are made of 1 '4 inch stock. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. PACKED ONE IN A BOX. 126 the: buick Sc sheirna/ood manufacturing CO. SUCCESS ROUND CORNER TANK, VENEEREID. Firiished ir| Genuirie Chjerry, Walnut or Quartered Oa\, No. 370.-). 3710. 3715. 3720. 3725. 3730. 3735. 3740. 3745. 3750. Size 17 X 8 X 10 ins: -ide with 1)4 inch Success Syphon Triiinnings, " l}4 inch Gooseneck " " " 1 '4 inch Spurt " " Future Float Valve " 1 !4 inch Hustler " " " Fore and .\fter Wash " After Wash " 1 >^ inch N. E. Syphon " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, . _ . No. 3760. 3765. 3770. 3775. 3780. 3785. :!7;to. 3795. 3800. 3805. 3810. 3815. 3820. Size 18x10x10 inside with 1 '+ inch Success Svphon Trimmings, " 1>^ inch " ' " " ' 1 % inch Gooseneck l>i inch •• " " - - l\4 inch Hustler " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, Guarantee Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet, Special Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet, Future Float Valve Trinnnings, 1>^ inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, 1% inch Spvirt Syphon Trimmings, Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, .... No. 3825. Size 22x11x10 inside with 1)4 inch Success S\phon Trimmings, " 3830. " " " " 1>^ inch .. ' .. " 38.35. " " " " \% inch Gooseneck " " " 3840. " " " " lyi inch " " " - " .3845. •' " " " \% inch Hustler " 3850. " " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " 3855. " " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Syphon Jet Clo.set, " 38(iO. " " " " Special Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet, " 3865. " " " " I'uture I-'loat \'alvc Trimmings, " 3870. " " " " 1 '2 incli N. E. Sy])hon Trinnnings, " 3875. " " " " 1 '4 inch Sjnirt Sv])h<)n Trinnnings, " 3880. " " " " Pull N'alve Trinn'nings and Hustler Ballcock, " 3885. " " " " Pull Valve Trinnnings and S])url Ballcock, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, _ _ . . |I6 70 16 35 15 85 16 70 15 85 21 20 21 20 17 70 15 85 15 50 5 00 $18 10 lit 80 17 75 IS 75 17 25 29 05 23 05 20 55 18 10 HI 10 17 25 17 25 16 90 6 50 $19 50 21 20 19 15 20 15 18 65 30 45 24 45 21 95 19 50 20 50 18 65 18 65 18 30 9 00 Above list includes N. P. Brass Clover l.e.if Brackets. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLV AND SPECIFY KIND OF \A/OOD WANTED. l'.\CKi;U ONE IN .\ BOX. the: buick Sc she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. 127 SUCCESS ROUND CORNER TANK, VENEERED, \A/ITH TANK BOARD COMBINED. PATENTED NOV. 9, 1S97. Finished \t\ Ger^uirie Cl-|erry, Walr|ut or Quartered Oak. No. :W!)(). 381)0. 3900. 3905. 3910. 3915. 3920. 392o. 3930. 3935. Size 17 X S X 10 inside with 1 % inch Success Syphon Trimmins^s, X]^ inch Gooseneck " 1 '4 inch Spurt " " Future Float Valve " 1 '4 inch Hustler Syphon " Fore and After Wash " After Wash, 1 >2 inch N. E. Syphon Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trinnnings and Spurt Ballcock. Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, lis 70 18 35 17 85 18 70 17 85 23 20 23 20 19 70 17 85 17 50 5 00 No. 3940. " 3945. " 3950. " 3955. " 3960. " 3965. '■ 3970. '■ 3975. 3980. 3985. 3'.»9(t. :;91I5. 4(100. Add to al Size 18x10x10 inside with 1 1% IK I'i inch Success Svphon Trimmings, inch .- ■ .. ... inch Gooseneck " " inch " " " inch Hustler Guarantee Trinnnings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, Guarantee Trinnnings for Syphon Jet Closet, Special Trinnnings for Syphon Jet Closet, P'nture Float Valve Trinnnings, 1 yi inch N. F/. Syphon Trimmings, 1 % inch Spurt vSyphon Trimmings, Pull \'alve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull \'alve Trinnnings and Spurt Ballcock, )ove list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogau}-, . - . - j;20 10 21 80 19 75 20 75 19 25 31 Oo 25 05 22 55 20 10 21 10 19 25 19 25 18 90 6 5(1 No. 4005. Size 22x11x10 inside with \% inch Success Syphon Trinnnings, ,, 4|yj,) ., .. .. .. 2^ jijj,]j .. - ., " 4015. " " " " 1^ inch Gooseneck '• 4020. " " " " ]>i iuch " 402'). " " " '■ 1"4 inch Hustler ■' 4030. '■ " " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " 403). " " " " Guarantee Trinnnings for .Sy])hon Jet Closet, '• lii40. " " " " Special Trimmings for .Syphon Jet Closet, " 4045. " " " " Future Float \'ahe Trinnnings, " 4o50. " " " " 1 '< inch N. Iv vSyphon Trinnnings, •• 40.'.5. " " .... 1 i^^ inch Spurt .Syphon Trinnnings, '■ 4060. " " •' " Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Balk-uck, •■ 4065. " " " " Pull Valve Trinnnings and Spurt Ballcock, Add to above list for Birdseye Maj)le or Mahogany, . . - - |21 23 21 50 20 15 22 15 20 65 32 4i 26 45 23 95 21 50 22 50 20 65 20 65 20 30 9 00 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. PACKED ONE IN A HOX. 12S the: BUICK cS6 SHERNA/OOD manufacturing CO. SUCCESS CORRUGATED TANK V e: N e: e: R e: D . FiT-|ished iri Ger|u.ir|e Chjerry, Walnut or Quartered Oak. No. 4:)70. Size 17 x S x in inside witli " 41175. " 40S0. •• 4(IS."). " 4lilli>. •■ 4()'.I5. " 4i(in. •• 4105. •• 411i». •• 4115. •• Add to above list for Birdseve M.iple or 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Triiinniags, 1 '-4 inch Gooseneck " 1 '4 inch Spurt Future Float \'alve 1 '4 inch Hustler .Syphon " F'ore and After Wash After Wash \yi inch N. E. Sy]3hon Pull \"alve Trininiings and Hustler Ballcock, Full \'alve Trininiings and Spurt Ballcock. M-ihogany, _ - - - No. 4120. Size ISxlOx 10 inside with •' 4i:}(». " 4i:!5. '• 4I4(». .. j[-,„ •■4155. '• 41(15. ■' 4170. '• 4175. •■ •• 4 ISO. Add to above list for Birdssye M iple or 1'4 1!4 inch .Success .Syjjhon Triniuiings, inch " " " - inch (Tooseneck "" " inch inch Hustler " " Guarantee Triininings for Pneumatic .Syphon Closet, (lUarantee Trininiings for Syphon Jet (jloset, S])ecial Trininiings for .Syphon Jet Closet, I'uture Float Valve Trininiings, I '2 inch N. E. Syphon Trinuiiiiigs, I '4 inch Spurt .Syphon Trininiings, Pull \'alve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull \"alve Trininiings and Spurt B.illcock, M ih uglily, Size 22 X i 1 X lo inside with 1 Add US.- ll'.io. .,,,,- .. 4200. •• •' 4205. '• •• .. .. 4210. •• •' " 4215. ■■ 4220. 4225. ■• 42:10. '• •' 42:!5. 1240. 4j45. to al)o\c list for Birdse\ e Majile or 4 inch Success S\"])lu)ii Triinn.ings, inch I '4 inch Grooseneck 1 '2 inch •• '• '• - I '4 inch Hustler (aiarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic .Sv])hon Closet, Guarantee Trimmings for Syphon Jet Closet, Special Trimmings for Svplion Jet Closet, I'uture I'loat Valve Trimmings, I '1 inch N. Iv. .Sv])hon 'I'rimniings, 1 '4 inch S])urt Syphon Trimmings, Pull X'alve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull \".-il\e Trimmings and S])iirt Ballcock, Maliogan\-, .... ~ 5 22 ,0 22 :55 - 21 S5 - 22 70 21 S5 - 27 20 - 27 20 - 2:1 70 21 S5 - 21 50 - 5 00 _ $24 10 - 25 SO - 2:5 75 - 24 75 ^:! 25 - 85 05 2!t 05 - 2(> 55 - 24 10 . - 25 10 2:! 25 2:! 25 22 '.10 li 50 ^25 50 '27 20 25 15 2(i 15 24 i;5 .•50 45 .•50 45 . - 27 !15 25 50 - L'(; .50 24 (15 24 (15 •>l :;o <,i 00 Ab. list includes N. P. Brass Clox'er I.e.'if Brackets. ORDER BV NUMBEIR ON l_Y AND SPEC I FY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. I'ACKl'.l) O.NI'. IN .V H().\. the: buick 66 she:r\a/ood manufacturing co. 129 SUCCESS CORRUGATED TANK, VEINEIERED, NA^ITH TANK BOARD COMBINED. PATENTED NOV. 9, I.S97. Finished in Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak. No. 42.V1. 4-2(J(). 42(M. 4-j;o. 4-2,5. 4-2S(). 4-J.S."). 4-JltO. 42'Jo. Size ITxSxlO inside with 1 inch Success Syphon Trinnniniijs, 1 '4 inch Gooseneck 1 '4 inch Spurt " Future Float Valve " 1 '4 inch Hustler Sy])hon " Fore and After Wash " After Wash " 1>^ inch N. E. Syphon Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trinnnings and Spurt Ballcock, Add to above list for Dird.seye Maple or Mahogany, (fJ4 70 •24 .i-i •28 Ho •24 70 23 80 20 •20 29 20 '2o 70 •23 80 23 50 5 00 No. 4300. 430). 4310. 4315. 4320. 43-25. 4330. 4335. 4340. 4345. 43., 0. 4355. 43(;0. Si/.e IS X 10 X 10 inside with 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Trimmings, 1 yi inch " " " 1% inch Gooseneck " " lyi inch 1% inch Hustler " " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Sypon Closet, " " " Syphon Jet Closet, Special " " " " " Future Float \'alve Trimmings, 1}4 inch N. E. Syphon Trimmings, 1 '4 inch Spurt Syphon Trinnnings, Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, J25 37 0.5 31 05 •28 55 •2(i 10 •27 10 •25 2-1 25 -20 24 90 6 50 No. 43()5. " 4370. " 4375. " 4380. •' 43S5. " 4390. " 4395. " 4400. " 44i»5. " 4410. ■• 4415. •• 44-20. ■• 412). Add to above list for I Size 22 X 11 X 10 inside with '+ inch Success Syphon Trinnnings, inch " " " - - inch Gooseneck " inch " .... . . inch Hustler " " Guarantee Trinnnings for Pneumatic Syphon Clo.set, " Syphon Jet Closet, " " Special " " " Future Float Valve Trimmings, " 1>^ N. E. Syphon " - " 1 '4 inch Spurt S\])hon " " Pull Valve Trinnnings and Hustler Ballcock, " Pall Valve Trinnnings and Spurt Ballcock, irdseve INIaple or Mahogany, - - - - - J27 50 29 '20 •27 lo •28 15 •2(i (;5 38 45 32 45 29 95 27 50 •28 50 •2(> 05 •2(1 t)5 •2(i 30 9 00 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEIOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. I'.XCKICn ONE I.N .^ 1M).\. 130 the: buick Sc sheirn^ood manufacturing CO. SUCCESS ROLL TANK, WITH TANK BOARD COMBINEID. PATENT PENDING. Firjished \t] Genuirie Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oal^, No. 4800. Capacity (> Gallons, with 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Trinunings, " 4805. " 6 " " Future Float Valve " " 4810. " (i " " 1>^ inch N. E. vSyphon Add to above list for Birdseye Maple or Mahogany, . - - No. 481.J. Capacity 8 Gal 4820. 8 4825. 8 4830. 8 4835. 8 4840. 8 4845. 8 .\(1(1 to ahove list for Birdse\e ous, with 1 '+ inch Success Syphon Trimmings, " l^ inch ' " Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " " " " Syphon Jet Closet, ' " Special " " " " " ' " F'uture Float Valve Trimmings, ' "1/^ inch N. E. Sy])li<>n Trimmings, Maple or Mahogany, - ^ No. 48.',0. Capacity 10 (;all ' 4855. 10 ' ISIill. 10 ' 4805. 10 ' 4870. 10 ' 4875. 10 ' 4880. 10 )ns, with I '4 inch Success Syphon Trimn ings, ]'/i inch .' '. Guarantee Trimmings for Pneumatic Syphon Closet, " " " " Syjihou Jet Clo.set, S])ecial " I'uture I'loat \'alve Trinunings, " 1 1^ inch N. I-'.. Sy])hon Trinunings, .\di 00 34 50 32 00 33 00 1) 00 $34 00 35 70 45 00 ;!;i (10 3() .50 34 00 .35 00 12 00 ORDER BV NUMBER ONl_V AND SPECIFV KIND OF WOOD WANTED, I'.\CKi:i) ONE IN .\ liOX. the: buick Sc she:r\^ood manufacturing co. 131 SUCCESS CAST IRON TANK No. 5000. Size 17 x " 5005. " 5010. " 5015. " 5020. " 5025. " 5030. " 5035. SxlO inside with 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Trimmings, " " " 1% inch Gooseneck " " " \}( inch Spurt " " 1 j4 inch Hustler Syphon " " Fore and After Wash " " After Wash, " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, No. 5050. Size 18x10x10 inside with 1% inch Success Syphon Trimmings, 5055. " " " " IK i'lch 5060. " " " " Ijiv inch Gooseneck " " 5065. " " " " 1>^ inch 5070. " " " " 1 J4; inch Hustler 5075. " " " " 1^ inch Spurt Syphon Trimmings, 5080. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, 5085. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Spurt Ballcock, No. 5100. Size 22x11x10 inside with 1 '4 inch Success Syphon Trimmings, " 5105. " " " " IK ini^li " 5110. ■' " " " 1/4 inch tiooseneck " " " 5115. •• " " " IK iii^-li " 5120. " " " "1/4^ iiit'li Hustler " " " 5125. " " i. .. 1 14 inch Spurt Syphon Trimmings, " 5130. " " " " Pull Valve Trimmings and Hustler Ballcock, '• 5135. " " " " Pull Valve Trinnnings and Spurt Ballcock, $9 10 8 75 8 25 8 25 13 60 13 60 8 25 7 90 $10 50 12 20 lit 15 11 15 '.( 05 9 65 9 65 9 30 $11 90 13 60 11 55 12 55 11 05 11 05 11 05 10 70 ORDEIR BY NUMBER ONUV. l:i2 the: BUICK 6c SHERNA/OOD manufacturing CO. SUCCESS PLAIN AUTCMATIC TANK \ -'^^imm. -. Finishecl in Ash). Varri ist-|ed Only. No. 5;i00. Discharges 1 gallon of water and will flush 1 I'rinal, with 1 inch single connection, ■' 5305. Discharges 2 gallons of water and will flush 1 Hopper or 2 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection, " 5310. Discharges 3 gallons of water and will flush 2 Hoppers or 3 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection, " 5315. Discharges 4 gallons of water and will flush 3 Hoppers or 4 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection, " 5320. Discharges 5 gallons of water and will flush 4 Hoppers or 5 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection, '' 5325. Discharges gallons of water and will flush 5 Hoppers or ti I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection, " 5330. Discharges 8 gallons of water and will flush 6 Hoppers or S to 10 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection, ' 5335. Discharges 10 gallons of water and will flush 7 to 8 Hoppers or 10 to 14 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection. For two or three pipe connections see page 137. 510 00 11 00 16 50 18 00 lit 00 20 50 32 00 34 00 ORDER BV NUMBER ONUV. the: BUICK Sc SHEIRWOOD manufacturing CO. 133 SUCCESS BEADED AUTOMATIC TANK. Firiished in Asl^, Light or Dark Ct~|erry, Natural or Aritique Oak. No. oSoO. Discharges 1 gallon of water and will flush 1 I'rinal, with 1 inch single connection, Add to above list for Genuine Cherr\-, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ----... No. 53-)5. Discharges 2 gallons of water and will flush 1 Hopper or "2 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single coiniection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ..-.-. No. 5360. Discharges 3 gallons of water and will flush 2 Hoppers or 3 Urinals, with 1 % inch single connection, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ....... No. 53()5. Discharges 4 gallons of water and will flush 3 Hoppers or 4 frinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------ No. 5370. Discharges 5 gallons of water and will flush 4 Hoppers or 5 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------ No. 5375. Discharges ti gallons of water and will Hush 5 Hoppers or (> I'rinals, with 1 ''4 inch single connection, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, --..-. No. 5380. Discharges 8 galljns of water and will flush Hoppers or 8 to 10 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, --.... No. 5385. Discharges 10 gallui.s of water and will flush 7 to 8 Hoppers or 10 to 14 L'rin.ds, with 1 '4 inch single conneclion. Add to above list for Genuine Clierr\-, Walnut or Quartered Oak, .-..-- For two or three pipe connections see page 137. fW (10 1 00 rj 00 1 25 17 50 1 75 19 00 2 00 20 50 2 25 22 00 2 50 35 00 3 00 37 00 •J t;/i OROER BY NUMBER ONI_V AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. PACKKD ONE IN A BOX. 1H4 THE BUICK 66 SHEIRNA/OOD MANUFACTURING CO. SUCCESS EMBEDED AUTOMATIC TANK. Fir|ished \t\ Ash|. Ligh|t or Dark Ct-jerry, Natural or Antique Oak. Xo. 5-1(10. Discharges 1 gallon of water and will flush 1 I'linal, with 1 inch single connection, - - - Add to above list for C.enuine Cherry, Walnnl or Quartered Oak, ------ No. o405. Discharges 2 gallons of water and will flush 1 Hopper or 2 Urinals, with 1 J4 inch single connection. Add to al)ove list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, . . . . - No. 541(1. Discharges ?> gallons of water and \\ill flush '1 Hoppers or 3 Urinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection. Add to above list for CTcnuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------ No. 5415. Discharges 4 gallons of water and will flush 3 Hoppers or 4 Urinals, with 1% inch single connection, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ------ No. 54"_'(i. Discharges 5 gallons of water ami will flush 4 Hoppers or 5 Urinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - - - . No. 5425. Discharges 6 gallons of water and will flush 5 Hoppers or (3 Urinals, with 1 '/4 inch single connection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherrj-, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ...-.- No. 5430. Discharges 8 gallons of water and will flush 6 Hoppers or 8 to 10 Urinals, with 1 '^ inch single connection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak. ---.... No. 5435. Discharges Id gallons of water and will flush 7 to S Hoppers or Id to 14 Urinals, with 1 '> inch single connection, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ....... For two or three pipe connections see page 137. Jll 50 1 00 12 50 1 25 18 GO 1 75 19 50 2 00 21 (10 2 25 22 50 2 50 36 tK) 3 00 38 00 3 50 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPEOIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. P.\CKKD ONE I.N A HO.X. the: BUICK Sc sheirn^ood manufac-turing CO. 135 SUCCESS ROUND CORNER AUTOMATIC TANK. Firjishied iri As^i, Light or Dark Ch|erry, Natural or Aritique Oak. No. o4oO. Discharges 1 gallon of water and will flnsh 1 Urinal, with 1 inch single connection, Add to above li.st for Oenuine Cherry, Walnnt or Quartered Oak, -..-.. No. o45o. Discharges 2 gallons of water and will flnsh 1 Hopper or 1* I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ...... No. 5460. Discharges 3 gallons of water and will flnsh 2 Hoppers or 'A Urinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - - . . . No. 5465. Discharges 4 gallons of water and will flush o Hoppers or 4 Urinals, with 1 '4' inch single connection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry-, Walnut or Quartered Oak, - - - - - - No. 5470. Discharges 5 gallons of water and will flush 4 Hoppers or 5 I'rinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, --.... No. 5475. Discharges 6 gallons of water and will flush 5 Hoppers or (i Urin ils, with 1 '4 inch single connection, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ...... No. 5480. Discharges 8 gallons of water and will flush 6 Hopjiers or S to 10 Urinals, with 1 '4 inch single connection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, --..-. No. 54S.'i. Discharges 10 gallons of water and will flush 7 to .S Hopjurs or Id t" II Urinals, with I '4 inch single connection. Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, ...... $11 50 1 00 12 50 1 25 IS DO 1 75 1!) 50 •) 00 21 00 2 25 22 50 2 50 oli 00 3 00 :>s 00 3 50 For two or three pipe connections see page 1H7. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED. PACKED ONE IN A BOX. 13(i -the: buick < x 1^4^ inch, " 5C45. N. P. Brass Three Pipe Connection. Size 2x 1 ,'4: inch. J5 75 7 00 8 50 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLV. i:{8 THE BUICK 66 SHEIRNA/OOD MANUFACTURING OO. SUCCESS TANK BOARDS Firjished iri Ash|, Lighjt or Dark Chjerry, Natural or Antique Oak. No. 5700 for 17x8x10 Tank, " o70o for 18 X 10x10 Tank, - - - - " 5710 for 22 X 11 X 10 Tank, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, Add to ahove list for Mahogany or Birdseye Maple, 2 '.>() o 10 75 3 00 No. 5750. For 17 x8 X 10 Tank, ■' 5755. For 18 x 10 X 10 Tank, " 5760. For 22x11 X 10 Tank, Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or (Juartered Oak, Add to above list for Mahogany or Birdseye Ma])le, $i 00 4 15 4 40 1 ."lO I'l 00 No. 5800. ripe Board, - - - |1 .">(» Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, 5(( Add to above list for Mahogany or Birdseye Majile, - 2 50 No. 5850. Braekel Ik)ard for wall attachment seat. n 00 Add to above list for Genuine Cherry, Walnut or Quartered Oak, :>() .\ild to above for Mahogany or Birdseye Mai)le, - 1 75 ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY AND SPECIFY KIND OF WOOD WANTED, ALSO IF Rl_AIN OR POLISHED FINISH. i'ACKi':i) ONI': IN .\ no.x. -the: BUICK cS6 SHERWOOD MANUFACXURING CO. 130 SUCCESS PIPE AND FITTINGS No. (iOOO. lys inch Flush Pipe with Offset, " (i005. 1>4 inch Fhish Pipe with Offset, $-i 50 5 50 No. 6020. 1 Vs inch Fhish Pipe straight, " 6025. lyi inch Flu.sh Pipe straight. $4 00 .') 00 No. 6040. ,\ incli Supply Pipe straight, " 6045. J4 Iron Pipe size Supply Pipe straight. f.^ 00 6 00 No. 60o0. ,^s inch Supply Pipe with Offset and Union Coupling. '■ 6055. j4 Iron Pipe size Supply Pipe with Offset anil Tnion Conjilinj. No. 6060. ,"„ inch Supply Pipe with Offset, " 6065. -^-^ Iron Pipe size Supply Pipe with Offset, ^^^' No. 6070. l->^ inch Double Slip Joint, p 75 " 6075. 1'^ inch Double Slip Joint. 4 •_'•") J.-] 75 6 75 S^ 10 6 10 No. 6USI). l->8 inch .Single Slij) Joint, " 6085. 1>^ inch Single Slip Joint, No. 6090. 1 .is inch Single Pipe Holder ])lain, }0 .'-iO •■ 60!>5. l;4 inch Single Pipe Holder jilain, 4'.) $i 00 No. 7015. \ys inch Double Pipe Holder plain, " 7020. 1 'i inch Double Pipe Holder plain. f(i Aii No. 7li:>), 1 f's inch Single Pipe Holiler with Huinper, .",() " 7040. \ yi inch Single l'i])e Holder with Iiunii)er, 10 35 45 No. 8000. l^in. Doucle Ivxtension Pijte Holder, $2 15 " 8005. 1>^ in. Double IvKtension Pii)e Holder, 2 40 No. 7055. l^/^in. Dinible Pipe Holder with Buni]x'r, f,0 " 7060. \)4\n. Double Pipe Holder with Buni])er, ."jO No. 7075. 1 -s in. Single Extension Pipe Holder, $\ 20 6(1 " 70SII. 1>'2 in. Single Extension Pipe Holder, I 40 " 7085. ,''j in. Single Extension Pipe Holder, 75 Above Pipe and Fittings are N. P. Brass. ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY. 140 the: BUICK Sc SHEIRWOOD manufacturing CO. SUCCESS TANK BRACKETS No. 80")0. Size 6 x (1 N. P. Brass, " 8055. Size 8 x ',» N. P. Brass, |o 35 No. 80fi5. Size (5 x S N. P. Brass, 3 70 " 8070. Size 7 X 9 N. P. Brass, " 8075. vSize (5 x 8 N. P. Iron, " 8080. Size 7 x 9 X. P. Iron, Nc. 809U. Size (i x S X. P. Iron. JO 75 " 8095. vSize 7 x9 N. P. Iron, 85 No. 9005. Size 7 x 9 N. P. Iron, " 9010. vSize 9x 10 N. P. Iron, % 85 No. 90'20. Size (ix 8 N. P. Iron, 100 " 9025. vSize 7 X 9 N. P. Iron, 75 No. 9035. Size (1x8 N. P. Steel, |1 00 85 " 9010, Size 7 X 9 N. P. Steel, 1 15 SEIAT LEGS, No. 9050. Size 3>4 x3>^ N. P. Iron, $ (10 No. 90(15. Size 1 J< x 2>4 N. P. Iron, ^0 30 No. 9()S0. Painted i)er ])air, | 75 " 9055. Size 3>^ X 3>^ N. P. Brass, 2 00 " 9070. Size 1 j^ x 2>^ N. P. Brass, 75 " 90S5. C.ilvanized i)er pair, 1 10 ORDER BY NUMBER ONUV. INDEX After Wash Syphon Jet Closet, ...... 28-37 After Wash XVashdown Closets, ...... 28-87 Automatic Seats, - - . . . . . 104.10') Automatic Tanks, .--..... i;52.1.'i() Automatic Tank Connections, ...... i;;; Bath TnI)S, - - . . . . . . c, is Hath Tubs with Basin, ....... 18-17 Bath Tubs with Iron Rim, ....... is Bowl Attachment Seals, ....... lOO-lo:! Brackets, - . . . . . . . l-jo Beaded Tanks, - - - - . ... - 111-111 Dia.ijram I'ede-stal Seat, ....... <.)2 Embossed Pedestal Washout Closets, ..... ()7-7.') Embeded Panel T;',nks, ....... 115-117 Flush Pii)e, ........ 139 Flu.sh Pi])e Holders, ....... i:}<) Hop])er Seats, --...... ]m; Low Down Tank Closets, ....... ]'.i-27 Lej^s for Hopper Seats, ....... 14() Measurements — Automatic Tank Closets, ..... 28 Plunjrer Closet Seats, ....... 10() Pipe Holders, - - . - . . . - 130 Plain Tanks, -..-.... liiS-llu Plain Tank with Round Corners, • - - ■ - - 11<< Pedestal Seats, .-....-- >)2-'.t7 Pedestal Washout Closet, ....... (;7.83 Plain Pedestal Washout Closet, ...... 76-83 Plain Open Traj) Washout Closet, ...... 84.01 Pipe, ........ 13'.t Ru.shmere Washout Closets, ....... (ili-itl Round Corner Tanks, - . . - - - - 118-121 Round Corner Tanks with IVIouldinj,', ...... 122-125 SE.-VTS, - - ■ - - - - - - 92-10() Seats, Wall Attachment, ....... OS-OO Seats, Bowl .\ttachment, ....... 100-10:> Seats, .\utomatic, ........ 104-105 Seat, Plunj^er Closet, ....... 10(1 Seat, Hopjier, - . - - - - - - 100 Seat Legs, ........ 140 Seat Board, ........ 1.38 vSlip Joints, ....... 1.30 Supply Pi])es, ........ 1.30 .Syphon Jet Closets, ....... 38-(i5 Sectional \'iew Bowl .Vttachment Seat, ....-• 100 TANKS, ........ 10,S.13f. Tanks, Automatic, ........ 132-1 3(1 Tanks, Beaded, - - - - - - - ^^'''f Tanks, Embeded Panel, ....... 11>-1L Tanks, Round Corner, ....... llS-121 Tanks, Round Corner with :Mouldin.v,^ ...... 122-125 Tanks, Plain, - - ' - - - - - - lOS-lUi Tanks, Veneered, ........ 12(1 130 Tanks, I'rinal, ........ 132-13(1 Tanks, Iron, ........ 131 Tank Boards, ........ 138 Tank Brackets, - - - - - - - - l-t^_* U-B-Ta Svphon Jet Closets, ...... 38-47 Urinal Tanks, ........ 132-13() Wa.shout Closets, ....... (iC-Ol Washout Closets, Embossed Pedestal, ...-.- ()/-/■) Washout Clo.sets, Plain Pedestal, ...... 7()-83 Washout Closets, Plain Open Trap, ...... 84-<.)l Yantic Svijhon Jet Closets, ....-- 48-t)5 JUN 20 1898 W$4Q<^ ~\ * .A •V^' ^J A^^ '^ "<^J^ ^0 0^ -. <^ '^ 0^ : ■'^- v^ ^ >^ o"^ ^i ^^ ^^ A^ ■^^. ^ ^- .^> •% "^^ v> •^^. %^^^ %.^ "^. ...y' ^. # '^^f ,A^' ./^- ■ <> ' / .x^' % ;;^c;*^ A .^■' ^' -^ A 'A . - A ^ ^ '<■' -y'' -/ ^ .^^' ■ ■'''- l^"" % <^'> "o 0^ "^^ v^^ ^ '0 0^ '^^. v-^^ 'v -00^ "^"^^ . X^^ ,.5-- % x-^ ■^. : x^ •'^- ^ .0 ^. •> : x^^ -%. •. .0 5- ^' '.0^ "T . ,# '-^> '■^ 1^. ^- ^^ ' / - \^ s." ^ / ' ^ _\ u / V '' vO' r- \' , o- V. \- -^ ^ '' -^ >'"'' C' 1 "'i ' . ,x-^ ^ '^U ..^ ^ •v^' ~ -P, ^ -eJ ^.^ ■^-^'^ ■'■^■ ^» x^^' •^>. >" - ^ ^ x^^ ^> -,;- - "^A c^^ , ■"0 0^ V:>. ^^^ ^0 0^ . -^^ c^^ ^0 .- x° ^^ ^- N^" -% xO°<. ,^^ ''*> y 'v : x^ ^^. .- X^" / ^ ='^.. ^ X.....\:—-^ /^-^ ^^,^ ^/ ■%,.4^ % /'.^ ^. A^ - A -^ * ,^ '^ V -0 0^ -< / -^ 7. > V ^ - x^ AV , •^c 0^ - .s"^ ^ ^^'' x^^^■ C^'- A i ^ , - v^" -''^ x^' ^^ ' V V^ -''^e.. -; . x^^ =i< ••■ ,^*' -%. °^^ '-°^V^ -^o>'' K. "* 8 -^y 'i- .>^-; %/": %..^ ^. ./ ^. * * #■ % .^"^ xv^^' 'V ^S^ -\ .^-^ •^'^ X- -^ ^0- ' ^ v'^ - X' ^ J>' ' 'C' X' -^ j,V ^ ■ •b' -^ - A- /•- -A '-^ aV --T'- , ^.-^ '^ ^ ■ s,^..- * ..\V ■/'- '- S"' -bo^ p'^. '"c "if- ■0^ ^^' X "^ ' <• ^ , . ■» . \ o X ^- ^ oA v. * - ^ *<■ ^^ X ,^-^>., ^^'-^ A-' :.^^^ V- V -i^^ ^: * A'^ .^O^ ~ r ^.^ A^^' J> •\ "^ ■'^A v^^ ^^^^ .x-^^' •/■ 'X :V ■x^^- -v^ ,-^^' .,■ .0^. A^^ ■'■^. .#^ ■.^^ ^^■ •% ^^'^ ^-^ -u > '^^. \^ X^^' '% .^ •i^-^ i' O O"' xO°^. ./^ ^' .-' % '"-U ^/ ■"o 0^ .^^ /. .xV 9%- ,0^ "■-. '- ^ T'/ ,.\X ■■■ . ^. ■ 6 « O. ^/:. '.J .0 ,\^^' -"^p. _ •^^_ ", t ^0^ '^>- V .#^ > ^ , .^^ .A-*' -V ,^^ '^^.. % x^^^. "oo^ '"^"^"^ /.--; 0^ xV i/». ■^- ■^ '■^. . C^ ,/, ' c o ^ A^' S^ %.. '%4 X' -~ ', x«^^ '/, ^^S*^ \.^ X % "^A v^ .^^ ,-^^' .xV^^ ^^' '^>.. o. ,-0- ■^ , * >/vv>»<' ■X"* -j.^ A X^^c. ,'X' TS '^. X. «-~^ ^>. ? %. .#^ A •v' x'^^ aV '0 A ■J- 'r * A f^y ■X^ .ii. v. v/ -^ H -TV x^°. .-^' -\^ .0-^ -^^' ,.V -K. <, V .'^^ <=>.. «^ xO°-. ' .A-^' * D 1 \ ■- ^V X^^ ,^'' -/- '■^^. o"^-' >-"" '''^.. • ,/a- ■'r' ^^ '-^^. A^'^■ X^^ ^. .•>^~^ . ,A ■:> V K^ ^X ..^^ .^>" -l'-' <^. ^\ ■0- . "^^ v^' -J.^^ ^^. »x 'iliil 111 ill iill' '■■•''' ' ^'■'■•'^^■'■' ■ ' ' r.:ii ..inw.Mnnn/mr