V'"'*%^^^. \*'^^>'^ ^^''•'^^v^'^ '\'-^^*\^'^^ '"^ "I-^cj- "i* ^^ fC\\ 4 o ^<^ *oVo' ^^ o ^,,,.^ ,0 ^oV v-o^ * aV STATE BUILDERS '-'i',''\r:sy/ie. rqco. c't Lainsoii Sfiuiii' KOAI> TMK(K(;il C KAWFOKn XOTill. WIllTK MOUXTAIXS STATE BUILDERS AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY BY THE STATE BUILDERS PUBLISHING COMPANY GEORGE FRANKLYN WILLEY EDITOR THE NEW HAMPSHIRE PUBLISHING CORPORATION MANCHESTER NEW HAMPSHIRE MDCCCCIII r •'- >7I George Fr^^xklvx Willev Prir ^903 -'t".' 2 1 904 [CLASS XZ-c. No. COPY 8 5j»'r>l 77/^ Heuitzemann Preis, Boston, Jfass. Co Clic fVlmiorp of ZUt pioneer i^crrlcrs ZUt j-irst of ttic Ocncranons of .^tatc !3uiltifrs\ ^mo, 'fearing: pauglit inir Ooti, ilaiD. UnDcr Dininr Dircrnon anti CMcssing. itic .i^rcnr: f-ounDarion of a fair §- iViigtun Commonlucalrh CONTENTS. Page An Outline of New Hampshire History i Hon. albert STILLMAN BATCHELLOR, A.M. Education in New Hampshire 6° james h. fassett, b.a. Ecclesiastical 97 JOHN aldex. Agriculture OF New Hampshire ii3 nahum j. bachelder. The Bench and Bar of New Hampshire i34 ROSEA AV. PARKER. Notes on the Medical Profession of New Hampshire 151 IRVING A. WATSON, A.M., M.D. New Hampshire Savings Banks 172 JAMES O. LYFORD. Industrial New Hampshire 1S2 g. a. cheney. Commercial New Hampshire ^93 G. A. CHENEY. BIOGRAPHIES Page Nahum J. Bachelder 201 Edward Nathan Pearson 203 Jacob H. Gallinger . . 20:; Henry E. Burnliam . . 20S AVinston Churchill . . 210 Chester B. Jordan . . 212 Frank West Rollins . . 214 George A. Ranisdi-11 . . 216 Rt. Rev. Denis M. Bradle\ 21S John B. Smith .... 220 Page Hiram A. Tuttle 223 Frank P. Carpenter 225 Mary Baker G. Eddy .... 227 Moody Currier 243 Mrs. Moody Currier 245 Augustus D. Ayling 247 General Charles Williams . . . 248 Henry M. Baker 250 Charles E. Stnniels 252 Reuben H. Chenev 256 CONTENTS Benjamin Fr.inklin Prescott Rt. Rev. William Woodrutf .Nil, D.D John M. Hunt Frank S. Strceter Colonel William S. Pillsbury. Cdonel Francis W. Parker . Charles Robert Corning . Horace P. Watts Mary Alice Watts Henry French Hollis . John H. Albin John Hosley Alice M. M. Chesley, M.D. Chancey Adams, M.D. . Charles H. Sawyer Jane Elizabeth Hoyt, M.D. Charles T. Means .... Harry Gene Sargent . .. Eugene F. McQue^^ten. M.D. Jimes E. Klock Orlando B. Douglas, M.D. John McLane Channing Folsum Roger G. Sullivan Hermon K. Sherburne, D.O. , .\lonzo Elliott Durham College Charles Francis Piper . . . . Ferdinand A. Stillings, M.D. Rev. D. C. Babcock, D.D. William Henry Weed Hinds M.D Charles Rumford Walker . Joseph E. A Lanouette, M.D. John C. French Rev. Lorin Webster Allen N. Clapp Charles E. Tilton William Jewett Tucker . . Frank W. Grafton, M.D. . George H. Perkins' Memorial . George H. Perkins William R. Clough Edward H. Clough Augustus H. Stark Frederick W. Doring .... William H. Rollins ..... M. E. Kean, M.D". V" V.KC.E 259 206 269 -73 275 2S0 2S2 2S4 2S6 2SS 290 294 296 299 301 3°4 306 308 3'3 317 329 35^ 334 337 338 340 342 344 346 34S 3>° 352 353 354 356 358 360 3<'^3 365 3(>7 Ira Joslin Prouty, M.D. William H. Xute, M.D. F. S. Towle, .M.D. E. L. Glick. .....[ Henry DeWolfe Carvelle, M.D. Emil Custer, M.D. . . . . ^"3 Edward L. Custer ,§0 Joshua Gilman Hall ,32 William Laurence Foster William T. Cass . Elmer D. Goodwin . Charles A. Busiel . . Cyrus A. Sulloway . Louis Ashton Thorp Eli Edwin Graves, M.D. Nathaniel Everett ^rartin . Henry Robinson .... Horatio K. Libbey . Lydia A. Scott .... John H. Xeal. M.D. . Captain David Wadsworth Edson Hill Nathaniel White .... J'>seph P. Chatel .... George M. Clough . . Mrs. Mary F. Berry . John Gault Daniel J. Daley ^,^ Wallace D. Lovell ^^^ Sherman E. Burroughs . ... 44- J. Homer Edgerley ^^5 George A. Marden . . . Daniel Walton Gould . Charles E. Sleeper .... Thomas Fellows Clifford Edward Giles Leach Frederick E. Potter, >LD. Anson Colby .\lexander, >LD Charles S. Collins .... John N. >rcClintock . . Alfred Randall Evans . John J. Donahue John H. Roberts Edwin G. Eastman ^v;. 369 370 372 374 376 3S4 386 3S9 392 395 397 399 401 403 407 409 413 4'5 417 421 425 42S 430 433 449 454 457 460 462 464 467 469 473 476 479 4S2 4S5 Ebenezer Learned. M.D. John Willey ,g'- Ira H. .A.dams, M D ^So Samuel B. Tarrante ^g[ 494 George Franklyn Willey INTRODUCTION BY CHARLES R. CORNING JuSge or Probau, Merrim^k Cnm, : A/.,>;- e'' &«■«'.', 19°3 TF " good uine needs 10 bush," so it may be said that a good Tbool needs no preface. And yet, the some, hat umque in and purpose of this volume merit a br.ef mtroduCory. S a e Builders is not only a carefully prepared biography of New Hampshire men. but it presents the political, indus.r.al and edu- "a iX hTstory- of our State as .ell. Fe,v works of ,h,s charac- eh been prepared with greater care and discrnnn,at,on than StaeBu.lders Each chapter is the finished producfon of a !Sr es eciallv competent and adapted .0 trea, the parl.cula :Sct signed hint, thereby g.ving to the work a character and aXrity decidedly unusual. Furthermore, the b.ograph.cal fe - :^ es o \he book\orm a convenient, authentic .and exceedmgly Xable collection of reference, and supplies a d.sfnCve want in the personal history of the State. Acceptable as State Budd- ers is a. he present time, its value and usefulness are cenam :: i^crle wi^ every year and form an important par. of New ""-^^^^^^-^ New Hampshire biographical-his^ toH rundertaking conceived and completed by New Hampsh.re „en, and dedicated to those sons of the State, ^"ng o^de^d whose achievements have done so much " ;-';^ '^^^Z;"' State the sturdv and prosperous Commonwealth that she .s. fsXavs pleasant to commend a book; but when a book, as .n Ills h,?.ance, possesses positive merits of an endurmg nature then commendation becomes a most agreeable duty. A NEW ENGLAND STATE An Outline of New Hampshire History r,y HUX. ALBERT STILLMAN BATCHELLUK, A.M. Editor of State- r.tpas Tohn ^vlasnn. the territorial proprietor of New Hamp- shire was the promoter of its earhest settlements. His efforts contemplated the establishment ot a great man- orial estate of which he and his successors were to be the actual and titular heads. This design failed even- tually not because ^lason and those who succeededto his rights and adopted his plans were not powerlul, per^in^ent and well sustained by the home government but because that stvle and theory of proprietorship and the form of government upon which it was, from the very nature of things, dependent, could not thrive,— indeed could not survive under the conditions which developed in New England. . . This colonv occupied a unique position from 1O2-, the vear when Thomson's indenture was drawn and the fir'^t' settlement definitelv planned, to 1641-1643. ^vhen the four towns, Portsmouth, Dover, Hampton and Exeter each an independent democracy, became, by their own choice, constituent parts of ]\Iassachusetts. This was the f^rst union with the Bay colony. It was I STATE BUILDERS coiulitional on certain ini[)ortant privileges and guar- antees, accorded to the four towns by the Massachusetts General Court. The time of this' union, 1641-1679, constitutes the second period of New Hampshire his- tory. It is in a large measure identical with that of Massachusetts Bay. The :Masonian heirs succeeded in 1679, by influences exerted upon the home government in England, in the establishment of a separate province for the four frontier towns, then occupying a little break m the wilderness along the coast line and a few- miles into the interior between ^^lassachusetts bav and the territory of Maine. John Cutt, a man of the people, was the first presi- dent. He died in 16S1, and was succeeded bv his deputy. Richard \\'aldron. Under a new commission. Edward Cranfield held office from 1682 to 16S6. his deputy, Walter Barefoote, having been the acting Gover- nor in the latter part of the period. The four towns were made a part of the Dominion ot Xew England in 16S6. This government, under Dudley and Andros, with its concomitants of abolished provincial legislatures and other measures absolutely abhorrent to the political sense of a large majoritv o'f the people oi Xew England, survived only three rears. The four Xew Hampshire towns, from the spring of 1689 to the closing half of the winter of 1689-90, gov- erned themselves in the independent democratic fashion of the first period of their historv-. _ A second union with Massachusetts Bay was then ef- fected, and continued during a period of two vears. In 1692 a province government by royal commission was re- established over the four towns. The course of events, with this unpretentious province, moved on through much adversity to the time of the achievement of a po- sition and potency among the American dependencies of the mother country, in which, eighty-three vears later. STATE BUILDERS it was able to demand independence and join in a suc- cessful defiance of the imperial power of England. The intervening- governments between 1692 and 1775 were administered by Samuel Allen, Governor, with John Usher, John Hinckes and William Partridge, Lieutenant or acting Governors, 1692- 1699; the Earl of Bellomont with William Partridge, Lieutenant Gov- ernor, 1699-1702, the Governor dying in 1701; Joseph Dudley, Governor, with William Partridge, John Usher and George Vaughan, Lieutenant Governors, 1702- 1716 (Eliseus Buegess having been appointed Governor in 1715, but declining the office); Samuel Shute, Governor, with George Vaughan and John Wentworth, Lieutenant Governors, 17 16-1728; William Burnet, gov- ernor, with John Wentworth, Lieutenant Governor, 1 728- 1 729; Jonathan Belcher, Governor, with John Wentworth and David Dunbar, Lieutenant Governors, 1 730- 1 741; Benning Wentworth, Governor, with John Temple, Lieutenant Governor, 1 741-1767; John Went- worth, Governor, with John Temple, Lieutenant Gov- ernor, 1767-1775. Between 1675 and 1762, the people of New Hamp- shire participated in six wars against the French and Indians, aggregating thirty-eight years. The politics of New Hampshire in the Colonial period largely related to those persistent and irrepres- sible subjects, the Masonian title and the boundary line against ^lassachusetts. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. One of the memorable events in the term of office of John Wentworth, the last provincial governor, was the founding of Dartmouth College. The charter was issued in 1769, and the beginning effected from which a securely established and most beneficent institution has 3 STATE BUILDERS developed. Whatever may be said of the efforts of the Earl of Dartmouth, Gov. Wentworth and others in behalf of the infant institution, — and for this the pub- lic will ever remain under great obligations to them, — the undisputed title of Founder must be accorded to Eleazer Wheelock. If a tablet of honor for our state builders shall ever be erected, there can be no dissent when the name of Dartmouth's first president is ac- corded high place in such a symposium. It will be within the province of the historian of . education m New Hampshire to give Dartmouth college its deserved setting in the further extension of this work. , The suc- cession of presidents, Eleazer Wheelock, 1769, John Wheelock, 1779, Francis Brown, 181 5, Daniel Dana, 1820, Bennett Tyler, 1822, Nathan Lord, 1828, Asa Dodge Smith, 1863, Samuel Colcord Bartlett, 1877, William Jewett Tucker, 1893, presents a group of hon- ored names, and the mention of each suggests noble ef- fort and achievement in the cause of education, humanity and progress under the highest standards. Webster, Choate, Chase, and Stevens are enrolled with the son.s of Dartmouth who, now constituting a loyal fraternity, rejoice together in the present strength and widening and deepening potency of their alma mater in her mis- sion of moulding men for the leadership of men. THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD 1774-1784. The people of New Hampshire entered upon the active stages of a national movement for independence with deliberation and with unanimity. Perhaps no one of the colonies was so free of the so-called loyalist ele- ment as was this. The "association test" put every man to the book, either for or against the common cause. The record of signatures in nearly all the towns is preser\-ed and the names of those who dissented or 4 STATE BUILDERS refused to take a position constitute a very meagre list. The population of this colony in 1775 was only 82,200. In the province militia establishment were thirteen regi- ments of foot and one regiment of cavalry, besides special organizations of cadets and of artillery. As only t^^■elve or thirteen years had intervened between the last French and Indian war and the inauguration of forcible measures on the part of isew Hampshire by the seizure of Fort \\'illiara and ]\Iary at Portsoiouth in 1774, it was in accordance with the necessities of the case, under the operation of existing military law, that a large part of the body of the organized militia and a still larger part of the officers were veterans who had thoroughly learned the science of war in that intensely practical school of seven years duration, in which they were associated with the best officers and soldiers of England, and were opposed to the flower of the army of France. The capture of the powder and ammunition of Fort W'illiam and Alary, under the leadership of John Lang- don and John Sullivan, was the first overt act of resistance in which organized force was aggressively employed against a military organization or garrison of the mother countrr in New Hampshire, and possibly in either of the colonies, upon the inauguration of the American Revolu- tion."^ The powder taken on this occasion later supplied the patriot army assembled around Boston, and becam,e an indispensable and historic factor in the battle of Bunker Hill. The provincial assembly was continued in New Hampshire until Governor \\'entworth's departure in 1775. A succession of conventions, beginning July 21, 1774, finally resulted in the formal organization of a legislative body on a full rq:)resentation of the people, and with a definite purpose of establishing a new state government. The importance and activity of the old 5 STATE BUILDERS assembly diminished as that of the successive conventions was augmented. The passing- of the royal authority in the province was-w^ith very little commotion and comparatively no manifestation of violence. The convention which met m July, 1775, ordered a reorganization of the militia, and in 1777 the number of regiments had been in- creased to seventeen. The number of men enrolled was 16,710, and this comprised practically all resi- dents of military age in the state. In 1775 three regiments were formed and put under command re- spectively of John Stark, James Reed and Enoch Poor. The first two regiments were actual partici- pants in the battle of Bunker Hill, so-called, and consti- tuted more than one-half of all the Americans actually engaged, and a little later Poor's regiment joined the army assembled near Boston. John Sullivan was also a participant in that campaign under commission from Congress as brigadier general. Timothy Bedel had a regiment in Canada, recruited largely from New Hamp- shire. Thirty-tliree companies under Col. Wingate were guarding the sea coast. Two companies of one and a part of another were formed from volunteers out of the New Hampshire regiments in Washington's army and accompanied Arnold through Maine to Que- bec. Coos and the Connecticut valley were 'also guarded, and thirty-one companies were raised and sent to take the place of the Connecticut men who declined to remain longer in the siege of Boston. Col. Potter called attention to the action of the Committee of Safety m January, 1776, making John Waldron colonel and Petef Coffin major of a regiment, the rolls of which are not preserved. It may have been one which served at Winter Hill. Presumably more than five thousand men of this state were in the field in 1775. In 1776 it was the same story of practical and un- 6 STATE BUILDERS flinching- loyalty to the cause. Upon the successful con- clusion of ihe siege of Boston, March 17, 1776, Sulli- van took command of the army in Canada, which by reason of defeat, sickness, want of supplies, want 01 support and the arrival of large fleets and armies from England, was in a perilous situation; indeed it might perhaps be more correctly described as desperate. Sulli- van with the aid of reinforcements sent from Wash- ington's army, including the three New Hampshire reoiments under Stark, Poor and James Reed, with dis- tinguished good conduct, brought off the entire army with comparatively small loss, besides commanding in several well planned engagements with the enemy. The three regiments of the continental line were strength- ened and continued. Returning from the Canadian campaign, which relieved the northern army operating in the provinces, the New Hampshire regiments of the line were variously employed in the defence of Ticon- deroga and the neighboring strategic points. Here dysentery, small pox and putrid fever raged among the troops, and it is estimated that one-third oi the New Hampshire men died of these diseases m 1776. Sulli- van now a Major General, in recognition of his services in the Canadian campaign, had important command in the ill-fated battle of Long Island, and was there taken prisoner. After a comparatively brief detention he was exchanged. It does not appear that these regi- ments participated in the battles about New York or in the operations that culminated in putting Howes Army on one side and Washington's on the other at the Dela- ware River in the winter of 1776-7. They dis in- guished themselves at Princeton and Trenton, it is sometimes asserted that Stark himself suggested the Trenton attack. It certainly had all the characteristics of his instinctive grasp of military opportunity, and his unerring directness and celerity in execution. Bedel 7 STATE BUILDERS raised a new regiment in the second year of the war which operated in Canada: Pierce Long- transferred his regiment from the coast defences to Ticonderoga ; four additional regiments reinforced the patriot amiy operating: in various divisions of the war area later in the year, viz.: \\\inan's and A\'ingate's in Tuly and AugTist: Tash's and BaldAV-ins in September, and Oilman's in December. Tlie last tAvo named of these regiments remained with Washington's armv till the spring- of 1777. Thus it appears that in the'vear of the Declaration of Independence the state had at least nine full regiments in the tield. in ^777' the contributions cyi Xew Hampshire m men and material reached high water mark. In May large bodies of organized volunteers from the reg-iments of Ashley, Baldwin, Chase, Xidiols, Hale. "^loore. A\'ebster. Stickney and :Morey responded to urgent calls for reinforcements for Ticonderoga and the campaign against Bm-goyne. ^ The Xew Hampshire regiments in the continental hne continued in the serv-ice. and were distinguished for good conduct at Saratoga and at other important en^ge- ments and critical points. A more particular descriptfon of the sequence of events in the Saratoga campaign may be required to obv-iate confusion in the mind of the reader as to the progress of affairs at this jimcture. The two important engagements were on September 19 and October 7. Botli were on Freeman's farm" Bemis" Heights. It was the second battle that was decisive ot the tate of Burgo>-ne. The surrender took place at the Heights of Saratoga, at a place now caUed Schuvler- ville. The army laid down their arms within the old -Fort Hardy." built in the French War at a point on the c^posite side of the Fishk-ill from SchuvIen-iUe Thi^ was the place to which Burgov-ne had retreated imme- diately atter his defeat at the second banle of Freeman'c STATE BUILDERS farm. His army was occupied two nights and a day in this movement. Schuylerville is about ten miles distant from the scene of the battles at Freeman's farm. In the first battle the Xew Hampshire troops engaged were the Xew Hampshire brigade under General Poor and a detachment of infantry, sometimes described as riflemen, under ]Major Henry Dearborn, about three hundred in number, consisting of men of Long's regi- ment, detachments of other militia, and Whitcomb's Rangers. Dearborn co-operated with ]\Iorgan in the re- pulse of Frazer's attack. Wilkinson says, "The stress of the action on our part was l)orne by ^Morgan's regi- ment and Poor's brigade." He should have coupled Dearborn's corps with ^Morgan's regiment in this con- nection. Judge Nesmith, in his article.' "New Hamp- shire at Saratoga," gives statistics indicating that about half the man engaged, possibly more than half, were from New Hampshire, and of the losses on the part of the Americans, killed, Avounded and missing, returned by Wilkinson as 321, 161, or more than half, must be credited to the New Hampshire organizations. Lieu- tenant-Colonel Coburn of Scammell's regiment and Lieutenant-Colonel Adams of Reid's regiment were among the large number of valuable men and officers which the state lost in this engagement. In the second battle. October 7th, the New Hampshire men were again engaged in the most important fighting, and once more earned the highest commendation for their sturdy heroism. Again their losses were heavy, another Lieutenant-Colonel, Samuel Connor of Whipple's brigade, being included in the number. There are no adequate returns of the losses in this battle. It is recorded that "when Cilley first became engaged, so many of his men fell in twenty minutes that he could save himself only by falling back' on reinforcements. With these the regi- ment went into the fight again with great spirit and 9 STATE BUILDERS fought till night. Colonel Scammell fearlessly led his regiment where the fight was hottest." Marked changes had occurred at the beginning of the year in the command of these organizations. The promotion of Col. Poor at the instance of General and Congress- man Folsom to be brigadier (thus passing by Stark) had caused a vacancy in his regiment (the second) and at the same time had given such offence to Col. Stark that he resigned from the army. James Reed had be- come blind and left the service. The second regi- ment now became the third and the third the sec- ond. The first retained its number. Joseph Cilley became colonel of the first, Nathan Hale of the second and Alexander Scammell of the third. Hale was taken prisoner at Hubbardton and George Reid became colonel and so continued till 1781. Langdon's clarion call to the New Hampshire Assembly and the conjuring with the name of Stark to raise a brigade to be thrown athwart the Burgoyne invasion is now such familiar history that it should be supererogation even to outline it to New Hampshire readers. Stark's brigade at Bennington, consisting of the regiments of Cols. Thomas Stickney, jMoses Nichols and David Hobart, struck the blow which decided the fate of Burgoyne's invasion. When Stark's men were approaching the end of their famous campaign and re- turning to their farms and their harvests, Whipple's brigade and the new bodies of volunteers gathered by Stark were forwarded with promptitude and energy for reinforcement of the northern army under Gates. With Gen. Wliipple, or Gen. Stark were Drake's, Moor's, Evans', Bellows', Moulton's, Chase's, Welch's and Ger- rish's regiments. Gen. Bayley of Vermont (nominally New York) certifies to the service of a regiment in his brigade under command of Col. David Webster of Ply- mouth. This probably refers to Chase's regiment. STATE BUILDERS which was composed of parts of Webster's, Morey's and Hobart's miUtia regiments —Webster rankmg as Heutenant-colonel in the last named mihtia regi- ment Sloans Orford Company and Hutchms Haver- hill Company were probably in the Vermont^ regi- mental organizations. Ashley's, Bellows', Hales and Morey's Connecticut Valley militia regiments contri- buted contingents of volunteers to reinforce Gates and complete the investment of Burgoyne. John Langdon led a company of volunteers to Saratoga of wliich the captain was destined to be the first presiding officer of the United States Senate, and the first lieutenant a United States Senator, while nine others who were men of conspicuous standing and commissioned officers in other organizations, served as privates in the same company. Stark, upon his return with fresh and liberal contributions of New Hampshire men for the conclud- ing movements against Burgoyne's army of invasion with that unerring sense of correct strategy which seemed instinctive, placed himself with two thousand men in Burgoyne's rear, held Fort Edward and all the fords below, and closed the only avenue of escape of which that commander might avail himself. It was the information that such a force under Stark had accom- plished this manoeuvre that compelled Burgoyne to his decision to capitulate. This year as usual the Coos country and the sea coast were guarded by New Hampshire men. Senter's bat- talion was sent to the relief of Rhode Island. Late in 1777, Col. Timothy Bedel raised a new con- tinental regiment which was intended for Canadian or frontier service. It was discharged in March, 1778. Subsequently in the same year Col. Bedel raised his fourth regiment, which was eventually discontinued by vote of Congress. The winter of 1777-17/8 ^o^^d the New Hampshire STATE BUILDERS men of the continental line at Valley Forge and a bri- gade under Whipple in Rhode Island, where Genera! Sullivan conducted a campaign which, though in a measure unsuccessful, was in every way creditable to that commander. Gen. Whipple's colonels were Nathaniel Peabody, brigade adjutant, Stephen Evans, volunteer aid, Moses Nichols, Moses Kelley, Jacob Gale, Enoch Hale, Joshua Wingate and (lieutenant colonel) Stephen Peabody. John Langdon, James Hackett and \\'illiam Gardner, all prominent Portsmouth men, were respectively Cap- tain, Lieutenant and Ensign of a company of Light Horse serving with the brigade. The New Hampshire brigade under Poor served with distinguished valor at Monmouth. In 1779, Gen. Poor and the New Hampshire regiments in the same brigade participated in the campaign under Gen. Sulli- van against the Six Nations and here again displayed their soldierly proficiency and veteran courage and en- durance. In the spring of 1779, New Hampshire sent a regi- ment under Colonel Hercules Alooney for service in Rhode Island. The next year the state contributed two additional regiments for special service beyond its boundaries, one under Col. Moses Nichols and one under Col. Thomas Bartlett, while the continental regiments served in New York and New Jersey, in which second named state Gen. Poor died honored and lamented by the young nation he had served so well. In 1 78 1, a part of the New Hampshire contingent in the continental line remained in New York while the remainder took important duty in the Virginia cam- paign which culminated in the surrender of Cornwallis. Here died the brave and accomplished Scammell, then adjutant General of Washington's army. Col. Daniel STATE BUILDERS Reynolds organized a new regiment in 1781, which served at Albany or in that region in the northern depart- ment until discharged in November. The New Hampshire regiments of the Contmental Line continued in service under Washington to the end. Henry Dearborn in 1781 succeeded to the command of the third regiment. He was in later years Secretary of War under President Jefferson and senior major-gen- eral of the army in 181 2. The Cedars and Hubbardton are the only two pomts in the revolutionary period at which the historians of New Hampshire are held up for explanation or apology. It is not improbalDle that of the upwards of sixteen thousand men in New Hampshire then capable of bear- ing arms, practically every one was at one time or an- other in the period of war in the active service, and many of them multiplying terms of service through re- peated enlistments. In that seven years of struggle, no armed enemy in visible organization crossed the boun- daries of the Granite State. Nathaniel Folsom was made a major-general m the State service and was at different periods a delegate in the Continental Congress. His military services were principally confined to affairs of organization after the first few months of the war. Congress after Bennington hastened to make the amende honorable to Stark. They accorded him their formal thanks and made him a brigadier-general. He participated with his characteristic ability in the battle of Springfield in New^ Jersey in June, 1780. He held commands consonant with his rank and his principal- services were of great value in the northern department which was assigned to him after Saratoga, and which with periods oi duty with Washington in the central department, with Gates in Rhode Island and recruiting services in New Hampshire occupied his attention largely 13 STATE BUILDERS till independence was achieved. He was then breveted a major-general as an expression of the esteem in which he was held by the representatives of the people. Sullivan closed his distinguished career with the thanks of Congress for his successful campaign against the Six Nations in 1779, in which, as already written, the New Hampshire line regiments were an important factor. He had distinguished himself most conspicuously in the two Rhode Island campaigns, the relief of the army in Canada, the campaign of 1779, in all of which he had independent command; and his loyalty, heroic spirit and superior military ability were well proven at the siege of Boston, the battles of Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine and Germantown. He continued in the public service his share of the time as did Langdon, Whipple, Bartlett and Livermore, as a conspicuously useful member of the Continental Congress. THE RANGER SERVICE. The large extent of frontier which surrounded the New Hampshire settlements on three sides, and which had been protected by the people themselves, — every generation in a period of a hundred years having had one or two French and Indian wars, — had caused the essential elements of the best soldiers of Ranger service to be hereditary w^th the men of this province. In 1775, several companies of "Rangers" of similar or- •ganization and training to those of Rogers in the last French and Indian war, were raised and despatched to. Canada under Bedel. After the termination of the operations in Canada in 1775 and 1776, which Pro- fessor Justin H. Smith in the Century Magazine aptly describes as the "Prelude of the Revolution," a 14 STATE BUILDERS large area was open to raids by Canadians, Tories and Indians, by way of the wilderness region which is now northern A'ermont, also by the Connecticut Valley and the Androscoggin region. Bedel's third and fourth regiments and, after the discontinuance of Bedel's fourth regiment in the summer of 1779, Hazen's Continental regiment, occupied the Connecti- cut \^alley in force. Thus a most important pro- ducing region and granary was quite effectually secured from guerilla incursions. Besides these regiments was the battalion of Maj. Benj. Whitcomb, a partisan leader of a career which is replete with startling ad- venture and singular exemption from military misfor- tune and failure, which was in continuous employmenr, and many other companies and scouts raised for special duty and for limited periods. Among the ranger captains or commanding lieutenants were Joshua Heath, Jeremiah Eames, Nathan Caswell, Ebenezer ^^'ebster (father of the great expounder of the constitution), David Woodworth, Samuel Atkinson, Josiah Russell, George Aldrich, Nathan Taylor, Samuel Paine, Eph- raim Stone, Samuel Runnels, Thomas Simpson, Jonah Chapman, Joseph Hutchins, Peter Stearns, Jacob Smith, Jonathan Smith, James Osgood, Ezekiel Walker, Philip Page, John x\dams, Elijah Dinsmore, Thomas Nichols, Peter Kimball, Absalom Peters, John House, James Ladd, and James Blake. The operations of the com- panies of rangers doing scouting duty between the arm- ies, or garrison service at the frontier outposts, were usually directed by and the immediate business of the commissariat committed to such prominent men of the vicinity as Col. John Hurd of Haverhill, Col. Joseph Whipple of Jeft'erson (then Dartmouth), Col. Israel Morey of Orford and Col. Charles Johnston of Haverhill. STATE SI The v>r;'ver~:or of c-i~ ^I2.ie is 5rj"jed 'The Ozsn- :n -JA-^'r ire had 2n ^nzj aixi issry. and wben id: re e^ ~^-' "rs. ^-^•ices :f the _ :.ee :f S^e^. End cum "H-iS M nnsd GmjCZLTj DeDarc Tesse. iTi: x6 V^ ■die STATE BUILDERS vessels were fitted out, and did the enemy much in- jury, under the command of the noted and gallant sailors of Portsmouth. Some of these "armed vessels,' and their commanders, were as follows : The Enterprise, Thomas Palmer. jMcClary, Robert Parker, (Thomas Darling.) General' SulH van. (Thomas :Manning.) General ^vlifflin, Daniel McXiel. Rambler, Thomas Manning. Pluto. John Hill. Humbird, Samuel Rice. Fortime, John IMendum. Bellona, Thomas Manning. Adventure, Kinsman Peverly. Marquis of Kildare, Thomas Palmer. Portsmouth, frigate built, Robert Parker. Hampden, frigate built, Thomas Pickering." Paul Jones, though he was a \'irginia planter at the beginning of the war, may fairly be regarded as a Xew Hampshire sailor. His "Ranger" sailed from Ports- mouth and many of the most efficient men and officers under his command on the ^"Ranger" and the "Richard" were of this State. It now transpires that George Roberts, who threw the grenades into the Serapis, amid- ships, and exploded her magazines, was a Xew Hamp- shire sailor. In a recent number of the Granite Monthly is an interesting sketch of Seaman Roberts by his grandson. Col. Charles H. Roberts. Gen. ^^'hipple, Coi. Hackett, John Langdon and other Xew Hampshire leaders were actively engaged at different periods in fitting out ships of war at Portsmouth. The services of these men were invaluable. It is a desideratum long recognized in Xew Hampshire history that her part in the naval wars of the colonial, revolutionary and state periods has never been accorded seasonable or adequate STATE BUILDERS treatment. In Biiell's recent Life of Paul Jones; in the Centennial History of the Navy Yard at Portsmouth by Furness; in the History of the A'avy Yard at Ports- mouth by Preble; in the Correspondence of Commodore Perkins; and in the printed proceedings on the occasion of the dedication of his statue at Concord, ghmpses at the abundance of material available to this purpose are afforded. A WHEEL WITHIN A WHEEL. In almost the entire continuance of the war the ad- ministrators of the New Hampshire government were embarrassed by a serious defection which existed in the western part of the state, and particularly in Grafton county. \\'hile the state was maintaining a revolu- tionary attitude towards the mother country, a revolt against the authority of the state itself was a serious and persistent internal condition. This state of affairs involved a refusal of many of the towns to participate in state governmental affairs. These towns were all in the Connecticut river valley or in that vicinity. A number of the leading men in these towns were from Connecticut, and their ideas of government were naturally in accordance with their education and experience in the commonwealth from which they had emigrated. Hanover, with its college and faculty, which consti- tuted a Connecticut colony of itself, was the intellectual centre for this movement which took substantial form early in 1776. The form of government adopted for the time be- ing by the fifth Provincial congress was not acceptable to the majority of the people in the towns now con- stituting the western part of Grafton county. Col. Hurd and Lt. Col. Chas. Johnston, however, were not STATE BUILDERS partisans of the views which generally prevailed on this subject in their vicinity. Col. Morey and Col. Bedel were conspicuous among the opposers of the party in power in the so-called Exeter government. The group of towns which included Gunthwait on the north and Lebanon on the south in Grafton county, organized themselves by town groups and local committees for the management of civil and military affairs, and formally declined to recognize the new state government of New Hampshire. It will not be found useful to pursue the history of this controversy at length in this connection. It may be remembered, however, that the Independents of the Connecticut Valley manoeuvred with skill and persistence to accomplish such a union of Vermont towns with New Hampshire as promised either to augment the influence of the western part of the state and to diminish in a corresponding degree the political power which the eastern section had acquired, or severing themselves from New Hampshire to join with the proposed state of Vermont or New Connecti- cut under more favorable conditions than they could expect from New Hampshire. At two periods between 1776 and the close of the war, that is to say, in 1778 and 1 78 1 -2, these towns were in active union with Ver- mont so far as the formal action of both parties could accomplish such a result. THE CAUSE OF THE CONTROVERSY. Briefly stated, the contention of the New Connecti- cut party was that upon the dissolution of political rela- tions between the colonies and the mother country, and more especially in respect to the territory in contro- versy l^etween New York and New Hampshire, the towns, being the political units and the original source of political authority, were invested with the right to 19 STATE BUILDERS determine for themselves the question whether to accord allegiance to the one or the other of the disputing states or whether to erect themselves into a state independent of the mandate of any other association of towns or communities formed for purposes of government. They urged that inasmuch as the New Hampshire con- stitution of 1776 had never been submitted to the people or to the towns for ratification and had been accepted by a part of the towns only, it was operative only upon such as had elected to ratify its provisions. The pro- testing towns took care not to do any act which could be construed as a ratification of that form of government in the six years from early in 1776 to 1782. Their argument was presented in the controversial and offi- cial literature of that time with great skill and effective- ness. They succeeded in making themselves felt as a political force to be reckoned wath by three estab- lished states, and the Continental Congress, as well as the prospective commonwealth of Vermont. CIVIL GOVERNMENT 1775- 1784. The Civil Government of New Hampshire from the time of the departure of Gov. Wentworth to the or- ganization of a new form of government in June, 1784, under the constitution of 1783, was purely legislative. The constitution of 1776, the first adopted by either of the thirteen states, was a very brief instrument and evidently intended to be temporary, or as it was offi- cially stated at the time, "to continue during the present unhappy and unnatural contest with Great Britain." It was promulgated and adopted by the fifth convention, chosen in the latter part of 1775, and it was never sub- mitted to or formally ratified by the people. It pro- vided for a council or senate of twelve members, to be elected for the first year by the house of representatives STATE BUILDERS and after that by the people. These councillors were chosen according to population^ but with a recognition of county boundaries, so that a councillor, with rare exceptions, represented no county but the one in which he lived. A president of the council or senate was chosen by that body, the senior senator to preside in his absence. The president of the senate or council was, of course, always a member of that body. The legis- lature appointed the general and field officers of the militia and the officers of the state regiments and other state organizations in active service, — certain rights of election or nomination of company officers by the com- panies being recognized. The legislature appointed the judges of the court, but each court could appoint its own clerk. The legislature administered the executive business of the state. In periods when the legislature was not in session, those interims were carefully pro- vided for by the constitution of a committee of safety which enabled the legislative body to keep control of all affairs and have its own members in constant control of all vacation business. Meshech Weare was, how- ever, continuously president of the council and presi- dent or chairman of the Committee of Safety. Thus it was that this able, devoted and unassuming patriot be- came the "war governor" of New Hampshire in the "time that tried men's souls." The legislature chose the delegates to the continental congress. There was no occasion under this form of government for state election for any purpose. The counties elected the councillors, the register of deeds and the county treas- urer by popular vote. All other county officers were appointed by the legislature. There was no such work- ing' principle as incompatibility in office holding. Meshech Weare, president from January, 1776, to June, 1784, was also a considerable part of the time chief justice and colonel of his regiment in the STATE BUILDERS militia. It is evident from the fact that a differ- ent form of government under a new constitution proposed in 1778 was rejected that the temporary gov- ernment was satisfactory to the majority of the people. It was the manifestation of a sharp reaction against the former method of colonial government. Among the most valuable men in the government of the Re\olutionary period were ]\Ieshech \\^eare, John Langdon, John Dudley, Josiah Bartlett, ^latthew^ Thorn- ton. \Mlliam Whipple, Nathaniel Folsom, Ebenezer Thompson, John Hurd, Samuel Ashley, Nicholas Oilman, George King Atkinson, Timothy ^^'alker, Jr., John Went- worth, Benjamin Bellows, Moses Nichols, Charles John- ston, Timothy Farrar, Enoch Hale, Francis Worcester, George Frost, Jacob Abbott, Thomas Sparhawk, Moses Dow, Francis Blood, John [NlcCleary, Samuel Hunt, George Gains, Nathaniel S. Prentice, Paul Dudley Sar- gent, Otis Baker, Benjamin Barker, Thomas Bartlett, John Calfe, Jonathan Blanchard, \\'yseman Claggett, Samuel Cutts, Levi Dearborn, Richard Downing, Stephen Evans, John Giddings, Benjamin Giles, David Gilman, \\'oodbury Langdon, John Taylor Gilman, Jo- seph Gilman, Samuel Gilman, Samuel Hobart, Jonathan Lovewell, Pierce Long, Hercules ]\Iooney, Israel ]\Iorey, Josiah ^loulton, Thomas Odiorne, ^Matthew Patten, Samuel Patten, Nathaniel Peabody, Samuel Philbrick, John Pickering, Ebenezer Potter, Ephraim Robinson, John- Smith, Christopher Toppan, John Webster, John Wentworth, Jr., Robert Wilson, Phillips White, Joseph Whipple and John Hale. It is a noteworthy fact that the record does not indi- cate that John Stark was the incumbent of any civil office whatever unless it might have been some town fmiction or that he may have held a commission as justice of the peace. The list of men chosen by the New Hampshire Legisla- STATE BUILDERS ture to be representatives in the Continental Congresses contains many historic names. It is probable that not all of these delegates were in actual attendance. As mdi- cated bv the record they were : John Sullivan. Nathaniel Folsom, Josiah Bartlett, Wil- liam Whipple, Matthew Thornton, John Langdon, Sam- uel Ashlev, George King Atkinson, Benjamin Bellows, Jonathan Blanchard, Moses Dow, Abiel Foster, George Frost John Tavlor Gilman, Woodbury Langdon, Samuel Livermore. Nathaniel Peabody, Ebenezer Thompson, Timothy Walker, Jr., John Wentworth, Jr., Benjanun West, Phillips White, Pierce Long, Elisha Payne, Nicholas Gilman, John Pickering, John Sparhawk and Paine Wingate. Bartlett, Whipple and Thornton were the ones who liad the exceptional opportunity and distinction of havmg been signers of the Declaration of Independence. The chief justices of the superior court in the war pe- riod were Jvleshech Weare, who had been educated for the mmistrv, but who had a long experience as a judge of the province, and Samuel Livermore, an able lawyer and dis- tinguished statesman. The associate justices were Leverett Hubbard, lawyer; Mathew Thornton, physician; John Wentworth, Sr., law- yer; W^oodburv Langdon, merchant; Josiah Bartlett, physician, and William Whipple, merchant. These will be recognized as men who were conspicu- ous in other important branches of the public service. The courts at times were not open at all and until late ir. the progress of revolutionary events there was no demand for the services of judges and juries. There seemed to be scant opportunity for law suits between man and man, while an 'all-absorbing international contest was con- trolling every effort and every resource of individual and state. 23 STATE BUILDERS PERMANENT STATEHOOD. The leaders in the Revohition naturally became the leaders in civil affairs upon the settlement of a permanent government. The first period under the constitution of 1783 will be included between the beginning of the new government in June, 1784, and the government under the amended constitution in 1793. Bv general consent the patriot Weare became president of the state and served from June, 1784, to June, 1785. This closed a career of remarkable purity, usefulness and conspicuous success. President Weare's war administra- tion was in the most trying epoch through which the state has ever passed. No student of New Hampshire histor}' should pass by the storj^ of the life of this man with superficial examination. The most adequate ac- count of this service yet presented is to be found in tlie biography by Hon. Ezra S. Stearns in the proceedings of the New Hampshire Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. When Meshech Weare passed from the sphere of political activity the not unfriendly rivalry of John Lang- don and John Sullivan for the honors of state became the most interesting feature of New Hampshire politics. Langdon succeeded Weare for one term; Sullivan suc- ceeded Langdon for two terms. Langdon was again elected in 1788, and Sullivan was returned to office in 1789. Josiah Bartlett took office in 1790, serving tliree terms in succession. He was the last to hold the title of president. Meanwhile the federal convention of 1787, of which John Langdon and Nicholas Gilman were the New Hampshire members, had formulated a constitution for the United States of America. The consent of nine states was required for its ratification. This constitution be- came the organic law of the new nation by its ratification 24 STATE BUILDERS on the part of New Hampshire, the ninth state, in June; 1788. Under this new federal government John Langdon and Paine Wingate became senators in the winter of 1788-9, while Nicholas Oilman, Samuel Livermore and Abiel Foster were the first representatives in congress elected by this state. John Sullivan was appointed as the first district judge of New Hampshire by President Washing- ton in the ensuing year. Pie was at the same time presi- dent of the state and held both offices until the end of his term as president in June, 1790. Senator Langdon, who was president of the state for the year 1788-9, resigned this office January 22, 1789, to take his seat in the senate. John Pickering then suc- ceeded to the office as president of the state, and was the incumbent of it until the following June. This fact is often overlooked in tables of official succession and in political histories of the state. The contest over the adoption of the federal constitu- tion was the most important subject before the people in this period. Debt and paper money disturbed and de- ranged the business affairs of the new state and were the causes of great distress among the people. The disaffected elements were upon the verge of rebel- lion in 1786 and surrounded the assembled legislature in a clamorous mob. This uprising was successfully quelled under the discreet management of President Sullivan, — a display of military force being made under the com- mand of the veteran, Cilley. STATE GOVERNMENT FROM 1793 TO 18 16. If the political standards of a free people may be fairly judged at any given time by the character of the chief magistrates whom they select, it may be said of New Hampshire that in no other period does this test respond 25 STATE BUILDERS as it does in that under review. In point of character and abiHty the list of governors in these twenty-three years is striking and conspicuous. It inckides Josiah Bartlett, one term; John Taylor Oilman, fourteen terms; John Lang- don, six terms; Jeremiah Smith, one term, and William Plumer, one term. Among the senators in congress were Samuel Liver- more. Nicholas Oilman, William Plumer, John Langdon and Jeremiah jMason. Samuel Livermore, Nicholas Oil- man, Jeremiah Smith, Thomas W. Thompson, Oeorge Sullivan, Charles H. Atherton and Daniel Webster were among the representatives in congress. It was in this period that the prestige of service in the Revolution continued many of the old leaders in the high- est prominence in the state. At the same time a later generation of politicians of transcendent ability was developing such statesmen- jur- ists as William Plumer, Jeremiah Smith, Jeremiah Mason and Daniel Webster,, and the national service of Webster and Mason were not more useful to the state than were the achievements of Jeremiah Smith in the reform and construction of a system of jurisprudence, and what Plumer accomplished in the reforms of the political sys- tem embodied in the constitution of 1792, and in other lines of political effort, notably that which resulted finally in the Toleration Act of 18 19. This was a period of as- cendency of the Federalists in this state the greater part of the time, but the not infrequent successes of Langdon and Plumer in contesting the governorship and the fatal mistakes of the party in its war policy and its alliance with the standing order in ecclesiastical affairs fore- shadowed the sure approach of its complete and perma- nent failure as a political power. The Anti-Federalists, then known as Republicans — the Jefferson party of that day — controlled the state govern- ment in whole or in part from 1804 to 1812, Jeremiah 26 STATE BUILDERS Smith having for a single term broken in on the succes- sion as governor in 1809. The court system had remained without material change, as far as the court of last resort was concerned, both in the province and state from 1699 ^o 181 3. In these later years the Federalists having recovered control of the legislature and re-elected John Taylor Gilman, abolished the existing judicial system and reorganized the courts. This added fuel to the flames of opposition and added to the causes which were effectual in the final downfall of the party in 1816. Many important institutions had been established in the state between the close of the Revolutionary War and the termination of the War of 181 2. One hundred and forty- two library associations were incorporated; sixteen acad- emies, including Phillips or Exeter, were founded; the medical school at Hanover had its beginning in 1798; a Grand Lodge of Free Masons was organized in 1789 with General John Sullivan as Grand Master; the New Hamp- shire Medical Society had its inception in 1791; Concord became the permanent capital in 1807, and the State's Prison in that city was begun in 181 1. The same period was one in which a marked transition was to be observed in ecclesiastical affairs. Universalism was first preached in New Hampshire in 1773, and Meth- odism in the last decade of the same century. Baptists in their several divisions were of course of a much earlier sectarian development, but they did not develop consid- erable strength in New Hampshire until the period fol- lowing the Revolution. In the colony and Province periods the Congregational order had maintained its ascendency as practically a state church, the town ministers having been elected by the people and supported by public taxation. At the close of the period under consideration, all de- nominations had gathered increased members and influ- 27 STATE BUILDERS ence and were on the eve of a contest of great importance in the ecclesiastical history of the state. THE WAR OF 1812. The second war with England was not in accord with the political views of the Federalists. While its prosecu- tion was directed nationally by a Republican administra- tion, in New Hampshire a Federalist governor held office and administered its military affairs in the last two years in which hostilities were continued. Governor Plumer was in full accord with the war pol- icy of the Madison administration. Portsmouth was fortified and garrisoned early in the war by troops under command of Major Bassett, and later by very large levies from time to time from the militia of the state. Captain Mahurin was posted at Stewarts- town with a company to protect the frontier. Major John McNeil of New Hampshire distinguished himself at the Battle of Chippewa. General Eleazer Wheelock Ripley, a native of Hanover, was prominent at the Battle of Niagara and in other important lines of duty in this war. It was to him that Miller, another illus- trious New Hampshire soldier, replied to the inquiry, "Can you storm that battery?" "Til try, sir." At the Battle of Fort Erie, also, where McNeil and Miller added to their martial laurels, another New Hampshire soldier. Major John W. Weeks of Lancaster, was the peer of the others in courage and conduct. Moody Bedel was an- other conspicuous New Hampshire soldier of this war. Gen. John Chandler was a well-known officer of New Hampshire nativity. As has already been stated, Henry Dearborn, formerly a distinguished New Hampshire sol- dier of the Revolution, was in the early part of this war the senior Major-General. On the sea, moreover. New Hampshire sailors in many battles maintained the pres- 28 STATE BUILDERS tige which has always accompanied the seamen of the Granite State. EVENTS FROM 1816 TO 1855. The overthrow of the Federahst party in 1816 was an irretrievable disaster to that historic organization. With the exception of the temporary trinmph resulting in the choice of Anthony Colby, Whig, as governor in 1846, the Jeffersonian Republicans, later to be known as Dem- ocrats, elected every governor until their power was over- thrown by the American party, more commonly styled "the know-nothing party," under a secret organization in 1855. It will be recalled that from 1824 to 1834 the principal factions in the Democratic party were desig- nated as Jackson men and Adams men. The astute political managers who had compassed the defeat of the Federalists in 1816, built the party founda- tions for permanency as well as strength and utility. Sectarian animosities when confused with party pol- itics are not easily eradicated. The agitation for what is known in the history of this state as religious toleration was formally begun in the legislature in 181 5. The so-called Toleration Act did not become a law until 18 19. Meanwhile the conflict before the people and in the legislature was strenuous and often- times intensely acrimonious. The Rev. Dan Young, a minister of the Methodist denomination, who introduced the first bill looking towards this reform in the senate in 181 5, was re-elected from term to term until the passage of the act was accomplished. He was a leading exponent of this cause. His life, written by W. P. Strickland, con- tains an interesting account of this controversy. In the house, Ichabod Bartlett of Portsmouth and Dr. Thomas Whipple of Wentworth were the champions of the Toler- ation jMeasures. Mr. Henry Hubbard of Charlestown 29 STATE BUILDERS was an advocate of the existing system. Mr. Barstow in his history of New Hampshire gives a very ample resume of the debates in the House. Contrary to the predictions and convictions of the op- ponents of these changes in the law of the State relating to town taxation and town control in church affairs, the results were advantageous to the Congregationalists as well as to other denominations. Contemporary with the occurrences already recounted was the attempt to amend the charter of Dartmouth col- lege by state authority for the purpose of reorganizing the government of the institution. This legislation was the result of the controversy between factions in the town and college at Hanover. ''•' Their petitions to the Legislature for interference in- volved far-reaching results. The Dartmouth college case has become a landmark in federal jurisprudence. Incidentally it served to make prominent and bring into the view of the whole country the fact that there was at the bar of New Hampshire and on the bench of her high- est court a group of lawyers whose learning and forensic ability could not be surpassed at that day in the entire length and breadth of the Union. The "era of good feeling," which intervened between the War of 1812 and the organization of the Whig party in 1832, was a period in which personal politics predom- inated in all directions. From that date the Whigs by de- grees developed strength sufficient at intervals seriously to threaten Democratic ascendancy in the state. Their activity and method were especially manifest in the cam- paigns of 1839 and 1840, when Gen. James Wilson made his phenomenal runs for the governorship. The rapid declination of the \\'hig party after the Mex- * Address of President Tucker before the N. H. State Board Association, John Marshall Day. Vol. I, Proceedings, p. 360. STATE BUILDERS ican War resulted from causes in some respects similar to those which militated against the Federalists after the War of 1812-15. In 1826 occurred the Anti-Masonic uprising. This affair drifted into politics, and, as a party issue for a time, commanded serious attention. The movement did not, however, acquire in this state the momentum which it had in Vermont, where a state government was elected on an Anti-j\Iasonic platform. The Democracy of New Hampshire for a long series of years was regarded as the Democracy of Andrew Jackson and Isaac Hill. The state was a Jacksonian Gibraltar. It is said that Gov. Hill was a potent member of the president's "'kitchen cabinet." However the fact may be on that point, the manage- ment of the New Hampshire leaders always successfully met the practical test that "nothing succeeds like success." It is conceded that Gov. Hill exercised great influence in national affairs. The plan of a national convention to nominate candidates for president and vice-president to supersede the old method of nominations by a congres- sional caucus is attributed tO' him. Another remarkable political fact related to Jackson's administration is the number and prominence of the New Hampshire stock in his cabinet. Lewis Cass, a native of Exeter, was Secre- tary of War from 1831 to 1833. Amos Kendall, a native of Nashua, was Postmaster-General from 1835 to 1837. Levi Woodbury, a native of Francestown, was Secre- tary of the Navy from 183 1 to 1833, and Associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1845, ^^^^^ ^t times was regarded as nluch more than a presidential possibility. He died in 185 1, Nathan Clifford, a native of Rumney, another Jacksonian Democrat of the New ITampshire stock, Attorney- General under Polk in 1846, was appointed to the Supreme court in 1857. Gen. Cass, who had the 31 STATE BUILDERS Democratic nomination for the Presidency in 1848, closed his distinguished public career as Secretary of State under President Buchanan. In all this period to the time of his death in 1852, stood Webster, another son of New Hampshire, without an equal in his assem- blage of talents and attainments as a jurist, as an orator and as a statesman among his contemporaries. At the same time, moreover, a new generation of sons of the Granite state were coming to place, power and promi- nence in the national arena. Of New Hampshire senators the names of Franklin Pierce, Samuel Bell, Levi Woodbury, Isaac Hill, Charles G. Atherton, John P. Plale, Henry Hubbard and John S. Wells are easily recalled as statesmen of national reputa- tion. As representatives from other states in the senate who were senators before 1855, and eventually were recognized as statesmen of the first class, were Wm. Pitt Fessenden and John A. Dix, both natives of Boscawen, and Salmon P. Chase, a native of Cornish. Horace Greeley, a native of Amherst, was already a controlling force in journalism which was moving the minds of men in every northern state. Among the political diversions of this period which gave the Democracy of this state no little concern was the Independent Democracy in 1842, 1843, i844- It made a division of the party forces on the question of the measure of power that was to be conceded to railroads and other corporations in their acts of incorporation. The party had righted itself from this jolt when another indepen- dent movement confronted the organization in 1846 and 1847. This was really important and far-reaching. It involved the slavery question and enabled the Whigs and Free Soilers to effect a successful coalition and choose a senator of the United States. The contest of New Hampshire brought Franklin Pierce and John P. Hale more directly and more prom- 32 STATE BUILDERS inently than ever before into the Hght of national pub- licity, and from this time on both were recognized as na- tional leaders destined tO' assume the most important rolls in the great national drama that was impending. There were in this period, however, important social and reformatory agitations in progress through which permanent and valuable results were evolved. One of these movements was in the line of temperance reform, and the other was directed against the institution of slavery. The efforts in favor of the first of these causes was primarily by means of associations designed for the education of the people and reform by the forces of argument and reason, and later by organization of such societies as the Washingtonians and the Sons of Temperance. The anti-slavery movement found many in- tensely earnest and devoted adherents. They were so uncompromising in their propaganda that many of the best people in the State of a less aggressive cast of mind regarded them as genuine fanatics. Doubtless the results of these agitations were more varied and far reaching than those who were the con- temporaries of the apostles of anti-slavery realized. N. P. Rogers, Abby Kelley, Stephen S. Foster, Parker Pillsbury and others w^ere co-workers whose efforts in the cause which they regarded as paramount over all other social and moral issues, are the subjects of Mr. Pillsbury's history, "The Acts of the Anti-Slavery Apos- tles." They were reinforced on the New Hampshire platforms by Garrison, Thompson, Fred Douglass and Harriet Martineau in public speeches and in newspaper arguments and by the Hutchinsons by their even more effective singing of anti-slavery songs. "The Herald of Freedom" was an influential party newspaper which was maintained by the Abolitionists for many years. A political organization was effected after a few years of continuance of this agitation, but its lead- 33 STATE BUILDERS ers did not put the party to the test of such a radical declaration of principles as the unconditional Atx)lition-- ists demanded. The free soil vote first appeared in the candidacy of Daniel Hoit for Go\-ernor in 1841, and it continued to be a factor of more or less importance until 1856. Attention has now been called to the existence of opin- ions and influences which were tending unmistakably towards a political revolution in Xew Hampshire. In the latter part of this period the long continued discussion of the temperance question and the develop- ment of a conviction with the people that the subject must be treated in a more effectual way than had before been attempted and by a new system of liquor laws were what preceded and eventually took practical form in the prohibitory law of 1855. The militia, which had formerly reached a high degree of efficiency and had been so maintained for more than one hundred years, had now fallen into decadence. In the time of the Indian wars, the war of the Revolution and the war of 181 2, ever}- citizen of New Hampshire was a trained soldier, and these were the men who fought the battles of their country- and gave the world a new nation. A new and greater struggle was impending. Webster saw it and foretold it in prophetic speech. The military system of the state instead of being re- formed was abolished. The Mexican \Var, 1846- 1848, was prosecuted at a scene of operations so far distant that New Hampshire was less affected by it than it had been by any other. either of the colonies or of the republic. Nevertheless it responded with spirit to the calls of the president and promptly forwarded its quota. Franklin Pierce was made a brigadier general and participated in Scott's campaign. Several New Hampshire men who were afterwards prom- inent in the Union armies from 1861 to 186^, began STATE BUILDERS a military career in ]\Iexico. Among these may be mentioned George Bowers, Lieut.-Colonel of the 13th Regiment; Thomas J. \\'hipple, Colonel of the 4th; Joseph H. Potter, Colonel of the 12th and Brigadier- General of the regular army; Jesse A. Gove, Colonel of the 22d Massachusetts; John Bedel, Colonel of the 3d New Hampshire and Brevet Brigadier-General; John H. Jackson, Colonel of the 3d regiment; George Thom, Gen- eral in the same war; E. A. Kimball, Lieutenant-Colonel of Hawkins' Zouaves, and Thomas P. Pierce, who was appointed Colonel of the 2d New Hampshire, but de- clined the command. Major \\'illiam Wallace Bliss was Assistant Adjutant General to Gen. Taylor, Charles F. Low of Concord, Theodore F. Rowe of Portsmouth, Daniel Batchelder of Benton and Xoah E. Smith of Gil- manton served in various capacities in the Mexican War, Lieut.-Col. Benj. K. Pierce, a brother of the president, was a very prominent officer in the Seminole War. He died in the regular arm}' from the effects of disease in- curred in. Florida, Xo revision of the constitution through the instrumen- tality of a delegate convention was undertaken after 1791 until 1850. The convention then assembled was an ag- gregation of men distinguished in various walks of life, and Franklin Pierce was made the presiding officer. The changes accomplished were limited in number, but important, progressive and beneficial at the three points of amendment on which ratification by the people was secured. The contemporary historical literature of this period comprises the periodical publications of the Xew Hamp- shire Historical Society (founded in 1823) ; the historical magazine of Farmer & IMoore, begun in 182 1; the X^'ev/ Hampshire Repository, edited by \Mlliam Cogswell, 1845-1847, the Farmers' Monthly Visitor, 1852-1854, 35 STATE BUILDERS and the Granite Farmer and Monthly Visitor, 1854- 1855, conducted by Chandler E. Potter. Whiton's History of New Hampshire, published in 1834, supposedly to a certain extent in the interest of the Whig party, was followed by Barstow's in 1842, in which is disclosed a quite distinct Democratic predilection. Both, however, are very creditable works. John Farmer's revision of Belknap's History also appeared in 1831. The debates in the convention of 1850 were reported in full, but there is no publication of them except in the contemporary files of the New Hampshire Patriot. Industrial movements destined to be of vast importance to the state were taking form and resulting in local es- tablishments at various points in these years. In 1835 the first railroads were chartered, less than seventy years ago. The great cotton manufacturing industry which has now for so long a time been the backbone of the state's industrial stability and prosperity, was established in the first half of the century just ended. When the Democracy entered into pow'er in 1816 they imitated the precedent their opponents established in 1813, abolishing the existing system of courts and dis- persing the judges who held office under it. It is tO' their credit, however, that the court of which William M. Richardson was. the chief justice and Samuel Bell and Levi Woodbury the associates, and those who succeeded them in regular sequence till the termination of the Demo- cratic regime in 1855, were of conspicuous learning, char- acter and judicial ability. The chief justices from the beginning of the state gov- ernment of 1784 had been Samuel Livermore, Josiah Bartlett, John Pickering, Simeon Olcott, Jeremiah Smith, Arthur Livermore, William M. Richardson, Joel Parker, John J. Gilchrist and Andrew S. Woods. The existing political parties were now (1854) honey- 36 STATE BUILDERS combed with disaffection and discordant opinions within the party hnes by reason of the introduction of new issues, some of which, as for instance the temperance question and the subject of slavery, involved vital moral consider- ations. The American party, which marked a sharp reaction from the anti-secret society ideas of the Anti-Masonry epoch, was organized under esoteric forms, and all of its successes were achieved under the black domino. The principal issue which it ostensibly presented wasafictitious one. The threatened danger of domination of American institutions and American affairs by the Pope of Rome was preposterous. Nevertheless this party of mushroom growth and brief existence sensed the purpose of thousands of discontented partisans to rearrange their political alliances and to emerge from this great political chrysalis in an absolutely new political attire. This was the end of the period of political ascendency accorded between 1816 and 1855 to the democracy of New Hampshire. NEW HAMPSHIRE AND THE PRESIDENCY. It was among the decrees of destiny that the presidency for once at least should come to New Hampshire. It was necessarily ordered, moreover, that this event should transpire before New York had become an indispensable factor in presidential contests; before Indiana had be- come pivotal; before Illinois had become an imperial com- monwealth; and before the stars of Ohio had preempted the zenith. From 1848 to 1872 the sons of New Hampshire were to be reckoned with in every cjuadrennial disposal of the candidacies for this great office. Cass, nominated by 37 STATE BUILDERS the Democrats in 1848, was defeated only by a mischance, possibly an accident, possibly by means not justifiable. As the campaign of 1852 approached, Webster's friends made an active canvass for him and for the first time his candidacy was openly and positively avowed. It is one of those unaccountable eccentricities of national politics, occasionally and too often recurring-, that a party that might make a Webster president should be content with a ^^' illiam Henry Harrison, a Taylor, or a Scott. Levi Woodbury was under serious consideration as a possible Democratic candidate, but his death in 1851 closed the book. John P. Hale was chosen to lead the forlorn hope of the Free-soilers in 1852. This candidacy contained no ele- ment of personal retaliation upon either of the great par- ties, as did that of Van Buren in 1848. It cast a side- light upon the situation and tendencies in politics at that time, of which few of the contemporary politicians were wise enough to take advantage or warning. Although Webster and Cass still stood at the forefront among the statesmen of their time, it was to be General Pierce's triumph and New Hampshire's opportunity. The president was to be one who was not only a son of the soil, but a life-long resident upon it. He was elected by an overwhelming majority. Only a few of the lead- ers in public thought and public action realized as did Webster the actual volcanic condition of the politics of that period. Mr. Pierce's administration was indeed to conduct national affairs very near to the end of that epoch. The portents of the coming conflict overshad- owed all the plans, devices and efforts of statecraft. President Pierce's official family — Marcy, Guthrie, Mc- Clelland, Davis, Dobbin, Campbell, and Gushing — was one of the ablest, best organized, most harmonious, and most homogeneous American cabinets ever assembled, and it had the unique distinction of unbroken continu- 38 STATE BUILDERS ance during a full presidential term. It was the policy of the party, of which this administration was of neces- sity the representative and exponent, and the conditions of its political environment from 1853 tO' 1857, and not any fault or failure of the president in adhering to that policy, however, unwise and impossible it may have ap-- peared in the light of subsequent history, that rendered his re-nomination impossible. Franklin Pierce adminis- tered his great office with statesmanlike tact and acumen, with notable and unfailing dignity and courtesy, and with loyalty to the principles of the party by whose sufifrages he had been elevated to the chief magistracy. It was in obedience to the dictates of party expediency, and not in exemplification of the courage of political faith and pur- pose, on the part of the Democracy of 1856, that James Buchanan was made the party nominee instead of Frank- lin Pierce. In this period. Chase, Hale and Greeley had already become recognized as statesmen of presidential propor- tions. Chase's candidacy for the Republican nomination in i860 and 1864, and for that of the Democracy in 1868, were, in each instance, so formidable that, though unsuc- cessful, they were of far-reaching influence in national politics. The candidacy of Horace Greeley by nomination of the liberal Republicans in 1872, with such a relatively unimportant associate as B. Gratz Brown, may have been impolitic. The ratification of those nominations by the national Democracy was surprising and of course tem- porarily disastrous to the party. It was, however, a change of front in line of battle, and all the chances inci- dent to such a movement w^^re necessarily taken by those party leaders who were convinced that no other course was open to them. It was a shifting of all the aHgnment absolutely prerequisite to the contest which was opened under the leadership of Mr. Tilden in 1876. 39 STATE BUILDERS The one opportunity which was presented to General Butler, and by the acceptance of which he might have reached the presidency, was closed to him when he de- clined to accept the nomination for the vice-presidency, which it is generally conceded was at one time at his dis- posal, on the Lincoln ticket in 1864. His attempt to obtain a controlling position in the Democratic conven- tion of 1884 and his subsequent flank movement against the party which had nominated ]\Ir. Cleveland, both mis- carried, but his attempt to compass by indirection the election of 'Sir. Blaine through his own candidacy as the nominee of the so-called People's party was too nearly successful to be regarded in any other light than as an important episode in a most remarkable presidential cam- paign. Henry ^\'ilson had fairly entered upon the last stages of a successful progress to the presidency when he was made vice-president at the second Grant election in 1872. This peerless organizer was then the natural, if not the inevitable, heir to the succession. Had he lived it was hardly among the possibilities that he could fail to be nominated and elected to the presidency in 1876 or 1880, or for both the terms to which ]\Ir. Hayes and Sir. Gar- field were chosen. Zachariah Chandler was regarded as an important fac- tor in the disposition of the presidency, and his candi- dacy, until his death in 1879. was attracting an influential following. In the cabinets of the war period the treasury portfolio was successively in the hands of John A. Dix, in the last days of the Buchanan administration in 1861, and Salmon P. Chase and \\'illiam Pitt Fessenden, at the beginning of a Republican regime, until the end of the administra- tion of ■Mr. Lincoln. The conduct of this department by these three sons of Xew Hampshire constitutes the mosc 40 STATE BUILDERS important chapter in the financial history of the Ameri- can goA^ernment. In the second term of President Grant, Zachariah Chandler held the office of Secretary of the Interior, Amos T. Akerman that of Attorney-General, and Marshall Jewell that of Postmaster-General. With William E. Chandler's service as Secretary in an important transition period in the history of the American navy and in con- nection with the inauguration of far-reaching measures for the development of an adequate American war marine in the temi of President Arthur, the past record of New Hampshire men in the cabinet is concluded. Zachariah Chandler and William E. Chandler are also regarded as the Warwicks of the presidential complica- tions and conditions which obtained in the contest be- tween Mr. Tilden and Mr. Hayes in 1876, and their timely, skilful and strenuous measures are now generally regarded as being the decisive factors in the course of events which resulted in the inauguration of Mr. Hayes as president. With the passing of the old school of statesmen of New Hampshire nativity, of presidential aspirations and presi- dential measure, twenty years ago, the State has been practically out of presidential politics as it is related to personal candidacies. The latter representatives of the virile stock of the Granite State are evidently attracted from the domain of national and local politics to more important and promising financial, commercial and mate ■ rial opportunities in the world's work. In this field well- informed observers readily recall the forceful and suc- cessful personalities of James F. Joy, Edward Tuck, Austin Corbin. Charles W. Pillsbury, John C. Pillsbury. Thomas W. Pierce, Frank Jones, Hiram N. Turner, Charles P. Clark, Ezekiel A. Straw, Joseph Stickney, Stilson Hutchins and "Long" John Went worth. Some time ago. Senator Hoar, in the Forum, discussed 41 STATE BUILDERS the question whether the United States Senate, in point of average abihty, had degenerated, comparing it, as it was constituted at the time of his writing, with its mem- bership fifty or seventy-five years ago. Mr. Charles R. JNIiller, in a reply in the same magazine, made the remark pertinent then to his purpose and pertinent now to these comments, ''That were Webster living in these days he would neither be in the Senate nor in debt." EVENTS FROM 1856 TO 1866.* The Republican party was organized in New Hamp- shire in 1856. It stood in full strength and stature at the beginning of the long course which it was destined to run, — the yet undetermined period of control which it was to hold, — in the affairs of the state. Pursuing the established methods of political warfare it emphasized the fact of its assumption of political power by abolishing the existing court system and the creation of a new one supposedly more consonant with the changed conditions in political and public affairs. The precedent was repeated by the Democracy in 1874 and by the Republicans again in 1876. Twice in the intervening years the court systems have been radically reversed when changes in party ascendency were not coin- cident, — first in 1859 and last in 1891. The chief justices since 1855 have been Ira Perley, Samuel Dana Bell, Henry A. Bellows, Jonathan E. Sar- gent, Edmund L. Gushing, Charles Doe, Alonzo P. Car- * Hon. William E. Chandler, whose active cafeer in New Hampshire politics extends back over a period of at least sixty years, and who is still vigorous and potential in national and state affairs, is contemporary with the entire life of the existing Republican party. He has supplemented constant and intimate connection with law, politics, journalism and legisla- tion in his native state with a record of forceful influence and distinguished standing and service in the domain of national affairs such as has been accorded to no other of his New Hampshire contemporaries since Franklin Pierce and John P. Hale attained their primacy. 42 STATE BUILDERS penter, Lewis W. Clark, Isaac N. Blodgett and Frank N. Parsons. Since 1855 the chief justice of the circuit or superior courts existing at three periods have been Jonathan Kit- tredge, Wm. L. Foster and Robert M. Wallace. The approaching war betw^een the states was at this time imminent. It affected the course of events in all directions. The representatives of New Hampshire in the national congress in the period of the later discussions which culminated in the war were of a superior order of ability. Included in the list are Isaac Hill, Levi Woodbury, Franklin Pierce, Henry Hubbard, Harry Hibbard, Amos Tuck, John P. Hale, James Bell, Oilman Marston, Mason W. Tappan and Daniel Clark. In the history of the first New Hampshire regiment a chapter will be found on the subject of "The relation of New Hampshire men to the events which culminated in the War of the Rebellion," by William F. Whitcher. It is a treatment of this theme which could not here be improved upon, and therefore it need not be attempted. Any subject that is already well treated is sufficiently treated. The opposition to Lincoln and Hamlin in New Hamp- shire in i860 was divided into three factions, although one candidate and his associate would have needed all the votes that were available. The state administration wdien Sumter fell was con- fronted by a difficult situation. President Lincoln had called for a regiment of New Hampshire men for three months' service. There was no emergency war fund in the New Hampshire treasury, no efficient existing militia system and no legislature in session. The Governor, how- ever, procured the means of equipping the regiment upon his own credit and the credit of patriotic banks and indi- viduals, and Congressman Tappan, who was given the 43 STATE BUILDERS colonelcy, had the first New Hampshire regiment in the field before the legislature was assembled. In the intervening war period Ichotod Goodwin, Na- thaniel S. Berry and Joseph A. Gilmore were the war governors. Frederic Smyth, sometimes erroneously des- ignated as a war governor, was not inaugurated as Chief Magistrate until June, 1865, when the war had been con- cluded. Seventeen full regiments of infantry were sent into the service from New Hampshire. Col. Kent's regiment (the seventeenth), which was nearly filled, was not mustered. A large part of the men raised for it by its organizer were assigned to other regiments. The remaining part was consolidated ^^•ith the veteran secoiid regiment. The state also contril)uted a battalion of cavalry, after- wards augmented to a regiment, three companies of sharp shooters, a battery of light artillery and a regiment of heavy artillery. Besides these it furnished a liberal num- ber of sailors for the navy. As has been observed by the writer in another connec- tion, perhaps the most remarkable feature of the history of New Hampshire in relation to the war for the union, is disclosed in the following statement : — "In the war period sons of New Hampshire moved in important spheres of national influence. Only a few of the names on that remarkable list need be recalled to give point to this observation. In the United States Senate, Henry Wilson, native of Farmington, was chairman of the committee on military affairs; John P. Hale, native of Rochester, chairman of the committee on naval affairs; William Pitt Fessenden, native of Boscawen, chairman of the committee on finance and appropriations; James W. Grimes, native of Deering, chairman of the committee on the District of Columbia; Zachariah Chandler, native of Bedford, chairman of the committee on commerce; and Daniel Clark, native of Stratham, chairman of the com- 44 STATE BUILDERS mittee on claims. Salmon P. Chase, native of Cornish, was Secretary of the Treasury and author of the finan- cial legislation which produced the sinews of war. Horace Greeley, native of Amherst, was the greatest intellectual force in the journalism of that time. Charles A. Dana, native of Hinsdale, was assistant secretary of war, and known as "the eves of the war department." John A. Dix, native of Boscawen, Benjannn F. Butler, native of Deerfield, John G. Foster, native of Whitefleld, one of the defenders of Sumter, and Fitz-John Porter, native of Portsmouth, whose historic fight for the vindication of his good name and soldierly reputation, as admirable in its courage and persistencv as it was successful in the result, were major-generals. '^V alter Kittredge, native of Mer- rimack, wrote 'Tenting on the Old Camp Ground.' Charles Carleton Coffin, native of Boscawen, the war cor- respondent, wrote the histories of the war which are most read by the youth of the land. "The lives of these men, written and unwritten, consti- tute a part of the history of the period of strong agita- tion, civil war. and reconstruction so important and exten- sive' that it is appreciated only by those who have made the most profound study of the events which they influ- enced. Several of thera were distinguished contributors of elaborate works devoted to the history of their time." While it is conceded that New Hampshire contributed no great leader in the war for the Union who could fairly be assigned to the class with Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Thomas, it can be asserted with absolute confidence that every New Hampshire regiment was composed of a superior class of citizen soldiers, and that every regi- ment was led by patriotic, brave and capable commanders. "Nearly all these regiments have performed the patri- otic duty 'since the war^of publishing elaborate regimental histories. These books record the fact that Ladd, the first man who fell in the sixth Massachusetts in Baltimore, 45 STATE BUILDERS was a son of New Hampshire; that the fifth regiment lost more men in battle tl^an any other infantry regiment in the Union army; that the seventh lost more officers in a single engagement (Fort Wagner) than any other in- fantry regiment in the Union army; that the men of the twelfth and thirteenth regiments were the first organized bodies to enter Richmond; that the percentage of loss b}'' the twelfth was greater than that of the fifth; that the losses of the ninth and sixteenth from exposure and other causes place the debt due to them for devotion and sacri- fice among the first in the fateful catalogue; that the other regiments exhibit records of singular distinction, according to their opportunities in the service; and they prove that, relating to ever}^ one of these organizations, there is most valuable historical material which renders their publications indispensable to any measurably com- plete collection of Americana. "Indeed, so abundant is the information available to the student of this series of histories, so great is its value, and so striking is the lesson of good citizenship and patriotism it teaches, that indifference to it is discreditable to the system under which our youth are passing from the period of scholastic instruction to the active duties and responsibilities of pri\-ate business or public service. "It is not an unimportant consideration that the histo- rians of these events were the actors in them. Every pass- age in the narratives is a statement of fact under the light and guidance of actual experience, but with a modest and cautious reserve which excludes that over-coloring of im- agination and exaggeration that often mars the pages of history." " A wonderful man was this Cassar, Who could both write and fight, and in both was equally skillful." 46 STATE BUILDERS PROGRESS FROM 1866 TO 1903. With the exception of the brief interval of war with Spain in 1898, the opportunities of the people of New Hampshire have been those which only a long period of peace can afford. In the administration of Gov. George A. Ramsdell the state furnished its quota for the last foreign war. This was a full regiment of three battalions commanded by Col. Robert H. Rolfe. It was assigned to the concentration camp at Chickamauga, served for a period of six months and returned without having been afforded an opportunity to test its quality at the front of battle. There is no doubt that had the coveted post of honor Ijeen granted to these men as it was to the New Hampshire-born leader of the "Rough Riders" at Santiago (Gen. Leonard Wood), they also would have demonstrated what the traditions and tutelage of Stark, Miller and Cross mean for the military spirit which will now and hereafter bear aloft the standards of the state and the Union. This regiment was equipped and sent to the southern rendezvous upon the responsibility assumed by the exec- utive department very much in accordance with the precedent set in 1861. Sometime this experience in such a critical emergency as a call for troops in the face of imminent national neces- sity will suggest to the legislature the importance of a permanent provision of law under which the executive may act effectively and promptly without assuming the personal pecuniary responsibility involved in the equip- ment of a regiment for immediate duty or the expense of a special session of the legislature. At this time there is promise of national aid to the National Guard of the state, and an apparent certainty that the New Hampshire military system already entitled to commendation for its efficiency will deserve to rank 47- STATE BUILDERS with the most approved mihtary estabhshments in the Union. The brigade now in command of Gen. Jason H. Tolles consists of two three-battahon regiments of infantry, a company of cavah-y and a battery of artillery with a total strength of twelve hundred and forty-five men and one hundred and ten officers. The story of New Hampshire in the last half century is one of great industrial prosperity and progress. The details and proofs of this advancement of the state along the lines of its individual industries are the subjects of dry statistical demonstration. Agriculture has waited long for the coming of its share in the material tri- umphs of industry and enterprise. The wide-spread de- velopment of the vast and varied resources of the con- tinent has at length produced a stimulating and beneficial effect upon eastern agriculture. The present status of this industry as compared with previous decades cannot be accurately determined until the latest statistics gathered by the federal census are published. The business of farming sufi'ered seriously from ad- verse conditions which it encountered after the change of values which accompanied the resumption of specie payments and the falling off of war prices, the influx of low-priced meats and cereals from the west, the increas- ing tendency of farmers' boys and girls to cjuit the ances- tral occupation for other and supposedly more profitable or more inviting employments, and the deterioration of farm lands in productive capacity. On the other hand, the improvement of transportation facilities, the introduction of more scientific methods of agriculture, the social and industrial organizations of farmers, technical education in this calling and the secondary effects of such technical education, the special- ization and concentration of farm labor and investment STATE BUILDERS upon the treatment of those classes of Hve stock and products against which outside competition is not disas- trous, and the growth of new and larger demands for local farm products by the summer hotels, the lumbermen and the increasing population of the manufacturing cen- tres in convenient access to the several farm districts have combined with other influences to set the tide of business prosperity again in strong current in favor of this indus- tr>'- ' ^ , - It has transpired that the largest increase in prices now paid for the ordinary necessities of life are for farm products. This condition is happily affording farmers a substantial advantage, and its beneficial effects are not only advancing the interests of those actually engaged in agriculture, but are also promoting the general prosperity which is al^^■ays intimately related to the business of cul- tivating the soil — that basic occupation upon which all sound industrial progress and business stability is estab- lished and is dependent. These far-reaching changes in social, educational, and industrial conditions in this State, as related immediately to agriculture, have not been wrought out without well directed sagacious, patient, timely, and disinterested ef- fort on the part of representative and patriotic farmers. The industrial history of the years intervening since the end of the war for the Union discloses the activity and achievements of a band of devoted, tireless, intelligent and progressive laborers in this direction. The results of their efforts through organization have been what state laws and the agencies of government could never do for those engaged in the business of agriculture. A con- spicuous member of this group, Xahum J. Bachelder, has for twenty years or more been a stimulating, organizing, and directing force in the advancement of these under- takings and in the accomplishment of beneficent results. His influence long ago* passed beyond the boundaries of 49 STATE BUILDERS the state. It augurs well for the business side of agri- culture as well as its social and educational relations that such an organizer, leader and conservator has unre- servedly devoted himself and the best years of his life to this cause. The political history of the state since the war for the Union is replete with interesting events and incidents. Until 1896, with the exception of a significant and with many of its participants a permanent revolt from the Re- publican party in 1872, political alignments had been very strictly maintained and political contests had usually had more or less of the hazard of uncertainty. Not infre- quently the Democracy succeeded in electing a member of Congress while they were always represented in the state senate, and it was only in rare instances that they failed to have an executive councillor in the state administration. Indeed, in both 1871 and 1874, by controlling the legis- lature, they elected a governor. The governors of the state since the organization of the Republican party have usually been of other callings than that of the law. Four of the modern incumbents of the office, though educated to that profession, had retired from active practice and engaged in other pursuits at the time of their election to the governorship. In a period of forty-five years Hon. Chester B. Jordan is the only governor who at the same time continued in ac- tive practice in the legal profession. In the same period the majority of the senators and members in Congress were lawyers. In four congresses, however, the 48th, 49th, 50th and 51st, it happened that nO' lawyer was elected to the house from this state. It is another singular fact that the recent election of a member of congress for a fifth successive term is without precedent in New Hampshire. Indeed, three terms have seldom been accorded to a rep- resentative. The senators have been dealt with in a similar fashion until recent years. Senator Chandler 50 STATE BUILDERS passed the limit and Senator Gallinger has had the ex- traordinary experience of elections to three full terms. Of course the interests of the state have suffered the penalty in a representation in a great number of congresses by men usually of a superior order of ability and special fitness for the service but laboring constantly at disad- vantage by reason of the superior power and prestige acquired by representatives from other states in long con- tinued re-elections. The legislature became biennial and the senate was in- creased to twenty-four members, while the term of the governor and other state officers was extended to two years in 1878 as a result of constitutional amendments emanating from the convention of 1876. The legislative history of the post-bellum years is in- teresting and important. Gilman Marston and Harry Bingham, by reason of their towering intellectual ability, rugged honesty and persistent devotion to the business of legislation, are rightfully termed the "great commoners" in the general court of New Hampshire. Three constitutional conventions have occurred since the amendments of 1850, one in 1876, one in 1889 and one in 1902. Of the first Hon. Daniel Clark was president, of the second Hon. Chas. H. Bell, and of the third Gen. Frank S. Streeter. The amendments which resulted from these conventions were with a few notable exceptions such as did not accomplish radical changes in the organic law. Manufacturing has been largely increased since 1866 in the variety of the plants and in the value of the product. The Amoskeag continues to hold its rank as the largest single establishment for the manufacture of cotton goods in the world. The New Hampshire lumber mills at Berlin and Lincoln have been developed and improved in recent years until they are among the most extensive and the 51 STATE BUILDERS best equipped in the United States. The business of manufacturing wood pulp in this state represents the hig-hest degree of modern progress in that industry, and a ^•ast investment of capital. The manufacture of shoes, hosiery and woollens in this period has assumed strikingly large proportions in New Hampshire. The catalogue of minor manufacturing industries that are well established and profitable is extensive and suggestive of the proba- bility of greater de\'elopment in many existing lines of manufacturing enterprise, and many yet to be inaugur- ated. The state is becoming the home and place of sojourn of thousands of those who are seeking recreation and location in a region of the most beautiful climate and the grandest ocean and mountain scenery on the eastern side of the national domain. Recent statistics of this business exhibit an investment of $10,442,352 in the state. The help employed in 1899 was 12,354, with wages of $539,901. Two hundred and four towns were entertaining summer tourists and so- journers. More than twenty thousand of these people occupied cottages in 1899. They were also patronizing several hundred hotels and one thousand six hundred and twenty-four farm houses. The volume of this business estimated by cash receipts from 'it in 1899 was nearly seven million of dollars. It is not within the province of this epitome to enter into the limitless extensions of ecclesiastical and educa- tional statistics. The later history of religion and educa- tion in this state may be summarized and condensed, for the present purpose, into a few statements. In the cities and large centres of population the provisions for educa- tion of youth and for religious worship and religious teaching are such as afford superior privileges. In the remote and partially depopulated towns people ha\-e not kept up the rate of progress in respect to church exten- 52 STATE BUILDERS sion and educational opportunities that is apparent in the more wealthy and populous districts. Ihis is inevi- table under existing conditions and methods. It is within the power of each religious denomination to remedy this state of affairs for itself as regards the present disparity in the maintenance of religious teaching, institutions and organizations in dift'erent localities. The state must re- form its system of local congestion of school expendi- tures and provide a common school education, first class in every respect, to the completion of the grammar grade, where all the youth of school age in any school district can have just as complete common school opportunities as their fellows who happen to haA'e been born in a large town or a prosperous city. The light of the sun and the free air are the property of everybody everywhere and in perfect equality of privi- lege and possession. To a certain extent on a similar prmciple of equality and freedom, reasonable and ade- quate educational opportunities and wholesome religious and moral teaching should be ensured in every locality so that the young everywhere within the limits of school age may have a fair start in education and morals. The two weak places in our educational scheme are in the poverty of school privileges in numerous localities and the absence outside the cities of intelligent, capable and systematic supervision of the schools according to a plan by which the entire state would be divided into super- vision districts and a trained professional educator placed in charge of each district. New Hampshire has not been such a field as some other localities have been to attract great preachers to service within her borders. A study of the biographical data relative to the native ministry collected by Rev. N. F. Carter, however, discloses a surprisingly large num- ber of preachers and teachers who have gone out from the parishes of this state and engaged in relig"ious work 53 STATE BUILDERS in all sections of this country and abroad in all parts of the field of general missions. At the extremes of a cen- tury the distinguished careers of Samuel Langdon and Nathan Lord will be observed, — one going from this state to the presidency of Harvard and the other coming from another state to the presidency of Dartmouth, — both great lights in theology, education and political science. The list of men eminent in the church who are natives of New Hampshire is indeed remarkable. In that roll will be found the names of Benjamin Randall, founder of the Free Baptist denomination; Hosea Bal- lon, founder of modern Universalism; Carlton Chase, Philander Chase, and William Bell White Howe, Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church; Osmoh C. Baker, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church; Alonzo A. Miner, theologian, college president, and reformer; James Freeman Clarke, preacher and author; Samuel C. Bartlett, author and educator; and Francis Brown, eminent in theological instruction and as a religious au- thority. The Right Rev. Denis M. Bradley, Roman Catholic Bishop of Manchester, and the Right Rev. William Woodruff Niles, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New- Hampshire, are both distinguished prelates and adminis- trators, whose labors have been marked by material and spiritual progress and achievement in contemporary epis- copacies covering unusually long periods. Theological education has not been neglected in the past in this state. Both the Baptist and the Free Baptist denominations have had at different times theological seminaries at New Hampton. The Biblical Institute at Concord was the nucleus from which the theological de- partment of Boston University was developed, as the New Hampton school was transferred to Lewiston to constitute the theological department at Bates College. 54 STATE BUILDERS A theological seminary of good repute was maintained many years at Gilmanton by the Congregationalists. The college of St. Anselm at Manchester, established in recent years, has taken high rank as an educational institution of the youth between the high schools and the academies and the post graduate professional schools. Dartmouth since the conclusion of the administration of Nathan -Lord has more than doubled its resources, its buildings and its corps of instructors. The most con- spicuous and perhaps the most important addition to its departments is the Tuck post-graduate school designed foi the higher special education of men intending to en- gage in those lines of business which are not included or provided for in the ordinary professional schools. The Normal School at Plymouth is permanently estab- lished and supported by the state on constantly progres- sive methods and increasing financial and instructional provisions for its work. It stands well in line with the better class of institutions of its kind. The local high schools in most of the large towns and smaller cities have been established since the war with facilities of instruction and curriculum to cover the aca- demic courses and those required for admission to college. The state library, a model institution of its kind, with every modern equipment appropriate to an institution of its standing in the domain of library progress, and more than two hundred local free libraries are no inconsiderable re-enforcement of the educational system. Indeed, a free library is now within the reach of every citizen and every youth of the state. The College of Agriculture and Mechanic arts, at first established at Hanover upon a federal foundation, in the administration of President Smith, but re-established at Durham by act of the legislature prior to the administra- tion of President Murkland, and known as the State Col- lege, has been the beneficiary of a large endowment by 55 STATE BUILDERS Benj. Thompson and liberal aid from the state. It has every prospect of phenomenal prosperity and usefulness, as its resources are organized, directed and concentrated upon that de[Dartment of education which was within the design of congress and its later benefactor in the pro- vision of the financial foundations. Among the more influential exponents of journalism, who have been identified with the newspapers of the state past and present may be mentioned Isaac Hill, Nathaniel P. Rogers, George G. Fogg, Asa IMcFarland, John B. Clarke, William E. Chandler and Orrin C. Moore. In the more national field of this fourth profession, beyond question the primate was Horace Greeley. Commanding position has also been held by a number of other sons of New Hampshire in journalistic labor and entei-prise. While there are many who are doubtless entitled tO' mention in this class, it certainly is not permis- sible to omit the mention of Charles A. Dana, I'lic Sun, New York; Charles G. Green, Tlie Boston Post; Stilson Hutchins, Tlic Washington Post; Horace White, The New York Evening Post; and Charles R. Miller, The New York Times. Charles Carleton Coffin, Thomas W. Knox, and Franl: B. Sanborn have attained to positions in the highest ranks of able and successful nev/spaper correspondents. There are many noted New Hampshire names which are familiar in other fields of journalistic achievement, besides those which are or have been identified with the great metropolitan daily newspapers. In this list are John A. Dix, James T. Field, Jeremiah E. Rankin, B. P. Shillaber ("Mrs. Partington"). Alonzo H. Quint, Moses A. Dow, John \\'entworth ("Long John"), Harris M. Plaisted, Enoch M. Pingree, Nathan- iel Green, Thomas B. Aldrich, Edwin D. Mead, Francis Ambrose Eastman, George B. James, Nelson Ebenezer Cobleigh, John B. Bouton, Thomas G. Fessenden, Na- 56 STATE BUILDERS tlianiel A. Haven, Georg-e W. Kendall, John Farmer, Jacob Bailey Moore, O. W. B. Peabody, J. V. B. Smith, Baron Stowe. A nnmber of talented women, natives of the state, have been contributors to various newspapers and other periodicals as well as to the general literature of their time, prominent in this category being Sarah J. Hale, Eliza B. Lee, Sarah Towne Martin, Constance F. Wool- son, Edna Dean Proctor and Sarah Orne Jewett. Since the business of railroading was inaugurated in this state less than seventy years ago its growth has kept in ecjual step with the development of commerical re- cjuirements. The present mileage, 1 190 30-100 miles of main track and 521 92-100 of sidings is greater in proportion to wealth and population than in the case of any other New England state. The three stages of construction, competition and consolidation have been well illustrated in New Hampshire. From 1870 to 1890 intervened a period of railroad war which di- vided the people as partisans of one railroad system or the other, and this allegiance resembled in many waj^s the fealty which men have accorded to political par- ties. Since industrial peace ensued after the termination of the wars of the rival railroad corporations, and a single system has been developed and perfected, all the other industries of the state have felt the impetus and had the benefits of enlarged and highly organized railroad facili- ties, the extension of railroad lines, the marked reduc- tion of rates, both in passenger and freight service, and innumerable administrative reforms. The activities and organizations into which the people of the state have entered in the time of this generation art indeed worthy of more extended review than can be given the subject in this connection. For the promotion of state industries, the Board of Agriculture, though of ear- lier establishment, has in recent years been so organized. 57 STATE BUILDERS directed and supplied by increased state support that it has become a most efficient stimukis to the cause which it is intended to subserve. Ancillary to the work of the Board of Agriculture is that of the Cattle Commission and the commissioners of veterinary examination. The Board of Charities and Correction is a progressive and useful organization which has accomplished impor- tant results in reform of pre-existing systems and time- worn methods relating to the public care, custody and management of prisoners, the dependent poor, and other wards of the State. The insane asylum, now known as the state hospital, was established in 1838 and has been supported in part by private benefactions and in part by state appropria- tions with constantly increasing capacity for meeting the purposes for which it was instituted. On parallel lines of state aid in the industrial .develop- ment of the state, the Forestry Commissioners, the Labor Bureau, the Inspector of Steamboats and the Fish and Game Commission are well equipped for efficient public service. The Industrial School at Manchester and the recently established school at Laconia are designed to accomplish educational results for special classes which could not properly be within the scope of the common schools or any other method of instruction. The Bank Commissioners, the Insurance Commissioners and the Railroad Commissioners having certain advisory, investigating and directory functions, are intermediaries between the people and three classes of corporations. In the department of conservation of the public health and of preventive medicine, the State Board of Public Health with a well equipped and well directed central office and working station, is fulfilling an important mis- sion at the capital and throughout the state. With this 58" STATE BUILDERS departinent, in classification, the various boards of medi- cal examination,— the Boards of Registration in the dif- ferent schools of the medical profession,— of registration in dentistry and registration in pharmacy may be also mentioned/ To this division of the public service the state bacteriological laboratory is assigned as well as the bureau of vital statistics. The Soldiers' Home at Tilton and the Veterans' Camp at Weirs are both visible monuments of the state's appre- ciation of -Svhat they were and what they did" who gave service and imperilled life m camp and battle. The Grand Army of the Republic, the Veterans' Asso- ciation, the Woman's Relief Corps, the Sons of Veterans, and many other patriotic and historic associations are serving beneficent purposes and keeping bright the mili- tary spirit and the memory of a heroic past, and makmg sure the perpetuation of that love of state and country which renders impossible no lal>or and no sacrifice when freemen shall again be summoned to the nation's defence. The State of New Hampshire is to-day abreast of all the commonwealths of the Union in the advancing civili- zation of the age. Her progress and her prosperity are upon sure foundations. There are no omens of evil in her future except those which a self-reliant and progressive people may confront with courage and confidence. 59 EDUCATION IN NEW HAMPSHIRE Bv James H. Fassett, B.A, CHAPTER I DEVELOPMENT OF THE EARLY SCHOOLS From the first settlement by David Thompson at Pan- naway, in 1623, until the union of New Hampshire with Massachusetts eighteen years later there is no record that any form of education was provided for the youth of the colony; but after the union, the small settlements at Hampton, Portsmouth, Dover and Exeter came under the excellent school laws of Massachusetts. The most important of these laws was enacted in 1647, and the characteristic way in which the Puritan fore- fathers were wont to look for and strive to intercept the machinations of Satan, even in educational matters, is most clearly brought out in the preamble of this law. "It being one chief e project of that old deluder, Sathan, to keep men from the knowledge of the scriptures, as in former times, keeping them in an unknowne tongue, so in these latter times, by perswading them from the use of tongues, so that at least, the true sence and meaning of the originall might be clouded with false glosses of saint seeming deceivers; and that learning may not be buried in the grave of our forefathers in church and common- wealth, the Lord assisting our endeavors : "It is therefore ordered by this Courte and authority 60 STATE BUILDERS thereof, that every towneshipp within this jurisdiction, after that the Lord hath increased them to the number of fifty howsholders, shall then forthwith appointe one within theire towne, to teach all such children as shall resort to him, to write and read; whose wages shall be paid either by the parents or masters of such children, or by the inhabitants in generall, by w-ay of supplye, as the major parte of these who order the prudentials of the towne shall appointe : provided, that those who send theire children, bee not oppressed by paying much more than they can have them taught for in other townes. "And it is further ordered. That where any towne shall increase to the number of one hundred families or hows- holders, they shall sett up a grammar schoole, the masters thereof, being able to instruct youths so far as they may bee fitted for the university : and if any towne neglect the performance hereof, above one yeare, then every such towne shall pay five pounds per annum, to the next such schoole, till they shall performe this order." At this tinie each of the settlements at Dover and at Exeter, certainly, had a man with experience in teaching since the records of Massachusetts Colony show that Philemon Purmont and Daniel Maud had taught schools in Boston for several years. Subsequently both of these men moved to New Hampshire, Purmont going into voluntary exile with Wheelwright in 1638, while Maud w^as called to become the minister at Dover in 1642. A little later the following items are found in the records at Dover : "At a Publicke towne meiting hilled the last of August (1656) Charles Buckher chosen by voet A Schoellmaster for this towne," and in 1658, "It is agreed by ye select men together with ye Towne that twenty pounds per annum shall be yearly raysed for the Mayntenance of a schoolmaster in the Towne of Dover : — That is to say for the teachinge of all the children within the Towneship of 61 STATE BUILDERS Dover, the said Scholemaster haveing the preveleges of all strangers out of the Towneship. The sd master also teach to read, write, cast a Compt, and Latine, as the parents shall require. "" An early and an active interest was taken also in the higher education. Harvard College, which was the only institution where young men could be properly trained for the ministry, was aided by voluntary contributions. The amount recommended to be raised for this purpose was "One peck of corn or twleve pence money or other commodity, of every family, that so the college may have some considerable yearly healp towards their occasions."* Moreover in 1669 the towns of Portsmouth, Dover and Exeter granted an annual subscription of one hundred two pounds for seven years toward the support of the college. In presenting this amount the colonists sent the following address to the General Court of Alassachusetts : "Though we have articled with yourselves for exemption from public charges, yet we have never articled with God and our own consciences for exemption from gratitude; which to demonstrate, while we were studying, the loud groans of the sinking college in its present low estate came to our ears; the relieving of which we account a good work for the house of our God, and needful for the perpetuating of knowledge both civil and religious, among us, and our posterity after us." All of the towns in New Hampshire did not take kindly to the compulsory law in regard to the keeping of the common school. Even in Portsmouth as late as 1697 there was a dissenting vote against raising "thirtey pounds mony pr anum for sd scollmasters sallery," signed by twenty-one citizens of Portsmouth; and the following year the town disputed a bill of fifty shillings incurred by the teacher for a schoolroom.f Doubtless their reasons were the same as those expressed by a minorit}' report in * Bouton. t Brewster. 62 STATE BUILDERS the tOAvn of Croydon several years later, in which it was contended "that to be obliged to pay money for the tuition of other peoples' children, or even our own, is unjust, tyrannical, and oppressive. Some individuals in the same town even went so far as to refuse to pay their school taxes except by process of law. It is to the credit of the majority of the New Hampshire people, however, that in spite of this active opposition, some of which was, and is still, to be found in all communities, public schools were insisted upon and maintained. During the troublesome period between 1679 and 1692 in which New Hampshire had been separated from Mas- sachusetts, again united by petition of the people, and again separated by action of the crown, little was done for education. Indeed the fact that, out of three hun- dred seventy-four signers of a petition presented to the Court of ]\Iassachusetts in 1690 for protection against the Indians, nearly twenty-five per cent were obliged to make their marks would indicate a lack rather than an abundance of educational privileges. The germs of education, however, were strongly im- planted in the majority of our New Hampshire citizens. In fact the first year after their separation from the Bay Colony (1693) the following law was passed: '"It is enacted and ordained, that for the building and repair- ing of meeting houses, minister's houses, schoolhouses, and allowing a salary to a schoolmaster in each town within this Province, the selectmen, in the respective towns, shall raise money by an equal rate and assessment upon the inhabitants — and every town within this Prov- ince (Dover only excepted during the war) shall from and after the publication hereof, provide a school- master for the supply of the town, on penalty of ten pounds; and for neglect thereof, to be paid, one half to their majesties, and the other half to the poor of the town." 63 STATE BUILDERS The next important law relating to education was passed in 17 19. It compelled every town having more than hftv householders to hire a schoolmaster to teach the youth to read and write, and \\ here the town numbered one hundred householders a grammar school was also to be kept by "some discreet person of good conversation, well instructed in the tongues." The selectmen were to hire the schoolmaster and were to levy a tax upon the inhabitants in order to pay his salan.-. The penalty for the neglect of this law was twenty pounds which was to go "towards the support of schools within the province, where there may be most need."' In 1 72 1 because of the general neglect to provide grammar schools it was found necessary to hold the selectmen personally responsible. The law provided that "if any town or parish is destitute of a grammar school for the space of one momh the selectmen shall for- feit and pav out of their own estates the sum of twenty poimds, to be applied towards the defraying the charges of the province. " In some of the frontier towns the law relating to grammar schools worked rather a hardship, especially upon the selectmen, and several instances are on record wnere petitions were granted excusing these newly settled parishes from the grammar school condition; but in no instance was any town or parish excused from keeping a school for reading and writing, "to which all towns of fifty families were obliged." The vast majority of the towns, however, did not come under either one of the above laws and in most of these small scattered hamlets all the "schooling" which the children received was obtained from their fathers and mothers at home. In the first settlements near ^Massachusetts most of the early teachers were men and a great many were college graduates. It has been said that in the town of Hamp- 64 STATE BUILDERS ton, one of the earliest to be settled, all the masters previous to the Revolutionary ^^'ar were college bred. Dov. .* however, disputes this fact, but admits that the great majority had had liberal training. The dame schools were usually taught in the summer and were for the smaller children and the girls. The boys at this time were getting in the hay and assisting their fathers. The women who had charge of the summer schools were expected to teach the girls sewing and knitting as well as spelhng and reading. Arithmetic was considered entirely supertiuous for girls and in fact it was very little taught even in the winter schools which the boys attended. Frequently the maiden ladies who taught these "marm"" schools earned something more than their school wages by spinning between school terms for the family with whom they boarded. They sometimes earned as much as fifty cents per week by this means. About the year 1720 the infltience of the Scotch-Irish settlers, who came to this colony in large numbers and settled in Londonderry and the surrounding towns, began to be felt. They were all people of thrift and intelli- gence. One of the direct descendants! of this hardy race writes as follows : 'Tt has been said that the Scotch in Ireland had better schools than the common people in England had at the same time. Of three hundred and thirteen who signed the celebrated 'Memorial to Gov. Shute' ('Mar. 26, 1718) three hundred and six signed their names in a legible and generally handsome hand. ■'Twelve of the signers were graduates of the univer- sity. Most of these men came to Am.erica, and they were fair samples of the intelligent, capable, and well-informed Scotch people, that sought these shores. They and their descendants were set on education, religion and liberty. It is said that every Scotch settler coming to this town, J whether born be3'ond the water or in some older New * Town History of Hampton. ^ W. R. Cochrane. 1 Antrim. 6; STATE BUILDERS England settlement, had a fair common school educa- tion for those times." The other settlers were quick to appreciate the intelli- trence and broader education of these Scotch-Irish emi- grants and soon there was a goodly sprinkling of "Macs and other broad Scotch names in the list of schoolmasters throughout the colony. This led not only to the spread- ing of the Scottish education but also to the proverbial Scottish wit. A story is told of a certain "Master" Russell who one winter had charge of a school in Chester. One day Master Russell called upon a boy in one of his classes to read a list of some of the proper names in the Old Testament. The lad, not being well skilled in the proper pronunciation of the old worthies, was making somewhat hard work of his task, in fact it is to be feared that if the old worthies had been present in person they themselves would scarcely have recognized their names, when the master said, "Stop, stop, Elijah ! You bring tears to my eyes, for you are calling the names of my old friends in Ireland." Something of the repute in which the Scotch-Irish schoolteachers were held may be found in the following : At one time a Dr. Hoit was master of a school in Weare. During the morning session the school was visited by the chairman of the selectmen together with a Scotch-Irish schoolmaster named Donovan. The town's chief magis- trate proceeded to ask Dr. Hoit for his credentials, saying that he was anxious to have a teacher who understood English grammar. When the dignitaries had departed one of the older boys asked the master what the word credentials m.eant. The master, turning upon him with a frown, said: "I don't know and I don't care, but I suppose it is some Eatin word Donovan put into his head." Fortunately we have quite an accurate picture pre- served to us of a typical Scotch-Irish schoolmaster in the 66 STATE BUILDERS person of ''Master Kirby," who had taught school in Portsmouth, and v/ho afterwards settled at Barnstead.* "He was middle-aged, thickset, rather short; his hat, three-cornered, buttoned. His shoes were of heavy leather, high cut, and a large sized button of steel on the instep. His coat was rather of the long-jacket style with massive pockets outside, and 3 standing collar. His breeches buckled snug at the knee, were of corduroy, his stockings long and inclined to the snuff color. His vest was of vast proportions, buttoned snug at the neck, and made of black and white wool. Snugly ensconced was his 'bull's eye' under its righthand fold. His three-cornered hat much of the time covered the glistening baldness of his pate while liis frosted locks gathered and tied in the rear hung in a graceful queue, ornamenting the collar of his coat upon his spacious round shoulders. His pleasant and graceful bearing bespoke the truthfulness of his early training, and his dialect indicated a nationality of which he was always proud." The first structures used for schools were made of logs and were extremely crude affairs. The only ap- paratus necessary were a firqilace for warmth, hewn benches for the children, and a rough table for the master, A little later, when sawmills became plentiful, framed buildings with their rude covering of boards and shingles began to replace the log schoolhouse. A most interesting picture of this type of schoolhouse is given in the History of Chester, N, H.f ''The house was fifteen by sixteen feet, six feet stud. The outside boarding was 'feather-edged'; the walls on the inside were ceiled; a loose floor overhead; the door opened into the room and was furnished with a wooden latch and string. There were at first three windows of nine panes each, but afterwards another was added. At first there were on a part of three sides, writing benches, composed * Town History of Barnstead. t Benjamin Chase. 67 STATE BUILDERS of planks some fifteen or eighteen inches wide, one edge supported against the walls of the house, the other by legs inserted in auger-holes. For seats, slabs with legs were used. The writers, of course, sat with their backs to the teacher. "Inside of the writers' seats were smaller ones for the younger urchins. The 'Master' had a chair and a pine table in the center, and 'Master Russell' swayed a scepter in the form of a hickory switch long enough to reach every scholar in the house. There was a brick chimney, with a wooden mantel-piece in one corner of the house, which so far counteracted the laws of nature that the smoke came down into the house, instead of rising. Green wood was used, which was out in the snow until wanted, so that it took a considerable part of the forenoon before the house was warm, the scholars rubbing their eyes meanwhile on account of the smoke. By this time the mantel-piece was on fire, and some one must get snow and quench it." Another picture is painted of a schoolhouse in Littleton of a later period.* "The desks, if we examine them, will have, hollowed out upon their upper side, coarse images of Indian fights, canal boats, tomahawks, fox and geese and checker boards, miniature river systems, and many a cut and hack, made in the mere exuberance of youthful spirits, without any apparent design. A look at the walls reveals to us the stucco work of spit-balls and paper quids^ fired at flies or imaginary targets, by mischievous boys, and places, too, bare of plaster and whitewash, where some ball or ink bottle has struck in the absence of the teacher." In some towns where the families were widely scat- tered and large, and families in those days were almost always large, the schoolmaster and the school would move from one section to another. An interesting account of a * Town History of Littleton. 68 STATE BUILDERS school of this kind is found in Lancaster.* "There were at least twenty children in this district of school age, and they lived nearly twO' miles apart. The school would commence in a room at Coffin Moore's, where there were twelve children, but some of them were away. Reading, writing and arithmetic were taught. The school would continue at Moore's two or three weeks, or what was his proportion of the time, determined by the number of pu- pils, when it would be announced that the school would move. The time having arrived for moving, the larger boys would take the benches (which were made of slabs, wnth sticks set in auger-holes for legs) upon their sleds, and go to J. W. Brackett's, where there were ten children. A room would be vacated and the benches moved in. A table on which to write would be borrowed, or rudely constructed of pine boards, and the school opened again. The teacher boarded with the family until their propor- tion of the time" was filled out. Then the school would make another move to J. B. Week's and from there to ]\Tr. Bucknam's, from whence it next would go to Abiel Lovejoy's and round out its terms." These mov- ing schools were common to all towns before school- houses were erected. Beside teaching the pupils to improve their minds, the teachers were supposed by precept and example to teach "manners" and good behavior. It is said that Master Abraham Perkins as he approached the schoolhouse dressed in his broad-tailed coat, velvet breeches with sil- ver buckles at the knee, and with a large ivory-headed cane in his hand, always saluted the children by grace- fully removing his three-cornered cocked hat on entering . the schoolroom. It was proper also for the pupils as he •approached to form in two lines from the schoolroom door, the girls on one side and the boys on the other, ar- ranged according to their ages. First came the salute by * Town History of Lancaster. 69 STATE BUILDERS Master Perkins, the three-cornered hat being held in his hand as he marched in review between the Hnes; the boys' caps were doffed in a twinkhng and the girls made deep courtesies, as he passed. The children were counter- marched into the schoolhouse behind him. About nine o'clock in the morning the school began. First the small children read from the New England Primer and recited the catechism, which it contained. Then the larger pupils were given the Psalter and the Bible from which some read glibly and fluently, while others drawled and stum- bled through the passages in a manner wonderful to hear. In some instances the more advanced pupils were al- lowed to bring from home any reader or book which they might chance to possess. These older pupils sat upon the benches in the back part of the room and read around one after another; the teacher, meantime, pretended to listen, but, having no book, the exercise was tiresome in the extreme and the criticisms usually lacking. An ac- count of this kind of exercise is given by ^liss Rankin of Littleton : "The monotony of such a dull exercise often threw our master into a profound slumber, and I remem- ber, one time, I, and another mischievous girl, tried to see how hard we could punch our sleeping pedagogue without awaking him. He was so moderate in returning to consciousness that we had ample time to return to our books with the most intense application, leaving him in entire ignorance as to where the ones were who would presume to disturb his pleasant dreams."' The reading was followed by arithmetic taught by the teacher orally or by rote, as it was called. Usually the rules were written out on pieces of birch bark or on scraps of paper if any pupil was so fortunate as to possess them, and then memorized. After the arithmetic came recess, and it is needless to say that the decorum of the boys on 70 STATE BUILDERS their entrance to school was not maintained on their exit at recess time. The sports of those early times, indulged in at recess and at the noon intermission, were not so very different from those of the children of to-day. As one of the early chroniclers has put it : "They had 'pizen gool,' or goal, tag-, snap the whip, high-spy, 'eny, meny, mony, mi' ; the larger boys 'rasseled,' at arms length, side holts and backs, and lifted at stiff heels. At a later day when school kept in autumn or in winter they snowballed, slid down hill or skated on the glare ice." After recess came the writing lesson, for which it was the duty of the teacher not only to "set the copy" in the writing books, but also to make and mend the pens for the pupils' use. These pens were made of quills plucked from the wings of geese, and considerable skill and expe- rience were needful to make a serviceable article. To make or mend a score or so of pens each day was some- thing of a task. Occasionally pens were made from quills which had been boiled in oil. They were much superior to the common pens and were called "Dutch quills." The latter were not commonly used since they must be brought from Boston or Newburyport. After the writing lesson came the spelling which was entirely oral and was usually conducted by choosing sides and spelling down. The best speller in the school was a noted personage, and in choosing sides he was always the first to be called. Sometimes school districts would unite for a spelling match and great glory awaited the boy or girl who came off victor and brought honor to his or her district. The spelling of words was always done by syllable; each syllable was spelled, pronounced, then the next syl- lable was spelled, pronounced, then both were pronounced together, the same method being followed throughout the word. When a word like Constantinople was spelled in 71 STATE BUILDERS this wav it took considerable time and not a little breath. Frequent mention is found of singing schools con- ducted by some master of the art, and usually held in the evening in a schoolhouse centrally located. These sing- ing schools were largely attended by the young men and women of the entire township, and to escort the young maids to and from the singing school was not the least of its attractions. One system of singing in vogue at the time was invented by Mr. Tufts, minister of the church in Xewbur}-. His book was published in 1712 and con- tained twenty-eight tunes with rules for singing the same. His "svstem" was to print on the staff the first letters of the Italian syllables instead of notes, thus d would stand for do. r for re. m for mi. etc. It is said that this method became ven- popular. At any rate, whatever scheme was used was much better than singing by rote, as the people usually did, whereby "'the melodies underwent many transformations.'' Rev. Mr. \\'alter5, evidently a man of some htmior and with not a little knowledge of music, hands down to us the folloA\"ing accoimt of chorus sing- ing in the early times : "Singing sounds like five hundred different tunes roared out at the same time. The singers often are two words apart, producing noises so hideous and disorderly as is bad beyond expression. The notes are prolonged so that J myself h.ave twice in one note paused to take breatli." The rules of behavior were very accurately laid down and woe betide the youth who thoughtlessly or recklessly disobeyed them. The ways of punishment were exceed- ingly varied and ingenious: even the ordinary- "black strap" had its variations as will be shown later. Indeed much of the school time was consumed not to say wasted in violent exercise, participated in both by the teacher and pupil. Among the milder forms of punishment was "sit- ting on nothing" or "on the top end of an old-fashioned elm bark seat chair, turned down." Again the pupil STATE BUILDERS would be compelled to bold out horizontally a heavy book. Stooping- down to hold a nail or peg in the floor, "with an occasional smart rap on the rear," to keep the culprit from bending his knees, standing in the corner and sitting with the girls were also very mild forms of punishment. ]\Iaster Hogg, one of the earliest teachers in Sutton, emplo}-ed a unique form of punishment which he called "horseing," and an appropriate term it was. The modus operandi was as follows : As soon as a boy w^as caught misbehaving he was promptly called into the floor. It was usually not long before two other youngsters were ready to keep number one company. The requisite num- ber now having been obtained, the "circus" began. The first ofl^ender was made to get down on his hands and knees, number two must mount on his back, while a third culprit was compelled to whip them soundly around the room. This punishment was made perfectly fair, since the boys were obliged to "swap" places until each had taken his turn at "v.'hipping once and being whipped twice." It was not all fun for the teachers in those early schools. Often the larger boys would combine forces, boldly advance upon the master, and if successful in their onslaught, they would carry him forth from the school- house and boldly pitch him into a snowdrift or duck him in some nearby creek. It required a man with some nerve to take a school where his predecessors had been severally and in turn ejected in this manner. John Gillett on com- ing to a school of this kind in one of the New Hampshire towns started the morning services after the pupils had assembled by striding back and forth through the school- room several times; then, turning suddenly, he said with a voice which made the windows rattle, "Boys, if you don't behave I'll lick you, then if you don't behave I will follow you home and lick your parents." 73 STATE BUILDERS It is told also of Master Richard x\dams, who taught the Sugar Hill district in Weare, that he had in his school as many as twenty strapping boys, each one of whom was over six feet tall. One day, at a preconcerted signal, they all arose and marched in single file around the room. As the foremost boy passed the fireplace, he seized a burning branch from the hearth and shouted to his followers, "Shoulder firelock!" But at that point Master Adams took a hand in the afifair and ordered "Ground firelock! consarn ye." At the same instant he gave the leader a blow which stretched him at full length on the floor. It is said that no better ordered school was ever taught in that district than the one taught by IMaster Adams. Some of the punishments seemed needlessly cruel and unnecessary, but it must be remembered that corporal punishment was part of the spirit of the times. The parents knew that they had received thrashings when they went to school, and it seemed to them in some indefinable way a necessary though painful part of the child's educa- tion. Doubtless the wisdom of Solomon was often quoted in relation to the need of not sparing the rod. A certain Master Thurston, who taught for many years in Bos- cawen, was a noted disciplinarian, and when in those days a master was noted for "discipline" you may be sure that he deserved it. It is related that Master Thurston had as one of his instruments a black leather strap, made in two pieces with sheet lead stitched between them. On one end of this strap he had punched four holes and on the other five. His mode of procedure was this: Hold- ing the strap in full view of the trembling youngster, he would ask, "Which will you have, four holes or five?" If the boy said four the master would reply, "For fear of making a mistake I will give you both." It was a current remark in West Salisbury, where Thurston taught several terms, "that the surrounding farms never would have 74 STATE BUILDERS been cleared of birches if Master Thurston had not been employed so- long as a teacher." McDuffee in his ''History of Rochester" speaks of a one-armed schoolmaster, a veteran of the Revolution, who was a noted wielder of the birch and rod; the strength of his lost arm seeming to supplement the muscle of the one remaining. His name. Tanner, seemed pecu- liarly appropriate; the boys, indeed, deeming it the most fitting thing about him. His successor, Master Orne, was said to have been remarkable, in fact unique, in the way in which he dealt out punishment. "He flogged singly, and by classes, and by the whole school; just as ofiicers review their soldiers, by squads, by companies, by battalions and by regiments." It was of no use for the boys to rebel, they obtained little sympathy at home. The parents considered that it was what they had received when they went to school, "and what was good enough for them was good enough for the children." It is strange how history repeats itself even in educational matters. There is preserved among the writings of Master Jacob N. Knapp, who taught school more than one hundred years ago, an accurate picture of the school life oi that time. The account runs as follows : "In the winter of my 17th year, I received an invitation to teach school for three months in Loudon, near Concord, N. H. A school- master's wages were at that time $6 a month and board. My school consisted of about 40 pupils. It was composed of both sexes and all ages. Most of the children under 10 years of age wore leather aprons, reaching from their chins to their ankles. These aprons, after being worn a little time, became striped and shining with bean porridge, which in winter made the principal food of the children. Many of the little girls took snuff; it was the fashion. "In my school I had often used signals instead of words. The exercises in reading and spelling for the day 75 STATE BUILDERS were about to commence. I. as usual gave with the ferule one tap upon the table. The first class came out from their desks on to the open floor, and stood in a line. On receiving a slight sign, the head pupil read; then the next, and so on to the last. At receiving a bow from their teacher, each one bowed or courtesied and returned noise- lessly to his or her desk. Two raps upon the table called up the second class, who were exercised and dismissed in the same manner. Three raps called up the third class. This division closed the exercises. The school was dis- missed. "The people there and then considered it a privilege to board the schoolmaster. To accommodate them, I boarded in 13 different families, and thus became inti- mately acquainted with every individual in the district. The price of board was 4 shillings and 6 pence a week. Lived well ; fat beef and pork, lambs and poultry, in their seasons; butter, honey and drop cakes abounded; coffee, tea and cream were liberally supplied." As seen from Master Knapp's account a schoolmaster's wages were about six dollars a month. Sometimes they ran as low as four dollars per month, and in some in- stances the master was not paid in money at all, but drew his salary in so many bushels of grain, wheat or rye, as the case might be. The town of Bath voted one year to raise sixty bushels of wheat for the support of the school. In fact this item of raising grain to be used for school purposes is frequently met with in town records. The use of grain for money at a time when specie was very scarce and when the country was overrun with paper money, whose value was almost nothing, is not surprising. Good grain could always be exchanged for the necessities of life and its value as a medium of exchange w-as more or less fixed. The two foUow^ing receipts not only show instances of this kind of payment, but also indicate the relative value 76 STATE BUILDERS placed upon the master's teaching as compared with that of the marm's teaching. March 21, 1792. Then my son Robert Hogg, received seventeen bushels of Rie from Simon Kezar of Sutton which was due to me for teaching schooHng two months in Sutton. Per me. Robert Hogg. Methuen, Feb. i, 1791. Received of Jacob INIastin and Hezekiah Parker six bushels of Rye, it being in full for my keeping school for them and others last fall six weeks. Lydia Parker. It must not be thought that this was all the money the teacher lived upon during the year. The schools were generally so arranged in the different neighborhoods that they would begin one after another. The master could thus travel from one district to the next and be pretty constantly supplied with a school. In addition to the funds raised directly for the support of the schools there was usually a little revenue from the "town lot." In all grants of township made by the Masonian Proprietors, by Massachusetts and by John Wentworth II, one lot or share, generally about one hundred acres, of the land, was set aside for the use of schools. This was usually done also' by other governors. Frequent mention is made of this school lot or lots in dift'erent town records; in some instances it was voted to lease the land and to use the money for the support of schools. Other towns appropriated the land for public purposes and occasionally the lot was sold. The town of Rochester, March 12, 1749, "Voted that the selectmen of this town let out the school lot to those that will give the most for it for the present year. And the rent tO' be combarted to the towns youce." 77 STATE BUILDERS Besides the methods above indicated for raising school money, in the very earHest schools it was the custom "that every man should bring two feet of wood for each scholar that he sent to school," and "that every man should chop his own wood that he brings to the school- house." Later, however, this custom changed somewhat, and the task of furnishing the school firewood was gen- erally set up at auction and struck off to the lowest bidder. It was sometimes bid in by a man who had a quantity of cheap wood which he wished to get rid of and who ac- cordingly determined to dispose of it to the schools for the boys to work up. The amount was not stipulated, the agreement usually being that as much wood would be hauled as was necessary. A certain Abner Hoit was fur- nishing brown ash, and poor at that, to a school in the central part of the state, much to the disgust of the boys. Finally, when there were but three more days tO' the close of school, Abner drew a cord of ash and said that it must last the term out. The large boys determined not to be dictated to as to the quantity of wood even if they were obliged to accept the quality, and cut and burned the entire cord in one day. The pitch fried out of the pine knots in the ceiling, but at sundown not a stick of wood remained, and Hoit was obliged to haul another load. In the same neighborhood lived a certain ]\Ioses Mudgett, an easy-going individual, who found it less troublesome to borrow wood from the schoolhouse pile, already chopped by the boys, than to chop his own wood. The larger boys soon suspected who was taking such an interest in their wood pile, and they determined to fix the old gentleman. Accordingly they bored holes in a few of the larger sticks, filled them with powder and drove in a tightly fitting wooden plug-. This scheme worked to perfection. Moses got some of the loaded sticks that very night and put them on his fire under a 78 STATE BUILDERS boiling pot. When the explosion came it is said that "the pot shot up through the great chimney flue into the clear sky and landed in the field over behind the barn." The lesson was thoroughly taught and the schoolhouse wood was thereafter untouched. The burning of such quantities of wood during the term naturally caused an accumulation of ashes. These ashes were not then used for fertilizer, but were consid- ered of value by the housewives for making soft soap and also in the manufacture of potash. It was a long estab- lished custom in many of the New Hampshire schools for the big boys who had worked up the wood to have the ashes. These, sorrowful to state, were sold to buy rum with which to celebrate the last day of school. When we consider that it was customary for boys to attend school until they were twenty-two or twenty-three years old and oftentimes older, this custom does not seem so surprising, particularly as the use of New England rum was so common. The way in which the use of "spirits" was looked upon is seen in the following anecdote. It seems that one day while "Good Mother Winslow" was visiting a country school in Northfield, through some accident, the fore stick, back log and all came rolling down out of the fireplace onto the broad hearth. The room instantly filled with smoke, and before matters could be "set to rights" again, there being no shovel and tongs, pupils and all were nearly suffocated. Mother Winslow, so the story goes, with great indignation ex- claimed, "It were better to sell the ashes for shovel and tongs than to buy rum for the scholars." She was silenced at once by a voter present, who replied, "Let 'um have their rum — let 'um have it. It'll do tbem as much good as salt does sheep once in a while." And so the ashes did not go for shovel and tongs. The district school as it existed in our forefathers' time differed but little from many of the country schools 79 STATE BUILDERS in existence to-day. The "'master," however, has been displaced and the master's daughter reigns in his stead. There were many undeniable advantages in the old- fashioned district school, particularly for the bright boys and girls. They listened daily to the instruction of all the classes from the primer to the Latin grammar, and they unconsciously absorbed in a few terms a working knowl- edge of subjects which would have taken a much longer period to obtain under the graded system so universal at present. On the other hand, the pupils of average or mediocre ability labored under a distinct disadvantage in the old-time schools as compared with those of to-day. This was a direct result of the multiplicity of classes, the brief recitation period, the impossibility of individual help in the ungraded school and the absence of these disadvan- tages in the graded schools. CHAPTER II EARLY ACADEMIES Among the New Hampshire academies, Phillips Exe- ter, Appleton, Atkinson, Gilmanton, Haverhill and Fran- cestown are the only ones now in existence which have passed the century mark. The followmg brief descrip- tions of these six must stand for all. Their purpose was alike, their standards were practically the same and the results achieved, while not always equal in amount, always tended toward the same high ideals. Phillips Exeter, the first academy to be founded in New Hampshire, was started at Exeter through the mu- nificence of Dr. John Phillips. From the incorporation of the academy in 1781 to his death fourteen years later his bequests amounted tO' about sixty thousand dollars in all. Thus the first academy in New Hampshire became 80 STATE BUILDERS also for its time one of the most heavily endowed. The first building was of small dimensions with four school- rooms, all of which were not finished. There was no regu- lar course of study, each pupil taking up such branches as he was found competent to follow; indeed, as late as 1/88 there were but two pupils in the school who^ had sufficiently mastered reading and spelling to enter into the "mysteries of Latin.'' In 1797, however, a certificate was granted Lewis Cass, the future statesman, in which it was stated that he had acquired "the principles of English, French, Latin and Greek languages, geography, arithmetic and practical geometry; that he had made very valuable progress in the study of rhetoric, history, natu- ral and moral philosophy, logic, astronomy and natural law." This would indicate that the curriculum had been much extended and the standard raised. Again in 1808 and in 1818 the course of study was enlarged and at the latter date a rigid line was drawn between the English and classical departments. During the early years of the academy all pupils were required to spend five or six hours each day in the schoolroom, where both the study and recitation work were done in the presence of a teacher; but in 1858 this custom was abolished and the pupils were required to be present only for recitation. The aim of the academy from the beginning has been to develop manliness and self reliance on the part of its pupils, and the long list of honored names among its alumni shows how well this object has been attained. No school in New England at the present time can boast a wider or more enviable reputation. Eight years after the founding of Phillips Exeter Academy the people of New Ipswich decided to establish a school where the branches of the higher education could be taught to better advantage than in the town grammar schools. Mr. John Hubbard was elected the first teacher at a salary of sixty pounds per year. Almost from the 81 STATE BUILDERS start the academy was self supporting. In 1789 a fund was collected by subscription for the erection of an acad- emy building, and it was completed in the same year. The school at the present time has but few pupils, but during the many years of its existence its influence has been felt with peculiar force throughout that section of the state. Atkinson Academy, one of the few established during the eighteenth century, was incorporated in 1791. The first building was burned in 1802, but it was quickly erected again the following year, the greater part of the expense being borne by the people of Atkinson. In view of their misfortune a grant was made by the legislature to raise by lottery the amount of two thousand dollars, the proceeds to go to the academy. A grant was also made of half a township of land in Coos County, but through some mismanagement neither the lottery nor the grant of land amounted to a great deal. Nevertheless the academy flourished and up to 1850 it had numbered among its graduates nearly two thousand students. At the present time, in common with so many other acade- mies, its students are few and its influence proportion- ately lessened. At Gilmanton in 1792 a committee appointed for the purpose reported "that the establishment of an academy would be useful to the inhabitants and beneficial to the public." Accordingly under an act of the legislature the academy was incorporated in 1794. Its first teacher was Peter L. Folsom, who acted as principal for six years. In January, 1808, the academy building was burned to the ground, but within five weeks after the fire the frame of a new building was erected in its place. This school has always taken high rank among the academies of the state. A large number of young men have been fitted for col- lege, many of whom have proved themselves strong in the afifairs of the nation. In 1833 a theological department 82 STATE BUILDERS was established in connection with Gilmanton Academy, and many clergymen have here received a thorough theo- logical training. In 1/93 the settlers of Haverhill decided to establish an academy. A building was erected and the institution incorporated in 1794. Its object as set forth in the char- ter was "to promote religion, purity, virtue and morality, and for teaching the youth in English, Latin, and Greek languages; in writing, music and the art of speaicing; in geography, logic, geometry, mathematics, and such other branches of science as opportunity may present and the teachers shall order and direct." A list of the sub- jects taught in Haverhill Academy serve as an example of the curricula of other academies at this time. The first academy building was burnt in 1814 and it was voted to rebuild with stone. Through varying periods of pros- perity and adversity the Haverhill Academy has come down to the present time. The spring of 1801 saw the beginning of the Frances- town Academy. Its first teacher was Alexander Dustin, a college bred man, a graduate of Dartmouth in 1799. For several years the academy continued under his effi- cient management. From the beginning the school was a success. In 18 18 a new building was constructed of brick. Although the school had been in operation since 1801 it was not incorporated until 1819. From that time down to the present there are found in a list of its teach- ers and graduates some of New Hampshire's greatest names. "Among its students have been one President of the United States; two United States Senators; many members of Congress; Judges, from Police Court to the United States Supreme Court; one Major-General in the Union Army; and a great number of Professors, Tutors, Ministers, Physicians, Missionaries, Governors and lead- ers in every department of learning and enterprise." The limitations of this article are such that it is im- 83 STATE BUILDERS possible to enter into a lengthy description of the one hundred thirty New Hampshire academies, the majority of which have sprung- into life, performed nobly the duties for which they were intended and have passed to the end of an honorable and useful existence. The town and city high schools are direct descendants of the old-fashioned academy. As education became more common it was made possible for the cities and even the small towns to procure men and women of suit- able learning and experience to teach the higher branches at a moderate cost. Thus the young people were able to obtain an academic training at home. At the present time there are many such high schools which send out each year pupils well ecpiipped in the academic branches of education. CHAPTER HI THE INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING Dartmouth College had its beginning as a school for Indian boys, established by Eleazor Wheelock in 1755 at Lebanon, Connecticut. Wheelock's original idea in founding this school was to educate the American In- dian, but very soon he enlarged upon this idea and admit- ted American boys, with the understanding that they would later become missionaries among the Indian tribes. Ten years after the founding of the school, Dr. Wheelock sent an Indian named Occum, a graduate of his school, to England, where he addressed immense au- diences and succeeded in raising funds to the amount of eleven thousand pounds. Governor John \Ventworth of New Hampshire in 1770 offered Dr. Wheelock an exten- sive grant of land in New Hampshire if he would move his school to that province, and he also promised a most liberal charter for the college, which it was Wheel- 84 STATE BUILDERS ock's ambition to found. A site for the institution was finally selected at Hanover, and after overcoming almost insuperable obstacles, the actual scholastic life of the college began. The first class was graduated August 28, 1 77 1, and consisted of four students. Governor John Wentworth driving all the way from Portsmouth in order to be present at the ceremony. The Dartmouth jMedical School began with a course of lectures given by Dr. Nathan Smith, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, in 1790. The following year the medicaJ department was formally accepted by the trustees of Dartmouth College, and the same year a class of four students was graduated, each receiving the degree of M. B. From such small beginnings has the present Dart- mouth College sprung. It ranks among the oldest of the American colleges, and it has established for itself a repu- tation of which ever}' New Hampshire citizen may be justly proud. In 1866 a school for agriculture was started under the title of "The New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts." It was organized with a board of nine trustees; five were appointed by the Governor and Council and four by the trustees of Dartmouth College. By act of Congress, New Hampshire was entitled to one hundred fifty thousand acres of land scrip, the sale of which amounted to about eighty thousand dollars. This sum was invested in six per cent bonds, none of it being available for the erection of buildings. The college was first located in Hanover, where it was more or less closely associated with Dartmouth College, not entirely to its advantage. The real prosperity of the college began upon its re- moval from Hanover to Durham, when it fell heir to the Benjamin Thompson estate, amounting in all to nearly five hundred thousand dollars. Beautiful and spacious 85 STATE BUILDERS buildings were erected, mechanical, physical and chemical laboratories were thoroughly equipped, in fact, every con- venience was supplied for a college of mechanic arts according to modern ideas. The Thayer School of Civil Engineering was founded by General Sylvanus Thayer of the United States Army. In 1867 he gave seventy thousand dollars as a fund for the school and established conditions which made it prac- tically a post graduate institution. Its requirements for graduation are probably more severe than those of any other school of a similar kind, and its graduates are looked upon by the profession as men thoroughly quali- fied in all departments of civil engineering. In 1870 an act passed the legislature for the establish- ment of a Normal School, a board of trustees to be appointed by the Governor and Council. The school was finally located at Plymouth. At first it labored under a great disadvantage by not receiving pecuniary aid from the state, the expenses of the school being met by tuition collected from the pupils. It was not until 1875 that the state made a sufficient appropriation for the school to be declared free to its students. In 1878 the appropriation was only three thousand dollars, but, as the efficiency and the needs of the school have become more apparent, it has been gradually in- creased until the state at present grants twenty-five thou- sand dollars a year toward the expenses of the school. From the beginning the town of Plymouth gave over its children into the hands of the trustees of the Normal School for a model and a practice school. At the present time the Normal School, which numbers over one hun- dred fifty pupils, is in a very flourishing condition. The large and commodious building erected in 1890 for recitation purposes, etc., as well as the dormitory build- ing, w^hich at the time of their erection were deemed suffi- ciently large for years to come, have already been out- 86 STATE BUILDERS groAvn, and the school bids fair under proper financial conditions to b New Ensfland. conditions to become one of the largest normal schools in CHAPTER IV THE FORMATIVE PERIOD OF THE COMMON SCHOOLS In 1789 the general court of New Hampshire repealed all previous laws in regard to the common schools and started anew on the basis of taxing all the inhabitants of the several towns except non-residents, on the polls and real estate at the rate of five pounds for every twenty shillings that each town paid to the support of the state. The first year it was in operation this tax amounted throughout the entire state to nearly five thousand pounds, and the law read "that the money thus raised to be expended for the sole purpose of keeping an English Grammar School, or schools for teaching reading, writ- ing, and arithmetic; but in each shire or half shire town, the school kept shall be a grammar school for the purpose of teaching the Latin, and Greek languages, as well as the aforesaid branches." The above law also required that each candidate for a school should bring letters regarding his qualifications from some well-known teacher, minis- ter, principal of academy or president of a college. The selectmen were held responsible for collecting the full amount thus assessed for school purposes. The idea of compelling each town to provide at least a certain defi- nite amount for school purposes was found to be a great improvement over the old methods, and in 1791 the amount was increased from five pounds on every twenty shillings of the state assessment to seven pounds ten shillings. This law stood in force until 1805, when a law of far-reaching importance was passed enabling towns to divide into school districts, the districts to raise money STATE BUILDER? bv taxation for the purpose of building and repairing schoolhouses. This law produced the desired effect, and a great many schoolhouses were erected under its pro- ^-isions. It is interesting to note that in some towns a vote was passed to di\-ide the to^^-nship into ""squadrons" instead of districts. Just where this term squadron origi- nated is not clear, imless it was taken from the militan.- idea. The location of the district school was often the source of endless quarrels, although generally a compromise was agreed upon so that all pupils would have to travel about the same distance, which accounts for finding school- houses perched in the most out of the way and unlocked for places, with sometimes not a single farmhouse in sight In 1807 a fourth law was passed raising the school rate to sevent\- dollars for even- dollar of the state tax. the money to be expended for teacliing reading, ^^-riting and aritlmietic. and at the same time annulling the law that required a school to be held in shire and half shire towns in which Latin and Greek were to be taught. ^^^lether this was because the general court deemed that the elevai academies now in existence were amply suffi- cient to take care of such students as ^^^shed to taste the higher education, or whether it was believed tliat greater general good would come to the state by the expenditure of the entire amoimt for the betterment of the common schools, is not known. It is certainly true, however, that from this time academies took the place of the old gram- mar schools and flourished in great numbers. The effect these academies have wTOught upon the to^^•ns in which they were located is hard to measure. They have brought an air of culture and an appreciation of educational \-alues to homes which without the aca- demic influence would have been without mental or moral uplift- The day of the academy may be past, but its SS STATE BUILDERS influence is not past, and it will last so long as the town forms the unit of New England life. The school law of 1807, which, indirectly, was so effective in the establishment of academies, was followed a year later by a law containing a clause in regard to the supervision of schools, which is the first official mention we have in the New Hampshire records that there was deemed any need of such supervision. The law read that the towns should appoint a committee of three or more persons who^ should inspect the schools annually in "a manner wdiich they might judge most conducive to the progress of literature, morality and religion." This law also increased the number of branches to be taught, and beside reading, writing and arithmetic, English grammar and geography were added. School mistresses, however, were allowed to do away with arithmetic and geography, and "in place thereof to substitute such other branches as are deemed necessary for female education." In 1812 the state established a literary fund. This was done for the sole purpose of founding a state college. The funds were to be raised by taxing each year the bank- ing corporations throughout the state one-half of one per cent on their actual capital stock. In 1828 the idea of founding a college was abandoned, and the funds then available, amounting to sixty-four thousand dollars, were distributed to the different towns according to their ap- portionment of the public taxes. The money was to go toward the support of the public schools, and it was in addition to the amount required by law. In 1848 the basis of distribution was changed, and up to the present time it has been made upon the relative number of chil- dren attending two weeks or more in the several towns during the year.* In 1827 the legislature passed a law the spirit of which * The present law (1902) is identical, except that the tax is levied on banking funds held by nonresidents. 89 STATE BUILDERS remains active even to the present time. It accurately defined how the town should he divided into districts, and laid down provisions regarding the authority of school districts and their officers. It also proportioned the money to each school district. The qualifications for teachers were raised and the law required all pupils to be provided with books, either by parents or guardians, or at the public expense in case of the needy. A superin- tending school committee were also to- be appointed an- nually, whO' w^ere to visit all the schools in their respective towns at least twice a year, determine upon the proper text books and aid the teacher to maintain a full and regular attendance. In addition to the above mentioned duties this superin- tending committee were to make an annual report stating the time each school had rim, the names of the teachers, the whole number of pupils between four and fourteen that had not attended school and the number between fourteen and twenty-one who could not read and write. The only difficulty with this law was the fact that there was no provision for collecting the statistics from the several towns into one report. In 1829 a law was passed that each school district, ex- cept in the town of Portsmouth, for which special laws had been passed, should appoint a committee not greater than three which should be called the prudential commit- tee. This committee was supposed to have charge of the school moneys. They called the district school meetings, selected teachers, furnished fuel for the schoolhouses, attended to the minor repairs, and made such report to the superintending committee as would be of assistance to them in their work. By the law of 1833 the superin- tending committees were practically done away with and all of their powers were assumed by the prudential com- mittees. The rate of assessment had steadily increased by vari- 90 STATE BUILDERS ous acts of the legislature. In 1840 it was one hundred dollars for every dollar pf the public tax. In 1852 it was one hundred thirty-five dollars, in 1853 ^^ was one hun- dred iifty dollars, in 1854 it was one hundred seventy-five dollars, in 1855 two hundred dollars, and in 1870 twO' hundred fifty dollars.* A town was not restricted to the sum thus raised, but could add to the amount as much as it pleased. About 1840 the advantages of graded schools began to appear, and the men interested in educational matters throughout the state strove tO' get some law upon the statute books which would enable the New Hampshire schools to take advantage of the graded system. Accord- ingly in 1840 an act was passed allowing a school to^ be graded wdien the pupils should number fifty or more, and the most progressive towns were quick to avail them- selves of this privilege. In 1845 the authority was given to "any two or more contiguous school districts in any town or towns in this state to associate together and form a union for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a high school or schools for the instruction of the older and more advanced scholars belonging to the associated districts." In 1846 a state commissioner of common schools was appointed whose duty compelled him ''to spend at least tw^enty weeks in the different counties of the state for the purpose of promoting, by inquiries, addresses and other means, the cause of education." He was also re- quired to make an annual report from the statistics which the committees of the several towns were obliged to fur- nish. Two years later the "Somersworth Act" was passed, which allowed school districts, independent of the town, to raise money for the maintenance of high schools. The effect of this law was far reaching, and many dis- tricts took advantage of its provisions and founded high schools. * In 1902 the rate is six hundred dollars. 91 STATE BUILDERS The exact status of the town superintending committee is a difficult one to define. From 1827 until 1848 their duties ranged from having entire control of the schools to being merely an advisory body. In fact, as has been noted, between 1833 and 1846 the superintending com- mittee could be dispensed with entirely if the town so desired. In 1859 a bill was passed somewhat enlarging the duties of the superintending committee, although in all important points it was identical with the law of 1827. They were to select and dismiss teachers, prescribe rules of conduct for the pupils, decide what text books should be used and also the courses of study to be followed. Each teacher was to be supplied with a register, and the com-. mittee were obliged at the end of the year to summarize and return to the state officer certain statistics from the same. The first law restricting the employment of children in manufacturing establishments was passed in 1848. Since this time the law has been greatly strengthened by enactment at various sessions of the legislature. At pres- ent it is such that no child under fourteen can be em- ployed while the schools are in session; no child between fourteen and sixteen years old can be employed unless he can read and write in English; and no child between six- teen and twenty-one shall be employed who cannot read and write in English, unless he is a regular attendant upon the evening schools while they are in session, such evening schools to be established in manufacturing towns upon petition signed by 5 per cent of the legal voters. In 1850 the office of the state commissioner of common schools was abolished, and in its place a board of county school commissioners was appointed, the board to elect its own secretary, who was to prepare statistics and re- ports. It was the duty of this county board to recom- mend books, methods of instruction, rules of discipline, etc. Each commissioner w^as obliged to spend at least 92 STATE BUILDERS one day in each town of his district at some time during the year. He was also obliged to take charge of county in- stitutions, which were becoming popular, and for their time served an excellent purpose. This board of county school commissioners continued until 1867, when it was discontinued, and again one man was placed at the head of the educational affairs of the state. This officer was now termed the superintendent of public instruction, and he with the governor and council constituted the State Board of Education. In 1868 a bill w^as passed requiring each county to hold a teacher's institute annually at the expense of the state. This law, followed closely by one passed in 1870 estab- lishing a State Normal School, marks a period of decided awakening to the needs of educational improvement, and aside from a slight setback in 1874, when the state failed to make any appropriation for institutes and did away for a short time with a state superintendent, the progress in educational matters has been steady if not rapid. The district system, which at the time of its inception, had proved useful to the educational interest of the state, was abolished and the town was again made the unit; and as was the case previous to 1805, all the schools in the town w'ere placed in charge of one board of educa- tion. This law, however, did not apply to such districts as had availed themselves of the "Somersworth Act," and had formed special districts. The boards of education were to consist of three members each and they were elected at the annual town meeting, each member to hold office for three years. This "town district" act made the length of the school year uniform, gave the same advan- tages to all children living in the town, which had been impossible under the old law, equalized the burdens of taxation and in many other ways improved the educa- tional condition. In 1895 a law was passed looking toward the state 93 STATE BUILDERS certification of all teachers. The law as passed, however, has amounted to but httle, since it placed no oblig-ation upon school boards to engage certificated teachers only. A law was also passed requiring school boards to appoint some agent to take an annual census of the children of school age. The same year a law was enacted allowing two or more towns to unite and hire a superintendent of schools. Very little was done, however, under this pro- vision, but four years later the state agreed to pay half of the superintendent's salary where towns united for the purpose of hiring a skilled supervisor. With this induce- ment many such supervisory districts have been formed. This law bids fair to become one of far-reaching impor- tance. The employment of a person well skilled in the needs of the schools to take the place of town boards cannot be otherwise than beneficial to the schools. At the same session a law was passed giving state aid for the support of schools in the poorer towns. The sum thus given amounts to about twenty thousand dollars annually. In 1 90 1 the legislature passed a most excellent law by which all towns not having a high school were obliged to pay the tuition to some town which did maintain a high school of such pupils as were fitted to enter. It was also arranged for the state to aid the towns upon which the above would work a hardship. Deductions have recently been drawn, from the fact that New Hampshire's place, according to the ratio of illiteracy, has fallen considerably in the last thirty years, that the schools of to-day would suffer by comparison with those of thirty years ago. Careful examination into the history of education in our state, however, will show that this deduction is entirely without foundation. Take, for instance, the State Superintendent's report for 1870, in which he says : "One-half the schools in the state average less than twelve pupils; the average, including city and village schools, is only eighteen. The average 94 STATE BUILDERS attendance of pupils was only two-thirds the total num- ber; that is, one-third of the school money was absolutely thrown away in consequence of the number absent from school. A decrease in the amount of money expended for schools, and in the number of weeks of school, is reported, because the dog tax was not available this year."' Comparing this state of things with those of to-day, there is absolutely no question but that the pupils in the common schools of the state are infinitely better off now than then. It would appear that the real cause of the apparent increase in illiteracy is due primarily to the large influx during the last thirty years of a French speaking population, whose percentage of illiteracy is far greater than that of the native Americans. Moreover, these French people have brought intO' our midst parochial schools where emphasis is placed upon the teaching of their native tongue, and it is doubtless true that many times in census taking the inability to read and write in English has been accepted as prima facie evidence that the person was illiterate, when, if the inquiry had been more thorough, the person would have been found per- fectly competent to read and write in French. The ability and professional zeal of the teachers in New Hampshire is evidenced in many ways. While their salaries have l>een exceedingly small, the quality of teaching has been altogether out of proportion to the amount received. In 1853 at a time when the state re- fused all aid in holding teachers' institutes, the teachers not being willing to forego the inspiration of such meet- ings, have maintained since that time and paid for out of their meagre salaries a state teacher's association which has met each year for the discussion of educational problems. To give a true history of the education of the state is impossible, since it would be necessary to trace the im- 95 STATE BUILDERS press made upon the minds of each individual child by his or iier teacher through the time in which education has been in progress. The teacher is the unit of educa- tional value; obviously his work cannot be weighed and measured. ''It is said that Jupiter on one occasion made a proclamation that he Avould crown the person with im- mortality, who had done the most good, and been the greatest blessing to his fellow-men. The competitors were numerous; the warrior, the statesman, the sculptor and painter, the musican and benevolent, all pressed their claims. But Jupiter seeing an old gray-headed, sage looking man standing far behind the rest, and apparently taking no active part in the matter, asked him what made him look so smiling? "Ah!" the old man said: ''it amuses me, since all these competitors were once my pu- pils." "Crown him," said Jupiter, "and seat him at my right hand." 96 ECCLESIASTICAL By John Alden Staunch and large was the ship Mary and John of the VVinthrop fleet which left Plymouth, England, early in the spring of 1630, carrying one hundred and forty pas- sengers, "godly families and people," led by their two ministers, and bound for the shores of Massachusetts Bay. Ten years had passed away since the Pilgrim Fathers had landed in midwinter on the bleak, inhospitable shores of that smaller bay to the south, since then immortalized and revered by the name "Plymouth," and there under circumstances and conditions in severity and discourage- ments unparalleled in history, had successfully set up a commonwealth "in the name of God." While the Puritans under John Winthrop were not Pilgrims, the Pilgrims were essentially, if not wholly, Puritans, and therefore the coming of this larger band to so near a point as Massachusetts Bay greatly strength- ened and raised the hopes of the original colony. The people of both settlements had the same object in view, the upbuilding of a religious community. They each de- sired to attain the grace of God by devotion to duty. This was the cardinal principle of their lives; all else was subservient to this purpose. Their material pros- perity and welfare and the gain of worldly power and wealth, were all of secondary consideration, even if thought of these were ever entertained. Their belief in individual responsibility to divine law was of the intensest 97 STATE BUILDERS nature and to win souls to Christ and to advance the interests of the kingdom of God in their reahn was their daily (not alone weekly) concern. The Puritan accepted the New Covenant in the fullest measure but he never ceased to be an Old Testament or Old Covenant Christian. He observed the teachings of the entire Bible, conform- ing to what it taught and commanded and not seeking to cause the book to conform to his views. His religion was rigid, exacting and non-compromising. The teach- ings of Christ were to him of a non-elastic, inflexible character and if at this day he seems to have been un- necessarily austere and unbending it must be remembered that in his so living he believed he was fulfilling the divine injunction. He was sturdy, steadfast, useful and true. His whole life centred in his religion. For that he lived and toiled, timing his every act and thought, as thoitgh it was his last upon earth. Above all he moved with a heart filled with gratitude to God for unnumbered blessings, even though his daily path was one of thorns and tribulations and hardships. One of the Winthrop party on the ship Mary and John wrote of the voyage : "So we came by the good hand of the Lord through the deeps comfortabl}^. having preaching and expounding of the Word of God every day." The Bible of the Puritan was opened every day. He had a family altar and his worship there was sincere, open and heartfelt, and never perfunctory. There was a daily heart searching and a constant prayer for strength to resist the will of the flesh. Like the children of Israel they were sustained by a steadfast confidence in an over- ruling Providence. Loyalty to God, to his neighbor, and to the civil law were characteristics of the Puritan life. Material expediency played no part in his being, if it to the least degree questioned the integrity of his religious profession. It is a notable fact that both the Pilgrims and the 98 STATE BUILDERS \\'inthrop Puritans, by which last statement is meant that "Godly assembly of men and women" who made the first settlement at Boston, were already organized into church and town bodies at the time of their arrival in New England, and the custom of gathering a church was a common one when a new settlement had been decided upon, not waiting for its actual consummation. The early Puritans and other denominations called an organized body of worshippers a ''church" and the build- ing for religious services a "meeting house." Thus the early New England records are replete with dates at which such and such a church was "gathered." The religious creed or church polity of the Puritans did not disappear with the passing of the first generation of settlers but rather did it wax stronger, more aggressive and just as devout as the work laid down by the fathers was taken up by the children of another generation. Still another fact should be kept in mind as a study of the Puritan and his ways is pursued, and it is that New- England came to be peopled throughout its whole domain practically by the descendants of those who reached its shores in the years between 1620 and 1660 or thereabouts. New England in the first century or more after the Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth had no special attraction to the non-Puritan emigrant and the comparatively few of this class that did come returned for the most part to the land from whence they had come, presumably not caring to live the sturdy and energetic life enjoined upon all by the uncompromising Puritan, whose religious creed was not of the "easy" type. The real peopling and development of New England as a geographical whole was by a race native to the land and this fact has its historical counterpart by the grow- ing up in the Wilderness of a new generation of Israelites to take possession of the land of Canaan. What is espe- cially significant alxDut that generation of the children of 99 L.ofC. STATE BUILDERS Israel that grew up in the Wilderness was their develop- ment, physically and intellectually, under conditions radi- cally different from those of their fathers in the land of Egypt. First, their foods were not at all like those of Egypt, but, under divine direction, such as were calculated to build aright every element of the body. They ate no unclean thing, no adulterated food passed their lips, but everything they ate w^as natural in its organization. They thus became physically robust, strong and vigorous. The forty years in the Wilderness was a period of pre- paration under a, new regime, new conditions, and a new creed, as respects the relationship of man to his Maker. Strikingly similar to the record of those whom Moses led up out of the land of bondage is that of the Pilgrims and Puritans of New England. Once established upon New England soil they began to subsist upon the foods common to the land. Their habitations w-ere wholly dif- ferent from those of the mother country and the one occupation of the great mass was farming. The country which they had settled was commonly referred to in speech and in the written word as the "New^ Canaan," the "New" English Canaan," and the "New England Canaan." The larger part of a century w-as needed to bring the population of all New England up to one hundred thou- sand souls. In 1676, or exactly fifty years after the land- ing at Plymouth,, New Plampshire contained four thou- sand people located principally in the coast region. Upon the organization of the colonies of New Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay in 1691 into the province of Massa- chusetts it contained a total of seventy-one thousand people, the settlements extending from the coast to the Connecticut river. Connecticut and Rhode Island were the next most populous colonies in New England, while Maine and New Hampshire were about even as respects the number of their inhabitants down to the opening of STATE BUILDERS the eighteenth century, when New Hampshire received through successive decades a most vakiable overflow of population from Massachusetts and Connecticut and 3 most vital gain in quantity and quality by the coming of the Scotch-Irish to that portion of the state called in state history Nutiield. As the Pilgrims declared in the compact entered into and signed without dissent or hesitation in the cabin of the Mayflower that the purpose of the undertaking, — that is the founding of the colony at Plymouth, — "was for ye glorie of God and advancement of ye Christian faith," that declaration of purpose was the keynote and con- trolling motive of the successive generations for at least two and a third centuries. The Puritan idea of morality and religion and the Puritan Sabbath remained inviolate during all this time of New England history and as there was a continuous moving westward into new and unex- plored territory by her sons and daughters they carried these principles and planted them in the great West and North-West and thereby made possible the fact that there is to-day one and only one United States of America. Especially is it true that down to the second half of the nineteenth century New Hampshire was a home of the Pilgrim and Puritan descendant, speakmg of the state as a whole. The faith of the church of the Scotch-Irish descendant was scarcely dissimilar to the original Ortho- dox flrst planted on the shores at Plymouth, Boston and Salem and the founders of the Presbyterian creed in New Hampshire came hither for exactly the same purpose as did the first Puritans. Born of the church which the Pilgrim Fathers had gathered ere reaching the shores of the "New Canaan/' Avas that greatest of all things in the modern record of the human race,— Constitutional Liberty, and as they gathered together churches, through- out New England they likewise planted school houses and the extent to which the Puritan and his descendants STATE BUILDERS have taxed themselves for the cause of popular education has no parallel in history. Notwithstanding the historical truths that the first few settlements in New Hampshire were made for trade and commercial gain to the neglect of religion in general, and that here and there about the state were settlements without churches, the fact prevails that as colony, prov- ince, and state, New Hampshire has ever been a commu- nity in which the church and schoolhouse were funda- mental factors of its life. No less have her people in every generation been known for mental alertness and activity and a disposition for intellectual speculation, progress, and investigation. Taking the state as a whole her first settlers came within her borders with a well defined pur- pose which was to advance the Christian faith by spiritual living and this purpose was adhered to down to a remote time even if it is not in the opening years of the twentieth century. The founding of a settlement was practically coeval with the gathering of a churcli and the formal organization of each was inaugurated by a season of fasting, humiliation, and prayer as an invocation for Divine guidance and blessing. The whole town was in those early days the congregation and tlie ultimate deci- sion and final decrees were vested with the whole congre- gation. The ministry was the selected guide of the church and town but not the master in any sense. In- dividual favor with God as a reward for obedience and fidelity was no less believed in than was individual re- sponsibility to Omnipotence. The first colonists in what is now New Hampshire were the mere agents or representatives of commercial interests in England. The establishment of a trading post or commercial community was the sole or at least princi- pal motive. The object in view was to get the maximum measure of wealth out of the holdings v,-ithout thought of the general common \\eal. As this was the domi- STATE BUILDERS nant idea it became the dominant characteristic, for u community takes on the characteristics of its people every time/ Commercialism in itself lacks a founda- tion' \t its best it is a characteristic of a charac- teristic that furnishes a stable and secure under- pinnin^c from ^vhich it can arise, expand, and m- crease in all directions. Commerce and trade were almost immediate factors in the Plymouth settlement and so continued with a singular constancy, but it was ever held as secondary to that primary purpose of building a commonwealth dedicated to religion and morality. The settlements on the banks of the Piscataqua had among its leaders and first comers two brothers, Edward and William Hilton; both were able and good men and the inference seems to be justified that they were represen- tative merchants of their time. Nearly a century passed ere the settlements in all the Piscataqua region took on a very vigorous life and made marked progress m gain of population and material substance. Ten years passed away before the first meeting house m New Hampshire, at Dover, was built and when forty-seven years had been counted from the date of that first settlement m 1623 Dover Exeter and Hampton, alone in all the colony had settled ministers. The close of the eighteenth century saw only fiye Congregational churches and the fifth of these was in Dunstable, now Nashua. By 1638 Ports- mouth had an Episcopal chapel with its settled rector, but it was not until 1640 that regular pro- vision was made for the support of an orthodox ministry in the town and still another seventeen years passed before the construction of a meet- ing house began, and a minister, Joshua Moodey, was called to become a settled pastor. The building of the meeting house and the calling of the minister appears to have quickened the spiritual life of the community for it is recorded that the town ordered a cage to be 103 STATE BUILDERS made wherein to punish those attendants upon rehgious service who might fall asleep, chew tobacco, or be guilty of any" form of misdemeanor. But in spite of the de- cision to call a pastor and build a meeting house it yet required thirteen years to successfully gather a church and to formally ordain Mr. Moodey. This first church in Portsmouth became the Old North Church of historic fame. One of its pastors, Samuel Langdon, became president of Harvard, and Rev. Dr. Stiles, though never formally ordained pastor of the church, became president of Yale. Coeval with the settlement at Portsmouth was that at Dover and it was likewise by the Hiltons. In 1633 a number of families of the Puritan faith took up their abode in the town under the patronage of Lords Say and Brooke. The ne\v emigrants, as a condition of their settlement, had been furnished a minister of their own faith and with their landing was perhaps the real begin- ning of the ecclesiastical history of New Hampshire. The first pastor of the little flock was William Leveridge. The second pastor was George Burdett, who soon after his ordination was elected governor of the colony. The third spiritual leader of the pioneer band was Hanserd Knollys, under whose direction and eft'ort the church in Dover was gathered in 1638, fifteen years after the settle- ment by the Hiltons and five years after the coming of the Puritan families through the influence and aid of Lords Say and Brooke. Upon the political union of New Hampshire with Massachusetts in 1641 the ecclesiastical authorities at Boston aided in the direction of the Dover church and in the person of Daniel Maud sent them a minister who became popular and successful. During his pastorate the original log meeting house gave way, in 1653, to a more pretentious structure, of the following accepted plan : ''forty foote longe, twenty six foote wide, sixteen foote studd, with six windows, two 104 STATE BUILDERS doores fitt for such a house, with a tile covering, and to flanck all the walls, with glass and nails for it." A portion at least of the original settlers of the town of Hampton went there as a regularly organized church. This was in 1638 and the Congregational church in that town is the oldest in the state. The first pastor of this pioneer church was the Rev. Stephen Bachiler, whose descendants for generations have been a power in the up-building of the material and spiritual interests of every one of the six New England states. Mr. Bachiler had reached the Psalmist's limit of life at the time of his settlement in Hampton, a fact that forcibly illustrates the sturdy self forgetfulness and heroic devotion to Divine will of the first builders of the New England Canaan. After leaving Hampton Mr. Bachiler in course of time returned to England, where he died a centenarian. Still another church of special and great historic in- terest in New Hampshire is that one gathered or or- ganized in Exeter, likewise in 1638. The prime mover in its formation was John Wheelwright, said to have been a classmate of Oliver Cromwell in Cambridge Uni- versity, England. Boston was his first home in America and there he united with the church of the Puritans. He was a man of genuine ability and decided individuality. He was a brother-in-law of \\'illiam Hutchinson whose wife, Ann Hutchinson, was the founder of antinomianism in New England. A sermon preached by Wheelwright caused him to be banished from the colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. He, with a small number of adherents, went to New Hampshire and he purchased from the abori- gines a vast tract of land lying between the Merrimac and Piscataqua Rivers. He founded the town of Exeter and formed there a church. Scarcely four years elapsed after these events when the whole of New Hampshire came under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, and as the sentence of banishment still hung over Mr. Wheelwright 105 STATE BUILDERS he was compelled to seek yet another home, which he did in Wells, Ma'ine. After a brief stay in Maine the sentence imposed upon him was removed by the General Court of ^lassachusetts, when he received a call to preach in Hampton, which he accepted. In 1685 what is now the First Congregational church in Nasliua, was organized, the fifth in number in the sixty-two years since the making of the first settlement at Piscataqua. To people living in the twentieth century this seems like slow progress, but all circumstances con- sidered, it was rapid development, indeed, as those condi- tions are studied and weighed the wonder is that the little bands of first comers should have been able to overcome the long and trying list of difficulties, perplexities, and trials which in time they did. No great steamships then came freighted with the surplus population of the Old World as now they do daily. The region all about was then a trackless \\ilderness, the abode of wild animals and worse wild men. But there was growing up a new race of men and women native to the land and putting on those national traits and characteristics that was to make a distinct class. Yet again, ere the close of the second decade of tlie eighteenth century came the advance guard of what proved a mighty element in the popula- tion of New Hampshire, New England and all the colo- nies, — the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians who settled the southern central portion of the state. Between these Presbyterians from the north of Ireland and the Puritans there was a close community of interest as respects their religious creeds and professions. In truth the terms were simply interchangeable. Both sought religious liberty and the advancement of the Christian faith. \Mienever they elected to build a home and community success followed the effort. Education came in with morality and religion and material pros- perity was as a matter of course. Londonderry and all 106 STATE BUILDERS its adjacent territory that was within the original grants to the sturdy, rugged, steadfast, and progressive Scotch- Irish was speedily transformed from a wilderness into a region of magnificent estates, of spacious homesteads, and of benign influences. The spirit of the Scotch-Irish permeated every nook and corner of the state and crossed the line into Massachusetts. The church which the first comers gathered as their first duty performed in their Nutfield home is still intact and it has been as the mother to many another church organization throughout the length and breadth of the land. That first church gathered by the Scotch-Irish in that locality originally called Nutfield, built its first meeting house in that portion of its grant since called Derry, or to be more precise in the village of East Derry. The original company consisted of sixteen families and as soon as they had arrived in the region of their proposed new home they held a service of prayer in a little field on Westrunning brook. The very next day the emi- grants again assembled, this time on the shore of Lake Tsienneto or Beaver pond, and listened to- the preaching of the Word by Rev. James McGregoire, the spiritual leader of the little flock. His text was Isaiah 32 :2 : "And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of waters m a dry place, as the shadow of a rock in a weary land." An old account describes Mr. McGregoire as a man of "distinguished talents" and judging from the works accomplished by the members of his flock this description may be given with singular appropriateness to them all, for great indeed was what they wrought. Without unnecessary delay the sixteen families or- ganized themselves into a church and called Mr. Mc- Gregoire to be their pastor and thus came into being the first Presbyterian church organized in New England. No Presbytery was then existent in New England but this 107 STATE BUILDERS did not deter these determined and Godly pioneers from ecclesiastical organization. Mr. McGregoire preached his own installation sermon. He received the people as his pastoral charge and they received him as their pastor. His text on the occasion of his installation was from Ezekiel 37 :26 : ''Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them : and I will place them and multiply them : and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them forever more." Never were scriptural words more appropriately selected and the Divine assurance as spoken by the prophet of old never failed them or their children. They had come from scenes of a cruel and unjust war, and of bitter, relentless persecution. In their new home they found a covenant of peace, good will and liberty of con- science Avhich has thus far continued. They grew in number and great has been the strength and blessings of their children in all the generations since. The sanc- tuary was planted in their midst and it has been as a beacon untO' the feet of their posterity to this day. The growth of the Presbyterian colony in London- derry was with marked rapidity. Only four years after the colony had gathered its first church there w'ere present on the occasion of a communion service twO' hundred and thirty persons. At the communion season of 1732, thirteen years after the organization of the church, six hundred communicants were present, a very considerable community in itself for those early years of New England development. Nor was the strength of the Scotch-Irish settlement in New Hampshire designated by numbers alone. It had quality as well as cjuantity and every man among them was a true state builder. The entire state felt the quickening influence of their example and enterprise in the work of creating and directing a material progress. With the opening of the eighteenth century township ro8 STATE BUILDERS p-rants began to be made xvith greatly increased rapidity and continued unabated throughout the entire hundred years and down into the nineteenth century, and the worthy character of the people who made the successive township settlements was what gave to New Hampshire its secure and strong foundation upon which there arose the abiding superstructure of a magnificent common- wealth. As Higginson says of ^lassachusetts so likewise was New Hampshire "a plantation of religion and not of trade." New Hampshire profited throughout the eigh- teenth century bv a long continued overflow of popula- tion from Covmecticut and ^lassachusetts, but New Hampshire well repaid the benefits of this immigration, and in kind, by sending the descendants of these early pioneers out into other states of the Union during practi- cally all the decades of the nineteenth century. Especially has' Massachusetts been benefited in all her varied mate- rial interests bv the influx of the strong, well-bred and resourceful sons and daughters of New Hampshire dur- ing the past fiftv vears. People of the Quaker or Friends faith were early m the state and in New Hampshire as well as in Massa- chusetts proved a thorn in the religious flesh of the early Puritans. • As a sect they have never been of any con- siderable number in New Hampshire. As respects denominational strength the Baptists have always ranked second after the Congregationalists in New Hampshire. Their first church in the state was gathered in the town of Newton in 1755 and it is still in existence and at this writing (1903) h^s nearly reached its sesqui- centennial. The first pastor of this Newton church was Rev Walter Powers, whose pastorate continued for nearly forty years. In 1855 services commemorative of the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the church were held. The sermon on the occasion was 109 STATE BUILDERS preached bv Rev. O. Aver of Claremont, pastor of one of the largest churches of the denomination at that time in the state. Some authorities, however, state thai the church or- ganized at Dover in 1638 was essentially Baptist in its doctrinal creed. Its first pastor. Hanserd Knollys,-upon his return to England became prominently identified with the denomination and continued for the remainder of his life a notable disciple of the creed and church. Once the Baptists had obtained a foothold in Xew Hampshire, their gro^^-th was strong and rapid. The denomination was a mighty force in the settlement of the state during the eighteenth century, its members braving the dangers and enduring the hardships of pioneer life to an extent only second to that of the descendants of the Puritans themselves. From the time of the organization of the little church in Xe\\'ton to the close of the same century the Baptists had in the state a total of twenty-five churches, and of course all supported by the voluntary contributions of its members. In 1780 was gathered in Xew Durham the first Free Will Baptist church in X'ew Hampshire, and according to some writers and ecclesiastical authorities, the first of the denomination in the country. The first pastor of this X'ew Durham church was Rev. Benjamin Randall, who was born in the town of Xew Castle in 1749. In his boyhood and early manhood life he followed the occu- pation of sailmaker. As a child he was deeply religpious and throughout his was a saintly career. At first he identified himself with the Congregationalists, but in 1775 he united with the general or regular Baptists at X^ew Castle. On April 5. 1780, he was ordained as an evangelist at X'ew Durham, where he had gathered his little flock of Free \\"\\\ Baptists. He died at the age of fiftv-nine. October 22. 1808. STATE BUILDERS There was that in the idea of the Free \\'iU Baptist creed that has from the first down tO' the present appealed with a pecuHar force to tlie people of all Northern New England and the INIaritime Provinces. In Maine, New Hampshire and A^ermont the denomination is especially strong. At the close of the nineteenth century the Free Will Baptists had a grand total of one hundred churches, ninety-three ordained and eight licensed ministers, a church property valued at near a half a million dollars and some eight thousand church members. As early as 1797 there was returned to the New Eng- land conference a list of ninety-two members of a Metho- dist Episcopal church in Chesterfield. By the year 1800 the denomination had in the state one hundred and seventy-one members and three travelling or circuit preachers. The growth of Methodism throughout the nineteenth century in the state was healthy, strong and full of char- acter. It early established a conference seminary in what is now Tilton, and this seminary became a decided fac- tor in the educational life of the state. At the close of the last century the New Hampshire conference had a total of nearly fourteen thousand church members divided among one hundred and thirty-five churches. The history of the Protestant Episcopal church in New Hampshire is practically coeval with the settlement of the state. An Episcopal chapel was built aljout 1634 in Portsmouth with Rev. Richard Gibson as rector. The present diocese of New Hampshire has for its bishop Right Reverend William W. Niles, D. D. As early as 1782 that religious body known by the name of Shakers made their appearance in New Hamp- shire and a church-state was formed under the leadership of Elder Job Bishop. For more than a century they have maintained their organization in the state and have made themselves known for good works throughout the coun- III STATE BUILDERS try. In this year of 1903 they have two societies in the state, one at Canterbury and a second at Enfield. It was in Portsmouth also that the first Universalist society was organized and this in 1781. There are in 1903 a total of twenty-eight parishes in the state, em- bracing all told some fifteen hundred families. The people of New Hampshire who hold to the Uni- tarian faith, while not large in number, include many among its most representative families. Unitarian church bodies are in Manchester, Concord, Walpole, An- dover, Nashua, Portsmouth, Dover and elsewhere. There are in New Plampshire twenty-five churches of the Christian or Church of Christ faith. These are di- vided into two conferences. These are the Rockingham having sixteen churches, and the Merrimack with nine organizations and both conferences hold annual sessions. The state of New Hampshire in itself constitutes a diocese of the Roman Catholic Church, and is presided over by the Right Reverend Denis M. Bradley, D. D., with St. Joseph's at Alanchester as the cathedral church. There are in the diocese more than one hundred thou- sand adherents of this faith, and above one hundred ordained members of the priesthood. The churches of the diocese are scattered throughout the length and breadth of the state and many among them rank with the largest and finest church edifices in New Hampshire. Belonging to the diocese is the college of St. Anselms, and various high schools for boys and for girls. ]\It. St. Mary's is a widely known boarding-school for young women. There are also in the diocese six orphan asy- lums, four hospitals, four homes for aged women and five for working girls. There are nearly four hundred sisters of the different orders and some seventy brothers employed in fostering and extending charitable, religious and educational work throughout the state. 112 AGRICULTURE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE By Nahum J. Bachelder The state of New Hampshire, in common with other New England states, was known in early times as an agricultural state, the cultivation of the soil and the growing and feeding of crops constituting the leading industry of her people. This condition of affairs existed from the time of the earliest white settlements until the development of the great natural water powers of the state for manufacturing purposes during the second half of the nineteenth century. This in turn is being followed by increased interest and activity in agricultural matters and better facilities in rural sections which causes us to treat the subject by periods, the exact duration of which cannot be definitely fixed owing to the difference in the date of settlement in different sections of the state. I St. The period from the settlement by white people, which marked the beginning of agriculture in the state, to the subduing of the forest and the clearing of farming lands which may be known as the period of construction. 2nd. The period from the ending of the first to the time of the marked deterioration of the soil which may be known as the period of natural production. 3rd. The period from the ending of the second to the present time which may be known as the period of read- justment. The first period would end in the central portion of the state about 1800, but earlier in the southern and later in 113 STATE BUILDERS the northern sections. The second period would extend from the close of the first to about 1875, and the third period from the close of the second. This outline of our purpose will make clear our meaning in this brief consid- eration of the history of the agriculture of New Hamp- shire. PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. There is no evidence that the red men who occupied the territory known as New Hampshire practised agri- culture to any appreciable extent. They obtained their supply of food and clothing by hunting and fishing, with an occasional plot of maize or Indian corn cultivated in the rudest manner by the faithful squaw whose lord and master considered it beneath his dignity to engage in any- thing so suggestive of labor. These feeble attempts to grow corn and a few herbs were so rare, and the results so meagre, that there is nothing in it worthy of the name of agriculture, and the advent of the white man to the hillsides and valleys of the state marked the beginning of the industry. The pioneers who settled upon the farms of New Hampshire were a sturdy race of people of great physical endurance and strong mental endowment. They were imbued with a resolute spirit and stimulated to ac- tivity by the one desire to dig from the soil an honest livelihood for themselves and their families. All else was subordinate to this, and they entered upon their task with remarkable fortitude and courage. The first settlers of the farms in the southern part of the state were descend- ants of the Puritan families who came to this country for high and noble purposes, and their descendants in turn gradually pushed back into the forest and cleared the land of wood, fenced it, and made farms. The journey to the place selected for the rough cabin home was frequently made over a trail marked only by spotted trees, with the family and all the household effects carried on horseback. 114 STATE BUILDERS Perhaps a site had been selected and a rude log cabin pre- viously erected in the wilderness which formed the nu- cleus of the young pioneer's home. Acre after acre of the virgin forest yielded to the sturdy blows of the pioneer's axe, the felled trees were reduced to ashes, and the land sowed to rye, the crop from which was to furnish sustenance for the family. The young wife cooked the meals, raised a family of children, kept the cabin in order and the wild animals away, while her husband was vigorously at work clearing the land for a farm. Later, rocks were removed and the vast network of stone walls that gridiron the farms of the state were built. As the children grew up they were able to render much assistance, and a pioneer farmer with half a dozen sturdy boys and girls helping to fell and burn trees, dig rocks and stumps, build walls and fences and seed the land to grass was no uncommon sight. As the children reached manhood and womanhoood they pushed back still further into the forest and cleared farms and built cabins for their homes. In the course of time the cabins gave way to frame buildings as the typical two- story houses with big chimneys in the centre were built, barns were erected, and cattle, sheep, hogs and horses kept to eat the fodder which began to grow upon the cleared land and which furnished milk, butter, beef, pork and wool for the food and raiment of the family. Beef and pork were salted in the fall for the year's supply, wool was carded, spun and woven upon the farm and made into clothing for the family, the products of the farm yielding the entire supply in both these directions. Lit- tle or nothing was bought or sold and there was no desire to do either. A little later the farmer made a trip to Portsmouth in the fall of each year with a pair of horses in a pung, requiring from one to two weeks' time, carry- ing to market surplus products from the farm and bring- ing back such supplies for the winter as his disposition 115 STATE BUILDERS craved and his improved financial condition seemed to allow. As the farms were developed roads began to be improved. Schoolhouses were erected and schools es- tablished, churches built and religious services held, attended by about all the people. The close of the first period in our division was marked by a feeling of great satisfaction and contentment among the people. Their labor was severe both in the house and upon the land, but they were happy. Their wants were few and easih^ supplied. The soil of the farm was fertile from the accumulations of centuries and the ashes from burning the heavy growth of wood and timber, yielded abundant crops. Fields of grain were grown with great success, and fruit began to be given attention. The live stock increased in number and value annually. The large houses were filled with large families of rugged, healthy children. The people had but little knowledge of what was transpiring beyond the vision from their own farm, but were prosperous, contented and happy to an extent that it would be difficult to exceed at any period in any part of the world. This was the condition of New Hampshire agriculture at the close of the first period, varying in date in difterent localities but existing with remarkable uniformity in all sections of the state. PERIOD OF NATURAL PRODUCTION. The period of greatest activity among the farmers of New Hampshire and the period of greatest supremacy of agriculture in the affairs of the state may very properly be termed the period of natural production occurring during the first half or more of the nineteenth century. 'J'he soil of the fields and pastures had been recently cleared of its forest growth and was filled with plant food. This was true even of the hilltops, where live stock found excellent grazing and where farm buildings, long since ii6 STATE BUILDERS gone to decay leaving hardly a trace of existence, shel- tered large families of contented people, the soil fur- nishing a living that met their requirements. As the pro- duction of the farm increased and the population multi- plied, various industries were established to provide things that increased incomes allowed, and to make things previously made in the home. Dams were built across the streams and the water power utilized in carding, spin- ning and weaving for surrounding farmers, work w^hich had been previously done by hand in the farmhouse. Tanneries were built to tan the hides taken from the farmers' animals, and shoemakers' shops built to make the boots and shoes for the farmers' families, which had previously been done by the itinerant cobbler. Sawmills were erected to saw the lumber used in building and re- pairing farm buildings, and grist mills established for grinding the farmers' grain. As the farmers progressed there was a demand for blacksmith shops in which to have oxen and horses shod, clock makers' shops in which to make and repair clocks and watches, and carriage shops in which to build and repair wagons, all of which vrere established, affording employment for part of the people a portion of the time. Farming was generally carried on to some extent with these various trades which were worked in the less busy season on the farm. In .those days the minister even was expected to till the soil . and often was the leading farmer in the township. Stores were opened to supply the people wnth groceries, rum and tobacco as their income allowed. In many instances these shops, mills and tanneries were scattered over the town- ship upon convenient streams or located near the farmers which they were to serve. Generalh' the store was located near one or more of these industries and, Avith the meeting-house and a school house, comprised the country village of three-quarters of a century ago.. The farms continued to yield abundant crops 117 STATE BUILDERS for many years without any return of fertility, for nature had been filling the storehouse with plant food for centu- ries, and it scarcely occurred to any one that the soil would not continue to produce bountiful crops for an indefinite period without any restoration of fertilit}-. This great production of surplus crops induced the building of better roads or "turnpikes," as the main roads were called, in order to send such surplus products to a market, and in 1837 the first steam railroad was built in the state. These means of communication with the outside world were the beginning of a new era in Xew Hampshire agri- culture. The farmers were stimulated to even greater ac- tivity, and with the rude implements of husbandry and great muscular effort coaxed from the soil abundant crops, which found their way to a distant market. The old time exclusiveness and independence of the town by which everj-thing needed for food, raiment or shelter was produced within the town limits, gave way to a system of broader proportions, and the little industries we have named beside the streams and in the centres of popula- tion supplying the wants of the people became extinct. The farmers' boots, clothes and wagons, which were first made upon the farm, then in the little neighborhood fac- tories, were made by improved machiner}- and skilled labor in distant mills and factories. Under the stimulus of the demand for farm products unknown to the pioneer fanners, the pastures were covered with stock and the fields used for growing* crops with no regard for the fer- tility removed, and in many instances the operation be- came but little more than the transfer of valuable elements of the soil into cash through the medium of farm products and labor. The money thus received went to pay for expensive living which the new conditions had offered, to improve the farm buildings, fences and stock, or was deposited in the savings bank to be referred to in later years as evidence of the prosperity of agriculture during 118 STATE BUILDERS this period, ^^'hatever use may have been made of the money, it represented a portion of the value of the farm taken from the soil, and labor of the hardest kind in secur- ing it. The agriculture of New Hampshire suffered greatly during this period on account of the vast number of young men and women of good mental endowment and great physical strength, both qualities being inherited from ancestors of the most exemplary type, that went from the farm homes of the state to develop the West, or to occupy responsible positions in New England manu- facturing cities. These young people possessed the exact qualities needed in their adopted fields of labor and, while they contributed much to the welfare of the localities to which they went and in many instances improved their own financial condition by the change, the rural sections of New Hampshire suffered by their departure, and many good New Hampshire farms became abandoned thereby. When the aged father and mother who had made a suc- cess of the farm and surrounded their farm home with all the comforts that an intense love for it could suggest and their scanty means provide, passed away the sons and daughters were established in homes elsewhere and the farm became abandoned or passed into the hands of people with only temporary interest in it or in the town in which they had located. The most valuable production of New Hampshire farms have been the boys and girls sent into the world who have developed into men and women of influence and fame at home and abroad. Their success has been made possible by inherited qualities of heart, mind and body which were developed through early experiences in farm life and the high moral atmosphere of the Qiristian farm home. The New Hampshire farms are entitled to the credit of a noble production in this respect. Another serious loss was experienced by the agricultural interests of the state in the great number of 119 . STATE BUILDERS brave boys who went from the farms to fight for our country in the Civil War. From 1861 to 1865 there was a constant depletion of the farmers' ranks to recruit the ranks of the nation's defenders. This influence reached beyond the bare number that went to the front, for in many cases homes were made desolate and the inter- est of those remaining was more with the brave boys that were on the field of battle than upon the fields of the farm where, in a half-hearted way, the aged father and anxious brothers were trying to grow crops. Farm ma- chinery had not come into general use at that time, and the great scarcity of farm help, coupled with the sorrow and despondency in the farmer's family, placed a serious obstacle in the farmer's path notwithstanding the high prices that artificially prevailed. But little thought was given to sustaining the fertility of the soil, and the crops produced were sent to market with seemingly rich returns. Recognizing the necessity for the diffusion of knowledge upon the science of agriculture, which recognition was in part based upon the fact that the soil by continual crop- ping was becoming exhausted of plant food, and the fur- ther fact that a nation's prosperity depended in an eminent degree upon a prosperous agriculture within its limits, the Congress of the United States in 1862 provided for the establishment of Colleges of Agriculture and Me- chanic Arts in the several states, said institutions to be under the direction of the respective states. The legis- lature of New Hampshire provided for the establish- ment of the New Hampshire institution under this act at Hanover in connection with Dartmouth College, where it remained with varying degrees of success until, through the operation of a bequest made by Benjamin Thompson of Durham, the college was removed from Hanover and established at Durham in 1891. In connection with the experiment station established by the go^•ernment by act STATE BUILDERS of congress in 1887, the institution at Durham will come into the possession of the Thompson legacy in 1910, when an annual income of about $100,000 a year will be received. This will make it possible to- provide such instruction in agriculture and mechanic arts as will be of great benefit in promoting the agricultural and indus- trial interests of the state. In 1870 the legislature of New Hampshire established a State Board of Agricul- ture, composed of one citizen of each county, appointed by the Governor, the duty of which is to> promote the interests of the various branches of agriculture by the diffusion of information and arousing an interest among the people therein. This is attempted through the hold- ing of institutes for public discussion, the issuing of reports, and the encouragement of dairy, horticultural and other societies and exhibitions. In 1873 the Order known as the Grange of the Patrons of Husbandr)^ was established in the state for promoting the interests of agriculture in general. The first organiza- tion was made at Exeter, August 19, 1873, known as Gil- man Grange, No. i, with eighteen charter members. The State Grange was organized at Manchester, December 2^, 1873, with fifteen subordinate Granges represented. The Grange seemed to come into existence at a very opportune time, for the period immediately following the close of the Civil War was as discouraging for farm- ers as any in the history of the state. The farm lands, both cultivated land and permanent pasture, showed marked appearance of deterioration in fertility, from a long term of exhausted cropping, which was about the beginning of the recognition by the farmers of the fact that such a course must result in soil deterioration. The inflated prices prevailing during the Civil War upon all property began to disappear, and the farmer who wanted to sell his farm found that not only was the price of his surplus farm products sent to market reduced about fifty STATE BUILDERS per cent, but the value of his farm also had begun to be depreciated. The rapid development of manufacturing had made such demand for labor, and so advanced the price of it, that it was beyond profitable employment upon the farm under methods previously followed in its man- agement. The development of the various industrial, commercial and transportation interests of the state had been so great that the positions occupied by the farmers a generation earlier as leaders in town and state affairs had been largely assumed by the representatives of other industries. These various reasons made the advent of the Grange and other agencies for promoting the inter- ests of agriculture of great and timely importance. The agricultural interests of New Hampshire reached their greatest supremacy about 1850, although not their great- est magnitude until later. The total value of fami prop- erty reached the highest point in 1870. as the following table from the United States Census will show. Number I shows acres in farms; 2, average size of farms; 3, total value of farm property; 4, total value of lands, improve- ments and buildinsfs. I 2 3 4 1900 . . . 3,609,864 I23.I $85,842,096 $70,124,360 IS90 . ...3,459.018 II8.7 80.207.575 66,162.600 1880 . • •3.721,173 II5.6 88,715.693 75,834,389 1870 . ..3.605,994 121. 7 99,295,801 80,589,313 i860 . ..3.744,625 122.8 83,297,400 69,689.761 1850 . ..3,392,414 II6.I 66,432,023 55.245,997 This table shows that the intrinsic value (the gold value) of farm property was greater in 1870, though the deterioration since has not been marked. PERIOD OF RE-ADTUSTMEXT. The present may properly be called the period of re- adjustment in the agriculture of New Hampshire. The STATE BUILDERS condition of the industry during the two former periods was in keeping with surrounding conditions and adapted to the necessities of the farmers of the respective periods as we have ah^eady pointed out. The new conditions called for more expensive living, including luxuries in the farmer's home unknown a generation before, driving horses with style and speed and carriages of the latest and most fashionable design in the place of the farm horse and thoroughbrace wagon, broadcloth in the place of "homespun" and dainty fabrics of foreign manufacture in place of home-made goods in the wearing apparel of the farmer and his family. Daily papers and the stand- ard magazines were found upon the farmers' tables in place of the one publication which brought him his news and politics weekly. The society formerly limited to the farmer's turn in boarding the district school teacher his proportion of the term measured by the number of schol- ars sent to school, the semi-annual visits of the seamstress to doi the family sewing, with an occasional apple-paring bee, husking or surprise party, had been superseded by participation in the leading society events of the town and state. The changes had been made necessary by similar changes in the mode of living adopted by people engaged in other industries which had come into existence in the natural course of the deA^-elopment of the country and the prosperity of which had allowed. In the re-adjustment of agriculture to meet existing conditions at home and abroad the New Hampshire farmer has made available the use of improved machinery, the teachings of advanced agricultural science, intelligent forestry, demands of local markets, the improved means of communication and transportation, the advantages offered by the development of the summer boarding and summer home industries and the educational and social influence of the farmers' or- ganization known as the Grange. The use of farm machinery is one of the most potent 123 STATE BUILDERS agents in the re-ad jusmieut prcnress. In fact, it may be stated \v-ith cenainty that land not suited to the use of machinery- can no longer be profitably cultivated and should be devoted to some other purpose than the grow- ing of culti\*ated crc^s. The first improved machinery" to make its appearance w"as the mowing madiine by which the farmer rides over his field and with a pair of horses cuts as much grass without fatigue as five rugged men could cut \N*ith tlie hand sc}-the and an additional man to spread the swathe. The rake, tedder and fork operated by horse power followed soon, completing the machiner}- for hai' harvesting. The reaper and self-binder were in- troduced about the same time, and the com harvesting machine a little later. For tlie pulverization and culti\-ation of the soil we have the sulk}- plough, \-arious improved harrows, culti\-ators and weeders that move immeise quantities of soil in a brief time, making ilie wood«i plougii and spike tooth harrow of a couple generations ago seem absurd for this purpose. Seed sowers have come into use by which one man will sow or plant more seed than ten men can sow or plant by hand and do it infinitdy better, ^^'hen we add to these dain.- utaisils by which the farmer separates the fat from the milk while the mei are milking. ha\-ing the cream ready to be sent to the butter factor}-, and the skim milk ready for feeding the calves and pigs immediately, or if desired, the use of machines by whidi the buner can be s^jarated from the milk dired: and served upon the breakfast table the same morning, we have some idea of the extent to which ma- chinery- enters into the afltairs of re-adjusted agriculture. The silo which has come into use w-ithin a few years for the storage of green crops is quire properly termed a ma- chine and CHie which the up-to-date farmer cannot afford to be without whatever the character of his soil or the kind of stock fed upon his farm. Xext in importance to improved farm machinery in the 124 STATE BUILDERS re-adjustment of New Hampshire agriculture comes the appHcation of the teachings of agricultural science as evolved from experiments by scientists and students of soils and of animal and plant growth. This includes the manipulation of the soil by machinery in such manner as to make available plant food already existing in the soil in unavailable form, the growing of crops that have the power of extracting valuable plant food from the subsoil and from the atmosphere depositing it in the soil in con- dition to be available by growing plants, the rotation of crops by which certain crops that draw nourishment from different depths of soil succeed each other in intelligent and well-considered rotation, the purchase of such ele- ments of fertility as are needed to replace those carried away in crops in the most economical form and from the cheapest sources, the fertilizing value of the different crops when fed to animals and the manure applied to the soil from which the crop was taken, the ability to success- fully combat the fungus diseases and insect pests that attack all kinds of plants and to successfully treat the diseases to which farm animals are subject, to harvest and market crops in the most economical manner and in the most profitable form. These are some of the things that the successful farmer of to-day must know and practise and which are included under the broad name of agricul- tural science. This science is being promoted during the entire period of re-adjustment by the agricultural press, the agricultural college and experiment station, farmers' institutes and the Grange. The practice of intelligent forestry which includes the planting of seed and the setting of trees, the proper thin- ning and trimming of the growth, the harvesting of the crop when ripe, leaving the young growth, and the pro- tection of trees from forest fires, are matters of great im- portance in the production of one of our most valuable crops. When we consider the fact that of the 5,763,200 125 STATE BUILDERS acres of territory comprised within the Hmits of the state of Xew Hampshire, 3.455,088 acres are unimproved land, mostly forests, the value of the annual product of which exceeds Si 2,000,000, giving emploj-ment in round num- bers to 10,000 people and paying in wages over S3. 000.- 000 annually, we get some conception of the extent to which forestr}- enters into Xew Hampshire agriculture. Cutting and marketing forest products has been an im- portant industr}- upon Xew Hampshire farms during this period and the money received therefor has been an im- portant factor in enabling many farmers to supply them- selves and families with the comforts and luxuries with which the farm homes of the state universally abound. Vast areas of land located upon the tops of hills and on the sides of mountains remote from railroad, which under early conditions were profitably cultivated and furnished homes for large families and food and raiment to meet their needs, are now wisely devoted to the growth of wood and timber and in many instances paying the owner a higher rate of interest upon the money invested than could be obtained elsewhere. X'ew uses for wood and timber are yearly found, and the early marketing of the crop which many of those uses allow, renders the grow- ing of wood and timber under favorable conditions one of the most profitable industries of X'ew Hampshire farms, objectionable only to the person who is unwilling to wait twenty-five or thirty years for the production of a crop. It makes a long term investment, but one in which the principal and interest are sure when placed with good judgment and cared for in an intelligent manner. The improved means of communication and transpor- tation eliminating the barriers between country and city life are having marked eft'ect in the great re-adjustment process. The establishment of rural mail deliver}-, the rural telephone, and the building of trolley lines from pDpulous centres into rural districts, carn.-ing the farmers 136 STATE BUILDERS and the farmer's produce to town and carrying the city residents to the farmer's home for rest, recreation and pleasure, for which they are wihing to pay a hheral sum, is opening up the financial and social advantages of the farm as could be done in no other way. It is relieving farm life of its isolation, inducing the farmer to eliminate some of the drudgery by adopting more business and sys- tematic methods, and is affording social culture in the farmer's home, the lack of which caused the young people to leave the farm as the desire for social enjoyment de- veloped in the process of evolution from pioneer to twen- tieth century life. The telephone enables the family to keep in touch with the people of the town and enables the farmer to keep informed in regard to any sudden change in the market or probable change in the weather. The rural mail delivery brings the daily paper, brings and car- ries the business, social and literary correspondence and leads the farmer to consider himself in touch with the aft'airs of the town, state and nation, thereby increasing his feeling of responsibility and promoting a desire to act the part of a good citizen. The trolley line takes the farmer and his family to town after a busy day upon the farm, to attend meetings of various kinds, the theatre, or to do shopping and returns them to their home for a mere trifle in the way of fare. The sections of the state reached by these utilities are assuming an unprecedented appear- ance of thrift and prosperity, and as other sections are included within the reach of these agencies the re-adjust- ment will be still further aided and promoted. The growth of manufacturing and the consequent de- velopment O'i cities and villages composed of people en- gaged in that industry, or to serve the needs of those so engaged, has created local markets of great value to agri- culture and to supply these has been the aim of a large number of prosperous farmers. The production of per- ishable products that must be delivered in fresh condition 127 STATE BUILDERS has engrossed the leading attention of such fanners and contributed to the development of intensive system of fanning by which one acre produces a crop of greater cash value tliaji ten acres under the system of general farming once practised here. About fifty creameries have been established within this period, manufacturing over $2,000,000 worth of butter annually, in addition to which twenty carloads of milk are daily sent to the Boston mar- ket from the New Hampshire fanns. The growing of apples has become a leading state industry, increasing from an insignificant matter thirty years ago to an indus- try of great proportions, furnishing the best of fruit for the apple markets of the world. The g-arden, fniit, dairy and poultry products of the state have more than taken the place of the decline in the production of wheat, oats and other grain crops and render tlie present annual value of the fann productions of the state the greatest in its history. The development of the summer boarding and summer home interests has had marked eft'ect in the movement under consideration. In 1880 the Xew Hampshire legis- lature made provision for calling attention to the advan- tages offered by the abandoned fanns of the state for people seeking country places, either for health, pleasure or fanning purposes. This \\-as the beginning of a sys- tematic movement for attracting people to the niral towns oi the state. The ofticial in charge of the work well said, and his statements are tnie to-day, that no more fertile soil e:xists anywhere. The rich, alluvial soil of the Con- necticut ^'alley. producing magnificent crops of gxass, grain and tobacco; tlie fertile intervale farms along the Merrimac River and its tributaries; the ridi soil of tlie once heavily wooded hillsides and valleys in all sections of the state, easily cultivated and retentive of moisture and fertility in sucli a degree as to command wonder and admiration; the apple orchards producing fniit that STATE BUILDERS has gained a world-wide reputation for its superior flavor and keeping qualities; the private dairies and creameries, producing butter that was awarded the highest prize at the World's Fair in Chicago, both on account of the skill of our people in its manufacture and the feed, water and atmosphere that produced milk of exceptional purity and gave the most delicate aroma to the butter; the markets for milk in the half hundred thrifty manufacturing cities and villages, in the fifty creameries, and the milk trains to Boston daily; the summer hotels and boarding houses, numbering about 2,500, with a capacity for 60,000 people, accommodating- during the summer season three times this number of different people, leaving $8,000,000 an- nually in our state; the healthful climate which attracts these people and the charming scenery which interests them; the half thousand lakes and ponds of sparkling purity and seductive tranquility, affording rare enjoy- ment for sportsmen; the half hundred grand mountains with their densely wooded ravines in which flow a thou- sand sparkling streams; the exceptional railroad facilities by which the people of the state are favored with railroad service which in low rates, freight and passenger service and train connections is unexcelled in any section of the country affording no greater volume of business to its rail- road corporations; the low tax rate made possible by the economy of the state in its expenditures and the annual reduction of the state debt, a similar course entirely liqui- dating the debt in the immediate future and even now enabling the state tax to be more than paid by taxes assessed upon corporations, the individual taxes being no more than is needed for local expenditures which are within the power of towns to regulate; and above all, the religious, educational and social opportunities where thrifty churches, unexcelled schools, and social clubs and organizations beyond number, all affording advantages peculiar to New Hampshire and rendering the rural sec- 129 STATE BUILDERS tion of the state especially desirable for the home seeker, either for rest, recreation or to engage in the healthful occupation of tilling the soil. These were some of the reasons urged for locating in New Hampshire, and so forcibly were they presented that over three hundred farms were reoccupied during the first year. The eft'orts have been continued from year to year, until the number of vacant farms has been greatly reduced. The latest figures compiled show eight hundred and forty-nine farms occupied as summer homes upon which more than $2,000,000 has been invested by the recent purchasers in permanent improvements. This movement is destined to extend in the future. The observance of Old Home \\'eek has been a potent factor in arousing interest in the old homesteads of New Hampshire. Many an instance could be quoted of a son of the town, or a former resident, who, returning for the reunion day, is surprised at the beauty of the spots he revisits and the flood of memories they recall. Thinking the matter over, he concludes that after all there is no better place in the world to live than in New Hampshire, and th.at the best part of New Hampshire is his old town. So he buys the old place of his family, where his father and his grandfather, and often times, generations back of them, li^•ed and worked and died. He repairs and paints and enlarges the old buildings and builds new ones. He enriches the impoverished soil and farms the land in accordance with modern scientific methods. He plants shade trees and fruit trees and illustrates practical for- estry to a greater or less extent. Perhaps he grows small fruits; perhaps he makes premium butter; perhaps he raises fast horses; perhaps he paints pictures or models statues or writes books. The late Austin Corbin came back to the country where he was born, bought farm after farm and estab- lished the Blue ]Mountain Forest Park an object of 130 STATE BUILDERS interest and instruction to visitors from all parts of the globe. Within its wire fences are enclosed 25,000 acres of field and forest, and there is additional land outside. To obtain control of this property required the transfer of 375 land titles, the price paid ranging from $1 to $25 an acre. Altogether the cost of the park has been close upon a million dollars; the expense of its maintenance, too, is considerable. The superintendent of the estate has a staff of twenty-five keepers — fifty at certain seasons — and the entire twenty-seven miles of fence is patrolled twice a week. Fourteen wild boar, imported from the Black Forest of Germany at a cost of $1,000, have in- creased and multiplied wath such rapidity that no one knows how many herds there are in the park. The twenty-five head of buffalo^ have grown to one hundred; the fourteen moose, to another hundred; a herd of one hundred and forty elk, to a thousand; and one hundred and twenty-four deer, to more than twelve hundred. A sketch of the development of agriculture in New Hampshire and of the agencies contributing to such de- velopment would be deficient without prominent reference to the work of the Grange. Formed upon the principle of fraternity and aiming to advance the interests of hus- bandry by increasing the intelligence of those engag'ed therein, the Grange appeals with force to people inter- ested in the welfare of the state through the development of its fundamental industry. Upon the introduction of the organization in the state in 1873 it met with oppo- sition, but its affairs have been directed with such con- servatism and with so little taint of partisan politics as to dispel all antagonism and allow it to take its place as an important educational agency and a valiant champion of the interests of rural New Hampshire. Its grand work in affording a means of social enjoyment, mental devel- opment and moral reform among the rural people of New 131 STATE BUILDERS Hampshire, together with the dissemination of practical informaj:ion in agricultural matters, entitle the Grange to a high and honorable position among the state build- ers. The influence of the organization in Xew Hamp- shire through its 25,000 members and 7,000 meetings held annually in promoting a more progressive agricul- ture and more intelligent citizenship, is leaving a mark upon the affairs of the state that makes unnecessary' any other record of its work and renders null and void any attempt to magnify its mission. The future historian of New Hampshire will give the Grange much credit for its broad influence in promoting various interests of im- portance to the welfare of the state as well as to the welfare of agriculture. In concluding this epitome of the agriculture of New Hampshire we cannot refrain from expressing our belief that the rural sections of the state offer greater induce- ments to those people looking for an opportunity to establish a home than can be found elsewhere, reasons for which we have already stated. People who desire to gain a livelihood by cultivation of the soil will also find upon the farms of New Hampshire an opportunity to cultivate much or little, intensively or extensively, with as profitable returns as similar effort will yield elsewhere and amid far greater advantages than in many sections of our country. The more general this opinion, the better will it be for those people at present located among our hills, for those looking for a place in which to locate and for the state itself. There should be no hesitancy or delay in promulgating the fact, at home and abroad, that the re-adjustment process in the agriculture of New Hampshire is well imder way and already showing good results. The diversified resources of New Hampshire and their expected development will make it improbable that agriculture will ever again become the leading industry 132 STATE BUILDERS of the state, but with wise action on the part of those in position to aid it, stimulated by a just appreciation of its possibihties and of its relative importance as a state m- dustry upon the state s prosperity, we expect to see prog- ress made in this direction in the near future far in excess of any in the past to which we have referred. 133 THE BENCH AND BAR OF NEW HAMPSHIRE By Hosea W. Parker To give a full and accurate history of the Bench and Bar of New Hampshire and their influence upon the institutions of the state from the earliest time to the pres- ent, would require more space than is allotted to this arti- cle. It must, therefore, be .understood that only the salient points of the subject will be considered. Prior to the adoption of the State Constitution in 1783, the law was not administered with that degree of learn- ing and accuracy which has characterized the profession since that time. There were some able lawyers and judges during the time of the provincial government. Ninety years elapsed from the time of the appointment of Richard ]\Iartyn as the first chief justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature in 1693 to the time the constitution was adopted, and during this period there were about forty members of the Court. ^lany of these judges never received any legal education, but received their appoint- ment on account of their influence in the community and because they were men of affairs. Their loyalty to the mother country was also an important factor that entered into their tenure of office, and largely controlled their official life and character. There were, however, notable exceptions, and among them may be mentioned Meshech \\'eare, who was an educated man, a graduate of Har^-ard college, and for thirty-five years a judge of the Court. 134 STATE BUILDERS He administered the law in a manner that reflected great credit upon himself, and his administration gave universal satisfaction. He was a judge at a period in the history of the province when a sentiment for liberty and indepen- dence moved the hearts and minds of the people, and when revolution was the war cry. He was in full sym- pathy with the American cause, and a patriot who had the confidence of the people. There was also^ jMatthew Thorn- ton, who was appointed a judge in 1776, and held that position for six years. He was a man of uncommon in- telligence, and took a deep interest in the revolutionary movement and was in full accord with the people who were then struggling for independence, and active in pro- moting their cause. He was a delegate to the Continental Congress, and a signer of the Declaration of Independ- ence; a man of great influence in his day, whO' labored with much zeal to throw off the yoke of oppression and establish a republican form of government. He took an active part in preparing a constitution for the new state government, was honest and upright in his judicial career, and died honored and respected by the entire com- munity. There were many men of marked character connected with the Bench and Bar during this period, but many of them were not learned in the law. Samuel Livermore was a man of this character. His name is intimately connected with New Hampshire history. He was chief justice of the Supreme Court for eight years, and prac- tised his profession in Portsmouth, Londonderry and Holderness, N. H. Notwithstanding the fact that Liver- more was never regarded as a learned lawyer, Dartmouth College conferred the degree of LL. D. upon him in 1792. He was appointed by the General Court to the Continen- tal Congress to support and enforce the claim of New Hampshire to the so-called New Hampshire Grants during that exciting controversy. He was not only a 135 STATE BUILDERS Judge and a lawyer, but he was a statesman, and was a member of both branches of Congress and one who exerted the widest inliuence in his day in state and nation. He had great wiU power, and was a man of excellent judgment, which enabled him to perform his judicial duties without much regard to precedents or text books. The lawyers of his time criticized him, but this had little effect upon his conduct as a judge, and he decided cases according to his own sense of justice. He had a long and eventful career. Josiah Bartlett was another judge of marked ability and prominence. He was appointed a judge in 1792, and held the court with distinguished ability. Xot only this, but he was a statesman and an earnest patriot. He took an active part in all the measures that led up to the Wrv of the Revolution. He was a delegate to the Con- tinental Congress and one of the sigiiers of the Declara- tion of Independence from Xew Hampshire. His great ability placed him in the front rank, and he rendered the cause of liberty great service. He was a man of unblem- ished honor and integrity, and his memory is held in high esteem. John Pickering, LL. D., was another judge who made his mark and was an important factor in the administra- tion of justice. He was Chief Justice from 1790 to 1795, and afterwards was appointed United States district judge for the district of Xew Hampshire. He w"as a lav.yer of distinction and a very able jiu'ist. He was a representative in the assembly of the provincial govern- ment, and was there a leader who exerted a great influ- ence. In 1787 he was a delegate to the Con\-ention held for the purpose of forming a constitution of the United States, and also a member of the X'ew Hampshire con- vention held in 1788 to ratify the United States constitu- don, and used all of his great power and will in favor 136 STATE BUILDERS of its adoption. He was also active in revising the con- stitution of New Hampshire. About the time the state constitution w'as adopted, and for some years aftpr, there appeared a large number of great lawyers who performed valuable services for the state and for their profession, and they have left names and reputations of which the state may justly be proud. They seem tO' have been especially prepared for the great work assigned them. As w^e look over this period of our state's history, we can but admire the brilliant array of legal minds at this time connected with the jurispru- dence of the state. Names that at once present them- selves are Jeremiah Smith, Daniel Webster, Jeremiah Mason and Ichabod Bartlett. Judge Smith was Chief Justice from 1802 to 1809, and again from 181 3 to 181 6. He was educated at Harvard and Rutgers colleges, was a man of great learning, and no man in his time did so much as he to place the judic- iary of the state on an independent basis, and give to it a standing and character that commanded the respect and confidence of the people. Judge Smith was not only a great scholar and judge, but he was a statesman, and gave his best efforts to aid and strengthen the cause of liberty. He was a thorough patriot, and his whole heart was filled with the spirit of the times. He was with General Stark at Bennington, was elected to Congress in 1790, and occupied a seat in that body for six years. It is said that he was an intimate friend of Washington and visited him at Mount Vernon. He was elected governor of the state, but this office was not agreeable to him, and he held it only one year. Daniel Webster regarded him as an able lawyer and judge, and often expressed his great admiration for Judge Smith's legal talents. Tn the famous Dartmouth College case (so called) he took an active part, and there, as else- where, displayed his great learning and legal ability. 137 ~A~T "fKDERS . ^-1^ -V '. -c lcr.__ :i OUT SI2.IC g'CV'r' z'". the lawverf - s were active in directing a:. : . " ~ : r of the state goverri m cni^ and ^r;_: --;^.: .- ._; : : --------•— for the ''— "--'^. therein. Tbev in ft: -of sr ^r r " T 7 '. ' ' :'. was over, i_^ -•;_-; c:c :; ■ . :' " " *'- 'e«[al prT'fessioTi. to take tro thr nes of dnzer- . It rta:> - the w^T -rtv, »ta.ic was succcssiiLlIv — ,^. ...c *.'_•. "ise and sa - d.V. 2«1» . VPTi r.f Vf'wr TT?- C25 prciessi:: . before ren>:'^-ing^ lo year- :' ' rt -^ ' one I i> ^ :;> uaHiQi. w ec'Sier. ^" - '--1 practised - ; ; . r^ :his State When he was twenty-four r' -- -'- ': ~ : - "T'end 1 it m: career ne e: -e rare qnaiines can Bar. ii ' ' r^e case tune. i;3 STATE BUILDERS Jeremiah ]Mason and Judge Jeremiah Smith were con- temporaries of Webster, and each had an exalted opinion of the legal abilities of the other, and often expressed it. While the name of Webster stands out first among the lawyers of his time, and while no other character has left so deep an impress upon the state and nation, still there was at least one other name that still stands out in bold relief in New Hampshire, and that is the name of Jeremiah ]\Iason. ^Nlany regarded ^Mason as fully equal to Webster as a constitutional lawyer, and he gave to the law and to the state the force of his wonderful power of intellect. The Bench and Bar at this time began to take a more independent stand, and insisted with all the power it possessed that the legislative, judicial and executive departments of the state government should be entirely separate and distinct. There were other great lawyers at this time, who were active, as lawyers and as leaders, in the state government. Among them should be men- tioned Ichabod Bartlett, William Plummer and Levi Woodbury. Levi W^oodbury, LL. D., was a judge from 1816 to 1823. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1809, and ir( 1823 was elected Governor, and in 1825, United States Senator, to which office he was again elected in 1841. He was appointed by Gen. Jackson Secretary of the Navy and later of the treasury. He was offered the position of ambassador to the Court of St. James, but this he de- clined, and was then appointed one of the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Those who had occasion to practise in his court called him an ideal judge, who had all the characteristics of a model jurist, and re- flected great honor upon his state. The New Hampshire Bar was at this time distinguished for its ability. Besides those already mentioned, there were the Sullivans, Benjamin West, Arthur Livermore, 139 STATE BUILDERS Governor Hubbard, Ezekiel Webster, James Bell and many other lawyers of state and national reputation. Such were the men who not only laid the foundation of the state government, but who in a large measure Txiilt the superstructure. Judge William M. Richardson opened up a new chap- ter in the history of the jurisprudence of the state. He was Chief Justice from 1816 to 1838, and did as much to shape and mould the judiciary as any other man. No cases which had been decided by the highest court in the state had been printed and reported before his day. He brought order out of chaos, and reduced the practice of the law to a science. During his long service he rendered a large number of important decisions. His opinion in the Dartmouth College case was regarded at the time and to-day as a great contribution to the legal literature of that period. He was a great student and was familiar with several ancient and modern languages. Since the days of Chief Justice Richardson there have been published seventy volumes of the decisions of the court of last resort, and in these volumes is found a wide range of subjects, fully discussed and considered, so that the New Hampshire Law Reports stand to-day as a mon- ument of labor, learning and fidelity of the judges who have occupied the bench. These rqDorts are in all the well selected law libraries of the land, and have been quoted and referred to 1>y lawyers and jurists in all the states of the Union. It has often been said by jurists that these decisions are regarded by the courts as among the highest and best authorities extant, and as the years come and go they lose none of their value and importance. While Judge Richardson did a noble work for the profession, and brought the law and practice up to a much higher and better standard, many of the judges who followed him have taken a high rank in the profession. Andrew S. Wood, LL. D., was a contemporary of Judge 140 STATE BUILDERS Richardson, and in some respects was considered his equal. He was a judge for fifteen years, and discharged the duties of his office tO' the entire satisfaction of alL He had a brilhant career, and his opinions stand out in the reports as models, and have always commanded the respect of the bar. ' By the casual observer it may be considered that the lawyers and judges who took such an active part in the formation of the state government and whO' administered its laws during the first fifty years after the adoption of the state constitution, were superior to those who' have come after them, but one who gives the subject more careful study and consideration will arrive at a different conclusion. When we study the life and character of such jurists as Joel Parker, John J. Gilchrist, Samuel D. Bell, Ira Perley, Henry A. Bellows, W. S. Ladd, Charles Doe and Alonzo P. Carpenter, all of whom have lived since the days of Judge Richardson, we are led to believe that the standard has been elevated instead of being lowered. All of these held the office of Chief Justice, except Judge Ladd. Judge Joel Parker has had few equals. Everything connected with his professional life was done in the most brilliant and satisfactory manner. He was an ornament to the profession, and closed his career as judge in 1848, when he was appointed Royall professor in the Harvard law school. He performed all of the duties of that responsible position in a manner highly creditable to him- self and tO' the institution with which he was connected. He occupied this position for twenty years, and the profession in New Hampshire has always been proud of Joel Parker, and regarded him as a model judge and a lawyer of unblemished character. John J. Gilchrist was Judge Parker's contemporary, and the more his judicial career is examined and his 141 STATE BUIII-ERS Ira Perl^ Tiei a great sm^i^st. qtslities ;f a gnear jxhige. bet ai rises irascToie: still. _.; . ; Ji-spedallj kind and c:«5t5: cerate !•:• the 7 , TT^- :rL E- C:.^ : :^ i_ ; : „.. _: ..i :i the at^lest and oarest of tze ~cg"e5 'i\n-z- have graced the Xew traiioo. of tlie la-^ :i Xew Harrrr^nire. He r^ ties tBce to face cs the br;«ad grccmd of right and justfce. By many he is regsncei as the ablest jurist of n»f€rtt tfire?. tbc ablest j-sdges. Many of ins den^c-ns are regarded as the best type of jtKJi ci a' wisdjoi and reaS'>riiLr- ari are prepared yriib. great ca--" -- ' 'r^nnng. These jttrists "wb:» hare 1 . . . icins. in pam drrring to the besicii- bet die praciiSEng .a."Ryer is 5.?» innrnaiely cxmnecied vrith the j-fge : to separate tseEi- Ttiiges ^ .z. ;:. -__-: _-. -.- .__.'- mc^iy til* secure tiie highest and liest resdts in the a^iniiiiis- trazivs. of jtistice. It vroold be very emberrassing for an;- ~-^~''rrr of tx.- ~~ .--—.y th^-t pr'siiics wh^en cc 7 anr cc : :_ of the bar. In met. STATE BUILDERS judges as a rule hold their places through the influence and by the co-operation of the bar. Fifty years ago cases were tried in court very differ- ently from the course now adopted. In the early days lawyers took more liberties in examining witnesses and addressing juries than they do to-day. Then it was quite common to go outside the record and to make statements and refer tO' matters and things wholly irrelevant, and discuss many subjects not involved in the trial of the cause. To-day the supreme court would set aside a verdict for such a course of procedure, and this is well under- stood by the profession. Counsel have been taught to adhere strictly to the evidence in the case. This makes the practice of the law much more accurate and satisfac- tory. In brief, nothing is allowed to be considered but the facts brought out in evidence, and the law applicable to these particular facts. In this way the results are more satisfactory, and justice is surer and more likely to be obtained than by the earlier methods. It has been thought by some that the modern method is too restrictive, and that advocates have lost much of their influence and power by being held too closely to this rule. While to-day the advocate may not have that unlimited sway that he exercised in former times, and then often to the prejudice of exact justice, still there is ample room at the present time for the exercise of those high qualities of mind and heart that gives to the orator a marvellous power over his hearers. The office of the advocate has always been regarded by the profession as of the highest importance. Only a few of the leading lawyers can be personally referred to in this paper, but any history of the Bench and Bar in New Hampshire would be very unsatisfactory without mentioning the names of some of the leading practitioners and advocates. ]\Iany of those who have been referred to as judges were active lawyers, M3 ha5*e h MZ5^ rse L€i^e-^>3S «? TSBSirT •aeatfiss .•—f— .r-^ "V:^ ae 2. ssT-c^ •!:«: JEWTers zal acrsjcziES c^ fiieai: ppcrrr- V*lj5l2I ?ry! i: nsei raese- ^resi: im%€^~ eeit le iz5»: — :£ — s"e c He "^^25 5. Zjiz*!^ sscre'CSie- sad _;_ - _ -^riDn:i n- : STATE BUILDERS 1852 was triumphantly elected president of the United States. President Pierce was severely criticized during his administration, and it was claimed that he was in sympathy with the pro-slavery party of the South. This was at a time when party spirit was at a high mark, and the passions and prejudices of political parties were un- duly excited and aroused. That he loved his country and was a patriot no one can doubt. The name of John Sullivan brings to mind one who was a tower of strength in the administration of the crim- inal law of the state. He was for many years Attorney General, and in the trial of criminals rendered the state valuable service. All of his efforts were in behalf of justice, and he never insisted upon a conviction unless the evidence fully warranted such a result. In his ad- dresses to the jury he was earnest, logical and eloquent, and when he brought all the force of his intellectual power against the respondent at the bar, escape seemed impossible. There are many more lawyers whose influence and whose merits might be set forth if space allowed. Such names as Daniel M. Christie, George W. Morrison, John H. George, William P. Wheeler, Edmund Burke, Ed- mund L. Gushing, Gilnian Marston, Mason W. Tappan and Harry Bingham. These were men who belonged to a recent period, and were all celebrated not only as lawyers, but were distinguished for their valiant service to the state, to their countr}^ and to their fellow men. The name of Harry Bingham is known by every mem- ber of the bar in the state. He was great in every depart- ment of life. Had he lived in the days of Daniel Web- ster and Jeremiah Mason his reputation would not have suffered in comparison with theirs. He was a pillar in support of the temple of justice. While we admire the brilliant advocate, and are charmed by his eloquence, he is not always the most useful member of the profession. M5 STATE BUILDERS The honest, quiet., hard-working la^^•}■er in his office, often best serves his fellow men. He has their confidence; they feel that their varied interests are safe in his keeping. It was declared by the Roman Emperors that if the law- yer performed his duty aright, he was as much a benefac- tor of mankind as the warrior upon the field of battle who saved his coimtr}- from defeat and ruin. Who can estimate the great responsibility of the lawyer as he stands in a Court of Justice as an advocate when the life of a fellow citizen is being weighed in the balance. It should be remembered that the duties of the lawyer are not strictly confined to the courts, and the practice of his profession. He is, and always has been, active in all the duties of citizenship. The cause of education has ever found in him a friend and supporter. The community' is ever looking to him for counsel and advice in all public and private enterprises. He is truly a public servant, and when we realize how varied are his duties, how wide his influence, and how great are his opportunities to sene the public, no one can doubt the exalted character of the profession. He stands as a sentinel to guard the people's interest and to protect them against approaching danger. In legislative bodies in this country as well as in popular assemblies, the majorit}* rules. This is a fundamental principle of our government. \\'hile all admit that this is the best rule that can be promulgated for the government of such bodies, stiU there is and always has been some danger in its operation, and nothing has contributed more to hold majorities in check and prevent wild and extravagant action, than the consen^ative influence of the legal mind. Thus it will be seen how important it is that la^^'yers should be in the forefront in all legislative bodies. Oiu" state has always recognized this, and we find in the first and second provincial congresses, held at Exeter in 1774 and in 1775, that the controlling influence then and there was the action of the few lawyers who 146 STATE BUILDERS were members of those bodies. The same is true in all the constitutional conventions from 1778 to the last one in 1889. By referring to some statistics compiled by the Hon. J. H. Benton and given in an address of much merit and importance before the Southern New Hamp- shire bar association in 1894, he states: "Of the speak- ers in the House of Representatives in N. H., from 1 79 1 to 1894, fifty of the sixty-two who have occupied that position were lawyers, and of the presidents of the senate, thirty-four of the seventy-five were of this pro- fession." We shall find that this rule holds good in the office of governor and other state officials. The same is also true in the election of senators and representatives in congress and even in the election of presidents of the United States. In short, lawyers have always guarded every department of government, and this is acknowl- edged to be true by all classes, and not only is it for the best good of the people, but absolutely necessary for the safety and security of the government. Every depart- ment of the state government has been shaped and con- trolled by the legal profession. While the number of lawyers in the legislature has not always been great, they have at all times directed its action to a very large ex- tent. The judiciary committee of the house has been the controlling influence and the lawyers of this committee have always carefully investigated all measures of im- portance before giving them a favorable report. It would be impracticable for any class of legislators to do this work unless they had received a legal education. This committee has at all times held a firm grasp upon all legis- lative action. All acts of any public interest have invari- ably been examined by them. A legislature without the guiding hand of the lawyers would be like a ship at sea without a chart or compass. Legislation should be a healthy public sentiment fashioned and moulded into law. Sir Edward Coke tells us, "Reason is the life of the law, 147 STATE BOLDERS and law is the perfection of reason," and it requires the most critical analysis and sound judgmoit to work out the various problems and put them into proper -shape for the best good of the people. Xo one who is not trained in the law and has not learned the art of discrimina- tion is competent to perform this task. Ours being a gov- ernment of law, it would be impossible to administer it without those skilled in this science. The laws are not only made, but they are executed by this class of men. They have laid aside the duties of the advocate and the making of briefs, and put on the robe of justice, still they are lawyers, ^^*e might ask with Ci(^ro, *^\Miat is so king like, so munificent as to bestow help on those who supplicate our aid? to raise the op- pressed and save our fellow citizens from peril and Dre- sene them to the state?" Lawyers by their education and by their habit of thought and action, naturally become consen^ative, and adhere to fundamental principles : hence they are slow to change, but cling to fundamental truths. They adhere to organic law and constitutional guarantees. In this lies the safety- of the state and nation, for they are anchored to something that is reliable, and are unmoved when danger threatens the state. It is the law}-er who stands at the helm ever ready to guide the "ship of state" through the storm. The life, libert}% and property* of the individual are placed in the care and custody of the law\-er, and if he is true to his profession, they are sacredly and securely cared for. Xot only this, the great interests of state and nation are in his keeping. He is also called upon to care for and consider those more delicate relations of domestic life. which are constantly pressing upon him. More than this, he has always been ready to answer the call of country "when grim-%-isaged war' is seen throughout the land. Many of the active and prominent lawyers in Xew Hamp- STATE BUILDERS shire left their practice and went to the front during the War of the Revolution and during the War of the Rebel- lion, and there, as elsewhere, maintained the honor and integrity of the nation. Proud as we should be of the name and fame of the New Hampshire Bench and Bar for what it has been in the past, we believe that it is still an honor to the state, and that the profession has made progress during the last twenty-five years. The rules of Court now require that all students shall be examined by a competent committee, and they must pass a rigid examination before they can be admitted to practice at the bar. The bar has been elevated by this means, and attorneys are very much bet- ter prepared than ever before. This, briefly, is what has been done by the Bench and Bar of New Hampshire. The work accomplished makes a bright page in the history of the state. Its motto is, *Tiat justicia ruat coelum." Each and every member of the bar ought to be deeply impressed with the dignity and greatness of his calling. It is a noble profession, and no one but an active member can realize the great responsi- bility which is assumed by those who belong to it. The lawyer has not only his own personal cares and duties, but he must bear the burdens of his clients, and keep constantly in mind their interests and their welfare in all the complicated matters committed to his keeping, and this involves study and anxious thought. Nowhere has the profession attained a prouder or more honorable position than in New Hampshire. From the earliest times in her history it has been celebrated for its high character and learning. Let it be guarded and pro- tected with a jealous eye and it will continue to be in the future as it has been in the past, the great conservator of state and nation. No class of men has ever been more ready to sound the praises of the "Old Granite State" than her lawyers. 149 STATE BUILDERS Their love and affection for her hills and valleys have been made manifest throughout her history. They have championed her cause wherever and whenever an oppor- tunity has been presented, and have always been loyal to all of her interests. On the other hand, the state has placed her best interests in their keeping, and crowned them with her highest honors. ''Of law there can be no less acknowledged, than that her seat is the bosom of God, her voice the harmony of the world.'"' XoTE. — For some of the facts in this paper the author is indebted to the late Hon. Charles H. Bell, in his admirable work entitled "The Bench and Bar of New Hampshire." 150 NOTES ON THE MEDICAL PROFESSION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE By Irving A. Watson, A.M., M.D. No class of men has a cleaner record, or has done more for the upbuilding of the state from the earliest Colonial period to the present time than the medical profession. History shows that our physicians have not only stood in the front rank of their profession, but that, through all the struggles and vicissitudes of the Comrnonwealth from its very planting to the twentieth century, they have been among the leaders, whether in war or peace, serving with a loyalty and patriotism unchallenged and unexcelled. The little colony which began the building of the state of New Hampshire at Strawberry Bank, in 1623, struggled with all the hardships incident to- the severest of pioneer life, without a physician for eight years, when, in 1 63 1, with the new impetus which was given the colony by the arrival of some fifty men and twenty-two women, came Dr. Renald Fernald, the first physician to settle in the Province of New Hampshire and the second in New England, Dr. Samuel Fuller, more frequently designated as Deacon Samuel Fuller, who came over in the "Mayflower" and settled at Plymouth Colony, being the first. It is an interesting fact that under such circum- stances a regularly educated physician should have set- tled with this little colony; and to what extent its future was due to his guiding presence cannot be shown, but it is among the probabilities that its successful career was largely shaped by him. STATE BUILDERS Dr. Fernald was born in Bristol, England, July 6, 1595, He is said to have resigned a position in the Eng- lish navy to come to America, and, sailing in the "War- wick," arrived at Strawberry Bank July 4, 1631. That he was a man of ability, and that he served the colony to which he had joined himself with honor and fidelity, is evident from the few records left of his career. He was captain of a military company; Grand Juror in 1643; Town Recorder, 1654- 1656; was Trial Justice of the Peace, Recorder of Deeds, Surveyor and Commissioner, and Clerk of Portsmouth at the time of his death, Octo- ber 6, 1656. The name of Strawberry Bank was changed to Ports- mouth through the efforts of Dr. Fernald, in a petition which he w4th four others presented to the General Court in May, .1653, giving for a reason that the name of Strawberry Bank was "accidentally so called by reason of the bank of strawberries that was found in this place, and now your petitioners' humble desire is to have it called Portsmouth, being a name most suitable for this place, it being at the river's mouth, and a good harbor as any in the land." The first coronor's inquest held in Xew Hampshire was in January, 1655, by a jury of twelve men, under the direction of Dr. Fernald, who certifies that the said jury returned the following verdict: '■'Wee whose names are subscribed doe testifie how wee found Thomas Tuttell, the son of John Tuttell by the stump of a tree which he had newly fallin upon another limb of the other tree rebounding back and fell upon him. which was the cause of his death as wee consider : this was found the last day of the last ]March." After the death of Dr. Fernald, in 1656, I find no evidence of there having been any regular physician in the colony, or province, for many years, the next, per- haps, being \\^alter Barefoote, who lived at Newcastle as 152 STATE BUILDERS early as 1660, but who seemed almost wholly engaged in politics, although he was a physician. He was Counsel- lor in 1682, and Chief Magistrate of the province in 1685. He died in 1688. The second practising physician in the Province was probably John Fletcher, who lived in Portsmouth, was ad- mitted freeman in 1669. He was one of the nine found- ers of the first church in Portsmouth, in 1671. He died September 5, 1695. Perhaps the next in order !o be designated as a phy- sician was John Buss, who was also a minister, and who settled at Dover in the Oyster River Parish, now Dur- ham, in 1684. He practised medicine and preached from that date to 17 18, when he retired. The practice of medicine at this time, as well as for many years afterward, was to a considerable extent in the hands of the ministers, who added this accomplishment to their chosen labor of saving souls, maintaining intact their inelastic and unyielding dogmas, exercising a cen- sorship over the words and actions of their parishioners, standing guard against heresy and at all points fighting the devil with a few, but to them, all of the legitimate and sanctified weapons of religious warfare. To them medical science was as positive and as circumscribed as their theology. A limited knowledge of anatomy, and less of physiology, with the most empirical doctrine of thera- peutics constituted a sufficient medical education. There was no pathology, no chemistry, no microscopic investi- gations, no post-mortem examinations to verify diag- nosis, no clinical thermometers, stethoscopes, ophthalmo- scopes, etc., in fact, little beyond prayer; venesection, emetics, and cathartics, which were the chief and con- stant reliance of the practitioner, to which all forms of disease, or the patient, succumbed. Green (History of Medicine in Massachusetts) says that ''the ministers were expert in phlebotomy and they were wont to bleed and 153 STATE BUILDERS pray in all severe cases." The text-books taught that bleeding was in nearly all diseases the first thing to be res-iTted to. and in plethoric persons repeated bleedings were often recorded- So universally was this operation believed in as a remedial procedure and as a preventive of disease :aine a ver\- general practice among the well : . _ . .-..:.: least e\'er\- spring. Barbers often perfc-rmed this operation as well as extracted teeth. Emetics wer -eat favor, applicable to almost ever}- pr'-- . ..c .„„:.' Cathartics were used to an aJrist .: extent- With this heroic and appalling rent a patient, if he were fortu- --.-^.. .:. must have been fore^-er after in : as to ■ td him. 7 vr rext physician of note in the Province was Dr. Tj-ir.iii PacKer, who b^;an practice in Portsmouth about 1687, and remained there imtil his death in 1724. Dr. Packer was bom in Portsmouth, England, educated as a surgeoo in London, came to this cotmtry when a young man. and after residing a short time in Salem, Mass., ermanently in Portsmouth. He was a man of . . ^ce and in high favor, most of the time, with : . ovenmient. The General Court of Xew } : as held at his house at one time. He also V, ..- ...t^ for entertaining the royal guests that visited the province: was influential in the community, and so 7: by the governor as to be included in the re... tr.-.c c...Lnieat of several towns.* He also held several military and ci\'ic ofiices. Perhaps the next physicians in chronological order were Dr. Thomas Aiden and Dr. Jonathan Crosbee, who were in Dover as early as 171 7 and 1718 respectively. Dr. Joseph Peirce, who was quite a prominent and able physi-'- :'-' 'r'-- '•me. b^an practice in Portsmouth, *i-tT ; . i, . i -^t::r cf Dr. Packer by the anthor in Granile STATE BUILDERS probably about the time of Dr. Packer's death, in 1724. He was in successful practice in that place until January T7, 1749, at which time he died of small pox. Dr. Peirce, in 1744, was commissioned "Surgeon Gen. of ye N. Hampshire Troops and Naval Forces," in which capacity he served the province well. Dr. John Ross was a physician of some note in Ports- mouth, and was practising in that place as late as 1747. He was one of the incorporators of Barrington, in 1722, and of Kingswood, in 1737. Pie practised medicine for many years in Portsmouth. Although Exeter was settled in 1638, as far as can be ascertained no physician located there until about 17 18 or 1720, although it is not supposed that during this entire period the town was without some one vvho practised the healing art, though perhaps in special cases medical aid may have been received from Portsmouth. Dr. Thomas Dean, who was born in Boston, November 28, 1694, began practising in Exeter between about the dates above stated, and followed his profession there until his death in 1768. In official capacity he served as selectman of the town, and was captain and afterwards major in the Militia. He was one of the proprietors of the town of Gilmanton. The next physician to settle in that town was Dr. Josiah Oilman, who was bom in Exeter Febrtiary 25, 1710, and died January i, 1793. He was an able medical practitioner, a man of considerable education and good business capacity; was loyal to the colony and served the province well. From, his time to the Revolutionary period, the fol- lowing physicians, some of whose names will be forever perpetuated in the history of the colony, were engaged in the practice of medicine in Exeter: Dudley Odlin, Robert Oilman, Eliphalet Hale, John Giddings, John Odlin, Nathaniel Oilman, Caleb O. Adams, John Lam- 155 STATE BUILDERS son, Joseph Tilton, Samuel Teimey and Xathaniel Pea- body. Evidently all these physidans were men of imusual abilit}- and patriotism, and did more or less ser- \-ice for the Province and for the cotmtr}-. Dr. Gidding-s was selectman, rq)re5entative, commanded a company in the Re^'-olution, and was nominated a candidate to the G)ntinental O^ngress, but modestly declined. Dr. Adams sened in the Revolution as Surgeon of Col. Poore's 7 Jrd Xew Hampshire Regiment: Dr. Lamson was noted : : r ids eventful life, which from the time of his coming of age was largely de\'oted to the sen-ice of his country-, serA'ing as surgeon's mate under Col. Xathaniel Mesene ; was captured by the Indians after the surrender of Mont- calm; held a prisoner by the French in ^lontreal, was ran- somed, finally exchanged, and sent to England, where, ha^■ing attracted the attention of Gen. Edward Wolfe, father of the future captor of Quebec, he was appointed Siu'geon's Mate in the Kings regiment, tmder Wolfe's command. Two years later, he returned to Exeter, subse- quently served as stu-geon in another regiment. Dr. To5q)h Tilton served as Surgeon on board the '"Pri- vateer'' during the Revolution. Dr. Xathaniel Peabody became an eminent physician, and also a man of note, having 5er\-ed as Adjutant-General of the Militia of the state; a dd^ate to the Continental Congress; a member of the State Legi?iarure,and Major-General of the !Militia. Dr. Tenne}-, from the breaking out of the Revolution, entered the army, was present in season to assist the wounded at Bunker Hill. At the dose of the war he re- turned to Exeter and continued the practice of his pro- fession. The physidans of Dover, from the time ot Dr, Cros- bee, about 1718, down to the Revolutionan.- War, were Samuel Merrow, Thomas Miller, Cheney Smith, Moses Carr, Moses Howe, Ebenezer X'oyes, Ezra Green and Sir.:uel Wigglesworth, all of whom, s-j far as can be 156 STATE BUILDERS learned, were able and reputable men, some of whom served the Province in a military or a political capacity. Dr. Miller was appointed surgeon of a New Hamp- shire regiment under Colonel Moore, in the Louisburg ex- pedition, in 1745: but I find no record of his accepting the appointment. Dr. Smith was assistant surgeon of a New Hampshire regiment in 1759. Dr. Moses Carr, in addition to his medical practice, was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas from 1776 to 1784, and was also a charter member of the New Hampshire Medical Society. Dr. Ezra Green was born June 17, 1746 O. S.; grad- uated from Harvard College in 1765; settled in Dover as physician in 1767; immediately following the battle of Bunker Hill he joined a New Hampshire regiment under Colonel Reed as surgeon, and serv-ed until the winter of 1776; in 1 777, was commissioned Surgeon of the war ship "Ranger" under command of Capt. John Paul Jones, sailed for France in November of that year, and was in the engagement with the "Drake"; sailed again as Sur- geon of the "Ranger" two years later, and in 1780 as Sur- geon of the "Alexander," serving in that capacity until 1 78 1, when his Revolutionary service ended. He was the first postmaster of Dover, and held the office several years. He was a member of the State Convention in 1778, which adopted the Constitution of the United States, and was one of the founders of the New Hamp- shire Medical Society. Dr. Samuel Wigglesworth was born April 25, 1734, and graduated from Harvard College in 1752. He was Surgeon in Colonel Waldron's regiment in 1775-1776; Surgeon in Colonel Wingate's regiment in 1776-17^7. Among the early physicians of Portsmouth were Na- thaniel Rogers, Nathaniel Sargent, Clement Jackson, Hall Jackson, Joshua Brackett, and Ammi R. Cutter. 157 STATE BUILDERS All of the above were men of distinction and some of renown. Dr. Nathaniel Rogers was born in 1700; graduated from Harvard College in 1717. Among his civil services was that of Representative to the Legislature and Speaker of the House. Dr. Nathaniel Sargent graduated from Harvard Col- lege in 17 1 7. He was a practitioner of renown. Dr. Clement Jackson was one of the most eminent physicians of Portsmouth for many years. His practice was extensive. He died in 1788, at the age of 83. Dr. Hall Jackson, a son of Dr. Clement Jackson, was born in Portsmouth about 1739; completed his medical education in the hospitals of London, and afterwards became distinguished in his profession. Several hospitals for inoculating smallpox were placed in his charge. He received an honorary degree of ^l. D. from Harvard; was one of the charter members of the Xew Hampshire ]\Ied- ical Society. He was an ardent patriot, taking personal command of an artillery company having three brass cannon. Dr. Joshua Brackett was born in Greenland INIay, 1733; graduated from Harvard College in 1752. He first stud- ied theology, afterwards medicine. His ability as a physi- cian was recognized to the extent that he was made an honorary member of the Massachusetts Medical Society in 1783, and received an honorary degree from Harvard in 1792. He was first Vice President of the New Hamp- shire Medical Society, and in 1793 was elected its presi- dent. He had the largest medical library in the state, consisting of one hundred and forty volumes, which he presented to the New Hampshire Medical Society. He was appointed judge of the ^Maritime Court for this state at the time of the Revolution, and held that ofifice until the duties of it were transferred to the District Court. He died in 1802. 158 STATE BUILDERS Dr. Ammi R. Cutter was born in 1735; graduated from Harvard College in 1752. After the completion of his medical studies he was appointed surgeon of a regiment raised to oppose the French and Indians, and continued with his regiment on the frontier until they were or- dered to Cape Breton. He was at the capture of Louis- burg in 1758. He was invited to accept the office of Consul under the Royal Government, but declined because it would interfere with his professional duties. In 1777, he assumed charge of the medical dq^artment of the Northern army, with which he remained until the sur- render of General Burgoyne. He was delegate to the Convention that formed the Constitution of New Hamp- shire. He was several years president of the New Hamp- shire Medical Society. During this early period there resided at Kingston Drs. Thomas Green, Amos Gale and Josiah Bartlett. Thomas Green and Amos Gale were both distinguished in their profession, as indeed was the Gale famih', on account of the number of physicians bearing that name. Josiah Bartlett was not only a distinguished practi- tioner of medicine, but was even more distinguished as a statesman, whose first thought was the welfare of the province and the state. He was born in Kingston in 1729, and at the age of twenty-one began in Kingston, where he became one of the foremost prac- titioners of the state. He was the founder of the New Hampshire Medical Society, which received its charter through his efforts in 1791. In public and political life he exerted a great influence for the welfare of the state, first appearing in public as a representa- tive to the legislature of the province of New Hamp- shire. He was a member of the committee of safety; was chosen one of the delegates to the general con- gress in Philadelphia in 1744, but declined election; the following year he was appointed to command a 159 STATE BUILDERS regiment by the first provincial congress, of which Dr. Matthew Thornton was president; the same year he was chosen to the continental congress, and was re- elected the following year and signed the Declaration of Independence; in 1779, was appointed chief justice of the court of common pleas; in 1782, was promoted to be justice of the superior court, and in 1788, made chief jus- tice of the state. He also served as president of New Hampshire, and afterwards was elected first governor. He was a great man, far-sighted, and thoroughly trusted by the people. His influence for the welfare of the state was second to no man living during that trying period. Ebenezer Thompson of Durham, born in 1737 O. S., through civil preferment, left the practice of medicine for the service of the state and country. He was a man of marked ability, and rose step by step through various official positions to that of judge of the superior court. During the Revolutionary period he held the three im- portant offices of councillor, member of the committee of safety, and secretary of state. In 1778, he was chosen representative to the continental congress. He held the position of special justice of the superior court, clerk of the court of common pleas, representative to the general court, justice of the inferior court of common pleas, and, finally, justice of the superior court. He was one of the presidential electors when Washington was chosen president. In Londonderry' there resided another physician of note, and a patriot whose name, like that of Josiah Bartlett, will be forever perpetuated in the history of the country, IMatthew Thornton, New Hampshire's other signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was bom in Ire- land about 1 7 14; came to this country when an infant; received an academical education; studied medicine and commenced practice in Londonderry, where he acquired an extensive and well merited reputation as a physician 160 STATE BUILDERS and surgeon as well as the distinction of being an ag- gressive and public-spirited patriot. Dr. Thornton par- ticipated in the perils of the expedition against Louis- burg as surgeon of the New Hampshire division of the army. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War he held the rank of colonel in the militia. He was also commissioned justice of the peace under the administra- tion of Benning Wentworth. In 1775, when the British government was dissolved and the provincial government formed for temporary purposes, he was appointed first president. In T776, he was elected Speaker of the general assembly, and was appointed by the house of representa- tives a delegate to represent the state of New Hampshire in congress. The same year he was appointed judge of the superior court of New Hampshire, which ofifice he held till 1782. He had previously received the appomt- ment of chief justice of the court of common pleas. After the close of the Revolution, he served as a member of the general court, and also as a member of the senate. Dr. Isaac Thom was one of the earlier distinguished physicians of the state. Born at Windham in 1746; com- menced practice in that town, but later removed to Lon- donderry. He was prominent in public affairs. Aside from minor offices, he was a member of the committee of safety during the Revolution; was justice of the peace, and the first postmaster of Londonderry, and one of the charter members of the New Hampshire Medical Society. Another physician who did much for the independence oi the country was Henry Dearborn, who was born in Hampton in 1751, and settled in Nottingham as a physi- cian in 1772. Upon the news of the Battle of Lexington he marched with sixty volunteers to the scene of action; on the seventeenth of June he marched tO' Bunker Hill with his company under Stark, and fought most bravely under the eye of that general. In September he joined Arnold's expedition through the wilds of Maine and 161 STATE BUILDERS Canada. In the assault on Quebec he was taken prisoner; was exchanged in ]\Iarch, 1777, and appointed Major in Scanneh's regiment; he was in the battle of Stillwater and Saratoga, and fought with such ability as to be noticed in orders by General Gates. He was with General Sullivan in his expedition against the Indians in 1799, and was in Yorktown at the surrender of Cornwallis. After the war he settled in Maine, where he was marshal by ap- pointment of W^ashington. He was a member of Con- gress two terms; secretary of war under Jefferson; col- lector of the port of Boston; in 1812 was appointed major general in the army of the United States, was captured at York in Canada, and Fort George at the mouth of the Niagara; he was recalled in July, 1813, put in command of the Military District of New York City; in 1822 he was appointed by President Monroe, Minister Plenipo- tentiary to Portugal. Dr. Moses Nichols, another physician prominent in civil and military life, commenced the practice of medi- cine in Amherst about 1761; served as representative to the general court; took an active interest in the popular cause, and in 1776 was appointed colonel of the Fifth regiment. He commanded the right wing of Stark's army at Bennington. In 1778 he was with General Sul- livan in Rhode Island; two years later was in command of the regiment at West Point at the time of Arnold's treason. At the close of the war he was appointed Brig- adier-General of the Fourth Brigade of the New Hamp- shire militia. He held the office of register of deeds for Hillsborough County for several years. Rev. James Scales, who practised medicine as well as preached, was undoubtedly the first practitioner in the territory now embraced by Merrimack County. He re- sided in Canterbury, but his practice extended to Hcp- kinton, Rumford, and other towns. Dr. Ezra Carter was probably the first physician to 162 STATE BUILDERS settle ill Concord, locating there in 1740. He was an able physician and a man of fine character, and of great be- nevolence. The limits of this article will not permit biographical references to many other physicians whose influence was strongly felt in their respective communities during the more trying period in the history of the province and of the state; but enough has been shown already to indicate the immense influence that was exerted for the public good on the part of the medical protcssion. We must, however, make mere mention of a few others, among which was ^Villiam Cogswell, of Atkinson, who rendered service as a surgeon during the Revolution, Benjamin Page, who was born in Kingston in 1742; a heroic surgeon, who was present at Bunker Hill, Ticon- deroga, Bennington, etc. At the Battle of Bennington he took command of a company after its captain was dis- abled, and won especial commendation for his bravery. William Page practised many years in Charlestown; served as colonel of the Militia; member of the general court and state senator. Samuel Tenney, who was a brave and accomplished physician of Exeter, and who, when the war broke out, .hastened to Bunker Hill and arrived in season to assist the wounded. He served as surgeon in the Revolution, and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne and Corn- wallis. He was a member of the convention for forming the state constitution in 1791; in 1793 was appointed judge of probate for Rockingham county, which posi- tion he held till 1800 when he was elected to congress and served three terms. He was a member of various scientific and literary societies, and contributed valuable articles to the press in favor of the Federal constitution, in 1788. George Sparhawk graduated at Harvard in 1777, and settled at Walpole. He was a man recognized for his 163 STATE BUILDERS ability in that section of the state. He was twice stare councillor. These, and many others who ought to be named but cannot be here, btit reference to whom may be found in scmie of our local histories, were foremost among the men who defended the sparse settlements of the province against the relentless savages as well as disease, and who largely shaped the destinies of the state. The interest and influence which was exerted by the medical profes- sion in its tr}-ing provincial period and early statehood have never abated, nor has the profession lessened its in- terest or its influence in the welfare of the commonwealth, even to the present time. As state btiilders, the medical profession must, as shown bj^ history, hold a rank second to that of no other. It would be a gisrantic task to sfo over the histon.- of Xew Hampshire from the Revolution to the present time, and show to what extent members of the medical profession have figured in the evoits that have transpired. There is no ci^-il or political office, prob- ably, that has not been held by physicians, from a justice of the peace to a United States senator. The State legis- lattu^e always has representatives from the medical pro- fession; ntunerous physicians have been elected to the United States Congress; three, Josiah Bartlett, Da^-id L. Morrill, and Xoah 2klartin, have been governors of the state; many have sened their state and country" in a mil- itary c^)acity. During the provincial period, the great majority of the practitioners of medicine were deSdait in professional education, through lack of opportunity, and there was but httle general intelligence among the people regarding medical matters, with perhaps a few exceptions, ana these indeed were notable. The early practitioner ob- tained his medical knowledge from reading a limited number of medical works, from the standpoint of to-day crude and rudimentan.-, and a few months" obser\-ation of 164 STATE BUILDERS disease and its treatment under the tutorship of a prac- tising- physician. There were some who did not serve this superficial term of study and observation, but with very limited and doubtful knowledge secured from one or two books, assumed the title of "Dr." with a conscientious belief that they were performing a public duty as well as a humanitarian service. Nevertheless, the doctor was a man of great consequence in the community, second only to the minister. This exalted and dignified position m the estimation of the people probably arose, not so much from his medical attainments as from the fact that he was usually a man of great strength of character, interested in all public aftairs, and a natural leader. This is evi- denced by the large number of eminent men of that pe- riod who were from the ranks of the profession. "A man godly and forward to do much good, being much missed after his death," the epitaph which Bradford gave to Dr. Samuel Fuller, the first physician to come to New England, was true of many of the earlier physicians of New Hampshire. In personal appearance the old time doctor was con- spicuous. His dress also indicated the importance of his position in the community. He wore a deep, broad- skirted frock coat, long established by custom, and it was generally ornamented with various trimmings, occa- sionally with gold lace; a long waistcoat, deep-pocketed with loose swinging flaps, hung over breeches or small clothes; hose, buckle shoes, frills and cuffs, neck-bands, and rufifled shirt front; a felt hat, generally three-cor- nered, completed the dress. His cocked hat, full wig, and ever-present cane were awe-inspiring, to say nothing of his saddle bags, stuffed with strange and nauseating drugs which he lavishly dispensed to his patients. Carriages were almost unknown before the Revolution. 165 STATE BUILDERS Travelling was accomplished on horseback, the doctor carr}"ing his medicines in saddle bags. During the colonial and provincial period, the fees or charsres for medical senices were exceedinglv low, and the physicians were pooriy paid, as the early settlers had practically nothing with which to pay their bills except the produce of their farms. The Day Book of the dis- tinguished signer of the Declaration of Independence, Dr. Tosiah Bartlett, kept when he was in the practice of medicine, between 1765 and 1768, embracing 312 pages, nearly all in his own handwriting, presents many entries that are interesting, instructive, and ver}- unique from our present standpoint. He received all sorts of produce to pay the small amoimts charged for services rendered. Credits of '"oats," ''merchantable boards," "pig pork,'' "hog's fat," as well as about all other kinds of farm produce. Sometimes he took a note, seldom cash. It may be said that, following the Revolution and those tr^-ing times in which the public interest was centred al- most solely in civil, political and militar}* affairs, medical men foimd time and opportunity to turn their attention to the development of the profession itself. In 1791, through the efforts of Tosiah Bartlett. then governor of the state, the Xew Hampshire Medical So- ciety was chartered, being the fourth state in the imion to form a medical 50ciet\% New Jersey, Delaware, and Massachusetts preceding Xew Hampshire in making an organization of this kind. Its charter members consisted of nineteen physicians, noted for their ability.- and interest in public affairs, most of whom ha^■e been mentioned above. ' The first meeting of this society was held May 4. 1791. at Exeter. Ten of its charter members were present, among whom may be mentioned John Rogers, of Ph-m- outh. who made the journey through the forest on horse- back, and which attendance required several days, to say 166 STATE BUILDERS nothing about the physical hardship attendant on such a trip. This society, aUhough its meetings were small in its earlier days, and sometimes there was no quorum pres-- ent, through the efforts of a few determined and energetic physicians, it never lost its organization, and has grown to be a large and strong association, the annual transac- tions of which now constitute a volume of nearly 400 pages. Its records are intact and well preserved from the date of its first meeting to the present time. In its ranks have been a great majority of the best educated and most reputable physicians of the state, many of whom have left a proud and enviable record in their profession, as well as in civil life. The New Hampshire Medical Society, in its devotion to the interests of the profession, organized district so- cieties, two oi which, called the "Eastern" and the "West- ern," being organized in 1792. The Centre District Med- ical Society was constituted in 1807; the Strafford Dis- trict Medical Society, in 181 1; the Western District Med- ical Society, in 1815; the Southern District Medical So- ciety, in 1 8 16; Grafton County District Medical Society, in 1820; the Eastern District Medical Society reorgan- ized in 1823; the Rockingham County Society organ- ized in 1824; Manchester Medical Society, in 1840; Car- roll County Society, in 1848, and numerous local medical societies from time to time since. The Portsmouth Medical Association was incorporated in 18 19; the White Mountains Medical Society in 1821; the Connecticut River Valley Medical Association in 1876. The New Hampshire Homeopathic Society was char- tered in 1852, and the New Hampshire Botanic Society, chartered in 1848, changed to New Hampshire Eclectic Society in 1881, still maintain their organizations. Prior to the Revolution, there were but two medical schools in this country, the Medical Department of the 167 STATE BUILDERS University of Pennsylvania, founded in 1764, and a med- ical school established in New York in 1768, and which was abandoned within a few years. The Harvard Medical School was established in 1783, following which was the founding of the medical depart- ment of Dartmouth College by Dr. Nathaniel Smith, in 1797, during which year he delivered, unassisted, a course of medical lectures in Dartmouth Hall. The following year he was assisted by Dr. Lyman Spaulding, who lec- tured on chemistry. During the first twelve years of the school's existence, forty-five men received the degree of M. B. At this period the school was without funds, and was supported by the fees paid by the students; but Dr. Smith received from the college for apparatus, chemi- cals, etc., about $600 during that period. In 1803 the legislature appropriated $600 for the same purpose. In 1809, the legislature appropriated $3,450 for the erec- tion of a medical school building, and in 181 2 a further sum of about $1,200 to complete the payment of the building. Up to this time the great work of establishing a medical school for the State of New Hampshire de- volved chiefly, in fact almost entirely, upon Dr. Smith, and it was through his constant and laborious efforts in behalf of medical education that this undertaking became a success. So marked was his executive ability in this particular work that, in 181 2, he was called to New Haven, Connecticut, to establish a Yale Medical School, and he severed connection from Dartmouth two years later. Among the earlier instructors in the Dartmouth medi- cal school was Dr. Cyrus Perkins, who became Professor of anatomy and surgery in 18 10. He was succeeded by Usher Parsons in 1819. In 18 14 Reuben D. Muzzey succeeded Nathan Smith in the chair of theory and prac- tice. Among other earlier instructors was Daniel Oliver, 168 STATE BUILDERS John Delamater, Rufus Graves, and James Freeman Dana. The list of instructors who have held chairs of profes- sorships since the earlier days of the institution, contains names of many able physicians and surgeons, too many to even mention in this article. It is a matter of history that this school has kept pace with the scientific advance- ment of medicine, and to-day stands as one of the most reputable medical colleges in the country, a fact in which not only the medical profession but the people of New Hampshire should take pride. Among some who became famous as surgeons we must mention Dr. Nathan Smith, who was born in 1762 and died in 1828. He began practice in 1787 at Cornish; afterwards attended the medical department of Harvard, and received the degree of M. D. in 1790. Four years later he visited some of the European hospitals. His interest in medical education has already been mentioned, in the founding of Dartmouth, Yale and Bowdoin medi- cal schools. Dr. Smith was famous in surgery, in origi- nating new methods in operations. He performed many difficult operations, some of which were to him entirely new. Reuben D. Muzzey was born in 1780, and died in 1866. He was a pupil of Dr. Nathan Smith. He held a profes- sorship in the Dartmouth medical school for many years, as well as in some other medical schools, while professor- ships were tendered him from several prominent schools of medicine. He founded the Miami medical school of Cincinnati. One surgical operation which gave him great fame both at home and abroad was the successful ligation of both carotid arteries. He was a bold and successful operator, and as such was duly recognized. He received the honorary degree of A. M. from Harvard, and LL. D. from Dartmouth. Amos Twitchell was another of New Hampshire's 169 STATE BUILDERS famous surgeons. He was born in Dublin in 1781. and died in Keene in 1850. He was a man of strong indi- vidual opinions, abhorred intemperance, was abstemious in his diet, and a bold and highly successful surgeon. He perfomied the operation of tying the right carotid artery successfully in 1807, eight months prior to the celebrated case of Sir Ashley Cooper, who was often, though erro- neously, credited with priority in this operation. AMlliam Perry of Exeter was another prominent New Hampshire surgeon, who was born in 1788 and died in 1887, — almost a centenarian. He may be said, also, to have been the founder of the Xew Hampshire Asylum for the Insane. Charles A. Cheever. Josiah Crosby. Dixi Crosby. Wil- liam Buck, E. R. Peaslee, Thomas R. Crosby, Alonzo F. Carr. Albert H. Crosby. Alpheus B. Crosby, George A. Crosby and many others might be named who have achieved reputations as surgeons. For obvious reasons we shall not mention the many able physicians and skilful surgeons which are found in the medical profession in Xew Hampshire to-day. They are well known and honored in their respective communi- ties. In no profession, science, or art, has there been so great progress made in recent years as in medicine. The old theories of the origin of disease have been displaced by the discovery of the true cause of many maladies that aftlict mankind. The germ theory, which has been proven beyond all controversy, has led to the scientific management of such diseases not only for the cure of the patient, but for the protection of the country. We. know the particular gerni or parasitic fungus which causes consumption, the plague, leprosy, cholera, malaria, diph- theria. t\-phoid fever, and numerous oiber diseases: and knowing these facts, the profession, with the aid of the state in the sanitary administration of affairs, is able to cope with many of these diseases so successfully as to 170 STATE BUILDERS render such epidemics as frequently decimated entire communities in olden times, impossible. In the domain of surgery the advancement would seem to be greater, if possible. By reason of modern antisep- tics, the surgeon is able to perform with comparatively little danger to the patient, the most brilliant operations, such as once would not have been tolerated, and would have been in almost every instance fatal. Scientific ap- paratus of the most delicate kind has been devised as an aid in the diagnosis of disease, aside from the marvellous revelations of the microscope, and to surgery is being applied the astonishing revelations of the X ray, as well as the most ingenious mechanical instruments and meth- ods, for the saving of life and limb. The crowning of Edward VII., after his recovery from an operation that once would have been fatal, was the coronation of modem antiseptic surgery. There is little danger of saying too much to the honor of the medical profession of New Hampshire in any of the functions of life, social, civil, military and profes- sional. It has been tried by severest tests from the re- motest colonial period to the present time, and has ever been found a solid phalanx, with its front in the line of duty, in whatever capacity that may have been; and, as builders of our rugged commonwealth, the profession has a record upon which nothing but praise and honor can be bestowed. 171 NEW HAMPSHIRE SAVINGS BANKS Bv James O. Lvford Seven years after the first savings bank was chartered in this country two were incorix)rated in New Hamp- shire. The Portsmouth Savings Bank of Portsmouth and the Savings Bank of the County of Strafford at Dover are the ninth and tenth savings banks in the United States in chronological order of incorporation. They are now in their eightieth year and are among the large and prosperous savings banks of New England. The legislative records contain meagre accounts of their birth and the newspapers of the day were silent on the subject of their organization. As early as 1819 an attempt was made to secure a charter of a savings banks at Ports- mouth, a petition for that purpose being presented to the legislature from the citizens of that town, then the most important town of the state. A bill was later introduced embodying the prayer of the petition, and, while it passed the house of representatives without opposition, it was defeated in the senate. Interest in the subject does not appear to have been very marked, as four years elapsed before another attempt was made to secure a charter. At the session of the legislature in 1823 a second petition for a savings bank at Portsmouth was presented. The bill prepared in response to this petition passed both houses and was signed by the governor without occasion- ing any public discussion. At the same session the Sav- ings Bank of the County of Strafiford was chartered upon STATE BUILDERS petition of citizens of Dover, Somersworth and other towns. The same motive which elsewhere early in the nine- teenth century prompted the organization of savings banks stimulated philanthropic and public-spirited citizens of New Hampshire to this worthy undertaking. It was to prevent the spread of pauperism by inducing me- chanics, operatives in factories and others to lay by in time of business prosperity and active employment some part of their earnings for accumulation against a time of adversity. As set forth in one of the early petitions to the New Hampshire legislature, the petitioners say that they "are of opinion that the prevention of pauperism is a duty more incumbent on society than relieving it, — that it is a greater benefit to individuals and to the commu- nity." Being a philanthropic movement, the chartering of savings banks had only to overcome the scepticism of their success to secure legislative action, and little was it dreamed by even the projectors that savings banks were ever to become an important factor in the business world and that from the accumulations of wage earners would come capital for the development of the state and for the promotion of enterprises in the West, then an unknown and uninhabited country. No safeguards were thrown around these institutions, the provisions of the charters being very general in their character. The management was left untrammeled to the trustees, who were expected to care for the funds placed in their charge without compensation as a duty they owed to their less experienced fellow-citizens. It was years afterwards before intelligent supervision was exercised over savings banks, and for nearly three-quarters o^f a century little restriction was placed upon the character of their investments. It was nearly forty years after these first New Hampshire savings banks w"ere chartered be- fore the total deposits of the savings banks of the state 173 STATE BUILDERS equalled the present deposits of the Strafford County Savings Bank. The increase in these institutions and their growth in deposits were slow for half a centur}-, and it was after the Civil \\'ar before their value was fully ap- preciated by the people. In 1850 there were but twelve savings banks in the state and one million six hundred thousand dollars in deposits distributed among thirteen thousand depositors, or one depositor to about every twenty-five inhabitants. To-day the ratio of depositors to inhabitants is about one in three, and the total de- posits in all savings institutions of the state is $54,621,- 362.40. The first savings banks were mutual savings banks in which the depositors alone shared in whatever profits were made from the investments of their funds. The in- corporators annually chose a board of trustees, to whom was committed the management of the bank. The first charters were perpetual. After ten years some charters were limited to twenty years, to be renewed upon expira- tion by the legislature, but the practice was not uniform, and in 1883 the legislature made all charters of savings banks perpetual. In 1871 a new class of savings banks known as ''guaranty savings banks'' began to be char- tered. These provided for a permanent guaranty fund which was owned by the guaranty fund holders who were the stockholders of the bank. This gtiaranty fund must always equal 10 per cent of the deposits, and, if at any time it became impaired by losses, must be made up by the stockholders or the bank closed. The management of these guaranty savings banks was in the hands of the stockholders, who chose the trustees and who divided among themselves all profits above a rate of interest guar- anteed to the depositors. This rate of interest to be paid to the depositors was fixed in the charters. In the mutual savings banks there is no guaranteed rate of interest, the trustees determining the annual or semi-annual dividends 174 STATE BUILDERS and voting extra dividends occasionally from any accu- mulated surplus. In 1885 a charter was granted for the New Hampshire Trust Company, the beginning of a series of charters for similar institutions called trust com- panies, banking companies, loan and banking companies, etc., the general character of whose provisions was broad and indefinite. A claim was successfully made that these charters authorize the transaction of a savings bank busi- ness in connection with the other business of the com- pany. In 1 89 1 they were given recognition as savings institutions by the legislature enacting a law requiring them to create a separate department of their savings de- posits and making that department amenable to the sav- ings bank laws. Thus the state of New Hampshire has at the present time mutual savings banks, guaranty savings banks, and the savings bank departments of trust companies. There are forty-five mutual savings banks, nine guaranty sav- ings banks and seven trust companies with savings bank departments. The deposits of this last class are $2,650,- 915.07. The history of the growth of the savings banks of New Hampshire is richer in experience than that of savings banks in some other New England States, owing to the fact that for years there was little restraint placed upon the trustees, and until well into the eighties the state supervision was but little more than the moral influence exerted by the bank commissioners. As regards the integrity of savings bank officials. New Hampshire will compare most favorably with any other state, the defalcations of trusted officers being very rare. The troubles of the savings banks have arisen mainly from unfortunate investments and lack of intelligent manage- ment. The third savings bank chartered in the state, that at Exeter, was the first to get into difficulty. It was chartered in 1828, and thirteen years later, owing to its 175 5TATE BCILDER5 '" "_" ''" ':""": ~'^. '-'"' ': ! -fjC'iC to lIiZ'z'^' ^'~-~. ..-.,. -'.'. trustees t: : -- . pcssessiC'Ci of me b t^nk" and ck>s€ tip its attairs, b*iT ^e -.-T -^ -'- ,; lie Zxeter Z'- ■ '": ■" " ict by the legislamre in 1847 directing' : _ . . . _ -" c-f the state, o-r discotraty banks to make an p j^Tm ai e:: : n of "'"r -'-ings banks, and trocn this """"" - ' -. iie c: - -ers made reports or these . - i first to the legislature and afterwards to the gryvemor and C-'" - ' These examir ' - ' ere for a long time merelj f: : -he rtare '^•^■' -'.v engrossed the attention oi tne con' :-:e were superseded by na- tional bamc: ~-:—^ -■--. --'- ' / ar. Savings bank officers for many years regarded the work of the commissioners^ st^jerficial as it was, as an unnecessary interference with dieir btisiness. The comn::"- " ':-' -'-----■. — - -■- '■'''--- itj to enforce their rec: . .'ic had littie knowledge of tiieir. :ing m: ame of bank failures, when they ca^-- ... f-jc very foil ami oftentimes unwarranted criticism, Th^ were paid directly by the banks they examined tra.til 1883, and tiieir -— were frequently but for a siogle term. It -r of rears after the savings banks had become important factors in the business world be- f'"'- '' ': --'■■--: - - — - - - =:rvision was appreciated by the pr , ; r representatives in the legisla- ture. The tank commission dates back to 1837, although its ex.! --''.ns of savings ba-'" -' -; — '--r- -;-_tiI ten years : it was fifty yez: - is rec- ognized as worthy of ptiblic support, in 1888 the reports t^, _ ; ::- side, and m 1889 through the ettorts of tr. ^ - — 176 STATE BUILDERS ers a continuing- commission was created by the legisla* ture with a board of three commissioners, whose terms were three years, the nrst appointments being made so that the term of only one commissioner would expire in any given year. From this time dates the effective work of the com- mission. It soon acquired the confidence of savings bank officers, who cheerfully co-operated with the commis- sioners in their examinations and welcomed their sug- gestions. Together they wrought great improvements in the management of these institutions, especially of the smaller savings banks. In 1895 the election of the chair- man of the board to the legislature resulted in legislation for the relief of the banks from burdensome taxation and the passage of laws for the government of these institu- tions and regulating their investments. With some mod- ifications these statutes remained the basis of the present work of the commission in their supervision of the banks. Although the law prescribing the investments of sav- mgs banks dates only from 1895, not a few attempts were made earlier to have the legislature act upon this subject. In 1869, when the deposits had reached sixteen million dollars and the number of banks thirty-eight, the legislature passed a law requiring one-half the deposits of each savings bank to be invested within the state. This statute gave no end of trouble to both banks and the commissioners. It was burdensome for the large banks to comply with its provisions and the commissioners hes- itated to apply to the courts to enforce it against insti- tutions whose soundness was unquestioned. The banks most frequently violating the law were the most pros- perous of the state. Finally by tacit agreement both banks and commissioners ignored the statute. In 1874 a law was passed forbidding savings banks to invest any part of their deposits in the stock of any rail- road or manufacturing corporation. 177 STATE BUILDERS in 1 88 1 both these acts were repealed and a law was passed prohibiting any savings bank from loaning" to any person or corporation, firm and its individual members, an amount in excess of ten per cent of its deposits and accumulations, or to purchase or hold by way of invest- ment or as security for loans the stocks and bonds of any corporation in excess of such ten per cent. For the next decade this was the only restriction as to the character of savings bank investments. Before the repeal of the statute requiring one-half of the investments of savings banks to be made within the state some of the savings banks had invested largely in the growing West. Farm loans were then an attractive investment, promptly paying large rates of interest and generally reduced or paid at maturity. The prosperity of those banks which had taken large amounts of these loans, shown in increased dividends and increased de- posits, induced others to invest in that field. The dis- crimination in selecting loans by those first taking this class of investments was not followed by others who later invested in the West. So successful had been both banks and individuals in their early Western investments that almost any Western enterprise could be floated in the East late in the eighties. The investments extended from farm loans in well established sections in the \\^est to all sections and to all kinds of enterprises. \Mth the repeal in 1881 of the statute confining one-half the investments of savings banks to New Hampshire, the trustees promptly enlarged their investments in the West, until, in 1890, with few exceptions, the banks had the greater part of their deposits invested in the West. Without avail the commissioners called attention to the danger of such indiscriminate investment. Deposits were rapidly increasing. The banks were paying larger dividends than those of neighboring states, and a tax rate in excess of that of any New England state was easily met. In 1893 178 STATE BUILDERS the volume of deposits aggregated nearly seventy-five million dollars, ranking New Hampshire as the fifth state in the Union in the amount of her deposits. These ae- posits came in part from other states, attracted by the ' rate of dividends paid by the New Hampshire banks, as was subsequently shown when conservatism influenced trustees to reduce the dividend rate and these deposits were the first withdrawn. Considerable defaults in payments of interest and prin- cipal of Western mvestments began as early as 1888, in- dicative of wliat miglit be expected, but it was not until 1 89 1 that the legislatiu^e could be induced to act, and then only through a commission authorized to revise the stat- utes of the state. A tentative measure to limit invest- ments introduced in the legislature early in the session was indefinitely postponed by the house on the report of the bank committee made up largely of banking men. Later the commission to revise the statutes was induced by the bank commissioners to incorporate with their amendments of the statutes one prohibiting certain in- vestments of savings banks and limiting others. This measure, although far from being what the times de- manded, was vigorously opposed by bank men and would have been defeated had it been separated from other aniendments to the public statutes which the legislature finally adopted as an entirety. For four years more no attempt at legislation affecting savings bank investments was made. In the mean time the panic of 1893 had occurred, and with it came the sus- pension of a considerable number of savings institutions. When, therefore, measures were presented to the legisla- ture of 1895 to safeguard the interests of savings deposit- ors, they were passed as presented with little material amendment. The wisdom of the legislation of 1895 has never been questioned. The statute then enacted to regu- late the management of savings banks has not been 179 STATE BUILDERS changed, and the statute relating to the investments of savings banks has been amended only to meet the change of character of such investments. The principle that the legislature should prescribe the investments of savings banks is now fully recognized, although it took nearly three-quarters of a centurj- to convince the public of its necessity. Applications for charters of savings banks have not al\\-ays been granted. At times the legislature has been char}- in incorporating these institutions, and in 1854 it authorized the union of two existing savings banks, be- ing of opinion that public interests would be served by such consolidation. Xothing came of this act, as the trustees of the two institutions could not agree upon the terms of imion. Later when the fever of Western invest- ments was at its height, the legislature gave an affirmative reply to almost every application for a charter carrying with it savings bank privileges. Some of these charters were never used, while others brought only financial loss to those interested. Since 1895 no trust company char- ters with savings bank privileges have been granted, and savings bank charters proper have been of the mutual kind. The losses to savings banks on account of \\'estem investments were considerable, and the most critical pe- riod in tlie histor}- of Xew Hampshire savings banks was on the twelve months beginning June, 1893. A number of banking institutions were put in the hands of receiv- ers, while nearly a.11 the sa\"ings banks in the state took advantage of their by-laws requiring notice of the with- drawal of deposits. Other suspensions of banks followed in 1895 ^^d 1896, but confidence had been partially re- stored, and later failures occasioned no alarm among de- positors. The passing of the panic of 1893 so success- fully by the Xew Hampshire savings banks, intensified as it was by their large V*'estem interests, is still a marvel as iSo STATE BUILDERS we look back upon this crisis, and it is a tribute to the confidence inspired by those bank officials whose institu- tions rode out the storm. The large loss of deposits occasioned thereby has been in part made up, and the in- crease in deposits thepast three years has been normal and healthy. Too. many savings banks existed a decade ago. If there had been no panic, the tendency of the times would have materially reduced the number, giving to the public fewer yet larger institutions and therefore better managed. Improved facilities for travel and mail have obviated the necessity which once existed for savings banks in small communities, and experience has shown that the successful management of these institutions must be in the hands of men in daily contact with the business world. The future of the New Hampshire savings banks is bright with promise. Depositors are satisfied with conservative dividends. Investments are more carefully made. Rivalry of these institutions in seeking deposits has ceased and the lessons of the past few years are likely to be of lastinsf benefit. INDUSTRIAL XEW HAMPSHIRE By G. a. Cheney "Necessity is the mother of invention," says the old adage, but the histon- of mankind down through the ages does not warrant the conclusion nor justify its ac- ceptance. True it is that the march of civilization, since the days when Moses led the children of Israel out of the land of Eg}'pt and bondage, has been the march of invention, but anterior to this truth and proceeding from it is the still greater one that the Genius of In- vention is co-existent with an intelligent under- standing of human life and an adherence to the laws governing it. During their sojourn of fort\^ years in the \\'ildemess the children of Israel by their method of living came to possess not only healthy bodies, but sound intellects, because of their compliance with physiological law. They triumphed in all the fields of human effort, as brilliantly in the arts and sciences as upon the field of battle. The}- were the chosen of God by divine decree, but through the ageno.- of a right interpre- tation of those laws that govern the building of the human body and the development of the intellect. As the de- scendants of the Israelites the Rabbinic races adhering to Levitical law have ever continued a might}- factor in the progress of human life. Even,- individual of both sexes, regardless of social condition or determined aim in life, was taught to work with head and hand. Leaving the Rabbinic races for a people of the Christian era it is to 182 STATE BUILDERS be observed that the Dutch, as the inhabitants of the Netherlands are cahed, have won the grandest of successes in all things that are essential to human progress. The very land that is their home was won from the sea, lagoon, and lake, by labor that continued for centuries. Though their country was small in area and themselves comparatively few in numbers, they were yet a mighty nation, rich in agencies and means for the betterment of mankind that they by skill and research had either in- vented or discovered. In the earlier centuries men from Holland went to England and introduced various of the arts and sciences and stamped their individuality upon the national character and life. Other nations of Europe, past and present, were in need of the agencies of progress, enlightenment and strength, as well as the Dutch, but they were wanting in that deep religious spirit that dominated and permeated Dutch life. They recognized the Divine law that by work alone can a nation succeed and become strong and enduring. In brief, the greatness of the Dutch character and its long continued strength has for its explanation the fact that they utilized the faculties of head and hand. They toiled and thereby gained physical strength, and, as a result of bodily vigor they had sound minds, and these they strengthened and developed by the utilization of the mental faculties. Not only did Dutch life have its influence upon the English national character, but the first settlers of New England came to these shores by the way of Holland, and the stop-over in the land of the Dutch was of eleven years' duration, in which time the vitalizing life and ways of the industrious self-reliant Netherlanders stamped its lasting impress upon the receptive Pilgrims, who, like their hospitable hosts, knew and accepted that Divine law that inculcated the employment of all physical and mental faculties. 183 STATE BUILDERS When once their footing had been made secure upon the shores of Plymouth bay the Pilgrims, without delay, set about the building of a nation. The mechanical agen- cies with which they might clear the forests, build homes and shop and factory were of the scantiest nature and often times wholly lacking, but History nowhere records that there were idle hands or heads among the Pilgrims. Then the Puritans came in 1630, and Massachusetts had two colonies instead of one, but the people of both, liter- ally to a man, held that it was a part of their religion to keep employed head, hand and heart. The people of these colonies as their numbers increased pushed out into the interior of New England. They settled Connecticut and Rhode Island, for Roger Williams and his followers were of the same spirit as the Puritans if differing on points of church polity; and into New Hampshire went the purest and best type of the Puritan man and woman, and a century later came that strong and virile contingent known in history as the Scotch-Irish, and quickly there- after New Hampshire became one of the strongest of the American colonies. New England throughout its entire Colonial period and for quite fifty years following the Revolution, was essentially an agricultural community, but every farmstead represented almost every factor incident to the material life of the times. Beneath each roof tree was the diversified industr}' of the town of to-day. Each farm grew the flax and produced the wool for the household's supply of linen, yarn and cloth. The carding, spinning and weaving were portions of the domestic life of the individual home, and the furniture, farm imple- ments and kitchen utensils were for the most part home made. The axe, adze, shave, and above all the jackknife, were almost the only tools with which these things were wrought, but the skill of their production remains to this day an object of admiration. 184 STATE BUILDERS While it is true that the necessities of Colonial New England were great and of direst stress, still it is true in greater measure that they regarded it a religious duty to labor the livelong day with head and hand. The neces- sities of other peoples have been as great, yet they have ceased to exist or at least degenerated because they did not toil and spin. It was the utilization of their physical and mental faculties that won for the people of Colonial New England their success and that made Puritan New England the Genesis of American invention. It was the continued use of the jackknife that cul- minated in the production of that multitude of articles that the whole world long since designated as "Yankee notions," and New Hampshire, primarily Puritan but enriched, strengthened and vitalized by that generous m- fusion of Scotch-Irish blood, has from first to last played a mighty part in the story of the development of indus- trial America, the greatness of which growth is the mar- vel of the world. New Hampshire's early settlers souglit, as did those of other New England provinces and colonies, for deposits of iron and other of the baser metals. John Winthrop, Jr., who came to Massachusetts Bay with the then large sum of one thousand pounds sterling or five thousand dol- lars as it would be termed to-day, was the industrial king of his day. The Great and General Court of Massachu- setts Bay granted him enormous subsidies in the form of land grants if he would but find his iron and erect fur- naces. He explored every known section of the then New England, but the only furnace of any particular account and permanency was one he erected in one of the towns near Boston. An attempt was also made to erect salt works at Portsmouth, but the clearing of the forests and the manufactures of the individual households com- prehended the principal efforts along this line for not a few decades succeeding- the settlement of the province. 185 STATE BUILDERS The erection of saw mills and grist n^ills were of tirst and vital concern to the settlers, the first to furnish ma- terial for farm buildings and the second for the grind- ing of com, r}-e,, and oats. It was not until nearly a cen- tur\- had passed that wheat culture succeeded either in ^Massachusetts or New Hampshire. Indian com was the great food dependence, and the remoter settlements in the province depended upon the home grinding of this for a supply. Sometimes a stone mortar was the means for its grinding or rather its pounding into meal, but the more frequent means was the hollowing out of a stump of a tree cut at the required height, while the pounding was done by the pulling down of a strong young sapling to which a weight was attached. The natural rebound of the tree aided in the work of grinding. The rye and Indian com of the forefathers were foods natural and complete in their organizations, and so built the bodies of the grow- ing generation. Their teeth remained with them to old age and the grave, and they never became prematurely aged as is the case with the American people of to-day. Fortimately for the earlier settlers, the province abounded with water power. Streams of var>-ing size were ever}-where available for the erection of saw mills and grist mills to which were added later mills for the fulling and dressing of cloth, and tanneries. The tanner\-, which once came to be a part of almost ever}- considerable community, is seen to-day only here and there, and that as a large establishment, representing the present day idea of centralization of capital and labor. But the saw mill still remains, and its nimibers increase with each genera- tion, and its capacit\- is as a hundred fold. The possible production of the old-time up and down saw in the mills of the fathers was two thousand feet a day of the old- time Puritan length of fourteen hours. The resawing band saw of to-day has a capacit%- of one himdred thou- sand feet, and the portable steam circular saw mill that i86 STATE BUILDERS is planted everywhere about the state, anywhere from ten thousand to twenty thousand feet. From first to the present every farmstead is to some extent a lumber manufactory as well as representative of various other products. The boy who was born on a New- Hampshire farm learned the use of the tools of the carpenter, the stone mason, the painter and the leather worker, and their use developed the inventive faculties. He gained proficiency, and proficiency is progress, and progress is the result of the utilization of the head and hand. The old up and down saw gave w^ay to, the circu- lar saw, hand planing to machine planing, and likewise everv process of handling and fashioning lumber from hand work to that by machiner}-, and in these wonderful and astonishmg strides in lumber manufacturing New Hampshire has been to the fore. Her great areas of for- ests and her abounding water power were gifts of nature, and her sons saw their opportunity and trained mind and muscle that they might the better accept that opportunity. During the decade which ended in 1890 the value of the manufactured lumber products according to the United States census was $5,641,445, and the feeling prevailed that New Hampshire's forest resources w^ere nearing exhaustion, for the above values only represented the merchandise lumber of regular establishments. But in the decade ended in iqoo the value of the state's manu- factured lumber products was $9,218,310, an increase over that of the preceding ten years of almost double — or, to be exact — ninety-five and three-tenths per cent. The capital invested in lumber manufacturing plants in 1900 was $11,382,114, and there were five hundred and fifty-three of these plants. In the same class with lumber manufacturing interests is that of wood pulp and paper. In 1890 the value of pulp and paper made in this little state alone was $1,282,- 022, but in 1900 the value had increased to $7,244,733, an 187 STATE BUILDERS increase of nearly three hundred per cent, and the indiis- tr}- ranks fifth in the state. It is a manufacturing inter- est that in the past three years has progressed at tremen- dous strides and includes all phases of the pulp industry, A surprising revelation of the last national census was that the boot and shoe manufacturing industr}* of the state had passed the cotton manufacturing interests and assumed first rank. For decades preceding first position had been held by the cotton manufacturing industry and without apparent danger of any rival. The census reports of 1890 give the total value of the factory made boots and shoes as $11,986,003. In the succeeding ten years the value of the product reached the magnificent total of $23,405,558. This is an increase of practically one hun- dred per cent in a brief ten years, and is a growth rarely equalled in the histor}- of the industrial development of the country. Xor does the census of 1900 tell the story to date, for that states the facts only up to 1899 as the census year ends with the "9'' and not with the cipher. Thus to illustrate: The census of 1900 was for the ten years which ended December 31, 1899, and not on December 31, 1900. Therefore three full years and more have come and gone since the last census, and in those years the shoe manufacturing industr}- in Xew Hampshire has grown as never before. Xew factories have been built and old ones enlarged and re-equipped with more effective machinery and to-day Xew Hamp- shire ranks third among the states of the Union in the money value of her factory made boots and shoes. In the decade ended December 31, 1899. the value of the boot and shoe product in Massachusetts showed an in- crease of less than one million dollars over that of the census of 1889 as compared to the more than eleven millions increase in X'^ew Hampshire. The city of ^lan- chester, for so long famed as a great cjtton manufactur- ing centre, is to-day the sixth city in the- United States as 188 STATE BUILDERS a shoe manufacturing community. The growth of the industry in the state has added very materially to its population, its general prosperity, and material well being. Everything indicates that it is now securely anchored in the community and that it will continue to increase. Diversity of industry is the sheet anchor of a state as well as a town, the safeguard, assurance and stability of its material welfare, and in this respect New Hampshire is indeed most fortunate, for within her borders are ninety-five distinct and classified industrial interests. The total number of her industrial establishments or plants is four thousand six hundred and seventy-one, having a total capitalization of $100,929,661. They give employ- ment to seventy-three thousand people who receive in wages $30,000,000 annually. The total value of the products of these manufacturing plants is $118,709,308, which means a per capita rate of two hundred and eighty- eight dollars to every man, woman and child in the state. Cotton manufacturing, so long the first industry in the state, is now, as said, the second, and adding the value of wood pulp products to those of lumber, it would come dangerously near being third. New Hampshire is the sixth state in the Union in the value of her cotton man- ufactures, which were in 1899 valued at $22,998,249, and of this sum Manchester contributed $1 1,723,508, or about one-half. Manchester itself ranks as the fifth city in the country in the value of its cotton manufactures. The total number of spindles in the state is 1,249,875, an in- crease of about fifty-two^ thousand in the ten years. But the people of New Hampshire irrespective of call- ing are under eternal obligation to its cotton manufactur- ing interests. It has been the strong foundation upon which the greater part of its material interests have been reared. Every avenue of its life has been quickened thereby. It has retained in the state thousands of its native born and brought still other thousands within its STATE BUILDERS borders. It has added value to everv farm by creating a market for its products and the commercial aitairs of the state have found it in past and present their securest de- pendence. The conon manufacturing industn.- of the state had its begifming as early as 1803, when spinning Jennys were set in operation in the town of Xew Ipswich. The spun }-am was carried out to neighborhood families and by them woven into cloth. After a few years a spinning mill was erected at the falls of Amoskeag, Manchester, and in 1819 was introduced the power loom, and this led directly if not immediately to the utilization of the power of the falls and the building up of Manchester. As reference has been made to Amoskeag falls tribute should be paid, and that too without measure, to the skill, courage and discernment of that grand pioneer of 2\ew Hampshire's industrial interests, Samuel Blodgett, who before the close of the eighteenth centur}-, began the building of a canal aroimd Amoskeag falls. He was sevenr\- years old when he began this then Hercu- lean undertaking, a fact that should ser\-e as a lesson that a man is never too old to enter upon a task for the betterment of mankind. For near a decade did this brave and enterprising man labor to complete his project, and succeeded before death claimed him. There are in Xew Hampshire forty-five plants for the manufacture of woollen goods, of one description or an- other. The capitalization of these is about Si 1,000,000, and wool manuf acnu-es rank as the thii d largest industr}- in the state. These woollen mills are scattered over the state and are not localized as are the cotton mills. Natur- ally the woollen mill is the modem envelopment of the hand card, the spinning wheel, and the hand loom of the older homestead. The popular name given to Xew Hampshire as the "Granite State" doubtless had its origin in the fact that 190 STATE BUILDERS so large an .area of her hills and fields consists of rocks and ledges, but these are not necessarily granite in the sense of building material. Strictly speaking, New Hampshire is less a "Granite State" than Maine, and probably Vermont. C'oncord is the greatest centre of the business, but Troy, Fitzwilliam and Marlborough in Cheshire county are all of great importance as re- spects this industry. The labor employed is for the most part skilled, and well paid, and the industry as a whole adds much to tlie general wealth and prosperity of the state. An industry that has been of long continued benefit to the state, for reason of division of labor in particular, is that of carriage and coach building. Although confined mostly to the city of Concord, it has been a veritable trades school, and men trained therein have gone into other parts of the state, and as skilled journeymen and manufacturers have spread the benefits of the enterprise. The Concord coach carried the name and fame of the city and state around the world. In its construction were employed the most skilful of wood workers, painters and decorators, upholsterers and harness makers. The ability of these men is of world-wide knowledge, and in one generation or another they have been a source of great and staying good to the community. It is this diversity of industry that has been, and is, the strength of industrial New Hampshire, and this diversity is really the result of the versatility of its men and women. The utilization of the faculties of head and hand began in the days of the Puritans and Scotch-Irish, and con- tinued through generations and gathering to itself strength as it passed from parent to child, has culminated in generations of men and women, native to the state, that have not only builded a rich, prosperous and strong com- monwealth at home, but have gone forth and aided m the upbuilding of other states and the nation. This drain 191 STATE BUILDERS from the state of her yoimg men and women has been oftentimes at the expense of home interests, but there IS reason to believe that this drain from the state of her very life blood has not only reached its height, but is re- maining on its native heath. The revelation of the last census that the value of the products of its manufactur- ing interests, annually, were in round nimibers thirty- three millions greater than in the preceding decade has a mighty significance, and the best of all its meanings is that Xew Hampshire's s<^ns and daughters recognize that she offers as great and varied opportunities for success risrht here at home as does anv other state in the Union. 192 COMMERCIAL NEW HAMPSHIRE Bv G. A. Cheney Looking back to those years wf-ien New Hampshire was the new-found home of a scattered number of pioneer settlers, each with his own allotment of land, there was neither commerce nor manufactures. Each individual farm and home furnished food and raiment alike, and beneath each roof tree were fashioned the utensils and furnishings of the primitive home. But as the settlers increased in numbers and there was a smoothing out of the roughness and primitiveness of their original natural surroundings, there came about a practice of interchange of commodities between imme- diate neighbors, and this was commerce in its crudest form, but nevertheless the genesis of trade. The most potent fact, the great fundamental element in each and every original New England settlement, was the single, all-comprehending purpose of the settler to found for himself and children a home. The Spaniard's great purpose in the New World was the quest of silver and gold, and retrogression is the record of his life to this day. Home, that is the family, is the unit of civilized human life, and all that it comprehends is summed up in the one word progression. The pioneer settlers of New Hampshire, like their fel- lows in every other portion of New England, showed a resolute face to every danger, endured every hardship and 193 STATE BUILDERS performed every dun^ to me one end of securing homes that should be their own to the centre of the earth, and to the sky above. At first the exchange of commodities was limited in every respect, yet there was a steady, gradual and fixed growth, until a systen called trade and barter was de- vdc^)ed. This system pervaded every nook and comer of Xew England- Its very nature prompted individual e5ort. Hard cash, or its equivalent in paper, was not an object oi daily observance to alL Indian com was for long a legal tender, as were otfier farm products. The system of trade and barter made every man a trader as well as a farmer and manufacturer, and as he was all three in one, his every faculty was stimulated and de- veloped by utilizatioa. The system continued for gen- eraticais, and it was the Golden Era of American indirid- ual manhood, the kind of manhood that pushed further and further westward the bounds of the American re- puUic, that built new states and carried Xew England connnerce across the seas. ■ In the growth of the state tie day came when there was a surplus of products from farm and household, and the finding of an outlet for that surplus was a problem up for solution. Such a condition had wisely been an- ticipated in the construction of those highways called turnpikes by private capital and enterprise. These turn- pikes were the forenmners of the railroads. Travellers upon them paid for the privilege just as the passenger of to-day does few travelling in a railway car. ^^'hile the toll pa^ving turnpike has long since ceased as a feature in the material Life of the state, the toll bridge is still a fact at least in two or three instances. Xamrally these tmnpikes lead the way to the pjrts on the Xew England coast, and those seaports from Port- land to Boston were the like natural outlets for Xew Hampshire's surplus products. Hither the farmers went 19+ STATE BUILDERS with their loads of cheese, pork, beef, poultry and other products and exchanged them for dried codfish, salted mackerel, loaf sugar, molasses, rum and spices. The farmer was accustomed to make at least one trip a year to "market," but often twice, in the early spring and late fall. These joumeyings of the farmers gave opportunity for that ever-to-be-remembered feature of Colonial life, the wayside inn or tavern, that only disappeared with the coming of the iron horse and iron road. In these wayside inns the sturdy, self-reliant American yeomanry of the nation's formative generations exchanged the news of their respective localities and made known to each other the opportunities and possibilities of the ever broadening land. It was a great school for the development of the individual character. As the years were numbered off and the province and in turn the state grew in wealth and population the stage coach came thicker and faster over the pike, building up and developing in its later years a class of men destined to be the forerunner of that great community of to-day, — the railroad men. With the increase of population came the village with its varying phases of life and conspicuous among these was the village merchant with his store stocked with merchandise that included everything from a shoe peg to a goose yoke, from whale oil to the finest old Medford, from the tiny pin to the heaviest crowbar. To the country store the ingenious boy brought those articles he had so dexterously wrought with his jackknife, which articles he exchanged for a slate upon which to cipher, or perhaps some future preacher took this way of becoming the owner of a copy of Jonathan Edwards' latest sermons, or some future lawyer a copy of Black- stone's commentaries. Hither the little girl brought her sampler, her older sister some skilfully wrought em- broidery and the aged madame a bed quilt of blue and white, samples of which are still to be seen to this day. 195 STATE BUILDERS Ever}' one toiled, tor it was a constantly taught lesson that the idle moment was a sinful moment and that the road to "forehandedness" was alone through industry and incessant toil. The accumulation at the village store of the surplus products of the region required more frequent trips to the seacoast markets and by the close of the eighteenth century tlie amount of traffic over the turnpikes was simply prodigious. In the historical novel "Soltaire" which is descriptive of life in the White Mountain region the author draws a vivid word picture of that tiunpike travel as it was in the very tirst years of the nineteenth century. He recites the testimony of men who not in- frequently saw a string of teams that would cover a mile of the road at a time all bound for the Portland market, and this, be it remembered, over that "pike" that wended its way through the Crawford Xotch. By that skilful use of mechanical tools the Xew Hamp- shire man of those earlier times became no less famous than his ^Massachusetts and Connecticut brother in the prc-duction of those articles that went by the name of Yankee notions and he became no less shrewd as a trader than skilful as a manufacturer. He became versatile and it was this versatility of talent on the part of the descen- dants of the Puritans that has proved the sheet anchor of the nation and the source of its power as a great commercial nation. Progression was the law of his be- ing. \\Tien the limits of his own state became too narrow for his operation he went forth into other states and became a mighty power in the winning of the West and the Xorth-\\'est. He founded mighty marts of trade in Boston, Xew York. Philadelphia. Chicago and San Francisco. The Xew Hampshire man left his seat on the stage coach to become tlie builder of a railroad or to found transportation companies. The keeper of the old way- side inn moved on to the centres of traffic and population 196 STATE BUILDERS and there built the mammoth hotel, the wonder oi the world in its comprehension of comfort and elegance. Hotel management is essentially a commercial line and in this New Hampshire men, the descendants of the keeper of the old time tavern, are prominent the country over. In the summer they are in the White Mountams, investments of millions of dollars in their charge, and in the winter they are in Florida or Southern California directing like great properties. In New York, Boston and elsewhere they have proved themselves the best of hotel managers. These opening- years of the twentieth century present the commercial life of the state in phases radically differ- ent than those of a half or even a quarter century ago. For generations its retail merchants had relied upon Bos- ton for supplies, and whereas a generation agO' Manches- ter had scarcely a wholesale store it has in this year of 1903 one entire section given up to the wholesale trade. Manchester, so long famed as a manufacturing city, has become an important commercial metropolis, the chief in this respect of all Northern New England. New lines of trade and commerce are in process of development throughout the state and former ones are gaining annu- ally. All of the state's leading industries are expanding and this means an expanding commerce, for in a certain sense trade is but the handmaid of industry. 197 BIOGRAPHIES NAHUM J. BACHELDER, Governor of New Hampshire, igoj-igo^ NAHUM T. BACHELDER. Nahum J. Bachelder, governor of New Hampshire, is a descendant in the eighth generation of the Rev. Stq)hen Bachiler, who settled at Hampton in 1632. He was born in Andover, September 3, 1 854, upon the farm where he now Hves and which was cleared by his great-grand- father in 1782. He is the oldest child of William A. and Adeline (Shaw) Bachelder. His boyhood was passed upon the farm and his early education was gained in the district schools with a few terms at Franklin acad- emy and the New Hampton institute. After a brief experience in teaching Mr. Bachelder devoted himself to practical agriculture, gaining much success as a market gardener and dairyman. In 1877 he joined Highland grange at East Andover and later became its master. In 1883 he was chosen secre- tar\^ of the state grange and filled that position with great credit for eight years, being then promoted to the office, which he has since held, of master. Under his administration the order of Patrons of Husbandry has made wonderful progress in New Hampshire and has greatly benefited the Granite state in general and its agri- cultural interests in particular. In the councils of the National grange ,also. Governor Bachelder has wisely exercised a great influence. He served for two terms as a member of the executive com- mittee and is now upon liis second term as national lec- turer. He has also been of eminent service to his order STATE BUILDERS and to the people through his membership on the legis- lative committee. In 1887 !Mr. Bachdder was elected as successor to the late James O. Adams as secretar\- of the state board of agriculture and for fifteen years has so conducted the affairs of that office as to vrin the admiration of all who have become acquainted with its work. Since the estab- hshment of the office of commissioner of immigration in 1889, now merged in the office of secretar}- of the state board of agriculture, Mr. Bachelder has discharged its duties, with a broad grasp of present conditions and future possibilities which has attracted the attention of the entire coimtr}-. He has been, tc-o, an active, \-igilant and efficient official of the state cattle commission since its organization and has done great work in keeping the live stock of the state free from contagious diseases. An- other position which he has held to the great advantage of the agriculture of the state has been that of secretary of the Grange State Fair at Tilton and. more recently, of the state fair at Concord. In the establishment of Old Home Wedc Governor Rollins found in Mr. Bachelder an invaluable assistant, and it is to the heart\- co-operation of these gentlemen that the movement owes its unqualified and far-reaching success. Mr. Bachelder received the honoran.- degree of master of arts from Dartmouth college in 1891. He is a member of the Universit}' and Wonolancet clubs of Concord, Derr\-field club of Manchester and of Kearsarge lodge, A. F. and A. M. He attends the Congregational church. June 30, 1887, he was imited in marriage with Mary A. Putney of Dimbarton, and they have two children, Ruth, bom May 22, 1891. and Henr>-, bom ^farch 17, 1895. In addition to their splendid farm estate at An- dover thev have a winter home in the dtv of Concord. EDWARD NATHAN PEARSON, Secretary of State, igoj EDWARD N. PEARSON. EdAvard Nathan Pearson, secretary of state, and one of the most popular young men in New Hampshire, was bom in Webster, N. H., September 7, 1859, the son of John C. and Lizzie S. (Colby) Pearson. He prepared for college in the High school at Warner and the acad- emy at Penacook and graduated from Dartmouth college in the class of 1881, ranking with the very first in schol- arship. Immediately upon graduation he entered the employ of the Republican Press Association at Concord, N. H., as city editor of the Concord Evening Monitor. With the exception of one year spent in Washington, D. C, as teacher in a public school, Mr. Pearson con- tinued his connection with the Republican Press Associa- tion and its papers, the Evening Monitor and Inde- pendent Statesman, for almost twenty years, acting during nearly half that time as managing editor of the papers and business manager of the entire plant. In this period of his life he established a reputation which he has since maintained and increased of uniting in him- self grace and style, originality of thought and thorough culture as a writer with tried and true ability, industry and integrity as a business man. By inheritance, training, judgment and choice Mr. Pearson is a steadfast Republican. During his connec- tion with the Republican Press Association he was elected public printer; and in 1899 he was chosen secretary of state, a position which he has since filled with the greatest 203 STATE BUILDERS credit to himself and satisfaction to the pubHc. The char- acteristic of ]\Ir. Pearson's hfe has always been his desire to help, by word or deed or both, every one with whom he came in contact. In his official position he finds many opportunities for the gratification of this desire, which, added to his executive and administrative ability, his wide knowledge of men and affairs, his natural gift cf oratory and his aptitude in the management of public functions, make him the ideal of an officer and servant of the commonwealth. Mr. Pearson was for several years a member of the board of health of Concord and an officer of the associa- tion of boards of health of the state. These positions he resigned upon his election to the board of education of Union school district in Concord. He is a vice-president of the general alumni association of Dartmouth college and has served on the committee for the nomination of candidates for alumni trustee. He is, also, an officer of the Xev,- Hampshire Press Association and of other or- ganizations. He is a member of the Patrons of Hus- bandry^ and other fraternal orders and is a constant at- tendant upon the services of the South Congregational church. December 8, 1882, he was united in marriage with Miss Addie M. Sargent of Lebanon, and they have four children. Just entering the prime of life, with opportunities for wide usefulness all about him, and with a large and ever increasing circle of warm and devoted personal friends, Secretary of wState Pearson has done and will do much for his citv, his state and his fellow men. 204 JACOB H. GALLINGER, United States Senator frovi New Hampshire, igoj SENATOR JACOB H. GALLINGER. United States Senator Jacob H. Gallinger has been for more than thirty years a conspicuous figure in the pubHc Hfe of his state. He was born March 28, 1837, at Corn- wall, Ontario, descended on the paternal side from Dutch ancestry, and his mother being of American stock. At an early age with only the limited advantages of school- ing possible to be had at his home, he was thrown upon his own resources and early displayed that unflagging industry which has been the chief instrviment of his rise to favor in professional and public life. As a youth he learned the printing trade and for a time published a newspaper. The printing-office was to him at once a source of livelihood and a school, and there he laid the foundations for that wide knowledge of men and affairs which has since been so marvellously extended in the course of his remarkable career as a public man. While still at work at the case he began the study of medicine, and in 1855 he entered a medical school at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, whence he was graduated at the head of his class in 1858. Feeling, however, that he was not yet qualified for the active work of his profession, he devoted himself for the next three years to study and travel, finding means to defray his expenses by literary work and incidentally working at the printer's trade, and in 1861 he entered upon practice in the city of Keene, where he remained only a few months, removing to Concord in April, 1862, where for twenty-three years he was actively 205 STATE BUILDERS engaged in the practice of medicine and established a large and especially remunerative business. His aptitude for public aitairs became early apparent, and in 1S72 he held his first public office as member of the New Hampshire legislature. He was re-elected in 1S73. and in 1S76 was chosen a member of the consti- tutional convention. In 187S he was elected a member of the state senate and was chosen for a second term, serving in 1879 ^-S president of that bi5 GEORGE A. RAMSDELL. George A, Ramsdell, g-overnor of New Hampshire in 1897 and 1898, was born in Milford, March 11, 1834, and died in Nashua, November 16, 1900. His earhest ancestors in America on both sides were EngHsh emigrants and among the first settlers of Massa- chusetts. In 181 5 his grandfather, Captain WilHam Ramsdell, purchased the farm in Milford which was the home of the family for more than seventy-five years. His mother was the eldest daughter of Rev. Humphrey Moore, D. D., pastor of the Congregational church in Milford for a third of a century. After a course at Appleton academy, now McCollom institute, Mont Vernon, Mr. Ramsdell completed a year at Amherst college, but was unable by reason of ill health to finish the course. He continued his studies inde- pendently, however, and in 1857 ^^^ "^vas admitted to the Hillsborough count}'- bar. Soon after he located at Peterborough where he prac- tised for six years until, in 1864, he was appointed clerk of the supreme court for Hillsborough county and removed to Amherst. In 1866 he went with the court records to Nashua and there resided the remainder of his life. In 1S87 he resigned the office he had filled so long and faithfully and resumed the practice of his profession. His honorable record was recognized by Governor John B. Smith, who, on the death of Judge Allen in 1893, 216 GEORGE A. RAMSDELL, Governor of Nezi) HantpsJiirc. iSgy-iSgS STATE BUILDERS tendered Mr. Ramsdell a seat on the supreme bench; and by Dartmouth college, which conferred on him the honorary degree of Master oif Arts. Mr. Ramsdell's pubhc career inchtded ten years' service on the board of education, twenty years as trustee of the pubHc Hbrary and many other places of trust and responsibility in Nashua. In 1870-1-2 he was a member of the legislature, where he won an enviable reputation as a debater. He was a working member of the constitu- tional convention of 1876 and represented the third dis- trict in the governor's council in 189 1-2. In the Repub- lican gubernatorial convention of 1894 he received a flattering vote, and in 1896 the distinguished honor was bestowed upon him of a nomination by acclamation. In the election that followed he received the largest plurality of any candidate for governor in the history of the state; and by his administration proved that this trust of his fellow citizens was well founded. Governor Ramsdell was prominent in the business af- fairs of Nashua as a banker and as a director in railroad and manufacturing companies. He was one of the leaders of the laymen in the Congregational denomination in New Hampshire and was a 32nd degree Mason. A thor- ough student and facile writer, his history oi Milford, the last important work of his life, is a valuable contribution to the annals of the state. He married, November 29, i860, Eliza D. Wilson of Deering, and to them three sons and a daughter were given; Harry W., born February i, 1862; Arthur D., born August 2, 1863; Charles T., born July 7, 1865; and Annie M., born December 8, 1873. 217 BISHOP DENIS M. BRADLEY. Rt. Rev. Denis M. Bradley, first Catiiolic bishop of Manchester, was born in Ireland, Fehniary 25, 1846. When he was eight years of age his mother came to y\merica with her five children and settled in Manches- ter. There the future bishop attended the Catholic schools of the city and later was sent to the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass., from which he gradu- ated. He then entered upon the study of theology in the St. Joseph's Provincial seminary at Troy, N. Y., and was there ordained to the priesthood June 3, 1871, by Rt. Rev. Bishop McQuaid of Rochester. Manchester at that time belonged to the diocese of Portland, and Bishop Bacon appointed the young priest to the cathedral in the latter city, where he remained during the lifetime of that prelate, serving during the last two years as rector of the cathedral and chancellor of the diocese. He continued to discharge the same duties under Bishop Healey until June 16, 1880, when he was appointed pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Man- chester. Upon the erection of the state of New Hampshire into a separate diocese in 1884 Father Bradley was recom- mended for the new see by the bishops of New England on account of his zeal and services in parochial duties and his experience in diocesan affairs, gained at Port- land. He was accordingly apointed by Pope Leo XIII and consecrated June 11, 1884. 218 RT. REV. DENIS M. BRADLEY, Roman Catliolic Bis hop of JVew Hampshire STATE BUILDERS Under his wise administration the cause of Catholicity has prospered wonderfully in New Ilampshire. He combines the rare qualities of leadership with great ex- ecutive ability and personal traits that have endeared him to hosts of non-Catholics, thus enabling him to do much towards allaying prejudice against his church. The first Catholic church in New Hampshire was built in 1823 by Rev. Virgil H. Barber, a convert. Ten years later another church was erected at Dover, and for twenty years these were the only Catholic churches in the state. In 1847 Rev. John B. Daley, a Franciscan father, began a church in Manchester, the Rev. William McDonald coming one year later, as the first pastor, completed the first Catholic church built in Manchester. The Sisters of Mercy, the first religious community es- tablished in New Hampshire, came to Manchester under Mother Francis Warde, at the request of Rev. William McDonald, in i860. At the time of Bishop Bradley's consecration in St. Joseph's church, which is now his cathedral, there were thirty-seven churches and chapels in the state and thirty-eight priests. The Catholic popu- lation of New Hampshire was about 50,000 and there were 3,500 pupils in the Catholic schools. These figures have now been doubled and in some cases trebled; in fact it is doubtful if any other denomination can point to such a record of rapid growth and progress in so short a time. To the parochial schools for boys and girls there have been added high schools for boys, acade- mies for girls and one college. Orphan asylums, infant asylums, hospitals, homes for aged women and homes for working girls are maintained. There are several con- vents of brothers and a score of convents of sisters. And to Bishop Bradley a great share oi the credit for this swift but solid growth and prosperity is due and is freelv accorded. 219 JOHN BUTLER SMITH. John Butler Smith, former governor of New Hamp- shire, was born in Saxton's River village, Vermont, April 12, 1838. His parents moved to Hillsborough, N. H., in 1847, where as lx)y and man he has since chiefly lived. Educated in the public schools of Hillsborough, and at Francestown academ}-. Has followed the business of woollen manufacturing, which was his father's occupa- tion. Is now president and chief owner of the Contoo- cook ]\Iills company, manufacturing knit goods, employ- ing two hundred and fifty hands, having stores in Boston and New York for the sale of its products, which have attained an enviable reputation. Such establishments as this in the hands of such men, of whom ]\Ir. Smith may be said to be a type, have done much to build up our state, and to offset the shrinkage in population and values in the farming districts, by the growth of the factory villages. Mr. Smith is president of the Hillsborough guaranty sav- ings bank. In religion he is a Congregationalist, of w^hich church he is a devout member. He married Emma Lavender of Boston, Mass., an accomplished Christian lady, with agreeable and winning manners, whose affability and womanly tact have been eminently useful to her husband in all the course of his business and -official life. Of three children born to them, Butler Lavender, the first- bom, died at the age of two years. Archibald Lavender and Norman are still living. Besides his manufacturing and mercantile interests JOHN B. SMITH, Governor of New HaiiipsJiire, iSgj-iSg^ STATE BUILDERS Mr. Smith is a considerable owner of real estate in Bos- ton and in various cities and towns of New Hampshire. He has, however, attained his prominence chiefly in po- litical and official life. In 1884 was alternate tO' the Chi- cago national Republican convention. Same year an elector on the Republican ticket. In 1887-9 member of the Governor's council. In 1890 chairman of state central committee. In 1888 Mr. Smith was prominent in the republican state convention for nomination to the governorship, but was defeated, Hon. D. H. Goodell, of Antrim, being the successful contestant. Urged to enter the lists again in 1890 he declined in favor of his warm friend and the more "logical candidate" Hon. Hiram A. Tuttle. In 1892, however, the "logic of politics" pointed very strongly to Mr. Smith as the coming man; indeed in the months immediately preceding the convention hardly any other name was mentioned in con- nection with the nomination to the governorship on the part oi the republicans. And so it happened in the state convention of the party in September, Mr. Smith was greatly honored by a unanimous nomination by acclama- tion. The campaign which fohowed was a very warm and spirited one: almost we might say the last oi its kind in this state, a kind which began with "Tippecanoe and Tyler too'," and continued through such campaigns as Fremont's, Grant's and the last Harrison's. Although the campaign of '92 had plenty of accessories of the torch-light and the drum, it was pre-enrlnently a speech- making canvass. Large and enthusiastic meetings were held in all the considerable towns of the state, and in all the cities, — and to such good purpose that although in many states where the republicans had been uniformly victorious they suffered miserable defeat, and in the nation the loss of the presidency and congress in both branches, yet New Hampshire made substantial gains for the Republicans. Mr. Smith was elected by the vote of STATE BUILDERS the people at the polls, and the state legislature was re- publican, in both houses by an overwhelming majority. Governor Smith served in this high office the cus- tomary two years, '93-'95, with credit and distinction. Since that time he has held no public office, although several times named in connection with high and honor- able places. The real builders of our good state are men like the subject of this brief sketch, who have risen by sheer force of genius and character, from humble yet honorable con- ditions to prominence and influence in the community. ^'4Wi 1^ HIRAM A. TUTTLE, Governor of A^ew Hai>ips]iii\\ iSgi-rSgs HIRAM A. TUTTLE. Hiram A, Tuttle, former governor of the state of New Hampshire and one of her most successful and sub- stantial business men, was born in the town of Barn- stead in 1837. From boyhood he earned his own living and made his own way in the world, beginning as a farmer and shoemaker. At the age of 17 he entered the employ of a clothing house, soon became the manager of its branch establishment in Pittsfield and not long afterwards the proprietor. For two score years and more he has continued this business, constantly in- creasing its vohmie and scope and earning far and wide the reputation of being as honest as he is affable, as enterprising as he is sagacious. Mr. Tuttle has also engaged very successfully in other lines of business, bank- ing, lumbering, etc. His wealth, his influence and his business ability and experience are always ready tO' serve the development 01 new industries, the increase of the material resources of his town, county and state. In Pittsfield he is a trustee of the savings i>ank, a director in the National bank and a trustee of the academy. The great success of a recent Old Home Day celebration in the town was largely due tO' his efforts and backing. In 1873 and 1874 Mr. Tuttle was elected a member of the legislature from the town of Pittsfield; in 1876 he served on the staff of Governor Person C. Cheney, with the rank of colonel; in 1878 he was a member of the governor's council,' and a year later was re-elected under 223 STATE BUILDERS the new constitution for a term of two years. Proving himself in all these capacities a valuable public serv-ant, his name was presented to the state convention of the Republican party in 1888 as a candidate for the guber- natorial nomination. This he did not receive at the hands of that convention, but in 1890 the honor was given him almost unanimously, followed by a spirited and successful campaign at the polls. Taking his seat in January, 1891, as governor of the commonwealth of Xew Hampshire Mr. Tuttle discharged the important duties of that position so faithfully and well that his administration will always be of good repute in the history of the state. Since its close he has devoted himself just as sincerely as a private citizen as when the chief executive to the best interests of New Hampshire. !Many positions demanding fidelity and ability of the highest order he has filled and is still filling in both public and private life. In ver}' truth one of the bulwarks of the community is Hiram A. Tuttle of Pittsfield, type of the best as kind friend, good citizen, public-spirited and successful man of affairs. 224 ■^-asj^pBWit FRANK P. CARPENTER FRANK p. CARPENTER. There are in every community men who never pose in the pubhc eye; who attend steadfastly and successfully to their own affairs and expect others to do likewise; but who in any public need or emergency, on the occa- sion of any unusual demand for individual or civic action, can be counted upon as in the forefront of those willing- to do their part and to do it well. Such men as these command the heartiest respect and admiration of their fellow citizens. They are the bulwarks of munici- pal, state and national prosperity; the great leavening force that makes the heterogeneous units of our United States into the world's greatest power for good. The city of Manchester, the metropolis of New Hamp- shire, has fully her share of such men; and one of them whose name will spring at once to the ]ips of those ac- quainted w4th her municipal life is that of Frank P. Carpenter, successful manufacturer, public-spirited citi- zen, faithful occupant of positions oi responsibility and trust. Mr. Carpenter was born October 28, 1845, ^^^ is therefore to-day in the ver}'- prime of life. He was edu- cated in the schools of the city of Concord, and to the foundation of learning there gained he has added those fruits of culture which can come only from wide travel, cultured intercourse and personal investigation. In 1872 Mr. Carpenter married Eienora Blood, daughter of the late Aretas Blood, whose name stands 225 STATE BUILDERS among the highest for honor and usefulness in the annals of the city of Manchester. To Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter two children have been born, Aretas B. and ^Mary E. Carpenter. For more than a quarter of a century-, or since 1876, Mr. Carpenter has been adding substantially to the ma- terial wealth and magnificent sum total of products of the city of Mancliester, as a paper manufacturer. In politics he is a Democrat of that school which stands for the old traditions and policies of the party, and does not follow tlie vain imaginings of some recent leaders. An example of Jkir. Carpenter s devotion to the best interests of his cit}- is his service in the difficult and responsible position of police commissioner. Mr. Carpenter attends the Franklin street Congrega- tional church. He is not a member of secret societies. •.26 MARY BAKER G. EDDY MARY BAKER G. EDDY. THE DISCOVERER AND FOUNDER OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. The advent in earthly history of a strong and vigorous personaHty marks an era in human affairs, especially when the individual has a distinct capacity for leadership, and touches the life of the people upon a plane of vital issues. The rare quality of Mazzini's nature and mental equipment would have made him a conspicuous figure among his contemporaries, in any event, but for one of his endowment and ideals to become the inspired and inspiring leader of a great religious and democratic idea, was to date an epoch in the chronicles of his time. The nineteenth century has given to America a galaxy of rare and gifted women who have achieved distinction in the fields of art, education, literature and philanthropy, and won deserved recognition as the benefactors of man- kind, and to this number New Hampshire has contributed one, who in the uniqueness of her personality, the strength and nobility of her character, the keenness and penetration of her spiritual perception, and the patient continuance of her well doing, would have acquired an easy pre-eminence; but it is when she is considered with respect to the exalted nature of her message, — its signifi- cance to the solution of the world's profoundest, most pressing problems, — and the growth and influence of the movement she has inaugurated and of which she is the recognized leader, that Mary Baker Eddy is seen to stand quite alone. 227 STATE BUILDERS Her ancestors in one line were Scotch Covenanters, whose historic devotion to faith and fatherland was honored and preserved by their sturdy representatives who lived among- the beautiful and inspiring- hills of the Granite State. Capt. Joseph Baker, Mrs. Eddy's great- grandfather, was a prominent citizen and a member of the Provincial Congress, from which he held a commis- sion. He married Hannah, the daughter of John Love- v^ell, who made himself famous in the Indian wars as the ]\Iiles Standish of the North Colonies, and Mrs. Baker inherited a share of the ample acres which were bestowed upon her father by the New Hampshire Colony in recognition of the distingiiished services he had ren- dered. Their son, Joseph Baker, 2nd, Mrs. Eddy's grandfather, married Marian Moore, and a part of their "old homestead" which lay in the adjoining towns of Concord and Bow is still in the possession of one of their descendants. Hid away from the world's intrusion, these early settlers spent their cpiiet and thoughtful years in close touch with nature, "companioning with the sky." They knew far less of the world's fitful philosophies than of the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule. Their habits were simple, wholesome, Christian, and their ideals, their impulses, and their integrities constituted the greater patrimony of their children, who were all made rich thereby. Joseph and Marian Baker had thirteen children, and Mark, the youngest, married Abigail Ambrose, the daughter of Deacon Nathaniel Ambrose, a prominent citizen and religious leader of Pembroke. They made their home in Bow, and here Mary, the youngest of their six children, was born. Mrs. Eddy's father was a man of the serious, asser- tive, intellectual type of his ancestors. Her mother was 228 STATE BUILDERS a woman of unusual winsomeness, of deeply thoughtful habit and gentle strength. In Mrs. Eddy's childhood the family moved to the village of Tilton, and here they were known intimately to one who has said of her mother that her presence was like the gentle dew, her character distinguished for its excellences, her thought the com- panion of great themes, and her life a daily illustration of Christian faith. The Baker home was a generous and hospitable one, a haven of rest for ministers, and as a result in part of its earnest religious atmosphere, Mary was led to think of the deeper things of life even at a very early age. The severe and sombre aspects of the Calvinistic theology familiarly discussed in her presence, her mother's earnest piety, and the habit of logical inquiry with which she naturally approached every subject, — these inevitably precipitated in the alert mind of this meditative girl a struggle between the creedal dogma- tism of her parents and some of her religious teachers, and the spiritual protest and assertive freedom of her own intuitive thought; and this struggle, both in its nature and its outcome, gave intimation of the signifi- cant part she was to assume in the cause of religious rdform. From early childhood she was impelled by a longing for truth, an instinctive adherence to all that is good and beautiful, "a desire," as she has said, ''for something higher and better than matter, and apart from it," and her mother's appreciative and considerate attitude toward her during her early experiences of the move- ment and impulse of the spirit within, encouraged her recognition of the value and authority of her own spon- taneous convictions, and of the importance of loyalty to them. • The son of Rev. Enoch Corser, A. M., who knew Mary 229 STATE BUILDERS Baker as a neighbor girl, has written of her at this time: — "My father, Mrs. Eddy's pastor, and for a time teacher, — held her in the highest esteem; in fact, he considered her, even at an early age, superior both intellectually and spiritually, . . . and greatly enjoyed talking with her. . . . She was about fifteen when I first knew her, and I well remember her gift of expres- sion, which was very marked. She and my father used to converse on deep subjects frequently, — too deep for me. She was always pure and good, and she stands out in my mind as his (father's) brightest pupil. I also remember her great admiration for him." In speaking of this period of her life Mrs. Eddy has referred in the most affectionate terms to the joy and inspiration of her associations with her brother Albert, who, though he passed away when but relatively young, had attained to eminence in his profession, the law, and been tendered high political preferment at the hands of his fellow citizens. He possessed rare intellectual gifts and a most lovable nature. He was greatly interested in metaphysics, and found an apt and absorbing listener in his sister, over whom he exerted a stimulating and help- ful influence. By him she was introduced to the classic languages, and quickened in that love of good literature, and those habits of close application, analysis, and dis- crimination which gave zest to her studies and easy mas- tery of her academic course, and which were destined to render such service in the advancement of her life work. To one of her sensitive, poetic mind, such a loving af- filiation and friendship could but be most nourishing and eventful. Intelligent sympathy is the sunshine in which refined impulses and capacities come to their fullest blos- soming, and in this respect the appreciative affection of her mother and brother supplemented the appeal of the gentle and picturesque aspects of that beautiful world. 230 STATE BUILDERS which compassed her youthful vision. Many verses written at this time express in fragrant fancy and spiritu- ally suggestive figure the delicacy of her interpretation of nature and of life. Mrs. Eddy's history as a non-conformist and champion of religious freedom was entered upon at the age of fourteen, when she was examined, in solemn conclave, for admission to the Congregational church, of which her parents had been active members for many years. In one of the autobiographical reminiscences contained in her little lx)ok called "Retrospection and Introspec- tion," she has graphically outlined the surroundings and circumstances under which a modest but daring girl stood by her sense of truth against the rigid theology which lier father maintained with unyielding insistence. The scene becomes well nigh dramatic as we see this gentle, retiring child brought before her sedate but startled questioners, and hear her declare in the fervor of a feel- ing so intense as to produce an alarming illness, that she is ready' to take her chances with "unbelievers" and hazard the dreadful judgments resting upon them, rather than subscribe to the doctrine of predestination against which her deepest spiritual convictions were in pro- nounced revolt. In the midst of her trial and her tears, Love's ministry was expressed in her mother's words of assuring con- fidence and tender sympathy, and there was brought to her "the comforts of God." The sustaining power of the divine presence was so realized that her perturbation and consequent illness were laid aside as a garment, and she felt strengthened and refreshed in the conscious- ness of her faithfulness to the voice within. Despite her unusual attitude and astonishing independence of thought, she was admitted to the church and received her pastor's blessing. 231 STATE BUILDERS We have but to enlarge the setting of this scene, and give increase of years and experience, of trials and tri- umphs, to embrace the stor}- of her after life's heroic stand for a present and demonstrable apprehension of Truth, as opposed to traditional and inetlicient beliefs, for the spiritual and saving sense of the Word, as op- posed to the conventionally accepted interpretations of ecclesiastical authority, for intellectual and religious freedom as opposed to contented conformit}-, and for the spiritual and divine as opposed to the material and humaji. Remembering her responsiveness to spiritual appeal, one can but think with what gladness she would have welcomed, and witli what avidity she would have appro- priated, at this time, that illumination of the Word of God, and of the duty and privilege of life, which, through her patient truth-seeking in the lonely problem- solving years, has now become the inheritance of the children of men. Her way of escape from the confusions of dogma, and the tragedies of human experience, lay through that region of awakening convictions which is beset by contlicting doubts within and denials without. Alone, with no one to imder stand, no one to guide or support in the hour of darkness, temptation and grief, save infinite Love, she pressed on through faith in Him, to find after many years a satisfying portion for herself, and to demonstrate for her brother man the possible fulfillment of a new and larger hope. In 1843 she married Col. George \\'ashington Glover, a prominent and esteemed citizen of Charleston, S. C, where she went to foimd a home; but her wedded joy was of brief duration. In less than a year death severed the happy union and she returned to her father's house, where, four months later, her only child was bom. The loss of her husband's property brought a burdensome STATE BUILDERS sense of dependence, while the death of her mother brought increase of lonehness and grief, but the cHmax of her suffering was not reached until she was compelled, through consideration for trying 'family circumstances, to part with her little boy, who was placed in charge of a lady in a distant part of the State. Crushed but yet hopeful, and impelled by the longing of her mother-heart for sympathy and a home for her- self and boy, she consented to a second marriage, with Daniel Patterson, D. D. S., which proved most unfortu- nate and unhappy. After its consummation her husband denied her the anticipated joy of having her son with them, and made necessary the removal of the latter to a distant state. They were thus wholly separated, and by means of a false report, and a letter confirming it, she was led to mourn her little one as dead. Ultimately she was compelled to ask for a legal separation 'from Dr. Patterson, which was granted in Salem, Mass., while he was in Littleton, N. H., and on the ground of his adul- tery. This closed the saddest chapter that can possibly enter into a pure woman's life, and over which she can but cast the mantle of silence. In the furnace o^ bitter experience earth's proffered and alluring joys had shrunken to their native nothingness, nevertheless, in her fiery trial she clung steadfastly to her childhood's faith in God, and thus in the end the gold came forth more pure. Loyalty to her own high ideals, regardless of the thought and conduct of others, was the Aegis of her safety. She longed ever for the knowledge of God, and conformity to His will, and she proved in her own dark days that "Truth and Love come . . . nearer us in the hour of woe, when strong faith wrestles and prevails through the understanding of God."* Li the loom of a common life, she was weaving a web "whose texture * Science and Health, p. 567. 233 STATE BUILDERS on the other side was more divinely fair"' tlian that which she saw ofttimes through tears. In all these years she was alive to every progressive idea, and was seeking for truth in many lines of investi- gation. The world's faiths and theories were looked into, their cup of promise tasted, and then removed for- ever from her lips. Allopathy and homeopathy were studied to thereby improve her health. General litera- ture and theolog\^ received much attention, and her pen was busied during many years in supplying the demand upon it for newspaper and magazine articles. More than all other books, however, she honored the Bible, which became her constant and quickening companion. To the faithful study of its teachings and meditation thereon, she traces her every spiritual gain. It alone pointed out and illumined her ascending path to the towering heights of Christian Science. The progressive steps toward a higher apprehension of Truth were taken tentatively as she found her footing in the relative obscurity- of prevailing belief and material experiment. Faith was feeling its way to understand- ing, and the physical basis of therapeutics was being replaced by an ever-strengthening conviction that the explanation of all phenomena was to be found in the mental realm. Medical experience and obser\-ation had proved convincingly that the drug factor could be elimi- nated from the healing equation without sensibly impair- ing its effectiveness, and the accumulation of confirming sense evidence kept pace with the growing realization of the naturalness and superiority of the spiritual healings of Jesus. In speaking of these first glimpses of the dawn- ing day she has said, "When the door opened, I was waiting and watching. 'Sly heart knew its Redeemer. Soulless famine had fled. Being was beautiful, its sub- stance, cause and currents were God and His idea." 234 STATE BUILDERS The climax of many years of prayerful seeking if haply she might find God, was reached in 1866, when, through a travail of suffering and of faith, she arrived at a scientific certainty that "all causation is Mind," and that this apprehension is practically available in the heal- ing of disease. Having experienced a serious accident, which left her in a painful and alarming physical condi- tion that neither medicine nor surgery could remove, in despair of all human aid, she turned with a sense of supreme need and childlike faith to her heavenly Father, and was immediately healed of her infirmity and arose well and rejoicing, to the astonishment of her physician and friends. The satisfying demonstration and con- sciousness of the divine presence were hers. "The Great Discovery" had been made, though as yet she could not explain the rule and order of Truth's appearing. "I had learned," she says, "that Mind reconstructed the body, and that nothing else could. How it was done the spiritual Science of Mind must reveal. It was a mystery to me then, but I have since understood it."* To the solution of this problem she now consecrated her life. Alone with God, in persistent and prayerful study of the Bible, she essayed to find for her fellowmen that expression of the order of Truth's unfoldment which brings it into saving relationship with the human con- sciousness, man's sense of limitation and of need. With ever-increasing clearness she recognized that Jesus must have been both "a natural and divine scientist, "f and that he acted in conformity with a divine law which must be continuously operative and correspondingly available to all those who through spiritual apprehension and obedience of heart become responsive to its demands. Jesus' assurance, "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world," must mean that the manifestations * Retrospection and Introspection, pp. 26 and 34. •f Retrospection and Introspection, p. 31. STATE BUILDERS of spiritual supremacy incident to the Christ Hie in him were to attend the Christ hfe in all who received him. for "to them gave he power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.'' "The divine hand." she writes, "led me into a new world of light and life. ... I had learned that thought must be spirit- ualized, in order to apprehend Spirit. It must become honest, unselfish and pure, in order to have the least understanding of God in Divine Science. "Our reliance upon material thing-s must be transferred to a perception of and dependence on spiritual things. For Spirit to be supreme in demonstration it must be supreme in our affections. . . . The first spontaneous motion of Tnith and Love, acting through Christian Science on my roused consciousness, banished at once and forever the fundamental error of faith in things material. . . . Into mortal mind's material obliquity I g-azed. and stood abashed. . . . Frozen fountains were imsealed. Erudite systems of philosophy and religion melted, for Love unveiled tlie healing promise and potency of a present spiritual afflatus. It ^^as the Gospel of healing, on its divinely appointed human mission, bearing on its white wing-s, to my apprehension, 'the beauty of holiness,' even the possibilities of spiritual insight, knowledge and being."* Three years were spent in retirement from the world, before she began to conmiunicate her thought to others, and ventured to undenake the fulfillment of the Lord's command to preach the g\">spel and heal the sick. As early as 1862 she began to make notes of her meditations, and especially on the spiritual meaning of the scriptures, and the practical relation of holiness to health, but of these eariy endeavors to express tlie truths of Christian Science she has ^^TitteIl. they were "feeble attempts to state the Principle and practice of Christian * Xffrcs^c/iifH jhJ iHfrcKfJvcttam, pp. 35-3S. r;6 STATE BUILDERS healing-, and are not complete or satisfactory expositions of truth. To-day, though rejoicing in some progress, she (the author) finds herself a willing disciple at the heavenly gate, waiting for the mind of Christ.* The first statement of her new apprehensions to appear in print, was a pamphlet entitled "The Science of Man," published in 1870. Later on its substance was embodied in the chapter headed "Recapitulation" in her monu- mental work, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." the text-book of Christian Science, which was published in 1875. While the physical healing attracted the more immedi- ate attention, bringing as it did a satisfying assurance of the truth of her teaching to unnumbered beneficiaries, spiritual healing, the acquirement of the Mind that was in Christ Jesus, was ever emphasized as essential to immunity from disease, since health is but the manifesta- tion of right consciousness. Teaching therefore was regarded of fundamental importance, and that which has developed into a broad and inclusive system of instruc- tion was begun in 1867 with a single pupil. The number of students from all parts of America and from Europe had so increased that in 1881 the Massachusetts Meta- physical College was organized, and privileged by a charter from the state to give instruction in Christian Science Mind Healing. Of this College Mrs. Eddy became the President and chief instructor, and during the first eight years of its history about four thousand students were admitted to her primary or normal classes. In 1889, while at the height of its prosperity, this work was laid aside and the college temporarily closed that she might find undis- turbed opportunity for the revision of "Science and Health." Later, the College was reopened, and is now an important adjunct of the Christian Science move- * Science and Health, Pref. p. ix. 237 STATE BUILDERS ment. Its annual session is open to a selected number of students who have completed a primary course under authorized instructors, and who are recommended by their intelligence and their works to become teachers of Christian Science. Her marriage with Dr. Asa G. Eddy, a man of the noblest type, occurred in 1877. Their union was spiritual and blessed, and he was her devoted and effective co-laborer, both in healing and teaching, up to the time when he passed away, in 1882. Multiplied and ever-expanding events crowded upon each other in these early years of the history of the Christian Science movement. The first official organ, the Christian Science Journal, a monthly periodical, was founded April, 1883, of which Mrs. Eddy became the editor, pubHsher and chief contributor. To this has since been added the Christian Science Sentinel, a weekly, and Der Christian Science Herold, a monthly issued in the German language. The first Christian Science association was organized in Boston in 1876, and its growth and duplication resulted in a national federation of state associations, which was convened in Xew York in 1886. The first Christian Science Church, now known as "The IMother Church," was chartered in June, 1879, and ;Mrs. Eddy was immediately called to its pastorate. The erection of The Mother Church edifice. Boston, ]Mass., was begun in 1893, and the building was dedicated free from debt, as is the custom in all Christian Science churches, in January, 1895. In 1903 Mrs. Eddy's church, The First Church of Christ Scientist, in Boston, Mass., numbers 27.796 communicants, and more than 760 organized churches and societies, very many of them occupying splendid church buildings, witness to the presence and healing f)ower of Christian Science in unnumbered hearts and in many lands. 238 STATE BUILDERS In the midst of these many exacting activities, in all of which she was much of the time blazing her way through unexplored territory, and meeting with problems every day to the solution of which she had no guide save the illumined words and works of Jesus, Mrs. Eddy's writings are characteristic and original.' She has found time to make large contributions to the litera- ture of Christian Science, and has published numerous books and pamphlets, among which are The Unity of Good, Pulpit and Press, Retrospection and Introspection, Rudimental Divine Science, No and Yes, Christian Healing, Christian Science vs. Pantheism, People's Idea of God, Miscellaneous Writings, etc. Mean- while her fertile pen has supplied the ceaseless demand for association adresses, messages, contributions to the Christian Science periodicals, newspaper articles, etc., and has conducted a vast advisory and super- visory correspondence. There came a time, however, when the larger interests of the movement impera- tively demanded her freedom from the less important expenditures of time and attention, and this was found in the retirement of her simple country home at Pleasant View, Concord, New Hainpshire. Here she now watches with patient and loving oversight, and guides with wise and determinative counsels,' that advancing spiritual impulse whose waves are beating upon the shores of every sea. The unity and homogeneity of the Cause has been secured in the use of a uniform Bible Lesson study which is prepared by her provision and issued quarterly. The reading of this lesson from Scripture and the Christian Science text-book takes the place of the sermon and is the distinctive feature of the Sabbath service. The saving truth of the Word, as spiritually understood in Christian Science, is thus given opportunity to dominate 239 STATE BUILDERS the hearer's thought, while the personal and oratorical distractions of the pulpit are entirely eliminated. Unit}- has been further sectu-ed by organized uniform- ity of instruction, and by the appointment of a Board of Lectureship, the members of which are authorized expositors of the teachings of Qiristian Science, and have opportimit}- to recognize and answer in a digni- fied way the inquiries and criticisms of the public The distinctive and fimdamental teaching of Christian Science is embodied in the "Scientific Statement of Being," which is as follows : "There is no life, truth, intelligence, or substance in matter. All is infinite yiind and its infinite manifesta- tion, for God is All in all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness: hence man is spiritual and not material."* Denying the legitimacy and power of those himian conditions and so-called material laws which would rob man of his birthright as the child of God and subject him to all the tortures and degradations of sin and suffer- ing. Christian Science smites his shackles of error with the sword of Truth, and bids him rise to the privilege and enjo\Tnent of the fulness of that inheritance and sovereignt}- which is vouchsafed him in Jesus Christ. While accepting the orthodox postulates of the divine nature, and the fundamental doctrines of catholic Chris- tianity. Christian Science presents its great contrast in its consistent, persistent, and philosophic maintenance of these postulates; its increased emphasis of the spiritual signification of scriptural statements: its constant direc- tion and uplift of thought from himian personality.- to di\'ine Principle, and its declaration and demonstration of the present possibility- of healing through the apprehen- * Science and Health, p. 468. 240 STATE BUILDERS sion of Truth as taught and demonstrated by the Naza- rene. It avers that rehgious truth is one with all truth, and is scientific; that the laws of God are always opera- tive, and that the one and only adequate attestation of truth is demonstration. It asserts that the universe is the constant going forth of the wisdom and power of infinite Love, and that it is therefore spiritual and harmonious; that evil — all error and disharmony — springs from that false sense and interpretation of the universe surnamed matter, and pertains wholly to it, and that it is unreal because it does not and cannot manifest the life and law of God; that immortal man is IW'holly spiritual, a ray of light which ever images and reflects the divine nature, and which is the consciousness of good alone; that the material sense of life is not man. but a false consciousness, which passes with the awakening to spiritual reality, the assertion of the true self. It declares that the knowledge of God, Truth, is as efificient now as ever to defeat and destroy error and give that triumph over sin, sickness, and death which attended the ministry of Jesus and his disciples; that divine Love, not fear, governs all in the universe of jMind, and that its dominion in us will break all our fetters, heal all our diseases, and give us that victory and peace which alone can satisfy man's immortal instincts and craving. It bids man know that his bonds are but the straw of human belief; that all that is real is good, and that to know God nozu means health, freedom from sin, ever-increasing sovereignty over human limita- tions, and eternal life. Submitting to the requirements of the scientific method, it proceeds to prove the truth of its teaching, as did our Lord, by the healing of sickness and sin; and with love for all and malice toward none it addresses its constant endeavor to the realization of an unselfish end, the salvation of humanity from the sin and sorrow which mark its bondage to material 241 STATE BUILDERS sense. "As the ages advance in spirituality, Christian Science will be seen to depart from the trend of other Christian denominations in no wise except by increase of spirituality."* To those who were bound by the relentless fetters of a materialistic philosophy, and burdened with the physical woes of a time-honored material sense. Christian Science has come to bring release from bondage, surcease of pain and the glad hope and inspiration of a lofty idealism. Thousands and tens of thousands of those who were once discouraged and bed-ridden sufferers, or who were the hopeless victims of drink and the baser habits of sin, are to-day free and well through its ministry, and with grateful hearts they remember her who, through the long years, in patient, self-forgetful devotion has battled for humanity and has won. They thank God for the dawn of a happier, better day, and they honor the hand that has led them out of darkness into light. Their affection for Mrs. Eddy is the natural and spontaneous expression of their sense of indebted- ness, and they know full well that they will give it that expression which will most please her as with earnest faithfulness they honor the pledge which all true Christian Scientists are daily seeking to fulfil : "We solemnly promise to strive, watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to love one another; and to be meek, merciful, just, and pure."f John Buckley Willis. * Miscellaneous Writings, by Mrs. Eddy, p. 21. t Science and Health, p. 497. 242 STATE BUILDERS was admitted to the practice of law in the state and United States courts. His career as a lawyer was a bril- liant and distinguished one. During its progress he naturally became identified with the organization and management of the more important among the financial and industrial institutions of the rapidly growing city. Thus wealth came to him which he rightly enjoyed and conscientiously employed. Political honors came as a matter of course to the popular and prosperous attorney and man of affairs and a long series of public offices, filled with tlie greatest ability and integrity, culminated in his election tO' the governorship and his administration of the affairs of the state with the greatest success in the years 1885 and 1886. During the remainder of his life he principally devoted himself to literature which has always been his chief solace and recreation. The possessor oi a splendid li- brary, chosen with a care which showed the real culture of the owner, Mr. Currier himself produced many works that secured wide praise from critics. His poems, in par- ticular, were of great literary and intellectual merit. 244 r k MRS. MOODY CURRIER MRS. MOODY CURRIER. Mrs. Moody Currier was the youngest daughter of Enoch Slade, Esq., a distinguished citizen of Thetford, Vermont, and sister of Gen. Samuel W. Slade, an emi- nent lawyer oi St. Johnsbury, in the same state. She received her early education in Thetford academy, at that time one of the most famous institutions in New England. Here many of the sons and daughters of New Hampshire and Vermont resorted to prepare for college, or to obtain a higher education than could be obtained elsewhere. In this celebrated school Miss Slade early found herself ranking among- the foremost, not only in the ordinary studies, but also in the higher branches of Greek, Latin and mathematics, which she pursued far into the college course. After leaving the Academy with the highest reputation for scholarship, Miss Slade went to Boston, where under distinguished teachers she continued her studies in music, French and other branches of polite literature, thus adding a metro- politan finish not easily acquired in rural institutions. Miss Slade married Hon. Moody Currier, the distin- guished banker in Manchester, N. H., who was in 1885 and 1886 governor of the state. The accomplishments of Mrs. Currier added greatly to the dignity and popu- larity of his administration. After her marriage, in connection with her husband she continued her literary and scientific pursuits, keeping up with the progress of the age, adopting in their broad- 245 STATE BUILDERS est and most liberal sense the best thoughts of modern research. Although she has never given to the public any of her literary productions, her education and criti- cal tastes would warrant success in such an undertaking. She does not seek distinction by a display to the world of her charities and benefactions, which are many, and known only to those who receive them. She believes that the proper sphere of woman, is her home, which she renders happy and adorns by devoting to it the best energies of her life. By her care and watchfulness she threw around her husband's declining years a mantle of joy and glad- ness. 246 AUGUSTUS D. AYLING, Adjutant-General of A'ew Hainpsliire since iSjg AUGUSTUS D. AYLING. Augustus Davis Ayling received his commission from Governor Head, July 15, 1879, as adjutant general of New Hampshire, and has held this position ever since. He was born in Boston in 1840; was educated at Law- rence academy, Groton, and in the public schools of Lowell. When through school he entered the employ of J. C. Ayer & Co. of Lowell, Mass. Here he remained until t86i, when he enlisted in the Richardson Light infantry, an unattached company named in honor of Hon. George F. Richardson of Lowell, which became the Seventh Massachusetts Light Battery. He was ap- pointed second lieutenant in the Twenty-ninth volun- teers in January, 1862, and later in the year was pro- moted to the first lieutenancy. In the spring of 1864 he Avas mustered out. About a year later he became a first lieutenant of the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts regi- ment, and was made adjutant of the regiment. He was also aide-de-camp and judge advocate on the stafl:' of ]\Iajor General R. S. Foster, who commanded the first dis'ision, twenty-fourth corps. He was mustered out of the service in 1866. Later in the year he removed to Nashua, where he lived until appointed to his present position. During his residence in Nashua he served as inspector of checklists, assessor and assistant city marshal. Married Elizabeth F. Cornish at Centreville, Cape Cod, Mass., December 22, J869. Two children, Edith C, born March 28, 1871; Charles L., born January 22, 1875. General Ayling is a Mason, a Knights Templar, a member of the G. A. R., of the Loyal Legion, and of several military-social organizations. 247 GEN. CHARLES WILLIAMS. The growth and development of Manchester, New Hampshire's centre of population, commerce, manufact- uring and enterprise, is due not more to the extensive natural advantages which the city enjoys by reason of its magnificent water-power, than to the persistent industry and sagacity of her citizens. A large contributor to the upbuilding of the city of Manchester was Gen. Charles Williams, who was bom in Oxford, England, November 2d, 1836, the son of a coal dealer who emigrated to America in 1846. Charles Williams enjoyed only lim- ited educational advantages, but his inheritance of sturdy common sense largely atoned for any deficiencies in his training, and he was enabled throughout the whole of a long and successful career in both business and private life to meet men of all classes upon terms of equality and to make for himself a secure place in the history of the community where he had his home. He began his busi- ness career as a merchant, but buying and selling afforded too limited a field for the exercise of his abilities, and he entered into manufacturing, becoming the owner of large and valuable quarries of soap stone in the town of Francestown. These quarries he developed thoroughly and established a large manufacturing industry in the city of Nashua, where the rough stone he quarried was utilized in the manufacture of stoves, tables, wash tubs, trays and other articles of extensive use. The transpor- tation facilities within the city of Manchester, consisting 248 » ■■■1^ GENERAL CHARLES WILLIAMS STATE BUILDERS of a short and slenderly equipped horse railroad, attracted his attention, and he purchased the plant, extended it, and finally equipped it with the best of electrical appa- ratus, and at last sold it to its present owners in a condi- tion of equipment, earning capacity and potential devel- opment second to that of no other street railroad in New England. General Williams was a Republican and served in many official capacities as the successful candi- date of that party. At one time he was a member of the Governor's Council of New Hampshire, and had held many public positions of lesser rank. He married Oc- tober 4th, 1856, Miss Ann Augusta Jackson, of Manches- ter, and had three children. His home was one of the most attractive in the city of Manchester and in it he was an ideal husband and father. He was a constant attend- ant and liberal supporter of the Methodist Church, and gave generously to religious and charitable institutions all over the state. He died November 6th, 1899, be- queathing to his heirs not only a substantial portion of the world's goods, but that good name which is better than riches. 249 HENRY M. BAKER. Henry M. Baker ^vas born in Bow, New Hampshire, January ii, 1841. His parents were Aaron Whitte- more and Nancy Dustin Baker. His great-great grand- mother was Hannah, only daughter of Cspt. John Love- well, the famous Indian fighter, who was killed in the battle of Pigwacket. May 8, 1725. She married Capt. Joseph Baker May 31, 1739, and they resided in Pem- broke on lands which had been granted to the survivors and heirs of those killed in that battle. Captain Baker was commissioned captain "of the fooi company in the place commonly called and known by the name of Sun- cook" by Governor Benning Wentwortb. May 30, 1758, and served as private in several military expeditions in the French and Indian wars. He was a member of the Third Provincial congress of New Hampshire, and held other positions of honor and responsibility. Capt. Baker's son Joseph was one of the first settlers of Bow, where he held various town offices. He mar- ried !Marion Moore, a descendant of the Scotch cove- nanters. He was a soldier in the Revolution. On the maternal side Air. Baker is a descendant of the colonial heroine, Hannah Dustin. His father, Aaron W. Baker, held several local offices, though, being an Abolitionist, he was in the political minority until late in life. Air. Baker was fortunate in having a father who was earnest and enthusiastic and had the courage of his convictions, and a mother of high 250 HENRY M. BAKER STATE BUILDERS character, sweet disposition and great talent. He was the youngest of their four sons. They gave him a good education. He attended the academies in Pembroke, Hopkinton and Tilton, and graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege in 1863. Three years later he received the degree of Master of Arts. He studied law aiul graduated from the Law department of Columbian University. He is a member of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States. In 1886-87 he was judge advocate general of the New Hampshire national guard with the rank of brigadier general. In 1890 he was elected to the state senate, where he was chairman of the judiciary committee. In 1892 he was elected to congress and re-elected two years later. He was not a candidate for re-election. In congress he was a member of the judiciary and other important com- mictees and frequently participated in the general discus- sions of the House. Several of his speeches were printed and extensively circulated. He was a member of the Constitutional convention of 1902. For several years he was president of the Alumni of Dartmouth College. He is a Knights Templar, a Re- publican in politics, and in religion a Unitarian. He is a m.ember of the New Hampshire club, the New Hamp- shire Historical society and president of the New Hamp- shire society of the .Sons of the x\merican Revolution. 251 CHARLES E. STANIELS. Charles Eastman Staniels, a prominent life insurance agent of Concord, N. H., was born in Lowell, Mass., December 27th, 1844, son of Edward L. and Ruth Brad- ley (Eastman) Staniels. The father, born in Chichester, N. H., for many years was interested in the drug business, successively in Lowell and Boston, Mass. Toward the latter part of his life he removed to Roxbury, then a suburb of Boston, and died there at the age of sixty-five years. He was twice married. By his first wife there were three children, all of whom are now dead. His sec- ond marriage was made with Ruth Bradley Eastman, now over ninety-one years old, whose only child is the subject of this sketch. A daughter of General Isaac Eastman, of Concord, N. H., she is a direct descendant, in the fifth generation, of Captain Ebenezer Eastman, the first settler of Concord, and of Captain Edward Johnson, the histor- ian of Woburn, Mass., one of the commissioners ap- pointed by the general court of Massachusetts Bay colony to fix the northern iDoundary of that colony in 1652. In 1833 a large boulder was discovered at the entrance of Lake Winnepesaukee at Weirs, N. H., bearing the initials of Governor John Endicott, with those of the commis- sioners. Captain Edward Johnson and Captain Symon Willard, which had remained unnoticed and subject to elemental actions for one hundred and eighty-one years. The State of New Hampshire has erected a substantial stone canopy upon this historic "Endicott Rock," thereby 2^2 '■ J*'*"^ "'^z CHARLES E. STANIELS . STATE BUILDERS protecting the ancient inscriptions for all time. John Staniels the grandfather of Charles Eastman, was a na- tive of Chichester, and followed the occupations of farmer and budder. He lived to a very advanced age, andkf a family oi twelve children. Judge William M. Chase of Concord, is one of his descendants. The original surname of thi. family was Stanyan, and its annals are interwoven with those o.f Rockingham county. Charles Eastman Staniels was educated in the Boston grammar schools and in the Roxbury Latin school. In the h^l TZT 'r ^^"lP^"^P^^^d '^'^ ^-llege, bnt tl^ out- break of the Civil war diverted him from the purpose of pursuing a collegiate course. He had enlisted in the Fifty- sixth Massachusetts regiment of volunteers when his par- ents had him discharged on account of his extreme youth He then went to work in a wholesale furnishing house in the city of Boston. Subsequently, m 1865, he became a commercial traveller for the same house, and has been more or less on the road ever since. In those mid-cen- tury days. Western travel was an entirely different affair from the convenience and even luxury that attend it to- fmL , "^convenience, hardship, and even suffering can h'T, .r K "^ '''"'''''' "^'^^^"^^^^ ^'"^P i" those days called, and steamboatmg on Western rivers were then common actors in a travelling man's experience. Before the completion of the Union Pacific Railroad and the centreTTr! ""'''''^''''^l ^"^ ^^--th of large business centres the commercial traveller in the extreme West was subject to diversions not known to the present gen- eration of mercantile agents. A buffalo hunt, an Indian scrimmage on the frontier, or a few nights in a snow blockade in the Rockies were not considered unusual or especially unmixed blessings. In 1869 Mr. Staniels assumed the charge of a manii- factunng estabHshment in Boston, and thereafter managed STATE BUILDERS its affairs in the South and \\'est for a number of years. At length his health becoming somewhat undermined by his devotion to business matters, he removed to New Hampshire and took two years of complete rest. Then he engaged in the fire insurance business in Concord. To this he has since added life insurance, and has now been en- gaged in both ver}' successfully for the past 17 years, highly esteemed by his business associates. He has been a member of the executive committee of the national life underwriters' association of the United States since its organization, and has also served as President of the New Hampshire life underwriters' association. He mar- ried Eva F. Tuttle of Boston, Mass., whose parents were natives of New Hampshire, and they have a family of three children; namely, Charles T., IMabel R. (and Ros- coe E., deceased). A deservedly popular man in his community, ]Mr. Stan- iels has been elected to membership in numerous associa- tions. He was chosen twice to fill the presidential chair of the New Hampshire Society of the Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution, and left that organization in fine condi- tion when he retired from the ofiice. He has also been President of the Wliite ^Mountain Travellers' association. During its continuance he was the secretary of the Chau- tauqua assembly of New Hampshire, and also served the Eastman Family association in a similar capacity. Wher- ever he has made his home, he has taken a keen interest in the local military matters. ^Vhile living in Boston, he was a commissioned ofticer of the Boston Tigers. On one occasion, at the time of the "'draft riots" in that city, he was in command of a detachment of that organization, guarding the arms and ammunition of the state stored in old Eoylston hall. Since coming to New Hampshire, he has served as a commissioned officer in the old Amos- keag Veterans, and in 1903 he was chosen major com- manding. In politics ]Mr. Staniels is a Republican, and 254 STATE BUILDERS he cast his initial ballot for Abraham Lincoln in 1864. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Republican city committee, trustee of the public library and was for sev- eral years a member of the district school committee of Concord. He is a member of the East Concord Congre- gational Church. = 55 REUBEN HOWARD CHENEY. The late Frederick D. Tappan, president of the Galla- tin National Bank oi New York City and for many years president of the New York Clearing House Association, in drawing his will instructed his executors and trustees to invest only in such securities as they may find included in the list of investments made by the Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of New York. Thus did a great banker voluntarily pay high tribute to a life insurance company which is confessedly the largest bank of the world. The value and wisdom of and the benefits to be derived from life insurance have been proved over and over again, hence it is not surprising that all the shrewdest and richest merchants, manufacturers, and professional men all over this broad land of ours carry life insurance, and very often to a large amount. And these men — some of them carrying million-dollar policies — like the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. A corporation, like an individual, has a character of its own, and by it is known. Away back in the days of our grandfathers the Mutual Life was founded by sterling, old-school New York business men. It started right, stayed right, and is right. There have been nO' strayings. no cross-purposes, no small aims, no melodramatic screamings. Adhering always tO' highest standards, never seeking to win fortune or public favor on any less terms, it has steadfastly pur- sued its ideals, meting and measuring with unerring jus- tice, and writing in golden lines the most precious and stainless business history to which America can point and Avherein there lurks no flaw. Prior to January first 1903 the interests of the Mutual 256 REUBEN H. CHENEY STATE BUILDERS Life Insurance company of New York in New Hamp- shire and Vermont were under the direction of Reuben H. and Fred M. Cheney under the firm name of Cheney & Cheney. For fifteen years the brothers continued in business together, the final dissolution of the firm resulting from the new system of their company which went into effect January first, T903. The adoption of "this system sent Fred M. to Buft"alo, New York, while Reuben Howard, the senior partner, remains in Manchester and in full charge of the company's field work in New Hamp- shire and Vermont. In the spring of 1903 Mr. Cheney, for his company took possession of what are, without question the largest, best equipped and most complete offices in New England, outside of Boston, devoted to. the life insurance business. These offices are on the ground floor, and have the dis- tinction of being the only ground floor offices possessed by any single insurance company in Manchester, even if not in any other larger New England city. Thia fact of its ground floor offices is significant and full of meaning. Mr. Cheney is, first of all, recognized by the Mutual Life as capable of justifying such large expenditure as it necessarily involves, and that the company's business in New Hampshire and Vennont comprised in his territory, will continue to grow in the future as in the past. It like- wise is a practical demonstration of the strength and re- source of the Mutual Life Company. Mr. Cheney was born in Areola, Minn., February 14, 1856, the son of PVederick Porter and Louise B. (Hill) Cheney. Both parents were born and reared in Glover, Vt.,and in that town they were married, migrating at once to Minnesota. Happening to -return tq Vermont on a visit in the early sixties to see the invalid father of the senior Mr. Cheney, the intended visit lengthened into his decision to remain permanently. He was drafted into the army, w-ent to the county seat, and paid his $300 com- 257 STATE BUILDERS mutation money, and returned home and enlisted of his own accord. It would, indeed, be interesting to know if there was such another instance of devotion to principle as this. Certain it is that there were not many. Reuben Howard was, therefore, brought up in Ver- mont. He attended the schools of Glover and Barton, working on farms during vacations. After leaving school he was a clerk in a country store for two years. Later he became a clerk in the office' of the division superintendent of freight at White River Junction, Vt., and finally he himself became superintendent and lived at White River Junction for twelve years. He was offered and accepted a special agency of the Mutual I>ife Insurance Company in Manchester. Instant and signal success followed this venture, and he was shortly after joined by his brother, Fred N. The first year they doubled the amount of in- surance ever written l>y the company in the same length of time. The New Hampshire state agency was next given them, and still later Vermont was added to their territory. In the fifteen years of the continuance of the firm O'f Cheney & Cheney it wrote $25,000,000 worth of insurance for the Mutual Life. Mr. Cheney is a thirty-second degree Mason, and be- longs to the Derryfield and Calumet clubs in Manchester, the New Hampshire club of Boston, and the Amoskeag Veterans. In 1876 he married Miss Nellie A. Burroughs of Glov- er, Vt. They have a most interesting family of six child- ren, four sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Roy- don W.. graduated at Harvard in 1901, and is now in the office with his father. The second souy Clinton Howard, is his father's private secretaiy. He is developing fine ar- tistic tastes, and his work with pen and brush is most ex- cellent. A third son, Frederick W., is also' in the office, while the fourth is a student. The daughters are. respec- tively. May Louise and Ruby Lucille. 258 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PRESCOTT, Governor of A'ezij Haiiipsliire^ iSyS-iSjg BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PRESCOTT. A noteworthy figure in the hne of eminent chief magis- trates who have adorned the governorship of New Hamp- shire IS Benjamin Frankhn Prescott, who was born in Eppmg Feb. 26, 1833, and who died in that town Feb 21, 1895. He fitted for college at the Phillips- Exeter academy and was graduated from Dartmouth in i«.iO. His next few years were occupied with teaching and the study of law, and in i860 he was admitted to the bar. For one year he practised his profession, and then bemg drawn into journalism through a recognition of his literary gifts he was for five years a member of the staff of the New Hampshire Statesman. Gov Pres- cott s journalistic career covered the exciting period of the Civil \\ ar, and his contributions to the columns of his newspaper during tho.e years were recognized as no slight factor m maintaining the consistent patriotism of New Hampshire. In 1865 he was appointed a special agei.t of the U. S. Treasury Departmei.t and remained m that service tor four years. Gov. Prescott was one of the founders of the Republican party and was advanced o positions of trust in the party management. In 18=50 ]ie was elected Secretary of the Republican State Com- mittee and served in that capacity for fifteen years. In 1872 he was honored with the election of Secretary of State and was three times re-elected. In 1877 by a pro^ cess of natural selection he was elevated to the governor- ship and was re-elected in 1878. In 1880 he was chair- 259 STATE BUILDERS man of the New Hampshire delegates to the Republican National Convention at Chicago. In 1887 he was ap- pointed a member of the State Board of Railroad Com- missioners and was reappointed in 1890, retiring in 1893. Governor Prescott was a man of marked literary, histor- ical and oratorical gifts, a wide and discriminating mind and possessed of sound learning, to which he added keen judgment, unfailing discernment and an almost unlimited capacity for hard work. Through sheer force of intellect, supplemented with indomitable perseverance he rose to high positions and was warmly welcomed in the society of statesmen and scholars. He was a fellow of the Royal Historical Society of Great Britain, and during his term as Governor was the guest at Montreal of the then Governor General of Canada, the Marquis of Lome and his Marchioness, the Princess Louise, and in the presence of royalty New Hampshire's chief magistrate was by no means ill at ease. He w'as for many years Vice-President of the New Hampshire Historical Society and was President of the Bennington Battle Field Monument Association during all the years of its effort to erect the magnificent memorial now stand- ing on the field of that famous conflict. He was deeply interested in the educational institutions of the state, was for many years Trustee of the state College, and was one of the first Alumni of Dartmouth to be honored by his fellows with an election to^ the board of trustees of that Listitution. This honor came to^ Governor Pres- cott in 1878, and he held it until his death. 260 RT. REV. WILLIAM WOODRUFF NILES, D.D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New HainpsJiire BISHOP WILLIAM W. NILES, D. D. Rt. Rev. William Woodruff Niles, Bishop of New Hampshire, was born in Hatley, Quebec, May 24, 1832. His preliminary education was received at the Charles- ton Academy in his native village, at Derby, Vermont; and in 1857, he was graduated from Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. He studied theology at the Berkeley Divinity School, where he was graduated in 1861, and in that year he was ordained deacon by the bishop of Con- necticut. His first charge was as rector of St. Philip's Church at Wiscasset, Me., where he remained for three years, and where in May, 1862, he was elevated to the priesthood. For six years he was professor of Latin in Trinity College, and during three years of this time served as rector of St. John's Church at Warehouse Point, Conn. Being elected to the bishopric of New Hampshire, he was consecrated in St. Paul's Church, Concord, on St. Matthew's Day, 1870. In that same year he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Trinity. College, a like honor coming to him from Dartmouth College in 1875. In 1896, he was made Doctor of Laws by his Alma Mater, and about this time Doctor of Civil Law by Bishop's College in Quebec. The work of this energetic churchman can hardly be summarized within the brief limits of this sketch. Under his direction all the interests of the diocese have flour- ished wonderfully. Deeply interested in advancing the 261 STATE BUILDERS educational facilities of the state he has been instrumental not only in promoting the welfare of St. Paul's School, a noted institution for boys which he found already well established in his diocese upon his coming here, but he has also- brought into being the well-endowed and thor- oughly equipped Holderness School for boys, and the successful St. Mary's School for Girls at Concord. The number of parishes in the diocese has been largely in- creased under his stimulating and aggressive leadership, the value of church property has been many times multi- plied, and the activity of the diocese in all lines has been materially advanced. In the House of Bishops of the American Church, he now being one of the senior members. Bishop Niles is a tower of strength, serving as an active member of many of the most important boards for the promotion of church work. Bishop Niles is a scholar of brilliant attainment and has performed great labors, being a member of the com- mittee of the General Convention for the revision of the list of chapters of Scripture to be read in church; of the committee of revision of the Prayer Book; and of that for the revision of marginal readings in the Bible. Bisho]:) Xiles was married June 5. 1862, to Bertha Olmsted, a descendant from one of the settlers of Hart- ford, and he has four living children. His home estab- lished in Concord at the episcopal residence erected for him by the diocese is a centre of much culture and hospi- tality, and he moves among the people of the state be- loved and venerated, a faithful shepherd of his flock, a good citizen and a sterling friend to humanity. 262 JOHN M. HUNT JOHN M. HUNT. John M. Hunt was born at Dracut, Mass., March 31st, 1797; died at Nashua, Oct. 30th, 1885. He was a son of Israel Hunt, born Aug. 27th, 1758, died March 2nd, 1850, and Catherine (Noweh) Hunt, born June 15th, 1765, died ]\[ay 15th, 1850. Their ancestors came from England in the seventeenth' century and were among the early settlers in Massachusetts Bay colony. Their de- scendants have been among the pioneers in near and re- mote sections of this continent and many of them have distinguished themselves in the service of their country, in the professions and employments that developed that civilization which was the crowning glory of the nine- teenth century. Mr. Hunt obtained a common school education, and beyond that, for he was a well informed man on topics of general interest, was self taught. From 1803 until his death in 1885 he was one of the best known residents of Nashua. In the beginning of his honorable career he was in trade at the "Harbor" in a store that stood in the south triangie where the Lowell and Dunstable roads form a junction. He was also interested in a linen manufactur- ing enterprise, the mill of which was located on the site of the present Vale mill. The business was not success- ful. In 1820 he w^as appointed postmaster of Nashua, which office he held until July 1841. During all these years, and in fact all during his active career, he took part in town affairs and performed the duties of citizenship 263 STATE BUII-DERS with fidelity to every trust, being town clerk and chairman of the board of selectmen in 1830, 1833, 1834, 1835 and 1836, and instrumental in causing the first town report to be issued to the taxpayers in printed form. When the Nashua State bank, chartered at the June session of the legislature in 1835, was organized in 1836, he was ap- pointed cashier, which position of trust he held until the bank closed its business in October, 1866. Hon. Isaac Spalding was president of the bank during its entire life, and it was a matter of pride with him and Mr. Hunt that the institution never lost a dollar by a bad investment, and that when its affairs were liquidated it paid its stock- holders their principal and a handsome dividend in addi- tion to the dividends paid yearly when it did business. As a citizen, neighbor and friend, no man of his genera- tion stood higher in the regard of the community. He was democratic in all his ways and dealings; a man whose influence in the community was always on the side of justice, morality and religion. Mr. Hunt was a regular attendant at the Unitarian church and a member of Ris- ing Sun lodge, A. F. and A. M., of which he was senior warden in 1826 and worshipful master in 1827. January 28th, 1833, Mr. Hunt was united in marriage with Mary Ann Munroe, who was born in Lexington. Mass., Oct. 31st, 181 2; died at Nashua Dec. i. 1894. She was a daughter of Thomas Munroe, born March 30th, 1785, died July 8th, 1854, and Elizabeth (Jewett) Munroe, born Sept. 8th, 1785, died Nov. 23rd. 1848. Mrs. Hunt's ancestors were among the first English settlers in Massa- chusetts, and a great number of their decendants have made their mark in the world and have served, and are still serving in honorable professions and callings. Mrs. Hunt came to Nashua with her parents when she was a child and her'home was here until her death. She was a constant attendant at the Unitarian church and very much interested in its work. In fact, she left a bequest to the 264 STATE BUILDERS society. Also a bequest to establish tlie John M. Hunt Home for aged couples and aged men, and a sufficient sum to build and maintain the Home, in memory of her husband. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs Hunt • the first born April 8th, 1839, died in infancy; second' Mary E. born April loth, 1842, unmarried. Mrs. Hunt was a woman of retiring disposition, of modest deport- ment and domestic tastes, devoted to her family. 265 FRANK S. STREETER. Frank S. Streeter, president of the Xew Hampshire state constitutional convention of 1902, and a recognized leader at the bar of Northern New England, was born in Charleston, Vermont, August 5, 1853, and completed his preparatory course for college at St. Johnsbury academy in that state. Entering Dartmouth he graduated in 1874, having among- his classmates Frank N. Parsons, who be- came Chief Justice of the New Hampshire supreme court; Edwin G. Eastman, who became Attorney General of the state in 1902; Samuel W. McCall and Samuel J. Powers, both congressmen from Massachusetts. Immediately following his graduation from Dart- mouth Air. Streeter served for a while as principal of the high school in Ottumwa. Iowa, but soon relinquished teaching" to enter upon the study of law, the practice of which he designed as his life work and for which profes- sion he was eminently equipped by nature and inclination. He became a student at law in the town of Bath and in the office of the late Chief Justice Alonzo P. Carpenter, who is remembered by his associates and contemporaries at the Bar as having possessed one of the best trained judicial minds that ever added lustre and renown to the New Hampshire bench. Admitted to the bar in 1877 he opened an office in the town of Orford but maintained it for only a few months, leaving Orford for that wider field, the city of Concord, to enter which he was urged by those who had thus early recognized his ability and promise as a lawyer. It was in the autumn of 1877 that he arrived in Concord and 266 FRANK S. STREETER STATE BUILDERS entered upon that professional career which was des- tined to be of so great credit to himself and the bar ouL state. Dm.ng the greater part of his first two yea s in Concord he had as a partner in practice Gen. John H Albm. Later the firm of Chase & Streeter was formed and contmued for more than twelve years, whenTt wa succeeded by that of Streeter & Mollis car^eTM^ s/T/'",'"^""""^ °^ '''' professional career Mi. Streeter has been identified with that line of practice having to do with corporation law, a line that slweTor'^n '" fi"-^^.-^-^' tact and acumen it is po - sible foi the lawyer to display, as it is likewise the most mvitmg field for the practitioner of to-dav. For a num- ber of years he has most acceptabl)^ servecl in the position of general counsel, such vast commercial interests as the Bostoi. and Mame railroad, the New England Telephone and lelegraph company, and the Western Union Tele- grai^h company. His realm of a more private practice is iaige, exclusive, and of a most varied nature th.t at'- Z''''\''^T '' ' "''"'^"^ °^ ^^'^ ^^^^1 profession that All. Streeter has gained prominence and the sincere approbation of the people. He has recognized and met the obligations ot good citizenship, and that in a wholly chsinterested manner. He is first of all true to what he mves his ellow man and state as a member of societv He IS, and naturally so, a leader of the Republican forces n New Hampshire, and if the list of his political offices is a short one it is because he has asked his political asso- ciates to bestow their favors upon others rather than upon himself. He yielded to the wishes of his party friends to become a member of the state legislature in icS8^, and m 1902 by the vote of all parties he became a member ot the constitutional convention. By an ex- tremely flattering vote he was chosen president of the convention, and that by a body of men among whom were the intellectual leaders of the state. At the time of his election he had not completed the fiftieth vear of his age, and thus his election to the high office at such 267 STATE BUILDERS an age emphasized all the more the estimate placed upon him by his convention associates. In 1892 he presided over the Republican state conven- tion, which nominated Gov. John B. Smith, and in 1896 he was sent as delegate-at-large to the National conven- tion at St. Louis, where he served on the committee on resolutions, and was powerfully instrumental in securmg the platform declaration in favor of the gold standard. In 1900 he declined a proffered election to represent New Hampshire on the Republican National committee. For many years he has been a member of the Republican State committee, and since 1896 he has represented Mer- rimack county on the executive committee of that body. From the day of his graduation from Dartmouth col- lege Mr. Streeter has been among the most active and influential of its alumni. He is a life member of his alma mater's board of trustees as such representing the alumni. 268 COLONEL WILLL^M S. PILLSBURY COL. WILLIAM S. PILLSBURY. In the industrial development of Derry, its towns- people are agreed that the chief meed of praise should be accorded Col. William Staughton Pillsbury, who was practically the founder and the real builder of the town's present great shoe-manufacturing industry. He has been mstant, in season and out of season, in fostering and furthering along all commercial and industrial enter- prises. Born in the town of Londonderry, he represents a family famous in the annals of state and nation, and especially for what they accomplished in American in- dustrial life._ The Pillsburys of flour fame were his kinsmen, while his own immediate family was conspicu- ous likewise in the ecclesiastical, political, and educa- tional life of New Hampshire. His father was the Rev. Stephen Pillsbury, a clerg^mian of the Baptist denomina- tion, whose pastorates in Sutton, Dunbarton, and Lon- donderry covered a period of thirty-five years. Colonel- Pillsbury's mother was born Lavinia' Hobart, and throughout her life of seventy-six years was esteemed for the nobility of her character, as an exemplar of the Chris- tian life, and for her intellectual accomplishments. Colonel Pillsbury was born in Londonderry, and this is his present place of residence. The family'homestead is a short two miles from his office and factories in Derry. Colonel Pillsbury has a most honorable war record, which began with service as first lieutenant in the Fourth New Hampshire regiment. Later he was commissioned first lieutenant in the Ninth New Hampshire, serving in the same company of which his brother, Leonard Hobart, 269 STATE BUILDERS was the captain, a circumstance which indicates with what esteem the then boys were held in the communitv and state. With his company he participated in the battle of South Mountain, and in this he distinguished himself by the discovery of a movement by the Confed- erates in time to save his company from a probable ter- rible loss. Just as Lieutenant Pillsbury had safely led his command from the ambush in which it had nearly fallen, Major-General Jesse Reno, commander of the Union forces, rode along the line and in the direction of the Confederate position in which they were supported by a battery. Lieutenant Pillsbury pointing out the loca- tion of the enemy warned Reno of his danger, but the warning was unheeded, and scarcely three minutes later General Reno was killed, and in his death the Union cause lost one of its ablest commanders. Another incident in the army career of Colonel Pills- bury has a distinct and highly important bearing on the much discussed question whether Barbara Frietchie, the heroine of \Miittier's poem, was a real or fictitious per- sonage. Colonel Pillsbury is emphatic in asserting that she was not a creation of the gifted poet's imagination, and his testimony as to the genuineness of her existence, and that she did wave the Stars and Stripes as Stonewall Jackson and his army marched "all day long through Frederick town," is to the point and convincing. Colonel Pillsbury says that as his regiment, as part of the Union army, followed Jackson and the Confederates through Frederick, a resident of the town pointed out to him a house with the remark that only the day before an aged Unionist woman had waved from its window the Stars and Stripes as the Confederates marched on. Whittier had not then, in all probability, heard of the incident, much less penned the words that thrilled the whole North with patriotism, and renewed its faith in the cause of the perpetuitv of the L^nion. The resident of Frederick spoke to Lieutenant Pillsbury, as his company made a tempo- rary halt, and there is not the slightest ground for pre- suming that Barbara Frietchie and her flag were a mental 270 STATE BUILDERS creation of this citizen of Frederick. These incidents of the warning- to General Reno and of the genuineness of the personahty of Barbara Frietchie are pubhshed now for the first time in a personal narrative of Colonel Pillsbury. At the conclusion of the war between the states, Lieu- tenant Pillsbury returned home and at once re-engaged in shoe manufacturing, a business he had learned in all its many details prior to his service in the army. He at first engag'ed in the making of shoes in his native Lon- donderry, but ere long began manufacturing in Derry, w^here his business life has since been passed. At the time of his going to Derry to engage in busi- ness, the West or Depot village, as it was then called, was a mere hamlet of a few scattered houses, and the building that served the utmost purpose of his factory was no larger than an ordinary dwelling. Step by step the little plant has grown until to-day it has a capacity that gives employment to some six hundred employees, and is equipped throughout with the latest devised ma- chinery. Li course of time he admitted into partnership, in his shoe manufacturing enterprise, a son, Rosecrans W., under the firm name of W. S. & R. W. Pillsbur}^ This house ranks with the most progressive and pros- perous business interests in the state. Continuous growth has been the law of the ])lant, and this expansion from the little beginning is significantly portrayed in the en- graved letter head of the firm. In the illustration is the original factory and near to it the present great plant, the whole silently yet most effectively setting forth the history of the grand success of the enterprise. Colonel Pillsbury is a man not only of great courage and energy, but one who knows the value of method and system. He possesses to a marked degree that faculty known as the initiative and the skill, the persistency, and insistency to carry out that which he originates. He likes business for its own sake and is ever ready to do that which will add to the advantage of Derry and his own home town, Londonderry. He has been much in 271 STATE BUILDERS political life. Away back in 1868 he was a commissioner for Rockingham county. As a county commissioner he proved a most efficient official. In 1877 1^^ '^vas an aide on the staff of Governor Prescott and from that date has borne the title of "colonel." As a "good citizen" he has actively participated in Londonderry's town affairs. For near a generation he served as moderator, as trustee of the public library, and on committees almost without end. He served a term as a member of the legislature many years ago. and was a member of the senate, his term ex- piring with the year 1902. His church home is the Congregational. He is a Mason, and member of various business and social organizations. He has always been a liberal contributor in both Londonderry and Derry. He is democratic, whole-souled, and sympathetic, and his going and coming among the people of Derry has ever been an inspiration to the people but never more so than to-day. His home is a beautiful one, solid and substan- tial, warm and cheery like its owner. Quite recently Colonel Pillsbury has given a valuable piece of land as the site for a new proposed municipal building in Derry. For thirty years it has been his w^ont to visit his Boston office four or five times a week, and he has long possessed a wide acquaintance among the shoe trade from the At- lantic to the Pacific. 272 COLONEL FRANCIS W. PARKER COL. F. W. PARKER. Colonel Francis W. Parker, world famed educator, was born in that part of the town of Bedford now included in the city of Manchester, October 9, 1837, and died at Pass Christian, Missouri, March 2, 1902. In his youth he worked on a farm and pursued steadily the idea of gaining an education. First he attended the district school at Piscataquog and later, in succession, the academies in Bedford, Mont Vernon and Hopkinton. When he was 17 years of age he began to^ teach school, first at Boscawen and then at Auburn and at Piscataquog, having been principal of the grammar school in the latter place. In 1858 he went to Carrol ton, Illinois, where he remained as principal of a grammar school until the Civil War broke out. When this call of duty sounded he promptly returned to New Hampshire and entered the Fourth N. H. Volun- teers as a lieutenant, enlisting at Manchester. His war record was a brilliant one, his regiment seeing some very hard fighting and his part in it being of the foremost and best. He was wounded and once taken prisoner and when the war ended he had fought his way to the brevet rank of colonel, bestowed upon him for conspicuous bravery. At the close of the war Colonel Parker engaged in educational work once more, at first in Dayton, Ohio, where he was appointed the principal of the first normal school in that city. After taking a trip abroad, he was elected superintendent of schools in Quincy, Mass., and 273 STATE BUILDERS there first began to attract the attention of the entire edu- cational world by his original work. In 1880 he became one of the supervisors of Boston schools and soon afterwards was chosen principal of the Cook county normal school in Chicago. Later he joined the staff of Chicago University where his merits as an authority upon, and investigator of educational methods was fully appreciated. To' speak fittingly of Colonel Parker's life work would require the full knowledge and trained pen of a fellow expert along those lines. But even the layman in such matters knows that tO' this brave and honored son of New Hampshire is due great credit for the vast strides in ad- vance which the cause of education has made in the last two score years. As a soldier he did more than his share to save his country; and then he devoted himself with the talents God had given him to the proper train- ing and culture of the youth of the new nation that was rising into glorious power. 274 CHARLES ROBERT CORNING CHARLES ROBERT CORNING. vSince 1899 the judge of probate for Merrimack county has been Charles Robert Corning, who was born in the city of Concord on the twentieth of December, 1855. He was educated in the city schools, later continuing his studies at Phillips (Andover) academy, and under a private tutor. Selecting the legal profession as a life calling he was in 1883 admitted to the bar and began active practice. He at once demonstrated that he pos- sessed the judicial temperament to a fine degree, and that his natural and acquired attainments fitted him for suc- cess and leadership and especially as a counsellor. This early recognition of the qualities within the man on the part of his fellow-citizens and neighbors prompted them to send him to the popular branch of the state legislature m 1878 when he was only twenty-three, having been one of the youngest men ever chosen tO' a like position in any state of the Union. In 1883, the year of his admission to the bar, he was again returned to the legislature, a fact that shows the manner in which he fulfilled the duties imposed upon him in the first session was eminently sat- isfactory to his constituents. At the Commencement Exercises in 1887, Dartmouth College conferred the de- gree of A. M. on Mr. Corning. In 1889 he was sent to the state senate and served upon its more important committees. In 1891 he received from President Harri- son the appointment of assistant attorney in the United States department of justice and held this position 275 STATE BUILDERS until 1894. His appointment to the probate judgeship of Merrimack county gave widespread satisfaction, for all knew that in Judge Corning were those quali- ties of heart and mind that make the ideal judge of such a court. In this current year of 1902 Judge Corn- ing was elected Mayor of his native city for a term of two years. Under his administration Avill be built the new city hall. His fellow-citizens believe that they have in him a chief executive eminently fitted to discharge every duty of tlie important office. Judge Corning is a member of Blazing Star lodge, F. & A. M., Concord. 276 HORACE P. WATTS HORACE P. WATTS. Among the New Hampshire men whose business sa- 'gacity and enterprise and rugged honesty of character entitles them to be classed among the builders of the state, was the late Horace P. Watts of Manchester. Born in the suburb of Goff's Falls, in 1819, the son of Daniel and Polly (Darrah) Watts, he lived nearly his whole life as a citizen of Manchester, and when he passed to his reward the morning of August 14, 1890, he was sincerely mourned by a wide circle of friends and associates, whose love and respect he had gained by his admirable traits of character and his walk and conversation for many years. Mr. Watts gained his early education in those nurseries of sturdy character and independence, the public schools of his vicinity, and continued it at Pinkerton academy in Derry, then, as now, distinguished for the thoroughness of its instruction and the character of its graduates. He early entered upon a business career and by his shrewd- ness and energy established a successful business. After a time he became a member oi the milling firm of Hall, Watts & Co., which for a long time conducted the exten- sive flour and milling business on the Piscataquog river, on the site now occupied by the American Shuttle com- pany's mill, previously operated by J. Baldwin & Son. This business was one of the most extensive of its kind in the State, and at the time of its destruction by fire in 1875, it was grinding about seventy-five thousand bushels of wheat and the same amount of corn per annum. From 277 STATE BUILDERS this time on, j\Ir. Watts engaged himself entirely in bank- ing and financial matters and in the charitable and church work in which he had always been largely interested. ]\lr. Watts was one of the directors of the jManchester Na- tional bank, and for a time a director of the old Nashua & Lowell railroad, now absorbed in the Boston & Maine system. He was also a director of the First National bank of Castleton, Dakota, and president of the Security Loan & Trust company of the same place. In various capacities he was interested in other leading financial in- stitutions. No local enterprise of a public nature failed to receive his support. He was an active member of the Manchester Board of Trade. Wlien it became neces- sary to build the First Congregational church, he was largely instrumental in causing its removal to the fine location at the corner of Hanover and Union streets and contributed $5000 to the erection of the new edifice, and he was for ten years president of the society of the Church. In the charitable work of Manchester, as has been said, Mr. Watts was much interested. The Elliot hospital, the Children's home, the City mission and the Woman's Aid home were objects of his solicitude and liberal contribu- tions. He was firm, yet kind; generous, yet just; calm, deliber- ate, and thoughtful, weighing his every act in the scales of right. His lofty symmetrical character, his life of imselfish purity and benevolence, won for him the confidence, re- spect, and esteem of all whose life he entered. Few men merited a more prominent position in the aft'airs of the city in which he lived than did he. Yet his retiring, mod- est disposition caused him to refuse many honors which his fellow citizens would have gladly bestowed upon him. Politically, Mr. Watts was a Republican, but never an active aspirant for political honors. He represented Lon- 278 STATE BUILDERS donderry in the legislature in 1865 and served for a time as commissioner for Rockingham county, and served on the board of assessors in Manchester one year. Mr. Watts married in 1842, Maria Boyd, who survived him five years, her death occurring March 28, 1895. Of this union there were born four children; one, a boy, passed away in infancy. His oldest daughter, now deceased, Martha B., married W. F. Holmes; his second daughter, Annie E., is the wife of Rosecrans W. Pillsbury of Lon- donderry, and Mary Alice was his third daughter. To his home life Mr. Watts was especially devoted. The attractions of politics had few charms for him, and he never allowed the cares of business tO' deprive him of the pleasures of his own family. 279 MISS MARY ALICE WATTS. The American woman is undoubtedly the highest type of her sex. Her supremacy is as inexphcable to the for- eigner as it is everywhere acknowledged. In what it consists authorities disagree. Whether it be in her easy adaptation to all circumstances and conditions; in that comprehensive education which she receives, beginning in public schools and completed in academy, seminary or college; in that native alertness, intelligence and tact which are hers universally, the American woman has secured her fame and reputation in the world. Miss Mary Alice Watts of Manchester is a beautiful example of this American type. Born as she was in the most populous and enterprising city of New Hampshire, she received her early education in the public schools of her native place. No institution in this country has so justified its existence as the public school. It teaches those who pass through it to appreciate men and women at their true value, and as a foundation for higher culture has no real competitor. Supplementing this with a course at the celebrated Ablx)tt academy, of Andover, Mass., and a year spent in travel across the Atlantic, Miss Watts had exceptional opportunities for observa- tion and self-culture. These she thoroughly improved and as a result she is one of the most pleasing and enter- taining of conversa'tionalists. Her beautiful home on Beech street, the family residence, contains many souvenirs of her extensive travel, and her library is filled MARY ALICE WATTS STATE BUILDERS with the best works of leading- writers in poetr)^, histor}% fiction and all the departments of literature. Her home displays all the e^■idences of refined and cultured tastes, and is the centre of a delightful yet unobtrusive hospi- talit}-. Naturally Miss A\'atts is a social favorite, her graces of mind and manner attracting- many friends and retaining them. Like the t^-pical American woman that she is, Miss Watts is largely interested in the philan- thropic institutions of the cit}-, and her life is filled with numberless acts of kindness. The \\'oman'3 Aid home and the Elliot hospital, of which she is a trustee, are con- spicuously objects of her solicitude, and the City Mis- sion and Children's home are not strangers to her bount}'. Trained and experienced in business matters as she is, possessed of executive abilit}- and administering her affairs with wisdom and skill, she has lost thereby none of the graces of womanhood, and in that sense also is typical of the cultured American lady — always approach- able, amiable and kind, able to do, but graceful in the doing. Her home life is simple and peculiarly attractive, and the sweetness and nobilit}- of her character are recog- nized by all who come within the circle of her influence. She is a member of the First Congregational church, and a valued helper in the varied work of the societ}-. whose \oity ideals, attractive personalit}- and charming man- ners are a pcwer for good in the community'. 281 HENRY F. HOLLIS. Henry French HoUis, of Concord, the most widely- known man of his age in New Hampshire, was born in West Concord, August 30, 1869, the son of Major Abijah and Harriette V. JM. (French) HolHs. He traces his ancestry on both sides to leaders in the colonial and early national history of onr country. His father is a veteran of the Civil war and a prominent business man of Concord for half a century. One maternal great-grandfather was William M. Richardson of Chester, who was Chief Jus- tice of the N. H. Supreme Court from 1816 to 1838, while the other maternal great-grandfather was Daniel French, Attorney-General of the state. His maternal grandfather was Hon. Henry F. French, Judge of the N. H. Court of Common Pleas, and Assistant Secretary of the United States Treasury from Grant to Cleveland. An uncle is Daniel C. French, the sculptor. Henry F. Hollis was graduated from the Concord High school in 1886 and for the ensuing year was engaged in railroad engineering between Denver and San Francisco and in a survey of the intervening mountain passes. Re- turning East he prepared at Concord, Mass., to enter Harvard college, graduating in the class of 1892. He at- tended the Harvard Law School and also studied law with the late Judge William L. Foster of Concord. In 1893 he was admitted to the bar and since that time has practised his profession with notable success in New Hampshire and other courts. Since 1899 he has been a 282 HENRY FRENCH HOLLIS 10^ STATE BUILDERS partner of Attorney General Edwin G. Eastman under the firm name of Eastman & Hollis, and the important cases which they have handled are too numerous to men- tion. Mr. Hollis served one term on the board of education in Concord, declining- a re-election ; and has been a trustee of the New Hampshire Savings bank since 1895. He is a member of many clubs and societies, and is as popular socially as would be expected of a gentleman possessing as much affability, culture and savoir faire. In 1900 Mr. Hollis sprang full-armed into the arena of politics and in the few years that have since elapsed he has made himself a national figure and has achieved a reputation that for so young a man, in the ranks of a minority party, is little short of marvellous. in 1900 he was the candidate of the New Hampshire Democracy for congress in the second district and made a vigorous and brilliant campaign, speaking extensively and gaining wide credit for both eloquence and good sense. In the summer of 1902 he was one of the prime mov s in the formation of the New England Democratic .^cv^ue, serving as its secretary and treasurer. He is, also, the New Hampshir.'e member of the national Demo- cratic congressional committee. In the summer of 1902 he was unanimously called to the chairmanship of the New Hampshire Democratic committee and this position he filled most ably for several months until another imperative call came from his party that he should be its standard bearer in the gubernatorial campaign. This duty he took up and discharged, as he does all that comes to him in the varied walks of life, with energy, enthusiasm, good judgment and sincere purpose. It is believed that no candidate for governor in New Hampshire ever ran so far ahead of his ticket as did Mr. Hollis, w^-'o was defeated by only 8,000 votes, the regular Republic. 1 majority being 15,000. 283 TOHX HENRY .\LBIX. John Henn- Albin of Concord., successful lawyer, rail- road president and man of affairs, was bom in Randolph, Vt., October 17, 1843, the son of Tobji and Emily (V.'hite) Albin, his ancestors on both sides coming from England to America during the Colonial period. His parents moving to Concord in his youth, he pre- pared in the public and High schools of that city for DartTJiouth college, from which he graduated in the class of 1864. He then studied law in the office of Hon. Ira A. Eastman of Concord and was admitted to the bar in 1868. From that date he has been continuously engaged in the practice of his profession in Concord, and has attained high rank in all its branches, but especially in the department of corporate law. Always a stalwart Republican, Mr. .Vlbin has sen-ed two terms in the legislature, where he did valuable ser\-ice and was an acknowledged leader of his party. Mr. Albin has been largely engaged in the develop- ment and management of steam and electric railroad properties in Xew England, showing in this capacity re- markable executive ability. He is president and a di- rector of the Sullivan County railroad of Xew Hamp- shire; director of the Connecticut River railroad of Mas- sachusetts; and director of the A'ermont \'alle}- railroad of Vermont. Until its recent sale to a s}-ndicate he was the president and principal owner of the Concord street railway, a propert}" which was greatly enlarged and im- proved under his control. 284 JOHN H. ALBIN STATE BUILDERS The I. O. O. F. of the state and nation owe much to General Albin's long and influential connection with the order. He was Grand Master of the grand lodge of New Hampshire in 1879, ^^^ ^'^^ several sessions repre- sented the grand lodge of the state in the Sovereign grand lodge, of which body he afterwards served as grand marshal for several sessions. While an officer of the sovereign grand lodge he prepared the ritual and was largely the author of the legislation which established the Patriarch Militant rank of the order. He was one of the founders of the Odd Fellows home of New Hamp- shire and has served as one of its trustees since its organ- ization. Mr. Albin was married on September 5, 1872, to Miss Georgia A. Mordica, who passed away during the pres- ent year (1902) after a beautiful and useful life in her home, in her church and in society. To them two chil- dren were born : Henry A. Albin, superintendent of the Concord & Manchester Street railway, and Miss Edith G. Albin. General Albin's career has been a singularly successful one, and it is still at its flood tide. His thorough and accurate knowledge of the law and his power as an advo- cate have placed him at the head of his profession; his sagacity and enterprise have won him an assured posi- tion in business circles; and his genial and magnetic personality, coupled with his distinguished abilities, have made him an honored and esteemed member of the so- cial and public life of the community. 285 JOHN HOSLEY. John Hosley was born in Hancock ^May 12, 1826, and died in Manchester March 24, 1890. He was one of nine children of Saniuel and Sophia (Wilson) Hosley and was of English ancestry on both sides. His mother's lineage traced back to 1640 when Rev. John Wilson settled at the head of Wilson's Lane in Boston. Mr. Hosley was also a lineal descendant of Gov- ernor John Wlnthrop. His great-grandfather, James Hosley, was a prominent official of the town of Town- send, jVlass., and in 1775 was captain of the ''alarm list" that marched to the defence of Cambridge. Later he was captain of a company which marched to the assistance of General Gates at Saratoga. After the Revolution this James Hosley moved to Hancock, and the same farm he then occupied was handed down to his descendants. John Hosley worked on a farm in youth and made the most of what schooling he could get. W^hen he was twen- ty years of age he went to Manchester and went to work as a shoe cutter for jMoses Fellows, the fourth mayor of the city. In 1849 ]Mr. Hosley began work as a weaver in the Amoskeag Mills, but the gold excitement then preva- lent caught him in its rush and carried him in 1851 to California where he remained two years. Returning to Manchester he was for a time in the grocery business, then became an overseer in the Amoskeag ]Mills and re- mained in that position until 1865. Mr. Hosley was a member of the common council in 286 JOHN HOSLEY STATE BUILDERS 1856-57; member of the school board in 1861-62; and alderman in 1863, '64, "71, '81 and '82. Upon the death of Mayor Daniels in 1865 Alderman Hosley was chosen to fill the vacancy and the next year he was elected mayor as a citizens' candidate. In 1886 he was again chosen mayor. He was city tax collector in 1875-76. In 1865 he was a delegate to the national union convention in Philadelphia. Mr. Hosley was a gentleman of the old school, a true descendant of a race of hardy pioneers, inheriting the cool judgment and great ability of his ancestors. He was strictly honest and conscientious in all his public and private dealings, and the fact that he was so often called to fill important public offices emphasizes the apprecia- tion and admiration with which he was regarded by his contemporaries. He stepped from the ranks of the workers to the helm of affairs at the instance of those who knew his worth, and filled each position to^ the city's honor and his own. It was men like John Hosley who made Manchester the city she is and to them she owes a heavy debt. Mr. Hosley married in 1854 Dorothea H., daughter oi Samuel and Cornelia Jones of Weare. They had one daughter, Marian J., wife of Dr. William M. Parsons of Manchester. Mr. Hosley was a Unitarian in religious belief, a member of Hillsboroiigh lodge, I. O. O. F., of Lafayette lodge, A. F. and A. M., and of the Knights Templar. 287 ALICE :S[. M. CHESLEY, M. D. Alice AL 'M. Chesley, 'M. D., of Exeter, one of the most widely known and highly successful of the women physicians of New Hampshire, was born in Nottingham, that state, October 14, 1861, the daughter of Dr. Lafay- ette and Mrs, Hannah D, (Jones) Chesley. Her father was a practising physician in Exeter so that her predilec- tion for her chosen profession was inherited as well as acquired. As a young girl Miss Chesley was eager to gain a broad and thorough culture. She graduated at the High school in Cliarlestown, ]\Iass., at Chester academy, and at the Maine State normal school. She studied two years at Ann Arbor, Mich., but was called home by the death of her father and sister. Her med- ical education was then completed at Tufts college, Boston. Mass. Large hospital experience at Detroit, New York and Boston has supplemented her professional studies and has given her skill of such degree as to secure for her a large practice in Exeter. She is a member of the New Hampshire ^Medical society, admission to which is a recognition of ethical and practical devotion to the sci- ence of medicine. Dr. Chesley's ability and faithfulness have been recog- nized outside the beaten paths of her profession, for her services were sought and secured by the county of Rock- ingham for the important and laborious task of revising and indexing the records book, dating back to 1622. 288 'MSit ALICE M. M. CHESLEY, M.D. STATE BUILDERS This work was done so carefully and well as to gain general praise. Dr. Chesley's career is an excellent illustration of what the young womanhood of New England can ac- complish when its ability and application are commen- surate with its ambition. Every woman physician who unites in herself, as Miss Chesley does, industry, intel- ligence, skill, training and a sincere desire to serve, fills a want, great and long recognized. 289 CHAXXEY ADAMS. M D. Cliaiicey Adams. A. ]\I.. M. D.. a successful medical practitioner of Concord, was bom in Xonh Xew Port- land, Me., Marcii 15. 1S61, son of Benjamin and Eliza Briton (^Sawyer) Adams. He belong^s to a branch of the famous old Massachusetts family of the same name. Henr}- Adams, the founder of the Massadiusetts family, was an English emigrant, who came over to this countr)* in the year 1630, \\-ith his eight sons and settled in Braintree, in the Colony of Massachiisetts. Of tliese eight sons, one subsequently returned tc England. The names of the otliers according to the records of Massa- chusetts, were: Peter, Henry, Thomas, Edward. Jona- than. Samuel and Joseph. Samuel ^^as the father of two sons, one of whom was Joseph Adams, who lived in Xorth Chelmsford, Mass. Joseph was the father of Benjamin Adams, who was tlie father of W'illiam Adams, who was the father of Solomon Adams, who was th.e great-grandfather of Dr. Adams. Solomon Adams migrated from Xorth Chelmsford, Mass., his native town, to Farmington, Me., at the dose of the Revolutionar>- \\'ar. The record shows that he served his countT}- during that war from May 15, 1777, to May 15. 17S0. in Captain James ^'amllm's company, of Colonel Michad Jackson's r^ment; but his active mili- tary- ser^4ce actually extended beyond these dates. A\'il- liam Adams, son oi Solomon and grandfather of Dr. Adams, was a native of Famiington. Me, He passed 200 CHAXCEY ADAMS, M.D. STATE BUILDERS his entire life in that town, engaged in farming, and died June 12, 1862, at the age of seventy-three years. He married Nancy Hiscock, and had a numerous family of children, of whom three died in infancy. The others were born as follows: Thomas H., March 14, 1813; Hannah B., October 19, 181 5; William, Jr., August 21, 1817; Nancy K., August 4, 1819; John R., August 17, 1821; Benjamin, April 7, 1823; Samuel, April 11, 1825; Lucy J., October 6, 1829; and Dolly, September 3, 1835. Of these Benjamin, the father of Dr. Adams, was the last survivor. He was a native of Farmington, Me. In early manhood he studied law while teaching school, and was subsequently admitted to the Franklin County bar. He then took up his residence in North New Port- land, INIe., where he was engaged in the practice of his profession from 1847 to 1870, when he moved to North Anson, Me. From 1849 to 1854 he was Postmaster at North New Portland. He was Register of Probate from 1854 to 1855. In 1873 1^^ "^^'^s a member of the House of Representatives of the ]\Iaine legislature. He was a Congregationalist in religious belief. In 1849 he mar- ried Eliza Briton SaAvyer, daughter of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Williams) Sawyer. During the last nine years of his life he made his home with his son, Dr. Adams, at Concord, N. PI. He died at the Margaret Pillsbury General Hospital at Concord, N. H., of apo- plexy, on July 17, 1902, after a short illness of five days, at the ad\-anced age of seAent}--nine years, three months and ten days. Eliza B. Adams, born in New Portland, Maine, was one of twelve children, of whom five died before reach- ing the age of ten years. The others were born as fol- lows: William, September 3, 1803; Sophronia, January I, 1807: Emeline, January 23, 1810; Ann, October 9, 1812; Albina, February 15, 1815: \'iola F., April 5, 1818; and Eliza B ,, January 29, 1824. 291 STATE BUILDERS Mrs. Adams died at North New Portland, Me., of pneumonia, April 20, 1893, after a short illness of three days. She was a Universalist in religions belief, Lemuel Williams, the grandfather of Mrs. Adams, was a native of Woolwich, Mass., now in Maine. Hav- ing enlisted in Colonel Nixon's regiment, he served during a part of the Revolutionary War. The children of Benjamin Adams were Sarah Frances, Ellen Maria, and Chancey. Sarah Frances, who married John P, Clark, a lumberman of Skowhegan, Me., has had six chil- dren, of whom five are living. Ellen jNIaria died at the age of two and one-half years. Chancey Adams was educated in the district schools of North Anson, Me., and at Anson Academy, graduat- ing from the latter institution in the class of 1880. For six months after his graduation he was employed in the drug store at North Anson. Then, feeling the need of additional education, he entered Waterville Classical In- stitute (now Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville, Me.), and graduated from the same in 1881. In the autumn he became a student of Colby University (now Colby College) in Waterville, and, after completing the course, graduated in 1885. After this he taught for several terms in the district schools of Waldoboro and Embden and in the Phillips High School. Having de- cided to enter the medical profession, he attended the Portland Medical School and the Maine Medical School in Brimswick during the years 1888, 1890, and 1891, graduating (from the latter institution) in June of the last named year. From 1886 to 1891 he employed all his spare time in a drug store in the interests of his in- tended profession. After graduating from the Maine Medical School, he entered the United States Marine Hospital at Staten Island. Thence he went to Taunton, Mass., as assistant physician in the insane asylum of that city, where he remained until January i, 1893. Desiring 292 STATE BUILDERS to qualify himself still further for the medical profession, he then went to New York City, and took a three months' course in the Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, After this, on September 26, 1893, he opened an office in Concord, where he has since been in active practice. Dr. Adams already occupies a front place in his chosen calling, and his ability and skill are acknowl- edged by his medical associates. He has been elected a member of the North Bristol (Mass.) Medical Society, which made him a member of the Massachusetts State Medical Society. He also belongs to the Centre District Medical Society of New Hampshire and the New Hamp- shire State Medical Society. On January 25, 1897, he was elected City Physician of Concord for two years. On March 9, 1903, he was elected to the Board of Health of Concord for three years. On January 9, 1893, Dr. Adams married Laurinda Clara Coombs of Gloucester, Mass. They have had three children; Benjamin W., who died in infancy; Ed- mund Chancey and Elizabeth Beimer. In politics the Doctor is a Democrat, and he cast his first Presidential vote for Grover Cleveland in 1884. In 1887 he was made a Mason in Northern Star Lodge, No. 28, A. F. & A. M., North Anson, Me., but is now a member of Blaz- ing Star Lodge, No. 11, A. F. & A. M. of Concord; and of Concord Lodge, No. 8, K. of P., of Concord. Amply qualified by the services rendered to their country by his ancestry on both sides, Dr. Adams is also a member of the Sons of the American Revolution of Concord. 293 CHARLES H. SAWYER. Charles llctiry Sawyer, governor of Xew llampsliire from 1887 to 1889. was 1xm-ii at W'atertvAvn. New N'ork. IMarch 30. 1840. the eldest son of Jona'nan and Martha (Perkins) Sawyer. W'hen he was ten years of age. his father removed to Dover. Xew Hampshire, where the son after spending six years in the public schools of that city, was entered as an apprentice in the Sawyer mills, established by his father, where he thoroughly acquainted himself by actual laix^r with every branch of the business, and at the age of twenty-six was made superimendent of the plant. In 1873. the company being incorporated, he became one of the ow ners and advanced successixely to the posts of general director and president. During his administration of this invlustrx- it rose to a promment position among the largest and strongest woollen maim- facturing corporations in the country, a result due in no small measure to the capacity and ability of the president of the company. His marked adaptability to posts of executive manag-e- ment centre<^^l u\)on him the attention of his fellow-citizens, and while still a young man he served m Ix^th branches of the city government of Dover and for four terms was sent to represent that community in the state legislature, serving- during the sessions of 1869 and 1870, 1876. and 1877. and tilling important positions upon the largest committees of the house. In 1881. he was apix>inted aide- de-camp upon the staff of Gov. Charles H. Bell with the 294 (■ii.\itional qualities of judgment and with that sa- gacity which is the birthright oi his race, supplementing the faithful results of public school study with wide read- ing and careful thought, and possessing a cordial manner and a dignified presence, he has appeared frequently on public occasions with marked success. Mr. McLane is a man of sterling integrity, both of mind and action. 312 CHANNING FOLSOM CHANNING FOLSOM. Channing Folsom, state superintendent of public in- struction, was born at Newmarket, June i, 1848. His father, a country doctor, well realizing the benefits of a liberal education, supplemented the training afforded in the town schools by a course at Phillips- Exeter Academy, and the young man entered Dartmouth College in the class of 1870. Weak eyes and insufficient financial re- sources compelled his withdrawal from college at the end of two years, although his Alma Mater in 1885, conferred upon him the honorary degree of A. M. and in 1902 the degree of A, B. in course. While in college Mr. Folsom, following the custom of so many Dartmouth students, taught school during the vacation, and after leaving college he entered upon teach- ing as his life work, beginning at Sandwich, Mass. From there he went to Amesbury, Mass., where he spent two years, and later had four years' experience in Ports- mouth, New Hampshire. In 1874, he went to Dover as principal of the Belknap grammar school, where he re- mained three years, when he M^as elected a master in the Eliot School, Boston, serving until April, 1882. In that month he was chosen superintendent of schools at Dover, and returned to New Hampshire, where he has since lived. For sixteen years he was superintendent of schools at Dover, and in 1898, upon the resignation of Fred Cow- ing, he was appointed state superintendent of public instruction, receiving successive reappointments as his terms of office have expired. 3^3 STATE BUILDERS Mr, Folsom married Nov. 12, 1870, Ruth F. Savage, of Newmarket, and has five children. Mr. Folsom is a positive educator, both as a teacher in the schools and as a state superintendent he has shown himself a friend of true educational progress and the foe of all the non-essential and cumbersome methods which have rendered so many school programs inefficient. Coming to his present position at a time when the old methods of instruction had not yet been fully displaced by the new and when many of the new ideas had yet to prove their usefulness through practical experience, Mr. Folsoin has wisely and discriminatingly forwarded the educational interests of the state. During his term of office he has seen the entire policy of the state change so far as it has related to the state's responsibility for ad- vanced education, and the so-called "Grange" school law, by means of which twenty-five thousand dollars is annu- ally distributed to the schools of the state, was drafted by him and carried through the legislature largely through his efforts. His administration of the trust imposed upon him in the distribution of this fund has been eminently conservative and successful, and he has had the privilege of seeing his ideas stamped each year with a deeper seal of public approval. He has also stimulated many a com- munity to a pride and deeper interest in the local schools, and by causing to be enacted the law providing for a group system of school superintendents he has seen many of the existing schools brought to a still higher state of efficiency. Fhrough his long residence in the state and his intimate acquaintance with New Hampshire temperaments and traditions, Mr. Folsom has been enabled to advance the cause of education by wise methods, and his assured continuance in his present post of usefulness is the guarantee that the immediate future of New Hampshire schools is bright witli promise. 314 *9f flBli ROGER G. SULLIVAN ROGER G. SULLIVAN. A keen and deservedly successful business man is Roger G. Sullivan, of Manchester, who was born in 1854 in Bradford, but the greater part of whose life has been spent in the city where he now lives. His educational advantages were limited and were confined tO' the com- mon schools of Manchester, as at the age of fourteen he began earning his own living and was at that time inden- tured to learn the carriage-painting business. At the age of nineteen, however, he embarked in business for himself as a cigar manufacturer, at first employing only two men. In 1883 he began the manufacture of what is now probably the best-known cigar in northern New England, Seven-twenty-four, and his business has grown since then by leaps and bounds, until now he employs two hundred hands and his factories have a capacity of nearly seven million cigars a year. The magnitude of his business may be judged somewhat from the fact that Mr. Sullivan's import duty payments and internal reve- nue stamp purchases amount to about $90,000 a year. His goods are sold throughout the country, and five trav- elling men are constantly employed distributing the prod- ucts of his factories. The pay-roll of his establishment is about $125,000 a year. In addition, Mr. Sullivan is largely engaged in other lines O'f business in the city of Manchester and elsewhere. He is a director of the Amoskeag National bank, a direc- tor in the Manchester Traction Company, the New Hamp- 315 STATE BUILDERS shire Fire Insurance Company and the Ujiion PubHshing- company. At York Beach, where Mr. SulHvan has erected a beautiful summer home, he is a large owner of real estate, and many of the improvements recently made at that well-known summer resort own their inception to My. Sullivan's enterprise and sagacity. His home on W'alnut street is one of the most at- tractive in Manchester. He married Susan C. Femald, of ]\Ianchester, and has three children. ]Minna E., Susan A. and Frances E. The eldest daughter was educated at Montreal and at Northampton, ]\Iass., and the others obtained their education at the Visitation Convent, Georgetown. District of Columbia, the eldest daughter travelling extensively in Europe after completing the course in the American schools. Mr. Sullivan in politics is a Democrat, and is promi- nent in the Knishts of Columbus. ,i6 HERMON K. SHERBURNE, D.O. HERMON K. SHERBURNE. One of the best known osteopathic physicians in New Hampshire is Hermon K. Sherburne of Littleton. But aside from his professional attainment he is thoroughly representative of the best citizenship in his town and state. He was born in Wilmington, Vermont, July 12, 1S55. He was educated in the schools of his native town and at Montpelier (Vt.) seminary. In 1883 he married Miss Ada L. Boyce, and one child, Theodore Vail Sher- burne, was born to them. He died at the age of five years and two months. She died, April 27, 1899 having been instantly killed in a cyclone that passed over the city of Kirksviile^ Missouri. The science of osteopathy early attracted the attention of Mr. Sherburne and when once he had decided to en- gage in its practice he went to Kirksville, Missouri, that he might learn the theory and practice of the science at the fountain head for it was there that the school was founded by Andrew Taylor Still. From this school he graduated in 1899 and in the same year he began active practice. October first, 1901, Mr. Sherburne married for his second wife. Miss Mary A. Burb)aiik, who like himself is a diplomat in osteopathy. Mr. Sherburne is a member of the American Osteopathic Association and president of the New Hampshire Osteopathic Association. In poli- tics he is a Republican while his membership in fraternal 317 STATE BUILDERS orders is limited to Odd Fellowship. The church home of the family is the Methodist Episcopal. The article on Osteoi>athy following this sketch was written by Mr. Sherburne expressly for State Builders. OSTEOPATHY. By Hermon K. Sherburne. With the remarkable developments that have been made along all lines of scientific research in the closing years of the last century, perhaps there is none more im- portant, or which will fall with a greater blessing on the human race than the development and promulgation of that department of the science of medicine known as Osteopathy. Osteopathy is a complete science of healing diseased conditions of the body without drugs and without the knife. It originated about 1874 in the brain of Dr. An- drew T. Still of Baldwin, Kansas, a regular practising ph}sician and army surgeon. Every invention is the result of a genius seeking to improve on old methods, so with Dr. Still convinced of the inefficacy of drug treating in acute and its absolute uselessness in chronic diseases he set about exploring for himself the unknown. Anatomy and Physiology seem to have been his favorite subjects and as has been said oi him with "Indian cadavers for subjects and the broad prairies for a workshop he constantly studied Nature's se^ crets in her greatest creation." His idea as expressed in his autobiography was that God would not give ns these bodies subject to attacks of disease from outside without putting into the bodies themselves the means and forces to resist the attacks. 318 STATE BUILDERS After nearly twenty years of untiring energy and cease- less toil, in 1892 feeling he had perfected his system suffi- ciently to give it to the world a charter was obtained from the state of Missouri to teach this new discovery and the first school was opened in Kirksville that state with an attendance of seven students. The system, soon became known and people who' were sick and ^vho had grown weary of taking medicme came to Kirksville to try the new science of healing without drugs. The}' were healed and returned home and their friends and neighbors came. The news spread rapidly, not by advertising, but, by cures made, and soon there were students and patients from all over the land going to Kirksville seeking to be cured or tO' learn the new science. The school continued to grow until today it has between six and seven hundred students. Other schools were organized so that there are now fourteen Osteopathic colleges with seventeen hun- dred students and about twenty-five hundred Osteopathic physicians practising. Recognition by special enactment of legislatures is a compliment never before paid to- a new scientific discov- ery, since 1896 Osteopathy has received this high compli- ment from nineteen states. Osteopathy bases its claims to rank as a science oi heal- ing upon the fact that there exists a definite and fixed re- lation between an organ and the central nervous system. It may be said to be the science of treating disease through a technical manipulation by which the practitioner intelli- gently directs the inherent recuperative resources of the body to the restoration of health. It rests upon the the- or}^ that every diseased condition not due to a specific poison is traceable to some mechanical disorder, which, if corrected, will allow Nature to resume perfect work. By the term mechanical obstruction is meant any direct interference to the nutritive or functional fluids or forces 319 STATE BUILDERS of the organ, as pressure upon a \essel or nerve by an abnormal condition of some denser tissue of the body. This will cut off the nerve force and affect the bloo'd supply. Either of these may result in producing an abnormal function of some organ or organs and thus lead to a diseased condition. The osteopath looks upon the body as a machine and himself as a trained human machinist adjusting it to its natural condition that it may be properly driven from the central nervous system. His work is principally done along the spinal column, from which the nerves emanate, going from there to all the dift'erent parts of the body. Osteopathy makes no demands on the vitality of the patient but rather increases it at every treatment. The claims of modesty are never lost sight of. The most delicate person can undergo this treatment without the least fear of any unpleasant experience. They are al- ways adapted to the condition of the patient, never severe, and absolutely in no case hannful if given bv a competent osteopathist. The application of the treatment is ver}' general, it having reached almost every knovm form of disease. Its success as a curative agent is remarkably gratifying, es|>ecially when we remember its triumphs have been made out of the failures of other systems. It ranks among its patrons some of the most noted and intellectual people of our lime, as well as those in the more modest walks of life but all alike testifying to the great blessing it has been to themselves or family in restoring them to health after all other medical skill had failed. No one today should consider their case incurable until they have con- sulted an Osteopath and teen properlv treated by him, when it is safe to say they will malve another of that now vast number who will rise up and call the name of Dr. A. T. Still, the founder of this great science, blessed. 320 AL0N7X) ELLIOTT ALONZO ELLIOTT. Alonzo Elliott, an enterprising banker, broker and busi- ness man of Manchester, was born in Augusta, Maine, July 25, 1849, and when a lad came to Tilton, N. H., with his parents. Acquiring his education in the public schools and in Tilton seminary, young Elliott began life as clerk in a store, but later, having obtained a knowledge of telegraphy, he entered the railroad service as operator at Tilton, and remained in railroad life until 1893, with a brief interval, when he was employed in commercial pursuits in the North country. From 1869 to 1893 he was employed at the Manchester station of the Concord and the Manchester & Lawrence railroads, where he earned the reputation of being the most expert ticket seller and one of the finest telegraph op- erators on the line. Retiring from railroading in 1893 he engaged in banking and insurance, in the latter capac- ity representing some twenty-five leading companies. At the time of his retirement from that branch of business in 1896 Mr. Elliott was the organizer of the Granite State Trust CO., later known as the Bank of New England, of which he was treasurer until 1896. ■ He was Secretary of the Citizens building and loan asso- ciation, vice-president, director and clerk of the Peoples Gas Light co., and director in the Garvin's Falls elec- tric power CO. He was President of the Manchester Elec- tric light CO., and raised the money to build the first elec- tric light plant in Manchester. He has also been actively 321 STATE BUILDERS identified with the development of many of Manchester's diversified industries, chief among them being the El- hott Manufacturing co., producers of knit goods, employ- ing two hundred hands. This company was estabhshed through Mr. Elhott's efforts and he was its first treasurer. Prominent among other industrial enterprises in Manches- ter with which Mr. Elliott has been closely identified are the F. M. Hoyt, and the Eureka Shoe companies, the Kim- ball carriage co., the East Side shoe company and the West Side shoe company. Mr. Elliott is also interested in many real estate ventures in the Queen City and with the late Governor James A. Weston and late John B. Var- ick owned the New Manchester house, a finely equipped and valuable piece of hotel property. His home, Brook- hurst, is one of the most attractive in that city, and his family comprises a wife, the daughter of George W. and Sarah (Mead) Weeks, whose father was for many years prominently identified with the shoe trade in Manchester, and four children. Mr. Elliott is a Mason and a Knights Templar, and a charter member of the Derryfield club. In religion he is a Unitarian, and in politics an Independ- ent. In 1902 he made an independent canvass for gov- ernor. 322 CHARLES H. MURKLAND, Ph.D. DURHAM COLLEGE. The New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts was incorporated by an act of the legis- lature passed in 1866. Section 2 of this act reads as follows : "The leading object of the College is, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in order to promote the liberal and practical edu- cation of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life." As a consequence of this act the college was established in Hanover under the admin- istration and in connection with Dartmouth college. It was organized under a board of trustees appointed partly by the governor and partly by the Corporation of Dartmouth college. The act of Congress referred to in this section is the act donating certain parcels of public land to the several states and territories for the purpose of establishing col- leges in these states. By that act a quantity of land equal to thirty thousand acres for each senator and representa- tive in Congress, was donated to each state. Section 4 of this act of congress, approved July 2, 1862, contains the following statement of the purpose and character of the colleges to be established : The in- terest of the money derived from the sale of these do- nated lands was to be applied, "to the endowment, sup- port, and maintenance, of at least one college, where the 323 STATE BUILDERS leading- object shall be, without excluding- other scien- tific and classical studies, and including- military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to ag- riculture and the mechanic arts, in such a manner as the legislature of the states shall respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and profes- sions of life." As indicated above. Section 2 of the act of the Xew Hampshire Legislature in 1866 is a literal quotation from this Section 4 of the act of Congress of 1S62. The land donated to the state was sold, and the money received for the same, eighty thousand dollars, is now held by the treasurer of the state in the form of state K")nds, and the income, four thousand eight hundred dol- lars, is annually paid over to the treasurer of the college. In 1S90 congress provided an additional appropria- tion, which for the current year amounts to twenty-live thousand dollars. This money is to be applied "to the instruction in agriculture, the mechanic arts, the Eng- lish language, and the various branches of mathematical, physical, natural and economic science, with special reference to their application in the industries of life, and to the facilities for such instruction." No part of this appropriation can be used for any other purpose, it must all be expended for teaching and for facilities for such instniction, such as Kx>ks, instruments and labora- tory' requirements. Everything connected with the erec- tion and repair of the buildings and the maintenance of the same must be provided for from other funds. In 1S90 the death of Benjamin Thompson of Durham brought before the state the opportunity to accept the bequest in his will. His estate, amounting thereto ap- proximately four hundred thousand dollars, was be- queathed to the state of Xew Hampshire, in trust sub- ject to certain conditions indicated in his \N"ill. These 3-4 STATE BUILDERS conditions may be summarized as follows : ( i ) The property to be held by the state of New Hampshire for- ever, in trust, for the benefit of the New Hampshire Colleg-e of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. (2) The amount to be increased by a net annual com- poimd interest of four per cent for twenty years, the income of the property during that time to be available for such increase, and not to be available for the use of the college. (3) The state to guarantee an appropria- tion of three thousand dollars annually to be set aside and to l>e increased by a net annual compound interest of four per cent for twenty years, "to constitute a fund to erect buildings and furnish the same, stock the farm, procure apparatus, and commence a library." (4) The college to be established in the town of Durham, and on the "Warner Farm," the property of Benjamin Thomp- son at his death. In consequence of this will the legis- lature voted to accept the provisions of the will, by an act approved March 5, 1891. Almost immediately after, by an act approved April 10, 1 89 1, the legislature ordered the removal of the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Me- chanic Arts from Hanover to Durham, and provided for the independent government of the college by a board of trustees appointed by the governor with the consent of the council; and the sum of one hundred thousand dollars was appropriated for this purpose. One other item of importance is the establishment of an experiment station, in accordance with the act of con- gress approved March 2, 1887. The preamble of this act reads as follows : "That in order to aid in diffusing among the people of the United States useful and prac- tical information on subjects connected with agriculture, and to promote scientific investigation and experiment respecting the principles and applications of agricultural science, there shall be established, under the direction of 325 STATE BUILDERS the college or colleges, or agricultural department of the colleges, in each state or territory, established or which may be established in accordance with an act approved July 2, 1882, entitled 'An act donating public lands to the several states and territories, which may provide col- leges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts,' or any supplement to said act, a department to be known and designated as 'Agricultural experiment sta- tion.' " For the maintenance of this experiment station the sum of fifteen thousand dollars annually was appro- priated, for the benefit of each state. In accordance with this act an experiment station was established in con- nection with this institution, and is at present so main- tained. From the first it was evident that the design of the several acts of congress and of the legislature was to establish an institution of a technical character. The rapid development of manufacturing industries of all kinds, and the progressive application of scientific prin- ciples to practical affairs of life had already given an ijnmense impulse to technical education. Recognizing the obligation imposed by the several congressional and legislative enactments, the trustees of this college con- formed, not only to the letter, but to the spirit of their instructions. Provision was made for full collegiate courses in agriculture, in mechanical engineering, in elec- trical engineering, and in technical chemistry. It was not deemed expedient to establish a department of civil 'engineering, in as much as there was a school of civil engineering already existing in the state. In accordance with more recent legislative provisions some shorter courses in agriculture have been added. These are more immediately practical and are less ex- acting in their preliminary requirements than are the four-year courses. The most recent catalogue of the college gives a list 326 STATE BUILDERS of eighteen members of the faculty, and during the cur- rent year it is probable that this number will be increased to twenty. The catalogue, which may be had upon ap- plication to the college, also contains a condensed de- scription of the plant at large. This consists of the main building (Thompson hall); the science building (Conant hall); the shop building, engine and boiler room; the agricultural experiment station (Nesmith hall); the dairy building; a farm of three hundred and forty-two acres; three barns and twO' greenhouses. The shop building is well equipped with the requisites for instruc- tion in iron working and wood working, and with vari- ous pieces of scientific apparatus for the investigation of mechanical problems and for scientific research. The forge shop, which has recently been added, is fully equipped with down-draft forges, with anvils, and the necessary tools. The lower floor of the science building is devoted to physics and electrical engineering. The upper floor is divided into chemical laboratories. There is in process of construction a brick building for the use of the departments of agriculture and horti- culture. When this building is finished and fully equipped with the recfuired apparatus, it will afford a place for the departments indicated, and will thus greatly relieve the pressure upon the other departments. The college has grown constantly since its removal to Durham, the enrolment each year showing a marked increase over preceding years, although there has been from year to year a very decided advance in the stand- ard of the required scholarship. The entrance require- ments for the four-year course at present are equivalent to a full high school course. Entrance requirements for the two-year course are less exacting and may be met by a student who has had an ordinary common school education. 327 STATE BUILDERS One marked feature of the life of the college is its sim- plicity and economy. The average total outlay of the stu- dent is hardly in excess of two hundred and fifty dollars for the year. Many of the students earn enough to help them appreciably in meeting necessary expenses. In some cases students who have been well prepared and have had a fair amount of time at their disposal have been able to pay practically all their expenses at Durham. But these are exceptional cases. The outlook for the college is exceedingly bright. With an increasing constituency, both of students and of those who are interested in the educational interests of the state of New Hampshire, and with its undeviating purpose to advance the cause of technical education in the state, the college has gained a firm standing in the public confidence and esteem, finding a constant demand for its graduates in the abundant opportunities of indus- trial life. 328 \ / CHARLES FRANCIS PIPER CHARLES FRANCIS PIPER. Charles Francis Piper was bom May 22d, 1849, at Lee, but has spent nearly all of his active life in Wolfe- borough, where he is now easily in the first rank of active and influential citizens. Lie first came to Wolfeborough as a student at the old Academy, and at the conclusion of his studies he went to^ Boston and entered the employ of a wholesale dry goods house. The great Boston fire of 1872 put an end to this and he then entered the railway mail service for a run between Boston and Bangor. He continued in this employment until 1876, although in the meantime he had purchased a clothing business in Wolfe- borough, to which upon his retirement from the mail service he devoted his entire attention, and with which he was identified until recently. Mr. Piper's identifi.- cation with the life of Wolfeborough is very com- plete. During the administrations of Hayes, Garfield and Arthur, he was postmaster of the town, having previous- ly served as town clerk. He has been town treasurer for seventeen years, has represented the town on the Republican State Committee for twenty-four years, and is now county member of the executive committee of that body. He has been a delegate from Wolfeborough to every state convention of his party since 1880. In 1887 he represented Wolfeborough in the legislature. In 1896 he was nominated for member of the Governor's council and was elected in a nominally Democratic district by a phenomenal majority. In 1890 he was elected the first 329 STATE BUILDERS cashier of the AVolfeborough Loan & Banking co. and still holds that position. Mr. Piper has beai instrumen- tal in the development of many enterprises in his town and its vicinity, and has operated extensively in lumber and real estate. He is a member of the firm of S. W. Clow & Co., and in association with other gentlemen con- trols a long line of water front on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee and Lake Wentworth. which is rapidly being developed for summer resort purposes. Mr. Piper is a trustee of the Brewster free academy, a munificently endowed secondary school at \\'olfeborough, and is in every way in touch with all that goes to advance the in- terests of the community in which he lives. He was prac- tically instrumental in formulating the progressive and liberal policy with which the summer resort industry has been developed in \Volfeborough and vicinitv, and the great volume of business of this sort which centres there may be fairly said to l3e largely due to his wise and pru- dent, yet generous and hospitable methods in inviting both the transient and the permanent summer guests. Mr. Piper is a member of Morning Star lodge, Carroll chap- ter. Orphan council, and St. Paul's commandery in the Masonic orders; of the Red Men; of the Patrons of Husbandry. He married, Dec. loth, 1874, Ida E. Dur- gin, a member of a thoroughly representative Wolfe- borough family, and they have one child, a son, Carroll D., born May 19, 1880, who was graduated from Har- vard with the class of 1902. Mr. Piper's home is a beautiful estate on the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee, where he delights to dispense that genial hospitality which is so characteristic of the man. 330 FERDINAND A. STILLINGS, M.D. FERDINAND A. STILLINGS, M. D. At Jefferson, March 30. 1849, was born Ferdinand Anson Stillings, the son of Anson StilHngs and Phoebe De Forest Keniston. He ^\as educated in the schools of Jef- ferson and at Lancaster Academy, and choosing medicine for his profession, attended lectures at Dartmouth Medi- cal school, where he received his degre in 1870. In that year he was appointed assistant physician at the McLean Asylum in Somerville, Mass., where he remained for three years, after which he pursued his studies in the hos- pitals of London, Paris and Dublin. Returning to America in 1874, he settled in Concord, where he soon built up a practice which is now recognized as one of the largest in the state and from which he is frequently called to other points as a surgeon and consultant. In the field of surgery, Dr. Stillings has been especial- ly conspicuous and successful, and he is at the head of the surgical staff of the Margaret Pillsbury general hos- pital in Concord, and of the Memorial Hospital for women in the same city. Dr. Stillings is also the chief surgeon for the south- ern division of the Boston & Maine railroad, and he has served as surgeon-general upon the staff of Gov. Hiram A. Tuttle and of Gov. Frank W. Rollins. While in this capacity he greatly raised the standing of the medical department of the National guard by reorganizing the hospital corps and by establishing drills for its members with a view to enhancing their efficiency in time of need. 331 STATE BUILDERS As a result of these efforts during the Spanish war the first New Hampshire regiment went into the field with a hospital corps competent to care for its sick and injured. In 1899, Dr. Stillings was chosen to represent Ward five, Concord, in the legislature, and served as chairman of the committee on banks. He was re-elected to the legislature in 190 1, and served as head of the committee on insane asylum, in which capacity he was successful in securing an appropriation for much-needed repairs and additions to the state hospital. During this session also Dr. Stillings made a profound study of tuberculosis, and realizing the great danger to the public health from the effects of this disease and knowing, too, the ameliorative and remedial agencies which had been successfully em- ployed in other states to curtail the disastrous results of this dread malady, introduced and caused to be passed a joint resolution creating a commission to investigate as to the advisability of establishing a state sanatorium for consumptives. This commission has prepared and pre- sented to the legislature of the current year a report heartily advocating the establishment of such a sanatori- um, and Dr. Stillings, who in the meantime has been chosen a member of the state senate from the loth Dis- trict, is one of its strongest advocates in the legislature. Dr. Stillings's professional affiliations are numerous and important. He is an active and prominent member of the New Hampshire Medical society, the New Hamp- shire Surgical club, of the Center District Medi- cal society, of the International Association of railway surgeons, and of the surgical section of the New York Medico^Legal association. He is an hon- orary member of the New York Association of railway surgeons and of numerous other professional bodies. He has also wide business connections, being a director in the Mechanics' National Bank, and a member of the govern- ing board of numerous other financial and business 332 STATE BUILDERS bodies. He is a member of the Wonolancet club and served several terms as president of the Passaconaway outing club. In 1878 Dr. Stillings married Grace M. Minot, second daughter of the late Josiah Minot, and has two daugh- ters. Their home on Pleasant street, shaded by the ven- erable and graceful Lafayette elm, is one of the most charmingly hospitable in Concord. 333 REV. D. C. BABCOCK, D. D. Daniel Clark Babcock was born in Blandford, Mass., May 31, 1835, the second of four sons of Russell and Susan A. (Clark) Babcock, of whom he alone is the sur- vivor. He received his early education in the public schools of Blandford. Pie was converted in Milford, Mass., in March, 1852, and joined the M. E. church in that place. In 1854 he transferred his membership to Sutton, Mass., and in the spring: following was given an Exhorter's License, after v.-hich he conducted Sunday services most of the time. The first of January, 1857, he moved to Oakdale, i\'lass., where he was given a Local Preacher's License, and upon invitation filled a vacancy as preacher at Sud- bury till the foUovv'ing session of the Conference. After the Conference at Lowell, in April, 1857, he was placed in charge of a Mission in Somerville, Mass. In April of the following year ( 1858) he went to school at the East Greenwich, R. I. Academy, and supplied a pulpit at Wickford, R. I., to meet school expenses. In February, 1859, he accepted a call to take the place of Rev. E. W. Parker, at Lunenburg, Vt., he, having been appointed a missionary to India. Late in April of the same year he was given a Charge at Mclndoes Falls, Vt., that he might attend the school at Newbury. There he remained two years. In April, 1861, he joined the New Hampshire Con- ference, at Concord, and held the following appoint- 334 REV. D. C. BABCOCK, D.D. STATE BUILDERS ments: — Bow, i86i; Fisherville (Penacook), 1862; Pleasant Street, Salem, 1863-4; Great Falls, High Street, 1865-6; Claremont, ^ 1867; Manchester, St. Paul's, 1868-9; Nashua, Chestnut Street, 1870. While stationed at Bow he entered the Theological Seminary at Concord, from which he graduated in June, [864. In 1 87 1 he received the appointment as Corresponding Secretary of the N. H. Temperance Alliance. From 1872 to 1887 he was Corresponding Secretary of the State Temperance Union of Pennsylvania. From 1880 to 1 888 he was also one of the secretaries oi the National Temperance Society. For two years he was at the head of the Grand Lodge, I. O. G. T., of Pennsylvania, and editor of the "Lodge Visitor"; and for several years published the "Pennsylvania Temperance Union,'' both of which were monthly journals. During the sixteen years devoted to this special work, he averaged eighteen sermons and addresss a month, and fifteen thousand miles of travel a year. He also conducted about forty Temperance Camp Meetings at \arious summer resorts. Returning to the regular pastorate in New Hampshire, in 1888, he was appointed to the following Charges: — Claremont, 1888-9; Lancaster, 1890-2; Wliitefield, 189.3-5- In 1896 he was appointed to the special work as Sec- retary oi the N. H. Law and Order League, with head- quarters at Concord. The following year he returned to the pastorate, and has held the following Charges: Dover, 1897-9; Derry, St. Luke's, 1900-03. In April, i860, he was united in marriage to Miss Clara Albee Parkm.an of Sutton, ]\Iass. Two daughters came to cheer and bless their home life: Susie P., who lives at home, and ^Mary A., who, in 1894, was married 335 STATE BUILDERS to J. Roy Dinsmore, a member of the Xew Hampshire Conference. In 1896, the American Temperance University of Harriman, Tenn., conferred the honorary title, D. D,, upon him in grateful acknowledgment of his effective and wide spread work in the temperance cause. Mr. Babcock is well and favorably laicwn throughout the state as a strong Gospel Preacher, and a fearless and ardent supporter of the temperance cause. His long experience upon the public platform throughout the country has well fitted him as a leadei in this special branch of reform. WILLIAM HENRY WEED HINDS, M.D. WILLIAM HENRY WEED HINDS, M. D. A young physician, well schooled, and already firmly established in the practice of his profession, is Dr. Will- iam Henry Weed Hinds of Milford, who was born in that town July 22nd, 1867. He bears his father's name and follows his father's profession. The elder Hinds was a graduate of Harvard and a veteran of the Civil war. His son was educated in the public schools of his native town, graduating at the High school, with a special course at Gushing academy, Ashburnham, Mass. He studied his profession at the Boston University School of Medicine, and received his degree in 1895. He entered upon prac- tice at Milford, occupying the oftice in which his father practised for so many years, and has from the outset en- joyed a practice lucrative and full of promise. For five years he has been secretary of the Milford board of health, and is medical examiner for several of the leading life insurance companies. He married Miss K. Maude Ken- ney, of Milford, and they have one son, who' bears in the third generation the name of his father and grandfather. Dr. Hinds is a member of the New Hampshire Homeo- pathic Medical society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. In politics he is a Republican and in re- ligion a Unitarian. He is a Mason, and a Past Master of Benevolent lodge No. 7 of Milford. 337 CHARLES RUMFORD WALKER, IM. D. Charles Rumford W^alker, M. D., descendant in the fourth generation from the Rev. Timothy Walker, the first minister of Concord, was bom in that city February 13, 1852, and was fitted for college at the Phillips-Exeter Academy, where he graduated in 1 870. Four years later he received his degree from Yale college, and immediately entered upon the study of medicine at the Har\^ard Medi- cal school, being graduated from that institution in 1878. Soon after he was appointed member of the house staff at the Boston city hospital, where he sened as surgical intern until January, 1879. In February of the same year he went abroad in the further pursuit of his profes- sional studies, and was matriculated in the foremost insti- tutions of Dublin, London, Vienna and Strasburg, his European studies occupying more than two years. In March, 1881, he returned to Concord and established himself in a practice which has now grown to be one of the largest in the city. In addition to his general practice. Dr. Walker is a member of the staff of the Margaret Pillsbury general hospital, where he has sensed since the institution was es- tablished, and is also the physician of St. Paul's school. He also served a term as surgeon in the National guard. In 1899, Dr. \\'alker was elected president of the New Hampshire Medical society, and held that position during the constitutional term. He is a member of the Ameri- can medical association and of the national board of health. 338 CHARLES RUMFORD WALKER, M.D. STATE BUILDERS Dr. Walker is a trustee of the New Hampshire savings bank, and is a trustee and treasurer of the Rolfe and Rumford Asyhun, a Concord institution endowed by the will of the late Countess Rumford and supporting or- phaned female children. He is also one of the trustees and treasurer of the Timothy and Abigail B. Walker free lecture fund, an endowment of thirty thousand dollars bequeathed in trust for the benefit of the people of Con- cord, and principally administered by Dr. Walker. Dr. Walker's interest in public affairs has brought him into official positions in the city and state governments, and in 1892 he was elected member of the board of alder- men of Concord from Ward 5. In 1894 he was chosen to represent his ward in the legislature, where he served as a member of the committees on public health and on the state library, of the latter committee being chairman. Dr. Walker was married January 18, 1888, to Miss Frances Sheafe of Boston, and has two children, Sheafe Walker and Charles R. Walker, Jr. 339 JOSEPH E. A. LANOUETTE, M. D. Joseph Edouard Adolphe Lanoiiette is a distinguished appearing medical practitioner of over a score of years' standing in Manchester, having come to the city Jan. 31, 1 88 1. He is in the prime of hfe, being 53 years of age, having been born Jan. 7, 1850, at Champlain, Que., a place named after the founder of the capital of lower Canada. He is the son of Capt. Edouard Adolphe and Leocadie (Hamel) Lanouette, grandson of Col. Joseph Edouard Lanouette. He was educated in the common schools of his native town until 10 years of age; then attended St. Joseph's college, Three Rivers, P. O. ; commenced the study of medicine in 1868, under Drs. C. E. Lemieux, S. Larue, Quebec, and A. H. David, Montreal, Canada; attended three courses of lectures at Laval university, medical dq>artment, Quebec, and one course at the Uni- versity of Bishop's Medical college, faculty of medicine, Montreal, P. Q., receiving his degree from the latter April 10, 1872. Dr. Lanouette practised medicine at Gentilly, Canada, from May, 1872, to January, 1881; and was a surgeon in the Ninety-second battalion of the Canadian militia from i873-'9i; and since the latter year has been a resi- dent of and practitioner in ATanchester. He is a member of the New Hampshire Medical society; of the Ameri- can Public Health association; of the College of Physi- cians and Suigeons of the Province of Quebec; of the 340 JOSEPH E. A. LANOUETTE, M.D. STATE BUILDERS Medical Graduates' society of the University of Bishop's college; vice-president, i872-'73, of the alumni of Bishop's university; of the American Medical associa- tion; of the Manchester Medical, association; of the New Hampshire French Medical society; has been consulting surgeon to the hospital of the Sacred Heart, Manchester, since 1892; public vaccinator for the city of Manchester, 1885-94; was in charge of the smallpox hospital, Man- chester, during the Montreal epideniic of smallpox, 1885; and is medical examiner for several of the old-time insu- rance companies. On January 30, 1903, he was appointed by Mayor Eugene E. Reed a member of the Manchester Board of Heahh. Dr. Lanouette was married November 25, 1872, to Camilla, daughter of B. Maurault, N. P., of Gentilly, P. O. Their children are: Eva, Adolphe, Gaston and Alice Lanouette. He was married again in 1898 to Pa- mela Maurault, and they have one child, Joseph Edward. The familv residence is No. 224 Laurel street. ^ 341 JOHN C FRENCH. The late John C. French of Manchester, who for thirty years was recognized as the leading member of the ftre msurance business in New Hampshire, was born at Pittsfield March ist, 1832, the son of Enoch and Eliza (Late) French. His early advantages were scanty, but by diligent use of the town schools he soon fitted himself to teach in the district school, and with the money thus earned, together with that received for labor on the farm m summer time, he was enabled to pursue his studies at the academies in Pittsfield, Gilmanton and Pembroke At twenty-one he was engaged by J. C. Colton & co. as an agent and his success was so marked that he was given charge of the Boston agency of the house. In 1855 he was appointed New England agent for the sale of Col- ton's text books and for the next eleven years was en- gaged in this business with them, and with Brown, Tag- erart & Chase, and Charles Scribner & co. In 1866 Mr French established himself in Manchester as state agent for the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance company Three years later, having in the meantime assiduously studied the insurance business in all its bearings Mr French organized the New Hampshire Fire Insurance company, which proved to be his life work. He was appointed general agent of the companv and during the thirty years that he was connected with it in all capaci- ties, from that of agent to that of president, he had the satisfaction of seeing its business mount from almost 342 JOHN C. FRENCH STATE BUILDERS nothing to assets of more tlmn three niilHon dollars, and to the ownership of a net surplus amounting to one-third of that sum. From a modest office with one clerk he saw its business extend from his native state to nearly every state in the union, employing experienced help in all sections of the country, and writing more than a million and a half of business yearly. In 1895 Mr. French was elected president of the company and held that office until the time of his death, Jan. 8, 1900, which w^as hastened by a deplorable carriage accident some eight months previously. In addition to his business sagacity he had a marked taste and capacity for matters of his- tory, genealogy and general literature. He was a mem- ber of the New Hampshire Historical society, one of the founders and president of the Manchester Historical as- sociation, a trustee of the Manchester public library and of the N. H. insane asylum. He was an authority on matters of early New Hampshire history and his knowl- edge of bibliography, especially in its historical and gene- alogical branches was wide and accurate. Matters per- taining to the public good always commanded his atten- tion. He established the Siincook Valley Times, a weekly newspaper, to the columns of which he contributed topics of history and biography, and through this medium ren- dered no small assistance in securing the construction of the Suncook Valley Railroad, which proved of so much value to Pittsfield and neighboring towns. Mr. French was a constant attendant and liberal sup- porter of the Franklin Street Congregational Church, was a. thirty-second degree Mason and a Knight Tem- plar, and was Director in the Merchants' National bank. He married, in 1858, Annie M. Philbrick of Deerfield, who, with two daughters and one son, survive him. 343 REV. LORIN WEBSTER. One of the most progressive of New Hampshire edu- cators is the Rev. Lorin Webster, rector of Holderness School, Plymouth. Mr. Webster was born in Clare- mont, July 29, 1857, and was fitted for college at St. Paul's School, Concord. He matriculated at Trinity Col- lege, Hartford, and was graduated in 1880 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, three years later receiving his Master's degree from the same institution. Deter- mining to enter the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, he studied theology at the Berkeley Divinity School, INIiddletown, Conn., and was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in 1883. He imme- diately entered the faculty of Holderness School as a master, w.here he remained for one year, resigning to assume the rectorship of the Episcopal Church at Ash- land. From this position he was recalled to Holderness to assume the rectorship of the school in 1892, and under his direction the institution has made great advance, both in equipment, endowment and numbers. The training at Holderness School is thorough and scholarly. Located upon the homestead of Chief Justice Samuel Livermore, one of that sturdy group who gave New Hampshire as an infant state its proud standing in the young republic, the school is adequately housed in substantial buildings, affording healthful and homelike accommodations for all the boys enrolled. The atmosphere of the school is that of the home, although discipline and study are by no 344 REV. LOREN WEBSTER STATE BUILDERS means lacking. The honor rolls of representative Ameri- can colleges testify to the good work done at Holderness School. Under Mr. Webster the school has made its greatest strides. Possessing that ardent temperament which ap- peals irresistibly to- the mind of youth, the rector has been enabled tO' impress his personality largely upon the masters and pupils of the school. Himself a scholar of no mean repute, endowed with many graces of character and person, and entering ^^■ith zeal into all that affects the interests of those committed to his care, the rector of Holderness School occupies an unique position at the head of his large family of pupils, standing, it may be said without exaggeration, in loco parentis to the boys who come under his guardianship. Sound morals, sound bodies, sound scholarship, these are the cardinal princi- ples of the work done at Holderness School. These are also the principles which will be inculcated at Camp \\'achusett, a summer camp for boys, which Mr. Webster opened in 1903 on the shore of 'Squam Lake, justly famed for its picturesque beauty. The camp property contains about eight acres, and has a frontage on the shore of more than nine hundred feet. Mr, Webster is a musician of note, and manv of his compositions have enjoyed wide popularity. From 1898 to 1901, he was president of the New Hampshire Music Teachers' Association, and did much to place that organ- ization upon the sound footing which it now enjoys. Mr. Webster was married in 1884, to Miss Jennie J. Adams, and has three children. Harold A., Bertha L., and Jerome P. In college Mr. Webster was a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity, and he is a Mason. 345 ALLEN N. CLAPP. One of the men who helped make Manchester what she is, the Queen City of the Merrimack valley, was the late Allen N. Clapp, merchant, public official and man of affairs. He was a native of Marlix)rough, New Hampshire, having- been born in that town on January 2. 1837. He received his early education in the schools of Nashua and at McGaw institute, Reed's ferry, one of the best of the old time academies. At the age of eighteen years he went to Nashua and entered upon a business career distinguished for its up- rightness, enterprise and success. For many years he was one of the principal Avholesale grocers in his section, and for a considerable period he represented the Standard Oil company in Manchester. Business men of his stamp add to the moral as well as the material wealth of a com- munity and deserve the honor which Mr. Clapp, cer- tainly, received. In 1861-1S62 he was elected by his fellow citizens to the board of aldermen; in 1874- 1875 to the New Hamp- shire house of representatives, and in 1897- 1899 to the up- per branch of the legislature, the New Hampshire state senate. Toi the discharge of these various public duties Mr, Clapp brought the same intelligence, industry and applica- tion which marked his private business life; and on every question that came before him for decision and action he played the part of a conscientious administrator and citizen. 346 ALLEN N. CLAPP STATE BUILDERS Passing away when but little beyond the prime of a happy and highly useful life, Mr. Gapo did not allow the memory of his good deeds to cease with his demise, but in his will generously remembered Elliott Hospital, the First Congregational church of Manchester, the Manchester Y. M. C. A. and other worthy institutions. Mr. Clapp married, May 25, 1863, Josephine M. Mason of Keene, New Hampshire. Their one child is Mrs. Annie Mason Sheldon. 347 CflARLES E. TILTON. Charles Elliott Tilton, son of Samuel Tilton, was born in that part of the town of SanlDornton subsequently set off and incorporated as the town of Tilton, September 14, 1827, and died there on September 28, 1901. At the time of his death he was one of New Hampshire's best known and most public spirited citizens. He was educated under the instruction of the late Prof. Dyer H. Sanborn and at Norwich university, passing three years at the latter institution, then located at Nor- wich, Vt. Starting out, while a young man, to seek his fortune, he first sailed to South America. Hearing of the gold discoveries in California, he became one of the world famous '49ers. Soon concluding that for him trade would be more profitable than gold digging, he went to Oregon in 1850 and formed a partnership with W. S. Ladd for general mercantile pursuits. This continued until 1859, when the banking house of Ladd & Tilton was established at Portland, Oregon, becoming an impor- tant factor in the financial life of the coast and so^ con- tinuing until 1880, when Mr. Tilton retired. Meanwhile he had been engaged in various important business enterprises in all the states and territories of the Pacific Northwest. One of the most widely known was the Oregon Railway & Navigation company. Mr. Tilton resided during the summer time in the town which bore his name and which he benefited 348 CHARLES E. TILTON STATE BUILDERS in almost countless ways. A fine farm there he gave to the state of New Hampshire as the site for its Soldiers' Home. The Memorial Arch, which every traveller through the town sees and admires; the Town Hall; the fair grounds; and many other adornments Oif the town were due tO' his generosity. There, too, he invested large sums of money in real estate and business enterprises. He was a director of the Concord & Montreal railroad and was actively instrumental in the construction of the Franklin and Tilton and Tilton and Belmont railroads. Mr. Tilton was a Democrat in politics, but never would accept political preferment. A widow, Genevieve E. Tilton, two sons, Alfred E. and Charles E., Jr., all of whom reside in Tilton, and Myra Ames Frost, a daughter, a resident of Fitchburg, Mass., survive Mr. Tilton. 349 WILLIAM JEWETT TUCKER. Dartmouth College, founded in 1769 by Eleazer Wheelock, primarily as a training school for Indian use, has long since outgrown the intention of its founder, and though still proud to think of itself in the words of its greatest son as "a. small college," it nevertheless now ranks in number of students and excellence of equipment with the largest institutions of learning in the country. Hav- ing passed the period of establishment and entered upon a definite policy of expansion, both in the external and in- ternal affairs of the college, Dartmouth in the past ten years has taken immense strides toward educational per- fection. This period marks the administration of Wil- liam Jewett Tucker, who was inducted into office in June, 1893. President Tucker is a native of Griswold, Con- necticut, where he was born July 13, 1839. His early education was obtained at the Academy in Plymouth, N. H., and Kimball Union Academy, Meriden. He graduated from Dartmouth with high rank in the class of 1 86 1, and for two years thereafter was engaged in teach- ing at Columbus, Ohio. He then entered upon the study of theolog}" at Andover Seminary and was graduated in 1866. He began his ministry in the city of Manchester, where he was ordained and installed pastor of the Frank- lin Street Congregational Church in 1867. Remaining there until 1875. he was called to the Madison Square Presbyterian church of New York, where he continued until 1880, when he was chosen to the chair of homiletics 350 STATE BUILDERS in Andover Theological seminary. From this post he was called to the presidency of Dartmouth. During the years of his professorship at Dartmouth, Dr. Tucker be- came deeply interested in practical sociological work and founded the Andover House and social settlement in Bos- ton, now known as the South End house. He was one of the founders and editor of the Andover Review. In 1893, Dr. Tucker delivered the annual Phi Beta Kappa oration at Harvard University, and in 1894 was a lecturer in the Lowell Institute in Boston, delivering there a most remarkable series of addresses bearing upon modern re- ligious problems. In 1897 he delivered the Winkley lec- tures at Andover seminary, and in 1898 was the lecturer on the Lyman Beecher foundation at Yale Theological school. These lectures, subsequently published under the title, "The Making and Unmaking of a Preacher," rank high in suggestiveness and value. 351 FRANK \A'. GRAFTOX, M. D. One of the younger members of tlie medical fraternity in New Hampshire, but yet by promise and performance entitled to hig^h rank among his professional brethren, is Dr. Frank \\'. Grafton, of Concord, who was born in Gil- ford, in 1869. and was educated at Gilmanton academy, and in the schools of the city of Concord. His medical studies were pursued at Dartmouth ]\Iedical school, wiiere he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1895. and after a year's service in the hospitals, entered upon active practice at Concord. His success was immediate and his practice has in- creased yearly until it is now one of the most extensive and lucrative enjoyed by any physician in the city. Dr. Grafton in addition to the demands of his many patients is a member of the staff of the ]\Iargaret Pillsbury general hospital, giving no little time to the duties of that posi- tion. He maintains close touch with the progress of his profession through active membership with the New Hampshire Medical association, the Center District Medi- cal society and the .American INIedical association. His contributions to the programs of some of these organiza- tions bear evidence of sound medical learning, surgical skill and rare good judgment. He married in Dec. 1896 Miss Edith INIcDowell, and their home on State street m the centre of the most desirable residential section of Con- cord is the abode of culture and refinement, and the scene of much charming hospitality. Dr. Grafton is a member of the Wonolancet club, a Mason and Knights Templar, and a member of the Odd Fellows. He attends the Epis- copal church. 352 FRANK \V. GRAFFTON, M.D. ^^■=1! (^i\ w c/3 < z Z '■ '.II § ^ z _ < ? ° 2 <: •fi o z d < H :: O W t^ .^ Ci ^ g2 ° ^ W Pi ? p^ "2 I H ^ " > 2 ^ oi O ^ > Oh W rH W X '^ a ^ c ;_i Z < < 05 w J W Pi f"' o S ^ ffi o J Pi 2 Pi w < Q Z W CO Q J Z D < ^ z o :/: Q D a: H Pi O w u X x w z z -^ w ^ H - W "^ X H H X og w < Pi p Ph < vO C/3 vO 00 pij oo " z " m CO t— I w Ph O w o o w o w p w Pi Q O I— I Oh z o ;2; O ^ z w ^ H Ph U c o z o W <; 00 C/2 -' CO -< CO Z o o ^ m o < ■^ Pi Pi t/5 ii w w Pi :n s < < ^ < O o w z <^ Pi fa C/3 o z ^ 2 Q Z w w pa K H O Pi M H Z 353 ^ Z a H _: ^ U3 5 aa Ph < ^ !rf "? P- S a H Z fa < o o u w z c < u Pi Di H < < a o Pi fa H Z < GEORGE HAMILTON PERKINS. George Hamilton Perkins, United States Navy, was born in Hopkinton, New Hampshire, October 20, 1835, and died at his residence, 23 CommonweaUh avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, on October 28, 1899. He was a son of the late Judge Hamilton E. Perkins of the Merrimack County probate court and was reared and received his early education in the capital city, Con- cord. Appointed to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, he be- came acting midshipman in 1851; lieutenant, February 2, 1861; lieutenant commander December 13, 1862; commander, January 19, 1871; captain March 10, 1882; and commodore in 1896 by special act of Congress, five years after his retirement as captain. Commodore Perkins left a wife, who was a daugh- ter of the millionaire merchant of Boston, the late Will- iam F. Weld, and a daughter, Isabel, the wife of Lars Anderson. By them a splendid monument to his memory was erected in the Statehouse enclosure at Concord and presented to the state with appropriate exercises in 1902. Daniel C. French was the sculptor and President Tucker of Dartmouth was the orator of the occasion. Commodore Perkins owned an extensive summer es- tablishment in the town of Webster where he spent much money for various improvements and where he enjoyed long and frequent visits. His attachment to his native State remained strong during life. 354 GEORGE HAMILTON PERKINS, Coiiuitodoie United States A^avy STATE BUILDERS His service in the Navy during the War of the Rebel- lion was distinguished for bravery, brilliance and her- oism. He was executive officer of the "Cayuga" at the passage of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the capture of New Orleans by Farragut in 1862, accompanying Capt:ain Bailey when the latter was sent ashore to receive the surrender of the city amid the curses and threats of a fiendish mob. He commanded the ironclad, "Chickasaw," in the bat- tle of Mobile Bay; was mainly instrumental in the capture of the big rebel ram, "Tennessee"; subsequently bom- barded Fort Powell, which was evacuated and blown up, and later shelled Fort Gaines, compelling its surrender with the entire garrison. For his conspicuous gallantry here he was specially commended by Admiral Farragut, who said of him "No braver man ever trod the deck of a ship." By this battle imperishable fame came to the subject of this sketch at the early age of 28 years; and the remain- der of his career measured up to the standard of his early achievements. 355 WILLIAAI R. CLOUGH. New Hampshire genius and enterprise are well rep- resented by William Rockwell Clough of Alton, who was born in that town November 8, 1844. His father was a well-established business man in the city of Man- chester who later purchased a farm in his native town of Alton, where his two sons were born, both of whom still live upon the paternal acres. Rockwell, the subject of this sketch, attended the pub- lic schools of his native town, supplemeiiting the advan- tages there enjoyed by courses at the Gilmanton schools and at Franklin Academy, Dover. Leaving the farm at the age of 17, he went to Massachusetts, where, in 1862, he enlisted in the 50th regiment of Massachu- setts volunteers and followed the flag faithfully until the return of the regiment. He participated in the siege and assault at Port Hudson, and has the distinction of having been under fire continuously for six weeks. After being mustered out he found employment as a book-keeper at Cambridgqx)rt, having previously taken a course in com- mercial training at the Eastman College, Poughkeepsie, New York, and from there entered tlie employ of the United States Government as an exper: accountant in the department of internal revenue at Boston. Here he re- mained for two years. Being of a mechanical turn of mind he became accidentally attracted io the methods in vogue for making corkscrews and other wire goods, and soon hit upon a device which 356 WILLIAM R. CLOUGH STATE BUILDERS materially improved all existing machinery for that purpose. In all he has taken out some thirty patents. He was not able at once to develop his inven- tion but the merit of his device made its way, though slowly at first, until now he has established in his native town one of the largest concerns of the kind in the world, thoroughly equipped with machniery of his own invention and of a nature so productive that one machine will do the work of twenty men. His machines have been widely introduced both in France and England, and he has travelled extensively in the old country in the interests of his patents. As an exhibitor at the various industrial expositions held both here and in the old world, he has been uniformly successful. At the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia he received two premiums. He was also a prize winner at the Paris Expositions of 1878, 1889 and 1900, and he has awards from the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, and from the Cotton States Exposition at Atlanta in 1895. At the Atlanta Exposition he was chosen president of the Exhibitors' association. Mr. Clough has retained the sole ownership of his business, and its development and prosperity are due to him as well as its inception in the patenting of its fundamental device, being materially assisted by his employees, also Alton men. Mr. Clough was a member of the New Hampshire legislature in 1897 and 1899, where he served as chair- man of the committee on national affairs for both terms, and where as a forceful and earnest speaker he made his mark as a member of influence and integrity. 357 EDWARD HAMLIN CLOUGH. Edward Hamlin Clough was born in ]\Ieredith, May 2, i860, the son of John K. and Ellen Libbey Clough. He is a descendant on the paternal side of Oliver Clough, a Scotchman and a soldier in the Revolutionary war in Col, Alexander Scammell's 3d New Hampshire regi- inent, and on the maternal side of John Libbey, an Eng- lishman who settled at what is known as Portland, Maine, in 1630. Pie was educated in the schools of his native town and remained at home until August, 1880, when he went to T\Ianchester and entered the employ of Clough & Towle, wholesale provision dealers, as book-keeper. Four years later he was admitted to partnership with George S. Clough, and the business was conducted under the firm nam.e of Clough & company. In eight years the firm built up an extensive business, reaching all important points in northern New Hampshire. The firm was con- tinued until 1 89 1, when Clough & company disposed of their business to Swift Sz company. I\Ir. Clough ac- cepted a position with Swift & company as salesman and continued with the corporation up to the time of his assuming the duties of postmaster. Mr. Clough is the youngest of a family of seven boys, and the patriotism of the family was shown at the out- break of the Civil war, when three of his brothers vol- unteered and saw arduous and gallant service : Wil- liam O. Clough, Nashua, Editor of the Nashua Daily 358 EDWARD H. C LOUGH, Postmaster, Manchester, igoj STATE BUILDERS Press; John F. Cloiigh, Manchester, Hillsboro County Commissioner; Henry B. Clough, Manchester; George S. and Charles B. Clongh, soldiers in the 12th New Hampshire Regiment, with John F., deceased, and Frank E. Clongh of Meredith. In fraternal circles he is well and favorably known, being a member of the Lafayette lodge of A. F. and A. M.; Passaconaway Tribe of Red Men, and Queen City lodge, K. of P. He is also a member of the Amos- keag Veterans. Postmaster Clough, who was recommended by the Hon. Flenry E. Burnham, U. S. Senator, June 3, 1902, for postmaster of Manchester, was promptly named by President Roosevelt and confirmed by the Senate. He •as-sumed the duties and position July i, 1902, of the largest postoffice of the state, also four stations con- nected with this office, and has the direction of a force consisting of nineteen clerks (the assistant postmaster rating in the department as one), one substitute clerk, thirty-two carriers and ten substitute carriers, seven rural carriers and seven substitute rural carriers and the janitor force of three. Mr. Clough married Miss Etta P. Prouty of Spencer, Mass., June 14, 1884, and the fruit cf their union has been four children, two boys and two girls : — Frank E., Elsie M., William O. and Julia Marion Clough. 359 AUGUSTUS H. STARK. All New Hampshire, and especially the city of Man- chester, honors and holds in perpetual remembrance the name of Gen. John Stark, the hero of Bunker Hill and the conqueror at Bennington, where by a consummate generalship he put to flight the royal forces under Baum and so crippled the main advance of Burgoyne's army as to seal the fate of the entire command then and there. The outcome of the conflicts on September 19, and Oc- tober 7, 1777, was made certain by the blow struck by Stark at Bennington and the grandest result of all was the practical assurance from that glorious day of the ultimate triumph of the cause of the colonies. General Stark left a family representative of his day and times, and like the provident parent he was, gave each of his children a start in life by bequeathing to each a generous slice of the realty that he had accumulated in his active and well spent life of ninety-four years. From the day that General vStark made what is now Manchester his home that community has never been without its families of Starks, and throughout the generations thev have been closely and most honorably associated with its growth and upbuilding. In the fourth generation from General Stark was Au- gustus H. Stark, in whose personality there survived many characteristics of the General, and particularly so in his versatility and love of nature and those influences of the home. 360 AUGUSTUS H. STARK STATE BUILDERS The father of Augustus H. was John, grandson of the General and third to bear the name. He married Sarah Fletcher Pollard. Augustus H. Stark was born in Manchester, Novem- ber 6, 1834, and died in his native city August 8, 1902. After completing' the several grades of the common schools he entered upon an apprenticeship to the carriage painter's trade, and at this and as a dealer in carriages he continued until 1882, when he returned to his native city from Boston, which city and its adjacent communities had been his home for some years preceding. His father having died he inherited a large tract of land originally owned and tilled by General Stark and lo- cated in what is the beautiful North End of Manchester, the finest residential portion of the city. To the care and improvement of this realty he devoted most of his time after his return to the city. Upon a site overlook- ing the immediate valley of the Merrimac River and commanding a view of incomparable loveliness, he built one of the most beautiful residences in Manchester. On the opposite side of the highway from the front of the residence was the land now included in Stark Park. Later he and a sister gave a portion of this tract to the city of Manchester, while another section was bought by the city and the whole set aside for a public ground. Within this enclosure was the Stark family burial ground, first set apart for that purpose by General Stark and where he was finally buried. To the beautifying of this cemetery Mr. Stark gave liberally of his means and time, and upon his own death it became the place of his sepulchre. Mr. Stark was twice married. His first wife was Isabelle Buck of Randolph, Mass. His second wife was Edith Frances Furbish, daughter of Henry D. and Sarah P. (Littlefield) Furbish of Skowhegan, Maine, whom he 361 STATE BUILDERS married December 17, 1881. Mrs. Stark yet lives in the family homestead which she maintains in most ex- cellent and pleasing taste. Upon its walls are hung various oil paintings, the creations of her husband, who displayed a tact and ability with the brush that were more than ordinary in their scope. Mrs. Stark is also the fortunate possessor of many household articles that were once owned by General Stark. 362 FREDERICK W. DORING FREDERICK W. DORING. Frederick W. Doring, principal of the Concord high school, is a native of Perry, Me. He fitted for college at the Boynton high school, Eastport, Me., where he was graduated with valedictory honors in ihe class of 1879. A four years' course at Dartmouth college immediately followed, and in 1883 Mr. Doring received his diploma and degree from that splendid New Hampshire institu- tion. At Hanover he ranked as one of the best scholars in his class, being a member of Phi Beta Kappa and receiving the honor of an English oration in the com- mencement exercises. During the year following his graduation Mr. Doring was principal of the Brooks school at Eastport, Me. From there he went to Newmarket, N. H., where he labored successfully for four years as principal of the high school. Farmington, N. H., next called him to its high school, and there he remained five years. In 1893 he went to Woonsocket, R. I., as principal of the city high school, one of the largest public schools in the state and one which, under his direction, advanced to the very front rank in New England educational prestige. Coincident with this steady rise to the top of the ladder in his profession, and doubtless a partial explana- tion oi his success, Mr. Doring has done an unusually large amount of graduate work; studying chemistry at Dartmouth, psychology and pedagogy at Clark Univer- 363 STATE BUILDERS sity, chemistry, physics and history at Harvard, and history at Brown University. Both in New Hampshire and in Rhode Island Mr. Doring has been a leader among his associates in educational work and has been much in demand as a speaker at teachers' institutes. He served in 1899 as president of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction and as president of the Woonsocket teachers' associa- tion. Since his return to New Hampshire he has been prominent in the State teachers' association and has been instrumental in the organization of an association of high school principals, of which he has been elected secretary. He is also a member of the Barnard club (the school- masters' club of Rhode Island), the Massachusetts high school masters' club, the New England history teachers' association, and the Harvard teachers' association. Mr. Doring is married and has one child, a daughter. He is a Mason and a Knight Templar, and attends the Universalist church. He always allies himself actively with the best interests of the community in which he resides and as a citizen as well as an educator counts materially on the right side in whatever affects the municipal life. 364 WILLIAM H. ROLLINS WILLIAM H. ROLLINS. One of the most venerable and highly esteemed citi- zens of Portsmouth, and of New Hampshire for that matter, is William H. Rollins, who in this year of 1903 is an octogenarian, but as well preserved a man, in as good health, as buoyant in spirit, and with as clear an intellect as most men a decade or more his junior in years. He was born in Portsmouth September 7, 1822. His father belonged to that ancestral family from which the town of Rollinsford took its name, and was born there in 1790. In 18 1 3 the senior Mr. Rollins removed to Portsmouth and made it his home ever after, as his son, William H., has all of his, having lived since nine years of age in his present residence. His father was a prosperous merchant and closely identified with the progress of Portsmouth for many yeai^s. As was natural, the son^ has maintained his father's interest in the city and has been favored by it with many offices of trust and responsibility. His moth- er was Mary A. Hooker, and to his parents were born two other sons and two daughters, both of the latter dying within five years of birth. Early deciding upon a professional career, the son, William H., after a most thorough preparatory course, entered Harvard University and completed the pre- scribed course and upon graduation he at once entered upon the study of law. Obtaining admission to the bar of New Hampshire he began practice in his native city in 365 STATE BUILDERS 1844. Active, energetic, courageous, and public spirited the young practitioner soon attained to positions of honor and responsibility. He became the president of the Portsmouth savings bank and retained the position until his resignation in 1894. For full thirty years he was a director of the National Merchants and Traders bank of Portsmouth. From 1850 to 1869 he held the dual offices of secretary and treasurer of the Portsmouth Atheneum, and again from 1894 to 1903 he held the same positions. He was also, in the '70s, president of the same corporation for some four or five years. For nine years he was a mem- ber of the school committee in his home city, and has likewise served as a member of the state legislature He was married in Portsmouth, January 2, 1879, to Miss Elizabeth Ball. That there may yet be in store for him many happy and useful years is the wish of all in hi,? native Portsmouth. 366 M. E. KEAN, M.D. M. E. KEAN, M. D. In the personality and characteristics of M. E. Kean, M. D., the student of human nature finds a delightful study which deepens in interest and pleasure the longer it is followed and considered. His is a genial and sunny disposition and an unvarying nature as to natural moods. At the same time he never borders upon the frivolous, but is, on the contrary, the soul of sincerity and reality. It is his rare good fortune to adapt himself to the ever- changing conditions and circumstances of life, and in the possession of this happy faculty is doubtless due, in large measure, his brilliant professional and general success in life. The parents of Dr. Kean were Michael and Mary (Nicholson) Kean. Both were natives of Ireland, but both emigrated to America in their childhood years and settled in Manchester, which city has remained to the present (1903) their home. The senior Kean became an esteemed citizen of his adopted city, and in his younger days was extensively engaged in the team work con- nected with the construction of various among the mills of Manchester. It was while he had a temporary residence in Bedford, across the river from Manchester, that his son, the subject of this sketch, was born, on June 28, 1863. The school life of the son was passed in the Park Street school, Thomas Corcoran, principal, and was supplemented by a course in the commercial school of William H. Heron. Leaving school he next 367 STATE BUILDERS entered upon an apprenticeship to the machinist's trade, and ere long he was combining with this studies in me- chanical engineering-, for his whole manifest predilection was to mechanics, and if it be true, as is often asserted, that to be a good physician or surgeon one must have a native bent for mechanics, it was but natural that young Kean should drift into the study of physics and surgery, and this he did. At first his professional studies were under the private tutorage of the late George C. Hoitt, M. D., of Manchester. From his private studies he entered the medical school of Dartmouth College, where his scholar- ship and innate aptitude soon placed him at the head of his class, a position he maintained to the end, for he was valedictorian of his class upon graduation in November, 1888. Since obtaining his diploma he has served as house surgeon of the famed Carney Hospital in Boston, Mass., and is an ex-president of the alumni association of that institution. Locating in Manchester he has from the beginning achieved a most flattering success, and is not only esteemed for his ability as a physician and surgeon, but for those c[ualities that go to make the genuine man. He is a member of the Massachusetts state medical society, the New Hampshire state medical society, and of the Manchester medical society, of which last he is a former president. Since the institution of the Sacred Heart Hospital, Manchester, which was in 1893, Dr. Kean has served as a member of the staff of surgeons, has officiated as secretary of the staff, and at present is the senior surgeon of the hospital. In 1891 he married Miss Elizabeth E. Ward of West Lebanon, and they have one child, Ruth Elizabeth Arnoldine. 368 IRA JOSLIN PROUTY, M.D. IRA JOSLIN PROUTY, M. D. Ira Joslin Prouty, M. D., Keene, N. H. Son of Dr. Ira French and Elsie Joslin Prouty, was born August 15, 1857, at Ogdensburgh, N. Y. Received his education in the public schools of Keene, graduating from the high school in 1875. Following this he took a special course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; entered upon the study of medicine, graduating from the Medical De- partment of the University of New York in 1882. He began at once the practice of his profession in Keene. Since his graduation he has done postgraduate work at Johns Hopkins hospital at Baltimore and in the hospitals of Boston and New York. He spent the years 1893-4 with some of the leading surgeons and at the surgical" centres of Great Britain and on the continent. He is a member of the American medical association, being a member of the House of Delegates 1902- 1903. Member of the New Hampshire medical society; Ex- President of the New Hampshire surgical society; Ex- President of the Connecticut valley medical association and the Cheshire county medical society and also' Keene natural history society. Was a member of the Board of education 1883- 1889; city physician 1884- 1886; board of health 1884-1885, a member of the original staff of the Elliott city hospital, 1892, and of the first board of trustees. Has contributed to medical journals and presented a number of papers before the various medical societies, mostly upon surgical topics. In 1882 he married Marietta, eldest daughter of John Humphrey of Keene, who died in 1894 leaving one son, Ira Humphrey Prouty. 369 WILLIAM H. NUTE, M. D. William H. Nute, M. D., of Exeter, was born in Farm- ington May 8, 1858, the son of Charles W. and Mary L. (Richardson) Nute. He was graduated from the high school of his native town and pursued his studies at the New Hampton institution, going for his professional training to Bellevue, New York city, and the Bow- doin Medical school, Brunswick, Me., where he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1881, He immediately entered upon the practice of his profession in his native town, and remained there until 1 89 1, when despite the marked success which had fol- lowed him in Farmington he determined to make the hazard of new fortunes and removed to Exeter. In his new location Dr. Nute was equally prosperous and suc- cessful, and he almost immediately entered upon a prac- tice which has now grown to be one of the largest in central Rockingham county. Dr. Nute was one of the first to recognize Exeter's need O'f hospital accommodations, and largely through his efforts the Exeter cottage hospital was established to which he gives a large measure of his time. Dr. Nute keeps thoroughly abreast with all the prog- ress of his profession, and annually spends a large amount of time in the hospitals of Boston perfecting himself in all the latest discoveries of modern medical science. In addi- tion to the exacting cares of a large general practice, Dr. Nute is a medical examiner for the Ancient Order of 370 WILLIAM H. NUTE, M.D. STATE BUILDERS United Workmen, as well as for all the leading insurance companies which do business in his section. He is presi- dent of the Strafford district medical society, Fellow of the American Medical association, member of the New Hampshire Surgical club, and of the New Hampshire Medical society. He has been prominent also in various secret fraternities and is a 33d degree Mason, having served as master of his lodge and past district deputy grand master. He has also passed the chairs in the Odd- Fellows and is a member of the Knights of Pythias. He is Past Sachem of the Improved Order of Red Men, this being the highest office in the gift of the order in the state. He is also a member of the Foresters of America. Dr. Nute married Miss Lucy Read, a daughter of one of the oldest and best known families in Exeter, and has one son, Norwood Read. He is a Republican in poli- tics, a member of the Board of Health of Exeter, and attends the Unitarian church. 371 F. S. TOWLE, M. D. In the very front rank of the young medical men of the state is F. S. Towle, M. D., of Portsmouth, who was born in the city of Boston, December 28, 1863, but who is rightfully considered as belonging to New Hampshire, because he has given her nearly a decade out of the best part of his life. He was educated in the schools of his native city, but was not satisfied with this equipment for life and determined tO' become a professional man. At the Columbia Medical college he worked his way through, graduating with credit and receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Later he took a post-graduate course, thereby perfecting and extending his knowledge along certain important lines. His first location for the practice of his profession was in Boston, but in 1894 he removed to Portsmouth, where he has since been located, having established a large prac- tice and a splendid reputation for knowledge, skill and competence. One evidence of this is the frequency with which he is called into consultation by his fellow physi- cians in cases of unusual gravity and difficulty. Doctor Towle is a member of the American medical association; of the New Hampshire state medical society; of the Strafford medical association; of the Rockingham county association; of the Portsmouth medical associa- tion; and is a fellow of the American electro-therapeutics. Of a social disposition and deservedly popular and prominent in fraternal circles, Dr. Towle is a member of 372 F. S. TOWLE, M.D. STATE BUILDERS the Knights Templar, of the I. O. O. F., of the Knights of Pythias, and other organizations. He is a RepubHcan in poHtics and has served his city efficiently as chairman of the board of health and as member of the school board. He has also been honored by appointment as surgeon- general on the staff of the governor of the state. He married Miss Martha H. Perry of Boston, Mass., and they have one son, a student in the Portsmouth Pligh school. 373 E. L. CLICK. E. L. Click, proprietor and principal of the National School of Business, Concord, New Hampshire, is a native of Michigan, and was born in 1867. At the completion of his school days he became a teacher in his native state, holding- positions in the cities of Crand Rapids and De- troit. Being attracted to the study of stenography Mr. Click perfected himself in this branch and became a court reporter, discharging his duties with signal ability in the two cities named above until his removal after several years to Cleveland, Ohio, where he became a teacher in a large business college. From Cleveland Mr. Click made his way east and settled in Lowell, where he was engaged in teaching commercial science for several years. In 1898, he came to Concord, where he purchased and con- solidated two small struggling business colleges then ex- isting in the city, and upon this basis has built up in the National School of Business one of the largest and most successful of commercial colleges in the East. Mr. Click's students come from nearly all of the Eastern states and his roll of pupils now numbers more than one hundred. The school is finely located in one of the principal busi- ness blocks in Concord, occupying an entire floor, which is specially equipped with apparatus designed to give an insight into all branches of commercial knowledge. Ac- tual business from the start is the watchword of Mr. Click's school, and his pupils are favored from the begin- ning of their studies Avith an opportunity to learn by 374 E. L. CLICK STATE BUILDERS practice the actual procedure of modern commercial life. In addition to the training of clerks, accountants and stenographers common to most commercial colleges, the National School of Business is especially equipped for the training of teachers for business colleges, and in this line its success has been very marked. Many of Mr. Click's pupils have gone from his school to lucrative positions in other business colleges where by the introduction of the methods which have made the National School of Busi- ness so successful they have carried on the good work in sending out thoroughly trained and practised students for the manifold duties growing out of the varying and ex- acting commercial life of to-day. Mr. Click in addition to being thoroughly familiar with all the branches forming the curriculum of the school and thus being enabled to have a close and practical oversight of all the work done in the school, is a penman of re- markable versatility and skill. The pages of the National Penman, the recognized organ of penmanship in America, have been adorned in successive numbers for many years with reproductions of Mr. Click's work, both in handwrit- ing and the more ornate branches of penmanship, and many of the prizes ofifered by that journal for the finest work in penmanship have fallen into Mr. Click's hands as a result of the competitions thus set on foot. 375 HENRY DeWOLFE CARVELLE, M. D. Henry DeWolfe Carvelle, M. D., was born in Rich- mond, N. B., May 26, 1852, the son of James Sherard and Elizabeth (Porter) Carvelle. His mother was of Scotch birth, her ancestors being neighbors of the im- mortal Bobbie Burns, and his father was of English descent, tracing his ancestry to the time of William the Conqueror. His great-grandfather fought in the War of the Revolution on the British side. After attending the schools of his native town Dr. Carvelle entered, in 1873, the Boston Eye and Ear infirmary as a medical attendant. There he remained two years and during the second year pur- sued studies under the guidance of Dr. Albert N. Blodgett, superintendent of the institution. In 1875 he entered the Harvard Medical school, graduating in 1878. During his last year there he assisted for a month in the practice of Dr. Edward Waldo Ernerson, residing at the house of Dr. Emerson's father, tJje distinguished Ralph Waldo Emerson, where his associations were ex- ceedingly delightful. After graduation from college Dr. Carvelle resided in Boston for a short time and then removed to Manches- ter. There he continued in general practice until 1884, since which date he has devoted himself to the treatment of the eye and ear. As a specialist in diseases of these organs he ranks high, being the first ophthalmic and aural surgeon in New Hampshire and frequently called to all parts of the state on difficult cases. 376 HENRY DeWOLFE CARVELLE, M.D. STATE BUILDERS He has taken various special courses in the line of his special work in New York and in 1887 he went abroad for further study, spending several months in the Royal London Ophthalmic hospital and in the eye and ear clinics of Paris. He is a member of the New Hamp- shire Medical society, the Manchester Medical association, censor of the Medico-Chirurgical college of Phila- delphia, honorary member of the I. Webster Fox Ophthalmological society of Philadelphia, of the ophthal- mological section of the American Medical association and of the Pan-American Medical congress at Havana, Cuba, Feb. 190 1. He is ophthalmic and aural surgeon of the Elliot hospital. Dr. Carvelle is an Episcopalian, but attends the Frank- lin Street Congregational church. On May 5, 1893, he married Anna Brewster Sullivan, daughter of John and Arinna (Whittemore) Sullivan of Suncook, a grand-daughter of the late Hon. Aaron Whittemore of Pembroke. They have one daughter, Euphrosyne Parepa, born May 15, 1894. 377 EMIL CUSTER, M. D. Dr. Custer practised medicine for nearly half a century in Manchester, N. H., and died the oldest practi- tioner in the city. He was born in Frankfurt a-m (am Main), Germany, June 12, 1820. His father was a native of Switzerland, his mother of Germany, His parents removed to Altstatten, canton St. Gallen, Switzerland, when he was four years of age. There he received his primary education; he attended the Latin School and Gymnasium of Aarau and St. Gallen, and spent seven years at the Universities of Zurich, Freiburg-, Wurzburg and Munich. After completing his studies, he married Mrs. Nannette Tollmann-Spann, a lady of fine presence and amiable disposition, an accomplished pianist, descended from a family oi rank and importance in Swiss history. In the fall of 1846 Dr. Custer with his family came to America and after a short stay in Syracuse, N. Y., settled in Manchester, N. H., in 1847, when the city was in its infancy. Dr. Custer possessed a fine classical education and high literary attainments with a refined poetic mind. He gradually built up an extensive practice in the city and surrounding country. He was most popular, a man of strictest integrity, full of conscientious endeavor for his fellowmen; beloved and respected by all who knew him. He combined the skill with which he ministered to the sick and afflicted, with a cheerfulness which brought sun- shine to many a discouraged soul, and delighted heavy hearts by his unlimited fund of wit and humor. 378 EMIL CUSTER, M.D. STATE BUILDERS He was a large hearted genial man, whose word was as good as his bond, and in his professional attendance he made no difference between rich or poor. He was progressive in his ideas. Although a thoroughly educated allopathic physician he investigated the system of home- opathy, and finding it superior tO' the old school, he became a firm believer and practiced it to the end of his life. He said jokingly, that his conscience would not allow him toi practise allopathy, after he knew there was a better way of treatment. In this he achieved success and his advice and skill were sought by many in the city and surrounding country. He was systematic in all his work, neglecting nothing, and although he had a very large practise, he found time for sociability, and was a welcome guest wherever he went. Dr. Custer was a most modest and unassuming man, and only his most intimate friends had an insight to his rich and fertile mind. To all others he was the able and genial physician. He was fond of children. His own two having died in infancy, he adopted his wife's children and was a most indulgent parent to them. His wife's death occurred seven years before his own demise, which ended a most useful life. May i8th, 1896. He kept his bright, cheery disposition through a long and trying illness, till he succumbed to the inevitable. 379 EDWARD L. CUSTER, Artist. Edward L. Custer was born in Basel, Switzerland, January 24, 1837, oldest son of Henry M. and Nannette Tollman-Spann. After his father's death, his mother married Dr. Emil Custer, a man who, with his love for children, cared for them as if his own. He received his primary education in Switzerland and America, but his art education in Germany. He was nine years old when his parents came to America; overcoming many difficul- ties in their struggle to gain a foothold. He attended the schools of Manchester, New Hampshire, and soon helped to support himself by his palette and brush. His talent was early apparent. Some of his pictures, painted while an untaught boy of fourteen years, are still pre- served by the family, and though crude are strikingly natural in tone and action. He also did a great deal of decorative work, and also taught drawing and painting. In i860 he sailed for Europe, and studied in the art school of Dusseldorf, Germany, and after that became a pupil at the Royal Academy in Munich, Bavaria, where he studied under Steffan, and Schiess, both original and powerful painters of landscapes. He spent his summers in Switzerland, with his teachers, sketching from Nature, and after two years he returned, and exhibited a number of his paintings in New York City, where they found ready purchasers. In the summer his favor- ite haunts were northern New Hampshire and Vermont, upon the Connecticut and its tributaries. His realistic 380 EDWARD L. CUSTER STATE BUILDERS studies of these localities, afterwards wrought into more artistic form, were widely known and admired. In 1864 he settled in Boston, Mass., and in the same year he married Miss Ruth A. Porter of Manchester, N. H., a young lady of culture^ and a successful teacher in the Public Schools of that city. In Boston, his talent was recognized at once, and he was successful from the beginning. He painted landscapes and portraits both, was especially delighted in portraying of children. His portraits were uniformly good likenesses, for no man was more accurate in the observation of traits or more faithful in their rep|roduction. His landscapes and animal pictures were also the result of patient and loving study, and so were always characteristic in detail, as well as in general effect, and show his ability was not confined to one branch of art alone. In 1870 he went abroad again with his wife and spent another year in devoted study, and visited the art galleries of Italy, Holland, and Germany. On his return to America his work began to exhibit a style and vigor beyond the expectations of his warmest friends. His portraits of men of eminence and character were greatly admired, among which may be mentioned those of Judge Allen, Judge Thomas of Boston, Mass., Judge Hoar, Judge Bacon, Mr. Haven, the eminent anti- quarian, and Stephen Salisbury of Worcester, Mass. In February, 1878, he met with a great loss, the death of his beloved wife. The following summer he spent in European travel. In May, 1880, he married again. His death occurred soon after in the prime of life, January 9th, 1 88 1. He left no issue by either marriage. To his friends he was more than the popular and successful painter; he was a man to be esteemed, .a friend to be loved. 381 JOSHUA OILMAN HALL. County Solicitor, member of the General court, State senator, U. S. District attorney and member of Congress, this was the distinguished official record of the late Hon. Joshua Oilman Hall, of Dover, who was born in Wake- field, Nov. 5th, 1828, and died Oct. 31st, 1898. Mr. Hall was a lineal descendant from John Hall, the first deacon in the first church at Dover, founded in 1638. He pre^ pared for college at Oilmanton academy, and was grad- uated from Dartmouth in the class of 1851, studied law with the late Daniel M. Christie, of Dover, the precepvor of so many brilliant members of the New Hampshire bar, and was admitted to practice in 1855. He began his pro- fessional activity first in his native village, but later re- moved to Dover, where he spent the balance of his life. Mr. Hall was not long in making his way to the front rank of his profession and at the time of his death had been for many years numbered with the leading members of the bar in the state. In 1862 he was first chosen to public office as solicitor of Strafford county, which posi- tion he held until 1874. In that year he was elected to represent his ward in the Oeneral court and was one of the most influential members of that body in the practical shaping of legislation. In 1871 and 1872 he sat in the State senate and from 1874 to 1879 he was U. S. attorney for the district of New Hampshire. In 1880 he was elect- ed to represent his district in congress and served two terms with distinction for himself and satisfaction to his 382 JOSHUA OILMAN HALL STATE BUILDERS constituents. Mr. Hall was mayor of Dover in 1866 and 1867. In every position in public life and in all his private relations Mr. Hall was actuated by high ideals of honor and integrity. He was a most industrious man and despite all pressing duties of public office he never neglect- ed the needs of the clients who had intrusted their matters to his charge, but, doing double duty, discharged to the full his obligations to the public service and to his private undertakings. Nov. 16, 1861 he married Miss S. Lizzie Bigelow of Boston, and became the father of three chil- dren, two daughters, one the wife of F. D. Cook of Nashua, now living in Florida, and the other, wife of Gen. William D. Sawyer of New York City. His only son, Dwight Hall, graduated from Dartmouth in 1894, from the Boston University Law School in 1897, and was admitted to the bar in that year, practising at first as his father's partner, and now by himself. In 1898 Mr. Hall was appointed referee in bankruptcy for the Third dis- trict of New Hampshire and bids fair to add new laurels to the name made illustrious by his father. 383 WILLIAM LAWRENCE FOSTER. One of the ablest and most learned of the justices who have adorned the New Hampshire Supreme bench was William Lawrence Foster, who was born of Revolution- ary stock at Westminster, Vermont, June ist, 1823. His great grandfather was a soldier of the Revolution and fought at the battle of Bunker Hill. His grandfather, while a freshman at Yale, joined the minute men of Read- ing, Mass., and participated in the battle of Lexington. His father removed from Vermont to Fitzwilliam, and then to Keene, where he died in 1854, and where; his son was educated in the common schools. At the age of seventeen he began the study of law in the office of Levi Chamberlain, and in 18^4 and 1845 received instructions at the Harvard Law school. He was admitted to the bar of Cheshire county in 1845 ^"<^^ practised in Keene in partnership with John J. Baxter, and later with his pre- ceptor. He was early marked for political advancement and from 1845 tO' 1849 he served as postmaster at Keene. From 1849 to 1853 he was clerk of the New Hampshire senate, and during the administration of Governor Dins- more was a member of his staff. By that executive also he was, in 1850, appointed state law reporter, which posi- tion he held until 1856, and published fifteen volumes of the New Hampshire reports. In 1853 he removed to Concord and formed a partnership in the law with the late Col. John H. George. The late Hon. Charles P. Sanborn was subsequently a member of the firm, and Col. George 384 ■.^.' WILLIAM LAWRENCE FOSTER STATE BUILDERS retiring in 1857 the partnership of Foster & Sanborn con- tinued until 1869, when the senior partner was first ap- pointed toi the bench. In 1854 he was appointed commis- sioner of the Circuit court of the United States and held that position until 1862 when he was elected a member of the House of Rqiresentatives and was re-elected in 1863. Oct. I St, 1869 he took his seat upon the bench of the Supreme court, where he remained until 1874, when upon the reorganization of the judicial system he was made Chief Justice of the Circuit court. Two years later upon a restoration of the former judicial system he was again appointed judge of the Supreme court, and held the office until July ist, 1881, when he resigned to resume the practice of law. In 1884 he was appointed a United States commissioner, and held the position until his death. Judge Foster was a man of superb legal attain- ments, possessing a fine mind, keen perception and gra- cious personality, and an impressive manner as an advo- cate. Both on the bench and at the bar he attained a signal measure of success, his practice being at the time of his death a choice and lucrative one. Judge Foster was married Jan. 13, 1853 ^o Harriet M. Perkins of Hopkin- ton, who with four children survive him. At the time of his death Judge Foster had been for many years a mem- ber of the standing committee of the Protestant Episcopal diocese of New Hampshire. 385 WILLIAM TRUE CASS. The great bulwark of American national life, the sheet anchor of the country's strength and progress throughout the nineteenth century, was that splendid manhood and individual character, the glory of the New England country town, that took up the work laid down by the fathers and carried it forward until they, in turn, finished their triumphant careers and passed on. The ideas, opinions, and purposes of the original New England life prevailed and dominated in individual and state action until the closing decades of the century just closed. Their soundness and wisdom were made mani- fest by the magnificence of the results that proceeded from an adherence thereto by the typical New England man of that period. The men of the type mentioned won success for them- selves and prosperity for their country because of their fidelity to the duty of each successive hour. In every village and town throughout New Hampshire were men of this class who, by precept and example, enabled a great multitude of men and women to become a power in the work of developing the country. Thoroughly typical of that company of men who de- veloped New Hampshire's interests in the nineteenth century was William True Cass, who was born in Andover, February 7, 1826, and died in the town of Tilton, May 26, 1901. His was a career of usefulness from first to last, and the community and state were better for his having lived. 386 \ WILLIAM T. CASS STATE BUILDERS The parents of the subject of this sketch were Benja- min and Sarah (True) Cass, who hved first in Andover and later in Plymouth. Their son, William T., as a boy worked on the parental farm, growing to manhood in this occupation and in attending the town's schools and the Holmes academy in Plymouth. In 1853 the family moved to a farm in Sanborton Bridge, since called Tilton. Farming and work in one of the village fac- tories were followed by the son for some three years, when in January 1856 he was chosen cashier of the Citi- zens' Bank, a calling he was destined to follow the rest of his long, useful, and industrious life. It is of interest to note that during the forenoon of the day he was elected cashier of the bank, he worked at his regular occupation, in the village woolen mill, and m the afternoon assumed the duties of cashier. This inci- dent illustrates the versatility of the man, and further is an evidence of indomitable energy and activity. ^ Although without previous experience in banking at the time of his selection as cashier, he threw his whole soul into his new calling and ere long he mastered its details. As the years came and went the institution pros- pered, its capital stock was increased and in 1865 it was made a national bank. Mr. Cass continued as its cash- ier until 1889, a total of thirty-three years, when an elec- tion to the presidency of the bank caused his resignation as cashier. As president of the bank he continued to the hour of his death. It was essentially through the efforts of Mr. Cass that a savings bank in Tilton was chartered m 1870, and upon its organization he was chosen its treasurer, a position he held until his decease. He was a trustee of the savings institution and the only original member of the board at the time of his death. From a new venture 387 STATE BUILDERS Mr. Cass saw the savingfs bank's deposits increase to nearly a half million of dollars. He had passed a total of nearly forty-five years as a bank official, a length of service rarely attained in any community. His long experience and proven ability in the field of finance and monetary affairs caused his coun- sel to be sought by varied business interests throughout his section of the state. But it was not wholly as a business man that Mr. Cass was conspicuous. He recognized his duty in every phase of life and served his fellow men faithfully in the religious, educational and social life of his adopted town. In boyhood he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, and throughout all his after years was actively identified with that denomination; giving liberally of his means to aid in sustaining the work of his own church, and serving as class leader for the most honorable term of forty years; president of the board of trustees for several years, as well as a teacher and superintendent of the Sunday School. For eighteen years he was treasurer of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary at Tilton. Politically Mr. Cass had been a Republican from the inception of the Civil War, but political preferment was never to his taste or inclination. He preferred the in- dependence of his sterling manhood to the care of political honor or power. He, however, served as town treasurer, as a member of the Park Cemetery trustees and as moderator at town meetings. On September i8, 185 1, Mr. Cass married Man,' Emery Locke of Concord. Four children were born to them, two of whom survived their father: a daughter, the wife of Abel Wesley Reynolds of West Somerville, Mass., and a son, Arthur True Cass, who succeeded his father as cashier of the National Bank. 388 ELMER D. GOODWIN ELMER D. GOODWIN. The hope of the present and the promise of the future are in the young men of a community. Instinctively their fellow men note their capabilities, their dispositions, and all their characteristics. According as are these do they beget confidence or distrust, and fortunate is the young man who early learns that the good opinion of his fellow beings is essential to his permanent success, prosperity and standing in the community. It is from such as these that are selected the men de- signed for leaders and to fill positions of trust in all phases of a material life. Splendidly representative of this class is Elmer D. Goodwin of Manchester, who is not only a successful business man but as a member of society is esteemed and trusted for those traits of character that denote the man. By integrity, industry, and sincerity of purpose he has won his way to enviable positions of honor at the hands of his fellow associates. Mr. Goodwin was born in Charlestown, Mass., October 12, 1866, the son of John and Caroline W. (Bolles) Goodwin, both of whom were natives of Londonderry. When only eight months old his mother died and he was sent to live with his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bolles in Londonderr>\ With them he remained for five years when he was taken to his father's home in Lynn, Mass., and there he lived until he was eleven years old, at which age he returned to Londonderry. He at- tended the schools of Lynn and Londonderry, supple- menting these with courses at Pinkerton academy, Derry, and the New Hampshire Conference seminary, Tilton. 389 STATE BUILDERS The terms at these two well known academies closed his student life, for he at once entered upon a mercantile career that has continued to the date of this writing. Becoming a clerk in the grocery store of George S. Rollins in Derry, he continued as such until he accepted a position in the Derry railroad station then under the charge of James Priest. His next move was as a partner with George F. Priest in the coal and ice business in Derry. This partnership was continued for four years, when Mr. Goodwin accepted the position of manager of the Derry branch of the furniture house of W. P. B. Brooks & Company of Boston, retaining the same for some two years. In 1 89 1 he went to Manchester to become the book- keeper in the wholesale tin and kitchen-ware house of the late Clark M. Bailey, and remained as such for eight years, purchasing in 1899 the undertaking business of Alfred E. Morse. In this undertaking Mr. Goodwin has been singularly successful, for he has all those attributes so desirable in a mortician, attributes that are natural in him and not affected. The business he has developed is one of the largest of its kind in northern New England, and in the business community he is held in marked esteem. Early in life Mr. Goodwin manifested a decided in- terest in fraternal organizations and especially is this true as respects the Masonic order. In 1892 he joined St. Mark's lodge in Derry, and from that year on his has been a most enviable career as a Mason, having reached in less than ten years to the high position of Eminent Commander of Trinity Commandery, Knights Templar, in the city of Manchester. He is a past high priest of Mount Horeb Royal Arch chapter, present (1903) thrice illustrious master of Adoniram council, R. and S. M., and patron in the order of the Eastern Star. Aside from his Masonic affiliations he is a past chancellor commander of Rockingham lodge, Derry, Knights of Pythias; a member of Gen. Stark grange, Patrons of Husbandry; a mem- ber of the Improved Order of Red Men; a member of 390 STATE BUILDERS the O. U. A. M. ; a member of the Derryiield club, Man- chester; of the local board of trade, and treasurer of the Undertakers and Licensed Embalmers' Association of New Hampshire. He married, in 1886, Miss Ella L. Sargent of Sears- port, Maine. One child, a son, Lewis Byron, has, been born to them. The church home of the family is the Franklin Street Congregational. 391 CHARLES A. BUSIEL. Probably no man has been more prominently and ac- tively identified with the manufacturing, business, finan- cial, and social life of Laconia, during the past thirty years^, than ex-Governor Charles A, Busiel. In the construction of the Lake Shore railroad, the erection of the new passenger station, the establishment of a city hospital, the inauguration of the city government, and in a thousand and one other enterprises, all in the direction of progress and advancement, Mr. Busiel made his mark and built for himself a monument as a public-spirited, broad-minded, progressive Laconian, which will do honor to him for centuries to come. Charles Albert Busiel was born in Meredith, N. H., November 24, 1842. He was the eldest son of the late John W. and Julia (Tilton) Busiel. He received his education in the public schools of Laconia and at old Gil- ford academy, and after graduating he entered his father's hosiery mill and acquired a practical knowledge of the entire business by actual labor in each department. In 1863 he engaged in business on his own account, but within a few years sold his interest in the establishment which he had put in operation, and with a brother, in 1869. he entered into partnership and engaged in the manufacture of hosiery. Another brother joined the firm in 1872, and the name became J. W. Busiel & Co. This business is still continued and ranks as one of the most important industries in Laconia. 392 CHARLES A. DUSIEL Governor of Xcw Ham psiiijc, rSgj-iSg6 '> STATE BUILDERS Ex-Governor Busiel was president of the Laconia National bank and also president of the City Savings bank. He attained much prominence in railroad circles by his investments in this kind of property, by his success in organizing and constructing the Lake Shore railroad, and as one of the managmg directors of the old Concord & Montreal railroad. Credit for the substantial and beautiful Laconia depot largely belongs to Hon. Charles A. Busiel, who was at that time one of the managing directors of the Concord railroad, and it was through his efforts and local pride that Laconia was granted such an expensive and mag- nificent passenger station. History will accord to Hon. C. A. Busiel the honor of constructing the Lake Shore railroad and the erection of the Laconia passenger sta- tion, and these two things will stand as monuments to the man for years to come. In politics ex-Governor Busiel always supported the party which he believed represented the best interests of the people upon local, state, and national issues. He represented Laconia in the Legislatures of 1878 and 1879; he was a delegate to the Democratic national convention in Cincinnati in 1880; as a Republican candidate he be- came the first mayor of the new city of Laconia, although at that time the city was strongly Democratic. He was re-elected mayor for a second term by a largely increased majority. In 1895 he was the Republican candidate for governor of New Hampshire, and was elected by one of the largest majorities ever received by any candidate in this state — about 10,000 majority and 13,000 plurality. For the first time in history, every county in New Hamp- shire returned a Republican majority at this election. As governor of the state he advocated and even compelled retrenchments and reforms, which saved the treasury hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it was universally 393 STATE BUILDERS admitted by opponents as well as friends, that Governor Biisiel was one of the best governors who ever held the position of chief executive in this state. He was prom- inent as a candidate for United States senator in 1896, and was undoubtedly the choice of his state for a secre- tary's portfolio in President McKinley's cabinet. Ex-Governor Busiel attended the Congregational church. He was very prominent in Masonic circles, as well as in the Knights of Pythias and other beneficial, social and charitable organizations. During his administration as governor he paid $200,- 000 of the state debt, and $75,000 to defray expenses left due by previous administrations. By his vetoes of the unnecessary measures passed by the Legislature, Gov- ernor Busiel practically saved the state a million dollars, and when he retired from office he left in the state treas- ury $590,706.07 according to the report of the state auditing committee. January, 1897, Governor Busiel purchased a con- trolling interest in the Laconia Democrat, and organized the Laconia Press Association. From that time up to the date of his death he devoted a portion of his time every week to editorial work upon the paper. He took great pleasure in this work and was a vigorous and aggressive writer with broad and progressive ideas. Li 1864 he married Eunice Elizabeth Preston, daugh- ter of Worcester Preston. They have one daughter, Frances E. Busiel, who is the wife of Wilson Long- streth Smith of Germantown, Pa. They had one son, Charles Albert Busiel Smith, l)orn March i, 1895, died August 6, 1 90 1. 394 CYRUS A. SULLOWAY CYRUS A. SULLOWAY. Cyrus A. Sulloway of Manchester has just been elected from the first New Hampshire district for a fifth term of two' years in the national house of representatives in Washington, establishing a record without precedent in the political history of the state for service as a congress- man. The man who possesses to such an extent the con- fidence and respect of his fellow citizens must be consid- ered as peculiarly honored, particularly when it is con- sidered that his success has been well earned and every whit deserved. Mr. Sulloway was born in Grafton, New Hampshire. June 8, 1839, and spent his boyhood upon his father's farm. His early opportunities for education were thus restricted to the public schools of his town, supplemented, through his own enterprise and eagerness for knowledge, with a course at Colby academy, New London. His inclinations led him to choose the profession of law for his life work and in 1861 he entered the office of Pike & Barnard at Franklin to begin his studies. Two years later, in 1863, he was admitted tO' the bar and im- mediately went to the city of Manchester, of which municipality he has ever since been a resident. He entered into partnership for the practice of his pro- fession with Samuel D. Lord, a prosperous connection, which continued for ten years. Upon its dissolution Mr. Sulloway associated himself with E. M. Topliff, and the practice of the firm thus formed has been one of the largest in the state. 395 STATE BUILDERS From the first moment of his entrance into pohtics Congressman Sulloway's personaHty has been as pictur- esque and potent as it had previously been at the bar. From 1873 to 1878 he served as deputy collector of in- ternal revenue. Five times he was a member of the state house of representatives, once serving as chairman of the committee on elections and twice as chairman of the com- mittee on the judiciary. It was in the fall of 1894 that Mr. Sulloway made his debut in national politics, receiving the unanimous Re- publican nomination for congress in the first district and being elected, after a characteristic campaign of vigor and enthusiasm, by a plurality of more than 6,000. In 1898 he was re-elected by a plurality of more than 11,000. In 1900 he won his third victory in this arena, defeating Edward J. Knovvlton after one of the hardest fought campaigns in the history of the state. In 1900 he announced that he was not a candidate for another term, but his party almost forced the nomination upon him and he was again successful. The story of his fifth election is still fresh in mind. Mr. Sulloway is one of the best known men in con- gress, not merely for the virility of his eloquence and his appearance, but for the solid worth of his work in very important places. As chairman of the committee on in- valid pensions his industry, intelligence and integrity have been recognized and praised throughout the country. 396 LOUIS ASHTON THORP LOUIS ASHTON THORP. New Hampshire is justly proud of the number of her young- men who are daily demonstrating their ability to accept the responsibilities and demands of life in all its varied phases, and particularly those which pertain to public affairs. The presence of this class of young men is one that no genuine lover of this land and its institu- tions can fail to admire, for it gives promise of the stability of the future, and is an ever-present inspiration to them who would safe-guard the integrity of the country's life. Conspicuous among the younger men in the public life of the state in the opening years of the twentieth century is L. Ashton Thorp, a member of the Manchester Bar and associate clerk of the state senate during the session of 1903. Mr. Thorp was born in the city of Manchester on December 7, 1876, the centennial year of the nation's birth. His education was obtained in the Manchester public schools. He early displayed a predilection for the law, and following this bent he was soon after his graduation from the recitation room enrolled as a student at law in the office of Burnham, Brown & Warren, in Manchester. He was subsequently entered as a student in Boston University law school, from which he graduated in 1902. His admission to the bar of New Hampshire and his opening of an office in his native city were events that immediately followed his graduation from the law school, 397 STATE BUILDERS Possessing natural aptitude for the grasping of the labyrinthine detail of legislative work, his fitness for positions in state legislative bodies was early recognized. In 1 90 1 he was chosen to the important ofiice of assistant clerk of the New Hampshire senate and in the constitu- tional convention of 1902 he was made its assistant secretary. The duty of keq^ing the journal of the convention devolved upon Mr. Thorp, and the manner in which he performed the work met with the approval of the entire body. Mr. Thorp's initial service in public life was as a messenger in the state senate. As a member of the Republican party he has oftentimes appeared upon the stump in various campaigns to the acceptance of the party and the general public, irrespective of political affiliation. Mr. Thorp is a talented orator, and thus early in life has won an enviable reputation as lecturer upon themes of general public interest, one of his strongest being a lecture on "The Mission of the Twentieth Century.' He has lectured in many parts of New England and has met with universal success. In fraternal organizations Mr. Thorp has membership in the Odd Fellows and Patrons of Husbandry. 398 ELI EDWIN GRAVES, M.D. ELI EDWIN GRAVES, M. D. Eli Edwin Gr,a\'es, a descendant from the pioneer fami- lies of Deerfield, Greenfield and Hadley, Mass., was born Sept. 9th, 1847 at Jerichoi Center, Vermont. He was educated at the Essex classical institute, and then follow- ing the marked tendency in his family, which has given many names to the roll of the medical profession, he en- tered the office of F. F. Ho\^ey, M. D., at Jericho, where for two years he pursued his studies. The following two years was passed at Burlington, Vermont with profes- sors Thayer and Carpenter, and in June, 1868 Dr. Graves received his degree from the University of Vermont. Practising for a month in the office of Dr. Walter Car- penter in Burlington he removed in September of the same year to Boscawen, where he succeeded to the prac- tice of Dr. E. K. Webster, and became the occupant of the Dr. Webster homestead in that village. In 1872, urged by the growing demands of his practice, he estab- lished an office in Penacook. In 1876 he took a special course in surgery at the Harvard Medical school, and has since devoted himself chiefly to that branch of the pro^ fession. Dr. Graves maintained his residence at Bos- cawen until 1897, taking great pride in improving and beautifying the fine old estate upon which it was his good fortune to live, but the increasing demand for his presence at Penacook led him in that year to remove thither, where he established his home at the Amsden homestead, which he purchased. This residence, one of the finest in the 399 STATE BUILDERS community, recei\es much attention from its owner, and both within and without is a most attractive example of the typical New England home of refinement and re- source. Dr. Graves is the owner of an extensive library of general literature as well as of publications relating to his profession. He is also an antiquarian of no little re- pute, being the possessor of many fine examples of old time furniture, one of them being the high posted desk used by Daniel Webster in his first law office. Dr. Graves' mineralogical cabinet and his collection of Indian relics are also extensive and valuable. Dr. Graves was one of the first meml^ers of the lx)ard of health in Boscawen, and for some years was superintendent of schools in that town. In 1889 he was its representative in the legisla- ture. For 17 years he was the physician attendant at the Merrimack county alms house and is now a member oi the consulting staff of the Margaret Pillsbury general hospital at Concord. He is a member of the New Hamp- shire Medical society, ex-president of the Center District Medical society, member of the American Medical asso- ciation, the American Public Health association, and of the New Hampshire Historical society. Dr. Graves is a Mason, an Odd Fellow, a member of the Knights of Honor and other fraternal organizations. He was one of the promoters of the enterprise to^ secure an adequate water supply for the community in which he lives and is now chairman of the water board for the Penacook and Boscawen water precinct. In 1872, he married Miss Martha A. Williams of Essex, Vermont. She died January 29, 1903, leaving besides her husband, a son who is a graduate from Har- vard University and Harvard Medical School and is now connected with the medical staff of the Massachusetts General Hospital; and a daughter, a graduate of Dean Academy, Franklin, Mass.. class of 1901. 400 NATHANIEL E. MARTIN NATHANIEL EVERETT MARTIN. Of sturdy Scotch-Irish ancestry, Nathaniel Everett Martin was born in Loudon Aug. 9, 1855, the son of Theophilus B. and Sarah L. (Rowell) Martin. Mr. Mar- tin" s first ancestor in this country was Wilham Martin who landed in Boston in 1732, and made his way thence to Londonderry in this state, where was settled that ro^ bust colony of Scotch-Irish emigrants from whom have sprung so many strong and vigorous sons. His great- grandfather, James Martin, was one of the first of that eager band who enlisted in the Revolutionary ranks at the outbreak of the w^ar for independence, and though he died l>efore the new reyniblic had established its cause by arms, he left to his descendants a vigorous Americanism which persisted in none of the race more strongly than in the subject of this sketch. Mr. Martin received his primary education in the schools of his native town and later took a course in the Concord High school, where his studious habits gave him high standing. He entered upon the study of the law with Sargent and Chase, each of whom it may be re- marked later served with distinction upon the supreme bench of the state, and on Aug. 14, 1879, the young at- torney was admitted to the bar. His practice from the first was lucrative and extensive, and for many years the partnership which he sustained with John H. Albin, ranked as one of the busiest law firms in New Hampshire. In 1899 this relationship was dissolved and a new part- 401 STATE BUILDERS nership formed with DeWitt C. Howe, which still exists with a large and remunerative clientage. In addition to his increasing labors in his profession, Mr. IViartin has successfully engaged in many business ventures and has taken an active part in thei development of Concord's enteq:)rise and prosperity by opening up large tracts of houselots and by engaging in manu- facturing enterprises. For a time, too, he was a director and the treasurer of the Sullivan County rail- road. As a skilled legal adviser Mr. Martin has frequent- ly been called upon to act as counsel for a large number of towns, and in many important instances of litigation he has served as special counsel for the city of Concord. From 1887 tO' 1889, he was solicitor of Merrimack Coun- ty, and by his stern and rigorous policy of law enforce- ment he won a reputation for sterling honesty which at- tracted wide support to him and which in following years was of great value in the field of politics. In 1898, he was nominated by the Democratic party for mayor of Concord, and after a most spirited cam- paign in which Mr. Martin's record as a friend of law and order was brought forward as the main issue by his supporters, he was elected by a liberal margin. His ad- ministration of city affairs was characterized by the same manly qualities which had marked his course as a prose- cuting attorney, and he was frequently considered by his party as a possible candidate for governor. As a lawyer Mr. Martin's special forte is that of an advocate, and the dockets of Merrimack County bristle with jury cases in which he makes the argument. Mar- shalling his facts with care and presenting them with con- summate skill, he stands in the very front rank of New Hampshire jury lawyers. Mr. Martin was married March 27, 1902. to Jennie P. Lawrence. 402 HENRY ROBINSON HENRY ROBINSON Henry Robinson, postmaster at Concord, New Hamp- shire, is a versatile, enterprising and popnlar official. He was born at Concord; has been repeatedly elected to the local legislatnre, including a term in the state sen- ate; has been president of the Commercial club; was formerly postmaster for four years, and mayor for two, and is thoroughly identified with the history and develop- ment of the community. His father, the late Nahum Robinson, was warden of the state-prison, first construction-agent of the post-office building at Concord, and an extensive contractor and builder, having connection with the erection of the greater number of the prominent buildings and business blocks of the city. His only son, Henry Robinson, mar- ried the only daughter of the late resident United States senator Edward H. Rollins. With the exception of five years, when Mr. Robinson was pursuing his studies elsewhere under private tutors and at law school, he has continued his residence in Con- cord. He read law in the office of the late Judge Josiah Minot, Attorney-General Mason \Y. Tappan, and Hon. John Y. Mugridge. He was associated in the successful practice of his profession with Col. Frank H. Pierce, nephew of President Pierce, and afterward with the late Mayor Edgar H. ^^'oodman. He early developed a taste for politics. In 1879, although one of the youngest members of the state legis- 403 STATE BUILDERS lature, he won a reputation which made him a prominent candidate for the speakership at the next session, but preferred an active part on the floor, and his services as secretary of the judiciary committee and as chairman of the railroad committee of the house, during a memorable session, and subsequently as chairman of the judiciary committee of the senate, and as a member of the finance committee of that body, gave him a wide celebrity as a legislative leader and forceful and eloquent debater. Mr. Robinson, in 1890, was appointed postmaster at Concord, by President Harrison, upon the petition of nearly all the business-houses and the people of the city. The superior postal service which he gave to the Capital city found not only a full appreciation at home, but won for him a commendable reputation elsewhere. The at- tention of the devotees generally of the mail service was attracted to him by his contributions to metropolitan journals and postal publications, and his painstaking dil- igence in the post-office and knowledge of postal affairs were recognized, not only by New Hampshire people, but by the postmaster-general and others in authority at Washington, so much so that at the opening of the Mc- Kinley administration Mr. Robinson was given a high recommendation and a very considerable support for a position as an assistant postmaster-general of the United States. His first term as postmaster extended under President Cleveland's administration until June 16, 1894, and im- mediately after his retirement he was enthusiastically nominated and elected mayor of Concord, a position which he occupied with great ability and success for two years. During his administration as chief executive of the city, decided changes were made in the interests of business management and municipal betterment. Various abuses were unearthed, and a system of accounting of lasting value inaugurated. The city debt was reduced, wrong- 404 STATE BUILDERS doing punished, and safe-guards erected, and his admin- istration is pronounced by citizens, irrespective of party Hnes, to have been especially commendable. Although the law has been Mr. Robinson's profession, he has nevertheless devoted himself much to journalism and literary work. During political campaigns he has been a v,oluminous contributor to the newspaper press and has been a valued correspondent of the New York Tribune, Boston Globe, Springfield Republican, and other leading journals, also contributing to the local press of the state a vast deal of readable matter of a biographical and miscellaneous character, which has given him high standing as a New Hampshire newspaper man. His nom de plume of " Jean Paul " is known throughout New England, and elsewhere, as that of a vigorous, fearless, original thinker and writer, not only in politics, but in the general field of literature, for which he has a marked taste and adaptation. He has had to do, in a managerial way, with many exciting political campaigns, and he in- variably brings to his endeavors the generous enthusiasm that has characterized his whole life. He is a wide reader, with classic and refined tastes, and an accom- plished critic. As a personal and political achievement, his candidacy for reappointment to the postmastership, in 1898, was one of the most noted in the history of our local politics, for in the pre-arranged allotment of state patronage he was not included by the powers then dominant in New Hamp- shire. He is one of the pioneers in the establishment of rural free-delivery, his office, inclusive of stations, having at present the largest free-delivery — city and rural — plant in the United States. He is the president of the New England Postmasters' association, a member of the Wonolancet club of Concord, of the Odd Fellows fra- ternity, and various other organizations. Mr. Robinson is a highly gifted man, turning his 405 STATE BUILDERS endeavors easily into various channels with uniform suc- cess. Suave, graceful and eloquent, he has frequently been heard from the platform as a lecturer and political orator, always acquitting himself with credit. A polished man of the world, a skilful raconteur, he is one of the most companionable of friends. 406 HORATIO K. LIBBEY HORATIO K. LIBBEY. A splendid example of that type of men who in the past and the present have carried forward the work of derveloping and maintaining the affairs and purposes of New Hampshire's material life, and thereby made the state the grand commonwealth she has become, is Horatio K. Libbey. In him is seen, in highest per- fection, that trait so characteristic of the generations of New Hampshire men which enables one to devise, to execute and to administer. His is a genuine New Hampshire ancestry and birth, for he descended from that John Libbey who settled in Portsmouth early in its history. His father, Ezra Bart- lett Libbey, settled in Warren in the White Mountain region, and there the son, Horatio K., was born on Oc- tober 24. 1 85 1. His mother, Eva Kilburn (Sinclair), was a native of Chester, Vermont. It was as a widow that she married Ezra Bartlett Libbey, her first husband having been Calvin W. Cummings. She is yet (1903) living with her son, Calvin W. Cummings, in Plymouth at the \'enerable age of ninety-two and is remarkably well preserved and active. In his boyhood life the subject of this sketch went to Manchester, in which city he attended the public schools, and from the first was an apt pupil and early displayed an ability and courage to accept responsibility. In his earlier manhood years he was employed upon the mag- nificent estate in Hartford, Connecticut, of Samuel Colt, 407 STATE BUILDERS the inventor of the revolver bearing- his name. Event- ually leaving Hartford he was for a time the manager of an estate in Orford. His success in these respective positions was so' marked as to attract the attention of others, and in 1891 he was offered the superintendency of the Hillsborough County Almshouse and farm located at Grasmere in Goffstown. This position he accepted on April ist of that year and still retains the same. He is in addition the master of the Hillsborough County House of Correction, which is managed in conjunction with the county home and farm for the dependent poor. These institutions considered singly or in combination are an extreme credit to the county and state, and their management reflects the utmost credit upon the admin- istrative abilities of Mr. Libbey. They are the largest of their kind in the state, and their arrangement and equipment are exceptionally efficient. Mr. Libbey in 1873 married Miss Rebecca J. Huckins, daughter of the late Thomas P. Huckins of Warren. She died May 27, 1903, leaving, beside her husband, two daughters, Bessie A., the wife of William W. Porritt of Goffstown, and Menta B. Mrs. Libbey was one who had greatly endeared herself to all whose privilege it was to make her acquaintance. She had those qualities of heart and mind that won the respect, love and confidence of all. whatever their station in life. The high order of the management at Grasmere, which has been the ad- miration of all since the administration of Mr. and Mrs. Libbey began, bespeak her faithful help to her husband in his exacting position. In fraternal organizations Mr. Libbey is a member of Bible lodge, F. and A. M., Goffstown, and of Martha Washington chapter, order of the Eastern Star. He is also a member of junior Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, Grasmere. In political life he is a Republican, and in his religious preference a Congregationalist. 408 LYDIA A. SCOTT LYDIA A. SCOTT. Prominent among the pioneers in the work of organ- izing women's ckibs in New Hampshire, and markedly successful in every aspect of that effort, has been Mrs. Lydia x\bigail Scott, who since 1872 has been a resident of the city of Manchester and a valued member of its social, intellectual, and religious circles. First of all she has been a worker, grandly exemplifying- in that respect the traditions of her New England birth and character. Her work has been of a nature that has advanced the welfare of others, and made stronger, better and happier the community in Avhich she has moved. Though her special lines of w^ork have been of a public, or at least of a semi-public nature, it is a duty, and her right to have said of her, that in all this time she never neglected or made secondary the interests and demands of her home nor the obligations of an ideal womanhood and mother- hood. Indeed, the ends and purposes of her work were all calculated to elevate and make sweeter and dearer every home influence and action. Mrs. Scott's birthplace was in China, Maine, where she was born, February 4, 1841. Her parents were John L. and Lydia (Carlton) Gray. On the parternal side she is of a sturdy Scotch-Irish descent, a stock known the world oxev for integrity of purpose, inde- pendence of thought and acuteness of intellent. On the maternal side she descended from a fine old English line noted for its many distinguished members. The 409 STATE BUILDERS parents of Mrs. Scott, and their children, constituted a family that played an essential part in the general affairs of their home town. It was an interesting and old-time family of five daughters and two sons. One of the latter, John Carlton Gray, became a noted lawyer in California and for a long time was a justice of the supe- rior court of that state. The other son, Capt. Lemuel Carlton Gray, died in 1880. In her girlhood years it became the custom of Mrs. Scott to read aloud to her parents from the Augusta Age and other papers of those years, and doubtless this prac- tice quickened her thought, suggested ideas, and devel- oped her mentality, for where can be found a greater educational help for the young than the reading aloud from some sound and stable newspaper or like publica- tions. So apt was Mrs. Scott as a school girl, and so thoroughly practical were her educational acquisitions that at the early age of fifteen years she was given a teacher's certificate, which bit of writing she still retains as a most precious belonging. Those years in which she passed from girlhood into her young womanhood were years also in which the public mind was actively engaged in the study of many a momentous question and the medium of this study was the newspaper. With one whose mental life was so alert, active and inquiring as that of Mrs. Scott, it was but natural that she should be keenly interested in everything that pertained to news- paper life and creation. It was just as natural that she should drift into newspaper work, and this she did, be- ginning a career that was long continued, able and fruitful of results for the good of the great community that she reached. Her first published writings appeared in the Kennebunk Journal, then under the management of James G. Blaine. As a newspaper worker she wrote for various publications and upon a variety of topics, but 410 STATE BUILDERS mainly upon those designed for the furtherance of home and household matters, to character building, and social and intellectual advancement. In Augusta, Maine, on October 24, 1859, she united in marriage with Albert M. Scott, and lived in Maine's capital city, where her husband was an overseer in a cotton mill, until the close of the war between the states. It was in Augusta that their only child, Hattie Isabelle, was born in 1862. In 1863 Mr. Scott enlisted in the Second Maine Regiment of cavalry. While he was fight- ing' at the front, ]Mrs. Scott, with her true womanlv cour- age, faced those dreary days of loneliness with a daring and hope that safely carried her to the day of the glad homecoming of her husband. During the years of her husband's enlistment she resumed school teaching, an ex- perience that tended all the more to develop her innate characteristics of self reliance, fertility of resource and persistency of purpose. Upon Mr. Scott's return from the war the family re- moved to \Miitinsville, Massachusetts. In 1872 a re- moval was made to Manchester, the city that has since been their home. Not long after her settlement in Manchester she be- came identified wih the local Shakespeare club, an organization destined to attain a truly national fame, and the president of which she was destined to be for many years. It was in ^Manchester that she early found a fine opportunity to continue her literary work, which she did in a manner that won for her the unhesitating acceptance of her employers and the flattering approval of the read- ing- world. In 1880 she became the editor of the fireside department of the Alanchester Union and continued as such for five years, in which time she became extensively known throughout the state. At the outset of the organ- ization of the Women's Relief Corps she became an active 411 STATE BUILDERS participant in its affairs and destinies. She was a charter member of Louis Bell corps of Manchester. For two years she was a member of the council, department of New Hampshire, and twice was delegate at large to the National convention of the order. In 1885 she was appointed by the national president, Mrs. Sarah E. Ful- ler, chief of staff and as such was the first woman to hold that office. Continuing her interest in Manchester women's clubs it was Mrs. Scott who projected the federation of the local organizations and the suggestion l)ecame a vital and vitalizing fact. In 1882 her only daughter united in marriage with Edward Lyon Swazey, a successful ranchman and cattle dealer in Wyoming and later a resident of Kansas City. Mrs. Scott has travelled extensively throughout the length and breadth of the country, becoming thereby acquainted with the varying conditions of the different sections of the national domain. In these maturer years of her life she continues to be the same useful and helpful member of society as ever, and her interest in general affairs is as keen as in her girlhood years. 412 JOHN H. NEAL, M.D. JOHN H. NEAL, M. D. One of the younger and most successful of New Hampshire's many physicians is John H. Neal, M. D., of Rochester, the son of John and Sarali J. (Lord) Neal, who- was lx)rn jNIarch 20, 1862, in Parsonsfield, Me. Dr. Neal received his education in the public schools of his native town and at the academy at North Parsons- field. Following his graduation from that institution he was for five years a teacher in the public schools of Maine and New Hampshire, at the same time being entered as a medical student in the office of J. jM. Leavitt, M. D., of Effingham. He began his professional school work at the Bowdoin Medical school, Brunswick, Me., where he took one course of lectures and received his degree in June, 1886, at the Long Island Cottage hospital, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Dr. Neal immediately entered upon the practice of his profession in Sanford, Me., where he remained for nine years, at the end of which time he removed to Rochester, New Hampshire, where he has established himself in a lucrative and extensive practice. During his residence in Sanford, Dr. Neal took an active interest in public affairs, and for five years was president of the Sanford board of health. He was the first president of the Sanford build- ing and loan association, which was chartered in 1890, holding that office until his removal from the town and state. In Rochester, Dr. Neal has been equally interested in 413 STATE BUILDERS affairs pertaining to the public good, and is at the present time a director of the Rochester board of trade. In poHtics Dr. Neal has also been active, and in Nov- ember, 1902, he was elected by the Republicans of his district toi re])resent them in the state senate of 1903. In 1897, he was appointed a member of the United States board of pension examining surgeons, which position he still holds. He is a memlier of the American Medical society, of the medical associations of Maine and New Hampshire, of the Maine academy of medicine and science, oi the Strafiford county medical society. Of the latter organization Dr. Neal is now president. He is Medical Referee for Strafiford county, being the first appointed in the county as a result of the law of 1903 abolishing the office of Coroner and establishing that of Medical Referee instead. For seven years he was secretary of the Rochester board of health and overseer of poor for seven years, from which position he resigned in July, 1903. Dr. Neal is a member of Preble lodge of Masons in Sanford, and is charter member of White Rose chapter, Royal Arch Masons in Sanford, and a charter member of Palestine commandery. Knights Templar. Rochester. Of this commandery Dr. Neal was the first secretary. He married Nov. 28, 1888, Miss Lulu Edna Clark, daughter of Daniel G. and Frances J. (Chase) Clark, of Sanford. and has one child, a son, Cecil M. Neal, born Oct. 25, 1890. 414 CAPT. DAVID WADSWORTH CAPT. DAVID WADSWORTH. Captain David Wadsworth of Manchester was born in Worcester, Mass., February 4, 1838, the son of David and Caroline E. (Metcalf) Wadsworth. He was educated at Cambridgeboro and Richford, Vt., and Nashua. On the breaking- out of the Civil War he enlisted with the Third New Hampshire volunteers from Nashua, entering the service as a private and being promoted to sergeant, second lieutenant, first lieutenant and captain. He served in Sherman's expedition through the South and in the Army of the James, taking part in fifteen battles. He was wounded at Drury's Bluff and received an honorable discharge September 28, 1864. The captain's wonderful memory vividly recalls the important events of the war and this is augmented by a concise record book of his company, kept by its clerk, and now held by the captain. He has assisted many a worthy comrade to identify himself with the service and obtain justice by this same record. One of Captain Wads- worth's favorite anecdotes of the war is as follows : At Morris Island, after we had laid siege to Fort Wag- ner for three weeks, we twice advanced on the enemy and were repulsed. One night Captain Randlett, now of the regular army, aroused the Third New Hampshire from their slumbers and informed them of the important part they were to play in the destruction of the fort. They were to lay in the trenches all night and in the morning, when the signal was given, they were to leap over their 415 STATE BUILDERS works and spike the guns on Fort Wagner while the rest O'f the troops came forward to take the fort. This Httle regiment of less than lOO men was thus truly a forlorn hope. In the morning it was discovered that the enemy had deserted the fort. Before leaving they had set fire to the fuse of the magazine, but the prompt action of the New Hampshire men frustrated the plot. They got there just in time to cut the fuse and thus effect the capture of the fort without loss of life. Captain Wadsworth is a locksmith by trade, and pre- vious tO' 1877 was employed by the Nashua Lock Com- pany. In that year he was appointed jailer for Hillsbor- ough county and took charge of the new jail built by the county at Manchester. There he has ever since remained, conducting a model penal institution, a credit tO' the coun- ty and to himself A Republican in politics, Capt. Wadsworth was a member of the state legislature from Nashua during the sessions of 1875-76, and was chairman of the Committee on Military Accounts, Representative from ward 6, ]\Ian- chester. state legislature, sessions of 1893-94, being chairman of the Committee on County Affairs. He attends the Baptist church and is a member of John G. Foster post, G. A. R. January 5, i860, he married Sarah A., daughter of Laban Moore of Nashua. She died June 10, 1866. January 18, 1873, he married Mrs. Mary E. Buel, daugh- ter of Benjamin Lund of Milford. They have one daugh- ter, who is Mrs. Carl Anderson of Manchester. Captain Wadsworth is a man of wide acquaintance and great popularity, secured and held by his genial disposition and strict integrity. 416 \ EDSON HILL EDSON HILL. A career that is replete with vakied lessons to the young, with interest to the general reader, and one the story of which adds an honored page to the history of New Hampshire, is that of Edson Hill, whose busy and eventful life came to a close in 1888. Mr. Hill was born in the town of Northwood, Sep- tember 13, 1807, being the eighth child of Samuel and Judith Hill. They were of the staunch old New England stock who believed in right and fought for it, and who imbued their descendants with the force of character that made them leaders in enterprises which command the attention of men. The grandfather of Edson Hill was a soldier of the American Revolution. At the beginning of that conflict for the independence of the American colonies he repaired to Fort Constitution at Portsmouth, with musket in hand in defence of home, state and coun- try. Young Hill received the advantages of a common school educatioji and then went to live with Judge Har- vey, who had conceived a great liking for the young man, and who was willing to give him the benefit of his powerful influence. Judge Harvey was one of the prominent men, not only of his own community, but of the state. The prestige of such a man went far towards establishing the young man's position in life, and hence it is not strange to find him elevated as soon as he reached his majority to positions of influence and 417 STATE BUILDERS responsibility in his native town. During his residence in Northwood he was elected town clerk, moderator, and town agent. In 1836 and 1837 he served as selectman, and in 1839 and 1840 represented the town in the Legis- lature. In addition to holding these positions of trust and importance he was nominated and confirmed as post- master, filling the office very satisfactorily during a term of years. In 1840 Mr. Hill removed to Newmarket, and was soon after elected treasurer of Rockingham County, holding the office for two years, 1841 and 1842. In 1843 1^^ went to Manchester and at once engaged in the grocery business with J. Monroe Berry, their store having been located in the Tewksbury Block, the upper stories of which were then occupied by St. Paul's Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Under the firm name of Hill & Berry this business continued until 1850, when Mr. Hill removed to Concord and the firm was dissolved. During this time his fellow citizens had taken the occa- sion to honor him with an election to the state Legislat- ure, serving during the sessions of 1849 ^.nd 1850. Previously to this in 1847 he had acted as engrossing clerk of that body. The Amoskeag bank w^as incorporated by the state June 24, 1848, and began business in October with a capitalization of $100,000. At the first meeting, Octo- ber 2, Mr. Hill was elected one of the directors, his associates being Richard H. Ayer, Samuel D. Berry, Mace Moulton, Stephen B. Green, John S. Kidder and Stephen Tvlanahan. When this bank was merged into the Amoskeag National Bank, 1864, he was elected director in the new institution, a position he held to the day of his death. This fact is an excellent criterion of the financial standing and integrity of Mr. Hill. After Mr. Hill's removal to Concord he was chosen state treasurer, an office he held during the years 1850, 418 STATE BUILDERS 185 1 and 1852. In 1853 the State Capital bank was organized and Mr. Hill was selected as its first cashier, a position he filled with eminent satisfaction to the officials for many years following. During his resi- dence at Concord he served in the board of aldermen and as a councillor, but his connection with the bank pre- cluded the active connection with political life which he had previously maintained. In 1867 he returned to Manchester and bought the house on the corner of Walnut and Concord streets, in which he ever after lived and where he died. Here he passed his declining years in the enjoyment of a mu- nificence that careful business management, shrewd finan- cial foresight and years of industry and strictest integrity had enabled him to accumulate. Three years after the removal to Manchester he was returned to the State Legislature from his ward, and in 1876 he was one of the electors on Tilden and Hendricks' ticket from the state. This was the last political position of prominence for which Mr. Hill was nominated. His business inter- ests monopolized his attention from this time on. Among other positions of trust which he held during his second residence in the city of Manchester may be named that of director in the Concord railroad, director in the Amoskeag bank, trustee in the Amoskeag and People's Savings banks. During his lifetime he was associated with the late Austin Corbin, the eminent banker and prominent also in his day as president of the great Read- ing railroad system. Another well-known public man with whom he maintained a lifelong acquaintance and intimacy was the late General Benjamin F. Butler, who was a native of Deerfield. During those years when Mr. Hill held the office of town agent in Northwood, Gen- eral Butler filled the same position in his native town, and in a controversy which arose over the disposition of 419 STATE BUILDERS certain dependent poor in which both towns were inter- ested, Mr. Hill came off victorious. General Butler always remembered the incident and frequently alluded to it. For many years Mr. Hill was a member of the First Baptist church of Manchester and for some time was president of the society. In 1832 he married Olive Jane, daughter of Nathaniel Durgin of Northwood. She sur- vived him but a few months, dying in 1888, leaving two children, the late Charles H. Hill and Mrs. Flora Hill Barton of this city, who at this writing (1903) is the sole survivor of the family. After the close of the na- tional political campaign of 1876, Mr. Hill gradually withdrew from his old political scenes and associations, in which he for so many years had held an honored and prominent place. During the later years of life it was his custom to pass his winters in the South, living during the summers at some of the numerous Northern seaside resorts. He met his end calmly and peacefully, as was to have been expected of such a mind. Throughout his manhood life, Mr. Hill was a strong, influential and sturdy adherent of the Democratic party and those principles which were so grandly typified in the life and character of Andrew Jackson. His long, busy and useful life will be a treasured memory of those whose good fortune it was to be included among his acquaintances. 420 NATHANIEL WHITE NATHANIEL WHITE. Nathaniel White, the subject of this sketch, typified in his long, useful and sincere life that manhood character that was the chiefest glory of New England throughout the nineteenth century. Born in the town of Lancaster on February 7, 181 1, he was the eldest son of Samuel and Sarah (Freeman) White. His childhood was passed under a mother's tender care, and to her strict religious training was he primarily indebted for that nobility of character wjliich the temptations of youth and young manhood could not taint nor lure away. His school-day life was passed in the gleaning of such knowl- edge as the schools of his native town afforded, in those earlier years of the nineteenth century. At the age of fourteen years he left his native Lancaster to enter the employ of a merchant in Lunenburg, Vermont, with whom he remained about one year, when he accepted an offer to enter the employ of General John Wilson of Lancaster, at that time just entered upon his career as landlord of the Columbian Hotel of Concord. In the employ of Mr. Wilson he began his Concord life at the first rung of the ladder, as it were, for he arrived in the capital city August 25, 1826, with but a single shilling in his pocket. For five years he continued at the Colonial Hotel, and in these remaining five years of his teens it was his custom to render a strict account of his wages to his parents, but the dimes and quarters given to him as favors by the hotel guests he saved as his own, and 421 STATE BUILDERS these savings had amounted to $250 upon the day of his majority. The young man exempHfied those virtues of prudence, economy and temperance, and he entered manhood well equipped for that career in which he so distinguished himself. He never used intoxicating drinks as a beverage, nor tobacco in any form, nor did he gamble in any of the ways prevalent at the time. Busi- ness was his pleasure, and to his business he carried en- terprise, energy and determination. In 1832 he made his first business venture by purchasing a part interest in the stage route between Concord and Hanover, and dur- ing a part of this business venture he drove his own coach. This first business venture was a significant suc- cess, and soon after he bought an interest in the stage route between Concord and Lowell. In 1838 he joined with Captain William Walker and together they began the express business now grown to such large proportions in New England. At the beginning of this enterprise it was his custom to make three trips weekly to Boston, where he personally attended to the delivery of packages of goods and money or the transacting of other business intrusted to him. In 1842, the year of the opening of the Concord railroad, he became one of the original or- ganizers of the express company which was then estab- lished to deliver goods throughout New Hampshire and Canada. That company under various names has con- tinued in successful operation to the present day, and to Nathaniel White's business capacity has it been greatly indebted for its remarkable success. In 1846 Mr. White purchased a farm in the southwestern portion of the city of Concord and distance some two miles from the State House. All told, this farm included something like 400 acres of land. For Concord he ever had a strong attachment. To his energy, skill and business discernment does the city 422 STATE BUILDERS owe much of her material prosperity and corporate de- velopment. In 1852, he took his first step in practical political life by accepting a nomination of the Whig and Free Soilers to represent his adopted city in the state Legislature. From the start he was an abolitionist and a member of the Anti-Slavery society from its inception. His home became the refuge of many an escaping slave, where welcome care, food and money were freely be- stowed and the refugees helped along on another stage of their journey to the land of freedom. In all works of charity and philanthropy, Mr. White was foremost and earnest. He was deeply interested and prominently identified with the New Hampshire Asylum for the In- sane and State Reform School; in the Orphans' Home in Franklin, which he liberally endowed, and the Home for the Aged at Concord was his special care. Besides his extensive interest in the express company, his farm, which had become one of the most highly cultivated in the state, his charming summer home on the borders of Lake Sunapee, and his real estate in Concord, he became extensively interested in Chicago realty; in hotel prop- erty in the mountain district; in banks, manufacturing and in shipping. He was director in the Manchester and Lawrence, Franconia and Profile House, and the Mt. Washington railways, and in the National State Cap- ital bank; a trustee of the Loan and Trust Savings bank, also of the Reform School, Home for the Aged and other private and public trusts. In 1875 he was the candidate for Governor of New Hampshire of the Prohibition party. In 1876 he was a delegate of the Cincin- nati convention which nominated Hayes for President and cast every ballot for the man of his choice. In the Garfield and Arthur campaign in 1880 his name was placed at the head of the list of the New Hampshire presidential electors. 423 STATE BUILDERS November i, 1836, Mr. White married Armenia S., daughter of John Aldrich of Boscawen. This marriage proved most happy. Of Mr. White it has been said: "His history is not complete without a narration of the perfect union, complete confidence and mutual trust and assistance between he and his wife during a married life of nearly half a century." Mrs. White in this year of 1903 is still living, the subject of love and veneration by a wide circle of acquaintances and by the entire popula- tion of the city of Concord. Mr. White died October 2, 1880, having practically completed the Psalmist's al- lotted span of life. The Concord Daily Monitor under date of October 2, 1880, in commenting upon the death of Mr. White, said : "In the death of Nathaniel White this community sustains an irreparable loss. Large hearted, humane, liberal and progressive, he gave to every good work, local and state, iiis assistance and unstinted sup- port. Devoted to the welfare of Concord he employed his wealth for the enhancement of its prosperity. His public spirit extended throughout the state and the de- velopment of its resources. A good man has gone to his reward and it can be truly said that the world is better for the part he bore in it." 424 JOSEPH P. CHATEL JOSEPH P. CHATEL. Conspicuous among the residents of New Hampshire who are of French-Canadian birth or descent is Joseph P. Chatel of Manchester, He was born in the town of Stuckley, Province of Quebec, January 14, 1854, the son of Prosper and Leibaire Chatel. When the son was eight years old the family removed to Biddeford, Maine. In 1868 the son went, alone of the family, to Manchester and obtained employment in the Manchester mills, and remained at this work for six months, subsequently returning to Biddeford, and living there until 1870. His father having died in the meantime the family decided to locate permanently in Manchester, which city since that year, 1870, has been its home. Young Chatel upon his second arrival in Manchester re-entered one of the city's mills, remaining therein for some two years. Alert to the opportunities of life in Manchester and ambitious tO' better his circumstances, he left the factory and served an apprenticeship to the barber's trade, and shortly after its close established a business of his own and conducted the same for some eighteen years with a never varying success. Having accumulated a handsome property Mr. Chatel gave up his original business and uniting with a friend embarked in the grocery business, also in Manchester. After a while financial disaster overtook this venture, ending in its complete windup. On his retirement from the grocery business he found himself encumbered with 425 STATE BUILDERS an^mdebtedness, which with its interest accumulation eventually amounted to some $3,400. He went to work as a travelling salesman for a Boston house and con- tinued as such for twoi years. Not the least discouraged by his ill-fated venture in the grocery trade, he lost no opportunity to enlarge his business acquaintanceship and to gain friends. At the close of his twO' years as a salesman he again started in business for himself, open- ing a wine store on Manchester street in 1894. This business has proved from its inception a decided success. In the years since its inception Mr. Chatel has paid every dollar with interest simple and compound, incurred while operating his grocery store. His trade relations reach into all parts of New Hampshire and each year has brought an increased list of patrons. Possessing to a marked degree business qualifications that keep him abreast of the times he is found aiding at all times enterprises designed tO' augment the business and mate- rial well-being of the city, and for these and other good qualities he is esteemed by all. In 1898 Mr. Chatel was put forward as the Demo- cratic candidate for senator in the Eighteenth District, was elected by a majority of 344 over a strong opposi- tion candidate, and in January, 1899, took his seat in the Senate Chamber at Concord, being the first citizen of French Canadian birth tO' hold the position of senator in New Hampshire, and, it is believed, in the United States. While Mr. Chatel has always taken a deep interest in the welfare of the great body of his countrymen, who, like himself, have become American citizens, he has, in the larger and broader view, been actively interested in all that concerned the progress and prosperity of his city and state. In all his private and social relations, he is genial, generous and a firm friend. Business success has in no way changed him in his attitude toward 426 STATE BUILDERS others, and in return he enjoys a well-earned popularity such as is rarely attained in any condition in life. Mr. Chatel is a member of the Foresters and at this present writing (1903) is the president of the St. John Baptist society of Manchester. He was married in 1873 to Miss Hedwige Brien oi; Manchester. They have four living children, two sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Alfred V., is a graduate of a Montreal commercial college, wiiile the second son, Louis A., is a Junior in St. Anselm college, Manchester. The elder daughter, Edwige, is a graduate of Jesus and Mary convent, Manchester, while the second daughter, Anna Josephine, is a pupil in Notre Dame academy. 427 GEORGE M. CLOUGH. Georg-e M. Clough was born in Warner, N. H., May 28, 1863. His parents were Julia A. (Edmunds) and Joseph A. Clough. One of his ancestors on the paternal side served in the Revolutionary war and another in the War of 181-2. Having been born on a farm and his father devoting much time to carpentry, gave to the young man many advantages not afforded in the busy city life. He early became acquainted with the art of training steers, caring for sheep, holding the plow and mowing, as well as making friends with the circular saw and turning lathe. He attended the "district school" in his locality, when in session, and the "village school" in winter. Soon after entering the Simonds Free High school he became inter- ested in land surveying and pursued the study and prac- tised some years. His high school training was supple- mented by private instruction. When eighteen years old he began teaching school in his native town, continuing for two years. Webster next secured him for a term, and then he went to Canterbury, remaining two years. At this time he was offered several positions but selected the principalship of the Ujnion school in Tilton, N. H., where he remained for two years. Mr. Clough has always been interested in schools and is now president of the Simonds Free High School Association (incorporated), of Warner, N. H., the 428 GEORGE M. CLOUGH STATE BUILDERS objects of which are to broaden the school's influence and aid in its development. He is president of the Somerville Sons & Daughters of New Hampshire, which has a large membership and is doing much to turn the attention of her native sons and daughters back to their early homes. He is a charter member of the New Hampshire Exchange Club, recently organized in Boston, Mass. In 1888 Mr. Clough decided to discontinue teaching and enter the field of life insurance. After months of careful study he became connected with the Boston office of The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, with which company he still remains. He married Anna G. Gale, of Canterbury, N. H., who passed away in February, 1903, being survived by three children, Gertrude G., Portia E. and Maurice. 429 MRS. MARY F. BERRY. The pages of New Hampshire history contain nothing of deeper interest, neither records more brilHantly il- lumined than those which narrate the part which the women have taken in the upbuilding of the state, from the first to the present year of its political existence. To make society and the state stronger and more progressive by means of a more highly developed humanity has ever been the especial field of effort in which these women, the devoted, loyal. God-fearing ''Ruths" of New Hampshire, have gleaned and toiled for the common store. Intellectual power and attainment, with religion as its basis and source of supply, has been the self-chosen goal for which the women of the state in all the generations have striven. There is no form or phase of intellectual activity in which they have not engaged, and that with signal success. In Mary F. Berry is found a genuinely representative type of the New Hampshire woman, legion in number, who has made herself a power in formulating and ad- vancing the thought and progress of the community during the past twenty-five years. She has been a woman with a vocation and an avocation, and throughout has shown that she possessed a versatility of talent that en- abled her to win success in any undertaking she essayed. She has that individuality, originality, and personality that leads her to be herself and not the reflection of an- other or others. Her singleness of purpose has made her a woman of convictions and never has she failed to have the courage of those convictions. Mrs. Berry was born Mary F. Mitchell and her birth- place was Hooksett. Her parents were John H. and Mary G. (Jones) Mitchell. Her school-day life was passed in 430 MRS. MARY F. BERRY STATE BUILDERS the common schools of her town and at Pembroke acad- emy. From her native Hooksett she went to Massa- chusetts, setthng finally in Stoneham. A chief event in her life while there was the entering upon a mercantile career in association with a woman friend. The two associates embarked in their enterprise without capital but with a credit of three thousand dollars with the firm's word alone as security. The enterprise prospered and it ^vas not long ere all financial obligations were liqui- dated. It was while engaged in operating her store that Mrs. Berry first heard that the attention of the world was called to a new interpretation of the Bible, and that the promulgation of this new idea, destined to speedily be- come a tremendous power, was by a woman, and she also a daughter of the Granite State. Her naturally inquiring and searching mentality and her innate power to grasp and fathom ideas led her to take into consideration the declarations and conclusions of the new teacher, the dis- coverer of the fact that "all causation is mind"; the founder of the church, Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, holding this tenet as a great fundamental. There was that in the new interpretation and reading of the Scriptures that appealed to the heart and mind of Mrs. Berry, but she did not accept and espouse the teaching of Mrs. Eddy without most careful and conclusive investigation and reflection. Having become a believer in Christian Science mind- healing as formulated by Mrs. Eddy, she entered upon the work with all that zeal, love of purpose, and enthusiasm that have ever been characteristic of her. She became a pupil of Mrs. Eddy as early as 1882 and at the conclusion of the prescribed course of study she returned to her native New Hampshire with the determined pur- pose, and as the first pioneer, of planting the new religion in the land of her fathers. She settled in Manchester, and bravely, yet in a womanly manner, raised the banner of 431 STATE BUILDERS her faith and spiritual principles. This was in the fall of 1882, and from that year to the present her heart has never failed her nor her faith laxed an iota in its zeal and devotion. The religion she taught was one that in- cluded the healing of physical illness as well as the lifting up of the spiritual being. Success is the record of Mrs. Berry's twenty years' work in Manchester. The sole pioneer in the state at first, she soon gathered about her men and women of Manchester who accepted the new way of serving their Maker and mankind. Soon a read- ing-room was engaged only to be given up for a still larger one. Outside lecturers and teachers came at vary- ing periods to help the Manchester members and eventu- ally the decision to build a church was reached. In 1898, a lot for the proposed new church was bought for forty- five hundred dollars. In 1900 plans for the construction of the church edifice began to be considered, but it was not until 1901 that the actual work of construction be- gan. A charter for the first "Church of Christ, Sci- entist," in Nezif Hampshire, had been obtained in 1894 with twenty-three charter members. The handsome edi- fice begun in 1901 was dedicated with appropriate ser- vices on Sunday, January 11, 1903. The dedication was made possible from the fact that the cost of building had been met to the uttermost cent. This re- markable result was greatly aided by a generous bequest from a departed sister. The total expense was about fourteen thousand dollars. The edifice is so built as to make an enlargement easily practicable to a seating capacity of eight hundred. At the dedicatory services Mrs. Berry read an inter- esting history of the work in Manchester, and she was likewise one of the board of trustees that supervised the erection of the church. Aside from her church affiliations Mrs. Berry is active and prominent in all that has to do with the advancement of the material interests of her home city. 432 JOHN GAULT JOHN GAULT. The history of New Hampshire in all its extended and varied range presents no single aspect that exceeds in general interest, that more entertainingly and forcibly illustrates the enduring influence of a strong and well mannered human life, or that presents in a clearer man- ner the grandeur of an idea having for its sole foundation the uplifting of the individual man, than does that page which tells of the coming in the eighteenth century, for the purpose of permanent abode, of the Scotch and the Scotch-Irish. The very nature of their spiritual homage made them patriots and ardent advocates of constitu- tional liberty. The conditions prevailing in the growth of a natural physical being and the wisdom of their view of what made the whole duty of life begat in them an intellectual being that was at once their glory and power. No community in all New England, however small or remote, but what felt the influence for good that was ever spreading out from this people. They were a race of teachers in all that concerned the domestic, intellectual, and spiritual progress of all the colonies. They were a race of housekeepers and home builders, t\vo essentials of infinitely vaster importance in the building of a nation than are all the forces of statecraft, finance, and politics. New Hampshire is fortunate tliis day in that she still retains a strong and ever vitalizing infusion of this old- time Scotch blood that has come down through the gen- 433 STATE BUILDERS erations to make stronger and better the material life of the state. The old family names are of still frequent occurrence and borne by men and women who splendidly maintain the ancient traditions as a precious heritage and hallowed trust. Conspicuous among these family names of early Scotch settlers in New Hampshire is that of Gault, the first of whom was Samuel, a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, the birthplace of Robert Bums and a host of others who gained honor and fame for work performed in life's varied fields of effort. It was near what is to-day the centre of the town of Hooksett that Samuel Gault built his home and began the work of winning a farm from the primeval forest. The wife of Samuel Gault was Elsie Carleton, a Welsh woman, and the passing of time has shown that this union of Scotch and Welsh blood was a strong and virile combination. After their marriage they journeyed to Londonderry, in Ireland, where were so many of their faith and blood. Early in their married life the couple resolved to seek their home in America, and the frontier settlement, now Hooksett, was selected as the place of habitation. A son of the couple, born in their new home, was named Matthew, and when he had grown to man- hood he joined the forces that successfully contended for the independence of the colonies. He was one of Stark's men at Bennington, was with Washington at Morris- town, and later did garrison duty at West Point on the Hudson. This soldier of the American Revolution, Matthew Gault, married a daughter of Captain Andrew Bunton of Chester, and they also had a son whom they named Matthew. This second Matthew Gault, growing to man- hood, identified himself with the material interests of Hooksett, and, maintaining the spirit and tradition of 434 STATE BUILDERS his ancestry, he kept all that came under his sway in a state of advancement and progress. He was a pioneer in brick manufacturing, so long since a leading industry in Hooksett, and participated in the affairs of his town, county and state. A son of the second Matthew was named Norris C, who continued the brick-manufacturing interests so suc- cessfully established by his father. Norris C. Gault served his native Hooksett in the popular branch of the State Legislature as far back as 1867, and for a number of years was selectman of the town. He married Annie Mitchell, and a son born to them is the subject of this sketch, John Gault. He is the fifth of that line in America begun by Samuel Gault and his wife, Elsie Carleton, and, though still in his early manhood, he has proven that there is no deterioration of the original stock. The material life and interests of New Hampshire have been fostered and advanced by each successive generation of the family. Each generation has recognized that it had a work to do and it has displayed the ability to do it and do it well. Family ability and character rarely if ever degenerate under an acceptance of such conditions. Thus far (1903) the chosen life work of John Gault has been teaching. His first situation in this profession was in the Haven school of Portsmouth, where he re- mained from September, 1895, until December, 1896, when he accepted the principalship of the Webster-street - school in the city of Manchester, and in this position he is still serving. The science of pedagogy is so comprehensive in its scope that one sees differing and varied definitions of its meaning. At its best it means that faculty which one may possess of imparting knowledge to others. A per- son may be ever so erudite, yet, lacking in this faculty, he or she will fail utterly to make the ideal instructor. Mr. 435 STATE BUILDERS Gault happily possesses this faculty of imparting knowl- edge to others to a marked degree, and to its possession is due much of his distinct success and popularity as a teacher. He perceives the characteristics of each individual pupil and acts in the premises as suggested by this insight into character. Mr. Gault's natal day was February 28, 1872, and he was of the fourth generation of the family to have been born in Hooksett. His preparatory education was in Pembroke academy, graduating therefrom in 1890. He entered Dartmouth College with the class of '95 and im- mediately upon graduation began teaching. On August 27th, 1902, he married Sallie, daughter of William F. and Mary H. (Sargeant) Head of Hooksett. Mr. Gault is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in fraternal organization has membership in the Knights of Pythias and the Masons. 436 DANIEL J. DALEY DANIEL J. DALEY. From the very beginning of its history as a distinct pohtical division of what is now the United States, New Hampshire has been singularly peculiar in the number of her sons who have chosen the law as a life calling, and this tendency to the legal profession is as pronounced to-day as ever, and there is no question but what the standard of ability and erudition is as high as ever. Included among the younger members of the New Hampshire bar is Daniel J. Daley of Manchester, who was admitted to practice in 1899. He was born in the town of Londonderry, August i, 1873, the son of John and Julia Daley, who were residents of London- derry for upwards of forty years, owning and tilling one of the best farms in the town. The boyhood life of young Daley was passed upon the parental farm and at the common schools of the town. At the age of sixteen he entered Pinkerton Academy, and the pecuniary means required for this course of study he earned by working at logging, chopping and general work upon the farm. While still in his teens and before the year of his majority gave him the right to vote, he participated in the political affairs of his town and neighborhood. At twenty-one his fellow townsmen conferred upon him the rare honor, for one of his age, of an election to the Londonderry Board of Selectmen, and this wholly without any self- seeking of the office. 437 STATE BUILDERS His first preparatory step for the bar was a course of study in the Nashua office of Charles J. Hamblett, United States District Attorney under Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt. He subsequently entered the Boston University Law School, but did not complete its full course of study. Returning to New Hampshire he eventually resumed his law studies in the office of James P. Tuttle of Manchester, former solicitor of Hillsborough County. It was early in 1899 that he passed his examinations for admission to the bar, and he at once located in Manchester, in which city he has since lived and practiced. His success as a lawyer was instant and marked. From the first he has been a general practitioner, and in each department of legal practice he has given evidence that he is well grounded in general law. He is thus early in his career retained by the Boston and Maine Railroad Corporation; the American Cotton Yarn Trust; the Manchester Traction, Light and. Power Company; the Kimball Carriage Company, and Cavan- augh Brothers, all clients that any lawyer of even long experience might feel well proud of possessing. Early in 1903 Mr. Daley became professionally asso- ciated with a case in criminal procedure, interest in which extended throughout New England. This was the case of Charles W. Sell, charged with assault with intent to kill. Sell shot and seriously wounded his former sweetheart, Miss Mabel French, and after firing two shots at her, both of which took effect, he next fired at her two companions, Clinton Bunker and Joseph Clough, slightly wounding both. The grand jury found two indictments against Sell, and conviction under these two indictments called for a maximum sentence of forty years. 438 STATE BUILDERS The finding of the indictments and the approaching trial awakened in the pubHc an intense interest, which deepened and spread as the day of the trial approached. People indulged in all manner of speculation as to the probable outcome of the trial. Practically all Agreed that there was no possible chance for Sell to escape from a sentence much short of ten years, and all anticipated a long-drawn-out contest, as it was given out that the prisoner's plea would be one of self defence. On the morning of the day set for the trial Mr. Daley conferred with Mr. Wason, who as the solicitor of Hillsborough County appeared for the state, with the result that it was agreed that Sell should plead nolo contendere, which agreement the Court accepted and Sell escaped with an indeterminate sentence of not less than three nor more than five years. Mr. Daley is popular and respected wherever known, for he has those qualities of heart and mind that people like to come into contact with. In fraternal organizations he is a member and past-master of Gen. Stark Grange Patrons of Husbandry, of Manchester Council Knights of Columbus and the New Hampshire Catholic Club, Manchester. He married, in 1903, Miss Josephine C. Burke of Manchester, a graduate of Mt. St. Mary's Academy and widely known in Manchester's social and educational circles. 439 WALLACE D. LOVELL. Though of neither New Hampshire birth nor New Hampshire residence, Wallace D. Lovell is well entitled to rank with the state builders of this commonwealth by reason of the strenuous eliect which he is putting forth to develop the wealth and resources of the community. Born at Weymouth, Mass., Feb. 3, 1854, and thoroughly trained as a business man in that state, Mr. Lovell clearly foresaw many years agO' the great future of New Hamp- shire as a summer resort when once its latent energies were fully developed and exploited. Accordingly, in the fall of 1897, he began the work of building street rail- ways in southern New Hampshire, extending them across the state line into northern Massachusetts. His first ven- tures in New Hampshire were in the southeastern portion oi the state, where he built and developed the Exeter street railway, the Portsmouth and Exeter street railway, the Exeter and Newmarket street railway, the Hampton and Amesbury street railway, the Seabrook and Hampton Beach street railway, the y\mesbury and Hampton street railway, the Haverhill, Plaistow and Newton street rail- way, the Haverhill and Plaistow street railway, the Haverhill and Southern New Hampshire street railway. These various railroads, now united into a single com- prehensive system, thoroughly gridiron the southeastern tier of towns" in Rockingham county, and afford easy and rapid intercommunication between the beautiful towns of that section and the entrancing line of seacoast which New Hampshire possesses. 440 WALLACE D. LOVELL STATE BUILDERS In connection with these enterprises Mr, LoveU has recently buih and opened with due ceremony a bridge over Hampton River more than a mile in length, which practically connects New Hampshire and Massachusetts on the shore line and a\ hich by opening up a large feed- ing territory for his railroads in Massachusetts has added materially to the prosperity of eastern Rockingham coun- ty- Turning his attention from this field where he has been so successful, Mr. Lovell has also constructed and put into operation the Hudson, Pelham and Salem street rail- way, the Lawrence and Methuen street railway, the Lowell and Pelham street railway, and the Derry and Pelham street railway, giving communication between the flourishing cities in the Merrimack valley in this state and in Massachusetts. He has also built and now operates the Dover, Somers- worth and Rochester street railway, bringing those three active and hustling communities into close touch with each other, and he now has under contract the Concord, Dover and Rochester street railway which will be built during the coming season, and which will open up a sec- tion of territory in New Hampshire which is now abso- lutely without means of communication other than that afforded by the highways, but which in material pros- perity is amply able to support such a line as is contem- plated. In connection with his railway enterprises in south- eastern New Hampshire Mr. Lovell has constructed at Portsmouth a magnificent electrical plant known as the Rockingham County light and power company. This plant supplies the electrical energy for the various lines of railway operated by Mr. Lovell and in addition is pre- pared to furnish light and power to cities or individuals, it being Mr. Lovell's firm belief that through the wide distribution of electrical power in small manufacturing 441 STATE BUILDERS establishments great prosperity to a community must necessarily ensue. Mr. Lovell is not content with the great work he has already done but contemplates even larger and more ex- tended enterprises in the same line, so thoroughly is he imbued with the belief that the extension and develop- ment of trolley lines will be of inestimable benefit to the state of New Hampshire by attracting and distributing over new sections of country thousands of summer visi- tors who do not now come here. 442 SHERMAN E. BURROUGHS SHERMAN E. BURROUGHS. It was but the following out of a well-sustained pre- dilection that Sherman E. Burroughs sought and entered the legal profession as the chosen field of his life work. To use an old-time, yet expressive phrase, he was a natural born lawyer; he loved the profession not for what he might wring from it, but rather for what it was and all that it represented. Through good judgment and wise decision he came to the bar well grounded in the law, not leaving, as is so frequently the case, a great mass of matter to be studied and learned after entering upon practice. His general education was likewise thorough and comprehensive, wholly free from that superficiality so regretfully common in the whole list of the trades and professions in present day American life. All this made the more effective his equipment for the bar and the general affairs of life, and that immedi- ate success which has been his in early manhood years was as but a natural result of a thorough preliminary preparation. Mr. Burroughs is a thorough-going son of New Hampshire, for not only was he born in the state but his ancestry on both sides for several generations had their birth and rearing within the state. The little town of Dunbarton, that has for so many years been famed for its generous contributions of conspicuous men and women to the every field of state and national life, was his birthplace, with 1870 as his natal year. 443 STATE BUILDERS His parents were John H. and Helen M. (Baker) Burroughs, and when the son was fourteen years of age the family removed to the town of Bow, in which place the parents live to this year (1903), The educational life of young Burroughs began in the common schools of Dunbarton, was continued in those of Bow and the High school in the city of Concord, graduating from the latter in 1890, in which year he entered the freshman class of Dartmouth college and completing the college course graduated in 1894. Immediately following the graduation he went to Washington to become private secretary to his kinsman, Henry M. Baker, then a congressman from New Hamp- shire. His work at the national capital served him, in effect, as it has many another young man destined for the bar and other professional fields, as a valued post graduate course. It was while in Washington also that he entered upon his legal studies as a student in Colum- bian University law school, from which he graduated in 1897, but his admission to the bar of the District of Columbia was in 1896 and prior to his graduation from the law school. In the fall of 1897 he returned to New Hampshire, was admitted to the bar of the state, and at once opened a law office in the city of ]\Ianchester. From 1897 to 1901 he continued practice alone, but in July of the latter year he became one of the firm of Taggart. Tuttle and Burroughs, a firm that has attained an extensive practice in corporation procedure as well as general practice. Until 1903 Mr. Burroughs retained his legal residence in the town of Bow, when he changed it to Manchester. In 1 90 1 he was sent by his fellow townsmen in Bow to represent them in the popular branch of the state legis- lature, in which body he served on the judiciary and rules committee. 444 STATE BUILDERS In 1898 Mr. Burroughs married Helen S. Phillips, a member of a former New York state family. Three sons, Robert Phillips, John Hamilton, and Sherman Edward, Jr., are a thrice blessed result of the union. In fraternal organizations Mr. Burroughs is a Mason, and in church affiliation he is an Episcopalian. 445 J. HOMER EDGERLEY. Among the many New Hampshire boys in their teens who ralHed to the defence of the flag and country in the war from '6i to '65 was J. Homer Edgerley, and that his youth did not preclude him from a full realization of the magnitude and seriousness of that portentous conflict, is evidenced by the fact that he remained with his command till its final muster out at the close of the war. Nor is this all; this youth, as he was at the time of his enlistment, performed the duties of the private in the ranks with such measure of valor and efficiency that he won promotion, first as first sergeant of his company, next as second lieutenant, then to a captaincy, and upon his muster out it was as brevet-major. This last promotion was from a recommendation in a general order of the commanding general, prompted by a personal act of splendid heroism. After the war, Major Edgerley, accepting the example of many another New Hampshire man, went to Massa- chusetts, and from that time has made his home in Boston or its vicinity. During much of the time of his residence in Massachusetts, he has been in the civil service of the United States Government, and, in addition, has served his adopted state as a member of its legislature during the session of 1900. As a resident of the city of Charlestown prior to its annexation to Boston, he was a member of its common council. For several years he was master painter 446 J. HOMER EDGERLEY STATE BUILDERS at the Charlestown Navy Yard. He is at present deputy serveyor of customs, port of Boston. Major Edgerley is a native of Dover. His father was Calvin O. Edgerley, a long time resident and respected citizen of that city. He enlisted at Dover under Ira A. Moody, and this squad eventually became Company K, Third New Hampshire. Early in 1862 he was made orderly sergeant (from private), and satisfactorily filled the position till June, 1863, when he was commissioned a second lieutenant. He was at Pocotaligo, South Caro- lina, October 22, 1862, and with his regiment at the taking of Morris Island, July 10, 1863, in the attack of the following morning, and in the siege work of those weary months, during which it seemed to each man that it was surely his turn next to be either killed or wounded. During a portion of this time, Lieutenant Edgerley served with the Boat Infantry Picket, an extremely haz- ardous duty, wholly by night, and as important as it was dangerous. Lieutenant Edgerley took active part in all the actions of the regiment, Drury's Bluff, May 13-16, 1864; in the noted sortie of June 2, 1864; the recapture of the rifle-pits in front of the Bermuda Hundred lines; and in the Petersburg reconnoissance of June 9, 1864. June 16, 1864, when the enemy had vacated Butler's front, he was with the skirmishers, feeling the new ad- vance of the enemy, and behaved very gallantly. On the 1 6th of August, 1864, the 7th of October, 1864, and the various actions of those autumn months, Lieutenant Edgerley was a participant. In December, 1864, he had a leave of absence and he was about that time promoted to captain. In January, 1865, he was one of the six ofiicers with the regiment in the successful assault of Fort Fisher, and with a mere handful of volunteer fol- lowers he ran to Mound Battery and hauled down and se- cured the flag, giving it to General Terry. 447 STATE BUILDERS He was sent to Point Lookout, Maryland, in charge of a steamer-load of the captured prisoners. In the ad- vance on Wilmington he again displayed great courage. On the nth of February, when he was in charge of the line (left wing), he captured a greater number of pris- oners than his own force. At Wilmington, after its cap- ture, he was assistant provost-marshal, the duties of which office required great skill, sagacity, and diplomacy. He was in charge of the flag of truce which arranged for the wholesale exchange of prisoners at North East Ferry. He returned home with the regiment at its final muster out in July, 1865. 448 GEORGE A. MARDEN GEORGE A. MARDEN. Of that great army of men of New Hampshire birth who have chosen the State of Massachusetts for their adoption and the field of Hfe's efforts and activity, few have gained greater distinction or more widespread pop'- ularity than George A. Marden, who in April, 1899, was appointed by President McKinley the assistant treasurer of the United States, at Boston, and reappointed for the second term by President Roosevelt. Since 1867 Mr. Marden has been a legal resident of Lowell, in which place he has been prominently identified with the news- paper press of Massachusetts, and it is in the news- paper field as well as in the realm of politics that he has become so prominently known throughout New England and, indeed, the entire country. Mr. Marden was born in the town of Mont Vernon, August 9, 1839, the son of Benjamin Franklin and Betsey (Buss) Marden. On the paternal side he is de- scended from Richard Marden who took the oath of fidelity in New Haven, 1646, and both lines of ancestry are prominently identified with the settlement and devel- opment of the colony and state of New Hampshire. Mr. Marden' s preparatory education was obtained at Appleton academy in Mont Vernon, now the McCollom institute, of whose trustees he is president. In this period he was also taught the shoemaker's trade by his father, who was both a tanner and a shoemaker, and he worked thereat after attaining the age of twelve, in intervals oc- 449 STATE BUILDERS curring- while he was fitting for cohege and subsequently during- college vacations. Having entered Dartmouth college in the fall of 1857, he graduated in July, 1861, being the eleventh member in rank in a class of fifty- eight members. In 1875 he was the commencement poet of the Phi Beta Kappa society, and in 1877 he delivered the commencement poem before the Dartmouth Associ- ated Alumni. Of each of these two societies he was the president for two years. Among his classmates in college was the Rev. William Jewett Tucker, now the president of the college. With his patriotism deeply stirred by the outbreak of the Rebellion, Mr. Marden enlisted as a private in Com- pany G, Second Regiment of Berdan's United States sharpshooters. In November, 1861, he was mustered into the United States serA-ice, receiving- a warrant as second sergeant. Transferred to the first regiment of sharp- shooters in 1862, he was, during the Peninsular cam- paign, under McClehan from Yorktown to Harrison's Landing. On July 10 of the same year he was made first lieutenant and regimental quartermaster, and subse- quently served in that capacity until January, 1863, when he was ordered on staff duty as acting assistant adjutant- general of the Third Brigade, Third Division, Third Corps. After serving in this position until the fall of 1863, having been in the battles of Chancellorsville, Get- tysburg and Wapping Heights, he was ordered to Riker's Island, N. Y., on detached service. Soon after, at his own request, he was sent back to his regiment, with which he remained until it was mustered out in September, 1864. Having returned to New Hampshire, Mr. Marden en- tered the law office of Minot and Mugridge at Concord, N. H., where he engaged in the study of law and also wrote for the Concord Daily Monitor. In November, 1865, he removed to Charleston, Kanawha County, 450 STATE BUILDERS West Virginia, and purchased a weekly paper, the Kana- wha Republican. This he edited until April, 1866, when he disposed of it and returned to New Hampshire. Then he worked for Adjutant-General Nat Head of New Hampshire, compiling and editing a history of each of the state's military organizations during the civil war. In the meantime, still pursuing journalism, he wrote for the Concord Monitor and was the Concord correspondent of the Boston Advertiser, having obtained this post in July, 1866. He accepted, January, 1867, the position of as- sistant editor of the Boston Advertiser and discharged its duties until Sq^tember following. Then, conjointly with his classmate, Major E. T. Rowell, he purchased the Loivell Daily Courier and the Loiuell Weekly Journal, both of which he has since conducted. On September i, 1892, the partnership of Messrs. Marden and Rowell, which lasted just twenty-five years, was suspended by a stock corporation styled the Lowell Courier Publishing Company, the two proprietors retaining their respective interests in the enterprise. Since January i, 1895, the Courier company has been united with the Citizen com- pany, under the name of the Courier-Citizen company, the Citizen having been made a one-cent morning paper, and Mr. Marden remaining in editorial charge of both papers. Mr. Marden's first vote in a Presidential election was cast for Abraham Lincoln. Since 1867 there has been no election, state or national, when he did not serve his party on the stump. The most notable of these was the presidential campaign of 1896, when, in company with Major General O. O. Howard, Majcrr General Daniel E. Sickles, Gen. Russell A. Alger, Gen. Thos. J. Stewart, Corp. James Tanner, Major J. W. Burst, and Col. George H. Hopkins, he stumped the middle west on a platform car, travelling over 8,000 miles in fifteen states, 451 STATE BUILDERS addressing more than a million people. As a speaker he has also been in much request for Memorial Day and for jubilee anniversaries generally. In April, 1893, he delivered a memorable address at the reunion of the "Old Guard," held in New York on Forefathers' Day of 1889 and 1892, the invitations to which he regards as the greatest honor of his life. July 4, 1891, he read the poem at the annual encampment of the Society of the Army of the Potomac at Buffalo. It was as a member of the state legislature that Mr. Marden first entered political life in Massachusetts, hav- ing secured election in 1873. He was first chosen clerk of the House in 1874, an event chiefly due to the friend- liness with which he had inspired his fellow members of the preceding year. He was regularly elected to that office afterward to 1883. Then he decided to seek election to the house again, with the purpose of becoming a candi- date for the speakership. Having obtained both desires, he was first elected speaker for 1883. He was again elected representative and the speaker for 1884. Al- though new to the gavel in 1883, when the session was the longest held before or since then, mainly owing to Governor Butler's frequent intervention in legislative affairs, he made an exceptionally creditable record in the chair. In 1885 he was a member of the state senate. After being defeated in his candidacy for the senate of the following year, he was appointed by Grovernor Ames a trustee of the agricultural college at Amherst. Begin- ning in 1888 he was annually elected Treasurer and Re- ceiver-General of the Commonwealth for five consecutive years, thereby exhausting the period for which the office can be constitutionally held by the same individual unin- terruptedly, and winning general commendation by his administration of the state's finances. In company with Hon. George S. Boutwell, ex-Secretary of the United 452 STATE BUILDERS States Treasury, he represented the Seventh Congres- sional district in the National Republican convention of 1880, held in Chicago, where both ardently supported the nomination of General Grant, thereby earning their right to membership in the "Old Guard," and to their "306 medals," which they have treasured to this day. Mr. Harden married^ December 10, 1867, Mary Por- ter Fiske, daughter of Deacon David Fiske of Nashua. They have two sons, Philip Sanford, born Jan, 12, 1874, graduated from Dartmouth, 1894, and Harvard Law School in 1898; and Robert Fiske, born June 14, 1876, graduated from Dartmouth, 1898. 453 DANIEL WALTON GOULD. A strong and influential personality as respects char- acter and type of manhood in that contingent of New Hampshire men in Massachusetts, is Daniel Walton Gould, for many years a resident of the city of Chelsea in that state. But his influence as a citizen and active participant in general affairs is not confined to his home city but extends throughout the state. He is rich in the possession of a good name and the respect and affection of thousands of Bay State citizens who have come to know him in tlie passing years of a well-directed life. He belongs to that body in American citizenship who when boys, or in the first years of an ardent young man- hood, rallied to the defence of their country's flag and for which they sought no other reward than the con- sciousness of a duty well performed. The echo of the guns that were turned upon Fort Sumter -on that event- ful April day had scarcely died away before Daniel W. Gould was numbered among those who had volunteered in defence of the Union. In less than three months after leaving his peaceful abode in the shelter of the hills of his native New Hampshire he received his first baptism of shot and shell on that fatal field of the first Bull Run clash of arms. He went with McClellan to the Penin- sula, where in one of the first battles of that campaign, so disastrous to the LTnion arms, he received a wound that caused the amputation of his left arm. Returning to his home in New Hampshire he entered heartily into every duty of the true citizen. 454 DANIEL WALTON GOULD STATE BUILDERS The story of Mr. Gould's life to these first years of the twentieth century told in brief is that he was born in the town of Peterborough, August lo, 1838, son of Gilman and Mersylvia Walton Gould. He is a descendant of Zacheus Gould who is supposed to have come to this country from England in 1638 and settled in Topsfield, Mass., in 1643. He was educated in the public schools of Peterborough and passed three years in the law office of R. B. Hatch. When the civil war broke out he enlisted under the call of President Lincoln for 75,000 men, on April 26, 1 86 1, at Peterborough, as a private, and on the fifth of June following he was mustered into the United States service at Portsmouth, N. H., for three years and assigned to company G, second Regiment, New Hamp- shire Volunteers. He served with his regiment in the first battle of Bull Run and the siege of Yorktown. In the battle of Williamsburg, Va., May, 1862, he was wounded in the leg in the morning but continued to fight in his company until late in the afternoon, when he was wounded in the left arm. The bullet still remains in the leg; the arm was amputated above the elbow. While his regiment was engaged and under a hot fire, Mr. Gould's rifle becoming deranged, he sat down and unscrewed the cap nipple, cleaned and replaced it and continued his fire upon the enemy. Upon his discharge from the service he returned to New Hampshire, where he remained until his appointment to a clerkship in the Treasury Department at Washington in 1874. From 1868 to 1874 he was paymaster and clerk for the Union Manufacturing Company of Peterborough, N. H. In 1868 he was also clerk of the town of Peterborough; and in 1872 and 1873 he represented his town in the New Hampshire legislature. He remained in Wash- ington about a year, and in 1876 was appointed inspector of the Boston Custom House. For some time after the war he continued his interests in military affairs, serving 455 STATE BUILDERS as lieutenant and subsequently captain of Company B, Second Regiment, New Hampshire National Guard. He is a charter member of Aaron F. Stevens Post, No. 6, Grand Army of the Republic, has held most of its offices, and been a continuous member of the W. S. Hancock Command, Union Veterans Union, of Chelsea, was elected department commander of the department of Massachusetts for 1887- 1888, was judge advocate general of the National Command in 1889, and quar- termaster general in the Massachusetts Department. He is prominent also in the Masonic and Odd Fellows orders. He is a member of Altemont Lodge of Free Masons, member of the Peterborough Royal Arch Chap- ter, the Hugh de Payens commandery, Keene, N. H., and the Naphtali Council, Chelsea; and is a member and past noble grand of Peterborough Lodge, Odd Fellows, and past high priest of Union Encampment No. 6. In politics he is a Republican. He has resided in Chelsea since May, 1874. He is much interested in the Unitarian Society of Chelsea and is chairman of the standing committee of this society. In 1895 he was nominated by the Chelsea Republicans for alderman-at-large and received the popular vote of the city, he getting 2514 votes, or 124 more than any other successful candidate for alderman and 16 more than the candidate for mavor. 456 ^?^ ^ CHARLES E. SLEEPER CHARLES E. SLEEPER. Charles E. Sleeper, the subject of this sketch, was born at Fremont, N. H., July 13th, 1852, being of the fifth generation to be bom on the same homestead. The ancestor of these successive proprietors came from England and settled upon the estate sometime in the 17th century, having a grant of three hundred and sixty acres from the King of England. After graduating from the Kingston academy v^ith high honors Mr. Sleeper followed mercantile life for sev- eral years, awaiting patiently the opening of the door to his great ambition, that of a hotel proprietor. The opportunity which paved the way to his chosen vocation came with an offer of a position at the Rocking- ham, Portsmouth, where he not only had a valuable experience, but proved to his employers as well as to himself that he had made no mistake in the choice of a vocation. After some years of progressive effort Mr. Sleeper took the management of Hotel Weirs, Weirs, and for five seasons made this well-known hostelry a favorite resort, with a constantly widening patronage. His next move was the purchase of the Kingswood Inn and the New Wolfboro, two of the finest hotels in the lake region, at Wolfboro. While these various relations were productive and educational, the intermittent character of the summer hotel business left something to be desired. The rush of four or five months in the season is succeeded by an 457 STATE BUILDERS uneventful period, representing an extreme, which to one fitted for active Hfe is not congeniaL As a natural consequence Mr. Sleeper, in due time, disposing of his Wolfboro property, was prepared to accept the management of the Plaza, upon Columbus Ave., Boston, INIass., which soon showed a marked im- provement under his administration, ranking among the best of the hotels in that city. His success in the management of a metropolitan hotel brought him to the favorable notice of the Leicester Hotel Co., of Leicester, Mass., which was in search of a capable and reliable manager. For two years Mr. Sleeper acted in this capacity, with results which war- ranted his acquiring the property by purchase. The sequel proved the wisdom of this action, and Hotel Leicester became a social centre for the territory for miles around, under the tactful methods of the landlord and his able wife. Still growing in public favor and possessing to an unusual degree qualities which are considered by the craft as absolutely essential to the proper conduct of a modern hotel, a community of itself in its multiplicity of interests and administration, Mr. Sleeper received in 1901, an offer of the management of the Castle Square Hotel of Boston, Mass. This offer he finally accepteil and later disposed of his Leicester property, in order that he might give the last enterprise his undivided attention. Mr. Sleeper's popularity is evidenced by an increase of business which at times taxes the resources of this largest hotel in the city to its utmost, and the register shows patrons from all over New England, including many prominent New Hampshire names. Mr. Sleeper's personality is largely responsible for his enviable position in the hotel world. Combined with a masterful knowledge of detail is a wide acquaintance and the requisite poise which enable him to maintain an equitable balance between the ex- 458 STATE BUILDERS tremes, the guest and the employee, with the desire to do justice to each. This faculty not only makes friends but retains them, and Mr. Sleeper's staunchest friends are those who in the past have been dependent upon these essentials, far more than they realized. This biography would be incomplete, indeed, without the deserving mention of the woman who has been a will- ing helper and capable adviser throughout Mr. Sleeper's business career. Mrs. Sleeper, nee Emma Robinson, is New Hampshire bom — a native of Epping and a woman of energy and executive ability. She is fully capable of managing a hotel in all its departments and has frequently shown her qualifications in a business and social way, ably supporting her husband in his rising progress. In 1894 Mr. Sleeper was elected to the General Court as representative from the city of Laconia, N. H., as a Democrat from a Republican ward, which in New Hamp- shire politics is an unusual combination. As a Knights Templar, Odd Fellow and a member of the H. M. M. B. A., he is well known and highly es- teemed. Naturally modest and retiring, Mr. Sleeper is an ex- ample of one whose reward comes to him in recognition of sterling worth, strict integrity and a high standard of excellence which impress themselves to a marked degree upon all with whom he comes in contact. 459 THOMAS FELLOWS CLIFFORD. Whatever may be said to the contrary, it is neverthe- less true that the great himian family delights in recog- nizing merit and in rewarding it by the bestowal of its favors, when once it is satisfied that the recipient is worthy its confidence. No man, and especially no young man, is secure in his relationship to society and the gen- eral public unless he has proven himself deserving of the approval of this same general public no matter how strong his family and individual powers may be. A strong personality of the type in question is Thomas Fellows Clifford, who, already at the very beginning of an extremely promising career, has been the recipient of important trusts and favors from a public that thoroughly believes in him, and that undoubtedly has a long list of other favors in store for liim. Born at Davis Homestead, Wentworth, December i, 1 87 1, it was his great good fortune to come from an honored ancestry, and one that none will deny him the right to regard with justifiable pride. Of this ancestry one was Increase Sumner, a governor of Massachusetts, and an able leader of his times. On the paternal side he has relationship with Nathan Clif- ford, long a lawyer of national repute, and for years an associate justice of the supreme court of the United States. A great grandfather of the subject of this sketch was Rev. Increase Sumner Davis, the first pastor of the 460 THOMAS FELLOWS CLIFFORD / STATE BUILDERS Congregational church in Wentworth. The parents of Mr. Clifford were Thomas Jefferson and Sara (Fellows) Clifford. Their son was educated in the public schools of Concord, and, selecting the legal profession as his life work, he entered the Boston University law school and completed the prescribed course. Upon his admission to the New Hampshire bar he located in Franklin and at once entered upon a career that has thus far been ex- tremely creditable to him. His popularity in Franklin and the esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens were shown when upon the declaration of war against Spain he enlisted in Company E, First New Hampshire volunteers, and was commis- sioned first lieutenant. He served in the war on the staff of Gen. John W. Andrews, who commanded the third brigade, third division, first army corps. At the close of the war Lieutenant Clifford was mustered out as captain of Company E. In the state legislatures of 1897 and 1899 he served as assistant clerk of the senate, and in the legislatures of 1 90 1 and 1903 he filled the important office of clerk of the upper branch. He is the justice of the Franklin police court, and since 1900 has been secretary of the Republican state committee. Mr. Clifford has member- ship in the Sons of the American Revolution; in Blazing Star Lodge A. F. and A. M., Concord; in St. Omer chapter, R. and A. M., Franklin; in the Wonolancet Club, Concord; and the Red Star Club, Franklin. 461 EDWARD GILES LEACH. Edward Giles Leach was born in Meredith, New Hampshire, January 28, 1849, son of Levi and Susan Catherine (Sanborn) Leach. He attended the common schools of Meredith and spent one term at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary at Tilton, and for two years studied at Kimball Union Academy, being gradu- ated in 1867. He was graduated from Dartmouth in the class of 1871. Mr. Leach paid his own way through college, teaching in winter and acting as clerk in the Crawford House and Memphremagog House at New- port, Vermont, in summer. After his graduation he studied law and was admitted to the bar in September, 1874, since which time he has been in practice in Frank- lin and Concord. He was in partnership with the Hon. Daniel Barnard at Franklin until 1879. Since then his office has been in Concord, where he has been a member of the firm of Leach & Stevens, his partner being Henry W. Stevens. He was solicitor of Merrimack County from 1880 to 1884, and has been city solicitor of Frank- lin since its organization as a city. He served in the Legislature at the sessions of 1893 and 1895, being chair- man of the House Judiciary Committee in the latter years. In 1900 he was elected to the State Senate for the session of 1901 and served as chairman of the Ju- diciary Committee. Mr. Leach has been president of the Franklin Board of Trade; of the Franklin Building and Loan Association; of the Franklin Park Association; 462 EDWARD GILES LEACH STATE BUILDERS of the Manufacturers' and Merchants' Mutual Life In- surance Company, since the org-anization of each. He has been trustee and clerk of the Unitarian Church since 1880. He is a director in the Light and Power Com- pany; of the Franklin Falls Company, and of the Frank- lin Electric Road. He drafted in the charter of the city of Franklin and was active in securing its passage by the Legislature and its adoption by the vote of the city. He was a leading advocate of the city, owning its water- works, and of the system of control by a non-partisan Board without pay, and has been one of the Park Com- missioners since the Board was established. In politics Mr. Leach is a Republican and has been a member of the Republican State Committee since 1878. He was one of the leaders in the movement which changed the political control of the town in 1893. He had been fre- quently nominated for office before that year, but had been unable to overcome the Democratic majority. Mr. Leach married, December 24, 1874, Agnes A. Robinson. He has two sons, Eugene W. and Robert M. Leach, of the Dartmouth classes of 1901 and 1902 respectively. 463 FREDERICK E. POTTER, M. D. Born in Rumney, July 3, 1839, Frederick Eugene Potter had but just entered his manliood years when, on that ever memorable April day of 1861, the flag on Fort Sumter received the shot that precipitated the conflict between the states. He was one of that class of young men to whom the loyal people of the North looked with peculiar emphasis to save the Union from its threatened disruption, and promptly did he respond to the call of that fateful hour. Selecting the navy as his preferred arm of the service, he was on board the Monticello at the attack upon and capture of Forts Flatteras and Clark, that event, early in 1862, that so cheered the heart and raised the hopes of the oft-defeated North. Transferred from the North Carolina coast to the naval forces operating on the Miss- issippi river, he participated in the thrilling, arduous and decisive campaign ag-ainst Vicksburg and its tributary country, and also saw exciting sers-ice on the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, returning from which he became attached to the ill-fated Red river expedition. His ser- vice in the navy throughout had been as a member of the medical corps, for the opening of the war had found him a practising physician, young as he was in years. Long continued campaigning, hardship and exposure resulted in impaired health, and for this reason it was sought to ameliorate his condition by an appointment as president of the board of examiners for admission to the naval 464 P^REDERICK E. POTTER, M.l). STATE BUILDERS medical corps, at the time stationed at Cincinnati, Ohio. But this change of scene and duty failed to compass a restoration to health, and he was given a year's leave of absence, and this year he passed in his native New Hamp- shire. A regained health and strength found him again in active service, which sent him into Mexican waters at the time France was engaged in the attempt to place the ill-starred Maximilian on a throne in Mexico. For seven years Dr. Potter served with naval squadrons sailing from Mexico to distant South American ports. Finally he applied for an assignment nearer home, and he was ordered to the Portsmouth navy yard. At this post he served for four years, when, in 1876, he resigned his commission and began private practice of his profes- sion. Dr. Potter was a son of Frederick F. Potter, M. D., of Conway, who was a descendant of that Major General Frye of Fryeburg, Maine, an ensign at the capture of Louisburg and later a distinguished officer in the Ameri- can Revolution and a close personal friend of Washing- ton. On his mother's side the younger Dr. Potter was descended from that gallant Sergeant Beverly who fought at Bunker Hill, and who later further distin- guished himself by swimming the St. Lawrence river in midwinter as the bearer of dispatches from Major Gen- eral Richard Montgomery, a duty he performed with signal success. As a child of three years the future Dr. Potter removed with his family from Rumney to Suncook, in which town he lived until the age of eighteen, when he entered the medical school of the University of Vermont, gradu- ating in 1859. Going to New York city immediately after receiving his diploma he was appointed resident interne at the King's county hospital, where he was at the beginning of the war between the states. Dr. Potter continued in active practice in Portsmouth 465 STATE BUILDERS for more than twenty-five years and always with marked success. As a man and citizen he won the highest re- gard of all who came to know him, for he was a man who lived in a way tO' merit trust and confidence. His was a commanding presence and winning personality. He was loyal to the duty of the hour and he possessed the ability to accept responsibility. j\ Democrat in his political affiliations he received from his party in 1900 its nomination for governor, the honor coming to him wholly without personal solicitation or seeking. In fraternal organizations he was a Mason and mem- ber of the Massachusetts commandery, Loyal Legion. He attended the Unitarian church. On October 2d, 1873, he married Harriett, daughter of Jeremiah H. and Mary (Thompson) Wilkins of Pem- broke. Dr. Potter died in November, 1902. 466 ANSON COLBY ALEXANDER, M.l). ANSON COLBY ALEXANDER, M. D. Anson Colby Alexander, a descendant from two branches of Revolutionary stock, was born in Littleton, October lo, 1855, and in that place acquired his early education. He later studied at the academies at New Elampton and New London, and began his professional studies under the instruction of Dr. Daniel Lee Jones and Dr. Charles W. Rowell, both of Lancaster. In 1879 he graduated from the Philadelphia school of anatomy and surgery, and in the following year from the Hahne- mann medical college in Philadelphia. He also gradu- ated from the Pennsylvania hospital. While at the Hahnemann college Dr. Alexander won a gold medal for superior scholarship in every department. In the spring of 1881 Dr. Alexander came to Penacook and established himself in a practice which soon covered not only that village, but much of the surrounding territory. In addition to faithful attention to the needs of his wide circle of patients Dr. Alexander has devoted himself to a stud}'' of medical specialties, and among the specifics which he has given to the world is one of proven value as an exhalant for catarrhal troubles, which is now marketed in large quantities by a corporation which is specially organized for that purpose. He gave close study to that dread disease, cancer, and attained wide professional fame by his discovery of a new treatment for that malady. In applying this treatment so many patients were brought to him from far and near that a 467 ANSON COLBY ALEXANDER, M.l). ANSON COLBY ALEXANDER, M. D. Anson Colby Alexander, a descendant from two branches of Revolutionary stock, was born in Littleton, October lo, 1855, and in that place acquired his early education. He later studied at the academies at New Hampton and New London, and began his professional studies under the instruction of Dr. Daniel Lee Jones and Dr. Charles W. Rowell, both of Lancaster. In 1879 he graduated from the Philadelphia school of anatomy and surgery, and in the following year from the Hahne- mann medical college in Philadelphia. He also- gradu- ated from the Pennsylvania hospital. While at the Hahnemann college Dr. Alexander won a gold medal for superior scholarship in every department. In the spring of 1881 Dr. Alexander came to Penacook and established himself in a practice which soon covered not only that village, but much of the surrounding territory. In addition to faithful attention to the needs of his wide circle of patients Dr. Alexander has devoted himself to a study of medical specialties, and among the specifics which he has given to the world is one of proven value as an exhalant for catarrhal troubles, which is now marketed in large quantities by a corporation which is specially organized for that purpose. He gave close study to that dread disease, cancer, and attained wide professional fame by his discovery of a new treatment for that malady. In applying this treatment so many patients were brought to him from far and near that a 467 STATE BUILDERS permanent hospital was established in 1898 at Penacook, under the name of the Alexander Sanitarium, having accommodations for thirty-five patients. This proving inadequate for the suitable treatment of all the appli- cants, ohices were established in Boston by the Alexan- der Corporation, which aftorded means for caring for a large number of the afflicted. In addition, the remedy has been given to the medical profession at large and physicians in all quarters of the globe are now success- fully using it to cope with the dread aftliction. June 22, 1882, Dr. Alexander married Miss Fannie Goodwin, a native of North Attleboro, Mass., and they have two children, the older of whom, a daughter, is developing unusual talent as a performer on the violin, in this re- spect strongly resembling her father, who is an excellent musician in many lines. Dr. Alexander is a Mason and Knights Templar. He is also' a member of the Odd Fel- lows and the Knights of Pythias, and in all these fra- ternities has held high offices. He is alsO' a member of the Gynecological and Surgi- cal society of Boston. He is a Trustee of the New Hamp- shire Savings Bank, and has served his town as a member of the legislature. For several terms he was an active member of the local school board, and is a tower of strength to the church of his faith, the First Baptist of Penacook. 468 CHARLES S. COLLINS CHARLES S. COLLINS. In these first years of the twentieth century New Hampshire finds herself strong in the possession of a class of young and middle-aged men that can, without the slightest misgiving, be relied upon to safeguard her every interest and to keep her in the front rank of Amer- ican commonwealths, that position she has ever held with so much credit and renown. Splendidly representative of this class and most credi- tably conspicuous for abilities displayed and sustained under varied and complex conditions is Charles S. Collins of Nashua, who by birth and every inherent trait of char- acter and predilection is a product of the state. He is, moreover, a man of to-day rather than of yesterday, in that his is a fine and comprehensive grasp of forces as they exist in the present hour, and in his discernment and acceptance of methods and plans for the utilization of these forces, that they may result in the greatest good to the economic life of the state. No man is playing a more important part in the commercial, industrial and economic initiative of the state to-day than he, and in this work self-interest is so utterly subservient as to absolutely preclude the possibility of adverse criticism if such under any condition could be prompted. He is withal a man of versatile talent and makeup. Specialization and contraction of energy have no place in his nature, but as a free lance, as it were, he responds to the call for a helper in various and widely divergent 469 STATE BUILDERS fields of human effort, that he may with his inborn en- thusiasm push further along the material interests of the state. Naturally a life directed along such lines inspires confi- dence, quickens all life with which it comes in contact, dis- pels pessimism and enthrones optimism. His mission has for its purpose the advancement of all the interests of all New Hamphire, and his selection to fill the office of president of the New Hampshire state board of trade was a most judicious and appropiate one, for the primary business of that organization is to make New Hampshire a better place than ever in which to live either perman- ently or temporarily. To this end, Mr. Collins would have good roads just as quickly as they could be paid for without onerously increasing the rate of taxation, for a good road, he has urged again and again, has never yet failed to be its own justification even when looked upon in no other light than as a financial investment. As president of the state board of trade he is ever alert to bring new industries into New Hampshire, and labors just as zealously for the interests of Coos as for Hills- borough County. His mental status, as a glance at his portrait shows, has exceptional calculative force, and de- cision of character and will power are indicated in his eye. Educated for the medical profession, which he followed for some fifteen years with entire success, its pursuit was calculated to develop and strengthen all those in- tellectual tendencies which to-day constitute so much of the man. His predetermined identification with so many different interests was, in a way at least, characteristic of the medical profession, the members of which in all ages and climes have been known because of a tendency or in- clination to have an avocation as well as a vocation. To members of the medical profession is humanity indebted for so many of its triumphs in the fields of mechanical invention, in discovery among the sciences, but more 470 STATE BUILDERS particularly perhaps for all that they have wrought as amateur farmers, horticulturists and florists. Take from the list of popular American fruits of all species tnose that owe their origin and introduction to members of the medical profession in days of amateur pomology, and it would be sadly contracted. To a single physician who lived until recent years, does Northern New Eng- land owe millions of its wealth to his skill and labor in this line. The same is true in floriculture and, indeed, in all departments of America's rural economy. In short, they have done more than any other single class of men along these lines. Dr. Collins belongs to this class of men having both a vocation and an avocation, or rather avocations, and so great are the requirements of the second named that he has relinquished the first. Rather, is he now "Farmer" Collins, instead of ''Doctor" Collins, for he is the owner of an extensive farm located some four miles from Nashua city hall, upon which he lives the entire year, and the management of which he takes upon himself. As a practical farmer he is a success, as the possibilities of farming and its opportunities for the display of versatile action are fully comprehended by him. Public life as it presents itself in its truest aspects has always had a charm for Dr. Collins, as it should to every public spirited citizen. At the state election of 1888 he was elected as a member of the popular branch of the state legislature, serving in the session of 18S9. At the succeeding state election he was chosen a member of the state senate, and his entire legislative career was simply a traditional success. In the state election of 1902 he was the candi- date for the Republican party again for membership in. the lower branch of the state legislature, and his own party nomination received the endorsement of the Demo- cratic party, a compliment that must have been exceed- ingly gratifying to him. His sound judgment and 471 STATE BUILDERS beneficent spirit have ever prompted him to take the keenest interest in the pubHc schools, and he has honor- able service as a member of the Nashua School Board. He is a member of the Nashua board of trade, and is ever ready to lend a hand for the advancement of every interest calculated for the good of the community. In Januai-y, 1903, Dr. Collins became a member of Gov. Bachelder's military family, occupying the position of commissary-general. Grafton, in Grafton County, was the birthplace of Gen. Collins, and he was born some fifty years ago, so that he is in the very prime of a vigorous manhood and ready for the hardest kind of work, if work is ever hard to such a nature and temperament as his. His parents were William and Harriet (Colby) Collins. The senior Collins was a physician of a long continued practice in central New Hampshire. Gen. Collins is a descendant of the Collins family of Quakers who long lived in Amesbury, Mass., and they who know him well need not be told that he typifies in his strong and aggressive personality those sterling Quaker virtues of ceaseless industry, tenacity of purpose, devotion to duty, and all around integrity and manhood sympathy. In these mid-summer days of 1903 Gen. Collins, yield- ing to the entreaties of friends throughout the length and breadth of New Ham]:)shire, has consented to permit the use of his name in the Republican state convention of 1904 for the gubernatorial nomination. Should they be successful in securing his nomination and election, it is the practically universal opinion that, in Gen. Collins, New Hampshire would have a governor that would reflect the utmost credit upon the sound judgment of her people. 472 .aiiif^ JOHN N. McCLINTOCK JOHN N. McCLINTOCK. When in 1871 John N. McClintock married Miss Josephine Tihon of Concord and settled in that city, he was an official of high rank in the United States Coast Survey service, his name appearing on charts of the coast from Texas to Maine as the maker. He had graduated from Bowdoin college in the class of '67, had chosen as a profession that of civil engineering, later acting as an instructor at his alma mater. In 1875 he resigned from the government service and at once became identified with important and extensive engineering projects in New Hampshire and throughout New England. As a citizen of the state he entered heartily into all that was designed for its social, educa- tional, and material well being and advancement, for his was a well-defined individuality and originality, and breadth of view in all matters that concerned New Hamp- shire as a distinct community was characteristic of the man. It was, therefore, as a natural result that he soon became a leading citizen of the state. In 1879, in association, with Henry H. Metcalf, he published the Granite Monthly, later assuming entire control. For twelve years he conducted the magazine, and in that time he brought together in its pages an in- valuable mine of historical, biographical and general mat- ter that constitutes one of the finest contributions to state history extant, and for which work Mr. McClintock is de- serving of the unstinted ai^preciation of New Hampshire people. 473 STATE BUILDERS In 1890 Mr. McQintock brought out his history of New Hampshire, the pre|>aration of which received his utmost attention, and it remains to-day a most interesting narrative and valued authority. In all these years that he w^as publisher and editor he never wholly relinquished the practice of his profession, but at last in 1891 the demands of his professional work attained proportions that led him to lay aside the pen and devote his undivided attention to engineering. The pub- lication of the Granite Monthly was given over to his early partner, Mr. Metcalf, and shortly after this Mr. AlcClintock opened an office in Boston. His practice fre- quently calls him to New Hampshire, and he sustains a deep interest in all that relates to the state. Mr. McClintock is a member of the Maine and New Hampshire Historical Societies, of several Boston clubs,, including the New Hampshire, and is still in active prac- tice, his work gradually drifting into that of a consulting engineer. Mr. McClintock is the president and general manager of the American Sewage Disposal Company of Boston and also of the American Water Purification Company, to which corporations belong the basic patents covering the biological systems of water purification. For the past eight years he has made a specialty of these lines, and his reputation and practice now reaches throughout the United States and into many foreign countries as the representative of his companies. As his name indicates he is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, his pioneer ancestor being William McClintock, who as a boy migrated from Scotland to Londonderry, Ireland, in season to take part in the memorable defense of that city in 1689. In 1730, at the age of sixty, he came with his family to New England. One of his sons, the Rev. Dr. Samuel McClintock, for many years pastor of the church at Greenland, is well known in New Hampshire history 474 STATE BUILDERS 3s chaplain of Gen. John Stark's regiment at Bunker Hill, as the minister who preached the first election sermon, and as having given four sons in the Revolution to the cause of liberty. William McClintock, an older brother, settled near the ancient New England metropolis of Pemaquid; his son, William McClintock, the grandfather of John N. McClin- tock, was a ship-master, a trial justice, a farmer, a land surveyor, a member of the Massachusetts legislature, a member of the first Maine Constitutional Convention and a member of the Maine legislature; his son, John McClin- tock, the father of John N. McQintock, was a ship- master for about fifty years, a skilful navigator who took his ship into every ocean and almost every port. One of his feats was to cross the Pacific Ocean with a watch for a chronometer and an atlas as his only chart, sailing from Japan soon after Commodore Perry opened up the ports of that country to American commerce. On his mother's side John N. McClintock descends from the Shaw family of Hampton, he thinks, and from the Reverend Baileys who are buried in the Granary Cemetery in Boston. His grandfather, William Stacy Shaw, was a ship-master and a ship-builder, Mr. McQintock is specially interested in all that per- tains to early New England history and in the genealogy of New England families. His active practice forbids his devoting much time to these subjects now, but he anticipates much work in those lines in the future. 475 ALFRED RANDALL EVANS. Not only do the people of the North Country find in Alfred R. Evans a man and citizen in whom they can place implicit confidence to successfully and creditably represent them in public and official position, but the people of all New Hampshire recognize that in him they have one who would do honor to the state in whatever duty he might be called upon tO' accept and perform. Although much in public life, Mr. Evans has come to his various offices not through self-seeking but in response to the sincere and earnest requests of his fellow citizens, confident as they were that with him in this or that office it would not be belittled nor that he would ever be guilty of subserviency of manhod principle at the dictation of political expediency. Mr. Evans's most recent elective political office was as a member of the New Hampshire state constitutional convention of 1902, from his home town of Gorham, and in that body of thoroughly representative men he played his part in a manner that still further established his reputation as a safe man to have in a legislative bod}'; a good man to send on a political mission. Mr. Evans is 01 the best, truest, and oldest New Eng- land and New Hampsliire stock, and in his own person- ality he exemplifies the teachings, the purposes and results of that life, as the citizens of Gorham and Coos County, who have known him all his life, will bear willing testi- mony. 476 ALFRED RANDALL EVANS STATE BUILDERS He is a native of Shelbnrne in Coos County, and was born March 21, 1849. His parents were Otis and Martha D. (Pinkham) Evans, sturd}^ respected and self-reliant residents of the White Mountain reg-ion. The great- grandfather of the subject of this sketch served in the war of the American Revolution, and his maternal grand- father was that Captain Daniel Pinkham who built the Pinkham Notch road in the White Mountains, an under- taking at the time of no ordinary magnitude. The schoolboy life of young Evans was passed in the common schools of his native town, at Lancaster acad- emy, the Nichols Latin school connected with Bates col- lege, Lewiston, Maine; concluding his preparatory studies he entered Dartmouth college in his twentieth year and graduated with the class of 1872. Selecting the legal profession as his special field of effort he studied law, and on April i, 1875, was admitted to the New Hamp- shire bar, and immediately began practice in the town of Gorham. In 1874, when only twenty-five, he was elected to the legislature from his native Shelburne and returned to the same in 1875 and yet again in 1878. His election to the legislature for three different terms at so early an age significantly showed the estimate placed upon him at the time by his lifelong neiglibors and townsmen. Fertility of resource and talent were ever manifest in the man's makeup, and one of the forms of their display has been in the realm of banking and finance. On Feb- ruary 18, 1 89 1, there was organized and set in operation in what is now the city of Berlin a, national bank, and as such it was the first institution of its class in that part of New Hampshire through which flows the Androscoggin river, and of this bank Mr. Evans became its first presi- dent, an office he held for ten consecutive years. In addi- tion to his service as president of the Berlin National bank he now holds a like position in the Gorham Five Cents Savings bank. 477 STATE BUILDERS • Mr. Evans since 1895 has been the judge of probate for Coos County, the dignity and honor of which position bespeak for him the pecuHar regard in which he is held by the bar and public of his home and county. His political alfiliations are with the Republican party. He is a Mason of the thirty-second degree; and an hono- rary member of the New Hampshire Veterans associa- tion; and a member of the New Hampshire club, Boston. June I, 1880, he married Dora J. Briggs. The church home of the family is the Congregational. 478 JOHN J. DONAHUE JOHN J. DONAHUE. John J. Donahue, insurance, Manchester, was born in Keene, New Hampshire, August 7, 1859, and made that city his home until he became a resident of Manchester. His career as a business man has been one of unvarying- success. Having received his education in the pubhc schools of Keene, he began as a retail grocer in that place, after which he conducted a successful general store in Peterboro. In 1890 he retired from mercantile business and became associated with Cheney & Cheney of Man- chester as a representative of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, with an office at Keene. He soon established a very successful business and became known as one of the leading life insurance men in the state. His success led naturally to his appointment by Cheney & Cheney as superintendent of agencies for the Mutual Life in New Hampshire, and the consequent es- tablishment of his home in Manchester. Mr. Donahue remained with Cheney & Cheney as superintendent of agencies until he tendered his resignation in order to assume the duties of General Agent for New Hampshire of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston, in January, 1903. Mr. Donahue is a member of the Improved Order of Red Men and of the Degree of Pocahontas. In 1902, he was elevated to the stump of Great Sachem of the I. O. R. M., having been advanced through the various sta- tions to the highest office of the order in the state. He was one of the incorporators of the Great Council of New Hampshire, I. O. R. M., and was one of the special com- mittee which secured its charter. 479 STATE BUILDERS The Improved Order of Red Men occupies a promi- nent position among the fraternal societies of the United States and boasts a history long and honor- able. While the order has been known by its present name only since 1834, indisputable facts link it as a society to organizations which had their origin as early as 1765, the period when rebellious feelings against the oppression of England were taking the form of open hostility among the colonists. Secret consulta- tions among neighbors gradually became organized meetings, and these in turn resolved themselves into a secret society with purposes purely patriotic, under the name of the "Sons of Liberty," which existed at first among the northern and middle colonies. This society took a leading part in all patriotic movements from 1765 to the Declaration of Independence, its members being the heroes of the famous Boston Tea Party. In the year 1771 the Sons of Liberty became the "Sons of St. Tamina," or the "St. Tamina Society," adopting as their patron saint an old Indian chief or king, named Tamina. The connecting link between these early patri- otic societies and the Improved Order of Red Men of the present day was the "Society of Red Men," organized in 18 1 6. In 1834 the order as it exists to-day came into being in Baltimore, adding to the patriotic and social objects of the past, the fraternal spirit which now charac- terizes it. The growth of Redmanship has been rapid. From a membership of ten thousand in 1861, it has in- creased to over 300,000. The I. O. R. M. was introduced into New Hampshire in 1875, when Paugus Tribe, No. i, was instituted at Salmon Falls. The Great Council of New Hampshire was formed in 1881 and was incorporated in 1899. The record for the past of this, the oldest order in the country which is of truly American origin, is satisfactory and its outlook for the future most promising. Mr. Donahue is also a member of the Knights of Pythias, Patrons of Husbandry and the Foresters of America, in which for four years he ser^^ed as Grand 480 STATE BUILDERS Secretary for New Hampshire and later as Grand Trus- tee. Among the social organizations of which Mr. Dona- hue is a member are the White Mountain Commercial Travelers, Amoskeag Veterans and the Monadnock Cycle Club of Keene, a business men's club of that city of which he is an ex-president and honorary member. He is one of the incorporators of the Elliot City Hos- pital of Keene and of the Cheshire County Savings Bank. Mr. Donahue has been active in politics also, having taken part in every campaign since attaining his majority. He is recognized as a brilliant public speaker and has addressed audiences in many of the cities and towns of the state. He has the distinction of having delivered the address at the first Peace Jubilee held in New Hampshire on the return of the soldiers from the Spanish War. In the New Hampshire Legislature of 1903 Mr. Donahue represented ward two of Manchester and was chairman of the important committee on insurance, which was one of the busiest committees of the session. Both in the committee room and on the floor of the House, Mr. Donahue earned the reputation of being an able legislator, being quick, eloquent and powerful in debate, so that he will be remembered as one of the most potent factors in the Legislature of 1903. 481 JOHN H. ROBERTS. Massachusetts is not alone in her appreciation of that sterhng manhood that has come to her from the rugged hillsides of the Granite State, for New Hampshire ever maintains the keenest possible interest in those absent sons and daughters who have gone beyond her borders to participate in the afifairs of other states. Among the multitude of men of New Hampshire birth who have made their mark amid the busy and varied scenes of the old Bay State is Major John H. Roberts of Maiden, in that state. Major Roberts was born in Ossipee, the shire town of Carroll County, in 1839, ^-"'i h^ was educated in the com- mon schools of the city of Dover. In early manhood he drifted to Massachusetts and became a ship fitter. His ability and proficiency in this calling secured recognition from those in authority, and he finally Ijecame master ship fitter at the Charlestown Navy Yard and foreman for twenty years. Major Roberts has been twice married. In 1870 he married Miss Marestea Corey. Three daughters, Rosa- mond E., Etta May and Maud, were born of this mar- riage. In 1897 he married Emily A. Gallup. In frater- nal organization he is a member of Joseph Webb Lodge, F, and A. M., and of Hancock Commandery, Knights Templar. In church affiliations he is a Unitarian. The nature of his position in the service of the United States Government has precluded him from holding political positions. 482 \ 'E:-' »» i'^' JOHN H. ROBERTS EDWIN G. EASTMAN EDWIN G. EASTMAN. Attorney-General Edwin G. Eastman, of Exeter, is a type of the earnest, clearheaded and sound-hearted New Hampshire lawyer. He was born in the town of Grantham, Nov. 22nd, 1847, ^^^ received his education in the common schools of the town, supplemented with a course at Kimball Union academy, at Meriden, and Dartmouth college, from which latter institution he grad- uated in the class of 1874. Adopting the law as his profession he studied with A. P. Carpenter of Bath, and in 1876 he was admitted to the bar. In September of that year he began the practice of his profession in Exeter and was for a time a partner of the late Gen. Gilman Marston. In 1876 Mr. Eastman was elected a representative from Grantham, and he was a member of the state senate in 1889. He served as solicitor for Rockingham county from 1883 to 1887, and in 1891 was appointed attorney-general of the state, upon the death of the late Daniel Barnard of Franklin, and still holds (1903) that responsible office. Of Mr. Eastman it may be said that the position he holds at the bar he has merited by character, industry and ability. Nothing has come to him without effort, but much study and patient effort has brought to him merited reward. As solicitor of the county of Rockingham and as attorney- general of the state he has had to do with many im- portant civil and criminal cases. Toi their consideration he has brought a great habit of industry and a sincere devotion to his duties to the public. In the prepara- tion of his cases he has left nothing undone that would secure the ends of justice. As an advocate before a jury STATE BUILDERS Attorney-General Eastman is very effective. His con- vincing method of summing up the evidence and his evident sincerity and directness of purpose predisposing the jurymen to a favorable consideration of his views. Mr, Eastman is a man quick and almost impulsive in forming conclusions, but with a judgment so trained and experienced that it seldom goes astray, and his advice is valued as that of a thoroughly conscientious, sagacious and well-informed man. His political career was credit- able and he is often mentioned as qualified for service in the national legislature. Mr. Eastman is greatly interested in the business affairs and prosperity of the community of which he is a part. He is one of the directors of the Exeter Manufacturing co., Vice-president and director of the Exeter Banking co., and Vice-president and trustee of the Union Five Cent savings bank of Exeter, besides being interested in other enterprises. He lives in a handsome and comfortable home in Exeter, and with characteristic love for his native town spends his summers at Grantham. In his legal practice he finds it necessary to keep offices in Concord as well as Exeter. In fine, Attorney-General Eastman is a worthy successor to the long line of distinguished lawyers who have filled the office of attorney-general. 484 '^(^ ty^-e-^t-t/ o^e^3^^:t e^ EBENEZER LEARNED, M.D. A physician of the old school closely identified with the life of central New Hampsliire in the earliest decades of the nineteenth century, was Ebenezer Learned, M. D., a descendant oi a fine old New England family, and born in Medford, Mass., Oct. 13, 1762. Displaying an early fond- ness for natural science and analytic research, he was given a liberal education and graduated from Harvard college with honors in 1787, being a classmate of Presi- dent John Ouincy Adams and others afterward noted in the history of the country, with whom throughout his life he maintained an active correspondence. Upon graduation he taught for several years in the academy at Leominster, Mass., and then studied medicine with Dr. Edward A. Holyoke at Salem, Mass., one of the most remarkable members of the profession then living. In 1795, he established himself in practice at Hopkinton in this state, then an important centre, being the shire town of Merrimack county, the seat of the state govern- ment and the home of much cultured society. Of striking personal appearance and possessing re- markable professional attainments, Dr. Leamed's success was instantaneous. His expectations were more than real- ized, and for nearly forty years he was the leading figure in his profession throughout a large section of country. He ever availed himself of all the advantages afforded for study and research, and his professional library was large and valuable. He made regular and extended visits to Boston where he kept in touch with the scientific progress of the day, and he was recognized in his profession as a man of scholarship and professional skill. In 1820, he re- ceived the honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine from 485 STATE BUILDERS Dartmouth college, and was the first delegate sent from the New Hampshire Medical society tO' that institution. In this society he was active and prominent, and held all of its offices excepting the presidency, to which he was to have been elected under precedent in the year of his death. As a citizen, Dr. Learned was a promoter of all good objects and was a leader in all efforts for the diffusion of knowledge or the advancement of science, giving liberal- ly of his means and time for the success of such move- ments. He organized several literary and benevolent societies and was the founder of Hopkinton Academy, be- ing its president and generous patron during his entire life. Under his administration of its affairs the academy prospered greatly, the teachers whom he selected were masters in the art of instruction, and the pupils for several years numbered two hundred. He was one of the pro- moters of the Merrimack county agricultural society and its first president, and he frequently lectured on agricul- ture, botany and allied topics, many of his suggestions and conclusions being far in advance of his time, as for example, he was the first in his section to- make use of dry air for the preservation of fruits and vegetables. In pohtics Dr. Learned was affiliated with the liberals and Whig parties, and in 1812, he was local president of a widely organized political society called the "Washing- ton Benevolent Society." In that year he delivered the annual address before its state convention. He was reared in the Unitarian faith and adhered to this creed through his life, although he gave equally to all the churches in the town, and in his will remembered the pastors of each of them. Among other bequests was one for the foundation of the juvenile library in West Cambridge, now Arlington, Mass., which was probably the first public library in that state. He was twice mar- ried. He died October 6, 1831, leaving a wife and eight children, 486 JOHN WILLEY JOHN WILLEY. Among the widely known and sincerely respected resi- dents of the town of Jackson, throughout the last sixty odd years of the nineteenth century was John Willey, farmer, man of affairs and local preacher in the churqh of his chosen faith. He was a native and life-long resi- dent of the state and one more typical of the old-time life of state and community it would be difficult to find. Born in Barnstead, December 20, 1827, he went as a young man to Jackson and immediately identified him- self with the progress and affairs of the town which its founders had placed amid the foothills of the White Mountains. As a boy he had displayed a decided apti- tude for knowledge, and gained marked proficiency as a pupil in the schools of Barnstead, and later, when en- rolled as a student in the old-time and famed Gilmanton academy. Upon the completion of his course at the academy he taught school, and also gave instruction in penmanship, an art in which he early became an adept and known in all the region about Jackson. Not only was he known as boy and man for intellec- tual attainment, but for his skill and strength as an ath- lete and ability in the general list of field sports. A man of many gifts, he successfully essayed public speaking, and proved himself versatile in writing upon various subjects and topics of the times. His natural and ac- quired abilities in all-round scholarship led to his taking an active and prominent part in the political affairs of his times, and likewise led to his acquiring a deal of legal knowledge, which caused him to become a trusted ad- viser and counsellor. He was known for his strong 487 STATE BUILDERS and sturdy common sense and sound judgment in all matters that arose in the community. From his indus- trious boyhood days to the closing hours of an honored old age, he was a close and ardent student of the Bible, and his store of biblical lore was hardly surpassed by any of his contemporaries anywhere in New Hampshire. He not only read his Bible in the spirit of the faithful disciple he was, but as an intelligent expounder of its teachings and doctrines. He traveled in the Way him- self and influenced and exhorted others to do likewise. In religion he was an Adventist, and it was in this de- nominational belief that he became a local preacher, and many was the occasion that he filled the pulpit of the vil- lage church. For more than a score of years he served as the superintendent of the Sunday school in his church, and in all the ecclesiastical life of his town he was a vital and vitalizing factor. His life throughout was an em- bodiment of that sterling manhood and yeomanry that made possible the splendid humanity of the state. At the age of twenty-four he married Miss Eliza J. Dearborn of Jackson and eleven children came to bless this union, eight sons and three daughters. Mrs. Willey and five of the sons are living. Of the sons. Charles F. is a hotel keeper in Lexington, Mass.; Alvin S. is a resi- dent of Manchester; Nelson S. is the landlord of the Squamscott House, Exeter; while George Franklyn is the well-known newspaper and book publisher and author of Manchester. The youngest living son is Clarence K. of Merrimack, and proprietor of the Monomack House in that town. 488 IRA H. ADAMS, M. D. IRA H. ADAMS, M. D. It was given to Ira H. Adams tO' live but a brief fifty- one years, yet so diligently did he improve his allotted moments upon earth that he accomplished as great a measure of work as do^ most men who live the; Psalmist's span of days and years. Choosing the medical profes- sion as a life calling, he zealously engaged in all its ex- actions and responsibilities with the single aim in view of doing good and ameliorating the condition of his fellow- men. His was a generous heart, a sympathetic mind, and abounding spirit of love toward the sick and the afflicted. It was- said of him: "He was a man of large heart of love. A man who was a true friend." He was born in the town of Pomfret, Vermont, Au- gust lo, 1846, the son of James and Eunice (Mitchell) Adams. He attended the public schools of his native town and a preparatory school in Meriden. In the fur- therance of his purpose to become a physician he entered the medical departijient of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, and later became a student in the medical school of Dartmouth College, from which he graduated. In 1874, at the age of twenty-eight, he began the practice of medicine in Hooksett, but after a short while removed to the town of Derry, which was ever after his home. Upon taking up his residence in Derry he identified himself, and actively so, with all that was designed for the good of the town. He quickly gained a reputation for his learning and skill as a physician. His rugged hon- esty, his sterling manhood and all around ability won for him the utmost respect and ardent admiration of his fellow townsmen. Again it was said of him : "As you 489 STATE BUILDERS came to know him you felt that he was no common man. He was wise, learned and sympathetic. His hand and heart were always open to do good." As a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows Dr. Adams attained to high rank in that organiza- tion and extended his circle of acquaintances throughout and beyond the State. He passed through all the chairs to that of grand patriarch and grand representative to the sovereign grand lodge. Odd Fellows everywhere had come to recognize him as one of their foremost members. His church affiliation was as a member of St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal Church of Derry, and as one of this flock he was active, zealous and devout. He was a co- worker with the pastors of the churches, striving ever to give spiritual as well as bodily comfort and cheer. Whole souled, cheerful, sincere and ever striving to do good to his fellow mortal, it was but natural that upon his death the whole town should mourn him as its own dead. He passed away on September 15, 1897, at the age of fifty- one. The entire town, as it were, attended the funeral of their beloved friend and physician. No other citizen of Derry, at his death, was ever the object of such general sorrow. People of all denominations, nationalities and worldly conditions followed him to the grave. His sepul- chre was a mound of flowers, expressions of the loving regard of friends. August 31, 1875, Dr. Adams married Miss Louise S. Perley of Lempster, who with two children survive him. A son., Richard Herbert, is an esteemed citizen of Derry, while the daughter, Jennie Louise, is the wife of George Franklyn Willey, the author-publisher of Manchester. 490 SAMUEL B. TARRANTE SAMUEL B. TARRANTE In this year of 1903 it is but thirty-three years since Samuel B. Tarrante was born in that city of England called Chester, the founding of which was practically coeval |with the beginning of the Christian era and where successively dwelt the Romans, Britons, Saxons, and Danes. In all the near two thousand years of its corporate existence ancient Chester has been renowned for its architecture, its ecclesiastical life, its wall that girdles the city and still as perfect and entire as in the days of the Roman and the Briton; yet above all is it re- nowned for its generations of great and learned and suc- cessful men and women. Young Tarrante was but three years old when he passed, with his parents, Samuel and Eliza (Burwell) Tarrante, through the gates of his native Chester and sailed away for America with Montreal as the objective point. The childhood years of the boy were passed in the Canadian city, attending the city schools until into his teens, when he became a clerk in a store. While yet a boy he drifted to Holyoke, Mass., and there continued his calling as a clerk. Returning to Montreal he engaged with his father to learn the hair goods business in all its phases and ramifications. It was the ancestral calling of the family, as it had been continued for five generations after the custom which has for so long obtained in Eng- land. After the completion of his apprenticeship and at the close of a service as a journeyman in Montreal, he ac- cepted an offered position in a Lawrence (Mass.) hair 491 STATE BUILDERS goods store. Beginning in a subordinate position, he displayed such a degree of efficiency, tact and business abiUty that he was advanced through grade after grade until he became manager of the store, with his duties and responsibilities equal to all they would have been had he been proprietor of the store. It was an excellent school for the young man, then just in his early twenties. His industry was of the incessant type, well regulated and directed with a splendid method. He made it a rule to save a stated portion of his salary and religiously adhered to this rule. Adept as he was classed in his chosen call- ing, he was ever a student in his business and ever alert to learn more of its features and details. The lapse of a few years found him possessed of a snug little sum of money, and impelled onward, not only by an ambition but a determination to be further along in the highway of commercial success than he was yesterday, he came by this same force within him to engage in business on his own account in the city of Manchester. It was in 1898 that he opened a store in Manchester and founded a business that has been so wisely managed as to become in the short space of five years the largest of its kind in all New England and that has placed him among the foremost merchants in all New Hampshire. Indeed, facts as they are fully warrant and permit the assertion that he is one of the most conspicuously success- ful men of affairs that his home city of Manchester, with all its great commercial and industrial interests, has known in the present generation. The true explanation of Mr. Tarrante's success is not to be found in any "run of luck," nor by the aid of influ- ential friends, but is wholly owing to his proficiency in knowing all that pertained to his business, and in its skil- ful, wise and persistent application to the work in hand. In addition to his Manchester store he owns and oper- ates stores in Lawrence and New Bedford, Mass. Pos- 492 STATE BUILDERS sessing brilliant executive talents and fine powers of com- prehension, he keeps the details of all his stores in con- stant sight of his business eye, thus having entire famil- iarity with every transaction. A natural bom merchant and business man, even the management of his several stores does not engross his whole attention, but he finds time to enter extensively into other enterprises. He has large realty holdings in the city of Manchester and town of Derr}% and besides identification with real estate, he has to do with the financing of a wide range of undertak- ings. Uniformly prosperous in his many interests, it is because he engages in them only after he has eliminated all haphazard and chance features. In September, 1898, ]\Ir. Tarrante married Miss ]\Iin- nie Elizabeth Herzog of Lawrence, Mass. One son, Samuel C, has been born of this union. Mr, Tarrante in fraternal organizations is an Odd Fellow, a Patriarch Militant and a member of the Patrons of Husbandry, and the Franklin Street Congregational is the cliurch home of the family. 493 GEORGE FRANKLYN WILLEY Nestling among the foothills of the White MoLintains in the state of New Hampshire is the little town of Jackson, a gem of human life in a setting of awe-inspir- ing grandeur and magnificence. To its immediate north and north-west, Black Mountain lifts its mighty propor- tions, a curtain as it were that tempers the bleak and pitiless North winds of winter and serves as a soul inspir- ing prelude to the still grander drama that Nature unfolds behind this curtain. Hither to this region came the rugged, honest and fearless pioneer ere the closing decades of the eighteenth century and here he fixed his habitation and abiding place upon earth. He was in the depths of a primeval forest, but his right arm was strong, his mind clear and his purpose distinct. But above all the factors in the daily life and action of this son of the Puritans was his abiding, unhesitating faith that the One who made the great White Hills would bless the means he was employing to make for himself and his a home at their feet. It was not the custom of the Puritan nor of his descendants to pray the God of nature for a blessing through super- natural channels, but always to bless the means and the agencies he himself would employ for its accomplishment. The pioneer in the White Mountain territory delved from the rising to the setting of the sun and in this work of home building he developed his physical and mental beings along lines that were in sweetest consonance with physiological law. There was but one sequel to this daily routine; a sequel as inevitable as divine truth itself, and that is progress; and progress is accomplishment: accom- 494 GEORGE FRANKLYN WILLEY STATE BUILDERS plishment — success. The success that the pioneer won in the fastnesses and at the gateways of the White Moun- tains was, in its highest and best type, in the form of a manhood capable of standing in the most exalted places KIRTHPLACE OF GEORGE FRANKLYX WILLEY WIXTER known in human life. It was a manhood that has kept American human life ever progressive and never retro- gressive. A manhood that springs from a recognition and appreciation of the fact that life is a duty, not a dream nor "a pastime. The dutiful and devoted Ruth forsook the ease of her own home and followed the 495 STATE BUILDERS fortunes of Naomi, regardless of the frowning prospect She accepted and took up with a cheerful heart the first labor that presented itself in the land of her mother-in- law,— the gleaning of the fallen straws after the reapers. The fidelity to a trust, the recognition of duty, brought to her and her line an undreamed of reward. Ere four generations had passed, her descendants were upon the throne of David and a line of mighty kings succeeded, culmmating with the coming of the Messiah. The keynote of the old regime in New England was the cheerful acceptance of duty and the performance of work and from this have proceeded that strength and power which have builded a mighty empire. That ster- Img and resourceful manhood and womanhood that had Its birth amid the hills of New Hampshire has been a potent and incalculable factor in the development of the nation's rich and innumerable resources, as it has for generations gone forth from its native hearths out into new fields and new states. This force that has made itselt telt from the Atlantic to the Pacific, had its incep- tion in the Puritan ideas, that life was a duty and in labor alone is accomplishment and progress. It was this identi- cal idea that controlled and actuated the daily life of Ruth. Of this latest generation that has come down out of the mountain region into the plains below, is George weary one not sustained by that abounding faith that characterized the daily life of the early settlers. Unlike the great multitude, however, Mr. Willey has remained Franklyn Willey, whose, forbears were among those who directed labor obstacles that A^^ould have made faint and cleared the primeval forest and built up the town of Jackson, braving every danger and overcoming by well within the limits of his native New Hampshire, instead of seeking a field of action beyond its borders. In the kaleidoscopic changes of the country's material life, he believed he saw within the realms of his own state, as 496 siATi: iiriLDj:K> man}" aiiil n- wide upjn inuiiitic< ftu" tlic cli>i)lay of his innate al)iliiie< a? were afl'f.irdcd else\\here. 'J'his decisicTt en lii- iiart i> significant and ])i"egnant w'nh meaning', in ^■ie^\• <'t tbe -eqnel that has c<>me so early in his career, fijr he is in tliis year of 1903. hut thirt}"-three and, there- fore, as the }ears ui man are counted, l)Ut upon the tlu-e-h' 'Id (if middle life. • A.. .' y SAM' ,U-f n ^: ;. ^. xr- _^ _ J BIRTHPLACE OF GEORGE FRAXKLVN WH^LKY SUMMER The rewards that come t'l dui}- jjcrformed and laws fulhlled in physiological life are cumulati\-e. They do not cease Avith a single generati^'U unles- ruthlessly and criminally disregarded, 'i'lie generatinns ui the Pilgrims and Puritans down to A\ithin lift}" }"ears were distip- guished for an undeviating adherence to the moral and ecclesiastical vie\\s and i)rinci])les of the forefathers. 497 STATE BUILDERS These views, principles and practices were fixed charac- teristics of Xew Eng-land life and were the basis of American national dexelopment. They were the funda- mentals of that life. Reared among the mountains, inured tO' hard work from childho<^d and breathing an atmosphere calculated to kindle and foster every ennobling trait in human life, it is but natural that Mr. W'illey should be possessed of a wonderful capacity for work; that his intellectual dis- cernment should be capable of a quick comprehensive and like decision in the multifarious affairs that come to him daily. The boyhood and early manhood years of Mr. Willey were passed on the ancestral farm and in attending school, but in this instance it should be understood that what is meant by his early manhood years are those comprised within his teens, for by the time he had reached his majority he had taken up what has since proved to be his life work. A student of human nature quickly notes in Mr. W'illey a strong indi\'iduality. He is a man of decidedly pro- nounced characteristics and these are so many that one sees at a glance that he possesses versa4;ility of talent to a marked degree. Of course, he could not have all these traits and be without that one characteristic, the posses- sion of which has been the grandest power oi the Xew Englander past and present and known as the initiative. It is the initiative in the most perfect form that makes the most successful general, the successful merchant, the like successful financier and the leader among men. It was the possession of the initiative by the men and women of Xew England that led them to seek the winning of the \\>st and among the people of this section none have displayed this talent to a more marked degree than those of Xew Hampshire. It was the initiative that led Mr. W'illey, when a student at I'inkerton Academy, Dcrry. to establish a school paper 49S STATE BUILDERS and to become its business manager, and as long as he remained in its management it was a financial and literary- success. Again, it was the initiative that led him to turn .^.^^ A CENTRAL SCENE IN " SOLTAIRE.' WILLEY BY GEORGE FRANKLYN to account his ability in spare time to accept the position as a reporter for a Derry weekly paper, an arrange- ment that ended in his becoming the owner of the paper, which he conducted so successfully that after an owner- 499 STATE BUILDERS ship of some eighteen months he sold it at what was to him at the time a great sum. Here as a young man just entering upon his majority and but recently come from his mountain home, absolutely without money and with- out friends except as he gained them in the daily exten- sion of his acquaintanceship. Yet he saw his oppor- tunity, or rather let it be said, as it is the greater truth, he made for himself the opportunity to jump as it were into the possession of a sum that made the world look larger to him than ever before and enabled him to take a place in the ranks of the business men of his community. It was the fulfilment of that law that labor and labor alone develops a man's powers; and thus early in his life was there an exemplification of the fact that his labor was well mannered and well managed. With the sale of his paper, Mr. Willey found himself free for another venture in the field of business and enter- prise. At this point it should be said that up to this time he had not the remotest thought of following journalism as a life work. Indeed, he now was and had been for a comparatively long while a student in medicine and ere he relinquished his studies had passed an examination, for admission to the Dartmouth Medical School. His versatility, however, prompted him to- undertake the preparation of wdiat was at first planned as a pocket souvenir of the town of Derry, The work grew far beyond its original scope and its full fruition was in the form of a magnificent volume comprehending an ex- haustive history of all that part of New Hampshire in the long ago known as Nutfield and first peopled by that grand company of men and women called Scotch-Irish. From a literary stand-point the book was a success and the measure of this success is becoming more marked with the passing of time. As a financial venture its success was something phenomenal considering that Mr. Willey was at the time of its publication only twenty-five. It put him in possession of ten thousand 500 STATE BUILDERS dollars all his own and all gained by his daring industry and initiative. He dared to act where others hesitated and simply talked. It was no run of good luck that transformed Mr. Willey from the poor 1>oy of twenty into the compar- atively rich man of twenty-five. It was pure business acumen and perception and the carrying out of these qualities by industrious application. But the initiative is at times a quality that brings disaster as well as success and Mr. Willey has in the story of his short yet eventful life, one experience of this nature, an experience that in a few brief months swept away all his previous earnings and other thousands that were either not his or that he had not earned. In 1896, the year of a presidential campaign, he entered the field of daily journalism. His political views were those born of principle and predilection. He was sincere in their holding and the wisdom of these political beliefs has nothing to do with the creation of this study of his career. One circumstance and another led to the com- plete collapse of this enterprise of the daily paper and finally to Mr. Willey's liquidation in bankruptcy. He was at the time twenty-eight years old. In eight years he had started in life and by his own unaided self had won a fortune and lost it. But, Mr. Willey in the routine of the daily paper did not lose a solitary one of these sterling characteristics that made up his rugged man- hood. He did not lose any time in repining. Hope sustained by a resolute will, a sound body and clean mind constituted his new and only stock in trade in a new- venture he had determined upon. Faith in tlie promise that honest, well directed labor should not go unre- warded, sustained him in his new struggle. The cold, unsympathetic world looked at him and said that no man with such a handicap could succeed. He became the owner of five \veekly papers which he had bought at a bankrupt sale, with the city of Manchester as the place 501 STATE BUILDERS of their publication. Hope, determination, courage, were needed qualities with him in those days. Step by step his path became brighter and smoother as the barriers were turned away. Again did money come tO' his command and as it did so, again did he exemplify the stuff of which he is made. In the short time of some- thing less than three years, he paid to his creditors some eighteen thousand dollars, not one cent of which was he under legal obligation to pay. Such an instance of moral probity and commercial integrity is deserving of the widest publicity and commendation for it, for it strength- ens one's belief that sincerity is not yet a wholly departed trait of American manhood. But it is not alone this practical demonstration of fidelity to moral obligation that has caused Mr. Willey to be much in the "public eye" of late. In recent months he has become the active head of a corporation publishing forty-one weekly newspapers and having a paid-in capi- talization of one hundred thousand dollars. Within the current year he has made his debut as an author and this debut is rich in a promise of future triumphs along their line. As the author of " Soltaire," a story of the White Mountains, Mr, Willey has gained much immediate fame and his fellow townsmen are earnest in their hope that his present auspicious advent into the field of litera- ture will not be allowed tO' lapse on account of business exactions, but be followed up by new creations of his brain and pen. "Soltaire" has met with a most flattering success and few indeed are the papers throughout the country that have not reviewed it in cxtenso. As a business man and financier, Mr. Willey has gained a prominence that is simply astonishing, consider- ing his age, his opportunities and the obstacles that he has had to overcome Surveying his past and discerning his present, one is 502 STATE BUILDERS led to wonder what the future has in store for him. The past warrants the behef that he is but on the thresh- old of a magnilicent career. Mr. Willey has vast financial interests in Nome, Alaska, and is a large holder of real estate in his home city of Manchester. He was married in December, 1901, to Miss Jennie Louise, daughter of the late Ira H. Adams, M. D., of Derry. 503 Price, $10 New Edition WILLEY'S Book of Nutfield A History of That Part of New Hamp- shire Comprised Within the Limits of the Old Township of Londonderry From its Settlement in ijig to the Present Time Compiled from Original Sources and Edited by GEORGE FRANKLYN WILLEY Biographical, Genealogical, Political, Anecdotal Illustrated with Half-tone AND Steel Engravings New Hampshire Publishing Corporation Manchester, N. H. Boston, Mass. THE FIRST REAL ROMANCE OF THE WHITE MOUNTAINS SOLTAIRE CLEVELAND DAILY WORLD " Soltaire," by George Franklyn Willey, fully justifies its title, for it is a literary gem, a dramatic work, as fascinating as Washington Irving's legends of the Catskill Mountains. NEW YORK JOURNAL: Among the wealth of recent fiction, one book stands out prominently as a work of true merit and sublime fascination. This book is a little romance of the White Mountains, entitled "Soltaire." There are not many pages, — one wishes there w^ere many more, — and yet the reader lays the book aside with a distinct sigh of regret, in a genuine glow^ of happiness, and with a warm feeling of sincere appreciation to the author, George f>anklyn Willey, for a couple of hours of pure, un- alloyed enjoyment. NEW YORK WORLD: " Soltaire " is a strong, fresh romance of the White Moun- tain region. Mr. Willey 's story is direct, simple, and com- pletely interesting. This is the first time an author has paid any special atten- tion to the White Mountains — that region so full of romance and picturesqueness. Mr. Willey has not only based his story both on White Mountain legendary lore and history, but makes every page of his book breathe the invigorating and inspiring atmosphere of those grand hills, which are aptly called the " Switzerland of America." Q/^T T* A T IP ■p* A Romance of the Willey Slide in the White Mountains ^\yi-^ 1 .rt.lI\.IZ/ By George Franklyn Willey A BOOK FOR EVERYONE TO READ. PRICE, $1.25 New Hampshire Publishing Corporation 36 MERRIMACK STREET, MANCHESTER, N. H. 309 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Price, $10 New Edition VViLLEY'S Semi-Centennial Book of Manchester 1846-1896 And Manchester Edition of the Book of Nutfield Historic Sketches of that part of New Hampshire comprised within the Hmits of the Old Tyng Township, Nutfield, Harrytown, Derryfield, and Manchester, from the earliest settlements to the present time. BY GEORGE FRANKLYN WILLEY Biographical^ Genealogical^ Political^ Anecdotal Illustrated with 500 Engravings New Hampshire Publishing Corporation Manchester, N. H. Boston, Mass. HJNX 1904 lRBJe'27 C 235 89 '< '^*.** v*^^ .^^r .°-^^ V v-^^ -, c V V.<^" .^^^Wa^ ^^ .^^ -^1 i/» *^ aS V* '•«• .0 O 'o . 1 • \ ^ ^^9 A^-^^ .^' _ ... .. ; <.^^^ •"