Book— (;KN K.U.iM, * A !. \o 1 K * J ±1^ "' ^ "^"^i m m m k^ mm mB. ''Oyr-}: y] i^: "V/ Tj^J^nr^TT. '\)"r. ■l.Fll ' r "iii TALtc ;i \'\ ALRANV : \Vi::iV l'M:S'»NS ANI' < (tMF>.\N'i F\\% I NEW YORK STATE FAMILIES. TO WHO HAS BEEN MY DEVOTED ASSISTANT IN ITS COMPILATION, THIS VOLUME IS gi, f f c r t i n n U 1 y ^| )ui t r Ui .c tl . iM Mil FACE. TnK Hon. .lames (i. Itlaiiu', in liis oiMtioii on the tloatli ot" I*resiilent (Tartield, pertinently remarks in relation t<> tlie early settlers t)f America, that, " trunk the landinj; of the Pilendence rather than for worldly honor aiul prolit. the emigration naturally ceased when the contot for reli:,dous liberty he^an in earnest at home. The man who struck his most etlective Mow for free4<'. The opportunity had then come on the soil of Kuirland for that iji-eat contest which e>talili.-hed tlu- author- ity of Parliament, i^ave reliiii"'iis frt'cdom to the people. >i'nt (diarlc> to the Mock and committed to the hamls of ()li\c-r Cromwell the >upreme executivi' authm-ity of Kn-land. The English emiuration was lU'ver retiewed, antl from these L'i-.imio men, with a >mall enumeration tVom Scotland and tVom France, are descended the vast lunnhers w1k» have New l^n^land Mood in their vfins. hi l«'>s.'), the revocation of the Kdict of Nantes hy Louis \ I \'.. >catti-reulijects -mei'chants of capital, skilled mannfac- turer> and hindicraftsmen. >nperioi- at the time to ,dl .>tlu'r> in luirope. A consilorv. Their nanu-s have in larije l>art heconic annlici-ed "V ]\:wv ili>api>earcd, Iml their Mood is tracealde in numv ot the most reputaMe familic.-. and their xii Errata. Page 18.S, line 20, add "September 17, 1877, :«\ 83 years." Page 150, line 4, for "(388)" read "(818)", Page 150, line 12, for "(888)" read "(318) ". Page 152, line 4, for "Maria" read "Susan." Pajjte l(i5. after line 12, insert "654J Ernest, b. October 15, 1882." (See p. 418.) Page lt>8, line 2<;, for " William V. R. Mercer" read "William V. I. Mercer." Page 184, Hue 2, for " December 12" read " December 21." Page 184, line 19, for "(4)" read "(3)"— erase "(?) ' und in.sert "22" after " October." Page 189, line 30, for later details of Oothout family, see p. 418. Page 195, line 18, for "April 7, 1789" read " April 12, 1783." Page 199, line 13, add " d. March 20, 1810." Page 21J, line 17, for "Smitblield " read " Smithborougli." Page 235, line 13, for " Venhagen" rt-ad " Vinhagen." Page 239, line 5, for "Sanders I.ansing" read " Sanders (J. l.,ansin<;." Page 244, line 22, for " (339) " read " (345) ". Page 245, line 24, for "(;541)" read " (?47)". Page 248, line I, for "(2ti5)" read "(3C9i". Page 248, line 15, for "(38) .Mgernon " read " ^^38) Henry Algernon." Page 252, line 5, see p. 421 for lliis family corrected. Page 25»>, line 37, for " April" road " August." Page 26", line 14, for " Abraham Ten Eyck ' read " Abraham R. Ten Eyck." Page 271, line 28, for " 1774" read " 1744." Page 272, line 11, " bp. November 15, 1761 " read " b. Novoinbor 14. 17'>'>. ' Page 288, line 4, for " 1857 " read " 1854." Page 2h8, line 20, for " David" read " Irving." Page 289, line 3, for " (202) " read " (205) ". Page 289, line 15, for "(202)" read " (205)". Pago 289, line 17, for "(360)" read " (223)". Pago 313, line 2, for "June" read "January." Pago :r,;;. Hue 12, for "(312)" read "(348»". Pago 333, line 20, for " (344) " read " (350 1 ". Pago 34t;, line 20, for " March 27" read " March 22." Pago :5.".9, line 36, for " 1747 " read " 1749." Page 368, lino 20, for "(194) " road " (185) ". Pago 3i;f<, line 22, add "d. March 1, 1883." Page 3i','.t, for family No. "154" road " 157." Page 379, lino 27, for ".Jacob Sanders Glen " read "Johannes Sumlers Clen." Page 397, line 17, for "August" read "September." Pa'j:e412. litie S, for"C270)" read " cito Ten Kyek'". CONTENTS. Paok. . 224 Preface Krrata New York State Famimes. Page. | 1 Beeckmnn 1 i l") Schemierliorn 2 Benson 8jl6TenEyck 228.421 3 Bogart 22, 417 ' 17 Vissriier 26[\ 4 Douw ('.4 18 Van Bergen 292 5 Dox 16G j 19 Van den Bergli m'i 6 Gerhard 80 j 20 Xnu der liogaert 307 7 <;roesl»eck 80 21 Van Deiisen :n2 8 Hiin 92 22 Van Driesseii 318 9 Lansing 1 13, 417 23 Van der Toel 323 10 Marselis • .. . 172 24 Van Nes 343 11 Metselaer-Egl>erts 180 25 Van Seliaiek 350 13 Oothout 183, 41S 20 Van Vecliten 352 13 Qnackenhush 193. 420 27 Vinhagen 378 14 Salisbury 210 28 Wentlell 370 MisrKM.ANEors. Records from Old Family Bil>Ies 425 Record of Burials in the Hutch Church Crave Yard from 1722 to 1757, 454 Miscellaneous Xotes 478- Glossary of Dutch < 'hristian Names 480 New Enoi.and Families. Paok. 1 Benton 485 2 Chester 492 3 Crow 495 4 Deining 499 5 Kd wards 500 6 Eggleston 510 7 Filer. . 8 (Gilbert... 9 Goodwin.. 19 (Joodrich. 1 1 llanilin.. . 12 Hollislcr. Paok 13 Holyoke 508 14 l.annian 570 15 Marvin 592 10 Mott 010 17 Pynihon. 610 18 Rathhone 01 •» 511 I 19 lieed 054 513 20 Rus.scll 070 514 21 Shearman-Sherman 079 515 122 Treat. 721 543; 23 Welles 724 552 I 24 Wright 729 MruKMaiula. Indi'X of Intcrmarriage.s. Index of Name.s. BEECKMAN. There were two apparently distinct families of Beekman's who came to America. One, that of William, settled in New Amsterdam and spelled the name Bekkman, and the other? that of Martin Hendricksen, settled in Rensselaerwyck, and spelled the name as above. Descendants of both families removed to villages on the lower Ilndson, and their respective genealogies became very ditticult to trace. • 1. Hartiii, son of Heiidrick Beeckniau and godson of Mar- tin Heixdricksen of Fort Orange (Albany), who came from Hamelwaard, in the Duchy of Bremen, in 1638, in the service of the Pati'oon Yan Rensselaer, married Susanna Jans, and had (See Riker's Harlem) 2 Hendrick, m. (6) Annetje Quackenbusii. 3 Johannes, m. 1st (7), MAcnTEL Schermekhorn. 2d (6), Eva Vinhaoen, October 26, 1692. 4 Martin, m. Smngerland. 5 Metje, m. Ist, Cohnelis van der Hoven, of Albany. 2d, Jan Bkbout, of Brooklyn. 6 Neeltje, m. Jacob Bennet, of Brooklyn. 6k Engeltje, ra. (prob.) (9) Teunfs Ehbertse Metselaer, Feb. 28, 1716. And others^ names unknown. Martin Beocknian died previous to June 21, 1677, wlien his widow Susanna petitioned to be free from paying his debts, on account of having eight children to provide for. 1 2 Beeckman. 2. Heiidrick, son of (1) Martin Hendricks Beeckman and Susanna Jans, was born in Albany; married (6) Annetje, dangliter of (1) Pieter Quackenbusli, and Martje , 1685, and had 7 Martin, b. 1685 ; m. Elizabeth Waldkon, June 21, 1724 ; d. Oct. 27, 1757. 8 Susanna, bp. March 7, 1686. 9 Lydia, bp. June 2, 1689. 10 Hendrick, bp. June 5, 1692; d. s., March 19, 1769. 11 Marine, bp. June 19, 1695. 12 Pieter, bp. July 25, 1697 ; m. Guietie ; d. 1773. 13 Magdalena, bp. Nov, 19, 1701. Hendrick Beeckman died in New Jersey abont 1735. He resided first at Schodack-on-tlie-Hudson, and moved to Somer- set^ Co., N. J., in It 10. ST. Johannes, son of (1) Martin Hendricks Beeckman and Susanna Jans, married, 1st (T) Maclitel, daughter of (1) Jacob Jansen Schermerhorn and Jannetje Egmont, and had 14 Jannetje, bp. March, 1682 ; m. (12) Isaac Lansing, June 27,1703; d. February, 1770. He d. January 27, 1772. 15 Johannes, bp. January 27, 1684; m. (42) Hester Wendell, Jan- uary 15, 1714 ; d. February, 1741. 16 Jacob, bp. Aug. 12, 1685; in. Debora Hansen Dec. 17, 1714; d. March 19, 1738. 17 Susanna, bp. Sept. 25, 1687 ; m. John Bassett Jan. 16, 1719. 18 Helena, bp. Jan. 13, 1689; m. Tobias Ryckman Aug. 18, 1715; d. Aug. 23, 1744. Joliannes M. Beeckman married, 2d (6), Eva, daughter of (1) John Vinhagen. Oct. 26, 1692, aud had 19 Johannes Janse, bp. May 20, 1694 ; m., 1st, Sarah Cutler, July 6, 1729; 2d (20), Debora Van Schaick, Dec. 10, 1748. 20 Martin, bp. Aug. 8, 1695 ; m. (17) Gertrude Visscher, Oct. 28, 1721 ; d. before 1755. 21 Marielje, bp. April 2, 1697 ; m. Jurtan Hog en Nov. 9, 1714. Beeckman. 3 22 Johanna, bp. Nov. 20, 1698; m. (25) Johannes Makselis July 7, 172o 23 Alida, bp. Nov. 29, 1702; m. Henry Holland, Dec. 14, 1728. 24 Henry, bp. March 30, 1707; m. Annetje Swits. He d. Dec. 3, 1755. 25 Neletje, bp. April 37, 1710; m. John Vinhagen, Jr., Oct. 29, 1734. Joliaiiues M. Beeckman was buried in Albany, Sept. 30, 1732. Eva Yinhagen, widow of Johannes M. Beeckman, was buried March 6, 1755. Johannes M. Beeckman made a will Dec. 16, 1728, recorded Dec. 3, 1732, leaving his property to his twelve above-named children, a part of which was his interest in the " Kayaderosseros," or Queensb(jrougli patent of land, which he obtained from the government, in company with ISTanning Harments (Visscher), Rip Yan Dam, Ann Brid- ges, May Beckley, Peter Franconnier, x\drian Hooghlandt, John Stevens, John Tathani and Stei)hen Broughton, by letters patent, dated Nov. 2, 1708. Eva, his wife, was appointed sole executrix ; and, in case of her death, his sons, Jacob, Martin, Johannes, Jr., and Henry were to act. October 1, 1755, Jo- hamies, Jr., and Henry, being the only surviving executors, applied for letters of administration. 7. Hartiii, son of (2) Heudrick Beeckman and (6) Aiiuetje Qiiackeiibusli, was born in 1G85 ; married Eliza})etli, daugh- ter of Samuel Waldron and I^eeltie Bloodgood (b. 1700), June 21, 1724, and had 26 Elizabeth, b. August 30, 1735; m. Fkancis Brazier; d. Nov. 9, 1810. 27 Hendrick, b. March 24, 1737; m. Puoebe Bloomfield ; d. Jan. 26, 179G. 28 Samuel, b. Nov. 20, 1729 ; m. Elizaueth Waldron ; d. Oct. 19, 1808. 29 Anna, b. June 28, 1734 ; m. Johannes Waldron, Nov. 12, 17GG ; d. Sept. 5, 1795. He d. Sept. 10, 1795. 30 John, b. Nov. 5, 1741. Martin Beeckman died October 27, 1757. Ei.rzAUETFi Wal- dron, widow of Martin Beeckman, died N'ovembcr 27, 1760, 4 Beeckman. 88. 60 years. Their children inherited the property of their bachelor uncle, Hendrick, who died March 19, 1769. (Riker's Harlem.) Pieter, son of (2) Hendrick Beeckman and (6) Aiuietje Quackeubush, was born July 25, 1697; married Grietie , and had 31 Leentje, m. Fkrnandus Gulick. 32 Annetie, in. Peter Peierson. 33 Neeltie, m. Bernardus Van Zandt. Pieter Beeckman died in 1773, leaving Griktie a widow. He resided in New Jersey. (For more of the New Jersey Beeckman's, see Hiker's Harlem.) 15. Johaiiiie!^, .Jr., son of (3) Johannes Beeckman and (7) Maciitel Scliermeiiiorn, was born January 27, 1681 ; mar- ried (42) Hester, daughter of (7) Jerouimus Wendell, January 15, 1714, and had - 34 Ariantja, hp. August 29, 1714; in. (63) Gerrit I. Lansing, March, 1740. 35 Johannes, bp. June 9, 1717. 36 Jannetje, bp. November 15, 1719. 37 El^e, bp. July 29, 1722 ; d. August, 1723. Johannes Beeckman, Jr., made a will July 9, 1731, proved January 29, 1742, in which he mentions his wife Hester, three children, Johannes, Arientje and Jannetje, brothers-in-law Her- man and Evert Wendell, and Henry Holland and brother Jacob Beeckman. 16. Jacob, son of (3) Joliannes M. Beeckman and (7) Machtel Schermerhorn, was baptised August 12, 1685 ; married Deb- ora, daughter of Hendrick Hansen and Debora Van Dam (bp. Augnst 20, 1693), December 17, 1714, and had 38 Machtel, b. October 16, 1715 ; m. (48) Gerrit A. Lansing, of Sche- nectady, July 18, 1739. 39 Hendrick, b. May 4, 1718 ; d. September 8, 1746. Beeckman. 5 40 Effie, b. January 18, 1720; m. Johannes Gansevoout, September 9, 17()4; d. September 9, 1798. 41 Johannes, b. November 3, 1733 ; d. January 31, 1725. 42 Debora, b. October 8, 1726 ; m. Qekrit Staats, January ll, 1747. 43 Johannes, b. August 8, 17:53 ; m. Maria Sanders, November 32, 1759 ; d. December 17, 1802. Jacob J. Beeckmau died Marcli 10, 1T38. Debora Han- sen, widow of .rAcoB J. Beeckman, died December 10, 1745. The above family is taken from the Beeckman Bible. 19. Johannes Janse, son of (3) Johannes M Beeckman and his 2d wife (6) Eva Yinhagen, was baptised May 20, 1694 ; married 1st Sarah, daughter of Abraham Cuyler and Caatje Bleeker (bp. October 6, 1706), Jidy 6, 1729, and had 44 Eva, bp. August 30, 1730 ; d. y. 45 Johannes, bp. October 80, 1732 ; d. y. 46 Catrina, bp. August 29, 1736. ^_^. j4^ Vw'^dU^ - ^ '^ 47 Eva, bp. July 8, 1739; m. Abraham SchuyleU, December 3, 1763 ; d. July 17, 1803. 48 Margrietje, bp, August 30, 1741. 49 Johannes, bp. Marcli 18, 1744. Sarah Cuyler, wife of Johannes Janse Beeckman, died and was buried August 28, 1746. He married 2d (30), Debora, daughter of (13) QozEN Van Schaick and Catharine Staats (b. May 11, 1707), December 10, 1748, and had 60 Jacob, bp. September 36, 1749 ; m. Nancy . Johannes Janso Beeckman died in Albany and was bm-ied October 26, 1756. He was a merchant for many years in Albany. lie made a will May 20, 1756, proved October 31, 1759, l)y which he gave to his three eldest children the £1,000 received by him from the estate of their grandfather, Abraham Cuyler, and divided his share of the " Kayaderosseros patent," received from his father, together with the house and lot purchased from the heirs of John Yinhagen, among all his above-named children. His brother Henry, and l)rothers-in-law Nicholas Cuyler and Jacob Van Schaick, were his executors. 6 Beeokman. ao. Martin, son of (o) Johannes M. Beeckman and his 2d wife ((!) Eva Yinliageu, was baptised August 8, 1695 ; mar- ried (lY) Gertrude, daughter of (4) Tierck Harmanse Yisscher and Fenmietje Janse (bp. July 12, 16'Jl), October 28, 1721, and had 51 Johannes, bp. March 11, 1722 ; in. (49) Elizabeth Douw, January 21, 1764. 52 Tierck Harmans, bp. July 26, 1724; d. January, 1746. 53 Pieter, d. December 30, 1811. 54 Femmetje, bp. September 10, 1727. 55 Henricus, bp. September 7, 1729. 56 Eva, bp. February 10, 1734. 34. Henry (Hendrick), son of (3) Johannes M. Beeckman and his 2d wife (6) Eva Vinhaft'en, was baptised March 30, 1Y07 ; married Annetje (Anna), daughter of Cornelius Swits and (15) Hester Visscher (bp. October 19, 1712), and had ■ 57 Johannes, bp. November 8, 1738 ; m. Hendrike Van Buren, about 1766. 58 Hester, bp. October 18, 1741. 59 Cornelis, bp. September 25, 1743. 60 Martin, bp. January 10, 1746. 61 Isaac, bp. September 3, 1749. 62 Eva, bp. November 13, 1752. Henry Beeckman was buried in Albany, December 3, 1755. 43. •ToliaiiiiC!^, son of (16) Jacob Beeckman and Dehora Hansen, was l)orn in Albany, August 8, 1733 ; married Maria, daughter of John Sanders and Debora Glen (b. June 4, 1740)^ November 22, 1759, and had 63 Jacob, b. August 7, 1761 ; d. 1817. 64 Deborah, b. November 26,1763 ; m. (70) John De Peyster Douw, December 22, 1787; d. July 23, 1791. 65 Barent Sanders, b. May 2, 1767 ; d. December 2, 1767. 66 Matilda, b. November 21, 1768; m. Douw Fonda, November 23, 1794 ; d. October 3, 1837. Beeckman. 7 67 Sarah, b. December 9, 1771 ; d. March 5, 1792. 68 Effie, b. July 24, 1774 ; d. December 6, 1792. 69 John S., b. August 23, 1781. Maria Sanders, wife of Johannes J. Beeckman, died No- vember 2, 1794. Johannes J. Beeckman died December IT, 1802. 51. Joliaiiiies, son of (20) Martin Beeckman and (17) Ger- trude Tisscher, was baptised March 11, 1722; married (49) Elizabeth, dangliter of (17) Petrns Donw and Anna Van Rensselaer (December 1, 1733), Jannary 21, I7r)4, and had 70 Martin, bp. November 15, 1767; d. y. 71 Petrus, bp. August 1-9, 17C9; d. y. 72 Martin, bp. May 5, 1772. 73 Petrus, bp. March 15, 1775 ; m. Magdalen Van Rensselaer. Jolm M. Beeckman made a will Deceml)er 30, 1778, })roved July 12, 1790, in which he mentions his wife Elizabeth, sons Martin and Peter, brothers-in-law Abraham Schnyler and Vol- kert P. Donw, and friend Jolm H. Beeckman. 73. Petriis,Json of (51) Joliannes M. Beeckman and (49) Eliz- abeth Bouw. was baptized March 15, 1775 ; married Magdalen, dano;hter of Nicholas Van Rensselaer and Elsie Van Bui-en and had 74 Elizabeth Magdalen, b. June 10, 1805; m., 1st, James H. Bath- bone, June 15, 1825. Magdalen, wife of Peter Beeckman, died in 1808. Peter M. Beeckman died Deceml)er 3(), 1811. For the <^eneah)gy of the Beekman family of New York see Hol<):;ate's Genealogies of American Families, Bergen's Bergen Family, and Riker's HarlcTn. BENSON. 1. " Dircli Beiisoil; was originally from Groningen. He resided for a time in Amsterdam, where lie married Cataliiia,' daugliter of Samson Berck (by Pearson, spelled Berex), and Tryntie Van Kecliteren. He came out about 1648." (Riker's Harlem.) He was a resident of Beverwyck (Albany) as early as 1654. In 1649 he was in l^ew Amsterdam, where, on the 2d of August of that year, he purchased from Henry Egbert- son half of a lot located on the north-east side of Fort Amster- dam, on Manhattan Island. Catalina Berck, his ^vife, was born in 1625. They had 2 Dirck, b. November 9, 1649; m. Tytje Claes Stevast. ^ 3 Samson, b. July 4, 16^3; m. (14J) Tryntje Van Deusen. 4 Johannes, born February 8, 1655; m. (13*) Lysbet Van Deusen, February 2, 1680. 5 Cateryna, b. February 12, 1657; m., 1st, Dr. Reynier Schaets, 2d Jonathan Broadhorst, April 23, 1696. 6 Maria, b. July 15, 1659; m. Volkert Van Hoesen. Dirck Benson died in Albany, January 6, 1659. (Riker says February 12, 1659.) Catalina Berck, widow of Dirck Benson, married, 2d (2), Harmen Tomes Hun on or about May 26, 1661, at which date the said Hun made a joint will with his wife, Catalina (Berck) Benson, providing for the children of her late hus- band, named above. Catalina Berck, widow of Harmen Tomes Hun, died April 14, 1693. Note. — The dates of the births of the children of Dirck Benson were taken from the record in the family Bible in the possession of Dr. Thomas Hud, of Albany. Benson. 9 9. Direk, son of (L) Dirck Benson and Cataliiia Berck, was bom November 9, UUD ; married Tytje, danghter of '^Claes Jansen Stevast," (Riker), and Ettie (ierritseii, and liad 7 Oatalina, b. 1683 ; in., 1st, John F. Vandeu Meui-en; 2d, John Kelly. 8 Eva, bp. Feb. 3, 1G8G ; d. y. 9 Rachel, b. April 13, 1689 ; m. Hans Bekgen ; d. 1753. 10 Eva, b. in New York March 19, 1693 ; m; Anthony Duane May 4, 1717. 11 Dirck, b. in New York, July ;i, 1696 (1734, Riker). 12 Tytje, b. in New York, September 13, 1699; ra. James Hender- son, mercliaut. New York , '^^ Dirck Benson, married, 2d, Jannetje, dangbter of Barent Peterse, Coeymans, who survived bini" (Ryker). No cb. DiROK Benson died in New York June 26, 1717. Dirck Benson was a member of tlie Dutcli cbureli in Al- bany, in l(iS3, but abont tbat time he removed to Cbiveraek, and from thence to New York, where he died. In November, 1696, he purchased 1,000 acres of huid on the Baritan river, New Jersey, wbich he sold the following May. In 1701 he leased the Brooklyn Fei-ry for seven years. In 1702 he owned hinds in Piseataway, N. J. In 1703 he owned lands in Mas- peth Kills. March 20, 1707, Dirck Benson, Gentleman, loaned money on a mortgage to Cornelis Vanderhogen. In 1710 he petitioned the Governor and council for 1,000 acres of land in Ulster county, N. Y. In 1714 he obtained a grant of 2,000 acres of land on the soutli side of the '' Dunder P)ergh " (mountain), on the Hudson river. He was master and owner of an "open boat," called the " Endrecht,'" plying between New York and Albany. 3. Samson, son of (1) Dirck Benson and ratalina Berck, was born July 4, 1652 ; man-ied (14:^) Tryntje, daugliter of (3) Matthew Abramse Van Deusen and Helena, his wife, and had 2 1 Benson, 13 Oatalina, b. 1675; ui. Stopfel Pelts iu 1697; d. 1706. 14 Dirck, b. 1677; m. Elizabeth Radcliff; d. 1725. 15 Teuwes (Matthew), b. 1679; m. Catrina Provost in 1706. 16 Harmon, b. 1681 ; m. Altje Beckers, July 19, 1702. 17 Samson, bp. April 13, 1084; m. Maria Bokee iu 1710; d. May 29, 1732. 18 Robert, bp. Jan. 1, 1G80; m. Cornelia lioos. March 14, 1708. 19 William, bp. October 30, 1687; d. y. 20 Elizabeth, b. October 6; bp. October 13, 1689; m. Egbert Van BoRSUM; had a dau. Catharine, b. 1718; m. her cousin (71) Robert Benson; Elizabeth d. November 10, 1751. 21 Johannes, bp. July 3, 1092; d. y. 22 Helena, bp. February 14,1694; d. y. 23 Maria, bp. February 5, 1696 ; d. y. 24 Henricus, b. 1698; ni. Catharine Van Lear 1722; d. October 27, 1742. 25 Catalina, b. 1707; suigle in 1726. ^^ Samson Benson married 2d Greetje, daughter of Abra- ham Kermer, and widow of Capt, Jacob Van Tilbnrg; Benson being her 3d husband, and surviving her." (Biker.) He died Jmie 2, 1730. Samson Benson removed to New York about 1696. He is supposed to have lived on " Potbakers Hill," now John, between William and Gold streets. He made a will dated July 20, 172(5, in which he mentions several of his children. 4. Johaiiiies, son of (1) Dirck Benson and Catalina Berck, was born February 8, 1655; married (^13^) Lysbet, daughter of (3) Teuwes (Mattliew) Abrahamse Van Deusen and Helena his wife, February 2, 1680 (Biker says 1676), and had 26 Samson, b. October 15, 1080 ; m. Maria Meyer (July, 1699). 27 Helena, b. October 8, 1082 ; m. Lawrence Kortright in 1703. 28 Dirck, b. February 28, 1086 ; ra., 1st, Vanderwater, 1707 ; 2d, Catalina Bokee, 1711; d. 1751. 29 Oatlyna, b. August 24, 1688 ; m. "Jacob Samon." (Riker.) 30 Rachel, b. August 29, 1690 ; m. Johannes Cowenhoven, 1708- 31 Matthew, b. .January 5, 1693; m., 1st, Elizabeth Bussing, in 1716; 2d, widow Hannah De Groot, dau. of John Edsall, December 9, 1727. 32 Oatrina, b. August 27, 1695 ; m. Abraham Delamater, 1718. Benson. 11 33 Maritie, b. April '3(), 1G99 ; in. Ryck Lydeckek, 1718. 34 Johannes (John, Jr.), b. May 2d, 1701 ; m. Elizabeth Lydeckkh, May 34, 1724. 35 Benjamin, b. March 34, 1704. Captain Johannes Benson died in Harlem in 1715. (Riker.) " Elizabeth Yan Deusen, widow of Johannes Benson, died in 1746." (liiker.) Captain Johannes Benson made a will in 1711, leaving his eldest son, Samson, a snm of money, and to Johannes, his young- est son, the family BilJe. In 16S0 he resided at Claverack, and was appointed in March of that year captain of a company of militia, when an attack was expected from the French and Indians. He removed in 1690 to Harlem, and bought of John Loiiwe Bogert a farm where he resided, and where he died, which farm by the law of descent went to Samson his oldest son. Some of his descendants now spell the name Bensen. 5. Cjiteryiia, daughter of (1) Dirck Benson and Catalina Berck, was born February 12, 1<;")7; married, 1st, Reyuier, son of Domine Gideon Schaats, and had 36 Gideon. 37 Agnietie, m. Matthys Nak, of Albany. " Beyilier Scliaets* was a ' Chyrurgion,' and settled at Schenectady, where he was appointed justice of the peace by Leisler in 1689. He and his son were killed on the 9th of February, l(j90, at the massacre and burning of the village by French and Inirck, son of (4) Capt. Jolin Benson and (13^) Eliza- betli Van Bensen, was born February 28, 1686 ; married, 1st, Jannetje Vanderwater in 1707. He married, 2d, Catalina, daughter of Abraham Bokee, in 1711. His children were 86 Elizabeth, m. Abraham Lydecker. 87 Tannike. 88 Helena, m. Peter Bakta. 89 Catalina, m. Dr. Josiah Patterson. He died Octo))er 23, 17G(5. 90 Maria. 91 John, m. Marritie Lydecker, of Hankensack, in 1747. " Birck Benson died in Harlem in 1751." (Biker's Har- lem.) 31. ]?Iattliew, son of (4) Capt. Jolin Benson and (13^) Eliza- betli Van Benseii, was bom January 5, 1693; nuirried, 1st, Elizabeth, daughter of Arut Bussing, in 1716; no cliildren. He married, 2d, Hannah^ daughter of John Edsall, and widow of Gerrit De Groot, Deceml)er 9, 1727, and had 92 Gerrit, d. s. 93 Benjamin, b. 1733. 94 Samuel, m. Ann Steele, in 1759. 95 Charity, m. William Sloe, in 1755. Mattliew Benson i), son of (4^ Capt. John Benson and (13.y) Elizabeth Van Bensen, was boni May 29, 1701; married Elizabeth, dauglitei' of (Territ Lydecker, of Bergen county, N. J., May 24, 1724, and had 16 Benson. 96 Elizabeth, b. October 23, 1725. 97 Gerrit, b. October 3, 1728. 98 John, b. January 29, 1730; m. Rebecca Demarest, June 1,1753. 99 Cornelius, b. March 17, 1732. 100 Catalyntje, b. June 28, 1734. 101 Matthia.s, b. November 19, 1736. This family spelled tlieir name Bensen. They resided in Bergen county, N. J. 71. Robert, son of (18) Robert Benson and Cornelia Roos, was baptised November 27, 1715 ; married Tryntje (Cath- arine), daughter of Egbert Van Borsmn and (20) Elizabeth Benson, August 18, 1738, and had 102 Robert, b. October 30, 1739; m. Dinah Cowenhoven ; d. Febru- ary 25, 1823. 103 Henry (Capt.), b. November 17, 1741; d. s., August 1823. 104 Mary, b. iu 1743; d. 1745. 105 Egbert (Judge), b. June 21, 1746 ; d. a., August 24, 1833. 106 Cornelia, b. iu 1748; d. in 1749. 107 Anthony, b. iu 1752; d. in 1794. Robert Benson died in New York in 1762. Catharine Yan Boksum, widow of Bobert Benson, died in New York in 1794. The family resided in Cheri-y street. New Y^ork. Both he and his wife inherited a comfortable property, and had re- ceived the best education attainable in those days. 81. Adolpli, son of (20) Samson Benson and Maria Meyer, was born in 1703 ; married, 1st, Eva, daughter of Lawrence Kortright, about 1732, and had 108 Samson, m. Rebecca Dtckman, in 1763. 109 Lawrence, m. (115) Mary Benson. Atlolpli Benson married, 2d, Martha VAn Dyck in 1768 ; no chil- dren. • Adolpli Benson died in Harlem, April 30, 1802, in his ninety-ninth year. Benson. 17 83. Beiijaiiiiii, son of (20) Sjuusoii Benson and Maria Meyer, married Susauuali, daughter of Tutur Bussing, and had 110 Samson. 111 Elizabeth, d. s., 1795. 112 Susan, ui. Benjamin Lightbouun. 113 Peter, m. Hannah Horn. 114 Rebecca, m. Matthias Vkeuenburgu. 115 Mary, m. (100) La whence Benson (her coasiu). 98. John, son of (M) John Benson and Elizabeth Lydecker, was born January 21), 1730 ; married Rebecca Deuiarest June 1, 1753, and had 116 Elizabeth, b. October 3, 1754. 117 Anna, b. March 39, 1757. 118 John, b. Juue39, 1759. 119 Lana, b. May 19, 1762. 120 David, b. October 17, 17(55 ; d. iu Patterson, N. J., ;c. 98. 121 Oatelina, b. November 10, 1707. 122 Gerrit, b. March 30, 1770; d. a-. 91. 123 Daniel, b. December 8, 1771; d. iS. 90. Note — (133) (iEiiuiT, son of John Benson and Rebecca Demahest and grandfather of A. V. Bensen, Esq., now residing iu Albany, died iu 18G1, iu his uiuety-secoud year. During the war of the llevolutiou he lived at Tappan, N. Y., and witnessed the execution of Major Andre. 10*J. Robert, son of (71) Robert Benson and Catharine Tan Borsnni, was born in New York city October 30, 1730 ; mar- ried Dinah^ chuigliter of John and Catharine Cowenlioven, and had 124 Robert, b. December 36, 1785; d. s., June 37, 1873. 125 Catharine, b. December 8, 1786 ; m. John L. Leffekts ; d. December 34, 1818. J26 John, b. March 7, 1788 ; d. May 34, 1788. 127 "Egbert, b. September 1, 1789 ; m. Maiua Cowenhoven May 17, 1830 ; d. February 35, 186U. 3 18 Benson. 128 John, b. September 27, 1790 ; m. Sakah Lawkence ; d. 1823. 129 Elizabeth, b. September 21, 1791 ; d. s., January 31, 1881. 130 Maria, b. June 5, 1793; m. Leffekt Lefperts April 21, 1823 ; d. February 21, 1875. 131 Jane. b. March 13, 1794; m. Richard K. Hoffman May 7, 1833, living in 1882. • ■ Robert Beiisoii died in New York, February 25, 1823. Dinah Coweniioven, widow of Robekt Benson, died May 20, 1S47. EoBEKT Benson was Assistant Alderman from 1766 to 1768. In 1770 the widow of Robekt Benson, his father, sold the projjerty in Cherry street and removed to Maiden lane, and occupied the house and lot adjoining the north-west corner of William street, property inherited by Robekt Benson. Here they resided until the commencement of the Revolution. He and all his brothers united their fortunes with the " Sons of Liberty," and became active partisans in the cause. Their mother was removed to Dutchess county as a place of safety, and their home in the city was abandoned, and was occupied by the enemy. He was a member of the first Committee of Safety and secre- tary of the first convention, and was continued as such by the several sul)sequent conventions until the State was organized under the Constitution. He was then chosen secj-etary of the State Senate, and was continued as such daring the war. He was at tlie same time the confidential aid-de-camp of Governor Clinton, and came in with him and General Washington with the troops, to take possession of the city, November 25, 1783. 103. Henry, son of (71) Rol)ert Benson and Catherine Van Borsoni, was born in New York, November 17, 1741. He died, unmarried, August, 1823. He was brought up to the sea, but was compelled to abandon that field of service, and then became actively engaged in the service of tlie Connnittee of Safety in the waters of the State and those adjacent thereto, and connnanded an armed vessel on the Hudson river. He assisted in placing the chain and other obstructions in that river at West Point. Benson. 19 105. Egbert, son of (71) Robert Benson and Catherine Tan Uorsoni, was born in New York, June 21, 17-lG. He never married, and died August 24, 1833. In his early life he lived with his maternal grandmother on the corner of IJroad and Beaver streets. New York. He attended an English classical school wliere he prepared himself for college. He was guided and much assisted by the Rev. Doctor Barchiy, rector of Trin- ity Church, who was a connection by marriage. He entered Kings (now Columbia) College, August 10, ITOl, was grad- uated in May, 1765, and took his degree of Bachelor and Master of Arts in 1768. He was admitted to the bar in 1700, and shortly after removed to Red Hook, Dutchess county, and there commenced the practice of his profession. In 1773, on the formation of the Committee of Safety in Dutchess county, he was appointed a member, and chosen its chairman. In 1775 he was chosen a member for Dutchess county of the Provincial Convention, which met in the city of New York, on the 20th of April of that year, for the purpose of choosing delegates to the Second Continental Congress. He was elected May 3, 1777, and appointed by the convention on the 8th of that month the tirst Attorney-General of the State, for which office, owing to the interruptions occasioned by the war, he did not receive his commission till January 15, 1778. From 1777 to 1781 he was a member of the State Assembly for Dutchess county. January 25, 1781, he was appointed by Congress to the office of Procurator, whose duty it was to pros- ecute in behalf of Congress all debts due to, or frauds com- mitted against, the United States. October 26, 1781, he was ap])()inted a mendjer of Congress from the State of New York, under the Confederation ; rea])pointcd in 1781. And by virtue of his office of Attorney-(Tcncral was a member of the first Ijoard of Reirents of the Universitv. In 1788 he resigned his office of Attorney-General, and was appointed one of the Regents of the University. In the same year he was again sent to Congress. He held various important offices under Congress and the State of New York from this time to 1791, 20 Benson. when lie was appointed, by the majority of the council of appointment, the fifth Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, which office he hekl till March, 1801, when he resigned on being appointed Chief Judge of the Sec- ond Circuit of the United States Court. He was deprived of this office in 1802, by a repeal of the act creating the new court. Tn 1812 he was again elected to Congress, and attended through the first session, but on account of impaired health resigned in August. He was one of the foimders of the New York Historical Society, and its first President, and filled that office for eleven years. Fur a full account of Judge Benson's distinguished service, see the paper of Henry C. Van Schaick, Esq., read before the New York Historical Society, April (>, 1809. 107. Anthony, son of (Yl) Robert Benson and Catherine Tan Borsoni, was born in New York in 1752. He never married. He was a sailor and joined the ship of war Saratoga, and was captured by the British in 1T99, and died a prisoner on board tlie prison ship that year. 127. Egbert, son of (102) Robert Benson and Dinali, daughter of John and Catherine Cowenhoven, -was l)orn September 1, 1789; married Maria, daughter of John N. and Susan Cowen- hoven, May IT, 1820, and had 132 Susan, b. July 3, 1821. 133 Robert, b. March 15, 182:} ; resides in New Utrecht, L. I. 134 Egbert, b. September 21, 1824 ; d. s., August 33, 1843. 135 George Martense, b. July 31, 1826; m. Margauet J. VoOK- HEES, October 1, 1856; d. December 22, 1867. 136 Leffert Lefferts, b. March 15, 1828 ; d. s., in Virginia in the 139th Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers, April 2, 1863. 137 Maria Elizabeth, b. July 14, 1830; d. February 14, 1832. 138 Henry, b. June 29, 1834; d. February 29, 1844. 139 Richard Hoffman, b. May 21, 1837 ; m. Sarah V. Vandeupoel, December 3, 1867. Benson. 21 Egbert Benson died in New York Febninrv 25, 1S60. Makia Coweneioven, M'idow of Egbert Benson, died at Xew Utrecht, L. I., June 22, lSkns(»n Hoffman resides in New York. (1882). i:t5. Georsc ^., sf»'i <'^ (^27) Egbert Benson and Maria Cow- enhoven, was born July 31, 1820; married Margaret J., daughter of Peter and M. A. \^)orliees, October 1, IS.")!;, and had' • 21 « Benson. 144 Maria, b. October 20, 1857 ; d. July 24, 1858. 145 Margaret, b. May 10, 1859. 146 Egbert, b. July 25, 1861. 147 George, b. November 28, 1867 ; d. July 22, 1869. George M. Benson died December 22, 1867. Margauet J. VooRiiEEs, widow of George Benson, died March 23, 1882. 139. Ricliarcl HoflTiiiait, son of (127) Egliert Benson and Maria Cowenhoven, was born May 21, 1837 ; married Sarah V.J dangliter of Abraham Vanderpoel, of Kinderhook, Decem- ber 3, 1867, and had 148 Harriet G., b. September 4, 1868. 149 Maria C, b March 31, 1872. 150 Robert, b. May 12, 1875. Richard H. Benson resides in New York city. For a moi-e detailed acconnt of the Benson family, see the admirable work of James Riker, Esq., entitled " The History of Harlem," published in New York in 1881. Mr. Biker, in his excellent work, the " History of Harlem," says : "With those whose recollections of Harlem run back a generation or more, to the times when it yet retained all the charms of a quiet rural suburb — 'ere trade's unfeeling train usurped the land and dispossessed the swain ' — the name of this locality formed almost a synonym in that of Benson, so largely identiiled was this respectable family with the history and landed interests of the town." The foregoing notes relate chiefly to but one branch of the family. There are many descendants, both of the male and female branches, now residing in New York and the neighbor- Benso:^. 21J ing cities, and aided l)y these notes and " Riker's Harlem," it would not be ditiicult for any one, so disposed, to work out a correct genealogy of almost all the descendants of Dirck Benson, the common ancestor of this family. BOGART. This name with various spellings, and often willi the prefix of " van den," " vau der." or " wyt," was borne by Hollanders of note in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. One of this name was Jan Wyten Bogaert, " Minister of the Remon- strants;" another was " Receiver-General of the Dutch Prov- inces," and is now remembered as the subject of a famous etching by Rembrandt as the " Gold Weigher." In 1547 there was a Hendrick Boogaert, " Regent van de Huyssetteu ann deOudeZide;" also in 154:8 and 1549, in x\.msterdam, Hol- land. WiLLi^ysi Jans Boooaert was "■ Kirk Miester van de ueuwe Zxts Koppel," from 1590 to 1G06, in A-msterdam. Jan Willem Bogaert was " Connnissioner of Small Matters," in Amster- dam, in IGll, and Joan Bogaert was "Deputy Sheriff." Stiles, in his history of Brooklyn, says names were very much altered from time to time, and some were turned into Latin. Thus, Evert Williaime Bogaert became Everhabdus Bo- GARDUs, one of our earliest Dutch clergymen. The name in this country is still preserved as Bog art or BoGERT. Many descendants of the early Bogarts adopted as surnames the Christian names by which their fathers were known and called. Thus they became Cornelissens, Teunissens, Lourensons or Louensons or Lausons, Jansens, Jacobsens, Pieter- sens, and Andriesens and Adriaansen. The family Christian BoGAKT. 28 names mostly used by tlie early 1)()gabts were Gysbert, Tenuis, Cornelis, Jacol), aud fJau or Johannes. Some of the deseeudauts settled in New Jersey, souie on Staten Island, some in Albany, some in New York aud some on the Hudson river. The compiler does not uiulertake to trace all these families hack to the first one who came to America, but chiefly those who are descended from the Albany and New York branches. 1. Tenuis Bog'aert, the first known ancestor of this family, was a resident of Schoenderwoert (so spelled on the records in the County Clerk's otflce, Albany), a small village in the south of Holland, situated very near Leerdam, where he possessed a homestead, and had children, one of whom was named 2 Cornelis, m. Beeltje . 2. Cornelia, son of (1) Tennis Bogaert, was l)orn in Scho- enderwoert ; married Beeltje , and had 3 Cornelis, in. Derkje. 4 Guysbert, ni.,2d, Mary, widow of John Jociiems Kaldeu, in I6G0. 5 Louens was probably another son. Cornells Tennis Bog'aert lived and died at the homestead- in Schoenderwoert, as did his wife, Bkkltje, pre\^ious to 1661. GuYSUEiiT, their son, then residing in Catskill, conveyed to his brother, Cornelis, then residing in Albany, ''a child's just portion, being one-(|uarter of the homestead in Schoenderwoert in Holland, which cauie to him l)y the death of his father, Cornelis Teunis Ihxjaert, and his motlier, Beeltje Coknelis, who died in that place." (See Vol. Notarial Papers, County Clerk's office, Albany, N. Y.) 4 2-4 BOGAKT. 3. Cornelii^, son of (2) Conielis Tenuis Bogaert and Beeltje -, was born in Sclioundorwoert ; niarried Derkje , and had 6 Oomelis, married and settled in Coxsackie. 7 Jacob, b. 1654 ; m. (4) Jannetje Quackenbush in January, 1679. 8 Hendrick, m., 1st, Jannetje Martens about 1682 ; 2d, Ruth Waldron, widow of John Delamater, Sei^tember 1, 1703. 9 Jan, m. Catryna Van Wie, April 5, 1707. 10 Jannetje, m. Van Alstyne about 1683. Cornells Bog'aert was buried in Albany, July 28, 1665. He came from Holland previous to 1640, and settled in Eens- selaerwyck, where he held lands under Patroon Van Rensse- laer in 1611, and owned lands in Bevervvyck, now Albany. CoKNELis is the ancestor of all the Albany Bogarts. His son Jacob remained in Albany ; Cornelis went to Coxsackie, and Hendrick and Jan to Kinderhook. 4. Cliiysbert, son of (2) Conielis Tennis Bogaertand Beeltje , was born in Schoenderwoert ; married, 1st, in Holland, and had 11 Teunis, m., 1st, Sara Rapelje, widow of Hans Bergen ; 3d, Geertje Jants, November 12, 1687. 12 Adrian, m., 3d, Beeltje, widow, September 14, 1685. 13 Johannes, lived at Jamaica, L. I. 14 Joris, represented Brooklyn in Convention in 1664. Gnysbert'Bogaert was in New Amsterdam in 1610, where, in Septend)er of that year, he leased a part of a plantation on Manhattan Island from Jacob Yan Corlaer. He was still there in 1612. He was supposed to have been a widower at that time, and to have had the above children, who came over from Holland with or after him. He removed to Catskill pi-evious to the autumn of 1661, whei-e lie married the widow of Jan JocHEMS (Kalder) in 1663 ; no children. He gave to his step- son while he resided in Catskill, his hojuestead and farm at that place, where it is supposed he died between 1681 and 1695. BOGART. 26 His step-son, Helmer Jants, petitioned for a patent for this land February 9, 1698-9, and obtained it in 1703. This peti- tion " showeth that his step-father, Gtuysbert Bogaert, and JocnEMS, his mother, owned hiuds on the north side of Catskill creek for about twenty years hist past — hinds which they after- ward, on June 20, 1681:, purchased of the Indians, as doth appear from deed in full recorded in Albany/' Helmer Jants died without heirs, and the land escheated to the Province of ISTew York. 5. Lioiieii)^, probably son of (2) Coriielis Tennis Bogaert and Beeltje , was born in Schoenderwoert ; married , and had 15 Jan, commonly called Jan Louwe, or Jan Louen Bogaert von Schoenderwoert, m. Counelia Everts. It is probable that Louens Cornelissen Bogaert never came to this country, although a Louens Gornelwsoi is mentioned in the New York records. 6. Cornells, son of (3) Cornells Bogaert and Berkje married , and had 16 Oomelis, m. Evat.te Hoornbeck, July IG, 1096. 17 Maryken, m. Gysbert Os-teritout. Cornells probably had other children. Flc lived and died at Coxsackie. 7. Jacob, son of (3) Cornell's Bogaert and Derkje , was })orii in Albany in lOT)!-; married (1) Jannetje, daughter of (1) Pieter Qnackcnbush and Martje Ids wife, in January, 16T9 (she was born in 1663), and had 18 Dyrkje, b. October 5, 1679. 19 Maryya, b. June 14, 1681 ; m. SAMOErj Pruyn, January ir>, 1703. 26 Bog ART. 20 Oornelis, b. September 23, 1683 ; m. (14) Dorothy Oothout, October 8, 1707 ; he d. July 27, 1755. 21 Maddalena, b. March 2, 1G85 ; m. Maas Hendrick Van Beuren in 1711. 22 Jacob, b. Septeuil)er 14, 1687 ; m. Catalyna Schuyler. 23 Pieter, b. September 22, 1689 ; m. Rebecca Fonda. 24 Abraham, b. February 16, 1692. 25 Isaac, b. January 18, 1695; m. (19) Hendrtckie Oothout, Novem. ber25, 1725; d. September 15, 1770. 26 Benjamin, b. March 8, 1698 ; m. Anna Hallenbeck, February 20, 1727. Jacob Coruelis Bogaert died in Albany, April 3, 1725. Jannet.te QuACKENJiusii, liis widow, died in Albany, January 5, 1734, {E. seventy-one. The Bible of Jacob Cornelis Bogart, containing the above record, is now in the possession of SxEPnEN V. R. Bogeet, M. D., Physician in Charge at Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Island. 8. Heiiclrick, son of (3) Cornelis Bogaert and Derkje •, was born in Albany ; married Jaiiiietje Martens about 1682, and had 27 Cornelis, m. Cornelia Delamater, and settled in Amswell, N. J. 28 Mayke, bp! June 9, 1684; m. Thomas Jansen, of Marbletown, about 1705. 29 Martin, bp. October 3, 1686; m. 1st, Quysbert.te Osterhout?, 3d, Tanneke De La^Mater, May 6, 1713. 30 Aeltje, m. Arien Newkerk, of Kingston. 31 Sarah, m. Abraham De La Mater, of Amswell, N. J., January 19, 1711. 32 Neeltje, m. Anthony Sleght, of Kingston. 33 Rebecca, bp. April 4, 1697. 34 Rachel, bp. May 4, 1701 ; m. Isaac Martens Ysselstein, Novem- ber 26, 1725 ; d. March 1, 1769 ; he d. July 26, 1742. Hendrick Bogaert married, 2d, Ruth, daughter of Resolved Waldron and Tanneke Nagel (b. 1657), and widow of John De La Mater, of Harlem, Septeudjer 1, 1703; no children. March 23, 1603-4, he petitioned for a patent fur one hnndred BoCtArt. 27 and twenty-six acres of land at Marbletown, ITlster Co., which he liad ])nrchased of tlie Indians. Hkndrick Bogaert died in Marhletown in tlie spring of 1716, leaving a will dated Decendjor 12, 1707, admitted to probate before Henricns ])eeknian, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, May 9, 1710. 9. Jail, son of (3) Cornelius Bogaert and Derkje , was boru in Albany ; married CatryW'!- Van Wie, April 5, 1707, and had 35 Gerrit, m. Antje ; d. about 1788. 36 Hendrick, lived in Sheffield, N. E. 37 Eytje, m. Joan Moor. 38 Feylje, m. Andrew Kettell. 39 Marytje, bp, April 5, 1713; m. Jurey Van Hoen; was dead in 1758, when her brother Gerrit made his will. Jan Bogaert settled in Kinderhook, N. Y. 10. •Taiiiietje, daughter of (3) Cornells Bogaert and Derkje , was born in Albany ; married Martin Van Alstyne about 1683, and had 40 Marytje, bp. February 1, 1685. 41 Geertje, bp. October 2, 1687. 42 Lydia, bp. February 5, 1090. 43 Jacob, bp. December 4, 1694. 44 Abigail, bp. January 20, 1696. 45 Abraham, bp. July 17, 1698., wife of Martin Yan Alstynio, died . Flo marled, 2d, Cornelia Yan den Uergh, Novend)er 10, 170,5. 11. Tennis, son of (4) Gnysbert Cornells Bogaert^ was born in Holland ; mari-ied, 1st, Sara, daughter of Joris (George) Jansen Ivapelje, and widow of Hans IJergen, whom she married in 1630 (she was l)oi-n in Albany, June 9, 1625), and had 28 BOGAET. 46 Aertje, bp. December 19, 1655 ; m. Theodorus Polhemds, Octo- ber 14, 1676. 47 Catalyntje, bp. December 16, 1657 ; mC>TEUNis Denyse, November 16, 1679 ; settled in New Jersey. 48 Neeltje, bp. February 22, 1660 ; d. y. 49 Aeltje, bp. September 8, 1661 ; m. Cornells Claas, about 1688. 50 Annetje, bp. August 23, 1665 ; m. JoRis Abrahamse Brincker- HOPF, about 1690. 51 Neeltje, bp. August 23, 1665 ; m. Cornelis Teunis Denyse, August 23, 1687. 52 Guysbert, bp. December 5, 1668; m. Jannetje Symosen Van Aksdale, April 16, 1689. Sara Bergen nee Rapalje, wife of Teunis Guysbert Bo- GAERT, died about 1685, se. about sixty years. He married, 2d, Geertie Jans, widow of Derick Dey, November 12, 1687. Note — Catalyntje Trico, daughter of J. Trico, of Paris, the mother of Sara Rapalje, first wife of Teunis (i. Bogaert, testified before William Morris, Justice, October 17, 1688, that she " was eighty-three years old, was born in Paris, came over in 1623 in the ship ' Unity,' lived in Albany, and in the year 1626 came to reside in New York." Therefore she cannot have been, as heretofore supposed, born on Long Island, and the first child born in tlie province. (See Bergen Memorial.) Teunis Guysbert Bogaert emi- grated from Heykoop in Holland about 1652. 12. Aclrisiii, son of (1) Gnysbert Cornelis Bogaert and Beeltje , married, 1st, , and liad 53 Iden, bp. November 28, 1665 ; m. * Ibei, Bloodtgoet, August 26, 1685. 54 Grietje, bp. November 6, 1667. 55 Cornelia, bp. July 9, 1670. 56 WilUam (supposed), bp. (1672?). 57 Cornells, bp. March 18, 1674. 58 Jacob, bp. April 10, 1678. The first wife of Abrian Bogaert died . He married, 2d Beeltje (widow), Septeml)er 14, 1685. * Riker says she married Iden Van Schaick. BoGAKT. 29 15. Jail, coiunionlj called "Jan Louwk," a, eoiitraction of " liOiJioNs/' son of (5) Loueiis Conielisoii Boi^'aert, of Sohoen- derwoert, wa.s born in Holland; uiarriud Cornelia Everts, and had 59 Pieter, b. 1G5G, in Ijeerdam, Holland; m. Feytje A''liekboom, September 29, 168G. 60 Guysbert, b. 1663, at Bedford, L. I.; m. Annette Jansen. 61 Claas, b. 1668, at Bedford, L. I.; m., 1st, Beeltje Van Sciiaick, June 28, 1695 ; 2d., Margariet Conselyea, widow of John Van Tilburg, February 33, 1707. 62 Johannes, d. y. 63 Elizabeth, m. Hakmen Janse IvNiCKERiioCKER, before 1688. 64 Catharina, m. Eijjeut Harmense, of New York. 65 Greetje (Margaret), in. Pieter Jansen Haring, December 4, 1678. 66 Cornelia, m. (7) Wouter Quackenbusii, of Albany, October 4, 1696 67 Janneke, m, Jouis (George) Holmes, July 8, 1704. 68 Johannes, b. August 16, 1079 ; m. Claasje Van Schaick, June 16, 1700 ; no ch. ; d. in 1717. He made a will June 9, 1717, leaving his estate to his wife Claasje and to Jan, Cornells and Hen- drick, children of his brother Claas by his first wife, Beeltje Van Schaick. His widow married Jan De Graff. "Jan Loiiwe Bogaert came from Sclioenderwoert, Holland, with a wife and two children, whose kinsman, Thennis Gejs- bert 13oii;ert, of Hej'koop, two miles north-west of Sclioender- woert, had been already ten years in America. "Proceeding to Amsterdam, they all embarked, April !(], 1()63, in tlie 'Brindled Cow,' John Bergen, Master, in which ship there also sailed several French refngees from Mannheim, in the Palatinate. "Jan Louens Bogaert resided first, after coming to this connti-y, in Bedford, L. I. On the 6th of September, 1761, he and his wife, CoKnioma Evn<:K'rs, made a joint will at Harlem, where they expected to remove, which they did shortly after. They gave to the poor of New Harlem the snm of ten guilders as a memorial. They made Johannes Pieterson Verbrugge and Tennis Geysberts Bogert, executors." (Hiker's Harlem.) 30 BoGAKT. 16. Cornells, sou of (0) Cornells Boj^aert aud , marrietl Eviitje Hooriibeck, July 10, IGUG, and had 69 Annetje, b. May 9, 1697, at Kiugstou, N. T. 70 Warren, b. February (j, 1704. 71 Johannes, b. February 2, 1709. 1». Iflaryya, danglitor of (T) Jacob Coruelis Bog'.iert and (4:) Jaiuietje (^uackeubush, was burn in Albany, June 14, 1681; married Saiuiiel Frauz Pruyu, January 15, 1703, and had 72 Pranciscus, b. March 15, 1704. 73 Alida, b. November 17, 1706. 74 Jacob, b. February 10, 1713. 75 Maritie, b. September 20, 1713. 76 Johannes, b. July 14, 1723. Saiiiuel Priiyu made a will March 27, 1752 ; proved Jan- uary 26, 1753 ; mentioned his wife Maryya and his children Fkancis, Johannes and Jacob. He was buried June 27, 1752. 30. Cornells, son of (7) Jacob Cornells Bogaert and (4) Jau- netje Quackeubusli. was born in Albany, September 23, 1683 ; married (14) Dorothy, da.ughter of (3) Hendriek Jans Oothout and (6) Caatje Yolkert Douw (b. December 18, 1687), October 8, 1707, and had 77 Jannetje, b, .January 24, 1708-9 ; m. (34) JOHANNES V. Douw, about I lOI . 78 Hendriek, b. October 24, 1709 ; d. April 17, 1712. 79 Catharine, b. December 13, 1711 ; d. February 3, 1794. 80 Rachel, b. March 3, 1715; m. (23) Volkert An Doow, April 19, 1742. 81 Hendriek, b. September 29, 1718 ; d. Juue 27, 1722. 82 Hendriek, b. July 3, 1724; m. Engeltje Van Schaick, June 29, 1751. Cornells Bogaert made his will May 22, 1755, died July 27, and was buried at Albany on the 20th of that mouth, 1755. IJoGAirr. 31 DoKOTIIV OollIolTT, widow of OoRNKIJS 1 >( »<; AKKT, (HlmI Dt'CClll- ber 23, 1777. Jacob, son of (7) Jacob Cornells Hogaert uud (4) Jjiii- iietje (^iiJickeubush, wiis l)orn in Alhany, Septrniher 14, 1()S7 ; murried Catalyiia^ daughter of Piutcr David Soliujier (b. Octo- ber 10, lOSC)), and had 83 Jannetje, bp. Marcli 4, 1771 ; m. Sybrant Van Schaick, August 19, 1733. 84 Alida, bp. .Tune 2, 1713; m. .Johannes Van Schaick, July 1), 173G. 85 Pieter, bp. August 18, 1715. 86 Maria, bp. October 17, 1717; d. y, 87 Maria, bp. March 8, 1718. 88 Catalyna, bp. July 30, 1731. Jacob 'Jacobse Bog'aert died in Alljany, and was buried April G, 1725. •13. Pieter, son of (7) Jacob Cornelis Boa:aert and (4) Jan- netje Quackenbnsli, was bom in Albany, Septendjer 22, 1G89 ; married Rebecca, daughter of Douw Fonda, and had 89 Jannetje, bp. October 14, 1711; m. (30) WouTER Groesbeck, December 14, 1739. 90 Douw, b. October 1, 1714 ; in. Wili.empie Buadt, December 8, 1739. 91 Jacob, b. July 31, 171G; m. MvRiA Yates, October 34, 1741 ; d. in 1815. 92 Pieter, b. August 14, 1718; m. Barbara Van Vranken, January, 1758. 93 Rebecca,!). Ai)rll 10,1731 ; in. Johannes Bocker (?), June 15, 1751. 94 Abraham, b. November 18, 1733; m. Bassktt, June, 1753. 95 Maddalena, b. January 9, 1735 ; m. Johannes Spook, June 18, 1757. Rebecca, wife of Pikticr 1)()(;.m;ri', died in Albany, and was biii'ied February 5, 1754. l!>«aac, son of (7) Jacob Cornelis Rogaert and (4) Jannetje (^nackenbnsh, was born in Albany, at eight o'cloek, a. m., 5 32 Bog ART. Jaimaiy 18, 1095; married (11>) Heiulricke, daughter of (3) lleiidrick Jants Ootlioiit and (<3) Caatje Yolkort Douw (b. Sep- tember 3, 1699), November 25, 1725, and bad 96 Jacob, b. August 10, 1726 ; d. y. 97 Hendrick I., b. October 26, 1729; in. (65) Bakbara Makselis, February 19, 1758; d. June 27, 1821. 98 Jacob, b. January 9, 1733; d. January 20, 1733. 99 Jacob, b. September 25. 1734 ; d. October 20, 1746. 100 Catharine, b. September 25, 1734; m. Gekuit Myndektse Van Yeveuen, July 17, 1764. 101 Isaac, b. June 13, 1741; m. (31) Cathalyna Hun, December 1, 1773; d. September 25, 1818. She died November 18, 1824. Heiidrickie Ootliout, wife of Is.vac Bogaiit. died in Albany, Ajjril 21, 17(31, at tbree o'clock, a. m., in her sixty-ninth year. Isaac Bog^vkt died in Albany, September 15, 1770. The children of Isaac Bogakt inherited from their mother the property on the east side of Broadway, Albany, and south side of Hudson avenue, running from Broadway to the river, about sixty feet in width ; a part of which is still in possession of his heirs through IsAxVc H. Bogakt and his daughter, Angelica Talcott, deceased. About this time (1750), some members of the family dropped the " a," and some the " e," from the name. Beiijsiiiiiii, son of (7) Jacol) Cornells Bogaert and (4) Jaiiuetje Quackeiibusli, was born in Albany, March 8, 1698; married Aiiiia^ daughter of Isaac Caspers Hallenbeck and Dor- othy Bosch (bp. March 24, 1706), February 20, 1727, and had 102 Jannetje, bp. June 19, 1728. 103 Dorothy, bp. November 10, 1729. 104 Maria, bp. August 6, 1732. 105 Rachel, bp. October 10, 1734. ' ' 106 Jacob, bp. January 6, 1736. 107 Anna, bp. September 9, 1739 ; d. August, 1744. 108 Magdalena, bp. December^5, 1742. 109 .A.n.113. \ ' \ bp. January 12, 1746; d. September, 1747. 110 Isaac, ) Bog ART. 33 Anna Hallenbeck, wife of Benjamin Bogart, died in Al- bany, October, 1749. 29. Martin, son of (8) Hemlrick Cornel is Bogaert and Jan- iietje Martens^ was born in Marbletown (?) ; baptised October 3, 1()86; married 1st, Guysbertje Osterhoiit, and liad 111 (Annetje, bp. in Kinderhook, August 11, 1706?) Martin IJog-aert married, 2d, Tannetie, daughter of Jan De La Mater and Ruth Waldron, May 6, 1713, and had 112 Sarah, bp. April 5, 1719; m. Quysbert Kkom. 113 Hendrickus, bp. March 17, 1723 ; d. before 1740. 114 Johannes, bp. December 20, 1724, to whom his father left his Bible. 115 Cornelis, bp. December 20, 1727 ; m. Maike Etting, December 10, 175G. 116 Rebecca, m. Johannes THOMrsE. Martin IJogaert made liis will November 17, 171:0, proved July <), 1762, mentioning his wife and the al)ove children, excepting Hendrickus. 34. Raclicl, dangliter of (8) Hendrick Cornelis Bogaert and Jannetje Martens, was baptised May 4, 1701; mai-ried Isaac Martens Ysselstein, of (Jlaverack, N. Y., Noveml)er 26, 1725, and had 117 Jannetje, b. at Esopus ; m., 1st, PiirLiP Rudoi-ph Hatmeu, of Saucon township, Pa.; 2d, John Nicholas Schaepfeu, of Bethlehem, Pa. 118 Cornelia, b. January 25, 1731, at Claverack ; m. Lours Hueisnek, of Betlilohem, October 4, 1757; d. June 3, 1775, at Bethloliem. 119 Eleonora, b. June 21, bp. June 24, 1733, at E.sopua ; m. Ai;ka- ham Anduess, of Bethlehem, July 29, 1757; d. at Bethlehem, September 14, 1804. 120 Beata, 1). May 10, bp. May 10, 1730, at Esopus; m. Anthony Smith, of Bethlehem, October 14, 17G0; d. July 6, 1814, at Beth- l(;h<'m. 121 Sarah, 1). January 27, 1740, in Sauonn town.shij) ; d., s., January 0, 1785, at Bethlehem. 122 Rachel, 1). June 8, 1741; m. (4) Conhad Geuh.mmi, September 29, 17C8. See (4) Oerhaiid. 34 BOGAET. Isaac Martins Ysselstein^ born in Kingston, N. Y. ; died at his residence near Uethleliem, Pa., July 2G, 1742. E.achp::l BoGAEKT, iiis widow, married, 2d, Abkaham Boempee, of Bethlehem, Pa., July 22, 1748 (b. inlSTassan, Germany, in 1706) ; no 'children, and died in February, 1793. pAcnEL liOGAERT, witc of iViuiAnAisr BoEMPER, died at Beth- lehem, Marcli 1, 176!). After lier first marriage she resided at Esopus (Kingston, JH, Y.), then at Olaverack, and later at Mar- bletown. In 1738 she removed with her husljand to Saucon township, J'ucks (now Northampton) county, Pa., where he bouglit a property on the Lehigh river, opposite Bethlehem. Criiysljcrt, son of (11) Tenuis (Tuysl)ert Bogart and Sarali Rapelje, was born Decend^er 5, 1608 ; m. Januetje, daughter of Symon Van Arsdale, April 16, 1689, and liad 123 Teunis, in. Catharine IIegeman, October 20, 1711. 124 Sarah, bp. August 4, 1G90; m. Abraham Sciienck, April 20, 1717. 125 Symon, bp. November 5, 169:5; m. Margaret Van Eeok, Novem- ber 16, 1716. 126 Guysbert, Jr., bp. ; m. Marret.te Bergen, November 17, 1719. 127 Petemelletje, bp. December 26, 1699. 128 Maria, l>p. June 16, 1702. In 1729 (tuvsijekt T. Pocjaert conveyed a farm to liis son, Guysbert, Jr. 50. %Villiaiii, son of (12) Adrian (w. Bogaert and , was baptised in 1672; mai'ried , aud lad 129 Adrian, l)p. April 20, 1693; m. TiA Montaigne, August 26, 1716 (bad Witj.iam, b. 1717?). 130 Maritje, bp. October 18, 1696. 131 Susanna, ) d. y. ^Twiii.s; bp. .July 30, 1699. 132 Neeltje, ) 133 Joris (George), ) - Twins; bp. January 11, 1702 ; d. y. 134 Wilhelmus, ) .Bog ART. 35 135 Joris, bp. September 3, 1704; d. y. 136 Joris, bp. December 2, 1705. 137 Wilhelmus, bp. December 15,1700. 138 Susanna, bp. July 16, 1710; d. y. 139 Susanna, l)p. November 5, 1712. 140 Cornelius, bp. November 9, 1715. Willijiiu Bo2:aert lived in tlie north ward of New York in 1702. Mis wife and one son and one dangliter were living Avitli liiui at tliat date. 59. Piefer, son of (15) Jans Loueiis I5o;?aert and Cornelia Everts, was l)orn in Leerdoui, Holland, in 1056 ; married Fe.vtje, daughter of Mattys Ylierhooni, Se[)tend)er 29, 1(>8(), and had 141 Cornelia, l)p. July 3, 1687; m. Geysbeut Ckom. 142 Maria, bp. July 31, 1689; m. DANiEii Gautier. 143 Elizabeth, bp. December 5, 1694. 144 Catalina, bp. May 5, 1697. 145 Johannes, bp. February 14, 1700. 146 Matthew, bp. 1703. 147 Peter, bp. ]\[arch 18, 1705. 148 Willemtie, b. 1708. Pieter Bogert resided in Harlem, N.* Y., served as a soldier nnder Leisler in holding the fort at New York in 1089-90, and in 1717 was paid foi' arms given ii|) in 1091 to the Govern- ment. «o. GiivMlicrt, son of (15) Jans Lonens IJogaert, and Cornelia Everts, was horn at iJedford, Long Island, N. Y., in l(iO;'. ; married Annetie, daughti^r of Laurens daiisen ajid Annetjc Jans (h]). .July 8, 1071), and haf (15) Jail Loueiis Bo2:jiert and Cor- uellii Everts, was lioni ; man-icd (7) Wouter Quackeu- biisli, of Albany, October 4, IGOG. See (7) Ciuackeiibusli. 77. Jsiiiiietje, danghter of (20) Coriielis Boi;-art and (li) Dorothy Ootliout, was born in Albany, January 24, 1708-*J ; married (34) Joliaiines V. Douw, about 1737. See (34) Douw. 80. Rachel, daughter of (20) Coruelis Bogart and (14) Dor- othy Ootliout, was born in Albany, March 3, 1715 ; married (23) Yolkert An. Douw, April 19, 1742. See (23) Douw. 82. Heiidriek, son of (20) Coruelis Bogart and (14) Dor- otliy Oothout, was born in Albany, July 3, 1724; married Eugeltje, daughter of Nicholas Van Schaick and Dorothy Withec'k (b. May 15, 1728), June 29, 1751, and had 175 Dorothea, bp. May 3, 1752. 176 Jannetje, l)p. July 4, 1755; m. (08) Volkeut Ootiiout, March 30, 1774. Heudrick Bogart died previous to December 30, 1788, at which time letters of administration on his estate were granted 38 BOGAET. to Volkort Oothoiit and Jauuetjc, his wife, of "Albany Flats." 89. Jaiiiiictje, daughter of (23) Pietei* Jjicobse Bog-art and Rebecca Fo^ida^ was baptised October 14, ITU; married (20) Wouter Groesbeck, December 14, 1739. See (20) Groesbeek. »0. DoiiYV, son of (23) Pieter Jacobse Bogart and Rebecca Foiula_, was born October 1, 1714; married VVilleiiipie Bradt, December 8, 1730, and had 177 Maria, bp. October 5, 1741; m. Abraham Vehplank, August 8, 1761. 178 Rebecca, bp. January 86, 1743; ra. Maas Van Buken, February 14, 1767. 179 Barent, bp. January 4, 1745; m. Alida Van den Beiwh. 180 Magdalena, bp. February 38, 1748. 181 Rachel, lip. May 24, 1750; m. Teunis W. Sling icrland, May 31, 1777. 182 Willempie, bp. Jane 26, 1757; m. James Fonda, August 30, 1783. 91. Jsicob, son of (23) Pieter Jacobse Bogart and Rebecca Fonda, was born in zVlbanj^, July 21, 1710; married Maria^ daughter of Christoft'e Yates and Catharine Winne (bp. April 20, 1722), October 24, 1741, and had 183 Rebecca, bp. August 8, 1742 ; m. John Van Ness, June 4, 1763. 184 Catalyntje, bp. June 17, 1744; ui. Van den Beugh. 185 Pieter, bp. January 10, 1746; d. y. 186 Pieter, l)p. December 25, 1747; m. Sartjis Van Sciiaick, Janu- ary 2, 1773; d. November 12, 1795. 187 Anneke, bp. October 23, 1749 ; m. Abraham J. Van Arnem. 188 Christopher, bp. February 2, 1753; d. y. 189 Christopher, bp. March 3, 1754 ; m. Rebecca Winne. 190 Jacob, bp. May 7, 1756; d. y. 191 Jacob, bj). November 30, 1700 ; d. y. 192 Jacob, bp. May 14, 1762. 193 Maria, bp. November 17, 1763. BOG^VET. 39 Jacob Pieter Bogart died in Worce.stci-, Otsego county, N. Y., ill 1815. Pieter, s(.ii ot ( 2 }) Pieter Jacobse Bogart and Rebecca Foiula, \vas horn in Albany, August 14, 1718; nian-ied Bar- bara, daughter of llykert Vau Vraiikeii and Maria Bradt (bp. September 24, 1727), January, 1758, and had 194 Peter, bp. February 25; 1759; d. y. 195 Peter, bp. December 11, 1760. 196 Rebecca, bp. November 14, 1704. 196 Rykert, bp. July 22, 1700; d. y. 198 Rykert, bp, September 20, 1709. 97. Ueiidrick, son of (25) Isaac Bogart and (ID) Heudricke Ootliout, was born in All)any, October 20, 1720 ; married (05) Barbara, daughter of (25) Johannes Marselis and (22) Johanna Beeekman, February 19, 1758, and had 199 Hendrickie, b. February 19, 1700; d„ siugle, May 17, 1812. 200 Johannes, b. September 5, 1701 ; m., 1st, Catu.vkina Ten Bkoeck, January 12, 1784; 2d, CnuiSTi.VN.v Vougiit, April 11, 1790; d. May 22, 1853. 201 Johanna, b. November 18, 1763 ; d. December 24, 1707. 202 Isaac Henry, b. September 7, 1705; m. (96) C.vtiilina Vissciiiiu^ January 31, 1789 ; d. September 22, 1841. 203 Gerrit, b. March 9, 1770; m. Makoaret Nexsen, January 8, 1795; d. May 9, 1820. Barbara Marselis, wife of Hendriok I. Bogakt, died of old age, in Albany, October 23, 1810, m. eighty-eight years, one month. Henry I. BoGAiiT died at his residence, No. 12 Hudson street, Albany, June 27, 1821, a*, ninety-one years, seven months and twenty-one days. During the war of the llevolution lie held a commission as Assistant Dei)uty Quarter-Mastei" General under Col. Morgan Lewis. He was one of the " Committee of Safety," and on May 24, 1775, was appointed, by Congress, Commissioner of 6 40 BOGAET. Stores and Provisions. March 21, 1791, he was appointed by General Washington Inspector of the Rev^enne of the Port of Albany. In 1761 and 1706 lie was elected Assistant Alder- man, and in 1767 Alderman of the First Ward of the city. He also held the office of City Surveyor. 100. Catliariiia, danghter of (25) Isaac Bogart and (19) Hen- dricke Oothout, was born in Albany, September 25, 1734; married Cierrit, son of Myndert Van Yeveren and Ariaantje Wyngaart (bp. October 7, 1733), July 17, 1764, and had 204 Myndert, b. September 1, 1764. 205 Hendrickie, b. January 0, 1766. 206 Ariaantje, b. September 13, 1767. 207 Catharina, b. August 18, 1760. 208 Sara, b. July 19, 1773. 101. l!!^aac, son of (25) Isaac Bogart and (19) Hendricke Oot- hout, was born in Albany, June 13, 1741 ; married (31) Cath- alyiia, daughter of (15) Harnien Hun and (05) Elsje Lansing (bp. December 17, 1749) December 1, 1773, and had 209 Harmen, b. October 13, 1774; iii. Dolly (Douotuy) Witbeck, January 23, 1793. 210 Isaac, b. September 18, 1776; m, Makia Spuakeu. 211 Jane, b. October U, 1783; m, Killian Van IlENSSiELAEB; d. September, 19, 1863. Isaac Bogart died in Albany, September 25, 1818, le. sev- enty-seven,- Catjialyna Hun, his widow, died in Albany, November 18, 1824, le. seventy-four. 115. Cornells, son of (29) Martin Heudrick Bogaert and his 2d wife, Tauueke De La Mater, was born in Marbletown, Dutchess county, N. Y., and baptised December 20, 1727 ; married Maike Ettiug, Deceniber lu, 1756, and had Bog art. 41 212 Cornells, bp. August 3, 1760. 213 Jannefje, l)p. Septeinl)er 12, 17G2. 214 Sara, l)p. August 20, 1TG4. Teiiiii!^, son of (52) truysbert Tennis Bogaert and Jan- netje Synionse Tan Aresdale, ^as born ; married Cath- arine, dangliter of Joseph liegeman, October 20, ITll, and had 215 Guysbert, ; m. . 216 Isaac, bp. November 2, 1718 ; m. Rachel. 217 Adrian, bp. December 18, 1820; m. Macdat.ena. 218 Abraham, bp. April 21, 1723. 219 Maria, l)p. March 28, 1725. 220 Cornelis, bp. March 2, 1729 ; m. Makoaret. 221 Antie. 222 Jannetje, d. before 17G7. 223 Teunis. Tennis Onysbert Bogaert made a will dated June 2, 1T67 ; proved April 27, 17^)8 ; made in Brooklyn. He resided on Staten Island from 1718 to 1730. 125. Syinoii, son of (52) Gnysbert Tennis Bogaert and Jan- netje Tan Aresdale, was baptised November 5, 1693; married Margaret Tan Eeck, November Ifi, 17K), and had 224 Elizabeth, bp. October 18, 1719. 225 Margrietje, bp. December 3, 1723. 226 Simon, bp. May 19, 1726; m. Mautha , and had a Mary, bp. December 4, 1746. b Simon, bp. January 19, 1752. c Richard, bp. July 22, 1759. This family and that of Simon's father resided on Staten Island. 227 Guysbert, bp. January 19, 1729. 228 Sarah, bp. February 13, 1732. firiiysbert, Jr., son of (52) Gnysbert Tenuis Bogaert and Jannetje A'an Aresdale, wa.s baptised ; married Mar- retje, daughter of Jaeol) 13ergen, November 17, 1719, and had 42 BoPtArt. 229 Jacob, bp. April 7, 1723 ; resided at New Utrecht. 230 Jan, bp. July 39, 1733. 154. Jan (John), son of (, 1754; married Re- becca, daughter of Jellis Wiuue and Fytje Yau Woert (bp. December ti, 1761), and had 278 Jacob, b. October 20, 1779. 279 Jellis, b. May 14, 1782. 280 Maria, b. August 4, 1790. Joliu (Johannes), sou of (D7) Henry I. Bogart and (05 j Barbara Marselis, was lioru iu Albany, iSepteudjer 5, 1701; married, 1st, Catliriua, daughter of Benjamin Ten Broeck, of Flatbiish-ou-the-IIudsou (b. June 2, 1759), January 12, 17S4, and had 281 Johanna, b. October 14, 1784; m. John Fay, Maucu, 1831; d. February 8, 1822. 282 Catharina, b. June 22, 178G ; d. s., November 17, 1811. 283 Henry, b. April 19, 1788; d. s., iu New Orleans, August 18, 1817 284 Sarah, b. February 21, 1790; d. s., August 14, 1870. Cathriiisi Ten Broeck, wife of John Bogaut, died in All)any, Feb- ruary 1, 1792. He married, 2d, Christiana, daughter of Capt. Jolm Vouglit, of Duanesburgli, April 11, 1796, and had 285 Henrietta, b. November 28, 1797 ; m. Abraham S. Brincker- IIOKF, Jiiuuary 12, 1825; no ch. 286 John Vought, b. July 16, 1799; d. y., August 22, 1800. 287 Mary Grandin, b. August 13, 1801; single. 288 Stephen V. R., b. March 14, 1804; m. Amanda Strong, March 7, 1820. 289 EveUna C, 1». March 27, 1807; d. s., September 1, 1865. 290 John Henry, b. August 31, 1809; m. Eliza Hisrmans, April 8. 1835. 291 Isaac, b. December 31, 1811; m. Jeannette Mott; d. October, 15, 1800; no ch. 292 Philip Grandin Augustus, b. August 13, 1814; d. s., September 13, 1837. Christiana yoii!:?Iit, wife of Joun Bogaut, died iu Albany, June 17, 1830. Ca[)taiu Joun Boijaki died in Albany, May 22, 1853, ;e. ninety-one years, eleven months. 46 BOOAKT. Captain John Bogart was identified witli tlie commerce of the citj of Albany and the river at a period so early as to make him, at his death, the oldest mariner of the Hndson. He was in command of a vessel in the year 17T<>, and while in charge was sent with a flag of truce to convey the wife of a prominent general oflicer of the Hessians to the city of New York, which was then in the occupation of the British forces. He was identified with the incidents of the Revolution. He was a chosen friend of General Schuyler, and of the leading men of the day in this region, and shared the respect and warm friend- ship of the " Old Patroon," Stephen Van Rensselaer, during their mutual lives. He lived in the pleasant memories of a kind old age, of years far prolonged, but not diminishing the sound good sense, the distinct principle and refined courtesies which he possessed to the last, making him to all an object of honor and veneration. 303. Isaac Henry, son of (97) Henry I. Bogart and (65) Barbara Marselis, was born in Albany, September T, 17t')5; married (06) Catliliua, daughter of (82) Bastian Tennis Visscher and (31) Engeltje Yanden Bergh (b. January 27, 1771), January 31, 1789, and had 293 Angelica (oulycliild), b. December 27,1789; m., 1st, (203) Samuel Reed, iu 1805; 2d (See 1802, Talcott Pedigree), Geouge Tal- COTT, November 17, 1810. Isaac H. Bogart died of apoplexy in Albany, September 22, 1841. Catulixa Visscuek, his widow, died in Albany, April 10, 1845. Col. BoCt^vkt was appointed by Governor Clinton- Inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes in New York. He held a commission from Governor Daniel D. Tompkins, dated August 24, IS 14, as First Lieutenant of the company of Exempts, formed for the protection of the harbor of New York. He remained in New York for many years, but eventually resigned his ofiice, and returned to his native city to reside. He inherited from his fiither his share of the estate bounded by Broadway, Hud- son and Quay streets. (iJerrit, son of (07) Henry I. Kog'iirt and (do) Barbara Marselis, was born in Albany, March 0, 1770 ; luai-ried Mar- garet Nexseii, of Brouklyn, N. Y., January 8, 1795, and liad 294 Magdalen M., b. January 30, 179G ; m. Geruit L. Dox, Januar_y 9, 1817. 295 Barbara, b. May 21, 1790; d. s., April 14, 1845. 296 Henry, d. y. 297 William Henry, d. y., 1804. 298 Victor Moreau, d. y., 1808. 299 Alexander Hamilton, b. December 17, 1804; d. .s., October 21, 1820. 300 William Henry Laurentius, b. November 28, 1810; m. Jane 11. Root, July 5, 1834 Gerrit Bogart died in Albany, May 9, 1820. Margajbet Nexsen, liis widow, died iu Ithaca, N. Y. 309. Hamieit H., son of (loi) Isaac Bogart and (31) Catha- lyiia Hun, was born in Albany, October 13, 177-1:; married Dorothee i^Dolly) Witbeek, January 23, 1793, and liad 301 Isaac, died in infancy. 302 Cathalyna, b. September 20, 1800; m. D. Delam.^ter; d. March 1, 18(50. 303 Eliza, b. June 1, 1803; m. (194) Herman Ten Eyck, May 8, 1821 ; d. July 5, 1853. 304 Jane, 1). August 8, 180(5 ; d. September 4, 1813. 305 Cornelia, 1). March 13, 1809 • Godfrey I. (Jrosvenor. 306 Dolly, b. July 2, 1812; d. July 17, 1812. 307 Charles, b. July 23, 1814 ; d. y. Harjnan H. Bo^ert died in Geneva, N. Y., June 23, 1851. Dolly Witbkck, widow of Hakman li. Boiiinrr, died in Geneva, N. Y., January 1, 1853. 210. Ii^asic, son of (101) Isaac Bot^art and (31) Cathalyna Hun, was bom in Albany, September 18, I77« ( Jaiiies), son of (232) John Bogert, Jr., ;ni(] Abigail Quick, was l)om I)eceinl)cr 25, 1737; uiaiTied Eliza- beth Peacock, a French Hng-uenot, and liad 376 John. 377 James, Jr., b. 1761 (married tlirice) ; m. Elizabeth Benezet in 1795, who was the mother of all his children (four sons and four daughters). He lived in Harlem, N. Y., and died in New- York, having left the former place March 3, 1858, ae 97 years. Jacobus Bogert had also six dau^-hters. He died February 1, 1811. His son James, Jr., piii-ehased the farm at Harlem formerly owned l)y his grandfather John, Jr. (See Eiker's Harlem.) 323. Corueliiii^ J., son of (232) John Bogert, Jr., and Abigail Quick, was born October 13, 1754 ; married, and had 378 John G. (Russian Consul in New York), who had Cornelius R. (Dr.). Daugliter, m. Geradds Clark. Daughter, m. Henry Kneeland. (See Riker's Harlem.) 3»33. Peter, son of (232) John Bogert, Jr., and Abigail Quick, was born April 29, 1757 ; married Mary, daughter of Thomas Lawrence and Mary Willet (b. January 13, 1766), June 15, 1783, and had 379 Son. h. August !(>, 178:5 : d. August 20, 1785. 380 Thomas L., b. January 21, 1787 ; d. June 21, 1787. 381 Son, b. Marcli 22, 1788; d. May 17, 1788. 382 Peter Byvanck, b. May 6, 1789 ; d. August 7, 1811. 383 Cornells, b. .January 7, 1791 ; d. December 14, 1874. 384 Mary L. 385 Eliza. 386 James Lawrence, died in New York, August 19, 1881. 387 Amelia, d. August 21, 1797. 388 Edward L., d. October 14, 1841. 8 56 BOGAKT. 389 Robert, d. November 14, 1799. 390 Eloise, m. Lawrence. 391 Henry K., d. August 'SO, 1875. 392 Ann Amelia, ni. Taylor. 393 Harriet L. On or al)out April 28, 1785, Peter Bogert formed a co- partnership with his brother-in-law Peter Byvanck, nnder the name of Bjvancli & Bogert, and was engaged in the Enropean trade until March 2, 1793. He was also for a time in partner- ship with his brother-in-la-\v% George Barnwell. Pie died June 11, 1838. 3'38. David Sc'liiiyler (Rev.), son of (2-l:('») Nicholas C. Bogart and Anna Schuyler, was born in New York in 1770 ; married Elizabeth Piatt, sister of Colonel Richard Piatt, an officer of the American army during the Revolution, and had 394 Ann Schuyler, b. May 25, 1794 ; m. Charles Debost ; d. 1834. 395 Elizabeth, b. December 8,1795; (the authoress) d. single May 12, 1879. 396 David S., b. 1798; was a professor of Mathematics in Richmond, Va. ; died in 1849, leaving a daughter. 397 William Henry, b. 1800 ; d. s. ; graduate of Yale college ; d. in 1836. 398 Eugene, b. April, 1803; m. Eliza Ann Peck; d. 1847, leaving three daughters and one son. 399 Aluyn, b. December 8, 1805 ; m. Elizabeth Walker; d. Feb- ruary 7, I860, leaving one daughter and three sons. 400 Alexander James, b. April, 1808 ; m. , 1st., Olivia Howland ; 2d., Agnes Stuaet; d. 1870, leaving four sons by the first wife and three sons and three daughters by the second wife. 401 Orlando M., b. December, 1810 ; m., 1st., Catharine Tekhune ; 2d., Julia M. Lupton; two sons and three daughters by first wife. Rev. David S. Bogart Avas a student at Columbia college. He was ordained a clergyman and accepted a call to the Presby- terian church at Southampton, L. I., where he remained seven- teen years. He resigned his pastorate and returned to the Reformed Dutch church in which he had been brought up and educated. For a time before lie returned to the Dutch church BoGAET. 57 he liad charge of the First Presbyterian church in Albiinj, hnt left it on account of the severity of the climate. He was chaplain to the Legislature in 1797. 329. Sarah, daughter of (273) Magrtaleiia Bogart and Beii- jaiiiiiii Vail Wie, was born June 9, 1797; married Samuel Wateriiiaii, March B, 1820, and had 402 Robert Henry, 1). April 7, 1822. 403 Magdalene, b. January 12, 1824; d. March 1, 1880. " Miss Magdalene Waterm.\n, sister of Mr. Robert H. Waterman, died at tlieir residence, No. 64 Chapel street, last evening, after a short illness. Miss Waterman had been suffering from a cold, which finally terminated in typhoid pneumonia, after a sickness of but two weeks. She was a most esti- mable lady, who was widely known in the city. Her many virtues and kindly acts made for her a large circle of friends, %vho will be pained to learn of her death. The friends of her brother extend their warmest sympathy to him in his atfiiction.'' [Evening Journal, March 2, 1880. Samuel Wateruiaii died February 7, 1826. Sarah Bo(iart, his widow, died June 28, 187?). Samuel Waterman was the sixth in descent from Thomas Waterman, one of the original proprietors of Norwich, Conn., and seventh from Robert Waterman who came from Enjjland in 1635 and settled in Mansfield, Mass. 339. Edward Htroiig^, son of (288) Steplieu Van lleusse- laer Bogert and Amauda Stroug ; married Heleu M., daugh- ter of Joseph R. Hart and Elizabeth Cook, and step-daughter of Dr. Benjamin Franklin Bache, IT. S. N., June 6, 1866, and had 404 Edward S., b. July 30, 1867. 405 Rosalie Bates, b. January 10, 1870. Dr. Edward S. Bogert is a surgeon in the United States navy. 58 BOGAET. 345. John, son of (290) John Henry Bogart and Eliza Her- mans, was born in Albany, February 8, 1836 ; married Emma Clara, dangliter of Professor William J. Jefferis, of West- chester, Pa., November 2, 1870, and had 406 Eliza Hermans, b. October 3, 1871 ; d. July 19, 1872. 407 John, b. April 5, 1875 ; d. July 16, 1875. John Bogart was educated at the Albany Academy and at Rutger's College, N. J., whence he graduated in 1853. He directly began the practice of the profession of a civil engineer, and was engaged in the location and construction of railways and upon tlie enlargement of the Erie canal. For some time lie aeted as an instructor at the Albany Academy, He was engaged in the original construction of the New York Central Park ; during the Civil war he was engaged in the engineers' service of the army, and stationed for most of the time at Fort Monroe, Va. He afterwards w^as connected with the construc- tion of Prospect Park, Brooklyn, the West Cliicago parks, the State Capitol grounds at Xashville, Tenn., and he designed and supervised the construction of the park at Albany, N. Y. He has also been in general jn-actice as a civil engineer, and has been engineer-in-chief of the Brooklyn Park Commission, and chief engineer of the Department of Public Parks, New York. He is a director and secretary of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He was in charge of the Engineering exhibit at the International Exposition, at Philadelphia, in 1876. He resides in the city of New York. ♦ I§aae Henry, son of (293) Angelica Bogart and (202) Samuel Heed, was born in New York city, November 28, 1805. He is unmarried, and resides in New York. Colonel Heed began In's mercantile career at the early age of fourteen, with Wynkooj^ & Stanton, wholesale grocers, and afterwards watli Peck, Walton & Carley, both houses of high standing and credit, the former doing business at No. 5 Coenties Slip, on the corner of Water street, New York. At the age of twenty-one he entered into the same line of busi- BoCrART. 59 ness with Heiirv Snydam, the firm being known as Snydam & Reed ; they occupied tlie premises No. 5 Coenties Slip. Before railways were known, and when stage coaches were but little used, Colonel Reed travelled fi-equently during tlie winters of his early mercantile life, on horseback through the Western states, particularly through Ohio, where he made many friends, who have continued to this day to give him their busi- ness and their friendship. He was one of the first, if not the very first, t(_t intr(jduce into the New York market the cele- brated and well known "'Round Hoop'' Ohio flour. Colonel Rp:ed retired from the firm of Suydam & Reed and formed a partnership with Charles Schermerhorn and Ruliert B. Lefferts, under the name of Reed, Schermerhorn & Co. On the death of Mr. Schermerhorn Colonel Reed continued the commission business in his own name for many years, and eventually took into partnership James R. Turner, who has, been with him a long time and in whom he puts especial confidence. The firm then became Isaac H. Reed & Co., and so continues doing a produce commission business at No. 5 State street, New York. There are but few merchants in that city who have been in business so long whose higli standing and credit have been so continuous, and who have had the uninterrupted confidence of their consignors, and of those who have done bnsiness with them, which he has always held. Colonel Reed, when a young man, was a member of the La Fayette Guards, a regiment of dis- tinction in those days, and became its comnumding oflicer. He has been a director of the Bank of the State of New York, of the American Fire Insurance Company, of the Republic Fire Insurance Company, a member of the Chamber of Commerce and president of the Produce Ex(;hange. He still remains in active business. :t.>]. Georj;-c Henry, son of (29;')) Angelica Bogart and her second husband (See 18ti2, Talcott Pedigree) Oeoi'ge l''alcott, was born in New York city, July 16, 1811 ; married Catharine Jane, daughter of General W. W. Starke, of Augusta, Ga., (b. October 8, 182G), November 9, 18-i;3, and had 408 Starke, b. December 10, 1848. 60 BoGART. George Henry Talcott was an officer in tlie United States army. He died at Virginia Springs, near Augusta, Ga., June 8, 1854. CATnARiNE Jane Starke, his widow, died February 26, 1869. (See 1818, Talcott Pedigree.) Sebastian Vissclier, son of (293) Angelica Bogart and her second husband (See 1802, Talcott Pedigree) George Talcott, was l)orn in New York city, November 21, 1812; married (106) Olivia Maria, daughter of (372) Robert Shear- man and (181) Anna Maria Sherman (b. October 14, 1823), November 23, 1843, and had 409 George, b. October 6, 1844 ; m. Mary Isabel Hyde Downing June 23, 1879. 410 Angelica Bogart, b. February 24, 184(3 ; m. [15'd) Clakence Rath- BONE, September 11, 1866. 411 Robert Shearman, b. October 23, 1847 ; m. M. D. Barclay, May 18, 1870; no. ch. 412 Anna Maria, b. October 17, 1849. 413 Sarah Gibson, b. December 25, 1851. S. Vissclier Talcott, tlie compiler of tliis work, resides in Albany, N. Y. (See 1819, Talcott Pedigree.) 363. Marg'aret, daughter of (300) William Henry Bogart and Jane Haswell Root, was born in Ithaca, N. Y., June 9, 1836 ; married in Aurora, N. Y., Henry A., son of Edwin B. Morgan and Charlotte F. Wood, May 12, 1864, and had 414 Edwin Vernon, b. February 22, 1865. 415 Frederick Grinnell, b. February 25, 1866. 416 Pierrepont, b. November 6, 1867; d. July 9, 1871. 417 Clarence, b. June 20, 1869. 418 Edith Pierrepont, b. December 1, 1873. Mr. Henry A. Morgan and family reside in Aurora, N. Y. 305. Annie Liineoln, daughter of (300) William Henry Bogart and Jane Haswell Root, was bom in Aurora, N. Y., BOGAKT. 61 March 6, 1S48; inarried l)y tlie Rev. William H. (Jasey, in Aurora, Tallinage Delafield, Jr., son of Tallmage Delalield and Anna Lawrence, Jnne 2, 1880, and had 419 Tallmage Percival, b. March 20, 1881, in Aurora, N. Y. Mr. Delafield and family reside in ]Sew York city. S06. Kate Haiiiiltou, daughter of (300) William Henry Bofi^art and Jane Haswell Root, was born in Aurora, N. Y., September 11, 1851 ; married by the Rev. William H. Casey and the Rev. Walter Ayrault, Autoine de Beeleii Lovett, son of George Sidney Lovett and Caroline de Beelen, Dfecember 29, 1880, and had 420 Catharine Hamilton, b. at Lawndale, 111., June 16, 1881. Mr. LoA'ett's family reside in Washington, D. C. 409. George, son of (352) Sebastian Tisscher Talcott and (406) Olivia M. Shearman, was born in Attleboro, Mass., October 6, 1844 ; married Mary Isabel Hyde, daughter of Jerome F. Downing and Henrietta Bagg, of Erie, Pa., June 23, 1879, and had 421 Winifred, b. April 17, 1880. George Talcott is a Lieutenant-Commander in the United States Navy. He entered the Navy November 23, 1861, and graduated from the Naval Academy June, 1865. He was com- missioned an Ensign December 1, 1866 ; commissioned Master March 12,1868; commissioned Lieutenant March 26, 1869, and the connnission of Lieutenant-Conniiander he received March 25, 1880. He served on the Chattanooga in 1866, and on the Mohican from 1866 to 1868, and on the Moliongo from 1868 to 1869, both ships on the Pacific Squadron. In 1870 he was on duty at the Norfolk Navy Yard. He was on the Ticonderoga, §outh Atlantic Squadron, from ISTl to 1874; then ordered on the Hassler, Pacific coast, for coast survey 62 BOGART, duty, from 1874 to 1876; on tlie Ranger, Asiatic Station, 1876 to 187T; on tlie Swatara, Nortli Atlantic Squadron, in 1878; on tlie Michigan, on the Lakes, from 1879 to 1882, and ordered to the Norfolk Navy Yard in Jaiuiary, 18^2. (See 1850, Talcott Pedigree, 435 Shearman, 367 Vissclier.) 410. Angelica, Bo^art, daughter of (352) Selbastian Tisscher Talcott and (406) Olivia M. Slieariuaii, was born in Albany, February 24, 1846; married (153) Clarence, son of (130) Joel Rathbone and Emelhie W. Munn, September, 11, 1866, and had 422 Albert, b. July 27, 1868. 423 Joel, b. September 12, 1869. 424 AngeUca Talcott, b. March 13, 1871. 425 Ethel, b. December 11, 1877. Clarence Rathbone and family reside in Albany. (See 153 Rathbone ; 435 Shearman ; 367 Visscher; and 1850 Talcott Pedigree.) NOTES. FROM THE RECORDS OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH AT LOONEN- BURG, NOW ATHENS. 1726, bp. January 25, Johannes, at Newton (W. Camp), son of Johan Pieter Borchard and Amelia. 1732, b. January 21, Marytje, dau. of Hendryk Borghard and Eva. 1732, b. March 26, Marytje, dau of Andreas Berger, Jr., and Eva. Sponsors, Peter Hendricks and dau. Marytje. 1735, b. October 2, Nicolaus, son of Peter Borghart and Mallie. 1736, b. October 23, Eytje, dau. of Hendryk Borghard and Eva. Sponsors, Jochem Janssen and wife Eytje. 1738, b. June 23, Conrad, son of Peter Borgard and Amalia. Sponsors, Nicholas and Christina Brandow. 1739, b. April 28, Coenrad, son of Gerrit Borgard and Marytje. 1740, b. September 1, Anna, dau. of Peter Borgard and Amalia. 1741, b. July 14, Geesclie, dau. of Gerrit Borgard and Mairytje. Sponsors, Coenrad Borgard and Geesche, gr. parents. 1743, b. July 11, Catharine, dau. of Peter Bogard and Amalia. Sponsors, Johannes, Hendrick and Catharine Spoon. 1743, b. June 1, Jan, son of Gerrit Borgard and Marytje. BOOAKT. 08 1747, b. Miuch 20, Johannes, sou of Petrus Borgard and Eva. 1748, b. April 2, Hendryk, son of Gerrit Borgard and Marytje. 1749, b. July 2, (^eesche, dau. of Jan Borgard and Betty. 1749, b. August 16, Conrad, son of Petrus Borgard and Eva. 1749, b. November 14, Marytje, dau. of Conrad Borgard, Ilendrick'sson, and Judikje, dau. of Jochem Valkeuburgb. The two married January 14, 1750. (Above is the result of an examination of "the Lutheran Church Records, of Loonenburg, now Athens.) '' ItUl, .Tanuary 30, Joost Boo;aert wasconiiiiissioiied by Queen Christine (yoniniander of the Swedisli Colony, on the "South Tliver," (at a })hice about eiglit miles above the present town of I'lirliiiii'tdu, N. J.), witli a yearly salary of 500 llorins, [>ayal)le to his hanker l)y the Swedish residents at the Hai>'ne." 1067, ()etol)er 11, Cornelis Jaiise Bogaert (spehed Bongaert), was one of the Patentees of tlie town (,)f Flatbiish, L. I. Mai;tyn Bogaert married Gysbertye Osterhont, and had Annatje, bp. in Kindei'liook Angust 11, 1700. Cornells Bogaert married Eva Bosch, and had Jacob, bp. in Kingston September 8, 1706. Gysbert Bogert, born in Menesink ; married Catrina Deckker, born at (* Rochesterj) bnt living in Menesink, May 27, 1722, and had Cornelis, bp. June 30, 1723 ; Hanna, bp. July 4, 1725 ; Jannetjen, bp. June 25, 1727. Coonradt and John Burgaert were of Kinderhook at an early date. The time when most of the emigrants to Rensselaei'wyck came over was in 1651. * Thus on the records. DOUW. 1. Arms: Field ar. on a fess az. a demi-feniale robed gn, lioldiiig in her dexter hand a bird sa, behind an anchor sa. In chief on dexter a tree proper, and on sinister a mountain proper. In base a bird sejant with wings disjilayed sa. Lambrequin crimson, hning white. 2. Crest: Over an Esquire's hehnet a wreatli az. ar., surmounted by a cross-crosslet within a ring az. 3. Motto: Criici dum Jido spiro. Arms graven on a window in the okl Dutch church and borne by Volckert Janszen Douw. 1. •fan DoH^v, of Leuwarden, pi-ovincc of Frieshmd, Hol- land, burgher, had, besides other children, 2 Volckert, in. Doiiothe Janse Van Breestede. 3 Neeltje, m., 1st, Jan Janszen van Ditmarsen, the ancestor of the Ditmars family ; 3d, Louis JoRiszEN (j. m.) Van Der Veer, in Teal't, January 9, 1G50. 4 Andries, m. . 5 Lysbeth, m. Johannes Van Eps, one of the early settlers of Schenectady. 2. Volckert, son of Jan Douw, of Leuwarden, was in Beverwyck in 1688-1081. lie was a brewer and trader. His house-lot was on the corner of Broadway and State street, Douw. 65 on the west side. Pie dealt largely in real estate and owned several of the islands in the Hudson river below Albany. He married DQrotlie Jaiise Van Breestede, of Breestede, Den- mark (now Germany), April 19, 1(150, and had 6 Jonas, m. 1st (5), Magdalena Quackenbush, September 20, 1683, (old Bible) ; 2d, Catrina Witbeck, widow of Jacob Sanders Glen, April 24, 1696. 7 Andries, m., 1st, Annetje, June 24, 1685 ; 2d, Elsje Hanse, June 23, 1697 ; 3d, Lydia de Meyer, October 21, 1703 ; 4tli, Adriana Vandergkipt, in New York, February 24, 1708. 75 Volckertje, m. Claes Jansen van Brockhoven. 8 Dorothe. 9 Catrina (Caalje), m. (3) Hendrick Jans Oothout, April 30, 1684. 10 Engeltje, m. Andries Jans Witbeck about 1683. 11 Hendrick, m. Neeltje Myndertse Van Yveren, widow of (1) Capt. Marten Qerritsen Van Bergen, October 3, 1697. He died before 1704. 12 El^e. 13 Rebecca. 14 Volckert, m. Margareta Van Tricht, November 16, 1701. 15 Greetje, m. (4) Gerrit Tednis Van Vechten. Captain Volckert Janszen Douw died in 1681. DoKOTHE, his widow, died November 22, 1701. Embracing the principles of Mennon, who was also a native of Friesland, Captain Volckert Janszp:n Douw was driven by religious persecutions to Friedrichstadt, Denmark, a city wdiere religions liberty was extended to the Mennonites. About 1637 the Calvinists again waged war against this hunted sect, and as the Holland colony of New Netherlands was already flourish- ing enough to attract emigration, many fled here for religious freedom, and among them Yolckert Janszen Douw, his brother and two sisters, together with cousins and other rela- tives, which accounts for names that could not otherwise bo placed. Volckert J. Douw held the raidc of Captain in the Dutch army. He settled for a few months at Catskill, going to Beverwyck late in 1638. He was deacon in the church and guardian of the widows and poor in 1654, and was magistrate from 1654 to 1660. Was a wealthy brewer and real estate dealer. Owned much land at Esopus, N. Y., and was one of 66 Douw. the original patentees. Held tlie office of commissary and continuously that of Indian commissioner. At different times he was attorney and guardian for large estates. Made his will in 1680 and died in 1681. In 1640 he received a con- veyance of lands from the Indians, which was confirmed to his widow in 1693 ; a portion of which is the site of Douw's Building, corner of State street and Broadway. His brewery was situated on the east half of the Exchange block, now occupied by the Government Post-Office, and extended to the river. It was sold in 16Y5 to his nephew Harman Butgers. He is spoken of as the " Honorable Yolckeet Douw, Burgher of the village and master (Heerschaps) of the Bouwery lying in the colony of Bensselaerwyck.'' His sunnner home was on Papsknae Island. In 1666 an extraordinary and frightful flood iimndated the Island, sweeping away houses, breweries (of which he had two immense ones), cattle, and all his personal property, including his papers and records, the family barely escaping with their lives. Xot a thing was saved but a small round table and a colt, whicli were carried by the current through the " Hoist-door " into the second story of the house. This accounts for the paucity of records. The same year he purchased the ground now known as "Douw's Point Wolven- hoeck," just below the village of Greenbush. 4. Aiiflries, son of (I) Jan Douw, ol Leuwarden, Holland, married, and had 16 Jan Andries, m. Catryn . There was an Andries Donw who lived in the North ward in New York in 1702, his family consisting of one male, one female, and two female children. 6. Jonas, son of (2) Captain Volckert Donw and Dorotlie Janse, married, 1st, (5) Magdalena, daughter of (1) Pieter Quackenbush and Martje, September 20, 1683, and had 17 Maryfje, ])p. October 19, 1684. 18 Volckert, l.p. November 14, 1686; d. April 17, 1711. Douw. 67 19 Dorothe, bp. June 23, 1G89. 20 Petrus, bp. March 24, 1692 ; m. Anna Van Rensselaer, October 8, 1717 ; d. August 31, 1775. Magdaleiia, wife of Jonas Dorw, died and he married, 2d, Catrixa, dang-liter of Jan Thomas Witbeck, and widow of Jacob Sanders Glen, April 24, 1696. Captain Joxas Yolckert Dottw died October 7, 1736, and was bnried in Greenl)nsh. He was Lieutenant of Foot in 1700, and later promoted to the rank of Captain. 7. Aiiflries, son of (2) Captain A olcliort Douw and Dorotlie Jause, married, 1st, in New York, (Allliotje, widow, June 24, 1685?), and had 21 Johannes, bp. Oct. 10, 1086. Aniietje, wife of Andries Douw, died and he married, 3d, Elsje, daughter of .Johannes Hanse and Effie Jellise (b. October 23, 1676), June 23, 1697. Elsjo Hanse, 2d wife of Andries Douw, died in child-bed December 15, 1699, and liQr child oh the 17th of the same month. He married, 3d, Lydia, daughter of Nicholas de Meyer and Lydia Van Dyck, October 21, 1702, and had 22 Rachel, bp. August 1, 1703. 23 Volckert, bp. April, 1704; died same day. 24 Catherine, bp. November 26, 1704; d. Liydia de Meyer, 3d wife of Andries Douw, died and he married, 4th, Adrianna Vandergrift, of New York, February 24, 1708, and had 25 Catharina, bp. December 19, 1708, in New York. 26 Reynier, bp. November 5, 1710, in New York. 27 Volckert, (b. March 17), bp. April 3, 1713 ; m. (80) Rachel Bogart, April 19. 1742. 28 Anna, bp. January 22, 1716. 29 Wilhelmus, bp. April 11, 1718; m. Margarita Gerbrants, April 21, 1748. 30 Johannes, bp. April 23, 1723 ; m. Captain Andries Douw was of the Manor of Eensselaerwyck in 1684, and Master of the open-boat "John," pl.yiug- between All)any and New York. He was a Lieutenant of Foot soldiers. In 1703 lie Avas elected a Tteprcsentati\'e in Clcneral Assoinl)ly. 68 Douw. 11. Heiiclrick, son of (2) Captain Volckert Douw and Dorothe Jause, married Neeltje, daughter of Mjndert Freder- ickse Yan Yveren and widow of (1) Martin Gerritsen Yan Bergen, October 3, 1697, and had 31 Volckert, bp. June 2(3, 1698 ; d. y. 32 Volckert, bp. Septembers, 1699; m., 1st, Margaret Vanderpoel, before 1720; 2d, Hannah Hogan. 33 Dorothea, bp. March 25, 1701. 34 Pieterje, bp. August 16, 1702; m. William Hogan. 35 Johannes, bp. June 25, 1704. 36 Neeltje, bp. November 27, 1709 ; unmarried. Hentlrick Douw was buried May 18, 1751. 14. Volckert, son of (2) Captain Tolckert Douw and Dorothe Jans, married Margareta, daughter of Al3raliam Yan Tricht and Ehzabeth Teller, (b. October 21, 1683), November 16, 1701, and had 37 Dorothea, bp. August 16, 1702. 38 Abraham, bp. November 17, 1700 ; m., 1st, Lyntie Winne, Jan- uary 0, 1730 ; 2d, (72) Catharine Lansing, November 23, 1761. 39 Johannes, bp. January 12, 1709 ; m. (77) Jannetje Bogart. 40 Elizabeth, bp. October 24, 1711 ; m. Myndeiit Veeder, Decem- ber 19, 1733. 41 Margareta, bp. April 14, 1717. Margareta, wife of Yolckert Douw, was buried January, 1752. Yolckert Douw was buried September 2, 1753. Elizabeth Teller, mother of Yolckert Douw's wife Margareta, married, 1st, Abraham Yan Tricht ; 2d, Melchert Wynants Yanderpoel, June 29, 1692, and died in 1720. She was the daughter of William Teller, nierchant, of New York, and Margaret Dorchesen, and was born in 1652. 16. Jan Andries, son of (4) Andries (Jans?) Douw, mar- ried Catryn , and had DoDw. 69 42 Margriet, bp. August 16, 1684. 43 Elsje, bp. June 2, 1689. 44 Adrian, bp. June 22, 1691, in New York. 45 Maria, bp. June 17, 1694, in New York ; d. y. 46 Maria, bp. December 20, 1696, in New York. 47 Femmetje, bp. April 17, 1709. 48 Catrina, bp. March 8, 1713. 49 Johannes, bp. December 11,1715. Jan Aiidries Doiiw bought a liome in Albany in 1678, and removed to New York in 1690. W. Petriis, son of (6) Jonas Douav and (,5) Magdalena Pietrus Qnackenbnsli, was born March 21:, 1692 ; nian-ied Anna, daughter of Ilendrick Van Rensselaer and Catharine Van Bruggen, October 8, 1717, and had 50 Magdalena, b. August 1, 1718 ; m. Harmex Gansevoort, May 29, 1740 ; d. October 12, 1796. 51 Volckert, b. May 23, 1720 ; m. Anna De Peyster, May 20, 1742 ; d. March 20, 1801. 52 Hendrick, b. April 13, 1722 ; d. December 17, 1756. 53 Catrina, b. March 23, 1724 ; d. Jan. 1, 1811. 54 Maria, b. December 25, 1725 ; m. Johannes (tANSEVOORT, Decem- ber 2, 1750; d. August 17, 1759. 55 Margarita, b. October 2, 1729; m. Dr. Henricus Van Dyck, De cember 21, 1752. 56 Anna, b. February 20, 1732 ; m. Gerardus Beeckman. 57 Elizabeth, b. December 1, 1733 ; m. (51) Joun M. Beeckman, January 21, 1764. 58 Rageltie, b. February 27, 1736 ; d. August 4, 1800. Anna Van Rensselaer, wife of Petrus Douw, died March 29, 1756. Petrus Douw died August 21, 1775. The old house at " Wolvenlioeck'" (so named in 1717) was built by Petrus Douw in 1724. 27. Volckert, son of (7) Andries V. Donw and Adrianna Vanrtergrift, was born March 17, 1713; married (80) Kachel, daughter of (20) Cornelis Bogacrt and (14) Dorothy Ootliout, (b. March 3, 1715) April 19, 1742, and liad 70 DoDW. 59 Andries, b. October 23,1745 ; m. Cathaiune De Forest, January 23, 1767. 60 Lydia, b. ; m. (Go) Hendrick OoTiiOUT, September 1, 17G5. Tolckert Andries Douw died in Albany August 27, 1708. He was constable in 1735. Kaciiel Bogaert, widow of Volckert A. Douw, died Sep- tember 23, 1780. 30. Johaiiiie!^, son of (7) Andries Douw and his 4tb wife Adrianna TandergTift,'was baptised April 22, 1722 ; mari-ied Annitie , and' had 61 Mahtelyne, bp. November 11, 1753. 62 Wilhelmus, bp. Januory 13, 17G3. 63 Hendrick, m. Keziah Johnson. 64 Derick, m., 1st. . 65 Volckert, m. Elizabeth Bodene. This branch of the family settled in Somerville, N. J. Those of the family now livino- there have dropped the "u'' from the name. It will appear from the following article, taken from the " History of Hudson County, N. Y.,'' that Johannes Douw owned a Ferry across the Hackensack River. " Douw's Ferry. This ferry was located at the westerly end of Cherry Lane, about one hundred and seventy-live feet north of the present bridge of the New Jersey Railroad over the Hackensack River. It was probably set up about the time that Col. John Schuyler constructed the Belleville Tnrnpike during the French war, and remained in operation until superseded l)y the bridge erected in 1794. It received it name from John Douw, a friend of Col. Schuyler. He had formerly operated the ferry over the Passaic at Belleville. The ferry house was on the west side of the Hackensack. Douw used it also as a public house, where he entertained tra^'ellers and guests. Bangs says that here June 27, 1770, by liim and Schuyler, ' many decantei's of wine siuffered shipwreck and mony bowles of grog were, poured down. Nor was egg; pop forgot among our dainties.' It was at this fenj that l)oats had been provided, Douw. 71 oil the iiio'lit of LeeV attack on T^auliis Hoeck, to carry over the troojxs on their retreat. Their dehiy induced tliose in charii'e to believe tliat the forces had retreated alon<;- the hill, and therefore the boats were taken away. Lee's advance passing down Cherry Lane, readied the ferry only to find it deserted. Volc'kert, Jr., son of (11) Heiidrick Douw and Neeltije (Vail Yvereii) A'aii Kergeii, was Ijaptised Septenil)er 3, 1699; married, 1st., Margaret Yauderpoel, before 17"2o ; 2d, Hannah Hogaii, and had 66 Henricus, bp. August 0, 173- ; ni., 1st, Elizauetii Dennison, October 4, 1759; 2d, Mary Marshall, September 13, 1780. 67 WUlem. 68 Johannes, bp. October 5, 1740; c{. in 1840. 69 Abraham, bp. October 5, 1740; d. in 1741. Abraliaiii, son of (14) Yolekert Douw and Margareta Yan Tricht, was ba})tised November IT, 170G ; married Lyutie Winne, Jaimary 6, 1730, and had 70 Elsie, bp. August 22, 1731; ui. (.tysuert Fonda, October G, 1756; d. July 24, 1823. 71 Volckert, bp. December IG, 1733 ; m. (lUO) Anna Wendell, No- vember 1!), 1757. 72 Pieter Winne, bp. November 2, 1735; m. Ryc:kie Van Sciiaick, July 21, 1762; d. March 27, 1801. 73 Margrietje, l)p. November 23, 1740 ; m. (124) Hendrick Ten Eyck, May 22, 1767. Lyiltje, wife of AnuAnAM Douw, was buried Novend)er 6, 1749, and he married, 3d, (72) Cvtharink, daughter of (13) Jacob G. Lansing and Helena Glen, and widow of (47) Abra- ham T^ansing, November 23, 17G1. No eh. :t9. •loliaiiiiefiii, >on of (14) Yolekert Douw and Margareta Yan Trielit, was baptised January 12, 1709; married (77) Jaiinetje, daughter of (20) Comelis Bogaert and (14) Dorothy Oothout, about 1737, and had 10 72 ' Douw. 74 Volckert, bp. August 13, 1739 ; buried August 33, 1739. 75 Dorothy, bp. August 34, 1743; buried 1743. 76 Volckert, bp. May 37, 1744 ; buried 1744. 77 Cornelis, bp. September 8, 1745 ; buried 1745. 78 Cornelis, bp. November 16, 1746 ; m. Catharina Van Schaick, June 6, 1773. 79 Margarita, bp. October 33, 1748 ; d. 1748. 80 Margarita, bp. October 33, 1749 ; d. December 11, 1750. 81 Volckert, bp. November 18, 1750 ; m. , aud bad 1 Cornelius. 2 Margariet. He died in 1783. 51. Volckert P., son of (20) Pietrns Douw and Anna Tan Rensselaer, was l>orn March 23, 1720 ; married Anna, daughter of Johannes de Peyster and i\nna Schuyler, (b. March 28, 1723) May 20, 1742, and had 82 Anna, b. March 35, 1743 ; m. Dikck Ten Broeck, November 35, 1751 ; d. February 18, 1774 ; s. p. 83 Ragel, b. February 8, 1744; m. Henry I. Van Kensselaer, Sep- tember 18 (November 16'?), 1765; d. August 37, 1799. 84 Myndert Schuyler, b. Decemljer 13, 1746 ; d. August 4, 1747. 85 Magdalena, b. October 10, 1748; d. October 8, 1749. 86 Madalena, b. May 35, 1750 ; m. John Stevknson, August 30, 1770; d. December 30, 1817. 87 Catrienna, b. November 6, 1751 ; m. Harmanus Hoffman; d. October 35, 1775. 88 John de Peyster, b. May 6, 1754 ; d. July 35, 1755. 89 Johannes de Peyster, b. January 30, 1756 ; m., 1st. ,(64) Deborah Beeckman, December 33, 1787 ; 3d, Margaret Livingston, December 30, 1795 ; 3d, Catharine D. Gansevoort, January 33, 1811. He died February 33, 1835. 90 Maria, b. October 4, 1760 ; m. John de Peyster Ten Eyck, Jan- uary 30, 1783 ; d. March 13, 1818. Anna tie Peyster, wife of Volckert P. Douw, died June 14, 1794. YoLCKEKT P. Douw died March 20, 1801. He was liecorder of tlie city of Albany from 1750 to 1760 ; Assistant Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1757; took the oath of Mayor and Clerk of the Market in 1761, and again in 1762-()3 ; he was also Indian Commissioner in the Northern Department ; was appointed one of the Connnittee Douw. Y3 of Siifuty May 4, 1775 ; lie held the office of Judge for many years ; appointed Coniniissary in 1779, and was a Senator from 1786-93 ; was Vice-President of the first Provincial Congress in 1775, and a Mendjer of Assembly from 1757-59. 59, Aiidries, son of (27) Tolckert Douw and (80) Rachel Bogart, was horn October 22, 1745; married Cathariue, daughter of Philip De Forest and Rachel Van Nes (b. April 19, 1749), January 23, 1767, and had 91 Volckert, b. March 19, 17G8 ; d. December 20, 1773. 92 Rachel, bp. July 30, 1770; d. January 14, 1773. 93 Aaltje (Alida), b. December 2, 1772; m. (409) Jacob Lansing, Jr. September 8, 1791. 94 Rachel, b. May 25, 1775 ; d. s. December 23, 1838. 95 Volckert, b. January 1, 1778 ; d. s. November 1, 1813. 96 Annetje, b. December 24, 1781 ; d. Jau^ary 12, 1783. Andries T. Douav died in Albany January 8, 1783. Catharine De FoKEST, widow of Anukies V. Douw, died in Albany August 16, 1823. 63. Heiiclriek, son of (30) Johannes Donw and Annitie ; married Keziah Johnson, and had 97 Sarah, bp. October 10, 1790. 98 Phebe, bp. January 15, 1792. 99 Margaret, bp. June IG, 1793. 64. Derick, son of (30) Johannes Donw and Annitie ; married, 1st, CJeertie , and had 100 Volckert, m. Polly Bodene, and had 1 Judith, November 29, 1788. 101 John, b. December 27, 1772; m. Catharine Van Ness. 102 David, bp. May 5, 1775. 103 Catharine, bp. September 18, 1776; m. Dickinson, 1804. Geertie , wife of Dekick Dotjw, died and he married, 2d, Mauia , and had 104 Geertie, bp. February 11, 1781. 106 Petrus, bp. January 12, . 74 Douw. 71. Volckert, son of (3S) Abraham Douw and Margareta Van Triclit, was baptised December 16, 1733 ; married (190) Anna Wendell, November 19, 1757, and had 106 Johannes, bp. September 17, 17.j8; m. Elizabeth Douw, July 5, 1781. Anna, wife of Volckert A. Douw, died and he married, 2d, ^NIaritie CoDWEES, in 1762, and had 107 Lyntje, b, June 13, 1763. Pieter \¥iniie, son of (38) Abraham Donw and Mar- gareta Van Tricht, was ])aptised November 2, 1735 ; married Ryckie Tan Schaick, Jnly 21, 1726, and liad 108 Abraham, b. August 19, 1764 ; buried March 19, 1823. 109 Sybi-ant, b. March 25, 1767; d. March 14, 1809. 110 Lyntje, b. May 17, 1778 (1768?) ; d. y. 111 Lyntje, b. October 26, 1779 (1769 V). 78. €orneli§, son of (39) Johannes Douw and (77) Jannetje Bogaert, was l)aptised Novend)er l(i, 17-1:() ; married Catharine Yan Hchaick, Jnne 6, 1773, and had 112 Jannetje, b. July 11, 1774 ; d. y. 113 Johannes C, b. August 18, 1776. 114 Jannetje, b. March 11, 1781. 115 Alida, b. June 16, 1784. 116 John O., b. August 2o, 1788 ; m. Elizabeth Van Alen, of Kinderhook, March, 1809. 117 Volckert P., b. ; m. Maria Sadler- 118 Garret. 89. John (Johannes) de Peyster, son of (51) Volckert P. Douw and Anna (le Peyster, was born January 20, 1756 ; married, 1st (64), Deborah, daughter of (43) Johannes J. Beeck- man and Maria Sanders (b. November 26, 1763), December 23, 1787, and had 119 Volckert P., b. April 10, 1790 ; m. Helen F. Franchot, June 2, 1834; d. June 16, 1869. Deborah Beeckmaii, wife of John de Peyster Douw, died July 23, 1791, and he married, 2d, Margaret, daughter of Peter R. Livingston and Margaret Livingston (b. June 3, 1768), De- cember 20, 1795, and had DoTTw. T5 120 Ann de Peyster, b. January 31, 1797 ; ni., 1st, Samdkl S. Lush ; 3d, William Cdyler; d. August 15, 1871 ; two ch. -who d. y. 121 Margaret Livingston, b. Noveinber26, 1798 ; ni. Alanson Abhey, M. 1)., of Boston, Mass., November 14, 1844 ; d. April 5, 1878 ; no issue. 122 Louisa, b. July 11, 1801 ; d. April 20, 1802. Marg'aret Liviug'stoil, his second wife, died January 21, 1802, and lie married, 3d, Catharine D., daughter of Leonard Ganse- voort and Maria Van Rensselaer (b. May 11, 1782), January 22, 1811, and had 123 John de Peyster, b. December IG, 1812 ; m., 1st, Margaret S. Van Kensselaer, April 12, 1837; 2d, Marianne Chandler Lanman, March 16, 1854. 124 Mary, b. September 3, 1815; d. September 28, 1816. 125 Catharine Louisa, b. September 10, 1817 ; m. John F. Town- send, M. D., September 10, 1836. 126 Harriet Maria, b. June 13, 1824 ; m. Willi.vm Clarkson John- son, November 1, 1847, and had 1 Alexander B., b. ; m. Mary Knight Bourne, of New York, September 3, 1873. Harriet Maria Doiiw, 1st wife of William C^larkson Johnson died March 28. 1852, and he married, 2d, Mary Louisa Adams, daughter of John Adams and Mary Catharine Helen, his wife, and had 2 Mary Louisa Adams, b. April 1, 1854 ; m. Chari,es A. DooLiTTLE, September 7, 1875. (See 425 Shearman Gen.) 3 Louisa Catharine, b. .March 29. 1856; m. Erskine Clement. 4 John Quincy Adams, b. February 12, 1858. Mary TiOiiisa A, ISGD, in xVlbnny. J oil 11 lie Peyjster, son of (813) John de Peyster Douw and his 3d wife Cathariue D. Gansevoort, was Ijoru December 16, 1812; married, 1st, Margaret S., daughter of Stephen Van Rensselaer, A[)ril 12, 1837, and had 151 Henry Augustus, b. January 21, 1840; d. February 23, 1854. 152 Harriet Van Rensselaer, b. March 20, 1842 ; d. August 31, 1862. lie married, 2d, Marianne Chandler Lanman, daughter of Hon. Charles James Lanman and Marie Jeanne Guie (b. Novem ber 13, 1826), March 16, 1854, and had 153 Mary Lanman, b. May 22, 1855 ; m. Morris Patterson Ferris, son of Isaac Ferris, D. D., LL. D. , September 4, 1879, and had 1 Mary Van Rensselaer, b. August 28, 1880. 154 Margaret Livingston, b. March 3, 1858. 155 Charles Gibbons, b. April 24, 1860. 156 Helen Louise, b. July 30, 1862. 157 Henry Chandler, b. October 25, 1864; d. October 15, 1873. John (le Peyster Douw and family reside at Ponghkeepsie, N. Y. ('atliariiie Louisa, daughter of (8;») Johu de Peyster Douw and his 'M wife Cathariue D. (ilausevoort, was l)orn September 10, 1817; married John Fondey Townsend, M. I).. son of John de Kay Townsend and (93) Maria I Inn (b. ]\rarch 1<», 1S09), Septend)er 10, 1830, and liad 158 Charles de Kay, b. June 14,1837; m. 1st, Louisa Van Rensselaer, December 18, 1860, and had 78 Dorw. 1 Charles Van Rensselaer, b. October 6, 18G2. Lioiiisa Vau Rensselaer, wife of Charles de Kay Towksend, died October 19, 1862, aud he married, 2d, Maky Selden Holmes, February 19, 1867, and had 2 John Sill, b. September 8, 1868. 3 Katherme Louisa, b. October 18, 18f9. 4 Frederick de Peyster, b. May 13, 1871. 159 John de Peyster, b. June 4, 1839; m. C.aroline Elizabeth Towxer, October 24, 1872, and had 1 Pauline de Peyster, b. January 4, 1S74. His wife died October 14, 1876. 160 Volckert Peter Douw, b. February 23, 1841. 161 Catharine Douw, b. November 10, 1842; ui. liANKso.v Taylor ^loRGAN, .January 30, 1872, and had 1 Townsend, b. January 11, 1873. 162 Maria Fondey, b. June 2, 1844; d. July 23, 1844. 163 Clarence Douw, b. April 25, 184.5 ; m. Mamie Derickson, Feb- ruary 13, 1879. 164 Harriet Maria Douw, b. December 27, 1846; m. \Villl\m H. Kirtland, April 21, 1879, and had 1 Katharine Louisa Douw, b. October 18, 1870. 2 Mary Augusta Genet, b. February 26, 1873. 165 Rodolph Douw, b. ; m. Louise de Lagnel Beare, No- vember 21, 1871, and had 1 Isabel Douw, b. April 7, 1874. 166 Blanche Douw, b. December 21, 1850; m. Thomas Herbert Allen, M. D., April 28, 1880, and had 1 Jessie Louise, b, July 1(5, 1881. 167 Seraphine de Kay, b. November 1, 1852; m. William Howard Brow^N, November G, 1879, aud had 1 Howard Tow^nsend, b. December 1 , 1880. 168 Gustave de Kay, b. September 5, 1854. 169 Eugene de Kay, b. February 26, 1857. 170 Leontine de Kay, b. August 31, 1858. Dr. Joliu F. Townsend resided for many years in All)auy where he practiced medicine. He removed to the city of New Torlc wliere he died Jaiiuarv 8, 1874. 129. Deriek, son of (Lol) John Donw and (jatharine Tan Ness, was born Ano-nst 13, 1801; married Eliza Bailey, and had 171 Catharine Jane, b. October 30, 1827. 172 Peter Van Ness, b. March 27, 1836; m. Mary Brocaw. Douw. 79 173 Deborah Ann, b. Decembt-r 14, 18:38 ; in. Reynieu V. N. Gar- KITSON, November 14, 1872, and bad 1 Clarence, b. April 24, 1874. 2 WUliam Van Ness, b. October 29, 1877. 174 John B., b. December 7, 1842: m. Ammekman. 135. C'oriieliii!^, son of (116) John C. Douw and Elizabeth Van Aleii, was born April 8, 1813^ married Hannali Flint, October 9, 1842, and had 175 Thomas W., b. February 15, 1844; killed in tbe late war. 176 Mary Jane, b. March 14, 1847; m. S. R. Eldued. 177 Sarah Ann, b. February 1, 1849 ; m. Lewis F. Mooue. 178 Caroline Elizabeth, b. February 22, 1851. 179 Chloe A., b. March 14, 1852; m. William Greene. 180 Linda M., b. September 13, 1854. This family of Douw's reside at Albany, (Treene county, Wisconsin. i:io. CJerrit, son of (110) John C. Douw and Elizabeth Van Alen, was born August 12, 1815 ; married Elizabeth Rhodes, February 18, 1844, and had 181 George Washington, b. December 16, 1844; d. August 24, 1847. , 182 Helen M., b. July 9, 184G; m. (tEORge B. Trut, October 27, ' 1870. He died January G, 1878. 183 William, b. October 10, 1849. 184 Lillie E., b. October 13, 1851 ; m. Cyrus H. Loud, December 10, 1878. 185 Carrie S., b. August 2, 1860; d. January 31, 1862. 186 Annie, b. July 13, 1864. This family resides in 13ufi;ih), N. Y. Peter Van IVess, son of (12!)) Deriek Douw and Eliza Bailey, was born March 27, ISIJO; married Mary Brocaw, and liad 187 Elmer. 188 EUzabeth. 189 Matilda. 190 John. 191 Irene. (For tbe greati^r part of tln^ Douw family the Coini)ik'r is indebted to Mrs. .M. P. Ferris, daughter of John de Peyster Douw.) 11 GERHARD. 1. Paul Gerhard (Gerard) lied from France in 1G8(», at the time of the Huguenot persecution, and established himself in Germany at a place called Gerhard's Brunn, near Zweibriicken, or " Deux Fonts " in the Palatinate. He had a son 2 Frederic, b. March 26, 1714 ; m., 1st, Elizabeth Tiscuen, Janu- ary 23, 1737 ; 2d, Barbara Reigerin, February 14, 1740. Frederic*, son of (1) Paul Gerhard, was born March 26, 1714; married, 1st, Elizabeth Tischeu, January 23, 1737, and had 3 Peter, b. October 26, 1737. Elizabeth Ti.scheii, wife of Frederick Gerhard, died and he married, 2d, Barbara Reigerin, February 14, 1740, and bad 4 Conrad, b. November 22, 1740 ; m. (122) Rachel Bogaekt Yssel STEIN, September 29, 1768. 5 Elizabeth, b. September 29, 1742. 6 Frederic, b. September 23, 1744. 7 John, b. February 12, 1747. 8 Anna Maria, b. June 13, 1749. 9 Jacob, b. December 21, 1750. 10 Anthony, b. February 10, 1754 ; d. an infant. 11 Anna Rosina, b. October 29, 1755. 12 Catherine, b. October 2, 1758. Frederic Gerhard emigrated from Laugensalbad, llesse- Darmstadt, to America, arriving in Philadelphia, August 27, 1739. He bought lands and settled in Heidelberg Township, Lancaster (now Berks) Co., Fenn. In 1745 he left the German Gerhard. 81 Reformed Clmrcli and joined the Moravian Church. lie was naturalized Sejiteniber 24, 1755, and died in Heidelberg Town- ship, Noveud)er 30, 1770. 4. Conrad, son of (2) Frederic (iJerliarfl and Barbjira Reig'eriii, was born Novenibci- 22, 174:0; married (122) Kachel, dauorhter of Isaac Martens Ysselstein and (34) Rachel Bogaert, (b. Juno 8, 1741) September 29, 1768 (see 34Bogaert), and had 13 Rachel, b. January 15, 1770, in Philadelphia ; d. December 18, 1772, 14 EUzabeth, b. March 2, 1772, in Philadelphia; d. October 21, 1772, 15 William, b. April 11, 1774, in Philadelphia; m. Sarah Wood, October 6, 1808. 16 Mary, b. March IG, 1776, in Philadelphia ; d. June 21, 1792. 17 John, b. October 17, 1778, in Philadelphia ; d. January 25, 1779. 18 Eleonora, b. November 17,1780, in Philadelphia ; d. December 15, 1780. 19 Thomas, b. January ?A, 1782, in Philadelphia ; d. April 28, 1783. All the above children, except William, died in Philadelphia. Racliel Ysselstein, wife of Conrad Gerhard, died suddenly May 31, 1801, while her husband was at church. Conrad Gerhard was born in Heidleberg Township, Berks county, Penn. ; was engaged in mercantile jKirsuits in Philadelphia until 1808, when he retired from business. lie married, 2d, Elizabeth Jungmann, (b. January 4, 1750, at Rhinebeck. N. Y.) daughter of Rev. John George Jungn^.ann. Ko children. He died February 24, 1815. Elizabeth Jungmann, his widow, died in Philadelphia Sep- tember 19, 1823. 15. WniJain, son of (4) Conrad (ierliard and (122) Rachel Ysselstein, was born in Philadelphia A[)ril LI, 1774; nuirried Oct<»ber 0, 18o8, Sarah Wood, (born at Woodstown, Salem county, N. J., Septend)er 10, 1781) daughter of Jeconias Wood, of Woodstown, and Christina Gill, and bad 20 William Wood, b. July 2.3, 1809 ; m. Anne Dobbyn. 21 Benjamin, b. June 3, 1811 ; m. Anna Sruoeant. 82 GrERHARD. [*"::"ll 22 Thomas, b. in Philadelphia October 3, 1813, and died at Reading, Peun., in 1814. 23 Louisa, b. September 25, 1816 ; m. Henry Du Pont. William Gerliard was a merchant in Pliiladelphia until 1836 when he removed to Chester, Penn., wliere he died Sep- tember 30, 1848. His w^fe survived him and died in P]iilade]])hia April 21, 1851. 90. William Wood, son of (15) William Gerhard and Sarah Wood^ w^as born in Philadelphia, Penn., July 23, 1809 ; married at Philadelphia December 5, 1818, Anne Dohbyn, (b. July 31, 1820) daughter of Captain AVilliam Augustus Dobbyn, of the British Army, and of Anne Edwards, daughtei- of Colonel Thomas Edwards, of the E. I. Co.'s service, and had 24 Louisa, b. in Philadelphia October 20, 1849. 25 Anne, b. December 15, 1851 ; m. William Wainwright Maris. 26 William Pennock, b. in Philadelphia March 16, 1856, and died there March 18, 1857. 27 Henry Du Pont, b. in Philadelphia August 27, 1858. William Wood Gerhard was a graduate of Dickinson College, Pennsylvania, and of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, and studied in the medical schools of Paris. He was an eminent physician of Philadelpliia and the author of a number of works on professional subjects. He died in Philadelphia April 28, 1872. His wife survived him and died there ISTovember 16, 1880. Aiiiie, daughter of (20) Dr. William Wood (xerhard and Anne Dobbyn, was born in Philadelphia December 15, 1851 ; married October 12, 1876, William Wainwright Maris, of Philadelphia, (b. September 22, 1818), and has 28 Anne Gerhard, b. in Philadelphia July 26, 1878. 29 John Mcllvaine, b. in Philadelphia August 31, 1879. . Gerhard. 83 31. Benjaiiiiii, son of (15) Willijim Gorliard and Sarjili Wood, was born in Pliiladelpliia June 3, 1811 ; married Jaini- ar}' 4, 1841:, Anna Seri^eaut, dauii'litcr of rioii. John Sern::eanl, of Pliiladelpliia, and Lad 30 John Sergeant, b. December 24, 1845 ; m. Maria Pepper. 31 William, h, September 9, 1847 ; ra. Sally Lyle Howell. 32 George Smith, b. in Pliiladelpliia January 19, 1849. Benjamin Gerhard was a lawyer of extensive practice and a j)roininent citizen of Philadelphia, where he died June 18, 1SG4. He was a graduate of Dickinson College, Pennsylvania. His widow died in Philadelphia, Pa., June 21, 1873. 30. John Serjeant, son of (21) Benjamin Gerhard and Anna Sergeant, was born in Philadeljihia December 24, 1845 ; married October 4, 1873, Maria, daughter of William Pepper, M. D., (b. February 11, 184G), and has 33 John Sergeant, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., November 23, 1875- 34 Albert Pepper, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., August 22, 1877. 35 Sarah Pepper, b. in Philadelphia, Pa , April 8, 1880. 31. William, son of (21) Benjamin Gerhard and Anna Sergeant, was born in Philadelphia September 9, 1847; mar- ried June 22, 1870, Sally Lyle Howell, daughter of Arthur Howell, and has 36 Arthur Howell, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., April If), 1877. 37 Sally Howell, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., .Tune 21, 1878. Sally Lyle Howell, his wife, died at Overbrook, Phila- delphia, Penu., March 21, 1879. •23. fiOiiisa, daughter of (15) William Gerhard and Sarah VVood, was born in Philadelphia September 25, 181G ; married July 15, 1837, at Chestei-, Penn., Henry Du Pont, of Dela- ware, (b. there, near Wilmington, August 8, 1812), and had 84 Gekhari). 38 Henry Algernon, b. July 30, 1888 ; m. (273) Mary Pauline FOSTKK. 39 Evelina, b. near Wilmington, Del., October 9, 1840. 40 Ellen Eugenia, b. March 29, 1843 ; m. Alexander Duer Irving. 41 Louisa Gerhard, b. near Wilmington, Del., February 23, 1845, and died there July 2, 1863. 42 Sara, b. January 29, 1847 ; m. John Duer. 43 Victorine Elizabeth, b. March 1, 1849; m. (272) Antoine Lentiliion Foster. 44 Sophie Madeleine, b. January 1, 1851 ; m. TiiEOPiiiLUS Parsons Chandler, Jr. 45 Mary Constance, b. near Wilmington, Del., February 10, 1853, and died there September 3, 1853 46 William, b. August 21, 1855; m. Mary Du Pont. 38. Henry Als'eriioii, son of Henry Bu Pont and (23) Lonisa Gerliard, was born near Wilmington, Del., July 30, 1838; married July 15, 1874 (273), Mary Panline Foster, of New York (b. A])ril 11>, 1840), (See 273 Ten Eyek), and bad 47 Catherine Barthelemie Pauline, b. in Paris, France, April 2, 1875, and died near Wilmington, Del., March 5, 1876. 48 Louise Evelina, b. at Winterthur, near Wilmington, Del., August 3, 1877. 49 Antoine Irenee, b. at Winterthur, near Wilmington, Del., June 18, 1879, and died there same day. 50 Henry Francis, b. at Winterthur, near Wilmington, Del , May 27, 1880. Colonel Henry A. Dn Pont and family reside at Wintertlinr, near Wilmington, Del. 40. Ellen Eiij^ciiia, dangbter of Henry Dn Pont and (23) Louisa (Jerliard, was born near Wilmington, Del., Marcb 29, 1843 ; married Angnst 1, 1872, Alexander I)ner Irving, of New York (b. December 28, 1842), and bad 51 Duer Alexander, b. at New Brighton, N. Y. , June 24, 1873. 52 Henry Du Pont, b. at New Brighton, N. Y., March 26, 1875. 53 John Duer, b. in New York, N. Y., January 27, 1879. 54. Ellen Du Pont, b. at New Brighton, N. Y., June 6, 1881. Gkkiiakd. 85 Siirii, (luughter of Heury Dii Pout iiiid (23) Louisa Gerhard, was born near Wilmington, Del., January 29, IS'IT, and died at New Brig-hton, Stateii Island, N. Y., xVpril 29, 1876; married June 14, 1871, John Duer, of New York (b. May 12, 1837), and had 55 Sara Du Pont, b. at New Brighton, N. Y., April 20, 1870, and died there May 10, 1870. 43. Victorine Eliy;al)etli, daughter uf Henry l)u Pont and (23) Louisa Gerhard, was born near Wihnington, Del., March 1, 1849; married October 18, 1877 (272), Autoiue Lentilhou Foster (b. August 14, 1847). (See 272 Ten Eyck.) 44. i!ioi>liie ^lacleleiiie, daughter of Henry Du Pont and (23) Louisa Gerhard, was born near Wilmington, Del., Jan- uary 1, 1851; mari-ied March 8, 1873, Tlieophilus Parsons Cliaudler, Jr. (b. September 7, 1846). 46. WilliaiiL, son of Henry Du Pont ;md (23) Louisa Gerliard, was l)orn near Wihnington, Deb, Angust 21, 1855; married April 24, 1878, Mary Du Pout, daughter of Victor Du Pont and Ahce Honnstield (b. August 9, 1854). GROESBECK. 1. Claas (]Vit'liolas), son of Jacob (iroesbeck, of Kotter- dain, in Holland, was born in 1624, probably in llotterdani ; married Elizabeth, and had 2 Jacob. (No mention of bim on tlie records.) 3 Catrine, m. Jacob Teunise (Van Woekt "?), about 1683. 4 Willem, m. Gertruy Schuyler, about 16S4 ; <1. 1722. 5 Barber, m. (4) Gysbert Marselis, about 1682. 6 Rebecca, m. Dominicus Van Schaick, February 17, 1699. 7 Johannes, m. (29) Gertruy Quackenbush, December 17, 1699. 8 Stephanus, m. (22) Eltz.^beth Lansing, July 16, 1699 ; d. July, 1744. On the 10th of October, 1696, Claas Grroesbecli deposed that he was 72 years old. He then had a house and lot on tlie west side of Pearl street, the second north of Maiden Lane. He made a will January 3, 1706-T, which was proved and recorded March 20, 1713, leaving his property to his wife and the seven above-named children. 4. AVilleiii, son of (1) Claas Groesbeck and Elizabeth^ married Gertruy, daughter of David Pieterse Schu^der and Catlyn Verplank, of New Amsterdam, about 16S4, and had 9 Nicholas, m., 1st, (32) Quackenbush; 2d, Agnietje de Wandlaer. 10 Catalyna, bp. October 21, 1685; m. (9) Jan Van Nes, November 17, 1706. 11 David, bp. June 17, 1688: d. y. 12 David, b. Marcli 17, 1692 ; m. (22) Maria Vanderpoel, Novem- ber 8, 1724 ; d. February 3, 1763 13 Elizabeth, bp. January 4, 1699. Groesbeok. 87 14 Jacobus, bp. October 5, 1701 ; m. Sarah Van Vkciiten, February 17, 1738. Willein Groesbeck was buried I)eceiiil)er 23, 1722. 7, Johaiiiie!^, son of (1) Claas Jacobse Groesbeck and Elizabeth, married Ooertruy. dau^'hter of (7) Woiiter Pieterse Quaelveubusli and Neeitje Giiyshertse I>t)^i>-aert, possibly widow of Coruelis Teunise Denyse, of New York, December 17, IBDO, and had 15 Lysbeth, bp. Miirch 26, 1701. 16 Neeltje, bp. September 5, 1703. 17 Catharina, bp. November 18, 1705. 18 Wouter, bp. August 15, 1708 ; d. y. 19 Nicholas, bp. October 28, 1710 ; buried June 30, 174G. 20 Wouter, bp. October 19, 1712 ; m. (89) Jannetje Bugakkt, Decem- ber 14, 1739. 21 Jacob, bp. May 27, 1715 , m. Cathkina Yates, October 18, 1740. 22 Catryna, bp. October 13, 1717. 23 Johannes, bp. December 11, 1720. Geertruy Quackeiibush, wife of JonANNE.s Gkoksbeck, was buried March 14, 1747. 8. 8tei)liaii9i)^, son of (l) Claas Jacobse (iroesbeek and Elizabeth, married (22) Elizabeth, dau^-hter of (4) Johannes Lansing and Geertie Van Schaick, (b. ir)7*.>), July 10, 1699, and had 24 Catharina, bp. April 28, 1700: d. y. 25 Johanne.s, bp. March 26, 1703. 26 Cathrina, bp. January 10, 1705. 27 Elizabeth, bp. August 17, 1707 ; ni. Stephen Van Kensselaek, July .-), 1729. 28 Gerardus, bp. October 23, 1709 ; ni. Maiu.\ Ten Bkoeck, March 8, 1739. Stepliamis (iroesbeck was buried July 17, 1744. !>. JViclaolaM, son of (4) Willein (iroesbeck aud (Jeertniy Schuyler, married, 1st, (^2) 3larylje, daughter of (7) \V(»uter 12 88 Groesbeck. Qiuickeubush and Neeltje (dangliter of Tennis Gnysbertse Bogaert, posKsibly widoM' of Cornelis Temiisc Denyse, of New York), and had 29 Willem, bp. February 17, 1713 ; w. Catiiahine Van Nes, Juue 21, 1738. 30 Wouter, bp. August 29, 1714 ; m., 1st, Maria Bogahdus, October 18, 173y ; 2d, Alida Quaokenbush, Juue 5, 1761. : 31 Geertruy, bp. December 21, 1716; buried Juue 24, 1746. 32 Pieter, l)p. November 20, 1710. 33 Jacobus, bp. February 17, 173o. 34 Neeltje, bp. June 13, 1725. Marytje Qiiackeiibusli, wife of Nicholas Groesbisck, was buried December 30, 1728. He married, 2d, AciNUi'lVFh;, daughter of Johannes de Wandlaer, Jr., of Schachteliook, and Lysabet Gansevoort (b. March 4, 1711), and had 35 Maria, bp. January 1, 1729-30. 36 Hannes, bp. May 27, 1783 ; m. Elizabeth Van Bkackel, No- vember 22, 1752. 37 Johannes, bp. February 18, 1735 ; m. Maria Viele, July 28, 1755. 38 Harmen, bp. March 2, 1737; m. MARiTJii Benneway, (benoit), September 29, 1763. 39 Wouter, bp. September 29, 1739. 40 Pieter, bp. October 11, 1741; d. y. 41 Pieter, bp. April 24, 1748. 42 Jacob, bp. August 25, 1745. Nicholas (Jroesbeck resided at Schachtekouk. IS David, son of (4) Willem Claas (Groesbeck and Geertruy Schuyler, was burn in All)any March 17, l()i»2; nniriied (22) Maria, daughter of (7) Melgert Yanderpoel, Jr., of Kinder- hook, and Catharina Van Alen (bp. January 10, 1703), No- vember 8, 1724 (Bible record), and had 43 Willem, b. August 2, 1725 ; d October 3, 1752. 44 Catrina, b. December 24, 1726 ; d. January 1, 1733. 45 David, b. August 5, 1728 ; m.. 1st, Catiuna Vkddeh, December 23, 1752 ; 2d, Sarah Winne, September 28, 1765 ; d. March 30, 1795. 46 Mary, b. April 30, 1730 ; d. Jaiuuuy 26, 1732. 47 Melgert, b. April 13, 1732 ; d. September 18, 1748. 48 John, b. February 23, 1734 ; d. January 23. 1737. ■f Gkoesbeck. 89 49 Abram, b. dead April, 1736. 50 Catryna, b. May 8, 1737 ; m. Casparus Piiuyn, December 19, 1763. 51 Gertruy, b. April 30, 1739 ; d. August 25, 1745. 52 John, b. July 12, 1741; m. Aaltje Van Arnhem, July 13, 1765. 53 Oatelyna, b. March 12, 1745. Maria Vaiiderpoel, wife of David Groksbeck, died January 18, 1757. David Groesbeck died February 3, 1763. 20. ^Voiiter, son of (7) Joliannes Groesbeck and Geertruy Quackenbush, \vas baptised in Albany October 19, 1712; mari-icd (80) Jamietje, dauiijliter of (23) Pieter Bogaert and Rebecca Fonda, December 14, 1739, and liad 54 Maria, bp. July 26, 1741 . 55 Pieter, bp. August 14, 1743 ; d. y. 56 Rebecca, bp. April 19, 1745. 57 Pieter, bp. July 26, 1746 ; d. y. 58 Pieter, bp, October 23, 1748. 59 Geertruy, bp. July 29, 1753 ; d. y. 60 Geertruy, bp. September 24, 1758. 28. GeradiiM, son of (8) Steplianiis Groesbeck and (22) Elizabeth Laiisins?, was baptised October 23, 1709; married Maria Ten Broeck, March 8, 1739, and bad 61 Elizabeth, bp. July 8, 1739. 62 Stephanus, bp. May 9, 1742. 63 Margarita, bp. June 10, 1744 ; d. y. 64 Margarita, bp. January 10, 1746; m. (75) Nicor.As 0. Marselis. August 9, 1766. 65 Dirk, bp. May 29, 1748. 66 Johannes, bp. February 18, 1750. 67 Anna, l)p. December 1, 1751. 68 Johannes, bp. November 11, 1753. 69 Catrina, bp. September 26, 1756; d. y. 70 Catarina, bp. April 8, 1759. 30. Wouter, son of (9) Nicholas Groesbeck and (23) Marytje Qiiackeiibiish, was baptised in Albany August 29, 171-1; mar- 90 Groesbeck. ried, 1st, Maria^ daughter of Anthony Bogardns and Jannetje Knikkelbakker, widow of (19) Hendrick Lansing (bp. February 10, 1712), October 18, 1739, and liad 71 Johannes, bp. February 14, 1742. 72 Jannetje, bp. July 31, 1743 ; d. y. 73 Jannetje, bp. April 21> 1745. 74 Anthony, bp. June 5, 1748 ; m. Cathalyntje Dk Forerst, Febru ary 26, 1769; d. June 11, 1813. 75 Nicolaas, bp. May 6, 1750. Maria Bogardus, wife of Wotjter N. Groesbeck, died. He mar- ried, 2d, Alida Quackenbush, June 5, 1701, and had 76 Nicolaas, bp. January 31, 1762. 77 Pieter, bp. May 27, 1763. 78 Jacob, b. July 24, 1764. 79 Meinard, b. June 28, 1767. 80 Harmen, b. July 10, 1769. 81 Wouter, b. August 8, 1771. Woiiter Groesbeck resided at Half Moon, Saratoga county, N. Y. 45. David, Jr., son of (12) David Groesbeck and (22) Maria Vanderpoel, was born in Albany August 25, 1728 ; married. 1st, Catrina Vedder, December 23, 1752, and had 82 William, b. June 17, 1753 ; m. Catuakine Van Deusen; d. July 0, 1802. 83 Cornells, b. November 30, 1754; d. s. 1811. Catriua Tedder, wife of David Groesbeck, died December 15, 1754. He married, 2d, Sakah, daugliter of Benjamin Winne and Rachel Van Arnhem (b. July 21, 1734), (the Bible record reads "My wife was born July 21, 1754"), September 28, 1765. No ell. David Groesbeck died March 30, 1795. Sarah Winne, his^^vidow, died April 20, 1818, 82. William, son of (45) Dafid Groesbeck, Jr., and Catrina Tedder, w-as born in Albany June 17, 1753; married Catha- riiia Tan Densen, and liad ■ifi Geoesbeck. 91 . 84 David, b. March 2'J, 1772; in., 1st, Elizabeth Burton, iihout 1792; d. September 29, 1804; 2d, Ann Wili,et. 85 Cornelis, bp. November 9, 1777; d. April 10, ISi'io. 86 Catharine V. D., b. >Iay 21, 1779. 87 Maria, b. February 27, 1781 ; d. at I/ittb- Falls November 18, 1881. 88 Lucretiaj b. January 14, 1788. 89 WUlem, b. September 17, 1784; d, June 25, 1835. William (xroesbeck died July 6, 1802. Catiikrina VanDeusex, Ills widow, died JMovcmbei' 3, 1821, 33. 72 3'ears. William Gkoesukck was* for niauy years, clerk of the lie- formed Dutch cliurch in Albany, and was succeeded by his sons David and Cornelis, the last of the " Vocyrsangers'''' i. ) Thomas Harmeuse Huu and (4) May eke (Mary) Oothout, was born September 7, 1704; married Margaret Coi'uelia, daughter of William Ilogan and Martena (Anna) Bekker (b. July 30, 1700), and had 20 Catalyntie, bp. August 13, 1733. 21 Willem, bp. August 28, 1734; m. Sarah De Foiiicsx, August 18, 1759. 22 Thomas, bp. May 19, 1730; m. Bata Van Deusen, November 29, V 1761. 23 Johannis, bp. December 24, 1738 ; m. Cathahina U. Ziele, May 33,1765; d. AprillS, 1825. 24 Pieter, bp. October 2, 1741. Hun. 95 14. Adrian, son of (6) Thomas Harniense Hun and (4) Mayeke Oothout, was bom Jane 15, 1709; married Phoebe, daughter of John Smith and Judith Oatman, of New Jersey, August, 1733, and had 25 Judith, b. February 19, 1734-5; m. Uriah Carl. 26 Thomas, b. September 30, 1736; m. Catharine Van Emberg in 1763 i d. September 15, 1797. 27 PhcBbe, b. July 33, 1738. Adrian Hun died January 11, 1737-8. 15. Hariiieii, son of (6) Thomas Harniense Hun and (4) Mayeke Oothout, was born September 15, 1712 ; married (65) Elsie, daughter of (12) Isaac Lansing and (14) Jannetje Beeck- nian, December 6, 1735, and had 28 Maritie, b. September 3, 1736. at 4 a. m.; m. Cornelius Van Beuren, December 33, 1758; d. March 31, 1817. 29 Jane, b. June 1, 1739; m., 1st., Volkert Van Vechten, ficense dated November 17, 1763; 3d, (106^) Thomas Lansing, October 38, 1793. 30 Catalyntie, b April 17, 1743; d. October 1, 1747. 31 Catalyntie, b. December 15, 1749, at 3 A. M.; m. (101) Isaac BoGAUT, December 1, 1773; d. November 18, 1834. 32 Machtel, b. May 35, 1753; d. July 6, 1753. Harmen Hun died August 15, . (Year torn from Bible record.) Elsie Lansing, widow of Harmen Hun, died April 2, , (Year torn from Bible record.) .19. X'lioiiia!^, son of (8) Johannis Hun and Anna Winne, was born in Albany February 28, 1736; married (102) Eliza- beth, daughter of (60) Abraham Wendell and Gertruy Bleecker (b. September 2, 1738), August 27, 1761, by the Kev. Eliardus Westerlo, and had 33 Annetje, b. September 15, 1763; m. Rev. John Bassett, May 19, 1795 ; d. October 17, 1848. 13 96 Hun. 34 Abraham, b. February 17, 1768; m. Maria Gansevoort, Septem- ber 22, 1796; d. January 29, 1812. Thomas Hun was agent for the " Patroon " Stephen Yan Rensselaer, and was a surv^eyor. He built a house on the east side of Broadway, 50 feet south of Maiden Lane, which was demolished in 1845. He died November 17, 1802. Willeiii, son of (12) Dirck Hun and Margaret Cornelia Hogau, was baptised August 28, 1Y34; married Sarah, daugh- ter of Jesse De Forest and (33) Neeltje Quackenbush (b. 1736), August 18, 1759, and had 36 Dirck, b. December 5, 1760; m. (246) Annetje Lansing, Decem- ber 7, 1781; d. March 7, 1795. 36 OomeUa, b. May 28. 1763; m. John Fonda,* October 13, 1783. Willem Hun died in 1814. He lived on the corner of Yan Tromp street and Broadway. Sarah De Forest, widow of Willem Hun, died in 1821. Tlioiiias, son of (12) Dirck Hun and Margaret Cornelia Hogan, was baptised May 19, 1736 ; married Bata Tan V Deusen, November 29, 1761, and had 37 Catalyntie, b. August 26, 1762; m. Henry Van Benthuysen, December 14, 1785; d. August 13, 1841. He died June 8, 1834. 38 Rachel, b. July 4, 1764. 39 Dirck, b. June 19, 1768. 40 Rachel (or Annetje?) (who married Fonda), b. October 19, 1773. 23. Joliaiiiiis, son of (12) Dirck Hun and Margaret Cornelia Hogan, was baptised (according to Prof. Pearson), December 24, 1738, (but born, according to Dr. Hun's record, in 1741) ; married Catliarina U. Ziele, May 23, 1765, and had 41 Dirck, b. April 13, 1766; m. Annetje Lansing, of Qreenbush. 42 Catalina. Joliannis Hun died April 12, 1825, at 51 Liberty street, Albany. * This name is spelled by his descendants " Fondey." Hun. 9T Thoiiia§, son of (14) Adrian Hun and Phoelbe Smith, was born September 20, 173G ; married Catliarine, daughter of Peregrine Yan Emberg and Cornelia Provost (b. November 2, 1738), in 1762, and had 43 John Smith, b. April 9, 1764; m. Margaret Freeman in 1789; d. March 5, 1829. 44 Phoebe, b. October 21, 1765 ; m. Cornelius P. Vanderhoep ; d. April 4, 1808. 46 Provost, b. December 6, 1767; d. March 6, 1771. 46 Adrian, b. April 1, 1770; d. b. August 31, 1802. 47 Peregrine, b. December 1, 1772; d. September 17, 1803. 48 Cornelia, b. April 19, 1775; d. March 29, 1777. 49 Mary Hartshorne, b. March 26, 1778; m. Richard Stout; d. April 17. 1804. 60 Catharine, b. February IG, 1781; d. January 18, 1840. 51 Thomas, b. November 22, 1783; d. s. May 5, 1847. Thomas Hun died at Mount Pleasant, New Jersey, Septem- ber 15, 1797. Catharine Yan Emberg, his widow, died March 4, 1813. S3. Annetje, daughter of (19) Thomas Hun and (192) Eliza- beth Wendell, was born in Albany Septeitd^er 15, 1763 ; mar- ried the Rev. John Bassett, May 19, 1795, and had 62 Blanor, b. July 29, 1796 ; m. Henry M. Locke; d. in Penn Yan March 4, 1874; no issue. 63 Elizabeth, b. April 6, 1798 ; m. William Ciiapin, of Penn Yan. 54 Maria, b. ; m. Nehemiah Berry; d. in Lynn, Mass., Jan- uary 8, 1874. 55 John, b. ; d. in Penn Yan September 6, 1877. 56 Thomas H., b. ; d. about 1860. Rev. John Bassett died September 4, 1824. Annetje Hun, his widow, died at Penn Yan, N. Y., October 17, 1848. Rev. John Bassett was ordained pastor of the Dutch Re- formed church at All)any, June 28, 1787. He resigned his office in 1805, and died at Bush wick, L. I. 98 Hun. 34. Abraham, son of (19) Thomas Hun and (192) Elizabeth Weudell, was bom in Albany Februaiy 17, 1768; married Maria, daughter of Judge Leonard Gansevoort and Maria Van Eensselaer (b February 17, 1778), September 22, 1796, by the Rev. John Bassett, and had 57 Elizabeth, b. January 13, 1798; d. June 9, 1804. 58 Maria, b. July 23, 1800; d. April 1, 1801. 59 Elizabeth, b. July 1, 1804; m. Bernard S. Van Rensselaer, April 4, 1833; d. July 1, 1834. 60 Ann Maria, b. October 11, 1807; d. October 27, 1807. 61 Thomas, b. September 14, 1808; m. Lydia L. Reynolds, April 29. 1841. Abraham Hun died in Albany January 29, 1812, and was interred in his vault in Chestnut street. Maria Gansevookt, his widow, died in Albany October 19, 1813, and was interred in the same vault. Abraham Hun graduated at Columbia College, studied law, and in partnership with Rensselaer Westerlo (half brother of the "Patroon"), acted as agents for the " Patroon " Stephen Yan Rensselaer until he died. He resided in his house on North Market street, now Broadway, 50 feet south of Maiden Lane. He also had a farm at Normanskill of about 375 acres. Shortly before his death he began to improve a lot of about nine acres, situated on the brow of the hill, and built there a house for a summer residence. After his death it re- mained neglected until about the year 1850, when his son Thomas began to restore and improve it by planting trees, etc. Li 1852 the house now standing was built, and since that time has been a summer resort for the family. The place was called " Buena Yista " after the battle of Greneral Taylor. It still retains that name. It now contains about 25 acres. 35. Dirck, son of (21) Willem Hun and Sarah He Forest, was born December 5, 1760 ; married (2-1:6) Annatie, daughter of (97) Philip Lansing and (18) Elsie Hun, December 7, 1781, and had Hun. 99 62 Cathalina, b. March 19, 1783; m. (289) Harmanus C. Wendell, April 21, 1812; d. in Euglewood, N. J., August 28, 1875. (See 289 Wendell). 63 Elsie, 1). March 27, 1785; m. Charles Newkirk, May 15, 1817. 64 Gertrude, b. February 24, 1787; d. s. 65 Sarah, b. February 24, 1787 ; d. s. at Oyster Bay, August 5. 1863. 66 Neeltie (or Ellen), b. April 13, 1789; m. James Cushney. 67 John, b. December 13, 1791. 68 Dirck, b. December 10, 1793. Dirck Hun died Marcli 7, 1795. 43. John Siiiitli, son of (26) Thomas Hun and Catharine Van Emherg, was bora April 9, 1764; married Margaret, daughter of Peter Freeman and Agnes Watson, in t789, and had 69 Mary F., b. April 24, 1791 ; ra. William H. Falls, March 20, 1821. 70 Peter F., b. May 20, 1792; m. Maria T. Griffin in 1819; d. July, 1847. 71 Cornelia Van E., b. April 28, 1795; m. James Wheeler, 1830. 72 Peregrine, b. February 6, 1794; d. September 8, 1797. 73 Thomas, b. ; d. in infancy. John Smitli Hun was cashier of a bank in Newburgh, where he resided and died March 5, 1829. 61. Thomas, son of (34) Abraham Hun and Maria Ganse- YOOrt, was born in Albany September 14, 1808 ; married Lydia Louisa, danghter of Marcns Tulliiis Reynolds and Cynthia Herrick (b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., September 11, 1817), April 29, 1841, by the Rev. Horatio Potter, and had 74 Edward Reynolds, b. April 17, 1842; m. Cornelia De Forest Gale, April 29, 1874; d. March 14, 1880. 75 Marcus Tullius, b. May 22, 1845; m. (105) Mary K. Vanderpoel, December 21, 1875. 76 Leonard Gansevoort, b. May 10, 1848. 77 John, b. June 10, 1852; d. August 16, 1852. 78 Henry, b. March 21, 1854. Lydia Louisa, wife of Thomas ITdn, died at 31 Elk street, Albany, January 26, 1876, and was interred in the Albany Rural Cemetery. 100 Him. OBITUARY. (Mrs. TuoMAS Hun.) A. great sorrow has fallen upon the hearts of many in every class and condition of life in this city in the death of Mrs. Hun, the wife of Dr. Thomas Hun. No one was better known than she has been during her whole life among us, for her earnest and etficient interest in all that could contribute to the good of others, and especially of the poor and the ignorant. She inherited from lier father, the late Marcus T. Reynolds, much of the vigor and acuteness of mind and also of the energy and decision of character, for which he was so eminently distinguished ; and these marked natural endowments were enriched -and strengthened not only by unusual advantages of early education, but by her life-long habits of reading and reflection, and perhaps even more, by the influence of the re- fined and cultured companionship and associations in which her lot in life was happily cast. Those who knew her in her earlier days, before her growing infirmity of hearing had shut her off from the intercourse of general society, will not fail to remem- ber the ease, graces and attractiveness of her person and man- ners, her quick and playful wit, her happy turns of thought and expression and the airy grace, vivacity and spirit of her conversation. And through it all there ever ran a vein of exquisitely delicate and most feminine sentiment that marked the lady, and gave an inexpressible charm to all she said and did. And yet one could not but feel that back of it all there was the woman of strong convictions and of deep conscientious- ness. In the qualities of her mind and character, she combined in a remarkable degree the theoretic and speculative with the practical. Few persons have ever set before them a higher ideal of duty in respect to living, not for one's self, but for the good of others, and still fewer have worked so faithfully and unwearied as she did to fulfil this duty. Her ever active mind found interest in every plan that promised to reform what was evil, and to help those upon whom the hardships of life pi-ess most sorely ; but this was no mere speculative or sentimental scheming ; on the contrary, she was eminently real and prac- tical in her aims, and very energetic and efficient in carrying Httn. 101 them out. To give liberally was the least of her well doing. She felt that the poor and ignorant needed far more than money — the hopeful advice, the foresight, the experience and the trained judgment of those in higher stations in life, and she, therefore, habitually sought to make her charities not merely a relief, but also an education in a better and more thrifty mode of life. At an early day she purchased and fitted up, and has since maintained, a sort of model tenement house, to be allowed to hire and occupy apartments in which came to be esteemed by the worthy poor a privilege and an object of ambition. Here she watched over them, encouraged them to form habits of neatness, order and economy, tanght them to make small savings, and thus built up in them a sense of self-respect and of independence. To the very last and after she had given up all other cares in life, her thoughts and anxieties still followed " her poor," as she tenderly called them. She also labored, with some partial success, to establish in the neighborhood of poor and working people reading rooms and a place of cheerful and comfortable resort for them during the long evenings of winter. Surely such a life caimot fail of the benediction, " Inasuiuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me." But it was not among the poor alone that the influence of her character was felt. No lady in this city has done more to promote intellectual tastes and habits of good reading througli- out the wide circle of her friends. The Ladies' Book Club in this city owes its establishment and success largely to her con- stant care of it and her sound judgment in the selection of books. But after all, admirable as she was in her life and example, her friends were bound to her by more tender and endearing ties. To have her for your friend was no common privilege. It was not lightly given, but when given it was something worth having and something for one to try to be worthy of. It was to be believed in, to be trusted with a generous con- fidence, to be ever met with a smile and kind welcome, to kiiow that your character and motives were in friendly keeping, that your successes would be rejoiced in and your errors and failures 102 Hun. lovingly sorrowed for, and that among all the changes and chances of life you had a friend who would sympathize not less in your sorrows than in your joys. Although during her latter years her intercourse with gen- eral society was more and more restricted by her increasing deafness, her buoyancy and sprightliness of nature never wholly forsook her, but threw a brightness over the comparative quiet and seclusion of her life. Great as is our loss, there is much to comfort us in our bereavement. The world has been the better and the happier for her life, and she leaves us remem- brances that will abide with us and be a blessing and consola- tion till we shall be called to join her again. M. Thomas Hun, M. D., now Dean of the Faculty of the Albany Medical College, was born in Albany. Losing his parents at an early age, he and his sister were brought up by their maternal grandparents — Judge and Mrs. Leonard Gansevoort, Jr. As a very small boy he attended a school kept by an English gentleman and lady, Mr. and Mrs. Upfold. In 1818 he entered the Albany Academy, where he remained until he had completed his whole course of academical preparation for college. He was decided in character, intelligent, studious and always main- taining a good standing in his classes. The academy was then as it still is, one of the best classical and mathematical schools in the country, and young Hun left it in the autumn of 1824 and entered the junior class of Union College at the age of sixteen, with more than usual preparation for his college course. In college he had for his chum the late Prof. Isaac W. Jackson. Here he fully maintained his character for intelligence and scholarship, and graduated with honors in 1826, taking his degree of A. B. Immediately after leaving college he commenced the study of medicine in the office of Dr. Piatt Williams, then a prac- titioner of considerable eminence in Albany. In 1827 he entered the Medical Department of the University of Pennsyl- vania and in 1830, having completed its full course of medical studies, received from that institution the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He then returned to Albany and began the prac- tice of his profession in connection with Dr. Williams. On IlcN. 103 the outbreak of the cholera, early iu the summer of 1832, a cholera hospital was organized in Albany and Dr. Hun was appointed one of its physicians. He continued in this position, discharging the duties with marked skill and lidelity, until the disappearance of the cholera and the closing of the hospital in the autumn of that year. In the spring of 1833 he determined, with the view of the better prosecution of his studies, to go to Europe, and lie went accordingly, and with the exception of two brief visits, during that time to this country, he remained abroad, residing chiefly in Paris, until 1839, During the six years of his stay abroad, he availed himself of the oi)portunities thus afforded him for a wide and liberal range of studies bearing more or less upon his profession. For the first two or three years he gave himself rather to the broader and more general lines of scientific and professional study than to those relating to practice. But after his last visit to this country, and when he had decided to return home and resume the practice of his profession, he devoted himself exclusively for several years, to attendance on the hospitals and all the varied means that Paris offered to students for acquiring a knowledge of practice. The Albany Medical College had been incorporated and organized in 1838, and Dr. Hun, previous to his return home, had been invited to accept in it the professorship of the Insti- tutes of Medicine. On his return he accepted the appoint- ment and entered upon its duties. His inaugural address ex- cited much interest and admiration from its philosophic treat- ment of his subject and its large grasp of principles as well as from its lucid style and its clear and forcible illustrations. His lectures and instructions as professor were always regarded, especially by the l^est class of pupils, as most interesting and instructive, and added niuch to the reputation of the college. He continued to hold this class until 1858, when he resigned it and devoted himself wholly to his private practice, which had become large and of the best kind. On the incorporation of the Albany Hospital in 1848, Dr. Hun became one of the board of Consulting Physicians. Sub- sequently, on the organization of St. Peter's Hospital in this city, he held the same pcjsition on its medical staff. In 1862 14 104 Hun. lie became the president of the State Medical Society, and as such delivered an inaugural address which attracted much attention from the profession from the boldness of its position and its o])position to the traditional ideas of medical theory and practice. He maintained that neithei- medicine nor the physician, although both were important in their place, ever cured disease. That the curative power was in Nature alone. That the function of the physician was not to cure, but to preside over, watch and aid the efforts of nature to cure, by recognizing the true character of the disease, its course, its processes and effects, also the accidents and dangers to which it is liable, and thus be able to secure, as far as possible, such favorable circumstances, aids and conditions as may be most contributory to the restorative powers of natui-e. On the re- organization of the Albany Medical College in 1876, Dr. Hun was unanimously called to be the Dean of the Faculty, but he declined undertaking with it the duties of any professorship. Dr. Hun's natural tastes and tendencies have always inclined him more to a studious and contemplative life than to an active and practical one. He has a rare power of abstract thought, and philosophical studies, especially in the line of metaphysical and ethical investigation, have always had much attraction for him. He has, nevertheless, heen a careful observer of what was going on in the world around him, and has had very decided vieM^s in regard to all such matters. In his profession he has always been regarded as a skillful and successful practitioner, and in the knowledge and treatment of pulmonary diseases, no physician in Albany has ever stood higher in the confidence of the profession and of the public. As a practitioner he has been esjiecially noted not only for his sagacity and accuracy in the diagnosis of disease, but also for his calm far-sighted wisdom and his large comprehension of the constitutional tendencies, habits and other circumstances specially affecting the case and calling for consideration in its treatment. M. 70. Peter Freeman, son of (4'5) John Smith Hun and Margaret Freeman, was born May 20, 1792 ; married Maria T. Griffin in 1819, and had Hi:n. 1U5 79 Freeman, b. September 11, 1820. 80 Mary F., b. April 11, 1832; d. August, 1851. 81 Margaret, b. April 16, 1824. 82 Catharine Matilda, b. December 21, 1826. 83 John Thomas, b. December 15, 1829; d. in 1858. Peter Freeman Hun died in Newburgh in 184:7. 74. Edward Reynolds, son of (01) Dr. Thomas Hun and Lydia Louisa Reynolds, was born in Albanj^ April lY, 18-12 ; married Cornelia De Forest, dangliter of John B. Gale and Elizabeth Y. S. Wells, of Troy, K Y., April 29, 1874, and had 84 Lydia Louisa, b. July 8, 1875. 85 Elizabeth Gale, b. November 5, 1876. 86 John Gale, b. November 21, 1877. 87 Catharine, b. January 21, 1880. Dr. Edward R. Hun died in Stamford, Conn., Maroh 14, 1880. OBITUARY. (Dr. Edward R. Hun.) The many friends in this city and elsewhere of Dr. Edward It. Hun have been deeply pained to learn of his nnlookcd-for' death, which took place early on Snnday morning last, at Stam- ford, (Jonn., where he had been staying for some time past for the benefit of his health. From almost the very outset of his professional life, he had a very large, laljorions and responsible practice, and the zeal and derotion which he brought to it were so unremitting and exhausting that his friends have for many years feared that he was laboring beyond his strength, which was never very great. Several years since he was thrown from his carriage and received a stunning blow upon the head and a general shock to his system, to which he himself attributed much of his subsequent feeble health. About a year ago he found his health so much impaired, that he came to the conclusion to witlidraw from practice, only temporarily as he then thought, and to seek rest and restoration in absence from home. Accom- panied by his wife, he s]:>ent the spring of last year in Florida, l)ut his stay was not attended with the benefit he expected, and he resorted dnriuii- the sunnuer to the more bi'acino- air of the 106 Hun. northern part of this State, and for the last few months he has been at Stamford, where he died. Until almost the time of his last and fatal attack, it was fondly hoped by himself and his friends that his health was slowly improving by this exemption from care and hibor, and that in due time he would be able again to return to his professional work. Very recently, how- ever, he found himself not quite as well as he had been, and on Friday last he had been to New York to consult his phy- sician, and soon after his return he was suddenly struck down by apoplexy and became at once wholly unconscious and remained so till the time of his death. He had not yet quite completed his 38th year, and for so j'oung a man his pro- fessional career had been quite a remarkable one. Probably no other physician in this city had ever had at so early an age so large and responsible a practice. From the very first, his abilities and acquirements were recognized, not less by his pro- fessional brethren than by the public, and he at once took his place in the very first rank of his profession. Those who have known his parents will be at no loss to know whence the rare qualities of his mind and character were derived. Much as he owed to his advantages of education at home and abroad, and • to the hardly less valuable privilege of constant intercourse with a father eminent for learning, wisdom and experience in the same profession, he nevertheless owed even more to his own remarkable natural endowments and aptitudes for his pro- fession. He liad an almost feminine quickness of perception 'and great facility in acquiring knowledge. What cost others painful efi'ort, he caught on the wing and made his own. He had remarkable sagacity and accuracy in diagnosis. In detect- the characteristics of disease, his power seemed to be intuitive and to reach its results at a glance, rather than by any slow process of examination and reasoning. His maternal grand- father, who was one of the most eminent members of the Bar of this State, was distinguished in a difierent sphere for very similiar qualities of mind. Dr. Edwakd R. Hun's nature was an ardent and sympathetic one, and in a case of any interest and importance he would throw himself into it unreservedly, and with all his heart and mind. At such times he showed not only untiring vigilance, but great fertility of resource. Hun. 107 Tliere was about him in a marked degree that indescribable something that ins]3ired confidence. He was a man of great kindness of heart, faithful, aifectionate and of a high standard of integrity and honor. He had in a rare degree the faculty of winning the love and confidence of children, and of estab- lishing pleasant relations with them. To the old, the poou and the lowly he was always especially gentle and considerate, having ever for them a kind and cheering word, which, if he could do them no other good, left them the better and happier for his coming. While in the fullness of his powers, and be- fo]"e the disease which overcame him had begun to throw its shadow over the brightness of his spirit, his presence was like a gleam of sunshine in a sick-room; and many a household in this city will mourn the loss of their warm-hearted friend not less than of their trusted and devoted physician. This is not the place to speak of the traits that made the charm and happiness of his domestic life, nor of the unfailing love and fidelity that watched over him through all the long course of his declining health. Nor may we now dwell upon the quiet and unostentatious, but firm and decided religious faith and principle that underlay and gave its tone to his whole character. Now that he has gone from us and our anxieties for him are at an end, we can fall back upon the impressions of his honorable, useful and benignant life, which remain to us as a pleasant and cherished remembrance. Such lives are not to be measured by the number of their years, but rather bj the good work well done which tiiey have fulfilled M, TESTIMONIALS OF EESPECT. ACTION OF TUK P^ACULTY OF THE ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE. At a meeting of the Albany Medical College, held in the College fiibrary, Monday evening, March 15, 1880, the follow- ing ])reamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : WiiEKKAS, We have received the sad news tliat Prof. E. R. Hun, M. D., died at Stamford, Conn., the l-lth of this month; therefore, be it Resolved, That the loss of Edward R. Hun, M. S., Professor of Nervous Diseases, is one deeply felt by his brother pro- 108 Hun. fessors, and that they liereby tender tlieir heartfelt sympathy to his family in their aflliction. Resolved^ That by his death the Albany Medical College has lost an a])le professor and the profession at large one of its most earnest workers. Resolved, That we attend the fnneral in a bod j ; that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of the deceased, forwarded to the Board of Trustees, entered upon the minutes of the faculty and published in the daily papers. C. S. MEKRILL, M. D., ) A. YANDERYEER, M. D , \ Committee. J. S. MOSHER, M. D., ACTION OF THE STAFF OF THE ALBANY HOSPITAL. At a special meeting of the StafE of the Albany Hospital, held Monday evening, March 15, 1880, Dr. Joseph Lewi was made Chairman, and Dr. William Hailes, Jr., Secretary pro tern. Dr. Lewi officially announced the death of Dr. Edward R. Hun, a member of the Staff, and in appropriate terms spoke most euloglstically of the deceased, saying that he was one of the most promising of our rising men in the medical profession, and that in his acquaintance, extending over a perio^l of years, he liad always found him to be a true friend, an able physician and a courteous gentleman. Dr. F. C. Curtis moved that a committee, composed of Drs. Lewi, Boyd and Hailes, be appointed to draft resolutions ex- pressive of the feelings of the Staff'. The committee reported : Whereas, It has pleased Almighty Grod to remove from our midst, by sudden death, our esteemed and lamented colleague. Resolved, That we have heard with ]u-ofound sorrow the death of our confrere Dr. Edw^ard R. Hun, who was stricken down in the midst of his usefulness, and called from earth, just after passing the threshold of his professional career. Resolved, That in his death we have lost an able adviser and associate, and the institution one of its most efficient friends and officers. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathy to his sorrowing family in this, the hour of their deep affliction, and mingle our grief with theirs at his untimely departure. (Signed.) Dr. JOSEPH LEWI, Chainnan. ^' ,Tr \t ■ t' "' ■ Secretaries pro tern. Dr. Wm. Hailes, Jr., j -^ Hun. 109 MEDICAL STAFF OF THE CHILD's HOSPITAL. At a ineetiiig- of the Medical Staff of the Child's Hospital, held Monday evening, March 15, 1880, tlie following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, We have just received the saddening information of the sudden death of our associate Edward R. Hun, M. D. ; therefore l)e it Resolved, That by the death of Dr. E. R. Hun, the Child's Hospital lias lost one of its ablest physicians and a valued friend and counselor. Resolved, That we tender to the family our most earnest sympathy in this their great loss, and mourn with them in their bereavement Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family, forwarded to the Board of Managers, and published in the daily papers. ' JAMES W. COX, M. D., ) T. MARKLEY TREGO, M. I)., } CommUtee. LEWIS BATCH, M. D., ) 75. Marcus Tiilliii»ii, son of (er 15, 171:1>, at ;> a. m. ; mar- ried (101) Isaac Bogart, December 1, 1773. (See Bogart.) »6. CJoriielia, danghter of (21) Willeni Hun and Sarah He Forest, was boi-n May 2S, 1763 ; married John, sou of Isaac Fonda and Susannah De Forest, Octol)er 13, 1783, aud had 91 Sarah, b ; m. Jellis Winnk; d. November 5, 1834. 92 Isaac, b. May 7,1786; m. Maktha Townsend, February 14, 1811; d. March 15, 185:1 93 Maria, 1). July 3, 1788; in. Cuahlks Dr Kay Townsend, Decem- 10, 1807; d. November 12, 1835. 94 William. 95 Stephen, b. ; m. LuciNUA Tannek. 96 Cornelia. John Fonda died in 1814. €atha1iiia, daughter of (35) Hirck Hun and (21-()) Annetje Lansing, was lioru March 1!), 1783; marricHl (281)) Harnianus (b. February 20, 1781), sou of (22«)) Cornelius Wendell and (252) Anna Lansing, April 21, 1812. (See 281> Ilarmaiuis Wendell.) Git. I^Nic, daughter of (35) Hirck Hun and (24<)) Annetje Lansing, was born March 27, 17S5; married (Jliarles New- kirk (1). October 10, I7i)0), May 15, 1.S17, and had 15 112 Hun. 97 Anna Maria, b. February 12, 1819; m. William Clark, January 5, 183G; d. October 31, 1854. 98 Charles C, b. May 12, 1831. 99 Gertrude Lansing, b. June 18, 1823; m. Livingston K. Milleu, December 18, 1850. 100 Catharine V. D., b. February 5, 1826; m. David H. Paige, June 5, 1850; d. March 17,1851. 101 Ellen H., b. September 9, 1829; d. August 1, 1843. Charles Newkirk died March 20, 1852. 69. Msiry F., daiigliter of (1:3) John Smith Hun and Mar- f^aret Freeman, was born April 24, 1791 ; married William H. Falls (b. 1790), March 20, 1821, and liad 102 Adeline, b. December 28, 1831 ; d. April 17, 1823. 103 Margaret, b. April 15, 1823. 104 William A., b. November 14, 1825. 105 De Witt C, b. March 17, 1828; m. Geokgiana F. Ganneuk, February 20, 1853. 106 Cornelia Hun, b. April 19, 1830 ; m. James W. Bingham, Decem- ber 20, 1854. 107 Charles Augustus, b. September 7, 1832. 108 Theodore, b. June 9, 1835. William H. Falls died in New York city, in January, ISGl. 71. Cornelia Vsiii Em berg-, daughter of (43) John Smith Hun and Margaret Freeman, was bom April 28, 1795 ; married James Wheeler, of Warwick, Orange County, N. Y., in 1830, and had 109 Mary Elizabeth, b. October 18,1830; m. J. Amhekst Winner. 110 John James, b. Marcb 8, 1832; m. Harriet Winner. 111 De Witt C, b. March 27, 1834 ; m. Clara Curtis, December 30, 1858. 112 Franklin, b. August 26, 1836. 113 Edward, b. in 1838. LAf^SING. 1. CJerrit Frederick, son of Frederick Lansing, of tlie town of Ilassel, in the Province of Overyssell, came to New AnKstei(Uini witli three sons, and probably to Renssplaerwyck al)()nt 1650. lie had also three danghters, all his children liaving ])een born before leaving Hassel. They were 2 Gerrit, b. ; m. El&te, daughter of WouTER Van Wytitorst. 3 Hendrick, b, ; m. Lysbet ; d. July 11, 1709. 4 Johannes, b. ; m (2) Geertje Van Schaick, widow of Hendrick Coster, in 1678. 5 Allje (Alida), b. ; m. Gerrit Van Slightenhorst. 6 Gysbertie, b. ; m. Hendrick Roseroom, 1679 ? 7 Hilletje, b. ; m. Storm Van der Zee (Bradt). He died about 1679. Gerrit F. Lansing was probably dead before the 3d of Octol)er, 1G79, as on tliat day the above-named children made a joint conveyance of property. 3. Gerrit, son of (1) Gerrit Frederick Lansing, was born probably in Hassel; married Eisje, danghter of Woiiter Van Wythorst, and had ' 8 Gerrit, b. ; ni. (/ATiiARiNE Sanders Glen, widow, August 21,1692. 9 Abraham, b. 1063; m. Magdelena Van Triciit, November 28, 17013. 10 Johannes, b. January 1, 1675; in. Helena Sandkrs, September 20, 1704. He died August 10, 1771, ve. 97 years, months and 10 days. 11 Susanna, b. ; m. Mattys Nack, July 24, 1698. 114 Lansing. 12 Isaac, b. May 14, 1677; m. (14) Jannetje Beeckman, June 27, 1703. 13 Jacob, b. June 6, 1681 ; m. Helena Glen about 1710. 14 Myndert, b. ; d. s. 15 Wouter, bp. August 13, 1083. 16 Elizabeth, bp. January 20, 1689 ; d. September, 1730. 3- Heiiflrick Cw., son of (1) (xerrit Frederick Lansing, wns l)(»rii, probably, in Hassel ; niarricd Lysbet, and liad 17 Libbitie, b. ; m. Daniel Bradt, April 18, 1697. 18 Jacob, b. ; m. Helena Pruyn, September 27, 1701; d. October 17, 1756. 19 Hendrick, Jr., b. ; m. (see 167 Bogaert) Jannetje Knicker- BACKER, March 4, 1704. 20 Alida, b. July 3, 1685; m. Isaac D. Fonda, December 18, 1708. 21 Maria, b. ; m. Hyuert Gerritsie, October 20, 1693. Hendrick 0. Lansing was in Albany as early as lOGfi. He died July 11, 1709. , 4. Joliaiiiie!!i C, son of (1) Oerrit Frederick Lansing, was probably born in Hassel; married (2) (jieertje, daughter of (1) Goosen Gerritse Van Scliaick and Geertie Brantse Peelen, widow of Hendrick Coster, in 1G78, and had 22 Libbetie, b. 1679; m. (S) Stephen Groesbeok, July 16, 1699. He died July, 1774. 23 Geertruy, bp. November 2, 1684; m.RvER Gerritsen, April 23, 1704; no. cb. 24 Jan (Johannes), bp. Septemljer 4, 1087; m. Geertruy Schuyler, June 13, 1714. 25 Engletje, bp. August 12, 1690; m. (31) Evert Wendell, Decem- ber 12, 1710. 26 Gerrit, b. ; ni. Elizabeth Banker, October 27, 1715. Johannes or Jan ii. Lansing was buried in All)any, Feb- ruary 28, 1728. 5. Altje (Alida), daughter of (1) Gerrit Frederick Lan- sing, was probably born in Hassel ; married Gerrit, son of Brant Arentse YanSlightenhorst, of Neuwkerk, in Guilderland, and had Lansinc;. 115 27 Hillegonda. 28 Gerrit. 29 Rachel. 30 Gouda. Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst died in Kini^'ston, Janiiarv D, 1684. He cnine to Beverwyck witli liis father in 1(>4<) ; was Schout Jiscaal for a short time, lie wtis one of the commis- sioners of Schenectady in 1G72, but removed to Kingston. He owned several liouses and h)ts in Albanj' and also in Claverac. 6. CJysbertJe, dano^liter of (1) Gerrit Fredericli Lansing, was probably born in Hassel ; married Henrtrick Janso Kose- boom, trader, in I()7l> (j), :md had 31 Johannes. 32 Gerrit. 33 Hendrick. 34 Myndert (?). 35 Margarita, b. ; m. PiETER TilOMAS MiNGEAL. Hendrick J. Rosebooni's wife Gysbertje died, and in his old age he married Tryntje Janse Van BRiiKSTEni:, widow of Rntg-er Jacobsen. He died November, 1703. 7. Hilletje, danghtcn- of (I) Gerrit Frederick Lansins:, was probably born in Ilassel ; married Stbrni Van der Zee, son of Albert Andriese Bradt, " the Norman," and Annetic Barentse van Rotmer, and had 36 Albert. 37 Wouter, and possil)ly other children. The tradition is that one of Ib'adt's children was born on shipboard, on tlie passage out, in the midst of a heavy storm, in consequence of wliich he was called " Stoi-m Van der Zee." 8. CJerrit, son of (2; Gerrit Gerritse Lansini? and Elsje Van Wythorst, was l)orn ; married Catharine, daugii- 116 Lansing. ter of John Sanders Glen and widow of Cornells Barents Van Ditinars, of Schenectady (b. March 23, 16Y2), Angnst 21, 1692, and had 38 Gerrit, b. August 30, 1693 ; m. (42) Engletje Van Deusen, October 23, 1718. He died in 1783, sc. 90 years. 39 Johannes, b. March 10, 1695; m., 1st, (7) Catalyntie Hun, No- vember, 1726 ; d. (Jctober, 1727; 2d, Jannetje Van Veckten, May 12, 1729. 40 Anna, bp. March 28, 1697 in New York; m. Jacob Egmont, October 19, 1716. 41 Elsje, bp. March 12, 1699, in New York; m. . 42 Sanders, bp. April 20, 1701, in New York. 43 Susanna, bp. January 5, 1703, in New York; m. Evert P. Wen- DELi., June 29, 1736. 44 Evert, bp. December 31, 1704; m. Annatie Cooper about 1735. 45 Jacob, bp. December 22, 1706; m. Ida Van Wie, August 7, 1734. She died August 4, 1743 ; he died July, 1746. 46 Abraham, bp. February 27, 1709; m., 1st, (31) Helena Van Deusen, April 21, 1733 ; 2d, Catharine De Forest, April 20, 1741. Gerrit Lansing is supposed to have died July 20, 1708. He was a trader, and resided sometimes in Kew York, Albany and Schenectady. Catharine, widow of Gekrit Lansing, died February 15, 173 L 9. Abraliaiii, son of (2) Gerrit Oerritse Lansing and Elsje Van Wytliorst, was born in 1663 ; married Magdalena, daughter of Abraham Van Tricht and Elizabeth Teller (b. October 21, 1683), November 28, 1703, and had 47 Abraham, b. May 8, 1704; m., 1st, (24) Ricke Van Sciiaick, De- cember 27, 1731; 2d, (72) Catharine Lansing, February 11, 1746. 48 Gerrit A., bp. November 28, 1705 ; m.. 1st., (38) Maciitel, daughter of (16) Jacob Beeckman, January 18, 1739 ; 2d, Ruth . He died in 1789, oe. 84 years. 49 Johannes, bp. April 16, 1708 ; buried October 27, 1723. 50 Jacob, bp. April 23, 1710; d. January 14, 1745. 51 Elsje, bp. March 8, 1713 ; m. (55) Gerrit John Lansing, May 14, 1740. She died about 1783. 52 Elizabeth, bp. November 10, 1717; m. (22) Jonas Oothout, March 30, 1741. She died about 1753. Lansing. 117 53 Myndert, bp January 34, 1723; died at sea in 1758. 54 Margaret, l.i.. April 7, 1738; d. s. July, 1747; buried July 31, 1747. Ahraliam Laiisini;' died June 20, 1745, m. 82 years. Magdalkxa, liis widow, died November 30, 1745, a3. 75 years. The record in the Bible of K. V. R. Lansing, of Albany, makes Jacob born in 1703 and Elsje in 1707, but the record in tlie cliurch l)()oks makes the baptisms as above. Abraham Lansing's^ house stood upon the corner of Chapel and Steuben streets. 10. Joliaiiiie!«, son of (2) Gerrit Oerritse Lansing and Elsje Tail Wjtliorst, was born January 1, 1675, O. S. ; mari'ied Helena, daughter of Robert T. Sanders and Elsie Barentse, September 20, 1704, and had 55 Gerrit, bp. September 9, 1705; m. (51) Elsje A. Lansing, May 14, 1740. 56 Robert, b. January 17, 1707; m., Ist, Margaiiet Roseboom, De- cember 5, 1734 ; 3d, (33) Sarah Van Schaick, February, 1748 ; 8d, Catrina Ten Broeck, January 39, 1753. 57 El^e, bp. July 4, 1708; buried August 35, 1738 (?). 58 Mary, bp. October 7, 1711 ; buried November 30, 1731 (?). 59 John, bp. June 13, 1718. 60 Sanders, bp. 1734. 61 Thomas, bp. September 34, 1737 ; d. March 4, 1811. Helena, wife of Johannes L.vnsing, was buried June 23, 1744. Johannes Lansing, died in All)any, August 10, 1771, 113. 97 years, 6 months and 19 days. 19. iHSiac*, son of (2) Oerrit Gerritse Lansing and Elsje Van Wythorst, was born in Albany, May 14, 1077; married (14) Jannetje, daughter of (3) Johannes Beeckinan and (7) Machtel Schermerhorn, June 27, 1703, and had 62 Machtel, bp, December 13, 1703 ; m. (35) Teunis VissCHER, Jan- uary 10, 1737. 63 Gerrit, bp. December 13, 1705; m. (34) Bekgkman, March, 1740. lie died October, 1748. 118 Lansing. 64 Johannes, bp. September 11, 1709; d. September 16, 1745 (?;. 65 £jl^e, bp. ; m. (15) Harmen T. Hun, December 6, 1735. 66 Susanna, bp. October 13, 1715 ; m. William IIogan, Jr., January 17, 1740. 67 Jacob, bp. April 27, 1718, 68 Neeltje, bp. March 31, 1723 ; m. Peter Waldron, December 3, 1743. She died about 1766. Jauiietje, wife of Isaac Lansing, died in Albany, February, 1770, Bd. 87 years, 11 months. Isaac Lansing died in Albany, January 27, 1772, as. 94 years, 8 months and 13 days. 13. Jacob Cr., son of (2) (lerrit Gerritse L.ausiiig and Elsje Yau Wytliorst, was born in Albany, June 0, 1681; married Helena, daughter of Jacob Sanders Glen and Catharine Van Witbeck (bp. November 21, 1683), about 1710, and had 69 Gerrit J.,.bp. March 4, 1711 ; m., 1st, Maria Everts, November 29, 1734 ; 2d, Jane Waters, about 1748. 70 Jacob J., bp. July 12, 1714 ; m. (34) Marytje Egberts, Novem-. ber 6, 1742 ; d. January 18, 1791, 71 John J., bp. December 23, 1715; m., 1st, Rachel Lievens, August 14, 1741 ; 2d, Cathlina Van Sciiaick, October 20, 1744 ; 3d, Catiiarina Schuyler, about 1747. 72 Catharine, bp. September 7, 1718 ; m., 1st., (47) Abraham Lan- sing, about 1742 ; 2d, (38) Abraham Douw, November 23, 1761. 73 Abraham, bp. April 24, 1720 ; m. Elizabeth Cooper, May 20, 1744. 74 Isaac, lip. January 28, 1722 ; d. s. 75 Sanders J., bp. August 18, 1723 ; d. s. April 3, 1807. 76 Elsije, ) d. April, 1730. [■ bp. October 24, 1725. 77 Isaac,) m.ANNETJE Van Woert, about 1746. Jacob Gr. Lansing died in Albany, December (3, 1767, a?.. 86 years and (! months. He owned a house corner of North Pearl and Columbia streets, which he built in 1710, and where his children were born. This house, known now as the " Pemberton house," is still standhig (1882). 18. Jacob H., son of (3) Hendricli G. Lansing and Lysbet, was l)on) ; married Helena, daughter of Frans Janse Pruyn and Alida, September 27, 1701, and had Lansing. 119 78 Alida, bp. July 26, 1702; m. Abraham Van Arnhem, July 11, 1721. 79 Hendrick, bp. December 1, 1703; m., 1st, Annetje Ouderkirk, February 23, 1735; 2d, probably Anna Ouderkekk. 80 Elizabeth, bp. June 30, 1700 ; m. John D. Van Arnhem, July . 18, 1729. 81 Franciscus, bp. July 18,1708 ; m. Marytje Lieverse, July 0, 1737. 82 Gerrit, bp. October 7, 1711 ; ui., 1st, Yda Van Wie, August, 1734; 2d, Elizabeth Van Schaick, about 1745. 83 Jacob J., bp. November 29, 1713; m. Hybertje Yates, May 13, 1738. 84 Annetje, bp. July 15, 1710; m. Gerrit Van Schoonhoven, Feb- ruary 3, 1743 (?). 85 Johannes, bp. October 19, 1718; m. Maritje Huyck, about 1747 (?). 86 Abraham, bp. April 24, 1720; in. Catiiarina Lieverse, about 1745 (?). 87 Isaac, bp. November 25, 1725. Jacob H. Lansing died and was buried iieai" his liuiise October 17, 1756. 19. Uendriek, Jr., son of (3) Hendrick 0. Lansing and Lysbet, was born ; married (see 167 Bogaert) Jannetje, daughter of Harmen Janse Knickerbacker and (63) Lysbet Janse Bogaart, of Dutchess county, Mai'cli -1, 1704, and had 88 Elizabeth, bp. August 5, 1705 ; m. Egbert Bratt, about 1723. 89 Jacob. 90 Isaac. 91 Abraham. Hendrick Lansing, Jr., (h'ed previous to 1700, and }ii8 widow married Anthuny Boga,r1); nian-icd (81) Helena, daughter of (0) Ilarpert Van Deusen and (17) Helena Van Deuseti, April 21, 1733, and had 118 Catharine, bp. April 11, 1734; m. Johannes 6. Clute al)out 175.5 I?). 119 Lena, bp. February 29, 1736. 120 Annatje, bp. May 28, 1738; m. Evert Van Den 15i:kcju, Septem- ber 18, 1756. 122 Lansing. 121 Harpert, bp. September 7, 1740; m. Maritje Vissciier, about 1763. Helena, wife of Abraham G. Lansing, died before the baptism of lier son Harpert. He married, 2d., Catharine, daughter of Philip De Forest and Tryntje Kip (bp. November 25, 1694), widow, April 20, 1741, and had 122 Jacob, bp. February 6, 1743. 123 Magdalene, bp. November 16, 1746 ; d. y. 124 Magadalene, bp. June 2, 1750. 47. Abraham, son of (9) Abraham A. Lansing and Magda- lena Yan Triclit, was born May 8, 1704 ; married (24) Ricke, dangliter of (IS") Goosen S. Van Scliaick and Catharina Staats (bp. December 24, 1703), December 27, 1731, and had 125 Goo.sen, b. Aprilll, 1732; d. July 11, 1732. Ricke, wife of Abraham A. Lansingh, died April 16, 1733. He married, 2d., his cousin (72) Catharine, daughter of (13) Jacob Gerretse Lansing and Helena Glen (bp. September 7, 1718), February 11, 1746, and had 126 Helena, b. November 7, 1746 ; d. August 9, 1747. 127 Abraham A., b. July 24, 1752; 0. S. ; m., 1st, Elsie Van Rens- selaer, September 3, 1774 ; 2d. (160) Elsje Lansingh, Decem- ber 4, 1797. Abraham Lansingh died December 14, 1759, fe. abont 55 years, and his widow Catharine married (38) Abraham Douw, November 23, 1761 , who died in 1786, ae. 78 years. Catharine, widow of Abraham Douw, died February 2, 1798, ?e. 79 years. They had one son named Abraham. When this family began to spell their name " Lansingh " is not known. 48. Gerrit A., s(m of (9) Abraham A. Lansing and Magda- lena Tan Tricht, was baptised November 28, 1705 ; married, 1st., (38) Machtel, daughter of (16) Jacob Beeckman and Debora Hansen (b. October 16, 1715), January 18, 1739 ; 2d, Ruth . It does not appear that he had children living at his death by either of his wives. He died about November 16, 1789, leaving a will in which he mentions his wife Ruth, Lansing. 123 nephew (127) Abraliam A. Lansing, son of liis Lrotlier Abra- ham ; nejiliew Henry, son of his sister (52) Elizabeth, the Late wife of Jonas Oothout ; brother-in-law (41) Johannes Jacob Beeckinan ; sisters-in-law (-10) Efhe Gansvoort and (12) Debora Staats (danghters of Jacob Beeckman) ; niece Machtel, daugh- ter of brother-in-law John Jacob Beeckman ; Yolkert and Abraham, sons of sister Elizabeth Oothout ; Al)raham and John Lansing, sons of sister (51) Elsie (wife of (55) Gerrit John Lansing), and Hannah and Gerrit G. Lansing. Gerrit A. Lansing resided in Schenectady, N. Y. 55. CJerrit, son of (10) Joliannes G. Lansing and Helena Sanders, was baptised September 9, 1705 ; married (51) Elsje, daugliter of Abraham G. Lansing and Magdalena Yan Tricht (l)p." March, 1713), Maj 14, 1740, and had 128 Helena, bp. December 13, 1741. 129 Abraham, bp. May 5, 1743; buried April 20, 1744. 129i Margaret, bp. ; m. (G6) Abraham Oothout, November 27, 1707. 130 Elsie, bp. October 1, 1749 ; buried January 20, 1752. Gerrit Janse Lansing was buried August 27, 1757. 50. Robert, son of (10) Joliannes G. Lansing and Helena Sanders, was born January 17, 17<>7; married, 1st, Margaret, daughter of Myndert Roseboom and Maria Yinhagen (bp. October 7, 1711), December 5, 1734, and had 131 Maria, b. October 28, 1735; m. (182) Hendrick Wendell, June •J, 1757. 132 Hendrick R., b. December 25, 1737 ; m. (08) Maria Marselis, September 18, 1702; d. August 9, 1819. 133 Helena, b. September 30, 1745 ; d. September, 1740. Marj;sirct Koscboom, wife of Rorert J. Lansing, died September 4, 1740. He married, 2d, (23) Sarah, daughter of (13) Goosen Van Scbaick and Catliarina Staata (bp. November 27, 1715) February, 1748, and had 134 Sarah, ) [ bp. April 10, 1749; buried July 1, 1749. 136 Margarita, 124 Lansing. Sarah Van Schaick, wife of Robert J. LansinCt, died April 16, 1749. He married, 3d, Catkina, daughter of Samuel Ten Broeck, of Claverac, and Maria Hendrickse Van Rensselaer, January 29, 1752, who died May 18, 1753; no. ch. She was the widow of Ephraim Van Vechten. Rolbert J, Lansing- died Mareli 3, 1795. Myiiclert,* son of Lansing ; married Mary, daughter of Rev. John Usher, of Bristol, Tl. I., June 3, 1791, and had 136 Catharine, bp. February 5, 1792. 137 Ann, b. February 22, 1794. 138 Peter, b. 1796; d. September 9.2, 1809. 139 George Dunbar, b. August 11, 1798; died an infant. 140 George Dunbar, b. August 26, 1799. 141 Myndert, b. February 9, 1801; d. April 24, 1842. 142 Sarah, b. November 11, 1802; d. September 10, 1842. Mary Usher, widow of Myndekt Lansing, died March 7, 1845, ffi. 78 years. 63. IjJerrit, son of (12) Isaac G. Lansing and {M) Jannetje Beecknian, was baptised December 12, 1705 ; married (34) Ariaantje, daughter of (15^ Johannes Beeckman, Jr., and (42) Hester Wendell, March, 1740, and had 143 Isaac, bp. November 2, 1740. 144 Hester, bp. July 13, 1743; m. Jacob Roseboom, Jr., .January 20, 1763. She died November 30, 1826. 145 Jannetje, bp. January 1, 1747; m. William Van Wie, May 20, 1767. 146 Geertruy, bp. November 6, 1748; m. Peter Schuyler, Jr., January 17, 1767 (?). 69. Gerrit J., son of (13) Jacob Grerritse Lansing and Helena Glen, was baptised March 4, 1711 ; married, 1st, Maria, dangh- ter of Johannes Everts and Barentje Pruyn [daughter of Francis Janse Pruyn], (b. October 8, 1713), November 29, 1734, and had 147 Jacob G., bp. April 4, 1736; m., 1st., Neeltje Roseboom, March 14, 1767 ; 2d, (162) Femmetje (Frances) Lansing, August 28, 1774; d. November 25, 1803. 148 Maria, bp. October 6, 1737; buried August 22, 1739 (?). ♦Possibly a son of (53) Myndert Lansing who died at sea in 1758. Lansing. 125 149 AUda, bp. September 7, 1738 ; buried September 19, 1743 (?). 3Iaria, wife of Gkhkit J, Lansing, was buried January 37, 1741. He married, 3d, Jane, daugliter of John Waters and Sarah Wiuue (bp. April 13, 1733), about 1748, and bad 150 John, bp. March 5, 1749 ; buried November 3G, 1754. 151 John, Jr., bp. February 3, 1755 (Chancellor) ; m. CoitNELiA Ray, April 8, 1781. 152 Abraham G., b. December 13, 1756 ; m. Susanna Yates, April 9, 1779; d. May 15, 1844. 153 Sarah, bp. July 1, 1759 ; d. y. 154 Gerrit G., bp. November 11, 1700; m. Maria Antill ; d. May 37, 1831. 155 Sarah, b. June 33, 17G3 ; m. Bauent BLEEtKKK; no. ch. 156 Sanders G., b. June 17, 17G6; m. (163) Catharine Ten Eyck, December 9, 1789. Jiiiie, widow of Gekkit J. La-nsing, died March 2, 1810. 70. Jacob, Jr., son of (13) Jacol) Gerretse Laiisiiii^ and Helena Oleii, was born July 12, 1714; niarriud (34) Marytje, daii^'hter of I)enjainin E<;-berts and (16) Annatje Vissclier (bp. Fel)riiarj 21, 1714), Novciii])er 6, 1742, and Lad 157 Helena, b. November 7, 1743; m. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. 158 Benjamin, V). November 5, 1744; d. y. 159 Annatje, b. July 11, 1746; m. (101) Abraham Ten Eyck, April 14, 1769 ; d. November 7, 1834. 160 Elsje, b. July 38, 1748; m. (137) Abraha-M A. Lansing, Decem- ber 4, 1797 ; d. July 30, 1811. 161 Benjamin, b. June 30, 1750; d. y. 162 Femmetje, b. July 3, 1751; m. (147) Jacob G. Lansing, August 38, 1774; he died June 31, 1794; she died March 37, 1807. 163 Jacob J., b. August 19, 1753; m. (88; see also 93 Oothout) Anna Quackenbush, January 31, 1790. 164 Mary, b. December 5, 1755; m. IIuNLOKE Woodruff, M. D., May 16, 1779. 165 Benjamin, b. August 6, 1757. Maria, wife of Jacob Lansing, Jk., died March D, 1771. Jacob Lansing, Jk., died January 18, 1791. Colonel Lansing was a Revolutionary officer and commanded a regiment at the l)attle of Stillwater, N. Y. When a Captain he was in the " middle foi't " at Schoharie wdien it was attacked by Sir John Johnson and the Indians under Brandt. 126, Lansing. 71. Joliii J., son of (13) Jacob Uerritse Lansing" and Helena (xlen, was baptised December 23, 1715 ; married, 1st, Rachel, daughter of Harnien Lieveuse and Catrina Van den Bergli (l)p. March 27, 1726), Angiist U, 1741; had no children. She died May 28, 1742. He married, 2d, Catlilyna, daughter of Goosen Yan Schaick and Neeltje A1)eel (hp. January 9, 1723), October 20, 1744, and had 166 Goosen, bp. September 8, 1745; buried September 22, 1745. Catlilyuti, wife of John J. Lansing, died. He married, 3d, Catha KINA, daughter of Nicholas Schuyler and (43) Elsje Wen- dell (b. December, 1723), about 1747, aud had 167 Nicolas (Rev.), bp. September 11, 1748; m. Sakaii Dickenson. He died at Tappan, N. Y., September 26, 1835. 168 Lena (Helena), bp. November 4, 1750 ; m., 1st, John Zabriskie, January 11, 1776; 2d, (66) Abraham Oothout, November 14, 1787. 169 Jacob J., bp. August 19, 1758 ; m. Heyek, about 1783. 170 Philip, bp. November 28, 1756. 171 Elsje, bp. July 15, 1759; m. Charles Dickenson. Catharina, third wife of John J. Lansing, died March 31, 1797, sd. 73 years and 7 months. John J. Lansino died April 19, 1808. He occupied a house on the west side of Broadway, the fourth north of Maiden Lane. 73. Abralisiiu, son of (13) Jacob Oerritse Lansing and Helena Olen, was baptised April 24, 1720 ; married Elizabetli, daughter of Obadiali Couper (Cooper) and Corneha Gardenier (bp. August 23, 1724), May 20, 1744, and had 172 Obadiah, bp. August 5, 1745 ; d. s. 173 Jacob A., bp. January 10, 1746 ; m. Ai.iDA Ltevense. 174 Gerrit A., bp. October 25, 1747; m., 1st, Cathlina Van Alstyn, February 37, 1768 (?) ; 2d, Agnietje Bratt, October 1, 1771 (?) ; 3d, Elizabeth Wynkoop, December 26, 1776 (?). 175 John A., bp. November 12, 1749 ; m. Elizabeth Fryer, Febru- ary 10, 1776. 176 Elsje, bp. September 22, 1751 ; m. Jacob Van Deusrn, May 19, 1771 (?). Lansing. 127 177 Cornelia, bp. May 37, 1753; m. Hendrick Schermerhorn , about 1778. 178 Lena, bp. July 37, 1755 ; buried August 30, 1756. 179 Abraham, bp. February 13, 1757; m. Annatie Van den Bergh, 1779. 180 Isaac, bp. March 18, 1759. 181 Helena, bp. September 4, 17G0; m. James Deniston. 182 Annatie, bp. May 10, 1703; m. John Liswell, about 1785. 77. I§iiac, son of (13) Jacob Gerritse Lansing and Helena Glen, was baptised October 24, 1725 ; married Annetje, daugh- ter of Jacob Van Woert and (38) Hendrikie Oothont (bp. No- vember 5, 1727), about 1746, and had 183 Jacob, bp. December 14, 1740; d. y. 184 Hendrickie, bp. October 33, 1748 ; m. Abraham D, Fonda, August 30, 1771. 185 Helena, bp. September 1, 1751. 186 Jacob, bp. July 14, 1754 ; m. Susanna Fonda, January 10,1778 ; d. June 4, 1830. She died April 35, 1817. 187 Sarah, bp. August 38, 1757 ; d. y. 188 Sarah, bp. September 30, 1701. 189 Hendrick, b. January 30, 1703. 79. Hendrick, son of (18) Jacob Hendrickse Lansing and Helena Pruyn, was baptised December 1, 1703 ; married Annetje, daugliter of Isaac Ouderkirk (of Kinderhook in 1709 and Half Moon in 1720) and Mayke Van Nes (bp. January 9, 1709), February 23, 1735, and had 190 Lena, bp. August 39, 1736. 191 Isaac, bp. May 6,1739; m. Annet^je Van Akniiem, June 19,1761. 192 Jacob, bp. April 4, 1743 ; in. Mauia OuDERKinK, about 1703. 193 Mayke, bp. January 4, 1745 ; m Jacob Cldte, June 13, 1761. Auiietje, wife of HRNDRrcK J. Lansing, died. He probably married, 3d, Anna, daughter of Abraham Oudtsrkirk and Metty, his wife (bp. July 30, 1731), about 1749, and had 194 Abraham, bp. June 3, 1750 ; m. MAurA Bloodcjood, February 8, 1784 (?). 81. Fraiic'ii^ciis, son of (18) Jacob Hendrickse Lansing and Helena Prnyn, was baptised July 18, 1708 ; married Maritje, ' 17 128 Lansing. daughter of Levinus Lievense or Lieverse and Catryna Van den Bergli (bp. Marcli 26, 1714), July 6, 1737, and liad 195 Jacob Franse, ) m. (87) Jannetje Vissciier, June 27, 1762. - bp. April 30, 1738. 196 Helena, ) m. (191) Nanking J. Visscher, November 2, 1764. 197 Catharina, bp. September 28, 1740. 198 Rachel, bp. June 19, 1743 : buried July 29, 1746. 199 Anna, bp. February 16, 1746 ; died before 1747. 200 Rachel,) died before 1750. [ bp. July 19, 1747. 201 Anna, ) d. June 38, 1757. 202 Rachel, bp. July 7, 1750. 203 Levinus, bp. June 23, 1754; m., 1st, Catharine Van der Heyden, March 11, 1770; 2d, Marytje Pearse, October 15, 1780. Gerrit, son of (18) Jacob Heiulricltse Lausiijg and Helena Pruyu, was baptised October 7, 1711; married, 1st, Yda, danghter of Jan Yan Wie and Catharine Huyck (bp. August 21, 1709), August 1734, and had 204 Helena, bp. June 8, 1735 ; m. John Dunbar, April 19, 1755 (?). 205 Oatharyna, bp. August 28, 1737 ; m. Gerrit Van Wie, Septem- ber 10, 1702. 206 Jacob, bp. June 10, 1741 . Yda, wife of Gerrit J. Lansing, died August, 1743. He married, 2d, Elizabeth, daughter of Gerrit S. Van Scliaick and Sarah Goewey, of New York (bp. August 4, 1717), about 1745, and had 207 Gerrit, hp. August 3, 1746. Gerrit J. Lausiug was buried August 1, 1746. He made a will July 14, 1746, naming first wife and the two daughters by her (son Jacob probably being dead). He directs that his son, not yet born, be named Grerrit ; mentions also his brother Hendrick and brotlier-in-law Abraham Yan Arnhem, of the " Bocht." Elizabetu, liis widow, made a will September 26, 1750, proved April 15, 1783, in which she mentions son Gerrit and daughters Aimetie (probably Catharina) and Helena. Gerkit J. Lansing in 1732 had a lot on the north corner of Hudson and Green streets, sixty feet square. 83. Jacob, J., Jr., son of (18) Jacob Heiitlrickse Lansing and Helena Prnyn, was born November 22, baptised Novera- Lansing. 129 ber 20, 1713 ; married Hybertje, dauglitcr of Christoffel Yates aiul Cathlina Winne (b. November 7, 1714), May 13, 1738, and had 208 Jacob, 1). November 2, 17:!9 ; m. Willempie Bradt, November 2, 1704. 209 Ohristoffle, b. January 29, 1743 ; o. s. ; m. Sarah Van Schaiok, January 26, 1766; d. October 25, 1819. 210 Hendrick J., b. March 14, 1747 ; m. Helena Winne, May 6, 1769. 211 Catalyna, b. May 1, 1758 ; m. Jouannes Van Woert, Jr., June 20, 1770. 212 Helena,- b. December 29, 1757; d. s. Jacob J. L.aiisiiig', Jr., died September 8, 179-1. (Bible record.) Hybertje, wife of Jacob J. Lansing, died August 30, 1794. (Bible record.) 85. Joliaiines, son of (18) Jacol) Heiulriclise Lansing and Helena Pruyn, was baptised October 19, 1718; married Maritje, daugliter of Andries Hiiyck and Maria Onderkerk, about 1747, and had 213 Maria, bp. January 24, 1748 ; m. possibly Guy Youno, about 1775. 214 Joeb (Job or Jacob), I)]). January 21, 1750; m. Maria Knipp, about 1780(-.'). 215 Gerrit, bp. April 26, 1752; m., 1st, Alida Fonda, June 5, 1773 ; 2d, Maria Van Arniirm or Van Deusen, April 21, 1787. 216 Lena, bp. March 12, 1755. 217 Anna, bp. July 24, 1757. 218 Andries, b. February 12, 1760; m. Annet.te Van den Bergii, about 1786. 219 Rachel, b. October 5, 1762 ; m. DiRK (Jj.utr, about 1785 (?). 220 Johannes Jr., b. April 10, 1765; m. Anneimk Marshall, about 1789. 221 Hendrick, b. September 29, 1707. 222 Neeltje, b. October 7, 1769. 223 Alida, b. March 30, 1772; m. Teunts Jaficsu, about 1790 (?). Hfi. Ahralisiiii, son of (18) Jacob Hendrickse Lansing and Helena Prnyn, was ba])tised April 24, 1720; married Catha- rina, daughter of Leviiuis Lieverse and Catryna Yan den r)crgh (bp. March 6, 1723), about 1745, and had 130 Lansing. 224 Levinus, bp. January 12, 1746 ; d. y. 225 Levinus, bp. August 2, 1747; d. y. 226 Levinus, bp. August 6, 1749. 227 CorneUs, bp. July G, 1753. Abraham Lansing* was the ancestor of tlie Lansing family of Lansiiigburgli and Troy. He had also a son Jacob. 93. John, son of (24) Johannes Janse Lansing and Geertruy Schuyler, was baptised April 7, ] 715 ; married (1-15) Ariaautje, daughter of (40) Evert Wendell and (25) Engeltje Lansing (bp. May 19, 1717), about 1745, and had 228 Johannes, bp. July 26, 1746 ; d. y. 229 Evert, bp. May 8, 1748. 230 Geertruy, bp. July 22, 1750 ; buried March 20, 1755. 231 Johannes, ) buried July 19, 1755. [ bp. June 23, 1754. 232 Engeltje, ) buried July 21, 1755. 233 Geertruy, bp. August 1, 1756. 234 Johannes, bp. August 6, 1758. 94. Peter, son of (24) Johannes Janse Lansing and Geertruy Schuyler, was baptised Augnst 0, 1721 ; married (116) Eliza- beth, daughter of (35) Isaac Wendell and Catalyna Van Dyck (bp. June 29, 1723), about 1745, and had 235 Maria, bp. July 26, 1740 ; buried March 6, 1749. 236 Maria, bp. July 30, 1749. 237 Oatalyntie, bp. November 17, 1751. 238 Jeremiah, b. April 14, 1754 ; m. (277) Helena Wendell, October 1, 1780. 239 Isaac, b. March 9, 1756 ; buried December 12, 1757. 240 Geertruy, b. September 3, 1758 ; m. (230) Jacob H. Wendell,* about 1785. Peter Lansing died May 13, 1807, se. 85 years and 9 months. 95. Geracliis, son of (24) Johannes Janse Lansing and Geertruy Schuyler, was baptised September 29, 1723; mar- * Father of Dr. Peter Wendell, b. June 3, 1786; d. October 29, 1849. Lansing. 131 ried Marytje, daughter of Isaac Wendell and Catalyna Van den Bergli (bp. May 14, 1Y21), about 17i7, and had 241 Geertruy, bp. November 19, 1749. 242 Anna, bp. May 16, 1754 ; buried July 24, 1755. Geradus Lansing died March 24, 1808, a?.. 84 years. 97. Philip, son of (24) Johannes Janse Lansing and Greertrny Scluiyler, was baptised February 23, 1729; married C18) Elsje, daughter of (8) Johannes Hun and Anna Winne (bp. March 18, 1733), May 19, 1757, and had 243 John, b. March 27, 1758 ; d. May 16, 1759. 244 Johannes, b. January 1, 1760 ; d. January 5, 1760. 245 Jan, b. February 9, 1761; d. February 25. 1761. 246 Annetje, b. June 25, 1762; m. (35) DiUK Hun, December 7, 1781. 247 Geertruyd, b. March 13, 1766 ; m. Gehrit Ryckman. 248 Maria, b. July 23, 1771; -m. Harry Quilhot, about 1795. 249 Johannes Hun, b. April 12, 1774 ; m. Elizabeth Luckerfe'ITER. 250 Peter, b. December 15, 1778; m. Jane Burnsides. 104. Gerrit, Jr., son of (38) Gerrit Gerritse Lansing and (42) Engeltje Tan Deusen, was baptised July 26, 1719; married, 1st., Annetje, daughter of Christoflie Yates and Catalyntje Winne (bp. October 5, 1718), about 1745, and had 251 Anna, b. January 12, 1746 ; buried June 24, 1746. Annetje, wife of Gerrit Lansing, Jr., died. He married, 2d, (17) Wyntje, daughter of (11) Matthias Van den Bergh and Cathalyna Van Deuaen (bp. December 17, 1721), about 1750, and had 252 Anna, b. October 25, 1750; m. (226) Cornelts Wendell, Janu- ary 13, 1768. She died February 6, 1827. 253 Gerrit, bp. September 9, 1753 ; d. y. 254 Catalyntje, bp. August 15, 1756; m. (22) *Pieter Dox, of Hopeton. about 1779. He died November 28, 1831, ao 89 years. 255 Gerrit, bp. July 10, 1760. 105. RiitS-er, son of (38) Gerrit Gerritse Lansing and (42) Engeltje Van Deusen, was baptised March 25,1722; ^ * See Dox family, page 166. >- 132 Lansing. married Susanna, dangliter of Jacobus Yaii Scliooiilioven, of Half Moon, and Susanna Bratt (bp. April 18, 1731), October 27, 1764, and had 256 Gerrit, b. November 18, 17G5 ; m. Alida De Foreest, September 2, 1787. 106. Jolianiies, son of (38) Gerrit Gerritse Lansing (?) and (42) Engeltje Tan Deusen, was baptised August 28, 1726 ; married Catharyntje Burlians, October 25, 1761, and bad 257 Lena, b. October 6, 1763. 258 Sarah, b. September 6, 1765. 259 Meinard, b. August 1, 1767. 260 Helena, b. July 2, 1769 ; d. y. 263 Robert, b. May 19, 1775. 264 Hans Burhans, b. July 25, 1778. 265 Gerrit, b. October 1.3, 1783. Catharyntje, wife of Johannes Lansing, died October 27, 1799, 86. 61 years. 114. Obadiah, son of (44) Evert Lansing and Anhetje Cooper, was l)aptised Jmie 29, 1740; married, 1st, Cornelia, daugbter of Jacobus P. Yan Bentbuysen and Sara Cooper (bp. April 7,. 1748), about 1772, and bad 266 Annatie, b. May 9, 1773. Cornelia, wife of Ob.^diah Lansing, died. He married, 2d, Cornelia, daughter of Obadiah (?) Cooper and Maria Fonda (bp. January 11, 1744) about 1774, and had 267 Evert, b. February 6, 1775. 268 Jacobus, b. October 27, 1776 ; d. y. 269 Gerrit, b. September 4, 1778. 270 Jacobus, b. March 15, 1780. 271 Sarah, b. March 6, 1782. 272 Johannes, b. November 8, 1783. 273 Obadiah, b. October 23, 1785. 274 Oatharina, b. March 4, 1787. 01)adiali Lansing resided in Greenbusb. Lansing. 133 116. Joiiaiiiiei^, son of (4:4:) Evert Lansing aiul Annatie Cooper, was baptised May 1, 1743; married Maria, daughter of Bareiit A. Staats and Magdaleiia Schuyler (bp. October 19, 1744), about 1768, and liad 275 AUda, b. September 17, 1769. 276 Evert, b. October 27, 1773. 277 Abraham, b. March 15, 1777. 278 Maria, b. February 25, 1781 . 279 Catharina, b. May 20, 1787. 121. Harpert, son of (46) Abraham Gerritse Lansing and Helena Tan Deusen, was baptised September 7, 1740; mar- ried Maritje Visscher, about 1763, and liad 280 Abraham, b. October 14, 17G3. 281 Gerrit, b. March 4, 1705. 282 Johannes, b. April 20, 1777. 127. Abraham A., son of (47) Abraham Abrahamse Lan- singh and (72) Catharine, daughter of (13) Jacob Gerritse Lan- sing, was born July 24, 1752 ; married, 1st, Elsje, daughter of Killian Van Kensselaer and Ariantje Schuyler (bp. February 26, 1758), September 3, 1774, and had 283 Arietta, b. November 11, 1778; d. April 11, 1779. 284 Arietta, b. April 24, 1781; d. July 4, 1782. 285 Catherine, b. August 27, 1783; ra., 1st, Philip P. Van Kens- SELAKU, February 13, 1804 ; 2d, John Fay, Jr. She died his widow January 4, 1867. 286 Arietta, b. July 24, 1785 ; m.IlAKMEN Knickkubackeu, October 10, 1801 ; d. March 27, 1814, leaving: five children. 287 KiUian V. R., b. May 8, 1787 ; d. October 8, 1793. 288 Magdalen, b. November 3, 1789 ; d. February 6, 1790. 289 Gerrit, b. April 14, 1791; d. October 4, 1792. 290 Magdalen, b. April 14, 1793; d. September 13, 1794. 291 KiUian V. R., b. November 27, 1794 ; m. Amanda Carter, August 0, 1818. 134 Lansestg. Elsje Van Rensselaer, wife of Abraham A. Lansingh, died March 1, 1796, 83. 39 (?) years. He married, 2d, his cousin (160) Elsje, daughter of (70) Jacob Lansingh, Jr., and (34) Marytje Egberts, December 4, 1797 ; no ch. Elsje Laiisiugh, wife of Abraham A. Lansingh, died July 28, 1811, £6. 68 years. Abraham A. Lansingh died at " Clierry Hill," then a mile below Albany, February 21, 1822, and was buried at that place by tlie side of liis first wife. (The above taken from the re- cord in the family Bible.) Heiiclrick R., son of (56) Robert Johannes Lansing and Margaret Rosebooni, was born December 25, 1737 ; mar- ried (68) Maria, daughter of (25) Johannes Marselis and (42) Johanna Beeckman (bp. August 31, 1735), September 18, 1762, and had 292 Margareta, b. September 18, 1763. 293 Johannes, bp. November, 1764. 294 Robert, b. November 14, 1766 ; d. y. 295 Robert, b. November 28, 1767. 296 Margrietje, b. October 30, 1770 ; m. JouN S. Pruyn, April 4, 1795. She died October 15, 1889, a?. 67 years, 5 months and 25 days. Hendrick Lansing died August 9, 1819, te. 81 years and 7 months. 147. Jacob Cr., son of (69) Oerrit J. Lansing and Maria Everts, was baptised April 4, 1736 ; married, Ist, Neeltje, daughter of Hendrick M. lioseboom and Maria Ten Eyck (bp. Novend^er 15, 1741), March 14, 1767, by whom he had no children (i). He married, 2d (162), Fenmietje, daughter of (70) Jacob Lansing, Jr., and (34) Maritje Egberts (bp. July 7, 1751), August 28, 1774, and had 297 Gerrit, b. December 24, 1775; m. E. Hopktns. 298 Maria, b. July 19, 1779; m., 1st, Rev. John W. Myers; 2d, Edwakd Satteklee. 299 Jacob Sanders, b. December 21, 1781. Lansing. 135 300 Jannette, b. May 14, 1786 ; d. s. 300^ Helen, b. 1788 (?); d. s. Jacob G. Lansing died NovemLer 25, 1803. Femmetje (Fkances), widow of Jacob G. Lansing, died Marcli 27, 1807, i\3. 56 yeaiv<. 151. John, soil of (69) Gerrit J. Lansing- and Jane Waters, his second wife, was l)a])tised Fehniaiy 3, 1755 ; married Cornelia, daughter of Robert Ray and (243) Sarah Bogart, of New York, April 8, 1781, and had 301 Robert, b. July 13, 1783 ; d. y. 302 Jane, b. January 37, 1785 ; m. Rensselaer Westeki.o, May 5, 1805. She died June 15, 1871. 303 Sara, b. February 12, 1787 ; d. y. 304 Robert R., b. November 8, 1788 ; d. y. 305 Frances, b. June, 1791 ; m. Jacob Sutherland, September 5, 1811. He died in Albany May 12, 1845, on bis way to Geneva. 306 Elizabeth, b. July 5, 1793 ; d. s. October 21, 1834. 307 Sara, ) d. y. lb. January 17, 1795. 308 Cornelia, ) d. s. 309 Sara, b. August 19, 1797 ; m. Edwaud Livingston. 310 Mary, b. September 16, 1800 ; d. y. Chancellor John Lansing left Albany for New York, and the last that was seen of him was on the 12th of December, 1829, on the pier where the Albany steamboats landed, walking towards the boat. No event had caused a dee])er sensation in the city since the death of De Witt Clinton.-^ At an early period of his life he entered tlie office of Rol)ert Yates, afterwards Chief Justice, as a clerk in the study of the law. He became a member of the military family of General Philip Schuyler, and during the Revolutionary war was a distinguished member of the State Convention tliat conducted the civil and military operations of the State. Soon after he was a])pointed Mayor of tlie City and in 1787 was, with Chief Justice Yates and General Hamilton, delegated by the State as members of the Convention Which formed the Constitution of the United States. The latter two withdrew from the Convention and 18 136 Lansing. were known as anti-federalists. They opposed the adoption of the Constitution principally because it did not more effectually secure the rights of individual States, and to those men and their co-patriots we are indebted for the ten amended articles which were subsequently made a part of the Constitution. On his return he was made a Judge of the Supreme Court, and tinally Chancellor of the State. — [Miinsell. Cornelia Kay, widow of Cuancellor John Lansing, died in Albany January, 183L 152. Abraliaiii €«., son of (69) Gerrit J. Lansing and Jane Waters, was born December 12, 1756 ; married Snsanna, daughter of Abraham Yates and Jannetje Bratt (b. July 17, 176(3), April 9, 1779, and had. 311 Jannetje, b. February 18, 1780 ; d. s. November 3, 1830. 312 Abraham Y., b. January 12, 1782 ; d. y. 313 Gerrit Y., b. August 4, 1783 ; in. (169) Helen Ten Eyck, May 31, 1808; d. January 3, 18(32. 314 Cornells De Rider, b. November 17, 1785; d. September, 1850. 315 John, b. March 10, 1788; d. s. 316 Antje, b. June 6, 1790; d. November 14, 1792. 317 Sanders, b. April 15, 1792 ; m. Angelica Schuyler, 1821. 318 Christopher Y., b. May 27, 1796; m. Caroline M. Thomas, October 27, 1829 ; d. August 29, 1872. 319 Susan, b. ; m. Peter Gansevookt, bis 2d wife, December 12, 1843 ; d. October 28, 1874. 320 Anna, b. January 26, 1799 ; m. Rev. W. Monteath. 321 Sarah B., b. September 5, 1802 ; d. s. 322 B. Bleecker, b. ; m. Philanda Orcutt. 323 George, b. ; m. Harriet ScnERJiERiiORN. 324 Abraham Y., b. September 8, 1808 , m. Eliza Van Alstyne, April 26, 1836 ; d. November 24, 1857. Snsanna, wife of Abraham G. Lansinc4, died February 26, 1840. Abkaham G. Lansing died May 15, 1844. 154. Gerrit Cr., son of (69) Oerrit J. Lansing and Jane Waters, was baptised in Albany November 11, 1760 ; married Maria, daughter of Colonel Edward Antill, and -had 325 Richard Ray, b. July, 1789 ; ra. Susan Platt ; d. September 29, 1855. Lansing. * 137 326 Barent Bleecker, b. January 17, 17fl3 ; ru. Sarah Bueese, 1815; d. December 3, 1853. 327 Edward Antill, b. ; d. h. 328 Charlotte, b. ; m. Rev. Mr. Mills. Colonel Gerrit U. Lansing died at Oriskany May 27, 1831. Makia, his widow, died at Utica August 24, 1831. CoLONKL Lansing entered the army at the beginning of the Revohition and served until its ch)se. He led the forlorn hope at Yorktown, and was a distinguished and gallant officer. 156. 8aiuler!$, G., son of (G9) Gerrit J. Lansing and Jane Waters, w^as born June 17, 1766; married (162) Catharine, eldest daughter of (101) Abraham Ten Eyck and (159) Annatje Lansing (b. November 17, 1769), December 9, 1789, and had 329 Jane Ann, b. August 19, 1790 ; d. s. January 10, 1807. 330 Abraham Ten Eyck, b. August 12, 1793 ; ui. Jane Ann Stewaut; d. February 10, 18-1'3. 331 Maria, b. January 10, 1797; d. y. 332 Robert, b. February 3, 1799 ; m., 1st, Makfa Hubbakd ; 2d, Cornelia Hubbard. 333 Maria, b. February 31, 1801. 334 Frances, b. April 3, 1803 ; d. s. 335 Frederick, b. May 30, 1806 ; m. Catharine Alexander. 336 Edward, b. June 13, 1808. Judge Sanders G. Lansing died at Manheim September 19, 1850. Catharine, his widow, died September 23, 1850. His grandson on the 20tli and his granddaughtei" on the 21:th of September, all within one week. He removed from Albany to Little Falls in 1820, and was for man}' years land agent there. He was one of the Judges of Herkimer county. He left Little Falls and resided until his death in Manheim, N. Y. 103. Jsieob J., son of (70) Jacol) Lansing, Jr., and (34) Maritje Egberts, was born in Albany August 19, 1753; married {SS) Anna, daughter of (O-l) Colonel Ilem-y Quackenbush and (60) Margareta Oothout (b. January 30, 1767), January 21, 1790, and had 138 Lansing. 337 Margarita, b. November 5, 1790; m. GiDEON Hawley. October 19, 1814. 338 Jacob, b. December 17, 1792 ; m. Eleanor Stafford, June 22, 1819. He died March 20, 1858. 339 Slizabeth, b. December 1, 1794 ; m. Absalom Townsend. She died in Florence, Italy. ^ Jacob J. Lansing died in Albany , 1794. Anna, his widow, died Jacob J. Lansing resided in the house still standing on the corner of Broadway and Quackenbush street, which his wife inherited from her father. Pending the battles of Stillwater and Saratoga many of the families in the " Colonic " had boats ready on the river in the roar of tliis house, then occupied by his father-in-law, to convey their families to a place of safety should the enemy succeed in reaching Albany. 109. Jacob jr., son of (71) John J. Lansing and Catliarina Schuyler, his third wife, was baptised August 19, 1753 ; mar- ried Jannetje Heyer, al)ont 1783, and had 340 Geertruy, b. April 5, 1784. 341 Catharina, b. April :iO, 1786. 342 Helena, b. September 1, 1793. Jacoh J. Lansing' died June 21, 1794, ?e. 40 years. 173. Jaoolj yV., son of (73) Abraliam J. Lansing and Elizabeth Cooper, was baptised January 10, I74f) ; married Alida, daugh- ter of Willem Livense* and Maria Fonda (bp. October 23, 1748), and had 343 Maria, b. September 17, 1708 ; d. y. 344 Maria, b. June 27, 1772. 174. Gerrit A., son of (73) Abraham J. Lansing and Eliza- betli Cooper, was baptised October 25, 1747 ; married, 1st, Catalyna, daughter of (^) Martin Yan Alstyn and Catharina Van den Bergh, February 27, 1768 ; no children. He married, *Lievense, Liverse, Lieverse, Livense and Levison appear to be the same name differently spelled. Lansing. 139 2d, Agiiiotje, dangliter of (?) Bernard Bnitt and Margareta Williams, ( )('t()bt3r 1, 1771, no children ; 3d, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of James Wynkooj), December 26, 1776, and had 345 Abraham, b. December G, 1777 ; d. y. 346 Abraham, b. January 8, 1783 ; d. y. 347 James Wynkoop, b. April 20, 1783 ; d. y. 348 James Wynkoop, b. July 19, 1784. 349 Gerrit, b. July 30, 1785. 350 Alida, b. January 19, 1787. 351 Elizabeth, b. December 30, 1788. 352 James, b. April 2, 1791. 353 Abraham, b. February 10, 1793. 354 Cornelia, b. December 25, 1794. 355 John, b. IMarch 10, 1797. 356 Robert, b. May 6, 1800. 357 Sarah, b. September, 1802. (It is by no means certain that the above family is correct.) 175. •Foil II A., son of (73) Abraliam J. Lansing and Elibabetli Cooper, was baptised November 12, I7i9; married Elizabeth daughter of (^) John Fryer and Annatie Van Zandt, February 10, 1776, and had 358 Abraham, b. August 6, 1776 ; d. June 2, 1820. 359 Annatie, b. May 13, 1778; d. y. 360 Annatie, b. November 23, 1779 ; d. y. 361 WiUem, b. February 23, 1782. 362 Jacob, b. March 21, 1784. 363 Annatie, b. June 1, 1786. 364 Elizabeth,) - b. September 5, 1788. 365 Maria, ) 366 Gerrit, b. February 15, 1790. John A. Lansing died January 30, 1825, ve. 76 years, at 33 South Penrl street, corner of Hudson. Elizabeth Fkyek, M'idow of eToiiN A. TjAnsing, died April 5, 1837, iv 80 years. I 7». Ahraliaiii, son of (73) Abraliam J. Lansing (?) and Elizabeth Cooper, was baptised February 13, 1757; married Annatie, daughter of Van den ]>ergh and , about 177'J, and had 140 Lansing. 367 Abraham, b. September 23, 1779. 368 Isaac, b. Marcli 2G, 1781. 369 Annatie, b. February 25, 1786. 186. Jacofl> I., son of (77) Isaac J. Lansing and Annetje Tan Woert, WHS baptised July 14, 1751 ; married Susanna, daugli- ter of Abraham 1. Fonda and Maria Yan Schoonlioven (bp. April 3, 1757), January 10, 1778, and liad 370 Annatie, b. December 27, 1778. 371 Maria, b. September 8, 1780. 372 Sarah, b. November 3, 1782. 373 Abraham F., b. December 28, 1784 ; m. (431) Barbara Lansing ; d. April 8, 1861. 374 Isaac, b. April 8, 1787. 375 Jacob,) d. y. [ b. October 25, 1789. 376 Alida, ) d. y. 377 Jacob, b. June 17, 1791. 378 Alida, b. December 30, 1794 ; d. y. 379 Alida, b. May 17, 1796. Susanna, wife of Jacob I. Lansing, died April 25, 1817. Jacob I. Lansing died June 1, 1830, se. 77 years. 191. li^aac, son of (79) Hendrick J. Lansing and Annetje Ouderkirk, was baptised May 6, 1739; married Annetje, daughter of Abraham Van Arnliem and (78) Alida Lansing (bp. September 23, 1739), June 19, 1701, and had 380 Abraham, b. July 24, 1765. 381 Jacob, b. December 26, 1769. 199. Jacob, son of (79) Hendrick J. Lansing and Aunatje Ouderkirk, was baptised April 1, 1712 ; married Maria, daugh- ter of Joliannes Ouderkirk and Helena Fonda (bp. October 19, 17M), about 1763, and had 382 Annatie, b. April 10, 1764. 383 Maria, b. February 28, 1766. 384 Helena, b. July 21, 1768. Lansing. 141 385 Elizabeth, b. December 31, 1771. 386 WilUam, b. May 11, 1774. 194. Abraliaiii, sou of (79) (?) Heiidrick J. Lansing and Anna Onderkirk, wus baptisod June 2, 1Y50 ; married Maria Bloodgood, February S, ITSi, and had 387 Abraham, b. Juue 8, 1785. 388 Annalje, b. December 15, 1787. 389 Jacobus Stoutenbergh, b. September 1, 1793. 195. Jacob Fraiise, son of (81) Franciscus Lansing and Maritje Lie verse or Lievense, was baptised April 30, 1T38 ; married (87) Jannetje, daughter of (25) Tenuis Yisscher and (62) Machtel Lansing (bp. June 17, 1740), June 27, 1762, and had 390 Isaac, b. August 35, 1704. 391 Teunis, b. January 10, 1766. 392 Marytje, b. October 23, 1767. 393 Machtel, b. September 37, 1769 ; m. Douw Fonda, about 1788. 394 Franciscus, b. August 4, 1774. 395 Dirkje, b. April 9, 1775. 396 Helena, b. November 14, 1780. Jacob Franse Lansing resided in the " Colonie." Jane, widow of Jacob Franse Lansing, died in VVatervliet November, 1 S80, in her 92d year. liCviiiiisi, son of (81) Franciscus Lansing and Maritje Lieverse or Lievense, was baptised June 23, 1754 ; married, 1st, (Jatliarine, daugiiter of Dirk Yan der Ileyden and Elizabeth Wendell (bp. January 5, J 752), March 11, 1770, and had 397 Cathrina, bp. October 8, 1770. 398 Dirk, l)p. January 23, 1773. Ciitliriiia, vvifg of Levinus Lansing, died. He married, 2d, Maritje, daughter of Johannes Pearse or Pearsen and Alida Van Vranken, of Schenectady (bp. xMarch 6, 1757), October 15, 1780, and had 399 AUda, b. June 4, 1783. 400 Franciscus, 1). April 15, 1790. Levinus Lansing lived in the " Colonie." 142 Lansing. 308. Jacob, sou of (83) Jacob J. Lansing, Jr., and Hybertje Yates, was born ]N"oveuibei- 2, 1730; married Willenipie, daughter of Egbert Bratt and (88) Elizabeth Lansing (bp. October 31, 173(5), November 2, 17()-±, and liad 401 Lena, b. November, 17G6 ; m. Dr. Van Zandt, of Watervliet. 402 Jan Van Arnhem, b. June 15, 1709 ; m. Ahxaantje Verplanck, July 9, 1788. Jacob Lansing resided in the " Colouie ; " was a surveyor ; died in tlie house 708 Broadway, afterwards owned by tlie late Judge D. y. N. Radclifte. S09. Christoflie (CBsristopher), son of (83) Jacob J. Lan- sing, Jr., and Hybertje Yates, was born January 29, 1743, o. s. ; married Sara, daughter of Johannes Yan Schaick and (84) Alida Bogart (bp. November 27, 1743), January 26, 1766, and had 403 Jacobus (James), b. June 15, 1760; m. Rachel Verplank, about 1787. 404 Alida, b. August 14, 1708; in. (107) Teunis G. Visscher, about 1780. 405 Johannes V. S., b. May 20, 1771 ; d. April 30, 1798. 406 Hybertje,* b. July 30, 1773; m. David Pruyn, February 27, 1794. He died January 20, 1843. She died September 2, 1855, 3d. 83 years. 407 Cathalyntje, b. October 7, 1778; d. July 21, 1784. 408 Sarah, b. June 18, 1784; m. EvERTSON. She died August 10, 1807. Sara, wife of Colonel Curistopher Lansing, died April 23, 1T88. Colonel Curlstopher Lansino died October 25, 1819. He was Quartermaster to Colonel Schuyler's regiment in the Revolutionary war. He built and occupied in 1766 the house on the north corner of Broadway and North Lanshig street (?). 310. Hendrick J., son of (S3) Jacob J. Lansing, Jr., aud Hybertje Yates, was born March 14, 1747 ; nuxrried Helena, * Mother of the late Hon. J. V. L. Pruyn. Lansing. 143 daugliter of Benjamin Wimic and Racliel Van Anibeni (hp. October 25, luf), May 6, 1769, and had 409 Jacob Jr., b. August 4, 1770 ; m. (93) Alida Douw, September 8, 1791. 410 Sara, b. July 20, 1773 ; in. Rev. Samuel McKinney. 411 Benjamin, b. July 10, 1776; m. Mary Tymesen. 412 Christoffer, b. October 23, 1779; m. Abigail Van Ostrand. 413 Rachel, b. August 28, 1782; d. February 23, 1783. 414 Rachel, b. August 9, 1784 ; m. David Ostrom. 415 Hyberye, b. September 11, 1787; d. s. 416 Levinus Winne, b. February 8, 1793 ; m. Sarah FcNCn ; no. ch. Hendrick J. Lansing died Jnly 0, 1792, in Albany. Helena, widow of Hendrick J. Lansing, of tlie Colonic, died at the residence of her son Benjamiti, in Watervliet, August 20, 1827, in her 81st year. 314. Jacob, son of (85) Johannes (?) Lansing and Maritje Hii.vfk, was baptised January 21, 1750 ; married Maria Knipp, about 1780, and had 417 Johannes, b. August 9, 1781. 915. Oerrit, sou of (85) Johannes J. Lansing and Maritje Hnyck, was baptised April 26, 1752; married, 1st, Alida, daui^hter of Isaac I. Fonda and Cornelia De Foreest (bp. April 16, 1749), June 5, 1773, and had 418 Cornelia, b. December 17, 1774. 419 Johannes, b. February 29, 1776. 420 Isaac, b. September 19, 1778. 421 Marytje, b. February 12, 1781. Alida, wife of Geiirtt J. LAXSixr;, died. He married, 2d, AIaria Van Arnhem or Van Deusen, April 21, 1787, and had 422 Lea, b. June 20, 1 788. 423 Helena, b. January 21, 1790. 918. Aiidrics, sou of (85) Johannes Lansing and Maritje Hnyck. was born February 12,1760; married Annatje, daugh- 19 144 Lansing. ter of Evei-t Yan den Bergh and Annatie Lansing (b. Septem- ber 15, 1765), about 1786, and had 424 Johannes, b. March 4, 1787. 425 Evert, b. December 4, 1790. 330. Joliaiine§, Jr., son of (85) Johannes Lansini^ and Maritje Hnyck, was born April 10, 1765 ; married Anuetje Marshall, about 1789, and bad 426 Maria, b. September 26, 1789. 338. Jereiiiiali, son of (94) Peter J. Lansing- and (116) Eliza- beth Wendell, was born April 14, 1754; married (277) Helena, daughter of (216) Hermanns Wendell and Barbara Bratt (b. October 22, 1760), October 1, 1780, and had 427 Hermanus, b. November 6, 1783 ; d. y. 428 Elizabeth, b. August 16, 1786 ; d. at No. 6 Van Schaick street, March 23, 1865. 429 Pieter, b. January 18, 1790 ; d. s. February 17, 1835. 430 Jacob Jeremiah, b. November 27, 1793; m., 1st, JULIA Ann Alexander, February 1, 1820; 2d, Jerusha Root, August 8, 1826. 431 Barbara, b. June 19, 1800 ; m. (373) Abraham F. Lansing. Jeremiah Lansing died October 7, 1817- Helena, widow of Jeremiah Lansing, died October 11, 1829, at her residence JSTo. 80 ISTorth Pearl street. 350. Gerrif, son of (105) Rutger 0. Lansing and Snsanna Yan Schoonhoven, was born November 18, 1765 ; married Alida, daughter of Isaac De Foreest and Alida Fonda (b. August 21, 1765), September 2, 1787, and had 432 Susanna, b. August 26, 1788. 433 Isaac De Foreest, b. June 17, 1790. 391. Killian V. R., son of (127) Ahrahani A. Lansingh and Elsje Van Rensselaer, was born November 27, 1794; married Lansing. 145 Amanda Carter (b. Jaimarj 17, 1800), August 9, 1818, and liad 434 Eliza V. R., b. March 9, 1819; d. s. June 10, 1834. 435 Lydia C, b. September 2, 1820; d. s. February 4, 1821. 436 Abraham A., b. December 15, 1821 ; m., 1st., Coknelia Sciioon- MAKEK, April 11, 1844 ; 3d., Sarah A. Dempster, April, 1852. He died January 7, 1855. 437 Killian V. R., Jr., b. February 7, 1824 ; m. Orvea W. Dempster July 20, 1864. 438 EveUne O., b. May 26, 1832 ; d. February 19, 1852. 439 Arietta A., b. June 13, 1838. Aniauda Carter, wife of Killian V. E,. Lansingh, died January 2, 1871. Killian V. R. Lansingh died in Albany December 18, 1874 436. Abrnhaiii A., son of (291) Killian V. B. Lansingh and Amanda Carter, was born December 15, 1821 ; married, 1st, Cornelia Sclioonmaker, April 11, 1844, and had 440 Cornelia A., b. June 2, 1845 ; d. January 7, 1846. 441 Abraham A., b. January 7, 1847. 442 Killian V. R., b. February 8, 1849 ; d. April, 1879. Cornelia, wife of Abraham A. Lansingh, died February 4, 1850. He married, 2d, Sarah A. Dempster, April, 1852 (b. June 23 1830), and had 443 Clancy D., b. June 11, 1853 ; d. September 17, 1853. 444 Mary E. G., b. February 4, 1855 ; d. February 7, 1857. 437. Killian V. R., son of (291) Killian V. R. Lansingh and Amanda Carter, was born February 7, 1824; married Orvea, W. Dempster (1). November 1.5, isai), July 20, 18(34, and had 445 Blanche, b, .January 6, 1867. 446 Grace, b. August 31, 1868. 447 Dempster, b. October 26, 1870. 448 Van Ren.sselaer, b. February 2, 1873. Orvea W. Dempster, wife of Killian V. K. Lansingip died , 1882. 14:6 Lansing. KiLLiAN Y. R. Lansingh was lately a mercliaiit doing Lnsi- iiess on ISTortli Pearl street, Albany, but since the deatli of his wife has left the city. Jane, daughter of (151) Chancellor John Lansing and Cornelia Ray, was born January 27, 1785 ; married Rensselaer, son of the Kev. Eliardus Westerlo and Catharina Livingston, widow of Stephen Van Rensselaer, May 5, 1805, and had 449 Katherine, unmarried. 450 Cornelia Lansing, d. s. 451 Mary Lansing, d. s. 452 Eliardus, d. s. 453 Elizabeth V. R., d. s. 454 Joanna, d. s. Rensselaer Westerlo died in Albany xipril 15, 1851. Jane Lansing, widow of Rensselaer Westerlo, died June 15, 1871. S05. Frances, daughter of (151) Chancellor Jolin Lansing and Cornelia Ray, was born June, 1791 ; married Judge Jacoh Sutherland, September 5, 1811, and had 455 Mary Lansing, d. s. 456 Cornelia Lansing, m. Rev. Charles De K. Cooper ; dead. 457 Anna, m. William Sill, of Geneva. 458 Jane, m. THEODORE Irving ; dead. 459 Sarah, m. John Whiting. 460 John, m. Annie Gallagher, of Geneva. 461 Eliza, unmarried. 462 Grace. 463 Frances, m. Dr. Stebbins, of Geneva. Frances Lansing, wife of Judge Jacob SuTnERLA.ND, died in Geneva, N. Y., Judge Jacob Sutherland died at the house of Rensselaer Westerlo, Albany, May 12, 1845. * 309. ^arali R., daughter of (151) Chancellor John Lansing and Cornelia Ray, was born August 19, 1707 ; married Edward Livingston, in 1819, and had Lansing. 14Y 464 Maria, unmarried. 465 Cornelia, unmarried. 466 Fanny, unmarried. 467 Sarah, unmarried. 468 John, unmarried. 469 Philip, unmarried; a physician at Chicago. 470 Edward, m. Fanny Hazkltine, of Boston. Edward Livingston died in Albany in 1842. Sarah R. Lansing, widow of Edward LiviN(iSTON, died in New York city. 313. Cierrit Y., son of (152) Abraham G. Lansing and Susanna Yates, was born in Albany Angnst -1, 1783; mariied (169) Helen, daughter of (101) Abraham Ten Eyck and (159) Annetie Lansing (b. June 13, 1787), May 31, 1808, and bad 471 Charles B., m., 1st, Catharine C. Townsend, 1842; 2d, Abby S. TOWNSEND, 1844. 472 Jane Ann, m. Egbert H. Pruyn, 1841. 473 Susan Yates, unmarried. 474 Abraham G., d. a. Helen, wife of Gerrit Y. Lansing, died June 25, 1838. Gp:rrit Y. Lansing died January 3, 1862, in his 79th year. He held several positions of honor and trnst in the city and county of Albany. In early life he was Private Secretary to Governor Morgan Lewis, Clerk of the Assembly and Judge of Probate. He represented the county in the Twenty -second, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Congress. He \vas elected E-egent of the University in place of ex-President Van lieuren. At the time of his death he was Chancellor of the Regents. He was a man of genial habits, kind, frank, honest and 0})eii- bearted, respected and loved by all who knew him ; affectionate and benevolent he had the happy faculty of attaching the young of all classes to him. A gentleman of polish and refine- ment he was a true representative of the school in which were Clay, Webster, Marcy, Wright and Van Benren. 471. (*liarles Brifl$;'eii, son of (313) Gerrit Y. Lansing and (169) Helen Ten Eyck, was born in Albany; married, 1st, 148 Lajstsing. Catharine Clinton, daughter of Jolin Townsend and Abby Spencer, in 1842, and had 475 J. Townsend, m. (148) Helen F. Douw, November, 1870. 476 Charles A. Catharine C, wife of Charles B. Lansing, died. He married, 2d, Abby, daughter of John Townsend and Abby Spencer, 1844, and had 477 Abby Spencer. 478 Edward Yates. 479 Gerrit Yates. Charles B. Lansing is a prominent citizen of Albany, N. Y., where he resides, and is a Director in several monied and other institutions. 472. Jane Ann, daughter of (313) (Jerrit Y. Lansing and (1G9) Helen Ten Eyck, was born in Albany; married Robert H. Pruyn (b. February 14, 1815), 1841, and had 480 Edward Lansing, d. 1862. 481 Helen Lansing, d. y. 482 Robert C, m. Anna Williams. 483 Charles L., m. Elizabeth McClintock. Robert H. Pruyn died February 26, 1882. His family reside in Albany, N. Y. He had been American Minister to Japan, Speaker of the Assembly and Adjutant-General of the State of New York, and was President of the Commercial Bank at Albany at the time of his death. 330. Abraliani Ten Eyek, son of (156) Sanders H. Lan- sing and (162) Catharine Ten Eyck, was born August 12, 1792; married Jane Ann Stewart, and had 484 Samuel S., m. Katharine Fox. 485 Catharine, m. R. H. BOYD. 486 Edward S., m. Mahy Shuman. 487 Gertrude, m. Milton A. Fuller. 488 Frances A., m. Samuel Earl. 489 John Douglas, d. s. 490 Frederick, m. Sarah Shuman. Lansing. 149 Abraham Teu Eyck Lansing died at Maidicim, N, Y., February 10, 1812. 484. Samuel Stewart, son of (330) Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing and Jane Ann Stewart, was born ; married Katharine Fox, and had 491 W. Frederick. 492 Jacob Fox. 493 Edward Ten Eyck. 4H6. Edward Sanders, son of (33o) Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing and Jane Ann Stewart, was born ; married Mary Shunian, and had 494 Abraham Ten Eyck. 495 Fanny S. 496 Mary, d. y. 497 Charles S. 498 Stuart D. 499 Addison Farwell. 500 Katharine. 501 Louis. 490. Frederiek, son of (330) Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing and Jane Ann Stewart, was born ; married Sarah Shnman, and had 502 Loviis. 503 Madge. ' 318. Cliristoplier Yates, son of (152) Abritham Cr. Lansing and Susanna Yates, was born May 27, 179(!; married Caro- line Mary Tliomas (b. Mai-ch 23, 1805), October 27, 1829, and had 504 Jane Anna. 505 John Thomas, d. s. April 14, 1880. 506 Abraham, m. C'athakine Gansevoort, November 20, 1873. 507 William, m. Caholine A. McClellan, October 17, 1807. 508 Edwin Yates. Caroline Mai*y Thomas, wife of Curistophek Y. Lansing, 150 Lansing. died ill Albany April 29, 1845, ^. 40 years, 1 month and 26 days. Cheistopher T. Lansing died in Albany August 29, 1872. 506. Abraham, son of (388) Christopher Y. Laiisiiii; and Caroline Mary Thomas, was born February 27, 1835 ; married Catharine, daughter of General Peter Gansevoort and Mary Sanford, his first wife. No children. Abraham Lansing is a law^yer and the jiresent State Senator from the Sixteenth Senatorial district of the State of New York, He is in partnership with his brother William in the practice of his profession, and resides in Albany, N. Y. 507. William, son of (388) Cliristopher Y. Lansing and Caroline Mary Thomas, was born March 20, 1837; married Caroline Allen, daughter of E.ol)ert McClellan and Catharine A. Farrell, of Hudson, N. Y^., October 17, 1SG7, and had 509 Margaret McO, b. February 13, 1871 ; d. February 18, 1871 . 510 William, b. July 12, 1873. 511 Christopher Y., b. February 18, 1875 ; d. January 13, 1881. 512 Susan Gansevoort, b. September 8, 1876. William Lansing and family reside in Allniny, N. Y., where he is in the practice of law with his brother Abkaiiam. 324. Abraham Yates, son of (152) Ahraham 0. Lansing and Susanna Yates, was born September 8, 1808 ; married Eliza Jane, daughter of Martin Yan Alstyne and Jane L. Dyer (b. September 3, 1811), April 26, 1836, and had 513 Jane Eliza, b. October 21, 1838 ; m. Frank A. Gregory, June 11, 1863. 514 Sarah B., b. December 23, 1830. 515 George, Jr., b. February 9, 1841 ; m. Druscill.v Burt, October 4, 1876. 516 Martin V. A., b. October 11, 1843; d. March 8, 1844. 517 Susanna, b. October 12, 1844. 518 Rebecca D., b. March 28, 1847; d. April 12, 1881. Lansing. 151 519 Abraham Y., b. January 8, 1850; iii. Julta Abrams, May 3, 1875. 520 Anna, b. November 16, 1855. Abniliam Yates Lansiiii^ died November 24:, 1857. 51S. Jane Elixa, dangliter of(?)2-l:) Abraliam Yates Lansing Mild Eliza Jane Van Alstyne, was born October 21, 1838; married Frank A. Gregory, -Iniie 11, 1803, and had 521 Frank A, Jr., b. April 18, 1S64. 522 Arthur E., b. May 32, 1809 ; d; June 39, 1871 . 523 Jf'lorence L., b. April 2, 1873. 515. Georg^e, Jr., son of (324) Abraham Yates Lansing and Eliza Jane Tan Alstyne, was born February 9, 181:1 ; married Drnscilla Bnrt, October 4, 1870, and had 524 Lee Chamberlain, b. July 33, 1877, 519. Abraliam Y., son of (324) Abraham Yates Lansing and Eliza Jane Yan Alstyne, was born January 8,1850; married Julia Abrams, May 3, 1875, and liad 525 Jesse Yates, b. March G, 1877. 526 Eliza Jane, b. January 10, 1879. S*^5. Richarcl Ray, son of (154) Colonel Cxerrit (1. Lansing and Maria Antill, was born July, 1781) ; married Snsan, dau:hter of (31) Abraham Dox and Anne Gary Nicholas (1) July 25, 1821), June' 25, 181G, and had 68 Ernest B., b. August 29, 1847 ; d. June 21, 1874. 69 George H., b. August 23, 1849 ; d. October 1, 1855. 70 Frederick L., b. April 24, 1851 ; lives in Kansas. Peter Dox died December 21, 1852. Susan Lawson Dox, widow of Peter Dox, died February 11, 1863. 57. Henry Bog'art, son of (33) Gerrit Lansing Dox and (294) Magdalen M. Bogart, was born in Albany ()ctol)er 12, 1839 ; married Snsan Tracy, daughter of Washington Cockle, of New York city, and Caroline Tracy Robbins, of Kentucky, June IG, 1SG4, and had 71 CaroUne Magdalena, b. May 16, 1805 ; d. October 15, 1867. 72 Henry Lansing, b. May 13, 1868. 73 Julia Cockle, b. December 23, 1870. 74 Charles Leverett, b. May 1, 1873. Henry Bogart Dox and family reside in Peoria, 111. MARSELIS. 1. Janse Marselis, of Bommel, in Gnilderland, was one of tlie first settlers in Beverwyck. He married Aiiuatie Gerritse, and had 2 Gerrit, b. ; m. Bkeet.te Hanse, July 1, 1687. 3 Zeylje, b. ; m. Joseph Jants Van Zanten, July 5, 1688. 4 Guysbert, b. ; m. (5) Barbak Groesbeck before 1683; d. June, 1740. 5 Judith (Judick), b. ; m. Lucas Hooghkerke, November 23, 1692. 6 Hybertje, b. ; m. Joseph Yates about 1683. 7 Ahasuerus, b. ; m. Sara Heemstraat, December 8, 1697. Jaiise Marselis made liis will June 11, 1690, which was proved and recorded May 22, 1722, in Kingston, N. Y., in which he names the above children. He probably resided in Kingston during the latter part of his life. He was called Janse Maeselis Yajst Bommel. For 1655 and some years following lie was " farmer of the excise, a man of good capacity and large business." There was a Hendeick Maeselis, one of Melyn's Colonists of Staten Island, having come over probably with the others in the "New Netherland's Fortune" in 1650. When the Island was attacked by the Indians in 1655, he fled with his wife and two children (daughters) and servant to Fort Orange (Albany), where he made a pei'manent settlement. In 1673 he dwelt "behind Kinderhook," where his son-in-law Mattys Coenraeds (Ten Eyck) lived. His other daughter, Maria, mar- ried Mathys Hooghteeling, whose daughter Zeytje married, 1st, Frans Morris, and 2d, Patrick McGregory, from Scotland, May Makselis. 173 4, 1697. The uame of IIendrick Marselis's wife was Tryn (Trjntje, Catliariiie) Vandeii Bergh. It does not appear that he had other children. IIendrick and Janse were probably brothers. 2. CJerrit, son of (1) Janse Marselis and Aiinatie Gerritse, married Breetje Hause, July 1, 1687, and had 8 Myndert, b. ; ra. (8) Feytje OoTnouT, May 23, 1713. 9 Child killed at the Massacre of Schenectady. Gerrit Marselis, with his wife and child, was killed in the massacre at Schenectady, February 0, 1690. 3. Zeytje, daughter of (1) Janse Marselis and Annatie Gerritse, married Joseph Janse Van Zanten, July 5, 1688, and had 10 Jannelje, bp. August 11, 1689. 11 Anna, bp. May 4, 1693. 12 Gerrit, bp. October 4, 1695 ; m., 1st, Antie Van Den Bergh, November 18, 1727 ; 2d, Hester Winne, about 1755. 13 Maria, bp. January 3, 1698. 14 Anthony, bp. October 27, 1700 ; buried September 3, 1751. 15 CeHa, bp. August 1, 1708. 16 David, bp. August 6, 1704. 17 Gysbert, bp. December 22, 1706; m., 1st, Makgritje Kaarn, February 22, 1740. 18 Celia, bp. June 12, 1709. 19 Johannes. Joseph Janse Van Zanteii was a Spaniard by birth ; was naturalized December 6, 1715 ; died in Albany and was buried October 16, 1753. 4. Gysbert, son of (1) Janse Marselis and Annatie Gerritse, married (5) Barbar, daughter of (1) Claas Jacobse Groesbeck and Eliza'oetli, before 1683, and had 20 Nicholas, ) [ bp. August 5, 1683. 21 Johannes, ) 22 Gerrit, bp. February 10, 1686 ; d. y. 23 Annetje, bp. June 30, 1689 ; m. Claas Fonda, November 16, 1711. 174 Makselis. 24 Lysbeth, bp. January 31, 1692 ; m. Bakext Janse Bradt, August 1, 1730, 25 Johannes, bp. May 26, 1695 ; m. (22) Johanna Beeckman, July 7, 1723: d. January, 1746. 26 Gerrit, l)p. February 16, 1698 ; m. Margarita Bleecker, Decem- ber 22, 1730. 27 Catharina, bp. January 1, 1701. Gysbert Marselis was buried at Albany Jnne 8, 1740. In 1714 be owned a house and lot on the corner of Maiden Lane and North Pearl street (where he resided) which he pur- chased of Gerrit Yan Slichtenhorst. In 1729 he was chosen Alderman foi- the First ward of Albany. Jiidick, daughter of (1) Jaiise Marselis and Aiiiiatie Oerritse, married Lucas Lucase Hoogbkerke (his second wife), November 23, 1692, and had 28 Hendricbje, bp. August 20, 1693. 29 Annetje, bp. December 4, 1695. 30 Maria, bp. July 10, 1698. 31 Elizabeth, bp. May 11, 1701; buried August 26, 1752. 32 Johannes, bp. January 30, 1704. 33 Sarah, bp. September 9, 1705. 34 Rachel, bp. March 9, 1709. 35 Lucas, bp. April 20, 1712. Judick, wife of Lucas HooghkerivR, was buried at Albany August 19, 1734. Lucas IIooghkekke was buried March 13, r74L 6. Hybertje, daughter of (1) Jause Slarselis and Aunatie Oerritse, married Joseph Yates about 1683, and had 36 Ohristoffel, bp. April 16, 1684; m. Catalyntje Winne, July 12, 1706. 37 Robert, bp. November 11, 1688; m. Margriet De Graaf, Febru- ary 13, 1712. 38 Selia, bp. May 7, 1693; m. Johannes Radclipf, March 24, 1717. 39 Joseph, bp. March 17, 1695; m. Hendriokje HooGnKERK. 40 Sara, bp. March 6, 1698. 41 Abraham, bp. March 1, 1704 ; m. Hester Drinckwater, in New- York, September 10, 1726. Marsklis. _ 1T5 Joseph Yates was buried in Albany May 12, 1730 Hybertje, his widow, was buried July 13, 1730. ^• Aha§iierii§, son of (1) Jause Marselis and Aiiiiatie Gerritse, married Sarah, daughter of Takel Dii-ks Heerastraat and Maritie, December S, 1697, and liad 42 Johannes, bp. June 26, 1698 ; d. j. 43 Derrick, bp. January 5, 1700 ; m. Lysbet Van Eps, July 26, 1726. 44 Johanna, bp. January 26, 1701; m. Sauah De Groff, January 12, 1725. 45 Gysbert, bp. June 4, 1704; m. Elizabeth Van Antwerp, May 31, 1730. 46 Gerrit, bp. September 22, 1706. 47 Takel, bp. January 1, 1709; m. Jacomyntje Van Eps, March 16, 1738. 48 Annatie, bp. March 6, 1711, in Schenectady. 49 Marretje, bp. March 8, 1713. 50 Trientien, bp. July 31, 1715, in Schenectady. 51 Ahasuerus, bp. December 15, 1717; m. Hester Visscher, June 16, 1734. 52 Abraham, bp. July 8, 1721. 53 Isaac, bp. June 29, 1723; m. Sarah Swart, August 5, 1748. Ahasuerus Marselis had a lot in 1716 without the south gate, near the corner of Broadway and Hudson street. He removed to Schenectady in 1710. 8. Hj iidcrt, son of (2) (Jerrit Marselis and Breetje Hause, married (S) Feytje, daughter of (2) Johannes Oothout, May 23, 1713, and had 54 Gerrit, bp. November 1, 1713; d. y. 55 AUda, bp. May 10, 1715. 56 Breghie, bp. June 10, 1717. 57 Rebecca, bp. July 3, 1720 ; m. (8) Abraham Dox, January 14, 1742. 58 Elizabeth, bp. February 24, 1725; d. December 7, 1731. 59 Gerrit, bp. January 1, 1727; d. January 5, 1727. 60 Johannes, bp. December 10, 1727; m., 1st, Gardenier, about 1755 ; 2d, Margarita Van Den Bergh(?). 61 Gerrit, bp. May 10, 1730; d. November 27, 1731. 62 Andries, bp. October 30, 1732. 23 1T6 Maeselis. Feytje, wife of Myndert Makselis, was buried in Albany May 30, 1Y57. Jolianiie!^, son of ^4) Gysbert Marselis and (5) Bar bar Grroesbeck, was baptised May '2(), 1695 ; married (42) Johanna, daughter of (3) Johannes Beeekman and ((3) Eva Yinhagen, his second wife (bp. November 20, 1698), July Y, 1723, and had 63 Gysbertjb. March 22, 1724; m. (187) Catalina Wendell, Novem- ber 39, 1751; d. June 19, 1779. Slie died December 18, 1815. 64 Eva, b. December 31, 1726; m. Johannes M. Roseboom. 6& Barbara, b. September 23, 1728; m. (97) Hendrick I. Bogakt February 19, 1758; d. October 23, 181G. (See 97 Boi2:art.) 66 Johannes, b. September 17, 1730; d. August, 1747. 67 Gerrit J., b. April 5, 1782; d. in 1766. 68 Maria, b. August 31, 1735; m. (132) Hendrick R. Lansing, Sep- tember 18, 1762; d. August 9, 1819. (See 132 Lansing.) 69 Hendrickie, b. September 12, 1739 ; d. April 29, 1740, 70 Hendrick, b. October 29, 1742; m. Maritje De Foreest, No- vember 7, 1766; d. November, 1803. Johannes Marselis was buried in Albany January 26, 1746 Johanna, his w^idow, made a will August 9, 1769, proved January 26, 17S0, leaving to her daughters Eva and Maria her interest, being one-twelfth part in the Hyagaderosoi'os patent, which she inherited from her father. Gerrit, son of (4) Gysbert Marselis and (5) Barbar (xroesbeck, was baptised February 16, 1698; married Mar- garita, daughter of Johannes Bleecker, Jr., and Anna Coster (b. March 9, 1709), December 22, 1730, and had 71 Gysbert, bp. September 26, 1731 ; d. January 28, 1732. 72 Gy.sbert, bp. November, 1732; m. Annatje Staats, February 5, 1761. 73 Johannes, bp. September 22, 1734. 74 Barbar, bp. April 30, 1737. 75 Nicolas G., bp. May 25, 1740 ; m. (64) Margarita Groesbeck, August 9, 1766. 76 Jacob, bp. September 12. 1742 ; d. September 9, 1747. 77 Jacob, bp. March 27, 1748 ; d. March 31, 1748. 78 Anna, bp. April 29, 1750. Makselis. 177 60. Johannes, son of (8) Myiulert Marselis and (8) Feytje Oothout» was baptised December 10, 1727; married Neeltje, daughter of Andries Gardenier and Sara (bp. November 13, 1731), about 1755, and had 79 Andries, bp. May 9, 1756; d. December 12, 1814 (?). 80 Myndert, b. January 13, 1760; m. Catharine Milderbergh, about 1795. 81 Tyfje, b. September 4, 1762. Neeltje, wife of Johannes Marselis, died. He possibly married, 2d, Margarita, daughter of Gerrit C. Van den Bergli and Margarita Van Vechteu (bp. September 23, 1739), June 8, 1770, and bad 82 Barbara, b. August 15, 1771. 83 Margarita, b. September 22, 1772. 84 Annatie, b. April 12, 1774. 85 Lydia, b. October 13, 1775. John Marselis died April 25, 1803 (?). 03. Ijrvsbert, son of (25) Johannes Marselis and (42) Johanna Beecknian, was born Marcli 22, 1724 ; married (187) Catalina, danghter of (59) Johannes Wendell and Anna Kip (b. March 30, 1723), November 29, 1751, and had 86 Johanna, b. June 6, 1753; d. August 5, 1757. 87 Johannes, b. January 30, 1756; d. August 5, 1758 (?). 88 Anna, b. September 10, 1758; d. JNlarch 17. 1768. * 89 Eva, b. January 15, 1761; d. March 8, 1764. 90 Evert, b, February 20, 1764 ; m. Sara Van Benthuysen, August 17, 1786. 91 Eva, b. September 17, 1767 ; m. John Jacob Fort, of Sohaghti- coke, April 4, 1795. She died June 2, 1796. Gysbert Marselis died June 19, 1779. * Catalina, widow of Gysbert Makselis, died Maj' G, 1793, ?e. 70 years, 1 month and 3 days. 70. Hciidriek, son of (25) Johannes Marselis and Johanna *The Mible record says, "I bought tliis Bible of my brother Evert .7. Wendel.— Catalina Wendel." Her baptism, as one of the children of Johannes Wendel, is not recorded on the church record. ITS Makselis. Beecknian, was born October 29, 1742; married Maritje, daughter of Jesse De Foreest and (33) Neeltje Quackenbusli (bp. IMarcli 16, 1740), November 7, 1766, and bad 9.2 Johanna, bp. August 21, 1771. Gysbert, Jr., son of (26) (Territ 0. Marselis and Mar- garita Bleecker, was born November, 1732 ; married Aunatje, \/' daughter of Isaac Staats and Maria Van Deiiseu (bp. October 22, 1733), February 5, 1761, and bad 93 Gerrit, b. June 25, 1762 ; d. y. 94 Gerrit G., b. December 8 1763 ; m. (94) Machtel Visscher, Jan- uary 31, 1787. 95 Maria, b. January 81, 1766. 96 Margarita, bp. September 11, 1768. 97 Isaac, b. March 21, 1772. 75. IVicolas Cr., son of (26) Grerrit 0. Marselis and Margarita Bleecker, was baptised May 25, 1740 ; married (64) Margarita, daughter of (28) Geradus Groesbeck and Maria Ten Broeck (bp. June 10, 1744), August 9, 1766, and had 98 Gerrit, b. November 2, 1767. 99 Maria, b. October 25, 1769. 100 Anna, b. December 3, 1771 ; m.. Gerrit T. Van Vecuten, about 1796. 101 Geradus, b. February 25, 1774. 102 Maria, b. June 5, 1776. 103 Margarita, b. June 19, 1780. 104 Stephanus, b. October 19, 1782. 105 Geertruy, bp. July 6, 1785. 80. Hyiiclert, son of (6o) Johannes M. Marselis and Neeltie Gardenier, was born January 13, 1760;- married Catharine Milderhergh, al^out 1795, and had 106 Eleanor, b. July 14, 1796. 107 John Milderbergh, b. May 31, 1798. Myndert Marselis, of the Colonic of Watervliet, died May, 1802. Makselis. 1Y9 90. Evert, son of (63) (iysbert J. Marselis and Catalina Wendell, was baptised February 20, 1764; married Sara, daughter of Baltus Van Benthuysen and Elizabeth Rumney, his second wife (b. July 31, 1769); August 17, 1786, and had 108 Cathalina, b. April 16, 1787. 109 Gysbert, b. June 9, 1792. 110 Mary, b. August 15, 1802. 94. Gerrit Cr., son of (72) (iysbert Gerrit Marselis, Jr., and Aunatje Staats, was born December 8, 1763 ; married (94) Machtel, danghter of (82) Bastiaen T. Yisscher and (21) Engeltie Yan den Bergh (b. July 17, 1762), January 31, 1787, and had 111 Engeltje, b. May 19, 1788; d. y. 112 Engeltje, b. June 24, 1789 ; m. John Crolius. 113 Anna, b. June 23, 1791 ; m. Jacob I. Fort. 114 Catalina, b. February 13, 1796. 115 Gysbert, b. June 14, 1801. Gerrit Marselis died , and his widow^ married Peter Tholhamer, of Half Moon, l)y wdiom she had Henry and possibly other children. Machtel, widow of Peter Tuolhamer, died at the house of her daughter in Oswego, N. Y., January 8, 1835. METSELAKR. 1. Tennis Tennisse Metselsier was in Beverwj^ck as early as 1641. He married Egbertje Egberts, and had 2 Maritje, m. Harmen Lieverse, about 1683 ; d. Januaay, 1757. 3 Egbert, m. Maritje Barents Bradt, about I'iSO. 4 Gerritje, m. Andries Hanse Barheit, about 1684; d. before 1699. 5 Dirhje, in. (5) Bastiaen Harmens Visscher, about 1683 ; d. April, 1739. 6 Willemplje, b. 1662; m. Antony Bradt, December 9, 1685. 7 Anna, b. 1664 ; m. Dirk B. Bradt, September 12, 1686. 8 Martyn, b. 1666. Teunis Teiiuisse Metselaer made his will August 17, 1685, and died probably that year. He left his property to his wife and the above-named children. 3. Egbert, son of (1) Tennis Teuiiisse Metselaer and Egbertje Egberts, married Maritje, danghter of Barent Bradt and Susanna, his wife, about 1680, and had 9 Teunis, m. (6^) Engelt.te Beeckman, February 28, 1716. 10 Dirbje. 11 Barent, bp. 1684; m., 1st, De Garmo, August 26, 1704 ; 2d, Elsje Van Loon, widow of Omi La Grange, June, 1727. 12 Benjamin, bp. Marcli 28, 1686 ; m. (16) Annetje Visscher, about 1710. 13 Jeremiah, bp. December 4, 1687. 14 Susanna, bp. January 20, 1689 ; m. (14) Jacob Tierck Visscher, June 21, 1709 ; no ch, 15 Gerritje, bp. December 6, 1690. Egbert Teunisse Metselaer made his will December 2, 1704, and died before June 26, 1716, when it was proved. He Metselaer. 1 81 resided in Albany and was one of tlie deacons of the Dntch clmrch in that, city in 1687. 9. Tennis, son of (3) Egbert Teuiiisse Metselaer and Maritje IJradt, married (()f) Eiii»-eltje, daughter of (1) Martin liendrick Beeekman aiul Susanna Jans, February 28, 1716, and had 16 Maretie, bp. July 15, 171fi. 17 Neeltje, bp. June 80, 1718. 18 Susanna, bp. March 13, 1720. 19 Lena, bp. August 30, 1721 ; d. y. 20 Egbert, bp. June 16, 1723. 21 Lena, bp. August 30, 1725 ; d. y. 22 Anna, bp. October 1, 1727. 23 Maria, bp. January 4, 1730. 24 Lena, bp. March 11, 1733. 25 Martin.) , -, ,3 ^non 26 Jacob, J- "^P- J^^'^^ ^' 1^^^- 11. Bareiit, son of (3) Eg-bert Teuiiisse Metselaer and Maritje Bradt, was baptised in ir.84:; married, 1st, Maria, daughter of Pierre De Garmoux alias Yilleroy (or as written by liimself, De Garmo) and Caatje Yan der Heyden (bp. May 23, ir,86), August 20, 1701, and had 27 Egberts Teunis, bp. January 13, 1705; m. . 28 Pieter, bj). September 19, 1708. 29 Maritie, bp. February 10, 1712. 30 Catrina, bp. January 23, 1715. 31 Susanna, bp. April G, 1718. 32 Jacob, bp. September 13, 1724. Maria, wife of Barent Egberts (Metselaer), was buried January 9, 1725. He married, 2d, Elsie, daughter of Jan Van Loon and Maria Albertie, and widow of Omi La Grange, about June 1, 1727, at which time he made a covenant to respect her rights in all property now owned by or which may hereafter become hers. No children are recorded. She died January 22, 1742. Beiijaiiiiii, son of (3) Egbert Teunisse Metselaer and Maritje Bradt, was baptised Marcli 28, 1080; married (16) 182 Metselaer. Annetje, daughter of (4) Tierck Hai-mense Visschcr and Feni- iiietje Jaiits, about 1710, and had 33 Egbert Teunisse, Jr., bp. March 4, 1711; m., 1st, Rachel ; 2d, Maria Lents. 34 Maritje, bp. February 21, 1714; m. (70) Jacob J. Lansing, Jr., November 6, 1742. 35 Femmetje, bp. January 16, 1717. 36 Lena. Annetje, wife of Benjamin Egberts, Avas buried October 22, 1753. About this time tlie family dro])ped the name of " Metselaer " and were known only as " Egberts." 33. E§-bert B., son of (12) Benjamin Eglbertse and (16) Annetje Vissclier, was baptised March 4,1711 ; married, 1st, Rachel , and had 37 Barent, bp. August 10, 1728. 38 John, bp. February 25, 1731. 39 Petrus, bp.March 18, 1733. 40 Rebecca, bp. April 13, 1735. 41 Maria, bp. December 13, 1739. Rachel, wife of Egbert B. Egbertse, died. He married, 2d, Maria or Molly Lents, and bad 42 Abraham, bp. July 6, 1743. 43 Annetje, bp. April 25, 1746. 44 Anthony, bp. July 10, 1752. 45 Jacob Visscher, bp. January 2'J, 1758 ; made a will and died about 1784. Egbert B. Egbertse made his will in 1771, in wliicli he mentions his wife Maria and " the estate that came to him by right of his mother (Annetje Visscher) according to the will of Tierck Harmense Yisscher." OOTIiOHT. 1. J;iii .Jaiii^, of Greciil)usli, N. Y., son of Jan Oothout, was in Albany as early as 1660. lie married (4) Hemlrickie, daug-hter of (2) Conielis Heiidriekse Van Kes and Mayken Hendrickse Burehgraff (daughter of Hendrick Adriaensei)), and had 2 Johannes, ni. Aaltjk Evekts, widow, May 5, 1681). He was buried February 5, IT^"). 3 Hendrick, b. 1G68; m. (9j Caatje V. Douw, April 30, 1684; d. July 15, 178'J, 33. 76 years. 4 May eke, m. (6) Thomas Haumense Hun, November 20, 1693. 5 Antje. 6 Jannetje, lu. Lodrens Van Sciiaick, of Kiuderhook, December 4 1699. 7 Arien, b. 1676 ; m. Lambertje Loockermans, November 3, 1700. He was buried February 26, 1752. Jan Jails Ootlioiit made his will March 13, 1 687-8, leaving his property to tiie above-named children. His wife probably died before him. He was possessed of considerable real and personal estate. He died in 1695. a. Joliaiiiies, son of (1) Jail Jaus Oothout and Heiulrickie Vail Nes, married Aaltje, daughter of Dirck Evertse and widow of Gerrit Lubbertse (b. in New York June 29, 1663), May 5, 1689, and had 8 Feytje, b. Ai)ril 17, 1093 ; m. (8) Mynuert Makselis, May 23, 1713. 9 Rebecca, b. November 17, 1695. 10 Jan, 1). January 7, 1700; m. (66) Makitie Wendell, June 23, 1729. 11 Hendrickie, b. January 5, 1707. 24 184 OoTHOlIT. Aaltje Evertse, wife of Johannes Oothout, was buried Deeeial)er 12, 1739. Johannes Jans Oothout was buried Fel)ruary 5, ] T4-5. 3. Heiiclrick, son of (I) Jaii Jans Oothout and Hendrickie Van Nes, was born iu 1603 ; married (9) Caatje Tolckers, daugliter of (1) Captain Volckert Jans Douw and Dorothe Janse Van Breested, April 30, 1684, and liad 12 Volckert, bp. March 1, 1()85; d. y. 13 Hendrick, bp. March 10, 1686; d. y. 14 Dorothe, b. December 16, 1687 ; lu. (20) Counelis Bogaekt, October 8^ 1707 ; d. December 33, 1777. 15 Marytje, b. March 11, 1690 ; d. s. before 1738. 16 Volkert, bp. October 23, 1693 ; m. Catrine De Bidder. 17 Jan, bp. April 7, 1695; m. (64) Catalyna Van Deusen, of New ^ Jersey, .July 15, 1731. 18 Hendrickie, bp. May 3, 1697 ; d. y. 19 Hendrickie, b. September 3, 1699 ; m. (25) Isaac Bogart, Novem- ber 35, 1735 ; d. April 31, 1764. 20 Margariet, bp. July 18, 1701 ; ra. (4) Jan Van Driessen {'I), October, 1736. (See Van Driessen.) 21 Annatje, b. December 15, 1703; m. (36) Pieter Wouter QuACKENBUSii, December 37, 1733. 22 Jonas, b. December 9, 1705 ; m., 1st, (53) Elizabeth Lansing, March 30, 1741 , 3d, (11) Elizabeth Vinhagen, April 15, 1756. Hendrick Jans Ootliont made his will October 11, 1738, proved April 26, 1Y40, in which he mentions all his children living at that time. His wife not being mentioned in his will was probably dead when it was made. He died July 15, 1739, 86. 76 years. He was for many years surveyor of the city. Ill 1695 he went to New York and resided there several years, but returned to Albany. 4. • Mayeke, daughter of (1) Jan Jans Oothout and (4) Hendrickie Yan Ness, was born ; married (6) Thomas Harmense, son of (2) Harmen Thomase Hun, November 20, 1692, and had 23 Catalyntie, b. in 1693. 24 Johannes, b. iu 1695. OoTITOUT. 185 25 Harmen, h. in 1697. 26 Cornells, b. iu 1700. 27 Henrikje, b. iu 1703. 28 Dirk, b. iu 1704. 29 Ruger, b. in 1707. 29^ Adriaan, b. in 1709. See (()) Hun. 6. .Taiiiietje, daugliter of {i) Jail Jans Ootliout and Heudiickie Van Nes, nianicd Lonrens Claas Van Schaick, of Kinderliook, Deeeiuher 4, 1G99, and Lad 30 Hendrickie, bp. July 21, 1700. 31 Gerrit, bp. August 30, 1702. 32 Jannetje, bp. March 25, 1705. 33 Claas Lourense, bp. December 28, 1707. 34 Johannes, bp. January 29, 1710. 35 Cornells, bp. April 20, 1712. r. A.rieii, son of (1) Jan Jans Ootliont and (4j Hendrickie Van Nes, was born in KITH; niarriud Lambertje, daughter of I*ieter Janse Loockernians, November l>, 17ible in the possession of Thomas Hun, M. D., of Albany, that " Elizabeth, wife of Jonas Ooiuout, was the tii'st yx-rson ba[)tised in the old Dutch 1 88 OoTTiorT. church wliich stood at the foot (jf State street, and the last for whose death the bell tolled in 1800, before the church was taken down, she being 92 _years of nge at liei* deatli." 55. Catharine, daughter of (IT) Jaii Oothoiit and (64) Cata- liiia Tan Deusen, was born in Albany April 27, 1722; mar- ried Henry Du Mont, of Raritau, N. J., November 29, 1749, and had 69 Johannes, b. September 22, 1750 ; m. ; d. between March 20 and May 31, 1790; had one son, John OOTHOUT; diedaminor. 70 Hendrick, b. October IG, 1751 ; d. y. 71 Abraham, b. April 37, 1753 ; d. y. 72 William, b. May 28, 1755 ; d. y. 73 Jannetje, b. February 20, 1757. 74 Catalina, b. March 7, 1759. 75 Hendrick, ) I b. November 26, 1700 ; d. y. 76 Catharine, ) Henry Dn Mont died November 8, 1760. Cathaeine Oothout, widow of Henry Du Mont, died in New York Jnlv 28, 1775. 56. Elixabetli, daughter of (17) Jan Oothout and (64) Cata- lina Tan Deusen, was born in All)any September 21, 1724; married John Tobias Ten Broeck, August 15, 1745, and had 77 Tobyas, b. June 13, 1746 ; d. July 23, 1757. 78 John, b. May 11, 1748 ; d. December 20, 1757. 79 Marya, b. July 31, 1750. 80 Catelyna, b. January 16, 1752. 81 Elizabeth, b. February 16, 1754; d. August 8, 1754. 82 Ehzabeth, b. June 29, 1755 ; d. March 4, 1765. 83 Cativana, b. November 3, 1757. 84 Maragrieta, b. March 13, 1760. 85 Johana, b. April 2, 1702. 86 Lydia, b. May 30, 1764 ; d. June 10, 1765. 87 Elizabeth, b. September 14, 1766 ; d. October, 1766. 88 Elizabeth, b. September 8, 1768 ; d. November 27, 1771. John Tohias Ten Broeck was born October 17, 1722. Elizabeth Oothout, wife of John Tobias Ten Broeck, died January 18, 1801. OoTHOUT. 1S9 iflaria, (hmghtur of (17) Jan Ootliout and (Hi) Catalina V^aii Deuseii, was born in Albany A])ril 28, 1728; married Kniestiis A^aii Harliiigeii, of Millerton, X. J., and liad 89 Henry, b. iu 1764 ; d. of yellow fever September 12, 17'J9. Maria Ootliout, widow of Eknestus Yan IIarlinokn, died Febrnary 3, ISO-t. OO. Marii'arita, daughter of (17) Jaii Oothout and (64-) Cata- lina Tan Deiisen, was born in New York January 5, 1Y36-7; married ((U) Colonel Henry Qnackenbnsh, of Albany, April 27, 17G4, and had 90 Annetie, b. January JiO, 17Go; m. (163) Jacob J. Lanbino, January 21, 1790. 91 Catlyna, b. September 11, 1766 ; d. in 1841. 92 Catherina, b. September 0, 1768. 93 Margarita, b. ]March 7, 1770; d. August, 1770. Margaret Oothout, wife of Colonel Henry Qua(jkenbush, died May 19, 1770. He married, 2d, Elizabeth , in 1776. No children. Colonel Henry Quacrenbush died February 4, 1813. 01. Joliii, son of (17) Jan Oothout and (64) Catalina Van Deusen, was l)orn in New York December 19, 1739 ; married Magdalena, only daughter of William Yanderwater, of New York, and Elizabeth , July 17, 1785, and had 94 Elizabeth, b. December 22, 1787 ; m. Daniel Livingston, of Oak Hill, N. Y., May 23, 1809; d. April 21, 1815. 95 John, b. January 12, 1789 ; m. Mari.\ Josephine Youle, May 27, 1818; d. January 28, 1858. 96 Catelina, b. November 17, 1790; d. November 29, 1790. 97 WUliam, b. October 23, 1791; d. October 2, 1793. 98 OateUna, b. February 2, 1794 ; d. ;<. December 9, 1859. John Oothout died in New York at his country seat between Fifth and Sixth avenues ami Nineteenth and Twenty-iirst \^ 190 OonioUT. streets (then Greenwich), September 20, 180-i. He was ineui- ber of asseml)ly in 1800, Alderman in New York in 1802. Magdalena Vandebwatek, widow of John Oothout, died April 10, 1826, ai. 71 years, 11 months and 5 days. Heiidrick, Jr., son of (22) Jonas Oothout and (52) Elizabeth Lansing, was baptised May 16, 17-12 ; married (66) Lydia, daughter of (27) Volckert Andries Douw and (80) Rachel Bogart, September 1, 1765, and had 99 Jonas, b. September 13, 17()0 ; d. y. 100 Aaltje, b. July 24, 1768 ; m. Jacob H. Lansing, Jk. 101 Jonas, b. October 12, 1770. 102 Volkert D., b. December 4, 1772. 103 Abraham, b. February 7, 1775. 104 Andries, b. September 26, 1778. 105 Hendrick, b. February 11, 1781 ; d. y. 106 Elizabeth, b. May 20, 1782 ; d. y. 107 Hendrick, b. March 21, 1785. 10.8 EUaabeth, b. December 7, 1786. 63. Abraham, son of (22) Jonas Oothout and (52) Elizabeth Lansing, was baptised May 27, 1744; married, 1st, (129^') Margaret, daughter of (55) Gerrit Jause Lansing and (51) Elsje Al)raliamse Lansing, November 27, 1767, and had 109 Gerrit, bp. January 14, 1776. 110 Henry A., bp. Juue oO, 1780; ui. Eliza Ann Nicoll ; d. June 27, 1846. 111 Margaret, bp. August 28, 1782. Margaret, wife of Abkaham Oothout, died, He married, 2d, (168) Helena, daughter of (71) John J. Lansing and Cathlina Schuy- ler, November 14, 1787 ; no cli. Abraham Oothout removed to Schenectady in 1759. Dur- ing the revolutionary war he was captain of a company in Col. Wemple's regiment, and afterward a general of militia. He was as early 'as 1810 Mayor of Schenectady and was one of the original founders of Union College. He died in 1822. OOTIIOUT. 191 60. Volkerf, son of (22) Jonas Oothout and (52) Elizabeth Lansing, was bajjtised September 2, 1750 ; married (176) Jannetje, danghter of (S2) Hendrick Bogart and Engeltje \^an Schaick, March 30, 1774, and had 112 Jonas, b. September 18, 1774, 113 Engeltje, b. March 22, 1776. 114 Elizabeth, b. October 21, 1779. 115 Hendrick, b. October 1, 1781. 116 Magdalena, b. February 28, 1784. 117 Volkert, b. September 10, 1786. 118 Dorothea, b. September 26. 1788. 04. Elizabeth, daughter of (61) John Ootliout and Magde- lena Tanderwater, was born December 22, 1787; married Daniel Livingston, of Oak Hill, N. T., May 23, 1809, and had 119 Mary LeRoy, m. George C. Satterlee. 120 Ehza, m. James Bowen. Jjlizaheth, wife of Daniel Livinoston, died September 21, 1815. 95. •Tohii, son of (61) John Oothont and Magdalena Tan- derwater, was born January 12, 1789; married Maria Josephine, oid}^ daugliter of Joseph Youle, M. D., of jS^ew York, May 27, 1818, and had 121 John, b. May 2, 1819 ; d. December 2, 1838. 122 Jane, b. February 26, 1821 ; d. September 22, 1839. 123 William, b. January 19, 1823 ; m. Jane Eliza, daughter of George A. Morgan, October 26, 1855. 124 Maria Josephine, b. December 17, 1824; m. James Bowen, April 27, 1875 ; d. October 29, 1877. 125 Henry, b. September 13, 1826 ; m. 1st, Josephine Julia D'Antoine Lentilhon, April 4, 1850. She died December 2, 1869. He m. 2d, C. Eliza, daughter of Charles Williams, of Stamford, Conn., June 1, 1876. 126 Bleecker, b. Jauuary 12, 1831 ; d. s. March 8, 1863. 127 Edward, b. August 13, 1834 ; m. Julia Caroline, daughter of William H. Drake, February 21, 1860. 25 192 OoTHOUT, 128 Eliza, b. Marcli 12, 1837 ; m. Louis Philippe Siebert, October 24, 1866. John Ootliout died January 28, 1858. Maria Josephine Youle, widow of John Oothout, died Marcli 21-, 1870, se. 75 years, less 6 days. William, son of (98) Joliii Oothout and Maria Josephine Youle, was born January 19, 1823; married Jane Eliza, daughter of George A. Morgan, October 26, 1855, and had 129 WilUam, b. August 6, 1856 ; single. 130 Pauline Druille, b. November 8, 1857. 131 George, b. June 10, 1862 ; d. August 25, 1863. QUACKEiNBUSH. I>v some nieinbers of the family the name is supposed to Lave been derived from the dutch words " Quacken," to croak (like a frog) and " Boss,'" a bush or " Qnackel,'"' a rpiail, and Bosch, a forest. The name first appears on the Beverwjck and the New Amsterdam records, spelled Quackeiibos and sometimes Quack- bosh or bosch, l)nt the Albany branches of the family gencj"ally spell the name Quackenbush. 1. Pieter <|nackeill)0§ came from "Oestgeest," in Hol- land. He was in Beverwyck (Albany), before 1688, and in New Amsterdam (New York) at an earlier period. The name of his wife was Martje , they had 2 Reyner, b. ; in, 1st, Elizabeth Janse, March 2, 1674; 2d, Claestje Jacobse, September 13, 1693. 3 Johannes, b. 16G2 ; m., 1st, Machtel Post, in 1683; 2d, Anna Clute, October 20, 1700. 4 Jannelje, b. 1663; m. (7) Jacob Counelis Bogaeut, January, 1679 ; d. January 5, 1734, se. 71 years. 5 Magdalena, b. ; m. (6) Jonas V. Douw, September 20, 1683. 6 Annetje, b. ; ni. (2) Hendkick Beeckman, in 1685. 7 Wouter, b. ; m., 1st, NeIiLETJE Gysbertsie (Bogaeut ?) ; m, 2d. (66) COKNELIA Bogaeut, October 4, 1696. 8 Adriaan, b. ; m. (17) Catharine Van Schakk, January 18, 1699. 9 Martje, b. ; m. Jacobse Lucas Wyngart, November 3, 1700. 10 Pieter, b. ; m. Xeeltje Makinus, November 1, 1701. 194 QuACKENBUSir. Reyner, son of (1) Pieter (iuackenbos and Martje was born in Holland. He married, 1st, Lyselbet (ElizabetU) Janse, of Flushing, L. I., March 2, 1674, in New York, and had as far as known 11 Livertje, ^ - bp. in Albany, December 9, 1685. 12 Claas, ) d. y. , 13 Claas, bp. in Albany, September 15. 1689. Lysebet, wife of Reyneu Quacklenbos died. He married, 2d, Claestje Jacobse, September 13, 1692, and had 14 Jacob, bp. June 4, 1693, in New York. 15 Marritie, bp. February 16, 1696, in New York, 16 Johannes, bp. January 22, 1699, in New York. 17 Abraham, bp. February 25, 1705. Reyner (^uackeubos came with his parents trom " Oestgeest," Holland. 3. Johaiiiies, son of (1) Pieter Quackeiibos and Martje , was born in 1062 ; married, 1st Machtel, daughter of John Post, in 1683, and had 18 Geertruy, bp. May 10, 1684. 19 Machtel, bp. February 13, 1687. 20 Abraham, bp. March 23, 1690; d. y. 21 Isaac, bp. February 19, 1693 ; d. y. 22 Jacob, bp. November 17, 1695 ; d. y. Machtel, wife of Johannes Quackenbos, died. He married, 2d, Anna, daughter of Johannes Clute and Bata Van Slichtenhorst, October 20, 1700, and had 23 Johannes, b. January 4, 1702 ; m., Lst, Helen Clute, June 26, 1731 ; m., 2d, Helena Van Olinda, February 12, 1755. 24 Bata, bp. December 7, 1707. 25 Abraham, bp. November 3, 1710 ; m., Bata Ouderkirk, January 11, 1740; d. in 1761. 26 Isaac, bp. January 25, 1713 ; m. Rebecca Groot, October 27, 1737. 27 Jacob, bi). October 30, 1715. 28 Gerardus, bp. March 11, 1721 ; m. Elizabeth Van Vorst, April 25. 1747. " QUACKENUUSH. 195 Johannes Qiiackenl)OS resided in Niskajiina near Albany. He with his brother Reyner (or Rainier, or Rej'er as .he was sometimes called), owned farms on the north side of the Mo- hawk river in the present town of Clifton Park, which \\-ere extended north one mile bj patent Aj)ril 22, 1TU8. 7. Wouter, son of (1) Pieter Quackenbos and Martje was born ; married, 1st, Nelletje Oysbertsie,* and had 29 Geertruy, b. ; ni. (7) Johannes Ci,aas Groesbeck, De- cember 17, 1699. 30 Martje, bp. May 7, 1684. 31 Pieter, bp. March 18, 1688; d. y. 32 Marytje, bp. September 13, 1691; m. (9) Nicholas Guoesbeck about 1711. Nelletje Gysbevtsie, wife of Wouter Quackenros, died. He married, 2d, (66) Cornelia, daughter of (15) Louuesor Lourens Bogaert of New York, October 4, 1696, aud had 33 Nelletje, b. August 22, 1697; m. Jesse De Forest, August 22, 1718; d. April 7, 1789. 34 Cornelia, bp. September 3, 1699. 35 Maria, bp. April 10, 1702; m. Johannes De Forest, October 12, 1725; d. October 13, 1777. 36 Pieter, bp. June 9, 1706; m. (21) Oothout, December 27, 1733. 37 Johannes, b. November 10, 1709 ; m. (162) Margrietje Bogaert, December 20, 1730. Cornelia Bogaert, Avife of Woutek Quackenbos, died No- vember 18, 1735. 8. Atlriaaii, son of (1) Pieter Qnackenbos and Martje , was bom ; married (17) Catharine, dauoliter of (5) Sybrant Van Schaick and (6) Elizabeth Vanderpoel, January 18, 1699, and had 38 Machtel, bp. January 7, 1700. 39 Sybrant, bp. June 14, 1702 ; m. Elizabeth Knickerbacker, February 8, 1725. ♦ On page 87, family No. 7, it is stated that .Tohannes Groesbeck married Geertruy, dau^'hter of VVouter Quackenbush and Nalljc (juiishertsc Jiaijacil, piissihlii ividoii) of V(ti-)idis Teuvise Doiyse. Tliis slateinent li;is been found to be en-oneous. Wouter Quackenbush married Nellelje Oijshcitsir, but wliat lier surname was has not been ascertained. 19() QuAOKENBUSH. 40 Adriaan, bp. December 6, 1704 ; d. y. 41 Adriaan, bp. August 17, 1707. 42 'Johannes, bp. October 28, 1710 ; m. Elizabeth Rumbly. December 23, 1729. 43 Gosen, bp. October 19, 1712. 44 Gideon, bp. December 25, 1714. 45 Anthony, bp. October 13, 1717. 46 Elizabeth, bp. October 28, 1719. Adriaan Quackenbos resided in " Scliaatkooke." 10. Pieter, son of (1) Pieter Quackenbos and Martje , was born ; married Neeltje Mareiis (Marinus), of Schenectady, November 1, lYOl, and had 47 David, bp. June 21, 1702 ; m. Scott, May 11, 1720. 48 Abraham, bp. November 19, 1704 ; d- y. 49 Maghtel, bp. December 30, 1705. ' 50 Abraham, bp. September 19, 1708. 51 Jeremiah, bp. October 20, 1713. 1 52 Rachel, bp. January 22, 1716. Pieter Quackenbos was buried July 20, 1748. He bought , lands, in 1T8?>, on the Mohawk riv'er, of Edward Collins. \ Joliaiiiies, son of (3) Johannes Qnackenbos and his j second wife Anna Clute, was born January 4, 1702 ; married, ; 1st, Helen, danghter of Frederick Clute and Francyntje Du j Mont, Jnne 26, 1731, and had i 53 Francinca, b. December 25, 1733 ; m. Isaac Van Vkanken. | 54 Bata, b. October 19, 1735; m. Claas Dk Graap. 55 Frederick, b. December 21, 1737; m. Maria Sitterlt, December j 1, 1768. j 56 Annatje, b. July 24, 1748; m. Jeremiah De Graaf.- ^ j Helen, wife of Johankes Quackenbos, died. He married, 2d, Helena | Van Olinda, February 12, 1755; no record of cliildreu. U Abraham, son of (3) Johannes Qnackenbos and his | second wife Anna Clnte, was baptised November 3, 1710; 1 QUACKENBUSH. 197 married Bata, daughter of Picter Oiiderkirk, January 11, IT-IO, and had 57 Johannes, b. February 11. 1750; d. July 28, 188'J. 58 Lena, bp. July 7, 1754. 59 Matilda, b. August 39, 1761 ; m. John Wood. Abraliani (^iiackenl)os died iii 17G1. The reeord of this family is imperfect; he ])r(ibiil)l_v had other children before the birth of Johannes. •56. la^aac, son of (3) Joliaimes Qiiackenbos and his second wife Anna Clute, was baptised January 25, 1713 ; married Rebecca, daughter of Dirk Simonse Groot and Elizabetli Yander Volgen, of Schenectady, October 27, 1737, and had 60 Annate, b. July 6, 1738 ; m. Albeijt H. Vedder . 61 Bata, b. August 7, 1747 ; m. Frederick Bradt. 62 John, b. August 9, 1750 ; m. Elizabeth Groot. tUi. Pieter, son of (7) Wouter Pieterse Quackenbush and his second wife (00) Cornelia Bogaert, was baptised June 9, 170G ; married (21) Annetje, daughter of (3) Ilendrick Janse Oothout and (9) Caatje Volckers Douw (b. December 15, 1703), December 27,' 1733, and had 63 Wouter, b. August 11, 1735 ; ui. Bata Ci.ute, October 29, 1763. 64 Hendrick, b. August 17, 1737; m. (60) Margaret Oothout, April 27, 17G4. 65 Jan, b. April 8, 1742 ; m. (72) CoiiNKr^iA Quackenbush, April 7, 1768. Annetje Oothout, wife of Pieter Quackenbush, died January 30, 1757. 37. .loliaiiiiCH, son of (7) Wouter Pieterse Quackenbusli and his second wife {(jQ) Cornelia Bogaert, was born Novem-; bco- 10, 1709 ; married (162) Margrietje, daughter of (01) Claas (Nicholas) J. Bogaert and liis second wife Margrietje (Grietje) Jans (b. March 1, 1713), December 20, 1730, and ha^l 108 QUACKENBUSH. 66 A son, not named, b. July 2, 1731 ; d. July 24, 1731. 67 Wouter, b. August 29, 1732 ; m. Cetje Roekbagii, October 27, 1757 ; d. August 5, 1785. 68 Nicholas, b. August 25, 1734 ; ni. Catharina Van Pelt, April 80, 1758 ; d. 1813 in Albany. 69 Pieter, b. November 28, 1738 ; m. Maria Siiisley, 1769 ; d. in Albany , December 25, 1787. 70 Cornelia, b. June 14, 1740 ; d. September 11, 1745. 71 Johannes, b. March 9, 1742 ; m. Cetje DeWitt, November 10, 17G3. 71i Cornelius, b. Jane 37, 1744 ; d. May 20, 1745. 72 Cornelia, b. September 10, 1748 ; m. (65) Jan Quackenbush, April 7. 1768. Johannes Quackeiihusli died in New York, December 22, iTT-i, and was buried in Alljanj. Margrietje Bogaert, widow of Johannes Quackenbush, died in Albany at 3 o'clock p. m., October 3, 1T85. (Her mother, Margkiktje (Jans) Bogaeet, died September 10, 1742.) 39. Sy brant, son of (8) Atlriaan Quackeulbush and (IT) Catharine Tan Schaick, was baptised June 14, 1702 ; married Elizabeth, danghter of Johannes Ilarmense Kniclserbacker of Schaatkooke, and Anna Qnackenbnsli, (bp. November 1, 1702), February 8, 1725, and had 73 Catharina, bp. September 5, 1725. 74 Anna, bp. February 25, 1728. 75 Johannes, bp. May — 1729 ; m. Jannetje Viele, December 9, 1758. 76 Adriaan, bp. March 18, 1732; m., 1st, Elizabeth Clute ; 2d, VoLKfE VandenBergh, July 9, 1787. 77 Annatje, bp. January 8. 1735. 78 Elizabeth, bp. September 11, 1737 ; d. y. 79 Herman, bp. December 6, 1738 ; m. Judith Mokkell about 1761, 80 Neeltje, ) [ bp. February 28, 1742. 81 Elizabeth, ) 43. Joliaii]ie!«, son of (8) Adriaan Quackenhnsh and (17) Catharine Yan Schaick, was baptised October 28, 1710 ; QUACKEXBUSII. 199 iiian-ied Elizabeth, daugliter of Joiiathau Ruiiil)ly (iluiuiicy ?) of London, England, and Johanna Van Corlaar, December 22, 1729, and liad 82 Johanna, bp. August 30, 1730. 83 Adriaan, bp. November 17, 1734. 84 Cathrina, bp. October 26, 1735. 85 Elizabeth, bp. September 10, 1738. 86 Goosen, bp. May 27, 1744. 63. Wouter, son of (36) Pieter Quackenbush and (21) An- iietje Oothout, was born August 11, 1735; married Bata, daughter of Johannes and Anna Chite (bp. N(n^eml)er 18, " 1739), October 29, 1763, and had 87 Pieter, b. September 12, 1764. 64. Heiiclrick, (or Henry) son of (36) Pieter Quackenbush and (21) Aiuiatje Oothout, was born August 17, 1737: mar- ried (60) Margaret, daughter of (17) Jan Oothout and (64) ^ Catalina Van Deusen (b. July 15, 1736), April 27, 1764, and iiad 88 Annatje, 1). January 30, 1765; m. (163) J.\cob J. L.\nsing, Janu- ary 21, 1790. 89 Catalina, b. September 11, 1766 ; d. 1841. 90 Cathrina, b. September 6, 1768. 91 Margarita, b. March 7, 1770 ; d. August 1770. Margaret Ootlioiit, wife of Colonel Hendkick (or Henry) Qu.\ck- ENBDSH, died May 19, 1770. He married, 2d, Eliz.vbETII , iu 1776, by whom he had no children. Colonel (Quackenbush died February 4, 1813. CoLoxKL Qu.vcKENjJUSH was a provincial officer in tlie l>rit- ish army under Lords Andierst and Abercrombie during the French war. He was engaged in the attack on Crown l^oint and Ticonderoffa. He was in the same mess with Lord Howe and was very near him when he was shot in the forest by the Lidians. Colonel Quackenbush was Chairman of the Albany ('ommittee of Safety in the rcvolutioiuiry war. He 26 200 QUACKENBUSII. was wounded when in conunand of his regiment in the last attack of the American troops led by General Arnold against the British army at Saratoga, and he commanded the guard of two hundred men who brought General Burgoyne to Albany, after the last battle, where he, General Burgoyne, was con- fined in the house of General Schuyler in the south part of the city. The house now, 1882, occcupied by the Tracy family. Colonel Quackenbusii received an autograph letter from General Burgoyne, thanking him for kindness and attention show^n the latter while a prisoner under his charge. 65. Jan, son of (30) Pieter Qiiackeiibusli and (21) Aniiatje Ootliout, was born April 8, 1742 ; married (72) Cornelia, daughter of (37) Johannes Quackenbush and (162) Margrietje Bogaert, of New York, (b. September 16, 1748), April 7, 1768, and had 92 Pieter, b. August 27. 1769 ; d. September 33, 1769. 93 Pieter, b. November 7, 1771. 94 Johannes, b. October 14, 1773 ; d. y. 95 Wouter, b. September 20, 1775; d. y. 96 Anna, b. December 18, 1779. 97 Hendrick, b. July 20, 1782 ; d. y. 98 Johanne.s, b. October 31, 1784. 99 Margarita, b. June 6, 1788. 100 Walter, b. November 6, 1791. 101 Henry, born November 32, 1793. 67. Wouter, son of (37) Joliannes Quackeubusli and (162) Margrietje Bogaert, was born in New York, August 29, 1732 ; married Cetje, daughter of Gerrit and Alida Roerbagh, in New York, October 27, 1757, and had 102 Johannis, b. October 37, 1758 ; d. August 37, 1759, in New York. 103 Sophina, b. January 6, 17G0. 104 Johannis, b. October 17, 1761 ; d. August 8, 1763, in New York. 105 Gerrit, b. September 5, 1763. 106 Margrietje, b. December 1, 1765. 107 A daughter b. September 17, 1767. 108 A daughter b. April 28, 1769. 109 A daughter b. September 7, 1771. Qltackknbdsii. 201 Wouter Quackeiibush resided in New York. At the birtli of his 3d daughter, his sister Conieha and his cousin Johannes Qnackenbush, her husband, came from Albany to act as sponsors. AYouTKR QuACKENBUsn died August 5, 1785. 68. IVicliolas, son of (37) Johannes (Juackenbusli and (1()2) Margrietje Bogaert, was born August 25, 1734; married Catharine, daughter of Johaimes {() Yan Pelt, April 30, 1758, and had 110 Margrietje, b. March 18, 1759 ; d. Juue 26, 1831. 111 John, b. January 15, 1761 ; d. May 6, 1767. 112 Nicholas, b. August 31, 1764; m. Annetje Gansevoout. 113 Meysie, b. January 23, 1766. 114 John, b. May 10, 1768 ; d. May 29, 1768. 115 John, b. August 3, 1769; d. January 10, 1770. 116 Cetje, b. February 26, 1771 ; d. July 13, 1772. 117 John N. b. March 20, 1775; m. Nancy Smith; d. October 6, 1846. Catharine (Cetje) Yan Pelt, wife of Nicholas Quacken- BiTSH, died in childbed, March 20, 1775. Nicholas Quackenbush died Februaiy 10, 1S13. 69. Piefcr, son of (37) Johannes Quackenhush and (162) Margrietje Bogaert, was born November 28, 1738; married Maria Shisley (Shipfield or Sheiiield), in 1709, and liad 118 Pekke (Margaret), b. , 1770. 119 Cornelia, b. October 18, 1772. 120 Johannes, b. April 24, 1776. 121 Willem, b. November 27, 1778; d. y. 122 Willem, b. November 21, 1789. 123 Petrus, b. February 16, 1783 ; d. y. 124 Petrus, b. November 9, 1784. 125 Maria, b. April 17, 1787. Pieter Quackenbush died in All)any December 25, 1787. 71. Johannes, son of (37) Joliannes Quackenhush and (102) 202 QUACKENBUSH. Marg-rietje Bogart, was born March 9, 1742 ; married Cetje, daughter of John and Nancy De Witt, November 10, 1763, and had 126 Margriet, b. March 30, 1765, in New York ; m. Peter Wtnkoop (b. December 27, 1755). She died May 5, 1851. 127 Ritsana or Anna, b. September 5, 1767 ; m. Thomas Greenleaf; d. 1865. 128 John, b. April 19, 1770; d. September 22, 1771. 129 John, b. July 2, 1772 ; m. Elizabeth Minthorne ; d. Septem- ber 12, 1795. 130 Catharine, b. ; m. Harman Gansevoort, son of General Gansevoort, the hero of Fort Stauwix (?) ; no ch. 131 Gertrude, b. ; m. John Leguett, of Westchester ; d. March, 1859. 132 Nicholas J., b. ; m. Ann Neville; d. November 7, 1847. 133 George Clinton, b. December 31, 1784; m. Catharine Joan Payn (b. September 21, 1794). He died January 31. 1858. She died September 21, 1868. 134 Peter, b. ; went to sea in September, 1811 ; vessel never lieard from afterward. Johannes Qnackenbnsh died in 1824. 119. IVieholas, son of (68) Nicholas Qnackenbnsh and Cath- arine Yan Pelt, was born Angust 31, 1764; married Annetje, danghter of Peter Gansevoort and Gerritje Ten Eyck (b. March 1.3, 1766), and had 135 Catharine, b. November 16, 1793 ; d. s. June 23, 1881. 136 Nicholas, b. February 29, 1796 ; d. s. June 15, 1877. 137 Gansevoort, b. February 19, 1801 ; d. s. June 1, 1857. Nicholas Qnackenbnsh died in Albany January 26, 1.^23. His three children were left l)y him in comfortable circum- stances, and by frugality they increased their wealth which on tlie death of each was left to the survivors, until the last had a fortune of between four and five hundred thousand dollars, which she left by will to her relatives and for charitable purposes. Gansevoort, widow of Nicuolas Quackenbush, died December 16, 1828. QUACKENBUSH. 203 117. John ]V., son of (6S) Nicholas Qiiackeubusli and Cath- arine Tail Pelt, was born March 20, 1Y75 ; married Nancy, daughter of Solomon Smitli and Tamar Flatt, and had 138 Nicholas, b. February 13, 1805 ; m., 1st, Elizabeth Gibbons, November 31, 1835 ; 2d, Juliet Worthington. 139 Catharine, d. y. 140 Smith, b. March 13, 1809. 141 Jane, b. , 1816 ; m. Judge Ira A. Eastman. 142 Catharine, b. June, 1818 ; m. Arlond Carroll, October 26, 183G ; d. May 22. 1865. 143 John Van Pelt, (M. D.), b. June 3, 1819; m. Elizabeth A. Wright, September 9, 1846; d. June 8, 1876. 144 Stephen P., b. January 23, 1833; m. Cynthia Wright, January 18, 1849. 145 Philip, d. y. 146 Margaret, b. June 29, 1828 ; m., 1st, Charles D. Marsh, August 3, 1847 ; 2d, John M. Boyd, February 14, 1873. John N, Qnackenbush died hi Albany October 6, 1846. JSTancy Smith, widow of John N. Quackenbubh, died in Albany May, 1866. 1S6. MargTiet, daughter of (71) Johannes Qnackeiihush and Cetje De Witt, was born March 20, 1765 ; married Peter Wynkoop (b. December 27, 1755), and had 147 Sarah, b. June 24, 1788; m. Joseph Packard, d. January 31, 1842. 148 Harriet, b. November 23,1793 ; m. Oliver Dunning ; d. Febru- 1,1875. 149 Richard, (Ruv.), b. December 16, 1798 ; m. Catharine Schure- MAN ; d. April 5, 1842. 150 Jefifersen, (Rev.), b. September 11, 1801 ; m. Jane Scott Shaw. 151 Julia Anna, b. September 9, 1811 ; m. LocKWOOD King Campbell. Peter Wynkoop died January 26, 1835. Maugiuet Quackenbush, widow of Phtek Wynkoop, died May 5, 1851. V27. Ritfsaiia or Anna, daughter of (71) Johannes Qnack- enhush and Cetje De Witt, was born September 5, 1767 : married Thomas Greeuleaf, and had 204 QUAOKENBUSH. 152 Joseph, b. ; m. Emeline Matilda Riley. 153 Eliza, b. ; m. Rev. Preserved Smith. 154 Catharine. 155 Anna. Anna Quackenbush, wife of Thomas Greenleaf, died in 1865. 139. Joint, son of (71) Jolianues Quackenbush and Cetje De Witt, was bom July 2, 1772; married Elizabeth Mint- home, and had 156 Mangle Minthorne, m. Julia Anna Clarke. John Quackenbush died September 12, 1795. 181. Gertrude, daughter of (71) Joliannes Quackenbush and Cetje De Witt, married John Leggett, of Westchester, and had 157 John, (Rev.); m. Mary Bleecker and had 12 children. 158 Caroline, m. Rev. Richard C. Shinreall and had 10 children. 159 Anna Georgina, m. Charles Radclifpe and had 1 Mary, dead. 2 Herman, dead . 160 Catharine, m. Cornelius Nagle and had 1 Catharine, dead. 2 Gertrude. 3 Cornelia. 161 Gertrude, m., 1st, Dr. John Lasher and had 1 John. 2 Julia. 3 Gertrude. Married, 2d, Nickloy. 162 Theodore, d. s. Gertrude Quackenbush, wife of John Leggett, died March, 1859. 133. IVicliolas J., son of (71) Johannes Quackenbush and Cetje De Witt, married Ann Neyille, and had QUACKENBUSH. 205 163 Eliza C, m. Woolsey G. Sterling, and had 1 Anna. 2 Clarence. 3 Leonard. 164 Henry Feltus, (M. D.), m. Mrs. Maugaket Robinson {7iee Jack) and had 1 Henry Nicholas. 165 John, m. Roxanna Albertson, and had 1 Julia, m. William S. Thayer, and had ?> children, a Nicholas, b Henry, c Anna Neville. 166 Nicholas, m. Catharine M. Salmon, and had 1 Frank Salmon. 2 Hugh Maxwell. Nicliolas J. Qiiackenbusli died November 7, 18-17. 133. George Clinton, sou of (71) Joliamies Qiiaclieiilbnsh and Cetje De Witt, was born December 3!, 1784; married Catharine Joan Payii, and liad 167 Mary Emeline, h. October 13, 1821 ; d. s. January 6, 1866. 168 George Payn, b. September 4, 1826 ; m. Louisa B. Duncan, and had 1 John Duncan, (M. D.), m. Laura Amelia Pinkney, and had a Alice Pinkney. b Caroline Duncan, c A boy not named. 2 Mary Louise, m. Theodore R. Shear, and had a George Payn Quackenbush. b Frederick Duncan. George Clinton Quackenhnsh died January 31, 1858. Catif AKiNE Joan Payx, widow of George Clinton Quacken- bush, died September 21, 1868. 138. ]Viellola«^, son of (1 17) John N. Quaclienhush and Nancy Smith, was born in Albany February 13, 1805; married, 1st, 206 QUACKENBUSH. Elizabeth, daug-liter of Jatnes Gil)bons, November 31, 1825, and had 169 Anna, b. June 13, 1831 ; m. William B. Gale ; d. December 7, 1879. 170 John N., b. May 30, 1833; m. Maria L. Howe. Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas Quackenbush, died July 28, 1844. He married, 2d, Juliet, daughter of William Wortliington and Harriet Anderson, and had 170^ Elizabeth. 171 Nicholas. Nicholas Quackenhush died in "Washington, March 20, 1875. N1CHOLA.S Quackenbush was for many years a clerk in the Treasury Department, "Washington. He was a gentleman of fine intellect and one of the most trusted employes of the government. He had a large circle of friends and was greatly esteemed by all who knew him. 141. •Fane, daughter of (117) John N. Quackenbush and Nancy Smith, was born in Albany, in 1816 ; married Judge Ira A. Eastman, of Gilmanton, IST. H., and had 172 Anna Q. b. , m, David Ckoss of Manchester, N. H., and had 1 Clarence, b. ; d . . 2 Allan. 3 Edward. 173 Clarance, b. , m. Helen McDougal, no ch ; dead. Judge Ira A. Eastman, died in Manchester, New Hamp- shire, in 1881. " Judge Eastman was born in Gilmanton, N> H., January 1, 1809. He received a classical education and graduated at Dartmouth College in the class of 1829. He pursued the study of law with Judge Willard of Troy, jST, Y., and upon admit- tance to the Bar commenced to practice in that place. He re- turned to Gilmanton in 1834 and opened an office there. In 1835 he was chosen clerk of the ISeuate of the State of New Hampshire. In 1836 he was elected a re])resentative from his QuAOKENBUSn. 207 native town to tlic State legislature ; was re-elected in 1887 and again in 1838, and during- the last two years was Speaker of the House. In 1836 he was aj)])ointed by the Governor and Council, Register of Probate for Stratford- County, and con- tinued to hold the position until 1839. In that year he was ^ elected a member of the Plouse of Representatives of the SOth Congress; two years later was elected to the 2Tth, serving with distinction as a member of that body from 1839 to 1843. After his retirement from Congress he was called to the Bench where he served continuously until 1859, as a Judge of Com- mon Pleas from 1844 to 1849, of the Supreme Court from 1849 to 1855, and of the Sui)erior Judicial Court from 1855 to his retirement from the Bench. In 1863 he was complimented by the Democi'atic party of New Hampshire wnth a nomination as candidate for Governor, and in 1866 he was supported by the same party as candidate for United States Senator. In 1858 his "Alma Mater" con- ferred upon him the degree of LL. D., and in 1859 he was chosen one of the trustees of that institution, which position he continued to liold until his death. From 1834 up to the time of liis decease, when not engaged in the ])erformance of official duties, lie was in the active and successful practice of his profession, in which he ranked among the strong men of the State. At the age of 27 the chosen representative of liis native town in the Legislature of the State ; at the age of 28 Speaker of the House; at 30a representative from the Granite State in the National Congress ; at 35 a Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas ; at 40 a Judge of the Supreme Court ; at 50 vol- untarily retiring from the Pench and laying aside his judicial robes after fifteen years of honorable and disiinguished ser- vice. For nearly half a century he was prominently before the public and an important character in the history of the State of New Hampshire. To whatever official position he was called he more than filled its requirements, and ever answered the just expectations of his friends. He was faithful to every trust. Unswerving fidelity, tireless industry and marked abihty were all ilhisti'ated 27 2()8 QUACKENBUSH. in his public life. From the beginning to the close of his career he ever retained the confidence and respect of tlie people whom he served so long and well. At the age of over three score and ten, ripe in years, rich in honors, he passed away without a stain to mar the fair record. Upon the Bench he never arrogated to liiraself a superior wisdom ; he gave to all a patient and courteous hearing ; he made the young practitioner feel that he had " a friend at court," and on the Bench, as in the Bar, he never forgot the amenities due to his professional associates." Mes. Jane Qitackenbush Eastman, his wddow, resides in Manchester, N. H. 143. Catharine, daughter of (117) Jolm N. Quackenbush and Nancy Smith, was born in Albany June 2, 1818 ; married Arloncl Carroll, October 26, 1836, and had 174 John N., b. February 3, 1838. 175 Anna, d. y. 176 Arlond, d. y. 177 Henry, b. September 13, 1844 ; m. Sakah Elizabeth Cook, April 1.3, 1875. Arloiul Carroll died in Albany April 12-, 1863. Catuarine Quackenbush, widows of Aklond Cakroll, died in Albany May 22, 1865. Colonel (JAKEOLL was u]) to the time of his death a lumber merchant in Albany. 143. John Van Pelt, (M. D.), son of (117) Jolm N. Quacken- bush and Nancy Smith, was born in Albany June 3, 1819; married Elizabeth A., daughter of Deodatus Wright and Louisa Maria Herrick, September 9, 1846, and had 178 Louisa Maria, b. July 24, 1848 ; m. Lieutenaut-Commander Charles H. Davis, U.' S. N., Marcli 81, 1875. Dr. John Tan Pelt Quackenhnsh died in Albany June 8, 1876. His father John N. Quackenl)ush was trained to the pro- fession of Law, but his interests at an early period forced his QUACKENBUSH. 209 attention to other affairs, and lie became largely concerned in the lumber trade — one of the most important depai-tments of business in Albany. Dr. John Quackenbush when a boy lived among his books and found his chief diversion in games that called into exercise his ingenuity or his love for fun. At school he easily maintained high rank. His preparatory studies for college were pursued at the Albany Academy, and he entered an advanced class at Williams College, joining the Sophomore class in 1835; the same diligence, love of study and thoughtful manner characterized him in college that marked him at home. While in college he became a member of the " Sigma Phi" society. Of his studies he speciallj^ excelled in the Classics, and in the Junior year of his college course he was assigned the honor of delivering the Greek oration. He was honorably graduated at Williams College in 1838. He then connnenced the study of Medicine in the office of Dr. Peter Wendell, of Albany, and received his diploma of Doctor of Medicine in 1842 from the Albany Medical College. Dur- ing the period of his medical course he was noted for his earnest and energetic devotion to study. He opened an office at once, after being qualilied for practice, and such was the early recognition of his powers that he was soon surrounded by a large circle of patients. It was the liabit of close observa- tion of his patients, the critical scrutinizing study of their conditions and symptoms that gave him his unequivocal con- tidence in his diagnosis. In 1855 Dr. Quaokenbush became Professoi' of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women at the Albany Medical College, where his suavity and tact made him exceed- ingly popular with the students. In 1 868 he became President of the Medical Society of the State of New York. He occu- pied the position of Surgeon-General of the State of New York, under the administration of Governor Seymour, for two years during the war of the Pebellion, which made his office arduous and responsible, but he conducted all its affairs with ability and faithfulness. He took occasion during liis term of office to visit the theatre of war and to ])ersonally inspect the solders' hospitals. He took a lively interest in ])oiitical matters and was well informed in ])ublic affairs. 210 QUACKENBUSII. His latest position in his pTofession was that of delegate from the Medical Society of the State of New Tork to the International Medical Congress, to be held in Philadelphia in September of the Centennial year. He was famed for liis intellectnal quickness and discernment that seemed like tlie insight of genius and made his timely jndgments of great value. His love of justice and fair play came in to intensify his influence where differences existed. This love of justice always swayed him in matters of right and wrong. In his relations with his medical associates he was ever genial, affable and sympathetic. He early made it his rule to answer every summons that he could to render professional assistance and advice. Pie believed that he was responsible to God for the right use of his attainments in knowledge and skill in behalf of suffering humanity, and maintained that he would be acting unworthily toward himself, and contravening the humane spirit of a liberal profession by withholding assistance when invoked, because the suflierer had not recognized medical dis- tinctions and had become the patient of a practitioner un- associated with liimself. — [Extracts from obituary by C. A. Robertson, M. D.,of Albany. 144. Stephen P. {{'. S. N), son of (117) John N. Quacken- biisli and Nancy Smith, was born in Albany, January 23, 1823; married Cynthia, daughter of Deodatus Wright and Louisa Maria Herrick, January 18, 1849, and had 179 Stephen Wright, b. November 8, 1849. Lieut. U. S. Marines. 180 Elizabeth, b. July 5, 1855 ; in. Lieut. Perky Garst, U. S. N., .June 28, 1880. 181 John Van Pelt, b. March 19, 1859. Stephen P. Qnackenbnsli is n(»w a Commodore in the United States Navy. Commodore Quackenbush entered the navy as midshipman. February 181-0. His first cruise was in the Sloop of war " Boston,'' around the world, and since he has been actively engaged in duties pertaining to his profession. He partici- pated in the engagement (naval) at Yera Cruz during the QuACKENBUSH. 211 Mexican war servino- on board of the Sloop of Avar, " Albany", as Passed midsliipnian. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, he was a Lieutenant on board of the LI. S. Frigate " Congress," Flag Ship of the Brazil station. When war was declared the " Congress " returned home and during the continuance of the war he was actively engaged, commanding the following ves- sels, viz. :*' Delaware," "Unadilla," " Mingoe," " Pequot," and " Patapsco," which latter vessel was blown np by a torpedo off Fort Sunipter, and ont of a crew of one hundred and fonr, sixt3^-one men were lost; seven ofiicers out of twelve. While commanding the " Unadilla," off Charleston Harbor, he cap- tured the blockade runner " Princess Royal," a most important acquisition for our government, as she was intended for a cruiser in the confederacy, and had on board steam engines for an Iron-clad ; Whitworth guns, powder, shot and shell in large quantities, as also a machine for cutting steel-pointed shot. This was one of the most important captures for our govern- ment that occurred during the rebellion, and the loss to the Confederate government cannot be estimated. From the sale of this vessel and cargo, the treasury gained nearly one-quarter . of a million dollars. W^hile in command of the steamer •* Pequot," he captured the blockade runner (steamer) '' Don," having blankets for the confederate troops. His services in the sounds of North Carolina were recognized and appreciated by Flag-othcer Groldsborough and General Burnside, as also by Vice-admiral Rowan then captain, whose flag he carried on board oi the " Delaware " which ship Commander Quacken- bush, then Lieutenant-commander, commanded in the battles of Roanoke Island, Elizabeth City and Newbern. 140. Mars'aret, daughter of (117) Joliii N. (^uackeubusli and Nancy Sinitli, was boi-n in Albany, June 29, 1828; married, 1st, Charles J). Marsh, August 3, 1847, and had 182 Charles C, b. Juue 3. 1849 ; m. Florence E. Manty, May 16, 1877. 183 George, b. January 26, 1854 ; d. August 6, 1860. 184 Harry, b. October 23, 1855 ; m. Ida CHAMr.Kiu, \in, January 26, 1879. 212 QUACKENBUSH. 185 Fannie D., b. August 11, 1857 ; m. f'HARLES Lawrence, August 18, 1880. 186 Albert, b. May 18, 1859. 187 Annie Q., b. May 18, 1861. 188 Josephine M., b. March 8, 1867. Charles D. Marsh died in Marlboro, Mass., March 2, 1870, ?e 53 years. Margaret Quackenbusii, widow of Charles D. Marsh, married, 2d, John M. Boyd, of Marlboro, Mass., February 14, 1873 ; no eh. They now reside in Albany, N. T. 147. 8arali, daugliter of (126) Margriet Quackenbush and Peter Wyiikoop, was born Jnne 24, 1788 ; married Joseph Packard, and had 189 Oscar, b. , m. Jane Worthington, and had 1 Catharine, m. Prof. Casserly. 2 Mary W., b. September 19. 1848 ; m. Edwin Ellis, (b. at Smithfiekl, Tioga Co., N. Y., October 27, 1842), in New York, June 14, 1871, and had a DeLancy Montrose, b. January 8, 1873. b Guy Worthington, b. May 3, 1880. 3 Edwin. 190 Sarah. 191 Wynkoop, d. s. 192 Harriet, b. ,m. Jacoi5 Shear, and had 1 Emma C 2 Augu,stus. 3 Harriet. 4 Theodore R. 5 Josephine. 6 Kate. 193. Joseph, b. , m. Catharine V. Hilton, and had 1 Alice Margaret. 2 Eleanor. 194 George. 195 John Quackenbush. 196 Robert LaFayette. 197 Charles Isaac. 198 Benjamin Franklin. 199 Catharine Payn, d. 200 Julianna, in. D. G. Wells, no ch. QUAOKENBUSII. 213 Sarah Wyiikoop, wife of Joseph Packard, died Juiuiary ;U, 1842. Joseph Packard (b. May, 1780), died November 8, 186-1. 14H. Hsirriet, daugliter of {IW) Margriet Quackenbiisli and Peter Wyiikoop, Avas born Novenibei- 23, 1793 ; married Oliver Dunning (b. Aiig-nst 18, 1782), and had 201 William Henry, b. , m. Eliza Bogardus, aud had 1 Helen. 2 Jacob, 3 Augustus. 4. Robert. 202 Charles. 203 Theodore. Oliver Dunning died January 28, 1856. Harriet Wynkoop, widow of Oliver Dunning, died Feb- ruary 1, 1875. 149. Iticlinrcl (Rev.), son of (126) Margriet Quackenbusli and Peter Wynkoop, was born December 16, 1798 ; married Catharine Schureman (b. February 10, 1795), and had 204 Julia, b. — , m. William Brewster, and had 1 Virginia. 2 Julia. 205 Richard, b. , m. Lydia Strong. 206 Virginia, b. , m. THEODORE HOY. 207 Emma, b, , ni. Jamejs Josiah Clark, and had 1 Fanny. The Rev. Richard Wynkoop died April 5, 1842. Catharine Schureman, widow of Rey. Eighard Wynkoop, died May 18, 1847. 1.10. Jefferson (Rev.), son of (126) 3Iarsriet (^uaekenhush and Peter Wynkoop, was l)orn September 11, 18(»l : married Jane Neott Shaves and had 208 John. 214: Qdackenbush. 151. Jnlia Anna, daughter of (126) Margriet Quackeiibush and Peter Wynkoop, was born SeDteraber 0, 1811; married Lockwood King Campbell (b. Deeeinl)er 13, 1809), and had 209 Jidia. 210 Virginia. 211 Pauline, d. 212 John. lo*3. Joseph, son of (127)Ritsana or AiinaQuackenbiish and Thomas Grreenleaf, married Emeliiie Matilda Riley, and had 213 Thomas, m. Eleanok Leal, and had 1 Emeline. 2 Catharine. 3 James Leal. 4 Eleanor. 214 Anna, ni. George Thorp, aud had three children. 215 Emeline Matilda. 216 Joseph (Rev.), married; had one child. l.>6. llan§:le ^lintliorne, son of (129) John Qnaekenhnsh and Filizabeth 3Iinthorue, married Julia Anna Clarke, and had 217 John, m. Sophia Moffatt. 218 Julia, m. Wii,LiAM Day. 219 Loiaisa, m. GEORGE SouTiiwiCK. 220 Caroline, m. Edward Dibble. 221 Maurice, dead. 222 Nicholas, married and had 13 children, 6 living. 177. Henry, son of (142) Catharine (^uackenbush and Arlond Carroll, was born in Albany September 12, 1844; married Sarah Elizabeth, danghter of James P. Cook and Mary Parsons, April 13, 1875, and had 223 Elva Arlond, b. February 1, 1876. 224 Harry Roland, b. February 6, 1877. QUACKKNJJUSH. 215 Henry Carroll resides in Tiimwortli, IST. H. 178. liOiiifi^a Maria, (laun-litci- of (148) John Van Pelt (^iiack- eiibush and EIizal)etli A. Wright, was born in Albany N. Y., July 24, 1848; married Lieutenant-CoiiniiaiHler (-harles H. Davis, U. S. N., March 31, 1875, and Lad 225 Elizabeth, b. in Boston January 14, 1878. Charles H. Davis was born in Cambridge, Mass., August 28, 1845. He entered the Naval academy in 1862 and gradu- ated in 1865. He went immediately after graduating on his first cruise, which was to the Mediterranean, in the " Colorado," the flag-ship of Admiral Goldsborough. In 1867 he went on his second cruise to South America, where he was ordered to tlie " Guerriere," the tiag-ship of his father Admiral Davis. On the return of the Guerriere in 1860 he was transfessed to the "Portsmouth" and remained another year on the South Atlantic Scpiadron. During this cruise he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Lieutenant Davis returned from South America in 1870 and was attached to the receiving ship " New Hampshire,',' at the Norfolk Navy yard. In 1872 he went in the " Omaha " to the Pacific Squadron and returned in 1875. He was at the Torpedo Station the snmmer of 1875, and on duty at the Naval Observatory, Washington, until 1877. In the autumn of 1877 he, now Lieutenant-Commander Davis, was ordered on scien- tific duty ; after a year's absence he was home for six months and then again ordered on scientific duty in 1879 ; then on duty at the Ilydrographic office, Washington, until the spring of 1881, when he was r)rdered on the same duty to Ja])an and China. 180. Klixahetli, daughter of (144) Connnodore Stei>hen (^uackeiibush, U. S. N., and Cynthia Wright, was boin in Albany ; married in Norfork, Va., Lientenant Perry Garst, U. S. N., and had 226 Perry Quackenbush, died in infancy. 28 SALISBURY. (of Catskill.) Tlie notes relating to this family were kindly furnished to the compiler by Henry Brace, Esq., of New York city. 1. Captaiu Sylvester Salisbury was born about 1629 in England or Wales. He came to New Amsterdam in 1664. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Pieter Cornells Beek, of Rotterdam, and Aaltje Willems, and had 2 Pieter, bp. in New York March 15, 1076; d. in infancy. 3 Mary, b. 1678; m. Jacob Marius Groen (Green), May 15,1701. 4 Francis, b. 1G79 ; m. Maria Van Gaasbeek of Kingston, N. Y. 5 Sylvester, b. , d. without issue. " Captain Sylvester Salisbnry was commissioned July iy>, 1670, to be Lieutenant of tlie Governor's company of foot and commander of the fort at Albany — D. Lovelace, ensign. In 1673 he was Sheriff of Rensselaerwyck, and was continued in the office of Commander of the fort until his death, about 1680. In 1682 his widow, then wife of Dr. Cornells Van Dyck, administered on his estate." (Pearson.) Captain Salisbury made a will dated August, 26, 1679, and jiroved March 24, 1679-80. 3. Hary, daughter of (1) Capt. Sylvester Salisbury and Elizabeth Beek, was born in 1678 ; married Jacob Marius Groen i^Green), May 15, 1701, and had 6 Maria, bp. in New York April 26, 1702. 7 Elizabeth, bp. in New York November 1, 1704. Salisbury. 217 8 Jacob, bp. in New York September 15, 170G ; m. Catrina Sciiep- MOES ('?). 9 Sylvester, bp. in New York, April 10, 1709; m., 1st, .2d, Femmetje, daughter of Hans ]\[ichielse Bergen, April 18, 1745. 10 Pieter, bp. in New York March 14, 1714. 11 Margrietje, bp. in New York August 12, 1716. Mrs. Mary Groen was living in 1755. (Bergen Gen. p. 227.) 4. Francis, son of (1) Capt. Sylvester Salisbury and Elizabeth Beel, was born in 1(579 ; married Maria, dangliter of Abraham YanGaasbeek of Kingston, N. Y., and bad 12 Iiaurentia, bp. in Kingston June 2, 1695; d. y. 13 Sylvester, bp. in Kingston October 10, 1697 ; d. s. January, 1738-9. 14 Abraham, bp. in Kingston December 17, 1699 ; m. in Kingston Rachel Ten Broeck, November 6, 1730 ; d. in 1757. 15 Peter, bp. in Kingston April 25, 1703 ; d. y. 16 Lourens, bp. in Kingston August 18, 1706 ; m. in Kingston Anna iMaria Van Gaasbeek, January 2, 1735. 17 William, bp. in Albany January 30, 1709 ; d. in infancy. 18 Elizabeth, bp. in Kingston August 3, 1712 ; m. Rensselaer NicOL^;. 19 William, bp. in Kingston December 25, 1714 ; m. Teuntje (Eunice) Staats, March 27, 1740 ; d. in 1801. Francis Salisbury made a will dated September 18, 1749, and ])roved October 4, 1750. 14. Abraliaiii, son of (4) Francis Salisbury and Maria Van Gaasbeek, was baptised in Kingston, N. Y., December 17, 1699; married in Kingston Rachel, dangbter of Wessel Ten Broeck and Jaeomyntje Van Gaasbeek, jSTovember 6, 1730, and li;id 20 Francis, bp. in Catskill April 1 or 10, 1732 ; d. in infancy. 21 Catharina, bp. in Catskill March 2, 1734 ; d. ; no. ch. 23 Wessel, bp. in Kingston October 10, 1736; d. in infancy. 24 Maria, bp. in Kingston April 22, 1739 ; m. in Catskill (100) Anthony Van Bekgen, of Coxsackie, in 1762. 25 Francis, bp. in Kingston July 12, 1741 ; m. Lydia Van Vechten, in 1765. 218 Salisbuky. 26 Abraham, bp. in Kingston January 37, 1745; m. Elsje Hasbuouck, in 1770; d. February 22, 1808. 27 Wessel, b. in Kingston January 24, 1748; m. Annaatje Witbeck, in 1770. Abraham Salisbury died in 1Y5Y. 16. liOureus, son of (4) Francis Salisbury and Maria Van Gaasbeek, was baptised in Kingston, N. Y., August 18, 1706 ; married in Kingston Anna Maria Van Gaasbeck, January 2, 1735, and had 28 Anna Maria, b. ; d. ; buried in Kingston May 12, 1761. 29 Sylvester, bp. iu Kingston June 19, 1743 ; m. Elsie Eltikge ; d. April 10, 1785. 18. Elizabeth, daughter of (-l) Francis Salisbury and Maria Van (jaasbeek, was baptised in Kingston August 3, 1712; married Rensselaer Nicols, and had 30 William, bp. in Albany February 21, 1731. 31 Maria, bp. in Albany June 24, 1733. 32 Anna, bp. in Albany January 7, 1736. 33 Francis, bp. in Albany December 23, 1737 ; d. y. 34 Catharyna, bp. in Albany, June 1,7, 1740. 35 Francis, bp. in Albany, October 31, 1742 ; m. Mabgarita, daughter of Johannes Van Rensselaer. 36 Sylvester, bp. in Albany February 17, 1745. 37 Frances, bp. in Albany, April 8, 1750. 38 Rachel, bp. in Albany January 1, 1754. 19. William, sou of (1) Francis Salisbury and Maria Van (xaasbeek, was baptised in Kingston, December 25, 1711: ; married Teuntje (Eunice), daughter of Barent Staats and Neeltje Gerritse VandenBergh, March 27, 1740, and had 39 Sylvester, bp. in Albany January 27, 1741 ; ni. Neeltje Staats in 1764 ; d. in 1815-16 at his brother Abraham's house at Leeds, Greene Co., N. Y. 40 Francis, bp. at Catskill October 8, 1742 ; m. Eliza Staats, dead in 1800, the date of his Father's will. Salisbury. 219 41 Barent Staats, bp. in Albany April 3, 1749; m. Sara Dubois, October 13, 1783 ; d. April 11, 1797. 42 Neeltje, bp. in Catskill November 23, 1744; m. (101) Henuy Van Bkughn of Cossackie, December, 1763 ; d. November 3, 1825. (See [101] Van Bergen pedigree.) 43 Maria, bp. in Kingston October 12, 174(5; m. Nicholas Staats of Schodack, N. Y.,in 1769. 44 Elizabeth, bp. in Albany May 12, 1751. 45 Abraham, bp. in Catskill October 3 or 8, 1753; m., Iwt, Anna , 2d, Rachel Eltinge (widow), December 1, 1799; d. June 16, 1825. 46 Annaatje, bp. in Catskill January 7, 1756 ; d. y. 47 Catrina, bp. in Catskill, March 25, 1758 ; m. Benjamin Dubois of Catskill ; d. December 16, 1809. 48 Lourens, bp. in Catskill September 28, 17G0 ; m. Nancy Barker of Freehold ; d. February 10, 1825. 49 William, bp. in C\atskill July 24, 1763 ; d. s. William Salisbury d\ed in 1801. •24. Maria, daughter of (11:) Abraham Salisbury and Rachel Teu Broeck, was baptised in Kingston April 22, 1739 ; married in Catskill, (100) Anthony Van Bergen, of Coxsackie, in 1762, and had (see [100] Van Bergen Coxsackie brancli). Fraiicif^, son of (14) Abraham Salisbury and Rachel Ten Broeck, was baptised in Kingston July 12, 1741 ; married Lydia Tan Vechten in 1765, and had 50 Catharina, bp. in (Haverack January 18, 1767 ; d. in infancy. 51 Catharina, b. in Catskill November 22, 1771 ; m. William Eltinge, M. D., August 14, 1793. 26. Abraliaiii, son of (14) Abraham Salisbury and Rachel Teu Broeck, was baptised in Kingston daniiarv, 27, 1745 ; married Elsje, daugliter of Abraham Ilasbrouck in 1770, and had 52 Abraham A., b. May 27, 1771 ; m. Cathauine, daughter of Jacob Newkirk, August 14, 1814 ; d. April 3, 1845. 220 Salisbury. 53 Catharine, b. February 27, 1773; m., 1st, Robert Black; 2d, John P. Newkikk, November 28, 1803 ; d. April 22, 1866, 3d 94 years. 54 Rachel, bp. in KiDgston February 4, 1776 ; m. Peter Rouse, April 16, 1800 , d. February 28, 1853, ss. 77 years, 3 months and 9 Abraham Salisbury died February 22, 1808, [e. 63 years, 2 mouths and 17 days. 27. IVessel, sou of (14) Abraham Salisbury and Rachel Ten Broecli, was baptised in Kingston January 24, 1748 ; married Anuaatje Wliitbeck, in 1770, and had 55 Malije (Mally), Catskill Marcli 9, 1772. 56 Abraham W., bp. in Catskill January 6, 1774 ; m. perhaps Phoebe Gu-bert. 57 Engeltje, bp. in Catskill March 24, 1776 ; m. ])robably (79) Wil- liam F., son of (40) Francis Salisbury. 58 Oatharina, bp. in Catskill December 30, 1778 ; d. s. April 29, 1853. 59 Albert, bp. in Catskill August 26, 1781 ; m. (100) Fanny, daughter of (48) Lourens Salisbury, February 23, 1807. 60 Rachel, bp. in Catskill June 13, 1784. 61 Jan, bp. in Catskill May 27, 1787. 62 Andries, bp. in Catskill May 17, 1790. Sylvester, son of (16) Lourens Salisbury and Anna Maria Van Gaasbeek, was ba|3tised in Kingston June 19, 1743; married Elsie Eltinge, and liad 63 Rachel, bp. in Kingston October 22, 1769 ; ni. John Eltinge, March 9, 1788. 64 Lawrence, bp. in Kingston November 23, 1772 ; d. April, 1775. 65 Lawrence, bp. in Kingston November 23, 1777. 66 John, bp. in Kingston October 20, 1780 ; m. Mary, daughter of Ellis Wool ; d. June 26, 1825. 67 Anna Maria, bp. in Kingston August 3, 1783 ; m. George For- MAN. Sylvester Salisbury died April 10, 1785. 39. Sylvester, son of (19) William Salisbury and Teuntje (Eunice) StaatS, was baptised in Albany January 27, 1741; | Salisbury. 221 lufirried Neeltje Staats, (lau<>-liter of possibly Samuel Staats and Xceltje Staats. in 1764, and had 68 Abraham, b. ^ ; in., 1st, Eva Staats, October 24, 1789; 3d, Dederick. 69 Samuel, b. ; m., 1st, Mary Delamater, September 18, 1792; 2d, CONSTANTIA Hardick. 70 Jehoiakim, d. s. 71 William, bp. in Coxsaclde Febniiiry 11, 1770 ; d. s. 72 Francis, b. in 1775; m. Persis Wright ^ d. May 23, 1833. 73 Neeltje, bp. in Coxsackie September 26, 1779 ; d. in infancy. 74 NeUy, bp. in 1781 ; m. Peter Sousei ; d. July 5, 1848. 75 Eunice, b. ; m. Michael Murray. 76 Mary, ; m. John Buskirk. 77 Eliza, ; m. John Garner. 78 Ann, bp. at ("oxsackie February 35, 1787; m. Matthew Winne, January 3, 1811. Sylvester Salisbury die^l in 1815-6 at the house of his brother Abraham, iu Leeds, Greene county, N. Y. 40. Francis, son of (19) William Salisbury and Teuntje (Eunice) Staats, was baptised at Catskill October 8, 1742; married Elsje Staats, Jannary 27, 1772, and had 79 William Francis, bp. in Alljauy June 17, 1772 ; m. (57) Angelica (Engeltje), probably daughter of (37) Wessel Salisbury. 80 Elizabeth, bp. in Catskill April 37, 1777; m. perhaps Joseph Gii-EERT, January 6, 1803. 81 Joachem Staats, bp. in Catskill May 37, 1779. 82 Silvester F., bp. in Catskill November 25, 1780; m. Jane Cook ; d. May 6, 1837. 83 Teuntje (Eunice), bp. in Catskill January 1, 1785. 84 Hannah, bp. in Catskill April 18, 1790; m. James Clark, in 1810. Francis Salisbury died before his father's will was dated, in 180U. 41. Bareiit Staats, son of (19) William Salisbury and Teuntje (Eunice) Staats, was baptised in Albany Ajtril ;->, 1 749 ; married Sara, daughter of Solomon Dubois and Margaret Sanimous, October 13, 1782, and had 222 Salisbury. 85 William B., b. October 2o< 1783; m Rachel Stoutenburg ; d. August 17, 1862. 86 Margrietje, bp. in Catskill July 9, 1786 ; m. Noah Linsey, Sep- tember 25, 1808. 87 Teuntje, b. July 8, 1788 ; d. s. January 25, 1865. Bareiit Staats Salisbury was a soldier in the Kevolutiouary war. He died April 11, 1797. 43. Maria, daughter of (19) William Salisbury and Teuntje (Eunice) Staats, was baptised in Kingston October 12, 1710 ; married Nicholas Staats, son of pi-obably Jochem Staats and Elizabeth Schnvler, of Sehodack, in 1709, and had 88 Willem, b. June 16, 1773. 89 Jochem, b. January 25, 1777; d. in infancy. 90 Joachim, b. August 25, 1778. Probably other children. 45. Abraliain, son of (19) William Salisbury and Teuntje (Eunice) Staats, was baptised in Catskill October 3 or 8, 1758 ; married, 1st, Anna ; 2d, Rachel, daughter of — -— Eltinge, and widow of -f- Van Densen, December 1, 1799, and liad 91 Anna, b. June 13, 1800; in. Henky Lane, of New York city, De- cember 5, 1825. 92 WilUam, b. August 13, 1801. Abraham Salisbury died June 16, 1825. 47. €atrina, daughter of (19) William Salisbury and Teuntje (Eunice) Staats, was l)aptised in Catskill March 25, 1758 ; married Benjamin Dubois, of Catskill, and had 93 Solomon, bp. in Catskill June 27, 1784 ; d. y. 94 Annaatje, bp. in Catskill December 27, 1786 ; m. W. E. Whit- taker, January 12, 1806. 95 Margrietje, bp. in Catskill May 4, 1789 ; d. y. 96 Neeltje, b. in 1791 ; m. Peter Morris Eckler, June 27, 1822 ; d. April 26, 1866. / I O' I 1 Salisbuky. 223 97 WilUam, b. in 1795 ; d. s. June 23, 1862. 98 Margaret, bp. in Coxsackies October 8, 1797 ; m. Peteu Moruis EcKLER, December 17, 1818 f?). 99 Benjamin, b. February 5, 1801 ; d. s. 1850. Catriiia Salisbury, wife of Benjamin Dubois, died Decem- ber 16, 1809. 48. liOiireiis, son of (19) William Salisbury and Teuntje (Eunice) Staats, was baptised iuCatskill September 28, 1760; married Nancy, daughter of James Barker, of Freehold, and had 100 Fanny, bp. in Catskill July 'SO, 1791 ; m. (59) Albert Salisbury, February 23,1807 ; d. in 1822-3, drowned in the Catskill above Leeds. 101 Eunice, bp. in Catskill February 20, 1792 ; m. Jonas Persen, November 19, 1807 ; d. at Middleburg, Sclioharie county, N. Y. 102 Ketura, b. April 23, 1794. Lourens Salisbury died February 10, 1825. 29 SCHERMERHORN. 1. Jacob Jasise, son of Jan Sclierinerliorn, was born in Waterland, Holland, in 1622; married Jaiinetje, daughter of Cornelis Segers Van Voorliondt and Breetje Jacobson, and had 2 Ryer, b. in 1652 ; m. At.iaantje Bradt, widow, in 1684 ; d. Feb- rnary 19, 1719. 3 Symon, b. in 1658 ; m. Willemptje Viele, in 1683 ; d. in 1696. 4 Jacob, m. Gekritje Hendricks Van Buren, in 1684 ; d. June 20, 1743. 5 Cornells, m. Maritje Hendricks Van Buren, July 21, 1695 ; 2d , Margaketa Albertse, February 6, 1713. 6 Lucas, m, Elizabeth Dame, in 1700. 7 Machtel, m. (3) Johannes Beeckman, about 1683. 8 Jannelje, m. Casper Springsteen, July 28, 1695. 9 Nelletje, m. (13) Barent Ten Eyck, September 80, 1700. 10 Helena, m. (3) Myndert H. Van der Bogaert. Jacol) Jaiise Schermeiiiorn came out to Beverwyck in 1638. He made a visit to Amsterdam, where liis father was residing, in 1654, leaving his large estate and business under the charge of Captain Yolckert Janse Douw, his attorney, during his absence. He was a prominent trader in Beverwyck. He made his will May 26, 1688, and died soon after in Sche- nectady. •2. Ryer or Reyer, son of (1) Jacob Janse Scliermerliorn and Jaimetje Segers, was born in Beverwyck in 1652; mar- ried Ariaautje, daughter of Arent Andriese Bradt and Catalina (Andries) De Vos, widow of Helmer Often, of Albany, in 16Y6, and had 11 Jan, bp. October 14, 1685; m. Engeltje Vrooman, April 8, 1711. 12 Oatalina, m. Johannes Wemp. ScHEEMEKHORN, ' 225 13 Janneke, m. Volkert Symonse Veeder, August 6, 1698. 14 Jacob. 15 Arent, bp. January, 1698. Ryer Scliermerhorn made his will April 5, 1717, and died February 10, 1719. The al)ove children survived him. He was one of the five patentees of Schenectady, granted in 1684. In 1690 was a member of the Provincial Assembly at iVlbany, In 1700 he was appointed an associate judge of the court of Common Pleas. 3. Nyiiioii, son of (1) Jacob Janse Schermerliorn and Januetje Sogers, was born in Beverwyck in 1()5S ; married Willeniptje, daughter of Arnout (i) Viele and Gerritje Gerritse, of Amsterdam, and had 16 Johannes, bp. July 28, 1684 ; killed at Schenectady in 1690. 17 Arnout, bp. November 7, 1686. 18 Maria, bp. in New York July 5, 1698. 19 Jannetje, bp. in New York March 24, 1695. Syiiion Sclieriiierhoru removed to New York in 1691, and died there in IG'JO, leaving a widow and one son Arnout. At the burning of Schenectady February 9, 1690, he rode to Albany, by way of Niskauna, to carry the news of the massacre, although shot through the thigh and his horse wounded. His son Johannes, togethe? with his three negroes, were killed on that fatal niglit. — [Pearson. 4. Jacob, son of (1) Jacob Janse Schermerliorn and Jannetje Segers, was born in Albany ; married Gerritje Hendricks Van Bnren, in 1684, and had 20 Jacob, bp. December 23, 1685. 21 Hendrick, bp. October 16, 1687. 22 Cornelis, bp. September 22, 1689. 23 Magtelt, bp. January 8, 1693. 24 Jannetje, bp. May 6, 1694. 25 Elizabeth, bp. August 38, 1698. 26 Johannes, bp. July 21, 1700. 27 Reyer, bp. February 21, 1702. 226 SCHEKMEEHOKN. Jacob Scliernierliorii was buried at Papsknee, below Al- bany, June 20, 1743. He resided in the manor of Rensselaer- wyck, and commanded the sloop " Star " on the Hudson river. 5. Cornells, son of (1) Jacob Jaiise Schermerhorn and Jannetje Severs, was born in Beverwyck ; married, 1st, Maritje Hendrickse Van Bureii, January 21, 1695, and had 28 Jacob, bp. October 4, 1696. 29 Hendrick, bp. in New York September 9, 1699. 30 Hendrick, bp. Pebruary 2?>, 1701. 31 Cornells, bp. September 9, 1705. 32 Lysbeth, bp. February 16, 1707, 33 Jannetje, bp. April 33, 1710. Maritje Hendrickse Van Buren, wife of Cornelis Schermer- horn, died. He married, 3d, Margaketa Albeutie, February ■ 6, 1713, and had 34 Jannetje, bp. May 34, 1719. 35 Jacobus, bp. July 3, 1730. Cornells Schermerhorn resided in the manor of Living- ston, near Kinderhook, in 1720. He had previously been master of the sloop " Star." — [Pearson. 6. l, 1678, and had 26 Coenraedt, b. November 20, 1678; d. y. 27 Maria, b. April 3, 1681. 28 Hendrickie, b. July 1, 1682. Aeltje Ducking', wife of Tobias Ten Eyck, died. He married, 2d, Eltza or Elizabeth Hagaman, widow, daugbter of Adrian Hagaman, of Amsterdam, in Holland, April 27, 1684, and had 29 Johannes, b. May 10, 1685. 30 Coenraedt, b. March 6, 1687. 31 Catharina, b. May 4, 1692. 32 Jacob, b. July 1,1696. Coenraedt, son of (1) Coenraedt Ten Eyck and Maria Boele, was born in New Amsterdam November" 22, 1654; married, 1st, Beletje Hereks, May 19, 1675, and had 33 Coenraedt, b. December 13, 1G75 ; m. . 34 Samuel, b. July 24, 1678. 35 Marritje, b. November 3, 1680; m. Anke Leffers, May 29, 1703C?). Beletje Hereks, wife of Coenraedt Ten Eyck, died. He married, 2d, Annetje Daniels, widow, April 15, 1682, and had 36 Wyntje, b. January 15, 1684. 37 Belitje, b. February 23, 1687. 38 Johannes, b. November 28, 1690. 7. Heiidrick, son of (1) Coenraedt Ten Eyck and Maria Boele, was born in New Amsterdam April 30, 1656 ; married Petronella Be Witt, March 21, 1676, and had 39 Johannes, b. September 20, 1676 ; m. -; . 40 Jacob, b. July 3, 1678 ; d. y. Ten Eyck. 231 41 Coenraedt, b. September 13, 1680 ; m. . 42 Johanna, b. May 23,1686. 43 Jacob, ) - b. February 24, 1689. 44 Rachel,) 45 Eva, b. February 1, 1693. 46 Hendrick, b. October 20, 1697. 8. Hatthys, sun of (1) Coenraedt Ten Eyck and Maria Boele, was born at New Auisterdani March 20, 165S ; married Jaiiiiekeii Kosa, in 1G79, and had 47 AUard, b. October 23, 1680. IS. Coenraedt, son of (2) Jacob Ten Eyck and Oertruy Coeynians, was born in Albany April 9, 1678 ; married (9) Geertje, danghter of (4) Anthony Yan Schaick and (6) Maria, danghter of (a) Tennis Cornelise Van Der Poel (bp. September 11, 1687), September 21, 1704 (chnrch record); October 10, 1703 (family Bilile'., and had 48 Jacob C, b. April 21, 1705 ; ni. Catharina Cuyler, August 1, 1736. 49 Maria, b. July 3, 1707 ; m. Geurit Bradt. 50 Gerritje, b. July, 1710; d. y. 51 Anthony, b. September 17, 1713. 52 Barent, b. September 29, 1714; m. Effie ; he d. March 1, (February 37), 1795 ; she d. November 27, 1791. 53 Catrina, b. January 29,1710-7 : d. November 11, (October 15.) 1741. 54 Andries, b. December 18, 1718 ; m. Anna Makgarita Coeymans. 55 Anna Margarita, b. February 12, 1721. 56 Tobias, b. May 18, 1723 ; m. Judittkje Van Beuren, February 6. 1758. 57 Gerritje, b. July or August 18 or 19, 1738 ; m. Peter Gaxsevoort. Coeuraedt Ten Eyck was bnried in Albany, January 23, 1753. i:t. Bareiit, son of (2) Jacob Ten Eyck and Grertruy Coey- mans, was born in Albany ; married (9) Nelletje, daugh- ter of (1) Jacob Janse Schermerhorn and Jaunetje Segers, (daughter of Coriielis Segers Van Voorhoiidt), September 30, 1700, and had 30 232 Ten Etck. 58 Jannetje, bp. March 23, 1701 ; d. y. 59 Geerlje, bp. August 80, 1702. 60 Jacob, bp. February 6, 1704; m. (35) Alida Visscuer, June 17, 1728. 61 Jannetje, bp. December 12, 1705. 62 Maria, bp. May 30, 1708. 63 Johannes, bp. November 27, 1709. Btirent TeiiEyck died in Albany January 20, 1710-11. 14. Heiiriek, son of (2) Jacob Ten Eyck and Grertruy Coey- mans, was born December 22, 1680; married Margarita, daughter of Jan Janse Bleecker and Margariet Rutse Jacoljse Van Schoenderwert (b. March 8, 1680), November 27, 1706, and had , 64 Jacob H., b. January 23, 1708 ; ra. (138) Annet.te (Anna) Wen- dell, November 30, 1787 ; d. November 16, 1776. 65 Johannes H., bp, October 28, 1710; m. Sakah Ten Broeck ; d. July 31, 1794. 66 Geertje, bp. January 18, 1713. 67 Margarita, bp. May 10, 1715. 68 Tobias, bp. August 18, 1717 ; m. Kachel De Peyster, September 7, 1750 ; d. February 9, 1785. 69 Henrick, bp. May 8, 1720 ; d. y. 70 Barent, bp. September 9, 1722 ; m., 1st, Lena Hyckman, April 21, 1745 ; 2d, probably Elsie ( 'uyler, January 29, 1759 ; 3d, Sarah Codwise. 71 Hendrick, bp. September 25, 1725. Captain Henrick Ten Eyck died February 23, 1772. He was a Captain of a militia company in Fort Orange (Albany) under a commission from his Excellency William Burnet, Esq., Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the provinces of New York, New Jersey and tlie Territories thereon depending in America, and Yice- Admiral of the same, etc.,. which was dated at Fort George, in New York, the twenty-sixth (\a.j of October, in the twelfth year of his Majesty's reign, Anno Domini 1725. Makgaeita Bleeckee, widow of Heneick Ten Eyck, died August 27, 1773. 19. Jacob, son of (3) Dirck Ten Eyck and Aef je Boelen, was born November 10, 1678; mariied , and had Ten Eyck. 233 72 Geradus, b. June 10, 1705. 73 Ae(je, b. March 24, 1707. 74 Dirck, b. March 26, 1710. 75 Jacob, b. January 7, 1713. 76 Johannes, b. August 13, 1715. 77 Andries, b. January 29, 1718. Aiidriesi, mn of (;3j Dirck Ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen, was born May 4, 1681 ; married , and had 78 Aefle, b. December 1, 1710; d. y. 79 Dirck, b. June 8, 1712. 80 Geradus, b. December 26, 1714. 81 Andries, b. October 28, 1716. 82 Ae^e, b. December 35, 1718. Abraham, son of (3) Dirck Ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen, was born June 15, 1091 ; married Jacinte Berkels, and had 83 Euphemia, m. John Lewis. 84 Elizabeth, m. Erastus Willi.\ms. 85 Richard, b. in 1730; m., 1st, Elizabeth Braisted; 2d, Eliza- beth Lebrun ; 3d, Elizabeth Douglass ; d. in New York in 1810. 86 David, m., 1st, ; 2d, . 87 Mary, m. Frederick Fine. 88 Abraham, m. Sarah Smith. Abraliani Ten Eyck died in New York in 1765. 33. Cociiraedt, son of (6) Coenraetlt Ten Eyck and Beletje Hereks, his first wife, was born in New York December 13, 1675; married , and had 38 i Samuel, b. September 0, 1704. 89 Belelje, b. September 11, 1706. 90 Elizabeth, b. April 2, 1710. 91 Jacobus, b. February 20, 1712. 39. Joliaiiiicfi^, son of (7) Hendrick Ten Eyck and Petron- ella De Witt, was born in New York September 20, 1676 ; married , and had 234 Ten Eyck. 92 Hercules, b. September 5, 1707. 93 Johannes, b. January 16, 1710. 94 Hendrick. b. February 24, 1718. 41. Coenraedt, son of (7) Hendrick Ten Ejck and Petron- ella De Witt (?), was born in New York September 13, 1680 ; married , and had 95 Geertje, b. September 17, 1710. 96 Johannes, b. February 20, 1712. 97 Elizabeth, b. November 14, 1714. 98 Annetje, b. March 18, 1716. 99 Sara, b. June 10, 1719. 48. Jacob C, son of (12) Coenraedt Ten Eyck and (9) Greertje Van Scliaick, was born in Albany April 21, 1705; married Catharina, daiigliter of Abraham Cnyler and Caatje Bleecker (b. Febrnary 18, 1710), Angust 1, 1736, and had 100 Conrad, b. November 27, 1741. 101 Abraham J., b. November 29, 1743 ; m. (159) Annatje Lansing, April 14, 1769. 102 Catharina, b. March 14, 1746. 103 Anthony, b. September 15, 1749 ; m. Maria Egberts, February 18, 1775. Jndge Jacob C. Ten Eyck died in Albany September 9, 1763, 83. 88 years. He was judge of the court of Common Pleas and was mayor of the city in 1748. Cathaeina Cuylek, his widow, died in Albany November 22, 1790. 54. Aiiclries, son of (12) Coenraedt Ten Eyck and (9) Geertje Van Scliaick, was born in Albany December 18, 1718 ; mar- ried Anne Margarita, daughter of Peter P. Coeymans and Elizabeth Grevenradt (bp. April 11, 1725), and had 104 Pieter, b. October 29, 1749. 105 Maria, ) - b. January 30, 1752. 106 Charlotte, ) d. y. Ten Eyck. 235 107 Coenraad, b. August 20, 1754. 108 Andries. 109 Charlotte. 56. Tobias, soil of (12) Coenraedt Ten Eyck and (9) GJeertje Vail Schaick^ wns born May 18, 1723; married Judittkje Van Beuren, of Seliodack, Febrnaiy 6, 1T56, and had 110 Coenraad, bp. May 31, 1757. 111 Eytje, bp. December 31, 1758. 112 Johannes, bp. November 1, 1761. 113 Gerritje, b. March 15, 1765. 60. Jacob, son of (13) Barent Ten Eyck and (9) Neeltje Schernierliorn, was baptised February 6, 1704 ; married (35) Alida, daughter of ((>) Nanning Visselier and (5) Alida Veii- hageii, June 17, 1728, and had 114 Neeltje, bp. January 15, 1729; m. Samuel Pruyn, February 7, 1756 ; d. April 14. 1817. 115 Alida, bp. September 15, 1732. 116 Barent, b. September 22, 1734 ; d. y. 117 Geertje, bp. January 11, 1736 ; m. Joii.vnnes Fuanc Pruyn; d. May 16, 1807. 118 Barent, bp. September 24,1738 ; d. y. 119 Barent, bp. September 7, 1740. ^ 120 Maria, bp. February 27, 1743. 64. Jacob H., son of (14) Henrick Ten Eyck and Marga- rita JJleecker, was born January 22, 1708 ; married (138) Annetje (Anna), daughter of (39) Hannanus Wendell and Anna Glen (bp. February 6 or 9, 1709), November 30, 1737, and had 121 Margarita, b. Septeml)er 30, 1738; m. . 122 Anna, bp. 31, 1740 ; d. y. 123 Anna, bp. September 12, 1742. 124 Hendrick, b. September 29, 1744 ; m. (73) Margarita Douw, May 22, 1767. 125 Harmanus, bp. March 29, 1747 ; d. y. 126 Harmanus, b. January 9, 1749-50 ; m. Margaret Bleecker, March 30, 1776. 236 Ten Eyck. Jacob H. Teu Eyck died November 16, 1776. Ajstnktje (Anna) Wendell, Avidow of Jacob H. Ten Eyck, died January 11, 1779. 65. Jolisiiiiie»> H., sou of (14) Heiirick Tea Eyck and Mar- garita Bleecker, was baptised October 28, 1710 ; married Sarah, daughter of (probably) Dirk Ten Broeck and Marga- rita Cuyler, (b. May 30, 1725), although reported 70 years old when she died, and had 127 Hendrick, bp. April 17, 1748; d. y. 128 Hendrick, bp. May 28, 1749 ; d. y. 129 Hendrick, bp. June 23, 1754. 130 Margarita, bp. April 16, 1758. Joliaimes H. Ten Eyck died July 31, 1794, a?. 83 years, 11 mouths and lU days. Sarah Ten Broeck, widow of Johannes II. Ten Eyck, died February 16, 1801, '^e. 70 (?) years, 9 months and 1 day. 68. Tobias, son of (14) Henrick Ten Eyck aud Margarita Bleecker, was born August 15 (bp. August 18), 171 7 ; married Rachel, daughter of Johannes De Peyster and Anna Schuyler (bp. May 30, 1728), September 7, 1750, and had 1 Myndert Schuyler, b. February 9, 1753 ; lu., 1st, Elsie, daughter of John Sanders, of Scotia, October 20, 1774 ; 2d, (255) Mahgaret, daughter of (41) Harmon Visscher and Cathrina Brouwer, and widow of John C. Van Everen. She was one of the sisters who made their escape at the massacre of their brothers at Caughnawaga in May, 1780. They had one daughter, Elsie, who married .Peter Conyn, Esq. 2 Henry, b. July 27, 1755 ; m., 1st, Ani^a Van Eps ; 2d, Maria DoROTnEA Vrooman, widow of John V. L. Le Tonnelier, He was a captain of a continental company during the war of the Revolution. Had a daughter Maria (b. April 11, 1787) who married Cornelius Vrooman. 3 Tobias, b. July 19, 17G4. 4 John De Peyster, b. ; m. (90) Maria Douw, .January 20, 1782. He died April 9, 1798, leaving one child, John De Peyster. born May 3, 1788. She died March 12, 1818. Ten Eyck. 237 Tobias Ten Eyck died February 9, 1785, at Caiiglmawaga, to which phice he removed from Schenectady. While in Schenectady he was represented to be the most wealthy man in tlic place and a merchant of liigh standing. ro. Bareiit, son of (11) Heurick Ten Eyck and Margarita Bleecker, was baptised September 9, 1722; married, 1st, Lena, daughter of Tobias Ryckman and (18) Helena Beeckman, (bp. September 29, 1723), April 21, 1745, and had 131 Lena, bp. SeptenrbeFBTTTisT^ 132 Hendrick B., bp. November 8, 1747 ; m. Catharina Sanders. Leua Rj-ckinau, wife of Barent Ten Eyck died. He probably mar- ried, 2d, Elsie Cuyler, January 29, 1759, by whom lie bad uo children ; and 3d, Sarah Codwise, and had 133 Maria, b. September 6, 1769. 83. Eiiiilieiiiia, daughter of (24) Abraham Ten Eyck of New York, and Jacinte Berkels, was born in New Yoi-k, and mari'ied John Lewis of New York, and had 134 Abraham. 135 Elizabeth, ra. Captain Goodwin. 136 John, m. (14o) Elizabetu Trn Eyck. 137 Elias, d. 1840. 138 Erasmus. 84. Elizabeth, danghter of (24) Abraham Ten Eyck and Jacinte Berkels, was born in New York ; married Erastns • Williams, and liad 139 Henry. 140 John, m. Mary Hetherington . 85. RicBaarcl, son of (24) Abraham Ten Eyck and Jacinte Herkels, was born in New Yoi-k in 17H0 ; married, 1st, Eliza- beth Braisted, and had 238 Ten Eyck. 141 Andrew, m. Elizabeth Lloyd ; d. iu 1828. 142 Richard, m. Elizabeth Anderson. Elizabeth Braisted, wife of Richard Ten Eyck died. He married 2d, Elizabeth Lebrun, aud had 143 Philip, m. Elsie Beekman. 144 Jacintha, m. (150) John Ten Eyck. 145 Elizabeth, m. (135) John Lewis. 146 Hannah, m. Henry Arnold ; d. 1828. 147 Mary, m. John Weller. 148 Abraham R., b. September 23, 1775 ; m. (98) Annetje Visscher, May 17. 1801 ; d. June 9, 1857. Elizabeth Lebruii, 2d wife of Richard Ten Eyck, died. He mar- ried, 3d, Elizabeth Douglass, by whom he had no children . Richard Teu Eyck died in New York in 1810. 86. David, son of (2i) Abraham Ten Eyck and Jacinte Berkels, was born in New York ; he married twice and by bis wife or wives, had 149 Abraham. 150 John, m. (144) Jacintha Ten Eyck ; d. iu 1817. 151 Mary, m. Robert Nichols. 152 Agnes. 87. Mary, daughter of (24) Abraham Ten Eyck and Jacinte Berkels, was born in New York; married Frederick Fine, and had 153 Mary, m. Peter Kenan. 154 John, 155 Rachel. 156 Elizabeth. 157 Euphemia, m. William Nichols. 88. Abraliaiii, son of (24) Abraham Ten Eyck and Jacinte Berkels, M^as born in New York ; married Sarah Smith, and had 158 Sarah, m. Rev. John Stanford. 159 Elizabeth; m. F. Fairburn. 160 Abraham. 161 Josias. Ten Eyck. 239 101. Abraham .1., son of (48) Jacob C. Ten Eyck and Cath- ariiia Cuyler, was horn In Albany Nov^einber 20, 174:3 ; married (159) Aiiiiatje, dangliter of (70) Jacob Jacobsc Lansiiii*-, Jr., and Marytjo Egberts (b. Jnly 11, 17-1()), April 14, 1701), and had 162 Catharina, b. November 17, 17()t) ; m. (15G) Sanders Lansing. 163 Jacob, b. February 17, 1773; in. Magdalena Gansevoort, xMarch G, 179.i : d. July 20, 18G2. 164 Maria, b. June 38, 1774 ; m. Charles Briggen. 165 Abraham, b. October 213, 1777 ; m. G. Schuyler. 166 Lena, b. August 3G, 1779 ; d. y. 167 Coenraad, b: July 17, 1783. 168 Jeremiah V. R., b. May 13, 1785 ; d. y. 169 Lena (Helen), b. Jane 1:3, 1787 ; m. (313) Geihiit Y. Lansing, May 31, 1808. 170 Jeremiah V. R., b. April 3, 1790. Abraham J. Ten Eyck died Novemljer (October?) 7, 1824. Annatie Lansing, widow of Abraham J. Ten Eyck, died November 7, 1824, ve. 76 ^-ears and 6 months. 10». Aiilhoiiy, son of (48) Jacob C. Ten Eyck and Cath- arina Cnyler, was born in Albany September 15, 1749; mar- ried Maria Egberts, Febrnary 18, 1775, and had 171 Catharina, b. December 14, 1776 ; d. s. 172 Egbert, b. April 18, 1779 ; m Rebecca Pearce. 173 Anthony, b. July 9, 1783 ; d. y. 174 Anthony, b. December 23, 1784 ; m. C. Johnson. 175 Coenraad A., b. October 19, 1789 ; m. (314) Hester G. Ten Eyck; d. June 10, 1849. 175.V Maria, m. J. Van Allen. Jn(ii;"e Anthony Ten Eyck i-esided at Schodack, and was a member of the convention in 1787 which ratified tlie constitu- tion of the United States ; first Judge of Rensselaer Co., until 60 years of age, and member of the Senate for eight years. 114. ^eeltje, daughter of (tiO) Jacob Ten Eyck and (;55) Allda A'isscher, was baptised in Albany, January 15, 1729 ; married 31 2-iO Ten Eyck. Samuel, son of Francis S. Priiyn and Alida Van Yveren, (bp. September 15, 172S), February 7, 1T5(), and liad 176 Franciscus, bp. July 10, 1757. 177 Maria, b. January 22, 17G0. 178 Anna, b. August 2, 1762 ; d. February 3, 1833, fe. 70 years and G months. 179 Jacob, b. June 28, 1765 ; d. at Lafayette, N. Y. July 20, 1836, £b. 72 years. 179i Johannes, b. November 1, 1768. Neeltje Ten Eyck, wife of Samuel Pkuyn, died April J 4, 1817. 131. Marg'aritai (]flari§-re(a), dangliter of (G4) Jacob H. Ten E.vck and (138) Aiiiietje (Anna) Wendell, was born Sep- tember oO, ]7')8; married , and had 1 Anna, b. September 1, 1740 ; d. x\ugust 10, 1742. 2 Anna, b. September 10, 1742. 3 Harmanus, b. March 24, 1747 ; d. July 28, 1748. 124. Heiiclriek, son of (64) Jacob H. Ten Eyck and (138) Annetje Wendell, was born in Albany, September 29, ] 744 ; married (73) ^largarita, daughter of (38) Abraham Douw and Lyntje Winne, (bp. November 23, 1740), May 22, 1767, and liad 180 Anna, b. September 17, 1768. 181 Lyntje, b. March 28, 1770. 182 Catharina, b. September 7, 1772. 183 Geertruy, b. June 15, 1774 ; d. at Cazenovia, January 17, 1839. 184 Elsie, b. June 4, 1777 ; d. y. 185 ELsie, b. February 19, 1779. 186 Jacob, b. December 8, 1785 ; m. Elizabeth Buru, of Cazenovia, N. Y. me. Harinaiiiis, son of (64) Jacob H. Ten Eyck and (138) Annetje Wendell, was born January 9, 1749-50, ba])tised in Albany, January 14, 1750 ; married Margaret, daughter of Hendrick Bleecker, Jr., and Catalyntje Cuyler, (b. October 31, bp. November 23, 1755), March 30, 1776, and had Ten Eyck. 241 187 Cathalyna, b. May 23, 1777 ; d. October G, 1777. 188 Cathalyna, b. October 12, 1778 ; d. s. January 2, 1855. 189 Jacob H., b. February 9, 1781 ; d. s. October 8, 1872. 190 Anna, b. March 16, 1783 ; m. Anukew Fosteu, March 1, 1819 ; d. .July 1?,, 1851. He died December 26, 1849. 191 Hendrick, b. February 22, 1780 ; d. a. July 1, 1794. 192 Margarita, b. April 29, 1788 ; d. June 15, 1789. 193 Margarita, b. July 22, 1791 ; d. s. June 29, 1853. 194 Herman, b. October 22, 1793 ; m. (303) Eliza Bogert, May 8, 1821 ; d. May 17, 1861 . She died July 5, 1853. 194.V Catharine, b. February 10, 1796 ; d. August 25, 1797. 195 Catharine, b. September 30, 1798 ; m. William M. Buhh, of Cazenovia, November 14, 1825 ; d. May 28, 1865. Harmaiius Ten E.vck died at a03 Nortli Market street (now Broadway), Albany, Jaiuiaiy 27, 182S, ae. almost 77 years. Margarita Bleeckkr, widow of Harm anus Ten Eyck, died September 1, 1834, ve. almost 79 years. 1 32. Hciiflrick B., sou of (70) Barent Ten Eyck and Lena Ryckman, was baptised in Albany November 8, 1747 ; married Catliariiia Sanders, and had 196 Robert, b. July 25 and bp. July 28, 1771. Catharina Sanders, wife of Hendrick B. .Ten Eyck, died before her cliild was baptised. 141. Andrew, son of (85) Richard Ten Eyck and his first wife Elizabeth Braisted, was born in Xew York ; married Elizabeth Lloyd, and had 197 Mary, m. William R. Smiley ; dead. 198 Richard, dead. 199 Elizabeth, m. Ekastus Williams ; dead. 200 Deborah, ra. a Rappelyea ; dead. 201 Frances, m. Georoe Kingsland, and had children in New York. 202 Andrew. 203 Jame.s, m. (206) Ann Eliza Ten Eyck, October 15, 1821 ; d. Feb- ruary 17, 1827. 204 Richard, dead. Andrew Ten Eyck died in 1828. 242 *^ Ten Eyck. 148. Abraliaiii K., son of (S5) Richard Ten Eyck and his second wife Elizabeth Lebriin, was born in New York Sep- tember 22, 1775 ; married (98) Aiinetje, daughter of (90) Matthew Yisscher and Lydia Fryer (b. October 25. 1778), May 17, 1801, and liad 205 Philip, b. March 10, 1802 ; unmarried. 206 Ann Eliza, b. March 15, 1804 ; m. (203) James Ten Eyck, October 15, 1S21 ; d. May 26, 1866. 207 Caroline, b. September 2, 1806 ; d. September 24, 1809. 208 Visscher, b. January 27, 1809 ; m. Eliza Ann Young, August 14, 1833. 209 Lydia, b. August 24, 1811 ; m. Stephen V^an Valkenburgh, October 20, 1841 ; had one child, Anna Elizabeth, b. Septem- ber 7, 1842 ; d. November 21, 1851. He died May 3, 1854. ' 210 John, b. April 20, 1814 ; m. Anna Jones, November 6, 1862. 211 Caroline, b. November 21, 1817. 212 Mary, b. August 17, 1819. 213 Ann, b. Aprill7. 1822 ; m. (234j John B. Visscher, July 8,1857; d. February 5, 1863. Abraham II. Ten Eyck died in Albany June 9, 185 7. Annetje Visscher, widow of Abraham li. Ten Eyck, died in Albany July 20, 1870. Their son John Ten Eyck placed a memorial window in St. Peters church to their memory. At the time of her death she was the oldest communicant in the church. 163. . •facob, son of (lol) Abraham J. Ten Eyck and (159) Annetje, daughter of (70) Jacob Jacobse Lansing, Jr., and Marytje Egberts, was born in Albany February 17, 1772 ; married Magdalena, daughter of Leonard Gansevoort and Hester Cuyler (b. August 17, 1777), March 0, 1795, and had 214 Hester G., b. January 4, 1796 ; m. (175) Coenraad A. Ten Eyck. 215 Abraham C, b. July 6. 1797 ; d. s. April 6, 1861. 216 Anna, b. January 3, 1800 ; d. y. ' 217 Leonard G., b. October 42, 1801 ; d. s. October 23, 1881. 218 Jacob L., b. December 20, 1803 ; d. s. 219 Herman G., b. January 17, 1806 ; m. Catharine Britton ; was killed in 1881. 220 Peter G., b. December 19, 1809 ; m. Rachel Berhants ; no ch. Ten Eyck. 243 Jacol) Ten Eyck. died at Whitehall, near Albany, July 20, iSG2, ee. 00 years, 5 uiontlis and 6 days. He represented Albany county in the State assembly durin^; tlie years 1800-3, inclusive, and in 1S(»7 was ap[)()inted county judii:;e, holdinii; tlie position five years. He removed to the family homestead at Whitehall, near Albany, in 1800, and lived there nntil his death. M.\GDALENA (jr ANSKvooKT, widovv of Jaoob Ten Eyok, died at the same place May 14, 1863, ?e. 80 years. 169. Lena (Helen), daughter of (lol) Abraham J. Ten Eyck and (159) Annetje Lansing, was born June 13, 1787; married (313) Gerrit Y. Lansini^, May 31, 1808. (See 313 Lansing.) 179. Egbert, son of (103) Anthony Ten Eyck and Maria Ei»'berts, was born in Schodack, April IS, 1779 ; married Rebecca Pearce, and had 221 Anthony, m. Harkiet Faiuchild. 222 Catharine, m. Jaber Foster. 223 Lydia Maria, m. Hon. Joseph Mullin. 224 Robert, m. Catuauine Greene. 224i Egbert. 174. Antliony, son of (103) Anthony Ten Eyck and Maria E'.;bLM*ts, was born in Schodack, December 23, 1784; married C. Johnson, and had 225 Mary. 226 Anna. 227 Caty. 228 John. 229 Egbert. 175. Coenraad Anfliony, son of (103) Anthony Ten Eyck and Maria Ei;-b(U'ts, was born in Schoda(;k, October 19, 1789 ; married (214) Hester Gansevoort, danghter of (1()3) Jacob Ten Eyck and Magdalena Gansevoort, (b. January 4, 1796), and had 230 Leonard, b. March 12, 1821 ; in. Eli, EN BuLi,OCK. 231 Mary, b. September G, 1822 ; d. y. 244 Ten Eyck. 232 Anthony, b. June 23, 1834. 233 Jacob, b. July 4, 1836 ; m, Eliza Folger* Coffin. 234 A. Cuyler, b. October 1, 18o0 ; m. Matilda Haswell, Novem- ber 27, 1855. 235 Clinton, b. May 31, 1833 ; m. Kate Monteath Wilson. 236 Catharine, b. May 28, 1836 ; d. s. Coeuraad A. Ten Eyck died June 10, 1845. Hester G. Ten Eyck, widow of Coeneaad A. Ten- Evck, died April 6, 18G1. 175%. Maria, daughter of (103) Anthony Ten Eyck and Maria Egberts, married J. Van Allen, and had 237 Mary. 238 John. 239 Egbert. 240 Harriet. 186. Jacob, son of (124) Hendrick Ten Eyck and (73) Mar- garet DonAV, was born December 8, 1785 ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Burr, of Cazenovia, formerly of Hartford, Conn., and had 241 Mary A., b. iu 1816; m. Elisha C. Litchfield, August 3, 1838 ; d. July 22, 1870. He died November 28, 1873. 242 Henry, m. (339) Elizabeth Wendell, January 15, 1845; no cli. 243 Elizabeth, d. July G, 1853. Jacob Ten Eyck died in Savamiah, Ga., May 1, 1853, from yellow fever. Elizabeth Burr, widow^ of Jacob Ten Eyck, died in Savannah from yellow fever the same month and year tliat her husband died. 190. Anna, daughter of (126) Harnianns Ten Eyck and Mar- garet Bleecker, was born March 16, 1783, in Albany; married Andrew Foster, of New York, in Albany, March 1, 1819, and had 244 Margaret Ten Eyck, b. in New York March 30, 1820 ; m. Gamaliel G.\tes Smith, in New^ York, November 20, 1850. 245 Herman Ten Eyck, b. in New York March 1, 1822 ; m. Mary Pauline Lentilhon, in New York October 9, 1844 ; d. Febru- ary 9, 1869. Ten Eyck. 245 246 Jacob Post Giraud, b. in New York Ai)nl 8, 1827 ; m. Sai.lte Du^'C.\^ Em,iot, November 4, 1875, at Morristown, N. J. Andrew Foster died in Now York December 2(1, IS-ii). Anna Ti<:x Eyck, M'idow of Andrew Foster, died July 13, 1851. 104. Ueriiiaii, son of (120) Harinaiius Ten Eyck and Mar- S^^aret Bleecker, was horn in Albany October 22, 1793; mar- ried (o(>3) Eliza, dangbter of (209) Harnian H. Bogert and Dolly Witbeck (b. June 1, 1803), May 8, 1821, and had 247 Margaret, b. April 29, 1822 ; m. John A. Robison, May 28, 1844. 248 John Bogart, b. May 3, 1824 ; d. July 23, 1825. 249 Jacob H., b. August 17, 1833; in. Matilda E., daughter of Qerrit V. S. Bleecker and Jane Shepard, April 11, 1867; no cb. 250 Cornelia Dorothy, b. December 11, 1835 ; d. November 8, 1841. 251 Catalina, b. January 24, 1840 ; m. Augustus Peuyn, September 19. 1866. Eliza Bogert, wife of Herman Ten Eyck, died in Albany July 5, 1853. Herman Ten Eyck died in Albany May 17, 1861. 195. Catharine, daughter of (126) Harmauus Ten Eyck and 3Iargaret Bleecker, was born September 80, 1798; married William M. Burr, of Cazenovia, N. Y., November 14, 1825, and had 252 Margaret Ten Eyck, b. at Cazenovia March 28, 1827 ; m. (341) B. Rush WendkiJ;, September 8, 1847. .253 Catalina Ten Eyck, b. at Cazenovia September 4. 1830; d. AnguPt 4, 1832. 254 William M., b. at Cazenovia June 15, 1831 ; m. Emily K. Wil- kinson, March 2, 1853. 255 Anna Foster, b. at Cazenovia May 10, 1837; m. Robkkt J. IIuB- I5AUD, September 30, 1863. Catharine Ten Eyck, wife of William M. Burr, died May 28, 1865. William M. Burr died at Cazenovia, N. Y., January 18, 1869. 246 Ten Eyck. Jsiiiies, son of (141) AiKlrew Ten Eyck and Eliz,abetli Lloyd, was born in New York ; married (200) Ann Eliza, daughter of (148) Abraham R. Ten Eyck and (98) Annetje Yisscher (b. in Albany March 15, 1804), October 15, 1821, and had 256 Richard, b. August 11, 1823 ; d. July 20, 1S:J6. 257 Philip, b. August 1, 182-1 ; m. C'aroltnk E. Crane, June 5, 1855. James Ten Eyck died February 17, 1827. Ann Eliza Ten Eyck, widow of James Ten Eyck, died in Albany May 26, 1866. 208. Vissclier, son of (148) Abraham Ten Eyek and Annetje Yisscher, was born in Albany, January 27, 1809; married Eliza Ann, daughter of the Rev. James and Lucinda Youngs, August 14, 1833, and had 258 Anna. 259 James, m. Catharine E., daughter of Teunis Van Vechten and Margaret T. Lusli. She died May 23, 1865 ; no. ch. 260 Elisha. 261 Visscher, d. April 26, 1860. 262 WilUam, d. July 8, 1858. Eliza Ann Youngs, wife of Yisscuek Tkn Eyck, died in Albany May, 6, 1879. YisscHEE Ten Eyck resides in Albany. 235. Clinton, son of (175) Coenraed A. Ten Eyck and (214) Hester Ten Eyck, was born in Albany May 31, 1833; married Kate Monteatli, daughter of James A. Wilson and Jane Lewis Monteath, (b. August 25, 1840), and had- 263 James WUson, b. April 15, 1860. 264 Hester E., b. October 7, 1862. 265 Kate Monteath, b. April 8, 1868 ; d. February 2, 1869. 266 Jane W., b. June 30, 1871. 267 Conradt, b. April IS-, 1874 268 Clinton, Jr., b. June 14, 1880; d. July 7, 1880. Clinton Ten Eyck and family reside in Albany. Tex Eyck. 247 341. :TIary A., daughter of (186) Jjicob Ten Eyck and Eliza- beth BiiiT, was 1)1)111 in 1816; niaiiied Elislia C. Litchfield, August '1, 1838, and had 1 Elizabeth Ten Eyck, b. March 30, 1841; ui. E. Benedict Oakley, of New York, October 14, I860, and had a Cleveland Litchfield, 1). Sei)tember 30, 1864 ; d. April 30, 1866. b Henry Ten Eyck, b. November 16, 1868. c Mary Ten Eyck, b. December 20, 1873. d Elizabeth Benedict, b. December 8, 1874. 2 Jacob Ten Eyck, b. February 18, 1846; ra. Jane S. How, January I'l, 1871, and had a Cleveland, b. September 11, 1873. b Wilhe How, b. March 17, 1875. c Ten Eyck, b. December 2, 1876. d Benedict Oakley, b. September 19, 1878 3 Henry Cleveland, b. in Cazenovia December 23, 1850 ; m. Julia B. Cu.mming, June 15, 1876, and had a Edmund Cumming, b. June 17, 1877. b Henry Cleveland, Jr., b. May 22, 1879. c Robert Bach, b. June 1, 1882. Mary A. Ten Eyck, wife of 1'lisha C. Litchfikld, died July 22, 1870. Elisiia C. Litchfield died November 28, 1873. Henry, sou of (180) Jacob Ten Eyck and Elizabeth Bnrr, was born September 21,1817; niairied (3o'.)) Elizabeth, chingli- ter of (300) Peter Wendell, M. D., and Eiizabeth Van Kleeck (b. Sej)teinber 13, 1820), January 1."), 1845. No children. Henry Ten Eyck and wife reside in Cazenovia, N. V. 244. :»lars"J»i'et Ten Kyek, dau-'hter of (100) Anna Ten Eyck and Andrew Foster, was l)orn in New York, March 30, 1820 ; married Oanialiel (Jates Smith in Xew York. Novem- ber 20, 1850, and had 269 Andrew Foster, b. May 16, 1855 ; d. in Home, Italy, February 1, 1876. 32 248 Ten Etck. 270 Emily Lentilhon, b May 20, 1857 ; m. (265) Burr Wendell, in New York, June 8, 1881, aud bad 1 Margaret Ten Eyck, b. in New York, March 3, 1882. (See Wendell.) 345. Herman Ten Eyek, sou of (19(») Anna Ten Eyck and Andrew Foster, M^as bom in New York March 1, 1822; mar- ried Mary Pauline Lentillion, in New York October 9, 1844 ; and had . 271 Anna Eliza, b. at Lakeland, near Geneva, N. Y., November 4 1845 ; ni. Beverly Robinson, in New York, April 8, 1875. 272 Antoine Lentilhon, b. at Lakeland, near Geneva, N. Y., August, 14, 1847 ; m. (4o) Victorine Elizabeth Du Pont, October 18, 1877 ; no cli. 273 Mary Pauline, b. at Lakeland, near Geneva, N. Y., April 19, 1849; iu.(:}8) Algernon Du Pont, July 15, 1874. (See Gerhard.) Mary Pauline, wife of Herman Ten Eyck Foster, died at Lakeland, near Geneva, N. Y., April 26, 1849. Herman Ten Eyck Fosticr, died at Lakeland, Februarj 9, 1869. 247. Mars'aret, daughter of (194) Herman Ten Eyck aud Eliza Bogert, was born April 29, 1822 ; married in Albany by the Ptev. Duncan Kennedy, John A. Robison, May 28, 1844, aud had 274 Herman Ten Eyck, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., December 26, 1845 ; m. at Middlefield, N. Y., Anna R. Lloyd, July 9, 1872. 275 Hugh, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., December 3, 1847 ; m. at Grange- vlUe, Cal., Hattie, daughter of Louis Haas, July 10, 1878. 276 John, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., November 3, 1849 ; d. August 29, 1856. 277 William, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., August 7, 1851 ; m. at Massa- pequa, L. I., Jennie, daughter of William Floyd Jones, No- vember 9, 1880. John A. Robison died at Santiago de Cuba, March 29, 1856. Mrs. Margaret Ten Eyck Kobison resides in New York city. Ten Eyck. 249 Cataliiia, dangliter of (llU) Heriiisiii Ten Eyck and Eliza Bogert, m'us born in Albany Jannarv 24, 1840; married in the iS'ortli lieforincd Church in Albany, by the Kev. Kufus W. Clavk, D.J-)., Augustus Pruyn, September 19, 1860, aiui had 278 Margaret Ten Eyck, b. in Albany. 279 Augustus, b. in Newark, N. J.; d. July 18, 1870. 280 Eliza Ten Eyck, b. in Newark, N. J. 281 Montgomery Rochester, b. in Newark, N. J.; d. July 16, 1874. 282 Foster, b. in Newark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Pruyu reside in Albany. 95*2. jflarg'aret Ten Eyek, daughter of (105) Catharine Ten Eyck and William M. Burr, was born at Cazenovia, N. Y., March 2S, 1827; married (341) B. Rush Wendell, September 8, 1847, and liad 1 William Burr, b. July 1, 1849 ; d. August 23. 1849. 2 Herman, b. August 2, 1850 ; d. January 20, 1853. 3 Burr, b. November 29, 1853; m. (270) Emily Lentilhon Smith. June 8, 1881. 4 Benjamin Rush, b. November 13, 1855. 5 Ten Eyck, b. November 7, 1857. B. Rush Wendell and family reside in Cazenovia, N. Y. 254. William M., son of (195) Catharine Ten Eyck and Williauj 31. Burr, was born in Cazenovia, N. Y., June 15, 1831 ; married Emily K., daughter of John Wilkinson and Mary Holden, of Pougld^eepsie, March 2, 1853, and had 1 Mary Louise, b. February 22, 1855. 2 Jacob H. Ten Eyck, b. October 3, 185G. 3 Catharine Ten Eyck, b. March 10, 1859. 4 Anna Hubbard, b. February 28, 1867; d. September 30, 1867. 5 William M., b. November 0, 1868. 6 Margaret Wendell, b. January 22, 1871. William M. Burr and family reside in Cazenovia, N. Y,, where all his children were born. 250 Ten Eyck. 355. Anna Foster, (laughter of (1U5) Catharine Ten Eyck and VVilliam M. Burr, was born in Gazenovia, N. Y., May 10, 1837 ; married Robert J. Hubbard, of Utica, September 30, 1863, and had 1 William Burr, b. August 21, 18G9; d. March 25, 1870. 2 Robert Frederick, b. in Paris, France, May 25, 1876. Robert J. Hubbar«l and family reside in Gazenovia. 257. Pliilil), son of (21 »3) .James Ten Eyck, of New York, and (206) Ann Eliza Ten Eyck, of Albany, was born August 1, 1824 ; married Caroline E., daughter of Hector Hunter Crane and Garoline Abby Smith, June 5, 1855, and had 283 Henry James, b. iu Albany July 25, 1850. 284 Gertrude, b. in Albany March 22 1861. 285 Caroline, b. in Albany July 15, 1865. 286 Frances Hunter, b. in Albany October 17, 1867. Philip Ten Eyck and family reside in Albany, N". Y. 971. Annsi Elixii, daughter of (215) Herman Ten Eyck Foster and Mary Pauline Lentilhon, was born at Lakeland, near Geneva, N. Y., November 4, 1 845 ; married Beverly Robin- son, in New York, April 8, 1875, and had 287 Beverly Randolph, b. in New York June 24, 1876. 288 Herman Foster, b. iu New York March 31, 1878. 289 Peyton Randolph, b. in New Y^ork April 12, 1880 ; d. December 4, 1881. 290 Pauline Lentilhon, b. in Nevv York August 10, 1881. S591. Anthony, son of (172) Egbert Ten Eyck and Rebecca Pearce, man-ied Harriet Fairchild^ and had 291 Egbert Fairchild, b. in 1839. 292 Harriet Fairchild, b. in 1844. Ten Eyck. 251 923. l>yclia ^laria, (langliter of ^172) Egbert Ten Eyck and Rebecca Pearce, mai ried the Hon. Josepli Mullen, of Water- town, N. Y., and liad 293 Anthony Ten Eyck, dead. 294 Catharine, la. Fkedeiiic W. Bijown, October 3, 1867. 295 Lydia M. 296 Rebecca F. E. 297 Joseph, Jr. Hon. Joseph Mullen died at Saratoga on June 17, 1882. He was judge of the supreme court of the State of New York at the time of his death, and was the oldest in time of service on the hench. Lydi.\ M. Tex Eyck, widow of Hon. Joseph Mullen, resides at Watertown. 294. Robert, son of (172) Egbert Ten Eyck and Rebecca Pearce, married Catharine Oreene, and had 298 WilUam. 930. lieoiiard, son of (175) Coenraad Anthony Ten Eyck and (214) Hester (Jansevoort Ten Eyck, was born March 12, 1821 ; married Ellen Bullock, and had 299 Gansevoort. 300 William Bullock. 301 Catharine. 302 Ellen Lansing. 303 Leonard. 934. A.. Ciiyler, son of (175) Coenraad Anthony Ten Eyck and (21.1) Hester Gransevoort Ten Eyck, was Ijorn October 1, 1830 ; married Matilda Haswell, November 27, 1855, and had 304 Hattie Gansevoort, b. 29, 1856. 305 Coenrad Anthony, b. May ;]0. 1858. 306 Henry Haswell, b. December IG, 1859 ; d. December 23, 18G7. 307 Jacob, b. October 11, 1861 ; d. . 308 Rachel, b. September 14, 18G3. 252 Ten Eyck. 309 Jacob Lansing, b. July 8, 1864. 310 Cuyler, b. February 26, 1866. 311 Pieter Gansevoort, b. November 7, 1873. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck and family reside in Albany, IST. Y. 294. Catharine, daughter of (223) Lydia Ten Eyck and Hon. Joseph Mullen, was born in Watertown, N. Y. ; married Frederic W., son of Andrew E. Brown, of Albany, and Eliza- beth Sheffield Nexsen, of JSTew York (b. in Albany November 6, 1839), October 3, 1867, and had 312 Lydia Maria, b. August 6, 1868. 313 Archibald Robertson. 314 Joseph Mullen. 315 Frederick W., Jr. 316 Anthony Ten Eyck. Frederick W. Brown and family reside in Albany, N. Y. YISSCHEII Tlie name of Vissclier lias been known in Holland from very early times in tlie history of tliat country, and was borne by men of distinction as clergymen, artists, statesmen and soldiers, as well as by those in the humbler walks of life. While many other families of the emigrants who came to America lost their surnames on this side of the water, the Visschers have retained theirs, and, although the spelling has been somewhat changed in many instances, the original name is easily recognized. We find on the records Visscher, Yisger, Visser, De Visser, Yisselaer and Yyselaer. The tradititai in the family is that two brothers only, of this name, came over from Holland and settled in Kensselaerwyck. That one of them being a Roman Catholic was dissatisfied with his surroundings and returning to Holland was lost sight of by his relatives in this country. Of the five sons of the other brother three settled in or near Beverwyck (Albany), one in Greenbush and one in Schenectady. From these points they spread to other localities. 1. Ba»itiaen Vissclier, of Hoorn, in Holland, who was living there in 1675, had two sons who emigrated to America previous to 1644, and came to Kensselaerwyck 2 Frederick, supposed returned to Holland. 3 Harmen, b. 1619 ; ni. Hester Tjeukse. 254 ViSSCHER. Frederick, son of (1) Bastiaeii Yisscher of IToorn, owned a small liouse in Greenbusli. Of liini nothing' fnrtlier is known. Tradition says lie was a Roman Catholic and re- turned to Holland. 3. BCariiieii, son of (1) Bastiaen Visscher of Huorn, was born in 1619, and married Hester Tjerlise, probably in New Amsterdam where his son Tierk was born ; he had 4 Tierk, bp. in New York July 7, 1652 ; m. Emmetje J ants. 5 Bastiaen, m. (5) DiRKJK Teunis de Metselaer. 6 Nanning, m. (5) Alida Vinhagen, January (3, 1686. 7 Frederick, m., 1st, Margarita Hansen, January 18, 1692; 2d, Elizabeth Sanders, widow of (9) Evert Wendell, December lo,i;Oo. 8 Sarah, m. Gerrit Lucas Wyngaart, November 4, 1G94. 9 Hester, ni. Abraham S. Groot, July 9, 1099. 10 Johanne-s, b. 1669 ; ra. Eliz.abeth Nottingham. 11 Maria, m. (8) Philip Wendell, June 17, 1688 ; d. Feburary 5, 1785-6. 12 Ariaantje, ni. (7) Hieronomos Wendell before 1G7G. 13 Geerlje, ni. Cornelis Dirkse Van Schellvne before 1684. Harnieii Bastiaeiise Visscher died a short time previous to the year 1693. In November of that year his widow was still alive. He and his son Tierk were honseholders. in- Beverwyek in 1678. He had a gard'en on the river side below Hudson street, and a house and lot on the Avest side of Pearl street, between Maiden Lane and Steuben street. In KWiO he was the village surveyor. July 1644 he made an athdavit stating he was about 25 years old. In 1693 letters of administration were granted to Hestee T.jerkse, his widow, u]:»on the effects of Yolkie Peters, widow of Genet Stavast ; second, of Peter Mees Yrooman whom she married in 1675. 4. Tierk, son of (3) Harnieii Bastiaeiise Vissclier and Hester Tjerkse, was baptised in New Amsterdam (New York), July 7, 1652 ; married Emmetje (oi' Femetje) Jauts, and had ViSSCHEK. _ 255 14 Jacob, m. (14) Susanna Eobkrts ISIetselakr, June 21, 1709 ; d. about 1763 ; no ch. 15 Hester, m. Cohnkijs Switts, October 9, 1702. 16 Anke (Annetje), in. (12) Brx.tamin Egbektse Metsei,aeii about 1710; she died 1703. 17 Geertruy, bp. July 12, 1G91 ; m. (20) Maktin Beeckman, October 28, 1721. 18 Lena, bp. July IG, 1095. 19 Harmanus, bp. December 18, 1(;98 ; died before 1712. Einiuetje Jants, wife of Tikuk Harmense Ytssciiek, died and was buried in Albany Oetober 15, 1723. TiEKK ITakmexse ViSSCHEK (lied and was buried in Albany February 0, 1725. The will of Tiekk H. Yisscher made February 17, 1712, names all the above ehildren except Tlarmanus. 5, Ba!!itiaeii, sou of (3) Hanneii Bastiaense Yisscher and Hester Tjerkse, married (5) Dirkje, daugliter of Tennis Tcunisse Metselaei" and Egbertien Egberts, and hud 20 Hester, bp. ]\Iay 17, 1G84 ; in. Eldep.t Coi!NEI,is Toiensen, October 28, 1709. 21 Maria, bp. October 10, 1G8G ; m. Evekt Ryckse Van Vr.\nken, November 14, 1709. 22 Geertruy, bp. August 20, 1693 ; ui. S.\muel Cregier, May 20, 171G. 23 Anna, bp, April 2G, 1G9G ; ni. Dirk Newkfrk, October 19, 1718. 24 Harmanus, bp. January 5, 1700 ; ni. (50) S.\rah Wyngaart, August 4, 1731. 25 Teunis, bp. April 3, 1702 ; in. (G2) Maciitel Lansing, January 10, 1727. 26 Egbertie, bp. ; m. Johannes De Garmo, October 9, 1719. Bastiaeii Harinaiise Vissclier was buried in Albany April 23,1737. DiKK.TE Metselaer, widowof Bastiaen Harmense Yisscher, was buried in Albany April 7, 1739 O. IVaiiiiiiit;', son of (3) Ilaniien Hastiaeuse Vissclier and Hester Tjerkse, married (5) Alip. July 18, 1708. j 71 Jeronimus. ; \ Maria H. Visscher, wife of Philip Weadell, was buried in \ Albany Feburary 5, 1735. J Philip Wendell was buried February 13, 1743. 14. Jacob, son of (4) Tierk Harmense Visscher and Eni- iiietje Jauts, married (14) Snsanna, daughtei- of Egbertse Teunise Metselaer and Maritie Jjarents Bradt (b. January 20, 1689), June 21, 1700. No children. Jacob Tierk Tisseher died about 1763. He made a will November 10, 1762, proved November 8, 1763, in which he mentions Gertrued, daughter of Major Isaac Switts and Gerrit Van Vranken, heirs of sister (15) Hester Visscher Switts, viz. : Isaac, Samahe, Susanna (?), the wife of Cornelis Van Ness, Anuatje Switts (?) wife of Heudrick Beeckman ; Polly ([34] ViSSCITEK. - 259 Marytje Egbertse, probably liis wife's niece) wife of Jacob J. Lansing, Jr., wlio was the (laughter of Benjamin E. Egbertse. He was elected alderman of the Fonrth ward in 1743. 24. 1Iariiiaiiii«, son of (5j Bastiaen Hariiieiise Tissclier and (5) Dirkje Teiiuisse Metselaer, was baptised in Albany Jannary 5, 17a!>«tiaii, son of (90) Matthew Yisscher and Lydia Fryer, was born in Albany March 13, 1773 ; married Rosaiina, daughter of Thomas Shipboy (b. February 13, 1773), October 20, 1797, aud had 99 Anna Matilda, d. s. June 24, 1848. 100 Matthew, d. s. April 9, 1809. 101 Thomas S. 102 John, d. s. June 17, 1844. 103 Rosanna. 104 Cecelia, m. Ezra Wheelek, of New York, August 11, 1842, and had 1 John Visscher. 2 Cecelia, d. October 9, 1876. She died November 10, 1848. 105 Lydia Ann. Sebastian Visscher died in All)any October 2, 1824. E.OSANNA, his widow, died in Albany March 5, 1837, as. 65 years. Colonel Sebastian V^isscher was admitted to practice as attorney and counsellor in the court of common pleas and in the supreme court on February 3, 1795, and was ap])ointed master in chancery April 26, 1812. He was a justice of the peace and clerk of the state senate and colonel of the Eighty-ninth regiment of militia of the State. Thomas Shipboy, the father of Rosanna, the wife of Colonel Sebastian Yisscher, was a wealthy Irish gentleman and mer- chant. He had a country seat on State street, o])posite the old capitol, on the ground where " Johnny Cook's garden used to be." In company with Robert and John Y. Henry he came from Coleraine to Dublin, thence to Albany, in America. They were young men, full of enterprise and industry. "In the First Presbyterian church, organized in 1762, tradition says, were four ])ews with canopies, one for the occu- YisscHKR. 263 pation of Mr, Thomas Sliipboy, one tor Mr. Robert IJeiiiy, one for the governor and corporation and the fourth for dis- tinguished strangers." Sarah Fiyer, born February 10, 1752, Mdio married Edward S. Willet, and was tlie mother of Catharine Willet, second wife of (213) John B. YissonKK, and Lydia Frver, born October 20, 1753, who mari-ied (90) Matthkm^ Visscher, and was the motlier of Sebastian Visscher, were the only chihh-en of John Fryer and Annetje Yan Zandt wlio lived to maturity. Rosanna and Lydia Ann are the only surviving children of Sebastian Visscher. 98. Annetje, daughter of (90) Matthew Yissclier and Lydia Fryer, was born in Al])any October 25, 1778; married (148) Abraham Ten Eyck, May 17, 180], and had See (148) Ten Eyck. 8«. twerrit, son of (25) Tennis Bastian Visscher and (02) Maclitel Lansing, was baptised in Albany February 5, 1737; Muirried, 1st, Alicia, daughter of Ile.idrick J. Fonda and Anna Van Vechten (bp. Angust 31, 1740), October 20, 1702, and had 106 Annexe, b. November 25, 17(53 ; m. Jacob La Grange, February 10, 1784. Shed. August 20, 1794. 107 Teunis G., b. May 28, 1705; m. (404) Ai,ida Lansing about 1786. 108 Hendrick (Henry), b. September 15, 1708 ; in. Rebecca Bkooks, June 3, 1792. Alicia Fonda, wife of Geukit T. Visscher, died about 1708. He married, 2d, Rachel, daughter of Gerret Van den Bergh and Agnetje Lieverson (b. November 4, 1750), February 10, 1771 , and had 109 Gerrit, b. July 27, 1771 ; m. Rebecca Bkooks, November 9, 1793. Rachel, wife of GKKurr Telnis Visschek, died October 5, 1799, 86. 49 years. Gerkit Teuxis Visscher died January 5, 1805. lie nuide a M^'ll November 10, 1804 ; proved January 16, 1805. He lived in Broadway on the east side, north east corner of North Lansing street, near where the railroad crosses and just 34 2(l4 ViSSCHER. above it. The old house, huilt by him in 17^6, was demolished to constrnct tlie viaduct at the railroad crossing in 1882. In front of it until lately was a large willow tree, which sprang from a twig used by the messenger who brought to Albany the news of the defeat of Burgojne and his army, wdiich twig he threw away opposite the house (it was picked up and planted by Mrs. Yisscher), as he went l:)y at a full gallop shouting " Bergyne is taken, Bergyne is taken," a crowd of delighted men, women and children following him to the City Hall, corner of Hudson street and Broadway, then South Market street, where the news was proclaimed. 88. Teuiiiiii, son of (25) Tennis Bastianse Yisscher and (62) Machtel Lansing, was baj)tised in Albany February 12, 1744; married, 1st, Maritje, daugliter of Bastiaan Tymensen and Mayke Ouderkirk (b. in Schenectady August 14, 1748), October 22, 1767, and had 110 Teunis, 1). June 26, 1768. 111 Jannetje, b. March 21, 1770. 112 Johannes, b. December 5, 1771. 113 Bastian Tymensen, bp. October 18, 1778. 114 Machtel', b. ; m. Abraham Vrooman. 115 Mayke, bp. October 10, 1782 ; m. Johannes Swits. 116 Eldert, b. May 31, 1786; d. y. 117 Eldert,) - b. August 24, 1788. 118 Esther,) Maritje Tymensen, wife of Teunis T. Visscher, died before her last child was baptised. lie married, 2d, Elizabeth, daughter of Coruelis Groot and Maria R. Van Vranken, of Schenectady, November, 1789, and had 119 Catharine, b. September 3, 1790. 120 Eltie, b. June 5, 1795. 121 Teunis, b. June 23, 1798. 122 Eva, b. June 21, 1801. 123 Henry, b. March 12, 1805. 89. Joint T., son of (25) Teunis Bastiaense Visscher and (62) Machtel Lansing, was baptised in Albany December 14, ViSSCHEK. 265 17-16 ; man-ied Annetie, dangliter of Joliainies Pearse (Peersen) and Alida Van Vranken, of Sclienectady, October 7, 1768, and had 124 Machtel, bp. August 13, 1769. 125 Johannes, b. March 2, 1771. 126 Teunis, b. January 6, 1774. 127 Elizabeth, b. December 13, 1775. 128 Teunis, b. February 13, 1779. 129 Abraham, b. January 20, 1781. 130 Bastian, b. February 8, 1783. 131 Isaac, b. April 19, 1793. John T. Yissclier resided at Fort Hunter, N. Y. 107. Tennis G., son of (86) (Jerrit Teuiiisse Tisscher and Alida Fonda, was born May 28, 1765; married (404) Alida, danghter of (209) Christo])lier Lansing and Sara Van Scliaick (b. Angust 14, 1768), about 1786, and had 132 Alida, b. June 1, 1787 ; d. y. 133 Alida, b. February 19, 1789 ; m. Daniel K. Winne. 134 Gerrit L., b. February 16, 1793; m. Hester Vrooman. 135 Christopher Lansing, b May 3, 1795 ; d. in 1796. 136 Lansing, b. March 17, 1797; d. s. September 21, 1840. 137 John Van Schaick, b. May 11, 1799 ; m. Elben Doras, in 1822 ; d. August 17, 1854. She died July 20, 1879, «. 78 years. 138 Annatje, b. June 6, 1801 ; m. Philip De Foi{EESt. 139 James, b. December 22, 1803; d. June 23, 1830. Tennis G. Yissclier died June 19, 1829, ve. 64 years and 25 days. Alida Lansing, widow of Tkunis (t. Yisschek, died in Albany December 4, 1848, je. 82 years The al)ove cliildren were all born in tlie old homestead corner of Broadway and Xorth Lansing street. 'AVhen this liouse was built by his father there were no streets in the " (Jolonie." Broadway was a road leading from the north gate, near Orange street, to Watervh'et, and Noi-tb Lansing street was a road leading to the river. His father owned tlie land on the road to Watervliet down to the river, bounded on the south by vvliat is now North Lansing street. Between his bouse and the city gate there were but a few scattered liouses f i-onting on the road. ^QQ YlSSCHER. 134. Gerrit li., son of (107) Tennis (j. Yisscher and (404) Alida Lansing, was born Fel)ruai'j 10, 1793 ; married Hester Vroonian, of Niskaynna, and had 140 Maria, in. Robert Waterman ; dead. 141 Henry, in. Susan Herrington ; no ch. 142 John V. S., m. Sarah Wands ; no ch. 143 AUda. 137. John Van J*»eliaick, son of (107) Tennis 0. Vissclier and (4(>4) Alida Lansing, was born May 11, 1799; married Ellen Doras, in 1822, and had 144 Alida, b. in 1823 ; d. s. in 1853. 145 Su.san, b. in 1825 ; m. Lewis R. Gregory ; d. in 1861. 146 Mary, b. in 1827 ; d. s. in 1859. 147 James D., b. in 1829 ; Colonel of Forty-third regiment, New York State Volunteers, killed July 12, 1864, at Fort Stevens, during General Earley's attack on Washington, D. C. 148 Teunis G., b. July 26, 1831 ; m. Fidelia Flower. 149 Sarah, b. ; m. Josepn J. Price. 150 John Van Schaick, m. Mary Brown, in 1868 ; no ch. 151 Ellen, b. in 1842 ; m. Ashabel Webster. John Yan Scliaick Yisscher died August 17, 1854. Ellen Dokas, widow of John Yan Schaick Yisscher, died July 20, 1879, fe. 78 years. 148. Tennii^ CJ., son of (137j John Yan Schaick Yisscher and Ellen Doras^ was burn July 2(1, 1831 ; married Fidelia Flower, and had 152 Teunis G., b. September 19, 1854 ; m. Hattie E. McCaskie, June 9, 1876. 153 Louisa, b. February 10, 1856 ; ni. DeWitt C. Colbridge, April 25, 1878. 154 James D., b. March 8, 1860 ; d. in 1862. 155 James A., b. June 4, 1861. Tennis G. Yisscher resides at No. 13 Grand street, Albany. 1 ViSSCHER. 267 108. Heiiflrick (Henry), son of (80) Gerrit Tennis Yisscher and Alida Fonda, was hovn September 15, 1768; niarried Rebecca, daughter of Peter Brooks and Francyntje Wendell, of Watervliet (bp. October 15, 1775;>, June 3, 1792, and had 156 Gerrit, b. June 3, 1793 ; d. y. 157 Pieter, b. June 29, 1797 ; d. August 19, 1807. 158 Gerrit, b. November 2, 1799. 159 Frances, b. February 19, 1802. 160 Henry Fonda, b. January 2, 1804. 161 Abraham, b. July 15, 180(5. 162 Pieter, b. September 28, 1808. 163 Hannah, b. April 1, 1811. Rebecca Brooks, widow of Henky G. Visscher, died De- cember 31, 1832. 1 09. Gerrit G., son of (86) Gerrit Teiinisse Tissclier and Rachel Van den Bersb, his second wife, was born July 27, 1771 (^) ; married Rebecca, daughter of Jonathan Brooks and Elizabeth Bradt (b. October 16, 1774), November 9, 1793, and had 164 Rachel, b. September 27, 1794. 165 Elizabeth, b. March 25, 1797. 166 Teunis, b. July 22, 1799 ; d. before November 10, 1804. Gerrit G. Visscher died December 13, 1799, se. 27 years, 3 montlis and 12 days. There is a mistake eitlier in the date of his birth or age at death. He resided in Albany. Kebecca Brooks, widow of (ikrrit G. Yisscher, died De- cember 4, 1804, tc. 30 years, 1 month and 19 days. «1. Joliaiiiie§, son of (10) Joliannes Harniense Visscher and Elizabeth Nottingham, was baptised ISeptember 24, 1713; married Catharine, daughter of liarmen Van Slyck and Jannetje Vrooman (b. September 13, 1712), March 29, 1737, in Schenectady, and had 268 ViSSCHEE. 167 Johannes, bp. in Albany October 29, 1737; m. Susanna Scher- MEUIIORN. 168 Harmen Van Slyck, bp. April 29, 17^9; m. Hester Van IvEREN, February 3, 1750. 169 Jacobus, bp. April 25, 1742. 170 Elesebat, bp. October 9, 1743 ; in. Colonel Hendrick Glen. Jolianiies (John) Vissclier made his will November 9, 1773, then living in Schenectady, mentions only John, daughter, wife of H. Glen, and his own wife Catharine. 167. Johannes (Col.), son of (61) Johannes J. Tisscher and Catharine Van Slyck, was baptised in Albany October 29, 1737 ; married Snsanna.. daughter of Jacob 11. Schermerhorn, and had 171 Johannes, b. May 8, 1760; d. y. 172 Johannes, b. October 3, 1763; m. Aele. 173 Jacob, b. December 30, 1764. 174 Catrina, bp. May 22, 1767 ; d. y. 175 Harmanus, bp. May 32, 1768 ; ui. Elizabeth Cowper. 176 Margarita, bp. November 12, 1770. 177 Catrina, bp. October 24, 1773; m., 1st, Michael Tyms; 2d., Barent Roseboom. 178 Elizabeth, bp. February 9, 1777. Colonel Johannes Vissclier made a will March 9, 1787, mentioning the above children; will proved Jnne 1!, 1787. 168. Harmen Van Slyck, son of (61) Johannes J. Visscher and Catharine Van "Slyck, was baptised in Schenectady April 29, 1739 ; married Hester Van Iveren, February 3, 1750, and had 179 Johannes, bp. May 26, 1751. 180 Myndert, bp. October 7, 1753. 181 Elizabeth, bp. August 16, 1755 ; d. y. 182 Elizabeth, bp. June 13, 1757; m. Henry Hart, October 25, 1783. 183 Reiner, b. June 3, 1760. Harmen V. S. Visscher resided in Schenectady. YisscHER. 269 Joliaiiiieiii, son of (107) Colonel Johannes Visscher and Snsiinnii Scliernierliorn, was baptised Octohcr 3, 17G3; mar- ried Annetje, daughter of Peter Aele, and had 184 Susanna, bp. January 11, 1784. 185 Petrus Aele, bp. July 16, 178G. 186 Johannes, bp. November 9, 1788. 1 75. IIariiiaiiii!<, son of (167) Colonel Johannes Visscher and Snsanna Schernierhorn, was baptised May 22, 1768 ; niariied Elizabeth Covvper, and had 187 Maria, b. January 23, 1790. 31. Cireertriiy (Gertrude), dauo-hter of (6) Nanning Har- niense Visscher and (5) Alida Vinhagen, was baptised in Albany March 8, 1696; married David Van Der Heyden, December 26, 1725, and had 1 Dirk, bp. October 30, 1726. 2 Nanning, buried September 23, 1739. 3 Rachel, bp. August 32, 1730 ; d. y. 4 David, bp. November 19, 1732. 5 Ahda, bp. August 28, 1734 ; m. DoMiNiE Barent Vhooman, of Schenectady. 6 Jacob, bp. March 3, 1737 ; m. Maki.\ Halenbeck, 7 Rachel, bp. July 16, 1740 ; m. Samuel Stringer, M. D. He was a native of Maryland, and settled in Albany at the close of the French war, where he died July 11, 1817, in his 83d year. (Pearson.) David Van Der Heyden died in Albany May 30, 1770. He was a merchant doing bnsiness in Albany. He made a will February 7, 1770. Geertkuy Visschek, widow of Davio Van Der Heyden, died in Albany September 27, 1784. On excavating the trenches for the foundation of the addition to the Market (which was f(»rmerly the Middle Dutch church) on Beaver street, in November, 1882, the remains of Mr. and 270 ViSSCHER. Mrs. Yan Der Heyden were exhumed, and the grave-stones under whicli they rested were taken up. They bore tlie follow- ing inscriptions : Memento Mori. Here Lies the Body of Gertrude, Wife of David Van Der Heyden, Who died the 27th day of September, 1784. Aged 88 Years aud 6 months. Lower down and near the right hand corner is the name " T. Brown," probably that of the workman who cut the in- scription. Another stone found near by was inscribed : Here Lies the Body of David Van Der Heyden, Who Died the 30th of May Anno Domini, 1770. Enter'd in the 76th Year of his Age. The Beaver street burial ground had been used for that pur- pose for many years before the church at the foot of State street was demolished in 1806, and the dead from under the church were removed to tliis ground. When the Middle Dutch chnrch w^as built the grave stones were laid down upon the graves and covered with eaitli to the depth of three feet. The records show that before this, as soon as thegi'ound was wholly ()ecn])ied, it was customary to add a layer of earth u]>on the surface ;ind commence burying over the top of the last tier of coffins. After the lot was abandoned as a place of bui'ial, the new church yard was located south of the Capitol park in the vicinity of State street. When the excavations were made at the head of State street to bring tiie ground to a proper grade the remains found there were removed to the ground ]iow ritish service and rose to the rank of General. lie mar- ried in Ireland the Lady Sarah TrMVcr. by whom he had no issue. He was ;i man of great wealth for those days, and having no children left his ])roperty to his heirs in America. Joliaiiiiesii B., son (103) Barent J. Yisscher and (76) Sarah Harniense Yisscher, was born in .Mbany S('])tend)er 4, 17uiibar, wife of Johannes (John) B. Visschek, died February 1, 1804. He married, 2d, Cathauine, daughter of Edward S. Willet and Sarah Fryer (b. June 14, 1779), and had 227 Barent, b. June 3, 1810 ; d. April 22, 1811. 228 Barent, b. January 8, 1812 ; d. s. May 17, 1834. 229 Edward, b. January 28, 1814 ; d. July 19, 1817. 230 Gerrit, b. July 13, 1816; d. November 23, 1816. 231 Edward, b. November 18, 1817; unmarried. 232 Sarah Ann, b. November 30, 1819 ; m. Philip S. Lansing, De- cember 19, 1849. 233 Lydia, b. January 16, 1822; unmarried. 234 John B., b. August 31, 1825 ; m., 1st, (213) Ann Ten Eyck, July 8, 1857; 2d, Alida Douw Lansing, October 8, 1866. Johannes (John) B. Yisscher died in Alban^^ April 15, 1825, 86. 55 years, 7 months and 1) days. Cathakink AVillet, widow of Johannks B. Yisschee, died May 1, 18(52, fe. 82 years, 10 months and 17 days. • 197. l^aiiiiiiig;, son of (34) Harmen N. Visscher and Rachel Tan del* Hyden, was baptised December 2, 1739; married Alida Fonda, April 21, 1785(?), and liad 235 Rachel, b. February 7, 1786. 225. Harmen, son of (213) Joliannes B, Yisscher and Geer- truy Dnnbar, was born January 4, 18i>2; married Ann M., daughter of AVilliam Chapman and Elizabeth Lambert, Sep- tember 10. 1823, and had 236 Sarah, b. October 27, 1824; m. John Dey Ermond. 237 Gertrude D., b. August 21, 1826 ; m. W. F. Pruyn, February 13, 1849. 238 Jame.s C, b. February 1, 1830 ; Catharine Siver ; d. April 5, 1880. 239 Elizabeth L., b. May 17, 1835 ; died March 30, 1836. 240 Kate, b. April 6, 1837; died Juae 13, 1837. YissciiER. 275 241 Harmen, b. August 18, 1839; d. September 11, 1862; was shot through the lungs at the second battle of Bull Run, August SO, 1S(>2. 242 John Barent, b. April G, 184'3 ; m. Clara F. Simons, of BuflFalo. Harmen Visscher died in Albany, July 14, 1872. ^arali Aim, daughter of (213) Johannes B. Visscher and Catharine AVillet, was born in Albany, November 30, 1819 ; married Philip S., son of Isaac De Forest Lansing, December, 19, 1849, and had 243 Catharine V., b. May 29, 1850; d. August 15, 1855. 244 Isaac De Forest, b. January 2, 1855. 234. John B., son of (213) Johannes B. Visscher and Catha- rine Willet, was born in Albany, August 31, 1825; married, 1st, (213) Ann, daughter of (148) Al)raham R. Ten Eyck and (98) Annetje Vissclier (b. April IT, 1822), July 8, 1857. She died February 5, 18G3 ; no ch. He mari-ied, 2d, Alida, daughter of Douw Lansing and Jnne Ann Lieverse (b. October 1, 1841), October 18, 1866, and had 245 John Douw, b. August 31, 1867 ; d. December 27, 1868. 246 Edward Willet, b. April 5, 1870. 247 William Lieverse, b. June 4, 1874. John B. Visscher resides at No. 94 Noi-th Pearl Street, Albany. 41. ITariiioii, son of (7) Frederick Harniense Vissclier and Eva (iillese Myer, was born August 23, 1701 ; married Cath- rina, daughter of William l)rouwer. of Schenectady, about 1739, aiulhad 248 Frederick, b. February 21, 1741 ; m. Qazena De Qkafp, May 22, 1768. 249 Johannes (John), b. July 13, 1743 ; d. s.; killed by the Indians, May 22, 1780. 250 Margaret, b. September 27, 1747 ; d. October 9, 1747. 251 William Brouwer,-b. April 25, 1749. 276 YisscHER. 252 Harmanus, b. April 22, 1752; d. s.; killed by the Indians, May 22, 1780. 253 Geertruy, b. July 26, 1754; in. probably Nicholas Van Slyck. 254 Rebecca, b. October 19. 175(5 ; d. March 11, 1769. 255 Margaret, b. March 11, 1759 ; ni., 1st., John C. Van Everen ; 2d., Mtndert S. Ten Eyck. (See 68 Ten Eyck.) 256 Rebecea, b. June 3, 1761. Harmon A'issclier was among the eai-liest settlers of Canghnawaga, and died shortly before the commencement of tlie revolutionary war, leaving settled upon his extensive farm " Dadenoscara," near the present village of Canghnawaga (now Fonda), an aged widow, three sons and two daughters. Fred- erick (Col.), John, (Captain of Trvon Co. militia), Harmon, Gertruy and Margaret. He was born in Albaii}^ where he resided until he was fifty years of age, when he purchased a thousand acres of land in the valley of the Mohawk, (the deed for which is dated January 31, 1750), aiul i-emoved to his new home. His death took place probably about 177-1-, and he was buried in the family plot in the rear of the mansion. 948. Frederick, (Col.), son of (41) Harmon Visscher and Catliriua Broil wer, was born in Albany, February 21, 1741; married Gazeiia, daughter of Daniel De Graff and Gazena Swits, May 22, 176S, and iiad 257 Harmon, b. January 4, 1769 ; d. August 3, 1779. 258 Gazena, b. July 14, 1771 ; m. Simon Mabee, May 3, 1792. 259 Daniel, b. September 2, 1773 ; m. Hesteu Conyne, May 22, 1819. 260 WiUiam B., ) in. Ann Easton, February 22, 1810. - b. May 19, 1776. 261 Catharine, ) m. Jacob S. Glen, February 13, 1802 262 Harmon, b. April 4, 1780 ; m. Debor.\h Conyne. 263 John, b. December 16, 1784 ; m. Barbara Gross, December 15, 1812. 264 Jesse, b. January 8, 1787 ; m. Annetje De Graff, February 10, 1811. 265 Frederick, b. August 8, 1789 ; d. August 6, 1792. Colonel Frederick Visscher died at the family mansion at Canghnawaga, June 9, 1S09. Gazena De Graff, widow of Colonel Frederick Visscher, died September 9, 1815. A'^isscHEK. 277 CoLONKL A^issoiiHK IS jiistlj entitled to be called the liero of the faiiiilv. Several accounts have been ^iven of his conraffe, and ivinarkable escape fruni death when the family mansion near ('aui;-hna\vaga was attacked bv the Torys and Indians in 17^0, under the command of his bitter enemy, Sir John Johnson, tlie fullest account of which and probably the earliest will l)e found in "Sims' Border Wars of New York," Tlie foil owing extracts are taken from Sims' and from Sanders' early history of Schenectady families, a highly interesting work, hitely published : Colonel Yisscher was married and resided a slioit distance from the paternal mansion, the other brothers John and Har- mon, with their sisters Geertruy and Margaret, were nnmarried and resided with their mother at the homestead. The Yisscher brothers M'ere nncon')})romising patriots and exceedingly obnox- ious to their Tory neighbors, headed by Sir John Johnson. Aj)prehending invasion, and a few days before Sir John John- son's terrible descent on the settlement. Colonel Yisscher sent by bateau his young wife and infant familj' to Schenectady for safety, and took up his residence at ihe homestead. On Sunday night, the 21st' of May, 1780, Sir John Johnson, at the head of about 500 men, British, Indians and Tories, entered the Johns^own settlements from Canada by the expected northern route. Dividing his forces Colonel Johnson sent part of them, mostly Indians and Tories, to Tribes Hill under th(» diivction of Henry and William Bowen, two brothers who had formerly lived with the Johnsons in C!aiiada. After sack- ing and burning the house of Barney Hansen, the enemy pro- ceeded to the house of Colonel Yisscher and finding it un- occupied they plundered it and setting it on tire hastened onward to the Yisscher mansion, where they arrived just at day light. There were in the house Colonel Yisscher, his mother, two brothers and two sisters, mentioned al)ove. • The attack was commenced by twenty of the enemy, who arrived first on tlie grouinl, who were soon followed by the main body of 300. The brothers defendctl the house for some time after the enemy gained an entrance below, and while fighting on the stairs the sisters escaped from the cellar kitchen and Hed to the 278 YisscHER. wood not far distant. Their motlier, about to follow her daughters, was stricken down bv a blow on the head from the butt of a musket and was left without being scalped. The brothers still continued to fia^ht until their ammunition g-ave out and the house was no longer tenable, and as the enemy ascended the stairs Colonel Yisschkr discharged his pistol and throwing it behind him in token of submission, called for quarter. An Indian running up struck him a blow upon the head with a tomahawk which brought him to the floor. He fell upon his face and the Indian took the crown scalp from his head, which entitled him to a reward, then giving him a gash in the back of his neck turned him over and attempted to cut his throat, which was only prevented by his cravat, the knife penetrating just through the skin. His brother. Captain John, as the enemy approached retreated to a c[arcb 17, 1795 ; d. j. 268 Frederick V., b. Jane 23, 1797. 269 Gazena, b. February 23, 1801 ; m. Coknelius H. Putnam, October 24, 1820; d. February 20, 1861. He died August 12, 1873. 270 AUda, b June 9, 1803 ; m. Charles Van Eps, October 27, 1825. 271 Peter, d. s. Daniel, son of (248) Colonel Frederick Visscher ami Gazena De Graff, was born September 2, 1773; married Hester Conyne, May 22, 1819 (b. January 10, 1780), and had 272 Gazena, b. March 20, 1820. 273 Peter C, b. September 21, 1822 ; d. November 9, 1822. 36 280 YlSSCHER. 274 Rebecca, b. January 9, 1824 ; m. Elijah Garlock, November 28,1851. 275 Deborah, b. March 23, 1826. 276 Margaret, b. April 28, 1829 ; m. Albert M. Hull, October 27, 1858. 360. William Broiiwer, son of (248) Colonel Frederick Tisscher and Oazeiia De Graff, was born May 19, 1776 ; mar- ried Ann Easton, of Johnstown, N. Y. (b. September -1, 1791), Febrnaiy 22, 1810, and had 277 Frederick, b. December 9, 1810 ; m. Elizabeth W. Lightfoot, December 9, 1841. 278 Daniel W., b. February 22, 1813 ; m. America E. La Treat, October 12, 1847. 279 William C, b. December 25, 1815 ; m , 1st, Eliza Modltener, March 29, 1843; 2d, Catharine Booth, October 31, 1867. 280 Jacob G., b. October 11, 1817 ; m. Lydia A. Doolittle, August 9, 1870. 281 Henry H., b. July 24, 1819; m. Mary C. Reynolds, October 18, 1859. 282 Maria L., b. August 10, 1824 ; m. C. W. Burdick, M. D. 283 John B., b. July 1, 1826 ; m Lydia Rowley, September 24, 1857. 284 Gazena, b. July 11, 1828; m. FiRTH. William B. Visscher died October 21, 1847. Ann Easton, widow of William B. Visscher, died Septem- ber 28, 1872. €atliarine, dano;hter of (248) Colonel Frederick Tisscher and Gazena De Graff, was Ijorn May 19, 1776 ; married Jacob S. Glen, February 13, 1802 ; no eh. Catharine Visscher, wife of Jacob S. Glen, died January 15, 1827. Jacob S. Glen, died at Glen, Montgomery County, April 21, 1859. 962. Hariiioii, son of (248) Colonel Frederick Visscher and Gazena De Graff, was born April 4, 1780 ; married Deborah Conyne, and had 285 Gazena, b. February 22, 1812 ; m. Jesse De Graff, August 10, 1830. ViSSCHER. 281 Deborah Coiiyiie^ wife of Harmon Yisscher, died February 22, 1812. Harmon Visscher, died about 1811-15. *J63. • Joliii, son of (218) Colonel Frederick Yisscher and Gazeiia De Graff, was born December 10, 1Y84; married Barbara Gross (b. September 15, 1790), December 15, 1812, and had 286 Frederick, b. December 30, 1813 ; m. Sauah Ann Buxton, March 12, 1840. 287 Jannette, b. April 6, 1817; in. Isaac Frank, February 24,1841. 288 Henry G., b. March 15, 1818 ; in. Elizabeth Dockstadeu, De- cember 15, 1847 ; d. April 12, 1851. 289 Montgomery, b. April 21, 1821 ; m. Ann Dockstadku, Septem- ber 2(5, 1849. 290 John Jay, b, August (5, 1825 ; m. Elizabeth Haggart, January 27, 1858 ; d. June 5, 1870. She died in 1871. Barbara Gross, wife of John Fisher, died March 11, 1855. John Fisher, died January 1, 1858. He changed the spell- ing of his name to Fisher. He was a man of decided ability and deternjined character. Jesse, son of (218) Colonel Frederick Yisscher and Gazeua I)e Graff, was born January 8, 1787 ; married Aiinetje, daughter of Simon De Graff, of Schenectady (b. August 23, 1793), February 10, 1811, and had 291 Jane Ann, b. March 23, 1812 ; m. David W. Houghtaling, M. D.. M^ch 2a, 1834. 292 Gazena Margaret, b. March 13, 1814 ; ra. Gaius Wolveuton, of Charlestown, N. Y., March 28, 1839. 293 Frederick, b. February 26, 1817 ; m. Mary Ann Brenizeu, Fei)raary 20, 1849 ; no ch. ; d. March 6, 1880. 294 Catharine, b. March 20, 1819 ; m. Charles H. Skillen, July, 1839. 295 Hester, b. June 10, 1823 ; m. Henry S. Schell, in 1847. 296 Daniel, b. September 3, 1825 ; d. March 22, 1826. 297 Simon G., b. February 8, 1828 ; m., 1st, Adelia S. Gkeen, May 20, 1863; 2d, Isabella E. Dknio, June 14, 1865. ^82 YlSSCHElK. 298 Jesse, Jr.,"] m. Mauy Philes, January 8, 1866. 1 ;^b. June 15, 1831. I m. John D. Clute, September 2, 1856. He died 299 Mary, J March 24, 1882, in Morriaauia, N. Y. Jesse Visscher died %n his farm near Tribes Hill, Mont- gomery county, N. Y., October 11, 1831. Annat.fe De Graff, widow of Jesse Yisscher, died in Amsterdam April 19, 1869. Jane Ann, daughter of (264) Jesse Yisscher and Aniiatje De Graff, was born March 22, 1812; married David W. Houghtaliug, M. D., March 22, 1834, and had 300 Irving W., b. July 9, 1836; m. Harriet A. Dates, November 10, 1865. 301 James Marsden, b. June 10, 1838 ; m. Josephine Fuller, March 12, 1859 ; d. December 18, 1872. 302 Josephine, b. February 12, 1840. 303 Charles S., b. July 12, 1849. 304 Helena, b. April 28, 1853 ; m. Adolf Alt, M. D., April 30, 1879. David W. Houghtaliiig died at Waterport, N". Y., Novem- ber 2, 1857. Jane Ann Yisscher, widow of David W. Houghtaling, now resides in New York city. •392. Gazena Margaret, daughter of (264) Jesse Visscher and Annatje De Cm raff, was born March 13,1814; married Gains Wolvertoii, of Charleston, N. Y., March 28, 1839, and had 305 Frederick A., b. January 18. 1840; d. s. June 30, 1862. Gazena Margaret Tissclier, wife of Gaius Wolverton, died October 20, 1850. Gaius Wolverton, died February 2, 1856. He was born in Charleston, Montgomery county, N.Y., November 23, 1809. 993. Frederick J., son of (264) Jesse Yisscher and Annatje YisscHER. 283 De Graff, was born February 20, 1817; married Marj Ann Brenizer, of Sliippensburgh, Pa., February 20, 1849; no eh. Frederick J. Yissclier had been a ])ronHnent business man and manufacturer in New York for about thirty years. His residence is in Brooklyn, L. I. He died suddenly in Jersey City March 6, 1880, and buried in Greenwood cemetery. He was taken sick in Bergen county court-room, went to a drug store near by and dropped dead before relief could be had for aneurism. 294. Catharine, daugliter of (264) Jesse Visscher and Annatje De Graff, was born March 20, 1819 ; married Charles H. Skillen, July, 1839. He was Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fourteenth regiment, New York State Yolunteers, of Oneida county, and was killed in the battle at Gaines Mills, June 24, 1802. She married, 2d, Philip Pruyn, of Amsterdam, N. Y., June 11, 1ST4. 295. Hei^ter, daughter of (264) Jesse Yissclier and Annatje De Graff, was born June 10, 1828; married Henry S. Shell, of New York city, in 1847, and had 306 Anna T., b. April 1, 1849 ; m. Philip J. Forbes, June 19, 1873. 307 Flora V., b. July 2, 1852. 308 Harry E., b. September 9, 1864. Henry Shell and family reside in New York city. 297. Million, (Rev.), son of (264) Jesse Visscher and*Annatje De Graff, was born February 8, 1828; married, 1st, Adelia L. Green, at South ]>eiid, Indiana, May 20, 186P>. His wife died June 14, 1864. He married, 2d, Isabella E. Denio, of Rome, N. Y., June 14, 1865, and had 309 Isabella, b. July IG, 1866. 310 Frederick Denio, b. February 11. 1869; d. July 30, 1870. 311 Franklin Denio, b. November 17, 1871. 312 Theodore Cuyler, b. May 22, 1876. 284 YisscHEE. Rev. Simon G. Vissclier was graduated at Union college in 1855 and at Princeton Theological seminary in 1859, and is now a resident of Rome, N. Y. 998. Jesse, Jr., son of (264) Jesse Vissclier and Annatje De Graff, was born twin with Mary, June 15, 1831 ; married Mary Philes, January 8, 1866, and had 313 Anna, b. September 16, 1869. Jesse Tissclier died in Cincinnati, O., August 27, 1871. 999. Mary, daughter of (264) Jesse Vissclier and Annatje De Graff, was born June 15, 1831 ; married John D. Clute, of Schenectady, September 2, 1856, and had 314 Jesse H., b. .July 6. 1857. 315 Melvin B., b. November 15, 1861. 316 Anna T., b. December 27, 1866 ; d. February 23, 1867. 317 Charles H., b. October 13, 1867. John D. Clnte died in Morrisania, N. Y., March 24, 1882. 977. Frederick, son of (260) William Brouwer Visscher and Ann Easton, was born December 9, 1810; married Elizabeth Walker Lightfoot (b. October 20, 1821, December 9, 1841, and had 318 William Lightfoot, b. November 25, 1842 ; m. Blanche Mason, • March 16, 1875. 319 Catharine Easton, b. March 14, 1844; d. March 14, 1868. 320 Frederick Fontane, b. March 12, 1846; m. Eva Kavanaugh, in 1873. 321 Walker Maury, b. March 30, 1848 ; m. Ei.LA Sterner, December 21, 1871. 322 Elizabeth Ayers, b. March 8, 1850 ; m. Dr. Wilmam T. Burdick, January 23, 1877. 323 Fanny Glenn, b. July 19, 1853. 324 Mildred Peachey, b. May 24, 1855. 325 Martha Gazena, b. March 23, 1857. YisscHER. 285 326 Thomas Smith, b. November 7, 1859. 327 Nannie Berkley, b. March 15, 1866. Frederick Tisscher now resides in Owingsville, Ky. He left the state of New York in 1839 for the South, with the intention of j-eniaining away about three months, but finding a wife to his liking and a residence in Kentucky agreeable, he has remained there ever since. During the war of the Rebellion he was an unconditional Union man, was active in raising troops for the army, organized a company for himself, started for the camp with the minimum nnml)er allowed, when he left them and returned to till up his company, was taken prisoner by the Rebels and carried to Virginia, where he was kindly treated and after a couple of months returned to his home on parole. During the remainder of the war he was Provost Marshal for Eastern Kentucky. The wife of Fbedekick Visscher is of a Virginia family of note. Her mother was the daughter of the Rev. Mathew Maury and granddaughter of the Rev. James Maury, of Patrick Henry notoriety, and is a cousin to Admiral M. F. Maury of the navy. William Iji^litToot, son of (277) Frederick Visscher aiul Elizabeth Walker Lightfoot, was born November 25, 1842 ; married in Omaha Blanche Mason, of St. Louis, March 16, 1875, and had 328 Viva Glenn, b. June 12, 1877. William Liglitlbot Visscher enlisted in the Twenty-fourth regiment of Kentucky Federal army in 1S61. Served three years as hospital steward ; after his discharge studied law ; was admitted to the bar ; went to Louisville to attend law lec- tures and graduated at the Law school in that city ; l)ecame an amenuensis for George D. Prentice and one of the editors of the Louisville Journal. He now resides in Denver, Col., and has been for two years one of the editors of Pomeroy's paper. 35JO. Frederick Foiitaiie, son of (277) Frederick Visscher and Elizabeth Walker Liglitfoot, was born March 12, 1846; 286 YisscHER. married Eva Kavanaugh, in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1873, and had 329 Kate Kavanaugh, b. December 4, 1875. 3291 Clara Gentry, b. November 9, 1879. Frederick F. Visscher is by profession a civil engineer. \%^alker ]flanry, son of (277) Frederick Yisscher and Elizabeth Walker Lightfoot, was born March 30, 1848; married Ella Sterner, in Nebraska, December 21, 1871, and had 330 Jesse Glen, b. December 26, 1874. 331 Maggie Maury, b. December 2, 1876. 332 Betty Walker, b. October 3, 1878. 332i Ella Gazena, b. May 10, 1882. Elizabeth Ayer§, danghter of (277) Frederick Yisscher and Elizabeth Walker Lightfoot, was born March 8, 1850 married in "Watertown, N. Y., William Thomas Burdick, M. D., Jannary 23, 1877, and had 333 Charles L., b. November 28, 1877. 334 Walker Visscher, b. January 14, 1879. 334i Frank Glenn, b. February, 1881. 278. Daniel ^V., son of (26o) William Broiiwer Yisscher and Ann Easton, was born Febrnary 22, 1813; married America E. La Treat, of Fort Yalley, Houston connty, Ga. (b. October 12, 1829), October 12, 1847, and had 335 Jacob Glen, b. August 11, 1848 ; m. Mattie .Iane Finney, of Georgia, August 5, 1879. 336 Mary Elodia, b. October 28, 1854 ; d. June 4, 1856. 337 Anna Beaufort, b. December 4, 1857 ; d. September 20, 1859. 338 Helen Maria, b, May 6, 1860 ; d. July 17, 1863. 339 William Casey, b. August 2, 1863. 340 Lizzie, b. April 19, 1867; d. June 9, 1869. Daniel ^\. Yisscher resides at Fort Yalley, Houston county, Ga. YisscHER. 287 279. IVilliaiii C, son of (260) William Brouwer Visscher and Ann Easton, was born December 25, 1815 ; married, 1st, Eliza Moultener, Mai-cli 29, 1843, and liad 241 Helen R., b. July 17, 1844 ; m. Chakles Dillenback, December 19, 18G5. Eliza 3Ioulteuer, wife of William C. Visscher, died June 13, 1864. He married, 2d, Catharine Booth, October 31, 1867, and had 342 Cora A., b. December 24, 18G8. 343 Glen H., b. July 24, 1871. Catharine Booth, wife of Williajvi C. Yisschj:e, died March Jl, 1874. William C. Visscher resides in Governeur, St. Lawrence conntv, N. Y. 280. Jacob Glen, son of (260) William Brouwer Visscher and Ann Easton, was born October 11, 1871 ; married Lydia Boolittle (b. at WaUingford, Conn., September 17, 1846), Angust 9, 1870, and had 344 Catharine Louisa, b. May 10, 1871. 345 Annie, b. January 27, 1878. 346 George Glen, b. May 16, 1875. 347 Henry Beeckman, b. March 31, 1877. Jacob G. Visscher died at Fort Yallej, Ga., Jnno 18, 1877. 381. Henry Hamilton, son of (260) William Brouwer Visscher and Ann Easton, was born Jnly 24, 1819 ; married Mary C. Reynolds, widow {h. November 17, 1831), at Omaha, Neb., Octol)er 18, 1859, and had 348 Annie Elizabeth, b. July 25, 1861 ; d. October 28, 1802. 349 William Henry, b. October 11. 1803; d. September 21, 1805. 350 Gertrude, b. April 8, 1806. 351 Maria Burdick, b. AuffUHt 6, 1808. 352 Eliza Patrick, b. August 5, 1872. 353 Henrietta, b. May 27, 1875. Henry H. Visscher and family reside at Omaha, Neb. 37 288 YisscHEE. Joliu Beekiuan, son of (260) William Brouwer Yisscher and Aim Eastou, was bom Jnly 1, 1826 ; married Lydia Rowley, of Fort Plain, N. Y. (b. August 2i, 1832), September 24, 1857, and had 354 Charles H., b. January 21, 1855 ; m. Catharine J. Kellogg, July 9, 1879. . '355 Carrie Amelia, b. February 3, 1857 ; m. 0. L. Oaks, November 10, 1875. 356 E. Beeckman, b. November 15, 1864. John B. Yisscher and family reside at Soutli Rutland, N. Y. 300. Irving' W., son of (291) Jane Ann Yisscher and David W. Houghtaliug, M. D., was born July 9, 1836 ; married Harriet A. Dates (b. May 14, 1846), November 10, 1865, and had 356i EvangeUna, b. June 14, 1867. 357 Frederick M., b. July 3, 1869. 358 Charles J., b. October 23, 1873. 359 Glen A., b. July 27, 1874. 360 Ralph H., b. November 4, 1879. Dr. David W. Hougiitaling graduated from the Medical Department of the Univei'sity of New York city May 10, 1862 ; was appointed assistant surgeon, New York State Yolun- teers, and was subsequently stationed at Fortress Monroe. He now resides at Somerset, Niagara county, N. Y. 301. Jniiie^ Marsdeii, son of (291) Jane Ann Yisscher and David W. Houghtaling, was born June 10, 183S ; married Josephine Fnller, March 12, 1859, and had 361 Frederick, b. December 35, 1859 ; d. November 30, 1863. James Marsden Honghtaling died December 18, 1872. 96. Catliliiia, daughter of (82) Bastiaen Tennis Yissclier and (21) Engeltje Yandenhnr^h, was born in Albany January 27, VissciiER. 289 lTr)2; married (202) Isaac H. Bogart, January 'M, 1789, and had 362 Angelica, b. December 27, 1789 ; ui., lat, (203) Samuel Keed, in January, 1805 ; 2d, (1802 Tal. ped.) Qeouge Talcott, Novem- ber 17, 1810. Isaac H. Bogart died in Albany September 22, 1841. Cathlina Yisscher, widow of Isaac H. Bogart, died in Albany April 10, 1845. She was born at her father's residence on North Market street, where now stands 748 Broadway, the residence of her grandson S. Yisscher Talcott, the property having been in the possession of the family since 1737. 362. Angelica, daughter of (96) Catlilina Yisscher and (202) Isaac H. Bogart, was born in Albany, at the residence of her grandfather Yisscuek on Noi'tli Market street, December 27, 1789; married, 1st, (202) Samuel Reed, of Norwalk, Conn., and had 363 Isaac Henry, b. November 28, 1805. (See 350 Bogart and 360 Reed.) Samuel Reed, husband of Angelica Bogart, died at Norwalk, Conn., November, 1809. She married, 2d, (1802 Tal. ped.) George Talcott, U. S. A., November 17, 1810, and had 364 George Henry, b. July 16, 1811 ; m, Catharine J. Starke, November 9, 1843; d. June 8, 1854. 365 Sebastian Visscher, b. November 24, 1812 ; m. (406 Shearman) Olivia M. Shearman, November 23, 1843. Angelica Bogart, wife of General George Talcott, died September 1, 1861. General George Talcott, died April 25, 1862. (See 293 Bogart and 1802 Talcott pedigree). 304. George Henry, son of (362) Angelica Bogart and (1802) General George Talcott, was born in New York city Jnly 16, 1811 ; married Catharine J., danghter of General W. W. Starke, of Augusta,. Ga., Novcnd)er 9, 1843, and had 290 ViSSCHEB. 366 Starke, b. December 10, 1848. George Henry Talcott was an officer in the United States arm J. He died June S, 1854. (See 1818 Talcott pedigree and 351 Bogart.) Catharine J. Stakke, widow of Geokge JEenky Talcott, died February 26, 1869. 365. Neba§tiau Vi§scher, son of (362) Angelica Bogart and (1802) General George Talcott, was born in New York city November 24, 1812; married (406) Olivia M., daughter of (372) Eobert Shearman and (481) Aima Maria Sherman, November 23, 1843, and had 367 George, b. October 6, 1844 ; m. Mary Isabel Hyde Downing, June 23, 1879. 368 Angelica Bogart, b. February 24, 1846 ; m. (153) Clakence Rathbone, September 11, 1866. 369 Robert Shearman, b. October 23, 1847; in. M. D. Barclay, May 18, 1870; noch. 370 Anna Maria, b. October 17, 1849. 371 Sarah Gibson, b. December 25, 1851. S. Yissclier Talcott and family reside at Y48 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. (See 1819 Talcott pedigree and 352 Bogart.) 367. George Talcott, son of (365) S. Visscher Talcott and (406) Olivia M. Shearman, was born in Attleboro, Mass., October 6, 1844; married Mary Isabel Hyde, daughter of Jerome F. Downing and Henrietta Bagg, of Eiie, Pa., June 23, 1879, and had 372 Winifred, b. April 17, 1880. (See 1819 Talcott pedigree, 409 Bogart and 435 Shearman.) 368. Angelica Bogart, daughter (365) S. Visscher Talcott and (406) Olivia Maria Shearman, was born at 748 Broadway, Albany, N. Y., February 24, 1846; married (153) Clarence Rathbone, September 11, 1866, and had* ViSSOHER. 291 373 Albert, b. July 27, 1868. 374 Joel, b. September 12, 1869. 375 AngeUca Talcott, b. March 13, 1871. 376 Ethel, b. December 11. 1877. Clarence Ratlibone and family reside in Albany, N. Y. (See 153 Kathbone, 1819 Talcott pedigree, 410 Bogart and 4:36 Shearman.) VAN BERGEN. (Of Catskill and Coxsackie.) The notes relating to this family were kindly furnished by Henry Brace, Esq., of New York city. 1. Marten Gerrif sen Van Berg'en is first mentioned at Albany where he married, 1st, Jauiietje Marteiise ; 2d, Neeltje, daughter of Myndert Frederickse (Van Yveren), Jan- uary 21, 1686, and had 2 Gerrit, bp. in Albany November 27, 1687 ; m. in Kingston Annaatje Meyer, June 1, 1711. 3 Myndert, bp. in Albany September 1, 1689 ; d. s. 4 Marten, bp. in Albany March 38, 1692; m. in Albany Catkina Meyer, June 7, 1715. 5 Pieter, bp. in Albany February 21, 1694 ; m. Christina, daughter of Anthony Costar, November 7, 1724: d. January 4,- 1778; lived in Coxsackie. 6 Johannes, bp, in Albany October 4, 1695 ; died without issue. Captain Marten Gerritsen Van Bergen died in 1696., widow of Captain Marten Gerritsen Va.n Bergen, married (11) Hendrick Douw, of Albany, October 3, 1697. " Captain Marten Gerritsen Van Bergen in 1668 had a lease of Castle Island, called after him. Marten Gerritsen's Island, and in 1690 he lived south of that island on the west side of the river." — [O'Callaghan's Plistory of New York. "In 1662 the island opposite the kill at Coxsackie was also called Marten Gerritsen's Island. In 1669 he bought sixty- nine morgens and homestead at Catskill (Coxsackie) of Jan Andriesse, the Irishman ; in 1670 he purchased more land at Van Bergen, " 293 Coxsackie of Jan Clute and others; in 16Y3-85 he was a magistrate of tlie connty ; in 1685 he was commissioned captain of a company of foot. Letters of administration were issued to his wife December 3, IGOG." — [Pearson's First Settlers of Albany. 2, Cirerrit, son of (1) Marten Gerritseii Yaii Bergen and Neeltje Myndertse Tan Yveren, was baptised in Albany No- vember 27, 1687 ; married in Kingston Annaatje Meyer, June 1, 1711, and had 7 Debora, bp. in Albany October 16, 1715 ; m. John Persen (Peers). 8 Marten Gerritsen, bp. in Albany April 13, 1718; m. iu Kingston Mary Van Dyck, September 28, 1743. 9 Annaalje, bp. in Albany May 15, 1720 ; m. (15) William Van Bergen ; d. before 1795. 10 William, bp. in Albany May 13, 1723 ; m. (18) Catharina Van Bergen ; d. August 30, 1794. 11 Pieter, bp. in Albany July 36, 1734; d. probably before September, 1758, without issue. 12 Neeltje, bp. in Albany March 5, 1727; m. David Abeel, Jr., July 2, 1752 ; d. April 5, 1805. 13 Catharina, b. ; m. iu Kingston Casparus Bronck, Decem- ber 10, 1739 ; d. before July, 1758, the date of her father's will. Gerrit Yan Bergen lived and died at Catskill. His will was dated July 25, 1758, proved February 3, 1759. . 4. llartcii, son of (1) Marten (Jerritsen Yan Bergen and Neeltje Myndertse Yan Yveren, was l»a])tised in Albany March 28, 1692; married Catrina Meyer, June 7, 1715, and had 14 Marten Gerritsen, bp. in Albany June 3, 1716; d. y. 15 William, bp. in Albany January U, 1718 ; m. (9) Anna (AnnajVTJe) Van Bergen ; probably drowned at Esopus April, 1765. 16 Hendrickus, bp. in Albany September 27, 1719 ; d. y. 17 Petrus, b. in 1731 ; m. Eliza Newkerk, of Kingston, October 4, 1741 ; d. January 2, 1789. 18 Catharina, bp. in Albany January 33, 1734 ; m. (10) William Van Bergen. 294 Van Bergen. ' 19 Neeltje, bp. in Albany October 25, 1725 ; m, Hendrick Oothout, December 24, 1760; d. December 18, 1793. 20 Elizabeth, bp. in Albany May 13, 1727 ; d. y. 21 Anna Maria, bp. in Albany December 8, 1728 ; m. Rev. Johannes ScnuNEMAN, December 18, 1754 ; d. September 25, 1795. Marten Van Bergen made a will June 27, 1765, proved March 31, 1770. He lived and died in Catskill. , 7. Debora, daughter of (2) err it Van Bergen and Annaatje Meyer, was baptised in Albany October 16, 1715; married John Perseii (Peers), and had 22 Annaatje, b. December 15, 1749 ; m. Jacob Newkerk, June 18, 1778 ; d. February 28, 1837. 23 Gerrit, bp. in Catskill May 11, 1754 ; m. Betsy, daughter of William Dederick. 24 Maria, bp. in Catskill May 11, 1754; d. in infancy. 25 Johannes, Jr., b. July 28, 1756 ; m. Eliza Newkerk, of Kingston; d. in 1838. 26 Marytje, bp. in Catskill May 27, 1758 ; d. s. August, 1795. 8. Marfeii Gerritsen, son of (2) Gerrit Van Bergen and Annaatje Meyer, was baptised in Albany April 13, 1718; married in Kingston Mary Van Dyck, September 28, 1742, and had 27 Annaaye, bp. in Germantown October 12, 1743 ; living in 1785. 28 Neeltje, bp. in Kaatsbaan June 4, 1745 ; living in 1785. 29 Gerrit, bp. in Kaatsbaan June 9, 1747 ; ra. , 1st, (39) Catiiarina, daughter of (10) William Van Bergen ; 2d, in Claverack, Eliza- beth Van Dyck, August 6, 1781 ; d. February, 1820," near the Steen-bakkery." 30 Christyntje, bp. in Kaatsbaan October 8, 1750 ; living in 1785. 31 Pieter, b. June 16, 1753; m. Annaatje (Hannah) Schermeriiorn, August 20, 1778 ; d. August 16, 1833. 32 Elizabeth, bp. in Catskill January 25, 1750 ; living in 1785. 33 David, b. in 1760; m. in Kaatsbaan Catharine NEvncERK, October 28, 1780 ; d. April 27, 1819. 34 Elizabeth (?), bp. in Catskill July 10, 1708 ; living in 1785. 35 Wilhelmus, b. June, 17G6 ; m. Catharine Persen ; d. January 15, 1844. Van Uekgen. 205 36 Catharina, b. ; m. JoiiN J. Ciiami'LIN, of Albany, April 17, IT'JO. Marten Oerritseii Van 15ergeii made a will whicli was j)roved February 9, 1789. 10. Williaiii, sun of (2) Gerrit Van Bergen aiul Annaatje Meyer, was baptised in Albany May 13, 1722; married (18) Catharina, daughter of (4) Marten Van Bergen and Catrina Meyer, and bad 37 Catharina, bp. in Kaatsbaau September 23, 1747 ; d. in infancy. 38 Annaatje, bp. in Kaatsbaan December 27, 1748 ; m. probably Isaac Van Valkenburg, in 1765. 39 Catharina, bp. in Kingston November 16, 1752 ; m. (29) Gerrit Van Bergen, (his first wife). William Van Bergen died August 30, 1794. 12. IVceltje, daughter of (2) Gerrit Van Bergen and Annaatje Meyer, was baptised in Albany March .5, 1727 ; married David Abeel, Jr., July 2, 1752, and had 40 Annaatje, bp. in Albany March 1, 1753; d. in infancy. 41 Anthopy, bp. in Catskill October 9, 1754; m. Catharine Moor, October 6. 1797 ; d. February 25, 1822. 42 Gerrit, bp. in Catskill March 27, 1757 ; m. Elizabeth Cantine ; d. October 23, 1829. 43 Annaatje, bp. in Kaatsbaan April 8, 1760 ; m. Hasbrouck. 44 Catharine, bp. in Catskill September 28, 1765 ; d. s. August 24, 1829. Neeltje Van Bergen, wife of David Abeel, Jr., died A]>ri] 5, 1805. 13. Catharina, daughter of (2) Gerrit Van Bergen and Annaatje Meyer, was born ; married in Kingston Casparus Bronck, December 10, 1739, and had 45 Annaatje, bp. in Coxsackie October 4, 1743 ; m. John A. Wit- BECK ; d. October 8, 1795. 38 296 Van Bekgen. Ciithariiia Vau Bergeu, wife of Casparus Bkonck, died before Julj, 1758, the date of her father's wilL 15. William, son of (4) Marten Tan Bergen and Catriua Meyer, was baptised in Albany Jannaiy 11, 1718 ; married (9) Aiiiiaatje, daughter of (2) Gerrit Van Bergen and Annaatje Me^'er, and had 46 Marten. 47 Debora, bp. in Kaatsbaan April 11, 1748 ; m. probably John Moor. 48 Catharina. 49 Anna Maria, bp. in Catskill January IG, 1754 ; d. in infancy. 50 Annaatje, bp. in Catskill May 15, 1756. 51 Gerrit, bp. in Catskill January 27, 1758. 52 Anna Maria, bp. in Catskill May 16, 1761. William Yau Bergen was probably drowned at Esojjus April, 1765. 19. IVeeltje, daughter of (4) Marten Van Bergen and Catrina Meyer, was baptised in Albany October 25, 1725 ; married Hendrick Ootliout, December 24, 1760, and had 53 Catharine, b. November 1, 1763; m. John Demarest, November 33, 1779; d. November 5, 1808. Neeltje Van Bergen, wife of Hendkiok Oothout, died December 18, 1793. 21, Anna Maria, daughter of (4) Marten Van Bergen and Catrina Meyer, was baptised in Albany December 8, 1728 ; married Rev. Johannes Schuneman, December 18, 1754, and had 54 Marten Gerritsen, bp. in Catskill December 14, 1755 ; d. in infancy. 55 Johannes, bp in Catskill August 14, 1757 ; d. in infancy. 56 Johannes, b. August 39, 1759 ; m. Mart Newkerk, of Kingston, October 3, 1781 ; d. November 10, 1843. 57 Catharina, bp. in Catskill September 30, 17G1. 58 Marten Gerritsen, bp. in Catskill February 10, 1764 ; m. Cathrina, daughter of John A. Witbeck; d. February 81, 1837. Yan Bergen. 29Y 59 Wilhelmus, bp. in Catskill June 15, 1766; m., 1st, Catharina, daughter of John Baptist Dumoud ; 2d, Elizabeth De Meyer ; d. February 8, 1851. Anna Maria Van Bergen, wife of Johannes Schuneman, died September 25, 1795. 29. Gerrit, son of (8) Marten Oerritsen Van Bergen and Mary Van Dyck, was baptised in Kaatsbaan June 9, 1747 ; married, 1st, {3d) Catliarina, dangliter of (10) William Van Bergen and (18) Catharine Yan Bergen, and had 60 Mary (Polly), b. February 9, 1771 ; d. s. January 23, 1851 . 61 Catharina, b. Marcli 29,1753; ni. Jonathan Keys; d. January 13, 1844. 62 Hendrick, bp. at Catskill September 6, 1774 ; d. in infancy. 63 William, bp. at Catskill April 19, 1778 ; m., 1st, Neeltje, daugh- ter of Myndert Van Dyck, April 19, 1795 ; 2d, Margaret (Peggy), daughter of William Plank ; d. March, 1863. Catliarina Van JBergen, wife of Gerrit Van Bergen, died. He married, 2d, Elizabeth, daughter of Myndert Van Dyck, in Claverack, August 6, 1751, and had 64 Neeltje, bp. in Kaatsbaan April 7, 1782. 65 Gerrit, bp, in Catskill December 24, 1789. 66 Jan, bp. in Catskill August 28, 1791. 67 Ann, bp. in Catskill February 18, 1794 ; m. Elisha Bishop, Janu- ary 9, 1820. 68 Marten Gerritsen, bp. in Catskill February 16, 1796. 69 Peter, b. April 14, 1800 ; m. Clara Benjamin ; d. in Springfield, 111., January 28, 1879. (Jerrit Vjyi Bergen died in Catskill, "near the steen bakkery," in Febrnary, 1820. 31. Pietcr, son of (8) Marten Gerritsen Van Bergen and Mary A^'an Dyck, was born Jnne IG, 1753; married Annaatje (Hannah) Scliernierhorn, August 20, 1778, and had 70 Marten Garritsen, b. January 6, 1781 ; m. in Hudson, N. Y. EnzAiiETH Coffin, January 12, 1802 ; d. March 16, 1864. 71 Elizabeth, b. November 8, 1782 ; d. in youth. 72 Marytje, b. December 10, 1786 ; m. Martin Eaton, August 10. 1805 ; d. July 3, 1866. Pieter Van Bergen died August 16, 1833. 298 Van Bergen. 33. Davifl, son of (8) Marten Gerritseii Tan Bergen and Mary Tan Dyck, was born in 1700 ; married in Kaatsbaan Catharine Newkerk, October 28, 1780, and had 73 Jan, bp. in Catskill July 1, 1781. 74 Marten Gerritsen, bp. in Catskill April 25, 1783. 75 Gerrit, bp. in Catskill September 12, 1784 ; ni. Mrs. Eleanor Demarest (tebhard ; d. in 1848-49. 76 James, bp. in Catskill April 16, 1786. 77 Maria, bp. in Catskill January 2, 1791 , m. Henry Persen, in 1S12; d. in 1876-77.. 78 William i:)avid (?). David Tan Bergen died April 27, 1819. 35. H^illieliniis, son of (8) Marten Gerritsen Tan Bergen and Mary Tan Dyck, was born in Jnno, 1766 ; married Cath- arine, dangliter of Jolm Persen, and had 79 John Champlin, b. in 1796 ; m. Diana SkellmaN ; d. October 18, 1855. 80 Henry, b. July 13, 1800; m. Sophia Crittenden; d. June 8, 1877. 81 Catharine Maria, b. March 13, 1805 ; m. Teriiune Cooke, Novem- ber 21, 1824 ; d. October 1, 1840. 82 Ann Eliza, b. May 7, 1810. Willielnins Tan Bergen died January 15, 1844-. 38. Aiiiinafje, danghter of (10) William Tan Bei'gen and (IS) Catharina Tan Bergen, was baptised in Kaatsbaan De- cember 27, 1748; married probably Isaac Tan Talkenhnrg, in 1765, and had 83 Margrita, bp. in Catskill March 20, 1768 ; d. y. 84 Margrita, bp. in Catskill March 17, 1770. 85 Catharina, bp. in Catskill September 1, 1776. 86 Lidia, bp. in Catskill September 6, 1778. 87 Jacobus, bp. in Catskill January 17, 1781. 88 Eva, bp. in Catskill October 20, 1782. Van Bergen. 299 47. Debora, daughter of (15) William Tan Bergen and (9) Annaat;je Tan Bergen, was baptised in Kaatsbaan April 11, 1T48 ; married probably John Moor, and had 89 Wilhelmus Van Bergen, bp. in Catskill January 15, 1769. 90 Oatharina, bp. in Catskill April 28, 1771. 91 Jan, bp. in Catskill April 4, 1773. 92 Henry, bp. in Catskill March 19, 1775. 93 John, bp. in Catskill July 25, 1777. 94 Annaalje, bp. in Catskill September 20, 1779. - 95 Mary, bp. in Catskill November 18, 1781. 96 Betsey, bp. in Catskill April 3, 1784. 97 Sally, bp. in Catskill November 26, 1786. THE COXSACKIE BRANCH OF THE VAN BERGEN FAMILY. 5. Picter, son of (1) Marten Gerritsen Tan Bergen and Neeltje Myndertse A^an YA^eren, was ba})tised in Albany Feb- ruary 21, 1694; married Christina, daughter of Anthony Costal', November Y, 1724, and had 98 Marten Gerritsen, b. September 9, 1725. A prominent burgher of Albany ; one of its magistrates and one of the governor's council ; resided in State street where the New York State Bank now stands ; he never married and was familiarly known as " Mart Gers, the bachelor." 99 Elizabeth, b. June 23, 1727 ; d. in infancy. 100 Anthony, b. November 1, 1729 ; m. in Catskill (34) Maria Salis- BUKY, in 1762. 101 Henry, b. November 6, 1731 ; m. (42) Neeltje Salisbury, De- cember, 1763 ; d. March 16, 1817. 102 Elizabeth, b. January 8, 1733 ; m. Harmanus Cuyler, of Albany, in 1771 ; d. September 4, 1814. 103 Myndert, bp. in Coxsackie October 16, 1739. 104 Peter, b. April 23, 1742; ni. Elizahetu Fryer, March 8, 1797. Pieter Tan Bergen lived and died in Coxsackie January 4, 17^8. 100. Aiitliouy, son of (5) IMeter Tan Bergen and Christina Costar, was born Novendjer 1, 1729; niari-icd in Catskill (24) 300 Yan Bergen. Maria, daughter of (14) Abraham Salisbury and Rachel Ten Broeck, in 1762, and had 105 Peter A., b. ; in. Hester Hoogteling. 106 Abraham, b. December, 1764; d. s. November 11, 1848. 107 Myndert, bp. in Coxsackie January 17, 1767. 108 Catharina, bp. in Coxsackie January 17, 1767 (twin); m. CooNRADT Hoogteling. 109 Marten Gerritsen, b. in 1768 ; m. Sally Coneyn ; d. in 1855. 110 Christina, bp. in Coxsackie July 17, 1774 ; m. Arthur McClasky. 111 Henry Costar, b. in 1777 ; d. s. August 11, 1816. 112 Rachel, bp. in Coxsackie July 16, 1780. Anthony Yan Bergen was a soldier in the Revolution. He made a will dated February 10, 1792. 101. Henry, son of (5) Pieter Van Bergen and Christina Costar, was born November 6, 1731; married (42) Neeltje, daughter of (19) William Salisbury and Teuntje (Eunice) Staats, in December, 1763, and had 113 Peter H., b. November 26, 1764 ; m., 1st, Mayica (Mayke) Witbeck, March 3, 1787 ; 2d, Mayica Van der Zee ; d. Febru- 4, 1852. 114 Christina, b. February 26,1767; m. Peter C.Adams; d. August 10, 1833. 115 Wiljem, bp. in Coxsackie January 13, 1770 ; d. in infancy. 116 Neeltje, b. July 24, 1771 ; m. Andrew N. Heermance, August 14, 1703 ; d. June 12, 1852. 117 William, b. April 16, 1774 ; d. s. August 6, 1795. 118 Hannah, bp. in Coxsackie January 28, 1778; m. Jabez Weaver. 119 Elizabeth, b. February 19, 1781 ; m. Richard McCarty. 120 Marten G., bp. in Coxsackie March 13, 1785 ; d. s. August 14, 1810. 121 Mary, b. December 29, 1787 ; m. Joseph B. Cottle, September 19, 1811. Henry Yan Bergen died March 16, 1817. Neeltje Salisbury, widow of Henky Yan Bbkgen, died November 3, 1825. 109. Elixabetli, daughter of (5) Pieter Van Bergen and Christina Costar, was born January 8, 1733 ; married Har- manus Cuyler, of Albany, in 1771, and had Van Bkkgen. 301 ifil22 John H., b. in Albany May 29, 1774; m. Amanda Stone; d. April 11), 1834. Elizabeth Vau Bergen, wife of IIaijmanus Cuyler, died September 4, 1814. 104. Peter, son of (5) Pieter Tan Bergen and Christina Costar, was born April 23. 1742 ; married Elizabeth Fryer March S, 1797, and had 123 Peter, b. July 1, 1797. 124 John, b. , d. . 125 Henry, b. March 31, 1803. 105. Peter A., son of (lOo) Anthony Tan Bergen and (24) Maria Salisbury, was born ; married Hester, only daughter of Tliomas Hoogteling, and liad 126 Anthony A., b. in 1780 ; m. Clakine Peck ; d. December 27, 1859, fe 73 years. Peter A. Van Bergen was a State senator and a large bond- Iioldcr in Coxsackie, New Baltimore and Ooeymans. 108. Catharine, daughter of (100) Anthony Van Bergen and (24) Maria Salisbury, was baptised in Coxsackie January 17, 17<)7; married Coonradt Hoogteling, and had 127 Thomas C, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Albert Vanderzee. 128 Anthony O., m. Clarissa, daughter of Jasper Keeler. 129 Abraham O., m. Charlotte, daughter of Jonas Bronk, of Coeymans. 109. .llarteii CJerritseii, son of (100) Anthony Van Ber- gen and (24) Maria Salisbury, was born in 17G8 ; married Sally, daughter of Philip Coneyn, and had 130 Maria, m. Anthony, son of Andrew Hoogteling. 131 Anthony M., b. February 1, 1794 ; m., 1st, Maria, daughter of Kobert K. Van Den Berg ; 2d, Pamela Prentice ; 3d, Susan Coneyn, daughter of Leonard Bronk. 302 Van Bekgen. 132 Philip, b. March 34, 1797 ; m. Sarah Ann Bushnell. 133 Hannah, m. Henry, sou of Pieter Coeyinaus Bronk ; d. April 25, 1823. 134 Catharine, b. March 16, 1806 ; m. Andrew T. Vanblyck ; d. February, 1858. Marten Gerritseu Van Bergen died in August, 1855, 113. Peter H., son of (101) Henry Van Bergen and (42) Neeltje Salisbury, was born jSTovember 26, 1764; married 1st, Mayica (Mayke), daughter of Peter Witbeck and Maria Van Aalen March 3, 1787, and had 135 Nelly, b. February 9, 1788 ; m. Stephen Winans. 136 Maria, b. August 2, 1791 ; m. Cornelis Vanderzee. 137 Christina, b. June 12, 1793; m. John Staats Hoogteling October 27, 1811. 138 Peter W., b. March 23, 1796 ; m. 1st, Henrietta Egbertsen ; 2d, Catalina Van Wormer. 139 Henry, b. June 13, 1799 ; m. Charlotte Amelia, daughter of Andrew McCarty. 140 Andrew G., b. September 15, 1805; m. Jane, daughter of Aaron I. Van Schaick and Helena Witbeck, September 29, 1825. Mayica Witbeck, wife of Peter H. Van Bergen, died. He married, 2d, Mayica Van der Zee, by whom he had no children Peter H. Van Bergen died February 4, 1852. 114. ClirUtiiia, daughter of (101) Henry Van Bergen and (42) Neeltje Salisbury, was born February 26, 1767; rnarried Peter C. Adams, and had 141 Henry, b. July 6, 1787; m. Agnes, daughter of Anthony Eg- berts; d. July 6, 1857. 142 Rhoda, bp. in Coxsackie January 17, 1790 ; m. Isaac A., son of Abraham Halenbeck. 143 Peter, bp. in Coxsackie September 2, 1792 ; d. s. May 13, 1814, SB. 21 years, 8 months 14 days. 144 William Van Bergen, b. December 6, 1795 ; d. March 21, 1861. 145 Herman Cuyler, b. September 28, 1798 ; m. Adeline, daughter of Roswell Read ; d. March 8, 1876. 146 Eleanor Eliza, b. August 9, 1801. 147 Anna Maria, b. April 7, 1804 ; m. Walter Raleigh Jones. Van Bkkgkn. 303 148 Charlotte Christina, b. 180G; ui. 1st, Heniiy Tomlinson ; 2d, WifiLiAM Fahmek. Christina A^'an Berg'eii, wife of Peter C, Adams, died August 10, 1833. 110. Neeltje, (laughter of (101) Henry Yan Bergen aud (42) Neeltje Salisbnry, was bom July 2-1, 1771 ; married Andrew N. Heerinance August 14, 1793, aud had 149 Nicholas, bp. in Coxsackie February 9, 1794 ; died in infancy. 150 William Van Bergen, b. February 39, 179G ; m. Esthek Judson, June 16, 1819 ; d. December 9, 1873. 151 Henry, b. Nov. 4, 1798 ; d. August 32, 18G9. 152 Nicholas, b. May 37, 1801 ; d. Nov. 36, 1813. Neeltje Van Bergen, wife of Andrew N. IIeekmance, died Jmie 12, 1852. 118. Haiiiiali, daughter of (101) Henry Van Bergen and (42) Neeltje Salisbnry, was baptised in Coxsackie January 28, 1778 ; married Jabez Weaver, and had 153 Eleanor, bp. in Coxsackie April 1806 ; m. Gradus Vandenburg, of Half Moon, N. Y. 154 Anna Maria, b. August 6, 1808 ; m. Fuller. 155 Christina, b. June 5, 1811 ; m. Edward Walker. 156 Ann Eliza, in. Curtis Dunham. 119. Elixabctli, daughter of (101) Henry Van Bergen and (42) Neeltje Salisbnry, was born February 19, 1781; married Richard McCarty, and had 157 Charlotte, b. August 9 1799 ; m. Ambrose, son of Dorrauce Kirtland ; d. January 13, 1859. 158 Eleanor, m. William D., son of Dorrance Kirtland. 159 Anna Maria, m. Rev. Robert Vermilye. 160 David R., m. Alena, daughter of John McCarty. 121. :Wary, daughter of (101) Henry Van Bergen and (42) Neeltje Salislinry, was born December 29, 1787; married 39 304 Van Bergen. Joseph B., son of Peter Cottle, of Martha's Vineyard, Sep- tember 19, 1811, and had 161 Anthony Costar, m. Caroline, daughter of Jasou Lusk. 162 John. 163 Henry Van Bergen. Mary Yaii Bergen, wife of Joseph B. Cottle, died July 1, 1833. Anthony A., son of (105) Peter A. Van Bergen, and Hester Hoogteling, was bom hi 1786; married Clarine, daughter of John Peck of Lyme, Conn., and had 164 Peter A., m. Lucy, daughter of William Smart of Flushing, L. I. ; d. in 1881. 165 John P., m. Margaret Baker. 166 James Oliver, m. Harriet Lay. 167 Lucy Ann, m. Leonard B., son of Abraham Van Dyck. 168 Esther, m. Stephen J. Matson of Schodack. 169 Rebecca, m. Roswell, son of Roswell Read. 170 Anthony A. 171 Maria, d. s. July 31, 1879. 172 Elizabeth, b. July 13, 1807. 173 Lucy Ann Peck, b. in 1809. Anthony A. Van Bergen, was a judge of the county court, member of the State legislature, and President of the New York State Agricultural Society. lie died December 27, 1859, sd. 73. VAN DEN BERGII. 1. Crysbert Coriiclisseii Van Wesep, called also Gys- bert op. or Tail de Bergli, arriverl in the colony of Rensselaer- wyck in 1645, and lived on a farm called " High Bergh," lying on the east side of the river. He married Lysebet, daughter of Claas Cornells Sogers Yan Voorhondt, and had 2 William, m. (5) Catryn, daughter of (1) "Wyuant Van der Poel. 3 Cornells, m., 1st, (2) Cornelia, daughter of (1) Wyuant Van der Poel ; 2d, Maria Van Beuren, widow of (15) Teuwis (Matthew) Van Deusen. 4 Gerret, m. Teuntje . 5 Gertje, m. Evert Van Esch. 3. Cornells, son of (1) Gysbert C. Tan den Bergh and Lysebeth Yah Yoorhondt, was born prol)a])ly in Holland; married, 1st, (2) Cornelia, daughter of (1) Wynant Gerret Yan der Poel, before 1G85, and had 6 Gysbert, m., 1st., DiWERTJE Marten, October 20, 1700; 2d., Catalyxtje . 7 Tryntje, m. Peter Waldron(?), before 1700; d. March 3, 1753. 8 Maritje, l)p. March 8, 1085 ; m. Van Alstyne. 9 Cornells, V)p. in 1G87; m. Maria WrNNE(?). 10 Cornelia, m. Martin Van Ai.styne. ' 11 Matthias, bp. March 23, 1690; m. (41) Catiiltna Van Deusen, May 20, 1717 ; d. December 22, 1745. 12 Geertje, bp. December 20, 1691. 13 Wynant, bp. June ^4, 1694; m. (65) Anna Wendell, March 20, 1721. She died December, 1754. 14 Goosen, Cornelia Van tier Poel, wife of Cornelts G. Van den BERGii.died. He married, 2d, Maria Van BureN, widow of (15) Teuwis (Matthew) Van Deusen, November 2l, 1702, and had / 306 ■ Van den Bergh. 15 Gerrit, bp, September 19, 1703 ; d. October, 1731. Cornells Cr. Yan den Bergh died between 1714 and 1717, leaving a will dated Marcli 3, 1714, wliicli was proved July 6, 1717. He lived in Rensselaerwyck on the east side of the river, between Albanj^ and Troy, one mile back from the river. 11. Matthias, son of (3) Cornells G. Van den Bergli and (2) Cornelia W. Van der Poel, was baptised in Albany March 23, . 1690; married (41) Catlilyna, daughter of (8) Rntger Mel- cherts Yan Deusen and (4) Weintie Ilarments Hnn, May 26, 1717, and had 16 Oornelis, bp. October 8, 1719; in. a Van den Bergh ; d. February 2, 1798. 17 Myntje, bp. December 17, 1721 ; m., 1st, Reyner Van YevereN; 2d, (104) Gerkit Lansing. 18 Cornelia, bp. May 3, 1724 ; m. Reyner Van Alstyne, November 5, 1848. 19 Rutgert, bp. August 28, 1726 ; m. Maria Van den Bergh, July 6, 1754. 20 Gysbert, bp. May 10, 1729 ; d. June, 1729. 21 Engeltje, bp. April 17, 1730; m., (82) Bastian Teunis Visscher, July 24, 1751 ; d. November 17, 1789. Catlilyna Van Densen, wife of Matthias Van den Bergh, i^" died and was buried in Albany May 1, 1731. Matthias Van den Bergh died and was bnriecl in Albany December 22, 1745. Note — September 19, 1745, Maria Gerritse Van Woert (?) mentions in ber will husband John Gerritse Van den Bergh (?), deceased ; eldest son Adam Van den Bergh ; Anna, wife of Adam Jats (Yates?) ; Maria, wife of Wessel Van Schaick ; (Jornelis Van den Bergh, and her deceased mother Anna Van Woert. — f Register in Chaney's office. For very full notes relating to the Van den Bergh family, see Pearson's Albany families. VAN DER BOGAEUT. 1. Hariiieii, son of Myndert Tan der Bogaert, was bom in Holland in 1612. He came to New Amsterdam in the ship " Endraght," May 24, 1630, as a surgeon of the ship, having sailed from Texel on the 21st of March previous. He married Jellisje, daughter of Claas Jansen Schouw or Switts, of Zierickzee, in Holland, and had 2 Frans, bp. in New York August 26, 1640 ; m. Annetje Tjerkse. 3 Myndert H., bp. in New York "May 3, 1643 ; m. (10) Helena SCHERMERHORN. 4 Lysbet, m. Harmen Janse Knickerbacker. No other children are found on the record. Harmen Yaii der Bogaert, in 1638, sailed for the West Indies, upon whicii occasion he made a will leaving his property, in case of his death, to his wife, " the daughter of Jellisen Claas Janssen, of Zierickzee, provided she gave to his relatives six carious guilders." In 1648 his property in New Amsterdam was sold, and he was at Fort Orange (Albany) that year hold- ing the office of commissary of the fort. He came to a violent death in 1648. The names of Bogaert, Van der Bogaert and ITyt den Bogaert have often been confounded in this country, so much so that it has been difficult to trace the descendants of the two families that came to New Amsterdam. They were distinct families and not known to have been at all related to each other in this country, whatever connection there may hav^e been in Holland. 2. Frans, son of (1) Hariiien Myndert Van der Bog.aert 308 Van dek Bogaekt. and Jellisje Switts, was baptised in New York August 26, 1640 ; married Aimetje Tjerkse, and had 5 Claas, m. Baebara Heemstreet, December 31, 1699. 6 Tjerk, m. Margaret, daughter of Harmauus Vedder . Frans Tan der Bogaert settled in Sclienectadj in 1680, where he was killed by the French and Indians February 9, 1690. His widow married Philip Harris, of Albany, March 25, 1692. 3. Myiiclert H., son of (1) Harmeu Myndert Tan der Bogaert and Jellisje Switts, was baptised in New York May 3, 1643 ; married (10) Helena, daughter of (1) Jacob Janse Schermerhorn, of Schenectady, and Jannetje Segers, and had 7 Myndert, b. ; m. Neeltje Palmentier, October 20, 1706. 8 Johannes, bp. January 18, 1685. 9 Comelis, bp. December 15, 1686. 10 Elizabeth, bp. September 30, 1688. 11 Oatrina, bp. August 10, 1690. 12 Ryer, ) V bp. June 5, 1692. 13 Francis,) 14 Jacob, b. ; m. Margariet DuMokd, May 6, 1716. Myiidert Tan der Bogaert came to Schenectady in 1680 but in 1686 removed to Poughkeepsie, where in company with Robert Sanders, he obtained a patent of land one mile square, including the site of the present city of Poughkeepsie. 5. €laa$^, son of (2) Fraiis Yaii der Bogaert and Auiietje Tjerkse, married Barbara, daughter of Tckel Heemstreet December 31, 1699, and had 15 Anna, bp. November 10, 1700 ; m. Abraham Lighthall,. 16 Frans, bp. August 22, 1703 ; m. Hester, daughter of Abraham Groot, November 8, 1726. 17 Maria, bp. October 28, 1705 ; m. Peter Vedder. 18 Margaret, bp. February 9, 1709 ; m. Alexander Vedder. 19 Jelli.stje, bp. March 6, 1711 ; m. Johannes Hall. 20 Sarah, bp. February 28, 1714 ; m. Arent Vedder. Van der Bogaekt. 309 21 Takerus, bp. March 33, 1717; in. Neeltje, daughter of Arent de Ciraaf, February 3, 1744; d. 1799. 22 Olaas, bp. June 11, 1737 ; m. Rachel, daughter of Joseph Yatea, August 8, 1753. 6. Tjerk, son of (2) Fraiis Van der Bogaert and Aiiiietje Tjerkse, nuirried Margaret, daughter of Harmamiis Vedder, and had 23 Frans, bp. January 13, 1716-17. 24 Margariet, bp. March 39, 1717. 25 Harmanus, ^ m. Cathauina, daughter of Daniel D. Van I Aniwerpen, May 18, 1745. [^bp. July 31, 1731. I 26 Helena, J m. Richard Collins. 27 Nicholas, bp. May 11, 1783 ; m. 1st, Ariaantje Schermekhoun, January 9, 1747-8 ; 3d, Anna Van Voust July, 1753. 28 Catrina, bp. February 37, 1725 ; m. Calvin. 29 Feytje, ) m. Voorhis, of New Jersey. [ bp. December 24, 1736. 30 Agnietje, ) m. NixON. 31 Geartrey, bp. July 19, 1739. 32 Annatee, m. Nixon. Margariet Vedder, widow of Tjerk Van der Bogaert, made a will July 19, 17YY ; proved May 1, 1781. 7. llyiiclcrt, son of (3) Myiidert Harmen Van der Bogaert and (10) Helena Seller nierhorn, married Neeltje Palnieutier, of Bostwick, Long Island, October 20, 1706, and had 33 Helena, b. October 12, 1707, in Albany. 34 Jacobus. 35 Pieter. 36 Michael, b. March 7, 1710. 37 Ragel. 38 Johannes. 39 Myndert, m. Maria Etten October 39, 1738. 40 Cornells. Myndert Van der Bogaert removed from Albany to Pougl keepsie where he made a will in 1750. 310 Yan der Bogaeet. 14. Jacob, soil of (3) Myndert Harineii Van tier Bogaert and (10) Helena Scliermerhoru, inarncd Margariet BuMond May 6, 1716, and had 41 Myndert, 42 Helena, bp. June 12, 1726. 43 Jacobus, bp. May 15, 1729. 44 Catharine. Jacol) Tan der Bogaert made a will January lY, 1746, in Poughkeepsie, which was proved April 3, 1760, naming the above children. An affidavit on iilein the Secretary of State's office, Albany, shows that Jacob Van der Bogaert, of Poi\gh- keepsie, eldest son of Myndert Harmen Yan der Bogaert, of Dutchess county, 'New York, refused to administer on the estate of his father and mother, and that John De Graaf was willing to do so. 16. Frans, son of (5) Claas Van der Bogaert and Barbara Heenistreet, was baptised August 22, 1703 ; married Hester, daughter of Abraham Groot, November 8, 1726, and had 45 Claas, bp. June 11, 1727. 46 Abraham, ) [ bp. December 17, 1782. 47 Hester, ) m. Albert Vedder. Frans Van der Bogaert died May 19, 1775. 21. Takerus, son of (5) Claas Van der Boga^ert and Barbara Heenistreet, was baptised March 23, 1717; married Neeltje, daughter of Arent De Graaf, February 2, 1741—5, and had 48 Adriana, bp. September 15, 1745 ; m. Barent F. Schermerhorn. 49 Nicolas, bp. February 14, 1748 ; m. Elizabeth Marselis, Sep- tember 16, 1769. 50 Margriete, bp. July 15, 1750 ; m. Philip Vedder. 51 Johannes, bp. April 30, 1753. Takerus Van der Bogaert resided in Schenectady. He died in 1799. Yan der Bogaert. 311 Claa!^, son of (5) Claas Van der Bogaert and Barbara Heenistreet, was baptised June 11, 1723; married Rachel, daughter of Joseph Yates, August 8, 1752, and had 52 Anna, bp. September 12, 1753; m. Abraham Lighthall. 53 Frans, bp. February 23, 1755. 54 Joseph, bp. November 21, 1756 ; m. Rachel Pieterson. 55 Claas, bp. March 4, 1759. Harinaniis, son of (6) Tjerk Tan der Bogaert and Margariet Tedder, was baptised July 21, 1721 ; married Cath- arina, daughter of Daniel D. Van Antwerpen, May 18, 1745, and had 56 Margriet, bp. September 22, 1745 ; d. y. 57 Margriete, bp. October 29, 1749 ; d. y. 58 Adriana, bp. July 14, 1751. 69 Ariaantje, bp. August 8, 1752. 60 Margarieta, bp. July 6, 1755; m.,lst, Adam Kittle, killed in the Revolutionary war ; 2d, Williams. 61 Nicholas, bp. December 11, 1757. ]\ricliola§, son of (G) Tjerk Tan der Bogaert and Mar- gariet Tedder, was baptised May 11, 1723; married, 1st, Ariaantje Schermerliorn, January 9, 1747-8. No children. Me mai-ried, 2d, Anna Tan A^orst, Jnly, 1753, and had 62 Tjerk, bp. March 5, 1754. 63 Frans, bp. March 4, 1755. 64 Rachel, bp. February (5, 1757. 65 Margarita, l)p. July 10, 1758. Nicholas Tan der Bogaert died before tlie birth of his last child. 40 VAN DEUSEN. 1. Abraliaiii Van Deuseii or Deiirseii came to Be- verwjclv from j^ew Amsterdam at an early date. He may have came oi'iginally from " Deursen," a hamlet in North Bra- bant in the Netherlands. He had 2 Melchert, m. Engeltje Jacobsen Van Woert. 3 Teuwis (Matthew), m. Helena 4 Jacob, m. Catalyntje Van EsiiANT in New Amsterdam September 23, 1663. 5 Pieter, m. Hestkh Webbers in New Amsterdam September 19, 1666. Melcliert, son of ',1) Abraliam Van Deusen, man-ied Engeltje, danghtcr of Rntger Jacobsen Van Schocnderwoert and Tryntje Janse Van Breestede (baptised in New Amsterdam April 10, 1650) and had 6 Harpert, m. 1st, (17) Helen Van Deusen November 7, 1707 ; 2d, a Van Alstyne May 23, 1733. 7 Martin, m. (19) Elbertje Van der Poel December 23, 1719. 8 Rutger, m. (4) Weintie Harments Hun September 11, 1692. 9 Casper. 10 Magdalena, bp. May 3, 1685. 11 Engeltje, bp. May 22,1687; m. PniLiP Van Vechten June 4, 1714. 12 Abraham, bp. July 14, 1689 ; m. Caturina 13 Catalyntje, bp. September 20, 1691. Engeltje Rutgers Van Woert, wife of Melchert Van Deusen, was buried in " Popsknee " (opposite Albany) Jnly 11, 1728.* * The two brothers Rutijerand Teuwis Van Schoenderwoert came early to Bever- | wyck. The former settled in New Amsterdam and his descendants took the name !i of Rutgers. The latter settled in Beverwyck and toolv the name of Van Woert. [1 Van Deusen. 313 MELciTEiiT A, Van Deuskn was burietl at the same place Juno G, 1742. 3. Teiiwis (.IBalllieiv), son of (1) Abraham A^au Douseii, iiian-iod Helena , and had 13|^ Lysbet, m. (4) Johannes Benson, February 2, 1C80. 14 Robert, m. Cornelia Martense Van Buren about 1G80. 14| Tryntje, m. (3) Samson Benson about 1G83. 15 Jan, m. Maritje Martense Van Buren March 14, 1095. 16 Isaac, m. Bata Van Ysselsteyn October 9, 1706. 17 Helena, m. (6) Harpert Van Deusen November 7, 1707. Ten wis Tan Deusen was in Beverwyck from 1657 to 1700. 4. Jacob, son of (1) Abraham Tan Deusen, married Cata- lyntje, daughter of Claas Van Eslant and Willemptje Harpers Van der Linde, of Holland, September 23, 1663, and had 18 Willem, lu. Lysebeth Roseboom January 13, 1693; d. September, 1737. 19 Harpert, b. October 9, 1605 ; m. Maritje Ryerts Gerritse, January 24, 1695. 20 Abraham, b. January 11, 1667; m. Jacomintje Van ScnoON- IIOVEN May 23, 1697-. 21 Adriaen, b. May 30, 1668 ; d. y. 22 Adriaen, b. March 30, 1670. 23 Isaac, 1). November 5, 1671. 24 Aeltje, b. October 7, 1674. 25 Jacob, b. September 13, 1676. 26 Mayeken, b. November 27, 1678. In 1077, being about to return to Holland, Catalyntje, his wife, got a certificate from the " Cominissarissen " at Albany that she was the daughter of Claas Van Eslant, deceased, under- taker in Now Amsterdam, and that her mother's name was Willeni])ie Harpers Van der Linde. Pier object in retui-ning to Holland was to collect certain legacies due her there. Her husl)and Van Deusen and brother Claas also gave her powers of attorney to collect the legacies left them by their uncle Har- manus Antonides Van der Linde, minister in his life-time at Naerden. (Pearson.) 314 Vajst Deusen. 5, Pieter, son of (1) Abraham Van Deusen, married Hester Webbers, in New Anisterdam, September 19, 1666, and had 27 Wynlje, bp. September 21, 1669. 28 Abraham, bp. July 28, 1672. 29 Trynlje, bp. December 18, 1678. 30 Henricus, bp. November 9, 1684. Pieter Van Deusen settled in New Amsterdam when he mai-ried, and his eliildren were born there. 6. Harpert, son of (2) Melchert Abrahamse Tan Deusen and Engeltje Rutgers Tan Woert, married, 1st, (17) Helena, danghter of (3) Tenwis Yan Densen and Helena , No- vember Y, 1707, and had 31 Helena, bp. ; m. (46) Abraham G. Lansing, April 21, 1733. 32 Melchert, bp. October 19, 1713. 33 Engeltje, bp. December 25, 1714. 34 Tryntje, bp. June 9, 1717. 35 Melchert, bp, December 27, 1719 ; m. Neeltje Quackenros. 36 Mattheus, bp. March 24, 1723. 37 Rutgert, bp. June 30, 1728. Harpert Van Deusen was residing in Claverack in 1707 and in Alhany in 1720. His first wife Helena was bnried June 27, 1728, her last child having been baptised after her burial. He married, 2d, a Van Alstyne, May 23, 1732. No children recorded. 7. Martin, son of (2) Melchert Abraliamse Van Deusen and Engeltie Rutgers Van Woert, married (19) Elbertje, daughter of (7) Melchert (Melgert) Van der Poel, Jr., of Kinderhook, and Catharina Yan Alen (bp. February 3, 1697), December 23, 1719, and had 38 Catharina^ bp. October 14, 1722. 39 Melchert, bp. April 17, 1726 ; d. y. 40 Melchert, bp. February 22, 1728. Van Deusen. 315 8. Riilger, sun of (2) Melchert Abraliaiuse Van Deusen and EniJjeltie Ruts^ers A'^aii Woert, married (4) Weintie Har- niense, daugliter of (2) Ilarmen Thomas Hun, September 11, 1692, and had 41 Oatalyntje, bp. May 14, 1G93 ; m. (11) Mathias Van den BEiion, May 26, 1717. 42 Engeltje, bp. March 32, 1696 ; m. (38) Geiirit Lansing, Jr., October 23, 1718. 12. Abraliaiii, son of (2) Melchert Abrahanise Van Deusen and Engeltje Rutgers Van Woert, was baptised July 14, 17(i0 ; married Catharina , and had 43 Hartman, bp. January 7, 1722. 14. Robert, son of (3) Teuwis Abraliamse Van Deusen aiid Helena , married Cornelia, daughter of Marten Cornelis Van Buren and Maritie , about 1689, and had 44 Johannes, bp. July 13, 1690 ; m. Styntje (Christina) Van Alen, August 16, 1712. 45 Mattheus, bp. November 1, 1691. 46 Marten, bp. February 21, 1694. 47 Tobias, bp. August 16, 1696 ; m. Ariaantje . 48 Robert, bp. September 1, 1700. Coruelisi Van Buren, wife of Rouriit Teuwis Van Deusen, died. He married, 2d, Geertruy Van Bentiiuysen, August 21, 1718. No cliildreu recorded. Robert Teuwis Van Deusen was of Claverack in 1720. 15. Jail, son of (3) Teuwis Abraliamse Van Deusen and Helena , man-ied Maritje, daughter of Marten Cornelis Van Bur(;n, Marcli 14, 1695, and liad 49 Mattheus, bp. January 19, 1690 ; m. Engeltje Slingerland, June 2, 1716. Van Buren, widoAv of Jan Van Dettsen, married (3) Cornelis Gysbertse Van den IJergli, November 21, 1702. 316 Van Dp:usen. 16. Isaac, soil of (3) Teuwis Abraliamse Van Ueuseu and Helena , married Bata, daugliter of Cornolis Martense Ysselsteyn, of Claverack, and Cornelia Yan den Bergb (Vreden- bergli according to Pearson), October 9, 1706, and bad. 50 Mattheus, bp. August 3, 1707; m. Rachel . 51 Cornelia, bp. July 3, 1709. 52 Bata. 53 Cornelis Andriese, bp. April 22, 1710. 54 Isaac, bp. June 2, 1718- 55 Maritje, bp. May 15, 1720. 56 Tryntje, bp. September 23, 1722. 57 Elizabeth, bp. August 9, 1724. 58 Annatje. 59 Sarah, bp. January 4, 1730. 60 Johannes. 61 Helena, bp. September §9, 1734. Isaac Yan Deuscn was of Clavci-ack in 1Y20 and of Kinder- book in 17-iO. He made a will May 24, 17^:0, proved October 8, 1742, in wbicb be mentioned bis wife Bata and tlie above cbildren. 18. \¥illeiii, son of (4) Jacob Abraliamse Yan Deusen and Catalyntje Yan Eslant, married Lysebetli, dangbter of Hendrick Roseboom ('!'), January 13, 1G02, and bad 62 Jacob, bp. September 4, 1092. 63 Margriet, bp. April 14, 1695. 64 Oatalyntje, bp. November 21, 1097 ; m. (17) Jan OoTnOUT, July 15, 1721.' 65 Marytje, bp. September 1, 1700. 66 Elizabeth, bp. March 21, 1703. 67 Henrick, ) m. Ariaantje Staats. [- bp. December 25, 1705. 68 Elizabeth, ) Willeni Jacobse Yan Densen was buried in Albany Scp- tcmljer 8, 1731. llis bouse w*as on tlie nortb corner of Maiden Lane and Pearl street in 1711. 19. Harperf, son of (4) Jacob Abraliamse Yan Deusen and Catalyntje Yan Eslant, was born October 9, 1665; married Van Deusen. 31Y Maritje, daughter of Ryer Gerritsc and Aunatjo Janse, Jan- uary 24, 1695, and liad 69 Tryntje, bp. August 9, 1696 ; d. y. 70 Tryntje, bp. August 32, 1697. 71 Gerrit, bp. January 5, 1700 ; buried January 29, 1741. 72 Jacob, bp. November 19, 1701 ; d. y. 73 Jacob, bp. October 3, 1703. 74 Henrick, bp. September 29, 1705. 75 Abraham, bp. November 17, 1706; m. Rachel Pels. 76 Anna, bp. March 16, 1709. 77 Catalyna, bp. February 10, 1712. 78 Marine, bp. November 13, 1715. Harpert Van Deusen ■was buried in the church at the foot of State street July 6, 1742. SO. Ahraliaiii, son of (4) Jacob Abrahamse Tan Deusen and Catalyntje Tan Eslant, was born January 11, 1667; married Jacomyntje, daughter of Gerrit Ilendrickse Yan Schoonlioveu, May 23, 1 697, and liad 79 Guert Hendrickse, bp. September 27, 1702. 80 Isaac, bp. December 24, 1704. 81 Henrick, bp. June 15, 1707. llelcliert, son of (6) Harpert Jttelclierts Van Deusen and (17) Helena Van Deusen, was ba])tiscd December 27, 1719; married Neeltje Quackenbos, and liad 82 Harpert, bp. January 12, 174G. 83 Lena, bp. February 4, 1750. (For further information regarding the family of Van Deusens, see " Pearson's First Settlers of Albany.") VAN DUIESSEN. 1. Petriis Van Dries§eii had two sons 2 Petrus (Domiuie), m. Eva Cuyler, August 26, 1712. 3 Johannes (Dominie), m., 1st, Margarita Van Stryer, July 8, 1727 (Pearson); 2d., (20) Margariet Oothout, October 22, 1736. Nothing respecting Petrus, the fatlier, has been found on the Albany records by the Compiler. It is probable he never came to America, but that his sons were educated in Belgium and came over at different times, Johannes later than his brother. 9. Dominie Petrns Van Driessen came to Albany April, 1712. He was the son of (1) Petrus Van Driesseu. He married Eva, daughter of Hendrick and Anna Cuyler, August 26, 1712, and had 4 Petrus, bp. January 17,1713 ; m. Engeltje Vroom an, June, 1738. 5 Hendrick, bp. October 30, 1715 ; removed to New York. Of Hendrick, the Dominie says: "This my son Hendrick was the first child baptised in the new church." 6 Johannes, bp. September 29, 1717. 7 Anna, bp. November 15, 1719. 8 Maria, bp. September 16, 1722. Dominie Petrus Tan Driessen made a will January 29, 1737-38, leaving all his estate, both real and personal, to his wife Eva, during her life Hme, with jjower to sell and dispose of the same. In conjunction with two of her children, Hendrick (Henry) and Annetje (Anna), she did sell, on the 21st day of July, 1748, the whole of the estate to Philip Van Ukiessen. 319 Lansing for a nominal snui, and he reconveyed it to her in fee. Later, March 9, 1754, Fetrus conveyed his interest (whatever tliat might be) to his brother Henry. Dominie Petrus Driessen was buried in the church at the foot of State street February 3, 1738. Eva Cutler, widow of Dominie Petrus Yan Driessen, was buried in tlie cliurch August 10, 1756. Dominie Van Driessen was the seventh minister of the " Nether Dutch Reformed Congregation of the City and County of Albany," succeeding Dominie Johannes Lydius. To him belongs the credit of having a new church erected at the foot of State street of stone in place of the old and decayed one of wood. A petition was drawn up by him June 8, 1714, and signed by himself and the elders and deacons of the church, asking the approval of Robert Hunter, captain-general and governor of the provinces of New York and New Jersey, of their purpose of building a new cliurch. He also obtained an act of incorporation for the church on petition August 3, 1720, which was approved August 10, 1720. 4. Petrus, Jr., son of (1) Dominie Petrus Van Driessen and Eva Ciiyler, was baptised in Albany January 17, 1713 ; married Engeltje, possibly daughter of Hendrick Vrooman and Marytje Wemp (Glen), (b. September 27, 1713), June, 1738, and had 9 John, bp. March 11, 1744 ; m. Margarita Truax, June 23, 1770. 10 Petrus, Jr., bp. October 2, 1746; m. Hanna Johnson. 11 Mary. 12 Anna, bp. December 2, 1750. 13 Eva, bp. September 3, 1754 ; m. Johannes De Qiiaap. Petrus Tan Driessen, Jr., resided in Schenectady for a time. lie made a will March 12, 1751, mentioning the above children. 9. .roliaiiiiCM, son of (4) Petrus Van Driessen and En- gelt je Vroouian, was ba])tised in Albany March 11, 1744; 41 320 Van Dkiessen. married Margarita, daughter of Isaac Truax, of Schenectady, June 22, 1770, and had 14 Oatalynlje, bp. June 20, 1771. 15 Hendrick, bp. March 31, 1773. 16 Annatje, bp. September 10, 1775. 17 Sarah, bp. July 4, 1778. There was a Hendrick Van Driessen wlio was pos- sibly the son of (4) Petrus Tan Driessen, Jr., who had 18 Petrus, bp. May 9, 1773. 19 Willem, bp. October 30, 1776. 20 Hendrick, bp. May 3, 1779. Hendrick Tan Driessen died before his last child was born. 3. Dominie Johannes, son of (1) Petrus Tan Driessen, married (according to Pearson) 1st Margarita Tan Stryer July 8, 1727. If this be correct he married 2d (20) Margariet, daughter of (3) Hendrick Jans Oothout and (9) Caatje Yolkers Douw (bp. July 13, 1701), October 22, 1736, and had 21 Catharine, b. April 15, 1738 ; m. Abraham Lansing ; no ch. ; d. February 11, 1833. 22 Rachel, m. a Salisbury, of Catskill ; no ch. 23 Maria (Mary ?), m. 1st, Thomas Ellis March 36, 1764 ; 3d, Hendrick (Henry) Grevenradt, February 34, 1773. There is much doubt as to the correctness of this family of Dominie Yan Driessen's. The marriage of Dominie Van Driessen and that of Mary are taken from " New York mar- riages " published by the authority of the State. Tlie birtli and death of Catharine is taken from a record in a Psalm book originally belonging to Catharine Yan Driessen in which is written " Maritje Oothout her book, born March 11, 1690," and below it " August 15, 1738, is born my eldest daughter and is named Catharine." In another hand is written '• Catha- rine Yan Driessen, her book," and later "1823, February 17th, Aunt Catharine died aged 84: years. (See Grevenradt Bible record in this book.) Maritje Oothout died single, and Van Driessen. 321 tlie inference is that tlie book jDassed into tlie hands of Mar- gariet, her sister, who married DoanNiE Jan (Johannes) Yan Driess en. In setthng the estate of (3) Hendrick Oothout a por- tion was given to (20) Margariet, wife of Jan Yan Driessen. Letters about this estate were received by (25) Isaac Bogart and (19) Ilendrickie Oothout, his wife, from Dominie Jan Yan Driessen (written from Aquickanonck, N. J.) as late as No^ vember 11, 1748. That Eachel was the daughter of Dominie Jan Yan Driessen, and that she married a Salisbury from Catskill and had no children, the compiler believes to be correct, l)ut unfortunately has lost the reference from whence the note was taken. As to the marriage of Catharine to Abraham Lan- sing that is also in doubt. The Rev. Johannes (Jan) Yan» Driessen ^^as a younger brother of the Rev. Petrus. He was born in Holland or Bel- gium in 1697. He completed his- education in the latter country and came to America probably later than his brother Petrus with whom he continued his studies for the ministry. He was given a license to preach by the Presbytery of New Haven April 13, 1727, after sustaining a thorough examination in the Halls of Yale College. He was acting as the Pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church at Kinderhook from 1727 to 1738, but was never regularly installed as such in consequence of his not having been ordained and licensed by the mother church at Albany. He was officiating as Pastor of the French church at 'New Paltz from 1731 to 1736, supplying also Clav- erack, Livingston Manor and Germantown. He received a call from and removed to Aquickanonck, N. J., where he remained till 1748, and was alive as late as the lltli of November of that year. (See Collins'' Historical Discourse and Stiff's History of the Huguenot Church at New Paltz for further information re- garding him.) Maria (iTIary), daughter of (3) Dominie Johaiiiios (Jan) Yan Driessen, and (20) Margariet Oothont, married Hendrick (Henry) son of Isaac Grevcnradt, March 2, 1772, and had 322 Van Deiessen. 24 Alida, b. May 24, 1773 ; m. General Robert Dunbar, son of William Dunbar and Elizabeth Van Deusen (b. June 19, 1773). He died June 30, 1837. 25 Henry, b. ; m. Mary Laughton. Henry, son of (23) Maria (Mary) Tan Driessen and Hendrick (Henry) Grevenradt, was born ; married Mary Laughton, and had 26 Maria, b. March 11, 1813 (an only child) ; in. David Van Ness Radcliffe, May 7, 1834 ; d. January 23, 1853. Henry Grevenradt early removed to Mackinaw, Mich., where he resided until his death. His only child Maria was adopted by her Uncle and Aunt Dunbar and resided with them in Albany. 26. Maria, daughter of (25) Henry Grevenradt and Mary LaugLton, was born March 11, 1812; married David Tan Ness, son of John Radcliffe and Jane Yan Ness, May T, 1834; and had 27 AUda G. 28 Jane, m. MoNROE Dewees, May 7, 1867 ; d. June 17, 1870. 29 Henry G., d. in New York June 23, 1882. 30 Mary G. 31 Robert D., m. Clara Rogers, June, 1869. 32 Cornelia, m. Martin Heeumanse, April 27, 1881- 33 Albert, d. in infancy. Maria Grevenradt, wife of David Yan Kess Radcliffe, died in Albany January 23, 1853. Judge David Yan Ness Radcliffe died in Albany February 6, 1866. 30. ■ Robert Dunbar, son of (26) Maria Grevenradt and David Van Ness Radcliffe, was born in All)any ; married Clara, daughter of Carlton Rogers and Sarah Perrine, of Palmyra, N. Y., and had 34 Carlton. 35 Robert D. 36 Clarance. Robert Dnnbar Radcliffe and family reside in New York city. VAN DER FOEL. A. Teiiiii!!i (Anthony) Cornelis Van der Poel, alias Spitsbergen, was in Beverwyck in 1660-87 ; married Catriiia, daugliter of John Croon (and probably sister of Dirk Janse Croon, who was a magistrate in Beverwjck in 1655-58 and 60), and had b Elizabeth, in. 1st (5) Sybrant Van Schaiok ; 2d, Benoni Van CORLAER June 2, 1G86. c Maria, m. (4) ANTHONY Van Schaick. d Johanna, in. 1st, Barent Lewis; 2d, Jan Van Struyden June, 1G94. Tennis A'' an der Poel made his will June 17, 1687, in which he mentioned his wife, to whom he left a house in Am- sterdam, Holland, which she devised to her three daughters. Catrina, widow of Teunis Yan dek Poel, made a will Decem- ber 11, 1694, in which she refers to the will of her late hus- band Anthony Coknelis Yan der Poel and to their three children above-mentioned. Teunis Yan der Poel owned half of " Constapel's Island opposite Paerde Hoeckr In 1671 he was one of the magistrates of Albany. He resided in what is now known as Watervliet. He seems to have left no male descendants. There was a Jacobus (James) Yan der Poel married in New York to Margaret Jans July 25, 1693. Also a (xERRrr Yan der Poel, widower, married Deborah Warren, February 12, 1697. . , The Yan der Poel's w6re originally from Gorichem (Groningen ?) on the Rhine. In the year 1600 they ii-in-laic of dc Bruyu, to whom a large patent on the Hudson river had been granted. 326 Yan der Poel. 24 Abraham, bp. February 9, 1707 ; m. Elizabeth Quinlen, October 26, 1738. 25 Jacobus (James), bp. April 17, 1709 ; m. Neeltje Huyck, October 16, 1740. 26 Isaac, bp. October 14, 1711 ; m. Anna . 27 Oatryna, bp. December 16, 1716. Melgert Van der Poel, Jr., resided in Kinderhook. After his marriage lie removed to Poelsburgh, where he died. His wife inherited large estates from h er father Loiirens Van Alen. lO. Abraham, son of (3) Melgert Tan tier Poel and Aria- antje.Yerplanck, married Antje Tan den Bergli January 3, 1713, and had 28 Melgert, bp. February 7, 1714 ; m. (14) Margarita Vinhagen. 29 Ariaantje, bp. September 23, 1716 ; d. y. 30 Teimtje, bp. August 3, 1718 ; d. y. 31 Gerrit, bp: June 11, 1721 ; m. Catarina Hoes. 32 Teuntje, bp. November 3, 1723. 33 Maria, bp. November 21, 1725 ; m. Peter M. Van Buren about 1746. 34 Ariaantje, bp. June 9, 1729 ; m. Barent Van Buren. 11. Wynant, son of (3} Melgert Tan der Poel and Aria- antje Terplanck, was baptised October 14, 1683 ; married Catharina, daughter of Johannes D'e Hoogen (or De Hooges) of Ulster county, New York, August 17, 170G, and had 35 Johannes, bp. August 3, 1707. 36 Abraham, bp. February 13, 1709. 37 Melgert, bp. March 4, 1711. 38 Ariaantje, bp. March 1, 1713. 39 Margarita, bp. December 25, 1714. 40 Anthony, bp. August 18, 1717. 41 David, bp. August 30, 1719 ; d. y. 42 David, bp. September 27, 1721. 43 Maria, bp. November 4, 1722. 21. liOiireiis, son of (7) Melgert Tan der Poel, Jr., and Catharina Tan Alen, was baptised January 26, 1701 ; married Ariaantje Tan den Bergh, October 29, 1726, and had Van dkr Poel. 327 44 Catharina, bp. March 5 , 1727. 45 Jacobus (James), bp. July 3, 1737. 46 Jan, bp. March 30, 1740. 25. .Facobiii^ ( Jsiiiies), son of (7) Melgert Vjiu tier Poel, Jr., and Catliariiia \sii\ Aleii, was baptised April 17, 1709; married Neeltje Hiiyck, October 16, 1710, and had 47 Marytje, bp. October 11, 1741. 48 Catharina, bp. December 10, 1749 ; d. y. 49 Catharina, bp. May 10, 1752. 28. ^lelgert, son of (10) Abraham Tan der Poel and Antje Van (leu Bergh, was baptised February 7, 1711: ; married (14) Margarita, dangliter of (7) Johannes Yinliagen and Maria' Van Tricht (bp. May 12, 1723), and had 50 Abraham, bp. July 10, 1748. 51 Maria, bp. June 21, 1752 ; d. y. 52 Jacobus, bp. May 27, 1759; m. Marytje Muller, January 27, 1783. 53 Gerrit, b. March 26, 1762 ; m., 1st, Margarita Wilson ; 2d, Cornelia Muller, about 1785. 54 Maria, b. May 1, 1766. 31. Gerrit, son of (10) Abraham Tan der Poel and Aiitje Van den Bergh, was ba])tiscd June 11, 1721 ; married Cata- rina Hoes, and liad 55 Jannetje, bp. February 9, 1752 ; m. CORNELis Van Bedren, about 1775. 56 Abraham, bp. May 27, 1753. 57 Mattheus, bp. September 22, 1754. 58 Melgert, bp. November 30, 1755. 59 Peter, b. March 22, 1767. Jacol>ii!<, son of (28) Melgert Van der Poel and (14) Margarita Vinliagen, was baptised May 27, 1759; married Marytje Muller, January 27, 1783, and had 42 328 Van der Poel, 60 Margarita, b. February 25, 1784. 61 Oatharina, b. April 9, 1786. 62 Jerime, b. February 26, 1788. 93. Joliaiiiie§ (John), son of (Y) Melgert Tan der Poel, Jr., and Catliarina Van Aleu, was born in Kinderliook March 4, 1705 ; married at the house of Madam Schuyler, " The American Lady," Annatje (Nautje), daughter of Dr. Samuel Staats and Catharine Howarden, May 5, 1743, and had 63 Isaac, b. December 8, 1747; bp. at Albany December 25,1747; Philip Schuyler and Gertruy Lansing, Sponsors ; m. Moyca HuYCK 1783 ; d. at Chatham, Columbia connty, December 25, 1807. 64 Maria, m. Laurence Van Dyck November 19, 1762. 65 Catharine, m. John Pruyn October 27, 1767. 66 Etje, bp. April 22, 1750 ; sponsors, Isaac Staats and Maria Staats ; m. John Van Valkenbekgh. 67 Sarah, m. 1st, John Van Alstyne; 2d, Col. Jacob Schermeb- HORN. Johannes (John) Van der Poel died in Kinderhook April 11, 1777, and was interred in Poelsburgh. It is supposed he was a widower when he married Nautje Staats, and that his tirst marriage took place November 8, 1736, to whom is not known. He devised nearly the whole of his estate to his son Isaac. His wife Annatje (Nautje), the daughter of Dr. Samuel Staats, was a granddaughter of Maj. Abram Staats, surgeon, who came to Rensselaerwyck with Dominie .Megapolensis in 1642. Major Ahram Staats married Catrina Jochemse, daughter of Jacob Wessels, and had 1 Elizabeth, m. 1st, (4) Johannes Wendell ; 2d, Johannes Schuyler April 25, 1695. 2 Jacob, m. Rycke . 3 Abraham, b. 1665; m. (3) Elsje Wendell. 4 Samuel, Dr., m. 2d, Catharine Howarden. 5 Jochem, m. Antje Eeynders. Van deb Poel. 329 1. Elizabeth, daughter of Major Ahram Staats and Catrina Jochemse Wessels, married 2d, Johannes, son of Philij) Peterse Schuyle7' and Margaret Van Slightenhorst (bp. April 5, 1608), April 25, 1695, and had 1 Philip, b. December 25, 1695 ; killed by tlie French at Sara- toga November 28, 1745. 2 Johannes, b. October 31, 1697. 3 Margarita, b. Jan. 12, 1701. "The American Lady"; m. her cousin CoL. Philip, son of Pieter Schuyler and Maria Van Rensselaer, who lived on " the Flats," on the bank of the river at Port Schuyler, above Albany and below West Troy. 4 Catalyntje, b. March 5, 1704 ; m . Cornelis Cuyler. 4. Dr. Samuel, son of Major Ahram Staats and Catrina Jochemse Wessels, married 1st (name nnknown), by whom he had nine children, four of whom only were born in America, viz. : 1 Catrina, bp. June 10, 1689, in New York. 2 Anna Elizabeth, bp. December 81, 1690, in New York ; m. Philip, son of Brant Schuyler, of New York, August 28, 1719. 3 Joanna, bp. January 31, 1694. 4 Tryntje, bp. April 5, 1697. Br. Samuel Staats married, 2d, Cathaiine Howarden, in New York, May 7, 1709, and had 5 Annetje, m. (23) John Van der Poel May 5, 1743. Dr. Samuel Staats was a prominent leader during Leisler's administration of the government, and probably left IS^ew York soon after its collapse, and settled in Poelsbnrgh. His tomb- stone was seen at the grave-yard in that })laoe some years since. The Hon. Aaron Van der Poel in a letter to his nephew S. Oakley Yan der Poel, M. D., of New York, dated Jan- uary 17, 1867, says in relation to Annetje Staats : " Johannes Yan der Poel married on the Flats between Albany and Troy, Annetje Staats, the niece and adopted daughter of '■Aunt Schuyler,^ who has been called and distin- guished as the ' American Lady ' by Mrs. Grant, of Edinburgh, 330 Van dee Poel. wlio was with her father, a British othcer, stationed at Albany more than a hundred years ago, and who has written a book chiefly laudatory of ' Aunt Schvyler.'' On page 203 of the book mv grandmother (your great grandmother), is mentioned as Mrs. Van der Polen. She was the daughter of a Doctor Staats who had married, I think, a sister of ' Aunt Schuyler^ and who died at my grandfather's (Johannes Van der Poel) house, and was buried at Poelsburgh. His headstone was seen there some years ago, but I suspect the old grave-yard is now obliterated." The Hon. Aaron Van der Poel was probably wrong in supposing Annetje Staats to have been a niece of "Aunt Schuyler ' The American Lady.' " She was, no doubt, her cousin, some twenty or more years younger, and her daughter by adoption. Mrs. Schuyler was called " Aunt " by every one, a compli- ment to her great kindness and generosity. Judge Van der Poel probably received the impression that his grandmother was her niece from this circumstance. 63. Ifiiaae, son of (23) Joliauues (John) Van der Poel and Annatje (Nautje) Staats, was born in Kinderhook, Columbia county, K. Y., December 8, 1747 ; married Moyca, daughter of Jacobus (James) Huyck and Elizabeth Van Dyck (b. October 17, 1758), in 1783, and had 68 Anne, b. January 3, 1785 ; d. September 5; 1787. 69 James, b. January 10, 1787 ; m. Anna Doll, April 7, 1808; d. October 3, 1843. 70 Anne, b. July 30, 1789 ; d. April 3, 1793. 71 Elizabeth, b. January 19, 1791 ; m. Lucas J. Van Alen. January 16, 1815 ; d. August 23, 1833. 72 John, b. August 24, 1796 ; m. Sarah W. Oakley, January 14, 1823 ; d. October 27, 1851. 73 Aaron, b. February 5, 1799 ; m., 1st, Harriet Baldwin, Septem- ber 3, 1821 ; she died April, 1837 ; 2d, Ellen McBride, April 2, 1839. Isaac Yan der Poel was commissioned adjutant of the Seventh regiment (^Kinderhook district), October 20, 1775. Van dee Poel. 331 He was retnoved from this position for disaffection to tlie American government. He afterwards joined the British forces and commanded a company of Refugees on Staten Ishind. While acting in this capacity lie was taken sick, and it is said through the intiuence of his mother with her relative General Pieter Schuyler, a pass through the American lines was secured for him. She brought him home, cared for him until his recovery, and returned him to his company on Staten Island. His estate was confiscated by the government and he was thus I'endered almost penniless. He was a man of extraordinary intellect, and of a frank, noble and generous nature, bnt he never enjoyed a day of peace after the mistaken step he took in the Revolntion. After his marriage he purchased a small farm in Chatham over the hill, about a mile and a half from Kinderhook Lake. He died in Chatham December 25, 1807. MoYCA HuYuK, widow of Isaac Van der Poel, died in Stuyvesant, N. Y., I^^ovember 20, 1827, and was interred in the Kinderhook cemetery. Her mother Elizabeth Van Dyck was the daughter of Arent Van Dyck and Heyltie Van Alen. She married Jacobus (James) Huyck, of Pompaonie. She liad three children, Arent, Burger and Mayca, who married as above. Arent Van Dyck was one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the colony. lie was a gentleman of education and talents, and the general scribe for the region in which he lived. He was a lineal descendant of Ilendrick Van Dyck, who was the attorney- general of the Dutch province of New York, and who came from the West Indies with Governor Stuyvesant. He and Stuyvesant were two obstinate Dutchmen, and seem to have quarreled all the way from the West Indies to New York. 69. Janice, son of (63) Isaac Van der Poel and Moyca Hnyck, was born in Kinderhook, January 10, 1787; married Anna, daughter of the Rev. George Jacob Leonard Doll (b. July 19, 1782), April 1^, 1808, and had 74 Elizabeth, b. May 23, 1810 ; m. John Van Buken, June 22, 1841 ; d. November 18, 1844. 332 Van der Poel. 75 Susan Christina, b. February 16, 1813 ; m. William Cooper, September 10, 1833 ; d. March 30, 1841 . 76 Sarah Ann, b. April 26, 1816; m James M. French, December 2, 1835 ; d. November 30, 1857. 77 Mary, b. June 25, 1818 ; d. April 9, 1821. 78 Isaac, b. May 7, 1821 ; m. Susan Foster, May 14, 1850 ; d. Decem- ber 28, 1868. 79 Harriet, b. June 6, 1824 ; m. Joseph C. Y. Paige, September 10, 1844. Judge James Tan der Poel died in Albany, N. Y., October 3, 1843. Anna Doll, widow of Judge James Van der Poel, died in Albany March 14, 1855. " For many years previous to his appointment to the Bench, Judge Van der Poel had acquired a high reputation at the Bar and was prominent in pnblic and professional life among eminent men of Colnmbia connty. As circuit judge of the Third Judicial district of the State he was distinguished for learning, ability and promptitude, for rapid and clear-sighted views of the law and the facts, as he was also in his intercourse with his fellow-citizens for all manly and honorable qualities. But if his public life was honorable and elevated, his domestic life was eminently beautiful. He was truly the venerated and beloved centre of a family .circle that appreciated the great and good qualities that shed a lustre over his life and sustained and cheered the long period of his illness. To all indeed wdio were allied to him by the ties of family, or kindred, or who came within the circle of his friendship, he was an object of the highest respect and the warmest attachments." 71. Elizabctli, daughter of (63) Isaac Van der Poel and Moyca Huyck, was born in Kinderhook January 19, 17D1 ; married Lucas J. Van Alen, January 16, 1815, and had 80 Isaac, b. April 6, 1816 ; d. October 15, 1839. 81 Maria, b. August 17, 1817 ; m. David Bigelow, June 11, 1844 ; no. cli. 82 James Vanderpoel, b. February 11, 1819 ; m. Sarah Smith, of Penn Yan, in June 1848 ; died April 26, 1877 ; >o. cb. 83 EUzabeth, b. May 6, 1823 ; d. October 3, 1876. Van der Poel. 333 84 Lydia Ann, b. March 17, 1835 ; d. November 2, 1876. 84i Helen, b. June 8, 1836 ; m. George Wilson, April, 1850 ; uo. ch. 85 Aaron, b. May 24, 1830 ; m. Ann Eliza Van Dyck, January, 1861. Elizabetli Van der Poel, wife of Lucas J. Van Alen, died August 23, 1833. John, son of (63) Isaac Van der Poel and Moyea Huyck, was born in Kinderhook, Columbia county, New York, August 24, 1796 ; married Sarah W., daughter of Timothy Oakley and Sarah Ketchum (b. in Deer Park, Orange Co., N. Y., May 1, 1797), January 14, 1823, and had 86 Samuel Oakley, b. February 33, 1834 ; m. (343) Gertrude Lan- sing Wendell, December 10, 1850. 87 Aaron J., b. October 34, 1835 ; m. Adeline E. Van Sciiaack, August 3, 1853. 88 James, b. June 38, 1827 ; d. April 30, 1835. 89 Oakley, b. June 15, 1831 ; d. January 25, 1870. 90 John, b. December 11, 1834 ; m. Mary E. Van der Poel, April 5, 18G0 ; d. May 29, 1809, at Chicago ; no ch. 91 Sarah Elizabeth, b. March 31, 1838 ; m. 1st, (344) Peter Wen- dell, March 34, 1859 ; 3d, Major Robert L. Burnett, Decem- ber 16, 1873 ; d. August 11, 1876, in Philadelphia. John Van der Poel, M. D., resided in Kinderhook where he died October 27, 1851, and was Ijuried in the Kinderhook Cemetery. 73. Aaron, son of (63) Isaac Van d€r Poel and Moyca Huyck, was born in Kinderhook, Columbia county, New York, February 5, 1799 ; married 1st, Harriet Baldwin, September 3, 1821. Slie died April, 1837, without issue. He married 2d, Ellen, daughter of James McBride and Hannah Savage, April 2, 1839, and had 92 James McB., b. August 3, 1840; d. December 37, 1860. 93 John, b. August 33, 1843 ; m. Emily C. Noyes, May 33, 1865 ; d. April 13, 1866. 94 Aaron Ernest, b. February 20, 1846. Hon. Aaron Van der Poel died July 18, 1870. He served two terms in the legislature of New York, 1825-1829; was 334 Van der Poel. tliree times elected to Congress, 1832, 1834, 1838. After his third term in Congress he resumed his profession of law in New York in 1841. He was appointed judge of the Superior Court in 1843, elected to the same office in 1847, and served to January 1, 1850. 74. Elizabeth, daughter of (69) James Tan der Poel and Anna Doll, was born May 22, 1810; married John, son of President Martin Van Buren, .Tune 22, 1841, and had 95 Anna, b. July 31, 1842 ; m. Edward Duer, April 26, 1870. Elizabeth Tan der Poel, wife of John Van Buren, died in Albany November, 1844. John Van Buren died at sea returning from Europe, October, 1866. 75. 8ii»^an Christina, daughter of (69) James Tan der Poel and Anna Doll, was born in Albany February 16, 1812; married William Cooper, of Albany (b. October 22, 1800), September 10, 1833, and had 96 Susan Margaret, b. in Albany May 2, 1835 ; m. George Douglas fK Krumbhaar, of Philadelphia, October 7, 1858. Susan Christina Tan der Poel, wife of William Cooper, died in Albany, N. Y., March 30, 1841. William Cooper died in Philadelphia, Pa., September 1, 1856. 76. ^arali Aim, daughter of (69) James Tan der Poel and Anna Doll, was born April 26, 1816 ; married James M., son of Abel French, December 2, 1835, and had 97 Anna, b. January 4, 1837. 98 James Vanderpoel, b. January 30, 1839 ; d. November 2G, 1812. 99 Francis, b. May 3, 1841 ; d. November 28, 1842. 100 Elizabeth Van Buren, b. April 24, 1843 ; d. January 7, 1859. 101 Isaac Vanderpoel, b. September 26, 1845 ; d. s. February 22, 1879. 102 Julia, b. Juue 11, 1847 ; d. January 19, 1859. 103 Sarah, b. August G, 1849 ; d. April 3, 1851 . Van dek Poel. 335 James M. French died in xilbany July 11, 1855. Sakaii Ann Van J)Ek Poel, widow of James M. Pkencu, died in Albany November 30, 1857. 78. Ifiiaac, son of (69) James Van der Poel and Anna Doll, was born May 7, 1821 ; married Susan, daughter of Adams Foster, May 14, 1850, and had 104 Isaac, b. June 8, 1851. n(^ 105 Mary Keith, b. November 3G, 1854 ; m. (75) Marcus T. Hun, December 21, 1875. 106 James, b. September 27, 1857. 107 Henry Adams, b. October 28, 1861. 108 Susan, b. August 12, 1866. Isaac Van der Poel died in Albany December 28, 1868. Susan Foster, widow of Isaac Van dek Poel, and family reside in Albany, N, Y. 79. Harriet, danghter of (69) James Van der Poel and Anna Doll, was born Jnne 6, 1824; married Joseph C. Y., son t»f John Keyes Paige and Helen Maria, daughter of Gov- ernor Joseph Christopher Yates (b. Jnly 8, 1819), September 10, 1844, and had 109 Helen Maria, b. August 25, 1845 ; m. (1843 Talcott Ped.) RiCHAKD Hackley Talcott, February 8, 1881. 110 James Van der Poel, b. Jauuary 4. 1849 ; d. July 29, 1849. 111 Joseph Yates, b. December 23, 1850. 112 Anna Van der Poel, b. July 6 1854 ; d. April 15, 1855. 113 Leonard, b. March 25, 1856. Joseph C. Y. Paige died in Albany May 30, 1876. " He was born in Schenectady, graduated at Williams' Col- lege, Massachusetts, in 1838 ; studied law in the ofhce of Judge Alonzo C. Paige, his uncle, in Schenectady, and afterwai'd en- tered the law office of Charles M. Jenkins and Dudley Burwell in Albany. He held a clerkship in the Albany City Bank until 1861, when he was appointed Chamberlain of the city of Albany, which position he held for eleven years, after which 43 336 Van der Poel. j lie became assistant teller of the Albany City National Savings bank, holding that oflice until his death. Mr. Paige possessed an , eminently genial and social nature, was a gentleman of culture ; and refinement, of sterling integrity and strict probity. He was unostentatious and of an extremely kind nature, well known and highly appreciated. Among the many deaths of prominent citizens that have occurred none are more regretted | than that of Joseph C. Y. Paige." ' Harriet Yan der Poel, widow of Joseph C. Y. Paige, and i family reside in Albany, N. Y. 86. ^ Samuel Oakley, son of (T2) John Yan der Poel and j Sarah W. Oakley, was born February 22, 1824 ; married (342) ! Gertrude Lansing, daughter of (300) Dr. Peter ^Yendell and j Elizabeth Yan Kleek (b. January 15, 1824, in Albany), Decem- j ber 10, 1850, and had 114 Wendell, b. October 23, 1851 ; d. August 9, 1852. ; 115 Samuel Oakley, Jr., b. August 27, 1853 ; m. Mary Louisa Hal- j STED, October 20, 1880. j 116 Herman Wendell, b. July 8, 1856. j 117 John, b. February 20, 1858- 1 118 Elizabeth Wendell, b. Marcli 17, 18G1 ; d. Septembers, 1861. j 119 Lewis Morris, b. June 20, 1862 ; d. August 4, 1863. \ 120 Gertrude Wendell, b. November 2, 1864. \ These children were all born in Albany, N, Y. \ " Dr. S. Oakley Yan der Poel, late Health officer of the Port of New York, was born at Kinderhook, Columbia connty, February 22d, 1824. His father was a j)hysician of consider- ; able local celebrity, and other members of the family have be- come prominent in various de23artments of intellectual eifort and business enterprise. His boyhood and yonth were passed in his native place, and much out-door life in that beautiful and healthful district contributed to the development of a vigorous and robust constitution. At an early age he completed his preparatory training in the Kinderhook Academy, and en- tered upon his collegiate course in the University of New York, of which institution the venerable and scholarly Theodore Frelinghuysen was then Chancellor. Bearing its diploma, he returned to begin the study of medicine with his father, and Van der Poel. 387 after a thorough course at home and. in the institution, gradu- ated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in the spring of 1845. For the next two years he was associated in business with his father. But he still regarded his labors as only pre- paratory to the real professional career he had marked out, and, in the fall of 1847, went to Paris to pursue his studies Math the superior advantages belonging to that brilliant capital. It was a remarkable period. Paris was in the midst of profound agitation. The unpopular ministry of Guizot and the tremb- ling throne of the citizen king were tottering to their fall. This political ferment culminated in the violent revolution of Februar}^, 1848, ending in the abdication of Louis Phillipe, and the proclamation of the Second Republic. Dr. Yan dee PoEL witnessed these memorable and turbulent scenes, and, as the seething tumult was unpropitious to the calm prosecution of studies, he traveled through the south of France and Italy witnessing at Lyons, Marseilles, Naples, Rome, Florence and Milan, the various acts of the revolutionary drama then ex- citing all Europe. Immediately after the bloody days of June he returned to the French capital and remained for a consider- able period. In the spring of 1850 he settled in Albany where he speedily acquired a remunerative practice, which continued thereafter flattering and progressive. He was soon after mar- ried to Gertrude, daughter of Dr. Peter Wendell, Chancellor of the Regents of the University. In 1857 Governor King appointed him Surgeon -General of the State, and three years later he was ciiosen President of the Albany County Medical Society, being also re-elected the following year. In 1861 he was again invited to the office of surgeon-general by Governor Morgan. The position proved in this case not one of mere empty honor. The inauguration of the war, shortly after his term began, imposed duties and responsibilities far more ardu- ous, delicate and important than had ever before devolved u^ion that or any other similar position in this country. It became necessary, without the guide of precedent or experience, to improvise a vast and systematic bureau, meeting every require- ment attaching to the complete medical organization of a great force. There were many militia regiments to be promptly 338 Van der Poel. provided with medical supplies and instruments as they hurried to the Held. There were numerous volunteer regiments rapidly assembling, requiring immediate care for their sick and atten- tion to their permanent organization. There were hundreds of surgeons and assistants coming from every section of the State, representing every grade of the profession, whose qualifications were to be examined and decided, ]^ew regiments were uninterruptedly organized and old regiments deihanded constant attention, even after they had passed into the service of the United States, in order that a competent medical staff might be maintained. This last duty was made peculiarly harassing and exhausting by the crude system of the General Government during the first tw^o years of the war. In many cases the medical officers no sooner became con- versant with their duties than the novelty and romance vanished, their resignations were offered and accepted, and the surgeon general required to fill the vacancies with such prompitude that the public service should suffer no detriment. The magni- tude of the responsibility and the severity of the labor thus imposed, may be judged from the fact that there were between six and seven hundred positions upon the medical staff to be kept filled with competent officers. A still more significant testimony is embodied in the statement that at one time the surgeon general was called upon to make over five hundred ap- pointments in the space of six weeks. ISTor was this all. He was obliged to estaljlish and perfect a system ■ of promotion which should be just, without favoritism, and confer reward without impairing the efficiency of the service. His patronage was immense.. With hundreds of officers in this department, upon whose respective merits none but himself could decide, it required a nice sense of honor and a wise discrimination to distribute the appointments in such a w'ay that the good of the general service might be harmonized with a recognation of just personal claims. N^othing could put the professional acquire- ments and the executive talents of a man to a severer test than these varied, complicated and difficult duties ; and it is but to repeat the judgment of the highest authorities to say that they were performed by Dr. VAisr der Foel with signal ability. His Van der Poel. 339 successful admin Istration elicited the official approval of both the Secretary of AVar and the Governor of the State, and con- stitutes an important chapter in the association of New York with the great contest. In 180 7 he was appointed to the chair of General Pathology and Clinical Medicine in the Albany Medical College, which he held for three years, and then re- signed for personal reasons. About the same time he was appointed a manager of the State Lunatic Asylum at Utica, a position, still retained. In February, 1870 he was elected Presi- dent of the Medical Society of the State of New York, the highest recognition in the power of his professional brethren to bestow. Dr. Van dek Poel was in 1872 called by Governor Hoffman to take charge of the Quarantine Department of the Port of New York as Health Officer of the Port. The irregu- larities of this office for many years had been the theme of dis- cussion in legislative councils and commercial conventions, and nothing in the way of reform seemed effective. The antagonr isms of commerce and quarantine were develoi^ed to the fullest extent. In this field, with all its complications, there was full scope for the executive ability which Dr. Ya^ dek Poel had displayed so often before. Taken as it really exists, and exe- cuted honestly, this is the highest medical office in the world. To Dr. Van dee Poel is due the credit of restoring it to its true position. His first action was to reduce the various parts of it to one system. The enormous expenditures, averaging more than a quarter of a million annually for some years, had grown into a heterogeneous organization wnthout much system. Taking charge of it purely as a sanitary interest. Dr. Van der Poel placed in the hands of those who owned merchandise and ships, the work which had to be done on their vessels, and which tlius could be done by them under the ordinary business rules that controled such things elsewhere. The quarantine law, ^vhich had grown by successive enactments into an au- thorit}' for oppressive administration, was codified and relaxed from some if its provisions, only retaining what was necessary of sanitary restraint for the public safety, and these changes urged upon the legislature. For the first time in the history of cpiarantine, we find commerce sustaining it. Mercantile as- 340 Van der Poel. sociations passed complimentary and approving resolutions, and petitioned the legislature in favor of every change recom- mended by Dv. Van der Poel. Branches of trade which had left New York apparently forever, to avoid the expenses in- cident to their quarantine detention, are returning. In all this there is no relaxation of sanitary restraint necessary for the pro- tection of the whole northern and western United States, wliich depend upon this port for their immigrations, but sanitary regulations which the doctor considered as his legitimate care, were made more strict than before ; the whole success of his administration being the judicious " re-arrangement of the system under curtailed expenses, and the exercise of the same executive ability for which he had been distinguished in previ- ous positions. In January, 1876, he was elected to the chair of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Albany Medical College, a position which, with his duties of Health Officer of the Port, he has since earnestly sustained. As a physician he is equally learned in theory, and skillful in practice. To large native endowments he adds the highest cultivation. An extensive library, whose ample stores are carefully enriched with all the latest publications, both American and foreign, keeps him fully abreast of the ripest thought and best achievements in medical science. He has also a keen taste for general literature, and, besides being a successful physician, is a gentleman of large public spirit and genial culture." — [From the Contemporary Biography of New York.] Dr. Yan der Poel and family reside in New York city. 87. Aaron J., son of (72) John Van der Poel and Sarali W. Oakley, was born at Valatie, Columbia county, N. Y., October 24, 1825 ; married Adeline Elizabeth, daughter of Henry C. Van Schaack and Adeline Ives (b. February 28, 1830), August 3, 1852, and had 121 Mary Cornelia, b. October 28, 1854 ; in. Benjamin W. Franklin, January 29, 1878, and had 1 Adelaide Vanderpoel, b. February 3, 1879 ; d. November 5, 1880. Van dek Toel. 34:1 122 Henry Van Schaack, b. January 19, 1856 ; d. June 13, 1859. 123 Thomas Beekman, b. June 18, 1858; d. December 15, 1863. 124 Augustus Hall, b. December 13, 1859. 125 Adeline Ives, b. July 28, 18G2 ; d. December 16, 1863. 126 Lydia Beekman, b. August 1, 1864. 127 Aaron Melgert, b. January 16, 1867. 128 Margaret, b. December 10, 1870. 93. John, son of (73) Aaron Y an tier Poel and Ellen McBrkle, was born August 22, 1842; married Emily C, daiigliter of William Curtis Noyes and Julia F. Talmadge, May 22, 1865, and had 129 John Arent, b. June 4, 1866. John Van der Poel died April 12, 1866. 96. 8iisaii Margaret, daughter of (75) Susan Christina Van (ler Poel and William Cooper, of Albany, was l)orn in Albany, N. Y., May 2, 1835 ; married George Douglas, son of Lewis Krumbhaar and Sophia Ramsay, of Philadelphia (b. in Philadelphia May 31, 1837), October 7, 1858, and had 130 William Cooper, b. in Philadelphia January 23, 1860; d. July 17, 1860. 131 Lew^is, Jr., b. in Paris, France, October 5, 1861. 132 Cornelia Cooper, b. in Philadelphia October 14, 1869. George Douglas Krumhhaar and family reside in Phihi- delphia. Pa. Louis Krumbhaar, Sr,, was born in Philadelphia Se])tomber 26, 1805. Sophia Ramsay, widow of Lewis Krumbliaar, was born in Alexandria, Va,, and died hi Philadelpliia February 28, 1874. 105. :^Iary Keith, daughter of (78) Isaac Tan der Poel and Susan Foster, married (75) Marcus T. Hun, December 21, 1875. (See llun.) 342 Van der Poel. 115. Samuel Oakley, Jr., son of (80) Dr. S. Oakley Van (ler Poel and (335) Gertrude Lansing- Wendell, m as born in Albany August 27, 1853 ; married Mary Louisa, daugliter of William M. Halsted and Marv Louisa Haines, October 20, 1880, andliad 133 Samuel Oakley, b. August 22, 1881. Dr. S. Oakley Van der Poel is a practicing physician re- siding in Albany. VAN NES. 1. Hciiclrick Gerritse Van IVes, from Emberland, mar- ried in ISTew Amsterdam Auneken Wessels, from Col en, April 19, 105-1, and had, probably by a former wife, 2 Cornells, m., 1st, Mayken Hendkickse Bukchgraefp ; Sd, Maria Damen, widow, in 1664. Cornells, sou of (1) Hendrick (ierritse Van Nes, was betrothed to Mayken, danohter of Hendrick Adriaensen Burehgraelf, July 31, 1025 (notarial papers county clerk's office, Albany), and made an ante-nuptial will ; they were married and had 3 Gerritje, m. Roelp Cornelis Van Houten. 4 Hendricke, m. (1) Jan Jans Oothout. 5 Hendrick, m. 1st, Annatie Everts; 3d, Catrin Van Dam, No- vember 35, 1688. 6 Gerrit, b. 1645 ; m. Maritje Teller, widow, about February 14, 1676. 7 Jan, m. , about 1683. 8 Grielje, m. Pieter Claas, of Amertsfort, L. I. Mayken BurcligracfF, wife of Cornelis Van Nes, made a will June 13, 1635, and died probably about that time. He married, 3d, Maria Damen, in 1664, widow, first, of Dirk Van Eps ; second, of Hendrick Audriese Van Doesburgh . By Van Eps she had Jan and Elizabeth, who married Gerrit Banker. By Van Doesburgh she had one daughter, Jannetje, who married Martin Cregier. Cornelis Van Nes and his first wife lived, when first mar- ried, in 1(325, upon the ITazendyck, in Holland, His wife's mother, Annetjc Janse, of Loeckervelt, in 1630, left her a 44 344 Van Nes. legacy of three morgens of land in Scherpenwyck. March 24, 1664, lie was "Raets Persoon" (magistrate) of Rensselaer wyck and still widower of Mayken Burchgraeff. He, with Hendrick Burchgraeff, Roelff Cornelis (Yan Honten), husband and guardian of Gerritse Cornelis Yan Nes, (1) Jan Jants Oothout, husband and gnardian of (4) Hendriokie Yan Nes, Hendrick, Gerrit and Jan Yan Nes, Pieter Claaes, husband p.nd guardian of Grietje Cornelis Yan Nes, residing in Amertsfort, L. I., all sons and daughters, with their husbands, of Cornelis Yan Nes and Mayken Burchgraeff, applied for a division of their mother's estate. In 1681 the will of Cornelis Yan Nes and Maria Damen, both deceased, was presented for letters of administration by her children Jan Yan Eps, Gerrit Bankers, husband of Eliza- beth Yan Eps, and Martin Cregier, husband of Jannetje Hen- drickse Yan Doesburgh. 5. Hendrick, son of (2) Cornelis Van Nes and Mayken Burcligraeff, married, 1st, Annatje, daughter of (Jan ?) Everts, and had 9 Jan, m. (10) Catalyna Qroesbeck, November 17, 1706. 10 Gerrit, bp. 1681 ; in. Cathalyntje De Foreest June 12, 1709. Anuatje Everts, wife of Hendrick Van Nes, died. He married, 2d, Catryn daugliter of Claas Ripse Vandam and Maria Bords, November 25, 1688, and had 11 Maria, bp. April 6, 1693. 12 Anna, bp. December 16, 1694. 6. Gerrit, son of (3) Cornells Yan Nes and Mayken Bnrch- graeff, was born in 1645 ; married Maritje, daughter of William Teller and Margaret Donchesen (b. in 1648), and widow, first, of Pieter Lookermans, and second, of Pieter Yan Alen, about February 14, 1676-Y, and had 13 Cornelis, m. Maritje Gerritse Van den Berph, July 17, 1696. 14 Evert, m. Geertje Gerritse Van den Bergh, October 27, 1700. 15 Gerrit, b. in 1681 . I Van Nes. 345 Maritje Teller, wife of Gerrit Van Nes, died about ITOT. She liad a son William by Van Alen, and probably a daughter. In a will made by her and her liusblmd Gfjcrit Van N"es, December 6, 1707, they refer to a contract 'uade February 14, 1676-7, befoi-e they were married, according to which "William Van Alen, mariner, was to have property belono^inof to his mother, wife of Geerit Van IsTes, at her decease, provided Jannetje, the wife of Lourens Van Schaick, a daughter of (1) Jan Jans Oothont (niece of Gerrit Van Nes), and (4) Mayeke (another daughter fo (1) Jan Jans Oothont), the wife of (6) Thomas Plarmense Hun, have an amount of equal value in clothing. Gerrit Van Nes made a will March 10, 1715, proved July 2, 1715, in which he mentions his deceased wife Maria, William Van Alen and niece (Mayeke), the wife of (6) Thomas Har- mense Hun. He resided in Greenbush. The records in regard to Gerrit Van Nes and his farailj'- are very obscure. 7. Jau, son of (2) Cornelis Van Nes and Mayken Burch- graeff, married Aaltje , about 1684, and had 16 Hendrikje, bp. November 2, 1684. 17 Johannes, bj). November 7, 1686. 18 Maria, bp. March 3, 1689. Jan Van Nes was in Greenbush in 1663, Cohoes Island in 1681, and in Half Moon in 1700. 9. Jan, son of (5) Hendrick Van Nes and Annatje Everts, married (10) Catalyna, daughter of (4) Willem. Groesbeck and Gertruy Schuyler, November 17, 1706, and had 19 Henrick, bp. November 23, 1707 ; d. y. 20 Henrick, bp. November 7, 1708. 21 Willem, bp. March 4, 1711. 22 Cornelis, bp. March 22, 1713 ; m. Susanna Switts, December 3, 1738. 23 Geertruy, bp. Septembers, 1715. 24 Anna, bp. December 8, 1717. 346 Van Nes. 25 Oatalyna, bp. April 10, 1720. 26 Rachel, bp. September 26, 1722. 27 Jan, bp. September 5, 1725. 2S David, bp. February 25, 1728- Jan Hendricks Yau Nes was buried August 12, 1747. 10. Crerrit, son of (5) Hentlrick Tan Nes and Annatje Everts, was baptised in 1681 ; married Cathalyntje, daughter of Philip De Foreest and Tryntje Kip (bp. November 25, 1694), June 12, 1709, and had 29 Anna, bp. October 30, 1710. 30 Catryna, bp. October 19, 1712. 31 Hendrick, bp. January 30, 1715; m., 1st., Margarita Winne ; 2d., Magdalena Vrooman, August 15,1759. 32 Phillipus, bp. December 8,1717 ; m., 1st, Margareta ; 2d, Lena Ten Broeck. 33 Sarah, bp. September 11, 1720. 34 Catalyna, bp. September 16, 1722. 35 Mayeke, bp. September 20, 1724. Cathalyntje De Foreest, wife of Gereit Yan jS"es, was buried Marcli 27, 1743. 13. Cornells, son of (6) Gerrit Van Nes and Maritje Teller, married Maritje, daughter of Gerrit Van den Bergh, July 17, 1695, and had 36 Aaltje, bp. January 6, 1697. 37 Gerrit, bp. December 20, 1702 ; m. Sarah Van den Bergh, August 20, 1724. 38 Maria, bp. March 10, 1706. Cornells A^an Nes" resided at Half Moon, N. Y. 14, Evert, son of (6) Gerrit Van Nes and Maritje Teller, married Geertje, daughter of Gerrit Van den Bergh, October 27, 1700, and had 39 Johanna, bp. March 19, 1701. 40 Ariaantje, bp. October 31, 1703, Van Nes. 347 41 Haniia, bp. July 14, 1706. 42 Teuntje, bp. October 28, 1710. 43 Jannefje, bp. April 5, 1713. 44 Marielje, bp. April 15, 1716. Evert Van Nes resided at Half Moon, N. Y. 93. Cornells, son of (9) Jan Hendricks Van Nes and (10) Catalyna Groesl)eck, was baptised March 22, 1713 ; married Snsanna (Anna?), danghter of Cornelis Switts and (15) Hester Vissclier (bp. October 19, 1712), December 2, 173S, and had 45 Johannes, bp. June, 17, 1739. 46 Tierk Harmense, bp. October 35, 1741. 47 Cornelis, bp. April 15, 1750. 48 Willem, bp. July 27, 1755. 31. Heiiclriek, son of (10) Gerrit Van Nes and Cathalyntje De Foreest^ was baptised Jannary 30, 1715 ; married, 1st, Margarita, danghter of Pieter Winne and Maria De Foreest (bp. October 25, 1719), and liad 49 Catalyna, bp. December 26, 1747 ; d. y. 50 Catalina, bp. July 30, 1749. 51 Pieter, bp. October 27, 1751. Margarita Wiime, wife of IIendrick Van Nes, was buried Decem- ber 28, 1754. He married, 2d, Magdalena Vrooman, August 15, 1759, and had 52 Maria, b. October 8 ; bp. October 19, 1760 ; m. Frans Samuel Pruyn, July 11, 1777; d. April 1, 1847. 53 Gerrit, b. September 5, 1765. 54 Cathalynye, b. December 24, 1767. 33. Pliillipii!^ (Pliilip), son of (10) Gerrit Van Nes and Cathalyntje De Foreest, was baptised December 8, 1717; married Margarita , and had 55 Gerrit, bp. January 12, 1742. Margarita , wife of Piiimi* Van Nes, died. Ho married, 2d, Lena Ten Broeck, and had 348 Van Nes. j ■1 56 Sarah, b. December 21, 1762. ! 57 Oatalynye, b. November 22, 1770. '| Gerrit, son of (13) Cornelis Yan Nes and Maritje Tan j deu Bergh, was baptised December 20, 1702 ; married Sarah i Van den Bergh, August 20, 1724, and bad ^ 58 Cornells, bp. Jaunary 19, 1726 ; m. Alida Van Woert. 59 Jan, bp. October 1, 1727 ; m. Mayeke Van den Bergh. 60 Sartje, bp. February 9, 1729. i 61 Petrus, bp. January 23, 1732. ; 62 Maritje, bp. April 25, 1736. 63 Abraham, bp. December 20, 1738 ; m. Annatje De Ridder, Jan- uary 27, 1762. 64 Aaltje, bp. August 23, 1741. ! 65 Nicolas, bp. June 17, 1744. i 58. Cornells, son of (37) Gerrit Van Nes and Sarah Van I den Bergh, was baptised January 19, 1726 ; married Alida Van Woert, and bad 1 66 Gerrit, bp. January 13, 1751. j 67 Jacob, bp. June 13, 1753. 68 Sara, bp. Marcb 12. 1755 ; d. y. 69 Sara, bp. November 6, 1757. 70 Johannes, bp. November 25, 1759. 71 Petrus, b. January 21, 1766. 72 Petrus, bp. May 15, 1768. 59. Jan, son of (37) Gerrit Van Nes and Sara Van den Bergh, was baptised October 1, 1727 ; married Mayeke Van den Bergli, and bad 73 Sara, bp. March 17, 1754. 63. Abraham, son of (37) Gerrit Van Nes and Sara Van den Bergli, was baptised December 20, 1738 ; married An- natje, daugliter of Gerrit De Eidder and Anna Yan den Bergh (?), January 24, 1762, and had Van Ne8. 349 74 Annatje, b. October 12, 1762. 75 Gerrit, b. March 7, 1766. 76 Sara, b. November 1, 1767. 77 Maria, b. May 28, 1773. V Abraham Van Nes resided at Half Moon, N. Y. VAN SCHAICK. 1. Gozen Gerritse, son of Grerrit Yaii Schaick, married, 1st, Geertje Barents, and had 2 Geertije, m., 1st, Hendrick Costar ; 2d, (4) Johannes Lansing. Geertje Barents, wife of Gozen G. Van Schaick, died. He mar- ried, 2d, Annetje Livesen, July, 1657, and had 3 Gerrit, b. in 1650; m. Alida Van Slightenhorst ; d. November 11, 1679. 4 Anthony, b. in 1655 ; m. (c) Maria or Mary Van der Poel. 5 Sybrant, b. in 1653 ; m. (b) Elizabeth Van der Poel. 6 * Gerritje, b. in 1657 ; m. Captain Andrew Drater, commander of the Fort at Albany, June 17, 1674. There were other children. Gozen G. Tan Schaick died before 1681. He first appears in Albany about 1052. He owned land at Esopus in 1663. (See deed book C county clerk's office and volume 1 common council records.) 4. Aiitliony, son of (1) Gozen Gerritse Van Schaick and Annetje Livesen, was born in All^any ; married (c) Maria or Mary, daughter of (a) Anthonj^ Van der Poel and Catrina Croon, of Watervliet, and had 7 Catrina, m. Samuel Coeymans, December 29, 1724. 8 Gozen, bp. October 5, 1684 ; d. y. 9 Geertje, bp. September 11, 1687 ; m. (12) C'oenraedt Ten Eyck, September 24, 1704. 10 Gozen, bp. in 1694 ; d. y. 11 Gozen, bp. February 16, 1696. 12 Anna Margarita, bp. December 6, 1702. *Uolgate says Geertje, daughter of Levinus Van Schaick, married Andrew Drayer, admiral in tlie Dutch service, but this cannot be correct if Levimis was the'son of Gozen by Annetje Livesen, whom he married in 1G57. For if Leviims was 2.5 years old when married and his daughter was born the next year, she would have been born eight years after the recoi'ds say Captain Drayer was married. Van Schaick. 351 5. JSybraiit G., son of (1) Gozeii Gerritse Van Schaick and Annetje Liveseu, wrs born in Albany : married (h) Elizabeth, daughter of (a) Anthon_y Van der Poel and Catriiia CJroon, of Watervliet, and had 13 Gozen, m. C.vrirAiuxE Staats, December 10, 1699. 14 Gerrit, ru. Sauah Goewry. 15 Maria, m. Joiiaxmes Glendoff. 16 Anthony, married and had children. 17 Catrina (Catharina), m. (8) Adriaan Quackenbusii, January 18. 1G99. 18 Alida, m. Solomon Goewey. Sybraut «, son of (2) Jau Dirkse Yinhagen and Maritje , was born in Albany; married Mfiria, daughter of Abraham Van Tricht and Elizabet Teller (whose second hus- band was (3) Mclgert Van der Poel), March 21, 1706, and had 8 Maria, bp. August 15, 1708 ; m. Andries Van den Bergh, about 1731 . 374 ViNHAGEN. 9 Johannes, bp. October 17, 1710 ; m. Neeltje Van den Bergh, November 16, 1738 ; d. October, 1750. 10 Abraham, bp. October 19, 1712 ; m., 1st, Jannetje Van Boren, February 27, 1741. She was buried May 20. 1748 ; 2d, Catha- RiNA BoviE, about 1756. 11 Ehzabeth, b. September 4, 1715 ; m. (22) JoN.\s Oothout, April 13, 1756. (See Ootbout.) 12 Johanna, bp. March 2, 1718 ; m. Benjamin Vak den Bergh, November 20, 1741. 13 Jacobus, bp. August 20, 1720 ; m. . 14 Margarita, bp. May 12, 1723 ; m. (28) Melgert Van der Poel, in 1747. (See Van der Poel.) 8. Haria, daughter of (7) Johannes Yiuhagen and Maria Vail Triclit, was baptised August 15, 170S ; married Andries, son of Barent Gerritse Van den Bergh and Geertruy Janse Witbeck, about 1731, and had 15 Barent, bp. July 23, 1732. 16 Johanne.s, bp. May 19, 1734. 17 Geertruy, bp. January 9, 1737. 18 Abraham, bp. April 15, 1739. 19 Gerrit, bp. April 25, 1742. 20 Maria, bp. February 17, 1745. 9. Jolianne»i, son of (7) Johannes Yinhagen and Maria Tan Tricht, was baptised October, 1710 ; married Neeltje Van den Bergh, November 16, 1738, and had 21 Maria, bp. June 17, 1739. 22 Geertruy, bp. August 10, 1740 ; m. Myndert Van Hoesen, May 30, 17G5. 23 Johannes, bp. February 14, 1742. 24 Ariaantje, bp. December 11, 1743 ; m. Hendrick Bries, May 11, 1766. 25 Elizabeth, bp. May 12, 1745 ; ui. Reinier Van den Bergh, Jan- uary 11, 1778 (?). Johannes Vinhagen was buried near his liouse October 22, 1750. lO. Al)ra||aiii, son of (7) Johannes Vinhagen and Maria Van Tricht, was baptised October 19, 1712; married, 1st, i YlNHAGEN. 375 Januetje, daugliter of Marten Martensie Yan Bnreii and Judike Barentse (b. April 20, 1712), February 27, 1741, and had 26 Maria, bp. April 25, 1742 ; d. y. 27 Marten, bp. June 17, 1744. 28 Maria, bp. April 8, 1748 ; d. y. Jaiinetje Van Bureii, wife of Abraham Vinhagen. died and was buried May 20, 1748. He married, 2d, Catharina Bo vie, about 1756, and had 29 Maria, bp. September 18, 1757. 12. Johanna, dauii:hter of (7) Johannes Vinhagen and Maria Van Triclit, was baptised March 2, 1718 ; married Benjamin, son of Barent Gerritse Van den Bergh and Geertruy Janse Witbeck, November 20, 1741, and had 30 Geertruy, bp. March 27, 1743. 31 Maria, bp. January 12, 1746. 32 Barent, bp. March 25, 1750. 33 Neeltje, bp. June 17, 1759. 13. JacobUM, son of (7) Johannes Vinhagen and Maria Van Tricht, was baptised August 20, 1720 ; married , and had 34 Johannes, b. ; m. Ba.\tje Van Valkenburgh, and had 1 Jacobus, bp. September 18, 1777. 2 Maria, b. February 1, 1786. (The family of Vinhagens seems to have become extinct as none are known to be now living in Albany or Rensselaer county.) 48 WEiNDELL. The following genealogy of some of the branches of the Wendell familj^ was compiled from documents left by the late John L. Wendell, Esq., in possession of Mr. William Wen- dell, of Albany, N. Y., at whose expense they were arranged by Dr. C. B. O'Callaghan, and from Prof. J. Pearson's " Albany Families," and from other data obtained by the compiler. The greater part is taken from the documents above mentioned, as being the most reliable, fi-oin the fact that Mr. William Wen- dell had access to all the records in the hands of the different members of the family and devoted much time and study to perfect its genealogy. 1. Evert Jan§eii Wendell was born in 1615, at Emden, a town of about 12,000 inhabitants, situated at the mouth of the river " Ems," in the northwestern extremity of Hanover, now part of Prussia. He came to New Amsterdam about the year 1642 ; married, 1st, Susanna, daughter of Du Trieux (who was probably the father of Philip Du Trieux, court messenger in I^evv Amsterdam at aii early day), July 3 J, 1644 (the name is now spelled Truax), and had 2 Thomas, eldest son, bp. September 8, 1645. 3 Elsje, b. in 1647 ; m. Abraham Staats, July 3, 1696. (See "Van der Poel, under Family No. 23.) 4 Johannes, b. February 2, 1649 ; m., 1st, Maritie Jellise Meyer ; 2d, Elizabeth Staats. (See Van der Poel, under Family No. 23.) 5 Diewertje, bp. November 27, 1650 ; d. y. 6 Diewertje, b. in 1653; m., 1st., Mynuert Wemp ; 2d, Johannes Glen, June 21, 1691. She died April 10, 1724. Wf-ndell. 377 7 Jeronimus (Hieronimus), b. in 1G55 ; m. (12) Ariaantje Visscher, before 1676. 8 Philip, b. in 1658 ; m. (11) Maria Visscher, June 17, 1688. 9 Evert, b. in 1660 ; m., 1st, Elizabeth Sanders Glen, March 19, 1681. She married, 3d, (7) Frederick Harmense Visscher, December 15, 1705. Susanna Du Trieux, wife of Evert J. Wendell, died ahout 1660. He married, 2d, Marit.te Abrahamse, daughter of Abraham Pieter Vosburgh, and widow of Thomas Janse Mingael, in 1663, and had 10 Abraham, ni, Mayeke Van Ess, April 12, 1698. 11 Catharine, m. Thomas Millington, September 17, 1699. 12 Maria, b. August 16, 1677; m. Barent Sanders, September 9, 1704. 12| Susanna, m. Johannes L. Teller, August 18, 1686. Maritje Abrahamse Vosburg"h, wife of Evert J. Wendell, died He married, 3d, Ariaantje . Evert J. Wendell died in Albany in 1709, se. 94 years. ' On the 8th of February, 1647, he obtained a patent for a lot in what was then called the " Graft " (now Beaver street), New York, but on or about tlie year 1651 he moved to Fort Orange (now Albany), where he was a ruling elder of the Dnteh church in 1656, or]ihan master in 1657, and magistrate in 1660 and 1661. His lot in Albany was on the west corner of James and State streets, which after his death was owned by his son Thomas. Thomas, son of (1) Evert J. Wendell and Susanna Dii Trieux, w^as baptised in New Amsterdam September 8, 1645. He resided in New Amsterdam until his ftither's death, which Prof. Pearson says happened in 1702, seven years earlier than is stated in Mr. William Wendkll's record. Nothing further is known of him. 3. "Elsje, daughter of (1) Evert J. Wendell and Susanna Du Trieux, was born in New Amsterdam in 1647 ; married Abra- ham, son of Major Abraham Staats, surgeon, and Catrina •lochemse Wessels (b. in 1665), July 3, 1696, and had 13 Abraham, bp. May 30, 1697 ; d. y. 14 Maria, bp. October 23, 1698. 378 Wkndell. 15 Abraham, bp. July 28, 1700. 16 Catharina, bp. November 1, 1702. 17 Johannes, bp. September 24, 1704. 18 Sarah, bp. June 2, 1706. 19 Isaac, bp. September 26, 1708. 20 Jacob, bp. October 7, 1711 ; d. February 16, 1735. 21 Elizabeth, bp. January 4, 1713. 22 Jochem, bp. May 20, 1716. 23 El^e, bp. June 30, 1718. 24 SamueL Abraliam Staats made his will September 24, 1731, proved January 30, 1739-40, in which he mentions the above children. (For Staats see under (23) Johannes Van der Poel.) 4. Johannes, son of (1) Evert J. Wendell and Susanna Du Trieux, was baptised in New Amsterdam February 2, 1649 ; married, Ist, Maritie, daughter of Jellis Pieterse Meyer, of New York, and Elsje Hendricks, of Amsterdam, Holland (bp. January 21, 1652), and had 26 El^'e. 26 Maria. Maritie Meyer, wife of Johannes Wendell, died. He married, 2d, Elizabeth, daughter of Major Abraham Staats (see Van der Poel under Family No. 23), and had 27 Abraham, bp. December 27, 1678 ; m. Katrina de Kay, May 15, 1702. 28 Susanna-, m. Johannes Lucas Wyngaart, April 25, 1695. 29 Catalynlje. 30 Elizabeth, m. Johannes Ten Broeck, June 18, 1709. 31 Evert, m. (25j Engeltje Wendell (Lansing?), December 12, 1710. (See Family Nos. 31 and 40.) 32 Johannes, bp. March 2, 1684 ; m. Elizabeth Walters. 33 Ephraim, bp. June 3, 1685 ; m. Annie ; d. June 30, 1731. 34 Isaac, bp. January 23, 1687 ; died an infant. -:<" 35 Isaac, ] m. Catalyna Van Dyck, November 28, 1717. 1 }-bp. November 5, 1688. I m. Jacob Glen, December 15, 1 717 ; d. August 19, 1762. 36 Sarah, J He died August 15, 1762. 37 jacobus, bp. August 11, 1691 ; m. Sarah Oliver, August 12, 1714. Captain Johannes Wendell died between November 20, 1691, and February 20, 1692, as his will was made on the former date and recorded on the latter. Wkndell. 379 In 1682 he was agent for Maryland to receive the indemnity from the tive nations of Indians for depredations they had committed in that province. He was Justice of the Peace in 1684 and 1685, RuHng Elder of the Dutch Reformed cliurch in 16.^5, Commissioner of Indian Affairs from 1684 to 1690. In 1685 he was commissioned Captain of the Albany company, and in 1690 was Mayor of Albany. He left one hundred and forty heavers^^ to each of his daughters Elsje and Maritje, begotten by his first wife, together with movables to them be- longing from their mother's estate. To Abraham he gave his j)art of the land calle« or Hieroiiiiiins, son of (1) Evert J. Wendell and Susanna l)u Trieux, was born in Albany in 1655; married (12) Ariaantje, daughter of (3) Ilarmen Bas- tiaen Visscher and Hester Tjerkse, before 1676, and had *The curreucy of the country at that period. 380 Wendell. 38 Susanna, b. in 1676; m. Johannes Symonsen Qroot, June 30, 1718. 39 Harmanus, b. in 1678 ; m. Anna Glen, about 1699. 40 Evert, b. February 8, 1680-1 ; ra. (25) Engeltje Lansing, Decem- ber 13, 1710. (See Family Nos. 31 and 40.) 41 Johannes, bp. January 13, 1684 ; m. Susanna Viele, June 5, 1708. 42 Hester, bp. September 19, 1686 ; m. (15) Johannes Beeckman, January 15, 1714-5. He died February, 1841 . 43 Elsje, b. April 31, 1689; m. Nicholas Schuyler, December 3, 1714. Jeroninius or Hieronimiis Wendell made his will April 25, 1690, whereby he left to his wife his entire property dur- ing her widowhood, but in case she should remarry the estate was to be divided, whereof she was to receive one-third and the children two-thirds, share and share alike without prefer- ence of sex, to be paid to each on attaining majority. To each of his daughters he gave in addition a Psalm-book with silver clasps, and to Elsje a silver cup marked " J. W. " ; to Har- manus the new Bible, a fowling piece and fourteen dozen silver buttons attached to tlie testator's clothes ; to Evert his chest with his name thereon and his silver shirt buttons. What further belonged to the testator's body was to be divided among his sons. To Johannes he left a silver goblet with the testator' s name thereon. By a codicil dated March 3, 1690-1, he ordered the just half of all his real and personal jjroperty to be given to his wife, to whom he left also a special legacy of twenty-five heavers (beaver skins). The above was translated and copied from the original Dutch will belonging to Mr. Philip Wendell, by Dr. O'Callaghan. 8. Philip, son of (1) Evert J. Weudell and Susanna Du Trieux, was born in Albany in 1658; married (11) Maria, daughter of (3) Harmen Bastiaen Visscher and Hester Tjerkse, June 17, 1688, and had 44 Evert, bp. June 80, 1689 ; d. y. 45 Harmanus, bp. July 3, 1693 ; d. s. December 30, 1763. 46 Hester, bp. March 17, 1695 ; d. September, 1743. 47 Evert, bp. April 11. 1697 ; m. (73) Susanna Wendell, June 3, 1736. 48 El^e, bp. January 7, 1700 ; buried December 30, 1735. Wendell. 381 49 Tjerck H., bp. December 21. 1701 ; d. y. 50 Johannes, bp. February 19, 1704 ; d. December, 1728. 51 Ariaantje, bp. March 10, 1706. 52 Tjerck H., bp. July 18, 1708. 53 Jeronimus, bp. March 4, 1711. Maria Visscher, wife of Philip Wendell, was buried Feb- ruary 5, 1735. Philip Wendell was buried February 13, 1T43. 9. Evert, son of (1) Evert J. Wendell and Susanna Du Trieux, was born in Albany in 1660; married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Sanders Glen and Elsje Barents (?), March 19, 1681, and had 54 Susanna, b. February 15,1682 ; m. Jacobus Schdyler, widower of Catlyntje Wendell, June 3, 1704. 55 Robert,* b. September 22, 1683 ; m. Catharine Winne, October C, 1732 ; d. April, 1750. 66 Maria, b. February 21, 1685 ; m. Barent Sanders (mayor of Albany), September 19, 1704 ; d. June, 1738. 57 Elsje, b. February 27, 1687 ; m. . 58 Ephraim, b. February 16, 1688 ; m. Anna . 59 Johannes, b. ^December 28, 1690; m. Anna Kip, November 29, 1716. 60 Abraham, b. April 1, 1693 ; m. Gertruey Bleecker, October 24, 1736 ; d. Juue'_28, 1753. 61 Ahasuerus, b. May 1, 1695 ; m., 1st, Anna Van Eps ; 2d, Maria 62 Cornelius, b. August 9, 1697 ; d. y. 63 Cornelius, bp. September 22, 1700. Evert Wendell died June 11, 1702. His will is dated No- vember 21, 1690, and was proved December 20, 1703. He left all his property " whether in Albany, New York, England, Holland or elsewhere," to his widow, and constituted his brother Johannes guardian of his minor children. Elizabeth Glen, widow of Evert Wendell, married, 2d, (7) Frederick Harniense Visscher, widower of Margaret Hansen, December 15, I'^OS, and died July 5, 1739. lO. Abraham, son of (1) Eyert J. Wendell and Maritje ♦See (32) Robert!and under Family No.' (56). 382 Wendell. Vosburgli, his second wife, was born in Albany ; married Mayeke, danghter of (possibly, although not recorded as one of his children) Cornells Yan Ess (Van I^es) and Mayeke Hendrickse Burchgraff, April 12, 1696, and had 64 Evert, bp. August 14, 1698 ; d. y. 65 Anna, bp. January 7, 1700 ; m. (13) Wynant Van den Bergh. 66 Maritie, bp. September 37, 1702 ; m. (10) Jan Oothout, June 23, 1729. 67 Evert, bp. February 27, 1706. 68 Hendrick, bp. September 19, 1708. 69 Maria, bp. October 23, 1709. 70 Oatharina, bp. March 4, 1711. 71 Hendrick, bp. October 19, 1713. 72 Susanna, bp. June 81, 1716 ; m. (47) Evert Wendell, June 2, 1736. Abraham Wendell is supposed to have died January, 1755. 11. Catharine, . daughter of (1) Evert J. Wendell and Maritje Tosbnrgh, his second wife, was born ; mar- ried Thomas Millington (b. in Old England), September 17, 1699, and had 73 Mayeke, bp. April 28, 1700. 74 Thomas, bp. January 21, 1702. 75 Anna, bp. April 23, 1704. 19. Maria, daughter of (1) Evert J. Wendell and Maritje Vosburgh, his second wife, was born August 16, 1677; mar- ried Barent, son of Robert (?) Sanders and Elsie Brentse, Sep- tember 9, 1704, and had , 76 Robert, bp. July 15, 1705. 77 Maria, bp. December 3, 1707. 78 Johannes, b, July 12, 1714. Barent Sanders was Mayor of Albany from 1750 to 1754. He was buried in the church June 22, 1738, Makia Wendell, widow of Barent Sanders, was buried in the church November 21, 1757. There is- a discrepancy in the date of these burials between Dr. O'Callaghan and Prof. Pearson. The above figures are Wendell. 383 according to Prof. Pearson's statement. O'Callaghan says Sanders was born May 8, 1678, and died November 18, 1-757, and also that he married a second wife Catalyna Wendell, which he learned from John L. Wendell, but could iind no such marriage in the records of the Sanders family. 8us^aiiiia, daughter of (1) Evert J. Weudell and Maritje A^osburgh, hii=; second wife, was born — • ; married Johaiiiies Lucaseii, youngest son of William Teller, Sr., one of the lirst settlers of New Amsterdam, August 18, 1686 (?), and had 79 Margarita, bp. February 19, 1693. 80 Willem, bp. October 4, 1695. 81 Jacobus (James), bp. July 15, 1Q98. Johannes L. Teller settled in Schenectady. Abraham, son of (4) Johannes Wendell and Elizabeth Staats, was baptised December 27, 1678; married Katrina de Kay, of New York, May 15, 1702, and had 82 Johannes, bp. May 2, 1703 ; m. Elizabeth Quincy, November, 1724. 83 Elizabeth, bp. August 20, 1704; m. Edmund Quincy, April 15, 1725. 84 Abraham, bp. March 3, 1706. 85 Helena, bp. September 21, 1707. 86 Catharina, bp. March 27, 1709. 87 Jacobus, bp. August 31, 1712. 88 Lucretia, bp. July 18, 1714. 89 Theunis, bp. June 24, 1716 ; d. y. 90 Theunis, bp. October 30, 1717. 91 Hendrickus, bp. August 3, 1719. Mr. Wendell Phillips states in his "Memorials of the Dead in Kings Cliapel Bnryinii; Ground, l>oston," page 237. that the above mentioned Abraham AVendell (the progenitor of the New England branch of this family), settled as a merchant in Boston, where he died September 28, 1734, se. 55 years and 9 months. 49 384 Wendell. 31. Evert,* son of (4) Johannes Wendell and Elizabeth Staats, was born ; married (25) Engeltje (Wendell according to Prof. Pearson), daughter of (4) Johannes Lansing and (2) Gertruy "Van Schaick, December 12, 1710, and had 92 Gertruy, bp. October 7, 1711. 93 Johannes, bp. June 20, 1713. 94 Abraham, bp. April 24, 1715 ; buried June 30, 1753. 95 Ariaantje, bp. May 19, 1717. 96 Ephraim, bp. April 5, 1719. (Not repeated under Family No. 40.) 97 Evert, bp. Janiiary 13, 1723. 98 Elizabeth, bp. November 29, 1724. 99 Engellje, bp. September 25, 1726. 100 Harmanus, bp. July 2, 1731. 101 Philip, bp. July 7, 1784. Eyert Wendell made a will July 29, 1749, proved June 20, 1750. He was buried May 4, 1750. Johannes, son of (4) Johannes Wendell and Elizabeth Staats, was baptised March 2, 1684 ; married Elizabeth Walters, and had 102 Johannes, bp. February 8, 1708. 103 Robert, t bp. November 27, 1709. 104 Susanna, bp. Marcli 11, 1711 ; m. GoosE Van Rensselaek. 105 Oatryna, bp. October 19, 1712. 106 Abraham, bp. August 14, 1714. 107 Jacob, bp. January 22, 1716 ; d. y. 108 Catryna, bp. February 16, 1718 ; buried August 29, 1747. 109 Jacob, bp. September 6, 1719. 110 Elizabeth, bp. February 12, 1721. 111 Maria, bp. January 6, 1723. 112 Ephraim, bp. May 16, 1725. 113 Sarah, bp. October 13, 1728. Captain Johannes Wendell was buried on " The Flats " (now Port Schnyler, above Albany) January 13, 1729. * It is doubtful whether this Evert was the son of (4) Johannes or (7) Jeronimus Wendell, authorities differ. Dr. O'Callaghan and Mr. Philip Wendell say he was the son of Jeronimus. The above is the family as given by Prof. Pearson. See Family No. (40) ; this family is repeated there as children of Evert, son of Jeronimus. + See Family No. (55) Kobert Wendell. Wendell. 385 Isaac, son of (4) Johannes Wendell and Elizabeth Staats, was born November 5, 168S ; married Catalyna, danghter of Hendriek(?) Van Dyck and Maria Sclnijler (b. October 6, 1095), Novemliur 28, 1717, and had 114 Johannes, bp. November 15, 1718 ; buried in Boston, Mass., No- vember 12, 1755. 115 Maria, bp. May 14, 1721. 116 Elizabeth, bp. June 29, 1723; m. (94) Pietkr Lansing, about 1745. 117 Cathalina, bp. February, 1725. 118 Sarah, bp. November 27, 1726 ; m. Dirck Vanderheyden. 119 Hendrick, bp. March 1(3. 1729 ; m. Catai.ina Van Schaick, June 17, 1750. 120 Isaac, ) [ bp. September 22, 1734. 121 Sarah, i 122 Susanna, bp. October 8, 1786. 37. Jacobus, son of (4) Johannes Wendell and Elizabeth Staats, was born in Albany August 11, 1691 ; married Sarah, daughter of Dr. James Oliver (b. at Cambridge September 4, 1696), August 12, 1714, and had 122| Jacob, supposed to have married Elizabeth Hunt ; d. Novem- ber 27, 1753. 123 Elizabeth, b. January 20, 1719 ; m. Richard Wybird, of Ports- mouth, N. H. 124 Sarah, b. March 3, 1721 ; ra., 1st, John Hunt; 2d, Mr. Hewes. 125 Mercy, b. April 10, 1722 ; m. Nathaniel Oliver. 126 Mary, b. January 14,1724 ; m. Samuel Sewall ; d. January 21, 1740. 127 Katharine, b. June 18, 1726 ; m. William Cooper, Town Clerk of Boston. 128 John Mico, b. May 30,1728 ; m. Catharine Brattle ; d. about 1774. 129 Ann, b. December 7, 1730 ; m. John Penhallow, of Portsmouth, N. H. 130 Oliver, b. March 5, 1733 ; m. Mary Jackson, in 1762 ; d. January 15, 1818. 131 Abraham, b. November 2,1735. 132 Susanna, b. June 15, 1737; d. s. 386 Wendell. 133 Margaret, b. August 20, 1739 ; m. William Phillips, of Boston, June 12, 1760, and had 1 Margaret, m. Judge Samuel Cooper. 2 Sarah, m. Mark Newman. 3 John, father of Wendell Phillips. Jacobus Wendell died September 7, 1761. He removed from Albany to Boston, Mass., where lie became a merchant. He was, in 1733, a Director of the First Bank of Massachusetts, Colonel of the Boston Regiment in 1742, member of the Governor's Council from about 1737 to 1750, and Commis- sioner from Massachusetts to the conferences with the Indians at Albany in 1744, 1745 and 1750. Sarah Oliver, widow of Jacobus Wendell, died in Boston July 22, 1762. Sir Jonah Barrmgton says : " Dress has a moral effect on mankind. Let any gentleman find himseW with dirty boots, old surtout, soiled neckcloth and a general negligence of dress, he will in all probability find a corresponding disposition, by negligence of address. We should perhaps feel the force of this could we but see one of the ' solid men of Boston ' of olden times, as he came down State street at the hour of high change, then twelve o'clock. His appearance would cause as much or more excitement than that of the Turkish Ambassador, who recently made us a visit. Col. Jacob Wendell, merchant, who died in 1761, is thus described: ' His dress was rich, being a scarlet embroidered coat, gold-laced cocked hat, embroidered long waistcoat, small clothes, with gold knee buckles, silk stockings with gold clocks, shoes and large gold or silver buckles, as the importance of the occasion or business demanded, full ruffles at the bosom and wrists, and walking with a gold-headed cane.' IS^ow we have a portrait of one of the old school gentle- man of a century ago." 39. Hariiianu^, son of (7) Jeroiiiimis Wendell and Ariaantje Harnieuse Vissclier^ was born in 1678 ; married Anna, daugh- ter of Jacob Sanders Glen, about 1699, and had 134 Ariaantje, bp. August 25, 1700. 135 Jacob, bp. November 22, 1702 ; m. Helena Van Rensselaer December 19, 1728. Wendell. 387 136 Catharine, bp. January 10, 1705 ; m. John A. Cuyler, March 28, 1727. 137 Evert, bp. January 19, 1707; m. Maria Truax, widow, in 1761. 138 Anna, bp. February 9, 1709 ; m. (64) Jacob Henry Ten Eyck, November 30, 1737. 139 Johannes, bp. October 11, 1711 ; contractor for Oswego from 1737 to 1743 : d. October, 1743. 140 Harmanus, bp. April 11, 1714 ; m. Catharine Van Vechten, March 6, 1741. 141 Abraham, bp. June 24, 1716 ; m. (184) Elizabeth Wendell, September 27, 1740. Harmanus Wendell, merchant, signed an address to the Earl of Belmont in 1700. He was Alderman of Albany in 171J-, 1720, 1726 and 1727; Commissioner of Indian Affairs from 172S to 1732 ; contractor to victual Oswego in 1729. He died at 98 State street, Albany, and was bnried in the church December 15, 1731. (So stated in the record of burials ; O'Callaghan says he died in 1732.) Anna Glen, widow of Harmanus Wendell, was bui-ied September 19, 1756. 40. Evert, son of (7) Jeroninius Wendell and Ariaantje y isscher, was born February 8, 1680-1 ; married (25) Engeltje, daughter of (4) Johannes Lansing and (2) Gertruy Van Schaick (b. August 12, 1690), December 12, 1710, and had 142 Gertruy, b. September 30, 1711 ; d. s. Novembers, 1746. 143 Johannes, b. June 27, 1713 ; m. M.\ria V.\n Santvoord, July IG, 1741 ; d! August 18, 1756. 144 Abraham E., b. April 24, 1715. 145 Ariaantje, b. May IS, 1717 ; m. (92) John Lansing, December 7, 1745. (See Lansing.) 146 Evert, b. March 31, 1719 ; d. November 20, 1720. (Probably the same as Fphraim in Family No. 31.) 147 ; b. January 2, 1720. 148 Evert, b. January 13, 1722-3 ; m. Antie Lansing; d. August 4, 1746. 149 Elizabeth, b. November 25, 1724 ; m. Barent Staats, January 19, 1760. 150 Engeltje, b. July 14, 1726 ; d. March 4, 1727. 151 Engeltje, b. July IS, 172S; m. James Hewetson, November 0, 1772. 152 Harmanus, b. July 2, 1731 ; d. of measles September 17, 1747. 388 Wendell. 153 Philip, b. July 3, 1734 ; m. Sarah Packard. Evert Wendell died May 3, 1750. Engeltje Lansing, widow of Evket Wendell, died Decem- ber 18, 1769, and was buried beside her husband. Evert Wendell was a lawyer and Commissioner for Indian Affairs from 1724 to 1734, also Commissioner for receiving fines under the Oswego act of 1727. He made a will dated July 29, 1749, which was proved June 20, 1750, in which he gives to his oldest son Johannes all his surveying instruments and law books in lieu of all claims he may have to his father's estate, whether real or personal, " for reasons to him best known " ; to his other sur\'iving children he gave f^ll his real estate in the to"\vn of Schenectady ; to his " dear, trusty, faith- ful, beloved, honest son Abraham," he left all his lands, houses and premises on both sides of the Beaver Kill, Albany, with the saw mill, dam, saws, grist mills, grinding stones, brew house, kettles, orchard, etc., horse, cow, pleasure sleigh, and large Holland gun, marked with his name on the lock ; also two lots in the south part of Albany ; one lot in the north part of said city on condition that he pay his father's debts, if he keep said lots ; also a farm on Norman's Kill on condition of paying the tenth of the produce to the lord of the manor, according to the custom of the Colonic of Rensselaerwyck; to his youngest son Philip he bequeathed his dwelling-house and lot in the first ward of Albany, with all his pasture land on both sides of the Rutten Kill, with right to his, the testator's widow, and his two unmarried daughters Elizabeth and Engeltje to occupy said house and lots whilst sole. Philip was also to remain with his sisters as long as he remained unmarried, and the testator's meaning is " that they shall never be put out of doors as long as they remain unmarried." He is also to ha\'e free erindino; of his bread corn at the mill left to Abraham, two chocolate pots and pans, and he and Abraham are to build a chocolate mill in which Abraham may grind fifty pounds of chocolate yearly ; he is likewise left his father's wearing apparel and one gun and his large clock ; to each of his three daugh- ters Ariaantje, Elizabeth and Engeltje he left one-third of a lot of pasture in the south part of the city of Albany " just behind Wendell. 389 the stockades." The remainder of his estate, real and personal, negro slaves, horses, cows, gold and silver plate, debts and bonds, were to be divided, share and share alike, among his five aforesaid children, viz., Abraham, Ariaantje, Engeltje, Elizabeth and Philip. The executors to his will were his son Abraham and his daughter Engeltje. The names, dates of births, marriages and deaths of Evert Wendell's children, etc., were taken from the family record of Philip Wendell, Esq., by Dr. O'Callaghan. This is the EvEKT Wendell that Pi'of. Pearson supposes may have been the son of (4) Johannes Wendell, and who appears in this record under Family No. 31. 41. Joliaiiiie§, son of (7) Jeronimus Wendell and (12) Ariaantje Yisscher, was baptised January 13, IfiSi ; married Susanna Yiele, June 5, 1708, and had 154 Ariaantje, b. March 5, 1709-10. 155 Gerriye, b. April 17, 1711 ; d. y. 156 Gerriye, b. May 6, 1712. 157 Elsje, b. February 13, 1715-16. 158 Johannes, b. January 26, 1719-20; m. Sarah Bergen, Septem- ber 20, 1750. Captain Johannes Wendell was buried at "The Flats" January 13, 1729-30. 49. Hester, daughter of (7) Jeronii^ius Wendell and (12) Ariaantje Yisscher, was born September 19, 1686; married (15) Johannes, son of (3) Johannes M. Beeckman and Eva Vinhagen, January 15, 1714—15. See (15) Beeckman. 4». Elsje, daughter of (7) Jeronimus Wendell and (12) Ariaantje Yisscher, was born April 21, 1689 ; married Nicholas, son of Philip Schuyler and Elizabeth De Meyer (bp. September 21, 1692), December 2, 1714, and had 169 Harmanus, father of Dr. Nicholas Schuyler, late of Troy, N. Y. 390 Wendell. 160 Ariaantje, in. Col. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, and liad 1 Henry K., father of Gen. Solomon Van Kensselaer. 2 Philip, b. in 1747 ; m. Maria Sanders (b. October 15, 1749. 3 Nicholas, b. in 1754 ; m. Elsie Van Buren. 4 Kiliaen K., b. in 1763 ; member of Congress. 5 Catharine, m. William Henry Ludlow, in 1771. 6 Elsje, m. (127) Abraham A. Lansing, September 3, 1774. 7 Maria, m. Leonard Gansevoort, Jr. 161 Elizabeth. 162 Catharine. 47. Evert, son of (8) Philip Wendell and (11) Maria Har- mense Visscher, was baptised April 11, 1697; married (72) Susanna, daughter of (10) Abraham Wendell and Mayeke Van Ess [Van Nes] (bp. June 31, 1716), June 2, 1736, and had 163 Maritje, bp. September 18, 1737. 164 Catharina, bp. December 19,1739. 165 Philip,^ m.,lst,CATHALiNAGROESBECK,July 28, 1765 ; 2d,GER- I TRUY VOSBURGH, about 1773 ; d. December 9, 1808. l-bp. March 15, 1741. I 166 Gerrit,J 167 Ariaanlje. • 55. Robert, sou of (9) Evert Wendell and Elizabeth Sanders (jlen, was born Sei)tember 22, 1683 ; married Catharine, daughter of Peter Winne and Maria De Forest (b. March 4, 1711), October 6, 1732, and had 168 Johannes, bp. May 5, 1734. 169 Peter, bp. February 20, 1736. 170 Elizabeth, bp. July 7, 1738; supposed to have married Goose V.\N ScHAiCK, July 7, 1757. 171 Abraham, bp. March 23, 1744 ; buried June 2, 1746 (?). 172 Martin, bp. March 15, 1747; m. Maritje Winne, February 20. 1779. 173 Margarita, bp. October 23, 1748. 174 Catharine, bp. May 12, 1750. Robert Wendell was buried April 17, 1750. Cathakine Winne, widow of Robert Wendell, was buried at "The Flats" January 22, 1755. Prof. Pearson says the above Robert was the son of (32) Johannes Wendi^ll and Elizabeth Walters, which does not agree with Dr. O'Cal- laffhan's statement above. Wendell. 391 58. Epliraiiii, son of (9) Evert VVeiidell and Elizabeth Sanders (irlen, was born Febrnaiy IG, 16S8 ; married Anna , and had 175 Ephraim, bp. November 1, 1713. 176 Catharina, bp. February 20. 1715 ; d. y. 177 Elizabeth, bp. November 10, 1717. 178 Catharina, bp. May 8, 1720 ; d. y. 179 Marytje, bp. July 22, 1722 ; m. (95) Gerardtjs Lansing, in 1747- 180 Susanna, bp. September 13, 1724 ; d. August, 1734. 181 Catharina, bp. May 13, 1727 ; m. Cornelius Van Alstyne, February 21, 1742-43. 182 Hendrick, bp. June 5, 1730; m. (131) Maria Lansing, June 9, 1757; d. October 1, 1795. 183 Margaretta, bp. September 5, 1731. Dr. Ephraim Wendell was buried at " The Flats " July 2, 1Y31. (Prof. Pearson says the above Ephraim was the son of (32) Johannes " Wendell. The above is as given by Dr. Callaghan.) 59. Joliaiiiies, son of (9) Evert Wendell and Elizaheth Sanders Glen, was born December ^, 1690 ; married Anna, daughter of Abraham Kip and Geesie Yan der Heyden (b. May 29, 1694), November 29, 1716, and had 184 Elizabeth, b. August 20, 1717; m. (141) Abraham Wendell, September 27, 1740. 185 Geesie, b. January 30, 1718-19 ; d. s. May 30, 1783. 186 Susanna, bp. January 15, 1721. 187 Catletie(Oatalina),b. March 30, 1723 ; m. (63) Gtsbert Marselis, November 2!). 1751. (See Marselis.) 188 Evert J., b. March 13, 1725-6 ; ni. Elizabeth Van Schaick. 189 Abraham, b. October 6, 1727 ; d. July 12. 1729. 190 Anna, b. January 26, 1732-3 ; m. (71) Volckert Abrahamse Douw, November 19, 1757 ; d. before 1763. 191 Oatretie, b. March 7, 1734-5 ; m. (191) Nanning J. Visscher, August 2, 1760; d. February 11, 1763. Johannes VV^endell was Commissioner of Indian Affairs from 1720 to 1726; Alderman of the city of Albany in 1736, and died December 15, 1739. Anna Kip, widow of Johannes Wendell, died September 50 392 Wendki,l. 29, 1779, leaving by will to her daughter Geesie the profits and possession of all her houses, slaves, furniture, goods and chatties so long as she remained unmarried, also lot fifty-four in the " Sacondaga Patent " with the pasture lot on the Plain m the first ward of Albany ; one-fourth of the remainder of her estate to the children of her daughter Elizabeth ; one-fourth to Geesie ; one-fourth to her daugher Catletie (who was a widow^ in 1783) ; one-fourth to her grandson (203) John N. Visscher (b. November 14, 1760) ; (185) Geesie Wendell left by will her property to her sisters, nephews and nieces. 60. Abraham, son of (9) Evert Wendell and Elizabeth Sanders Glen, was born April 1, 1693 ; married Gertruey, daughter of Johannes Bleecker and Anna Costar (bp. Novem- ber 15, 1696), October 24, 1736, and had 192 Elizabeth, b. September 2, 1738 ; m. (19) Thomas Hun, August 27, 1761. He died November 17, 1802. See (19) Hun. Abraham Wendell died June 28, 1753. Gertruey Bleecker, widow of Abraham Wendell, died May 29, 1786. 61. A]ia§uerii!>^, son of (9) Evert Wendell and Elizabeth Sanders (xlen, was born May 1, 1695 ; married Anna Van Eps, of Schenectady, and had 193 Elizabeth, bp. February 12, 1721. Anna Van Eps, wife of Ahasuerus Wendell, died. He married, 2d, Maria , and had 194 Dirck, bp. July 13, 1729. Ahasuerus Wendell resided in Schenectady. He was buried in Albany July 11, 1752. Maritie or Maria , widow of Ahasuerus Wendell, was buried, according to Prof. Pearson, July, 1852. (See Pearson's Schenectady Famihes.) 89. Johannes, son of (27) Abraham Wendell and Katrina Wendell. 393 de Kay, was Imptised May 2, 1703 ; married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Judge Ediiiuud Quincy, of the Supreme Court of Massa- chusetts, and Dorothy Flyiit, of Dorchester, Mass., November, 1724, and had 195 John, b. September 11, 1782 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1750; d. at Portsmouth, N. H., April 26. 1808, leaving children. 196 Sarah, b. May 1, 1745 ; m. John Gekry, of Marblehead ; d. Feb- ruary 12, 1804. Her daughter Sarah married Azor Orne. 197 Elizabeth, m. SoLOMON Davis, whose daughter Elizabeth mar- ried Dr. David Townsend. 198 Thomas, and other children, one of whom married Mr. Skinner, of Marblehead. Johannes Wendell died December 15, 1762. 83. Elizabeth, daughter of (27) Abraham Wendell and Katrina de Kay, was Imptised August 20, 1704; married Edmund (jjuincy, April 15, 1725, and had 199 Edmund, m. Anne Huske. 200 Henry, m., 1st, Mart Salter ; 2d, Eunice Newell. 201 Elizabeth, m. Samuel Sewelu. 202 Abraham, d. s. 203 Catharine, d. s. 204 Sarah, m. William Greenleaf. 205 E.sther, m. Jon.\than Sewp^ll, chief justice of Lower Canada. 206 Jacob, m. Elizabeth Williams, in 1760. 207 Dorothy, m., Isl, John Hancock, president of the Continental congress ; 2d, Capt. James Scott. Elizabeth Wendell, wife of Edmund Questoy, died Novem- ber, 176U. Edmund Quincy was l>urn in 170'^>, and was a jndge of the Court of Common Pleas, Boston. He died in 1788. 119. Ileiiclrick, son of (35) Isaac Wendell and Catalyna Van Dyck, \vas baptised March 1(1, 172'J ; married Catalina Van Schaick, June 17, 1750, and had 208 Susanna, bp. April 26, 1751 ; m. JOOST BosKiRK. 209 Gerrit, b. May 6, 1753. 394 Wendell. 210 Sarah, b. January 1, 1756 ; m. John Bratt. 211 Abraham, b. September 37, 1758. Hendrick Wendell, of Watervliet, made his will October 10, 1796. It was recorded May 1, 1809. 130. Oliver, son of (37) Jacobus or Jacob Wendell and Sarah Oliver, was born March 5, 1733 ; married Mary, daughter of Edward Jackson and Dorothy Quincy, in 1762, and had 212 Oliver, d. s. 213 Edward, d. s. 214 Sarah, m. Rev. Abiel Holmes, D. D., of Cambridge, Mass., and had 1 Mary Jackson, m. Usher Parsons, M. D., of Provi- dence, R. I. 2 Ann Susan, m. Rev. Charles W. Upham, of Salem. 3 Sarah Lathrop. 4 Oliver Wendell, M. D., (the poet.) 5 John, attorney at Cambridge. Oliver Wendell had several cliildreii most of whom died young. He was educated at Plarvard college, Judge of Pro- bate, member of the Senate and council of Massachusetts, etc. He died at Cambridge January 15, 1818. 135. Jacob, son of (39) Harmanns Wendell and Anna San- ders Grlen, was born November 22, 1702; married Helena, daughter of Hendrick Van Rensselaer and Catharina Van Brug (b. October 4, 1702), December 19, 1728, and had 215 Harmanus, bp. March 28, 1730 ; d. y. 216 Harmanus, bp. March 18, 1732 ; m. Barbara Bradt, May 8, 1753 ; d. June 13, 1786. She died April 30, 1812. 217 Hendrick (?), bp. October 15, 1733. 218 Catharina, bp. July 23, 1735 ; m. Abraham Cutler, April 1, 1762. 219 Anna, bp. June 12. 1737 ; m. Cornelis J. Cutler, March 16, 1763. She was the grandmother of Mrs. George Dexter, of Albany. 220 Maria, bp. April 15, 1739. 221 Ariaantje, bp. April 10, 1743. 222 Elizabeth, bp. February 17, 1745 ; m. Isaac Bekker, March 12, 1765. Wendell. 395 Jacob Weudell was buried in Greenbiish September 5, 1Y45. (Pearson says August 5, 1745.) 137. Evert, son of (39) Harmanus Wendell and Anna San- ders Glen, was baptised January 19, 1707; married Maria Truax, widow of Johannes Arentse Bradt, in 1761. He died July 15, 1762, leaving no children. 140. Hariiiaiiu^, son of (39) Harmanus Wendell and Anna Sanders Glen, was baptised April 11, 1714; married Cath- arine Van Vechten, March 6, 1741, and had 223 Harmanus, bp. June 6, 1742 ; m. Cathakina Van Rensselaer. 224 Gertruy, ) V bp. December 7, 1743. 225 Anna, ) m. Col. Philip P. Schuyler, April 21, 1765. 226 Cornelius, b. September 16, 1745; m. (252) Anna Lansing (b. October 25, 1750), January 13, 1768. 227 Gertruy, bp. August 30, 1747 ; m. Harper Witbeck, September 2, 1783. 228 Ariaantje, bp. November 12, 1749 ; d. s. April 29, 1841. 229 Johannes (John H.), bp. July G, 1752 ; m. Cathalina Van Ben- THUYSEN, in 1785. 230 Jacob H., b. October 21, 1754 ; m. (240) Geertruy (Gertrude) Lansing, about 1785. 231 Catharina, bp. September 12, 1756; m. (234) Harmanus A. Wendell, March 21, 1785. Harmanus Wendell was Assistant Alderman in 1749; assistant judge of the Court of Common Pleas from 1751^ to 1758, and one of the proprictoi's of the Jersey Field patent in 1770. He made a will May 1, 1769, proved April 27, 1771. He left to his wife his share of the lot in the township of Schenectady, released to him by the .heirs of Jacob Sanders Glen ; also her clothes and the household furniture she had at the time of her marriage, and sufficient support during licr widowhood ; to his unmarried daughters an outfit of the same value as that given to their married sister ; to each of his sons one-fourth of liis Indian purcluise at Canajoliarie, on condition that they give to each of his daughters one-eighth of three- fourths of the value thereof. 396 Wendell. While workmen were making excavations for the piers to support the main floor of the addition to the PubKc market on Beaver street, in Albany, November 8, 1882, they came across a head-stone and a number of human bones. The tablet is of brown stone, similar to the others taken out, and bears a fan- tastical face in the scroll work on the top. On the slab is the following inscription : Hier Leydt Het Lighaem Van Harmanis Wendell Out 57 laer Obit den 13 February, Anno Domini 1771. This interpreted means : " Here lies the body of Hermanis Wendell, aged 57 years, died the 13th of February, in the year of our Lord 1771.'' 141. Abraham, son of (39) Harmauus Wendell and Anna Sanders Glen, was baptised June 24, 171 H; married (l^^-i) Elizal)etli, daughter of (59) Johannes Wendell and Anna Kip (b. August 20, 1717), September 27, 174(i, and had 232 Annatie, bp. April 5, 1741 ; m. Ephraim Van Vechten. 233 Johannes, bp. July 18, 1742; d. y. 234 Harmanus A., bp. May 20, 1744; m., 1st, Christina Van den Bergh, April 9, 1770 ; 2d, (231) Catharina Wendell, March 21, 1785. 235 Janneke, bp. .January 10, 1746 ; d. y. 236 Janneke, bp. December G, 1747. 237 Johannes, bp. November 19, 1749- 238 Jacob A., bp. May 6, 1753 ; m. Mary Swart. 239 Susanna. Abraham H. Wendell made his will April 13, 1793, proved February 18, 1800, whereby his sons Harmanus, John and Jacob were given the liouse and lot occupied by the testator and the house occupied by Harmanus for one-fourth less of the value as appraised by them and his daughter Janneke and John Yan Yechten, son of his deceased daughter Annatie. Should they disagree it was to be appraised and sold and one-fifth part paid to his daughters and grandson. He left to his sons his lot back of the fort on the hill. His lands in Sacondaga and Wtcndrt.t. 397 his lot. in Schenectady he left also to his children and grandson. In case his daughter Janneke should marry she was to have a decent outfit, but until then she might live in his house and be supported out of his estate, but if they disagreed and one hired another house, the others were to pay half his house rent. Elizabeth Wendell, wife of Abraham H. Wendell, died May 12, 1757. 143. Joliaiiiie!!^, son of (40) Evert Weudell and (25) Eiigeltje Liiiisiug, was born June 27, 1713 ; married Maria Van Sant- voord, July 16, 1741, and had 240 Evert, b. August 21, 1742 ; d. September 14, 1749. 241 A daughter. 242 A daughter. 243 A daughter. 244 A daughter, b. November 18, 1749. 245 Gertruy, b. September 22, 1751 ; d. October 23, 1837. • Johannes Wendell died August 18, 1756. (For this family see Pearson's Schenectady Families.) 153. Philip, son of (40) Evert Wendell and (25) Engeltje Lansing, was born July 3, 1734; married Sarah Packard (b. February 6, 1772), and had 246 Abraham, lieutenant in United States army ; d. in 1818 ; by his will he left all his property to his mother. 247 Elizabeth. 248 Philip, b. about 1802 ; was formerly deputy clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York ; living in 1866 ; unmarried. 249 Eunice, m. James F. Crosby. 250 Harriet, m. S. M. Parks. 251 A posthumous child . Philip Wendell died December 9, 1808, He made his will November 6, 1808. Sarah Packard, widow of Puir.ip Wendell, died April 20, 1830. 158. Johannes, son of (41) Johannes Wendell anil Susanna 398 Wendell. Yiele, was born January 20, ] 71 9-20 ; married Sarah Bergen, September 20, 1750, and had 252 Johannes, bp. June 30, 1751 ; ui. Alida Hooghkirk, December 9, 1772. 253 Francyntie, bp. November 13, 1752. 254 Jorus (George), bp. August 17, 1755. (According to Prof. Pear- son.) 255 Jorus (George), bp. January 29, 1758. (According to Prof. Pear- son.) 165, Pliilip, son of (47) Evert Wendell and (72) Susanna Wendell, was baptised March 15, 1741; married, 1st, Catli- alina Oroesbeck, July 28, 1765, and had 256 Evert, b. March 20, 1766. Cathalina Groesbeck, wife of Philip Wendell, died. He mar- ried, 2d, Gertruy Vosburgh, about 1773, and had 257 Oathalynlje, b. September 1, 1773. 258 Isaac, b. October 6, 1775. 259 OathaUna, b. December 31, 1777. 260 Evert, b. August 16, 1783. 261 Abraham, b. September 13, 1785. 262 David Scot, b. September 13, 1787. 263 Philip, b. March 9, 1790. • 264 Catharine, b. July 11, 1793. Philip Wendell died December 9, 1808. (The above family is taken from Prof. Pearson's Albany Families.) 182. Hendrick, sou of (58) Ephraini Wendell and Anna , was baptised June 5, 1730; married (131) Maria, daughter of (56) Robert Lansing and Margaret Roseboom, June 9, 1757, and had 265 Jacob H., bp. August 30, 1758 ; m. Sarah Trotter. 266 Robert, bp. February 15, 1761 ; m. Agnietje Fonda and removed to Schenectady, where he died July 7, 1848. He had a daugh- ter, Maria. 267 Harmanus, b. April 16, 1763; d. y. 268 Harmanus, bp. September 37, 1767 ; sheriflP of Albany from 1803 to 1807. Wkndell. 399 269 Margarita, b. January 19, 1770; m. Gen. Matthew Trotteu. 270 Hendrick, b. May 17, 1773: left a son Samuel who died, it is supposed, in New Orleans May 26, 1829. 271 Abraham, b. December 17, 1775. Hendrick Wendell died October 1, 1795. He was Sheriff of Albany conniy from 17T7 to 17S1 and from 1782 to 1786. M.vRiA Lansing, widow of Hendrick Wendell, died in 1813. 188. Evert J., son of (59) Johannes Wendell and Anna Kip, was born March 13, 1725-6 ; married Elizabeth Van Schaick, and had 272 Abraham, bp. January 13, 1751 ; d. y. 273 Sarah, bp. December 15, 1754; d. y. Evert J. Wendell made a will May 2, 1763, proved October 6, lT6i. He left all of his estate to his mother Anna during her hfe, after her death one hundred pounds to his sister (185) Geesie and one-fourth of the remainder of his estate to the children of his deceased sister (184) Elizabeth; one-fourth to his sister Geesie ; one-fourth to his sister (187) Catalina Mar- selis, and one-fourth to Johannes, only son of his sister (191) Cathaiine (Catretie) Visscher. He was an assistant Alderman in Albany in 1750 and died June 2, 1763. 316. Hariiiaiiii^^, son of (135) Jacoh Wendell and Helena Van Rensselaer, was baptised March 18, 1732; married Bar- bara, daughter of Bai-ent Bradt and Maria Rickman, May 8, 1753, and had 274 Elizabeth,* b. December 7, 1753; m. Jacob J. Bleecker, Feb- ruary 18, 1776. 275 Jacob, ) d. August 10, 1757. [ b. March 2, 1757. 276 Helena,) d. July 14, 1757. 277 Helena (Elanor by O'Callaghan), b. October 22, 17G0 ; m. (238) Jehemiah Lansing, October 1, 1780. * Elizabeth, (274) eldest daiifrbter of (iJIfi) Harmanus Wendell and Barbara Bradt, marrie0 Wendell. 278 Catharina, b. September 22, 1762 ; d. y. 279 Catharina, b. November 27, 1765. 280 Anna, b. May 3, 1768 ; d. s. January 8, 1829. 281 Maria, b. June 6, 1772; d. s. December 26,1826. 281i Barent, b. August 12, 1776 ; d. August 13, 1776. Harmaiius Wendell <^ied June 13, 1786. He was a mer- chant and assistant judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Barbara Bradt, widow of Harmanus Wendell, died April 80, 1812. (Sec Bible record.) Hariiiauiis, son of (140) Harmaims Wendell and Cath- arine Yan Vecliten, was baptised June (>, 1742; married Catharina Van Rensselaer, and had 282 Harmanus, bp. January 22, 1768 ; d. y , 283 Harmanus, bp. September 30, 1770; d. in Schenectady December 1841 ; had a son named John Van Rensselaer Wendell. 284 Elizabeth, bp. April 4, 1774 ; d. s. 285 Catarina, bp. March 2, 1777 ; d. s. Harmanus H. W^endell died December 14, 1781. 225. Anna, daughter of (140) Harmanus Wendell and Cath- arine Van Vechten, was baptised December 7, 1743 ; married Col. Philip P., sou of Peter Schuyler and Catharina Groes- beck, April 21, 1765, and had 1 Catharine, b. March 23, 1766 ; m. Abraham Van Vechten ; d. September 10, 1820. 2 Elizabeth, b. May 4, 1771 ; m. James Van Ingen. 3 Gertruy, b. June 26, 1773; m. James Van Ingen (his third wife.) 4 Peter, b. July 15, 1776 ; colonel of the 13th Regiment United States Infantry. 5 Maria, b. September 11, 1778 ; d. s. July 6, 1812. 6 Stephen, b. November 17, 1780 ; d. February 5, 1845. 7 Ariaantje, b. September 15, 1782 ; m. Jacob Van Orden, of Catskill. 8 Lucas, b. March 9, 1785; d. s. Col. Philip P. Schuyler died June 8, 1808, Wendell. 401 CoriieliU!^, son of (140) Hariuaiius Wendell and Cath- arine Tan Vechten, was boni September 16, 1745 ; nian-ied (252) Anna, dangliter of (104) Gerrit Lansing, Jr., and (17) Wyntje Yan den Bei'gli, his second wife (b. October 25, 1750), January 13, 1768, and had 286 Gerrit, b. October 19, 1769 ; m. Rebecca Van Vechten, Sep- tember G, 1793 ; d. December G, 1840. 287 Catharina, b. Juue 24, 1772 ; d. July 31, 1830. 288 Wyntje, b. December 5, 1775 ; d. May 25, 1798. 289 Harmanus O., b. March 39, 1781 ; m. (62) Cathalina Hun, April 31, 1812; d. July 6,1837. 290 John Ij., b. January 2, 1785 ; m. Susan Carter, November 15, 1809. Cornelius Wendell died January 28, 1814. He was one of the patentees of Jersey Field. Anna Lansing, widow of Cornelius "Wendell, died February 6, 1827. 929. Jolianiiejii or John H., son of (140) Harmanus Wen- dell and Catliarine Van Yecliten, was baptised July 6, 1752; married Cathalina A" an Benthuysen, in 1785, and liad 291 Rachel, b. April 10, 1786 ; m. Harman Kkickerbocker, Decem- ber G, 1814 ; d. July 29, 1823. 292 Catharine, b. July 33, 1787 ; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., February 31, 1873. 293 Harmanus, b. January 30, 1790 ; d. s. July 11, 1810. 294 Jane, b. January 3, 1793; d. November 34. 1793. 295 Jacob, b. October 34, 1794 ; d. s. 296 Jane Maria, b. October 39, 1796 ; d. August 33, 1798. 297 Maria Van Vechten, b. August 1, 1799. 298 Jane Ann, b. December 31, 1803. 299 Anna, b. August 31, 1804 ; m. Mr. Sayles, and died without issue. Gen. John H. Wendell died July 10, 1832. He studied law. Afterwards he entered the service of the United States as Cai)tain of the Fourth for Wyidcoops) New York Conti- nentals, October 7, 1776, and was transferred to the command 402 Wendell. of a company in the First (or Van Scliaicks) regiment, on tlie 21st of November following. He commanded a company at the Battle of Monmouth and eventually resigned his commission April 5, 1781. He was one of the original members of the Society of the Cincinnati. He ultimately reached the rank of Major-General of the Militia. He was a member of Assembly for the county of Albany in 1796, 1797 and 1798 ; Surrogate in 1810 and 1811, and from March, 1813, to March 17, 1815; Justice from 1815 to 1820; Loan Commissioner from 1823 to 1829 ; County Treasurer from 1808 to December, 1829, Mdien he resigned the office. In stature Gen. Wendell was below the medium height, of thin, spare figure, very methodical in his habits, and in business regular and precise. He continued to wear the costume of the Revolutionary era until his death. He resided at No. 3 1 5 North Market street (now Broadway), in one of the ancient " Gable-enders." At the time of his death the Society of the Cincinnati passed appropriate resolu- tions, which were sent to his family. Cathalina Van Benthuysen, wife of Gen. John H. Wen- dell, died January 1, 1817, le. 55 years, 11 months and 10 days. •Tacob H., son of (140) Hariiianiis Wendell and Catha- rine Tan Vechten, was burn October 21, 1754; married (240) Oeertruy (Gertrude), daughter of (94) Peter Lansing and (116) Elizabeth Wendell, about 1785, and had 300 Peter, b. June 3, 1786 ; m. Elizabeth Van Kleeck ; d. October 29,1849. 301 Catharine, b. February 13, 1789 ; d. December 11, 1813. 302 Mary Ann, b. February 13. 1800 ; d. s. Jacol) H. Wendell died March 23, 1826. He served in the Revolutionary war. He was commissioned Ensign in the First New York Continentals November 21, 1776, Second Lieuten- ant January, 1779, Adjutant September 29, 1780, and retired from the service January, 1782. Geektruy (Gertrude) Lansing, widow of Jacou H. Wen- dell, died May 18, 1827, in the 69th year of her age. AV 403 llariiiaiiii!ii A., son of am Wendell and (ls4) MI izabetli Wendell, was ba I 20,174-1:; inaiTiecl, 1st, Christina Yan den Bergh TO, and had 303 Abraham, b. August .' bruary 20, 1778. 304 Abraham, b. July 3, 1 -y 7, 1791. • Cliristiua Van deii Ber;, • \^rmanus A. Wendell, died April 12, 1783. He lis cousin, (331) Catharina, daughter of (140) H ell and Catharine Van Vecli- ten, March 31, 178o 305 A son, stillborn, Jan 306 Harmanus, b. Ajiril at Philadelphia February 1 , 18-13. 307 Elizabeth, b. June 30, 1789 ; d. s. 308 PhUip Van Vechten, b. May 39, 1791 ; d. s. October 31, 1810. 309 Catharine, b. November 8, 1794 ; d. September 13, 1795. 310 Catharine, b. September 33, 1796. 311 Aim Susan, b. August 17, 1798 ; d. March 15, 1857. 312 Abraham, b. May 1, 1803 ; d. August 31, 1803. Harmanus A. Wendell died July 15, 1819. He was an extensive' Indian trader and lived at No. 77 Hudson street, Albany. 238. Jac>ol> A., son of (141) Abraham Wendell and (Ls4) Eliza- beth Wendell, was baptised May 6, 1753; married Mary Swart, and had 313 Abraham, b. May 5, 1791 ; m. Huldah Gkeen, about 1819. 314 John, b. April 35, 1794 ; was a wealthy farmer living near Albany in 1836. 315 Gertrude, b. June 10, 1801. 316 Susanna, b. March 10, 1803. 317 Josiah, | ] Besides the above O'Callaghan adds these and says 318 Teunis, )- several of the family reside in Western New Yoriv and I Michigan. 319 Betsey, J Mary Swart, wife of Jacob A. Wendell, died Man-li 14. Ib31, le. 3>i years. 4:04 We^pjdell. Joliauue§, son of (158) Johaunes Weudell and Sarah Bergen, was baptised June 3(>, 1751 ; married Alida Hoogh- kirk (b. March 11, 1741-2), by license dated December 9, 1772, and bad 320 Rebecca, b. September 9, 1774. 321 Sarah, b. August 27, 1776 ; m. Peter Van Loon ; d. March 2'.j, 1852. 322 John, b. January 2G, 177a d. March 28, 1854. 323 Judith, b. January 5, 1781 ; m. John Stilavell, for many years Alderman and in 1824 ftlember of Assembly, also Major-Geu- eral of Artillery. Jobauiies Wendell died April 3, 1786. Alida Hooghkiek, widow of Johannes Wendell, died February 18, 1813. 965. Jacob H., son of (182) Hendrick Wendell and (131) Maria Lansing, was baptised August 20, 1758 ; married Sarah Trotter, and bad 324 Maria, b. June 8, 1785-6. 325 Ann, b. September 18, 1788. 326 Margaret, b. July 17, 1790. Jacob H. Wendell died in 1790. Sakah Trotter, widow of Jacob H. Wendell, died April, 1830. 386. Gerrit, son of (226) Cornelius Weudell and (252) Anna Lansing, was born October 19, 1769 ; married Rebecca Tan Vechten, September 6, 1792, and bad 327 Ann, b. July 10, 1793 ; m. Hon. Martin Lee, of Washington county, N. Y., November 4, 1811. 328 Cornelia, b. May 21, 1795; m. George W. Jermain, January 30, 1820. 329 Maria, m. Plaxt Smith, February 12, 1824. 330 Catharine, m. John A. Rice, October 7, 1835. 331 Cornelius, m. Julia Ann Bronson, December 1, 1841 ; removed to Michigan. Wendell. 405 Oerrit Wendell was a lawyer and member of tlie New York Senate from 1813 to 1816, also judge of Wasliington county. He died December 6, 1810. 289. Hariiiaiins C, son of (226) Cornelius Wendell and (252) Anna Lansing, was born March 29, 1781 ; married (62) Catha- lina, daughter of (35) Dirck Hun and (246) Annatie Lansing (b. March 19, 1783), April 21, 1812, and had 332 Cornelius, b. February 20, 1813 ; m. Mary Hinckley, September 3,1844; d. October 9, 1870. 333 Anna Lansing, b. August 15, 1814 ; m. Alfred Clapp, Novem- ber 5, 1838. 334 Thomas Lansing, b. June 30, 1816; m. Mary A. Lockwood, Jan- uary 5, 1846. 335 William, b. May 13, 1818 ; m., 1st, Sarah Kip Miller, August 31, 1847 ; she died May 19, 1850 ; 2d, Frances Emily Roberts, December 1, 1852. 336 Catalina, b. September 27, 1823 ; m. Charles H. Waterbury, June, 1860. 337 Katharine, b. August 16, 1825; m. Oscar Edwards, April 23, 1851. Harnianns C. Wendell died July 6, 1837. He was ap- pointed Justice' August 29, 1817. Cathalina Hun, widow of Hakmanus C. Wendell, died in Englewood, N. J., August 28, 1875. 990. Joliii L<., son of (226) Cornelins Wendell and (252) Anna Lansing, was born January 2, 1785; married Susan Carter, November 16, 1809, and had 338 Anna Mary, m. Robert B. Minturn, June 2, 1835. 339 Oscar, d. s. at New Orleans September 6, 1833. 340 Eliza C, d. February 4, 1850. 341 John, m. Catharine Macomb. July 13, 1841 ; lives at Wyan- dotte, Mich. 342 Susan H. Judge John L. Wendell died December IS, 1861. He was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Washington county, from 1828 to 1825, State Kcporter from 1828 to 1811. 406 AV*ENDELL. 300. Peter, son of (230) Jacob H. Wendell and (240) Gertrude Lansing^ was born June 8, 1786 ; married Elizabeth Van Kleeck, and had 343 Herman (M. D.), b. December 19, 1810 ; d. s. February 23, 1881. 344 Cornelia R., b. April 13, 1812 ; m. J. R. Warner ; dead ; no ch. 345 Elizabeth, b. September 13, 1820 : m. (242) Henry Ten Eyck, of Cazeuovia, January 15, 1845; no cli. 346 James L., b. September 24, 1821 ; d. s. July, 1867. 347 Benjamin Rush, b. March 1, 1822; m. (252) Margaret Ten Eyck Burr, September 8, 1847. 348 Gertrude L., b. January 15, 1824; m. (86) Dr. S. O. Van der Poel, December 10, 1850. (See Van der Poel.) 349 Sarah R., b. November 11, 1825; m. Lewis 0. Morris; issue one son and one daughter. 350 Peter, b. July 1, 1827; m. (91) Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of (72) J; Van der Poel, of Kinderhook, in 1857 ; d. May 13, 1868. 351 John, b. December 20, 1829 ; m. Harriet Breese, of Waterford, N. Y. ; d. December 22, 1860. Elizabeth Van Kleeck, wife of Dk. Peter Wendell, died in Albany November 11, 1846. De. Petee Wendell died at liis residence on Elk street, Albany, October 29, 1849. He studied medicine with Dr. William McLellan, of Albany ; attended lectures at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania ; commenced the practice of his pro- fession in Albany in the spring of 1807, and continued In it until his death. He received the degree of M. D. from the University of Pennsylvania about 1823, at which time he was elected a Regent of the University of the State of New York, of which body he became Chancellor in 1842, and filled that office until the time of his death. 333. Cornelius, son of (289) Harmainis C. Wendell and (62) Catlialiiia Hun, was born Februayr 20, 1813 ; married Mary, daughter of John and Eunice Hinckley (b. December 3, 1820), September 3, 1844, and had 352 Anna Mary, b. September 8, 1845; m. Major Frank Taylor, U. S. A. 353 Blanche, b. December 2, 1840 ; m. Dr. Woodward, of Washing- ton. D. C. AVend. 407 3o4 Mildred, b. at Wasliingtoii, D. i. f\\)y 26, 1854. 355 Dora, b. at Washiugton, D. ('., Api: ■ :d60 ; d. August 21, 1861. Cornelius Wendell died October 9, 1870, at Northampton, Mass. CoKNELis Wendell liad been during all his life-time a con- spicuous man in his business avocation, in the political world, in the social sphere, and in the many associations with Avliich he has been connected. Starting in youth as a humble ap- prentice in the typographical calling, he rose steadily to the proprietorship of a prominent daily journal, to the responsible position of government printer at Washington, and to the oc- cupancy of several other public trusts, and in all these stations he so distinguished himself by his energy, fitness, talent, and social ([ualities, that he had acquired a fame throughout the country, exceeded in extent by but few men. He learned, or at least the rudiments of the " art preservative of all arts," in the printing office of Denio & Richards, who then published the Daily Morning Chronicle, commencing his indentureship in 1828. It was a political newspaper, estabhshed to promote the re-election of John Quincy Adams to the Presidency. Upon leaving that office he was employed in the extensive establish- ment of Obadiah Van Benthuysen, where he finished his trade. While still at work as a journeyman, he, with several others of like i)osition in the craft, started a newspaper entitled The Albanian, which, though ably managed, did not long survive. In 1840, associated with Mr. George Vance, he published a vigorous Democratic campaign paper called The Plaindealer. In 1840 the Albany Atlas entered upon its busy life and event- ful career, under tutelage of Vance & Wendell as proprietors, and AVilliam Cassidy as editor. Mr. Wendell's connection with that journal ceased upon his removal to Washington, in or about 1851, to assume a leading position in the government printing office, and of which he subsecpiently became the head. He never held any public office except the one last mentioned, thouo;h durino- the administrations of Presidents Puchanan and Johnson he was assigned to the discharge of several missions of importance and of inthnate relationship to the government. In these positions, as well as in ;dl his other n^lations in life, 52 408 Wendell. Mk. Wendet.l so demeaned himself by his courtesy, his intel- ligence, his candor and his generous instincts as to extort the good opinion and the warmest admiration of all to whom lie became known. He was, perhaps, best known in this city, where he spent the earlier period of his life, and with which he has ever kept alive and fresh his social attachments. With- out being in any wise obtrusive in disposition or manner, his presence everywhere and at all times, by the charm of his ad- dress, assui-edly brought to him a circle of friends who delighted to join in the presence of his society. He attached himself while here to several associations, in all of which he M^as assigned to an active and prominent part. He was one of the projectors and lirst members of the Albany Bnrgesses Corps, and so long as he could, continued to be an active member. When his relations to that comj)any were necessarily snndered by his removal from the city, he continued to retain all possible connection with it. Several years since he inaugurated a plan of giving each year, as a prize to the Ijest soldier, an elegant medal, and upon each recurrence of the day of the organization of the company that medal has been bestowed. He has warmly kept alive all his social relations in this city, and his death now will awaken a sentiment of sorrow as fervent and as wide-spread as would the announcement of the decease of any person that ever lived among us. Though during nearly his whole life- time he has been more or less actively employed in the business of politics, lie has never, by speech or conduct, given offence. Towards political adversaries he has ever been courteous and magnanimous. And so it will transpire that the remembrance of his political sentiments or action, will never endure in their nuMiiories to lessen in the least the regret that his deatli shall awaken. — [All)any Morning Express. 333. Aiiiisi liaiimiii^, (laughter of (289) Hariiianus C. Wen- dell and (*>2) (jathalina Hun, was born August 15, 1814; married Alfred Clapp, JS'ovember 5, 1838, and had 1 William Hastings. 2 Helen. Wendkll. 4U*J 3 Alfred Lansing. 4 Frederick. 5 Anna Lansing. 6 Cornelius Wendell. 7 Arthur. 8 Oathalina Wendell. ♦ :t34. T'lioiiia»^ TjaiiKiiig, sou of (289) Hiiniiiiiius C. VVeiulell and (62) Cathalina Huii, m'hs bom June 30, 1S16; niarried Mary A. Lockwood, January 5, IS-IO, and had 356 William Godfrey, b. at Southport, Conn. 335. W^illtaiii, son of (289) Harmaiius C. Wendell and (62) Cathalina Hnii, was born May 13, 1818; married, 1st, Sarah Kip, daughter of William C. Miller and Sarah S. Kip, August 31,1 S4T. She died May 19, 1850, aged 24 years. He married, 2d, Frances Emily, daughter of Elijah II. Roberts and Emily Matilda Pratt, of Middletown, Conn., December 1, 1852. He adopted Augusta, daughter of Rev. Horace Hills and Elizabeth Cooper Roberts, in May, 1868. Fifty Years in Business. Announcement is made elsewhere of the retirement from active business pursuits of Mr. "Willi. vm Wendell, who thus terminates a career in the prosecution of the jeweler's trade, extending over precisely half a century In a series of articles published in The Journal on '"Old Albany Firms" Mr. Wendell's methods and movements were discussed at some length, and the moral pointed that honest endeavor and strict adherence to rigid rules nmst result in the meeds of prosperity. Fifty years ago Mr. Wendell, than an ambitious youth in his teens, was bound out to Henry Hoyt, a jeweler, whose humble shop occupied the present site of the Argus building. At the bench the young apprentice proved himself an expert at his trade. Subsequently entering the establishment of John H. Mulford on State street, now occupied l)y Gray's book store, he was i-eceived as a partner in 1842. The principle which ad- vanced his pros])ects at that time, became his own guide in 410 Wendell. business thereafter. Whenever Mr. Wendell found behind his own counters a spirit which had justified sufficient con- fidence, he never hesitated to reward it witli an interest in his business. Wilhani P. Feltman, Richard H. Roberts and James H. Leake, the latter his present partner, were at one time and another elevated from clerkships to association with him, where they shared the profits of his business. During Mr. Wendell's protracted career, he has at no time failed in the resjDect of the people with whom he dealt. His retirement, the rest and relief of which lias been earned by arduous toil, will be passed in the enjoyment of a competency got by strict integrity. — [Albany Evening Journal. 336. Cataliua, daughter of (289) Hariuainis C. Wendell and (02) Catlialiiia Hun, was born September 27, 1823 ; married Charles H, Water bury, of New York, June, 1860, and had 1 Cornelius Wendell. 2 Anna Lansing. 3 Mary. 4 Charles H. 3»7. Katharine, daughter of (280) Haruianus C. Wendell and (62) Cathallna Hun, was born August 16, 1825 ; married Oscar EdAvards, of Northampton, Mass., April 23, 1851, and had 1 Fanny Wendell. 2 Frank, m. ANNA DICKINSON, of Northampton, Mass. 3 Mary. 4 Oscar Wendell. 338. Anna Mary, daughter of (290) Judge John Lansing Wendell and Susan Carter, married Robert Bowne Minturu, of New York, June 2, 1835, and had 1 Robert Bowne, m. Susanna Shaw, October 30, 1862. 2 Susan Carter, m. Thomas Charles Baring, November, 1859. 3 John Wendell, m. Louisa Aspinwall, April 24, 1863; d. April 30, 1881, in his 43d year. Wendell. 411 4 Anna Mary, m. Charlks P. Quickk, October 3, 18G4. 5 Edith, 111. Mahlon D. Sands, May 23, 1865; d. January 7, 1868. 6 Sarah, d. s. December 4, 1853. 7 Eliza Theodore. 8 WilUam. Robert B. Minturn died iii the city of New York January 9, 1866. " He was a prominent citizen and a member of the tirm of Grinnell, Minturn & Co., of which he was the master spirit. He was in its best and broadest sense a ' merchant prince,' an enterprising citizen, a practical philanthropist and a devoted Christian, He rendered efficient aid in the establishment of Castle Garden as an emigrant depot, and was one of the Emi- grant Commissioners. He took an active interest in establish- ing Central Park in New York and was one of the lirst pro- moters of the object. In the palmiest days of New York's commercial prosperity, lie was one of those distinguished alike for enterprise, intelligence, public spirit, patriotism, liberality, and last but by no means least, for their bountiful and retined hospitalities.' ' Mrs. Robert B. Minturn resides in New York city. »4i. Joliii, son of (290) Judge John Lansing Wendell and Susan Carter, married Catharine, daugiiter of William Macomb, of Grosse Isle, Mich., July 13, 1841, and had 357 Oscar, h. June 4, 1843; ni. Makia Sterling, August 13, 1863. 358 Catharine Macomb, b. December 14, 1844; m. Makk Mc- Laughlin, August 30, 1878. 359 Mary, b. July 19, 1847. 360 Jeannette, b. January 31, 1850 ; m. Joseph Macdonald Mc- GiiATH, November 30, 1873. 361 Sarah Minturn, b. March 4, 1853; d. y. 362 Susanna Carter, b. January 39, 1855; m. Charles Edward Bury, June 8, 1881. 363 Bertha Augusta, b. November 13, 1857 ; d. y. 364 Edith Minturn, b. March 15, 1863. 365 Leila Eliza, b. April 5, 1864. 366 John Lansing, b. April 30, 1867 ; d. y. 412 WEi^DELL. 347. (Old No. 3-41.) Beiijaiiiiii Rutiili, son of (300) Dr. Peter VVenclell and Elizabetli Tan Kleeck, was born in Albany, N. Y., March 1, 1S22 ; married (252) Margaret Ten Eyck, danghter of William M. Bmn- and (195) Catharine Ten Ejck (b. March 28, 1827), September 8, 1847, in Cazenovia, JM. Y., and had 367 William Burr, b. July 1, 1849 ; d. August 23, 1849. 368 Herman, b. August 2, 1850 ; d. January 20, 1852. 369 Burr, b. November 29, 1853 ; m. (270) Emily Lentiliion SMrrii, Junes, 1881. 370 Benjamin Rush, b. November 13, 1855. 371 Ten Eyck, b. November 7, 1857. ' J tJ^v^^ ff^f^fYj' ^!^ Yj -_ B. Rush Weudell and family reside in Cazenovia, N. Y. 369. (Old No. 365.) Burr, son of (347) B. Rush Wendell and (252) Margaret Ten Eyck Burr, was born in Cazenovia, ]N. Y., November 29, 1853; married (27o) Emily Lentilhon, danghter of Gamaliel Gates Smith and (244) Margaret Ten Eyck Foster, June 8, 1881, and had 372 Margaret Ten Eyck, b. in New York March 3, 1882. 351. (Old No. 345.) John, son of (300) Dr. Peter Wendell and Elizabeth Yan Kleeck, was born December 20, 1829; married Harriet Breese, of Waterford, N. Y., and had 373 Henry Ten Eyck. John Wendell died December 22, 1860. 31S. Abraham, i^on of (238) Jacob A. Wendell and Mary Swart, was born in Albany May 5, 1791 ; married at Aurelius, Cayuga connty, N. Y., Huldah Green, about 1819, and had 374 William, b. March 6, 1820 ; m. H.VNNAH MoRSE, September 20, 1845, at Portage, Livingston county, N. Y. Wendei.l. 413 375 Charity, b. May 11, 1822 ; m. William Warhack. 376 Leah, b. August 29, 1820 ; m. William Waldron. 377 Mary Jane, b. December 19, 1829 ; m. Erastus Sawyer. 378 Elizabeth, b. December 23, 1824 ; m. Jefferson F. Conwell. 374. William, son of (313) Abraham Wendell and Hiildah Gireeii, wns bum in Anrelius, Cavnga county, N. Y., March 6, 1820; married Hannah Morse, September 20, 1845, and had 379 Adalbert Chauncey, b. at Fox Lake, Dodge county. Wis., May 11, 1848; m. Mrs, A. T. F. Vaughn, August 26, 1872, at Battle Creek, Midi. 380 Mary Alice, b. at Fox Lake, August 11, 1850 ; m. Eli L. Wil- kinson, M. D., September 20, 1871, at Burliughame, Osage county, Kan. ; resides at Van Wert, Ohio, in 1882. 381 Charles William, b. at Fox Lake, October 7, 1855 ; resides at Burliughame, Osage county, Kan. 376. Leah, daughter of (313) Abraham Wendell and Hnldah Green, was born August 29, 1826 ; married William Waldron, and had 382 Huldah Fatima, b. March C, 1847. 383 Cynthia Jane, b. May 24, 1854. 384 Hester EUzabeth, b. December 6, 1857. 385 EU Sylvester, b. July 16, 1859. 386 WUlis Wesley, b. May 9, 1862. William Waldron and family reside in Kome City, Ind. 370. Aert CJiaiiiicey, son of (374) William Wendell and Hannah Morse, was born at Fox Lake, Dodge county, Wis., May 11, 1848; married Mrs. A. T. F. Vanghn, August 2f), 1 S72, at Battle Creek, Mich., and had 387 William FuUer, b. in Detroit June 7, 1873. Atlelbert Chauncey Wendell and family reside in Detroit, 380. ]?fary Alice, daughter of (374) William Wendell and 414 Wendell. Haiiiiali Morse, was born at Fox Lake, Dodge county, Wis., August 11, 1850; uiarried Eli L. Wilkinson, M. D., Septem- ber 20, 1871, and bad 388 Delia Clyde, b. August 23, 1873. 389 liUlu May, b. October 28, 1873. 390 Bernard M., b. September 11, 1877. Dr. Eli L. Wilkinson and family reside at Van Wert, Obio. 172. Martin, son of (55) Robert Wendell and Catliarine Winne, was baptised March 15, 1747 ; married Maritje Winne, Fel)rnary 20, 1779, and bad 391 Catharina, b. November 20, 1779. 392 Lavinus, b. October 27, 1783. NEW JERSEY AND MOHAWK WENDELLS. 1. Jacob "Wendell, of Sbrewsbury, N. J., bad 2 John, b. about 1G80 ; m. . He removed to New York. John, son of (1) Jacol) Wendell, was born at Shrewsbury, N. J., about 1G80 ; married , and had 3 John, b. in New York about 1720 ; m. Hannah de Hart, of New York, October 19, 1749. John Wendell removed to New York, wliere ho prol)ably had other children born to him besides the son above mentioned, from whom some of the name not otherwise accounted for may have descended. a. John, son of (2) John Wendell and , was born in New York about 1720 ; married Hannah de Hart, of New York, October 19, 1749, and had 4 John, b. at Scliaghticoke, about 1757; m. Hannah Van den Bergh, of Claverack, Columbia county, N. Y., in 1777. Wendell. 415 John Wendell removed to Wanen, Herkimer coTinty, in 1792, where he died in 1810. 4. •Foliii, son of (3) John Wendell and Hannah de Hart, was born at Sehaghticoke, N. Y., about 1757; married Hannah Van den Bergh, of Chiverack, in 1777, and liad 5 Jacob, b. in Scbagliticoke December 12, 1778 ; m., 1st, Magdalena Snyder ; 2d, Nancy F. Goul ; d. Marcb 3, 1854. 6 Cornelius, b. ; m. ; d. in Warren, N. Y., about 1808, leaving; one son Jolin C, since dead. 7 John, b. • ; moved to Indiana where be died about 1845, leav- ing a widow and three children. 8 Maria, b. ; ra., 1st, Elisha C'HADWiCK.of Petersboro, N. Y., who served in the war of 1812 and 1815, soon after which he died, leaving four children (daughters) ; 2d, Joshua Qustin of York Township, Elkhart county, Ind. 9 Joanna, b. ; m. ; was a widow with three children, living in Portland, Me., in 1854. John Wendell served under Montgomery at Quebec in 1775. He removed to Warren, Herkimer county, N. Y., in 1792, and from thence to Richfield Springs, where he died in 1825. Hannah Yan den Bekgu, widow of John Wendell, died in 1841, 86. 81 years. Jacob, son of (4) John Wendell and Hannah Van den Bergh, was born in Sehaghticoke December 12, 1778 ; married, Ist, Magdalena Snyder, in 1801, and had by her twelve children. Magdalena Snyder, wife of Jacob Wendell, died at Frysbush August 17, 1822. He married, 2d, Nancy F. Goul, widow, formerly of Connecticut, by whom he had two children . Nancy F. Goul, wife of Jacob AYendell, died at Little Falls in September, 1850. Jacob Wendell died March 3, 1854, in his 77th year. The following names were fonnd on the records which could not be connected with the main line: possibly the connection may at some future time be discovered by members of the family : 53 416 Wendell, Ariaanfje Wendell and three cliildreii, June 16, 1697. Melgert Wendell., wife and seven children, June 16, 1697. Susanna Wendell., married Johannes Symonsen, June 30, 1718. Susan Wendell, married Abraham Fonda, November 7, 1735. Gerritje Wendell, married John Van Wie, October 14, 1742. Hanna Wendell, widow, married James -6'c/^«^'/>e, March 12, 1763. Sartje Wendell, married Peter Brooks, November 7, 1771. John Perkins Wendell, ensign in Van Schaicks regiment of New York Continentals, October 7, 1776. Hai'manus H. Wendell, lawjei-, 28 State street, Albany, died August 20, 1836. John W. Wendell, father of the late Dr. llaUhew Wendell, of Brooklyn, N. Y., resided many years in Albany. He was Commissary in the Revolutionary war. Professor Pearson gives the following names which can not be connected with the main line : Ahrahavi Wendell, married Elizaleth Winne, and had Cath- arina, baptised December 8, 1776. Oerrit Wendell, married Machtelt Heemstreet, and had Cathalyntje, baptised November 2, 1780. Joha,nnes Wendell, of Steen Rabie (Lansingburgh), married Elizabeth Young, and had Marytje, born October 12, 1770; Willeni, baptised May 30, 1 773 ; Johannes, baptised August 21, 1776. He also gives the family of Johannes {John) W. Wendell, mentioned above by Dr. O'Callaghan as not found, as follows: John W. Wendell, married Maria Trotter, and had Johannes, born September 1, 1777; Mary, born December 23, 1783, John W. Wendell died February 29, 1802. He kept a hotel in Court street. Mary or Maria, his widow, died March 14, 1831, aged 77 j^ears, and was buried from the house of James L'Amoreux, 59 Hamilton street. NOTES. The following notes were obtained too late for insertion in their proper places : BOGART. 285. (See page 45.) Henrietta Bogart, widow of Abra-ham S. Brinokerhoff, died November 28, 1882. Entered into re.H on her 8^th birthday, Mks. Henrietta Bogart Brinckerhoff. Few among us are called upon to live so continuously a life of self- denial as Mrs. Brinckerhoif did, from first to last, thinking always of others and what she could do for their real good. Her devotion to a large family circle and to her invalid sister for many many years, in the midst of cares and responsibilities as the head of a prosperous school, called forth always my admiration and caused others as well as myself to exclaim that Mrs. Brinckerhoff was the Saint. " Faithful unto death " must surely have been her watchword as she patiently bore her cross on earth waiting for Ler crown in Paradise. And so it came to pass that late in tiie evening of her unselfish life, in the darkness of night the " Angels came and tenderly bore her for whom they had waited long, knowing that even here she was learning their blessed song." " They bore her soul away Beyond the fading stars. To the brightness of the day."' December, 1882. ■ A. P. P. LANSING, (See page 133.) 282^ Abraham D., b. March 18, 1775. Son of Abraham A. Lansing and Elsje Van Rensselaer. 41v- Notes. 638. (See page 165.) 6545 Ernest, <■ -tober 15, 1883. Son of Livingston Lansing and G'ftce CIc- id Coxe. OOTHOUT. The New York brancli of this family is taken up at the family No. 61, page 189, and here continued with additions and corrections. 61. John, son of (17) Jan Oothout and (61:) Catalina Tan Deuseii, was born in New York December 19, 1739; married Magdalena^ daughter of William Vande water, of New York, and Elizabeth Hendricks, July 17, 1785, and had 94 Eliza, b. December 22, 1787 ; m. Daniel Livingston, of Oak Hill. N; Y., May 23, 1809 ; d. April 21, 1815. 95 John, b. January 12, 1789 ; m. Maria JosephinU: Yoitle, May 27, 1818 ; d. January 28, 1858. 96 CateUna, b. November 17, 1790; d. November 29, 1790. 97 William, b. October 23, 1791 ; d. October 2, 1793. 98 CateUna, b. February 2, 1794 ; d. s. December 9, 1859. Johii Oothout died in New York at his country seat between Fifth and Sixth avenues and Nineteenth and Twenty-first streets (then Greenwich), September 20, 1804. He was Chair- man of the first Board of Health Commissioners in 1798 and 1799, and with Dr. Bailey located the Lazaretto at Staten Island; Member of Assembly iu 1800, and Alderman in New York in ] 802. Magdalena Vandewater, widow of John Ootiiodt, died April 10, 1826, te. 71 years, 11 months and 5 days. 94. Eliza, daughter of (61) John Oothout and Magdelena Vandewater, was born December 22, 1787 ; married Daniel Livingston, of Oak Hill, N. Y., May 23, 1809, and had Notes. 419 119 Mary LeRoy, m. George C. Satteulee. 120 Eliza, 111. James Bowen. Eliza Ootliout, wife of Danikl Livingston, died September 21, 1815. 95. John, son of (61) John Oothout and Magdalena Tande- water, was born January 12, ITbO ; married Maria Josepliine, only daughter of Josejali Youle, M. D., of New York, May 27, 1818, and had 121 John, b. May 2, 1819 ; d. December 2, 1838. 122 Jane, b. February 26, 1821 ; d. September 22, 1839. 123 William, b. January 19, 1923 ; m. Jane Elizabeth, daughter of George Morgan October 26, 1855. 124 Maria Josephine, b. December 17, 1824; m. James Bowen, April 27, 1875 ; d. October 29, 1877. 125 Henry, b. September 13, 1826 ; m., 1st, Josephine Julia D'Antoine Lentiliion, April 4,1850; she died December 2, 1869 ; 2d, C. Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Williams, of Stam- ford, Conn., June 1, 1876. 126 Bleecker, b. January 12, 1881 ; d. s. March 8, 1863. 127 Edward, b. August 13, 1884 ; m. Julia Caroline, daughter of William H. Drake, February 21, 1860. 128 Eliza, b. March 12, 1837 ; m. Louis Philippe Siebekt, October 24, 1866. John Oothout died January 28, 1858. Maria Josephine Youle, widow of John Oothout, died Marcli 2-1, 1870, £e. 75 years, less 6 days. William, son of (95) Joliu Oothout and Maria Josephine Youle, was born January 19, 1823 ; nuirried Jaue Elizabetli, daughter of George Morgan, October 26, 1855, and had 129 William, b. August 6, 1856 ; single. 130 Pauline Drouillard, b. November 8, 1857. 131 George, b. June 10, 1862; d. August 25, 1863. William Oothout and family reside at No. 218 Madison avenue, New^ York city. 195. Henry, son of (95) John Oothout and Maria Josephine Youle, was l>orn September 13, 1826 ; married, 1st, Josephine Julia^ daughter of Antoine Lentiliion, April 4, 1850, and had 420 Notes. 132 John, b. February 24, 1851. 133 Eliza Lentilhon, b. April 3, 1855; m. Thomas K. Milliken, Feb- ruary 3, 1877. 134 Marie Josephine, b. July 5, 1858. 135 Henry, b. June 23, 1862. Josephine Julia Lentilhon, wife of Henry Oothout, died De- cember 2, 1809. He married, 2d, Catharine Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Charles Williams, of Stamford, Conn., June 1, 1876. Henry Oothout died in New York November 19, 1882. Edward, son of (95) John Oothout and Maria Josephine Yoiile, was burn August 13, 1834; married Julia Caroline, daughter of William H. Drake, Febi'iiary 21, i860, and liad 136 Edward Austin, b. November 21, 1860. Eliza, daughter of (95) John Oothout and Maria Josephine Youle_, was born March 12, 1837 ; married Louis P. Siebert, October 24, 1866, and had 137 liouis Philippe, b. December 1, 1868. 138 John Oothout, b. January 10, 1872. 139 Sophie, b. December 26, 1875. QUACKENBUSH 173. (See page 206.) Anna, daughter of (141) Jane Quackenhush and Judge Ira Allen Eastman, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., January 3, 1836 ; married David Cross, of Manchester, N. H., October 7, 1858, and had • . 1 Clarence Eastman, b. January 22, 1860; d. January 11, 1881. 2 Allen Eastman, b. December 30, 1864. 3 Percy, b. July 12, 1869 ; died in infancy. 4 Edward Winslow, b. July 21, 1875. 5 Arelice, b. February 2, 1877. Notes. 421 David Cross, Esq., is a member of tlie legal profession, and with his family resides in Manchester, N. H. 1 ra. Clarence, son of (141) Jane Quackeubush and Judge Ira Allen Eastman, was born August 21, 1843 ; married Helen McDugall, November, 1S6S; died March 8, 1874; no children. TEN EYOK. See page 252, family No. 294, whei-e the dates of birth are not given 'children of Catharine Mullen and Frederic W. Brown. 312 Lydia M., b. August 6,1868. 313 Archibald Robertson, b. June 28, 1870. 31-i Joseph Mullen, b. June 18, 1873. 315 Frederic William, Jr., b. May 17, 1875. 316 Anthony Ten Eyck, b. April 19, 1878. BIBLE RECORDS. RECORD OF BURIALS. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. GLOSSARY. 54 BIBLE RECORDS. The figures in parentheses refer to the corresponding consecu- tive numbers in the family of that name in the genealogies of the New York families. The remarks in parentheses are by the compiler. 1. BEECKMAN. From a Beeckman Bible, in possession of the late (119) Volckert P. Douw, in 1849, who died June 16, 1869. 1714, December 17, I (10) Jacob Beeckman was married to Deborah Hansen. 1715, October 16, was born ray daughter Maghtel. 1718, May 4, was born my son Hendrick. 1730, January 18, was born my daughter Effie. 1732, November 3, was born my sou Johannis. 1726, October 8, was born my daughter Debora. 1733, August 8, was born my son Johannis Deatlis. 1725, January 31, my son Johannis died. 1738, March 19, Jacob Beekman died. 1745, December 10, Debora Hansen (his widow) died. 1746, September 8, Hendrick (son of Jacob) died. 1798, September 9, Effie (daugliter of Jacob) died. Marriag'es. 1739, January 18, Maghtel, daughter of Jacob Beeckman and Debora Hansen, married US) Gerrit A. Lansing, of Schenectady. 1747, January 11, Debora, daughter of Jacob and Debora Beeckman, married Gerrit Staats. 1759, November 33, Johannis, son of Jacob and Debora Beeckman, mar- ried Maria, daughter of John Sanders. 1759, November 23, I (43) Johannis Jacob Beeckman, was married to Maria, daughter of John Sanders. 1701, August 7, was my son (63) Jacob born. 1763, November 20, was ray daughter (64) Debora l)oru. 426 Bible Records. 1767, May 2, was my son (65) Barent born. 1768. November 21, was my daughter (06) Matilda born. 1771, December 9, was my daughter (67) Sarah born, 1774, July 24, was my daughter (68) Effie born. 1781, August 23, was my son (69) John S. born. Marriages. 1787, December 22 (64) Debora married (89) J. de Peyster Douw. She died July 23, 1791. 1794, November 23 (66) Matilda was married to Douw Fonda. Deatlis. 1767, December 2 (65) Barent Sanders (sou of Johannis J. Beeckman) died. 1791, July 23 (64) Debora (daughter of Johannis J. Beeckman) died. 1792, March 15 (67) Sarah died. 1792, December 6 (68) Effie (on her tombstone Eva) died. 1794, November 2, Maria Sanders, wife of Johannis J. Beeckman, died. 1802, December 17 (43) Johannis J. Beeckman died. 1817, (63) Jacob (son of Johannis J. Beeckman) died. a.. BENSON. The following record was copied by (61) Dr. Thomas Hnn, from the Bible of Cornelius Van Benren, who married (28) Maritie, daughter of (15) Harman Hun. " A copy of the births of the cliildren of Dirck Bensen and his wife Catleina. My sister Catleina was born in December, 1625. (Supposed to mean Oata- hna Berex, wife of [1] Dirck Bensen. — S. V. T.) In 1649, November 9, was my son (2) Dirck Bensen born. In 1652, July 4, was my son (3) Samson born. In 1655, February 8, was my son (4) Johannis born. In 1657, February 12, was my daughter (5) Oatrina born. Anno 1659, January 6, died my husband (1) Dirck Bensen, on Sunday at 9 o'clock, and was buried at New Netherlands. In 1659, July 15, my daughter (6) Maria was born. In 1662, February 9, my daughter (3 Hun) Weintie Harmosson (Hun) was born Thursday about 10 o'clock, and died on Saturday evening February 19. Bible Recokds. 427 3. BOGART. From tlie Bible of (25) Isaac Bogart, now (1883) in the possession of (288) Stephen V. R. Bogert, M. D., Staten Island, N". Y. 1679, January, my father (7) Jacob Bogart married my mother (4) Jannetje K'wackenbos (Quackenbush). (He was the son of [3] Cornells Bogaert [b. 1654] and she the daughter of [IJ Pieter Quackenbush [b. 1663] ). 1679, October 5, my sister Dyrkje was born. 1681, June 4, my sister Maryya was born. 1683, September 23, my brother Cornells was born. 1685, March 5, my sister Maddalena was born. 1687, September 14, my brother Jacob was born. 1689, September 22, my brother Peter was born, 1692, February 16, my brother Abram was born. 1695, January 18, I, Isaac Bogart, was born at 8 o'clock a. m. 1698, March 8, my brother Benjamin was born. 1725, April 3, my father Jacob Bogart died in his 72d year. 1725, November 25, I (25) Isaac Bogart married (19) Hendriecke Oothout. (Siie was the daughter of Hendrick Jants Oothout.) 1726, August 10, our son Jacob was born and died January 3, 1732. 1729, October 26, our son Hendrick was born. 1733, January 9, our son Jacob was born and died January 20, 1733. 1734, January 5, my mother Jannetje (Quackenbush) died in her 72d year. 1734, September 25, our son Jacob and daughter Catrina were born and Jacob died October 20, 1746. 1739, July 15, my father-in-law Hendrick Oothout died in his 77th year. 1741, June 13, our son Igaac was born. 1764, April 21, my wife Hendrickie died in her 69th year at 3 o'clock A. M. 1770, September 15, Isaac Bogart died aged 75 years, 7 mouths and 27 days. 1729, October 26, I (97) Hendrick Isaac Bogart was born and was married to my wife (65) Barba Marselis, by Dominie Vrooman, on Saturday February 19, 1758. She was the daugliter of Johannis Marselis. 1761, September 5, at 2 o'clock A. M. our sou Johannis was born. He died August 22, 1853. 1763, November 18, at 4 o'clock a. m. our daughter Joanna was born. She died December 24, 1767. 1765, September 7, at 9 o'clock p. \r. our son Isaac was born. He died September 23, 1841. t, 1770, March 9, at 12 o'clock xr. our son Gerrit was born. He died March 9. 1820. 1764, April 21, my mother Hendrickie (Oothout) died. 1770, September 15, my father Isaac Bogart died. 428 Bible E-ecoeds. 1816, October 33, Barbara, wife of Henry I. Bogart, died, aged 88 years and 1 montli. 1821, June 27, Henry I. Bogart died, aged 91 years, 7 months and 21 days. 4. BOGART. Copy of the records in the Bible of (202) Isaac H. Bogart, now (1883) in the possession of S. V. Talcott. 1789, January 31, was I, Isaac Henry Bogart, son of (97) Henry I. Bogart, married to (96) Cathlina, daughter of Bastiaen Tennis Visscher, by the Rev. John Bassett. 1789, November 17, departed this life (21) Angelica (Engeltje Van den Bergh) wife of (82) Bastiaen T. Visscher. 1789, December 27, was born our daughter (293) Angelica, ou Sunday even- ing at 7 o'clock, and was baptised by the Rev. John Bassett. Witness, Bastian T. Visscher and Machtel Marselis. 1805, November 28, was born our grandson (350 Bogart) Isaac Henry (Reed), on Thursday, and baptised by the Rev. Mr. Lyle (in New York.) 1811, July 16, was born our grandson (351 Bogart) George Henry (Talcott.) 1812, November 24, was born our grandson (352 Bogart) Visscher Bogart (Talcott), whose name was changed to Sebastian Visscher (Talcott). I^M, September 22 (202) Isaac H. Bogart died in Albany at 9 o'clock A. M. of apoplexy, and was buried in the Dutch burying-ground ou the hill near the Orphan Asylum, 1845, April 10 (96) Cathlina Visscher, widow of Isaac H. Bogart, died at 7^ o'clock A. M. of old age, without a struggle and apparently without pain, the kind of death she prayed for for many years ; a good, benevolent and pious old lady, whose life had been spent in watching the dispensa- tions of Providence, and anxiously looking for and devoutly wishing for the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 1861, September 1 (293) Angelica, daughter of Isaac H. Bogart, and wife of George Talcott, her second husband, died at 7.15 P. M. of apoplexy, having been attacked while coming out of the North Dutch Church at 12 o'clock. She was buried in tlie Albany liural Cemetery. 1862, April 25, General George Talcott died, aged 75 years, 4 months and J9 days ; buried beside his wife. Bible E-ecoeds. 429 5. BOGARD. Cop3' of a record from a Bible in the possession of Samuel Harris, of Catskill, given to his wife by a Bronck, of Cox- suck ie. 1683, September 23, was I born (20) Oornelis Bogard. 1087, December ih, was my wife born (14 Dorothee Oothout.) 1707, October 8, we were married. 1708, January 24, is born our first daughter Jannetje. 1700, October 34, is born our first son Hendrick. 1711, December 13, is born our daughter Catrina. 1715, March 3, is born our daughter Raghel. 1718, September 29, is born our son Hendrick. 1724, July 3, is born our third son Hendrick. 1794, February 3, Catrina Bogert died, 1712. April 17, rested in heaven our sou Hendrick, aged 2 years, 6 months. 1732, June 27, rested in heaven our second son Hendrick, aged 3 years, 9 mouths. Hendrick Bogert, 1755, July 27, rested in heaven my father (20 Oornelis Bogaert) in his 71 years and 10 months. 1777, December 33, rested in heaven my mother (14 Dorothy Oothout) in her 90th year. 6. DE FOREST. From the record of the De Fokest family in the Bible now (1883) in the possession of Isaac Fondey, Colonie street, Albany. 1693, January 15, Jesse De Forest was born. 1697, August 33, (33) Nelletje Quackenbush was born. 1718, August 33, Jesse de Forest and Nelletje Quackenbush were married. 1719, May 30, Catreina, our eldest child, was born, and baptised by Dominie Andriese. 1720, October 14, Philip, our first son, was born, and baptised by Dominie Andriese. 1723, February 10, Cornelia, our second daughter, was born, and baptised by Dominie Andriese. 1725, November 20, Wouter, our second son, was born, and baptised by Dominie Andriese. 1728, September 18, Isaac, our third son was born, and baptised by Do- minie Andriese. 430 Bible Records. 1731, June 13, (Catharine?) our third daughter, was born. Godfather Philipus Winne ; godmother, Anneke Van Nes. 1733, October 20, Nellelje, our fourth ; baptised by same and god-parente Johannis and Margareta Quackenbush. 1736, August 7, Sarah, fifth daughter, baptised by the same, god-parents David and Abigail De Forest. 1740, March 12, Maria, sixth daughter, baptised by Dominie Van Schie. God-parents, Philip and Geertroui Hanse. 1746, August 11, died my daughter Catreina. She died in the Lord. 1756, September 26, my father (Jesse De Forest) died on Sabbath morning, aged 64 years. 1760, February 23, sister Cornelia died, aged 37 years. 1760, May 19, Cornelius died, aged 3 months, 7 days. 1773, April 12, my mother (33) (Nelletje Quackenbush) died between 5 and 6 p. M., at the age of 76 years she would have been had she lived until 22 August. 1789, April 7, died my wife Nelletje between 5 and 6 A. M., aged 55 years, 5 months and 7 days (wife of Isaac Isaacse Fonda.) 7. DOUW. From the Bible of (6) Jonas (Volckert) Douw, now in the possession of (61) Thomas TTun, M. D., of Albanj' (1883). 1683, September 20, I married (5) Magdalena Pieterse (Quackenbush.) 1684, October 19, daughter Marytje was born. 1686, November 14, son (18) Volckert was born. 1689, June 22, daughter Dorratje was born. 1692, March 24, son Pieter was born . Death. 1711, April 17, (18) Volckert Douw died. 8. . GREYENRADT. From the Bible of (25 Yan Driessen) Hendrick Greven- RADT, now in the possession of Miss (27 Van Driessan) Alida G. Radcliffe, who foi-merly lived at 708 Broadway, Albany, but now of New York (1883.) Bible Records. 431 (Year gone) (16G2?') The 27tb of June on Tuesday, between 6 and 7 o'clock in the evening, was I (25 Van Driessen) Hendrick Grevenradt born in New York, and baptised in presence of Samuel Drisses and Engeltje Jeverient (probal)ly Van Yeveren.) (He was the son of Isaac Greven- radt and Lysbet Juriaens, who were married March 24, 1652, in New York, where he resided.) The New York records show he was born in June, 16(52. 1667, the 5th of September, being about — o'cloclv in tlie evening I, Saira Sanders, was born at Albany and baptised in presence of Jan Harper- dinger and Sara Sanders. (She was the daughter of Robert Sanders and El^e Barents, and granddaughter of Thomas Sanders, of Araster- ' dam, Holland, and Sarah Cornelisse Van Gorcum, of New Amsterdam.) 1686, the 5th of May, was I, Hendrick Grevenradt, married to Sara Sanders in Albany. 1687, tlie 20th of December, was born my first daughter Elizabeth, bap. tised in Albany in presence of Robbert Sanders and Elsse Sanders. 1690, the 24th of March my daughter died in New York. 1690, the 14th of February was born my second dangliter Elsse on Friday ; baptised in New York in presence of Jan Harperding and Anna Gre- venradt. 1692, the 5th of June, on Saturday at 6 o'clock in the morning was born my third daughter Elizabeth; baptised in New York in presence of Andries Grevenradt and Maritje Silius. 1695, tlie 27th of July, on Saturday between 11 and 12 o'clock before noon, was my son Isaac born, and baptised in New York in presence of Jacobus Van der Speighel and Mayeke Harperding. 1697, July 24, was my fourth daughter, named Maria, baptised in New York in presence of Barent Sanderse and Ameleya Sanderse. 1698, August 8, my daughter Maria died. In another liand is written (probably by his wife) : 1699, July 21, was my (laeste) youngest son named Hendericus (born), and in presence of Anna Van der Spiegle and Tomas Sanderson baptised by Hendrickus Seleynis. 1699, March 16, my (Hucysmau) husband died, and on the 3d of August my son Hendrieckus died. Tn still another hand is written : 1715, January 10, on Sunday, was born my child's child Samuel. 1717, April 15, on Monday, between 5 and 6 o'clock, he rested in the Lord. 1728, June 10, did my beloved mother rest in the Lord and was buried 1728 ; her age was 58. In another hand is written : 1727, .June 10, did my mother, Sara Grevenradt, rest in the Lord on a Saturday niglit about midnight, and was buried on Monday. My dear mother was 58 years old when she rested in the Lord. (This appears to 55 432 Bible Recokds. be a repetition of the death above as occurring a year later. The latter is correct, as the record of interments shows that Sara Grevenradt was buried on the 12th of June, 1727, but the age 58 years does not tally with the record of her birth by one year and nine montlis.) In another hand (probably that of his son Isaac's wife and inserted here out of place, as it should have come in hiter and after the death of Isaac, her father) is written : 1761, April 8, my daughter, Else Greverat, rested in the Lord on Thursday morning about 8 o'clock, and on Saturday at 3 o'clock was buried. On another page and written by Isaac, son of Hendkick Grevenradt, is the following : 1715, June 27, Sara Grevenradt, my beloved mother, has had a raising cough for eleven years now increased. It breaks my heart when I hear this sad cough. I feel that my mother is passing from me. Isaac Grev- enradt. (She nevertheless lived twelve years after this was written.) 1727, November 11, was I, Isaac Grevenradt and Alida Gerritse (spelt Gerse) married on Saturday evening. (Alida was the daughter of Elbert Gerritse and Maria Pruyn, born January 12, 1696.) 1728, June 10, was born my first daughter Sara on (Wednesday?) night about 1 o'clock in the night ; baptised in presence of Elbert Gerse and Mareitje Gerse, her grandfather and grandmother. 1729, August 30, was born my second daughter Maria on Saturday about 1 o'clock in the night. Sponsors Hendrick Gerse and Anna Gerse (her mother's brother and sister.) 1730, August 8, my daughter Maarya rested in the Lord on Saturday even- ing at 8 o'clock, and was buried on Monday. 1731, July 30, was born my second daughter Mareyia at night. 1731, December 16, my second daughter Mareyia rested in the Lord on Friday night, and buried on Saturday, 4 1-2 months old. 1733, January 30, was our third daughter Mareya born. God-father Arent Pruyn, god-mother Annetje Gertse. She was born on Tuesday at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It was bitter cold. 1734, April 30, was born our sixth daughter named Elsje on Tuesday be- tween 8 and 9 o'clock, Tuesday night. God-father Barent Sanders and Lena Lansing her god-mother. 1736, November 1, was born my first son Elbert Grevenradt on Monday about 6 o'clock in the afternoon. 1737, December 26, was born my second son Henrick Grevenradt at 1 o'clock in the night. God-father, Efraem Wendell (Dr. Ephraim Wen- dell of " the flats " ) ; god-mother, Elsie Roseboom. 1739, August (6?) was born my daughter Anna, God-father, Hendrick Gertse ; god-motlier, Derykje Ertse. 1740, July 22, my daughter Anna rested in the Lord at 6 o'clock in the morning of a Tuesday morning. Bible Records. 433 1740, November 14, was born my second daughter Anna on Tuesday after- noon. God-father Robert Sanders, and Dierkye Gase her god-mother. 1748, June 8, was born my ihiughtcr AUeyda (Alida). God-father, Abra- ham Roseboom, and Maria Roseboom her god-mother. 1744, September 1, did my daughter Aleyda rest in the Lord. 1745, April 8, was my third son Gerrit Grevenradt born on a Tuesday morning about 8 o'clock in the morning. God-father, John Roseboom and Mareytje Wendell, Efiream Wendell's daughter. 174G, November 12, did my first daughter Sara die in the Lord and was buried on the 14th on a Friday, which our hearts feel as more (of) God's will, and I am contented with the separation, for she was a lovely child in her mother's eyes. In another hand is written : 1759, May 30, my father, Isaack Greverat, died at 11 o'clock in the night and buried upon a Monday about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. 1766, February 10, my daughter Annatje (Anna) Greverat died, and was buried on the 14tli, on a Friday. 1766, , Elizabeth Van Alstine died in the Lord and was buried the 14th. (She was probably tlie daughter of Hendrick and sister of Isaac Grevenradt, and wife of Jan Van Alstyne.). On a " tiy leaf " of a New Testament and Psahn book in the possession of Miss Alida G. Radeliffe, is written : Marije Oothout's book. Born March 11, 1690. (The following was probably written by Margrietje Oothout, wife of Dominie Jan Van Driessen) : 1738, the 15th of August is born my eldest daughter and is named Cathe- rine. (Married Abraham Lansing ?.) In another hand : 1823, February 17, died Aunt Catharine, aged 84 years, six months and 2 days. By Catharine Yan Driessen. Catharine Yan Driesen her Psalm book in Albany : " If I loose it and it is found again, I hope the finder will return the same." 434 Bible Records. 9. GROESBECK. Frorn tlie Groesbeck Bible in the possession of the late David Groesbeck, of Albany, in lis49. 1692, March 17, my father (13) David Groesbeck, Sr., (sou of [4] William Claas Groesbeck) was born. 1734, November 8, I ( [13] David Groesbeck, Sr.,) married (33) Maria Van der Poel who died January 18, 1757. 1735, August 3, my son William was born ; died October 3, 1753. 1736, December 34, my daughter Catrina was born ; died January 1, 1732. 1728, August 5, my son David was born ; died March 30, 1795. 1730, April 30, my daughter Mary was born ; died January 36, 1733. 1733, April 13, my sou Melleghast was born ; died September 18, 1748. 1734, February 33, my sou John was born ; died January 33, 1737. 1736, April — , my sou Abram died (born dead?). 1737, May 8, my daughter Cathryna was born. 1739, April 30, my daughter Gertruy was born; died August 25, 1745. 1741, July 13, my son John was born. 1745, March 13, my daughter Catelyna was born ; died January 6, 1766. 1766, (evidently a mistake) David Groe.sbeck, Sr., died. 1763, February 3, my father died (David Groesbeck, Sr.) 1753, December 23, I, (45) David Groesbeck, Jr., married Catrina Vedder. 1753, June 17, my son William was born. 1754, November 30, my son Cornelis was born. 1754, December 15, my wife died. 1765, September 38, I married Sarah Winne, who was born July 31, 1735. Record says 1734, (daughter of Benjamin ?). 1795, March 30, David Groesbeck, Jr., died. 1818, April 30, Sarah Winne, his widow, died. 10. HANSEN. From the Hansen Bible in the possession of the late Mr. Merrifield, sexton of St. Peter's church, in 1849. JoHANNis Hanse's family : 1665, February 36, new style, is my sou Hendrick born, 4 o'clock A. M. ; (d. February 17, 1734.) 1607, May 15, is my sou Peter born, 7 o'clock P. M.; d. August 10, 1693. 1669, July 10," is my sou Johannis born. Bible Records. 435 1G71, May 11, is my first daughter Margrieta born (married F. H. Visscher); died August 30, 1701. 1674, August 14, is my son Johannis born ; d. May 27, 1748. 167G, October 28, old styie, is my daughter Elsie born ; d. December 15, 1699. 1680, November 28, old style, is my sou Mathues born. 1694, February 21, old style, on Wednesday, about sunset, Johanni.s Hanse (called Johannis Hendrickse Hanse) died, aged 58 years, and was buried on Saturday afternoon. 1704, July 27, on Thursday morning at the house of her brother Hendrick (Jellise), in New York, died Effie, widow of Johannis Hendrickse Hanse, Marriages. 1697, June 23, Elsie, daughter of Johannis H. Hanse, married (7) Andries Volckert Douw. Deaths. 1693, August 10, old style, about 1 o'clock, son Peter Hanse at the honse of his uncle Hendrick Jellise in New York. 1699, December 15, Else Hanse, wife of (7) Andries Volckert Douwr, died in child-bed ; the child died on the 17th. 1724, February 15, 5 o'clock, A. .\r., Hendrick Hanse died, aged 59 years and 9 days. Family of Johannes J. Hanse, son of the above : 1702, March 22, was I, Johannes Hanse, married to Saratie De Foreest, by Dominie Johannes Lidyus, on Sunday afternoon, in her father's house, by a license from his excellency my Lord Corenbury. (She was the daughter of Philip De Foreest, born December 22, 1677.) 1702, December 20, is born my daughter Marrigrietie. 1706, July 13, is born my sou Hans. 1709, October 8, is born my son Stephanus. 1712, January 27, is born my son Hendrick. 1714, September 11, is born my son Isaac. 1717, April 10, is born my daught<;r Anna. 1718, March 24, is born my son Johannes. 1719, July 7, is born my son Jelyes. 1720, November 5, is born my sou Philip. 1722, August 21, is born my son Andries. 1724, February 17, is born my son Crestien. 1725, May 19, is born my daughter Elizabeth. 1726, November 7, is born my daughter Susanna. 1728, February 8, is born my son Abraham. 1729, September 20, is born my daughter Sara. 1746, September 10, Sara De Foreest, wife of Johannes Hanse, died about 4 P. M., aged 69 years, 8 months and 19 days. 1748, May 27, Johannes (Hansel died at 9 o'clock, .\. m., aged 74 years, 9 months and 14 days, and was buried by the side of his wife. 436 Bible Recokds. 1707, August 21, Marrigrietie, daughter of Johannes J. Hanse, died about 9 A. M. 1733, July 34, Philip De Foreest (father-in-law of Johannes Hanse) died, aged 70 years. Family of Hans Hansen, son of Johannes Hanse and Saratie De Foreest : 1740, July 20, was I, Hans Hansen, married to Margrieta Kip, daughter of Jacob Kip, of New York, by Dominie Du Bois, ou Sunday evening about 8 o'clock, in her father's house, by a license from his excellency George Clark. 1741, May 20, is born my sou Johannes. 1743, July 35, is born in New York my daughter Engeltje. Deaths. 1745, August 11, my wife Margrieta Kip died in New York and was buried in the old Dutch church. 1746, August 31, my son Johannes died and was buried in the lower Dutch church in New Y'ork, aged 5 years, 3 months and 11 days. Family of Isaac Hansen, son of Johannes Hanse and Saratie De Foreest : 1722, January 25, was born (my wife) Mareya Bratt. 1742, December 11, I, Isaac Hansen, was married to Mareya Bratt. 1743, October 7, is born my son Johannes. 1744, October 35, is born my daughter Machdeleena. 1746, January 31, is born my daughter Machdeleena, the second. 1747, October 9, is born my son Benjamin. 1749, August 7, is born my daughter Sara. Sponsor our sister Nelletje Bratt. 1751, July 14, is born my son Albert. 1753, July 7, is born my daughter Machdeleena, the third. 1754, September 7, is born my daughter Willimpje. 1757. April 6, is born my daughter Marrigrietje. Deaths. 1745, September 8, Machdeleena, daughter of Isaac Hansen, died. 1747, September 22, Machdeleena, second daughter of Isaac Hansen, died. 1753, July 16, Machdeleena, third daughter of Isaac Hansen, died. 1788, March 10, Isaac Hansen died. 1790, May 7, Mareya, his widow, died Family of Philip Hansen, son of Johannes Hanse and Saratie De Foreest : 1740, February 16, was I, Philip Hansen, married to Gertruy Van Nes by Dominie Comelis Van Schie on Saturday afternoon in her father's house, by license of his excelley George Clark'. Bible Records. 43 Y 1740, September 4, is my daughter Sarah born. 1743, March 18, is born my son Jan. Sponsors John Van Nes and Cat- lyntje, his wife. 1744, March 4, is born my daughter Catlyntje. Sponsore, Cornells Van Nes and Saarlke Van Nes. 174G, February 29, is born my daughter Margrietje. Fmnily of Johannes Hansen, sou of Isaac Hansen and Mareya Bratt. 1764, October 14, was I, Johannes Hansen, married to Gertruy Slingerland. 1705, September 2.j, is born my daugliter Cornelia. Sponsors, our brother and sister, Wouter and Hester Slingerland. (* 17G6?), December 10, is my daugliter Magdalena born. (* 1768?), January 19, is born my son Isaac. (*1768?), December 7, is born my son Isaac. (* 1769?), August 17, is born my son Teunis. Sponsors, our brother Abra- ham Slingerland and Rebecca Vedder. (* 1771?), June 36, is born my son Benjamin. Sponsors, our brother Cor- nells Van Schaick and our sister Willempje Hansen. Death. 1773, December 27, my sou Isaac died. Family of Sara Hansen, daughter of Isaac Hansen and Marja Bratt : •1774, February 27, was I, Abraham Veder, married to Sara Hansen. 1776, September 15, was born my son Isaac. Sponsors, brother Johannes Hansen and motlier Marya Hansen. 1778, December 11, was born my daughter Gertruy. 1787, July 1, was born my son Peter. Deaths. 1783, March 37, my daughter Gertruy died. 1791, Jane 21, my son Isaac died. 11. HUN And others. Extracts from tlie I>iblc of Di-. (01) Thomas Hun, of Albany (1883.) ♦The year in the record of births is nilsslnR. 438 Bible Kecords. (11) Elizabeth Vinhagen, wife of (22) Jonas Oothout, was the first person baptised in the Dutcb Church in State street, and the last for whose death the bell tolled in 1806 before it was taken down. She was 92 years of age when she died. 1681, March 19, (9) Evert Wendell married Elizabeth Sanders. * 1707-8, January 1, William, son of Evert Wendell, was born. 1757, May 19, (97) Philip Lansing married (18) Elsje, daughter of (8) Johannis Hun. 1761, August 27 (19) Thomas Hun married (192) Elizabeth WendeU. 1764, September 10, Johannis Gansevoort married (40) Effie, daughter of (16) Jacob and Debora Beeckman. 1796, March 1, El^e, wife of ll27i Abraham A. Lian.sing, died. 1798, September 9 (40) Efiie, wife of Johannes Gansevoort, died. 1810, December 30 (71) Peter, son of (51) Johannes Beeckman, died. 1811, December 23 (57) Elizabeth (Douw ?) widow of (51) Johannes Beeckman, died. 13. Copied from the Bible of the Bosebocm family in the pos- session of (334: Bogart) Dr. Henry B. Fay, of Albany, in 1849. 1674, January 1, old style, was born my father (10) Johannis Lansing, and he died August 10, 1771, aged 97 years, 6 months and 19 days. 1706, January 17, new style, was I (56) Robert Lansing born on a Monday 1734, December 5, was I (56) Robert Lansing married (to) Maragrietje Rose- boom. (His first wife.) 1735, October 28, is born my first child Maria. 1737, December 25, is born my son Hendrick, (who married Maria Mar- selis.) 1745, September 30, is born my daughter Helena. (Died young.) 1746, September 4, my wife Maragrietje departed this life. 1748, February — , I, Robert Lansing, married (2d wife) (28) Sarah Van Schaick. 1749, April 12, Sarah, wife of Robert Lansing, died. (She died in child-bed.). 1752, January 29, was I, Robert Lansing, married to Oatrina Ten Broeck. (Third wife.) 1753, May 18, she (Oatrina Ten Broeck) died. 1762, was my son (132) Hendrick R. Lansing married to (68) Maria Mar- selis. (This Hendrick was the sou by his first wife Maragrietje Rose- boom.) * This William I cannot find on the record of the Wendell family. Bible IIkcokds. 439 1770, October 30, was born Tuy fifth daiightor Maragrietie of a Wednesday. (This was a daughter of Hendrick R. Lansing.) 1.795, March 3, Robert Lansing died. 1810, August 0, (132) Hendrick R. Lansing died in Albany, aged 81 years, 7 niontlis. 1». LANSINGH. Record from the Lansingh Bible now (1883) in tlie possession of (437) K. Y. R. Lansingh, of Albany, N. Y. (9) Abraham Lansingh (b 1G63), the donor of this Bible, was a son of (2) Gerret Lansingh, one of three brothers who emigrated from Holland to this country about the j'ear 1650, and married Magdalena Van Tricht, November 28, 1703, by whom he had four sons, Abraham, Garret, Jacob and Myndert, together with two daughters ELsie and Elizabeth. (He had five sons and three daughters.) Said (9) Abraham Lansingh died June 20, 1745, aged 82 years. His son (50) Jacob Lansingh died January 14, 1745, aged 42 years. His son (53) Myndert Lansingh died at sea in 1758, aged 30 years. His son (48) Garret Lansingh died in the year 1789, aged 84 years. His daughter (51) Elsie (b. 1713), married to her cousin (May 14, 1740) (55) Garret John Lansingh, and died about the year 1783, aged 76 years. His daughter (52) Elizabeth was married March 30, 1741, to (22) Jonas Oothout, and died about the year 1753, age unknown. His wife Magdalena Lansingh died November 30, 1745, aged about 75 years. His son (47) Abraham was born May 8, 1704. Continued below. (47) Abraham Lansingh was married to (24) Ricke Van Schaick, sister of Sybrant Van Schaick, of Coxsackie, formerly Mayor of the city of Al- bany, by Rev. Mr.Van Driese ( [2] Dominie Van Driessen), on the 27th of December, 1731, he l)cing 27 years and 7 months and she being 28 years old when married. By whom they had one son, born April 11, 1732, by the name of (125) Goose, baptised by Rev. Peter Van Driese, minister of tlu; Dutch Reforuiod church. Ricke Lansingh died the 10th of A])ril, 1732, aged about 30 years. Their sou Goose Lansingh died the 11th of July, 1732, aged 3 months. (47) Abraham Lansingh was again mariied February 11. 174G, to his cousin (72) Cathrena Lansingh, by the Rev. Mr. Van Santfort, by whom they had one daughter named (126) Helena, born November 7, 1746, who died September 9, 1747, aged 1 year, also a sou named (127) Abraham A. Lansingh, who was born July 24, o. s., or August 4, n. s. (^also baptised July 26, 1752), in the year 1752. Said (47) Abraham Lansingh, viz., father of Abraham A. Lansingh, died December 14, 1759, aged about 55 years. 56 440 Bible Records. Catrena Lansingh, his wife, was again married to (38) Abraham Douw, November 23, 1761. Said (38) Abraham Douw died 1786, aged 78 years. Cathrena Lansingh Douw died February 2, 1798, aged 79 years. In same Bible. Faniily record of (127) Abraham A. Lansingh : In 1774, A. D., September 3, tlie above named (127) Abraham A. Lansingh was married to Miss Elsie Van Rensselaer, second daughter of Killian Van Rensselaer, by the Rev. Mr. Toll, (occasional ?) minister of the Dutcli church in Albany, in the 23d year of his age and 18th year of her age, by whom he had the following children : March 18, 1775, (282^) (See p. 417) Abraham D. Lansingh, our first son, was born and in 1791 was married to Christena Voorhes, and died September 28, 1805, of yellow fever, aged 30 years, leaving a daughter Elsie. 1778, November 11, was born our first daughter (283) Arrietta ; died April 11, 1779, aged 5 months. 1781, April 24, was born our second daughter (284) Arrietta; died July 4, 1782, aged 1 year and 3 months. 1783, August 27, our third daughter (285) Catherine, and married to her cousin Philip P. Van Rensselaer, February 13,1804; being married a second time to John Fay, Jr., who died also leaving her the surviving widow of said John Fay, Jr. She died January 4, 1867, aged 83 years, 4 months and 8 days. 1785, July 24, our fourth daughter was born named (286) Arietta, who was married to Harmen Knickerbocker 18th October, 1801 ; died 27th day of March, 1814, aged 29 years, leaving five children. 1787, May 8, was born our second son (287) Killian Van Rensselaer, and died the 8th of October, 1793, aged 7 years. 1789, November 3, was born our fifth daughter (288) Magdalen ; died Feb- ruary 6, 1790, aged 3 months. 1791, April 14, was born our third son (289) Gerret, and died October 4, 1792, aged 1 year and 6 months. 1793, April 14, was born our sixth daughter (290) Magdalen, and died Sep- tember 13, 1794, aged 1 year and 6 mouths. 1794, November 27, was born our fourth son (291) Killian Van Rensselaer, and was married August 9, 1818, to Miss Amanda Carter. 1796, March 1, died Elsie, wife of Abraham A. Lansingh, aged 39 years, and was buried at Cherry Hill with her three children. 1797, December 4 (127) Abraham A. Lansingh was again married to his cousin (160) Elsie Lansingh, daughter of Jacob Lansing, Jr. The said Elsie Lansingh died July 28, 1811, aged 68 years. 1822, February 21, died at (Jherry Hill (127) Abraham A. Lansingh, aged 69 years, 5 months and 12 days, and was buried at Cherry Hill aside of his first wife Elsie Van Rensselaer. Bible Records. 441 14. MARSELIS. From the Marseli!^ Bible, lately in the possession of Mr. Fort, of Waterford. " I bought this Bible of my brother (1S8) Evert J. Wendell, Jiil_y 8, 1755." — [(187) Oatalina (Wendell) Marselis. 1751, November 29, I, (63) Gisbert Marselis, was married to (187) Catalina Wendell by Dominie Frelinghuisen. 175;}, June 0, my first and oldest daughter Johanna Marselis was born. My mother Johanna Marselis and my brotlier Gerret Marselis, sponsors. 1756, January 30, is born my son Johannis Marselis. Annatie Wendell and Evert J. Wendell, sponsors , 1758. September 10, is born my second daughter Anna. Johannes M.Rose- boom and his wife Eva (Marselis), sponsors. 1761, January 15, is born my third daughter Eva. Gerret Marselis and Gesie Wendell, sponsors. 1761, February 22, is born my «ou Evert. Abram H. Wendell and Annatie Wendell, sponsors. 1766, June 5, is born my daughter Eva. Hendrick Marselis and Annatie Marselis, sponsors. 1767, SejHember 17, is born my daughter Eva. Gerret Marselis and Gesie Wendell, sponsors. 1757, August 5, died my daughter Johanna Marselis. 1764, March 8, died my daughter Eva. 1766, June 12, died my daughter Eva. 1768, March 17, my daughter Annate (Anna) died. 1779, June 19, died on Sunday evening, at 9 o'clock, my father (63) Gysbert Marselis (father of the above children), aged 55 years and 3 mouths. Born Marcli 22, 1724, buried June 21, 1779, by his eldest son Johannis Marselis, Jr. 1793, May 6, Monday, at 9 o'clock in the evening, died our mother (187) Catalina (Wendell; Marselis, aged 70 years and 34 days, having been born April 11, 1723; buried May 7, 1793. 1795. April 4, was I, Johannis Jacob Fort, married to (91) Eva Marselis, the daughter of Gisbert Marsehs and Catlina Wendell. She was born September 17, 1767. We were married by Dominie Bassett. 1796, January 16, is born my son Gisbert. 1796, June (■), died my beloved wife (91) Eva, daughter of Gisbert Marselis and Catlina Wendell. 442 Bible Records. 15. OOTHOUT. Family record from the Dutch Bible printed in Amsterdam in 1682, now (IS83) in the possession of (123) William OoTHOuT, Esq., of Xew York. 1695, (17) John Oothout, baptised Tth of April ; was married to (64) Catelina Van Deursen, by Dominie Van Driesen, July 15, 1721. 1723, April 27, our daughter (55) Catherina was born ou Friday noon (3) Henry Oothout godfather and Elizabeth Van Deursen god-mother at baptism. 1724, September 21, our daughter (56) Elizabeth was born at 3 o'clock p. M. William Van Deursen and Dorothy Bogert sponsors. 1728, April 28, our daughter (57) Maria was born at 11 o'clock P. M. Cornelius Bogert and Margaret Cuyler sponsors. 1730, February 17, our daughter (58) Margaret was born. Henry Van Deursen and Maria Staats sponsors. 1784, January 24, Margaret died; buried on the 26th in New York. 1733, July 15, our sou (59) Henry was boru in New York. William Rose- boom and Sarah Quick sponsors. 1738, October 21, our son Henry died ; buried on the 23d in New York. 1786, January 5, our daughter (60) Margaret was born on Wednesday morning at 10 minutes past 8 o'clock. Volkert Oothout and his wife Catharine sponsors. 1739 August 20 (17) John Oothout died, and was buried on the 22d in New York, in bis 43d year. 7 39, December 19, our sou (61) John was born at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. George Velden and his wife sponsors. (He was boru four months after his father's death.) 1753, May 13, my mother (64 Van Deusen) Catelina Oothout, died on Satur- day morning at half past 4 o'clock, and was buried on Sunday, in her 55th year, 1785, July 27, I (61) John Oothout, was married with Miss Magdalena Van de Water, only daughter of William Van de Water, ou Wednesday by the Rev. Dr. John H. Livingston, in the presence of Miss Margaret Ten Broeck, Miss Elizabeth Roberts, Gerard Bancker and Leonard McKenn Cutting, Esqs. 1787, December 22, our daughter (94) Elizabeth was born on Sunday at 10 o'clock p. M., and on Sunday, the 6th of January, 1788, baptised by Pro- fessor Livingston in the old Dutch church. Mr. Wm. Van de Water and his wife Elizabeth sponsors. It being very severe cold day the bap- tism for tliat reason was not performed until the congregation had been dismissed. 1789, January 12, our son (95) John was born on Monday at 11 o'clock A. M., and on Wednesday, the 4th of February, following was baptised in I Bible Recoeds. 443 the house by Professor Livingston. Brother Henry Quackenboss, of Albany, and Sister Elizabeth Ten Broeck sponsors. 1790, November 17, our daughter i9G) Catelina was born Wednesday at half-past 7 o'clock a. m. ; was christened by the Rev. Professor J. H. Livingston at 11 o'clock on Monday 29th, and died same day at half-past 12 o'clock. Her complaint was stoppage in the head and soreness in the throat occasioned by a severe cold taken the preceding Monday, 22d inst. 1791, October 23, at 5 o'clock in the morning our son (97) William was born and on Friday, the 25th of November following, he was baptised in the house by the Rev. Geradus Keuppers, our then Dutch minister. 1793, October 2d, on Wednesday morning 10 o'clock died our son (97) Wil- liam, aged 1 year, 11 months and nine days, and was buried with his sis- ter Catelina at the left hand of a vault north end of the new Dutch Church. 1794, February 2, Friday, our (98) Catelina was born on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, and christened in the house by the Rev. Dr. William Linn 5th of March following. 1801, January 18, departed this life on Sunday at 3 o'clock P. M. (50) Eliza- beth (Oothout) Ten Broeck, aged 76 years, 3 months and 27 days, and was interred in our family vault west side of the new Dutch church. 1799, September 12, died (89 Oothout) Henry Van Harlingen of the yellow fever, and is interred in the Dutch Church burial ground below Stuyve- sant's farm, aged 35 years. 1804, September 20, Thursday G o'clock p. m. at his country seat at Green- wich, of a bilious remittent fever after eight days' illnet^s (Gl) John Oot- hout, aged 64 years, 9 montlis and 1 day. Interred in our family vault in Middle Dutch Church yard. Note. On excavating the trenches in November, 1882, for the foundation of the addition to the public market (which was formerly the Middle Dutch Church) on Beaver street, Albany, several tombstones were unearthed and the remains were removed from the graves beneath. Among them was that over the grave of Margaret Oothout, daughter of John Oot- hout above, and wife of Col. Hendrick (Henry) Quackenbush( Quacken- boss.) The stone was in excellent preservation and the following in- scription, remarkably well cut, upon it in Holland Dutch : Heir Leidt het Lignaam Van Margareta Oothout Echtgenoot Van Hendrick Quackenboss Gebooren Te. new york. Woensdag Den 5. January. Anno. 1736-7. In den Heere Gierust Saturdag. Den 19. xMay, Anno 1770. Oudt : 33. Jaaren, 4 maanden and 14daagen. Here lies the body of (GO) Margareta Oothout, consort of Hendrick Quacken- boss ; born at New York, Wednesday, the 5th day of January, in the year 1736-7 ; rested in Heaven Saturday, May 19, 1770, aged 33 years, 4 months and 14 days. 444 Bible Records. A quantity of human bones, yellow and discolored by age, was also found near the headstone, but all traces of the coffin, had long since vanished. A small iron field piece, in a fair state of preservation, was also discov- ered in one of the trenches. 16. QUACKENBUSH. (This copy differs in some respect from the one following it.) Copy from the Bible record of John Quackenbush, now (1883) iu the possession of (178) Mrs. C. H. Davis, of Wash- ington, D. C. ' 1709, I (37) John Quackenbosh was born 10th of November. 1713 (o. s.) I (162) Margaret Bogart was born March 1st. 1742, Margaret i Conselyea) Bogert, widow of (Gl) Claas Bogert, and mother of (163) Margaret Bogart above, died September 10th. My mother (i. e. of [37] John Quackenbush) (66 Bogaert) Cornelia (Bogaert) Quackenboss, died November 18, 1735, 10 v. M., and buried on the 21st. 1730, December 20, 1 (37) John Quackenbos married with Margaret Bogert. Verbatim. "Anno 1730, De 20 Desember Jek Johannes Quackenbos met Margrietie Bogert in den horauseyken Staat Qetrodeu op sen soudagh asoundt. In de Stat Van Niew Yorck." 1731, July 20, my first (66) son born, died on the 24tli, and buried on the 25th. 1732, August 29, born my second son (67) Wouter, His sponsors Pieter Quackenbos and Cornelia Quackenbos. 1734, August 25, is born my third son (.68) Nicholas. His sponsors Jesse de Forest and Margrietje Bogert ; died 1813. 1738, November 28, born my fourth son (69) Pieter. His sponsors John de Forest and Marytje De Forest. (Departed this life Albany, December 25, 1787, in the Lord about 10 at night. 1740, June 14, my first daughter (70) Cornelia, was born. Her sponsors Neeltje Defirest and Wouter Knicklebacker. 1742, March 9, born my fifth son ( 71) John. Sponsors PhUip De Forest and Cornelia De Forest. 1744, June 27, born my sixtli sou (71+) Cornelius. His sponsors Cornelius Bogert and his wife Cornelia. 1745, May 20, Cornelius died, aged 11 months. 1745, September 11, my daughter Cornelia died, aged 5 years and 3 months. 1748, September 16, is born my second daughter (72) Cornelia. Her sponsors Albertus Tieboyt and Cornelia Tieboyt, his wife. 1757, New York, October 27th, my oldest son (67) Walter married with Sessytya (Cetje) Roer (-bach) (badly torn off.) BiBi.i: TvEcoEDS. 445 1758, April 80, my second son (68) Nicholas married Catharina Van Pelt (torn.) 1763, November 10, my tliird son (71) John married Cetye de Witt. 1768, April 7, my daughter (72) Cornelia married (65) Jan Quackenbush Van Lanchertus (de souden die hat se celin getrout.) 1758, New York, October 27th, 5 v. M. our (67) Walter's first son (102) John, was born. His sponsors, his father and his mother. 1760, New York, January 6, our (67) Walter's first daughter (10!]) Sophina born. Her sponsors, John Roerbagh and his daughter Cetje Dapsen. 1761, New York October 17, Water's second son (104) John. Sponsors his father and mother. 1763, September 5, our Water's third son (105) Gerrit. His sponsors, Gerrit Roerbagh and his wife. 1765, December 1, born our Walter's second daughter. Her sponsors, his father and his mother John Quackenbos and Margritje, and is christened on Wednesday evening and called (106) Margaret. 1767, September 17, our Walter's third (107) daughter. (Not named.) Her sponsors were John Quackenbos and Cornelia Quackenbos, his sister and his cousin from Albany. 1769, April 28, born Walter's fourth (108) daughter. (Not named.) Her sponsors, his father and mother. 1771, September 7, born Walter's fifth (109) daughter. (Not named.) 1759, August 18 (March 18 in other records) our (68) Nicholas and Cetje first child, daughter (110) Margritje. Sponsors, his father and his mother. 1761, New York,. January 15, born our (68) Nicholas' first son. His sponsors, John Poel and his wife, and is christened (111) John. 1764, New York. August 13 (August 31 in other records) born our Nicholas' second son (112) Nicholas. His sponsors, our John and Cetye, his wife. 1766, .January 23, born a daughter to Nicholas (113) Meysye. 1767, May 6, our Nicholas' first son John died, aged 6 years, 9 months and 8 days. 1768, New York, May 10, our Nicholas' third son (114) John born. His sponsors, his father and mother ; died aged 19 days. 1769, August 3, our Nicholas' fourth son born (115) John. Sponsors, his father and mother, 1770, January 10, our Nicholas' tliird (fourth?) son John died, aged 13 months and 8 days (17 months and 7 days ?). 1771, February 26, our Nicholas' third daughter (116)Oelije born. 1772, July 13, our Nicholas' daughter Cetjedied. 1775, March 20, is our Nicholas' Cetje l)rought to bed Monday at 2 o'clock, and at 3 o'clock she died, and it is a son called (117) John N. ( Verbatim. " Maert 20, 1775, is our Nacklaes' Cetje in dekraem gekomen Maenday, agt te twee uren in agt en te drie uren is in de heven gerrest en het is een soon.") 1769, New'York August 27, is our '72) Cornelia's first child born, Pieter, and his sponsors his father and her mother Margaret. 446 Bible Recokus. 1771, November 7, is our Cornelia's second son born. 1773, Albany, October 14, is our Cornelia's ibird son born. Sponsors, hei father and mother. 1769, is our Petrus married to Palle, in the year of our Lord is 1770, now is first daughter born and she is christened (118j Pekke. 1772, in the year of our Lord, October 18th, is born our Petrus' second daughter, and is christened (119) Cornelia. 1759, New York August 27, died our Walter's son (102) John. 1763, New York August 8, died our Walter's second son (104) John. 1774, New York December 22, my husband (37) John Quackenbos died. 1785, New York August 5, my son (67) Walter died. 1785, October 3, my mother ( [162] Bogart and [37] Quackenbush) Margaret Quackenbos died and buried on tlie otli of October at Albany, in the name of our Lord. 68) Nicholas Quackenbus got this by division in New York August 11, 1785 of his father's estait. 1765, New York March 20, is our (71) John's first daughter born. Her sponsors his father and mother, and is christened (126) Margaret. 1767, New York September 5, is our John's second daughter born. Her sponsors John De Wit and his wife Nancy, Cefje's father and mother. Christened (127) Ritsana. 1770, New York April 19, is our John's first son born and christened (128) John. 1772, July 2, our John's second son (129) John born. His sponsors John and Cetje. 1771, September 22, our John Quackenbos' first son died, aged 17 months and three days. 1795, September 12, died my brother's son (129) John by (at) Andrew Brickers on a visit from New York. 1769, September 23, our (72) Cornelia's first son Pieter died, aged 4 weeks and 1 day, and is buried on the 25th. My Pompey was born, Nevv^ York December 15, 1769. 1792, September 1 (dejaen en neger geboren ses.) 1769, July 13, our Tom was born. 1775, March 30, our BoUe (sins clins?) 1780, our Bolle dyn (Dinah) was born. 1787, November 23. is BoUe braucht (brought) to bed of De yone (a baby) Fraidey evening saveu o'clock. 17. QUACKENBUSH. From the Bible of (37) Johannis Quackenbush, now in possession of Mrs. Anna (Townsend) Van Santvoort, New York (1883). Bible Records. 447 1709, November 10, was I, (37) Johannis Quackenbos, born. Son of (7) Wouter Pieterse. 1713, March 1, was my wife (102) Margrietje born. (Daughter of [61] Claas, that is Nichola.s Bogaert, of New York.) 1730, December 20, was I, 137) Johannis Quackenbos, married with (162) Margritje Bogert, on a Sunday evening, in the cit}'*of New York. 1731, July 2, is born my first (66) son ; died the 24th and buried the 25th. 1732, August 29, is born by second son (67) Wouter. Sponsors (10) Pieter Quackenbos and Cornelia Quackenbos. 1734, August 25, is born my third son (68) Nicholas. Sponsors Jesse De Foreest and Maragrieta Bogert (the widow of [01] Nicholas Bogaert). 1736, November 28, is born my fourth son (69) Petrus. Sponsors Johannis De Foreest and (35) Marytje (Quackenbos) De Foreest. He dejiarted this life on the 25th December, 1787, about 10 P. M. 1740, June 14, is born my first daughter (70) Cornelia. Sponsors (33) Neeltje i Nelletje Quackenbos) and Wouter Knickkebacker. 1742, March 4, (9?) is born mj' fiftli son (71) JohannLs. Sponsors Philippus De Foreest and Cornelia De Foreest. 1744, June 27, is born my son (714) Cornelis. Sponsors (155) Cornelis Bogert and his wife Cornelia (Van Duyn). 1745, May 20, my son (7U) Cornelis died. 1745, September 11, my daughter (70) Cornelia died, aged 5 years, 3 months and 3 days. 1748, December 16, is born my second daughter (72) Cornelia. Sponsors Alburtus Tieboght and (160 Bogert) Cornelia, his wife (of New York?) 1757, October 27, is married my oldest .son (67) Wouter with Setytya(Cetije) (Sophia) Roorbach, in New York. 1758, April 30, is married my second son (68) Nicolas with Catryna Van Pelt. 1763, November 10, is married my third son (71) Johannis with Cetije De Wit. 1768, April 7, is married my daughter (72) Cornelia with (65) Jan Quacken- bos, son of Lambartus. (This marriage is recorded in New York "John Peter Quackenbos to Cornelia Quackenbos, April 7, 1768.") 1735, November 18, my mother (66) Cornelia (Bogert, daughter of [15] Jan Lourens Bogaert i Quackenbos, died at 10 o'clock at night; was buried the 21st. 1742, September 10, my (wife's?) mother Margrietje Jans, widow of (61) Claas Bogaert, died of a Friday evening. 1758, October 27, is born in New York our (67) Walter's first son (102) Johannis. Sponsors his father and his mother. 1760, .January 6, is born in New York our Walter's first daughter, of a Sunday between 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning, and baptised the follow- ing Sunday. Her sponsors were Johannis Roorbach and his daughter Cetje. She was baptised (103) Sophina. 1761, October 17, is born in New York Walter's second son (104) Johannis. God-parents were his father and his mother. 57 448 Bible Records. 1763, September 5, is born our Walter's third son (105) Gerrit. His sponsors were Gerrit Roerbagh and his wife Alida. 1765, December 1, of a Sunday evening at six o'clock is born our Walter's second daughter. Her sponsors were his father and his mother Johannis Quackenbos and Margrielje, and was baptised Wednesday by name of (106) Margrielje. 1767, September 17, is born our Walter's third (107) tiaughter on Friday between two and three o'clock in the morning. Her sponsors were John Quackenbos and Cornelia Quackenbos, liis sister and his cousin from Albany. (Name not given,) Note — (37) Johannis Quackenbos died in New York December 22, 1774. (162) Margrietje Bogaert, his widow, died in Albany October 3, 1785, at 3 P. M. 18. QUACKENBUSH. Record from the old Bible formerly in possession of Col. (64) Hendrick Quackenbush, of Albany. I (64) Hendrick Quackenbos was married to (60) Margarita Oothout the 27th of April, 1764. 1765. January 30, our first daughter (88) Annetje was born. 1766, September 11, our second daughter (89) Oatlyna was born ; (died in 1841.) 1768, September 6, our third daughter (90) Oathrina was born. 1770, March 7, our fourth daughter (91) Margrietta was born. 1770, May 19, my well beloved wife (60) Margarita Oothout died, and was followed in August of the same year by my youngest daughter (91) Mar- geritta. In the year 1776 I was married to Elizabeth Roseboom. In another handwriting, probably that of Wodter Pieter Quackenbos : 1757, January 30, my mother (21) Annatje (Oothout) Quackenbos died, and was buried February 1, in the 54th year of her age. 1777, October 13, my Maria de Forest died in the 75th year of her age, and was buried October 15. (She was [35] Maria Quackenbos, daughter of his grandfather [7J Wouter Pieterse Quackenbos.) In 1763, October 29, I (63) (Wouter Pieterse) married Bata Clute. 1764, September 12. my son (87) Pieter Quackenbos was born. 1768, April 7, I married (72) Cornelia Quackenbos of New York. (This was probably inserted by [65] Jan, to' whom she was married. He was a brother of Wouter and Hendrick Pieterse Quackenbos.) BiBT.E Records. 449 In another hand, that of (30) Pietek Wouter Quackenbos, father of AVouter, Hendrtck and Jan: 1735, August 11, my son (03) Wouter was born. 1737, August 17, my son (G4) Hendrick was born. 1743, April 8, my son (G5) John was born. 1». ROSEBOOM And others. From the Bible of Gysbert Roseboom, in 1849 in possession of Mrs. Fay, who was a Strong. Gysbert Roseboom, his Bible : 1697, September, Gysbert Roseboom was born. His sponsors were Pieter Mingal and Sanders and Elizabeth Wendell. 1699, October 8, is Catharine Bries born (daughter of Anthony.) 1720, December 4, I, Gysbert Roseboom and Cathrina Bries were married. 1721, November 17, Friday, at 7 o'clock in the ev'ening, is my wife deliv- ered of a young daughter named Marya. Sponsors, father (Gerrit) Rose- boom and mother (Maria, daughter of Robert Sanders). 1727, July 26, is my wife delivered of a young son named Antonye. Spon- sors were Antonye Rutgeher ; born of a Wednesday at 7 o'clock. 1731, October 22, on Thursday at 7 o'clock is my wife delivered of a young daughter named Elysabet ; baptised by Dominie Van Dryse. Sponsors, Robert Roseboom and Elsje Roseboom. 1733, September 17, is my wife delivered of a daughter named Katrynena ; baptised by Dominie Pieter Van Driesen. Sponsors, Ahasueros Rose- boom and Eva Bries. 1738, (June) 22, is my wife delivered of a young daughter named Catryna. Sponsors, Hendrick Bries and Cornelia Van Ess, his wife. 1741, (May) — , is my wife delivered of a young daughter named Elsje. Sponsors, Johannis Roseboom and Marya Roseboom. 1749, October 27, is Gysbert Roseboom rested in heaven. 1760, July 10, is Catharine Roseboom in heaven sleeping, and is the 12th buried on a Friday. 1734, August 10, is my daughter (/. ^..daughter of Gysbert Roseboom) Catryena in heaven rested, in her 11 month. 1734, December 19, is my son Antoyne in heaven rested, In his seventh year and a half. 1766, December 23, Catriena Roseboom (daughter of Gysbert), rested in heaven . 17o9, July 15, Mary, daughter of William Berry and Elizabeth iRose- boomi, was born on a Sunday morning at 4 o'clock . 450 Bible Records. 1761, May 29, William, son of William Berry and Elizabeth, was born on Saturday morning at 4 o'clock. 1763, December 9, Gysbert R. Berry was born. 1778, January 2, is Elizabeth Berry in heaven rested, in her 46th year. 1820, November 24, at 4 o'clock William Berry died. 1764, September 4 or 12, (87) Peter Quackenboss was born. 1816, March 20, (87) Peter Quackenboss died, aged 52 years, 6 months and 22 days. (He was the son of [63] Wouter of the Colonie and Bata Clute.) 1818, September 26, (63) Wouter Quackenboss died, aged 83 years, 1 month and 17 days. (He was the sou of [36] Peter Quackenboss and [21] Anna Oothout, and baptised August 18, 1735.) ■ 1817-18, Walter Q. Berry Strong was born. 1784, August 21, Susanna was born. — — , 5tli day of April, Maria Van Allen is born. Sponsors Oathrina Rose- boom and Ahasueros Roseboom. Baptised by Dominie Frelinghuisen. (Adam Van Allen, widower, of Kinderhook, married Maria Roseboom [daughter of Gysbert], June 20, 1752, and had a sou Gysbert, born April 16, 1758. The Maria above might have been his daughter.) 90. TEN BROECK. From the Bible of Catharine Ten Broeck, of Flatbiish, in possession (1849) of the late Miss (284) Sally (Sarali) Bogart, of Albany, 1849 : 1686, November 25, is my wife delivered of a son called Johannes Ten Broeck. Sponsors were James W. ember and his wife Courense Kelnaer. 1716, September 28, is my wife {i. e. wife of Johannes Ten Broeck) deliv- ered of a daughter named Marya. Sponsors, Wessel and Elsie Ten Broeck. 1717, December 8, is my wife delivered of a sou called Wessel. Sponsors were Wessel and Elsie Ten Broeck. 1718, March 24, is my wife delivered of a daughter called Anna Margriet. Sponsors, Aldert Rosa and Jannetje Rosa. 1720, October 4, is my wife delivered of her second son called Peteris. Sponsors were Nicholas and Ley — a Rosa. 1722, April 22, is my wife delivered of her third daughter called Maryya. Sponsors were brother Jacob and his wife Eccsalet Wyncoop. 1724, May 8, is ray wife delivered of her third sou called Benjamin. Spon- sors were PhiLLpus Hoeteling and Dege Kroen. 1725, Sejitember 26, is my wife delivered of her fourth daughter called Sara. Sponsors, Antoni Krispetlin and Beelse . Bible Records. 451 1727, June 8, is my wife delivered of her fifth daughter called Catrina. Sponsors, Cornelis Vernoe and Maria Dekers. 1733, March 7, is my wife delivered of her sixth daui^hter called Geertruy. Sponsors, Wessel Ten Broeck and his wife Blandena Groesbeck. 1759, July 2, was I, Catrina Ten Broeck (daughter of Benjamin Ten Broeck and Catharine Jansen) born. 1775, March 5, Johannes Ten Broeck died. 1777, March 5, Petrus Ten Broeck died. 1782, December 20, Catrina Ten Broeck died. 1784, January 12, was I (i. e. [200] John, son of [97] Henry I. Bogart) married to Catharine (Catrina) Ten Broeck (daughter of Benjamin Ten Broeck) by the Rev. Dominie Doll, of Kingston. 1784, October 14, 10 o'clock i'. m., was born my daughter (281) Johanna. 1786, June 22, 10 o'clock a. >x., was born my daughter Catharina. 1788, April 19, 10 o'clock p. m., was born ray son Henry. 1790, February 21, 2 o'clock a. m., was born ray daughter (284) Sarah. 1792, February 1, 10 A. M., departed this life my wife Catharine Ten Broeck, aged 32 years, 6 months and 29 days. 1796, April 11, I was married to my second wife Christina Vought by the Rev. Dr. Romine, of Schenectida. 1821, March — , my daughter (281) Johanna married John Fay. 1811, November 17, died my second daughter Catharine. 1817, August 18, died at New Orleans my son Henry, aged 29 years, 3 months and 29 days. 1822, February 8, died my daughter Johanna (Fay), aged 37 years and 4 months. 1853, August 22, died (200) John Bogart, aged 91 years, 8 months and 17 days. 91. TAN DEN BERGH And otliei's. From the Bible in the possession of the late Lansing Prnyn, of Albany, in 1840. Tan den Berg'Ii. 1707, October 12, Anna Maria was born. 1712, March 18, Cornelia was l)orn. 1713, November 22, Johannis was born. 1715-16, February 6, Wilhelmus was born. 1718, February 2, Abraham was born. 1725, August 3, Maritje was born. 1728, January 29, Cornelius was born ; died March 5, 1750. * Lansing. 1743, January 29, o. s., (209) Christopher Lansing (son of [83] Jacob J.) was born. 4:52 Bible Records. 1743, November 25, Sarah Van Schaick was born. 1766, January 26, they were married. 1766, June 15, James Lansing was born. 1768, August 14, Alida was born. 1771, May 20, John V. S. Lansing was born ; (d. April 30, 1798.) 1773, July 26, (406) Hibertje was born. 1776, September 7, a third son born. 1778, October 7, Catlina was born ; (d. July 21, 1784.) 1784, June 18, Sarah was born. Defitlis. 1788, April 23, Sarah (wife of Christopher Lansing) died. 1798, April 30, John Van Schaick Lansing died. 1807, August 16, Sarah Lansing died (married an Everson). 1819, October 25, (209) Christopher Lansing died. 1794, August 80, Hibertje (Yates), mother of Christopher Lansing, died. 1794, September 8, (83) Jacob, father of Christopher Lansing, died. 1794, February 27, David Pruyn was married to (406) Hybertje Lansing (daughter of Christopher), by the Rev. Dr. John Basset. 1771, August 24, David Pruyn was born, and died January 20, 1843. 1795, January 17, Christopher L. was born ; died February 25, 1795. 1796, August 6, Sarah was born ; d. August 18, 1796. 1797, December 17, Lansing was born ; d. July 22, 1799. 1800, December 1, Catharine was born ; d. December 4, 1800. 1801, September 21, Ahda and John V. S. were born ; d. October 3, 1801. 1803, February 14, Catharine was born. 1805, September 30, Lansing was born ; d. November 15, 1878. 1809, April 2, Casper was born ; d. October 24, 1809. 1811, June 22, John Van Schaick was born ; d. November 21, 1878. 22. TAN YECHTEN. From a Bible once in the possession of the late (300) Dr. Peter Wendell. Ruben Van Vechten and Geertruy Witbeck. 1718, May 28, we were married by Dominie Van Driessen. 1718, December 31, daughter Anna was born. 1720, July 8, daughter Catryanna was born. 1722, August 30, son Cornells was born. 1724, October 24, son Lucas was born. 1726, November 6, daughter Engellje was born . 1729, February 2, son Philip was born. 1730, November 30, daughter Maria was born. 1732, December 6, son Johannes was born ; died December 3, 1749. i Bible Records. 453 S3. WENDELL. From a Bible now in tlie possession of (632) Joseph A. Lan- sing, of Albany (1883). 1759, The 8tli of May, were Barbara Bradt and '210) Hermanus Wendell united in matriiuony. (He was tlie son of Jacob Wendell and Helena Van Rensselaer.) 1753, the 7tli day of December is born our daughter (274) Elizabeth, at 6 o'clock in the morning. 1757, the 2d day of Marcli were born our twins Jacob and Lena. Lena died the 14th of July and Jacob the 10th of August, 1760, the 23d of 'October is born our second (277) Lena at G o'clock in the evening. (Married [238] Jeremiah Lansing.) ^763, the 22d of September is born our second daughter Catharine at 3 o'clock in the morning. 1768, tbe 3d of May is born our daughter Anna at 10 o'clock in the morning. 1772, the 6th of June isborn our daughter Maria. 1776, the 12th of August is born our son Barent at 9 o'clock in the evening and died on the 18th of August, and was buried at Claverack Landing. 1786, the 13th of June, died in the Lord, my father-in-law {i. e. father-in- law of [238] Jeremiah Lansing) (216) Harmanus Wendell on Tuesday evening about 11 o'clock, and was buried on Thursday at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, aged 54 years 2 months and 18 days. 1812, the 30th of April, died our mother Barbara (Bradt) Wendell, at half- past 4 o'clock in the morning, aged 80 years, 10 months and 18 days, and buried in the Dutch burying ground on the hill, near the mile stone (now in the Park). (She was the daughter of Barent Bradt and Meiria Rykman.) 1826, the 26tli day of December, died Maria, daughter of Hermanus and Barbara Wendell, at 3 o'clock, p. M., and was buried on Thursday follow- ing the 28th inst., aged 54 years, 6 months and 20 days, in the Dutch church burying ground on the hill, near the mile-stone. 1829, the 8th of January died Anna Wendell, daughter of Hermanus and Barbara Wendell, at half-past 1, a. m., and buried on the Saturday follow- ing the 10th inst, aged 60 years, 8 months and 5 days, in the Dutch church burying ground on the hill, near the mile-stone. EEOORD OF BUiilALS. Copy of a book kept by Barent Bradt of the burials in the Reformed Dutch Church graveyard and under the church in the city of Albany, from 1722 to 1757 inclusive. Previous to 1703 Hendrick Roseboom was clerk or sexton, and. was suc- ceeded in that year by Anthony Bradt, father of Barent. The first burial recorded under Barent Bradt's administration was that of Tennis (Anthony) Bradt, his father. This copy was made from the original book owned by the Hon. Ilarmanus Bleecker, by the compiler of this work, and subsequently, at his suggestion, was published in Munsell's An- nals of Albany. The compiler has introduced, in parentheses, only such explanations as were found necessary to show the relation to the families in this work. BARENT BRADT. Zyn Dood Bock. 1722. February 16, Theunis Bradt was buried by Rut (Van Woert?) February 18, Maria Cuyler, daughter of Abraham Cuyler, was buried in the church. February 24, a young child, daughter of Baberrik, was buried. March 23, Catlyna Van Benthuysen was buried. April 17, Clara Laug's son John was buried. May 8, Susana Bradt, my grandmother, was buried in the church by Rut Van Woert, June 25, Grietie Killys was buried. JunS 30 (20) Cornelis Bogert's son was buried (81 Hendrick.) August 3 (15) Johs. Beekinan, Jr.'s child was buried (37 Elsje.) August 15, Gysbert Van d Berg's child was buried, August 17, William H. Van d Berg's child was buried. August 19 (9) Thunis Egbert's (Met- selaer) child was buried (19 Lena?) September 16, Jonethan Rombelie was buried. October 1, Jacob Rosuboom's child was buried. October 3, Mallie Van Rensselaer was buried. October 8, Albert Ryckman's son Albert was buried. October 15, Solomon Goewy's child was buried. October 21, Hend. T. Eyek's child was buried (possibly [69] Henrick.) October 22, Mj'ndert Roseboom was buried. October 24, Phylip Livingston's child was buried in the church. November 18, Abram Van Arnem's child was buried. November 19, (2 Dominie?) Pieter Van Dresen's child (possibly Maria) was buried in the church. November 20, Antie Van Eivere was buried in the church. December 18, Maria Roseboom's daugh- ter was buried. December 23 (4) William Groesbeck was buried. Record of Burials. 455 I 1723. February 7, Daniel Fleusbiirgh's oliild September 18, Anna Marytje Carsten was buried. vviis buried. February 22, Jannetie Dunbar was September 24, David Schuyler's wife buried in the Euirlish church. Annatie was buried. Marcii i), Wynant C. Van dBergh's child October 15, '(4) Tlierck Harmese was buried. (Visscher) wife Femmetie was AprillO, Johannes De Wandelaer's child buried. was buried. October 27, fO) Abrain Lansingh's April 25, Rut Van Woert's child was son (49 Johannes) was bm'ied. buried. November 21, Mattys d Garmo's child June 9, a -French child was buried by was buried. John Sharp. " December 18, Jacobus Lychasse's child July 21, Hend. Cuyler's child was buried. was buried. September 17, Jacob Roseboom's child was buried. 1 724. January 1, Harmanes Schuyler's child April 7, Jaquemynna Mase was buried. was buried. ' April 9, Schiebolet Bogardus' child was Feburary 19, Hendrick Hanse was buried buried. in the church. Apiil 15, Hend. Cuyler (was buried). February 22, Coll. Pieter Schuyler was August 25, Mattys Vlensburgh's child buried. ■ was buried. March 11, Philip Sphink's (Verplanck) November — , Jobs.. Van derlleyd's child child was buried in the church. was buried. March 20, ChristolTel Abeel's child was December 12, Ephraim, Bogardus' child buried. was buried. March 23, Claes Fonda's child was buried. 1725. January 9, Barent Egbertse's wife was May 4, Cornelia Van d. lleyden was buiied. b\iried. January 18, Egbert Brat's clwld was June 8, Femmetie, daughter of Cornells buried. Switts, was buried. February 2, Jacob Beeckman's child was June 14, Jobs. Dpyster's child was buried biiried. in the church. February CTobvas Kvckman's child was June 31, (9) Nicholas Groesbeek's buried". ' ' child (possibly [33J Jacobus) was February 9, (4) Tierck Visscher was buried. buried in the church. July 26, Isaac Fryer's child was buried. February 10, Jobs. Ten Broeck's child August 2, Benjamin Brat's child was was buried. buried by Rut Van Wocrt. February 10, Claes Fonda's child was August 8, Daniel Vlensburgh's child was buried. buried. February 17, Benjimin Egbertsen's child August 24, Daniel Vlensburgh was buried. " ' ■ " ' August 25, Philip Splauk's (Verplanck) child was buried in the church. August 30, Volckert Van lloesen was buried in the (Lutheran?) cliureh. October 3, Tryntje, wife of Deeley, was buried. November 12, Jan Gerretz was buried in the church. Nouember 14, Gerrit B. Van den Bergh's child was buried at Pai)skinee. Novemtjcr 26, Jan Clueett was buried at Niskayawanc. December 17, Cornelis Van Dyck's child was buried. December 19, Claes Fonda's child was buried. was buried. February 18, Hendrick Ilaleiibeeck's child was buried, February 20, Abrani Lansingh's child \vas buried. February 26, (26) Gerret Lansingh's child (Johannes ?) was buiied. March 29, (13) Gose VanSchaick was buried. April 6, (7) Jacob Bogert was buried. A|)iil 6, Egbert Brat's child was buried. Ai)ril 17, Gose Van Schayck's child was buried. A])rii 21, Robert Lcvingston was buried in the church. May 3, Pieter Waldrum was buried. May 3, L-^iac Fonda's child was buried. 1 72«. January i2, An Englishman's child was February 1, Elizabeth Rosie was buried buried. in the church. January 27, Egbert Brat's child was March 22, Evert Jacobse Eel's child was buried. buried. 58 45 G Record of Burials. March 29, Pieter Rj'cknian's wife was buried. May 27, Labreyh Redlifs child was buried. May 30, Antony S. Van Schayck's cliild was buried. July 12, Gose Van Schayck, Jr.'s child was buried. August 25, Jobs. Becker's wife was buried. September 3, Johns. Becker's child was buried. September 4, Johns. De Freest' s child was buried. 17 January 5 (8) Myndert Marselis' child (51t Gerrit) was buried. January 19, Andries Witbeck, Jr.'s child was buried. January 23, Samuel Prnyn's daughter was buried in the church. March 6 (40) Evert Wendell's child (150 Engeltje) was buried in the church. March 12, Gerrit Roseboom's daughter was buried in the church. March 24, Johannls Muller was buried. May 26, Jacob Van der Heyden's child was buried. May 27, Tobias Ryckman's child was buried. May 27, Jan Maasen's child was buried. May 30, Jan Milten's wife was buried. May 31, Jannetje Van Aelstyn was buried. June 2, Elsie Winne, daughter of Frans Winne, was buried. June 10, Rabecka Fonda was buried. June 12, Sara Greveraedt was buried. July 12, Hendk. Ridder's child was buried. August 1, Hattys Flinsburgh's child was buried. August 6, (58) Ephriiii Wendell's child (177 Elizabeth ?i was buried. August 10, Jacob Mulder's child was buried. September 11, Jacob Roseboom's child was buried. October 17, Salomon Goeweik's wife was buried. October 20, Jeremie Penmerton's (Pem- berton V) child was buried. November 1, Arent Pruyn's child was buried. November 2, Tarns. Pruyn, Jr.'s child was buried. November 8, Evert Janse was buried in the Lutheran church. August 12, Theunio Van den Bergh was buried. August 18, Philyp De Foreest was buried. September 3, Hans Hanse's child was buried. September 3, (9) Nicholas Groes- beek's child (possibly [34J Neeltje) was buried. September 4, Tarn Flyt's mother-in-law was buried. September 12, Thunis Slingerland's child was buried. September 10, Jacobus Lnychasse was buried. September 16, Evert Janse' s child was buried. September 18, Abram Van der Poel's infant was buried. September 25, Barent Barhyt's child was buried. October 2, Cathariiia Lydius was buried in the church. October 13, Catlynua, wife of (39) Johs. G. Lansing, was buried. October 13, Frans Pruyn's little child was buried. November 16, Cornclus Cuyler's little child was buried. December 2, Johs. Van der -Heyden's child was buried. 1728. January 31, Willem Waldrum's little child was buried. February 11, Maria, wife of John Everts, was buried. February 11, Ryck Magrisle was buried. February 26 (4) Jan Lausiugh was buried. March 7, Sybrant Quackenbos' child was buried. March 28, Jurian Hogan's child was buried. May 6, Elsje Winne, mother of Pieter Winne, was buried. May 27, Cornelus Van Schurlynse was buried. May 29, Pieter, son of Pieter Waldrum, was buried. June 27 (17) Leena, wife of Herpert Van Deusen, was buried on Thurs- day. July 11, Engeltie, wife of Melgert Abra- hamse, was buried. August 4, Jan Maase's little child was buried. August 20, Lowis Schredel's child was buried. September 9, Harmen Van Hoesen's child was buried. September 27 (24) Johs. Lansingh, Jr.'s child (96 Geertruyj wa.s buried. September 27, Jeramias Schuyler's child was buried. October 5, Pieter Schuyler's child was buried at the " flats." November 10, Johs. Wendell's little son was buried at the flats. December 7, Philyp W^endell's .'on John was buried. Record of Burials. 457 December U, Pieter Schuyler's daughter December 30 (9 ) Nicolas Groesbeek's was buried at the tiats. wife (32 Marytje Quackenbush) December 17, Isaac Wendell's little son was buried, was buried at the Huts. 172;). January 13 (41) Capt. Johaiinis Wen- del was buried at the Hats, January 14, Jobs. Freest's little child was buried. February 0, Hans Hansen's little child was buried. Februaiy 20, Moses was buried. February 2(5, Isaac Verplauk's daughter Abigail Splank was buried. March 12, Gerit Ryckse's daughter Alyda was buried. March '29, Aelyda Schuyler was buried. June 13, Abraiu Ouderkork's child was buried. June 21, Jobs. Bleeker, Jr.'s little son was buried. June 21 (11) Mattys Van den Bergh's child (Gysbert) buried at I'apskne. June 24, Willin Greunie's child was buried. June 30, Elizabeth Muller's child was buried. July 7, Jacob Eghemoud's child was buried. July 13 (5'J) Jobs. E. Wendell's child (189 Abraham) was buried. July 10. Dirck Ten Broeck's child was buried in the church. July 23, Anna Witbeeck, daughter of Tamas Willms, was buried. July 2(1, Roeslif Kidnie's child was buried. August 13, Jobs. Schoonmaker's child was buried at Papsknee. August 18, Pieter Winue's little son was buried. September 13, Anna Brat was buried in the church by Hut Van Woert. October 1, Jobs. \'an Zante's child was buried. October 12, Hendericke Benneway was buried. October 22, Roelif Kidney's child was buried. November 24, Jobs. D Foreest's child was buried. November 28, Christiena Ten Broeck was buried in the church. December 7, (iosen Van Schayck's child was buried. 1 730. February 1, Maritie Schermerhorn was buried. February 11, Egbert Barentsen's child was buried. February 14, Douwe Fonda's child was buried. February 15 Harpert Van Deusen's child was buried. February IC, Andries Gardenier's two children were buried. March 7, Adam Van den Bergh's child was buried. March 1.5, Samuel Cregcer's child was buried. April 8 (6) Nanuingh Vischer was buried. April 9 (13) Jacob Lansingh's child (70 Elsje) was buried. Ai)ril 12, Dirck Van Scharluyne's child was buried. May 8, Johannis Schoonmaker was buried at Papsknee. May 12, Joseph Yats was buried. June 2 (58) Epbarim Wendell's child (possibly [177] Elizabeth) was buried June 22, Dirck \'an Schurluyne's wife was buried. July 13, Huybertie Yaets was buried. July 18, Jacob Tbuuisse A' an Woert was buried. August 10, Isaac Greveraet's child was buried in the church. September 5, Solomon Goewyck's child was buried. September 5, Isaac Greveraet's child was buried in the church. September 8 (possibly 2) Thomas Wendell was Iniried. September 10 (10) Elizabeth Lan- singh was buried. September 10, .Marietie Tymese was buried at Nistagayoene. October 5, Jeramiah H. Van Rensselaer was buried. October 13, Jacobus Redlif's child was buried. November 4, Jacob Alestyn was buried. November 28, Neeltie Vaii Schayck was buried. December 7, Katie A'an Rensselaer was buried. December 28, Jan Kasperse was buried. December 28, Claes Luyckasse was buried. December 28, Joseph Yates' child was buried. 1731. January 4, Jan Oothoudt, Jr.'s child was February 5, Ryner Myndcrtse's son Rey- buried. nier was buried. January 5, Alida Van Vechten was buried February 9, Evert Ryckse's son Rychert (wife of Solomon ) was buried. 458 Kecokd of Burials. February 14, Jobs. Dpeyster's child was buried in the church. February 27, Mr. Ellit's child was buried. March 30, Peter Fonda's child was buried. April 14 (56) Wiilem Vischer was buried. April 15, Jobs. Mingael was buried in the church . May 1, Chatriena Vau Deu Bergh was buried. May 6, Thomas Witbeek buried at Paps- knee. June 22 (8) Rutger Van Dusen buried at papsknee. June 28, Abraham Kipp was buried. Julj' 1, Nicolaes Van Aelen was buried. July 2 (58) Dr. Epharim Wendell was buried at the Hats. August 5, Matty s Fleiisburgh's child was buried. August 6, Chattrina Dfooreest was buried. August 19, Abram Xan Armen's child was buried. August 21, Elbert Gerritse's wifeMarytie was buried. August 22, Hendrick Kidder's child was buried. June(?) 28, Jobs. Quackenbos' child was buried. August 28, Uldrick Vanfranke's child was buried. September 4, Hans Hansen's child was buried. September 8 (18) Wiilem Jacobsen Van Deusen was buried. September 10, Harmen Van Vechten's child was buried. September 28, Jan Salomonse was buried. October 14, Gerret C. Van den Bergh was buried. October 22, John Olyfer (Oliver?) Jr. was buried. November 2, Wiilem Redlif's child was buried. November 11, William Crennel's child was buried. Novimber 14, Willim Redlif's little son was buried. November 16 (25) Thunis Vischer's (83) Isaac was buried. November 20 (39) Jobs. Lansingb's daughter (107 Catbrina) was buried. November 21, Hendrick Halenbeck's child was buried. November 22, Hans Hansen's daughter was buried. November 23, Jacob Egmond's two children were buried. November 27 (8) Myndert Marselis' child (61 Gerrit) was buried. November 27 (58) Epbraini Wen- dell's child (possibly [183] Marga- retta) was buried. November 28, David Van Dyck's child was buried. November 28, Harpert Van Deusen' s daughter was buried. November 28, Pieter Ryckman a child was buried. November 30, Wynant C. Van d. beigh's child was buried. December 7 (8) Meyndert Marselis' daughter (58 Elizabetbj was buried. December 7, Jer. Pemmerton's little son was buried. December 12, Hester Swits' son was buried. December 12, Jobs. Seger's two little girls were buried. December 12, Gerit Van Zanten's child was buried. December 14, Jellis D Garmo's child was buried. December 15 (39) Harnianus Wen- dell was buried in the church. December 15 Jacob Masen's child was buried. December 16 (8) Jobs. Hun's little son (16 Tbomas) was buried. December 17, Jobs. Schuyler, Jr.'s little son was buried at the flats. December 17, Bettie Danielse' little son was buried. December 18, Symon Veeder's little child was buried. December 18, Mattys D garmo's little child was buried. December 19, Isaac Greveraet's child was buried in the church. December 20 (9) Tbunis Egbertse' (Metselaer) child (21 Lena) was buried. December 21, Abraham Van d poel's daughter was buried. December 23 (39) Jobs. G. Lan- singb's child (possibly [108] Catrina) was buried. December 24, Harmen Van Hoesen's little son was buried. December 25, David Van der hey den's child was buried. December 25, Pieter Fonda's was buried. Decenaber 26, Stephanis V. Renselaer's child was buried. December 27, Anthony Brat's child was buried. December 27 (33) Jobs. Vischer's child (possibly [188] Alida) was buried. December 27, David V. Dyck's was buried. December 28, Jobs. Goevvyck's child was buried. December 30, Dirck Ten Broeck's Anna was buried in the church. December 30, Leendert Gansevoort's two children were buried. December 30, Abraham Ouderkerk's daughter was buried. December 30 Jacob B. Ten Eyck's child was buried. December 31, Gerit W. Van Den Bergh'a child was buried. December 31, Magiel Besset's child was buried. Record or Burials. 459 1 732. January 3, Maria Gerritse's little sou was buried in the cliurch. January 3 (12) David Groesbeeck's cliild"(44 Catriiia) was buried. January 4 (12) Benjamin Egbertse's (Meiselaer) dau<;liter (35 Feni- nietje?) was buried. January 6, (25) Isaac Bogart's little son (90 Jacob) was buried in the church. January (J, Hend'k. Kosebooni's child was buried. January 0, Dauiel Hogau's child was buried by R. Beecknian. January 6, Jan Brouyu was bui-ied. January 7, (8) Jobs. Hun's (laughter (17 Elsie) was buried. January 8, Wouter Bai-lioyt was buried. January 8 (135) Jacob Wendel's child" (21 5 Hannanus) was buned at Greenbush. January 12, Johs. A. Cuyler's child was buried in the church. January 13, Albert Brat was buried at the ffats. January 14, Jobs. Ten Broeck's child was buried at Greenbush. January 15, Willem Waldrun's daughter was buried. January 16, Isaac Swits' little sou was buried. January 17, Epharim Bogardus' child was buried. January 19, Andries Witbeck, Jr.'s child was buried. January 20, Hendk. Cuyler's little son was buried. January 22 Gerit Van Nes' daughter was buried. January 23 (12) David Groesbeeck's child" (46 Maryt) Record says died January 26) was buried. January 25, Isaac Swits' daughter was buried. January 25, Jobs. Ten Broeck's littje son was buried at Greenbush. January 25, Hendrick Bries' son was buried at Papsknee. January 26, Abraham Witbeck' s child was buried. January 26, Dirck Ten Broeck's little sou was buried in the church. January 28, Jobs. Bleecker, Jr.'s daugh- ter was buried. January 28 (26) Gerrit 3Iarselis' child'(71 Gysbert) was buried. January 29, Jobs. Ten Broeck's child was buried at Greenbush. January 31, Mattewis Van Deusen's child was buried. February 1, Gerrit ('. Van Den Bergh's child was buried at Papsknee. February 6, (14) Hend'k. T. Eyck's little sou (69 Hendrick) was buried. February 20, Nicolaes Bleecker' s child was buried. February 27, Jobs. Symonse Veeder's daughter was buried in the church. March 10, Pieter Schuyler's child was buried at the flats. March 21, Arieje Oothout's daughter was buried. March 27, Jobs. Vischer's daughter was buried at " Ilogebergh." April 6, (19) Jobs. J. Beecknian's child (44 Eva) was buried. April 6, Hend'k. Bries' child was buried , at Papsknee. April 25, Willem Teller's wife Catrina was buried. May 18, Ryckie, wife of (47) Abr. Lansing, was buried. May 20, Hend'k. H. Roseboom's child was buried. May 27, Jer. Penimertou's two children were buried. June 9, Jobs. Dforiest's child was buried. June 14, Jobs. Dpeyster's child was buried in the church. July 12, (47) Abrahm. Lansing, Jr.'s child (125 Goosen) was buried. August 19, a man was buried by Jobs. Segers, by order of the Mayor. September 30, (3) Jobs. Beecknian was buried. October 15, Antony Brat's child was buried. November 12, Migul Besset's child was buried. November 17, (19) Jobs. J. Beeck- nian's child (45 Johannes) was buried. November 24, Jan Janse Bleecker was buried in the church. I)ecember9, Salomon Goewey's child was buried December 11, Freed'k. Myndertse's wife was buried. December 11, Maragrieta Corneel was buried December 21, Jobs. Schuyler, Jr.'s child was buried at the flats. December 29, Jobs. D foreest's children were buried. December 31, Elsje Sanders was buried. 1733. January 11, (25) Isaac Bogert's little child (96 Jacob I was buried. January 23, (25) Isaac Bogert's little child (98 Jacob) was buiied. January 31, Hareut Slaets' daughter was buried at the "Hogebergh." February 9, Coenraet Becker was buried. cbruary 16, Sarah Koseboon (daughter of Jacob Roseboom. ) March 3, Maretie Van Aeleu was buried. March 13, Pieter Fonda's child was buried. March 21, Gelyn Sjjlank's (Guleyn Ver- planck's) child was buried. 460 Kecokd of Burials. April 8, Coenraet Rechtinayor's wife was July 4, Antony Bogardus' son was buried. buried. August 12, Jan Winne was buried. April 14, Maes Van Beuren was buried September 18, Barent E.;bertse's daugh- at Schoodack. ter was buried. April 22, Abrah Wyngart's wife was October 25, Rycbert Hanse's wife was buried. buried in the church. May 4, Mallie Leedyus was buried in the October 29, Maragrietie Bleecker was church. buried in the church. June 2, (58) Ephram Wendel's child (183 Margaretta ?) was buried. 1734. January 8, (4) Jaiinetje (Quackeu- bush) Bogart was buried (wife of [7] Jacob Conielis Bogart.) January 17, (36) Aeltie Van Nes was buried at the "Halfnioon." February 12, William Redlif was buried. March 4, Hend'k. Bunsen's child was buried. March 17, Philip Van Vech ten's wife was bulled. March 17, Jobs. Di>eyster's child was buried in the church. March 20, Elizabeth Banckers was buried. March 20, Ragel Hoogkerke's child was buried. April 11, Catharin Cuyler was buried in the church. April 14, Geertruy Van Scherluyne was buried. April 24, Willemhelnius V. d. Bergh's child was buried. May 25, Jacob Egmond was buried. June 23, Jobs. Van Vechten's was buried at Papsknee. July 10, Evert Banker was buried. August 10, Dom. Van Schie's child was buried in the church . August 11, Nich. Bleecker, Jr.'s child was buried. August 12, Rych Hanse's child was buried in the church. August 12, Gysbert Roseboom's child was buried. August 19 (5) Judick (Marselis) Hoogkerke was buried. August 27, Jobs. Dforeest's child was buried. August 28, Jaunetjc Criegeer was buried at Niscauna. September 1, Jobs. Seeger's child was buried. September 1 (58) Ephar. Wendell's daughter (180) Susannah was buried. September 2, Jer. Pemmerton's child was buried. September 4, Haruien Vechten's child was buried. September 5, Benjamin Winne's child was buried. September (), Cornelis Van Dyck's little son was buried. September 12, Isaac Swits' child was buried. September 13, Volkert V. den Bergh's child was buried. September 15, Claes Fonda's little son was buried. September 17, Stei>hanus Van Rens- selaer's child was buried. September 20, Nicholas Van Scbayck's child was buried. September 22, Pieter Schuyler's child was buried at the flats. October 8 (OO) Jacob T. Eyck's little child (116 Barent ?) was buried. October 22, Jobs. Ten Broeck's child was buried. November 10, Fred'k. Myndertse's daugh- ter was buried. November 15, Cornelia Van Scharluyn was buried. December 5, Gerrit B. Van den Bergh's chiTd was buried. December 18, David A. Schuyler's little sou was buried in the church. 1 735. February 5 (11) Maria (Visscher) wife of (8)"P. Wendel was buried. February 11, Nedt Broon, servant of Jef. (Madam) Livingston was buried. February 16, Jacob Staats was buried. March 5, Ruben Van Vechte was buried. March 16, John Stuward was buried. April 12, Isaac Van Aelsteyn's child was buried. May — , Tomas Serp's child was buried. June 9, Dirk Brat was buried by Rut Van Wie. July 2, Thunis Frelin's child was buried. August 27, Pieter Livingston's child was buried at the Hats. October 12 (16) Volkert Oothout's child (53 Hendrick) was buried. October 27, Cornelis \'an Beuren' s little son was buried at Papsknee. November 3, Hend'k. H. Roseboom's child was buried. November 12, Catryn Fyn was buried. November 16, Jobs. Dpeyster's little child was buried in the church. November 21 (6i;) Cornelia (Bogart, wife of [71 Wouter) Quackenbos was buried. November 21, Jobs. Wyngart's child was buried. ItECORD OF IJURIALS. 461 h December 3, Zacharias Sixkel's child Decembef 20 (48j Elsje Wendell was was buried. buried, daughter of |8j Philip Wen- December 1>, Sybrant \':\n Schayck's del. I'hihl was buried. Deoeiiiber 14, Nichohis Engelspreckcr was buried. 1 7:)(J. .lanuary 12, Jurryan Hogeii's ehihl was September 28, Cornelis C. Van den buried. ' Beigh's cbikl was buried, .lanuaiy 18, Michael Hesset's child was October 4, Thunis Fiele's cliild was buried. buried, .lauuary 20, (20?) (iJerret Lansing was October 5, Marytie Mingael was bui-ied buried. in the churcli. .March -J, (Jeertie Teu Kyck was liuiicd. Octciber 11, (G) Jonas Douw jvas .\pril 8, Jobs. Cloet's eliihl was buiied. buried at Greenbush. April 10, Daniel Ilusen's child was October 25, Willein Waklrum's child buried. was buried. May 13, Catharina, daughter of Catie November 7, Jacobus Schuylei''s child Van Schaick, was buried. was buried at the "hogcberg." June 23, David Groesbeeck's child was November 19, Rychart Hansen's little son buried. was buried in the church. July .5, Willem Hogen'.s wife was buried. November 24, Isaac Wendell's child .luly .'), Jobs. Dforeest's child was buried. was buried at the Hats, .luly '.t, l^ieter Livingston's child was November 29, Dominie Van Seine's child buried at the flats. vva.s buried in the church. July 29, Gose Van Schaick was buried. December 2, Thomas Sherp's child was August 28, Nicholas Hlcecker'.s child was buried. buried. 1737. .January 12, Albert Kyckiiiau was buried August 18, Jobs. Ouderkerk's child, was by Egbert Urat. buried. January 2.H, llaiis Hansen's little son August 28, Abrani Fonda's child was I'ieter was l)uried. buried. January 2.5, David Gi'oesbeeck's little August 29, Jobs. D Foreest's child was son was buried. buried. P'ebrnary 4, Antony Van Schaick was September 3, Adam Yates' child was buried. buried. March 22, Robt. Dunbar's child was September 16, Dominie Van Schie's child buried was buried in the church. March 2r,, Edward Holland's wife was September 19, (12) Dirck Hnn's little buried in the English church. daughter (20 Catalyntie) was buried. April 23, (5) Bastiaen V'isscher was September 19, (39) Sybrant Qiiacken- buried. bos' child (78 Elizabeth ) was buried. .May 28, Jacob Bogart's daughter* was October 4, Jacobus Van Valckenbergh's buried. cliild was buried. June 5, Jobs. Scbuylci's wife was buried Octolier 10, Neltie, daugbtei- of 1). Kyck- in the church. man was buried. .Inly 2. Migal Besset's son was buried. November 1, Jan Rosie was buried in the .luly 26, George Hipkins (V) child was buried in tlu- English cbni'ch. July 27, (211) (ieriet J. Lansing'.s child 1 103 Johannes f) was bni-ied. August 2, Mattys A'an der Heyden's child was buried. August 3, the sister of Wm. Teller's wife was buried. August 11, Dirk Ten Broeck's little son was buiied in the church. church. November 19, Benjamin Hrat's daughter was buried by (Oliver V). November 29, Wonter Knickerbacker's child was buried. November 17, Douwe Fonda's child w as buried. • 1 73 S. Janiuiry 16, Gei'ret Van IJentbuysen's February 14, Cornelis Clasen was buried wife was buried. in his orchard, .lanuary 18, Killiaan Winiie's child was February 15, Migael Basset's child was buried. buriecl. February 3, (2) Doni. Petrus Van June .5, ("oenraet Rcchtmayor's cliild was Di'iesen was buried in the church. buried. 462 Record of Burials. June 6, Gerret Van Benihuisen's child was buried. June fl, Mattys Van der Heyden's child was buried. 'June 22, Barent Sanders wife was buried in the church. June 25, Jobs. Dforeest's child was buried. August 25, (57?) Elsje Lansing was buried. 1 August 25, Hend'k. Ridder's child was buried. August 26, Nicolas Bleecker's child was buried. September 17, Hend. M. Rosebooni's child was buried. September 23, Jacobus Kiduie's child was buried. September 27, Jan Van Alstyn was buried. October 13, Dirck Van der Hej-den was buried. October 17, Neeltie Ryckman was buried by Antony Brat. October 17, Hend'k. H. Roseboom's child was buried by Antony Brat. November 7, Casparus Van Yeveren was buried. December 3, Abram Vosbergh's child was buried. December 7, John Van Ostrande's child was buried. December 12, Jenneke Blyckers was buried. Dect-'uiber 23, Jobs. Bleecker was buried in the church. December 26, Gerritie Dracyers was buried in the church. December 31 (60) Jacob B. Ten Eyck's child (118 Barent) was buried. 1 73J). January 4, Willem Hogeh's child was buried. February 2 (9) Tennis Egbertse's (Metselaer) child was buried. January 4, Jobs. Van Schayck's child was buried. February 2, Dominie Van Schie's child was buried in the church. Marcji 12, Jobs. Van Vechte, Jr.'s child was buried. March 23 (16) Jacob Beeckman was buried. (Bible says died March lit, 1738; that being old style is same as 17311 new style.) April 7 (5) Dircktie (Metselaer) Vis- cher, wife of (5 Bastiaen) was buried by Rut V. Woert. May 9, Jacob Glen's daughter was buried in the church. June 8, Geurt Benneway's child was buried. June 8, Mattys Flensburgh was buried. June 8, Adrieaen Brat's child was buried. July 10, Hanna Flensburgh was buried. July 14, Jacobus Redlif's child was buried. July 15 (3) Hendrick Oothout was buried. August 7, (7) Freed'k. Vischer's wife (Elizabeth Sanders) was buried. August 21, Rychart Hansen's child was buried. August 22 (69) Gerret Ja. Lansing's child (148 Maria () was buried. August 22, Jobs. Wyngart's child was buried. August 23 (39) Jobs. Douw's child (74 Volckert ?) was buried. August 26, Wouter Knickerbacker's cnild was buried. 1 August 26, Abram Van Deusen's child was buried. September 1, Abram Van Deusen's child was buried. September 9, Abram Lansingh's servant Jobs, was buried. September 23, David Van d Heyden's son Nanningh was buried. October 3, Leendt. Gansvoort's daughter Maria was buried. October 4, Egbert Bart. Egbertse's child was buried. October 15, Theunis Egbertse's child was buried. October 21, Jobs. Van Rensselaer's child was buried at Greenbush. October 23, Pieter Schuyler's child was buried at the Flats. October 26, Sybrat A. V. Schaick's little daughter was buried. November 12, David A. Schuyler's child was buried. November 16, Susanna, wife of Jobs. S^ymonse, was buried in the church. November 19, Jacob Glen's child was buried in the church. November 27, Thomas Scherp's daughter was buried. December 18, Jobs. Elvendell was buried. December 21, Aeltie, (wife of 2 Jo- hannes) Oothout, was buried. (Other records say December 12.) December 22, Geertie (Van Schaick, wife of 4 Johannes G.?) Lansing was buried in the church. December 21, Gerrit Iloseboora was buried. December 31, Jobs. Van Schaick's child was buried. 40. January 4, Anthony Van Dyck was Januarj' 16, Cornelis Van Dyck's two buried. daughter's were buried. January 9, Jacobus Groesbeck's cliild January 19, Billy Sixberry was buried, was buried. Kecokd of Bueials. 463 January 20 (24) Ilariii. B. Vischer's (75 Sarah) cliild was buried. February 12, Freed'k. Myndertse was buried. February 25, Hend'k. Kidder's little cliild was buried. April 1, Anna, widow of Billy Si.xberrv's cliikl, was buried ( /. e., Billy's child.) April 27, Gerret Brat's wife was buried. April 29 (25) Johs. Marselis' child ((51)) Uendrickie) was buried. May 12, xVntony ^'all Schaick's daughter Elsje was buried. June 8 (4) Gysbert Marselis was buried by Daniel Brat. June 24, Claes Van Schayck's wife was buried. June 2ij, Jan Fonda was buried. July 4, Hend'k. Renselaer was buried. July 12 Pieter Van Brugh was buried in the church. July 22, Johs. Schuyler was buried in the church. July 22, Adriaan Brat's child was buried. July 23, Isaac Greveraet's child was buried. August 10 (24) AbrainBogart's (pos- sibly [18] Dyrkje) sister was buried. August 12, Gerrit Teunisse Van Vech- ten's child was buried at Papksnee. August 21, Johs. De Foreest's child was buried. August 25, Tjrck Swits was buried. September 29, Barent Van ]5eureu'B child was buried at Papksnee. September 5, Migal Besset's child was buried. Septeinber 19, Jacobus Redlif's child was buried. October 23, Marte Van Beuren was buried near his house. Novembers, Gerrit Johs. Lansing's child was buried. November 29, Volkert N. (Andries) Douw's child was buried. 1741. January 10, Johs. Redlif's wife Seelia was buried. January 27 (t)'.') Gerrit Ja. Laii- sing'h's wife (Maria Everts) was buried. January 29, Harpert Jacobse's son Ger- ret was buried. February 5, Elisabeth, daughter of Catie V. Sciiayck, was buried. February 5, Luychas Hooghkerk, Jr.'s child was buried. Februaiy 13, Luychas Hooghkerk, Jr.'s child was buried. February 2() (15) Johs. Beeckman was buried. March 6, Pieter Garino was buried. March 9, Mattys ^'an derHeyden's child was buried. Maicli 13, Luychas Hooghkerk was buried. April 3, Sara Schuyler was buried near her residence by P. Schuyler. April 9, Maragrietie, daugliter of Maria Hoscbooin, was buried. April 18, Thomas Scherp's son Tomie was buried. April 24, Anna Sixberry, daugliter of Jolis. Redlif, was buried. June — , Abram Van Arnem's daughter was buried. June 28, Johs. Schuyler, Jr.'s daughter was buried at the flats. July — , Hend'k. Halenbeeck's little child was buried. July 8, Gerrit Benneway was buried. July 10, Maria Roseboom was buried. July 12, Anna Van Schayck was buried. July 22, Johs. Douw's child was buried. July 24, Johs. Schuyler, Jr.'s child was Imried at the flats. August 12, Volkert N. (Andries) Douw's child was buried. August 15, Robert Lansingh's child was buried. August 15, Beeckman was buried. August 15, Andries Brat's child was buried. October 6, Dirk Hun's child was buried. October 15,(12) Coeiiraet T. Eyck's daughter (53) Catriiia was buried. November 1, Thomas Willem'sson Philip was liuriod. November 6, John Schuyler, Jr., was buried at the flats. December 1, Douwe Js. Fonda's child was buried. December 12, Hans Kversen was bui'ied at the Lutheran church yard. December 19, (possiblv 134) Arieaeiitie Wendell, (daugliter of 3!» Har- niaiius) was buried in the church. 1 742. January 6, (2) Melchert A. Van Deusen was buried at Papsknee. January 8, Dirck Martin's wife and child were buried. January 15, Angenectie Schot, widow, her child was buried. Miiy G, Obedia Coepcr was buried. May 11, Sara Van Bruga was buried in the church. 59 May 28, (71) Johs. Jacobuse Lan- singh's wife (Rachel) was buried. June Ki, Mattys Van der Heyden's child was buried. July 0, Harpert Jacobse Van Deusen was buried in the church. July 7, Jacob Maasen's child was buried. July 8, Maria Van Dyck was buried. 464 Record of Burials. July 15, Jolis. Van Vechten was buried at Pajisknce. July 3, Jail Brat's child was buried. July 27, Jobs. Beeckman's servant was buried. July 31, Anna Van Woert was buried. August 5, Jobs. Van Vechte's child was buried. August 6, Jobs. Van Yvereu's child was buried. August 9, Willem Waldrum's child was buried. August 12, (64) Jacob H. Ten Eyck's child (122 Anna) was buried. September — , Zacharias Haes' child was buried. September 6, (46) Hester Wendell was buried. September 19, (69) Gerrit Ja. Lan- singh's child (149 Alida) was buried. October 9, Jobs. Van Schayck's child was buried. October 15, Kiliaen Van Renselaer's child was buried. October 24, Catriena Engelsprucker was buried. November 28, Abram Splank was buried. November 5, Debora Hansen was buried in the church. November 7, Dominie Berly was buried in the English church. November 9, (39) Johs. Douw's child (75 Dorothy) was buried. December 24, Wyntie, wife of Andries Brat, was buried. December 25, Johs. P. Witbeck was buried. 1743. August 26, Abram Witbeck' s child was buried. August 31, Mattys Van der Heyden's two children were buried. September 6, Johs. Van Zante's wife was buried. September 6, Antony Van der Zee's child was buried. October 1, Willempie Brat was buried by Rut Van Woert. October 9, Wouter Knickerbacker's child was buried. October 21, (139) Johs. H. Wendell was buried. October 24, Abraham Ouderkerk was buried. November 1, Robert Sander's child was buried in the church. November 3, Jacob Van Rutse Voert's child was buried. November 13, (probably 95) Gertie, daughter of (41) Coenraet Ten Eyck was buried. November 21, Henderick Gerritz's child was buried. November 27, David Groesbeek's child was buried. December 3, Johs. Redlif's daughter was buried. December 6, Thomas Coeper's child was buried. December 10, Gerret W. Van den Bergh's child was buried. December 18, Stephanus Van Renselaer's son was buried. December 25, Joseph Redlif's child was buried. 44. January 7, Maria Gansevoort was buried. January 27, Wynant Van den Bergh's daughter Volkie was buried. February 13 (8) Philip Wendell was buried. February 15, Robert Sander's wife was buried in the church. March 4, Catharina Van Nes was buried. March 9, Anton.y S. Van Schayck's wife was buried in the church. March 9, Pieter Schuyler's child was buried at the flats. March 22, Catlyntie, wife of (10) Gre- ret Van Nes was buried. March 28, Marytie Van Schayck was buried. April 19, Antony Van Schayck's daugh- ter Catriena was buried. April 21, Evert Sixberry's child was buried. Maj- 24, Robert Lansing's child was buried. May 30, Chatie Salomonse was buried. June 5, Gerrit Van Nes' daughter was buried. June 5, Johs. D. Van der Heyden's child was buried. June 20, Jacob Schermerhorn, Jr. was buried at Papsknee. July 10, Johs. Eversen's child was buried. August 4 (82) Gerret Ja. Lansingh's wife (Yda Van Wie) was buried. August 11, Bareut Van Beuren's wife was buried at Papsknee. August 15, Antony Van Yveren's child was buried. August 19; Benumen Winne's child was buried. August 22, Jacobus Redlif's child was buried. 17 January 4, Wouter Groesbeek's child January 8, Isaac Frelin's little son was was buried. buried. January 5, Dirck De garmo was buried. January 13, Harmen Gansevort's child January 6, Barent Jans Brat was buried. was buried. Record of Bukials. 465 Februarv 7, Dortie Haleiibeeck was burioc! lu the Lutheran graveyard, Kensclaoi'. February 14, Wilhelmus Rycknian's child was buried. March 2, Gerrit Van Schoonhoven's wife was buried, Lutheran. Marcli 3, Antony Van der Zee's chihl was buried. March 4, Harmanus H. Weudeirs child was buried. March 7, Jobs. M. Flinsburi>h's child was buried. April 17, Antony Bogardus was buried. April 20, Gerrit Jobs. Lansingh's child was buried. April 28, Cornells Ridder was buried. April 30, Pieter Coeymau was buried on Barren Island. May 2, Cornells Van den Bergh's child was buried. June 6, James Stievenson's wife was buried in the church. June 3, Jobs. Douw's child was buried. June 17, Jan Cell's child was buried. June lit, Isaac Frelen's child was buried. June 23 (10) Johs. Lansin|;h's wife (Helena Sanders) was buried. July 8, Jobs. Van Yveren's child was buried. July 9. Isaac Halenbeck's child was buried. July 13, Jobs. Van Wie's child was buried. July 17 (8) Stephanus Groesbeck was buried. July 31, Antony Van der Zee's wife was buried. August 9, Beiijaniin Bogait's child was buried. August 10, Wouter Groesbeck's child was buried. August 11, Jobs. Jacobse Eversen's was buried. August 13, Susanna Van den Bergh, wife of Cornelis Clasen, was biu'ied. August 16, Doni. Cornelis Van Schie was buried in the church. August 10, Gerrit \V. Van den Bergh's child was buried. August It), Jacob Van Woert's little son was buried. August 24 (34) Harmeu Vischer was buried in the church. August 25, Antony Van der Zee's child was buried. August 2(J, Tobyas Ryckman's wife was buried. August 28, Jan Van Arnem's child was buried. August 29, Nicolas Blecker, Jr.'s child was buried. August 31, Abraham H. Wendell's child was buried. September 2, Isaac Greveraet's child was buried. September 15, Bille Bronly's child was buried. September 2(i, Jobs. Brats' child was buried. October 6, Jobs. Van Aden's wife was buried. October 14, Cornelis ^"an Aelstyn's child was buried. November 2, Jobs. Ouderkerk's children were buried. November 5, Pieter Fonda's wife was buried. December 8, Willem Hogeu's was buried. December 14, Hend'k Van Wie's child was buried. December 23, Uendrick Van Wie's wife was buried. December 23, Pieter Van Aden's child was buried. 1745. January (J, Jacob K. Van Woert's child was buried. January 22, Ilarme B. Msscher's child was buried. January 25, Job.-. Roseboom was buried in the church. February 5 (2) Johs. Oothout was buried. February 15, Isaac Ouderkerk's child was buried. March lii, Tennis Sliiigerlaiid's wife was buried. April 6, Sauna, daughter of I'ieter Van Woert, was buried. April 27, Wilhelmus Rycknian's child was buried. May 8, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer was buried (the Patroon. ) May 12, Jacob, s(m of Abram Lausiiijj, was buried. June 4, Gerret \'an Ziint's child was buried. June 5, Ned. Hock's child was buried. June 18, Hend'k. Van Iloesen's child was buried. June 20 (9) Abraham Liin»in&:li was bui'ierd. July 3, Joseph Van Zante's wife was buried. July 3, Jacob Wendell's child was buried July 22, Johs. Boom, a high Dutchman, was buried. July 23, Gen-it d. Ridder's child was buried. 4, Dirk Wyt's child was buried. August 18, Stephanus Van Rensselaer's daughter was buried. August 22, Cristoffdl Abed's child was buried. August 2(5, Johs. Dpeyster's little son was buried in the cliurch. August 27 (12) David (»roesbeek's daughter (Gertrny I was buried. September 1, t'atlyntic, wife of (71) Johs. Ja Lansing was buried. 46G Record of Burials. September 4, Hend'k., son of David A. Schuyler, was buried. September 5 (135) Jacob Wendell was buried at Greenbush September 6, Scheeboleth Bogardus' Eph'm was buried. September 6, Jeramee Schuyler' .s daugh- ter was buried at the flats. September 10, Isaac Hansen's child was buried. September 10, Gerrit Brat's child was buried. September 13, Johs. Deforeest's little son was buried. September 14, Geradus Groesbeek's child was buried in the church. September 1(3 (64) Jobs., son of (12) Isaac Liausingb, was buried. September 16, John Courtney's child was buried. September 17, Hend'k. Coster was buried in the church. September 19, Sannaka Wendell, daugh- ter of Johs. Van. September I'J, Sybrant Gert Van Schaick's daughter was buried. September 22, Johs. Ja. Lansiugh's child was buried. October 2, Cornelis Cuyler's child was buried in the church. October 5, Mr. Cateris' child was buried in the English church. October 5, Abram Js. Fonda's child was buried. October 6, (38) Gerrit G. Laiisingb's wife (42 Engeltje Van Ueusen) was buried. October 20, Johs. Douw's little child was buried. October 28, Johs. Ja Eversou's child was buried. October 29, Jacob Hansen's child was buried. November 8, Geertruy Van Vechte was buried in the Patroon's vault. November 15, (possibly 110) Elisabeth Wendell was buried at the flats. November 17, Barent Stats, Jr., son was buried. November 21. Walraven Cloet's son was buried. November 21, Areut Slingerland's child was buried. November 28, Benumen Hilton's child was buried. November 30, Asuerus Roseboom's wife was buried. December 4, Madalena (wife of 9 Abraham) Lansingh was buried. December 5, Sander Van Woert's child was buried. December 12, Debora (wife of 16 Jacob) Beeckinan was buried. December 19, Eysabell Staats was buried in the church. Decembor 22, (11) Mattys Van den Bergh was buried. December 23, Daniel Wiiine, Jr.'s child was buried. 1746. January 11, David Van Zante's wife was buried. January 20, Lammert Kool's child was buried. Januar}' 21, Jacob Mullers' daughter was buried. January 26, (25) Johannis Marselis was buried by Daniel Brat. January 28, Johs. Yates' child was buried. February 14, Tomas Coeper's little child was buried. March 8, Walloven Cloet's daughter was buried. * March 20, Gerret Van Wie's wife was buried by his house. April 1, Maria Van Hoesen in the Luth- eran church. April 1, son of Jacob Fort. April 10, Jacob Van der Heyden. April 11, wife of Harme Van Hoeseu at the Jjutheran church. April 11, daughter of Jacob Fort. April 13, little son of Jan Van Arnem. April 14, wife of Johannes Cuyler in the church. April 15, child of Wouter Js. Groesbeck in the church. April 16, Jacob Glen in the church. April 21 (possibly 29) Willem Groes- beck. April 23, Harmen Van Vechten. April 27, child of Abram Fort. May 1, Ry chart Van Franke. May 3, Gysbert Van Alstyn. May 12, Martynis C. Van Alstyn. May 12, Jacob Van Yeveren. May 1 2, Barent Van Yveren. May 12, son of Ryncr Van Yveren, May 13, child of Levynis Winne. May 15, Johas. Rvner Van Yveren. Mav 16, Jacob C.'Ten Evck's child. May 19, Freed' k. Ruytef, Jr. ]\Iav 26, Johs. Lagranse wife. May 30, Johs. Roelfise's daughter. June 1, Philip Ruyter. June 1, Michiel Besset's child. ■ June 2, son of (171 Abraham) Rob- bert Wendell. June 15, daughter of Philip Winne. June 17, child of Adam Yates. June 19, wife of Jochem Van der Hey- den. June 24 (52) Thierk Beeckman. June 24 (31) Geertruy, daughter of (9) Nicholas Groesbeck. June 24, little child of Gerret G. Lan- * After March 20, 1746, the words "was buried" are omitted by the copyist. Reooki) of Bdkials. 46Y June 26, Gerret, son of Jobs. Rolifsen. June 28, Abraui Fielie. June 29, Tlieunis Slingerland. June 30, Annata, wife of Dirck Wyt. June 30 (lii) Nicolas Js. Groesbeck. July ], wife of Jan de \'oe. Julv 6, Isaac Van Aelstvn. July 8, child of Thuuis'Fiele. July 10, child of Abiani Gaidenier. July 13, Hendrick IJrat. July 1(5, child of Willem Ryckman. July 23, child of David Van Zante. July 23, Evert Boi^ardus. July 27, Geradus (K) loedt. July 27, Jan de Voe. July 29, child of Franciskis Lansing. July 20, Debora, daughter of Hend'k. H. Roseboom. July 20, wife of Symon Vedder. July 31, child of Evert Sieger. July 31, Harme Bogardus. August 1 (82) Gerrit Ja. Lansingh. August 1, child of Abrani Vinhagen. August 2, child of Jobs. Beecknian. August 2, son of Jobs. Sieger. August 3, Elsie, daughter of Jacob Lan- singh. August 5, daughter of Jobs. D. Foreest. August 5, Wendell (148 Evert) son of (40) Evert Wendell. August 6, wife of Zacharius Sischel. August 0, child of Sybrand Van Schayck. August 7, child of Michael Bessett. August 8, child of Hend'k. Fonda. August 9, child of Jacobus Wilton. August 12, child of Jobs. Van Vechte. August 12, daughter of Jesse Dforecst. August 12, Jacob, son of Jobs. D. Garmo. August 13, child of Jobs. Slingerland. August 14, Barent A'rooman. August 15, Hend'k. H. Roseboom. August Iti, Sybrand H. Van Schayck's child. August 17, child of Jobs. Visscher. August 18, child of Frans Wey Bosie. August 21, child of Egbert B. Egbertse. August 21, Ragel Livcrsen. August 22, Jobs. A. Cuyler's child. August 22, child of Sybrand H. Van Schayck. August 25. Willem Lou der Zee's child. August 26, Willem Kittell. August 26, Jobs., son of Jacob Van Woert. August 26, Willem Ouderkerk. August 26, child of Sara Fort. August 28, (Sara Ciiyleri wife of (19; Johannes Beecknian. August 31, little child of Claes Gardnier's son-in-law. September 4, wife of Jobs. Ryckse. September 5, (Marjjaret Roseboom) wife of (56) Robert Lansing. September 5, daugbtei' of Samuel Pruyn. September 5, child of (Jysbcrt Mailstyn (/. e., Gysbert M. Aelstyn.) September 5, child of Sybrant G. Van Schaick. September 7, son of Mattys Bovie. September 8, Sander Van Woert. September 9, (39) Hendrick Jacobse Beecknian. September 9, wife of Jonatau Witbeck, Jr. (Machtel). September 9, child of Abram \'an Arnem. September 11, wife of Jobs. Hansen. September 12, child of Mr. Carteris. September 15, child of Hellagont Lewis. September 15, child of Annietie Groes- beck. September 15, child of Robt. Livingston. September 16, child of Wynant C. V. Bergh. September 17, child of Pieter Schuyler. September 18, daughter of Rychert Hilton. September 18, child of Cornelis Martise Aclstyne. September 20, daughter of Samuel Criegeer. September 21, little son of Livynis Winne. September 21, Elisabeth, daughter of Rut Van Woert. September 21, child of Jonas Oothout. September 22, child of Isaac Switts. September 25, child of Jacob Bleeker. September 27, Hend'k. Gansevoort. September 28, daughter of Lysbeth Van Vechten. September 30, Jobs. Ouderkerk. October 1, wife of Oldeiick Van Franke. October 1, child of Zacharias Sischel. October 4, daughter of Uavid Oforeest. October 7, child of Pieter Missel. October 7, child of Jonatau Witbeck. October 11, Johannis Van Scharluyn. October 17, wife of Hugan fiele. October 22, (99 Jacob) son of (25) Isaac Bogert. October 26, (8) Abraham Dox. October 27, Johannis A. Cuvler. October 30, child of Jacob I'en Eyck. November 2, Martie Fonda. November 3, Susanna P. Wendell. November 5, Killiaun Winne, a young man (of pakeesie). November 7, John Schuyler, Jr., in the church. November 10, (142 Gertruv) daughter of (40) Evert Wendell. November 13, child of Hend'k. Gerrit Van Nes. November 14, Sara, daughter of Isaac Greeveraet. November 16, Jan Cristiaense. November 23, Gerritie Roseboom in the church. November 23, Wyntie Berrit. November 25, child of Mr. Corrie. December 3, child of luiykas Tomase Witbeck. December 17, daughter of Adriaen Quackeuljos. December 19, Catrcen Bovie. December 20, Gerrit Van Wie. December 25, Jobs. Van Vechten. December 26, Lowis ScliredoU. December 31-, child of Rychert M. Van Franke. 4:68 Record- OF Burials. 1747. January 7, child of Christiaan Lagraniel. January 16, child of Bareut A. Staats. January 17, Sannake Schuyler. February 1, child of Pieter Waldrun near his house. February 23, wife of Jobs. Van Rensse- laer in the church. March 2, Joh.s. Schuyler in the church. March 12 (56) Gerrit Teunisse Vau Vechten. March 14, Geertruy Groesbeck. March 19, Maj-eke Ouderkerk b}- Pieter Van Woert. April 14, Volckie, wife of Wynaut V. d. Bergh. April 16, by William Rogers, Jr. April 19, child of John Donway. May 1, child of Areut Van Deusen. May 9, Symon Daniels. May 10, son of John Whitbeck died and was buried. May 25, wife of Scheeboleth Bogardus. June 10, child of Abraham Yates. June 21, Coruelis Van Dyck. July (1), Patroon Stephen Van Rensselaer at the mills. July 2, Evert Van Nes' wife. July 4, Coruelis Swarthout. July 14, Jacob Bleecker. July 14, Abraliam Cuyler in the church. July 16, child of Wouter Knickerbucker. July 18, little son of Mr. Catries in the English church. Ju y 24, wife of Meyndert Sehuyler in %e church. Juty 31 (54) Margrietie, daughter of (19) Abram Lansing. August 4, child of Jacob Van Bentliui- sen. August 5, child of Volkert P. Douw in the church. August 5, child of Benjamin Goewey. August 9, Jacob Seene. August 11, son of Peter Van Beuren. August 12, Jan Van Nes. August 13, child of Abram Ja. Lansing. August 14, child of Benjamin Van Vechte. August 15, child of Mattys Van d. Hey- den. August 18, child of Audries Van Wie. August 19 (66) Johs. Marselis, Jr. by Egbert Brat. August 19, little girl of Elisabeth d. Wandlaer. August 24, child of Levynis Winue. August 24, child of Dirck Van der Hey- den. August 26, child of Abram Lansingh. August 27, child of Wouter N. Groes- beck. August 29 (108) Catrina, daughter of Elisabeth (Walter's wife of [32J Johannes) Wendell. August 30, daughter of Calyutie Van den Bergh. August 30, child of Bastiaen Tymesse. September 4, child of Daniel Hussen. September 5, child of Jacotius Schuyler. September 5, wife of Philip Winne. September 5, daughter of Arj-e Oothout. September 7, child of Adriaan Quacken- bos. September 7, child of Robert Sanders. September 8, child of Gysbert Van Brake). September 9, son of (26) Gerrit Mar- selis (76 Jacob). September 10, (195) Jochim, son of (33) Johs Visscher. September 10, Gerrit, sou of Hend'k. Gerritse. September 10, child of Sybrant Quacken- bos. September 10, Jochem, son of Johs. Van der Heyden. September 11,' two children of Benjamin Bogart. September 12, child of Hend'k. Bries. September 12, child of Volkert Van den Bergh. September 12, daughter of Neeltie Brat. September 13, (44)GiedeonQuacken- DOS. September 16, child of Sybrant Goes Van Schaick. September 16, child of Benjamin Goewey. September 17, daughter of Neeltie Brat. September 17, child of Evert Lansingh. September 17, child of Peter Schuyler. September 19, little son of Evert Wen- dell. September 20, Nicolas Bleecker, Jr. September 20, Annake, daughter of Petrus Bogardus. September 20, Catrina, widow of Willem Groesbeck' s child. September 20, daughter of Catrina, widow of Martyn V^n Aalstyn. September 21, cliild of Zacharias Haes. September 21, child of John Willems. September 21, child of Evert Lansingh. September 23, child of Dirk Giver. September 23, child of Isaac Hansen. September 24, daughter of Arye Oothout. September 25, child of Robert Wendell. September 26, child of Abraham H. Wendell. September 26, child of Cornells C. Van den Bergh. September 26, Schieboleth Bogardus. September 27, child of Rebecca, widow of Hend'k. Brat. September 27, child of Rychart Hansen. September 28, child of Johs. Cloet. September 25, child of Rynier Van Hoesen. September 30, two children of WilUem Gysbert Van den Bergh. October 1, wife of Isaac de Voe. October 2, child of Johannis Van Wie. October 2, child of Nicholas Cuyler. October 3, daughter of Willem Van d. Bergh. October 3, child of Harmen Hun. October 3, little son of Barent V. Yveren. October 3, child of Jacob Bogart, Jr. Record of Bttrtals. 469 October 12, child of Sybrant Goes Van Schaick. October 13, child of James Stenhuys. October 20, wife of Isaac Ouderkirk. October 25, wife of Kntger Hlecker. November 17, Marytc Winne. November 26, child of Johaniiis Lan- singh, Jr. December 2, child of llariiie Knicker- backer. December 3, Coeiiradt (Rutesmayor.) December 15, child of John Fryer. December 21, wife of Gerrit Rycksen. December 24, child of Corhelis VValdrum. December 25, wife of Pieter Davids Schuyler. 1 748. Jan\iary 13, Geritie Rycker.son. January 14, little son of Catalyntie Hose- boom. January 10, James, son of Rolf Schoon. January 26, daughter of Jellis D. Garmo. February 9, Gee^tie Kipp. February 25, Annate Hilton. February 25, Obadya Cooper's child. February 28, child of Jobs. Van Yevereu. March 2, child of Pieter Schuyler. March 23, wife of Isaac Fonda. March 29, daughter of Cornelia Cooper. March 31, child of Gerrit Marselis. April 3, child of Dirck B. Van Schoon- lioven. April 3, Jobs. Wendel's Cosyn, {i. e., nephew ?) A])ril 9, wife of James Steinhuys. April 17, wife of Obadya Coeper. Ajjril 19, child of Jobs. Ton Eyck. Ai)ril 21, wife of Pieter Van Bcnren. April 24, Mai-ya Gerritse. May 10, Madame Margrita Collans in the church. May 20 (Jannetje Van Bureii) wife of (10) Abraham Viuhagen. May 24, Evert Ryckse. May 25, Johannis Berreway. May 30, Johannis Hansen. June 10, Alyda Visscher. July 5, child of Thomas Seeger. July 8, Nicholas Schuyler. July 10, child of Jan Brat. July 17, cliild of Adam Yates. July 20 (10) Pieter Quackeubos. July 24, child of Uobert Sanders near his house. July 24, child of Abraham Lansingh near his house. July 29, child of Jacob H. Ten Eyck. August 3, Jobs. L. Whitbeck. August 6. Jobs. G. Lansingh. August 15, child of Antony Van der Zee. August 16, wife of Andries (Mahans.) August 17, child of Jacob Egmond. August 27, Rachel, daughter of John Whitbeck. Aiigust 29, Lydia (possibly Ten Broeck, wife of [25] Volckert) Van Vechte in the church. August 30, child of Hcnd'k. Van Nes. September 2, Catie Van Weie. September 4, Pieter Ryckman. September 11, wife of Tomas Cooper. September 19 (47) Melgert, son of (12) David Groesbeck. September 27, two children of Cornells Winne by his house. October 2, Gerrit Js. Lansingh. October 6, child of Cornells Sanford. October 13, wife of Volkert N. Douw. October 24, child of Cornelis Van Nes. November 3, Bregie, sister of Cornelis Clasen. November 3, wife of Tomas Scherp. November 6, child of Johannis V. Douw 1749. January 3, Rynier Van Hoesen. January 22, child of Tomas Coeper. January 26, Tryntie Vrooman. January 26, Jacobus Van Schoonhovon. January 28, Jan Dreth. February 12, Willem Hilton. Feljruary 16, child of Dirk \-m\ Aesdall. February 17, child of Jacob H. Ten Eyck by his house. March 6, child of Pieter Lansingh. March 18, Catrina, daughter of Claes Van Woert. April 3, wife of Jacob R. Van W^ocrt. April 7, Ragel Redliff. April 10, (lOj Johannis Visscher. April 14, Sara (Van Schaick), wife of (56) Robert Lansingh. April 14, the child of Arye Oothout's daughter. April 25, (98 Geetniy; daughter of (24) Jobs. Janz. Lansingh. June 13, child of Petrus Van Loon. June 14, child of Robert Livingston. June 16, wife of Parent Staats, Jr. Jime 17, child of Cornelis C. Van de Bergh. June 27, child of Jobs. Ten Eyck. July 1, child of Robt. Lansingh. July 2, Licvynis Lieversen. July 8, Gelyn Splanck. July 20, child of Jacobus Cleement. July 31, child of Mr. Katryt in English church. August 3, child of Volkert Van den IJergh. August 11, child of Bethe W' ilson. August 18, child of Jacobus Cleement. August 23, Johannis Pruyn. August 31, Benjamin Van Vechte. August 31, son of Borrit Staets. September 3, child of Benjomin Hilton. September 17, Pieter Van Aelen. , October 2, Debora Roseboom. October 6, , of Jacob Lansingh. 470 Record of Burials. October 9, child of Yolkert P. Douw. October 24, child of Harme Gansevoort. October 29, Gysbert Roseboom. November 4, child of Jonas Oothout. November 6, Lyntie (VVinne), wife of (38) Abraiii Douw. November 11, child of Killiaen Van Rens- selaer. December 3, John, son of Ruben Van Vechte. December 14, child of Abraham Yates. December 25, Annatie, wife of Antony Van d. Zee. December 26, Antie D Ridder. 1750. January 3, wife of Nicolas Cuyler ai the flats. Januarv 19, wife of Joseph Yates (Hend- rike f). February 9, child of John R. Bleecker in the cliurch. March 7, child of Roelf, servant of Pieter Winne. March 9, Marya Van Deusen. March 21, child of Harmen B. Visscher. March 22, child of Antony Brat, Jr. April 7, Bettie Wilson. April 12, Jobs. Van Allen. April 17, (55) Robert Wendell. April 24, Cornells Van Vechte. April 29,- son of James Stevenson in the church. May 4 (40) Evert Wendell. May 25, Gerrit Ja. Lansingh's child. June 7, Marte Hogan. June 13 (Tuink ?) floogh. June 22, Luychas Hoogkerk's child. June 26, child of Pieter D. Wandelaer. July 6, child of Gerrit Vanfranke. July 22, daughter of Hendrick Lansingh. July 25, child of Jacob Ja. Lansing. August 5, child of Rychart Hansen. August 23, Abigail Splanck. September 15, Nicolaes Van Schaick. September 16, wife of Jobs. De Peyster in the church. September 28, son of Hendrick Halen- beeck. September 30, Jobs. F. van Yveren's child. October 17, Salomon Van Vechte (on the other side.) October 22 (9) Johs. Vinhagen near his house. November 6, Luychas Hoogkerk's wife. November 17, child of Marte Bockley. November 18, Elbert Gerrits in the church. November 19, little daughter of Annatie, widow Pieter Van Alen. November 28, child of Philip Hansen. December 5, child of David Van der Heyden. December 11, child of Johs. Douw. December 3;, daughter of Adam Yaets. 1751. January 4, Nicolaes Bleecker in the church. January 7, Dirck Ten Broeck in the cliurch. January 14, child of Staets Zantfort. January 30, Anna Kischenar. February 9, daughter of Gerrit Van Zante. February 9, child of John Fryer. February 17, child of Barennardus Har- sen. March 10, child of Pieter JI. De Garmo. March 15, child of Pieter D Wandelaer. March 19, little son of Rychart Hansen. March 21, wife of Pieter D Wandelaer. March 25, child of Willem Van Buren at Papsknee. March 26, child of Antony Van Yveren. April 3, child of Willem Van Zante. April 4, Philip Loock by his house. April 12, child of Abraham Lansingh. April 16, little girl of Volkert P. Douw's Catie Cropel. April 21, child of Evert Seeger. April 25, wife of Jacobus Groesbeck. April 29, Heud'k. d Witt's son's child. Maj- 4, little son of Gerrit G. Van den Bergh. May 18 (11) Hendrick Douw. May 28, child of Johs. M. Felensburgh. June 4, little child of Johs. Te Eyck. June 10, child of Tobias Te Eyck. June 26, Antony Aj-. Brat's wife. July 7, Antony Ay. Brat's child. July 14, child of Geradus Groesbeck. July 18, child of Tam Smitd. August 10, child of Billy Broml}\ August 26, child of Michael Besset. September 2, Antony Van Zante. September 5, Annetie, wife of Claes Fonda. September 15, wife of Adam Yates. October 13, daughter of Sybrat A. Van Schaick. October 30, wife of John G. Roseboom. November 8, children of Hendrick G. Van Nes. November 12, child of John R. Bleecker in the church. 1 752. January — , (Mar^areta Van Tricht), wife of (14) Volkert Douw. February 5, Bareiitie Everse. February 26, (7) Arye (Arien) Oot- hout. February 26, daughter of Johs. Cloedt. Kkcokd of Burials. 471 March 6, wife of Jacob Maasen. Jlarcli 9, wife of Rolif Seeger. Marcli 18, (23) Janiietie (Van Vech- ten) wife of (311) Johs. Cir. Laii- Ai)iil It), wife of Pioter Willems. May 4, Willem Van Scharluyu. June 2, Cornelis I)e Hiller. June 27, Samuel Pruyu. June 30, child of Killiaeii Van Rensselaer. July 2, Elsie Cuvlor in the church. July 7, cliild of koelif, servant of Pieter VVinnc. July 19, child of Johs. Ten Eyck. July !t, Xeeltie Heeckman. July 11, (61) Asueurus Wendell. July 21), children of Gerrit Johs. Lan- siugh. July 28, Barent Staats at the " Hogh- bergh." July 30, child of Abram Yates. August 9, child of Johs. Gansevoort. August 9, John Waters. August 17, Willem Van Beuren at " Paps- knee." August 18, daughter of Margrietie, widow of Nicolas Bleecker. August 18, child of Billy Bronbely. August 26, Elizabeth Hoogkerk. September 20, child of Willielmus Van den Bergh, Jr. September 26, child of Wouter Knicker- backer. September 3(). Catie Witbeek at "Paps- knee." October 1, the sister of Gerrit Van den Bergh' s wife. October 3, wife of Marte D. Stiller. October 5, (43) Willem, son of (12) David Groesbeck. October T), child of Dirk Olfer. October 5, child of Geradus Lansingh. October 13, Coinelis Winne at Bethlehem. October 21, Ryer Gerrits. October 22, child of John Johs. Lansingh. October 30, child of Tomas Seeger. November 12, child of Gerrit Van Franken. November 13, child of Jacob Van Schayck. November 20, child of Johs. Beecker, Jr. November 23, Tomas Willems. December 4, wife of Johs. Beecker. December 27, child of Jacob Coeper. December 29, child of Antony Gose Van Schayck. December 29, child of Antony Egbertse Brat. 1753. January 23, Coenradt Te Eyck. February B, Antony Coster in the church. February 10, child of Barenhardus Ilar- sen. Febi'uary 16, child of John Jacobsc Eversen. February 23, Hester Van Arenem. March 5, Tryntie Waldrum. March 20, Elsie, daughter of Leendert Gansevoort. Maich 25, child of Jacob Bogart, Jr. March 29, Edward Collins in "our church." May 4, Pieter Schuyler's child at tlu^ (fats. May 19, child of Abram Yates. June 16, child of I'ieter Johs. Garmo. June 26, Willem Mecryda. June 30 (60) Abraham E. Wendell. July 8, child of Ilurnieu Ilun. July 28, child of Isaac Hanse. August 1, son of Gerrit Nan Zantc. August 10, child of Johs. Flensbuigh. A\igust 11, child of Johs. Gansevoort. August 13, child of Marte Van Yvcren. September 2 (14) Volkert Douw. September 2, Pieter Schuyler, Jr. at the flats. 1754. January 3, Ragel Van der Heyden at the February 22, wife of Johs. Van der Hey- fiats. den. January 13, Elisabeth Corlaer in the February 26, Christofel Yates. church. March 8, Ariaentie, wife of Douw Van February 5, Rabecca (Fonda) wife of Vechten. (23) Pieter Bogart. (50 September 3, Cornelis Slingerlandt at "Niscatha." September 6, wife of John Bertely by Koeyeman. Septemijer 8, child of Adriaen Quacken- bos. September 11, child of Marte Van Yveren. September 13, wife of Thomas Seger. Septemi)er 17, Sarah Hoogkerk. Septembei' 22, Hendrick Bries at Paps- knee. September 23, child of - Philip Hansen. September 29, child of Abram Coeper. October lii, Joseph Janz Van Zante. October 20, Mr. Smit the schoolmaster's child. October 22 (16 Visscher) wife of (12) Benjamin Egbertz (Met- selaer.) November 7, John Roseboom (Doxter.) November 28, child of Isaac Fonda. December 5, child of Steven Van Schack. December 10, Jeramiah Schuyler at the flats. December 15, child of Jacob Van der Heyden near his house. 472 Recoed of Burials. March 11 (52) Elisabeth (Lansing) wife of (22) Jonas Oothout. March 18, A high Dutchman. April 25, Geertruy, wife of Rj'er Gerritz. April 25, daughter of Jobs, van Rensse- laer. April 29, child of Marten Bockly. Ma}' 10, Abram Ten Broeck. " Arout kind hegr. an d moll.'' May 19, wife of Marte Bockely. June 13, Jobs. D Freest. June 23, child of Isaac Freest. July 10, child of Abram Bogart, Jr. July 10, child of G3'sbert Fonda " avout." July 17, Samuel Coeyman. August 11, Harme Hun's child. August 17, child of Willem Winne. August 20, Catryn, wife of James Way. August 23, child of Wouter Groesbeeck. August 28, Jan, son of Harm Van Hoesen. September 1, Abram Pells. September 8, child of Jobs. M. De Garmo. September 8, child of Henry Van Dyck. September 9, wife of Samuel Cregier. September 22, child of Pieter Waldrum. September 25, wife of Petrus Hilton. September 27, child of Cornelis Groot. October 2, child of Petrus Hilton. October 7, child of Theunis Van Vechte. October 10, child of John Davids. October 11, wife of Adriaen Brat. October 17, Cornelia, daughter of Jobs. Freest. October 18, wife of Antony Jobs. Brat. October 21, child of Adriaen Brat. October 21, child of Rj-kert Hansen. October 21, child of Capt. Hischen Hol- land. October 27, Elisabeth (Nottingham) Vischer, mother of (55) H. Vischer. October 29, Hendrick Roseboom. November 12, Harmanis P. Wendell. November 14, Geertie Groesbeek. November 25, Bettie Groesbeek. November 26, child of Gerrit Lansingh. December 3, child of Ben Willems. December 7, Luyckas J. Wyngart in the church. December 12, John Daniels. December 18, Catrina (Vedder) wife of (45) David Groesbeek, Jr. December 18, wife of Robert Berret. December 21 (65 Anna Wendell) wife of (IS) Wynant C. Van den Bergh. December 28 (Margarita Winne) wife of (31) Hendrick Van IVes. 1755. January 4, Aunatie, wife of Rychert Van Francke. January 11, Jacob Eversen. January 14 (10) Abraham Wendell. . January 16, child of Jobs. Yates at Greenbush. January 22 (Catharine Winne) wife of (5o) Robert Wendell at the flats. January 24, child of Henry Van Dyck. January 27, Jannetie Gelen in the church. February 5, Heud'k. Eversen. March 6(6) F;\'a (Vinhagen, widow of [3] Johannes M.) Beeckman. March 13, child of Jacob Jobs. Van der Heyden. March 20, child of Jobs. Jobs. Lansingh. March 22, wife of Johannis Goewey. April 28, Abram To. Witbeck's wife at Papsknee. Maj' 5, a child buried bj' David Groes- beek. May 6, child of Abram Yates. May 7, wife of Isaac Ouderkork. May 8, child of Jobs. Seeger's youngest daughter. June 4, Jacob Maasen. June 6, daughter ef Gerrit Van Zante. June 7, daughter of Salomon Goewcy. June 11, child of Dirk Van der Heyden. June 12, wife of Jobs. Fonda at the Patroons. July 9, wife of Rutger Van Woert. July 11, wife of Abraham Van Arnem (■Ja. Lansingh do). July 19, child of John Lansingh. July 21, child of John Lansingh. July 22, child of Pieter Gansevoort. July 23, child of Robt. Berrit. July 24, child of Geradus Lansingh. July 26, child of Volkeit P. Douw in the church. July 29, (20) Cornelis Bogart. July 30, child of David Abeel. August 3, Isaac Fryer in the English church. August 4, Jlarte Van Aelstyn, son of Martyn. August 10, child of Bennonie. August 13, (Janna Peisen.) August 22, child of Jobs. Jobs. Wendell. August 23, child of Philip De foreest. September 2, " Elnjongelinq Sprugsten." September 3, child of Fred'' k. Gerrits. September 6, wife of Daniel Haelen- beeck. September 11, child of Harm Gansvoort. September 18, child of Robt. Crennel. September 27, child of Volckert Van den Bergh. October 7, child of Daniel Haelenbeck. October 8, Mayors Foot by Pieter Douw. October 21, Myndert Schuyler in the church. October 24, Willem Hilton, a young man. October 25, Isaac Fort. October 31, Jobs. N. Schuyler at the " Hoogebergh." November 3, Harm. Ryckman. November 4, child of Jacob Geritz Van Schayck. November 12, (114) John Is'a. Wen- del (in) Boston. November 16, a New England officer by John E. Wendell. Record of Burials. 473 November 19, child of Arent Van Deusen. November 25, child of Andries Gardenier. November 20, Cristina Cuyler in the church. November 22, child of Pieter M. De Garmo. November 24, Pieter Marten. December 3, (24) Hendriekis M. Beeckmau. December 15, childnof Abram Peeck. December 17, child of Abram P. Bogart. 1 75G. January 2, Elizabeth Brat in the church. January 6, Douwe Is' a. Fonda's wife. January 6, Herry Abeel. January 21, Appeelonie .Merit. January 21, by Jobs. Flensburgh " Sirsie- man." February 2, Gerrit Roelefse. Februarv 4, wife of Rvnier Meyndertse by R. v. Woert. February 14, child of Maria Van der Heyden. March 4, child of Jos. Knickerbacker. March 4, child of Jobs. Ja. Everscn. March 6, child of Abraham Ten Broeck. March 18, Willem Nicolaesin the church. March 20, Lybitie Olinde. March 20, child (son) of Walraven Cloet. March 21, child of Abram H. \Vendel. March 26, child of Harme Gansevoort. April <3, (Anna Van Rensselaer), wife of (20) Pieter Douw. April G, Samuel Ten Broeck. April 8, Maria, wife of Cornelis Van Dyck. April 12, Jobs., son of Willem Van Zante. Map 18, child of Abram Van Franke. • Maj' 18, Cornelis Waldrum. May 27, son of John Raely. May 30, wife of Jacob Van Woert. June 8, a son of " Spruger." June 9, Luykas, son of Luyckas Hoog- kerke. June 21, wife of Abram Mynderse. June 27, Thunis Van Vechte. July 13, John Bries by Jan Witbecken. July 20, child of Gerrit J. Van Zante. July 21, child of Tunis Van Vechte. July 23, child of Isaac Fonda, Jr. July 31, child of David Spruger. August 2, Jobs. Halenbeeck bv Abram Yates. August 5, RutgerBleecker in the church. August 10, chikl of Jobs. Ten Hyek. August 10, Madame (Eva Cuyler, widow of [2j Dom. Petrus) Van Driesen in the church. .\ugust 14, child of Freed' k. Cloet. August 17, child of Rutger V. d Bergh. August 23, child of Harm. J. Vischer. August 2t;, clnld of Petrus Vosburgh. August 26, a Abram Van Duse. Aunust 27, Mary Wyngart. August 28, child of John M. Beeckmau. August 28, child of John Cloet, Jr. August 28, child of Jobs. Ja. Muller. August 29, Jesee Winne. August 30, child of Abram Ja. Lansingh. September 1, child of Abram ^'an den Bergh. September 1, wife of Hend'k. Mayor, September 5, child of Bastiaen T. "V'ischer. September 5, child of Antony Flensburgh. September 5, Jobs. Brat Brat. Septeiuber 11, Leendert Viin ^'echte. September 13, daughter of Olderick Van Franke. September 18, child of Jolus. Van Zante, September 19, (143) John E. Wendell. September 19, (Anna Glen) wife of (39) Harmanus Wendell. September 21, child of Cornelis M. Van den Bergh. September 22, a " Roeylandmau " by John Peys. September 25, child of Andries Gardenier. September 27, Jesse D Forest. September 27, (36) Johs. Arie Oot- hout. September 29, a by Johs. Vis- scher Hafme. October 2, a by Staats Santfort. October 6, Jobs. Poe October 7, wife of Albartus Maase. October 11, child of Dirk B. Van Schoon- hoven. October 12, Robert Berret. October 15, child of Albartus Maase. October 15, wife of Pieter Maase. October 16, child of Robert Sanders • buried Barent. October 17 (18) Jacob Lansingh by his house. October 18, Maria, daughter of Asuerus. October 20, son of Jacobus Schuyler. October 21, Pieter S. Bog!>rdus. October 24, Maria Van Ali .tyn. October 26 (19) Johs. Beeckman. October 26, Jobs. Person. October 27, Pieter Lockerman. October 29, wife of Andries Gardinier, Jr. October 30, child of James Adam. October 30, child of Pieter Maasen. November 4, Pieter Goewey. November 4, Barent, son of John Bleecker. November 7, child of Martynis Cregier. November 18, Willem Bort, " patoo- man." November 18, child of Johs. Ja. Eversen. November 29, daughter of Johs. Ten Broeck. December 6, Hans Hanson. December 17, Jan Maasen, Jr. December 20 (52) Henry Oouw at Greenbush. December 28, A high Dutchman's wife. December 30, Catie Vnn Schayck. December 31, Madame Elisabeth Van Rensselaer. 474 E.ECORD OF BtJKIALS. 1757. January 6, wife of Harm Liverse. Jauuary 7, Willem Crennel. January 7, little son ftf Geradus Groes- beck. January 8, child of a high Dutchman. January 10, son of Edward Willems. January 16, child of Harme Liverse. January 19, Johs. Redlif. January 21 (Maria Van der Poel) wife of (12) David Groesbeck. January 22, son of Edward Willems. January 24, Olderick Van Franke. January 26, child of Geradus Groes- beck. February 1 (21 Aiiiietje Oothout) wife of (36) Pieter Quackenbos. February 6, sou of Geradus Groesbeck. February 9, wife of John Kaar. February 13, Ragel Bogardus. March 15, Johs. son ofRoelf Segcr. March 17, child of the daughter of Johs. Wyngart. March-31, child of Johs. Coon. May 2, Catrina, wife of Isaac Vosbergh. May 3, Elisabeth Koster in the church. May 6, two children of Volckert Van den Bergh. May 9, child of Abram Bogart. May 10, Johannis Bleecker. May 15 (184 Elisabeth Wendell) wife of (141) Abram H. Wendel. May 28, child of Jacob Van vSchayck. May 30 (8 Feytje Oothout) wife of (8) Meyndert Marselis. May 30, daughter of Symon ^'eeder. ■June 2, child of Pieter Waldrum. June 7, child of Johs. Van Yvere. June 17, wife of Johs. Seeger, Jr. June 23, child of Pieter Hilton. June 24, Georgie Lombers. June 26, child of David Sprugert. June 28, child of Frans Lansingh. June 30, Catrien, daughter of Gysbert Van den Bergh. June 28, child of Frans Lansingh. July 11, Case, son of Dirk Brat Van Schoonhoven. July 21, child of the widow of Jesse Winne. July 27, wife of Jacob Roseboom. July 27, a man by Staets Zantfort. July 31, little son of Isaac D. Fonda. August 3, child of Jellis K. Winne. August 5, child of Gysbert Marselis. August 10, child of Harme B. Vischer. August 13, child of Pieter Messel. August 14, daughter of Dirk B. Schoon- hoven. August 24, child of Jonas Oothout. August 26, child of Jacob Ja. Lansingh. August 27 (55) Geret Janz Lan- singh. August 28, child of Johs. M. Beeckman. September 1, child of Johs. M. Flens- burgh. September 2, wife of Hend'k. Seeger. September 2, child of Antony Van Yveren. September 5, child of Jacob Bogart. September 7, little girl of Jonas Oot- hout. September 12, child of Abram Freest. September 13, a Boston captain by Abram Lansingh. September 14, Sara Luykase. September 15, child of Dom. Freeling- huyse. September 20, child of Pieter M. De .Garmo. September 29, John Fryer's child. September 29, child of Rend. Wendell. October 7, child of Pieter. Jongs. October 9, child of Jacob G. Van Schayck. October 12, child of Wills. Van den Bergh, Jr. September 12, child of Antony Van der Zee. October 14, child of Michel Besset. October 18, child of Philip D Foreest. October 20, child of Cornehs Santfort. October 20, child of Marte Van Eyvere. October 22, child of Johs. Knickerbacker. November 9, child of Bastiaen Vischer. November 12, child of Petrus Vosburgh. November 14 [15) Hester (Visscher) Swits. November 21, Barent Sanders in the church. November 22, child of Thunis Van Woert. November 30, child of Pieter Waldrum. December 1, child of Johs. Van Zante. December 5, an officer by Symon Bidder. December 10, child of "Hend'k. Gerits. December 12, Leena Lansingh. December 12, child of Pieter Lansingh. December 12, Bastiner, G. Total number of burials ' 1599 WINDING SHEETS. (Dood Gleet.) Albany, February, 1 722. (The " f." stands for Florins, about forty cents in our currency.) /■ Abram Cuyler for his winding-sheet. 12 Susanna Brat Marte Van Benthuyse 12 Daniel Kellie 12 12 Record of Bukials. 4Y5 Jonathan Romlie 6 Mynd. Lansingh 12 Malie Renselaer 12 Albert Rvckman 12 Mend. Te Evck G Hynd. Roseboom 12 /■ Philip Livingston 6 Dominie Van Driesen 6 Warnaer Van E yveren 12 Maria Roseboom 6 Willeni Groesbeek 12 1 723. December IG, 1723, Elder Elbert Gorritse received the above dood cleet gelt (wind- ing sheet money). John Dunbaer 12 Therck Harmense (erd) 12 Jobs. Schuyler 6 Abraham Lansingh 6 Anna JIaria Carstens 12 Loweris ^'an Schayck 12 David Schuyler 12 1724. Wessel Ten Broeck...: 12 The widow of .Hend. Hanse 12 The (Erfgenamen") of Wouter Philip Splank's child 6 Quackenbos 12 Cornells Maesen 12 The (Erfgenamen) of Coll Pr. Schuyler 12 The above-standing winding sheet money was paid to Peter Van Biug, Elder. 1725. Barent Egbertse 12 Jacob Beekman's child 6 Tobyas Rvckmnn's child 6 Tierck Vischer 12 Benumin Egbertse child 6 Ilend'k. Hafenbeek's child 6 Cornelus Van Vechten 12 Gose van Schayck 12 Jacob Bogert.. 12 Robt. Livingston 12 Peter Waldrum 12 Cornelia Van d Hej'den 12 Hester Swits 12 Cornells Tewisse 12 Albert Slingerland . . 12 Daniel Flensburgh 12 Philip Splank's child 6 (Obliterated) 12 Tryntie, the wife of Deely 12 Jan Gerritz 12 Jan Cluedt 12 172G. The winding sheet money from the following : Jan Rosie 12 Jochem Lambertz 12 Pieter Ryckman 12 Jobs. Witbeck 12 Jobs. Becker 12 Arent Pruy n 6 Salomon Goewey 12 Evert Janse 12 Willem Kettelhuvn 12 1727. Samuel Pruy n 12 Gerrit Roseboom 12 Jobs. Muller. 12 Robt. Livingston ; . 12 Sara Greveraedt 12 Gert Van d. Bergli 12 Philip Dforeest 12 Tam Flvu 12 Jacob Van der Ileyden 6 Jacobus Luyckasse 6 Jannatie Van Aelstyn 12 Abram Van der Pocl 6 Elsje Winne 12 Jacob Staets 12 Rabecka Fonda 12 Jobs. G.Lansing 12 1728. For this year the list of winding sheets is : Jan E vertz 12 Ry ck Magiels 12 Jan Lansingh 12 Elsje Winne 12 Cornelus Van Scharluynse 12 Ilarpert V. Deusen 12 Melgert Abrahainso , 12 PhiHp Wendell 12 Nicolaes Groesbeek 12 476 Record of Burials. 1729. /. Jobs. Wendell 12 Gerit Ry ckse 12 Alyda Schuyler 12 Jobs. Bleaker, Jr 6 Dirck Teu Bioeck 6 Edvvart Willems 12 Dirk Brat 12 Henderickie Benueway 12 Cbristieua Teu Broeek 12 1730. Cornelis Scbermerboorn 12 Nanningb Vischer 12 Jobanms Van Vecbten 12 Josepb Yates 12 Dirck Van Scbarluyne 12 Huybert Yates 12 Jacob Tbunisse 12 Tbomas Wendel 12 Elizabet Lansingh 12 J eramiab Van Rensselaer 12 Gosen Van Schaick 12 Jan Kaspertse 12 Claes Liiyckasse 12 1731. Salomon Van Vecbten 12 Revnier Myndertse 12 Evert Ryckse 12 Fred'k'. Viscbcr 12 Jobannis Mingael 12 Catbarina Van d. Bergb 12 Tbomas Witbeeck 12 Rutger Van Deusen t2 Abrabam Kip 12 Willem Van Aelen 12 Epbarim Wendell 12 Chatlina d fooreest 12 Elbert Gerritse 12 Willem Jacobsen 12 Jan Salomonse 12 Jan Olyver 12 Jobs. Lansin2;b 12 Harpert Van Deusen 16 Myndert Marselis 6 Hester S wits 6 Jobs. Se^er 6 Harm. Wendel 12 Jobs. Hun 6 Jobs. Scbuyler, Juu 6 Ms. Danielse 6 Thunis Egberts 6 Abram Poel 6 Jobs. G. Lansingh 6 Harm. Van Hoeseu 6 David V. der Heyden 3 Stepbanis Van Rensel 3 Jobs. Vischer 8 David V. Dyck 3 Hans Hansen 6 Jobs. Goevveych 3 David Van Dyck 3 Tbuuis Vischer 3 Dirck Ten Broeek 6 Leendt Gansvoort 6 Abrab Guderkerk 6 1732. Benjemen Egbertse 6 David Groesbeek 3 Isaac Bogart 3 Hend'k. Roseboom 3 Ragel Beeckman 3 Jan Broun 6 Jobs, Hun. 3 Cornelia Quackenbos G Jacob Wendel 3 John A. Guy ler 3 Alb. Brat Willem W aldrum 6 Hend'k. Cuyler 3 Anderies Witbeck 3 Gerit Van Nes 3 David Groesbeek 3 Isaac Swits 3 Dirck Ten Broeek 8 Jobs. Bleecker 3 Hend'k. T. Eyck 3 Nicolas Blicker 3 Jobs. Symonse. 6 Arieje Ootbout 6 Willem Teller 12 Abrah Lansingh 12 Jobs. Beeckman 12 Jan Janse Bleeker 12 Fred' k. Myndertse 12 Maragrieta Corneel 12 Barent Sanders 12 1733. Barent Staets 12 Coenraet Beecker 12 Jacob Roseboom 6 Willem Van Aelen 12 Abram Wyngart 6 Malie Lydius 12 Antony Bogardus 6 Jan Winne , 12 Willem Rogers 12 Barrent Egbertse 6 Coenraet Rechtmayor 12 Rychert Hansen 12 Maes Van Beuren 12 Maragt Bleecker 12 Record of Burials. 477 1734. Jannetie Bogart 12 Evert Banckcr 12 Philip Van Vechte 12 Jobs. Appel 6 Evert Baucker 12 Luyhas Hooghkerk 12 Abram Cuvler 12 Jannetie Cregier 12 Geertruy i^charluyn 12 Fred'k. Meyndertse 6 Jacob Egmond 12 Cornelia Van Scliailuyn 12 Jobs. Van Vechteu 12 1735. Philip Wendel 12 Dirk Brat 12 Nedt Broon Cornelia Quackenbos 12 Jacob Staets 12 Cornelis V. Buren 6 Ruben V. Vechte 12 Philip Couyn 6 1736. Gerrit Lansingh 12 Gose Van Schayck 12 Geertje T. Eyck 12 Marae Mingall.". 12 Catie Van Schayck 12 Jonas Douw 12 Willem Hogan 12 1737. Albert Ryckman 12 Jobs. Appel 12 Antony Van Schayck 12 David Van der Heyden 12 Edward Holland..* 12 Capt. Dick 12 Bastian Vischer 12 Mrs. Dissenton 12 Jacob Bogart 12 Gerret Van Bentheusen 12 Jobs. Schuvler 12 Dom. Van Driessen 12 The sister of Wm. Taller s wife 12 Cor Clasen 12 Pieter Ryckman 12 Barent Sanders 12 Jan Rosie 12 Elsie Lansingh 12 This is the end of the book kept by Barent Brat. The above is as nearly as possible a literal translation of both th,e record of burials and list of winding-sheets from the Dutch record of Barent Bradt. MISCELLANEOUS iSTOTES. 1638, Jacob Teunisse, of Amsterdam, was " Skipper " (Captain) of the yacht Dolphin. 1692, February G, Elizabeth Teller, widow of Abraham Van Tkicht, kept a store-house. After the death of her first husband, Abraham Van Tricht, who was Surgeon of the Fort at Albany, she married Melgert W. Van der Poel. Her sister, Helena Rombouts, was also a widow. They were daughters of William Tellek. 1693, November 8, the Mayor and Common Council of Albany granted let- ters of administration upon the effects of Volkie Pieters to Hester Tiercks, widow and relict of Harmen Bastiaense (Visscher.) (Volkie Pieterse was the wife of Pieter Meese, {i. e., Bartholomew) Vroo- MAN, to whom she was married March 1, 1675,) De Vos. Andries De Vos was in Beverwyck as early as 1640. He owned land in the town north of "Vossen Kill" (Fox's Creek), which probably derived its name from him. The creek runs from the hill to the river, crosses North Pearl street between Monroe and Canal streets and Broadway between Van Tromp and Columbia streets. He had by his wife, whose name is unknown, three or four children. One of them, Catalyntie^ had three husbands, 1st, Arent Andries Bradt, by whom she had Andries ; Samuel, married Susanna Jacobse Van Slycke ; Dirck, married Maria Van Eps in 1681 ; Effe, married Claas Van Petten ; Ariaantje, married Reyer Jacobse Schermerhorn ; Cornelia, mar- ried Jan Pottleman. She married, 2d, Barent Janse Van Ditmars, who was killed by the Indians at Schenectady in 1690, by whom she probably had no children. She married, 3d, Claas Jans Van Brock- hoven, of Schenectady, who made a will January 11, 1698, devising his property to the children of his wife by Arent Andries Bradt. He mentions " Arent Andries, son of Andries Bradt, who was eldest son of my beloved wife Cateltntie Andries de Voss," also " Catelyntie Claas, daughter of my well beloved wife's daughter Effe Van Petten, wife of Claas Van Petten, who was lately married to Teunis, the son of Dirk Teunise (Van Vechten)." He gave his estate, after the death of his wife, as follows ; First, to the children of Andries Bradt, deceased ; second, to Samuel Bradt ; third, Dirk Bradt ; fourth, to Effe, wife of Claas Van Petten ; fifth, to Ariaantje, wife of Ryer Schermer- horn; sixth, to Cornelia sometime wife of Jan Pottleman, all six being the children of his wife by her first husband Arent Andries Bradt. Miscellanp:ous Notes. 4Y9 1703, The following persons resided in the north ward of the city of New York: Andries Douw, one male, one female, and two female children ; William Visser, one male, one female, two male, four male children and one servant ; Willem Roseboom, one male, one female, three female children ; Gerrit Lan9en(g), one male, one female, two male and three female children ; John Lansing lived in the Dock ward, one male, one female, one male and one female children. 1739, August 13, LoRENS Claasen, otherwise known as Claasen Van der VoLGE, of Schenectida, in his will mentions his first wife Geertruy Van Petten (daughter of Claas Fredrickse Van Petten ?) and her chil- dren Neelt.te, wife of Sanders Van Nes, Eva and Maritie ; also his second wife Susanna WallevenI?) deceased, and her children Cathrina Elizabeth, Ariaantje and Ctertruy ; also his own three sons Claas LoRENSEN, CORNELis and Peter, his brother Teunis Van der Volge, and his father Claas Lorensen Van der Volge. 1789, November 16, Gerrit A. Lansing, of Schenectady, made a will in which he mentions his wife Ruth, nephew Abram A. Lansing, sob of his brother Abraham, nephew Henry, son of his sister Elizabeth, late wife of Jonas Oothout, brother-in-law John J. Beeckman, sisters-in- law Effie GansevooRT and Debora Staats, niece Machtel, daughter of brother-in-law John J. Beeckman ; Volkert and Abraham, sons of sister Elizabeth Oothout ; Abraham and John Lansing, sons of sis- ter Elsie Lansing ; also Hendrick and Gerrit G. Lansing. fil GLOSSARY OF DUTCH BAPTISMAL NAMES FROM MUNSELL'S ANNALS OF ALBANY. Dutch. English. Aarend Art. Arthur. Aaghie. Agatha. Adda. Adeline. Adriaantje. Adrianna. Aevje. Eve. Agnitje. Agnes. Aaltje. ) Adeline. Aletta. VAdela. Alida. ) AUda. Aletta. Letitia. Andries. Andrew. Auueken. ( Anil. Annetjc. f Anna. A rent. Aaron. Arie. Adrian. Aruout. Arnold. Bait. Baltus. Balthaser. Barber. Barbara. Barent. Bernard. Bartel. Bartholomew Bartje. Bertha. Bastiaan. Sebastian. Boudeuyn. Baldwin. Beletje, Bella. Isabella. Bell. Arabella. Betje. Betty. Baltje. Elizabeth. Christoffel. Christopher. Christiaan. Christian. Christienje. Christiana. Claasje. Claudia. Daam. Adam. Denys. Dionysius. Diederick. Theodore. Derrick, Dirk. Kichard. Dirkje. Dorothy. Diewertje. Deborah. Doris. Theodore. Elsje. Alice. Emmetje. Emma. Eugeltje. Angelica. Eva. Eve. Epje. Egbert. Ernst. Ernest. Evert. Everard. Frans. Francis. Filips, Filip. Fhihp. Floris. Florence. Floortje. Flora. Goris. George. Gerrit. Gerard. Gillis, Jellis. Giles. Giel. Michael. Dutch. English. Govert, Guert. \ vjrouirey. ") Geoffrey. Gysbert. Gyslbert. j- Gilbert. Geertruyd. - Gertrude. Geerje. Geertje. Giertje. J Grietje. Margaret. Hans. Jack. Hansje. Jolianna. Hendrick. 1 Henry. Henrick. Hillegonda. Huldah. Huygen. Hugh. Hendrikje. Henrietta. Heyltje. Hail. Jacobus. James. Jakomina. ) Jaapje. J-Jacoba. Jacomyntje. ) Japic. Jaap. V Jacob. Jannetje. Jane. Johanna. y Joan. Janneken. Johannes. Jan. [ John. Jochem. Joachim. Joost. Justus. Joris. ) Jurian. V George. Jurge. Josyntje. c Justiua. Josina. S Karel. Charles. Kasper. Jasper. Katryue. ) Kaatje. >- Catharnie Katryntje. \ Kerstan. Kristiaan. /• Christian. Klaartje. Clara. Klaas. Nicholas. Klaasje. Klasyne. !■ Nicola. Krelis. ) Kees. >■ Cornelius. Koris. ) Kobus. James. Kyru. Quirine. Laurens. Louris. [ Lawrence Glossary. 481 Dutch. Leeudert. Lieveii. Lieve. Leeutje. Lena. Leonora. Lenoor. Letje. Lodewyk. Louis. Jiotje. Lukas. Luytje. Lysbet. Lysje. Jlatthys. Mewes. Maas. Machtel. Margritje. Maiietje. Maityntjc. Maiia. Mariken. MaiTitje. Marytje. MaaVtje. Maacke. iMictje. Xaatje. Neeltje. Niesje. Englisli. Leonard. |- Leo. j Helena >• and ) Madeline. !■ Eleanor. Letitia. Ludovicus*. Lewis. Charlotte. [• Luke. [ Elizabeth. Matthias. [■ Bartliolomcw. Matilda. Margaret. Maria. Mart en a. )■ Mary. J Anna. Cornelia. Agnes. Dutch. Obaje. Otte. Paulus. Parvel. Paulyntje. Phlip. Roelof. Roosje. Rutgert. Rykard. Saul. Saartje. Sander. Staats. Stoffel. Styntje. Tanneken. Tewis. Tennis. Tebout. Toontje. Truytje. Tryntje. Tyne. Tymen. Tys. Teuntje. Wyntje. Wouter. Willemptie. Ydje. Zanneke. English. Obadiah. Otho. Paul. I'aulcna. Philip. Ralph. Rose. Roger. Richard. Solomon. Sarah. Alexander. Eustice. Christopher, Christiana. Ann. Matthew. Anthony. Theoboid. Antonia. Gertrude. Catharine. Cathalina. . Timothy. Matthias. Eunice. Sabina. Walter. Wilhelmina. Ida. Susanna. NEW ENGLAND FAMILIES. BENTON. A. 1. Edivarcl Benton, of WethersHeld, Conn., was horn in 1638 ; nian-icd Mary , and had 2 Samuel, 111. Mary Bradford (BnADFiRLDV), February 1, 1705. 3 Rebecca, m. Isaac Borman, December 7, 1699. 4 Mary, m. Nathaniel Cole, October 23, 1684. 5 Ellen (or Eleanor), b. 1670; m. (14) Daniel Wright, August 34, • 1705 ; died September 27, 1749. 6 Dorothy. 7 Edward, m. Mary Hale, October 16, 1702. 8 Daniel, b. March, 1683 ; d. July, 1683. Edward Benton, died in Wethersfield Februaiy 19, 1698, ai. 60 years. Tlie inventoiy of his property, taken by William Warren and Ebenczer I)eniini>' after In's deatli, mentions his eliildren Sanmel, Edward, Kebecca, Mary, Ellen and Dorothy, all of age except Edward. Letters of administration were g-ranted to "Mart, relict of Edward Benton, late of Wetliers- field," Edward Benton emigrated from England and was probably one of the first settlers of Guilford, Conn,, where he was admitted freeman in 1650. Mary , widow of Edwari^ Benton, died in Wethers- field Angnst 8, 1702, ge. 59 years and 8 months. 3. Samuel, son of (1) Edward Benton and Mary , married Mary, daughter of Samuel Bradford (Wethersfield re- cord says Bradfield) February 1, 1705, and had 9 Sarah, b. March 19, 170G. 10 Hannah, b. July 1, 1710. 486 Benton. ■ 11 Nathaniel, b. March 8, 1714 ; d. March 17, 1714. 12 Jonathan, b. October 33, 1715 ; m. 1st, Hannah Beckley, May 6' 1742; 2d, Deborah Williams, August 24, 1750. She died November 12, 1784. 13 Nathaniel, b. April 9, 1718 ; m. Dokothy Cook. October 13, 1745 ; d. December 8, 1753. 14 Abigail, b. November 4, 1720. Mary Bradford, wife of Samuel Benton, died December 6, 1747. Samuel Benton died July 24, 1752. 5. Ellen (or Eleanor), dangliter of (1) Edward Benton and Mary , was born in 1670; married (14) Daniel Wright, son of (3) James Wright and Dorcas Weed, August 24, 1705, and had (one child only) 15 Ruth, b. June 5, 1711 ; m. (459. Talcott Ped.) Elizur Talcott, December 31, 1730 ; d. September 12, 1791. (See Talcott Pedi- gree, page 156.) Ellen (Eleanor) Benton, wife of Daniel Wright, died Sep- teinl)er 27, 1749, a?. 79 years. Daniel Wright died in Glastonbury June 8, 1764, oe. 90 years. 7. Edward, son of (1) Edward Benton and Mary , married Mary Hale, October 16, 1702, and had 16 Josiah, b. June 16, 1705; m. Hannah House, February 5, 1736. 17 Ephraim, b. August 19, 1707. 18 Mary, b. April 27, 1710. Mary Hale, wife of Edward Benton, died May 3, 1716, se. 73 years. 16. Joiiiiali, son of (7) Edward Benton and Mary Hale, was born June 16, 1705; married Hannah House, February 5, 1736, and had 19 Josiah, m. Dorothy Smith. 20 Edward, m. (1917 Talcott Ped.) Sarah Talcott, February 8, 1770 ; d. June 26, 1815. Benton. 48Y 21 Mary, ni. Samuel Wkight. 22 Prudence, m. (114) David Goodrich, November 7, 1754. KcUvarcl, son of (10) Josiah Benton and Hannah House, married (I'JIT, Talcott Ted.) Sarah, dauo-liter of (408, TaJcott Fed.) Joseph Talcott and Sarah Kill)onnie, of Glastonbury, Conn., February 8, 1770, and had 23 Jerusha, m. John Moseley. 24 Samuel, m. (1799, Talcott Ped.) Fanny Talcott, November 27, 1801 ; d. October 27, 1828. Edward Benton died June 26, 1815. Sarah Talcott, wife of Edward Benton, died January 18, 171-1:. Samuel, son of (20) Edward Benton and (1719, Talcott Fed.) Sarali Talcott, married (1799, Talcott Fed.) Fanny, daughter of (1018, Talcott Fed.) George Talcott and Vienna Bradford, his 1st wife (b. January 8, 1780), November 27, 1801, and had 25 Henry, b. August 31, 1802 ; m. Elizabeth Plummer, August 7, 1828 ; d. November, 1832. 26 Mary, b. June 8, 1804 ; d. s. January 5, 1854. 27 Harriet, b. February 10, 1810 ; m. Asa H. Wells, January 3, 1830 ; lives in Pompey, N. Y.. and has a family. Sanniel Benton died in Glastonbury, Conn., October 27, 1828. Fanny TArx^OTT, his widow, removed to Fompey, N. Y., with her daughters Mary and Harriet, where she died Aj^i'il 10, 1845. From the JJartford Records. Samuel, son of Samuel Benton, was born January 28, 16S0 ; mai'i-ied Mary, daughter of Mcdad Fomeroy of North- am})ton, Mass., January 2, 1704, and had 1 Medad, b. October 22, 1705. •To§ci)li, son of Andrew Benton, man led Sarah Waters, October 10, 1697. 62 488 Benton. Haiiiiali, daiigliter of Caleb Benton, l)orn Jiilj 27,1720. Caleb, son of Caleb Benton, born Jannary 28, 1721. Jacob Benton nuirried Abig-ail Carter July 0, 1724. B. 1. Andrew Benton, l)orn in 1()20, was in Milford, Conn., in 1646, and in 1666 resided in Hartford, Conn. He married in New Haven 1st, , and had 2 Hannah ; d. y. 3 Andrew. 4 Mary. 5 John; d. y. 6 Samuel. Settled iu TollaDd, Couu . 7 Dorothy. 8 Joseph. Andrew Benton, married 2d, , and had 9 Ebenezer. 10 Lydia. 11 Hannah. Andrew Benton died in Hartford July, 1683, se. 63 years. Pie held lands in Hartford and was a " fence viewer." He and his wife took a dismission from the church at Milford to the church at Hartford in 1666. (Hinman's Puritan Settlers.) 6. Samuel, son of (1) Andrew Benton, of Hartford, and , was probably born in Tolland ; married , and had 12 Daniel, m. Maky Skinner, January 3, 1722. 13 Samuel, Jr. (probably sou of the above Samuel), m. Jane Bradley, December 22, 1743. Samuel Benton, Sr., was one of the grantees in the deed to the first proprietors of Tolland, May 11, 1719. There were three other Bentons named in the deed, Samuel Jr., Joseph Sr., and Joseph Jr. His son Daniel's name appears as a peti- tioner respecting lands in Coventry in 1718. Samuel Benton, then living in Hartford, gave a deed of Tolland lands in 1719 to Daniel Benton, of Hartford "his loving son." Benton. 489 Daniel, son of {{)) Samuel Benton, Sr., inarried Mary Skinner, Jamiaiy 3, 1722, and had 14 Daniel, b. July 6, 1723 ; m. Mary Wheeler, November 3, 1740 15 William, 1). November 13, 1735. 16 Elijah, b. June 30, 1728. 14. Daniel, son of (12) Paiiiel Benton and Mary Skin- ner, was horn July 6, 1723; married Mary Wheeler, Novem- ber 3, 1746, and liad 17 Elisha, b. August 9, 1747 ; d. June 21, 1777. 18 Daniel, b. April 29, 1748 ; m. Betty Richards, February 18, 1779 19 Azariah, b. Marcli 29, 1753 ; d. in prison ship in 177G. 20 Jacob, b. April 22, 1754 ; m. 1st, Sarah Weston ; 2d, Sarah Ladd. 21 WiUiam, b. April 13, 1700- 22 Nathan, b. May 3, 1704. 23 Silas, b. June 0, 1760. 18. Daniel, son of (14) Daniel Benton and Mary Wheeler, was bom April 21>, 1748, married Betty Richards, Febrnary 18, 1779, and had 24^Ehsha, b. May 20, 1780. 25 Betty, b. March 20, 1782. 26 Eunice, b. July 23, 1784; m. Bliss Cmapin. 27 Agne.s, b. February 12, 1787 ; d. August 19. 1791. 28 Phebe, b. August 12, 1791. Jacob, son of (14) Daniel Benton and Mary Wheeler, was boi-n A])nl 22, 1751; married, 1st, Sarah Weston, of Wellington, March 14, 1782, and had 29 Anna, b. February 1, 1783. 30 WilUam, b. August 29, 1785. Sarah Weston, vvife of Jacob Benton, died September 23, 1787. He married, 2d, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Ladd, Jr., of Tolland, July 1, 1789, and had 31 Azariah, b. June 8, 1790; m. . 490 Benton. 32 Ruth, b. December 8, 1791. 33 Daniel, b. May 3, 1794 ; m. 34 Susalla, b. February 19, 1796. 35 Chester, b. February 5, 1798. 36 Jacob, b. June 1, 1802. Jacob Benton died in 1843, ge. 89 years. He was a Revo- hitionaiy soldier at the age of 17 3^ears. He was a dragoon in the Continental army at the battle of Saratoga and was present at the capture of General Bnrgojaie. 31. Azsiriali, son of (20) Jacot Benton and Sarah Ladd, his second wife, was born June 8, 1790 ; married , and had 37 William A. (Rev), a missionary to Syria. 38 Azariah K, of Tolland. Daniel, son of (20) Jacob Benton and Sarah Latld, his second wife, was born May 3, 1794; n^arried , and had a family residing in Tolland. 13. Samuel, Jr., supposed son of (6) Saninel Benton, Sr., married Jane Bradley, December 22, 1 743, and had 39 Elihu, b. December 26, 1744. 40 Jonathan, b. September 9, 1746. 41 Ozias, b. February 25, 1748; ra. Sakah Day, November 19, 1772 ; d. Marcb 21, 1816. 42 Thankful, b. April, 1751 ; burned to deatli in a house destroyed by fire November, 1751 . 43 Thankful, b. August 22, 1752. 44 Dorothy, b. February 23, 1755. 45 Samuel, b. May 9, 1757. 46 Zadoc, b. Marcb 7, 1761. 47 Sarah, b. December 21, 1764. 48 Jacob, b. September 80, 1768. 41. Ozia«, son of (13) Samuel Benton and Jane Bradley, was born February 25, 1748; married Sarah Day, of East Windsor, November 19, 1772, and had Benton. 491 49 Solomon, b. May 1, 1775. 50 Adonijah, b. May 25, 1777 ; m. Anna Post, November 25, 1803 ; d. March 24, 1816. 51 Ozias, b. January 1, 1781 ; d. March 26, 1816. 52 Ira, b. September 16, 1783. 53 Alvin, b. May 21, 1786; m. Ruth Ktkgsbtjry, March 24, 1812. 54 Alfred, b. January 6, 1789. 55 Benjamin, b. June 14, 1791 ; d. March 21, 1816. 56 Levi, b. February 6, 1794. Ozias Benton died in Tolland March 21, 181fi. Sarah Day, widow of Ozias Benton, died in Tolland March 24, 1810. Father, mother and sons Adonijah, Ozias and Ben- jamin, died witliin a few days of each other of an epidemic called hy the physicians "congestive pnenmonia." 50. Adonijah, son of (41) Ozias Benton and Sarah Day, was horn May 25, 1777; married Anna Post, of Tolland, Novemher 25, 1803, and had 57 Erastus, b. January 17, 1805. 58 Austin, b. November 14, 1806. 59 Benjamin, b. February 22, 1809. 60 George B., b. May 20, 1811. 61 Juliana, b. October 17, 1813. Adonijah Benton died in Tolland of congestive pnenmonia March 24, 1810. 5». Alviii, son of (41) Ozias Benton and Sarah Day, was horn May 21, 1786; married Ruth, daughter of S. K. Kings- hury, Mai-ch 24, 1812. There was a Tlliiotliy Bciltoii in Tolland who was an educated man, a schoolmaster. He was captain of an artillery company. He died A[)ril 18, 1816. He married Sarah, daughter of Joseph West, of Tolland, Xovemher 9, 1780, and had a son TnioTHY, horn lyfarch ."., 178('t ; who married Minerva Wehster, and had William West, b . December 16, 1812. Charles West, b. July 7, 1814. There was a Joi^eilli Beiltoii, one of the grantees of Tolland, who was its first town clerk . CHESTER. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) 1. liCOliarcl Chester, Esq., " Anniger," came from Blady, England, and settled in Wet.liersfield, Conn. He married in England, Mary , abont 1634, and had 2 John, b. August 3, 1635, in Watertown, Mass. , m. (7) Sarah Welles in February, 1653 ; d. February 23, 1698. 3 Dorcas, b. November 5, 1037 ; m. Rev. Samuel Whiting, No- vember 12, 1656 ; d. February 16, 1713. 4 Stephen, b. May 3, 1639 ; d. s. April 23, 1705. 5 Mary, b. January 15, 1641 ; d. y. 6 Prudence, b. February 16, 1643; m. Capt. Thomas Russell, December 30, 1669 ; d. October 21, 1678. 7 Eunice, b. January 15, 1645 ; m. Capt Richard Sprague, Febru- ary 1, 1672 ; d. May 27, 1676. 8 Mercy, b. February 15, 1647 ; d. September 15, 1669. LeoiiJird Cliester, Esq., died in AVethersfield, Conn., De- cfember 11, 1648, iv. 39 years. Mary , widow of Leonard CnESTER, Esq., married 2d, the Hon. Richard Russell, of Charlestown, Mass., in 1655, and died there November 30, 1688, 03. 80 years. On a flat freestone tablet in the old graveyard at Wethers- field, the head of wliich was adorned with an elaborate coat of ai-msof the Chester family, in lead, is the following inscription : " Here lies the body of Leonard Chester, Armiger, late of the town of Blady and several other Lordships in Lancaster- shire, deceased, in Wethersfleld, Anno Domini, 1648, Etatis 39." John (Capt), son (1) Leonard Chester and Mary , was born at Watertown, Mass., Angust 3, 1635 ; married (7) ClIESTEE. 493 Sarali, daiiglitcr of (1) Gov. Tlionias Welles, one of the first settlers of Hartford and of Wetherstield, Conn., February, 1653, and had 9 Mary, Ij. December 2o, 1G54 ; m. John Wolcott, February 14, 1077 ; d. July 10, 1689. 10 John, b. June 10, lGo6 ; m. (-132 Talcott Ped.) Hannah Talcott, November 25, 1GS6 ; d. December 14, 1711. 11 Sarah, b. November 1657 ; m. Simon Wolcott, December 5, 1689 ; d. August. 8, 1723. 12 Stephen, b. May 26, 1660; m. (25) Jemima Treat, December 17. 1691 ; d. February 9, 1698. 13 Thomas, b. March 23, 1662 ; m. (12) Maky Treat, December 10, 1684 ; d. December 4, 1712. 14 Samuel, b. May 23, 1664 ; d. s. May 12, 1689. 15 Prudence, b. December 10, 1666 ; m. (24) James Treat, Jr., De- cember 17, 1691 ; d. May 25, 1727. 16 Eunice, b. May 17, 1668 ; m. Rev. Timothy Stea^ens, May 17, 1694 ; d. June 16, 1698. Captain John Chester died in AVethersiield, Conn., Febru- ary 23, 1C,\)6. Sarah Welles, widow of Cai'tain John Chestek, died in Wethersfield December 12, 1698. lO. .loll II, son of (2) Capt. Joliu Chester and (7) Sarah Welles, was born Jnne 10, 1656 ; married (432 Talcott Ped.) Hannah, daughter of (36 Talcott Ped.) Captain Samuel Tal eott and (13) Hannah Ilolyoke (b. 166.5) November 25, 1686, and had , 17 Penelope, b. October 21, 1687 . d. April 1. 1688. 18 Mehitabel, b. January 29, 1689; m. Nathaniel Burnham, of Wetherstield, Conn., May 1, 1714 ; d. March 18, 1773. 19 Mary, b. March 8, 1691 ; m. Jonathan Burnham, of Wethers- lirld, Conn., January 1, 1718 ; d. April 19, 1766. 20 Penelope, b. November 18, 1693 ; m. Rev. Ebenezer Williams, of Pomfret, May 24, 1716 ; d. June 27, 1764. 21 Hannah, b. May 15, 1696 ; m. (40) Gideon Welles, November 30, 1716 ; d. May 29, 1749. 22 Prudence, b. March 4, 1699 ; m. Col. John Stodd.\rd, of North- ampton, December 13, 1713 ; d. September 11, 1780. 23 Eunice, b. May 11, 1701 ; m. Col. John Pitkin, of East Hart- ford ; d. June 25, 1756. 494 Chestek. 24 John, b. June 30, 1703 ; H. c. 1722 ; m. Sarah Noyes, November 19, 1747; d. September 11, 1771. 25 Sarah, b. July 1, 1707 ; m. Israel Williams, of Hartford, 1731 ; d. September 18, 1770. Major John Chester died Deceniber 14, 1711, fe. 55 ^^ears and 6 months. Hannah Talcott, widow of Major John Chestek, died in Wetherstield Jnly 23, 1741, se. 76. IS. Tlioiiisi§, son of (2) Capt John Chester and (7) Sarah Welles, was l>orn March 23,1602 ; married (12) Mary, daugh- ter of (6) Richard Treat, of Wetherstield, and Sarah Coleman, December 10, 1684, and had 26 Eunice, b. November 22, 1685. 27 Samuel, b. September 29, 1696 ; d. Marcb 17, 1710. 28 John, b. December 17, 1699 ; d. December 14, 1700. 29 Mary, b. January 6, 1706; m. (41) Thomas Welles, Juue 14, 1738. Thomas Chester died December 4, 1712. Mary Treat, widow of Thomas Chestek, died January 1, 1748. CROW. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) There appear to liave been two John Crows, co-temporaries, one who settled in Charlestown, Mass., in 1635, and the other in Hartford, Conn., in 1639, both of whom married wives wliose first names were Elizabeth. 1 John, m. Elizabeth . 2 Yelverton (supposed brother of [1] John), m. Elizabeth . 3 John, b. in 1006; m. (3) Elizabeth Goodwin. 4 Christopher (supposed brother of [3J John), m. Mauy Bukii. 1. •John Crow, of Charlestown, Mass., arrived there from England in 1635. Elizabeth, his wife, came from England the year previous. They had the following children : 5 John, m. Mehitabel . 6 Thomas, m. Agnes . 7 Samuel (?). Pro])abl)^ other children. John Crow removed to Yarmonth, Mass., in 163S and died there in 1672. He was a distinguished man and one of tiie three to whom the lands at Yarmouth were ij'ranted. A mams- trate, etc., etc. According to tradition he came from Wales. 5. John, son of (1) John Crow and J^lizaheth , mar- ried Mehitabel , and had 8 John, b. in 1G63; ni. Bkthiah Sears, May, 1684; d. October 15, 1728. 9 Samuel. 10 Mehitabel 63 496 Crow. 11 Lydia. 12 Jeremiah. 13 Elizabeth. 14 Hannah. • 6. Thomas, son of (1) John Crow and Elizabeth , married Agues , and had 15 John. 16 Thomas. 7, $!^aiiiiiel, son of (1) John Crow and Elizabeth , married , and had 17 Hannah, b. February 14, 1676. 8. John, son of (5) John Crow and Mehitabel , was born in 1662 ; married Bethiah Sears, May, 1684, and had 18 Joseph, b. in 1685. 19 Paul, b. iu 1687. 20 Bethiah, b. in 1689. 21 Mehitabel, b. in 1691. 22 John, b. in 1693. 23 Deborah, b. in 1695. 24 Christopher, b. in 1698. 25 Elizabeth, b. in 1700. 26 Mary, b. in 1704. Bethiah Sears, wife of John Crow, died in 1724. John Crow died October 15, 1728. 3. Yelverton Croupe, supposed to liave been a brother of (1) John Crow, married Elizabeth , and had 27 John, b. in 1642. 28 Edward. 29 Thomas, ) [ h. May 9, 1649. 30 Elizabeth,) And probably other cliildren as hp had many descendants in Yarmouth. Crow. 497 :i. •lohli Crow, horn in 160H, was one of the first settlers of Hartford, Conn., as early as 1639, from whence he removed to Hadley. He married (2) Elizabeth, the only daughter and heiress of (1) Elder William Goodwin, one of the lirst settlers of Hartford, Conn., and had 31 John, merchant in Fairfield, Conn. ; d. at sea in 1667 ; no ch, 32 Esther, m. (B 1) Giles Hamlin, in 1655. 33 Sarah, d. y. 34 Hannah, b. July 13, 1649 ; m. Thomas Dickinson, March 7, 1685. 35 Sarah, b. March 1, 1647; m. Daniel White, November 1, 1661 ; d. June 29, 1719. 36 Elizabeth, b. in 1650 ; m. William Warren ; d. in 1727. 37 Mehitabel, b. in 1652 ; m. Col. Samuel Partridge, September 24, 1668 ; d. December 8, 1730. 38 Nathaniel, m. Deborah ; d. June, 1695. 39 Daniel, b. in 1656; d. August, 1693. 40 Samuel, killed at the battle of Turner's Palls, 1676. 41 Mary, m., Ist, Noah Coleman, December 27, 1666 ; 2d, Peter; MoNTiGU, September 16, 1680 ; d. October 12, 1720. 42 Ruth, m., 1st., William Qaylord, December 21, 1671 ; 2d, John Haley. John Crow was made a freeman in 1666. He retnrned from Hadley after remaining there some time and made his permanent home in Hartford, Conn. By the vote of the town of Hartford he became possessed of the original right of " Bar- tholomew Green." His own wealth was great, and this, to- gether with the property brought i)y his wife, made him one of the largest landholders in Hartford. 4. Christopher, supposed brother of (2) John Crow, mar- ried Mary Burr, of Hartford, Conn., and had 43 Mary, b. October, 1665 ; m., 1st, John Clark, of Simsbury, Conn. in 1685 ; 2d, William Randell, of Enfield, about 1720. Christopher Crow died and his widow married Josiali Clark, of Windsor, Conn., about 1681. 498 Crow. 32. Esther, daughter of (3) John Crow and (2) Elizabeth Goodwin, married (1) Griles Hamlin. (See Hamlin.) In the third generation the name of Ckow was changed to Crowell by many of the descendants of John Crow. DEMING. 1. Joint Deiliiiig', Sr., was admitted Freeman 1645, and is named in tlie Charter of Connecticut in 1662, and in the Wethersfield Land Book in 1636 and 1645. He married (2) Honour, dang-hter of (1) Richard and Joanna Treat, about 1637, and had' 2 John, b. September 9, 1638 ; ni. Mary Mygatt, September 20, 1657 ; d. January 23, 1712. 3 Jonathan, b. 1639 ; m. 1st, Sarah , November 21, 1660 ; 2d, (3) Elizabeth Gilbert, December 25, 1673; d. January 8, 1700. 4 Samuel, b. in 1646 ; m. Sarah Kirby, March 29, 1694 ; d. April 6. 1709. 5 David, m. Mary , August 16, 1678. 6 Ebenezer, m. Sarah , July 16, 1677 ; d. May 2. 1705. 7 Rachel, m. John Morgan, November 16, 1665. 8 A daughter, m. Richard Beckley. 9 Mary, m. John Hdrlburt. -f- 10 A daughter, m. Thomas Wright. 11 Sarah, m. Samuel Moody ; d. September 29, 1717. John Deining, Sr,, died in 1705. In his will, signed June 26, 1690, and proved November 21, 1705, he gives his son Jonathan his '' hfty acre west-bound lot," which lot said Jona- than leaves to his son Jonathan by will signed Mai-ch 27, 1696, in whose inventory, dated July 31, 1727, it is again mentioned. •foliii, son c»f (1) John Doming, 8i"., and (2) Honour Treat, was born September 9, 163S ; married Mary, daughter of Jose})!! Mygatt, of Hartford, Conn., September 20, 1657, and had 500 Deming. 12 John, b. September 9, 1658; m. Mary, daughter of the Widow Graves, of Wethersfield, June 5, 1684; d. November 25, 1729, 13 Joseph, b. June 1, 1661. 14 Jonathan, b. February 12, 1663 ; m. Martha Buck, October 27, 1687. 15 Mary, b. July 1, 1666. 16 Samuel, b. August 25, 1668 ; m. Sarah , March 39, 1694 ; d. 1709. 17 Jacob, b. August 26. 1670 ; m. (6) Elizabeth Edwards, March 14, 1695. 18 Sarah, b. January 17, 1672. 19 Hezekiah. Sergeant John Deming died in Wethersfield January 23, 1712. 3. Jonathan, son of (1) John Deming, Sr., and (2) Honour Treat, was born in 1639 ; married, 1st, Sarah , November 21, 1660, and had 20 Jonathan, b. November 27, 1661 ; m. (10) Abigail Filer, Janu- ary 5, 1709 ; d. June 22, 1727. 21 Sarah, b. August 12, 1663 ; m. Rylie. 22 Mary, b. July 11, 1665 ; m. Joseph Smith, November 26, 1685; d. April 9, 1687. 23 Comfort, b. June 5, 1668; m., 1st, Nathaniel Berkley, May 8, 1698 ; 2d, Thomas Morton, February 2, 1710. y Sarah , wife of Jonathan Deming, Sr., died June 5, 1668. He married, 2d, (3) Elizabeth, daughter of (1) Josiah Gilbert, De- cember 25, 1673, and had 24 Elizabeth, b. June 12, 1674 ; m. Richard Beckley, November 23, 1699. 25 Bluse, (Luce), b. February 16, 1676 j m. (13) John Edwards, May 15, 1707. 26 Thomas, b. November 27, 1679 ; m. Mary, daughter of Thomas Williams, June 2, 1698; d. January 31, 1746. 27 Charles, b. June 10, 1681 ; m. Anna Wickham, September 5, 1706. 28 Benjamin, b. July 20, 1684; m.MARY , February 4, 1706. 29 Jacob, b. December 20, 1689 ; m. Dinah . 30 Mary, b. October 24, 1692 ; m. Gersiiom Butler, in 1719 ; d. April 22, 1771. 31 Ann, b. October 1, 1695; m. (31) Nathaniel Wright, March 12, 1712. Jonathan Deming, Sr., " died January 8, ITOO, of a very sudden deatli, being aged as he computed about 61." Deming. 501 Elizabk;th Gilbert, widow of Jonathan Deming, Sr., died at Wetherstield, September 3, 1714. 4. Naiiiiiel, son of (1) John Deiniiig", Sr., and (2) Honour Treat, was born in 1646 ; married Sarah Kirby, March 29, 1694, cand had 32 John, b. December 22, 1694. 33 David, b. December 29, 1690. 34 Samuel, b. June 12, 1699. 35 Honour, b. December 16, 1701 ; m.. 1st., (57) Hezekiah Goodrich October 16, 1729; 2(1, Dr. Thomas Perrin, July 5, 1733. 36 William, b. May 10, 1705. Samuel Deming died April 6, 1709, as. about 63 years. David, son of (1) John Deming, Sr., and (2) Honour Treat, was born ; married Mary , August 16, 1678, and had 37 David, b. July or January 20, 1681 ; d. March 3, 1705. 38 Samuel, b. August 9, 1683. 39 Honour, b. May 9, 1685. 40 Mehitabel, b. ; m. Nathaniel, Stillman, June, 1743. 6. Ebeiiexer, son of (1) Jolni Deming, Sr., and (2) Honour Treat, married Sarah , July 16, 1677, and had 41 Ebeuezer, b. May 5, 1678 ; m. (31) Rebecca Treat, December 27 1704. 42 John, b. July 25, 1679. 43 Sarah, 1>. January 6, 1681; m. (434 Talcott Ped.) Deacon Joseph Tai.cott, April 5, 1701 : d. March 19, 1755. 44 Ephraim, b. ; m. Hannah . 45 Jo.siah, b. ; m. Prudence Steel, December 8, 1714. 46 Prudence, b. ; m. (27) Deacon Tuomas Wright, October 4, 1705; d. October 24, 1706. Ebenezer Deming died in Wethersfield May 2, 1705. 502 Deming. 12. John, son of (2) Sergeant John Deming and Mary Mygatt, was born September 9, 1658 ; married Mary, daughter of tlie Widow Graves, of Wetbersfield, Jnne 5, 1684, and had 47 Abigail, b. October 7, 1693. 48 Nathaniel, b. September 2, 169G. 49 Mary, b. September 37, 1700. John Deming died November 25, 1729. 14. •Tonsitliati, son of (2) Sergeant John Deming and Mary Mygatt, was born February 12, 1063 ; married Martha Bnck, October 27, 1687, and had 50 Isaac, b. January 26, 1688-9. 51 Ann, b. September 20, 1690. 52 Noahdiah, b. July 20. 1693 ; m. Ruth . 53 Abigail, b. March 14, 1698. 54 Gideon, b. February 29, 1700. 55 Martha, b. August 30, 1704. 56 Grace, b. . 17. Jacob, son of (2) Sergeant John Deming and Mary Mygatt, was l)orn August 26, 1670; married (6) Elizabeth, daughter of (2) Richard Edwards, of Hartford, and Elizabeth Tuthill (b. in 1675), March 14, 1695, and liad 57 Jacob, b. in 1696. 58 Timothy, bp. March 26, 1698, 59 Abigail, b. January 21, 1700. 60 Lemuel, b. iu 1702. After the death of Jacob Deming, of Hartford, Elizabeth Edwards, his widow, married Hinckley, of Kingston, E.I. SO. Joiiatliau, Jr., son of (3) Jonathan Deming, Sr., and his first wife Sarah , was born November 27, 1661 ; married (10) Abigail, daughter of (3) Zerubabel Filer and Ex- perience Strong (b. April 8, 1683), January 5, 1709, and had Deming. 503 61 Daniel, b. November 5, 1709; m. (13) Mehitabel Russell, No- vember 19, 1729 ; died April 23, 1748. 62 Charles, b. June 2G, 1714. 63 Jonathan. 64 Abigail. 65 Lydia. Jonathan Deming, Jr., died in Wethersfield June 22, 1727. Abigail Filer, widow of Jonathan Deming, Jr., married Waterhouse, and died December 24, 1754. The will of Jonathan Deming, Sr., was presented in court by liis son Jonathan, Jr., March 27, 1700. His widow Elizabeth and his eldest son Jonathan, Jr., wei'o named his executors. As the town of Wethersfield had given him fifteen acres ol wood land after he made his will, there being no mention of its disposi- tion in said will, the court gave the same to his son Jonathan, Jr., for his kindness to his father. Elizabeth Gilbert, widow of Jonathan Deming, Sr., and step-mother of Jonathan Deming, Jr., on her death bed, Sep- tember 3, 1714, made a nuncupative will leaving her property (all being personal) to her two daughters Mary and Ann, and letters of administration were granted October 4tli of the same year to Jonathan Deming, Jr., and John Edwards, of Wethers- field. Thomas, son of (3) Jonathan Deming, Sr., and liis second wife (3) Elizabeth Oilbert, was born November 27, 1679 ; married Mary, daughter of Thomas Williams, June 2, 1698, and had 66 Lucy, b. March 9, 1698-9 ; m. Dickinson. 67 Mary, b. March 17, 1700-1 ; m. Gideon Hulbekt, December, 30, 1725. 68 Elizabeth, b. September 37, 1703; m. Joseph Belden. 69 Daniel, b. May 18, 1705 : m. Eunice Williams, March 10, 1735. 70 Abigail, b. November (J, 1706; d. March 16, 1707. 71 Hannah, b. September 22, 1708; in. Samuel Williams. 72 Thomas, b. February 16. 1711-12; m. Elizabeth, daughter of Ensign Samuel Smith, December 20, 1734. Thomas Deming died January 31, 1746. Mary Williams, widow of Thomas Deming, died August 24, 1751. 64 504 Deming. 61. Daniel, son of (20) Jonathan Deming, Ji\, and (10) Abigail Filer, was born November 5, 1709; married (13) Meliitabel, dangliter of (5) Rev. Noalidiali Russell and (4) Marj Hamlin (b. May 27, 1704), November 19, 1729, and had 73 Jonathan, b. September 14, 1730 ; in. Jerusha Williams ; d. in Rocky Hill. 74 Abigail, b. September 29, 1782 ; m. (113) John Goodrich, October 8, 1761 ; d. June 12, 1799. 75 Mary, b. July 23, 1734; d. July 24, 1734. 76 Lydia, b. December 24, 1738 ; m. (97) Ebenezer Goodrich. Daniel Deming died in Glastonbury, Conn., April 23, 1748. Mehitabel Russp:ll, widow of Daniel Deming, died at Rocky Hill, of old age. In an old diary of Noalidiah Russell, began in 16 — , now in possession of the compiler, his daughter Mehitabel, Mdfe of Daniel Deming, recorded the following : Deceml)er 24, 1754. 2 o'clock, a. m.. Mother AVatterhouse (Abigail Filer, widow of Jonathan Deming) died and buried the 26th. November 19, 1729, I was married. September 14, 1730, my son Jonathan was born. September 29, 1732, my daughter Abigail was born. July 23, 1734, my daughter Mara Avas born. December 24, 1738, my daughter Lydia was born. My husband departed from his own house March 25, 1748. April the 9th day he sailed out of New London and died April the 23d day. July 24th ncM's came of his death. October 4, 1743, Mother Russell died. MEHITABEL RUSSELL, her book. A. Elizabeth, shtei' of (1) John Deming, Sr., w%as born in England in 1595; married Nathaniel Foote, Sr., in 1615, and had 1 Mary, b. in 1623 ; m., 1st, John Stoddard, of Wethersfield, Conn. , in 1642 or 46 ; he died in 1674. Slae married, 2d, (1) John Goodrich, Sr., of Wethersfield, April, 1674 ; no ch. ; he died April, 1680. She married, 3d, Lieut. Thomas Tracy, of Norwich, Conn. Deming. 505 2 Robert. 3 Sarah, b. in 1G32 ; m. Jeremiah Judson, in 1652, and had children ; she died in 1673, se. 40 years, 4 A daughter, m. Churchill. 5 A daughter, m. Smith. Nathaniel Foote died in 1646. ElizzVbeth Deming, widow of Nathaniel Foote, married (1) Gov. Thomas Welles, about 1 646 or 1647. She died July 28, 1683, mentioning in her will the above-named children. jS'ote — Lieut. Thomas Tracy attached the estate of John Goodrich, Sr., August 10, 1685, for thefulliilmeut of a marriage contract made by the said Goodrich April 4, 1674, with Mary Stoddard, his wife, afterwards wife of said Tracy. EDWARDS. (Of Hartford, Conn.) (Introduced to show tlie intermarriages with this family.) A. 1. William Edwardi^, one of tlie first settlers of Hart- ford, Conn., was married to Agnes, widow of William Spen- cer, who was also one of the first settlers of Hartford, abont 1645, and had (only child) v 2 Richard, b. May 1647 ; m. tst, Elizabeth Tuthill, November 19, 1667 ; 3d (43 Talcott Ped.) Mary Talcott in 1693 ; d. April 30,1718. William Edwards died before 1672. Ann Edwards, the mother of William Edwards, was mar- ried in England to her second husband James Cole, who, to- gether with her sou William Edwards, then a young man, and Abigail Cole, daughter of the said Cole by his first wife, came early into New England and were among the first settlers of Hartford. He was admitted a freeman in Lynn, Mass., in 1648. Richard, son of (1) William Edwards and Agnes, widow of William Spencer, was born May, 1647 ; married first Eliza- beth, daughter of William Tutliill, of New Haven, November 19, 1667, and had 3 Mary, b. in 1668. 4 Timothy, b. May 14, 1669 ; m. Esthek Stoddard, November 6 1694 ; d. January 37, 1758. 5 Abigail, b. 1671 ; m. 1st, Benjamin (Samuel ?) Lathrop, 1689 ; 2d, Capt. Thomas Stoughton, May 19. 1697. (Capt. Stoughton's first wife, to whom he was married December 31, 1691, was [44 Talcott Ped.] Dorothy, dunghter of [35 Talcott Ped.] Lieut.-Col. John Talcott.) Die.! Jsauary 23, 1754. Edwards. 50Y 6 Elizabeth, b. 1G75 ; m. 1st, (17) Jacob Deming, March 14, 1C95 ; 2d, Hinckley, of Kingston, R. I. 7 Ann, b. 1678 ; m. 1st, Jonathan Richardson in 169G ; 2d, Wil- liam Davenport in 1702 ; d. May, 1764. 8 Mabel, b. December 13, 1685; m. Jonathan Bigelow, Decem- ber 14, 1699 ; d. May 16, 1765. 9 Child unnamed ; d. y. I " i Klizabeth Tiithill, wife of Richard EDWARDS^died. He married, 2d , (42 Talcott Ped.) Mary, daughter of (35 Talcott Ped.) Lieut.- Col. John Talcott and his first wife Helena, daughter of the Rev. John Wakeman, of New Haven, about 1692, and had 10 Jonathan, b. January 20, 1693 ; d. March 27, 1693. 11 John, b. February 27, 1694 ; m. Christian Williamson, Decem- ber 14, 1719 ; d. May 16, 1769. 12 Hannah, b. January 3, 1696 ; m. Joseph Backiis, Jr., March 1, 1722 ; d. October, 1747. 13 Richard, b. January 5, 1698 ; d. May 20, 1713. 14 Daniel, b. April 11, 1701 ; m. Sarah Hooker, in 1728; d. Sep- tember 6, 1765. 15 Samuel, b. November 1, 1702 ; m. Jerusha Pitkin, in 1731 ; d. November 4, 1732. Richard Edwards, Esq., died in Hartford April 20, 1718. Mary Talcott, widow of Richakd Edwards, Esq., died April 19, 1723. Richard Edwards was the grandfather of Hev. Jonathan Edwards, the distinguished theologian and president of Prince- ton College, New Jersey, who was the son of the Rev. Timothy Edwards and Esther Stoddard, horn Octoher 5, 1703, Y. ('. 1720, and ])resident of the college 1758. EDWARDS, or WETHERSFIELD, CONN. B. 1. •foliii Kdwarils, of AVethersfield in 1G40, had i)i-ohablv lived in Watertown, Mass., and by a first wife, before he settled in Wethersfield, had 2 Thomas, b. in 1621 ; d. July 27, 1683, ae. 62 years. 3 Abraham, b. August 12, 10:57. (According to Savage, but more probably a son by the second wife Dorothy.) 508 Edwards. , wife of John Edwakds, died. He married, 2d, Dorothy, widow of Abraham Finch, and had 4 John (Corporal), b. December 16, 1638 ; killed in battle December 19, 1675. 5 Esther, b. June, 1641. 6 Ruth, b. December, 1643. 7 Hannah, b. January, 1645. 8 Lydia (doubtful), b. July, 1646. 9 Joseph, b. May, 1648; m. Sarah , November 12, 1670 ; d. December 12, 1681. John Edwards lived in Wetliersfield, Conn., and died about 1664:. His inventory was produced in court in Hartford March 2, 1664, showing lands given to his son Thomas, his supposed oidy son by his first wife. His son John, by his second wife, was killed in a fight with the Indians January 20, 1675, and before he died gave lands to his brother Joseph. Dorothy, widow of John Edwards, married Thomas or Richard Towsley,in 1676, and died November 13, 1712. 9. •f o§;epli, son of (1) John Edwards and Dorothy, widow of Abraham Finch, was born May, 161S ; married Sarah , November 12, 1670, and had 10 Sarah, b. October 12, 1671 ; m. Webster. 11 Mary, b. May 25, 1674 ; m. Conklin. 12 Hannah, b. November 21, 1676; ni. James Butlru, May 6, 1703; d. January 10, 1742. 13 John, b. May 30, 1679 ; m. (25) Luce Deming, May 15, 1707 ; d. March 25, 1716. 14 Dorothy, b. September, 1681 ; m. Joseph Curtis, December 7, 1708 ; d. April 18, 1760. Joseph Edwards died in Wethersiield December 12, 1681. Sarah , widow of Joseph Edwards, died in Wethers- field. The deposition in relation to the death of his brother John, made by Benjamin Adams and Samnel Williams, Jannary 10, 1675-6, states that " Being in the late service against the enemy in the company of (4) Cai>tain (Corporal according to Savage) John EmvAROs, of Wethersiield, the said Edwards being mortally wounded, did order that his estate should remain to Edwakds. 509 his mother during her lifetime, and after her death he willed that his brother (9) Joseph should inherit all the estate. SM'orn to before me, Daniel Witherell, commissioner, April 12, 1676." Administration on his estate was granted to his mother, the widow Towsley. ^». •loliii, son of (*.») Joseph Edwards and Sarah , was l)orn May 30, 1079 ; married (25) Luce, daughter of (3) Jona- than Deming and (3) Elizabeth Gilbert (b. February 16, 1670), May 15, 1707, and h^d 15 Sarah, b. December 16, 1710 ; in. (49) David Goodrich, February 13, 1739 ; d. May 11, 1790. 16 Ann, b. January 3, 1713 ; d. July 3, 1713. 17 John, b. August 1,1715; m. CnURCH(?). John Edwards died at liocky Hill March 25, 1716. His monument is standing in the old Wethersfield burying-ground. 15. Nsirali, daughter of (13) John Edwards and (25) Luce Deming, was born in Wetlicrstield, Conn., December 16, 1710 ; married (49) David Goodrich, of Glastonbury, February 13, 1729, and died in Glastonbury, Conn., May 11, 1790, a\ 80 years. Their son (113) John married (74) Abigail Deming for his second wife. (See Goodrich 49 and 113). EGGLESTON. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) I. Bag'ot or Beg'at Eg^gleston was born in 1590 ; came from England to Dorchester, Mass., in 1630, and was made a freeman in 1631. His first wife was said to have been Sarah or Mary Talcott, wliom lie married in England before he came to America. , She might have been a sister of (11 Talcott Ped.) the worshipful John Talcott, of Hartford, Conn., who came from Braintree, England, in 1632. If so she was unmarried in 1623 and lived with her motlier and stepfather, Moses Wall, in Braintree, Old England, and is the only Sarah Talcott found on any of the English county visitations of so early a date, ex- cept (21 Talcott Ped.) Sarah, daughter of (3 Talcott Ped.) Robert Talcott, who married Richard Dorsley, of Hockley on the Hill, county Essex, England. Bagot Eggleston removed from Dorchester to Windsor, Conn., and was one of the first settlers there in 1635. He had (born in England by his first wife) 2 James. 3 SamueL , wife of Bagot Eggleston, died. He married, 3d, , and had 4 Thomas, b. in 1638. 5 Mary, b. in 1641. 6 Sarah, b. in 1643. 7 Rebecca, b. in 1644. 8 Abigail, b. in 1648. 9 Joseph, b. in 1651. 10 Benjamin, b. 1653 ; m. Widow Hannau Shattuck, daughter of John Osborn, March 6, 1678. Begat Eggleston died in Windsor, Conn., September 1, 1674, nearly 100 years of age. FILER. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) 1. liieiitenaiit IValter Filer married Jane , and liad 2 John, b. September 12, 1G43 ; m. Elizabeth Doleman, October 17 1672; d. in 1723. 3 Zerubabel, b. December 23, 1644 ; m. Experience Strong, May 27, 1669. If there were other children the record has not been fonnd by the Compiler. Lieutenant Walter Filer died in Windsor, Conn., Decem- ber 12, 1G83, leaving his property to his wife Jane and the two sons above mentioned. Tie first settled in Dorchester, Mass., in 1630, was admitted freeman there in 1684, and re- moved to Windsor, Conn., in 1636. Jane, widow of Lieutenant Walter Filer, died in Wind- sor, Conn., September 11, 1689. 3. Zcriibabel, son of (1) Lieutenant Walter Filer and Jane , was born December 23, 1644; married Experi- ence Strong, May 27, 1669, and had. 4 Thomas, b. January 25, 1669. 5 Jane, b. January 1, 1671 ; m. Wakefield Dibble. 6 Zerubabel, b. October 31, 1673 ; d. October 31, 1673. 7 Zerubabel, b. December 25, 1674. 8 John, b. March 2, 1676. 9 Samuel, b. September 26, 1681 ; m. Phelps (?); d. in 1710. 10 Abigail, b. April 8, 1683 ; m. (20) Jonathan Deming, Jr., January 5, 1709 ; d. December 24, 1754. 11 Stephen, b. in 1688. 65 512 Filer. 12 Ebenezer, b. in 1690; d. y. 13 Experience, b. in 1691. 14 Elizabeth, b. 1694 ; m. Willard. Zeriibabel Filer died in Windsor, Conn., abont February 24, 1715. 9. Samuel, son of (3) Zerubabel Filer and Experience Strong, was born September 26, 1681 ; married Phelps (?) and had 15 AbigaU, b. in 1702 (?). 16 Ann. 17 Samuel, b. in 1709. Sanuiel Filer died in 1710 at Hebron, Conn., and letters of administration on his estate were granted to liis brother Thomas Novenjber 6, 1710. His brother-in-law was Thomas Timothy Phelps. Samuel Holcomb was appointed guardian of his children July 7, 1719. Note. — Geoege Filek, of Northampton, Mass., in 1662, and John Filer who graduated at Harvard College in 1666, and became a Quaker, were probably sons of (2) John Filer and Elizabeth Doleman. GILBERT. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) 1. Josiali Gilbert and Elizabeth, his wife, of Wetiiers- licld, had the following ehildreu : 2 Benjamin, b. September 32, 1C52. 3 Elizabeth, b. March 28, 1654 ; m. (3) Jonathan Deming, Sr. (his second wife), December 5, 1673 ; d. October 3, 1714. 4 Lydia, b. December 8, 1656 ; m. John Riley. 5 Josiah, b. September 12, 1659 ; d. a. (?) February 2, 1705. 6 Sarah, b. December 1, 1661 ; m. Jacob Williams. 7 Eleazur, b. September 20, 1663. 8 Moses, b. April 12, 1666. 9 Caleb, b. June 10, 1668. 10 Mary, b. November 18, J670 ; m. Simon Willard. 11 Amy, b. April 12, 1672. Elizabeth, wife of Josizvii Gilbert, died Oetoher 17, 1682, le. 50 years. JosiAir Gilbert, in 1684, was about 56 years ef age. 5. Jo^iali, son of (1) Josiah Gilbert, made his will January 24, 1704, and died February 2, 1705. It mentions brothers Benjamin, Moses and Caleb and sisters Mary, wife of Simon Willard, and Elizabeth Deming. GOODWIN. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) 1. TVilliani Cwooclwiu (Elder), was one of the " Brain- tree Company" which went first to Newtown (now Cambridge), Mass., and thence to Elartford, Conn. He was admitted free- man in 1632, and removed to Hartford from Newtown in 1636 with the Rev. Mr. Hooker's Company. He moved to Hadley and snbseqnently to Farmington. He was one of tlie most wealthy men in the Colony. He married Susanna , and had an only child 2 Elizabeth, m. (3) John Crow, of Hadley. Elder IVilliam Ooodwin died in Farmington March 11, 1673, te. abont 75 years. He left his estate by will to his only child Elizabeth, wife of John Crow. GOODRICH. (1) Johu, Sr., and (2) Ensign William Goodrich, liis brother, camef]-om Bury St. Ediiiond's, England, probably first to Water- town, Mass., and thence to Wethersfield, Conn., where John held lands in 1644, and William held lands in 1666. There appears to have been another William Goodrich who lived in Watertowu and died in 1647, and whose widow Mar- garet, died the wife of John ELale February 3, 1683. There is a tradition in the family that John and William were or- phans and came to this country from South Wales about 1644 with their mother's brother, William Stillraan, and first settled in the IS^ew Haven Colony. 1. •Toliii CjcOOdric'li, Sr., one of the first settlers of Weth- ersfield, Conn., was twice married, 1st, to Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Edwards, in 1645, and had 3 Elizabeth, b. November 2, 1645 ; m. Daxiel Rose, 1G64. 4 John, b. September 8, 1647; m. M.\iiY ; d. May, 1(370, leav- ing one child Mary, b. April 23, 1676. 5 Mary, b. December 15, 1650; m. Thomas Read, Jr., about 1677. 6 Joseph, b. January 10, 1653 ; d. October, 1680 ; no is.sue. 7 Hannah, m. 1st, Zacuariau Mayxard about 1679 ; 2d, Isaac Heath. 8 Jonathan, m. Abigail, daughter of Moses Craft, December 3, 1691. Elizabeth Edwards, wife of John Goodrich, Sr., died July 5, 1670. He married, 2d, Mary, daughter of Nathaniel Foote and (A) Elizabeth Deming, and widow of John Stoddard (b. in 1623) April, 1674, by whom he had no children. John Goodrich, Sr., died iVpril, 1680, and his widow married Lieut. Thomas Tracy, of Norwich, Conn. 516 Goodrich. 8. Joiiatliaii, son of (1) John (ioodricli, Sr., and Elizabeth Edwards, was born ; married Abigail, daiig-liter of Moses Craft, December 3, 1691, and had 9 Jonathan, b. February 9, 1693. 10 Abigail, b. November 28, 1694; m. (17^) Samuel Wright, Janu- ary 2, 1718. 11 Moses, b. July 19, 1697. 12 Lucy, b. September 9, 1699. 13 Rebecca, b. December 24, 1702. In 167S there died in Hegessett, Suffolk Co., Enghind, childless, the Rev. Willi.vm Goodrich, a minister of the estab lished cliurch, leaving a will in which he bequeathed certain specified real and personal estate to his wife Rebecca Good-. RICH during her natural life, with remainder to one of the sons of his brother John Goodrich and to one of the sons of his brother William Goodrich, naming them. Rebecca, the widow of the Rev. William Goodrich, died in November, 169S, after which (8) Jonathan Goodrich, the son of (1) John Goodrich, Sr., and (15) John Goodrich, son of (2) William Goodrich, were entitled to receive about £200 sterling each from the estate. The Rev. William Goodrich, of Hegessett, England, was probably brother-in-law of (1) John and (2) William Good- rich, of Wethersfield, Conn. May 18, 1Y03, (S) Jonathan Goodrich appointed Nicholas Hallman, mariner, of New Lon- don, to take possession of his estate at Hegessett, England. For the will of Rev. William Goodrich, of Hegessett, and the letters relating thereto, see " Private Controversies," vol. 5, p. 239, Secretary of of State's office, Hartford, Conn. 3. Ensign William Iwoodricli, one of the first settlers of Wethersfield, Conn., married (4) Sarah, daughter of (1) Matthew Marvin, of Hartford, Conn., and Elizabeth , October 4, 1648, and had 14 William, b. August 8, 1649 ; d. y. 15 John, b. May 20, 1653 ; m. Rebecca Allen, March 28, 1678 ; d. aged 84. Goodrich. 517 16 Elizabeth, b. in 1658 ; m. (10) Capt. Robert Welles, June 9, 1G75 ; d. February 17, 1698. 17 William, b. February 8, 1661 ; m. 1st, Grace Riley, November 22, 1680; 2d, Mary Ann Ayrault, widow; d. December 27, 1737. 18 Ephraim, b. Juue 2, 1663; m. 1st, (11) Sarah Treat, May 20, 1684 ; 2d, (29) Jerusha (Treat) Welles, widow, December 25, 1712 ; d. February 27, 1739. 19 David, b. May 4, 1667; m. 1st, (8) Hannah Wright, March 7, 1689 ; 2d, Prudence Churchill, December 1, 1698 ; d. January 23, 1755. 20 Sarah, m. (3) John Hollister, November 20, 1667 ; d. in 1700. 21 Mary, m. Joseph Butler, in 1667; d. June 1, 1735. 22 Abigail, m. Thomas Fitch, in 1680 ; d. November 7, 1684. Eusigii William (lOodrich died in 1676. Sarah Marvin, widow of Ensign William Goodrich, mar- ried Capt. William Curtis, of Stratford, Conn., and died in tliat place witliout issue in 1702. 15. John, son of (2j Eusigii AVilliam Goodrich and (4) Sarah Marvin, was born May 20, 1653; married Rehecca, dangliter of Capt. Jolm .VUen, of Charlestown, Mass., March 28, 1678, and had 23 Sarah, b. April 10, 1679; m. Abraha.m Kilbourn, October 26, 1699. 24 Rebecca, b. November 11, 1680 ; m. (21) David Wright, Decem- ber 28. 1699 ; d. April 10, 1703. 25 Mary, b. September 4, 1682 ; m. Tho.mas Curtis, December 30, 1703 ; d. February 5, 1730. 26 Samuel, b. May 24, 1684 ; d. May 7, 1706. 27 Abigail, b. April 27, 1686 ; m. David Curtis, April 25, 1706. 28 John, b. Jane 9, 1688 ; m. Mary Tilletson, June 15, 1712. 29 Allyn, b. November 13, 1690 ; m., 1st, (53) Elizabeth, December 29, 1709 ; 2d, Hannah Seymour, December 10, 1729. 30 Ann, b. September 1, 1692. 31 Jacob, m. Benedict Goodwin, September 12, 1717; d. in 1740. John (jiOOdrich died about 1737, ;\\ 84 years. 17. W illisiiii (Lieut.), s<»ii of (2) Ensign William Oood- rieh and (-t) Sarah Marvin, was born Febrnaiy 8, 1661 ; mar- ried Grace lliley, November 22, 1680, and had 518 Goodrich. 32 William, b. August 3,1681 ; d. November 6, 1681. 33 William, b. July 2,1686 ; ni. Margaiietta, daughter of Goodman Orvis, May 14, 1706. 34 Benjamin, b. September 29, 1688; m. Grace Kilbourn, March 7, 1716; d. May 11,1742. 35 Joseph, b. February 29, 1691 ; m. Mehitabel, daughter of Na- thaniel Goodwin, December 23, 1714 ; d. January 31, 1768. 36 Isaac, b. August 18, 1693 ; m. Mary, daughter of Samuel Butler, November 9, 1718 ; d. December, 1737. 37 Anne, b. March 25, 1697 ; m. Robert Powell, January 3, 1717 ; d. December 28, 1783. 38 Ephraim, b. September 12, 1699 ; m. Susannah Hooker, daugh- ter of Dr. Daniel Hooker, October 25, 1726 ; no ch. ; d. in 1728. 39 E3than, b. June 3, 1702 ; d. y. Grace Kiley, wife of Lieut. William Goodrich, died October 23, 1712, se. 51 years. He married, 2d, Mary Ann, widow of Dr. Nicholas Ayrault, of Wethersfield, aud had 40 Elizabeth. 41 Liucenia. 42 Eimice. Lieut. William Goodrich died in Wetliersfield, Conn., De- cember 27, 1737. Mary Ann Ayrault, widow of Lieut. William Goodrich, died Angust 27, 1741, a?. 60 years. 18. Elihraiiii (Capt.), son of (2^ Ensign William Ccood- ricli and (4) Sarah Marvin, was born June 2, 1663 ; mar- ried, 1st, (11) Sarah, daughter of (6) Major Eichard Treat and Sarah Coleman, of Wethersfield, Conn., May 20, 1684, and had 43 Richard, b. February 27, 1685 ; m. Hannah Bulckley, May 18, 1709. 44 Gideon, m. 'Sarah , June 29, 1718 ; d. August, 1769. 45 Ephraim, b. in 1693 ; m. Hannah Steele, July 10, 1715 ; d. in 1771, fe. 78. 46 Thomas, m. Hannah Reynolds, November 26, 1719. 47 Sarah, b. in 1698 ; m. Richard Butler, December 15, 1725 ; d. May 6, 1795,' m. 98. 48 William, b. in 1701 ; m. Rachel Savage, April 4, 1728 ; d. De- cember 16, 1787, £6. 86. 49 David, b. in 1705 ; m. (15) Sarah Edwards, February 13, 1729 ; d. June 7, 1779, ne. 74. GoODRIUH. 519 The above children, except GiDEON and Sarah, settled in Glastonbury, Conn. Sarah, wife of Capt. Ephraim Goodrich, died in Wethersfield January 2G, 1712, at 7 o'clock r. M., se. 47 years, 7 months and 18 days. He married, 2d, (29) Jerusha, daugh- ter of (8) Capt. James Treat (she was the widow of (22) Capt. Thomas Welles) December 25, 1712, and had 50 Oliver, b. September 14, 1714; m. Temperance Wright, June 26, 1740 ; d. September 23, 1780. 51 Gurdon, b. December 29, 1717 ; m. Abigail Belden, June 7, 1739. Capt. Ephraim Goodrich died February 27, 1739, se. 76. Jerusha (Treat) Welles, widow of Capt. Ephraim Good- rich, died January 1.5, 1754, in the 76th year of her age. 19. David (Col.), son of (2) Ensign William Goodrich and (1:) Sarah Marvin, was boi-n May 4, 1667; married, 1st, (8) Hannah^ daughter of (2) Thomas Wright (b. March 10, 1671), March 7, 1689, and had 52 Josiah, b. June 15, 1690; m. 1st, Sarah, daughter of Samuel Porter, December 5, 1711 ; 2d, Sarah, daughter of Rev. Stephen Mix, about 1727 ; d. in 1731. 53 Elizabeth, b. November 19, 1601; m, (29) Allyn Goodrich, December 29, 1709 ; d. August 25, 1746. 54 EUzur, b. March 30, 1693 ; m. (438 Talcott Ped.) Anne, daughter of (430) Cornet Samuel Talcott, April 22, 1714; d. April 4, 1774. 55 David, b. December 8, 1694 ; m. IIei'zibah, daughter of Jonathan Boardman, December 21, 1721 , d. July 15, 1785. 56 AbigaU, b. April 2, 1697 ; d. September 23, 1712. Uaninah Wright, vvife of Col. D.wid Goodrich, died in Wethers- field, April 27, 1698, te. about 28 years. He married, 2d, Prudence, daughter of Benjamin Churchill (b. July 2, 1678), December 1, 1098, and had ' 57 Hezekiah, b. January 28, 1700; m. (85) HONODR, daughter of (4) Samuel Deming, October 16, 1729 ; d. in 1732. 58 Prudence, b. June 18, 1701 ; m., 1st, David Hubbard ; 2d, Judah HoLCO.MB; d. November 29, 1783. 59 Sarah, b. March 12, 1702. 60 Mary, b. December 15, 1704. 61 Hannah, b. August 2, 1707. 62 Jeremiah, b. September 9, 1709 ; m. Ruth, daughter of Thomas Kimberly, July 6, 1732. 63 Ann, b. February 14, 1712. 64 Zebulon, b. November 22, 1713 ; ra. Ann Francis, October 23, 1737. 520 GOODKIOH. 65 Benjamin, b. November 13, 1715. 66 Abigail, b. January 18, 1718. 67 Charles, b. April 7, 1720; m. Mary, supposed to be the daughter of Samuel Balden ; d. in 1732. 68 Millicent, b. January 23, 1724. Prudence Churchill, wife of Col. David Goodrich, died in Wethersfield May 9, 1752, ?e. 74 years. Col. David Goodeich died in Wethersfield January 23, 1755. He was a lieutenant-colonel in the old French war. 28. John, son of (15) John Goodrich and Rebecca Allen, was born June 9, 1 688 ; married Mary Tilletson, supposed daugh- ter of John Tilletson, of Say brook, Conn., June 15, 1712, and had 69 Samuel, b. July 26, 1713 ; d. July, 1714. 70 Abraham, b. November 3, 1715. 71 Mary, b. May 20, 1718. Recorded in the Wethersfield Records Mary Tilletson, wife of John Goodrich, died May 31, 1740. 99. Allyii, son of (15) John Goodrich aud Rebecca Allen, was born November 13, 1090 ; nuirried (53) Elizabeth, daughter of (19) Col. David Goodrich and (8) Hannah Wright, all of Wethersfield, December 29, 1709, and had 72 Elizabeth, b. October 19, 1710. 73 Elisha, b. September 22, 1712; m. Rebecca Seymour, Novem- ber 21, 1734. 74 Abigail, b. December 13, 1714. 75 Jedediah, b. July 24, 1717. 76 Samuel, b. April 23, 1720. 77 Allen, b. August 18, 1726 ; recorded in Farmington. Allyn Goodrich removed from Wethersfield to Farmington where Elizabeth Goodrich, his wife, died August 25, 172G. He married, 2d, Hannah Seymour, of Kingston, December 10, 1729. Goodrich. 521 31. Jacob, son of (15) John Goodrich and Rebecca Alleu, was born ; married Benedict, daughter of Nathaniel Goodwin, of Hartford, Conn., September 12, lYlT, and liad (children recorded in Wethcrsliekl) 78 Hannah, b. August 31, 1719. 79 Rebecca, b. April 14, 1721. 80 Elijah, b. July 3, 1724 ; m. Margaret Qillett, of Windsor, August 20, 1752. (Children recorded in Windsor) 81 Ruth, b. in 1727. 82 Stephen, b. January 21, 1731 ; m. Rachel Gillett, of Windsor. January 3, 1 754 ; d. August 1758, leaving one child, Jacob, b, February 5, 175G. Jacob Goodrich died in Windsor in 1746. 34. Benjaiiiiii, son of (17) Lieut. William Goodrich and Grace Riley, was born Septembei- 29, 1688 ; married Grace, daughter of Ebenezer Kilbourn, of Glastonbury, Conn., March 7, 1716, and had 83 Benjsinun. 84 Ebenezer. 85 Timothy, who settled iu Farmiugton. 86 Daniel. 87 Waitstill, who dwelt in Woodbury, Conn., in 1760. 88 Sarah, Who died single in 1758. Benjamin Goodrich died May 11, 1742. His grave is in the Newington Society burying-ground. Gkace Kilbourn, widow of Benjamin Goodrich, died No- vember 26, 1764, se. 71 years His estate was distributed January 10, 1751, to his wife and the al)ove-named children. 43. Richard, son of (18) Capt. Ephraim Goodricli and (11) Sarah Treat, was born February 27, 1685 ; married Ifannah, daughter of Dr. Cliarles Bulckley, of New London, and grand- daughter of Ilev. (xorshom Bnh'kley, May 18, 17()<), and had 522 Goodrich. 89 Ann, b. March 6, 1710. 90 Richard, b. July 13, 1712 ; d. September 1, 1714. 91 Sarah, b. July 6, 1715. 92 Gershom, b. May 5, 1717. 93 Richard, b. July 23, 1719. Richard Goodricli settled first in Micldletown and afterward in Glastonbury, Conn. Hannah Bulcklby, wife of Richard Goodrich, died Sep- tember 23, 1720. 44. Gideon, son of (IS) Capt. Epliraiiii Goodrich and (11) Sarah Treat, was born ; married Sarah , June 29, 1718, and had 94 Elijah, bp. 1726. 95 Lois, bp. April 13, 1728. 96 Caleb, bp. September 5, 1731 . 97 Ebenezer, bp. March 18, 1733 ; m. (76) Lydia Deming. 98 Eunice, bp. April 6, 1735. 99 Joshua, bp. May 21, 1738. 100 Wait, bp. January 20, 1740. 101 Levi, bp. June 10, 1750. Gideon Goodrich first settled in Wetliersfield, tlien removed to Middletown, Upper Houses. He died August, 1769. 45. E]iliraiiii, son of (18) Capt. Ephraim Goodrich and (11) Sarah Treat, was born in 1693 ; married Hannah, daugliter of James Steele, of Wetliersfield, and (25) Ann, daughter of (4) Capt. Samuel Welles of that town (b. March 18, 1697), July 10, 1715, and had 102 Abigail, b. July 10, 1716. 103 Jame.s, b. January 21, 1718, 104 Charles, b. November 9. 1720 ; m. 1st, Lucy Ward ; 2d, H.\N- NAii Ward ; d. November 15, 1816. 105 Ephraim, b. December 9, 1722 ; m. Penelope H.\le. 106 Hannah, b. May 15, 1725. Ephraim Goodrich settled^ in Glastonbury, Conn., where all his children were recorded in the town records. He died in 1771. Guoniiioii. 528 48. AVilliaiii, son of (18) Ciipt. Ephraim (roodrich and (11) Sarah Treat, was born in 1701 ; married Rachel, danglitev of Ca])t. Thomas Savage, April 4, 1728, and had 107 William, b. January 20, 1729. 108 Stephen, b. May 2, 1732. 109 Elisha, b. May 27, 1734 ; m. (IIG) Lucy Goodrich. 110 Jehiel, ) [b. September IG, 1741. 111 Jemima, ) 112 Mary, b. November 18, 1745. Rachel Say age, wife of William Goodrich, died Septem- ber 20, 1 787, te. 84 years. William Goodrich settled in Glastonbury, Conn., wdiere all his children were recorded in the town records, and died there December 16, 1787, ae. 86 years. 49. David, son of (18) Capt. Ephraim Goodrich and (11) Sarah Treat, was born in 17<)5; married (15) Sarah, daugh- ter of (13) John Edwards, February 13, 1729, and had 113 John, b. June 16, 1730 ; m., (1009 Talcott Fed.) 1st, Prudence Talcott, June 17, 1752; 2d, (74) Abigail Deming, October 8, 1761 ; d. October 12. 1774. 114 David, b. May 22, 1733; m. (22) Prudence Benton, November 7, 17.54 ; d. October 15, 1808. 115 Wait, b. February 8, 1736 ; m. Hannah Smith. 116 Lucy, b. February 24, 1738 ; m. (109) Elisiia Goodrich ; d. in 1807. 117 Rhoda, b. December 17, 1739 ; m. Gideon Sage, November 27, 1760. 118 Isaac, b. May 2, 1743 ; m. Hannah Strickland, June 4, 1786. 119 Elizur, b. August 8, 1745 ; m. Sarah Kimberly. 120 Sarah, b. June 20, 1747 ; m. (1012 Talcott Ped.) Isaac Talcott, November 20, 1765. 121 Honor, b. April 8, 1749 ; m. Daniel Miles, January 26, 1786. 122 George, b. August 13, 1751 ; m. Sarah Welles ; d. August, 1843. 123 Prudence, b. April 14, 1754 ; d. December 15, 1765. Deacon David Goodricli settled in Glastonbury, Conn., where his children were recorded in the town records. 524 Goodrich.' " Deacon David Goodrich who, on the 7th of June, 1779, at his evening prayer fell down in an instant and never saw to make any motion after, being in the 74th year of liis age." — [Gravestone. Sarah Edwards, widow of Deacon David Goodrich, died May 11, 1790, in the SOth year of her age. 50. Oliver, son of (18) Capt. Ephraim Goodrich and his second wife (29) Jerusha Treat, widow of (22) Thomas Welles, was born September 14, 1714; m. Temperance Wright, of Wethersiield, June 26, 1740, and had 124 Roger, b. October 18, 1741. 125 Sarah, b. July 31, 1743. 126 Prudence, b. August 11, 1745. 127 Temperance, b. October 11, 1747. 128 Oliver, b. October 8, 1749. " 129 Milletta, b. November 3, 1751. 130 Millescent, b. September 39, 1754. 131 Pollicena, b. May 15, 1757. 132 Ezekiel, b. April 22, 1759. 133 Lucretia, b. May 8, 1761. Oliver Goodrich settled in Wetliersiield, Kooky Hill, where his children were recorded in the Rocky Hill chnrch records. He died there September 23, 1780, in the 66tli year of his age. Temperance Wright, widow of Oliver Goodrich, died October 4, 1803, in the SOth year of her age. Gurcloii, son of (18) Capt. Ephraim Goodrich and his second wife (29) Jerusha Treat, widow of (22) Thomas Welles, was born December 29, 1717; married Abigail Behlen, of Wetlierstield, Jnne 7, 1739, and had 134 Gurdon, b. August 31, 1740 ; d. October 3, 1741. 135 Jerusha, b. July 26. 1741. 136 Experience, b. September 25, 1743 ; d. July 24, 1746. 137 Gurdon, b. January 12, 1745. 138 Elizabeth, b. August 16, 1747. 139 Abigail, b. November 12, 1749. GooDKiou. 525 140 Ephraim, b. Jauuary 26, 1752. 141 Jemima, b. April 7, 1754. 142 Elizur, b. September 10, 1756. 143 Ichabod, b. September 10, 1758. Giirdoii Goodrich settled in Wetliersficld, Rocky Hill, ^v'llere liis children were recorded in theRoftky Hill clinrch records. Abigail Belden, wife of Gurdon Goodkich, died February 22, 1.787, in the 6Gth year of lier age. Joi^iah, son of (10) Col. David Goodrich and (s) Hannah Wright, was born June 15, 1*90 ; married, 1st, Sarah, daugh- ter of Samuel Porter, of Hadley, Mass., December 5, 1711, and had 144 Josiah, b. August 22, 1717, 145 Aaron, b. in 1719. 146 Samuel, b. in 1721 ; d. y. Sarah Porter, wife of Josiah QoODRicn, died at Wethersfield, Conn., July, 1726, 86. 34 years. He nuvrried, 2d, Sarah, daughter of Rev. Stephen Mix, of Wethersfield, about 1727, and had 147 John, b. in 1728. 148 David, b. in 1729. Josiah Goodricli, Escj., tirst settled in Wethersfield, and removed to Tolland, Coim., where he died inl781, ;e. 41 years. 54. Elr/:iir, son of (19) Col. David Goodrich and (8) Hannah Wright, was born March 30, 1()93 ; married (438 Talcott Ped.), Anne, daughter of (430) Cornet Sanniel Talcott, of Wethers- field, April 22, 1714. Col. Eliznr Goodrich died in Wethersfield, April 4, 1774, a3. 81 years. Annk Talcotp, widow of Elizuk Gooouion, died January 3, 1776, se. 83 years. 5.">. Dsivid, son of (19) Col. David Goodrich and (8) Hannah Wright, was born December 8, 1094; niarried llepzihah. 52(3 Goodrich, danglitcrof Ensign Jonathan Boardnian, deceased, of Wethers- Held, and Marj, dangliter of John Hnbbard, of Hatfield, Mass. (b. Feb. 16, 1702), December 21, 1721, and had 149 Abigail, b. October 11, 1722 ; d. November 10, 172^. 150 David, b. September 2, 1724. ^^151 Alpheus, b. March 4, 1727. 152 Josiah, b. May 5, 1731. 153 Hezekiah, b. April 9, 1733 ; d. November 21, 1788. 154 Elizur, b. October 18, 1734 ; m. Katharine Chauncey, February 1, 1759; d. November 21, 1799. 155 Hepzibah, b. January 19, 1737 ; m. David Belden, August 3. 1769. 156 Abigail, b. March 8, 1739. 157 Mercy, b. June 17, 1741. 158 Hannah, b. August 29, 1743. Deacon David Groodrich settled in Wethersfield, Conn., Rocky Hill Society, where he died July 15, 1785, in the 91st year of his age. He was forty-six years a Deacon. Hepzibah Boardman, widow of Deacon David Goodrich, died at the same place December 9, 1785, in the 84tli year of her age. Their gravestones are in the Rocky Hill bnrying- ffround. 57. Hezekiah, son of (19) Col. David Goodrich and his second wife Prudence Churcliill, was born January 28, 1700 ; mar- ried (35) Honour, daughter of (4) Samuel Deming, October 16, 1729, and had 159 Elizur, b. in 1730. 160 Honor, b. in 1732 ; m., 1st, Charles Whiting, of Norwich, Conn. May 18, 1749, by whom she had six children; 2d, Rev. Joshua Belden, of Wetliersfield, of Newiugton Society, November 14, 1774. She died August 21, 1801, in her 70th year. Hezekiah Goodrich died in 1732. His widow married Dr. Thomas Perrin, of Wethersfield, July 5, 1733. 67. Charles, son of (19) Col. David Goodrich and his second wife Prudence Cliurchill, was born April 7, 1720 ; married Mary , supposed to be the daughter of Samuel Belden, and had Goodrich. 527 161 David, b. in 1746. 162 Abigail, b. in 1748. 163 Dorcas, b. in 1750. 164 Mary, b. in 1752. Charles Goodricli settled in Wetliersticld where he died in 1732. 104. Charles, son of (45) Epliraim Goorlricli and Hannah Steele, was born in Glastonbury, Conn., November 9, 1T20; married, 1st, Lucy Ward, of Middletown, Conn., and had 165 Luely, m. Isaac Jones. 166 Charles, d. an infant. " ~ 167 James, d. an infant. Lucy Wai'd, wife of Charles Goodrich, died. He married, 2d Hannah W.\rd, sister of liis first wife, and had 168 Lucy, b. April 24, 1776 ; m. Euastus Pratt ; d. in 1866, a?. 90 years . 169 Charles, b. April 22, 1778 ; m. Amelia Jones, September 17, 1797 ; d. 1871. 170 James, b. March 28, 1780; d. in 1869, fe. 89 years. Charles Goodrich died in Pittsfield, Mass., November 15, 1816, 33. 96 years. He settled in Pittsfield in 1752, and drove the first horse into that place and built the first house there. He was a Captain in the American army during the Revolution and was wounded at the battle of Bennington. He was one of the most prominent men in Pittsfield. He took an active part during the whole of his long life in the affairs of the place and held various public offices. (For a very full account of him see "Smith's History of Pittsfield" — Smith places his death in 1S15, but that is an error as he died as above stated.) 105. F|iliraiiii, son of (15) Ejihraiin Goodrhh and Hannah Steele, was born in Glastonbury, Coim., Decend)er 9, 1722; married Penelope Hale (1). 1739), and had 171 Noah, b. August 30, 1764 , m. 1st, Prudknce Goodrich, No- vember 23, 1780 ; 2d, Hutu Stratton ; d. July 19, 1834. 07 528 GooDKicii. And other cliildren whose names have not heen found. Epliraiin (xoodricli died in Glastonbury. Penelope Hale, widow of Ephraim Goodrich, died in Tioga, N. Y., November 15, 182G. She moved from Connec- ticut with her son Noali and settled in Tioga, N. Y., in 1802, calling the neighborhood by their name " Goodrich Settle- ment." There are several families of her children and grand- children still residing there. She returned to Connecticut several times on horseback, the country she passed through being very tliinly settled with white people, but filled with Indians, only an occasional settlement to be found. The house which her son built in Tioo-a is still standing-. 113. John, son of (49) David Goodrich, of Glastonbury, and (15) Sarah Edwards, was born June 16, 1730 ; married, 1st, (1009 Talcott Fed.) Prudence, daughter of (459 Talcott Ped.) Col. Elizur Talcott and (32) Paith, daughter of (14) Daniel Wright, Jr., June 17, 1752. She died of consumption Octo- ber 18, 1752. He married, 2d, (74) Abigail, daughter of (Gl) Daniel Deming, Jr., October S, 1761, and had 172 Mary, b. April 17, 1763 ; m. William Stillman, Deceinher 15, 1785 ; d. 1834. 173 Russell, b. February 6, 1765 ; d. s. 1837. 174 Abigail, b. August 1, 1767 ; m. (1018 Talcott Ped.) George Tal- cott, February 9, 1786 ; d. June 27, 1854. 175 Jared, b. March 15, 1769 ; m. Louisa Loveland, June, 1798 ; d. September 19, 1804. 176 Amelia, b. January 5, 1771 ; m. 1st, Samuel R. Smith, Septem- ber, 1797 ; 2d, Pitkin ; 3d, Elisha Chapman ; d. 1828. John Goodrich died October 12, 1774. Abigail Deming, widow of John Goodeich, died June 12, 1799, ie. 68 years. 154. Elizur, son of (55) David Goodrich and Hepzibah Board- man, was born in Wethersfield, Rocky Hill Society, October 18, 1734; married Katharine, daughter of Hon. Elihu Chauncey (b. April 11, 1741), February 1, 1759, and had GooDiiicH. 529 177 Chauncey, b. October 20, 1759 ; United States Senator and Lieu- tenant-Governor of Connecticut ; d. August 18, 1815. 178 Elizur, b. March 24, 1761; m. Anne W. Ali-en, September 1, 1785 ; d. November 1, 1849. 179 Samuel, b. January 12. 1763 ; m. Elizabeth Ely, July 29, 1784 ; d. April 19, 1835. 180 Elihu, b. September 16, 1764 ; d. s. 181 Charles Augustus, b. March 2, 1768 ; d. s. 182 Nathan, b. August 5, 1770 ; d. y. 183 Catharine, b. December 2. 1775; m. Rev. David Smith, D.D., of Dunkirk, Conn.; d. 1845. Rev. Elizur Goodricli settled in Durliani, Conn., where lie died November 21, 1799. Katharine Chauncey, widow of Rev. Elizue Goodrich, died April 8, 1830. 1G9. Charles (Rev.)? son of (lO-l) Capt. Charles Goodricli and bis second wife Hjiiinali Ward, was born in Pittsfield, Mass., April 22, 1778; married Amelia Jones (b. August 21, 1780), September 17, 1797, and had 184 Charles, b. February 22, 1799; d. y. 185 Elizabeth, b. October Ifi, 1800. 186 Charles, b. August 16, 1802 ; m. CAROLINE Brooks. 187 Harriet W., b. July 16, 1804. 188 David, b. June 20, 1806; m., 1st, Mary Winton, December 2, 1829; 2d, Ph(ebe Htjbbell, January 3, 1836; 3d, Nancy D. TuTiiiLL, September 27, 1837 ; 4th, Frances E. Danporth. 189 George W., b. March 23, 1808 ; m. Emeline . 190 Amelia H., b. January 7, 1810 : m. C. G. Judd. 191 Lucy P., b. December 31, 1811 ; m. Nelson Winton. 192 Samuel W., b. February 16, 1814 ; m. Eliza St. Croix. Amelia J. Tuthill, third wife of Rev. Charles Goodrich, died. He married, 4th, Frances E. Danforth. 194. William W^., son of (188) David (xoodricli and his first wife Mary Wiiitoii, was born August 23, 1833 ; married Frances A. Wickes, of Albany, N. Y., September 10. 1857, and had 198 Frederick E., b. July 7, 1858. 199 Henry W., b. April 2G, 18G0. 200 Jesse L., b. August 30, 1861. 201 Mabel D., b. November 1, 1865. William W. Goodrich is a practicing lawyer in the city of New York. 171. IVoali, son of (105) Epliraim Goodrich and Penelope Hale, was born in Glastonbnry, Conn., August 30, 1764; mar- ried, 1st, Prndence, daughter of Goodrich, Novem- ber 23, 1786, and had 202 Erastus, b. June 15, 1788; m. (1742 Talcott Ped.) Hope Tal- COTT, February 27, 1812; d. June 29, 1854. 203 Aner, b. September 30, 1789 ; m. Ruth Stratton, October 31, 1813 ; d. July 15, 1871. 204 Norman, b. December 30, 1792 ; m. Eliza True, January 20, 1822 ; d. February 9, 1861. 205 Roxa, b. September 16, 1798 ; m. David Nealy ; d. 1824. 206 Prudence, b. January 25, 1805 ; d. March 31, 1805. 207 Anna, b. April 30, 1807 ; d. January 13, 1808. 208 Penelope, b. January 3, 1812 ; d. January 6, 1812. Prudence Goodrich, wife of Noah Goodrich, died in Tioga, N. Y., January 30, 1813. He married, 2d, Ruth Stratton, and had (toodkicii. 531 209 Ephraim, 1). October 31. 1815; ra. Hannah B. ILvuguton. Noah Goodrich died at Tioga, N. Y., Jidv 19, 1834. 302. Era!^tiis, son of (171) Noah Goodrich and Prudence Goodrich, was bom June 15, 1788; niarried (1742 Talcott Fed.) Hope, daughter of (lOlG Talcott Fed.) Elizur Talcott and Dorothy Lord (b. Mav 10, 1785), February 27, 1812, and had 210 David, b. January 3, 1813 ; m. Fanny Trueman. 211 Prudence, b. July 32, 1814 ; m. Daniel G. Taylor. 212 George B., b. December 1, 1816 ; m. (1757 Talcott Ped.) Sarah C. Talcott, September 2, 1840. 213 Eunice A., b. August 20, 1818, m, George Trueman, November 17, 1842. 214 Edwin, b. October 12, 1820 ; m. Calphurnta Mersereau, September 18, 1844. 215 Erastus, b. February 25, 1823 ; m. 1st, Nancy Ann Tay^lor ; 2d, PncEBE A. Dodge. 216 Susan E., b. June 9, 1826 ; m. John C. Willl\ms. 217 Lucy B., b. July 15, 1830 ; m. T. I. Chatfield. The above children were all living in 1880. Erastus Goodrich died June 29, 1854. Hope Talcoit, widow of Erastus Goodkich, died February 13, 1865. 303. Aiier, son of (171) Noah Goodricli and Prudeuce Good- rich, was born Septeuil)er 30, 1789 ; niarried Ruth Stratton, October 31, 1813, and had 218 Emily M., b. December 30, 1817 ; m. Lyman Trueman, January 10, 1838. 219 Andrew Jackson. 220 John A., m. (265) Jennie E. Goodrich, April 20, 1868. Aner Goodrich died July 15, 1871. •J04. IVoriiiaii, son of (171) Noah Goodrich and Prudence (Joodrich, was born December 30, 1792; married Eliza True, January 20, 1822, and had 532 Goodrich. 221 Noah, b. April 5, 1823; m. Charlotte R. Lane. May 15, 1845. 222 Hermon N., b. October 11, 1824; m. Sarah E. Catlin, May 1. 1851 ; d. November 20, 1874. 223 Mary Louisa, b. April 20, 1826. 224 Rhoda Ann, b. May 29, 1828 ; m. Benjamin C. Stiles, October 23, 1849. 225 Amanda M., ) d. January 5, 1838, [ h. July 24, 1830. 226 Mortimer A., ) d. October 5, 1830. 227 Abner T., b. March 23, 1833; d. September 13. 1853. 228 Jairus T., b. November 18, 1838. Norman Goodrich died February 9, 1861. Eliza True, widow of Norman Goodrich, died March 10, 1872. S05. Roxa, daughter of (171) Noah Goodrich and Prudence Goodrich, was born September 16, 1798; married David Nealy, and had 229 Prudence, m. Rev. Mr. Wadsworth. 230 James. • 231 George. 232 Elizabeth, m. Charles Stebbins. 233 Charles. Roxa Goodrich, wife of D.^vid TTealy, died in 1S24. 309. Epliraiiii, son of (171) Noah Goodrich and Ruth Stratton, his second wife, was born October 31, 1815 ; married Hannah B. Haughton, and had 234 Ruth A., b. May 22, 1844 ; d. December 26, 1878. 235 Charles E., b. October 7, 1850 ; m. Mary Raymond. 210. David, son of (202) Erastus Goodrich and (1742 Talcott Ped.) Hope Talcott, was born Jannaiy 3, 1813 ; married Fanny Trueman, and had 236 Mary, m. Dwight Cady. 237 Charles, m. Sarah Crouch. 238 Lyman, m. Cynthia Cornell. Goodrich. 533 211. Prudence, daughter of (202) Erastiis (Goodrich and (174:2 Talcott Ped.) Hope Talcott, was born July 22, 1814; married Daniel 0. Taylor, and had 239 Margaret Elizabeth, b. August 27, 1840. 240 William G., b. in 1843. 312. George B., son of (202) Erastus Goodrich and (1742 Talcott Ped.) Hope Talcott, was born December 1, 1816 ; mar- ried (1757 Talcott Ped.) Sarah C, daughter of (1741 Talcott PecL) George Lord Talcott and Sarah McQuigg, September 2, 1840, and had 241 Sarah T., b. December 29, 1841 ; m. Wm. H. Ellis, October 15, 1863. 242 James Wright, b. October 15, 1843. 243 Charlotte, b. July 29, 1848. 213. Eunice A., daughter of (202) Erastus Goodrich and (1742 Talcott Ped.) Hope Talcott, was l)orn August 20, 1818 ; married George Trueiiiau, November 17, 1842, and had 244 William S., b. July 10, 1844 ; m. Kate Stedman, and had 1 Francis. 2 William. 3 Adeline. 245 Sarah F., b. September 9, 184G ; ni. Chase A. Thomi'Son, and had 1 Anna, b. May, 1870. 2 George, b. in 187G. 246 George, Jr., b. June 25, 1848. 247 Gilbert, b. February 9, 1850; ni. Alice Steele, and had 1 George, b. in 1871. 2 James, b. in 1876. 248 Francis, b. June 15, 1853 ; d. July 10, 1853. 214. Edwin, son of (202) Erastus (Joodrich and (1742 Talcott Ped.), Hope Talcott, was bom October 12, 1820; married Calphuniia Mersereau, S(!]>t(Mnber 18, 1S44, and had 534 Goodrich. 249 David U., b. November 3, 1845. 250 Helen Frances, b. October 19, 1847 ; d. January 13, 1875. 251 Mary Kingsland, b. January 21, 1849 ; m. Calvin Dean. 252 John Edwin, b. September 13, 1850 ; m. Hebe Frye. 253 Augusta Calphurnia, b. July 5, 1853 ; d. March C, 1854. 254 Susan Emma, b. December 28, 1856. 255 George Edwin, b. April 28, 1862; d. March 8, 1872. 215. Erastiis, Jr., son of (202) Erastus Goodrich and (1742 Talcott Fed.), Hope Talcott, was born February 25, 1823; married, 1st, Nancy Ann Taylor, and had 256 Roswell. 257 Frank M. 258 Anna. Nancy Ann Taylor, wife of Erastus Goodrich, Jr., died. He married, 2d, Phosbe A. Dodge, and had 259 Harriet, b. May, 1871. 260 Lucy C, b. in 1878. 261 Mary, b. in 1876. 262 George Erastus, b. July, 1879. Niisaii E., dauo'hter of (202) Erastus Goodrich and (1742 Talcott Fed.) Hope Talcott, was l)orn June 9, 1826; married John C. Williams, and had 1 Olive, b. July 3, 1867. Sir. liiicy B., daughter of (202) Erastus Goodrich and (1742 Talcott Fed.) Hope Talcott, was born July 15, 1830 ; married Thomas Ives Chatfleld (b. Sept. 16, 1818), and had 1 Thomas Ives, Jr., b. October 4, 1871 . 218. Emily M., danghter of (203) Aner Goodrich and Ruth Stratton, was born December 30, 1817; married Lyman Trneman (b. March 2, 1806), January 10, 1838, and had 1 Adeline, b. December 18, 1848 ; m. John B. Stanbrough, April 25, 1860, and had Goodrich. 535 a Dora T., b. October 2G, 1861. b Lyman T., b. January 11, 1864. c Frank T., b. June 7, 1867. 2 Emily Augusta, b. April 21, 1841 ; m. Capt. Eugene B. Gere, June 18, 1867. 3 Dorindai Experience, b. May 6, 1844 ; m. Clarence A. Thompson, June 9, 1867, and had a Sidney Welles, b. February 10, 1873. 4 Aner G., b. June 11, 1847 ; d. October 3, 1848. IVoali, son of (204) Norman Goodrich and Eliza Trne, was born April 5, 1823 ; married Charlotte R. Lane (b. De- cember 29, 1825), May 15, 1845, and bad 263 Helen F., b. March 18, 1846 ; d. August 9, 1847. 264 Hiram E., b. December 31, 1847; m. Trypiiena McLane, Octo- ber 20, 1869. 265 Jennie E., b. August 29, 1849 ; m. 1st, (220) John A. Goodrich, April 29, 1868 ; 2d, Frederick C. Steele, January 28, 1880. 266 James N., b. May 4, 1852 ; d. April 5, 1856. 267 Ella Josephine, b. December 30, 1859. Heriiioii IV., son of (204) Norman Goodrich and Eliza True, was born October 11, 1824 ; married Sarah E. Catlin, May 1, 1851, and bad 268 Charles T., b. December 7, 1852 ; m. Frances M. Deyo, May 10 1874. Hermon N. Goodrich died November 20, 1874, 941. Sarah T., daughter of (212) George l5. Goodrich and (1757 Talcott Pod.) Sarah C. Talcott, was born December 29, 1841 ; married William li. Ellis, October 15, 1863, and bad 1 George Edwin, b. July 2, 1865 ; d. September 19, 1806. 2 James G., b. June 7, 1868 ; d. September 18, 1869. 3 Charlotte, b. August 25, 1872. 4 Charles Talcott, b. January 15, 1877. 68 530 Goodrich. 964. Hiram E., son of (221) Noah Goodrich and Charlotte R. Lane, was born December 31, 1847; married. Try phena McLane, October 20, 1869, and had 269 Frederick E., b. November 3, 1870. 270 John A., b. February 12, 1877. 968. Charles T., son of (222) Hermon N. Goodrich and Sarah E. Catlin, was born December 7, 1852; married Frances M. Deyo, May 10, 1874, and had 271 Hermon A., b. November 6, 1874 ; d. June 10, 1877. 272 WUUe, b. August 20, 1876. 178. £1iziir, son of (154) Elizur Goodrich and Katharine Chauncey, was born March 24, 1761 ; married Anne VVillard, danghter of Daniel and Esther Allen, September 1, 1785, and had 273 Elizur, b. October 3, 1787; m. Eliza, daughter of Gen. Henry Champion, of Hartford, October 25, 1818. 274 Chauncey Allen, b. October 20, 1790 ; m. Juli.'V, daughter of Noah Webster, LL. D. 275 Nancy, b. January 1, 1793 ; m. Hon. Henry li. Ellsworth ; d. January 15, 1847. Anne Willard Allen, wife of Hon. Elizue Goodeich, died November 17, 1818. Hon. Elizur Goodrich died at New Haven, Conn., Novem- ber 1, 1849. 179. ^ainiiel, son of (154) Elizur Goodrich and Katherine Chauncey, was born January 12, 1763 ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Col. John Ely, July 29, 1784, and had 276 Sarah Worthington, b. August 7, 1785; m., 1st, Amos Cooke; 2d, Hon. Frederick Wolcott. 277 EUzabeth, b. April 26, 1787 ; m. Kev. Noah Coe. 278 Abigail, b. November 29, 1788; m. Rev. Samuel Whittlesey. GooDKiGii. 537 279 Charles Augustus ("Peter Parley"), b. August 19, 1790; m. Sarah Upson. 280 Catharine, b. December 4, 1791 ; m. Daniel Dunbar, of Berlin. 281 Samuel Griswold, b. August 19, 1793 ; m., 1st, Adeline Brad- ley ; 2d, Mary Boot. 282 Elihu Chauncey, b. November 18, 1795 ; d. June 9, 1797. 283 Mary Ann, b. May 29, 1799 ; m. Hon. N. B. Smith, of Woodbury, Conn. 284 Emily Chauncey, b. November 25, 1801 ; d. October 23, 1803. 285 Emily Chauncey, b. November 13, 1805 ; m. Rev. Darius Mead. Rev. Samuel Goodrich died at Berlin, Conn., April 19, 1835. Elizabeth Ely, widow of Rev. Samuel Goodrich, died at Berlin, Conn., March 3, 1837. 109. Eli§lia, son of (48) >Villiam Ooodricli and Rachel Savage, was born May 27, 173-1; married (116) Lucy, daughter of (49) David Goodrich and (15) Sarah Edwards (b. February 24, 1734), and had 286 Eliakim, m. Sarah Leland, in 1781. 287 Jeremiah, b. October 1, 1772 ; m. Jemima Tkyon, November 22, 1801 ; d. December 20, 1824. 986. Eliakim, son of (100) Elisha Goodrich and (116) Lucy Goodrich, was born ; married Sarah, daughter of Phineas Leland and Sarah Warren (b. in Grafton, Mass., in 1763), in 1781, and had 288 Ansel, b. in 1782 ; m. Mary Strickland ; d. in 1819. 289 Ira, b. in 1785 ; ra. Fear Potter; d. in 1825. 290 Cyprian, b. in 1786 ; m. Abigail Giles. 291 Lucy, b. in 1788 ; m. Joseph Berry ; d. in 1829. 292 Alanson, b. in 1790 ; m. Mary Pixley. 293 Sila.s, b. in 1793; m. (353) Mary A. GooftRiCH, March 11. 1828. 294 Sarah, b. in 1795. 295 Betsey, b. in 1797 ; m. Jonathan Platt. 296 Anne, b. in 1799; d. y. 297 Jasper, b. in 1801 ; m. Betsey Thorne. 298 William, b. in 1804; m. May Fox. 299 Fanny, b. in 180G. Sarah Leland, wife of Eliakim Goodrich, died in Owego in 1824. 538 Goodrich. 288. Aiii^el, son of .(28G) Eliakini Goodrich and Sarah Lelaiul, was born in 1782 ; married Mary Strickhind, and had 300 Stephen R,, b. in 1808 ; d. at Macon, Ga., in 1835. 301 Mary Ann, b. in 1811 , d. in 1836 at Athens, Pa. 302 Frederick A., b. in 1812 ; d. in 1814, at Owego. 303 Sarah W., b. in 1816 ; m. Orlando Saltmarsh ; d. at Macon, Ga. 304 Nancy L., b. in 1817 ; m. C. N. Shipman ; d. at Athens, Pa. Ansel Goodrich died in Owego in 1819. Was a merchant and a Major- GeneraL 989. Ira, son of (286) Eliakim Goodrich and Sarah Lelaiid, was born in 1Y85 ; married Fear Potter, and had 305 Ann M., b. in 1808 ; m. Enoch L. Roberts. 306 Louise, b. in 1812 ; d. in 1827. 307 Sarah M., b. in 1814 ; m. Stephen G. Williams. 308 Lydia, b. in 181G ; m. Joseph P. True. 309 Mary, b. in 1818 ; m. F. C. Beman. 310 Return S., b. in 1820 ; d. in 1822. 311 Ansel F., b. in 1822. 312 Charlotte, b. in 1824 ; d. in 1825. Ira Goodrich died in 1825. Was a merchant and died in Rochester, N. Y. Cyiiriaii, son of (286) Eliakim Goodrich and Sarah Lelaud, was born in 1786 ; married Abigail Giles, and had 313 Charles W., b. in 1814 ; m. Electa L. Burk. 314 Prudence S., b. in 1816 ; m. Joseph Golder. 315 Mary, b. in 1818 ; m. James Ferris. 316 AnselJ., b. in 1820. 317 Eunice, b. in 1823. 318 Eliza, ) [ b. in 1825. 319 Sarah, ) d. in 1840. 320 Ira, b. in 1827. Cyprian Goodrich resided in Cato, N. Y. 991. liHcy, danghter of (286) Eliakim Goodrich and Sarah Leland, was born in 1788 ; married Josepli Berry, and had Goodrich. 539 321 Charlotte, b. in 1813; in. M. Vandenbergh. 322 William, b. in 1815 ; m. Susan Vought. 323 Eliza, 1). in 1817; ni. William Vandenbergh. 324 Sarah L., b. in 1819 ; m. Michael Conklin. 325 FrankUn C, b. in 1822. 326 Harriet, b. in 1824 ; m. JoilN Hanes. 327 Ira, b. in 1826. 328 Lucinda, b. in 1828 ; m. Joseph Spaulding. 329 Joseph, b. in 1830. Lucy Goodrich, wife of Joseph Berky, died in Owego in 1829. 992. Alaiisoii, son of (2SG) Eliakim Groodrich and Sarali Lelaud, was born in 1790 ; married Mary Pixley, and liad 330 Charles P., b. in 1816 ; m. Harriet Styles. 331 Frederick, b. in 1818 ; m. Abby F. Sherman. 332 Harriet, b. in 1821 ; m. Sherman Mosher. 333 Eunice, b. in 1823. 334 Ehzabeth, b. in 1826. 335 Francis, b. in 1830. 336 Leland, b. in 1836. Alaiison Goodrich resided in Owego, N. Y. 8ilas, son of (280) Eliakim Goodrich and Sarali Leland, was born 1793 ; married (353) Mary Anu, daughter of (2S7j Jeremiah Goodrich and Jemima Trjon (b. May 14, 1804), March 11, 1828, and had (See [353] Mary Ann, daughter of [287] Jeremiah Good- rich.) Silas Goodrich resided in Owego, N. Y. 295. Betsey, daughter of (28G) Eliakim Goodrich and Sarah Leland^ was born in 1797 ; married Jonathan Piatt, and liad 337 Charlotte, b. in 1817 ; m. George W. Underwood. 338 Mary, b. in 1819 ; m. Henry Moruan. 339 Charles, b. in 1822. 340 George, b. in 1824. 341 Francis, b. in 1831. 540 GooDRicir. 342 Elizabeth, b. in 1833. 343 Edward, b. in 1838. Betsey Goodricli, M'ife of Jonathan Platt, resided in Owego, N. Y. 297. Jasper, son of (286) Eliakim Goodrich and Sarah Leland, was born in 1801 ; married Betsey Thome, and had 344 Charles, b. in 1834. 345 Charlotte, b. in 1836. 346 Emily, b. in 1838. 347 Sarah, b. in 1839. 348 Stephen T., b. in 1840. 349 Mary J., b. in 1843. 350 Elizabeth, b. in 1844. Jasper Goodrich resided in Washington, Ohio. 298. William, son of (286) Eliakim Goodrich and Sarah Lelaud, was born in 1804; married May Fox, and had 351 Stella L., b. in 1883. 352 Hobart M., b. in 1834. Willifim Goodrich resided at Towanda, Pa. 987. Jereiiiiali, son of (109) Elisha Goodrich and (116) Lucy Goodricli, was born in Glastonbury, Conn., October 1, 17Y2 ; married Jemima Try on (b. October 10, 1779), Novem- ber 22, 1801, and had 353 Mary Ann, b. May 14, 1804 ; m. (393) Silas Goodrich, March 11, 1838 ; d. May 4, 1871. 354 David, b. February 7, 180G ; d. August 33, 1838. 355 Augusta, b. April 31, 1811 : d. in Owego September 17, 1839. 356 liucy Tryon, b. January 10, 1814 ; m. Robert B. Fiddis, De- cember 6, 1836. 357 Elizur Tryon, b. January 31, 1817 ; d. at Cincinnati, February 4, 1868. Jemima Tryon, wife of Jeremiah Goodrich, died in Glastonbury, Conn., February 7, 1819. Goodrich. 541 Jerkmiaii Goodrich died in Glastonbury, Conn., December 20, 1824. 353. Mary Ann, daughter of (287) Jeremiah Goodrich and Jeiniina Tryoii, was born May 14, 1804; married (293) Silas Goodrich, March 11, 1828, and had 358 Jemima Augusta, b. January 26, 1829 ; m. Rev. James T. Gripp- ing, September 13, 1855. 359 Sarah Ann, b. April 11, 1831. 360 James Jeremiah, b. October 19, 1833; d. in Kansas, November, 1868. 361 Rachel Tryon, b. August 37, 1836 ; d. in Owego, December 30, 1852 362 Ralph Leland, m. Jennie Connett, at Little Rock, Ark., August 25, 1869. 363 Mary Clarissa, b. February 20, 1839 ; m. Qurdon H. Horton, March 26, 1863. 364 Stephen Silas, b. June 16,1842; m. Mary E. Stiles, October 10, 1871. Mary Aim Goodricli, wife of Silas Goodrich, died in Owego, May 4, 1871. 356. liHcy Tryon, daughter of (287) Jeremiah Goodrich and Jemima Tryon, was born January 10, 1814 ; married Robert B. Fiddis, December 6, 1836, and had 365 James Robert, b. July 27, 1837; m. Olivia Martinez, August 23, 1879. 366 Lucy A., b. July 17, 1839. 367 Anna Augu.sta, b. July 26, 1842 ; m. Rev. John H. Griffith, June 30, 1863, and bad 1 Herbert Baxter, b. May 12, 1865. 2 Lucy Fiddis, b. March 13, 1870. 358. .leniinia, daughter of (353) Mary Aim Goodrich and (293) Silas Goodrich, was born January 26, 1829; married Rev, James T. Griffiiig, in Owego, September 13, 1855, and liad 368 John Silas, b. in Kansas August 26, 1857 ; m. IjV/jak Pechren in -Manhattan, Kansas, October, 1879. 369 William, b. November 24, 1860. 542 Goodrich. 370 Mary Lydia, b. August 25, 18G3. 371 Sarah Augusta, b. February 19, 186g. 362. Ralph lielaiid, son of (353) Mary Ann Ooodricli and (293) Silas Goodrich, was born ; married Jennie Connett, Angnst 25, 1869, at Little Eock, Ark., and had 372 Jennie Edith, b. June 3, 1870. Jennie Connett, wife of Ralph Leland Goodrich, died August Y, 1870. 303. Mary Clari§sa, daughter of (353) Mary Ann Goodricli and (293) Silas Goodrich, was born February 20, 1839 ; mar- ried, in Owego, Gnrdon H. Horton, March 26, 1863, and had 373 Fannie Augusta, b. November 2, 1863. • 374 Frederic, b. November 9, 1869. 364. Stephen Silas, son of (353) Mary Ann Goodrich and (293) Silas Goodrich, was born June 16, 1842; married, in Owego, Mary E. Stiles, October 10, 1871, and had 375 Helen Louise, b. July 12, 1872. 376 Mary Frances, b. November 23, 1873. HAMLIN. The Haiuliii's are of Freiicli origin ; they cuuie to Eiighnid about lOSO. Tradition says that two brotliers caiue to New England and settled at Barnstable Mass. Jamks, ])rol)al)ly the eldest, brought his wife and at least one child with him, and remained permanently at Barnstable. Giles, a sea captain, soon went to Middletown, Conn., and made that place his home. Ja;\[ks, with his fannly, came to America in 1640. Giles, his brothel', a singh' man, pi'obably came latei", though this is not known. To the Barnstabh^ family is traced the lineage of Vice-i^ivsident IIanmual ITa^clix. The name of Hamlin has been variously wi'itten, cd"ten Hamblen, and as often Hamlin and Hamlen. A. 1. •TniiiC!^ Ilaiiiliii mul liis wife Anne . luid 2 James, Jr., b. in Eiigliuul ; m. Maky Dunham. 3 Hannah, |)r()bi\l)ly 1). in Kiiglaiu). 4 Isaac. 5 Bartholomew, h. in Karn.stable, April 11, l(i-42. 6 John, b .hiMH ;{(), 1()44 ; m. S.vuAii Beause, Augiictt, 16(57. 7 Sarah, b. November 7, l(i47. 8 Eleazer, b. March 17, U)4!>. 9 Israel, b. .Iiine 2."), 10,12. Jainos Hiiiiiliii dicil in I'ai-nstabh' in 1()9<». .laiiic'N, Jr., son of i 1 1 .hiines Hamlin mid Aiiiie , was l)oi-n in Kngl;nid yeav. O. John, Son of (^ I) James Hamlin and Anne — ^, was born in Barnstable Jnne 30, 1044; married Sarah, daughter of Anstin Bearse, Aiig-nst, 1667, and had 24 Meletia, b. July 1, 1668. 25 Priscilla, b. April ;](), 1670. 26 Sarah, b. July 1, 1()71. 27 Martha, b. February 16, 1672-3. 28 Experience, b. April 16, 1674. 29 Hannah, b. February 16, 1675-6. 30 Esther, b. March 17, 1676-7. 31 Thankful, b. October, 1679 ; d. October, 1683. 32 John, b. March 10, 1680-1. 33 Ebenezer, b. May 12, 1683. 34 Abigail, b. April 25, 1685. 35 Benjamin, b. February 11, 1686-7 ; m., 1st, Hoi'E Huokins, May 29, 1709 ; 2d, Anna Mayo, in 1718. 35. Beiijaiiiiii, son of (6) Jolin Hamlin and Sarah Bearse, was born in Barnstable Febi'iiary 11, 16S6-7 ; man-ied, 1st, Hope Hnckins, May 20, 1 700, and had 36 Rebecca, b. May 17, 1711. 37 Hannah, bp. July, 1714. 38 Benjamin, bp. November 18, 1716. Hamlin. 54-5 39 Hope, bp. August 81, 1718. Hope Huokins, wife of Benjamin Hamlin, died in 1718. He mar- ried, 2d, Anna, daughter of Samuel Mayo and great-grand- daughter of Gov. Prince, also great-granddaughter of Kev. Jolin Mayo, in 1718, and had 40 Cornelius, b. in 1719 ; ni. .J.\NE YoUNG, June 23,1748 ; d. Novem- ber 8, 1791. 41 Benjamin, m. Lydia Young, March 24, 17J8. 42 Joshua. 43 deazer. 44 Lydia, m. John Wilcutt, of Hingliani, in 1748. 45 Isaac, b. in 1728; m. Sakah Sh.\w, of Abington. 45. I§aae, son of (35) Benjamin Hamlin and Anna Mayo, his second wife, was born in 1728; married Sarah Sliaw, of Abington, and had 46 Isaac, 1). in 1748. 47 David, b. in 1752. 48 Molly, b. in 1754. 49 Joseph, b. in 1756. 50 Sarah, b. in 17G0. 51 John, b. October 22, 1762 ; m., 1st, Sally Towne, 1790 ; 2d, Mrs. Dorothy Gove, November 10, 1819; d. April 15, 1852. 51. John, son of (45) Isaac Hamlin and Sarah Shaw, was born in Bridgewater, Mass., October 22, 1762; niai-rietl, 1st, SaHy, daughter of Reuben and Sarah Towne (Ij. in Snttou, Mass., 1773"), in Windsor, Mass., in 179(», and liad 52 John, b. July 29, 1791 ; d. February 20, 1792. 53 Orren, b. December 2, 1792 ;-d. September 14, 1813. 54 Reuben, b. May 19, 1795 ; m. 1st., Rhoda RiOhakds, February 15, 1816; 2d, Fanny Warner, April 17, 1828; 3d, Elizabeth Jones, November 3, 1839; 4th, Eunice Tiruell. January 1, 1854; 5th, Pamela Little, September 22, 1860; d. December 28, 1866. 55 Clarissa, b. July 5, 1797; m. Otis Pratt. January 2^. 1817: d. December 13, 1831. 56 Nabby, b. February 10. 1800 ; m. John Ford, Septembers, 1818 ; d. September 29, 1833. 57 Iiyman, b. January 14. 1803; m. Lucy Fijnt, of Bloomfield, N. Y., in 1826 ; d. February 14, 1878. 546 Hamlin. 58 Freeman, b. May 8, 1805 ; m., 1st, Clarissa Whiting, of Plainfield June 4, 1839 ; 2d, Martha Taylor, November 30, 1848. 59 Polly, b. September 15, 1807 ; m. Masox Ames, May 12, 1830 ; d. ^[arcli 18, 1847. 60 Horace, b. August 23, 1810 ; m., 1st, Clarissa Bancroft, of Gran- ville, Ohio, May 1, 1834 ; 3d, Mrs. Lizzie Gavren, July (5, 1870. 61 John, b. December 3, 1814 ; d . October 32, 1844. Sally Towiie, wife of John Hamlin, Esq., died October 11, 1818. He married 3d, Mrs. Dorothy Gove, of Worthingtou, No- vember 10, 1819; no ch. She died September 31, 1847, x. 69 years. John Hamlin served in the war of the Revohitioii, and died ill Phiinfiekl April 15, 1852. JoiiA' Hamlin, in the year 1776, at the age of thirteen, re- moved with his parents to Cumniingtoii tliree years before it took the niiniici[)al rank of a town. It was among the most distinct of his recollections that while at IS^orthampton, on his way to Cuniniiiiffton. the news of our conntrv''s Declaration of Independence reached that town, surprising yet rejoicing the inhabitants. At the age of sixteen he entered the service of his country for the maintenance of this declaration, in which service he continued about six montlis. For this he was subse- quently moderately jjensioned l)y the government, and was, at the time of his death, the last of the Revolutionary pensioners in Plainfield. At the age of twenty-eight he married and re- moved to Plainfield, then a district belonging to Oummington, thus becoming one of its earliest inliabitants, though it was not incorporated as a town till about seventeen years later. As a citizen Mr. Hamltx was respected and honored, having received many ottices of trust by the suffrages of his felloAv citizens. For nineteen years he was one of the Selectmen of the town, and was five years, including ten sessions, a member of the General Court, as a representative of his town. lie was also early appointed a Justice of the Peace, but steadily declining the legal qualifications, he never exercised the functions of that office. 54. Reuben, son of (51) John Hamlin and Sally Tonne, was born in Plainfield, Mass., May 19, 1795; married, 1st, Khoda Richards, of Plainfield, February 15, 1816, and had IIamlix. 547 62 MariUa R., b. June 4, 1817 ; d. October 7, 1887. 63 Flora A., b. March 29. 1819 ; d. June 13, 1840. 64 Martha A., b. March 28.^1821 ; ni. William C. Bissell, Marcli 19, 1855; a. September 8, 1857. 65 Shepard L., b. February 14, 1823 ; m. EuzAiiETn B. ^^VLENTI^•E ; d. March G, 1866. 66 Laura B., b. April, 1825 ; d. October 14, 1826. JtlKula Kichard.s, wife of Keuben Hamlin, died December 29, 1826. He married, 2d, Fanny Warnek, of Plainfield, April 17, 1828, and bad 67 Laura B., b. April 27, 1829 ; m. James C. Bellman, of Cincin- nati, Ohio, December 22, 1853. 68 Rosamund W., b. June 1, 1831 ; d. August 29, 1844. 69 Alfred W., b. June 17. 1834 ; m. Harriet X. Stratton ; d. June 6, 1872. 70 Wallace A., b. March 13, 1839 ; m. Rachel MEiifKU, October 27, 1870; d. June 0, 1872; no cIl Fanny Warner, second wife of Reuben Hamlin, died July 22, 1889. He married, 3d, Elizabeth Jones, of Plainfield, November 3, 1839, and had no children. Elizabeth Jones, third wife of Reuben Hamlin, died December 11, 1851, ae. 45 years, 11 months and 26 days. He married, 4th, Mrs. Eunice Tirrell, of Plainfield, January 1, 1854, and had no children. She died January 1, 1864, se. 58 years, 1 mouth and 3 days. He married, 5th, Mrs. Pamela Little, of Shelburu Falls, September 23, 1866 ; no ch. Reuben Hamliu died at Shelburn Falls, Decenil)er 28, 1866, iv. 71 years, 7 months and 9 days. ClariNj^a, daughter of (51) John Haiuliii and Sally Towiie, was born in Plainheld, Mass., July 5, 1797; married Otis Pratt, of Plainfield, January 28, 1817, and had 71 Sally H., b. November 10, 1818. 72 Lucy G., b. December 28, 1820; m. NoAii L. Gloyd, of Cunning- ham, October 28, 1847; d. June 10, 1851. 73 Mary L., b. May 9, 1823 ; m. Leavitt Torrv, of Weymouth, May 9, 1848. He died April 17, 1854. 74 Maria G., b. May 19, 1826. 75 Laura, b. September 24, 1827 ; m. William J. SHATTOC'K,of Boston, April 4, 1848; d. April 16, 1872. 76 Beniiie, b. July 13, 1829 ; m. Lydia A. Pool, of Abington, October 3, 1853. 54S H AMLIN. Clarissa Hainliii, wife of Otis Pratt, died December 13, 1831. He married, 2d, Saixt Bates, of Plainfield, December 30, 1832, aud had a son Erastus B., 1^ October 24, 1842. Otis Pratt died Jnly 30, 1874, ve. 84 yeai-s, 4 months and 9 days. 56. Nsibby, daughter of (51) John Hamlin and Sally Towne, was l)ori^ in Plainfield February 10, 1800 ; married John Ford, of Cnnninghani, September 3, 1818, and had 77 Celia, b. October 28, 1819 ; m. John B. Wait, of Whately, De- cember 6, 1837. 78 Angeline, b. November 9, 1821 ; m. Arial S. Ayers, of Wimlaor, July 4, 1843. 79 Octavia, b. September 28, 1823 ; m. Orren Tirrell, of Plain- field, June 27, 1852. 80 Lavantia, b. August 13, 1825; m. Fayette Shaw, of Cunning- ham, September 13, 1844. 81 Orren, b. December 19, 1827 ; d. December 19, 1827. 82 PoUy R., b. December 11, 1828 ; d. July 19, 1829. 83 Martha H., b. July 3,1831; m. Calvin L. Bartlett, of Cun- ningham, November 27, 1851. Nabby Hamlin, wife of John Ford, died September 29, 1833. He married, 2d, Ruth Torry, of Cunningham, where lie resided. John Ford died September 10, 18Y4. 57. Liyiiiaii, son of (51) John Hamlin and Sally Towne, was born in Plainfield, Mass., Jannary 14, 1803 ; married Lucy Flint, of East Bloomfield, in 1826, and had 84 Sarah E., b. May 20, 1827 ; m. John C. Johns, September 7, 1848. 85 Mary M., b. April 3, 1830 ; m. Russell Bradley, November 18, 1854. 86 Amelia, b. March 29, 1833 ; m. William D. Quick, March 29, 1854. 87 Horace, b. June 8, 1835 ; d. February 8, 1839. 88 Horatio B., b. August 1, 1837 ; m. Harriet Brown, of Clarkston, Mich., December 17, 1861. 89 William H.,b. August 29,1840; m. Minerva Bartlett, Janu- ary 8, 1873. 90 Martha A., b. February 2, 1843; m. Dennis Collins, of Clark- ston, Mich., May 2, 1865. Hamlin. 540 91 Alice Flora, I). Juno 2'), 1846 ; d. January 25, 1854. 92 Edwin C, b. July 11, 1849 ; d. NovemLer 14, 1865. 93 Frederick B., b. July 31, 185.S ; m. Lizzie Weeks. Lucy Flint, wife of Lyman Hamlin, died inPontiac. Mieli., October 0, IS 76, ;i\ 66 years. Lyman HxVmlin died February l-t, 1S7S. 58. Freeman, son of (51) John Uaiiiliu and Sally Towiie, was born in Plaintield May 8,1805; married, 1st, Clarissa IVhiting, of Plaintield, June 4, 1829, and had. 94 Edward F., b. June 6, 1842; m. Helen A. CjirKcir, of New York, June 9, 1868. Clarissa Wliitinji', wife of Fkeem.\n iI.\MLiN, died October 18, 1847. He married 2d, Mautha Tayloh, of Hawley, N. Y., November 30. 1848. Freeman Hamlin was Town Clei-k, Treasurer or Selectman of Plaintield for twent3'--five years ; a mendoer of the General Court in 1851-2, as a representative for Plainfield, and a mem- ber of tlu^ Constitutional CVynvontion in 1858. 59. Polly, daughter of (51) Jolin Hamlin and Sally Towne, ^vas born in Plaintield September 15, 1807; married iVlason Ames, May 12, 1830, and had 95 Edward M., b. May 20, 1831 ; d. September 20, 1832. 96 Edward M., b. January 8, 1833 ; d. January 20, 1833. 97 John H., b. January 2, 1834 ; d. .s November 16, 1854. 98 Edward M., b. August 1, ^835 ; d. December 25, 1854. 99 David B., b. F<^bruary 25, 1837 ; m., 1st, Maky Gates, of Mayfield, O., January 14, 1865; 2d, Victoiua Andekson, February 24, 1876. 100 Sarah E., b. March 5, 1838 ; m. .-Xakon Van Hoesen, of Chester, <)., May 16, 1858. 101 Mary L., 1). December 16, 1840 ; d. April 3, 1853. 102 Freeman H., b. March 16, 1844 ; d. s. October 12, 1864. 103 Luciu.s F., 1). July 16, 1845 ; d. August 28, 1845. Polly Hamlin, wife of Mason Amks, died in Chester, O., March 18. 1847. He married, 2d, Mercy H. Rust, of Chester, O., where they both resided, December 22, 1847, and had Emily P., b. October 21, 1843. and Statir.a W., b. September 14, 1850. 550 IIamlix. 60. Horace, sou of (51) John Hamlin and'Sally Towiie, was boi'ii in Plainfield August 23, IS 10; married Clarissa Ban- croft, of Granville, O., May 1, 1S84, and had 104 Samuel B., b. February 20, 1835 ; m. Lydia Clark, of East Hampton, September 16, 1856. Clarissa Bancroft, wife of Horace Hamlin, died August 8, 1875, se. 62 years and 6 months. He married, 2d, Mrs. Lizzie Gavrex, * Gratiot, O., July 6, 1876. 6.). Shepard X., son of (54) Reuben Hamlin and Rlioda Richards, his first wife, was born in Plainfield February 14. 182o ; married Elizabeth B. Talentine, and liad 105 Lizzie Lord, b. May 7, 1853, in Cincinnati, O. 106 Ella Watts, b. August 15, 1856, in Cincinnati, 0. Shepard L. Hamlin died in Xew York city March B, 186(1. 69. Alfred ^V., son of (54) Reuben Hamlin and Fanny Warner, liis second wife, was horn June 17,1834: married Harriet N. Stratton, and had 107 Harry Barker, b. August 23, 1864, in Jetiersonville, Ind. 108 Earle Warner, b. December 7, 1871, in Jefferson ville, Ind. Alfred YV. Hamlin died in New Albany, Ind., June 6, 1872. 89. William H., son of (57) Lyman Hamlin and Lucy Flint, was l)orn August 29, 1840; married Minerva Bartlett, of Pontiae, Midi., January 8, 1873, and had 109 Bessie A., b. April 14, 1879. 93. Frederick B., son of (57) Lyman Hamlin and Lucy Flint, was l)orn Jidy 31, 1853; married Lizzie Weeks, of Pontiae, Mich., and had 110 Je.ssie, b. April 5. 1880. 111 William H., b. May 14, 1881. riA^rLiN, 551 94. Edward F., son of (58) Freeiiuui Htiiiiliii and Clarissa Whiting, was born June 6, 1842 ; married Helen A. Church, of New York city, June 9, 1868, and liad 112 Franklin Church, b. September 19, 1876, in Boston. Eihvard F. Hamlin resides in Boston, Mass. HAMLIN, OF MIDDLETOWN, CONN. B. 1. Giles Hamlin, born in 1622, is supposed to have been the brother of James Hamlin, of Barnstable, Mass., and to liave come to America at a later period. He married (32) Esther, daughter of (-3) John Crow, of Hadlev, and (2) Eliza- beth Goodwin, in 1655, and had 2 Esther, b. December 15, 1655 ; m. William Southmayd, October, 1673; d. November 11, 1682. 3 John, b. December 14, 1658; m. 1st, Sarah ; 2d, Mary ('OLLiNP, January, 1684-5 ; d. January 2, 1733. 4 Mary, b. February 11, 1662; m. (5) Rev. Noahdiah Russell, Feb- ruary 20, 1690 ; d. October 4, 1743. 5 Mehitabel, b. November 17, 1664 ; m. Samuel Hooker, in 1687. 6 Giles, b. August 13, 1666. 7 William, b. February 3, 1668 ; m. Susannah, daughter of Rev, Nathan Collins, May 20, 1692 ; d. May 22, 1733. 8 Richard. (xiles Hamlin (Capt.), died in Middletown, Conn., Septem- ber 1, 1680, iu. 67 years. Esther Crow, widow of Giles Hamlin, died August 25, 1 TOO, ce. 72 years. Giles Hamlin was one of the first settlers of Middletown, and followed the sea for nearly fifty years. He was a repre- sentative for Middletown in 1666, and nearl}^ every year till 1684 ; assistant in 1685 till he died. Savage says j^erhaps he owned ships and commanded in the John and James at Bar- 1)adoes, August, 1679. Savage gives no credit to the tradition that he was a brother of James Hamlin, of Barnstable. 70 IIOLLISTEIR. 1. John IIo]li§ter, Sr., was one of tlie first settlers of Wetherslield, Conn. He married (4) Joanna^ daughter of (1) Richard Treat and Joan (Joanna), his wife, also first settlers of the same town, and had 2 Mary, m. (8) John Welles, of Stratford. 3 John, b. in 1644 ; m. (20) Sarah Goodrich, November 20, 1667 ; d. November 24, 1711. 4 Thomas, m. 1st, Elizabeth Lattimer ; 2d, Elizabeth Williams, widow, about 1690 ; d. November 8, 1701. 5 Joseph, d. August 29, 1674. 6 Lazarus, b. about 1656 ; d. s. September, 1709. 7 Stephen, m. 1st, (F) Abigail Treat, in 1683 ; 2d, Elizabeth Reynolds, widow, daughter of -John Coleman. He died October 2, 1709. 8 Elizabeth, m. (4) Samuel Welles, of Glastonbury, 1659. 9 Sarah, m. 1st, Rev. Hope Atherton, first minister of Hatfield, 1674; 2d, Lieut. Timothy Baker, of Northampton, about 1679 ; d. Decembers. 1691. Johu Hollister, Sr.^ died in Wethersfield, Conn., April, 1665, se. 53 years. Was admitted freeman 164:3. Joanna or Joan Trh;at, widow of John Hollister, died October, 1694. John Hollister, Sr., made a will April 3, 1665, leaving his farm at " Noag " (Glastonbury) to his eldest son John " when he shall be 22 years old, paying to his mother twenty barrels of apples and two barrels of cider yearly." All the children that were mentioned in his will were John, Thomas, Joseph, Mary and Sarah, and his grandchildren. His inventory was dated April 20, 1665. IIOLMi^TKK. 558 He is said to have been born in Glastonbury, England, but Mr. Alpheu^; IIollister, of Ilollisterville, Pa., says: "The IloLLisTEKS were from Bi'istol, England, a good old family as early as Henry VIIT. There was a John Holltstkr, Lord of the ]\ranor of Stineheombe in 1008. Dennis Holltster was a meiiil)er of Cromwell's Privy Conneil after the Protectorate was established. The name is dei'ived from two words, " Holly '' and '' Ter " or " 'JV'rre," which means Hollj land or tlie place of Holly trees. There is still a hamlet in England bearing the name of " Hollester " or " llollesterre." From this it would appear that the name is ti'uly Englisli and of Somerset county, England." 3. John, son of (1) John Hollister, Sr.^ and (4) Joanna Treat, was born in 1644; married (20) Sarali, daughter of (2) William Goodrich and (4) Sarah Marvin, November 20, 1G6T, and had 10 John, b. August 9, 1G69; m., 1st, Abiaii, daughter of Lieut. Thomas IIollister (his cousin) 1693; 2d, Sus.\nna ; d. December 13, 1741. 11 Thomas, b. January 14, 1GT3 ; m. Dorothv, daughter of Joseph Hill, of Glastonbury, June 7, 1696 ; d. October 12, 1741. 12 Joseph, b. July 8, 1674 ; m., 1st, Ann , November 22, 1694 ; 2d, Sauah ; d. July 9. 1746. 13 Sarah, b. October 25, 1676 ; m. (435 Talcott Ped.) Bknjamix Tal- COTT, January 5, 1699 ; d. October 15, 1715. 14 EUzabeth, b. March 30, 1678 ; d. y . 15 David, b. November 31, 1681 ; m. Chahity • — ; d. December 27, 1753. 16 Ephraim, b. March 15, 1684 ; m. Elizabeth, daughter of Tobias Greene, April 1, 1707; d. 1733. 17 Charles, b. July 29, 1686. 18 Elizabeth, m. Dr. Joseph Steele, of Berlin, Conn., February 16, 1715. Sarah Goodrich, wife of Jonx Hollister, died in 1700. John Hor.MSTKu died in (ilastonbury, Conn., November 24 1711. 7. Stephen, son of (1) John Hollister, Sr., :iiid (4) Joanna Treat, was born ; married, 1st, (F) Ahigail, daugliter of (A) Matthias Treat, of Wetiierstield, 1688. mid had 554 lioLLISTER. 19 Jerusha, b. January 7, 1684 ; d. s. September 30, 1710. . 20 Stephen, b. November 13, 1686 ; d. s. April 39, 1707. 21 Abigail, b. August 16, 1688; m. Ebenezeu Seymour, December 39, 1709 (of Farmington). 22 Ann, b. March 16, 1690; m. Robert Boothe, of Stratford, No- vember 37, 1713. 23 Gershom, b. April 3] 1693 ; m. , and had children. 24 Samuel, b. in 1694. 25 Eunice, b. in 1696 ; m. Ebenezer Deming ; appointed her guar- ilian May 5, 1713. 26 Gideon, b. in 1698. 27 David, b. in 1700. 28 Nathaniel, b. in 1703 ; Thomas Welles appointed guardian. Abigail Trctit, wife of Capt. Stephen Hollister, died. He mar- ried, 2d, Elizabeth Coleman, widow of Jonathan Reynolds, and had 29 Stephen, b. September 13, 1709. Capt. Steplien Hollister died at Greenbusli, N. Y., near Albany, witli camp fever about October 2, 1709, and was buried there. He was stationed at tliat place with the Con- necticut troops. His widow was ahve in 1726. 8. Elixabeth, daughter of (1) Joliii Hollister, Sr., and (4) Joauua Treat, Avas bora ; married (1) Samuel Welles, of Glastonbury, 1659. (See Welles.) 11. Tlioiiiaf^, son of (3) John Hollister, Jr., and (20) Sarah Gootlrich, was born January 11, 1672; married Dorothy, daughter of Joseph Hill, June 7, 1696, and liad 30 Josiah, h. June 7, 1696 ; m. Martha Miller, of (rlastonbury, Jannary 18, 1718 ; d. January 3, 1749. 31 Dorothy, b. October 17, 1697 ; m. Abram Fox, of Glastonbury, January 3, 1757. 32 Gideon, b. September 33, 1699 ; m. Rachel , and had children ; d. February 15, 1785. 33 Charles, b. July 36, 1701 ; m. Prudence Francis, April 5, 1739. 34 Elizabeth, b. December 17, 1703 ; m. William Miller, October 14, 1731. 35 Hannah, b. December 36, 1705; d. October 13, 1713. 36 Thomas, b. January 13, 1707 ; m. (466 Talcott Ped.) Abigail Tal- cott, of Glastonbury, about January 1, 1734; d. March 31, 1813. HoLrjsTKK. 555 37 Ruth, b. October 13, 1710 ; m. Nehemiah Smith, of Hartford. 38 Rachel, b. July 27, 1713 ; m. (465 Talcott Ped.) Joshua Talcott, of Bolton. 39 Hannah, b. February 10, 1714 ; m. William House, of Glaston- bury. 40 Eunice, in. Thomas Loveland, of Glastonbury. 41 Susanna, m. Benoni Home, of Glastonbury. 42 Elisha, b. in 1722; m. lat, Expekience Kobbins ; 2d, Penelope Graves, widow of Eliliu Dwight ; d. November 12, 1800. Dorothy Hill, wife of Thomas Hollister, died October 5, 17^1. Thomas Hollister, died October 12, 1741. 13. Sarah, daughter of (3) John Hollister, Jr., iind (20) Sarah Goodrich, was born October 25, 1676; married (435 Talcott Ped.) Deacon Benjamin Talcott, of Glastonbury, Janiiarv 5, 1699. (See Talcott Ped*.) For the following additional notes in this family the coni- ])iler is indebted to Mrs. E. L. Bomeisler and .Mrs, W. F. Kidder, of New Jersey. 42. ElUlia (DeaJ, son of (11) Thomas Hollister and Do- rothy Hill, was born in East Glastonbury, Conn., in 1T22 ; mai-ried, 1st, Experience, daughter of Kichard Robbins, of Wethersfield, Conn., and had 43 Roger, b. September 15, 1749 ; d. August ;51, 1750. 44 Roger, b. September 15, 17ol ; d. November 3, 1751. 45 Martha,) d. August 10, 1753. - b. September 2, 1752. 46 Lucy, ) d. September 13, 1756. 47 Eunice, b. November 27, 1754 ; m. Dr. Asa ; d. June 30, 1840. 48 Experience, b. July 30, 1757 ; ni. Risley. 49 Mehitable, b. August 3, 1759; m. Rev. Chapin. 50 Martha, b. June 7, 1762. 51 Lucy, b. April 5, 1764; m. Goodrich. Experience Kobbins, wife of Deacon Elisiia Hollister, died July 7, 1765, le. 37 years. He married. 2d, Penelope, daughter of Jonathan Graves, Jr., and Margaret Strong, of Belcbertown, and widow of Elilui Dwight (b. May 8, 1733), and had 556 lIoLLISTKU. 52 Elisha (M. D.), b. September 3, 1767 ; m. Ist, Auiielia Field ; 2d, Martha Munn, d. December 8, 1833. 53 Penelope, b. March 9, 1769 ; d. July 11, 1773. 54 Roger, b. May 23, 1771 ; d. January 7, 1851. 55 Perez Graves (a sea captain) ; d. s. at sea. 56 Hannah Dwight, b. August 24, 1775 ; m. 1st. Rodot-phus Wright Field, September 14, 1797 ; 2d, Hon. Josiaii Pome- roy; d. June 16, 1867. 57 Pamela, b. March 27, 1778 ; m. David E. Hubbard. Deacon Elisha Hollister died at Ea«t Glastonbury Novem- ber 12, ISOO. He was a fanner and inn-keeper and a man of prondnencc in Glastonbury. He served faithfully as an officer in the Revolutionary war and also as a member of important com- mittees. Penelopk Graves, widow of Deacon Elisha Hollister, died in 1801. She was spoken of as having been a wonderful woman. It is related as a common saying among the people of Glastonbury, that " she was better calculated to govern the town of Glastonbury in its legislature than any ten men ro])- resenting it," and it is said that the town was governed by men of abilitj- and integrity. ?»[oTE — Penelope Graves Hollisteu had Ijy her fii-st hus- band Elihu, son of Capt. N^athaniel Dwight and Hannah Lyman (b. March 31, 1737), 1, Margaret (Peggy) b. 1758, m. Thomas Asa Gates ; 2, Hannah . Elihu Dwight died March 22. 17^)0. 47. Eunice, daughter of (42) Deacon Elisha Hollister and Ex- ]>erience llohhins, hislirst wife, was born November 27, 1754 ; married Dr. Asa Coleman, of Glastonbury, and had 58 Julius. 59 Asaph (M. D.). 60 Eunice, m. William Munger, of Troy, 0. 61 Pamela, m. Hezekiah, son of Gideon Hale and Mary White, of Glastonbury. 62 Clarissa, m. Williamson, of Cincinnati. 63- Maria, m. Henry W. Culberson, of Troy, O. Eunice Hollister, wife of Di;. As.\ Gole>l\n, died at Troy, O., June 30, 1840. HoLLTSTER. 557 48. E\perieiice, daughter of (42) Deacon Elislia Hollister and Experience Robbins, his first wife, was born July 3(i, 1T57 ; inari'icd Rislcv, of Greenfield, Mass.. and had 64 Experience, m. Omer Taft. 65 Lucretia, m. Arzah Bardwell. 66 Pamela, m. Merrill Taft. 67 Sophia, m. Pliny Severance. 40. Heliitable, daughter of (42) Deacon Elisha Hollister aud Experience Bobbins, his first wife, was born August 3, 1759 ; married Rev. Chjipin, and had 68 Mehitable, b. ; m. Perez Hollister, son of Capt. David E. Hubbard and (57) Pamela Hollister, of Glastonbury, and lived in Vermont, now living near Boston, Mass. 69 A son, died probably in infancy. Note — Tliere is a tombstone Avhich records tlie death of MEHn'ABLE Hollister June 2, 1787, supposed by some to be this Mehitable. This is evidently a mistake, as one of the descendants of Deacon Elisha Hollister remembers personally her Aunt Mehitable Hollister who married the Rev. Cha])in, a Presbyterian minister, and lived in Addison, Vt., and who died at an advanced age. Tliis " Aunt Cha])in " used to visit her relatives in Greenfield and Gill, Mass. £li!!iha (Dr.), son of (42) Deacon Elisha Hollister aiul Penelope Graves, his second wife, was born September 8, 1767; married, 1st, Aureliji, daughter of Ebenezer Field and 'Eunice Wright, of Grass Hill, Gill, Mass., in 1703, and liad 70 A daughter, d. 1794. 71 Perez Graves, m. Clarissa R. McKee, October 8, 1835. 72 Dwight (M. D.), removed to Bristolville, O. 73 Bohan, ) ,- b. ; died together in childhood of measles, and 74 Horace,) were buried in one grave in 1813. 75 Chandler Chauncey, b. in Gill, Mass., August 4, 1804 ; m. Delant Stebbixs, September 10, 1833; d. December 10, 1881. 76 Hiram Strong. 558 HoLLISTER. 77 Charles. . 78 Mary Elizabeth, b. September 14, 1810 ; m. Rev. Lewis Clark, July 4, 1835. Alirelia Field, wife of Dr. Elisha Hollister, died at Gill, Mass., in 1814, se. 38 years. He married, 2d, Martha (Patty), daughter of Deacon Elisha Munn (b. June 8, 1784), about 1815. She died about a year after marriage ; no. ch . Dr. Elisha Hollister, died in Glastonbury, Conn., December 8, 1833. He studied medicine in the office of his brother-in-law, Dr. Asa Coleman, in Glastonbury. He settled in Gill, Mass., and became prominent in his profession. 56. Haiiiiali Dwi^ht, daughter of (42) Deacon Elisha Hollister and Penelope Graves, his second Mafe, was born Aug-ust 24, 1775 ; married, 1st, Rodolphns Wright, son of Ebenezer Field and Eunice Wright, of Grass Hill, Gill, Mass. (b. October 1, 1769), September 14, 1797, and had 79 Eliza Dwight, b. November 11, 1798 ; m. John Joyce Pierce, March 26, 1818; d. May 2, 1878. 80 Prentice HolUster, b. October 24, 1800 ; d. March 9, 1813. 81 Emily Penelope, b. July 10, 1803 ; m. Charles Frederic Field, September 6, 1826; d. August 9, 1869. 82 Fidelia Elvira, b. INlarch 31, 1805 ; m. Leverett Joseph Ives, April 25, 1832. 83 Ferona Dwight, b. March 20, 1807 ; m. Rev. Daniel Fairchild, in 1839 ; d. August 24, 1869. 84 Josephine Mariette, b. March 15, 1809 ; m. Thomas Hunt Good- AViN, May 13, 1839. 85 Gratia Electa, b. April 16, 1813; m. Rev. Philo Hawkes, June 5, 1834. 86 Clarissa Aurelia, b. October 25, 1815 ; d. February 7, 1835. • Rortolphus Wright Field, husband of Hannah Dwight Hollis- ter, died. She married, 2d, Hon. Josiah, son of Josiah Pome- roy, Jr., and Joanna Wright (b. September 1, 1767), about 1818. Hon. Josiah Pomeroy died at Greenfield, Mass., March 18, 1848. Hannah Dwight Hollister, widow of Hon. Josiah Pome- KOY, died at JProvidence, E. I., at the residence of her daughter, lIOLLISTKli. 559 Mrs. Hawkes, June 16, 1867, a3. nearly 1)3 years. IJei- re- mains were deposited in the family burial lot in the cemetery, at Gill, Mass. " She was a woman of great moral worth, loved and respected by all classes of society. To very many the fragrance of her memory is like ointment poured foi-th." 71. Perew. Graves, son of (52) Dr. Elislia Hollister and Aurelia Field, his first wife, was married by the Rev. Cyrus Riggs to Clarissa R.^ daughter of Judge Thomas McKee and Mary Elizabeth Parker, of Venango Co., Pa., October 8, 1835, and bad 87 Aurelius Field, b . in Emlingtoii, Pa., October 9,1836; m. Me- LiNDA, daughter of Judge Cummins (b. September 20, 1838), December 30, 1860, and had 1 Clarissa Ellen, b. November 9, ISOl. 2 Edgar Field, b. August 31, 1866. 3 Paul Cummins, b. June 12, 1872. . 4 Joseph Park, b. February 3, 1877 ; d. October 11, 1877. 88 Parker McKee, b. in Richland Township, Pa., May 11, 1838; m. Makt Ann Paeker, of Parker City, Pa. (b. October .13, 1840), January 1, 1862, and had 1 Charles Howard, b. July 13, 1864. 2 William Parker, b. October 31, 1866. 3 Annie Mary, b. December 4, 1869. 4 Clarissa Amelia, b. February 16, 1871. 5 Aurelius FuUerton, b. Juno 30, 1873. 6 JuUa, b. January 11, 1875. 7 Jennie Fay, b. March 10, 1877. 89 Mary Elizabeth, b. in Rockland, Pa., May 24, 1840; m. in Cleve- land, O., Eli Vanderlin (b. February 5, 1835), October 31, 1865 ; no ch . They adopted a son of her sister, whom they . call Harry Evan Vanderlin, b. February 21, 1867. 90 Susan, m. Adams ; lives in Franklin, Pa. Clarissa R. McKee, wife of Perez Graves Hollister, died June 16, 1854, jw 44 years and 5 months. Perez Graves Hollister M'ent from Massachusetts to West- ern Pennsylvania in early life, and there engaged in school teaching, becoming a very successful and popnlai- teacher. Later he was a successful merchant. . 71 ofiO HOLLISTER. 73. €hsiiicller Cliaiiiicey, sun of(52jDr. Elisha Hollister and Aurelia Field, lii.s first wife, was born in Gill, Mass., Angnst 4, 1804 ; married Delaii.v Stel)bins, (b. in Lebanon, X. Y., October 15, 181^, SeptendKn- 10, 1833, and bad 91 Perez Graves. 92 Mary L. 93 Sandford. . 94 Hiram F. 95 Jane M., m. Parkins, in Good Hope, 111. 96 Lawrence A. And other children. Delauy Stebbins, wife of Chandler Chauncey Hollister, died October, 1881. Chandler Chauncey Hollister died December 10, 1881. 78. Mary Elixabetli, danghter of (52) Dr. Elisha Hollister and Aurelia Field, his first wife, was born at Gill, Mass., September 14, 1810 ; married at Sonthwick, Mass., Rev. Lewis Clark, (5f Northampton, July 4, 1835, and had 97 Edward Watson, b. in Northampton, Mass., September 12 1837; m. in East Cleveland, O., Sarah Jane Decker, January 19, 1859, and bad 1 Edward Decker, b. September 22, 1862. 2 Lewis Nelson, b. January 28, 1867. 3 Charles Harris, b. February 11, 1869. 4 Mary Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1871 . Edward Watson Clark served three years as a private in the war of the Rebellion. 98 Eleanor Melissa, b. at Huntsburgh, 0., August 20,1839 ; d. s. June 9, 1879. 99 Avirelia Field, b. at Fowler, O., December 4, 1841 ; m. at Glenville, 0., Lewis Brooker, of East Cleveland, O. ; no cb., one adopted child. 100 Perez Graves, b. at Deerfield, O., September 29, 1848 ; m. at Hudson, O. , Martha Ei,izabeth, only daughter of Judge Sylvester Thompson and Caroline Dorcas Peck, November 8, 1865, and had 1 A son, d. y. TToLrjsTi.K. 561 2 Caroline Mary, b. in East Cleveland, O., December 8, 1875. Perez Graves Clark served four years as a private in the war of the Rebellion. 101 Lewis Holli.ster, b. at Bniceville, 0., September 27, 1845 ; d. in 1848. 102 Mary Elizabeth, b. at Newbergh, 0., January 26, 1851; m. at Glenvllle, 0., Georoe Sa(3K, of East Cleveland, November 24, 1868, and had 1 William Baldwin, b. September 23. 18G9. 2 George Howard, b. in Glenville, 0., November 29, 1877 ; d. March 22, 1879. Rev. Lewis Clark died at Glenvilk', ()., March 5, 187(i, of tvphoid pneiunoiiia. Ho was a member of the M. E. Con- ference, Northampton, Mass. fie was a descendant of the worshipful Lieutenant WilHam Chirk, settler, wlio was also the ancestor of Mrs. Clakk (Makv Elizabkih Hollisteij) throui^h Jonathan Graves, Sr., and Sarah Clark, daughter of Lieutenant WiUiam. Itev. Lewis and Mrs. Clark, moved to Xorthern Ohio in 1838, whei-e he l)ecanie a meinher of the Erie Confer- ence of the M. E. church. Mary ELizAinrrn IIoLLisriiR, wid(.)W of the Rev. Lkwis (yt.ARK, died at Glenville, O., in 188L 79. I. Fekona Dwight Field, widow of Kev. Daniel Faik(iiili), HoL[JSTKR. 565 died at Galesburii', Til.., Aiii>;iist 24-, ISiV.). lloi- iiaiiie was orijrniJillv Ferona Druscilla Field, but was cliaiii^ed bv act of Lcii'islatuix'. 84. Jotsepliiiie ^lariette, dau^ii'hterof (50) Haniuih l)wii?ht Hollister and Koilolphus Wright Field, her first luisband, was born at Grass Hill, (iill, Mass., March 15, 1801) ; married at Troy, O., Thomas Hunt, son of Enoch Goodwin and Mary Chapell (b. October 10, is 10), May 18, 1889, and had 118 Alfred Davidson, b. August 23, 1840; ni. at Amherst, Nova Scotia, LuciNDA Caroline Chapman (b. November 1, 1848), and bad 1 Prentice Field, b. at Ak'ron, 0., March 7, 1864 ; d. March 11, 1804. 2 Howard Glen, b. at Akron, O., March 8, 1866. 3 Harry Stanley, b. at Akron, O., July 6, 1868 4 Mabel Clara, b. at St. Johns, N. B., October 11, 1873. . 5 Florence Josephine, b. at St. Johns, N. B,, September 19, 1875. 119 Clarissa Field, b. at Akron, September 7, 1842 ; unmarried. 120 Pamela Helen, b . at Akron, July 1, 1846; m. William Ren- wick, of Davenport, Iowa (his 2d wife.) 121 Prentice Field, d. y. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunt Goodwin reside in Akron, Ohio. 85. Gratia Electa, daughter of (5rV) Hannah Dvvight Hol- lister and Rodolplius Wri;?ht Field, her first hnsband, was born at Grass Hill, Gill, Mass., April 16,1818; married at Charlemont, Mass., Rev. Philo Hawkes, of the M, E. Confer- ence (b. June 5, 1810), June 5, 1831:, and had 122 Clarissa Field, b. in Greenwich, Mass., April 6, 1836; m., 1st, John A. Francis, of Norwich and had 1 Clara Blanche, b. May 20, 1859. John A. Fhancis died. She married, 2d, John Pollard Ellis, of Bos- ton, and had 2 Marshall Lewis, b. March 17-, 1870. 123 Philo Prentice, b. in Hebron, Conn., November 9, 1838 ; m. Abby Jane, daughter of Joseph Gaytou, of Bristol, R. I,, and Elizabeth Marsh (b. August 29, 1841), August 7, 1862, and had 566 HoLr.isTKR. 1 William Prentice, b. December 29, 1865. 124 Abba (Abigail) Dwight, b. in Gill, Mass., February 12, 1841 ; m. Benjamin Sumner Procter, of Boston, April 27, 1874. 125 Emma Fitch, b. at Chicopee Falls, Mass., August 6, 1843; d. November 15, 1867. 12^ William Hines (M. D.), b. in Meriden, Conn., October 25, 1845. Grad. B. U. Prov., K. I., 1-867, and U. of Penn. at Pliila. as M. D. in 1881 ; a surgeon in the United States army ; unmarried. 127 Ella Blanche, b. in Lowell, Mass., February 16. 1852 ; m. JouN Kelly, of Providence. Rev. and Mrs. Philo Hawkes'now reside at Barnstable, Cape Cod, Mass. 111. Helen Pomeroy, daughter of (82) Fidelia Elvira Field and Leverett Joseph Ives, was born in Hamilton, Ontario, June 2Y, 1836.; married at Chicago, 111., in Trinity P. E. church, by Rev. James Piatt, to Edwin Louis, son of Louis Bomeisler, of Munich, Bavaria, and Elizabeth McKaraher, of Philadelphia (b. November 16, 1827), January 2, 1861, and had 128 Louis Edwin, b. in Philadelphia July 22, 1862. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Bomeisler reside in Elizabeth, N. J. Note — Louis, father of Edwin L. Bomeislek, was of Jewish birth, the son of Nathan Loebl Bomeisler, of Munich, Bavaria, and. Heller, his wife. He was a highly educated and accomplished gentleman. In 1815 he was a resident of Paris, where he was decorated by King Louis XVIII with the "Order of the Lily." Col. Daniel McKaraher, the father of Elizabeth McKaraher, was a Scotch Irish Presbyterian and a patriot from the North of Island. He fled to Philadelphia in consequence of his patriotic sentiments. He was the friend and co-laborer of Robert Emmett. 115. Hary Bi!«hoii, daughter of (82) Fidelia Elvira Field and Leverett Joseph Ives, was born in Akron, O., April 8, 1846 ; married at NeM^ark, O., in St. John's P. E. church, by the Rev. William Bower, to William Frederick, son of William Kidder, Jr., and Rebecca Ann Ackerman (b. July 29, 1842), February 23, 1869, and had HOLLISTER. 56Y 129 Lida Ives (Ivy), ) I b. in New York city July 24, 1872. 130 Leverett Ives, ) d. July 27, 1872. 131 Rebecca Ives (Reba), b. at Watsessing, East Orange, N. J., Sep- tember 21, 1875. Mr. and Mrs. Williiiin F. Kidder reside at Orange, N. J. Note — William, Jr., the father of William Frederick Kidder, was the son of William Kidder, of Boston (a well- known chemist) and Charlotte A., daughter of Samuel Adams, of Boston, and Thankful Chamberlain. Samuel Adams was familiarly known as " Merchant Adams ' ' to distinguish him from his cousin Samuel Adams, the patriot and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Both marched side by side at the battle of Bunker Hill. Rebecca Ann Ackerman was a daughter of Catharine J., daughter of Col. John Gilbert Bogart (a lineal descendant of [11] Tennis Guysbert Bogart through [52] Guysbert Bogart and Jannetje Van Arsdale) who died while on the way to join his regiment in Boston Harbor, during the war of 1812. (For a fuller account of the Hollister family, see Genealogical notes of Nathaniel Goodwin, published in 1856.) T2 HOLYOKE. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) 1. Edward Holyoke, of Tainworth, Stafford county, Eng- land, married Prudence, daughter of lie v. John Stockton, of Kinholdt, Engkmd, June 18, 1612, and had 2 Edward, born in England and died there December 80, 1G31, se. If3 years. 3 John, born in England ; died there March 15, 1G35. 4 Clizur, m. (23) Maky, daughter of (15) Hon. William Pyuchon, November 20, 1G40 ; d. February 6, 1676. 5 John, d. April 24, 1641. 6 Elizabeth, m. George Keyseu. 7 Ann, m. Thomas Putnam, October 7, 1643. 8 Mary, m. John Tuttle, February 10, 1647. 9 Su.sanna, m. Michael Martin, September 12, 1656. 10 Sarah, m. Andrews. Edward Holyoke died at Rnnmey, England, May 4, 1 6G0, having resided in Sjjringiield, Mass. He was admitted freeman in 1638, and was of Lynn as early as 1630. 4. Elixiir, son of (1) Edward Holyoke and Prudence Stockton, married (23) Mary, dangliter of (15) the Honored William Pynchon, of Wraisbury, on the Thames, England, November 20, 1640, and had 11 John, b. August 27, 1641 ; d. October 8, 1641. 12 John, b. August 5, 1642 ; d. February 6, 1712. 13 Hannah, b. June 9, 1644 ; m. (86 Talcott Fed.) Capt. Samuel Tal- C'OTT, of Wethersfield, Conn., November 7, 1661; d. February 2, 1678. 14 A daughter, b. May 21, 1646 ; born dead. 15 Samuel, b. June S), 1647 ; d. October 31, 1676. IIOLYOKK. 569 16 Edward, b. August 8, 1049 ; d. June 10, 1708. 17 Elizur, b. October 13, 1651 ; m. Mary, diiugliter of Jacob Eliot, January 2, 1078 ; d. August 11, 1711. 18 Mary, b. November 14, 1650 ; m. James Russell ; d. January 14, 1073. Mary Pyiiclion, wife of Elizur Holyoke, died in Springs /^/t^— lield, Mass., October 26, 1657, and ho married in 165S, a^Steb- bins, who was first, widow of Robert Day, ot" Hartford, and second, widow of John Maynard. Capt. Elizur Holyoke died in Springfield, Mass., February 6, 1676. In the old graveyard at Sjiringfield, some time since removed to make way for the Boston & Albany Railroad, a tall white monument stood bearing the following inscription : " Here lyetb the body of Mari, the wife of Elizur Holyoke who died October, 20, 1657. She that lies here was while she stood A very glory of womanhood ; Even here was sown most precious dust Which surely shall rise with the just." Deacon Edward Stebbins of Hartford, Conn., madejiis will August 1668, in which he mentions his wife Frances, son-in- law John Chester, grandson Edward Cadwell, son-in-law John Wilson "dear sister Holyoke (second wife of [4] Elizur Holyoke, of Springfield, Mass.), son-in-law Gayler and brother- in-law ElIZUK HoLYOKBf. Frances, widow of Deacon Edward Stebbins, made her will November 12, 1673, in which she mentions son-in-law John Chester, now living in or near London, Old England, and his two sons John and Samson, also son-in-law Thomas Cadwell and his wife. LANMAN The compiler is indebted for tlie entire notes relating to this family to Mrs. M. P. Ferris, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Aems. " He heareth az. and or^ 3 garhs, a sicJde^ hy the name of Lanma/n,r [The James Lanman branch carry the shield as above, with the Chandler crest, i. igrammatic, brilliant or fine, but conscientiously noting down all that he has seen and knows." The Academy, after comparing him with Washington Irving, on the score of his ])ossessing a " pleasant old world style " of writing, speaks of this new 590 Lanman. volume as a " bundle of deliglitful retniniscences, touched with that light and graceful hand which is common to all his t^'pe." Mr. Lanman, in his capacity of artist, will have a number of pictures in the spring exhibition of the National Academy of Design, of which he is an associate member. 100. Julia Woodbridge, daughter of (28) Charles James Laiiiiiaii and Mary Jeanne Gnie, was born at Monroe, Mich., September 14, 1824; married William P. Williams, De- cember 8, 1851, and had 171 Thomas Scott, b. December 1, 1852. 172 Charles Lanman, b. August ,22, 1856 ; d. April 2, 1857. 173 William Pierrepont, b. April 11, 1858. William P. Williams died January 5, 1870, se. 49 years. lOl. Hariaiiiia Chandler, daughter of (28) Charles James Lanman and Marie Jeanne Giiie, was born at Monroe, Mich., November 13, 1826; married (128) John tie Peyster, son of (89) John de Peyster Douw and Catharine D. Gansevoort, March 16, 1854, and had 174 Mary Lanman (153 Douw), b. May 22. 1855; ra. MouRis Pat- terson, son of Isaac Ferris, D.D., LL. D., September 4, 1879, and had 1 Mary Van Rensselaer, b. August 28, 1880. 175 Margaret Livingston, b. March 3, 1858. 176 Charles Gibbons, b. April 24, 1860. 177 Helen Louise, b. July 30, 1862. 178 Henry Chandler, b. October 25, 1864; d. October 15, 1873. John (le Peyster Douw and family reside in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 102. Elizabeth Grey, daughter of (28) Charles James Lan- man and Marie Jeanne Guie, was born at Monroe, Mich., ' January 4, 1829 ; married Darius Oeorge, son of Rev. Alex- ander Crosby, May 29, 1866, and had Lan>lan. 591 179 JuUa, 1). November 31, 1868. 180 Lamnan, b. December 31, 1869. 181 Edwin, b. October 3, 1871 ; d. June 35, 1873. 103. ^iirali Coit, daui^-hter of (28) Charles James Lamnan and Marie Jeanne Gnie, was hoi-n at Monroe, Mich., December 17, 1831 ; married (110) Thomas Hallam Hnbbard, May J 5, 1849, and had 182 Ellen, b. September, 1850. 183 Ames Hallam, b. June, 1853; lu. Matilda Maud Levering FiTZGEKALD. December 30, 1881. 184 Sarah, b. October, 1855; d. . 185 Thomas, b. - — — ; d. . 186 Eliza, b. ; m. Henry McHatton, M. D., October 33. 1880, and had 1 James, b. 1881 ; d. 1883. Thomas Hallam Hubbard died November 28, 1867. 75 MARVIN. The first family of tlie iiaiiie of Marvin wlio came to New England consisted of two brothers Reinold (Reynold) and Matthew, and one sister Eliza ueth. It is not known when Reynold came over. Matthew and his family with his sister Elizabp:th came in 1635. They were recorded in the ofHce of the " Rolls Court,'' London, to be transported to New Eng- land, April 15, 1{)35. Their respective ages were: "husband- man," Matthew Makvyn, 35 years; "uxor," Elizabeth Mar- VYN, 31 years; Elizabeth Marvyn, 31 years; Matthew Marvyn, 8 years; Marie Marvyn, 6 years; Sarah Marvy'n, 3 years ; Hanna Marvyn, 6 months. They came from Essex Co., England. Elizabeth, the sister of Matthew Marvin, born in 160-t, married John Olmstead of Hartford, Conn., and died in Nor- wich, Conn. ; no ch. These brothers were among the original settlers of Hartford, and both were proprietors of land in that town, Reynold removed to Saybrook before 1639, and died there in 1662 or 1663. I. Reynold Iflsirviii is known to have had 2 Reynold, b. in 1634 ; m. ; d. in 1676. 3 Mary, in. William Waller ; no children found. 4 Sarah (probably) ; m. Capt. Joseph Sill, February 13, 1657. Reynold Marvin died in Saybrook in 1662 or 1663, leaving a will bequeathing his house and lands to his son Reynold, and Marvin. 593 directs that a bible be jM-ovidcd for each of his grandcliildreii as soon as they are capable of using them. His grandchildren were not children of his son lieynold, as his oldest child was not born till 1665. 2. Reynold, son of (I) Reynold Marvin, was born in 1634; married , and had 5 John, b. in 1664-5 ; m. Sarah Graham, May 7, 1691 ; d. December 11, 1711. 6 Reynold, b. in 1669 ; m., 1st, Phcebk in 1695; 2d, Martha Waterman in 1708. He died October 18, 1737. 7 Samuel, b. in 1671 ; m. Susannah Graham, Mayo, 1699 ; d. March 15, 1743. ReynoUl Marvin died at Lyme, Conn., 1676, ip. 42 years. He was known on the town record as Lient. TIeinold Makvin. He represented Lyme in the General Court from 1670 to 16Y6. He was one of the committee appointed to divide the town of Saybrook in 1665. That part of the town lying east of Con- necticut river was named Lyme, from " Lyme Regis," in the south of England. His remains were interred in the old burial ground in Lyni(! village, where his gravestone is still standing. 5. John, son of (2) Lieut. Reynold Marvin and , was borne in Lyme, Conn., in 1664-5 ; mai-ried Sarah, daugh- ter of Henry Graham (or Grimes), of Hartford, May 7, 1691, and had 8 Sarah. 9 Mary. 10 John. 11 EUzabeth. 12 Joseph. 13 Benjamin, ni. Driiorah Mathri?, who was a descendant of Ricliard Matlier, fat.lier of Increase Matber, President of Har- vard (^ollege. 14 Mehitabel. 15 Jemima. John Marvin died in Lyme Decemljcr li, 17II. Sarau Gkaiiam, widow of John Marvin, married Richard Skaks, and dietl in Lyme December 14, 176f), te. i>l years. 594: Marvin. From this John Marvin are descended Uriah, John and Alexander Marvin, lato merchants of Albany, N. Y. Ed- ward C. Delavan and Professor John P. Norton married femak^ descendants of this famil3^ 6. Reynold (Capt.)? son of (2) Reynold Marvin and , was born in Lyme in 1669 ; married, 1st, Phoebe -r4 in 1695 and had 16 Phoebe. 17 Reynold. 18 Lydia. 19 Esther. Phoebe wife of Capt. Reynold Marvin, died October 21, 1707. He married, 2d, Martha, daughter of Thomas Waterman, of Norwich, Conn,, iu 1708, and had 20 Martha. 21 Elisha, d. y. 22 James. 23 Sarah. 24 Elisha. 25 Miriam. Capt. Reynold Marvin died in Lyme October 18, 1737, and was interred in the burial ground in Lyme Village. The fol- lowing is the inscription on his tomb-stone : " This Deacon aged sixty-eight, Is freed on earth from serving ; May for a crown no longer wait, Lyme's Captain Reynold Marvin." He was famous as " Lyme's Captalny He represented Lyme in the general court from 1701 to 1728. Some of the descendants of Capt. Reynold Marvin are the following : Gen. Elihu Marvin, of Norwich, Richard P. Marv^in, a Judge of the Supreme Com-t of the State of New York, William Marvin, a District Judge of the United States Court of Florida, Dudley Marvin, late member of Congress, etc;. 7. Sainnel, son of (2) Reynold Marvin and , was born in Lyme in 1671; married Snsaniiah Graham, of Hart- ford, May 5, 1699, and had Marvin. 595 26 Samuel. 27 Zachariah. 28 Thomas, b. March 4, 1703 ; m. Mehitabel Goodrich ; d. in 17G3. 29 Matthew. 30 Abigail. 31 Elizabeth. 32 Nathan. 33 Nehemiah. 34 Mary, 35 A son, ) d. in infancy. Samuel Marvin died in Lyme March 15, 1743. Judge Henry M. Wait, of Connecticut, was a descendant of Samuel Marvin. The above notes of the family and descendants of Hkynold (spelled Reinold) Marvin are taken from " Hinman's Puritan Settlers of Connecticut," which were furnished to him by T. R. Marvin, Esq., of Boston, in 18-1:8. The descendants of (28) Tho:\[as Marvin are taken from a pamphlet compiled by (47) Col. Thomas Marvin, of Walton, N". Y., who died March 25, 1881, aged nearly 90 years, and are as follows : as. Tlioiiia!^, son of (7) Samuel Marvin and Susannah (iraham, was born at Lyme March 4th, 1703 ; married Mehitabel, daughter of Goodrich, and had . 36 Lois. 37 Samuel, married and had 3 children. He was a sea captain in the West India trade. His vessel and crew were lost at sea. 38 Susannah, m. Hezekiah Frisuee, and resided in Duanesburg, N. Y. They had a large family of children. 39 Joseph, who died at Oswegatchie, on the St. Lawrence, in the time of the French war. 40 Mehitabel, m. Benjamin Marvin, one of the descendants of Mattliew, brother of (1) Reynold. He was a captain in the French war and afterward resided on the south side of Long Island when the war of the Revolution broke out. He was in command of a company of militia at the east end of the island. When the Britisli took the island and Gen. Washington evacu- ated it, he sent his company across the sound to Connecticut and rejoined his family, taking them, with what goods he could carry in one wagon, and threading his way in the night, escaped through the British lines and arrived safely at New Canaan, 596 Marvin. Conn., where he resided until the close of the war. He lost all his property on Long Island, consisting of grist and saw mills and some 600 acres of pine lands. He had 9 children. 1 Mehitabel. 2 Benjamin. 3 Esther. 4 Lois. 5 Clarinda. 6 Anna. ' 7 Thomas. 8 Sylvia. 9 Mary, 41 Ozias, d. in the French war. 42 Elizabeth, m. William Roberts, and had 1 Elizabeth. 2 WilUam. Resided in Troy, N. Y. 43 Matthew, b. in Simsbury, Conn., June 7, 1754; m. Mary Weed, of New Canaan, Conn. Thomas Marvin died in 1703. 4S. Matthew, son of (28) Thomas Marvin and Meliitabel Goodrich, was born in Simsbury, Conn., Jnne 7, 1754; mar- ried Mary, daugliter of William (J) Weed, of New Canaan, Conn., and had 44 Abigail, b. August 5, 1785 ; d. in Lausingburg, N. Y., March 4, 1788. 45 Joseph, b. in Lansingburg, N. Y. .May 1, 1787 ; m. Polly Tiffany. 46 Jared, b. March 12, 1789 ; m. Fanny Rogers, June 5, 1814 ; d. July 25, 1865. 47 Thomas, b. in Cambridge, N. Y., April 20, 1791 ; m. Dency Tiffany; d. March 25, 1881. 48 William Weed, b. at Argyle, N. Y., September 26, 1793 : m. Frances Cornwell, November 23, 1839 ; d. October 28, 1868. 49 Lewis, b. in Argyle October 13, 1796 ; m. Polly Weed, April 14, 1825. Matthew Marvin when he was nine years, old (at the death of his father) went to live wnth his sister Merit abel, who mar- ried Bknjamin Makvin, before referred to, and lived with them until he was twenty one years of age. AVlien the War of the Tlevolution broke out he joined the company under liis Marvin. 597 bi'otlier-in-law, was with them on Long Island, and witli them crossed to Connecticnt, where he joined a company of Militia, and went to West Point. There he enlisted in the regular army, in the Connecticnt line, for and during the war, and served to its close in 1783. He was in the several battles with the British, of Brandywine, V^alley Forge, Red Bank, Mud Fort, Trenton, Princeton, Monmouth and at the storming of the redoubt near Yorktown, Ya. He was with Washington all over Yirginia, while he was avoiding a general battle until he was ready to attack Lord Cornwallis at Norfolk. He was one of the sixty-eight rank and tile who were picked from La Fayette's regiment of light infantry to storm the redoubt near Yorktown, Ya. lie married after his return from the war, 43. •Tomcpli, son of (43) Matthew Marvin and Mary Weed, was born in Lansingburg, N". Y., May 1, 1787; married Polly Tiifauy (1). at Walton, N. Y.), and had 50 Albert Curtis, b. February 4, 1820; m. Amaiulla C. Stetson, April 11, 1849. 46. Jared, son of (43) Matthew Marvin and Mary Weed, was born March 12, 1789 ; married Fauny Rogers (b. July 3, 1797), June 5, 1814, and had 51 Catharine A., b. June 13, 1815; d. April 21, 1838. 52 George, b. November 20, 1817 ; m. Hannah Eells, September 31, 1846. 53 Mary Weed, b. December 9, 1819 ; m. Stephen D. Eells, No- vember 12, 1840. 54 Abigail, b. April 15, 1833; m. R. C. St. John, August 3, 1854; no ch. 55 Willicim Wallace, b. September 21, 1834; m. Hauuikt D. Eells, May 30. 1851. 56 Charles, b. January 28, 1838 ; m. Mauy Eells, May 36, 1856. 57 Lewis, b. March l:}, 1831 ; m. Vesta Beard, September 3, 1863. 58 John, b. September 9, 1883 ; d. November 13, 1838. Jared Marvin died at Walton, N. Y., JiUy 25, 1865. Fannv Rooeks, widow of Jared Marvf.v, died at Walton, N. Y., September 26, 1873. 598 Marvin. 47. Tlioiiia§, son of (43) Matthew Marvin and Mary Weed, was born at Cambridge, N. Y., April 20, 1791 ; married Dency Tiffany (b. September 25, 1795), and had 59 William, b. November 28, 1814; m. Hahuiett Eliza Weed, February 17, 1841 ; no. ch. 60 Thomas Edwin, b. September 33, 1816 ; m. Maky Jane Eells, May 10,1838. 61 Sylvia. 62 Andrew J., b. December 20, 1819; m. Anieh J. Weed, June 11, 1845 , d. September 17, 1876. 63 Joseph T., b. June 19, 1822 ; m. Jennie E. Hall, April G, 1869. 64 Nathaniel Curtis, b. March 3, 1826 ; m. Julia Ann Fitch, No- vember 7, 1850. 65 Frederick Foote, b. February 19, 1828 ; m. Anna E. Blood, Feb- ruary 38, 1867 ; no ch. 66 Eliza Crane, b. October 5, 1830 ; m. James Pierce Root, No- vember 9, 1858. 67 Matthew W., b. November 18, 1832 ; m. Isabell Sinclair, Oc- tober 5, 1864. Dency Tiffany, wife of Thomas Marvin, died March 24, 1846. Thomas Marvin died March 25, 1881, nearly 90 years of age. 48. 'William Weed, son of (43) Matthew Marvin and Mary Weed, was born at Argyle, Washington Co., N. Y., September 26, 1793 ; married Frances Cornweil, ISTovember 23, 1839, and had 68 Caroline, b. June 26, 1840 ; m. Walter McLaury, November 12, 1863; d. June 3, 1869. 69 Ellen, b. December 6, 1841 ; m. Haywood Knapp, October 38, 1863. 70 Mary, b. September 10, 1844; m. Milton Barber, October 35, 1870. William W, Marvin died at UnadilUi, N. Y., October 28, 1868. 49. liCwii^i, son of (43) Matthew Marvin and Mary Weed, was born in Argyle, October 13, 1796 ; married Polly Weed Makvin. 599 (1). in Walton, Delaware Co., N. Y., April 14, 1807), April 14, 1825, and had 71 Harriett Sophia, b. February 5, 182(5. 72 Adeline W., b. April 26, 1828 ; m. William Augustus Page, January 11, 1851 ; d. April 2, 1870. 73 Francis E., b. June 21, 1882 ; d. June 20, 1857. 74 Mary Nancy, b. January 2, 1835. 75 Albert Barnes, b. June 1, 1837 ; d. May 30, 1841. 76 Ann Eliza, b. February 12, 1841 ; d. October 14, 1841. 77 George Lewis, b. February 11, 1845. Lives at Fall River, Mass. 50. Albert Curtis, son of (45) Joseph Marvin and Polly Tiffany, was boi-n February 4, 1820 ; married Anuirilla C. Stetson, April 11, 1849, and had 78 Melvin Knox, b. March 8, 1850 ; ra. Maky C. Vogle, July 4, 1870. 79 Ann Amanda, b. March 21, 1851 ; d. March 19, 1852. 80 Curtis Tiffany, b. February 25. 1853 ; d. April 12, 1854. 81 Eleanor Augusta, b. March 20, 1856. 82 Francis Eugene, b. December 4, 1864. Albert Curtis Marvin and family reside at Wayland, Steuben Co., N. Y. 5*5. CiJeorge, son of (46) Jared Marvin and Fanny Rogers, was born November 20, 1817 ; married Hannah Eells, Sep- tember 21, 1846, and had 83 Martha, b. July 13, 1847. 84 Julia, b. December 8, 1851 ; m. William A. Drake, September 10, 1873. 85 George, b. January 12, 1865. .i:t. Msiry Weed, daughter of (46) Jared Marvin and Fanny Rogers, was born Deceml)er 9, 1819 ; married Stephen Decatnr Eells, November 12, 1840, and had 86 John, b. December 21, 1843. 87 Ellen Maria, b. January 27, 1846. 88 Emma Isabel, b. May 8, 1848 ; m. R. Lokknzo Eells, October 6, 1868 ; no cli. 76 600 Marvin. 89 William Hamilton, b. April 16, 1853. Willisiiii Wallace, .son of (46) Jared Marvin and Fanny Rogers, was born September 21, 1824 ; married Har- riett D. Eells, May 20, 1851, and had 90 Charles Edson, b. March 4, 1852. 91 Lizzie Maria, b. April 38. 1858. 50. Charles, son of (46) Jared Marvin and Fanny Rogers, was born Jannary 28, 1828 ; married Mary Eells, May 26, 1856, and had 92 Famiy, b. April 7, 1857. 93 Charle.s, b. January 5, 1859. 94 Kate, b. September 26, 1862 ; d. August 18, 1867. 95 Mary, b. May 17, 1865. 96 WUlie, b. May 12, 1869 ; d. October 16,1869. 97 Frank Mead, b. September 26, 1872. 57, Lewis, son of (46) Jared Marvin and Fanny Rogers, was born March 13, 1831 ; married Vesta Beard, September 3, 1862, and had 98 Robert Beard, b. February 26, 1870. 60. Thomas I<]lflii'iii, son of (47) Thomas Marvin and Dency Tiffany, was born September 23, 1816 ; married Mary Jane Eells (b. Angnst 29, 1818), May 10, 1838, and had 99 Benjamin Thomas, b. February 22, 1839; d. June 27, 1862. 100 Samuel Edwin, b. March 18. 1841 ; d. March 2, 1842. 101 Nathan Hanford, b. March 22, 1843 ; m. Catharine J. Beach, May 17, 1866 ; uo ch. 102 Lucius, b. June 18, 1845 ; d. April 19, 1846. 103 Dency Eugenia, b. May 29, 1847; m. Robert B. Chapman, Sep- tember 5, 1872. 104 Julius Seneca, b. April 22, 1849 ; in. Marie Bustid Anderson, October 22, 1873. ' 105 Edward Eells, b. September 26, 1852 ; d. May 29, 1853. . i Marvin. 601 106 Mary Aletta, b. April 25, 1856. 107 Francis Eugene, b. October 38, 1857, 108 Lilian, ) d. March 6, 1862. [ b. February 13, 1860. 109 William,) d. August 26, 1860. 110 James Root, b. July 18, 1861 ; d. February 8, 1862. 111 Annie Bell, b. May 15, 1863 ; d. September 18, 1863. 03. Andrew J., son of (47) Tlioinas Marvin and Dency Tiffany, m-rs born December 26, 1819 ; married Anier J. Weed (b. Marcli 1-t, 1821), June 11, 181-5, and liad 112 Thomas Corwin, b. January 20, 1859. 113 William Harrie, b . January 18, 1861. Andrew J. Marvin died Se})tember IT, 1876. 0». Joseph T., son of (47) Thomas Marvin and Dency Tiffany, was born June 19, 1822; married Jennie E. Hall (b. September 6, 1845), April 6, 1869, and liad 114 Minnie Dency, b. August 23, 1873. 64. Xatlianiel Curtis, son of (47) Thomas Marvin and Dency Tiffany, was born March 3, 1826 ; married Julia Ann Fitch (b. Deoetnber 25, 1831), November 7, 1850, and had 115 Alice Augusta, b. October 29, 1851; in. T. Portf:u Lanfield, December 22, 1869. 116 Eliza Flora, b. October 21, 1855 ; m. CllAULES B. Bassett (b. July 5, 1848), October 21, 1875; no ch. 117 Julia Fitch, b. June 10, 1858. 118 Cora Bell, b. July 17, 1865. 119 Nathaniel Curtis, b. May 29, 1867 ; d. October 20, 1869. Eli'/;a €rjiiie, dangiiter of (47) Thomas Marvin and Dency Tiffany, was born October 5, 1830; mari-ied James Pierce Root (b. March 19, 1829). November 9, 1858, and had 120 Mary Metcalfe, b. December 20, 1859. 121 Dency Tiffany Marvin, b. March 28, 1862. 602 Marvin. 122 Eliza Charly, b. January 6, 1865. 123 Anne Shepherd, b. March 17, 1868. 124 Aimee Louise, b. May 8, 1871. James Pierce Root and fainilj reside in Providence, R. I. 67. ]flattliew \1^., son of (47) Tliomas Marvin and Dency Tiffany, was born November 18, 1832; married Isabell Sin- clair (b. March 7, 1836). October 5, 1864, and had 125 Elizabeth Sinclair, b. March 20, 1867. 126 Mary More, b. October 11, 1869. 127 Dency Tiffany, b. July 7, 1871. 128 Hector Sinclair, b. February 7, 1874. 129 Harry Fitch, b. September 30, 1875. 68. Caroline, daughter of (48) William Weed Marvin and Frances Cornwell, was born June 26, 1840 ; married Walter McLaury, November 12, 1863, and had 130 Fannie Maria, b. January 19, 1866. 131 Martha Jane, b. October 23, 1867. Caroline Marvin, wife of Walter McLadky, died June 3, 1869. 69. Ellen, daughter of (48) William Weed Marvin and Frances CornAvell, was born December 6, 1841 ; married Haywood Knapp, October 28, 1862, and liad 132 Adelaide F., b. May 13, 1864. 133 Frederick W., b. February 7, 1866. 134 Leonora V., b. January 16, 1868. 135 Parker D., b. December 10, 1870. 136 Susanna A., b. December 19, 1874. 70. Mary, daughter of (48) William Weed Marvin and Frances Cornwell, was born September 10, 1844; married Milton Barber, October 25, 1870, and had 137 Martha M., b. August 11, 1873. 138 Harriett S., b. August 5, 1875. Marvin. 003 Adeline W., (lauo'hter of (49) Lewis Marvin and'PoUy Weed, was born April 26, 182S ; married William Augustus Page (1). February 3, 1828), Jaiinarj 11, 1851, and had 139 Elvira Lewis, b. March 8, 1852 ; in. Eugenk Chamberlain, March 13, 1872. Adeline W. Marvin, wife of William Augustus Page, died April 2, 1870. 78. jflelviii Kiio\, son of (50) Albert Curtis Marvin and Aniarilla C. Stetson, was born March 8, 1850 ; niarried Mary (;. Vogle, Jidy 4, IS 70, and had 140 Genevieve, b. March 14, 1872. 141 Albert Ciirtis, b. September 18, 1873 ; d. April 24, 1874. 142 Amah Augusta, b. February 12, 1875 ; d. February 0, 1876. 143 Nettie Adell, b. August 24, 1876. 84. Julia, daughter of (52) George Marvin and Hannah Eells, was born December 8, 1851; married William A. Drake, September 10, 1873, and had 144 Mattie Marvin, b. July 3, 1874. 145 NelUe Eells, b. July 26, 1876. 103. Deiiey Eiijii^eiiiii, daughter of (60) Thomas Edwin Marvin and Mary Jane Eells, was born May 21), 1847 ; mar- ried Robert B. Cliapman (b. October 9, 1837), September 5, 1872, and had 146 Avis Lockwood, b. October 13, 1873. 147 Benjamin Thomas Marvin, b. December 24, 1874, 148 Rhodes B., b, September 10, 1876. 104. Jiiliii!^ Seiieea, son of (6o) Thomas Edwin Marvin and Mary Jane Eells, was born April 22, 1849 ; married Marie Bustid Anderson (b. August 24, 1853), October 22, 1873, and had 604 Maevin. 149 Minnie Ella, b. August 5, 1874. 150 Henry Edwin, b. November 5, 1876. 115. Alice Aii§"ii!!ita, daugliter of (64) Nathaniel C. Marvin and Julia Ann Fitcli, was bom October 29, 1851 ; married T. Porter Lanfleld (b. May 22, 1841), December 22, 1869, and had 151 Clay Marvin, b. February 32, 1872. 152 Ellen, b. March 10, 1874. 153 Infant, b. April 27, 1876. 139. Elvira Ije^'is, daughter of (72) Adeline W. Marvin and Wm. Augustus Page, was born March 8, 1852 ; married Eugene Chamberlain (b. April 9, 1847), March 13, 1872, and had 154 Eugene Chamberlain, b. January 14, 1873. A. 1. jflattliew Iflarviii, brother of Reynold Marvin, was born in England in 1600. He came to America in the sliip " Increase" of which Robert Lea was master in 1635, with his wife Elizabeth and live children. He made an affidavit at that time that he was 35 years old, and that his wife was 31. They had the following children born in England : 2 Matthew, b. in 1627 ; m. Maiiy . 3 Maria, b. in 1629 ; m. 1st, Richard Bushnell, October 11, 1648 ; 2d, Thomas Adgate, in 1680 ; d. March 29, 1713. 4 Sarah, b. in 1632 ; lu. 1st, (2) William Goodrich, October 4, 1648 ; 2d, ('apt. William Curtis ; d. in 1702. 5 Hannah, b. in 1634 ; m. Thomas Seymour, January, 1654. 6 Abigail, b. in New England ; m. John Bouton, June 1, 1657. 7 Samuel, b. in New England February, 1648. 8 Rachel, b. in New England December, 1649 ; m. S.\muel Smith. Matthew Marvin died in Norwalk, Conn., in 1680 or 1687. He was one of the original settlers of Hartford, Conn., and a proprietor of land in that town. He resided on the corner of Marvin. 605 Village and Front streets lV)r some years, lie was one of the pioneers in the settlement of Xorwalk, which town he repre- sented in the General Court in 165-i. a. ]flattliew, son of (1) Matthew Marvin, Sr., and Elizabeth , was born in England about 1627 ; married Mary , and had 9 Matthew, m. Riioda St. John ; d. 1691. 10 Sarah, m. Thomas Betts, of Norwalk, January, 1680. 11 Hannah, ni. EPENETUS Platt. 12 Elizabeth, m. Joseph Platt, November 6, 1700. 13 John, b. September 3, 1G78 ; m., 1st, Mary Beaks, March .23, 1704; 2d. Rachel St. John, April 27, 1721. 14 Samuel, b. ; m. . MattheAV Marvin, Jr., was eight years old when he came to New England with his father in 1635. He was one of the original proprietors of Norwalk, to which place he went with his father. 3. Maria (or Mary), daughter of (1) Matthew Marvin, Sr., and Elizabeth , was born in England in 1629; married Richard Bushnell, of Saybrook, October 11, 1648, and had - 15 Joseph. 16 Richard. 17 Mary. 18 Maria. Ki«*hsir)Slliiiiel, son of (14) Samuel Marvin and , married Deborah Clark, Noveml)er 25, 1735, and had 77 Esther, b. August 33, 1736. 78 Rebecca, b. May 19, 1738. Mauvjn. 609 79 Samuel, b. February 7, IT-JO. 80 Betty, b. January 13, 1744. 65. Jo»^iali, soil of (14-) Samuel Mjirvin and , inan-ied , and liad 81 Daniel, b. in Norwalk in 1739. 82 William, b. March 24, 1741. 83 Jared. 84 John, d. in Nova Scotia, a refugee in the Revolution. 85 Josiah, died on Long Island in tlie Britisli artny during the Revolution. 86 Samuel. And four daughters. Ozia§, son of (6;')) Matthew Marvin and Elizabeth Clark, was born January 29, 1737; married Sarah Lockwood, No- vember 26, 1761, and had 87 Ozias, b. February 10, 17G3. 88 Hannah, b. October 7, 17G4. 89 Elizabeth, b. November 24, 17«(3. 90 Sarah, b. June 21, 1768. 91 E.sther, b. June 12, 1770. 92 Joseph L., b. December 11, 1774. 93 Clark, b. October 13, 177(j. 94 Asa, b. October 13, 1778. 95 Polly, b. June 9, 1781. 96 Silas, b. xMarch 1. 1784. 97 Charle.s, b. February 21, 1786. 73. Bariiaba!>«, son of (63) Matthew Marvin and Elizabeth Clark, was born JJeeember 25, 1739 ; murrii'd Haiiiiah Riciiards, A])ril 2"^ 1797, and had 98 George, b. February 2-3, 1798; graduate of Yale college 1817. 99 Charles R., b. September 30, 1811 . 100 Mary, b. November 19, 1816. (For a fuller account of the Marvin family ,see New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vols, xv, pp. 235, 250, 202; xxxi, j). 212; xxxii, p. 82.) MOTT. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) 1. John Mott liel.l liinds in Slialford, Essex Co., Eiig-land, ill 1875. 3. Thomas, a descendant of John Mott, resided in Bocking, in Essex Co. ; married Alice Meade, and liad 3 John, m., 1st, Catharine Roke, September 18, 1557, who was buried March 5, 1571 ; 2d, Joan, sister of Sir Robert Gardner. 4 Mark, bp. April 25, 1549 ; m. Frances Gutter ; buried December 14, 1637. Thomas Mott was buried in Braintree, Mareli 5, 155+. 3. John, s(.n of (2) Thomas Mott and Alice Meade, married 1st, Catharine Roke, September 18, 1557, who died and was buried March 5, 1571; without issue; 2d, Joan, sister of Sir Robert Gardner, Lord President of Ireland, under Queen Elizabeth, and had 5 Mary, bp. July 13, 1587; m. son of Judge Clench, of Holbrook, Suffolk county, and had a son Capt. Robert Clench. John Mott was buried in Braintree, July 1?>, 1595. 4. Mark, son of (2) Thomas Mott and Alice Meade, was baptised April 25, 154-9 ; married Frances Ontter, of Bockino-, and iuul 6 John, of Eyland and of Wiston, Suffolk county, m. Alice Har- ington. MOTT. 611 7 Adrian, bp. Marcli 29, 1578 ; m., 1st, Jeane Wade; 2d, Catharine Kempe; d. 1662. 8 Mark, d. y. 9 Mark, bp. March 8, 1581 ; m. Mercy Tichborne ; buried January 3, 1630. 10 Joseph, bp. March 17, 1586. 11 Edward, bp. June 24, 1590 ; m. . 12 Mary, d. y. ^ 13 Mary, bp. February 15, 1587; buried November 3, 1610. 14 Sarah, ni. (accordirfg to Herald's College) Robert Wobuoii, of Greyes Inne (according to Kev. Henry Sherman, of Esopus, N. Y., 1st, Robert Tenborough, Esq., July 1, 1614 ; 2d, Sir John Henley, of Yorkshire.) Frances (i utter, wife of Mark Mott, was buried in Braiiiti-ee, February 23, 1615. Mark Morr was buried in Braintree, December 14, 1637. He was a munificent benefactor of liis parish. He ])nr- chased the Manor of Slieme Hall in Shalford, in 1599, and was the ultimate heir of his father Thomas. In 1537 he gav^e a liouse and a small field, at that time, of the yearly value of forty shillings, tlie income to be disposed of in shirts and smocks of cloth at twelve pence a yard to be given to the i)oor of Braintree. O. Joliii, son of (-1) Mark Mott and Frances (xiitter, resided fii-st in Eyland and tlien in Wiston, Suffolk Co. ; married Alice, daughter of Thomas Ilarington, of Essex Co., and liad 15 Thomas, m. Sarah Brand. 16 Mark, m. and had one sou John, who liad Alice and Mary. 17 John. 18 James. 19 Alice, bp. March 3, 1604. 20 Dorothy, m. (11 Talcott Ped.) John Talcott, of Braintree, and came to America with liim in 1632, bringing two children, Mary and .John. 21 Sarah. 22 Dorcas. 23 Mary (according to Sherman), who was bp. December 6, 1610. 7, Adrian, son of (4) Mark Mott aiid Frances Ontter, was ba])ti.-cd ^^arch 29, 1578; married 1st, Jeane Wade, and had 24 Adrian, of Kettonson in Sutlblk ; ni., 1st, E[,r/,\i'.KTii Dyke; 2d, Mercy Fish. 612 Morr. Jeaiie Wade, wife of Adrian Mott, died. He married 2d, Cather- ine Kempe, January 1, 1604, and bad 25 Mark, b. October 23, 1604 ; m. Anne Dove ; buried May 2, 1667. Adrian Mott was buried m Braintree, March 29, 1GC2. 9. jflark (Rev. D. D.), son of (4) Mark Mott and Frances Gutter, was baptised March S, 1581 ; married Mercy, daugliter and sole heiress of Rev. Win. Tichborne, and had 26 Mercy, bp. November 2, 1617. 27 Frances, bp. December 6, 1618. 28 Henry, l)p. Marcb 13, 1619 ; buried January 19, 1634. 29 Dorothy, bp. January 28, 1620. 30 Anne. 31 Mark. 32 Mary. 33 Sarah, d. y. Mercy Tichborne, wife of Dr. Makk Mott, was buried in Eajne, February 29, 1627. Dr. Mark Mott was buried in Rayne, January 8, 1630. He was Rector of Rayne wliere, and at Braintree, Bockina,-, Rock- ford and Great Bircli in Essex, and also in Herts, he had landed estates. The estate at Great Bircli, valuable and of great antiquity, he left by will to his three daughters, Dorothy, Anne and Mary, who were possessed of it in 1635. In 1669 it belonged to Thomas Kempe, clerk. II. Eel ward, son of (4) Mark Mott and Frances Gutter, was baptised June 24-, 1590 ; mari-ied , and had 34 Mary, m. Digby. 15. T1iOllia»^, of Stoke, Suffolk Co., gentleman in 1664, son of (6) John Mott and Alice Harington, maried Sarah, daughter of John Brand, of Edgwardstonc, Suffolk Co., and had 35 Sarah. -^ MoTT. ()13 l>oro(liy, (l;ui^i;-]iter of (()) John Mott and Alice Har- iiigtoii, married (11 Talcott Fed.) John Talcott, of Fraiiitree, and had 36 Mary, b. in Hraintree ; m. (2) Rev. Joii>f KusskMj, in America, June 28, 1049. 37 John, b. in Braintree ; m. 1st, Helen.v Wakeman, October 29, 1050 ; 2d, Mary Cook, November 9, 1070, both in America. 38 Samuel, b. in New England, ie;]o ; m. Ist, (13) Hannah Holyoke, November 17, 1001 ; 2d, Mary , August 0, 1.079. John Talcott, aeconipanied by his wife and two childi-eii, came to America in the ship " Lion " in 1032 ; settled first at Xewtown, Caml)ridge, Mass., and from thence to Hartford, Conn., with the Rev. Mr. Hooker (see 11 Talcott Fed.) He is the ancestor of all the Talcotts in America. 34. Adrian, son of (7) Adrian Mott, of Braintree, and Jeane Wade, his first wife, of Redgwell, Esse.x Co., resided in Ket- tonson, Suffolk Co., Master of Arts in Cambridge ; married, 1st, Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Daniel Dyke, and had 39 Elizabeth. Elizjlbeth JDyko, wife of Adrian Mott, died. He married, 2d, Mercy, daughter of Sir William Fisb, of Bigleswade, in Bed- ford county, and had 40 Mark, son and heir, aged 4 years, Anno 1004 ; m. Susanna Marke. 41 Nathaniel. 42 Katharine. 43 Martha. .Tlark (Rev.), of Chelmsford, son of (7) Adrian Mott and Catharine Kenipe, Ids second wife, was l)aptised October 23, 1604 ; married Anne, daughter of Robert Dove, and had 44 Mercy, m. RiriiAKD Smith. 45 Frances, m. John Clopton. and had Anne. 46 Dorothy, m. Thomas Abuy. 47 Mary, m. Rev. Thomas Ke.mi'E. 614 MoTT. Anne Dove, wife of Rev. Mark Mott, died. By a second wife (whom the Rev. Mr. Sherman says, was Elizabeth Dyke, married September 13, 1610, but which could scarcely be, as the official pedigree, which I have from the Herald college at London, makes Elizabeth Dyke the wife of his brother Adrian) he had 48 Mark, of Wethersfield ; m. Barbara Ady ; d. 1G94. 49 Nathaniel, of Little Waltham ; m. . 50 Elizabeth, bp. February 29, 1631 . 51 Susanna, m. Mascall, February 20, \660. The Re-v. Mark Mott was buried at Kayne, May 2, 1667. Tlie livino- at Clielmsford had been sequestered from John Michaelson for political delinquencies, and Mott was his im- mediate successor, as appears from the order in the House of Commons, February 9, 1643. Mott had previously been Michaelson's curate. His signature appears to the petition in favor of Thomas Hooker. He also signed the Essex Testimony in 1648. In 1650 the return for Clielmsford is: " Mark Mott (presented by) the parliament on the seques- tration of J. Michaelson, an able preaching minister." Michael- son recovered his living at the restoration, Mott was therefore ejected under the act (of uniformity) 1660. " David's Non-Con- formity in Essex. " 43. Hark, of Wiston, son and heir of (24) Adrian Mott and Mercy Fish, w*as 4years old in 1664 ; married Susanna Marke, and had 52 Mark, b. in Ireland. 53 John, of London ; m. Elizabeth . 54 Thomas. 55 Susanna. 50. Hark, of Wethersfield, son of (25) Rev. Mark Mott,, of Chelmsford, and his second wife, married Barbara, daughter of Thomas xYdy, M. D., of Wethersfield, and had 56 Mark. 57 Ady, of Wethersfield. 58 Nathaniel. 59 Thontias. MoTT. 615 60 Mercy. 61 Dorothy. 62 Anne. 63 Barbara, ni. William Ward, LL. D , Mark Mott of Wethersfield, died in 1694. 51. IVaf liaiiiel, of Little Waltham, son of (25) Rev. Mark Mott, of Chelmsford, and his second wife, married and had 64 Thomas^ Fellow of Eman, Cambridge college. 65 Mary. 5.1. John, of London, son of (12) Mark Mott, of Wiston, and Susanna Marke, married Elizabeth , and had 66 Milford. 67 John. 68 Elizabeth. In IGIS tiie Essex Chambers were organized in classes with ministers appointed by Parliament and lay elders. William Skinner was one of the elders of Becking; Adrian Moit was one of the elders of Braintree ; Robert Talcott, gentleman, St. Leonard's, Colchester. Samuel Mott, gentleman, was twice Mayor of Colchester in Essex ; died January 8, 1698, se. QQ years. Tkmi'ekance, widow of Samuel Mott, died March 19, 1698-9. Has a monument in St. RunwakFs with arms a crescent. 78 TYNCHOiN- (Introduced to show the intermarriages with thi,s family.) 1. JVieliolas Pyiiclioil, of Wales, Sheriff of London in 1532, had 2 John, m. Jane, daughter of Sir Eichard Empson ; d. November 29, 1573. John, son of (1) Nicholas Pyiichoii, married Jane, daugh- ter and heiress of Sir Ricliard Empson, and had 3 William, m. Rose Reding; d. October 15, 1591. 4 John, ni. Orchard. 5 Sir Edward. 6 Agnes, m. Thomas Chicele, of Hingham Ferries. 7 Elizabeth, m. Geoffrey Gates, of St. Edmund's Bury. 8 Jane, m. Andrew Paschal, of Springfield, England. Joliii Pyiichoii died November 29, 15Y;:>, and Ids widow married Dr. Thomas Wilson, Secretary of State. John Pynchon resided at Writtle, Essex Co., England. 3. William, son of (2) John Pynchon and Jane Empson, was born at Writtle ; married Rose, daughter of Thomas Red- ing, of Pinnei", Middlesex Co., England, and had 9 Peter, d. se. 15 years. 10 Sir Edmund, m. DoROxnY Weston. 11 Henry. 12 Christopher, m. Mary Vincent, and had a son Edward. 13 Elizabeth. 14 Anne, m. Richard Weston, Earl of Portland. William Pynchon died October 15, 1591. Pynchon. 617 4. Joliii, soil of (-2) John Pyiichou and Jane Eiiipsoii, luai- ricd the daughter and heiress of Orcliard, and had 15 William, m., 1st, ; 2d, Fhances Sanfoud ; d. Hi(i2. 10. Sir Ecliiiiiiicl, son of (3) William Pyiicliou and Rose Reding, married Dorothy, (hiughter of Sir Jerome Weston, of Skreene, in Roxwell, and had 16 John, m. Elizabeth Cornwall ; d. July 30, 1654. 17 Mary, m. Walteu Oveubury. 18 Elizabeth. 19 Anne, m. John Wolfe. 15. William, son of (4) John Pynchon and Orchard, married , and had 20 John, b. 1625 ; m. Amy, daughter of Gov. Wyllis, of Connecticut, October 30, 1045. She died January 9, 1698, se. 74. He died January, 1703. 21 Anna, m. Henry Smith, and returned to England. 22 Margaret, m. Capt. William Davis, December 6, 1644 ; d. July 3, 1653. 23 Mary, m. (4) Elizur Holyoke, November 20, 1040 ; d. October 20, 1657. , wife of Hon. William Pynchon, died in Roxbury, Mass., August, 1630. He married, 2d, Frances Sanford, of Dor- chester, Mass., by whom he had no children. Frances Sanford, wife of tlie Hon. William Pynchon, died in Wraisbuiy, Buckinghamsliire, England, October 10, 1G57. Hon. William Pynchon died at the same place October, 1602, id. a]x)ut 72 years. He was one of the Patentees of the Charter of Charles I. granted to the Colony of Massachusetts Mai'ch 4, 1629. He was chosen an assistant magistrate by the General Court of the Massachusetts Company in London, Oc- tober 20, 1629, and came to this country in 1630. He first settled at Roxbury, Mass. ; he was subsequently chosen treas- urer of the company and removed to Springfield, Mass., of 618 Ptnchon. which he was one of the original proprietors. It is said that on account of rehgious controversies, he and his wife returned to his seat at Wraisbmy on the Thames in 1652. 16. •Tohii, son of (10) Sir Edinuml Pynchou and Dorothy Westou, married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Cornwall, and had 24 Edward, d. February, 1672. 25 Bridget, in. William Petrie, 4th Baron Petrfe, and liad au only child, M.uiY, b. March 25, 1679 ; m. George Heneage, of Hampton, County Line, England. John Pyiichon died July 30, 1654. Here tlie older branches of the family seem to terminate. 20, John, son of (15) Hon. William Pynchon and , was born in England in 1625 ; married Amy, daughter of Gov. George Wyllis, of Connecticut, October 30, 1645, and had 26 Joseph, b. July 26, 1646 ; d. December 30, 1682. 27 John, b. October 8, 1647 ; m. Margaret Hubbard ; d. April 21, 1721. 28 Mary, b. October 28, 1650 ; m. Joseph Whiting, October 5, 1659. 29 William, b. 1653 ; d. June 15. 1654. 30 Mehitabel, b. 1661 ; d. July 24, 1663. Amy Wyllis, ^vife of John Pynchon, died January 9, 1698, o. s. John Ptnchon died January 17, 1703, n, s. UATHBONE. No attempt 1ms as yet been made to trace out and conlirm by documentary evidence, the early history of the Rathbone family in America. Various accounts were formerly current concerning their origin, one asserting that the family was descended from Thomas Rathbone who came from England in 1621 ; another deriving them from John Rathbone of the Liverpool family who emigrated from that city in 1625 ; and a third from an elder brother of Col. John Rath- bone, an officer of the Parliameutar}'' army of 1658, who was noted for his devotion to Republican principles. The first of the name, however, who appears in America, is the Rev. William Rathbone to whom allusion is made in a work published in 1637, and reprinted in the Historial Collec- tions of Massachusetts. He seems to have been an author, and as his doctrinal views did not accord with those prevailing in the Massachusetts Colony, the supposition is that he and his descendants were net admitted into the .New England church as members, and consequently were not permitted to take part in general public affairs. Mr. James Savage, in his Genealogical Dictionary, speaks of one of a somewhat similar name George (Rabonc) Rabun (which Belknap, in his History of New Hampshire, says may be a mistake for Rathbone), who was in Exeter in 1639. This George Rabone was one of those who in the previous year had sympathized with the Rev. Mr. Wheelwright,* the brother * Wheelwritrht was a man of learning, piety and position, "but how and when he came to America is unknown." Soe Drakes History of Boston, p. 60. 620 E.ATHBONE. of the famous Mrs. Anne Hutchinson, and was with him ban- ished from Boston for defending his religious opinions. Being deprived of all his privileges as a citizen he combined with his fellow exiles, some thirty-five in number, in setting up an independent government at Squamscot Falls, N. IL, which they called Exeter. In the Ehode Island Colonial Records mention is made of a John Rawsbone, of New Shoreham, who was admitted to full political rights as freeman. May 4, 1664, being the same person whom the Block Island Records name Joun Ratubone. This John Rathbone was one of those who met at the house of Dr. Alcock August 17, 1660, to confer about the pur- chase of Block Island, and was one of the original sixteen purchasers of that island from Gov. Endicott and three others to whom it had been granted for public services. In 1676 John Rathbone was chosen one of the surveyors of highways. In 1682, 1683 and 1684, he occupied a place in the Rhode Island General Assembly as representative fi'oni Block Island. In 1686 he was one of the petitioners to the King of Great Britain in reference to the " Quo Warranto," and in 1688 was one of the grand jury of Rhode Island. In Niles' Historical Narrative, of the French and Indian wars, published in 1760, we find the following : " In the year , 1689 in the month qf July, Mr. Rathbone had a narrow escape from the French, who had come in three vessels and were then pillaging the island. They inquired of some one or more of the people " who were the likeliest among them to have money." They told them of John Rathbone as the most likely. The French proceeded to capture him, as they supposed, and demanded of him his money. The captive denied having any but a trifling sum. They endeavored to make him confess that he had more and to deliver it to them, by tying him up and whipping him barbarously. While they Rathbone. 621 were doing all this to an innocent man whom tliey mistook for the monied John Rathbone, the latter made his escape with his treasure. They had mistaken the son for the father, who by submitting to this cruelty in the room of liis father saved him from being robbed." Arnold in his history of the State of Rhode Island, A^ol. 1, p. 304, says : " The local history of Block Island truth- fully written would present an interesting study. The tradi- tionary history of the aborigines is full of the romance of war. Their authentic history in connection with the whites abounds in stirring incidents, the peculiarities of the English settlers, and their posterity, their customs, laws and domestic institutions are among the most singular and interesting developments of civilized life, while the martiiil defense of a people, within and around whose Island there has been more hard lighting than on any territory of equal extent in America, and where the horrors of savage and of civilized warfare have alternately prevailed, almost without cessation from the earliest traditionary period down to a recent date, would altogether furnish matei'ial for a tlirilling history that might rival the pages of a romance. The dangers of the sea and the sterner perils of war united to produce a race of men whose coui-age and hardihood cannot be surpassed. It was out of such material that naval heroes were made." 1. Joliil Rsitliboiic, of Block Island, married Margaret , and had 2 William, m. Sauaii , December 18, 1G80. 3 Thomas, ra. MaIIy Dickens, April 21, 1G85. 4 John, 111. Ann Dodge, January 10, 1088. 5 Joseph, ni. Mary Mosiier. May 19, IfiOl. 6 Samuel, b. August 3, 1672; m. Patiknte , November ^, 1G92 ; d. January 24, 1757. 7 Sarah. 8 Margaret. 9 Elizabeth. 622 Rathbone. John Rathbone, Sr., died at Block Island, R. I., between February 12, and October 6, 1702. His widow survived liiin. He left the following will : Will of John Rathbone, Senior. In the name of God, Amen, I, John Rathbone, Senior, of Block Island, also 'New Shoram, in the Colony of Rhode Island, and Providence plantation in New England, Yeoman, being sick in body but of perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God, and calling to rememl)rance the uncertain estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call, do make, constitute, ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, revoking and annulling by these presents all and every testament and testaments, will or wills heretofore by me made and declared, either by word or by writing, and this is to be taken only, for my last will and testament and none other. And first, being penatent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sins past, most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same, I give and commit my soul unto Ahnighty God, my Saviour and Redeemer in hand, and by the merits of Jesus Christ, I trust and believe assuradly to be saved and to have full i-emission and forgiveness of all my sins, and that my soul with my body at the general day of resurrection shall arise again with joy and througli the merits of Christ's death and passion, possess and inhabit the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for his elect and chosen, and my body to be buried in such place where it shall please my executors. I^irst — I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Rathbone the table and cubbard which stand now in his house as for are lomes (heirlooms?) to the house, and I leave my wife Margaret Rathbone my executrix of all my movable and household goods, houses and chatties, cattle, sheep, and horse kind ; and I leave (her?) the income of my house af Newport for her life- time, and at her decease the westward (end ?) of ray house at Newport, and the leanto of that end so far as the post that the door hangs on, and the shop to be left for my son John Rath- bone's son John, and his heirs forever ; and the eastward end of said house and the rest of the leanty (leanto ?) to be left for Rath BONE. 623 my son Wiixiam Ratiibone's son John and liis lieirs forever, and the 3'ard to be eqnally for their nse. And I leave to my wife for her life-time the twenty acres of land which I bonglit of Henry Hall, and the running of two cows and a horse and the end of the house which I now live in ; and I leave that my four sons sliall pay to my wife during lier life-time forty shillings a piece a year, that is to say, John Rathuone, William Rathbone, and Joseph Rathbonk and Samuel Rathbone. And I leave to my wife during her life- time my neager (negro) man, and at her disposing, and at her decease to my son Thomas Rathbone for three years, and at the end of the three years, to give him as good clothes as his mistress leaves him, and then to set him free. And at my wife's decease what household goods are left to be equally divided between my three daughters Sarah and Margaret and Elizabeth, and for what cattle and sheep and horse kind are left to be equally divided between my live sons. And I leave that ray wife shall take up all bonds and debts due to me. And I leave that my executrix shall see this, my last will, performed. In witness whereof, I have hereinto set my hand and affixed my seal in Block Island aforesaid, the tweltli day of February, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and two (1702.) JOPIN RATHBONE. Signed, sealed and delivered to be the last will and testament of John Rathbone, Senior, in presence of, WILLIAM HANCOCK, JONAS WELCH, ROGER DICKENS. Block Island, October 6, 1702. William Hancock, Jr„ and James Welch and Roger Dickens personally appeared before me, and did testify upon solemn oath that they were testamony to the signing and sealing of this will and testament before me. SIMON RAY, Warden. 79 624 Rath BONE. Those persons above specified, William Hancock, James Welch, Roger Dickens personally appeared and acknowledged before the public town meeting that they had taken npon solemn oath before me Simon Ray e. Head Warden, to the truth of the above written and subscription. Entered by order of the Wardens and Town Council by me, NATHANIEL MOTT, January 12, 1702-3. Town Clerk. John Rathbone, Se., many years before his death, settled his sons on farms on Block Island, where they lived with their children. Their grandchildren, however, scattered, leaving, it is supposed, the descendants of Samuel alone, of the name, on the island. His grandson (32) Jonathan, son of his son (4) John, removed to Colchester, Conn. He is tlie ancestor of the Rathbones of Albany, N. Y., and of Otsego county, N. Y. (34) Joshua, another son of (4) John, settled at Stonington, Conn., and is the ancestor of the Rathbones in New York city. John, Benjamin, Nathaniel and Thomas, also sons of (4) John, settled in Exeter, R. I. (77) Elijah, son of (53) Samuel, settled in Groton, Conn., and had numerous descendants. S. William, son of (1) John Rath bone and Margaret , married Sarah , December 18, 1680, and had 10 William, b. November 12, lG8t ; m. Sarah Mott, January 30, 1705-6. 11 Oora(?), b. December 8, 1G82. 12 John, b. July 9, 1084 ; (by will of his grandfather he had half of the house at Newport, R. I.) 13 Thomas, b. July 21, 1686. 14 Jonathan, b. November 25, 1688. 15 Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1691. 16 Ann, b. July 9. 1693 ; m. William Dodge, Jr., June 20, 1728. 17 Dorcas, b. July 14, 1695 ; m. Thomas Weast, September 20, 1716. 18 Ebenezer, b. January 28, 1696-7. 19 Mary, b. July 5, 1699. 20 Eleanor, b. August 1, 1701. William Rathbone was aj3pointed by the Colony of Rhode Island as Constable for Block Island in 1688, He was ad- Rathbone. 625 mitted freeman of the Colony by vote of the General Assembly May 5, 1696. To be capable of this franchise it was then necessary that a person should be of age, a " housekeeper," and recommended to the Assembly as a man of reliable character. 3. Xliomas (Capt.)? son of (1) John Rathbone and Mar- garet , married Mary Dickeus, April 21, 1685, and had 21 Margaret, b. January 17, 168G. 22 Mary, b. November 24, 1687 ; m. John Garner about 1717. 23 Patience, b. November 14, 1690. 24 Content, b. January 17, 1692. 25 Thomas, Jr., b. January 29, 1695 ; m. Lydia Mott, October 27, 1715. 26 Sarah, b. April 1, 1698. 27 Elizabeth, b. March 13, 1700 ; m. John Gay, February 14, 1720. 28 Samuel, b. July 1, 1702. 29 John, b. May 29, 1705 ; m. Experience , January 1, 1726. 30 Sibea, b. March 16, 1707. Capt. Tliomas Uatliboiie made a will November 14, 1733; proved January 11, 1734-5, leavino; his estate to his three sons. He was admitted a freeman of Rhode Island in 1096, and in 1700 was a representative in the General Assembly from Block Island, also in 1704, 1712 and 1731. At the close of the French war, while deputy from New Shoreham, BlocJ< Island, he was found remonstrating in the Rhode Island As- sembly against the onerous taxation of the inhabitants of Block Island, considering the great charges they had been at in their own defense against His Majesty's enemies, the French. Being in an exposed position they had been obliged to main- tain a (juota of men for the protection of the Island, to guard against the attacks of piratical vessels by which it was con- stantly threatened. 4. John, son of (1) Joliii Katlibone and Margaret , married Ann Dodge, January lo, KISS, and had 31 Mary, b. October:}, 1688, 32 Jonathan, b. May 22, 1691 ; m. Emzaheth ; d. April 1, 1766. 626 Rathbone. 33 John, b. December 23, 1693 ; m. Patience Fish, December 20, 1720. 34 Joshua, b. February 9, 1696 ; m. Mary Wightman, February 16, 1724. 35 Benjamin, b. February 11, 1701. 36 Annah, b. August 9, 1703. 37 Nathaniel, b. February 6, 1708. 38 Thomas, b. March 2, 1709. John Ratlil)one was admitted a freeman by the Assembly of Rhode Island May 5, 1696. He received from his father just before his marriage a deed for sixty acres of land on Block Island, the nominal consideration for which was " one barrel of pork oil demand." The farm was probably a wedding present. December 13, 1698, "Great James" and Jane, his wife (Indians), bound their daughter Betsey to John Rathbone and Ann, his wife, as an indented servant for eighteen years ; the consideration was one gallon of rum and one blanket in hand, and live years after one gallon of rum, and thereafter yearh' ; and if she remains live years, then the said Rathbone to pa^'" four blankets and one every third year thereafter. 5. Joseph, son of (1) John Rathlmiie and Margaret , married Mary Moslier, May 19, 1691, and had 39 Elizabeth, b. May 14, 1692. 40 Rebecca, b, March 1, 1694. 41 Grace, b. .July 10, 169.'5. 42 Mary, b. March 6, 1697 ; d. y. .43 Margaret, b. November 29, 1700. 44 Mary, b. February 14, 1703, 45 Hannah, b. March 21 , 1706. 46 Joseph, b. October 4, 1707. 47 Benjamin, b. February 6, 1710. 48 A son, b. April 1, 1712. Joseph Ratlil)Oiie was admitted a freeman in Rhode Island 1696. O. Nainuel, son of (1) John Rathhone and M.irgaret , was born Angust 3, 1672; married Patience Novem- ber -S, 1692, and had Rathbone. 627 49 Thomas, b. May 3. 1695 ; d. 1733. 50 Patience, b. August 21, 1697. 51 Mary, b. September 11, 1700 ; ra. (James Gould, June 6, 1723?) 52 Wait, b. December 30, 1702 ; m. Thomas Dickens, June 1, 1727. 53 Samuel, b. April 16, 1705 ; ni. Elizabeth Dodge, March 15, 1732 ; d. January 24, 1780. 54 James, b. April 10, 1707 ; m. Mercy Downing, September 7, 1732. 55 Abraham, b. November 23, 1709 ; ni. Mary Mosher, January 11, 1735. 56 Rebecca, b. January 9, 1713 ; m. John Rider, of Newport, Sep- tember 25, 1735. Patience , wife of Samuel Rathbone, died August 3, 1747, 03. 78 years, less 10 days, Samuel Ratubone died on Block Island January 24, 1757. Samuel Rathbone's descendants are still to be found on the Island. At the time of his father's death he owned and re- sided on his own farm. When he died he left in his house a " table and cubbard " left to him by his father as an " heir loom." One of the descendants of Samuel still possesses his old family Bible, Oxford imprint, 1725, in which is inscribed the family record, and during his life-time in his own hand- writing. This Bible, which tradition says -was imported for him, he bequeathed "ye 4tli day, A. D., 1743, to his son Samuel, arid at his death to his grandson Walter Rathbone." Walteii Ratubone at his death gave the Bible to his daughter Catharine Rathbone Mott, and at her death to his grandson Walter Rathbone Mott, who owned it in 1879. The lands which the Ratubone's and Mott's own are some of the most eligible for locality and for fei'tility on the Island,- and are the same that the first Rathbone settlers occupied. On the site of their ancient family dwelling, which disappeared a century ago, there is still the hollow where the cellar once was, in which now grows the rankest grass. lO. ^Villiani, son of (2) AVillisim liathbone and Sarah , was born November 12, 1G81 ; married Sarah Mott, January 30, 170.5-0, and had 57 Daniel, b. October 30, 1706. 628 E.ATHBONE, 25. Thomas, Jr., son of (3) Capt. Tliomas Rathbone and Mary Dickens, was born January 29, 1695 ; married Lydia, daughter of Nathaniel Mott, of Block Ishind, October 27, 1Y15, and had 58 Nathaniel, b. August 22, 1719 ; m. Ann Peck, September 10, 1741. 59 Lydia, b. July 31, 1721 ; m. Mark Dodge, October 15, 1740. 60 Beersheba, b. November 10, 1725; m. John Payn, January 10, 1744. 61 Sibel, b. November 20, 1727. 62 Thomas, b. August 6, 1730. 63 Sarah, b. November 5. 1732. 64 Gamelion, b. February 21, 1737-8. Thomas Rathboiie was admitted freeman in 1720. John, son of (3) Capt. Thomas Rathhoiie and Mary Dickens, was born May 29, 1705 ; married Experience , January 1, 172C>, and liad 65 Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1728. 66 John, b. August 7, 1730. 67 Simeon, b. June 27, 1732. 68 Miriam, b. May 16, 1736. 69 Payschence, b. January 22, 1742. Joiisithaii, son of (4) John Ratlibone, Jr., and Ann Dodge, was born May 22, 1691; married Elizabeth — , and had 70 John, b. January 1, 1715 ; m, Anna Tennant, March 30, 1737 ; d. November 27, 1755 ; as. 41 years. 71 Benjamin, m. Mahy Cohoon, November 11, 1742. 72 Jonathan, m. Abigail Avery, November 8, 1744. 73 Joshua, ) m. Sarah Tennant, December 4, 1745. [- b. September 7, 1723. 74 Isaiah, ) m. Fanny Lamphear, May 9, 1764. 74r^ Joseph. 74|^ Elizabeth. And probably other children. Jonathan Rathbone died April 1, 1766, se. 75 years. Rathbone. 629 Having- the pionecnng s])ii'it which had so hirgely character- ized his ancestors, he removed, wliile a young man and hefore tlie year 1715, to that part of New London county, Conn., formerly called Colchester, now the town of Salem, and pur- chased from the Mohegan Indians a tract of land on wliich he settled, a portion of wlu'ch lias continued u»interrnptedly in the possession of his descendants of the same name to this day. He was a member of the Baptist church there in 1726. Naiiiiiel, Jr., son of (6) Siiiiiiiol Ratlibone and Patience , was born April 16, 1705; married Elizabeth Dodge, of Westerly, Rhode Island, March 15, 1732, and had 75 Walter, b. June 16, 1734; m. Hannah Rose, March 4, 1750; d. January, 1818. 76 Samuel, b. July 10, 1730; m. Susanna Reynoi^ds, November 19, 1758. 77 Elijah, b. May 38, 1740; in., 1st, Betsey Bukrows, of Groton, Conn. ; 2il, Desiue Wai.wokth, a widow ; d. February 14, 1835. 78 Betsey, b. December 3, 1742 ; m. James Dodge. Samuel llatbhoue, Jr., died on Block Island January 24, 1780. Elizabeth Dodge, widow of Samuel Rathbone, Jk., died August 8, 1793-, in her 79th year. The children of this generation began to spell their names " Rathbun." Samuel Rathbone, Jr., in 1755, was a member of tlie Rhode Island Assembly as the representative from Block Island. He made a will November 26, 1777. 54. Jaiiie!^, son of (6) Samuel Ratliboue and Patience -, was born April 10, 1707; married Mercy Downing, September 7, 1732, and had 79 Rebecca, b. April 37* 1735. Abruliaiii, son of (6) Samuel Rathbone and Patience , was born November 23, 1709; nuirricd Mary Moslier, January 11, 1735, and had 630 Rathbone. 80 Catharine, b. Deceml)er 39, 1736. 81 Coggeshall, b. July IG, 1738. 82 Mary, b. September 21, 1740. 58. Watliaiiiel, son of (25) Thomas Rathbone, Jr., and Lydia Mott, waS bora An^^-ust 22, 1719; married Anu Peck, September 10, 1741, and had 83 Ann, b. June 18, 1743. 84 Mary, b. September 7, 1744. Natlianiel Rathhoue, of Block Island, was admitted free- maii in 1736. 75. IV alter, son of (53) Samuel Rathbone, Jr., and Eliza- beth Dodge, was born Jmie 16,1734; married Hannah Rose, March 4, 1756, and had 85 Abraham, b. February 33, 1757 ; d. y. 86 Lydia, b. November 39, 1758 ; d. 1780. 87 Tamar, b. February 15, 17G1 ; d. 1809. 88 Hannah, b. December 23, 1764 ; m. Archibald Milleken ; d. 1813. 89 Ezra, b. ; d. y. 90 James, ) m. Waity Littlefield. [ b. May 13, 1768. 91 Catharine, ) m. Daniel Mott. Hannah Rose, wife of Walter Rathbun, died March 10, 1807, in her 79th year. Walter Rathbun died January, 1818. He was for sixty years Town Clerk of New Shoreham. He was admitted freeman in 1757 ; in 1754 was Representative of Block Island in the Gen- eral Assembly, and in the same year was appointed by the Islanders, at a town meeting, as one of a committee "to give the closest attention to every thing which concerns the liberties of America." The committee " were to resist vigorously the duty on tea enforced by England." In 1780 his brother Samuel gave him a power of attorney to manage his property on Block Island. Samuel then resided in Greenwich, Fairfield county, Conn, Rathbone. 631 77, Elijsili, sou of (53) Samuel Rathboiie, Jr., and Elizabeth Dodge, was l)oi-ii May 28, 1740; maiTied, 1st, Betsey Burrows, of Groton, Cuiiii., and Lad 92 Benjamin, b. 17G6 ; m. Elizabeth Packer; d. October 13, 1795. 93 Samuel, b. 1707 ; m. Nabby Bukuows ; d. April 3, 1840. 94 Lucretia, b. ; d. y. 95 Nancy, b. ; m. James Sawyer ; d. 1831. — 96 Betsey, b. ; ni. Ei.iSHA ROSE, of Block Island. Betsey Burrows, wife of Eli.jah Ratiibun, died of small-pox. He married, 2d, Desire Walworth, widow of Ichabod Packer, and had 97 Desire, b. 1781 ; m. Richard Bill ; d. 1800. 98 Elisha, b. December 14, 1782; m. Lucretia Packer; d. May 5, 1857. 99 Hannah, b. ; m. Capt. Silas Beebe ; d. October 37, 1812. Elijah Kathbun settled in Groton, Conn., where he died February 14, 1825. 73. Jo!!iliiia, son of (32) Jonathan Rathbone and Elizabeth , was born September 7, 1723 ; married Sarah Tennant, December 4, 17-45, and had 100 Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1747. 101 Tabitha, b. August 4, 1749; m., 1st, Treadway, and had 1 Sarah. 2 Mary. Treauway died. She married, 2d, Holmes, in 1806, and had 3 Clarissa. 102 Joshua, b. May 7, 1751 ; m. Eunice Martin. 103 Sarah, b. November 23, 1752 ; m. CHAMBERLAIN ; removed to Richfield Springs, N. Y. 104 Mcses, b. November 12, 1754 ; m. Olive Ransom. 105 Lucy, b. April 29, 1756. 106 Samuel,] ra. Lydia Sparhawk, March 1, 1785 ; d. February I 16, 1831. }h. September 12, 1758. I 107 Anna, J m. Holmes. Joshua Rathbone was a godly truth-seeking man, and was always known as Dkacon Rathbone. 80 632 Kathbone. 109. Jof^litia, son of (73) Joshua Kathboue and Sarah Ten- iiant^ was born May 7, 1751 ; married Eunice Martin, of Narragansett, and liad 108 Anderson. 109 Martin, m. Betsey Brown, of Colchester. 110 Horace, d. y. 111 Sarah, d. y. 112 Mary, d. y. 113 Eunice, m. Amasa Hill. 114 liucy. m. FiTCii. 115 Penelope, m. McChesney. 116 Bathsheba, m. Bunnell, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 104. Mo§es, son of (73) Joshua Rath bone and Sarah Tennant, was born JSToveniber 12, 1754 ; married Olive Ransom, and liad 117 Amasa 118 Ransom. 119 Israel, m. the widow of John Ganson, of Leroy, N. Y. 120 John. 121 Elijah. 122 Betsey, m. Tunnecliff. 100. Hamtiel, son of (73) Joshua Rathbone and Sarah Ten- nant, was born Sej^tember 12, 1758 ; married Lydia, danghter of Simon Sparhawk and Lydia Brown, March 1, 1785, and had 123 Samuel, b. August 8, 1786 ; d. October 9, 1787. 124 Valentine Wightman, b. September 13, 1788 ; m. Nancy Forsyth, 1814; d. May 18, 1833. 125 Jared Lewis, b. August 2, 1791 ; m. Padline N. Penney, June 26, 1834; d. May 13, 1845. 126 Lydia, b. March 21, 1794 ; m. Willl\m W. Reed, November 17, 1819; d. August 7, 1873. 127 Samuel, b. November 6, 1796 ; d. s. October 17, 1818. 128 Sabria Lewis, b. July 3, 1799 ; m. Clark Ransom, February 10, 1818. 129 Anna, b. November 6, 1803 ; m. David Jewett ; no ch. ; d. No- vember 12, 1865. 130 Joel, b. August 3, 1806 ; m. Emeline W. Munn, May 5, 1829 ; d, September 13, 1863. B.ATIIBONE. 633 Lydia Sparhawk, wife of Samuel Kathbone, died July 13, 1825, 38. 60 years. Samuel Rathbone died at Colcliester, Conn., February 16, 1831. He resided on a farm of several hundred acres be- queathed him by his father. 119. Israel, son of (104) Moses Rathbone and Olive Ransom, married the widow of John Ganson, of Le Roy, N. Y., and had 131 Elizabeth, ni. Edgar Bacon. 132 William Palmer. 133 Harriet, m. William Lovering. The wife of Israel Rathbone had by her first husband, John Ganson : 1 John, Jr., in. Mary, daughter of Mark Sibley. John Gan- son, Jr., was a brilliant lawyer, late of Buffalo, N. Y. 2 James M., President of Rich's Bank, BuflFalo, N, Y. 3 Walter Ganson (M. D.), who m. in Batavia. 124. Valentine Wi^iitinan, son of (100) Samuel Rath- bone and Lyrtia Sparhawk, was boi-n at Salem, Conn., Sep- tember. 13, 1788; married Nancy Forsytli, in 1814, and had 134 Lewis, b. February 13, 1818; m. , 1st, Lavinia Silliman ; 2d, Mary G. Smyth, in 1855. 135 John Finley, b. October 18, 1819; m. Maiiy A. Baker, June 10, 1844. 136 Harriet N., m. J. H. Nichols. 137 Julia H., m. 1st, James Kennedy, 1854; 2d, Rev. Dr. Starkey, now Bishop of New .Jersey, 187G ; no ch. Valentine W. Rathbone had four other children who died in infancy. He died at Clarkson, May 18, 1833. Nancy Fousyth, widow of Valentine W. IIathbone, died in Albany May 27, 1808. Valkntink Wightman ii.viiiBONK was name he was a})- pointed Brigadier-General of tlie ninth Brigade of the National Guard of New York, and on the breaking out of the civil war was appointed Commandant of the All)any Depot of Volunteers, and organized thirty-five Regiments. When John A. Dix was elected Governor of New York he appointed Gen. Rathbone Adjutant-General with the rank of Major-General. Loyal to the faith of his ancestors, he united with the Baptist church at the age of sev^enteen, and founded, in connection with his brother Lewis, the Rathbone Library of the University of Rochester. 136. Harriet IV., daughter of (124) Valentine W. Rathbone and Nancy Forsyth, married J. H. Nicliols, and had 162 A child ; d. in infancy. 163 Harriet, m. Capt. Henky Metcalfe, U. S. Army, April 21, 1870" They have one child, Julia A. 139. Henry R., son of (125) Jared L. Rathhone and Panline N. Penney, was born in Albany, July 1, ls;]7 ; nuirried Clara Hamilton, daughter of Hon. Ira Harris and Louisa Tubbs, July 11, 1867, and had 164 Henry Riggs, b. February 12, 1870. 165 Gerald Lawrence, b. August 2G, 1871. 166 Clcira Pauline. 141. Jared I^siwreiiee, son of (125) Jared L. Rathbone and Pauline N. Penney, was born in All)any, September 28, 638 Rathbone. 1844; married Marie Alejandra, dangliter of Faxton B. Atliertoii, of Valparaiso Park, San Mateo Co., Cal., February 20, 1871 ; no ch. They reside in San Francisco and Menlo Parle, California. Capt. J. L. Rathbone graduated from the U. S. Mihtary Academy and was made a Second Lieutenant of the Twelfth Infantry, June 23, 1865. He was promoted to a First Lien- tenaiitcy and transferred to tlie First Artillery, March 5, 1869. He served for several years on the Military Staff of Maj.Gen. Schoiield and resigned from the service, June 28, 1872. 144. Joel R., son of (126) Lydia Rathboue and William W. Reed, was born at Andover, Conn., February 24, 1829; mar- ried Mariaiuia, daughter of John Townsend and Laura Spencer, April 19, 1855, and had 167 William Howard. 168 Edward T. 169 Lydia. 170 Mary. Joel Ratliboiie Reed died in Albany in 1867. Maeianna Townsend, widow of Joel Rathbone Reed, and family reside in Albany, N. Y. 145. ^aiiitiel H., son of (128) Sabria L. Rathbone and Clark Raiisoin, was born in Lyme, Conn. ; married Virginia, daughter of Alexander Sanford, December 11, 1846, and had 171 Jared Rathbone, d. July 20, 1859. 172 Alexander Sanford, d. October 22, 1850. 173 Joel Rathbone. 174 Walter Sanford, d. February 14, 1855. 175 Samuel H., d. August 20, 1861. 176 Virginia Sanford. 177 Samuel Howard. 178 Irene Emerson. Samuel H. Ransom and family reside in Albany, N. Y. Kathbone. 639 146. Lj^dia, daugliter of (128) Sabria L. Rathbone and Clark Ransom, was born in Lyme, Conn. ; married Joseph P. Han- ford, U. S. Navy, at Kenwood, near All)any, the residence of her Uncle Joel Rathbone, January 7, 1846, and had 179 Mary Adams, ra. Rev. R. P. H. Vah,, of Troy, N. Y. 180 Walter, m. Emilie Jeweli-, of Hartford, Conn., September 1880. 181 Henry B. Capt. Joseph P. Sanford was born in Wincliester, Va. He was appointed a midshipman in the U. S. Navy in 1832. In active service on the coast of Brazil from 1832 to 1837, attached to the Wilkes Exploring Expedition from January, 1887 to July, 1842. On shore duty for a brief period. He was in the Mediterranean from 1.S43 to 1846, on board the Flag ship Cumberland, then on shore duty for a year, after which he was ordered to the Alleghany in 1848, and to the National Observ^atory in 1849. He cruised in the ship Mississippi in the Mediterranean from 1849 to 1851. He resigned from the Navy October 6, 1853, and was re-appointed April, 1861. Made a Commander June, 1861. Was Ordnance Officer under Admiral Foote, 1861, 1862 and 1863. He was appointed Fleet Captain of the Atlantic Squadron in 1863. He was in com- mand of the Neptune, and Senior Officer commanding Convoy Fleet to the West Indies in 1863, 1864 and 1865. He com- manded the steamer Yanderbilt in 1865 and 1866, promoted to captain September 27, 1866. Fleet Captain in North Pacific Squadron in 1866 and 1867. Executive Officer of the Norfolk Navy Yai-d in 1868 and 1869. Ilesigned from the Navy Marcli 6, 1869, and has resided since with his family in Albany. 147. Alliioii, son of (128) Sabria L. Rathbone and Clark Ransom, was born in Lyme, Conn.; married, 1st, Mary^ daughter of Edward C. Delevan and Abby Smith, and had 182 Edward, ra. Daisy Buuton. 183 Abby S., d. . 81 640 Rathbone. 184 Albion. 185 Lydia Sanford, m. (153-3 Van Vecliten) Edward B. Ten Broeck, June lo, 1881. 186 Sanford. Mary Dele van, wife of Albion Ransom, died. He married, 2d, Cor- nelia Cooper, daughter of Joel B. Nott and Margaret Cooper, and had 187 Cornelia, d. January 4, 1883. 188 Harry. 189 Sutherland. Albion Ransom and family reside in Albany, N. Y. 150. Joel Hoivard, son of (130) Joel K atli bone and Emeline W.' Munn, was born in Albany, Jnne 11, 1835. He died single March 20, 1865. JOEL H. RATHBONE. [Born in New York. — Appointed from New York.l MiLiTAKY History. — Captain 12tli U. S. Infantry, Febrnary 1862. On recruiting duty, and nmstering and disbursing duty, to June, 1863. Commanding company in theiield, to August, 1863, and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg. Connnanding company at New York city, to January, 1S61. Mustering and disbursing duty, Baltimore, Md., to July, 1864. Recruiting and temporary mustering, Albany, N. Y., to December, 1864. Resigned, December, 1864. Naval History. -— Second Lieutenant U. S. Marines, Octo- ber, 1858. At the Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C, and Brooklyn, N. Y. On board U. S. war steamer Lancaster, Ma}'^, 1859, to August, 1861. First Lieutenant U. S. Marines, June, 1861. Temporary duty, Brooklyn, IN. Y. Resigned, January, 1862. [From Henry's Military Record. 151. Sarah, daughter of (130) Joel Rathbone and Emeline W. Munn, was l)orn in Albany, December 5, 1837; married Gen. Frederick Townsend, of Albany, November 19, 1863, and had Rathbone. 641 190 Annie Martin, b. in Paris November 1, 18GG ; d. June 12, 1881. 191 Sarah Rathbone, b. March 23, 1869. 192 Frederick, b. October 28, 1871. 193 Joel Rathbone, b. October 13, 187!) ; d. October 15, 1879. Gen. Frederick Townsend and family reside in Albany, N. Y. Gen. Fkedekick Townsend was born in Albany, N. Y., September 21, 1825. Graduated at Union College in Jnly, 181:4; studied law in the office of Pruyn and Martin, and was admitted to the bar in January, 1849. Was Adj. -Gen. of the State of New York from January, 1857, to January, 1861, under Govs. King and Morgan. Raised and commanded the Third Regiment, New York Yolunteers in May, 1861, and fought at the battle of Big Bethel, Va. Was appointed and com- missioned Major of the Eighteenth United States Infantry, Regular army, in July, 1801 ; and fought at the siege of Corinth, Miss. ; and in the battles of Perrysville, Ky., and Stone River, Tenn., in 1862 and 1863 ; in the latter battle he commanded the right wing of Regular Brigade. Was appointed Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General in 1863. Was promoted Lieutenant Colonel of the Ninth United States Infantry in 1864, and ap- pointed Inspector-General, Department of California in 1867. Wasbrevetted Colonel, Lieutenant- Colonel and Brigadier-Gen- eral, Regular Army. Resigned from the army in 1868. Was appointed Adjutant-General, State of New York, by Gov. Cornell in January, 1880, serving till January 1, 1883. Albert, son of (130) Joel Uatlibone and Emeline W. Miinu, was born in Albany, May 27, 1841. lie was educated at Mr. Wrightson's school in Albany, and Mr. Calthrop's in Bridgeport, Conn. Entered Union College, Schenectady, in 1857. Did not remain to graduate, but left in January, 1860, to visit Europe with a tutor. Rev. Nelson Millard, and spent eighteen montlis in studying in Germany and Switzerland. Returned fi'om Europe in August, 1861. Entered the volunteer service of tiie war of the Rebellion in June, 1862, as Second Lieutenant in the Sevententh Regiment, New York State Volunteers, and was appointed Aid-de-Camp to Brigadier-Gen- 642 Rathbone. eral Seymour, in the Army of the Peninsula. He imme- diately joined his chief at Harrison's Landing and saw some service there, but was obliged to return home, ill with typhoid fever, in September, 1862. He subsequently resigned his commission on account of the failing health of his father, whom he attended abroad during his last illness and death. He afterwards remained at home with his mother, and was a most tender and devoted attendant of his brother Howard dur- ing his last illness and death. He was soon after taken ill himself, and after seven months of patient suffering, died in New York, December 10, 1865, in the 25th year of his age. 15S. Clarence son of (130) Joel Rathbone and Eineline W. Miiim, was born at Kenwood, near Albany, November 17, 1844 ; married (1851 Talcott Fed.) Angelica Bogart, daughter of (1819 Talcott Fed.) S. Visscher Talcott and (406) Olivia M. Shearman, September 11, 1866, and had 194 Albert, b. July 27, 1868. 195 Joel, b. September 12, 1869. 196 Angelica Talcott, b. March 13, 1871. 197 Ethel, b. December 11, 1877. Clarence Rathbone was educated at Farmington, Conn., and at Charlier's French Institute, ISTew York. He entered the Naval Academy, then at Newport, R. I., in September, 1861, and graduated in 1863, the iifth in his class, having gone through the three years' course in two years. He received his commission as Ensign in tlie Navy, and was ordered to the "Niagara" in the fall of 1863, and was then on duty at New- port. In June, 1864, he was ordered to New Orleans and put on duty on the flag-ship of Admiral Farragut. He served during the latter part of the war of the Rebellion, taking part in the battle of Mobile Bay, where he was slightly wounded, and subsequently serving on blockade duty off Galveston, Tex. At the close of the war he returned to New York, in June, 1865. He soon after resigned his commission on the death of his brother Albert, being left the only son of his widowed mother. He has since resided in Albany, N. Y. Rathbone. 643 157. Iflarioii, daughter of (135) Joliii F. Kathbone and Mary A. Baker, was born in Albany ; married Robert Shaw Oliver, of Boston, November IT, IS70, and liad 198 John Rathbone, i). January 4, 1873. 199 EUzabeth Shaw, b. 1874. 200 Cora Lyman, b. December, 1875. 201 Marion Lucy, b. 1879. Gen. Robert Shaw Oliver was l)orn at Boston, Mass. Be- fore he had attained tlie age of manhood, he joined the Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry in 1862 as Second Lieutenant and served tlirougli the remainder of the war. During tliis time lie was Adjutant of his regiment, Aid on the staff of the Twenty- fifth Army Corps and Assistant Adjutant-General of the Third Division. He served through the arduous campaigns before Richmond and Petersburg, and after Lee's surrender was with the army which was sent to the Rio Grande. In 1866 he entered the regular army as Second Lieutenant, was soon promoted to a Captaincy and served until 18T0. During this period he acted as Assistant Inspector-General of the District of Arizona on the staff of General Deven, and when not at the head of his troop was chai'ged with various militaiy trusts in California, Oregon, Nevada and Texas. In 1880 he was appointed Inspector-General by Governor Cornell. 158. Liiicy, daughter of (135) John F. Rathbone and Mary A. Baker, was born in Albany; married Edward Bowditcli, of ^ Boston, April 24, 1873, and had 202 Harry, b. November 18, 1874. 203 Mary, b. September 2, 1879. 204 Edward, b. October 38, 1881 . Edward Bowditcli, son of Di-. H. I. Bowditch, was born at Boston, January 19, 1847 ; graduated at Harvard June, 1869, moved to All)any in 1871, and became a member of the firm of Rathbone, Sard & Co. 644 Rathbone. 34. Joshua., son of (4) John Ratliboue, Jr., and Aun Dodge, was born February 9, 1696 ; nian-ied Mary, daughter of Eev. Valentine Wightman, of Groton, February 16, 1724, and had 205 Valentine W., b. December 23, 1724 ; m. Tabatha Brown. 206 Mary, b. October 17, 1726 ; ni. Jedediah Stevens. 207 Martha, b. March 1, 1728 ; d. in early childhood. 208 John, b. June 26, 1729 ; lu. Content Brown, January 8, 1751 ; d. August 2, 1826. 209 Daniel, b. February 16, 1731 ; m. . Posterity numerous. 210 Jacob, b. November 4, 1732 ; d. July 3, 1778. 211 Job, ) m. and left issue. V b. January 2, 1736. 212 Martha, ) m. Uriah Stevens. 213 Amos, b. January 25, 1738 ; m. and had Amos and Edward. 214 Anna, b. July 19, 1740 ; m. John Thompson. 215 Susannah, b. April 24, 1742 ; m. Edward Robinson. 216 Wait, b. August 18, 1744; m., 1st, ; 2d, Mrs. Mary (Brown) Palmer ; d. November 14, 1832. Josliua liatlibone had also anotlier son by a forrnei- wife (Mary Card), named Joshua, who was bom in 1722. y\ll of his children were born in Stonington, (Jonn. S05. Valentine W. (Rev.), son of (34) Josliua Hathbone and Mary Wiglitiiiau, waslK)rn in Stonington, Conn., Decem- ber 23; 1724 ; married Tabatha, daughter of Humphrey Brown, and had Saxon, Col. James and Benjamin, all of whom married and left numerous descendants. Benjamin removed to Otsego county, N. Y., and had a son William Rathbone, father of Stephen Green Rathbone, who graduated at Union college in 1833, practiced law and died in New York city in 1852. S08. John (Rev.), son of (34) Joshua Rathboue and Mai*y Wightnian, was born near Stonington, Conn., June 26, 1729 ; married Content, daughter of Humphrey Brown, Januaiy 8, 1751, and had 217 John, b. October 20, 1751 ; m., 1st, Eunice Wells in 1775 ; 2d, Mary Sheffield, about 1814 ; d. March 14, 1843 Rathbone, 645 218 Martha, b. August 7, 1753 ; lu. Wheeler Douglass, iu 1773 ; d. December 1, 1837. 219 Daniel, b. July 14, 1755 ; d. y. 220 Prudence, b. January 31, 1757 ; in. Samuel Satterlee, in 1774 ; d. August 16. 1837. 221 Marion, b. February 27, 1750; m. Jo^fATHAN Weston; d. January 5, 1852. 222 Valentine W., b. May 13, 17G1 ; m. Hepzibah Carpenter ; d. May 12, 1813. 223 David, b. May 29, 1763 ; m. Nancy Wales, in 1789 ; d. August 2, 1823. 224 Joseph A., b. June 16, 1765; m., 1st, Abigail Topltff ; 2d, Pkiscilla Stewart, June, 1788 ; d. January 18, 1813. 225 Aaron, ] m., 1st, Sally Copp; 2d, Eliza Cheesborough ; I d. May 13, 1845. j^b. July 25, 1770. 226 Moses, J m. Patience James, in 1790 ; d. at Batavia. 227 Edward, b. November 1, 1773 ; d. y. 228 Samuel, b. July 1, 1776 ; ni. Mary Turner, April 13, 1800 ; d. about 1864. 229 Content, b. March 26, 1778 ; d. July 30, 1779. Wc quote the following from '' LaniecFs History of Wend- liaiii county, Conn." : "A Baptist eliurch was formed in this parish ' in the glorious year 1780,' through the instrun)entality to a great degree of Rev. John Rathbonp:, who had removed from Stonington to this vicinity, and was ordained as its pastor Marcli 15, 1781. ' After being in the ministry over seventy years, he died at Willington August 2, 1826, vd. 97 years, and his remains were taken back to Ashford and there buried." 910. Jacob, son of (84) Joshua Rathbone and Mary Wight- ntaii, mnri-ied and had two cliildren. * He was killed in battle at AVyoming Valley, Fenn., July 3, 1778, ie. 46 years. •Job, son of (34) Joshua KatJihone and Mary Wiglitiiiaii, married and settled in Canaan, (Jonn., where his pt»sterity still reside. 91.1. Siisaiiiiali, daughter of Joshua Rathbone and Mary Wightnian, married Kdwanl Hobinson^ tlu^ eldest sou of 646 E.ATHBONE. Francis Robinson, who was tlie eldest son of the Rev. John Robinson, who came over in the Mayflower. They had ten children, viz.: Anna, Edward, John, Polly, Susannah, Sylva, David. David, Patty and Waitstill. 316. Wait, son of (34) Josliiia Rathbone and Mary Wight- man, was born near Stonington, Conn., August 18, 1744 ; married , and had 1 Mary. 2 Rhoda. 3 Wait. 4 Susan. 5 Delia. , wife of Wait Rathbone, died. He married, 2d, Mary, daughter of Samuel Brown, and widow of Amos Palmer, and had 6 William P., b. 1783 ; m. Martha Vallon. 7 Samuel B., b. 1784 ; killed in battle. 8 Sophia, b. November 19, 1786 ; m. Orange Ferris. Samuel B. Rathbone ''■■ graduated from the Military Academy at West Point June 12, 1808, and was appointed a Second Lieutenant in a Regiment of Artillerists. He was mortally wounded in the storming of the redoubt upon Queenstown Heights, U. C, October 13, 1812, and died of his wounds December 8, 1812, at Fort Niagara, N. Y., much lamented by the army. 217. JToliii, son of (208) Rev. John Rathbone and Content Brown, was born in Canterbury, Conn., October 20, 1751; married, 1st, Eunice Wells, of Westerly, R. I., in 1775, and had 230 Content, m. Robert Cheeseborough, and had 7 children. 231 John, unmarried; d. in Albany August 3, 1842. 232 Thomas W., m. and left issue ; d. in Kentucky, se. 40 years. 233 Eunice, m. H. Goddard, of New London, Conn. ; left issue. 234 Sarah, m. Joshua Downer, and had 3 children ; d. in Ohio. * Harper's Magazine for October, 186?, contains an allusion to him and my recol- lection of it is that lie was said to have been acting as aid-de-camp to General Van Rensselaer. (H. R. R.) E.ATHBONP:. 647 235 Clarissa, m. Tiieodoue W. Smith, and had 8 children ; d, in Chicago. 236 Eliza, m. Dr. C. II. Wktjkjue, June 1, 1814 ; and had chiUlren. 237 James M., unmarried ; d. in tlie West Indies, is. 23 years. 238 Juliet, m. Appleton Downer, and had 3 children. 239 Emma, m. Dr. Rhodes. 240 Mary Rosalie, m. Samuef. B. Ruggles, of New York. liuuice Wells, wife of John Rathbone, died. He married, 2d, Mauy Sheffield, of Stouington, Conn., about the year 1814. She died in the city of New York in January, 1840, se. 78 years. John Rathbone died March 14, 1843, at the advanced age of 91 years. He ciii])odied to a remarkable degree the best features of New Enghiud character. He had that industry, perseverance, integrity, sagacity and sound judgment which enabled him to conduct successfully an immense business, and to amass an ample fortune. So prominent a position did both he and his son John, Jr., take among the leading business char- acters of their day, that they stood almost at the head of the mercantile body of our greatest connnercial city. They were warm supporters of the government in the war of 1813, and their names stand first on the list of those patriotic citizens who subscribed to the war loans. Mr. Rathbone had extensive landed interests in Central Ohio, and several of his daughters, with their husbands, went there and settled. John Rathbone, Jr., inherited his fathers distinguishing qualities, and became widely known as a successful merchant and financier. He was a member of the New York Legislature for one term; was a devoted adherent of De Witt Clinton, and took great interest in the inauu-uration of the canal move- ment in New York and Ohio. In connection with Eleazer Lord of New York, he took the entii-e amount of the first Ohio Canal Loan in 1825, of $400,000, and subsequently made a loan in connection with John Jacob Astor to the same State. He was also much interested in banking, and he and his brother- in-law Samuel 13, Ruggles,''"' Ex-Canal Commissioners, etc., were very active in getting a charter and establishing the Bank of Commerce, and were among the first directors elected. John * Samuel B. Rupirles died only last September, and long obituary notices of hina then appeared in New York daily papers. Be was a remarkable man. James L. Rathbone and Samuel B. Ruf;t;les were John Rathbone, Jr.'s executors. 82 648 Rathbone. Rathbone, Jr., died at Congress Hall, Albany, of paralysis, August 3, 1842, while on his way home to New York. Talentiue VTig^litniaii, son of (208) Rev. Joliu Rath- bone and Content Brown, was born May 13, 1761 ; married Hepzibah Carpenter, of Monson, Mass., and had 241 Hannah Tripp, b. June, 1791 ; ra. Dr. Barzilla. Howard, 1813. 242 Valentine W., Jr., b. January, 1795 ; m. Lois Avery ; d. May, 1831. 243 Susan Letheridge, b. June, 1801 ; m. Jonathan Weston. 244 Samuel Carpenter, b. May, 1805 ; ra. Ruth Britton. Rev. Talentine W. Rathbone died at Bellingham, Mass., May 12, 1813, 8b. 52 years. He was one of the nineteen descendants of the Rev. Valentine Wightman, who have filled with honor the pastoral office, and he united in his name, the names of the two most prominent ministers of the Baptist denomination in the early history of the State of Connecticut, viz., Wightaian and Rathbone. David, son of (208) Rev. John Rathbone and Content Brown, was born at Stonington, Ct., May 20, 1763 ; married Nancy Wales, of Tolland Co., Ct., 1T89, and had 1 Arnon. 2 Valentine W. 3 Justus Hull. 4 Clarendon. 5 Phila, 6 Nancy. 7 Wales. 8 Jane. 9 John Willington. 10 Mary. Rev. Davitl Rathbone was a clergyman of the Baptist denomination, and died at Lawrenceville, Penn., August 2, 1823, 86. 60 years. 324. Joseph Avery, son of (208) Rev. John Rathbone and Content Brown, was born at Stonington, Conn., June 16, Rathbone. 649 1765 ; married, 1st, Abigail Topliff, of Willingtoii, Conn., and had 245 Hannah R., b. 178G ; m., 1st, J. R. Weston ; 2d, Gershon Hawks, and died leaving a large family in Charlemont, Masa. Abigail Topliff, wife of Joseph Avery Ratiibone, died. He mar- ried, 2d, PiusuiLLA Stewart, June, 1788, at Hanover, Luzerne Co., Pa., and had 246 Lazarus S., b. 1789; m., 1st, Lynda Granger, of Mass., 1808, and had 7 children ; 2d, Mary Evart, at Livonia, N. Y., Octo- ber, 1827, and had 4 children . 247 John, b. 1791 ; m. Sarah Van Campen, and had 7 children. 248 Content, b. 1795; d. y. 249 Martha, b. 179-3 ; m. Lemuel Granger, and had 6 children ; 2 sons at Akron, O. 250 Pri.scilla, b. 1797 ; m. David Clark, 1819, and had 3 children, Alleghany Co., N. Y. 251 Mary, b. 1800 ; m. Henry McHenry, and had 10 children. 252 Joseph, b. 1802 ; m. Sally French, August 8, 1831, and had 5 children, Naples, Ontario Co., N. Y. 253 Elizabeth, b. 1805; m. Guy Putnam, May 18, 1880; and had a son Milton, b. 1831. 254 Margaret, b. 1807 ; m. John P. Drake. 255 Minerva, b. 1810; unmarried. Joseph Avery Ratliboiie, died In Steuben Co., N. Y., January 18, 1813, se. 47 years. Moses, son of (208) Rev. John Rathboiie and Content Brown, was born July 25, 1TT<» ; married at Asliford, Conn., 170(), Patience James, and had 256 Benjamin, m. Alice Loomis, and had 1 son ; d. 1853. 257 Rhoda, m. Orange Allen, and had 12 children. 258 PoUy, b. 1797 ; m. Benjamin Howlett, and had several chil- dren. 259 Lyman, b. 1799; m. and had Francis and Charles; d. in Texas, 1830. 260 Content, b. 1801 ; m. Bkn.iamin Humpifhey ; d. in New York city 1851. 261 Ransom, d. in infancy. 262 Bianey, m. Dibblk., and had children. 263 Moses, Jr., m. 1st, James; 2d, Charlotte More; 3d, RoxANA Bates. His daughter Elizabeth married in 1846 George W. Rathbone, of Williamstown, Oswego Co., N. Y. 650 Rathbone. Haiiiiiel, son of (208) Rev. Jolin Ratlibone and (Content Brown, was born at Stonington, Conn., Jnly 1, 1770 ; married Mary» dangliter of Isaac Turner, of Montville, Conn., April 13, ISOO, and had 264 Maria Theresa, b. February, 1801 , m., 1st, JosErn Clary ; 3d, Dr. Bryant Burwrll. 265 James H., b. July 14, 1802 ; in. Euzabeth M. Beekman, in 1825 ; d. August 17, 1843. 266 Henry A., b. December 27, 1803 ; m., 1st, Annis Powell ; 2d, Marie C. Forestall, in 184G. 267 Samuel, Jr., b. August 16, 1809. Graduated New Brunswick College, a lawyer in New York ; d. November 6, 1834. 268 John R., b. Decen]i)er 3, 1810 ; d. in infancy. 269 Juliet C, b. April 8, 1812; m. Albert C. Patterson, in 1836. 270 Sarah A., b. September 30, 1814 ; m. Alonzo Raynor, in 1834. 271 John E., b. May 36, 1816 ; d. July, 1867. 272 Charles E., b. December 17, 1818 ; m, Harriet Harvey. 273 Isaac T., b. July 26, 1831 ; d. June 12, 1849. In 1802 Samuel Rjitliboiie hegiin his mercantile life in Hartford, Conn., and snbseqncntly removed to Charlemont, Mass., where he held several political offices. In 1816 hecon- dncted his business in New York city, and in 1841 he removed to Buffalo, N. Y., where lie died about 1864, leaving a hand- some fortune. Maria Theeesa Rathbone was married at New York in 1830 to Joseph Clary (Lawyer), who died August 11, 1842. She mari-ied in 1845, for her second husband. Dr. Bryant Bur- well, who died in 1861. She had uo children. Samuel, Jr., was graduated from the New Brunswick College, N. J., became a lawyer and died in New York, November G, 1834, in his 25th year. Isaac Turnp:r Bathbone, youngest child of Samuel Rath- bone, was graduated at Yale College in 1848. He became a Baptist clergyman and died unmarried at Cincinnati, O., June 12, 1849, ai. 28 years. JaiiiC!^ Haiiiiier, son of (228) Samuel Ratlibone and Mary Turner, was born at Ashford, Conn., July 14, 1802; married Elizabeth M. Beekman, 1825, and had Rathbone. 651 274 Elizabeth Beekman, b. October 28, 1828 ; m. Dean S. Manly, October, 1851. 275 Elsie Mary, b. September 14, 1831 ; d. July 28, 1832. 276 Harriet Maria, b. September 18, 1836. 277 James V. R., b. October 15, 1839 ; d. August 31, 1852. James Haiimer Rathbone became ;i merelumt in New York city, and died at Bnffalo August 17, 1843, a;. 41 years. 306. Henry Alaii§oii, son of (228) Samuel Rathbone and Mary Turner, was born at Hartford, Conn., December 27, 1803 ; married, 1st, Annis^ daughter of Judge "Powell, of Tennessee, and liad two children who both died young. He man-icd, 2d, Marie Celeste, da\ighter of Placide Forestall, of New Orleans, in 184G, and had 278 Marie Celeste Emma, b. December 22, 184G. 279 Paul Henry, b. .January G, 1849 ; d. May 18, 1849. 280 Marie Pauline, b. August 8, 1850. 281 Francis Henry, 1). Marcli 12, 1852 ; d. in infancy. 282 Elizabeth Little, b. February 28, 1854. 283 Marie Louise Alice, b. .January 21, 1859. Henry A. Rathbone was a successful l)aidcer in the city of New Orleans, La. 309. .Juliet Content, daughter of (22S) Samuel Rathbone and Mary Turner, was born in ^Charlemont, Mass., April 8, 1812; married Rev. Albert C. Patterson, 1830, and had 284 George Herbert, b. Docen.ber26, 1830. 285 Juliet Clary, b. December 30. 1840. George HEKiniRT Pattet^son is an Episcopal clergyman, and has until recently Ijeen the Pi-esident of De Vaux College, Niagara Falls. 370. Sarali Ann, daughter of (228) Samuel Rathbone and Mary Turner, was born at Charlemont, Mass., September 30, 1814; married in New York city Alonzo Raynor, in 1834, and had 652 Rathbone. 286 Charles Augustus, b. April 12, 1835. 287 Maria Clary, b. September 18. 1836. 288 James Henry, b. October 6, 1851. '27*2. diaries Edward, son of (228) Samuel Rathbone and Mary Turner, was born in New Yoi-k city, December 17, 1818 ; niuiTied Harriet Harvey, and had 289 Samuel Harvey, b. April 8, 1842. 290 Juliet Patterson, b. July 3, 1843. 291 Mary Turner, b. February 12, 1845. 292 Charles Henry, b. October 27, 1853 ; d. November 1, 1855. 293 Celeste Maria, b. September 17, 1857. Harriet Harvey was born near Bristol, England, 1819, and died in Buffalo, April 9, 1860. The following families were omitted in their regular order : Martlia, daughter of (208) Rev. Jolin Ratli])one and Content Brown, was born at Stonington Conn., August 7, 1753 ; married Wheeler Douglass, of Steventown, N. Y., 1773, and had 294 Content, m. Gen. Samoet. Stewart, of Waterford, N. Y. 295 Martha, m. Jesse Tuacy, of Troy, N. Y. 296 John Hancock, m. and left several children. 297 AUanson, m. Sutherland ; d. April 9, 185G. 298 Polly, m. Roger Selden, of Albany. 299 Charlotte, ni. Joseph Smith. 300 Minerva, m. Kev. Mr. Matthews, a Baptist clergyman. 301 Stephen, V. R., m., left issue. 302 Harriet, m. Rev. S. Griffin, a Methodist clergyman. Wheeler Douglass and the younger part of the family removed to Beaufort, Upper (Janada, where he died in the year 1837. His son Alanson Douglass had six children. Sutherland, a clergyman, married and died in London, England, 1829; George, a clergyman, died at Troy of consumption ; Charles Selden, Banker and President, Troy Baidc ; William Bradley, at one time Cashier of the Bank of Ithaca ; Mary, marricid Judge Miller, of Rochester ; Juliet, married Mr. Merritt, of the firm of Merritt, Ely & Co., N. Y. Rathbone, 653 330. Prudence, daug-liter of (208) Rev. John Rathbone and Content Brown, was boni in Stoniuii^'toii, Conn., January 31, 1757 ; married Samuel Satterlee, of (Jonnccticut, in 1774, and had Lansing, and bad Berg. Yates. 303 Elizabeth. 304 Samuel, Jr. 305 Edward R., m. — 1 Francis, ni. — 2 Edward R., ni. 306 Lucy Anna. 307 John R. 308 William H. 309 Valentine W. R. 310 W. Douglass. 311 Sophia. 312 George C. 313 James. Prudence Rathbone, wife of Samuel SA-rrEKLEE, died at Ballston, Saratoga Co., N. Y., August 16, 1827. 295. Aaron, son of (208) Rev. John Rathbone and Content Brown, was l)Oi'n at Stonington, Conn., July 2.5, 1770; mar- ried, 1st, Sally Copp, who died leaving no children. He mar- ried, 2d, Eliza Ciieesebobough, of New York city, and had 314 Robert John. 315 Aaron R., Jr. Aaron Rathbone died at Ballston, Saratoga Co., N. Y., May 13, 1845, se. 75 years. HEED. 1. John Reed, born in Cornwall, England, in 1633. He had been a soldier from the age of sixteen, and was an officer in Oliver Cromwell's army. On the restoration of Charles the Second, he fled to this country and settled in Providence, R. I., where he married a Miss Derby. He removed to Rye, Westchester Co., I^. Y., where he resided in lf)84, and about that time pui'chased from Richard Howe's land in l^orwalk, Coini., probably the place called Reed's farms on " Five Mile river," wliere lie resided and died in 1730, in the 9Sth year of his age. He was interred in a tomb on his own farm. His name is found on the town records of Norwalk in 1687. At one time, and prol)ably until they erected a more convenient one, his house was used as a meeting-house. He was strongly marked with that determined will and high toned moral character so peculiar to Cromwell's officers. His children were 2 John, m. Tottle, 1697. 3 Thomas, m . Mary Olmstead, May 9, 1694. 4 William. 5 Mary, m. David Tuttle, November 24, 1698. 6 Abigail. Matthew and William Reed appear on the town records, the former in 1655 and the latter in 1656, possibly brothers of John. 2. John, son of (1) John Reed and Derby, married, Tuttle, in 1697, and had 7 John, in. . 8 Daniel, m. ; d. 1775. 9 Eleazer, m. . Reed. 655 10 Samuel, m. . 11 William, lu. Hachel Kellogg, November 38, 1721. 12 Mary. 13 Experience. 14 Mehitabel. John Reed, Jr., fii-st appears as a voter in 1694, Tlioiiia§, son of (1) Joliii Reed and Derby, mar- ried Mary, daughter of Lieut. John Olnistead, May 9, 1694, and had 15 Mary, b. May 2, 1695. 16 Eunice, b. February 26, 1696. 17 Thomas, b. May 7, 1699 ; m. Sarah Bennam, October 2, 1729. 18 John, b. August 7, 1701 ; m. . 19 Elizabeth, b. October 7, 1708. 20 Ann, b. July 6, 1706 ; d. February 9, 1710. 21 Temperance, b. October 15, 1708. 22 Elias, b. Marcb 10, 1711 ; m. . 23 Nathan, b. August 13, 1713 ; m. Mary Peck, December 22, 1787. John, son of (2) John Reed and Tiittle, was born ; married , and had 24 John. 25 Thaddeus. 8. Daniel, son of (2) John Reed, and Tuttle, was born ; married , an) Thomas Keed and Mary Olinstead, was born May 7, l()9l» ; married Sarah, daughter of John Bennam of West Haven, October 2, 1729, and had 56 Thomas, b. June 22, 1730. 57 Ebenezer, b. April 3, 1732. 58 Jesse, b. July 29, 1734; ni. Mary Weed. 59 Peter, b. April 3, 1737. 60 Sarah, b. June 19, 1739. 61 Eli, b. September 24, 1743. He was appointed a Commisaioner in 1783. 18. John, son of (3) Thomas Reed and Mary Olmstead was born August 7, 170i ; mai'ried -, and had 62 Jo.siah. 63 John. 64 Ithiel. 65 Jonathan. 66 Ann, ni. Eliakim Wauino, December 7, 1738. Fli:iH, son of (:>) Thomas Reed and Mary Olmstead^ was born March 10, 1711 ; married , and had 67 Elia.-}, 68 JoeL 69 Daniel. 70 Stephen. 71 John, m. Abp.y WirrnxG, .luly (5, 1775. (18) John an, son of (11) William Reed and Rachel Kellogg, was born ; married Riiliaiiiiah, danghter of Stephen Benedict and Rnth Keeler, about 1768, and had 128 Ruth, b. 1769; m., 1st, William Reed; 3d, Ellis; d. 1856, in South East, Conn. 129 Ruhannah, b. 1773; m. Daniel Howe. 130 Jacob, b. 1777 ; m. Ruth Benedict. 131 Stephen, lived at South East, Conn. 132 Esther, ni. Doty ; d. in Norwalk. 133 Doty. 134 Isaac, ni. ; d. in New York. 135 Eli, b. 1783 ; m. ; d. in New York. 136 Abigail, b. 1785 ; ra. ■. 137 Matthew, b. 1787 ; ra. Hannah Benedict ; d. 1844. 138 Lewis B., b. August 38, 1789; m. Maria Brown, January, 1815; d. in New York. 139 John, b. 1791 ; m. ; d. in New York, 1837. 58. Jes§e, son of (17) Thomas Reed and Sarah Beniiam, was ])orn July 29, 1734 ; married Mary Weed, and had Eeed. 661 140 Hannah, b. September aO, 1783. 141 Selleck, 1.. August 18, 1787. 142 Elijah, b. in Stamford, Conn., iu 1788 ; d. November 10, 1851. ri. Jolill, soil of (22) Elias Ueed and , uiarried Abby Whiting, July fi, 1775, and had 143 John, b. January 8, 1770 ; d. November, 1777. 144 John, b. November 1, 1778 ; bad sous Lewis and Dauian. 145 Moses, b. December 14, 1787. 146 RosAvell, b. .luae 18, 1795. Mrs. James H. Beers, of Unadilla, is a daughter of Koswell (14G). 80. Daniel, son of (28) James Heed and Joanna Castle, was born April 15, 1761 ; married , and had 147 William, b. April, 1783; m. . 148 Nancy. 149 Joanna. 150 Maria. Daniel Reed died about 1802. 83. Jesse, son of (28) James Reed and Joanna Castle, was born July 16, 1768 ; married Joanna Carpenter, February 22, 1797, and had 151 Julia, b. October 19, 1799. 152 Joanna, b. October 8, 1802. 153 Betsey B., b. June 26, 1805. 154 EUza A., b. March 18, 1808. 155 James C, b. September 2, 1810 ; m. ; no ch. 156 Susan M., b. April 8, 1813. 157 Abigail, b. September 2, 1815. Jesse Reed died at Auriilius, N. Y., August 25, 1831. 95. Beiijaiiiiii P., son of (29) Benjamin Reed and Bethiah Weed, was born March 31, 1770; married Betty Bougliton, January 12, 1793, and had 662 Reed, 158 Wilbur, b. April 20, 1794. 159 Stephen, b. February 18, 1796. 160 James M. 117. Uriah, son of (89) Timothy Reed and Harriet Selleck, May 27, 1790, and had 161 Sally, b. May 2, 1791. 162 Charring, b. May 1, 1794. 163 Selleck, b. July 25, 1796. married 132. Kufiis, son of (39) Timothy Reed and , and had -, married 164 Ezra, d. y. 165 John, d. y. 166 Edwin, d. y. 167 Ezra, d. y. 168 Jane Maria, m. Richard H. Mitchell, of Nantucket. They removed to Hudson, N. Y., where they resided in 1861, he being a retired merchant. 135. Eli, son of (50) Jacob Reed and Riihanuah Benedict, was boru in 1783 ; married , and had 169 Jacob R. 170 Daniel B. 171 EU H. 172 William H. 173 Dickson. 174 Piatt B. 175 Charlotte. 176 Lucretia, m. James 0. Jones, of New York city, publisher. Eli Reed died in New York city. 137. Mattiiew, son of (50) Jacob Reed and Ruhannah Bene- dict, was born in 1787 ; married Hauuah Benedict, of New Canaan, Conn., and had 177 Edwin. 178 George, lived in New York. Reed. 663 179 Addison. 180 Matthew. 181 " B.," (his father gave him no other name.) Matthew Reed resided in New York city, was prcvsideiit of a bank and Alderman. He died there in 1844. Le^vis It., son of (50) Jacob Reed aiul Riihaniiali Bene- dict, was born August 28, 1789; married Maria Browii, January, 1815, and bad 182 Addington, b. October 8, 1815; single in 1861, a merchant. 183 Ferdinand, b. July 7, 1817. 184 Elvira, b. March 24, 1810. 185 Amanda, b. May 10, 1821 ; m. Joskph P. Cogswell, of Janes- ville. Wis. 186 Adeline, b. October 10, 1822 ; m. Hiram H. Lamport, of New York. 187 Lewis Benedict, b. July 11, 1824. 188 Catharine, b. Marcli 10, 1820 ; m. Isaac H, Whreler, of Boston. 189 Emma, b. .January 4, 1835 ; ni. George H. Thorp, of New York. 190 Anna, b. December 18, 18;]7. Lewis Benedict Reed settled in New York city in 1810. 139. John, son of (50) Jacob Reed and Ruhannah Benedict, was born in 1791; married , and liad 191 John, 1). 1834. 192 Benjamin F,, b. 1836. 193 Mary. John Reed died in New York city in 1887. 147. William, son of (so) Daniel Reed and , wns born Ai)i-il, 1788 ; married , and bad 194 Daniel, b. Sejitember 14, 1803 ; m. Cinda T. Meigs, of Gawego, N. Y.. May 1, 1828. 195 JohnM., b. August, 1807; died in Jackson Co., Mich., in 1844. 196 Nancy M., m. J. B. Chapin, of Olivet, Mich. 197 Maria, d. y. 84 664 Keed. 198 Xjlizabeth, m. Rev. Charles Jerome, of Cattaraugus, N. Y. She died 1858. William Reed removed from Norwalk to Baldwinsville, N. Y., where lie resided. 51. Matthew, son of (11) William Reed and Rachel Kellogg was born in Norwalk, Conn., in ITol) ; married Elizabeth , and had 199 Stephen, b. 1765; d. y. 200 Polly, b. 1768 ; m. Seth Seymour, April 3, 1789 ; d. November 18, 1828. 201 Betsey ; m. Olnet Stone, March 8, 1785. 202 WUliam ; d. s. Feb. 11. 1807. 203 Hannah, b. 1784 ; ru. AsA Benedict, January 5, 1804 ; d. No- vember 11, 1830. 204 Stephen, m. Maria Van Yeveren, of Albany N. Y.; d. October 17, 1867. 205 Samuel, m. (293) Angelica Bogart, January, 1805. 206 Sally, m. Joseph Haskett. 207 Esther, m. Isaac Belden. 208 Frederick, d. y. 209 Anna, m. Joseph Thatcher, October 13, 1782. Matthelv Reed died in Norwalk, Conn., December -1, 1797, in the 58th year of his age. Elizaueth -, widow of MArmEw Reed, died in Nor- walk, Jnne 15, 17D9, in the 5-lth year of her age. They were buried in St. Paul's churchyard, Norwalk, where their monu- ments now stand. Matthew Reed and wife were members of St. Paul's Episcopal chnrch in Norwalk, of which, at that time, the Rev. Mr. Leannings was rector. Mr. Reed was appointed Decem- ber 15, 1771, to collect the Church rates. When Norwalk was burned by the British dnring the revolution, Mr. Lean- nings being opposed to the patriots' canse, left the place in one of the ships of the Bi'itish fleet, and probably took the church records witli him, as they have never been found. The record starts again with the report of a meeting held at the house of Thomas Belden, October 27, 1780. At that meeting Matthew Reed was present, and was chosen one of a Heed. 665 committee to ascertain as to the feasibility of rebuilding the church which was destroyed by British troops, July, 1779. It is to the honor of our ancestors in this parish that, although reduced by the destruction of their property in 1799, and dis- pirited, yet they rallied in a year's time and commenced anew for the Master. In November 30, 1780, Matthew Reed subscribed hand- somely for the project, but few out of a long list of honored names contributed as much as he. On Easter Monday, April 16, 1781, he was elected Vestryman and re-elected to the same office April ], 1782. He was elected third Vestryman at Easter, 1783, and second Vestrynuin in 1784. April 29, 1791, Matthkw Rked and his wife Elizabeth con- veyed lands to their daughter Betsey, wife of Olney Stone. April 2, 1801, Stephen Reed conveyed to Samuel Middle- brook all his right and title in the estate of his late father Matthew Reed deceased. At the same date William Reed conveyed Betsey Stone's and Anna Thatcher's rights, which he had purchased of them to the said Middlebrouk. April 7, 1801, William Reed conveyed to Samuel Middle- brook all his own right together with those of Polly Seymour and Esther l)clden in the estate of their late father Maithew Reed. In this deed the name of Sally Reed occurs. July 5, 1800, Stephen Reed, SAMirEr- Rkkd, Joseph Ilaskett and Sally his wife. Asa Benedict and Hannah his wife join in a deed of land to Isaac Belden. February 16, 1807, Asa Benedict and Hannah his wife join in a deed to Samuel Middlel)rook. April 13, 1799, William Rked gave a deed of land to Josiah Thatcher and Anna his wife. *200. Polly, daughter of (51) Matthew Reed and Elizabeth — — - — , was boi'u in Noi'walk, Conn., in 1708; married Set|l Seymour, April 3, 1789, and had 210 Maria, b. November 27, 1789. 211 Alfred, b. April 5, 1793; d. s. QQ6 Reed. 212 Uriah, m. (231) Esther Thatcher, his cousin, and had: 1 Augiastus, dead. 2 Mary Augusta 3 George Munson, dead. 4 Gould Samuel, dead. 5 Amelia. 213 Stephen. Pollj Reed, wife of Setfi Seymour, died November 18, 1823. Miss Mary Augusta and Miss Amelia Seymour, daugh- ters of (212) [Iriali Seymour and (231) Estlier Thatcher, live in South Norwalk, Betsey, daughter of (.51) Matthew Reed and Elizabeth , was horn in Norwalk, Conn. ; married Olnky Stone March 8, 1785, and had 214 John, b. August 22, 1785. 215 Phoebe, b. September 35, 1791 ; m. Freeman, and lived in Deposit, N. Y. 216 Isaac, b. June 28, 1794. 903. Haiinali, daughter of (51) Matthew Reed and Elizabeth was born in Norwalk, in 1784 ; mai-ried Asa Benedict, January 5, 1804, and had 217 Frederick Reed, b. October 20, 1804 : m.,, Mary Ann Osborn in 1829. She d. November 18, 1846. He married, 2d, Amanda Rockwell, in 1847 ; lived in Wilton, Conn. 218 George, b. June 2, 1807 ; m., 1st., Sarah J. Bearqsley, October 12,1828. She d. February 30, 1847. He married, 2d, Amanda Benedict, December 16, 1847. 219 Alfred, b. February 5, 1809 ; d. September 11, 1818. 220 Harriet Beach, b. December 21, 1812; d. February 28,1813. 221 William Henry, b. July 31, 1814; m. Mary Gdyer, November 23, 1837. He represented Norvvalli in the Legislature of 1849 ; president of the Mechanics' Savings Bauit. 222 Charles N., b. July 16, 1823; m. Elizabeth Ketchum, Fel)ruary 7, 1854. She d. February 22, 1855. Hannah Reed, wife of Asa Benedict, died Koveml)er 11, 1830. Reed. 667 904. (^teplieii, son of (51) Matthew Reed and Elizabeth , was boi-ii in Norwalk ; married Maria Van Yeveren, of Albany, and liad 222 i Stephen, d. s. Maria Van Y^everen, wife of Stkphen Reed, died in New York. Stei'urn Reed resided and was a merchant in New York, wliere lie died ()ctol)ei' 17, 1867. Sainiicl, son of (51) Matthew Heed and Elizabeth -, was born in Norwalk; married (293) Angelica, daui^li- ter of (202) Isaac H. Bogart and (1)6) Cathlina Visscher, Jannary, 1805, and bad 223 Isaac Henry, b. November 28, 1805 ; resides in the city of New York. (See 850 Bogart, :]63 Visscher, and 1803 Tiilcott Ped.) Saninel Reed died in Norwalk, Conn., and bis widow mar- ried George Talcott, U. S. Army, November 17, 1810 (see 1802 Talcott Ped.) Sally, dani^diter of (51) Matthew Reed and Elizabeth , was born in Norwalk ; marrie. Davis, was born or baptised July 22, 1659, in New Haven, i^ married (4) Mary, daughter of (1) Hon. Giles Hamlin, of | Middletown. Conn., February 20, 1690, and had I 6 William, b. 1690 ; m. Mary Pierpont ; d. June 1, 1761. 7 Noahdiah, b. July 22, 1692 ; m. Desire Cooper. 8 Giles, b. December 8, 1693 ; d. January 16, 1711. Russell. 673 9 Mary, b. 1G95 ; d. February 37, 1723. 10 John, b. 1697 ; d. October 17, 1780. 11 Esther, b. August 20, 1699 ; d. March 27, 1720. 12 Daniel, b. 1702; m. Lydia Stillman November 13, 1728; d. September 16, 1764. 13 Mehitabel, b. May 37^ 1704; m. (61) Daniel Deming No- vember 19, 1729. 14 Hannah, b. 1705 ; ra. Joseph Piekpont. Rev. Noalidiali Russell died in Middletown, December 3, 1713. Mary Hamlin, widow of Rkv. Noahdiah Russell, died in Middletown, October 4, 1743, ae. 80 years. Rev. Noahdiah Russell graduated at Harvard in 1681 and was a tutor there in 1682 and 1683, afterwards taught a school in Ipswich. He was ordained minister of the first churcli at Middletown, October 4. 1688. The diary kept by him while tutor at Harvard in 1682 and 1683, is in the possession of S. V. Talcott of Albany, N. Y., a descendant of his. Mr. Russell had a warm friend and patroness in the dis- tinguished Mrs. Ellen Glovei*. «. AVilliaiii, son of (5) Kev. Noalidiali Russell and (4) Mary Haniliu, was born in 1690; married Mary, daughter of James Pierpont, of New Haven, and had 15 Mary, m. (70 Talcott Ped.) Col. Matthew Talcott, son of (45 Talcott Ped.) Joseph Talcott, Governor of Connecticut. 16 E.sther, m. Samuel Johnson. 17 William, m., 1st, Abigail Anuuews; 2d, Abigail Newberry. 18 Samuel, m. RrTH Whitmore. 19 Noahdiah, m. (ol'i Talcott l^ed.) Esther Talcott, March 15, 1758. 20 James, d . y. 21 Sarah, in. Dr. E. Rawson, of Middletown. 22 Mehitabel, ni. Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth. Mary Pierpout, wife of am Russkll, died July 24, 1 740, m. 37 yeai-s. Wii,i.iAM Russkll died June 1, 1761. He was liberally educated at Saybrook : was a tutor and Fellow of Yale colleire, and a. minister of the gospel at Middletown. 674 Russell. 7. JVoiiltdiali, son of (5) Rev. Noalidiali Russell and (4) Mary Hamlin, was born July 22, 1692; married Desire Cooper, of CUiathani, and had 23 Noahdiah, m. Lois Bliss. This was the only child tliat lived to adult age. 12. Daniel, son of (5) Rev. Noalidiali Russell and (4) Mary Hauilin, was l)orn in Middletown, Conn,, in 1702; married Lydia Stillnian, of Wethersfield, Conn., Kovember 13, 1728, and had 24 Giles ni., Prudence Stanton. 25 Daniel, m. Rebecca . 251 Benjamin, d. y. 26 John, d. y. 27 John, d. y. 28 Nathaniel, m. Elizabeth Willakd. 29 Lydia, d. y 30 Lydia, d. y. 31 Hannah, d. y. 32 Molly. Daniel Russell died SeptembeV 16, 1764. He was educated at Yale College and settled in the ministry at Wethersfield. 13. Meliitabel, daughter of (5) Rev. Noalidiali Russell and (4) Mary Hamlin, was born May 27, 1704 ; married (61) Daniel Deniing, of Wetherstiold. (See Deming.) 14. Haiiiiali, daughter of (5) Rev. Noalidiali Russell and (4) Mary Hamlin, was born in 1705; married Joseph, son of Rev. James Pierpont, of New Haven, and had 33 Samuel. 34 Joseph. 35 Benjamin. 36 Giles. Russell. fi75 37 Hezekiah. 38 . 39 Hannah. 40 Mary. 41 Abigaih 42 Sarah. All these ten children were married and settled in New Haven. 17. \\ illiaiii, son of (fi) ^Villiain Russell and Mary Pierpont, married, 1st, Abigail Andrews, of Milford, Conn., and had 43 William, graduate of Yale College ; d. s. 44 Samuel A. 45 Abigail, d. y. 46 Abigail, m. JoriN Mathet?, of Windsor, who was an officer in the American army. Abigail Andrews, wife of William Russell, died. He married, 2d, Abigail Newberry, of Windsor, Conn., and had 47 James, an only child, died in infancy. William Russell was edneated at Yale College and was a tntor there. Fie was afterwards a minister of the gospel, settled at Windsor, Conn. 18. Ssiiiiiiel, son of (6) William Russell and Mary Pierpont, married Rutli Wliitmore, of Middletown, and had 48 Ruth, (1. R. 49 Polly. 50 John. 51 WilUam. 52 Esther. 53 Jacob. 54 SamueL 19. Noalicliali, son of (6) William Russell and Mary Pier- pout, married (852 Talcott Fed.) Kstlier, daughter of (66 Talcott Ped.) Joseph Talcott, and granddaughter of (45 Tal- cott Fed.) Gov. Joseph Talcott (b. ,hme 24, 1731), March 15, 1758, and had Q76 Russell. 65 Noahdiah, d. May 30, 1817. 56 Matthew Talcott, m. Mary Huntington September 17, 1797; d. November 13, 1828. 57 Esther. 58 Sarah. 59 Abigail. 60 Infant. 61 Joseph. Noalidiali Russell was educated at Yale college and was a minister of tlie gospel, settled at Thompson, Conn. jfleliitabel, daughter of (fi) William Russell and Mary Peirpoiit, married Col. Jeremiah, son of the Rev. Daniel Wadsworth, of Hartford, and had 62 Daugbter, b. June, 1768 ; unmarried. 63 Harriet, b. July, 17CU. 64 Daniel. 65 Abigail, b. August, 1771 ; d. three weeks old. 66 Katharine, b, January, 1774. 67 Francis, b. October, 1776 ; d. about two years old. 68 Jeremiah, b. 1778 ; d. eighteen months old. IVoalicliali, son of (7) Noahdiah Russell and Desire Cooper, married Lois Bliss, <»f (Jhatfiam, and had 69 Noahdiah. 70 John. 71 Timothy. 72 Hezekiah. 73 Lois. 74 Prudence, 75 Molly. 24. Giles, son of (12) Daniel Russell and Lydia Stillman, married Prudence Stanton, of Stoniugton, Conn., and had 76 Hannah. Giles Russell was educated at Yale College and was a Colonel in the American army. He died in Stonington. RussKLL. 677 Daniel^ son of (12) Daniel Uussell and Lydia Stillinaii, luari-ied Itebecca , ol" Middlutown, and had 77 Lydia, m. Josiah Wolcott, of Wetliersfield. 78 Catharine, d. s. 28. IVatliaiiiel, sun of (12) Daniel Russell and Lydia Still- man* married Elizabeth Willard, and had 79 John. 80 Daniel. 81 Benjamin. 82 Giles Hamilton. 83 George StiUman. 84 . 85 Elizabeth. 86 Mary. Mi. mattliew Talcott, son of (1!)) Noalidiali llnssell and \S52 Talcott Fed.) Esther Talcott, married Mary, daughter of Kov. Enoch Ilnntington, of Middletown, September 17, 1797, and had 87 Mary H. 88 Harriet. 89 Julia A. 90 Charles H. 91 William H. 92 Abigail T. 93 Francis H. 94 Sarah E. Matthew Talcott Russell was educated at, and was a tutor at Yale College. He died November 13, 1S28, leaving the above named children. Notes. October 4, 1640, James Russell, Esq., son of Richard Rus- sell and Maud, his wife, was born in Charlestown, Mass., and died April 28, 1709. May 14, 1676, Richakd Russell, Esq., died, se. 65 years. His first ancestor known emigrated from Hereford, England, to America in 1640, and settled in Charlestown, Mass. [le was an eminent merchant and left a large property. 678 Russell. December 10, 1692, Rev. Mr. Russell (John) died at Had- lej, Mass., in his 6Gtli year. (lie niarried Mary, daughter of the first John Talcott.) April 7, 1740, Hon. Thomas Russell, second son of Hon. James Russell, was born. [Alden's American Epitaplis. SllEAUMAN. " The Shearmans or Sheriuans are of German origin, where the name is Shearman, Sherman, Schurman, Scherman, and was no doubt transferred many centuries ago to the vicinity of London, Eughmd, by the Anglo-Saxon emigration, where it still remains numerous. In New England are found two distinct families bearing this name. One of them descended from Williajvi Sherman who came to Plymouth with the Pilgrims in 1630 and settled at Marshfiekl, Mass., where his descendants are still found. The other came from Dedham, Essex Co., England. Henry Sher- man (the son of Thomas, the first known ancestor of this branch), probably removed thither from the county of Suffolk, England, as he bore the Suffolk Sherman Coat of Arms." — [Rev. David Sherman's notes. Those who early came to America spelled the name either Sherman or Shearman. Pliilij) of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, admitted freeman in 1634, spelled his name " Shear- man." Richard of Boston, admitted freeman in 1635, spelled it " Sherman," as did Samuel of Boston, admitted in 1637, and Thomas of Ipswich, admitted in 1636. Some of the descendants of Philip dro])ped the letter "a" and wrote their names Sher- man, and tlieir descendants still continue to do so. All the genealogy of the Shermans in England, and a part of that in America, is taken from the collections made by the late Rev. David Sherman, of Wilbraham,Mass., corrected by fuller and 86 680 Shearman. more accurate data obtained in England, by personal inspection and examination of docmnents and papers in various offices in that country, by the late Rev. Henry B. Sherman, of Esopus, KY. A greater part of the notes i-elating to the American family were collected by the compiler many years since, from the original records of towns in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and from records in possession of various members of the family. In this paper the compiler proposes more particularly to trace the descendants of (37) Philip Shearman, of Portsmouth, R. I. The Anns of Sherman, of Essex, are thus : " On shield or., a Lion ramp, sa., between three oak leaves vert." Crest : " A demi-lion ramp, sa." The Arms, as found on monuments, seals of wills, leases of lands, etc. , have uniformly for Crests a demi-lion ; otherwise the arms correspond with the Arms of the Shermans of Yaxley in Suffolk, and of Sherman, of Devonshire, which have a sea lion for Crest. 1. Thomas Slierilian, of SuffoU^ Co., England, is known to have had a son Henry, who was probably the father of (2) Henry. Thomas Sherman was buried at Dedham, Essex Co., Eng., March 16, 1564. Note. — The Parish Register of Dedham begins in 1 560. 3. Henry, of Dedham, probably son of (1) Thomas Sher- man, was born about 1520 or earlier ; married Agnes Butler (?), and had 3 Henry, m. Susan Hills ; buried August 28, 1610. Shearman. 681 4 Edmond, m., 1st, Ann Pellatte, April 35, 1569 ; 2d, Anne Cleake, in 1584 ; buried 1600. 5 Judith, m. William Potfield, in 1566. 6 John. 7 Robert (Dr.), bp. February 6, 1560; m. Barbaua Bkown. in 1583. He was A. B. in 1580, A. M. in 1583, M. D. in 1595, and resided in Colchester and in London. He had daughters Jane and Ann. He died in 1605. Agnes Butler (?), wife of Henry Sherman, was buried in Dedham, October 14, 1580. Henry Sherman was buried in Dedliani in 1589. He left a will made in 1589. 3. Henry, son of (2) Henry Sherman and Agnes Butler (?), married Susan Hills, and liad 8 Henry, b. 1571 ; m. , and had Edward, Henry, Mary and Martha ; died in 1645. 9 Samuel, b. 1573 ; m. Phillis or Phillipa (Ward or Upcuer). She was living in 1615. He died 1615. 10 Susan, b. 1575. 11 Edmond, b. 1577 ; m. , 12 Nathaniel, b. 1580 ; d. 1580. 13 Nathaniel, b. 1583 ; m. Priscilla . 14 John, b. August 17, 1585. (Not the father of Capt. John, the an- cestor of Roger Sherman, as some suppose.) 15 Elizabeth. 16 Ezekiel, b. July 35, 1589; m. . 17 Mary, b. July 27, 1592. 18 Daniel, m. Christian CHAPiMAN, 1602 ; d. 1634. Henry Sherman made a will in 1609, and was buried August 28, 1610. Susan Hills, widow of Henry Sherman, made a will in 1610 and was buried September 13, 1610, 4. ^ Edmond, son of (2) Henry Sherman and Agnes Butler (?), married, 1st, Ann Pellatte, Apr^ 25, 1569, and had 19 Henry, b. September 15, 1570 ; d. 1586. 20 Richard, b. October 9, 1575 ; m. Alice Day. 21 Ann, b. March 3, 1577; m. John Angieu, of Dedham. ^\ 682 Shearman. Ann Pellatte, wife of Henry Sherman, was buried in 1584. He • married, 2d, Anne Cleare, in 1584, and had 22 Bezaleel, b. June 23, 1585; m. Priscilla Burgess; d. 1618. 23 Sarah, b. July 4, 1587. 24 Susan, b. February 17, 1590. 25 Edmond, b. June 23, 1595 ; m., 1st, Joan ; 2d, Judith Angier, of Dedham ; d. about 1641. 26 Mary, b. 1598. 27 Benjamin, b. March 27, 1599. 28 Hannah. ' 29 Samuel, b. in Dedliam ; m. Hester Burgess. 30 John, m. Sparhawk. Edmond Slierinan was founder of the English school in Dedhanj. He made a will in 1598, and was buried in 1600. Anne Cleare, widow of Edmond Sherman, made a will in 1609. 9. 8aiiiiiel, son of (3) Henry Sherman and Snsan Hills, was born in 1573 ; married Pliillis (or Phillipa) Ward (or Upclier), and had 31 Mary, b. October 2. 1599. 32 Samuel,^ m., 1st, Grace ; 2d, Naomi ; d. in I Boston, Mass., 1645. y b. October 20, 1601 . 1 33 Henry, J d. y. 34 Henry, b. June 25, 1603 ; d. in Boston, 1651. 35 Martha, b. June 24, 1604. 36 Sarah, b. February 11, 1606 ; d. December 12, 1612. 37 Philip, bp. February 5, 1610; m. Sarah Odding ; d. in 1686 or 1687. Samuel Sherman died in Dedham, Essex county, England, in 1615. His wife was living at that time. 11. Eclniond, son of (3) Henry Sherman and Susan Hills, was born in 157Y ; married , and had 38 Edmond, b. October 13, 1599. 39 Anne, b. September 15, 1601 . 40 Joanna, b. December 13, 1603. 41 Esther, b. April 1, 1606. 42 Richard, b. October 16, 1608. Sheakman. 683 43 Bezaleel, b. September 17, IGll. 44 John, hp. January 4, 1G14. 45 Samuel, b. July 13, 1G18. 13. IValliaiiicl, sou of (3j Henry Sherman and Susan Hills, was born in 1582 ; married Priscilla , and had 46 Nathaniel, b. January 1, 1609. 47 Elizabeth, b. October 23, 1613. 48 Joseph. 16. Ezckiel, son of (3) Henry Sherman and Susan Hills, was born July 25, 1589; married , and had 49 Anne, b. April, 1618. 50 Robert, b. February 27, 1620. 18. Daniel, son of (3) Henry Sherman and Susan Hills, was born ; married Christian, daughter of the Eev. Edmond Chapman, D. D. and Susan , of Dedham, in 1602, and had 51 Elizabeth, m. Thompson. 52 Susan, in. RiDDLESDAliE. 53 OhrLstianne, m. Nichols. 54 Edmond. 55 Henry. 56 John (Rev.), of Trinity College, Cambridge, A. B. 1630, A. M. and Fellow 1633, B. D. 1640, DD. 1660 ; d. s. 1663. He was executor and principal legatee of his uncle John Chapman, from whom he had a large estate. Was an author of several books. 57 Daniel, an apothecary at Dedham ; m. , and had CiiursTiANNE and M.\RY. He died 1671. Daniel Sherman died in 1634, in Dedham, England. SO. Ricliard, son of (4) Edmond Sherman and his first wife Ann Pellatte, was])<)rn in Dodham, Enghmd, Octoher 9, 1575 ; married Alice Day, and had 684: Shearmakt. 58 Elizabeth, b. 1597. 59 WiUiam, b. 1616. 60 Ann. 61 Priscilla, m. Martin Garrett. 62 Martha, m. Brown. 63 Abigail, m. Dame. Richard Sherman came to Boston, Mass , and was admitted freeman in 1635. He made his will in 1660. Bexaleel, son of (4) Edmoiid Sherman and his second wife Anne Cleare, was born in Dedham, England, June 23, 1585 ; married Priscilla, daughter of Dr. Bui-gess, and had 64 John (Rev. D.D.), of Radwell, " Juxta mare," Essex Co., died 1666, se. 50 years. He has a Mural Tablet in the Chancel of Bradwell Church with Shermax Arms and elaborate Latin inscription ; will dated 1666. 65 Ursula, betrothed to youngest son of Gov. Winthrop, of Mass., but died before marriage. Bezaleel Sherman died in Ipswich, Suffolk Co., England, in 1618. Will dated that year. .95. Ediiiond, son of (4) Edmond Sherman and his second wife Anne Cleare, was born in Dedham, June 23, 1595 ; mar- ried, 1st, Joan , and had 66 Grace, m. John Livermore and came to New England. 67 Hester, m. Andrew Ward and came to New England. 68 Edmond, bp. 1599 ; m. Grace Stevens, and had 1 John (Rev.), of Dedham ; d. 1728, ae. 57 years. 2 Edmond, of Dedham ; m. Mary, daughter of Nicholas Free- man ; no ch. ; d. 1741, se. 73 years. joau , wife of Edmond Sherman, died. He married, 2d, Judith, daughter of William Angier, of Dedham, and had 69 John (Rev.), who came to New England ; m., 1st, ■ ; 2d, 70 Judith, came to New England. 71 Samuel (Hon.), bp. 1618 ; m. Sarah Mitchell (bp. 1621). He came to New England and settled in Stratford, Conn ; d. 1700. They had a son Benjamin, who had a son Samuel, who had a Shearman. 685 son Elijah, who had a sou John N., who had a son Rev. Henry B. Sherman, late of Esopus, N. Y. . whose personal researches in England in the genealogy of the Sherman family have been revised as above by the compiler. Ediiioiul Sherman resided in Dedham and in Colchester, England. He came to New England in 1634 and died in New Haven, Conn., about 1641. His will was dated 1641. 29. Samuel, son of (4) Edmond Sherman and his second wife Anne Cleare, was born in Dedham ; married Hester Burgess, and had 72 Nathaniel, of Dedham ; d. 1685. He had a son Bezaleel, M. D., of Kelvedon, in Essex, who married, 1st, ; 2d, Anna, daughter of Sir Anthony Abay, Bt. He died 1737. She died 1738. 73 John (Rev. D. D.), will dated 1671. 74 Bezaleel, of London; will dated 1687; d. 1687. His tomb at Mitcham, in Surry, lias the Sherman Arms. He had a daughter Elizabeth, married Sir Henry Vincent, Bt. She died 1751, se. 66 years. They had a son Sir Francis, whb had a daughter Mary, who married Neil, third Earl of Roseberry, who had a son Archibald, fourth Earl of Roseberry ; d. in 1868, who had a son Archibald, d. v. p. 1850, who had a son Archibald Philip, b. 1847, fifth Earl of Roseberry, who married Hannah DE Rothschild. 30. John, of Dedham, son of (4) Edmond Sherman and his second wife Anne Cleare, was boi-n ; married : Sparhawk, and had 75 Samuel (Rev.), d. s. ; will dated 1658. 76 John (Capt.), m. and came to New England, where he died in 1690, ae. 76 years. He had a son Joseph, b. 1650, married Eliza Winship, d. in 1731, who had a son William, b. in 1692, who married, 2d, Mehitabel Wellington, and had Nathaniel (Rev.), JosiAH (Rev.) and Roger (Hon.). Hon. Roger was born 1731, married, 1st, Elizabeth Hartwell ; 2d, Rebecca Prescott, and died in 1793. He had by his first wife Eliza- beth Hartwell, one son John, who had John (Rev.), David A. (Rev.), Henry (Rev.) and Charles. Charles married and had Charles A. and Thomas T., of New York. Roger Sher- man had by his second wife, Rebecca Prescott, 1, Maktha, 686 Shearman. who married Rev. Jeremiah Day, President of Yale College, and had Roger, who had Frederick R., Benjamin P. and Edmond S., of New York ; 3, Rebecca, married Hon. Simeon Baldwin, and had Hon. Roger S. ; 3, Mabel, married, 2d, Jeremiah Evarts, and had Hon. William M., of New York ; 4, Sarah, married Hon. Samuel Hoar, and had Hon. Ebenezer R. and Hon. George F. 8aitiiiel, son of (9) Samuel Sherman and Pliillis (or Phillipa) Ward (or Upclier), was born in Dedliam October 20, 1601 ; married, 1st, Grace , and bad 77 Philip, b. October 31, 1637. 78 Martha, b. May 7, 1689. 79 Nathaniel, b. October 19, 1642 ; d. y. Grace , wife of Samuel Sherman, died. He married, 2d, Naomi , and had 80 Nathaniel, b. December 19, 1659. 81 Samuel, b. October 3, 1661 ; d. y. 82 Samuel, b. April 24, 1663 ; probably d. y. Samuel Sherman came to New England and lived in Boston, wbere be died in 1645. sr. Philip, son of (9) Samuel Sherman and Phillis (or Phillipa) Ward (or Upcher), was born in Dedham, England, and baptised February 5, 1610 ; married Sarah Odding and bad 83 Eber, b. 1634 ; m. Mary ; d. 1706. 84 Sarah, b. 1636 ; m. Thomas Mumford ; d. 1719. 85 Peleg, b. 1638 ; m. Elizabeth Lawton, July 25, 1657 ; d. 1719. 86 Mary, b. 1639; d. 1644. 87 Edmond, b. 1641 ; m. . 88 Samson, b. April, 1642 ; m. Isabel Trip, March 4, 1674 ; d. 1718. 89 WUUam, b. 1643 ; d. 1646. 90 John, b. 1644 ; m. Sarah Spooner ; d. 1734. 91 Mary, b. 1645 ; m. Samuel Wilbur, December 3, 1674. 92 Hannah, b. 1647 ; m. William Chase. 93 Samuel, b. 1648 ; m. Martha Trip, February 23, 1680-1 ; d. 1717. 94 Benjamin, b. 1650; m. Hannah Mowry, December 3, 1674; d. 1718. 95 Phelep, b. November 1, 1652; m. Hathaway or Benjamin Chase. Shearman. 68T Philip Sbearnian (so written by himself) died at Portsmontli, on the island of Eliode Island, in lf)86 or 1687. His wife survived him. He left a will which is recorded in Portsmouth, dated July 30, 1681, proved March 22, 1687. In 1633 or previous to that year he came from his home in Dedham, Eng- land, and settled in Roxbury, Mass. In that year he was admitted a freeman. In the Anne Hutchinson troubles he took the popular side and was one of the " Roxbury men," ordered to be disarmed for being seduced and led into dangerous errors by -Mr. Wheelwright and Mrs. Hutchinson, and with John Clark and sixteen others, he was banislied from Massachusetts Bay by the General Court held at Newton, October 2, 1637. They left Boston with the intention of settling in New Hamp- shire, but Unding the climate too severe in that section of the country, they abandoned their lands there, and removed, March 7, 1638, to the island of Rhode Island, which they purchased, by the advice of Roger Williams, whom they met in Providence, from Aquetnet, the Indian chief. The purchase was completed March 24, 1638, and on the first day of July, 1639, they estab- lished a regular government, of which Coddington was chosen Governor, and Philip Sheakman (so spelled l)y liimself) Secre- tary. They named the upper part of the island Portsmouth, and there Philip Shearman resided, owning a large tract of land at tliat place. It was there that all his children were boi-n, except Eber, his eldest son, who was born in Roxbury, Mass. He was Town Clerk for many years, and the records of the town of Portsmouth were kept by him with great neatness and exactness. Pie held various other public offices in the Colony, and in critical periods, as a man of intelligence, wealth and influence was frequently consulted by those in authority. After he removed to Rhode Island he left the Congregational church and united with the " Society of Friends." 83. Eber, son of (37) Philip Shearman and Sarah Odding, was born in 1634, in Roxbury, Mass.; married Mary , and liad 96 Eber, m. Mautua Remminoton. 87 688 Sheaeman. 97 Stephen, of North Kingston ; m. Sarah ; d. 1772. 98 William, m. . 99 Peleg, m. . 100 Elisha, m. ; d. 1750. 101 Abigail. 102 Samuel, d. s. 1744. Eber Sliearinan died in 1Y06. He settled on the west side of Narragansett Bay at Nortli Kingston. 85. Peleg, son of (37) Philip Shearman and Sarah Odding, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1638 ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Lawton, July 25, 1657, and had ' 103 Thomas, b. August 8, 1658 ; m. Lydia Wilcox, May 26, 1702. 104 William, b. October 3, 1659 ; m. Martha Wilber, May 12, 1681. 105 Daniel, b. June 15, 1662 ; m. . 106 Mary, b. December 11, 1664. 107 Peleg, b. October 8, 1666 ; m. Alice Fort, November 16, 1697. 108 Ann, b. April 30, 1668. 109 Elizabeth, b. November 25, 1670. 110 Samuel, b. October 15, 1672 ; m. (probably) and removed to Tiver- ton, R. I., and had William, Joseph and Peleg. 111 Eber, b. October 20, 1674 : m. Honora . 112 John, b. October 28, 1676. 113 Benjamin, b. July 15, 1677. 114 Sarah, b. January 2, 1679. 115 Isabel, b. June 3, 1683. 116 George, b. December 18, 1687. Peleg" Shearman died in Portsmouth, R. L, in 1719. He was a farmer and resided upon the homestead in his native town. 87. Edmoiid, son of (37) Philip Shearman and Sarah Odding, was born iti Portsmouth, R. I., in 1641 ; married , and had 117 Elkanah, b. May 7, 1674; m., 1st, Elizabeth Manchester, January 15, 1719 ; 2d, Margaret Pitts, in 1731 ; no ch. 118 Nathaniel, b. May 1, 167<). 119 Nathan, b. February 1, 1678; m., lat, Freelove ; 2d, Mary Taylor. Shearman. 689 120 David, b. January 1, 1680; m. Abigail . 121 Lydia, b. February 1, 1682. 122 Samuel, b. July 27, 1686 ; m. Hannah . 123 Elnathan, b. October 1, 1694; m. . 124 Joseph, b. 1698 ; m. Elizabeth . Edmond Shearman removed to Dartniontli, R. I., where he settled on lands owned by his father, and was a leading man of the town. 88. ^nnif^oii, son of (oY) Pliilip Sliearinaii and Sarah Odding, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., April, 1642 ; married Isabel, daughter of John (?) Trip, March 4, J 674, and had 125 Philip, b. 1675 ; m., 1st, Mart Anthony, April 12, 1699 ; 2d, the widow Hannah Clarke, March 11, 1717. 126 Sarah, b. 1677 ; m . Joseph Chase. 127 Alice, b. 1679 ; m. Tibbetts. 128 Samson, b. 1682 ; m. Dorcas . 129 Abiel, b. 1683; m. Doucas Gardner, October 20, 1712. 130 Isabel, b. 1684 ; m. Joseph Baker. 131 Job, b. November 24, 1687; m., 1st, Bridget Gardner, Decem- ber 23, 1714 ; 2d, Amy Spencer, June 1, 1732 ; d. November 16 1747. Samson Shearman resided in Portsmouth where he died iu 1718. 90. John, son of (37) Philip Shearman and Sarah Odding, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1()44 ; married Sarah, daugh- ter of William Spooner, and settled in South Dartmouth, and had 132 Philip, m. . 133 John. 134 Abigail, m. Chase. 135 Joshua, m. Alice . 136 Isaac, m. Sarah . 137 Ephraim, m. Mehitabel . 138 Timothy, m. Dinah . 139 Hannah, m. AiKiN. • John Shearman died in South Dartmouth, Mass., in 1734. 690 Shearman. 93. Samuel, son of (37) Philip Sliearman and Sarah Odding, was born in Portsmouth, E. I., in 1648 ; married Martha, daughter of John Trip, February 23, 1680-1, and had 140 Sarah, b. April 10, 1682. 141 Mary, b. December 1, 1683. 142 Mehitabel, b. August 8, 1685. 143 Samuel, b. May 12, 1686. 144 Othniel, b. January 29, 1689 . 145 John, b. March 28, 1696 ; m. Grissel, daughter of Preserved Fish, December 11, 1722. 146 Ebenezer, b. October 10, 1701 ; m., 1st, Rebecca Lawton, May 28, 1732 ; 2d, Elizabeth Havens, March 16. 1741-2. Samuel Shearman lived in Portsmouth, R. I., and died tliere in 1717-8. 94. ^ Beiijaiiiiii, son of (37) Philip Shearman and Sarah Odding, was born in Portsmouth, E. I., in 1650 ; married Hannah Mowry, December 3, 1674, and had 147 Benjamin, b. December 26, 1675 ; m. Mary Lawton, April 9, 1702. 148 Jonathan, b. March 7, 1677 ; m. Mary , December, 1703 ; d. 1752. 149 Joseph, b. February 11, 1678 ; m. Margaret Manchester ; d. 1755. 150 Hannah, b. March 20, 1679. 151 Amy, b. October 25, 1681 ; m. Stephen Gardner. 152 Sarah^ b. 1684; m. Francis Brayton. 153 Isaac, b. April, 22, 1686 ; m. Mary Godfry, November 14, 1709. 154 Mehitabel, b. March 4, 1688 ; m. Job Carr (Card ?). 155 Deborah, b. September 3, 1691 ; m. Elisha Johnston. 156 Freelove, b. September 14, 1696. 157 Bethia, b. 1699. Benjamin Shearman was a farmer in the town of Ports- mouth, R. I., and a land holder in Kingston. His will is re- corded in Portsmouth in 1718, where he died. 96. Fiber, son of (83) Eber Shearman and Mary , was born in North Kingston ; married Martha Remmington, and had Sheahman. 691 158 Martha, b. July 25, 1707. 159 Eber, b. May 15, 1709. 160 John, b. October 30, 1711. 161 Abigail, b. March 22, 1714. 162 William, b. December 20, 1716. 163 Henry, b. January 14, 1724 ; m. Ann Higinbotham, in 1747. (Grandfather of Judge S. G. Sherman, of Providence, R. I.) Eber Shearinaii resided on the liouiestead at JSTortli Kingston, where he died. 97. Stephen, son of (83) Eber Shearman and Mary , was born in North Kingston, \l. 1. ; married Sarah , and liad 164 Dorothea, b. April 18, 1722. 165 Samuel, b. April 24, 1723. 166 Mary, b. August 10, 1725. 167 Isabel, b. September 16, 1727. 168 Stephen, b. May 7, 1733. 169 Dorca,s, b. May 20, 1735. 170 Philemon, b. D^ember29, 1737' 171 Sarah, b. March 20, 1739. Stephen Shearman was a farmer and resided at North Kingston. He died in 17T2. 98. 'William, son of (83) Eber Shearman and Mary , was born at North Kingston ; married , and had 172 Deliverance, b. April 10, 1717. 173 Eber, b. Aua-ust 7, 1719. 174 Phebe, b. January 4, 1720. 175 Abigail, b. October 26, 1722. 176 Mary, b. June 20, 1724. 177 Edward, b. March 4, 1726. 178 Jemima, b. December 14, 1727. 179 William Jr.. b. March 10, 1730. 180 Parthenia, b. February 16, 1731. 181 Jacob, b. November 20, 1733. removed to Williamstown, Mass. 182 Palmer, b. May 30, 1737, removed to Western New York. 99. Peleg, son of (83) Eber Shearman and Mary , was born in North Kingston, R. I. ; married , and had 692 Shearman. 183 Ichabod, b. December 3. 1715. 184 Lydia, b. April 2, 1717 ; m. William Sweet. 185 Elizabeth, b. May 11, 1719. 186 Moses, b. July 8, 1733. 187 Mary, b. June 27, 1725. Peleg Shearman resided on tlie farm owned by Othniel Shearman, of Exeter, R. T. 100. £li§ha, son of (83) Eber Sliearman and Mary , was born in ISTorth Kingston ; married , and had 188 Job, b. June 20, 1716. 189 Elisha, b. November 17, 1717. 190 Benoni, b. July 7, 1719. 191 Elizabeth, b. November 24, 1722. 192 Stephen, b. March 26, 1724. 193 Mary, b. August 11, 1726. 194 Margaret, b. March 20, 1730. 195 Rhoda, b. October 2, 1732. 196 Thomas, b. September 19, 1735. # Elisha Shearman died in 1T50. 103. Thomas, son of (85) Peleg Shearman and Elizabeth Lawton, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 8, 1658 ; mar- ried Lydia Wilcox, May 26, 1 702, and had 197 Joshua, b. March 2, 1703 ; d. 1729. 198 Ruth. 199 Daniel, b. November 26, 1706. 200 Benjamin. Thomas Shearman bought land of Caleb Arnold, in South Kingston, about one mile north of the present railroad depot. 104. William, son of (85) Peleg Shearman and Elizabeth Lawton, was born in Portsraoutli, R. I., October 3, 1659 ; married Martha Wilber, May 12, 1681, and had 201 WiUiam, b. 1G82. 202 Thomas, b. 1684 ; m. Sarah Sisson, of Portsmouth, June 19, 1729. Sheakman. 693 203 Elanor, b. 1G8G. 204 Mary, b. 1688. 205 EUzabeth, b. 1690. 206 Peleg, b. 1692. 207 Benjamin, b. 1694. 208 Sarah, b. 1696. 209 Hannah, b. 1699. William Shearinan settled in Dartmoiitli, Mass. 105. Daniel, son of (85) Peleg Shearman and Elizabeth Lawton, was born in Portsniouth, II. I., Jnne 15, 16C2 ; mar- ried ■ — , and had 209^ Seth, b. March 31, 1710 ; descendants in Western New York. Daniel Shearman settled in Dartmouth, Mass. 107. Peleg, son of (85) Peleg Shearman and Elizabeth Lawton, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., October 8, 1666 ; married Alice Fort, November 16, 1607, and had 210 Thomas, b. 1699. 211 Richard, b. 1701 ; m. Salisbury, 1713. 212 Elizabeth, b. 1703. 213 Peleg, b. 1704. 214 Grissell, b. 1706. 215 Caleb, b. 1708. 216 George, b. 1710. Peleg Shearman resided in the old Shearman homestead at Portsmouth, and his son Thomas inherited it from his father, and it is still held by his descendaTits. 111. Eber, son of (85) Peleg Shearman and Elizabeth Lawton, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., October 20, 1674 ; married Honora , and had 217 Hannah, b. June 23, 1700. 218 EUzabeth, b. December 16. 1703. 219 Robert, b. December 26, 1705. 694 Shearman. 220 Elisha, b. January 1, 1707. 221 John, b. February 7, 1709. 222 Ruth, b. February 3, 1711. 223 Peleg, b. December 10, 1716. Eber Sliearmaii removed to Swansea. 117. Elkaiiah, son of (87) Edniond Shearman and , was born in Dartmoutli, Mass., May Y, 1674 ; married, 1st, Elizabeth Manchester, January 15, 1719, and had 224 George, b. November 10, 1730. 225 John, b. January 10, 1723. 226 Ruth, b. January 29, 1724. 227 Content, b. September 26, 1736 228 Peter, b. September 34, 1728. 229 Elizabeth, b. August 1, 1730. Elizabeth Manchester, wife of Elkanah Shearman, died. He married, 3d, Margaret Pitts, in 1731 ; no. cb. 119. IVatliaii, son of (87) Edniond Shearman and , was born in Dartmouth, Mass., February 1, 1078 ; married, 1st, Freelove, and had 230 Mary, b. February 1, 1709. 231 Hannah, b. September 13, 1711. 232 Gershom, b. June 29, 1713. 233 Sarah, b. March 36, 1714. 234 Samson, b. March 39, 1723. 235 Phebe, b. June 17, 1725. Freelove, wife of Nathan Shearm.\n, died. He married, 3d, Maky Taylor, and had 236 Freelove, b. January 16, 1750. 237 Nathan, b. June 13, 1753. 238 Daniel. Nathan Shearman resided at Dartmouth, Mass. 120. David, son of (87) Edmond Shearman and , was born in Dartmouth, Mass., January 1, 1680 ; married Abigail , and had SlIEAEMAN. 69.5 239 Margaret, b. December 13, 1711. 240 Jacob, b. November 8, 1713, of Lakeville, Mass. 241 David, b. March S, 1716, of Riclimond, Mass. 242 Edmond, b. January 2, 1718, of Adams, Mass. 243 John, b. April 12, 1T20, of Rochester, Mass. 244 Nehemiah, b. yeptember 18, 1722, of Bellington, Mass. 245 Abigail, b. January 8, 1724. 246 Hannah, b. June 17, 1727. 247 Lydia, b. October 18, 1729. 248 Judith, b. August 3, 1732. 8aiiiiiel, son of (ST) Ednioiul Sheariiiau and , was born in Dartmouth, Jnlj 27, 1<)S6; married Hannah , and had 249 Elizabeth, b. March 1, 1702 ; m. Henry Gridlet. 250 Joanna, b. June 25, 1708. 251 Abigail, b. April 30, 1707 ; m. David Sherman. 252 Hannah, b. January 24, 1709 ; m. Mathews. 253 Samuel, b. September 11, 1712. 254 Alice, b. September 15, 1719 ; m. Joshua Sherman. Eliintliaii, son of (87) Etlniond Shearman and , was born in Dartmouth, October 1, 1094 ; married , and liad 255 Simeon. 256 Edmond, b. 1726; d. November, 1804, leaving a family in Middleborough, Maes. 257 Seth. 258 Sarah, m. Benjamin Haskill. 259 Ahthea. Elnatlian Shearman, settled in Middleborough, Mass. 1514. •To!«e|ili, son of (87) Edmond Shearman and , was born in Dartmouth in 1698; married Elizabeth — , and liad • 260 Rebecca, b. April 14, 1723. 261 Dorcas, b. February 16, 1725. 262 Isaac, b. May 2, 1727. 263 Joanna, b. March 17, 1780. 88 696 Shearman. 264 Joseph, b. March 16, 1733. 265 Elizabeth, b. November 10, 1734. 266 Margaret, b. April 3, 1737. 267 Deliverance, b. June 15, 1743. * 268 George, b. July 5, 1749. 135. Philip, son of (88) Samson Shearman and Isabel Trip, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1675 ; married, 1st, Mary, daughter of Abi'aliaiu Anthony, April 12, 1699, and had 269 Mary, b. November 4, 1701. 270 Abraham, b. May 3, 1704 ; m. probably (285) Hannah Shear- man, March 28, 1731. 271 Sam.son, b. March 15, 1705 ; m., probably, Sarah Thomas, No- vember 11, 1736. 272 Philip, b. April 25, 1708. 273 Peter, b, February 12, 1709. 274 Alice, b. February 7, 1711. 275 Anthony, b. December 18, 1713. Mary Aiithouy, wife of Philip Shearman, died September 21, 1716. * "'March 11, 1717, then did Philip Shearman take the widow Hannah Clarke in her shift, without any other apparel, and led her across the highway as the law directs in such cases, and was then married according to law by me. " William Hall, Justice." Hannah Clarke, wife of Philip Siieaeman died May 15, 1Y40, in her 58th year. 128. 8anisoii, son of (88) Samson Shearman and Isabel Trip, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1 682 ; married Dorcas , and had 276 Hannah, b. October 28, 1713; m. Jer. Brown. 277 Israel, b. April 9, 1719. 278 Dorcas, b. June 16, 1721. 279 Alice, b. March 13, 1723. 280 Abiel, b. April 6, 1724 ; d. September 1, 1746. • 281 James (Capt.), b. 1727 ; d. 1805. 282 Experience, b. June 1, 1729. 283 Sarah, b. February 1, 1733. 284 Ruth, b. November 12, 1735. Samson Shearman settled in South Kino^ston, R. I. Shearman. 697 Abiel, sou of (SS) Siiinson Sheariuaii aiul Isabel Trip, was born at Portsmouth, R. I., iu 16S3 ; married Dorcas Gardner, October 20, 1712, and bad 285 Hannah, b. October 33. 1713; m., probably (270) Abhaham Shearman, March 28, 1731. 286 Ezekiel, b. April 13, 1717. It is supposed that Dorcas Gardneu, wife of Ariel Shearman, died, and that he married a second wife, as there is a great interval of space between the birth of EzEKiEL and his next child. 287 Helen M., b. May 31, 1784. 288 Jane F., b. November 20, 1739. Abiel Shearman settled in Soutli Kiugstou, R. I. Job, son of (S8) Samson Shearman aud Isabel Tri[), was born iu Portsuioutb, II. I., November 24, 1687 ; married, 1st, Bridget (lardner, of Kiuijjstou, December 23, 1714, and had 289 PhUip, b. December 13, 1715. 290 Isabel, b. October 31, 1717 ; m. Watson. 291 Mary, b. January 16 1719. 292 Job, b. May 3, 1723. 293 Bridget, b. July 7, 1724 : m. John Shearman, Jr., August 9, 1747 ; d. December 8, 1753. 294 Sarah, b. October 39, 173G; m. Viol. 295 Alice, b. June 25, 1728. 296 Mary, b. October 36, 1730 ; m. John Davis. Bridget Gardner, wife of Job Shearman, died. He married, 2d, Amy Spencer, of East Greenwicb, June 1, 1733, and had 297 Amy, b. July 37, 1734 ; m. Benjamin Thruston. 298 Benjamin, b. November 14, 1735; d. February 1, 1756. 299 Samson, b. July 33, 1737 ; m. Rcth, daughter of David Fish April 9, 1761. He died January 34, 1801. She died March 10, 1818. 300 Martha, b. January 38, 1738-9. 301 Walter, b. October 20, 1740, crushed to death in a cider mill September 20, 1749. 302 Dorcas, 1). January 3, 1743-3. 303 Abigail, b. November 3, 1744. Job Shearman was a farmer. He died at Portsuiouth, R. I., November 16, 1747, se. 60 years and 8 days. 698 Sheakman. 133. Philip, son of (90) Joliu Shearniau and Sarah Spooner, was born in Dartnioutli ; married , and had 304 John, b. June 1. 1C99. 305 Jabez, b. November 3, 1700. Was a Lieutenant in the British Navy ; d. in 1774 ; his descendants are numerous in Dartmouth. 306 Jason, b. May 19, 1703. 307 Henry, b. September 8, 1705. 308 Jacob, b. April 9, 1708. 309 Deborah, b. June 17, 1710. 310 Abraham, b. November 30, 1713. Philip Shearman settled in Dartmouth as a fanner. 135. JToiJ^litia, son of (90) Johu Shearman and Sarali Spooner, was born in Dartmouth ; married Alice , and had 311 Phebe, b. June 20, 1708. 312 Jonathan, b. June 20, 1711. Joslina Shearman settled in Dartmouth, Mass. 136. Isaac, son of (90) John Shearman and Sarah Spooner, was born in Dartmouth ; married Sarah -, and had 313 Jethro, b. January 9, 1706. 314 Jemima, b. April 13, 1707. 315 Keziah, b. January 5, 1709. 316 Isaac, b. January 22, 1712. 317 Dinah, b. February 11. 1715. 318 Ruth, b. January 8, 1719. 137. Eiihraim^ son of (90) John Shearman and Sarah Spooner, was born in Dartmoutli ; married Mehitabel , and had 319 Susannah, b. April 17, 1708. 320 Preserved, b. January 23, 1710 321 Edward, b. April 28, 1712. 322 Patience, b. August 4, 1715. Shearman. 699 323 Alice, b. May 9, 1720. 324 Robert, b. December 15, 1723. 138. Tiiiiotliy, son of (90) John Sliearman and Sarah Spooner, was born in DartinoiUh ; married Dinah , and had 325 Joshua, b. Miiy 13, 1718. 326 Sarah, b. May 5, 1719. 327 Mary, b. Jiiue 30, 1721. 328 Deborah, b. October 6, 1730. 147. Beiijaiiiiii, son of (94) Benjamin Shearman and Hannah Mowry, was Ijorn at Portsmouth, R. I., December 26, 1675 ; married Mary Lawton, of Portsmouth, April 9, 1702, and had 329 Benjamin, b. February 8, 1702 ; d. June 17, 1704. 330 Elizabeth, b. June 21, 1704. 331 Robert, b. September 1, 1705; m. ('probably) Katharine Tay- LOU, December 4, 1729 ; d. in Newport 1787. 332 George, b. February 22, 1706-7 ; d. August 7, 1713. 333 Isaac, b. June 9, 1709 ; m. (probably) Martha Hookey, Septem- ber 2, 1736. 334 Joseph, b. June 1. 1712. Benjamin Shearman was man-ied bj- tlie clergyman of Trinity C'hurcli, Newport, R. I. 148. Jonatliaii, son of (94) Benjamin Shearman, and Hannah Mowry, was born in Portsmouth, R. L, March 7, 1677 ; mar- ried Mary , December 1703, and had 335 Jonathan, b. October 14,1705; m., 1st, DoHCAS Shelden, Febru- ary 5, 1726 ; 2d, Mary Card ; d. April 14, 1778. 336 Hannah. 337 Mary, m. Allen. 338 Sarah, m. Shelden. 339 Amy. 340 Benjamin, m. Freelove Austin, March 11, 1768. 341 Ezekiel, b. June 25, 1721 ; m. M.vrgaret Knowles ; d. 1773. Jonathan Shearman lived on a farm of two hundred acres in Exeter, R. L, given to him by his father, lie made a will 700 Shearmait. which was proved January lY, 1752, aud died a short time before. 149. Jo§ei)li, son of (94) Benjamin Shearman and Hannah Mowry, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 11, 1678; married Margaret Manchester, and had 342 Elizabeth. 343 Joseph. 344 Benjamin, b. August 23, 1704 ; m. Ruth, daughter of Preserved Fish, April 12, 1733. 345 John. 346 WilUam. Joseph Shearman died at Portsmouth, R. L, in 1755. lOS. Henry, son of (OO) Eber Shearman and Martlia Rem- mington, was born January 11, 1721; married Ann, daughter of Dr. Charles Higinbothara and Lippet, his wife (b. in Cranston, R. I.), in 1747, and had 347 Nathaniel, b. August 15, 1748 ; m. Lucy Tisdale ; d. at sea 1775. 348 John, b. October 24, 1750. 349 Mary, b. March 11, 1753. 350 Charles, b. February 1, 175G. 351 Henry, Jr., b. March 31, 1759. 352 Martha, b. March 9, 1763. 353 Sarah, b. March 29, 1765. Henry Shearman resided in South Kingston, where liis children were born. About this time this branch of the family changed the spell- ing of the name, and his descendants ever after wrote it " Sherman." Other descendants of (37) Philip, of Rhode Island, both before and after this, made the same change, but in this record the name is brou2:ht down to this date as he wrote it himself. The direct descent through (163) Henry and his son (347) Nathaniel, is carried to William Watts Sherman, no\y of Newport, R. I., and Charles A. W. Sherman, of Canandaigua, N. Y. (See Family No. 347.) SlIEAKMAN. 701 Jonathan, son of (148) Jonathan Shearman :iiul Mary , was ])oi'n in Exeter, R. I., October 14, 1705 ; married, 1st, Dorcas Shelden, February 5, 1726-7, and had 354 Benajah, b. 1733 ; d. 1785. 355 Joseph. Dorcas Shelden, wife of Jonathan Sheakman, died. He married, 2d, Maky, daughter of Jonathan Card, of South Kingston, R. I., and had 356 Jonathan, b. October 14, 1731 ; m. Sarah Herkington, March 16, 1768 ; d. July 4, 1810. He resided in Nova Scotia. 357 Abigail, b. October 7, 1737 ; m. William Congdon. 358 Gideon, b. October 25, 1741 ; d. y. 359 Mary, b. November 5, 1745 ; ni. David Cotterell. 360 Robert, b. September 14, 1752 ; m. Honor Brown, February 26, 1777 ; d. October 4, 1829. Jonathan Shearman died on his farm in Exeter, R. I., April 14, 1778. Maiiy Card, widow of Jonathan Shearman, died Novem- ber 15, 1803. 341. l^zekiel, son of (148) Jonathan Shearman and Mary , was born in Exeter, R. I., June 25, 1721 ; married Margaret Knowles, and had 361 Elizabeth, b. August 18, 1748 ; ni. James Parker. 362 Wilham, b. May 8, 1750 ; d. December 28, 1823. 363 Mary, b. December 4, 1751 ; m. Talmage Edwards, and had Hon. John Edwards, of Johnstown, N. Y. 364 John, b. August 31, 1753. 365 Thomas, b. May 5, 1758. 366 Ezekiel, b. August 23, 1760 ; m. Mary Supple, widow of John Bartleson. Settled at Jerusalem, N. Y., June, 1788, with others of the " Society of Friends," all followers of Jemima Wilkinson. Ezekiel Shearman died in 1773. Robert, son of (335) Jonathan Shearman and his second wife Mary Card^ was born in Exeter, K. I., Se})tember 14, 702 Shearman. 1752 ; married Hoiior, daughter of Ebenezer Brown (b. July 12, 1757), February 26, 1777, and had 367 Jonathan, b. July 12,1779 ; m., 1st, Dorinda Smith ; 2d, Cath- arine Hardenburgh, in 1825 ; d. March 18, 1863. 368 Gideon, b. November 22, 1781; m. Margaret Reynolds, De- cember 17, 1801; d. April 23, 1845. 369 Ebenezer B., b. April 20, 1783 ; m. Sarah Ballou. in 1808 ; d. April 23, 1845. She died February 7, 1877. 370 Arnold, b. February 15, 1785 ; m. Catharine Arnold, in 1802 ; d. January, 1838. 371 Daniel C, b. March 4, 1787 ; m. Abigail Strong, January 26, 1812 ; d. April 14, 1863. 372 Robert, b. September 10, 1790 ; m. 1st (481) Anna Maria Sher- man, January 8, 1822; 2d, Lura Tracy, May 17, 1835; d. September 6, 1838. 373 WUlette H., b. January 31, 1792 ; m., 1st, Catharine Ann Schoolcraft, in 1816; 2d, Emily Kirkland, in 1834; d. De- cember 28. 1868. 374 WiUiam Pitt, b. March 2, 1794; m. Maryette Andrews, Sep- tember 22, 1819 ; d. September 10, 1824. 375 Stukeley, b. February 12, 1796; d. s. November 14, 1820. 376 Honor B., b. March 21, 1800; d. s. February 28, 1850. Robert Shearman died on the homestead in South Kingston, R. L, October 4, 1829. Honor Brown, widow of Robert Shearman, died in Perry, K Y., March 26, 1841, se. 83 years, 8 months and 14 days. 367. Joiiatlian, son of (360) Robert Shearman and Honor Brown, was born July 12, 1779 ; married, 1st, Dorinda Smith, and had 377 Mary, b. August 3, 1810; m. Theodore Farley. Dorinda Smith, wife of Jonathan Shearman, died at Fenner, Madi- son county, N. Y., December 11, 1823. He married, 2d, Cath- arine Hardenburgh, widow of Dykeman, in 1825 , no eh. Catharine Hardenburgh, wife of Jonathan Shearman, died April 21, 1860, aged 76 years. Jonathan Shearman died March 18, 1863, in Canajoharie, Montgomery Co., T^. Y. He was a practicing physician at an Shearman. 708 early day in Washiiii^ton Co., R. I., from whence, in 1800, he removed to Oneida Co., N. Y., and finally settled at Fenner, Madison Co., N. Y., after having s])eiit a short time at Aureliu?, Cayuga Co. For a time he was in the mercantile business with his brother Daniel C, in Lowville, Lewis Co., but having gained a respectable competence, gave up liis business and profession and lived a i-etired life. Crideoii, son of (0(10) llobert Shearinaii and Honor Brown, was born November 22, 17^1 ; married Mjirgaret, daughter of Henry Reynolds, of Exeter, R. I., December 17, 1801, and had 378 Rowland H., b. February 15, 1803; ui. IIaruiet Slawson, August 8, 1837 ; d. February 10, 1867 ; resided at Wayne, Mich. 379 Abigail, b. January 11, 1805 ; m. Randall Watrous, December •20. 182- ; d. at Marshall, Mich., October 12, 1800. 380 Mary, b. June 1, 1807; m. Charles Leonard, May 3, 1841 ; resided at Castile, N. Y. 381 Martha, b. October 23, 1809 ; single ; resided at Perry, N. Y. 382 Margaret, b. July 27, 1811 ; m. Daniel Thrasher, March, 1859 ; d. December 20, 1871 ; no ch. ; resided at Farmersville, N. Y. 383 Honor B., b. May 1, 1813 ; m. Jonathan B. Salisbury, March G, 1848 ; resided at Franklinville, N. Y. 384 James Henry, b. October 9, 1815 ; drowned at Perry, May 7, 1829. 385 Mercy A., b. October 12, 1817 ; m. Asa L. Cqssitt, July 16, 1839 ; d. August 31, 1873; resided in Michigan. 386 Dorinda S., b. January 25, 1821 ; m. Thomas VV^. Jones, July 26, 1841 ; resided at Castile, N. Y. 387 Alfred, b. June 12, 1823 ; m. Eliza A. Lake, September 7, 1845 ; resides in Perry, N. Y. 388 William Pitt, b. August 9, 1825 ; m. Celestia J. EiiiCKSON, April 30, 1849 ; resides in Castile, N. Y. 389 Robert F., b. August 22, 1828 ; m. Sarah L. Norton, March 1, 1854 ; resides in Gainesville, N. Y. Gfideon Sliearman died at Perry, N. Y., April 28, 1845. Margakkt Reynolds, widow of Gidkon Shearman, died December 27, 1853. Gideon Shearman was a farmer in Yernon, Oneida Co., N. Y., but removed to Perrv, where he carried on farminof ex tensively until his death, leaving a wife and large family well provided for, 89 704i Sheakman. S69. El>eiie«er B., son of (860) Robert Shearman and Honor Brown, was born in South Kingston, R. I., April 20, 1783; married Sarah, dangliter of Joseph Ballon (b. 1781), in 180S, and had 390 Jane, b. February, 1809 ; m. (393) Joseph A. Shearman, March, 1833. 391 Angeline, b. 1811 ; d. s. 1832. Ebenezer B. Shearman died in Utica, April 23, 1845. Sarah Ballou, widow of Ebenezer B. Shearman, died February 7, 1877, se. 96 years. "Ebenkzer B. Shearman came to Utica, N. Y., previous to 1804 as a clerk to Jerathmel Ballou, son of Joseph. About 1804 he went into business with Judah Williams, Jr. In 1810 he was alone, and a few years after he took into partnership his young brother Stukeley, a young man of fine promise, wdio died at an early age. Subsequently his nephew, Joseph A. Shearman, and Theodore Ballou M-ere associated with him. He became largely interested in the manufacture of cotton goods and window glass. He was one of the company whicli set in operation in New Hartford the first cotton factory in the county, the bulk of the shares of tlie stock of which he l)Ought up, and managed the institution himself with skill and profit. He was always a friend and advocate of manufacturers and a patron of industry. By his energy and devotion to business he became independently wealthy. His interest in public affairs was conspicuous, and the share considerable which he bore in the civic affairs of his time. Fi-om its foundation he was, so long as he lived, a director of the Utica Bank, and in 1828 he was one of the electors for President of the United States. He possessed a judgment of remarkable soundness, a mind in all respects eminently practical, and a heart ever true to kindly impulses." — [Baggs' Pioneers of Utica. 370. Arnold, son of (360) Robert Shearman and Honor Brown, was born February 15, 1785 ; married Catharine, Shearman. -705 daughter of xVniold and Freelove Greene, in 1802, and had 392 Joseph Arnold, b. April, ISOo ; m. (oflO) Jane Shearman, March, 1S33. 393 Aldrick, b. January 30, 1805. 394 Jonathan B., b. June 1, 1807. 395 Josiah, b. May 22, 1800. 396 Ehza M., b. July 25, 1811. 397 Stukeley, b. September Hi, 1813. 398 Abby A., b. October 28, 1815. 399 Harriet, b. January 27, 1820. 400 Arnold C, b. September 9, 1822. 401 Marian, b. October 20, 1824. 402 Catharine, b April 3, 1829. 403 Sarah Jane, b. April 5, 1831. Arnold Sheariiijiu died at tlie old homestead in Rliode Island in 1838. When quite a yonng man he was a teacher. He afterward became a farmer and cnltivated and lived npon the old homestead farm at South Kingston, R. I. He was appointed by the Governor of liliode Island Justice of the Peace, which office he held until his death. Jo!^e|)ll Arnold, son of (370) Arnold Shearman and Catharine Arnold, was born April, 1803; married (391)) Jane, daughter of (369) Ebenezer B. Shearman and Sarah Ballon, Mnrcli, 1833 ; no children. Joseph A. Shearman left Tlhodc Island when qnite a young man and was bronght up midei' the instruction of his nncle Ebknezer B. She.vrman. He was afterward associated with him in business, and on the death of his nncle and father-in- law all the varions interests of the estate were managed with ability by him. P(jlitically, he is a man of large influence. He resides at Utica, N. Y. :iri. Ilaiiiel C, son of (3()0) Rohert Shearman and Honor Brown, was born March 4, 1787 ; married Abigail, daughter of Adoiiiah Strong, January 20, 1812, and had 404 Lansing. 706 Shearma-n. Daniel C. Shearman entered the counting house of his brother, Ebenezer B. Shearman, at the age of 18 years and remained there until about 1812, wlien he removed to Rnthmd, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and engaged in mercantile business, after which he purchased a farm and resided upon it until his death whicli took place April 14, 1863. 379. Robert, son of (360) Robert Shearman and Honor Brown, was born in Sonth Kingston, R. L, September 10, 1790; married (481) Anna Maria, danghtei- of (472) Watts Sherman and Olivia Gillson (b. September 17, 1800), January 8, 1822, and had 405 Robert Henry, b. August 15, 1822 ; d. September 5, 1823. 406 Olivia Maria, b. October 14, 1823 ; m. (1819 Talcott Ped.), S. VisscHER Tai.cott, November 23, 1843. Anna Maria Sherman, wife of Robert Sifeakman, died at Si. Augustine March 9, 182.5. He married, 2d, Lura Tracv, May 17, 1835 ; no ch. Robert Sliearm an died at Westmoreland, N. Y., September 6, 1838, and was bnried in Iltica by the side of his first wife. "Robert Shearman migrated from Kingston, R. I., to Utica in 1815, and joined his brother, William Pitt, in busi- ness. They were long togethei- at No. 64 Genesee street and kept up a nnion in trade after William P. settled in Rochester. Feeble in health during the latter part of his life, he withdrew from business and made his home in Westmoreland, N. Y. — [Baggs' Pioneers of Utica. 373. Willette H., son of (360) Robert Shearman and Honor Brown, was born at Sonth Kingston, R. I., January 31,1792; married, 1st, Catharine Ann, daughter of Col. Lawrence Schoolcraft, a soldiei' of the Revolution, and the sister of Henry R. Schoolcraft, the historian, in 1816, and had 407 Richard Updike, d . at 2 mouths old. 408 Francis Willette, b. June 20, 1817 ; m. Caroline S. Williams ; d, December 1, 1874. ShearmalN. Y07 409 Richard U., b. June 2G, 1819 ; m. Mary Sherman. 410 Robert H., b. September 15, 1822 ; m. MaryColton, d. October 13, 18G7. 411 Mariette E., b. October 8, 1824. 412 Helen M., b. April 23, 1827. 413 Wimam Pitt, b. September 19, 1829 ; m. Mary VV. James, June 3, 1863. 414 Maria J., b. January 31, 1832. Catharine Ann Schoolcraft, wife of Willette H. Shearman died in 1834. He married, 2d, Emily, widow of Kirkland and daughter of Russell Church, in the fall of 1834, and had 415 Emily C, b. July IG, 1835; d. 1840. 416 Stukeley, b. December 26, 1836; d. May, 1850. 417 Angeline, ) m. Patrick Sullivan, and had one daughter. [ b. September 19, 1838. 418 Jo.sephine, ) m. JosiAii S. FOOT. 419 Hiram, b. May 19, 1840 ; d. s. 1877. 420 Albert E., 1>. July 16, 1842 ; m. . 421 Ebenezer B., b. October 13, 1843. 422 Rebecca C, b. May 31, 184G; d. February 2G, 1852. Emily (Church) Kirkhiud, wife of Willette II. Siieau- MAN, died . Willette H. Shearman died at Vernon, N. Y. December 28, 18(>8. He was the seventh son of the family, and left the homestead of liis parents at the a<^e of 19 years. He served a clerksliip in Wicktbrd and Providence, R. L, and at the age of 21 he took charge of tlie business of the Oneida Glass fac- tory, an incorporated company doing business in Vernon, N. Y., in \vhi(;h position he continued from 1813 to 1837, after which he was appointed one of the commissioners for the erec- tion of the State Lunatic Asylum at Utiea, and later one of the trustees of that institution. In 1842 he returned to Ver non, and to the date of his death resided on and cultivated the farm owned by him in that place. IVilliain Pitt, son of (3t'>0) Robert Sheariiuiii and Honor Brown, was born in South Kingston, R. I., March 2, 175)4; married Msiryette, daughter of Samuel J. Andrews and Dam- arus Tyler (U. at Derl)y, Conn , -lune 1, 1798), September 22, 1819, and had 423 Ebenezer B., b. May 2, 1821 ; single. 708 Sheakman. 424 Julia Tyler, b. April 7,1833 ; m. Judge Charles H. Doolittle, December 1, 1847. William Pitt Shearman died September 10, 1824. Maryette Andkp:ws, widow of William Pitt Shearman, died at Eocliester, October 9, 1800. " William Pitt Shearman arrived at Utica, N. Y., in 1807, from Kingston, R. I., and became assistant to his brother Ebenezer. A few years later he was in company with Seth Dwight, but in 1815 formed a business connection with his brother Robert. Striking in personal appearance, possessed of decided enterprise, he took a higli stand as a mercliant and accumulated a handsome property. Politically he was of the notorious twenty one high nnnded gentlemen. He died rather suddenly in New York city." — [Pagg's Pioneers of Utica. 424. Julia Tyler, daughter of (374) William Pitt Shearman and Maryette Andrews, was born in Rochester, N. Y., April 7, 1823 ; married Charles H., son of Dr. Harvey W. Doolittle and Hannah Hutchins (b. September 19, 1815), December 1, 1847, and had 425 Charles A., b. September 22, 1849 ; m. Maky L. C, A. Johnson, September 2, 1875. 426 Maryette A., b. November 2G, 1853 ; m. Judge. Alfred C. Coxe, January 30,1878. 427 William S., b. December 35, 1855. 428 Julius T. A., b. October 18, 1861. 429 Mary Isabel, b. November 19, 1864. Judge Charles H. Doolittle was lost at sea May 21, 1874, while on a trip to Europe. Mks. Charlks H. Dooliitle and family reside in Utica, N. Y. 495. Charles A., son of (424) Julia T. Shearman and Charles H. Doolittle, was born in Utica, September 22, 1849 ; married Mary L. C. A., daughter of William C. Johnson and Louisa Adams (a granddaughter of John Quincy Adams), September 2, 1875, and had Sheakman. too 430 Julia T. S. A., b. March 23, 1876. 431 WUliam C. J., b. April 13, 1879. 432 Charles A., b. December :30, 1881. Charles A. Doolittle and fumily reside in (Jtica, N, Y., of which city he has been recently elected Mayor. 436. Iflaryette A., daii«;-litur of (424) Julia T. Shearman and Charles H. Doolittle, was horn November 26, 1852; married Judge Alfred Coiikling Coxe, Jannary 30, 1878, and had 433 Gertrude D., b. November 13, 1878. 434 Alfred C, b. 1880. 400. Olivia Haria, (hiughter of (372) Robert Shearman and (481) Anna Maria Sherman, was born in Urica October 14, 1823; married (1819 Talcott Fed.) S. Visscher Talcott, of Albany, November 23, 1843, and had 435 George, b. October 0, 1844 ; m. Mary Isabel Hyde Downing, June 23, 1879. 436 Angelica Bogart, b. February 24, 184G ; ra. (153) Clarence — " Uatiiijone, September 11, 180G. 437 Robert Shearman, b. October 23, 1847 ; m. Mattie D. Barclay, May 18, 1870 ; no ch. 438 Anna Maria, b. October 17, 1849. 439 Sarah Gib.son, b. December 25, 1851 . S. Yisscher Talcott and family reside in Albany, N. Y. 435. Cwcorge, son of (406) Olivia Maria Shearman and (1819 Talcott Ped.) S. Visscher Talcott, was born at Attleboro, Mass., Octol)er 6, 1844; married Mary Isabel Hyde, danghtcr of Jerome Francis Downing and Henrietta Bagg, at Erie, Pa., June 23, 1879, and had 440 Winifred Downing, b. April 17, 1880. George Talcott is a Lientenant-Commander in the United States Navy. (See 409 Pogart, 3f»7 Visscher and 1850 Talcott Ped.) YIO Shearman. 436. Angelica Bog'art, daughter of (406) Olivia Maria Sliearmau and (1819 Talcott Ped.) S. Yisscher Talcott, was born in Albany February 24, 1846; married (153) Clarence Ratliboiie, September 11, 1866, and had 441 Albert, b. July 37, 1868. 442 Joel, b. September 13, 1869. 443 Angelica Talcott, b. March 13, 1871. 444 Ethel, b. December 11, 1877. Clarence Rathbone and family reside in Albany, N. Y. (See 410 Bogart, 153 Rathbone, 368 Yisscher and 1851 Talcott Ped.) 40H. Fraiieii^ Willette, son of (373) Willette H. Shearman and his first wife Catharine Ann Schoolcraft, was born in Yernon, Oneida Co., N. Y., June 20, 1817; married Caroline Sopliia, daughter of Stolham Williams and Mary Augusta Barron, and had 445 Caroline S., d. y. 446 Mary Augusta, b. August, 1841 ; m. James Wooley. 447 Sarah Eliza, b. April, 1844. 448 Lawrence Schoolcraft, b. March, 1847. 449 Francis C, b. May, 1849. 450 Helen G., b. February, 1853. Francis W. Sherman died at Marshall, Mich., about Decem- ber 1, 1874. He graduated at Hamilton College at the age of twenty years ; went to the state of Michigan and settled in Marshall, where he held various public offices ; was State Superintendent of Public Schools, Circuit Judge, Justice of the Peace, and Acting Mayor of Marshall. 409. Richard Updike, son of (373) Willette H. Shearman and his first wife Catharine Ann Schoolcraft, was born June 26, 1819 ; married Mary, daughter of Capt. Richard W. Sher- man and Lucretia, daughter of Stolham Williams, and had Shearman. 711 451 Richard W., b. December 4, 1848 ; m. Julia H. Hammond, May 20, 1873. 452 Mary L., b. November 19, ISoO ; m. Henry J. Cookingham, September 17, 1873. 453 Stolham W., b. January 31, 1853 ; m. Delia Gale, August 1, 1877. 454 James S., b. October 24, 1855. 455 Sandford F., b. May 11, 1858. 456 Willette A., b. August 21, 1864 ; d. February 23, 1868. Richard W. and Stolham W. Sherman are civil engineers ; Jamks S. is a lawyer located in New York ; Sandford F, is a merchant in Iltica ; H. J. Cookingham is a lawyer in Utica, and was a Member of Assembly in 1880. (len. Ricliard U. Sherman at an early age dropped the " a " from his name. He edited the "Utica Daily Gazette" on its first starting, and subsequently a daily paper in Rochester; then at Oswego, soon after which he returned to Utica and with others established the " Daily Herald," with which he was connected until he was elected Clerk of the Assembly of the State of New York, where he served with distinguished ability for several terms. He was elected a member of the Legislature and subsequently clerk of the House of Representatives at Washington. He was a member of the constitutional conven- tion in 1869, Democratic candidate for Congress in Oneida district in 1872, Justice of the Peace town of New Hartford, Oneida Co., from 1872 to 1880, Pi-esident of the village in 1874, 1875, 1879, and was appointed one of the Commissioners of Fisheries, State of New York, in 1879. As early as 1842 he began public life, when he was clerk of the city of Utica, member of the Common Council in 1849, Chief Engineer of the Fire Department in 1850, and President of the Board of Supervisors of Oneida county in 1854. He has gone through all the routine of military life, having served in the State militia from the ranks to the rank of Brigadier-General, He has retired from public life, and lives happily and contented in the southern part of New Hartford, engaged in cultivating his fai-ni and taking care of his estate. Gen. Sherman is of a happy and social disposition, making many warm friends whom he has the good fortune to keep, and enjoys above all things his annual excursion to the Noitli woods. 90 T12 Shearman. His wife is the daughter of that Capt. Sherman so well remembered by the past generation as connnander of the steamer that plied on Lake Champlain, whose discipline was most perfect, and who, when his boat was burned, so distingushed himself in saving the lives of all his passengers and crew, he being the last to leave the ship, floating ashore on a table. 410. Robert Henry, son of (-^73) Willette H. Shearman and his first wife Catharine Ann Schoolcraft, was born September 15, 1822 ; married Mary, danghter of James Colton, of Buffalo, N. Y., and had 457 Robert H., b. July, 1853 ; d. September, 1853. 458 James C, b. February 9, 1855 ; m. Lillte Smith. Robert H. Shearman died from injuries received by having been run over by the railroad cars while he was leaving the train at Utica, October 13, 1867. Robert H. Shearman, after spending a short time on a farm, was appointed clerk in the Bank of Utica, where he remained some seven years, after which he was appointed cashier of the Hollister Baidv at Buffalo. While at Utica he was elected to the Common Council for the Second ward for three successive terms, 1847, 1848, 1849. He remained cashier of the Hollister Bank till 1857, when it went under, with many other l)anks, in the general crash of that year. He was afterwards appointed deputy State Engineer and Surveyor, January 1, 1865. Mary Colton, widow of Robert H. Shearman, resides at Passaic, N. J. 413. William Pitt, son of (373) Willette H. Shearman and his first wife Catharine Ann Schoolcraft, was born September 19, 1829; married Mary Washington James, of Washington, D. C, June 3, 1863, and had 459 William Willette. b. April 24, 1864 ; d. January 11, 1865. 460 Lawrence Hobart, b. January 31, 1866. 461 Mary Washington, b. October I'S, 1867. 462 Henry Schoolcraft, b. May 6, 1869. 463 William Pitt, b. February 18, 1871 , d. 1871. Shearman. 713 Mary W. James, wife of William Prrr Shearman, died Marcli 2, 1871. William Put Shearman entered into active life at the age of foui'teen, as a clerk, in whicli capacity lie remained for about seven years, when he received the appointment of book- keei)er at the Holhster Bank at Buffalo, and su])seqnently was made Teller. Haviui; served there several years, he re- ceived an appointment to a clerkship in the Treasury Depart- ment at Washington, where he remained until appointed Treasurer of the New York and Erie Railroad. He now holds a responsible position in the financial department of the govern- ment of New York City, 41». Hiram, son of (373) Willette H. Slieaniiaii and his second wife Emily Kirklaml, was born May 19, 1840. He was a bachelor, and remained on the farm during his minority. He held a position on the New York and Erie Railroad, and subsecpiently was made Cashier in the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue at St. Louis, Mo., where he died in 1877. 430. All>crt E., son of (373) Willette H. Shearman and his second wife Emily Kirklaiid, 'was born July 16, 18-1:2; mar- ried , and had 464 A daughter. Albert E. Shearman enlisted during the Rebellion in the One Hundred and Seventeenth Regiment, New York State Volunteers, and went with his regiment to the front. He was with the forces besieging the defenses of Richmond, and in the assault on Fort Harrison was taken prisoner, and for a long time confined at Salisbury, N. C, where he lost the toes of both feet by frost, and endured such severe privations and suffering, that for three years after his exchange and home he was unfitted to ]ierform any labor or bnsiness of any kind. On his recovery he went to La Fayette, 111., as local superintendent of a railroad, and now resides in Elgin, 111., where he is engaged in manufacturing. 714 Sheakmait. 451. Richard W., son of (409) Kicliard U. Sherman and Mary Sliermaii, was born December 4, 1848 ; married Julia H. Hammond, May 20, 1873, and had 465 Eugene H., b. June 1, 1874. 466 Richard U,, b. November 22, 1877 ; d. September 7, 1879. 459. Mary li., daugliter of (409)_ Richard U. Sherman and Mary Sherman, was born November 19, 1850 ; married Henry J. Cookingham, September 17, 1872, and had 467 Cornelia Mumford, b. May 7, 1873. 468 Henry J. 469 Richard Sherman, b. January, 1876. 470 Frederick W., b. May, 1878. 347. IViitJiaiiiel, son of (103) Henry Sherman and Ann Higinbotham, was born in South Kingston, R. I., August 15, 1748 ; married Lucy, daughter of Rev. Josepli Tisdale, a Bap- tist clergyman of Rhode IsUmd (b. 1749), and had 471 Henry, m. Sarah Mitchell, of Hudson, N. Y. . 472 Watts, b. July 2, 1775 ; m. Olivia Gillson, June 12, 1794. Capt. Natlianiel Sherman died at sea in 1775. His widow married, 2d, Niles Hig'inhotliam, and liad one son Sands, who married and left children. He died at Oneida, N. Y. Lucy Tisdale, widow of Nathaniel Sherman and of Niles Higinbotham, died in Oneida in 1838. 471. Henry, son of (347) Capt. Nathaniel Sherman and Lucy Tisdale, was born ; married Sarah Mitchell, of Hudson, N. Y., and had 473 Alice, d. y. 474 Stephen, m. and had children. 475 Sarah, ) m. Thomas Humphrey, February 14, 1839. lb. June 23, 1805. 476 Olivia, ) d. s. 477 Cornelia, d. s. Shearman. 715 478 Watts, b. February 22, 1809; m., 1st. Lois Sarah Tuuner. February 26, 1835 : 2d, (497) Sauah Makia Gibson, February 2, 1841 ; d. February 20, 1865. 475$. Watts, son of (3J:7) Capt. Nathaniel Sheriiiaii and Lucy Tisdale, was bom July 2, 1775 ; man-ied Olivia, daughter of James Gillson and Amy Whipple, of Attleboro, Mass., in Troy, N. Y., June 12, 1794, and had 479 Sarah, b. September 15, 1796; m. Henry B. Gibson, December 9, 1812 ; d. June 28, 1881. 480 Henry, b. August 26, 1798 ; m. Elizabistu Staples ; d. A.\)t\\ 21, 1821. She died September 1, 1881. 481 Anna Maria, b. September 17, 1800 ; m. (372) Robert Shear- man, January 8, 1822 ; d. March 9, 1825. 482 Lucy Amanda, b. March 6, 1804 ; d. s. July 27, 1821. 483 Olivia J., b. March 14, 1806 ; d. s. December 24, 1822. 484 James N., b. March 14, 1811 ; m. Sarah E. Frost, June, 1832 ; iio ch. ; d. March 16, 1851. 485 Charles A. W., b. September 4, 1814 ; m. Charlotte Gardiner, December 15, 1835. Watts Slierinau died in New Yort city, December 13, 1818, and was buried in the Wall street church. " Watts Sherman came to ITtica, N. Y., from Newport, R. T., about 1795, and formed a partnership with i\.riiold Wells in 1802, which lasted but a short time. After the dissolution of this partnership Mr. Sherman enlarged his business and directly took rank among the leading merchants in Utica. In May, 1813, he took Henry B. Gibson and Alexander Seymour as partners. He and Mr. Gibson removed to New York and conducted the business there, which soon secured an independent fortune for both of the partners." — [Bagg's Pioneers of Utica. Olivia Gillson, widow of Watts Sherman, married, 2d, Paul Hoclistrasser, by whom she had no children. She died in Buffalo, N. Y., January 20, 1801. " She married when quite young. Watts Sherman, Esq. (well known to the early inhabitants of Oneida county, as a man of sterling worth, great enterprise and energy), and with him settled in the then small hamlet, now city of Utica, sojourning there some sixteen years. They removed to New York city where Mr. Sherman 716 Sheakman. died in early iiiaiiliood. Subsequently Mrs. Sherman married Paul Hochstrasser, a descendant of one of the old Dutch families of this State, a gentleman of cultivated tastes and rare social accomplishments, whom she survived nearly thirty years. In all the relations of life, whether as wife, mother, or friend, she performed her part well and faithfully. Possessed of a retentive memory, and blessed with a sweet disposition, it was at once instructive and pleasant to be in her company. In her last moments, surrounded by her cliikiren, grandchildren and great- grandchildren, when the tired heart, which had throbbed for more than four score years, demanded rest, she had no regrets, expressed no desii'e to stay, but with Christian resignation, peacefully and without a struggle, passed from earth ' Like one who lies dowu to pleasant dreams.' " 473. ^arsili, daughter of (-1:71) Henry Sheriuaii and Sarali Mitchell, was born June 23, 1805 ; married Thoiiias Huni- plirey (b. in Yorkshire, Eng., January 31, 1806), February 14, 1839, and had 486 George P., b. at Perry, N. Y., May 14, 1843; m. Mary Red- ]N[OND, September 15, 1873. 487 Watts Sherman, b. January 3, 1844 ; m. Emma C. Fisher, April 21, 1870. Thomas Humphrey died at Okemas, Mich., July 23, 1873. 478. Watts, son of (471) Henry Sherman ami Sarah Mitchell, was born Februaiy 22, 1809 ; married, 1st, Lois Sarah, daughter of Thomas Turner and Mary R. Weld (b. February 27, 1818), February 26, 1835, and had 488 Erastus Corning, bp. February 27, 183G ; d. August, 1841. 489 Henry Gibson, b. January 22, 1838 ; d. September 15, 1843. Ijois Sarah Tiivuer, wife of Watts Sherman, died August 4, 1838, iu the 21st year of her age. On her mother's side she was a lineal descendant from Rev. Thomas Weld who came from England in 1632, became pastor of the First Congregational church at Roxbury, Mass., and was sent back to England with Hugh Peters iu 1641 as an agent of the colony. He died in Shearman. 717 England. Her father, Mr. Turner, was a merchant and an officer in tlie war of 1812. He was the sou of Thomas Turner, of Watertown, Conn. Watts Siieuman married, 2d, (497) Sarah Maria, daughter of Henry B. Gibson and (479) Sarah Sherman (b. February 8, 1816), February 2, 1841, and had 490 William Watts, b. August 4, 1842; m. Annie Derby Rogers Wetmore, July 5, 1871. 491 Duncan, b. December 1, 1844 ; d. s. July 26, 1879. 492 Harry Gibson, b. September 13, 1846; m. Bessie Lee. 493 Frederick, b. July 31, 1848; m. Marie Antoinette Foster, June 6, 1878. 494 Charles Augustus, b. April 11, 1853 ; d. April 21, 1854. 495 Alexander, b. September 15, 1854 ; d. March 28, 1857. Watts Slierinaii died on the island of Madeini, February 20, 1865. Watts Sherman was for man}' years Cashier of the Albany City Bank, and at the time of his death was of the firm of Duncan, Sherman & Co., in New York City. He com- menced his career as Teller of the Ontario County Bank at Canandaigua, and was Cashier of the Livingston County Bank at Geneseo, before coming to Albany, at the organization of the Albany City Bank in 1834. In 1851 he removed to New York City where lie became the activ^e manager of the baidving house of Duncan, Sherman & Co. Mr. Sherman was a mail of most rare rjualifications for his position. 11 is course was strictly governed by commercial integrity, unswayed by any bias but the interests of his iirm, which he knew could be best subserved by a strict adherence to business princi- ples. The maturity of his judgment was constantly apparent, and no man ever possessed a keener ai)preciation of the character of those with whom he had dealings. In his personal appear- ance he was slender, but his face was peculiar for its delicacy and masculine beauty. His hospitality was munificeTit. Sarah M. Gibson, widow of Watts Sherman, died in New York, March 10, 1878. She was the daughter of the late Henry B. Gibson, of Canandaigiui, one of the earliest settlers, and one of the most successful and conspicuous citizens of Western New York. For some years after her marriage Mrs. SiiKRMAN lived in Albany, where she held a brilliant positio7i in the society of the State Capital. In 1851 she removed to 718 Shearman. New York. Her house at the corner of Twenty-second street and Fifth Avenue became a favorite resort of the most agree- able and cultivated people of the city, and of the most dis- tinguished foreigners who visited this country. She was fond of ait, had a fine knowledge of bric-a-brac at the time when such knowledge was by far more rare than the pretense of it? is now. She could, and did use her pen with piquancy and spirit. She travelled much abroad, particularly after the death of her husband in 1865. She was kind and affable to all who knew her, and her very generous nature overflowed in acts of love aud charity to all. 479. ^arali, daughter of (472) Watts Sherman and Olivia Oillsou, was born in Utica, N. Y., September 15, 1796; mar- ried Henry Becker Oibsou, December 9, 1812, and had 496 John Sherman, b. March 20, 1814 ; m. Margaret Rosewarne, and had 9 childreu. 497 Sarah Maria, b. February 8, 1816 ; m. (478) Watts Sherman, February 2, 1841 ; d. March 10, 1878. 498 Catharine Olivia, b. February, 1818; m. (541) Henry L. Lan- sing, October 22, 1838. (See [541] Lansing.) 499 Henry Watts, d. y. 1823. 500 Amanda Sherman, b. May 13, 1821 ; m. Thomas W. Williams, of New London, Conn., October 6, 1840. 501 Maria Louisa, d. y. 1825. 502 Mary Young, b. April 21, 1826; m. John C. Sibley (had one child Mark) ; d. October 19, 1866. 503 Wmiam, b. October 22, 1828 ; d. s. April 20, 1861. 504 EUzabeth, b. 1830 ; d. y. 1833. Henry B Gibson died in Canandaigua, N. Y., November 20, 1863. Mr. Gibson was born in Heading, Peim., April 13, 1783. He moved to Saratoga with his father, John Gibson, when only 9 years old. He removed to Utica about 1805 aud was a partner of (472) Watts Sherman in 1813. In 1820 he became the Cashier of the Ontario Bank at Canandaigua. He was one of the most uniformly successful bankers in the country, and became known far and wide for his great financial abilities, wealth and uniform kindness and charity. Shearman. 719 Sarah Shekman, widow of Henry 11 Gibson, died in Canandaigua June 28, 1881. 480. • Ueiiry, son of (472) Watts Sherman and Olivia Oillsoii, •was born August 26, 17D8 ; married Elizabeth Staples, of New York City, and had 505 Henry, b. 1820 ; d. April, 1821. Henry Sherman died in New York City Ajn-il 21, 1821. Elizabetfi Staples, widow of Henry Sherman, died at Caldwell-on tlie-Hudson September 1, 1881. 481. Aiiiisi Jflaria, daughter of (472) Watts Sherman and Olivia Oillson, was born in Utiea, N. Y., September 17, 18U0'; married (372) Robert Shearman, of Utica, January 8, 1822. (See 372 Shearman.) 485. Chariot Alexander AVatts, son of (472) Watts Sher- man and Olivia (xillson, was born in New York Septendjer 4, 1814: married in Perry, N. Y., Charlotte, daughter of Simeon Gardiner and Mercy Ilinkley, Decend^er 15, 1835, and had 506 James, d. y. 507 Maria Olivia, b. May 2, 1838 ; ni. J. H. Cameron, of Memphis, Temi., September, 1860. 508 Sarah Gibson, b. July 9, 1845 ; m. Elihu M. Mouse, July 23, 1808. and bad 1 Sherman, b. January 15, 1869. 509 Isabella, b. December 3, 1848 ; d. September. 1849. 510 James Lewis, b. February 1, 1855 ; m. . Charlotte Gardiner, wife of Charles A. AV. Sherman, died in Canandaigua May 1, 1880. i»o. Williain Watts, son of (478) Watts Sherman and his second wife (497) Sarah Maria Gibson, was born in Albany 91 720 Sheakman. August 4, 1842; married in Newport, R. I., Auuie Derby Rogers, daughter of William AVetmore and Anstice Rogers (b. May 19, 1848), July 5, 1871, and had 511 Georgette Wetmore, b. July 13. 1872. 512 Sybil Katharine Wetmore, b. August 22, 1875. William Watts Sherman and family res^ide in Newport, R. I. 493. Frederick, son of (478) Watts Sliermau and his second wife (497) Sarah Maria Gibson, was born in Albany July 31, 1848 ; married Marie Antoinette, daughter of Frederick G. Foster and Emily Flone, June 0, 1878, and had 513 Emily Prederica. TREAT. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) 1. Riclisirfl Treat, Sr., witli his wife Joanna , came to America at an early day and l>roiiglit a ]iart of his family with him. They had 2 Honour, m. (1) John Deming, Sr., about 1G37. 3 Sarah, m. Matthew Camfield, 1G44. 4 Joanna, m. (1) John Hollisteu, Sr.; d. October, 1694. -~-5 Su.sanna, m. Robeut Webster, 1652; d. 1705. 6 Richard, m. Sarah CoiiEMAN, 1(561. ' 7 Robert, b. 1621-23 ; m., lat, Jane Tapp ; 2d, Elizabeth Bryan, October 22, 1705 ; d. July 12, 1710, «. 88 years. 8 James, b. 1634 ; m. Rebecca Lattimeh, January 26, 1665 ; d. Feb- ruary 12, 1709, X. 74 years. 9 Catharine (?), m. William Johnson or Thompson, November 19, 1665. tToaiiliii , wife of Richard Treat, died. He married, 2d, Alice . Tlie children were probably all by his first wife. He died in Wethersfield in 1669, leaving U'h property to the above- named children by name, except the last who is designated as my daughter Johnson. He was an early settler in Wethersfield and a member of the General Court in 1637. His will was dated February 13, 1668. o. Ric'liarfl, son of (1) Richard Treat, Sr., and Joanna , was born ; man-icd Sarah, daughter of Thomas Coleman, in 1601, and had 10 Richard, b. February 14, 1662. 11 Sarah, b. June 8, 1664; m. (18) ('apt. Ephkaim Qoodrfch, May 20, 1684 ; d. January 26, 1712. 12 Mary, h. October 8, 1666 ; in. (13) Thomas Chester, December 10, 1G84; d. January 1, 1748. 722 Treat. 13 Thomas, b. December 12, 1668 ; m. Dokothy, daughter of Qershom Buckley, July 5, 1693 ; d. February 17, 1713. Sarah Coleman, wife of Major Richard Treat, died August 23, 1734, at Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, at the house of her son- in-law Capt. Ephrairn Goodrich. 7. Robert, sou of (1) Richard Treat, Sr., and Joanna , was born in England in 1621-22 ; married, 1st, Jane, only daughter of Edmund Tapp, Esq., one of the iirst settlers of Milford, Conn., and had 14 Samuel, bp. September 3, 1648; m., 1st, Elizabeth , May or March 16, 1674 ; 2d, Abigail Eastbrook ; d. March 18,1717. 15 John, bp. October 20, 1650 ; settled in Newark, N. J. 16 Mary, bp. May 23. 1652. 17 Robert, bp. August 14, 1654; settled in Milford, Conn. 18 Sarah, bp. October 9, 1656. 19 Abigail, bp. 1659 ; m. Rev. Samuel Andrews ; d. December 35, 1727. 20 Hannah, bp. January 1, 1661 ; m. Rev. Samuel Mather, in 1676 ; d. March 18, 1727. 21 Joseph, b. 1662; m. Frances Bryan. Settled in Milford, Conn. 22 Jane. 23 Ann. Jane Tapp, wife of Gov. Robert Treat, died April 8, 1703. He married, 2d, the widow Elizabeth Bryan, of Milford, October 22, 1705. He was 83 years old when he took this second wife. She died Jaguary 10, 1706. Gov. Robert Treat died at Milford, Conn., July 12, 1710, in his 89th year. Mis biogra])liy will be found in the History of Connecticut. 8. Jaiiie^, son of (1) Richard Treat, Sr,, and Joanna , was born in 1631:; married Reheeca, daughter of John Lat- timer, one of the first settlers of Wethersfield, Conn., January 2G, 1GC5, and had 24 James, b. April 1, 1666 ; m., 1st, (15) Prudence, daughter of (2) Capt. John Chester, December 17, 1691. She died May 25, 1727, in her 61st year ; 2d, Hannah, widow of Daniel Boardman and daughter of Samuel Wright, all of Wethersfield. He died February 18, 1742. She died February 25, 1746. Tkeat. 723 25 Jemima, b. March 15, 16G8 ; m. (12) Stephen Chester, Jr., De- cember 17, 1G91 ; d. May 25, 1727. 26 Samuel, b. 1669 ; d. March 5, 1732. 27 Richard, m. Catharine, daughter of the Rev. Gershom Buckley, November 23, 1704 ; d. May 7, 1713 ; had only child Catharine. 28 Salmon (Rev.), b. 1673; m. Dorothy, daughter of Rev. James Noyos, April 28, 1698; d. 1746. 29 Jeru.sha, b. 1678 ; m., 1st, (22) Capt. Thomas Welles, of Wethers- field, Conn., May 17, 1705. He died December 7, 1711 ; 2d, (18) Capt. Epiiraim Goodrich, of Wethersfield, December 25. 1712. He died February 27, 1739. She died January 15, 1754. 30 Joseph, b. 1680 ; m. Mary, daughter of Capt. Joseph Robbins, of Wethersfield, July 16, 1713 ; d. September 15, 1756. 31 Rebecca, b. 1685 or 6; m., (41) Ebenezer, son of (6) Ebenezer Deming, December 27, 1704 ; d. December 26, 1753. James Treat died in Wetliersfidd, Conn., FebruaiT 12, 1709, leaving his property to all the above named children except Jemima. IvKBEcoA JjAttimkr, widow of James The at, died April 2, 1 734, 86. 88 years. A. llsittliia» Treat, one of the first settlers of WethcrsHeld, Conn., was man-ied to Mary, daughter of llichard Smith, also one of the first settlei-s of Wethersfield, in KUS, and had b Henry, b. 1649 ; ni. Sarah, daughter of Edward Andrews, of Hart- ford, about 1673; d. in 1081. c Susanna, h. 1651. d Richard, b. 1655. e Elizabeth, b. 1657. f Abigail, h. 1659 ; m. (7) Capt. Stephkn Hollfster, of Wethersfield, in 1683. g Dorcas, b. 1661. Matthias Treat died in 1(502, and his widow married Antlnniy Wright, of Wethersfield, C»»nn. WELLES. (Introduced to show the intermarriages with this family.) 1. Tliomas Welles, one of the first settlers of Hartford, and of Wetliersfield, Conn., and one of the early Governors of the Colony of Connecticirt ; married, 1st, , and had 2 John, m. Elizabeth Curtis, 1647 ; d. 1659. 3 Thomas, m. Hannah Pantuy, widow, June 23, 1G54 ; d. 1668. 4 Samuel, m., 1st, (8) Elizabeth Hollisteh, 1659 ; 2d, Hannah Lamherton ; d. July 15, 1675. 5 Mary, d. before her father. 6 Ann, m., 1st, Thomas Thompson, April 14, 1646; 2d, Anthony Hawkins. 7 Sarah, b. 1631 ; m. (2) Capt. John Chester, February, 1653; d. December 16, 1698. (See Chester.) , wife of Hon. Thomas Welles, died. He married, 2d, (A) Eliza BETH, sister of (1) Hon. John Deming about 1 646 ^XwlioTIke wise '^*^' was one of the first settlers of Wetliersfield. By thi^^ wife he 7 , had no children. }f,.j 77( l "1^V.o-"Cvj \ Thomas Welles died at Wetliersfield, January 14, 1659-60. ■ His second wife was the widow of Nathaniel Foote, of Weth- ersfield. She died Jnly 28, 1(583, a?. 88 years. She left her j property by will to her son Robert Foote, to the children of I her daughter Sarah Jndson, deceased, and to her f(»ur daughters, '■ wives of Churchill, (1) Goodrich, Barnard and Smith. Siiealso i mentions her brother (1) John Deming, Sr. i Jolill, son of (1) Thomas Welles and , married ^(P'hAA^L Elizabeth, (,la:ngl^t6^?^.of-Jt4m:,C«■^t^s, one of the first settlers of Stratford, Conn, and Elizabeth , about 1647, and had 8 John, b. 1648 ; m. (2) Mary Hollister. Welles. 725 9 Thomas, ] m. Elizabeth ; uo cli. I Vb. 1651. m., 1st, (16) Elizabeth Qoodkicti, June 9, 1675; 10 Robert, J 2d, Mary Hollister ; d. June 2;J, 1714. 11 Temperance, b. 1054; m. Jonathan Pitman, November 31, 1081. 12 Samuel, b. 1656 ; m. Abigail (his third wife), October 25, 1711 ; d. in 1729. 13 Sarah, b. September 28, 1659 ; m Benjamin Beach, of Stratford, February 1, 1078, and jjrobably m., 2d, Ambrose Townsend. John Welles, of IStratfortl, died 1659. 3. I'lioiiia!!), son of (1) Thomas Welles and , niarried Uailliiih, widow of John Pan try, of Hartford, June 23, 1654, and had 14 Rebecca, b. 1055; m. James Jodson, of Stratford, August 18, 1080. 15 Thomas, b. 1057 ; n^. Mary Blackleach, of Hartford, 1689. 16 Sarah, b. 1659 ; m. John Bidwell, Jr., of Hartford, November 7, 1078 ; d. about 1709. 17 Ichabod, b. 1660; m. Sarah Way, September 4, 1684. 18 Samuel, b. 1662 ; m. Ruth ; d. October 3, 1733. 19 Jonathan, b. 1064. 20 Joseph, b. 1667; m. Elizabeth Way ; d. 1698. Thomas Welles died in 1668. Hannah Pantry, widow of Thomas Welles, died August 9, 1683. The inventor}' of Thomas Welles taken August 20, 1668, mentions as due to Hannah and Mary Pantry, children of his widow l>y her first ]iusl;)and, £240. In 1672 Hannali Pantry's estate owed her mother Welles £43, and there Avas due to lier in Mr. Bryant's or lier mothers hands £120. 4. 8aiiiiie1^ son of (1) Thomas Welles and , married, Ist (8) Elizaheth, daughter of (1) John Hollister, Sr,, and (4) Joanna, daughter of (1) Eichard Treat, in 1659, and had 21 Samuel, b. April 13, 1660 ; m. RoTH RiCE, June 20, 1683 ; d. August 28, 1731. 726 Welles. 22 Thomas, b. July 20, IGG3 ; m., 1st, Thankful Hoot, January 7, 1697 ; 2d. (39) Jekusha Tkeat, May 17, 1705 ; d. December 7, 1711. 23 Sarah, b. September 29, 1064; m., 1st, Ephuaim Hawley, De- cember 4, 1683 ; 3d, Angus Tomlinson, of Stratford ; d. about 1695. 24 Mary, b. November 33, 1606 ; in. Samuel Hale, Jr., of Glaston- bury, 1095 ; d. February 18, 1715. 25 Ann, b. 1068; m., 1st, Capt. James Steele, of Wethersfield, July 19, 1687 ; 2d, James Judson, of Stratford, November 20, 1718 (his second wife) ; d. 1739. 26 Elizabeth, b. 1670; m., Daniel Suelton, of Stratford, April 4, 1692. Elizabeth HollLster, wife of Samuel Welles, died. He married, 2d, Hannah, daughter of George Lamberton, of New Haven ; no ch. Hon. Samuel Welles died July 15, 1675. After his death his widow married the Hon. Lieut.-Col. John Allyn, of Hartford. 8. John, son of (2) John Welles and Elizaheth Curtis, was born in 1(548 ; married (2) Mary, dau<;hter of (1) John HolHster, Sr., and (4) Joanna Treat, and had 27 Mary, b. November 29, 1670. 28 Thomas, m. (perhaps) Sarah Styles, August 31, 1710. 29 Sarah, b. January 2, 1673-4. 30 John, b. 1675-6 ; m. Mary, daughter of Isaac Judson, of Stratford December 15, 1698 ; d. February 19, 1734-5. 31 Comfort, m. Abel Birdsey, of Stratford, June 8, 1704. 32 Joseph, b. June 31, 1679; m. Sarah Preston, February 3, 1714-15 ; d. January 21, 1765. Had a son Joseph, b. December 15, 1716. 33 Elizabeth, m. Joseph Curtis, Jr., of Stratford, July 5, 1711. 34 Robert, b. September, 1688 ; m. Eunice Curtis, of Stratford, October 34, 1730. Had several children. lO. Robert, son of (2) John Welles and Elizabeth Curtis, was born in 1651; married, 1st, (16) Elizaheth, daughter «»f (2) Ensign William Goodrich, of WethersHeld, and (4) Sarah Marvin, June 9, 1675, and had Welles. Y27 35 Thomas, 1). May, 1(»7C ; lu., 1st, Hannah WAUNiCK.Septeinljer 28, 1009 ; 3d, Saiiaii Robbins, widow ; d. September 21, 1741. 36 John, b. June 10, 1G78 ; d. s. 37 Joseph, b. September, 1688; ra. Hannah Kobbins, January 0, 1708-y ; d. 1744. Had several children. 38 Prudence, m. Rev. Anthony Stoddaud, of Woodbury, Conn., October 30, 1700 ; d. May, 1714. 39 Robert, m. Sarah Wolcott, December 13, 1700. Had several children. 40 Gideon, m. (31) Hannah, daughter of (10) Maj. John Chester, of Wethers'field. November 80, 1710 ; d. March 38, 1740. Had several children. Elizabetli Goodrich, wife of Capt. Hoijekt VVeli,es, died February 17, 1098. He married, 3d, Maky Hollister, by whom he had no children. (■apt. Robert Welles died June 23, 17U. In " Goodwill's Genealogical Notes," page 251, John Welles is recorded as marrying Mary, daiigliter of John Ilollister, of Wetlierstield ; on page 252, Kobert Welles, of Wetliersfield, is recorded as having married for his second wife Mary . In the Pi'obate Records of Martford, the will of Robert Welles was recorded June 4, 1712, in which he mentions " his j)it'sent wife Mary, daughter of John Ilollister, l)i-other- in-law of his former wife Elizabeth Goodrich, Lieut. Jonathan Iloliisfer whose lands formerly belonged to Capt. Stephen Ilollister, and cousin Stephen Chester." Tlioiiia!^, son of (4) Samuel Welles and (8) Elizabeth Hollister, was born July 29, 1662 ; married, 1st, Thankful, daughter of John Root, of Northampton, Mass., January 7, 1697, and had 41 Thomas, b. January 10, 1698 ; m. (39) Mary Chesteh, June 14, 1738 ; d. 1753. 42 Hezekiah, b. AujruHt 13, 1701 ; d. December 10, 1711. Thaukfiil Koot, wife of Thomas Welles, died November, 1704. He married, 2d, (39) Jerdsha, daughter of (8) Lieut. James Treat, of Wethersfield, and Rebecca Lattimer, May 17, 1705, and had 43 William, b. January 12, 1700 ; m. Mary, daughter of Samuel Hunn, of Wethersfield, 1738 ; d. December 7, 1Y83. 92 728 Welles. 44 Wait, b. January 4, 1708 ; m. Jerusha , January 10, 1734. 45 John, b. February 10, 1710. 46 Ichabodjb. April 26, 1713 ; m. Abigail Bigelow, January 3, 1751 ; d. 1758. Capt. Thomas Welles died in Wetliersfiekl, December Y, nil. Jerusha Tkeat, widow of Thomas Welles, married, 2d, (18) Ephraiiu GfOodricli, of Wetherslield, December 25, 1712 (bis second wife.) She died January 15, 1754. (For a fuller account of the Welles family, see Genealogical Notes by Nathaniel Goodwin, Esq., 1856.) WRIGHT 1. Thomas fVrigiit, baptised November 19, 1610, came from Eiii^laml about 1640. and settled in Wethersiield, Conn. He had ^ 2 Thomas, b. ; m. Elizabeth Chittendon, June 16, 1057 ; d. April, 1711. 3 James, b. ; m., 1st, Mary ; 2d, Dorcas Weed, No- vember 20, 1660 ; d. 1705. 4 Samuel, b. 1034 ; m. Mary Butleh, September 29, 1059 ; d. Febru- ary 13, 1090. 5 Joseph (Deacon), b. 1039 ; m., 1st, Mary Stoddard, December 10, 1003 ; 2d, Mercy Stoddard, March 10, 1685 ; d. December 17, 1714. , wife of Thomas Wright, died. He married, 2d, Margaret, widow of Jolm Elaon. She died in 1070, and he died the same year. Thomas Wriglit was probably a descendant of John Wkkhit, of KelvcMlon, Essex Co., England, and brother of Samuel and Nathaniel -:0f Sprji,ngiiekl, Mass., thus : Robert was the eldest son^if John Wright, of Kelvedon, and had by his wife Mary Green two sons, John and Thomas, and probably other eln'ldr^n. John, who married Grace Glaseoclc, had three sons (probably four) and three dangliters. The sons were Thomas, Anthony (?) of Wethersfield, and Samuel and Nathaniel, of Springfield, Mass. (See Genealogical Notes of SAiMUKr. Wright by Joskimi W. Wright, and c<)])y <»f Birtlis and Marriages from Wethersfield Records, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. IV, pp. '):y:> to ^.'iS ; \x, p. 208.) 730 Wright. Tlioiiias, son of (1) Thomas Wright and , mar- ried Elizabeth, daughter of Lieut. Ohittendon, June 16, 1657, and had 6 Thomas, b. March 1, 1660 ; d. April, 1711, se. 50 years. 7 Mary, b. March 4, 1664 ; m. Jonathan Belding, December 10, 1685. 8 Hannah, b. March 10, 1670-1 ; m. (19) David Goodrich, March 7, 1689 ; d. April 27, 1698. 9 Lidia, b. March 12, 1672 ; m. Joseph Smith. 10 Elizabeth, b. February 17, 1675. i Tlionias Wright died April, 1711. NoTK. — June 14, 1711, Capt. David Goodrich and Lieut. Jonathan Belding-, of Wethersfield, exhibited the nuncupative will, reduced to writing, of their deceased brother-in-law Thomas Wkight, of Wethersfield. 3. Jaiiie§, son of (1) Tlioinas Wright and , married, 1st, Mai'y , who died October 5, 1659, by whom he had no children. He married, 2d, Dorcas, daughter of Jonas Weed, NovemI)er 20, 1660, and had 11 James, b. 1661 ; m. Mary, daughter of Dauiel Rose, July 17. 1690 ; d. December 24, 1743. He had 12 children. His seventh child Hezekiah, b. December 10, 1701, m. (460 Talcott Ped.) Me- HITABEL, daughter of (435 Talcott Ped.) Deacou Benjamin Tal- cott, November 29, 1733. 12 Thomas, m. Elizabeth Hubbard, June 1, 1710 ; d. 1749. 13 Jonas, m. Olive ; d. May 10, 1709. 14 Daniel, b. 1674 ; m. (5) Eleanor Bknton, of Wethersfield, August 24, 1705; d. June 8, 1764. 15 Hannah,* m. Lieut. John Coleman, April 24, 1685; d. August 1, 1741. 16 Lydia, m. Crane, of Wethersfield. Dorcas Weed, wife of James Wright, Sr., died November 24, 1 692. James Wright, Sr., died in Middletown, Conn., in 1705. ♦Hannah and Lydia were both probably born sometime before James and Thomas, but are placed last in accordance with the custom of that period in re- ferring to the children in wills. Wright. 731 4. Samuel, son of (1) Tlionuis. Wright and , was born in 1634 ; married Mary, dangliter of Deacon Richard Butler, (September 29, 1659, and I'lad 17 Samuel, m. Rebecca, daughter of Moses Crafts, May 12, 1(580 ; Had a son (17^) Samuel, b. January 6, KiDo ; m. (10) Aukiatl, daughter of (8) Jonathan Goodrich, January 2, 1718. 18 Mary. 19 Hannah, 20 Mabel. 21 David, b. July 12, 1677 ; m. (24) Rebecca, daughter of (15) John Goodrich. December 28, 1G99. She died April 10, 1703 22 Eunice. Mary Butler, wife of Samuel Wright, died September 12, 1689. Ensign Samuel Wright died in Wethersfield, Conn,, Feb- rnary 13, 1690. 5. JOMcpli (Dea.), son of (1) Thomas Wright and , was born 1639; married, 1st, Mary, daughter of John Stod- dard and Mary Foote, Deceinbcr 10, 1663. and had 23 Mary, b. April 15, 1GG5. 24 Elizabeth, b. November 18, 1G67. 25 Joseph, b. February 14, 1G70 ; m. Mary Dudley, May 21, 1701. 26 Sarah, b. May 16, 1674. 27 Thomas, b. January 18, 1677; m., 1st, (46) Prudence Dkming, October 4, 1705 ; 2d, Auigail Churchill, November 3, 1715. 28 John, b. May 19. 1679 ; m. Mauy, daughter of Lieut. Jonathan Boardman, July 4, 1706. 29 Jonathan, b. June 18, 1G81 ; m. Hannah, daughter of Joseph I^ind, March 24, 1706. .\Ijtr.V Stoddard, wife of Deacon Joseimi Whksht, died August 23, 1683, ie. :?8 or 40 years. He married, 2il, Mercy Stoddard, sister of liis first wife, March 10, 1685, and had 30 Benjamin, ] ni. Hannah Holmes, June 18, 1719. )-h. October 16, 16S8. I m. (31) Ann, daughter of (3) Jonatiian Deniing, 31 Nathaniel, J March 12, 1712. Deacon Joseph Wright died in Wethersfield Dec'end)er 17, 1714. 732 W BIGHT. 14. Daniel, son of (3) Jamas Wright and liis second wife Dorcas AVeed, was born in 1674; married (5) Ellen (or Eleanor), daughter of (1) Edward Benton and Mary , August 24, 1705, and had 32 Ruth (au only child), b. June 5, 1711 ; in. (459 Talcott Ped.) Col. Elizur Talcott, of Glastonbury, Conn., December 31, 1730; d. September 12, 1791. Ellen (or Eleanor) Benton, wife of Daniel Wright, died in (llastonbury, Conn., September 27, 1749, n3. 79 years. - Daniel Wright died in Glastonbury June 8, 1764, ie. 90 years. Note. — Anthony Weight, of Wetherstield, married Mary, daughter of Ricliard Smitli, of Wetherstield, and widow of (A) Matthias Treat, who died in 1662. October 12, 1754, Samuel Wright, of Wethersfield, died fe. 75 years, may have been a son of Anthony. October, 1685, the petition of Joseph Wright, of Killings- worth, relative to the estate of Benjamin Wright (possibly a son of [1] Thomas, Sr.) and Jane, liis wife, mentions his brother James. Tlioiiiii!«, son of (5) Deacon Joseph Wright and his first wife Mary Stoddsird, was born January 18, 1677; married, 1st (46) Prndence, daughter of (6) Ebenezer Deming, October 4, 1705, and iiad 33 Ebenezer (Rev.), b. October 2, 1700 ; m. ; d. May 5, 1746. Priltleiice Demiiig", wife of Thomas Wkight, died October 24, 1706. He married, 2d, Abigail, daughter of Lieut. Benjamin Churcliill, November 3, 1715. No children found on record by tliis wife. 33. Etoeiiexer (Rev.), son of (27) Thomas Wright and his tirst wife Prudence Deuiing, was born in Wethersfield, Conn., October 2, 1706; married , and had 34 Ebenezer, b. January 14, 1742 ; ip. Grack Butler, November 13, 1768 ; d. September 2, 1808. Wright. 733 35 Thomas, b. about 174C ; in. Martha Butleh ; d, in 1822. It is not known if lie liad other childi-en. Rev. Ebeiiezer Wright died tit Stamford, Conn., May 5, 174('). He ^n•aduated at Yale College in 1724, A. M. 1732. Settled at Stamford, Conn., and is said to have been a powerfnl preacher. His widow married twice, first, St. John, and second, Hev. Dickinson, of Norwalk, Conn. 34. Ebeiiezer, son of (33) Rev. Ebeiiezer Wright and was born in Wetherstield, Conn., January 14, 1742 ; married Grace, danghter of Benjamin Bntler, of Wetherstield (b. Janu- ary 29, 1740), November 13, 1768, and had 36 Ebenezer, b. July 2, 17G9 ; in. Bkulah Hakkison, in 1791; d. 1851. 37 Benjamin, b. October 10, 1770 ; m Philomela Watekman, in 1798; d. 1842. 38 AUen, b. June 22, 1773 ; m. Mbucy Bkown, in 1798 ; d. 1855. 39 Hannah, b. August 'S, 1776 ; m. Pakker Halleck, in 1800 ; d. July 21, 1815. 40 William, b. July 1, 1778; m. Maky SopmiONiA Ely, 1807; d. April 30, 185G. 41 Joseph Butler, b. in 1783; m. Sakah Hurlbut, in 1810; d. 1857. Ebeiiezer Wright removed from Wethersfield, Conn., and settled in Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y., in 1799, where he died September 2, 1808. He was a Lieutenant in the Continental service in the Revolutionary War. He and his wife were two of the four who formed the first chni'ch in Rome, N. Y. A. D. 1800. Grace Butler, widow of Ebenezer Wrigut, died July 14, 1821. 35. TlioiiiSi§, son of (33) Ebenezer Wright and , was born in Wethersfield, Conn., about 1746 ; married Martha, daughter of Benjamin Butler, and sister of his brother's wife, and had 42 Thomas, Jr., b. 1770; m. Sybil Colburn, 1794 ; d. 1812. 43 John, b. May 23, 1772; m. Miriam Raymond, 1807 ; d. February 13, 1851. 734 Wright. 44 Mary, b. 1775 ; ui., 1st, AsA Knapp, 1791 ; 2d, •Ransfokd ; d. 1845. 45 Patty, b. 1775 ; m. Amos Camp, 1808 ; d. 1835. 46 Moses, b 1777 ; m. Mahy Gilbert, 1797 ; d. 1818. 47 Ebenezer, b. 1777; in., 1st, ; 2d, Skrvia Williams; d. 1818. 48 Joseph, m., 1st, Mautha Camp, 1808 ; 2d, Fanny Gilbert, 1820 ; d. 1847. 49 Hannah, b. 1779 ; m. BENJAMIN Raymond ; d. 1806. 50 Ohloe, b. 1781 ; m. Benjamin Raymond (his second wife) ; d. 1820. 51 Allen, b. 1783; m., lat, ; 2d, Elvira Asiiby ; d. 1873. Thomas Wright removed from Wetliersiield, Coiui., with his brother Ebenezer in 1799. lie settled in Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y. He died in 1822. Note. — William E. Wright in his Genealogy of the Wright family, of Rome, N. Y., says Thomas Wright died, re. 74. He must have been somewhat older, as his father died in May, 1746, and he must have been born that year, or very early in the next. :j6. El>eiiexer, son of (34) Ebenezer Wright and Grace But- ler, was born in Wetherstield, Conn., July 2, 1769 ; married Beiilah Harrison, of Lyme, Conn., in 1791, and had 52 Harriette, b. 1792; m. Russell Bartlett, of Rome, in 1811, and bad 1 Frances E., b. 1813 ; m. Elijah Kilburn, ^832 ; d. 1854. 2 Russell W., b. 1816 ; m. Elvira Frost, 1844. 3 Beulah, b. 1819 ; m. Alphonso Bent, 1835 ; d. 1841. 4 Harriett B., b. 1822 ; m. John N. Messerole, 1846. 5 Mary P. H., b. 1825 ; m. Bartlett ; d. 1838. Harriette Wright, wife of Russell Bartlett, died in 1846. Russell Bartlett died in 1875. 53 Arabella, b. 1794; m. Rev. John Gridley, of Clinton, N. Y,, in 1822 ; d. 1878.. 54 Julia, b. 1796 ; d. s. 1878. 55 George H., b. 1798 ; m., 1st, Christana , 1827 ; 2d, Delia ; d. 1872. 56 Mary, b. 1800; m. Rev. John Wilder, 1821, and had 1 Sidney, b. 1872 ; m, Louisa Cowan, 1867, and had a Albert Sidney, b. 1869 ; drowned 1876. I Wright. 1S6 b Ralph Eugene, b. 1870. c BeiUah Belle, b. 1877. d Edward,) [ b. 1880. e Edwin, ) 2 Brutus, b. 1826, m. Lucy Thompson, 1849, :uk1 bad a Frank S., b. 1850. b Fred, b. 1854. c Eva F., b. 1854. Mary Wright, wife of John Wilder, died 1857. John Wilder died 1857. 57 Elisha B., b. 1803 ; m. (.87) Emeline Wright, 1827. (See family [43] John Wright.) ,58 Hannah E., b. 1804; in. Aaron Kellogg, of Veruon, Conn., 1833. and bad 1 Julia, m. Egerton. 2 Fanny, ni. Lea, and bad a Grace. Hannah R. Wkight, wife of Aaron Kellogg, died in 1863. 59 Grace, b. 1808; m. Ambhose Barnes, 1834, and had 1 Lydia, b. 1835; d. 1851. 2 Julia, b. 1835 ; in. Sylvester F. Tremaine, 1861, and had a Ambrose F., b. 1865. b Wilham F., b. 18G9. c Julia E., b. 1873. d Alice O., b. 1879. Ambrose Barnes died in 1852. Grace Wright, widow of Ambrose Barnes, died in 1872. 60 Ebenezer, b. 1810; m. Sophia, daughter of Israel Denio, 1836, and liad 1 Ebenezer Kellogg, b. July 25,1837; ni. Josephine Lyon, November 19, 1863, and had a William Hamilton, b. August 26, 1864 ; d. April 25, 1805. b Blanche Denio, b. November 25, 1866. c Beatrice Orn, b. June, 1871. d Lawrence Worth, b. November 21, 1875. e Charles, b. 187-. 2 Frank L., m., 1st, Maggie Petrie; 2d, Town- send, and had a Jennie, b. 187-. b Jay, b. 187-. 3 Anna, b. 18 — ; ni. Theodore Comstock, 18 — , and had 93 730 Weight. a Theodora Mary. b Anna W. 4 Beulah, b. 18—. Ebenezer Wright died in 1851. 37. Beiijaiiiiii, son of (34} Ebenezer Wright and Grace Butler, was born in Wethersfield, Conn., October 10, 1770; married Philomela, daugliter of Rev, Simon Waterman, in 1798, and had 61 Henry, b. October 14,1799; d. s. October 25, 1826. 'Was edu cated at Hamilton College and was a Civil Engineer. 62 Benjamin Hall, b. October 19, 1801 ; ni. Henrietta, daughter of Henry Huntington, 1828, and had 1 Henry Hunt, b. 18B2 ; d. 1833. 2 Benjamin Huntington, 1j. January 6, 1835 ; m. Flokence Mei^vina, daughter of (leorge G. Cossitt, of La Grange, Tenu., January, 18G8, and had a Florence Henrietta. 3 Henrietta Huntington. Benjamin Hai.t, Wright graduated at West Point and was a Civil Engineer in Cuba, W. I. 63 James, b. August 9, 1803 ; m. Sarah, daughter of Francis Markoe, merchant of New York and Philadelphia, in 1829, and had 1 Francis Markoe (M. D.) 2 Mary Nelson. 3 Edward Mason, m. Catherine Floyd, daughter of Edward Delafield, M. D.. in 1863, and had a Edw^ard D. b Emily Hartman. c Francis Markoe. James Wright was educated at Montreal, Canada. He died December 20, 1857. 64 Mary Smith, b. ,Iune 29, 1800 ; m. Thomas S. Nelson, and had 1 Henry. 2 Susan Shepard. 3 Benjamin Wright. 4 Jane Elizabeth, m. Benjamin Shepard, and had a Francis Wright, b Mary Wright. Jane Elizabeth Nelson, wife of Benjamin Shepard, died 1868. • Wkkjiit. m M.utY Smith Wuigut, wife of Thomas S. Nelson, died April 26, 1862. Thomas S. Nkf.son died in 1862. 65 Simon Waterman, b. 1808. Educated at Capt. Partridge's school Norwich, Vt. Was a Civil Engineer ; died 1854. 66 Albert Wells, b. March 32, 1810 ; m. Emzabeth A., daughter of Garrett B. Abeol, of New York, April 17, 1837, aud had 1 Nelson, m. Anna Emeline, daughter of J. M. Quimby, of Newark, N. J. 2 Theodore Abeel, b. January 2, 1841 ; d. August 7, 1842. Ar-BERT Wklls Wiught died in 1876. 67 Joshua Butler, b. March 8, 1812; m. Susan L., daughter of H. D. Bradford, in 1850, and liad 1 Louis Bogart. 2 Albert Markoe. Joshua BuTr.Eii Wkioht died in 1878. He was a lawyer in New York. 68 George Smith, b. January 14, 1814; ni. Susan Makia, daughter of Daniel Pratt, of Marshall, Mich. (b. 1823), in 1842, and had 1 Thomas Nelson, m. Inez Bradley. 2 Henry Waterman, b. 1846 ; d. 1856. 3 Mary Louise, m . Haailin. 4 George Herbert, d. 1870. George Smith Wright is Cashier of the First National Bank of Marshall, Mich. 69 Frances Eunice, b. January 1,1820; m. Cuauncey L. Mitchell M. D., of Brooklyn, 1857; d. 187-. Philomela Waterman, wife of Benjamin WmonT, died in 1S35. Bkn.iamin Wright died in New Yoi'k in 1842. He was (younty -Tndge, Legislatoi- and Chief Engineer in the conbtiMie- tiun of the Ph'ie canal 38. Allen, son of (34) Ebeiiezer Wright and Grace Kutler, was born in Wethersfiehl, Conn., June 22, 1773; married Mercy Krowii, in 1798, and had 70 William B., m. (127) Hannah, daughter of Benjamin Raymond and (41); Hannah or (50) CJhloe Wright, and had 1 Melinda, b. 1828 ; m., 1st, Morgan Lloyd, and had a Kate E., b. 1854. b May L., b. 1858 ; m. Eugene Drotiy. c William A., b. 1860. 738 Wright, Morgan Lloyd died. Slie married, 2d, James Harrison, and had d Benjamin R., b. 1867. 2 Matthew B., b. 1830 ; d. 1858. 3 Susan A., b. 1833. 4 Mary T., b. 1834 ; m. Hugh Morrison, and had a Agnes, b. 1861. b William, b. 1864. 5 Hannah R., b. 1837 , m. Charles E. Snyder, and had a Raymond, b. 1808. b Frank, b. 1873. c Caroline, b. 1876. d Susan, b. 1870. 6 Mercy EUzabeth, b. 1838 ; lu. Charles S. Polland, and had a Albert, b. 1870. b George, b. 1873. c Mabel, b. 1875. d Alice, b. 1877 ; d. 1877. e Arthur, b. 1877. 7 Catharine Augusta, b. 1840 ; d. 1841. 8 William A., b. 1843 ; m. Alma T. Watson, and had a WUliam T., b. 1870. b Harry B., b. 1873. c Raymond K., b. 1876 ; d. 1878. 9 George R., b. 1847 ; m. Mary C. Bowman, and had a Grace, b. 1876. b Alma, b. 1879. 10 Benjamin A., b. 1847 ; ni. Ladra Iveyes, aud had a Hannah, b. 1877. b Effie, b. 1879. William B. Wright died December 25, 1867. 71 Allen J., b. ; m. Julia Ann, daughter of Guernsey, of Oxford, N. Y., and had 1 Sarah, d. 1835. 2 Henry G., b. 1831 ; m. Martha Denio, 1855, and had a Edward, b. 1860 ; d. 1879. b Louisa, b. 1868. 3 Maria B., b. April 5, 1834. 4 Samuel A., b. June 9, 1838 ; m. Ann Eliza Brower, aud had a Albertus E., b. 1867. b Charles G.,b. 1869. c JuUa E., b. 1871. d Allen H., b. 1873. Wkight. 739 e Howard A., b. 187G. f Edgar N., b. 1878. g Emeline, b. 1880. 5 Francis D., b. 1840 ; lu. EiiiZABETH Poi.lahd, and had a Cora Maria, b. 18G7. b Frederick, ) d. , ^ b. 1871. c Florence, ) d Bessie F., b. 1877. Ai.LEN J. Wright died April 19, 1849. Mercy BroAvn, wife of Allen Wkight, died in 1854. Allen Weight died in 1855. He was a farmer and a deacon of the lirst church in Rome, N. Y. 39. Haiiiiali, (langliter of (84) Ebeiiezer Wrij^lit and Grace Butler, was Ijorn August o, 1776; married Parker Halleck, in 1800, and had 72 Mary, b. 1802 ; d. 1813. 73 Wright, b. 1804 ; d. 1805. 74 William, b. 1800; d. 1823. 76 Hannah M., b. 1809 ; m., 1st, James Bronson, 1831, and had 1 Emma, b. 1830 ; m. James N. Adams, 1857, and had a Arthur B., b. 1863. b Edith F., b. 18G8. James Bronson died. She married, 2d. II. Outon, 1850. He died 1856. She died 1877. 76 Frances A., b. 1815 ; m. Perly Ainsworth, 1841, and had 1 Emma M., b. 1843 ; d. 1878. 2 Parker H., b. 1848 ; d. 1872. Haiinali Wright, wife of Parker Halleck, died July 21 1815. Parker Halleck died in 1848. 40. William, son of (34) Ebeuezer Wrij^ht and Grace But- ler, was horn July 1, 1778 ; mari-ied Mary Soplirouia, daughter of the Kev. Henry Ely, of Killingworth, Conn., in 18<»7, and had 740 Wright. 77 William Ely, b. February 19,1809; m. Makia, daughter of Aaroa Roberts (b. March 31, 1813), 1832, and had 1 Jane Louisa, b. July 9, 1844. 2 Anna Maria, b. February 18, 1848. 3 Mary Ely, b. November 16, 1850; ni. Charles W. Ellis, 1880. 4 Robert Doxtater, b. July 1, 1853 ; d. January 25, 1860. William Ely Wright was educated at Capt. Partridge's Military school in 1824, and Hamilton College in 1826- He is a merchant, manufacturer and Hydraulic Engineer. 78 Helen M., b. November 15, 1814. 79 Jane Louisa, b. 1817 ; m. Rev. W. Crary Crane, President Baptist University, Texas, 1841 ; d. December 26, 1842. William Wright died April 30, 1856. He was a Surveyor, Mercliaiit, Secretary and Treasurer of tlie Oneida Iron and Glass Manufacturing Co., at Taberg, and promoter of Rome and Turin Turnpike Co. Maby Sophronia Ely, widow of William Weight, died September 11, 1868. 41. Jo!^ei>li Butler, son of (S-t) Ebenezer Wriglit and Grace Butler, was born in Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y., in 1783 ; married Sarah, daughter of Josiah Hurlbut, in 1810, and had 80 Isabella, m. James W^ood. 81 Sarah Ann, m. Dean. Joseph Butler Wright died in 1857. 42. Tlioiiisi!^, Jr., son of (35) Tlionias Wright and Martha Butler, was born in 1770 ; married Sybil, daughter of Gideon Colburn, in 179i, and had 82 Sophia, b. 1794 ; m. Howard SoutE, 1815, and liad 1 Fanny Jane, m. Archibald Green, and had a son George SouLE Green. 2 Martha A., b. 1818 ; m. A. Stevenson, and had a son Howard Soux.e Stevenson. 83 Fanny, b. 1796 ; d. 1812. 84 John, ra. Sophia Sheldon, and had Wright. 741 1 John. 2 Sylvester. 3 Thomas. 4 Grace. John Wright died in 18G0. 85 Chloe, b. 1804; m. Leonard Gilbert, and had 1 Ann. 2 Mary. 3 Franklin. 4 Ellen. 5 Zenana. Chi.ok Wright, wife of Leonard Qii.r.KUT, died in 1835, 86 Eveline, b. 1809 ; m. Samuel Bibiuns, and had 1 John. 2 Jane. 3 Weed. Thomas Wright, Jr., (lie1, and liad 95 Amanda C, b. 1796 ; m. Asa Knapp (b. 1796). He died 1801 . She died 1870. 96 Martha, b. 1797 ; m. John W. Williams, in 1817, and had 1 Martha A., b. 1818; m. Albekt Nkwland, in 1833; had G children ; 8 grandchildren. Wkigiit. 743 2 Edward J., b. 1810 ; m. Lucia P. Howe, in 1843; had 3 child r(Mi . 3 Milo L., 1). 1820 ; m. Jui.iA A. AsiiEuiiUhSTAiN, in 1851, and had 11 child len. 4 Chester H., b. 182o ; in. IIaiuiiet J. Pike, in 1852, and had 2 children. 5 George, b. 1824 ; m. Elizabeth A. Travis, in 1859 ; d. 1877. 6 WilUam E., b. 1826 ; m. Charlotte Clement in 1857, and had 2 children. 7 Helen Mary, b. 1882 ; m. G. Brainard, in 1855, and had 12 children. Martha Knapp, wife of John VV. Williams, died in 1873. 97 Maria, b. 1799 ; ui. Joseph Adsit. 98 Henry, b. 1802; ni. Emily Kendall; d. 1874. 99 Charles B., b. 1805 ; m. McIntyre. Asa Kliain), first husband of Mary Wright, died in 1807. She married, 2d, Ransford, and had 100 Mary A., b. 1811 ; m. Brown. Mary Wrii^lit, wife of Ransfokd, died in 1845; 46. lloscs, son of (35) Thomas ^Vriglit aiul Martha Butler, was boni in 1777; married Mary, daughter of Thomas Gilbert, in 1707, and liad 101 Mary Zenana, b. 1800 ; d. 1804. 102 Martha C, b. 1802 ; m. John Green, and had 1 Mary. 2 Jane. 3 Delia. Martha C. Wkioht, wife of John Ukeen, died in 1854. 103 Thomas G., b. 1804 ; m., 1st, Lydia Huntington, in 1828, and liad 1 Moses Oallin, b. 1829. Lydia Hdntington, wife of Thomas G. Wright, died in 1834. He married, 2d, Hannah E. Tracy, (b. 1810), in 1835, and had 2 Geraldine Martha, b. 1838; d. 1846. 3 Chester F., b. 1840. 4 Hanna Francis, b. 1842 ; d. 1864. 5 Antoinette, b. 1844. 6 Adeline H.,b. 1847; d. 1853. Tiio.mas O. Wright, died in 1870. 104 Francis, b. 180G ; m. Pauline Kellogg, d. 1845. 94 Y4:4 Wright. 105 Hannah F.,b. 1807; m. Sandforth, and bad 1 Sarah H. Hannah. F. Wright, wife of Sandforth, died 1866. 106 Zilpha Ann, b. 1809; m. John Henry, and had 1 Prances. 2 Lydia. 3 Josephine. 4 Emily. 5 Martha. 6 Charles. 7 Lewis. Zilpha Ann Wright, wife of John Henry, died 1873. 107 Moses B.,b. 1811. 108 Marinus G., b. 1814 ; d. 1860. 109 Jay Wallace, b. 1817 ; m,, 1st, Hannah Barker, and had 1 Celia. Hannah Barker, wife of J. Wallace Wright, died. He married, 2d, Harriet N. Barker, and had 2 Maria. 3 Wallace. Moses Wright died in 1818. 47. Ebt^nexer, son of (:^)5) Thomas Wright and Martha Butler, was born in 1777; married, 1st, , no children recorded. He married, 2d, Servia, daughter of Solomon Wil- liams, and had 110 Jane E., b. 1807; m. Alfred Dart, and had 1 Eben, ni. Elizabeth Goodrich, and had a Francis J., b. 1862. b SteUa, b. 1869. 2 Frances E., b. 1829; m. Stephen Longyear ; had 2 sons who died in 1866 and 1869. 3 Robin C, b. 1831 ; m. Sarah E. Darling, and had a Carlton R.,b. 1862. b James A., b. 1865. c Freddy, d. 1874. 4 George, b. 1834 ; m. Gertrude Searle ; d. 1863 5 James R., b. 1835 ; m. Orpha Fisher and had a Wmie,'d. 1859. b Gertrude B., b. 1866. c Robin C, b. 1874. d Alfred, b. 1879. Wright. Y45 6 Simeon E., b. 1843 ; d. ISOO. 7 Genevieve, b. 1845 ; ni. William E. Crossett, and had a George D.,b. 1881. 111 Ebenezer, b. 1808 ; m. Fanny Howakd, and had 1 Sumner, 1). 1843 ; m. Mauy Dake. 2 Charlotte H., b. 1845. 112 Elizabeth, b. 1809; ni. James T. Krdzie, and liad 1 Harriet, d. 1848. 113 Lydia T., b. 1811 ; ni. Joseph P. Cahpenter, and liad 1 Julia W., b. 1832. 2 Jame.s L., b. 1834. 3 Anna E., b. 1836. 4 Sarah, J \h. 1839. 5 Jane, ) 6 Lydia, ) \h. 1841. 7 Joseph, ) Lydia T. Wright, wife of Joseph P. Carpenter, died in 1841. 114 Harriet B., b. 1815 ; m. James W. Holmes, and had 1 Theodore S., b. 1840. 2 Roscius G., b. 1845 ; ni. RLiZARKrii 0(4UEN, in 1871, and had a Jame.s W., b. 1878. b Harry P., b. 1874, c Annie O., b. 1876. d Charles P., b. 1879. e Caroline W., b. 1880. 115 Solomon W., b. 1,817; lo. Flora L. Bartholomew, and had 1 Helen, b. 1856. 2 Bessie, b. 1862. Ebenezer Wriglit died in 1818. 48. •lowepli, son of (;^r))T]ioiniis Wriiilitand Martlui Butler, was l)oni ; married, 1st, Martha, dani^litcr of Amos ('amp, ill 1S(»S, and liad 116 Cornelia, b. 1808 ; ni . IIknry Willis, in 1851, and had 1 Helen O. 2 Henry F. 3 George. 4 Anna B. 5 Sheridan G. 746 ■ Wright. 6 Caroline. CoKNELiA Wright, wife of Henry Wit.tjs, died 18 — . Henry Willis died 18 — . 117 Caroline, b. 1810; m. J. H. Andrews, M. D., in 1836. 118 Martha A., b. 1813 ; m. Ethan A. Potter, M. D., in 1831, and liad 1 Frances M. 2 Franklin W. 3 Frederick A. 4 Eva. 5 Caroline A. 119 Joseph Hall, b. 1814; d. 1815. 120 Phineas C, b. 1816 ; m. Mrs. Rosina Martin. 121 Ohauncey, b. 1818. Mai'tlia Camp, wife of JosEni Wright, died in 1819. He married, 2d, Fanny, daughter of Tliomas Gilbert, in 1820, and had 122 Joseph C, b. 1821 ; m. Adeline P. Gay, in 1846, and liad 1 Fanny T, 1). 1847; d. 1848. 2 John Hammond, b. 1850. 3 Adie G., b. 1852; ui. Elisha B. Powell, in 1875, and had a Joseph W. P., b. 1877. b George B. P., b. 1880. Joseph C. Wright died in 1863. 123 Zenana G., b. 1832 ; m. James B. Carmuth, in 1862, and had 1 Joseph Wright, b. 1863. 2 Frances N., b. 1864; d. 1873. 124 Francis H., b. 1834 ; killed on railroad in 1853. Joseph W rigiit died in 1S47. 40-50. Haiinali, daughter of (35) Thomas Wright and Martha Butler, wasborn in 1779 ; married Beujaiiiin Raymond (his first wife. ) She died in 180<'.. Chloe, daughter of (35) Thomas Wright and Martha Butler, was 1)orn in 1781 ; married Benjamin Raymond (his second wife.) She died in 1820. The children by both wives were 125 Frances, m. Peter J. Dodge. 126 Benjamin W., m. Amelia Pouter, and had 1 George. 2 Charles. 127 Hannah, m. (70) William B. Wright Wright. 747 128 Martha, m., 1st, Thomas Gold, and had 1 Louisa. 2 Gertrude, in. James FAnwpr.i,, and had a James, d. . Thomas Gold died. Slie married, 2d, S. Newton Dexter. 129 Mary, m. Lemuel Raymond. 130 Thomas R., ni. Susan VVakneh. 131 George W., ni. Eltza Strono. 132 Catharine, ni, T. B. Cauteu, and had 1 Sarah, ni. T. G. MosLEY. .11. Allen, son of (3.5) Tlioiiiiis Wriglit and Martha Butler, was horn in 1783 ; married, 1st, , no children recorded. He married, 2d, Elvira, dangliter of Daniel Ashby, and had 133 James. 134 Lucy. 135 Daniel Butler. 136 George. 137 Frances. Allen Wright died in 1873. Note — The descendants of (5) Deacon Joseph Wright, throngh his son (27) Thomas, were taken from a chart compiled and kindly fnrnished the compiler of these notes by Mr. William E. Wright, of liome, N. Y. Jiui^. MEMORANDA. b MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. IXDKX (II- INTKKMAKKIAGES. NKW YOKK STATK FAMILIES. Beeckman. /toyc. (•2i Honilrick ci Aiiiutji" Quaokfiibusli 1 (.".I Joliaimo* ^T ' MiK-litol Sclu-riiifrlii>rii 1 1 "•' Kva Vinham'ii ^ (6J I Kiiiieltjo I '.' ' Teimis Ki;lxrt>." Mttselaer 1 (14) Jaiiiii'ijo ( !•_' I Isaac I.aiisiiiij '2 il5^ JoluiniK- yi-d' Il.'-toi \V,.|,(iil| 2 (I'.ii Jolianm-^ Jansi- ( -Ji' i lU'Loia Van Sihaick '-* ("20 I Marliii 1 17 ' (n-i triuK' , CJooitnix ) VisM-luT. . . '2 {\>-2^ Julianiia ^l'."> > .loliaiiiics Mai-ii'lis. . . .'. ;> (25 I Ni'lt'l ji' I .")'.' I .loliaiiiifs \'aii X'ochteii ;! (o4> Ariaiitji- ( iJOHJon it I. Laiisinjr 4 (^o^ Maoliirl 'IS I lii'iiit A. Lansing 4 (51 I .lolianiies i .'.7 Kli/.aLiotli Ooiixv i; (^t;4t Ui'borali o'.' i Jolni .li>liaiiiii-s ulc IV-n stor l>oii\v, i; Benson. (l"l Diivk i^widow of 1 1 J 1 llariiuMi Toiiu-s (Thomas) lliiii.. 8 (.") Satnson ll4J^ Tiyntje Van Oeiison 8 (4) .lolianiies (lo.\ ) Lysbol \'an Deusin 8 (2<') Klizabi'tli'sda\ijrlitcr(.'ailianm' Van liorsuni 71^ lU'l'fit Honson 10 (71 > HiibL-it Catliarino 'Trvntic* Van Bi>r- siini, ilaii^lilrrol'i JO) Kii/abt-th Uonson n (lO'.t I LawriMuo ( 1 1'"' i Maiv Honr.i>ii It; (115) Mary i lii'.n Lawrence 1{<-iismu 17 Bogaert, Bogart, Bogert. (7) Jacob (4) .lauii.tje Qiiackonbush i;4 (•20) Coinclis (14) l)or.itliy Ooibout -jii ('25) Isaac (^r.i| Hcmlrickic Onihoiit 20 (t'lt; ) Cornelia (7) Wontcr Qnackciibu>h 29 (77) .lannetje (:5:m .Jolianncs V. Dunw 30 (80 > Uaclul 27) VolckiTt An. Kmnv 30 (8Wi Jaiiiictjo (2in Would «;n«osbcck 31 (;t7i ll.ii>lrick I v'''5) Hiiil>ara Marscli^ 32 (im ) l>aac (SI » Callialvna (Catalyniiei Hun. .. 32 (122» Ilacbcl I Vsselstcin) (4) Conrad Gerliaril 33 I lo2( Maiiiiiiljc (o7 I Jobanncs (Juackoiibush SO (li".7i.lannoijo Knickcrbackcr^ (I'.ti ll.n.liick Lansinj:, .Ir 37 (17i'>i .lannetje (05i Volkcrt Ooiboni 37 (2(»2i 1-aac llenrv ('.•'•1 Catbbna VisM lier S'J (25s I DiMiw H (Sliiii Anna Hotrarl 44 (27'>) Anna (258 l{o;4arl 1 r>on\v B. Slingorland. . 44 (2;t.;i Angebea (205) Samuel Kced 4>\ (iS02) IVtl. » Gcoii;c Talcott.. 46 (21*4' Mai:ilalen ( 3." • (Jci 1 it L. l)o\ T 47 (30 .» Kh/a (I'.i4i Herman Ten K\ck 47 (352 I S. \is>clier (Talcoti I (4n .Jolincl"lianiies) M. Hoorknian, ii« (60) Lvdia (li-j) Hon.irii'k Ooilioui 70 (71) Volckert 1 I'.'O 1 Anna WimhIoII 71 (73) Maigrietjo , Ij 1 1 llendrii'k T.n Kvck 71 (8lti Jolm ^Johannes) dc IVvster (lil 1 Uoborali Hfeekiiian 72 (90) Maria ^us-l Ton Kvck) Jolm de I'. Ton Kvok".... 72 (93) Altje (Alida) (401i) Jacob l.ansinsi, Jf 73 (123) John do I'evster ( 101) Marianna C. Lannian 75 (14b i Helen F...'. i475) J. Townscnd Lansin;.' 77 Dox. (8) Alirabain (22 1 Petrus il'ieter). (33) Gerril Lansins;. (44 1 Susan Limvsom. . (49) Peter 1 .'>7 Kcbccca Mai>eli> 166 [^'l'>4\ t'atalvntje iCatlilinai l.ansiii>:.. 167 (■S.'4) Majrdaicn Uoirarl 168 I -I'.i ) Peter G. Dox". 1 «'.• (44) Susan Laws«>n Dox 169 Gerhard. (4) Conrad , l-_'j Hoj;ail ) Uadicl l!oi;aeil Vsm-I- stein '. sO f38) Henrv .Mjiernon 1 Duiiont) (273 Ten Eyck 1 .Man Pauline Fo>icr, s4 (43Mictorine Elizabeth I Dnpont) (272 Ten Kvck) Antoine I.eiiiilbon Foster S4 (7) (8) ("••) (10) (20) (64) Harbcr ... Johannes., Stenhanus Nicholas.. Catalvna. Davia Groesbeck. 14) (iysbcit Mai>elis 1 2'.' I (iertrny Qiiaekcnbnsli C-i-' Kli/.abcth iLibbetic) Kansint I :;2 ) Marvtjo' (^uackenbii>b I '.' 1 .Ian \an Ne> J2 I .Maiia \ andeipoel Wouter ( S'.' .laiMU't je Hoi^aeil Mai-.raiita ,7."" .^i.■»la^ (J. .VlaiMli> s6 b6 (2) (4) («) (7) (15, (18) (li.) (2y) (31) (35) (62^ (75) (4) (12) (19) Hun. llarinen Thomas Calalyntie IScrck, widow of ( 1 1 Pcnsoij Weiiitie (Si Km (Kiiliien .Melcheits Van Densen Thomas (41 Mayeke Janis Dothont Catalyiitie (3'.n John i Johannes 1 (J. I,an>injr. . |Iai-inen ., (65)Klsje Lansing Klsie (97 I Philip Lan--inii Thomas (1112) Klizabelh Wemh-ll Jane ('.'5 1 \'olkert Nan N'cchien (U)i\\) Thonia- Lan.-iiiir (.'atalyntie ( Idl ) I>aac I!oi;arl . . .^ Dirck (246 1 Annetje Lansiiiir Cathlina i289l llainuiniis (". Wendell Marcus Tnllius (Ii15) Mary K. N'andeijioel Ijansing. Johannes ( 2 1 (ieerlje \'an Scliaick Isaac I 14 I Jannet je Bci'ckman Heodrick, Jr (167 Uojfait) Jannetje Knickefback- llo 114 n 4 Indi.x (»i" Im ki;m AuiM \<.K-. iii ('J'2i Lilibctio 1 s St.'iilioii ^St«]>li;iiiii>i Cni,.*. b.i-k 114 l2">i Kiijilfijo (:51 or Jo Kvoit Wiii.lill 114 (••JSi (Joirit i4-Ji Kn^'K-lj.- \mm I),ni«i'ii 11-; (•'!'.' I .loiiannos i 7 i Caiiilvniii.' Mini lit; . 'J."> ■ .l;iinii-l jc \'iiii \'fi'lilcii 11() (4tii Abriiliani (31 ) Van l>oii^eii iji; (47) Al>raiiaiii i •_'4 > Kvc'Im- Van Sciiaick lli; ( 7- ' <'ailiaiiiK' l-ansin<: Hii (4si(:eriit A . :fM Marln.'l Hoickniaii '. \\,\ [•A) Klsjc , -1,-, I (J, .11 it .liilm I, an si II i; ] ih (S-it Kiizati.-tli .-J-.', .loiias Ootiii.iit .... ' \\,\ (•'>•'■>' . TiMi Mis \'issclu-r ' .' 117 (ti.j' (jorrit ,.;4 , Aiiaaiitji- Ufcckman . 11 7 •'•.■>' Klsjo ],-,) Kaiiiioii T. Hnn Us '"'*-'ac..l. .1 ,:;i Mrlsflai'i) Marvtjo Kiiborls' ! .'.' US '■<■-' Cathaiino , 47 > Abialiam . .". 118 ( '>^ ' Alpiaiiarn Itonw lis '■'-'•'<'•'" ■ II.-. Ariaanljo Wriid.lj jj., '■'■*' •''"•'••r ilM Klizab.'il, Wrn.!.-!! ... " i-n •■>'>i« .17'' .Marvlj.- W.ihI.II '•'"• I'liilij. (1^) KUj.' iliin 1.', '"'•' <''''i' ' 17 iWvnlir \ an |),n It.r.'l (l<"'.Ai Til. .mas ri'.U .Ian.' Hum <1-J7' Abial.ani A , li;.i V.Wy (l-_".'.il .Mai-iiairt (.;.;, Abraiiain OctlM-ut. . . . 'I'^l' Maria (Isj l|,.n,liKk \V,.n.l|.ll. ... (l-!'-'i Ilrn-liii-k K (.■.>i Maria Maisolis I 147. Jacdj) C.. ,l,;.j, IViMiMcl ji. . Kranii.s I.aMsin::, . . 1 -.'4 ' ~ 1-J.-. 1 •-':. 1-j.i l-.'l 1 •.'•_' 1 -j:^ 1 -j:; d."- >aiMl.Ms C ^1,;_. CiithaiiM.- Ton KM-k... (I'lh Annatj.- (Inl Al.i ahani .1. T.M.'Kvck.. . ''''"' '•'l-'J'' il'J7) Abralian. A. Lansi'n:.' l-:. ''';-.' K-nuMi-ljr (M7..laiol. i\. LanMiit:... ij.", (IMi .liic.b J (ssAnna (Annatjc tinac-k.iil.n-li (Soe alsi. '..ii Outbuilt ' IT. H'hS, l,rna 1 Helena) ,,•„•■. Abiabam <>..lli,.ii1 1',; M!'5 , .lac.b Knins,- , ^7 .laMiM't j.- Vi^,-.!,.-! ] ._,s (1''6) Hclona (1;,1 , Nanniiii: .1. \ i-stlu-r \->s I :;■■!> iJcTi'iniali rJ77' ll.' 'Ariuldl l:i.i (•-'40) (Mvrtriiy ^j^.o) .lac.l. 11. WoikI.'H l.;o <-'4i;» Anncljo , :;-.n>ii k llnii 13) (•-'.■)•_' 1 Anna . -J-Ji; 1 C.iiMlins W.n.lrll 131 Ci.Vti ratalyiitji- ,._>.ji I'iol.i I)..\ 131 (••5]:'.i (Miiit V (1.;:., Il.-l,.n T.n Kv.k 13.; ."7;;i .\bialiani I-' ( J.;i 1 Hai bara Laiisiiii; llii ' '"'' Ali.hi 107, T.'unis «;. Vi^ 14-J (40l.,.|„..„b, .1, ..,:;, Douw 143 (431 I Haibaia , .■•.;:■, , Abialiani V. 1 14 (47.1 .1. Ti.xvns.nd ( 14m llilm F. Dnnu U^ <••"'"'•'"> liiviiii:sl..ii (4..1S Sli.armaii) Catbarin. «>. (;il.v,.n. i:,-.> Marselis. "' >l"ll .-.. i:ail.;.i (;,.,k 17-> '■'' M.vmbTt ,s, F,.\,j..O,.lli..iit 17;; '■-'•"•'"'""""•'* .•_'•.■ .I..|iainia I'H'.'tkiiian 174 '•'•'''••''"■'-■*■" .-) Abtal.ani Dox.. I7.-. "'•■'■' J'>^'"''» (1>7' ("aialina \V,.ii.b.|l i;.: ••••"';•"■'•■"■•' (H7' ll.'M.ln.k I. I!..i;ail I7.; 'l'!*' ;!""» (I'.-J llontliirk 1;. I,aii«iii.r. .: 17,, ''•\',."""'"- •" I''t M^'i-a.ila C:i...-«l.,.rk 17.; <'^' *•••'■»•" «■ ■.'|. Mad.Kl V 17^ Metselaer Egberts. '•'" '•'■'^J'' .."> IJaMia.-n llaini.n.- \ i-^. Ii.r is.. l''> '<^'">"-* ^ti.Ji Kn^ieltji- llofcknian lM> i\ Index of IxiKKMMeRr.vr.K:^. Page. (12) Benjamin ( 1.; i Aniiiij.' Visselier 180 (14) Susanna (14) .lac<>b"Ti.rck VissclK-r ISO (34^ Maritje (7t« i Jur..l) . I. Lansing', Jr 182 Oothout. I Jan .laiis (-1 > HtnS (3) lUndrick ( in Caatjo V. Donw 183 (4) 6i Tlioiiias llarnioiisf linn 183 (8) Fi'vtjo (si Mvndort Maiselis 183 (lO^Jan.. rti;) Mill itif Wendell 183 (14) Dorotlio (jOi ((.inolis lU.jiaeit 184 (IVi.Inn (iM 1 Catalyna Van l>eusen 1>4 (ly > Hcndrickie i 25 i Isaac liogart 184 (20) Margariet (3» Dom. Jan (Johannes^ Van l>iiessen •. 184 (21^Annatje (3t) > I'ietor W. Qnackenbnsh 184 (22) Jonas (oj) Elizabeth Lansinir 184 " (11) Klizabelli Vinlia-ren 184 (60) Margaret (^04) Col. Henry ^Hemlricki Quack- enbnsh.". 18fi (62) Hendrick (t;o) Lydia Douw 187 (63) Abraham O-'.'i) Margaret Lansing 18" " (l''>8> Helen Lansing.. r. 187 (65) Vwlckert i ITi. i Jannetje IJo-rart 187 (90) Annetie i l<;r. i Jacob J. Lansing 18"J Quackenbush. (4) Jannetje • (7 * Jaeobns Cornelis Hogaert 193 (5) Magdalena yi'>\ Jonas V Donw 193 (6) Aniietje ^2) Hendrick Heecknian 193 (7) Wonter H'>6 i Cornelia Hognert 193 (8) Adriaaii (17 > Catharnia Van Sehaiek 193 (29) Geertruv (7i Johannes Claas iiroesbeek 195 (32) Marvtje (9) Nicholas (Jniesbeck 195 (36) I'ieter ( 2H Annat je Oothoiit 195 (37) Johannes (162) Margri.tje Hogaert 195 (64) Hendrick fOOi Margaret Ootlioiit 197 (65) Jan ( 72 ■ Cornelia Quaekenbtish 197 (72) Cornelia (65 i Jan (inackenbnsh 198 (88) Annatje 0'>->) -Lieob J. Lansing 199 Salisbury. (24) Maria ' (100) Anthonv Van Heiiien 217 (42) Neeltje O"! > Henry Van Bergen 219 (57) Enureltje (79) William F. Salisbnrv . 220 (59) Albert (lOo) Fanny Salisbury " 220 (79) William Francis . (57) Aiiiielica i Engeltje) Salisbnry.. 221 (100) Fanny (59) Albert Salisbury 223 Schermerbom. (7) Machtel ("'' .lohanne.s Beeckman 224 ( 9) Nelletje (^ 13 ) Barent Ten Eyck 224 (10) Helena (3) Myndert U. Van der Bogaert 224 Ten Eyck. (12) Coenraedt (9 i (Jeertje Van Schaick 229 (13) Barent i '■' ' Nelletje Schermerhorn 229 (60) Jacob '-••"> Alida Visselier •-'32 (64) Jacob H 1 1 ''^ Annetji- ( Anna * Wendell ■-'•Vi (101) Abraham J ( 159 ) .Vnnelje Lansing 234 (124) Hendrick (73) .Margarita (Margrietje) Uouw... 235 (68-1) Mvndert Schnvler (255) .Margaret Visselier 23ti (6S-4) John de I'evster (9ii) .Maria Donw 236 ( 136) John < Lewis ' 045 i Elizabeth Ten Evck 237 238 (144) J;icintha ( l.'.O i John Ten Eyck 2J (145) Eli/al)eth (l:'.'l Ten Eyek i John Lewis 2£ (148) Abraham R (9s) Annetje Visselier 23 Indkv "1 I NH i;m \ivi;i \<.K-. /•.I:;.. (IMi.lohn ( 144) .1 acini lia Till Kyck -St* O'J-'i Catli;inn:i!!!!!!!."..! (l.'.iii Saiidor- tl. I.iiii>iiiji -■]'■' (Itl'.ii iKleii l,"'l-*' Ot-Tiit V. Luii>iii:i ■-•>'•' ( 17.'> i A ' -14 i lli-ti r li. Tiii E\ ck -'•">•* \,l',i4i lloiinaii '-'"-J' Hli/.i U.iiriTi -41 (•.'••a I James •.'t>i".K\iin Kli/a T<-ii K\i.k -41 ( •_'<••) < Ann Eliza (•-''.':• i .laiiK> Tin K.\ ik M-i [•2\::> .\nii i -.^U . .Inl,n H. \ i.-ilui ■-•4J (•J14) HfstiT (; (IT.-. ,«'.., Ill aa.l .\. l>n Kvck '-'4J (■-'4-') lliiirv t-UA Kli/al.iili W.imKII •J44 iJ.V.N M;,n:aivt'T. KdUiiri 517 I!. Kn^li Woi.-I. II J4:. C'o'.'i .laiiii's i . lc;;i C.iiliariiu' E. Nan \ eilili'ii -4t'> CJTtii Kiiiilv Lontiliion (^Sinitln (•'•''•'.• limr Wiiul.ll '^46 (•i7-i. Antoinc Lcntilhon (^Fosten (,43 Giiiiaiiii Viitorini- Eli/al.ttli Diipont -4S (273'Marv I'anlino f Fosti'ii {••< (iiiliardi lli-nrv Ali:>iii<'n l>ii- I'""" --^^ Visscher. (r>) Hastiaon ." •"■ ' Dii kji- Tiiinis Motsi-lai-i •-'■'•4 i r, ) .VaiiniiiiT i •"" .\liila Ninliairon -■'4 I 7 I FriMlciirk i '.M Kmti Wi'ii.lill wiil^w .if.... -'■•4 (111 Maria..... ' " I'lriiip Wim.I.-II -'-Vl I ]■_' 1 .Viiaanlje | 7 ' llii'inniinus W.uilcll -.^ ( U Jacob I 14' Sii-aiina Et'l'i'il- M.t-tla.M Jio (Ml Alike I Aimoijc) . IJ i Umjamin E-lxrt-i- Mit>claiT. -.".5 (17,1 Oi-citruv (-•'! Mailm Hccckiiiaii -■•>'> (•24» Harinan'ns.. (■"' Vis>cliiT ' Sarali Wvnjraail -J.V' (3rii .Vliila (•'"') .lacoli Ton Kvck -'"i (.'•Oi Sarah ( Wviiijaart I i -.'4 i Harniamis Vi»clier -■■>7 ^7i!( Sal-all....' . ." (I'.'oi Haiviit J. \ issclu r -'''l' (S-J) Itastiaon (-Jl i Knircltji- Van il«-n Bi-r^Mi.. (n7) JanniMJe i l'.i:>. Jacob Fian>>ini: (04) Matilila (^4 • Gcrril G. Mai>ilis (in; I I'atlilina cjo-j i Isaac II. Uoiiart li-'O ('.'3) Anni-ijo (14M .Vliraliain K. Ten Eyck -Jiil (lo7 1 Tennis U , lo4 ■ Aliila -''3 (I'.'l) .N'annini;; .1 .• i I'.il i CaUiIi'- Weiulell '.^Tl ( I'.'i'.) Helena Eaii-iiii: -71 ( 19:5) Harent J (7i; Sarali Vis^clier -71 (•_'34 I John ]\ cJia I Ann Ten Eyck -74 (•J.V)) Mar;iaret i r,s-l i Mymlerl S. Ten Eyck ■-'7('> Van Bergen. Hi Martin (Icrriisen -j.; Van Vechten Neellje .Myndertse Van Vveien -^''-i ',1 1 Mailen (Jerritsen 1 widow of 1 (lb H Annaalje I'. William \ an lUiireii -'■'■> (111) William I IM «'alliaiiiia \ an Heiircn -"'3 (i:.| William ■.'» Annaalje (Anna Van Heiiren -.".'o (18 I Tatharina i U> William \ an Hiiireii -'■''1 ) Henry.." : , IJi .Neellje Salisbury '-"■"' Van den Bergh. (•_' I William (i .". (atiMi Van tier I'ocI 3i»-> 1 :; I (.'ornelis U i 2 i Cornelia Vnu iler I'oel 3or> (111 Matthias ,41 , (^ithlyna ^("aIaly ntje \'an !>eii- 'Jl'iO •Jiio •.'HO (131 Wynaut i C.:. i Anna Wendell 30.-) (17) Wyntje , loj. (;errit l.ansiii::. .» ■'•"*> (\>\ 1 Eniieltje , s._> , I'.ii^iijui T. Vi>>clier .;im; Van der Bogaert. i:; I Mv 11.1. It II , in, 1I..1. ii;i Selierni.'rhorn 3u7 vi Indkx of Intkkmauriagks. Van Deusen. i\,ge, (6» Harpert ^17 i IW-li'iia Van Doiisen 312 (7) Martin ^V.t) Klbi-itjo Van dor I'tul 312 (8> Riitijer ^4l Wi-iiilio Hariiifuts linn 312 fl3J) Lysbet (4) Joliaiinos HcnM)n 313 (14J) TryiUje (^3) Samson Henson .. 313 (17 ) Helena ^tJ) Marpoit Van Doiison .113 f31) Holena (4(5) Abraliam C. Lunsini: 314 (41) Catalvntjo ,^11) Maltliias Van lion Biijili 315 (42) Eiisieltje (as) Uerrit Lansinj:. Jr 31S ((54) Cutulynlje vl"'>'"" Oi>thout 31(i Van Driessen. (3) Joliannes (^Dom.) i 20 > Maigariet Ootbonl 318 Van der PoeL (b) Elizabeth (,". i Sybi ant Van Si-iiaick 323 (c) Maria \4) Anthony ^ an Scbaick 323 (2) Cornelia ^3 i Cornells (J. \ an den Herjili 324 (r>) Catryn (2) Willeni G. N'an lUn Herj;h 324 (19) Klbertje (7 ) Martin Van Pcnscn 32.') ^22) Maria (12' David (ooe.-b.ek :;25 (2^iMelgert (14) Mar<:arita Ninliaizcn 32i'p (23-1) Elizabeth iStaats) (4» .l.iliannes Wendell 328 (23-3) Abralianu Staatst (3i Klsje Wendell 32> (23-4-5 ) Annetje (Staats i 1 23) John \ an di r I'oel 32'.i (^8(1 1 Samuel Oakley (348 > (Jerlniile l.ansini: Wendell 3:'.3 (al ) Sarah Elizabeth. .^ ( 3.'i(i i I'etel' Wendell 3.'.3 (10.">) Mary Keith ( 7S i Maicns T. linn 335 Van]Nes. (4WIenaricke ^1 ; .Ian .lans Ooihoul 343 (<)) Jan ". ( 1<'| Catalyna (;roe>beek 344 Van Schaick. (2i (.leertje ; i4 i Johannes Lansinj: 3.".0 (4) Anthiinv (c > Maiia ( Mary i Nan der I'oil 35(i (5) Svbrant ibi Elizabeth Van del- I'oel 350 (9) Geertje (12t Coenraedt Ten Eyek 350 (17) CatrinatCatharinai (8> Ailriaan linackenbn>li 351 (20) Debora. . (!'' i .lohanne^ .lanse lieeekman 351 (23) Sarah ('ni > Kobert J. Laiisnii: 351 (24) Kicke (_47) Abraham A. Eansint; 351 Van Vechten. (^4) Gerrit T (15\ (ireetje V. Douw .352 (23) Junnetje (:'>!'^ Johannes (i. l.aiisin;; 357 (2(V) Xeeltjo (Van Vveron) . 1 i Mai lin Geirit>e \an Hergen... 358 " " I 11 ) Henirrick V, Doiiw 3.">8 (59) Johannes ( 25 1 Nelet je Hei-ekman 359 (95) Volckert fi'.n Jannelje iJane^ Unn 3i;2 (122) Abraham (145\ Gertrnde \'an Vechten 3i'>3 (13ti) Samuel (Van Orden) 145 i Gertrnde Nan Voehliii 3l!5 (145) Gertrude (13t; Van \eeliten) Samiul \'an Orden 3i!5 " (122) Abraham \'an N'eehten 3i;5 (153-3) Edward H.n Ten Hroeek » (1^5 Hiithbone I.ydia S. Kansoni. .. 3il8 (109) Catharine Elizabeth i 25 l-'i Ariiiantjo Vissclier "77 (M J'hilip ' 11 ■ Maria \ i^-M'li.T . 377 O't Kvcrt witliiw of I 7 » FiiiliTick Haiiin'ii»i- \ isscliiT. . 377 (:n i.r -I'll KviTi i-J.'. . Kiini'lijo l.aiisim: a7S. :!S(i I 4-.' Hotor * 1"" .liiliaiiiK'S Hi'.-okmaii .'(■^ii ,47 I Kvoi't I 7-) Sii>anna Woiuloll •■>>^') (i;:. I Anna 1 I'"- ' Wviiaiil N an iloii HitljIi :'>.>>■_' (ti'li Mantif ( In i .laii <»nlli-'iit :5b-j (72i Siisaniia (47 i Kveit Wiiulill .■;^•J vlli; I Kli/aln'tli \'M IVt.T I.aiisiiii; ;?s.-, ( in^l Aimu 1 lU I .laciil) lloiirv Ten K\ ok ;!>7 (141 I Aljialiaiii.!!.. '. (1S4 i;ii/al)i'ili NVi-ii.1.-11. .•,•^7 04.">i Aiiaanlji- ''.'-' .Ii-liii Laii>iii',' .Sx7 (17^1 MaiMjo ('.I'd (;.iailii>;: M'.tl 1 1 ■-■_'» lIiMi'dnck 1 131 1 Maria Laiisiiiir ;',',tl (1^4i Kli/abcth (1411 Al)ialiaiii Won.U'l! ;;'.n . 1^7' CatiotiiMCatalina) ,.•..;. (;\ ■~l.,>it Mar-i-lis :',t>clior O'.'l (I'fJi Kli/.abi'lli (I'.n Tli..U)a> lliin S!''J ^li'2»">! Ciii-nclius I ■J'i'J I Anna I,an«inii 3;i5 (•J30) Jaciilj II (■J4th Harinan"u< A. WontK-ll ."'.•5 (•J'. I ' llarnianns A ■ ■j:.! i I'alliarina WlmuI.!! ■■.'.'»; rS:~ ' U<-U'na ■j3« ^ .li-ivniiali l.aM>ini; .'V.i'.i ("JS'.i I llarinanu.s I' , >;■_' i I'ailialina 1 1 tin 4i'l V34.".i Klizab.'tli i •J4-" > llenrv Ten Kvck l'"-. (^^347) H. Kiisli rlh-l T.n \'.\vk Maiu'ant Ti-n Kvck i!mr" 4nfi (34S> Gortrudi- I (S<; i S. OaklfV Van d.i I'.'il Jim; (3.')i») Telfr . Hi i Saiali Lii/abftli Van tU-r I'oc'l.. 4 4'J-.i (iL'i Sti'plim rj:. ■ .l.inima TriMt .. .. 4".i3 (13i Tlionnis (IJ' Mai\ Tivat 493 (i:. I I'liidi-nco (•J4).lani\s Tival. .Ir 41*3 CJI ' llannali (4"i (Jidon Wi-IK-s 4!»3 > J'.' . Ma.v . 41 ' Tli(.ina> \ 41*4 Crow. (3) .lidin CJ) Kli/.abflli «;().idwin 4;'0 (:'.ai KslhiT (^1) t;ii.-> Hamlin 4^7 Deming. i 1 . .I.ilin, Sr c^j Honour Tri'at 4;>'.i ::) .lonathan (.; i Kii/abiMli (iilborl 4!ty i 17) Jacob (i; i;ii/al).lli jvhxaid- 500 (•Jc ( l;; , .Icdin IMwards .-,00 (■;1 I Ann il I .Nalliaiiicl Wrinlil oOii (:..■. lloniMit I ."17 1 llc/.i'kiab (Joodiicli 501 (41) Kbcn./. T :',1 . Kobccca Trcal 501 (4'')) I'rudeiicc i 27) Tlioinas Wriiilit 501 ^i'' Indkx »>f Intkrmarkiages Page (61) Daniel (i;V) Mehitabo) Russdl 503 (74) Abigail illS)J,.liii iJo.xliicli 504 ("'') k^'^'" '.'7 1 El.fiiL'zer CiUHlrich 504 (a) tluubeth vJaugliter of) 1 li Johu Goodrich 504 Edw^ards. (6> EHzalH'th lit, Jacob Doming 507 (13)Johu (Joi Luce (EUise'l Deinius; 508 (15) Sarah ^4t» i David Goodrich 500 FUer. (10) Abigail V'2i' 1 Jonathan Diuiini:, Jr 511 Gilbert. (3) Elizabeth i^u 1 Jonathan Deminit 513 Goodwin. (2) Elizabeth ^^:, 1 Joiin Crow 514 Goodrich. (l>John a Doming'* Marv Foote 515 (^10) Abigail 1 ITi > SaniiieT Wright M6 (16) Elizabeth , l.' 1 K„bert WelKs 517 {iStEphraiin 11) Sarah Treat 517 V-i'^ • Jerusha Treat 517 (19;i David (Si Hannah \Vii:rht 517 ('20) Sarah loiJohn Holli.-ter 517 I'U) Rebecca ^Jl) David Wii-:ht 517 (29) Allvn (53) Elizabetli tioodrich 517 ^4it) David (15) Sarah Edwards 518 (53 I Elizabeth f2'." Allyn Goodrich 519 (57iHezekiah (^35 » Honour Deming 519 (97* Ebenezer l^T'J) Lvdia Deniinsi 522 (109 > Elisiia (116) Liicy Goodrich 523 (113,1 John ( 741 Abigail Deinins 523 (1 14 1 David . (22 » Fi n'dence Benton 523 (lit; I Lucy ill".', Elisha Goodiieh 523 (220i Johii A V-''5» Jennie E. Goodrich 581 (2fiol Jennie E (2--'0) John A. Goodrich 535 (293 1 Silas (35:j) Marv A. Goodrich 537 (353) Mary A (293) Silas Goodrich 540 Hamlin. (1) Giles (32 . Esther Crow 551 (4) Mary (5) Noahdiah Russell 551 Hollister. (1) John, Sr 1 4) Joanna Treat 552 (3) John (211 1 Sarah Goodrich. 552 (7) Stephen (f 1 Abiirail Treat 552 (8) Elizabeth (4) Samuel Welles 552 (68) Mehitable (57) Pamela Hollister (son of) 557 Holyoke. (4) Elizur < 2:'.) Mary I'yiichon 568 Xanman. (77-3) Joanna I-. (Watson) 92 Lanman) Lanman Chase 57S (92 I Lanman 1 Chase) \ 77-3) Joanna L. Watson 580 (lol) Marianna Chandler (123) John de I'eyster Doiiw 561 ( 103 I Sarah Coit (110 Lanman) Thomas Hallam Hub- ^ bard 5S7 (110) Thomas Hallam (Hubbard 1 (103) Sarah Coit Lanman 582 Index of Intekmarriages. ix Marvin. i\ijf. i4i Sanih i Goodiicli^ ^i> William Goo.lrich 'j'^-t I -V. . Kli/abeth O.-Kliich • . i'i^ K..biTt Wolk-s t^Otf . •-•: ' Ki.hraim . ii.KuJrich > H ■ Saial. Tioat 'iOii '■■ •• jii Jfiu>ha Troat tJOd ■J'^i David lUoodrich^ > Haunati Wriizht 606 •J',' Sarali . (.JiH.diicln :". John llollistor t>OG Mott. -'".1 Marv Talcoit ' ^2^ John Russell 61S i.iJ^' Sauiiul fTakott) . I''* M:'""''l> H.'lvoko 613 Pynchon. (2o) Mary (4) Elizur llolyoko 617 Rathbone. ^l.".G; Ciaronce .' 1^436 Shearman) Aiiijelica B. Tai- cott 635 (185) Lydia S. (Ruusoiu; ^153-:> Van Vechteiil Edward H. Ten Broock 04<;> Reed. (•205"> 8aniuel ( -"'-'^ .Xn^ctlu-a Boiiart 6i;4 ( 212 1 Uriah (Sevnio\ir) '^31 Keed Ksthor Tliatclxr t'.66 I, -'31 1 Esther (Tiialcher ' i -I'.' Keed < Uriah Seymour 668 Russell. 1 .'ii Noahdiuh . 4' Marv Hamlin 672 1 1"! Mehitabel (i>\ ' V.uuc\ Deminj; 673 Shearman-Sherman. I 2701 .\l)raham .• (^2"^.">i Hannah Shearman •'>*.»''• I 2NT I Hannah ( 27<'1 Alirahani Shearman 6','7 ' .".72") Roliert I 4^1 ■ Anna Maria Slierman 7i'2 ;'.Sti>i Jane i :''.'- ' Juseph A. Shearman 7iU •'•'.••ji ,|,,se|ih A ( :'.!M'i Jane Sh.':irman 7''.'> (4:;i'.'i Ansrehca B. (Taiottt (15.'. i Clarence Kathbone 70H (47s) Watts {■l<>7 Sheai-man) Sarah Maria tJibson. 715 (4^11 Anna Maria .'C-' i K'.'hert Shearman 71'' I ■l'.>~ i Sarah Maria i (Jibson i i 17^ ' Watt- Shei-nian 71'' (4'.'s , Catharine (). .(lihson I .'.41) Henry L. Lansinij; 716 Treat. (2i i 1 > John Pemins 721 '4iJ.ianna 1 . John llolliMer 72l inSarah , Is . I-:,,|,iaini Goodrich 721 ,1".^ Til. .mas Chester 721 i24Klanie» 1 1 "> i Prmlenee Oeminii 722 i2'' Jemima (12' Stephen Che-Ier 723 I 2'.' . Jeru-ha ^-^-j, Thomn- Well.- 723 I IS > Kphraim J-«l>n Ch.-t.-r 724 s J.,|in (2 1 Marv ll..llisi.r 724 H' K..b.rt (l.;i Kli/!ibeth (Muidrich 72.-> . 22 Thomas ( .JIM Jornsha Tnat V-.'i; (4<>. Cideon (21'l Hannah Che>l. ^411 Thomas ^^'>V) .Mar\ Chester II X Index of Intekmarriages. Wright i>„g, f^StHannah illh David (Joodriili VS" (14i Daniel ,5, Eloaiior i Klloii < Hentoii 730 (17J) Samuel ^10, Abigail Gotxiricli 731 (211 David ^24) Rebecca Goodritii 7."! mt Thomas , 46^ Prudence Deininsi 731 (31 1 Nathaniel i 31 > Ann Deniinii. . .' 731 (■>7)EhshaH (^t<7 I Kineiine Wright 735 (70) William B (127 Wright i Hannah Ravmond 737 (87 » Emeline (57) Klislia R. Wright...." 741 (127; Hannah (^Raymond; (^70) William B. Wright 746 NEW V(»lvl\ .slATK KA.MlLlh:s. (Till- llalll^^ I ulll|illr.)'a\ il, .Ir Ml. •-".'.' Kli/«l"lli I-"" tiirril ■.".'■' N.-.|iif l:*-' AlxTi r.iiiiliu'. I,l I'ri Alir.iiii>. .Iiili.i lAI AC Kleaiiiir K -i"'.' Iliiiiv :«>:' ll.Tiiiaii «' ill.' .I..I111 T". M.rv (• H :.-. Mirx I T:, r. Ill ti'.' H.I.T 1' :'.i«i, :iir.>, .111,1 UI1..1.1 :\,>-2 William V. It :\ta A'lria«'ii>i'ii. ll.-u>lrirVi H ; AollV AlllnMlf Jii-*. .i«'.' r.-li-i ., M> Akin. Itiin !:.7 Kail. .11111. .M I.Vi. 1.-,: All»-itii-. Mniia I~l AllwTtN-. -.'Jl. -.'.v, .\llH'ri><>ii. Koxaiiiia J>'> .\li-\aii'l<-r. i'ailii-riiio _. I 17 .■■•noil I 't>'<\ .l.».lili !'■; Julia A Ill, !•• 1 All.M. .Ir>-ii- 1 :■* Tlioiiias II T-* Ml. A>l..lf >2 XiiilK-r^l, l.ui 1.. I'-v ll.irri.l Lin; Aiilu-. Major 17 Viilri'»>. .Miraliaiii.... .1'. \ii hit-,,.-. .Ian ... .".'J Xiiili'iiiv. Ili'ii>lru-k °.'.v> Aiiilll. Klwarl I Kl Maria [S: I «. Kil. l.C*. llarUara JVt^, 1-1 .l.ili.iiiiK'S :>'>;i. l-.m ILiuli'v. Krniiii' II .'m li.iil.v. Caili.iriiie Ti. Kllra 7>.. 7-. 7y llak.r. M.iruarel mi 11 ilu- llililr i:.M<>i.lo. Kororil I mil.-.-, air IH'I iii>l«\"''l. 1 1,1 »|. I'.al.luin. Il.nri'-i •'• '>. Itaiikcr. Kli/alxtli. .11'. 111. Kv.Ti (i.Tfii HI. iSaiila. IVltT lUr.lay. M. Ii •■". Kiv. Iir I lUri-iils. K1>J«. ' (!.-.Tl|.- Itaii-utx-. K1>|.- .lii.lik.' Itarli.-il. Aii.lii.s II Ilariii»;. rii.>iiia> (' ltark. I llariiar.l. Kraiii-.'> .l..l.'>;«. IJ'., I Kivl.Ti.k .1 I Karnwi'Il. li -.;.• Kl r KlizalM-tli !iI.iiiMK..V.'i.!!.!!!".'.i\Vi7; M.iria Marvlj.. „ TI a- II Itavat.l. .-iiKan 1!.- II-.-. I,.mi,,- ,!,• I,. ..^ ' l». I...UI. .Ian |{.vk. U..iii.'iii lt»-.k.T.Kli/.al..-ili V. W.l'x".. I.vsli.-lli .1 llck'Ts. AIM.- 10. VI.I.T It.-,kl.-v. Mav life. km. III. Ali'la Anii.i .\iiii..|i.' Ari.iiill.- I. II". S < alriiiu (•..iii.-li> l>.l...ra . ... l«.-l...iMli Kill.. - Kli/.alMl!i Kli/aliiMh M KM.- Kiii;«-ll|.- l.l-«>. Kvi .1. .-.. • K.-iiiiiift|.- ii.rar.|ii> IJ" 1.11 :ill I I.. I l!t *»l .I'm 117 II. I.IIM ■• J.I7 II. 11 Iri.k. 1. J. •.. 1 lii.t! '.I.*.*- II. Ii> iiri.ii-i "i"'.' II II. Ni.-r ...I. 1, 123 ..I.. J. .•».«..•..<•., 116. ISi. .la ..1. .1 5 .la 1I1.-II.-.J.4. '.'... 111. 117. l-'l. 3.V1 111 11 .lu Iiaiiiia. X :'<'.<. l:il. 171, 177 17rt 17< .1.1 Il lllllC-i. 1. •-'. 1. .'•. 117 17'., ■JJ4.37:5. :iciii. .3sy > ,iii.| MiM'.'llaiii<>u> i'< kliiaii. .lulianiii-s, ,lr..'_'. 3. I, IJl .l..iiaiiii.->.i 7.74. i.::; .l.iliaTiiii-s JaiiM- 1". .'.. .M .loliaiiii.-> .M-. ::. I. 4. ... <•, 7. Wi-J. Ml ,Iolin 3 .It.liii II 7 .I..III1 M 7, ■ 7 l,.-.-ni|.- I l.v.lia J Mai 111.) I. IHi. I--J \Sl Maplaloii 7 Maplal.-iia J Mar);ri.-l.l<' .'> .Mari.-t|.. J M.iiiil.- J M.irliii 1. -, !, '■>. 7, :i>.'. Marllii ll.ii.lriik.s J. l-I M.iitiii Ui-ii.lriv-k».n 1 Manilla 1. M.-rJ.. 1 Naiii-v .'» N.-..|ti.' I NiM-ltl.- „.. I N.'l.-ljf l..l".y. :u,L' IVl.T 7 iVl.-r .M 7 I'.lnis 7 IMii.r 2. I. f< Itiilii'l 71. ^!^allllll■l :i Saruli 7 Susanna I. J Ti.-r.k II f. William 1 •.k. Kli/alM-lli L'lii. JIT I'li-l.-rC ■.'11. ■■kiiiaii. Kl.-*i.' ■-'■« llciiriiiis 27 William 1 kk.T. l-.ia.- :VM ^la^l.-ll.l I Aniiai 91 I1.-/..-I. KM/.il..-lli 'A iilamiii. Claia « :"'7 ■iiii.-l. .Iiiiol. 1 iim-wav I It.ii.iii I. Marine >-- ii-.-n. A. V 17 .\iiiia 17 Calalviill.- 16 ('all-Una 17 ( '.inii-lliis l(, Kaiii.l _I7 Havl.l _ 17 Hir.k «»1 Kli/.alH-ili U".. 17 Ci-rrit le, ,17 .l.tlui W. 17 .l..lin. .Ir 1.'., 17 l.ana ■ 17 Maillilii-i ,li-, •n-liii!. Illr.k W -ii»iin. .Miraliail) 13 A.|..lpli 14. 16 Ann.- 14 Aniu'i;.- IS Aiitli 'iiy 16, ;:ii 1ni>kx. B«'nsiin. Bt'H|aniiii...11.M.l''. Cutullim s.'i, HI, l.», ("atalyntt. Ctttalyntjo 1^. Cntorviitt •*. Oathariiia '-. Cathiiriiie 12. i:i, 11. Catlviia. Oatriiia... Charity ... OloasOe... OoriielUi.. IK- rick.... Dirck. s, KltlMTl. 11, "iti.'Viril'. n. i.\ ; ..„_ i:.2ti. 21. •. Ksln-rl uluilisfl !•<. I"' Kll».»lHali, I'l, 12, M. IS Hi, IT. Kya ' OeorRp (Iconto M.... ttcrrir Harmon Harriet «.... Helena Honrims. .. . Henry Henry (Capt. i Hermanns ■lane "*■ .lanneke Johannes. «. 1(1, 11.12. M. IS. John 13, l.i, 17, John (Oapt.l... John.Jr Jonathan Lawrence Leilorl L Margaret Maria. 8, in. II .2". 21. 2 . ID. 12. U. Ill, .Hi. I- .il.t 18 1.'. .11, i:> 12 17 211 m. 21, ,.n. ifi, 12. 1.1. . .'I. II). Maria C... Marin K... Marilie ... Mary Matthew. Peter Rachel. ... KelHMoa Rlchanl H 2ii. R..b<"rt. 111. n. II, l«. 17. IM.l'.i. 211. 21. Samson. 8, ii. In, II, 12, \X 14, l.^. Hi. 17. Samnel gnsaii '7. Tannike Teuwes i. Matt hew). Id. Tryntje 12. 1.1, Tvt)o Victor William llcick. Catalina Catalyntic llemlrick iamsoii ■*. '.». II). 92, 92. 4 Wiiliani • Beiex, Samson Uerccii, Keminetje Hans 9. -24. Hans M Jacob Jotxn Marrotle 34. Sara..... 24. -27. Sarah rw. :ms. I'eriier. Aprtreas, Jr MarvVje." HerhaiHs. Uaclie! Heikels. Jacinte. iH). 213.237. Berrv. Neliciiiiah Bigelow. David Itineluini. James \\ Bishop. Kllsha Black, Robert Blair, Uovemor ..-JK. .11), :i.t fil 41 27 Bleecker. Bareni l2-'> | Caatle 2ii Catharine li" tierril V.S 24.-. (lerlrney :V<1. :W2 I (lertrny '•'■' llarinanus ■''■•'.• Henilrick. Jr 2Mi Jacoh J *•'*•' Jan J 2:12 .lohaiinos 22'.). ;W2 .lohannes. Jr I7i' Mart;arel....l>1.. 241), 241. 2I.'> Mamarita. 174. 17i.. 178, 22'.', •2;!2, 2.1.\ 2:iti, 2:tT. 2M Marv - -"Ill Malilila K 21:. Bleeker. Caatle • Bloodtfool. Maria 127, Hi Neeltle .1 BlooltKoel. Iliel 2s BloDiiieii.lale, .\li.ln 41 BliM.mlleM, IMiii'be i Blv.lenl.emli. Harry H'"' Bocker. Johannes 11 Boilene. Kli/.aheth 7ii Pollv 71 Koele, .Maria. ...22s, r.-.i, 2;iii. 2.!l B<.clen. \rt\v. 228. 22!i. 212. 21:! Boeinper. .Miraham ^ BoK'aert. Ahrahani 2(1.11. 41 Ailriaii 21. 2K, II. 41 A.Irian G '■'•* Aeltic 2, .1 Calalvn.a •"• Calalynlje - Catharliia. 2 Catharine «), 12. I Claas ■-".), .. Cla»s|e '-i Cornelia. 28. -".i. .17. I'H. I'.i.-., I'. t^.rnelis. 2.1. 21.2.'.. 2r,,27. ■N ■") :vi, 31. :i:i. it. 411. .41,IWi. ti'.l. 71, 1.S4. U Corni'Iis .1 Cornells T Cornel in«. Uerkje Di.uw Dvrkle Kll/.rtlielh. Kvert \V Kytje Keylje tieorne 13 Cerrit 10 (ireetle (Margaret) 11 (irietio •13 tlnysbort. 21. 21. 2.'.. 2S. <« -".I. 34. IS, (invsbiTt. Jr 31. OnVsbert C 27, (■nvsbert T M. 217 Henilrick. 24, 211. 27, -29. •»7 37. 2n Hen.lrkk C i\ Heliilrick 1 32, 39, 29 ' lleiulrlikiis 41 Men Isaac. ...v., 31.:i2, .19.40. BoKaert. Juan... .Ii.chenis Johannes Joust JolW 1 Lonelis I l^.iietis C ... 1 L\st).'tJ Ma.l.lalena.. MaK'lalena., Margaret . . MarKri.'lje. Maria Marll,|e Marlhiu I Martin I Martin H... ! Mary .Maryk.-n .... Marvya .Mavke Neel'l.' N.'elileli... NiclK.las J.. 1'eleriiellel.l I'iel.T. 21). : ...2.1. 21. i". .v. 4. ■2.-.,2ll. 27 31. 18 ."iif.iri'iii Tl 24. 2'.l. HI. :13 M. 2:".. 2.\ II 19- . It'T, -IS ■.m , .111, 21)2 11. 11. 41 11 41 .2»i. W. HI. t^l 20. '2». ..87. 8.S, \'.>\ '.I. II. :vi Rach.'l. 2ti. :«). :ts. f.i. 11, II, 17, 41. 711. , Jl. 11. llelMMca Kicliai>l Sara Sarah ^ti. 31. 34, Simon Susanna H. Svii 11. Tonnl.-i j;!. 21. '27.31. Tennis (1 is. .".1, 14. 41. Warren Wilhelnias 14. William 2s.;j|, Bogaril. .\iiialia Calliaiini' Bouanliis. Anthony 90, KverhariUls .Maria -s.s, im, Botfarl. A','iiiet.le AlONaml.-r H Alexaiuler J Ali'la 11. Alnyi- Anrtoliea, 16. .'>!. .V. Vi. 12." .tS.' 42. ...ll. .Ui, 31,. 12. 401 .lacob. 21 62 (12 Jacob C C2 Jacob .1 ■>42 Jan 21. r.. 27. -29. •SK Jan I,on we i Loucns). 2... "^ ^M.l-'.. :ifi. XVI Jan Willem 112 Jan Wylen... •..17 Janneke •220 Jannetle. 2t. 27. :«!. 11. 29 Ann S ... Anna Ann.'ke An.ile I, AuKiista Barbara Rnrent Benjamin Catalyntle.... Catharina.... Catrina Christopher. Cornelia Cornells Davi.l S Dorothea — I»orothy I(onw Donw P Kli.'.a H Kil/.al..'ih Kli/.ab.tb R. KupMie Kvelina C ■i4. 61) ..'. :w. .18. 43. 41. :I7, 38, 11,71.74, s;, 89 tierril. (Josen Harnien H<-ivlrick... Hen.liick I. lii-n.lrickie ll.-nrietta.. Ilenrv Henry I.... ...HI. 17, .\1. 169 40. R), 41. ..45, 51, 4f>, . 45, 46. Inpkx. nniriiri. I»«no.....l2. f.i. John ti Ja. oil 1> :w. 41. ».'. John li 'J. .-.1 John .•* Jan.- 111. 47 Kalharilic E Xi JuniK'Uf. ...33, n7, 4.1. M. Lawreitci- ixr. l*l| Mar;;ar.-t .|,.||j, 4.'> Mar«ilcl.|.- .:ib. 4:( :w. •'.. .'ill .Maria .w. 4.'i Mary John • •*. :*t. :,{, 45. til, .'■!>, 4.\ .'>!, Mary L M Jollli II .W Maryilo 4,s .lolill V 4.-. Matlhew Xi Kit. II .'.4, I'll Nicholan ...l:.. .«■■ 42 4«, 4'.l Ma-'liiU-li ItW NiilioUiN C .4'.l. W Miiti.lal.n M... 47, .VI, Ifi'.i, P.-U-r X , 4x ■'■'. ST. 17U, 171 I'et.r U M MaC'lulelia, .T.> 3H,4«. IV, ivirns ■.Vi >tar::ur«'t 4M, .'.4, till I'iil.T .•„ X, M.iiia :. B. .Tft, H. 4.'. Ua.liel 42 M ,i\ ti 4.'. .-.1 Rolicrt .'ifi Marv U R..Nalii- It .'i7 Ni. liolasC .Vi ."^iirah 42 iIiI.mkIo M .Vi .^i.-l.h.n M .•II IVl.r ;w. 44 .•7 l>liiMI|> li. A.. I'l.-l,r T.'iinis . r,7. l«-. III .i;.'aiTl.'ifk 22 Sl< plx'ti V. 11 4."., .'■II William J. 22 Vi.lor .M 47 lliM.ili. Caiharln.'.... 2Mlt. 2-7 Will.niplc :w, 4:1, tl It. II li.'ir .Ami A . ItillV li.'. Anna 4-.' • '.ipiira.l Ii2 Ai II.' B.Mlt.|.- Cataliim ...16, ■■«. i:i. AS 4:! C.inr.iil .fi2. 6.1 i;.-pM'>. ll.l CliaTl.s 47 Il.-n.lri(k. 6.1 »la.i~ :v.. 42, 4t H.-nilrvk li.l Vn\ ni'lia .X,. 3ii. 47, .".1 Jan .fi2. ii;l (■..rmliit» Xt. 4-.'. 4U .Marvljf .r.2. 6:t Corni-liiis .1... 4.H, .">."» I'.f.T r>2 ('aril Cliarl.ill.- Kll/.alHlli 1 .l.-.l. 1".-. Il.ii.lrt.k -K. 12 l.V. 4.t .'41 4.- Ili-U-n 1, ... I'l'. Ili-nrii'tta K Jani.> y J..I111 M ■w IIK ll.nrv 42 212 K .'Mi 1 U. II lit 42 IT 4.". 1 It Riclianl l< 1 .V> IV. Ual..'ll..„ a.f, lliiirv 2II"'. ."/2. .Vi2 I-nl..'lla 12 i ", All..rl A If. ■ "alM'tla 1.. ... .'ill Isi ,Ihi Mi.U'las 62 Bra>liir. Abni 4» Kli/al.. Ill 4S Uratl. A;.'nl.'l|.' 126. I.W liarliara 144 Beriiuni 139 K«b.'rt Iiy. 142 JaniU'tJ.' 1-16 John 394 Snsann.i 132 BrattU'. CalharliH' .>.'> lirazi.r, Kram U 1 Bi.'.'M'. Arthur IW llarri.l IKi. 112 Sarah i:'7. l.'.2. Ha. |64 lln-Miit.'r. Marv A Z<\. 2^3 III. nlM\ Klsli- :....,.. 3«! llr.'V.iorl. Ili'iiry 21 ll.nrv 1 21 J.Carxiii 21 Br.'«i-lir, .hilia 2i:i Vii'k'inla 213 W iillani ^213 Br|.l(!..v Ann ^T 3 litii-s. Il.nilrltk 374 liriu'tf.'n. riiurlcsi. 2W Krinrki'rholl, .^hrahani ."i. 4.%. 417 Il.iirl.-t(a B 417 Join a 28 lirition, Cadiarlni' 242 . Itroailhi'iul. Daniel 2ft7 Brnailhurst. ,liinalhun >. 11 .-i.iiiiii.'l II Bio. aw. Marv 7-. 79 III... kli.ili., Anthony .V.(l .liiiUlh ;i.'i«, .3611 Annaalli' 29.'> ('a>plini.» 293, -M). 296 riiarlolle ;«il ll.nrv .1112"* .Kll 1. ..iiar.l 3111 IVI.rC .Ki2 Sii>aii (• 301 Broiisi.n. .Iiilia A 4<>4 Br.M.kK, Jonathan 2(i7 I'l'ler 2>i7. 416 RelM'cra 2f.;i, aiT Bronehton. .>i|i-|>hi-n 3 Bronwer, t'athrina, •2:'i6, •j:A, ■S:\ 276 William 27.^ Brown. 4U An.lrrw K 2.'i2 Aiilhoiiv T. K •2:.2. 121 K •2."'2. 121 Kr.'il. ri. W 2;.I. ^.2. 421 Kri'ili ri. k W.. Jr....2.V2. 421 ll.iwai'l 'I'. 7K Joseph M 2.'i2. 121 Lv.lia M ■2.'.2. 121 Mary 366 T 270 W. Ilowapl 7rt Bill, (•iirni'li.' S '.r2 V3 liulki.'v. - — 48 AIm'I 4ft K.ll.n '243. 2SI Biir.harl... I'allicrMi 3,'>7 Biiith;:ra.'ll. Ilin.lri.k A., .".43, 344 Mavk.'ii II.. \*\ 113. 114. Mr,, 383 Bnrliik. C. W 2M (Miarl.s L 2*46 IV Index. Bunllck, Frank G 2Sfi Walker V 2Xf> William T 2*4. 2.«« BurRii'^n, Coonra ' Buriii-t, Williuiii («}ov. ). .. 2rj Uuriiell, L'atharinr O. Ci. L.. lij<; lliiirv L ItW. ItVi LunsiiiK li« Holx-it I, a« Riinisi'le, lieiivral IM, -ill Bnrnsiiles. .laiio ini Burr. Aima H :i*=>, i'lO ] AuN.i li 24!t ' tiiialinuT. K 24.5] Calliiiiitu- T. E. 2iV ! Elizulx'th ^40, 244. 247 Jacob H. T. K 24y Jost-pli 244 Marsrart't T. K..24.\219, 406 412 Marnaret W — 249 Marv li 24'.i William M.. 24l,245.24«. i^ 412 Bun. I>riis«.illa ISO, 151 BiirlMH. KlizAln-tll '.'l Biirwfll. IliLll^-v 3S;. Biirv, Cliai i.s K 411 Bushiii'll .>,i.Mli A »f.' Busklrk. .I..lin 221 BnssiiiK, Anit IS Kllzalwth 10, 15 Fetei- 14, 17 ^i|l*airtti A 2M Hyvanck, Polor 4h, :^^ c. Calvin. am Oami'lH'll. John 214 Julia 214 Lockwood K 2ll-\ 214 PauliiK" 214 Vlruinia 214 Oanlino, KlUahfih 2n:. Carl, liriah..: *«. H" TanoJI. Aniia. 21" Arlon.l 2f< Carst>n. Laura -' CarstauK. Judith ':< ("arli-r, .\inamla l.'i'», 145 Susan 401, 4(0, 41tl. 411 Carv, .Viine l*''"' 'A-nas 44 Ca Cliandli'V.Thi«|i lUs|'.Jr.M. a. riiapin. William 07 t'liai«nmn, Ann M 274 Anna M -"- William -'74 Claas.Cornrlis 2.x PioHr :!I3. ■][] Claaw, .lanili :i..2, '•>. Clapl>, Alfrcl 4(tt. 4Iih, 41^.1 Anna li '"'•' Arthur '""•' CathM ina 4ii'.' r..VM.liii- W II''.' Kri>.l.ri(k H'-' ll.-l.-M 4(is WlMiiini II *'"• Clark, Kainiy„ 2l:> il.-ni.liis... .'■>.•. Ji.nn- 221 James J 211 Julia A 24 Coxo. rifv.lan.l (Bishop)... 165 Oracc <• l(V4,ltV5. 4is Cram-. I'arulini- K 246, V.'jO llt'Clorii 25t' Josi'uh 360 Bata 1V7. 1«> i Cregier. Uaxtlaen Charles II 284 ' " ' Dirk I?.' Kli/.alitth I'.w Kr.-K-rlck iy» lli'len ISH, I'.nl Jacob 127 Jan -SV-K, :iJ7 .lesse II iM Johannes 1".M, IW Johannes <; 121 John 1) 2S2, 2.S4 MHvin B 2S4 Coekle, .Susan T 5;<, I6V>, 171 Washington 171 Co.-\\ itt C M', Colenian. Klla H"''.< Collins, Kilwaril !'.»'> illiharl :«iy Conell, .Ian .Vi7, I'hlllp 3111 Sally mo, 301 Conselycu, 35S Uirck :».V» Fytje .3.V< Johannes ;55'> L«'osbv, James K.._ :«97 Cross. Areliee 420 Allan (K » 2inl, 42<» Clarence (.K. ) 206. 420 David 206, 4-20. 421 JMward (W.) juti. 420 Percy 4>0 Cuniminu, Julia l( 247 Curtis. Clara 112 V. C lOH CusIiiu'V. .lames VW Cuyler, .\braham .''., 234, .'W* .\mia 31S Calalvntle 240 Catharina 2.11. 2:M, ^rw t urnelis 32>.i Cormdis J :!"! Klsie 2:C*, iff Kva 31S. ;H'.t llarinanus 2'.".i, .'iitii, .'Mil HendiU k tl(( Hester 242 Jidin A 3S7 John II .ill Marv:arlla Meholas .>»arah William 16 1>. Dalsen. .Iidin 'IV Daly. I'hillp. ... k. Kllzabeth Janns P •lane Sarah K Cooke, Terhiitii-.... Coop«T, Annaile Annetje ("harles Oe K... Cornelia Kli/ali..l|s, 126 4'ooper, Obadiali .... Samuel Sara Susan M 2 Christina 2'.i2. 2^.', :SINI, iWd llendhek :t-j<> Cosier. .\mn 17''' I llen.lri.k 111. 114 Cotlle. Alilliony C !or"lh''a 21 .lohamies II) I John 17. I John N i Maria I/, 2i'. 21. Snsaii I Cnwper. Kli/ibelli 26>, Cox. Jaiii.s W Dame, Kli/abelli .... -'24, •226 Ilanieli. Mari:i .:n:i. :!44 Daniels, AiiiMlje 22.H, •iltll Dates. Ilanlei A . .2S2, •2.S.S Davis, Admiral 2I.-. Charl.-s II .•-lis. 21.. Kli/.abelh .215, 39.1 tieorsie .liVll Sidolnoi .3M.t Dav, William 211 Delleelen, Caroliin- • ■1 Debosl. Charles ..I'. I)eckker, Calrlna... 6.1 Ih>deil. k. 221 William •2'.«» DeKoreest, Allda. . .i:rj. 144 Callialvnl|e...'.it' .Ill .tn.. :w. Cornelia 11:; Isaac III ,h-sse l,s Maria .".li M.irille ..171). 17< I'ldllp .2l>.'>, :iit. Di'Koiesi, Anna 121 '. Catharine. 70.7. III .122, 161 Jesse ...'.*, I'.i;. .lidianiie,. I'.''. Maiia :!'.Mi I'll, lip ...73, |--'2 Sarah ".II, ' Hi,'.'". 111 ."Susannah III Deliarmo. .Icihann 'S .. 2.V. Marille , Maria ..IMI, Isl PIl . •iH2. 2>s». ■>* Daiil.l irrti Uaz.iia..if7:>.276._7'.t,2»«i. >! Jan _ '-' .I»;rn\v, <'iirnfll;i -Vi. i:» • i.nil I.t Dctipill. Sarah IT.'> |ie«ir<>ol, (iorrlt I'' llniiiiali I", I'' l><>||;irl. Ilaiiiiali III. Il'> |if ll(Hii:i-ii ( Uc lluo)n'-> t CaHiartiia XI*. Xf. ( 1 .loliiiiiiii-K. ... fj; I»«Kav. Kalrin.i. tTH,3K;»^.rA •!•« D.lall.M. Tallniaitf rtl Talliiiac.- .Ir .M, lU TalliiiaL;<- I' ••' I»<'laiiiaiir. Aliialiaiii l". >■ Catlilliiil W (■..rn.lla •-''". Iiir.k 17, .M Jail a>. :-i Jan.- •■■I J..liti VI M.irv •.►Jl Kulh --'4. -X. Taiin. k.- , •-"i".. Ii> Tat.ii-li.- :n ItilaiMV. Sarah I' U'l' ll.iiiar.-t. .lohii :^.1"• K. I.. ,oi li.. i: I» DIrkh-T I'M Dc.M.v. 1. K l/.alM>lh 2y7. >M Ijv.lia ..IM, (IT Mihulas •■- Hriii|iM''r. OiN.a \V 11'. Sarah \ ll.> I>.iii... IsalH-lhi K 2>il. aW ItfiiKlc.ii. Jatiir-i I-T I)i-iiiii>i>ii. Kli/.alK'th 71 Ih'iiiiUli.n. Naac 27:1 U.iivsf, CnriK-lis :>.S7.S8 I'.O T.-mii-i :N !>. r.n^i.t, Anna i'''i.7'_'. 71 .liihaiiiio 72. 2.n; K.iih.l ZL'. JK Ih'riik^iifi. Maiiih- 7"> li.Uil.l.r. Aiiiiali.- .".Iv riklrim- I(*l.- I", li>7. livs Jan 4.1 J. an .... |il7 l.>ii.i I<'.7. |i">"> Maivll"' H'7 lt.M-l..(r. u;i \u\>,<. Afi.hii-i J-.".i Calalin.i lriisi .'Jl |i.\\ :iiclrla«T.KIi/ah.ih Kl. ;!i;i. :'jW I'l-l.T H-.l l>' Wan.llair. Aiinii-t|i'....' li.W.TH. >|i>iiriir :t-jj j'.hri .....; Jic Naiii \ .II'.' I*i-hiiiii'||n.. •.'>. 2-III, 2*1.1. ;;.ii li"-\i.T. Mr-.. tliMirL'i- Sil lli'v. n. H, k ;.. js • ir.i'lli' ■••* Hi'v KriiMiii.l. John ^71 IMIihli-, K>lu'.ira> k. n, 111... 'JH? IImMhii. \i 1), K2 William A K'J I k*iaili-r. Ann '>l HIi/ah.'lli IKX |ir..|.|s, .liiliii ?.■: |i II. Aiina;iiii. ;i.ii.:i!j, ;i34. x\:> .7 Doll. (SeorKc J. \. xn I lioollltli', tharh-sA 7.^ ' lA.lia A >i>. >1 Ilora-, KlU-ii M-''. -W • I>n, ( l»oni-hesun ) | Marsar.-t ivs, rijl. Mi ' lioiitfUs. Kll/.al..ll W, -W 1 lloiiw.'Aallj.- (Ali.l:ii7t,7l. ' 1 II, I'.l. ir>2 ' Abraham. ..,\ \ Ann .li- V 7.-. , .\iiiiii. »i7, fi*.'. 7U I .\iiiiuil«f 1' 77 I Aliiiiljo .M, 07. 7:« Aiiliir 7"t Aiiiii(i«- 70. 7^1 IKviknian 77 Cualji- V .....lit.:t:.lK.I. l»l, I Ml. 1>7, |y7, 3211 CaroMiK' K '•■> ! Carrii' S 7-.i Calhariiia i>7 ralharlni- 7 1. 7i".. 12^ Calhariin- J 7^ , t'alhariiu- 1 7.'>. 77 I'athi-ilii.' «7 ] Calrieiina 72 Catrlnuil'nall.t t^i. tW i rairvn tw. <>.•* i ChafWslJ 77 i Chl.x- A :'.< 1 (•nriK-Us 72. 71 riiviK-llils 72, 7<"i, 7'.i Havi.l 7:t l>rli.iiah A T'.i I)i'h.irali >l 7il Di'ilck 7". 7:i. 7fi, 7S, T'.i Dornlhi- (Vi. li" llonithiM OS liornth.v 72 Kli/,7,',i,7l. 7'.< KluuT 7!< Kisi.. 71 KUli- fu\ fill ' Kiia.-m.- fi.-. KiuiliirlU' fi'.t Can-.! .; 74 Ui'crlf 711 liPtTlii' 'X 7fi ' liiMiriri- 7fi ' ti.'orisi' iV 7'» Herrll 7fi, 7!» IJIV.-I.I.- IV,-.. xc. Xu. X.'i llarrii't .M 7r. Ilarn.'l V, K 77 II.I.M K 77. 117 llcl.ii 1 77 ll.'l.ii M TV lliinhl.k io.iV>.. r.'.i.7ii.TI, iri-nriiMis- " 71 ll.iirv A :: llciirv (■ ,.., :. llTIII- T.l Jan .>.i. M .Ian \ H; lis. fill Jan.- -a; Janncijc 71 Jolinnin-s i.7.<'v,t'.!i. 7n.7l. 7:!. "I JiihalinrM (' 71 Jiiliaiini'.> 'li. I' 72 Jnlianiio \ HI. :I7 Jnliii 711.7 1. 7'".. T.-*, T'.I JmI.ii II 7M .Inhii r 71. "li. 7'.» J..|iliil.. I'l.. 7:. :i,7.-,,7rt. 77, 7!i Jiilin Van A 7i". John Van N 7fi .liina* itt.rm.fiT. W .tuwiH V V>.\ Jinlllh 7:! Julia A 77 l.a\vr«iii-i' 7fi l.illi.- 7'.i l.hnln.M VJ Ponw. lA>ni!ia T5 Lvlla 70. 1N7, lyn l.vntjf 71.- 74 Msbiih 64 Mailali-na 72 Mai;.laU-iia —fiT. L^. 72 Mahl.lvii.- 70 MarKar.l 7.t. 214 Mar^'arrl L '^. 77 Maryari'la IW. .125 .Maruarii-t 72 MarKarila 6«J.72.2.l.-'. 21" MarKrh-i >V Maru'rU-lli- 71 Maria fti. 72.7.1, 2:i»"> Maria II 'fi Mar.v 7.-. Mar.v.l 7'.' Marv L 77 .Marvllo r.<. Matilila 7. 7!i rt-triis 7.fi7,fi*.i.72: 71 I'h.l..- 7! I'i.'Ur \V 71, 71 l'i«'tcr|i- lis I'ii-lriis 72 Uachi-I .fi7, 7:1 UaKol 72 KaK.llli- fiM fi.-. Ki'viiior fi7 Sarah 7 '., Ti. Sarah A 7y ■Svhraiil 71 Tlniliias \V T'.I Vi.U-kfrl .. i".|, M. fi'.i.7li,7l,72.7:l.7l. ."■.■:. VoUkorl. .Ir Tl Vnl.k.-rl A 71. '.'.'I Vclrkirt An.lii..s 7ii. I'.Hl Volck.rl .1 fi^l.iw-..)W.,i.7. i>>, I.'»l,.'2l,;i.'.2. Xu Volik.ri I* 7-,Tl,7fi. 77 Vol.-k.-rlj.. i\:> An .*. .HI. :i7 !• 7 Willi in: 71 WilhclnniH r>7, 7ii M'illiain T'.> Willijin n 7ii lidwnim:. .Icri.iiii' K ill, J^Mi Marv |sal«l II lin.fil. J"."! I>..\. Al.raliaiii .•a,hl<.,lfi7, IfiMi.'.', 171. I7.-. Alio- II Ii.'> IGf. Anil.. (' Ii'.'.i Anil.- II Iil'i ri.k 1 171 lloi-rlnn ifis lii-iirB.- II Ifi'i tii"W 11 lfi!>. 171 ii<'..ri:>'T , v,, ir... lo-irli l,.lT..-.'..|..-,ir.<.M7ii, 171 ll.'iiiini<.n II .vi. ii-,.i Hall. V II |.,.i lliiirv II .'. !. Ifi'.i, 171 llriirv )• I,,. I lli-nrv 1 171 Italic Ii;7, iiifi •'.""'• ii-;. iiv*. 17U .Ian |.;7, i,„s Joliaiini's |f.r, |(,7 John II 1.;.. .liiliM I •, iiiti .liili.i r 171 Mar'.iaii.| N ,m, Ifiy Martt.nila Ifi7 VI Index. Miirtiii- Ifi7 Marv B W.i Marv il lf>'.> Myiuli-rt I'"-* l'ct.T 6.T,IC!*,I7". 171 Peter i» HW Pcto.M HW Meter. ..131. ItV.. lf.7, \M. Iii'J, 170 Reheccru \M, 17" IM. 167 Eiistnian, Ira.X.L'OS. am.lJi, 4.11 Kaslmi. Q Ann.. ■jis .2X».>«>. Katoii, Martin : ^.'7 i:. I.-. ini Sablna.... Sainiii'l 1. Tli'iTn.-is WNritj. I>rak.'..liilla(' William 11 UrayiT. .\nilrfw. Itriiicku'uirr. Il.'sler .... Inianc. Ant lion V ItillHiis. Annaaljc llcnlaniiii .lilV. Star-jarel M.iri;ri,?IJe • N--ltJ'- >ara Soliiniiin William Duikini;. Ailit.- KiiiT. hMwunl .I..I111 Sara Itii l> I»ilk.'. fol<>ii<-I Diiiiioii'l. rutlnrina .... .I.iliii It Mar:;aril», 171 liWi, ir.T KW l'.il,41'.>. rJ GkIx \^-J AlltK'l.l. Antli. il.l'- Keminrlju ... Ih-iiu Maria Isl.-iH.ja'.t. jr.. M.irlll'- i:u,l.l7. .Marvi|r...llMr..iRi.J|-.;. Kijlirrisi-, Aliraliam Anilmnv Itai-.iil Ufiiiamin K:;lHrl It .la.i.t. V .I.ilili Maria r.trns JJailn-l i:.-lii'ri-a Kiili.-i isi'ii. Il'-mi.-lla ... K«biri*iin, II. •my Kymoiit. .Iai .Iaiin.-l|.' r,i;;lii-^. Aliraliam t'atli.'ii'int' KMr.-.!. .- U Kill..!. M.O-r Salll.' II l';ili>. | M Kilwin liiiv W rii ii> Kllin:.". KMe .Ii.lin'l WilliiMn Kll.n. Mari.i Kllin--. Maik Kv.rls.i Kv.i Annall ... !•< •_'l 1> .'11 lAallj.-. .'.i:l,.lll. I'.in i-lia. Dii. k .... Kll.i'rl.|.-, .Ian .loliann.' Maria.... Kvfrl.snn. - .lolin M. .«;.., ihi. Virt.M- Vu i.irin.- K William IHi 'I'riiiiN. I'liili|i. Sii.<.iim.i M.'-. 17' l»y. kni;i lt.' I>v.-r, .lane L Kalrlnirn. V. .. KalnliiM. Iliir Kail-. A'l.lin.'. niarl.> CiriMlla II II. Will C. Maiuarel .. ir.' IIJ lU 11- IIJ \\llliani A ..... ....".'...' II-' I William II. E. KariiU'r. William Kari.ll. fallianii. lav. Il.'iiiy II '.ImIiii .lolin .Ir K.Mrl-^. Naa.- M.nv V. 1; \*< Fi-rris. Mr*. M. P Morri- I' Fifl.l, lli'iijaniin .Irreiiilali '. .lolin Maruar.'l Mary Micliiel TfiiniK Kinili. Sarali .... _ Fine. Kli/.ab.'tll Kiipln'mia Kr.-.l.ri.k I •lolin - Mary Finmv, Mallle .1 FIrili, FiMi.-r. .I.>lin Muiiiarel FlaRU. .^iamiicl I» Flint, Ilannali Kl.iw.r, Ki.U-lia FIvni, li.irotliy Foil. la, Aliraliam AlMaliani l> Al.raliam I Aaiil.'lj.- Aliila M.r.;*.'. 113. :;.w». jiwi, IJarl.ara Clan-' Cnrii.'iia ; ll.lllW iloiiw It Cxslii'rt ll.-l.Mia Il.nlrick .1 Uaac l■.. '.l, Sarah Si.'l'li'-n Sns.inna... Wlll.-miu.' William Fori..--, I'liiliji .1 ... F.irman. ii.m-,;.- Fori. t!.-.rlriiv .lao.l. I .lolin. I F.i-i.-r, A'lanis -.'U.-'M, Anna K AnIoliK' I- II, rnianT. K .lalMi- .Ia...l. I', t: ..•,•• Mar;;ar.-l 1. K... .Marv I' Sii>..n II''. Fos. Kailiariii.- ..... Il.-k-n F I'aM-al Fran.-onnl.-r, I'l-l.-r Frank. I>aa.- Krankhii. A.l.-lai.l.- li.'iilamin \1 .... Anna II. •1 Kli/iili-lli 'I' W M ir^iani • II Mar^ W I'.-I.r Samni-1 II Fi.-lim:liiiv..-ii, Til. Fr.-iiili. AI1.I Anna \. II ...... 76 77 3rt I7>.i 177 -tl.'. :.'i.-.,-Jt7. 21H -IS. -J.-I.UfJ. •J'l.l SaiMli J-J. .'71 Fiill.T. :ti>3 .I..s."plilia- J^J, ::-* .Miiioii A n« a. liiile, ("orm-lla IK.' K V>. In'i .l.iliii n III.-. wiiii.iiu It jii; (IuMusIkt, .ViiuIi- Ill- (Janii' iir, iii-oi';:iniii> K II- tJiiii* v,.,.rl, AiiiK-tJi' ....•-111. 2ir.' CiiliarliiF ll'.i. l.'Ki I'aMiariiK- r. .H".|,;iiW, l, .nvs l.<-»iiar>l. .Ir V.'Mi Mrs l,...iiar.|..!r UC l.vs.lli.l .K.S M.i:-'lal>'ii:i 2.f.t.-jrj, I'l t >I.11 I.I •.iti.'.K, W I'.tiT I. Hi. I. 'ill, J rj, jll tJar.lviiii T. Aii'Irii-s 177 t'oriii-lia 121 l-ll Ni.'ltji- I7.'sl77, I7S Sara 177 (lanlin-v. rii.uiias (' 4 1 li.irl.'ik. Klilali >!• (laniiT. .Iiihii r.'l (Jarrii^iiii, CI.iiiihi' 7'.t K.Mii.r V. N 7'.! William V. N 7;i tlai>l, I'l'liv Jill, -Jl.-i IVirv Q Jl.-, «i«iill«T. llaiiifl.. :v> (;<•!. ti.ipl, Khaiior !• -.".is (icrlir.iiili. fi7 • Icrliar.l. \M"rl I' s.1 .Viiii.i M sii .\llll.l I! HI .XlllH- KJ .\llllliill\ XII .\rtMiii II k:\ lii'iihiiiiiii ,si, .s:i I'alli. rill.' .Ml (•..iini.l ."..l,sl Kr>- I.tIo ■«», >l (i.-<)r.ii- S >.l I' S2 .Im-oli HI .loliii HI, •.! .Inllll S *l L.iiiUa x*-'.'i.t...'<> I' III' •< I'x II I . «Jir>s..ii, lleiir.v It IM (iillHTl. t'oloml 1> •I'x-Pli •-" riia-l..- ■.'-•<• (iilt. Clirisiiiia M «iill>'ii'UT, .\ii:;u>lii.s ?•>>'.< iJKii, .Viiiia, 2L'.,.lHi.W.,.ls7. .■i'.i|,.l'.i.">, vf, CalliarliK- S .11 i.l l.\ r.n, I'.'l l>.l".ra •'• Kli/.al)t*tiS. :'.77,:l'.'. l.'l,ir..lJ., r.^ H. ii.lrick •-••« Jucol. ;(7-< .lilioli S .ii7, 1 |.>i,L'7ti. •J.'. .US .la... I. us :mt .l..|iaiiii.slS, ) ;!7»i. X'.i .i.iiiii .«< lit; Kol..ri S .isi (Sli>ii.l>.ll, .l..liaMii.'S X.l i;ii.viT, Surah 17" liiH-4i'v, ItarliiT.I !<><'> Saru S :«.vj,:».'i. :i.M Soluiiion :s'.l liol.l.'ii, KlizaL.ili liV-i (iol.lsiHiroiuli. .\.linii'al,L'll, '.M.^ i;.M..Iii. h. Kli/.a M ir.l, lu'. tiny II Ii'.<; «i.»>.|u ill. «'a|.iain ■.'.17 li.Mil, Nan. V K il.l C.iil.l, Klla It 77 liri'.'ii. .V.lalia S ^•(I, -.'X-t Kll/.ali.'th -'ir. lluMali 111.1,112, li:i .lacb ::I7 .latol. M JIi; .Marmi.-ljf ■.'17 Maria Jir. Mrs. M„rv .17 n.-l.T .17 Svlvisirr JI7 tiriTiir, Cailiariii.' Ji:;, .'.•.1 Uilliaiii 7'.i (iri-fiil.Ml', .Vnna 2iil. 'Jll t'alliariii'- jin, 211 Kli-aiirtr 211 Kll/.a 2111 Kliirliiir 2U Kliicliiii- M 211 .laiii.s 1 211 .l.isi.pli Jill, Jll 'riioiiiiis ■.'iiJ.Jii.l,2lil, 211 AVilliaiil :i..i.l tircKiir.v, .\rlliiir K i.M Kl.ill'liri. I, I.M Kraiik .\ l.MI. I.M Frank .\ . .Ir i.M l,<\vis l< 3,,; tir.'v.iii.iili, .\ .'CJ Kli/.ilK'ili 2:tl ll.-ii.lrirk (llriirv l....l2ti, ;t21. :t.'2 lli'iirx :i''2 l-aa.- ;!2I Maria (2'2 tirWlii. MaiiiVr •■■ mi iir...'-l...k, .\i.i . s'l .\lilia -'I .Alillii.ii;.- HI ITj, 17 ., I7i. llarlii'r Hi C.ilah iia xr..:li(.:ic., :n7 (".ilaiiiia s.i ral.'lvii.i -I t\.ili.ilin.i... IS raUi.iriiia. in ralliirlhi' \ . |i ..u t'alliriiin s7, 'M r.ilritia v>;, ,s<.i (alriif s.-, Tall > ..^7 s.i rin.i- \ s,,. s7 na..-.i s7, 171 r.irii' i|- '.HI, "U l>.l\il, ss, s.l_ ..,1_ .|| .(J,-, haviil .Ir INI llirk H>i KUiix vl (tr.>i'>l>e(-k, Kli/..ili<-lli Hi. x7, f1». 17.1 '7,>»l, I7.'< «;crlrnv '>'.' llaiiiK-s '*■'* llaiiiiiii *>. *' .laiol> ^.^..^ii, 911 .lar.ilms -ST. ■■«•< .laiiiicllc '■"• .l..liami.7.S»<,R9.Wi. W- .liiliaiine.s (' I'.'-'i .Inllll nS, ^^ t.iu'ri-liu 91 l,v«lM-ih Id Margarita ^«».I7^>, 178 Maria ■<%>'■', VI Marv ^'* Miiiiar.1 »> M.lprl X" Nf.ll|r x7, *> Nimlaas Wi Niclii.l:!.-' H>,.^7.^«.^'".', '."I K.liicca .Hi. «i Sailv .V 91 Sli'iiliiii lU Sl.'|iliaiii)> .Sli. .s7. .H9 \> illi'iii .Hi,.s7,,KS,iH. ;m.'. Will.iil I" 88 Wllli.iiii '.N». "tl Wuiili-r :il..Vs,.1, 2.'>7 t.i7,2t>ll. Jiil llariiiaiiiis 2.'>7 lli'si.r J08, :ilii .loliaiilirs S :i.Hi U.-liiiia l'.M. 197 tir.iss, flarhara 27fi. 2M (iriisvi'ii.r, flara .M r.irii.lla .'>4 Klislia \V .^4 (liro.svi'imr) (Jo.Hrcv |. 47, .^4 Ihtniiaii II 54 MarKarci ! .'>4 Mar> .',4 Virginia .M • iiiic. Mario .1 77 (iiillik. Kirnainliis 4 llai;;,Mrl. KII/al«'lli -281 llail.'>, \N illiaiii .Ir 108 llain.-.-i. M.irv I, .•M2 llalfiilici'k, .\liraliaiii....3ii2. X^ ('a.-<|»-r :W) liiri-k .Y.y lt Mkhi.l 3JM Hnrlii-I ;yi(, S iiiiii.l l-W ^ai.i 351, William. I. (• x-a^ 35, Hall,'s .-((Dj llall.-nliirk, Anna 21! 3'> 33 )'""••"';'> .■ 151 Isaaf ( 3^. .lart.l. oftj; llalsi. .1. M;,rv L XU\ 34- "iiiiaiii M ': .,.* i\i^- llaiiiilti.n, Kli/a M . . ,^71 ;,!;""'»l ■..'..■.■.■ IM I Inilii.K. 371 llaiiciiHii.l, llaiiiiali II. ...Ww, 371 Sniiiiii' I XI IIaiuo(;k,.loliii .'.'' 303 lii .M. II... Ili'urv .i..s,.i,ii i: Ilariniai). VyxW Ila>br.nuk, .•• Aliralialii KUI.' Ilaswell. Maiil'lA.... llawU-y. .\iiiia \i .... Anna L Kli/.alii'ili \V Kllifl Kraiiiis II KieilerWk n... '^,*,:>fi. ..■•.'A. iVi. -.T t j :»is ...5«i, ft7 r.7 ... :Vki •."J.-i, :»•'.' 2iy .'•\X. Uli» i.v> ASK I-" !.'.<; I.V. l.V. .lis, l.W. IW>, I ■"•7 . 1 Xl, I.V., 1.''" R... i.".:, Uh; V* I.W, 1^7 ist; . iny . 147 'rii'lfon Hciirv y lltnry y. .Ii l,,i,Klilon A Mariiaivl Mainanla lj .... Iluswrll SaniU'^l K Sarali E Slainiiu B \Mllliiiii Y Ila/.ani, Marllia W lluziUln.-. Vnmw .. HaxniiM-, I'liilli. K Ilnnoliaai, Maiilio Srtiu I<- Tak.'l It Ilciinslri'il, Barbara...."'^, :im. l|H.-ri'imnoo, Aiiirf.-wN'Vwi; :iii:;. Ilonrv •'"•' Ni.hulas ••■• '■^'■• William V. It :!"■• Ilrcruiaii-i-. Martin t- •• "• ("atliarliK- » «. ^ Dennis .-• ■.>•; .huobiis :W..K.It. .11.1 J..s.i.n Ili-nil.Tsiin, .lanu's Hon.lricks, Eli'.alwlh Els|.> .Mai-MI*" I'.t.T llvnrv. .I.)hn V .I"s.-i.h I'atriik RolHTt W.!. lUreks, IK-l.-tjf ■.VS.U.lii llcnnans, Eli/a «-\ f>l .li.lui Ilrrriik, Cynthia .... Louisa M llcniiii!. Ell«irt llerrinnlun, Snsan... Ilt'tlierinu'tun, Mar.v llew.s. Mr llowi-tsiin. .lanii's... I|.\v>..i...lani.s A.. Hover. .Iann.-t|e mils. Anv-iista Mora..- Hilli'n. I'alliaritu- \ lliiuklov. Eniiin-. . .lulin Mary HiiiniBM. Aaron Viortnule Hoes, (."atarina 172. ITS, ITo I llollinim. Cliarlo 6.\ 67 Es;l»-rt -', •■' \ llariuanus '- --'77 ll.-lina 5 •lanr U 2> Marliinis .. M Uiiliar.1 K IS. ;j [ lloKan. Hannah ^^, 71 , MarcanlC •.«,•.«, W I S..i.liia 17" William ► «». '.'• ! William. .Ir H** Ili.','i>n. .Iiirian - Mol'lni. Marv 2i'.i llolhuhl. Il'iiry 3, 4 Ht.lmrs, Ahiil W* Ann .< '•" .loiin ;«'« .lori?. (iiuoVKc) '-•' Marv .1 ">'." Marv S 7s tHivt-r Wm.lill i'" Sarah I ■'•" |lo..i:lik.Mki-, Ami. tie \<* Kli/.ali.ll. •• ':< Hen.liiiklc •:' .l..lianii J"-. :' Maria : llacn.l : Sarah '.' ) Ho..«hktrk. All. la I'ks, 4(.i H'Mijhlan.ll. A. Irian , ■ HiM.uhl.Mlim;, Malhys I^'- /.•yti.- ; '.'■; Huojjiilini:. Al.ialiani ( ■"]'w '■" AnilM>nN 'f'\ Vnlh.inv C >" ■**>• "1 .luhn S ■• "f- ll,.,u.i :"«•, -W. :»n Th.mui's ;»; Thi.Mias r ■" Hoornlxik, Kval.k -'••'. •« Hopkins. K I- Horn, Hann.ih •• ' HoilKlilalinK. riiarUs .1 ;^s Charl.s.-* '.> Havi.l W >I.>:, -'■* Evanm'llna 2s bri'doriik > Freiloriik M. > (ilon A -" H,'l-na ■> Irviiii W •>-. •> .l:nn.>M -^^J. -'•- .los.phiiH- -•■ Ualph II '-'- Honn>ll('l.l. Alicf •■■ How. .Ian.- S 2J 41 I Howapl.Mi. Catli.irino... ■■.is. :,. H»«i-, l,or.l 1' .Maria 1 -' Howell, Arthur.. Sallv I.- ' Howlan.l, niivia Hov. Theo.lore 2 Hnhbar.l, Cornelia I Maria ' Hoberl F - Koberl .1 2''- - William It - Hnlbn.r. l.onis Hnll, .\lb, , ' I'atalina .1 yl t'atalvna H'., .".' i'.Vi, l.V" Calalynlio fll 1 Hun, Cornelitt Van E 99, IIJ •>l 1 Oonielis I'W Cornelius Kink 1« L'fiJ ais. 21" :ii; 2i)t"i 2:57 as.'. 411V 4"'.' '1" IlKi 41 H'. .. " iiix 4ih; .'.'.""ifil". llV' 326 .127 Catalvnt.le Cathalina. ... '.'■> 4".'>. 4i«">, C.ithalvna CathariMe Catharine M ... Calhlyna Cornclbi. nil, HI. 12", Ul. lll,4"l. likS, 4"".'. .. ;i2. 41), ... 90, 97, Li:i, 94, ".Hi. yn, 9'.', Ill, 411.'. Hirk ':». '•^ Eilwanl K... '.».', !"•'>. Vwi, ln>^, 1119 Eli/abelh '^ Eli/.al.etli li 1 '•' Ellen \ •,••' KLsie yl,9S, W, 11". Ill K\X'. •• •-"• ' " Kreeman "* (ierlru.le 99 llarinan l" ''" Harinen... 40, 93, '.M. y.>, 10. Ill, iN'l Harinen T llemlrieklo ... Ileniy .lane •lubani y2. y.i. ■■ il>, Isl, 315 93 |s.'> ■■■■■■. W, II" '<•!>, in, l-l. "'2 131, \M loluini,ls.".!'ii;iry4. '■*. '•"'•• "" .lohn .lohii (i .lohnS. .. .John T.... .liKlllh.... l.v.lia 1,..., Maehtel .. Marms T Malta ii't Maria Marilie ... Marv K , Maiy H Marv v.. .Maveke . Neeltie.. I'erei;! iin I'eli'r h\. IMhib.' ... I'ieter .. I'n.vosi . ISaohel ... Kii;;i-r ... l{nt'.:er . . Sarah .... Thomas.. •9 W> uy, lot. 112 la'. y... 110 yd, iim W, l"-'> y.'i ir', :i:!.\ 3ii Hl.'> 77. ys ... y''. no 'Ki 10... 112 ; •.'7 nm . ... yi "ly 97. w w.' iiii, i"r> y.">, y7 91 97 '.Hi IS,'. 93 yy s, 92. y.t. yi. y-'. ... . . s, '.K.i, Kill, 102, lo": I'ol, I".'.. I".', H". 121, 1.S7, -.m Mrs. Tlionias Thomas II '•";;>«.,■'■'• 110. IS;;, 1S4, W, 3rj, Willelli 91. •"■'. '•••''• WviMle H Ilnnl. Kli/.abelh .lohn Hnnler. Koherl... Hurlbiirt. Bertha. \. %...■•■ KlUba I' «'•' Kni.-t •■ ,;..,,>,voorl UeW .I.annette Hnske. Anne . Iliivik, Anilries Areni I linriier I Catharine Neellle 326, :K7 I. Irvins:. AlexaUiler H *< inier A J Kll. 11 I'll I' '^ 11. my Dm I' "I Theopore .'' i Ives, Adeline "*" jINI 31.'. Ill .1-.1I .. 319 .. 370 'I, 370 .. 370 .. 370 ... .370 ... 393 ... |-2<.l \2X . X'M. -til IM»KX. IX J. Jaikson, Kilwanl .•»••< I>«a>- '.V HC Marv :is.\ 301 •lacobM. ciaiNtl.- IM, I'M .lacii. KiiiL'iT ll'« Jacihsnii |Jr.-.-l|i' --'< ■lal. ,1,, iVunis... IL-J • Aiinrtli- .Vi rt.Mrli.' 1» Mari:riil|c 197. I'.w Susanna: I, 2. Is| .lun-r. AnnalJ.' Ml Annrlle »»3 Aiillr Xii. .v.: Klizalxlli ly.i. lyi KcniincIJi- ft l.vslulli II lt>i. IfiT .IatiN.n, Aniiftl.' •*.•, :« .l'lli».-n flaas .mT l.aiiri'iis ;V> Ml. ha.'lsf t.VJ Tli.mias -.i; .lan-iscM, Kyljf C.J .linlnni 112 .laril'., Kninii'tJ.- '^W. iVi, aw Kfinnielli' IH.' lifcrlji'.. 24 lloltlUT 2.'> Jal-i. Ailani 3tA Anna .• .Tiifi .Ipfforis. Kninia (' .Vi Wllliani .1 .W .li'll'ii-\ s, Kniiiia (' .'il, \H .1.111-., Km.' f,7 .!• iikiiis. rinirl.'s M .llTi Kran. I's \V IM; .Irrnnilii. t:>-iire<- W -liM .li>lin>oii, Aliiuail A 7.". Al.' H 7.S «' il;), 24:1 (Mnirlf* j.l KII/ailMMli I, 7.-, Ilanna .1I9 .lolin (.-^ir) 12.'>. -•77 .lulin il A 7:. K<*/.inli 7", 7! l.'.uUa (' 7:. Man I,. A 75 Willianii' 7:. .I.iii.s. Aitna.. -.'4:; .1. Mliic -jls vValt.r U ;»r_> William K. 24S .lii'lM.n, IMIh'I- :va M.'iv . ,. 151. i.v, .lununianii, Kll/aliflli 81 .I..I1II U Nl .liiniMaiisr. V..lkii' || k. Kan 1 \l irk'ri.ll'- 17.1 I Kal.l.T, .lohii .1 ■_•:!, 24 Mary ■j:\, 24 Kah.-r. Isaar ' .nil | KuTanaMKli. Kva 2SI. 2^; K.fl.T. I'larissa :(ii| .. .-'"SXT :ail K'H.>»!i;. « alliaritii- .1 -Jnn 1 K.lly, .Inlin •! Ki'naii. IM.r ■_siarali ;sn K.ii.u. \«- ;;;;.; •/; i Ki-v-, .L.nallian ■mt , Kl.r->.-.|. . ■.■■ yf,:i I Kliii:slan.|. C 1;,. ' ..n Kl|.. Al.ialiani .. "(.11 Ahiia, 177. :::, L-i, .•iiii'. .''ir.ili .S ,,„ .. TrNnll- iji; .,« Kirilaihl. Anil.r m,\ l''.rT.iMii- I,!'. K«iii.iiii. 1. ii '.;;;■■■.; 7, I! Kirllanil. Marv A. (J.. 7* W illiani 1) :«i.t Wllli.ini II . .. 7H :ill Kilil.' \.I.Mii Kn.-.lan.l, II. nrv. Knickrrliai'kir. C iliif la... .17 ;i7 , I'.iH Klizalii'lli .. I'.r Kvrri .TT Ilannrn I'll Ilarnu'ii .1 -■>.», :i .. 1 iy .lannt'tj.- •.III ii'.i .Ii.liannis :t7 .loiiann.'s II... i".H .Iidin I,-ns .17 I'.l.r 37 Knl.k.ili.nker. II arnian.... 4111 Knlkki'll.akk.'i-. .h Mill' |.-... •.11 Ki.i|.|.. Maria . I2<.i 14.1 K.>rtii»;lll. Kva ... 1 1 ir. I,:l« niii-.' ... 10 l''> Kr.>ni. (iiivslurl. . :t.t KrniiiMi lar. (' •lia !• .... .HI U.M.ii:.- I> . ."..11 .111 I.i-wis I,.«is, .Ir .'til ."•11 La (iranm-. Kli/.al> .lar.jl. i-lli . :«i .■VV2 2tCl IMni ..l-MI, l>l LanilM'it. Kli/.al><'tii .... 271 I.a M..niaiun.'. .M: rllji ■\t l.anr, ll.iirv 'S-'2 1! ri .ir.i Lanniaii. *'liarli-s . 77 .\|ariar 1' ...7.'i 77 Laiislu" Mil.v S .. IIM Ahrali: 71. ii:'.. 1 ir.. 117, US llv. 121, 12-2, IJ.:. ILV., 1-7. I--I, l:ui. i.i.;. i.'.'.i. II", HI, 1 ••.'. I.'."'. I>*7 . ■•J . 121. J2.'. Al.raliani A.. I22. I2;t. 12.'.. 1 '.. .•..-.I , .''.'<'. 417 Abraliatii l>. ... 417 Al.raliani K im. IM Al.ialiani 11.. I-- J. 12 . I2.-., 1 i:i, ]:\i.. IIT II'. . i.'iii. .'III Al.raliani .1 i.>. l.'.'.» Al.raliani T. K. , 1 17 it-^. in Al.raliani \ 1.'/. i.'.ii l.-.l A.l.lixMi K 14-1 III. II'.. 12.-. l:-i. 1 '>;, i:vi. 1111. Ill, ' 1 12. ll.T 2i':'. 2(M. 2i/. AIMa l» |i'.2 27 1 . "i'> Al.inz" I", 1'.... 1IV2 Alllr U.t lit .Xniiiii'la li.2 Aiiii'lia 1.V< Amlrli's 129, I4:t Aii.lrii'H| Irt2 HVi, 27.'. .\ii.|rii'S lioiiw. ir.. |iV2 .Ann IM Anna. Ill, 1 li.. I2>. I.'.l, I.'.l.i;:<-., I'.M.-. I.'.l l> Iil2. Kkl, I'.i... nil nil tn.'. Annnlic, v\ l.'l 1-27 IW Mil III 111.'. Annalj.-, Ijl. I.'.-., 1 17 1 1 1 2H 2.!'i Anni'lii' 1 '- 117 Aiin.-l|i-, 'k;. III IIM i:ti ■M- 2 I.J Ami... Aiillf i.u; Arthur II I.V II.:-. Arlliiir 1. Ii'.l AriliiirS 1.'.' U. Ill.-..ik..r i:ti'> Ilnrl.ara lin. iti Har.iit II.. .. 1 ff. 1 .'.J, in; ii;i Ili-nlatiiin !""• 11.1 lll.'.-.k.T ii'.i • al.ilMia I2'» <'aial>nil.' i.m, |i'.7 • ■'...l.;i. llW, ii'i-i 171. t'atli.ih ni|.' ... i-'i. 11 ■ LaiiKinK. Catliarina, I2'>. 1.12, ('al)iarvna 12.-* CadiariiK-, tW. 71. IIC. llN 121. 122. 124, lU. i:»7, \i* ('athariiic C 14.^ Catliarllic l» li'.2 Catlianni' O. (J Hit. Calliirinr V 27.'. Callillna .Vi <-:illirlna 121, III ('o..p.r X HB foriulla. 121. 1-27, l.l., I.W, I4.t (•..rn.lia I- I.'il Cum. .lis I.m Corni-lls |h- n l.v. Davi.l i;;2 hirk Ill IHrkji- Ill Kiliih A l.'vs K.lxvanl 1 17. ir.2 K.lwar.l A I:i7. I.M. IV. E-lHapl .•< 14S, II'.I K.lwar.l T. K N'.i Klwar.l V Its Kdwiii V II'.I KKlwrt l.Vl Kli-aniir i.M Klfaiiiir 1. I.'.s Kli/.a.l l.-.i Kli/ahilh. .M>, s;. s.i. m, III", ll'.i, 12;i, IJs. IX,, l>. I.'W, 141. 112. 114. Is|. 1>7. 1'Hi. I'.'l Kli/al.ilh T I.M Kll.'ii S l.'H KMi- (It. '.»... Mil. 111. 121 KIs).' 4», |l»l. 117, 11", 122. 12.1, 12:.. 121.. lit Klsjr A 117. I'.Hi Kiiinia S i.vs Knciltj.. .. Ill, 1,1(1. :i7s. .wi., .■v>7. .ivi, ,i \V .",7.s, ,m Km. -St 4I.S Kv.ii ...11... 121, I.Ki, ;32, 1.1.1. 144 Kaiinv S I4't KilliilH'lli'... 124. I2.'>, 131, 13.'. Kraiir -273 Kraiii-.". 13:., I 17, 111'. Krain I'S A I4r< Kraniis |- |5| Fran. is. Ill, ll'.i. 127. 141. 272 Kr..l.Ti. k. II.;. I.".7. Its, ||.i C.'.ririn.... III. I2ii. 121, I >i. I. II. 13s, ::2<, :i'.i."., tn2 ili'.-ririn.l |:;i ti.'' 1 1.1, IC.2, 161, 4 121 <;. ra.liis. . .. l.ii, I.KI, I tl. ;t'U . OyslHTtle ll;5. ll.> llannult 123 Huns II 132 ilurpirt 12:. IXI llolcii I.Y.. 137 Helen I l.'.l. 156 H.l.n:i, 117, l.r.', 1J3. 12.\ I-*, 1.7, l.'H, IJM. 13-J, KW, mi, H\. K.I. HI, lfi3, l'.<0. J7I, 272 II, 121, 127, IKt. Hn. HI. 14,3, 2.W I>«ac TV P ; 27.'. lie Koroe*;! 114 Isu;n- «: 124 Naae .1 I4fl •I.TownseiKl 77, H7 .Iinoli. IH. 116. US. Il;i. 122. 127. 12v^. 1211. KKi, 13S |.-?9, Hn, 142, 143. l.M. l.Vi. 1.*^ .Iiicol., ,lr., 73. 12.".. 1.31. 137. 143. 161. 162 Jao>li A 126, l:w •laeoli F.. 12>. HI. Hv, .Vji 71. 114. US. 1-22. 124, rr>. 1-21., 127. 13.3, 134. l;l5 .lac.l) H.. U->. Il'.>. 1-27. . 12.<. IJ-.i .lao.jl. II. .Ir l'«' .huoli I Mn .lacol. .1 US. nil, laS. rX 137, 1.3S, 144, ir>.3. I.'4. 162, 163, isy, IW 23<.l .laixl. .1.. .Ir 12S. l^-J, 142, 1S2, 21-2, 2.VI .laeob S 131 .la.olnis 132. 142 .la.olmsS HI .lames 13;i, 161. 162 .lames W 13«.t .Ian Ml. 1 11 .Ian Van A 112 .lane 12f.. 1X>. 111. H>. .Ian.- A 137. 117, HS. li'.i .lane K l.'.". I'.l .l.iii.t S 163 .lanii.tji- US, 121. l.'J". .I.innetle l:-. .ler.nilali... 13'.i .lesse Y 151 .I...II 12".i .lohaiilKS.... ,s7. 113. 116. 117. US, U'l, ijn. 121. V.V, 13(1. 131. 132. 1.3.3. l.'.l. H.3. HI, .T^^l, .3^4. .3s«7 .I'.h.innes. .Ir 129. 144 .l..tianii.sH IH. 119. l-ll. 121. 1-23, iW .loliann.s H 1.31 Johannes. 1 1311, 131, 143 Joliannes V.S 142 .lolin... U7, U9. 12:5,12;.. 13(1,131, \X\ 1.36. 1:». 116. .3s7 LansinR. ,lohn. -Ir.. I2S I I.,anslnf;, Teunis 141 .lohn A ..... 126, 139 ' Thonia.s 9:>, 111, 117 VI .lolin II- IIS VolkerC II 161 .Ii.linii 93. 1111 \V. Kreilerick H'> .lohn .1 US, 1-26, l;», 190 Walls S IM .l„Un T Hy Willem IM William HI, 149. William U i:*i. 163 .losei>hine 15S Williams 16'. .Inlia 162 114 K. V. U K,irl H 117 I116 UinsiiiKh. .\bra1iam A.. ij"; _ H'' [X\. 1.34, Ariel la HI. 14'. 16'. , 1.33 Ijea - „ n3 Arietta A ISlanehe 14'. I/ee C „ I.-.I , 11.'. Una.... 121. I-V. 127. 12'.». ralh.'rino 133 I.#vinns..... 132. 142 I2S. i.m, HI 14.3 I'laiKV D H.*) 14.') ('oniflia A I»em|ister Kli/a V.R Kv.linc 14. '. Lll.lietle .... 114 H.'i 14.'. H.'. hivinsston 164, UV>, 4 IS 149 115 I..vsb.t 113 Ul. IIS, 119 Killian V. R... 1.3.3, 114 145 ^faelitel 117. HI, 2.V\ KillianV. 14.-. 146 ^.V! LV-n. 2f..3, »t Ly.lia r 145 Madtr.' 149 i:t,3 Masa.laleiie .... 122 Marv K. »i 145 Mas.lalena 117. .12;. Van Rensselaer H5 Mauilaline 1-22 I^trne.l. Helen 1.16 .%laholte. I.'.l. l.V. .lane W VA .Manetto A....... Marj:ai-el....ii7 Margaret Mel'. .Maraiareta I.V2. 161 12.3. ISV. |>KI l.'.4l 131. 1 is Sylvester l.'.l. l.'.6 .I..lin ■21 M .Inlia AU Maru'arita, I2t. I.Vt, l.V,, l,-.7 I«i Treat, .\meriea K 2S(' 2S6 Mars.'ri.-I|e HI I^inu'htun. Marv .322 Maria. 114. 1 19. 121. 123. I.awrenri-. .56 124. 12.V r.".!. l:tl. 131. 137. HO. H4.:i91 Marie 1, i;»i. 131, LIS. i:w. 3l»s, .f.f.l. 404 l.V. 61 Charles 212 4.S ■A Mary .4.S Muriln V. A... , l.-wi . 1.3.1. 149. 161 Thomas .55 Marvll.. HI. 143 I.av. Harriet :tlM Mavk... M.ln»r.l 127 1.32 Leak'- .l.ihn . . .. 13 li.-al. Kleanor •.... 214 MelanellK.n W I,.arv. 12 Mvii'lerl .114. 117. 121 l^lirnii. Kli/.alM-th.. 2.33 2:vs 212 N.ellje Us, 1.11, IJ-i U'<\ M.irlin 404 Nicolas 126 Le.'iiiierlse. A!inal|e... :iv,: :t.'.7 Obadiah .121, 1-26, 1 VJ I.KI. 131. 4(12 Lelleis. Anke..; l-etlerls. Kli/alhtli l»... 230 I'eter 124. 21 I'eter.l HI John 1. 17 Phlli|., 94. 9S, no. 1211. li.llerl , IS 21 l-l- , 1.31, .31S. .119 R..l.ert It .59 I'hilJi. 1« l.Vi Iie;:i;4 I'hilip .X „ 274, 27.-. raroliiii- ?rH riiillipina S 1.V2 .120, H4, .IS.'. I'alharine 204 r.ertruile 2(>l Ka.h.-l .!>, l:-.!, 143 .lohn _ .-irj ■01 Heherra |l l.'-l Th.o.lore 201 Kieliar.l Lehman. W Lenlilhon. .Antoine Ki<'har.l K.. 1 ii . l.-.l, Ia2. 419 , IV.. l.V.|.hine J. ICA. I'M Robert, 117, 12 .. i:<2. 1.34, •119 420 Uoberl .1 . i:'.7. i:i9. .39s ..124,1.34. 3.-.I Maw 1' 244 2 IS iW I.enis, Maria I.S2 llolwrl K IXi Li-sher. I'ornelia. :t72 Rose Riiltf.i- I.\5 .12)1. 131. HI .372 I.e Tonnelier, .lohn V. 1,... 2.36 UnUi Samuel .-< 111.. 122 IIS. 149 U'Wl .l..>eiih ins Lewis. •237 San.lers 116 117. i:w. 2:'.9 Raniil :t2;t 1 .^an.lersli ..12:., 137, lis Kliiis •J.V 1 U- Ellzah.lh 2.37 1 .s.ira ..1.3;-.. 112. 113 Krasnins 2.37 , . 129 Sponi-er S .154, l.Vs. 161 MariMe .12; 111 St.'>vtrt .\ Ifi.'. Rach.l .11^ I'l. Sluart I> Snsan 149 ..1.36, l".2, l.V. r/x lionw .272 273 Snsan 11 _ I.M Harnii'ti Usil 150 Jan.- A lA'VillUS Snsan V 147 129 Snsanna. 113. 116. IIS. Ma-itle 2;2 130 140. HI, l.'*i ' l.ii'v.'r-^on, Asiietje Tndkx. LiKlilMll. AIt.iIkiiu Its :\n UKliiI'Mtirii. Ki'iilaiiiiii. i; Mtjlillooi. Eli?.alH-th.W ^•x«. ^M JN*., ■jvi l.iiiNiv, Niiali .,■*. 17 I.Itt litl. 11. Ik-ifMlict O.. JIT 11. \ .Liiiil IfiT y.t 1.1 r „. ■•17^liiC ■■■II, "tr I.'i' ,i..-ili T. K •■'17 II MH (' :'i7 II .>^ "Jl7 <■ v. K l; rl H „ •.:i7 1'. Kv.k > •.M7 Willi- II "47 I.IM-Ilac, Willl-III l.-VH l.ixtTsf. r.tdianiiti IIV, I".! M.iryll.. .ll>.l r'7 I.i>'>.ii Aiiiu'ljf .Xtt ;vsi I,i\ in^~i>>ii. Calliitrliia M>. <■ 111. irim- ( ..M..-Ii.| IC 117 I'll. 1 ...... IV.*, I'll, ll.s ll-l K :v^ u.l IL'.. Ml'. 147 h; i 1 ..._ I. '.■_'. IVI. 4I-I Kii,',ii...ih I'M 117 II, 1, 11 IM IV Il.iir* .I.ihii 147 Maruarrt 7'. . 't Maria 1 17 Mar* L.' Kov I'll 4I'I I'-l.rR 74 I'liilip I'liillii. .Ir :i.v. Sarah 147 L!i>v.|. Vniirt l: ■.;is Kli/al..-lli iW, 241. ■J4i; I^., k,-. II. nrv M I,.i,k« I. Il.-iirv II. iiiA K : .1.11111- K Marl.. I Marv Mir> .\ <(«. l,.Mi. k.rni.m-, LiiiiitxTlle... I.*4. I'i.-l.-r .1 L.Hik.riiiaiis, I'U-liT l^.rl,C>nis II .lollll .I..I111 r I.W, MaruMn-l ... . |,,,vll. 1.ov..ti. A. T'.- »...|,.ii.., :.|, • alliariiK- II -. «;-'ri.'i. S lAiiiNa ISJ, l.tililM-rUi.. lierrit lait'as, Maria 1,11. a«', Maria .■fi'.', 1,11, k.rf.-li.r. Kli/abvlh I,iill..«-. Willlani I,ii|,i Jiilln M Lii-ii. MarKiirci T...2tt"i. :ifili, SalllM.-l S Si.|.l..-ii W llll III! l.ii^U. r .r.,llli, ^9)) .V, I S7il I 7.'. I .t70 .1711 L> !• s. .loliaiini' I Il«iiiinli-> . Ma , All.ln ;7'i Krf,|.ri,k V l7'i ■.; .I..I111 M. I s-.i Wtlliaiii \V V. SL' Marsi'll.s, .Miraliani 173 .\lia>ii !"'> .\iiilrii'> 175. 177 Aiinatif 17.'>. 177 Anna I7»-., 177, 17s, I7'.i Aniuil.- IT;t liaihar -. IT»> |{ II Lara. ;12, :f.|.^5. 40.47. I7ii. 177 Hn-cliie '"•' CalalliKi 177. I7'.i, .!•.<•.» CailiaUiia I7'.i Cailiarina : 174 l».rri.k I7.'» Kl.annr 17^ Kli/.ab.'lli I7.''. niii Kiu«-lc|i' 17'' Kva... 171'. 177 Kv.rl 177. ITy Ki'.vl.!.- 176 4tiTrlriiv I7'> <:<-rndiis 177 IJcrrit. 17.'. 17 ^ 171. 17.-., I7r., I7S. I7'.i (iirrli i; 17.S, I7y, Jrt" Ci'rril .1 17t; (tllVslnTl 17'-' (ivslMTl.Siii, 17 1. 171, 17.\ 17r.. 177, 17'.i, ^'M UvsLorl ((!.), ,lr I7\ 17y i;v>lMrt.l I7'.i Il.'iulriik....l7-.', I7.X I7t;. 177 ll.nilriikU' I7il llvlxrljc 171". 171 Isiiat- I7.'>. I7< .la,..l. m; .laiisi- 17'.', 17 1. 171. I7.'« .I..lialinil....l7:.. 17t,. 177, 17s JolianiK's, .1, ;t, ixi, IVi Ni..ll|i' ITT Ni.ii.-ias it:; Ni.olas li sy. I7<1, 17s It.lM'ica 16rt. 1«17. Hi'<. I7:, Sli.plianus I'x Tak.l 17.'. Trli'iilii'ii 17:. Tvi|,. _ 177 /••vlli- 17.'. 17." Marsh. Alhorl '-•li Aiiiih'li ■-■IJ 4'harh'sC 211 Cliarli's It ■.11:;, 'Jll. -I.' ►'aiiiiv 1» 21.' tu'.irt;.. Jll Harry 21 1 .lost'iililni' M 212 Marshall. Aiiiiiljt' ]£). 144 Mary 71 Marli'ii, IHwitHc .10.% Marli'iiH. .la Ill' '24, 'Ji'.. .ll Marl>.||sr, .l,iiiiii.||i. 2".r.' Musiiii. Ill null.' i-M, -Js'. ralhaiitu' V. W .V^-J John M .tfi.1 Mat.siin. .>i|i.|ilii-n .1 .ITM Mourv. .lalii.'s I Itrv.l '.s,-, M. K. ( A.liuiral) '.is.'. Mallh.'W lU.'v.i js.-, Mcllrhli'. Elli'ii XMt, ata. 311 .laiiu's :i.l,l MrCarty, Alena 3«»3 MK'artv. Aii'lri'W at2 Anna M .■«».! 4'harlollc an' A ;«r2 Ilavi.l K .-"U .1«i« .I..I1IL . Hi" Rhhanl ■»*), .»« Mi'4'aski.'. Ilaltli- K 2W. Mcriaskv.Ariliiir am .Mf(l.llan,l'ar' A... I4'J, i:<.Ui.'al (Mi.l>ii>;all) IliUn... 3»'. 421 Miiiuwan. I»anit'l 14 Mclirath, .l.,M|.h Mcl» 411 Mi-(;ivi;oiy, I'airi.k 172 MiKiniii* , S.iiiiii.1 143 McLane, (mm. ral 16" McUiiL-hlih. Mark 411 Mi'Ka|.i.|fi>si>, l>,>iiiiniF 32s MrlC'is, Trvnljo 324. .$2.'. Mi'lvill... Th.iiiia.s .W Mcr.or. AioNaii.liT I7li Anilr.'W I7« Anna I. I7ii I'alhljnar IT" Kli/.a t; 1711 Kli/ahoth 17" Kriu'.sl 17" Hoorge _ 1711 .lan.'G J7" .lohn 1 170 Margant L 1711'rl 1> 17" Ruben K 17" ."^ahina l» 17" William 1. IT" William V. 1 IM, IT" Mtrrlll. ('. S Ills Mctst'l.ior, Anna Mi. i~| Han'iit Ksii. hSl lt<-njaiiiin (K(;l*rl»f(.... I'^t. l-il. 2.'..'> t'airitia |.si IMrkj'. Is", •J.''.|,2.'«5. 2;/.i Kyl'iTt iT«'iinlS!«o), }A\ K;:l» Its T ls|, sm (JorrillP ISd .lar.-l, m •I.Tiiiiiah isn Liii.i |sl Manli,- |,sl Mirii ISI M.irili.- ls| y.,iTiii.- 1M1 .M HI ill ISI M.l^l^ll |.<«i \..lll.' isl I'lili r isl Siis;llllia (KgblTlSI ISII, Isl, ji.'., i;.\s 'I'l'iinis ( Ki:lH'rtsi.) I,, l«l T.'unis T \^t, SA Wllloniljo |,s4i .Mi-vrr, Annaaljo, L".'.', 'Jm.!. 2'.i4. 21*.%, \rM\ Calrlna '.112. jy,"?, 29.'i. 2'.I6 .l.'lli- I' ITS Maria In. H, 10, 17 Marin.- .1 .TO, ;i7s Mi.Mah. .'<.iial LVs. ,ii-,ii .»■,.. Mil.lfrl" r;:li.('alliarin«'. 177 17,H .Mill'T, ralliariii.. C. <; ;i7n (irorp. II 77 lli'l.n 77 r.ivinjisti'n K H'.' >liir^ 77 .M'-rris .•;7ii M..rri-S i.'.2 Sainii. 1 77 Sarah K Milli. li. 152 K.'V. Mr 1,17 MiUKnc'l, Thoina:) J a77 i".n xn Mlutli.iriif. Kll/.aD'Mu, Min'tirii. Anna M K.lilh Kli/.it T .loliii W •■•: UulKTI H •••• *'• Mrs. K..l)LTl H S;lliill Susan <" NVillliilil Mull.itl, So|.)ilu ......... Miiiitaviii'. Kli/.ill«'H'- iMi>iil<-;illi. .lain' !• W. (U.V.' •••■• Miii.t. .\niiaat,lo • Uvtsev ralliaviiia Calliarlii'- H.-iiiy •laii .loan John Mary Sally •;-"•■ WUIiclniiis > . 1>. Moiirr, I.i'Wis v.... o. n.n'..i.> 'r\i.iii>«s ••,•■"■ M.insaii. ll.inksoil l-- (■|an>m-f EillHi 1' K>lwiii U K.l%vin v.... Kr.'l.-rirk < U.'orKi' < A ll.-nrv A .. .Lhiii' K. ... .lolin (<;«-ii. ) \'i.>rroiiont •rovviistiut Morr.ll,.tii>lilli M'tril''. KratiK Lewis O William .... M-.rse, Kl.ocW t'lKirl«-s W Kli/.aT (l..rtvii'lo I' — •; llaiinali .....<1- Nailiaii" < K U. il'rol.)..- Samii.l K. » SMsaii I. •IVu llr...Tk ........,.r. .1. f^. - .l.-aiin.lf. MmiiIU'iiiM-, Kll/.a., Ml. II. •II, .\titli"i'y CalliariiH- torn'-li« .I..>.1>H •■ .l,,so|.li -Ir .... i.v.lia M M a. ylj.'.. ..,...••■ ;;. •Ill-oca 1 . !• Muuifur.!, Ilarri.-t Muiiii. KineliiK^ « Murray. Miilia.'l.. Mv.-r. t'l ■ .l.llis I' Mv.-r>. .loll" ^^ Mvn.l.rl-f. .M.raliaiii N N;lek. .M.lllv-. Na'.;>^l, Taiiiu'lH' N,i-.;li'. <"a"'''riM'" l-orn.'lia r..i-uili»s (i.rtru'lf N.ik. Mattl.ys N'.-Mll.^. All" Newell, Ku"H"0 Newkerk. .\rioii Caihariiie KU/.a .lacob Mary — Newkirk. Ann > >1 Indkx. n.% I Newkirk.Catliariiie. Catharine. \ . l>. . -'M . 114 . Ml . -111 .. ♦Ill I. Ill .. 411 . til .. , Anno ('.. .I.iliii Nichols. Ui>l"Tl Williams .• Nieliiilseii. .Mary ( Niekliiy. ■ Nieoil, Kll/.a A Anna Catliariiia Fraiii-cs Krancis ' Maria Itach.l Ileu.ssilaer Sv|ve>ter William * '^I\i.xse«> Maicarei. Norlii. Kranols N..II. HiMilamiii Sii-aii H Nutlinirham. Ann ...... KU/.ahelli i'i William I Ni'ves. Kmlly C "William r o. IIW, 171 ... .Vt.^l. l.vl, \!<\ M llell.lrlkle 1-'' llenrv...i;ii. istl, l'.il.*l".i. «'.ii lleiirv A •■•■•• '"" .Ian. Kl. 1st. IW. IfW;. I.ST l.s't, I'.l".', 11" .sj. II .Ian .!...«. is;.. M.^. ■m:> .lane .Ianiiet|e .Inhanne I'.Ki -■IS ... '.'l- ... .lohaiiiK •loliaiini John ..1>.'1, 41'.' ls.1, ).v\ :n.% 1S.1, ls4, 1HI>, 1.S7 IK'. A.. .1 |s.' |.«7 ix'.i. I'.HI, I'.r... lis. 4V.I. Ijn l-i-i, Isl, 1S7. I'.Mi, 1<,I|, :!74 Ma«.laleiia 1«7. i;'l Maru-arel 1«1. 1'.'". IW. l'-^' .loiias I'.'l, I III. , I IT. ix I. .... iw I7^J .... t>» ....'. K'l .l.vj. \>< :iiv Oakley, ("lev elaii.l li .. . K. Ilelieiliil KlI/.alK-lh U Henry T. K Mary T. K ■...•■ Sarah W., :«'. ;":i ■I'liimlliy >,x. I Oaks, t>. I'.-; :itl.i italmaii. •lU''"" Ill I (hlell. .I"li" Ollv.r. .lani.s Nathaniel ■;y:-.-;' I.;i i . Sarah ••■N •»•'«• (KitlH.ut. AaltJn '. -Jis .... :«•■.' .... itw li'.2 IIVJ :i:5.i, 341 nil 247 -•47 •it" .■!.■«. :nti Xi\ ...... •^■s '.'.'..... II :to :ts5 ivsfi, :'.'.'! Mar- Mai(;ari<'l...l'' 'M, -.<:> iwi isfi . Ut2. Maveke.1 Mayke Myii.lort I'aiiline l> I'iet.^r I Kelii-ora William is'.i, l''>- J-';- ^,,, ...IM, isi"i! l'»7 ISl Vi.kkert Volkerl. 17, :i.s, 4t. I.^. l.M, I'.M Volkerl 1> Orenlt. (Inie. A/,«r • - ••• Osterlmnt. liviysherll . :i'.13 2t', .a. iu< as(i. •JS7 T "ii 2r.i ..•i">l. 'iVJ, I'.'l :t27 t . v^; •M. •i'.T 327 2.'>1 IftJ 221 '.'iv; 275 Alirahani, I'-l, Ali'la An.lrie> Anna 12(1. \>^<. I'.Ht I'.W 1 Annal.le '( Aiineljel. IM. 187, I'.'.N l.'7, I'-'. -"",' •.111 2"l II Anil.'.... Allen ... IlI.eekor fai.iliiia Cat.^llna lalharii i'atrina Catryiia t'onielis I>..n>lhe iK.roil is:i. IS uo. 11; r.ysherl Oslriim. |la\l'l .loll" 11 tttten. Il.liiifr ttnileikeik, .lohannos. Maria Ouil.iklrk. Ahrahani Anna Ami.tjc Ilala Isaac Mjirla Mavke .Metly I'ieier DT.^rli.iuh. K.lhi .ler.^iniah... fi.1 I4:i 1.V2 L'J4 1411 \:'% 127 in>. i'-'7. Ill .ll'.l. 127. II" .I'.ll. 1«4, ls<'' l'.ll 71 4'-1i •J»4. ■.".•s '. •.•<«. 2'.>4 •--.If. 112 .l,ir..tliy.2(...i". 1. ■'." K.lwar.l l-'l. 41 ^..„ K.lwar.l A ;; ■••;■,•.•.■ a'^\ Kliza I'.ri.lis. 41'.'. <■? KU/a I ;•••.•••:•:;• *-"' Klixahoth. .2., ^s l;^. ,^„ ' I'll ■' IMJ V7:i,"i^-''.'"' 1*1, IS.'. ....;....^.- 1^' "'•"•'"'■' -WWri'::; :«2.. Kinielli Kv.-rt. Feyi.le, 4'ackar.l. Alic' M UenlamI" r ... Caliiarine Catharine I'- ■■• Charl.s I K.ilwin Kl.-anor (lei.rne Harriet .Ii.hii 4J .Iiiliaiina Mary W (•scar "'.... Sarah Wyiikoii|> 1 Pa.-rs, 'raiinek.'. .. I'ai.^e, All.!../." 4 •■• Anna \ Car.iliiie '1 Pavl.l II Helen M I .lames V .lohn K SM ■ -.Ill " 213 2V2 -jrj ■■■;; 212 ■■ -212 ■■ 212 212 ■■■ 212 .■i03,2l2. 213 ■.■."" ivi '212 '^12 '.lii'i. 3"'^. •"•'^ ■ v.*. ":i6 ■■.".■.'. i'62. .W. ;; K.2 .... 112 .... XK5 ; .... 335 .... 335 Index. Xlll '«ll!f. .I..M-|.h (\ Y..XC. XVi. XUi ■l"«'l'l« V ■^'•'' l.<>i>li:ir'l :!;• ' '.iliiii-iiliiT, N. . Mi.' ■'!-. ■"! '.irk.-r. M.irMi.. .. •,.■.. •-•.-. i-. IMiili|. S ' I •iirk-. >. M >ur><>iis. Ml IMi.r... 1 'attiTsoii, .l"-ii!i I. ':tvii. t'iillKirlli.- .1 .irj. Jii'i V.i.,„k. KU/ l>. .■.;. •lar..'. u.iM.i.i. .., im:;. •.'.<•. J.'ll 'I'iir^i-. AiiiK'lIf ■Jrti, jtV. .lohanici.s III. JlU M.iiMh lis HI '• u-.M \iiiiii V. V .ais 111 1' • Ml * .Ws <■ :««, 3l"-r. Miirlii »<'. Uiliiaiii vi rrliu', Siirali '.i'Sd TM-n. Aiiiiiialjc •.".2. I'M I'lillhiii. .Iiiiiii •.■;»■. Maryarrl :w. Sarali :'.t. \V.ii.l..|l ?.<.: ;v, WillMiii. ••.N. I'irlrrsi-. (iiTlniv .I'l IM.lii«.Mi. Kai li.-l .'.ll I'iiikiii*. I.aiira A 3i.-| riaiik. Maii:an-I i I't-CKv)... T.>7 W illiiin •.".17 IMalf. Kli/alflli 4:>. V. .I.iiia>i.Iii.|(,'fi I.M Ui.iiai.l .V. Sniaii l;ifi I.M. l.v,. iv. Taiiiar _ir. I'.illi.iimn. ■Ili.-.Ml.Mr _■< I'lif-. Miill'la I..'" I'ii«l. .I..liti IVI .Ma.liicl l;i:i. lyi I'.iH.-r. Il'irallii (K<-v.i. '.n I'r.ill KiiiiU M 4ii.•, I' ' • .ml I' ■■ ■ .1. - pli ,1 JV, iTov -! I lujiia Ill, 12 ' ". I., '17 •'■■n..l. ,1, i: I'liiMi. .\;iili :»!. lis Anna 21" .Xii.'imtiis 21\ 2111 '■■H. Mtl. 121 ... .sy M2 I- 1 Iix KIwa T. K -.'lO Ki.sliT 21V Krain i» :«i KraticN .1 rj< Krunt'M 8 24ii I'lJU 11. Kraiu isiUb ...■Vi. 240 Kraii-J 111 Ml Il.l. 11 1, ll-i Ill li'iia. III.IIH. 12;. .tainli... .I..l>.(llll. - .l.iliaiiii' ' ' .l.iliii I2H. r.».' 2411 2411 a2s .|,,liii .< 1:14 .I..I111 V. 1 14 ' Mar;rai.lT. K 2f.i Maria 2111 Marin.- : Kiilitrl II I.T. U- Sal 1 2.'.. .»>. 2. hi. 2411 ."^aiiiiii'l K w . y 2;4 I'litiiiiiii. roriii-liiis II.. ■27'." Diiviil 27'.i Q (|iiurki'iilMis, .Miniliaiii. I'.M I'K'. I'"7 A.lriaaii I'.a, 1"'. I'l. Aiiiiallr \:»: I'.'T Aiiii.-t|i' 1 '.':'. Aiitliuiiv \'.i'- Itala ft '■"'■. I'C naa>. f'l I'oriii'li.i I'l • havlil .. I'l*. Kli/.al..lli. I'n; KraiK iiiiu v. KriilMriik ,.. I'H'. (icfrlru.v .ivM. I'l.. inranlus I'.'i I'.n. ...l'.»:l. I'M, I'.".'., IWi. I'i7 .I..IMI I'.'7 l..ii!l l'.»7' I'.'I l.\x,-l,rl I'll M.ulil.l I'M. I'l.'. Maulali'iia. I'l 1 Ma--lil.-l 1'". Maria. . i'l-'i Miirriliv I'M Marll.' . I . I". Marvlj.' I". MallM.i I'i7 Nr.iii.' :;ii. -.17 N.'' I'.i:. I'll I. T !■■;. I'll, I'.i.'i, I'.m K.l.ll.l I'.Ml KiviMT I'l-I. I'.il, I'.l-i Siliraiil I'.i.'. \\..iiipr i;c., 1;!.% ai'kcMliiiAli. AilriaaiL.IU'^. I'.Kl. .V'.l A lie- 2"ir. Aliila KS, '."• Aiiim. .12... I:t7. I.'il, l&l. Ills, jm, 2(W. Aiiiiaij.' r.»S 1'" Aiiiiiii.' 1^!» Aiiii.lj.- I, 2. :i. 4 I'an.liii.- _ 2H rurollii.' I) 2itt I'alaliiia !''.> I'atliarliia I'lt «'alliariii.-...Ji2, 2111, .>»<. 214 Cntli.-riiia I^y rallirliia I'm rallvii.i I.S..I (V!|.. 211I ('.•rii..lia....l'.i7. I'.W, 'JW, 'JU r.irii..|lii!i I'lK Kliiiar Jij Qiiacki'iibiii-li, Kli/.>ilHlli . l'^). I'.w. \W, .IK'.. 210, 21.". ^raiik S 2j .l.ilialilics. .'Hi, 43. I'.<7. ]•«, Jim, 211I, 2^12, 111.;, 2'M, lltrt .l.ili.iiilils '..IMI .loliti. .Ill, •jn2, 2tM, .11.'. 'II .I'.lili l> 2I»,'. .I.'liii .v., 2ii|, 2<0. 2".'., 2IK.. 2IIN. 2111. 211 .li.liii \. I'.. 211.!. .tn.^im, 21", 21.S .lillia 2«i.-i. -.'H i.lllllsil '. J|.| Lniilsa M -.IIS, 2l.'i Mac.lal.lia (21. rt-., C.'l Maiiiil.- M 2, I'.ix Mcli..las, I'.is. J,,:, 211.'., •J"'.. JiK-.. 214 ^'il'll.||;l^ .1 2"2, 2111. 2li.''i I'ekk.' 1 Maruurcl 1 211I I'lliT 2112 I'l-lru^ Ill] Til I. r. 2. 2.\ W. I'.i7. I'*", I'.'.i. 2"". -Ill I'l.l.r W IM, Ih7 I'liilil 2UI KItsaiial Aura), 2ii'2. 211.1. 2 |7( Ind KX. K.i.klill.'. AIImti \li.l:i I. rii.iii. - l'" I>.ivi 1 \ . N II-. Il.-iiiv li ll<'I'ni:lll .Iaii.> lollll M.irv Maiv C K..I..TI |i ItaiiiNav, S.i|ilii:i Ii|iii^<>i)i. I.vilia S Kapall.-. Sara 24. U i|» IU-. .l..n> iCoorKe).!.... K.i.i „ Kai.'iK'ly.-a.'ii:::^::"".'.!"'.''.: KrtililM.ii.'. AIIhtI lU. Aiiu'fliia T fi2. (•lar.-iia- till, 6'.', 2WI. Ktli>l fi2, .laiiu'S II .I.H'I Gl, Uav. r..iii.'lia...l-.'.'>. I v., 1 »".. Ilotirrt t'A liaviiii.iiil. ticiirKi' II U.-a.l. A.l.lhi." K.i.iw.ii ae, Kotil. Kli/al«elli Isaac II M, rvi, M, Mallh.'W „ Saniii.l 4t",, M, W. ^<. R..S. Ma|..r >!arv Anil Ii"»"*, R.. v.. ClirlbtMlilHT Maiutn- Srlati V'. RiiK'iiii. Hailiara Xt, Ucilav, V.iUkirt Kiviil.r^. Aiilk' U.MioM>. I.v.lia L »*.>.•■.'. liiS, UW, Muiciis T W. MarvT -■«', KI1...I.S. Kli/,:ilK-lh Ti'. Ki.v. .Iii'in A Ivu kiiiaii. Maria Kikrr. Ih-iirv .»am.'> Ril.-y. Kiu.lim- M •-•»«, UitsiMiia, Alj>la Uol.l.iiis. CarnliiifT Ui.|..'rl-i. Klilali II K,ll/.il..'lli »' Fran. OS K -Hi:!, Ri.l>.ris..n, ('. A „... RoliillsoM. ILviily 12*<, Btv.rly I! lliTiiian V Nlar^arel ranlini' I. Pom. .11 R. i: M Uvs.ImIIi Mari;ar.l...Ii:, 1: Mar:,Mrila , Myn.l.-rt Ne»m|c Koll>l-, IVI.T Uowaii. A'liniial K..wl. y. I.v.lia Riiinblv. Kli/.alxtli.. Joiialhaii Uiiiini<>y, Kli/al>i>th. RiilU'Ts. Anthony.... Uarinaii Haiiiiaiius Ryckiuan, iJcrril Tobi.t. S. Sa ll-T, Maria 71 Salisbury. XJi Abraham. 217, JlN 2I'.«. .--•11. 221, 222, .am, Xf. Abraham A 2I'J Abraham W 2L1i AllK>rl -^Iii. 223 .Xii'IrifS i 2211 .\nii 221 Anna 2l'.i. 222 .\niia M 218, 2.11 .Viihaalii- 2l'.i llar.'iit S 2ly. 222 Calharlna 217, 21'.i, 22n Caiharini' „ 22" I 'al riiia 2iy, 222, 221 Kliza 2JI Kli/.aU'th...217, 2|s, Jl;!, s^i Kmk'.IIJi. 2211, •221 Kniiici- '221, 22'i K .iHi Kannv 220, 22;t Francis, 2ir>, 217. 21S, 21!>. 220, -221, .W. Ilaimah 221 .Ian „.„. 2211 Ji-hoiakini.^ 221 Joachem ..'. :. 221 John 220 Ki'tura 22.! Lauri-iilia 217 La\vri-n<-«' 2'2(i I.onniis, 217. 21s, 2I'.i, 231, 22.1 Malllf'Mallvl -220 Mar>!ri.'t.|c 222 Maria. 217, 21'.», 222, •.-•'.i, .am. 3iil Marv 2ir.. 221 Necltji-, 2l'.»,22l. 2'.i'J.:ii«l. :mi2, rtui Xellv 221 I'el.'r 217 I'li'ti-r 2U; Rachel 220 Sainiii-I 221 Sylvfstor, 210, 217, 2ls. 2.11, 221 SvIvosUt F 221 TiMintlc -221. 222 W.-s.sel 217. 2l.s. 220. 221 WilHani. 217, 21s, 2U«, 220, 221, -222. 22;' , :m*I. XiT, William It 222 William F 220, 221 Salmon, raiharine M 20."> Salter, .Mary 393 Samnioiis. Mar^-r ."'anion, .lacob San. l.r>. ;i77 I'lili iritia Kli/.il>.lli Kl-ic , II.I. na ll.t, .L.tumics .I..lin Maria '.. 1.. 7, 74 U..l..rt H'.i Kob.rl T San. Is. .Mabloii I) Saiifonl. Mary Saltfrb-c, K-lwanl • i.oi;;.- C , Sava:;.", llaiiiiah Savvv.r. Krastus , Savlos, Mr .Scbaals, .^enictj.' liiib'on K.-ynl.r S. ba.-lViT. J.>hii N S. ba.'ts, Rcyni.T "^ .■^cbarix-, James. S. Iienck, .Xhrahain Sell. •pill. H-s, Catrina Scb.-rm.'rhorn, Aiinaalje... I llatiliahl ;.2'.M Ar.'iit _ \riaanti<> 227, Mf.i ....<'<. SV' ...I'll i:., Kli/ab.lli li.'rina dbesie^ Harriet Helena, 221, .•»i7,."ViS,:io".i, lleo.lrick 127. J-^r,. Jacob 221, 22-., 22ti. .lacb J., 2. 224, ■22.'., 22i;, .VIO 227 227 227 ■<• 2'2fi 227 l.K .110 •23B 22i>, .224, 22fi, 2^2I., 227 j.icob n .lacobil.s Jan .laiineke Jaiinelie Jannctje 224 Johannes John Lucas ^224. l.y.slM'lh M'achlel I, 2,4,117, Ma'.:,2:!1. Ry.r (Ke.v.^ri . .■224.22;., Simon Sopbya Susanna 2ils, S\ uion. '224, Sch..liel.|. Ma|.-<;eii Sch.'oiiiiiak.'r, Coriu'lia Schri. k, Sii>anna Scliiiii.iiiaii, Cat barilla Kleaiior Johannes I'.M. 2'.ii"i, Muria Mart. 11 tJ WiMi.-Iniiis W illiam William i; Scbiir.^iiiaii. ("atharine, 20:'., .Shut. I'li.ib.' .Scbiivli^r. .\biahaiii \ Aiit:.llca .\iina 49, :*>. 72, Anne 42. Arianlje IB. :t9ii. 'Aunt" ;!29. Ill ant t'alalyna 21 t'aial.yntj.- Catliarlna, lis. I2f.. bV, 301. .iftl, 3»;.>, 297 »;:> ■MV.\ 21.1 ■Mi 7 l.V. 230 49 4INI Index. xv !«chuvlpr.rntliiiriiif ?■■•«. iiiO Sli>o. WtllUin Sitrllnir. Woolsrv »! i-.ii,;,,.. ;ni Smart, Lui-v!. KM.i ... Willl.inr... - , Sniilt'V. \\illi:iiii 1: ll.llUul'. I ', II.' Si... ku.i.. I II >! >. ■ C. lU Sloii.-. Am J.i. ..;. -I, ... l.V, M,.iil. Ki, I ,i..i,.(M'" : ■ .1 ■' :... '.'■' Stoni.iii'iiii;, i;.i. iii'i . .I..liti. 7" 1. .1— I !>• SlhiiuiT, I.>"ll.» I,;i. 1- |i«i .M.iM.ii' I.Vi Sainiii'l _■ ' >I 1 I ,1m -- Mar^.ii. I IVi SlrxiiK, Aliialula ■!'>. ■''. Mu ,,,,, I -. Nail. V. .I'l. SC!, L-"!.'., ■-•>*. .luM|ih ;... .Vi ^l.n.,r,i, ■:'.< .ii-. l:I«i. L'll l.y.lia -'1.1 Mini > .. ii>' I'lmii.- '.>:;. ".i.\ '.<:. 11(1 Smari, A--'fii> .V. MmiI. ri 4". IV. I'latl •"! Sim v.>aiil, «i..x . '^••.' Siilh.rlan.l. Aimti lit". IMir.Jr 'I S0I..111..11 :'":i I'l.riifl- 1 I . 11-. IMiilli Snv.l.r, .Mai; H". Kli/a ... : |. I'liili|. I" :_- S..I1M i, r,M.i --'I Kiaii... 1 1. I'iiliT • S.iiiiliwi.k. <;.•,. ri;>- -11 i;ia..v. Hi. I'i'l>r l> I S|i.iui-r. Alibv 117. II- .laii.l). IL'-, ll«. I'l'i'-r 1' 11" lliarli>C "■! .lam- Hi. M-l>'" " • <•"' S1..KH1. ruliariii.- ••-• .iMlin lit. ~^ ■•" \ I'"> ll.ii.lri.k I.J Mur\ I IH. I' . i;t .l<>tiaiin«'> "J Sarah In. ■I W Sl«ui»r. .Iiihaiiin- -I Siivilaiii, lli-iir\ ,v.' >'•-■ ' . ' ■-'■1. ' Maria. ii.l. :»»■. Sii.\ laiil, .|i>liai'iii)'s :ivi Z>i. TM Nirhulii!^.. nil Swarl: Mar\ :'.'.»•.. ii ;... •■vS SprakiT. Maria I", 47 S«ii», Aiiiii-lii- . . :; li S.iil.iiii.llil.iia... .:l.Vt. :».l. .Vi; SpriimsiiM 11, ras|.fr -.1 f..rii. liu.. ' f. Iliivli.'irlii-. :H'I Siaau. Al>ialiaiii. its'. .T'-. il.i/.na •.»7,i S<'W.ill. SainUil :■>"*-■. -.77. .;7- .loliaiiiii'.. ....."." i'.l S'«i-Il. .Ii.ti.iili ir. :!■'.; Alirain :'.-■■-. '-' S«iii», Aiiiialli- ...".'....'... 'S--^ Saiiiii.i Viiii.M Aiiinljii, J.''.. -'7.1. Clair..! ".!i!!!!".!! ilT .. IT'.', Ilc'sl.-r \ ■•-.s Sill ar. AimMislii> -Ml" :;2.s XN. .lUi l^.,:„- '■-,< KiiimaC 21-' Aliii.ll.- ".LM, t!" .Iililsj.- _ii;' TJ,, Kr.-.|iri.k !».. -lf> Ari.iaull.' !1<' .Saiiiakr " -vs • ii-.irci- I'. Q -I'.'' Itar.-iil Ul-s. iWT , .<,47 llarrii-l -'IJ IJan-iil .\ l:"" S.viiioiist-n, Juliaiiiu'S lit. .la.-uli JIJ llar.nt ,1 -TM. .TI .I.i-.>|iliiiii- '.'I-.' t'alliariiia r."-'. 1 " »r Kali- -'IJ I I'alliarino * Tli.-...lor.- 1; -V,-.. •.'IJ I t'alriiia tl, AiiLili.n SJ, .V.', M Sill ariiiaii, mivia M., .'C •'.'I, '] l»<.|iiir:i Vn^clita II lUi, tV -iiii til, fC, •>«, 21111 Kliza . K Anna M 1.11 "ni KiilH-rt lai. --.m I Kli/.al.. 1.. ..p.-. . 41I..VJ, v., .V.i. ijp. Slu'll. Anna T -"HS : lU, >'.'. ■.".lO Kiiit.i V l'"*.'. I Klsif... I i.'.irci- ll.,.Vj. .'•>!, wi, iw.ti ■.'yii llarrv K >! Eva.. Kiili.inl II ill.', iSiliilh llfiiry S....i>(l. !!<» I (iirril K.iliirl S l«i. '.■Wi Slii'|>ar.l, lii-iiri:!' 'JT '. j Isaai- . .. - . .S. Vi>s, lnT, .Vj,i»i, f.l,i;L', .lam- "Jl.") I .laml. i>. -I- , L"ii.i, 'Jim Slii-riiiaii, .\iiii.i .\l i'.ii, ^i^li j .|..aililiii -.■•- Sarah (! Till, jyii : liVt , .liianiia "-"i Stark.- .V.i •J'Mt ."liiiir. all. Kl. hanl r Jul .l.-iliiui J-J^J. vj-;. ■.7> Wliiiliv.l lil. J-iO Shi|.1....v, Knsniilia jr.l. Ji'.J .l..liai - '^^ .Iiilla V !;ill Tli'iiiia- jr.J. Jii.". I Man. I IJI. I:: ;. :.J-. ■77 Taiiiu'i. I.iii iii.l.i Ill >lii-l.\, Maria I'.iS, Jiil Nr.lil.- JI-. JJl Talli.iiii, .loliii ;•. Mi..iir.l. I.iiki- II> Ji'i, .^'J Taylor, .•<; Miiiiiiaii, .Mary lis. Mv liv.k.- il'-. Kraiik 4i»; Sarah \t\ tl'.l S.iiiiinM. JL'I. ■>. •.J'l.nui. .ST'- , KcliiTUl '.t.s Si. I., rl. .I..I111 n iJii Sarah C> .laiiii'N |3 Li'iiti I* I'M. Il'i. IJII T.imili- iKiiiiKi'l, -M". Willill 4.s S..|.lii.- Jl.v J-Jii. >JI. •r.V. J-Ji. -Uit T.'ll.-r. Al.iahaiii 1<: Sill. Willliiiii III. 'I'ryiiljr ■"• Kli/.ahi'lh, i;s. llil. |«7. Si n.ira y J7'. W llliiii -VJI. .U"i, .17.1 Shii|.sii|i, M.irk'ari't |i.'.i Slallor.l. Kh-anoi ' l'l•|•ll||^ i.Iaiii.-i .Iv; SiliiMh, Marin |n. .Iiiah .1 liatii,. - I,. ,:7 .;-•. Sivi r. I .ilhariiii' . 1 l,..iii>a K Mi. Ski'lliii.iii. S|ii'iii'i'i Ml SkMi.ii. iha'li'- II Slaiilnnl, .1' w.i, Skill!.. 1. Mr . .-. Slarki'. rall...i..M ' U lu.^.i,,.. -. 1. .,, .,.., .-i -!■ 11. ^i'iK..i,> .. J. Till Itr k, Itiiilainiii l.s .-I'll-' '1.11.1 I ■ 14 \V. \V ral.lMm l^s I '^ r. II lii'iu't. I rail.ariiia v/.i 'Jij I :•.!.■. Sl.libiiis. Ilr Il'i, Call.arlii.- w, i:> :*i H . 41 Sti-i-lf, Anil .. 1.1 ("all.riiia 4.', I .41 Sl.-illiii!, Anii.l 'ji.'i I'allvan.i IKs N- ... I' 4'larcno' •.irt I Cairina 117. 1J4 I' !.i ^^ •>. 1:, lii'iiiiar.l „ ai.'i I ('.iriM'li-i ilftf. "ill.' . 411 Maria Ill I IHn-k 7J LW. XVI Index. Ten Uroeck, Plrck W aw Kilwtinl B ;!<»>< Kli/abelli iw, rvv< (!for«t' I" 3iiK .Ini'oli mil .KihuiiA I^<^< .loliiiniifs 37S .lolin IKS .lullll T IHfi, l(« .liullkic (.liKlirlO, 3.V*. .Till. »>:t, :v.4, .»•.:.. jfA '. Lfim :H6, :ii7 , l.vilia, ixs, 3:", C'.i, :m>\. 3i'.j M»rai;iU'ttt Ivs Maria s7, mi, ITH Maivii IS.S Uaiiiil JIT, 2l't, •.'-' Saiinii'l 1-4 I ?*ai(ili '2X>. 23<; I Sarali Anna •'Vi-* ! Tiibvait l-w^ j W.sWl JIT 'I'. 11 Kvik, A. (lu.\l«T, 24\. I •J.') I. -^rc I Aliraliani, l-'fl, l:<7, H7. I L'3ii, sw, iff, 2:w, rv.i, I'll'i, 'JKS I Abral'ani •".. Al.ialiani.l. •j:vi.2.<'.»,-MJ. -43 I Aliialiam R.. •Si\ -MJ. I UHv-f.l. 2<.3. 27.'. A.-n<> sa. uit AniM's -JOS Mlj.rl 3.W. :Viil lOS Allar.l SU Amlr.-w -iW. Jll, .'411 Ainlrir Ann Ann K Allna,'i^'^ ■J It, :;44, Anna M .., ATiii.-ki-ii . •-'29, 2.11, •-•vi. 2:n. 2:tt 242, 274, -^r. .211. 2, -W. 241 \\.wtw 2:!3 H. lill- 2i*t Ciiolini- 242, 2:"i«l C.ii.ilina 24.V 24» ('atlial\'n.i 241 ("atliarina ...2:«»,'2.M, -•■«•. 24 CllnU.n 241, 2lf. Clinli.n, .Ir 24« I'.MMiraail -T.. 2:i'.t ('...•nraa.l A., iT.l, 24.t, 244, 211'.. 2.-.1 ('n.'iira.vll. 22S, 221). ^.Ml, 2;tl,2;VI, 234, 2:i,'., :V'. lH-l...rali 211 l»irok...22>i, ?-■«, 2H1, 2:J2. 2:i.i Kllle 231 KuhiTt -iiiy. 213, 2."il KKl«Tt K 2.'i. 2K"., 2411 Kiiplieinla 2:t;{, 237 Kva 231 K.vl.ic 2.V. VruiirfS 241 Krancos H 2.'iO (lans»vo Jacob, 22.S, 22'.», im, 231, 2.(2, 2.v:t. 23.'., J.l'.i, 24l», 242,243. -Ml, 217. 2.'.l, 2:V. ,Iacol. I J31, 2:'.4, 2tV ,iH<-..i> II 2:r2, 2;i:., 2.«;, 21(1, 211. 24.'., :W7 .la.'.i .ta.M .lain .laiiK-!* \V Jan.- W. 2:1:1 II, 242, 246. i'm, :i7ii 246 246 .laliiioljc 2.32 .l.'iini-ki'n :I6II .l.r.niiah V. R 2:>J .liibaniia 2.31 .l..liann<-.s, 2311, 2:12, 23:1, 2.U. 2:1'. •loliaiincs II 2:12, 2:ii"i .lobn iW, 242. 243 .lolin It 24.'. .iohii .In !• 72. 2.16 .loslaa ;CW Kati- M l^na l.foimrM, 236, 2411, 241 MaiKaiilo 22« Maim III •.-JS Maria, Ml, 2.3ii, ill. 232. il4, !:v.. il6, 2:t7, 23«.t. 241 Mariltl.- „ iHI Marv....i3:i.4;;iS.241. 242. 243 Matv A 244, 247 Mathivs 22.-<. i!l MallvriC 172 Mavkcii 22".>, iln M.tic 22s Mvniloil f! 2.16, 276 N. .111." 2:1'., 23<,i. 21" l'.h-r(i 2(2 niili|. 2:i.S 242.246, .'"■(I I'i.lci- ill I'l.l.r «i 2.''.2 K.ub.'l 2.11. 2.-.1 Ki.liar.l,i!;t,2:i7,iVS2ll, 2(2, 2(6 UobiTt 2(1, 21.1. i'.l Saiiiiiil ini. 2.3:1 .>*, 2611 Tboinas. Can.llne M.. KV.. Iiy. Thi>mise. .loliaiini-s X\ Tlionii.siin, Kll/.a l.',2 Smirli 1.'.2 Tb.irii, lieori;!' 214, Alburlis :«i Tilly. Ilaniiab 11 Ti.silien, Kli/abt'lli „.. Ni Tj.'ikse. AiiivUe :m7, :iiw, :iif.t ll.'sliT, .'.Vt, i.4, i»,2.'i<'., 2.".7, iw. ;r7y, :wt Tomlinsnn. llciirv :«i;i ToiU|.kiMs. Ilaiiiil |i. (doy.) 46. 1.'.4 Ti.wner, rarnline K 'H T<.»ii-ieii.l, Abby S 147, 14K Abial-.m i:"< Itlaiuli.- II (•aili.irin.' C 147, Catlnirliii' l> Cliail.s.le K 77, 78 Cliarles V. K rian'Ii..' I> Kavi.l i:ii-.ii.> .I.' K 78 Ki-..l.-ii.k .le !• iH (;ii>lavi'ili> K 78 Harriet M. It 78 Isabel I» 7n 147, 148 .lobii-IeK 77 .loliii .le l> 78 .lobn K 7.'., 77, 78 .lobn S 78 Kallierlne 1 78 l,.-..nline lb- K 78 Maria K 78 Marlba Ill Nanrv 170 Pauline .le I' 78 Ro.b.l|>b I) 78 Si'ia|ibiiie lie K 78 Volekerl I'. I) 78 Trav.r. I, Sarah 271. 273 , Trenn. T. Markley Ii« Trie.., ('alalyiilje 28 Trl|Ii.', n.V,;rii',V b".'.".'.'.".".'.'.'.V..'. 7'i Troller, Calliarini- li :*» ,l<.lin II 369 Marvari'l 37(1 Maria 41* Matlbew .IW Sarah :f.'^'. 4iM .*«aiab W 369 Vail V.iblen 3».'l Triia\. Isaae Xfl Marirarlla 3l'l, .32(1 Maria -W, .3<.i.'. Turner, .lames R W Tym.'ii-i.-ii, Amiulli' ....iV., 271 Ita.'.li.'tali 26i- Kl.l.rl (• iV.. 271 Maritlp 2fi24 Mar.v 124 V. Valkenl.nrRli. .loebein 63 .lii.likl.- /'jj Van Aal.n, Maria -W Van AiTiibi-m, .lohn ';■» Van Al.'ii. Aaron •™ t'atbariiia '"■ ■"' I'albarine. 324. :l2.'i, .126. .^^ Im)K\. \.iii Aliii. Kli/.jl'i'lli.TI.7(i, II.I011 .'..' Ilevlllc Isaai- .I|I11K'> \ .. I.oiirfii- . I,ii.;is .1. I.v.lla A ... Mari.i ri.-t.r .M \.~i 1.. < f.iililiiKi . Marllii .... liiii yna.. :E 211 -•It I.IH i.% 1 IS \aii AMviii-. AI'iKiill-'- — . -1 . 27, .112. 314 • Aliruliaiii. (■..rii.lis . ....'.'. Kli.'i .I,.! C. . III-. .Ia...l. <•).. ..IV>, |.'*t. l.-.l ''7 •tr J..I1II I.v.lla .•f.'s ?7 Marllii .... Marvl).-... ... •-7. I'", .'MI5 IS.yii.r \ an .Vnlworp, Klizulx'tli... .lucul) \ an AiiiwiTiM'ii.t'ulliariiia, Ji-.i. Van ll.ri:.ii. .luhii .-Kil .l..liii(' L".w .1..I111 I' :«M l.ticy A P^>» l.iicv A. r :i<>l Maria ?.»■>, .*C, :U>1 .M.irloii '"J-.', .•>':;, ?.'!, Mirlcn <• '. :**> Martin il r.\ f.". ?.'::, L"/l, I'.'l, ?.'.'!, 1.117, Jl"*, •j«r.>, :»irj, :w .Marv •-".'7. .Hi". :hi;i. iH MaryltP 2'.'7 .M'-ii'kTt ?.r:, •-".'.<, .siKi Ni-eltJ.' ?."■-'. r.O, :i'.'t. •"I.-. •"11 -"17, aim, .an Nfllv .'..". '. :wJ I'.-tor •-'■'7. -".".1, .'.III r.-i.T A :k«i. .'um. ■>•< I'll, r II 911, ;tii2 F.l.r W.... '.ir^ I'l'inis ^Jr.>^ l*liili|i. :vyj I'loitr, J-.i;. L".".t, •.".M, JH7. L".'.', .«>(•, rnii U.-nln-l ;tiiii li.iiii.-i l» :«>•.•, \ .III Am. 111. .\liraliaiii .1 Van Anili'in. Aall|.> Aliiahain ll'J. {::», Aiiiiill'- .I..I111 l» - •.«», \aii Ariiliiii. Maria \».*. Van Ar^l.i'.M Van Ar.-.lali-n)' .laiiii.'l.l.- S Jil. :!«. \ .III i{.-iiiliii\scn. U;lliiis.... Cattialiiia ."'.i'.. M'l. Ciini.lia I.M. (icTiriiy IKiiry ... .lai-ulius 1' .'...'J'.>.t, l.".'!, ?.•.'>. Aiillioiiy ...JIT, 2l'.i'. 'j'\ Antli.iny .\ :ail, (.'iiiliurliia...'i'.i:i, •-"•i. j'!.'). :'.ll , ill I ('alliariiii • '.ilhaiiii. I'lii.Miii.i .nil. .1«r. iMvil Ih'bora Eli/.at>i-ih K.<.•.".•.'., l".".. ^".'7, 'J.'s, j-j-.i, niHi WllUain I) li-.i.-! Van Kfiirrn, t'oriu-Us 3J7 ronirlliis '.I.'., Mil KIsi.- no .I'llilikje 231, 2.16 Maas II 2<-, M.iria .UiTi Van lil>ck. Aii.jrcw T Vrs Van Hoiniiii'l, Jansc \l 172 Van ll<>rMiiii,<'atliariiii-...|ii. m. 17. I<, I'.'. 211 Ki;l..'rt 111. M. 'riyiiil.' II. ir. Van Hrack.l. Kli/alj.lh x« Van|.-. Donilli.- .1.. i;i. iwi, r.i;, r.7. f.s, 184 Tryiilj.. J i\\ ;ii2 Van Urmkluiven. Cl.ii-s .1., ('..". V.iii Itnii:, Catli.iriiia .V.H Van llriiu'K.'ii. ('.illiarino.... iVi \ an hiir.'ii. Anna ."..U llari-nl :m t'hrisiina , .' .Vi'i Coriii'lia .M :J1.\ :!i:. Hl^ii- 7, ;v.tii (i.rrill.' II 221, 22.") ll.-ii.lrlk.- r. .lann.'lii.' .171. 37.i .l.iliii .Til, .T,4 Maas .> Maiilli- Mr, M.iilH.- II 224. 22ii Sl.irilj.' M M\ .11.-I Marl. 11 (• :tl.'. Mart. II M .17-. Marlin 1 rn-.^ XH I'.M.r .M .T2fi Van C.irlaar. .Inli.iiiun l'.'.) Van rurluir, IU-iiiinl....;t25. .'C>1 .lac. 21 Van Dam. Catiina .11 1. .Til • laa* |{ 3U |i.b.ira I Ki|> :i'n llir;.'h, Ahruliaiii... :t7t A.l.iiii .an; Aunlt'tii- 4.* All. la .IS, 4:1 Aii'lrk-ii .m, 371 Anna ^^•< Annan.- 127. 1 ?.• Aniiatl.' II.'. Aniii'ljc lL».t Anil.. 17! Aiitl.- XM, ;!2f.. -.iS: Ariaanlji' .I2.\ 321'. Ilun-iit .174. 37.'> Har.-iil a .-174, 375 U<.-liJaiiiln 374, 375 Van .liii H.m'li. t'Hlalyiia . HI Caiulyiiijf .1".'. talliarlna I.W <'airina 12<« Calrviia 12s. I2'.i (■liri.slina .T"'.. 4iii • •..rii.'lia 27. m.'.. .•»»"., Hi; ('.irnclls :l^ .■•>•■>. »"'. ('iiriii.listi..ii''.. :»»■>. :il.^. 324 Kiisi'ltle Iii. I7'.i, 2<'.'>. 2fil, 2-<. .(Hi Kvrrt 121. HI OlHTlJ.. ;Ki.'>, HI. tii'orili- a .M4 tjocrlriiy '••*, -'f') (i.-rrci :tti.< (icrrit .•!<»■>. .116, :i74 (lorrit (' 177, .IMt t;.Trit 11 2ii'. (icrlji- 3ii0 <««>osfn .His (JvsliiTt Sitt, ."«»; livsliert (' .Uri llaiiiiah 4H, 41'. .Iohaiiii.« 374 .l.ilinO :m\ Marv-arita 17.'.. 177 Maria 3iii. rvni. :s74. .17.'. Mnrlllc 3ii.\ .m;, 3(8 Mariiji- , .Hie, .ll.'. Slayt-ki? MH Mayko 44 MvniK- 3ii«'> N'.tltl.' :!74. 37'. N.iltk (J 21K, 271 Ita. h. 1 26«i, 2i".3, 2i'.7 K.liii.T .174 KoLiTt K 3111 Kiitircrt .•«« Sarah jMfl. Ms 'I'.nntji.' 3ii,'i Tryn I7:j Tiyiille .111,'. VolkiC I'.K W illiiii ti 321 Willu'lniu.s. .If 43 William 3115 Wynaiit Hf., .H2 Wyntjo 1211. 131. Iiis 4t. 31(1 .I.lli';. fi'.i. 7(1 V under llvyilen, AIMa 2C.'.> ISl ratharino r^s 141 I»avitV.I. 270 Dirk Ill, iio'.l Ka< lii'l -j:*;. •jtiy, •-'71, 271 \ an.lfrliDiV, Come ins 1'.... '.>7 \ aii'l<>rliOi:i'ii, t'onielis >.i \ an ili'r llovc'n, Cornells 1 \ an ilor Liiulo. Ilurina- iius A 313 WillfnipMf II . :;13 V an (l.-r Miuii-n, .) ibn K !l \ aniliTpoi'l, .\aron .:!2".i, .tin, 3.i.l. 311 Aaron E .!;'..t Aaron .1 33.!, .tin Aaron M 311 Abraham. ..2li(, 3i:i. 3jr., A.lelino J .".1 1 Alilnl .ijfi .\nni' 3: 111 .\nlhon.v X'li AnthoMv .•!2.\ Xl Ariaaiilli- :52.'>, .'.26 AiiKiislus 11.... til ("atharina .127, 32S ratharino ;f'.s aia. 3'l ,3f, Corrn'ha :!(i.') 324 Cornelia W m\ Davl.l 32C. Klb>-rl|i' ..•il2, :iU, .■C3, :vw :!25 Eli/.ab.'Hi...I'.l\ XM, xa. .■«!, .(.',4, 3.XI, ;t,M Elizabeth W... x»\ ■!•>« .324 Ccrrif. :Ci"., 324, 325, 32»;, 327 liirtruiU' A\ .... XK Harriet 3;?2, XVt, .•131-. ileniirlck 3-.'4 Il.nrv A XV, Henry V. S .... 341 llernian W . :j.lii Isaac. ..Ill", ■■' .341 ,Tacob\is J • ■Ji. :;-.'«. 327 Jaines...:tio, .yi , ;k_'. .!;« 3;ti, .•t:t:> .lames >KH ,13.3 ;V>7 Jainietje 327 •lesse 1) :t;i3 .lohanna 32.1 Johannes. .."li.). :v2i), .lis. :\J9, XMi, ."t7S .lolin :u>, VJif .tJii.Sin 3tl 4m. •lohn A :'.il lA-wis M :v'<'i I.ourens ...*' l.viUa |{ 311 ...iVs, 71. 311 M.iv-.ulet 321 M r^arila :»■), 32S M.n. ....N.. .-S. .- .1, ".HI, SM 32i;. :vj7. ."28, :t.i< Marv 3:t2 Mary C 31)1 Marv K 3,t.- Mar.v K V.K loy, xvj. .311 Marvlje :!27 .Maltheiis .327 Vaii.leii)oel, MeUherl M.... 314 .Melehert W ft'<, 32,'., Sy. Mel;,'erl, .324. 32f.. 327. 373, .37 1 Melgerl. Jr...H«, 320,320, .W, 32< IVIer ^i27 S. Oaklev....f2<.l. .vSi, .!.3f.. ;t:i7. :i.Vs. XV.>, 310, .312, 4(lt", S. tiakley. .Ir;, :V42 Sarali 20, 2I(/, .328 Sarah A 312, ;t:i4, xa Sarah K 3.13, 4IHJ Susan .ttj Susan C 132, ;t:ii, ;t4i Tennis (" 2.ti, :v2:'> Tennlle 32f. Thomas B 311 Trinke ' :'.2I Wenilell vu; Wilhelni .0 WvnanI ;tii:>, 321. 32.\ ;t2f. Wvnaiil O 30.-., 321, 32:-i Van.liTve>r. A. (I>r.) lo.>* Louis ,1 «4 Van iter Vol-eii. Kli/.al>eth.. 1>.I7 Vanilerwater, EU/abeth.... isy •Pamietje 1(), 15 tVamlowaterl Mat; Van Heiiseii, — . ^22 Abraham. ...112, .31:;, 314, 31.-., .317 A'lrlaen 313 Aelt.le 313 Anna .317 Annatle 31C, Ariaantle 31;') Bala '.M, %, 31C. Caspar 312 ratalvna(Calallna), 1,S|, IHii, l.-^s,, I'.m, ;i|7, 41H O^VlalMitje, 312,313,31-., 31C. Cathalina. 131 Calharina 314. 315 Catharine W, '.il Catharine K. >l 2(io Cathlvna Mi:,, .-sot; Cathrina 312 Cormlia .11(1 Cornelis A 3ir. Elizabeth 11. 15. .ilC, 322 Enj;eltie llf., 120, |:!l, 1.32 Enui'ltje 312, 311, 315 (ierrit 317 (inert II 317 llarpert 121, 312, .;|3, 311,311;, 317 llarpert M 317 llartinau 315 Helen .312 Helena ii. In, IHi. 121, l:i3, 312. 313. 311, .!|.'>, 3ir,, .'.17 Henrick , 3lf., .317 llenric'us 311 Isaae 313. lIC, .317 .lacob. .12f.. !12. .113. 3ir.. .117 .lacob A 3K,. 317 .Ian .'.13, 315 .lohannes .31.5, :'.1('. Lena 317 I.vsbel -s, 10,14. 313 Mamlalena .312 Maraiiet .31fi Maria 12<.i, 14.3, 17s Marilje MC. .U7 Marten 315 Martin 312, .314, 325 Marytle 316 Mattheiis 314, .315. Sir. Matthew A '.". 10 M IV. ken . 313 Van Uenseii. Melehert. .314, 317' Melcherl A..3J2, 313, 314. .315 I'ieler 312, 314 Kaehel ,1U; Robert 313, 315 Uiit. M 93. 110. 12(1, ,«»•, Knttier 312, 315 Kntyert 2.14 Sarali 31f. Tetiwls (,Matlhe\v)..3o.5, 312,313, .314 Ten wis A 31.\ 31(> Tobias 315 Tryiitje....,s. y, 12.13. U, 313, 311,316, 317 .313. 3li; William J 186, 316 \\ viitle 314 Van liitinars, Cornells B.... 116 Van liitninrsen, .Ian .1 64 Van Doesbiirch, lleiul- riek A 343 .lannelje 31.3, .344 Van Itriessen, Anna 31.S, 31li Annatle :fflo Catalvntle '.. 320 Catharine 320, 321 Eva 31.S, lil'.l llenUrlek .318, :!2(l .Ian 1H4, .321 Johannes. ...31S, 3iy, 320, ;121 John .319 MaiKarlet .321 Maria 31.s.3_ti. 321. .322 Marv 319. 320,321, 322 I'etrns 31.", .tr.l, 320, 321 I'etnis, Jr 318, 319, .t;*' Kaehel 320, .321 Sarah 320 \\ineni .320 Van Droop, J.ihn 93 Van Duyn. Cornelia. ...3«;. 42, 49 Cornelius 42 Van Dvek. Abraham :io4, .36:1 Ann E ;m Ann! .3;;i Catalvna ...l:!)), :t78, X^, :i9:t Corn, lis Jli. Elizabeth. ...■.".H, 297, :VIO, Heii.hick .331, ;K5 Henrieiis f.9 l.aureiiee .328 Leonard B .304 Lydia 67 Maria 363 Martha 14, 16 Marv ■2'X;, LVl, -.W, 298 Mvmlert 2'.i7 Neeltle 2".i7 Van Eeck. Mari;aret :M. 41 Van Ember.i;. Catharlne..95. 97, 99 I'eregrine 97 Van Eps, Anna 2;!li, ;581, .3'.rj Charles 279 Itlrk .343 Elizabeth 34.3, :t44 .laeomyntle 175 Jan :;4;i, 344 .Johannes 64 Lvsbet 175 Van Escli, Evert 305 Van Kslant, Catalynl|e..312. :!i:i, ;!I6, :ii7 Claas 313 Van Ess, Cornells :182 Maveke :i77. :182, .3yO Van Everen, John C....2.16, 276 Van Oaasbeek, Abraham.... 217 Anna M 217, 218, 22(i .lacomviitju 217 Maria .' 2li;, 217, 218 Van llarlingen. Ernestiis... 1.S6. isy Henry l^' Van lli.en, .lury..., 27 Van H..e.sen, Jan F 11 Mviiilerl 374 Keln.r II Volkert >*. 11 Van Ilonlen. KoeW 0...;143, .344 Van liiKeii, James 40u Index. XIX Vail Iveron, Hosier -'^ Mvn.liTl M -'JT Van Kli-i'ck. Kli/.nb.-lli .-JIT. XV,. «>.'. 4(Nl. 412 Van l^:ir, Cuthiirinr I". H «iiTrit '< Van I,fK)ii. Albert •'''"•I KIsIc If«i. HI .run ISl Uvl..' 3f.l I'.i.r 4nl Van Nis, Aaltlf. .M.l, .MS.Sir., tIS Al.ialiani :\i\ .ll'.i Anna In'., »H, .TI5, .m"« Aniiatic .lI'.i Ari laiiiii' :nr. Cal.iliiLi 3(7 • '.il.ilvna 3115. 347 t'.italvnUi- :»■< t 'al lial V III |e 317 . 317 H.'irlruv 31.'i (;orril...31.l. .;i.'., 3Ui, .317. MX, .3r.i f!iTrit|i' MX 311 "iiiilj.- .313. M\ llaniia 317 llcnilri.k 31.3, 311..31.\ 3ir.. 317 lien Irick 31 t ll.-ii.lrl.kli-...l.><.t. liM.lS.-., .34.3, 311 llcnilri.kl<' :tl."> lliiirkk 31.^ .laiol 3IH Jan ^1,, 313, .344.3l.\.34fi. :U!< .lun II 31f., .317 .laniMlIc .147 .lohanna IIC .I"li.iiini-.s 31."i, :M7. 31S M.iikMnta MC, .117 Maria... 141, .ll.\ .HC. .317, M^ Marinlc .tl7 Marillf 31S Maytkf .31(. Ma.vkf r.7 Niiolu.i :ils I'clrns 31S I'liillipiis .'V4i°.. 317 IM.tiM 317 Ka.licl ...73, TTf. Sara 31n, :iiy Sarah 34ti, '.IS .■^arlli' ■H.'* Tnintli- 317 Tl.rk l[.... 147 Williin 31.'>, :;i7 Van ^l■■.^. ('atliariiif..7;>. 7ii. 7'< r.innlis 2.'i,s II.Mi.lrUklo "i:; .l.iiii' 3^J .John .IS Mayk.ii Is; Van Ollnila, llcl.-nii I'M, IW Van Or.liii. KnecUic... .'Ujl, .'.i..-. Il./.i-kiah 301, 3«1, .Ifi.') .laiob .v,\ inn Sainni'l .WVi, .if,.', Sara :Wil, 3ta Ti'niiU .VVi Van n-traml. .MiiKail U.l Van I'allcn, I'hilip yj? Van I'l-ll, ralliarlna...l»'<, an, 2. 401» ('alb:irlin' f.Mi ralb.irini' .IiihaniH's Zlt Killaen K .RKi Killlaii 40. 1.1.3, S'.m I^iulsa 77, 7H MaplaU'ti 7 Maruari't S 7.\ 77 Mar«arlia 21H .Maria. 7.'>. '.in, :t2y, f.Hi Maria II 124 Nl. hulas 7, Mil, V.'Mt "I'alroon" I, 24, 4<; I'hilip twi I'hiltp P 1.33 Suloinon .CIO Slrphrn 77, >7, '.»>. '.'S llii, :Vi'.i Van Uotnicr. .Viinclli- ll.S Van Sanlvoonl, Maria, -t^T, 'W Van S<'haui-k, AiU-lim- K... :ivi, 3111 llfiiry r 3111 Van Schaii-k, Aar.m I :iir.: Abraham 'V.! Alida 3.M Anna M ■'..■■ii Anthoiiv...2(l, 2.3:t, :i."i, 42, 43 Calalyiiii 3'*.->, .3'.i.l Catharliin 72,71, li<, .V>\ Calharliip I'.i3, IM, I'ls CaMilina ll« CathlMia 126 Catrina :l'i. :V,l liiiininlciis sii Kli/.abvth...ll'', 3ln. i'.il. 'Wi Km«i'1i.|o...:i7 Gi'orlli- 111. IM, ll'.t, 12ii, 22'.', 211. 211, 2:\.\ .l-'iK lierrlt ls.\ .\Mi, X<\ liirrit S 13s' l.'H) lirrlruv .isi, ;is7 (iiM.M' :iyii liooscn rji'i liuosi-n (i Ill .•< 122. rr. lri<'kit' iK'i llfiirv r 2n Iili'ii 2s .laiob .'•>, X,\ .lanr .1112 .lann.-lji' In.",, :\{!, .loliann.-s 31, 112, \.<> l><' villus .ijii l.niirc'iis it'laasi, l>3, Is.^i, m:, Maria .IIMI, 3M NIthnlas 37, 4'.i Uiikc 116, 122. .i.-.l Uyckir 71, 71 Sara 2«Vi Sarah...! 17, 123, 121. I2!i. 142, A-.l Sarljc. :w. 14, 4'.i Sybranl. 31, I'.Ci, :i2i. 3'.lark'.iri'l .32'.i Van SIvck, ('iitbarlne, 2.'tf<, '287, 26.'* Ilarnicn 267 Nicholas 276 Van Slriivdfn. Jan .323 Van Slrvk'T. MarKarita.318, 3211 VanTas.vl, Abraham 121 Van Tllburi;. lirtetl.- 10 Jacob HI Johannes .36 John 29 MaiKariet •29, .36 Van Trliht, Abiiihaiii...6'*, 116. .12 1, .373 Helena .325 Magilalcna, 113. 116. 122. 121. l'<7. 325 MarKar<'ta,6'i. 6«, 71, 71, ;t2.'> Maria..lK7, ;;25, .r27, .373. ;i74. .175 V an ValkPiiberp, Ahrahani. .3tU LanilMTt 3f.l Van Valki'iibiTKb, John .32S Van Valk.nburKb, Anna K.. 242 l»aal|<' .!7.'. ('atliarina 2«l« Kva ."IIS Isaac Lift, 2118 Jaciibiis -jtiK I.blia 2'.i8 MarKrIla. . 2<.iS .. Slephen i;42 Van Vfchloii, .Vbraham ■iVI, .IM. 361, .3. 362 Anna 263, :«7, 364, .365 .\nna 1. ;57o Annaalji- /Xt, 364 Aniiii' .-572 Anij.- ;;;;;; .-v^ Ki'iilaniin a;.! I'alarina 361 <'alharini'...:i,s7, .'.■.i.'., 4i«i, 4111, 402. 403 r.ilharinc C ..ii-fl, :t70 ('alliarlni' K 246, .170 • 'albarinc .1 .iiji I'alliarini' S .171 foriiclla .■>7i Corni-lla C :t7| Comolis T...I2I. .•r,2. .3'i6, X',7 t'nyli-r .'iini, .171 |lir4, .W, .3.'fl I'iri-ks Xtl IMr.ks.. x,.j, Eli/ab(lli....ii".o, 361, .362, 361'. :KI'> Klizabi'lli A :nvs Kli/.abi'iha ;i6| Kphraim ....124, av.l, .362, .R* K.«l<'lle lie l> .172 KiiKi'iio ;!7i Kva tti. ;'j;i, x,2, :i63 !■■> Ill' .ivi. .UVJ •i'-rlniy „ :|65 lifi rit T 1;.,, 17s, 3.V2, .C.7. .rti. .361. .162' .16.1, 3it', ....:Ul, .131,35: ..!. ;U>1. :W9. "'i'.i. .ii.V :wo. :v,i John Jolill II. JU'liiti JMnill^i U l,.oii.kTt I,.'na lA'oimnl »i .'KW, l.iuas l.v.lia ilT. «1'.>, M it^:,ir.i -V*), M.i'-.ii.t T M.iruaiita 177, Maria :15y. .Itil.Jtfa. Maria II Marvllo l-A Miihi>'l...vM,:t>i. .'.VS. ;Wi. NL'cltle l>rl.T :»■'■■!. I'liilil' "'-'. '■^'•■^. I'ii'i.rlli' •'■'- K.-liccca •-'73.401, U.UlMll Ukhar.l Nan v.. ' .1, ...I 1.-,, Jin oil r JoliiiiJiK-i, Jr Mrtria -i, N.-.HJ.'....r>.''. iVS, 71, •.'^•2, •-■<.'3. I Ui'.vupr Il.s III I Salomon Sanuul„.l.V,, .iV.. .V.I, .mt, 3fA. ."'aniiKl A Sarali i^"Pliia S> liuvler •I'eiinis.Jli-,. xyz. XS. X>1. ■.v,\ 'WK .i.v.1. ;l«ji,.Tf.:5. i(>l. :vk;, ;i6.>*. .Vv.i, :!7ti. 'r< iiiiis A IVu'iis T.unis |).....V.J. 3.\1. 3.V., Truiii'i T 3\ Van Vi':;titi>n, AbraliHUi O.. Curn.lis Waller Van Claa.-* t\ .«.. 0>irni'lis f!... 221. .laun-tlc 221. l.ysi'lMi Van Voi-it. .\iina M.>. Eli/alx'tli Van ViankiMi. .\liila 111. Uarl.aia 31. Kv.rl U (ii-nil Mari.i'.l!!;;^!;!!!!!";";!!;!! Marl.i U Kvkirt Van Wa'.;enfi-. Jacoli Van \V<-M'|i. Cyslirrt (' Van Wir. l{oii|.iiiiiii...ll. i\>, Culliarinc Tafrvna • ierril Homy 11 y>)hH'yZ\Z\."'."."'.'/Z'.'.'.'. .Maria Saraii ...V.K Wiliiani Il'i. Van Witli.'ik. Cilliarini. ... Van W,MMI. Ali la AmiM Aiimijo lis 127, i:ii/aln'ili liw.. Kn--ili|c R J....:'.12. .tH. Kyij.' .■ ,.21, Van Vssfl.-it.'vn. Ilata....:i|.t. Van Yvfifii. .\ Itiiriirr Kr.Ml.Ti.k .lohannrs Ni-.ll|.' IC'^-nirr Van Zaii'lt. .Vniiatie AniielJ.' *-.l. Itiniainin Itoniarilns Calrina :12I, ho. i..r Kill.- M Jann.'lj.' Jolianiiis .f2t. Van Zaiilon. Anna Anthonv (Nlia Davi.l (;.MTii (iy>l..rt .laiiiu'lji' J.ihaiiii.s Jo-.i>li J 172. Maria Variik. .\bra1.aiii V.ili;.'liii, A. T. K Vo.|.U'r, AUurl Allien II Ari'iit Al.\an.l.-r ISaivTit Catriii.i ■•^, (; Ilarniann.s .Td-. Mar:,'aii-t :iii-, :!"!. .Maria I'.ior IMiitip Vioilor, .loliann.s Mvn.lrrt Volk.rl S V.-iilia;;.'n. ViTbriijjiir. .|,.|iann.s I' ViM-niilyi'. l;..liiMt Vvrplaii. k. .Vbraliain I Aria.inllo ...112. :'.2t. .t2.'>. Vorplank. .\braliain Cillvn Kacii.-l Vli'l.'. Ariioiil Cl.ias J.-iiiii.tJ.' Maiia .'^11^,'inn.i ".'^n. .l-*'.'. .'.'7. Viiiii.', \\ ill.iupti.' 221, Maria. Vinliasr.n. Abraliani 374. Ai-lli<> ...2V., 2.-. I. 2.V.. y,'!, ■27i>. 271, .\nfhonv .Vviaanllo I>irk Kli/.abi-lli IHi. 1S7. Kva 1. 2, fi.'.rtrilv Jacobus Jan II .■y.2 \ inlia.'i'ii. .lohanna :'.7I. MS .l.>liaiiiics....|>7, ;f27. .(7 t MA. MS Jolin J..', 32.'. Jolin. .If ;t Marcarila 32il, .127. 371 .Marine 2.V., :i7:l M,iria...l2.l, 32.'i, 37.1, 374, 37.'. Marini _ ?;;:, Williin :t73 Vissclii-r. .Miniliaiii 2iW. ■j',7 .\, 232. 2:i".. 23'.i. 'iv,, 2ii.i.2ii<-., 271,272, 271 Aniia...2.'i.'), 2.'i7, 2.V1, 271, 2h4 Anna II; Anna M 'jiVJ .\nnalii' ■^■> Annalic ViX l.V.i, 21"^, 272 Ann.-IJ.'. Ml, l><2,2.1»<,242, 2li., 2.\'i, 2»>1, -tW, 273, S!:) Annie 2s7 A mil.' K 2K7 Ariaantli', 2.M. :!77, :17>.», .w"., .is;, w.k Ilar.iil 271 ItarenI J 2.V.I, 27 1 , '272, 2:3 Ita.stlacn, iV3, 2.->l, 2.k> 2.V.1, 2110 Itasiia.-n II l-ii. 2.'>.'i. 'S^ Itiisiiai'ii (llaslianl 'P.... I'.. 17y, 2i'', 2ivV 2'.7. 2 Klizabcth I -271 Kllali 2>-fi Klloii 2i.i"> Kl>|.- 2.V, Kllie 2.VI Ksllur 2i;i Kva 2.V,. 2f.t fllMllV (i 2.SI Kran.-.'s 2fi7 Kraii. i-.u-i '272 Kranklin l> 2S.3 Kr.-.I.Mirk, 2.V1, 2.V1. 2.V.. 27.'.. 27i', 277. '27'*, 27!l. ".>("( '■>-<\\ 2SI, 2>.'>. 2. 2.'«i Kre.|.Tick II. .. .2.M.. 27.-.. .".77. ^*\ Kiv.brick J 2*'. 2^3 l!a/..iia 27li. 27'.'. 'Z^t} M. 2S|, 2'i2 (!e.rl|.> ->' li.'eriruv....2.V). 2."<'.. 2i'''.t. 272. '27 1, •27i., 277 (iroVKO '-•"7 ( ierril t 2.y'. 2<'.<>. 2<.3. 2'. -"• Crril T ■-"•3. -■«.■., 2'.7 Index. xxi \ i>siliiT, (icrtniilc.'J, 0.7, •J'.'.i, 'J^T (M' I) I'TI • ii.ii II •>: llumiali Vu ll.iriiiiinu^, -"• ■ Il.'iiiii;inu> i: J lliirnieii ._!.„. Ihinnon II...'. .:'.%»' 'j.Vi. 2."^, iT'.i. -W" N .Tl, "H ll.'iriiii'ii V. S 2i> lliinnoii i'e, I'.v., JT.''. -Tf-, S-, •.•:■'. JHi, '.'-l ll.l.n .... ?■.: II. 1.11 M •>!•. Il7 iii-iirv ail. •-•<■«; ll.iiry » L'hT lli'iiiv F 'Jii7 II. iirv li I'M ll.tirv II XI. l'.«- llfSt.T ...I.. I7\ .■.'>I,2.V., •J.V.. ■.•.■.7. 1'7I, .7J. I'HI. •-•■«:•., :i|7 Isnai- liMi, ■.•I.:. Is;lll|.|l:l >; .la...|j iV', 2.>. •.V..S .hinihti -JSII, •.>)■., -JST .la... I. T l.HI). ii-.s .lari.l.iis 2iW Jaiii.?. JiW .l:iiins .\ -jiA .lain.s C •.'71 .laiii.'s I) -.'lOi .Ian.' A isi, 1N2, 2v< .laiiii.t|i-....rj.s. HI. Ml, S'i .laiiiiclli' •>! J.>s.-....27fi. ■£<\, •>-.', 2^,t, 2.^l .li-^si-, .Ir 2^2, 2SI .li'sM- O jx,; .1... Iiliii 1.71 .lohaiiii'-s .. 2.'>l, •iV../i">7, -.i.V-*. jr.l. 2l"..'>. 2117. 22, •y->i, 27f., 277, 27>, 2>l .l.-lili 15., 212, -yC. 27.'., 271, 27.'>, 2-<<». 2N*< .I..I111 l> •.'7.-. .loliii.) 2'>1 .I..I111 N VM .I..11I1 T 2";i. 2i^-« .l.'lill V. S 2<">.'., 2IH"> K.I.' •J7I l.alisiii;; ■_.(■,.■, I.'iia -JM l.j//,ii' „„ „_.. -jm; • ."iiiria 2i',4". I.iira« •j.'iO l.vll.i 271 l.yiia \ Jill., :i-,:i Mailil.l. I7«, I7'.i, 2i'.ii, 2iil, 2<"..'. MaL-«i.- M. >r, MarLMrcl. ZV., /T'.. 27ii, 277, 2><1 Mnrirarllu 2;,i;, -ji^-. M.ina. 2M, iV.. 2V.. iVv '-••■•'.', 272, Maria l< Marl I I Mariil.. M.irii|.' .M.iitli.iti.. M irv Man K.. .. . Main., w. Mavk.- ... >l, .".'Ml 2'<7 2.>. -271. 17.1 NaiinlnK J., 12.-i, 271. 272. .i-.'l Nirlljf -271, 27.1 Xliliolnx 2.V. Mihol;l.x N -271. 272 Ni«ol«H 272 |V(.T 27'.' I'olril.s A 2i.'.< I'ii't.T 2t.7 Kaclicl, 21". I, 2f.l.2ii7,-.'72, 271 K«-bocctt 271, 27t;, 2H0 K.lncr 2iiliioii C 2x1, 2H.\ Zan 2r.(i Siixaiiiia 2fi'.», 27.1 Tenuis, 117,111, iV.. 2.V1. 2r., 2f.7 Tl mils 11 2.'. Tliiinia."! S 2i'>2, JVi Tl.Tck II fi, 1*2, 3.V., •j.vs Ti.-rk 2.1 Viva II 2>^ Walkir M 2sl. 2Ni William 2.V., •2.'.7 William 1 1., -27.^271;. 2^*1 ', 2^1, 2>''.. 2'<7. 2XX Williuin r 2'>7 Wllliam I, 27.\ 2>l, 2V> Vlli-rt,<...iii. Ki'vlJ." J'. :■.■> Mallv.s •..'> Vo.irli.f.s. .M. A 21 Maryarct J 2i). 21, 21.i I'.tor 21 \oOllllS. .ill".' Vo^llurl;ll. .Vl.raliani .'121 Aliialiaiii I* .".77 ti.rlriiv .t'.iii, :','.is Marillf :;77. >1. :'.-2. .ivi VrmKliI.CIirisliaiia,:i'i, l.'.,.Mi, .".I .l.ilili 1.-. Vi-|..leiil)iiri;b. Mallliia..* 17 Vn-laiit. ,luiin.'li<> M., .•..".J, Mi.liiol .1 !'..'..;..'.'..'..'. 'xc\ Vroonian. Alir.iliam 21. 1 Itari'nt .'i.;i O.rnolius 2:'C Kiii;flt|.-, j:'|, l-jc, ■.'■.•7, .11 X, .?l'i H.ii.lrl.k .-•.I'.i II. -in .•.■..-.. :>i-.« .Ian II T.i; .laiiiii'ili- :;i,7 Ma.-.lai.i.a :ii(;, .■;i7 .Maria |i •.'■/■ I'.i.T .M ril w. Wal.hi.ii. Cvnihla .1 11:'. Kii ."^ II ! Kliznlp.lli 2, :i Mi-siir K ll.T lliil.lali K Hi .lull, inn.. s .'. .Iiiliaiin.-x, .Ir U !'■ I'T ll<, :iii-. HCM.IVl.l ..(1 Itnth -.'I, •.*, .tl .'^luiiiifl ;t TaiiDi'ki' 1 1 \\ illialii M". Willis W lit Walk.M. K.lwanl .'JU Kli/ali.lli iVi Wall, r- .1.. II. ..Tv '--I ••-i Walworth, Kdna I1.2 Wan. Is, .Xarnli 2iv. Waul, Hi-nlaniiii 7i'. W anlwi'll, lli-nrv L I<.'.» .Man li'.'.i Tini..lli\ F.. U'l WariuT. .1. I< 4m". Warrack, William II'. Warri'ii, hehorali .^i W«.«llillli;toll, tii'llfrul, 1.", «), 27'.i Watcrliiiry. Aniiu L ll"i cii.irl.x II 1115, III) ('(.rii.-liiin W Ill) Marv .||ii WaUrman. .MuK.laUno .'>7 Itiilirrt .'.7, .fJi Ki.l)crl II .',7 ' Safliii.'l in. .'.7 . Tlioilia* .'./ .AVnU-r.s. Jan.-, 12.'., l\\ I3f., 1.-.7 .loliii r2.'> Watsi.n. Al'Iii's <.c.i Wall. .\;;iR.s .M. II H.4 T. II IIVJ Wi-avir, Ann K .Tits Anna M .tii.l ("liiislina. .Ki.l KU-aiMT ."lit.t •lali./ .■KKi, .111.! W.I.Ih rs. Il.-t.r .■'.12, ill Wi.|.>t.i, .\slial.<'l 2r.f. W<.|.l..|i, ,lanK-.< 272 Willir, .l.ilin ZiX Wellin;;! I. II 71; Wflls, Annie 17n I>. «i 212 Kllzabelli V. S Id'. I>unil.iii 1711 Wenip. Kpliraini 27'.i .loliatiiii-s sjt •lolninnes It ■••■2 Maryil.'^. '. ,;|.| MyniliTt 37t"., ;i7H Wenii>l.-, Coloiii'l I'Hi Wen.l.ll, Al.rnhani.'.i.'.. .177. .■i7S, .•',7'.i, riHl, .■•.s2. .as-;, :'i'., .flC, :V.ix, .Ml. |ii:t." 112, in, Iir. .Al.ralinni K i.vf. .!*>-'ll..ri (' ii.i AliaMii'ius. :>!, .T .Ann .VA, 4nl Ann S iii.-( .Anna, 71, 71, 2",2, 2.1-1, 2.IC, 2111, .HI.'.. .>l. ;iv... :m, .f.M, :h»i, .Rift, .nis, 41111. mi Ann:» I, in.-,, ins -Anna M in.-., (i»;, iiu .Annalle ;;;n; Annie .c.s «, .•\ii.ianl|e, 1 1'.i, i:',ii. i.'i"*, :'.77. :is|_ ;l,|_ ;t.^; -^^yl :•►■<.'<. ;wi, ;niii, .■•,ii|. .tii.',, n,-, It.(Henlamin) Itii.sli. 2l.'i. 21(1, 4ii«. lU Harent imi H.rlha A 411 Bilsey 40.1 lllaiK he Mki lliirr 2>. Ortvi.l 9 DiewiTt.lo DIrok — Uoni Eililli M l-ilwaril Kli/iiO Kli/.!«l«'tl>. 94. 12t. ^\*), MX). 4"'-, Kis|.\ ijt-., i;.V'<, .(77. :i7s, :i7'.i, Kplii-ulni. .17S, Kiinii"!' Kvort. I. lU^ 3tiy, 3VH», :i>,il Kvi'it .1 rr., -.rn. H7'.>, .'i-^i, .x-!|, :ti-.>, Kvorl V Knincynlio KrjiiicvuIJi' tircsio :«il. t;»Trit...3«.i(), :Mi. 101. OcrritV Oorlriule tiortnnle 4i>t, 4iK"i ..1.11. 107, 4I>.H .•VI, ;»:., 4(i»;, 407, 4US, 415 :(>•.•< .176, H7'.t .Tyj 41 17 411 :v.i4 4(l.') y\ ',>7. '.w. .144, -.Ml, , A-il, IVi . :Mt, 3'.»1 , :eH'., :e>7 , Hkl. 41V. til . :i>, :'.70 , ,W1, %<\ ;^'.i , :v<7, IVv-i, iX'.l S7'.'. -• , xc, xc, ,3.Vl, 3:17. (Jortruy :WI.:W7. llaiiUii Ilarmaiii\s..2S.\ i'lS. n.< I, r.^e, 3.>;7. W, :vX', :»■<, .•!•.•■.', 41X1, ;t;tfi, , .Ri:., 416 4113 ..:«t.^ Harmmins A. Ilarmaiuis ('.... im, 4lfi, 4tK"., Haniianus H. .. Harriet Master lleU'lia.lVl. 14t, ll.n.lrU-k...l2.t, ■i-.n. .;'.>:?. :w. I|i-iiilriik«i8 .... Henry T. K .... Ileniiail 4, lleriiiainis Hester J, 4, Hleronimiis Isaac im. m. .•v<:., .laeob :i>^t. :!■<•"'. .T.n, .R".'", :w, I'tl. •laeoli .\ :t'.K'., Jacob II... l:», :«•■■, 402. .lacolms :57S<. .•VS;i, .laiites I- .lane .lane .V .lane M .lanii'ke .IcaniMtte .IcKlllilllUS....^ :!7'.i. :vso. :W1 410 416 .T.^.t, 24'.», UK). 112 HI 124, >0, .>',i .■?7^. :ki.i, : 414. iirt, 3>18, 40I. 3.M, il-^"". .loanna .lotianne :V2.-*. ^ ■.vj\ .lolin. .lolin 1\ .lolin H 177, 2.W. :(7s, .-rr',!. :is:\; :vs.i, :is."., ;wi. iRxi, :W1, :f.i'>, .T.«'>, :l'.'7, .f.i'i lul. 272. :tSiT," 3'*7, 41 H, 411,'>. 414, ....■«.5, E. eieiell, .lolm 1., •"«"•> 401, 105, .Toliii M .lohn P Joliii V. K .lohn W .lortis .losiali .lu.lilli Kalliarine . l^vliius |><-ali..... Leila L I,>irretia Margaret .. Marjiaret T Marjian'lla >l«r«arita Maria.. .. 177. :(7s. 3-1. ,is|, .^s.-., ;iy2, 3'.it. Maria V. V Maritie .Marllje 1>''. Martin Marv Mary .\ Mary .1 MarvtI.- 120, lU, Malllii'W Melgert Mercy Mililieil Oliver Oscar IVter r>i>, 13". •-""" :«3, .33t', :r.7. :'.yiv riillil)...2.M, 2.V<, 377 3SI, ;t,si, 3S.S, :vs'j 38:<, 41(1, 411 416 400 411". 3ys 403 404 40,% 410 411 413 411 .^3 :.V(i, 41 M .24S, 112 3'.ll .(•Kl. .W" 401 IS.!, ;i.<2 :'.7".', 3'.'0 .3'.>o, 411 Is.", 411 .402. 413 Iii2, 4IH'., 412 Wliile, Henry .lane .\ 152. AVIiitliiK. .lohn Whlttaker. W. E Whitteniore. Witliani M.... Wilkinson, BeniarJ M Delia r Kli I <13. Kniilv K 24.'i, .lohn Lnlu M Wlllar.l. Jiiilne , Willenis. Aallje Willet. .\nn - Calhariiie ^ftt, 274, 275 E.lwar.l S 26.3, 274 Mary •'>5 Sarah 272 Wllliain.s, 3U Anna US t\Kli/.a(Kli/.alieth),l>.il. 41'.i Charles.... E. I' Eli/.alMth. Erastns.... Henry .lohn MarKareta IMatt Siiphlo (Sophia) I.'>2, Wilson, tieorne .lames .\ Kate M '.il*. Mar>;arlta Wiii.-ms, Sti|>hen Wjnne, .\ilriaii 164 164 146 222 "jo 411 414 411 249 249 414 2116 216 91 420 1.3, (. 237, Philip V. V Uachel Uel.'cca Kol>ert..:vsi, 3s|. iw, Samuel Sarah. ...37.S, :W, :'^''. ;m. Sarah M Sarah U Sartje Su.san Snsan H .^-j Siis:inna 377, 37.'*, 3S1, :iS'2, .■V■^3. 'l-^ *Kt,. 391,. 39.1, .396 Susanna <" Ten Eyck 'I'lMinis Theunis Thomas .371". Th.imas 1 Tjerk II WilU-iu Wil'.iaii , :f.Hi. :i97. :!■.'■< 40.1 40l 4i« 39M, 411 39',i 3SI3. ;ri'.>, "iw 411 .191, 419. 420 164 3'.l3 241 ■2.37 237 i:t9 102 1C4 .333 246 246 3J7 110, .176, 409, William U William F William ti Wyntje Wessels. Annekcn . Catrlna .J Eli/.abelh Francis .lacoli WesterUi, Cornelia Kliardus Elizabeth V. K. .loanna Katharine Mary L Ki'ns,sclaer Wli.-eler. Cecilia heWitt C E.hvanl K/.ra Franklin .lames .lohn. I .lohn V Marv E 3;i 131 143 174 414 129 2 416 'M 161 173 111 71 240 .347 30:. 414 ?21 . :rio Z". 317 .38, 4.'i ■273 112 112 ....129, 112, 1'., (>.><, 3-16, !..'...3wi. fj.'^, : Anna. Itenjamin... Catiil.vnl.le l-'L Catharine. ...3.>*. A^H, 390, Cathlina llaniel K Elizabeth Francis Helena Hester .Tellis I.vntle l-yntj.- Margarlla.. Maria Mantle Matthew .. Peter I'ieter Kebecca , Sarah .'layke) I'eter Wolverton, Kreilerick A ... Cains '>' Wooil, Charlotte F Fanny \ Henry T. T .Icconlas .John • • Sarah ^L ■*- Wiio.lbri.lKe. Sophia Wo<»lrull', Hiinloke Woo'hvanl. Doctor Wool, Ellis Marv WorthinK'ton. .lane •luliet -^- Williain 40, 47. ....374, ...293, ,..:i.59. ....;««•, 220 2*.H! 67 21.5 .54 375 1(12 162 SI 197 Ki .50 •221) 212 •200 206 Index. XXlll »VriKlit. Cviilhia. ...J»)\ um, 2i:> l»e(Mlatus| 2IIS 210 Klljtabeih -it;!, Jti^. -M.'" IVrsis 221 W.Nl.lril. Uioliar.1 .W.'. Wviuiiart. Anim 2.'>7 Ari.iaiillo 40 . Ail.t. iitli- 2S7 IK-n it I. r.*, 2ft7, SO • J.-rrilJ.' 2.W Hannah ».. 2'>7 IL-hlor ■r>7 Juhaiini-s L ;i7s l.ucas i">7 l.iuas It „ 2i7 Sarali 25."i, 2.')7, 23'>, 272 Wyiiuart, ,larol>si> \, ^_ !;« WviikiM.p. Kli/.alK'tli 126. XM Kniina ^:.... 213 Harriet ^.....Mi, 213 .lames l.f.i .Icirerseii 203. 21 I .loliii 211 .hilia 213 Julia A 2(13, 2H Wynkoop. Peter, 2(11, 212, 213. 211 RIclmrxl 2lO, 213 Sarali „ ai.j, 212, 213 Virginia 213 Yates, Alirahaiu l:V>, iTt Aiirielje 120, lu Cathrina _ s; Clirisloflc .IS Clirlstofrel IJ9, 174 Cliristmll.' 131 t'lirisli'i'lK-r 121 Hel.n M ai Hybort|.»....llil. 121t,lt2, 175 .loMpli .172. 171. 175..»K.i. 311 ■Insepli C (tiovernor).... :i3.'> Maria 31, 3H, 44, 4.'> Karhel .my, 311 n.ibort |:i.',, 174 Sara 174 Sella 174 I Snsanna, U'A, 13i°i,147, 14'.). l^il) I Ymile. Jo.sepli l'.ll. 410 MarlaJ.. 18'.M'.'l,l'.r2.41H, 419. 4JI YounK. Kli/abeth il« (iuy l-.".! Yonntfs. Klizu A 242, 24fi .lames 24rt I.iiein Yssi'Isleln. Isaae M xl Kaolul It HO, SI YsseUtevn, llata 3li. lornells M 31li YsseUine. Ueata 33 r.irnelia 33 Kleunora 'Xi Isaae M », 33. 31 .Fannefje 33 Kachel 33 Sarah 33 z. y.abrlskie. .Ichn 12f> /.iele. fatharina U W, \»\ /.ielv, A.lam 277 NEW ENCfLAND FAMILIES. A. Al>.iv, Anna 6N5 Anthony (Sir) fts'i Abbv, ThomiLs GI3 Abeel. Klizabitli A 7.37 tiarrelt H 737 .\ckerman, Hebeeca A.,.'>6f), .'i67 Ailams, WJ Arlliur R 73'." Ben lam in r>iW Charlotte A. ..„ 5r.7 E.lith K 7.RI James K.. 73U John linfney 71*1 Lcnilsa 7(H Samuel 'ii'iT Atlgale, Ablg.iil im:) Kebeeca (*irt Sarah •■<«,'> Thomas OH, m:> Aclrian, Kll/.alieth .')7'.> A.lsll, Joseph 713 Itarbara 614 Thomas G14 Alkin, ; t'lS-i AInswortli, Kninia M 7:t9 I'arker II 73'.» I'.rlv 73y AUock, Dr 6-20 .\llen. r.9y Anno W 529, .VIC Daniel .VI6 Ksfher .V« 517 • (range 04'.' Uebccca, 516, 517,, 521, ft*; AllvM. John 7-2<; Ame-*. Davi.l U 5l'.i ' Khvar.l M .Vl'.i Kniily F .M'.) Kreonian II .Mil John II 54".i l-uclus y .%4y Mary 1. .MO >la.-on 510, fil'J Sarah K .M'.t Stalira \V .M!) .\nilerson. John .Vn M.irie H 02 Marie A 634. (>SA Alwaler, Kulh 5frl Susan 575 Ansllii, Freelovc 699 Averv. Abigail 628 I-ois 648 Avers, Arial S 51S Avrault, Marv A.....'>17. 518, OM\ Nicholas 51S R. Backus, .Tosepli, Jr .W? Bacon, Rlgar (v33 Bagg. Henrietta 7o9 Baker. Kills 6:W .loseph ^s-".! Mary A OCi, 6.»>, 01.! Timothy .5.'>2 Balilwin. Roger S 0S«; Shiir..n 6'*<'. Ilallou. Jeralliiiiel 7iil .loS4'ph 70t Sanih 7ir.', 701, 7ii.'i Thi-oilore 704 Bancroli. t' .VI6, 550 ltarb.-r, Harriett S 602 Martha M 6o2 .Ml II on Mi liar. lav. Matlle D 7011 Itailw.ll. Ar/.ah 5.'.7 ll.nker. Hannah 711 ll.irrlit N 744 724 BariLi's. Ambroiic 7:t5 Julia 735 Lv.lia 7.15 Baron, John 571 Barrun, Mary A 710 Barslow. t'arrle ».' 74 J Galeii W 742 Miriam 742 Oscar 7IJ Barlholoinrw. Flora L 745 Barllesiiu. .luhli 7ol Barllett, 7;il Beiilah 7M Calvin L .M8 Caroline .s.s;j Kll/.abeth S .Vt2 Frances K 7.34 Francis 582 Harriett B 7.34 Mary P. H 7:»4 Minerva 548, 5.'i0 Kussell 7.{4 Kiissell W 7.34 Bas.sitl. Charles B 6ol Hannah ri64 William .564 Bates. Koxaiin.„ f<49 Sally .518 Beach. Amelia 068 llenlainln „... 725 Catharine J 60(1 KIwarU 668 Henry 668 Julia 668 Norman 668 Biaril, Vesta... 597, 600 Bearilsley, Sarah J 6»"i«> Bears. James 007 Mary 605, 607, 608 Bearse, .\ustln 944 .■^arah .M3, 514 Beckley. Hannah 486 Richiinl 499, .5011 Beebe. Sila.s 631 Bvekinan. Kl>/.abeth M 6.'4| llerrs, James II. (Mrs ).... t'pOl lleMen. Abigail 519, 524, .'.2". Daviil 526 Esther 665 Ksther M 668 Harriet 668 Isaac 664,665, 668 Joseph MB Jo.shua S26 Marv J20, .52« Samuel 520. ."126 Thomas _ 6('>4 Bcliling, Jonathan 7:io B<;llman. .lames C .547 Boniaii, F. C 5:« Benc. '"■■ "• (•li;it\«-s N ': Kri-ilirick R. •* t;.-..i;;.' V: 11, II, ,1,1, I'lt'ill, tiW, w llliril.l li". KiilKmii;ih...'>>i,w<> ..AX Unili Sti'i'li'" : Tlioiiias William II • Wciilaiiiin, Miiiy J r.iiu UciinaiM, .lohii ••— Sarah "15. IWmI. Alplmliso Ut-iiioii. Abi.jall A.l..iiijah Atin.-s Alln-.| Alvlii Antlrew Anna Austin Axarli'l' A/.ariiUi 1- Itcujaniln Iloltv Caleb CliaiU- W ClirStiT Uanl.1 UV., 4SS, IKirotliy '^'>. KlioneziT K«lwar>l •"^••, I'^i'', EUliu Bllla! Klisha Kllon (EK-anor) E|>liraiin Krasliis..; Eiiiiiio....' (ii-oi-Ko IJ Hannah Harriot lUiirv ..- Ira .huob »-*!>, .liTUsba Jolin .loiiathan ;^. .losi'pb 1^". .los-ph, .Ir .losiali ■ .luliana Uvi l.vdia Marv. 4.'<5. 4N', \>T, Moilad Nathan Natlianifl O/.las I'liili.- rruilfuo' lUb. .ca Uuth Samuel, 4fv">, 4'J'. 4>i.s Sanii). 1. .Ir Pavali Silas SoluiMon Siisalla Tbaiiktul Tinuiiliv William W A W llli.MII W , Cay, iVi't .lilill, {'iV.l (•(*) iWiT I'M .571, .•.7.1 .')7:! 4NC 191 4H',l 4'.ll 491 , 4>4.'< , 4.'*9 . 4>ll isy, 4'.n» 4yn 491 l>Ji 491 4'.>ll 4S'.I, 4'.HI 4SS, t'.Hi 4S.X 1^7, 7:v.' 490 4.SM »sy 491 , 49 1 4*< 4S.-., 4'.HI 4K'<, 491 s 4'iS 4.«W, 7.rj 1-7 4S-9 4.-J-. .4'.«t, 491 .,-... 4.-7, .V.M 4X.-i 4'.K 4.><7. . "^v. 4'.>l .4-*«, 49< .. IS.'), 4>H 4.-9 lanlel... ini- C... Ki.uikl (Jiu-ri II irii. 4.-9 4'.«> 491 4'.H1 ore. iilMI .'■.i;itrt. Anu'eliea Catharine .) (Jnv.-lMMl Is.iac H .lohn t! Tennis 11 Bonielslor, E. I,. (Mrs. K'Hviii L.... Louis Louis E Nathan L Boot. Mary Hoot he, Robert Itornian. l.sjiac r.oiixhion, Hetty liMipleau, Angeliiiue. Baptiste Bouton. Abigail .lakin .1.>hn .loseph Mary Matthew Rachel •■■. Bow.litch, EilwanL... II. 1 Harry Mary .-■■ liower, W illiam Biiwman, Mury I' B.ivlston. .loauna .... ' Thomas UralfoM, H. P Mary Samuel Susan L Vienna Brailley, A'leline Inez .laue Russell Brainar'l nson, Emma — .lames I..«i-...., aniline... Aim E ... .ra fK'.N c,:v> t'onlent fi44, «H6. IH.*, tM'J, iioti. i".W, i'A:^ Ebene/.cr 702 Harriet '>4t* Honor...70l.7iri, 7l«, 7tH, 7U5, 7tti;, 7117 Humi)hrey .ler ..\. 644 (.'.« W4 c-a .Ii6i), I.M .(►44, <">•« 737, 7:W tV4fi , fi44 ...721. rsi 7-.'2 725 r>71 .lohn Lvdia Maria. .„ Mary Merey 7:U, Samuvl Tabatha Bryan. Ell/.abeth. Kraiues Brvant, Ablah Ihiek, Martha ■'>«). 'W Unckev, Catharine i£-J liorolhy i?- (iershotu 722, 72:4 Huekllu, MarKaret L ■>>^ Thomas I'., .Ir M3, .'"M Bukkley, Charles •^2j Cershoni "-' Hannah 51M, 521, .'.J-.! Bull. Abigail 1 5*-; Anna C ?•?■' Caroline \V !*» Elizabeth A *5 722 722 , ;.25, Ml". , 5-2t), 7:tl 7:'.l ...OiV4. f><'>7 .V.7 r,in fii'.7 W.7 .v." ). rM. :>fifi ,...fif.:i, .v* rm Mt .'>66 .. r).(7 .. S.%4 4S3 ....(■i:V.i, Wil 5I^\ .V«) f>o7 t.117 r.(i«v (Vi7 ...'.74, 5!M. &15 .-JO .S85 5.14 fi07 t>o7 ('.1)7 tW.i iVi:! (Vl:! :>ef> .'.70. Fretlciii Henry W . .. Mary H Sarah L Wi'llani L Bunnell. f-j- Buruess, Dr ^"*4 Tlesler 6K2. tv-^^ .lonalhan *^} Mabel 51W Nathaniel ■•93 linn. Mary 49:., 49. Burrows, Bets.y <>-''.•, M] Naliby '^'1 Burton. Daisy f'W Burwell Bryant "■>" itushn.ll, I'Vancis ''.Od .losiiih Riehar.l f. Butler. Agnes li-^l. >^\ Benjamin •" tiershoin '"*' ( i ,.7.«, 7;W. 734, r;i7 .lames., .loseph . Martha. 742, 743. 714, Marv Ri.haril Samuel ...IIT, "W. .'.'.7:i;t. 740; 741. 4.-.. 74f.. 747 18.729, 731 SIS, 731 ■.!.'» TM 4R.'. 7.17 4.S7 537 , 7.«7 ,...4XS, 490 .MS 743 f.l2 ....Oil. 1112 f.'.K) I'.48 739 739 lUitterworth, Ma ('. Ca.Iwell. Etlwanl Th.imas I', Dwighl Calhoun, Ruth R Canu'ron. .1. H Camtiei.l, Matih.w Camp. .\mos •— ■■ Martha '••'• Car.1, ,lon.ithan ...■. Mary ■;"•"• Carmuth. Frames iN .. .laui.s B W .....^ Carpenter. Anna b .V.3 719 721 , "l'* 74ti 701 , 701 Index. xxv CHnx-iiliT Hep/ibtili...6l.'>, MR I .l.iiii.'s I. 745 I .Iniie 7« ; .li>aiina MS, lifil ' .l>»i"l.h 74.'i .luSfuh I' 74J I .luliu W Hi Ly.lia 7« | Sanih 745 I Car. Job C'li , ('\rl.T. AblKHil 4!i'< Sarnli 747 , r. H 747 ' Cast lo, . I nan Mil 655, rt.v. OU ' Cnlllii. Sar.ill E 532,5.15, ^V< I Cliaiuti" rlain, hU Eup-iie » (*KK. (HH I Tliaiikfiil .V.7 1 I'humpi'iri, Kiira •W> ll.iin- Mfi ninn.ll.r. riiarlesC 573 Martan O.. 571. .■k73, 5.'<<>. 5«l,-fts2. r>liaii 6S1, fts.J Kilnioml 6S.! Kli^ha 5-i< .lolm... 6X3 I-iiciinlu C .W) KbiHi.s B 6 57y Aliioj, 57!. 572, 576, 577, 57,-i, .W'j. 580 Amos C 5,'iO Iti-njaiiilii &S6 t'hark'S 572, 579 Colt 58<( Coriii-lius S .'■■70 CorileliU* W .'.79 Itaiii.l .'"72 E'l«ir.l It .57't K'lvvarl II.. .'.72.579, .Vso KlizalM-Ui B ,572. .577, 57.s Eliziib-lh .«! .5'^i Frank >1 a .579 Kr.-.l.rlc L 7...... 5.-«i G"ori.'e A .579 iti'oriila .\ .Sf^i llarriit »i .579 lliirvi'v .V4(» H.nrv W 5Si> lliibiMt A .'.79 ,lani.-s L .072, .579 .lar.i" A .579 .Icnni.- II .'.79 .1. iinl.' M .579 .loanna I,., .572, 577, i'x. Mtt .los.pli 6*.t .l.iscpti L .572, 57.S 579 .loM-pli T .579 .Inliiis l> .572. .5si» l.aiiniaM 57i4, .5Mi ].\?.nv A .579 Mary .572, .5S«» Mary \ .5!, .52'<, .■>29, 5.16 Cli(.-.-m'l>oronv:h. Kli/.a,..r.45, f.5.t Hubert 6(6 Chester, DorcM 492 Chcstpr. Eunice 492, 49.3, Hannah 493, .lohli, 492. 49.1, 494, .'*9, 7-22, 724, I,i'on«rIorcy IVni'loiH- 492, 493, Samson .w.!l. .Joseph 1' Cohoon. Marv Coil, rianiel T 573, .lane <> Sannii'l Sarah S .571, 572, 574. Col burn, (il.leon Svbil ".«. 740. Cole. Abi.-ail .lami-s Nalhaniel Coleman. .Vsa .5.55, .5.'*, Asai.h Clarissa Kll/al>.-lli .-..'.2, Kuhic- ,i.ihii :>:>■!. ,1 11 11 US Maria Nuali I' , Sar.ih 191, 51s, 721, Thomas Collins. Ilcnniii Marv Nathan .Sus.nmah Coltun, James 494 I 727 I 727 1 492 ♦ 727 493 492 , 4'.o ; 969 494 494 7-27 721 616 7.30 7*1 509 iM 671 707 724 732 .575 I 56(1 I 575 561 560 575 )>49 608 M\ .575 ,'i4X) ;«0 f.09 6S7 497 .561 561 .'.611 Collon, Mary 707,712 Comstocic, .\nna W 736 .M 73fi' _ 735 Coni;.lon. William 701 CoMklin. • !*» MIch.iel S39 Connell. Jennie. ,541, 542 Cook. Awnes .562 Caroline .562 Catharine -574, .'.H5, .'rf« Clark 562 Dorothv 4M6 Mary._ fii3 Cooke. Amos .536 CooklnKham. Cornelia M.... 714 Fre.lerick W 714 llenrv, 1 711, 714 Klchar.l S 714 Cooper. Desire 672,674, 676 Slartiaret 640 Thankful 564 Copp. Sallv 615, 653 Corri.'ll. Cvnthia .532 Cornwall. Elizabeth 617, 61M Thomas 618 Cornwell. Frances.. ..5'.i6. .598. 602 C<.8silf. Asa L 7n3 Florence .M 7.36 •ieorKeC, 716 Collerell DavM Cowan, l,ouls.<) Cowl.'S, Edwaril S Thomas Thomas V Walter C 1 William 8 Coxe. AlfreilC 70s, liertru.le 1) Craft, Abigail 51.5, Moses 515, Crafts, Moses Ki'becca Crampton, Crane, W. Crary « Crosbv, Alexander Darius G .'.SI, Eilwin Julia Lanman Crossitl, George D William E Crouch, !?arah Crow, .AKiies 495. Bethiah Christopher 49.5, 496, I)aniel Deborah 496, E.lwar.l Kll/abelh 195, 4'"i;. Esther 4'.>7,49'*, Hannah 4'.i6, Jerc-miah John, 495, 496, 497, 498, 514, Joseph Lv.lia >(arv 4%, MehltalM-1 495, 496, Nathaniel I'aul Kuth Sanniel 49.5,496. Sarah Thomas 4'.>5, YeWerlon 495, Culberson. Ili-nry W Cummins, .IuiIkc M.' Curti.-, Kavi.l Elizab.lh 724, Eunice John JoM-pll J..s.-ph. Jr Thomas William 517, l'. 496 496 497 497 4!«7 496 497 .551 497 496 .'..51 496 496 497 4!<7 497 496 497 497 497 496 496 •M 5.59 .'x.'.9 517 726 726 721 ,508 517 606 l>. Dako, Mary 749 u XXVI Inukx. 57y nai/oU. Joimll Susan U „ Virginia -"Z ^ naXlh. k;:u:^s kV....^-.. WO Darling;, Mirah fc. ;< I>arr. AllV- .1.. i j l-arltoii K : ; Kt'on.....^ ; Francis K i| Kranois.1 . ■•! Ui-novl.'vo i>' (KorKi- ilj ({.Ttni.k- U .<' .lanios A ■^; Janus R <]\ ., Hi'bin C Z } StnK'on E L]-] Sirlla l]] Willie :*• Oavonpoit, William :"i ; Davis. John '.'u,', ' Sarah .■•,.;■ '.'i" Williani '''•■ '.".:: Day. Alio- <-■''• '.^"r;! Ilcnlaniin 1' T"! E.lnioii.l ? "";.■ [ J.'ri'iniah '.''^J BobiMt •,"!■,' UoLvr '>^" Saiah '•-•«. i'-'l ' Dean. i*" Calvin...., '■'« DeBevolse. >Ur>;arelltt t ., •>..> Decker. Sarah J •■• ■^:" Demn.l.>ii»;h. Maw H.; o.7 Delaliel.l. ralhanne ]• i.K. FMward "• Delavttii. E'lwaril i.' >•■**, <>".> M;,i-y »>:;.■>, (;;v,i, mn Deniin;:'. .Xhltiail. :*C. Mi, .-KM, .'vi'.i, .>•-•;<, .IJS Ann ■**>. -■"■-. ■'''•'^*. "•" Henlainin 5«in ChaiUs .'XW, -^'^l ('onilovt •''"" Daniel. ...»:(. 5. I'.'.i. ."xll. IVnio. Sophia :•••■ "?* I Derby. ....,•■ •"•«• l^r? De Kolh-chil.l. Hannah.... i-v, j Dexter. S .Newn Devo. Franco M Dibbl ....'^Ij, 5.J5 64-er ■rHonias .... Dickinson. TllOlllilS .... DiKb.v -... Ids. John A... Doilu-e. .V.lelin ..iV.'l, tiu'.V 023 62* Eilwanls. Klixabeth »m, Ur2, 507, 015. 516 Esther :i«W Hannah 5i'7, 508 Jolin....Jt1tia. Mabel .. Mary Kichar.!.. Kuth.... Samuel... 5117 , .'lOft, :i09 5nS :4p7 .'it«. .MX* M2, :i», .ViT .'lOS :i07 Ml, .71VS. Elizabeth. .1011. Mi. ■'*», .-1115. .MS. .-.15. 7J4 I Eluse (LUCC1.....VH1. :«JS. r.O't ; Euhraini •''"' ' til.leoll ■"■"■-I • ('.race J"2 Haniiah ■■■<". ■'"> Hezekiah •"'""' Hononr ."inl, .".Itf. -VJt. Isaac ^*- Jacob 'x"'. •■>«-. •'"• John. I*'. 5*'. :^•--' Mara •""• M.irtha •x^- M.irv. l'.>9, 500. ,Vp1, r-rj. M-hilabel ''I'l, ;•"• Nalhaniel 5ii2 Noah'Uah "ij |'ru. 6i.s. •"•44 Elizabeth. ..tC'7.lV.'y. M<. (M Kraiids J^'. •'•-]' James *'^ Murk 'J-"^ I'eter J "■ I'h.eb.- A •■'31. ••■» Wllliain, Jr Doleinan. Eii/.abeth Dooliltle. fhalles A Charles H Harvey W Julia T. S. A.... Julius T. A Marv Isabel Marveile .\ «'. J — Williaui S Dorslev, IUcliar, iOU. MS, 5J3. 5i4. 53S. r.37 Talmasre 7ol Thoina. .VI7..W. :.15 Tiniolbv .'xio, .'>07 William... «W Eells. Ellen M - .'*-« .V.n> .5^7. .V.I9. iiO.'* .Vj7. iW U. ..111.'. i<\\ on fii:! ..oil, Oi:i. E. tliistbrook, .\bi.i;ail ;-- Abigail ■**• Abraham xi7 Ann ,-.06. .-17. ;-«' Daniel ••• -XJ' Dorothy .x)i, j<>» Emo^i I... Hannah Harriet D... John Mary Marv J K. Lorenzo Stel.hell D William H Ei.'erti>n. K>ther Essl''>ion, Abigail.... Ha--.>t lienlauiin Mary , Uebecca Samuel Sarah Thomas Eliot, Jacob Mary Kills, (Miarles T Charles W" Charlotte Elizabeth George E James John V Marshall L William 11 Ellsworth, Heiuy 1- Elsoii, John Maitaret Elton. liucy Elv, Elizabeth " John MaryS Enimetl, Robert. Empson, Jane Kichar. I (.Sir) Enillcott, C.overnor.... Krlckson. Celestia J... Evart, Jlary Evarts, .leremi.ili William -M Kwin«. Hemv Marv William F. Fairchlhl, Clarissa F.. ...;.. • Danl.'l ^>^ George H Karh-v. Theodore : Karwell. .lames 1 Kerris, Isaac • I James M. 1'. iMrs.i Marv V.R . Morris I' I Oran:,'e FiJilis, Anna A I James K 1 Liicv A,. I Robert » :iy7, iXKl ,5'.t8, i">00. Mi .v.« 597, iW .7" 000 735 t\58 . 510 . 510 . 510 . 510 . 510 . 510 . 510 . 510 . 510 . 510 . 50y 740 , 5.35 , .571 , 535 , 5:1:. ..533, 535 ,V« 729 .. 72'.» ■..". 570 52y. 530. 5:?7 739 .'■)36 .7.3.1, 73".>, 740 . Oil 617 ; 010 . 620 . 703 . 04'.l . fiS6 . 086 . .'>78 . 578 MM 702 T47 •VXI 5.W 570 590 .590 046 ..140. 541 I.VUKX. XXV 11 FloM. Anna F •-•2 ''%T","V.^'"-' •^"'^''"' •^'"' ^" -J;.: ■/,-> Krincli. Sally vw' .—2 Krl>l"'-. Ilf/ekiah.... afij , Krost, Klviiii ..!.!!!!..' .'>V* Small K !.!.."..a.w, •'"S"' •■''■>^"' "'■'"•' riiarlc* K.... niarlos r.... Clar-ssi. A.... Kl>tM>'/. fvt» , Iv4'.' . .V.1.1 . 7.H , Tli . Ml ooilrUh. AbntT T M2 , .'H'>: '. >»j:"a Fi,i..iia K...^>. :.^A 5C3. ^^ «,, >I«'>-^i: iv;ip;i;:"ii::: Krnlcrick P •'"••- 1 ^ Car. mr. lln.lK.-t K.Ml..ll.i.ii^\V....'..V., 5.VS. D.irias 061, :i>2, 'J(i4, M> •'"""*.". R.illin K TIi.'.mI'T.'" ^"'^ /.aihariali ;«•■* -KlliT. AI.ii.Mll ■•«•. Ne, Man . Kohut (t;ir) ... Strphi'li (iailMT, .lolili Ann Klii'nr/iT . Kli/al.ftli. Kxi-vi-'iici \1 Thi.inas A •■•■•■ :.V2 i Cavriii. l-iz/.i'' "•"• [ .M'J (.iay. A'lelliu' K fill ' "Joliii "...Ml, .Mi I (•>!M filf. .My /.(■Vulial'H.i'i.i'.'ir!:, .".rr, .M-J I IJilisi.n. Aniancia Finrli, .\lirahaiii Korctliv :»*■•* Fi>li. Kavl.l fill" tirissell •■.'.«> Miiiv iMl, 013, r.H l'atieni<- ''-V. I'ri's. Tvc.l ; r.9ii. Tint Until fi'.'T. Tim William iSiri «">l:l Fi>li>r, Kmma (' TIil Orpha "H Fitili. .Inlia A . Thomas .M7, Fit/.K<'raM. .MatiMa M. L... Fl.'lili.T. K'lwar.1 C .'>-'^i Kli/.al'>tli K '^^1' ■ » Kvalin.' .-^ •'•"U Marv (• M» Kiirl |i •'"■"I Flint, laicv .M.V .MS, .M9, y*< Ko..ti-, .lo.slah S '«' Marv MM. .M.V 7U NallianK'I....MH. :i<>5, .M UolilTl .. Sarah K..r.l, Aiic'llnt- ('.•lia .Ii.hii I,a\ aniia Manila It (K'lavia iliTi-n , r..nv K Fon-iall. Mark" »'.. I' F'disyili, Nancy Fi.rt, Alii-.' Foster, Fri'ilfiifk t l,a, S ... Man.- A WII1..IIH F..\. Al.r.iMi Mav Frain i-, Ann Clara l< .I(.lin A I'rn.l.iue Fi.'.l.ivr, ... Fri'i-inati, .... Calhariiu- O .. Kli/abith (irnrral Ili'iMV 15., 71.'«> W .Ichii .lohii S Maria I Maiv Y .Varah M., 7I.-- Wllliaiii ..M1.X. fiiil. I'^tU I tiilbi'rt, Amy .\iin It.-nl iniin Calel. F.h'a/nr Kli/.aboth, 4'J'.', Kll.'ii Fanny Franklin .I..siali I ar.l lA.lia Marv .Ml. M.X.S Sarah Th'>ma> Zenana Al.i;.'ail . 717. 7 IS ,...Mi.1. 72 .'.I'.'" I MS I .MS ....M.\ .MS .Mrt MS Cil 7.TI. 741, .M.H , Cillell, Mart-'ari-l .MXi Ua-.l.-l .MS ; tiillwiii. .lam.s -:-.:\-: ,.:t\, t..M ' Olivia. 7I»'. 711, . 1 '. •• • fif.l (:ia>."i-li, *'•<■'«•<■ r.:i2,, illDV.r. Kll.'ti ivii'i, r.:!7 tiliiv.i. N'..ili I" iV-iS, (Wi t;i>.i.iar.l, II 72ni'>a TlH.i.ias C.M.r. .l..-.'ph... .J- .... (iuliiliiu'. Mary K •"•• .'.'.'.".'. .•.«..•. a Iri.h, :.V>i..Vm, :'.'••. .V.,-. Aaron •• •■• .-..M Ahlcail. .Mi-...M7,.'.l'.',.'Oi. ;.v.vs i->'.ii ••i, :>■». •'•-■'■•. •''-". •;-*• .717. 72n .'>71 ,....\t7, .Mil Abraham .\lunselF Ansel. I Aimnstn AuKiisIa (' .. Keiijamin .. Hetsey Caleb Calliarine..., Charles, .'i2li, ;r".', Charles A Cliarlis K Charle> V « harles V Charles W Chaiiiney Cliaiineev A.... Cvj.rlan l»aiii.-l Davl.l. 4>i7, Wm .'.I'.i. .'Oi. .V2:l. 52fi, .vr, .'.iS. .'..11. .W.'. Ilavi.l I .. iL.reas KbiiM'/.er K.lwar.l... hMwIii Kliakim... Kliliu Klihn C.... Kliiah Kli-ha Kli/.ab.-lh .M'.', ■V_'n. .vty. •'.411. 52)1 537, .W 520 .......17. aw. 520 ft» _ ax: 52« .'.29 .Wl ....\«l. .Wl, .VII .....M7. Jl'.'. 522 5.•i^i .'kUt, ^M .M«. .V!7 .VI7. .V18 .V» .'kW .'40 tOi ....r>\K. .VJO. 521 ,.....V!7. MJ, 540 ....Si*." t'!7 V2,.-.2(>..V.'7,>- .. .VUi, .VfJ, 540 ..'>2<.t, .V17 5.12 ...M'l. 5:Wi .'..IS Xi-<, .'>40 .'.a*.' " . .. .w. .V17. :m :.2i -.17. .M." .'.24, 52.-., 17, .'.411, ('.i^'. Sii4,.'>21. .'>22 .'v.10 ■■■■■■.■. ;V(1, :m .\37. .'..«. -VR). .MO .529 ■".■.■; .537 :.2I, .522 .'..•*7, 540 :cvs MS. .5211. .52.1, .M.5. 517 .24, WK'i, 72."., 726, .526, . 744 V;if/.ur..51<», .''2(, .'- , - , a2S, 529, 53»i T Mil KMa.1 :^^ Kmeline •.'-'^ Kmily ••<•} F.milv (• 53. Kniilv M 5.^1. "••■« Fphralm....M7. 5I«. 519, .■.21, 522, .'.2:1. .'.24. iC:; .'.27, y>. •'••'ill, .V.I, .', r*»;. 721, 722, 723. 728 F;rnslns \'i>. .'sU, :<3:. Ktlian... Knnii-.' 61.- F.nnie.- A KM..'l>'IKe ... Kz.hUl Fannv Frames A .... Fran, is Frank M Fr.-.l.-'iek Kr.-.lenri:e li.i.i>:<' M (i..i.r«.' K «ieor«e W tiershi.m (Jnr.i.m Il.iniiali 5 llarri. t Unmet W.... :.22. .'Ct^. 531. 5IS .'v39 Vtl ... .^^24 524 , .«7 . :m .'.31, .'.;i:i, 5.V. .'..■M ..MS. 5I'.I. .'.22 ...'.19. .■.24. .'.2:. ,519. .'.21, .522. .'.26 .VU. .'39 5» XXVIU Index. (ioo.irUh, Ileltii F Il.loii L llciiry W Ilcpzibali lliTinoii A MiTniiiii N '»■".', H.-ztkiah M. Iliruni K Ilobarl M lioilur Ichabcl Ira Isaac .lacob Jalnis T .lames Jaiiu-s .1 .Unus N .laiiios W .lar.Ml Jasper .Ii, .'■.■« 519, 5Ji .53.\ .VJfi MO .ysi, .'.•_•« /S2.'-. .53i :VW .517, JJl .vj:», , .Ml .W.-i :.5. .'itc.i, 5iti, :,n, .vji. .vii .lobn A .'...Mi', .l.ibil E .loiialbaii 51.". Joseph Josliua Jo.:12, Marv A 537. .VW, 540, Mary C Marv F Mary J Marv- K Marv I Mehitabel Mercy SliUesceiit , Milletta , MillKent Morliuier A Moses Nancy Nancy L Nathan Noah. ..527, 528. !CJ\ .MS 524 .52'/. :kW, 540 .Ml, rM .'.:« .^2y ,540, 511 '.'.'.'.'.. kv 5;t2 ....... .5:10 515 5211. 5:m. 5;i8. 606 5:w, .541, .>r2 ..MI, :a2 542 540 S-'M .5.C ,.Mi5, .596 .526 .524 Ko.xa ..'>.«•, 5.i2 Kiissell 52.S Uiith .521 Knth A ;H2 Sanunl,517,.520 525 .S2'.l, .V». 5.T7 5;<7 Samuel W Sarah. 517. 51H, 519, .521. .522, 52:J. .524. .«;. 53K, .Mil, .W2, .VkJ, .'kM, .\V5, fi06 .Ml :»< .5:15 Sarah M Sarah T f>Xi, Sarah W ..5.16 .5V Siihiey K.. .'>,10 Silas, .Vt7, 53!>, 540, .541, .M2 Stella I 510 Stephen ,.5'.>1, .52.H .^Jtephen H Tkis Stephens ...Ml .M2 Stephen T 5411 Susan K ..5.i»4. 60ti. 72»> William W ,\I0 Willie r,:)>< /ebiilon.. 510 Miwin. Alfred I .'Xi.! lleiieclict .517, 521 Clari.ssa F 5t>5 Kli/.abelh, 4'.<.5, 497 . 4'.l« 514 :v5i .565 5t>5 .V>5 Harry S .518, 521, "•:»2. Norman .....'I'fl Oliver Penelope I'olllcena l'rmleiice...510, 52.", 527. .530, 531, I'rndencP S Rachel T Ralph I Rebecca 510, 517. Kelurn S Rhoda Rhoda A Richard 518, .".31, 5:!2 .519, 5;vs 529 5.T. I .524, 5.i2, ."v» r.-v-s 541 .Ml, 542 ,521, 7.'!1 538 523 !A2 521, 522 Howard G Mabel r ... Mehitabel.... Nathaniel... I'amela II... I'rentice K Siisamia Thomas H •>.5.-<, William 497, (lould. .lames (love. Dorothy .M.5, Ijrahum, Henry >-arah Susannah 593, .594,- Granner, Lemuel Lynda Graves. Jonathan Jonathan, Jr Marv .'.OO, lV-nelopc....555, .556, 5.57, •■ Willow" ."lOO, Green, .\rchibahl Pella (ieorjieS Jane John Mary 729, Greene. Kllzabeth Freelove Tobias Grecson. I'hebe 070, Thomas Gridhy. Henry John Griflln S Grililni.'. .lames T John Mary L Sarah A William Grimth. Herbert B .lames L JohnH Lucy ¥ Marian Matthew Shel.lon Gtiernsev. .. .. 7,-vs Jnllii A !.;!......'.'.'.'.'.' 7:w Ouie, Antoiiie .Mnrii' .1., .573, .'iHi, ;>Hi. .5hT, .'.B Halev, .lohri 497 ILillord Marv C .577 Hall, Henrv 62.! .leiinie K .598. 601 W illiam h«« Halliek. Krancos A 7;t9 Hannah .M 7.39 Marv 7.39 I'arker 7:5.3, 7.3'.i William 7.19 WriKbt 7.19 Hallinan. Nicholas 516 Hamlin, 7.37 Abigail .544 Alfred W 547. .VHI Alice K .549 Amelia .M8 .\mie 543, M4 Rarlholomew .M3 Itenlamin 544. .M5 I!es>ie A 5.50 Clarissa .M:i. .M7, 518 I'orm-llus .545 David .545 Karle W rM Kbene/.er 544 Kdwanl F .M9, .551 Kd«in (; .M9 Kl.tO Freeman .Mi"., .M9. 551 tJiles ....497. 498. .M3. 551. 672 Hannah 543. 544 Hannibal 543 Harrv B .'.50 Hope ■)44. 545 Horace 546. 548. .5;.0 Horatio B .548 Isaac .M3, .545 Israel .M3 James 543, .M4. .5.M ! James. Jr .M.i, .M4 ] Jessie 560 Job M4 John. ..513, 544, M5, ,546. .M7. 548. 549, 550, .551 Jonathan •M4 Joseph 545 Joshua 545 Laura B .M7 Li/./.ie L 5.'iO Lydia .M5 Lvnian M5. 548, 549. .550 I Marilla U 517 .Martha .M4 .Martha A •M7, 548 < Marv....;HM. .M4. 551, 672, ' 673, 674 Marv M 548 I Mehitabel. 551 Meletia 544 Mollv 545 1 Nabby 545, 548 Orren 545 l>„llv 546. .549 . I'rI.sciiia ^j I Rebecca •"* Index. XXIX lianilin, Reuben.. ..M5, M6, M7. Kirharil KiishiiiiiikI W Suliiiicl U Surali M3, M4, .M5, Siiruli ij Sh.imr.1 L, M7. Tliuiikliil Wiilluco A Williaiii Wllllaiii II .MS, lIuiiniioiKl, .liilia II 711, Ilatuock. William 6;a. I lams, .loliii IlanloiilmrKti. Catharine. ... llariiiglon, .\llie. ...filO, fill, 61J. Tlionias Ilariuar. Cliarles .lames L .In>e|>liiiie L J.>sepliiiie N .h.slah 573, MJ, .I..slali W William Harris, Clara II &M. Ira KM, I'aulliie Harrison. Iterijaniin K ILulali 7a3. .luines „.. ITartwell, Kllzabeth Harvey, Emily Ilarrii'i dV), Hask.ll.: 5M, Hasketf, Kllza Joseph 6tH, CfiS, Richard Sallv Sarah Hasklll, Iten.laniin .... Hathaway, '■ Hauuhtnii, Hannah U_ 5.'U, Havens. Kll/.alii'th Hawke>. Abl.a I» Clarissa F Klla n Kninia K I'hilo .Vrf, 5d5, IMiilo I' William H William I' Hawkins, .\ntliony Hawks, (ierslioii Haw ley. Kphniini Heath. Krlleiida Isaar Heller. HenenKe, ( leoriie Henley, .lolin (Sir) Henry. Charles Kniily Krames John Ju.seiihlne Lewis l.v.lla Martha Herrlnnimi, Sarah lien on. Kliza R Ilijiinliolhani, Ann,Cl>l,7(il), Charles Nlles Sand!) _ Hill, AniaNa iHirothv 553. !V5|, .Ios.-|ih !AX Hills. .«lisan M), 6h|, WIL>, Hliirkley. ai;, H ink lev, Mercy Hoar Klienezef U Oeorve F t«ainiiel Ilochstrnssor. Paul Holcomb, Judah Samuel Holllster, Ablnh AbiKail Alpheus Ann S.Vl, 5SU &.M .'M7 5A(I .^6l M8 .W) 544 .M7 .Wl CM \ 714 I C-.*4 1 xiy I -01 ! 61.1 611 .V2 582 ' 58-J I 5i<2 . .'tfvJ I 5.S2 6.17 (W7 I 634 7S8 1 734 I 7."W 6S5 74'.i C-iJ I 5»4 667 667 667 665 667 695 686 532 6nn Holllster. Annie M 550 Aurellus F 5.W Itohan .^57 Chandler C X>7. .VMi Charity 5.'kJ Charles .'iM. .VM. 558 Charles H 5.M( A 5iW Clarissa E !J59 Kavid .Vi3, 554 Dennis 5VJ Dorolhv 5.%4 DwlKhl" 557 Kikar ¥ 5'>9 Ellsha. 55.'., 5J6, 557. .W. 559 56^) Elizabeth. .V>2, S.'iS, fvVl', 721. 72.'>. 726, 727 Ephraim f>.'i3 Eunice .554.55.\ :M E.xperlencc 555. 5.S7 Gershom :m (Ildeoti .'(54 Hannah .Vi(, 5.V) llariiiah l)..5.'j6,.%5ii..',fi|, 562, .'>G4, r^:, Hiram F M) Hiram .*< :>X7 Horace .'■•.'>7 Jane M .Vi<) Jennie F .W .Tpnisha 554 John, .'.17, .V.-.', .'.,\1. .V.4. MX 6«l6. 721. 72.'.. 726. 727 .lohn. Jr....'>52. .'.5;», .%54, 55J Jonathan 727 Jo.seph 552, 55^1 .loseph I' 05a Joslah .554 Julia 55y Ijiwreiice A S6t> Lazarus 552 Lucv 555 .Martha 5.55 Marv....:.:>2, 721. 72.'.. 726, 727 .Marv K .'.>. .V.U. 56il, 561 Mary L 560 Mehltable 555. 557 .Nathaniel .'i,>4 Pamela 5.56, 557 Paul C XiO Penelope y>6 Perez G :M, .V>7. .Vrtl, .'.6U Rachel .594. 5.V) RoKer 555, 5.56 Ruth r.5i .•^ainuel 5.M Sandloril .".60 .•^arah .5.'.2, .')53, 555 Stephen. 552. 5.V1. 5.'>4. 723. 727 Susan .W.) Susanna 56.'i, .'.55 Till. mas .V,2. 553. .554. .VA William P. .')5y Holmes, 631 Annie 745 Caroline S 5M Caroline W 745 Charles P 745 Clarissa „ f«31 F/lward II .'(K3 Hannah 731 Harrv P 74.-. Henry h .'>85 Jaine'o W 745 RoBclu* G 74.'> Theo<■'> Ilolyoke. Ann !>6S Kdwar.l 56.S, .'.69 Elizabeth .'<;« Ell/.ur .'«!. W.>, 617 Hannah 4y3. .'««. 613 John .'<;t I Mary .568. Wj [ Samuel .VW Sarah .V.S I Susanna -iM 1 Home, lU-uonI 555] Hone, Emily 720 Hooker. Daniel 518 Edward T 575 E.lwar.l W 575 Elias C 575 Elizabeth P 575 Fallh T 575 tleorce 575 Mabel .'.75 Mary I .',75 Kpv. Mr 514. 613 Richard .'.7.'i 8aniuel ,v,i Sarah n(j faiah F .',7:, Sarah II 57.^ Susan .',7,', Susannah .ms Thomas am Hookey, Martha 6y9 Hopper, Georjrla ,578 .John C 5(8 Wilson II .-.78 Horton, Fannie A .'.42 Frederic .VI2 Oiinli.n H .'.41. .'»42 Hosnii-r, Maria D 581 HoU'ie, Hannali 4.>!6, 487 William .,.. 555 Houstoti, Marv f£s ilowaril. Barzilla 648 Fanny 745 Howe, Daniel 6611 Lucia P 74.1 llowlett, lkn|;imin tH9 II...M. It.iilamlii 66y llubbar.l, Amos 11. ..573, 582, 591 Charles .'»«2 Charles C .'rf<2 Charlotte J 742 Davi.l .',19 Davl.l E .5.'.6. .V>7 Eliza .'»82. .'.91 Ellzijbeth 730 Ellen .'«l Harriet G 742 Henry W 742 James L 5S' John .526 Margaret 618 Marlanna L 582 Mary .'.26 Matilda .'rf*2 Perez II 5.'.7 Rosalie 582 Samuel M 582 Sarah 591 Thomas 591 Thomas H 581. .'rt<2, .'Ktl William 742 WIIILtm G /42 William R ^2 Willie W 742 Hulil.ell. I'lia-be .52'.». X)0 Hucklns. Hope 544, 545 Hulbert. (ii.l.on .503 Humphrey, llenjamin 649 Ge..rKe P 716 Thomas 714, 716 Walts S 716 Ilunn. Mary 727 Samuel 727 HunliiiKtnn. E'lward IJ .'.76 E.lwar.l N .',76 Edward T .'.76 Elizabeth M .'.76 Enoch 677 Faith T mi Frelaiy 67rt, 67* >lary II .574 >lafy L 376 i'eler .'.7.-., 676 IVt.r 1 576 Sarah A f.76 XXX Index. Huntington, Snriili L...574, S75 Siisan M 57<> Hunt, Anna K 579 Aurfllus 6fi9 Hon Oarlod 66'j (Ifiifvlcve F 712 Mnrv .V.J , lliirltinrt, John s lliiii-liinsoii. Anne I'CM. i;'«7 IrviiiR, \V:isl\lin;ton .W, Irwin. Ann •''7-, Ives. Kli/.a A Kiilelln K lU-l.n I' S63. JiMviuiah Jun.ttlian .losepli SfiS, I^veiett .l...:>o8, .Wl, .W. Mary li 16.1. rrenlli'i' SanincI Sarah H Uilllam .1.>. t".l9 1 Mary W 7<»7. 7IJ, 71.1 • I'allonci' <;^.^. r.i JohnsiMi. Marv L. C. A Saniiii'l •-.7.1 Willi. nil 721 1 7(W 1 M illiani C Johnston. Klisha ti9n 1 Jones. Anu-liu .-•.27, 5jy Klizaboth bi\ .M7 Isaac 527 James C fifi» Thomas \V 7n;i Ju.lah. Henry K .561 Theoilorelt .tSI Thorwalilson .1W JuiKoii. Isaai' 72fi .lainos 7?.i 72fi 726 Marv ^arah 721 K. Kane, John fi;v. Keilzie, Harriet 71, "> Janips T 715 Kcelor. Knth 6611 Kellogs, Aaron 7X. Anna K r^i Chariest' rm Fanny 7:a Kreileritk 563 Helen .%-i .losej)li 6.'i6 Jnlla 7:« Pauline 713 Uachel. CJ."., IV*. 6:>7 fiWi fM. fif.9 1 Sarah av>:> 659 Kellv. John .■)li6 Kels.v, Amelia ..'•■■(.'V rv^fi 1 Kiinpi'. Calhanno...6i; ,61'_ , 61:! Thomas.. ..612 , 613 Konii'ioii, Kehecca.. ..571 Kon.lall. Kniilv ■/l.t, .lam.'s . 63:1 Ketcluini, Kli/.abeth... . 6).6 Keves. I.aur.i K.'Vstr. (Je-.r-.- . '.tvS Kull.v. l,.v.-re(t 1 . .■>67 I . 567 Kehecca 1 . .W7 W. K. (Mrs.) .r,3:> ■61 Klrkianil, 707 Emilv 7tr2. 7o7, 71.i Knapp, Ailelalile K 6(r2 Amanda 712 Asu 734, 712, 713 (^harles B 713 Eli/.aheth .585, .5.S«". Kre-lerlck \V 602 Havwooil 59S, 6(16 Ileiiry 713 I/>onora V t'>02 Maria 713 Martha 712, 713 I'arker 1) ar2 Susanna 6(r2 Knowlea, Marsaret 6'.i".i, 701 L. Ladil, Jonathan, Jr 189 Sarah IS9, 190 Lake, Ell/.a A 7n:i Laniherton. OcorKe 726 Hannah 721, 726 Lamphear. Famiy 62s Lamport, Hiram H 663 Lane. Charlotte R....5:{2, .'^V.. .'■.16 Lanllehl. Clav M 6tM Ellen 68;i Alice K ••«.'<7 Aime I) .W4 Anne L .57:1 Caroline .■>74 Catharine C 585 Charles. .\ho, .vst;, .'.87, .588, .589. 590 Charles J.. ...57.3, .VSO, .-JJl, 5K7, 590, .591 Charles U 586 Clara C. 5.86 Cornelius .5.<7 Cornelius T r>8<' Daniel 586 Davi.l H .584 Davi.lT.....571, :>83, .584, .5«.-.. "vif. Eilwanl 571 E.lwaril 15... '■■■* Eli/a 57.3, 5.S2 Elizabeth -586 Ellzabilh (i 581. .591 Klorence T •. 586 (ieonie .573 Ooru'e I) .58.3, .581 Harriet .573, .'«»;! Henry A 585. .5s6 Hiinilnt'iun .581 Isabella C ."S' Janies...570, .571. 572. .573, .•k-iO, .581, "«82. .5s3 James H 573 Jane G .57.3, .583 Joanna 571 Joanna It.... 571. 572, .573, 576, 577, 578, 579, .5.8(l Joainia F .V"? John T 571, .58.5, .586 Jonathan T 58.3, ." Joseph...572, .571, .58,5, .586, .-.87 Joseph K 586 Jos.|>liliic .587 Julia W .581, .590 Laura K .5.'*6 Marsaret !> .584 Maria 1 .5- Lathrop, Keiilaniln (Samuel ?) Lat timer, Elizabeth John RelK-cca....721, 722,723, Lawton, Elizabeth..686, 688, 69J, Marv 690, Kehecca Thomas (irace Robert Leach^ Ailclalde LeamiinKs, Rev. Learneil, Charlotte Ebenezer IjIU) Martin, Ennice .631, 632 Michael :.68 R..siiia 716 Martinez. Olivia .Ml Marvin. Abigail, .W.. .596, .597 601, 6IH. Adeline W .5'.i9, 603, 601 Albert H a99 fitn .\lexan.ler rm Alice A .!»» Am. E -^ AiMin **"■ Annie H ^*}^ Asa •**• Hatnabns <*», «» IVnlaniin ....VAlW.Wi. f*U Bonjuniin T «*' H<-ttv «"9 C'arolln.- »««. «•>■-' ("atliiirini? A W' (Miarl..* W. »l". «W Charl.- K ««» Charl-s K f*» riarliiila -^^ Clark «» C.jni 11 fi"< Cnrlls T W l>aniel f-"' l>avi,l fi"" IVniv K 600, (*a Deiuv T e"2 Ihi.llpy •'-'.»• K.lwar.1 K ftw K.l.anor A .V.iy Ellhn .W4. fi«i7, fii'H Ellslia .V.'t Kliza {' .W, 1,1)1 Eliza K. ti")l Ellz.ih.Mh, .M«. WASMS. ."iy.'i. .v.ti. 6i»l, fittt, ««. 6if7, axi Elizabeth S f*fi EU'-n .VI;', ar.'. fi(»s K.'.tlicr .VJ«. J96. liOS, oust Fann V tinn Krai ces K '.m Francis E. MW. Gill Frank M i">i«) Kreitcrick F S'.IS • ieni'vii've rtC Oeorne Sl>7, .V.'S, G03, ftCj lieorKi- L .W.I llanna 5y2 llaniiali, >iiH, (H>5. fillii, (i»l7, 6II.S. fUKi llnrrli-ll S .vjy llarrv F 60'.' llcclnr S ftc Henry E I'liM lohaboil (*y< .lames •. .'><.i| .lames K ixu .Tared, .V.irt, .W?, .VK), fiidi, ftiy .leinlnia .v.i:! .loiin. .'.y.1. .v.ii, .V.I7, H>:; 61 17, fins. i'ilarla «M, fill.', Mari>- Wl Marllia .VM. .'«• >larv. .V.rj. .Wt. .W.V .V.W, .WM, 64*1, Ciir.', iVil. iKVi, t'iV .V.17, Matilii-w. .Ml., .V.iJ. .'ft-,. .v.n;, .w, .'''.IS, ijii, fti.-,. fidf., ftiT, rtiix, <■"' Maflh'w. .Ir....iiii.'>. WIT, • Mallhi w \\ .•r9s, MilillabrI .'.O.-t, .W:.. M.'lvin K 5WI, mm Minnie l> 601 Minnie K (*H Mb, Marvin , Miriam. Mosies Nalhnii Nathan II.... Nalhani.l C .V98. «»1. Nehemiah Nellie A Oiias aw, ««, Pb.ibe .Wa, I'ollv Ka.hel 6(H, UelM-cca HcvnoM, .v."J, i«?, MM, Rlchanl I' ".....'. Kobert H Samuel, M\ VM.ifih. mi. 6U&, UHH, Samuel K Sarah. 5ir>. .M7, 51.1. .',19, 5.M, MC. .V.i.t, VH. lUM. ni5, liii6, IMS, G«>4. William .'>94. 598. wil. William l( Mllllain W -lyii, .WT, :m, MNi, Willie /.achariali Mathi-r, Calliarine F Deburah 594 I nun I tilM (*a tVKi 594 I f.09 j «I7 6uti ; COl .V.t4 0(111 Increase i .lohn Uleliar.1 I .^.'iinnrl I .Mai hews. ' Mattlii'ws. Uev Maynanl, John Zae'iari.ih Mavii. Anna _'i44, I I Sainiicl I McChesney. McUalton, Henry I .lames Milletirv, llenrv Mclntyro, .McKaralier. D.iniel Elizabeth McKe.', Clarissa U .V'.T, Thomas I McLaiM-. Tryphona .VC>, McLiiHv. Fanny .M. Manila .1 Walter .V.xi, Mcliul):;;. Sarah Mea.l. Iiarins Mea.le. Alice Mei^'^. ('ill. la T MT(.r. iiachel Merrill, .McTsireaii. ralphuriiia. .'-31. Me-senili'. .lohn N Metialfr, Henry .Inli.i .\ MleliM.K..|i. .I..I111 Ml.l.lli>l.r....l,. .s.iiinii'l I MileK. Hiiii. I Milleki 11. Ar-^ liibaM Miller, I ililiv ; .1.1.1-. Man 111 MontlKU. PeU-r .Mooily, Samuel More. Charlotte „„ Morktun, Henry John Morris, Kate T MnnJ _ Morrison, AeneC. Hnirh.... W illiam Mors.., Elihu M „. S>herniaii._ Morton, Tlioinas '. "". .' Mus.-ley. John Mosher, Mary ..021.626.1177. Sherman Moslev. T. li ■■ Motley. J. L. (Mr«.) Molt. .Vtrlan Oil. oil' Ol'l, 014. A'ly ; Alice Anne 612. Ilarharu Catharine R Daniel Dorcas Dorothy 611, t.lj, 61.1, 61.'., E. I ward 611, Elizabeth 61.i, 614, Frances OIU, Heury James John. ..610, 611, 613,611. JoKeph Katharine L.vdia 6i',, 6is, Mark. .1.10, on, 611'. 613, 014, .Martha Mary . ...610, Oil, 012. 613. Mercv 612, 61.1. MUfonl Nalhatiiel .^.IS, 614, 61 J, 624, Samuel .Sarah 611,612, 624. Susanna 61.'l, Temperance Thonia!) 610, 61 1. 6I2, 614. Waller R Mowry, Hannah. ...6H)',. 690, •■•.ly, .Miitiiforil, Thomas MniiRer. William Ml ElUha Emeliiie W iVi2. 6.U. etn. 611. I,.\vls Martha .V*, Mv;.Mtt, JoHi'ph M.ll V liHt 497 4'.« 619 6.W 499 .■.7« 578 578 7.1S 73K 7as 719 719 SOI) 4S7 629 .V« 747 573 615 614 611 615 61.% 627 630 611 642 «35 iM 499 Willi Mitili'll, Kirl,^ Eno.. Sl.ry iiauncey I, H tWI. 714, .M'l, 519, Iwar.l H Ml. 7.T7 mi ' 716 i .vr, I 525 ; 575 575 ^7.^ 575 I Nealv, < harles Davi'i ."an, EllzalKth „ tJi-or^e James / I'rudi'iice NeliHin, lieiijamin Henry Jane E 8iisaii S Thomas S 73«>. Newlw'rry. AbiKail 67.1, Newliiirv. Rebecca 1,70, Tliunia-1 Ne>vl«t>d. Alb.-rl „. Nichols. Harriet J. II .«3;i. NIcholiMin. I,iic\' _ „ Norti.n. John P Sarah I Nott. Corn.-lia C 6,15, Joel It Now-ettuK. Angelina. „ 6X3 637 6.T7 742 SM 710 640 640 ««7 xxxu Index. Nowotintt, Kli/..i... h:sllu'r Ci'orco \V li;ll;lllU^S Maria Noyes, l>.>rothy ... .l.inu'S Sarah 667 6)\- GiTT fitiT fJu 7J3 ' :.;.•* : 4W 0. CJl (Vtl r.p,i .wo, I'M , fill3, I'll '4 OMins, Sarati, *9, OUv.T. Cora L Kli/al""!!! S .)..tin R Marlon I. K.>b.Tt S *kW. Olnist.M.l, .lolni M2. M.uv fiM, 6o5, fi.''7, Ordiavl. '^\6, Ort.Mi. II Orvi<. (ii.ioiliiian Marcarvtta OsbiTii. tiraco - H.innah .l.ihn Mary .K OviTbury, Waller P. Packer, Klizaboth.... Ichalm,! Liuntia Vag*", Klvira L.. ... ' Milliain .\ 5 Paigi-. Kmh A I'aliiicr, Amos Paiiirv. HaiiniHi .lohll Mary....- I'arker, Catliariiif... .lamos Marv A Marv K Natlianl.-l \Varren K I'arkiii<, I'arlri'U'i'. Sannicl... I'asvlial. Aii'tn-w.... ratlorsKii. AlbiTt I". «ii>nrse H •lullit Pavii. .).i|\ii IVihriii. Lizzie Peek. -Villi ('aniline V Mary Samuel, .Ir Pellatt.', Ann ( I'eniiev, .loel Pauline N f' Peniiiiiian, .lames I .lames I .losiali H Ulia'liali K.'l'war.l u!.ZZ. Frances L Frank II Ili'Un M .lane L Sarah Perriii, Thomas Peters. Ilimh Petrie. Maijirie.- Marv William Pheli.s. Ahisa Th.Miias T Piatt. Jaeob \V .lohn U Piere.-. Aliee P. .\niia K Anna .7 Cliarles P .lohn 1> .luhn .1 Pierpont, .\blgail. . iUfi ..6.Vt, fC>l f..'.l 6..1 6.(4 634, 6:\7 ..-.7.!, 5.^1 Pierpont, Benjamin (".74 Oiles 674 II iiindh 67.T lli/ekiah „ 675 .latiK-s C7.\ ••74 .loscph 673, 674 Mary 67i. 673,67.%, 676 Samuel C74 Sarah 67.% Pike, llarrietJ 743 Pitkin, •'■•-■* .lerusha .'•<'7 •lohn 4!»3, Jonathan 73.% Pitts. Margaret 6"M Pi.vlev, Marv .'>37, 5.39 Piatt, Charles .%:» Charlotte , 539 fMwanl .VIO Kli/abeth .Mo Kpenetus GnS KraiK'is .W.» (Jeorco .V39 James 50ij .lonalhan .>!7, .Vto, mo Jc^eph 6U5 .Mary M9 Pliiiunier, Klizabeth 4.'>7 Pullau.l, Albert 73S Alice 7.3.S Arthur ,. 7;l< Charles S..'. " !■> Ceortre 73.S Mabel 7.3,s Pollanl. KU7.abelh 7;» Pomeroy, Josiah ....Mti. .'..'t'J Caroline .V 746 Kthan A 7411 Eva 746 ....Xi7 .%,iH Frames M 746 Franklin \V 746 Kre.l.-ric A 746 Powell. Annis ....6511 661 Kli-l.a It 746 (ieoii;.- It. P 746 Joseph W. P 746 Ju.l^e liil Robert 5IS Pratt. Itmiile 547 l>aniel 7.t7 Knustus .M.7 Krastus It .')4.s l.rfiura M'! I.uev li M7 .%47 Mary 1 547 Otis •' i.\ M7 ■MX Sally 11 .547 Susan M 737 Prentice, Maiy L.... 5.^4 N. Sartel 5S.' , i><4 Sartel . 5S4 61.S 6IS ..611, 612 6i".'.i 51-J ...57.1, "vs.! ........ V'l .%61. 56:; 675 .M.-i t.49 , StkS 616 Preseott, Rebecca Preston, Sarah Prince, Governor Proctor, Ittnjamin S Pnlnaiii. (iiiy Milton Thomas Pynchon, A.!:nes .Vnna Aniii- Hriil;,vt 618 Christopher 616 K.lmiiii.l (Sir). .'.6111.617, 61K K.lwanl 616, 618 K.lwari| (Sir) 616 Klizabeth 616, 617 Henry 616 Jane 616 , 616, Pynchon, John 616, 617, 61S Joseph 618 Manjarel 617 >Iary 56.S. 569, 617, 6|.s Mehitahel 61S N'Icholas 616 Peter 616 William r«S. 61C, 617, 618 Quick. William D ,%48 Uuimbv, .Vnna E 737 J.>1 737 R. Rabone, Oeonte 6|9 RiUi't. Hannah 731 731 Ramlell, William 497 Ranstor.l, 734. 743 Marv A 743 Ransom'. .\bbv S ftt9 Albion 635,639, 640 .\lexainler S 638 Ciark 632, 6;t5, 63.S 6.19 Cornelia 640 Eilwuril 639 Harrv 640 Irene E 6,38 Jare.l R 63« Joel R 6.W Lv.lia 635, 639 Ly.lia S 640 Olive 631,102, 6.33 S. Ilow!»r.l 6.38 Samuel II 63.'), 0-38 .>Jantonl 640 Sulherluml 64il Viixliiia S 638 Walter S 638 Rathbone, Aaron 615, 6'i3 Aaron K., Jr 6.\3 Abraham 627, 629, 630 Albert 6:t5, 641, 612, 710 Alice E f>37 Aniasa 632 Amos 644 .Vmlerson 6.!2 Angelica T f-42, 710 Ann 624. 626, 6.30 Anna 6U. 6".2. 644 Anna P •>t4 Annali 626 .\rnoii 64.S Halhsheba 632 Iteersheba 62S lienjauiin, 624, 626, 62.S, 6.11, M4, 649 Rctsev 629, i'k31, 6:r2 Itianev 649 Catharine. 6.30 Celeste M 652 Charles 6.34, 649 Charles E 6:0, 652 Charles II 6.52 Clara P, 6.37 Clarem'e rul5,642, 709, 710 ClaienUon 648 I Clarissa 647 CoRpeshall 6.30 Coiiteni 625, 645, 646, 1.49 I Cora 624 ; Cornelia K 6.36 Oanlel 627,644, 645 ' Uaviil 64.1, 648 I Helia 616 Desire 6;!l Dorcas 624 Kbene/.er 624 K.lwanl 644, M^ 1 KIwanI W <'.35 Kl.anor •"■24 Klijah 624, 629, t'vJI, 632 Kli-ha «31 Kli/a 6" KlizalHth, Id, 62.!, 624, 6'.'. '6, l,::», 6.J1, 6.3;?, 649 Klizabeth H "Vil Elizabeth L ^51 1 E'.sic .M 6S1 Indkx. xxxni ....'.•■V.*, 6y.. tviii. R.C, IV*>, f..l2. .i\.V; fvtU, .ikH, 637, Kathlionc, Eniiim Kr:islus(' •Kth.l Kuriiif Kxi'iTieiifi'.... K/.ni KiMiu-ls , Kraiuis II , niinii'liou CSeorsp (S.-riM L «;riu-o »)rm-." \.. .. Ilaiiiiah.... ilaniiuh It ILinnah T. H.irri.-f Harriet M. Harriot N. H.Mirv A... H.'iiry R.... Horace I'^aac T Isaiuh Nruel .). Ho wan I .1. L«wren Jacob James -.27. fi-S. 630, Jom.'s II .T:. 644. 645. 646. ft47. 6|.<. 64'.', 6.VI. 6^2, John. Jr 644. C47, John K John K .6:a. 6.W, 6:17, Jolm H John K John W Jonathan. ..624. 625. 62S, .losi-|>b. 621. 02^.626.62*, Jos.>|one. Polly... I'rl.selllB Pniilcnce Rduiioin. 6.17 tV".I. 64 V) 64* iVJ3 6.M 6:17 651 6;t7 6.T2 6.541 62^ 6.n 642 6;is 645 Mi 651 '•.4<< 6»7 6.-.1 61* 6:i7 645 Rebt.'cca .... Rluula Robert J.... Hnbi-iu 1. Siiniiie) 621. ' ■ 6;5o. Sann; Suniuel II. Paninel r Sainui'l II Sarah... '".21. 62.1.624 62T. 62>, 27, Wales Waller. William.. . '.45. ..fti2, , 627. ..'■.4<'.. .','6:w[ :. If Si, . 62«, . ••■«, , 6.M, '. 630, 631. 610 , 64'J 6.5. 1 GSHt 646 . 625, 6.\5, 640, 646 .650, 651 641 625 62* 62* 646 644 lV»6 64* ,.W4, 643 IMV. 621.6'23. 627, 628. iu'i,' frl.5. 627. ..61'J, 621, 621, i;2>'., 6i.\ mi, 61.5, ..6:.o. ..633, 6;J6, 6.16, William I* Kathbun. .Vlivaliani Henlamln • Itelsey Citharlne Desire Klilah Kli>h.i I K/.ra ! Hannah ' JaiiK's Lucretia I Lydia I Nancy I Samuel 62'.>, ; Taitiar I Walter ! Rawsbone, John Kawson. K 1 iiav, Simon Haymou'l, lleiijauiin... I Itenlumin W t'atharine ; Charles Krunce« lleorne (Jeor--e W Ilaimah Leuni'^l Martha Mary .... Miriam.. Paul Thomas R Raviior. .VIonxo fharl'-s A Ja s H Maria r Kia.l, ThonuL", Jr Re.llh^'. Ilose Thonia< Re.|lnon.|. Marv R<-ee.', MarN Ree.l, .\ftron Al.iKall..65t. '•..'i6, 0.57 6.11 . 630 «Jd 6.10 646 tVI* 61* 44. 146 ... 61S 29, 630 23, 127. 6U i.Vl, 646 tVK) 631 .--.l, 6.11 6.10 6:11 i2M, 611 .... 611 31 6:!i) ,... 6.U 610 tV31 ;;!n, 6:ji 6:«l r.29. '.^ti) 620 .71 62.1. 624 7:m. 7:;-. 746 716 717 746 711'. 716 746 ,7:'.7. 716 717 ..7:11, .5.12. 741, t'v52 .515 ,010, 617 616 716 .VI (W.! (1.59 6««>. 661 fo.1. Aliil.ih ttJC Abraham - 655 A.lllncioii fi«3 AMIson 063 Adeline OIVl .Vmanda *61 Amos 6.5S Anu-ellne ".69 Ann 6.V5, 657, ftV* .\niia iWil, 661, Ml* ■H • 663 Itine.lkt «W Henlaniln 655, 6.V.t, 661 llenjamln F 66.1 Idiilaniin P 659, 661 lletliiah <>«» B'-tSi'V, '■..".«, i»li. Bt".4. 065, OfA Ket.sey It 061 Carolitu' 669 Catharine 66,1 Charlotte 062 Charrint: 6'>'- Iianiel, (VM, 6.54. 6.'i5, 6.56, iV.7, 658, 659, 661. 634 K.lward T 6.1s Edwin 6f.2 Eleazer, 6M, 656, 6.5s. 659, 6t'.') Eli 657, 660, 6''.2 Ell 11 662 Ehakim 6.A 6.5S Kllas 6J.>, •''.•>7, 65S, AAl Klilah 655, 658, 661 KlUa A 661 Elizabeth. 655, 6.W, 658, 059, 660, 064, 665, 6i«, 667. 6«->8. ti«9 Elvira 663 Eniina 663 Enos _ - 6.59 Epinltas 6.VJ K>ther 660, 601, WIS Eunice 655 Experience — •>.'k5 Ezra...6.V., tVW. 059. OtlO, 6f.2 Ker.linaiiii - •>.1 Kreilerick 664 (ieorRe 662 (illbert 658 Hannah, 056. tV.*. .VV, 060. Cx.l, 6i'.4, fiC<6 Henry - — 634 llezcklah 6.V. Hiram 61V.' lluMah 6fi9 Isaac...6.V,, (Vi7, 6.59, OCO, 669 Isaac H fif.7 Ithiel 6*7 Jacob, 6:iO. 6.57, a5s. 66", 062, 663, 069 Jacob R 062 James 05.5, 05*. 659. 661 James C 60' Jamea M 662 Jane - 6:.9 Jane M 6.'2 Jay «•■•» Jehllnin 6,59 Je»w ' - •■" 'Wl Joanna "'I Joel ■•« Joel II 1 '.I* John, 651. . . .v,. .,,;, '•..vs. (^'.o. 061, tVa, <*i John M 663 Jonalhan 6,57 Jom-pl 6.5C. 6.57 Joslih 6.-.7 Julia fi"'-' 1,^'bbus •*» Le'liana "'•''9 Lewi* 661 Lewis II MO, 6w>.<. l.iicri'tia l,v,li,i 6:».( Marlu V | Miirv. I..W. iWM, i>>.', . (•.."iV, fi.W, I Miitlh.w, il'-t. '■>•'*'. < iJVi, Oia, Obi. I (">ti6, 607, ' Moliitabi'l . Moses Mos.s,.Ir Nancy • N.ii)cy M Nathan, r..S5.iV56,657, Natlinniel P.'tor J'hebe IMiila I'latt B . I'olly Uoiibeii.. Khixl.* ' Robert ;••■■ KoswoU •'••^ Kiifus M>, Uuliiiniiah Kutli .;• ^„llv 0t"i2, ti50. 6t>0. 06<, Sarab 0->'. P-''"< '!;■'''• Soll.-ck •••••W'l. SteiiUen, 6.^7, "-W. t».0, i>)2, 6l>l,0ik>, Susan M Teiniicniiioe ■•-•• Tha«l'le"s •>53. Thankful :;-.;-:vr Thomas. 6.M, GJ5, <>-ii , '>3'*. Timothy (►Vi, r>iii>, Oriah 060. Wilbnr -.•;• William. (M. 6K>. <>■>•>. (k'iT, rx'Ai, e>")l, i"i0.1, mV4, OtVl, William 11 * wniiani ,1 William W..r>Xi, 6M. UommlnKlon, Martha... Ronwlck. William Reynolds, Klliaboth ' Hannah Henry .lonalhan. Marsraret . Snsanna ... Rho'U's, Dr.... Rice, Fre^lerh Ruth Samuel Richards. Betty Hannah Rhoda M.\ "HO. Ricliarnil. Asa >N I'allle B Kollin, Ridfr, .lolui |{i.,i.i, Cvrus Riley, (:race_.517, r.!*, .lohn Risley, ■ Kxpencnce Lurrctia Pamela Si'phla Robbins, Experience.. Hannah .losepli Marv Richard Sarah. Roberts. Aaron Kli7..ihetli Knoch Ij Maria William Robertson, Helen .702. D. Robinson, .\nnrt David I>avll T. I Kdwar.l 041. Klizabeth IK'W Vramjs •li 1. nilah I'., Jr.... .lohii Mary H Patty i'""y ■•••■• Susannah Svlva Walt.still Rockwell. Amanda Rogers. Anslice Fanny .V.ifi. 5^7 Roke. Oilharine Root. Almee L Anne S rKMHV T. M Eliza C .latnes P iyS, .lohn Marv M Thankful Rose, I>aniel KllMia Hannah ■ Mary Koselierrv. Archibald.. ^Karl of) "-v Archibald P. (.harl Neil (Earlof^ Ross. Aniamla M Ruci.'U'.-'. Samuel B Rns.sell, Abicail Abiu-ail T Itenjaniln Catharine CharlfS H Daniel.on. 673. 074, Kli/aheth Ell/.ur Esther 67:<, Francis H (Jeorue S fM Giles 672, , 6;B «!iles H J— ••.•••■ Hannah (.72, hU, Harriet Itezekiah .lacob .lames...5C0, 671, 071'. 67.\ ■loanna John....6i:i, 670,671, 07:!, 674, 670. 676. .Tonathan Joseph .lulia Lois- Lvilia Martha Mary 072, Mary H Matthew IS Maud Mehitabel .">t)3. 5;t9, m. 7 '.'6, ..M.i, !o2i>. 076. 077 ,67.'>, .674 076. 67:>. 074. "074', , MO , 046 )'>40 , tVtO . t*6 7ai tUJO Old . I'JVJ . rtvj , Onl , 6irj . (■«; . 727 001 727 7:in a-ii 6;iu 7:10 '. iw.-. rv<.') (vs.% .170 , 017 676 67.1 Mollv •• Mother '" Nathaniel ^•oahdiah.....^o^l. X,\ 673. 074, 675. Philip Polly Prudence Rebecca .. Richard.... Ruth Samuel 671. 672, Sanuiel A Sarah... Sarah E I Stephen ... i Thomas.... ; Timothy .. 1 William.... ! William H.. I Rust, Mercy H I Rylle, .... .492. 071, 073, ;;..; '.i^T, '.'..... I'.IJ, 072, :ii72"'07XO75 Sage, tleorye tleorse H tiideon , William B , Salisbury, .lonalhau B Saltniarsli, Orlando. Sandforlh, ..... Sarah H Sanlopl, .Vlexander Frances Henry B ,)osepb P 635. Mary A VuKinla 635, Walter Satterlee, Edward R Eli/.abetb Francis George .laiucs .lohn R Lucy A Samuel ■>'*\ Samuel. ,1 r Sophia Valentine W. R W. Dougla.s.s William Savaue, .lames Rachel .Mj>, 523, Thomas Sawver. James Scholiol.l, Eunice Schoolcral^, Catharine A.. 7112, 7lH"., 7117, 710, Henry R Lawrence Scotleld. Henry Senrle, (iertrude Searles. Sarah 1 Sears. Itethlah (■.76 Richard 077 Selden, Elizabeth G Kmuia J George l> 677 Joanna S 676 .loseph 677 Roger...... ..■:;■ 676 Selleck, C. M Wi. 675 Harriet «io Sever.tnce, Pliny 67S Seymour, .\bigai! 671 Allele C 672, Alexander 677. 678 Alfred 670 Amelia 076 Augustus 677 Bishop 670 Elx'uezer ,074. 077 Elizabeth .070. 672 tteorge M 673.677 Gould S VJVi..^^" Hanniih 517. 520, Maria 606. Mary Mary A Matthew Polly ••-•■ Rebecca 520. Sarah —:•-•;• Vii" Seth 664, 66.% Stephen ■■"•• Thoma-s "•*. Uriah 066, Shatt\ick. Haimah - William J Shaw, Fayette Shearman, Abhy A...^.---;- Abiel 6SO,0. 607, 701, .Vbraham '"'•'•'• ^^^• Albert E W, Aldrick Alfred y^""/^' Alice, m. 695. 696. 697, .•01 .■.2:( , .V.l . 744 . 744 . 6:vs . 617 6;(y (».• 63« 639 6:>.i 6-Vl 6,W 653 653 ora 6.'>3 6.V1 6.13 , CM t«3 6!>3 , 6.V1 619 .\37 , 523 , 631 742 712 706 706 660 744 496 .503 . .577 , 577 577 .676, 677 ..671, 077 ,-.04, 074, 670 .674, 070 rm .674, 677 , 072 670, 077 .670, 071 675 Alithea 609 t*2 .557 606 .577 715 6t>5 666 6«">ti 577 .'..M fJVi , 666 . 666 606 t)65 6, f.9i. Aiisti'line Tm. Aim AiitliKiiy Aniol.l Tun. 7tM. AnioM C IWiKvJuh Bfiilamiii. ft*. 6ks. tvyo. (>Vl, 6W, 0'.'7. »WJ. lu IWiioni '•** Httliia 6^ Uii.lKct •;» Caleb !* Catharine i^ Ch(»rU8 '[i Content ••■• . Dunlel tW8. r.?l'. fi'Xl. ij'. Daniel C 7(ri 7itt, Tii.\ .< DuvM yo. f'iW. f.'. IieliviTiinee S91. "' llinuli ■■', fr.*. W liorinilu S "t Ikirollioa — ')'• Ebone/.er •<' Kbeiiezer B., 77, 7( Eber. frsi. ftST, f.. 6yi. fiirj. «i:j.f>'.M. 7( Edinon'l, &*, 6S»<, lisy, E.lwar.1 cn, IV K.lanor <>' Kli-^lia tV'>«. oy.', •>' Kllza M 7( Ell7.abetb. Cs"*. •►■*.<. fet.'. i".'.>3. 1'lOi, 6'.>r>. fiye, ew. 7no. 7 Elkanah ft-^. C Elnathan 6S". *"• Eniilv C - 7 Ephralni WW. C Expi'rienee < E/.eklel W7. iV.iy. 7 Krancis W 7(ii-.. 7 Kreelove'.m. >< »ieor«P..t>s<<, iV.i.l, i>W. fiyo, i; (Jerslioni • (Ji.leon 7(11, 7(12. ■ Grlssell ' Hannah (W.. Rsd. cwi. r.y.i, rtiM, 6ys. fijf>. 697, ( Harriet : Helen M Oy7. : Henrv Wl. &»S ■ Henry. .Ir Henrv S ' Hiram '7. Honor »..., 702. Honora 6(»'', Iclialioil Isaue^-.ti^y. eW), 6'.»5. t>y"<. Isalwl 6**. '">^. C". Israel .Talie/, .lao.ib fiyl., .laines .lames <' ~-— .lames H .lane 7"H. .lane K .lason .leniima '•'-ll. .I.'hr.) .loanna .loll 6.''•*>. t.'.il, i-.'K. OUft, (?JH. , <■«%. •''.n. 7(«i, .loseph \ 7^, (XT, (Vs.'i. ("iWl, r.'.il. i.vj. (Wl, t>y4. (".'.Hi. i.'i7. r.'.iy, 7i«>. 701, 7ii2, 7(Kl Marv W _ 7 1.' M.hitabel 6f», f.yo, f*^ Menv A 7o:l Moses <.y-' Nathan ,....fi8«, t-'.M Nathaniel iVHjt. 70»2 Palmer 6yl I'arthenia Oyl I'alience •"'"■'■■> IVli'jr.. .686. f^, Cyi. 6<12, 693, 691 I'eter '"7y, 6W1. '■.*">. >'<><', (^•t, 1^*9, 6'.K), 696. i"p!»7. iW, 7i«i Preiicrvcil Kehecca lU'becca C Kh'Hla Kiihar.1 Kicliar! U 7i«-., Kobert iW. 6'.i9 .7 rj, 703. 704, 7ii.'>, 7(is, 7011, Kobert E Kolvert H 7IN-. Kowlaii'l H Rulh 692.691. <■••". Sanison..iV-«'>.('v"<9. 6'.'-l. i,\»>. Samuel tV'^t"., iV^-"*. 6.^9, 6'.iii. 1*1, Sarah 6!*<">, (Vkh, 6s9, 690, 691, 69.1, 6U1, 695 ' 696. 697. tiy-*, '■''•''•'. Sarah J fiyA 707 6'.I2 69:i 7117. 710 701. 7(»'., 71S, 7l'.l 703 707. 712 .... 701 700 7o.'i (•,<«, c.y.'i . ..69ft "fik-i. 691. 692 7112. 704. 70S. 707 IKIM '68»."tiil2. 693. 7(11 . ...6^9, 699 ■■■" '"' 697 Seth , Sin n ... Stephen... Sinkeley. Susannah Thomas... Timotliy.. Walter ••••-•••;• Willette ll...7irj. -ofi. «i7. _ 710,712, 713 William 6s.,, iVvs. (V.1I, i\:c, 6y.i. 700. 701 William. .Ir •'91 Wm. Pilt...7irj. 7ii;l. 7o(; 70' 7o'*. 7rJ William W Sheillei.l. E'lwaril C EII/.alMth lleork'.' W .los. |.h .losepli U - Maria I Marv .'.7S,ft4t, M .«l>y V... Alilk'ail Alevamlnr All.e Ann Anna M.. 7o2. 1 72. 177. .•>7i» 6lt'.i .M», 701 740 776 7 »■ 6.H4 I 717 7M I ..AKI, 0N4 709, 71.%, 719 i-rman. Anne 6*2. 68t ll.iijaniln '^2, 6m l»e/ai>el.... 6^2,6»«. 6M, 6)*.. (•nrolioe 8 7|0 fhurles **•; Charlen A 6^''. -I' ( haries A. W....700. 71.V 719 Chrislianne ^^ • (■..rnelia 714 Daniel '^I. <»^ Davl.l 679, 695 Davia A 6m.-. Duncan 717 E.linon.1, 6M, 6«2, ftH3, K.lwar.l 6KI Elijah fiSS Eli/.abeili...081,6«, 6lM, 6»*i Emily K 720 Era-itus I'...- — - 716 Esther 6JJ EuKene H ^^^ Ezekhl 6SI. .Xl Francis C ."I" Krancis W 710 Frederick 717. 7-2n (ieorKOlte W._ 720 Grace 6(*2. 6H4. 6S0 ICaiinah '■^2 Harry G 717 Helen t; 710 Henrv. 679. 1-.KO. iWI.6'<2, 683. Gs:,, 7(H1. 714, 71.'., 716. 719 Henrv I' tvo. >'•<• Henry «i 716 Hester _ 6s4 1»ul>plla 719 .lanieii 719 .lames L 719 .lames .\ 71,-. .lames S •• 711 Jane 681 .loan 6'»2, 'W4 •loanna 6x2 Johii...iV-*I. .lu.lilb ««SI. fiM UnvrencoS. 710 l.iKV A 71.-. Mabel - 6><6 Maria O...- 719 M.irtha. 681,Rs-2.(;*4,6(.V. i>6 Murv. (-.SI, 6ft2, iW.\ 7ii7, 71(1. 714 Marv A 710 Marv I Til. 714 .Vaonil •■'2. tW. Nathunnl, i>-l. •- ■. '-A (kS.-.. 7011. 714, 7l.% Olivia 714 Olivia. 1 71."* Philip fi«2. 6fS6 IMselll.i". i^l. 6n.l. 6*1,. 6-6 Rii liai .l.67!..«.sl,.>2,i>.l. iwi Iliihanl U 7lo, 711, 714 Rlchnr.1 W., 7I0, 711, 712, 714 Robert '^I. 6«( Roger 6sl, IW. ».Q •■■''1 Sam uel, lu 9, lo I , i vwj. 6s;t. (is4. An:,. I'm; Sanilfonl ¥ 711 8«nih,fiS?. 6-f.. 714,71.-., 716. 717.71", 719 Saiah K 710 Sarah «1 719 Sle|vbll K. W T-.-o Th'.maw .Wl7Vi. •■.«, .••»., 714. 71.1.716, 717, 7H«, 719. 730 Willelle A ^ 711 XXWl Inpkx. Sbfirman, William. 079, t".<», iVC) William \V!itl!>, 7(Hi, 717, 71'.). 7.M ShipmaM. r. X .">.> SIblrv, .lolm r «... 7I'< Murk •■'Ij. 71s .M;ivv f.:v: Sill, .lames .W7 .loaiiua L .^77 .losipti .'>77. WJ < Ufiia K .-177 Kiclianl .-.77 !72, W7 Thomas II ,'.77 '■ Sillhnaii. Lavinia •">;». f>'^> SiluLlir, Isali.-ll 59S. M2 Sis'- Skiimor, Man 4.SS, 4-*'.' William...' •■>1> Slat.r K 5K.' M.ii'iaiiiia II •'''■- William A W.* Slawsviti. !|:uTiPl 7i".'S .>bv r.w llavl.l .-..".i l>iiviiula 7<■■, i"'7ii , Kli : i7.-. Kli/.a fiiW Elizabeth :*a Hannah .'Ct lU'ury...: <''I7. >'7», t>7l Isaai- fiiW ■liianna r.7i>, ii71 .lo-oph .'.iKt, (C.2, "."Vi l.ini.„ 712 l.v.lia ...:.... w: >iarv 72-t. 7.e N. H .V57 Ni-licnrah :).-.5 ISavh.-l iW KichaiM f>\\ 72:«, 7.'!-.' Samuel ."MM, f*H, tWi7 S:muiol U :.m T^-< Soiili-. J 7lu llovvani 71" Manila \ 740 >..uthma.v.l, William .V-l M.aiiiawk, iis2, tlV. I.v.|la...i".31. ti;C. tVn, f.M. M'S Simon ; (■.,12 .^paiiMiii;;, Joseph TiW Savah f>7l .-'peiner, Agni-s ,W. Amy iVf.t. ti97 I.aura- CSS Williani 5 Sp.nmer. Sarah M., tVsy, 69S, fW V\ illiam (i,' (i.-rtriMe i.r.s Henry i.iw S.icraio-i i.<.S Si.inl.ronu'h, Dora T '. ■.'' Frank T .v.-. U .'>!4 l.ynian T ."v!5 Stallion, I'rii'knue i">7l, tW Staples. Kli/.aheth 71.'., 71'.' Slaik-V. ll.v. Ur IV!'. St. Cr.'ix, Kli/.a ."'L".' Slel.bilis, :»-,'.' niiarles .'>.!1' iJ.'Unv -W, ;"i ■•■'■ Sto.lnian, Kal.' Steel, Pru.lonte Siceh', Alloc Krederuk C Hmmah MS, 522, Jamoit 422, Joseph Stetson. Aniarilla (' W7, 3W, Steven*. Cracc Jeiledlah Timothy Orlah Stfvenson, A Ilowanl .S Stewart, Priscilla r.45, Samuel Stiles, Itenlamln C Mary K. .Ml. Stillmau, L},lia 673, 674, 676. Nathaniel Williani .'>!.■., Stillwell, (•harlotlp .V<.\ St. John, Mark Matthias It. f K.uhol 6n.>. Ithol.v ..; 0. Stoektoii, John Prudence SliHhlaril, Anihonv Ksther 5ii»;. John i(>:i, rtti. .ni.-i, Maiv , .'.ic., 72t>, 7.U. .M.-rcy 7'2M, SloiU', Itetsey ls,iae .lohn (Mnev 664, 6ta, rii.elie Stonshion. Th.nnius.... Strallon, Harriet N .V(7, Uulh.. r>27. .\«1, .■.31, ,132. Stranchan, Kllen Slnrklanil, Hannah .Mary .\!7, Slronw .\l>i'4ail 7o2. .\ilonlali Kli/.a Kxperience .to2, .Ml, Jolin .-. Marjiaret Styles. Harriet .62S, 631. 6:f2 / 67(1. 671 / 671 >^ >arali Sullivan, I'alrKk Summers. .\U'.;uslns , Siipi.le. M.iry Sutherlauil. Sweet. K.3I, Isaac John, .•i6fi, :i07, Joseph 4^7, Jojhua .Mar.c. .'^Ki. ;''>ti7. Matthew M..hi'r(!..-| :&\ .673, 7uit, "T'i, 67.'i, , 667. '.'.Am.. ", :V.i,-t,' 611, . i''7n, 67.'., .'.3i i Talcotf. Robert 5|« 61'. .'.ni ' KobiTt S -o-.) 53;i I S. Vis»cher,642. e7;i. 7IM'.. M5 7119, 710 527 I Samuel, 19."., JI'.>, .12.'., .■>•".)<. 61:< 726 I Sarah 4.s6, 4.'<7. .Mo JM Sarah .V51, .S3;i. iV3:. Sarah t) 7"i'.» 6fk^ ; W llllaui 742 6.M 1 Winllivl |i 709 644 1 Tanslv, f.eoiKe 669 493 I Tapp, Kdmuml 7J-J Mi Jane 721, 7T1 "40 I Tavlor, l»aniel ti .V,l, .wi 74(1 Frank M 577 649 (ieorisiaS 577 ("..VJ Helen 577 .VfJ , Katharine 699 .M2 Marsaret 533 Martha .'>46, ."^49 677 Marv »«, 6!M •lOl Matthew ."177 .'■.■.;» Nancv A 531, .Ml •^■'W G XVA 73:? Tenlmronu'h, Kobert Oil 6(17 Ten Itroeck. K.lwar.l B ('►lo 6(i7 Tennant, .\nmi V.t7 Sarah ;....62S, 631 61'7 Terrv. Kli/ahetb 67(i. 0•>.'* Anna '. 66.% 7'J7 ' Esther (<(*>, 66.S .'< Joseph (Vvl, 666 666 : Joslah 665 •W. |,e tiran.l 668 666 I'ollv S 668 (W Sallv 669 .VM> Thomas, Sarah 6W 5Vt Thompson, *>S3 ■CU , Anna ■'•;« .'.77 Chase A •'•■O .'.-'3 Clarence A 535 •>:vs George •'■''•' 7(1.". John 644 7ft^ , l.ncv 7.".5 717 I Martha K •'"'■'i 512 ' Si.lnev W 'v!.'! .i63 I Svlvester ■<»'<» W, \ Thiuuas 724 5.!'.i I W illiam 721 726 I Thorne. Itelsev .-.37, ."Hn 7(i7 I Thorp, (ieoi'.'c H 66:i 6<"vs I Thrasher. Iianiel 7(« 7iil I Thrustoii. lieiilamin 697 Thurnian. Mary V 1.77 Seii.itor 677 Tihbells, 6s9 ■Tichbonie. Mercy 611, 61'2 William 612 Tiffanv, Dency, . "«•('. .'.9»,61, 602 IV.Ilv 596,597. 599 Itllelson. John 5'2(i Marv 517, .'.2 1 Orren ^t"; Tis7.'', 579 4.«7 Tobey. Jo.-uina 571 7o;i ToniHuson. Ansrus 7'26 XV.\ Toplilt". Ahlirail 61.-., 649 494 , Torbeti, Catharine S i''8 742 .luseph 57S .Wl . Mariaiina 578 523 I SaniM>-l A 57.'* Torrv . I.eaviti •'>47 Knth 54j Towne, Itenben 545 Sally .M5 :fi9 Sarah Townseiiil, - .\niliro-iv Indkx. XXXVll Tiiwnsond, Frederick, 635, MO. 641 Jool R iMI .lohii tvIS Mariainia 634, ••3(1 Sarnli K 64l Towslov, TlioinaK (RitliiiMM :«« • Willow" NW Tracv, Hannah E 74:t .flSM-. _ 6.W Lura 7»2, 706 Thonins S«M, .Vi.\ 5l.'> Travis. KlI/iilH-lli 71 1 Troiiilwav, ■ tsll Marv 6:51 8arali 6;tl Treat, Abisail....VV2, iM, Ml, T22, Alice Anil ralliariiu' 721, iKircas Kli/al.cth 722. Hannah H.-nrv Honour ;», ftl'.», Tl\, 722, 723. .lane .loinlnia 49:1, .Icruslia .'■>17. 519. ft2l. i}t*. 723, 726, 727. .Joanna 4'.«, 552. 553, 5M. 721, 722, 7r>, Joliii , .Joseph » 7-22. Marv 493. 4>M, 721. Manillas .VVl. 723, Ktbeeoa 501. UUliar.1 494, 4W. 5l!l, .V>2. •*.(. 721. 722. 72:1. Rolwrt 721, Sninion Samuel 722, Sarah. ...'-17, 518. .'>21, ;ii3, 5J3, t!i>6, 721, fU Snsiunia 721, Thomas Treniaiiie. .Mice V .\nibrose K Julia K .>!vlve.sler F William F Trip. IsalH'l 6-*. 6S9, 6'.I6. .lolm 6-9. Martha tW6, True, Kli7.a 5:ni, 531, 'jXS. .loHiph I' Tnieiiian. Aileliiiu 5:B, Aiierl! Dorinla K Kiiiil.v A Fanii.v 5.31, Kranei;« Ueoriie 531, tieortre, .Ir (iill»ert .lain.- I,viiimi .531. .*arnh V W illiain William S.. Trnmbull. Alilgail..„571, .574, .•■(tt. im. ,V*5 Itavi.l ,lomillian Trvon, Jemima 537, 539, .WO, Tuhhs. Ixiulsa Tiiiinecllll". TuvMiT. Isaac Lois S :i.5. Mar» Mj, (<:*>. cM. Thomas 716, Tulliill. KII/,al>eth....Mt2. VW. Nan. V n .'i29. William „... Tntlle. fidl. 6.V., liavM Jolltl .*.. Tvli I, liainaril.s I. Underwooeii. .lerliii, iCll._ Harry K , Van Hoi'si'ii, .\nron Van I.eniii'p, Allele .\Ut!ll«tlIS I'oclor Kll/.al>eth Kulalle Fn-.lirk- Mar.v L Sarah T Van Vevereii, Maria. ...604, Vail. K. I'. H ThonitiK n Valentine, KlizalH-lli It...'>l7, Vallon, Martha Vincent. Francis (Sir) Ilenr.v cSIrl Mary ^616. Viiischer, Cathllna Vou'le, Mary r ,59y. Vose. Kdwanl J Voiiitlit, Susan 567 649 .5.39 5,39 .\5y .Vi9 .549 717 .•117 .5Ui .VN'. Ii5« 6.M .VW 707 I Waile, Jeane •'11. Wailswnrih. AhlKail... hanlel Francis Harriet Jeremiah . Katharine Kev. Mr « I Wait. H.-nr>- M V. .lohn li ;..... I'l Wakeman, Helena V> John 3.'i Wales, .Nalicv !»7 Walker, fonielius L... sm ] Joseph W I Samuel II K 613 676 676 676 ....673. 676 676 .Vt2 .V.»5 .H< 613 .Vl7 r>48 .W7 w w 5117, Sl.l.lie, Wall. Mosr Waller, William Walworth, liesire Ward, Andrew Ilanii.'ili 522, l.iicv I'lilllis (l>hillipa)._. AVilliain arm;:. Kliiikim , armr. Kaiiiiy 515. Maniiali Siisiin arren, Sarah William alerhoiise. atermaii, Martha .... IMillomela 'X\, .•simon Thomas alers. Sarah alrous, Cliarlen Kaiidall aisoii. Alma T <; rfe W Joanna 1. JohiiT •loiinlliaii Marv E Knel .iMerhoiiKe, '• Moll av, Eli/.ahelh Surah - .62'.>. .527.' ..'i22. .6Sl. 6,H2, 5S7 .'*7 5)11 .592 631 6M .5'9 .'•27 dMi 615 6.-.7 .'vff 497 .503 .V.M 7.r 7.16 X>i 4S7 .'.si 7113 6'rr 7IS ,-57«, ,724, ..7-l\ ..49.3. 7i'>. Weast. Thomas Wfljsler. Itanlel „.„__ Julia _ Minerva Noah „ Kol)ert •'1. Anier J_ S»t, Kethiuh B55, 659. VoKt* 4«6. 729. 73«. Harriett K .Itina* Marv.... '■<»■., .Vi7, .vw, f,57, I'olly .V«, ,5*<, WlllUni i-ks, l.izzi*. .'49, Welch. James (fcO. Juna.s „ Weld, Louisa Mary 15 Thomas _ Welles. Alli^•ail. Ann _ ("onilorl EII/.alH-th Uideon Hezeklah .... Ichabod Jeriisha 517, 519, J. din .'..52. 7J4. 72.'.. 726. 7-2:, Jonathan Jiiiu-ph 725. 726, Mary 724, I'riidence Rebecca Koberl..517, 606.725,7-26, Rulh Samuel .52;;, 552, 5.%4, 724, 725, 736, Sarah 492, 4'.i.l. 494, 52.3, 724. 725, Tem|iorance Thomas 49.3. 494, VO. 519. r.24. 554. 723, 724, 72-., 72f., 727, Wait W llliani WeiilnjJton. Mehitabel Wells. ArnoM..., Asa H „ Eunice 614, 646, Wesi. Joseph Sarah WeM.m, Dorothy .,.616, 617, J. H — Jer.ime ^Slr) Jonathan 64.5, Rl, hanl Sarah Wetmore. Annie I). K.7I7, C. It William Wheiler. Isaac II Mary Whe.lwnclil. Rev 619. Whilluek, Ha.ldock W hippl.-. Amy Whin-. Itai.iel «. Marv Whlllni;, Abby 6.57. Ablu-all Charl.s <"larissu .546. 549, John _... J»s.|.h - Samuel ,. Wlitimor.'. Ruth „.S73. Wick.'l, Kmina J,..,. Hen v Laura «. I.i.llle Samuel San 1 J William Wl. k.'s, A W irkliNin. .\uuu Wl.wMis. Ann Witliimaii. l-^lnanl Marv 6'.v.. 6U. i>45, \alenilne LCI, 644. Wiiut, Martha "JV*. 624 SJ6 491 536 721 601 6«l 732 SiK 7.10 660 con .•MI ,5.'ill 624 62.1 6,35 716 716 725 726 726 726 727 727 72K 72X 7> 72.^ X \ xxxviii Index. i .688, Wilbur. SMiiinel. Wikox. L.v«li«... AViliiitt. John , WiWer, Allx»rt S „ It.MiUt) B Itnitiis Kilwaicl Kilwiii Evil F Kriink S Fre-I John „ 7;M, Ralph B. •• SMnev ^^ llkinson, Jt-nilnia Wllliinl. . ..• Klizal>cth J">74. Simon Williuin>. .\nn C....574, 58fi, Caroline S 706, Charles h Ihester II Ui'liorah Ebenezcr E<)waiil J Klizabeth Kunice fteorise Helen M Israel J. G !>'*. Jacoh Jorusha John C 531, John W 74J, .luilah. Jr Lnoretia Martha A Marv MK Mllo L Olive Robert Rocer Samuel JW3, Sarah B. M Servia 731, Solomon Stephen 7;« 7-» TM 701 512 677 .M3 r.R7 7in S'.m 743 1,sc 433 Wright, Albert W AUierlns K Allen, 7,1.1, 7.34. 737. 7.39, Allen H Allen J 738, Alma Anna .\nna M Anthony 7'J3,72'.), Antoinette Arabella .\rabellu 11 Beatrice t) Benjamin, 731, 732, 73,3. 736, Benjamin A Itenjamin li Bessie Bessie F BjMilah 736. Blanche D Burritt Caroline Catharine A Cella Charles Charles Charles (< Charles N Charlotte 741, Charlotte H Cliaimcey Chester F Chine 734.737. 741. Chrlstana Christian K CoraM Cornelia 74.'>, Daniel I.^o, 4S6, ."i-.'S, 7.50, Daniel B Davl.l .'.17, a)elia Kbenezer...7:t.', 7.33. 7.34. 7X\ 736, 737. 73".>. 740. 744, Ebene/.er K Edgar N Edward .....7:u*, Edwanl D Kilward M Edward T ElWe Kllsha B 7.V.. Elizabeth 7.1II, 731. Emeline 7;«. 7.W. Enieline .) Emilv Emily II Eunice 5.'i7, 5.V, 731. Eveline Famiy Fannv T Florence Floiei\ce 11 Frances Frances E Francis Fi'aitcis |i Francis 11 Francis M Francis T Frank L Fred Frederick (ieorge (ieorge F Ceoige U 7.34. (ieorge 15 C;eorgoS Geoige W Oeraldine M Urace Ilanna F Hannah .">17. 5I'.>. .ii'O, iVr). 606. 7-"J. 7.30, 731, 733. 7.^1, 7.37 Hannah F. Hannah F Hannah K . Harriet llaiTiet A 741 746 7.3f 744 7.3f> 742 738 742 742 745 746 743 746 7M I 741 7;«» I 746 : I 732; 747 I 731 7,34 711 741 741 7.36 741 741 740 716 7.39 7:J6 747 7.37 713 7,31^ 716 7,36 742 7a-. 742 73'.t (.35, 73^, 741 73.-<. Wright, Harriet B 7i.. Harriette 73t Harry B Helen ( 741, 715 Helen M 71ii Henrietta H 7.36 llenrv 716, 742 Henry C 741 llenrv U 7;'„s Henry H 7.36 Henry W 7.37 llezeklah 7.30 llowunl A 739 Isabella ... 740 James i^'i, 7-21', 7;«i, 7.32, 7.-(6, 717 James A 741 Jane 7:« Jane E 744 Jane L 740 Jay 735 Jay Wallace 744 Jennie 7.35 Joanna 5.^8 Joh!i...729, 731, 7.33. 7;«, 740. 741, 712 John H 716 John R 711 Jonas 730 .lonalhan 731 Joseph 72'.i. 731. T.a. 7.31. 745, 746, 747 Joseph B_ 7:«"., 710 Joseph C 746 Joseph 11 746 Joseph W 7'2".i .loshua B 737 Julia 7:i4, 741 Julia E 7;v< Lawrence W 7.35 Lmia 7;!0 Louis B 7.37 7.3« Lucy 717 Lvdia 7.30 LvdiaT 715 Mabel 7.31 Maria 741, 744 Maria B 73.-* Marlnns G 741 Martha 716 Martha C 713 Marv, 72y. 730, 731, 7,34, 7a'>. 712, 713 Mary E 740 Marv L 737 Mary N 736 Marv S 736, 7.37 Mary T 7.3s Marv /. 713 Matthew B 7.3.S Mav 712 Melinda 737 Mercv K. 7.3x 7.34, 74.3, 711 Moses B 711 Moses C 743 Nathaniel :.00. 72!>. 731 Nelson 737 Olive 7.30 Pattv 7M I'aulR 712 I'hineasC 716 Rachel J 712 Raymon.l A 711 Kavniond K 73s Robert 729 Robert I> 71o Ruth 1S6, .528, 732 Samuel, 1s7, 516, 56.3, 722.729,7.31, 7.32 Saniii'l A 7.38 Sarah .".62, 731, 738 Sarah A 740 Sheldon 742 Simon W 7,37 Solomon W .15 Sophia 7111 Sumner '4.-i Susan .\ 73.s Svlvesler 711 Tempeiaiue 519, .524 Index. XXXIX W-Iulil, TtifO'lon- A 7Tr Thmiiiis, (W,.'iMlliiiin A 7is I \\.\\\\'"» '« 737. 7 «; 746 •".'«"' K 734. 740, 747 " illliitii II 7.V, WilMuin T ' 73k /.•■nulla