^is• aX^' -.. ^. c .^^' a'5 ^ ,^' 'ci- ,0 o. iv ^^. ^.^^ -^^ c> a\'"'c^. ■^>- V FAMILY RECORDS: OR GEIEALOGIES OF THE FIRST SETTLERS OF PASSAIC VALLEY: (AND VICINITY,) ABOVE CHATHAM — WITH THEIll ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS, IS FAR IS CAN NOW BE ASCERTAINED BY JOHN LITTELL* STATIONERS' HALL PRESS, FELT\iLLE, Jf . J.: BA7ID TKhT AND CO^ STATIONERS ASB PRiriTJtRS. ^ .v^ PREFACE. It is an interestingobject of curiosity to most men to searcli into the oii;^iii of tlu:ir own famillL-s, to trace tlielr descents, and to collect the history o( the iuiliviihials who compose them. However remote in time or consanguinity, it is natu- ral to believe that we inhei'it from our fatheis their mental an I physical peculiarities, though moditied by circumstances. Wii enter aTjetiouately into their concerns, and rej )ice in their houors or prosperity, and are personally grieved by their misconduct or misfoitunes. These sentiments are uruloubtedly founded in the innate and best feelings of the huin;in heart, which delights in mul- tiplying and extending the ties that bind u> to our fellow creatures. The love of our kindred is the first degree of ex- pansion of th^ heart in its progress towards universal bene- voienoe. The history of states is but a history of families. To satisfy this curiosity, in some measure, has been my aim in collecting the materials for the genealogies in this publication. Much pains have been taken to obtain correct inform ition respecting families. Wherever family records could be obtained, they have been used ; but in most cases no such record could be had. 1 therefore had to dei)end on the memory i,f some one or more of the family, and in consequence, no doubt, many errors may be found; but I hope I'or the most part the names are correct. With the ex- ception of one or two, every family maybe traced back to some branch that lived in Passaic Valley previous to the year 1800. I have now submitted to the public, and especially those whose families or ancestors are named, the labor's of some seven year-s, hoping that some, at least, will be pleased lo learn something more of their ancestors and connections than they would otherwise have known. JOHN LITTELL. Passaic VrUei/, New Providence, April, 1852. ERRATA. Page 10, liae 3. for David read Daniel. 17, 22, for Mary Lindsley, diu^rhter of Joseph, read Nancy LindslHy, dau^rhterof Matthew G. Liadsley. 17, 37, for Vlary, read Nancy. 19, 15, for SiUis read Siiieas. 19, 17, for Ziiia read Silas. 31, bottom line, tor Eusace read Eunice. 32, Heading, for Baldwin read Ball. 32, 12, for Wais read Watts. 32, 30, for Boll read Ball. 36, Strike out 5th Generation. 42, Heading, for Jacob read William. ; 43, do. do. do. 44, Heading, for William Bedell, son of| John, read Henry Bedell. 45, 21, for daughter read daughters. . 45, 39, for John S. Bradford read John S. Bedford. 47, 29, for Elizabeth B. Tickenor read Elijah B. Tichenor. 48, 13, for Tici^enor read Ticlienor. 50, 7, for his read her. 54, 45, for Larney read Laney. 57, 8, for Jonathan read Thomas. 60, 13, for Herbet read Herbert. 60, 27, for Naphtoli read Naphtali. 61, 14, Strike out 3d after Parsons. 63, Heading, for George read John. ' 64, 35, for Payer read Poyer. 67, 3 from botloiil, for time read times. 71, 40, insert 3 b -fore children. 72, Heading, for vViUiam read Robert. 73, do. for William read Hugh. 73, 4 from bottom, for .Mahateble read Mehelabel. 74, 13, for grand-d lughter read grand-father. -^5, 45, for William 1st read William 3d. 86, 8, for William 1st read William. 3d. 101, bottom line, strike out son of John 3d. 102, 12, insert He at the end of the line. 102, 24, strike out double 11. 105, 2 & 3 incluile (son of Stephen Crane.) 103, 109, 15, 34, int'iie parenthesis, for Julia read Julia Aime. 1 12, 6, for son read daughter. 113, 29, for nine read ten. 117, 25, strike out a at the end of the line. 123, 3S, for Morace read Moreau. 129, 29, for Joseph read Joshua. 134, 19, strike out will. 134, 31, forLabina read Lebbius. 133, 38, for returned read removed. 136, 39, begin the line with a capital I. 139, 19, for Polly read Patty Allen. Page 149, line 7, strike out, and died younjr. 151, 24, for Illinois rea i Vicior, Western N. Y. 151, 7 from b((tioni, for a (ianclili-r read Esther. 151, 2 from Ixjliom for 4ili nail 14tli. 155, 44. for Marili read Marilia. 156, 41, for Swan reiid Swam. 104, 80, for MicMaan reiid Yiites Co., N. Y. 169, 9, JHSf^rt Till I efoie son <>( .Inseph. 173, 24 fin- Saia'i Hand rtml S.iriili Anne Hnnd. 175, 4, 2. John, who married at Pompton, and lived and died there. I 3. Elizabeth married Jonathan Parsons, son of William I Parsons, and died 4th July, 1844; Mr. Parsons died 9th Sep- tember, 1821, at 57 years. {See Parsons.) JOSEPH ALLEN, (brother of Daniel,) married Lydia Potter, daughter of Col. Samuel Potter, and had children : 1. Bethuel, who married, in Ohio, Clara Gee, and had a son, John ; when his wife died, and he married the widow Polly Scott, daughter of John Dean, of Springfield, N. J., and had another son. 2. Phebe married David Clark, son of Stephanus Clark, Sen., in Ohio. 3. Jemima, married in Ohio. 4. Chloe. 5. Moses, died a young man, unmarried. Lydia, the wife of Joseph Allen, died 10th Feb. 1799, aged 42 years, after which he went to Ohio, to his children, and died there. NoTK. — I know of no connection between thi» family and Joseph Allen, Jun., which followi. JOSEPH ALLEN, Jvy. JOSEPH ALLEN, Jun. JOSEPH ALLEN, Jun:, married Sarah Willcockse, daiigh- ter of Peter Willcockse, Sen. (The family now spell the name Willcox.) He drew No. 113 of the Elizabethtown lots surveyed above the first mountain, about one mile east of the Mount Bethel Church, but lived in Washington Valley, between the mountains. They had children : ■ " 1. David, who married Mary Camp, daughter of Aaron s Camp, son of John Camp, (or Johannes Vancampen,) of I Passaic Valley. ? 2. Peter, married Mary Marshall, daughter of James Marshall, of Washington Vnlley. 3. Gideon, married, 19th August, 1787, Susannah Cory, daughter of Elder Daniel Corv, of Longhill. 4. William married 10th March, 1790, Nancy Marshall, sister of Peter's wife. 5. Philip, married Betsey Clark, daughter of Ehas Clark, who lived on Stony Hill. 6. Henry, twin to Philip, married Phebe Clark, daughter of James Clark. 7. Patty, who married Joseph Doty, [See Doty.'] 8. Sarah married Jonathan Ruckman, \_See Ruckman.'] DAVID ALLEN, (Ist child of Joseph, Jun.,) and Mary Camp, daughter of Aaron, had children; g 1. Sarah, who married John Blackford, son of Benjamin Blackford, of Piscataway, and went to Readstone. 1 2. Jemima, married 3 Ist May, 1785, Joseph Cole, Jun., son I of Joseph, of Scotch Plains. {See Cole.) 3. Phebe, married Jacob Allen, son of Joseph Allen, and went to Cincinnati. 4. Polly, married Levi Parker, son of Isaac Parker, and went to the Lakes, N. Y. 5. Amy, married Richard Roff son of Richard. {See Rojf.) 6. Betsey, married Thomas Willet, son of Jonathan Willet, of Stony Hill Valley. 7. John, (the Colonel) married Betsey Cole, daughter of Master William Cole, of Scotch Plains ; she died without chil- dren, and he went to the west and married there. 8. Joseph, married Hannah Willet, daughter of Jonathan Willet. above named. 9. Rachel, married Aaron Scudder, son of George Scudder, and went to the Lakes, New York. 10. Martha, married William Sherwood, of Connecticut. 11. David Allen, Jun. married Susan Townley, daughter of Matthias, son of James Townley. 12. Aaron, married at Pittsburg, and went to Ohio. JOSEPH ALLEN, Jtw. 13. Squier, married Hannah Cory, daughter of Parkhurst Cory, of Stony Hill Valley, and died without children. JOSEPH ALLEN, (8th child of David Allen) and Hannah Willet, -went to French Creek, and iiad children : g 1. Camp, is unmarried. 2. John, who married Esther Hall, and went to French i Creek, Penn. 1 S. Bradford, married Line, daugiiter of Amos Line. 4. Betsey, who died at about the age of 6 years. DAVID ALLEN, (11th son of David Allen,) and Susan Townley, lived in Washington Valley, and had children : 1. Aaron, who married Maria Stead, daughter of Thomas Stead, and had children, 1st, Sophia Elizabeth. 2. vSarah Anne married Israel Moore, 21st February, 1849, son of Moses Moore, and had children, 1st, David Allen Moore. 3. Elias, married Elizabeth Caroline Spencer, 28th Feb- ruary, 1849, daughter of James L. Spencer, and had children, 1st, Cornelia. 4. David, 3rd. 5. John. G. Mary. PETER ALLEN, (2d child of Joseph Allen, Jun.) and Mary Marshall, had children. ^ 1. Rhoda, who married William Ross, son of Ezra Ross, I of Long Hill. I 2. Noah, who married Phebe Jennings. ? 3. Peter, who married Phebe Johnson, of Albany. 4. Anne married Levi Gould, of New York, — — have no children. 5. Deborah, married David Buckley, of Connecticut ;' have no children : 6. Betsey, married William Randall, of Scotch Plains, and have children: 1. Philip Randall ; 2. Elizabeth Randall, who married Ebenezer Cooper ; 3. Harriet Randall. 7. Mary Anne, married James Bealty, of Staten Island. GIDEON ALLEN, (3rd son of Joseph Allen, Jun.) and Susannah Cory, had children. ^ 1. Daniel, who married Hetty Tucker, daughter of Joseph ^ Tucker, son of John. 3 2. Henry married Esther Achor, daughter of Philip Achor, I. of Scotch Plains. - 3. Patty. 4. Phebe, married Lines Tucker, son of Joseph Tucker, son of John. JOSEPH ALLEN, Ju.v. 5. Fanny, married William Jennings, son of Benjamin Jennings, of Mount Bethel. 0. Lydia married, 1st, Joseph Hamilton; 2d, William Tallman. 7. Sarah, married Henry Moore, son of Henry. {See Moore.) DANIEL ALLEN, (son of Gideon,) and Hetty Tucker, had children : 1, Rosetta, who married her cousin Ephraim Achor, son of Philip. g 2. Israel Cory, married Anne Titus, daughter of William. I. 3. John married Anne, of New- York. •' 4. Gideon. 5. Aristedes Heustis. WILLIAM ALLEN, (4th son of Joseph Allen, Jun.) and Nancy Marshall, had children : g L Marsh, who married Mary Willcox, daughter of Daniel, p [See Willcox.] 1 2. Betsey, married David D. Smalley, son of David, Esq. |- (See Smalley.) 3. Sally, married Moses Stiles, of Morris County. 4. Polly, married, 1st, Mr.Woodruff, but had no children by him. 2d, Frederick Dell, 20th July, 1843. 5. Jane, married Isaac Clark, son of Abraham, of Westfield. 6. William, married Huldah Cole, daughter of Amos, of Scotch Plains. KBNRT ALVTARD. HENRY ALWARD. HENRY ALWARD came from England, married Miss Compton ; lived between Liberty Corner and Basking Ridge, near the mill now owned by Matthias Woodard, and had children : g 1. David, who went to French Creek. S 2. John. I HENRY ALWARD. Jun. I 3. Henry, Jun., who married Mary Cox, and had children : L, 1. John, who married — and had children, Henry, and two others. 1 2. Samuel married Caty King, sister of John King, of I Liberty Corner. 3. Benjamin married Sarah Ayers, daughter of Elisha Ayers, and sister of Major John Ayers, of Basking Ridge. 4. Sarah married Daniel Hampton, whose father lived where John Steele did. 5. Mary married, 1st, Mr. Vankirk — 2d, Cornelius Tunison, of Washington Valley. 6. Mercy married Ephraim Martin, son of Col. Martin. 7. Henry, 3d, married Osee Pennington, daughter of Jona- than Pennington. 8. William married EUzabeth Cross, daughter of William. SAMUEL ALWARD, (2d child of HenryAlward, Jun.,) and Catv King, had children : 1. Mark. 1 2. Mary, who married John Pope, Jun., son of John Pope. I 3. David. ' 4. Henry married lived at Succasuna Plains. 5. Sally married John Mizener, of Peapack. 6. Samuel, Jun., who went to the Lakes, New- York, and married there. 7. Betsey married Mr. Brown, of Monmouth Co. 8. Charlotte went to Michigan. BENJAMIN ALWARD, (3d child of Henry Alward, Jun.) and Sarah Ayers, had children : 1. Elisha, who died at 27 years (by the kick of a horse) un- married. 2. Mar)^ married Joseph Ruckman, son of Jonathan Ruck- man. {See Ruckman.) 3. Jane married John Yeatman, an Englishman, and went to Philadelphia ; they had no children. 4. Hannah married Nathan Ruckman, brother of Joseph. {See Biichmom.) 8 HENRY ALWARD. * 5. Benjamin. Jun., married Lydia Coddington, daughter of ? Benjamin Coddington. s 6. Sarah, married Jonas Bird, son of George Bird, of Mount f Bethel. 7. Esther, (twin to Sarah,) married Stephen Lawrence, son of William Lawrence, of Schoolies Mountain. 8. William, married Pliebe Lyon, daughter of Ebenezer Lyon, and went to French Creek, Penn. 9. Elizabeth married Benjamin Boylan, son of Dr. James Boylan, of Vealtown. 10. Anne married Samuel Carman, of French Creek, Penn., and lived there. 11. Stephen married Miss Pool, of Schoolies Moun- tain. 12. Daniel married Mary Miller, daughter of Smith Miller. 13. Phebe, twin to Daniel, married John Kinsey, of Amboy, and live there. SARAH ALWARD, (4th child of Henry Aiward, Jun.,) and Daniel Hampton, had children : ^ 1. John Hampton, who married, as his 2d wife. Miss ^ Bloodgood. i 2. Mary Hampton married Mr. Jackson. I 3. Henry Hampton married Miss Edgar. ^ 4. Dr. William Hampton married Eliza Leddel, daughter of Dr. William Leddel, of Mendham. 5. Penina Hampton did not marry. 6. Dr. Reuel Hampton. MARY ALWARD, (5th child of Henry Aiward, Jun.,) and Cornelius Tunison, had children : 1. Henry Tunison, who married Miss Casner. 2. Ehzabeth Tunison married John Bakeman. 3. Nelly Tunison married John Bray, of New Brunswick. 4. Hannah Tunison married Jephtha Mundv ; lives at Middle Brook. MERCY ALWARD, (Gth child of Henry Aiward, Jun.,) and Ephraim Martin, had children : ^ 1. Patty Martin, who married Samuel Stites, son of Isaac ^ Stites, of Mount Bethel, and went to Illinois, and had 14 S children. |. 2. Mary Martin married Mr. Scudder. ^ 3, Betsey Martin married 4. Richard Martin lives near Rahwav HENRY ALWARD, (7th child of Henry Aiward, Jun,, and Osee Pennington, had children : HENRY ALWARD. 9 I 1. Jonathan, who married Deborah Burrows, daughter of « Waters Burrows, of New Providence- i 2. Mary married Goin McCoy, son of James McCoy, of 1 Basking Ridge. 3. Anne married Jonathan Hand, son of Jonathan Hand, of Basking Ridge. {See Hand.) 4. Osee. 5. William married Miss Allen, of Peapack. 6. Henry, 4th, married Fanny Guerin, and soon died. 7. Jacob married and soon died. 8. Joseph married Matilda Doty, daughter of David, son of Zeb. 9. Betsey married, 1st, John Ryerson; 2d, Mr. Barman. WILLIAM ALWARD, (8th child of Henry Alward, Jun.) and Eliza Cross removed to the Lakes, New York, and had children : 1. Phebe. 2. Sarah. 3. Nathaniel. 4. Jerusha. 5. William. 6. Squier. 7. Jarvis. BENJAMIN ALWARD, Jun. (5th child of Benjamin Alward,) and Lydia Coddington, had children : » 1. Hugh, who went to Illinois. 2. Esther, who married John Phillips, of Newark. 2 3. Sarah, who went to Illinois. 1 4. Jackson, who went to Illinois. a SARAH ALWARD, (6th child of Bejamin Alward,) and Jonas Bird, went to the Lakes, New York, and had children : 1. Esther Bird, who died at about 18 years, unmarried. 2. George Bird, who died at about 16 years. 3. Phebe Bird. 4. Silas Bird. 5. Sarah Bird. ESTHER ALWARD, (7th child of Benjamin Alward,) and Stephen Lawrence, had children: 1. Mary Lawrence, who married Stephen Coleman. 2. William Lawrence, married Miss Coleman, sister of Stephen. 3. Sarah Lawrence, married William Walk. 4. John Lawrence, married Miss Poo!. 5. Benjamin Lawrence. B 10 HENRY ALWARD. 6. Sylvester Lawrence. 7. Amanda Lawrence, married her cousin Benjamin Al ward, son of David. 8. EJizabelii Lawrence, died at about 12 years. 9. Stephen Lawrence, Jun. 10. Jane Lawrence. ELIZABETH ALWARD, (9lh child of Benjamin Alward,) and Benjamin Boylan, had children . ■ L Anne Boylan, who died at about 22 years, unmarried. > 2. Sarah Boylan, married William Hoif. 3. John Boylan, lives in Newark, 4. William Boylan, lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. 5. James Boylan, lives in Newark. STEPHEN ALWARD, (11th child of Benjamin Alward,) and his wife. Miss Pool, had children : 1. Sarah. 2. Esther. 3. Benjamin. DANIEL ALWARD. (12th child of Benjamin Alward,) and Mary JMiller, had children: 1. Benjamin, who married his cousin Amanda Lawrence, daughter of Stephen Lawrence, 2. Moses Miller married Sarah Drake, daughter of Abraham J. Drake, son of William, of Schoolies Mountain. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Elisha, born 29lh April, 1826 — married, 31st August, 1847, to Rachel Drake, daughter of the above-named William Drake. 5. Daniel, Jun. 6. William. 7. Esther. 8. Smith Miller. 9. Rachel. PHEBE ALWARD, (13th child of Benjamin Alward,) and John Kinsey, of Amboy, had children: 1. Daniel Kinsey. 2. Sarah Kinsey. 3. Esther Kinsey. 4. Wesley Kinsey. JONATHAN ALWARD, (1st child of Henry Alward, 3d,) and Deborah Burrows, had children: 1. Edward, who died, — September, 1S34, asred 25 years. 2. Jonathan Pennington, born 21st July, 1812, — graduated at HENRY ALWARD. 11 Princeton College, — studied Theology, became a Presbyterian Minister, — married Catherine Fredenburg, dauffhter of the Rev. Mr. Fredenburg, of Somcrville. They went to We!>ternAfrica, as Missionaries. He died there in April, 1841, and she returned home. 3. Osce. 4. Waters Burrows married his cousin, Mary Frances Burrows, daughter of the Rev. Waters Burrows. 5^ Francis, who died in 1845, aged 25 years. 6. Eliza Anne, who died in her 9lh year. 7. Joseph, born July 4th, 1S28, is preparing for the ministry. JAMES AKDERSON. g JAMES ANDERSON, married, 14th September, 1766, Lydia n Badgley, and had a son, Baugley Anderson. His wife Lydia then I (lied, and he married Polly, the" widow of Richard Shaw, and had two other children : 2. Robert, who married Nancy Moore, daughter of Isaac Moore. 3. Betsey, married David Clark, son of Elias Clark, sen. [See Clark.] 5 BADGLEY ANDERSON had three children: i 1. John. 1 2. Israel. ? 3. a daughter who married Mr. Benward. ROBERT ANDERSON and Nancy Bloore had children : 1- 2. 3. 4. Elizabeth. 5. 6. 7. Note.— RICHARD SHAW had children : 1. Lewis Shaw, who married Phebe Willis, daughter of William Willis. 2. Sally Shaw, who married William Brown, son of John Brown, Sen, 12 JUUiS, JA.MKS AxNU GtORGE BAUULKi'. JOHN, JAMES AND GEORGE BADGLE7. These three hrothers, togethei' with their three sisters, Phebe, Sarah, and Betsey, coineover from Long Island, to Elizabethtovvn. George settled in Elizabcthtown. He had a daughter, Nancy, who married John Brown, and removed to Stonyhili, [see Brown-I John and James, with tlieir three sister^, came up and settled in the Valley between the 1st and 2nd Mountains, in the year 1736-7. When Joseph Morse, the Elizabclhtown Surveyor, was surveying this region, he surveyed for John and James Badgley, a tract of 400 acres of land, between the mountains, lying along Blue Brook, and extending South to the top of the first mountain. John Badgley had one son, John Badgley, Junior, whose wife's name was Effa. JAMES BADGLEY had four children : g 1. James, Jun., whose wife's name was Sarah. n 2. Joseph, married Betsey Scudder, sister of Benjamin Scudder, I below Springfield. ?• 3. Anthony married Anne Woodruff. 4. Robert, married Rachel Vreland. S* PHEBE BADGLEY married Peter Willcockse, Senior. [See f Willcockse.'] I SAPvAH BADGLEY married Joseph Doty, Senior. [Sec Doty.'\ = BETSEY BADGLEY married Uriah Hedges, Senior. [See ff edges.] g JAMES BADGLEY, Jun., and Sarah, his wife, had children : o 1. James, 3rd. i 2. Joseph, 2nd. g- 3. Lydia. P 4. Sarah. 5. Rhoda. JOSEPH BADGLEY, 2nd, (2nd child of James Badgley,) and Betsey Scudder, had children : 1. Timothy. 2. Moses, who married Susannah — and had two children. 3. George. 4. Nancy. 5. Hannah. ANTHONY BADGLEY, (3rd child of James Badgley,) and Anna Woodruff, had children : 1. Jonathan, who married, 1st Lydia Scudder; 2nd, Hannah -Searing, daughter of Noah Searing. 2. Noiih. 3. Anthony, 2nd, married Abigail Hedges, daughter of Uriah Hedges. JAMCS BAUULUV. 13 4. Samuel, married Polly Frazee, daughter of Henry Frazee. 5. Jenny married Barna Hole. [See Hole.'\ 6. Nancy, married Maxwell Frazee, son of Henry Frazee, \_Sec Frazee.l ROBERT BADGLEY, (4th child of James Badgley,) and Rachel Vrelund, had children : 1. Enoch, who married Sally Simson, daughter of John Simson, 2nd, and had a daughter, Sarah, who died 23rd April, 1784. 2. Robert, Junior. 3. William married, 19th June, 179G, Betsey Frazee. 4. Hannah, married Joseph Scudder. MOSES BADGLEY, son of Joseph, son of James Badgley, Jun., married Susannah, and had children: ^ 1. Sarah, who married Calvin Parker, 1 1th June, 1788, son of Benjamin Parker, of Longhill, and had an only son, Moses B. % Parker, who died unmarried. 1 2. Peggy, who married, 1st June, 1793, William P. Doty, son of =' Anthony, Senior, [Sec Doty.'] Mrs. Susannah BaJgley died 25th December, 1799, aged 49 years, and Mr. Badgley married, as his 2nd wife, Nancy, the widow of Thomas Oakley. They lived on Longhill. Another Moses Badgley married, 20th September, 1795, Anna, the widow of Samuel Miller, and daughter of John Simson, Junior, and went to Ohio. JONATHAN BADGLEY, (1st son of Anthony, the 3rd son' f James Badgley,) and Lydia Scudder, lived on North side of the 2nd Mountain, and had children : 1. Ahijah, who married Betsey Willcox, daughter of Noah Willcox, Senior. 2. Stephen married Catherine Denman, daughter of Joseph Denman, of Springfield. 3. Noah, who died unmarried. 4. John S. married Hannah Sturges, daughter of Benjamin Sturges, of Green Village. 5. Polly, married David C. Hand, son of Nehemiah Hand, and had no children. 6. Nancy married Thomas Seward, of Springfield, and died in about six months. 7. Jane, married Samuel Ball, son of Garner Ball ; he died, and she married Mr. Travers. By his 2nd wife, Hannah Searing, he had other children. 8. Aaron, who went to Canada. 9. Nancy who went to Canada, and married there. 10. Jacob, who died young. 11. Jonathan. 12. Noah, 2nd. 13. Sarah, who died young. 14 JAMES BADGLEV. ANTHONY BADGLEY, Junior, (3rd son of Anthony, 3rd son of James Balgley,) and A i?ail Hedges, lived on the North side of the first tnouutuin, where his son Samuel now lives, and had children : |! 1. Jetnima, who married Jacob Price, son of Rice Price. [C f son of Major Lindsley, of Morristown. f 3, Esthermarried, 6th July, 1820, Squire Manning, son of James, son of Isaac Manning, of Plainfield, and had an only daughter, Sarah, who married William T. Brokaw, son of Cornelius, of Plainfield. Mrs. Esther Manning died September, 1840, and Mr. Manning married Mary Stevens, daughter of John Elevens, of New- foundland, New Jersey, and died 19th December, 1850. JONATHAN BAILEY, son of Captain Samuel Bailey, and Abigail Beach, lived in Newark, and had children : 5 1. Silas, who married Mary Haddon, daughter of Benjamin ^ Haddon, of New York, and had children : 1 . Theodore, 2. Reynolds. I 3. Henr}', who married, 24th December, 1850, Elizabeth A. I. Reuck, of Newark. a SAMUEL BAILEY, Jun., son of Captain Samuel Bailey, and Mary Lindsley, lived in Morristown, and had children : 1. William Francis. 2. Sarah Kirlland. 3. George Edgar. 4. Theodore Frelinghuysen. SARAH MANNING, (daughter of Squire Manning,) and William T. Brokaw, had children : 1. Joel Terry Brokaw, born 11th December, 1845. 2. George Brokaw, born 20th May, 1849. 18 THOMAS BAKER. THOMAS BAKER. THOMAS BAKER emigrated from Englantl, and settled on Long Island, and from thence he lemorcd to Connecticut Farmsr (now Union,) and there died. THOMAS BAKER, Jun., his son, married Hannah Thompson, §. sister of Thomas Thompson, on Rahway River, in Union, and ? removed to Passaic Valley, in New Providence, and bought of I John Blanchard, of Elizabethtown, in March, 1733-9,40 acres, f part of lot No. 50, — and in 1761 he bought of William Maxwell lot No. 26, of 99 acres, lying west of Jacob Bedell's land, and bounded north by the river, and west by Johonis' Camp, afterwards owned by Richard Scudder. He also bought of Joseph Rolpb and John Ocheltree lot No. 57, lying south of No. 50, and extending south to the Stony Hill Road, and sold part of lot No. 57 to Wil- liam Baker, and 35 acres, adjoining Jacob Bedell, to Jonathan Mulford, for his son Cornelius Mulford, who lived on it many years, till he died. William Crane, who married the grand-daughter cf Cornelius Mulford, noAV lives on it. Peter Hill owns 48 acres, and John Littell, the remaining 15 acres, of Lot No. 26. THOMAS BAKER, Junior, and Hannah Thompson, had chil- I dren: 1st. Thomas Baker,3d who married, 19th March,(l769, Hannah 8 Howel. He married a 2d wife, (I have not learned her name.) He also I married for his 3d wife, January, 17S5, the widow, Martha Lino, a 8 sister of Benjamin Bedell; his children are not known; he died March 6 th, 1787. 2. William Baker, who married Rachel Valentine, daughter of Richard Valentine. 3. Daniel Baker, married, 24th December, 1766, Abigail Hendricks, of Westfield, and died 15th January, 1776. 4. Nathan, who died April, 1788. 5. Sarah married, 23rd July, 1769, William Littell, son of Andrew Littell, and went to Sussex, New Jersey, [jScc LiltelL] 6. Elizabeth married, 1st, William Maxwell, son of John Maxwell, Senior, [See Maxwell,] 2nd, Obadiah Valentine, son of Richard Valentine, [See Valentine.'] WILLIAM BAKER, son of Thomas Baiter, Junior, and Rachel Valentine, had children : 1. Thomas, baptized 25th December, 1763. ? 2. Abner, baptized 21st, June, 1767. , 8 3. John. |. 4. Hannah, who died 29th January, 17S4. •* His living children went to Ohio, — and are not known here. He died 4th July, 1787. His widow died in April, 1790. THOMAS BAKER. 19 DANIEL BAKER, son of Thomas Baker, Junior, and Abigial Hendricks, had children : 1. Aaron, who married, 14th December, 1793, his cousin Hannah Maxwell, daughter of William Maxwell. 2. Daniel Haker, Junior, who married in Western Pennsylvania, and went to Ohio. 3. Hannah, married Joseph Rulan, son of Abraham Rutan, of Long Hill, [See Rutan.'] AARON BAKER, son of Daniel Bnk-er, Senior, and Hannah Maxwell, removed to Dayton Ohio, and had children : 1. Betsey, who married Moses Simpson, son of Alexander Simp- son, of Dayton, \_See Simpson ] 2. David, married, ist, Sophia Vancleve, daughter of Benjamin Vancleve, of Dayton; 2nd, Sophia Sourbray. 3. Silas, who died a young man, uumarried, in New Providence, New Jersey. 4. Zina, also died a young man, unmarried. Aaron Baker, was a Justice of the Peace, in Dayton. His wife, Hannah, died December, 1818, and he married, 2nd, in Dayton, Mary Nolan, who died December, 1819, and he married, .3rd, Snliy, widow of David Valentine, and daughter of Benjamin Day. Esq. She died 1833, and he married, 4ih, Eve Wright, formerly of New York. He had children only by his firsit wife. Noie. — I have not traced an)' blood kin between Thomns Baker, 1st, and Henry Baker, 1st, HENRY BAKER. HENRY BAKER, IstJived half a mile from Westfield church, towards Springfield. He married Phebe Hedges, of Long Island. They had children : 2 1. Daniel, 1st, born 3rd June, 1753, and died 2nd September, ^ 1753. He married Margaret Osborn, born 14tli July, 1760. s 2. Williain, who married Jemima Woodruff, daughter of Thomas 5- Woodruff, Esq. " 3. Jonathan, I. married, 1st, Keziah Clark ; 2nd, Charily Clark, sisters, daughters of Jesse Clark, Esq. 4. Jeremiah, married, 4th March, 1798, Mary King. They lived at Dover, Morris county. He was born 28lh August, 1770. She was born 9th June, 1778. 5. Phebe married Ziba Ludlow, of Berkshire Valley, Morris county. 6. Henry, Jun. who married. ■ DANIEL BAKER. DANIEL BAKER, (1st child of Henry Baker, 1st,) and Margaret Osborn, had children : ^ 1. MARY, born 2.ith June. 1780, and married Ezekiel De Camp, f son of Moses and Sarah De Camp. ) 2. Phebe Hedges, born 25th September, 1782, — married John - Marsh, of Westfield. 20 HENRY BAKER. "" ** 3. Margaret, born 14th April, 1784, married William Britlon, of M dison, Morris County. [See Britton-I 4. David, born 11th June, 1780, married Cynthia Briggs, of Albany, and died 7th September, 1832. 5. Daniel, 2nd, who died, aged one and a half years. 6. Elizabeth, born 2nd August, 1789, married Abraham Britten, brother of William, [See Britton.'] 7. Daniel, Junior, born 28th December, 1790, married. ^ 8. Hedges, born 12th August, 1792, married Charlotte K. Crane, daughter of Benjamin Crane, 3rd, and died in April, 1831, aged 39 years and 4 months. 9. Prudence, born 12th April, 1794, and died 26th January, 1823. She married Moses Lee, son of Thomas Lee ; lived at Willow Grove, near Rahway. 10. Cyrus, born 20th December, 1795, went to Darien, Georgia^ and married Jane Eliza Donnely, and died there in February, 1831. 11. Henry, born 18th December, 1797, married Mary Anne Radley, daughter of John Radley. 12. Hannah, born 20th March, 1800, married Ephraim Clark, (tanner,) of Westfield, as his 2nd wife. 13. Elihu, born 3rd July, 1802, married Joanna and Charlotte Carter, sisters, daughters of Lewis Carter, of Madison, Morris Co. He lives in Middletown, Monmouth county; is cashier of the bank there, 14. Electa, born 28th September, 1804, married, 1st, Aaron Woodruff, son of Noah Woodruff, had no children ; married, 2nd, Benjamin Crane, stone-cutter, son of Benjamin, Crane, 3rd; lives at Pater son, [See Crane.'] ~ MARY BAKER, (1st child of Daniel Baker,) and Ezekiel D-e Camp, had children : I. Phebe De Camp, who married Mr. Hand, son of Ellis. g 2. Hannah De Camp, who married Mr. Hand, brother 55 of Phebe's husband. I 3. David De Camp. I. 4. Hiram De Camp. ^ 5. Walter De Camp. 6. Hervy De Camp. 7. John De Camp. 8. Joseph De Camp. 9. Margaret De Camp. 10. Mary De Camp. II. Sarah De Camp. 12. Moses De Camp. 13. Job De Camp. PHEBE HEDGES BAKER, (2d child of Daniel Baker,) and John Marsh, had children: 1. Thomas Marsh. 2. Mary Marsh. 3. Anne Marsh, who, married Mr. Covert, of Seneca Co., New York. HENRV BAKER. 21 4. Margaret Marsh. 5. Daniel Marsh. HEDGES BAKER, (8th child of Daniel Baker,) and Charlotte K. Crane, had children: 1. Margaret, who married Lansing Whitehead. 2. Daniel, married Elizabeth Holt. 3. John. 4. Elizabeth. 5. Francis. PRUDENCE BAKER, (9th child of Daniel Baker,) and Mosee Lee, had children : 1. Mary Lee. , 2. Elizabeth Britton Lee, who married Philip Miller. ' CYRUS BAKER, (10th child of Daniel Baker,) and Jane E. Donnely, had children : 1. Daniel William. 2. Cyrus Osborn, died in Darien, Georgia. HENRY BAKER, (11th child of Daniel Baker,) and Mary- Anne Radley, had children : 1. Courtland Radley, who married Caroline Van Pelt, who died, leaving a daughter about two years old. 2. David, who was killed by lightning, in Ohio, in 1847, aged 24 years. 3. Elihu. 4. Anne Martin married Amos Miller, son of Jacob Miller. 6. Henry. HANNAH BAKER, (12th child of Daniel,) and Ephraim Clark, had children : 1. Cyrus Osborn Clark. / Note. — Ephraim Clark, 2. Daniel Clark. I by his 1st wife, Phebe, had 3. Phe'be Clark. \ children; 4. Margaret Clark. J 1. Edwin. 5. Mary Britton Clark. j 2. James. 6. Catherine Clark. # 3. Hervy.. 7. Ephraim Newton Clark. f 4. Anne. ELIHU BAKER, (13th child of Daniel Baker,) and Joanna Carter, had children : 1. Nancy Carter. 2. William Morris. j 3. Lewis Carter. 4. Alfred Britton. 5. Margaret. And by his 2d wife, Charlotte Carter, had, 6. Joanna. 22 HENRY BAKER. "WILLIAM BAKER. WILLIAM BAKER, (2d son of Henry Baker,) and Jenfiima Woodi-.ifT, liad cliildrcn : « 1. Henry, who married Hannah Ross, daughter of James Koss, o Esq. . ,, ° 2. William, Jun., married Jane Thompson, daughter of Moses, g- son of Hezekiah Thompson. •" 3. Nancy Woodmtf, who died at 15 years. 4. Jcreniiah, who died at 25 years, unmarried. 5. Jacob married his cousin, Anna Maria Britten, daughter of Colonel William Brilton, of Madison. _ G. Mary Hedges married Christopher Cory, son of Benjamin. 7. Phebe married Augustus V. H. Webb. HENRY BAKER, (1st child of William Baker,) and Hannah Ross, had children : , , ,« 1 Jam( s Ros?, who died September, 1820, aged about 12 years. ^ 2. William T. married Elizabeth Anne Miller, dauj^hler of f Abner Miller, and had children : 1st, Catherine, born 1839 ; 2nd, S Elizabeth. , ^^r xr i j l j I 3 Sarah Eliza married William Radford, of New 1 ork, and had ■ children: 1. William Henry Radford ; 2. James Radford; 3. Edwin Radford. 4. Jiimes Ross, 2d, married Catherine Mundy, and had children : 1st, Eliza Ranford Ross. r t u c ■ 5. Phebe Webb, married John Squire, 3rd, a son of Johnbquire, Juii!, and had a child, James Wade Squire. WILLIAM BAKER. Jun., (2d child of William Eaker,) and Jane Thompson, had children : 1. Nancy Woodiviff. 2 Moses Thompson, who married Maria Pollard, of Parcipany, Morri.-? County. ^ , , , r -mt ^ i.- 3. William, 3d, married Anne Eliza Baker, daughter of Matthias Baker. • 4. James Augustus married Clarissa — 5. Jeremiah Carried his cousin, Elizabeth Cebra Webb, daughter of Augustus V. H. Webb. 6. Esther Anioline married Thomas Hathaway. 7. Mary married Benjamin Crane ; (not of the Weslfield Cranes.) 8. Aaron. ' 9. Sarah Jane. 10. Ferdinand. JACOB BAKER, (5th child of William Baker,) and Anna Maria Brit ton, had children : 1. William. 2. Margaretta. 3. James Hervy. Mr. Jacob Baker died. HENRT BAKER. S3 MARY H. BAKER, (6ih child of William Baker,) and Chris- topher Cory, live in Indiana, and had children : *. 1, William Cory. ^ 2. James llichurds Cory. I 3. Mary Cory. i PHEBE BAKER, (7th child of William Baker,) and Augustus V. H. Webb, had children : 1. Elizabeth Cebra Webb, who married her cousin, Jeremiah Baker, son of William Baker, Jun. 2. Augustus Webb. 3. ]\Iary Webb. 4. William Henry Webb. JONATHAN I. BAKER. JONATHAN I. BAKER, (3d son of Henry Baker, 1st) and Keziah Clark, had children : M 1. Charily, who married William Cory, son of Joseph Cory. ^ 2. Gitty, married Job Ciark, of Rahway. I 3. Jesse Clark, married Betsey Thompson, daughter of Hezekiah I Thompson. S 4. Harriet married John Squire, Jun., son of John Squier. 5. Mary married Ezra Drake, as his 2d wife, son of JNoah Drake. CHARITY BAKER, (daughter of Jonathan I. Baker,) and William Cory, had children : ^ 1. Hezekiah Cory, who died at 18 years. S- 2. Levi Cory, f 3. Margaret Cory, i 4. Mary Cory, who died at 18 years. I .'5. Abby Cory married Washington Pierson, son of Moses. 6. Joseph Cory, who died at about 2 years. 7. Jonathan Cory, who died at about 10 years. 8. Sarah Cory. GITTY BAKER, (2d daughter of Jonathan I. Baker,) and Job Oark, had children : 1. Elizabeth Clark. 2. Harriet Clark. 3. Mary Clark. 4. Martha Clark. 5. Keziah Clark. JESSE C, BAKER, (3d child of Jonathan I. Baker,) died September, 1S32. His wife, Betsey Thompson, died September, 1840. They had children : 1. Amelia, who married Dr.JohnWilliamson,of Union Township. 2. Phebe married William Earl, son of Robert Earl, of Union. 3. Jonathan. 4. David. 5. Elizabeth. 24 HENRY BAKER. HARRIET BAKER, (4th child of Jonathan I. Baker.) and JohD Squier, Jun., had chiUlren : g 1. Mary Squier, who married James Wade, son of James W. ^ Wade, Esq.. of Union Township. g 2. John Squior, 3d, married Phebe Webb Baker, daughter of I. Henry, son of William Baker, and had a child, James Wade Squier. .= 3. Caleb Squier. 4. Hannah Squier. 5. Jonathan Baker Squier. MARY BAKER, (5th child of Jonathan I. Baker,) and Ezra Drake, had children : 1. Mary Williams Drake. 2. Jonathan Drake. 3. George Drake. JEREMIAH BAKER. JEREMIAH BAKER, (4th child of Henry Baker,) and Mary King, had cliildren : ^ 1. Andrew, born 5th April, 1799, married Nancy Hurd, 16th ^ October, 1823. S 2. Henry, born 29th April, 1801, is unmarried. I 3. Elizabeth, born 18th September, 1803, married, 28th De- § cember, 1822, James B. Carle. 4. William H., born 3d January, 1806, married, 13th June, 1848, Clarissa Dell. 5. Nancy W., born 24th May, 1S08, married, 17th November, 183G, William Henry Spencer, (as his 2d wife,) son of William Spencer, Esq., of Chatham. \_See Spencer.] 6. Mary King, born 24th August, 1809, married, 26th June, 1834, Silas S. Palmer. 7. Phebe, born 28th November, 1815, married 28th November, 1838, John Dehart, of Parcipany. 8. Margaret, born 29th October, 1818. married, 20th July, 1845, John Butterworth. ANDREW BAKER, (1st child of Jeremiah Baker,) and Nancy Hurd, had children : 1. Jeremiah. a 2. Emily, who married Byram, and had a child, William ? Henry. I 3. Adeline. 5- 4. Adolphus. 6, Henry. 6. Anne Eliza. 7. Nancy Louisa. ' ELIZABETH BAKER, (3d child of Jeremiah Baker ^ «nd James B. Carle, had children : 1. Mary Carle. HENRY BAKER. 25 ^ 2. Margaret Carle. ^ 3. Jane Carle, f 4. William Carle. S 5. James Carle. § 6. Frederick Carle. 7. Salina Carle. 8. Lucy Carle. WILLIAM H. BAKER, (4th child of Jeremiah Baker,) and Clarissa Dell, had 1. MARY K. BAKER, (6th child of Jeremiah Baker,) and Silas S. Palmer, had children : L Jeremiah Palmer. 2. Seely Palmer. 3. Henry Palmer. PHEBE H. BAKER, (7th child of Jeremiah Baker,) and John Dehart, had children ; 1. Mary Jane Dehart. 2. John Dehart. 3. Winfield Scot Dehart. MARGARET BAKER, (8th child of Jeremiah Baker,) and John Butterworth, had children ; 1. Hudson Butterworth. PHEBE BAKER, (5th child of Henry Baker, 1st,) and Ziba Ludlow, had children : 1. Mary Ludlow, who married Thomas Tone, and both died. g 2. Henry Ludlow! 9 3. Daniel Ludlow. I 4. Phebe Ludlow. 5' 5. Hedges Ludlow. 6. Ziba Ludlow, Jun. 2€ JOHN BALDWm. — '•■ • JOHN BALD-WIN. JOHN BALDWIN, had children ; 1. Capt. Enos Baldwin, who lived in Livingston Township, and married, S 1st, Phebe Williams, and had three children. ? 2nd, Surah Woodruft" and tiiree other children I 3rd, widow Phebe Tucker, by whom he had no children. g 4th, widow Prudence Mulford,' and had no children : 2. Nathan Baldwin, married Elizabeth, widow of Jerry Ball, and daughter of Jeremiah Hart, as his 2nd wife. By his 1st wife he had a son, Lewis, who married Anny Hart, his father's 2nd wife's sister. 3. Ezekiel Baldwin, who was father of Gabriel Baldwin. 4. Molly Baldwin, who married Mr. Wade, of Union. 5. Jemima Baldwin, married Colonel Samuel Potter, [See Potter.] 6. Phebe Baldwin, married Mr. Ogden. CAPT. ENOS BALDWIN. CAPT. ENOS BALDWIN, (son of John Baldwin,) had children : ^ L Phebe, who married Matthias Denman, of Springfield. ^ 2. Martiia, married George Towuley, son of Effingiiam. [See g Town ley.] I 3. Esther, married Nicholas Parcels, on W. 0. Ridge, Springfield. B 4. Samuel, married Lucy Fairchild. 5. Sally, married David Brainard Dickerson, son of Philemon, [/S'ee Dickersoii.l 6. David, married Elizabeth Reeve, daughter of Captain Isaac Reeve. 7. A daughter who married James Morehouse, son of David, the 26th November, 1788, and had a son, Baldwin, when she died, and Mr. Morehouse married Polly Potter, daughter of John Potter, of New Providence. [See Potter,] PHEBE BALDWIN, (1st child of Captain Enos Baldwin,) and Matthias Denman, lived in Springfield, and had children : ^ 1. Sally Denman, who married William Parcel ; had no children. ^ 2. Samuel Denman, lived and died in Philadelphia. I 3. Aaron Denman, married Mulford. I 4. Elizabeth Denman, married Colonel Abraham K. Wooley, son p of Colonel Abraham Wooley, of Springfield. 5. David Denman, married Miss Lyon, daughter of Elijah Lyon. 6. Phebe Denman, married Oliver Wade, son of Jonas Wade, Esq. 7. Mary Denman, married, 1st, Mr. Tenbrook ; 2nd, Charles Atwater. 8. Charlotte Denman, married Rodney Wilber, Esq., of Newark. ESTHER BALDWIN, (3d child of Captain Enos Baldwin,) and Nicholas Parcel, had children : 1. Mary Parcel, who married Nathaniel Squier, son of John, of Livingston. 2. Smith Parcel married Miss Lewis, sister of Lawrence Lewis. 3. Enos Parcel married Caty Smith, of Springfield. JOHN BALDWIN. 27 4. Fatty Parcel married Stephen Edwards, of Livingston. i 5. Nicholas Parcel married Mary Anne Lyon. Twins. I q Esther Parcel married Smith Denman, son of Jacob. SAMUEL BALDWIN, (4ih child of Captain Enos Baldwin,) and Lucy Fairchild, had children: 1. Sally W., who married Bern Foster. S- 2. Mary married William Brewster, son of John, f 3. Elizabeth married Abraham Cook, son of Epaphrus, of Liv I ingston. ^ 5.' J^hn^ married, 1st, Phebe Camel ; 2d, Jane, the widow of Dr. Camp. ^ • 1 1 0. Hannah married John Steinbreck. 7. Matthias. 8. Martha. 9. Charlotte. DAVID BALDWIN, (6th child of Captain Enos Baldwin,) and Elizabeth Reeve, had children : r ii i t> n i. Isaac, who married Mary Roll, daughter of Brooks Roll, 2 Moses married Elizabeth Ball, daughter of Enoch Ball. 3*. Lydia married Jacob Morehouse, son of Benjamin, who was half brother of Enos Littell's wife. 4. Aaron married Anna Gould, daughter of Samuel, of Cald- ^5.* Nancy married, 1st, Zophar Canfield; 2d, Andrew Ayers, son of Samuel, of Ulster county, New York. 6 Enos, who died at 23 years, unmarried. 7*. Catherine married, 1st, Abraham French, son of Robert; 2, Andrew Miller Camp. i u, r r 8. William married Margaret Dean, daughter of J Daniel Dean, of Springfield. Twins. < g_ ^.^^y married William Littell, son of Enos; — t had no children. 10. Abner married Hannah Day, daughter of Charles Thompson Dav, son of Thaddeus. . , 11. David married Elizabeth Carnes, of Pennsyhania, and went to Michigan. 12. Harriet married Leander lyson. ISAAC BALDWIN, {1st child of David Baldwin,) and Mary Roll, had children : ^ 1. Julia Anne, who married William Gouldy. 2. Cornelia A. married Stephen M. Littell, son of Enos. l^ee Littell.] ^ , . T> r M 1. 3. James Augustus married Catherine Brown, ot JNewarU. 4*. Elizabeth married Mr. Siyer, in Ohio. 6. Mary married Henry Anderson. 6. Lydia. 28 JOHN BALDWIN- S MOSES BALDWIN, (2d child of David Baldwin,) and Eliza- Q bcth Ball, had children : S 1. John, who married Sabina Doty, daughter of JCaptain Aaron I. Dcty. P 2. Joanna married Dennis Sniith, of Newark. 3. Hervy Dayton. LYDIA BALDWIN, (3d child of David,) and Jacob Morehouse, had children : 1. Hervy Williams Morehouse, who married Jalietta Baldwin. 2. Aaron Baldwin Morehouse married Elizabeth Gould, daughter of Richard. 3. William Sanford Morehouse married Mary Emily Davison. 4. David Baldwin Morehouse. AARON BALDWIN, (4th child of David,)^and Anna Gould, lived in Newark, and had children : 1. Harriet, who married Moses Searing. 2. Lewis Broadwell married Amanda Ogdcn. 3. Milton (is a Doctor,) married Aveline King ; — lives in Newark. 4. Martha Louisa married George Hall. NANCY BALDWIN, (5th child of David,) and Zophar Canfield, had children : 1. Enos B. Canfield, who married Julia Costar^Benjamin. 2. Jane Canfield, who died at 16 years ; and by her 2d husband, Andrew Ayers, had children : 3. Catherine Victoria Ayers. 4. Jane Ayers. CATHERINE BALDWIN, (7lh child of David,) and Abraham French, had children : 1. Abraham Morris French; and by Andrew M. Camp, had 2. Harriet Elizabeth Camp, who died at 4 years of age. WILLIAM BALDWIN, (8th child of David,) and Margaret Dean, had children : 1. Jacob Henry. ABNER BALDWIN, (10th child of David,) and Hannah Day, had children : 1. Aaron. 2. Mary Elizabeth. [ 3. Theodore. 4. Charles Thompson. 5. Lydia, who died at about 2 years. 6. Abner, who died at about 2 years. 7. James. JOHN BALDWIN. ^9 DAVID BALDWIN, (1 1th child of David,) and Elizabeth Games, had children: 1. Margaret: 2. George Martin; 3. Sarah &Anne; 4. Charles; 5. Elias Reeve ; 6. William. o I HARRIET BALDWIN, (12th child of David,) and Leander P Tyson, had children: 1. David Alexander Tyson; 2. Lewis Baldwin Tyson; 3. Mary Elizabeth Tyson ; 4. William Courtland Tyson. NATHAN BALDWIN. NATHAN BALDWIN, (2d son of John Baldwin, 1st,) had children : ^ I. Thomas married, 1st, ; 2d, 23d September, 1811, ^ Elizabeth, the widow of Abner Bailey. I 2. Ethan. I 3. John. p 4. Ezra, who married Abigail Clark, daughter of Elder Joha Clark. ISee Clark.'] EZRA BALDWIN, (son of Nathan,) and Abigail Clark, lived near Cheapside, and had children : it 1. Phebe, who married Joseph T. Hardy, and removed to Ohio,. 55 2. Sally married Matthias Swaim! g 3. Stephen married Hannah Morehouse. I. 4. Esther married Ebenezer Morehouse. P 6. Abigail married Benjamin Morehouse, brother of Stephen's wife. 6. Mary married John Davison, son of John. 7. Daniel married Catherine Meeker. STEPHEN BALDWIN, (3d child of Ezra,) and Hannah More- house, had children : g 1. Phebe, who married Jacob Reeve, son of Elias. o 2. John Clark married Phebe RofF. g 3. Lewis married Sally Parcel, daughter of Thomas. g. 4. Mary married Joseph Horton Reeve, brother of Phebe's ° husband. 5. Ezra married Martha Burtis, daughter of Abraham, of Brooklyn. 6. Abigail married Aaron Day, son of Joseph, son of Thaddeus. 7. Hannah Maria. 8. Lydia married Samuel Bailey, son of Samuel, of Springfield. 9. Sarah. JOHN CLARK BALDWIN, (2d child of Stephen,) and Phebe Roff, had children : g 1. Emily Clark Baldwin. 5> 2. Sarah Elizabeth Baldwin, g 3. Abby Maria Baldwin. I- 4. Stephen Clark Baldwin. JOHN BALDWIN. 30 GABRIEL BALDWIN. GABRIEL BALDWIN, (son of Ezekiel,) removed from Con- necticut Farms to Longhill, North of New-Providence Church. He married Rachel Litlell, daughter of John or Henry Littell. She died 30th October, 1794, aged 63 years. He died , aged 86- years. Thev had children : g 1. Mary, who married Nehcmiah Osborn. [See'-Osborn.] 2. Samuel married, 13th March, 1794, Johaniiah Squier, daugh- 1 ter of Elhs Squier, went to Ohio, and had children : 1. Squier, who I married Sally Crovvel, daughter of Samuel, of Dayton, Ohio ; 2. • Amos married Miss Tucker, near Hamilton, Ohio, and died soon after ; 3. Surah married Uriah Sawyer, in Ohio, a Yankee. 3. Susan married Natiian Halsey, of Parcipany, and had chil- dren : 1. Alfred Halsey; 2. John Halsey; 3. Albert Halsey, who died young ; 4. Nancy Halsey, who married Abner Bonnel, son of Icha- bod Bonnel, of Chatham; 6. Arabella Halsey married Joel Bonnel, brother of Alva ; 6. Susan Halsey married, 1st, Richard Vaus ; 2d, she married ; 7. Rachel Halsey, twin to Susan, mar- S ried Charles Pool, an Englishman, and had children : 1. Elizabeth f Pool, born 1st July, 184;^ ; 2. John Halsey Pool ; 3. Dwight Pool. § 4. Nancy married Daniel S. Wood, Jun., son of Captain Daniel f S. Wood. [Sec Wood.'] 5. David married two sisters, Phebe and Polly Brant, daughters of David Brant, and l«y Phebe Brant had one child : 1. Ellis D.^ who married Jane Todd, daughter of William, son of James Todd, whose wife, Jane Martin, was daughter of Alexander Martin, of Longhill. And by Polly Brant had children: 2. Samuel, who married Mary Coddington, daughter of John Coddington, and grand-daugh- ter of Samuel Parsons ; 3. Asa married Emeliae Wilkison, daugh- ter of Nathan Wilkison. ELLIS D. BALDWIN, (son of David, son of Gabriel,) and Jane Todd, had children : 1. David. 2. Catherine, 3. John. 4. Emily. SAMUEL BALDWIN, (son of David,) and Mary Coddingtois, bad children : 1. Phebe. 2. Sarah Anne. 3. John. ASA BALDWIN, (son of David,) and Emelino Wilkison, had children : 1. William. 2. Caroline. 3. David. 4. Mary Elizabeth, 31 EDWARD BALL. EDWARD BALL. EDWARD B\LL lived iti Newark — was Sheriff of the county of Essex in 1G93. In 1678, Edward Dall and Daniel Dod were ap- pointed to run the Nortiiern line of the town of Newark from Pas- saic River to the Mountain. He had a son, Thomas, and also a daughter, Abagail. She married Daniel Harrison, who died 1st December, 1738, aged 77 years. His son, Thomas Ball, had nine sons. DAVID BALL, who lived in Rahway, had a son, Stephen Ball, who was spitefully hung by the British refugees at Bergen Point, 29ih January, 1781, in consequence of his activity and daring as a parlizun patriot, leaving a widow, two daughters, and a son, fizekiel Ball, Jan., who removed to Middletown, Ohio, and was a Justice of the Peace, Judge of the Court, and Post-master there, many years. EZEiaEL BALL, Esq., of Middletown, Ohio, had children : w 1. Stephen, who was a Captain in the Militia, in 1805. gi 3. Abigail, who married Matthew Nichols, g 3. Polly married Abraham Squier, son of William, son of Ben- I. jamin Squier, of Westfield. ? 4. Hannah. Among the nine sons of Thomas Ball, son of Edward, probably were, 1. Timothy Ball, who lived in Rahway, and had a son, Stephen,, and two daughters. 2. Tusken Ball, of Middleville, who built Tusken Hall there. 3. Nathaniel Ball, of Connecticut Farms. 4. Dr. Stephen Ball, whose daughter was the wife of Hobart Littell, of Newark. 5. Edward Ball,of Clinton, who married Esther Mulford, daugh- ter of Captain Jonathan Mulford, of New Providence. 6. Joseph Ball, who married Phebe Hand, daughter of William Hand, of Livingston, [See Hand,'] and whose daughter, Mary, married Robert Cauldwell, son of William Cauldwell, of Passaic Valley, and went to Ohio. ^See Cauldwell.'] • NATHANIEL BALL lived at Connecticut Farms, near where the tavern is now kept, on the turnpike. He had children: 1. Phebe, who married Jacob Jennings, of Passaic Valley, Morris County. [See Jenvirigs.] 2. Rhoda, who married Patrick Crilley, an Irishman, of Con- g necticut Farms, now Union, and had children : I. John Crilley;. ^2. Moses Crilley; 3. Sarah; 4. Esther; 6. Martha Crilley; 6. S Betsey Crilley; 7. Elias Crilley ; 8. David Crilley. I 3. Rebecca married Mr. Loyd, of Camptown, now Clinton- ? 4. James married Eusice Meeker, of Connecticut Farms. 82 NATHANIftL BAtDWiN. 6. Salome married Solomon Line, of Sodom — went to Redstone, Penn. 6. Esther married John Mulford, son of Job, [_See Job Mulford.'] 7. Aaron mnrried, 1st, Patty Wade, daughter of Captain Henry- Wade, of Union ; 2d, Hannali Wiliis, daughter of Nathaniel, of Springfield. 8. Nehemiah married Esther Sallee, sister of John Sallee, and had children: 1. Betsey; 2. Elihu ; 3. Nathaniel; 4. Puah and Esther, twins ; 6. Sineas; 7. James. 9. Pauh married John Sallee, and removed to Trenton, Ohio. 10. Davis married Miss — — Hetfield. 11. Eunice, married Doct. Wats Bonnel, of Union." JAMES BALL, (4th child of Nathaniel,) and Eunice Meeker, had children : w 1. Rhoda, who married Jacob Stookey, and had chidren : 1. 55 Stephen, who died at about 16 years ; 2. Eunice ; who married ^ g ; 3 David, raarrried, 1st, Betsey Howard; 2. Sophia Rittenhouse; I. 4. Abby, who went to New-York, and married there. 5. Aaron ." Stookey, who married and lived in New- York. 2. David, who married Abby Wade, daughter of Caleb Wade, and lived at the Turnpike gate, in Union, and had children : 1. Eliza, who married Jotham Brown, son of Henry, and died leaving three children: 1. James Brown, 2. Abby Brown, 3. Caleb Brown, 2. Jane, married John Potter, son of Benjamin son of John, [See Putter.] 3. Phebe, married John Burnet, son of Daniel, son of Matthias Burnet, and had children : 1. Anna Burnet, 2. Caroline Burnet. 4. James, married Jane Burnet, daughter of Capt. Jonathan Burnet, and had children: 1. William Merton Boll. 5. Samuel, married Caroline Willcox, daughter of Noah Willcox,. son of Noah, and had children : 1. Emma Ball. AARON BALL, Esq., (6th child of Nathaniel,) and Patty Wade, had children : 1. Polly, who married Abner Meeker. 2. Aaron, married, 1. Betsey Willcox, son of John Willcox, 2. Betsey Woodruff. 3. Henry, married, 1st, Hannah Conklin, daughter of Benjamin Conklin, of Union ; fc 2nd, Sarah Mullock, daughter of William, of Mount Hope, Orange county, New- York. 4. Phebe married John Hallock, Jun., son of John, of Oraa^e county, New-York; He was Judge of the County Court, and mem- ber of Congress. By his 2d wife, Hannah Willis, Aaron Ball, Esq,, had children : 6. Harriet, who married Stephen Bonnel, son of Abraham, of' Plainfield. 6; Nancy married Joseph Shotwell. Live in Rah way. 7. John, who went to Mexico when a young man, and married there, and had two children, and died there in June, 1845. AARON BALL, Esq. 33 POLLY BALL, (1st child of Aaron, Ball, Esq.,) and Abner Meeker, had children : ? 1. Martha Meeker, who married Turner Frazee, son of George, of Westfield. p 2. Rachel Meeker, married James Ireland, an Englishman. 3. Aaron Ball Meeker, married Hannah Frazee, sister of Turner, ^ and had children : 1. Anne Judson Meeker; 2. George D. Board- s' man Meeker ; 3. Harriet Newel Meeker. 1 4. Mary Meeker, married William Woodruff, of Elizabethtown. |- 5. Henry Wade Meeker, married Julia Clendenen, daughter of George. 6. Obed Meeker, married . "t. Ezekiel Meeker, married ■. 8. Henry Meeker, married . Note. — Abner INfeeker, and all his children, except Aaron Ball Meeker, re- moved to Ohio, and lived in the viciniiy of Franklin, Warren county. MAJOR AARON BALL, (2d child of Aaron Ball, Esq.,) lived at Westfield, and by his first wife, Betsey Willcox, had an only child, Henry, who married Betsey Woodruff", daughter of Asa, of Westfield. HENRY BALL, (3d child of Aaron Ball, Esq.,) is a Baptist Minister, — lives in Sussex county, and by his 1st wife, Hannah 9 Conklin, had four children : 1. Newton ; 2. Newton, 2d ; 3. Mary; 55 4. William Vanhorn, who all died, and his wife died. I By his 2nd wife, Sarah, Rev. Henry Ball had children : 5. I. Thomas Jefferson, who also died young ; 6. John ; 7. Clarissa ? Jane; 8. Elizabeth; 9. Hannah, who died young; 10. Harriet; 11. Julia; 12. Fhebe ; 13. Martha. PHEBE BALL, (4th child of Aaron Ball, Esq.,) and John Hallock, Esq., had children : 1. Dewitt Hallock; 2. Charlotte Hallock; 3, Sanford Hallock. HARRIET BALL, (5th child of Aaron Ball, Esq.,)'and Stephen Bonnel, had children: 1. Eliza Bonnel, who married J. A.Wood; — live in Jefferson County, New York; 2. John Bonnel; 3. Julia Bonnel; 4. William Henry Bonnel. NANCY BALL, (6th child of Aaron Ball, Esq.,) and Joseph Shotwell, live in Rahway, and had children: 1. Gustavus Shotwell ; 2. Harriet Shotwell ; 3. Henry Shotwell ; 4. John Shotwell. TIMOTHY BALL. TIMOTHY BALL, (probably one of the nine sons of Thomas) married and had children : *. 1. John, who married, 1st, Miss Crane, and had chil- 55 dren : 1. Calvin; 2. Luther; 3. Rachel. John married, 2d, .* Miss Fairchild, and had other children : 4. John ; 5. David ; 6, Daniel ; 7. Uzel. t 34 AARON BALL, Esft. 2. Uzel Ball, son of Timothy, married Abigail Burnet , and had children : u, 1. Enoch, who married Joanna Lyon, daughter of Daniel. ^ 2. Jonathan married Phebe Headley, daughter of Gary, and had B an only son, Uzel. I 3. Noah married Fanny Edwards, daughter of Aaron. ? 4. Lafayette married Phebe Parker, daughter of Joseph, and had an only son, Andrew. 5. Rachel married James Hogan, and had children, Ira and Rachel Hogan. 6. Rhoda married William Johnson. 7. Mariah married Daniel Parker, brother of Phebe. ENOCH BALL, (son of Uzel,) and Abigail Burnet^ had chil- dren : f 1. Calvin, who died at 21 years, unmarried. p 2. Abby, who married Josiah Durand, son of Briant. I 3. Betsey married Moses Baldwin. I 4, Jonathan married, 1st, Jane Condit, daughter of Jared; 2d, ■ Peery Stevenson. 5. Mahala married John Gildersleeve, son of Joseph. 6. Randolph married Hannah Stevenson. 7. Mary married William Hollinn, son of Jacob. NOAH BALL, (son of Uzel, son of Timothy Ball,) and Fanny Edwards, had children: 1. Charles, who married Emeline Hand, and had children: 1. Henrietta; 2. Thomas; 3. Fanny Jane; 4. Juliette; 6. Salina ; 6. Susan ; 7, Theodore ; 8. Noah ; 9. Catherine. 2. Susan married Albert R. Meeker. 3. Mariah married Thomas A. Reeve, son of Walter S. Reeve. 4. Marcus Lafayette married Pamela Durand, daughter of Henry. 6. Jane married Nathaniel Burt. 6. Daniel Freeman married Catherine Alexander, daughter of John. 7. Caroline married James S. Brady. 8. Harriet. 9. Emeline married John Gardner, son of Daniel. RHODA BALL, (daughter of Uzel,) and William Johnson, had children : ? 1. Hervy Johnson; 2. Susan Johnson; 3. Mariah Johnson; « 4. Eliza Johnson; 5. Alexander Johnson; 6. Alonzo Johnson; I 7. Charles Johnson ; 8. Jephtha Johnson. cr. o ■" MARIAH BALL, (daughter of Uzel,) and Daniel Parker, had children: 1. Uzel Parker ; 2. Caroline Parker ; 3. Abby Parker; 4. Mary Anne Parker: 5. Harriet Parker , 6. Daniel Parker ; 7. Joseph Parker; 8. Almira Parker ; 9. Albert Parker. SAMUEL BEACH. 35 SAMUEL BEACH. SAMUEL BEACH lived near Jeffersonville, in Union Town- ship. Married ■, and had children : S 1. David, who married , and removed to the Lakes, N. Y. g . 2. John married Jerusha Bunncl, daughter of David Bunnel, $ (whose wife was Elizabeth Jones, of Union.) f 3. Ebenezer married in Washington City, and settled in New York, and had children: 1. Maria; 2. James; 3. Joanna; 4. William. 4. Susan married Isaac Miller, of New Vernon, and had chil- dren: 1. Mary, who married Farrand Cochran, of New Vernon; 2. Betsey married Jsaac Riggs ; 3. Isaac; 4. Phebe. 5. Elias married Hannah Headley, of Union, and removed to the Lakes. 6. Samuel married in Washington, settled in New York, and died there. Had children: 1. Susan; 2. Eliza; 3. Julia; 4. Harriet; 5. Patty. 7. Hannah married Stephen Harris, and went to Redstone, Penn. 8. Patty married Mr. Evarts. 9. Phebe married David Dean, of Springfield, and had children : ^ 1. Elias Dean, who married his cousin, Hannah Dean, daughter Q of Jacob, above Springfield. * 2 2. Jerusha Dean married Smith Lyon. I 3. Hannah Dean married Joseph Smith, son of William, son of ^ Walter, of Springfield. 4. Aaron Dean married Abby Crane, daughter of Samuel Crane, of Springfield. 6. Isaac Dean married , of Newark. 6. Harriet Dean married John Smith, son of William, son Walter Smith. 7. John Dean married Crane, only daughter of David Crane, Esq., of Newark. JOHN BEACH, (2nd son of Samuel Beach,) and Jerusha Bunnel, lived on Stony Hill, south of Thomas O. Scudder's, and subsequently removed to Springfield. He was born 12th May, 1757. She was born 17lh January, 1764. They had children : 1. James, born 7th March, 1782, and married, 1st, Anti McGinnis, of Newark ; 2d. Catherine Allen, of Newark. He then removed to Lexington, Kentucky ,and married there, 3d, Betsey Ellis ; 4. Mildred Garniss, cousin of Joseph's 2d wife. 2. Joanna, born r2th February, 1784, and died in infancy. 3. Susan, born 15th May, 1785, who married Jacob G. Broad- well, son of Hezekiah. [See Broadwell.] 4. William, born 7th August, 1787, married Susan Sovercool ; lives in Newton, Sussex county. 6. Joseph, born 15ih April, 1790, married, 6th October, 1814, 1st, Rebecca Hoaglin, daughter of Martin Hoaglin. She was born 29th June, 1795, in Kentucky — she died 17th February, 36 JOHN BEACH, (2d son of Samuel Beacli.) 1821, He married, •2d, the widow Catherine Wallace, 29th Sept. 1822, daughter of Thomas Garniss, of New York. She was born 25th April, 1790, was cousin of James' 4th wife, 6. Jabez, born 22d June, 1792, married Maria Tillou, daughter > of John Tillou. 7. Samuel, bom 3d January, 1796, married, Ist, Phebe Mitchel : 2d, Elizabeth Van Pelt, in Kentucky: 3d, in Kentucky. 8. John, born 12th August, 1797, married, 1st, Mary McCollum ; 2d, Abigail McCollum, sisters, daughters of Aaron McCollum, of Sussex, near Newton. His 2d wife died 2d February, 1850, without children. 9. Abigail, born 18th May, 1800, married Jonathan, son of Capt. Samuel Bailey. [See Bailey.'] JAMES BEACH, (son of John) by his 1st wife, Anne, had seven sons — all died young but one, William, who married his cousin, Eliza J. Broadwell, daughter of Jacob G. Broadwell. By his 2d wife, 3 children ; but one living. 2. Elisha married Elizabeth Winters, of Newton. By his 3d wife, two living — 3. Thomas, 4. Lucy. By his 4ih wife, Mildred, one — 5. Joseph. / WILLIAM BEACH, (4th child of John Beach,) and Susan Sover- cool, had children : t. 1. Anne Margaret Sovercool, who married Thomas H. Shafer, ^ son of Isaac Shafer, of Newton, and had children ; 1. Louisa Anne S Shafer ; 2. Susan Elizabeth Beach Shafer. I 2. Alfred. p 3. Hannah married John H. Lyon, son of Stephen Lyon, of Basking Ridge, and had children: 1. Emma Louisa Lyon — died at two or three years ; 2. Anna Lyon ; 3. William James Lyon. WILLIAM MELANCTON BEACH, (4th son of William, son of John,) married Catherine Roy, son of Stephen, of Sussex, g and had children : 1. Sarah Lucilla. gj 5. John Sovercool, who went to St. Louis, Missouri.' g 6. Jacob Coursen. I. 7. Joseph Greer. JOSEPH BEACH, (5th child of John Beach,) and his 1st wife, Rebecca Hoaglin, had children : 1. Joan H., born 26th July, 1815, and died 13th Feb. 1817. 2. Mary Evelina, born 11th August, 1817, and died 13th May, 1819. 3. James Martin, born 2d August, 1819, married Malinda Slitfield, and had a son, Joseph, born 8th February, 1841. And by his 2d wife, Catherine, had children : 4. Lillis Farrier, born 11th February, 1824, and died 25th February, 1824. 5. Thos. Garniss, born 16th Aug. 1825 — died 25th Aug., 1826. 6. Thomas Garniss, 2d, born 12th December, 1827, died 14th October, 1829. 7. Catherine Garniss, born 16th January, 1829, died 16th August, 1829. BEBOUT. 37 JABEZ BEACH, (6th child of John Beach,) and Maria Tillou, had chihlren : 1. Harriet; 2. CaroUne ; 3. Mary; 4. Jerusha; 5. Mariah Catherine. SAMUEL BEACH, (7th child of John Beach,) and Phebe Mitchell, his 2d wife, had children : 1. John WiUiam ; 2, Margaret Jerusha. JOHN BEACH, (8th child of John, son of Samuel,) and Mary McCollom, had children : 1. Sylvester, who married Mary Catherine Havens, of Marks- horough, and went to Illinois. 2. Ithamar married Mary Elizabeth Bross, daughter of Peter Bross, of Hamburg, Sussex Co., and had a child, Jerusha Anne. BBBOUT. The father of the Bebout family came from Holland, and married Mary Miller, sister of the Rev. Benjamin Miller, Baptist minister at Scotch Plains. They had two sons, John and Peter. John lived near Vealtown, in Somerset County, and early re- moved to the west. PETER BEBOUT married, December 1st, 1767, Sarah JeweU and had a son, Ebenzer, who also removed to the west. Peter Bebout, married, 2d, Sarah Darling, half-sister of William Parrot, Sen., and had other children : 2. Peter Bebout, Jun. 3. William married, 1st, Martha Tingley ; 2d. Hannah Ogden, of Hanover, Morris county. 4. Christian, who died at about 18 years of age. 5. Abigail married Isaac Potter, son of Colonel Samuel. [Sec Potter.] 6. Mary married John Osbovn, son of John Osborn. [See Oshorn.'] 7. Martha married, 12ih November, 1786, 1st, John Bedell, son of Jacob, [iSec BedelW] 2d, Luther Jones. [Sec 107168,1 8. Lewis, who died at about 15 years. 3. Stephen married Sally Cory, daughter of Elder Daniel Cory. 10. Nancy married, 1st, Simeon Dunn; 2d, Elisha CorielJ, by Green Brook. Peter Bebout, Sen., died 13th January, or 23d August, 1784; the statements differ. William Bebout died 20th February, 1820, aged 70 years. His widow, Hannah, died 5th September, 1S28, aged 72 year..".' '.: ' ^_ \^ ■, 5. Mary, married Henry Gray, ^ Old Mrs Bedell, widow of Elder Jacob Bedell, died 9th Sep- tember, 1773, '^ John Bedell Sen., died 2d January, 176S. Elder John Bedell, died December, 1763. Jacob Bedell, son of Elder John, died 16th June, 1777, aged 51 years ; his widow. Aula, married Capt. Jonathan Mulford, and died about 1803. JACOB BEDELL, inherited half the above named Lots, Nos. 24 and 20,and owned also 120 acres in Essex county, on the opposite side of the River, 100 acres of which is still owned and occupied by his grand-daughter, Catherine, the wife of Philemon Elmer, son of Jonathan. JACOB BEDELL, and Eleanor Powers, liad children : I 1. Eleanor, who married Samuel Rutan, son of Abraham, [See ^ Rutan.] I 2. Abraham, married Polly Osborn, daughter of John, Sen. I 3, John, 3d, married Martha Bebout, daughter of Peter, Sen. ABRAHAM BEDELL, (1st son of Jacob Bedell,) sold out his lands here, and removed, in April, 1800, with John Maxwell, and William Littell, to Sussex county. Abraham Bedell, and his wife, Polly Osborn, had children : w 1. Betsey, who died young. ^ 2. Sally, who married, 25th December, 1797, Lewis Meeker, of I Union ; went to Seneca county, New-York. |. 3. Locky, married Henry Crampton, and went to Ohio. ? 4. Caty, married John Meeker littell, son of William, above named. 5. Jacob, married ; lives Newark. 6. John, married Abby Campfield, of Newark; was drowned in the North River. 42 JACOB BEDELL, (Son of John, Jan.) 7. Abraham, married Sally Edwards, lived in Newark. 8. William married Mary Mackerley, of Sussex, and had a child. 1. Abraham Howel. SALLY BEDELL,(lst daughter of Abraham,)and Lewis Meeker had children : a 1. Abraham Meeker. ^ 2. John Meeker, who died at about 22 years, unmarried. § 3. Jacob Meeker, married. I 4. Clarissa Meeker. i 6. Jane Meeker. 6. Rhoda Meeker. 7. Matilda Meeker. 8. Emeiine Meeker. JOHN BEDELL, son of Jacob, inherited his father's farm of 120 acres, in Essex county. He and his wife, Martha, had but one daughter, Catherine, born 4th December, '1787, and married in June, 1806, Erastus Jones, son of Luther Jones, from Connecticut. 5 Her father died 1st June, 1788, aged 24 years, and she inherited o the farm, except about 20 acres, which her father sold to Nathaniel i Littell, Esq. |- Catherine Bedell, and Erastus Jones, had several daughters, who •" all died young except one, Mary Mulford Jones, who married Isaac L. Willcox, and had children : 1. Caroline Jones Willcox. 2. Erastus Jones Willcox. -WILLIAM BEDELL. WILLIAM BEDELL, (son of John, Jun.) inherited the half of the before named lots, 24 and 20, and lived where his father did. Fie and his wife Esther Littell, had children : a 1. Susannah, who married Jonathan Davis. « 2. Phebe, married, 1st, Charles Johnson, sonofUzel Johnson, on i Longhill, [See Johnson ;] 2d, Caleb Mulford, son of Job Mulford; |- [See Job Mulford.] ° 3. Lydia, married, 7th August, 1787, Elijah Davis, brother of Susannah's husband. 4. Mary, married, 13th March, 1785, Daniel Hole, son of Charles, as his 2d wife. 5. James, married, 6th October, 1791, Nancy Oakley, sister of Polly, wife of John Abel. William Bedell, sold out his lands in October, 1792, to his brother- in-law, Nathaniel Littell, and with his son-in-law, and son, and their families, removed to a section of land that he purchased for $250, of Daniel Thompson, between the two Miami Rivers, in Warren county, Ohio, where they all settled. SUSANNAH BEDELL, (1st child of William,) and Jonathan Davis, had children : f5. JACOB BEDELL, (Son of John, Jun.) •»#♦ 1, William Davis, who married Sarah Lamb, daughter of Colonel CA Joseph Lamb; they both joined the Shaking Quakers, among whom ^ he died ; she is with them yet. S 2. John Davis, married Elizabeth Serrin, and removed to Texas, I 3. Mary Davis, went to the Shakers, where she continues. ? 4. Huldah Davis, who married John Monger. 5. Hester Davis, married Joseph Q. Lamb, son of Col. Joseph Lamb, [(See La7nb.'] PHEBE BEDELL, (daughter of William,) and Charles John- son, had children : 1, Betsey Johnson, who married Boaz Murphy, in Ohio. 2. Charles Johnson, married Betsey Trembly. Mr. Johnson died, and she married Caleb Mulford, as his 2d wife. Mr. Mulford, by his two wives, had children : 1. Jacob Mulford, married Jane Hole, daughter of John. 2. Rebecca Mulford, married Elias Littell, son of Ephraim, son of Andrew, [See Littell.] 3. William Mulford, married Martha Meek. 4. Job Mulford, married Mary Dudley. LYDIA BEDELL, (daughter of William,) and Elijah Davis, had children : 3. Esther Davis, Jonathan Davis, and Elijah Davis, who all went to the Shakers, and are lost. MARY BEDELL, (daughter of William,) and Daniel Hole, had^children : 1. Phebe Hole, who married Daniel Clark, son of Daniel, a Baptist Preacher. 2. Esther Hole, married David Bowers. 3. Stephen Hole, married Miss Eddy. 4. Catherine Hole. 5. Aaron Hole. 6. Mary Hole. 7. Elizabeth Hole. JAMES BEDELL, and Nancy Oakley, had children : 1. John, who marriedNancy Enyarl, 2. William. 3. Esther. I know of no connection between Benjamin, John and Henry Bedell. HENRY BEDELL- HENRY BEDELL, lived in Passaic Valley; his 1st wife's name was Sutton, by whom he had two children : 1. John, who married Deborah Mulford, daughter of Capt. Jonathan Mulford. 2. Henry, Jun., went to Sussex, married and raised a family 44 WILLIAM BEDELL, (Son of JohD.Jnn.) there. The first wife of Henry Bedell, Sen., died, and he married a 2d wife, in the southern part of New Jersey, and soon after re- moved to the State of Georgia ; — settled and died there, leaving three other children : 3. Chester, who married in Georgia ; — had no children. 4. Jacob, married in Georgia, and had a son, Henry. 6. Phebe, married ; — nothing is known here of her children. Henry Bedell, Jun., went to Sussex ; married and raised a family there. I have learned nothing of them. JOHN BEDELL, (1st child of Henry Bedell,) and Deborah Mulford, lived by the Spring at the then called Bedell's Bridge, (now called Littell's,) and had children : ^ I. Isaac, who married Mary Kinnan, daughter of Thomas « Kinnan, Sen. I 2. Stephen, married Phebe Drake, and lived in Sussex, where 5- his father did, and had eight children : 3. Ezekiel, married , and died, leaving two children. 4. Mary, married Martin Vandyke. Mary died, and Mr. Vandyke married Ezekiel Bedell's widow. 5. Esther, married Jacob Grossman. John Bedell, with his family, except his son Isaac, removed to Sussex county, near the Delaware River ; — he died there. Isaac Bedell, lived on Long Hill, where »Samuel Stanbury formerly lived, and had ten children ; four of which died in infancy ; — the other six were, 1 . John Kinnan ; 2. Sarah ; 3. Deborah ; 4. Isaac ; 5. Mary; and 6. Chester. Deborah died in youth, and Chester died in childhood. Isaac Bedell, removed to Mendhavn, where his wife died. Sub- sequently, he with three of his children removed to Athens, Ohio, where he died. Sarah married Ezekiel Day, of Mendham, and went to Athens with their father, and subsequently tolllnois, and had children : 1. Mary; 2. Phebe; 3. Sarah. Isaac, married Harriet Martin, daughter of Isaac Martin, of Mend- ham, and also went to Athens, and settled in that vicinity, and had children : 1. Mary; 2, Sarah. Mary also went to Athens with her father. JOHN K. BEDELL, (son of Isaac, Sen.,) married Hannah Jones, near New Vernon, and lives there, and had ten children : g 1. Chester, who married Amy North, of Long Island, and had n children : 1. William Forrester; 2, Levi North, who died I young ; 3. John Chester, who also died young ; 4. Mary Elizabeth, g- 2. Phebe married Daniel Oliver, of Water street, Mendham, ° and had children : 1. Mary Irena ; 2. Chestpr. 3. Deborah. 4. Sherrod, who died young. 5. William. 6. Mary married Daniel Smith ; — lives in New York. 7. Sarah; 8. Abigail; 9. John, who died young ; 10. Isaac. TIMOTHY BEDFORD. 45 TIMOTHY BEDFORD. TIMOTHY BEDFORD, whose wife was Rachel , had children : S 1. Hnnnah, who married Ezekiel Stillwell ; — lived in Sussex. ? 2. Sarah, married William Willis. I 3. Stephen married Lydia Drake, daughter of William Drake, 5' of Piscataway. .,i STEPHEN BEDFORD, son of Timothy,^ Lydia Drake, had children : g 1. Timothy, who married Catherine Me Carty, daughter of Jacob, Q of Chatham. I 2. Andrew, who died young. I 3. William Drake, married, 1st, Asenath Swain, daughter of ^ Richard, near Hobart's Hill ; 2. Hannah, widow of Mahlon Simson, and daughter of Mr. Le Hommedeau, of Warren county. 4. Charlotte, married Benjamin Lyon, of South Orange. 5. Rachel and Lydia, twins, who died in infancy. 6. Aaron, married Ruth Whitehead, of Short Hills. 7. Polly, married John Tj-son, an Englishman ; lived in Chatham. 8; John Simson, married ist, Catherine Jennings, 13th December, 1822 ; she died 6th July, 1836; 2d. Joanna Jennings, daughter of David Jennings. WILLIAM D. BEDFORD, (son of Stephen,) and Asenath Swain, had children : ^ 1. Betsey, who married William Effner, of Hacketstown. 2. Lydia married Isaac Hadden, of South Orange. 1 3. Charles Nelson married Sarah Johnson, of Stanhope. |. 4. Stephen Oliver. P 5. Mary married John Drew, of Short Hills, in Springfield Township. 6. Harriet married Squier Day, son of Zacheus, 17th Dec. 1*1^45. 7. William Jackson. 8. Emeline, (twin to Abby, who died.) 9. Sarah. By his 2d wife, Hannah, whom he married, 23d August, 1842, had children: 10. Elmira ; 11. Frank Day; 12. Isabel; 13. Lydia Anne. His wife, Asenath, died 1st June, 1840, aged 49 years. JOHN S. BRADFORD, (son of Stephen,) and Catherine Jen- nings, had children : 1. Phebe, who married Benjamin Parker, son of Calvin. [jSee Parker.'\ 2. Elizabeth married Joseph Chamberlain. 3. Albert ; 4. Daniel ; 5. John ; 6. David ; and by his 2d wife, Joanna Jennings, he had, 7. Mary Catherine. 46 NATHANIEL BONNEL. NATHANIEL BONNEL. NATHANIEL BONNEL, 1st, came from Long Island to Elizabethtown — was one of the first company of the " Elizabeth- town Associates," and from thence he removed to Passaic River, above Chatham, and there settled. He married Hannah Miller, of Westfield, and had children : S 1. Benjamin (Esq.) who married Rachel Van Winkle. I 2. Nathaniel (Capt.) married, 1st, Elizabeth Allen ; 2d, in 1775, I Mary Simpson. I 3. John married Sarah Carter. 4. Sarah married Samuel Roberts. .^ a 6. Betsey married Capt. !«»»« Ward, i-^^^o-"— 6. Abigail married Mr. Gardner. 7. Mary married Elijah Woodruff. BENJAMIN BONNEL, Esq., (son of Nathaniel, 1st,) and Rachel Van Winkle, had children : ItL $6\X 7fic«^ gf 1. Jane, who married Abner Brown, 21sl July, 1763. ^ 2. Joanna married Matthias Woodruff, 2d January, 1764. 3 ^ 3. Benjamin, 2d, (bellows-maker,) married Hannah Ward, I daughter of David. 4. Nathaniel married, 19th February, 1772, Sibbe Howel, and had children : 1. Calvin ; 2. Luther ; 3. Elijah ; 4. Lockey. 5. Samuel married Betsey Crane, and had children : 1. Jane; 2. Lewis. 6. John (a tailor,) married Nancy Day, daughter of Stephen Day, Esq. 7. Aaron married, 29th|May, 1785, Rachel Clark. 8. Paul married, 28th December, 1783, Mary Parsons, daughter of William, Jun., and had children : Elizabeth, Abigail, &c,, and went to Ohio. 9. Rachel married, 13th March, 1783, Major Luke Miller, of Bottle Hill. 10. Sarah married Jacob Searing Parsons, son of William, Jun., [(See Parsons.'] 11. Abigail married Jonathan Johnson, son of Stephen Johnson. [/See Stephen Day.l 12. Rhoda married Calvin Morrell, 17th May, 1787, son of Jacob, of Chatham, and went to Ohio. 13. Polly married Stephen Day, Jun., brother of John's wife. Benjamin Bonnel, Esq., was a Justice of the Peace, and an Elder in the Presbyterian Church here. He was drowned in the winter of 1800, by the upsetting of a ferry-boat, in New York Bay, when several persons of this Valley were lost. "^ BENJAMIN BONNEL, 2d, (3d child of Benjamin, Esq.) and Hannah Ward, had children: $■ 1. Enos, who married Rachel Ball. o 2. Matthias married Sally AVard, daughter of Ichabod, son of ? David. BENJAMIN BONNEIi, Esq. (Son of Nathaniel, 1st;) 47 3. Sarah married Enos B. Townley, son of George. [See Townhy.'] 4. Phebe married Dr. Ainos King, of Chatham, son of Stephen King, of Orange County, New York. 5. Prussia married Bonne] Brant, of Chatham. ENOS BONNEL, (son of Benjamin, 2d,) and Rachel Ball, had children : cj 1. Jane. ^ 2. Charlotte, who married Paul Lum, son of Israel Lum, Esq., S had no children . I 3. Elam W. married Tacy Howel, daughter of David, of Madison. 3 4. Benjamin, 3d, married Sarah De Camp, daughter of Moses, of Caldwell. 5. Alfred married Henrietta Cooper, daughter of John G. Cooper, Esq. 6. Matilda married Jotham Brant. t 7. Harriet married Jared Hathaway, of Morristown. 8. John married Miss Stagg, of Ellzabethtown. 9. Almira married Talbert Butler, of Staten Island. 10. Mary married, and soon after died: 11. Eliza married Mr. Baker, of Staten Island. MATTHIAS BONNEL, (son of Benjamin, 2d,) and Sally Ward, had children : 1. Louisa, who married Albert Leonard, of Connecticut. - 2. Moses Ward married Elizabeth Hunt, daughter of James, of New York. 3. Joanna Day, who died 30th January, 1850, in her 38th year. 4. Enos married Phebe Anne Gardner, of Newark. 5. Jane married Elizabeth B. Tickenor, daughter of William, of Clinton. PHEBE BONNEL, (daughter of Benjamin, 2d,) and Dr. King, had children : 1. Prussia King, who married Franklin Day, son of Moses, and had children : 1. Charlotte Day, who died at 24 years, unmarried ; 2. Sylvanus Day, who married Clarissa Fenner ; 3. Hannah Maria Day; 4. Almira Day, who died at 18 years, unmarried; 5. Matilda Day; 6. Harriet Day; 7. Benjamin Franklin Day; 8. Calvin Day. 2. Almira King, married, 1st, Hartman De Gray, and had chil- dren: 1. Jane Agusta De Gray ; 2. Amelia De Gray. She married, 2d, Daniel Witter. Live in New York. PRUSSIA BONNEL, (daughter of Benjamin, 2d,) and Bonnel Brant, had children : 1. Laura Adaline Brant, who died at 18 years. 2. Sofronia Brant married Mr. Scofield, and died at 22 years. 3. Benjamin Brant married in Penn., and lives in Philadelphia. 48 CAPT. NATHANIEL BONNEL, (2d Son of Nathaniel Bonnel, 1st.) 4. Lavenda Josephine Brant, lives at Sam'l Robert's. 5. Elliet Constantine Brant, lives in Newark. 6. Margarettadied at about 17 years. 7. Sarah died at about 2 years. JOHN BONNEL, tailor, (6th son of Benjamin Bonnel, Esq.,) and Nancy Day, had children: ^ 1. Joanna, who married, as his 2d wife, Capt. Brooks, near Honesdale, Penn. 1 2. Barna married Lucy Brooks, daughter of Capt. Brooks. I 3. Polly married Mr. Wood. 4. Stephen. 5. Julia married, 9th August, 1816, Rev. John M. Babbit, of Mendham. BARNA BONNEL, (son of tailor John,) and Lucy Brooks, had children : g 1. Joan Minerva, who married Charles E. Luin, son of David B., of Union, and had children : 1. Isabel Alathea Lum, born 1 March, 1847 ; 2. Jane Bruen married Ira O. Tickenor, son of I Josiah, of Clinton ; 3. Mary Frances ; 4. Elijah Day. s S CAPT. NATHANIEL, (2d son of Nathaniel Bonnel, 1st,) was born 1731; — died July, 1809; he lived where his grand-son, Daniel L. Bonnel, now lives. By his first vvife, Elizabeth Allen, he had children : g 1. Abigail, born July, 1764, — married, September, 1755, Jacob ^ Minthorn. I 2. Nathaniel, 3d, born June, 1756, married, 1783, Martha Crane, I daughter of Isaac. 3. Caleb Gilbert, born November, 1758, married his cousin, Joanna Woodruff, daughter of Elijah. He died 2d May, 1834, aged 76 years. She died 17th December, 1846. 4. Phebe, born May, 1761, married William Johnson, son of Uzel. [See Johnson.'] 5. Jane, born April, 1763, married Samuel Crane, son of Joseph. [See Crane.] 6. Jonathan, born March, 1765, and died young: 7. Jacob, born Way, 1767, was a clock-maker, fmarried Mar- garet Crane. 8. Elizabeth, born August, 1769 —married, 29th July, 1787, Gabriel Friend. Capt. Bonnel's wife, Elizabeth, died 20th April, 1774, and he married, 24th November, 1775, Mary Simpson, daughter of Alexander, and had children. 9. William, who died young, 10. Nancy, born July, 1778, married her cousin, Sylvanus Bonnel, son of John. [See S. Bonnel.'] 11. Chloe, born December, 1779, married Abraham Samson, son of David. [See Samson.] 12. William, 2d, born January, 1783 — married, 25th December, 1806, Sally Doty, daughter of James. 13. Enoch, born 6th October, 1785, is unmarried; — lives with William. / NATHANIEL BONNEL, (Son of Nathaniel, bt.) 49 NATHANIEL BONNEL, 3d. {2i\ child of Capt. Nathaniel Bonnel,) and Martha Crane, had children : 1. Philemon, born 29th March, 1785, married, 26th January, ^ 1806, Rachael Noe, daughter of John. f 2. Iluldah, born 1st September, 1787, married, 1st, I'imothy D. I Pettit, son of Capt. Benjamin. [See Pettit.] Had an only son, I Timothy D. 2d, she married David Noe, son of John. [See Noe.\ -3. Jonathan Crane, born 29th September, 1790 — married, 2d November, 1814, Phebe Ward, dauohter of Icliabod, son of David. 4. Mary, born 29th February, 1792 — married, 9th January, 1813, Charles Day, son of Moses, and had an only daughter, Elizabeth Day, and Mr. Day died. 5. Jane, born 3d July, 1795, married her cousin, Jolin M. Stites, son of Capt. Abner. [See Stiies-I 6. Elizabeth, bora Uth February, 1797 — married Matthias Osborn, son of Nehemiah. [See Osborii.] 7. Sarah, born 17th February, 1799, married James T. Len- nington, and went to Ohio. 8. Maline Miller, born 22d July, 1802— married Elizabeth D. Walker, of New York. Nathaniel Bonnel, 3d, died 15th April, 1S14. His widow died 20th June, 1816. Maline M. Bonnel sailed for California, 17th July, 1849, and died of cholera, at sea, the ne.vt day. PHILEMON BONNEL, (Isl child of Nathaniel, 3d,) and Rachael Noe, had children: =■ 1. Huldah, who married Sylvester Crane, son of John. [See Crane.] 1 2. Mary Noe married Ashbcl A. Tomkins, son of Joseph. [See 5' Tomkins.^ 3. Ellis married, 1st, iltb November, 1835, Betsey Day Potter, daughter of Major Jotham, and had children : 1. Ellis ; 2. Phebe Pettit; 3. Rachel Noe; 4. Jotham Potter. Ellis Bonnel's wife, Betsey, died 7th June, 1843, aged 31 years, and he married iier cousin, Charlotte Potter Osborn. daughter of Stephen B., and had other chiUlren : .""i. Betsey Pettit; 6. Hannah Burnet. 4j Nathaniel, 4th . 5. Martha Crane married, 3d Decrmber, 1S45, John Noe, son of Frazee, son of Lewis, and died 11th May, 1849, without chil- dren. 6. John Noe. 7. Maline. 8. Sallv Doty married, 13th February, 1847, Isaac L. Wood, «on of Daniel S. [Sec Wood.] JONATHAN C. BONNEL, (;kl child of Nathaniel, 3(1,) and Phebe Ward, had children : 1. Mahetabel, born 8th December, ISIG, married William Lit- tell, son of John Littell, Esq. [See Littell] E 50 JOHN BONNEL, (3d Son of Nathaniel, sit.) 2. Julia, bora 1st January, 1819, married, 27th April, 1836, Dr. John S. Smith, son of Abner Smith, of Long Hill. Dr. Smith died 16th August, 1841, without children. 3. Harriet. 4. Charity Frost. 5. Emeline. 6. Jonathan. 7. David Ward. SARAH BONNEL, (7th child of Nathaniel Bonnel, 3d,) and James Lennington, had children : 1. William Lennington. 2. Thomas Scott Lennington. 3. Nathaniel Bonnel Lennington, twin to Thomas S. 4. Martha Jane Lennington. MALINE M. BONNEL, (Sih child of Nathaniel Bonnel, 3d,) and Elizabeth D. Walker, had children : 1. Helen R., born 4th February, 1836. 2, Martha C, born 30th May, 1839. JOHN BONNEL. JOHN BONNEL, (3d son of Nathat^iel Bonnel, 1st,) and Sarah Carter, had children : I. Jame?, born 10th October, 1758, married Rosa Burnet i lived S by the Franklin Mill. !? 2. Nancy, born 4th September, 1760, married William Day, son I of Stephen, Esq. [See Day.] I 3. Jonathan, born 12th May, 1763, married, 10th August, 1783, * Mary Burnet, sister of Rosa. 4. Israel, born 24th May, 1765, married Fanny Hand. 5. Joanna, born 20th October, 1767, married Moses Day, son of Paul. [See Paul Day.] 6. Hannah, born 9th September, 1770, and died young. 7. Sylvanus, born 28th February, 177^, married his cousin, Nancy Bonnel, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel. S. Eleanor, born 21st January, 1776, married Matthias Ward, son of Capt. Enos, of Chatham. [See Ward.] 9. David, born 5th September, 1778, and died at 18 years, by the fall of a tree, in the Great Swamp. 10. Sally, born 28th July, 1781 — married Ezekiel Sayre, b6>R. 1st February, 1774, and died 20th January, 1850. He lived where his wife's father did, near Passaic River, by the brook, near the line between New Providence and Springfield. II. Caly, born 1st February, 17S4, and died in infancy. JAMES BONNEL, (1st child of John, son of Nathaniel, 1st,) and Rosa Burnet, had children : * 1. Stephen Carter, who married Sally Simpson, daughter of Isaac cj Simpson. JOHN BONNEL, (3d Sou of Natlianiel, 1st.) 51 O 2. Electa married Abraham Walker, son of Asher, and died, leaving a daughter, Electa Walker, who married Dr. John L. Munn.'son of Dr. J. B. Munn, of Chatham. 5. Elias married Caty Simpson, daughter of Isaac Simpson. 4. Hannah married Stephen Parcel, had a son, John Parcel, and removed to the west. r>. Nancy, who went to the west with Hannah, and died. 6. David married Sally Day, his cousin, daughter of Sally Bonnel, daughter of John. 7.. Mahlon, twin to David, married Sally Oliver, daughter of Capt. Oliver, of New Vernon. STEPHEN C. BONNEL, (son of James, son of John,) and Sally Simpson, had children : 1. Catherine, who married Nathan Foster, son of Stephen, of Union, and had children: 1. Sarah Bonnel Foster; 2. Susan Foster. 2. James M., born 13th August, 1809, and died 1848, un- married. 3. Elias, born 9th July, 1811, and died 1836, unmarried. 4. Nancy, born 16th May, 1813, married, 15th August, 1832, William Andrews, from Ireland, and had children: 1. Thomas Andrews ; 2. Stephen Bonnel Andrews. 5. Electa, born 4th July, 18 IG— married, 34th October, 1835, James Helm, and had a son, Elias Bonnel Helm, and died 28th February, 1S37. 6. Stephen Carter, born 7th June, 1818, and died 21st September, 1820. 7. Hannah Parcel Bonnel, born 1st September, 1821, and married, 3d June, 1838, David N. Ruckman, son of Nathan, [^ee Ruckman.l ELIAS BONNEL, (son of James, son of John,) and Caty Simpson, had children : 1. Edwin, who married Eliza Scofield, of Connecticut. 2. Caroline married Thomas Smith, of New York. 3. Rhoda married Francis Doremus. 4. Elias Freeman married Maria Tashier. DAVID BONNEL, (son of James, son of John,) and Sally Day, had children : 1. Harriet, who married Benjamin Wade. MAHLON BONNEL, (son of James, son of John,) and Sally Oliver, had children : > 1. Joanna, who married Henry Lytle, of New York. 2. David, who married ; 3. John ; 4. Henry ; 5, Sarah ; 6. Salina; 7. Mahlon; 8. Cornelia. 62 JOHN BONNELL, (31 Son of Natlianiel, 1st.) JONATHAN BONNEL, (3d child of John Bonnel, son of Nathaniel, 1st,) and Mary Burnet, had children: 1. Matilda, who married Alexander Bruen, son of Joseph, and had children : ^ 1. Serenus Bruen, who married a daughter of David a Burnet. I 2. Jonathan Bruen married Sally Muchniore, daughter |- of Stephen. 3. Harriet Bruen married Mr. Knapp, from Connecticut. 4. Albert Bruen married ' . Live in Chester, Morris County. 5. John Bruen married , in Newark. 6. Charlotte Bruen married . 7. Hervy Bruen. 2. Ichabod, who married Sally Parcel, daughter of Thomas, and had a child, Mary Bonnel, who married John Helm, of Basking Ridge. 3. Joel, who married Arabella Halsey, of Hanover, and had children : 1. Albert Bonnel married a daughter of Carter Bruen, of Madison. 2. Mary Anne Bonnel married Mr. , from Conn. 3. Joel Bonnel, Jun,, married Meeker, daughter of John Meeker. 4. . 5. Francis. 4. Alva, who married Nancy Halsey, sister of Joel Bon- nel's wife, had children : 1. Halsey Bonnel, who married , in Newark. 2. Marcus Bonnel married Miss Lacy, of Elizabeth- town. 3. Elizabeth Bonnel, not married. 4. Joel Bonnel married . 5. Sylvanus Bonnel married — . 6. John Bonnel. 5. John went to the west, and was drowned. ISRAEL BONNEL, (4th child of John Bonnel, son of Nathaniel, 1st,) and Fanny Hand, had children : 1. Harriet, who married Lewis Freeman, near Green Village, and had children : 1. Lewis Freeman ; 2. Francis Freeman ; 3. Sarah Free- man ; 4. a son ; 5. a daughter. 2. Sarah. 3. Lewis married , and left his wife, and went to Iowa. SYLVANUS BONNEL, (7th child of John, son of Nathaniel, 1st,) and Nancy Bonnel, lived at Springfield, and had children : JOHN BONNEL, (3:1 Sou of Nutlmiiiel, 1st.) SJi 1 . Ejliza, who married George Sayre, son of Nathan, of EUzabethtown. Live at Madison, (he is a merchant there,) and had children: 1. Sylvanus Sayre; 2. Edward Sayre; 3. Theodore Sayre, who died in infancy. 2. Calvin married Julianna , from Philadelphia, and had children ; 1. William ; 2. Nancy ; 3. ; 4. 3. Hervy married , in Iowa, 4. John. 5. Charlotte married Abner Stites, of Springfield, son of Abner Stites, of New Providence. 6. Sylvanus. 7. Nancy. 8. William.- All these, except Eliza and Charlotte, went to Iowa, and set- tled there. SALLY BONNEL, (daughter of John,) and Ezeldel Sayre, had children ; ^ 1. Sally Day, who married her cousin, David Bonnel, son ~ of James, and had an only child, Harriet, who married Ben- I jamin Wade. I 2. Electa Sayre, who married Stephen Bower, son of = Daniel, and had children : L George Bower ; 2. Laura Bower ; 3. Catherine Bower ; 4. Franklin Miller Bower ; 5. a son. 3. Catherine Sayre, who died at 35 years, unmarried. 4. David Sayre, married Mary Spencer, daughter of y Samuel, son of William, and had children : 1. Frederick n Sayre ; 2. ; 3. . I 5. John Edgar Sayre. I 6. Lewis Sayre. Lives at St. Louis, Missouri. s SOLOMON BOTLE. SOLOMON BOYLE, emigrated from Ireland, and married a French girl in this country. He purchased of East Jersey Prop- rietors, 600 acres of land, (west of and adjoininjr the Berkley tract,) a lon^ piece between that tract and Passaic River, separated from the Berkley tract by a line running from the river, due Nortli crossing Long Hill, to the river again. He lived where William Boyle now lives, and had children: 1. John, who married Hannah Frazee. 2. Solomon, Jun, born Februarv, 1734-5, and married Margaret Hull. 3. Benjamin, who died unmarried. 4. William. 5. Bobert, who resided in New-York. 6. Joseph, who married Caty Cross, daughter of Robert Cross. 7. Jane, married Joseph Dalrimple, of Succasunna Plains. 8. Sarah, married-Joseph Doty. 64 SOLOMON BOYLE. 9. Lynche, married John Cooper, son of Daniel, 1st. \_See Cooper.'] 10. Polly, married Daniel Munroe. JOHN BOYLE, (1st child Solomon, 1st,) built a grist-mill, saw- mill, and forge, at the fall where the river passes through Long Hill, the site now occupied by Dunn's Mills. He and his wife, Hannah Frazee, had children : w 1. Jonathan. o 2. Lynche. E 3. Sallv. i 4. Patty. ^ 5. John, who married Betsey Runyon. SOLOMON BOYLE, Jun., (son of Solomon, 1st,) and Margaret Hull, had children : 1. Agnes, who married Stafford Wilson, from Ireland. [See Wilson-I 2. Susan, married Allen Simpson. 3. Elizabeth, married David Moore, son of Isaac. [See Moore.'] 4. Jane, is unmarried, lives with her brother Col. Solomon. 5. Solomon, 3d, (Col.) married Elizabeth Pierson, daughter of Jonathan, and grand-daughter of Col. Cornelius Ludlow. 6. William, (Doct.) married Maria Lafferty. 7. Sarah, who died young. 8. Anne married Jacob Larzalier, and went to near Cayuga Lake, New-York. COL. SOLOMON BOYLE, (5th child of Solomon, Jun,) and Elizabeth Pierson, lived on Long Hill, on the original tract of 600 acres, and had an only child : 1. Mahetabel Day, who married Jo hnTunis, son of Daniel, of New Vernon ; had children : 1. Phebe Elizabeth Tunis ; 2. Sydney Adolphus Tunis; 3. William Lindsley Tunis; 4. John Sineus Tunis. Dr. WILLIAM BOYLE, (6th child of Solomon, Jun.,) and Maria LafTerty, had children: 1. William, who married Hannah Anderson, daughter of George §. Esq., of Vealtown. 2. Anna Maria, married Dr. James Howard Hutchins, of Brook- 1 lyn. New- York. I 3. Adaline, married Albert H. Osborn, son of David L. Osborn, •" of Brooklyn, who was son of Nehemiah Osborn, of this Valley. JOSEPH BOYLE, (6th child of Solomon Boyle, 1st,) and Caty Cross, lived south of Long Hill, on the 600 acre tract, near the ^ river, and had children : ^ 1. Robert, who married, 1st, his cousin Polly Cross, daughter of 3 William ; 2. Larny Appleman, daughter of David, of Washington Valley. SOLOMON BOYLE. 55 2. Polly, who died young. 3. William, married his cousin Nancy Cross, sister of Robert's wife, and had an only son, Augustus Alexander Boyle. 4. Susan, married Peter Cooper, son of Daniel Cooper, Esq. [(See Cooper\'\ 5. Patty, married Williams Miller, son of Jonathan, near and North of Liberty Corner. 6. Solomon, married Harriet Parcel, daughter of Captain John Parcel, of Liberty Corner, and had an only child, John Ferdinand Boyle, who married Lydia Anne R. Annin, daughter of William C. Annin. 7. Alexander, who went to Cuba, (West Indies,) and never returned. ROBERT BOYLE, ( eldest child of Joseph, son of Solomon,) ^ and Polly Cross, had children : I. Cathrine ; 2. Joseph; 3. Sarah S- Anne. f 4. William Cross Boyle, who married Mary Aletta Annin, daugh- 3 ter of William C. Annin, of Liberty Corner, and went to Jefter- fsonville, Illinois, in 1848. Robert Boyle's wife, Polly, then died, and by his 2d wife Lany, had other children : 5. David, who died at about 7 years ; 6. Mary L. ; 7. Elizabeth ; S. Martha. WILLIAM BRITTIN. WILLIAM BRITTIN'S wife's name was Sarah ; she died 29th December, 1787. They had children : I. William, Jun., who married Mary Pierson, daughter of ^ John, of Lyons Farms. I 2. Jacob, who married Elizabeth Van Sickle, 3d March, 1774, I whose mother was sister of Thomas Thompson, of Spring- ? field ; also was sister of Ehzabeth, wife of William Cauld- well. [See Thompson ^ Ccmldiuell.li 3. Joseph married Elizabeth Ward, daughter of Cooper Ward, of Hanover, Morris county. 4. John married, 5th June, 1772, Phebe Pettit, daughter of Benjamin Pettit, Jun. WILLIAM BRITTIN, Jun., (son of WiUiam, Sen.,) .and Mary Pierson, had children : 1. Mary, who died young. 2. Abbey, who married Joseph Green, and had no children. 3. Vashti married Jeremiah C. Garthwaite, of Elizabeth- town. 4. William, 3d, married Freelove Lewis, of Long Island. 5. Fanny married Elias Thompson, son of Jonathan, of Madison. 56 WILLIAM BRITTIN. 6. Elihu married, 1st, Mary Price, daughter of Thomas, of EHzabethtown ; 2. Albina Ralston, daughter of William, son of John, of Mendham. VASHTI BRITTIN, (3d child of William, Jun.,) and Jeremiah C. Garthwaite, had children : ^ 1. William Garthwaite, who married, 1st. Elmira Parker ; ^ 2d, Abba Ward, daughter of Dr. Ward, of Newark. % 2. Abba Garthwaite married Albert Pierson, of Pierson- |. ville, Morris county. 3. Samuel Garthwaite married Mary Damon, of Elizabeth- town. 4. Mary Garthwaite married Ira Pierson, brother of Albert. 5. Anne Garthwaite married Henry Geiger, of Elizabeth- town. Live in Newark. 6. Jeremiah C. Garthwaite, Jun., married Caroline Darcy, daughter of Dr. J. Darcy. 7. Elizabeth Garthwaite married Joseph Wheeler, of Newark. 8. Thomas Garthwaite married Margaret Brittin, daughter of Colonel William, of Madison. 9. John Rudd Garthwaite, who was killed by the explo- sion of a steamboat, on the Mississippi river. ^ WILLIAM BRITTIN, 3d, (4th child of WiUiam, Jun.,) and Freelove Lewis, lived on Long Island, and had children : 1. William, 4th ; 2. Maria ; 3. Caroline ; 4. John Pierson ; 5. Lewis ; 6. Mary : 7. Joseph Dayton ; 8. Lavina ; 9. Jane Eliza. FANNY BRITTIN, (5th child of WilHam, Jun.,) and Elias Thompson, lived at Madison, and had children : 1. Abby Thompson, who married Joseph P. Tucker, son of Charles. 2. William Thompson married Miss Marsh. 3. Mary Thompson married Jonathan Crane, son of Isaac, of Madison. 4. Jonathan Thompson, married Bethia Clarkson. 5. Phebe Thompson married Edgar Smith, son of James, .of Woodbury. 6. Abel Thompson, who died a young man. 7. Jane Thompson married Mr. Freeman, of Rahway. COLONEL ELIHU BRITTIN, (6th child of Wilham Brittin, Jun.,) born 1778, and died 9th November, 1849, in his 71st year. He lived in Elizabethtown, and by his 1st wife, Mary Price, had children : WILLIAM BRITTIN, Jun. (Son of William.) 57 g 1. Henry, who married Eliza McBride, daughter of Hugh, n of Tarrytown, INew York, and had children : 1. Mary Frances ; I 2. Lavina ; 3. Henrietta ; 4. James ; o. George ; C. Jeannette. I (twin to George.) 2. Juha, who married Amos Vreeland, and had children : 1. Mary Vreeland, who married William Smith; 2. Henry Vreeland. 3. Henrietta married William P. Mulford, son of Jonathan, of Pluckemin, and had children: 1. Elizabeth Mulford; 2. George Mulford ; 3. Emeline Mulford ; 4. Francis Mulford ; 5. Lavina Mulford ; 6. Mary Mulford ; 7- Julia Mulford, 4. Maria, who married John Silvers, son of Noah, of Rail- way, and had children ; 1. Mary Malvina Silvers, who married Rev. William V. WycofF, and had children : 1. HelenMaria Wycoff. 2. Elihu Brittin Silvers ; 3. John Silvers. 5. John Pierson Brittin married Sarah Fay, daughter of , of Cazenovia, New York, and had a daughter, Gertrude Fay Brittin. He died at about 36 years. 6. Emeline, who married Abraham C Squier, son of Re- compence Squier, of Rahway, and had children: I.Mary Esther Squier ; 2. Jonathan Squier ; 3. William Henry Squier. And by his 2d wife, Albina Ralston, Colonel Brittin had other children : 7. Mary Helen ; S. Luna. JACOB BRITTIN, (2d son of William Brittin, 1st,) lived on Longhill, and owned 100 acres of land, No. 23 (addition.) of the Elizabethtown survey, and also part of No. 27, extend- ing south to the river. He and his wife, Elizabeth Van Sickle, had children : u 1. Theodocia, who married Miller Walker, son of Asher. c [See Walker.] 1 2. William, born 8th February, 1778, and married Mar- I garet Baker, daughter of Daniel, of Westfield. He was Col. ^ of the Militia — Judge of the County Court, and was a member of the Legislature several years, and also member of Council, from Morris county. 3. Abraham, born 20th February, 1780 ; married Elizabeth Baker, sister of William's wife. William and Abraham were merchants in Madison many years. 4. Isaac married Abby Ludlow, daughter of Benjamin, of Westfield ; he also lived at Madison. 5. Sally married Caleb Boss, son of Joseph, of Longhill. rhey both died leaving no children. Jacob Brittin died 18th August, 1784, and his widow Eliza- beth, married Jonathan Miller, of Westfield, who lived with her at Longhill till she died, 15th July, 1795, aged 41 years. 58 WILLIAM BRITTIN, Jdn. (Son of William.) Mr. Miller married again a Miss Hedges, of Long Island, and died of asthma, 30th July, 1802, aged 41 years. COL. WILLIAM BRITTIN, (2d child of Jacob Brittin,) and Margaret Barker, had children : ^ 1. Sylvester, born 6th February, 1802, married Pamela, - widow of Dr. Henry G. Elmer, and daughter of Gabriel John- S son, Esq., — both died without children : I 2. Eliza Van Sickle, born 4th June, 1804, married William ? Woodruff, son of Flavel, and had children. I. Mary Elizabeth Woodruff; 2. Sophia Woodruff. - 3. Anna Maria, born 16th August, 1806, married Jacob - § Baker, son of William, brother of Daniel, [See Bakei\] I 4. Hervy, born August, 1809, and died a young man. = 5. Mary, born , 1812, married ApoUos M. Elmer, son of Doct. Moses, and had a daughter, Elizabeth, who became deaf in youth. Mrs. Elmer died 9th April, 1 836, aged 24 years. 6. William Jackson, married Helen Maria Howel, daugh- ter of Ezra Howel, of East Madison, and had children : ■ 1. William Ezra. 2. Edwin Ludlow. 7. Isabella. ABRAHAM BRITTIN (3d child of Jacob,) and Elizabeth Baker, had children : I 1, Edwin, who married Rosina Black, of Arkansas. He died 27th Sebtember, 1847, at his father's, and left children : 1 1. Fanny Elizabeth. I 2. Abraham Ludlow. ^ 3. William Isaac. 4. Ford. 2. Alfred Bishop, born 1st October, 1814, is an engineer. 3. Margaret Osborn, born 11th June, 1819, married Jacob Thomas Garthwaite, son of Jeremiah C, of Elizabethtown ; — lives in Newark, and had children: 1. Elizabeth Brittin Garthwaite ; 2. Mary Turner Garthwaite, who died at about three years eight months. 4. Mary Walker, married Joseph P. Turner, of Alabama, and lived there and had children : 1 Rossina Brittin Turner ; 2. Fredrick Brittin Turner ; 3. Edwin Brittin Turner. ISAAC BRITTIN, (4th child of Sacob,) and Abby Ludlow, had but one child : 1. Benjamin Ludlow, who went to Washington, Arkansas. JOSEPH BRITTIN, (3d son of William, 1st) lived at Sche- nectady, New- York. He and Elizabeth Ward had children : 1. Jacob. WILLIAM BROADWELL. 59 " • 2. William, who died a young man. f 3. Maria, who married Asa Sprague, of Connecticut. I 4. Eliza, married Dr. Dunlap, of Schenectady. I 5 Sarah. 6. Samuel. 7. Lydia. 8. Joseph. JOHN BRITTIN, (4tlison of William Brittin,) lived in Sussex. He and his wife, Phebe Pettit, had children : 1. Pettit, who married , lived in Sussex. 2. Betsey, who married James Primrose, lived in Sussex. "WILLIAM BROAD"WBLL. WILLIAM BROADWELL, Sen., drew lot No. 13, of the Eliza- bethtown Survey, and probably built 'the house upon it by the brook where the Parsons family afterwards lived. He alsodrew lot No. 18, South of No. 13, where Isaiah Meeker subsequently lived ; he had children : ^ 1. William Jim., married Mary , who died 23 September, ^ 1757, aged 32 years. He had a daughter, Jane, who married her S cousin Moses Broadwell, son of Josiah Broadwell, Esq. I David, married Mary Howel, 25th November, 1767; she died 9th P April, 1769, aged 21 years. William Broadwell, Sen., died in 1746, aged 64 years ; his head-stone is of the oldest date of any in the Presbyterian grave-yard. William Broadwell and Josiah Broadwell, Esq., were of the Committee, in 1757, to confer with the Rev. Jonathan Elmer, respecting his settlement as a minister of the Presbyterian church, in New Providence. WILLIAM BROADWELL, Jun., andMary , had children : 1. William, 3d, who died 5th May, 1761, in his 6th year. 2. Jane, who married her cousin Moses Broadwell, son of Josiah, Esq. JOSIAH BROADWELL, Esq., lived on lot No. 18, and had children : ^ Sons. — Samuel, who married Miss Lindsley, and went to Ken- - tucky. f Hezekiah, who married Abigail Green, daughter of Rev. Jacob I Green, of Hanover, and sister of the Rev. Ashbel Green, D.D. i LLD. — late of Philadelphia, who was born 6th July, 1762, and died 19th May, 1848. Simeon, married Rachel Lindsley, sister of Samuel's wife, and went to Dayton, Ohio. Jacob married Jane , of Metuchen. Moses married his cousin, Jane Broadwell, daughter of William. Daughters. — Polly, or Hannah, married William Darling, and lived where Isaac Meeker does. Esther, married, 1st, John Mills Frost; 2d, Ichabod Ward. [See Ward.] She died 29th April, 1835, aged 81 years. 60 JOSIAH BROADWELL. ^ HEZEKIAH BROADWELL,son of Josiah, Esq., and Abigail Green, had children : * 1. James, married and had children : Q . 1. Charles, who is a Printer in Cincinnati. 2. — = 3. Jane, who married in Cincinnali. |. 2. Jacob Green Broad well, was born 4th April, 1780, and ? married Susan Beach, dauo^hter of John, son of Samuel. 3. Abby, who died unmarried. POLLY, (or Haxnah,) BROADWELL, (daughter of Josiah, Esq.,; and William Darling, had children : Thomas Darling, who married Betsey McComb, of Newark, had children : 1. Herbet Darling. 2. Lewis Darling. 3. Thomas Darling, Jun. 4. Mary Darling, married Silas Lindsley, Jun., son of Silas, Esq. of Spring Valley. 5. Edgar Darling. 6. James Good Darling, married Martha Wilson, dauo-hter of Charles Wilson, and Meriam High, daughter of Jacob. 7. Augustus Darling. 8. Isaac Darling, married Laura Seigler, of Bloomfield, and lived in Newark. SIMEON BROADWELL, (son of Josiah Esq.,) and Rachel Lindsley, lived in Dayton, Ohio, and had children : f 1, Silas; 2. Ephraim ; 3. Josiah; 4. Lewis. ^ I. Silas, who married, 1st, Sally Byram, daughter of Naphtoli, ^ of Morristown :, 2d. Anne Byram, (his first wife's sister, and had no children by her,) and had children : y 1. Ebenezer Byram Broadwell, who married , in Dayton. 5j 2. Mary, who married Joseph Plunket , of Dayton. % 3. Simeon married ; 4. Josiah married Ella Cutter, of |. Cincinnati; 6. Anne, married George Joycelin ; 6. Amy; 7. .= Susan ; 8. Silas. 2. Ephraim, married Jane Gardener, daughter of Benjamin Gar- dener and Sarah Thompson. \_Set^ Tho7npsu?i] 3. Josiah, married I. ; 2. ; 3. . 4. Lewis, married Nancy Valentine, daughter of David, son of Obadiah, and lives on St. Mary's River, Ohio. JACOB G. BROADWELL, (2d son of Hezekiah,) and Susan Beach, had children : 1. Wicklirt'Green, who was born 9th April, 1840, and married Joanna Sayre, daughter of Nathan, of Elizabethiown ; had no children. 2. Hannah W., born 2Sth July, 1805, married, 22d December, 1821, Samuel Parsons, 5th son of 3. John B., born 10th November, 1807, who died at 9 months. 4. Jerusha B., born 24th January, 1809, died at 20 months. SIMEON BROADWELL, (Son of Josiah, Esq.) 61 5. William B., born 13th June, 181 1, married Mary Ann Miller, daughter of Isaac Miller, of Newark. 6. Joanna H., born 26th January, 1814. 7. Eliza Jones, born 1st Auo:List, 181G ; died at 3 years. 8. James Beach, born 22d March, 1818, died at 18 months. 9. Eliza Jone.s, 2d, born 4th February, 1820, married, 19th June, iS40, her cousin William Beach, son of James, and lived in Ken- tucky. 10. John Beach, 2d, born 11th March, 1822. 11. Jacob Green, born 1st October, 1825, married, 10th June, 1846, Eliza Anderson, daughter of James Anderson, of Newark. HANNAH W. BROADWELL, and Samuel Parsons, had chil- dren : 1. Margaret Parsons, .3d, who died at 17 years, unmarried. B- 3. William Henry Parsons. ^ 3. Samuel Parsons. 1 4. Charles Parsons, died at about 2 years. 5- 5. Mary Eliza Parsons, died at about one year. 6. V/icklift" Parsons. 7. Mary Anne Eliza Parsons. 8. Richard Parsons. 9. Albert Parsons. WILLIAM B. BROADWELL, and Mary Anne Miller, had children : 1. George Broadwell ; 2. ; 3. Ira Green ; 4. Lillis, born 26th December. 1849. ELIZA J. BROADWELL, and William Beach, had children, who all died but Anna McGinnis Beach. Jacob G. Broadwell, and Eliza Anderson, had children . 1. William Henry, born 11th April, 1847; 2. James Anderson, born 25th September, 1849. GEORGE BRQ-WN. GEORGE BROWN, (son of Andrew Brown,) lived on Stony Hill, where John W. Hand now lives. His wife's name was Elizabeth Martin, of Woodbridge. She died, 6lh August. 1777, aged 25 years ; and he married Wood, a sister of Samuel Wood, of Dayton, and also a sister of Esther, the wife of Jonathan Totten. He had children : 1. Thompson, who married Patty Wade, daughter of Andrew, tp of Morris County, whoso wife was Rachel Osborn, daughter of p John. I 2. Noah, who died at about 22 years. |. 3. Elizabeth, who married, 16th March, 1796, Lewis Badgley, ? and removed to Paterson. Thompson Brown removed to Westfield, and owned a large distilling establishment there. He left his wife and children there, and went to Ohio. He had children : 62 JOHN BROWN. " 1. Andrew Wade, born 2d September, 1811, and married. f Elizabeth Douglas, daughter of Jesse V. Douglas, and lives in i Springfield Township, at Sayre's Bridge, over Rahway River. I 2. Mary marrried John Keith, in Ohio, and had children : 1. Martha Keith; 2. Andrew Keith. ANDREW W. BROWN, and Elizabeth Douglas, had children : 1. Thompson, born 14th March, 1834. $ 2. Mary, born 9th October, 1835. g> 3. Caroline, born 4th June, 1837. I 4. George, born 24th June, 1839. } 5. Eliza Jane, born 15th March, 1841. ^ 6. Sarah Anne, born 12th February, 1843. Thompson Brown died November, 1842. Patty, his wife, died , 1842, aged 63 years. Elizabeth, wife of A. W. Brown, died 1S46. JOHN BRCWN. JOHN BROWN came from England to Elizabethtown, and married Nancy Badgley, daughter of George Badgley. He removed to Stony Hill, on the Pettit plane, and afterwards bought the place where his grandson now lives, where Samuel Johnson formerly lived. They had children: 1. Rachel, who married Henry Hueston, and lived at Bellville, and had children : 1. Jane Hueston, who married Israel Simpson, son of John. [See Simpson.'] 2. John Hueston, who died at 19 years. 2. James, who married Mary Lyon, daughter of Ebenezer, of Stony Hill. 3. William married Sarah Shaw, daughter of Richard. 4. Nancy married Allen Doty, son of Elder Joseph Doty. [See Boiy.] 5. Sally married William Simpson, son of John. [See Simpson.] 6. Polly married Thaddeus Titus, and went to Paterson. JAMES BROWN, (son of John,) and Mary Lyon, had chil- dren : 1. John, born March, 1799, who married Elizabeth Radley, daughter of John, of Westfield. 2. Aaron married , in New York, and went to French Creek, Penn. 3. Sally married William Mulligan ; live on Stony Hill. 4. Nancy married William Koyer, of Paterson, and live there. 5. Maria, who died at 18 years, unmarried. 6. Henry married Locky Moore, daughter of Isaac B., of War- ren Township. 7. Peter married Sarah Hemmingway, an English girl. GEORGE BROWN. ^g JOHN BROWN, (son of James,) and Elizabeth Radlev, had children: -^ 1. Fanny. 2. Mary Anne, born 1822. 3. Jonathan M. WilJcox, who died at 9 months ; 4. Eliza died at 12 months; 5. James; 6. Maria; 7. John Lyon; 8. Eliza Jane, born 1832. " ' w.r ^^Tr ,^.^0™, (3d child of James, son of John,) and Wilham Mulhgan, had chihlren . wV.-'^'''"iir^"lT^^n"' ^- ^^^'y Mulligan; 3. Jane Mulligan; 4. William Ellis Muliegan ; 5. George Henry Mullegan, NANCY BROWN, (4th child of James, son of John,) and Wilham Koyer, had children: ' 1. James Ko)er; 2. William Koyer: 3. Henry Koyer; 4 Maria koyer ; 5. Sarah Jane Koyer ; 6. Peter Koyer. T T^M ^ BROWN (6th child of James, son of John,) and Locky Moore, had children: 1. Mary; 2. Albert; 3. Margaret; 4. William; 5. Isaac- 6 Jeremiah. ' PETER BROWN (7th child of James, son of John,) "and Sarah Hemmingway, had children ; " Thnm^l'" fi^W-n'- ^' ^^"^S^»-^^' •^- Hetty; 4. Charlotte, 5. 1 nomas; 6. William. IS in the Ney Jersey Insnne Asylum, at Trenton. He and Sarah Shaw, had children : 1. Polly, who married Israel B. Long, son of John ; lived where Richard \alentine did. [See Long.-] Died March 10th, 1851 - George married Polly Badgley, daughter of Anthony, Jun • have no children. ^* ' Bears, un- married. 3. Racliel, born 20th February, 1799, and died at 7 or 8 years of age. 4. Elizabeth, born 24th, January, 1801. 5. Hannah, married S. S. Moody, and had children : 1. Mary Moody ; 2. Robert Moody ; 3. Matilda Moody; 4. Elizabeth Moody; 6. Ulysses Moody : 6. Nathaniel Moodv. 6. Margaret, married James Klder, and had children : 1. Marietta Elder ; 2. John Boyd Elder ; 3. Robert Elder ; 4. Abraham Colwell Elder ; 5. Pamela Elder ; 6. Eleanor Elder. 7. Jane, married, 1st, Anthony Dancer, and had children : I. Eliza Dancer ; 2. Mary Elizabeth Dancer, and by her 2d, husband, John Hayden, had other children; 3. Robert Hayden ; 4. Lorena Hayden. 8. Mary, married William Thompson, and had children : I.Aaron Thompson; 2. Levi Thompson ; 3. Mary Thompson; 4. Margaret Thompson ; 5. Robert Thompson ; 6. Lucinda Thompson. 9. Hut/h, married Martha M. Galloway, and had children : 10. Abraham, married, for his third wife, Elmira Boo, and had children : 1. William ; 2. Ellen ; 3. Christian. il. William married . 12. James, married Mahala Patson. DAN CAULDWELL, (9th child of William,) and Rachel Potter, lived on the same section of land with Robert, and had children : 1. Polly, who married David Johnson, son of Uzel Johnson, of Long Hill. 2. Betsey, married Josiah Carter. 72 WILLIAM CAULDWTELL, Son or JAMES. 3. Nancy, was drowned in the Little Miami River. 4. William, married twice. 6. Catherine, married her cousin, Jerry Cauldwell, son of Abra- ham. 6. John. 7. Sally, married Hugh Stevenson. 8. Charlotte, married Mr. Stone, and soon after died. 9. James, married Lydia Anne Hilyer, 10. Rachel, died a young woman. ABRAHAM CAULDWELL, (10th child of William,) and Elizabeth Rutan, lived on the same section of land with Robert and Dan, and had children : 1. Joseph, who married, 1st Ibbe Linn ; 2. Betsey, the widow of Mr. Stewart, and daughter of Mr. Thompson, and by Ibbe Linn, had children : 1. William.who married a Miss Stewart. 2. James Thompson. 3. Ella Jane, who died at about 19 years. 4. Catherine. And by his 2d wife, Betsey Thompson, had children : 5. Freelove ; 6. Sarah Ellen ; 7. Minerva. 3. Jerry, who married his cousin Catherine Cauldwell, daughter of Dan. 3. Hannah, who married, and had one child, which died in in- fancy ; her husband died, and she married, 2d, Mr. Hulse, and had children : 1. Elizabeth Hulse, who married James Denise. 4. Betsey married her cousin, Robert M. Cauldwell, son of John, and had 7 children : [See Robert M., son of John.] ROBERT CAULDWELL, (2d son of James Cauldwell,) married , and had children : 1. Sarah. 2. Mary. 3. Elizabeth, married, 1st, Mr. Woodruff, and had a son, Joel Woodruff, who died ; Mr. Woodrufi'then died, and she married, 2d, Jjicob Denman, and had children : 1. Elizabeth Denman, who married Stephen Muchmore,son of Samuel. 2. Moses Denman, married Patty Morehouse, daughter of Isaac, ofCheapside. 3. Aaron Denman, died at about 45 years, unmarried. 4. Isaac Denman, went a ship-carpenter to sea, and never re- turned. 5. Robert Denman, married Jane Miller, daughter of Major Luke Miller, of Madison. 6. Hiram Denman, married Sally Hardy, daughter of Joseph T. Hardy, of Cheapside, lived on White Oak Ridge, and had an only son, Theodore. WILLIAM CAULDWELL, Son op JAMES. 73 7. ^etty Denman, married William Parcel, son of Thomas, of White Oak Ridge. S. Smith Denman, married Esther Parcel, daughter of Nicholas, of do. ELIZABETH DENMAN, (daughter of Jacob,) and Stephen Muchinore, liad children : 1. Elizaheth Muchmore, who married Elias B. Sturges, son of Ebenezer Sturges, of Chatham, and had children : 1. Harriet Sturges, wlio married Hervy Lum, son of Samuel. 2. William Henry Sturges. 3. Mary Elizabeth Sturges. 4. Benjamin Smith Sturges. 2. Smith Muchmore, who married Mary Tucker, daughter of Elias Tucker, and had children : 1. Elias Muchmore. 3. Anne Elizabeth Muchmore. 3. John Joseph Muchmore. 3. Hetty Muchmore. 4. Sarah Muchmore, married Jonathan Bruen, and had children : I.Elizabeth Bruen ; 2. George Washington Bruen. 5. Joel Muchmore, married Elizabeth -Bond, daughter of Nathaniel Bond, of Springfield, and had children : 1. Caroline Muchmore: 2. Eliza Muchmore ; 3. Frederick Muchmore. MOSES DENMAN, (2d child of Jacob Denman, and Elizabeth Cauldwell,) and Patty Morehouse, had children : 1. Mary Denman ; 2. Isaac Denman, and then Moses Denman went to the Lake country, New-York. ROBERT DENMAN, (.5th child of Jacob Denman. and Elizabeth Cauldwell,) and Jane Miller, had children: 1. George Denmat),; 2. Louisa Denman ; 3. Sarah Jane Denman ; 4. a daughter 5. Electa Denman. Robert Denman then removed to Ohio. HUGH CAULDWELL,(3d son of James Cauldwell,) and Jane Parker, lived where his father did, at the foot of Long Hill, where Abraham Parrot now lives. NoTK. — Jane, the wife of Hugh Caulda^l, had a sister, Mary Parker, who married '2l!h January, 17S7, James Stinson. Jane and Mary Parker's, father, was brother of John Parker, who married Betsey Pettit, daughter of Benjamin Pettit, Jun., Janips Parker, brother of John, went to New England, and Hetlled. HUGH CAULDWELL, and Jane Parker, had children : I.John; 2. James; 3. Elizabeth ; 4. John, 2d; 5. Sarah ; and 6. Jane. These all died young, except John, 2d, and Jane. John, married Mahateble Day, daughter of Colonel Israel Day, and had children : 1. James, who married Martha High, daughter of Ephraim, son of Jacob, and went to Illinois. 74 JANNET CAULDWELL, Daushtbr of JAMES. 2. Israel Day, married Catherine Hoagland, of New-York, and had chileren : I. Frederick Ludlow, whodied June, 1S48, aged 10 years ; 2. Catherine ; 3. Jenette ; 4. Elizabeth ; 5. . 3. Elizabeth, born 1812, is unmarried. 4. Hugh, who went to St. Louis, Missouri ; — returned, and died in" Newark. 5. William, who died in infancy. 6. Jenette, who died at 2|- years. JANE CAULDWELL, (daughter of Hugh, ) married Daniel Rutan, son of Joseph, son of Abraham, a'.d had children : 1. Hugh, who died in Newark. 2. Hannah, who also died in Newark. Daniel Rutan lived where his father and grand-daughter had lived ; he died 6th February, 1820, aged 28 years, and his widow, Jane, removed to Newark, where both her children died, and she died 2d February, 1849, in Newark, aged 61 years. ABRAHAM CAULDWELL, (4th son of James,) an 1. Catherine, who v^ras born January, 1728, and married Colonel ^ Cornelius Ludlow, S 2. Daniel Cooper, Jun., born 14th January,^ 1729, and died May, I 1787. P. 3. Agnes, born 15th May, 1732. 4. Peter, born 11th February, 1735, died October, 1755. 5. John, born 20th August, 1738, died 31st March, 1778. 6. Benjamin, born 13th December, 1741, died December, 1794. 7. Rosannah, born 26th March, 1743, died . 8. George, born 20th August, 1745, died 20th September, 1801. 9. Providence, born 27th March, 1748, died February, 1798. 10. Anne, born 4th October, 1760, died 5th February, 1795. Anne married Jonas Carle, son of Jacob. [See Carle.'] Daniel Cooper had six wives : 1. Grace Runyon, born January, 1706, and died November, 1755. 2. Jane Westbrook. 3. Grace Manning, died April, 1777. 4. Widow Fanny Jones, died January, 1787. 6. Barbara Margaret Gibbs, who died December, 1789. 6. Hannah Martin, widow of Colonel Ephraim Martin. He died, 2d May, 1795, aged 100 years. DANIEL COOPER, JuN, Esq. 91 DANIEL COOPER, Jun., Esq, (son of Daniel, 1st,) married, 1st, Miss Conover; 2. Nancy Cross, daughter of the Rev. Mr, Cross, He lived in Passaic Valley, on the 500 acre tract of his father. By his first wife he had a daughter, Catherine Cooper, who married her cousin, John Ludlow, of Long Hill, son of Colonel Cornelius Ludlow ; And by his 2d wife, Nancy Cross, had children : cj 2. Lydia, who married Samuel Annin. ^ 3. Polly, who married Mr. Crane. S 4. Peter married'Susan Boyle, daughter of Joseph, of Long Hill. I. 5. William went to Kentucky. ? 6. Doctor John, who settled at Easion, Pennsylvania. 7. Stephen married Mahetabel, widow of John Colwell, and daughter of Colonel Israel Day. 8- Anne married Alexander Richards, of Rahvvay. 9. Betsey married Henry Freeman, of Elizabethtown. 10. Sally married Capt. David Kirkpatrick, of Mine Brook, as his 2d wife. 11. Daniel, 3d, who went to Kentucky. 12. Joseph also went to Kentucky. PETER COOPER, (4th child of Daniel Cooper, Jun.,) lived on Long Hill, on the 500 acre tract of his father. He and Susan Boyle had children ; ^ 1. William, who married his cousin, Sally Anne Cooper, only child of Stephen Cooper and Mahetabel Day. And she, Sally Anne 1 Cooper, died 25th October, 1S46, without children: and he married |. , daughter of Elias Brown, Esq., of Pluckemin. " 2. Caty Anne, who married Abraham Dunn. 3. Joseph, who died in youth. 4. John, who also died in youth. 5. Alexander married, 31st December, 1849, Abby Parrot daughter of Squier Parrot. JOHN COOPER, (5th child of Daniel Cooper, Sen.,) married Lynche Boyle, daughter of Solomon Boyle, 1st, and had children: *■ 1. Lynche, who married William Annin. Q 2. Susan married Squier Martin, son of Colonel Ephraim Martin. I 3. Charity married Samuel Sayre, of Madison. S: 4. Daniel married Sally Manning. ? 5. Solomon, who lived and died on Long Hill, unmarried. He owned part of the 600 acre tract ; he was an Elder in the Basking Ridge church. 6. Neaty married David Crane, of Union, in Essex County. They had no children. BENJAMIN COOPER, (6th child of Daniel Cooper, Sen.,) married and had children : 92 ELIAS CORIELL. 1. Polly, who married, 1st, Mr. Cross, 2d, John Annin, as his 2d wife. 2. Caty married Amos Dayton, son of Jonathan, of Basking Ridge. GEORGE COOPER, (8th child of Daniel Cooper, Sen.,) lived where his father and grandfather did. He married Margaret Lafferty, and had children : ^ 1. Daniel C. Cooper, who went to Dayton, Ohio, and settled. He was the principal proprietor of the town. He was born S 21st November, 1773 ; married Miss Green, in Ohio; had several 1 children ; and died, 13th July, 1818; and his wife and children ° have all died. 2. Bryan Lafferty Cooper, born 6lh January, 1775, died 12th June, 1798, unmarried. 3. Mary Cooper, born 30th March, 1778, and died 27th Jan., 1794, unmarried. 4. John G. Cooper, born 24th March, 1780, and died 24th October, 1822, at 42 years and 7 months. 5. Fanny Cooper, born 20th November, 1782, and died 28th September, 181 1, unmarried. JOHN G. COOPER, Esq., (4th child of George Cooper, son of Daniel Cooper, Sen.,) lived in the valley where his father did. He married Eleanor Perrine, and had children : g 1. George, who went to Michigan ; is Treasurer of that State. 2. John. 5 3. Harriet, who married Calvin Bonnel, son of Enos, son of 5- Benjamin. " 4. Catherine. ELIAS CORIELL. ELIAS CORIELL was son of Abraham Coriell, of Piscata- way. Ellas Coriell came up from Piscataway, and settled on Long Hill, on No. 1 of the Berkley tract, adjoining Solomon Boyle's tract. He married Sarah Runyon, daughter of Richard, and had children : S 1. Jane, who married John Melick, son of David, of Pea- s' pack, and removed to Schoharie, New York. 1 2. Peter married Sally Lindley, of New Vernon. f 3. David married Anna Squier, daughter of Thomas. 4. Anne married John Kirkpatrick, son of Thomas, of Liberty Corner. [See Kirkpatrick.] 5. Sally married Stephen Conklin, son of William, Esq., of Basking Ridge. [See Conklin.] 6. Lydia, twin to Sally, married Isaac Davis, of Plainfield, as 2d wife. She died, 29th September, 1846, leaving no children. STEPHEN CORWIN. 93 JANE CORIELL, (1st child of Elias Coriell) and John Melick, had children : 1. EHas C. Melick; 2. Aaron Melick; 3. Peter Melick; 4. Sarah MeUck ; 5. Charlotte Melick; 6. Jane Melick; 7. Anne Melick. PETER CORIELL, (2d child of Elias Coriell,) lived near Dead River, S. W. of the Stonehouse. He and Sally Lindley had children : 1. Elias, who accidentally got killed on board a ferry- boat coming from New York. 2. Philip married ; lives in Dayton, Ohio. 3. David married Rachel Nesbitt, daughter of James, near Basking Ridge, and has children: 1. Peter, who went to Illinois ; 2. James. 4. Richard married Abigail Squier, daughter of Ludlow, of Plainfield, and had children: 1. Elias; 2. Anne Elizabeth. 5. Israel (Doctor) was killed by falling, or being dashed, from his sulkey in the road. 6. John, who died at home, unmarried. 7. Mary married Abraham Kiog, son of John, near Liberty Corner, and had a child, Mary, and then died ; Mary King married Robert Cross BuUman, son of Joseph Bullman, of Warren Township, and went to Illinois. Mrs. Peter Coriell died 29th March, 1849. DAVID CORIELL, (3d child of Elias Coriell,) and Anna Squier, lived in Elizabethtown, and had children ; 1. Augustus; 2. Edwin; 3. John; 4. Helen ; 5. Rachel. Mr. David Coriell died in Elizabethtown of a dreadful disease, with much the appearance of leprosy, and the widow and all the family removed to Dubuque, in Wisconsin, and the widow died there, on the 13th July, 1846, aged 60 years. STEPHEN OORTVIN. STEPHEN CORWIN lived between the mountains near Feltville. He married Betsey Drew, daughter of George Drew of Springfield Township. They had children : 1 . John, who married Betsey French, daughter 'of David French, Sen. 2. Polly, who died, aged about 30 years, unmarried. 3. Anne married Samuel Price, son of Rice Price, [See Rice Price.'] 4. Abby married Cornelius Willcox, son of Noah Willcox, Sen. [See Willcox.] 5. Noah ; 6. Nathan ; 7. Isaac ; these three went to the Lakes, New York. 94 ELDER BENJAMIN CORY. His wife, Betsey, died, and he married the widow of Noah Willcox, Sen. Nancy Corwin, a daughter of Stephen, married Jonas Frazee, son of Samuel Frazee and Sarah Littell, and went to Ohio. [See Sarah Littell, 4th child of Benja?nin.] ELDER BENJAMIN CORY. BENJAMIN CORY lived west of Elizabethtown, towards Westfield. He was an elder in the 1st church of Elizabeth- town. He married Hannah Mulford, sister of Thomas Mul- ford, of Elizabethtown, and had children ; 1. Mulford, who married, 1st, Betsey Clark; 2d. Maria Conklin. 2. Polly, who married David Mulford, son of Jonathan Mulford, Jun., of New Providence. They both died, leaving no children: 3. Hannah, who married William Meeker, son of Moses Meeker. 4. Phebe married Ezekiel Miller. 5. Abigail married Joseph Hinds. MULFORD CORY, (1st child of Elder Benjamin Cory,) with his first wife, Betsey Clark, lived near Union Village, Somerset County, and had children : " 1. Jonathan, who died at nine weeks old, 15th January, f 1792. I 2. Charlotte, who died, September, 1802, aged 9 years. p 3. Mary, who married Mr. Stedman. 4. Fanny, who married James H. Smith, son of Oliver Smith, of Elizabethtown. His wife, Betsey, died 18th September, 1802, aged 31 years. He then removed to near Elizabethtown, and married, 2d, Mariah Conklin, and had children. 5. Joseph, who married Mary M. Magie, daughter of Elder David Magie, of Elizabethtown. 6. Benjamin Crane, twin to Joseph, married Mary M. Crane, daughter of Job Crane, of Elizabethtown. 7. Aaron C. Cory, who died at about 19 years. Mr. Mulford Cory died in 1814, aged 47 years. Joseph and Benjamin Cory entered Princeton College together, and graduated at the same time. Studied theology ; were licensed on the same day to preach the gospel, 1834 ; were both ordained at the same session of Presbytery, in April, 1835, Joseph over the congregation of New'Vernon, Morris County, and Benjamin over the congregation at Perth Amboy, Middlesex County. DANIEL CORY. 96 REV. JOSEPH CORY, (5th child of Mulford Cory, son of Elder Benjamin,) and Mary M. Magie, had children : J. Joseph T., who died in infancy; 2. David Magie Cory. REV. BENJAMIN CORY, (twin to Rev. Joseph Cory,) and Mary M. Crane, had children : 1. Julia ; 2. Jane ; 3. Mary ; 4. Benjamin, who died in infancy ; 5. Sarah. HANNAH CORY, (3d child of Elder Benjamin Cory,) - and William Meeker, had children : n 1. Moses Meeker, who died at about 12 years. I 2. Mary Meeker, who died at about 20 years, unmarried. f 3. Hannah Meeker, who married Andrew Crane. 4. Jonathan Meeker. 5. Abby Meeker. 6. Anne Meeker, who died at about 20 years, unmarried. 7. Susan Meeker. ABIGAIL CORY, (5th child of Elder Benjamin Cory, and Joseph Hinds, had children : 1. Elizabeth Hinds, who married James Mulford, son of Jonathan. 2. Phebe Hinds married Mr. Clark. 3. Jennette Hinds. 4. Lydia Hinds married . 5. Benjamin Hinds went to St. Louis, and married and died there. 6. Julia Hinds. DANIEL CORY. DANIEL CORY lived on the north side of Long Hill, where Israel Bebout, his grandson, now lives. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church in New Providence. He married Martha Bedell, daughter of John Bedell, Jun. She died 9th April, 1791, aged 54, and he died 2Gth June, 1815, aged 82 years. They had children : 1. Benjamin, who died in youth. 2. Susannah, who married Gideon Allen, son of Joseph, Jun. [See Allen.'] 3. Israel married, 26th February, 1787, Sarah Cauldwell, daughter of William Cauldwell, son of James. 4. Sally married Stephen Bebout, son of Peter. She died 5th July, 1843. [See Behout.'] 5. Daniel, Jun., married Joanna Ludlow, daughter of Jacob Ludlow, of Westfield, whose wife was Phebe ; who after his death married, 25th September, 1791, Elder Daniel Cory, for his 2d wife. {See Obadiah Ludlow.'] 96 ELNATHAM CORY. ISRAEL CORY, (3d child of Elder Daniel Cory,) and Sarah Cauldwell, had children: 1. William, who married Rachel Toms. 2. Israel married . 3. Electa died in youth ; — was drowned in Simpson's mill-pond. 4. Betsey Cauldwell, baptized 15th April, 1792, and died young. William and Israel removed to western New- York, north of Auburn. Israel Cory died, 25th November, 1792, aged 26 years. His wife, Sarah, died a few years after. DANIEL CORY, Jun., (5th child of Elder Daniel Cory,) and Joanna Ludlow, had children : 1. Ludlow, who married Sarah Kelly, in New-York. They had a daughter, Sarah, and his wife died, and he went to Vicksburg, Mississippi, and died there. 2. Benjamin, who married Hannah Cory, daughter of Noah Cory, of Scotch Plains, and had but one child, Albinos. Benjamin Cory died suddenly, in a fit, 26th Feb., 1849. 3. Martha married Joseph Parrot, son of Thomas Parrot, Esq, She had but one child : 1. Phebe, who married Augustine Trowbridge, and had children: 1. Martha Jane ; 2. Joanna: and Phebe died May 1st, 1847. ELNATHAN CORY. ELN ATH AN CORY lived in a house near where now stands the house of the Rev. Waters Burrows. His wife's name was Hannah. He owned about 200 acres there, formerly owned by Jacob Carle, and also about 100 acres. No. 33, of the Elizabethtown lots, south of that tract. He died the 8th October, 1766, aged 65 years. His wife died 24th January, 1785. He left his lands to his five sons : £ 1, Ebenezer, who married, for a 2d wife, Mary or Molly ? Mills, of Westfield. He lived where his father did, and I owned west of the parsonage lot. He died 14th April, 1784. g 2. Jeremy, who owned next west of Ebenezer, and sold to Dr. Jacob Jennings, who built the " Red House," by the well, west of Nathan Elmer's present dwelling. Jeremy Cory married, 18th December, 1764, Mary Wood. She died 25th June, 1776. They lived in Morris County, where Luke Parsons now does, and had children : 1. Daniel Cory; 2. Noah Cory; 3. Hannah Cory. 3. Thomas married Jane Roll, said to be sister of John ELNATHAN CORY. 97 Roll, son of John, 1st. He lived where Mrs. Noe now liyes, and had children : 1. Gate Cory ; 2. Betsey Cory; 3. James Cory ; 4. Mary Cory. 4. James lived where Jonathan M. Meeker now does. He married Patty Carter, of Chatham, and had children : I. Jacob Cory ; 2. Luke Cory ; 3. Simeon Cory. ^ 5. Joseph lived in 1775, in a house that stood in William Kintlell's orchard, south of Benjamin Pike's house. He married, 10th September, 1765, Phebe Simpson, a sister or daughter of old Alexander Simpson, and had children : 1. Nathan Cory. 2. Jacob Cory. 3. Stephen Cory, who died 13th January, 1773. 4. Elizabeth Cory, who died I5th January, 1773. 5. Joseph Cory, Jun., married, 22d July, 1783, Martha Morehouse. 6. Job married, and had a son, David Parsons Cory, and went to the Mississippi. EBENEZER CORY, (eldest son of Elnathan Cory,) and .his 1st wife, Hannah, who died 25th October, 1763; had a g daughter, Sarah, who married, 1st, John Johnson ; 2d, David f Martin : and by his 2d wife, Molly Mills, had children : I 2. John, who married 15th June, 1774, Rebecca Raimond, f and went with the militia to Ticonderoga, and there died. 3. Ebenezer, Jun., who died 20th December, 1772. 4. Elnathan married Sarah Walker, daughter of Richard and Sarah Walker. 5. Hannah married, 2d October, 1775, John Walker, son of Richard.. 6. Samuel married Hannah Davis, sister of Jonathan and Elijah Davis, and had children : 1. Mary ; 2. Hannah ; 3. John Cory. 7. William, who died at 22 years. 8. George, born 15th September, 1772, married Rachel Price, born 20th March, 1771, daughter of Abraham Price. 9. Job. 10. Mary, who died 6th November, 1784. GEORGE CORY, (8th child of Ebenezer,) and Rachel Price, had children : I 1. Mary Anne, who married Lewis Osborn, son of John Osborn, Jun. [See Osborn.^ 1 2. Locky married Daniel Oakley, son of Thomas, [See |- Oakley.'] 3. Betsey married William M. Griffin, son of Isaac. [See Griffin.] H 98 ELNATHAN CORY. 4. Benjamin married Eliza Willcox, daughter of Benjamin ; has no children. 5. William, born 13th July, 1802, married Harriet Leforge, born 4th August, 1802, daughter of Abraham, of Somerset ( 'O. G. Polly married, 15th June, 1822, George Van Benscoten, of New York. 7. Sally married, 4th February, 1 824, James C. Vaught, of New- York. 8. Hannah, born 20th October, 1810, married William Ryckbeck, of New York ; had no children. He was killed by the upsetting of a locomotive engine. 9. Jane, who died in youth. 10. Abby married David Devoe, of New- York. WILLIAM CORY, (son of George, son of Ebenezer,) and Harriet Leforge, had children : jj 1. Abraham Morrel, born 1st August, 1828; 2. Mary ^Elizabeth, born 31st August, 1835; 3. William Ryckbeck, I born 8th April, 1837; 4. Apollos Elmer, born April . ^ POLLY CORY, (daughter of George,) and George Van Benscoten, had children : 1 , Mary Jane Van Benscoten; 2. Sarah Van Benscoten; 3. Henry Van Benscoten ; 4. John Van Benscoten ; 5. George Van Benscoten ; 6. Tunis Van Benscoten ; 7. James Van Benscoten ; 8. Martha Van Benscoten. SALLY CORY, (daughter of George,) and James C. Vaught, had children : 1. George C. Vaught. born 19th July, 1828. < 2. John William Vaught. Mrs. Vaught then died. ABBY CORY, (daughter of George,) and David Devoc, had children : 1. Sarah Anne Devoe ; 2. Theodore Devoe ; 3. Almira Devoc ; 4. Mary Louisa Devoe ; 5. Leander Devoe ; 6. Emmagene Devoe ; 7. Adaline Devoe, born 11th April, 1840; 8. Matilda Devoe; 9. Sophia Devoe ; 10. Lavenia, born 23d October, 1845. ANDREW CRAIG. ANDREW CRAIG lived in the township of We&tfield. He was one of the 2d generation of the " Elizabethtown Associates," admitted in 1699, and many years an Alderman of the borough of Elizabeth. He married , and had children : g 1. .Tames, whose wife's name was Lydia. I 2. Susannah, who married David Littell, son of Samuel. [See ■ David Littell] Alderman Craig may have had other children. ANDREW CRAIG. 99 JAMES and LYDIA CRAIG had children : 1. Daniel, who married Miss Clark, sister of Richard, " Clark, of Kahwav. I 2. James, Jan., married Mary Jennings, daughter of William, I of Rah way. i 3. Andrew married Miss Bailey. DANIEL CRAIG, (son of James, 1st,) and Miss Clark, had *. children : 1, Isaac ; 2. Terril ; 3. Clark, and two or three others. ^ He removed to Esopus, New-York, and settled there. 3 I JAMES CRAIG, Jun., (son of James and Lydia Craig,) and ^ Mary Jennings, had children : 1. Sally, who married William Robins, of Ohio. 2. James, 3d, who married Betsey Tucker, daughter of Amos, of Rahway. 3. William married Jane Roff, daughter of Nathaniel, of New- Providence. 4. Andrew, born 29th January, 1785, married Alsie Manning, born 20th August, 1784, daughter of Isaac, of Plainfield. 5. John married Sally Cooley, an English girl, and had chil- dren : 1. David Stewart Craig, and three others. All this family, except Andrew, after their father's death, went to Ohio. JAMES CRAIG, 3d, and Betsey Tucker, had children : a 1. John, who married in Ohio. 2. William married , and died, leaving four children. 1 3. Phebe, who died at about six or seven years. ^ WILLIAM CRAIG, (3d child of James Craig, Jun.,) and Jane RofF, had children : 1. James. 2. Shipman. 3. Eliza. 4. Phebe. 5. Nathaniel. ANDREW CRAIG, (4th child of James Craig, Jun.,) and Alsie Manning, lived where his father did, in Westfield, and had children : 1. John Manning Craig, born 26th August, 1809, went on a whaling voyage and died. 2. Margaret Craig, born 31st January, 1812, married Matthias Burnet, son of Matthias, of Union, and has one child, Mary Anne Burnet. 3. Isaac Clarkson Craig, born 11th February, 1815; married Lavenia Herdman, daughter of Aaron Herdman, of Newark, and o had children : 1. Charles Edwin Craig ; 2. James Andrew Craig ; Q 3. Albert Kitchel Craig. 100 JASPER CRANE. 4. Alsie Anne Craig, born 16th August, 1817, married John Jeroloman, of Bellville, and had children : 1. Richard Manning Jerolomon. 5. Mary Catherine Craig, born 9th May, 1820, married Obadiah Kitchel, son of Jesse, son of Obadiah Kitchel, of Hanover, Morris County, and had children: 1. Silas Manning Kitchel; 2. Mary Hopping Kitchel-, 3. Alsie Craig Kitchel. 6. Richard Merril Craig, born 28lh January, 1825. JASPER CRANE. JASPFJl CRANE and four others, about the year 1644, re- moved from New Haven to East Haven, where he built a house, and there his son Jasper was born, 2d April, 1651. He sold out at East Haven, 7th September, 1651, and removed to Branford, .| and from then ceto Newark. JASPER CRANE, (son of Jasper,) was a representative from the town of Newark, in the Legislature of New Jersey, in 1699, and, indeed, the whole time of the administration of Lord Corn- bury as Governor of the Province. He was also a magistrate, and held other offices of trust. He married Joanna Swain, daughter of Johannah and Samuel Swain. He died 16th March, 1712. His wife died in 1720, aged 69 ' years. They had children John, Azariah, and Jasper 3d. .Fohn had Azariah had children : Jasper Crane, 3d, children: Nathaniel. had children : John. Azariah. Joseph Crane, Esq. Daniel. John. Jonathan Crane, Esq. Jasper. Robert. Elihu. Sarah. Maiy Baldwin. David. Jane Rule. The children of Joseph Crane, Esq., (son of Jasper, od,) were Benjamin, Ezekiel, Isaac, Israel, Josiah, Joseph, Abigail, and Joanna. Joanna married Samuel Congar, who died in 1752, and left children : David ; Jonathan ; Stephen : and Samuel Congar. Joanna subsequently married Joseph Camp, Esq., and had a daughter, Joanna. i The children of Jonathan Crane, Esq., (son of Jasper, 3d, son of. Jasper, Jun.,) were ISamuel, Caleb, Nehemiah, Elihu, John Treat, and Margaret Johnson. The children of Elihu Crane, (son of Jasper, 3d,) were Lewis, Christopher, Charles, Elihu, Isaac, Hannah, and Phebe. The children of David Crane, (son of Jasper, 3d,) were Jedediah David, Joseph, Abigail Johnson, Phebe Lawrence, Mary Ailing Dorcas, and Sarah. It is said that Azariah Crane married Mary Treat. Nathaniel and Azariah Crane, sons of Deacon Azariah Crane, obtained a large tract of land, at the foot of the mountain, called Crane Town, now West Bloomfield. STEPHEN CRANE. 101 ^ ST EPHEN CRANE, STEPHEN CRANE, it is said, was the ancestor of the Cranes in and about Elizabethtown and Westfield. He was one of the first "Elizabethtown Associates," and had sons, John Crane and Jeremiah Crane, and perhaps Daniel Crane who was born 1673. and died 24th February, 1724. Jeremiah Crane was one of the 2d generation of Associates, admitted in 1699. JOHN CRANE, 1st, (son of Stephen,) had sons John 2d, Joseph; Matthias, Benjamin, Samuel; and daughters, Abigail, Esther, Sarah ; Rebecca, and Deborah. JOHN CRANE, 2d, (son of John, 1st, son of Stephen,) had children ; *. 1. John, 3d, who married, 1st, Huldah Grant; 2d, Miss Bedell, ^ of Westfield; 3d, a widow Force. 3 2. Stephen. I. 3. Jacob, who went to Canada, soon after the Revolutionary P war. 4. Isaac, who married Mary Miller, daughter of John, and re- moved to Passaic Valley. 5. Joseph married Ruth Miller, sister of Isaac's wife, and came to Passaic Valley. JOHN CRANE, 3d, and Huldah Grant, had children ; » 1. Elijah, who married Miss Ross, daughter of David Ross, of J Westfield. I 2. John, 4th, married Phebe Ross, sister of Elijah's wife. |- 3. Sarah married Isaac Hendricks, of Westfield. ■" ^ And by his 2d wife, who was sister of Jacob Bedell, of We.st- field, he had, 4. Mary, who married Aaron Sayre, of Westfield. By his 3d wife, the widow Force, he had no children. ELIJAH CRANE, (son of John Crane, 3d,) and Miss Ross, had children : § I. Stephen, who married Miss Williams. n 2. David, who married Miss Denman, daughter of Andrew S Denman, of Westfield. |. 3. Huldah married William Miller. STEPHEN CRANE, (son of Elijah,) and Miss Williams, had children : 1. John Marsh Crane ; 2, Williams Crane ; 3. Marsh Crane, who married Elias Potter, son of Major Jonathan Potter, of Union, and all went to Peoria, Illinois. ISAAC CRANE, (son of John, 3d, son of John, 2d, son of John, 102 STEPHEN CRANE. 1st, son ot Stephen,) removed from Westfiekl to Passaic Valley, purchased and lived on a tract of land of 178 acres, being lot No. 1, and part of lot No. 2, of Corsen's survey of Elizabethtown lots, above the first mountain lying south of Joseph Cory's farm. He and Mary Miller had children : ^ 1. Jonathan, who died 14th Dec. 1770. ^ 2. Isaac Miller died 2Sth April, 1784. f 3. Mary, who married Samuel Parsons, son of William. [Sec 3 Parsons.] She died 11th Nov. 1850, aged 89 years^^ 10 months. i He died 25th Dec. 1822, aged 04 years. 4. Martha married 15th Jan. 1783, Nathaniel Bonnel, son of Capt. Nathaniel. [See Bonnel.] She died 30th June, 1846. died 15th April, 1814, aged 58 years. 5. Huldah married 18th Feb. 1786, Capt. Abner Stites, son of Elijah. [See /StiYes.] She died 24th June, 1835, aged 71 years. He died 29th August, 1831, aged (58 years. 6. Sally married 4th Nov. 1792, Nathan Elmer, son of Rev. Jonathan Elmer. [See Elmer.] She died 19th July, 1838, aged 69 years. JOSEPH CRANE, brother of Isaac, came up from Westfield, and purchased of Nathaniel Smith, in May, 1764, the Farm of 154 acres lying north of Isaac Crane's, and west of Benjamn Pettit's farm, and extending to the river. He married Ruth Miller, sister of his brother Isaac's wife, and had children, 7 sons, andll 4 daugh- ters : 1. Samuel, who married, 7th. Nov. 1792, Abby Roberts. 2. John married 23d Sept. 1792, Betsey Mulford, daughter of Jonathan, Jun. 3. Stephen married Esther Thomas, daughter of William, of Stony Hill, and went to Ohio. 4. Jonathan married Keziah Tappin, daughter of James Tappin, and went to Ohio. 5. Abner married, in Ohio, Huldah Robinson, daughter of John, from Westfield. 6. Joseph, Jun., married Sally Bebout, daughter of William ; lived on the Bebout farm. 7. Moses married, in Ohio, Susannah Dilts, of Warren County. 8. Joanna married William Valentine, son of Obadiah; went to Redstone. [See Valentine.] 9. Annar married Benjamin Corrington, 13tli Nov. 1782 ; went to Redstone. 10. Ruth married William Hole, 5th July, 1785, son of Charles ; went to Redstone. [See Hole.] 11. Betsey married, 1st May, 1794, Daniel Doty, son of John; went to Middletown, Ohio. [See Doty.] Joseph Crane was born 1741, and died 7th June, 1778, aged 37 years. Ruth, the widow of Joseph Crane, went to Ohio, with her sons, and died, over 90 years of age. STEPHEN GRANE. 103 JOSEPH CRANE, Jun., and Sally Bebout, had children: c. 1- William Bebout Crane, who nnarried, 24th April, 1820, ^ Deborah Conklin, daughter of Captain Benjamin Conklin, and I iiad children : 1. Elias ; 2. Mulford ; and 3. Jerusha. I His wife, Deborah, then died, and he married, 2d, Nancy Potter, ? daughter of Samuel, son of Caleb, son of Colonel Samuel Potter, and had other children : 4. Elizabeth ; 5. Hannah ; G. Sarah ; 7. John ; 8. Jacob. William B. Crane removed to Ohio. 2. Eliza married Levi Clark, son of Daniel S. Clark, Esq. [See Clark. '\ 3. Ruth married Linus H. Stephens, son of Christopher. [See Stevens.^ 4. Jacob, who, with all the young children, except Hannah, went to Ohio and Illinois. 5. Aretas married his cousin, a daughter of Daniel Doty, son of John. [See Doty.'] 6. Hannah, who died at about 19 years, unmarried. ) 7. Ira. 8. Nancy. 9. Catherine married her cousin, Daniel Doty, son of Daniel, of Middletown, Ohio. 10. Joseph. 11. Sarah Wheeler. Joseph Crane died 3d June, 1829, aged 58 years. His wife, Sally, died 31st August, 1825, aged 47 years. JOHN CRANE, (2d son of Joseph Crane,) and Betsey Mulford, lived on part of his father's farm, and had children : 5 1. Jonathan Mulford, who died a young man. p 2. Elias, who went to Indiana, married, and died there. i 3. Huldah married Levi Willcox, Jun., son of Levi, and went to |. Illinois. [See Willcox.] 4. Orpha married Dr. Erastus D. Crossfield, from New England, and went to Warren County, Ohio, and had an only child, John, Edgar Crossfield. .5. Deborah married Ezra Ludlow, son of Joseph ; lived in Elizabethtown. [See Ludlow.] (i. Sylvester married EJuldah Bonnel, daughter of Philemon ; had three children; his wife died 13th Sept. 1835, aged 29 years. The children were Rachel, who died at 8 years and 6 months, John, and Elias. Sylvester went to Illinois, aiid took Elias, who soon died. John lives with his grandfather Philemon Bonnel. Sylvester was a lieutenant in the Mexican war. 7. Mary married Aaron H. Lanning, of Warren County- and had children : 1. Laura Burnet Lanning; 2. Orpha Jane Lanning ; 3. John Joseph Lanning. 8. Daniel went to Indiana, and married Catherine Rogers. 9. Harriet married Samuel G. Benedict, from Connecticut, —went to Illinois, where he died, and she removed to her sister Crossfield's, in Ohio. 104 STEPHEN CRANE. 10. Elizabeth married Samuel T. Day, son of Stephen, and lives where her father did. [See S. T. Day.] John Crane died 18th July, 1843, aged 79 years. His wife, Betsey, died 9th March, 1828, aged 53 years. JOHN CRANE, 4th, and Phebe Ross, had children : 2? 1. Rebecca, who married Major Jotham Potter, son of John; both died; left three children. \_See Potter.] 1 2. John Grant Crane, married Sally Pierson, daughter of I William, son of William, and had children : 1. John Davis Crane, ° who married Catherine Potter, daughter of William B. Potter ; g 2. William married , daughter of John Miller, of Westfield. 3. Elizabeth married Thomas Moore, son of Robert, of Wood- 1 bridge, and had children : 1. David Moore; 2 Robert Moore; |- 3. John Moore ; 4. Israel Moore ; 5. Phebe Moore. 4. Phebe married Benjamin^Potter, brother of Major Jotham. [See Potter.] 5. Elias, born 24th April, 1789, and married Esther Maxwell, daughter of John, lives in Union, and had children : 1. John, who married Sarah Cutter, daughter of William Cutter, of Woodbridge. 2. Mary Anne, married Nathan Winans, son of Aaron, of P'.lizabethtown. 3. Phebe ms^rried Silas Miller, son of Abraham, son of Abraham. 4. Susan married Isaac Williams, nf New-York, son of Matthias. 5. Elias Maxwell Crane. 6. Amzi Armstrong Crane. 6. Josiah married Electa Ross, daughter of John, of Union and lived where Col. Jacob Crane formerly did, and had children : 1. iMary married Hampton Cutter, son of William Cutter above named. . • 2. John Grant Crane married Abby Miller, daughter of John ^ O. Miller, and lives on the old John Crane homestead. 3. Anne Elizabeth, married Job Williams, son of Moses Williams, of Union. 4. Josiah married Sarah Jane Miller, daughter of Jacob. 7. Huldah married John Potter, also a brother of Major Jotham, and had but one child, Mary Hannah Potter. 8. Sarah, who is unmarried. SARAH CRANE, (3d chiU of John Crane 3d,) and Isaac Hendricks, had but one child, Huldah Hendricks, who married Aaron Pearce, son of Melvin, of Scotch Plains, and had children : 1. Hendricks Pearce, who was a physician, and married a daughter of Enoch Miller. 2. Felix Pearce. 3. Melvin Pearce. BENJAMIN CRANE. . 105 BENJAMIN CRANE. BENJAMIN CRANE, (son of John, Isi,) son of Stephen Crane, married Esther Woodruff. She died 22d February, 1809, aged 98 years. They had children: 1. Benjamin Crane, 2d, who married Phebe Halsey, daughter of Joseph Halsey, who lived between Elizabethtown au(i Rahway. 2. Eleazer Crane, who married Susan Day, (5tli child of David J)ay, Esq.,) and died without children. [See Day-] BENJAMIN CRANE, 2d, and Phebe Halsey, lived in West- field, and had children : B- 1. Benjamin, 3d, born 29th November, 1761, married Sarah ? Thompson, daughter of Hezekiah. 5 2. Abigail, born 27th November, 1762,^and died unmarried, f 3. Norris, born 9th February, 1764, married Jane Dunham, daughter of John, Sen. 4. John, born 18th April, 1765. 5. Phebe, born I9tli December, 1766, married John Johnson, wholesale grocer, New- York, as his 2d wife. She had no children. 6. Sarah, born 12th April, 1771, married John Qgden, of Green Village, Morris County. 7. Abigail, 2d, born 17lh September, 1774, and died young. BENJAMIN CRANE, 3d, (son of Benjamin, 2d, son of Ben- jamin, 1st, son of John, son of Stephen Crane,) and Sarah Thomp. son, lived in Westfield, and had children : f 1. John, who married Mary Clark, daughter of Robert, of 2 Westfield. I 2. Abigail married David Keyt, son of James. S- 3. Esther, who died at about 18 or 20 years, u_iimarried. 4. Hezekiah Thompson married, 1st, Amanda Osborn ; 2d, 5. Phebe married, 1st, Francis Randolph, son of Dr. Robert; 2d, George R. King, of Warren County, and lived there. 6. Charlotte King married Hedges Baker, son of Daniel. [See Baker.'] 7. Norris, who went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and married there. 8. Jacob Thompson went to Cincinnati, and died there at 35 years, unmarried. 9. Benjamin, 4th, married Electa Baker, as her 2d husband, daughter of Daniel. 10. David Johnson married Anne Eliza Roll, daughter of Isaac, son of John. 11. Moses Thompson married Eliza Scudder. JOHN CRANE, (son of Benjamin, 3d,) and Mary Clark, had 5- children: 1. Benjamin Franklin ; 2. Abigail ; 3. Betsey Anne. I ABIGAIL CRANE, daughter of Benjamin, 3d, and David P Keyt, had children : 1. James Keyt ; 2. Anne Eliza Keyt. 106 4 BENJAMIN CRANK. HEZEKIAH T. CRANE, (son of Benjamin, 3d,) and Amanda Osborn, had children; 1. John. PHEBE CRANE, (daughter of Benjamin. 3d,) and Franci.s Randolph, had children : 1. Bennington Randolph ; 2. Sarah Anne Randolph married Samuel Clark. And by George King, Phebe had three other children. BENJAMIN CRANE, 4th, (son of Benjamin, 3d,) and Electa Baker, lived at Patterson, and had children : 1. Catherine Shells, who died at 6 or G years. 2. Alfred Britton. 3. Margaret Baker. 4. Benjamin Hervy. 5. Sarah Thompson. 6. Joan. 7. Jane. 8. Electa, who died young. DAVID J. CRANE, (son of Benjamin, 3d,) and Hannah Eliza Roll, had children : 1. James. 2. Jacob Thompson, who died at 2| years. 3. David Newton. 4. George King. 5. Isaac Roll. 6. John Hezekiah. 7. Benjamin Franklin, who died at two weeks old. MOSES T. CRANE, (son of Benjamin, 3d,) and Eliza Scudder, had children : 1. Theodore Augustus. 2. Sarah Anne. NORRIS CRANE, (son of Benjamin Crane, 2d,) and Jane Dunham, (born 13ih May, 1765,) lived in Sterling Valley, and had children : ? 1. Nancy, born 29th September, 1790, and married William Z Pierson Conklin, son of William. He lived in New- York ; his I widow Nancy is blind ; lives with her brother-in-law, Israel Bebout. I 2. Isaac, born 25th October, 1792, and married Polly and Anne, f two daughters of Thomas Parrot, Esq. .3. Saily, born 27th March, 1797, and married Peter Parrot, son of Thomas Parrot, Esq, [See Parrot.] 4. John, born 29th September, 1799, and married Abby Flatt, of New-York, and lives there. 5. Benjamin, born 16th April, 1802, and married 2d December, 1824, Julia Bebout, daughter of Stephen. 6. Albert, born 17th March, 1804, and married , daugh- ter of Anderson French, of Westfield. STEPHEN CRANE, Son of Jeremiah. 107 7. Mary, born 16th March, 1S07, and married Israel Bebout, son of Stephen. \^See Bebout,.'] Norris Crane died 21st February, 1846. Jane, his wife, died 23d June, 1848, ISAA.C CRANE, (son of Norris, son of Benjamin Crane, 2d,) and his 1st wife, Polly Parrot, had children : ^ 1. Abraham, who married Margaret Ayers, daughter of Richard of Long Hill, and had children; 1. George Abi'aham and Margaret, 1 twins; 2. Joanna; 3. Richard Henry; 4. William ; 5. a son and |. daughter, twins. ^ 2. William, born 30th January, 1820, married, 28th May, 1849, Mary Cole, daughter of Elias Cole, of Scotch Plains, and had children, 1. Cornelius. 3. Anne. And by his 2d wife, Anne Parrot, he had other children : 4. Mary. 5. John Halsey. 6. Albert. 7. Isaac. JOHN CRANE, (son of Norris,) and Abby Flatt, had children : 1. Phebe; 2. Norris; 3. Caroline; 4. Charlotte; 5. Hannah; 6. Benjamin Franklin. BENJAMIN CRANE, (son of Norris,) and Julia Bebout, had children : 1. John Ogden ; 2. Fanny ; 3. Sarah. ALBERT CRANE, (son of Norris,) and , had children : 1. Jane; 2. Lucy ; 3. Mary; 4. George; 5. Jamee. STEPHEN CRANE. STEPHEN CRANE, born 1709, and died July 1st, 1780, was probably son of Jeremiah, son of Stephen Crane, 1st. His wife's name was Phebe, who died 17th August, 1776, aged 62 years. They had children : S- 1. Daniel, born 3d January, 1735. ? 2. Stephen, born I4th October, 1737. He was killed by a party g of British soldiers, on their way to Connecticut Farms, when that I' place was burnt. 3. Elizabeth, born 10th March, 174 0. 4. David, born 27th November, 1742, married, 21st November, 1762, Anne Sayre. She was born 23d May, 1742, and died 24th November, 1805. They had children; 1. David, born 7th Feb. 1772, and died 27th September, 1791 ; 2. Sarah, born 13th May, 1778, and died 16th September, 1778. He married, in 1806, Agnes or Neaty Cooper, daughter of John, son of Daniel Cooper, 1st, but had no children by her. 5. William, who entered the army, and accompanied General Montgomery to Quebec, and was severely wounded in the attack on that city. He became general of the militia after the war. He 108 STEPHEN CRANE, Sou of Jeremiah. married twice ; his 2d wife was Abbe Miller, daughter of Benjamin ; had 6 children, 6. Phebe, born 2d June, 1750. 7. Joseph, born 20lh May, 1752; married, 1. Susannah Ross, who died 22d October, 1781, aged 32 years; 2. Margaret Van Vechten, of Somerville. S. Jonathan, born 15th May, 1754. 9. Catherine, born 8th October, 1756. GENERAL WILLIAM CRANE, (5th chihl of Stephen,) had children : ^ 1. William, who was commodore in the United States Navy. J He died about 1844. S 2. Ichabod B., a colonel in the United States Army, now in I command at Governor's Island. § 3. Joseph H. married Julia Elliot; lives in Dayton ; is judge of the supreme court of Ohio. 4. Mariah, who lives with Joseph ; is unmarried. 5. Joanna married John Magie, and died about 1818, leaving a daughter Julia Magie. 6. Phebe, who died about 1818, unmarried. JOSEPH CRANE, (brother of General William Crane,) and Susannah Ross, had children ; o 1. William, who married Sarah Townley, daughter of Richard. ^ [See Townley.'] § 2. Susan married Henry Weaver, and went to Trenton, Butler g. County, Ohio. She died 22d January, 1851, aged 75 years. = 3. Nancy married Abraham Van Sickle, and went to Trenton, Ohio, and by his 2d wife, Margaret, had children : 4. John, who married Sarah Conover, and lives in Hamilton, Ohio ; is a major of militia. 5. David lives on the River St. Jo.seph's, Ohio. 6. Van Vechten. 7". Sally, who died unmarried. 8. Richard, who lives near David. WILLIAM CRANE, Esq., (1st child of Joseph,) and Sarah Townley, had children : 'I. David R. Crane who married Phebe Anne Hallam, daughter of Lewis Hallam of New-York. 2. Agnes married Rev. Curtis Tally, a methodist minister, and had a daughter, Helen Williams Tally. 3. Richard T. Crane, married Jane T. Dolebeer of Union, and had children : 1. Theodore T. Dolebeer ; 2. Frederick T. Dolebeer. 4. Joseph W. Crane, married, 1st, Harriet J. Willcox, daughter of Ezekiel, and had a daughter, 1. Harriet Jemima Crane. His wife died, and he married, 2d, Emma S. Brookfield, daughter of Lewis P. Brookfield ot Spring Valley, and had children : 2. Lewis W. ; 3. Augustus. STEPHEN CRANE, Son of Jere. nail. 109 . Jonathan T. Crane, who graduated at Princeton College, and became a methodist minister, is Principal of the "Pennington Male Seminary." He married Mary Helen Pe^k, daughter of Rev. George Pock, D. D., of N. Y., and had a daughter, Mary Helen Per>,l<. SUSAN CRANE, and Henry Weaver, had children : ' 1. Nancy Weaver, who married Mr. Clawson. 2. William Weaver married Miss Clark. 3. John Weaver marrif d Miss Bowman. 4. Polly Weaver married James Beard. 5. Samuel Weaver. 6. Eliza Weaver. 7. Clark Weaver. NANCY CRANE, 3d child of Joseph, and Abraham Van Sickle had children : ^ 1. Susan Van Sickle, who married, 1st, Mr. Long;2d, Mr. n Bailey : 3d, Mr, Brown. I 2. Henry Van Sickle I 3. Mariah Van Sickle. 4. Catherine Van Sickle. 5. Joseph Van Sickle. MAJOR JOHN CRANE, (4th child of Joseph,) and Sarah Conover, had children : ^, .1. William, who married Rachel Crawford, and had chil- I dren : 1. John; 2. William. I 2. Joel H. married Sarah Walker. I 3. Margaret married H. M. Moore, and died. •= 4. Tryphena E. married Thomas Davis, and had children: 1. Charles Davis; 2. Margaret Davis ; 3. Thomas Davis. 5. George W . 6. Mary. 7. Mariah E. 8. John C. 9. Jane C. 10. Joseph. JUDGE JOSEPH H. CRANE, (3d son of General Wm.,) and Julia Elliot had chidren : g 1. Mariah, who married Doctor Clements, and had a son, Joseph Clements. 1 2. William. I 3. Wilbra. 4. James. 5. Henrietta. 6. Joseph. 7. Clements. 110 JOHN DAVIS, 1st. TIMOTHY CRANE* married Mary Congar, a sister of Designer Congar, who lived in a house which stood near where Dayton Badgley now lives. Timothy Crane and Mary Congar lived in the house next to and east of Amos Morehouse. They had an only son Jeremiah, who married Joannah Cogswell, daughter of Nathaniel Cogswell, near Chatham, and had children : 1. Jeremiah, who married Jane O. Clark, daughter of David C. Clark, and had no children ; 2. Designer Congar Crane, who married Mary Beach, daughter of Benjamin Beach, of Mendham, and died leaving two children : 1. Joanna Crane, who married Robert Hatch, of Newark. 2. Harriet. DESIGNER CONGAR had children : Polly Crane, baptized 19th January, 1785. Anna Designer, baptized 13th April, 1786, as the daughter of the widow Congar. So it seems that Designer Congar died between those two dates. JOHN DAVIS. JOHN DAVIS, was born J 1th January, 1731, and died in the spring of 1760. He married Sarah Crane, born 9th January, 1728. They had children : g 1. Anna, born 7th March, 1753, and married William Pierson, I of Westfield. I 2. John, born 29th December, 1754, and was killed at the battle f of Springfield, in the Revolutionary war. 3. Jacob, born 6th February, 1758, and died 22d February, 1843 ; was an elder in the church at Westfield. He married Mary Littell, 2d child of Moses Littell and Abby Thompson. She was born 13th March, 1762, and died 21st October, 1823. JACOB DAVIS, (son of John,) and Mary Littell, lived in West- field, and had children: w 1. John, born 20th October, 1779, married Phebe Acken, n daughter of Deacon Joseph Acken, of Westfield, and died 14th I March, 1850. I 2. Sarah, born 28th October, 1781, married Henry Hand, 15th "" child of Hezekiah, [See Hand.'] * I have not learned to what family Timothy Crane belonged. NoTK. — Sarah, the widow of John Davis, married David Conkling, as his 2d wife, who was born 2'Jth May, 1721. By his two wives, David Conkling had children : 1. Daniel Conkling, born 23d January, 17.51. 2. Mary Conklincr, born 27th January, 1755. 3. Hannah Conkling, born 14th February, 1757. 4. Sarah Conkling, born 30th March, 1759. 5. Abigail ConkUng, born 13th December, 1761. 6. Samuel Conkling, born 21st July, 1765. 7. David Conkling, born lOlh January, 1767. The three or four last named may have been children of Sarah. JACOB DAVIS. Ill 3. Betsey, born 29th January, 1784, married, 1st, Lewis Ludlow, son of Matthias, 2d, William Mulford, son of John. 4. Isaac Littell, born 10th October, 1788, and died 12th April, 1845. He married, 1st, Margaret Farrand, of Newark ; 2d, Catherine, widow of George Price, and daughter of John N. Oliver, of Elizabethtown. 5. Jacob Davis, Jun., born 30th October, 1793, and died 22d May, 1817, unmarried. 6. Mary, born .5th April, 1796, married Isaac French, son of Robert, of Springfield. JOHN DAVIS, (son of Jacob,) and Phebe Acken, had 7 chil- dren : ^ 1. Joseph Acken Davis, who married his cousin, Mary Mulford, daughter of William, and had children : ? 1. Phebe Ladoiska Davis. 1 2- • ° 2. Mary Davis, who married David M. Woodruff, of Union, and 5- had children: J 1. Hiram Washington Woodruff. 5 2. James Woodruff. §■ 3. Jacob Woodruff. 4. Wesley Woodruff. 5. Mary Woodruff 3. Rebecca Davis married Henry B. Faitout, of Union, and had children : j i. Emma Faitout. 2. James Faitout. 4. Betsey Davis married Benjamin Pierson, son of John D. Pierson, son of William Pierson, of Westfield, and had children: 1. Mary Pierson. 5. Jacob Davis married Sarah Cory, daughter of Jonathan, son of Andrew Cory. 6. Thomas C. Davis is a merchant in Newark. 7. Sarah Anne Davis married Hervy Cory, son of Jonathan, and a brother of Jacob's wife. SARAH DAVIS, (2d child of Jacob Davis and Mary Littell,) and Henry Hand, removed to Sandusky, Ohio, where he died, and she removed to a place below Peoria, Illinois, where she died. They had 11 children : *; 1. Abigail Hand, born 25th July, 1801, and married Mr. Raymond. 1 2. Nancy Hand, born 8th August, 1803, )narried . 5 3. Jacob Davis Hand, born 24th October, 1805, married — — . 4. Moses F. Hand, born 4th November, 1807, married . 5. Mary Davis Hand, born 8th December, 1809. 6. Betsey Davis Hand, born 3d April, 1812, married . 7. Rhoda Hand, born 27th August, 1814, married . 8. Henry Hand, ) ^ . , oi . t ioi- S married . 9. Sarah Hand, \ *^^^"«' ^^'"^ ^Ist June, 181/, ^ ^^^.^.^^ 112 JACOB DAVIS. 10. Caroline Hand, born 21st March, 1820. 11. Catherine Hand, born 10th October, 1822. BETSEY DAVIS, (3d child of Jacob Davis,) and Lewis Lud low, had children : g; 1. Melancthon Ludlow, who died a young man, unmarried. o 2. Benjamin Ludlow, who married Fanny Smalley, son of 3 Abner, son of James, and had an on!}'- daughter, 1. Elizabeth g- Ludlow. ° His wife, Fanny, then died, and left his daughter here with her grandfather Smalley, and went to Buffalo and married there. 3. Sarah Ludlow, who married, 1st, William Miller, son of Lewis Miller, of Westfield, and had a son : 1. Lewis Miller, who married Martha Hand, daughter of Matthias, son of Nehemiah. She married, 2d, Caleb Miller, son of Nathaniel, of Springfield, and had, 2. Israel M. Miller ; 3. Mary Miller. She married, 3d, William Day, of Elizabethtown, an English- man, and had, 4. Catherine Day ; 5. William Day. Lewis Ludlow, after having three children, died, and his widow, Betsey, married William Mulford, son of John. [-See Mulford.] ISAAC L. DAVIS, (4th child of Jacob Davis,) and Margaret Farrand, lived in Elizabethtown, and had children : *■ 1. Charlotte, who married Elias Riggs Wilkison, son of Josiah. [-See Burrows.] 1 2. Margaret, who married John Campbell, of New York. I. Isaac L. Davis, by his 2d wife, Catherine Oliver, had children : .= 3. Sarah. 4. Henrietta married . MARY DAVIS, (6th child of Jacob Davis,) and Isaac French, lived at Westfield, and had children : 1. Robert French, born 24th September, 1814, married Phebe Mooney, daughter of James, and had children : 1. Mary Elizabeth French. 2. Isaac Halsey French. 3. Richard French. 4. James French. 5. Phebe French. 2. Catherine French, born 7th December, 1817, married William Woodrufi; son of Benjamin, son of Robert Woodruff, whose wife was Mary, daughter of Andrew Denman, and had children : I. William Alfred Woodruff. 3. Mary French, born 23d December, 1822, married Benjamin Woodruff, son of Benjamin, of Westfield. She died 16th August, 1847, and he difed, leaving no children: 4. Jacob Davis French, twin to Mary, married Lydia Pierson, daughter of Moses Pierson, of Westfield. OEORGE DAY, Ist. J 13 GEORGE DAY. GEORGE DAY lived on Long Island. He had a son, George Day, who came to New Jersey, and lived on the north side of Long Hill, and east of Sterling Valley. It is believed that John, David and Joseph Day were also his sons. GEORGE DAY, 2d, had a son, George Day, 3d, who died 8th September, 1S03. The wife of George Day, 3d, was Elizabeth ; she died 26th February, 1815, aged 79 years. They had children : ^ \. Dumaris, who married Samuel Clark, Esq. [See Elder Johfk I Clark.] 3" 2. Martha married Abijah Wells ; she died 20th January, 1811, I of apoplexy, aged 49 years. P 3. Polly, who died in May, 1835, unmarried. 4. John, who married Polly Marsh, daughter of Joseph, and grand-daughter of John Osborn, Sen. MARTHA DAY, (dau^hfer of George Day, 3d,) and Abijah Wells, lived where her fatlier did, and had children : 1. Elijah Day Wells, who married ISth June, 1823, Eizabeth Hud-on, of Mendham. He became a Presbyterian minister — preached at , in New York. 2. Charles Thompson Wells married and became a Methodist preacher. JOHN DAY, (son of George Day, 3d,) and Polly Marsh, had children: 1. Charles; 2. George. JOHN DAY, (said to be son of George Day.) of Long Island, had children : 1. Martin Day, who had a son Absalom. 2. Nathaniel Day. NATHANIEL DAY, (son of John Day,) had nine children: 1. Rachel, who married David Peppers. *. 2. Joseph married, 31st July, 1788, Patty Totten, daughter of ^ Samuel Tolten. S 3. Hannah married John Graham, of New York, and had no I children. §■ 4. Zacheus married, 1st, Sally Locey ; 2d, Sarnh Parcels. 5. Josiah married, 2d July. 1795, Dorcas Oakley, born 20th January, 1774, daughter of Thomas, and had no children. 6. Elijali married Polly Oakley, sisier of Dorcas, and went to Ohio. 7. Israel married Polly Brant, and went to Ohio; lad several children. 8. Elizabeth married John Harrison ; had but ona child, who died ia infancy. I J 14 GEOBGE DAY, Ist. 9. Mary ma :ied Jesee V. Dougla -, and had children : 1. Elizabcili, who mitnied Andrew VV. lirowii, suii uf Thump- s -n. l_Sec Brou-n.] 2. Jemima, who in Tried Joseph W. Tolten, son of Jonalhnn. 10. Sarali married Mr. Mills, and had but one son, Lewis M.lls. RACflEL DAY, (daughter of Nathaniel,) and David Peppers, had children : 1. Pollv Peppers, who miirried David Drew. 2. Retsev Peppers married Stephen Diew, brother of r)aviJ. 3. Jane Peppers, who died at about IS years, unmarried, ";. Dorcas Peppers married her cousin, Joseph Day, son of eph, son of Natlianiel. rOSEPH DAY, (2d child of Nathaniel,) and Paity Totten, had Idren : .. Nancy, who married Joshua Slurge, of Green Village. 2. Rhoda marrieeth Crane; 3d, Patty WilJcox. (of the family ot George, at Elizabethtown,) who was the mother of Samuel Condit, of Chatham. 5. Stephen married, 1st, Damaris Foster; 2d, Jeminia, w'rdow of Stephen Johnson, an'i daughter of Justice John Ogden, of iNcw- ark, and sister of Hannah, the wife of the Rev. James Cauldwell. 6. .Sarah married Gershom Mott, and had children : 1. Sarah Mott. 2. 1*1)1 ly Mott, who mnrried David Thompson. 7. Martha married, 1st. Samuel Lum, father of Israel Lum, Esq. ; ^d. Stephen Howel; 3d, Mr. C-^—- -^^' " bury married, 16th November, 1847, Hannah D. Hick, daughter of William, of New York, and had children : 1. Sarah Elizabeth. 10. William McKendry married, 28th September, 1847, Lydia Anne Cole, daughter of Watson, of Trenton, and had children : 1. Sarah Elizabeth; 2. Edwin Augustus. 11. Edwin Augustus. TIMOTHY DAY, (4th child of Daniel, son of Jonathan, son of Joseph Day,) and Mehetabel Merry, lived at Chatham, f and had children : I 1. Israel, born 15th November, 1765, and married, 3d May, I 1785, Elizabeth Ludlow, born 25th April, 1767, daughter of p Col Cornelius Ludlow, of Long Hill. 2. Betsey married, 1st, Capt. Benjamin Pettit, 3d; [sen Pettit ;] 2d, Amos Potter, Esq., son of Daniel, 2d. [Sec Potter.] COL. ISRAEL DAY, (son of Timothy,) was a colonel of cavalry, justice of the peace, commissioner of deeds, and elder 118 JOSEPH DAV. of the Presbyterian church in Chatham. '/"- and Elizaheth Ludlow hiid cliildieii : ' 1. Benjamin Ludlow, who married Harriet Ki|)|i, of New York, and had children:!, Margaret; 2. Eliza ; 3. Helen Kipp, who (iifd 7 h February, 1850, unmarried. 2. Mehetabel married John Colwell, son of Hugh, of Long Hill, and had children : 1. James married Martha High, daugliter of Ephraim, son of Jacob High, 2. Hugh died a young man, unmarried. 3. Israel Day married . 4. Elizabeth is unmarried. Mr. Cidwell then died, and she mariieJ Stephen Cooper, son of Dai ie , 2d, Esq., and had a daughter : 5. Sally Anne, who married her cousin, William C iO| er, son of Ptter. 3. Agnes, who married Doct. Elias Runyon, son o( Elias, of Long Hill; had no children: live at New Market, M.ddlcsex county. AMOS DAY, (son of Joseph, son of George Day, Isl) and Miss Majiie, had children 1^ 1. Amos Day, Jun., who married, as his 2d wife, Ta y Denman ; 2. Isaac ; 3. Aaron; 4. Sophia; 5. Phebe; 6. Polly. o 1 TH0M.4S DAY, (son of Joseph, son of George Day, 1st,) ■ married , and had children: ^ 1. Elizabeth, who married, 1st, Mr. Gibbon ; 2. Mr. Farkison. a- O I '^A^ L DAY, (Ith child of Joseph, son of George Day, 1st,) and S Elizabeth I'hoiiipsoti, had children : 1. Tlia Mens, who married Susanna Parcel, daughter of Henry, 2. Paul, Jun,, who died yiiong. 3. Betsey married her cousin, Israel Lum, Esq., son of Samueh 4. Mose.s married Joanna Bonnel, daughter of John, son of Nathaniel, 1st. 5 Abigail married Philip Minthorn. 6. I»achel married George Minthorn, brother of Philip. 7. Matthias married Hannah Ward, .daughter of Gen. Thomas Ward, of JNewaik. 8. Hannah married James Kitchel, son of the Hon. Aaron. Kitchel, of Morris county, THADDEUS DAY, (1st child of Paul Day,) and Susanna Parcel, had childr n : 1. Jose li, who married Polly Brf)wn, and had childrf^n: 1. David, who married Ellen Briiton, daughter of Stephen ; live in Newark. 2. Louisa married Smith Gold, above Morristown. PAUL DAY. 119 3. Aaron marrud Abigail Baldwin, daughter of Stephen, of Che.ipt'ide. 4. CaroHne married Osborn Hedges, of Hanover. T). Electa married Mr. Reeves, of Cheapside. 6. Hervy P. married Miss Baldwin, Cheapside. 7. Mary married Stephen Foster, of Rensellaer. 2. Catherine, who married Peter Dickerson, son of Philemon 1st. [> ee J) cherson.] 3 Paul married, 1st, Amiital Ward, daii FOSTER DAY, (son of Captain William Day,) and Susan 2 Smith, had children ; I. Lewis; 2. William Foster; 3. Richards. STEPHEN DAY, Jun., (Sth child of Stephen Day, Esq,, son of Joseph.) and P(dly Bonnel, had children: ? 1. Jane, who married Moses AVard, son of Ichabod. [See Ward'l '? 2. Ellas is a Presbyterian minister in Wayne county, Penn. 3 3. Mary married Mr. Ketchum, near Bethany, Wayne county. I 4. Barna. 5. Edwin married Fidelii Gleason, of Connecticut. 6. Lewis married, and lived with his father in Wayne county, Pennyslvania. DAVID O. DAY, (llih child of Stephen Day, Esq., son of Joseph,) and Maria Siackhouse, had children: t-T 1. I larriet is unmariied. 2. John Ogden Day married Emily Brown, 30lh September, 1 iy40, dauq;hler of Jonathan, and had children : I. 1. Eu-iene; 2. Webster ; 3. Robert Baldwin. UILEMON DICKERSON. 123 3. Fliivpl Woodruff, born Tu'i Ftbniary, 1S13, and died 12th Sepieii [nv, ]S\n. 4. Haniiali iMnria, born lOih Febriiarv, ISl 5, and died oOih Octuber, I8;il. 0. Flavel Woodruff 2d, born 28(h Nov. 1810, married Miss Reynolds, diiu<2;hter of Samuel Rey SO^ejrs old. MARTHA DAY, (7th chil 1 ofJosv-pb, son of Gpor6' Noe.] 5. Stephen. Howel married Martha Way. (J. Ephraim Howel, who died at about 17 years. PHILEMON DICKERSON. PHILEMON DICKERSON lived at the east end of Sterling Valley, on the road to Mori istown. He married Joliannah Swea/.y, above Morristown, He died 12ih April, 1777, agi d 38 years. His widow married Isaac Badgley. He bad children: 1. David Brainard, who married Sally Baldwin, daughter of Capt. Enos Baldwin, of Cheapside, and lived there. 2. Peter a)arried Calberino Day, daughter of Thaddeiis, son of ^aul. 5. Caleb married Matilda Brown, dautrhier of Daniel, of xMadison. Hannah married, H)lh February, 17(j7, Lot Darling. Phiienion, Jun., who died, 5th August, 1776. a. red ^a. w,^--' - 1«J4 PHILEMON DICKERSON. DAVID BRAINARD DICKERSON, (1st son of Philemon,) and Sally Biildwin, had chihiren : 1. Pliilemon, who married Hetty Paradise; lived in Springfield, and was a justice of the peace (here. 2. Sarah married William Gibbs ; had no children. 3. Mary, who died unmarried. 4. Israel married Caroline Budd, daughter of Doctor J. C. Budd. [See Day and Budd.] PHILEMON DICKERSON, Esq., (son of D. Biainard,) ans( Hetty Paradise, had children : 1. William, who married Euphemia Kelly. 2. John married, 1st, widow Ellen Camp, and daughter of Isaac Roll, son of John Roll ; 2. Mary Stackhouse. 3. Sarah Anne married Stephen Shafer. 4. Philemon, Jun., married Mary Roll, sister of John's first wife. 6. Wesley. 6. Juliunne married Theodore Birt, son of Jacob, of Springfield. PETER DICKERSON, (2d son of Philemon,) and Catherine Day, had children : 1. Philemon married, 1st, Cornelia Howel, daughter of Calvin; 2. Hannah, widow of Squier Badgley, and daughter of Benjamin Sturges. 2. Paul, who died aged 20 years. PHILEMON DICKERSON, (son of Peter,) and Cornelia Howel, had children : 1. Calvin, who married, 1st, Mary TJIick, daughter of Adam, of Hackets Town, and had a daughter, Mary Catherine. His wife then died and he married; 2d, Miss Tester, of Sterling Valley. 2. Paul. 3. Mary Catherine, who died 22d July, 1841, aged 21 years. 4. Cornelia married, 15th May, 1845, Samuel Schureman, son of John McClasky Schureman, and went to Illinois. 6. Peter ; 6. Eliza ; 7. Sarah Anne ; 8. Electa ; 9. William Day ; 10. Stephen; 11. Mary Catherine, 2d. CALEB DICKERSON, (3d son of Philemon,) and Matilda Brown, had children : 1. Samuel, who married Mary Freeman, of Woodbridge. 2. Mary is unmarried. 3. Brainard married Mary Ridgeway, of Staten Island, and went to Ohio. 4. Caleb is unmarried. 5. David went to Tuscaloosa, and married there, Elizabeth Mallard. 6. Wesley went to Natchez, Mississippi, and married Elizabeth Wright, and died there. 7. Philemon married Catherine Griffin, daughter of William M. 8. Israel, who died young. 9. Caroline married David A. Harrison, son of Abraham, of Orange. DANIEL DOD. J 05 DANIEL DOD. Capt. Robert Treat, Jnhn Curtis. Jasper Crane, and John Treat, were sent, inl660, from Bran ford, Milford, and Guilford, in Connect- icut, to view the country and lands in NewJtTSPy. They returned and reported favorably, and were sent back with power to select a site for a town, and make a purchase. The result at that time was a purchase of the township of Newark, by its ancient boundaries. The Indians called the town Passaic, but the inhabitants, called it Newark, after a town in England, from whi.^h the Rev. Mr. Pierson, their pastor, had come. Trumbull, the historian, says that Mr. Pierson, and almost his whole church and congrejja'ion, soon removed from Branford to Newark, and carried with them the church records. This removal took place some time previous to the 24th of June, 1667. DA.MIEL DOD, Jun., eldest son of Daniel Dod, Sen., came to Newark, a minor, probably with the colony from Branford. He had a lot of land for his home lot in Newark, about Bridge Street, and northward. His farm lands were on the hill west of the town. In the year 1678, Daniel Dod and Edward Ball were appointed to run the northern line of the town, from the Passaic to the Mountain. He was chosen deputy to the provincial assembly in 1692. Of the three sons of Daniel Dod, Jun., viz. Daniel, 3d, Stephen, and John, Daniel, 3d, lived the longest, and died about 1766, being eighty yeurs of age or upwards. From 1721 to 1731, Daniel Dod, 3d. was filling the office of free- holder and surveyor; then living on his pitrimony. In the year 1737, his brother John appears in the office of surveyor. In the year 1754, John's son John, then called John 3d, was appointed Assessor about the year 1762, the names of Isaac and Amos Dod begin to appear as town officers. Isaac was a captain, and at the beginning of the revolution was appointed justice of the peace, and continued to sustain that office till his death, in 1804. Amos Dod was also captain, and Caleb Dod major, in the same regiment. DANIEL DOD, from England, married Mary , probably about the year 164(5. He died in the winter of 1664-5. She died 26ih A'ay, 1637. They were both buried in Branford ; they had children : 1. Mary, born 1647, and married Aaron Blachley, about 1664. 2. Danit'l, Jun., born in 1649, or 1650. 3. Ebenezer, born 11th December, 1651, and died about 1675. ■ 4. A daughter, born 29th March, 1653, died . 5. Stephen, born 16tli February, 1655, and died in Guilford, October, 1691, in his 37ih year. He married, l:;^th May, 1678, Mary Stevens, and had children, Daniel and Stephen ; his wife died previous to 1691. 6. Samuel, born 2d May, 1657. His family ran out in the female line. 126 DANIEL DOD, 3il. 7. Anne, who married Mr. Fowler. DANIEL DOD, Jun , (son of Daniel, Isl.) had children : 1. Daniel, 3d, married Mary Ailing, of Newark, and died at 80 years. 2. Stephen, 2d, married Phebe Harrison. 3. John married Miss Samson. 4. Dorcas married Mr. Ward, the ancestor of Zebina Ward, probably his grandfather. DANIEL DOD, 3d, {son of Daniel Dod, Jun.,) and Mary Ailing, had children : ]. Eunice, born 3d November, 1718, married Davii] Rakhvin, and had tight sons and two daughters, and died, 20lh October, 1803, aged bo years. "2. S;iiah, born 18th December, 1720, and married Timothy Freeman, and haJ three sons and one daughter. ^ 3. Tliomas, born 7ih JaniKiry, 17-2:^, married Sarah Newcombc. He died 8lh September, ISIn, ngpd 92 years, 8 months. Slicdied 31st March, 1791, in her 6Stli year. 4. D.miel, 4ih burn 1st May, 172.5, mn'ried. 1st, Jane Smith; 2(!, the willow Martha Harrison, He died 1795, witliniit chiliiren. 5. Isitac, born 8th July, 1728, miirried Jemima Willi.ims, b(»rn 6th January, 1729. He died 19lh August, 1804, aged 76 years. She died 25th .lulvi 1810, aged 81 years. C. Josep'i, born 12lh September, 1731, died 4fh June, 17S9. V his 5Sth year. Hs married, 1st, M;jry Lindsley, who died I4ht Feb 17(53, aged 29 years He married, 2d, Sarah Williams, who idied 2d, rf :ptember, 1818, aged 76 years. 7. Moses, born I8ih June, 1734. and died in youth. 8. Amo?,born 15th September, 1737. and died 7th October, 1811, aged 7i years, He married Hannah ConJit, who died 23d June, 182G, in her 68th ye;ir. 9. Caleb, horn 26lh Miy, 1740, and died in Cauldwell. He married Hannah Harrison. THOMAS DOD. (3J child of Daniel Dod, 3d,) and Sarah Ncwcombe, had children: 1. Eunice, who mairied Joseph Crane, and died 20Lh Feb. 1822, aged 80 years. 2. Ezekiel married , and had a daughter, Jemima. 3. Samuel married , and had children: 1. Hannah ; 2. Isaac ; 3 I>avid. 4 Nancy married .Vmos 'I'onikins. 6. Elias married Lydia Ward, and had children: 1. George; 2. Abraham; 3. Charlotte. 6. Daniel married , and had children : 1. Robert ; 2. Nancv. 7. Enos married Mary Edo, and had children : 1. Jeinima, bora 24st October, 1770, n^' DANIEL DOD, o... [27 4lh; 2. Aiiron, born \'.hh October, 1779; 3. S:irah, lorn ?il Doc 17b2;4. Samuel, b >rn 6th iM;irrh, 1787; 5. Jona^ and Hannah, (twins,) born :18th March, 1792 ; 6 S-wi^, born (Uh Sept. 1790. 8. Jon;ithan married Ennice Smit!\ and had chiKlren : 1. Hiram ; 2. Phf^be ; '.i Thoiiia?. 9. Thomas married Mary HaUarn, and had children : 1. John ; 2. William. 10. Sarah married , ISAAC DODD, (oth child of Daniel Dod, :3d,) and Jemima Williams, hod children : 1. Surah, horn 2d March, 175;^, married, 1st Mallliias Baldwin ; 2, Aura King, and raised two sons and two danglUers, and died 183^, a;Tcd 85 years. 2. Mosos, who married Lois Crane. 3. Abijah, born 9th November, 17-33, died Soptember, 18^7. 4. Abby, born 8th October, 17.59. died 2-;th DecenibRr, 17G4. 5. Joanna, born 9th March, 1762, married Isaac Baldwin. 6. Abby, 2d, born 2nih October, 176 4, married Joseph Do hi, 3d. 7. Jpphtha, born 17th May, 17(57, died young. 8. Jairus, born 21st January, 1770, married 9th September, 1792, Sarah Davis. 9. Isaac, Jul, born 2:3d December, 1772. He married the widow Jane Smith, and died Sih September, 1806. MOSES DODD, (2d child of Isaac,) was born 9th Decem!)er, 17r).7, married, 3d July, 1775, Lois Crane, born 26ih March, 17 54, and died 17th Oetober, 1818 ; they had children : 1. Stephen, born 8th March, 1777, married, 1st Phebe Pierson, 29th November, 1799. She w., aged 25 years. Nancy, the wife of Philemon Rimer, died 31st December, 1831, aged 49 years, and he married Catherine, the widow of Erastus Jones. ' DOCT. PHILEMON ELMER, (son of the Rev. Jonathan Elmer.) and Mary Marsh, had children: 1. ^^ally, who married I >('ct. Loree. 2. Polly married Doct Quimby, of VVeslfield, and died with- out childien. And by his 2d wife. Catherine Slack, Doct. Elmer had chil- dren : 3. Betsey married Ellis Potter^ of New York, and had children: 1. Frank Potter; 2. Ellis Potter ; 3. Edward Potter. 4. ' aty married .Aaron Coe, Fsq., now of VVeslfield, and had childien: 1. Philemon iJmer Coe, now an Episcopal minister; 2. Catherine ('oe. 5. Nancy ; 6. John ; 7 Julia; 8. Caroline; 9. Stewart. The five last named children of Doct. Philemon Elmer died unmarried. DOCT. MOSES ELMER, (son of Rev. Jonathan Elmer,) and Chloe iMeeker, had children : 1. Mailhias Meeker, baptized 24th July, 1794, and died. 2 Henry G Fhiier marieJ, 8th December, 1822, Pamelia Johnson, daug'iter of Gabriel Johnson, Esq., and died lllh l''ebiu:irv, lb24. aged 25 years. 3. Willi m, who died unmarried. 4. Apollos iVlorrell married Mary Britton. daughter of Col. William Britton of Madison, rnd had one daughter, 1. Elizabeth, who has become deaf Mrs. A. M Elmer died in 183G, and he married, 12th April, 1838, Theodocia iVlorrell, daughter of Rev. Thomas Morrell, of Klizabethtown, und lud children : 2. William Henry. SEXJAMIN ENYART. I5I BENJAMIN ENYART. BENIAMIN ENYART lived in Pnssaic Valley, between Alexander Kirkpatrick's and Benjamin Alward's, and had children : 1. Samuel. 2. Sarah, who married Timothy Thompson, son of Daniel. 3. David. 4. Riifus married Sally Thompson, daughter of Daniel, and sister of Timothy. 0. Rachel married Benjamin Thompson, brother of Daniel, as his 2d vvif>>. 6. Susannah. Tlie fau)ily all removed to Ohio about the year 1800. JAMES FINLEY. JAMES FINLEY emigrated from Scotland ; he lived some year^ at Priucelon, and lusL at Basking Uidge, where he died ; he had chil- dren : 1. James, who became a physician, and lived in Western New S York. ^ 2. Robert, wlu) graduated at Princeton College; studied theology, 5 nnd was orilaineil und iiist-illed in the ministry at Hacking Ridi^e. Hf iM.irried Esther Caldwell, the 5ih child of the Rev. James ' Caldwell, iif RuvoliJliounry iiiemDry. 8. Anne, who married Charles Morford, of Prineton ; lived' at Basking Riilge in I81U, and suhsequently removed to lllinnis. 4. Alexander was a carpenter and (aljinct-maker ; lived at Basking Ri Ige. He married Susan Whitaker, eldest daughter of Stepi.en VYThjiaker. [.See Whitaker.^ REV. ROBERT FINLEY, (son of James,) ar.d Esther Caldwell, had children . 1. Mary L. who mnrried John R. Davison, oidy child of Peter ^ D iviso!!, of Basking Ridge. S 2 Helen Smith marrie I James Cammack; lived in Geoigia ; he 1 (lied about 18.6; had three chihiren : 1. James Cammack; 2. § ThoTidS Cammack ; 3. IMarga-et Cammack. Two iiad ilicd pre vious to Ids death. 3. James C, who became a preacher of the Methodist d( nnmi- nation; manicd Margaret Smith, dauglucr o( Docl. Smith, of Cinciimati, and bad chihiren : 1. I lelen ; :^. \V'i!li;im ; 3. a (lau Hedges, had children : 1. Polly, who married John D. Murphy, and had three children, 2. Sally married Abraham Hyat, and had one son. And by his 2d wife, Mary Tilyou, he had children: 3. John, who died at 16 years of age. 4. Catherine, who is unmarried. 5. Moses, who married Susannah Hamilton, grand-daughter of John Hamilton. JOHN FRAZEE, (son of Joseph,) and Hannah Wiilcox, had children : 1. Peter. 2. Noah. After the death of John Frazee, the family removed to the West. HENRY FRAZEE, (son of Joseph,) and Sarah Maxwell, had children : \. Polly, who married Samuel Badgley, son of Anthony, 1st. [See Badgley.'] JOSEPH FRAZEE. 155 g. 3. Maxwell, born 10th November, 1774, married Nancy Badgley, sister of Samuel. lie married, 2d, Nancy, widow of Noah Cory, 1 and daughter of Joseph Line ; had no children by her. |. 3. Moses married Susan Miller, daughter of Benjamin, of Scotch •" Plains. 4. Sally married Jacob Foster Stites, son of Isaiah, of Scotch Plains. MAXWELL FRAZEE, (son of Henry, son of Joseph Frazee,) and Nancy Badgley, had children : 1. Henry, who died at 12 years. 2. Noah, born 31st August, 1799, married Betsey Squier, born 13th December, 17U2, daughter of Aaron, of Long Hill. 3. Maria married Jonathan Drake, son of Noah, and had a daugh- ter, 1. Sarah Anne Drake, when he died, and she married Jacob F. Randolph, son of John, as his 2d wife, and had children : 2. Abby E. Randolph. 4. Anne married James C. Lyon, (son of John,) as his 2d wife, and had no children. 6. Sally, (twin to Anne,) married Humphrey M. Drake, (son of Noah,) and had children : ? 1. Jonathan C. Drake. f 2. Maxwell F. Drake, g When she died, and he removed to Michigan. I" 6. Abby married the above-named Jacob F. Randolph, and had children : 1. Mary M. Randolph; 2. George W. Randolph. When she died, and he married her sister, Maria, Jonathan Drake's widow. 7. Susan married Enoch Rino, and had but one daughter, 1. Susan Kino. NOAH FRAZEE, (son of Maxwell,) and Betsey Squier, had children : 1. Henry, born IV'arch, 1819, married Mary French, daughter of Willis, and had children : 1. George Willis ; 2. Sarah Elizabeth ; 3. Arme Augusta. 2. Aaron ; 3. Mary, who died at 12 years ; 4. Samuel, born 11th February, IS26 ; 5. Squier, born 1st December, 1827, married Caihtrine ; Anson, born 27th August, 1829; 7. John, born 25th November, 1832 ; 8. Anne, born 30th March, . MOSES FRAZEE, (son of Henry,) and Susan Miller, had chil- dren : 1. Betsey, who married Abraham Nelson, who kept the tavern, in 1849-51, aiScotch Plains, and had children : 1. Julia Anne Curry Nelson ; 2. Marih Nelson ; 3. Loyd Nelson ; 4. . 2. Phebe married Aaron Drake, (son of Husih Drake, and Hannah Litteil, daviglil(!r of Jonathan Litteil,) [see Littell,^ and had chil- dren : 1. Delia Drake ; 2. Kandolph Drake; 3. Sarah Drake; 4. Louisa Drake ; 5. Henry Drake. 156 ASA FRAZEE. ASA FRAZEE was son of Joseph Frazee, of Connecticut Farms. His children know not of any relation between them and the other Joseph Frazee. He married, 25th June, 1775, Sophia Littell, daughter of Andrew Litteli. He lived op the north side of Sutton Hill (or 2d mountain) ; they had children: g 1. Jemima, who married, 1st, Abiier Tucker, son of Jacob o Tucker ; [see Tucker ;] 2d, George Holley, of Perth Amboy, and i had a son, 1. Philip Holley, and lived at Amboy. I. 2. Sophia married Thomas Smith, of Connecticut Farms, lived ? where her father did, and had children: 1. Asa Frazee Smith married Marj^ Anne . 2. Joseph Smith married Miss Jennings, and lived in New York, and had children: 1. Silas Smith; 3, Andrew Smith; 3. Charles Smith. 3. Margaret Smith married Thomas Wright, and had children : 1. Margaret Anne Wright; 2. Susan Wright; they lived in Williamsburgh, opposite New-York. 4. Harriet Smith married Noah Clark, son of Elias Clark, Jun., and had children: I. Smith Clark ; 2. Frazee Clark ; 3. Thomas Clark. Noah Clark then died, and she married John Bryson, of New-York. 5. Thomas Smith married Lydia Eliza Hoffman, of Dutchess county, New-York ; lives on Long Island, aud has children : 1. John W. Smith, born 27th August, 1828. 2. James Henry Smith. 3. Adelia Smitii. 4. Charles Smith, born 25th July, 1835. 5. Mary Eliza Smith. 6. George W. Smith married Phebe Jane Presley, and kept a large store of brooms, baskets, pails, &c., near Fulton Market, New York, and had children : 1. George H. Smith ; 2. Sarah Anne Smith ; 3. Mary Jane Smith; 4. Delia Smith ; 6. Emma Smith ; 6. William James Smith. 7. Anne Eliza Smith married Timothy Murry, and had a son, 1. John Murry, who lived on Staten Island. 8. James Smith, who died at 11 or 12 years. 9. Servia Jane Smith, who married Thomas Cruger, and had a son, John Adolpha Asa C. Cruger. 3. Betsey Frazee married John Curtis of Monmouth county ; lived where her father did, and had children : 1. James Buckeliew, who married Eliza Swan, daughter of Benjamin. He removed to Zanesville, Ohio, and had chil- dren ; 1. Mary Curtis ; 2. John, who died at 1^ years; 3. John, 2d, who died in infancy ; 4. Rebecca Curtis ; 5. Elizabeth Curtis ; 6. James Curtis ; 7. Catherine Curtis ; 8. Almira Curtis. 2. William Curtis is unmarried. DAVID FRENCH. 157 3. Asa Frazee Curtis married iMarlha Smilli, daughter of Jacamiah, son of Elijah Smith, of Long Hill, and had children : 1, Cornelia, who died 21sl November, 1850, at three years. 2. Caroline, twin to Cornelia. 4. Jtinaihan C'urtis married H ni^ah Anijleman, of Plainfield, and had children: 1. Henrietta Curtis; 2. Alfred Berry- Curtis. 5. David Curtis, born 8th November, 1820, married Cithctine Lmii:, dancrhter of Israel B. Liong, a:id had children: 1. Mary Elizabeth Curtis ; 2. E^aias Curtis ; 3. Luthelter Curtis. 6. Eliza Curiis married Cornelius Williamson, son of John, of Somerset county, and had children : •!. Martha Elizabeth Williamson, born 12ih May, 1835; 2. Jonathiin Curtis Williamson ; 3. Harriet Jane Williamson ; 4. Abraham Parrot Williamson ; 5. James Henry Williamson. DAVID FRENCH. DAVID FRENCH came from Connecticut Farms, now Union, and settled about one mile east of David S nalley's, Esq. He had a brother, John French, who lived where Thomas Conn now does, who sold out to Mr. Conn, and went to the lakes, New York. David French married, 30ih May, 1776, Sarah Willcox, daughter of Will am, son of Peter Willcocks, Sen., and had childi'en : I? 1. Benjamin, who married P^lly Collard, daughter of Benjamin n Collard. I 2. Polly married David Hays, of Westfield. I- 3. Willis married Hannah Hetfield, daughter of Moses, of West- ? fiild. 4. Levi married Fanny Dunham, daughter of John, Jun„ and went to the lakes. 5. Sallv married James Williamson, of iMonmouth county. 6. David, Jun., married, 2d November, ltS09, Margaret Noe.. daughter of Lewis Noc 7. Cornelius married Sally Winans, above Morristown, and went to the talies. 8. Betsey married Jolm Corwin, son of Stephen. [See Corwin] 9 Phebe married Moses Moore, son of Isaac Moo.e. [See 10. Nancy married Moses S. Littell, son of Master Benjamin Littell ; went to the lakes. [See Littell.^ WILLIS FRENCH, (son of David,) and Hannah Hetfield, had childien : w 1. Betsey is unmarried. 2. Sarah, who married Barzilla Ayers, lives in Elizabethtown, 1 and has children: 1. Mary Elizabeth; 2. Moses Hetfield; 3. |- Hannah Frances. •" 3. Moses Hetfield married Betsey Cole, daughter of Freeman 158 DAVID FRENCH. Col'", Esq. l^sre Parrot.] ownerl the Stone Mill in Waslnno-iDn Vdlliiv, lives there, and has children : 1. Ellas C ; 2. Adelia H. ; 3. Agnes l^ ; 4. . 4. iJavid A., who married Margaret Wood, diiughter of Daniel S. Wood, Jiin.. and h s children : 1. Mary Eliza ; 2. Barziila A} ers ; 3. Rachel Anne; 4. William Theodore. 5. Mary luanied Henry, son of Noah Frazee. [See Frazce.'] DAVID FRENCH, (son of David,) and Margaret Noe, had chil- dren : „ 1 Unma, who married William Drake, son of Noah. [See Drake] 1 2. Pliinehas married Mary Emeline Oswald, dau£;hter of Henry, a «)f New York, lives at Plainfield, owns or manages a grislniill • I here, and had children : 1. Theodore ; "J. Mary Elizabeth ; 3. John Henry. 3. Lewis Noe, who died by accident, 6lh January, 1849, unmar- ried. 4. Phebe married David Coulter, near Mount Bethel, Warren, Somerset county. 5. Harriet married Benjamin Lollard, near Mount Bethel. 6. Margaret married Frederick Bryant, of Huriterdoii county. 7. Maria, (twin to Margaret). 8. Sitlly Anne. 9. Hetty Jane, TIMOTHT GRIFFIN. TIMOTHY CRIFFIN married Catherine Sayro, daughter of Isaac Say re, of Springlield Township, and had children : » 1. Jane, who mairie i, 1st, Francis Mrown ; ::d, Robert Sweetman a 2. Thomas married Triphena Foster. i 3. Patty married John Wheeler Foster, of Westfield. =. 4. Isaac m;trried Betsey Musty, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth county. ? 5. Frazee died unmarried. 6. Btttsey married Charles Graves. 7. Rachel married John Gray. 8. Prudence married, 1st, Charles Delaney ; 2d, William R. Vigers, a Frenchman. 9. Mary married Peter I\Iavcrick, engraver, of New York. 10. Ephiaim married Elfa Simpson, daughter of John Simpson. ; 11. Timothy died unmarried. 13. William died in infaiicv. 13. William S. married in New York, and died leaving one child. PATTY GRIFFIN, (daughter of Timothy,) and John W. Foster, had children : M 1. John Fo>ter, who married Betsey Miller, live? in Westfitld. o 2. Miriam Foster married Matthias Hand, son of Nehemiah. ? [See Hand.] TIMOTHY GEIFFIN. j gg 3. Mali. I Foster murricd John iM. Clark, son of John, of Wcst- fielil ; had iin rhildren. 4. Ci);irles FnsU^r manieci Sir:ih C ile, d;uiQ;htpr of Joseph. 5. I'ili/a Fosler married IMr. Murphy, of Connecticut, and lived there. 6. \Tartha F.)Ster married Kinney McManners, son of Moses of Weslti,dd. Patiy, wife of Ji.hn W. Foster, died, and he married Rhoda Price, daughter o( Rice Pi ire, and had chil(h-en : 7. Susannah Foster, who married Martin Hulbert, son of Joshua, ofMendhuM. 8. L;ivi.sa Foster married David Dunham, son of Amos, or Liberty Corner. 9. Alarcus Foster, who died at ten months. ISAAC GRIFFIN, (son of Timothy,) and Betsey Musty, had children : 1. William M., who married, 15ih February, 1816, Betsey Cory, daughter of George Cory. 2. Caiherine marrie ', •28th December, 1822, Isaac Marsh, of Westfield, and had a son, William G. Marsh, who marrii-d, 2:3d Srptc!i,brr. 1849, Elizibeth Bailgley, daughttM* of David, son of Aiithiiny Bidgley. Catherine Marsh died 8ih November, 1850. 3. James. 4. Isaac married in New York, :. nd lives there. . EPHRAIM GRIFFIN, (son of Timothy,) and EfFi Simpson, had children : 1. Frazee, who married •. 2. John. 3. Matil Ja married James Parrner, in New York. 4. Marv married Ed ward Cliilds, in New York. 5. Susannah married Mr. Sanlord, in N»iw York. G. Timothy 7, Israel, who died in 1S48, a young man, unmarried. WILLIAM M. GRIFFIN", {son of Isaacson of Timothy,) and Betsey C try, had children : t I. Alary Anne, who married Philemon Dickerson, son of Caleb] ? [See Dick-'ruon.] I 2. Elizabeth. s- 3. Catherine married Jonathan Hanford, son of Simeon, ^ 4. William. 5. Abigail. 6. Lewis R. 7. Amanda L. 160 JOHN HALL. JOHN HALL. JOHN HALL lived near Basking Ridge, and had children : g 1. Ji)hn, Juri. He died uiimarried at Basking Ridge, about 1845, an old man. 1 2. Richard, who married Elizabeth Roy, the widow of William I Roy, and daughter of E[ij)halet VVliitaker. NoTK. — William Roy was Fon of jud .e John Roy, of Basking Eid^e, who also had a son, Joseph Roy, ihe father of Major Piter Roy, of Vciillown, now Herriardsville ; married Nancy Rickey, daughter of Colonel Israel Rickey, who hved at the saw-inill on Passaic liiver, east of Basking Ridge. No!E. — Elizabeth Roy, and William Roy, had two chjdren : 1. Hannah, who married Aaron Hand, son of Jonatlian, of Basking Ridge. 2. William Roy, Jun., married Deborah Whitaker, daughter of fclephen, and lived in Yates county, Nlw York, 3. Isaac Hall. 4. Jacob inairied Theodocia Fairchild. 5. Robert murried Alary Hand, daughter of Jonathan, of Baskino- Ridge. RICHARD HALL, (2d child of John Hall,) and Eh'zabeih Roy, had children : ^ 1, Isaac, who married Betsey Strimple, daughter of- ; lives ^ near Liberty Corner, and had children: 1. Jane; 2. Eliza; 3. l" Samuel ; 4, William ^ 5. Piatt; 6. Sarah ; 7. John ; 8. Catherine ; I 9. Helen; 10. Elisha. ! f 3. Eiipalilet Hall, (2d son nf R,ichard, son of Jcihn, 1st,) married Electa Ward, daughter of Samuel C. Ward, of Bioomheld ; lived there, and was a justice of the peace ; they bad children : 1. Sarah ; 2. John ; 3. Richard ; 4. William ; 5. George ; 6. Catherine. 3. Piatt, who died a young man, unmarried. 4. Ruth married Levi Dayton, son/)f Jonathan, of Basking Ridge, and had an only sin, Elias H. Dayton, who married Huldah Conover, of Monmouth county, and had children : 1. Frank, wi^o died in infancy ; 2. Huldah. 5. Samuel married Mariah Finloy, daughter of Alexander, of Basking Ridge; lived in Newark, and had children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Alexander Finley ; 3, Sophia ; 4. Anne. {). Catherine married Joel C. Homan, son of Thomas H., of Mcndham ; lived there, and had chilrlren : 1. Samuel Hall Homan, born 6th September, 1S19, married Caroline Vance, daughter of Elias Vance, of Meiidham, and had children: I. Samuel llall Homan; 2. Annie Mosely Homan; and died in August, 1847. 2. Meiancthon Homan. 3. Elizabeth Sarah Homan, who died at four years. 4. Thomas Homan. 5. Elizabeth Sarah Johnson Homan. JACOB HALL. If) J 6. Louisa Homan. 7. Sally married Isaac Conklin, son of William, Esq., of Basking Ridge. [See Conklin.] 8. Betsey married David Howel, of Mendham ; lived there, and had children: i. Anna Mariah Howel; 2. Amelia Howcl ; 3. Elizabeth Howel ; 4. Charles Howel. 9. Miriam married John Drake, son of Daniel, of Mendham, and lived there, and had children ; 1. Sarah Drake ; 2. Aaron Drake ; 3, Caroline Drake. 10. John married Mary Ailing, daughter of David, of Newark, and lived there ; had children : 1, David Ailing ; 2. Antoinette ; 3. Louisa ; 4. Horace. JACOB HALL, (4th child of John, lst,j and Theodocia Fairchild, had children : £j 1. Jacob Burrows Hall, who married Rachel Flail, daughter of ^ John, son of Richard, 1st, had children: I L Charles Hall, D. D. a Presbyterian minister, and secretary I of the A. H. M. S. of New York. He married Sarah Lawrence, of Gcneseo, New York, sister of the wife of his uncle, Israel Hall, and had children : I. Charles ; 2. James ; 3. Cornelia ; 4. Mary ; 5. Anne. 2. Sarah married George Carkner, of Michigan ; lived there. 3. Benjamin Hudson is an elder of the church, at Tecumseh, Lenawa county. Michigan. 4. Eliza married her cousin, Sherrod McKane, son of William. 5. Maria married Samuel L. SpatFord ; lived at Tecumseh, Michigan. 6. Lewis Austin married Fanny Landen, daughter of Doctor Landen, of Michigan, 7. Sophia. 8. Rachel Catherine married Mr. Keith, of Monroe, Michigan, and lives there. 2. Phebe marriei! William McKane, and had children : 1. Sherrod McKane married his cousin, Eliza Hall, daughter of Jacob B. Hall. 2, iMahlon McKane, twin to Sherrod. 3. John married Miss Howel. 4. Nancy married Mr. Baldwin, of Orange, New Jersey. 5. Theodocia married Mr. Bryan. 6. Abraham B. married Sally Hate, of Albany ; is a silversmith, in Geneva, New York, and had children : 1. Harriet, who married Truman P. Handy, cashier of the Commercial Bank, at Cleveland, Ohio. 2. Samuel, who is a Presbyterian minister in Marshall, Mich- igan ; he married Miss Rankin, of Newark. 7. Israel married Mary Lawrence, of Geneseo, New York, sister of the wife of Charles Hall, D. J_). '8. Lydia married the Rev. Mr. Myers, of Geneva, New York. ■ 9. Mariah married Foster Bernard, of Geneva, New York. M 162 RICHARD HALL. ROBERT HALL, (5th son of John Hall, 1st,) and Mary Hand, had children : 1. Catherine,, who married Samuel Rickev, son of John Rickey, Esq. 2. Sarah married Joshua Bull man, son of Joseph, of Loner Hill. 3. IMary married Thomas Cibbs, of Illinois. 4. William married at Jacksonville, Illinois. Robert Hall, with his family, removed to Illinois. RICHARD HALL was a younger brother of John Hall, 1st; lived at Basking Ridge; married a Miss Compton, and had chil- dren : S 1. John, who married Sarah Austin, daughter of Moses Austin, re and sister of Moses Austin, many years deputy sheriff in Eliza- s bethtown. § 2. Joseph married Ruth Austin, sister of Sarah, John's wife; he lived between the Cayuga and Seneca Lakes, N. Y. 3. Samuel married Hannah Webster. 4. Jonathan married Rnchel Austin, sister of Sarah and Ruth. He lived west of Seneca Lake, in Yates Co., N. Y. 6. Richard, Jun., married Peggy Rogers; lived in Lycoming Co., Penn. 6. Nathaniel married Nancy Jones, in Pennsylvania ; removed to Ohio, and was there killed by lightning. 7. Margaret niarried, 1st. Jacob Howke ; 2d, Enos Sillsby. 8. Polly married, 1st, Mr. Parker, and had a son, James Parker ; Mr. Parker died, and she married George Chapin. JOHN HALL, (1st child of Richard, brother of John Hall, 1st,) and Sarah Austin, had children : ^ 1. Moses, born 25th August, 1776, married, 1st, Phebe Burrows, o daughter of John, of Lycoming Co., Penn. She died, and he 5 married, 2d, Mary Whitaker, daughter of Stephen. She died, 18th g- November, I8i55, and he married, 3d, Phebe Whitaker, sister of • his 2d wife. He lived at Geneva, N. Y. ; carried on an iron foundry there. 2. Rachel married Jacob B. Hall, son of Jacob. (5ee Jacob B. Hall.) 3. John Hall, Jun., married Priscilla Fanning, daughter of Asher, of Canandaigua, and went to Zanesville, Ohio, and died 11th July, 1851. 4. Joseph married Polly Black, daughter of Archibald, and went to Michigan. 5. Mary married Stephen W^hitaker, son of Stephen, and lived in Cleveland, Ohio. [See Stephen Whitaker.) 6. Jacob Burrows niarried, 1st, Abigail, daughter of Esq. Townsend ; lived in Geneseo, and had children : 1. Sarah ; 2. John ; 3. Emily ; 4. Abigail ; 5. Elizabeth ; 0- Catherine ; 7. Wealthy Anne. 7. Catherine married Amzi Bruen, of Newark, New Jersey. RICHARD HALL. \Q^ MOSKS HALL, (1st child of John, son of Richard,) and Phebe Burrowi:, his 1st wile, had chihlrcn: g \. John Burrows, who married Agnes Milispaw, of Geneva ; lives at Williatnsport, on the Susquehannah River, and has a large 1 iron foundry there. S. 2, Harriet married William C. Tifrhlman ; and had children: 1. ^ Burrows Tighlman ; 2. Phebe Tighiman ; and then Harriet died. Moses Hall's wife Phebe then died, and by his 2d wife, Mary Whitaker, he had other children : 3. Jane, born 25t!i April, 1809, married John Humphrey, went to Michigan, and had children : 1. William Humphrey ; 2. James Humphrey ; 3. Charles Humphrey ; 4. Henry Humphrey ; 5. Mary Humphtty. 4. Phebe, born 5th November, IS 10, married Nelson Rowley, went to Michigan, and had children : 1. Stephen Rowley. 5. Rachel, born 7th November, 1S12. 6. Stephen Whitaker, born 5th August, 1815, married Nancy Graham ; lives at Williatnsport, with his brother John, and had children : 1. Sarah Jane; 2. Hetty Amelia. 7. Henry Axtell, born 9th February, 1817, married Susan Claghorn Babcock, daughter of Jnscph M. Babcock, of Lenox, Massachusetts; lives in Geneva, and had children: 1. Lenox. S. Mary, born 9lh March, 1820, married. 30th September, 1847, the Rev. John Jermaine Porter, son of the Rev. Stephen Porter, of Geneva. He is pastor of the Presbyterian church, and settled first at Kingston, opposite^VVilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. 9. Hetty, born 18th September, 1823, married Chauncey B. Ackley, son of Oliver Ackley, of New England ; lives in Geneva, and had children: 1. Mary Ackley. JOHN HALL, Jun., (3d child of John Hall, son of Richard,) and Priscilla Fanning, had children : •- 1. Austin married Mary Milchel. 2. Eveline married Mr. Harvy ; had a daughter Jane, and then 1 died ; and the child died. l/itv^^tt-' O-*^^^ * I 3. Elizabeth married Doct. i*»«fe'n. Scott ; lives in Toledo, Ohio, ° d had a daughter Frances. an4. John married Kate Mitchel, sister of Austin's wile. 5. Mary married Mr. Throgmorton, of Zanesville, Ohio. 6. Jacob Burrows, who studied medicine, started for California, and died on the way. 7. Charles married Miss Wilhingion, daughter of Daniel, who married Sarah Hall, daughter of Joseph, son of John. 8. Frances married Mr. Howard, who went with his brother-in- law, Jacob B. Hall, to California. 9. Jane, who died at 3 or 4 years. 10. Henry. 11. Sarah Jane married William Rogers, lived in New York, and had a dauofhter Molly. 164 RICHARD HALL. JOSEPH HALL, (4th child of John, son of Richard Hall,) and Polly Black, lived in Michigan, and iiad children : 1. Elizabiith ; 2, George; 3. Catherine; 4. John; 5. Charles; (j. Agnes; 7. Sarah married Daniel VVithington, and had a daugliter, who mar- ried Charles Hall, son of John, of Zanesville. JACOB B. HALL, (6lh child of John, son of Richard Hall,) and Abigail Townsend, lived at Gcneseo, and had children: 1. Sarah; 2. Emily ; 3. John ; 4. Abigail ; 5. Elizabeth ; 6. Catherine ; and by a 2d wife, 7. Wealthy Anne. CATHERINE HALL, (7ih child of John, son o/ Richard Hall,) and Amzi Bruen, had children: 1. Joiin Bruen. 3. George Bruen. 3. Sarah Bruen. 4. Horace Bruen. » 5. Eveline Bruen. 6. Austin Bruen. ) , . ^ K T» } twins. 7. Anson bruen. ) JOSEPH HALL, (2d child of Richard, brother of John Hall, A. 1st,) and Ruth Austin, had children: 1. Richard; 2. David; 3. ^William; 4. Isaac; 5. Joseph, Jun. ; 6. Susan; 7. Sarah; 8. S Deborah ; 9. Mary. 3 ^ JONATHAN HALL, (-Ith child of Richard, brother of John Hall, 1st,) and Rachel Austin, had children: 1. Jonathan Austin married Anne Whitaker, daughter of Stephen ; lived near Penn Yan, Yates county, New York, and had children: 1. Mary Anne; 2. Deborah married John Littell, son of John Littell, Esq. ; 3. Moses; 4. Stephen Crosby. JOSEPH HALL, (son .of Jonathan, and brother of Jonathan Austin Hall,)' married Sarah Flowers ; lived in Michigan, and had children : 1. William ; 2. Aus{{n*; 3. Charles ; 4. Francis. RICHARD HALL, Jun., (5th child of Richard, brother of John Hallj) and Peggy Rogers, had children : 1. Samuel. 2. Joseph. 3. William, and others to the number of fourteen. MARGARET HALL, (7ih child of Richard, brother of John Hall, Isf,) and Jacob Howkc, had children: I.Mary Flowke ; 2. Betsey Howke ; 3. Margaret Howke ; and by ICnos Silsby, had children : 4. John Silsby ; 5. James Silsby. THOMAS HALLOCK. jg5 THOMAS HALLOCK. THOMAS HALLOCK lived botween the 1st and 2d mountains. He married ISarali Bedell, (dauofliter of Moses Bedell, and Elizabeth Littell, daughter of David Littell,) and had chihlren : "=- 1. David, who died unmarried. S 2. Smith, who married Jane Raddin, daughter of Jeremiah I Raddin, as her 3d husband. 3 3, John married Betsey, the widow of Moses RofF, and had a son, John. 4. Betsey married, 1st, Abraham Walker; 2d, Jonathan Walker, sons of Asher. [See fValker] 5. Polly married Hugh Davis, son of John Davis, of Washington Valley. 6. Catherine married Alexander Freeman, son of Henry, of Elizabethtown. 7. Susan married, 11th February, 1815, Thomas Mulligan, from Ireland ; lives in New York. 8. Thompson, who died a young man, unmarried. 9. William married Sarah Tucker, of New York ; lived there. 10. Fanny, born 20th June, 1S04, married Joseph Pope, son of Samuel. 11. Caroline married John Van Buren ; lived in New York. 12. Sibbel, who died in infancy. SMITH HALLOCK, (2d child of Thomas,) and Jane Raddin, had children : g 1. Lewis, who died young. o 2. Thompson, who died a young man, unmarried, i 3. Catherine died at 13 years. g- 4. Jeremiah. POLLY HALLOCK, (5th child of Thomas,) and Hugh Davis, lived in Newark, and had children : 1. Abraham Davis married Elizabeth ; she died 1844, 2. Elizabeth Littell Davis married, 1st, David Higby, who died, and she married, 2d, Garret Skinner, and lived at Cleveland, Ohio. 3. Henrietta Davis married James Rogers ; lives in New York. 4. John Davis, (twin to Henrietta,) died a young man. 5. Hugh Littell Davis married Elizabeth Hicks, of Dover, and lives in Newark. 6. David Littell Davis. 7. Thomas H. Davis. 8. Sarah Davis married George Canuff; lives at Cleveland, Ohio. 9. Catherine Ross Davis. CATHERINE HALLOCK, (Gth child of Thomas,) and Alexander Freeman, lived in Elizabethtown, and had children : 1. William Henry Freeman ; 2. Sarah Eme ine Freeman ;-3. George Agustus Freeman. Mr. Freeman removed to Ohio, when his wife, aud^'all his children, died. jgg THOMAS HALLOCK. SUSAN HALLOCIv, (7lh child of Thomas,) and Thomas Mulligan, lived in New York, and had children : 1. Bridget Mulligan, who married William Seaman. 2. Fanny Mulligan married Woodruff Crane. 3. Williiini Mulligan married Anne . 4. John Mulligan. 6. Daniel .Mulligan married ; lives in Rahway. 6. Harriet Mulligan. 7. Anne Mulligan. 8. Emma Mulligan. FANNY HALLOCK. (lUili child ofThomas,) and Joseph Pope, lived at Plainfield, and had children: 1. Lucinda Adeline Pope, born 3d October, 1827, married 28lh February, IS-lS, John Stites, son of Samuel Stites, of Sussex, son of John Stites of Mount Bethel ; lives in Sussex ; 2. James Nelson Pope ; 3. Amanda Walker Pope ; 4. William Lewis Pope ; 5. Frances Adelia Pope ; G. Newton Hill Pope ; 7. Harriet Matilda Pope ; 8. . JOSEPH HALSEY. JOSEPH HALSEY lived near the Wheatsheaf Tavern, between Rahway and Elizabethtown. lie married Elizabeth Haines, sister of Richard Valentine's wife; he had children: ^ 1. Sarah, who married Joshua Conklin, of Williams Farms. [ no children. I 2. Jacob, who married Hetty Dunham, daughter of John I Dunham, Sen. 3. Sarah married John Dunham, Jun., brother of Jacob's wife. [See Dunham.'] 4. Benjamin, who died unmarried. 5. John, Jr, married Rachel Squier, daughter of Benjamin Squier. 6. Eupheme married Robert Woodruff, of Westfield. JACOB HIGH, (son of John,) removed from Westfield to Sterling Valley, (the great swamp.) about the year 1787. He and his wife, Hetty Dunham, had children : g 1. Ephraim, who married, 1st, Abby Ross, daughter of JO- S' seph Ross ; 2d, Polly Case, daughter of John Case. I 2. William, born 19th December, 1777, who married Abi- I gail Williams, daughter of Noah Williams. 3. Polly married Captain Benjamin Conklin, son of Joshua. \_See Conklin.'] 4. John married, 1st, Nelly Weir, daughter John Weir ; 2d, Jane Weir, sister of his first wife. 5. Jacob, Jr., who died at 22 years, unmarried. 6. Miriam, who married, 1st, Charles Wilson, son of James, of New Vernon ; 2d, Sylvester Andrews, a Yankee. 7. Hetty, who married Thomas D. Jones, son of Luther Jones, \_See Jones'.] EPHRAIM HIGH, (1st child of Jacob,) and Abby Ross, had children : 1. Margaret, who married, 1st- Al)raham Harman ; he died with- in out children ; 2d, Isaac Denman, son of Philip, of Springfield. ^ 2. Marsh, who married Anna Sutton, of Basking Ridge, and I went to Ohio. I By his 2d wife, Ephraim Hitrh had children : 3. Eliza Anne married Peter Thomas, son of Griffin, of Log;ns- ville, and had 6 children. 4. Catherine married Simon Emmons, son of John, of Mendh:im, and had 5 children. 184 JOHN HIGH. 5. Esther married Henry Baird, son of William, of Logansville, and liad 5 children. 6. Maltha trianied James CoKvell, son of John, son of Huoli Cauldwi'il, had 3 childien, and went to Illinois. 7. Hannah married Byram Baird, brotlu-r of Henry. 8. Atiiadee niariied Liicinda Parcels, daughter of James, of Green Village. WILLIAM HIGH, (2d child of Jacob,) and Abigail Williams, had chddren : 1. Eliza Marsh, who married Floyd Ferris, son of Randolph, went to Ojhio, and had children : 1. Margaret Jane Ferris, who died at 14 years. 2. Anne Eliza Ferris, who married Cyrus R. Spencer, of Ohio. 3. Walter Ferris. 4. Emanuel Ferris. 2. Lucinda High, daughter of William, married William Douglas, son of Peter, and had children : 1. Caroline, who died at 9 months. 2. Abby Anne Douglas, married Daniel Willcox, son of Ezra. JOHN HIGH, (4th child of Jacob, son of John High, 1st,) by his 1st wife, had a son, Ezra, and by his 2d wife had children: 2. William ; 3. Jacob ; 4. John. MIRIAM HIGH, (Cth child of Jacob, son of John High, 1st,; and Charles Wilson, had children : 1. Martha Wilson, who married James Darling, son of Thomas, of New Vernon, lives at Bloomfield, and has children: 1. Albert Darling. ^_^ 2. John Wilson, who married Mary Bristol, of Connecticut, lives near Green Village, and had children: 1. Miriam; 2. Chailes Wilson. By her 2d husband, (Sylvester Andrews,) she had two children 1. Lorinda, wiio died I4th November, 1826, in infancy. 2. Harriet, who died 18th August, 1S28, in infancy. HETTY HIGH, t^th child of Jacob, son of John High, 1st,) and Thomas D. Jones, had 6 children : 1. Martha B. ; 2. Matilda; 3. Margaret Jane; 4. Mary; 5_ Wealthy Anne ; 6. Emma. [See Jones.1 JOHN HIGH, Jr., (5th child of John High,) and Rachel Squier, lived in Westfield, and had children : g 1. Rebecca, who married John Denman, son of Christopher, had p no children : I 2. Mary married Ezra Miller, son of Moses, son of John Miller. 5- [See Miller. 1 ^ 3. Linus married Anna Scudder, daughter of Ephraim, and sister of Smith, of Elizabethtown. JOHN HIGH. 185 4. Rachel married James Mooney, son of Nicholas, of Westfield- 5. John, 3d, tnarried Sarah Meeker, daugluer of James Meeker, and sister of J. F. Meeker, of Elizubelhtown. LINUS HIGH, (son of John High,- Jr.,) and Anna Scudder, had children : I 1. Ephraim Scudder High, who became a Presbyterian min- ^ ister, and went to VVisconsan. I 2. John, who married Elizabeth Meeker, of Elizabelhtown. I 3. Martha Anne. RACHEL HIGH, (daughter of John High, Jr.,) and James Mooney, had children : 1. Linus High Mooney. 2. Sarah Mooney, who married Jeremiah Price, son of Edward, of Elizabelhtovvn, and had children: 1. Elizabeth Price; 2. Linus Miller Price ; 3, Anna Price; 4. Edward Price ; they live in Columbia, South Carolina. 3. James Mooney, who died at about 18 years. JOHN FIIGH, 3d, (5th child of John High, Jr., son of John High,) and Sarah Meeker, had chihiren : L Hannah, who married John B. Oliver, son of Joseph, of Rah- way, and had children : 1. Joseph Oliver; 2. Augustus Oliver; 3. Edward Oliver. 2. Rachel. 3. Mary. 4. Pbebe married Amos Woodruff, and had children: 1. Sarah Meeker Woodruff. 6. Sarah Anne. 6. John James. 7. Linus. ]8Q WILLIAM HILU ■WILLIAM HILL. WILLIAM HILL came from Aldnmoiitli county, and settled at Mount Bethel, Somersi't ciuiiity, iiiurried Anna Layton, and had children : 1. Thomas, who married Susan Taynor. 2. William married Sarah Gunyer, and died soon after. 3. Lydia married John Bir(i, son of , of Mount Bethel. 4. John married Nancy Tilyou, born 25th December, 1780, daughter of Jolm Tilyou, and grand-daughter of John Tucker, of Stony Hill. [See Tilyou. See Tucker.^ THOMAS HILL, and Susan Taynor, had children : 1. William, who married Anna IMundy. 2. Daniel. 3. Polly. LYDIA HILL, (daughter of William,) and John Bird, had chil- dren : 1. William Bird. 2. Hervy Bird, who married Jane Moore, daughter of Henry. 3. David Bird married Janette Ruckman, daughter of Levi. 4. Rebecca Bird married Peter Moore, Esq., son of Henry. JOHN HILL, (son of William,) and Nancy Tilyou, had but one child, Peter, who married Henrietta Klino. He was born 4th Jnne, 1803. She was born 5th February, 1820. They had chil- dren : 1. Peter William, born 11th August, 1842 ; 2. Nancy, born 7th February, 1844 ; 3. Harriet, born 5lh December, 1845; 4. John, born 31st May, 1847 ; 5. Mary Elizabeth, born 4th March, 1849. John Hill died 31st January, 1846. CHARLES HOLE. jg-^ CHARLES HOLE. CHARLES HOLE lived close by Blue Brook, between the mouiuain.s, and owned a tract of land between Uriafi Hedges' and the large tract of John and James Badgley, and had children : 1. Racliel, who married Abraham Osburn, 23d July, 1769. 2. Zachariah married . 3. Daniel married, 31st March, 1785, Mary Bedell, daughter of William Bedell, and went to Ohio. [See William Bedell.'] 4. Charles, Jun., married Polly Scudder, and went to the Beech Woods, New York, and had a son, Daniel, and perhaps others. 5. John, (who was a doctor,) married, 1st, Hannah Clark ; 2d, Mercy Ludlow, daughter of Jeremy Ludlow, [see Jeremy Ludlow,'] and went to Ohio, and by whom he had children : L Jeremiah ; 2. Mary ; 3. Elizabeth ; 4. Jane, who married Jacob Mulford, son of Caleb, son of Job. [See Job Mulfot'd.] 6. Betsey, who married . 7. Polly. 8. William married, 5th July, 1785, Ruth Crane, daughter of Joseph. [See Crane.] DANIEL HOLE, (son of Charles,) and Polly Scudder, had children : L Isaac, who went to the lakes, New York, and was there drown- ed. 2. Jacob married Phebe Leonard, daughter of David, in the Great Swamp. 3. Caleb married Betsey ■• 4. Charles married Abby Headley. 6. Polly went to the Beech Woods, and married there. 6. Daniel, Jan., married Polly Martin, daughter of Thomas, son of Alexander, and had children : L Sally ; 2. Nancy ; 3. Thomas ; and went to the Beech Woods. ZACHARIAH HOLE, (son of Charles,) had children : 1. Effa, who married Peter Banta, and had children : 1. Christiana Banta, who married Isaac Roberts, son of Isaac. 2. Albert Banta married Miss Brown. 3. Hanna Banta married Martin Foutz. 4. Peter Banta, a new-light preacher, married Keziah Bridge, daughter of John, of VVisconsan. 5. Isaac Banta, also a preacher, married Miss Rica. 6. Mary Banta married William De Groot. 7. James Banta married . 8. Anna Banta married George Brewbaker. 9. Rachel Banta married Samuel Johnson. 10. Effa Anne Banta married, 1st, Thomas Wills, also a preacher ; 2d, Mr. Rusk. 11. Henry Banta. \SS CHARI-ES HOLE. 2. Polly Hole married John Auckerman, and had children : 1. Lewis Aiickennan, who married, 1st, Miss VViJsuii ; 2d Miss B rower. 3. George Auckerman married Barbara Brewbalcer, sis^ter of George Brewbaker. 3. David Auckerman was killed by ligiitning at IS years. 4. Zachariali Auckerman married . 6. Elizabeth Auckerman married David Diihnan. 6. Fredrick Auckerman married , 7. Solomon Auckerman married Miss Sciienk. 8. Catherine Auckerman. 9. John Auckerman married Miss Schenk, sister of Solomon's wife. 3. Sarah Hole married William B. Wilson, from Kentucky, and had children: 1. Henry Wilson, who married Margaret Sellers, daughter of William, from Kentucky. 2. James VVilson married Catherine Shidler. 3. William WiL-on married Huldah Doty, daughter of John, son of Daniel Doty. She, with her child, wasdrowned in the canal, near Miildlelown. 4. Mariah Wilson married Robert Swisher, 5. Madison Wilson married Margaret NefF, 6. S.irah Jane VVilson. 7. Eliza VVilson married Joseph Hunt, lives in Illinois. 8. John Wilson. 9. Jackson Wilson. 10. Washington VVilson married Anne Shippan. 4. James Hole married Miss Black. 6. William Hole. 6. Hannah Hole married Anthony Atkinson. 7. Lucretia Hole married Mr. Brandon. 8. Charles Hole married , and died. BETH nURIN. 1S9 SETH HURIN. SETH HURIN rnfinied Mary Ilrizen, both born in New Eng- Inntl. from whence they removed to Alorris county, New Jersey, where all tlioir chilih-en were horn. In 1787. they remf)verl to Ulster county, New York, and from thence, in 1795, to Hamilton coiinly, Ohio. He was born 22d November, 1729, and dii^d in October, 1S15. His wife was born 22d M ly, 1735, and died :-50tli June, 1794. Tliey had children : 1. Hinnah, born 4ih July, 1754, mirried John Tharp, in Morris county, and died in Ohio, 29lh November, 1841. They had chil- dren : 1. Elizabeth Tharp, who married John Leming. 2. Hiirin Tharp, who died in infancy. 3. Athalia Tharp, who m:irrifd Robert Porter. 2. Elizabeth married Uzel Hates, of Morris, and had children : 1. Othniel Bates ; 2. Ciiherine Bales. 3. Othniel married Bethia Si. John, of New York, and went to Oliio. 4. Phebe, born 17lh April, 1761, married Bcthuel Norris, and had no children. 5. Mary, born Gth February, 1764, and died in infincy. 6. Enos, born 19th September, 1706, married, 1st, ; 2d, Lydirt Marsh ; had no children. 7. Mary, 2d. born 1 1th October, 1769, married Jesse Genung and had children : 1. Hurin ; 2. Rebecca ; 3. David Genung-. She died 4ih July, 1S44. S. Eli, born 21st April, 1772, married Lucretia Martin, in Ohio, and ditd 2 1st Janu iry, '1828. 9. Silas, born 22d July, 1774, and married Agnes Ludlow, daughter of John, son of Col. Cornelius Ludlow. [Sec Ludlow.'\ 10. Catherine, born 22d March, 1777, married Mr. Mctlenry, and died 19th March, 1829. SILAS HURIX, (9[h child of Seth Hurin,) lived at Lebanon, Ohio. He and Agnes Ludlow h;id chiklrpn : 1. Catherine C, who married Richard Skinner, lived at Delphos, in Van Wert county, Ohio, and had children : 1. Myrilla Skinner, who married Dr. Guilford D. Coleman, and had children : 1. Catharine M. ; 2. Mary E. ; 3. Laura G. ; 4. Lyond O. Coleman. 2. C:Uherine Sophia Skinner. 3. Edwin Skinner. 4. Anna Maria Skinner married Riley O'Neil, and had chil- dren : 1. Laura Kate; 2. Guilford K. O'Neil. 5. Richard L. Skinner. 6. James Hurin Skinner. 7. H:irriet Skinner. 8. Mary Skinner. ^. Agnes Skinnor. 190 SETH HURIN. 2. Mariah married George Pierson,^nd had children : 1. Mary Agnes Pierson, who married, 24th March, 1851, Beniah E. Brewer, of Lebanon. 2. William Pierson. 3. James Pierson. 3. Susan married Dr. Caleb Clements, lived in Labanon,andhad children : 1. Agnes Clements. 2. Jane Clements. 3. Sarah Bell Clements married, .3d January, 1851, James Monroe Smith, son of George J, Smith, of Lebanon. 4. Alfred Clements. 4. Sarah Hurin married James M. Fisher, lives in Lebanon, and had children : 1. Samuel Fisher; 2. Eveline Fisher ; 3. Amanda Fisher; 4. Mary Fisher ; 5. Henry Fisher. 5. John Hurin, who died in infancy. 0. Amanda Hurin married John S. Weaver, and had children: 1. Susan Weaver. 2. James Weaver. 3. Catherine Weaver. 4. Weaver. 5. John Weaver. 7. Hannah Hurin, who died in infancy. 8. James Kemper Hurin, who married, 1st, Mary Foster, and had a child, Mary Foster. He married, 2d, Eliza Littell, daughter of John Littell, Esq., of New Jersey, and had a daughter, Eliza Liltell Hurin, who died'27th July, 1843,* aged 5 mouths and 6 days. Mrs. Eliza Hurin was born Kith December, 1815, and died 19ih of May, 1843. He married, 3d, Cynthia llalsey, daughter of Daniel Halsey, of Ohio, and has chihlren': 3. Alice ; 4. Ella Mariah; 5, James. 9. Silas, who died at 17 years, 10. Agnes Hurin married William Logan, and had one daugh- ter, Saraii Catherine, when Mr. Logan died. 11. William Hurin, who died in infancy. DOCTOR JACOB JENNINGS. DOCTOR JACOB JENMNGS built the "red house" that stood by the well west of IVathan Elmer's house, and live4 there. He had children : 1. Sarah, baptized 28th January, 1770. 2. Samuel Kennedy, baptized 29th September, 1771. He sold his house and fiihn to Thomas Sanders, of New York. I do not know that Sanders ever lived there. Nathaniel Liltell lived there from April, 1784, until April, 1786. WILLIAM JENNINGS. jgj JACOB JENNINGS. JACOB JENNINGS, who ^married Phebe Ball, daughter of Nathaniel Ball, [see Ball,'] lived where William Parrot lately lived and died, and had children : 1. Keziah, who married, 6th November, 1788, Jonathan Stevens, Jun., son of Jonathan. [See Steve7is.'\ 2. Esther married, Gth November, 1788, David Burnet. 3. Nathaniel married. 30th September, 1793, Sally Sciidder, daughter of Thomas. [See Scudder.1 4. Sally. 5. Salome. 6. Jeremiah, baptized 7th December, 1786. 7. Rebecca. NoTK. — David Harris married one of the daughters. Jacob Jennings, Na- thaniel Roff, and Jonathan Stevens, went to western Pennsylvania, the Red- stone country, a little after 1800. WILLIAM JENNINGS. WILLIAM JENNINGS married the widow Bedell, who lived where Jacob Davis Mulford now lives ; I have not learned with cer- tainty her hist husband's name, but probably it was Jeremiah Bedell, who lived in this neighberhood iu 1768. She was the mother of Gershi m Bedell ; Israel Bedell ; Chloe Bedell, who married, 8th January, 1784, Joseph Ludlow, (son of Jeremy,) who afterwards lived where his mother-in-law lived; and Sally Bedell, who married 8th January, 1784, Seth' Jewel, of Connecticut Farms. DAVID JENNINGS was son of William Jennings, and married Phebe Wood, daughter of Daniel, son of Joseph Wood, of Rocka- way. She died 3d May, 1S3S, aged 63 years. They had children : 1. Catherine, who married John S. Bedford, son of Stephen. [See Bedford.] 2. Daniel, who went to French Creek, Pennsylvania. 3. Henry married Rhoda Sayre, daughter of Benjamin Sayre, of Connecticut Farms. ^ 4. Eliza, (twin of Henry,) married Squier Parsons, son of Samuel. [See Parsons.] 5. Mary married Amos S. Nichols, son of John, son of Jonathan Nichols, of Madison, and had children: 1. Sarah Elizabeth Nichols; 2. Rhece /Nichols ; 3. John Henry Nichols; 4. Albert Brant Nichols ; 5. David Oscar Nichols ; 6. George Nichols. 6. Joanna married the same John S. Bedford, son of Stephen Bedford. 7. Phebe married, 1st January, 1839, Albert Brant, son of Sam- uel, of Madison, and had children: 1. Samuel Brant; 2. Daniel Wood Brant. 193 JOHN JOHNSON. JOHN JOHNSON. JOHN JOHNSON livetl in New-York, and did a large grocery- business. He had several partners at differt nt tin)cs, but I ecanie most extensively known as John Jolmson & Son.'=i. He married Betty Ward, daiioluer of David VV;u-d, ofChalliam, New Jersey, and had children : [See Ward.] 1. David Johnson, who married Laura Parmalee, and had no children. He retired from business to a farm on Long Island, and died 4ih June, 1849, with cholera, without children. 2. John Johnson, who married Abigail . 3. Sarah Johnson married William M. Halsied, who was a large dry-goods merchant, in New York. 4. IMariah Johnson married Richard T. Haines, son of Benja- min, of Elizabethtown. [See Townley.'] 5. Enos Ward Johnson married Harriet Morton, in England.^ 6. Philip Johnson married Mariah Freeman, of Bridgetown. 7. William Johnson married Sarah Freeman, sister (T liis bro- ther Philip's wife, and had children : 1. William ; 2. Mariuh Louisa 3. Augustus ; 4. Madora. r JOHN JOHNSON, (2d son of John Johnson,) was a dry-goods merchant in New York. He and Abigail had children : L Laura; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Adaline ; 4. Mary; 5. Augustus; 6. Cornelia; 7. ; 8. William. SARAH JOHNSON, (3d child of John Johnson,) and William M. Halsted, had children : I. Mariah; 2.David John?')n ; 3. Thad- deus ; 4. Enos ; .5. William M., Jun., w!,o married, "iOth February, 1851, his cousin, Mary L. Haines, daughter of Richard T. Haines ; 6. Sarah. MARLVH JOHNSON, (4ih child of John Johnson,) and Richard T. Haines, lived in Elizabethtown, and had children : 1. William A. Haines, who married Miss Stagg. 2. Benjamin Haines. 3. Elizabeth Haines. 4. Sarah Halsted Haines, who married, 2-d May, 1850, Samuel Knox, of New York. 5. John Johnson Haines. 6. Mary L. Haines married, 2nth February, 1851, her cousin, William M. Halsted, Jun., son of Vvilliam M. Halsted, of New York. 7. Stewart Haines. ENOS W. JOHNSON, (5th child of John Johnson,) and Har- riet Morton, had children : 1. Robert Morton Johnson ; 2. Edward Johnson. PHILIP JOHNSON, (6th child of John Johnson,) and Mariah Freeman, had children: 1. Philip; 2. Louisa; 3. Elizabeth. His wife Mariah then dictj, jfj"^ he marfie"'] »gair», airi went to Mi-'h^gan. UZEL JOHNSON. J 93 UZEL JOHNSON. UZEL JOHNSON came from Newark to Long Hill in 17G7, lived where Abraham Clark now lives. He married, wiiile in New- ark, Phebe Wick, and had children: S I. William, who married Phebe Bonnel, daughter of Captain g Nathaniel B)i)iiei and had children: 1. Theodocia; 2. Abigail. g 2. Thi o locia, who died youngs 29lh November, 1772. f 3. David, who also died youn^, 16th November, 1772. 4. Th odorus married Susan Brown, of Newark, removed to Franklin, Ohio, and died there. 5. Charles married Phebe Bedell, daughter of William Bedell, and died 2d June, 1787 leaving children, Charles and Betsey .lohnson, who went to Ohio with their mother; [See Bedell.] Betsey Johnson married Boaz Murphy, he died, and she weni to the ^Shakers. 6. Gabriel, who was born 8th December, 1738, married, 19th No- vember, 1790, Lois Bonnel, daughter of Bonnel, of Con- necticut Farms. She was born 6th April, 1772, an 1 died 26th April, 1S27, and he married, 19di July, IS29, Miss Fanny Smith, daughter of Doctor Peter Smith, of Flanders, Morris county. He died I6th March, 1850; had no children by his 2d wife. 7. David, 2d, who married, and had children : « 1. Lewis; 2. Ciiarles ; 3. Susan; 4. Phebe; 5. Daniel; 6. a ; 7. David. And by his 2d wife, Polly Cauldwell, S daughter of Dan Cauldwell, of Butler county, Ohio, he had =■ children : •" J 8. Wiiliam, who married, and went down the Ohio river. 9. Betsey, who married Robert Cunninohnm, and had chil- dren : I. Lucinda; 2. Zenas Henry Cunningham. 10. James married Jane Pusrson, and lived in Montgomery. 11. John married, l.-t, Harriet ; 2d, . 12. Mary Anne married, Isl, Mr. Everhard ; 2d, Francis Ste- vens. 8. Uzel married Phebe Woodruff, of Elizabelhtown, and soon died. Phebe, the wife of Uzel Johnson, Sen., died 18th Nov. 1788, a:ed 64 years, and he married, loth October, 17s>9, Polly, t.^.e widow of Mr. Hule, and a sister of Capt. John Scudder, of West- field, and had children by her : 9. John, who married, 22d June, 1811, Phebe Squier, daughter of Henry Squier, of Long Rill, and remov d to Ohio. [See Walker.'j 10. Tlieodocia, who married William Kint, had one child, and he died, and s le went to Ohio, and there married a Mr. Tharp 1 1. Bets(!y married David Samson, son i»f Isaac. [See Samso7i.'\ Uz--l .Johnson, Sen., died lOlli September, I!s04, agf^d 73 ve^ar>. Mr-. Johnson, after the death of Mr. Uzi^l Joiinson, married, on the 19ih June, l8l3, John Dean, of Springfield. She had by her first* husband, Mr. Hole, children: , 1. Sally Hole, who married Stephen G. Leonard. 2. Jane Hole, who married Elias Slanbury, of Rah way, and had children : 194 VAai, JOHNSON. 1. Frazee Stanbury, who died at 26 years, unmarried. 2. David F. Stanbury died at 28 years, unmarried, 3. Susan L. Stanbury, who married James M. Whitehead, and died 1846, at 26 years. 4. William Stanbury, who died 1833, at 21 years, unmarried. 5. John Stanbury, who died 1836, at 18 years. 3. Rachel, who man-ied Joseph Rutan, son of Abraham, as his 2d wife. [See Rut ail.'] He died, and she married Samuel Frazee, son of Morris. THEODORUS JOHNSON, (4th child of Uzel,) and Susan Brown, had children : 1. Jesse, who married Elizabeth Baldwin, and had children : 1. Frederick H. Johnson ; 2. William Baldwin Johnson ; 3. A daughter, who died young. 2. William, who died in Ohio, unmarried. 3. Phebe, who also died in Ohio, unmarried. 4. Daniel Brown was a Presbyterian minister, and died in New- ark. 6. Mariah died, a young woman, in Ohio. 6. Cyrus married in Ohio. 7. Samuel. 8. Catherine. • 9. Gabriel. GABRIEL JOHNSON, Esq., (son of Uzel,) was a justice of the peace twenty years in Morris county. He and Lois Bonnel h.ad children : 1. Sinesey, who was born 7th July, 1793, married, 1st, Anna Crowel, born 27th March, 1816, daughter of Samuel Crowel, of New Vernon, and removed to Dayton, Ohio, and had children : 1. Matilda A., who married, 25th September, 1834, Jesse W. Harker, son of Jesse Harker, of Montgomery county, Penn- sylvania, and died 1st July, 1886, leaving a daughter, Elizabeth Anne Harker, born 21st August, 1835. 2. Augustus, born 27th February, 1820, married 5th Janu- ary, 1847, Carolihe Gilbert, daughter of James H. Gilbert, of the state of New York. 3. Samuel Crowel, born 27th February, 1822, and died 20th December, 1S42. 4. Pamelia Elmer, born 27th March, 1824, and married 25th September, 1845, Nathan S. Lockwood, son of JabezLock- ^ wood, from Connecticut. Mrs. Anne Johnson died 26th April, 1827, and Mr. Johnson married, 2d, Anne Lindley, daughter of Joseph, son of Benjamin Lindley, Esq, of Morristown ; has no children by her. 2. Charles, born 1st October, 1705, married Charlotte Ferris, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and had children : 1. Mary Charlotte ; 2. Catherine Tichcnor. H s wife then died, and he married Jane Hopping, of East Madison, and had children: 3. Virginia Bishop; 4. Charles Emmet. His 2d wife then died, and he married, Sept. UZEL JOHNSON. 195 1S49, Arabella Jones Floyd Nicho], youngest daughter of Benja- min Nichol, of Shelter Island, near Sag Harbor, Suffolk county, Long Island. 3. Electa, born 25th December, 1797, married 26th April, 1815, Abraham R. Colwell, son of John Cauldvvell, and went to Urbana' Ohio, and died 15th November, 1826. [See CaiUdwelL] 4. Pamela, born 29th January, 1800, married, 8th December, 1822, Dr. Henry G. Elmer, sonof Dr. Moses G. Elmer. He died 11th February, 1824, aged 25 years, and she married, 3d Auo-ust, 1825, Sylvester Britton, son of Col. William Britton, of MadTson.' He died soon after, and she died 3d June, 1826, without children. 6. Aaron, born 27th February, 1-802, married, 18th February, 1828, Betsey Sayre, daughter of John Sayre, snn of Isaac Sayre, Jun., and had children : ' 1. William ; 2. Rebecca ; 3 Fanny Lois, who diedat.5 years. 7. Uzel E., born 29th June, 1806, married, 4th April, 1833^ Catherine Tichenor, only daughter of Caleb Tichenor, of Livino-s- ton, and lives there. His wife died, leaving children : 1. Mary Tichenor ; 2. Pamela ; and he married 5th December, 1840, Caroline Wood, daughter of Baldwin Wood, near Spring Valley, and had other children : 3. Frances Henrietta; 4. Julia Day. 8. Marian, born 14th May, 1809, went to Ohio, and married Calvin Eddy, and soon returned to New Jersey. He died at Stanhope, She died at her father's house, 31st August, 1845, and left children : 1. William Eddy ; 2. Anne Mariah Eddy. 9. William, born 20th October, 1812, and died 21st May, 182J. J96 LUTHER JONES. JOEL JONES AND LUTHER JONES. JOKL JONES came from Massachusetts, about the year 1787. He kept school oil Lon;^ Hill, and minied, ^ih July, 1790, Jane Vance, diiui/lite r of Ki niieJy Vaiict^. [See Vavce.'] He died 13ih Januarv, 1792, aged 29 years, leaving one child, Hannah, who died 27th March, 1792, aged 11 months, U days. LUTHER JONES was brother of Joel. He came here the next year after his brother. He was a widower, and kept school near Litteil's Tavern. Hemirried, l.'ith November, 17&9, Martha, the widow of Johiv Bedf-il, and daughter of Peter Bcboui. He had cluhiren by his Ist wife, in New England. 1. Silence, who married, 7ih October, 1795, Gershom Mills, son of David Mills, in ihe Great Swamp. Gershom Mills lived in New York, and iiad children : 1. Harriet Mills, who married Abraham Dernerest; 2. Luther Mills; 3. Isaac Mills; 4. Aaron Mills. 2. Erastus, who married Catherine Bedell, daughter of John Bedell, deceased, the only child of his father's wife, and had chil- dren : L Elizabeth, horn 2Ist March, 1817, and died 27th August, 1825. 2. Caroline, who died 15th July, 1823, aged 5 months and 5 days. 3. Mary M., who married Isaac L. Willcox, son of John Willcox. [Hee Willccx.] Erastus Jones died suddenly, 23d September, 1834, aged 55 years. 3. Wealthy, who continued in New England, and there married Waite Albro, and had children : : 1. Jefferson Albro, who married Rachel Stewart. ' 2. Erastus Albro married Amy Arnold. 3. Minerva Albro married Nathan L. Robison. 4. Betsey, who married Thomas T. Woodruff. 5. Mary Albro, who married Joseph Sherman. 6. Harriet Albro married Lyman S. Patchen. 7. George Albro married , in Brooklyn, and lives in Rochester. 8. Martin, who died young. 9. Solomon. 4. Ralph, who died 11th March, 1791, at about 10 years of age. Luther Jones and Martha Bebout had children : 5. Ptter Bebout, who went to Maysvillc, Kentucky, and married there, Elizabeth , and had children: 1. Luther; 2. John; 3. Alpheus ; and others who died young. He died 16lh October, ISjO. 6. Joel, who died 6th October, ISIS, aged 19 years. 7. Thomas Darling, who married, ISih August, 1821, Hetty High, daughter of Jacob. LUTHER JONES. J 97 8. Hervy, twin to Abigail, died in infancy, with small pox. 9. Abigail married Joseph Parrot, son of Tliomas Pdn-ot, Esq. [See Parrot.] THOMAS D. JONES, (son of Luther,) and Hetty High, lived in Sterling Valley, and had children : ^ 1. Martha Bebout, who married Cornelius Totten, son of John, and had children : 1 I. Georginna Totten ; 2. Matilda Totten, who died in infancy. §. 2. Matilda married James White, and had children : ? 1. William White ; 2. Anne Eliza White, and then they went to Savannah, Georgia. 3. Margaret married Jacob Leonard, son of Samuel, of Sterling Valley, and had children : 1. James Leonard; 2. William Leonard. 4. Mary, who died of consumption, 2Sih September, 1850, 5. Wealthy Anne. 6. Emma, Note. — There was a family of Joneses who lived in a stone house, on Stony Hill, a Utile above where John Marshal! now lives, on the opposite side of the road* I have only learned thoir names, or some of them : Isaac, Stephen, John, Edward, Justus, and Phcbe. 1 remember Fhebo, an agud maiden woman. 198 DAVID KIRKPATHICK. DAVID KIRKPATRICK. DAVID KIRKPATRICK came from Scotland, and settled at Mine Brook, in Somerset county. He married in this country, Miss McEovven, a sister of the father of Dr. Hugh McEowen, and had children : 1. Elizabeth, who married Henry Sloan, son of William, of ^ Lamington. S 2. Anne, who married Moses Esty, Esq., of Morristown. I 8. Alexander, who was born 14th September, 1751, and married, p 4th May, 1774, Sally Carle, daughter of Justice John Carle, of Long Hiil. 4. Andrew, Avho became chief justice of the supreme court of New Jersey. He married Jane Bayard, daughter of Col. John Bayard, of New Brunswick. She died 16th February, 1851. 5. Polly married Hugh Gaston, lived at Pcapack, and had but one child, Samuel Gaston, who married Nancy Cooper, daughter of Henry Cooper, Esq., of Chester, in Morris county. He inherited his father's farm of 300 acres, now owned by John Jeroloman. Samuel Gaslnn had but one child, Henrietta Gaston. 6. Jennet, who married Dickinson Miller, son of Jonathan Miller, of Basking Hidge, lived at Somerville, \_See Miller.'] 7. David, 'vho lived on the homestead of his father. He married, 1st, Mary Farmer, of Parcipany, Morris county ; 2d, Sarah, the widow of his nephew, David Kirkpatrick, son of Alexander, and sister of Peter Cooper, of Long Hill, by whom he had no children. ELIZABETH KIRKPATRICK, (daughter of David,) and Henry Sloan, lived at Lamington, and had children: " 1. William Sloan, who was a Presbyterian minister, settled as ^- pastor of the Greenwich church, in Warren county, 40 years. I 2. John Sloan was a physician, went to North Carolina, and died 5- there, unmarried. 3. Mary Sloan, who died young.j 4. David Sloan was a physician, went to Ohio, and settled near Hamilton, married a Miss Crane, and died about 1820, leaving two children. 5. Elizabeth Sloan married Dr. Ebenezer K. Sherwood, and died, leaving no children. 6. Henry Sloan married Phebe Suydam, was a major in the militia, andli"^ed where his father and grandfather did. 7. Samuel Sloan married Elizabeth Boylan, went to Raleigh, North Carolina, as a merchant, and died there, leaving one son. Note. — Willi.im Sloan, (the father of Flenrv Sloan, Sen ) and his wife, whose maiden name Wiis Mary Shields, emigrated from Ireland previous to 1750. They had three sons and six dauj^hters; (they may not be placed in the order of their births.) 1. Henry, who married Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, daughter of David. 2. John, who died an old man, unmarried. "^'3. Samuel, who was an Episcopal minister, and settled in Maryland, and married, and had but one child, a dauehter, who married and died there. DAVID KIRKPATRICK. jgg 4. A daughter, who married Samuel McCrea, a son of Parsou Medea, who was a long time the pastor of Lamington church ; he removed to Ballston, New York. 5 A daughter, who married David Chambers, a colonel in the Revolutionary 6- A daughter, who married Hugh Gaston, as his 1st wife, and died without children. Mr Gaston married, for his'2il wife, Polly daughter of David Kirk- Patrick, and had a son, Samuel Gaston, who married Nancy Cooper, daughter of Henry Cooper, Ksq. 7. A .laughter, who married John Maxwell, Esq. She soon died without children, and he married Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, the widow of Henry Sloan, Sen., for his :i(i wife. 8. A daughter, who married Robert Maxwell, (brother of .John Maxwell, Esq. and also a brother of old General Maxwell, of Revolutionary memory,) and had children : 1. John Maxwell, who married Mary Williams. 2. William Maxwell, who did not marry. 3. Mary Maxwell, who is unmarried. 4. Anne marrioil Adam Ramsey. 5. Elizabeth Maxwell, who married Mr. Kennedy. 9. Mary Anne, who married John P. l?ryan, of Penpick, and had children: 1. Elizabeth Br^an, wlio married the Rev. Mr. Grant, a Presbyterian min- ister, who settled near New Hope. 2. Mary Bryan, wlio died young. 3. Rachel Bryan, wlio married the Hon. George Maxwell, son of the above, named John Maxwell, Esq , by his 2d wife. George Maxwell was a member of congress, and had a son, John P. B. Maxwell, who was subse- quently a member of congress. ANNE KIRKPATRICK, (2d child of David,) and Moses Esty, Esq., had children : g 1. David K- Esty, who went to Cincinnati, was judge of the ^ supreme court of Ohio. He married Lucy Harrison, daughter of I General William Henry Harrison, subsequently president of the |- United States. 2. Charles Esty, who was surgeon in the Untited States Army, in the war of IS 12, and died unmarried. 3. John Esty, who died in Philadelphia. 4. Sarah Esty, who married Lewis Mills, merchant, of Morris- town. 6. Eliza Esty, who married Mr. Nottingham. 6. Hannah Esty married Mr. Burnet, son of Judge Jacob Burnet, of Cincinnati. He was president of Texas previous to the annexation of that state, to the United States. 7. Mary Esty married ■. She is principal matron of the female seminary at Cincinnati. ALEXANDER KIRKPATRICK, (3d child of David,) and Sally Carle, lived in Passaic Valley, Somerset county, and had children : g 1. David, who married Sarah Cooper, daughter of Daniel Cooper, P2d, and sister of Peter Cooper, and had a son, who died in infancy. 2, Mary, who married Lafferty Cross, son of Robert, and had children : g 1. David Cross, who died young. o 2. Carle Cross married Anne Barcalo, daughter of StofFel of ° Basking Ridge. 300 DAVID KIRKPATRICK. 3. Miirtha Cross went lo Illinois, and luairied ihere, Isl, Mr* Wilson ; 2d, Mr. Biiid. 4. Surah Cross married Jot I Cnrv, ?on of Parkhiirst, and went to Jersevvill»'i Jersey couniy. Illinois. 5 Bryaril Cross wenl to Illinois, and ihence lo Missouri. 3. John married Marv Ayers, daiighlt-r of David Ayers, Ksq., of Lil'erty Corner. He was a captain uf the militia ; removed to the lakes, New York, and had childien: 1. William; 2. Elizabeth; S.Sarah; 4 Hannah; 5. Samuel ; 6. Walter. 4. Jacob, who become the " Rev. Jacob Kirkpairiok, D. D." He was settkd at Amweil, Hunterdon couniy, over the Pre.^byterian church, and had cliildrtn : 1. Alexander, who married Miss Johnson, of Philadelphia, is a merchant at Brid<^. Mary Elizabeth. 12. Martha m is, who married Agnes Smalley, only daughter of Na- than, 1st January, lb51. 2. Amanda. 3. Lucinda. 4. Waher. 202 DAVID KIRKPATRICK. CHIEF JUSTICE ANDREW KIRKPATRICK, (4th child of David,) lived in New Brunswick, and had children: w 1. Bayard, wlio lived in Washington City, and had no children : 2. Littleton married in Philadelphia, and lived in New Bruns- g wick. 1 3. Mary Anne married the Rev. Samuel B. Howe, D. D. " 4. Jane married the Rev. Mr, Cogswell, D. D. 5. A daughter, who died unmarried. JENNET KIRKPATRICK, (6th child of David, 1st,) and Dickinson Miller, lived at Somerville, and had children : „ 1 . John Miller, who married Rebecca Williamson, daughter of ^ Matthew, of Somerville, and went to Ohio. S 2. David K. Miller, who married Jane Quick, daughter of Abra- 1 ham, of North Branch, lives at Plainfield, and had children : P 1. Jennet Miller; 2. Abraham Miller; 3. Mary Miller. 3. Andrew Miller is a lawyer, married v^Eliza Chamberland, of Flemington, and lives in Philadelphia, and has no children. 4. Caleb Miller is unmarried ; lives on the homestead at Somer- ville. 5. Dickinson Miller is a lawyer, married Eliza Van Voorst, and lives in Jersey City, and has no children. 6. Samuel Miller is unmarried ; lives with Caleb. DAVID KIRKPATRICK, (7th child of David, 1st,) and Mary Farmer, lived on his father's homestead, and had children : 1. Walter, who married 1st, Maria Cobb, daughter of Lemuel Cobb, Esq. ; 2d, Elizabeth Howel, daughter of Benjamin Howel, and niece of his first wife. They were both of Parcipany. 2. Hugh was sheriff of Somerset county; is unmarried ; lives on his father's homestead. 3. Elizabeth, who married Alexander Cobb. WALTER KIRKPATRICK, (son of David,) was a lawyer; lived on the homestead ; represented Somerset county several years in the council and assembly of the state of New Jersey. He had children: L Walter; 2. Mary. Note. — I know of no connection between the families of David Kirkpatricc and Thomas Kirkpatrick. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK. 203 THOMAS KIRKPATRICK. ci By tradition in the families of Thomas Kirkpatrick, and Hugh Gaston, William Lofjan, and James Cauldwell, I am led to believe that Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Kirkpatrick, and the wife of Captain William Logan, of Peapack, were sis- ters of Hugh Gaston, and that the father, of Hugh Gaston, was brother of Mary, thewife of James Cauldwell. [See Cauldwell.] THOMAS and ELIZABETH KIRKPATRICK hved about a mile westerly of Liberty Corner, and owned a farm of 300 acres, on which was a sawmill ; they had children, John and Jane. Jane died unmarried at some 60 years of ao-e. ■s ^ JOHN KIRKPATRICK, (son of Thomas,) inherited his father's property, married Anne Coriell, daughter of Elias £ Coriell, and had children : 1. Sally, who married John Layton, lives in Plainfiefd, and had children : 1. Josiah Layton. 2. John Layton, who married Deborah MeHssa Bedell, of Green Village. 3. James Finley Layton. 4. Thomas Layton. 5. Mary Anne Layton. 2. Elizabeth married John King, son of John, of Liberty- Corner, and had children : 1. James King; 2. Elias King ; 3. Mary Anne King; 4. David King ; 5. Jane Elizabeth King. 3. Thomas married Mariah Hurd, and had children : L Anne Eliza, who died at 3 years old ; 2. Jacob Hurd ; 3. Manning Rutan ; 4. Eugene ; 5. Amanda Bausabin. 4. Elias married Jane Squier, daughter of Ludlow, lived at Plainheld, was a justice of the peace, and had children : L Anne Ameha ; 2. William; 3. Emily; 4. Abby ; 5. Walter.' 5. James married, 1st, Aletta Van Arsdale, daughter of Philip, and had children : 1. Anna ; 2. Frederick. He married, 2d, Mary Stout, and had other children ; 3. James Harris ; 4. Josiah Layton ; 5. Hugh. 6. Lydia married Stephen Woodard, son of Samuel, and went to Chicago, Illinois, and had children : L Phebe Anne Woodard ; 2. William Woodard ; 3. John Woodard ; 4. Benjamin Franklin Woodard. 204 THOMAS KIRKPATRICK. 7. Jane married David Kline, and had children : 1. Anne Eliza Kline ; 2. Phebe Kline ; 3. Peter Fisher Kline; 4. John Cassedy Kline; 5. Jacob Kline; 6. Franklin Miller Kline; 7. Ellen Taylor K'ine ; 8. Mary Malvina Pohlman Kline ; 9. . 8. Mary married Tunis Vannest, son of John, of Martinville, and had children : 1. John Vannest, who died young; 2. Anna Mariah I Vannest ; 3. William Vannest; 4. John Vannest, 2d. §' 5. Sarah Elizabeth Va-'inest ; 6. Mary Jane Vannest. i 9. John, who died in Newark, aged about 30 years, unmar- ried. 10 Anne married Philip Van Arsdale, son of Peter, and had children : 1. Peter Van Arsdale ; 2. John Van Arsdale ; 3. Eliz- abeth Van Arsdale. 11. Hugh married Elizabeth King, of Bellville, and had children: 1. John Franklin. , DAVID LACY. DAVID LACY lived in a house west of the parsonage house, nearly opposite to Doctor Kent's. He married Mar- tha Parrot, and had children : g 1. Jacob, who married, 1st, Mary Clawson; 2d, Betsey widow of Moses Headley, and daughter of Benjamin Parker. 5 2. Samuel married Charlotte Dove. 1 3 Daniel married, 1st, Polly Bedell, who died 24th Jan- uary, 1783, aged 20 years; and he married, 2d, Hannah Van Court, below Plainfield. 4. John married, 1st, Calherine , whodied23d Octo- ber, 1794 ; and he married, 20th December, 1705, 2d, Rhoda Jennings, and had children : 1. Aaron ; 2. Cuty, baptized 7th Myy, 1786. 5 Nancy married Master John Blair, a schoolmaster, and had an only son, John. 6 Patty married, 27th September, 1783, Henry Roff, bro- ther of the wife of David Smalley Esq. 7 Polly married, 30th January, 1785, John Adams, and re- moved to western iXew York. 8. Sarah, who died 9th July, 1770, aged 21 years, unmar- ried. JACOB LACY, (1st child of David,) and Mary Clawson, had children : ^ 1. David, who died unmarried. o 2. Sally, who married, 1st, Potter Mascho ; 2d, Israel Brant. DAVID LACY. 205 3 Nancy married Luther Lindsley, of New Vernon, and went to Ohio. 4 Mary married James Leonard. 5. Jacob married Hannah liadgley, daughter of George ; lived in SprJnM^field. 6. Dilly ; 7. Lany, who both went to the lakes. IV. Y. 8. Chiwson. who married Hhebe Force, daughter of Ben- jamin, son of Squier, ^en. Jacob Lacy died al)out 1846, nearly 100 years of age. SAMUEL LACY, (2d child of David,) and Charlotte Dove, had children : L l)aniel, who married Nancy Thompson, daughter of Hezekiah, and had children : - \. John, who married Caroline Johnson, son of John, of Am boy. 2. Hezekiah married Jane Lindsleyi daughter of Luther Lind.sley, above named, and had children : 1. Jesse Clark ; 2. Elihu ; 3. Nancy. 3. Jane married Marcus B \. Sarah Coles, burn 14th September, iJSll. 2. James Coles, who went to Matanzas, and married there, and had 3 children : :;' 1. James Coles ; 2. Annette Coles ; 3. Coles. & HANNAH LAMBERT, and Benjamin Radley, had 4 chil- dren : 5- 1. Squier Radley, born Sth September, 1812, married Susan Woodruff, daughter of Benjamin, of VVestfield, and had 6 children : :J 1. Charlotte Radley ; 2, Mary Radley ; 3. Anna Radley ; o 4. Alfred Radley; 5. Priscilla Radley ; 6. Hannaii lindiey. ? 2. Phebe liadley married her cousin, Isaac Littell, son ol John and Deborah Littell; had children : 1. Norman Leslie Littell, born 10th December, 1839. 2. Courlland Baker Littell, born '25th September, 1841. 3. Augusta Littell, born 3d Octoljer, 1844. 4. George M. Dallas Littell, born 27th January, 1847. 3. Hannah Radley married George Force, and had children : 1. Georgiana Force. 2. Waller Force. 4. Anne Elizabeth Radley. g SIMEON LAMBERT, and Frcelove Littell, lived where his "^ father did, at the old windmill, and had 10 children : ^ 1. John Lambert, born 20th December, 1824. JAMES LAMB BR r. o^ 2. Freelove Lambert, born 23d February, 1827. 3. Kacliel Lambert, born 15th June, 1830. 4. Julia Lambert, born 8lh June, 1832. 5. James Lambert, born 26th April, 1834. 6. Martha Anne Lambert, born 19lh December, 1837. 7. Isaac Lambert, born 2d April, 1839. 8. Sarah Elizabeth Lambert, born 16th December, 1842. 9. Matilda Lambert, born 9lh November, 1844. 10. L-ene Lambert, born 19lh January, 1848. ■ ENOCH LAMBERT, and Adaline Force, had 2 children : 1. Mary, who married WicklitT Williams, and had childien: 1. I/evvis Williams : 2. Susan Radley Williams. 2. Susan married John Newman, son of Jeremiah, of Wood- bridge ; children : 1. Mary Newman ; 2. . JOHN LAMBERT went to New Orleans, married, and lives there. SUSAN LAMBERT, and Isaac Brokaw, had children : 1. Isaac Brokaw, born 17th September, 1842. 212 JOHN LEONARD. JOHN LEONARD. JOHN LEONARD lived on Stony Hill, and married, 1st, , and had a son, Stephen. Leonard, who livfd in Rah way. I Ma first wife then died, and he married, 2d, Betsey, the widow ot Thomas Martin, and daughter of Uriah Hedges, Jun., by whom he had children : 2. Lockey, who married Noah Willcox, Jun., son of Noah. I [See Willcox.] P ;i. Chloe married Jacob Bosworth. 4. Charles, who died a young man, unmarried. 5. Benjamin, who went to the lakes, and married there. 6. Phebe, who married William Brower, of Monmouth county, 7. Betsey, who married Benjamin Sanford, son of Samuel, of Monmouth county. "WILLIAM LINE. WILLIAM LINE was a captain of the militia, and lived between the mountains near Blue Brook, the east branch of Green Brook, and had children : g 1. Sarah, who married, 5th Jan. 1769, Martin Day. n 2. Isaac, who married, 23d Feb. 1774, Mary Maxwell, daughter P of William, and had but one child, Isaac, who went to the West. His widow married John Willcox, Jun. [See Willcox.] 3. Isaiah married Sarah Pearce, daughter of Melvin Pearce, of Scotch Plains, and had children : William, &c. (See page 148.) 4. John. 5. Margaret married, 7lh March, 1783, Elihu Woodruff. 6. Joseph married Phebe Wood, of JMorris county. JOSEPH LINE, (son of Capt. William Line,) lived where his father did. He and Phebe Wood had children : -. 1. Polly, who married Moses Willcox, son of John Willcox, n Jun. (See Willcox.) ? 2. Deborah married, 30th March, 1791, Joseph Tucker, son of John. (See Tucker.) 3. Nancy married Noah Cory, of Scotch Plains. 4. Sarah married John Willcox 3d, son of John Willcox, Jun. [See Willcox.] NANCY LINE, and Noah Cory, had children: 1. Joseph Line Cory married Abigail Littell, daughter of Master 5- Benjamin Littell, and went to Indiana. I 2. Aaron Cory, who married Betsey Parker, daughter of • Benjamin, of Scotch Plains. Ezra Cory married Phebe Lee, daughter of Thomas, of Short Hills. 4. Mary Cory died at about 20 years of age, unmarried. 5. Eliza Anne Cory. 6. Phebe Cory married Benhu McCoy, son of Goin, of Basking Ridge. 7. Hannah Cory married Benjamin Cory, son of Daniel, Jun., of Long Hill, and had but one child, Albinos Cory. GEORGE LITTLE. 213 GEORGE LITTLE. 5: GEORGE LITTLE and BENJAMIN LITTLE, brothers, were ft merchants of London, and emigrated from that city about the ? year 1630, or between that year and 1640, to Newbury, Essex county, Massac husL'tt-. Benjamin's children settled in West New. bury, at Craneneck Hill, and many of his descendants are there in that vicinity to tliis day. George Little had sons, Benjamin, Silas, and John. A grandson of George Little, by the name of Nathaniel Little, had two sons, Tristram and Henry, who were still living (in 1848) on the old homestead of George and Benjamin Little, in Newbury. Tristram married Sally Little, daughter of David, son of Samuel Little, of New Hampshire. Henry also married a Little. George Little's son Benjamin settled in the vicinity of Newbury, and his fiimily spread out into New Hampshire. He had a son Samuel Liitle, who married, and had six sons and four daughters, viz, : Abner, Stephen, Joshua, David, Jonathan. and Jacob ; and daughters, Elizabeth, Polly., Abigail, and Sally, Sally married John Webster. JONATHAN LITTLE, (son of Samuel,) married Dolly, a grand- daughter of Benjamin Little, 2d, and had five sons, but no daugh- ters, viz. : Joseph, born 26th July, 1789, lived at Atkinson, Rockingham county. New Hampshire. He married Rebecca Webster, daugh- ter of John Webster and Sally Little. 2. Stephen married Betsey — . 3. John married Louisa CalefF, grand-daughter of Silas Little. 4. Jonathan studied physic, and died at 28 years. 5. David married Louisa Peasley. JOSEPH LITTLE, (son of Jonathan,) and Rebecca Webster, had children : 1. John. V 2. Jonathan. 3. Elbridge Gerry, born 11th Nov. 1817, graduated at college, studied theology at Princeton. He married Sarah E. Colemar», daughter of Daniel Coleman, Esq., of Nevvburyport ; she died 28ih March, 1851, aged 27 years. He is preaching in New England. 4. David. 5. Joseph Francis. 6. Laurana. JOHN LITTLE, (son of George,) left home to seek his fortune, and went to Barnstable or Martha's Vineyard, and thence to Long Island, and from thence the family knew not where. But soon after 1665, Philip Carteret, Governor of New Jersey, sent mes- sengers through all the adjoining provinces to invite settlers. These came in considerable numbers from New England and 214 GEORGE TjITTI.E. Long Island. And in 1676, we find Jolin Little in Eliziihethtow ii. a purchaser of land of the proprietors. Cieorge Little patented IGO acres in Woodbridq-e, ISlh Mareli, 1G69, and John Little, of Elizabethtown, obtdined "a warrant, sur- vey, and patent for 134 acres of land bounded on Staten Island Sound, or Great Hiver," of the New Jersey proprietors, dated the 9ih day of December, 167G. John Little, as one of the freeholders of Elizabethtown, also obtained lot No. 6 of Corson's survey of the Elizabethtown lots above the first mountain, containing 196 acres, adjoining and lying directly north of Peter Willcocks's 400-acre'tract, surveyed 0th January, 1736--7. I have assumed that John Little, the son of George Little, is the ancestor of the large number of the descendants of 8anuu 1 Little in New Jersey. One fact I will adduce as almost con- clusive evidence of it. It is the similarity of names in their descendants. GENERATIONS OF GEORGE LITTLE. 1st Generation, George Little. 2d, Benjamin Little, Silas Little, John Little. 3J, Samuel Little, of New Hamp- , 3d, Samuel Litlell, of New shire, and Nathaniel Little, grand-grandson of George. 4th, Abner, Stephen, ■" Joshua, David, Jonathan, Jacob, Elizabeth, Polly, Abigail, and Sall'i/. (10) 5th, Joseph, Stephen, John, Jon- athan, David. (5) Jersey. 4th, Ji'Au, Samuel, Joseph, James, Benjamin, Daniel, David, Jonathan, Sarah, Abigail, Catherine, Elizabeth, Martha, Nathaniel. (14) 5ih, Andrew, David, Nathaniel, Samuel, Catherine, Elizabeth, (G) (kh, John, Jonathan, Elbridge (jth, JoAtz, Hugh, jPc;%, Luther, Gerry, David, Joseph, Lau- Nancy, Betseij, Huldah, and rana. (7) | David. (8) I have italicised the names common to both branches of the family for six generaiions, in one line, which I think will be strong evidence of being descended from the same-ancestor. John or Samuel, of New Jers(;y, may have changed the spelling of the surname to Litlell. Note. — Tho ' Rev. Mr. hunting, in his general history ofWestfield, says that Andrew, AnthLiny, Abraham, Absalom, Moses, and John Litlell, resided ut ilieWillow Grove, in VVcstfiold. / 1 n JOHM l.ITTLn:. 215 > JOHN LITTLF, (son of George,) was most probably the father of SAMUbiL LITTELL, i»f Essex count}', who was born about the year l^-SO, and rn-irried Lytlia Jionnel, and had children : ^ 1. Elizabeth. --' a 2. Marlhi). ? 3. John. 4. Samuel, Jan., it is said, died a bachelor. 7^5. Joseph. 6. James. 7. Benjamin married Susan Tucker, of Elizabctlitown. 8. Daniel married Miss Acorn. , 9. David married Susannah Craig, daughter of Alderman An- drew Craig. \_^Q(i Craig. 1 10. Jonathan. 1 1. Sarah. 12. Abigail. 13. Catherine. 14. Nathaniel ; and two other.-=, who did! young. I have not ascertained with certainty whether Anthony Litteil was son or brother of Samuel Littell, or whether the Andrew Littell, the father of Polly, William, and Ephraim, was son of John or of Anthony. This I remember, that the familiesof Andrew and Doct. Anthony Littell, both claimed kindred with the family of David Littell, son of Samuel. g ANDREW LITTELL, a grandson of Samuel, and I suppose, ^ from his age, son of John Littell, the eldest son of Samuel, a he having died in 178-1, an old man. Hi.s wife's name was Molly, wiio lived several years a widow, and died a very old woman ; or he may have been a son of Anthony Littell, who was probably a son or brother of Samuel. They lived in Stony Hill Valley, where James Bryson now lives. They had five cliildren, Polly, William, Ephraim, Sophia, and Temperance. « 1. Polly married Zachariah Sickle, 30th October, 17fi3, and ' had children : 5? I. Huldah Sickle. o 2. Elias Sickle. •^ 3. Sarah Sickle. 4. David Sickle. 5. Zachariah Sickle, Jun. 2. William married, 1st, Sarah Baker, 23d July, 1769, daughter of Thomas Baker, Jun. ; 2d, Sarah Drake, daughter of Andrew Drake. He removed to Sussex, and had children : 1. Mary, who married Henry Ayers, of Sussex, and had chil- dren : 1. John Ayers. 2. William Ayers. 2. Levi married Betsey Clark, of Sussex, and ■ had a daugh- ter, Sarah, who married William Barkman, and had chil- dren : 1. Levi Barkman; 2. Anne Barkmau. 216 JOUN LITTLB. 3. Andrew Littell, (3d child of William, son of Andrew, son of John Littell,) married Eve Snyder, uf Sussex, and had children : «p 1. William, who married Christine McCurdy. p 2. Joseph, who married . , g 3. Margaret married John Coss, Jun., and had children: I. 1. Andrew Coss: ii. A daughter. ? 4. lemperance. 5'. Catherine married Abraham Washer. 6. Eliza married . 7. Caroline-married Philip Simmons. 8. Mary married . 9. Esther married . 10. Amos. 11. John. 4. Amos married Catherine Wire, of Sussex, and had chil- dren : 1. Aaron, who married Betsey Harden. 2. Mary married Joseph Reed, and soon after died. 3. Clarissa married John B. Gustin. 4. Matilda married the same Joseph Reed. 5. Sally married Noadiah Shannon, and went to the lakes, N. Y. 3. Ephraim Littell, (son of Andrew, son of John Littell,) married in New England, and went to Ohio. He had a son, Elias, who married Rebecca Mulford, daughter of Caleb, son of Job. [See Job Mulford.] 4. Temperance married Joseph Valentine, son of Jonathan, and tvent to Ohio. 5. Sophia, who married, 25th June, 1775, Asa Frazee, son of Joseph Frazee, of Connecticut Farms. [See Joseph and Asa Frazee.] ANTHONY LITTELL lived at the head spring of the west branch of Green Brook, in Stony Hill Valley. In looking over old deeds, one was found, dated 20lh May, 1708, from Henry Norris, and Joanna, his wife, to Anthony Littell, for a first lot- right of land, formerly of Bimjamin Homan, conveyed by said Homan to Henry Norris, and by Henry Norris, of the first part, to Anthony Littell. Another conveyance intended to convey a moiety or half part of that lOO-acre lot. No. 88 additional, taken up on the right of Joseph Thompson, son of Aaron Thompson, from Absalom Littell, millwright, to Andrew Littell, weaver, dated Feb. 1st, 1743-4, Lot No. 88 additional lies at the head of the west branch of Green Brook. Also a quit-claim from Abraham Littell, carpenter, and Andrew Liitell, weaver, to Absalom Littell, millwright, dated April 2d, 1843, for a lot of land, &c., devised to said Abraham Littell and Andrew Littell, parties of the first part, by the will of their father, Anthony Littell, deceased, dated 9th Oct. 1731, excepting therefrom a certain lot of land the parties of the first part ANTHONY LITTELL. 217 had previously conveyed to Robert Littell. This last conveyance was only executed by Abraham Liltell, and was cancuiled by Absalom Littell iOlb Feb. 1750. Tims it seems that Anthony Lillfll had sons, Abraham and Andrew, and perhaps Absalom and Robert, and may have liad a son Anthony, the father of Duct. Antlujny Litiell, who lived where his father, Anthony Littell, lived. DOCT. ANTHONY LITTELL lived at the head of the west branch of Green Brook. He died May, 1798. His mother died 13th Jan. 1784. Doct. Anthony Littell married Anna Maxwell, daugliter of Caleb Maxwell, son of Samuel Maxwell, of Boston, and had children : 1. Caleb M. Liltell, who married Mary Clark, daughter of .Toshua Clark, of Westfield. 2. Elizabeth, born22d May, 1790, who married, 14th Oct. 1848, William Hand, son of Hezekiah. [See Hand.] 3. Amos, who inherited his father's farm of 257 acres, and sold it to Ezra Miller, of Westfield. He died at 2S years, unmarried. CALEB M. LITTELL, (son of Doct. Anthony Littell,) and Mary Clark, daughter of Joshua, lived in New York, was a grocer, and had children: 1. Thomas Picton Littell, who married Mary Archer. 2. Anne Elizabeth marrif^d Williatn Archer, cousin of Mary. 3. Amos Clark Liltell married Emeline . 4. George W. Littell married Mary Aikin, daughter of John. 5. Marcus, 6. Irene. 7. Mary Clark Littell married Mr. Briggs; he went to California, and died. 8. Sarah Anne Littell married, 5th Feb. 1851, Frederick Tappen, of New York. 9. J(>sephine. Caleb M. Littell died 2Sth May, 1848, aged 57 years. The widow of Doct. Anthony Littell married, 2d, Jonathan Acken, son of Deacon Joseph Acken, whose wife was Rebecca Crane, daughter of Jonathan Crane. Jonathan and .Anna Acken had children : 1. Rachel Acken, who married Ezekiel Ross, son of David, of Westfield. 2. William Acken married, 1st, Elizabeth Miller, daughter of Benjamin ; 2d, Hannah Squier, daughter tif John. 3. John Acken married Margaret Vail, daughter of William, of Piscataway. 4. Sarah Anne Acken married Matthias A. Brown, of Titusville, and had children : 1. Ellen Louisa Anna Brown ; 2. Amos Littell Brown ; 3. Caroline Elmer Brown. Mrs. Brown lives in New York, and keeps a select school for young ladies, I will remark here thai Anthony Littell may have been a brother of Samuel, and Andrew son of Anthony. 218 JOSEPH LITTEI.T,. $ JOSEPH LITTELL, (5th child of Samuel Littell, of Ne^v n JcrseyO l^id cliildren : I 1. .iolm, who h:id chiklrpii: |. 1. Enos was killed at the l)altic of (jiennantown, fighting by ." the s^ide of his uncle Eliakim. 2. Lewis, a sea-faring man, died at sea. 3. A daughter, who married a tory, and went to the enem)\ 2. Elia?, who lived in Newark, and removed to Duck Creek, Pennsylvania. 3. Prudence, who died unmarried in Philadelphia, aged some 45 or 50 years. 4. Phebe, who married Elisha Parker, of Philadelphia, and had a son, a painter, in Philadelphia, and a daughter Sarah, who married , and had 3 or 4 children. 5. Simeon, who died in the time ofthe old French war. 6. Stephen, who died about the same time. 7. Jane. 8. Eliakim, who married, 1st, Hannah Jewel ; 2d, Mary Gillam. He distinguished himself in the war of the Revolution, and in the war with the Indians, as a partisan officer, and attained a cap- taincy in the army. CAPTAIN ELIAKIM LITTELL lived on the hill called Ho- barl's Hill, between Chatham and Springfield, and died about 1805. By his wife Hannah Jewel, he had children : 1. Hobart, who married Matilda Ball, daughter of Doctor ^ Stephen Ball. [See Ball.] He was born 2d March, 1767, 1 and died I7lh Jan. 1849, in Newark; she was born I 1774, and died 7th April, 1851, in Newark, aged 77 years, i 2. Simeon married Susan Toy, removed from Burlington, New Jersey, to near Milton, Ohio, and had children : Eliakim, Mary, Rhoda, Fanny, and Stephen. 3. Stephen, born 3d Jan. 1772, and married Susan Gardner, born 6th Jan. 1777, daughter of Thomas Gardner, of Burlington, whose wife was Susan Elton. 4. Hannah, who died young. ^->>w-.^''""~ And by his 2d wife, Mary Gillam, he had children : 5. Eliakim, who died at 8 years. 6. Squicr, born Ist Dec. 1770, became a physician, went to Butler county, Ohio, and had a large practice. He was also a justice of the peace, and judge of the court. He married Mary Pearce, daughter of Michael Pearce, for- merly of Scotch Plains, but went to Ohio about 1800. Doct. Littell had no children, and died 16th Nov. 1849. Vj HOBART LITTELL, (1st child of Capt. Eliakim, son of Joseph,) and Matilda Ball, had cMildren : 2 1. Mariah Seabury, who married Morris Christy, son of Capt. Thomas Christy, of Newark, and died without children. 1 2. Sarah, who lives in Newark. g- 3. Elizabeth married Richmond Ward, of Newark, and lives ■ there ; has but one son, Mortimer Seabring Ward. JOSliPH LITTEl.!.. 219 STEPHEN LITTELL, (3tl child of Capt. Eliakim Littell,) mid Sus.tn Gardner, were married 24th March, 1796. She died lolh March, lal3. lie died Gih June, 18I"5. They removed from Burhn<5;ton, N. J., in 1806, to Philadelphia, and had children: ^ J. Elialiiin, born ::'d Jan. 1797, married 12ih Feb 1S2S, Mary f Frazee Smith, born 2.sth Oct. ISOO, daughter of John and Mary Amu; Smith, and sister of Gen. Persilor F. Smith, first governor of California, under ihe U. S. government. Gen. Smith's mother was daughter of Col. Persifor Frazee, of Chester county, Pennsylvania. 2" Susan Elton, born 22d March, i7:)9, and went to Ohio, and there married in 1821, James Urmston, had five children, and died 7th August, 1S37 3. Squier, born 9th Dec. 1803, graduated in Philadelphia, and studied physic. He married, about 1834, Mary Graff Enilin, daughter of Caleb Emlin, of Philadelphia; he died in 1838, leav- ing two children: 1. Rosalie, born 1835, and 2. Emlin, 183S. He went to his uncle Squier, in Ohio, and practised physic with him. 4. John Stockton, born 11th April, 1806, married, 1833, Susan Sophia Morris, daughter of Luke Morris and Anne Willing, of Philadelphia. He published the " Law Library," in Philadelphia, some years. He subsequently removed to Germantown, Penn., retired from business. ELIAKIM LITTELL, (1st son of Stephen, son of Capt. Eliakh-n,) and Mary Frazee Smith, lived in Philadelphia, and Germantown, till 1844. He published for 20 years " The Mu- seum of Foreign Literature," and then removed to Boston, Mass., and is publishing " Littell's Living Age," a weekly magazine. They had children: ? 1. Susan Gardner, born 8th Januar^^ ISSQ. 2. Robert Smith, born 5th May. 1831. i 3. Mary Frazee, born 12ih December, 1834. 1 4. Margaret Smith, born 30lh November, 1837. SUSAN ELTON LITTELL, (2d child of Stephen,) and John Urmston, in Ohio, had children : 1. Caroline Elton Urmston, born 1821, inarried Jacob Beard. 2. Eliakim Littell Urmston, born 1825. 3. Stephen Littell Urmston, born 1829. 4. JMary Enyart Urmston. 5. John Newton Urmston. Mrs. Urmston died in 1837, and he niarried Anna Pearce, and live near Philanthropy, Ohio. JOHN STOCKTON LITTELL, (4th child of Stephen.) and Susan Sophia Morris, had children : 1. Charles Walling, born 1832 ; 2. Harriet Hare ; 3. Thomas Gardner ; 4. Meta Morris, w^ho died 1848. 220 KENJAMIN LIITELL. BENJAMIN LITTELL. BENJAMIN LITTEJ!1l, ( 7lh child of Samuel, 1st,) and Susan Tucker, lived in' VVestfield, on the farm on which hi* ^ grandson, John Littell, now lives ; they had children : - 1. Moses, who married Abigail Thompson, 5th child of S Thomas Thompson, of ('onnecticul Farms, had 4 children s Hannah, Mary, Isaac and Betsey. He died 9th Octoberr I 1773, aged 35 years. 2. Isaac, born 10th March, 1764, married Jemima Frazee^ daughter of Gershom ; had^ children^ Jemima, Susannah, and Benjamin^ ;^ fc b w, ^ D4«^ T « y >d a, ^^ K 3. John married Phebe Thompson, 8th child of Thomas Thompson ; had 6 children : Gershom, Sarah, Abigail, Mosei, John, and Isaac. He died 1st April, 1781, in his 35th year, and his widow married Benjamin Frazee, son of Samuel Frazee and Sarah Littell. ^ 4. Sarah married, 1st, Samuel Frazee, by whom she had 4 children : Benjamin, Jonas, Betsey and Samuel Frazee ; 2d Benjamin Sayre, by whom she had 3 children : Sarah, Mary, and Moses Sayre. 5. Susan married William Ridgeway, and had 3 or more children : Rachel Rouse, John, and Phebe Ridgeway. 6. Mary married Thomas Terry, of Westfield ; she died 21st January, 1768, in her 17th year, and left a daughter, Mary Terry, who marrried Moses Frazee, born about 1768. MOSES LITTELL, (1st child of Benjamin, 7th son of ^ Samuel,) and Abigail Thompson, had children : ^ 1. Hannah, born loth November, 1759, married James g Lambert. [See Lambert] I 2. Mary, born 13th March, 1762, married Jacob Davis. •" l^See Davis.] 3. Isaac, (called Capt. Isaac,) born 10th March, 1764, and married Hannah Frazee, born 20th May, 1766, daughter of Jonas Frazee, (who was brother of Samuel Frazee, who married Sarah Littell.) He died 25th February, 1825 ; his widow died 16th February, 1834. 4. Betsey married Talmage Ross, son of Ichabod, son of John Ross ; they removed to Ohio, about 12 miles N. E. of Chilicothe. [See Ross.] I CAPTAIN ISAAC LITTELL, (son of Moses,) and Hannah Frazee, lived in Union Township, and had 6 children : 3. 1. Jonas Frazee Littell; born 27th April, 178-, married o Susan Halsey, daughter of Joseph Halsey, of Springfield, '' lived in Elizabethtown, and had 4 children : BENJAMIN LITTELL. 221 1. Louisa, born 17ih September, 1809, married William P. Denman, and hnd 5 children: 5- 1. Charles Wallis Peninnn, born January, 1835. _S 2. George Henry Denman, born January, 1838 3. William Denman, born June, ■1840. 4. Hannah Louisa Denman, born April, 1842. 5. Edward Denman, born May, 1846, 2. Isaac, born 8th December, 1810, married, 1st, Eme- line Slawson ; had a son, George Washington, born llth March, 1836. His wife Emeline then died, and he married, 2d, Adaline Gibson, and had children : 2. Harriet Arnfeldt, born 18th March, 1844. 3. Emeline Littell born 18th November, 1846. 3. Hannah Eliza, born 25th November, 1814, married William Perrigo, son of William Perrigo, and had a daughter, I.Susan Louisa Perrigo, born 2d March, 18U. 4. George Washington, born 4th July, 1817, married Catherine Slawson ; live in Providence, Rhode Island, and had children : 1. William, born October, 1841- 2. George, born February, 1848. g 2. Abby Littell, (2d child of Capt. Isaac Littell,) born 20th ojuly, 1787, and died 4th November, 1825. She married ° Ejphraim Bolles, of Newark, and had 7 children : g 1. Hannah Elizabeth Bolles, born 1808, married Moses -^ G. Baldwin, and had children : Helen Baldwin, born 1834. Elizabeth Baldwin. William Baldwin. ■ 2. Eliakim Bolles, born about 1811, married Mary Tucker, daughter of Gideon Tucker, of N. Y., andh ad children : 1. William Bolles ; 2. , a daughter ; 3. Ab- by Bolles ; 4 and 5, twin daughters. 3. Mary Frances Bolles married Rev. James Bolles. 4. Jesse Nicholson Bolles married . 5. Constance Bolles married Mr. Redfield, a lawyer ; hved in western x\. Y. 6. Alexander Bolles. 7. Nathan T. Bolles married, 8th May, 1850, Mary Ma- tilda Burnet, eldest daughter of Lewis M, Burnet, of Newark. M 3. Moses Littell, (3d child of Captain Isaac Littell, son of I Moses,) born 2d June, 1789, became a physician, went to Ope- 3 lousas, Louisiana, married Constance Collins, had 6 children, and died 4th November, 1837; one of them named Theophilus Collins Littell. ^ s 1 a" Q 2. a 3. 222 BENJAMIN LITTELL. 4. Eliakim Littell, (4th child of Captain Isaac LittelL) born 11th July, 1791, married, 1st, Anne Findley, in the West Indies, removed to Opelousas, where his wile died, leaving 3 children : ^ 1. David Findley Littell, born 1821. I 2. Hart Littell. I 3. Louisa Littell, who married Mr. Mudd. I Eliakim Littell then married, 2d, Henrietta Wagerhecker, ■ and had childreVi : 4. Augustus Littell. 5. Ma'i-y or Elizabeth Littell. 5. Mary Littell, (5th child of Capt, Isaac Littell,) born 15th July, 1799, married Henry Hodge of N. Y., and had children: 1. Hannah Hodge, born 1818 or 1819, married Elisha Phinney, son of Gould Phinney, of Uundaif, Pennsyl- vania, and had children : 1. Mary Phinney; 2. Robert Phinney. 2. Henry Hodge. g 6. Isaac William Littell, (6th child of Captain Isaac Littell,) born 20th October, 1807, and died 22d May, 1837 ; he married 1 Mary Crane, daughter of Esther, who was daughter of Ben- I jamin, son of Benjamin Crane of Westfield, and had children ; L '"^ 1. Mary H., born 4th December, 1829. %-— 2. William, born 8th August, 1831. I 3. Theodore, born 1st January, 1834. I. 4. Sarah, born 14th December, 1835. a y ISAAC LITTELL, (2d son of Benjamin Littell, son of '" Samuel, 1st,) and Jemima'Frazee, had 6'children; viz.; Je- mima, Susannah, Benjamin, Abby, Desire, and Sarah. f I.Jemima; who married David Mills, of Westfield, and re- moved to Sterlings Valley, in Morris county, and had children : =» 1. Moses Mills, who married , a daughter of Daniel Terril, of Rahway. 1 2. Gershom Mills marrieil Silence Jones, daughter of Lu- I ther, of New Providence, and had children : 1. Har- ? riet Mills, who married Abraham Demerest, of N. Y. ; 2. Luther Mills ; 3. Isaac Mills ; 4. Aaron Mills. 3. Aaron Mills. 4. Abigail Mills. 5. Benjamin Mills. o. 2. Susannah, (2d child of Isaac Littell,) married Jeremiah ^ Jenkins, and had several children, one of whom was Jere- i miah, Jun. |. 3. Benjamin, (3d child' of Isaac Littell,) was a schoolmas- •" ter called Master Ben. Littell ; he married Catherine Littell, daughter of Daniel, .8tli son of Samuel, 1st, and had children: ? 1. Jemima, who married Moses. Whitehead. BENJAMIN LlTTEl.l.. ^-io ■2. Sophia married Charles Whitehead, brotl:er of Moses. 3. INIoses S. marned Ninicy French, daughter of Uavid French, Sen. 4. Kebecca. 5. Isaac D.- i 6. Sally. 7. A bby married Joseph L. Cory, son of Noah, of Scotch t> riains, and went to Indiana. NoTK.— Moses S., Rebecca, Isaac D., and Sally went to French Creek. 4. Abby Littell, (4th child of Isaac Littell,) married Henry Burnet, and removed to Redstone, in Western Pennsylvania. 5. Desire' Littell, (5th child of Isaac Littell,) married Elijah Davis, and removed to Shemokin, Pennsylvania. 6. Sarah Littell, (0th child of Isaac Littell,) married Thom- as Lee, and died, leavinf^ one son, 1. Gershom Lee, who married Sarah Hettield. daughter of Daniel, who died, leavintr his widow, Sarah, and two sons : 1. Frazee Lee ; 2 Daniel Lee. s JOHN LITTELL, (3d son of Benjamin, son of Samuel 1st,) and Phebe Thompson, (8th child of Thomas,) had 6 chil- dren ; s 1. Gershom, born 2 1st December, 17G6, married, 25th Feb- n ruary, 1788, Phebe Terry, daughter of Thomas Terry, they i had 13 children. (She still lives, 1850.) |. 2. Sarah married Joseph Sayre, lived in Westfield ; had 9 ° children. 3. Abigail, born 1 5th March, 1 771, married, 28th February, 1793, Ebenezer Ludlow, horn 13th January, 1770, son of Mat- thias Ludlow, of Westfield ; he died in N. Y., 23d December, 1833. 4. Moses married Betsey Terry, sister of Gershom's wife, who, after the death of Moses, went to Fulton county, Illinois, and died there, 19th April, 1843 ; they had 3 children : 5. John, born 29th November, 1774, married Deborah Dunham, born 19th August, 1779, a daughter of David Dun- ham and Freelove Decamp, (who was a daughter of John Decamp, and sister of Doctor Gideon Decamp.) They had 6 children. 6. Isaac married, 1st, Mary Ludlum, (now Ludow,) a daugh- ter of William Ludlow, and brother of Matthias Ludlow, and had 4 children. He married, 2d, Uebecca McLane, of Staten Island, and had 2 other children. GERSHOM LITTZLL, (1st child of John Littell, son of Benjamin,) and Phebe Terry, lived in Westfield, and had children : 224 JOHN LITTELL. ri" 1. Sarah, born 1 1th September, 1789, married Hezekiah c Pack, and died January. 1811; had no children. I 2. Hannah, born 6th iMay, 1791, and died 3d September, I 1828, and lett one son. John Osboin, who married, 1st, Har- *" riet Stites, daughter of Benjamin L. Stites, and died, leaving 2 children : 1- Benjamin Franklin Osborn ; 2. Mary Stites Osborn. John Osborn married, 2d, Llizabeth Anne Peck, a widow, and died ; had no other children. 3. Elizabeth, born 25ih August, 1792, married William Marsh ; she died 2oth October, 1826, leaving 8 children: g 1. Miriam Marsh, born 5th March, 1809. 2. Charles Volney Mrirsh, born July, 1812, married Cathe- 1 fine Storms, and had children : 1. Edward Marsh ; 2. Julia I Marsh. " 3. Eliza Marsh, born 18th August, 1815, married William Noe, and had children : 1. William Harrison Noe, born 1841 ; 2. Anne Eliz.ibeth Noe, born 1846. 4. William Henry Harrison Marsh, twin to Eliza, went to Chicago. 5. David Marsh, born March, 1820, married Anne Conley. 6. Phebe Marsh. 7. Hannah Marsli. 8. Pniletla Marsh, who died 7th October, 1848, aged 23 years, ^ unmarried. ^ 4. Thomas Terry Littell, born 2Sth June, 1794, married Mary g Moore, of VVoodbridge, and had 10 children : 'a, 1. Phebe, born 1820, married William Clawson. ^ 2. William Moore Littell, born 1822, married Elizabeth g Hulse, and had a son, Thomas. 3 3. Margaret, born 1824, married Shotwell Frazee, and had i children: 1. Mary Frazee, born 1847; 2. Phebe Frazee. 4. Marietta married Squier Willcox, son of Benjamin Will* cox, Jun. [ ivwin i.iTTEr.L. 4 Polly, or ivl a ly, bom 7lh July, 1707, married Daniel Uoie. son of Charles, and died about 1826 or 7. [Sec Bedell] ii. James, burn 170 J, married JNancy Oakley, and died in 1840. Susannah Bedell, (1st child of William Bedell and Esther LittelL) and .Jonathan Davis, , who v*'-as born 30th January, 17G0,) had children : ^ 1. William Davis, born 13th December, 1781, married, n 1805, Saraii Lamb, daughter of Col. Joseph Lamb. i They both went to theJShakers ifl about one year |. after. He died 10:h January, 1846, and she continues ^ with them. 2. John Davis, born 20th November, 1783, and mar- ried Elizabeth Sering, and removed to Texas. 3. Polly Davis, born 19th August, 178J, and is with the Shakers. 4. Rufus Davis, born 18th June. 1792. 5. Jonathan Davis, born 18th July, 1795. 6. Huldah Davis, born 9th June, 1800, married John Monger. ?. Hetty Davis, born 29th October, ISO.'?, married Jo- seph Q,. Lamb, son of Col. Joseph Lamb , of Warren county, Ohio. Lydia Bedell, and Elijah Davis, had children : 1. Esther Dayis, who is with the Shaking Quakers, call- ed Shakers, at Union or Shaker Town, Warren coun- ty, Ohio. 2. VVilHam Davis is also with the Shakers. 3. James Davis went to Indiana. 4. Daniel Davis is with the Shakers. 5. Jonathan Davis. 6. Samuel and Hannah, twins ; these two died young. Mary Bedell and Daniel Hole, had children. [^Ses BedelL] James Bedell, and Nancy Oakley, had children : 1. John married ; lives in Indiana. 2. Susan is with the Shakers. 3. David. 4. Sally is with the Shakers. 5. William married ; lives in Indiana. 6. Esther married ; lives in Indiana. LYDIA LITTELL, (2d child of David, son of Samne!,) married 1st, Andrew Prior, as his 2d wife, [see Piior ;) 2d, David Flinn, born 22d Mnrch, 1731, and died 4th March, 1S15. By David Fiinn she had children : unir ; 2. Oscar; 3. Hudson; 4, Lewis Ridgeway, who died young. Mrs. IVIonroe died AuG[ust, 1851. 2. John Monroe, born 18th February, 1823, marriel, 21st May, 1846, Marlha Jane Maple, daughter of Ellas Maple, from New Jersey, and had children: 1. Mary Jane; 2. James Walter Monroe. 3. Aaron Monroe, born 6th May, 1825. 4. Charles Monroe, born 7th "August, 1827, married. 10th Oct, 1849, Mary Peace, daughter of John, and had children : 1. Mary Jane. 5. Lvdia Anne Monroe, born 16ih September, 1829. 6. William Monroe, born 30lh August, J 832. John Buxton, (6th child of Edmund,) and Hannah Willey, had children : 1. Eliza; 2. Lydia ; 3. Mary, who died at 7 years; 4. De- borah ; 5. John, Jun. ; 6. Charlotte or Amanda. Aaron Buxton, (7th child of Edmund,) and Hannah Lambern, had children : 1. Anne C, born 29th June, 1826. 2. Lydia, born 15th October, 1827. 3. Josiah L., born 2(Uh October, 1830. 4. Emeline, born 17th March, 1834. 5. Laura, born 6th August, 1836. 0. Augusta, born 20th February, 1845. William Buxton, (8th child of Edmund,) and Catherine W. Terry, had children: 1. Phebe Anne, born 15th April, 1827. 2. Charles, born 30th October, 1830. 3. Caroline, born 11th December, 1832. 4. Eliza Jane, born 15th August, 1836. 5. Charlotte, born 30th Mart-h, 1839. 6. Newton Stites, born 2d April, 1843. 3. Susannah Flinn, youngest daughter of Lydia Littell and David Flinn, married John Miller, in Warren county, Ohio, and had children, Daniel, David, Moses, and Lucy Jane Miller. Mr. Miller, and his wife and children, all went to the Shakers. Mr. Miller died in 1850, aged 79 years, and Susannah, his wife, in 1840, aged 62 years. The children are there still in 1851. Moses is the principal dealer about the country for the association, and Lucy Jane is conspicuous in the house. CATHERINE LITTELL, (3d child of David,) and Jabez Rogers, lived at Parcipany. He was bom 3d November, 1739, and died 1774, aged 35 years. She was born 19th October, 1743, and died 1794, aged 51 years. They had children : « 1. Nathaniel Rogers, born 4th February, 17G1, and died % 1845, aged 84 years. He nnarried Rachel McDaniels, p daughter of Elkanah ; she was still living in 1848. They 240 DA.VID LrTTEl.', lived near Lake Champlain, and had children ; Moses and John Rogers. 2. Sarah Rogers, born 30ih June, 1764, married Robert Templeton, of Farcipany, andf:dit'd at 34 years. 3. Lydia Rogers, born 5tli /\pril, 17G6, married Ebenezer Eurnet. 4. Elizabeth Rogers, born 30th March, 1768, and died at 13 years. 5. Jemima Rogers, born 5lh February, 1770, and died at 7 years. 6. Joanna Rogers, born [22d Decejmber, 1771, married Noah Estile, of Parcipany. He was born 16th December, 1766, and died 11th December, 1848. They lived near Dover. 7. Stephen Rogers, born 28th August, 1773, married Phebe Baldwin, daughter of Job. 8. Susan Rogers, born 28th April, 1775, married, 16th No- vember, 1795, Jacob Fiinds, of Hanover, who was born 14th January. 1774, and removed to Bristol, Vermont. Mr. j'abez Rogers died 1774, and his widow, Catherine, mar- ried Moses Crane, of Parcipany, and had 3 other children : 9. Josiah Crane, who went to Seneca Falls, New York, and married Rachel , but had no children. 10. Phebe Crane, who married Edmund Compson, of Par- cipany, and removed to Montezuma, New York, and had a large family of children. 11. Elizabeth Crane married Caleb Woodworth, and had 10 children. She died, and Mr. Woodvvorth married a widow with 10 children. JMr. Woodworth's 2d wife died, and he married. 3d, Hannah Compson, daughter of Edmund Comp- son, his^hrst wife's niece. Sarah Rogers, (2d child of Catherine Littell and Jabez Rogers.) and Robert Templeton. had children: 1. Elizabeth Templeton, who married Ashbel Cory, of Troy, and had children : 1. Caroline Cory ; 2. Mary Cory ; 3. Juhanne Cory ; 4. Archibald Cory. 2. Mary Templeton, who married F)eeman Ford, (son of Samuel, son of William Odell Ford, son of Jonathan Ford,) and had children : 1. Eveline Ford; 2. VViUiam Ford. 3. Catharine Templeton, who married Alexander Law- rence, and had children : 1 Alexander Lawrence. g> Lydia Rogers, (3d child of Catharine Littell and Jabez ■ri Rogers,) and Ebenezer Burnet, had children : I 1. tSarah P>urnct, v/ho married John Tichenor, son of I Jabez, and had one son and two daughters, when Mi-. |. Tichenor died, and she married William Churchill, ? and went to Ohio. DAVID LITTELL. 241 2. Stephen Burnet, who died at 2 years s'Txv'r"'* Tn ^"^ ^'""'-'^^ '^'^ "^^^ri^d there Sarah Wilson of Powhn-ton, and has one daughter and thn-e sons hvin- at Sparta, Georg-ia. 4 Ralph Burnet married Phebe Lindsley, of iMorristown, had three sons and two daughters, and went to Sidney Uluo, and died at about 54 years 5. Hiram Burnej married Adehne Burrows, had one daughter, and died in 1813. 6. Kbenezer Burnet married Mariah Debow, of Morris Co and went to Sidney, Ohio, and had 13 children. 7. Catharine Burnet married Joseph Warren, of Hamapo, N. Y., and went to teidney, Ohio, and had 1 1 children 8. Joanna Lstile Burnet married David xNorris, a black. Tmu^T''^ ^''''''"' ^°''"'' °^ Morristown ; lives at Millnlle, Essex county, and has eight children. 9. John Seward Burnet married Mary Harrison, of la Ju^'F'^'^'^ °"^ daughter, and died at 22 years. 10 Ihebe Burnet married Robert Fields, of Paterson; lived there, and has three sons 11. Charles Burnet married Frances Tichenor, daughter of Jabez, and sister of Sarah's husband; had .'even childreii, all of whom have died except one daughter Joanna h. Burnet, (8th child of Lyd.a Rogers and Ebenezer Burnet) was born 7th Jan. 18 il, and married David Wis born lUth April, 1791, and had children: * 1. James Burnet Noriis, born 26th Nov. 1823, is a black smith ; lives at Springfield ; he married Mary Eliza- count ' ^''"^^^^'' "^ J°h"' of Powerville, Mori 2 David Alonzo Norris is a blacksmith ; went to Brid-e- ?rsedv :;;;::? f -'Z' Seely,'daughter of HbL r} feeely o( that place, and lives there. 3d Feb1u^a?;:T840."'^' '"" ''^' ^^^^ ''''' ^^ <^-<^ 4. Sarah Frances Norris, born 1st January, 1831. 6* &h''?^' V ^'''b ^'^••" ^^'^ February, 833. 6. John Hunter Norris, born 20th April, 1834 7. Phebe Martha Norris, born 24th October, 1836.- 8. Harriet Jane Norris, born 26th April, 1840 ^ Ro'TrsTand^Noah^Eln^'l ' 1 ^^^^^-i- ^it'tell and Jabez had childre"n ^''''' '"'^ ""''' ^''''' ^^rris Co.. and 1. Jabez Levvis Estile, who married Dency M Ross MafthfElle''" '' '' ^-J--«y '• had cLdren " .' Martna t.stde, who married, 7th Anril IS'iO rJ/ IZe %7rl''''. New.Je;sey ConFelce;!' MaTy* i^stile. Mr. Jabez L. Est.le died of cholera at Rock- R 242 DAVID LITTELL. away, 24th June, 1849, aged 55 years. 2. John Rogers Estile married Rebecca Bruen, daughter of Samuel, of Newark ; had children : 1 . Noah Estile ; 2. Mary Kslile ; 3. Joseph Estile. 3. Almira Estile married her second cousin, David Lit- tell, son of Enos, son of Datid. [See Enos LittelL] 4. Stephen Rogers Estile married Margaret Shauger, of Rockaway, and had children: 1. Jane Estile ; 2. Eliza Estile ; 3. Melinda Estile ; 4. Melissa Estile. 5. William Estile married Anne Mariah Lyon, daughter of John Lyon, of Rockaway, and had children: 1. \\ illiam Henry Estile. Stephen llogers, (7th child of Catharine Littell and Jabez Ro"-ers,) and Phebe Baldwin, removed to a farm about lour miles north of Seneca Falls, N. Y. He died 1813, aged 40 years, and left children : 1. Jabez; 2. John. Susan Rogers, (8th child of Cathaiiiie Littell and Jahez Ro<'-ers,) and Jacob Hinds, removed to Bristol, Vermont, and had children : 1. Stephen Lewis Hinds, born 28th October, 1796, mar- ried, 1st, Weathy Johnson, 2d, Phebe Hoit, and had children: 1. Miriam Johnson Hinds; 2. Rachel Hinds ; 3. Isaiah Bower Johnson Hinds; 4. Adelaide Hinds ; 5. Margaret Hinds. 2. Sally Hinds, born 7th October, 1798, and married Miron Sturtevant ; lives near Butfalo, New York, and hud five children. 3. Joanna Hinds, born 8th Feb. 1800, married her cou- sin, Parson Hinds, son of Aaron Hinds, 51st Decem- ber, 1818, and had one daughter, and died 3d March, 1820. 4. Jacob Hinds, born 28th January, 1804, and died the next day. 5. Moses Rogers Hinds, born llth May, 1806, and died 25th October following. 6. Persis Uraiiia Hinds, born 12th February, 1812, mar- ried, in 1828, William Delony, of Vermont: removed to Piqua, Ohio, and died in November, 1835, leaving two children. ELIZABETH LITTELL, (4th child of David, son of Samuel,) and Moses Bedell, had children : 1. Saiah Bedell, who married Thomas Hallock. [See Halloc/c.l 2. Lydia Bedell, who married Isaac Moore, son of John. [See Moore.'] By her second husband, David Van Sickle, she had no children. DAVID LITTELL. £4) I DAVID LITTELL, (6th child of David,) was a blacksmith, ? and lived at Cheapside, in Livingston township ; was a justice ° of the peace, and an elder in the Hanover church many years. He was born January, 1751, and died 28th December, 1812. His wife, Hannah Miller, was born 6th October, 1750, and died 2d July, 1832, aged 81 years. They had children : g 1. Enos, born 19th May, 1774, and died 19th June, 1848, n aged 74 years and 1 month. He married Mary Morehouse,* ^ daughter of David, at Canoe Brook. 2. Josiah ; 3. David — who both died young. 4. William, born 29th January, 1778, and died in a fit in his bed, 7th May, 1840. He married Mary Ward, daughter of Joseph, of Northfield, in Livingston ; she died 24th April, 1843, aged 62 years. 5. Andrew, who died 13th August, 1795, aged 23 years, 6 months, and 9 days, unmarried. 6. Rhoda, born 1st December, 1781, and married John Humes ; lives in Newark. 7. Elizabeth, born 3l)th March, 1784, and married David Whitehead, son of David, son of Deacon David Whitehead, of Elizabethtown ; he was a chairmaUer. Mr. Whitehead had a cancer on the side of his nose, by which he suffered greatly many years, and which eventually caused his death. 8. Luther, who married Margaret Wade, daughter of Henry and Dolly Wade, of Livingston. 9. Hannah ; 10. Calvin, who both died young. g ENOS LITTELL, and Mary Morehouse, had children ; % 1. Hannah, who married, 'l 6th May, 1821, Enos B. ^ Morehouse, son of Jephtha, and died childless. 3 2. Esther Bedell married, 16th May, 1821, Aaron Morehouse, son of John, of Livngston, and removed to Dela- ware county, Ohiioj and died 23d September, 1846, leaving ch I Iren ; 1. Elizabeth Morehouse, who marriad George McMasters ; 2. John Morehouse ; 3. Corneha' Morehouse ; 4. William Morehouse ; 5. Sarah Anne Morehouse ; and six others, making eleven. 3. William, who married, 26th October, 1825, Mary Baldwin, daughter of David, of Livingston; lives in New- ark ; had no children. 4. David, who married his 2d cousin, Almira Estile, daughter of Noah, of near Dover, and had children : 1. Hannah Mariah, born 10th iMay, 1830; 2. Elizabeth Higiriiis ; 3. William Estile; 4. Joanna Estile; 5, Emma; 6. David ; 7. Almira. 5. Stephen Morehouse Littell married, 23d Sept. 1832, Cornelia A.Baldwin, daughter of Isaac, son of David Baldwin, of Canoe Brook ; lives in Delaware, Ohio, and had children : 244 DAVID LITTELL. 1. William Goldy Litiell ; 2. Sarah Frances ; 3. Mary Eliza- beth ; 4. Eliza ; 5. Isaac. 6. Enos Whiteliead Lilteli married Sarah Anne Foole, Hnugh- tcr nf Capl. Foole, of Connecticut, and had one son, John Foote Littell. 7. Betsey married, 19th June, 1833, Isaac Oakley Higgins, of Newark, and lives there, and had children : 1. Edward I'ayson Higgins; 2. Cornelia Litiell Higgins; 3. • Mary Elizibeth Higgins. 8. Aaron Gondii Lilteli married, 20th Nov. 1838, Mary Birt, daughter of Abraham Birt, of Morris county, and had a son, 1. Enos Bin Lilteli. His wife died 25th Nov. 1839, and he mar- ried, 4lh April, 1841, her sister, Elizabeth Birt, and had children: 2. James Higgins Lilteli; 3. William Lilteli; 4. John Wood Littell. 9. Mary married, 22d Nov. 1S3S, John Wood, an Englishman, lives in Newark, and hud children; 1. Frederick Augu^itus Wood; 2. Henrietta Wood; 3. John Wood; 4. Charles Wood. WILLIAM LITTELL, and Mary Ward, lived at Northfield, and had children : « 1. Joseph Ward Littell, born 3d Oct. 1804, and married Locky n Force, daugliter of Jonathan Force, of Livingston, and had children: P 1. Sarah Margaret, born Kith Dec. 1828; 2. George Ben- edict, born I9lh June, 1832; 3. Josephine, born lllh Sept. 1835. 2. Andrew, who married Locky Harrison, daughter of Capt. Benjamin Harrison, of Hanover, and had 3 children, who all died young. 3. Sarah mariied Samuel Lynch, of Orange county. New York, and lives there. 4. Charles, who died at 20 years of age. RHODA LITTELL, (daughter of David.) and John Humes, live in Newark. He is a justice of the peace. They had chiU dren : 1. David LiltelJ Humes. He married, and he and his wife both died, and left no children. 2. William Humes, who married Jerusha Thompson, grand- daughter of Judge Thompson, of Mendham, and hiid children: 1. Charles Humes; 2. Mary Elizabeth Humes; 3. John Humes. i ELIZABETH LITTELL, (daughter of David,) and David ^ Whitehead, lived in Elizabethlovvn, and had children: ^ I. Enos Lilteli Whitehead, who married Joanna Coleman, of Rahway ; lived in Ehzabethtown, and had children : 1, Elizabeth Whitehead, who married John Jones Vanhouten, of Ehzabethtown. DAVro LITTELL. 045 2. Mary M. Whitehead married Israel Townley, son of Edward, of WesUield. 3. William M. Whitehead married . 4. Theodore F. Whitehead. 6. David Whitehead. 6. Francis L. Whitehead. 7. Julianne Whitehead. 2. John Miller Whiiehead married Caroline Parker, of New York, and had children : 1. Louisa M. Whitehead. 2. Hannah F. Whiiehead. 3. Eliza T. Whitehead. 4. Alphonso Timolat Whitehead. 3. Susan Brant Whitehead married William R. Todd ; lives in Newark, and had children : 1. David M. Todd. 2. Mariah June Todd. 3. Margaret Plum Todd. 4. Hannah Liitell Whitehpad, who married Victor Fleury, who is a baker at Morristown, and had children: 1. John W. Fleury; 2. Victor Augustus Fleury ; 3. David Whitehead Fleury ; 4. George Wood Fleury. 5. Rhoda Humes Whiiehead married Simeon D. Hoagland, son of Cornelius Hoagfland, of Elizabeihtown, and had children : 1. David Whitehead Hoagland ; 2. Adelaide Smith Hoagland. g LUTHER LITTELL, (son of David,) and Margaret Wade, o had children : ° 1. Abbi Louisa, who married Isaac Rogers, and lives in New York, and had children : 1. James Henry Rogers ; 2. Mary Eliza Rogers ; 3. Valen- tine Eustace Rogers. 2. Rhoda Anne married David Avers, son of William, son of David Avers, Esq., of Liberty Corner, lives at Morristown, and had children : L Sarah Louisa Ayers ; 2. Malvina Thompson Ayers; 3, David Humes Ayers; 4. Anne Eliza Ayers ; S.John Liitell Ayers. 3. John, who went to the south, and was there drowned ; did not marry. 246 NATHANIEL LITTELL. NATHANIEL LITTELL. « NATHANIEL LITTELL was son of David, son of Samuel, o son of John, son of George Litlell, who emigrated from London ? about 1635. Nathaniel Liltell, Esq., married Mary Cauldwell, daughter of William Cauldwell, son of James, who emigiated from Ireland in l7-i2. He bought the lot of land, in 1786, of John Be- dell, on which he built the house in 1787, where his son Jnhn now lives, and where he kept a store till he died, the ISth of February, ISll, aged 58 years. He was a justice of the peace, and an elder in the Presbyterian church. Mary, his wife, was born l4th Feb. 1757, and died 8th January, 1823. Ttiey had children : L John, born 28th November, 1779, married, 6ih May, 1809, Mary Conklin, daughter of William Conklin, Esq., of Basking Ridge. [See ConMin-l 2. Hugh, born 3d September, 1781, married 22d January, 1814, Susan W. Scudder, daughter of Doctor Benjamin R. Scudder, son of Richard Scudder. [See Scudder.l He was a master mason in New York, was engaged in the erection often brick houses, when, on the 9th of November, 1822, he was ascending a ladder to the upper story of one of them, lost his balance, and fell to the curb- stone of the street, broke in his skull, and died immediately, He had no children. 3. Polly, born lOth May, 1783, married, 22d March, 1800, Eb. enezer Byram, born 29th April', 1778, son of Naphtali Byram, of Morristovvn. [See Byram.^ Ebenezer Byram, in 1803, removed to Warren Co., Ohio ; had 12 children, and died 12th October, 1821, and she married, 12th April, 1824, Samuel Robison, Esq., and had two other children. They live at New Harrison, Darke county, Ohio. 4. Aaron, born 17th January, 1786, and died 11th February, 1786. 5. Luther, born 20th April, 1787, and died 19th February, 1833, with consumption. He did not marry. He was elected a member of the legislature in 1S29, held several of the most important town offices, and was, when he died, a colonel of the militia. 6. Nancy, born iHth April, 1789, married, 23d iNovember, 1811, Peter Rounsavelle, born 7th July, 1791. 7. Bf'tsey Thompson, born I6ih August, 1791, married, 11th March, 1810, Dr. William F! Piatt, born 9th October, 17b8, son of Capt. William Piatt, of Scotch Plains. They removed to New York, where she died 29th Nov. 1827 ; and he died 7th May, 1848. [See Sarah Shotwell] 8. Huldah, born 16th December, 1794, married, 21st February, 1822, Daniel Price, now of Newark, son of Daniel Price, At the time she married, and some time before, she was a teacher of a school in Elizabethtovvn. She was taken with fever^ and died 15th November, 1822, without children, aged nearly 28 years. Mr. Price married again a niece of Rev. Lewis Bond, of Plain- field, is a varnish manufacturer of Newark, and has no living chil- dren. NATHANIEL LITTELL. 247 9. David Cauldwell, born 28th January, 1799, and died 12ib_ November, 1810. f JOHN LTTTELL, (1st son of NathanirK son of David.) lives- « wiiere his faiher did, in Passaic Valley, near Liliell's Bridge, and •" with his brother Luther, kept a store from 1811 to 1828, when ihvy dissolved partnership, and he continued the store alone till 1838, when he sold out the goods to Jonathan Valentine, who con- tinued it till 1S39. He was twice elected to the legislature, viz. 1837 and 1838 ; was appointed a justice of the peace and judge of the court in 1814, and again appointed justice of the peace in 1S29, and continued by re- appointments till 1S48 ; was then again elected under the new Con- stitution, and was in 1829 appointed by the legislature a commis- sioner of deeds, and by successive appointments continued in that office to the present tune. He was elected and installed an elder in the Presbyterim church in 1835, and was appointed one of the delegates of the Presbytery of Elizibeilitnwn to the general assembly of the Presbyterian, church, in 1S35 at Pittsburgh, and in 1810 and I8l6 at Philadelphia and 1851 at St. Louis. John Littell, (Isl child of Nathaniel,) and Mary Conklin, had children : 1. William Conklin, born 15th April, 1810, and died 27th Sept. 1813. 2. Mary, born 29ih February, 181 2, married 25lh July,. 1838, Jonathan Valentine, son of Peter D. Valentine, and had children : 1. Simuel Ruian ; 2. Luther Littell ; 3. Eliza Littell ; 4, William, who died in infancy ; 5. John, who died in infancy ; 6. Mary Abigail. [See Valejitine.] 3. William, born lOlh October, 1S15, married, 26th October, 1836, Mehetabel Bonne!, daughter of Jonathan C. Bonnel, son of Nathani 1 Bonnel, 3d. [S>e Bonnel] H.J keeps a store at the summit of the Morris and Essex Rail, road, and is Postmaster there. 4. Eliza, born I6th December, 18L5, married, 9th March, 1842 James K. Hurin, a merchant of Lebanon, Ohio, and went there , and died I9th May, 1843, leaving a young child, named Eliza, who died at three months old. and he again manied, 5th June, 1845, Cynthia Halsey. [Sec Hurin.'] 5 Harriet, born 14lh November, 1817, married, 16th May, 1848, John T. Wilicox, son of Jonathan M. Willco.x, son of Levi, and had a son, George. He kept a store in New Providence Vi'lla-e. 6. Susan, born 27ih February, 1820, and married, 1st Novem- ber, 1851, Charles Whitaker, son of Deacon Stephen Whiiaker, of Cleveland, Ohio, and lives there. 7. John, born 30th January, 1822, married, 24th September 1851, Deborah Hall, born 24th December, 1821, dauohter of Jonathan A. Hall, of Penn Yan. N. Y. ° 8. Luther, born 21st April, 1824; graduated at Princeton Col- lege 25th June, 1844, studied theology at the Princeton theolooi- f4S NATHANIEL MTTELL, cal seminary, and was licensed to preach 4th October, 1849, by the Elizabetlitovvn Presbytery, and was ordained to preach the gospel, and installed over ilie churcli at Mount Hope, Orange couiitv, N. Yt>rlf, the 2oth September, 1850, by the Presbytery of Hudson. 9. Uuldah R.bt'cca, born :h\ June, 1826, married. 2d May, 1850, to John Thomas, of tlimilton, Bwller county, Ohio, and went there. Mr. Thomas was born 20th July, 1822, i- a lawyer, a son of the Rev, Thomas Thomas, a naiive of Wales, wiio graduated at Oxford, England. 10. A daughter not named, born 16th January, 1S30, and died the same day. WILLIAM LITTELL, (son of John, son of Nathaniel,) and Mehetabel Bonnel, lived at Summit, an-l had children : 1. William Henry, born 2d May, 1840. 2. Theodore, born 14ih May, 1»44. 3. Frederick Rose, born 12th April, 1847. 4. Julia Smith, born 3d April, IbSl.T g POLLY LITTELL, {3d'child of Nathaniel, son of David,) and J Ebenezer Byram, lived in Darke county, Ohio, and had children: *' 1. Mary Littell Byram, born 2id Dec. )8:)0,' married, 12ih March, 1818, James Gregory, and died 16th July, 1827, leaving children: ? 1. Samuel Gregory, vi'ho married Jane Roll, daughter of John J and Fully Roll, lives in Montgomery county, Indiana, and ' had children: 1. , who died young. 2. Sarah Gregory, who n)arried John McClnre ; lives in Montgomery county, Indiana, and has 4 children. 3. Esther Gregory married William Smith ; lived in Tip- pecanoe county, Indiana. She died March, 1849, leaving a child 10 days old, named Will Esther. 4. Martha Jane Gregory, born 24th Nov. 1825, married Silas Thomas, son of Samuel Thomas ; lives near Troy, Miami county, Ohio. 2. Abby Hedges Byram, born 19th August, 1802, and died 12t'l April, 1805. 3. Eliza Ogden Byram, born 25th Nov. 1804, married, 27th Dec. 1824, Thomas Barnes, son of Jared. and had children: 1. Mary Elizabeth Barries married, 8lh Mav, 1845, Derick Lamer. She had a child the 8th Jan. 1547, and died the 9th, and the child tiie 10th. and both buried in one grave. 2. Sirah Jane Barnes, born 1827, anu died at about 5 years. 3. Ebenezfr Byram Barnes, born August, 1831. 4. Huldah Aline Barnes, born August, 1832, married, March, 18-30, James Custons, an Englishman by birth, brought up near Pouglikeepsie, New York. .S. Harriet Barnes died in childhood. 6. Rachel Barnes died in infancy. 7. Susan Barnes died in infancy. SATHANIEL LITTELI*. 249 8. Martha Barnes, born 1837. 9. James Biriies. 10. Harriet Biirries. 1 I. Caroline Barnes. 4 Nanci' Liitoll Byram, born'Slh Oct. 180G, and died 25lh of ihe same month. 5. Amy Hedi^res Byram, born 16th Sept. 1807, married, 17th March, i>j:U), Amos Barneys, brother of Thomas, and died 1st Oct, 1847, leaving 4 cliildrt'ij : 1. Jared Birnes, born 1st Jan. 1833. 2. Lmvis Byram Barnes, born Jnly, 1835. 3. .lohn Barnes, born Jnly, 1H37. 4. Elizabeth Barnes, born July, 1839. 9. Silas Gondii Byram, born 2d Sept. 1809, married 7th April, 1831, Mary Clark, daughter of John, son ol Thomas Clark and l^ebeca Lyon, dangliler of Jos ph Lyon. [_See Joseph Lyon.'] He lives near Hill Grove, Darke Connty, Ohio, and had children : 1. Sarah Byram, born 7th Feb. 1^32. 2. Mary Elizibeth Byram, born 49ih Aug. 1834 3. Amy Jane Byram, born Sth March, 1837. 4. Anne Byram, born 19th April, 1839. 5. Kliza Alariah Byram, born 10th Sept. 1841, and died 9th Jan. 1843. 6. Harriet Byam, born St'i Feb. 1844. 7. Susan Byram, b-.rn I7th Sept. 1847. 7. Lewis Naphtali Byram, born 9th Nov. 1811. married, 3d March, 1836, Elizaiieih McAnulty ; lives in Randolph county, Indiana, and had child-en: 1. Martha Jane Byram, born 17th July, 1837. 2. James Byram born 9ih Dec. Ih38. 3. David Byram, born 19th July, 1840. 4. William Courtney Byram, born June, 1842, and died in infancy. 5. John Liitell Byram, born 20 h Jan. 1848. 6. Mary Ellen Byram, born 5ih Augu t, 1849. 8. Nathaniel Littell Byram, born • 3d Jan, 1814, married, 24th April, 1837, his cousin, Ma'y Byram. daughter of Silas C. Byram, son of Naphlali, and had a daughter, Harriet Byram, who lives with her relative, the Rev. David Holiday, at Peekskill, New York, [.see Byram.,] and also a son, William Nathaniel Byram, who died Nov, 1841, aged 4 monihs. He died Sth Sept. 1841, of consumption. His wife, Mary, died 20th July, 1847. 9. John Littell Byram, born 25th May, 1816, marri d, 9lh Nov. 1839, Lucmda Manuel, diiijjhter of Philip ; lives in Marion, Grant county, Indiana, and had children: 1. Silas Byrari), born 15th June, 1841. 2. Mary Jane Byram, born 3d June, 1845. 3. John Franklin Byram, born 9th Julv, 1848. 10. James Gregory Byram, twin to David Clark, born 18th August, 1818, and died by accident, 10th May, 1822. (He fell off the fence, and pulled a rail down upon him.) ^50 NATHANIEL LITTELL. 11. David (~)lark Byram, born 18th August, 1818, married^ April, 1830, Eliza Law; lives near Hill Grove, Darke Co., Ohio, and had children: 1. Milton V\'esley Byram ; 2. Ezra Potter Byram; 3. Clark Greenwood Byram; 4. Newton Byram; 5. Mary Byram ; 6. Mariah Byram. NoTK. — Eliza Law was daughter nf Francis Law, who married Catherine Simpson, dauglilcr of .lames, who mariiid Jane VansicUie, sister of John and Abraham Vansickle, of iientoQ, Uhio. [6ee Josep/i Crane, pa^e lUd.] 12 Susan Littell Byram, born 25th April, 1821, and died 17th May, 1823. And by Samuel Robison, Esq., Polly Littell had children; 13. Robert Luther Robison, born 16th December, 1824, and married, Gih May, 1845, Lavina Frybarger, daughter of John Jacob Frjbarger, and had children : 1. Sarah Anne Robison, born 13th May, 1846. 2. Mary Ellen Robison, born 5th September, 1849. 14. Samuel Hervy Robison, born 10th May, 1827. « NANCY LITTELL, (6th child of Nathaniel, son of Da- gj vid,) and Peter Rounsavelle, had children : -" 1. David Cauldwell Littell Rounsavelte, born 5ih Decem- ■ ber, 1812, and married Mary Parsons, born 16th April, 1807^ daughter of Jonathan, and had children : 1. Dayton Rounsavelle, born 18th October, 1834. 2. <.'harles Rounsavelle, born 21st June, 1837, and died 10th March, 1838. His wife Mary died 20ih Octo- ber, 1840, and he married, 15th April, 1841, Sarah S. Whitson, born l9th June, 1814, daughter of David Whitson, of Baltimore, and had children : 3. David Whitson Rounsavelle, born 11th July, 1843. 4. William Littell Rounsavelle, born 7th May, 1845, 5. Charles Emory Rounsavelle, born 28th April, 1849. David C. L. Rounsavelle lives in Baltimore. 2. Hugh Rounsavelle, who died in infancy. 3. Mary, born 3d September, 1820, and died 22d March, 1822. Mrs. Nancy Rounsavelle died 23d December, 1822, and Peter immediately left this region of country. BETSEY T, LITTELL, (7th child of Nathaniel, son of David,) and Doctor William F. Piatt, lived in New York, and had children : 1. Mariah Milnor Piatt, born 9th July, 1811, married, 13th November, 1827, Joel Wilson, son of John Wilson, Esq., of Piainfield, and had children: 1. William Piatt Wilson, born 1 3th February, 1829. 2. Mercy Wilson, born 24th March, 1831. 3 05ATHAN LITTELL. 251 3. Eliza Wilson, born 20th November, 1833. Mrs. M.iriih M. Wilson died 4th ,\agust, 1834, and Joel Wilson married a,2;ain, and lives in ilahway. 2. James Mortimer Piatt, born 17th July, 1814, went to sea and did not return Mrs. Betsey T or Riiza T. Piatt died, and Docter Piatt married, 2d, Caroline Kempton, widow of Captain Kempton, and had a daughter Eliza or Lizzy C K. Piatt, who is now tea-^hing in a private family in New York. Dr. W. F. Piatt died 7th May, 1848. His 2d wife died previous to his death. JONATHAN LITTBLL. I JONATHAN LITTELL, (lOlh child of Samuel, 1st, of f N. J.,) had 4 sons. 1. Henry, who it is said married, and lived in the northern part of iMorris county. 2. Jonathan, who married Phebe Clark, sister or daughter of Isaac Clark, of Scotch Plains. 3. Cornelius, who married, 1st. Susannah Tucker, daugh- ter of John Tucker, of Stony Hill, and had 2 children ; 2d, Martha Drake, and had 3 other children : Keziah, James, and Martha. 4. William, who married Phebe Meeker, daughter of John Meeker, of Scotch, Plains, and had 7 children. » JONATHAN LITTELL, (son of Jonathan,) and Phebe ? Clark, had 5 children, viz. : 1. Hannah, who married Hugh Drake, son of Andrew, of Plainfield. 2. Henry married Betsey Hedges, daughter of Benjamin, of Stony Hill. 3. Nancy married Charles Rino, who lived north of Green Brook, near Scotch Plains. 4 Phebe married Bruen Brown, a Baptist minister, and went to Washington city. 5. Joanna, who went with her sister to Washington citj. HANNAH LITTELL, (1st child of Jonathan and Phebe Clark,) and Hugh Drake, lived at Plainfield, and had children : 1. Nancy Drake, who married Jonathan Randolph, son of Barzilla, of Plainfield. 2. Jacob Drake, who married Eliza Maloy. 3. Phebe Drake married Elkana Randolph. 4. Aaron Drake married Phebe Frazee, daughter of Moses, son of Henry Frazee. 5. John Drake married Henrietta Martin, daughter of Jon- athan. W2 JONATHAN LITTELL. ^ 6. Mary Drake married John Briant, of Springfield. f 7. Eliza. Nancy Drake, (1st child of Hu^h Drake and Hannah Lillell.) and Jonathan Randolph, had children : 1. Baizilla Randolph, who married Mary Dunn, of Piscataway. 2. Hannah Anne Randolph married James Ayres, of New Market. 3. Emeline D. Randolph married David Dunham, of Piscataway. 4. Daniel Randolph. Jacob Drake, (2d child of Hugh Drake and Hannah Litlell,) and Eliza Maloy, had children : 1. Mary Urake ; 2. Caroline Drake. Aaron Drake, (4th child of Hugh Drake and Hannah F Littell,) and Phebe Frazee, had children: f 1. Adelia Drake ; 2. Randolph Drake ; 3, Sarah Drake; 4. Louisa Drake ; 5. Henry Drake. HENRY LITTELL, (2d child of Jonathan Littell and ^ Phebe Clark,) and Betsey Hedges, had children : _g 1. William, who married JNancy Willcox, daughter of William, son of Noah. 2. Hedges, who went to the Genesee Valley, N. Y. and married, and had one child. He and his wife and child all died near together, with fever, in 1847. • WILLIAM LITTELL, (son of Henry,) and Nancy Will- ? cox, lived in Westfield. near the Branch Mill, and had children : \. Mary, who married Rev. Reuben Porter, a Baptist minisler, son of Reuben. 2. Fanny. 3. Henry married Sarah Rino, daughter of Ephraim. 4. Charlotie, born 3d September, 1829. 5. Catherine. 6. Elizabeth. 7. Abigail. 8. Amos, 9. Harriet. 10. Aaron. NANCY LITTELL, (3d child of Jonathan Liltell and Phebe Clark,) and Charles Rino, had children : 1. Betsey Rino. 2. Dunham Rino. 3. Hugh Rino, who married, and lives in Rahway. 4. Amos Rino. JONATHAN LITTELb. 25S 5. Pnebe Rino. 6. Mary Rino. 7. Sarah Rino. 8. Rebecc.i Kino. 9. John Rino married and went to Albany, and died. 10. Cfiarles Kino, who died in inlancy. Charles Rino's wife Nancy then died, and he married, 2d, Mary Marsh, daughter of Isaac Marsh, of JScotch Plains, and had 11 other children, viz.: 11. Charles Rino, 2d, who married Mary Van Sickle, of Elizabethtovvn. 12. Ephraim Rino, who went to New Orleans. 13. Anson Rino married Nancy , of New York. 14. Jedediah Rino married Georgiana Webber, of New York. 15. George Rino mrried Anne Darlin, of New York. 16. Hannah Rino married Amos Willcox,son of Cornelius, and had children; 1. Benjamin Sayre Willcox ; 2. Ireno Willcox. 17. Thomas Rino. 18. William Henry Rino. 19. Alva Rino. 20. Abigail Rino. 21. Abilear Rino. g CORNELIUS LITTELL, (3d son of Jonathan, son of o Samuel.) by his first wile, Susannah Tucker, had chiliren : ° 1. Catherine, who married Samuel Frazee in Ohio, and had 10 children. 2. Rebecca married John Murdock in Ohio, and had 4 children. Note. — Rebecca Murdock was drowned about 1820, in crossing a creek near Cincinnati, and Mr. Murdock removed, I Jiave not learned vvliere. And by his second wife, Martha Drake, Cornelius Littell had 3 children : 3. Keziah married Moses Larew, and lived near West Chester, Ohio. He died about 1830, leaving children, Amos, Mahlon, and Moses Larew, and Martha, Rebecca, and Jane Larew. 4. James iManning, who married Betsey Larew, sister of Moses Larew, Keziah's husband. 5. Martha, who married Jacob Rudasille. g CATHERINE LITTELL, (daughter of Cornelius,) and « Samuel Frazee, had children : •" 1. Hannah Frazee, who married John Spivey ; lives at Connersville, Indiana. 254 JONATHAN LITTELL. 2. Rebecca Frazee, born 23d August, 1805, married Gar- ret VHeit, from Sussex; lives near MiUvaiikie, Wisconsan. He has been considerably engaged in government surveying. They had children : 1. John B. \leit, born 26lh April, 1822, married, July, 184(), Manica Caroline Coon ; has no children. His business is engineering in AJilwaukie. 2. Jasper VIeit, born 3d April, 1824. He is engineer on the Milvvaukie and Mississippi Railroad. 3. William Vleit, born 2yth May, 1827, is a farmer. 4. Abraham Vleit, born 5th August, 1829, is with John, engineering. 3. Susan Prazee married, 1st, David Place, and removed to De Witt Clinton county, Michigan. Mr. Place died about 1832, leaving 4 children : 1. Catherine Place married, October, 1846, George Sercomb, and had children: I. George Orville Ser- comb ; 2. Caroline Vleit Sercomb. 2. Caroline Place, twin to Catherine. 3. Mary Anne Place. 4. Rebecca Place. After the death of Mr. Place, Susan Frazee married, 2d, Henry Moore, and had children; 5. Harriet Moore ; 6. John Moore ; 7. Charles Moore ; and 3 others. 4. Cornelius Frazee married Rosannah Spivey ; lives at Rossville, Ohio. 5. William Frazee married Fanny Boid, and soon after died, without children. 6. Samuel Frazee died in Indiana, unmarried. 7. Catherine Frazee married William Boice, lives at Hart- ford, Blackford county, Indiana, and had 7 children. 8. Keziah Frazee married John l^etro, lives in Shelby county, Illinois, and has children: 1. Cynthia Jane Petro ; 2. Catherine Petro. 9. John T. Frazee married Julianne Conover, lives in Fayette county, Illinois, and had children: 1. Catherine Frazee ; 2. IJarrison Frelinghuysen Frazee ; 3. Jasper Frazee ; 4. Rebecca Frazee. 10. Martha Jane .Frazee married Stephen Riggs, lives in Fayette county, Illinois, and had children: I. Elbridge Riggs ; 2. Alfred Riggs ; 3. Albert Riggs. KEZIAH LITTELL, (3d child of Cornelius,) and Moses I/arew, had cliildren : 1. Amos Larew, who married Rosannah Huffman, had but one son, Henry Marion Larew. JONATHAN UTTBLL. 255 2. Mahlon Larew married Bridoet Humes, and had children- 1. John Lurew; 2. Liureila Larew; 3. Aiigoslus Lurow. 3. Moses Larew married Amy Anne Morris, and has no chil- dren. 4. Marthn Larew married Joseph Gorman, and had 8 children: 1. Eiiz/ibelh Gorman; 2. Kfziah Gorman; 3. S-.phronia Gorman; 4. William Gorman; 5. Amanda Gorm:in ; 6. Matilda Gorm xa ; 7. Amos Gorman; 8. Joseph Wilson Gorman. Keziah Gorman, daiio-liter of Joseph, married Andrew Norris, and had children: I. Hannah Norris; 2. William Henry Norris ; 3. Martha Anne Norris; 4. Robert Benjamin Norris. 5. Rebecca Larew married William Voorhees, and had chil- dren : L Decamp Voorhees; 2. John Voorhees; 3. Harriet Voor- hees. 6. Jane Larew married Thomas GafFner. and had children : 1. Owen Larew Gaffner ; 2. Thomas Martin Gaffner. ? WILLL\M LITTELL. (4th son of Jonathan, son of Samupl, f 1st,) and Pnebe Meek<;r, had children ; he removed to Sussex county ° in 1800. 1. J .hn Meeker, who marri d, 1st, Catherine Bedell, dauohter ofjAbraham, s m of Jacob Bedell ; 2d, Betsey Pol hemus, of Sussex. 2. Polly marrieJ Ja^ob B. Maxwell, son of John, son of John Maxwell 3. Elias married, 1st, Mary Collins, of Sussex ; 2d, Lydia, a wid- ow, whos-; maiden name was Lydia Doremus. She died 6th July, 1850, aged 62 years. 4 Hiram married Peggy Stanbury, daughter of Capt. Jacob Stanbury, of Scotch Plains. 5. Nancy married, 1st, James McPeek, son of Jonathan McPeek, of Sussex; 2d, J>ihn Osborn Maxwell, brother of Jacob B. Max- well, above named. 6. Sally married Benjamin McPeek, brother of James, above named. 7. Linus married, 1st, Miss Slites, of Elizabethtown ; 2. Joanna Crane, of Lyons Farms. a> JOH\ MEEKER LITTELL, (son of William, son of Jona- gy than,) and Catherine Bedell, had children : S 1. Lucinda, who died a young woman, unmarried. 2. Betsey, who married Alexander Hamilton Davis, of Newark. 3. Rachel went to the lakes, N, Y., and married there. 4. Pfiebe went also to the lakes, N. Y., and married there. 5. Elias married ; lives in New York. 6. Hiram ma ried Phebe and Mary , sisters ; lives in N Y. And by his 2d wife, Betsey Polhemus, he had other children : 7. Catherine, who married ; lives in Newark. 8. John. Jflg JONATHAN LITTELL 9. Cornelius, who died in infancy. 10. C irnelius. 2cl, born afler his father's death. John iM. Liitell died of the cholera at Patterson, in 1S32. ELTAS LITTF.LL, (3d child of William Littell, son nf Jona- than,) and Mary Collins, lived in Bluomfield, and had children : 1. Mary, who married John Doreinus, brother of his father's 2d wife. 2. John C> Uins Littell married Ijucetta Woodruff, daughter of Flavel, of Madison. He is a tailor in Newiuk, and had children : 1. William Brilton Littell; 2. Mary Collins Liitell; 3. John Collins Littell ; 4. llhoJa Woodruff Littell. 3. William, who married Emma Hedeiiburg, daughter of Edward L. Hedf^nhurg, of Newark. He is a carriage maker of .Newark, and had children: 1. William; 2. Emma S. And hy his 2d wife, Lydia, Elias Littell had a sod, . HIRAM LITTELL, (4th child of William, son of Jonathan,) and Pegcry Sianbury, had one daughter. r. Margaret, who married Mr. Balies, of Newark. NANCY LITTELL, (5th child of William, son of Jonathan,) and Jamt^s McPeek, lives at Lafiyelte, Sussex county, and hud but one child, 1. William McPeek. SALLY LITTELL. (6th child of William, son of Jonathan,) and B(nj\n:in McPeek, had children: 1. M.iry McPeek; 2. Cfitherine McPeek; 3. Phebe McPeek: 4. Sarah Elizabeth McPeek ; 5. VVhitefield McPeek ; 6. Margaret jMcPeek ; and three others who died young, two of them 1st Aug. 184-1. LINUS LITTELL, (7ih child of William, son of Jonathan,) had children : 1. William; 2. Stiles; 3. Elizabeth. KATHANIEL LITTELL, SON OF SAMUEL, 1ST. 057 NATHANIEL LITTELL. ^ NATHANIEL LITTELL is snid by John Littell, his grand- o son. to bf brother of lienjumin Liltell ; or rath r (hit N.ithaiiiel ? Littell. Jun., was cousin to John Littell, of VVeslficlti ; therefore JNaihaniel Littell, Sen., was son of Samuel. Nathaniel Lilldl, son of Sruviufi, married Susan Colie, of Sprin<>;field, thought to be a sister of Daniel Colie ; he had children : J. Henry 2. William, who died a soldier in the Revolutionary war. 3. James married Jane Duinont, of Somerset county; lived near Green Brook, Pisrataway. 4. John, who went to nearCIierry Valley, New York, and set- tled there. 5. lienjamin m vrried and had but one child, Susan, who married and went to French Creek. 6. Noah married Jane Gildersleeve, and lived at Jeffersoa Village, E sex county. 7. Natliaiiiel married Catherine Corsner, of Monmouth county. 8. Aaron married Sarah Dickerson, and lived in Elizabethtovvn, and (lied without children. 9. iMary, who married Ilobart Jewel, of Sodom, Essex county. g HENRY LITTELL, (1st child of Nathaniel, son of Samuel, fi 1st,) had children : ? 1. Jonathan, who married Susan Steinbeck, daughter of Jacob, a German, and lived at Cheapside. 2. VVilliafn, who had a la me red mark on the side of his face. He married Jan Smith, daughter ol Uriah, of Cauldvvell, and had children: 1. Mary; 2, Juhn; and then removed to Indiana. 3. .Xhby married Samuel Lyon, son of Moses, of Short Hills. 4. Hannah married John Smith. 5. Susm married John Tailor, son of William, of Springfield. 6. Polly married John Sip, lived in Newark, and both died there, leaving two children: 1. William Sip; 2. Matilda Sip. 7. JNancy married Richard Swain, of Springfield. g JONATHAN LITTELL, (1st child of Henry, son of Nathan- ^ iel,) and Susan Steinbeck, lived at Cheapside, and had children : S 1. Betsey, who died a young woman, unmarried. 2. Phebe, who married John Drew, Jun., son of John Drew, of W. O. Ridge, and had children : 1. Charlotte Drew ; 2. Teresse Drew; 3. Elizabeth Drew; 4. John Drew ; 5. Phebe Drew. 3 Mary married Noah Stiles, Jun., son of Noah, of Connecticut, and had children ; 1. Emma Stiles; 2. Edward Stiles ; 3. Adolphus Stiles. 4. Sally married Mervin Stiles, brother of Noah, Jan., and had children ; S 259 KATHANTEL LITTELL, SON OF SAMUEL, 1ST. 1. L'lban Stiles; 2. Walter Siiles ; 3, Montgomery Stiles; 4. Surah Jane Siiles. 5. John, who (Jit-d ill 3 years. , 6. JaiKj married William Stiles, brother of Noah and Mervin, and had children : 1. Mary Siiles ; 2, John Lyon Siilos ; 3. Cornelia Stiles; 4. Susan Siiles; 5. L<)iii>a Stiles; 6. William Stiles. 7. Susrtn married Daniel Van Wert, Irom Uonnecticul, and had children : 1. Caleb Van Wert; 2. John Van Wert. 8. Vashli Btidd Littfll married Aaron S. Ross, son of Aaron F. Foss, of Wliite Oak Ridge, and had a son, William Augustus Ross. 9. Frances, wlio married Baldwin Townley, of Livingston, and had a daughter, Elizabeth Townley. ABBY LITTELL, (3d child of Henry,) and Samuel Lyon, had children : 1. John Lyon; 2. Mary Lyon; 3. Sally Lyon; 4. William Lyon; 5. Esther Lyon; 6. Caroline Lyon. HANNAH LITTELL, (4th child of Henry,) and John Smith, had children : 1. Charlotte Smith ; 2. David Smith ; 3. Caleb Smith ; 4. Caro- lineSmiih; 5. Matilda Smith. ^ JAMES LITTELL, (3d child of Nathaniel, son of Samuel. 1st,) ^ and Jane Duinont, lived near Greca Brook, in Midd'eiux county* 8 and had children: 1. Richard Dumont Littell, who married three sisters, l*;t, Margaret Eliz^ Dunn; 2(1, Anne Mariah Dunn; 3d, Rtberca Dunn, daughters of Judo-e Dunn, of Staten Island, . nd lives there, and by his first wile has childrf-n: 1. Jane Johannah Dumont Liliell. 2. John Duinonl l.iiiell. who is a lawyer; livpsat Hol-nken, and married the only daughter of Smith Bloomfield, and has a daughter, born 1849. By his 2d wife, Anne Mariah, he had no living children. By his 3d wife. Rebecca, he had 7 children : y. Margaret Eliza. 4. Mary Louisa. ' 5- Emma. 6. Richard Dumont Littell, born 1S49 ; and 3 others, who have died. 2. William, who lived on Staten Island, and married a Miss Farmer, near New Brunswick, New Jeisey, and soon after his marriage, in attempting to cross the Fresh kill Creek, on his way to visit his wife, was drowned. After his death, his widow had a too, William, born about 1828 or 1830. ROAn LITTBLb. 359 3. Marguret manied Mr. Broadhead, and both died, leaving no childroii. 4. R.ifhi'I miirried Elward Sprnguo, from Long Island, and had a s.-n, Willi. un Spragne, burn about ld40. « NOAH LirrKLL. (;-t!i son of Natlmnicl son of Samnol. 1st.) o and Jane Giider.slecve, livod iit Jctr(.'rsoii Vdlagc, and had chillron : ." 1. Nalh.uiiel Li., who marrieJ tluiuuh Ciowel, daughter of Syl- van us. 2. Divid marr'.ed Mary Aniic McDonald, daughter of John, fro.n Iridmid. 3. Pollv married Richard Crowel, son of Daniel, of W. O. Ridge 4. Piiobe married, 1st, Abraham HaKer; 2(1, Gilbert KinJell. 5. Smith, whi) was accidiinially hung on a ladder in his father's barn, at about 17 years of age. g. NVTH\NIEL B. LITTRLL. (son of Noah,) and Hannah '^ Crowd, :ived at .Ii;lfer>i»a Village, and had children; S 1. Smitii, wli ) married Abby Neely, of Cherry Valley, Essex Co., and iiad cliildren : 1. Smitli ; 2. Andrew. 2. Miry Jane married Baxter Wilkison, son of Crowel, and had children : I. Hmmh Frances VVillcison ; 2. Joseph Wilkison; 3. Sam* uel Wilkisiiii. 3. Noah, who die I, at about 24 years, nninarriod. 4. Muses, born 6th Aug. l52J, marrird, 1851), Eliza Kinnan. DAVID LITTELL, (son of Noali,) and Mary Anne McDonald, had ciiildren : 1. Joliii Smith Littell, who married Amanda Miller, and had a daughler, Adalnie Liltell. 2. Levi Clark Litlell. 3. Ahrahan) Baker Littell. 4. Erauces Denman Littell, who died Oct. 1847, aged 14 years. POLLY LITTELL. (daughter of Noah,) and Richard Crowel, lives in Oaio, and has ciiildren : J. Rebecfta Crowil, wlio married Isaac Ross, of South Oiange, 2. L)uisa Crowd married . 3. Daniel Crowel married . ^ 4. Moses ( rowel. 5. Aaron Crowel. ^ 0. Phebe Crowe!. PHEBE LITTELL, (daughter of Noah,) and Abraham Baker, had a dangliler, L Mary Baker, who married David Mitchel. And by Gilbert KimJell she had children: 2. Susan Brant Rindell. 260 NATHAKIEL LITTELL, JUN. 3. Sarah Pierson Rindell. 4. Gilbert Rindell. 5. Robert Rindell. 6. Phebe Jane Rindell. » NA.THANIEL LITTELL, Jun., (7th son of Nathaniel, son of g> San uel.lst,) and Catherine Corsner, lived at Green Brook, and had • chiUi.e.p. : 1. John, born 14tli May, 1781, and married Mercy Williamson, daughter of James, of Plainfield, and lived on the tirst mountain, above Bound Brook. 2. James married Mary Winans, daughter of Winant Winans, and went to Middletown, Ohio, and died there. 3. Gritfin was a soldier in the war of 1812 ; taken prisoner at Hull's surrender, and never returned. He did not marry. 4. William went to Illinois; married Nancy Glasgow, and died there in Sept. 1850, leaving children: 1. Mary, who married Wil- lard W. How ; lives at Toledo ; 2. Elizabeth Litiell. 5. Benjamin married Mary Compton, daughter of James Comp- ton, of Liberty Corner. 6. Aaron married Jane Brown, daughter of Stephen, of Wash- in: ton Valley, and had children, Stephen and others, and removed to Mason county, Illinois. 7. Hannah married Henry Jemison, of Spottswood ; lives near John Littell, her brother. f JOHN LITTELL, (son of Nathaniel, Jun., son of Nathaniel,) P and Mercy Williamson, had children : ■ 1. Nancy, who married Benjamin Willcox, son of Benjannin, [See Willcox.'] 2. Susan married Joseph B. Morrison, and had children; 1. Mary Elizabeth Morrison ; 2. William Henry Morrison; 3. Gilbert Morrison ; 4. George Morrison. 3. Caty married James Watts, son of Robert, of Middlebrook, and had children : 1. Mary Anne Watts ; 2. James Runyon Watts ; 3. Mary Watts ; 4. George Watts, 4. Mary married Isaac Clark, of Rahway, and had children: 1. James Henry Clark; 2. Jane Emily Clark; 3. Mary Elizabeth Clark ; 4. Charlotte Clark. 6. Benjamin married Martha Millegan, daughter of William. He lived on the first mountain, above Bound Brook, and had chil- dren : 1. Jane Anne ; 2. Margaret Ellen ; 3. Mary Louisa. 6. Israel married Sarah Sickles, daughter of Isaac, of Rahw»y, and had children: 1. Lewis Edward. 7. Nathaniel. 8. Abby Eliza. NATHANIEL LITTELL, JUN. ngl JAMES LITTELL, (2d son of Nathaniel, Jun.,) and Mary Winan-f, lived in Middletown, Ohio, and had children : 1. William, who married Sarah Burge, daughter of Anthony, and had children : 1. Drusilla; 2. Francis ; S.Theodore. 2. Winans married Huldah Noble, daughter of Anthony, and had children : L William ; 2. Mary. He lives in Lafayette. 3. Catherine, or Kate. 4. Caroline married Isaac Hand, son of Ira, son of Daniel, a brother of Col. Aaron Hand, of Springfield, and had children : L Mary Hand ; 2. Ellen Hand. [See Hand.'] 5. Sarah married William Mitchel, and had a daughter, Emma. BENJAMIN LITTELL, (5th son of Nathaniel, Jun.,) and Mary Compton, had children: 1. James; 2. Catherine; 3. Margaret Anne; 4. Edith; 5. Hannah ; 6. Harriet, twin to Hannah ; 7. William. HANNAH LITTELL, (7th child of Nathaniel, Jun.,) and Henry Jemisun, had children: \. Nathaniel Jemison ; 2. Catherine Jemison ; 3. Rebecca Anne Jamison ; 4. Henry Jemison ; 5. John Jemison ; 6. Aaron Jemison ; 7. Mary Jane Jemison ; 8. Sarah Jemison ; 9. Albert Jemison. fe*! JOHN LOITO. JOHN LONG. R JOHN LONG was a sndHler, lived on Sfony Hill, mar- g ried Susannah Valentine, dauglner of Jonah Valentine, and had children : 1. Levi, who married Abby Bond, daughter of Thomas, of Lynns Farms. 2. C.illierine married Benjamin Swain, son of Jacob, of Wolf Hill. [See .SVr/n/.] 3. Susannah married, Isl, John CafTrey, from Ireland; 2d, Enoch Vreeland. 4. Michael married. 25ih Dec. 1810, Lnckcy Stewart. 5. Joseph married Betsey W'llkison, dauirliter of Nathan. G. Israel B., born 1803, 'married, 21st Au-just, 1822, Tolly Brown, daughter of William. i LCVI LONG, and Ahbv Bond, had children: 8 1. Marcus; 2. William;" 3. Mary; 4. Hetty. CATHERINE LONG, and Benjamin Swain, had chil. dren : 1. Hannah Swain, who married William McDonald, of Monmoulh county, and had children : 1. Joseph McDonald; 2. William McDonald, Jun. ; 3. Thompson JNIcDonaJd ; 4. Benjamin McDonald; 5. Klizabeih INIcDonald. 2. John Swain married , at Rahway, and went to the lakes. 3. Polly Swain married Abraham Simonson, and had children : 1. William Simonson; 2. Joseph Simonson; and others who died. And Abraham Simonson died, and she married Ephraina Howai-d, and lives at Sci)t(;h Plains. 4. Eliza Swain married James Curtis, son of John. [See Betsey Frazee and JiJtn (Jui fis.l 5. Jonah Swain marriel Jane Ward, dau^ihter of Israel, son of Joshua. He left iier and went to the South, and died at 21 or 22 years. 6. Joel Swain, who married a d lughtf-r of Charles Rino. 7. William Swain married in PennsNlvaniu. SUSANNAH LONG, and John CafTrey, had children : 1. Lucy (Jatfrey, who married David Edwards. 2. Barnabas Caffrey, who married in Hanover. 3. Edward Caff rey. 4 Philip CafTrey. JOHN LONG. 26S 5. John Caffiey. 6. James Caffrey. 7. M;ii y Ciffiey. 8. Jane Caffiey, who died at 18 years. MICHAEL LONG, and Lockey Stewart, had children: 1. Susiin, who wt-nt lo Uhi ). 2. I'hebe, who married IJias Clark, son of David, son of EHas, Sen. She was accidentally shot, and died of the Wound. 3. Hetty married Mr. Vreeland, of Newark. 4. John married Hetty Vreeland, daughter of Charles, of Springfield. Mr. Michael Long died oth March, 1833. JOSEPH LONG, and Harriet Wilkison, had children: 1. Harriet, born 15th June, 1828, married John Meeker, son of Aaron, of Springfield. 2. William Henry, born 16th March, 1830. 3. Mary Elizabeih, born 2.5th Jan. 1832, married William Burnet, son of Timothy, of Union. Mr. Joseph Long died 3d March, 1831. ISRAEL B. LONG, and Polly Brown, had children: 1. Sally, who married Alexander Baker, son of Samuel, of Elizabethtovvn. 2. Catherine married David Curtis, son of John. [See Asa Fraz'ie and Curtis.'] 3. Willium. 4. Samuel, born 1830. 5. George, born 8th Sept. 1832, and died 15th Aug. 1849. 6. Jacob, born 1835. 7. Lydia Anne, born 1837. 8. Susan, born 18:J9. 9. Hetty, born 1813. 10. Caroline, born 1845. 11. Mary Frances, born 28th June, 1847, and died 8th August, 1849. 264 JEREMIAH LUDLOW. JEREMIAH LUDLOW. - JEREMIAH LUULOW lived in New Providence, where n James M. xMorehouse now lives. He died 1st August, 1764, •" aged 67 years. His widow died 12th March, 1790, aged 91 years. They had two children : 1. Jeremy, who mairied Elizabeth Doty, daughter of Jo- seph Doty, 1st. He lived where Jacob Davis Mulford now lives, in Passaic Valley, Morris county, and had childien : 1. Deborah, who married Jonathan Mulford, son of Cap- tain Jonathan. [See Mulford.'] 2. Joseph, who married, Sth January, 1784, Chloe Be- dell, [see Jennings,] lived where his father did, and subsequently removed to Western New York. 3. Mercy, who married Dr. John Hole, son of Charles, [ive Hole,] and removed to Ohio, a few miles below Dayton. 4. A daughter, who had a daughter, who married Sam uel Muchmore, of Madison. 2. Cornelius, who lived on Long Hill, and became a Colo- nel of the militia in Moiris county. He married, 1st, Cath- erine Cooper, daughter of Daniel Cooper, Sen., and had one son; 2d, Martha Lyon, and had six other children — she died 9th October, 179') ; 3d, Polly VVuU. He died 27th April, 1812, aged 84 years. g COL. CORNELIUS LUDLOW, (son of Jeremiah,) and ? his 1st wife, Catherine Cooper, "liad but one child : 1. John, who married, 19th Oetohei, 1772, 1st, Catherine Cooper, his cousin, daughter ol" Daniel Cooper, Jun., and had five children ; 2d, Susan Demun, daughter of John, and had six other children. 2. Agnes, who married, 15th Oct. 1774, Jonathan Pierson. 3. Patty, who married William Remsen, of Klizabethtown. 4. IJeiijamin, who became Major General of the militia of New Jersey. He married Eleanor Harris^ daughter of Hen- janiin Harris, of Morris county, and sister of the wife of John McCaiter. 5. Isr.iel, who married Charlotte Chambers, of Chambers- burgh, Penn. He went to (Jincinnati, Ohio, and was one of the survey^4lAi2-<-<3' 8. Denman Ross lives at Lowell, Mass.; married Mary Wal(!fo0, of Boston. 9. Jane Ross married Holland Smith, and had a daughter, Jenny Smith, who died young. 10. Lydia Ross married Cyrus Warren. WILLIAM LUDLOW, (6th child of John, son of Col. Cornelius.) and Charlotte Hand, had children : 1. Israel, who married Cliza McMullen ; 2. Jonn , 3. Harriet; 4. Caroline; 5. Elizabeth ; 6. George. BETSEY LUi'LOW, (7th child of John.) and Matthew, Patten, lived at Dayton, ;uid had children : L iNhugaret Patten, who married James Douglass. 2. Susan Patten married VViUjam Wilson, merchant at Ha- milton, and had (d)ildren: L Charles Wilson; 2. Elizabeth Wdson ; 3. William Wilson; 4. James Hurin Wilson; 5. Ebenezer Thomas Wilson. 3. Anne I'atten married Hugh Wilson, brother of William, and went to Indiana. 4. Eliza Patten uiarried Rev. David Reed ; lives in Jeffer- son countv, Indiana. 5. Mary Patten. 6. Amanda Patten married . 7. William Patten married Mary Anne Duffield, daughter of Robert. 8. Sarah Bell Patten. 9. Martha Jane Patten. 10. Sophia Patten, who died of cholera, 21st July, 1850, at Hamilton. MARY LUDLOWj (8th child of John,) married Alex- ander Pendery, and had children : 1. Ludlow Pendery; 2. Goodlow Pendery; 3. Martha Pendery; 4. Ralph Pendery ; 5. William Pendery; 6. Fin- ley Pendery ; 7. Susan Jane Pendery ; 8. Israel Penderj. COL. coR^f^:T.IU3 lodlow. 267 SLfSAN LUDLOW^ (daughter of John,) and Stephen Cummings, hnd one daugliter, Marthn Jnne Cumnilngs, who manieil John W. Owens ; antrhy Divid Binghim had chiU dren : 1. Mary Judith Hingham ; 2. Gt-oiire liinghnin ; 3. Wil- liam Dou^rhiss Bingham; 4. Susan Fiances" Bingham ; 5. David Bingham. JOHN LUHLOW, (sonof J>hn.) and Hetty \iles, had children: 1. Haniet, who manied Di-. Fieeman; 2. Stej)hen mairied ; 3. John. RUTH TJJDLOW, (dau-hter of John,) and Jnmes Bax- ter, had chi d en : 1. Susan Jane manied, and died ; 2. Mar- tha Jane married J. U. Harper; 3. Andrew James Baxter; 4. John Ludlow Baxter. CHARLOTTR LUDLOW, (danghtor of John,) and John Long, had ehildren: L Susan Long; 2. Josephine Long; 3. John Ludlow Long. g AG\ES LUDLOW. (2d child of Col. Cornelius Ludlow,) S and J(matlinn Pierson, had children: I. Jonathan Pierson, Jun , \vh > married Ma:ilda Davis, lived at Hamilton, Ohio, was a judge of the court there, and liad cliildren : w L Nancy Pierson. who married Moses Kline, and had a children: 1. James Kline; 2. Matilda Kline; 3. Sam- ? uel Kline 2. Theodore Pierson. 3. 1-^llen Pierson. who married . 4. Isabella Pierson. who married Wdliam Kain. 5- Joseph I'ieison. 2. Polly Pierson married Gen. Solomon Doughty, son of Joshua l).)ty, of Loner Hdl, and had children: L Agnes Douirhty, who married Doctor John D. Jack- son, of Ilockaway, and had children: L Edward E. Jackson, who married Miss Osborn; 2. Charlotte Jackson married Mr. Robison, son of Sheriff Collm II. .bison, of Alorristown ; 3. Mary Jacks )n married Mr Chandler; 4. John Jackson, Jun., IS a physician; o. Agnes Jackson ; 0. Laura Jackson. 2. Joshua DongJi^y. who fnanied Susan Southard, daughter of Col. Isaac Southard, of Somerville. is a merchant, and president of ihe S..mervil!e Bank there, and hid children: I. Louisa Doughty; 2. Sarah Doughty; 3. Mary Doughty; 4. John^Robn Doughty; 6. Joshua Doughty ; 6. Susan Doughty. 268 COT.. CORNELIUS LUDLOW. 3. Elizabeth Pierson Doughty was born 1803, married Doct. Chnvles H Jackson, and died 28th July, 1838, without children : 4. Sineus Pierson Doughty, born 1808, and died 20th October, 1832, unmarried. 5. Sarah Mariah Uouglity, born 13th July, 1814, and died '25th July, 1838, \hree days before her sister Elizabeth, unmarried. 6. Eugene S. Doughty, who married Elizabeth Under- dunk, a widow, of Somerville, is a lumber merchant there, and had a son, Eugene. He was elected a member of the le<;islature in 1850 and 1851. 3. Betsey Pierson. daughter of Jonathan Pierson married Col. Solomon Koyle, of Long Hill, son of Solomon Boyle, Jun. [Sre Col. Boyle.] 4. Sineus Pierson, who died in Ohio, a young man, un- married. GENERAL BENJAMIN LUDLOW, (son of Col. Cor- ^ nelius Ludlow.) lived on Long Hill, where his father did. S He was majur-general of militia, judge of the court of Morris county, and was several times elected to the legislature, as member of the general assembly, and member of the legisla- tive council. General Benjamin Ludlow, (4th child of Col. Cornelius Ludlow,) and Eleanor Harris, had children : 1. Cornelius, who married Julia Anne Disborough, o^New Brunswick, and had children : 1. George ; 2. Jane ; and three others. He was a justice of the peace, and judge of court of Morris county. He died 24th November, 1836. 2. Israel, born 1796, and died 21st Dec. 1819, unmarried. 3. Mary, who married Dr. John W. Craig, now of Plain- field, and died 1840, without children. 4. Martha, born 1801, and died nth November, 1802. 5. Susan, born 1803, and died 27th March, 1823, unmarried. 6. George Harris, born 1805. He was successively a jus- tice of the peace, sheriff, and clerk of Morris county, and ia now in the lunatic asylum at Trenton, on account of insanity. 7. Martha, 2d, who married her cousin, George H. McCarter, 17th November, 1840, and died about 1845, without children. 8. Eliza, born 1809, and died 19th March, 1838, unmarried. 9. Charlotte Chambers, born 1810, died 22d July, 1830, unmarried. 10. Eleanor, bom 181-, and died 4th March, 1849, unmar- ried. COL, CORNELIUS LUDLOW. 269 1 1 . Benjamin, born 8th August, 18 1 7, and died 1 7th Novem- ber folio wino^. General Hen. Ludlow born 1703, and died 27th January, 1817. His wife Cleanor born 177 1, and died 4th September, 1819, aged 48 years. c ISRAEL LUDLOW, (5th child of Col Cornelius Ludlow,) oand (Charlotte Chambers, of Ci.cinnati, had children : •° 1. James C. Ludlow, who lived on Mill Creek, a farmer, married Miss Ciarleiiled in ^^e^ttiel(l. lliey IkuI but one cliild llial giew u|) tu niaiili()t)d, wIid uas named l^badiali, wlio maiT.ed Ph.lte Alar-sh, ol NN'esifield. and had childitn : ^ 1. Jac.ul) who marnetl Ah ru;iiei I'o.jI, ol JLhzabelhtovvn, § daughter vi' Wilhani I'ool, and liad chihiren : * 1. IMielie, who man- eds^aro^.W^uidruff. )v-i-^^-.^i,.i, Q 2 Jacob inanied iMiss LTcTiatMark, 3. C'arohne, who died unmarried. 4. John married Margaret b^merson, and had children: g 1. Maiga'-et, who married Isaac Scudder. sou of Israel; 2. Sarah; 3. Gideon; 4. Mary Elizabeth. g 2. Sarah married David Crane, of Ehzabeihtown. n 3. Waison, who went to the South, and died unmarried. 4. Samuel, who married . 5. t^m:th mai ried Kuth l>;idi:ley. G. I'atty married Daniel Muiison. of i\ew York. 7. Betsey married i-^benezer Stevenson, of New York. 8. Joseph, b.-rn I7ih December, 1779, manied Betsey Morehouse, daughter of Simeon. i 9. Jo.mna. boin26ih Se|)itmber, 17S1, married Daniel Cory, son ol' LIder D.miel lory, ot Long Hill. [Sep- Co?-?/.] 10. lizra married Ivachel JSegoine, ol New York, and lived and died there. Obadiah Ludlum, Jun . died, and iiis widow married Elder Daniel C/ory, of Long Hill. 'i he lamily now spell the name Ludlow. JOSEPH LUDLOW, (son of Obadiah Ludhim. Jun.,) and Betsey ALjrehouse. lived on Stonv Hill, he was an elder in the Presbyterian church there, and had clu'dicn: 1. Aaron M., who married, 1st, Eliza DeHart ; she dieJ, and he married, 2d. Jane Osborn. daughter of John. 2. Ezra married Deborah Orane, daughter of John, of Kew Providence ; 2d, Mary Crane, daughter of John Crane, of Newark. 3. .Amos married Catherine W. Hart, daughter of John, of New York, and went to Lebanon. Ohio ; his wile died, and he married there, 2d. Kosanna Simonton ; she died, and he mar- ried. 3d. Hannah Smith, daughter of Samuel Smith, late of Salem county, New Jersey. 4. Smith, who died an infant. 5 Hannah died 1st January. 1832. aged 22 years. 0. Joseph Marsh married Phebe Anne Dunham, of West- field, had one son, when she died, and he married Jane Max- well, of Connecticut Farms. OBADIAH LUDLUM. 271 7. Israel, who died an infant. 8. Nancy married J(ilin M. Kindall, son of Joshua. [S'C Kind (1 1 1..'] 9. Jacob, who married De'iorah T. Ruckman, daujhter of Levi, born ISih January, iSlS, and who died 2.llh l''ehiiiary, 184', leaving two children, \N alsoa uiid I'hebe, and he d;ed 24th October, 1^50. 10. Khza. who died an infant. I I. VVatson went to Lebanon, Oldo, and married Mary Smith, sisier <>f Amos's 3il wile. 12. John, who died 20th February, 1845. nc^ed 21 years. Mr. Joseph Ludlow died 10th October, 1849, aged nearly 70 years. AARON M. LUDLOW, l.y his 1st wife, had no children. By his 2d wife. Jiirip Osboni, he iiati child rm 1. J.-reminh ()csbi)ii, l)orn 9ili Jannaty, I8i0. 2. H.-ary Marti i, born 10 1. iVl.rcli. 1841. 3. Horace Jiid.siiri. born 7lh January, IS-J3. 4. VVdl aril Mun.so:i, born Isi. August, 1S44. 5. Eliza Dellart, born llth Ff.'oiuary. 1846. 7. John Clark, uorn lOia October, iS47. EZRA LUnLOW, and D<;borah Crano, had children : 1. Levi MuU"iM-il, who went to Calilortiia. 2. Francis, who died at 9 mouths. 3. John J^iiseph. 4. Erasius, who died young. 5. Era.stns, 2^1. 6. John Ed^ar. 7. George. / 8. Janiod F. Meeker. * AMOS LUDLOW, and Catherine Hart, had children: 1. John lL)Vve Darn-. 2. Martha Anne Kliza died at 2| years. 3. Henrietta, who (bed at 16 days. 4. Deborah Jane, who died at 2| year.^. Ani by his 2d, wife, Rosanna had, 5. Phebe Anne, who died at 1^ years. Ami by his 3d wife, Hannah, had, 6. Catherine Wheeler. 7. Joseph LeRoy; 8. Josephine; 9. Mary Elizabeth. WATSON' LUDLOW, and Mary Smith, had children : 1. Samuel Joseph ; 2. Elizubttii Anne ; 3. Semantha Jane; 4. Sarah M. 272 MATTHIAS LUDLOW. M-'ATTHIAS LUDLOW. MATTHI/VS LUOLOVV married Sarah Williams, daughter of Benjimin, lived iti VVes rtold, and had children : 1. Ehtiiiezer, whn niMrr'ed Abigail Liltell, daughter of John, son of Berijaiidn. [Set Liltell] 2. Benjamin marru^d Kez'ah Clark, of Westfield. 3. Cornelius niarritid Abby Fierson, daughter of William, of Weslfield. 4. William married, as his 2d wife, Sarah Martin, daughter of Alexfsnder, of Lonjj Hill. 6. Sally married William Lane, of Woodbridge. 6. Lewis married Beisey Davis, daughter of Deacon Jacob Davis, of We.^tfield. 7. Isaac was a physician, married Nancy Cutter, daughter of Camp Cutter. LEWIS LTJDLOW\ and Betsev D.ivis, had children: 1. Malanclon, who died a young man unmarried. 2. Sarah, who married succesively Widiam Miller, son of Lewis, Caleb Miller, son of Nathaniel, and William Day, an Knglishman. By William Miller she had a son, 1. Lewis Miller, who married Martha Hand, daughter of Malthia.s, son of Nehetniah. By Caleb Miller she had childrt n : 2. Lsrael M. Miller; 3. Mary Miller. And by William Day. an Englishman, she had children : 4. Cath- erine Day ; 5. William Day ; and two others. 3. Benjamin, who married Fanny Smalley, daughter cf Abner, son of James Smallev, nd had a daughttr, 1. Elizabeth Ludlow, who married John Badgley, a grandson of Jonatli.ni. His \\\k Faimy died, and he \yent to Buffalo, New York, and there married again. H STEPHEN LUM. 273 STEPHEN LUM. STEPHEN LUM married in Connt-cticut Farms, and removed from iliciice to ttiu farm he bought of Moses Miller, south of John M. Siites's harlv-iniii, and had children : 1. Moses, horn February, 1780, and married, 13th Mav, 1810, Nancv Morehouse, daughter of Simeon, and removed to Newark, and died 18tli October, .8-19. 2. Amos married Fanny Morehouse, sister of Moses's wife. 3. John married a widow Osborn, lived in Newark. 4. Betsey did not marry. 5. Stephen M. married Betsey Frazee, and had children: 1. Jane ; 2, Flannah. 6. Oba married , and died about 1830, leaving 4 chil. dren. MOSES LUM, and Nancy Morehouse, had children: 1. Isaac, who died an infant. 2. Amos, who married Amanda Walker, daughter of Abraham, and had children ; 1. Louisa Eveline; 2. Lavina Parsons; 3. Martin Luther; 4. Adaline Woodhull; 5. Amanda Walker. 3. Stephen married Catherine Conklin, daughter of Nicholas, of Newark, and had children: 1. Sarah Secly ; 2. Elizabeth. 4. Rebecca M. married Sidney B. Day, of Orange. 5. Elias Riggs, who died at 4 years. ^^ 6. David, who died at 2 years. AMOS LUM, (son of Stephen,) and Fanny Morehouse, had'chil- dren : 1. Samuel Y. Lum graduated at college, studied theology, and was licensed to preach the . Anne, who married (ieorge Noble, and had a d:'ughter Jane, who married Sylvaiuis Oukley, sun of Ephraim Oakley. [See Oaklnj.] 7. Samuel married , and went to the West. JANE MARTIN, (daughter of Alexander,) and James Todd, had children : 1. Alexander Todd, who died in 1849, aged 64 years. 2. Sally married Juhu Norton. 3. William married Citherine Hand, daughter of Jonathan Hand, of IJaskiiig Ridge. [Sec Hand.] 4. James is not married. 6. Anae married John Nesbit, son of James, of Basking Ridge. THOMAS MARTIN, and Betsey Hedges, had children: 1. Thomas, who married, Ulh February, 1322, Rebecca Spin- ning, daughter of Benjamin, and had children: 1. J nutle. 2. John Diiyton, who married. ISth July, 1850, Nancy Pier- son, daughter of James H. Pierson. 2. Davtoii, who married S,illy Crowel, daughter o( Silas Cmwel, of Green Village, and had children : 1. Harriet Kuberls Martin; 2. William R. ^Uarlin. jjirE.— ?i]as Crowol's wife was Agnes Roberts, daughter of Samuel, son of tsamuol Koberls, Sen. 3. Polly married Daniel Hole, son nf Charles Hole, Jun., nnd had cliil hen: 1. Sally H"le ; 2. Nancy Hole; 3. I'homas Hole. They went to the lakes, N. Y. [See Hole.] iOnN MAXWELL. 279 JOHN MAXWELL. JOHN MAXWELL lived in W.^tlMd, and had children : 1. William, who iniirricd, 1st, Abigail Day, dauof i1hi- ,)(' D:ivid Day, E-q. ; 2d. Elizdbuili Baker, ddugiiu;r ot"Thoina:s Baker, Jun. 2. Jjhii, 2J. 3. David. 4. Esihor, who married Moses Miller, sun of John Miller, Jun, [See Miller.] g WILLIAM MAXWELL, (son of John Maxwell, Sen.,) owned o thi! farm of 99 acres, a Ij lining on the wpsl that of John B(;dell, ■ and probably he. or nis l',ither-iii-la\v, David Day, Esq., built the hou-^e where Peier Hill now lives. He also ownt d a tract south of it, extending to the top of Stnny Hill. He sold tue farm of 9D acres, on the I lih of A[>iil, 176 1, lo Thomas Biker, a id removed to or built a house on the nnnh side of Sioiy Hill, on iIk; olhi;r tract now owned in part by John W. Hjnd, lying east of T. O. Scudder's wood lot. Willianrx Maxwell had children: 1. Sarah, who married Henry Frazoe, son of Joseph. [See Frazee.] 2. Divid Day Maxwell, b:\piizcd I3th May, 1764, married Nel- ly — — , and removed to Canada. 3. William, .Uitx., who muried Polly Bailgley, 2Sth February, 1792, daughter of Anthony. 4. Polly married, I si, Isaac Line, son ofCapt. William Line, had a son, Is lac Line. H'-r hushan I then died, and she married John Willitox, son of John Willcox. Sen. b. Abigail, who died I2th February, ISiO, unmarried, an aged woman. 6. Simiiel, who died a young man, unmarried. 7. Elizibeth married, iOth May, 1775, John Prior, son of An- drew. [See Prior] 8. John, who married near Pluckemin. 9. Jemima, who married — — — — . g JOH>T MAXWELL, 2d, (son of John, 1st.) had chiUren: o 1. Nathaniel, who dird uninarrie I, durinj- the revoluti mary war. ° 2. John, 3d, was a m ison, learned ills trade of Jacob Briltin.of Long Hill, w IS a Ciiplain of the triilitia, married 'Eunice Osborn, daughter of John, and in April, ISOO, removed to Sussex cou ily. 3. Daniel, who married Abby Potter, daughter of Caleb Potter. 4. Hannah married Aaron Baker, sou of Daniel, son of Thomas Baker, 3d. [See Baker.] „ CAPT. JOHV M\X^VELL. (son of John, son of Jolin, It, of o Wesifield,) and Eunice Osborn, had children : ." 1. Jacob Britlin Maxwell, born 5th Auirusl, 17S6, and married 2gQ JOHN MAXWELL, 1st, Phebe T. Russel, born 18ih March, 1790, daughter of James Russel, of Sussex; 2d, Polly Liitell, daughter of VVil,iam, son of Jonaltian Liitell. 2. Elizabeth married Luke VanBuskirk, Juu., son of Luke, of Sussex. 3. John Osborn Maxwell married Betsey Carey, daughter of Jacob, of Sussex. 4. Esther married James C. Hagaman. son of Barna Hagaman., 6, Israel Baker Maxwell married Mary Anne Ousted, daughter of John. ^ JACOB B. MAXWELL, (1st child of Capt. John Maxwell,) now lives in iNew l-'rovidKuce, and by l-'hebe 'i'. Ivussel h.icl a sou: ^ 1. John T. Baker Maxwell, who married Abigail Higgius, daugh- ter of Davis Higgins. And by Polly Littell had children : 2. William Newton Maxwell, who died at 25 years, unmarried. 3. Nmcy, born l7th FtbiUciry, 18J7, vyho married Samuel Dur-> yee, boi II 1 6th November, 1814, son of David, of Newark, and had children : 1. William Brittin Duryee, born 17th Marcli, 1840. 2. John David Duryee, born 4th May, 1841. 3. Phebe Ellen Duryee, born 25th March, 1844, and died 1st October. 1844. 4. Mary Emma Duryee, born 7th October, 1S40. 5. Charlotte Elizabeth Duryee, born 28th August, 1848.1 4. Is del Onboru ^ axwell, l)iini olli August. i&.U, and married Charlo 'e Citherine Strong, born 1S26, daughter of Davis Strong, and had children : 1. Jacob Brittin Maxwell, born 28lh November, 1843. 2. Clara Madora Maxwell, born 21st June, 1848. 5. Esther, who died young. 1 JOHN T. BAKER M \XWELL. (son of Jacob B. Maxwell,) o and Abigail Higgins, live in New York, and had children: ■ 1. Phebe Anne; 2. Loui-^a : :^. Ch.^u-lotte; 4. Harriet; 5. Margaret Davis ; 6. Addison Weld ; 7. Mary. fr ELIZABETH MAXWELL, (2d child of Capt. John Maxwell, o and Eunice Osborn,) and Luke VanBuskirk, Jun., of Sussex, had ? children : 1. Eunice VanBuskirk, who married Horace Cooper, of Morris county. 2. Mary Anne VanBuskirk married Charles MackerJy, son of Michael, and hid children: 1. Michael Mackerly ; 2. Jacob B. Mackerly ; 3. Harriet Mackerly ; 4. Elizabe h Mackerly. 3. John M, VanBuskirk marrii^d Mary Anne Reed, daughter of Andrew Reed, and has a sun William VanBuskirk. Mr. Luke VanBuskirk, Jun., was accidentally killed by the fall of a|tree, and his widow Elizabeth married Mr. Montague, and had a son : 4, Joseph Montague. JOHN MAXWELt.. 28 1 JOHN 0. MAXWELL, (3d child of Cupt. John Maxnell,) and Betsey Carey h^id childrt^n : 1. Plie'oe maiM-icd Lansing Predmore, son of Joshua, of Sussex* and removed to Michigan. 2. Jacob Carey married, and removed to Beech Woods, N. Y. 3. Daniel; 4. Rhuda; 5. James; 6 John l^laxwell. ESTHER MAXWELL, (1th child of Capt. John Maxwell,) and James C. Hagamari, had children: 1. Hannah Hagaman. who married Mr. Masker, from Patterson. 2. Jacob Brittin Hagaman married Telitha Predmore, daughter of Joseph, and cousin of Lansing Predmore, before named. 3. liliza Hagaman married Daniel Gunderman, son of Peter, of Sussex county. 4. Sarah Ann Hagaman married Mr. Ross, of Sussex. 5. Catherine Hagaman, who die;l at about 25 years. 6. Margaret Hagaman, who died at about 23 years. 7. Rebecca Frances Hagaman. 8. James Hagaman. 9 and 10. Daniel and Mary Hagaman, twins. ISRAEL B. MAXWELL, (5th child of Capt. John Maxwell,) and Mary Anne Onsted, had children : L Nancy; 2. Esther; 3. John Jacob Maxwell ; and then removed to Michigan. " DANIEL MAXWELL, (son of John Maxwell, 2d.) and Abby g Potter, were marricid 5ih November, 1789, and had iMiildren : 1. Phebe, who married Mr. Bishop, near the Scotch Plains. 2. Esther, who married Ephraim Terril, of Westfield. Abby, the wife of Daniel Maxwell, was drowned in January, 1800, in New York bay, by the upsetting of a sailboat of Eliza- bethtown, when several others were drowned. S DAVID MAXWELL, (3d child of John, 1st,) lived in Dnion, ? and had children : 1. John, who married Anna Hubbel, and lived in Union township. 2. Samuel married Ruth Ross, daughter of Daniel Ro.n : f I. Susan, who married Stephen Foster, of Lyons Farms. 2. David, who died at about 58 years, unmarried. 3. Abner, who married Sally Allen, daughter of John, of^Union. 4. Nancy, who died at about 64 years, unmarried. 5. Mary, who married Denman Meeker, of Lyons Farms. 6. Esther married Elias'Crann, son of John, 4th. [See Crane.\ 2S2 ROBERT MEEKER. ROBERT MEEKER. J03EPF1 MEEK Ell. was in tlie first list of oightv asanrintes, callel '■ llii; Eli/.al)t'ililowii Associau-s," ami wns pinbiibly llie la- tlier of Unbcrl Mt;» ki^r. Sl(^|)lieu Me. krn 1771, married, 23d Dec. 1790, John Roberts ^ son of Samuel Rob rts. She died 30th July, 1M2, aged 71 years. S He died 22d April, 1842, aue I 7-3 y. Elizabitii Pierson ; 4. Daniel Pierson ; 5. Elias Pierson ; (i. Jonathan Meeker Piersim. Charlotte H, who died 2d March, 1838, aged 36 years. JOMV M. MEEKER, (son of Daniel H., son of Isaiah,) and Mury C. Budd, ii >d chii.lren ; 1. Gertrude, who man iod Jabez Coolc, son of Ellis Cnok, of Haniivcr, and hud children: 1. Anne Cook; 2. William Cook; 3. Marv Cook. 2. John; 3. Sarah; 4. Mary; 5. George ; G. Henrietta Meeker. t CM.EB MEEKER, (son of Isaiah,) and Chari y Frost, had n cliiltlren : •" 1. P.illv, who married Amos Wii cox, son of John Willcox, Jnn., and died 27tli Nov. 18-31. leaving a son, 'I'lieod.ire, who married , and lives in N. Y. 2. Nancy ; 3. Betsey Townley ; 4. Charily Frost, who all three died young. 5. Caleb Flilsey Meeker, wlio married Flannah Giilam, daughter of John, son ol James Gillani, and had children: 1. Albert. 2. llarret; 3. Alnira; 4. Mary; 5. Emma. 6. Jonathan Magie Meeker married, Isl, Alniira Voder ; 2J, ^ Mary Elizabeth 13>lliger. of .N. Y., and had children : B- 1. Frelerick ; 2. Marv ; 3. Alvin : 4 William ; 5. Theodore; • 6. E.lis. 7. Isaac, b)rnPth Dec. ISM, married Mehetabel Barnet Will- cox, dauQfhter of John, 31, and had children : 1. S.iiah Anne, who married, 27ih Fib. IS'iO, Benjamin Spin- ning, son of J.)lin, [see Spinning ;^ '2. John Lewis Meek- er; 3. Charity Frost Meeker; 4. Isaac Henry Meeker; 5. William Francis Meeker. MARY MEEKER, (daughter of Isaiah,) and Arauna Muir, bad children : 1. Divid Austin Muir, who is a dry goods merchant in Broad- way, New York. Ho married Mary Jaques, daughter of Isaac Jaques, New York, and had children : 2St ROBERT MEEKER. * 1. Elizabeth J. Mnir, who married, lOth Nov. 1S51, David o G Tappen, of Morristovvn ; 2. Frances Aluir ; 3. Lewis ? Miiir ; 4. Austin Miiir ; 5. Harry Muir. 2. Jonalhaii M. IMuir. 3. Josiuli Frost Muir, who is a paper manufacturer at Chalham. He married Almira Parkhurst. daughter of Ezra, and had children: 1. Harriet .Muir ; 1. .James Muir. 4. Deborah Halsiy Muir. 5. Caleb Meeker Muir, who married, May, 1849, Abigail Brown» daughter of Benjamin, of Chatham. (». Mary Caroline Muir. 7. Isaac Newton Muir, who died at 6 years. ISAAC MEEKER, (son of Isaiah,) and Betsey Willcox, lived east of Sterling's Valley, and had children : 1. Mariali, who married Lewis Noc, Jun., son of Lewis, and had children : 1. .Tonnthan Meeker Noe ; 2. Isaac Meeker Noe ; S.Lewis Mulford Noe. 2. Harri' I, who married, 12th May, 1840, Abraham Valentine, p.'.n of Peter D. Valentine. She died 1 6th June, 1S43, aged 31 years, with, ut children. 3. Eliza Anne, who married, 3d April, 1841, Daniel Noe, of Woodbrid'ge. and died wiihoul children. £f JAMES MCEKER, (son of James, son of Robert Meeker,) and g> Hannah Foster, live>i at Conm cticut Farms, and had rhildren : 1. Nancy, vvho married John Brewster, son of Timothy, and had but one child, James M. Brewster. 2. Nathan, who mar'-icd Nancy VVatkins, daughter of Trembly Watkins, and had children : 1. James Trembly Meeker, who married Joanna B. Munn, daughter of Doct. Jephtha B. Munn, of Chatham. 2. lilizabeth VV. Meeker. 3. James F. Meeker, who married Rebecca Bloomfield ; is a merchant in Klizahelhtown, and had children. 1. James R. Meeker, who married Anna Halsey, daughter of JohnT. Halsey. 2. William Bloomfield Meeker. 4. Stephen J. Meeker, who married, 1st, Phebe Magie ; '2d, Eliza Woodruff, daughter of Flavei,ard had children: 1. David Magie Meeker, who married Olivia Gardner, daugh- ter of Samuel Gardner, of Clinton. 2. Phebe H. Meeker, who married Charles Brown. S. Jane H. Meeker. 4. Hannah Meeker, who married Mr, Harrison, of Orange, fi. Sally Meeker, who married John High 3d, son of John, Jun., of Westfield. [See Eigh.'] JOHN MILLER. 285 JOHN MILLER. §> JOHV MILLER lived in WestfielH, and had children: « 1. Bnoch, who mairietl Hannah Baker, who was born •" 1702, and lived in WestHeld. 2. John, Jun. also lived in Westfield. g ENOCH MILLER, (son of John,) and Hannah Baker, « had children : 1. Enoch, Jan., who married Eliza Ross. 2. Andrew married Sarah Ross. 3. Moses married, 1st, Aziiba Meeker, of Elizabethtown ; 2d, Molly Riley, an Irish i^irl ; 3d, Hannah, widow of Ben- jamin Bonne), son of Benjamin Bonne!, Esq. He jived at Union Village, in Passaic Valley, and was an elder in the Presbyterian church of New Providence. 4. Jacob, born March, 1747, married Lucretia Marsh, daughter of Joshua, of Westfield, lived on Long Hill, and removed to Butler county, Ohio. 5. Jedediah. 6. Lydia married Robert Goble, and went to Ohio, and then to Indiana. They had children : 1. Robert Goble; 2. Abby Gable married Robert Shafer; 3. Hannah Goble- 4 Goble. 7. Elizabeth married William Scrawfoot ; lived at Sprinb"rn.] She died. 3. ('hurlotte married Mr. Badgley. 4. Lewis Noe Miller mai-ried, 1st, Anne Pennington, and had a son; lie married, 2d, llaniet Ku(dhen, oC I'laiiifiild. Noah Meek( r (ii(d, andshe married, 31st March, 181 1^ Thomas Conn, and had children: 5. Georjjfe Conn, who went to the South, and married Charlotte Newman. 6. B'M)jamin Ludlow Conn. 7. Charlotte Conn njariied Edwin Castner ; she died, leavim^ 2 children : 1. Sarah I'Jizabeth Castner ; 2. Charlotte Castner. 8. Sarah Conn. 9. Mary Conn, who married John Peters, from England^ lires in Ebzabethtown. 10. Elizabeth Conn. t ELIZVFiETlI MIIXER, (daughter of Elder Moses,) P and Z )[)har Williams, had children : 1. John Williams, who dicij at 20 years of age. 2. Polly Williams, who married F^zra Prake, son of Noah, and had one child, Elizabeth Drake, who married Frcenian Tucker, son of Li les, am! had two sons: 1. Williams Tucker; 2. Lines Ezra Tucker; and she died Dec. 5th» 1S47. 2?^.8 JACOB MILLER, JACOB MILLER. se JACOB MILLER, (4ihsonof Enoch,) and Lucretia Marsh,- f lived near Trenton, Ohio, and had cliihlren : 1, Savidi. who married Moses Crane, son of i\oah, in N. J,, and l>ad children : 1. Lucrelia Crane, who married Michael Culver, and had children: I. Moses Culver; 2. Sarah Culver; 3. Hulilah Culver. 2. Noah Crane married Mary Hamilton, daughter of Andrew Hamilton, from Ireland, and had children: 1. Stephen ; 2. Catherine. 3. Stephen Crane married Betsey Simpson, daughter of Aaron, and had a daughter, Huldah. [See Simpson.'] Sarah Miller married, 2d, John Martin, in Ohio, and had a daughter. 4. Huldah Martin, who married David Randolph. 2. Joanna, born July, 1787, and married, 1st, Stephen Clark, son of Samuel Clark, Esq., [see Clai'k,'] and had chil- dren : 1. Jonas Clark, who married Susan Flenner, daughter of David, and had children: 1. Jane Clark, who married ; 2. Stephen Clark married ; 3. Elizabeth Clark ; 4. Susanna Clark ; 5. David Clark. 2. David Clark married Mary Slypher, and had a son, Augustus Clark, 3. Jane Clark married J[ohn Hamilton, brother of Noah Crane's wife. Joanna Miller married, 2d, Jacob Morris, in Ohio, and had children : 4. Mary Mor.-is, who married William Jordan. 5. Hannah Morris married Chailes Porter. I 3. Jacob Miller married Mary Thompson, daughter of g Price ; lives, near Reading, and had an only child, Jacob Miller. 4, Joshua Miller married, 1st, Sally Miller, his 2d cousin, daughter of Enoch, of N. J., and had an only child by her, Matilda, who married Moses Davis, son of Moody Davis, and lives in Indiana. Joshua Miller married, 2d, Phe^ Lyon, daughter of Na- thaniel, son of Peter, and had children.: 2. Eliza Anne, who married '■ — . 3. Charlotte, twin of Eliza Anne, married Rev. William Davis. 4. Jotham, who died unmarried, at 24 years. 6. Jacob married , and lives in Indiana. 6. John. 7. and 8. Martha and Lucretia, twins. JACOB MILLSR. 289 Q 5. Elias Miller mavried Catherine Moore, daughter of Ger- ? shorn, and had children : 1. Rebecca Anne, who married Joshua Bruce. 2. Ellis married Miss Johnson. 3. Lucretia. 4. Philetha married . 5. Mary married . 6. Hannah married Solomon Winters. 7. John. 8. Elias. G. Hannah Miller married her cousin, Nathan Potter, son of Enos, and had 5 children. They and all their children have died. 7. Haldah Miller married Solomon Flenner, brother of Jo- nas Clark's wife, and had children : 1 . William Flenner, who married Lany Flenner, daugh- ter of Daniel, brother of David Flenner. 2. John Flenner. 8. Ellis Miller, born 17th August, 1800, married Rosanna Hamilton, born 5th January, 1805, is sister of Noah Crane's wife. He is a lumber merchant of Hamilton, Ohio; they had children : 1. William Hamilton Miller, born 16th July, 1823, and is a lawyer. 2. Jacob Miller, born 28th September, 1825. 3. Catherine Miller, born 30th August, 1827, married Ezra Potter, son of Samuel M. Potter, son of Russel, and had a daughter, Mary Potter. [See Potter.'] 4. Mary Anna Miller, born 28th December, 1829, mar- ried Abner C. Campbell, son of Samuel, near Frank- lin ; lives in Hamilton. He is a partner of his father-in- law, Ellis Miller, and has a daughter Catherine. 5. Charles Marsh Miller, born 30th October, 1839. U 290 JOHN IWILLER. JOHN MILLER, JUN. e JOHN MILLER, Jun., (2d son of John Miller, of V/est- I field,) had children : " 1 . Moses, who married Esther Maxwell, daughter of John Maxwell, Sen., of Westfield. 2. Maline, who was a seafaring man ; know not what be- Rame of him. 3. John, 3d, who married Phebe Valentine, daughter of Richard, of Stony Hill. [See Vahntine.'\ 4. Jonathan married , daughter of Samuel Wil- liams, of William's Farms, and lived between Basking Ridge and Liberty Corner. 5. Mary, who married Isaac Crane, of New Providence. [See Isaac Crane.'] 6. Ruth married Joseph Crane, brother of Isaac. [See Jo' seph Ci'ane.'] 7. Abigail married Mr. Haines. 8. Abner. S MOSES MILLER, (son of John Miller, Jun.,) and Esther g Maxwell, had children : 1. Smith, who married, 8th January, 1792, Rachel Miller, daughter of Elder Moses Miller, son of Enoch. 2. Betsey married Samuel Headly, of North Farms, towards Newark. 3. Sally married Moses Williams, son of Samuel, of Wil- liams' Farms. [See Willia}jis.'] 4. Ezra married Mary High, daughter of John High, Jun., of Westfield. * SMITH MILLER, (son of Moses, son of John, Jun.,) and n Rachel Miller, daughter of Elder Moses Miller, had children : " 1. Joseph, who died at 16 years. 2. Betsey, who married John Fisher, son of George, of Fox Hill, Hunterdon county. 3. Ezra, who went to Ohio, married , and had 3 children, one of which was Smith. 4. Smith Maxwell Miller, born 16th February, 1799, mar- ried Catherine Coddington, daughter of Benjamin, of Mount Bethel. 5. Mary married Daniel Alward, son of Benjamin, Sen., at Dead River. 6. Sally married Joseph Magie, son of Michael, of Eliza- bethtown. JOHN MILLER. 291 7. Esther married old Minard Farley, of Hunterdon coun- ty ; he died, and she married Peter Green ; lives in Surgeons- ville, in Hunterdon county, and has a daughter, Josephine Green. 8. Abby married William Lyon, son of Aaron, of Lyon's Farms, and has children : I. William Lyon ; 2. Baker Lyon; 3, Adelaide Lyon. 9. Azuba married Henry P. Webb, of Cauldwell, and has a son. 10. Phebe married William Bovven, of Springfield, and has children: 1. William Frederick Bovven ; 2. John Joseph Bowen. H. John Wesley married Margaret Collins, at Elizabeth- port, and had children : 1. William Henry ; 2. Emily. sp BETSEY MILLER, (daughter of Smith.) and John Fish- ier, had children : I. Miller Fisher; 2. William Fisher ; 3. 3 Hannah Fisher ; 4. Daniel Fisher ; 5. Rachel Fisher ; 6. John Fisher. SMITH M. MILLER, (son of Smith,) and Catherine Cod- dington, had children : 1. Joseph, who married Mary Kinner, daughter of Alex- ander, of Piscataway. 2. Jane married William Wetmore, son of Samuel, of Springfield. 3. Hannah ; 4. Martha ; 5. Mary ; 6. Caroline ; 7. Mi- nard Farley ; 8. William ; 9. Edward. MARY MILLER, (daughter of Smith, son ofMose.^,) and Dan- iel Ahvard, hved near Dead River, and had children : 1. Benjamin Ahvard, who married his cousin, Amanda Lawrence, daughter of Stephen, who married Esther Ahvard, sister of Dan- iel. [See Alward.] 2. Moses Miller Ahvard married Sarah Drake, daughter of Abraham J. Drake, son of William. 3. Elizabeth Alward. 4. EHsha Ahvard, born 29th April, 1826, married, 31st August, 1847, Rachel Drake, daughter of said William Drake, of Schoolie's Mountain ; 5. Daniel Alward, Jun. ; 6. "William Alward ; 7, Esther Alward ; 8. Smith M. Alward ; 9. Rachel Ahvard SALLY MILLER, (6th child of Smith,) and Joseph Magic, had children : 1. Joseph Magie ; 2. Phebe Anne Magie ; 3. Minard Farley Magie ; 4. Hester Magie. 292 JOHN MILIBR. :?■ EZRA MILLER, (son of Moses, son of John, Jun.,) and Mary „ High, lived in Wesifield, and had children : ^ 1. Eliza, who married Charles Williams, son of Nathaniel, went S to Racine, Wisconsin, and had children : 1. Jane Williams, who married William Vandeveer ; 2. Re- becca Williams, who died at about 20 years ; 3. Alexander Williams; 4. Mary Williams; 5. Margaret Williams; 6. Anna Williams; 7. Belden Williams. 2. Rachel, who married John Drake, son of Nathaniel, of Scotch Plains, and had children : 1. Harriet Drake; 2. Ezra Drake: 3. Sarah Drake; 4. Huldah Drake ; 5. Emma Aug-usta Drake. 3. Esther married David B. Crane, of Newark, (son of John, son of Prince, son of Moses Crane, of Parcipany, Morris county,) and had children : 1. Mary Crane; 2. Mentor Crane ; 3. Asenath Crane; 4. Moses Crane; 5. William Crane. 4. Linus High Miller married Abigail Price, daughter of Elihu, of Elizabethtown, and had children : L Sarah ; 2. Anna ; 3. Moses ; 4. William. 5. Moses married Frances Durand, of Racine, and lived there, and had children : 1. William; 2. . 6. Ezra married, 17th Dec. 1849, Evelina Pierson, daugh- ter of Deacon Squier Pierson. 7. William, who went to Racine, Wisconsin. 8. Mary Anne married Aaron H. Verselas, son of Georse Verselas, Esq., of Gerinantown, Hunterdon county, and bad childien : 1. Mary Helen Verselas; 2. Rebecca Frances Verst Us. 9. Rebecca. JONATHAN MILLER, (son of John. Jun.,) and Miss Williams had children : i. Di;"kers()u. who married Jane Kirkpatrick, daughter of David, Sen., [See Kirkpuirick.'] and had children: 1. John, who went to Ohio ; 2. David, who married -; 3. Aiidrew, a lawyer; 4. Dickerson, a lawyer ; 5. Caleb; 6. Samuel".' - 2. Phebe, who married William C. Annin, of Liberty Corner. 3. Polly, who married Capt. William Tutlle, of Morris county, and had no children. 4. Williams, who jparried Polly Boyle, daughter of Joseph, of, Long Hill ; lived where his father did and had children : 1. Joseph, who married two sisters ; 2. Jonathan ; 3. Elizabeth, who mar- ried Jacob Stultz Haas, son of Jac(jb Haas, near Liberty Corner ; Jives in Darke county, Ohio, near Hill Grove, and keeps a tavern ; 4. GeuiufC. KPURAIM MiLtEB. 298 EPHRAIM MILLER. EPHRAIM MILLER lived at Smalley's Bridge, in Somer- set county, and had children : g 1. Eliphalet who married , daughter of Col. Seelv. n of Chatham. ^* 2. Elizabeth married Jacob Stevens, son of Jonathan. [Seo Stevens.] And by a 2(1 wife , Ej)hraim Miller had children. 3. Ephraim, who was partially insane. 4. Conklin married Mary Reel, of Virginia ; lived near Dayton, ^ Oluo, and had children : ^ 1. John, who died at about, 16 years. S 2. Hannah. 3. Sarah. 4. William married Anne Eliza Sourby, daughter of Wil liam, of Dayton. ~^"*rr 5. Samuel. 6. Martha married the Rev. Mr. Griffith, a Presbyterian Minister, from Wales. 7. Ephraim married Margaret Howey, daughter of Albert. 8. Henry married. 9. Emily. 10. Margaret, died at 4 years. 5. Sabra. 6. Hannah married Jacob Kautz, near Cincinnati, and had chll- dren: 1. Emily Kautz. i-j 2. Jacob Kautz married Wary Walker. m 3. Sarah Kautz married William Gailaghor. 4. Margaret Kautz, 7. Meeker Miller 294 JOHN MOORE. JOHN MOORE. £■ JOHN MOORE lived near Patterson, and had children : £> 1. Tabilha. who married Jacob Smalley, son of John Smalley, •" S n. [See Smalley.'] 2. Isaac married, 1st, Sally Smalley, daughter of John Smalley, Sen., 2d, Lydia Bedell, daughter of Moses, and grand-daughter of David Littell. 3. John, Jun., married and lived near Patterson, and from thence removed to the Lakes. He had children: 1. Charles; 2. Rachel, who married her cousin, William Moore, son of Benjamin ; 3. Anne married David Pier ; 4. Sarah ; 5. Ruth; 0. Abraham ; 7. Harriet. ISAAC MOORE, (son of John,) and Sally Smalley, lived in ^ Passaic Valley, in Warren Township, Somerset county, and had 5 children: 1. David, who married Betsey Boyle, daugher of Solomon, and sister of Col. Solomon, 2. Daniel married, 16th July, 1793, Betsey Rolph, daughter of Jonathan. [See Rolph. ] 3. Rachel married Garret Vreeland, of Acquackanak. 4. Mary married James Marshall, son of James ; lived at Pat- terson. [See Marshall-I 6. John married Chloe Tucker, daughter of Samuel, and went to Cincinnati, Ohio. 6. Tabilha married John Lyon, son of Ebenezer, [See Lyon.] 7. Sally married Samuel Evans, of Hanover, Morris county. Isaac Moore, by his 2d wife, Lydia Bedell, had children : 8. Isaac married Mary Davis, daughter of John, of Washington Valley, and had children : 1. Mary; 2. Abraham; 3. Louisa; 4. John; 5. Isaac; 6. Rachel ; 7. Martha ; S. Sarah, 9. Moses married Phebe French, daughter of David French, Sen. They both died and left children : 1. Emeline, who died at 3 years ; 2. Lydia lives at Brooklyn ; 3, Israel, who married Sally Anne Allen, daughter of David; 4. Harriet married ]\!r. Force, a blacksmith; lives at Madison ; 5. David married Catherine Drake, daughter of Mary Drake ; 6. Isaac, went to California, in Apail, 1849. 10. Betsey married, 22d Jan. 1808, Daniel Parker, son of Judah. 11. Samuel married Mary Ludlow, daughter of Joseph, son of Jeremiah. 12. Ruth married, 2d Aug. 1821, Garret Brown, of Acquacka- nak. * 13. Nancy married Robert Anderson, son of James, had children : L Lydia; 2. Aaron; 3. Phebe; 4. Eliza; 5. Sarah; 6. Charlotte, and wentto Indiana. SIMEON MOREHOUSE. 295 14. Rhoda married Reuben Smalley, son of James, [See Smaller/.'] and went to the Lakes. 15. Phebe, who died a young woman. IG. William I. married Eleanor Falls, lives where his fa- ther did. and had children: 1. Delia Anne ; 2. Charles Wes- ley ; 3. Lewis Craig. 17. Susan married William Stevens, son of James Stevens, lives on Wolf Hill, near Union Village, and had children: 1. Mary Jane Stevens, who married John Mclntire, and went to Seneca Falls, N. Y. 2. Phebe Anne Stevens married John G. McCord, son of Nathaniel, of Martinville, and went to Jacksonville, Illinois. 3. Sarah Louisa Stevens ; 4. Elizabeth Stevens ; 5. AI- mira Stevens ; 6. Ellen Stevens ; 7. William Stevens ; 8. Harriet Stevens; 9. Moses Stevens; 10. Susaa Stevens. Mrs Susan Stevens died at the birth of her last child, 28th May, 1845. SI;ME0N MOREHOUSE. SIMEON MOREHOUSF. cameup from Elizabet.htown, in the time of the Revolutionary war, and lived some time back of Long Hill, North of Peter Rutan's. He then removed to near the Franklin Mill, and subsequently bought of Jeremiah Ludlow, or his heirs, the farm on which his son Amos now lives. He married Rebecca IMeeker. daughter of James Meeker, of Elizabethtown, \_sce. Meeker,'] and had children: : 1. James, who died 12th October, 1784, aged 6 years. ' 2. Betsey, born Jan. 1780, and married Joseph Ludlow, son of Obadiah, Jun. \_See Ludlow.'] 3. Hannah, who died 13th October, 1784, aged 3 years. 4. David, born 1st April, 1783, and married Sally Walker, daughter of Asher. \_See Walker.] 5. Samuel, who died in infancy. 6. Amos, born 15th April, 178G, married, 9th May, 1811, Phebe Noe, born 13th May, 1700, daughter of John. 7. Hannah 2d, who died at 17 years. 8. Nancy married, 13th May, 1810, Moses Lum, son of Stephen, [see Lum.^ lived in Newark. 9. Fanny married, 18th September, 1815, Amos Lum, bro- ther of Moses, [see Lurn,] lived in Newark. 10. Polly married John Marsh Parsons, son of David. [See Parsons.] Simeon Morehouse died 4th May, 183G, aged 81 years; his wife died 16th December, 1839, aged 86 years. 296 JAIklES MOREHOUSE. iz DAVID MOREHOUSE, (son of Simeon,) and Sally Wal- o ker, lived on Long Hill, and had children : ° 1. Asher Woodruff Morehouse, who married Eliza Anne Whitehead, daughter of Samuel, of Morristovvn. 2. Jonathan Walker Morehouse married Mary Anne Tyack, daughter of John, of New York, lives in Elizabethtown. 3. Arnon, who went to Mobile, and married Mary , and lives there. 4. Rebecca. 5. David Jun., married Mary Condit, daughter of Haines Condit, of Morristown, and lives there. 6. Sally Anne. AMOS MOREHOUSE, (son of Simeon,) and Phebe Noe, lives where his father did, and had children : 1. David Noe INIorehouse, who died a young man, unmar- ried. 2. John A. Morehouse, who married Julia Anne Wilber, of Brooklyn. 3. Mary, born 23d March, 1817. 4. James M., born 2d Feb. 1820, married, 1st, Susan M. Kinney, daughter of John, and had a son, Horace Beach, born 10th October, 1844 ; his wife Susan died 30th March, 1848, and he married, 2d, 20th March, 1850, Henrietta Van Kirk, daughter of Nathan. 5. Elias Riggs Morehouse, born 4th December, 1824. JAMES MOREHOUSE. JAMES MOREHOUSE, was son of David Morehouse, of Canoe Brook, near Cheapside, in Livingston township. He married, 1st, , a daughter of Capt. Enos Baldwin, of Cheapside, and had a son, Baldwin Morehouse, who mar- ried Polly Potter, daughter of Noadiah, of Ohio. The first wife of James Morehouse, died; and he married, 26th Nov. 1788, Mary Potter, daughter of John, [see Potter,] and had other children : 2. Joanna. 3. Esther, who married Joel Kennedy, and lived at HamiU ton, Ohio ; he died . 4. Amos; 5. Betsey; 6. Aaron; 7. Moses; 8. Nancy. Mr. Morehouse removed to Warren countv, Ohio. CAPT. JONATHAN MULFORD. 207 CAPTAIN JOITATI-IAN MULFORD. EZEKIEL MULFORD, DAVID MULFORD, THO- MAS MULFORD, and two other brothers, with their father, whose name is not now (1810) known, lived at East Hamp- ton, Long Island. Ezeiciel Mulford married Abia. whose mother was Deborah Mullbrd, a daughter of John Mulford, probably a relation of her husband. He removed, about the year 1700, to Cape May, in New Jersey, and had two sons, Ezekiel and Jonathan. Jonathan, at four years old, at the request of his uncle David, who was a bachelor, was sent back to East Hampton. But his uncle David died four days before he arrived, mak- ing his nephew, Jonathan, his sole heir. The child lived with his grandfather, who at a proper age bound him an appren- tice to Thomas Osborn, a tanner and shoemaker. His father also died before he arrived at 21 years of age. Soon after he came of age, he went to Cape May, and received his share of his father's estate, amounting to £170, and returned to East Hampton. Soon after his return, he married Esther, a daughter of Cornelius Conklin, and shortly afterwards re- moved to Passaic Valley, and, by deed bearing date the 26th of April, 174'.), bought of John Pierson a tract of land "con- taining fourscore acres," lying adjoining and west of Na- thaniel Smith's tract, and adjoining the river, and having John Bedell, Jun. on the west, on which he lived till his death. He was born 29th September, 1718, and died I6th October, 1789, aged 71 years. His wife, Esther Conklin, was born 27lh August, 1715, and died 22d October, 1776, aged 61 years. g CAPT. JONATHAN MULFORD, and Esther Conklin, I had children : 1. Mary, born 18th December, 1741, and married Obadiah Valentine, son of Richard. [See Valentine.'] 2. Deborah, born 30th Jan. 1744, married John Bedel!, son of Henry. [See Henry Bedell.] 3. Ezekiel, born 24th June, 1746, and died 3d July, 1768, aged 22 years, unmarried. 4. Jonathan. Jun., born 6th Nov. 1748, married, 27th Nov. 1771, Deborah Ludlow, daughter of Jeremy Ludlow. He died 5th Dec. 1792; she died 28th April, 1801, aged 50h years. 5. David, born 5th October, 1750, and died October, 1768, unmarried. 6. Isaac, born 9th July, 175.'?, and died 25th October, 1759, aged 6 years. 298 CAPT. JONATHAN MITLFORD. 7. Cornelius, born 18th April, 1757, and died 14th May, 1823, aged 06 years. He married Nancy Bryant, of Spring- field, who died ICth March, 1837, ajied 77 years. 8. Esther, twin to Cornelius, who married Edward Ball. [See F^ali] Esther Ball died January, 1819, aged 62 yeais. 9. Mary R., who died young. Capt. Jonathan Mulford, after the death of his 1st wife, married Eleanor or Aula Bedell, widow of Jacob Hedell, (her maiden name was Aula Powers.) and had a son, Isaac 2d, who died Jan. 29th, 1783, aged 1 year and 4 months. 9 JONATHAN MULFORD, (son of Capt. Jonathan,) and g Deborah Ludlow, had children : 1. Jane, who died in infancy. 2. Elizabeth married John Crane, son of Joseph. [See Cram.] She died 9th March, 1828, aged 53 years. 3. David, who married Polly, daughter of Elder Benjamin Cory, of Elizabethtown. They both died without children. 4. Mary, who died 2Sth Sept. 1781, aged 2 years. 5. Daniel, who graduated at Princeton College, about 1805, studied law, commenced practice, and bid fair to become em- inent in his profession ; but consumption seized upon him, and he died 26th Oct. 181 1, aged 30 years. 6. Jane, (2d) who died in inlancv. 7. Mary, (2d) twin to Jane, 2d, 'who died 3d Dec. 1796, aged 11 years. 8. Levi, who died 7th Sept. 1814, aged 20 years, unmar- ried. CORNELIUS, MULFORD, (son of Capt. Jonathan,) and Nancy Bryant, had children : 1. Sally, who married Capt. Stephen Day, son of Ben- jamin, and had a son, Mulford Day, and died 7th April, 1801, aged 20 years. [See Stephen Day.] 2. Polly, who married, 31st Jan. 1824, Elias Coles, son of Master William Coles, and had children, Mullord and Mary, and died 4th ]May, 1843, aged 56 years. [See Cole.] ESTHER MULFORD, (daughter of Capt. Jonathan,) and Edward Ball, lived in Clinton, and had children: 1. Prussia Ball, who married, Ist, Jacob, Peshine, 2d, John Gardner, both of Newark. 2. Sally Ball married, 1st, Edward Bruen, 2d, David Dore-, mus, both of Newark. 3. Nancy Ball married, 1st, Caleb Pierson, of Newark, 2d Smith Burnet, Esq., as his 2d wife. 4. Jane Ball married Edward Gruet. 5. Hetty Ball mairied Mr. Robiion, of Newark. CAPT. JOB MULFORD. 299 E EZEKIEL MULFORD. (brother of Capt. Jonathan ? Mulford.) came to this valley from (~)ape May. His first wife's name was Jane, who died 6th Aug. 1759, aced 40 years, and he married Jemima Marsh, 6th Sept. 1767. He had children : 1. John. 2. Deborah. Mr. Ezekiel Mulford, with his son, John, returned to Cape May. soon after his 2d marriage, leaving his daughter here, who married Daniel Willcox, son of John, Sen. [See Willcoz.] JOB MITLPORD. ^ JOB MULFORD, came from Long Island, and settled at ^ Connecticut Farms. He lived a little east of Scudder's Mills, .S in Union Township. He married Sarah Hampton, sister of Jonathan Hamp- ton, of Elizabethtovvn, and had children : 1. John, who married Esthei Ball, daughter of Nathaniel Ball. [See Ball.] 2. Abigail married Mr. Harrison. 3. Abraham married, for a 2d wife, Hannah Sickle. 4. Davis married Hannah, widow of Mr. Willis. 5. Caleb married, 13th Oct. 1780, Sarah Stevens, daugh- ter of Jonathan Stevens. His wife Sarah, died 30th Dec. 1787, and he married. 23d June, 1783, Phebe, the widow, of Charles Johnson, and daughter of William Bedell, and removed to Warren county, Ohio. 6. Hannah, who married John Allen. 7. David married , and had a son, Job, who married Effa Thompson, daughter of Daniel Thompson, of Ohio. [See ThoTnpson.'\ ^ JOHN MULFORD, (son of Job,) and Esther Ball, had ^ children : 5 1 . Mary, who married Andrew Drake, of Staten Island, and lived there. 2. William married Hannah Durand, daughter of Bryant Durand, and brother of John Durand, of Jefferson's Village. His wife Hannah died, and he married, 2d, Betsey, the widow of Lewis Ludlow, and daughter of Deacon Jacob Davis, of WestfieUl. CALEB MULFORD, (son of Job,) had children : 1. Jacob, who married June Hole, daughter of Doct. John Hole, of Montgomery county, Ohio. [See Hole.] 2. Rebecca married Elias Littell, son of Ephraim, son of Andrew Littell. [See Littell.] 300 ■'0'^ MULFORO. 3. William married Martha Meek, and died without chil- di'en: 4. Job married Mary Dudley. They all lived in Ohio. WILLIAM MULFORD, (son of John, son ol Job Mul- ford.) liv 5. Huma married Ellis Coddington, of Woodbrido-e. 6. Phebe, married 21st January, 1815, Joel Drake, son of Jeremiah. FRAZEE NOE, (son of Lewis,) and Dency Hart had 3 children : „ 1. Daniel Hart Noe, who married 25th September, 1839, Q Mary Osborn, daughter of Stephen B. Osborn, and had chiu' •'' dren: 1. Lewis Henry. 2. Phebe Mundy Noe, who died 5th June, 1832, aged 17 years. 3. John Noe, married 3d December, 1845, Martha Bonnel, daughter of Philemon Bonnel, she died without children. 4. Sarah Emeline Noe, born 1811, married John S. Dean, born 1806, son of William, and had children: 5 1. William Henry Dean, born 1831 ; 2. Phebe Mundy I Dean, born 1834; 3. Eliza Robison Dean, who died at 2 years old; 4. Hannah Mariah Dean; 5. Eliza Jane D ean, born 1st, April, 1839, twins. 6. Sally Hart Dean, who died 6th February, 1849, aged about 7 years ; 7. Dency Anne Dean, born 1846 ; 8. Martha Frances Dean, born November, 1849. o 304 DAVID OAKLEY. DAVID OAKLEY. DAVID OAKLEY of Long Island, had sons : 1. David, Jun., who continued at Long Island. 2. Ephriam, who was born 1700, and married Sarah, who died 9th April, 1761, aged 52 years ; he died 3d April, 1761 ; they were buried in the New Providence church yard. I have no account of their children. 3. Thomas came to New Jersey, J lived in Morris county, near Passaic river, above Jonathan C. Bonnel's factory and paper mill. He married Betsey French of VVestfield, and had three children, who all died, and his wife also died, and he married her sister, Nancy French, and had three children, and his 2d wile died, and he married Nancy Clark, of Long Island, and had 8 other children. 4. Sylvanus came to New Jersey, and lived where John Willcox now lives. His Isl wife's name was Martha, who died 23d August, 1768, nged 43 years, and he married 2d, 8th December, 1768, Sarah Davis, widow of Isaac, and mother of Jonathan and Elijah Davis. [See Bedell.'] And he married, 3d, Mary, the widow of Henry Clark, of Westfield, and daughter of Richard Valentine. He died 23d May, 1787, aged 63 years. SYLVANUS OAKLEY, (4th child of David, 1st,) had children : 1. Ephriam, married 5th July, 1774, Susanah Raimond. 2. Matthew, baptized 24th February, 1765. 3. David, baptized 1st November, 1767. 4. Isaac, who died 23d September, 1768. And by his 2d, wife Sarah, widow, of Isaac Davis, he had other children : 5. Esther, baptized 21st, January, 1770. 6. Nancy married, 1791, James Bedell, son of Willianii, and went to Ohio. [See Bedell.] 7. John, who did not marry ; he was lame, had a wooden leg. 8. Polly married John Abel, and went to Ohio. (His daugh- ter Nancy went to the Shakers.) 9. Elzabeth, who died 11th October, 1791, aged 11 years. EPHRAIM OAKLEY, (eldest son of Sylvanus,) and Susannah Raimond, had children : 1. Rachel, who married her cousin, Sylvanus Oakley, son of Thomas. 2. Isaac, who went to the Beech Woods, Wayne Co., Penn. 3. Peter Raimond Oakley, who went to Ohio. 4. Hannah, who married Cooper Osborn. DAVID OAKLET. 3(|f5 5. Patty married, 1st, David Miller ; 2d, David Goble, 31st October, 1787. 6. Sylvanus iparried Jane Noble, daughter of George Noble. * 7. David, who went to the Beech Woods, with Col. Seely, of Chatham. e THOMAS OAKLEY, (3d son of David,) by his 2d, wife, g Nancy French, had children: 1. Sylvanus, who married Rachel Oakley, eldest daughter of Epiiraim. 2. Dorcas, married 2d July, 1795, Josiah Day, son of Na- thaniel Day, of Chatham. [See Day.] 3. David, who went to the south. Thomas Oakley, by his 3d, wife, Nancy Clark, had other children : 4. Jonathan, married at Haverstraw, New York, and lived and died there. 5. Phebe married Elijah Day, brother of Josiah, and went to Ohio. 6. Aaron, born 15th August, 1783, married, 9th November, 1804, Sarah Doty, born 20th August, 1788, daughter of Joseph Doty, 3d, and lived on Stony Hill. 7. Johannah married Richard Minthorn, and went to the Lakes, New York. 8. Jeremiah, who went to the south. 9. Daniel, married 10th September. 1814, Lockey Cory, daughter of George ; lives at Franklin Place. 10. Clark married Lucy Wood, of Spotswood; lives on Staten Island. 11. Lot, who died young. c, AARON OAKLEY, (son of Thomas,) and Sarah Doty, had chil. o dren : ? 1. Ira, who died at 19 years. 2. David Austin, who married Eliza Douglas, daughter of Peter, of New Vernon. 3. Ellas Runyon Oakley went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and there married Mary Anne Turner. She died April, 1847, and ho re- moved to Iowa. 4. Rosctta D. married Ebenczer Sturges, son of Benjamin, of Green Village. 5. Edward H. A. Oakley. 0. Aaron Doty Oakley married, 1st, Sarah J. Housey. She died, and he married, 2d, Sarah A. Miunick, daughter of Jacob, of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. 7. Sarah E. married, 7th Feb. 1847, John G. Hovey, of Wor- tester, Massachusetts. 8. Nancy C. Oakley. V 306 BMITH S. OSBORr». Daniel OAKLEY, (son ot T.icmas,) and Lockey Cory, had childnn: * 1. VVilliim. ^ 2. Julia'ine, who mnrried Daniel Paxton. and had children : 1. P Eliza Anne ; 2. Lewis. 3. Elev-**.a mnrried Charles R. Morphouse ; has no children. 4. Nancy, 5. Sarah ; 6. Ezia; 7. Da.iiel Thom is. SMITH STRATTON OSBORN. 5* SMITH S. OSBORN was son of Jacob Oshorn, of LonjT Island. f Me iriarriod Sarah Burnet, daughter of Stephen or J#tiati an " Bnrnet. of Lung Isiiuid. She was a cousin to Col. Israel Day ; he lived wliere George Cory now lives. He died 25lh April, 1816, aged 5j> years!. She dii d 15lh Sept. lS4],aged 81 years. He vras a shoemaker. They had children : 1. Es.'her, who married Ellis Noe, son of John 'Noe, [see John Noe.] She died I5lh Oct. 1805, aged 23 ye us. 2. Stephen Burnet Oshorn married, 21st Feh, 180S. Sally Potter, diiugh;er of Amos Potter. Esq., and died 22d Oct. 1844. 3. Hannah married 15th Oct. 1S17, Richard Holloway, son of Elijah. They lived at the east end of Sterimg Valley. She died Jan. 1848, leaving hut one cliild, Smith S. Osborn Holloway. 4. Jjicob ; 5. biratlon. Ti:ey went to Western New York, and both dii d there. - , ^'« '';""^- '"'-o'" Long Island to this Valley about 1780. « and hved whe e Jonathan Met^Uer, Ksq , now does. His 1st wife's name was L..is Ellison. They had children- 1 Llizabcth, who married Stites Scudder. son of Richard. fSee Cicudaer.] ^ 2. Smith S. Osborn, who was a physician. Remarried Kitty Howet, widow of Joseph Howe).. of Burlington county. Her mai- den name was Kitty Reynolds. Thev had but one daughter ^liza S. Osborn, wh . married Samuel Willcox, Esq., son of John Jun., and lives in Newark. [See WUlcox.] ^ ' Thomas Osborn's wife Lois died ISth Jan. 178.3, a^ed ."iZ years and he married, ISth Mav, I7S3. Rachel, the widcnv of David Sayre brother of Deacon WiHian, Sayre. Her maiden name waa Rachel R..ff. Alter Mr. Osborn's de.th. whieh occurred 5th of April, ISO? she married Col. Jede.liah Swan, of Scotch Plains. Doct Smith ^_ Osborn died 29th S.pt. ISUG, and his sister, Mrs. l^iizabetli Scudder, died 22d Nov. 184S. JOHN OSBORN. -^JOH^ OSBORN. who is named in the 2d generation of the - i^lizabethtown A'^sociates. admifed in 1699, and is said to have S come from Long Island, and probublv the father of J„hn Osborn who married Puah Howel, who died ]5th April, 1785 a-.ed 60 years. They lived where Doc. Ridley K.nt now does, and owned a so the Lacy farm opposite to it, extendin>/. north to the river He was born HlS and died 1st Sept. 177G, in consequence of a kiclc^by a horse. They had children : 1. Esther, who married, 25th Dec. 1707, Joseph Abbot, of NewarV 2. Puah, who married, 25th Oct. 1770, Joseph Marsh of Murri J county. ' "-"»»» 3. Jonathan Howel married, 6th Jan. 1766, Deborah Hart daughter of J.;remiah f she died 11th March. 1782, a^u, 4. Rachel, who married, 3d Sept. 1771, Jonathan Bailev of Morns county. [See Bailey] He died and she married, 2d An- drew Wade, of Morris county, [See Brown.] He died and she mrrned S.\, Dec ah, 1787, Isaac Clark", (a bilnd man ;) lived in this valley He died and she married, 4th, Samuel Tucker, son ot Abner Tucker. [See Tucker.-\ Mr. Tucker died; left her a widow again, and she lived several years, till Feb. 18.10 5 Polly mariied brrham Bedell, son of Jacub Bedell. fSee Bedell. \ ^ 6. Eunice, u-ho married, 6ih Nov. 178.5. Capt. John Maxwell, son of John. [See Jacob Bedell and John Maxwell ] 7. John. Jun., married, 2Sth Dec. 1785, Mary Bebout, daughter of Peter Bebout. ' 6 * fQ®" ^';"^'?^"'ed Samuel Clark. Esq., son of elder John Clark, 308 JOHN OSBORN. g ESTHER OSBORN, (daughter of John,) and Joseph Abbot, n had children: •" 1. Mary Abbot, who married David Hays, merchant of Newark, and had children : 1. Esther Hays, who married Ira Tichenor, of Camptown: lives in Richmond, Virginia, and had an only child, Mary Tichenor, who married Lewis Lyman, of New York. 2. Nancy Hays, who married Henry King, of Morristown, and had children: 1. Caroline King; 2. Oliver King. 3. David Hays, who is a lawyer, and married the widow Caro- line Hays, of Burlington, N. J. 2. Rebecca married William Badgley, of Elizabethtown, and had children : 1. Joseph Badgley, who went to Indiana ; 2. Corne- lius Badgley, who lives in N. York; 3. Mary Anne Badgley, who married Henry Donnington, of Elizabethtown, and had children: 1. William Donnington ; 2. John Donnington ; 3. Joseph Donning- ton : 4. Sarah Donnington ; 6. Caroline Donnington ; 6. Mary Donnington. PUAH OSBORN, (daughter of John,) and Joseph Marsh, re- moved to Sussex, and had children : 1. Polly Marsh, who married John Day, son of George Day, Jun., of Long Hill. [See Day.] He died and she married Tho- mas Higby, of Sussex. 2. Howel Marsh married Miss Russel, daughter of Jarnes, of Sussex, and sister of Jacob B. Maxwell's wife, and lives on Long Island. JONATHAN HOWEL OSBORN, (son of John Osborn,) and Deborah Hart, had children : 1. Jeremiah Hart Osborn, who married 1st, 23d December, 1789, Polly Squier, daughter of Ellis Squicr. [See Ellis Squier.'] She died 21st Nov. 1793, aged 25 years, and he married. 2d, 3d March, 1795, Polly Clark, daughter of Stephanus, and went to Ohio. [See Stephanus Clark.'] 2. Jane, born 16th July, 1770, married David Parsons, son of William. [See Parsons.] 3. Rhoda married Moses Potter, son of Amos Potter, Sen., and went to Ohio. [See Potter.] 4. Sarah, who died 12ih April, 1792, aged 9 months. 5. Jonathan, who died 8th January, 17S9, aged 4 years. 6. Puah, who went to Ohio, and married William Squier, son of Meeker, son of Benjamin Squier. [See Squier.] 7. Sarah; 2d, who died young. And by his 2d, wife, Margaret Simpson, J. H. Osborn had chil dren : 8. Deborah, who married George Doty Clark, son of John, son of Elder John Clark. [See Clark.] 9. Esther, who died 12th February, 1794, aged 5 years. lb. John, born 20th April, 1787, married, 2d July, 1809, Sally' .OHN OSBORN. 3(39 Clark, born 1789, daughter of John Clark, son of Elder John Clark, and lives where his father did. Mr. Jonathan Hovvel Osborn died 2(1 December, 1792, aged 49 years, by accident in the woods. His widow Margaret, died 7th' September, 1832, aged 82 years. S JOHN OSBORN, (son of Jonathan Hovvel Osborn,) and Sally ? Clark, had children : S 1. Jane, who married Aaron M. Ludlow, son of Joseph. [Sec Ludlow. 'j 2. Aaron C, who died 1 5th October, 1826, aged 14 years, 2 mo. 3. Jonathan H., who died ISth October, 1826, aged 12 years, I month, and 21 days. 4. Jeremiah, who died 11th July, 1S38, at Carlisle, Penn., aged 21 years, 8 months, and 12 days. 5. Margaret, born 20th August, 1809, married, 12th September, 1838, Samuel Kent, a carpenter, son of Abraham, and had children : 1. Mary Emily Kent, born 1840 ; 2. Sarah Arme Kent, born 1844. 6. Sarah H., who died 2M January, 1823, aged 1 year, 4 mo. II days. 7. Sarah Anne, who married 16th May, 1844, Samuel Totten, son of Jeremiah. [See Totten.] 8. Deborah, born June, 1826. 9. Sibbel, born 23d August, 1628, and married 24th September, 1851, Albert Pierson, son of James H. Pierson, son of Jacob S. Parsons. \_See Parso/js.] 10. John Clark Osborn, who died at 8 months. R\CHEL OSBORN, (daughter of John, Sen.,) married, first, Jonathan Bailey, of Morris county; l_see Bailey ;] 2d, Andrew Wade, of Morris county, and had a daughter, Patty, who married Thompson Brown, son of George ; [see Brown ;] 3d, Isaac Clark, of Morris county, in this Valley ; [see Isaac Clark ,'1 4th, Samuel Tucker, (as his second wife,) son of Abner Tucker.j [See Tucker.'] g JOHN OSBORN, Jun. (son of John,) and Mary Bebout, had o children : ■ 1. Puah, who married Burrows Vanwy, of Sussex county, and had children : Jane Vanwy, who married William Completon, of Guernsey county, Ohio, and lives there. 2. Lewis married, 16th Nov. 1811, Mary Anne Cory, daughter of George, and went to Ohio. 3. Nancy married, 3d April, 1813, Daniel Wilson, son of Sam- iiel. and went to the Lakes, New-York, and had children : 1. Jane Wilson ; ■, 4. Jane married, I5th April, 1815, Isaac Denman, son of Joseph, of Springfield, and had children: 1. Runyon Denman, who married . 2. Elizabeth Denman married Theodore Hill 310 WEHEMIAH OSBORH. 3. John Den man married 4. IMary Denman, born , 1823, 5. William Denman, born , 1828. 6. Jonathan Hnwel Denman, born , 1S30. 7. George Denman, born , 1832. 5. Jonathan Hoviel Osborn married Phcbe M. Slurs'i^, daiigrliter ^ 'if Eleazer Sturgi^, of Green Villaire ; lives at the Saw Mill on B Pd'ssaic River, near Baskingridge, and had children : 1. Mary Jane, who married William M. Corbit, and had a ? son, Lewis Corbil. f 2. Lewis F., who married Anne Eliza Armstrong', daughter of Lewis, of Pleasant Valley, and had children: 1. William Osborn ; * 3. Sarah Roberts Osborn. NEHEMIAH OSBORN. NEHEMIAH OSBORN came from Connecticut Farms to Long Hill ; he married Mary Baldwin, daughter of Gabriel Baldwin ; he died l4th March, 1846, in his S5th year. They had children : 1. David 1j., born 4th January, 1787, and married Pliebe Ward, daughter of Joshua, of Ciieapside, and had children : S I. JosliLia Ward; 2. David Nelson; 3. Albert IL, who mar- s' ried Adaline Boyle, daughter of Dr, William Boyle; [see Boyle;'] 4. William Satiiord ; 5. Edwin; (i. P/iebe Anne. ^ 2. Rachel, born 30lh October, 17S8, and died 20th July, Jb08, S unmarried. 3. Ezra, born 27th March, 1790, and died at abont 30 years, unmarried. 4. Asa, born 19th Dec. 1795, married, 20th May, 1824, Jane \>, -Bennet, anJ had a daughter, Mary Jane. His wife Jane died 1827, aged 20 years, and he married Hannah Wood, daughter of Dai.iel S . Wood , Jun and had a daughter, Anne Eliza, born 18lh January, 1831, and married, 24ih Sept. 1850, Philemon Tomkins, son of A. A. Tomkins. 6. Matthias, born 20th Sept. 1797, married Elizabeth Bonnel, born llih February, 1797, daughter of iNalhdniel Bonnel 3d, and had children : \. Mary Elizabeth, born 29th Nov. 1829. 2. MarUia Jane, born' 28lh S. pt. 1833. g 3. S.irah Anne, who died in irifimcy. n Matthias Osborn was ordained, 3 0lh November, 1828, an elder in • the church at New Providence. 6. Nehemiah, bt)rn 8th February, 1799. lives at Sparta, in Sus sex coimtv ; he inafritd first, Miss Hunt; 2d, the widow Coursen. 7. Samuel B., born 16tli February, 1804. married, 1st March, 1824, Mary N. Miller, daughter of Lewis, She died 23d February, BENJAMIN PARKER. g| j 18 '4, in her 40th year, and jeft children: 1. Eliza; 2. Maitha; 3, David ; and had several others, who dif d young. 8. Eliza, born 3d October, 1807, and married William Meeker, son of Noah. !fe lives near Succasnnna Plains, Morris county [See Charity Miller, daughter of Elder Moses.] BENJAMIN PARKER. BENJAMIN PARKER lived on the north side of Long Hill, abont a mile west of the Washington School-house. He married Lydia Osborn. He died 7th April, 1794, aged 60 years. She died 3d November, 1822, aged 85 years. They had children: g 1. Stephen, born 29th May,"l759, and died 27lh March, 17S7, o unmarried. 2. Abraham, born 16th J; n. 17 32, and died at middle age. un- married. 3. Calvin, born I3lh Feb. 1768. married, 11th June, 1788, Sarah Badgley, daughter of Moses Badgley, and had a son, Moses Badg- ]ey Parker, who died a young man unmarried. Calvin's wife di;'d 6th December, 1796, aged 27 years, and he married RhodaMascho, daughter of John Mascho. 4. Betsey, born Sth Feb. 1770, and married, 12th Nov. 1706, Moses Headley ; he died, and she married Jacob Lacy, son of Da- vid Lacy. He died aboL't 1844, nearly 100 years old, and slie still lives (1850) a widow, where her lather did. CALVIN PARKER and Rhoda Mascho had children : g 1. Archibald, who died a young man, unmarried, o 2. Jane, who married Maxwell Badgley, son of Samuel Badgley. ? [See Badgley.] 3. Sally, who mar'iod John Hampson, grand-son of John Smith Shotwell. [See SIwtwelL] 4. Betsey married William Lariew, of Sussex, and lives there. 5. Benjamin married Phcbe Bedford, daughter of John S. Bed- ford. 6. Nancy married . 7. Hetty, who died young. 8J[a WILLIAM PARROT. \7ILLIAM PARROT. K WILLIAM PARROT lived where Ezra Wilcox now does, f and owned 200 acres of land, including that now owned by Ez- ra Wilcox, Abraham \'alentine and David A. French, extend- ing from the River to the St my Hill Road. It was divided be- tween his pons William and Thomas. He married the widow of Daniel Clark, and had children : 1. William, Juii. who married Catherine Williams, daugh- ter of John Williams, of Northfield, in Livingston Township, and sister of Zophar Williams. 2. Thomas, who married, 20th December 1786, Rosannah Rutan, daughter of Abraham Rutan ; she died, and he married, 2d. September 9th, 1824, Abigail Meeker, daughter of Isaiah Meeker. He lived on Long Hill, and was a Justice of the Peace of Monis county. He died 2Ist September, 1840. His 2d wife died 1st July, 1846, aged 79 years. 3. Samuel, who married, 18th August, 1783, Polly Thomp- son, daughter of Thomas, of Long Hill. He with his family, removed to the Lakes, New York. c WILLIAM PARROT, Jan. (son of William,) and Cathe- •■ rine Williams, lived where his father did, and had children : " 1. Abraham, who married Mary Frazee, daughter of i Abraham Frazee, and lived in New York. 2. Betsey, who married, 1st January, 1816, Mahlon Smalley, son of David Smalley, Esq. [See Smalley.'] 3. Abigail married, first, Samuel C. Parsons, son of Jona- than Parsons, and had a son John Parsons. Mr. Parsons died, and she married, second, Israel Stevens, son of John, and had a daughter, Angeline Stevens. They live in New York. 4. Squier, born 27th April, 1790, and married, 3d De- cember, 181G, Martha Townley, daughter of David, son of George Townley. 5. Polly married, 5th April, 1817, William Williamson, of Westfield, and had children : I 1. James Williamson, who married Margaret Anne o J^yon, daughter of William Lyon, of Lyons' Farms, and had children; 1. Amanda Jenelte Williamson; 2. Sally Anne Williamson; 3. Amelia Williamson. 2. Sally Anne Williamson, who married Isaac Cole, son of Freeman Cole, Esq. of Plainfield, and had chil- dren : 1. Hannah Eliza Cole; 2. Mary Cole, 3. Freeman Cole. Note. — Freeman, Esq. only son of Joseph Cole, [see Cole^ WILLIAM PARROT. 3^3 and Hannah Drake had children: 1. Mary who died at 16 years. 2. Joseph who died at 13 years. 3. VVilliam !). who married Catherine Smalley, daughter of Mahlon. [■S'ee Mahlon Smalley.'] 4. Betsey married Moses Hetfieid French, son of Willis. \_See Willis French. 5. Isaac married Sally Anne Williamson, daughter of Wil- liam Williamson and Polly Parrot. \^See Polly, daughter of William Parrot, Jun.'] 6. Elias, who died a young man. ABRAHAM PARROT (son of William Parrot, Jun.) and Mary Frazee, lived in New York, and had but one child Emeline, who married, first, Frederick Manchester, second, _^ Samuel Miller. By her first husband she had children : ^ 1. Mary Anne Manchester; 2. Henrietta Manchester; S 3. t?arah Manchester. And by Samuel Miller she had children: 4. Abraham Miller; 5. Emeline Miller; 6. Catherine Miller ; 7. Elizabeth Miller. I SQUIER PARROT (son of William Parrot Jun.) and S Martha Townley, had children ; 1. Mary, who died at 1 3 years of age. 2. Elizabeth married Vincent Frazee, son of James Frazee, of Scotch Plains, and had children: 1. William Frazee; 2. Rosetta Frazee ; 3. Isabel Frazee ; 4. Mary Ellen Frazee ; 3. Abraham who married Sarah Anne Burrows danghter of Rev. Waters Burrows, and had children: 1. George; 2. Mary Francis. 4. Caroline married, I7th November, 1847 Daniel W. Day, son of Capt. Stephen Day. \_See Day.'] 5. Margaret. 6. Abigail married, 31st December, 1849, Alexander Coop- er, son of Peter. \_See Cooper.] 7. William, who died yonng ; 8. Catherine; 9. George Townley; 10. Mary 2d ; 11. Martha. I THOMAS PARROT, Esq. (son of William,) and Ro- I sannah Rutan, had children : 1. William, who married Betsey Hand, daughter of Benja- min, went to Ohio, and had children: t 1. Abraham, who married Margaret Birdsal ; 2. Sylves- I ter married Henrietta Ogden ; 3. Abigail married Da- niel Hoffman; 4. Electa married ; 5. Thomas married ; 6. Anne married Jonah Marlow ; 7. Simeon; 8, Daniel. 314 WILLIAM fAR^OT. 2. Anna, who mnrried Isaac Crane, son of Norris, as his 2d wife. [See Nortis Ci-aw.'] 3. Peter, who married Sally Crane, daughter of Norris, and had ciiildren : 1. Jane, who married WilHam Force, son of Squier Force, Jun. live in Morristown. 2- Hetty married Sylvester Force, son of Squier Force, Jun. -. 3. Mary. 4. Piiebe married William High, Jun. son of William. [See JVUdam High.'] 5. Hannah ; 6. John. 4. Polly married Isaac Crane, son of Norris, as his first wife. [See Crane.] ■ 5. Joseph, born 23d March, 1800, married, 30th August, 1820, Martha Cory, daughter of Daniel Cory, Jun. son ot El- der Daniel Cory, of Long Hill, and had a daughter, Phebe M. who married, l5th Feb. 1838, Augustine Trowbridge, and had two (laughters ; and she died. Martha Cory, wiie of Jo- seph Parrot, died, and he married, second, May 27ih, 1824, Abigail Jones, born 2Gth January, 1804, daughter of Luther Jones, and had children: 3. Erastus ; 3. Thomas; 4. Eliza- beth, born 10th April, 1828. SAMUEL PARROT (son of William) and Polly Thomp- son had children : to 1. Abigail, who married Daniel Hand, son of Benjamin a Hand. He died without children, and she married William •■ Reynalds, of Livingston, and had a son, Parrot Reynalds, who married Joanna Vashti Budd, daughter of Dr. John C. Budd, and died without children. 2. Thompson. 3. J(jhannah. 4. Mary, who died young. 6. Joseph. 6. Cornelia, who married Sears Smalley, son of Abner Smalley. 7. Samuel, Jun. 8. Nancy. WILLIAM PARSONS. ESO. gjg 'WILLIAM PARSONS, Esq. WILLIAM PARSONS, Esq. came to Passaic Vnlley from Long Island, and settled on lot No. 13 of" the Elizabethtown lots, first owned by William Broadwell. where J. H. Parsons lived. He was born 1710, and died 4th October, 1765, aged 55 years. His wife's name was Deborah, who died 5lh Feb. 1792, very aged. They had children: S 1, Deborah, who married David Potter, son of Daniel Pot' S ter, as a first wife. 2. William, Jun. who married IMary Searing, of Connecti- cut Farms. He died lOih Is'ov. 1792. "^She was born 2d Sept. 1734, and died 16th August, 1815. They had children : „ 1. Samuel, born 21st February. 1757, and married Polly Z Crane, daughter of Isaac. He died 25th Dec 1822. -■ She died I2th Nov. 1550, aged 90 years. 2. Sally, born 10th Dec. 1758. and died 17th Aug. 1831, aged 73 years. She married Capt Samuel Potter, son of Col. Samuel i'otter, and removed to Lamington. [See Capt. Sa/mtcl Putter. '\ 3. Jacob Searing, born 7th Jan. 17G1, and married, 21st March, 1785, JSaliy Bonnel, daughter of Benjamin Bon- nel, Esq. 4. Daniel, born 10th Nov. 1762, married, 21 st March, 1785, Sarah Woodruff, daughter of Matthias Wood- ruff, of Chathani, and went to Ohio. 5. Joiiatlian, born 7th Nov. 1764, married, 30th Decem- ber, I79(*, Elizabeth Allen, daughter of Daniel Allen. He died 9th Sept. 1821, aged 57 years. She died 4lh Julv, 1844. 6. Elizabeth, born 14th Feb. 1767,. married, 17th Feb. 1786, Samuel Cory, of Westfield. He died 1st March, 1810, and she married George Townley. She died 6th May, 1847, without children. 7. David,'born 28th Nov. 1768, married, 23d Dec 1789, Jane Osborn, daughter of Jonathan Howel Osborn. She died, and he married, ."econd, Hannah Sturgis, of Green Village. She died, and he married, third, De« borah Mott, who died 18th July, 1829, aged 52 years. He died 10th Nov. 1849, aged" nearly 81 years. He had no children by his third wife. g SAMUEL PARSONS, (son of William, Jun.) and Polly e Crane, had children : f 1. Chloe, who died 7th April, 1788, when young. 316 SAMUEL PARSONS. 2. Polly married, 1st Dec. 1811, Parker Parcel, of Spring- field, and had children : s 1. Chloe Parcel who married Chauncy Canfield, of Con- « necticut, and had a daughter Chloe, and then died. 2. Matthias Parcel married ; 3. Elizabeth Parcel 4. Phebe Parcel married Augustus Garrison; went to II linois. 5. William Parcel married ; 6. Catherine Parcel ; 7. Huldah Parcel ; 8. Mary Parcel married Moses Vail, and had children, Mary Elizabeth and Harriet Vail, twins. 3. Lewis, who died 6th April, 1789, aged 5 years. 4. Isaac Crane Parsons died 24th March, 1849, unmarried. 5. Sally, who married John Coddingtnn, and had a daugh- ter, I. Mary Coddington, who married Samuel Baldwin, son of David. Mr. Coddington then died, and she married Wm. Petty, and had children : 2. Samuel Petty; 3. Sarah Anne Petty; 4. Charlotte Petty ; 5. David Petty. 6. Chloe, who married Aaron McKinstry, son of John, of Lamington, and had children : 1. Mary McKinstry ; 2. Elizabeth McKinstry ; 3. Matilda McKinstry ; 4. Thankful McKinstry; 5. Jonathan Mc- Kinstry ; 6. Sarah McKinstry. 7. Betsey, who married Jonathan Ketchum, lived in New- ark, and had children : 1. David Ketchum, who married ; 2. Elmira Ketch- um ; 3. Margaret Ketchum married ; 4. Hyla Anne Ketchum. 8. Squier, who married Eliza Jennings, daughter of David, and had children : 1. Samuel ; 2. Caroline; 3. Phebe Lucretia married Geo. Stanford, son of John, of Boundbrook ; 4. Betsey ; 5. Aaron ; 6. Mary. Mrs. Eliza Parsons died January 5th, 1852. g JACOB SEARING PARSONS, (son of William, Jun.,) ^ lived where his lather did. He and Sally Bonnel had chil- • dren: ^ 1. William, who died a youni? man, unmarried. n 2. Benjamin, who mariied Fanny Willcox, daughter of P William, son of Noah Willcox; lived in New- York. 3. Nancy married John Anderson ; lived in New- York. 4. James Hervey mairied, 20th Sept 1812, Betsey Doty, daughter of James ; lived where his father did. He died 1st March, 1846 ; his wife died 10th Dec. 1833, aged 42 years ; they had children : » 1. William, who died at 27 years, c JONATHAN PARSONS. 317 » 2. Pamelia, who married Lyman Meeker, son of Zadoc ^ Meeker, of Clinton. 3. Israel married Harriet Pierson, daughter of Cliarles, 4. Albert married, 24th Sept. 1851, Sibel ^ Osborn, daughter of John 0.*, agi-d 89 years. He was an officer in the militia, in the revolutionary war, nnd an elder, and one of the principal supporters of the chuich of New Providence, and a jus* ticc of the peace; they hud children: $ 1. Caleb, who married 1st, on the 23J April, 1770, Phebe Par- n rot; 2d, a widow Hinds. " 2. Lydia married Joseph Allen, brother of Daniel. [See Allen.1 3. Samuel, who married Sarah Parson.s, daiiglifer of William Parsons, Juii., and settled on Lamington river, Bedmitister town- sliip, Somerset county. 4. Isaac married 1st, Abignil Bebout, daughter of Peter,- of Long Hill ; 2d, Abigail Swain, dauohler of John Swain, of Cheap* side. 5. Enos, born 28th March, 1762, married 20th February, 1787, Rhoda Miller, daughter of Elder INloses Miller, and went to Ohio. 6. Jemima mar'ied Mr. '' "'"" ^" "Cory, and went up the North River. 7. Prudence married Daniel Hart, son of Jeremiah, as his 2d Wife. [See Hart.'] 8. Mary, baptized 5th March. 17C9, married 2d December, 1787, James Thomas, of Hanover,, Morris county. 9. Bethuel, baptized 27ih March, 1774, and died 10th October, 1776. ' CALEB POTTER, (son of Col. Samuel.) and Phebe Parrot lived where Noah Frazee now do^s, and had children : ^ 1. Abigail, who married, 5lh November, 17&9, Daniel Maxwell, ^ son of John 2d. [See Maxivell.'] She was drowned in January, § 1800, in N. Y. Bay, by tlie upsetting of a ferry boat. 2. Samuel, who nuirried, 25lh Iilarch, 1797, Betsey Dunham, daughter of John Dunham, and had children: 1. Abigail, who married Peter Bebout, son of Stephen. [See Bebout ] 2. Nancy married William B. Crane, son of Joseph, Jun, [see Cranci ^"'' removed to Middletown, Ohio. Mr. Caleb Potter died 27th May, 1799, aged 49 years. His first wife died 25th April, 1771, aged 31 years. CAPT. SAMUEL POTTER. (3d child of Col. Samuel Potter,) and Sarah Parsons, livedat Lan\itigton, and had children : 1. Jonathan, who married Hannah Woolverton, of Canada ; he died in lb31, aged 53 years. He became Colonel of the militia. 2. Searing, who died at 17 years. 3. Elizabeth, who married Thomas Mulford, near Pluckemin, COL. SAMUEL POTTER. 329 4. Sarah married Hugh Barlley, son of John, and grand son of Capt. William Logan, of Peap;ick ; he lives in Morris county. 5. Sannuel, who died at 20 years. Capt. Potter died 17ih August, 1S31. COL. JO>fATHAN POTTER, (son of Capt. Samuel,) and Hanu.ih Woolverion had children : » i. Serring, vviio married Elizabeth Smith, g, 2. Deniii.s married Mary Anne Hyler, daughter of Philip, and S had a daughter, Margaret, who married William Bonnel, and died in 1831, aged :^7 years. 3. Mariah, who died in 1809, aged 3 years. 4. Sarah married Col. John McKiiistry. 5. Samuel married Jane Rue, daiigliter of John, of Lamington. 6. Thankful married Benjamin Dunham, son of David, at the Cross Roads. 7. Jonathan W, married Gertrude Craig, daughter of William, of New Germaiitown. 8. Mary married David Dunham, brother of Benjamin. SERRING POTTER, (son of Col. Jonathan,) and Elizabeth g Smith had children : g5 1. Joseph; 2. Jonathan; 3. Serring; 4. Edmund; 5, Hervy; S 6. Elizabeth ; 7. Sarah. SARAH POTTER, (4th child of Col. Jonathan,) and Col. John McKinstry had rhildren: I. Jonathan I\lcK n>try ; 2. Emily McKinstry; 3. John Mc Kinstry ; 4. Samuel McKinstry ; 5. William McKinstfy ; 6. Han- iiah iVIcKinstry. SAMUEL POTTER, (5lh cliild of Col. Jonathan,) and Jane Rue had S children, 5 of which are living: 1. William; 2. Jonathan; 3. Mary; 4. Hannah; 5. Emma Jane. THANKFUL POTTER, (6th child of Col. Jonathan,) and Benjamin Dunham, had children : 1. Mary Dunham, who married, April, 185!, Philip Philhower, 2. Hannah Dunham; 3. David Halsey Dunham; 4. Jonathan Dunham; 5. Warren Dunham; 6. William Dunham ; 7. Martha Dunhahi ; 8. Sarah Dunham. JONATHAN W. POTTER, (7th child of Col. Jonathan,) has a giist mill and a store ai Morristown, and lives there. He and Gertrude Craig h;)d children: 1. Samuel, born 1841. 2. Elizabeth, born 1844. 3. Hannah, born December, 1850. 330 ^Or.. SAMUET. POTTER. MARY POTTER, (8th child of Col. Jonathan,) and David Diinh;iin had children : 1. Mulha Dunham; 2. Serring Dunham; 8. David Dunham ; 4. William Blauvcit Dunham, and two others, who died young. g ELIZABETM POTTER, (3d child of Capt. Samuel Poller,) ^ and Thimas iMulford had children : ? 1, Samuel Mulford, who died at 28 years, unmarried, 2. William P. Mulford, who married Henrietta Britton, daughter of Col. Elihu Britton, of Elizahethtown. [See Elihu Britton.] 3. Barnabas Mulford married Margaret Todd, daughter of Major William Todd, of Bedrninster, and h;ui 6 children. 4. Eleazer Mulford married Miss Campbell, near Somerville. 5. Mahlon Mulford married Anna Price, of Elizahethtown. 6. Mary Mulford, who died in infancy. 7. Mary Elizabeth Mulford married Daniel W. Noe, son of Ellis, and had children: 1, Daniel, who died young ; 2. Esther Noe. Daniel W. Noe died, and she married Mr. Farringlon. „ SARAH POTTER, (4th child of Capt. Samuel,) and Hugh -^ Bartiey had children : g, 1. CJaroline Bartiey, who married John Salmon, and had 3 chil- g 1. Searing Salmon, who married Angelina Salmon, daughter of Joshua. 2. Harlan Page Salmon; 3d child died young. 2. Jonathan P. Bartiey married Dorothy Caskey, and had 7 chil- dren. He was elected to the legislature, for the county of Morris, in 1850, and was accidently killed, in his saw-mill, in June, 1851. 3. Samuel P. Hartley married Eliza Ewalt, in Ohio ; had three children, and removed to Ohio in 1850. 4. Sarah Elizabeth Bartiey married Aaron Salmon, of Flanders, and had 4 children. 5. Hannah Bartiey died at 18 years, unmarried. 6. A son, who died young. 7. William Bartiey married Elmira Wolf, of Flanders. 8. Hugh Bartiey, Jun. married Elizabeth Vroom, of German Valley. ISAAC POTTER, (4th child of Col. Samuel Poller,) and his & first wife, Abigail Beboul lived where his father did, and had chil- g dren : „ I. Nancy, who married Philemon Elmer, son of Jonathan., Jun. I [See Elmer.'] S 2. Christiana married John Potter, son of John, son of Amos, IsL [See John Potter.'] 3. Polly, married, 1st April, 1809, Daniel Vreland, of Springfield, and had children : 1. William Alanson Vreland ; 2. Eliza Vreland ; 3. Caroline Vreland; 4. Abigail Beboul Vreland ; 5, Lewis Vreland ; 6. John Vreland. •^ COL. SAMUEL POTTER 331 4. Nathan married Betsey Notrip, of Sussex, and h?.d children : 1. Israel; 2. Ciiarlotte'; 3. MaryMelvina. 5. Israel, who died younjr. 6. Louisa, married 28th May, 1814, Samuel S. White, Esq., of Sussex, lived there, and had chddren : 1. Job Saiiford White ; 2. Sylvester Riissel White ; 3 Abigail Caroline White ; 4. Natiian PoUer While ; 5.. Thomas Goidon While : 6. Amanda White. 7. Lydia married Mr. Digit, in Now York, arid di(.d with- out children. Mrs. Abioail Potter died Oth February, 1S04, and he married 2d, Abigail Swain, daughter of John Swain, of Cheapside, and had other children : 8. Isaac Newton married Mary Ayers, daughter of David Ayers, of Union township. 9. Amanda married Benjamin Lord, a dentist, of New York. 10. Malvina married Caleb Baldwin, son of Noah, of Bloomheld. 11. Jemima, who went to Lawrenceburgh, Indiana, with her brother Samuel. 12. Sdmuel Sanford Potter, who graduated at college, in New York, studied theology, was licensed to preach the gospel. He preached some time in Newark. He married, 8th September, 1845, Phebe Riggs, daughter of Rev. Eiias Riggs, and had children : 1. Margaret Riggs Potter ; 2. Joseph Lewis Potter ; and in November, 1850, removed to Lawrenceburgh, Indiana, and is set- tled over the Prebyterian congregation there. Mr. Isaac Potter died 20th April, 1832, aged 73 years. ENOS POTTER, (5th child of Col.^ Samuel,) and Rhoda * Miller removed to Columbia, Ohio, at the mouth, of the Little Mi- o ami river, in company with Ludlow and Stites, in 178S, and from " thence to Fort Washington, now Cincinnati, in 1789, and from thence, in 1793, to a section of land near Middletown, which he purchased of John Cleaves Symmes, before leaving New Jersey. They had children : 1. Azuba, born in N. Jersey, 25th January, 1788, and died 19th & March, 1794. P 2. Nathan, born 28th June, 1791, and married, 28th June, 1822, " his cousin, Hannah Miller, daughter of Jacob ; Jiad 5 children, who all died young, and his wife died 17lh April, 1834, and Nathan Potter died near Trenton, Ohio, 17th June, 1836. 3. Jonathan, born 18th December, 1793, and died 24th Febru- ary, 1823, unmarried. 4. Belhuel, born 22d September, 1796, married Fanny Rogers, and had a son, Jonathan, who married , and has 4 chil- dren ; Beihuel died 23d December, 1819; his wife died previously. 5. Jemima, born 25th March, 1799, married 14th November, 1816, Aaron Flowers. 6. Samuel, born 25th October, 1801, married 18th January, 1825, Nancy Baker. She died 30th November, 1829, leaving a 352 COL. SAMUEL POTTER. daughter, Elizabeth, born 3 1st August, 1826, who marrieH John Slewiirt, of Cincinnati. Samuel married, 2(1, Fanny Bryant, daughter of Niitlianiel. May, 27th IS30, and hnd children : e» 2. Mary, born 6th March. IHol, marripd James Lane; 3. ^ Martha Anne, born 17lh August, 1S33 ; 4. Mariali, born f 9lh October, 1835; 5. Emefine, born 23ih Aujrust, 1^33; 6. Margaret, born 3d February, lS4l; 7. Klmda, born 27th April, 1844; 8 Abby Ellen, born 1 1 ih May, 1846, died 5th October, 1846 ; 9. William B., born 30th August, 1847. 7. l\lary, born 5th April. 1S04, and married, ISlh May, 1826, David Bryant, brother of Fanny, and hud a son Enos Bryant, and she soon alter died. 8. Enos Baldwin Polter, born 24lh August, 1806, married 26th February, 1829, Abigail Bryant, sister of David and Fanu)', and had children : 1. Harriet; 2. James; 3. Lewis, who died young ; 4. Samuel. Enos B. Polter died in Dayton. o< 9. Aaron, born 31st March, 1801), lives in Hamilton, Ohio ; is an ' extensive marble manufacturer. He married, 23(1 September, 1S30, S Emeline Ramsdale, who was born in Boston, Mass. 19lh July, 1813. They had children: 1. A daughter, born and died in Cincinnati, 22d December, $ 1831. P 2. Charlotte A. born in Cincinnati. 9th January, 18.'^3. " 3. Amos, born 20th February, 1S34, and died 8:h July, 1834. 4. Nathan, born 2d December, 1835, and died 13th Jnn 1S3S. 5. Laura, born in Hamilton 2Sth April, 1839, oied 28th Feb. ruary, 1841. 6. Georgetta.born lG;h May, 1S4G, died 8th December, 1849. Mr. Enos Potter died 9th January, 1814. His widow Rhoda died 2d April, 1825. JOSEPH POTTER. 33JJ JOSEPH POTTER. S JOSEPH POTTER. (5th child of Samuel Potter, 1st,) and 2 Elizibeth Wood ruff had lOchildien: 1 have learned notiiiMg of the 6th, 7th, Slh, and 9th of them ; the first was, g 1. John, who married I-lnnnah Bench, of Jefferson Village. O 2. Sarali married J.ihn Wadr, of Ci)nnecticiil Farms. " 3. Betsey married Fleiiry WoDdrnff, of Edzabethtovvn. 4. A daughter, udio married Mr. Ilallock. 5. Phebe married Benjamin Pettit, Jan., son of Benjamin, of New Providence. [See Pettit.] 10. Matthias married Mary Day, daughter of David Day, Esq., of New Providence. [See Day.'\ je JOHN POTTER, (son of Joseph,) anl Hannah Beach had three sons, two of which died young, the other whose name was, g. 1. John married Hannah Wade, daughter of Benjamin, and had children: g 1. Eiias, who died at about 25 years, unrnarried. j5 2. Sus m, who died at about IS years, unmarried. 5 3. J(),tham, who married Rebecca Crane, daughter of John, son of John Crane, of Westfield. Jotham was a major in the miliiia. 4. Benjamin married Phebe Crane, sister of Jotham's wife. 6. John mtrried Buldah Crane, also sister of Jotham's wife> and had but one child, Mary Hannah. MAJOR JOTHAM POTTER, (son of John, son of John,) and Rebecca Crane had children : «, 1. Susan, who married Joseph Potter, son of William B. Potter, *^ son of Matthias, and had no children. 3 2. Betsey married David Crane, son of Oliver, of Elizabethtown. and had a son, Oliver Crane. 3. Elias married Mariah Crane, daughter of Stephen, of Eliza- bethtown, son of Elijah, and had children : ^ 1. Susan Elizabeth; 2. Emeline : 3. Catherine; 4. Louisa, o and went to Peoria, Illinois, t g BENJAMIN POTTER, (4th child of John, son of John. ? son of Joseph,) and Phebe Crane, daughter of John Crane, ■ had children: f 1. llebecca, who married Israel Rowland, of Woodbridge. o 2. John married Phebe Ball, daughter of David, and had •' children: 1. Anna; 2. Caroline Burnet. 3. Alpheus. 4. Hannah married Mr. Fornote, and went to the South, and died, 5. Phebe married David Bird, of Woodbridge. 334 JOSEPH POTTER g MATTHIAS POTTER, (lOth child of Joseph Potter 1st,) 5 and Mary Day, had children : 1. Phifetta, born. IGth December, 17G3, and married Benja- min Brookfield, son ol" Benjamin, of Rahvvay. 2. Alelta, bom 11th October, 17G7, and married Aaron Thompson, 12th child of Thomas. [See Thompson.'] 3. Sally, born :;iUlh February, 1771, married John Meeker, of Springfield. 4. I'olls, born Gth April, 1773, married John Crane, son of John, of Westfield, [see Crane,'\ and had no cliildren. 5. Joseph, born 2Uth October, 1775, married Polly Horton, " daughter of Joshua, of Springfield. 6. William Broadvvell, born llth April, 1781, married Cath- erine Magie, daughter of Michael, and sister of the Rev. Da- vid Magie, D. D. of Elizabethtown. 7. Emily, born Gth January, 1784, married Clark Townley, son of Richard Townley, [see Townley,'] and had children : Jonathan and Sally Anne Townley. PHILETTA POTTER, (1st child of Matthias,) and Ben- jamin Brookfield, had children : M 1. Mary Brookfield, who married Mr. Davis, of Ohio, o 2. Amelia Brookfield married Enoch Scudder, son of Jesse, " son of Benjamin. 3. Fanny Brookfield married Seth Bowden, of Newark. 4. Aletta Brookfield married Mr. Ellive, of Ohio. SALLY POTTER, (3d child of Matthias,) and John Mee- ker had children : „ 1. Cornelia Meeker, who married William Clark, son of Q James, of Springfield. p 2. Eliza Meeker married John Clawson, of Morris Co. 3. Susan Meeker married Jacob Mulford, son of Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah Mulford, of Cheapside. JOSEPH POTTER, (5th child of Matthias,) and Polly Horton, removed to Tomkins county, New York, and had children : g 1. Matthias, who married , a daughter of Tho- c mas Dean, North of.Spiingfield. " 2. Mary married Jarvis Beach, from New England. g WILLIAM B. POTTER, (Gth child of Matthias,) and o Catherine Magie, lived in Connecticut Farms. He was an " Eider in the Presbyterian Church there. They had children : & 1. Joseph, born 22d March, 1803, married Susan Potter, ? daughter of Major Jotham, and had no children. Jl)SEPII POTTFR. 335 2. Samuel Smith Potter, born 20th January, 1806, and mar- ried Ellen Johnson, daughter of James, of New York, and had children : g 1. Margaret; 2. William B. ; 3. James Johnson; 4. ? Samuel ; 5. Joseph ; 6. Charles Pitman. 3. Jane Magie Potter, born 24th April, 1810, married Wil- liam Darby, Jun., son of William, of Rahway, and had chil- dren : 1. Catherine Darby ; 2. Sarah Darby; 3. William Darby 3d. 4. Catherine Haines Potter, born 5lh October, 1812, mar- ried John Davis Crane, son of John Grant Crane, and had children: 1. Anne Nesbitt (^rane ; 2. Sarah Catherine Crane ; 3. Albert Grant Crane ; 4. John Joseph Crnne. 5. David Magie Potter, born 18th September, 181 5, and married tlliza Sherwood, daughter of William, son of Moses Sherwood, of New York, and had children : 1. William; 2. Charles Henry ; 3. Hannah Anne, who died at about 3 years ; 4. Sarah Catherine ; 5. Anne Elizabeth. 6. Matthias Day Potter, born 26th September, 1818, mar- ried Harriet Hedden, of New York, and had a son : 1. Joseph Matthias Potter, and died in his 26th year. 336 ABRAHAM PRICE, ABRAHAM PRICE. ABRAHAM PRICE manied Mary Anne Miller, daughter of Matthias Miller, of Elizabethtown, and jemoved to the farm on Stony Hill, lately owned by Levi VVilJcox, deceased, and had sons Matthias, David, Abraham, and Benjamin, who all removed to the western ountry; they had daui^hters : 5. Kacliel, born l4ih July, 1774, and married George Cory, son of Ebenezer Cory. [Sue Cory."^ 6. Sarah, who married, 11th Jan. 1785, John Hand, of Long Hill, brother of Benjamin, and went to Ohio. ?. Phebe, who married Nathan VVilkison, 30th Sept. 1795. They had children : 1. Sally Wilkison, who married Benjamin, Willcox, son ot Benjamin. [See Willcox.'] 2. Hairiet VVilkison married David Badgley, son of Anthony. [-See Bad^ley.'] 3. Abrahom Price Wilkison, born 2il Sept. 1800, marri- ed Jane Nalie, and had children: 1. Theodore: 2, William; 3. Mariah; 4. Sarah Anne 5. Adaline; 6. David L. 4. Betsey Wilkison married Joseph Long, son of John, [See Lnnsr/j 5. Squier Wilkison, born, 1808; is unmarried. 6. David Wilkis(^n. 7. William Wilkison, who married Mary Reeve, of Springfield, and lived there, and had a daughter, Sarah Caroline Wilkison. 8. Emeline Wilkison married Asa Baldwin, son of David C. Baldwin. [-See Gabriel Baldwin.'] 8. Abigail, who married John Atkins, and lived in New York. He died of cholera, 28th July, 1832, aged 53 years. Mr. Abraham Price, died 27th Sept. 1784, and his widow, Mary Anne, married John Stevens, half brother of Jonathan Stevens, but had no other children. RICE PRICE was son of Samuel Price, of Warren Co, He married Phebe Clark, daughter of Jacob Clark, on the first mountain ; lived about St(jny Hill, and had children: g 1. Jonas, who married Jane Raddin, daughter of Jeremy, n and died at 24 years. [See Raddin.'] •" 2. Samuel married Anne Corwin, daughter of Stephen. [See Corwin.] 3. Jacob married Jemima Badgley, daughter of Anthony Badgley, Jun. 4. Phinehas married Susan Evans ; became a Methodist Preacher, and went to Delaware county, Pennsylvania RICE PRICE. S37 .5^ 5. Rhoda married John W. Foster, of Westfield, as his 2i ^ wife, and had children: n 1. Susannah Fo?ter, who married Martin Hulbert, son B of Joshua, of Mendham, and had children: 1. Ira Alarcus ilnlbert ; 2 James Hulbert • 3. l^cvi?*- Hul- bert ; 4. William Flervy Hulbert, who died al'S years ; f). Martin Hervy Hulbert, who also died at 3 years ; G. Harriet Hulbert; 7. Martin Hulbert; 8. a daughter. 2. Levis I Foster, who married David Dunham, son of Amos Dunham, of Liberty Corner, and had cFiildren : 1, Oliver Dunham; 2. Anna Mariah Dunham; 3. Susan Francis Dunham; 4. Catherine Dunham; 5. Caroline Amanda Dunham ; G. Louisa Duniiam. 3. Marcus Foster, who died at H) months. 6. Mary married Abraham Kent, in May, 179;), and lives where Isaiah Meeker formerly lived. 7. VVdIiam married Sally i^adg'.ey, daughter of Samuel Badgley, and rem')ved to Chemung county, i\'ew York. 8. Hannali married Jeremiah Totten, son of Jonathan. [Ses T>mn.] M.VRY PRIGS, (Gth cliIlJ of Rice Price,) and Abraham Kent, had children : 3nt who died at 3^ months. irgaret WILLIAM PRICE, (son of Rico Price,) aud Saliy Dadjloy, had chiLlroii , 1. .fncoh, who marrie.] Eliza 2. William ilenry niirried HeUy Brown, dangater '^f William, son of John Brown. 3. Samuel married • , 4. PiKibe ,\ime, who died at 14 years. 5. Geoi'go ; «>. Davisoa Dav ; T. Jcsso. 8. Sarah Jane, who died at i ye-ir.s. 9. Martin Hulbert. X 338 ANCREtT PKIOR. ANDREW PRIOR. ANDREW PRIOR lived where Elias Osborn now lives. He had ciiiklion, by liis Isl wife Polly : 'Z 1. Simeon. g 2. S.iiah, wlio married, 12th July, 1770, John Winans. 3 Juhn rnarriecl. lOth May, 1775, Eiiz^ibL'th Maxwell, daughter of VViliiani Maxwell. 4. Betsey married William I^Iaxwcll, Jun, brother of John Prior's wife. 5. Jane, who died youn^. By his 2d wile, Lydia Littell, daughter of David Littell, he had chilclren : 6. Andrews, Jun., who went to Ohio with his step-father, David Flinn. [See F/i/m.] 7. Moses, who also weni to Ohio, and was killed by the Indians, in 1794. xMr. Prior died 5lh Febnnry, 1768, and his widow Lydia married, Mth May, 1769. David Flinn, and had children : 1. Lydia, who married in Ohio, Edmimd Buxton, and lived in Hamilton county, Ohio. 2. Susannah married John Miller, in Oiiio, had a family, and all went to the Shakers. ANDREW PRIOR, Jun., married, 1st, Polly Marsh, and had hy her 9, and by his 2d wife, 3 children : S 1. Nancy, wliO married Samuel Littell, son of , of Cincin- f nati, and had children : L Moses Littell ; 2. William Littell; 3. Jaines Littell. 2. Lydia married James Centre ; had a cliild Nancy, who died at 9 years. 3. Sally married William Wilson ; had 4 children. 4. Hill lah married Edward Price ; Irve in Indiana ; had children: I. William; 2. Hester Anne. .5. Phebe married, Ist, William Bawman ; 2". Henry ]Myer», (). Charlotte married ' . 7. Mary Anne. S Moses married Sarah Ferguson, a niece of Charles Button's wife. 9. Aaron married Abigail Clark, daughter of Joseph. And by his 2d wife Polly, Andrew Pnor, Jnn., had iO. William ; 11. John; 12. , ■JEREMIAU SADDIN. 339 JEREMIAH RADDIN. JEREMIAH RAODIN lived near Blue Brook, above t'eliville. He marrJeJ. 13th July, 1775, Lucretia Willcox, daughter of William Willcox. Seii., and had chihlren: 1. Ketsey, who mairiel William Willcox, son of Noah XVillcox, Sen. [See Wi/lcox.'] 2 William married, (Uli February, 1807, Hannah Clark, daughter of Klias Clark, r^en., on Stouy Hill. 3. Jane married, 1st, Jonas Price, son of Rir-e Price ; 2d, Samuel Clark, son of Ichabod Clark, -)f Westfield ; 3d, Smith Hallock, son of Thomas Hallock. [fie& Hallock.] 4. Susan married John Clark, son of Ichabod, son of Eliaa Clark, Sen. e WILLIAM RADDIX, (son of Jeremiah.) and Hannah Clark, lived where his father did, and had children : '^ 1. Jeremy, born April, ISOG, married Abby Frazee, born f 27lh August, 180G, daughter of Reuben Frazee and Joanna Willcox. 2. Freeman married Fanny Anderson, daughter of Robert, son of James. 3. Susan married Samuel Heady, of Clinton. 4. ElliSi who went to Chicago. 5. David, born February, 1818. married i'hebe Morehouse, born 29th July, 1824, daughter of John Morehouse, of El iza- bethtown, and had children: 1. John, born 29th Nov. 1846; 2. Hetty Amelia, born 29ih Nov.1849. G. Eliza married John C. Hays, son of Oliver Hays, of Union Township. 7. John ; 8. Samuel. William Raddin died, and his widow married Anthony Badgley, son of Anthony. I JEREMY RADDIN, (son of William, son of Jeremiah,) £' and Abbv Frazee, had children : " 1. Reuben, born 27th July, 1824, and married Phebe At- kins, daughter of John. 2. Mary, born 5th April, 1830, and married Henry Burred of Newark. 3. William, . married , lives in Newark. 4. Ellis, born 30ih December. 1834. 5. Hervy, born 24th March. 1837. 6. Eiiza'Jane, born 9th May, 1839. 7. Abby, born 7th February, 1846. 340 PW- JOHN RAGITE.— ail^nCRT RVNT'OLPn. DOCTOR JOHIT RAGUB. DR. JOHN RAGUE wns a Frenchman, he married JMiss Bonnel, the ;iunt of Lois, wife of Gabriel Johnson, Esq ,"nnd Hved in Passaic Valley. They had children : 1. Betsey, who was Ijrought up by lier cousin, Lois John- son, and married . *2. Catherine married Jonas Stanbury, sonof Capt. Samuel Stanbury, an(J lived on Lon^^ Island. 3. James went to Urbana, Ohio, and married Poliy, a ■widou', and dauirhter of Coats Thornton, of Champaign Co. Ohio, and had children: 1. Lemuel, who married Han ict Samples, daughter of i'elhuel, of Uf bana. 2. Llewelen, who was a Lieut, in t!ie U. S. Army. 3. John F. married in New York, and Uves in iowa Citv. GIi:.EERT RANDOLPH. GILRERT RANDOLPH married , lived at Stone House Village, and had children: 1^ 1. Elizabeth, who married Matthias Lyon ; went to the c Lakes, New York ; had 8 childien. *• 2. James, who died at home, unmarried. 3. Ivhoda married Moses Parcel, brotb.er of Capt. Jnhn Parcel, of Liberty Corner, and went to Western New York, and had 13 children. 4. Peler married Harriet Steele, daugliter of Oliver Steele, lived at Stone House Village. 5. David married Sally .Srually, daughter of Jacob, and lived at Stone House Viilajre. G. Justus married Sally .-Mrimple, of Rahwav, and went to- Ohio. 7. Isaac married Sally Steele, sister of Peter's wife and Jived in the Stone House. ROD A RANDOLPH, (daughter of Gilbert,) and Mosea Parcel had children : « i. John Parcel, who married , a dautrhter of c: Henry Smally, sonofDaviu, Kpq. ^ 2. itandulph Parcel; 3. Enos Parcel; 4. Isaac Parcel; 5. Albert Parcel; 6. Lewis Parcel; 7. Mary Parcel; 8. Ehzabeth Parcel ; 9. Squier Parcel. Th-^y then removed to Western New York, and had 1 others. ZCBULON RlUCiS. 341 ^ PETER RANDOLI'I-I, (son of Gilbert,) and Harriet -~ Steele, had clilidren : 5f 1. Steele, who married Maro-aret Smalley, daughter of f? Aii'lrevv, and had ciiildreii : 1. I'eter ; 2. Ge. George Stoddart; 6. Sarah Stoddart ; 7. Elias Stoddart. REV. ELIAS RIGGS, (son of Treserve.)^ married Margaret Congar, daughter ot David Congar, of New Wind- sor, Orange county, New York, and widow of David Hudson, of Newark, who was son of David Hudson, of Mendham, brother of the wife of Prei^erve Riggs, and had children : jt 1. Joseph Lewis, who is a presbyterian minister, and mar- cried Elizabeth Anne Roosa, daughter of Egbert Hooja, of I Wells, Bradfoid county, Penn. where he is settled as a pastor. He had children : L Edward Hinman ; 2. Williain Congar. ? 2. Elias, who married Martha Jane Dalzel, of Mendham. f He became a presbyterian minister, anci with his wife went " m October, 1832, as missionaries to Greece, and from thence to Snu')na, in Asia ; they had childien : L Elizabeth ; 2. Margaret ; 3. Edward ; 4. Emma Louisa. 8. Margaret mairied, Isl Oct. 183J, James Milcliel Ray. a nati\e o1' Cauldwell, Essex ( ounty, N. J. now a resident of Indianapolis, I-.diana, and is cashier of the state baidv of Indi- ana, 'i hey had childien : L Anna Axlel Kay ; 2. Harriet Martha Rny; 3. Louisa Montlort liay ; and have lost six children. 4. Hannah married the Rev. Joseph Y. Montfort. of Greens- burgh, Indiana, son of Rev. Francis Montfort, of Ohio. They had children : SEBULON RICOS. 343 1. Elias Riggs ^Nronlfort. 2. Francis t^osat Mont fort. 3. Margaret Congar Montfort. 5. Pliebe married, 8ih Sept. 18-15, Rev. Samuel S.Potter, son of Isaac. He is a presbyterian minister, settled in 1850, in Lawrenceburgh, Indiana. They had children: 1. Margaret lii^'gs Potter. 2. Joseph Lewis Poter. 6. Elizabeth married, 25th Aug. 1842, Antrinri Robbins Forsyth, merchant of Greensburgh Indiana, son of John For- syth, of Trenton, N. J. and had chidren : 1, Elias Hi2:gs Forsvth. 2. William Congar Forsyth, who died in infancy. Mis. Elizabeth FoVsyth died 7th Sept. 1848. Mrs- Marga- ret Riggs, widow of the Rev. Elias Rigiis, died at the house of her'son Joseph, in Wells, Bradford county, Penn. on the 28th March, 1851, aged G9 years and 4 days, and was buried April 2d, by the side of her husband in the New Providence church yard. SILAS RIGGS, (son of Preserve Riggs,) and Harriet Rose) had children : i. Peter. '■ 2. Nancy, who married Caleb Wheeler. \ 3. Alexander married , in Pennsylvania. 4. Albert married Nancy Stansborouijh. 5. Edward, who died at Louisville. Kentucky, in 1846. 6. Elizabeth married Alpha Durham, and live at Tunk- hannocli. 7. Harriet married Erastus W. Ripley, and went to Iowa. He is at the head of the college at Davenport, Iowa. 8. Charles Warren, who died February, 1848, at about 21 years. 344 WILLIAM RClMSOJt. "WILLIAM ROEISON. WILLIAM KOBISON married Betsey Robison, 2fl Dec. 1772. They lived on Stony Hill, where Andrew Hyslop now lives. They had childien : g I. David, who manied li4ih Dec. 1795, Agnes Vance, S? daughter of Kennedy, of Long Ilill. 2. rhebe married 5th JXovember, 1794, Henry Mooney, live in Morris County. 3. John married Lydia Wilson, of Maryland, was amelh- odist preacher of some celebrity. 4. William married Kancy Roll, daughter of John, son of Isaac, ol Springiield. g REV. JOHN KOBISON, and Lydia Wilson, had children: fi 1. William, who m^arried Anne Mariah Laloucherie, and " had children : 1. John Lafoucherie ; 2. James Edwards ; 3. Susan. 2. Elizabeth married Alexander Gilmore, a methodist preacher ; (preaching in 1860, in Springheld.) 3. Catherine is unmarried, she Uves in Springfield. WILLIAM ROBISON, (son of William,) and Nancy Roll, had children : 1. John, who went away, the family knows not where. 2. Wesley, who became a methodist preacher, and married Margaret Worth, of Rahway. 3. Caroline married. 1st, Oliver Rowland; 2d, William Mawby, and had children: 1. Victoria Mawby ; 2. William Mawby : 3. Frederick Mawby. 4. James, who is crazed. 5. Isaac, who died at about 18 3'ears, unmarried. William Robison, Sen., died 6th August, 1815, aged 71 years. His wife Betsey died 11th October, 1799, aged 47 years. KATHAMEI. ROFT. 345 NATHANIEL ROFF. NATHANIEL ROFP, lived near Union Village, in Efsex County. He married. 7th November, 1773, Jemima Shipman, daughter of Jabez, imd h:id children: 1. Jane, who married .Tair.es Craig, son of James, son of James, son ot Alderman Andrew Craig. [See Cr Rorr. RICHARD ROFF. R1C[1ARD ROFF lived where Oliver Slmle lately lived ; he was s")nie years .shcrifT of Somerset county. He had cihildren : g 1. libcnezcr, who nianied Abby lioberl?, and lived rear JVJount J? Bethel. " 2. Nolly married Simepn Millham, and had no children. 3. Betsey married IsHac Yail, and lived at Green Brook. And bv a 2d wife, he had children : 4. Richard married Amy Allen, daughter of David Allen, Sen. 5. Nathaniel married. 1st, .lohannah Hogeis, daughter ol Simeon; 2d, Lydia Tainor ; 3. Sally, the widow of Zacheus Day. 6. Moses married Betsey Ludlow, lived near Mount Bethel. 7. INancy married, 1st, Mr. Wright; 2d, Moses Rogers, son of Nathaniel ; 3d, Jotham Loree. 8. Jonathan married Phebe Ludlow, sister of Moses' wife, and left no children. 9. Francis, a son, who died at about 24 or 25 years, unmarried. EBENEZER ROFF, and Abby Roberts had children : S 1. Mary, who married William Slites, son of Ii^aac. [See Stites.] a 2. Israel married, 1st, Abby Smalley, daughter of John, son of James Smalley ; 2d, Rhoda Drake ; and by his lirsl wife, he had a daughter : 1. Keziah, who married George Giles, son of Samuel, of New Market. And bv his 2d, wife. Rhoda Drake, had children : 2. Phebe; 3. Abby; 4. William; 5. W'aison. 3. Anne married James Moore, 14th December, 1813, son of Joseph, and had children : 1. Ruth Moore, who married Cornelius Van Ness. f 2. Betsey Moore marrii d James Hancock. 3. Julia Anne Moore married . 4. Mary Moore married Theodore Housal. 4. Hiram, who died at about 22 years. 5. Betsey, who married Allen Willet, son of Thomas Willet, and had a son, Runyon Willet, and she died. 6. William, who died at about 20 years. 7. Sally, who married, after her her sister Betsey died, the same Allen Willlet, and had children: 1. Harrison Willet, who married Rachel Stites, daughter of Amos; 2. Lewis Wil.et. BETSEY ROFF, (3d child of Richard,) and Isaac Yail had children : g I. Joel Vail, who married Phebe Webster, of Plainfield. « 2. Lydia Vail married Mr. — — Vandyke. RICIIAHD ROKF. 347 RICHARD ROFF, (sou ol' Richard,) and Amy Allen, Imd chil- dren : „ I. Sally, who married Alvan Morse, from New England, and ^ went to tlie Lakes, New York, S 2. David, who w(>nt to Wheelinjr, and married, and lives there. 3. John married, Isi, Lavina Clieeseman ; 2d, f?aily liamilton, daiio'hter of David, son of John ; had no children. 4. Mary married John Morris, of Mcliicheii. 5. Aaron married Polly . of Laminirlon, and lived there. 6. Eliza went to Ohio, wiih iier uncle Col. John Allen, 7. Caroline married Cluistoj)hcr Lefcvre ; lived at Jersey City. NATHANIEL ROFF, (5lh child of (Richard,) and Jol annah Rogers had bnl one child : g 1. Phr-be, uho married Isaac Bird, and had rhildren: *• 1. Margaret Bird, who married J.icob Van Ness; 2. Mary O Birdrnaiiied ; 3. R.ff Bird married ; S 4. George Bird married ; 5. Anne Bird ; 6. ; 7. Isaac Bird, Jnn. And by his 2d, wife, Lydia Tainor, he Iiad children : 2. Johannah, who married Israel Wilson, son of Hopewell, and had children : 1. Caroline Wilson, who married 1st, William Coon ; 2d, Moses Hughes. 3. Sally married Samuej Leonard, of New Vernon ; live in Morris- town, and had children : 1. William Leonard ; 2d, I. ydia Leonard, who married C'-rnelins Mesler, of Morrislown ; 8. Levi Leonard, who died at 24 years ; 4. Isaac Leonard, who enlisted, and went to Mexico and did not return ; 5. Jane Leonard. 4. Mary, who died unmarried 5. Anne, who married 1st, Elijah Day, son of Zacheiis, by his first wife, and had children : I. Nathaniel Day; 2. Erastus Day ; 3. Mary Day; 4. Henry Day, 5. Sarah Day; 6 Abby Anne Dav. Elijah Day then died, arid she married Nathaniel Edgar, as his'2d wife, and had children: 7. Theodore Edgar; 8. Elizabeth Edgar ; 9. Jane Edgar. G. Jane, horn 10th August, 1809, married William Hoit, Bon of John, from Connecticut, and had children: 1. William Hoit, born 1st January, 1846. 2. Anne Augusta Hoit, born 26th April, 1840; when her husband, William Hoit, died, and she married Clarkson Wilson, born 4th June. 1817, son of Zacha- riah, son of Hopewell, and had cliildren : 3'. Harriet Wi!s(.n, born 10th July, 1840. 4. Clarkson Wilson, bornGth February, 1844. Note. — Clarkson Wilson, by his first wife, Prudence Anne Lincoln, had children: 1. Sarah Wilson; 2. Elizabeth Wilson. 7. Nathaniel RofT, Jun. 8. Agar Lindley RofF, married JuIiJa ScuJder, of Westfield, 348 RICHARD ROFF. and had children: 1. Firman; 2. Albert; 3. ; 4. Cor- nelia; and by his 3d wile, Sully, Nulhanit-l Roirhud a son, 9. Eiius. MOSES ROFF, (Gth child of Richard,) and Belsey Lud- low, had children : M 1. Deijonih, who married Mr. Mundy, and went to Ohio. « 2. Maritih married David Loree, nephew of Jonathan, be- fore named. 3. Fhebe married . 4. Jonathan married — '■ , and went to Sussex. NANCY ROFF, (7th child of Richard,) and Mr. Wright, had a daughter, 1. Sarah Wright. And by Moses Rogers, had children : 2. Mariah Rogers. 3. Samuel Rogers. 4. Jacob Rogers. They removed to Redstone, Pennsylvania. iOITN ROLl^ 3 J Q JOHN ROLL. JOHN nOLL, (called in German Johonis Mongle,) caoKj from Germany and settled between Springfield and VVestfield, near the mountain, and had chiUlren: 1. Isaac, who mirrieJ Sarah Cauldwell, daughter of James, of Long Hill. 2. John married. 1st, Rachel who died 21st May. 1763, age 1 31) years, and he married, 2d, Edith Wick, in 17G9. 3. Abraham married, 1st, Mary Brooks, 2d, Caty Vreeland. 4. Molly, who married Mr. VVoolley. 5. Jane' who married Thomas Corv, son of Elnathan. [See- Corij.-] £ ISAAC ROLL, (sonof John 1st.) and Sarah Cauldwell. « lived and kept a tavern, in Springfield, many years ; they had children : 1. John, born 28th August, 17G5, married, 13th December, 1785, Mary Earl, who was born 21st August, 176S, daughter" of John Earl, near 3.1iddleville. 2. Mary, baptized 1 4th June, 1707, and died young. 3. James, who married, 1st, Joanna Earl, sist r of John's wife ; 2d. Aljby Meeker, daughter of Benjamin Meeker. 4. Elizabeth, baptized 21st July, 1771, and died young. 5. Abraham, who went to the west and died there. 6. Jacob married Sarah Pierson, daughter of Samuel Pier- son, of Springfield, and went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and had an only child, Pierson Roll. 7. Catherine married Abner WoodruIT, of Springfield, and removed to Redstone, Pennsylvania. He was brother of Caty Woodrutf, the wife of Col. Abraham VVoolley, of Springfield. 8. Abigail. 9. Betsey married Daniel Ayers, of Springfield, son of Ben- jamin Avers, of Long Island. 10. Sally married Jacob Thompson. JOHN ROLL, (son of Isaac Iloll, son of John,) and Mary Eurl had children : '^ 1. William, who was born 16th October, 1786, and married .Mary 3 Eddy, daughter of William Eddy, of Green Village. 2. Nancy, born lOlh March, I7S8, and married VViJliam Robi^on, son of VVilliam, of New Providence, and died *Jth May, 1819. [Seo Robison.] o. James, born 10th October, 17S9, married, 1st, .Mary Claris, daufjhter of Abraham ; '2d, Juiia Sliipman, daiialii-M- of Jurcib. son of Abraham, of Monroe, Morris con^.t}- ; 3d, Charily Hedges, by whom he had no children. S50 Ju"^"* K*^'-^- 4. Isaac, born 14 th October, 1791, and married 1st, Rebecca Hig^ gins, dau'i'liter of James; 2d, M.iry ClarU, widow of Henry Stitea, of Scdtcli Plain-!, arid by her hiid no children. 6. John, born 14th October, 179:j, and died' 2(1 April, 1794. 6 John 2d, born llth July, 1795, and marrifd, 2Ulh May, lSl«j Phrbe Sinton, daughter of Joseph Sutton, of MacUetstown ; lived in Newark. 7. Lniher, br)rn 29ih July, 1797. tnirried, 1st, Susan ; she died, and he married, 2d, Elizabeih Hrant, and removed to Georgia. .S. Charles, born 5th May, 179!), married, l^t, Pliel)e Terril^ danghter of Enoch; 2d, Nancy C:M-y, daiighterj of Andrew, of Weslfield. 9. Wesley, born 10th October, 1801, married Anne Smith, born 6th December, 1S02, daughter of Jonathan Smith, of Scotch Plains. 10. Mary, born 21st January, 1801, marrii d, 1st. David Camp; 2d, Cliarles Roll, son of Peter, son (if Abraham Roll. 1 1. Jacob, born 1 1th January, 180S, went to Georgia, and maf- ried three limes, but had no children. ^ WILLIAM l{OL!-,(son of John, son of Isaac, son of John 1st,) ^ and Mary b^ddy had children: (he removed to Illinois) g 1. Mary Anne ; 2. John ; 3. Phebe ; 4. Caroline ; 5. Elizabeth ; 6. William died young ; 7. Sarah, twin to William; 8. James; 9. Nancy ; 10. Alfred. JAMES ROLL, (3d child of John.^ son of Isaac Roll.) by his Isl wife Mary, had a son: 1. John, who died at about 22 or 23 years. And by his 2(1 wife, Julia Shipmari, had other children : 2. James Madison, who was drowned on his way to Illinois, aged 21 years. 3. Stephen Buckley, who married . 1^ 4. Chancellor Livingston. 5. Philetta Hicks, (twin to Chancellor,) married William - , of Plainfield. 6. Henrietta. 7. Manning Rutan. ISAAC IU)LL, (4lh child of John, son of Isaac,) and Rebecca Hijigins had children: 1. Hannah Eliza, who married David J. Crane, son of Ben. jan:iin '6d. [^^ee Crane'} 2. James Hiiigins married Hannah IMariah Smith, daughter of Jost'pli, of Spiiiighcld. 3. Mary Earl married, 1st, Oliver DeCamp ; 2d, Philemon Dickersoo. son of Philemon Dickerson, Esq., of Springfield. 4. Ellen married J(jh;i Dickerson, also son of Philemon Dicker- son, E.sq. n. John m;*ri led Elizabeth I'ond, d&neitcr of Elihu Bond, brother «if the Rev. Lewis Bund, of Plaiiifie'.d. JOHX ROLL. 351 6. Nancy Jane married Isaac Brokaw, son of Cak-b, of Bound Brook. 7. David Elmer. ^ JOHX ROLL, (Gth child of Jolm, son of Isaac,) and Phcbc o Sutton had chihJreii : " 1. Jacob ; 2. Joseph ; 3. Luther; 4. Archibald ; 5. George Van 3 (5. Albert. LUTHElIl ROLL, (7th child of John, son of Isaac,) and Sosan — — ■— had children : 1. William; 2. Mary Frances ; 3. Lutlier ; 4. — — , who was drowned. 5. Sarah Anne ; G. Robert. His wife SL'san then died, and he married Elizabeth Biant, and removed to Georgia. CflARLES ROLL, (Sth child of John, son of Isaac,) and Pliebe Terril had children : 1. Albert ; 2. James Hervy, who died at about years. 3. Anne Eliza ; 4. Cecelia.' And by his 2d wife, Nancy Cory, had oilier children : 6. Parkhurst Cor}^ ; 6. Lucy Jane. 7. A son, who died in infancy. WESLEY ROLL, (Hth child of John, son of liaac,) and Anne- Smith had children : 1. Eliza Jane, who married Edward Tailor, son of James, of Springfield, and had children : 1. James Maro Tailor ; 2. Wilber Denman Tailor. 2. Martin Luther ; 3. Jonathan Smiih ; 4. Mary Louisa. 5. William Henry; 6. Ecceli Anne; 7. S"usan Aliuira. 8. Jacob Earl ; 9. Sirah Emily; 10. John James. 11. Josephine, wh > died at 2h yea'S ; 12. Ciiarles Wesley. 13. Anna Elizabeth. MARY ROLL, (10th child of John, son of Isaac,) and David Camp had children : !. David Wheeler Camp; 2. Caroline Camp, who died at G yrsr. And by Charles Roil had children : 3. Mary Auirusta Roll; 4, Caroline Viririi.ki Roil. 6. Charles Roll ; 6. Sidney RolL 352 JAMES ROLU 3 JAMBS ROLL. M JAMES ROTiL, (son of Isnac, son of John 1st,) and Joanna ^ Earl ha I an only (hin^lilcr : o 1. Joanna, who mariied Georg-e Frazee, son of George Frazee, of We^tfiild. And by his 2(1 wife, Abhy Meeker, had other children: 2. Phebe, wlio married Clark Baldwin, son of Stephen, of Cheap- fcide, and had children: 1. Sarah Baldwin; 2. Emily Baldwin; 3. Manah Baldwin ; 4. Aiiby Baldwin ; 5. Stephen Baldwin. 3. Sally married Walter Smith, son of William, of Springfield, and had children: 1. Mary A. Smith; 2. Abhy L. Smith; 3. Ed- ward C. Smith; 4. Albert Smith ; o. Ellen Smith. y BETSb'.Y ROLL, (danohter of Isaac, son of John 1st,) and ft Daniel Ayers had children : ■ 1. James Ayers, w:io went to Cincinnati, and married. 2. Isaac A)ers married Elsie Alien, of Millville, and went to Michigan. Betsey Roll then died, and Daniel Ayers married Abby Denman, (daughter of Jacob Denman, by a first wile,) and had other chil- dren : 3. Jacob Denman Ayers, who married Mary Anne Denfer, daughter of Stephen Denfer, from France. 4. William Ayers married Phebe Bedell, of New Vernon. 6. Eliza Ayers. born 1803, married S,imuel G Smith, a tailor, son of Moses Smith, of Springfield, and had children : 1. Mary Elizabeth Smiti, who married William Wade. 2 Etnma Smith ; 3. Henry C. Smith. 6. Phebe Avers, married Jacob Thompson, son of Moses, son of Hezekiah Thompson. [See Jacob Thompson.^ 7. Daniel Ayers, wiio died at 9 years. 8. M iriah Ayers married Nathan Robbins, and went to Oswego, New York. 9. Benjamin Ayers, who died in youth. NOTK —J icob Djiin ill's SJ wife, wis Elizibeth, daughter of Robert] Cauld. Well. [See CauldicelL] JOHN ROLL, son of John, and brother of Isaac, lived on the north side of Long Hill; sold his farm to John Williams, and went to Ohio ; he had children : \. Matthias, who married, 7th April, 1785, Mary Rutan, daughter of Abraham, i.nd went to Ohio. 2. John, Jun., vvhj manied Patty i'orce, fo Horse Neck, Cauldwell Township, Essex county. 3. Abraham married Patty Vance, of Mendham. 4 Isaac, who died llth March, 1787, aged 21 years. 5. Isaac 2 1, who married Prudence Vance, ot Mendham. sieter of Abraham's w-iie. JAMES ROLL. 353 6. Abigail, who married, 7th April, 1785, Samuel Miller, grandson of James Cauldwell 1st. And by his 2d wife, Edith Wiclc, John Roll had children: 7. Wick, who died 8th January, 1790, aged 20 years. 8. Jacob, who was killed by lightning, 14th August, 1793, near the house, at about 18 years. 9. Edward. fe MATTHIAS ROLL, (1st child of John Roll, son of John,) a and Mary Rutan, had children : I. Charity, who married, 1st, Samuel Trousdale, and had children : 1. Jane Trousdale ; 2. Polly Trousdale ; 3. Lydia Trousdale. Charity married, 2d, John Ayers. 2 Joseph married Rebecca , 3. Abigail married Reuben Blackford. 4. Rachel married William Stewart. 5. Isaac married Hannah De Camp. 6. Anna married Christopher Lintner. 7. John married . 8. Israel married . 9. Polly married David Baker, 10. Matthias married . II. Samuel married 12. Silas was a physician, and married 354 ABB AH AM ROLL, ABRAHAM ROLL, g ABRAHAM ROLL, (son of Jolin 1st,) was born 29th Au^. p 1739, and (liifJ2.ltli October, 1813. He niarricMl, 1st, Miiiy " Hioolcs, boin .5th February, 1742; 2(1, C;ity N'leeliiiul, sister of Daniel. She was daughter oC Jiicob Brooks, who lived on the Corieil yjlace, in Westfield. He became blind belbre he died. By his liist wile he had children : 1. Elizabeth, born 29th August, 1759, and died 2flth Scp- lembin-, 185 ). She married Isaac Sayre, son of Isaac, from JNew England. [See -S/y/e.] 2. Jacob, born 8lh November, 1761, and married Betsey Mills. He owneil tlie grist null in Aew I'rovidence several years, and sold out, and went to Ohio. They had children : 1. Sally; 2. Mary; 3. Philemon; 4. Moses; 5. Abra- hairi. 3. Brooks, born 9th February, 1763, married Phebe Ross, daughter of James, a shoemakei-, of Westtiehl. • 4 Hannah, born 2d September, 1766, married Moses Par- malee, of VV esthelil. 5. Baltus, born 3d May, 17G9, married Susan Jennings, of Elizabethtowu ; had nocliildren. He lived on the top of the lir.st mountain in Westtield, and was murdere ; in his own house about 1833, by some p':'r ons unknown. 6. Peter, born 7th May, 1773, mairied Polly Belton, of Short Hills. 7. Jephtha, born 3d Dec. 177G, married Abby Brookfield, of llahvviiy.. 8. Abr;ihim, born 28th Sept 177!), married Betsey Dun- ham, dnuglilei of David; had two daughters, and removed to Ohio. 9 Mary, born 12th March. 1783, married Abner Smalley, son ot Jauies, [&e S/nal/ci/.] And by his 2d wife, Ualy Vieeland, Abraham Rull had chil- dien : 10. Isaac, who married Susan ; lives in Rah way. 1 1. Abby married Mr. Trembly. 12. David. 13. Jane married . BROOKS ROLL, (son of Abraham,) and Phebe Ross, had children : 1. Abby, who married a son of John Dunham. 2. Mary married Isaac Baldwin, son of David, of Canoe Brook. \_S3e Balitwin ] 3. Sal V married Aaron Bailey, son of Samuel, of Spring- field. ABRAHAM ROLL. ^5^ 4. James married Caty Diiiiliam, daughter of David, and half sisier of liis Lincle Alirahain Koll'rf vvilb. Mr. Hioolis Roll died lOtli Jan. 1833. HANNAH ROLL, (4th child of Abraham,) and Moses Parmalee, had chihJren : 1. Mary Parmahe. 2. Betsey Parmalee married Henry Howard, of N. York. 3. Al)by Parmalee married Aura Wilson, as his 2d wile, near Poughkeepsie. 4. Rebecca l*armalee married, 1st, Mr. Manning, of Plain- field ; 2d, Aaron Coe, Esq., of Westfield. 5. Brooks Parmalee married Miss Wilson, daughter of Aura VVilson. by his 1st wife. 6. Nancy Parm:ilee died immarried. 7. Lockey Painialee married James Stafford, and went west, wliere he died, and slie returned with 3 children, Isaac, Abby, and James Stati'ord. 8. iSaliy married Mr. Parmalee, a distant relation. PETRR ROLL, (6th child of Abraham,) and Polly Belton, had children : 1. Charles, who married h's second cousin, Mary Roll, 10th chdd of of JoSji, son of Isaac Roll, and had children : 1. Mary Augusta; 2. Caroline Virginia; 3. Charles; 4. Sidney. 2. Baltus. 3. A daughter. JEPHTHA ROLL, (7th child of Abraham,) atid Abby Brookfield had children : 1. Sarah, who married Thomas J. Blanck ; lives in New York. 2. William married Susan . r ISAAC ROLL, (lOth child of Abraham.) had children : 1. George Washington, who married Sally Wood, daughter of John, son of John Wood. 2. Samuel Oliver married , a sister of Caroline's husband. 3. Catherine married, 1st, Mr. Shotvvell, 2'1, John Wilson, 4 Caroline married -, a brother of Samuel's wife. i>. Isaac Clawson. 6. Sanford Vreeland. 7. William Stone. 8. Johila Marsh. 366 JOHN BOS». JOHN ROSS. JOHN ROSS, of Westfield, was born 24th Dec. 1715, and died 7th April, 1798. He was, in 1748, Alderman of the borou2;h of Elizabeth; he married, 1st, June, 1 Ith 1736, Han- nah Talmadge, who was born 6th July, 1715 ; 2d, Joannah Crane, a widow, and daughter of Alderman William Miller. She was born 15th Sept. 1728. married Mr. Ross, 22d Jan. 1754, and died 13th Sept. 1779, without children by him, and he mari'ied, 27th Feb, 1780, 3d, Susannah, the widow of ano- ther Mr. Crane, his 2d wife's aunt, and sisler of the same Alderman Miller, and she died Nov. 1797, without children by him. By his first wife, Hannah Talmadge, he had chil- dren: 1. John Ross, Jun., born 26th August, 1737, married Sarab Scudder, sister of Corbet Scudder. 2. Rebecca, born 14th June. 1739, married Cornelius Lud- low, of Westfield. 3. Timothy, born 26th Aug. 1741, married Polly Briant, ■ daughter of John. [See Lamb.] 4. Sarah, born 11th July, 1743, married Andrew Miller^ and died 4th Aug. 1817, in hei' 75th year. — 5. Ichabod, born 24th Sept. 1745, married, 1st, Miss Davis y 2d, Betsey Lamb, daughter ol John. [See Lamb,'] 6. James, born 9th Nov. 1751, married 1st Hannah Thomp- son, daughter of Thomas, of Union Township ; 2d, Sarab Thompson, elder sister of his first wife. [See Thompson.] JOHN ROSS, Jun., (son of John) and Sarah Scudder had S children : 1. Hannah, wlio married Samuel Freeman. 2. Sarah married Mr. Tucker. 3. Polly married John Stevens, of Rah way. REBECCA ROSS, (2d child of John 1st,) and Cornelius- Ludlow h;id children: 1 . Noah Ludlow married Rachel Rouse Ridge way, and had children : 1. Eliakim Ludlow, who married Polly Walker, daugh-, ter, of Asher, of Passaic Valley. [See Walker.] 2. Henry Ludlow. 2. Bebecca Ludlow. 3. John Ludlow. TIMOTHY ROSS, (3d child of John,) and Pory Briant had one child ; n JOHN ROSS. 357 1. Samuel Ross, who married Huldah Randolph, daughter, of Thomas, and had children : 1. Timothy, who married Sarah Laing, daughter of John and had children: 1. William, who died young; 2. Charles: 3. Mary, who married Mr. Decker, and died without children ; 4. Harriet ; 5. Daniel, who married his cousin, Susan Ross, daughter of Milan ; 6. Clark ; 7 Mdan. 2. Milan married Susan Force, and had children ;. 1. Samuel ; 2. Randolph ; 3. John ; 4. Wilham ; 5. Susan, who married her cousin, Daniel Ross, son of Timothy. 3. John, who married, and died without children, 4. Sally married Mr. Coon, who died and left her a wi- dow. And by a 2d wife, a daughter of Ezekiel Day, Samuel Ross had two children : 5. James ; 6. a daughter, who married Peter Houseman. g SARAH ROSS, (4th child of John Ross 1st,) and Andrew f Miller, had children : 1. Hannah Miller, who married Thomas Parcel, of Chat- ham. 2. Rebecca Miller married John Brokaw, of Rahvvay. 3. Enoch Miller married Johannah Garthwaite. 4. John Miller married Abigad Stites, daughter of Rich- ard. [ See Stites.] 5. Abner Miller married Bethiah Tryon, of Orange county, New York. 6. Timothy Miller. 7. Sarah Miller, who married James Tharp. 8. Andrew Miller. 9. Susan Miller, who married Capt. John Scudder. g JOHN MILLER, (4th child of Andrew Miller, and Sarah I Ross,) and Abigail Stites, had children : 1. CorneUa Miller, who married Gideon Ross, son of James, son of John Ross 1st. 2. Hezekiah Stites Miller, who married Elizabeth Burnet, sister of Samuel Burnet, of Livingston, and had children : 1. Lucinda Miller ; 2. Joseph Augustus Miller; 3. Eliza- beth Jenette Miller; 4. Cornelia Miller; 5. Julia Anne Miller ; 6. John Stites Miller ; 7. James Ross Miller ; 8. Ophelia Miller ; 9. George W. Miller. I ICHABOD ROSS, (5th child of John,) and Miss — Davis, " had children ; 358 'OHH KOSS. 1. Talmadge, who married Betsey Littell, daughter of Moses. [>"ee Litfell.] 2. John, who married Anna Keyt, dau^jhter of James. By his 2d wile, B»'tsey Lamb, lch;il)od iioss had children: 3. iMai y, who died unmarried at about 17 or IS \ears. 4. Ehzabeth married, 1st, Josima Clarii, son of liobeit ; 2d, Sanford Hicks. 5. Ic.habod, Jun. married Phebe Miller, daugliter of Abner Miller. 6. Hannah married Henderson Williams, e TALMADGE ROSS, (son of Ichahod, son of John,) and f Betsey Littell, daughter of Moses, son of Benjamin Littell, removed to Ohio, about 12 miles north of Chilicothe, and had children ; 1. Moses, who married Mary Frazee, 2d child of Moses Frazee. and Mary Terry. 2. John married Sarah Lee, daughter of Thomas Lee. He died I2lh May, 1844, aged 57 years, 8 months, and 4 days. 3 Abby, born 12th July, 17U1, married Chares Marsh, son of (Charles, of Westtield. 4. Jacob died in 1814, unm-irried, aged 22 years 5. Talinadjze died in 1814, unmarried, aged 20 years. 0. Eliza, who also died unmarried. 7. Linus H, Rosg married , and hved near San- dusky, Ohio, 8. Abraham. 9. Thompson Seabury Ross. * MOSES ROSS, (son of Talmadge,) and Mary Frazee, g lived near Chilicothe, and had children : 1. Pamela, who married James Ga}, and had five children. 2. Jacob Davis Ko s married ; had two children. 3. Frazee lioss marrif.d ; had two children. 4. Talmadge Ross ; 5. John iioss. 6. Resin Ross married , 7. Abby Eliza Ross married . «. James Ross. 9. William Ross. JOHN ROSS, (2d son of Talmadge,) and Sarah Lee, had ten children: 1. Talmadge Ross, born 1810, and married Eliza Stites, daughter of Henry, of Scotch Plains, and had children: 1. Anne Eliza, born 1st Jan. 183f5 ; 2. Mary Jane, born 1839 ; 3. John Henry Ross, born 18th May, 1845. 2. Joseph Ross, born 4th Jan. 1813, married Nancy Squier, daughter of John Squier, son of Aaron Squier, of Long Hill, and had a child, Charles Gideon Ross. JOHN ROSS. 359 3. Eliza Ross, born lllh Feb. 1815, and married John Frazee, son ol Levi Fruzee, of VVestfield. and had chi'dicii: 1. Ca eb Maxwell Frazee, born 5th Ot^t. 1836. 2. Susan Fr.izee, born lllh iMaich, 1840. 3. Pres'ion Fi'azce, born I7lh August, 18'12. 4 Jol'.n Ivoss Frazee, born Isi October, 1845. 5. Henry iMartln Frazee. burn Gth September, 1847. 4. Susan l\oss, born 23d Febiuary, 1817. and niniried Isaac Thum, son ol' James Thoni, ot i\evv Market, and iiud children : 1. James Thoni, born 24th February, 1839. 2. S.irah Anne Thorn born 14th Ot:tot)er, 1839. 3 Mary Augusta Thorn, born 2(>th Feb. 1845. 5. John Koss, [Hjvn 5th Alaich, 18>(), married Harriet Bull- nvin. He died 22d April, 1848 ; she died 2(Hh Feb. 1648, leaving no chddren. 6. Mary Koss, born 27th INfarch 1822, married Clarkson Shotwell, Son of Daniel Shotvvell, of l*iainheld, and had one child. Susan Saotwell, born 23th A|)ril, 1817. 7. James Ross, born 27th August, 1826, and married Mary Freem m, daughter of ('aleb of Plainheld. S. Moses Lee Ross, born 18th November 1838, 9. Seth VVillist.in Koss, born 31st March, 1832. 10. Cornelia Ross, born November, 1831. g JOHN ROSS, (2d son of Ichubad,) and Anna Kcyt, had o chiUieii : 1. Elizibeth, who married Joiin Miller, son of Enoch, and had chil(lret) ; 1. Juhn K. Miller; 2. Catherine Miller; 3. Kezi.di Mil- ler; 4. Divil AMIer; 5. Ja n.'S Miller. 2. ELcta mairied Josiah Crane, son of John 4th, and had chil- dren : 1. John Grant Crane married Abby Miller, (hiuglUer of J(}lui O. Miller. He lives on the (dd-John-Crane hoincsteud. 2. Marv Crane miirried Hampton Culler, son of VViJiiam, of Wood bridge. 3. Anne Elizabeth Crane married Job ^Villiams,son of Moses, of Union. 4. Josiah Crane, Jun, married Sarah Jane Miller, daughter of Jacob. 3. Mary married Miller Williams, son of Moses, and went to Ohio, where she died. 4. Anne married Benjamin Williams, son of Nathaniel, and had one daujrhter, Anne Williams, who married Juhn Norris. ELIZABETH ROSS, (4th child of Ichabod.) and her first bus- band, Joshua Clark, had children : 1. Mary Clark, who married Caleb _M. Littell, son of Doctor Anthony. [See Littell.] 300 'OB^ R@S8. 2. Amos Clark married Sarah [Meeker, daughter of Samuel, of Springfield. And by her 2d husband Sanford Hicks, Elizabeth Ross, had 3. A daughter, who married John Chatterton, of Elizabethtown. ICHABOD ROSS Jun, (5th child of Ichabod, son of John,) and Phebe Miller, had children : 1. John, who married ^ • 2. Betsey. 3. Ichabod 3d. 4. Abner married . HANNAH ROSS, (6th child of Ichabod Ross,J_Sen.)' and Henderson Williams, had children : 1. Sarah Williams, who married Peter Messier, and had a daugh- ter, Eiiza Anne Messier, who married Augustus Howel. 2. Mary Williams, who married Asa D. "Vandergrift. ' 3. Phebe Anne Williams married John Dunham, son of John, son of John, of Passaic Valley, and had a daughter, Ellen Dun-^ ham, and then died. 4. Benjamin Williams. 6. Theodore Williams married Miss Mulford. ^■ 6. Emeline Williams, who died. JAMES ROSS, Esq. (6th son of John Ross 1st,) by his first S wife, Hannah Thompson, had children : g 1. Betsey, who married John Marsh Clark. ' 2. Sarah, born 6ih May, 1777, and married Doctor Joseph Quimby, of Westfield, and died 1803, without children. James Ross, Esq. by his 2d wife, Sarah Thompson, had chil- dren : 3. James Thompson Ross, who died unmarried. 4. Hannah married, January, 1807, Henry Baker, son of Wil- ' liam. [See Baker.] 5. Gideon, married, 20th April, 1829, Cornelia Miller, born 8th May, 1793, daughter of John Miller, son of Andrew Miller, and Sarah Ross, daughter of John Ross 1st. BETSEY ROSS, (daughter of James Ross, Esq.) and John g Marsh Clark, had children : o 1. Betsey M. Clark, who married Benjamin T. Clark, son'of ^ Charles Clark, Esq. 2. James Ross Clark, born 20th June, 1793, and married Catherine Tucker, daughter of Joseph Tucker, and had children: 1. James Ross Clark, Jun. born 12th May, 1827. 2. John Joseph Clark, born 16th July, 1832. JOHN ROSS. SGI * BETSEY M. CLARK, and Benjamin T. Clark, had children : o 1, James Marsh Clark, who married Miss Maxwell. " 2. Sarah Anne Clark married Edwin Keyt. 3. Eveline Clark married Mr. Bryer. 4. Susan Clark married Mr. Maxwell. 5. Charles Augustus Clark married Ruth Sanford. 6. Lockey Clark married Mr. Bryer. 7. Benjamin Clark; 8. Catherine Clark ; 9. Hannah Clark. 10. Gideon Clark; 11. Henry Clay Clark ; 12. A-daughter. S HANNAH ROSS, (4th child of James Ross, Esq.) and Henry ? Baker had children : ^ 1. James Ross Baker, who died September, 1820, aged about 12 years. 2. William T. Baker, who married Elizabeth Anne Miller, daughter uf Abner, and had children : 1. Catherme Baker, born 1839; 2. Elizabeth Baker. 3. Sarah Eliza Baker, who married William Radford, of New York, and had childien : 1. William Henry Radford; 2. James Radford; 3. Edwin Radford. 4. James Ross Baker 2d, who married Catherine Mundy, and had children : 1. Eliza Radford Baker. 5. Phebe Webb Baker married John Squier, son of John, son pf John Squier, and had children : 1. James Wade Squier. GIDEON ROSS, Esq. (5th child of James Ross, Esq.) was a surveyor, a justice of the peace, a major in the militia, and was several times elected a member of the legislature. He and Corne" lia Miller had children : 1. James, born 17th June, 1732, and died 21st, July, 1739. 2. Cornelia, born 20th December, 1835. 302 JONATHAN RICKMAX. JONATHAN RUCKMAN. s* JONATHAN RUCKMAN livtd on Stony Hill, south of David ? Sinaliey, L^-q. lir miirriud iSmah Allen, daughter of Joseph Allen, Jui) and had children : 1. Sti'|)lien, who married, I'^lli March, 1794, Esther Dubbin, of Cauldwtiil. 2. Nathan, born 1777, married Hannah Alward, daughter of Benjamin Alwaid. 3. David married Betsey Coon, daugliter of Capt. Israel Coon, and had no cliildren. 4. Levi married Jane Leforge, daughter of Abraham, and died 16th October, 18 t4. 5. Joiiailian, who died a young man, unmarried. 6. Plube married John Cory ; lived on tiie 2d mountain, south east of M.iunt Bethel. 7. Joseph, mairied, 1st, Mary Alward, sister of Nathan's wife ; 2d, Sally Kelly, ..f Mount Horeb. Lie had children: 1. John; 2. Josiali ; y. bllisha ; 4, Joseph; 5. Eliza. And by his 2d wile, 6. Jonathan ; 7. David. g STEPHEN RUCKMAN, (son of Jonathan,) and Esther Dobbin, o had children : " 1. Sally, who married Samuel Dixon, of Washington Valley. 2. Betsey married Isaac Morehouse, of Livingston, and went to Indiana. 3. Phebe married Isaac Coddinglon, son of Achibald, of Mount Horeb. 4. Hetty, who went to Indiana with Isaac Moreliouse, and died. 5. Isaac married Nancy Winans, of Washington Valley. 6. Stephen, Jun. went to L)diana, and married there. 7. Jane married William Buck, near Germantown, Hunterdon county. 8. I'hirza married John Buck, of the same place. 9. Ellen married Abraham Bryant, of the same place. NATHAN RUCKMAN, (2d child of Jonathan,) and Hannah Alward hud children: 1. William, who died at about 24 years, unmarried. "" " 2. David N., born 21st April, lb04, who married 1st, Jane Stevens, daughter of James Stevens, and had 1, a son James ; his wife then died, and he married, 2d, Haimah P. Bonnel, (laughter of Stephen C. Bonnel, son of James, and had children : 2. \Viliiam. 3. Nancy; 4. Hannah; 5. David; 6. Bern; 7. Lemuel. 8. Stephen C. Bonnel. [See Bonnel.^ 3. Rachel married Francis Vaughn, and went to North Western Pennsylvania. 4. Hannah, who died at 18 or 19 years, unmarried. 5. Sarah married Charles Foster, son of Silas Foster, of Chatham; JON.VTilAN RUCKMAN. 3fJ3 LEVI RUCKMAN, (4th chilJ of Jonathan,) and Jane Lcforge, had children : I. Miiriin, born 27th October, 181 1, mnrricd Jane Dow, of Bedminster, born May, 1806. They liad children : J. Lucy Anne, born 2Cth December, 1833. 2. Enoch, born 2()tii February, 1833. 3. .fonathan Lewis, born 'id .March, I83l>. 4. Benjamin F., born irnh October, 1837. 5. Phebe, born -^oih March, 1839. 6. Phinehas. born •2()ih April. 184-2. 7. Davil Martin, bnrn 14ih Ndveniber, 184?. 8. William Henry, born 7ih December, 1845. 9. Levi, born 8th Au;i:ust. 1S4S. 2. Sarah married Josepn F. Tilyou, and obtained a divorce from him. 3. Eliza married Jefferson Moore, son of Jesse, of Mount Bethel, and had children : I. Harriet Moore : 2. Wesley Moore ; 3. Mary Jane Mooro ; 4. Jacob Vloore ; 5. Jonathan Moore. 4. Deborali married Jacob Ludlow, son of Joseph. |See Ludlow.'] 5. Harriet married Lewis Nop Miller, son of Lewis. [See Miller \ She had one sun, Levi Miller, and died. C. Jenette married David Rird, soi of Ji>hn. of Mount Bethel, and had children : 1. Harriet Bird; 2. Jacob Bird; 3. Levi Bird. 7. Mary married, 23 I June, 1 S 19, Wats.)ii Bird, son of Elias, and had children: 1. John Menry Bird ; 2. . 8. Atwood. 9. Rebecca. 10. Hannah. PflEBE RUCKMAN, (6th child of Jonathan,) and John Cory, had children ; 1. Daniel Cory, who married Rachel Willet, daughter of Jona- than, of Warren, and had several children. 2. Jonathan C iry, wno married Mary Titus, dau^luer of Wil- liam, and had children : 1. Elizabeth Cory : 2. Maryette Cory ; 3. Phehe Cory ; 4. Anne Jane Cory. Biilh Daniel and Jonathan Cory have been members of the legislature, from Somerset county. 354 RICHv\RD RUNYON. RICHARD RUNYON. RICHAPvU RUNYON, (whose ancestors were French,) was born 14th April, 1719. He had a sister, who married a Mr, Lay. ton, and had children. Peter Layton, who was called Capt. Layton, lived at Long Hill, did not marry. Provy Layton, who married Justice John Carle, of Long Hill. [See Carle.] A Mr. John Runyon married, 10th September, 17G5, Violet Layton. r RICHARD RUNYON married Jane Van Court, born 13th ? August, 1727, and had children : 1. Sarah, burn 30th March, 174G, and married Elias Coriell, son of Abraham, ot Piscataway, and died in 1820, aged 74 years. [See CorieU-l 2. Anna, born 27th October, 1747, and married Daniel Sayre, brother of Ephraim Sayre, of Madison, and had children : 1. James Sayre, who.married Deborah Dunham, daughter of John, son of John. 2. Elias Sayre married Miss Hetfield, of Elizabeth town, and had a son, Thomas O. Sayre. 3. Ellas, born 7th June, 1749, married, 9th January, 1771, De- borah Clark, born 27th July, 1749, daughter of Daniel Clark. Elias Runyon died 8th March, 1793. 4. Elizabeth, born 11th December, 1750, married Moses Carpen- ter, of Goshen, New York ; had an only daughter, Elizabeth Carpenter, and soon after died. 5. Jean, born 6th December, 1752, and died of consumption, at about 20 years. 6. Rosannah, born 3(1 November, 1754, and died unmarried, 7. John, born 26th November, 1756, married Polly Conklin, daughter of Stephen, of Basking Ridge, and went to Ohio, and settled near the head of the Little Miami river. He died in 1836, and she died in 1842. They had children : I.Stephen, who died in 1813, unmarried ; 2. Richard; 3.' John; 4. Elias; 5. Betsey, who married Joseph McLain ; 6. Debby married James McLain, brother of Joseph ; 7. Polly married Mr. Vance : 8. Anna, and three other daughters. 8 ELIAS RUNYON, (son of Richard,) and Deborah dark lived g at Long Hill, where their father did, and had children : J. Richard, born 26th November, 1771, married Phebe Lewis, daughter of Isaac, of Sussex. 2. Anna, born 24th September, 1773, married Ludlow Squier, son of Thomas. [See Squier.] RXIIARD RUNYON. ^Go 3. Daniel, born 23d March, 1776, married 1st, Hope Lewis, sister of Richard's wife ; she soon died, and he married 2d, Polly Squier, daughter of Thomas, of Livingston. 4. John, born 17ih Aiiotist, 177S, married his 2d cousin, Mar- garet Runyon, daughter of Ricbard, of Piscataway. 5. JiiHi, born IGili January, 1781, and died 4th February, 1781, in infancy. 6. Israel, born 16th March, 1782, married Polly Deeds, daughter of Michael, of S[)ringfiel.l, and died 28th September, 1813. 7. Klias, born r)th November, 1784, was a physician, married Agnes Day, daughter of Col. Israel Day, of Chatham ; had no children. 8. Peter P., born 19th May, 1787, married Phebe Tenyck, daugh- ter of' Tunis Tenyck, of New Brunswick. Is a justice of the peace, and judge of the court in Middlesex county. 9. Jane, born 29th December, 1790, married Savage Wright, from Virginia, and lives in Piscataway. g RICHARD RUNYON, (son of Elias,) and Phebe Lewis lived J in New Brunswick, and hid children : 1. Sally, born November, 1797, married John Dunham Martin, son of Arauna, of New Brunswick, and had children : 1. Mary Martin, who married Cliarles Martin, son of Still Martin, of New York. 2. Richard Runyon Martin; 3. Arauna Martin; 4. Isaac Lewis Martin. 2. Debby, born February, 1799, married Ambrose F. Randolph, son of Still F. Randolph, and had children: 1. Still Randolph; 2. Richard Runyoa Randolph ; 3. Howard JMalcom Randolph. 3. Jane, born , 1802, married James Boyce, son of George and had children : I. Susan Hankinson Boyce married Dr. Sears, of N. Y. ; 2. Charles Decilding Boyce ; 3. Peter Boyce; 4. Albeit Boyce ; o. Henry Boyce. DANIEL RUNYON, (son of Ellas,) owns his father's farm at Long Hill ; was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1834, and acted in that otiice fifteen years. He and Polly Squier had children : 1. Caroline, who is unmarried. 2. Phebe, who married Augustus Stewart, son of Christo- pher, of Plainfield ; went to Illinois, and had children : 1. John Runyon Stewart; 2. Mary Ellen Stewart; 3. Edward Stewart. 3. George married Mary Giles, daughter of John Giles ; lives in Plainfield, and had children; 1. William Henry; 2. Alfred ; 3. John. 3»6 PETER BUrAV. A PETER P. RUNYON, (son of Elias,) and Phebe Tenyck had children : 1. Ticniblv, M ho died young. 2. Dehljy. ' 3. Mary, who married Peter C. Onilerdonk, son of John. 4. John, twin to Mary, died at ahoni (> or 7 years. 5. EHas mnrried Emily I'iiz Randolph, daugliter Qf David, editor of the N. H I'^eiloniaii. 0. Susan mariied Mahlua liunyon, son of Abel. 7. Viiginia. PETER RUTAN. PETER RUT. AN owned two 100 acre lots, Nos. 28 and 29 addition of ihe Eiizaljethtown lots, and now owned by the heirs of Nicholas Van Winkle, Jo.seph H.. Paiten, and others. He h;id a son, Abraliatn, that survived liini ; who owned tl e enslein half of the 200 acre tract, and lived on it near the spring. ABRAHAM RUTAN was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church of l^ew I'rovidence. lie married. ; she died ^ 15th Dec. 1788,; they had 5 sous and 8 d.iught:rs : o 1. John, who married, 20ih March. 1774, Uatherine Jones, " and went to the we>t. 2. Samuel nmiried Eleanor Bedell, daughter of Jacob, and went wei^t. l>Sce Budrll.^ 3. Peier, born 1757, and died 12th April, 1802, aged 45 years, unmarried. 4. Joseph, born 17G9, married, 1 Uh June, l?9l, Hannah Bal-er, daughter of Thomas BaUer, Jun. She died 2Glh July, 18114. aued 34 years, and he married, 2d. Rachel Hole, daugh- ter (.f Uzel Johnson's 2d wife. He died 19th March, 1809, aged 40 years. 5. Abraham married Hannah Shipman, daughter of Abra- ham, ol Munroe, Morris county. He died 25ih Dec. 1804, aged 30 ye;irs, and left two childien. Manning and Eliza; Eliza died young; Manning married Miss Hard, and lived at Dover. Morris county, aid subsequently removed to Green- ville. Monlcalin county, Michigan. G. Sally, who mariied, 6ih June, 1775, Simeon Simpson, son of Alexander, as his 2d wile. \_S:e Simpson.l 7. Hannah married John Cauldwell, son ol William. [See Caul(/weli'\ 8. Marv marr'ed, 7th April. 178.5, Matthias Roll, and went to Ohio. '[See Rolf.'] pete:? rtjtan 3C7 9. Hosannah married, 2ilth Dec. 1786, Thomas Parrot, son of William. ["See Faj-mt.] 10. Martlia iTinrried, I7tli0r.t. 1787, jMoses Camp, son of Aaron, [''^e:' C hit). 12. Anna married. 29tli April, 179:), Moses Squier, son of Thomas. [-Se Sqitier.'^ 13 Llizibeth mariied, 1 4th Jun^, 1791, Ahrah.^m Cauld- well. .son ot VV^illiam. \^S^e. Cuu/dirf.li.'j Jamts Miller, son of (Jlimiiy Kulan. and John Miiler. mar- ried Anna Lollard, and had cliildren : I. John Miller-; 2. Charity Miller, who married Nathaniel Bonnel, of Green Villaire, as his 2d wife ; 3. hlbenezer Miller married Hannah Win'.ers, of N. V.; 4. Mary Miller; 5. Josi ph Miller mar- ried Sarah Messier, dan^luer of John Vieit .Messier; G. James Miller; 7. Margaret Miller married JMr. Loixan. g JOSEPH RUT AN, (son of Abraham, son of Peter,) lived where his fither did. He and Hannah l>aker had cbildren: =■ 1. Daniel, who married Jane CauldvvelL daughter of Hugh, § and had chddren : 1. Hugh, who died in Newark, unmarried, aged about 24 \ears. 2. Hannah, also died in Newark, immarried, aged abont 24 vears. Daniel llutan died 0th Feb. 1S21, aged 23 years. His widow, Jane, died 2d Peb. 1849, a,L''ed (Jl years. 2. Abigail, born 19th Alaich, 1 79.5. and married Peter D. Valentine, son of Jonathan. '[Sei Val'niline J 3. .Abraham, who died 9th May, 1811, aged 15 years 4. Samuel married Lockey Meeker, daughter of Joseph O. Meeker, of Scotch Plains, and died 1st April, i827, ag-d 28 yrars. [See Dunham.] And by his 2d wife, Ilachel Hole, Joseph Uutan had chilcJren: 5. Eliz 1, who married Barnabas Earl, and went to Kala- mazoo county, j\Iichigan. 0. Jose()h married Sally Anne Fornote, daughter of Wil- liam, of Kahway. ^ JOSEPH RUT.-VN, (son of Joseph.) and Sally Anne For- « note, lived in liahway, and had children: " I. Maiy Elizabeth, who inarrie:, 4th August, 1844, VVil- liain Harris Smith, son of Adam Smith, of IJound P,rook. Ife died in Feb. 1848, leaving a daughter, JMary Williams Smith. 2. Henrietta Adams; 3. Jane Anne; 4. Francis Adelia : 5. Hannah IJ.aker. Jo..-e[ih -man .Inn , d.ed in .'Vi.rd, iS14. 353 DAViD BAMSOX. DAVID SAMSON. ? DAVID SAMSON lived on the north side of Long Hill, o where Philemon Dickerson now lives; he married Hannah " Jionnel, sister of Nathaniel Bonne] 1st, and had children: 1. Stephen, who died, at about 23 years. 2. Jacob, who died, at about 21 years. 3. Sebra, who married iMr. Armstrong, and removed to Pennsylvania. 4. Mary married Moses Hand, son of William. [See Hand.l 5. Isaac married Mary Day, daughter of Stephen Day, Esq., of Chatham. He lived and died in Springfield. 6. Moses is unmarried ; lives with the widow of Peter Dickerson. 7. Aaron went to sea on board a vessel of war, and did not return. 8. Abraham married Chloe Bonnel, daughter of Capt. Na- thaniel Bonnel. 9. Benjamin married Abigail Ball, daughter of Jeremiah Ball, and grand-daughter ot Jeremiah Hart. [See Ball and Hart.] g ISAAC SAMSON, (son of David,) and Mary Day had ffl children : " 1. Nancy, who married Aaron Dean, son of John, of Springfield. 2. Joanna married Mr. Freeman, of Union Township. 3. David, born May, 1791, married Betsey Johnson, daugh- ter of Uzel, by his 2d wife. 4. Mariah married, 11th Jan. 1809, David Nafie, of Spring- field. 5. Nathan, who died in Springfield. 6. Charlotte married and went to Western New York. 7. Juha Anne, who died young. g DAVID SAMSON, (son of Isaac,) and Betsey Johnson IP had children : 1. Isaac Johnson Samson, who married Hannah, the widow of William Potter, of Rahway, and daughter of Mr. Garthrite. She had a son, William Potter, and they had chil- dren : 1. David Samson, born Jan. 1840; 2. John Wesley, born 14th July, 1843. Isaac Johnson Samson died 6th Dec. 1846. 2. Nathan Scudder Samson, who married Catherine Anne Rino, daughter of Wilson Rino, of Piscataway, 3. William Edgar Samson, born llth Fehruafy, 1822, married Caroline, widow ol' Edward Tornsee, and daughter of Mr, Powel, ot Brooklyn, New Fork ; have no children. DAVID SAMSON. 360 4^ Stephen, born llth October, 1825. 5. Mary Jane, born 27tli November, 1830. (). !\Iariah, born 1st June, IS^'S. 7. Elizabeth Day, born l3ih February, 1838. " ABRAHAM SAMSON, (son of David, Sen.,) and Chloe Bonnel, g lived at Madison, Morris county, and had cialdren : 1. Julia, who married WicklifF Condit, son of Ebenezer , and soon died. 2. Sally married Christopher Seely Miller, son of Eliphalet, of Ciiatham, and went to Ohio. 3. Aaron S uith, who died at 5 years. 4. Nancy Bonnel Cfamson. 5. Zebra 6. Aminda married James B. Condit, brother of WicklifT; live in Licking county, Ohio. 7. Elizabeth Shaver married Oswald Joseph Burnet, son of William, of Morris county. 8. Mary Malvina married John Radley, son of William, of Ohio, and live there. 9. Enoch Nelson ; 10. Anne Mariah ; II. Wickliff Condit. ] Mr. Abrahain Samson died about the ist July, 1851. NOTE. — Nancy, wife of S\lvanus B nnel, ai d sis'er of Chloe, wife of AlTa- hain Siinson, died 4th .lu y, 1S5I, and her -2(1 ^on t'aKin married .hi!ia Anne Cnwel, from near Philad/l, hia, and had rhildr.-n ; I. Mary; 2. William; 3. John; 4. Emma; 5. Geurge VVusliington Bonnel ; he lives in lovva. BENJAMIN SAMSOX, (son of David, Sen.) and Abigail Ball, removed to Knox county, Ohio ; they had children : 1. Benjamin Pettit, who married Mary Jones, of Union ; live in Newark.^, 2. Harriet married Mulford W. Casterline, son of Mrs. John Marshall. [See Daniel Willcox.^ 3. Bonnel married in Newark. 4. Eliza, who died at about 15 years. 5. Hervy, who died in Newark. 6. Abeline, who married Mr. Tailor, in Ohio. 7. Hannah married Mr. Lennel, in Ohio. 8. Vashti married in Ohio. 370 ISAAC SAYRE. ISAAC SAYRE. ISAAC SAYR-E came from New England; he married Jane Swaine, daughtnr of Matthias Swaine. They lived between the mountains, south west of Springfield, and had children : 1. Elizabeth, who married Ktioch Vrteland, son of Brown Vri^eland, and lived where Jonathan Gillani now lives. »o 2. iMatthisis married, 27th September, 1767, Patience Thon^pson, a daughter of Aaron, of Long Hill. [See Aai-on Thonifson.'] ° 3. Cath^■rine married Timothy Giitfin, ot Tvew Providence. [See Grijiin] 4 Isaac, married, 22d Febrnnry, 1774, Elizabeth Roll, daughter of John Roll, Sen. [Ste Roll] She died, 'iGth September, 1850, in her 9'Zd year, after being a long lime a widow. MATTHIAS SAYRE, (son oflsaac,) and Patience Thompson, had children : 1. ( aleb, who went to the west, unmarried. 2. Chloe, who married John Scudder, of Westfield, and went to the west. 3. Noah married Rachel Hubhel, and went to the west. 4. Matthias Swaine Sayre went to sea, and died unmarried. ISAAC SAYRE, Jun. (son of Isaac,) and Elizabeth Roll lived where his (ather did, and had children ; I. John, who married Abby Brown, of Connecticut, sister of Jonathan Brown, of Chatham ; he lived in Passaic Valley, ir. Chat- ham township. op|)osite the Methodist church. He was horribly shot through the window of his house, about 1835, the ball passing through his mouth, and knocking out several of his teeth ; he died the 2(1 day after. 2 Mary Brooks Sayre married Noah Ross, son of James Ross, and brother of Brooks Roll's wife. [See Brooks Roll.'] 3. Brooks married Polly Conklin, daughter of Joshua Conklin. [See Conklin-] 4. Jane mar'ied Ralph Eltsone, wont to Ohio, and had an only son, Cornelius Elstone. 5. Catherine married Mosrs Thompson. 6. Betsey married Aaron Briani, son of Cornelius ; he died he 2d March, 1850. 7. Anthony Swaine Sayre married Mariah Armstrong, of Long Island. S. Hannah married Israel Ward, son of Joshua, and had a daughter, Jane Anne VVard, who married 1st, Jona Swaine, son of Benjamin ; and 2d, George W. Ogden, son of Richard, and had a daughter, Susan Ogden. ISAAC SAYKE. 37 1 JOHN SAYHE, (son of Isaac Sayre, Jun.,) and Abby Brown, had chihireri : *. 1. William, who married Nancy D. Bonne!, daughler of a VV^ilhatn Honnel, son of Capt. Nathaniel, and had children: °. 1. EUzabelh Donnel Csayre ; 2. John Francis Sayre; 3. George Sayie; 4. Emily Brown Sayre; 5. Sarah Doty ►Sayre; G. Daniel Brown Sayre. 2. Betsey, who married Aaron Johnson, son of Gabriel Johnson Esq. and had children: I. William C. ; 2. Rebecca. [See Juhnsun.'\ BROOKS SAYRE, (son of Isaac Sayre, Jun.,) and Polly Conklin, had children : $ 1. Elizabeth, who married Henry Faitoute, pon of Moses, of « Union ; 2. William ; 3. Ma.ry married Joseph Ivain, a car- " penter, of Somerville ; 4. Isaac ; 5. Hannah; 0. Brooks Sayre, Jun. CATHERINE SAYRE, (5th child of Isaac Sayre, Jun.) and Moses Thompson, had children : 1. Sarah Thompson, who married Elias Morgan, son of Elias, of Elizabethtown, and had children: 1. Mary Elizabeth Morgan, who married Vvilliam Day, son of Josiah Day, of Chatham; 2. John Sayre Mor- gan; 3. Sarah Catherine Morgan; 4. Abby Mariah Morgan ; 5. Elias Allen Morgan ; G. James Henry Morgan. 2. Aaron Ogden Thompson, who married Eliza Wood, from Newburgh, and had a son, William Thompson. 3. Eliza Ogden Thompson married John H. Jaques, and had a son, David Jaques, when she died. 4. Isaac Moses Thompson married Mary Smalley, daughter of Abner Smalley, and Mary Roll, 9th child of Abraham Roll, and have children: 1. Abner Thompson ; 2. . BETSEY SAYRE, (6th child of Isaac Sayre, Jun.) and Aaron Briant, had children: 1. Mary Briant, who married Daniel Kissam, son of Richard, and had children : 1. Samuel Kissam, born 1S27; 2. John R.. Kissam. born 1829; 3. Franklin Kissam, born 1840; 4. Nancy Kissam, born 1845. 2. Isaac Briant ; 3. Hannah Briant married William Kent, son of Nathaniel ; 4. Abby Briant married Lewis Denman, son of John, of Canoe Brook; 5. William H. Briant; 6. Emily Briant. 372 EZEKIEL SAYRE. ANTHONY S. SAYRE, (7th child of Isaac Sayre, Jun.) and Mariah Armstrong, lived where iiis father did, ai)d had children : 1 Etheniel, a daughter, born 1827; 2. Allav^sto, a son, born 1829; 3. Vozifri, a son, born 1830; 4. VineUa, a daugh- ter, born 1833 ; 5. Fla Alva, a daughter, boin 1838. EPHRAIM SAYRE. EPHRAIM" S/VYRE lived on and owned Lot No. 51, Addition of the Elizabethtovvn lots, whpre Squier Pariot now lives. He had a son Davi 1, who married, 2Uih December, 1766, Rachel Roffe. He died 3d October, 17S1, ;igcd 42 years, and his widow married, 2d, Thomas O&born, [see Osborn,] luid after his death she married, 3d, Col. Jedediah Swan, of Scotch Plains. He also had a son Daniel, who married Anna Runyon, daughter of Richard Runyon, Sen., and had children : 1. .lames, who married 3(iih Jan- uary, 1796, Deborah Dunham, daughter of John, Jun. and lived at Madison ; 2. Elias, a clock maker, ol Elizabethtown, who married , and had a son, Thomas 0. Sayre. Ephruim Sayre had a son, , who went to Virginia, whose son William came from thence to this Valley, and married Miss Canfield, of Monroe, Morris county, and died 15lh Decem- ber, 1820, leavinii several children. And stdl another son, William, who lived where his father did. He married Esther High, daughter of John High 1st, of Westfieid, and had no children. He was an elder in tiie pres- byterian church in New Providence. His wife Ksther died, and he married, 2d, Anna, the widow of Jonathan Acken, of Scotch Plains, and removed to Plainfield, where he died. [See Dr. Anthony Littcll ] EZEKIEL SAYRE. EZEKIEL SAYRE lived in 1788. on Stony Hill, where John Marshall now lives. He had children : 1. Levi, who was baptized 31st January, 17^8. 2. John, who was baptized 29th October, 1771. 3. Huldah, who married in Ohio, Col. John Wallace. 4. Pierson married in New Jersey. 5. Benjamin. 6. Rachel. Mr. fCzeiiiel Sayre removed to Ohio before 1800, and lived near Reading, Hamilton county. Note. — See another Ezekiel Sayre, son-in-law of John Bonnel, page 50. RICHARD SCUDDER. 373 RICHARD SCUDDfiR. RICHx\UD SCUDDER owned and lived on the farm of 100 acres now owned by John Litiell, adjoining t[ie river. He also owned about 100 acres of the farm now owned by- Thomas O. 8cudder. He married Uebecca Stites, daughter of Ehjah Stites, of Scotch Pl.iins. [See Stites.] He died 24lh December, 1785, and left children: fo 1. Dr. Benjamin II. Scudder, who married Sally Wade, of o Connecticut Farms ; they lived at Paterson Landmg, where ° he died. 2. Nancy married, 3d Jan. 1785, Alexander Steele, of Somerset county. 3. Stites married Elizabeth Osborn, daughter of Thomas Osborn, [s3e Osborn,'] and died 1st April, 1812: she died 22d November, 1848. 4. Mary married James Bishop, of New Market, Middle- sex county. 5. Thomas married 1st, Clizabeth Ayers, daughter of David Ayers, Esq. of Liberty Corner; and 2d. Uebecca Aut<^n, 18th Dec. 1811 ;. and he died in March, 1812, of typhus fever. 6. Sally married Zebulon Ayers, ot Middlesex county, and lived several years where Lines Tucker now does, and finally removed to Seneca county, New-York. DR. BENJAMIN R. SCUDDER, (son of Richard,) and g Sally Wade had children : o 1. Susan, who married, 1st, 22d Jan. 1814, Hugh Littell, " son of Nathaniel Littell, Esq. He died 9th November, 1822, without children ; and she married, 2d, the Rev. Peter Ditmus Fieliegh. ot' Acquackanac, and had a son, Peter D. Freliegh, who is a lawyer, and married Caroline A. Wilkin, daughter of John C. VVilkin, of Orange county, New York. The Rev. Mr. Freliegh died, and she married, 3d, John Conklin. 2. Khoda married Mr. McKea, and had no children. 3. Nancy married Benjamin Servin, and had children : 1. Benjamin Servin ; 2. Oliver Servin. 4. Sally married Jacob V-'an Riper, and had four children. NANCY SCUDDER, (daughter of Richard,) and Alexander Steele, had children : .'^ 1. John Steele, who is unmarried. iS 2. Richard Steele is unmarried. 3. Polly Steele is unmarried. 4. Stites Steele married ■ — , and had children : 1. Alexander Steele ; 2. Mary Anne Steele, who died young. And then he died. 374 RICHARD SCUDDBR. 5. Rebecca Steele married Peter L. Die, had 3 children, and then died ; her children were : 1. David Die, who married Emma Sayre, daughter of Coe Sayre, and hud ciiildren : Warrren Die ; Anne Eliza Die. 2. Aline Maria!) Dit;, who married James Gosman. 3. John Die married Eliza Cole?. 6. 'I'homas Steele, who died at about 30 years. 7. Peggy Steele. 8. lloss Steele married Amanda Tailor ; he is a merchant in Somerset comity, New Jersey. {). Hetty Steele. Mr. A. Steele and family removed to Seneca county, N. York. MARY SCUDDER, (daughter of Richard,) and James Bishop removed to Seneca county. New York, and had children : 1. Aury Bishop, who married Miss McDutfy, daughter of James McDulfy. 2. Letty Bishop married Samuel Miller. 3. Cuty Bishop married Titus I'hilips, and went to Michigan. STITES SCUDDER, (son of Richard,) and Elizabeth Osborn, had childre;) : 1. Richard, who died 3d March, 1SI2, aged l.^ years. 2. Thomas Osborn, born 2lth Dec. 179. >, and married Martha Vail, daughter of Daniel Vail, of Sloneliouse Village; lives where his father did, and has no children. 3. Lois married Joth un Wiilcox, son of Daniel, and went to Seneca county. New York. [See Willcox-I g THOMAS SCUDDER, (son of Richard,) and Elizabeth Ayers ? lived where his father did, and had children : 1. Kosetla, who married Joseph Miller, of Hunterdon county, and had chililren : 1, Alexander Miller; 2. William Miller. She died 182!, aged 25 years. 2. Sally, born lith September, 1801, and married Samuel Schureinan, born 20th Feuruary, 1795, sun of John Schureman ; they had children : 1. Eliza Schureman, born iJth April, 1819, and married Abra- ham i\l click, and went lo Illinoi?. 2. Maii;'.h Schureman, born 22d January, 1S21, and married 22d .iuly, 1843, .lonalhan Totteii, son of Jeremiah Totten, and had no children. 3. Thomas Schureman, born 16th July, 1823, and married Catherine Colie, born 8lh August, 1824, daughter of Smitli Colic, of Springfield, and had children : 1. George Alleiii ; 2. Albert Monroe ; 3. William Eugene, born 4tli October, 1851. 4. John Nelson Schureman, born iOth December, 1825. 5. Goorgo Baiighearl Schureman, born 2^3d February, 1327. 6. Henry Scliureman, born 16th June, 1830. 7. William Mulford Schuren an, born Gd December, 1835. THOMAS SCUDDER 375 8. Harriet Louisa Scliureman, born 23d August, 1838. 9. Joseph Perry Sclui reman, born 30lh October, 1640. 10. Sarali CuKierine S.-luireman, born 2(1 October, 1H42. [ Samuel j^cliureiniin died i)ih September, 1S49. 3. Mary, who married CiodCiey C. Kline, of Hunterdon county, and had children : I. Elizabeth Kline ; 2. llosella Kline ; 3. Isaac Kline; 4. William Kline; 5. Sarah Catherine Kline; G. Mary Frances Kline. 4. Elizabeth, who married William B. Fisher, of Hunterdon county, and had children: I. Jon.ithan Fisher ; 2. Eli/.abcih Fisher ; 3. Ellen Fisher; 4. Josephine Fisher. SALLY SCUDDER, (daughter of Richard,) and Zebulon Ayers, had children : 1 Decator Ayers. 2. Sally Mariah Ayers, who died at about 17 years. 3. Richard S. Ayers, who married his cousin Mary Willcox, daughter of Joiham, [see Willcox,] and died without childn^n/ 4. Louisa Ayers married Dunton Gnrnee, and had children: 1. Francis Gurnee ; 2. Augusta Gurnet. 5. Rebecca Ayers. 6. Anson Ayers. 7. Nancy Ayers. THOMAS SCUDDER. „ THOMAS SCUDDER, brother of Richard, lived where George ft Townley lately lived and owned that f:irm of 100 acres, sold to 3 Mr. Townley, and with his family removed to the west. He mar* married. SlhApril. 1773, Abigail Clark, daughter of Daniel Clark, [^ee Daniel C'/arA:,] and had cluldren: 1. ."Sarah, who married, 10th September, 1703, Nathaniel Jen- nings, son of Jacob. [See Jen7nngs.] 2. Jotham ; 3. Abigail, who married ; 4. Ruth; 5. Clark; 6. Jane baptized 24th September, 1789 ;i 7. Daniel Clark. Old Mrs. Scudder, the mother of Richard and Thomas Scudder, died lOih April, 1734. 376 JABESH SHIPMAN. JABESH SHIPMAN. JABESH SHIPMAN married Agnos Rogers, lived and owned the rural next west of Thomas Squiet's, now occii[)icd mostly by- Jacob Grisinger and Thomas Conn. They had ciiihiren: ^ 1. Abigail, who married, 17lh September, 1772; John Shadwell, g and went to Kentucky. 2. Jemima married, 7ih November, 1773, Nathaniel Roff, and went to Kentucky. [S e Rof.'] 3. David married Betsey Tingley. He died 12th October, 17b7. 4. John married, 15lh May, 1792, Betsey Stevens, daughter of Jonathan Stevens, Sen. 5. Jabi^sli, Jun. married the widow Phebe Bryant; she died 16th November, 1792. 6. Sarah married, l4th November, 1785, Jasper Dove, who died 18th October, 1789, and left one son, Jasper Dove, Jun. who died about 1818, unmarried. 7. Esther married, 16ih February, 1793, John Frazee. 8. Phebe, who died iGth iMarch, 17S4. unmarried. 9. Leonard, who died 4th January, 1793. g JOHN SHIPMAN and Betsey Stevens, had children : fl 1. David, who married Mancy, the widow of Caleb Putney, and ° died without children. 2. Abigail married, I4lh June, 1817, Isaac Doly, son of Henry, of Washington Valley. 3. Anne married Nathan Smalley, son of Isaac. [See Sjnalley.] „ ABIGAIL SHIPMAN, (daughter of John,) and Isaac Doty, had Q children : o 1. Henry Doty. 2. Phebe Anne Doty, who married John Drahe, son of Elkanah, and had children: 1. Horace Jones Drake ; 2. Emily Drake. 3. John Shipman Doty, who married Bridgetta Kaverson, daugh- ter i f Michael, and had cliildren : 1. Nelson Doty: 2, Eugene Doly. 4. Marquis Doty, who married Henrietta Williamson. 6. Elizabeth Doty. / John shot well. 377 JOHN SHOTWELL. JOH?^ SHOTWELL came from England, and settled on the road between Scotcli Pl.iins and Plainfield ; he married, 1st, Miss Smith, daugluer of Shubul Smith; 2d, Mary Webster; he had chddreii : g L Joliii Smith Shotwell, who mirriod 1st, Miss Webster, sister o of his lather's 2d, wife ; 2d, Phebe Shotwell, daughter of Joseph " Shotwell, of Wood bridge. 2. Jacob married Bersheba Pound; daughter of Elijah Pound, of Piscataway. 3. William married Elizabeth Pound, sister of Jacob's wife. 4. Isaiah married Constant Lippencotl, of Shrewsbury, Men- mouth county. 5. James marrierl Elsee, widow of William Runyou, and daugh- of Andrew Smalley, of Harris's Lane. 6. Hugh married Rosetta Arrison, of Sussex, daughter of John Arri^ion, who lived at Wyoming, and was driven out from there by the Indians, in time oi" the war. 7. Mary married John Stevens, and had a son, John Stevens. 8. Sarah married, 1st, Ralph Smith, son of Ralph Smith, of Hanover, and had no children by him; 2d, Capi. William Piatt, son of John Piutt, from France. 9. Martha m;irried Jonathan Hand Osborn, son of Jonathan Osborn, of Scutch Plains. JOHN SMITH SHOTWELL, (1st son of John,) by his first wile, Miss Weboter, had children : w 1. John, who died unmarried. ? 2. William, who lived at Long Hill, near Franklin Place, and died unmarried. 3. Samuel married Hetty Davison, a widow, and daughter of Nathan Cooper, of Chester, Morris county. 4. Susannah married David Martin, son of Alexander, of Long Hill. [See Martin.'] 5. Elizabeth married Dennis Hughes, from Ireland. 6. Sarah married Mr. Hamson, and had 2 children and died, viz. 1. Henry Hamson ; 2. John Hamson, who married Sally Parker, daughter of Calvin, of Long Hill. 7. Mary married her cousin, Daniel Shotwell, son of Jacob, a3 his 1st wife. 8. Joseph Smith Shotwell married Deborah Fox, daughter of George Fox. 9. Nathan, who died unmarried. 373 JOHN SIIOTVVflLL, JACOB SHOTVVELL, (2d son of John,) and Bersheba Pound had children : 1. Sarah, who died at 29 years, unmarried. 2. Ralph, who married, Isl, Betsey Marsh, daughter of William iMarsh, of Ash Swamp ; 2d. Osee Tingley, daughter of Jacob Tingley, of Washingion Valley. 3. Daniel married, 1st, his cousin Mary Shotwell, daughter of Smith Shotwell; 2d, Phebe Cole, daughter of Master Wil- ham C'ole. 4 Elijah, born October, 1779, married his cousin Jemima Piatt, daughter of Capt. William Tiatt. 5. John, (twin to Elijah,) married Massy Smith, daughter of Samuel Smith, ot Newark, and had no children. RALPH SHOTWELL, (son of Jacob,) and his first wife, Betsey Marsh, had children : & 1. Jacob, who married Dorcas Drake, da\ighter of Noah f Drake. 2. Sarah married Richard Manning, son of Isaac Manning, of Plaiiifiehl. 3. Bersheba married Isaac Line, son of Amos Line, and went to French Creek, New York. 4. Mary married Smith Line, brother of Isaac. And by his 2d wife, Osee Tingley liad other children : 5. John. 6. Betsey married James Pullman, near Rahway. 7. Anne married Alfred Berry, of Dover; lives in Plain- field. 8. David married Amelia Clark, daughter of David Clark, of Wesifield. DANIEL SHOTWELL, (3d child of Jacob,) and his first wife, Mary Shntwell, had but one son: 1. Jolin Smith Shotwell, who lives in New York, And by his 2d wife, Phebe Cole, had child i en: 2. Mary, who married James Bruen, and had children: L Margaret Bruen, who married Patrick De Corsey. from Ireland; 2. Phebe Bruen; 3. Philip Bruen; 4. Catherine Bruen ; 5. George VV. Bruen ; 6. Mary Bruen. 3. Elizabeth married Daniel Hatfield, son of Daniel, and had children: L Jacob Shotwell Hatfield; 2. Sarah Hatfield ; 3. William Hatfield. 4. William, wh) went to Illinois. 5. Sarah, who married Corra Meeker, son of Jotham Meeker, and had children : 1. Phebe Meeker ; 2. John Meek- er ; 3. Jotham Meeker 6. Rachel married William Wilhamson, son of Piatt Wil- liamson, and had chddren : I. Piatt Williamson ; 2. Rebecca Anne Williamson. WILLIAM SnoTVVF.l-L. 3?0 7. Jemima married, 25lh Sep. 1849, Silas Cole, son of Elias Cole. 8. Emeline Davis Cole married Mulford Cole, son of Elias, and had children : 1. Ehas Cole; 2 Phebe Cole; 3. Jemima. Daniel Shotwell died 8th August, 1851. ELIJAH SHOTWELL, (4th child of Jacob,) and Jemima Pialt, iiad but one child : 1. William Piatt Sliotvvell, who was a Justice o( the Peace; married Plairiet Penice, daughter of Noah Pearce, and had children: 1. Greenleaf Shotwell, married Elizabeth Cleve- land, (laughter of Ezra Cleveland, of Elizabethtown, and died 30ih May, 1849 ; 2. C^aroline Piatt Shotwell; 3. Ellen Jemima Shotwell ; 4. William Piatt Shotwell. WILLL\M SHOTWELL, (3d child of John 1st,) and Elizabeth Pound had children : 1. Ilachel, who married Richard Delf at Dover, and lives there. 2. Catherine. 3. Anne married Jesse \ViIson, of Sussex. " 4. Phebe married Isaac Wilson, of tSi.ssex. p 5. Elizabeth married Joseph Adams, of Sussex. 6. Elijah m;irried Miss Oirdsiil, in ("anada. 7. Jolih married Miss Marsh, in Canada. 8. Smith ; 9. Sarah. William Shotwell with all his family, excepting Rachel, re- moved to Canada. ISAIAH SHOTWELL, (4th child of John,) and Constant Lippencott, had children : 1. Mary, who married Thomas Lane, near Rahway. 2. Jedediah married Anna Pound, daughter of Samuel, of Piscataway. 3. Abel married Betsey Vail, daughter of Abraham, of ^ Green Brook. g 4. Peter married Phebe Vail, sister of Abel's wife. 5. Thomas mairied Elizabeth Satterthwaite, daughter of Joshua, of Shrewsbury, and lived there. 6. William died unmarried at about GO years; he was crazy. 7. Joseph L. married Christain Vail, sister of Betsey and Phebe. 8. Samuel married Sarah Rich, daughter of Joseph, of Penn- sylvania, and lived there. 9. Edmund married Sarah Shepperd, of Philadelphia, and lived there. 10. Hugh married Hannah Cole, and lived at Morestown, Pennsylvania. 3S0 WILLIAM SIIOTWELL. JAMES SHOTWELL, (5th child of John,) and Elsee Smalley, lived in Sussex, and had chidren : K 1. William. ? 2. Jonathan lived in Warren county, and died 14th Jan. 1850, iiged 55 years. 3. (Jhailes. 4. Nancy married, 1st, Mr. Vleit ; 2d, Mr. Smuch, of Sussex. S.Clarissa. HUGH SHOTWELL, (6th son of John,) and Kosetta Arrison, removed to tlarrison co. Ohio, and had children: 1. John, who married Saiah Shanklin, and had childrt^n : 1. Catherine: 2, Rosetta; 3. Susannah; 4. Emily; 5, Caroline. 2. Esther married, 1st, Timothy Smith, and had children: 1. John Smith ; 2. Uosetta Smith; 3. James Smith; 4. Huiih S. Smith ; 5. Timothy Smiih. Esther marri- ed, 2d, George Seato", and had other children : 6 Jonathan Seaton ; 7. Charlotte Anne Seaton. 3. Susannah married Charles VVintermute, aiid had chil- dren ; 1. William; 2. Joseph; 3. Rosetta. 4. Esther Winterniute ; they lived in Sussex. 4. Charlotte married Ephraim Sayie. and had children: 1. Hugh; 2. William; 3. Wesley; 4. Nancy Sayre. 5. Nancy married, 1st, I'eter Van Dolah, and had children: 1. William Van Dolah, who married Julia \\ alton. 2. John Van Dolah married Amelia . Nancy married, 2d, Jacob Ebert; live in Hamilton Ohio, and had child) en : 3. Margaret Ebert. 4. Rosetta Ebert. 5. Sarah Ebert, who married, 22d July, 1851, Mr. Lewis, a lawyer, of Hamilton. G. Jerome Ebert. 6. William lives in Cadiz Ohio; married Rboda Beebe and had children : 1. Stewart Beebe; 2. William, w'ho died at 25 years. 3. Theodore ; 4. Waller, who died at 16 years. 5. Loretta ; 6. Joseph. 7. Joseph lives in Lima, Allen county, Ohio. He married his cousin Mary Allison, and had childien: 1. Jeptha, who married Nancy Cooper. 2. George ; 3. Louisa. 8. Arrison Shot well lives in Harrison county, Ohio. He married Mary Dickerson, and had children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Victoria; 3. Judson, and others. JOHN SHOTWRI.L 3gX SARAH SHOTVVl^LL, (8lh child of John,) and Capt. William Piatt had children : 1. James I'iatt, who marriefl Rachel Baird. 2. Jemima Piatt married Elijah Shot\v(dl, son of Jacob. [See Elijah SholweU.'] 3. William F. Piatt, born 9th October, 17S8, and married, 1st Eliza T. Littell, daughter of A'athaniel Littell, Esq. and had children : 1. Mariah M. Piat, who married Joel Wilson, son of John Wilson, Esq and had children: 1. William Piatt Wilson; 2. INIercy Wilson; 3. Eliza Wilson. 2. James Mortimer Piatt, who went to sea and was lost. His wife Eliza died 29th iS'ovemlier, 1827, and he married Caroline Kempton, widow of Capt. Kempton. of N. Y. where they both lived, and had a daughter, Eliza C. Kempton Piatt. Capt. William Piatt was a Capt. in the U. S. service, and was killed by the Indians, in 1794: his widow died in 1850, aged about 94 years. William F. Piatt was a physician in New-York, and died 7(h May, 1848; his 2d wile Caroline had died previous to his death. [See Nathaniel Littell, son of David.'] MARTHA SHOT WELL, (9th child of John,) and Jona- than Hand Osborn, had children : 1. Ciirra Osborn, who is a physician and lives in Westfield. He married, 1st, Mary Hand, daughter of William Hand ; 2d, Hannah Downer, daughter of Samuel Downer, of Westfield. 2. John Osborn married Nelly Tunison, daughter of Maj. Tunison, of Somerville. 3. Amos Osborn married Lockey Woodruff, daughter of Reuben, of Westfield ; 4. Letilia King Osborn married Den- nis Vail, son of Wm. Vail. DR. CORRA OSB.ORN, and his 1st wife, Mary Hand, ^ had children: 1. Mahlon Osborn, who went to St. Louis, and S married Mary Frothingham. 2. Mary Osborn married Samuel Hays, son of Dr. Samuel Hays, of Newark. 3. Letitia Osborn married David Miller, son of John Miller, of Westfield 4. Anne Osborn married Nathan Williams, son of Solomon. And by his 2d wite, Hannah Downer, he had children : 5. Corra Osborn, born , 1830. 6. Jonathan Osborn. born , 1832. 382 SAMLEL VAX SICKLE. SAMUEL VAN SICKLE. SAMUEL VAN SICKLE lived in Sterling Valley, ajitlle east of William High's house ; he had a brother, David Van Sickle, who married I'.lizabetli, the widow ol' JNLises Bedell, and diuighter ol David Littell. [See David LitlcU, son of Samuel lsl.'\ NoTK. — Siir.^h Thompson, ('aughter of Thomis Thompson, marriul, l.-t, Mr. Van Siilvli-, of Lon>; IliU, and h id a liaujihtcr, ]■;! znhi-ih, vvlio nionifd J:iciil> But- ton, s'li "f W 1 liini. [See Bnllon] !^l)e munitd, 2d, Mr. Ri.t.m, who had a son, Peter, whj li\ed ni Alhuny, N. V ; 3i], Jajjits Enus, or Innes, ot Long Hill. SAMUEL VAN SICKLE had children: 1. Zachariah, who married, 30th Oct. 1763. Mary Littell, born 4th March, 1749, daughter of Andrew Littell, a grand- son of Samuel 1st. 2. John. 3. Anthony. 4. Elizabeth. (Is not this Elizabeth the wife of Jacob Brit- ton.) 5. (christian. 6. Caty, who married Jabez Clark, son of Daniel. [See Clark ] Note. — Andrew Littell was born 15th Dec. 1718, and died 1784; his wife's name was Mary, or Molly, born 5th Jan. 1725, and died very old. They had children : 1. William Littell, born 12th April, 1745. {See page 215.) 2. Sophia Littell, born 27th March, 1747. 3. Mary Littell, born 4th March, 1749, married Zach- ariah Van Sickle. 4. Rachel Littell, born 6th Jan. 1751. 5. Ephraim Littell, born 13th Dec. 1760. 6. Hannah Littell, born 5th Oct. 1762. 7. Temperance Littell, born 3Uth May, 1769. ZACHARIAH VAN SICKLE, and Mary Littell had chil- dren : 1. Huldah, who married Jonathan Terry, son of William, of Short Hills. 2. Ehas ; 3. Sarah ; 4. David. 5. Zachariah, Jun., who married, 20th October, 1789, Rosannah Bowman. Zachariah Van Sickle, with his family, excepting Huldah, removed to Western Pennsylvania. HULDAH VAN SICKLE, and Jonathan Terry had chil- dren : 1. Hannah Terry, who died in her 24th year. SAMUEL VAN SICKLE. 3S3 2. Mary Terry, who married Asa French, son of Auder- son. 3. William Terry went to the west and married there, Phebe . 4. Lewis Terry married Phebe Hedden, daughter of Ed- ward. 5. Martha Terry married, 1st, David Miller ; 2. Cornelius Brokaw. 6. Iliith Terry married Jeremiah Valentine, son of Joseph. [(Se3 Valentine ] ♦ 7. Sally Terry who died at 1^ years. 8. Sarah ,A.nne Terry, who is unmarried. 9. Abba Terry, who married Cutler Dollbeer, son of Samuel. MARY TERRY, (2d child of Huldah Vari Sickle and Jonathan Terry,) and Asa French had children : I.Caroline Elmer French; 2. Mary French ; 3. Noah Terry French ; 4. Huldah Anne French ; 5. Ezra French. LEWIS TERRY, (^^th child of Huldah Van Sickle, and Jonathan Terry.) and Phebe Hedden had children: 1. Wil- liam Terry; 2. Mary Terry, who married Caleb Couklin, and went to iMissouri; 3. Harriet Terry, who died in 1841, at about 25 years; 4. Jonathan Terry; 5. Edwird Terry ; 6. Lewis Terry, who died in 1846, at about 17 years; 7. Car- oline Terry, who died in ls48, at 16 years. MARTHA TERRY, (5th child of Huldnh Van Sickle and Jonathan Terry,) and David Miller had children : 1. Carlisle Brown Miller, who mairied Mary Badgley, daughter of Ahijih. 2. Krastus Miller, who married Eliza Anne Badgley, daughter of Ahijah. And by Cornelius Brokaw, Mary Terry had, 3. William Terry Brokaw. who married Sarah Mariah Manning, daughter of Squier Manning. \_See Bailey, page 17.] ABBA TERRY, (9th chid of YiiU^h Van Sickle and Jonathan Terry,) and Cutter Dollbeer had children : 1. Huldah Anne Dollbeer, who married Thomas Richards, son of William Richards, of Springfield. 2. Erastus Miller Dollbeer ; 3. Martha Elizabeth Dollbeer. 4. Lewis Faitoute Dollbeer, who died in infancy. 5. Jonathan Woodruff Dollbeer, who died in infancy. 6. John Terry Dollbeer. 394 JOHN SIMPSON. JOHN SIMPSON. JOHN SIMPSON came from Long Island, and settled on No. 27 of the Eliznbethtown lots, above the 1st mountain, diawn by Daniel Potter, where John M. Parsims, now lives ; he had children, Alexander and John, and died lOthJuly, 1773. ALEXANDER SIMPSON, (son of John,) mar)ied Eliza- beth ; she died 2d April, 1768, and he died 1st May, 1768 ; he was an elder in the presbyterian church ; they had children : 1. Simeon, wdio married, 1st, Mary ; she died 21st January. 1774, and he married, 2(1, 6th June, 1775, Sally Rutan, daughter of Abraham, and removed to Washington county, Pennsylvania, and died there. 2. Abraham, who died 29th March, 1770. 3. St-i-phen, who went west with Simeon. 4. Nancy married, 1st, Mr. Ayers ; 2d, Mr. Rhodes. I 5- Mary married, 14th November, 1775, Capt. Nathaniel S Bonnel, as his 2d wife. ISee Bonnel.] JOHN SIMPSON, (son of John,) lived where his father did ; he married Sarah Carle, of Millstone ; and died 9th May, 1786, aged 60 years ; they had children : 1. Margaret, who married Jonathan Howe! Osborn, son of John, Sen. [»S'ee Osborn. '\ 2. Lynche, crdled also Magdalen, who married, 26th March, 1774, Samuel VValdron, and went to French Creek, Pennsyl- vania. 3. John 3d, married Susan Drake, near Scotch Plains. 4. Abraham married Jane Pierson, had a son Jacob, and went to Ohio. 5. Isaac married Rachel Drake, sister of John's wife. 6. Jacob married Sally Turner, of Morristown ; lived at Hanover, and had no children. 7. Anna married 13th May, 1789, as a 2d wife, Samuel Miller, and had children : 1. John Miller; 2. Abigail Miller, who married Mr. Pew, lives in Green county, Ohio. Samuel Miller died 3d July, 1793, and she married, 2d, Sept. 20th, 1795, Moses Badgley, as his 2d wife, and went to Ohio ; and had children : 3. Ephraim Badgley ; 4. Hugh Badgley. Moses Badg- ley had by his first wife, 1. Benjamin, who marriel Miss Street ; 2. Sally married Ephraim Simpson. S.'Sally married Enoch Badgley; had a daughter Sarah Badgley, who died 23d April, 1784. JOHN SIMPSON. 385 9. Alesander, born 2cl May, 1763, married 8th May, 1788, Elizabeth Cauldwell, daughter of Willinin, aiidiolSlS, went to Dayton, Ohio; lie died in March, 1833. Slie died 3d Ftbruarv 18^9. ^ 10. Ephriam went to Ohio, lives in Green county, and married Sally, a dauirhtcr of the above named Moses Bidgley, by his first wife, and hid an only daug-hter, Cynthia, who married William Thegley ; lives in Indiana, tand had several children. li. William married, 6ih April, 1790, Betsey Woodruff. JOHN SIMPSON 3,1, (son of John, son of John,) and Susan Drake lived where his father '.lid, and had children : 5- 1. William, who married Sally Brown, daugiiter of John, of Stony I Hill, and had children : 1. Jane; 2. John; 3. Pamela, and then removed to the west. 2. Effd, who married Ephraim Griffin, son of Timothy, [See Griffin.] ■ 3. John 4th, who married his cousin , a daughter of Samuel Waidron. 4. Sally m irried, ISlh March, 1809, Stephen Whitehead Beach, son of Jaint'S Beach, of Livingston, and went to French Creek. 5. Israel married Jane Heuslon, daughter of Henry Heuston, of Belleville, and lived there. ISAAC SIMPSON, (son of John, son of John,) and Rachel Drake lived by Salt Brook, where Ambrose Tailor now lives. He died l4th July, 1329, aged 72; she died 25th June, 1838, aged 78 years. They had children: 1 Susannah, who married James Beach, of Livingston, above named. 2. Catherine married Elias Bonnel, son of James, son of John. [See Bonnel] 3. Sally married Stephen C. Bonne), brother of Elias. 4. Ephraim, who went to Ohio. 5. Jonathan Drake married Hannah Spinning, dauo-ht^r of Benjamin. He left her, went to Hunesdale, Pennsylvania, obtained a divorce, and married again. 6. Jacob married .. 7. Rachel married, 1st, Simeon Hanford, from Connecticut, and had children : 1. Jo:iathan Hanford, who married Catherine Griffin, daughter of William M. Griffin. 2. Heity Hanford married Samuel Badgley, son of David. 3. Henrietta Hanford. She married, 2d, Ambrose Tailor, and had other children : 4. Mary Elizabeth Tailor, born June, 1S35. 5. Nancy Caroline Tailor ; 6. Almond Dunbar Tailor. 7. Catherine Bonnel Tailor. Mr. Tailor died I5th January, 1852. A2 -gP JOHN SIMPSO:?, ALEXANDER SIMPSON, (son of John, son of John,) and „. Elizabeth Cauldwell lived where David A. Oakley now lives, and I had d hi Id ran : B 1. Afiron, born 19lh February, 179?, married Jemima Scudder, daughter of Jesse Scudder. of Springll Id. 2° Moses, b>rn 5th September, 1793, married Eliza Baker, daughter of Aaron Baker, Esq. of Dayton, Oliio. 3? I'ollv, born 2id March, 17'J), married Benj imin Spinning, Jun. son of Benjamin. [Sec Spinning.] 4. Electa, born 3d June, ISOO, married David Stout, an iron mon- ger, of Dayton. 5. Betsey, born Slh April, 1S03, and died 27th September, 1818. AAROM SIMPSON, (son of Ale.xander,) and Jemima Scudder lived near Hamilton, Ohio, and had children: 1. Benjamin, 2. Elfzabelh, who married Stephen Crane, son of Moses Crane and Sarah Miller, daughter of Jacob. [See Jacob Miller.] 3. John ; 4. xMariuh. MOSES SIMPSON, (2d son of Alexander,) and Eliza Baker, lived in Dayton, Ohio, and had children: 1. Electa Emeline, who married Seth Crowel, of Dayton, and had children: 1. Charles Elmore Crowel ; 2. Moses Simpson Cro- wel ; 3. David Baker Crowel; 4. Florence Eliza Crowel ; 5. Silas Simpson Crowel. 2. Elizabeth, who married Rohert Allen, of Dayton, and had children: 1. William Rulan Allen; 2. Aaron Baker Allen. 3. Henry Allen, who died January, 1849; 4. Emeline Allen. 5. Theodore Allen ; 6. Robert Allen, Jun. 3. Jane Mariah Fuller, \yho married George W. Morris, and had children: 1. Amelia Morris; 2. Charles Morris; 3. Ira Morris ; 4. Mahlon Morris. 4. Silas Maxwell Baker. 5. Aaron Buker Alexander, who died 20th July, 1839. ELECTA SIMPSON, (4th child of Alexander,) and David Stout, had children: 1. Elias Riggs Stout, who married Ly)arah Caroline Heath, daughter of Daniel Heath. [See Healh,page 181.] 6. Jacamiah married, 1st, Catherine Wilson, daughter of Samuel Wilson ; 2d, Mary Sickle, daughter of George Sickle, of Stanhope, Sussex county. 7. Anne married George Collyer, son of John CoUyer, of Bask- ing Ridge, and had a son, James Collyer, when she died. 8. Silas, who was drowned at about 16 years of age. RICHARD SMITH. 3:)3 RICHARD SMITH, (1st son of Elijah,) and Rachel Worth had children: 1. Grace, who married William Wright. 2. John went to Western New York. 3. Madison married Sarah Trane. 4. Mary, who died at 19 or 20 years. 5. EHza married Mr. Woodard, in Western N. Y. 6. Aretta married Asa Merrel. 7. Harrison. 8. Richard. 9. Jane married her sousin, Elijah Smith, son of Abner. 10. Annitia, who went to Illinois, LAUflA SMITH, (3d child of Elijah,) and Clark Winans had children : 1. Elijah Smith Winans, who married Miss Quick, daughter of John Quick; 2. Betsey Winans; 3. Ben- jamin Winans-; 4. Uavid Winans ; 5. William Winans. ABNER SMITH, (4th child of Elijah,) and Sarah Smith had children : 1. Sophia Anne. 2. John Sutton, who married Julia Bnnnel, daughter of Jonathan C. Bonnel. He was a physician, and died IGth Aug. 1841, without children. 3. Elijah married his cousin, Jane Smith, daughter of Richard Smith. She died at about 20 years, without chil- dren, and he went to Illinois. 4. Sarah married Nathaniel Gillam, son of Peter, of Mend- ham. 5. Mary Elizabeth married Adolphus Cone, and went to Illinois ; 6. Cornelia. JACAMIAH SMITH, (6th child of Elijah,) and Catherine Wilson had children : •: 1. Phinehas, who married Susan White, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 3 and had children : 1. Walter ; 2. George; 3. Howard ; and ' died 4th February, 1848. 2. Silas, who died at 18 months. 3. Samuel lives m Brooklyn, N. Y. 4. Laura Anne, born 13th January, 1820, and married James C. Blazier, born 2Sth April, 1810, son of Philip Blazier, and had children : 1. Catherine Blazier, born 27th June, 1842. 2. Silas Blazier, born 3d October, 1843. 3. Philip Ira Blazier, born 27tli August, 1845, 4. Susan Blazier, born 16th February, 1848. 5. Martha married Asa F. Curtis, son of John Curtis, and 394 WILLIAM SPENCER, ESa. had children: 1. Cornelia «3nd Caroline Curtis, twins; 3. George Curtis. Caroline died young. 6. Richard; 7. Daniel; 8. John. And by his 2d wile, Mary Sickle, had other cliildren : 9. Catherine; 10. Andrew; 11. Dayton; 12. George. 13. AbneY; 14. Sarah. Jacamiah Smith died 8th September, 1847. WILLIAM SPENCER, ESQ. WILLIAM SPENCER, Esq. merchant of Chatham, was son of Henry Spencer of Elizabethtown ; he was born July, 1765, and died suddenly, in his chair, 29th July, 1848. He married Alpha Genuing, born 1768, daughter of Thomas GenuinsT ; he was* justice of the peace, and kept a store in Chatham some 50 years : they had children : g 1. Polly, who married Jonathan Walker, son of Asher, of I Long Hill. [See Walker ] 2. Sally married Thomas Bond, the younger. 3. Charles married Amelia Bruen, daughter of Jonathan Bruen, of Madison. 4. Hannah married, 1st, Miller Squier. son of Henry Squier, of Long Hill; 2d, James Ba'entine. 5. Samuel married Prudence Mulfoid, daughter of Jere- miah, of Livingston. 6. Phebe married Stephen Young. 7. William Hervy married, 1st, Jane Clark, dausrhter of D. S. Clark, Esq. of New Providence ; 2d, Nancy Baker, daughter of Jeremiah Baker, of Dover. 8. Eliza married Thomas Phipps. 9. James Lyman married Caroline Willcox, daughter of John Willcox 3d. 10. Julia Anne married William Ashley. SALLY SPENCER, and Thomas Bond had children : *. 1. Sanford Bond, who died young. ^ 2. Hervy Bond, who died in infancy. S 3. Hervy Bond 2d, who married Margaret Beach, daugh- ter of William Duane Beach, and had children : I. Hellen Bond. 2. hmma Bond. 4. Sarah Bond married James Wood, of Newark, and had children: 1. Elizabeth Wood ; 2. Francis Wood. 5. Charles Bund ; 6. Lewis Bond ; 7. Thomas Bond. 8. Elizabeth Bond. WILLIAM SPENCER, ESa. 395 CHARLES SPENCER and Amelia Bruen, had children 1. Eliza; 2. Matilda; 3. Lewis; 4. Albert; 5. Charles. s- o 6. Joseph Ogden. HANNAH SPENCER and Miller Sqiiier, had children : 1. Eliza Squior, who married Mills Day, and had children: 1. tienry Day ; 2. Helen Day ; 3. Mary Day ; 4. Electa Day. 2. Henry Squier married Catherine Garret, of Cauldwell, and had children : 1. Albeit Squier, and others. 3. Phebe Anne Squier ; 2. Juliette Squier. And by James Balentine, Hanr.ah Spencer had children: 5. Mary Balentine ; G. Sarah Balentine. SAMUEL SPENCER and Prudence Mulford, had chil- dren: 1. Mary, who married David Sayre, son of Ezekiel, and had children: 1. Fredrick Sayre, and others. 2. Mulford married, 1st, (/'aroline Mills ; 2d, Elizabeth Day. 3. William ; 4. Julia Anne ; 5. Harriet ; 6. George. PHEBE SPENCER and Stephen Young, had children : 1. Mary Young; 2. William Young; 3. Lyman Young; 4. Caroline Young. WILLIAM HERVY SPENCER and Jane Clark, had children : 1. William Nelson ; 2. John Morris. And by his 2d, wife Nancy Baker, had children: 3. Alpha Jane; 4. Margaret; 5. Mary; 6. Phebe. ELIZA SPENCER and Thomas Phipps. had children : 1. Eliza Phipps; 2. William Phipps ; 3. Thomas Phipps ; 4. Emma Phipps. JAMES L. SPENCER and Caroline Willcox, had chil- dren : L Elizabeth Caroline, who married Elias Allen, son of David Allen, had children : L Cornelia Allen, and others. 2. John Lyman, who married, I3th January, 1852, Mary- Allen, daughter of David. 3. Emily Arno ; 4. Lewis Craig ; 5. William Francis. 6. Henry Newton ; 7. Georgiana and Josephine, twins. JULIA ANNE SPENCER and Wilham Ashley, had children : 1. George Ashley; 2. John Hervy Ashley; 3. William Ashley ; 4. Amelia Ashley ; 5. Lyman Ashley. 396 BENJAMIN SPIN.MNS. BENJAMIN SPINNING. BENJAMIN SPINNING was probably one of the de- scendants of Humphrey Spinning, who was among the first of the Ehzabelhtown Associates. He married Charity , and came up from Eiizabethtown and lived where his son John Spinning now lives. He died 11th March, 1814, aged 46 years. His widow died 30th November, 1823, aged 56 years. They had children : 1. Benjamin. Jun. who married Polly Simpson, daughter of Alexander, and went to Dayton Ohio, and had children ; 1. Anne, who married Caleb S^urchard, live in Spring- field, Ilhnois, and had children : 1. Cornelia Burchard ; 2. Elizabeth Burchaid ; 3. Floi-ence Burchard. ^ 2. Eliza Jane married Nathan Allen, of Dayton, and ' had children : 1. George William Allen; 2. Almira Allen. 3. Alexander Simpson married Miss Piew ; live in Green county, Ohio. 4. De Witt Clintonm arried Hannah Wright, daughter of John. 2. Rebecca married, 14th Feb. 1822, Thomas Martin, Jun. son of Thomas, [See Martin.l 3. Hannah married Jonathan D. Simpson, son of Isaac, and died 13th December, 1838, aged 38 years, without children. 4. John, born 19th August 1793, and married Phebe Win- ters, of Fishkill, New York, and had children : 1. Benjamin, who married, 27.th Feb. 1850, Sarah Anne Meeker, c.aughter of Isaac, son of Caleb. 2. Charles ; 3. Mary ; 4. Jane ; 5. Juha ; 6. John. 5. Solomon married Margaret Winters, sister of John's wiie, and had children : 1. George; 2. Catherine; 3. John; 4. Dayton. 6. Prudence married, 20th Feb. 1819, Solomon Dean, son of John, and had children : 1. Benjamin S. Dean, who married Phebe Badgley, daughter of Squier ; 2. John Dean ; 3. Sylvester Dean; 4. Mary Cohoon Dean, who died young* BEKJAMIN SaVTER. 397 BENJAMIN SQUIER. BENJAMIN SQUIEIl lived in Westfield, and h»d sons : 1. Ellis, who married. t^Sd January, 17Gi), Rebecca, daugh- ter of Amos Poller 1st. [See Pot/er.] 2. Meeker, who married Ilachel, daughter of Stephen Meeker, of Essex county. New Jersey. 3. William, who married Sarah Conklin. ELLIS SQUIER, son of Benjamin Squier, of Westfield, lived in New Providence, where the Franklin school-house now stands. He and Kebecca Potter had children : 1. Mary, who married Jeremiah li. Osborn, son of Jona- than H. Osborn, [see Osborn,'] she died without children, and he married 2d, Polly Clark, daughter of Stephanus, and had children : 1. Squier Osborn who married Anne Bond, daughter of Nathaniel 2. Louisa Osborn, who married Joseph Bond, son of Nathaniel. 3. Sarah Osborn, who married Peter Hendrickson, and ha(i a daughter, Mariah. who married George Potts. 4. Moses Osborn, who did not marry. 2. Rhoda was baptized, 8th August. 1773, and died young. 3. Johannah mariied, 13th March, 1794, Samuel Baldwin, son of Gabriel. [See Btildioin.] 4. David, born 1777, who married, November, 1805, in Ohio, Sally Gard, born 11th Feb. 1778, daughter of Daniel, and sister of the Rev. Stephen Gard, and had three daugh- ters ; when he died, and his widow Sally married Maxwell Potter, son of Russel Potter, and had a daughter Sarah Anne Potter. 5. Timothy married in Ohio, 1st, a widow Briggs ; 2d, Re- becca Tucker, daughter of John, of Sprinj^dale. (nut of Henry Tucker's family,) and had three daughters. 6. Mary 2d, baptized 19th Feb. i794, and married in Ohio, David Sergeant, son of Sampson Sergeant. By his 1st wife had three sons : 1. Ellis Sergeant; 2. Sampson Sergeant; 3. Timothy Serge mt. They lived and both died at Leport, Ind. Ellis Squier and family, and Jeremiah H. Osborn, removed to Ohio, about the year i798, and lived near the Blue Ball be- tween the Miamis. JOHANNAH SQUIER, (daughter of ElUs,) and Samuel Baldwin, had children : 39S BENJAMIN saUIER. 1. Squier Baldwin, who married Sally Crowe), daughter of Samuel, of Dayton, whose wife was Elizabeth Gard. 2. Amos Baldwin, married Miss Keziah Tucixer, daughter of JaHh, and sister of Timothy ^quier's second wife. 3. iSarah married Uriah Sa\v\er, irom iS'ew England. DAVID SQUIER, (son of Ellis,) and Sally Gard, had children : 1. Phebe, who married Benjamin Potter, son of Maxwell, son of Uussel Potter. [S.'ie RusseL Potter.] 2. Eliza married Philip Landis, son of Philip, and had children : 1. Elizabeth R. Landis; 2. Mory G. Landis ; 3. Sarah G. Landis ; 4. John Leland Lanilis ; 5. Charles Lan- dis ; 6. David Landis; 7. Phebe Anne Landis; 8. Juli- ette Landis; 9. Harriet Landis ; 10. Sus.-.nnah Landis. 3. Juliette married Sutton Van Pelt, and had children : 1. Alexander Van Pelt ; 2. David Squier Van Pelt ; 3. Camilla Van Pelt. Mr. David Squier died in 1814, aged 38 years, and his widow Sally mairied Maxwell Potter, son of Kussel Potter, [^e Russel Potter. 1 TIMOTHY SQUIER, (5th child of Ellis,) and Rebecca Tucker, had children : 1. Harriet Anne, who married David Benedict Groat, live in the state of New- York. 2. Samantha, who married William Stone, had two chil- dren, and he died. 3. Mary married Mr' Winters, of Logansport, Indiana. MEEKER SQUIER. (son of Benjamin,) and Rachel Meeker lived near the Blue Ball, Wairen county, Ohio, and had children : 1. Rebecca, who married, 1st, Thomas Morton, and had children: 1. Rachel Morton; 2. Samuel Morton; 3. Meeker Morton. Rebecca married, 2d, Samuel Sergeant, (as his 2d wife,) and had other children: 4. Ivy Sergeant; 5. Liliza Sergeant ; 6. Thomas Sergeant ; 7, Rebecca Sergeant • 8. Phebe Anne Sergeant. 2. Anna, who married David Johnson, and had children : 1. Ithaman Johnson; 2. Phebe Johnson; 3. Rachel Johnson ; 4. John Johnson. 3. William, who married Puah Osborn, daughter of Jona- than H. Osborn. [See Osborn.] 4. John, who married Mary Potter, daughter of Russel, son of Levi, [see Russel Potter,] and had children: 1. Levi; 2, BENJAMIN SaUIER. 899 Joanna; 3. Russel ; 4. Rachel: 5. Hhoda Anne ; 6. Mary Jane ; 7. Ezekiel ; 8. Ivy ; 9. Adeline. 5. Ezekiel, who is not married. 6. Phebe, who married John Squier, son of Thomas, of New Jersey. 7. Stephen who married Sarah Bond, daughter of Caleb, and had children: I.Levi; 2 Caleb ; 3. Rachel ; 4. Char- lotte. WILLIAM SQUIER, (3d child of Meeker Squier,) and Puah Osborn had children : 1. Jeremiah, who married Caroline Bond, a daughter of Caleb, and had children : L Charlotte ; 2. Emmazetta ; 3. Edward. 2. Ezekiel, who married 1st, AnneConover, who had no children ; 2d, Mary Martin, in 1851, daughter of Samuel and Anna Martin. 3. Deborah, who married David Eagle, and had a son, William Eagle. 4. Meeker, who married . WILLIAM SQUIER, (son of Benjamin.) and Sarah Conk- lin lived near the Blue Ball, Ohio, and had children : 1. Caleb, who married Elizabeih Wells; 2. Abraham, who married Polly Ball, daughter of Ezekiel. of Middletown. [See Bali]; 3. David; 4. Ellis; 5. William; 6. Mary, who marri- ed John Shuckman; 7. Abigail, who married Jeremiah Mas- terson ; 8. Sarah married Henry Row ; 9. Daniel married Miss Case ; 10 Rebecca. 400 THOMAS SaUIER. THOMAS SQUIER. THOMAS SQUIER lived where William Mulford, now lives, in iMorris county. He m;iiried, 1st, Jemima Camp, daughter of Aaron Camp, Sen , and had children : 1. Sarah, who married Jacob Tingley, s.nd lived in Wash- ington Valley. 2. Aaron married Nancy Vance, daughter of Kennedy Vance, of Long Hill. 3. Stephen married Hannah Littell, daughter of Samuel, of Rockaway, Mor,-is county. 4. Moses married, 29th April, 1790, Anna Rutan, daughter of Abraham, and went to Western Pennsylvania. 5. Ludlow married Anna Runyon, daughter of Elias, of Long Hill. He lived at Plainfield, By a second wife, Thomas Squier had a daughter. 6. Anna, who married David Coriell, son of Elias, of Long Hill. [See CorielL] SARAH SQUIER and JacQb Tingley had children: 1. Jemima Tinglev, who married Elias Cole, son of Master William Cole. [See Cole.] 2. Anna Tingley married William D. Stewart, son of David. [See Stewart.] S. Osee Tingley married Ralph Shotwell, son of Jacob. [See Shotwell.] 4. Squier Tingley married Ruth Smalley, daughter of Jacob, and had children : 1. Ira Tingley, who married Mary Coulter, daughter of Leffert, and lives at Martinville. 2. Sarah Tingley married Nathaniel Drake, son of Noah. [See Drake.] 3. Jacob Smalley Tingley is a carnage maker of Plain- field. 4. Isaac S. Tingley. 5. Tabitha Tingley married Benjamin Fisher, son of Jerry Fisher, and removed to Jefferson county, N. Y. 5, George Hacket Tingley, who lives in New York. AARON SQUIER and Nancy Vance had children: 1. Betsey, who married Noah Frazee, son of Maxwell. [See Frazee.] 2. Samuel, who is not married. He lives and owns the farm on which his father and grand-father Vance lived. 3. John married Mary Meeker, daughter of Joseph Ogden Meeker, of Westfield, and had children : THOMAS SaUIER. ^qI 1. Nancy, who married Joseph Ross, son of John Ross, of VVestfield. 2. Mary nuirried Isaac II. Potter, son of Recompense, of Plaintield. and died June, 1850, and lelt3 children. 3. Ogilen, who died at IG years. 4. Agnes, who died at 9 miMiths. 4. Thomas married Caiherine Tate, of New York, and had children : 1. John ; 2 Catherine, and then removed to Geneva, New York. 5. Horatio married Elizabeth Crocker, of New York, and had children : 1. Mary: 2. Caroline; S.Horatio ; 4. Samuel. Aaron Squier died 9th Aug. 1818, a^ed 57 years. His wife died 15th June, 1801, aged 39 years. His son John died 2d April, 1834, aged 39 years. STEPHEN SQUIBR and Hannah Littell lived on Staten Island, N. Y.. and had children : 1. William, who mitrried Sally Merrel, daughter of John Merrel, and had children : 1. Fanny, who is unmarried. 2. John, who was drowned, at 17 or 18 years of age. 3. Stephen married Barbara Van Name, daughter of Simon. 4. Caty married — — . 5. Eliza married . 2. Sally married Samuel Sharp, son of William, and had children : 1. Charles Snowden Sharp. 2. Elizabeth Sharp, who married, 1st, Mr, Chandler; 2d Mr. Say re. 3. William Sharp. 4. Priscilla Sharp. Mr. Sharp removed to Western New York. 3. Thomas married Charlotte Parsons, daughter of Jon- athan. He is a tailor ; lives in Madison, and had children: 1. Anna ; 2. Mary Elizabeth married Effingham Townley, son of Enos B. [see Townley ;] 3. Israel liickey ; 4. Hannah Mariah ; 5. Harriet; 6. Helen Coriell ; 7. Horace Sheldon; 8. Emily Parsons, who died at 17 months old. 4. Betsey married Abel Van Camp, and had children: 1. Hannah Mdriah Van Camp, who married VVilliatn Wilson, and hud children : 1. Julia Helen Wilson, and oltiers. 2. Sally Anne Van Camp married Mr. Thompson, and had children : 1. Mary Thompson : 2. Elizabeth Thompon ; 3. William Thompson ; 4 Charlotte Thompson. 3. Charlotte Van Camp married James Coburn. 4. Helen Rebecca Van Camp married Drake Benjamin. 6. Gilbert Van Camp ; 6. Eliza Jane Van Camp; 7. Ludlow Squier Van Camp. B2 402 THOMAS eatJTGR. 5. Samuel married Anne Merrel, daughter of Frederick, and had children: 1. Anne Eiz-i. who married Mr. Eiidy. 2. Jolin-, w'ln was diownodnt about 19 years. 3. Merrereau, who died !it;>bout 20 yr;irs. 4. Sarah ; 5. Mary Louisa ; 6. George. LUDLOW SQUICR, (sen of Thomas,) and Anna Runyor, had children : 1. Abby, who married Richard Coriell, son of Peter. [Sec Coricll] 2. Clark married Thirza Vail, dnujjhter of Alexander Vnil. son ofDani.l, and had children: I, I'llizabeth ; 2. William ; 3. Joseph, 4. Kcrenhappuck ; •'J. Alevandcr. 3. Israel married Martha Kirkpatrick, daughter of Alexander, and had children : 1, Harrison; 2 Asrcs ; 3. Caroline; 4. John; 5. Mary. 6. Elizabeth ; 7. LuHIoh'. and then removed ti> lllirnis. 4. Deborah married William Darby, son of John, of Scotch Plains. 5. .lane married Elias Kirpatrick, Esq. son of John. [See Kir'^:pa(rick.\ 6. Ludlow married Mary Wright, daughter of Savage Wright, OLIVER STELLA. 403 OLIVER STELLE. « OLIVER STRLLE was si.n of Isaac Stcllc, of Piscataway, o \li;| :l(;si'x c lUiily He wiis bniii Isi Aii:^u>t 17'^(>, 3111I ni r cd ° 2isl .laiuiHry, 1778, Mary llyiio, and renvvcd I" Bernard's; Town- ship, SoMUTsil comity, in April. I7;t4. Tluy had children: 1 . Chiisii ma. w ho is uiuiiunioil. 2. Epiiiiiiin. \^ ho triaiiifd Anna Manniiijr, daughter of IsaTC. 3 Isiac nnnied Rachel CI;iwson, daughter <»( Cort elii.'s. 4. Harriet nianied Peter laidoiph, son of Gilbert. [See Ran- dolph ] ft. Kuth niarri "I Jcdin VVoith ; have nn children. (i. 8iU!ih inarrie I Isaac Rundolph, bioltier (jf Pe(er. [See Randolph ] 7. John married Anne Kiikpalrick, daui-lit-'r of Alexande.-; he wanton a visit to Ins sji a") >b, i.i Illinois, i.nl diid there 24th Apri', IS').), with thru days illness. 8. Anne who ilied in yonth. 9. M.irv. wh • died a \ onn'.:: woman 10. Clrirkson muricd Lucinla Ten il, daiiirhter of Thomas, Esq* He died i:^ih .Inly, IS-'iO, snd lenly w i th. i lit sick ncis-. 1 I. Rach I, w 1.1 lied a young woman. EPIIRXIM STl-'-LLEanl \nna Manning, had children : n I. Klizit'c h, who iiKurit d Drake Ter.ii, so o, Thoaiiv Es [. S [S'O Tcrnl\ 2. Sihv married. 2Slh December, 1815), Willi nn Coddington, Esq of Bonnd lirook. •3. Mar:iarel marrtod Charles SiTialley, -son of Andrew. Esq lives on Mine Brook, and had rld'd en : 1. AnnnSmilley ; 2. Thood .leSLiialhy ; 3. Manning Sinalley. 4. Daniel Smalley, wlio died y sung^. 4 Isaac, who died at 4 years ol ; o !\1 y. 6, Jane married David Tingley, son of Ebmiezer, and lives in Newark ; 1. Oliver. ISAAC STELLE and Rachel Clawsnn, I ad children: L Miry, who married Madison TorrU, soa of Thomas, Esq. (Se- 'l\rr.l.\ 2 Cl ,ri.-.'y. JOHN STELLE and Anne Kirkpatrick. had children: 1. Jeptlia, wlio married Sarah Mandell, and lives in Brooklyn, New York. 2. J iccib married Jane Compton, daughter of Moore Compion, and went to lldnois. 3. Freeman married Martha Runyon, daughter of David R. 4. Lewi.4, who died young ; 5. Provy. CLARKSON STELLE and Lncinda Terrel, had children: 1. Rachel, v.-'.K) ni.irri'd \i^■•^<' Rnriyon, son of David R. 2, x\Iary Anne; 3. Mercy, 4. Lewis; 5. Thomas TerriL 6„ Adeline^ 404 JONATHAN STEVENS. JONATHAN STEVENS. JONATHAN STEVENS lived near where Samuel Squier now lives ; he hiul chilHren : g 1. John, who married Phebe Potter, daughter of Daniel, and a sister of Amos Potter, E.-q. ■ 2. Surah married Culeb Mi'lford, son of Job. [See J .b Mul- ford.] 3. Betsey married John Shipman, son of Jabesh. [See Shipman.] 4. Jane, who died an old woman, unmarried. 5. Christopiier married Rachel Dunham, daughter of John Dun- ham, Jun. 6. Joiiaihrin married, 6th November, 17S8, Keziah Jennings, daugh er of Jacob, and had no children. 7. James marritd Rlioda Guriliwaite. of Connecticut Farms. She died ^Sth July, 1850, at Union Village, over 80 years of age. 8. William married Phebe RofF, daughter of Nathaniel Roff, and went to Ohio. 9. Jacob married Betsey Miller, daughter of Ephraim Miller. [See Miller.] 10. Fiazee married Charlotte Headley, of Connecticut Farms. J3HN STEVENS, (1st son of Jonathan,) and Phebe Potter had children : to 1 Philemon, who died young. o 2 Israel, who married 3d December, ISIG, Abby Littell, daugh- S ter of Ehenezer ; lived in New York, and had children : g 1. Squier, who married Margaret Jones, of New York. o 2. John married Caroline ConUrite, of New York. •• 3. William married Mary Woolsey. 4. Harriet, who died young. His wife Abby tlien died, and he married Abigail, the widow of Saiiuel C Parsons, and daughter of William Parrot, Jun. and had a ditghter, 5. Angeline. 3. Gershom Manning, who died a young man. _ 4. Sarah, who died a young woman. 5. Amos, who married, 22d January, 1820, Rachel Totten, daughter of David, and had children: 1. Miller; 2. Elizabeth. CHRISTOPHER STEVENS, (5th child of Jonathan,) and Rachel Dunham had children : g 1. Mulford Cory, who niarried Mary Willet, daughter of ? Thomas, and had children: 1. Aura Bennet ; 2. Sarah; 3. Eugene ; 4 Rachel; 5. Gennet; 6. Linus ; 7. Thomas, and then removed to Ohio. 2. Linus High married Ruth Crane, daughter of Joseph, son of Joseph, and had children: 1. Hannah Jane; 2. Phebe Anne : 3. Joseph Crane, and then removed to Bloomfield. JONATHAN STEVENS. 405 JAMES STEVENS, (7th child of Jonathan,) and Rhoda Garthwaite had children : 1. Jonathan, who married Miss Baldwin, of Bloomfield, and Hve in Newark. 2. Phebe is unmarried ; lives in Plainfield. 3. Daniel Meeker went to Baltimore, and married there. 4. Sarah lives in New York. 5. William married, 22d Sept. 1823, Susan Moore, daugh- thr of Isaac, and had cliildren: I.Mary Jane; 2. Phebe Anne; 3. Sarah Louisa; 4. Elizabeth; 5. Almira ; 6 Ellen; 7. William; 8. Harriet; 9. Moses; 10. Susan. [See Moore.] 6. Eliza lives in New York. 7. James Hervy married , and lives in New York. 8. Jane married David N. Ruckman. son of Nathan, and had a son, James Ruckman, and then died. JACOB STEVENS, (9th child of Jonathan,) and Betsey Miller, had children: 1. Miller, who married Asenath Mayhew, daughter of Joseph, near Cincinnati. 2. Jonathan married Harriet Day, in Delhi, near Cincin- nati. 3. William married , and went to Indiana. 4. Hannah married Alexander Stewart ; lives in Cincinnati. 5. Jaob. 6. Eliphalet married Margaret Day, sister of Jonathan's wife. 406 JOSEPU STEWART, JOSEPH STE-WART.j JOSEPH STEWART mavried Mary, the widow of Sam- Viel Di)ty ; lived in Washington Valley, and had children : 1 Ennol). 2. Rachel, who married Isnac Sniallt-y, son of Ji-hn. [See Smalt ey.~\ 3. Pavid married Rachel Doiy, daughter of the above named Samuel Doty, and sister ot Ht-nry Doty. 4. Mary married John Drake, son ot Jeremiah. DAVID STEWART and Rachel Doty had children: 1. Samuel who died at about 24 years, unmarried. 2. Mary married Ezekiel Decamp, son of Ezekiel, and went to the Lakes. 3 Isaac married Sally Parker, daughter of Gershom. 4. Phebe mairied Al)ner Kino, son oiJohn, ol Piscatavvay. 5. Sarah married Lewis Willet. sun of '1 homas. 6. William Doty, b\nne mariied John D"t\, son . John. The family all removed to Ohio toq'ether. JACOB STTVAIN. JACOB SWAIN lived on Wolf Mill, near Union Village: his wife was Hannah ; they had children : 1. Sarah, who married Elias Clark, Jun. son of Elias. 2. Benjamin, who married Caiy Long, daughter of John, and had chililrcn : 1. Hannah married William McDonald, of Monmouth, and had children : 1. Joseph McDonald ; 2. William McDonald. 3. Thoinps<>n McDonald ; 4. Benjamin McDonald. 6. Elizabeth McDonald ; the others cied young. THOMAS TERRIL. 4H 2. John, who married al Rahwav, and went to the Lakes. 3. Pollv luurieil Ahiahain t>i:ii(Hi?()ii, and had cliildren: 1. VVilliiiui Simoiijon; 2, .losi ph .Si i unson, and oihprs wlii) di«d you;i^. She married :-d, Kphraini Howard, and iiviis al .Sc')tc:i Phutis 4. Kliza mil ried James C u-li-:, s;)n of John. [See Asa Frazee ] 5. Jojia married an only (Ian;r!Uer id" Israel VVmd, son of Josiiua ; he let her, and went south, and she nianied Oeingc \V. Og den, s ni of Kitdiurd. 6. Joel, who married a dun::hter of Charles Rino. 7. William married in Penn.sylvok of lvec'>ids" in Elizabethtovvn. Ill the year 1099, ihere was :i t)wn meetincf held in El za- betht(jwn. of all the Associaies ttien livin 2d wife. 10. Hannah, born 23d Nov. 1753, and died 27th FfAy 1778. She married James lloss, Esq., son of Joh.i, as his 1st wife. [See Ross] 11. Carmin married Patience Headley. Thomas Thompson, by his 2d wife llachel, had, 12. Aaron, born 19lhDec. 1760, and died 3d July, 1792. He married Aletta Potter, daughter of iMatlhias Potter. 13. Rachel, born 3 1st Jan. 17G3. married 1st, Noah Marsh; 2d. John Potter, and removed to Redstone. 14. Chloe, who married Ephraim Price, of Elizabethtown. 15. Hur, born 9th July, 1767 ; died at about 18 or 19 years. JOHN THOMPSON, (son of Thomas,) and Lucy Wool- cotl had children : 1 1. Caleb, who married 1st, Mary Jennings ; 2d, Phebe n Blake. " 2. Phebe married Anthony Fountain, son of Vincent, of Staten Island. 3. John married Martha, daughter of David, and widow of CarmanTho nps^n. 4. Abby, who died in 1833, aged 64 years, unmarried. 5. Hepsibah married Ephraim Marsh, son of Ephraim, of Westfield. 6. Josiah Woolcott married Hetty Merrel, of Staten Island, and lived there. 416 THOMAS THOMPSON. 7. Lucy married 1st, Andrew llennel ; 2d, Jacob Bur- bank; liad no children, i 8. Cliloe married James Hallet, of WestfieM. 9. Julia, born "i^d Aug. 1784, married Caleb Jeffreys, son of Caleb, of Union. 10. Asa Lay married Hannah Sayre, daughter of Benja- min, of L'nion. 11. Thomas Ilushmcre married Joan Quigley, daughter of Capt. Aaron Quigley. CALEB THOMPSON, (1st child of John,) and Mary Jennings, had childien : I 1. Sarah, who married Stephen Woodruff, son of Gabriel. o 2. William, who went to sea when about 22 years old, " and did not return. 3. John; 4. Aaron; 5, David Smith; 6. Asa Woodruff. PHEBE THOMPSON, (2d child of John,) and Anthony Fountain, had children : 1. Amy Fountain, who married Mr. Houseman as his 2d wife. 2. John Fountain married Keziah , and had four children. 3. Charles Fountain married Jane Van Pelt ; had eight children. 4. Mary Fountain died at about 30 years, unmarried. 5. George Fountain died at about lo' years. JOHN THOMPSON, (3d child of John,) and Martha Thomj son, hud children : 1. ILebe Anne, 2. Elizabeth, and others. HEPZIBAH THOMPSON, (5th child of John,) and Ephraim Marsh, had children : 1. Betsey Marsh, who married Jacob Stein. 2. Lucy Marsh married Joseph Christie. 3. Abigail iMarsh married Mr. Schrever, of New York. 4. Caroline Marsh married Jesse Wood, of New York. 6. Edwin Marsh. JOSL\H W. THOMPSON, (6th child of John,) and Hetty Merril live on Staten Island, and had children: 1. William, who married — — , 2. Mariah ; 3. John married twice. 4. Josiah married Miss Pool. 5. George married Sophia -— -. THOMAS THOMPSON. 417 CHLOE THOMPSON, (8th child of John,) and James Hullet had children : ■' 1. Aaron Gilbert Hallet, who died at about 21 years. ^ 2. Polly Hallet, who married Adonijah Holbrook. 3. Susan Hallet married Philander VVebb. 4. John Hallet married . 5. Lcuy Anne Hallet married WiUiam Fowler, and had a daughter, Elizabeth Fowler. 0. Catherine Hallet. 7. James Hallet married . JULIA THOMPSON, (9th child of John,) and Caleb Jp.fFerys, had children : 1. Isaac Morse Jefferys, who married Sarah Potter, daugh- ter of John. 2. Jane Eliza Jefferys married Jeremy Jagger, son of Stephen, and had no children. 3. Henrietta Jefferys married David C. Baldwin, son of Phinehas. 4. Lucy Anne Jefferys married Josiah Miller, son of Enoch, of VVestfield. 5. Sarah Thompson Jefferys married Abraham W. Bald- win, son of David C, son of elder Thomas Baldwin. 6. Rachel Reeve Jefferys married Samuel Ketchum, son of Samuel. 7. Caleb Henry Jefferys left home in 1834, and did not return. ASA L. THOMPSON, (lOth son of John,) and Hannah Sayre, had children : 1. Julia Anne. 2. Hepzibah, who died at 12 years. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Asa Ferdinand. 5. William Baldwin, who died at 17 years. 6. Josiah, who married Catherine , of New- York. 7. Hannah, who died at about 18 years. 8. Thomas, who died at about 3 years. THOMAS R. THOMPSON, (11th son of John,) and Joan Quigley, had children : 1. Betsey Anne. 2. Aaron Quigley, who married Theodocia Sayre, daugh- ter of James, son of Ephraim, of Madison ; 3. John ; 4. Charity; 5. Thomas; 6. Henry Radley ; 7. Mary. AARON QUIGLEY THOMPSON, (2d child of Thomas R.,) and Theodocia Sayre, had children: 1. Joan Elizabeth; 2. Theodocia ; 3. Sidney ; 4. Mary Kate. C2 4|g THOMAS THOMPSON. ^ HEZCKIAH THOMPSON, (6lh child of Thomas,) and n Jane Ross, lived on Rahway River, in Union Townsliip, and " had children : 1. Mary, who married Benjamin Gardner. 2. Sarah married Benjamin Crane 3d. {See Crane.) 3. Moses married, 1st, lisiher Bonnel, daughter of Henry; 2d, Polly Winans, daughter of Joshua. 4. Jacob, who died young. And by his second wife, Jane Woodruff, had, 5 Jacob 2d, 6 Thomas, 7. Jsaac. who all three died young. 8. Jane, who had a daughter Mary Anne, who married David Totten, son of John. \_See Tolten.~\ 9. Nancy married Daniel Lacy, son of Samuel. \_See Lacy.'\ 10. Betsey married Jesse C. Baker, son of Jonathan 1. [See Baker. ^ 11. Phebe married Robert Earl ; he died 15th May, 1848. and left children : 1. John Earl. 2. Mary Elizabeth Earl. ^ MARY THOMPSON, (1st child of Hezekiah,) and Ben- Ijamin Gardner, had children: § 1. Hezekiah Thompson Gardner married in Baltimore and died in Alabama. 2. Jane Rof^s Gardner married Ephraim Broad well, son of Simeon, and lived in Dayton, Ohio. He died 13th Feb. 1849. \_See Appendix. '\ 3. Phebe Gardner married Theophilus Eaglesfield, brother of Woohiridge Eaglesfield, and has children: 1. Thomas Eaglesfield. 2. Jane married William Railsback. 3. Sarah. 4. Mary Anne. 5. William Eaglesfield. 4. Noah Gardner married Sarah Baker. 5. Polly Gardner married Caleb Scudder. 6. Jacob Gardner married Sarah Miller, of Black River. 7. Moses Gardner married Phebe , and had children : 1. Benjamin. 2. Mary. 3. John. 4. Hezekiah T. 8. Sally Gardner married Wm. Hall, and had children: 1. Hampton Hall. 2. Julia Hall. 3. George Hall. 9. Thomas Gardner. 10. Carman Gardner. MO.SES THOMPSON, (3d child of Hezekiah,) and Esther Bonnel, had children : 1. Nancy, who married John Searing. 2. Jane married Wm. Baker, son of VVilliam. \_See Baker.'] And by his 2d wife, Moses Thompson had children: 3. Sally, who married James Anderson, son of Andrew, of Springfield, and had children : THOMAS THOMPSON. 4^9 1. Aaron Anderson. 2. Eliza Anderson. 3. Caroline Anderson. 4. Henrietta T. Anderson. 5. Mary W". Anderson. 6. Saiah E. Anderson. 7. .Tane B. An- derson. 8. James H. AndersDn, boin 1837. 4. Hezekiah married Mary Birt, daughter of Jacob, and had children : 1. Henrietta. 2. Ellen Louisa. 3. Hezekiah. 5. Jacob married Phebe Ayers, daughter ot Daniel, and had children : 1. William Ayers. 2. Moses. 3 Mary Ayers. 6. Mary married Mitchel Anderson, brother of" James, and had children : 1. George Anderson. 2. Moses Thompson Anderson. 7. Hetty, boin 27th June, 1810, married Oliver Wade, born g3d April, 1804. son of Uzel, and had children : 1. John P. Wade, born 28ih January, 1829. 2. Mary Wade. 3. Hezekiah T. Wade. 4. Emily Hart Wade. 8. Aaron married Phebe Marsh, and had children : 1. Mary. 2. William Henry. t ABNER THOMPSON, (7th child of Thomas,) and Mary o Ross, had children : " 1. Joseph. 2. Smith. 3. Daniel. 4. Hannah, who married Jacob Woolley, Sen. of Spring- field, and had children : 1. Polly Woolley, who married Charles Thompson Day, son of Thaddeus. [See Bay.] 2. Abner Woolley, who was killed by the fall of a tree in Michigan, aged 27 years. 3. Jacob Woolley, Jun. married Mary Burnet, daughter of (/"apt. Jonathan, and had children: 1. George VV. "Woolley. who married his cousin Delia . He is a shoe manufacturer, of Springfield. 2. Hervey Wool- ley, who married , a daughter of Augustus Richards. 3. Jonatiian B. Woolley ; 4. Mary Wool- ley. 4. Betsey Woolley married Jacob Miller, son of Enoch, of Westfield. 5. Thompson Woolley married Elizabeth Dean, daughter of VVilliam. son of John, and had children: 1. Mary Woolley; 2. Hannah Woolley ; 3. Georue Woolley. 6. Hannah Woolley married Squier Woodruff, son of Reuben. 7. Charlotte Woolley married Samuel Mooney, son of Nicholas. 8. Abraham Woolley married -. 420 THOMAS THOMPSON. <* CARMAN THOMPSON, (1 1th child of Thomas,) and ^ Patience Headley, had children: f 1. Mary, who married Peter Bennet, of New Brunswick. 2! Sarah married Mr. Pettenger, of New Brunswick. 3. Carman married , and died in Albany. AARON THOMPSON, (12th child of Thomas,) and Aletta Potter, had children : 1. Martin E. who married Mary Kitchel, daughter of the Hon. Ajiron Kitchel, of Morris county, and lived in New York. 2. Aaron married Eliza Hyerson, daugfiter of Judge Kyer- son, of Pompton, lived in New York, and had no children. MARTIN E. THOMPSON, (son of Aaron,) and Mary Kitchel. had children: 1. Elizabeth, who married Henry Beach, of Hanover, had no children. 2. Susan married her cousin James Price, son of Thomp- son. 3. Matilda married Mr. E. Tomkins. 4. Aaron. 5. "William, who went to California. 6 Mary Emma married Henry Munson, of Long Island. 7. Charles ; 8. Edwin ; 9. Henrietta. RACHEL THOMPSON, (13th child of Thomas,) and Noah Marsh, of Westfield, had one daughter, Harriet, who married Mr. Leonard, of Bound Brook. And by John Pot- ter, she had two daughters. Mr. Potter removed to Redstone, Pennsylvania, and there his daughters married two brothers, by the name of Potter, from New Providence, and removed to Ohio. CHLOE THOMPSON (I4th child of Thomas,) and Eph- raim Price, had children : 1. Thompson Price, who married Miss James; lived in New York. 2. David Price, who was murdered about 1826, on his way from Texas to Mexico. 3. Rachel Price married Mr. Belknap, of New York. 4. Mary Price married Mr. Condit, son of the Rev. Aaron Condit, late of Hanover, and soon after died. AARON THOMPSON. 42 1 AARON THOMPSON. „ AARON THOMPSON, (brother of Thomas and Moses a Thompson,) came up, and settled on Long Hill, on lot No. 31 ' addition of the Elizabethtovvn lots. He had children: 1. Joseph. (See remarks under Anthony Littell.) 2. Thomas, who married, ist December, 1763, Abigail Ross. 3. Patience married, 27th September, 1767, Matthias Sayre, son of Isaac Sayre, of Springfield. [See Sayre.'] THOMAS THOMPSON, (son of Aaron,) and Abigail Ross lived on Long Hill, where Joel D. Thompson now does, and had children : 1. Polly, who married Samuel Parrot, son of William, Sen. [See Parrot. ] 2. Aaron married, 20th June, 1807, Keziah Dunham, daugh- ter of John Dunham, Jun. 3. Joanna married, 3d July, 1791, Noah Beach, of Hanover Morris county. 4. Patience married, 20th October, 1795, Phinehas Beach, brother of Noah. 5. Moses married Hannah Potter, daughter of Amos, Esq. AARON THOMPSON, (son of Thomas, son of Aaron,) and Keziah Dunham, had children : 1. Joel Dunham, born 7th April, 1808, and married Paulina Mulford, daughter of William Mulford, and had children : 1. Mary and Esther, twins ; 3. Aaron. 2. Hester, died 17th Aug. 1844, in her 33d year, unmarried. 3. William, who married, and went to Louisville, Kentucky. 4. Aaron married Lavina Smith, and went to Louisville. Aaron Thompson died 15th November, 1737, aged 71 years. Keziah, his widow, died 5th December, 1748, aged 68 years, 5 months. MOSES THOMPSON, (son of Thomas.) lived on part of his father's farm ; he and Hannah Potter had children: 1. Elizabeth, who died 12th November, 1823, aged 24 yrs. 2. Jotham Poller, died 12th Sept. 1828, aged 25 years, 3. 'I'homas, who married in New York, Martha Baker, and removed to Peoria county, Illinois. 4. Hannah married John K. Swift, of Sing Sing, N. Y. and live there. 5. Sarah C. who died 28th February, 1846, aged 36 years. 6. Mary ; 7. Susan. 8. Amos married, I9th May, 1850, Catherine Doty, daugh- ter of Sylvester Doty. The three latter went in May, 1847, to Peoria. Moses Thompson died 10th June, 1844, aged 69 years. His wife Hannah died 3d January, 1838, aged 60 years. 422 TIMOTHY THOMPSON. TIMOTHY THOMPSON. s TIMOTHY THOMPSON was born in 1709, and was son " of Thomas Thompson, and probably the same Thomas Thomp- son, named as one of the " Elizabethtown Associates." It is not known that he was of kin to Hur Thompson. Timothy Thompson mairied Sarah Saliee, lived in Connec- ticut Farms, and had children : Daniel, Benjamin and Jabez. He died 27th September, 1780, aged 71 years. DANIEL THOMPSON, (son of Timothy,) married Eu- phemia Badgley, lived in Passaic Valley, and had children : 1. Timothy, who married Sarah Enyart, daughter of Ben- jamin. 2. Benjamin married Betsey Lewis, daughter of Isaac, and sister of Kichard Runyon's wife. 3. William, who See Scudder.\ 3. William ; 4. Jane ; 5. Benjamin ; 6. Abigail ; 7 Agnes. 8, Hannah; 9. Anne; 10. Edwin. JOSEPH W.TOTTEN, (son of Jonathan,) and Jemima Douglas, had children : 1. Abraham Morrel. 2. Wdliam Pierson. 3. Mary Elizabeth. 4. Hetty Mariah, who married , and died at 19 years. 5. Charles Jackson ; 6. John ; 7. Jonathan. BENONI TREMBLY. BENONI TREMBLY lived on lot No. 61 of the Eliza- bethtown lots south of Aaron M. Ludlow's house. He was a wagon maker, was an elder in the New Providence church, and had children: 1. Benjamin, baptized 19th June, 1763. 2. Jonathan, baptized 16th December, 1764. 3. Abraham, baptized l5th August, 1766. 4. Becca, baptized 14th October, 1770. I have not learned from whence he came, nor who were his family connections. He died 6th October, 1788. JOHN TOWNLEY. 433 JOHN TOWNLEY. JOHN TOWNLEY, Esq. was born in England, in the year 1 100 g Nicholas Townley, the third son of John Townley, Esq. g hved in the county of Palatine, of Lancaster. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of liichard Catteral, Esq. of Catteral, reh'-;t of VVilUain Tempest, son of Roger Tempest, Esq. Lord of the Manor of Broughton. CO Richard Townley, Esq. son of Nicholas Townley, was n reader nf Grays Inn, in the fourth year of the reign of Henry "^ VI II. His wife was Margaret, the daughter of fohn Clark, of VVaziey, by which marriage royalty came into the Townley family. ^ Nicholas Townley, E?q. ofRoyall, county of Palatine, was n son and heir of Kichard Towniey. He married Anne, daugh- ° tp.r of ISir Hugh Vaughan, of Littleton Place, Middlesex, Privy Councillor of Henry VH and VIH. g Francis Townley, 3d son of Nicholas Townley, was of Littleton Place, being left heir of his great uncle, Francis = Vaughan, I'^sq. He married Catherine, daughter of Thomas Foster, Knight, one of the Justices of tlie Court of Common Pleas at Westminster, in the reign of James 1st. cj Nicholas Townley, Esq. of Littleton, son of Francis Town- 1 ley, died June 3d, 1G87. He married Joanna, daughter of S William. White. Esq. of Northaim, county of Sussex, and squandered his fortune. ^ Col. Kichard Townley, 8th son of Richard Townley, went n to America in the suite of Lord Effingham Howard, governor ° of Virginia, in the year 1683. He settled in Eiizabethiown, New Jersey. The f.)rei^oing account of the Townley f;imily was sent to this country in 17(59, by Charles Townley Clarence, of Lon- don, Knight York Herald and King of Arms. Col. liichard Townley was one of the Privy Council of deputy governor Lord Neil Campbell, in 1686. He left two sons, Charles and Effingham Townley. D5 434 CHARLES TOWNLEY. CHARLES TOWNLEY c CHARLES TOWNLEY, Esq. (son of Col. Richard Town- a lev,) was born 1686, and died, 2d September, 1756, in his » 76th year. Abigail, his widow, died 3ist December, 1759. They were both buried in St John's church yard, in Eliza- bethtown ; they had children : 1. Effingham, who mairied Miss Rebecca Crane ; he was born about 1710, married in 1735, and died about 1789. 2. Sarah or Abigail, who married John Herriman ; their only daughter married Moses Hetfield. 3. Mary married Stephen Burrows ; their only daughter married Anthony Morss 4. Anne married Joseph Tooker, and had four sons, Charles, Joseph, Abner, and John Tooker. 5. Elizabeth married, 2:th August, 1760, Caleb Crane, and left children : 1. Nathaniel Crane, who married Sally Miller, daughter of Moses. \_See Crane.] 2. Abby, who married Amos Clark. ^ EFFINGHAM TOWNLEY, (son of Charles,) and Re- n becca Crane had children : S 1. Richard, who was born 22d or 27th August, 1736, and died 4th August, 1801 ; he married 1st, Rachel Carpenter, born 15th December. 1733, and died 1764; 2d,Rhoda Clark, born 4th December, 1743, and died 21st July, 1823. 2. Catherine married Joseph Deninan, of Springfield. 3. Joanna, who died in infancy. 4. Abigail married Mr. Pendergrass, of Philadelphia. 5. Peggy married Stephen Baker, and died in 1802. 6. George, who died in infancy. 7. Saraii married John Sayre, son of Joseph Sayre, of Elizabethtown, and died in 1815. 8. Mary married Jeiemiah Jaggers. 9. Charles married 1st, Hannah Thompson, and died in 1802 ; 2d, Sarah Thompson, the widow of Moses Earl ; 3d, , the widow of Timothy Miller. 10. George 2d married Martha' Baldwin, daughter of Capt. Enos Bfddwin. 11. Joanna 2d married John Donahoe, of Philadelphia, and died in 1804. 12. John mariied Phebe Bonnel, and died in 1801.' 13. Jane married Daniel Osborn. s PICHARD TOWNLEY, (1st son of Effingham, son of ^ Charles,) and Rachel Carpenter, had children : 3 CHARLES TOWNLET. 435 1. James, born 29th June, 1760, and was killed with a scythe, in 1772. 2. Rachel, born I2th December, 1763, married Henry Norris, and died 1 6th November, 1824 ; she had three chil- dren, who all died young. Richard Powniey by his 2d wife, Rhoda Clark, had children : 3. Jonathan, born 13th October, 1760, married, 11 th De- cember, 1787, Phebe Magie, daughter of John. 4. Phebe. born 20th October, 1708, married 28th January, 1788, Elder David Magie, son of John. 5. Clark, born 20th November, 1770, married 1st, Phebe Sale, daughter of Daniel Sale, Sen. ; 2d, Emily Potter, daugh- ter of Matthias Potter. 6. Rebecca, born 22d May, 1772, married Benjamin Haines, of Elizabethtown. 7. Rhoda, born 12th April, 1774, and died in 1776. 8. Sarah, born 26th October, 1776, married William Crane, Esq. son of Joseph. [See Crane.'j 9. Elizabeth, born 22d August, 1780, married Jonathan M„ Meeker, Esq. son of Isaiah Meeker, of New Providence, and had no children. g JONATHAN TOWNLEY, (3d child of Richard, son of fi Effingham, son of Charles,) and Phebe Magie were married ' llth December, 1787 ; he died 29th September, 1827 ; they had children: 1. Richard, who married Hannah Wade, daughter of Jonas Wade, Esq. of Springfield. 2. Jonathan, Jun. married his cousin Rhoda Magie, daugh- ter of elder David Magie, of Elizabethtown, and had no chil- dren. 3. Phebe, twin to Jonathan, married Col. William Brown, of Elizabethtown. 4. Mary married Samuel Pierson, son of Deacon Pierson, of Union. 5. John married Eveline Nutman, daughter of Daniel, of Elizabethtown. 6. Rebecca married Ichabod Ogden, son of Ezekiel, of Elizabethtown, and had children: 1. Jonathan Townley Ogden; 2. John Joseph Ogden. 3. James Hervey Ogden ; 4. Robert Townley Ogden. 5. Phebe Rebecca Ogden. RICHARD TOWNLEY, (son of Jonathan,) and Hannah js Wade, had children: =^ 1. Robert, who married Miss Baldwin, daughter of John- z son Baldwin. 2. Jonas Wade. S. Phebe 0. married, 20th November, 1851, Henry Meeker. 436 CHARLEB TOWNLET. 4. Harriet married Alexander Ball, son of David, of Nevv- aik. 5. James. 6. Richard, who died in February, 1848, aged about 10 years. JVcTE. — Robert, Jonas, and James went to Fort Wayne, in Indiana, and are merchants there. PHEBE TOWNLEY, (4th child of Kichard, son of Effing- ham, son of Charles,) and Elder David Magie had childien : 1. Rhoda Majiie, who married her cousin Jonathan Town- ley, Jun. [See Tcicvlty ] I 2. David Magie married, 1st, Margaret Van Vechten, of Somervilie, and had children: 1. Elizabeth Magic, who died at 18 months; 2. Piiebe Magie. His wife then died, and he married, 2d, Gertrude Kreling- huysen, daiightei" of General John Frelingliuysen, of Somer- vilie, she died without children, and he married, 8d, Margaret Delneau, and had children : 3. Gertrude Frelinghu} sen Magie; 4. David Magie. 3- Betsey Magie. 4. Phebe Ogden Magie married T.ewis F- Day, son of Foster Day, of lilizabethtown, and had chilctten : 1. David Magie Day; 2. Eliza Bonnel Day. 5. Mary Meeker Magie married Rev. Joseph Cory, son of Mulford, son of Elder Benjamin Cory, of Elizubethtown ; he is a piesbyterian mmister. s^^ettled in New Vernon; they had children, David Magie Cory, and others. CLARK TOWNLEY, (5th child of Richard, son of Effing- ^ ham, son of Charles.) and Thebe Sale, had children: ft 1. Susan, who married Robert Meeker. " 2. Daniel married Sarah Head ley. 3. Richard ; 4. Edward ; 5. Mary. And by his 2d wife, Emily Potter, had other children : 6. Jonathan ; 7. Sally Anne. REBECCA TOWNLEY, (6lh child of Richard, son of Effingham, son of Charles Townley,) and Benjamin Haines had but one sen, RichartJ T. Haines, who married Mariah Johnson, daughter of John Johnson, grocer, of New York ; lived in Elizabethtovvn, and had children : 1. William A. Haines, who married Miss Stagg. 2. Benjamin Haines. 3. Elizabeth Haines. 4. Sarah Halsted Haines married, 22d May, 1850, Samuel Knox, of New York. &. John Johnson Haines. CHARLES TOWNLEY. 437 6 Mary L- Haines married, 20lli February, 1851, her cousin William M. Halsted, Jua son of William M. lialsted, merchant. New York. 7. Stewart Haines. SARAH TOWNLEY, (8th chihl of Richard, sonof Emng- ham, son of Charles Townley,) and William Crane, Esq. iiad children : 1. David R. Crane, who married Phebe Anne Hallam, daughter of Lewis, of New York. 2^ Agnes Crane married Kev. Curtis Tally, a methodist minister, and had a daughter, He!en Williams Tally. 3. Kichard T. Crane married Jane T. Doll beer, of Union, and ha(i chil Iren : 1. Theodore T. 2. Frederick T. 4. Joseph W. Crnne married 1st, Harriet J. Willcox, daugh- ter of Ezekiel, and had a daughter, Hairiet Jemima Crane ; his wile died, and he married 2d, Emma S. Brookfield, daugh- ter of Lewis P. I^rooktield, of Spring Valley, ami had children : 2. Lewis W. Crane; 3. Charles Auirustus iJrane. 5. Jonathan T. (>rane, who graduated at Princeton cijlege, and became a methodist minister, is principal of the Penning- t"n male seminnry, at Pennington. iN. J. He married Mary Helen Peck, daugliter of George Peck, U. D. of New York, and had children: L Mary Helen Peck, and others. SARAH TOWNLEY, (7th child of Effingham, son of I Chailes.) and John Sayre had children : i? I. Samuel Sayre, who married Polly Parker. 2. Joseph Sayre married Betsey Ales worth. 3. John Sayre married Mary Jewel. 4. Job Savre, who died in infancy. 5. Ezekiel" Sayre married Sally iionnel, daughter of John, near Chatham [iSee Bonnel.'] G. Abigad Sayre married VVilliam Reid. 7, Nathan Sayre married Abigail Southwell. SAMUEL SAYRE, (1st son of John Sayre and Sarah Townley,) and Polly Parker had children: \. Joanna Sayre, who married Daniel Pierson, of Newark, and had an only daughter, who married and lives ih N. York. 2. Job Sayre married Phebe Crane ; have no children. 3. Sally Sayre married Aaron Ci*ane, and has one son. 4. Polly Savre married Granville Tower, and had children : L Job S. Tower, who married Miss Crane : lives in Elizabethlovvn, and had two children. 2. Ezra Tower, who married in Morris county, and has several (children. 5. Joseph Sayre, wh3 married in Ciacinnati ; lives there, and has several children. 438 CHARLES TOWNLEY, 6. Nathan Sayre, who married a Mrs. Watkins, former]} Miss Gillam ; has four children, all married, and live in N. Y. 7. Jt)hn Sayre, who died unmarried. 8. Phebe Sayre married Benjamin Coe : lives in |.Connec- ticut, and has many children. JOSEPH SAYRE, (2d son of John Sayre, and Sarah Townley.) and Betsey Alesw^orth had 8 children, only one of ■whom is living, Samuel Sayre, who married Elizabeth Telfair, and had 7 children. I JOHN SAYRE, (3d son of John Sayre and Sarah Town- o ley,) and Mary Jewel had ten children, only two of them are ' living : 1. James Hervey Sayre, who married Hannah Williams, and have 5 children. 2. Walter F. Sayre, who married Rachel Luster, and had 3 daughters. EZKEIEL SAYRE, (5th son of John Sayre and Sarah Townley,) and Sally Bonnel had children: 1. Electa Sayre, who married Stephen Bowers, son of Daniel. 2. Catherine Sayre, who died at about 35 years, unmar- ried. 3. David Sayre married Mary Spencer, daughter of Sam- uel, son of William Spencer, Esq. 4 John Edgar Sayre. 5. Lewis Sayre. ABIGAIL SAYRE, (6th child of John Sayre and Sarah Townley,) and William Reid had children : 1. Margaret Reid, who married Wdliam Bonnel, of Union, and had several children. 2. Isabella Keid, who married Joel Searing. 3. John Joseph Reid. 4. Sarah Reid. NATHAN SAYRE, (7th child of John Sayre, and Sarah Townley.) and Abigail Southwell lived in Elizabethlown, and had children : 1. Joanna, who married Wickliff G. Broadwell, son of Jacob G. Broadwell, son of Hezekiah. ISee Broadwell.] They have no children. 2. George T. Sayre married Eliza Bonnel, daughter of Sylvan us, son of John. He is a merchant of Madison, Mor- ris county ; has two children. 3. Sally Sayje. 4. Caroline Sayre. CIARLES TOVVXfeEY, 439 5. ICd ward Say re married Miss Rosette; had one child. His wife died, and he went to Ilhnois, and married again, and has other children. 6. Jane Sayre. 7. Francis Sayre married Susan Price, daughter of Ed- ward, of EHzabethtown. 8. Albert Sayre married a Miss Sayre, of Newark, and lives there. CHARLES TOWNLEY. I CHARLES TOVVNLEY, (9th child of Effingham, son of ? Charles Townley.) and Hannah Thompson had but one son: " 1. Stephen, who married Elizabeth Bryant, daughter of Simeon Bryant, of Springfield. Anl by his 2d wife. Sarah Thompson, had children: 2. Rebecca, who married Jacob Denman, son of Jacob, of Springfield. 3. Moses married Jane Lum, daughter of Clark Lum, of Union. And by his 3d wife, Mrs. IMiller. had children : 4. Charles, who went to Washington, and married and died there. 5. George, who went away and has not returned. 6. Fanny married William Sanders, and lives at Mendham. STEPHEN TOWNLEY, (1st son of Charles,) and Eliza- beth Bryant had children: L William, who became a Presbvterian minister. He married Eliza Barton, daughter of John Barton, of Elizabeth- town, and sister of the Rev. William B. Barton, of Wood- bridge ; is settled in Indiana, and has no children. 2. Charles, who died at about 20 or 21 }ears. GEORGE TOWNLEY, (10th child of Effingham, son of Charles Townley,) and Martha Baldwin, removed from Con- necticut Farms, in March, 1797, ani bought ot Thomas Scud- der, a farm of 100 acres, near Union Village, in Passaic Val- ley, where they lived and died. He was bo n 20th June, 1755, and died 28lh Septem- ber, 1840 She was b.)rn 30th November, 1755, and died 22d May, 1810, and Mr. Townley married, 2d, Elizabeth, the widow of Samuel Cory, and daughter of Williiam Parsons. She died Gth May, 1847, without children. [Sea Parsfms.'\ They had children : 1. Joanna, born 23d Nov. 1774, and married Samuel Headley, of Union. 2. David, born 20th March, 1777, married, 1st, Mary Tucker, daughter of James Tucker, 2d, Mary Marsh, daugh- ter of Joseph Marsh, of Morristown, 3. George, who died 30th March, 1808, aged 24 yeari. 440 CHABLE3 TOWNLETf; 4. Effin^hom, who died 2eih July, 1&07, nped 21 years. f). I'liebe. born Hili J;iiiunry, 1789, married, tiOih June, 1808. Dnvid Jaques. of Nevv-Voik. 0. Manha, ulio died 25ili April, 1812, at 18 years of age, unmarried. 7. Knos Baldwin, who married, first, Sally Bonnel. daugh- ter of Bellows Ben. Bonnel ; second, Abigail Deforest, of Connecticut. [See BunneLI ^ JOANNA TOWNLEY, (1st child of George,) and Sam- I uel Headley. had children : a 1. Phebe Headley married Richard Merrel, and had no children. 9. Hannah Headley married William S. Headley, son of Cary Headley. and had children* 1. Joanna Headley, who married Willinm S. Burnet, son of Capt. Jonathnn Bn-net. and had children : 1. Mary Burnet: 2. Martha Bui net : 3. Levi Hurnet. 2. Phebe Headley married Silas Buiiiet, brother of Wil- liam S., and had children: 1. Roxanna Burnet; and others. 3. Caroline Headley. 4. John Headley married Sarah Courier, daughter of John E. Courier. 5. Jane Headley married George Baker, of Hempstead, Lons: Island. 6. Wicklyff Headley. 3. Samuel Headley died a young man, unmarried. 4. Martha Headley married Caleb Miller, son of Nathaniel, and had cliihhen : 1. Isaac S. Miller, who married and lives in Newark. 2. Davis Miller married and lives in Newark. 3. Anne Miller. 5. George I. Headley died a young man, unmarried. 6. Davis Headley married Susan Ball, daughter of Ezekiel, son of Timothy, and had children : 1. Sears Headley; 2. Wheeler Hendley; 3. Andrew Headley: 4. Olivia Headley ; 5. Laura Headley. 7. Mary Headley married Bvvel Freeman, of VVestfield, and died soon after, aged 18 years, without children. DAVID TOWNLEY, (2(1 child of George,) and his first wife, Mary Tucker, had children : 1. Mary, who died a young woman, unmarried. 2. Martha married Squier Parrot, son of William. [See Parrot.] And by his second wife, Mary Marsh, had a son. 3. George, who married Mary {Stuchlield, an English girl, and lives in New- York. criARLES TOWNLEY. 441 I'HEBE TOWNLRY, (5th child of George) anJ David Jaques, lived in New York, and had children : 1. William Jaqiies. 2. Phehe Jaques, who married John W. Lewis, and had children: 1. Charlotte Ausj-usta Lewis; 2. Philo Lewis; 3. Francis Lewis ; 4. Edward Lewis. ^ ENOS B. TOWNLEY, (7th child of George,) and Sally ^ Bonnel, had children : I? 1. Jdanna, who married Mr. Noe, went to 0!iio, and died. o 2. David E., born 5th April, iSlo, who married Hannah ° Eliza MuUord, born 5th January, 1812, dau-hter of William, and hail children : g 1. Sarah Elizabeth, born 10th July, 1840; 2. Hannah o Jane, who dic:iiainiii S. Voorliies, born 2Glh jNovember^ 1817, m.ir- I'ied Eli/ibeth iioach ; hves in Cincinnati, 4. D.miel J. Voorhics, born ilth Octnber, 1819, mairied Margaiel Honey, daughter of Silas, and hive children : 1. James iViadison; 2. Nancy Tucker. 5. VVdliani Fei-gisi>u Vourhies, bjrn 23d July, 1821, niir- ried Elsie lleiv^ey. () John T. \'ojih:es, born iGih May, 1824; died Gth Ma v. 1851. 7. Wilson G. Voorhics, born 15th May, 182G, and ciied at 23 years. 8. l.ydia Mariah Voorhies, born 23d July, 182S, niairied James Taylor. 9. and 10 twins, born 22d December, 1829, and died in infancy. 11. Mary Frances Voorhies. born 17th May, 1830, died at IG months. FANNY TUCKER, (Sth^ hlld of Henry Tucker, son of John,) and Arlhur ri. Sorier had (children : 1. Mary Jane Sorter, born 14 Ji August, 1821, marriei Lewis Morse, and died 3d March, 185 1. 2. M.irihi Anne Sorter, b:)rn 6:ii September, 1825, mar- ried Levi Clark, and d:ed 22d May, 1844. 3. Arthu." S )rter, born 22d iNovember, 1823, died I4th November. 1832. 4. Absalom Sorter, born 13th October, 183J, died 10th May, 185). 5. Arthur S. Sorter, born 4th Septeml^er, 1833. CHAHLOTTE tucker. (9th child of Henry Tucker, son of John,) and Jacob A Hid. lie had cliildi'on: 1. Mannmg Riddle, whj married l^ydia Stilwcll ; live in Troy. 2.' iNancy Jane Riddle marriei, 1st, Mr. Sayre ; 2d, Mr. Buckle ; live at Hujua. 3. Mary, who died young ; 4. Asenath. MANNING R. TUCKI-^R. (lOthchi'dof Henry Tucker, son of John,) and Re'iecvia Perlee, lives oa his lathe*'j» home- stead Lrn;, and had children : , £2 450 JOHN TUCKER, 1. Harriet Mariah Newel, born l4th May, 1825 ard mar- ried William H. Morse, son of Henry IMorse, Esq. of Da} ton. 2. Mary Smith, born loth December, 1826. 3. Peter, born 14th February, 1&28, died 21st October, 1833. 4. Martha Anne, born 19th October, 1829, died 14th No- vember, 1832. 5. Heniy, born 3d October, 1831. 6. Angelina, born I6th May, 1833. 7. Manning Perlee, born 14th March, 1835. 8. Fanny, born 26th March, 1837. died 23d April, 1842. 9. John Newton, born 22d November, 1839. NANCY TUCKER, (4th child of John.) and Joseph Morse removed to Ohio, and settled in Hamilton county, 9 miles from Cincinnati. He died 1S17; she died 1836; they had children : 1. John Morse, born 1792, married, successively, Elizabeth and Anne Swallow, sisters. 2. Isaac Morse, born 1794, and died 1817, unmarried. 3. Hetty Morse, born 1796, married William Murdock, and had children : 1. Nancy Murdock; 2. John Murdock; 3. William Murdock ; 4. Sarah Murdock ; 5. Citizen Murdock ; 6. Henry Murdock; 7. Lewis Murdock; 8. James Murdock. Mr. Murdock died in 1835. 4. Lewis Morse, born 6th September, 1799, married 14th October, 1832, had no children. 5. Henry Morse, born 11th September, 1801, married, 1st, 28th December, 1820, Phebe Ryan half sister of Martin Ryan; 2d, Sarah K. Cheever, daughter of John M. Cheever. 6. Nancy Morse, born 1803, and married Daniel W. Tur- ner. 7. Sarah Morse, born 1805, married Elisha Turner, brother of Daniel. 8. Joseph Morse, born 1807, and died at 2 or 3 years. HENRY MORSE, (5th child of Joseph Morse, and Nancy Tucker.) was successively a merchant in Cincinnati ; a mem- ber of the senate of Ohio, in 1834; a judge of the court of common pleas, and held other offices, civil and military ; he has now retired to a farm near Dayton, Ohio. By his first wife, Phebe Ryan, he had chidren : 1. Mary Jane ]Morse, born 31st October, 1821, and married Mr. Dyer ; lives in Aikansas. 2. Joseph Morse, born 11th January, 1825, and died 1849, unmarried. JOHN TUCKER. 45 1 3. William llyan Morse, born 18th Aui^ust, 18'26, and married. 1851, Harriet M. N. Tucker, daugliter of Mannaig R. Tucker, son ot" Henry, son ot John. 4. INIartha Ellen Morse, born lllh December, 1827. *'■' 5. Henry Morse, born 30th October, 1830, and died 22d December," 1832. 6. Caroline Morse, born 7th July, 1834, and died 22d July, 1834. CHLOE TIJCKIlR, (5th child of John,) and William Ryan had children : 1. Elizabetli Ryan, who married John T. Jones, in Ohio. 2. Martin Ryan married Hetty Price, daughter of Heze- kijih. 3. Mary Ryan married Osborn Cooper. 4. William Ryan, Jun. married fcsaily Gray, and had children : 1. ''.\^illiam H. Ryan ; 2. Elizabeth Ryan ; 3. John W. Ryan ; 4. Malinda A. Ryan, who married Jacob R. Tmgley. MOSES TUCKER, (6th child of John,) and Betsey Lyon, had children : 1. Sally, who married Jonathan M. Willcox, son of Levi. [See Willcox.'] 2. Clarissa married John Bryant, of Plainfield, and had children: 1. Joel Bryant; 2. Apollos Bryant ; 3. Anne Eiiza Bryant. 3. Abigail married David B. Jolley, son of Richard ; he went to the south and died ; his widow lives in New York, and has three children : L Richard Jolley, who married in New York, JMaigaret M. Fisher, daughter of Richard. 2. Robert Jolley married Martha . 3. John Jolley. 4. Elizabeth married Levi Clark, Esq. son of Daniel S. Esq. and had children, Frances and Emeline Clark. 5. Polly married David Cole, son of Joseph Cole, Jun. of Scotch Plains ; had an only child Mary Cole, and died. 6. Susan married Asa VV. Ridge, live at Plamlield, and have children: 1. Mary Abeline Ridge; 2. Susan Elizabeth Ridge; 3. Sarah Fiances Ridge ; 4. Theodore Ridge; 5. John Henry Ridge ; 0. Moses William Ridge. JOSEPH TUCKER, (7th child of John.) and Deborah Line lived near Union Village, and had children : L Lines, who married Phebe Allen, daughter of Gideon. 452 JOHN TUCICET?. 2. lleily married Uairel Allen, brullicr of Liius' wile. [SeeA/l'-n] 'A. I'riuir.es nKiiricd Eiislia J(»l'cy, son oi" Richard, and had children : 1. Henrietta Jolley, married Mr. Fisher, of New York. 2. Phebe Jolley, who married . 3. Mary Louisa Jolley married 4. Betsey Meeker Jolley, who died at about 18 years. 5. Oscar Jolley; 6. Wdliain Jolley died at about 3 yrs . 7. Frances Jolev, who died at 14 years. 4. Betsey married I'-lam Gcnung; they went to Indiana, where slie died, leavins^ tWD children : 1. William Hoy Ge- nung ; 2. Phebe Elizabeth Geramg. LINES TUCKER, (son of Joseph, son of John.) and Phebe Allen lived where h.is father did, and had children : 1. Susan, who married Benjamin Moor, son of Isaac B. Mo(n'. 2. Freeman married Eliza W. Drake, daughter of Ezra ]>rake, and only in-aiid child of Zopliar Williams; she died 5th December. 1847, leavmg children: 1. Williams Tucker. 2. Lines Ezra Tucker, who died at about 5 months. And Freeman Tucker married. 2d, 30th June, l8r)U, Hannah Mariah Norman, daughter of Samuel Jodey's 2d wife, by a former husband. 3. Amos, who died aged about 21 years. 4. Deheline married, 1st January. 1849, Jo.«eph S. Runyon, son of Richard, of Mo.nmouth ; lives by Smalley's Bridge. 5. Mary Elizabeth married T. Hartwell Cox, son of Uestors Cox. 6. Martha S. REBECCA TUCKER, (loth cliild of John Tucker,) and Jacob Binge had children : L Polly IVmge, wh'> married John Vernon. 2. Caty Hinge married Allen Parker, son of Jonathan, son of Judah. 3. John Binge married Elizabeth Coonrod. 4. Betsey Binge married Benjamin Chamberlain, DANTEL VAITi. 4-53 DANIEL VAIL. DANIRL VAIL, who \v;is the son of Isaar". and Christiana Vail, removed from Green Brook, below Phiiiiliehi to the west end of Lnng Mill, near Stonohousc Vdlaife, in Somerset Co. lie married Mary AIcKowen, sister of William McEowen, Escj. of Pluiikemin, and had children : 1. Anne, who marrie I John Hill, (nerchant,) son of Wil- liiim Hill, of B.iskint; Kidij^e, and had no chddreu. 2. Daniel married Dinah Vantieveer, dauglner of Jacobus Vandeveer, of Bedminsler. 3. Catherine married Ur. Huirh McEowen. cousin of William McEowen. Esq She died 22d December, 1851. 4. Jaco'» married Sarah Fitz Randolph, daughter of Ed- ward, of Green Broo'c ;ind live in Rahway Township. 5. Harriet married Frazee('ole, son of Joseph [S::e C<)h-.'\ 6. Alexander married Eliza Kirkpatrick, dausfhter of Alex- ander. 7. Martha born 22d November, 1798, and married, May, 1823 Thomas O. Scudder, born 24th December, 1799, son of Stiles, so:)g Hi!l ; is a wirlovv ; slie had no children. 9. ICsth r married John IJioomfield. 10. Sarah married, 2d Jan. 179 ), David Littel', from Ire- land, and removed to Lebanon, Ohio. JOSEPH VALENTINE, (Gth child of Jonah.) and Tem- peian/.e l.ittell, (daui^hler of Andrew,) hid i:hildren • 1. Wilhum; 2. Ma;tha; 3 Samuel; 4. Jere.iiiah; 5. Jo- seph, Jun. JEREMLAH VALENTINE, (4th child of Joseph) mar- ried llulh Terry, daughter of Jonathan Terry and HuKlah Van Sickle, an. i had chddren : [Sn'i paired i^'\ 1, Luey Anne: 2. .Abigail; 3. l:jMstus Lewis; 4. Tem- peranc;e ; 5. Joseph; 6. Andrew; 7. Susan; S. Ruth. EPHRALM VALENTINE, (^d child of Richard,) and Rhoda Price had chddren : 1. Henjumin, who mair.ed Polly Hriaat. 2. David. 3. Itichard. 4. Sarah married Israel Martin. 5. Abigail married Dennis WoodrufT. ELIZABETH VALENTIN P., (Gth child of Richard,) and l>e'ij:imin North had children: 1. Mahala North. 2. Ruth iN.rth. wha married, 1st, Mr. McCloud. of Phil- adelphia; 2d, Richard Ogden, son of Nathaniel. She had.uo cliildreu. EIC'IARD VALENTIXR. 457 OBADIAK VALRNTIXE. (3d child of Ri.dnrd.) lived on lot No 35 of the Ehzaijelhtovvii lots, vvhete Israel Ud'v now lives ; he and his Hist wife, Mn cf. Noah, son of Cornelius, of Weittieid. [Sec Noah Ludlow.'] MILLER WALKER, (2d child of Asher, son of Richard,) and "I'hendor.ia Hriiiin, had childrrn : L Abraham Hrittin NN'a'ker, who married Helty Crowd, daughtei- of David A. Crowel, of Chalhaii), and has an only «.;hild, Henry Hartstein. 2. Isaac Brittm, who died llii February, 1S36, aged 23 years, unmarried. 3. Jacob Mnttin, who went to Mobile, and married Susan Younsblood. and lives there, and had children : 1. Eugene; 2. Eugenia. 4. David', who died 27th May, 1827, aged 27 years, unmar- ried. 5. Rliza married, 30th August, 183S, Lu\e Parsons, son of Jonathan, as his 3d wife ; she has no children. Mrs. Theodocia Walker died l6th Septemtjer, 1834, aged 59.T years, Mr. Miller Walker died I6th March, 1840. ABRAHAM WALKER, (4th child of Asher,) and Electa Bonne!, his first wife, had but cne child : 1. Rhoda, who married Dr. .Toha L. Munn, son of Dr J, B, Muim, ot Chatham, and had children: 1. Jephtha B. Munn; 2. George Ludlow Munn. 3. .loannaMunn. His wife Electa died 21st November, 1 SOS ; and by his 2d wife. Elizalteth, he had children: 2. Electa, who married Thomas Garrison, live in New- ark, and have children : \. Harriet Newel Garrison ; 2. Sarah Kliznbeth Garri- son ; 3. Theod(jcia i^ackus Gairison : 4. Aruna Garri- son; 5. Ade'aide Garrison : G. 'I'homas .John Garrison. 3. Amanda married Amos Lurn, son of Moses, ol Newark, [S^e Lnm] 4. Abraham marrie;i Jane Crane, daughter of John Crane, of Newark, and havee' ildren: 1. Mary Elizabeth ; 2. James Mahlon ; 3. Abraham Hrittin Wtdker. 5. David Littell Walker 6. Mary married John Price, spectacle maker, of Newark, and have chi'dren : 1. ITenrv -Martin Price; 2. Adelaide Price; 3. Electa Pr:ce.' 7. ICIizii m irried Henry II. S ^Ionian, of New I'lvrm^wick', as his 2d wilC; and had ciiii Jroa : I. Lavcuia ; 2. • RX-IIAUD WALKER. 401 S. Sarah Anno, who dnjd JOth June, 1838, ngv.A 15 years. 0. Louisa EnielinO; who clijd 4th August, [6Sd, aged 13 yc'iis. * Mr. Abraham Walker died 19th April, 1827, aged 52 vears. His widow married Jonathan Walker. DAVID WALKER, (5th child of Asher,) and Roxy xMil- ler. had ehddreu : L David, who died 12th Au^nist, 1817, aged 2^ years. 2. ChallieM, who went to Ohio, and married . Dctvid Walker died 2.5tn July, 1628. aged 44 years, and his widow went to Cincinnati, Ohio, with her son. JONATHAN WALKRR, (6th child of Asher,) and Polly Spencer, had one daughter, Mary, who married Luke C. De- hart, of Madison, and luid children : I. William Dehart; 2. George Dehart. And by Electa Miller, he had children: 2. John Henry. 3. Sarah Anne. 4. George. 5. Caroline. And bv his third wife, Rhoda Johnson, had 6. William. By his 4th wife he had no chiidreJi. PHEBE WALKEll, (8th child of Asher,) and Peter Van Horn, had children : I Garret Van Horn ; 2. Burgher Van Horn. Mr. Van Horn died 9th Pi bruary, 182.5. aged .371 years ; his widow Phebe, died 28th May, l83i), aged 48 years. POLLY WALKER, (9th child of A.shcr,) and Eliakim Ludlow, had children : 1. Emeline Ludlow. 2. Phebe, who mariicd Alonzo Johnson. 3. Jane married Isaac Egbert, and had a son: 1. William Henry Ludlow Egi)ert. 4. William, who went to Cincinnati, Ohio. 462 DAVID WARD. DAVID -WARD. David ward married Hannah Farrand, of Newark. They lived at (Jliatham, and had children : 1. Enos, (Ca[)tain,) who married Mahetabel Burnet, daugh- ter of James, of Madison. 2. David, born 19th. September, 1749, married Ilamutal Ladner, burn loth December, 1750, of Madison ; he died 19th July, 1814; she died 1830. 3. Hannah married, (bellows) Benjamin Bonnel, son of Benjamin, Esq. [See B-nneL'^ 4. Polly married Isaac Howard, and had no children. 5. Ichabod mariied, 1st, Johannah Day, daughter ol Ste- phen Day, Esq., as her 2d husband. Jchabod Ward married, 2d, June 21st , 1789, Esther, the widow of John Mills Frost, and daughter of Josiah Broadwell, i'^sq. 6. Phebe, who died at about 20 years, unmarried. 7. Hetty married John Johnson, a wholesale grocer, 'of New York. [See John Johnson.] 8. Sarah married Philip Cockran, of New York ; she died without children, and he married Hannah, the daughter of Capt. Enos Ward, his first wife's niece. CAPTAIN ENOS WARD, (1st child of David,) and Ma- hetabel Burnet, had children : 1. Ruth, who married Gabriel Pierson, son of Benjamin. 2. Hannah married Philip Cockran, as his 2d wife, and had no children. 3. Matthias married Eleanor Bonnel, daughter of John, son of Nathaniel Bonnel 1st, 4. James married Sophia Seely, daughter of Col. Sylvanus Seely. 5. Hamutal married Paul Day, son of Thaddeus, and had no children. l^UTH WARD, (1st child of Capt. Enos Ward,) and Ga- briel Pierson, had children : 1. Matthias Pierson, who married Charlotte Genung, daughter of David Genung. 2. Enos Pierson, who died at 25 years, unmarried, 3. Juliette Pierson, died at 18 years, unmarried. 4. Pht'be Pierson is unmarried. 5. Saiah Pierson married Paul Day, son of Thaddeus, as his 2d wife, and had no children. 6. Mahetabel Pieison is unmarried. 7. Benjamin Pierson died at 13 years. 8. Hannah Mariah Pierson died at 3 months. DAVID WARD. 463 MATTHIAS PIEIISON, (1st child of Gabriel,) and Cliailotte Gt-mmg, had chihiieii: 1. Juliette Piersoii, who luar.itd Thomas 11 Skiuner. 2. Ainljiose Pieison, who ditd at about IS years. 3. Nancy June Pierson married Ileiny Jmlson. 4. Cnarles Pierson married Emily Trowbridge, daughter of JShubal, of Brooklyn. 5 Matthias Ward Pierson married Drusilla Startup. 6. Ksarah Pierson, who died young. MATTHIAS WARD, (3d child of Capt. Enos,) and Ele- anor Bonnel, had children : 1. Philip, who married Jane Garthwaite, of Elizabethtown. 2. Mahlon married Caroline Hunt. 3. Sarah, who died fit about 18 years, unmarried. 4. Mahetabel died at about 19 years, unmarried. 5. Harriet married Robert Lackron, a European. 6. Louiaa married Calvin Smith, son of Frederick, of Chat- ham. 7. Laura married David Bowers, son ot David, of Newark. 8. Enos died at 25 years, unmarried. 9. Juliette is unmarried. JAMES WARD, (4th child of Captain Enos,) and Sophia Seely, had children : 1. John, who died unmarried, upwards of 20 years old. 2. Jane, who died at about 20 years, unmarried. 3. Sylvanus, who married Abby , near Bethany. Penn sylvania, and lives there. DAVID WARD 2d, (2d son of David Ward 1st,) and Hamutal Ladner had children : 1. Barnabas, born 17th Nov. 1771, and veas drowned 1808. He did not marry. 2. Benjamin, born 16th May, 1774, and died l5th July,1803. He married, 5th Oct. 1796, Lydia Young, daughter of Moses and Kosannah Young. 3. Phebe. born 30th Oct 1781, and married, 3d April, 1802, the Rev. John Hancock, son of John and Mary Hancock, and hve in East Madison. 4. John, born 4th June, 1780, married, 27th Nov. 1808, Melissa Bond, daughter of Thomas Bond, of Chatham, and died 27th March, 1837. 5. Philip, born 10th March, 1789, and died in youth. 6. Farrand, born 20th Oct. 1796, married Charlotte Bruen, daughter of Carter Bruen, and died 14th July, 1835. ^p,4 DAVID WARD. BENJAMIN WARD, (2d child of David Ward 2d,) and Lvdia Youiiu; had childien: 'i. Sylvesla, t)orii28th.IuIy. 1797, manied, 2Sth Feb. 1818, John R. iMidl'ord, son of ('hristophei-, nnd had no children. 2 JMenzies, a son, born 15lli tSept. 1802, and died Oih Oct. 1815. PHEBE WARD. (3d child of David Ward 2d,) and Rev. John Hancock had children: 1. Jane Hancock, born 8lh Oct. 1803, married, 22d Feb. IH'35, Vincent B. liudd, as his 2d wile, son of Doct. John C. Rudd, and had (hildren: 1 Jane Hancock Budd. bom 2Ist June, 1836 ; 2. Benjamin Ward Budd, born 11th July. 1842. 2. John Wesley Hancock, bmn 30th Aug. l^()5. He was a surveyor, and married, l7th Dec. 1828, Mary Anne C:. Gri.s- wold. daughter of Chauncy, and Polly Giisvvold. Slie died loth Feb. 1849; ihey had children: 1. Jane, born Dth Nov. 1829, died 20th July," 1833; 2. John Weslev, horn 6th Jan. 1831. died 22d July, 1833; 3. Phebe, born 17th April, In33; 4. John Emorv, born" 18th July, 1835; 5. Ellen, born 0th Nov. 1837, died 4lh June. 1839; 6. Mervin Griswold, born 2r)th Dec. 1839; 7. Marv Anne, born 2nih Dec. 1841 ; 8. Koswcll, born 24th Sept. 1845; 9. Robert Harris, boin 1st Feb. 1848. 3. Phebe Hancock, bcrn iGlh Oct. 1807. died 28lh March, 1823. 4. Mary Graham Hancock, born 4th Nov. 1814. 5. .Monroe Hancock, born 20th Feb. 1817, married Sally Anne Cole, daughter ol Henry, and had children: 1. George Hugh, born 25ih June. 1843 ; 2. Fletcher, born 7lh July, 1848, died .^)thSept. 1849 ; 3. \N illiam, born 10th .lunc. 1850. 6. Einehne Hancock, born 8th March, 1819, died 23d Nov. 1836. JOHN WARD, (3d child of David Ward 2d,) and Melissa Bond h.-id children : 1. Nancy Ladner, born 26th Jan. 1810. married, 27th Jan. 1S28, 10 \'incent B. Hudd, as his 1st wife, son of Doct. John 0, I!udd, and died F-b. I6lh 1831. '1 hcv had children: 1. Thomas Bond Hudd, born lOth Jan. 1829; 2. xMelissa Ward Budd, born 14ih June, 1831 ; 3. Nancy Ladner Budd, bom 30th Sept. 1833, died 19th Aug. 1834. 2. Lydia Young, bom 28ih March, 1812, married, 1st Dec. 1839, to Moses L. Bruen. son oi Ichabod and Dainaris Bruen, and had children: 1. John Ward Biucn. born — Aug. Is33 ; 2. Laura Johnson Bruen, born June. 1838. 3. David Farrand. born 20th Nov. 181 4, married. 20t!i Feb. 1839, to Charlotte B. Mutlhewsj daughter ol Ciiuiles, and had no children by her. DAVID WARD. 4C5' 4. Julia Anne, born 27th April, 1817, married, lOlli Jan. 1838, Benjainiu B. Grisvvold, son of Chauncy GrriswolJ, ntid had children : 1. Chauncy Grisvvold, born 1st April, 1839 ; 2. Mary Ward Griswold, born 31st May, 1841 ; 3. Anna Ladner Griswold, born 5th March, 1845 ; 4. LydiaBruen Gris- wold, born 21st Feb. 1847. 5. Mary Bond, born Uth Nov. 1822, married, 8th Dec. 1847, to James Albright, son of Robert Albright, Esq., and had children: 1. Eliza Albright, born 1st Sept. 1848; 2. Julia Ward Albright, born 2d Sept. 1850. FARRAND WARD, (0th child of David Ward 2d,) and Charlotte Bruen had children : 1. David Johnson, born 8th Sept. 1822. 2. Phebe Bruen, born 6th Jan. 1825, married Allen S. Felch. 3. Harriet Elenora, born 25th April, 1829, married George W. Felch. She died 23d Oct. 1849. 4. Benjamin Collins, born 2d Oct. 1832, died 4th April, 1834. 5. Benjamin Farrand, born 18th Sept. 1834. David J. Ward married Catherine Tunis, daughter of Jo- seph M. and Charity Tunis, and had children: 1. Charlotte Augusta ; 2. Joseph Farrand. ICHABOD WARD, (5th child of David,) and Johannah Day had children : 1. Elijah, who married Matilda Lindsley, daughter of Judge Lindsley, of Orange. 2. Moses married Jane Day, daughter of Stephen Day, Jun. 3. Damaris married Ichabod Bruen, of Madison. 4. Sally married Matthias Bonnel, son of Bellows Ben. Bonnel. [See Bonnel. 1 Ichabod Ward, by his 2d wife, Esther, had children : 5. David, who died at about 17 years. 6. Phebe married Jonathan C. *Bonnel, son of Nathaniel Bonnel 3d. \_See J. C. Boanel.'] Note. — Mrs. Esther Ward, by her first husband, John Mills Frost, had children : 1, Josiah Frost, who married Abigail Jones. 2. Charity Frost married Caleb Meeker, son of Isaiah. [See Meeker.l F2 466 JONATHAN WHITAKEK. JONATHAN -WHITAKER. Tradition in the Whitaker family says that three brotliers embarked in England for America; that the ship in which thev embarked was cast away, and bat one ol the three arriv- ed ;" whose name was .lonathan VVhitaker. wh j settled in New England ; his wife's name was EUzabeth. They had children : Ui 1. Nathaniel, who married Miss Smith. ^ 2. Eliphalet married Ruth Hailey. 3 Elizabeth married Stephen Ogden, of Basking Ridge. 4. Mary married, 1st, Samuel Brown; 2d, Ebenezer White. 5. Jon;ithan, Jun. married Mary Miller. Nathaniel VVhitaker became a presbyterian minister, and settled in Norwich, Connecticut: he was sent in 1764 or 65, with Mr. Samuel Oceum, an Indian preaclier, to England, to collect funiis lor "Moore's Chanty School," of Lebanon, an Indian school. Jonaf an VVhitaker, Sen. removed with his family, (except Nathaniel.) from New England to New Jersey, and purchased of Thomas Penn and Richard Ponn, proprietors of the Pro- vince of Pennsylvania, (by Richard Peters and Lynford Lardner, their attornies and agents.) for the sum of £225, law- ful money ^'f the State of New .Jersey, a tract of land, lying on both sides of Mine Brook, in Somerset county, 407i acres, by deed bearing date 1 9th December, 1752; and l)y writing of transfer on the back of said deed, bearing date 7th day of July, 1763, fi r the sum of £625, current money, of East New Jersey, at eialit shillings per ounce, he conveyed to Jonathan Whitaker, Jun his eldest son, the whole of the afojesaid tract of 4071 acres, excepting about 163 acres previously sold and conveyed to his son Eliphalet. EEIPHALET WHITAKER, (son of Jonathan,) married Ruth Bailey, and at length sold his farm, and removed to Georgia, and settled there, leaving two children, Samuel and Elizabeth, in New Jersey. SAMUEL WHITAKER, (son of Eliphalet,) was born 26th November, 1756, and died 6th June, 1818, aged 614 yrs. He married, 2d March, 1783, Mary, a widow, ami daughter of John Rivers. She was born 15ih March, 1754, and died 2d 0(;tober, 1825, aged 71^ years ; they had children : f 1 . Mary, born 20th Dec. 1784, and married, 24th Dec. o 1R04. John Tavlor. ^ 2. Benjamin, born 16th Februarv, 1787, and died 27th Oct 1827. JONATHAN WHITAKER. 467 3. Samuel, born 11th June, 1789, and died I6th May, 1818. 4. Phebe, bom 9tli July. 1792, and died 22d April, 1810. 5. Elisha, born 2 1st February, 1795, married, 28ih April, 1824, Anne M. Finley, daughter ot Alexander, of Basking Ridge ; she was born i4th December, 1799, and died 2d Octo- ber,°1842. MARY WHITAKER, (daughter of Samuel,) and John Taylor live! in New York, and had children: =. 1. Mary Antoinette Taylor, born 10th March, 180G, and ? married Jabez Ha vs. ° 2. Abigail Amelia Taylor, born 7th October, 1808, and married Mr. Chandler. 3. Samuel Taylor, born lOtn August, 1811, and married Harriet Jackson. 4. Phebe Taylor, born 5th September, 1813, and died loth August, 1815. 5. Horace Taylor, born I3th November, 1815 ; married, and soon died. G. Phebe Taylor, born 21st November, 1818. 7. George Edwin Taylor, born 25th August, 1821, and married Martha Durkin. 8. John Romeyn Taylor, born 27th December, 1824. 9. Susan Taylor, born 4th November, 1827, and died young. ELTSHA WHITAKER, (son of Samuel,) and Anne M. Finley lived in Newark, and had children: 1. Phebe Amelia, born 24th March, 1826, and died I4th Aprd, 1846. 2. Samuel Elisha, born 12th February, 1831. 3. Alexander Fmley, born 10th May, 1832, and died 13th April, 1833. 4. Alexander Finley, born 6th June, 1834. 5. Mary Anne, born 7th June, 1840. 6. Elisha Samuel, born 23d January, 1842, and died 10th October, 1842. Elisha Whitaker married for his 2d wife, 12th June, IS'14, Eliza M. Kinsey, widow of Jonathan Kinsey, of Philadelphia, and daughter of Nathaniel Manning; she was born 14th Feb- ruary, 1808. ELIZABETH WHITAKER, (dausrhter of Eliphalet,) married William Roy, son of ,Judge John Roy, ol Basking Ridgo, ;ind had children : iT Hannah Roy, who married Aaron Hand, son of Jona- than ; she died 21st January, 1850. [-See Hand.] 2. William Roy, Jan. married Deborah Whitaker, daugh- 468 JONATHAN WHITAKER. ter of Stephen, son of Jonathan Whitaker, Jun. ; he lived in Yates county, New York. William Roy, Sen. died, and his widow Elizabeth married Richard Hall, son of John Hall. [See John Hall.'] ELIZABETH WHITAKER, (daughter of Jonathan Whitaker, Sen.) married Stephen Ogden, of Basking Ridge, lived where Patrick Matthews now does, and had children : g 1. Jonathan Ogden, who lived near Morristown, was « judge of the court. 2. Nathaniel Ogden. 3. Isaac Ogden was a physician, lived at Germantown, Hunterdon county, New Jersey, and had a son Oliver Wayne Ogden, who was several years Marshall of the state of New Jersey. 4. Sally Ogden, who married John Gaston, father of Jo- seph Gaston, of Pluckwnin, who was the father of John Gas- ton and William B. Gaston, Esqs. of Somerville. MARY WHITAKER, (daughter of Jonathan Whitaker, Sen.) married, 1st, Samuel Brown; 2d, Ebenezer White, and removed to Long Island. Mrs. White, after the death of her husband, returned to Basking Ridge, and lived in the house where General Lee was taken prisoner, in the revolutionary war. She had a daugh- ter, Susan White, who married her cousin, Stephen Whitaker, eldest son of Jonathan Whitaker, Jun. and had an only daugh- ter, Susan Whitaker, who married Alexander Finley. [See Finley.] JONATHAN WHITAKER, JUN. ^gg JONATHAN "WHITAKER JUN. JONATHAN WHITAKER, Jun. (son of Jonathan,) and Mary Miller lived on part of the 407 acres of land "purchas- ed of his father, on Mine Brook, and had children : " 1. Stephen, who married, 1st, his cousin, Susan White, f daughter of Ebenezer White ; she died 1st September, 1773 ; 2d, Ruth Conklin, daughter of Stephen Conklin, who was born in Sutlolk county, Long Island, 22d December, 1753, and died in Somerset county, N. J. 21st October, 1797. 2. Phebe married Rev. Francis Peppard, and lived in Sussex. [See Peppard.^ 3. Polly, who died iOth February, 1822, aged 6S years, unmarried. 4. Sally married Moses Allen, removed to Crawford county, Pennsylvania, 18 miles west of Meadville, and had children: 1. Stephen Whitaker Allen; 2. Jeremy Allen. 5. Rebecca, born 10th May, 1754, married William Conk- lin, Esq. son of Stephen. Mr. Conklin was an elder in the Presbyterian church at Basking Ridge. [See Conklin.] 6. Jonathan 3d married Mary Mitchel, had 13 children, and removed to Warren county, Ohio, about 1800. 7. Nathaniel, born June, 1758, and married, June, 1787, Hannah Drake, daughter of John Drake, of Mendham, and had a daughter, Sally, who married Garret Voorliies, Esq. His wife Hannah died December, 1734, and he married, 2d, Ruth Haines, daughter of Samuel Haines, near Vealtown, and had a daughter, Hannah, who married Nicholas Arrowsmith, Jun. Esq. Nathaniel Whitaker died 27th October, 1841, and his widow Ruth died 10th November, 1844. Jonathan Whitaker, Jun. died 1785, aged 73 years. STEPHEN WHITAKER, (1st child of Jonathan Whita- ker, Jun ,) was born lOth January, 1747, and died 4th Novem- ber, 1827. He and Susan White had a daughter, Susan, who married Alexander Finley. And by his 2d wife, Ruth Conklin, had children : 2. Jonathan, who married Mary Bailey, daughter of Thad- ^ deus Bailey, of Sussex county ; and lives in Yates county, g 'New York. 3. Mary married Moses Hall, son of John, son of Richard Hall. [See Hall.] 4. Deborah married William Roy, Jun., son of William, son of John Roy, and lived in Yates county, New York. Mr. Roy was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. She died 20th July, 1851. ^YO JONATHAN WHITAKER, JUN. 5. Stephen, born 2lst July, 1784, and married Mary Hall, sister of Mosps Hall, lives at Cleveland, Ohio ; he was an El- der and Deacon in the Presbyterian (church there. 6. Rutli married, 1st, Ephraim Mallory, and had a son, John Mallory ; 2d, Jacob Vandeventer, son of Jacob, of Pea- pack, lived in Yates county. New York. She died 16th Oct. 1850, of cancer ia the breast. 7. isaiic married Acsah Cyushman, of Benton, Yates Co., and went to Michigan. 8. Phebe marrieil Moses Hall, after the death of her sister Mary, and has no children. 9. An::e married Jonathan A. Hall, son of Jonathan, and nephew of Moses, and lives near Penn Yan, New York. Mr. Hall died 24tli January, 1852. [See Hall.] Stephen Whitaker's 2d wife, Ruth, died, and he married, 3d, Polly, the widow of John Cross ; she died, and he married, 4th, Agnes (Van Court,) the widow of Daniel Potter ; [See Fitter.'] she was sister of Hannah Van Court, who married Daniel Lacy, son of David Lacy. [Sec Lacy'] His 4th wife A2:iies died in Benton, Yates county, New York, 29th July, 1837. JONATHAN WHITAKER, (2d child of Stephen, son of Jonathan, Jun.,) and Mary Bailey, live in Yates county. N. Y. He was an Elder and an efficient member of the Presbyte- rian Church at Benton ; he was born 24th January, 1780 ; she was born 27th August, 1784. They had children : & 1. Squier Bailey, born 29th May, 1807, and married, 1st, I Mary Amsbury, daughter of Steplien ; 2d, in 1832, Lydia C. Amsbury, sister of his first wife ; she died in childbed, with her first child, 24th January, 1852, leaving an infant son. 2. Stephen Madison, boiii 3d June, 18U9, and married Mary Anne Gage, daughter of Martin Gage, of Bellona, and is a merchant there. They had children : 1. Ephraim Seward ; 2 George Homer ; 3 Mary Vir- ginia ; 4. Stephen Eddy. 3. Alexander Fiiiley, born 7th August. 1811, married, 20th June, 1843, Louisa P. Torrence, daughter of Richard Tor- rence. He is a Major General of Militia, and a farmer. They had clVildren : 1. Hellen Lucinda, born I7th March, 1845. 2. Charles, who died 25th February, 1850, aged 3 months and 19 days. 3. Melville Torrence, born 26th Apjil, 1851. 4. William Harlow, born 16th Aug. 1813, married Anne Eliza Mc Dowel, daughter of Jonathan, and had children: 1. William Henry ; 2. Jonathan ; 3 Augustus ; 4. Ma- rietta ; 5. Francis ; 6. Alice Aurelia ; and a daughter. JONATHAN WIIITAKER, JUX. 471 5. Ephi-aim Mallory, born 27th August, 1816, married 12th September, 1844, Eliza W. B;\tes, live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a merchant there, and has children: Grenville Adolbert, born 23d November, 1846, and Herbert Belletti, born October 6th, 1850. 6. Ruth Ann, born 15th November, 1818. 7. Marietta, born 21st December, 1820. 8. George W., born 27th November, 1823, and died at 20 months old. MARY WHITAKER, (3d child of Stephen, son of Jona- than Whitaker, Jan.,) and Moses Hall, lived at Geneva, and had children : g 1. Jane Hall, born 25th April, 1809, and married John J Humphry ; live in Michigan. ° 2. Fhebe Hall, born 5th November, 1810, married Nelson Rowley ; live in Michigan. 3. Rachel Hall, born 7th November, 1812. 4. Stephen Whitaker Hall, born 5th August, 1815, marri- ed Nancy Graham, and live at Williamsport, Pennsylvania. 5. Henry Axtel Hall, born 9th February, 1817, married Susan C. Babcock; live in Geneva. 6. Mary Hall, born 9th March, 1820, married 30th Septem- ber, 1847, the Rev. John Jermain Poiter, ofGeneva. 7. Hetty Hall, born 18th September, 1823, married Chaun- cey B. Ackley ; live in Geneva. DEBORAH WHITAKER, (4th child of Stephen, son of Jonathan Whitaker, Jun ,) and William Roy, had children : 1. Cliarles Roy, who married Elizabeth Tracy, and had children : 1. William Tracy Roy ; 2. Chester Roy. 2. Eliza Roy, who married Doctor Joel H. Ross, and live in New York. DEACON STEPHEN WHITAKER, (5th child of Ste- phen, son ol Jonathan Whitcdier, Jun.,) and Mary Hall, had childien : 1. John Hall Whitaker, born 6th May, 1813, and married Francis Elvina Grosvenor, daughter of Vine Gro&venor, of Pittsficld, Mass ; live at Toledo, Ohio ; is an iron monger. His wife died 2d September, 1849, aged 32 years, and lelt one child, Charles Henry, born 5lh September, 1846- 2. Charles, born l3th March, 1817, and married, 1st Novem- ber, 1851, Susan Littell, daughter of John Littell.Esq., son of Nathaniel, ot New Providence, Essex county. New Jersey. [See Nathaniel Littell. son of David.] 3. Mary Catherine, born I3th January, 1820. 472 JONATHAN WHITAKER, JUN. 4. Stephen Coiiklin , died suddenly of erysipe- las, November, 15th 1851, after 4 days illness. 5. Henry Axtel, who died at 5 years. 6. William Henry. 7. Helen Elizabeth, who died at 11 months. RUTH WHITAKER, (6th child of Stephen, son of Jona- than Whitaker, Jun.,) and Ephraim Mallory, lived in Yates county, New York. Note. — Ephraim Mallory was son of Meredith Mallory and Mary Barnum, of Connecticut ; they had three children : 1. John ; 2. Meredith ; and 3. Ephraim Mallory. Ruth Whitaker and Ephraim Mallory, had children: &■ 1. John Mallory, who married Mary Lacy, daughter of f Silas Lacy, son of Daniel Lacy [See Lacyl and Hannah Van Court, sister of Agnes Van Court, widow of Daniel Pot- ter, [See Potter^ the 4th wife of Stephen Whitaker, son of Jo- nathan, Jun. John Mallory had an only daughter, Ruth Anne, born March, 1845. 2. Deborah Mallory, born 9th November, 1811, who mar- ried Milton Curtis, son of Tracy Curtis, and had a son, Charles Curtis, born 28th Novdmber, 1833. Mr, Curtis died I7th October, 1839. Ephraim Mallory died 1813, and his widow, Ruth, married Jacob Vandeventer, son of Jacob, of Peapack, and had chil- dren : 3. William Vandeventer, born 1819, who married Eliza- beth Derry, daughter of John Derry, near Penn Yan, and had children : 1. Edward; 2. John Jacob ; 3. Frank Der- ry Vandeventer. 4. Mary Vandeventer, born 9th November, 1820, married Doctor William Breck, born l4th November, 1818, son of Joseph Breck, and live at Springfield, Mass. and have a son, Theodore Frelinghuysen Breck. 5. Stephen Vandeventer, born 7th February, 1823, married Anne Eliza Andrews, daughter of Doctor Jerry Andrews, and have a son, William Bryant Vandeventer, born 7th De- cember, 1843. 6. Elizabeth, who died in 1829, aged 1 1 months. ISAAC WHITAKER, (7th child of Stephen, son of Jona- than, Jun,,) and Acsah Cushman, removed to Michigan. He was born 16th January, 1792; she was born Uth July, 1796. They had children : 1. Charles, born 16th November, 1818, married Laura Beach, 2()th December, 1843, daughter of William Beach, and had chiildren: 1. Finley Beach, born 2d December, 1846. 2. Caroline Fidelia, born 8th May, 1849. JONATHAN WHITAKER, JUN. 473 2. Stephen Deming, born 12th December, 1820, and mar- ried, 5th October, 1845, Caroline Kellogg, daughter of Judge Kellogg, of Sharon, Conn, and have a daughter, Adeline Matilda, born lOth August, 1848. 3. Phebe Caroline, born 24th December, 1824. 4. Isaac Milton, born 2d May, 1826. 5. Matilda Jane, born 19th July, 1828. 6. Sabrina, born 28th September, 1831, and died 15th June, 1836. 7. Byron Cushman, born Uth May, 1835. PHEBE WHITAKER, (2d child of Jonathan Whitaker, Jan.,) and the Rev. Francis Peppard, lived in Sussex, and had children : 1. Phebe Peppard, who died in childhood. 2. Jonathan Peppard removed to Wheeling, Virginia, and from thence to Worcester, Ohio, and rendered much assis- tance in the establishment of the church in that new settle- ment. He had a numerous family. 3. Phebe Peppard 2d married John Caruthers, Esq., of Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, and had one daughter and six sons. She died about 1847, ajjed 80 years. 4. Elizabeth Peppard married Lewis Kerr, son of Joseph, and lived in Brook county, Virginia. She died about 1820, aged about 53 years. Lewis Kerr was many years an Elder in the Presbyterian church. 5. Nathaniel Peppard married Peggy Green, or Miss Free- man, and had a numerous family, living in Indianapolis. He has been many years a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian church. 6. Sarah Peppard married Aaron Kerr, brother of Lewis, about the year 1800 ; they were both born in 1777 ; he was elected at the age of 22 years an Elder in the Presbyterian church, at Hardwich, Sussex county. New Jersey, and about the same time elected to a seat in the Legislature of New Jersey. He subsequently removed to Washington county, Pennsylvania, and continued to serve his country and the church in a public capacity. 7. Rebecca Peppard. 8. Isaac Peppard, who died in youth. After the death of the Rev. Francis Peppard, his widow removed with her son-in-law, Aaron Kerr, to Pennsylvania, about 1810. She died at about 80 years of age, in the tri- umphs of the gospel. ELIZABETH PEPPARD and Lewis Kerr removed to Washington county, Penn. about 1808, and had children : 1. Phebe Kerr, who married Doct. John Todd, from New 474 JONATAIIAN WHITAKER, JUN. -' York, and had one son, John Todd. Doct. Todd died, and his widow Phebe married Doct. ('ebar. She died about 1846. 2. L)dia Kerr married William Gordon, of Western Penn- sylvania, and had? chililren, viz. Hampton, Amanda, James, and others. 3. Isaac Kerr married Miss Thompson, daughter of Wil- liam, and had children, William, Amanda, Lydia, and two others. 4. Elsie Kerr married James Carson, of Brook county, Virginia, and had children, Harriet, Sarah, William, James, and others. Mr. Lewis Kerr married, 2d, Sarah Dawson, and had other children, NATHANIEL PEPPARD and his wife had children : 1. Elizabeth married Mr. Landis, and had a daughter, Mary, who mairied the Rev. Lawrence G. Hay, of the Allahabad mission, in Nortliern India. 2. Mary married Mr. Morris, and lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. 3. Hampton ; 4. Phebe married , in Indianapol's. 5. James married . in Indianapolis. 6. Margaret marriedMr. Demoss; lives in Indianapolis. 7. Joseph married ; lives in New Orleans. 8. Phebe married Mr. Beabitt ; she is now a widow. SARAH PEPPARD and Aaron Kerr had children: L Susan Kerr, who married Doct. Samuel Todd, brother of Doct. John Todd, and had children : 1. Harton Todd, who married , and lives in Washington county, Pennsylvania. 2. Jane Todd. 3. Stephen Todd married, , and 'lives in Mo- nongahela ('ity. 4. Andrew Oliphant Todd is a Presbyterian minister; settled in Ohio. He married, 1851, . 5. John Milton Todd; 6. Elizabeth Todd; 7. Hamilton Todd ; 8. Samuel Erskine Todd. Doct. Todd died, and his widow, Susan, married Mr. Apple- gate, near Monongahela City. 2. Francis P. Kerr, was a physician ; married Jane Flem- ing, daughter of Daniel. He died in 1825, aged 25 years, leaving children, Daniel and Francis. 3. Elizabeth Green Kerr married Joseph Fleming, brother of Jane, and had children: I.Kerr Fleming; 2. Alexander Flemini^ ; 3. Susan Fleming; 4. Hampton Fleming; 5 Amanda Fleming ; 6. Joseph Fleming ; 7. Hervy Fleming. 4. Joseph Kerr, born 5th Feb. 1806, is a Presbyterian min- ister; was ordained in 1833, and soon went as a missionary JONATHAN WHITAKER, JUN. 475 to the Indians, west of Missouri, and subsequently settled in Poland, Oliio, near the west line of Pennsylvania. He mar- ried Mary Anne ('aldwell, daughter of VVilHarn Caldwell, of Pittsburg, and had children: 1. E. Byington ; 2. Joseph Brai- nerd ; 3. Clarissa ; 4. Elliot ; 5. Walter Lowry ; 6. Anna Jane. 5. Phebe Kerr married James Hair, of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and have children : 1. Hamilton Hair, and others. 6. Hampton Kerr married Jane Lee, daughter of John Lee, of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and had children : 1. Lee Anne: 2. Aaron. 7. Amanda Kerr married, first, Rev. Joseph Reed, and had one child, Sarah Elizabeth Reed. Mr. Reed died, and she married, 2d, Henry Haman, of Pittsburg, and lives there. 8. Aaron Hervy Kerr is a Presbyterian minister in Ontario, Indiana; was licensed in 1847. He married, in 1S48, Eliza- beth Craig, daughter of the Hon. VV.-ilter Craig, of Penn. WalterKer, the ancestor of the Kerrs, betore named, was banished from Scotland, in the time of the persecution, and was permitted to remove to America. He came to N. Jersey, and settled in Freehold, in the year 1G85, and as a layman was eminently .useful in the establishment of the gospel in that region; his descendants have been blessed as usel'ul members of the church of Christ. He had a son, Samuel, who had two sons, Samuel and Joseph. Joseph had sons, Lewis and Aaron Kerr. Samuel had a son Jacob, who was a minister of the gospel, and Pastor for thirty years over two churches near Salsbury, Maryland, and died in 1795. Rev. Jacob Kerr had a son, Doct. Samuel Kerr, of Princt, Anne, Somerset county, Maryland, who had a son, iiev. Jacob W. E. Kerr, Pastor of the Presbyterian church at Deerfield, West Jersey Presbytry JONATHAN WHITAKER 3d, (Gth child of Jonathan, Jun.) and Mary Mitchel lived in Warren county, Ohio. He died July, 1810, aged 79 yenrs ; his widow died November, 1850, aged 87 years ; they had children : L Nathaniel, who married Nancy Hayden. 2. Abigail, who died young. 3. Jonathan M., who married, 1st, Jane Irvin ; 2d, Anne Mcliitire ; 3d, Polly Miller, daughter of John Miller, of Springdale ; he removed to Centrevilie, Indiana. 4. William, twin to Jonathan AL married Sarah Skinner, sister of Richard Skinner, who married Catherine Hurin, [see Hurin,'] and daughter of Daniel Skinner. 476 JONATHAN WHITAKER, JUN. 5. Sarah married David Reeder, son of Daniel, of Pleasant Ridge, and removed to Illinois, 6. Abigail married Daniel Skinner, son of Abraham, bro- ther of Daniel. 7. Benjamin married, 1st, Catherine Felter; 2d, Hannah Miller, sister of Jonathan's 3d wife, and has living children : 1. Jonathan, who married Nancy Cox. 2. Mary. 8. Stephen married Huldah Skinner, sister of Daniel, Abi- gail's husband ; lives near Mason, Hamilton county, Ohio. 9. James, born 22d October,! 798, married Mary Abbot, daughter of John ; he is a mason, lives in Huntsville, Ohio. 10. Polly Halsted married Joseph Runyon, of Lebanon, and had children, Courtland Runyon and Mary Runyon. JONATHAN M. WHITAKER and Jane Irvin, had children : " 1. James Irvin, who married Mary McCIure. 2. Mary Halsted married Alexander Morrow, son of Rich- ard. 3. Nancy Jane, who died at about 18 years. 4. William Mitchel married Sarah Jane McKannis, daugh- ter of Robert. 5. Sarah lives in Plqua. Jonathan M. Whitaker, bj Anne McTntire, had children : 6. David Newton, who died at about 23 years. 7. Martha died at about 13 years. 8. Jonathan Milton, born 2oth October, 1829, lives at Piqua. 9. Margaret Anne died at about one year. 10. Mary Jane lives at Reading. By his 3d wife, Polly Miller, he had no children. WILLIAM WHITAKER, (4th child of Jonathan 3d. 6th child of Jonathan, Jun.) and Sarah Skinner, had children: 1. Mary M. who married Daniel Morris, and went to Texas. 2. Jonathan Miller went to Texas, and married there, Cynthia Robins. 3. Martha Anne married David Enyart, son of David. 4. Sarah Skinner married Nelson Littleton, oi Middle- town. 5. Phebe Mills, twin to Sarah Skinner, married, 1st, Daniel Pauly : 2d, Ambrose Voorhies. 6 Isabel Skinner married Paulaski Whelan. 7. Amanda married Andrew May, Jun. lives in Indiana. 8. Rebecca Reeder ; 9. Richard. 10. William Pitt Skinner went to Texas. 11. Caroline JONATHAN WHITAKER, JUN. 477 JAMES WHITAKER. (9th child of Jonathan 3d,) and Mary Abbot lived at Huiitsville, and had children : 1. John, who married Hannah Jane Clit'ion ; live in Ross- ville, and had children : 1. Laura; 2. Clement. 2. Jonathan married, 1 st, Elizabeth Jaques, who had no chil- dren; 2d, Charlotte Harper, lived in Tennessee, and iiad children: 1. Austin; 2. Mary Anne. 3. Stephen married Sarah Irvin ; live in Butler county, Ohio. 4. Joseph married Emily Jones ; live about 40 miles west of Hamilton, Ohio, in Indiana. 5. Benjamin ; 6. Ichabod ; 7. James. 8. Albert, born 10th June, 1842. Note. — The widow Mitchel, mother of Jonathan Whit- aker's wife, Mary Mitchel, married William Conklin, Sen. as his 2d wife. NATHANIEL WHITAKER, (7th child of Jonathan Whitaker, Jun.,) and Hannah Drake had one daughter, Sally, who married Garret Voorhies, Esq. ; lives where her father did, and had children : 1. John Voorhies, born 14th June, 1817. 2. Matilda Voorhies married, 8th Jan. 1851, Charles Barker, an Englishman. She died in childbed, Sept. 28th 1851; had twins, born 21st Sept. and both died before her. 3. Anne Voorhies married, Dec. 1849, William Heath, son of Robert. 4. Hannah Voorhies married, 28th Oct. 1847, James Garritson Kline, son of John, son of David Kline, of Redding- ton, Somerset county, and had a daughter, Dorothy Kline, born 17th Nov. 1849. 5. Ellen Voorhies ; 6. Garret Voorhies. 7. Nathaniel Whitaker Voorhies. 8. Samuel Scott Voorhies ; 9. Mary Voorhies. 10. Ruth Elizabeth Voorhies ; 11. Ralph Voorhies. Nathaniel Whitaker, by his 2d wife, Ruth Haines, had but one daughter, Hannah, who married Nicholas Arrowsmith, Jun. Esq. son of Nicholas, Esq. of Peapack, and had children : 1. Theodore Arrowsmith. 2. Elizabeth Barnet Arrowsmith, who married Charles Dayton, of New Brunswick, merchant, son of Jesse Dayton, of Fort Plain, and had children : 1. Mary Elizabeth Dayton; 2. Anna Whitaker Dayton; 3, Emma Dayton ; 4. Charles Meredith Dayton ; 5. Frances Salina Dayton; 6. James Dayton. 3. Henrietta Arrowsmith, who married, 22d November, 1848, Doctor Alexander N. Dougherty, of Newark, and had a son, Alexander Dougherty. 478 JOHN WILLIAMS. JOHN "WILLIAMS. JOHN WILLIAMS, brother of Samuel, lives in West- field, and had children : „ 1. Noah, who married Betsey Marsh, daughter of Joshua, o of Westfield. He died 3d Jan. 1824, aged 73 years. ? 2. John, Jun., who diedun married. 3. Cornelius married Betsey Reddin,of Westfield ; lived in New York several years, and removed to New Providence, where he died 28th Aug. 1828, aged IG years. His wife died 2d Nov. 1818, aged 55 years, and lelt no children. 4. Henry mairied Betsey Scudder. 5. Squier married N:incy Williams, daughter of Henry. C. Smith married Beti-ev Hetliek), daughter of Deacon Hetfield, of Westfield. 7. David married, 3d Aug. 17S8, Hannah Marsh. 8. Lewis married Chloe Campbell. 9. Ezekiel married ; lived and died in N.York. 10. Abner went to the South, and died unmarried. NOAH WILLIAMS, (1st son of John,) came from West- field, and purchased the farm now owned by Edward Price, on the noith side of Long Hill, and died 3d January, 1824, age 73 years He and Betsey Marsh had children : M 1. Ezia, who married Margaret Faitout, and for several o years kept a tavern and store in the village of New Provi- ^ dence. His wife Maigaret died, and he married, 2d, Hetty Totten, daughter of Jonathan Totten, and removed to New York, and is there a shoe maker ; he has had no children. 2. Noah, who married Polly Pool, daughter of John Pool. 3. Rachel, who married, 1st, David Cole, of Westfield, had a son, John (yole ; when Mr. Cole died, and she married Ellis Noe, son of John, and had children: 1. Hester Noe ; 2. Eliza: 3 Isaac Noe; 4. Daniel W. Noe; 5. David Noe. [-See Ellis Noe.] 4. Daniel, who died in New York. 5. Abigail, who married William High, son of Jacob. [See High.-] 6. Abner married Deborah Hand, daughter of Robert Hand ; live in Morristown, and had children : 1. Frances. & 2. Maria h, who married William Crowel, of "New York, g and lives there. 3. David, who married ; 4. Robert. 5. Margaret married Caleb Conklin, son of John John- son Conklin, of Spring Valley. 6. Alfred married Elizabeth Wilson, of Morristown, and lives there. 7. Abner Williams, Jun. ; 8. Harriet; 9. Alvira. 10. Charles; U.Catherine. SAMUEL WILLIAMS. 479 SAMUEL WILLIAMS. SAMUEL WILLIAMS, (brother of John.) Hved at Wil- liams' Farms, between Westfield and Eli/;ibethtovvn. He had three wives, and seventeen children; some of his chil- dren weie, Joel, Samuel, Jedediah, David, Moses, Na- thaniel, John, Polly, and another daughter, who married Jacob Searing. Moses married Sally Miller, daughter of Moses Miller, of Westfield. JOHN WILLIAMS, (son of Samuel) came up and bought the farm of .lohn Roll, on ihe north side of Long ilill ; he was born lOlh August, 1768, and died 25th February, 1839, aged 70^ years. He married Anna Spinning, who was born 2d September, 177J, and died 6th March, 1828; they bad chil- dren : 1. Anna Spinning, born 10th November, 1792; married, 3d December, 1808, John Hand, son of Benjamin, of Long Hill. 2. Ebenezer Spinning, born 2Sth October, 1794, and mar- ried, 17th March, 1819, 1st, Sarah Carle; 2d, Lydia Carle, daughters of Jonas Cnrle. 3. Mariah, born 11th December, 179G, married, lOih Jan. 1816, John W. Stiles, son oi Daniel Stiles, of Elizabcthtown, and live there. 4. Phebe S. born 12th January. 1800; married, 24th Feb. 1825, Moses M. Crane, son of Nathaniel Crane, of Llizabeth- town, and live there. 5. Stiles, born 19th August, 1802, married Annetta Rogers, dau;xhter of Dr. John Rogers, the widow of Mr. VanVVag- ener, of Luzerne county. Pennsylvania; has no children. Lockey, horn 23d December, 1804. married, 23d March, 1826, Cornelius Winnie, son of Martin Winnie, and had 5 chU- dren, who all died young, and then she died. 7. Llias Rigus, born 2d July, 1807. married lOth February, 1832, Mary Vandervoort, daughter of Paul Vanflervoort, of Lamington ; he lives where his father did. 8. Eliza Ellen, born 25th February, 1810, and married the above named ('ornelius Winnie. 9. Harriet Edney. born 9th October, 1812, and married Jacob G. White, of New Vernon. ANNA S. WH LIAMS, (daughter of John, son of Sam- uel) and John Hand had children: 1. Siiles Williams Hand, who married Mary Anne Boyle. 2. John Eden Hand. 480 SAMUEL WIfeLIAMS. 3. Anna Mariah Hand married Hervy Frost, of Green Village, and went to Ohio. 4. Harriet Hand went to Ohio, and married. 5. Emma Hand went to Ohio, and married. . EBENEZER S. WILLIAMS, (son of John,) and Sarah Carle, had children : 1. Daniel Carle ; 2. Theodore ; 3. Sarah Anne. . He had no children by his 2d wife Lydia. MARIAH WILLIAMS, (daughter of John,) and John W. Stiles had children : 1. David W. Si;ies ; 2. Henrietta Stiles; 3. Eliza Ellen Stiles; 4. Ebenezer Stiles ; 5. Harriet W. Stiles ; 6, Lockey Anne Stiles. PHEBE S. WILLIAMS, (daughter of John.) and Moses M. Crane had children; \. Elias Spencer Crane, who died at 14 years. 2. Anna W. Crane, who married Abraham Miller, of Union ; 3. Jane Crane ; 4. John Williams Crane. 5. Charles Crane. ELIAS R. WILLIAMS, (son of John,) and Mary Vander- voort, had children : 1. John; 2. Paul Vandervoort ; 3. Elias Edwin; 4. Mary Anne. ELIZA ELLEN WILLIAMS, (daughter of John,) and Cornelius Winnie lives on the Sterling farm, and had chil- dren : 1. Jane Winnie; 2. Henry Winnie; 3. Spencer Winnie; 4. Anna Winnie ; 5. Rachel Winnie ; 6. Harriet Annetta Winnie. HARRIET EDNEY, WILLIAMS, (daughter of John,) and Jacob G. White had children : 1. Theodore White; 2. Eliza Ellen White; 3. William White, who died at 5 years; 4. Benjamin Franklin White; 5. A son. PETER WILLCOCKSE. 4Sl PETER WILLCOCKSE. PETER WILLCOCKSE cnme from Englaiul, and settled between the mountains, on a hill known ti.> tins day as ''I'tier's Hill," on the noitti .side uf Blue Brouk, a little above Feltville, 0th January, 173(»,-7. Ti.ere was surveyed to him ihe!e. by Joseph Morss, surveyor lor the "Eliz ibethtown Associates" 424 acres of jind, lying along t e east branch orGreen Brook, called Bine Brook ; Feltville is situated on this tract. The Rev. Mr. Muntin.'. in his history of the Parish of West- fieid says that ''this Parish was settled about I he } ear 1720, by the Eni^lish, and that James Badgley anu Peter VViJKox located on the mountain before any persons settled below, be- cause it abounded in heavy timbe ." Peter Willcockse marrie.i Phebe Badgley, sister of James and John Bad ij^ley. lately from Long Island, and had children: g \. I'eter Willcox. Jun. who married Betsey Miller. ? 2. William, who married, 1st, Miss Howel : 2d, Betsey Hole, sister of Charles Hole. ^ 'S. John married Massy Ross ; he died 22d November, 1776, ai^ed 49 years. 4. Stephen married Polly Carter, and lived near Eliza' eth- town. 5. Sarah married Joseph Allen, Jun. of Washington Va^ey. \_S;e Allen. ] PETER WILLCOX, Jun. and Betsey Miller, had chil- dren : £ 1. David, who died young. I 2. Noah, who married his cousin, Rachel Willcox, dau"-h- ter of William. 3. Betsey married Benjami i Stites, son of William. [See StU(^s ] 4. Hannah married, 5th December, 1764, John Fra : e, son of Joseph. 5. Sibera married her cousin, Ephriam Miller, of West- field 6. Polly man led Benjimin He Iges, son of Uriah. Jun. 7. Joaiiaa married Be:ijainin Lyon, sail of Peter, [sec Ly n. NOAH WILLCOX, (2d son of Peter, Jun) and Rachel Willcox, had children : ^ 1. David, who married Polly Hedges, daughter of Gilbert, n and had no c.liiidrrn " 2. Willi iin married Betsey Raldin, daughter of J(>r> ly 3. Joanna, born loth l-'ebruiry, 1783, and married, 1st Reuben Frazee ; 2d, Edward Page, G2 482 PETER WILI.COCKSE. 4. Cornelius marrie I Abby Corwin, (lauii;htcr of Steplu-n. 5. Betty married Ahijah BudL'ley, son of Jonaihan. [See Balghy.'] (■). Noah, Jun. married Lockey Leonard, daui^hter of John. WILLIAM WILLCOX, (2d son of Noah,) and Betsey Raddin. had chiUlrcn : w 1. Fanny, who married Benjamin Parsons, son of Jacob n Searing Parsons. P 2. Nancy married William Littell, son of Henry, son of Jonathan Littell. \_See iitle/l'\ 3. Charlotte, who died in inlancy. JOANNA WILLCOX, (3J child of Noah.) and Reuben Frazee had children : 1. Lockey Fiazee, who had a son, Robert Dunlap, who married Joanna Whittlesey, of Plainfield. 2. Al)by Fr;izee married Jeremy iiadilin. son of William. 3. Eliza Frazee. who died at alioiit 7 years. 4. William Frazee married Margaret Roseboam, daugh- ter of Garret Koseboam. ol IMaiiihed. 5. Jane Frazee married Merlon Osborn, of Clinton. 6. John Frazee, who died at about one year. 7. Mary Fj-azee died at about 7 yeais. 8. John Frazee married Jane , of Long Island; lives in Newark. 9. Andrew J. Frazee, who died in infancy. CORNELIUS WILLCOX, (4th child of Noah,) and ALby Corwin, had children : 1. Harriet, who married Sears Hetfield. 2. Isaac married Sarah Dunham, daughter of Samuel, of Liberty Corner. 3. Ezra married Sarah Baker, of Elizabethtown. 4. Amos married Hann;ihRino, daughter of Charles. 5. Mary married Edward Darcy Pennington, son of Wil- liam, ol Dead River. 6. Aaron ; 7. Anne. BETSEY WILLCOX, (5th child of Noah,) and Ahijah Badgley had children : L Mary Badgley, who married Carlisle Miller. 2. Eliza Badgley married Erastus Miller, brother of Carlisle. 3. Noah Badi^Hey. NOAH WILLCOX, Jun, (6lh child of Noah,) and Lociicy Leonard, hud childi en: PETER WIfJ.COCKSE. 4(53 1. Elizii, who married Absalom Martin Mofletl, and had children: I. Bryan Moffjlt ; 2, Caroline MofTell ; 3. Mary Mortbtt; 4 John Moffelt ; 5. Lavisa MolFelt ; G. h^mma Mortelt. 2. Phebe married Byrani Darlin, son of William, and had children: 1. .lohn D.ulin ; 2. Susan Darlin ; 3. Rachel Dar- lin : 4. ('larence Darlin. 3. Ch:irIoUe married Dennis Moffett, son of Absalom Mof- felt. and had children ; 1. l<2hzabeih MoffeU; 2. Albert Mof- lett; 3. Harriet M'ffett; 4. Henry Moffett. 4. Hervy. 5. ('aroline married Samuel Ball, son of David, of Union, and had children: 1. Emma Ball, and others. 0. John; 7. Albert; 8. Noah, 3d. 9. Mary Anne. 10. Amanda. WIIXTAM WILLCOX, (2d child of Peter Willcockse,) and Miss Howel had children: " 1. William, Jan., who married, 13th Sept. 1767, Phebe l Osborn. 2. Levi married. ISth May, 1783, Hester Valentine, dautrh- ter Obadiah. He died 2d March, 184 :rhe di( d 7ihJune 1833. 3. Benjamin married Mary Mills^ of Westfield. 4. Cornelius, who died unmarried. 5. Sabera married, Uth Aug. 1770, David Broad well, o j Rah way 6 I'dizabeth n>arried, 20th Jan. 17G7, James Hall. 7. Polly, who died young. 8. Phebe married, 3d May, 1770, Joseph Jennings, west of Mount Be:he'. 9. Lucrelia marric I Jeremy Raddin. [See Ro'hlir..'] 10. Sarah married, 3 )th May, 177G, David FnMich. [See Frem h.'] 11. Rachel married her cousin Noah Willcox. [See Noah WiUct.x.] LEVI WILLCOX, (son of William,) and Esther Valen- tinu had children : ^ 1. Mary, who married, 1st, Anthony Doty, son of Joseph o Doiy 3d :" 2d, Joscj-'h Wilson, brothi-r of Jacob Wilson, of " Morrist )\vn 2. Rachel married William Van Blarcum. of Paterson, and lives there. 3 Jonathan Mulfird married Sally Tucker, daughter of Moses. She died 24th August,- 184'J. 4. Levi, Juii. married, 1st, Huldah Crane, daughter of John Crane, and removed to Covington, Indiana. He mar- ried, 2d, in hidiana, Clarissa Norris. 4Q4 PETER WILLCOCKSE. ALVRY VV I LLCOX, (daughter ofL evi, ) and Anthony- Doty liiid 9; 1.' Betsey, who married John W. Hand, son of Nehemiah, n and h.id no children. a By Josepli VV ilsun, she had children: 2. Robert Turner, who married, Ist, Mary Wood, daugh- ter of Daniel S. Wood, Jun. ; 2d Harriet Brookiield, daughter of Job Brookfield, Esq., of Morristown. He is a marble cutter, and a Justice ol (he Peace, and Judge of the comt. 3. Rachel, who married William Boylan, of Newark. JONATHAN M. WILLCOX, (son of Levi.) and Sally. Tucker had children : 1. John 'I'ucker, burn iGtli Nov. 1814, and married. IGth May, 1S4S, Harriet Littell, daughter of John l.iitell, Esq., and h id one child : 1 • George, born 21st Nov. 1819. 2. Silas married Sarah Anne Drake, daught* r of Jonathan, and had children : 1. Sarah Anne; 2. Jonathan M. 3. Hetty is unmarried. LEVI WILLCOX, Jun., (son of Levi,) and Huldah Crane had children : 1. David Bnrtine, who died at about 20 years. 2. Annar married, 1st, ; 2d, Mr. Atixinson 3. Elias Crane married, 8th Feb. 1849, Rachel V. Fidd. 4. Or[)ha, wiio died at about 14 years. 5. Alhert; 6. Francis; 7. Mul:ord; 8. John; 9. Mary. BENJAMIN WILLCOX, (3d son of William,) and Mary Mills had children . I 1. Benjamin, Jun., who married, 1st, Sally the widow of S? Moses F. Budgley, and daughter of Nathan Wilkison. 2. Eliza, who married Benjamin Cory, son of George, and died without children. 3. Mary, who died young. BENJAMIN WILLCOX, (son of Benjamin, son of Wil- liam,) and Sally Wilkison had chddrcn: I 1. Joseph, who married Phebe Bailey, daughter of John, ^ son of Samuel, of Springfield. " 2. Squier married Maryetta Littell, daughter of Thomas T. Littell, and had children : 1. Anne Elizabeth ; 2. Sarah. 3. Susan married Isaac Brant, son of James oi Rahway. 4. Marcus; 5. John; 0. David ; 7. Sarah Aiine. Sally, the wife of Benjamin Wilcox. Juii. then died, and he married, 2d, Nancy Littell, daughter ol John, of iMai tinville, who was son of JNathaniel Littell, Jun., son of Nathaniel, son PETER WILLCOCKSE. 485 of S imuel Litteli. and had children : 8. Mary E izabe.h ; 9. Mercy; 10 Benjainia; 11. James; 12. George. PII1=:BE W I LLCOX, (daughter of Wilham,) and Joseph Jenn'mg- had ctiildren: f 1. Polly Jennings. n 2. Henry Jennings, who married Snlly Mulford. and had " child en : I. Phebe Jennings; 2. Elizabetii Jennings ; 3. H-.mnah Jennings; 4. Mullord .Jennings. 3. llhoda Jennings, who married John Lacy, and had a child, Mary Lacy. JOHl\ WILLCOX. (3d ch'ld of Peter Willcockse,) and Massy Ross had children : g 1. John Wilicox, Jan., who marriefl Polly, the widow of ?' Isaac Line, and daughter of William Maxwell. jvjuXE. — She had a son, Isaac Line, by her first husband. 2. Isaa(j, who married Polly Dunham. 3. Peter 3d, who married . 4. Daniei married, 19th Oct. 1783. Deborah Mulford, daughter of E/.ekiel Mulford, bi other of Capt. J(.nathan Mul- for.L [N^e Mu/f '>?:/.] 5. Stephen, who died young. — ;. 6. Moses married I'olly Line, daughter of Joseph Line ;- lived in Midillese-x county, below New Brunswick. 7. Sarah married Ebenezer Lyon, son ol Peter. [See Li/( n] 8 Massy married Nathaniel Lyon, sun of I'eter. ISee Lyon.'] 9. Polly married Isaac Garthrite. JOHN WILLCOX, Jun., (son of John Wilicox,) and Polly Maxwell had children : fr 1. Abigail, who married, 2d July, 1795, Israel Brant. She o married. 2d, John Mi^rris, of Newark, and 3d, Daniel Magie, * of Elizabethtown, and harbt)ss, born (Uh June. 1831, daugh- er of Peter Torboss, of Union Village, and had children: 1. Mary Eliza, who died at 2 months; 2. Peter Torboss, born 9th June, 18o0. 490 APPEXDIX. APPENDIX. LEWIS BAKER. LEWIS BAKER, son of Daniel Bnker, of Wcstfiekl, married L^lizabclh Robis(ni; lived at Liuletown, Morris Co, and had children: 1. Cullierine, who married David Wheeler, and had a son, Lewis B. Wheeler. 2. Abigail married Stephen Younff, of xMalapardis, Morris county. 3. Sarah married Mahlon Johnson. 4. Daniel married • 5. Abraham married ; lived at Haverstraw, N. Y. and died about 1810, leaving children, Isaac and Jacob. 6. Mary niarried Jared Howe!, of Parcipany, Monis Co. and had chiMren: 1. Stephen Howel ; 2. Abraham Howe! ; 3. Eveline Howel; 4. Mary Hovvel; 5. Sebel Howel ; 6.. James Howel. 7. Jane married Mr. Tomkins, son of Uzel Tomkins, of New Vernon, and had children : 1. Uzel Tomkins : 2. ; 8. Sineus married Sally C'onklin, daughter of Isaac son of Stephen 1st. and had children: Sineus, Hariiet and Isaac Baker. [See page 87.] 9. Nathaniel Tnairied , and had children: Lewis and others. 10. Lewis marrierl , lived where his father did, and had two children. ABIGAIL BAKER, (2d child of Lewis) and Stephen Young, had children : 1. Ephi aim Young, who married Majy Dreimen; 2. Lliza Young; 3. Julia Young married Mr. Co^k ; lived at Dover. SARAH BAKER, (3d child of Lewis,) and Mahlon John- son, had children : 1. Jacob Johfison, who married Hetty Vail, daughter of Davis Vail. 2. (/Iiilion Johnson married Anne Woodiuff; live at Craw- fords vi He, Indiana. 3. Baker Johnson, born 23d Octolicr, 1803, and married Electa King, daujihter of the Rev. Barnabas King, oi Rocka- way ; he is a Presbyti rian minister of Sussex county, and has children: I. Susan H. Johnson; 2. Thomas S. Johnson; 3. Sarah E. Johnson; 4. William N. Johnson; 5. Barna- bas B. Jdhnson. 4. Allied Johnson married Sarah Baker, daughter of Jona- than, of Litlietown, and has childien : APPENDIX. 49 1 1. Marizaret Johnson; 2. Lucilla Johnson; 3. Ilervy Johnson; 4. Thomas Johnssn; 5. Mary Johnson. DAVID C BAKER, (Sec page 19.) DAVID C. BAKER, (son of Aaron P.nker, Esq.) and Sophia A^m C1cve, (lau;rhier nf Benjamin Van Cluvo, Esq. livt:d near Dayton, Ohio, and had children: 1. Mary Sopiiia 2. Chiia; 3. Charles, who died at 5 yrs. 4. David. And by his second wife, Sophia Sourby, David C. Baker had, 5. Harriet ; 6. Axia Gicen; 7. A; iron ; 8. Hannah ; 1). Mahala. jVom:. — Henjimin Van Cleve married, first, Mary Whiting, and had children : 1. John VV. Van Cleveborn 1800. 2. Henrietta Maria, who married Samuel Dover. 3. Mary married James Anihews. 4. William, who died at about 6 years. .5. Saraii Sophia, who married David C. P>aker, son of Aaron Baker. I^^q. Mr. Van Cleve married, for his second wife, Mary Tamplin. He was asm veyor and clerk of Montgomery comity, Ohio, and lived in Dayton. EZBKIEL BALL. (See pige 31.) EZEKIEL BALL, of Middlctown, Ohio, had children : 1. Stephen, wh;) was a captain of militia, married Rebecca Irene, and had children : \. Abby ; 2 William; 3. Pierson ; 4. Peney ; 5. John; 6. Nancy. 2. Abby married Matthew Nichols, and had children: L Ibbe Nichols; 2. Joseph Nichols; 3. William Nichols; 4. Sallv Nichols; 5. Polly Nichols; 6. Joanna Nichols. 3. Polly married Abraham Squier, son of William. [See Squier.'] 4. Hannah married Joseph Hays, 5. Sally married llobert Fisher. 6. Phebe married Elias Spinning. DAVIS BALL. (Sec p.izc 31.) DAVIS B.\LL, (10th child of Nathaniel Ball) married Mary Melfieid, dauLjhter ol Thomas Hetfield, of Eliza beih- tov\ n. Note. — Mary Hetfield was sister of Sarah Hetfield, the 492 APPENDIX. wife of John Clark, son of Tht)mns ('lark, and John ('laik was the father ot" Mar\' Chirk, the wife of Silas C. Uyrain, sun of l!:be!,e7.er. (See page 249 and 270 ) Davis Ball went to Ohio previous to 1804. aiul kept a ferry over the Great Miami river, near Trenton, Butler coir ty. and was there dfovvned. Davis Ball and Mary Hetlield had children : 1. Stephen, who married Susan Berry, daughter of Thomas. 2. Ahner married Rhoda Martin, daui;hter of Isaac 3 Dr. Bonnel Ball marrie.l Rachel Denman, daughter of Moses, on Elk Cicek. 4. Aaron married I'uah Thompson, daug;hter of Joseph, and grand-daughter of John Sallec, who mai-ried Puah Ball, sis- ter of Davis. 5, Eunice marri"d William Carr. son of John. fi. Sarah marrieil, 1st, Daniel Craig, son of John ; 2d, John Hull, son ol Isaac. STEPHEN BALL, (1st child of Davis,) and Susan Berry, lived in Miidiigan, ami had children: 1. Saiah, who married Dr. John Pinkerton. 3. isratl married Terresa Wright, daughter of William, and grand-':aughter - married Jane Berry. And by John Huff Sarah Ball had children : 3. \Villiam Huff married Catharine Wright, daughter of Joel Wright. 4. Wilson Huff; 5. Doctor Bonnel Huff; G. Abner Huff. 7. Wesley Huff; 8. Ann Eliza Huff. WILLIAM BROAD WELL, JUN. (Sec page 5!).) WILLIAM BROADWELL, JUN. married, 1st, Mary, and had child I en : 1. William 3d, who died 5lh Mav, 17G1, in his 0th year. 2 David. 3. Naihaniel. who married Joanna Lindsley, daughter of John, and sister of Silas Lindsley, Esq. of Spring Valley. William Broadwell married, 2d, Mary or Polly,^and had children : 4. Silas; 5. Ezra; 6. Airy; 7. William. 8. Jane, who married her cousin, Mosl'S Broadwell, son of Jcsiah, I'i-^q. 9. Elizabeth; Ic. Susan; IL Rebus; 12 Joanna. NATHANIEL BROADWELL, (3d child of William, Jun.) and Joanna Lindsley lived near Morristoivn, and had children : 1. .John, who married Phebe Lindsley, daughter of Major Joseph Lindsley, and half sister of Abraham Conklin's wife, and had children : 1. Malilou, who married, 1st, Sarah Agnew ; 2d, Anno Goslin. 2. Henry married Anne Eliza Wainwrig-ht. 2. Sally married Tnoina.s Armstrong, sou of Nathaniel, of Newtown, on the Little Miami, and had children^ 494 APPENDIX. 1. Peirine Aitnstfoiig, who m;iiiied VViHi;im Harrison. 2. Eliza Armstront;-, who died at2() \ears, unmarried. 3. Sidney Armsirons^ married Elizabeth Waldion. 4. .Tohn Armstrong died at 28 yeais, unmarried. 5. Edwin Aiinstrong. 6. Milton Armstrong married Julia Deboldt. 7. Eliab Armstrong. 3. Ira, who married Deborah Conklin, daughter of Abra- ham, live near Madisonville, Hamilton county, Ohio; and hat! children : 1. Adelia, who died at 4 months. 2. Albert, born 7th December, 1815, and died 22d No- vember, 1819. 3. Mary Eiiza, horn 1st May, 1818. and married Wil- ham Smith, who died of cholera, in Cincinnati. 4lh July. 1840. leaving two chiidren: 1. Albert Broad- well Smith ; 2. Ira^Herbert Smith. 4. Sarah Am e, born 25th October, 1820, and died at 6 months. 5. M:iriuh, born 31st July, 1821, married, 5ih September, 184f>, Allen Cameron, and had children : 1. Ira Fran- cis C'ameton; 2. Catherine Isabel Cameron. 6. Julia Anne, born l3ih March. 1828. 7. Nanrv, born 21st August, 1831. 8. Cordelia, born 6lh Octotrer, 1834. 9. Emma Elizabeth, born l»tth October, 1838. and died 11th February, 1839. 4. Linds'ev married Susan CJarman. daughter of Joseph, of Mor:moulli county, N. J. (She was aunt of Isaac Coaklin's wife.) They had children : I Jane, who married George Clark. 2. Jonnna nuirried Doctor Albert Essex. 3. N::thaniel. 4. and 5. Amazon and Missouri, twins, named after those two great livers. G. Harriet: 7. Clarissa; 8. Louisa. 9 Jnckson; 10. Ferdinand. 5. Polly married Zimri Hale, and had children: 1. Albert Hale, who married .Mary . 2. Elizabeth Hale married Nuiluuiiel Van Zant, a Phy- sician. 3. Joanna Hale. 6. Julia died in 1829, Rired 27 years. 7. Eliab married Jane Nailor, and had ciiildren ; 1. Joanna ; 2. Jane. 8. Henry, who died at about 7 years. APPENDIX. 495 MD3BS BROADWIiLL, (Soe page 79.) MOSCS BROADWELL, (son of Joslah Broadwell. Esq.) and Jane i>roadwell, his wile, daughter of William Broad. well, owneil i'uur sections of Land near Springfield, Illinois and lived on one of those sections, and had chil ren : I. Toll v. 2. NVilliam; 3. D.ivid ; 4. John; 5. Cynthia. 6. Jefferson; 7. Sally, S. Euclid. EPIHIAIM BIIOADVVVVELL. (2d child of Simeon,) married Jane Ross Gardner, daughtei- of Samuel Gardner, (who married Mary, eldest daughter of Hezekiati Thompson, see Thiimpson.) lived in l)a>ton. Ohio, and had children: 1. Aiary, who died at 10 months. 2. Hat rict died at months. 3. William married Avira Smith, and had children : 1. Ellen; 2. Mary ; 3. Julia ; 4. Eliza And he died at 25 years. 4. Simeon married Mary Elliot, daughter of James, of Hamilton. Oh o. 5. John married Marj^aret Embra, and had children : 1. Anna; 2 Caleb; 3. Sarah Jane; 4. Harriet. 5 M-iry. And he died at 35 years. "WILLIAM CAULDWELL, (Secpago 71.) DAN CAULDWELL, (Uth child of William,) and Rachel Potter, had children : 1. Polly, who married David Johnson, son of Uzel. [See Johnson '\ 2. Betsey marrie I Josiah Carter, and had children: 1. Nancy ('arter, who married David Lee, 2. Sarah Carter, who died at a'jout 15 years. 3. May (vatheruie Carter. 4. Dan Collins Carter. 3. Nancy was drowned in the Little Miami river, at about IS years. 4. William married, 1st, Rebecca Stevenson, and had one child. He maiiied,2d, Mary Seward, and had ciiildren : 2. Jolm, who d cd youn^-. 3. Sarah , Anne, who married William Givens, and had children : 1. Aula Anne ; 2 Sarah Anne Givens. 4. Catherine married Joseph Horsley, editor of the Wes- tern liepuhlic, at Del[)hi, Indiana. 5. John maiiied Lyiiia Winans, and had children: 1. Ric.'iard VV. ; 2, Sarah Elizabeth; 3. Anne Augusta. 496 APPENDIX. 6. Sally married Hugh Stevenson, brother of William's "wile, and had children : I. William; 2. James; 3. Eliza Jane Stevenson. 7. Charlotte married iMr. Stone, and soon alter died, at about 19 years. 8. Catherine married her cousin, 'Jerry Cauldvvell, son of Abr.-iham. [See Abralunn Cau/t/weil.'\ 9. James Thompson Cauldwell married Lydia Anne Hill- yer, anil had children : 1. Catherine Amanda, who married Eli Jester, and had a son, Charles Wesley Jester. 2. James Wesley married Eliza Voorheis. 3. S:ii;ih Jane inarried. 1st John Pennii^gton, 2d Enoch Thompson and had children : 1. Aula Aine; 2. Ame- rica Genevieve, (a daughter.) ,, ^. 4. William Nelson; 5. Mary Elizabeth; 6. Mir' Anne; 7. imd 8. An^yelirie and Emeline. twins; 1). Martha I'.penetus ; 10. Margaret Kmezuia. 10. R;ichel ('auldwell married JJerJamin Seward, and died without children, and Mr. Seward married. 2d, the widow, Anne Bovd, a daughter of Mr. Enyart, and had one child : Pamela Anne Boyd, who married John Stevenson, brother of Hugh and Rebecca, and had children : 1. William vStevenson, who died at about one year. 2. David Enyart: 3. Mariah; 4. James; 5. Sarah. 6. George WBshington; 7. Margaret Jane. 8, Dan Taylor Stevenson. ABRAHAM CAULDWELL, (lOlh child of William) and Elizabeth Rutiin, had children: (See page 72.) ]\T,,TK. INIrs. Elizahetij Cauldvvell died 20th February, 1826. aged about 48 \ears. 1. Joseph, born 24th March, J79I, in N. J. and married, 1st. Isabel Linn, daughter ol James Linn, of I'uiler Co. Ohio ; 2d, Betsey, the widow t>f Jnmcs Stewart, and dau-hier of John Thompson, of Piqua ; Joseph lived in Piqua, and Isabel Linn, had childien : 1. William, born 31st March, 1817, married, Nancy Siewart. daughter of John, of Sholhy Co.. and had one child, Elizabeth, and died l9th September. 1850. 2. James Thomjison Cauldwell. bom r2th May, 1820. 3. Ella Jane, born l8th December, 1822, and died No- vember, 1S40, unmarried 4. Catherine Elizabeth, b .rn 2nth June, 1825, and her mother died 2 days after. And she died ol cholera, Oct. 1850. And by his 2d wife, Betsev h-Md children : 5. Freeborn 'Ihompson, born 20th Nov. 1827, and died 28ih Apiil, 1850. 6. Charlotte T.. born 13th December, 1829, and died September, 1833. APPENDIX. 497 7. Sarah Eleanor, born 9th August, 1833. 8. Minerva Gillespie, born 15th March, 1839. IVoTE. — Joseph Cauld well's 2d wife, had children by Mr. James Stewart: 1. Jane T. Stewart, born 20th August, 1817, and married Azel Cauldwell, son of John, son of John, and had children : 1. Dennis; 2. John; 3. James McNabb; 4. Electa; 5. Martha ; 6. Catherine. 2. John T. Stewart, born 31st December, 1819, married Jane Jeffers. 3. Thomas T. Stewart, born 26th November, 1823, and married Elizabeth Ullery. 2. Jerry Cauldwell married his cousin, Catherine Cauldwell, '^ ^^hter of Dan, and had children : 1. Abraham Simpson, who married Margaret Jeffers, daughter of Thomas ; he lives in Montgomery county, Indiana. 2. Dan Bethuel ; 3. Silas Roll ; 4. James Milton. 5. Mary Anne; 6. Sarah Elizabeth ; 7. William Christy. 8. John Squier Potter. 3. Hannah married, 1st, Joseph A. Loyd, had one child, Jerry Loyd. who died, and then Mr. Loyd died, and she mar- ried, 2d, William Hultz, and had children : 2. Elizabeth Hultz, who married James Van Hyse, a mer- chant in Chester, and had children : 1. Rachel Anne. 2. Hannah Jane, who died at 2 years ; 3. Lewis C. Van Hyse. 3. Hannah Hultz married, 1st, Jackson Van Gorder, who died two weeks after marriage, and she married, 2d, Frederick Acre, and had children : 1. William Wal- lace Acre ; 2. John Richmond Acre. 4. Rebecca Jane Hultz married Josiah Jeffers, and had children: 1. Silas Jeffers ; 2. Olive Jane Jeffers, who died at 2 years ; 3. Hannah Matilda Jeffers. 4. Betsey married her cousin, Robert M. Cauldwell, son of John, son of William, and had children : 1. Luther Littell, born 1st December, 1818, and died at about 19 years. 2. Eliza Jane, who married Nathaniel Thompson, and had children: 1. James S. Cauldwell Thompson ; 2. Charles Swain Thompson. 3. Abraham Cauldwell. 4. Hannah Cauldwell died at 17 years. 5. Jonathan Chaplin died at 19 years. 6. Enos H. Harrison died at 16 years. 7. David Cauldwell, born about 1838. H2 498 APPENDIX. JOHN CAULDWELL. (1st child of John, son of William,) and Electa Hand, had childien: 1. Abraham, who married Cornelia Fair child, daughter of Henrv- 2. Hannah married, 1st, Milton Rutan ; 2d, Isaac Mars. 3. Ludlow married Matilda Plummer. 4. Azel married Jane Stewart, daughter of Joseph Cauld- "well's 2d wife. 5. Phebe married Silas Dyer ; 6. Mary ; 7. John. 8. Peter married Lucinda Rutan, sister of Milton Rutan. Note. — Abraham R. Colwell's daughter, Mariah, married her 2d husband, Mr. Foster, and live ne^r Lacon, Magnolia county, Illinois, and his daughter, Anne Eliza, married, 1st May, 1851, Joseph M Dana, of Athens, Ohio, and live there. ABNER CRANE, (5th son of Joseph, see page 102.) ABNER CRANE, (son of Joseph,) lived near Red Lyon, in Warren county, Ohio ; he married in Ohio, Huldah Robi- son, and had children : 1. Lydia, who married George Lease. 2. Isaac. 3. Abby married Andrew Coffin. 4. Abraham married his cousin, Ruth Romaine, daughter of Isaac Romaine, who married Betsey Crane, daughter of Samuel. 5. Hannah married William Lease, brother of George. 6. Samuel married Ellen Jane Dearth, daughter of Samuel. 7. Huldah Anne married John Decker, son of Joseph. 8. Abner Edwin married Sarah Jones. 9. Ruth Jane. Abner Crane died April, 1848. MOSES CRANE, (7th son of Joseph,) lived near Red Lyon, andren\oved to Indiana ; he married in Ohio, Susan Dilts, and had children : 1. Silas, who married Jane Romaine, daughter of Isaac, a sister of Abraham Crane's wife. 2. Whitley married Betsey Robison. 3. Nelson married Sarah Maloy. 4. Polly married Cornelius Bogart. 5. Alfred married Mary Anne Bogart, sister of Cornelius. 6. Davison married in Indiana. 7. Elias married in Indiana. 8. Joseph married Hannah Snorft". 9. Ruth Anne married in Indiana. 10. Rachel married in Indiana 11. Moses Miller. APPENDIX. 499 SYLVESTER CHANE, (son of John Crane, son of Jo- seph,) married in Illinois, a 2cl wife, Mary Brier, and had chil- dren : Huldah, Theodore; his wife Mary th" ■> » I \ ' \V ■/^- ■:•..,% .A 'A ->' ■^•. .A^ -^:f .^^^ ■-^' -^^ .-^^ ,A>' \. ,/>, Deacidified using the Bookkeeper pro : Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide ( .reatmentoate^^^ 1991 PRESERVATION TECHMOLOGItS 1 1 1 Thorrson Pat1< Drive Cranljefry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 -$' ■iv^^ v^^' .V r.