iT .'\ \^^"^^'''\^' V^^'^^""^ V^'^-'V "v*""''' x^ ^* 1,^ %• - v5 ^0 ~r ™^ ^^ •1 o ^. /\.^;^,X^ ^/^.^%>o ^/\^'^%\ /.^J4:> ^•^ ^'^ "V^^V' \'^^\/^ X''''^-'^° ^'"- ^^ A^ ^: r'V. 4 O > >. •...'\y "°^"^-'*/ V--^\** \."-'^-'^o ^\' .■iy' V 0^ '^^ *vi' Williams (Squier), probal>ly a sister of Capt. Henry Squier. She was born 1750, and died 1820. Nathan, born in 1774, died in 1861. His second wiie was Catherine Wade, daughter of Henry Wade (1779- 1841.) Nathan and Catherine Wade had two sons and two daughters. The eldest, Jonathan Squier {18JI-1875), married Phebe Perry, daughter of William Perry (1802-1882). He was a ruling elder in the Orange church from 1834 until his death. He had five sons and two daugh- ters. Samuel A., the eldest (1824-1871), married Frances Harrison, daugliter of Captain Abraham Harrison. William N., born 1829, married Phebe A. Underhill. She died in 1893. He is a resident of West Orange. Rev. Albert, the second son of Nathan, born in 1809, married Mary Parker Havens (i8lb-l88Sj. He was engaged for several years in pastoral and missionary work on the Pacific coast. James Reynolds, elected in l8l2 one of the Overseers of the Highways, was as far as known the first of that name in the Oranges. He was born in 1774, and died in 1850. By his first wife, Lydia Dodd, daughter of Joseph Dodd, of Daniel (1775- 1806). he had two sons and one daugh- ter. By his second wife he had two daugh- ters. 'J'he eldest, Lydia, married John Mitchell. Mary, the youngest, married William Vreeland. a former well known resident ot the Oranges. A son, William H , resides in Orange. Abby, the only daughter by his first wife (lSoo-1885), married John Mitchell (1797-1852) He was probably a brother of Lewis Mitchell, a former resident of East Orange, and the father of Aaron P. and tieorge L. Mitchell. He died in 1871. John and Abby Mitchell had three sons Marcus, one of the sons, was the father of Marcus Mitchell, of East Orange. Daniel D., the oldest son of James Reynolds (1798-1880), married Eliza Gurnee, and had three sons, one of whom, James Everett Reynolds, is a prominent resident ot East Orange. Clinton G., another son of Daniel D., born in 1835, was shot dead in his office in New York city. May 20, 1890. Moscs; the youngest son of James and Lydia Rey- n(jlds (18OJ-1870), married Jai e D. Bald- win, daughter of Matthias Baldwin, of Matthias, of Israel, ot Joseph (1812 1882). They had two sons, Edward B.. 1841, killed on the railroad in 1847. Theodore W. (1842-1880), married Carrie Fairbanks. His widow married [oseph D. Harrison, of Richard B., of East Orange. Captain Zenas Williams, one of the Overseers of the Highways elected in in 1812, was a resident of the Tory Corner district in W^est Orange. He was the third son m a family ot seven sons and one daughter of Nathaniel, 1733, and Mary Widiams, daughter of Samuel Pierson (1736-1816). Captain Zenas was the fourth in descent from Matthew, the Orange an- cestor, the line being Matthew, Amos, Nathaniel, Zenas. He was born in 1762, and died in 1829. He married Naomi Williams, daughter of Eleazor Williams, of Gersiiom, ot Matthew, They had six sons and three daughters. His fifth son, Zenas, Jr., (i8oi-i88o), married .Sally Williams, daughter of Matthew Williams, of Captain Thomas, of Matthew. They had two sons and two daughters The eldest, Zenas, Jr., born in 1832, died in 1885. His son, Ira C. Williams, succeeded to the business of his father in the firm of Williams & Condit, in East Orange. Uzal Dodd, who was elected in 1813 one of the Overseers of the Highways was a representati\-e of an old Orange family. He was ihe third in a family of tour sons and one daughter, of John and Jane Dodd (Smith), of Joseph, of James, the ancestor. John Dodd (1726 1795) was the fourth in descent ivom Daniel, the ancestor, the line being: Daniel, Daniel, John, John. Uzal (1759-1827) married Phebe Freeman, daughter of Joseph Freeman, of Samuel, of Stephen, the ancestor. They lived on i6 Dodd street, corner of Glenwood av^enue, East Orange. They had one son and three daughters. The eldest, Mary, born in 1784 was the wife of Caleb Baldwin. Amanda, the second daughter (17QI- 1852). married Peter Campbell, of Phineas, of John. Lucinda, the youngest, born in 1793, married Henry Vail. Samuel Mor- lis, the only son (1788-1831). married Je- mima Condit daughter of Samuel Condit (1891-1S82). They had two sons and three daughters Mary, the eldest, born in 1812, is the widow of Geoi-ge W. Freeman, who died'in 1891. She is living in East Orange. Livenia and Margaretta were the first and second wives of Calvin D. Pierson. who died in 1888 Samuel C. was the eldest son (1822-1831). He with his father and a hired man were suffocated by foul air in an unused cider cistern, October 24, 1831. Captain Samuel Uzal, the youngest of the familv of Samuel Morris Dodd, was born in 1828, and married fir-t Sarah Ann Dodd. daughter of Aaron Dodd. She died in 18(0. He married second Hannah Maria Condit, daughter of Cheveril Condit. He was mortally wounded at the head of his Company, near Fredricksburg, Va., June 5, 18(13. Uzal Dodd Post, G. A. K., is named in his honor. Zebina Dodd (1762-1843), elected in 1814 one. of the Overseers of the Highways, was the eldest son in a family of two sons and seven daughters of David and Sarah Dodd, daughterof Joseph Hairison, of Joseph of Sergeant Richard. He mar- ried (Betsey) Elizabeth Range, daughter of John Range. She died in 1827. They They had a family of four sons and four daughters. The eldest son, John R., married Sophia Bacon and had three sons. The family lived in Bloomfield. Samuel Tyler, the second son (i 798-1849), in- herited the homestead on Dodd street, the house being still standing nearly opposite the old Bethel Presbyterian church. They had a family of seven sons and one daughter. Phebe, born in 1823, was the wife of Isaac L. Van Orden, who died in the old homestead in 1882. One of the sons of Samuel T. is Israel L. Dodd, a well known resident of East Orange. Stephen H. Dodd, of Samuel T. (1828-1856), married Letitia Halsted. They had one daughter, Adele H., who is the second wife of James H. ■ Lindsley, of William street, East Orange. Lewis Dodd, who was elected one of the Overseers of the Highways in 1814, was the third son in a family of four sons and five daughters of Matthias and Sarah Dodd, daughter of Joseph Munn (1759-1S48). Joseph was born 1753 and died by drowning in 1801. Lewis was born in 1784 and died in 1861. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Caleb Bald- win (1788-1884), of Ezekial, of John, of Jonathan. He inherited the homestead on Whiskey lane, now Grove street, East Orange, i hey had four sons and five daughters. His eidest son, .Matthias M. Dodd, born in 1814, inherited the home- stead where he now resides with his second wife, Emily Bullock. His first wife was Harriet Rowe, daughter of Stephen Rowe, She died in 1880. They had three daughters. The eldest, Ann Elizabeth, married Aaron P. Mitchell, of Lewis. He died in 1S93. He was the father of Dr. Winthrop D. Mitchell, of East Orange. Dr. Bethuel L. Dodd, the youngest son of Lewis, was born in 1826, and married Susan E. Jaques, daughter of John Jaques (1821-1870). He married second, Gertrude R. Ward, daughter of Richard R. Ward. Dr. Dodd is well known in the Oranges. Peter Peck, who was elected in 1815 one of the Overseers of Highways, was a resident of the South Orange district. He was the eldest son of Stephen Peck, of Judge John, of Deacon Joseph, of Joseph (1675), the Orange ancestor Peter Peck, married first, Ruth Ouimby second, Rhoda Harrison. He had one son and six daughters. One of the daughters, Phebe Peck, born in 1811, married Mahlon Freeman. Moses, the only son, born 1824, married Emily Harrison, daughter of Amos A. Harri- son. Wheeler Lindsley, elected in 1S18 one of the Overseers of the Highways, was a son of Daniel and Hannah Lindsley, daughter of Captain Thomas Williams. They had four sons and one daughter, Lydia, who married James Field, the father of James W. Field, of West (Jrange. Nathaniel, the eldest son of Daniel (I78c)-i826), married Mary Dean, daughter of Peter Dean. John, another son of Daniel, and brother of Wheeler (1799- 1846), married Eliza Con- dit, daughter of Stephen Condit, of Timo- thy, of JS'athaniel, grandson of John, the ancestor. They had Dr. Charles A. 11826), who married Lydia Harrison, daughter of Aaron B. Harrison. Wheeler Lindsley was a bachelor, and was a farmer by oc- cupation. His home was on Northfield road at its intersection with Valley road, West Orange. The Campbell family. Among the sub- scribers for the erection of the second meeting house, in 1753 appear the names of John Campbell and James Campbell. John and Benjamin Campbell were members of the Alountain Society in 1756. Benjamin had Moses and Aaron. Nothing further is known of Benjamin's family. John Campbell married Rebecca Baldwin Matthews, the widow of Daniel Matthews. They had two sons and five daughters. Of n Caleb, the eldest, iiolhing is known. Phin- eas, the second son (1755-1S13). married Jane Dean, (lauc;hter of John Dean, of ( )ran<:;e. They had three sons and pi'obably four daughters. Lydia. daughter of I'hmeas Campbell (1800-1S66), married Silas Munn, of Amos Mary, another daughter of Phineas, married Adonijah Osinun, while Catherine married Amos Williams, of Governor Benjamin. Henry Benson Campbell, elected in 1S21 one of the Commissioners of Ap- peal and, at subsequent elections, to tfie positions of Moderator or Judge of Elec- tion was, in his day, a representative man. He was the second son of I-'hineas Campbell and Jane Dean, daughter of John. Henry B. married Elizabeth Munn, daughter of David Munn, of Ben- jamin. He was a shoe manufacturer, his home and place of business being on South Main street, east of Hickory street, this city. He had four sons and three daughters ; all but one son and two daughters died in infancy. Mary Anne, born in 1813, married I^hilip Ward, of Timothy. She died in 1S75 and he died in 1S86. A married son, Linus Ward, is a resident of East Orange. Jane Louisa, daughter of Henry B., never married. Charles H., the only son who grew to manhood, born in 1827, never married and died in this city in 1882. John Quinby, the Collector, concerning whom a note is printed on page i, was a son of Josiah Quinby, and not of Moses Quinby as there stated. Caleb Quinby, born the same year with John (1770), was a son of Moses Quinby, the eldest brother of John Josiah Quinby (1726-1805) was a son of Josiah of Josiah of John of William, the ancestor. His wife was Martha Harrison (1728-17QI , daughter of Joseph Harrison, of Joseph of Sergeant Richard. They had twelve children, six sons and six daughters. John was the youngest (1770-1839). One of the sons of Josiah was Aaron (17^4-1824), who had Daniel (17S0-1851), who married Martha Tlchenor (1784-1862). They had three sons and two daughters. The eldest son was Aaron Quinby (1807-1881). He was widely known in this city. His wife was Matilda Williams (1809-1885), daughter of Jeniah Williams of Zopher of Joseph of Gershom. Caleb, of Moses, born in 1770, married Rhoda Tompkins, daughter of Joseph Tompkins. They had three sons and four daughters. The youngest was Charles, born in 1807, and died at his home in East Orange in 18S6. Isaac Baldwin, who was elected in 1820 one of the Overseers of the Highways, was the second of three sons in a family of eight children of Caleb Bald win (1 75 7-1 799) and Lydia Johnson. Caleb's descent was from F^zekiel of John of Jonathan, the Newark ancestor. Of the children of Caleb I^aldwin. David Johnson, born in 1785. married Nancy M. Hall. They had seven sons and two daughters. The only married daughter, Theodosia Maria, born in 1820, was the wife of Alfred S. Williams of Ebenezer (1818-1849) She married second, Joseph Karge. Of his sons Augustus Smith, born in 1810, mar- ried Elizabeth Kinney. He was an Ad- miral in the United States Navy. James M,, born in 1825, married Emily M. Bibly. He resides at Paterson, N. J. The youngest son of Caleb Baldwin was Caleb, born November ^8th, 1799. He married first, Sarah Pierson (1802-1834). They had four sons and one daughter, Mary B., who married Caleb Neagles. He married second, Abby D. Munn, daughter of Lewis Munn (1806-1881). They had two sons and two daughters. Caleb, now in his ninety-eighth year, is spending a quiet old age with his married daughter in Newark, N. ]. Isaac Baldwin, son of Caleb Baldwin (1791-1877), married Nancy Hopper (1796- 1S74). They had four sons and three daughters. Sarah M., the eldest, born in 1819, was the wife of Richard A. Ter- hune (1817-1S85). The second daughter, Martha A., born in 1823, was the wife of Jeptha Harrison (1820-1894.), of Abijah, Jr., of Captain Abijah. Caleb Johnson, the eldest son (1817-18S9), married Anna M. Gray. They had two children, Clar- ence W., who married Mary Gould, and Almena G. Isaac Preston, the second son (1821-1893), married Abby Dean (1822- 1891), daughter of Viner Dean, of Peter of John. They had two sons and four daughters. Of the former, Frank W. and Jeptha H. reside in West Orange. Henry, the third son of Isaac Baldwin, born in 1826, married Caroline C. Foster (1828-1883). They had two sons and five daughters. Lewis M., the youngest son, born in 1S28, married Eva Stope. They had four sons and two daughters. He resides in this city. The Rev. Uzal W. Condit, who was a member of the School Committee from 1842 to 1844, has long been a resident of Easton, Pa. Uzal W. Condit was a son of Uzal Gondii and Phebe Wade. His home was in West Orange, between the mountains. He was the sixth in descent from John Condit, the ancestor. Uzal was the second son in a family of six sons and three daughters of Isaac Con- dit (1859-1829) and Phebe Baldwin, daughter of Benjamin Baldwin, (1760- 1835). The Rev. Uzal was born in 1815, and married first, Martha E. Vanhouten. He married second, Sophia Van Doren. He iiad one son and four daughters. Mr. Condit was apprenticed at shoe- making with Charles Lighthipe, father of Charles A. Lighthipe, of this city. While working at his trade, he with help from others, entered on a course of pre- paration for the ministry. He graduat- ed from Williams College in 1847, and in 1850 from Union Theological Seminary. His longest and latest pastorate was for twenty-five years over the Presbyterian church at Easton, Pa., his present home, William P. Soverel, who was elected in 1821 one of the Overseers of the High- ways, was the eldest of a family of two sons and five daughters of Matthias Soverel and Betsey (Elizabeth) Parret (1790-1864). He was born in 17SS and died in 1822. He married Elizabeth, the youngest of eight children of John Wright and Elizaleth Peck (1747-181Q), of Deacon Joseph (1702-1772), of Joseph (1675-1746), and Lydia Ball, of Edward, the Newark ancestors. They had five children, two sons and three daughters. The oldest son was Matthias, born in 1816, the father of the Soverels of the Oranges. He resides with his married daughter, Mrs. Charles M. Whitlock, Wilmington, N. C. The ancestor of this branch of the Soverel family in this country was Abraham, born in England in 1716, and died in Orange in 1745. In 1739 he came to this country with an ex- ploring and mining company. At that time or soon after copper mining was being developed in the Doddtown dis- trict of the Oranges, a shaft being sunk on the farm of John Dodd, on Second river in the rear of the chapel building on Dodd street. East Orange. Mr. Sov- erel married in 1741 Jane, daughter of Matthew and Ruth Williams, the Orange ancestors. She was second in a family of four sons and five daughters. They had two children, Jane, born 1743 and Matthias (1745-1767). He married Abi- gail, the youngest of eight children of Samuel Dodd of Samuel of Daniel, the ancestor. They had one child, Matthias, (1766-1S04). He married Betsey Parret (1768-1810), of Hanover, N. J. They had seven children, two sons and five daugh- ters. The eldest son, William P. Soverel, born in 1788, died in 1822. They had five children, two sons and three daughters. Matthias, the eldest and only surviving'son, was until recently a well known resident of East Orange. Jonathan DeCamp, elected in 1844 one of the Overseers of the Highways, was the third of four sons and three daugh- ters of Benjamin DeCamp and Dorcas Williams, daughter of Jonathan Williams of Samuel of Samuel of Matthew, the ancestor. Jonathan's wife was Margaret Vincent. They had two sons and four daughters. His home is in Roseland, N.J. As far as is known only three of those elected to town offices even as late as 1S44 are now living. One of the three, George Washington Smith, is well known to nearly all old residents. In 1S43 his name appears as being elected one of the Surveyors of the Highways. Mr. Smith was the sixth son of Captain Jonas Smith (1773-1S48) by his second wife, Eliza Clark, widow of John Tucker (1783-1845). See record of Captain Jonas Smith, page 2. George Washington Smith was born in 1820. He married Margaret .Munn, daughter of William Munn, of Aaron of Benjamin, the ancestor. They had five sons and two daughters. Two of the sons died in infancy. The other sons married and have families. The other members of the surviving trio are Uzal W, Condit and Jonathan DeCamp, whose records appear in these notes to-day. Daniel D. Condit (1783-1839), who was elected in 1824 as one of the Overseers of the Poor and served for several years, resided on Center street. He was the only child of Philip Condit, of Morris- town, and Mary Condit (1756-1826), daughter of Daniel Condit, of Samuel, the Orange ancestor. His wife was Achsah Dodd, daughter of Linas Dodd (1789-1855). He was a carpenter by trade and an elder in the First Presby- terian church until his death. He had a family of seven sons and four daughters. Five of the children of Daniel D. Con- dit are living ; Ira A. Condit, in Jersey, Ohio ; J. H. Hobert Condit, in Columbus, O.; Daniel H. Condit, in Camden, N. J.; Mary, the widow of George Taylor, in Pataskala, O., and Margaret, an unmar- ried daughter, in New Jersey. William Condit, who was elected Col- lector in 1830, and continued in office un- til about 1848, was the second son in a family of five sons and three daughters of Captain Moses Condit (1760-1S3S) and Hannah Smith, daughter of James Smith (1740-1784) of David (1705-1777) of James the ancestor in the Oranges (1665-1727). William Condit was born in 1791 and died in this city in 1SS3. He married first, Maria Stryker, daughter of Henry Stryker, of Orange (1797-1841). He mar- ried second, Hannah Hillyer, a widow, who died in 1S47. He had a family of seven sons and three daughters. They all married and had families except the youngest daughter, who died in infancy, »9 and Lewis Fletcher, the youngest son, born in 1842, and who died in the army in 1S62. Two of the sons of William are living in the Oranges. Henry S. Condit, born in 1819, married Sarah Robbins, who died in 1S50, and second, Matilda Babb. He had no family. Theodore Condit, the other living son of William, born in 1824, married Hannah Maria Hillyer, who died in 1854. He married second, Eunice Lavene Phipany, He had by his first wife two sons and one daughter; by his second wife two sons and three daughters. William Condit began life as a shoe- maker, but early in life turned his atten- tion to mercantile pursuits. His father. Captain Moses Condit, in his later years, kept a store on Main street near Scotland. Probably as early as 1815 W^illiam kept a store on Main street north of Center. In 1822 he moved to a store building on the south corner of Main and Center streets owned by Daniel Stryker. This building was destroyed by fire about 1S31, when the building recently taken down was built and occupied by him for many years. The only married daughter of Captain Moses Condit was Maria S. (1789-1869), who married Charles Ligh- thipe (1789-1845). They had five sons and one daughter. Two of the sons, Lewis C. and Charles A., are living in this city. Job Williams, the last Collector of the township of Orange before the incorpora- tion of "'The Town of Orange" in 1S60, came from an old Colonial family. He traced his descent from Matthew Williams (1651), the Newark ancestor. Matthew was the third son in a family of four sons and one daughter of Matthew Williams, of Wethersfield, Conn. His wife was Ruth. They had four sons and five daughters. Gershom, the third son, born 169S, married Hannah Lampson They had five sons and three daughters. Ruth, the eldest daughter, was the wife of Daniel Condit, of Samuel. Another daughter, Joanna, was the wife of David Tichenor (1731-1788). Gershom, the sec- ond son (1730), married Martha Condit of Samuel. Joseph, the fourth son of Gershom, of Matthew, married Elizabeth (175S-1797). They had two children. Susannah, who married Peter Condit (1778-1S13) of Nathaniel of Isaac, a grand- son of John, the ancestor. Susannah (Williams) Condit died in 1875 at the home of her granddaughter, Eliza P. Lindsley, wife of Ogden W. Lindsley, of East Orange. The only son of Joseph Williams was Zophar, who married Sarah Hedden. She died in 1780. They had six children, one of whom, Jeniah, (1770- 1S31) married Charlotte Pearce(r776-i863). They had four sons and six daughters. The eldest son was Job (1802-1871). He married Catherine Tichenor (1803-1895), daughter of John Stiles, of Deacon Samuel. Job was a prominent hat manufacturer in Orange, his home and place of bus- iness being on Main street on the site of the North Orange Baptist church. He was also a valued member of the (Brick) Second Presbyterian church from its organization, and as above stated the last Collector of the "Township of Orange." He had four sons and one daughter. The youngest son died at II years. Leander, the eldest son (1S28- 1895), was well known in the Oranges. He was twice married ; first to Emily Smith, daughter of Daniel Smith. She died in 1870. His second wife was Mary E. McDaniel. Leander had four sons and one daughter. One of the sons is Edgar, the editor of the Orange Journal. Chauncey G., born 1831, married Emily F. Ward, and has been Collector of Taxes for the city of Orange since 1875. Richard Girard, another son of Job, married Florence Stevens. She died in 1887. Mary, the youngest child of Job Williams, was married to Benjamin P. Mulford and now resides in this city. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. On page 5, at end of last full para- graph, Rev. Joseph Dance's name should be Vance. Page 6, first column, near the bottom, note Amzi Pierson, married Mary Riker and had a son Charles and a daughter Mary. Charles lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Also, read Jabez P. Condit, a son, and Oscar H. Condit, a grandson, of Aaron M. Condit. and Louisa Pierson, are the only known male descendants of Major Jabez Pierson in the Oranges. On page 8, in the note on Amos Free- man. Amos Freeman and Mary Crane had four sons and four daughters. His second son, Deacon Samuel (1780-1835), married Catharine Tichenor (1782-1812), and second, Mary Tichenor (17S7-1867), daughters of John Tichenor (1748-1810) of David (1721-1788) of Martin (1688-1732), a grandson of Martin, the Newark an- cestor. Page 9, at the end of note on Cyrus Freeman and Eunice Williams add : They had three sons and four daughters. Jotham Freeman (1782-1839), the second son, married Lydia Jones of Cornelius, and had two children. Cyrus J. (1S09- 1867); his wife was Mary Crane, daugh- ter of Jeremiah Crane. They lived on Center street and had five sons. The eldest, Charles Augustus, married Belcher. The second son, Alfred Irving, died unmarried in 1886. Jotham Free- man's second wife was Mary Crane, daughter of Phineas Crane (t790-i876). Gershom W. Freeman, the youngest son of Cyrus, married for his second wife Elizabeth (or Eliza) B. Crane. On page 10 the note on Daniel Ward (1768-1S34) should read : He married first, Betsey Parret, the widow of Matthias Soverel (1768-1810), father of William P. and grandfather of Matthias Soverel. By his first wife he had two sons and one daughter. By his second wife, Elizabeth Squier, one son and a daughter Mary, who married Samuel Coryman. On page 12, first column, last para- graph, read : Ira A., the fifth son of Daniel D. Condit, born 1823, married Ann Elizabeth Dodd (1824-1875). They had three sons and three daughters. Hannah L., the widow of Amzi Dodd, died in 1875. On page 12 Thompson C. Munn's first wife's name should be Marilla and not Maretta. >-. / -\ -.^p^- ^'' -^^^ WC^' / "*^ /.'j<;^>.-\ y\-:.:^:.V /.•^>"°. -* AO^ ^^o"^ ^ ^^ 'o.\* ,G^ \D *v.{T^ A 0' , • • * -^ V ^0 ^ ..^ 4 o .0^ %* * • - » ' . V °^ • " ■ ^